
Sample records for lagarto overo tupinambis

  1. Transferência do Hepatozoon tupinambis, parasita do lagarto Tupinambis teguixin, para a serpente cascavel (Crotalus durissus terrificus, por intermédio do mosquito Culex fatigans

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    Samuel B. Pessôa


    Full Text Available Os autores obtiveram a transferência do Hepatozoon tupinambis (Laveran e Salibeni, 1909 parasita do lagarto Teiidae, Tupinambis teguixin, L., para a serpente cascavel, Crotalus durissus terrificus (Laur., alimentando-a com mosquitos experimentalmente infectados. o parasita mantém os seus caracteres morfológicos no animal receptor, nos limites do tempo observado (cerca de 100 dias. O ofídio receptor apresentou cistos esquizogônicos do fígado.The authors achieved a transfer of the Hepatozoon tupinambis (Laveran and Salibeni, 1909, a parasite of the Sauria: Tupinambis teguixin, L., to a rattlesnake of the species Crotalus durissus terrificus, feeding the latter with experimentally infected mosquitoes. The parasite maintained its morphological characteristics in the recepting animal throughout the whole observation period (about 100 days. Schizogonic cysts were found in the liver of the rattlesnake.

  2. Descrição macroscópica da musculatura dos membros do Tupinambis merianae

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    Juliana Barbosa Casals


    Full Text Available O lagarto teiú (Tupinambis merianae pertence à família Teiidae. Distribui-se ao longo das Américas, com numerosas espécies, inclusive no Brasil. São do gênero Tupinambis, os maiores representantes da família Teiidae. Para este estudo foram utilizados três animais (atropelados provenientes de doação. Os lagartos dissecados foram fixados em formol 10%, e a análise macroscópica foi realizada de forma detalhada e fotodocumentada, guardando as estruturas selecionadas “in situ”. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo contribuir com a descrição macroscópica da miologia peitoral e dos membros torácico e pélvico do lagarto T. merianae. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa foram comparados com autores que estudaram animais da mesma classe Reptilia. Com isso, concluímos que nossos resultados macroscópicos assemelham-se aos já descritos pelos pesquisadores Hildebrand (1995, Moro e Abdala, (2004 e Abdala e Diogo (2010. Devemos ressaltar que o conhecimento da anatomia tem importâncias e aplicações em diversas áreas dentro da Biologia, contribuindo de maneira substancial para as áreas da saúde humana e da tecnologia.

  3. Frugivoria e dispersão de sementes pelo lagarto teiú Tupinambis merianae (Reptilia: Teiidae)


    Castro,Everaldo Rodrigo de; Galetti,Mauro


    Os lagartos teiús possuem uma dieta generalista, podendo agir como importantes dispersores de sementes em florestas semidecíduas do sudeste do Brasil. Foram estudadas a frugivoria e a dispersão de sementes de lagartos teiús usando animais em cativeiro, através da oferta de frutos de uma floresta semidecídua. Frutos de trinta espécies vegetais foram oferecidos aos lagartos em cativeiro, com diâmetro variando de 0,81 a 10,0 cm. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas na germinação entre a...


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    Erica Cristina Bueno do Prado Guirro


    Full Text Available A tegu lizard tupinambis merianae submitted to osteosynthesison umero received midazolam (0.073mg/kg, i.m. andmorphine (0.224mg/kg, i.m. in pre-medication. The animal wasinduced by ketamine (30mg/kg, i.m. and anesthesia was maintainedwith isofluorane diluted in O2 (1L/Kg/min and supplied byfacial mask, besides local anesthesia with lidocaine 2% withoutadrenaline (5mg/kg. This anesthesia protocol was efficient andsafe to patient.

  5. Atlas de Tupinambis rufescens (Squamata: Teiidae. Anatomía externa, osteología y bibliografía

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    Montero, Ricardo


    Full Text Available Los lagartos que en Argentina se conocen como "iguana roja" o "caraguay" pertenecen al género Tupinambis, uno de los saurios de mayor talla del continente; tienen importancia económica, tanto por su cuero como por su carne. Se reconocen seis especies actuales, que se distribuyen en América del Sur desde Colombia hasta el norte de la Patagonia, Argentina (Cei, 1993. Por su amplia distribución y abundancia son utilizados como animales de laboratorio por lo que es importante el conocimiento detallado de su anatomía. Es por ello que aquí presentamos en un Atlas fotográfico la morfología externa y osteología de Tupinambis rufescens.

  6. Frugivoria e dispersão de sementes pelo lagarto teiú Tupinambis merianae (Reptilia: Teiidae Frugivory and seed dispersal by the tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae Reptilia: Teiidae

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    Everaldo Rodrigo de Castro


    Full Text Available Os lagartos teiús possuem uma dieta generalista, podendo agir como importantes dispersores de sementes em florestas semidecíduas do sudeste do Brasil. Foram estudadas a frugivoria e a dispersão de sementes de lagartos teiús usando animais em cativeiro, através da oferta de frutos de uma floresta semidecídua. Frutos de trinta espécies vegetais foram oferecidos aos lagartos em cativeiro, com diâmetro variando de 0,81 a 10,0 cm. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas na germinação entre as sementes que passaram pelo trato digestivo do lagarto e as controle de Eugenia uniflora (chi²= 0.69, P>0.50, Genipa americana (chi²= 6.4, P>0.975, Cereus peruvianus (chi²= 0.018, P>0.10, e Solanum viarum (chi²= 6.23, P>0.975. O tempo de retenção da semente no tubo digestivo do teiú variou de 22 a 23 h para Solanum lycocarpum e 43 a 44 h para Syagrus romanzoffiana. Nossos resultados indicam que o lagarto teiú tem potencial para agir como um importante dispersor de sementes nos trópicos.Tegu lizards have a generalist diet and may play an important role as seed dispersers in semideciduous forests in south-east Brazil. We studied the frugivory and seed dispersal of tegu lizards using captive animals and offering wild fruits from a semideciduous forest. Thirty fruit species were eaten by the lizards in captivity, ranging from 0.81 to 10.0 cm (fruit diameter. Even large fruit adapted to dispersal by large mammals were swallowed (ex. Syagrus oleracea. There were no statistical differences in seed germination between seeds that passed through the lizard gut and the control in Eugenia uniflora (chi2 = 0.69, P>0.50, Genipa americana (chi2 = 6.4, P>0.975, Cereus peruvianus (chi2 = 0.018, P>0.10, and Solanum viarum (chi2 = 6.23, P>0.975. Seed retention time in the tegu gut ranged from 2224 h (Solanum lycocarpum to 4344 h (for Syagrus romanzoffiana. Our results indicate that tegu lizards have a potential to be an important seed dispersers in the

  7. Ecomorphometric structure of Restinga da Marambaia lizard community, Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil Estrutura ecomorfométrica da comunidade de lagartos da Restinga da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro, sudeste do Brasil

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    André L. G. de Carvalho


    Full Text Available In restinga areas of Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro, we recorded nine species of lizards, grouped in four families. The morphometric analysis suggested an invasion-structured pattern, with two distinct groups of species in the community: the "ground-runners", composed of animals with robust bodies and long limbs, represented by Tropidurus torquatus (Wied, 1820, Ameiva ameiva (Linnaeus, 1758, Liolaemus lutzae Mertens, 1938, Cnemidophorus littoralis Rocha, Araujo, Vrcibradic & Costa, 2000 and Tupinambis merianae (Duméril & Bibron, 1839; and the "hiders", composed of small-bodied animals with short limbs, represented by Hemidactylus mabouia (Moreau de Jonnès, 1818, Gymnodactylus darwinii (Gray, 1845, Mabuya agilis (Raddi, 1823 and M. macrorhyncha Hoge, 1947. The morphological relationships within the restinga lizard community reflect the influence of the habitat physical structure: bromeliad availability and other refugia, used by the "hiders", and the distribution of open areas, used by the "ground-runners". Our results also indicate that the restingas hold "ecomorphological spaces" (vacant niches available for occupation by additional lizard species.Em áreas de restinga da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro, foram registradas nove espécies de lagartos, pertencentes a quatro famílias. A análise morfométrica sugeriu um padrão de estruturação por invasão, com dois grupos distintos de espécies compondo a comunidade: os "corredores de chão", formado pelos animais de corpo mais robusto e membros mais longos, representados por Tropidurus torquatus (Wied, 1820, Ameiva ameiva (Linnaeus, 1758, Liolaemus lutzae Mertens, 1938,Cnemidophorus littoralis Rocha, Araujo, Vrcibradic & Costa, 2000 e Tupinambis merianae (Duméril & Bibron, 1839; e os "escondedores", reunindo lagartos de menor tamanho e membros mais curtos, representados por Hemidactylus mabouia (Moreau de Jonnès, 1818, Gymnodactylus darwinii (Gray, 1845, Mabuya agilis (Raddi, 1823 e M. macrorhyncha

  8. A diversidade de lagartos na Caatinga é mediada pelos térmitas?


    Souza, Heitor Bruno de Araujo


    Ao tentar explicar a extraordinária taxa de coexistência de lagartos em desertos Australianos, Morton & James (1988) formularam uma hipótese em que a diversidade de térmitas promoveria uma diversificação dos lagartos. O presente estudo visa verificar se essa hipótese é válida para as taxocenoses de lagartos da Caatinga. Objetiva-se também verificar se os mecanismos de defesa dos térmitas influenciam a taxa com que esses são consumidos pelos lagartos e se esse padrão difere entre diferentes li...

  9. The testicular cycle of captive Tupinambis merianae lizards in a temperate environment

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    Noriega, Teresa


    Full Text Available Las poblaciones de Tupinambis merianae, que habitan las regiones templadas y subtropicales, muestran un comportamiento marcadamente estacional con períodos equivalentes de actividad e hibernación. Correspondientemente, la reproducción en estos lagartos es un fenómeno cíclico caracterizado por una corta actividad sexual primaveral. Este trabajo examina los cambios testiculares que ocurren durante el ciclo reproductivo de especímenes de Tupinambis merianae criados en un ambiente templado. Evalúa la participación de la porción renal sexual como glándula sexual secundaria. En otoño e invierno, el testículo exhibe una gametogénesis discontinua. La espermatocitogénesis ocurre en otoño dando lugar a una espermiogénesis precoz abortiva, que concluye en los meses fríos. En la primavera temprana, la gónada reinicia su actividad espermiogénica alcanzando prontamente un pico de máximo crecimiento y abundante producción de esperma. El clímax testicular ocurre brevemente después de la hibernación y coincide con un período de cópulas de alrededor de un mes (octubre. En ese período, el epidídimo considerablemente dilatado se encuentra revestido por un epitelio cilíndrico y contiene grandes masas de esperma. Simultáneamente, la porción sexual de los túbulos renales exhibe células columnares hipertróficas cargadas de grandes gránulos citoplasmáticos PAS (+. Pronto la actividad reproductiva cesa y da lugar a una fase de involución gonadal, que se extiende a través del resto de la primavera y verano (noviembre-febrero, indicando la existencia de un único evento reproductivo al ario. Las observaciones se discuten en relación con los factores climáticos y las características biológicas del grupo. Tupinambis merianae populations living in temperate and subtropical regions show a distinctly seasonal behaviour, with equivalent periods of activity and hibernation. Correspondingly, reproduction in these lizards is a cyclic

  10. Patrones de osificación en Tupinambis merianae y Tupinambis rufescens (Squamata: Teiidae y patrones generales en Squamata

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    Arias, Federico


    Full Text Available Se describe la variación ontogenética del esqueleto de 13 embriones de Tupinambis merianae y 11 de Tupinambis rufescens, detectándose heterocronías entre ambas especies. Los resultados muestran que los elementos dermales (tanto del cráneo como de la cintura pectoral osifican antes que los elementos condrales, siendo los elementos que forman la mandíbula inferior, el paladar (especialmente los palatinos y los pterigoides y la clavícula los primeros en osificarse, mientras que los elementos del dermatocráneo más tardíos en osificarse son los del arco temporal superior (lacrimal, postorbital, postfrontal. Las principales diferencias en los tiempos de aparición y osificación se producen en algunos huesos del cráneo y en el autopodio (carpo/tarso, pero estas heterocronías no alteran la arquitectura final del esqueleto. Los resultados encontrados son comparados y discutidos con el conocimiento existente sobre otros linajes de Squamata. We describe the ontogenetic variation of skeleton of 13 Tupinambis meriane embryos and 11 Tupinambis rufescens embryos. Furthermore heterochronies in ossification sequence between both species are recorded. Results show that dermal elements (belonging to the skull and the pectoral girdle ossify before the chondral elements, being the elements that constitute the lower jaw, the palate (especially the palatine and the pterygoid, and the clavicle the first ones to ossify. The elements belonging to the dermatocranium which ossify later are the ones of the upper temporal arch (lacrimal, postorbital and postfrontal. The main differences present in timing of onset and ossification are produced in some bones of the skull and of the autopodium (carpus / tarsus; though, these heterochronies do not alter the final structure of the skeleton. Results achieved are compared and discussed with the available knowledge of other squamate lineages.

  11. Frugivory and seed dispersal by the tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae Reptilia: Teiidae


    Castro, Everaldo Rodrigo de; Galetti, Mauro


    Os lagartos teiús possuem uma dieta generalista, podendo agir como importantes dispersores de sementes em florestas semidecíduas do sudeste do Brasil. Foram estudadas a frugivoria e a dispersão de sementes de lagartos teiús usando animais em cativeiro, através da oferta de frutos de uma floresta semidecídua. Frutos de trinta espécies vegetais foram oferecidos aos lagartos em cativeiro, com diâmetro variando de 0,81 a 10,0 cm. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas na germinação entre a...

  12. The gold tegu, Tupinambis teguixin (Linnaeus, 1758) sensu lato (Squamata: Teiidae): evidence for an established population in Florida (United States)

    Edwards, Jake R.; Ketterlin, Jennifer K.; Rochford, Michael R.; Irwin, Rodney; Krysko, Kenneth L.; Duquesnel, James G.; Mazzotti, Frank J.; Reed, Robert


    Gold tegus, Tupinambis teguixin (Linnaeus, 1758), are generalist predators from South America and are ecologically similar to Argentine black and white tegus (Salvator merianae), a successful invader in Florida. We trapped gold tegus in Broward and Miami-Dade counties, Florida, USA. In Miami-Dade County, collection occurred from 2008 through 2016. We combined new trapping records with previous literature records. Ten gold tegus of both sexes and multiple size classes over a nine year period indicate a reproducing population in Miami-Dade County. Tupinambis teguixin is the sixth established non-native teiid species in Florida. Additionally, we report Tupinambis teguixin from Sarasota and Lee counties, Florida, USA. Determining population status in those counties requires further study. It is critical to differentiate this species fromSalvator merianae during removal efforts. The possibility of eradicating Tupinambis teguixin exists if proper identification enables reliable monitoring of the populations.

  13. Flora planctónica de laguna Lagartos, Quintana Roo Planktonic flora from Lagartos Lagoon, Quintana Roo

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    Viridiana Margarita Nava-Ruiz


    Full Text Available Se presenta una lista de la flora planctónica de la laguna Lagartos, basada en la observación de muestras superficiales obtenidas entre noviembre de 2007 a septiembre de 2008. Las muestras se recolectaron con una botella Van Dorn de 2 litros en la parte central de la laguna; se registraron 67 taxa: 28 Bacillariophyta, 22 Cyanoprokaryota, 7 Chlorophyta, 6 Dinoflagellata, 2 Euglenophyta y 2 Cryptophyta. Las cianofitas dominaron durante todo el periodo de estudio, con una contribución mayor al 80% de la abundancia total del fitoplancton. Son nuevos registros para México 13 especies: Chroococcus pulcherrimus, Coelosphaerium confertum, Cyanodyction iac, Phormidium pachydermaticum, Planktolyngbya contorta, Rhodomonas minuta, Amphidinium massartii, Ensiculifera cf. loeblichii, Heterocapsa cf. pseudotriquetra, Prorocentrum cassubicum, Licmophora normaniana, Fistulifera saprophila y Amphora richardiana. Todos los taxa listados se ilustran con microfotografías.The planktonic flora from Lagartos Lagoon, Quintana Roo, was examined based on the observation of samples collected from November 2007 to September 2008. The superficial samples were collected with a Van Dorn bottle of 2 L, in the core part of the lagoon. A total of 67 taxa were identified: 28 Bacillariophyta, 22 Cyanoprokaryota, 7 Chlorophyta, 6 Dinoflagellata, 2 Euglenophyta and 2 Cryptophyta. Nevertheless, the blue green algae dominated during all study period, with more of 80% to the total abundance of the phytoplankton. The species Chroococcus pulcherrimus, Coelosphaerium confertum, Cyanodyction iac, Phormidium pachydermaticum, Planktolyngbya contorta, Rhodomonas minuta, Amphidinium massartii, Ensiculifera cf. loeblichii, Heterocapsa cf. pseudotriquetra, Prorocentrum cassubicum, Licmophora normaniana, Fistulifera saprophila and Amphora richardiana were recorded for the first time in Mexico. All the taxa are illustrated with microphotographs.

  14. Macroscopic description of the limb muscles of Tupinambis merianae

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    Juliana Barbosa Casals


    Full Text Available Tegu lizard (Tupinambis merianae belongs to the Teiidae family. It is distributed throughout the Americas, with many species, including Brazilian ones. They are from the Tupinambis genus, the largest representatives of the Teiidae family. For this study three animals (run over coming from donation were used. The dissected lizards were fixed in 10%, formaldehyde, and the macroscopic analysis was carried out in a detailed and photo documented way, keeping the selected structures “in situ”. This paper had as its main aim contributing to the macroscopic description of the chest myology, as well as the thoracic and pelvic limbs of the lizard T. merianae. The results obtained from this research were compared to authors who have studied animals from the same Reptilia class. Thus, we conclude that our macroscopic results are similar to those already described by the researchers Hildebrand (1995, Moro and Abdala (2004 and Abdala and Diogo (2010. We should highlight that the knowledge on anatomy has importance and applications to various areas within Biology, contributing in a substantial way to the areas of human health and technology.

  15. Avaliação de cinco métodos de captura de lagartos em diferentes ambientes na Amazônia


    RIBEIRO JÚNIOR, Marco Antônio


    O presente trabalho compreende dois capítulos. O primeiro capítulo está intitulado “Comparação entre métodos de captura de lagartos em diferentes ambientes na Amazônia” e o segundo capítulo “A influência da localização das armadilhas de cola no sucesso de captura de lagartos na Amazônia”.

  16. Nutritional perfomance of Tupinambis merianae lizards fed with corn starch as source of energy

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    Harold Vega Parry


    Full Text Available Efficiency in processing complex carbohydrates as a source of energy was studied in Tupinambis merianae lizards. Four isoproteic and isoenergetic diets in which different percentages of corn starch substituted fat (0, 10, 20 and 30 dry matter in the diet were provided. Even though consumption was similar in all diets, growth and feeding conversion rates decreased significantly with corn starch supplies of 10% and more. At the end of the trial, pancreatic alpha-amylase activity showed correlated increases, yet these were insufficient to compensate corn starch supplies. Results suggest that Tupinambis merianae lizards have a restricted omnivorous capacity. Therefore, diet formulation for these lizards should exclude high molecular weight carbohydrates.

  17. Cryptic, Sympatric Diversity in Tegu Lizards of the Tupinambis teguixin Group (Squamata, Sauria, Teiidae and the Description of Three New Species.

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    John C Murphy

    Full Text Available Tegus of the genera Tupinambis and Salvator are the largest Neotropical lizards and the most exploited clade of Neotropical reptiles. For three decades more than 34 million tegu skins were in trade, about 1.02 million per year. The genus Tupinambis is distributed in South America east of the Andes, and currently contains four recognized species, three of which are found only in Brazil. However, the type species of the genus, T. teguixin, is known from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela (including the Isla de Margarita. Here we present molecular and morphological evidence that this species is genetically divergent across its range and identify four distinct clades some of which are sympatric. The occurrence of cryptic sympatric species undoubtedly exacerbated the nomenclatural problems of the past. We discuss the species supported by molecular and morphological evidence and increase the number of species in the genus Tupinambis to seven. The four members of the T. teguixin group continue to be confused with Salvator merianae, despite having a distinctly different morphology and reproductive mode. All members of the genus Tupinambis are CITES Appendix II. Yet, they continue to be heavily exploited, under studied, and confused in the minds of the public, conservationists, and scientists.

  18. Cryptic, Sympatric Diversity in Tegu Lizards of the Tupinambis teguixin Group (Squamata, Sauria, Teiidae) and the Description of Three New Species. (United States)

    Murphy, John C; Jowers, Michael J; Lehtinen, Richard M; Charles, Stevland P; Colli, Guarino R; Peres, Ayrton K; Hendry, Catriona R; Pyron, R Alexander


    Tegus of the genera Tupinambis and Salvator are the largest Neotropical lizards and the most exploited clade of Neotropical reptiles. For three decades more than 34 million tegu skins were in trade, about 1.02 million per year. The genus Tupinambis is distributed in South America east of the Andes, and currently contains four recognized species, three of which are found only in Brazil. However, the type species of the genus, T. teguixin, is known from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela (including the Isla de Margarita). Here we present molecular and morphological evidence that this species is genetically divergent across its range and identify four distinct clades some of which are sympatric. The occurrence of cryptic sympatric species undoubtedly exacerbated the nomenclatural problems of the past. We discuss the species supported by molecular and morphological evidence and increase the number of species in the genus Tupinambis to seven. The four members of the T. teguixin group continue to be confused with Salvator merianae, despite having a distinctly different morphology and reproductive mode. All members of the genus Tupinambis are CITES Appendix II. Yet, they continue to be heavily exploited, under studied, and confused in the minds of the public, conservationists, and scientists.

  19. Estrutura de taxocenose de lagartos em um fragmento de floresta atlântica no nordeste do Brasil


    Laranjeiras, Daniel Orsi


    Foi investigada a contribuição dos fatores ecológicos e históricos, na determinação dos padrões de estruturação da taxocenose de lagartos de um fragmento de floresta atlântica, analisando parâmetros de utilização do espaço, composição da dieta e morfometria das espécies. A coleta dos lagartos foi realizada através da utilização de armadilhas e de procura visual ativa. Foram registradas 16 espécies pertencentes a 8 famílias. A análise de componentes principais revelou um agrupamento no espaço ...

  20. Relação da morfo-histologia da língua com o forrageio em cinco espécies de lagarto


    Silva, Pilar Cozendey


    Os répteis Squamata possuem um sistema sensorial sofisticado, adaptado ao ambiente em que vivem e as atividades desempenhadas em seu forrageio. A língua de lagartos é estrutura componente do sistema sensorial fundamental para o forrageio. Desta forma, o presente estudo buscou investigar a estrutura morfo-histológica da língua de cinco espécies de lagartos brasileiros (Ameiva ameiva, Hemidactylus mabouia, Aspronema dorsivittatum, Ophiodes striatus e Tropidurus torquatus) e sua relação com os t...

  1. Calangos e lagartixas: concepções sobre lagartos entre estudantes do Ensino Médio em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

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    Daniel Cunha Passos


    Full Text Available As concepções culturais influenciam as atitudes humanas em relação aos animais, e sua compreensão é essencial para se entender o impacto dos seres humanos sobre a fauna. Neste trabalho, inventariamos concepções sobre lagartos segundo estudantes dos estágios finais da Educação Básica, avaliando sua relação com o atual estado do conhecimento científico e interpretando os casos em discordância. Realizamos entrevistas com estudantes do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio sobre aspectos gerais relacionados a concepções, conhecimentos e usos tradicionais de lagartos. Entrevistamos 38 estudantes que compartilharam 85 concepções distintas. Embora muitas das concepções inventariadas tenham apresentado coerência com os conhecimentos científicos atuais, existiram algumas incongruências. De forma geral, os produtos desta pesquisa forneceram subsídios para a valorização dos lagartos, além de reforçar a necessidade da inclusão de ações de educação ambiental na Educação Básica, como ferramentas para enriquecer o conhecimento sobre a biodiversidade, bem como esclarecer e desmistificar possíveis concepções errôneas.

  2. Static lung compliance and body pressures in Tupinambis merianae with and without post-hepatic septum. (United States)

    Klein, Wilfried; Abe, Augusto S; Perry, Steven F


    The surgical removal of the post-hepatic septum (PHS) in the tegu lizard, Tupinambis merianae, significantly reduces resting lung volume (V(Lr)) and maximal lung volume (V(Lm)) when compared with tegus with intact PHS. Standardised for body mass (M(B)), static lung compliance was significantly less in tegus without PHS. Pleural and abdominal pressures followed, like ventilation, a biphasic pattern. In general, pressures increased during expiration and decreased during inspiration. However, during expiration pressure changes showed a marked intra- and interindividual variation. The removal of the PHS resulted in a lower cranio-caudal intracoelomic pressure differential, but had no effect on the general pattern of pressure changes accompanying ventilation. These results show that a perforated PHS that lacks striated muscle has significant influence on static breathing mechanics in Tupinambis and by analogy provides valuable insight into similar processes that led to the evolution of the mammalian diaphragm.

  3. Uso do Implante Visível de Elastômero Fluorescente (IVE para marcação de lagartos Phyllopezus pollicaris (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae

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    Ragner Paulo Freitas


    Full Text Available Esse estudo teve como objetivo relatar o uso do Implante Visível de Elastômero Fluorescente (IVE e sua eficiência na marcação de lagartos Phyllopezus pollicaris em uma área de caatinga no Nordeste do Brasil. A marcação dos indivíduos foi realizada durante os meses de abril á setembro de 2012. Quarenta indivíduos foram marcados na região dorsal com as cores fluorescentes: vermelho, amarelo, verde e laranja. Vinte lagartos foram recapturados e apresentaram uma boa retenção do elastômero. Apenas dois espécimes apresentam suas marcações um pouco fragmentadas. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a utilização de IVE para marcação e recaptura de lagartos foi eficiente devido à alta taxa de retenção nos indivíduos recapturados e baixa taxa de fragmentação das marcações.

  4. Preliminary observations on the reproductive cycle of female Tegu lizards (Tupinambis teguizin)


    Yanosky, Ángel Alberto; Mercolli, Claudia


    The black tegu lizard, Tupinambis teguixin (Linnaeus 1758) is a common element in the wild all throughout Southamerica except for Chile. This teiid lizard was outstood by earlier travellers such as Sir Charles Waterton who reported for the first time about the delicate food, resembling chicken flesh and frequently consumed by local natives. Despite its relative abundance and both the intense economical and social importance of tegus, as well as its situation in the food web, the reproductive ...

  5. Metabolic response to feeding in Tupinambis merianae: circadian rhythm and a possible respiratory constraint. (United States)

    Klein, Wilfried; Perry, Steven F; Abe, Augusto S; Andrade, Denis V


    The diurnal tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae exhibits a marked circadian variation in metabolism that is characterized by the significant increase in metabolism during part of the day. These increases in metabolic rate, found in the fasting animal, are absent during the first 2 d after meal ingestion but reappear subsequently, and the daily increase in metabolic rate is added to the increase in metabolic rate caused by digestion. During the first 2 d after feeding, priority is given to digestion, while on the third and following days, the metabolic demands are clearly added to each other. This response seems to be a regulated response of the animal, which becomes less active after food ingestion, rather than an inability of the respiratory system to support simultaneous demands at the beginning of digestion. The body cavity of Tupinambis is divided into two compartments by a posthepatic septum (PHS). Animals that had their PHS surgically removed showed no significant alteration in the postprandial metabolic response compared to tegus with intact PHS. The maximal metabolic increment during digestion, the relative cost of meal digestion, and the duration of the process were virtually unaffected by the removal of the PHS.

  6. Saurofagia y canibalismo en dos especies de lagartos del centro-oeste de Argentina


    Blanco, Mirta Graciela; Acosta, Juan Carlos; Piaggio, Lía; Nieva, Rodrigo; Victorica, Ana; Castillo, Gabriel


    El canibalismo y la saurofagia han sido registrados en numerosas especies de anfibios y reptiles. En la mayoría de los casos esta estrategia predatoria aparece como oportunista y como resultado de un comportamiento predatorio normal. Por otra parte, ambas conductas alimentarias han sido reportadas en lagartos como consecuencia de descubrimientos fortuitos o bien a partir de estudios de ecología del comportamiento. Además es sabido que algunos casos de canibalismo en reptiles pueden ser induci...

  7. Planktonic cyanobacteria of the tropical karstic lake Lagartos from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. (United States)

    Valadez, Francisco; Rosiles-González, Gabriela; Almazán-Becerril, Antonio; Merino-Ibarra, Martin


    The tropical karstic lakes on the Mexican Caribbean Sea coast are numerous. However, there is an enormous gap of knowledge about their limnological conditions and micro-algae communities. In the present study, surface water samples were collected monthly from November 2007 to September 2008 to provide taxonomical composition and biovolume of planktonic cyanobacteria of the lake Lagartos from State of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Water temperature, pH, conductivity, salinity, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and soluble reactive silica (SRSi) levels were also analyzed. A total of 22 species were identified. Chroococcales and Oscillatoriales dominated the phytoplankton assemblages during the study period. Chroococcus pulcherrimus, Coelosphaerium confertum, Cyanodyction iac, Phormidium pachydermaticum and Planktolyngbya contorta were recorded for the first time in Mexico. A surplus of DIN (mean value of 42.7 microM) and low concentrations of SRP (mean value of 1.0 microM) promoted the enhanced growth and bloom formation of cyanobacteria. The mean biovolume was 3.22 x 10(8) microm3/mL, and two biovolume peaks were observed; the first was dominated by Microcystis panniformis in November 2007 (7.40 x 10(8) microm3/mL), and the second was dominated by Oscillatoriaprinceps in April 2008 (6.55 x 10(8) microm3/mL). Water quality data, nitrates enrichment, and trophic state based on biovolume, indicated that Lagartos is a hyposaline, secondarily phosphorus-limited, and eutrophic lake, where the cyanobacteria flora was composed mainly by non-heterocystous groups.

  8. Structure of the posthepatic septum and its influence on visceral topology in the tegu lizard, Tupinambis merianae (Teiidae: Reptilia). (United States)

    Klein, Wilfried; Abe, Augusto S; Andrade, Denis V; Perry, Steven F


    The posthepatic septum (PHS) divides the body cavity of Tupinambis merianae into two parts: the cranial one containing the lungs and liver and the caudal one containing the remaining viscera. The PHS is composed of layers of collagenous fibers and bundles of smooth muscle, neither of which show systematic orientation, as well as isolated blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. Striated muscle of the abdominal wall does not invade the PHS. The contractions of the smooth muscles may stabilize the pleurohepatic cavity under conditions of elevated aerobic needs rather than supporting breathing on a breath-by-breath basis. Surgical removal of the PHS changes the anatomical arrangement of the viscera significantly, with stomach and intestine invading the former pleurohepatic cavity and reducing the space for the lungs. Thus, the PHS is essential to maintain the visceral topography in Tupinambis. Copyright 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  9. Planktonic Cyanobacteria of the tropical karstic lake Lagartos from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico

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    Francisco Valadez


    Full Text Available The tropical karstic lakes on the Mexican Caribbean Sea coast are numerous. However, there is an enormous gap of knowledge about their limnological conditions and micro-algae communities. In the present study, surface water samples were collected monthly from November 2007 to September 2008 to provide taxonomical composition and biovolume of planktonic cyanobacteria of the lake Lagartos from State of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Water temperature, pH, conductivity, salinity, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN, and soluble reactive silica (SRSi levels were also analyzed. A total of 22 species were identified. Chroococcales and Oscillatoriales dominated the phytoplankton assemblages during the study period. Chroococcus pulcherrimus, Coelosphaerium confertum, Cyanodyction iac, Phormidium pachydermaticum and Planktolyngbya contorta were recorded for the first time in Mexico. A surplus of DIN (mean value of 42.7µM and low concentrations of SRP (mean value of 1.0µM promoted the enhanced growth and bloom formation of cyanobacteria. The mean biovolume was 3.22X10(8µm³/mL, and two biovolume peaks were observed; the first was dominated by Microcystis panniformis in November 2007 (7.40X10(8µm³/mL, and the second was dominated by Oscillatoria princeps in April 2008 (6.55X10(8µm³/mL. Water quality data, nitrates enrichment, and trophic state based on biovolume, indicated that Lagartos is a hyposaline, secondarily phosphorus-limited, and eutrophic lake, where the cyanobacteria flora was composed mainly by non-heterocystous groups.

  10. A telencephalospinal projection in the Tegu lizard (Tupinambis teguixin). (United States)

    Follett, K A


    Tegu lizards (Tupinambis teguixin) were studied to determine the presence of a homologue of the mammalian corticospinal tract. The sources of telencephalic efferent projections to the spinal cord were determined by evaluating the localization of retrogradely transported horseradish peroxidase applied in the cervical spinal cord. Labeled cells were present in subtelencephalic sites reported previously by other authors and, in addition, were found in the principal sensory and motor nuclei of the trigeminal nerve and in the nucleus of the posterior commissure. A telencephalospinal projection was identified, originating in the ventral caudal telencephalon. Histochemical staining revealed a high concentration of acetylcholinesterase in cells and neuropil in the same area. This tract is suggested to be homologous to the mammalian amygdalospinal tract. No reptilian homologue of the corticospinal tract was identified.

  11. Planktonic Cyanobacteria of the tropical karstic lake Lagartos from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico Las cianobacterias planctónicas del lago tropical cárstico Lagartos de la Península de Yucatán, México

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    Francisco Valadez


    Full Text Available The tropical karstic lakes on the Mexican Caribbean Sea coast are numerous. However, there is an enormous gap of knowledge about their limnological conditions and micro-algae communities. In the present study, surface water samples were collected monthly from November 2007 to September 2008 to provide taxonomical composition and biovolume of planktonic cyanobacteria of the lake Lagartos from State of Quintana Roo, Mexico. Water temperature, pH, conductivity, salinity, soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN, and soluble reactive silica (SRSi levels were also analyzed. A total of 22 species were identified. Chroococcales and Oscillatoriales dominated the phytoplankton assemblages during the study period. Chroococcus pulcherrimus, Coelosphaerium confertum, Cyanodyction iac, Phormidium pachydermaticum and Planktolyngbya contorta were recorded for the first time in Mexico. A surplus of DIN (mean value of 42.7µM and low concentrations of SRP (mean value of 1.0µM promoted the enhanced growth and bloom formation of cyanobacteria. The mean biovolume was 3.22X10(8µm³/mL, and two biovolume peaks were observed; the first was dominated by Microcystis panniformis in November 2007 (7.40X10(8µm³/mL, and the second was dominated by Oscillatoria princeps in April 2008 (6.55X10(8µm³/mL. Water quality data, nitrates enrichment, and trophic state based on biovolume, indicated that Lagartos is a hyposaline, secondarily phosphorus-limited, and eutrophic lake, where the cyanobacteria flora was composed mainly by non-heterocystous groups.Los lagos cársticos tropicales en la costa del Caribe mexicano son numerosos. Sin embargo, existe un enorme desconocimiento acerca de sus condiciones limnológicas y de las comunidades de microalgas que se desarrollan en ellos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue estudiar las condiciones limnológicas en las que crecen las poblaciones de cianobacterias planctónicas del lago Lagartos, Quintana Roo

  12. Nueva especie de (Sauria: Iguanidae Lagarto Collarejo de la zona sur andina de Colombia Nueva especie de (Sauria: Iguanidae Lagarto Collarejo de la zona sur andina de Colombia

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    Castro Fernando


    Full Text Available Two species of the Andean lizard genus Stenocercus are reported from Colombia, in addition to the well-known S. trachycepbalus. The presence of Stenocercus guentheri, group lizards in the southern Departamento de Nariño is confirmed. A new species of Stenocercus is described from the immediate surroundings of the town of Bolivar, Departamento del Cauca.Se informa la presencia en Colombia de dos especies adicionales de lagartos del género andino Stenocercus, además de la especie bien conocida S. trachycephalus. Se confirma la presencia de poblaciones del grupo S. guentheri en el Departamento de Nariño. Se describe una especie nueva de Stenocercus de los alrededores del Municipio de Bolívar en el Departamento del Cauca.

  13. Estrutura das taxocenoses de lagartos nos biomas caatinga, cerrado e Amazônia.


    Costa, Taís Borges


    A tese está dividida em três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo apresentamos a lista de espécies de répteis e anfíbios da Estação Ecológica de Aiuaba, Ceará, Brasil. Registramos 36 espécies distribuídas em 19 famílias para a unidade de conservação (15 lagartos, uma anfisbena, 10 serpentes, um quelônio e 9 anfíbios). No segundo capítulo investigamos a existência de padrões de estruturação, averiguando a influência dos fatores ecológicos e históricos, na dieta e no uso de microhábit...

  14. Brain stem origins of spinal projections in the lizard Tupinambis nigropunctatus. (United States)

    Cruce, W L; Newman, D B


    In order to study brainstem origins of spinal projections, ten Tegu lizards (Tupinambis nigropunctatus) received complete or partial hemisections of the spinal cord at the first or second cervical segment. Their brains were processed for conventional Nissl staining. The sections were surveyed for the presence or absence of retrograde chromatolysis. Based on analysis and comparison of results from lesions in the various spinal cord funiculi, the following conclusions were reached: The interstitial nucleus projects ipsilaterally to the spinal cord via the medial longitudinal fasciculus, as does the middle reticular field of the metencephalon. The red nucleus and dorsal vagal motor nucleus both project contralaterally to the spinal cord via the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus. The superior reticular field in the rostral metencephalon and the ventrolateral vestibular nucleus project ipsilaterally to the spinal cord via the ventral funiculus. The dorsolateral metencephalic nucleus and the ventral part of the inferior reticular nucleus of the myelencephalon both project ipsilaterally to the spinal cord via the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus. Several brainstem nuclei in Tupinambis project bilaterally to the spinal cord. The ventrolateral metencephalic nucleus, for example, projects ipsilaterally to the cord via the medial longitudinal fasciculus and contralaterally via the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus. The dorsal part of the inferior reticular nucleus projects bilaterally to the spinal cord via the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus. The nucleus solitarius complex projects contralaterally via the dorsal part of the lateral funiculus but ipsilaterally via the middle of the lateral funiculus. The inferior raphe nucleus projects bilaterally to the spinal cord via the middle part of the lateral funiculus. These data suggest that supraspinal projections in reptiles, especially reticulospinal systems, are more highly differentiated than previously thought

  15. Density of the tegu lizard (Tupinambis merianae) and its role as nest predator at Anchieta Island, Brazil


    Bovendorp, Ricardo S.; Alvarez, Ariane D.; Gialetti, Mauro


    Mammals has been pointed out to be the main nest predators in islands, but recent studies has shown that tree snakes are also important nest predator in tropical forests. Here we present information on the density tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae and its role as nest predator at Anchieta Island, Ubatuba, in southeastern Brazil. The mean density of tegu lizards wets estimated to be 83 individuals/km2, which is 1.83 times lower than other well-known population (Fernando de Noronha Archipelago)....

  16. Biología pesquera de la langosta Panulirus gracilis en Playa Lagarto, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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    Helven Naranjo Madrigal


    Full Text Available Los parámetros biológicos y pesqueros analizados se fundamentaron en una muestra de 843 langostas provenientes de la actividad pesquera realizada en Playa Lagarto entre noviembre del 2007 y octubre del 2008. Las longitudes cefalotoráxicas de los machos estuvo comprendida entre los 143.6 y 42.8 y 115 y 35.8mm para hembras. El 74.9% de las langostas en los desembarques estuvo por debajo de la talla mínima legal de captura (80 mm de LC. La estructura de tallas muestra un considerable solapamiento de segmentos poblacionales y el incremento de las tallas con la profundidad en donde operan las dos modalidades de pesca estudiadas: el buceo a pulmón y el buceo con compresor. La proporción de sexos obtenida fue de 1.36 M:H. La relación entre LC y peso reveló que las hembras pesan más que los machos de una misma talla y que esta diferencia fue significativa (pBiology and fishery of the lobster Panulirus gracilis in Playa Lagarto, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Panulirus gracilis is a high valuable lobster species with considerable captures along the tropical Pacific coast. In this study, I present some biological and fishery parameters described after a sample of 843 lobsters, landed in Playa Lagarto from November 2007 to October 2008. From landing records, a total of 74.9% of lobsters were below the minimum legal catch size (80mm CL. Carapace lengths were in the range of 42.8 and 143.6mm for males and 115 and 35.8mm for females. The size structure showed a wide overlapping of population segments, and a trend to increase with depth, where lung diving and “hooka” diving operations take place. Sex ratio was 1.36 M:H. The relationship between weight and LC revealed that females are heavier than males of the same size, and this difference was significant (p<0.05. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters for males and females respectively (K=0.45-0.38, LC∞=166.9-121.7 showed accelerated growth compared to other species. Males observed a higher growth rate

  17. Tupinambis merianae as nest predators of crocodilians and turtles in Florida, USA (United States)

    Mazzotti, Frank J.; McEachern, Michelle A.; Rochford, Michael; Reed, Robert; Ketterlin Eckles, Jennifer; Vinci, Joy; Edwards, Jake; Wasilewki, Joseph


    Tupinambis merianae, is a large, omnivorous tegu lizard native to South America. Two populations of tegus are established in the state of Florida, USA, but impacts to native species are poorly documented. During summer 2013, we placed automated cameras overlooking one American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) nest, which also contained a clutch of Florida red-bellied cooter (Pseudemys nelsoni) eggs, and one American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) nest at a site in southeastern Florida where tegus are established. We documented tegu activity and predation on alligator and turtle eggs at the alligator nest, and tegu activity at the crocodile nest. Our finding that one of the first two crocodilian nests to be monitored was depredated by tegus suggests that tegus should be further evaluated as a threat to nesting reptiles in Florida.

  18. Caracterización molecular de parásitos que infectan lagartos y su influencia sobre los ornamentos de color


    Megía-Palma, Rodrigo M.


    [ES] La presente tesis doctoral ha abordado dos objetivos principales: 1) La caracterización de los géneros de protozoos eimeriorinos (Apicomplexa) más prevalentes en lagartos (Schellackia, Lankesterella, Acroeimeria, Choleoeimeria, Caryospora e Isospora) desde una aproximación morfológica, molecular y filogenética, con el fin de situarlos en un contexto evolutivo dentro del suborden Eimeriorina. 2) Entender la relación de los parásitos encontrados comúnmente en poblaciones naturales de lagar...

  19. Saurofagia y canibalismo en dos especies de lagartos del centro-oeste de Argentina

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    Piaggio, Lia


    Full Text Available El canibalismo y la saurofagia han sido registrados en numerosas especies de anfibios y reptiles. En la mayoría de los casos esta estrategia predatoria aparece como oportunista y como resultado de un comportamiento predatorio normal. Por otra parte, ambas conductas alimentarias han sido reportadas en lagartos como consecuencia de descubrimientos fortuitos o bien a partir de estudios de ecología del comportamiento. Además es sabido que algunos casos de canibalismo en reptiles pueden ser inducidos por condiciones de cautiverio, lo que no indica que este comportamiento no ocurra naturalmente. El objetivo de este trabajo es aportar nuevos casos a los estudios que se realizan en este sentido, reportando el hallazgo accidental de canibalismo en Cnemidophorus longicauda y saurofagia en Homonota underwoodi ambas especies sintópicas del Monte de San Juan.

  20. Variación diaria de la temperatura corporal en dos especies de lagartos nocturnos (Squamata, Gekkonidae, Homonota con comentarios sobre el uso de refugios

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    Cruz, Félix B.


    Full Text Available Poco es lo que se conoce sobre la variación de la temperatura corporal de lagartos nocturnos. Se sabe que algunos lagartos nocturnos termorregulan durante el día. El tamaño corporal y el comportamiento, a su vez, pueden estar relacionados con la inercia térmica. Individuos de Homonota borelli y H. darwini fueron expuestos a tres situaciones, a refugios cálidos (la temperatura nunca fue menor a los 34 ºC, b refugios con una temperatura inferior a los 28-30 ºC, y c se les permitió escoger entre cada una de las opciones anteriores. La temperatura corporal en general y el patrón diario fueron similares en ambas especies siendo más altas durante el día. Cuando los lagartos eligieron los refugios, se observaron diferencias entre las especies, H. borelli usó más los refugios con fuente de calor en tanto que H. darwini usó refugios sin fuente de calor. El tamaño corporal y la distribución geográfica podrían estar relacionados con las diferencias observadas. Very little is known about diel variation in body temperature among nocturnal lizards. Some nocturnal lizards thermoregulate during the day, and body size plus behaviour may be related to the amount of thermal inertia. Lizards of the species Homonota borelli and H. darwini were either exposed to three different situations a a heated retreat site (never below than 34 º C, b a retreat with a temperature lower than 28-30 º C, and c where lizards were allowed to choose between a warm or a cool retreat. Body temperatures and diel pattern were similar for both species. Body temperatures were higher during the day. When lizards choose for retreats, differences were observed, H. darwini preferred cool retreats, whereas H. borelli used the warmer ones. Body size, coloration and geographic distribution may be related to the different patterns observed.

  1. Esqueleto pré-sacral e sacral dos lagartos teiêdeos (Squamata, Teiidae Pressacral and sacral skeleton of teiids lizards (Squamata, Teiidae

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    Lauren Betina Veronese


    Full Text Available The morphology of the axial skeleton -pressacral and sacral regions - of the nine genera of Teiidae Boulenger, 1885 comprising Ameiva Meyer, 1795, Callopistes Gravenhorst, 1838, Cnemidophorus Wagler, 1830, Crocodilurus Spix, 1825, Dicrodon Duméril & Bibron, 1839, Dracaena Daudin, 1802, Kenlropyx Spix, 1825, Teius Merrem, 1820 and Tupinambis Daudin, 1803 is here analysed under a comparative approach. The study is in a generic levei, and the principal conclusions reter to differences on the total number of vertebrae and some aspects of the ribs, especially their insertion and presence.

  2. Chemical constituents of the femoral gland secretions of male tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae) (Family teiidae). (United States)

    Martín, José; Chamut, Silvia; Manes, Mario E; López, Pilar


    In spite of the importance of chemical signals (pheromones) in the reproductive behaviour of lizards, the chemical compounds secreted by their femoral glands, which may be used as sexual signals, are only known for a few lizard species. Based on mass spectra, obtained by GC-MS, we found 49 lipophilic compounds in femoral gland secretions of male tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae) (fam. Teiidae), including a very high proportion of carboxylic acids and their esters ranging between n-C8 and n-C20 (mainly octadecanoic and 9,12-octadecadienoic acids), with much less proportions of steroids, tocopherol, aldehydes, and squalene. We discuss the potential function of these compounds in secretions, and compare the compounds found here with those documented for other lizard species.


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    Full Text Available RESUMENSe describen nuevos materiales fósiles de anfibios y reptiles hallados en sedimentos referidos a la Formación Cerro Azul (Mioceno Superior, procedentes de numerosas localidades de la provincia de La Pampa, Argentina. Los nuevos registros se basan en un resto craneano de anuro asignado al géneroCeratophrys, restos de caparazón de tortugas terrestres del géneroChelonoidis, vértebras asignables al lagarto de la familia TeiidaeTupinambis, y una vértebra troncal de serpiente comparable al género de colubroideos actualesPhilodryas. Tanto los registros terciarios previos de géneros actuales de anfibios y reptiles en América del Sur, como así también la asociación recuperada en el Mioceno Superior de La Pampa sugieren que la mayoría de los géneros que componen la herpetofauna Neotropical estaban presentes en el Mioceno, patrón similar al observado en otras regiones del mundo.

  4. Functional morphology of femoral glands in the Tegu lizard, Tupinambis merianae. (United States)

    Chamut, Silvia; Valdez, Valeria García; Manes, Mario E


    Several lizards have femoral glands, which have an influence in various reproductive behaviors. In this paper we describe the morphological organization of the femoral glands in the Tegu, Tupinambis merianae, by means of light and electron microscopy. Even though these glands are present in both genders, secretions during the reproductive period can only be found in males. The glandular parenchyma, which is organized in numerous secretory units, consists of keratinocyte-like cells and granular cells. The holocrine secretion is constituted from both cells, which lose their integrity and become a semi-amorphous material, reinforced by keratin sheets. The discharges of each unit merge together into a solid cylinder of secretion, surrounded by epithelial cells, that is extruded to the exterior. The keratin sheets and epithelial layers that surround both the complete and partial secretions form a sort of structural support suitable for the type of territorial demarcation characteristic of the species. The granular cells, supposedly the producers of pheromones, are characterized by the presence of electron-dense granules and multilaminar membranous bodies that show ultrastructural changes of unknown function. The free granules in the secretion cylinder may act as pheromone deposits.

  5. Predatory behavior inTupinambis teguixin (Sauria: Teiidae). I. Tongue-flicking responses to chemical food stimuli. (United States)

    Yanosky, A A; Iriart, D E; Mercolli, C


    Black tegu lizards (Tupinambis teguixin) have the ability to detect food odors and discriminate between them and nonfood odors. This was tested by offering chemical stimuli on cotton-tipped applicators to the animals. Stimuli were from two plant and two animal species known to be principal items in these lizards' diets, demineralized water as an odorless control, and eaude-cologne as an odorous control lacking feeding or social importance. Tongueflick attack score, latency to attack, preattack tongue-flicks, and number of attacks were analyzed. The results clearly demonstrated that this species responds to chemical food stimuli, but does not respond to odorless nonfood stimuli. Responses differed among food types. There were no sex differences. These results are in agreement with the prediction that lizards having forked tongues and an active foraging mode rely on chemical cues for feeding.

  6. Brumation of introduced Black and White Tegus, Tupinambis merianae (Squamata: Teiidae), in southern Florida (United States)

    McEachern, Michelle; Yackel Adams, Amy A.; Klug, Page E.; Fitzgerald, Lee A.; Reed, Robert N.


    An established population of Tupinambis merianae (Black and White Tegu) in southeastern Florida threatens the Everglades ecosystem. Understanding the behavioral ecology of Black and White Tegus could aid in management and control plans. Black and White Tegus are seasonally active and brumate during the winter in their native range, but brumation behavior is largely unstudied in either the native or the invasive range. We describe the first observations of Black and White Tegu brumation in southeastern Florida after monitoring 5 free-ranging, adult male Black and White Tegus through an inactive season using radiotelemetry and automated cameras. Duration of brumation averaged 137 days, beginning in September and ending by February. One of the 5 Black and White Tegus emerged to bask regularly during brumation, which to our knowledge represents the first documented instance of a free-ranging Black and White Tegu basking during brumation. These preliminary findings provide a basis for future research of brumation behavior.

  7. Helminths from an introduced species (Tupinambis merianae), and two endemic species (Trachylepis atlantica and Amphisbaena ridley) from Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil. (United States)

    Ramalho, A C O; da Silva, R J; Schwartz, H O; Péres, A K


    The present study reports the occurrence of helminths in the introduced species Tupinambis merianae (tegu lizard), and in two endemic species Trachylepis atlantica (small lizard) and Amphisbaena ridleyi (two-head-snake lizard ), from Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Nine species of helminths were found, mainly in the digestive tract and accessory organs, with the following prevalence (P) and mean infection intensity (MII). Tupinambis merianae: Diaphanocephalus galeatus (P = 96%, MII = 20.5), Spinicauda spinicauda (P = 100%, MII = 197.8), and Oochoristica sp.l (P = 20%, MII = 4.4). Trachylepis atlantica: Moaciria alvarengai (P = 20%, MII = 1.4), S. spinicauda (P = 92%, MII = 22.1), Mesocoelium monas (P = 4%, MII = 3.0), Platynosomum sp. (P = 8%, MII = 7.0), and Oochoristica sp.2 (P = 16%, MII = 1.25). Amphisbaena ridleyi: Aplectana albae (P = 96%, MII = 143.4), Thelandros alvarengai (P = 4%, MII = 1.0), Me. monas (P = 44%, MII = 2.8), Platynosomum sp. (P = 36%; MII = 13.8), and Oochoristica sp.2 (P = 48%; MII = 2.17). More than 80% of T. merianae were infected with 2, or more, helminth species. In Tr. atlantica, single-species infections were present in 50% of the specimens, but co-occurrence of 2 parasites was also high (41.7%). In A. ridleyi, multiple infections were more common, with up to 5 parasite species present. The helminth fauna observed allowed us to conclude that helminths can be carried together with their host when they colonize new geographic localities and that these introduced helminths can, in turn, colonize endemic, or native, hosts.

  8. Consecuencias de la legislación en el consumo alimentario de lagartos. El caso del fardacho

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    Cantarero, Luis


    Full Text Available The fardacho is a variety of lizard that people in the area of Peñalba (province of Huesca, Spain used to hunt and eat. The author describes the food culture to which the eating of fardacho belonged and the reasons that caused a decrease in the number of these animals in the area. In addition, the author discusses the effects of wildlife-protecting legislation on the eating of this lizard in Peñalba.

    En este artículo se analiza el caso del fardacho, una variedad de lagarto que se cazaba y consumía en la zona de Peñalba (Huesca. En primer lugar, se describe la cultura alimentaria del fardacho y las razones que motivaron un descenso en el número de ejemplares de este animal. En segundo lugar, se analizan las consecuencias de la legislación sobre especies protegidas en el consumo de fardachos en Peñalba.

  9. Surgical treatment of paraphimosis in common Teiu (Tupinambis merianae: Teiidae. Tratamento cirúrgico da parafimose em Teiú ("Tupinambis merianae: Teiidae"

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    Mário Ântônio Pinto Romão


    Full Text Available Reptiles are susceptible to several conditions that require surgical treatment. In this case, basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology is necessary to reach a successful treatment. Paraphimosis consists in prolapse of one or both hemipenis, in male squamata reptiles, caused by infection, trauma, drillings, constipation and neurological dysfunction. The treatment can be conservative or surgical; it depends on the severity of the lesion. It is reported here a hemipenis amputation in Tupinanbis merianae, which was presented to the Wild Animals’ division of Faculdade de Veterinária of Universidade Federal Fluminense. The animal showed a prolapse of that organ, and directed to Pathology and Clinic Surgical section, where surgical treatment was performed.Os répteis estão susceptíveis a uma grande variedade de condições que requerem intervenção cirúrgica, necessitando-se de conhecimento básico de anatomia e fisiologia para o sucesso do tratamento. A parafimose consiste no prolapso de um ou ambos hemipênis, em répteis squamata machos, podendo ser conseqüência de infecção, traumas, sondagem para sexagem, constipação e de disfunção neurológica. O tratamento pode ser conservador ou cirúrgico, dependendo do grau de comprometimento do órgão. Relata-se a amputação de hemipênis em Tupinambis merianae, atendido no setor de Animais Silvestres da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF, com histórico de trauma, e apresentando prolapso de hemipênis, sendo encaminhado ao setor de Patologia e Clínica Cirúrgica para tratamento cirúrgico.

  10. Observations on the natural history of the lizard Mabuya macrorhyncha Hoge (Scincidae in Queimada Grande Island, São Paulo, Brazil Observações sobre a história natural do lagarto Mabuya macrorhyncha Hoge (Scincidae na Ilha da Queimada Grande, São Paulo, Brasil

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    Davor Vrcibradic


    Full Text Available Data are presented on the on diet, thermal biology, microhabitat use, reproduction and helminth infection parameters of a population of Mabuya macrorhyncha hoge, 1946 inhabiting the small island of Queimada Grande, on the southern coast of São Paulo State. The lizards were collected on November 1997 (spring and on July 1998 (winter. Most lizards were perched above ground, mainly on herbaceous vegetation. Mean lizard body temperatures were significantly higher in spring (32.6 ± 1.9ºC than in winter (28.5 ± 2.4ºC, as were air temperatures. Mean litter size of females was 2.7 (range 2-3. The diet was composed of a diverse array of arthropods and some small fruits. Of the 19 lizards examined, 16 (84.2% harboured helminths. Three species of helminth (one acanthocephalan and two nematodes were found infecting the lizards. Compared to other M. macrorhyncha populations previously studied in mainland areas, the Queimada Grande population appears to be less strongly associated to bromeliads, to consume plant matter (fruits more frequently, and to have a poorer helminth fauna.Dados são apresentados referentes à dieta, biologia térmica, uso de microhabitats, reprodução e parâmetros de infecção por helmintos de uma população de Mabuya macrorhyncha Hoge, 1946 habitando a pequena ilha da Queimada Grande, na costa sul do Estado de São Paulo. Os lagartos foram coletados em novembro de 1997 (primavera e em julho de 1998 (inverno. A maioria dos lagartos foi encontrada empoleirada acima do solo, principalmente sobre vegetação herbácea. As temperaturas corpóreas médias dos lagartos foram significativamente mais altas na primavera (32,6 ± 1,9ºC do que no inverno (28,5 ± 2,4ºC, como ocorreu com as temperaturas do ar. O tamanho médio de ninhada das fêmeas foi de 2.7 (amplitude 2-3. A dieta foi composta por artrópodes variados e por alguns pequenos frutos. Dos 19 lagartos examinados, 16 (84.2% estavam infectados por helmintos. Três esp

  11. Diversidade de espécies e ecologia da comunidade de lagartos de um fragmento de Mata Atlântica no nordeste do Brasil


    Silva, Ubiratan Gonçalves da


    Neste estudo foram investigadas a diversidade, a composição, e as diferenças no uso do espaço (hábitat e microhábitat) e do alimento em uma comunidade de lagartos habitantes da serapilheira de um fragmento de Mata Atlântica, do Estado de Alagoas, Brasil. Para a observação e/ou coleta dos espécimes, foram utilizados os métodos de busca ativa e armadilhas de queda (pit-fall traps) sem cerca-guia. Para análises de diversidade e da existência de diferenças de diversidade entre os hábitats e micro...

  12. Plantas medicinais utilizadas pela população do município de Lagarto- SE, Brasil – ênfase em pacientes oncológicos

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    Full Text Available RESUMO A utilização de plantas com fins medicinais é uma das mais antigas formas de prática medicinal da humanidade. Entretanto, o conceito de “natural” contribui para o pensamento popular e errôneo de que Plantas Medicinais (PM são sinônimos de produtos seguros, o qual pode ocasionar no desenvolvimento de efeitos adversos ou interações medicamentosas. Neste contexto, foi realizado levantamento etnofarmacológico das Plantas Medicinais (PM utilizadas no município de Lagarto, SE, Brasil, com ênfase de seu uso por pacientes oncológicos. Um total de 706 moradores foram entrevistados. Foram citadas 80 plantas, das quais 57 foram identificadas em nosso laboratório. O uso de plantas medicinais (MP para fins terapêuticos foi relatada por 336 (47,65% entrevistados. As MPs mais utilizados foram: Erva-Cidreira (Lippiaalba (Mill N. E. Brown - 103, 30,8%, Boldo (Plectranthus barbatus Andr. - 53, 15,7%, e Capim-Santo (Cymbopogon citratus (D.C. Stapf - 49, 14,6%. Dos entrevistados que relataram o uso de MPs, metade (360, 50,95% comunicaram ao médico, mas não receberam orientações específicas. As doenças crônicas mais comuns identificadas foram: hipertensão arterial (144, 20,34%, câncer (55, 7,81% e diabetes (41, 5,89%. Dos pacientes com câncer, cerca de 40% (22 relataram utilizar PMs concomitante com quimioterapia, dado alarmante, visto a possibilidade de interações medicamentosas entre PMs e antineoplásicos. Diante desses dados, foi observado o uso de PM pela população de Lagarto, SE, e por pacientes oncológicos dessa região, porém, sem os mesmos receberem orientações de um profissional qualificado.

  13. Procesos organizativos, turismo y conservación en la reserva de la biósfera Ría Lagartos, Yucatán

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    Sofía Arenas Castillo


    Full Text Available Se analiza la transformación de las prácticas organizativas e instituciones derivada del turismo de observación del flamenco americano (Phoenicopterus ruber y del establecimiento de la reserva de la biósfera Ría Lagartos (RBRL. Esto desde una perspectiva de la Acción colectiva en el uso y manejo de recursos de uso común. Esto se hace mediante un enfoque cuantitativo/cualitativo para analizar los efectos que la actividad turística genera en comunidades que habitan dentro de áreas naturales protegidas. Los resultados revelan un debilitamiento de las organizaciones locales al privilegiar la institucionalización impuesta por actores externos que ha originado nuevas problemáticas con consecuencias negativas para la conservación.

  14. Evidence for a carotid body homolog in the lizard Tupinambis merianae. (United States)

    Reichert, Michelle N; Brink, Deidre L; Milsom, William K


    The homolog to the mammalian carotid body has not yet been identified in lizards. Observational studies and evolutionary history provide indirect evidence for the existence of a chemoreceptor population at the first major bifurcation of the common carotid artery in lizards, but a chemoreceptive role for this area has not yet been definitively demonstrated. We explored this possibility by measuring changes in cardiorespiratory variables in response to focal arterial injections of the hypoxia mimic sodium cyanide (NaCN) into the carotid artery of 12 unanesthetized specimens of Tupinambis merianae. These injections elicited increases in heart rate (f(H); 101±35% increase) and respiratory rate (f(R); 620±119% increase), but not mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). These responses were eliminated by vagal denervation. Similar responses were elicited by injections of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine (ACh) and serotonin (5-HT) but not norepinephrine. Heart rate and respiratory rate increases in response to NaCN could be blocked or reduced by antagonists to ACh (atropine) and/or 5-HT (methysergide). Finally, using immunohistochemistry, we demonstrate the presence of putative chemoreceptive cells immunopositive for the cholinergic cell marker vesicular ACh transporter (VAChT) and 5-HT on internal lattice-like structures at the carotid bifurcation. These results provide evidence in lizards for the existence of dispersed chemoreceptor cells at the first carotid bifurcation in the central cardiovascular area that have similar properties to known carotid body homologs, adding to the picture of chemoreceptor evolution in vertebrates. © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.

  15. Ovarian changes during the reproductive cycle of the Tupinambis merianae lizard raised in a temperate environment

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    Manes, Mario E.


    Full Text Available El ciclo reproductor de hembras de Tupinambis merianae criadas en ambiente templado consiste de tres fases gonadales: previtelogénica, vitelogénica y postovulatoria o lútea. Durante la fase previtelogénica, que ocupa gran parte del verano, el otoño e invierno, los ovarios son pequeños, pesan menos de 4 g y contienen solamente folículos no vitelogénicos, los cuales se desarrollan lentamente a partir de los nidos germinales, alcanzando unos 5 mm de diámetro. Debido a una maduración gonadal asincrónica entre ambos sexos, las cópulas acontecen cuando los ovarios son aún previtelogénicos. Luego sobreviene una corta e intensa vitelogénesis, durante la cual los folículos crecen uniformemente incrementando unas 6 veces su diámetro (cerca de 30 mm, mientras que la masa ovárica total alcanza unos 400 g. El proceso culmina entre los 15 y 20 días, con una ovulación generalizada y la subsiguiente oviposición. Como consecuencia, los ovarios postovulatorios aparecen reducidos a unos 5 g, con una superficie casi enteramente cubierta de cicatrices foliculares, las cuales pronto desarrollan cuerpos lúteos. La detención del ciclo ovárico, con atresia folicular previtelogénica masiva, como resultado del aislamiento de las hembras, permite concluir sobre la existencia de estímulos sexuales promotores de la vitelogénesis. The reproductive cycle of Tupinambis merianae females raised in a temperate environment consists of three gonadal phases: previtellogenic, vitellogenic and postovulatory or luteal phases. During the previtellogenic phase, which takes great part of the summer, autumn and winter, the ovaries are small, weigh less than 4 g, and contain only nonvitellogenic follicles, which develop slowly from germinal beds, until they are almost 5 mm diameter. Due to an asynchronous gonadal maturation in both sexes, matings occur when ovaries are still previtellogenic. Then comes a short and intense vitellogenesis, during which follicles grow

  16. Gas exchange and ventilation during dormancy in the tegu lizard tupinambis merianae (United States)

    de Andrade DV; Abe


    The tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae exhibits an episodic ventilatory pattern when dormant at 17 degrees C but a uniform ventilatory pattern when dormant at 25 degrees C. At 17 degrees C, ventilatory episodes were composed of 1-22 breaths interspaced by non-ventilatory periods lasting 1.8-26 min. Dormancy at the higher body temperature was accompanied by higher rates of O(2) consumption and ventilation. The increase in ventilation was due only to increases in breathing frequency with no change observed in tidal volume. The air convection requirement for O(2) did not differ at the two body temperatures. The respiratory quotient was 0.8 at 17 degrees C and 1.0 at 25 degrees C. We found no consistent relationship between expired gas composition and the start/end of the ventilatory period during episodic breathing at 17 degrees C. However, following non-ventilatory periods of increasing duration, there was an increase in the pulmonary O(2) extraction that was not coupled to an equivalent increase in elimination of CO(2) from the lungs. None of the changes in the variables studied could alone explain the initiation/termination of episodic ventilation in the tegus, suggesting that breathing episodes are shaped by a complex interaction between many variables. The estimated oxidative cost of breathing in dormant tegus at 17 degrees C was equivalent to 52.3 % of the total metabolic rate, indicating that breathing is the most costly activity during dormancy.

  17. CARIOTIPO Y BANDEO C EN EL LAGARTO Tropidurus hispidus (Sauria: Tropiduridae EN EL ORIENTE DE VENEZUELA

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    Jenniffer Velasquez


    Full Text Available El estudio citogenético mediante tinción con Giemsa, en tres regiones xerofíticas (continental, peninsular e insular del oriente de Venezuela, demostró un número diploide 2n=36, compuesto por 6 pares de macrocromosomas metacéntricos y submetacéntricos y 12 pares de microcromosomas acrocéntricos manteniéndose, esta característica en machos y hembras en las tres poblaciones estudiadas. Se determinó que el primer par de macrocromosomas es metacéntrico y en la región continental representa un 13% de longitud relativa total (LRT siendo el cromosoma de mayor tamaño, con respecto a la población peninsular con un 9,4 % y a la población insular con 7,1 %, conteniendo esta última población los cromosomas más pequeños. El bandeo C, siguiendo los protocolos propuestos por Sumner (1972, evidencio en términos generales poca cantidad de bandas de heterocromatina, localizada en las regiones teloméricas, teloméricas con intersticiales y centroméricas con intersticiales. Considerando las diferencias cromosómicas y el aislamiento geográfico existente, estos lagartos presentan un proceso de especiación vicariante.

  18. Seasonal changes in daily metabolic patterns of Tegu lizards (tupinambis merianae) placed in the cold (17 C) and dark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Milsom, William K.; Andrade, Denis V.; Brito, Simone P.


    Oxygen consumption rate was measured continuously in young tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae exposed to 4 d at 25°C followed by 7-10 d at 17°C in constant dark at five different times of the year. Under these conditions, circadian rhythms in the rate of oxygen consumption persisted for anywhere from......). Although this degree of reduction appeared to take longer to invoke when starting from higher metabolic rates, tegu lizards reduced their metabolism to the low rates seen in winter dormancy at all times of the year when given sufficient time in the cold and dark. In the spring and summer, tegus reduced......%-81% (early and late autumn, respectively) from peak summer values, virtually all of the fall (63%-83%) in metabolism was due to the reduction in temperature. This suggests that the temperature-independent reduction of metabolism was already in place by autumn before the tegus had entered winter dormancy....

  19. Fish community structure and dynamics in a coastal hypersaline lagoon: Rio Lagartos, Yucatan, Mexico (United States)

    Vega-Cendejas, Ma. Eugenia; Hernández de Santillana, Mireya


    Rio Lagartos, a tropical coastal lagoon in northern Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, is characterized by high salinity during most of the year (55 psu annual average). Even though the area has been designated as a wetland of international importance because of its great biodiversity, fish species composition and distribution are unknown. To determine whether the salinity gradient was influencing fish assemblages or not, fish populations were sampled seasonally by seine and trawl from 1992 to 1993 and bimonthly during 1997. We identified 81 fish species, eight of which accounted for 53.1% considering the Importance Value Index ( Floridichthys polyommus, Sphoeroides testudineus, Eucinostomus argenteus, Eucinostomus gula, Fundulus majalis, Strongylura notata, Cyprinodon artifrons and Elops saurus). Species richness and density declined from the mouth to the inner zone where extreme salinity conditions are prominent (>80) and competitive interactions decreased. However, in Coloradas basin (53 average sanity) and in the inlet of the lagoon, the highest fish density and number of species were observed. Greater habitat heterogeneity and fish immigration were considered as the best explanation. Multivariate analysis found three zones distinguished by fish occurrence, abundance and distribution. Ichthyofaunal spatial differences were attributed to selective recruitment from the Gulf of Mexico due to salinity gradient and to changing climatic periods. Estuarine and euryhaline marine species are abundant, with estuarine dependent ones entering the system according to environmental preferences. This knowledge will contribute to the management of the Special Biosphere Reserve through baseline data to evaluate environmental and anthropogenic changes.

  20. Seasonal changes in blood oxygen transport and acid-base status in the tegu lizard, Tupinambis merianae. (United States)

    Andrade, Denis V; Brito, Simone P; Toledo, Luís Felipe; Abe, Augusto S


    Oxygen-binding properties, blood gases, and acid-base parameters were studied in tegu lizards, Tupinambis merianae, at different seasons and temperatures. Independent of temperature and pH, blood oxygen affinity was higher in dormant lizards than in those active during the summer. Haematocrit (Hct) and hemoglobin content ([Hb]) were greater in active lizards resulting in a higher oxygen-carrying capacity. Nucleoside triphosphate content ([NTP]) was reduced during dormancy, but the ratio between [NTP] and [Hb] remained unchanged. Dormancy was accompanied by an increase in plasma bicarbonate ([HCO-(3)]pl) and an elevation of arterial CO2 partial pressure (PaCO2) and CO2 content in the plasma (CplCO2). These changes in acid-base parameters persist over a broad range of body temperatures. In vivo, arterial O2 partial pressure (PaO2) and O2 content (CaO2) were not affected by season and tended to increase with temperature. Arterial pH (pHa) of dormant animals is reduced compared to active lizards at body temperatures below 15 degrees C, while no significant difference was noticed at higher temperatures. Copyright 2003 Elsevier B.V.

  1. Natural history of the lizard Enyalius brasiliensis (Lesson, 1828 (Leiosauridae from an Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil História natural do lagarto Enyalius brasiliensis (Lesson, 1828 (Leiosauridae em área de Mata Atlântica do Sudeste do Brasil

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    M. Van Sluys


    Full Text Available Information on the ecology of lizard species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is scarce and almost nothing is known about the ecology of lizards of the genus Enyalius. In this study, we provide information about some aspects of the natural history of E. brasiliensis from an area of Atlantic Forest in Ilha Grande, RJ. Enyalius brasiliensis (N = 15 feeds mainly on arthropods. The most frequent food items were insect larvae, orthopterans, and ants; in terms of volume, larvae and termites were the most important food items; ants and termites were the most numerous prey categories. Two females were reproductive (one had 10 and the other, five vitellogenic follicles; the smallest measured 92.4 mm in SVL. Seven lizards were found on forest leaf litter. The other microhabitats used were vines, fallen logs, branches, and a crevice on a slope.Informações sobre a ecologia de espécies de lagartos da Floresta Atlântica brasileira são raras. Quase nada é conhecido sobre a ecologia de lagartos do gênero Enyalius. Com este estudo fornecemos informações sobre alguns aspectos da história natural de E. brasiliensis de uma área de Mata Atlântica da Ilha Grande, RJ. Os indivíduos de E. brasiliensis (N = 15 se alimentaram principalmente de artrópodos. As presas ingeridas com maior freqüência foram larvas de insetos, ortópteros e formigas; em termos volumétricos, larvas e cupins foram os itens mais importantes; e formigas e cupins foram as presas mais numerosas. Das 10 fêmeas encontradas, duas estavam reprodutivas (uma tinha 10 e a outra, 5 folículos vitelogênicos; a menor delas media 92,4 mm de tamanho corporal. Sete dos 15 lagartos foram encontrados sobre folhiço no chão da mata. Os outros micro-habitats utilizados foram cipós, troncos caídos, galhos e um barranco de terra dentro de uma fenda de rocha.

  2. Spontaneous genetic damage in the tegu lizard (Tupinambis merianae): the effect of age. (United States)

    Schaumburg, Laura G; Poletta, Gisela L; Siroski, Pablo A; Mudry, Marta D


    Several studies indicate that certain factors such as age, sex or nutritional status among others, may affect the level of DNA damage, both induced and spontaneous, so it is very important to consider them for a more accurate interpretation of the findings. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of age, sex, and nest of origin on spontaneous genetic damage of Tupinambis merianae determined by the comet assay (CA) and the micronucleus (MN) test, in order to improve reference data for future in vivo studies of xenobiotics exposure in this species. Sixty-five tegu lizards of three different ages: newborns (NB), juveniles (JUV) and adults (AD), both sexes and from different nests of origin were used. Blood samples were collected from the caudal vein of all animals and the MN test and CA were applied on peripheral blood erythrocytes to determine basal frequency of MN (BFMN) and basal damage index (BDI). The comparison between age groups showed statistically significant differences in the BFMN and BDI (p0.05). A weak negative relationship was found only between BFMN and weight of NB tegu lizard (p=0.014; R(2)=0.245). Basal values of genetic damage obtained with both biomarkers in the tegu lizard evidenced that age is an intrinsic factor that should be taken into account to avoid misunderstanding of the results in future biomonitoring studies. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  3. Prey transport kinematics in Tupinambis teguixin and Varanus exanthematicus: conservation of feeding behavior in 'chemosensory-tongued' lizards. (United States)

    Elias, J A; McBrayer, L D; Reilly, S M


    Although lizards have been predicted to show extensive intraoral prey-processing behaviors, quantitative analyses of the types of prey-processing behavior they demonstrate and of their kinematics have been limited. The more basal lizard lineages (Iguanians) have undergone some study, but the prey-processing repertoires of crown taxa have not been thoroughly examined and quantitative comparisons of behaviors within or among species have not been made. In this study, the prey transport behavior of the savannah monitor (Varanus exanthematicus) and gold tegu (Tupinambis teguixin) are described. Although these two lineages have independently evolved tongues that are highly specialized for chemoreception, we found that they share the same three distinct types of transport behavior. These behavior patterns are (i) a purely inertial transport, (ii) an inertial transport with use of the tongue, and (iii) a non-inertial lingual transport. The tongue is used extensively in both the inertial and the purely lingual transport behaviors. More than 75 % of all transport behaviors involved tongue movements. These species appear to exhibit a conservation of feeding kinematics compared with patterns known for basal lizards. A hypothesis for the evolution of inertial feeding is proposed.

  4. High prevalence of Salmonella in tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae), and susceptibility of the serotypes to antibiotics. (United States)

    Maciel, B M; Argôlo Filho, R C; Nogueira, S S C; Dias, J C T; Rezende, R P


    Species of tegu (Tupinambis) are the largest lizards in South America. Large numbers of these lizards are hunted; there is a vigorous trade in their skins and the meat is consumed by rural and native peoples. The animals are also bred in captivity, an economic activity for rural populations which can help in the animals' conservation. Faecal samples from 30 captive-born tegus were analysed for the presence of Salmonella in two separate samplings. In the first analysis, samples from 26 animals (87%) yielded Salmonella enterica of which 23% were of Rubislaw serotype; 20% Carrau and Agona serotypes; 7% Infantis and Saint-Paul serotypes; 3% Panama and Brandenburg serotypes; 10% were S. enterica subsp. enterica and 7% were rough form. In the second analysis, four tegus (13%) which had been negative in the first sampling were positive, thus, 100% of the animals studied carried the bacterium. Antibiotic susceptibility showed resistance to sulfonamide in 82% of the isolates, streptomycin in 64%, tetracycline in 6% and Chloramphenicol in 20%. Two animals carried strains of the same serotype with different patterns of antibiotic susceptibility. Although it is well known that reptiles are a significant source of Salmonella, to our knowledge, its prevalence in tegu has not been studied previously.

  5. Plantas medicinais usadas nos distúrbios do trato gastrintestinal no povoado Colônia Treze, Lagarto, SE, Brasil Medicinal plants used for aliments of the gastro-intestinal tract at Colonia Treze village, Lagarto Municipality, Sergipe State, Brazil

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    Maria Silene da Silva


    Full Text Available Os modelos de desenvolvimento sócio-econômicos adotados pela sociedade humana refletem diferentes formas de relacionamento com a natureza, as quais no paradigma vigente têm levado à grande perda de recursos naturais. Na esfera dessa relação, a conservação e preservação da biodiversidade da flora medicinal torna-se fundamental, pela importância que as plantas medicinais assumem como potencial genético para o desenvolvimento de novas drogas, e como acesso primário à saúde para muitas comunidades. Utilizando a abordagem etnofarmacológica na pesquisa de plantas medicinais, este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar as plantas medicinais utilizadas popularmente contra distúrbios do trato gastrintestinal no povoado Colônia Treze em Lagarto, SE, comunidade que tem o uso popular das plantas medicinais inserido em sua cultura. Sua metodologia abrangeu trabalho de campo na comunidade, adotando o método etnográfico qualitativo rápido. A amostra foi composta por líderes da comunidade, usuários de plantas e praticantes da medicina popular. Baseando-se nas indicações populares sobre o uso das plantas medicinais, selecionaram-se oito plantas que foram submetidas aos experimentos farmacológicos. As plantas testadas no Modelo de Trânsito Intestinal não produziram alteração na motilidade. Já as submetidas ao Modelo de Indução de Lesão Gástrica aguda, mostraram-se efetivas na atividade antiulcerogênica. A partir destes resultados propõem-se estratégias de desenvolvimento local para esta comunidade, que aliem a conservação da flora medicinal à melhoria de sua qualidade de vida.Models of socioeconomic development adopted by human societies reflect different ways of relating to Nature, which, given the present paradigm, have evolved towards great natural-resource loss. Within the sphere of this relationship, both the conservation and preservation of medicinal-plant biodiversity are fundamental because of the importance of

  6. Spatial and temporal structure of fish assemblages in a hyperhaline coastal system: Ría Lagartos, Mexico

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    Miguel Angel Peralta-Meixueiro

    Full Text Available The spatial and temporal fish species assemblages were analyzed throughout two annual cycles (2004-2005 and 2007-2008 in the Ría Lagartos Lagoon system, Mexico, via non-parametric multivariate analyses. We compared density and biomass of fish species among five habitat types defined by combinations of structure and environmental characteristics (hyperhaline, rocky, seagrass, channel, and marine, and three climatic seasons (dry, rainy, and northerlies. A total of 11,187 individuals distributed in 32 families and 63 species were collected. The most numerically abundant species were Floridichthys polyommus and Cyprinodon artifrons, while Sphoeroides testudineus contributed to the greatest biomass. Species composition consisted mainly of estuarine and euryhaline marine species. Spatially, a saline gradient was observed with marine conditions in the mouth, and increasing to over 100 in the inner zone of the system. Species richness, diversity and biomass declined from the mouth to the inner zone, while density showed an inverse tendency, with the highest values in the inner zone. Thus the salinity was the variable that best explained the spatial fish assemblages" structure. The ichthyofauna composition did not change over time, but the dominant species varied with the years. The abundance of juvenile specimens, suggest that the different habitats are used as feeding and breeding zones; hence it is proposed that protection strategies be pursued not only for the lagoon system but also for the northern zone of the Yucatan Peninsula.

  7. Spatial and temporal structure of fish assemblages in a hyperhaline coastal system: Ría Lagartos, Mexico

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    Miguel Angel Peralta-Meixueiro


    Full Text Available The spatial and temporal fish species assemblages were analyzed throughout two annual cycles (2004-2005 and 2007-2008 in the Ría Lagartos Lagoon system, Mexico, via non-parametric multivariate analyses. We compared density and biomass of fish species among five habitat types defined by combinations of structure and environmental characteristics (hyperhaline, rocky, seagrass, channel, and marine, and three climatic seasons (dry, rainy, and northerlies. A total of 11,187 individuals distributed in 32 families and 63 species were collected. The most numerically abundant species were Floridichthys polyommus and Cyprinodon artifrons, while Sphoeroides testudineus contributed to the greatest biomass. Species composition consisted mainly of estuarine and euryhaline marine species. Spatially, a saline gradient was observed with marine conditions in the mouth, and increasing to over 100 in the inner zone of the system. Species richness, diversity and biomass declined from the mouth to the inner zone, while density showed an inverse tendency, with the highest values in the inner zone. Thus the salinity was the variable that best explained the spatial fish assemblages" structure. The ichthyofauna composition did not change over time, but the dominant species varied with the years. The abundance of juvenile specimens, suggest that the different habitats are used as feeding and breeding zones; hence it is proposed that protection strategies be pursued not only for the lagoon system but also for the northern zone of the Yucatan Peninsula.Los ensamblajes espacio temporales de peces fueron analizados a través de dos ciclos anuales (2004-2005 y 2007-2008 en el sistema lagunar Ría Lagartos, México, vía análisis multivariados no paramétricos. Se comparó la densidad y biomasa de peces entre los cinco tipos de hábitats definidos por la combinación de características estructurales y ambientales (hiperhalino, rocoso, pastos, canal y marino y tres temporadas

  8. The matching of ventilation and perfusion in the lung of the Tegu lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus. (United States)

    Hlastala, M P; Standaert, T A; Pierson, D J; Luchtel, D L


    Ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) distribution was evaluated in the Tegu lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus, using the multiple inert gas elimination technique (MIGET) in order to define the limitations to gas exchange in the large chambered unicameral lung. The lizards (0.52-1.1 kg) were anesthetized with halothane and ventilated. Body temperature was maintained at 35 degrees C. Arterial and sinus venosus PO2 averaged 79.4 +/- 5.9 and 47.3 +/- 6.4 torr while breathing air and 232.1 +/- 31 and 64.8 +/- 11.5 torr while breathing oxygen. VA/Q distributions were broad and right-to-left shunt averaged 21% while breathing air and 27% while breathing oxygen. Gas exchange was significantly impaired due to the presence of both shunt and VA/Q heterogeneity. The walls of the lung enclose a large axial air chamber. Microscopic examination revealed approximately three generations of septa which subdivided the wall into tubular-shaped gas-exchange chambers. Wall thickness averages 2.8 mm at the anterior end of the lung, 2.1 mm in the middle portion of the lung and 1.4 mm at the posterior end. The thickness of the blood-air barrier (epithelial-basal lamina-endothelial cell layer) ranged from 0.35 to 0.90 micron. Although this barrier is slightly thicker than in the mammalian lung (0.1-0.5 micron), it is unlikely to be a source of diffusion limitation in gas exchange at rest.

  9. Temperature effects on CO2-sensitive intrapulmonary chemoreceptors in the lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus. (United States)

    Douse, M A; Mitchell, G S


    Body temperature (Tb) effects on CO2 responses of 17 intrapulmonary chemoreceptors (IPC) were investigated in 9 anesthetized (pentobarbital; 30 mg/kg) and unidirectionally ventilated tegu lizards (Tupinambis nigropunctatus). At 30 degrees C, all IPC (n = 15) had a stable discharge pattern. At 20 degrees C, IPC discharge (n = 14) was stable at high PCO2 but irregular at low PCO2 and often (10/14) consisted of bursts of activity separated by one or more seconds of quiescence. Responses of IPC to static and dynamic changes in PCO2 were quantified at both Tb and the discharge rate vs PCO2 response curves were compared. Static discharge frequency (fSTAT) decreased as PCO2 increased at both Tb. At 20 degrees C: (1) fSTAT was diminished at all PCO2 levels relative to 30 degrees C; and (2) the slope of the fSTAT vs PCO2 relationship was markedly attenuated. The Q10 was 3.7 +/- 0.5 and was independent of PCO2. The peak discharge associated with a step decrease in PCO2 (dynamic response; fDYN) also decreased as PCO2 increased. At 20 degrees C: (1) fDYN was diminished at all PCO2 levels relative to 30 degrees C; but (2) the slope of the fDYN vs PCO2 relationship was similar at both Tb. The Q10 was 2.6 +/- 0.3 and was significantly less than the Q10 of fSTAT (P less than 0.05). Acute changes in Tb exert large effects on the CO2 response and discharge pattern of IPC; these effects on IPC may be important in ventilatory control at different Tb in lizards.

  10. A golgi study of the optic tectum of the tegu lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus. (United States)

    Butler, A B; Ebbesson, O E


    The dendritic patterns of cells in the optic tectum of the tegu lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus, were analyzed with the Ramon-Moliner modification of the Golgi-Cox technique. Cell types were compared with those described by other authors in the tectum of other reptiles; particular comparisons of our results were made with the description of cell types in the chameleon (Ramń, 1896), as the latter is the most complete analysis in the literature. The periventricular gray layers 3 and 5 consist primarily of two cell types--piriform or pyramidal shaped cells and horizontal cells. Cells in the medial portion of the tectum, in an area coextensive with the bilateral spinal projection zone, possess dendrites that extend across the midline. The latter cells have either fusiform or pyramidal shaped somas. The central white zone, layer 6, contains fibers, large fusiform or pyramidal shaped cells, fusiform cells, and small horizontal cells. The central gray zone, layer 7, is composed predominately of fusiform cells which have dendrites extending to the superficial optic layers, large polygonal cells, and horizontal cells. The superficial gray and white layers, layers 8-13, contain polygonal, fusiform, stellate, and horizontal elements. Layer 14 is composed solely of afferent optic tract fibers. Several differences in the occurrence and distribution of cell types between the tegu and the other reptiles studied are noted. Additionally, the laminar distribution of retinal, tectotectal, telencephalic, and spinal projections in the tegutectum can be related to the distribution of cell types, and those cells which may be postsynaptic to specific inputs can be identified. The highly differentiated laminar structure of the reptilian optic tectum, both in regard to cell type and to afferent and efferent connections, may serve as a model for studying some functional properties of lamination common to cortical structures.

  11. The effects of early experience on subsequent feeding responses in the Tegu, Tupinambis teguixin (Squamata : Teiidae). (United States)

    Punzo, F


    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of early feeding experiences on subsequent responses to prey in the tegu, Tupinambis teguixin. Five-day old lizards were exposed to the odors of various prey and control substances on cotton-tipped applicators with the tongue-flick attack score (TFAS) chosen as the dependent variable. Each lizard was exposed to four stimuli: two controls (deionised water and cologne), and extracts from a mouse Mus musculus, and a lizard Ameiva ameiva, in a repeated measures, randomized block design, receiving one stimulus training session / day over a 40-day period. Tongue-flicks directed toward the applicator were counted over a 1 min period as well as the amount of time that elapsed from the first tongue flick to any bite that may have occurred. Live neonatal mice (but not A. ameiva), offered on a weekly basis, were used as a food source for tegus over a 10-month period. After 10 months, tegus were exposed to applicators containing control odors as well as those containing extracts from mice and lizards (A. ameiva). Mouse extracts elicited significantly higher TFAS as compared to those elicited by A. ameiva or control odors, suggesting that prey odors encountered in the environment shortly after hatching can influence prey preferences by these lizards later in life. These results also indicate that tegu lizards can learn to use specific odor cues associated with naturally occurring prey as releasers for subsequent hunting behaviors.

  12. [Feeding habits of sphoeroides testudineus (Perciformes: Tetraodontidae) in the lagoon system of Ria Lagartos, Yucatán, Mexico]. (United States)

    Chi-Espínola, Ariel Adriano; Vega-Cendejas, Maria Eugenia


    Sphoeroides testudineus is a dominant species in the coastal systems of Yucatán. Because of its wide distribution, occurrence and abundance performs an important functional role in coastal ecosystems. We assessed the trophic preferences and trophic-level variation in space and time for this species in Ria Lagartos lagoon, an hyperhaline ecosystem located Northwest of Yucatan Peninsula. The specimens were collected bimonthly during two annual periods (2004-2005 and 2007-2008) in 23 sites distributed along the system into four zones (marine, channel, Coloradas West and Coloradas East). Spatial and seasonal trophic variations were evaluated using canonical correspondence analysis (ACC). In a total of 382 individuals, 68 food resources included in 20 trophic groups were obtained. Higher relative importance index values (IIR) were obtained for bivalves, gastropods and macrophytes. Seasonal trophic variation showed that bivalves and gastropods were consumed along the year, while macrophytes were a preferential food during rains and windy seasons. Spatial variation indicates lower gastropods consumption at the inner zone of the system, and the opposite ocurred with bivalves. The consumption ofmacrophytes may be due to their greater abundance during rains and in the channel zone. The ACC showed that spatial trophic variation was due because of the abundance of the preferential preys (bivalves, gastropods), while seasonal differences by the secondary (amphipods, eggs, nematodes, brachyuran, detritus, nematodes). The results contribute to the biological knowledge of the species and highlight the importance and trophic function of S testudineus for the energy transfer from the benthos to higher trophic levels of the food chain.

  13. Nuevos registros, áreas de extensión y ocupación para los lagartos altoandinos endémicos de la Región de O’Higgins, Chile: Liolaemus curis, Liolaemus ubaghsi y Phymaturus damasense

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    Diego Ramírez-Álvarez


    Full Text Available Se presentan los mapas de distribución actualizados, áreas de extensión y ocupación para tres especies de lagartos altoandinos (Squamata: Liolaemidae endémicos de la Región de O’Higgins, Chile: Liolaemus curis, Liolaemus ubaghsi y Phymaturus damasense, en base a la confirmación de los registros históricos para estas especies, y a nuevos registros obtenidos en actividades de prospección de fauna nativa de la Unidad de Vida Silvestre del SAG de la región de O’Higgins. Considerando las amenazas particulares que enfrentan sus poblaciones, y estos nuevos datos de distribución territorial, se sugiere actualizar sus estados de conservación.

  14. Hábitos alimenticios de Sphoeroides testudineus (Perciformes: Tetraodontidae en el sistema lagunar de Ría Lagartos, Yucatán, México Feeding habits of Sphoeroides testudineus (Perciformes: Tetraodontidae in the lagoon system of Ria Lagartos, Yucatán, Mexico

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    Ariel Adriano Chi-Espínola


    Full Text Available Sphoeroides testudineus, es una especie dominante en los sistemas costeros de Yucatán. Debido a su amplia distribución, ocurrencia y abundancia realiza un importante papel funcional en los ecosistemas costeros. Evaluamos para esta especie las preferencias tróficas y su variación a nivel espacial y temporal en la laguna de Ría Lagartos, un ecosistema hiperhalino localizado al noroeste de la península de Yucatán. Los especímenes fueron recolectados bimensualmente durante dos periodos anuales (2004-2005 y 2007-2008 en 23 sitios distribuidos a lo largo del sistema en cuatro zonas (marina, canal, Coloradas oeste y Coloradas este. Las variaciones tróficas espaciales y temporales fueron evaluadas mediante un análisis de correspondencia canónica (ACC. En un total de 382 individuos, se obtuvieron 68 recursos alimenticios incluidos en 20 grupos tróficos. El mayor índice de importancia relativa (IIR lo obtuvieron los bivalvos, gasterópodos y macrófitas. La variación trófica estacional mostró que los bivalvos y gasterópodos son consumidos a lo largo del año, mientras que las macrófitas constituyeron el alimento preferencial en la temporada de lluvias y nortes. La variación espacial indica un bajo consumo de gasterópodos hacia el interior de la laguna, y lo opuesto sucedió con los bivalvos. El consumo de macrófitas pudo ser debido a su mayor abundancia durante lluvias y en la zona del canal. El ACC mostró que la variación trófica espacial se debió a la abundancia de las presas preferenciales (bivalvos y gasterópodos, mientras que las diferencias estacionales por las presas secundarias (anfípodos, huevos, nematodos, braquiuros, detritus, nemátodos. Los resultados contribuyen al conocimiento biológico de la especie y resaltan la importancia y función trófica de Sphoeroides testudineus en las transferencias de energía desde el bentos hacia los niveles tróficos superiores de la cadena alimenticia.Sphoeroides testudineus is a

  15. Prevalence of enterobacteriaceae in Tupinambis merianae (Squamata: Teiidae from a captive facility in Central Brazil, with a profile of antimicrobial drug resistance in Salmonella enterica

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    Andréa de Moraes Carvalho


    Full Text Available The present study reports the presence of enterobacteriaceae in Tegu Lizards (Tupinambis merianaefrom a captive facility in central Brazil. From a total of 30 animals, 10 juveniles and 20 adults (10 males, 10 females, 60 samples were collected, in two periods separated by 15 days. The samples were cultivated in Xylose-lysine-deoxycholate agar (XLT4 and MacConkey agar. The Salmonella enterica were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility. A total of 78 bacteria was isolated, of wich 27 were from juveniles of T. merianae, 30 from adult males and 21 from adult females. Salmonella enterica was the most frequent bacteria followed by Citrobacter freundii, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter sakasakii, Kluivera sp., Citrobacter amalonaticus, Serratia marcescens, Citrobacter diversus, Yersinia frederiksenii, Serratia odorifera, and Serratia liquefaciens. Salmonella enterica subsp. diarizonae and houtenae showed resistance to cotrimoxazole, and serum Salmonella enterica Worthington showed resistance to tetracycline and gentamicin. Salmonella enterica Panama and S. enterica subsp. diarizonae showed intermediate sensitivity to cotrimoxazole. In addition to Enterobacteriaceae in the Tegu lizard, pathogenic serotypes of S. enterica also occur, and their antimicrobial resistance was confirmed.

  16. 50 CFR 23.23 - What information is required on U.S. and foreign CITES documents? (United States)


    ..., followed by a six-digit serial number, and two digits or letters used for national informational purposes... pieces of Tupinambis species that were imported before August 1, 2000, may indicate Tupinambis spp. (ii...

  17. Biología pesquera de la langosta Panulirus gracilis en Playa Lagarto, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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    Helven Naranjo Madrigal


    Full Text Available Los parámetros biológicos y pesqueros analizados se fundamentaron en una muestra de 843 langostas provenientes de la actividad pesquera realizada en Playa Lagarto entre noviembre del 2007 y octubre del 2008. Las longitudes cefalotoráxicas de los machos estuvo comprendida entre los 143.6 y 42.8 y 115 y 35.8mm para hembras. El 74.9% de las langostas en los desembarques estuvo por debajo de la talla mínima legal de captura (80 mm de LC. La estructura de tallas muestra un considerable solapamiento de segmentos poblacionales y el incremento de las tallas con la profundidad en donde operan las dos modalidades de pesca estudiadas: el buceo a pulmón y el buceo con compresor. La proporción de sexos obtenida fue de 1.36 M:H. La relación entre LC y peso reveló que las hembras pesan más que los machos de una misma talla y que esta diferencia fue significativa (p<0.05. Los parámetros de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy para machos y hembras respectivamente (K=0.45-0.38, LC∞=166.9-121.7 indican un crecimiento acelerado en comparación a otras especies. Los machos por su parte exhibieron una mayor tasa de crecimiento que las hembras. Además, la mortalidad natural (M, la mortalidad total (Z y la mortalidad por pesca (F fue más alta en machos (0.49-2.34-1.92 que en hembras (0.47-1.82-1.42. El reclutamiento para ambos sexos presentó un comportamiento continuó durante el año con un pulso de mayor intensidad en julio de 18.5%. El significativo porcentaje de langostas por debajo de la talla mínima legal permitida para la pesca evidencia fuerte presión ejercida sobre las tallas juveniles. Afirmación que es reforzada por el valor de la tasa de explotación (E determinada de 0.80, que indica que bajo el actual régimen de pesca la población estaría en riesgo de colapso.

  18. Range structure, microhabitat use, and activity patterns of the saxicolous lizard Tropidurus torquatus (Tropiduridae on a rock outcrop in Minas Gerais, Brazil Organización espacial, utilización de los microhábitats y padrones de actividad del lagarto saxícola Tropidurus torquatus (Tropiduridae en un afloramiento rocoso en Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Full Text Available Although Tropidurus is a widely distributed lizard genus in South America and the Galapagos Islands, studies on space use and spatial distribution are scarce. We studied the home range structure of the saxicolous lizard Tropidurus torquatus based on the inland population of a rock outcrop in Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil. Lizards were individually marked and observed during reproductive and non-reproductive seasons. Using the mínimum convex polygon method, we found that average total range size of males during the reproductive season was larger than that of females, and that both had similar total range sizes in the non-reproductive season. The harmonic mean method showed that males have a larger home range size than that of females during both seasons. As expected for a polygynous species, the average number of males whose total ranges overlapped those of females tended to be higher in the reproductive season than in the non-reproductive season. Intrasexually, the number of females whose total ranges were associated with those of other females was also higher in the reproductive season than in the non-reproductive season. For males, this number remained low in both seasons, suggesting that males use more exclusive areas, whereas the smaller total ranges of females apparently sustain a higher density of individual s during the reproductive season. Frequency of microhabitat use in relation to vegetation increased in the non-reproductive season and the activity patterns of lizards shifted from bimodal in the reproductive season (rainy period to unimodal in the non-reproductive season (dry period. Thus, the range structure, microhabitat use, and activity patterns of the T. torquatus observed here were all influenced by the time frame affecting their spatial ecology.Aunque Tropidurus es un género de lagarto extensamente distribuido en Sudamérica y en las islas Galápagos, son escasos los estudios sobre uso del espacio y distribuci

  19. Plasma esterases in the tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae (Reptilia, Teiidae): impact of developmental stage, sex, and organophosphorus in vitro exposure. (United States)

    Basso, Agustín; Attademo, Andrés M; Lajmanovich, Rafael C; Peltzer, Paola M; Junges, Celina; Cabagna, Mariana C; Fiorenza, Gabriela S; Sanchez-Hernandez, Juan Carlos


    In this study, we determined normal serum butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and carboxylesterase (CbE) activities in Tupinambis merianae in order to obtain reference values for organophosphorus pesticide monitoring. Forty-two T. merianae individuals were grouped by sex and size to identify potential differences in their enzyme levels to allow for proper representation of normal values for females, males, juveniles, and hatchlings. Mean CbE was determined using two model substrates: alpha-naphtylacetate (α-NA) and p-nitrophenyl valerate (4-NPV). BChE and CbE sensitivity to malaoxon (Mx) was also evaluated as well as the possibility of BChE reactivation with pyridine-2-aldoxime methochloride (2-PAM). Mean adult females' BChE was significantly higher than adult males, juveniles, and hatchlings. No significant differences were found between groups regarding CbE. CbE (4-NPV) activity showed slightly negative correlation with lizard snout-vent length, while BChE and CbE (α-NA) showed no correlation with body size. Apparent IC(50) values for BChE and CbE (α-NA) suggested different sensitivities among groups. CbE (4-NPV) could not be inhibited. All Mx-inhibited groups treated with 2-PAM in a final concentration of 2.8 mM showed clear signs of reactivation. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that (1) plasma esterase activity did not vary with age and sex, except for BChE activity, and (2) because biological and environmental variables could be confounding factors in the response of plasma cholinesterases, complementary biomarkers like CbE inhibition and oxime-induced reactivation of esterases are strongly recommended.

  20. Baseline values of micronuclei and comet assay in the lizard Tupinambis merianae (Teiidae, Squamata). (United States)

    Schaumburg, Laura G; Poletta, Gisela L; Siroski, Pablo A; Mudry, Marta D


    The Micronucleus test (MN) and Comet assay (CA) are currently the most widely used methods that allow the characterization of DNA damage induced by physical and chemical agents in wild species. The continuous expansion of the cultivated areas in Argentina, since the introduction of transgenic crops, mainly soy, in association with the increased use of pesticides, transformed deeply the natural environments where the lizard Tupinambis merianae (tegu lizard) occurs. Despite the fact that reptiles have shown to be excellent bioindicators of environmental contaminants, there is no record of genotoxicity studies in T. merianae. The aim of the present study was to adjust the MN test and CA protocols to be applied in erythrocytes of T. merianae, and determine the baseline values of DNA damage in this species. We used 20 adult lizards (10 males: 10 females) from Estación Zoológica Experimental "Granja La Esmeralda" (Santa Fe, Argentina). Peripheral blood samples were collected from all animals and the MN test and CA applied according to the protocols established for other reptilian species. We test critical parameters of CA protocol (cell density, unwinding and electrophoresis times) using increasing concentrations of H2O2 (10, 25 and 50 μM) as a known genotoxic agent to induce DNA damage. Based on this, we determined the most suitable conditions for the CA in this species: a cell density of 4×10(3) erythrocytes per slide, 10 min of unwinding and 15 min of electrophoresis at 0.90 V/cm approximately. The baseline frequency of micronuclei (BFMN=MN/1000 erythrocytes counted) determined for this species was 0.95±0.27 and the basal damage index (BDI: calculated from 100 comet images classified in arbitrary units)=103.85±0.97. No differences were observed between sexes in the BFMN or BDI (p>0.05), and no relation was found between baseline values and length or weight of the analyzed animals (p>0.05). These results demonstrated the sensitivity of both biomarkers of

  1. Seasonal changes in daily metabolic patterns of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae) placed in the cold (17 degrees C) and dark. (United States)

    Milsom, William K; Andrade, Denis V; Brito, Simone P; Toledo, Luis F; Wang, Tobias; Abe, Augusto S


    Abstract Oxygen consumption rate was measured continuously in young tegu lizards Tupinambis merianae exposed to 4 d at 25 degrees C followed by 7-10 d at 17 degrees C in constant dark at five different times of the year. Under these conditions, circadian rhythms in the rate of oxygen consumption persisted for anywhere from 1 d to the entire 2 wk in different individuals in all seasons except the winter. We also saw a progressive decline in standard oxygen consumption rate (at highly variable rates in different individuals) to a very low rate that was seasonally independent (ranging from 19.1 +/- 6.2 to 27.7 +/- 0.2 mL kg(-1) h(-1) across seasons). Although this degree of reduction appeared to take longer to invoke when starting from higher metabolic rates, tegu lizards reduced their metabolism to the low rates seen in winter dormancy at all times of the year when given sufficient time in the cold and dark. In the spring and summer, tegus reduced their standard metabolic rate (SMR) by 80%-90% over the experimental run, but only roughly 20%-30% of the total fall was due to the reduction in temperature; 70%-80% of the total fall occurred at constant temperature. By autumn, when the starting SMR on the first night at 25 degrees C was already reduced by 59%-81% (early and late autumn, respectively) from peak summer values, virtually all of the fall (63%-83%) in metabolism was due to the reduction in temperature. This suggests that the temperature-independent reduction of metabolism was already in place by autumn before the tegus had entered winter dormancy.

  2. [Reproductive pattern and mean size of sexual maturity of female lobsters Panulirus gracilis (Decapoda: Palinuridae) in Playa Lagarto, Guanacaste, Costa Rica]. (United States)

    Naranjo Madrigal, Helven


    The lobster P. gracilis is important as a fishery resource and also contributes to food security of fishers in coastal communities in the North Pacific of Costa Rica. Due to the importance of updating knowledge related to the reproductive pattern of this species, we analyzed 357 specimens of female lobsters caught by the fishing methods of "hookah" and lung diving, from November 2007 to October 2008 in Playa Lagarto. Furthermore, we examined the size composition by depth; monthly pattern of reproductive activity (RAI) associated with the relative increase in sea surface temperature, and also the mean size at maturity using Generalized Linear Models. Four physiological states of sexual maturity showed that females with no signs of mating or sexual maturity have a minimum mean size of 62.3mm of cephalothorax length (CL). There are characteristics of functional maturity from very small sizes ranging from 30 to 50mm CL, being the smallest berried female reported for this specie of 35.8mm CL and the highest percentage of mature females between 70 and 80mm CL. Percentages of RAI remained above 50% during the year except October and January. In addition, it observed an increase in the RAI that started from April and continued until August associated with a relative increase in temperature on March, although the correlation was not significant (r2=0.49, p>0.05). It is possible that the low mean size at maturity (70.2mm LC) for P. gracilis in this region is related to the fishing activity. It recommends the establishment of a ban in the region of at least five months (April-August) in order to protect the reproductive seasonality of the species and to promote a recruitment increase in the fishing areas.

  3. Termorregulación de lagartos en la formación de profesores de ciencias naturales y educación ambiental Thermoregulation of lizards in the training of teachers of natural sciences and environmental education

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    Erika Patricia Daza-Pérez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron las propuestas científicas sobre termorregulación en lagartos para integrar un modelo a partir del cual, mediante un cuestionario y análisis de contenido, se analizaron las explicaciones sobre el fenómeno presentadas por profesores de ciencias en formación pertenecientes a un programa de Licenciatura en Ciencias Naturales. Los modelos de los profesores distan del modelo científico. Con base en ello se presenta una propuesta y se argumenta sobre la importancia de hacer objeto de trabajo dicha temática en la formación de esos profesores.We studied the scientific proposals on thermoregulation in lizards to build a model from which, through a questionnaire and content analysis, we analyzed the explanations of the phenomenon presented by science teachers training. The models of the professors are far from scientific model. On this basis we present a proposal and argues for the importance of working to that theme in the training of these teachers.

  4. Do sex, body size and reproductive condition influence the thermal preferences of a large lizard? A study in Tupinambis merianae. (United States)

    Cecchetto, Nicolas Rodolfo; Naretto, Sergio


    Body temperature is a key factor in physiological processes, influencing lizard performances; and life history traits are expected to generate variability of thermal preferences in different individuals. Gender, body size and reproductive condition may impose specific requirements on preferred body temperatures. If these three factors have different physiological functions and thermal requirements, then the preferred temperature may represent a compromise that optimizes these physiological functions. Therefore, the body temperatures that lizards select in a controlled environment may reflect a temperature that maximizes their physiological needs. The tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae is one of the largest lizards in South America and has wide ontogenetic variation in body size and sexual dimorphism. In the present study we evaluate intraspecific variability of thermal preferences of T. merianae. We determined the selected body temperature and the rate at which males and females attain their selected temperature, in relation to body size and reproductive condition. We also compared the behavior in the thermal gradient between males and females and between reproductive condition of individuals. Our study show that T. merianae selected body temperature within a narrow range of temperatures variation in the laboratory thermal gradient, with 36.24±1.49°C being the preferred temperature. We observed no significant differences between sex, body size and reproductive condition in thermal preferences. Accordingly, we suggest that the evaluated categories of T. merianae have similar thermal requirements. Males showed higher rates to obtain heat than females and reproductive females, higher rates than non-reproductive ones females. Moreover, males and reproductive females showed a more dynamic behavior in the thermal gradient. Therefore, even though they achieve the same selected temperature, they do it differentially. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. The influence of disturbed habitat on the spatial ecology of Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae), a recent invader in the Everglades ecosystem (Florida, USA) (United States)

    Klug, Page E.; Reed, Robert N.; Mazzotti, Frank J.; McEachern, Michelle A.; Vinci, Joy J.; Craven, Katelin K.; Yackel Adams, Amy A.


    The threat of invasive species is often intensified in disturbed habitat. To optimize control programs, it is necessary to understand how degraded habitat influences the behavior of invasive species. We conducted a radio telemetry study to characterize movement and habitat use of introduced male Argentine black and white tegus (Tupinambis merianae) in the Everglades of southern Florida from May to August 2012 at the core and periphery of the introduced range. Tegus at the periphery moved farther per day (mean 131.7 ± 11.6 m, n = 6) compared to tegus at the core (mean 50.3 ± 12.4 m, n = 6). However, activity ranges were not significantly smaller in the core (mean 19.4 ± 8.4 ha, n = 6) compared to periphery (mean 29.1 ± 5.2 ha, n = 6). Peripheral activity ranges were more linear due to activity being largely restricted to levee habitat surrounded by open water or marsh. Tegus were located in shrub or tree habitat (mean 96%) more often than expected based on random locations (mean 58%), and the percent cover of trees and shrubs was higher in activity ranges (mean 61%) than the general study area (17%). Our study highlighted the ability of tegus to spread across the Florida landscape, especially in linear disturbed habitats where increased movement occurred and in areas of altered hydrology where movement is not restricted by water.

  6. Learning to hunt Crocodiles: social organization in the process of knowledge generation and the emergence of management practices among Mayan of Mexico. (United States)

    Zamudio, Fernando; Bello-Baltazar, Eduardo; Estrada-Lugo, Erin I J


    New kinds of knowledge, usage patterns and management strategies of natural resources emerge in local communities as a way of coping with uncertainty in a changing world. Studying how human groups adapt and create new livelihoods strategies are important research topics for creating policies in natural resources management. Here, we study the adoption and development of lagartos (Crocodylus moreletii) commercial hunting by Mayan people from a communal land in Quintana Roo state. Two questions guided our work: how did the Mayan learn to hunt lagartos? And how, and in what context, did knowledge and management practices emerge? We believe that social structures, knowledge and preexisting skills facilitate the hunting learning process, but lagarto ecological knowledge and organizational practice were developed in a "learning by doing" process. We conducted free, semi-structured and in-depth interviews over 17 prestigious lagartos hunters who reconstructed the activity through oral history. Then, we analyzed the sources of information and routes of learning and investigated the role of previous knowledge and social organization in the development of this novel activity. Finally, we discussed the emergence of hunting in relation to the characteristic of natural resource and the tenure system. Lagarto hunting for skin selling was a short-term activity, which represented an alternative source of money for some Mayans known as lagarteros. They acquired different types of knowledge and skills through various sources of experience (individual practice, or from foreign hunters and other Mayan hunters). The developed management system involved a set of local knowledge about lagartos ecology and a social organization structure that was then articulated in the formation of "working groups" with particular hunting locations (rumbos and trabajaderos), rotation strategies and collaboration among them. Access rules and regulations identified were in an incipient state of development


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    Jenniffer Velasquez


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron aspectos de ecología térmica y patrón de actividad del lagarto Tropidurus hispidus en ejemplares colectados en un bosque tropófilo del estado Sucre, Venezuela; entre junio 2007 y mayo 2008. La temperatura media corporal fue de 35,68±1,4ºC y f entre 32,6 y 37,8ºC. En hembras el intervalo de temperatura corporal (Tc en sequía fue 34-38 ºC y en lluvia fluctuó entre 32- 38ºC. En machos el intervalo de temperatura corporal (Tc en sequía fue 35-37ºC y en lluvia 34-35ºC. Mediante una regresión lineal, no se encontró relación entre la temperatura del aire (Ta y sustrato (Ts. La tendencia termorreguladora se determinó a partir del criterio de Huey y Slatkin, variando de acuerdo a los períodos climáticos, indicando termorregulación activa (-0,019 en sequía y termorregulación pasiva (0,189 en lluvia. Dividiendo la actividad horaria en tres segmentos: matutino, central y vespertino, el patrón de actividad fue bimodal en sequía y unimodal en lluvia. Para relacionar el patrón de actividad con las variables ambientales (aire y sustrato se utilizó la correlación de Pearson, en sequia se obtuvo una correlación negativa con la temperatura del aire (-0,78 y con el sustrato (-0,65. En lluvia no se relacionó con la temperatura del aire (-0,056 ni con el sustrato (-0,04. La amplitud del nicho térmico se calculó empleando el índice de Levins, no observándose diferencias apreciables entre machos y hembras en ambos períodos y la sobreposición de nicho térmico entre sexos, obtenido mediante el índice de Pianka, fue 0,81 en lluvia y 0,90 en sequía.

  8. Misura de Massa e Larghezza degli Stati $x_1$ e $x_2$ del Charmonio Formati in Interazioni $p - \\bar{p}$

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pallavicini, Marco [Univ. of Genoa (Italy)


    Oggetto di questa tesi è la misura di alcune caratteristiche fisiche ( massa, larghezza, e larghezza parziale in p - p) degli stati 3 Pi e 3 A del charmonio, - overo del sistema legato di un quark "charm" e del suo antiquark-, nell'ambito dell'esperimento E-760, installato nell'accumulatore di antiprotoni del Fermilab (U.S.A).

  9. Relaciones espaciales y alimenticias del ensamblaje de reptiles del complejo cenagoso de Zapatosa, departamento del Cesar (Colombia

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    Guido Fabian Medina-Rangel


    Full Text Available Para conocer los factores ambientales que favorece la riqueza y abundancia de especies y grupos de reptiles, su preferencia por microhábitats, dieta de especies y diferencias entre hábitats en parámetros como tamaño de individuos, grado de detección y proporción de depredación, se realizaron salidas en áreas circundantes al complejo cenagoso de Zapatosa, entre noviembre de 2006 y octubre de 2007, abarcando la época de lluvias y la época seca en cinco tipos hábitats. Los hábitats con diferencias significativas entre variables ambientales y estructurales fueron: bosque de ribera, palmar, sabanas arboladas y bosque casmófito; el bosque de ribera y bosque seco no resultaron diferentes. La inclinación del terreno y el grado de intervención antrópica fueron las variables más relacionadas con la abundancia de las especies. Al aumentar la pendiente y la intervención antrópica disminuyó la riqueza y abundancia de reptiles en general y de serpientes y lagartos; con el aumento de la temperatura media ambiental la abundancia de reptiles disminuyó. Con el aumento de la cobertura herbácea y la disminución del diámetro de los árboles, disminuyó la riqueza de lagartos y serpientes. El tamaño corporal de los reptiles no fue diferente entre hábitats, aunque las tallas pequeñas predominaron en todos. Las serpientes presentaron menores valores de detección que los lagartos. El bosque de ribera presentó los valores más altos de detección. Un quinto de todas las lagartijas presentó algún signo de depredación y fue más alta en el palmar. Los reptiles terrestres fueron los más ricos y abundantes en el estudio. Los lagartos presentaron la mayor amplitud en el uso de hábitat y microhábitat, mientras que las serpientes Helicops danieli y Leptodeira septentrionalis y los lagartos Anolis gaigei, Gonatodes albogularis y Cnemidophorus lemniscatus en el uso de alimento. Los lagartos exhibieron mayor solapamiento en el uso de los recursos.

  10. Hábitos alimenticios de Sphoeroides testudineus (Perciformes: Tetraodontidae en el sistema lagunar de Ría Lagartos, Yucatán, México

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    Ariel Adriano Chi-Espínola


    Full Text Available Sphoeroides testudineus, es una especie dominante en los sistemas costeros de Yucatán. Debido a su amplia distribución, ocurrencia y abundancia realiza un importante papel funcional en los ecosistemas costeros. Evaluamos para esta especie las preferencias tróficas y su variación a nivel espacial y temporal en la laguna de Ría Lagartos, un ecosistema hiperhalino localizado al noroeste de la península de Yucatán. Los especímenes fueron recolectados bimensualmente durante dos periodos anuales (2004-2005 y 2007-2008 en 23 sitios distribuidos a lo largo del sistema en cuatro zonas (marina, canal, Coloradas oeste y Coloradas este. Las variaciones tróficas espaciales y temporales fueron evaluadas mediante un análisis de correspondencia canónica (ACC. En un total de 382 individuos, se obtuvieron 68 recursos alimenticios incluidos en 20 grupos tróficos. El mayor índice de importancia relativa (IIR lo obtuvieron los bivalvos, gasterópodos y macrófitas. La variación trófica estacional mostró que los bivalvos y gasterópodos son consumidos a lo largo del año, mientras que las macrófitas constituyeron el alimento preferencial en la temporada de lluvias y nortes. La variación espacial indica un bajo consumo de gasterópodos hacia el interior de la laguna, y lo opuesto sucedió con los bivalvos. El consumo de macrófitas pudo ser debido a su mayor abundancia durante lluvias y en la zona del canal. El ACC mostró que la variación trófica espacial se debió a la abundancia de las presas preferenciales (bivalvos y gasterópodos, mientras que las diferencias estacionales por las presas secundarias (anfípodos, huevos, nematodos, braquiuros, detritus, nemátodos. Los resultados contribuyen al conocimiento biológico de la especie y resaltan la importancia y función trófica de Sphoeroides testudineus en las transferencias de energía desde el bentos hacia los niveles tróficos superiores de la cadena alimenticia.

  11. Hábitos alimentares de Enyalius perditus (Squamata, Leiosauridae) no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil


    Sousa,Bernadete Maria de; Cruz,Carlos Alberto Gonçalves


    No presente estudo foi analisado a dieta de Enyalius perditus Jackson, 1978 e suas variações de acordo com disponibilidade de alimento no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Três áreas de matas foram amostradas, utilizando-se armadilhas de queda e adesivas para captura dos lagartos e itens-presa disponíveis. Os lagartos (n= 55) foram dissecados e o conteúdo estomacal analisado. O Índice de eletividade mostrou que larvas foram importantes volumetricamente na dieta de E. perditu...

  12. Reproductive success of South American terns (Sterna hirundinacea from Cardos Islands, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

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    Hélio A.A. Fracasso


    Full Text Available Sterna hirundinacea (Lesson, 1831 is a migratory seabird that breeds in the Pacific Coast (from Peru to Chile and along the Atlantic coast of South America from Espírito Santo (Brazil to Terra del Fuego (Argentina. This paper describes the reproductive success of South American Terns on Cardos Island, Florianopolis, Brazil in the breeding seasons of 2003, 2005 and 2006. The colony was formed in mid-May in 2003 and early April in other years, with the total number of nests ranging from 1,852 in 2006 to 2,486 in 2005. Hatching success was estimated at 76.39% in 2006, 62.73% in 2003 and 41.1% in 2005, the lowest value that could be attributed to predation by hawks Caracara plancus, lizards Tupinambis merianae and black vulture Coragyps atratus. The chicks hatched in July in 2003, and in June 2005 and 2006, and fledging success was 50.94%, 35.96 and 53.47% respectively. Cardos Island has been constantly used as a breeding site by South American Terns, and therefore represents an important area for conservation of this species. This success could be attributed to low pressure of Kelp gulls (Larus dominicanus, the main predator of seabirds along the Brazilian coast.Sterna hirundinacea (Lesson, 1831 é uma ave migratória que nidifica na costa do Pacífico (do Peru ao Chile e ao longo do Atlântico Sul do Espírito Santo (Brasil até a Terra do Fogo (Argentina. Este trabalho descreve o sucesso reprodutivo do trinta-réis do bico-vermelho na ilha dos Cardos, Florianópolis, Brasil, durante as temporadas reprodutivas de 2003, 2005 e 2006. A formação da colônia ocorreu em maio de 2003 e inicio de abril nos outros anos, com um total de ninhos variando entre 1.852 em 2006 a 2.486 em 2005. O sucesso de incubação foi estimado em 76,39% (2006, 62,73% (2003 e 41,1% em 2005, sendo que os menores valores puderam ser atribuídos a predação dos gaviões Caracara plancus, lagartos Tupinambis merianae e urubus Coragyps atratus. As primeiras eclosões foram

  13. The relationship between body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate, and rate of oxygen consumption, in the tegu lizard (Tupinambis merianae) at various levels of activity. (United States)

    Piercy, Joanna; Rogers, Kip; Reichert, Michelle; Andrade, Denis V; Abe, Augusto S; Tattersall, Glenn J; Milsom, William K


    The present study determined whether EEG and/or EMG recordings could be used to reliably define activity states in the Brazilian black and white tegu lizard (Tupinambis merianae) and then examined the interactive effects of temperature and activity states on strategies for matching O2 supply and demand. In a first series of experiments, the rate of oxygen consumption (VO2), breathing frequency (fR), heart rate (fH), and EEG and EMG (neck muscle) activity were measured in different sleep/wake states (sleeping, awake but quiet, alert, or moving). In general, metabolic and cardio-respiratory changes were better indictors of the transition from sleep to wake than were changes in the EEG and EMG. In a second series of experiments, the interactive effects of temperature (17, 27 and 37 °C) and activity states on fR, tidal volume (VT), the fraction of oxygen extracted from the lung per breath (FIO2-FEO2), fH, and the cardiac O2 pulse were quantified to determine the relative roles of each of these variables in accommodating changes in VO2. The increases in oxygen supply to meet temperature- and activity-induced increases in oxygen demand were produced almost exclusively by increases in fH and fR. Regression analysis showed that the effects of temperature and activity state on the relationships between fH, fR and VO2 was to extend a common relationship along a single curve, rather than separate relationships for each metabolic state. For these lizards, the predictive powers of fR and fH were maximized when the effects of changes in temperature, digestive state and activity were pooled. However, the best r(2) values obtained were 0.63 and 0.74 using fR and fH as predictors of metabolic rate, respectively.

  14. Experimental infestation with the immatures of Amblyomma dissimile Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae on Tropidurus torquatus (Lacertilia: Iguanidae and Oryctolagus cuniculus Infestação experimental com as fases imaturas de Amblyomma dissimile Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae em Tropidurus torquatus (Lacertilia: Iguanidae e Oryctolagus cuniculus

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    L.H.T. Freitas


    Full Text Available Larvas provenientes de duas fêmeas de Amblyomma dissimile Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae, naturalmente ingurgitadas em uma iguana (Iguana iguana e provenientes do Estado do Mato Grosso, foram utilizadas na infestação experimental de lagartos da espécie Tropidurus torquatus e coelhos domésticos. As larvas alimentadas em ambos os hospedeiros realizaram ecdise para ninfas. As ninfas apenas ingurgitaram no lagarto e mudaram para machos e fêmeas. Este é o primeiro registro do parasitismo de larvas e ninfas de A. dissimile em T. torquatus e de larvas em coelhos.

  15. Osteologia do neurocrânio de Iguana iguana iguana (Squamata: Iguanidae

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    Fabiano C. Lima


    Full Text Available Resumo: O crânio representa o segmento com conspícuas adaptações que, nos lagartos, podem ser conservativas ou impulsionadas por pressões seletivas. Objetivando subsidiar o conhecimento morfológico dos répteis, fornecemos uma descrição detalhada dos ossos que formam o neurocrânio de Iguana iguana iguana com base na análise de três esqueletos secos de espécimes adultos. O crânio da referia espécie possui características basais entre os lagartos sem o fechamento das aberturas cranianas e formato geral triangular. As estruturas ósseas que formam a base craniana apresentam muitas fusões, principalmente no assoalho. Na face caudal o exoccipital e o opistótico estão fundidos e formam o otoccipital, que contribui para a formação dos terços laterais do côndilo occipital. A parte central do côndilo é formada pelo supraoccipital. Fusões e estruturas esqueléticas presentes em Iguana são similares aos demais lagartos. Não foram descritas autapomorfias no neurocrânio para esta espécie.


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    Marta Lucia Calderón- Espinosa


    Anolis auratus se distribuye desde Costa Rica en Centro América, el norte de Sur América, incluyendo Colombia, Venezuela, norte de Brasil, Surinam y las Guyanas. En Colombia, su amplia distribución en distintas zonas de vida sugiere que estos lagartos ocupan distintos ambientes, y por tanto, posiblemente exhiben variación geográfica en el uso de microhabitat. Por otra parte, algunas observaciones sugieren que estos lagartos prefieren zonas abiertas, seleccionando pastizales y por tanto, una hipótesis alternativa es que usan el mismo microhabitat en toda su distribución. En Anolis, las variables corporales

  17. El obispo que estuvo a punto de ser procesado. Antonio Palenzuela y la «cárcel concordataria» de Zamora

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    Martín de Santa Olalla Saludes, Pablo


    Full Text Available The present article is centred in one of the conflicts less known about relations Catholic Church-Spanish State after Council Vatican II: the one who could be called «case Palenzuela», a matter of possible indictment that never went so far as to take place because of the events in spanish politics (the change in Presidency of Government, when Carlos Arias Navarro relieved murdered Admiral Carrero Blanco, betting for a line of dialogue opened with the Holy See (fastly frustrated by facts like «case Añoveros» that, in any case, never went so far as to obtain fruits of authentic trascendency.El presente artículo se centra en uno de los conflictos menos conocidos de las relaciones Iglesia-Estado en el Posconcilio: el que podríamos llamar caso Palenzuela, un asunto de posible enjuiciamiento que nunca llegó a producirse por el devenir de la política española, que conllevó un cambio en el Gobierno (Carlos Arias Navarro en lugar del fallecido Almirante Carrero Blanco en el que se apostó por una línea de diálogo abierto con la Santa Sede (rápidamente frustrada por hechos como el caso Añoveros que, sin embargo, nunca llegó a obtener frutos de auténtica trascendencia.

  18. Avaliação da predação de Podocnemis expansa e Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines, Podocnemididae no rio Javaés, Tocantins Evaluation of predation in Podocnemis expansa and Podocnemis unifilis (Testudines, Podocnemididae in the Javaés River, Tocantins

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    Giovanni Salera Junior


    Full Text Available Podocnemis expansa e P. unifilis são animais de vida longa, com uma demorada maturação sexual, o que influencia uma baixa taxa de substituição de indivíduos. Suas populações são caracterizadas por uma pequena mortalidade dos animais adultos, mas alta taxa de mortalidade de filhotes e embriões. Sendo a predação natural de ninhos e filhotes um dos fatores mais importantes do baixo sucesso de eclosão dessas espécies. No rio Javaés, os ovos e recém-eclodidos podem ser predados por uma grande diversidade de animais: dentre as aves, urubus (Coragyps atratus e Cathartes aura, carcará (Polyborus plancus, jaburu (Jabiru mycteria; lagartos (Tupinambis teguixin e mamíferos de pequeno porte, coati (Nasua nasua e cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous. Do total anual de desovas de P. unifilis em média 65,98% são predadas, sendo 41,68% de forma total e 24,30% parcialmente. Enquanto que apenas 5,31% das ninhadas de P. expansa são sempre parcialmente predadas. Dentre os predadores aquáticos existem diversos peixes, principalmente piranhas (Serrasalmus nattereri e jacarés (Melanosuchus niger e Caimam crocodilus. Os predadores das fêmeas de P. unifilis são: jacaré-açu (Melanosuchus niger, onça-pintada (Panthera onca e onça-parda (Puma concolor. Enquanto que as fêmeas de P. expansa em postura, somente são predadas por P. onca. As fêmeas de P. unifilis em postura são predadas num total médio de 3,93% anualmente, enquanto que para P. expansa a média anual é 5,66% das fêmeas.Podocnemis expansa and P. unifilis long lived with late sexual maturation, which influences a low replacement rate of individuals. Their populations are characterized by low adults mortality, but high mortality of embryos and hatchlings. The natural nest predation is an important factor for hatchling success. In Javaés River, the eggs and hatchlings can be predated by a large number of animals such as birds, vultures (Coragyps atratus and Cathartes aura, carcar

  19. Histological evidence of reproductive activity in lizards from the APM Manso, Chapada dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso State, Brazil =Evidências histológicas da atividade reprodutiva em lagartos da região da APM Manso, Chapada dos Guimarães, Estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil

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    Christine Strüssmann


    Full Text Available The construction of dams causes major impacts on fauna by changing or eliminating irreversibly their habitats. The resulting changes lead to deep potential modifications on reproductive biology and population structure of lizards, snakes and amphisbaenas. The reservoir in the Multiple Use Area of Manso (APM-Manso is located near to Chapada dos Guimarães National Park, in Mato Grosso State. We analyzed comparatively the male gonads of Anolis meridionalis, Colobosaura modesta, Cercosaura ocellata, Cnemidophorus ocellifer, Hoplocercus spinosus, Bachia bresslaui, Mabuya frenata, Micrablepharus atticolus and Tropidurus oreadicus, from APM-Manso, aiming to verify possible changes in the reproductive success according to environmental changes. Before the impoundment A. meridionalis, Colobosaura modesta, Cercosaura ocellata, M. atticolus and T. oreadicus showed up reproductive. However, during the impoundment period they presented changes in seminiferous tubules, evidenced by the absence of spermatids and spermatozoids. B. bresslaui and M. frenata had no differences in the seminiferous tubules before and after the impoundment, being reproductive in both moments. The damming and the formation of the lake of Manso reservoir may have interfered on the reproduction of some lizards species, especially if the reproductive cycle is regulated by the rainfall of the habitat.A construção de barragens tem ocasionado grandes impactos sobre a fauna ao alterar ou eliminar seus habitats de forma irreversível. Alterações decorrentes exercem profundas modificações potenciais na biologia reprodutiva e na estrutura populacional de lagartos, serpentes e anfisbenas. O reservatório da Área de Aproveitamento Múltiplo de Manso (APM-Manso localiza-se próximo ao Parque Nacional da Chapada dos Guimarães, em Mato Grosso. Foram analisadas comparativamente as gônadas masculinas de Anolis meridionalis, Colobosaura modesta, Cercosaura ocellata, Cnemidophorus ocellifer

  20. Infection rates of pentastomids on lizards in urban habitats in the Brazilian northeast Níveis de infecção por pentastomídeos em lagartos de habitats urbanos no nordeste brasileiro

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    WO. Almeida


    Full Text Available The rates of pentastomid infections in the syntopic lizards Hemidactylus mabouia and Tropidurus hispidus inhabiting buildings at the Federal University of Paraiba, in João Pessoa, NE Brazil were examined. A total of 30 specimens of Hemidactylus mabouia and 55 specimens of Tropidurus hispidus were examined. The animals were sacrificed by freezing and then fixed and conserved in 70% alcohol. Analyses of the respiratory tract of Hemidactylus mabouia demonstrated that these lizards were infected by Raillietiella frenatus at a rate of 20% (6/30 with an average infection intensity of 1.33 ± 0.21, 1-2. None of the specimens of T. hispidus analyzed were infected. Hemidactylus mabouia and R. frenatus are of African origin and it is possible that there are specific relationships, or preferences, between these two species.Foram analisadas as taxas de infecção por pentastomídeos nos lagartos simpátricos Hemidactylus mabouia e Tropidurus hispidus, habitando prédios da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, em João Pessoa, Nordeste do Brasil. Para tanto, foram examinados 30 espécimes de Hemidactylus mabouia e 55 de Tropidurus hispidus. Os espécimes coletados foram eutanizados por congelamento, fixados e conservados em álcool 70%. A análise do trato respiratório dos Hemidactylus mabouia mostrou que estavam infectados por Raillietiella frenatus, com prevalência de 20% (6/30 e intensidade de infecção média de 1,33 ± 0,21, 1-2. Nenhum espécime de T. hispidus analisado estava infectado. Hemidactylus mabouia e R. frenatus possuem origem africana e é possível que haja alguma relação de especificidade ou preferência entre essas espécies.

  1. Citogenética de los lagartos del género Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae de América del Sur

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    Aiassa, Delia


    Full Text Available Los lagartos del género Liolaemus se distribuyen desde las altas cordilleras de Perú y Bolivia en el norte hasta el extremo austral de América del Sur. Se analizan los cariotipos descriptos para las 55 especies de Liolaemus con análisis citogenético reportado, que están incluidos en la clasificación de Etheridge (1995, como grupos chiliensis, signifer, montanus, boulengeri y wiegmanni. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: (1 analizar y comparar la composición citogenética de las mismas, (2 revalorizar la participación de la citogenética en la resolución de confusiones taxonómicas dentro del género, (3 obtener caracteres citogenéticos para análisis filo- genéticos, (4 plantear inferencias sobre su evolución cromosómica y pautas apropiadas para el trabajo citogenético en el género. La configuración cromosómica diploide varía desde 2n= 28 para L. uspallatensis a 2n= 44 para L. monticola monticola, comúnmente formada por 6 pares de macrocromosomas de morfología metacéntrica o submetacéntrica y 16 a 32 microcromosomas. El estudio de las figuras meióticas en especies con microcromosomas es aconsejable porque permite definir con mayor certeza el número diploide. La revisión de las publicaciones pone de manifiesto que las bandas C no son informativas para este género. Se analizan ejemplos sobre los aportes de la caracterización citogenética de las especies a la diagnosis, como el «complejo darwini», especies del grupo chiliensis y casos de simpatría. Se propone para el género Liolaemus, una serie de doce caracteres citogenéticos para ser incorporados a futuros estudios filogenéticos. En el grupo boulengeri el aumento de microcromosomas por fisiones céntricas sería la principal característica en la evolución cromosómica del grupo. Se advierte que el conocimiento acabado de cada especie y las relaciones entre las especies del género no es sencillo y sólo será posible con el trabajo interdisciplinario de tax

  2. Genetic diversity detection of the domestic horse (Equus caballus by genes associated with coat color

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    Luz Correa A


    Full Text Available Objective. To assess the population structure and genetic diversity in populations of domestic horse (Equus caballus in the municipality Cienaga de Oro-Córdoba (Colombia. Materials and methods. Random sampling were conducted between August and October 2013, in adult animals on farms seven districts, which was carried out phenotypic characterization of each animal, based on autosomal markers encoding morphological Extension (E , Agouti (A, Cream (C, White (W, Gray (G, Tobiano (TO, Overo (O and Roan (RN. Population genetic parameters: allele frequency, genetic diversity, gene flow, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and genetic distance were calculated through the program POPGENE 1.31; the genetic structure was assessed using the program FSTAT v. Results. 341 individuals were analyzed in the seven populations studied, where the Extension gene Was the MOST faq frequently as the Overo and Tobiano genes showed the lowest values. Insignificant values of genetic variability and population recorded a global level, likewise, low genetic differentiation among populations, accompanied by a high gene flow was obtained; an excess of heterozygotes at population and global level was observed; to this is added the presence of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in all populations relative to the markers studied and low genetic distance values were reported. Conclusions. The populations are highly genetically related, a situation that may result from the existing geographical proximity between them, favoring genetic exchange and the establishment of a metapopulation.

  3. Patrón reproductivo y talla media de madurez sexual de hembras de la langosta Panulirus gracilis (Decapoda: Palinuridae en Playa Lagarto, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

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    Helven Naranjo Madrigal


    Full Text Available La langosta Panulirus gracilis es importante como recurso pesquero de las comunidades costeras en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica. Debido a la importancia de actualizar el conocimiento relacionado con el patrón reproductivo de esta especie, se analizaron 357 especímenes de langostas P. gracilis hembras capturados mediante el buceo con compresor y el buceo a pulmón durante noviembre de 2007 a octubre del 2008 en Playa Lagarto. Se examinó la composición de las tallas por estrato de profundidad, el patrón mensual de la actividad reproductiva (IAR asociado al aumento relativo de la temperatura superficial del océano, y además se determinó la talla media de madurez sexual utilizando Modelos Lineales Generalizados. Los cuatro estados fisiológicos de madurez sexual mostraron que las hembras sin masa espermatófora y no ovígeras, presentaron las menores tallas con una media de 62.3mm de longitud cefalotoráxica (LC. Se observaron características de madurez sexual a partir de tallas muy bajas que van desde 30 a 50mm de LC, encontrándose la menor hembra ovígera reportada para esta especie de 35.8mm de LC y el mayor porcentaje de hembras maduras entre 70 y 80mm de LC. Los porcentajes del IAR se mantuvieron por encima del 50% durante el año, con excepción de los meses de octubre y enero. Además, se observó un aumento en el IAR que inició a partir de abril y continuó hasta agosto asociado a un relativo aumento en la temperatura a partir del mes de marzo, sin embargo esta relación no fue significativa (r²=0.49, p>0.05. No se descarta que la baja talla media de madurez sexual de 70.2mm de LC para P. gracilis en esta región sea causada por las prácticas de pesca. Se recomienda que se establezca una veda en la región de cinco meses (abril-agosto con el fin de proteger la estacionalidad reproductiva de la especie y promover un mayor reclutamiento a las áreas de pesca.

  4. A new species of predaceous midge of the genus Monohelea Kieffer from Mexico (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). (United States)

    Felippe-Bauer, M L; Huerta, H; Bernal, S I


    A description and illustrations of Monohelea maya, new species, based on male and female characteristics are provided. The specimens were collected in the special biosphere Reserves of Ria Lagartos and Ria Celestun, Yucatan State, Mexico.

  5. Reactividad inmunoquímica de sueros anti- Caiman yacare y Caiman latirostris frente a sueros de diferentes especies

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    de Roodt, Adolfo Rafael


    Full Text Available Se estudió la reactividad inmunoquímica entre los sueros de distintas especies de reptiles frente a sueros hiperinmunes experimentales anti-suero de Caiman yacare y anti-suero de Caiman latirostris. Los sueros que se probaron fueron los homólogos de Caiman yacare, Caiman latirostris y los heterólogos de Alligator missisipiensis, Tupinambis merinae, Tupinambis rufescens, Chelonoidis chilensis, Clelia rustica, Waglerophis merremii, Lystrophys dorbignyi, Phyton molurus, Boa constrictor occidentalis, Eunectes notaeus, Crotalus durissus terrificus, Bothrops alternatus, Bothrops diporus, Bothrops jararaca, Bothrops jararacussu, Bothrops moojeni, Pitangus sulphuratus y Gallus gallus. La reactividad inmunoquímica se determinó mediante las técnicas de doble inmunodifusión y ELISA, mostrándose importante entre los sueros de los crocodrílidos y baja entre estos y los de las otras especies de reptiles estudiadas. Se observó mayor reactividad entre los antisueros anti-Caiman respecto a los sueros de Caiman latirostris y Caiman yacare que frente al suero de Alligator missisipiensis. Además, se encontró una fuerte reactividad entre ambos sueros anti-Caiman y el de Gallus gallus poniendo en evidencia la fuerte reactividad entre los sueros de arcosaurios. In order to study the immunochemical reactivity among sera from different species of reptiles regarding sera from Caiman, the immunoreactivity of sera from reptiles against antisera to Caiman yacare or anti-Caiman latirostris sera was studied. These hiperimmune sera were tested against sera from Alligator missisipiensis, Tupinambis merinae, Tupinambis rufescens, Chelonoidis chilensis, Clelia rustica, Waglerophis merremii, Lystrophys dorbignyi, Phyton molurus, Boa constrictor occidentalis, Eunectes notaeus, Crotalus durissus terrificus, Bothrops alternatus, Bothrops neuwiedii, Bothrops jararaca, Bothrops jararacussu, Bothrops moojeni, Pitangus sulphuratus and Gallus gallus. The immunochemical

  6. A new species of predaceous midge of the genus Monohelea Kieffer from Mexico (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae

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    Maria Luiza Felippe-Bauer


    Full Text Available A description and illustrations of Monohelea maya, new species, based on male and female characteristics are provided. The specimens were collected in the special biosphere Reserves of Ria Lagartos and Ria Celestun, Yucatan State, Mexico.

  7. Evaluación ecológica rápida de la herpetofauna del humedal de Jaboque, Colombia

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    Edgardo Ruiz Sáenz


    alguna vez hubiera existido al menos una especie en el humedal de Jaboque. Quizás debido a la gran transformación a la que ha sido sometido el humedal, los lagartos pueden haber sido eliminados del sector.

  8. Redescription of Tijubina pontei, an Early Cretaceous lizard (Reptilia; Squamata from the Crato Formation of Brazil

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    Tiago R. Simões


    Full Text Available The record of Gondwanan Mesozoic lizards is very poor. Among the few species described for this region there is Tijubina pontei, an Early Cretaceous lizard from the Crato Formation (late Aptian of northeast Brazil. Its description is very brief and lacks most of its diagnostic characters and clear delimitation from other lizard species. Here, a full redescription of the holotype is provided. T. pontei is demonstrated to be a valid species and a new diagnosis is provided with reference to Olindalacerta brasiliensis, a contemporary species of the Crato Formation. It lacks the posteroventral and posterodorsal processes of the dentary; the tibial/fibular length equals the femoral length and its posterior dentary teeth are robust, cylindrically based, unsculptured and bear no cuspids. The systematic position of T. pontei still needs further clarification, but preliminary analyses indicate that it lies in a rather basal position among the Squamata, similarly to O. brasiliensis.O registro de lagartos do Mesozóico de Gondwana é extremamente limitado. Dentre as poucas espécies descritas para esta região está Tijubina pontei, um lagarto do Cretáceo Inferior da Formação Crato (Aptiano superior do nordeste do Brasil. A sua descrição é muito breve e não contém a maioria dos seus caracteres diagnósticos ou uma clara delimitação das outras espécies de lagartos. Neste trabalho, uma redescrição completa do holótipo, é provida. É demonstrado que T. pontei é espécie válida, e uma nova diagnose é provida com referência à Olindalacerta brasiliensis, uma espécie contemporânea da Formação Crato. Ele não possui os processos posteroventral e posterodorsal do dentário; o comprimento tibilar/fibular é relativamente igual ao comprimento do fêmur e os seus dentes posteriores no dentário são robustos, de base cilindrica, sem ornamentações e sem cúspides. Embora a posição sistemática de T. pontei ainda necessite de maiores

  9. Feeding habits, sexual dimorphism and size at maturity of the lizard Cnemidophorus ocellifer (Spix, 1825 (Teiidae in a reforested restinga habitat in northeastern Brazil Hábito alimentar, dimorfismo sexual e tamanho na maturidade sexual do lagarto Cnemidophorus ocellifer (Spix, 1825 (Teiidae em restinga reflorestada no nordeste do Brasil

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    GG. Santana


    Full Text Available The feeding habits, the sexual dimorphism in size and sexual maturity of the actively foraging lizard Cnemidophorusocellifer were analysed in an area of a reforested Restinga habitat located in the municipality of Mataraca, along the northern-most coast of Paraíba State, Brazil. Seventy-five specimens of C. ocellifer were examined (46 males and 29Â females. Of this total, only 23 specimens had prey in their stomachs. The most frequent prey consumed items were orthopterans (50%, coleopterans (23.9% and arachnids (10.9%; termites and insect larvae were less consumed (both with 2.2%. There were no significant differences observed between the numbers of prey consumed by either males or females. There were significant differences in SVL (snout-vent length between the sexes, with males attaining larger SVL values. When the influence of SVL was removed from the analyses, sexual dimorphism in the form was still reflected in the head size of these lizards. Sexual maturity in females and males was attained with SVL of 42.2 and 49.0 mm respectively. Although no significant difference was observed between the SVL of the females and the number of eggs produced, there was a clear tendency for larger females to produce more eggs. The low structural complexity of the vegetation and the poor soil quality in the reforested restinga area examined does not furnish favourable habitat for insect and termite larvae, contributing to the marked differences in the diet of the population of C. ocellifer observed in the present study in relation to the diet of their conspecifics in undisturbed areas of restinga, cerrado and caatinga.O hábito alimentar, dimorfismo sexual e tamanho na maturidade sexual do lagarto forrageador ativo Cnemidophorus ocellifer foram analisados em um habitat de restinga reflorestada, situado no município de Mataraca, extremo norte do litoral do Estado da Paraíba, Brasil. Foram examinados 75 espécimes de C. ocellifer, sendo 46 machos e 29 f

  10. Review of Mexican species of Podogaster Brullé (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Anomaloninae) with description of two new species. (United States)

    González-Moreno, A; Bordera, S


    Two new species of Podogaster Brullé, Podogaster brunneus n. sp. and Podogaster lagartensis n. sp., are described. The material was collected with Malaise traps operated for a year in the Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve, a dry tropical area of Southeast Mexico. Podogaster rosteri Gauld & Bradshaw is synonymized with Podogaster mexicanus (Cresson). A key to the Mexican species is also provided.

  11. A review of the nutritional content and technological parameters of indigenous sources of meat in South America. (United States)

    Saadoun, A; Cabrera, M C


    Meat yields, proximate compositions, fatty acids compositions and technological parameters are reviewed for species which might be further developed as indigenous sources of meat in South America. These include the alpaca (Lama pacos), capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), guanaco (Lama guanicoe), llama (Lama glama), nutria (Myocastor coypus), collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu), greater rhea (Rhea americana), lesser rhea (Rhea pennata), yacare (Caiman crocodilus yacare), tegu lizard (Tupinambis merianae) and green iguana (Iguana iguana).

  12. Stochastic receding horizon control: application to an octopedal robot (United States)

    Shah, Shridhar K.; Tanner, Herbert G.


    Miniature autonomous systems are being developed under ARL's Micro Autonomous Systems and Technology (MAST). These systems can only be fitted with a small-size processor, and their motion behavior is inherently uncertain due to manufacturing and platform-ground interactions. One way to capture this uncertainty is through a stochastic model. This paper deals with stochastic motion control design and implementation for MAST- specific eight-legged miniature crawling robots, which have been kinematically modeled as systems exhibiting the behavior of a Dubin's car with stochastic noise. The control design takes the form of stochastic receding horizon control, and is implemented on a Gumstix Overo Fire COM with 720 MHz processor and 512 MB RAM, weighing 5.5 g. The experimental results show the effectiveness of this control law for miniature autonomous systems perturbed by stochastic noise.

  13. Oral microbiota of Patagonian lizards of genus Diplolaemus (Leiosauridae: fable to facts

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    Ibargüengoytía, Nora R.


    Full Text Available Existe la creencia popular de que los lagartos del género Diplolaemus (Leiosauridae de Patagonia, Argentina, son capaces de conferir mordeduras venenosas que pueden causar inflamación e incluso la muerte de animales de granja o salvajes. No obstante, no existe evidencia de la existencia de glándulas de veneno en estos lagartos. La inflamación y absceso provocado como resultado de las heridas de mordedura podría ser causado por agentes infecciosos. Este es el primer estudio acerca de la microbiota oral de los lagartos del género Diplolaemus de Argentina. Para este trabajo se analizó un espécimen de D. darwini y tres individuos de Diplolaemus "forma alto patagonica". Las muestras de hisopados de boca de los lagartos fueron incubados aeróbica y anaeróbicamente, algunos de ellos fueron subcultivados en agar de sangre ovina al 5% e incubados nuevamente. Todas las colonias representativas observadas fueron subcultivadas para su purificación y sujetas a tests bioquímicos. La bacteria Clostridium perfigrens fue determinada por medio de la técnica de reacción en cadena de la Polimerasa. Se identificaron cuatro especies de bacterias: Staphylococus warneri, Clostridium bifermentans, Clostridium perfringens y Stomatococcus muscilaginosus. Estas especies son conocidas como agentes etiológicos de numerosas infecciones de humanos y animales. Si bien estas bacterias representan sólo un pequeño número de las posibles bacterias aisladas de la cavidad oral de Diplolaemus, están indicando la presencia de patógenos humanos y animales. Lizards of genus Diplolaemus (Leiosauridae from Patagonia, Argentina are believed to have "poisonous" bites that can cause inflammation and death of farm and wild animals. However there is no evidence of poisonous glands in these lizards. It is proposed that the inflammation and abscesses resulting from these bite wounds are caused by infectious agent(s. This is the first study of the oral microbiota of Diplolaemus

  14. Diet, microhabitat use, and thermal preferences of Ptychoglossus bicolor (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae in an organic coffee shade plantation in Colombia

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    Jaime M. Anaya-Rojas


    Full Text Available Ptychoglossus bicolor is a small gymnophthalmid lizard distributed in the Magdalena Valley of Colombia. We studied ecological features of diet, microhabitat use, and thermal preferences of a population found in an organic coffee shade plantation at the Cordillera Oriental of the Colombian Andes. The studied population had a diet composed predominantly of isopods. The Relative Importance Index of isopods was 98.8%; there were no significant monthly differences in the full stomach content and volume of isopods eaten during the sampling year, neither between rainy and dry seasons. A large number of lizards were found active in the leaf-litter, buried around coffee tree roots, and under or in rotting logs. Lizard body temperature was positively correlated with substrate temperature and air temperature; sex differences in body temperature were not significant. At the studied locality we did not find lizards out of the coffee fields. Our results suggested that these lizards successfully cope with the conditions offered by the organic coffee areas as a result of the cultivation system. Thus, this population might be vulnerable to any modification of the habitat that changes microhabitat availability and abundance of isopods.Ptychoglossus bicolor es un pequeño lagarto de la familia Gymnophthalmidae, que habita el valle del Río Magdalena de Colombia. Se estudiaron las características ecológicas de la dieta, uso de microhábitat y preferencias termales de una población que habita una plantación de café orgánico bajo sombra en la Cordillera Oriental colombiana. La dieta en esta población está dominada por isópodos. El Índice Valor de Importancia Relativa fue del 98.8% y no hubo diferencias mensuales significativas en el contenido estomacal y el volumen de isópodos consumidos durante el año, ni tampoco entre las estaciones de lluvia y seca. Un gran número de lagartos fueron encontrados activos entre la hojarasca, enterrados junto a las ra

  15. Report of reproduction in Ameiva cf. jacuba (Squamata: Teiidae) in Brazilian Cerrado


    Nascimento, Bruno Tayar Marinho do; Moya, Guilherme Marson; Maffei, Fábio


    The family Teiidae is restricted to the New World and is represented by 10 genera in Brazil: Ameiva, Ameivula, Cnemidophorus, Contomastix, Crocodilurus, Dracaena, Kentropyx, Salvator, Teius, and Tupinambis. The reproductive ecology of members of this family has been reported in several studies. Seasonality, clutch frequency, clutch size, egg size, and body size are important variables related to the life history of such oviparous lizards. On 20 September 2012, we collected a female of Ameiva ...

  16. Description of three new species of Labena Cresson from Mexico (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Labeninae), with notes on tropical species richness. (United States)

    González-Moreno, Alejandra; Bordera, Santiago; Sääksjärvi, Ilari Eerikki


    Three new species of Labena Cresson (Ichneumonidae, Labeninae); L. littoralis sp. nov., L. tekalina sp. nov. and L. madoricola sp. nov. are described and illustrated. Material was collected with Malaise traps in 2008 and 2009 in the Biosphere Reserve Ria Lagartos (Mexico). Diagnostic characters to distinguish them from all other New World species of the genus are provided. In addition, the tropical species richness of the genus is shortly discussed.

  17. Análisis descriptivo de la miología flexora y extensora del miembro anterior de Polychrus acutirostris (Squamata, Polychrotidae

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    Silvia Moro


    Full Text Available Se describe la musculatura de la extremidad anterior de Polychrus acutirostris. Se analizó la anatomía de los músculos flexores y extensores, tomándose en cuenta para cada uno los sitios de origen e inserción y las características principales. Los objetivos principales de este trabajo son: contribuir a la identificación de los complejos musculares del antebrazo y la mano; actualizar la nomenclatura de ciertos músculos complicados, y presentar un modelo de la musculatura de la extremidad anterior de un lagarto arborícola, que permita comparar con la anatomía muscular de lagartos con otros hábitos locomotores.The musculature of the forelimb of Polychrus acutirostris is described. The anatomy of the flexor and extensor muscles was analyzed, with a record of the sites of origin and insertion and main characteristics for each muscle. The main purposes of this work are: to contribute to the identification of the muscular complexes of the forearm and manus; to update the nomenclature of certain complicated muscles; and to present a model of the forelimb musculature of an arboreal lizard, to allow comparisons with the muscular anatomy of lizards with other locomotor habits.

  18. Boletín de la AHA | Volumen 5 | Número 3


    Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA)


    VI Reunión de Comunicaciones Herpetológicas. Resúmenes: -Spinelli, C. M.; L. E. Fiorito; C. Stiebel. 1989. Alteraciones histológicas a nivel del intestino delgado en Tupinambis rufescens (Sauria: Teiidae) causadas por Diaphanocephalus galeatus (Nematoda: Diaphanocephalidae). -Grisolia, C. S.; F. O. Peluso; F. Francini; N. O. Stanchi. 1989. Estado actual de la colección herpetológica (Ofidios) del laboratorio y museo de animales venenosos de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentin...

  19. Primer registro de Mesocestoides sp. (Ciclophyllidea: Cestoda) en dos hembras de Diplolaemus leopardinus (Werner, 1898)


    García, Noelia Elizabeth; Ruiz Monachesi, Mario Ricardo; Paz, Marcos Maximiliano


    El parasitismo interno en lagartos, es causado frecuentemente por nematodos, pentastómidos y cestodos (Criscione y Font, 2001; Bursey et al. 2010; McAllister et al. 2011). Entre los cestodos, los Ciclophyllidea constituyen un grupo que afecta principalmente a reptiles y que se caracterizan por causar enfermedades de importancia veterinaria (Schneller y Pantchev, 2008). En este Orden se encuentra el Género Mesocestoides (Vaillant 1863), compuesto por gusanos planos, habitantes del tracto intes...

  20. Primer registro de Mesocestoides sp. (Ciclophyllidea: Cestoda) en dos hembras de Diplolaemus leopardinus (Werner, 1898)


    García, Noelia E.; Ruiz Monachesi, Mario R.; Paz, Marcos Maximiliano


    El parasitismo interno en lagartos, es causado frecuentemente por nematodos, pentastómidos y cestodos. Entre los cestodos, los Ciclophyllidea constituyen un grupo que afecta principalmente a reptiles y que se caracterizan por causar enfermedades de importancia veterinaria. En este Orden se encuentra el género Mesocestoides (Vaillant 1863), compuesto por gusanos planos, habitantes del tracto intestinal y ocasionalmente de las cavidades peritoneales. En este trabajo se evidencia la presencia de...

  1. Seed dispersal of Solanum thomasiifolium Sendtner (Solanaceae in the Linhares Forest, Espírito Santo state, Brazil Dispersão de sementes de Solanum thomasiifolium Sendtner (Solanaceae na Floresta de Linhares, Espírito Santo, Brasil

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    João Vasconcellos-Neto


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to analyse seed dispersal and establishment of Solanum thomasiifolium in an area of "nativo" vegetation in Espirito Santo state on the southeastern Brazilian coast. Ten species of birds, the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous, and one species of lizard (Tropidurus torquatus fed on S. thomasiifolium fruits and dispersed viable seeds in their faeces. The proportional contribution of each of these groups to seed dispersal was 77% (birds, 19% (crab-eating fox and 4% (lizards. Ants also contributed to seed dispersal. More seeds were deposited in vegetation islands than in the surrounding open areas. Germination rates of seeds collected directly from fruit (control, bird droppings, the faeces of crab-eating foxes and lizards were, respectively, 64, 64, 53, and 80 %. Differences among these rates were all significant, except between birds and control. Lizards were important as seed carriers between nearby islands and they expelled a higher proportion of viable seeds. Birds and the crab-eating foxes did not enhance seed germination, but promoted seed dispersal over a wider area. Plant architecture, fruit productivity, fruit characteristics and the diversity of frugivores are important for the success of S. thomasiifolium in habitat colonization.O propósito deste estudo foi analisar a dispersão de sementes e o estabelecimento de Solanum thomasiifolium em uma área de vegetação de "nativo" no Estado do Espírito Santo, na costa do sudeste do Brasil. Dez espécies de aves, o cachorro-do-mato (Cerdocyon thous e uma espécie de lagarto (Tropidurus torquatus alimentaram-se de frutos de S. thomasiifolium e dispersaram sementes viáveis em suas fezes. A contribuição proporcional de cada um destes grupos na dispersão de sementes foi de 77% para aves, 19% para o cachorro-do-mato e 4% para o lagarto. Formigas também contribuíram com a dispersão de sementes. Mais sementes foram depositadas nas ilhas de vegetação do que nas

  2. Heterobothrium lamothei n. sp. (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae from the gills of Sphoeroides testudineus (Pisces: Tetraodontidae from the coast of Yucatán, Mexico Heterobothrium lamothei n. sp. (Monogenea: Diclidophoridae de las branquias de Sphoeroides testudineus (Pisces: Tetraodontidae de la costa de Yucatán, México

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    Víctor M. Vidal-Martínez


    Full Text Available The presence of a member of the genus Heterobothrium is described for the first time from the coast of Yucatán Peninsula, southeastern Mexico. Heterobothrium lamothei n. sp. is recorded parasitizing the gills of the tetraodontid fish Sphoeroides testudineus (Linnaeus, 1758 from 4 coastal lagoons in Yucatán: Celestún (20° 52' N, 90° 24' W, Chelem (21°15'N89°45'W, Dzilam (21°35'N 88°35'W and Río Lagartos (21°22'N 87°30'W. The new species differs from the other species described in the genus, by a combination of characters including a copulatory organ armed with 12-15 genital hooks, the distal pair of clamps smaller in comparison with the 3 other pairs and by having 15-26 testes. The infection parameters were for Celestun, 47 % of prevalence, number of fish examined (n = 47, mean abundance of 1.76 ± 9.62; Chelem, 20 % (n = 30, 0.53 ± 8.48; Dzilam, 2 % (n = 60, 0.02 ± 0.00; Río Lagartos, 25 % (n = 59, 0.34 ± 1.58. Heterobothrium lamothei n. sp. may be considered as potentially dangerous species for the aquaculture of S. testudineus due to its direct life cycle hat high fish densities would increase the transmission of this monogenean.Se registra por primera vez la presencia de un miembro del género Heterobothrium en la costa de la península de Yucatán, México: Heterobothrium lamothei n. sp., parásito de las branquias del pez tetraodóntido Sphoeroides testudineus (Linnaeus, 1758 en 4 lagunas costeras de Yucatán: Celestún (20° 52' N, 90° 24' O, Chelem (21°15'N89°45'O, Dzilam (21°35'N 88°35'O y Río Lagartos (21°22'N 87°30'O. La especie nueva difiere de otras del género por un conjunto de características que incluyen un órgano copulador con 12 a 15 ganchos genitales, un par distal de pinzas más pequeño que los 3 pares superiores y un número reducido de testículos (15-26. Los parámetros de infección para las 4 localidades fueron: Celestún: 47 % de prevalencia, 47 peces examinados (n = 47, abundancia media de 1


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    jeiner jesus castellanos


    Full Text Available La herpetofauna del Parque Nacional Tayrona (Sector Neguanje fue estudiada durante 30 días entre los meses de septiembre y octubre del 2004 por medio del método de registros de encuentros visuales, la búsqueda activa y la disposición de barreras de intercepción con trampas de caída. Se registraron 44 especies, 11 de Anfibios y 33 de Reptiles, distribuidos en 18 familias y 37 géneros. Las curvas de acumulación de especie mostraron que aproximadamente 20 días son suficientes para registrar todas las especies de lagartos, situación inversa fue observada para las especies de ranas y serpientes. El lagarto Lepidoblepharis sanctaemartae fue la especie con mayor abundancia relativa registrada en el sector, lo que implica un buen criterio potencial para su protección. Se amplia la distribución local de la especie Colosthetus ruthveni, la cual era reportada solo para la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta desde su descripción en 1997. Finalmente, este estudio revela que el sector Neguanje presentó el 33 % de la riqueza de especies registrada para la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, lo que posiciona ha esta zona como una de las más representativas en cuanto a biodiversidad en el Caribe Colombiano.

  4. A new squamate lizard from the Upper Cretaceous Adamantina Formation (Bauru Group, São Paulo State, Brazil

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    William R. Nava


    Full Text Available The record of non-mosasaur squamates (Reptilia, Squamata is sparse in the Cretaceus fossil record of Brazil and include six putative reports, three from the Aptian-Albian of the Araripe Basin (Tijubina pontei Bonfim-Júnior and Marques, Olindalacerta brasiliensis Evans and Yabumoto, and a lizard indet. and three from the Upper Cretaceous of the Bauru Group (Pristiguana brasiliensis Estes and Price, Anilioidae gen. et sp. indet., and Squamata gen. et sp. indet.. In this contribution, a new genus and species of lizard, Brasiliguana prudentis gen. et sp. nov., is described based on an isolated left maxilla with teeth. The material was discovered in an outcrop of the Upper Cretaceous Adamantina Formation (Bauru Group located in the proximity of Presidente Prudente Municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. The new taxon is considered a basal non-Priscagamidae+Acrodonta iguanian based on the presence of a weakly inclined anterior margin of the maxillary nasal process and maxillary tooth shape and tooth implantation similar to that of iguanians rather than of other lizard groups (e.g. teiids. This finding significantly increases the squamate lizard diversity of South America, which is still poorly understood and sparsely represented in the fossil record.Os achados de escamados (Reptilia, Squamata são escassos no Cretáceo do Brasil, incluindo cinco registros pontuais, dois do Aptiano-Albiano da Bacia do Araripe (Tijubina pontei Bonfim-Júnior e Marques e Olindalacerta brasiliensis Evans e Yabumoto, e três do Cretáceo Superior do Grupo Bauru (Pristiguana brasiliensis Estes and Price, Anilioidae gen. et sp. indet., Squamata gen. et sp. indet.. Nesta contribuição apresentamos um novo gênero e espécie de lagarto, Brasiliguana prudentis, baseado numa maxila esquerda com dentição. O material provém de depósitos da Formação Adamantina aflorantes próximos a cidade de Presidente Prudente, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O novo táxon é considerado um

  5. Molecular characterization of lizard parasites and their influence on colour ornaments


    Megía Palma, Rodrigo Manuel


    La presente tesis doctoral ha abordado dos objetivos principales: 1) la caracterización morfológica y molecular de los protozoos eimeriorinos más prevalentes en lagartos (Schellackia, Lankesterella, Acroeimeria, Choleoeimeria, Caryospora e Isospora), así como su análisis filogenético y 2) el efecto que ejercen sobre la expresión de los ornamentos de color en diferentes sistemas parásito-hospedador. Para llevar a cabo el primer objetivo se tomaron muestras de heces y tejido sanguíneo de lagart...

  6. Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus nuevo registro para la parte continental de la Península de Yucatán, México

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    Jorge Correa Sandoval


    Full Text Available Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus sólo había sido reportado para Cayo Arenas del Banco de Campeche y no para la parte continental de la Península de Yucatán. En esta nota reportamos avistamientos de individuos de la especie en la caleta Xel-Ha, en Quintana Roo, durante el período del 15 diciembre de 2001 al 4 de mayo del 2002 y en la Reserva de la Biosfera Ría Lagartos, en Yucatán, el 23 y el 28 de septiembre de 2005.

  7. Dieta e compotamento de forrageio de duas espécies de Tropidurus (Squamata,Tropiduridae) em uma área de Caatinga do Nordeste do Brasil


    Kolodiuk, Miguel Fernandes


    Tropidurus semitaeniatus e Tropidurus hispidus são espécies de lagartos que têm ampla distribuição no Brasil, sendo que a primeira é reconhecida como endêmica das Caatingas, onde vive em sintopia com a segunda, que se distribui em outros ecossistemas e biomas. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a dieta incluindo variações sazonais e o comportamento de forrageio, para averiguar a importância de tais fatores na estrutura dessas populações e coexistência dessas espécies em sintopia. Não se con...

  8. Sexual and age differences in ecological variables of the lizard Microlophus atacamensis (Tropiduridae from northern Chile Diferencias sexuales y etárias en variables ecológicas del lagarto Microlophus atacamensis (Tropiduridae del norte de Chile

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    Full Text Available Microlophus is a lizard genus of South-America which has many species with sexual size dimorphism. An ecological study was performed on M. atacamensis, a species inhabiting the intertidal zone of the coast of northern Chile. The following questions were addressed: (1 does M. atacamensis exhibit sexual dimorphism? (2 do individuals of different age and sex segregate spatially? (3 do individuals of different age and sex use different type of microhabitat? and (4 do individuals of different sexes exhibit differences in thermoregulatory characteristics? The study was conducted in different localities from northern Chile, which include two types of rocky systems used by this species, a high and a low type. At the moment of lizard capture, type of microhabitat, height of perch, body, air and substrate temperatures, were recorded. Individuals were then measured and weighted, and separated by age class and sex. Results indicate that this species exhibits sexual dimorphism, males being larger. There were no intersexual differences in microhabitat used and height of perch in the high type system, although adults and subadults were spatially segregated from juveniles. In the low type system adult females shared microhabitat with juveniles, a probable consequence of behaviors related to the burying of eggs. There were no differences between sexes in thermal characteristics, and body temperature of lizards showed independence from external thermal conditionsMicrolophus es un género de lagartos Sudamericanos, el cual tiene varias especies que presentan dimorfismo sexual del tamaño. Se realizó un estudio ecológico en Microlophus atacamensis, especie del intermareal de la costa del norte de Chile, para responder a las siguientes preguntas: (1 ¿presenta M. atacamensis dimorfismo sexual? (2 ¿existe segregación espacial entre individuos de diferentes edades y sexos? (3 ¿existe utilización diferencial de los tipos de hábitats, entre individuos de


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    Full Text Available Se presenta nueva información sobre la taxonomía, la distribución y la historia natural de los lagartos Mabuya berengerae y M. pergravis; así como de la serpiente Coniophanes andresensis, tres especies endémicas y poco conocidas de las islas de San Andrés y Providencia, las cuales se creían muy raras e incluso extintas. A pesar del poco tiempo de estudio en las islas, se evidenció que los lagartos no son raros, encontrándose hasta ocho ejemplares cada media hora. La evaluación del estado de conservación según los parámetros de la IUCN para las tres especies, clasifica a M. berengerae y M. pergravis como especies casi amenazadas (NT y a C. andresensis como una especie en peligro crítico de extinción (CR. La pequeña área de distribución geográfica, el impacto antrópico y la introducción de especies exóticas pueden ser las principales causas de la disminución de la población de C. andresensis. Se analizaron algunos caracteres taxonómicos en M. berengerae (hasta ahora conocida de un solo ejemplar, encontrándose ciertas discrepancias que hacen necesaria su redefinición. Se recomienda realizar programas de investigación básica, conservación y educación, así como proteger los hábitats naturales de las islas.

  10. Primer registro de infestación en un reptil por larvas de Amblyomma parvitarsum (Acari: Ixodidae en Argentina

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    Gabriel Natalio Castillo


    Full Text Available Amblyomma parvitarsum es una garrapata endémica del Altiplano Andino de Argentina, Bolivia, Chile y Perú. En la provincia de San Juan adultos de esta garrapata fueron encontrados en el Parque Nacional San Guillermo sobre Vicugna vicugna. En Argentina también existen citas de adultos de A. parvitarsum sobre bovinos, ovinos y el ñandú . El primer caso de parasitismo de larvas de A. parvitarsum en Liolaemus fue realizado en Chile. El presente trabajo menciona por primera vez para Argentina la presencia de larvas de A. parvitarsum parasitando al lagarto Liolaemus eleodori.

  11. Ecology of Mabuya agilis (Squamata: Scincidae from a montane atlantic rainforest area in Southeastern Brazil

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    Teixeira, Rogério L.


    Full Text Available Alguns aspectos da ecologia (principalmente reprodução e dieta do lagarto scincídeo Mabuya agilis foram estudados com base em amostras mensais realizadas de dezembro de 1997 a abril de 1999 em uma área de floresta tropical serrana no estado do Espírito Santo, sudeste do Brasil. Dos 197 espécimes coletados, 82 eram machos, 110 eram fêmeas, e o resto não pôde ser corretamente sexado. Lagartos variaram em comprimento rostro-coacal de 30 a 96 mm e foram sexualmente dimórficos em tamanho, com fêmeas atingindo maiores tamanhos que machos. A menor fêmea grávida mediu 54.0 mm. O tamanho da ninhada para 49 fêmeas grávidas variou de 2 a 9 (média = 5.7 e esteve positiva e significativamente relacionado ao tamanho dos lagartos. As presas dominantes na dieta de M. agilis foram baratas, ortópteros e aranhas. A população de M. agilis aqui estudada diferiu de outras populações conspecíficas previamente estudadas em hábitats de «restinga» nos estados do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, sendo que os indivíduos crescem a tamanhos maiores e a fecundidade é mais alta, possivelmente devido a uma maior disponibilidade de alimento no hábitat de floresta tropical serrana Some aspects of the ecology (mainly reproduction and diet of the skink Mabuya agilis were studied based on monthly samples taken from December 1997 to April 1999 at a montane rainforest area in Espírito Santo state, southeastern Brazil. Of 197 collected specimens, 82 were males, 110 were females, and the rest could not be properly sexed. Lizards varied in snout-vent length (SVL from 30 to 96 mm and were sexually dimorphic in size, with females growing larger than males. The smallest gravid female measured 54.0 mm in SVL. Litter size of 49 gravid females varied from 2 to 9 (mean= 5.7 and was positively and significantly related to lizard SVL. The dominant prey items in the diet of M. agilis were cockroaches, orthopterans and spiders. The population of M. agilis here studied

  12. Caracterización preliminar de la "comunidad" de reptiles de un sector de la Serranía del Perijá, Colombia

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    Hernández Ruz José


    Full Text Available En marzo de 1996, mediante búsqueda libre y captura manual se efectuaron muestreos de lagartos y serpientes en manchas de bosque y en áreas abiertas en sectores del Municipio de La Jagua de Ibirico, Serranía del Perijá, Cesar, Colombia, en un corte altitudinal entre los 140 y 1800 m. Se registraron 28 especies: 17 de lagartos y 11 de serpientes. Las familias dominantes en número de géneros y especies fueron Polychrotidae para lagartos y Colubridae para serpientes; se encontraron 12 especies en áreas deforestadas, ocho en áreas boscosas y ocho comunes a ambos tipos de ambientes. La comunidad mostró preferencia por los hábitats alterados, actividad diurna y comúnmente se les encontró en el piso. La comunidad de reptiles de la Serranía del Perijá se relaciona mejor con las de la región caribe y andina que con la chocoana o amazónica; no se encontraron diferencias en las faunas de reptiles entre los flancos colombiano y venezolano de la Serranía. En este trabajo se adicionan nueve especies a la fauna de reptiles de la región: seis de saurios, Ameiva bifrontata, Anolis auratus, Anolis apollinaris, Leposoma rugiceps, Stenocercus erythrogaster y Lepidoblepharis sp. y tres de serpientes Chironius monticola, Rhadinaeafulviceps y Stenorrhina degenardtii.In March 1996, by means of free search and manual capture samplings oflizards and snakes were made in stains of forests and areas opened up in La Jagua de Ibirico, Serranía del Perijá, Departamento del Cesar, Colombia, in an altitudinal range be tween the 140 and 1800 m. 28 species were registered: 17 oflizards and II of snakes. The dominant families in number of genera and species were Polychrotidae for lizards and Colubridae for snakes. There were 12 species in non-forest areas, eight in forest areas and eight common to both types of environments. The community showed preference for altered habitats, day activity and cornmonly they were found on the floor. It was found that the

  13. Intraspecific variation in a physiological thermoregulatory mechanism: the case of the lizard Liolaemus tenuis (Liolaeminae Variación intraespecífica en un mecanismo termorregulatorio fisiológico: el caso del lagarto Liolaemus tenuis (Liolaeminae

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    Full Text Available The interspecific variation of heating rates in Liolaemus lizards, suggests an adaptive value of this physiological thermoregulatory mechanism, which would allow lizards to cope with the environmental thermal restrictions, imposed to behavioral thermoregulation. This trend has barely been tested at intraspecific level, and here we explore if intraspecific variation in heating rates occurs in Liolaemus tenuis, a relative widely distributed species from central Chile. We test the hypothesis that heating rates are related to the thermal environmental conditions at which populations are exposed, by comparing the heating rates of three populations (from a latitudinal range, which inhabit under different thermal conditions. Additionally, we explore if the intrinsic factor, sex, also modulates heating rates. There was a significant intraspecific variation in heating rates, at population and gender level. These rates however, showed only a partial relationship with the environmental thermal conditions. We found that the northern population, inhabiting at higher temperature, heated slower, which might reduce the risk of overheating. On the other hand, independent of the population, females heated slower than males. The meaning of this sexual variation is unclear, but may be consequence of the significant differences in genders' social behavior. Because males defend a territory with a harem, by heating faster, they can allocate extra time in behaviors associated to the defense and maintenance of the territory.La variación interespecífica en las tasas de calentamiento de Liolaemus pareciera ser un mecanismo fisiológico adaptativo que permitiría a los lagartos enfrentar restricciones térmicas ambientales impuestas a la termorregulación conductual. Esta tendencia ha sido raramente analizada a nivel intraespecífico y en este estudio exploramos si existe variación intraespecífica en las tasas de calentamiento de Liolaemus tenuis, una especie con rango

  14. Avaliação da implementação do sistema cook-chill em unidade de alimentação e nutrição - UAN


    Karina de Oliveira Calheiros


    Eficácia, aperfeiçoar a produção, minimizar custos relativos e otimizar recursos disponíveis são desafios aos quais se deparam os serviços de alimentação coletiva no Brasil. Este estudo procurou avaliar os recursos disponíveis de uma unidade de alimentação e nutrição - UAN, visando subsidiar a implementação do sistema cook-chill. Para realização do estudo foram utilizados dois tipos de proteína animal, o lagarto (músculo semitendinosus) e o peito de frango (pectoralis major) com o emprego das...

  15. Intraspecific variation in body size and shape in an Andean highland anole species, Anolis ventrimaculatus (Squamata: Dactyloidae

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    Martha L. Calderón-Espinosa


    Full Text Available Variation in body characteristics related to lizard locomotion has been poorly studied at the intraspecific level in Anolis species. Local adaptation due to habitat heterogeneity has been reported in some island species. However, studies of mainland species are particularly scarce and suggest different patterns: high variability among highland lizards and poorly differentiated populations in one Amazonian species. We characterized inter population variation of body size and shape in the highland Andean Anolis ventrimaculatus, an endemic species from Western Colombia. A total of 15 morphometric variables were measured in specimens from the reptile collection of the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional, Colombia. The study included individuals from seven different highland localities. We found size and shape sexual dimorphism, both of which varied among localities. Patterns of variation in body proportions among populations were different in both males and females, suggesting that either sexual or natural selective factors are different in each locality and between sexes. Since this species exhibits a fragmented distribution in highlands, genetic divergence may also be a causal factor of the observed variation. Ecological, behavioral, additional morphological as well as phylogenetic data, may help to understand the evolutionary processes behind the geographic patterns found in this species.La diversificación fenotípica al interior de una especie en características de dimensiones corporales relacionadas con la locomoción de los lagartos, se ha estudiado poco en especies de Anolis. Los datos de algunas especies de isla revelan patrones distintos de variación geográfica y sugieren que la adaptación local, debida a la heterogeneidad del hábitat, ocurre a este nivel. Los estudios de especies de continente son particularmente escasos y sugieren patrones distintos: un lagarto altoandino altamente variable y poblaciones poco

  16. Helminth fauna of Lithobates brownorum (Anura: Ranidae at three localities in the state of Yucatán, Mexico Helmintofauna de Lithobates brownorum (Anura: Ranidae en tres localidades del estado de Yucatán, México

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    Carlos A. Yáñez-Arenas


    Full Text Available Between July 2004 and June 2005, 84 specimens of Lithobates brownorum (Sanders, 1973 were collected and examined for helminths. Hosts came from 3 localities in the state of Yucatán, Mexico: Celestún (n= 35, Lagunas de Yalahau (n= 33, and Ría Lagartos (n= 16. Twelve helminth taxa were found: 7 nematodes, 4 digeneans, and 1 acanthocephalan. With the exception of Haematoloechus floedae and Megalodiscus temperatus, all helminth taxa found have a Neotropical distribution. Our results differ from those obtained in previous studies dealing with amphibians in Mexico because we found higher richness and abundance of nematodes than digenean species. The relatively low mean intensity and mean abundance values reached by digenean species in this study may be related to the generalist host diet and with the vagility of frogs (from the aquatic to the terrestrial environment or vice versa.Entre julio del 2004 y junio del 2005, se recolectaron y examinaron 84 ejemplares de Lithobates brownorum (Sanders, 1973 en busca de helmintos en 3 localidades del estado de Yucatán: Celestún (n= 35, Lagunas de Yalahau (n= 33 y Ría Lagartos (n= 16. Los ejemplares estuvieron parasitados por 12 taxa de helmintos, 7 de nematodos, 4 digéneos y 1 acantocefalo. Con excepción de Haematoloechus floedae y Megalodiscus temperatus, todos los taxa presentan distribución neotropical. Nuestros resultados difieren de los obtenidos por otros autores que han reportado más especies de digéneos que de nematodos en este grupo de hospederos. Los bajos valores de intensidad y abundancia media de los digéneos encontrados en este estudio pueden estar relacionados con la amplia dieta del hospedero y la vagilidad que éste presenta entre el medio acuático y el terrestre.

  17. Hábitos alimentares de Enyalius perditus (Squamata, Leiosauridae no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil Feeding habits of Enyalius perditus (Squamata, Leiosauridae from the Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Bernadete Maria de Sousa


    Full Text Available No presente estudo foi analisado a dieta de Enyalius perditus Jackson, 1978 e suas variações de acordo com disponibilidade de alimento no Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Três áreas de matas foram amostradas, utilizando-se armadilhas de queda e adesivas para captura dos lagartos e itens-presa disponíveis. Os lagartos (n= 55 foram dissecados e o conteúdo estomacal analisado. O Índice de eletividade mostrou que larvas foram importantes volumetricamente na dieta de E. perditus, enquanto que formigas e isópodos foram importantes numericamente. A quantidade de itens nas dietas de machos e fêmeas diferiram estatisticamente, talvez como uma conseqüência da maior quantidade de formigas ingeridas pelas fêmeas e isópodos e larvas pelos machos. Baseado no comportamento alimentar, os machos são mais semelhantes aos forrageadores ativos e as fêmeas, aos predadores senta-e-espera.The present study was carried out to describe the diet, and its variations according to food availability, in Enyalius perditus Jackson, 1978 from Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Three areas were chosen in the forest fragments; pit falls and glue traps were used to capture lizards and their preys. Lizards (n=55 were dissected in order to analyze the stomach content. The Electivity Index showed that insect larvae were volumetrically important in the diet of E. perditus, while ants and woodlices where numerically important. The quantity of diet items have differed significantly between males and females, perhaps, as a consequence of the higher quantity of ants ingested by female lizards and larvae ingested by males lizards. Based upon alimentary behavior, the male lizards resemble the active forragers and the females sit and wait forragers.

  18. [Distribution of Ecteinascidia turbinata (Ascidiacea: Perophoridae) in mangroves of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico]. (United States)

    Carballo, J L


    The ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata synthesizes some of the most promising substances against solid-type tumors, but the only available source are the natural populations of this tunicate, which is reared or collected in different parts of the world. A total of 33 locations were sampled in the Gulf of Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula. The tunicate was not found in Veracruz, Tabasco and Campeche, but it was well established on mangrove roots in the Yucatan Peninsula where we estimated densities more or less equal to one colony and an average production of 115 g of biomass per lineal meter of mangrove coastline in one location (Río Lagartos). Sustainable management appears to be possible.

  19. Aggressive behavior and performance in the Tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae. (United States)

    Herrel, Anthony; Andrade, Denis V; de Carvalho, José Eduardo; Brito, Ananda; Abe, Augusto; Navas, Carlos


    Aggression is an important component of behavior in many animals and may be crucial to providing individuals with a competitive advantage when resources are limited. Although much is known about the effects of catecholamines and hormones on aggression, relatively few studies have examined the effects of physical performance on aggression. Here we use a large, sexually dimorphic teiid lizard to test whether individuals that show high levels of physical performance (bite force) are also more aggressive toward a potential threat (i.e., a human approaching the lizard). Our results show that independent of their sex, larger individuals with higher bite forces were indeed more aggressive. Moreover, our data show that individuals with higher bite forces tend to show decreased escape responses and are slower, providing evidence for a trade-off between fight and flight abilities. As bite force increased dramatically with body size, we suggest that large body size and bite force may reduce the threshold for an individual to engage in an aggressive encounter, allowing it to potentially gain or maintain resources and fight off predators while minimizing the risk of injury.

  20. Baltasar Gracián y la vidriosa amistad, ventajosa felicidad de la vida

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    Gambin, Felice


    Full Text Available In the Baltasar Gracián works, friendship represents a very important, decisive, role. The false and adulating friends’ criticisms run along with an enthusiastic view of true friendship. The concept is often found in the Oráculo manual and in the El Discreto, but it is in the Criticón that the Jesuit makes a passionate song to friendship and the relationship between both main characters, Critilo and Andrenio —well-worn use of the amicus alter ego— becomes the ideal tale of two friends in a disgusting world. Within the thick weaving of quotes, historical, mentions to many authors, we can find mainly Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Seneca, often transcribed verbatim and, without forgetting the updating of the subject in other styles, Gracián recreates some of the friendship symbols. The many-faced style of the Aragon’s writer, capable of knitting the friendship symbols with those of the caution in order to transform them, seems to direct us, as is the case of the threeheaded Gerión of the well-known prudential tradition, to a wider and forgotten tradition, the one based upon a text by Luciano and a dialogue by Torcuato Tasso, the Toxaris sive amicitia and the Manso overo de l’amicizia.En la obra de Baltasar Gracián el tema de la amistad desempeña un papel vital, decisivo. La crítica de los amigos falsos y lisonjeros corre pareja con la visión entusiasta de la amistad verdadera. El concepto aparece con frecuencia en el Oráculo manual y en El Discreto, pero es en el Criticón donde el jesuita compone un canto apasionado a la amistad, y la relación entre los dos protagonistas, Critilo y Andrenio —manido lugar común del amicus alter ego— se convierte en la historia ejemplar de dos amigos en un mundo inmundo. En la densa trama de citas, antecedentes, alusiones a muchos autores, predominan Platón, Aristóteles, Cicerón y Séneca, transcritos a menudo al pie de la letra, y, sin olvidar la revalorización del tema en otros g

  1. Ciclo evolutivo do Hepatozoon triatomae (Sporozoa, Haemogregarinidae parasita de triatomíneos Evolution cycle of the Hepatozoon triatomae (Sporozoa, Haemogregarinidae, parasite of triatominea

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    Eduardo Olavo da Rocha e Silva


    Full Text Available Relata-se o encontro no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, de triatomíneos e lagartos, respectivamente o Triatoma arthurneivai e Tropidurus torquatus, parasitados por uma hemogregarina semelhante a Hepatozoon triatomae (Osimani, 1942 Reichenow, 1953. São apresentados aspectos da sua morfologia e estudadas as diversas fases do seu ciclo evolutivo, este inteiramente reproduzido em laboratório.The author relates the discovery of Triatoma arthurneivai and Tropidurus torquatus, in the localities of Lavras de Cima and Santo Antonio, State of São Paulo, Brazil, infected by a hemogregarine similar to Hepatozoon triatomae (Osimani, 1942 Reichenow 1953. He presents certain aspects of its morphology and also studies the several phases of its evolution cycle, which were completed in the laboratory.

  2. Percepción y patronos de uso de la fauna silvestre o comunidades indigenas Embera - Katíos en la cuenca del río San Jorge, zona amortiguadora del PNN - Paramillo.

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    Javier Alfonso Racero - Casarrubia


    Full Text Available In workshops with four indigenous communities in the Embera-Katíos communal lands (resguardo , located in the upper San Jorge River Valley (Tres Playitas, Las Piedras, Boca San Cipriano, San Juan Medio, information about the wild fauna that they recognized inside their hunting grounds was collected. Mammals, reptiles, and birds, especially the Psittacidae family, are the vertebrates most used by the indigenous communities. No kind of use was found for amphibians. The consumption of reptiles such as Iguana iguana, Tupinambis teguixin, Caiman crocodylus fuscus, and Crocodylus acutus show them to be an important part of their culture. The indigenous communities associate environmental problems with habitat destruction due to the cultivation of illicit crops and forest clearing in the buffer zone around Paramillo National Park.

  3. Terminal distribution of retinal fibers in the tegu lizard (Tupinambis nigropunctatus). (United States)

    Ebbesson, S O; Karten, H J


    The retinal projections in the tegu lizard were traced using degeneration-silver methods. Bilateral projections were found to the dorsolateral geniculate and the posterodorsal nuclei. Unilateral, crossed projections were traced to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the ventrolateral geniculate nucleus, the mesencephalic lentiform nucleus, nucleus geniculatus praetectalis, the ectomammillary nucleus, and the optic tectum. Some of these connections are distinctly different from those reported in other reptiles and suggest that important interspecific variations occur among reptiles.

  4. Efferent projections of the septum in the Tegu lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus. (United States)

    Sligar, C M; Voneida, T J


    A H3 proline or H3 leucine mixture was injected into the septal region of the Tegu lizard in order to determine its efferent projections. The brains were processed according to standard autoradiographic technique and counterstained with cresyl violet. Septal projections were limited to either telencephalic or diencephalic areas. Intratelencephalic projections consisted of efferents to medial pallium, nucleus accumbens, bed nucleus of the anterior commissure, preoptic area and septum itself. Fibers entering the diencephalon projected to medial habenular nucleus, dorsomedial thalamic nucleus, dorsolateral thalamic area, periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, lateral hypothalamic area and mammillary nucleus. The results are discussed in relation to the efferent projections of the septum in other vertebrates.

  5. Fontes alimentares de Triatoma pseudomaculata no Estado do Ceará, Brasil

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    Simone Patrícia Carneiro Freitas


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Triatoma pseudomaculata, espécie peridomiciliar, é encontrada apresentando baixa taxa de infecção por Trypanosoma cruzi. Com o objetivo de identificar os possíveis reservatórios de T. cruzi, investigou-se a ocorrência desse triatomíneo no domicílio, bem como suas fontes alimentares. MÉTODOS: De janeiro de 2001 a julho de 2002 foram capturados 921 espécimes de T. pseudomaculata em 13 municípios do sul do Estado do Ceará. O conteúdo intestinal dos triatomíneos foi retirado, espalhado em disco de papel de filtro e analisado por precipitina para os seguintes anti-soros: ave, roedor, cão, gambá, lagarto, boi/cabra, gato, porco, barata e humano. A investigação da presença de T. cruzi foi feita observando-se parte do conteúdo intestinal dos insetos a fresco, entre lâmina e lamínula, e pela sua semeadura em meio de cultura. RESULTADOS: Do total examinado, 184 (90,6% foram positivos para os anti-soros testados: ave (62,5%> roedor (33,7%> cão (20,1%> gambá (9,8%> lagarto (5%> boi-cabra (5%> gato (2,7%> porco (2,2%> barata (2,2%> humano (1,6%. As alimentações variaram de zero (não reagiram a quatro da seguinte forma: não reagiram (9,4%, uma (57,1%, duas (26%, três (7% ou quatro (0,5%. Das fontes alimentares identificadas apenas três espécimes (1,6% foram positivos para T. cruzi. CONCLUSÕES: A baixa incidência de sangue humano mostra que T. pseudomaculata está bem adaptado ao peridomicílio. Porém, a vigilância epidemiológica na região sul do Estado do Ceará se faz necessária tendo em vista a proximidade da espécie ao domicílio.

  6. Diet of Teius oculatus (Sauria, Teiidae in southern Brazil (Dom Feliciano, Rio Grande do Sul Dieta de Teius oculatus (Sauria, Teiidae no sul do Brasil (Dom Feliciano, Rio Grande do Sul

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    Lize Helena Cappellari


    Full Text Available We analyzed stomach contents of 58 specimens of Teius oculatus (D'Orbigny & Bibron, 1837 (20 adult males, 17 adult females and 21 juveniles captured in Dom Feliciano, RS, Brazil, to evaluate diet composition and sexual and ontogenetic variations in prey consumption. Diet was composed of 15 prey categories, all arthropods. Orthoptera was the most frequent prey type. Quantitatively, termites were the most important prey item (59.5%. There were no significant differences between the diets of adult males and females. Ontogenetic differences were found, mainly concerning volume of prey consumed. Adult lizards ingested significantly larger prey than juveniles (U = 170.00; p Analisamos o conteúdo estomacal de 58 espécimes de Teius oculatus (D'Orbigny & Bibron, 1837 (20 machos adultos, 17 fêmeas adultas e 21 jovens, coletados no município de Dom Feliciano, RS, verificando a existência de variação ontogenética e sexual. A dieta esteve composta de 16 itens, todos artrópodes, sendo que Orthoptera foi a ordem mais freqüente. Quantitativamente isópteros foram os itens mais representativos (59,5%. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas nas dietas de fêmeas e machos adultos. Foram encontradas diferenças ontogenéticas, principalmente no volume médio de presas consumidas, sendo que em lagartos adultos foi significativamente maior que em jovens (U = 170,00; p < 0,001. Indivíduos jovens, apesar de se alimentarem de uma menor diversidade de presas (10, consumiram um número grande de itens (45,68% do total. A similaridade alimentar foi maior entre jovens e machos adultos (Ojk = 0,97, e a diversidade de presas consumidas foi maior em fêmeas adultas (H'= 2,65. O índice de importância relativa mostrou que o item mais importante na dieta de Teius oculatus foi Orthoptera. Concluímos que T. oculatus, em Dom Feliciano, é um lagarto generalista e oportunista, alimentando-se de artrópodes, principalmente insetos.

  7. Dieta e uso de habitat da jararaca-do-brejo, Mastigodryas bifossatus Raddi (Serpentes, Colubridade em domínio subtropical do Brasil Diet and habitat use of swamp racer snake, Mastigodryas bifossatus Raddi (Serpentes, Colubridae in subtropical domains of Brazil

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    Pedro T. Leite


    Full Text Available A serpente Mastigodryas bifossatus Raddi, 1820 é um grande colubrídeo neotropical que habita áreas abertas na América do Sul. Sua dieta é composta principalmente por anfíbios, mas inclui outros itens como mamíferos e lagartos. A dissecção de 224 espécimes desta serpente, provenientes dos estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paraná, preservados em coleções herpetológicas do Brasil e um estudo de campo entre 1996 e 1998, fornecem informações sobre os hábitos alimentares e uso de habitat dessa serpente em domínio subtropical no Brasil. Essa serpente alimenta-se de anfíbios (80%, em sua maioria da família Leptodactylidae, mamíferos (10% e lagartos (2%. Foi verificada mudança ontogenética na dieta de M. bifossatus, o tamanho das presas ingeridas aumenta com o aumento de tamanho da serpente. Essa espécie ocorre principalmente em áreas abertas, algumas vezes perto de áreas antrópicas em domínio subtropical no Brasil.Mastigodryas bifossatus Raddi, 1820 is a large neotropical colubrid snake that inhabits open areas in South America. The diet is mainly composed by frogs, but it includes other items like mammals and lizards. The dissection of 224 specimens of this snake, proceeding from the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná, stored in herpetological collections in Brazil and a field study between 1996 and 1998, provided information on dietary habits and habitat use of this snake in subtropical domains in Brazil. This snake eats mainly amphibians of the family Leptodactylidae (80%, mammals (10% and lizards (2%. There is ontogenetic diet shift in M. bifossatus, as the snake grows, the range of preys grows as well. M. bifossatus occur in open areas.

  8. Reptiles from the Seasonal Dry Forest the Caribbean Region: Distribution of Habitat and use of Food Resource

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    Luis Eduardo Rojas Murcia


    Full Text Available Con el fin de caracterizar la distribución horizontal (repartición de los hábitats y la utilización del recurso alimentario (tipo y tamaño de las presas del ensamblaje de reptiles del bosque seco estacional al norte de la región Caribe de Colombia, en el departamento del Cesar, se realizaron cinco salidas de campo con una duración de doce días cada una. Los muestreos se realizaron en jornadas diurnas y nocturnas, en un diseño de transectos replicados a lo largo de diferentes hábitats que incluyeron: pastizales, bordes e interiores de bosque. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos de uso de hábitat en un perfil de vegetación por cada época climática y análisis de amplitud y sobreposición de nicho. Se registraron 38 especies de 14 familias del orden Squamata. Las especies se distribuyeron de manera homogénea entre zonas abiertas y boscosas. Se encontraron registros de 31 categorías de presa en 109 estómagos de seis especies de serpientes (61 estómagos y siete de lagartos (48 estómagos con un porcentaje de estómagos vacíos de 38 %. Las presas de mayor importancia para los lagartos fueron Coleoptera y Araneae, y para las serpientes fueron los anfibios. La mayoría de las especies presentaron un amplio espectro de dieta y entre especies similares, como entre Anolis auratus y A. gaigei, se presentó uso de recursos similares. En síntesis, el ensamblaje de reptiles presentó una distribución homogénea en los hábitats evaluados (áreas abiertas y boscosas y el recurso alimentario fue variado entre las diferentes especies; la estacionalidad de la zona presenta un papel fundamental en la estructura del ensamblaje de reptiles, presentándose menos abundancia durante la época seca, tanto en las áreas abiertas como en las boscosas.

  9. Mamíferos el Mioceno inferior de las Bardenas Reales de Navarra (Cuenca del Ebro, Península Ibérica

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    X. Murelaga, H. Astibia, C. Sese, D. Soria, X. Pereda-Suberbiola


    Full Text Available Las Bardenas Reales de Navarra se encuentran en el borde NW de la cuenca terciaria del Ebro. Los sedimentos que podemos encontrar en la mayor parte del área de estudio pertenecen a facies fluvio-palustres de la Formación Tudela. Las localidades fosilíferas estarían incluidas dentro de la Biozona MN2b-MN· (Biozonas Z-A del Rambliense o Aquitaniense superior-Burdigaliense inforior. En esta área se han encontrado restos fósiles de peces, anfibios, lagartos, anfisbénidos, serpientes, tortugas, cocodrilos, flamencos y los mamíferos que se describen en este trabajo como insectívoros, quirópteros, eomídos, gliridos, esciúridos, cricétidos, lagomorfos, perisodáctilos y artiodáctilos.

  10. The cytoarchitecture of the torus semicircularis in the Tegu lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus. (United States)

    Browner, R H; Rubinson, K


    The torus semicircularis (TS) of the Tegu lizard extends from the superficial caudal mesencephalon, dorsal to the exiting trochlear nerve, to a position ventral to the middle part of the optic tectum and its ventricle. It has an oblique orientation with the caudal pole abutting the midline while the rostal end is lateral and slightly ventral. The TS consists of a central nucleus and several adjacent cell groups. The central nucleus and the laminar nucleus, situated medially, extend the entire length of the TS while the cortical nucleus, situated dorsally and laterally, is present only in the caudal superficial portion. The central nucleus is composed of ovoid neurons with branched, radiating dendrites. The dendrites are directed medially and laterally with spines on the distal portion of the dendritic tree. The laminar nucleus consists of three to five neuronal layers. It is mainly composed of fusiform neurons with one dendritic trunk from each extremity of the soma. There is little branching and few dendritic spines. The cortical nucleus is a laminated region consisting of alternating layers of neurons and lateral lemniscal fibers. The neurons of the superficial layers are fusiform with their long axis perpendicular to the long axis of the brainstem. They possess two main dendritic trunks which parallel the laminae and are covered with dendritic spines. The deeper layers consist of pyramidal neurons with three dendritic trunks, secondary branches, and few spines. The long axis of these neurons extends from the center of the TS to the periphery. Two dendritic trunks extend dorsally or laterally towards the surface, while the third extends towards the central nucleus. The dendrites, thus, extend across the laminae. In addition, a cell-free lateral zone is described.

  11. Electivities and resource use by an assemblage of lizards endemic to the dunes of the São Francisco River, northeastern Brazil

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    Pedro L.B. Rocha


    Full Text Available This study describes the pattern of resource use by one assemblage of lizards inhabiting a desert-like dune field in the Brazilian Caatinga. We evaluated food and microhabitat availability and phases of lizard activity, as well as use of, and electivities for, food and microhabitats. Six of the seven most abundant species are endemic to the dunes, and their diets under-represented arthropods possessing chemical defenses. The two fossorial gymnophthalmids were similar in presenting no electivities for microhabitat but differed in diet, electivities for food and phase of activity. The five species of epigeous lizards include one group presenting positive electivities for protected and shaded microhabitats (Procellosaurinus erythrocercus, Briba brasiliana, and Tropidurus psammonastes and another presenting negative electivities for such microhabitats (Eurolophosaurus divaricatus and Cnemidophorus spec. nov.. The tropidurid T. psammonastes presented the earliest activity in the morning, the strongest positive electivities for protected and shaded areas and negative electivity for exposed areas, and was the only species to present high positive electivity for ants. The only other tropidurid in the area, E. divaricatus, also ate ants but presented positive electivity for flowers. The medium-sized teiid Cnemidophorus spec. nov. showed the highest negative electivity for shaded areas, high positive electivity for open areas, and high negative electivity for protected areas. This pattern leads to use of microhabitat that is similar to that of E. divaricatus, which has a very different diet, and different from that of T. psammonastes, whose diet is comparable in the consumption of insect larvae and large-sized items. We discuss the evolution of the detected patterns of resource electivities.Este estudo descreve o padrão de uso de recursos por uma assembléia de lagartos de um campo de dunas da Caatinga. Avaliamos a disponibilidade de recursos e as fases

  12. Dispersão de sementes de Melocactus glaucescens e M. paucispinus (Cactaceae, no Município de Morro do Chapéu, Chapada Diamantina - BA Dispersion of Melocactus glaucescens and M. paucispinus (Cactaceae in the municipality of Morro do Chapéu, Chapada Diamantina - BA

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    Rosineide Braz Santos Fonseca


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se identificar os dispersores de duas espécies de Melocactus, verificar o padrão de liberação dos frutos, correlacionando-o com a remoção por frugívoros e variação térmica do cefálio, bem como caracterizar a distribuição espacial. Para tanto, foram realizadas observações focais, testes de germinação, registros da emergência, extrusão e remoção de frutos, da temperatura do cefálio, de interações formigas-diásporos e distribuição espacial. Lagartos (2 espécies e formigas (3 espécies foram os dispersores das espécies estudadas. A dormência das sementes não foi quebrada pela passagem pelo trato digestivo dos lagartos. As maiores taxas de remoção dos frutos pelos lagartos ocorreram nas horas centrais do dia, coincidindo ou sendo posterior aos picos de extrusão. As taxas de emergência e extrusão foram mais intensas pela manhã, o que aumentou as chances de remoção dos frutos no dia da liberação, evitando dissecação e predação. Não houve correlação entre a liberação dos frutos e a variação térmica do cefálio. O desenvolvimento do fruto gera tensão nas fibras do cefálio que promove sua emergência ou expulsão. A expulsão de frutos emergidos pode ser auxiliada pela dilatação das fibras em resposta ao aquecimento, tensão da união das fibras na base e saída de outros frutos. A distribuição espacial dos indivíduos parece ser influenciada pelo comportamento dos dispersores.Objectives: identify the dispersers of two species of Melocactus; verify their patterns of fruit offering and correlate this with removal by frugivores and with temperature variations of the cephalium; and analyze the relationship between the spatial distribution of the Melocactus species and the behavior of their dispersers. Focal observations were made of fruit emergence, extrusion and removal, cephalium temperature, ant-diaspore interactions, and plant spatial distribution. Germination tests were also made. Two

  13. Distribución de Ecteinascidia turbinata (Ascidiacea: Perophoridae en los manglares de la Península de Yucatán, México

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    José Luis Carballo


    Full Text Available La ascidia Ecteinascidia turbinata sintetiza un grupo de moléculas consideradas hoy en día como unas de las más prometedoras contra diversos tipos de tumores. Sin embargo, la síntesis de este compuesto todavía no se ha podido conseguir químicamente, y la única fuente de producto activo la constituye las poblaciones naturales de este tunicado, el cual se cultiva o colecta en distintas partes del mundo para la obtención del producto activo. Con este trabajo, se ha intentado hacer una valoración preliminar de la población de E. turbinata en el Golfo de México y Península de Yucatán. Se muestrearon 33 localidades, desde el Estado de Veracruz en el Golfo de México, hasta Quintana Roo en el Caribe. Parece que la especie está bien establecida en la Península de Yucatán; sobre todo en el Mar Caribe, aunque se trata de poblaciones discontinuas y separadas geográficamente. Entre todas las localidades prospectadas, solo en Río Lagartos situada al Norte de la Península de Yucatán, se detectaron poblaciones con densidades próximas a 1 colonia/metro margen de manglar, y una producción media de 115 g de biomasa por metro lineal de manglar, que podría ofrecer posibilidades para establecer un programa de manejo del recurso de manera sustentable.The ascidian Ecteinascidia turbinata synthesizes some of the most promising substances against solid-type tumors, but the only available source are the natural populations of this tunicate, which is reared or collected in different parts of the world. A total of 33 locations were sampled in the Gulf of Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula. The tunicate was not found in Veracruz, Tabasco and Campeche, but it was well established on mangrove roots in the Yucatan Peninsula where we estimated densities more or less equal to one colony and an average production of 115 g of biomass per lineal meter of mangrove coastline in one location (Río Lagartos. Sustainable management appears to be possible.

  14. Salmonella in Brazilian and imported pet reptiles Salmonella em répteis de estimação nacionais e importados

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    Isabel Valéria Abalem de Sá


    Full Text Available The presence of salmonellae in fecal samples or cloacal swabs of 97 pet reptiles (15 snakes, 24 lizards and 58 chelonians was investigated. Thirty seven animals had national origin and 60 were imported. Salmonella spp was detected in 39.1% of the reptiles, being 62.5% in lizards, 53.3% in snakes and 25.8% in chelonians. Strains belonged to subspecies I (44.7%, II (10.5%, IIIa (5.2%, IIIb (21.0% and IV (18.5% of the enterica species, with predominance (55.3% of subspecies usually found in cold-blooded animals (II to IV. In the subspecies I, the serovars Albany, Enteritidis and Typhimurium predominated. The Trachemys scripta elegans imported turtles corresponded to 93.3% (14/15 of the salmonellae-positive chelonians. The national iguanas presented a high rate of colonization (77.7% - 7/9. These animals pose a potencial risk to the human health, demanding sanitary control and more information to the public.A presença de salmonelas em amostras de fezes ou swabs cloacais de 97 répteis de estimação (15 cobras, 24 lagartos e 58 quelônios, dos quais 37 eram de origem nacional e 60 importados, foi investigada. Salmonella spp foi detectada em 39,1% dos répteis estudados, sendo 62,5% em lagartos, 53,3% em cobras e 25,8% em quelônios. Foram caracterizadas as subespécies I (44,7%, II (10,5%, IIIa (5,2%, IIIb (21,0% e IV (18,5% da espécie enterica, com predominância (55,3% das subespécies habitualmente encontradas em animais de sangue frio (II a IV. Na subespécie I, houve maior freqüência dos sorovares Albany, Enteritidis e Typhimurium. As tartarugas importadas Trachemys scripta elegans corresponderam a 93,3% dos quelônios portadores de salmonelas. Os iguanas nacionais apresentaram elevado índice de colonização (77,7% - 7/9. Conclui-se que esses animais apresentam risco potencial à saúde humana, havendo necessidade de controle sanitário e maior esclarecimento ao público.

  15. Cost of ventilation and effect of digestive state on the ventilatory response of the tegu lizard. (United States)

    Skovgaard, Nini; Wang, Tobias


    We performed simultaneous measurements of ventilation, oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production in the South American lizard, Tupinambis merianae, equipped with a mask and maintained at 25 degrees C. Ventilation of resting animals was stimulated by progressive exposure to hypercapnia (2, 4 and 6%) or hypoxia (15, 10, 8 and 6%) in inspired gas mixture. This was carried out in both fasting and digesting animals. The ventilatory response to hypercapnia and hypoxia were affected by digestive state, with a more vigorous ventilatory response in digesting animals compared to fasting animals. Hypoxia doubled total ventilation while hypercapnia led to a four-fold increase in total ventilation both accomplished through an increase in tidal volume. Oxygen uptake remained constant during all hypercapnic exposures while there was an increase during hypoxia. Cost of ventilation was estimated to be 17% during hypoxia but less than 1% during hypercapnia. Our data indicate that ventilation can be greatly elevated at a small energetic cost.

  16. A new cryptogonimid (Digenea) from the Mayan cichlid, Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Osteichthyes: Cichlidae), in several localities of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. (United States)

    Razo-Mendivil, Ulises; Rosas-Valdez, Rogelio; Pérez-Ponce de León, Gerardo


    Oligogonotylus mayae n.sp. is described from the intestine of the Mayan cichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Günther) in Ría Lagartos, Ría Celestún, and Estero Progreso, Yucatán State. This is the second species described for Oligogonotylus Watson, 1976, the other being O.manteri Watson, 1976. The new species is readily distinguished from O. manteri by the anterior extension of the vitelline follicles. In O. Manteri, Vitelline follicles are found entirely in the hindbody, extending posteriorly to mid-testicular level. Vitelline follicles in the new species extend from teh anterior margin of posterior testis to the region between the bentral sucker and the pharynx. comparison of approximately 1,850 bases of ribosomal DNA (ITS1, ITS2, 5.8S, and 28S), and 400 bases of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) strongly supports the status of O. mayae as a new species, as compared to O. manteri collected from cichlids in other localities of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala.

  17. A New ′Conservation Space′? Protected Areas, Environmental Economic Activities and Discourses in Two Yucatán Biosphere Reserves in Mexico

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    Sabrina Doyon


    Full Text Available This article examines some of the local socioeconomic repercussions of two biosphere reserves on the Yucatán Peninsula-Ría Celestún and Ría Lagartos. We analyse aspects of the relationship that the residents of the six villages located within the two reserves have with their environment, by examining both the ′environmental economic activities′ residents are involved in and their discourses on, and interpretations of, the notion of environment and the conservation precepts put forward by the biosphere reserves. Our research explores how the objectives of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization′s Man and Biosphere Programme, disseminated by biosphere reserves, are put into practice on the ground. In particular, we look at how environmental economic activities are experienced and practised without necessarily being accompanied by the integration, acceptance, and internalisation of conservation principles-and how these activities contribute, or fail to contribute, to the crystallisation of a new ′conservation space′.

  18. Reflexões sobre o manejo florestal em assentamentos rurais do semiárido sergipano

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    Lucas Oliveira do Amorim


    Full Text Available This study aimed to analyze the peasant's reflections about the forest management in the rural settlements of Sergipe semiarid region. Primary and secondary data were collected from projects of the agrarian reform settlements of Santa Rita and José Gomes da Silva, the first one located in the municipality of Canindé do São Francisco and the second one in Lagarto. The data obtained show that the use of timber forest resources is practiced on the agrarian reform settlements studied. In Santa Rita settlement the small farmers prioritize the use of wood fuel from the coal manufactured after clearcuting the trees. In José Gomes da Silva agrarian settlement the small farmers mainly use stakes from pruning the branches for wood fuel and build fences. It was also observed deficiency in the performance of environmental agencies and technical assistance, on enabling sustainable forest management in Sergipe’s rural settlements.

  19. FAZENDINHA I: DESCOBERTA DE UM NOVO SÍTIO PRÉ-HISTÓRICO E DESCRIÇÃO PRELIMINAR DE SUAS INSCRIÇÕES RUPESTRES E PROBLEMAS DE CONSERVAÇÃO (Fazendinha I: Discovery of a New Prehistoric Site, Preliminary Description from its Rock Inscriptions, and Conservation Problems

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    Luis Carlos Duarte Cavalcante


    Full Text Available O sítio arqueológico conhecido como Fazendinha I, descoberto em 2010, é um abrigo de arenito com inscrições pré-históricas, localizado na área rural de Piripiri, estado do Piauí, Brasil. O abrigo sob-rocha contém uma coleção excepcional de 141 pinturas rupestres e 65 gravuras rupestres. As pinturas rupestres consistem de grafismos geométricos abstratos, carimbos de mãos humanas, zoomorfos (lagartos e ornitomorfos, antropomorfos e fitomorfos, pintados predominantemente em diferentes tonalidades de vermelho, mas também em preto, alaranjado, vinho, púrpura-escuro e marrom-alaranjado. As gravuras rupestres (feitas por picotagem; algumas com acabamento por abrasão representam principalmente cúpules, mas também figuras abstratas e um lagarto (único animal gravado conhecido em todos os sítios pré-históricos da região arqueológica de Piripiri. A vasta maioria das gravuras foi também pintada. Além da elevada densidade de inscrições rupestres, há sobreposições e recorrências dos motivos pintados e gravados. Vegetação, fauna e estado de conservação das inscrições pré-históricas e do abrigo sob-rocha, são mencionados. ENGLISH: The archaeological site known as Fazendinha I, discovered in 2010, is a sandstone shelter with prehistoric inscriptions located in the rural area of Piripiri, in the state of Piauí, Brazil. The rockshelter contains an exceptional collection of 141 rock paintings and 65 rock engravings. The rock paintings consist of abstract geometric graphisms, human handprints, zoomorphs (lizards and ornithomorphs, anthropomorphs and phytomorphs, painted predominantly in different tonalities of red, but also in black, orangish, wine, dark-purple, and orangish brown. The rock engravings (made by pecking; some finished by abrading represent mainly cupules, but also abstract figures and a lizard (the only engraved animal known in all prehistoric sites of the archaeological region from Piripiri. The vast


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    Flávia Márcia Oliveira


    Full Text Available Entre os estados do Nordeste do Brasil, Sergipe e Alagoas registram as maiores taxas de detecção do vírus da hepatite B. Uma das vias de transmissão viral consiste na exposição percutânea durante os procedimentos de manicures. Este projeto de extensão universitária envolveu 36 manicures da cidade de Lagarto, estado de Sergipe em 2013-2014. As ações foram sistematizadas em educação em biossegurança, testes de triagem para hepatite B, vacinação contra hepatite B e testes pós-vacinação. As estratégias incluíram 2 eventos, um no dia 0 e outro no dia 300, além de telefonemas e mensagens na véspera das doses das vacinas. Foi observada uma baixa cobertura vacinal prévia contra hepatite B e, consequentemente, uma alta susceptibilidade à infecção viral. A baixa adesão ao esquema vacinal reforça a necessidade da promoção de campanhas específicas para os grupos vulneráveis por meio de ações intersetoriais. Palavras-chave: Extensão Universitária, Biossegurança, Hepatite B, Manicures. Extension Project “Care for hands and feet: manicures procedures and biosafety” Abstract: Among the Northeastern states in Brazil, Sergipe and Alagoas, there is one of the highest rates of cases of hepatitis B. One of the transmission routes of the hepatitis B virus is the percutaneous exposure during manicures procedures. This university extension project involved 36 manicurists from the city of Lagarto/Sergipe during 2013 and 2014. The actions were systematized to build knowledge on biosecurity education, hepatitis B, serologic screening tests, vaccination against hepatitis B and post-vaccination testing. The strategies used included two seminars, one on day zero, another one on day 300, and telephone calls as reminders when the next dose of vaccine was due. Low hepatitis B vaccination coverage was observed in this group of professionals, and  consequently, their susceptibility to viral infection was high. Low adherence to complete

  1. Consecuencias de la legislación en el consumo alimentario de lagartos. El caso del fardacho


    Cantarero, Luis


    The fardacho is a variety of lizard that people in the area of Peñalba (province of Huesca, Spain) used to hunt and eat. The author describes the food culture to which the eating of fardacho belonged and the reasons that caused a decrease in the number of these animals in the area. In addition, the author discusses the effects of wildlife-protecting legislation on the eating of this lizard in Peñalba.

    En este artículo se analiza el caso...

  2. Differential modification of oxic and anoxic components of radiation damage in Bacillus megaterium spores by caffeine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kesavan, P.C.; Powers, E.L.


    Studies were carried out on the effect of caffeine on the X-irradiation sensitivity of B. megaterium spores with the following results: Caffeine exerts a concentration-dependent modifying action on oxygen-dependent components of X-ray-induced damage in B. megaterium spore suspensions causing an 'over-O 2 effect' at about 1 x 10 -4 mol dm -3 , and as the concentration is increased to 1 10 -3 mol dm -3 or above, a small but consistent protection is seen. In the absence of O 2 , at a wide range of concentrations (8.5 x 10 -5 to 1 x 10 -1 mol dm -3 ), caffeine enhances the inactivation constant, k, from 1.17 to about 1.50 kGy -1 . Both ethanol and t-butanol (5 x 10 -2 mol dm -3 ) remove the 'over O 2 -effect' produced by 1 x 10 -4 mol dm -3 caffeine in O 2 ; such an effect, however, is not accompanied by reduction in the H 2 O 2 concentrations in the spore suspensions. Ethanol prevents caffeine-induced anoxic sensitization, as well as H 2 O 2 buildup. t-BuOH has no influence on either the low dose part of the log fraction survival curve or on the H 2 O 2 yield in the spore suspensions. Caffeine reacts with radiation-induced e - sub(aq) and radicalOH with rate constants of 1.5 x 10 10 and 6.9 x 10 9 dm 3 mol -1 s -1 , respectively. (author)

  3. Automatic segmentation of lizard spots using an active contour model

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    Jhony Heriberto Giraldo-Zuluaga


    Full Text Available La biometría en animales es una tarea desafiante. En la literatura muchos algoritmos se han utilizado, como, por ejemplo, el reconocimiento de los pechos en pingüinos, el reconocimiento de las orejas en elefantes y el reconocimiento de los patrones de rayas en leopardos. No cabe duda que aún hay mucho trabajo para hacer un uso masivo de la tecnología. En este artículo proponemos un algoritmo de segmentación para extraer manchas de la especie de lagartos Diploglossus millepunctatus, amenazada por la actividad humana. La segmentación automática ha sido lograda con una combinación de preprocesamiento, contornos activos y morfología. Los parámetros de cada etapa del algoritmo de segmentación han sido optimizados usando imágenes de referencia como objetivo. Los resultados muestran que la segmentación automática de manchas es posible. Un 78,37% de segmentación correcta en promedio es alcanzado.

  4. Supervivencia a condiciones extremas en cautiverio de Caiman crocodilus (Linnaeus 1578), lagarto blanco, en Iquitos, Perú


    Sicchar-Valdez, Luis A.; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Acosta-Díaz, Arturo; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Panduro, Sergio; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Panduro, Marcelino; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Ramírez, Susana; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Monge, Maximiliano; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Yahuarcani, Meuri; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Sánchez, Cyntia; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Vásquez, Priscyla; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; Villacorta, David; Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana


    El presente suceso fue observado desde junio de 2009 hasta abril de 2010, en dos individuos de Caiman Crocodilus juveniles, que fueron introducidos al 1 de junio de 2009 y mantenidos en cautiverio. Uno de ellos fugó dos veces de su alojamiento por espacio de seis meses y quince días. El espécimen en cautiverio tuvo como alimentación una variedad de peces otorgados periódicamente, mientras el otro se alojó en un almacén cerrado de piso de cemento, poco espacioso y húmedo, destinado como depósi...

  5. Estrutura de comunidades em transições ambientais : lagartos no ecótono Cerrado-Amazônia


    Dantas, Pedro Tourinho


    Os limites ecológicos desempenham um papel crucial no fluxo de espécies, de genes e 2 nutrientes entre áreas adjacentes. Os limites não apenas separam, mas também conectam 3 estas áreas, agindo como filtros de permeabilidade variável. A estrutura das comunidades 4 varia com a proximidade do ecótono e a riqueza de espécies no ecótono pode ser maior que, 5 menor que, ou intermediária entre as áreas adjacentes. Aqui, eu investigo como o ecótono 6 isola a Amazônia e o Cerrado, atuando como um fil...

  6. Locomotor loading mechanics in the hindlimbs of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae): comparative and evolutionary implications. (United States)

    Sheffield, K Megan; Butcher, Michael T; Shugart, S Katherine; Gander, Jennifer C; Blob, Richard W


    Skeletal elements are usually able to withstand several times their usual load before they yield, and this ratio is known as the bone's safety factor. Limited studies on amphibians and non-avian reptiles have shown that they have much higher limb bone safety factors than birds and mammals. It has been hypothesized that this difference is related to the difference in posture between upright birds and mammals and sprawling ectotherms; however, limb bone loading data from a wider range of sprawling species are needed in order to determine whether the higher safety factors seen in amphibians and non-avian reptiles are ancestral or derived conditions. Tegus (family Teiidae) are an ideal lineage with which to expand sampling of limb bone loading mechanics for sprawling taxa, particularly for lizards, because they are from a different clade than previously sampled iguanas and exhibit different foraging and locomotor habits (actively foraging carnivore versus burst-activity herbivore). We evaluated the mechanics of locomotor loading for the femur of the Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambus merianae) using three-dimensional measurements of the ground reaction force and hindlimb kinematics, in vivo bone strains and femoral mechanical properties. Peak bending stresses experienced by the femur were low (tensile: 10.4 ± 1.1 MPa; compressive: -17.4 ± 0.9 MPa) and comparable to those in other reptiles, with moderate shear stresses and strains also present. Analyses of peak femoral stresses and strains led to estimated safety factor ranges of 8.8-18.6 in bending and 7.8-17.5 in torsion, both substantially higher than typical for birds and mammals but similar to other sprawling tetrapods. These results broaden the range of reptilian and amphibian taxa in which high femoral safety factors have been evaluated and further indicate a trend for the independent evolution of lower limb bone safety factors in endothermic taxa.

  7. Development of a sperm cryopreservation protocol for the Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae). (United States)

    Young, Carly; Ravida, Nicole; Curtis, Michelle; Mazzotti, Frank; Durrant, Barbara


    Of the 934 lizard species evaluated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), at least one-third is threatened with extinction. However, there are no reports of semen cryopreservation efforts for lizards. Invasive Argentine black and white tegus were captured in the Florida Everglades, and sperm was collected postmortem. Initial motility score (IMS; % motile × speed of progression 2 × 100), plasma membrane integrity (IPL), and acrosome integrity (IAC) were recorded. Sperm was diluted in TEST-yolk buffer with a final glycerol or dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)concentration of 8%, 12%, or 16%, and frozen at 0.3 °C, 1.0 °C, or 6.3 °C/min. At thaw, all variables were expressed as the percentage of initial (%IMS, %IPL, and %IAC). The 0.3 °C freeze rate was more successful than 1.0 °C and 6.3 °C/min in preserving %IMS and %IPL. DMSO preserved %IMS, %IPL, and %IAC better than glycerol. To determine the best overall cryopreservation protocol, a sperm quality index was calculated, giving equal weight to each of the three indicators of cryosurvival. Because there were significant interactions between freeze rate and cryoprotectant concentration, each treatment was compared with all others. The sperm quality index analysis revealed that tegu sperm frozen at 0.3 °C/min with 12% DMSO exhibited the highest postthaw viability compared with all other treatments. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Termination of supraspinal descending pathways in the spinal cord of the tegu lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus. (United States)

    Cruce, W L


    Descending fiber projections to the lizard spinal cord were studied using anterograde axonal degeneration. Following hemisection of the cord at the first spinal segment, degeneration was found in the white and gray matter as far down as the 31st (caudal) segment. Degenerating fibers in the white matter were confined to the ipsilateral side and were found in the medial longitudinal fasiculus and the outer half ot the lateral and ventral funiculi. Degeneration was more intense in the dorsolateral and ventromedial funiculi than in the ventrolateral funiculus. In the gray matter, REXED's criteria were applied to Nissl-stained material to delimit boundaries of ten laminae. Degeneration of suprospinal axons was most intense in the medial part of VII, dorsal and ventral commissures to ramify contralaterally in the medial part of VII, in VII, and in medial IX. No degeneration was present in the lateral part of the spinal gray on the contralateral side. In Golgi-stained material, dendrites of lateral IX cells were seen to extend into lamina VII, the dorsolateral part of VII, and the lateral funiculus. Thus, fibers of the ventromedial supraspinal pathway may make axodendritic contact with motoneurons of lateral IX as well as medial IX, ipsilaterally. In addition, there is a possibility of a crossed connection to contralateral motoneurons.

  9. Nueva localidad para Tupinambis rufescens (Günther, 1871 en la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina

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    Haro, J. G.


    Full Text Available REP. ARGENTINA. PROVINCIA DE CÓRDOBA. 29 Jun. 1997. 08:30 hs. Depto. Río Primero, Piquillín, 31° 22' S, 63° 35' W. 1 individuo adulto. Longitud total 1220 mm. Longitud hocico - cloaca 460 mm. Cátedra de Diversidad Animal II (CDA: 0319. Colectores: J. G. Haro, J. D. Sferco y U. Arcando.

  10. Anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies in captive animals in Paraíba State

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    Arthur Brasil


    Full Text Available The aim of this survey was to verify the occurrence of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies in captive animals in the Parque Zoobotânico Arruda Câmara, João Pessoa, Paraíba State, Northeastern Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 49 animals: 26 mammals of the species Sapajus libidinosus, Cebus flavius, Saimiri sciureu, Coendu sp., Pseudalopex vetulus, Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus tigrinus, Galactitis vitata, Eira barbara, Nasua nasua, Tayassu tajacu and Ratus norvegicus; 10 birds of the species Penelope jacucaca, Pavo cristatus, Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, Ara chlorothpterus, Pionites leucogaster, Polyborus plancus, Geranoaetus melanoleucus and Urubitinga urubitinga; and 13 reptiles of the species Caiman latirostris, Paleosuchus trigonatus, Caiman crocodilus, Tupinabis merinae, Tupinambis teguixin, Boa constrictor, Corallus hortulanus, Python molurus, Bufocephala vanderhaegei, Geochelone denticulata and Geochelone carboraria. Sera were examined by the microscopic agglutination teste (MAT using 24 serovars as antigens and cut-off point of 1:100. One ocelot (Leopardo pardalis presented positive reaction for the Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar with titer of 100, however, it did not show any clinical sign of the infection. Sinantropic rodents are the main reservoirs of this serovar, which suggests the need of maintenance and continuous evaluation of rodent control programs.

  11. Milk fatty acid profile is modulated by DGAT1 and SCD1 genotypes in dairy cattle on pasture and strategic supplementation. (United States)

    Carvajal, A M; Huircan, P; Dezamour, J M; Subiabre, I; Kerr, B; Morales, R; Ungerfeld, E M


    Milk fat composition is important to consumer health. During the last decade, some fatty acids (FA) have received attention because of their functional and beneficial effects on human health. The milk FA profile is affected by both diet and genetics. Differences in milk fat composition are based on biochemical pathways, and candidate genes have been proposed to explain FA profile variation. Here, the association between DGAT1 K232A, SCD1 A293V, and LEPR T945M markers with milk fat composition in southern Chile was evaluated. We selected five herds of Holstein-Friesian, Jersey, Frisón Negro, Montbeliarde, and Overo Colorado cows (pasture-grazed) that received strategic supplementation with concentrates and conserved forages. We genotyped the SNPs and calculated allele frequencies and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Milk fat composition was determined for individual milk samples over a year, and associations between genotypes and milk composition were studied. The most frequent variants for DGAT1, SCD1, and LEPR polymorphisms were GC/GC, C, and C, respectively. The DGAT1 GC/GC allele was associated with lower milk fat and protein content, lower saturated fatty acid levels, and higher polyunsaturated FA (PUFA), n-3 and n-6 FA, and a linolenic acid to cholesterolemic FA ratios, which implied a healthier FA profile. The SCD1 CC genotype was associated with a low cholesterolemic FA content, a high ratio of linolenic acid to cholesterolemic FA, and lower conjugated-linolenic acid and PUFA content. These results suggest the possible modulation of milk fat profiles, using specific genotypes, to improve the nutritional quality of dairy products.

  12. Testes genéticos na eqüideocultura

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    Eduardo Geraldo Alves Coelho


    Full Text Available Nos últimos anos a equideocultura deu um salto qualitativo, havendo hoje, no mercado, animais de alto valor e geneticamente superiores. Isso é possível, em grande parte, devido aos avanços na área da genética animal, os quais permitem identificar, não apenas anomalias, mas também diversos genes de interesse econômico. Com o auxílio da citogenética pode-se identificar indivíduos com alterações no número ou na estrutura dos cromossomos, o que em muitos casos afeta principalmente a reprodução. Também a confirmação de genealogia, anteriormente feita por tipagem sangüínea e atualmente por testes de DNA, tem papel extremamente importante, não apenas por garantir a ascendência dos animais, mas também porque um pedigree confiável pode permitir ao criador identificar a origem de problemas genéticos em seu rebanho e reduzi-los ou mesmo, eliminá-los. Ainda com as ferramentas da biologia molecular, podemos hoje, identificar indivíduos que apresentam genes desejáveis ou indesejáveis, o que nos permite selecioná-los precocemente, reduzindo assim, os custos do produtor e aumentando o valor agregado dos animais. Entre tais genes podemos destacar os que identificam portadores ou afetados por mutações genéticas indesejáveis como: SCID (Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Combinada, HYPP (Parilisa Hipercalêmica, HERDA (Astenia Dérmica Regional Hereditária Eqüina, etc. Também a identificação dos genes que determinam a cor ou padrão da pelagem já pode ser feita direta ou indiretamente (por meio de marcadores genéticos, como é o caso dos genes para as pelagens Overo, Tobiano, etc. Com os avanços no estudo do genoma eqüino muito mais estará disponível em breve, o que certamente só trará maiores contribuições à equideocultura mundial.In the last few years the horse breeding industry is achieving significant progresses producing animals of high commercial value and genetically superior. It was possible, mainly due to

  13. A Markov random field image segmentation model for lizard spots

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    Alexander Gómez-Villa


    Full Text Available La identificación de animales para estudio y conservación de la fauna puede ser realizada usando características de apariencia fenotípica como manchas, rayas o forma, teniendo la ventaja de que este enfoque no causa ningún daño al sujeto de estudio. Debido a que la identificación visual debe hacerse a través de la inspección, un experto revisa potencialmente cientos o miles de imágenes. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis con varios algoritmos clásicos de segmentación y preprocesamiento como: binarización, ecualización del histograma y corrección de la saturación. Contra los enfoques clásicos de segmentación, un modelo de segmentación basado en campos aleatorios de Markov para segmentación de manchas es propuesto y probado en imágenes ideales, estándares y desafiantes. Como sujeto de estudio es usado el lagarto Diploglossus millepunctatus. El método propuesto alcanzó una eficiencia máxima de 84,87%.

  14. Estabelecimento de Espécies Florestais Nativas Via Semeadura Direta no Rio Piauitinga - Sergipe

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    Janisson Batista de Jesus


    Full Text Available RESUMO A técnica de semeadura direta vem se destacando nos projetos de recuperação florestal pela redução de custos na implantação e tem sido cada vez mais utilizada. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a emergência, sobrevivência e estabelecimento de espécies florestais nativas, por meio de sementes em áreas de mata ciliar no Rio Piauitinga, município de Lagarto, SE. As espécies utilizadas foram Libidibia ferrea var. leiostachya (Benth. L. P. Queiroz, Cassia grandis L. f., Cecropia pachystachya Trec., Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell. Morong e Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. O experimento em campo foi implantado em Delineamento em Blocos Casualizados (DBC com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial, testando-se as cinco espécies com e sem tratamento para superação de dormência. A semeadura direta mostrou-se uma técnica viável para a área de estudo apenas para as espécies L. ferrea var. leiostachya, E. contortisiliquum e Cassia grandis, utilizando-se sementes com e sem dormência.

  15. Efferent projections of the dorsal ventricular ridge and the striatum in the Tegu lizard. Tupinambis nigropunctatus. (United States)

    Voneida, T J; Sligar, C M


    A H3 proline-leucine mixture was injected into the dorsal ventricular ridge (DVR) and striatum of the Tegu lizard in order to determine their efferent projections. The brains were processed according to standard radioautographic technique, and counterstained with cresyl violet. DVR projections were generally restricted to the telencephalon, while striatal projections were limited to diencephalic and mesencephalic structures. Thus the anterior DVR projects ipsilaterally to nuclei sphericus and lateralis amygdalae, striatum (ipsilateral and contralateral) ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, anterior olfactory nucleus, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract and lateral pallium. Posterior DVR projections enter ipsilateral anterior olfactory nucleus, lateral and interstitial amygdalar nuclei, olfactory tubercle and bulb, nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract and a zone surrounding the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus. Labeled axons from striatal injections pass caudally in the lateral forebrain bundle to enter (via dorsal peduncle) nuclei dorsomedialis, medialis posterior, entopeduncularis anterior, and a zone surrounding nucleus rotundus. Others join the ventral peduncle of LFB and enter ventromedial nucleus (thalami), while the remaining fibers continue caudally in the ventral peduncle to the mesencephalic prerubral field, central gray, substantia nigra, nucleus intercollicularis, reticular formation and pretectal nucleus posterodorsalis. These results are discussed in relation to the changing notions regarding terminology, classification and functions of dorsl ventricular ridge and striatum.

  16. Fish larvae and juveniles checklist (Pisces from the northern Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, with 39 new records for the region Listado de larvas y juveniles de peces del norte de la península de Yucatán, México, con 39 nuevos registros para la región

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    Víctor García-Hernández


    Full Text Available A taxonomic checklist for fish larvae and juveniles occurring at Yalahau (June 2001-May 2002, Celestún (July 1994-June 1995, Chelem (July 1999-June 2000 and Río Lagartos (November 1996- October 1997 lagoons located in the northern part of the Yucatán Peninsula is presented. Sampling was carried out for 5 minutes using a zooplankton net for larvae, while a Renfro net was hauled for 50 m2 to capture juveniles. This work aims to provide the current state of the taxonomic composition and general distribution for 34 377 fish larvae and juveniles. Our samples represent 2 classes, 17 orders, 45 families, 83 genera and 117 species were caught, including 39 new records, where 24 have been found only in the Gulf of Mexico, 3 in the Caribbean Sea, and 90 are common to both regions. This study updates and increases the number of species in larval and juvenile stages previously reported. It was found that early reef larval stages were more abundant towards the East of the Yucatán Peninsula and less to the West. The high number of shared species (90 suggests that the northern region of the Yucatán Peninsula is a transition zone for fish larvae and juveniles between the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.Se presenta un listado taxonómico de larvas y juveniles de peces de las lagunas de Yalahau (junio 2001-may 2002, Celestún (julio 1994-junio 1995, Chelem (julio 1999-junio 2000 y Río Lagartos (noviembre1996- octubre 1997 del norte de la península de Yucatán. Se actualiza e incrementa el registro en el número de especies del lugar reportado en estudios previos y se hacen observaciones sobre la distribución general de las larvas y juveniles de peces del área. Los muestreos se realizaron durante 5 minutos con una red de zooplancton para las larvas de peces y una red Renfro para los juveniles cubriendo un área de 50 m2. Se registraron 2 clases, 17 órdenes, 45 familias, 83 géneros y 117 especies, incluyendo a 39 nuevos registros, y de las cuales 24

  17. Pampean lizard assemblage from subtropical Brazil: a temporal analysis

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    Gisele R. Winck


    Full Text Available The increasing human occupation of natural environments is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity. To mitigate the negative anthropogenic effects, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of natural populations and the natural history of species. A study was conducted with an assemblage of lizards from a disturbed area of the Pampa biome, from February 2001 to January 2004. The assemblage showed a unimodal seasonal pattern, with the recruitment period occurring during the warmer months. The captures were seasonal for two of the three monitored years, and concentrated within warmer months. The minimum temperature explained the number of catches for the assemblage as a whole. However, when the species were analyzed individually, the temperature only explained the seasonal occurrence of Teius oculatus. The abundance of species was significantly different in the third year of study for Cercosaura schreibersii and Ophiodes striatus. This latter species was no longer registered in the study area from May 2003 until the end of the study. Therefore, O. striatus may be more sensitive to environmental changes, considering the events of change in vegetation during the study. With frequent and increasing environmental disturbances, it is necessary to take conservation measures and encourage the increase of knowledge on Pampean lizards.O crescimento da ocupação humana sobre ambientes naturais é uma das maiores ameaças à biodiversidade. Para amenizar os efeitos negativos antropogênicos, é necessário entender as características das populações naturais, e a história natural das espécies. Um estudo foi conduzido com uma assembeia de lagartos de uma área perturbada do Pampa, de fevereiro de 2002 a janeiro de 2004. A assembleia apresentou padrão sazonal unimodal, com recrutamento ocorrendo durante os meses mais quentes. As capturas foram sazonais durante dois dos três anos monitorados, e concentradas nos meses mais quentes. A

  18. Zoomorfismos, botanismos, gastronomismos: é assim que devem ser classificados os fraseologismos?

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    Lúcia Monteiro de Barros Fulgêncio


    Full Text Available No estudo das expressões idiomáticas, emprega-se com frequência uma taxonomia que estabelece categorias fraseológicas com base na classe hiperonímica de um dos nomes que ocorrem na expressão. Dessa forma, costuma-se usar uma classificação que inclui termos como zoomorfismos, botanismos, indumentismos, somatismos e gastronomismos, por exemplo. Falar cobras e lagartos seria um zoomorfismo; por outro lado, plantar bananeira seria um botanismo. O presente artigo tem o objetivo de questionar a adequação e a pertinência de tal classificação. Apesar de esse uso constituir a praxe em vários estudos fraseológicos, acreditamos ser necessário rever a conveniência desse tipo de agrupamento taxonômico e discutir a pertinência da nomenclatura, tendo em vista, sobretudo, a não conformidade da classificação com o conteúdo semântico da expressão. Para questionar a adequação dessa classificação são apresentados argumentos como a falta de referência dos nomes internos às expressões idiomáticas e a impossibilidade de recuperação anafórica. Esses traços mostram a inconveniência de se estabelecer uma taxonomia com base em nomes cujos esquemas cognitivos não são evocados e cuja semântica individual não é preservada. In the study of idiomatic expressions, a frequently used taxonomy establishes phraseological categories based on the hyperonymic class of one of the nouns occurring in the expression. A classification has been proposed that includes terms such as zoomorphisms, botanisms, indumentisms, somatisms and gastronomisms, for example. Falar cobras e lagartos (‘to speak ill of’, literally ‘to speak snakes and lizards’ is considered a zoomorfism; on the other hand, plantar bananeira (‘to stand on one’s head’, literally ‘to plant a banana-tree’ is considered a botanism. The present paper takes to question the adequacy and convenience of this kind of classification. Although this taxonomy has been used as

  19. Herpetofauna of an Atlantic rainforest area (Morro São João in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

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    Mauricio Almeida-Gomes


    Full Text Available We studied the herpetofaunal community from the Atlantic forest of Morro São João, in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, and present data on species composition, richness, relative abundance and densities. We combined three sampling methods: plot sampling, visual encounter surveys and pit-fall traps. We recorded sixteen species of amphibians and nine of reptiles. The estimated densities (based on results of plot sampling were 4.5 ind/100 m2 for amphibians and 0.8 ind/100 m² for lizards, and the overall density (amphibians and lizards was 5.3 ind/100 m². For amphibians, Eleutherodactylus and Scinax were the most speciose genera with three species each, and Eleutherodactylus binotatus was the most abundant species (mean density of 3.0 frogs/100 m². The reptile community of Morro São João was dominated by species of the families Gekkonidae and Gymnophtalmidae (Lacertilia and Colubridae (Serpentes. The gymnophtalmid lizard Leposoma scincoides was the most abundant reptile species (mean density of 0.3 ind/100 m². We compare densities obtained in our study data with those of other studied rainforest sites in various tropical regions of the world.Estudamos a comunidade herpetofaunística da Mata Atlântica do Morro São João, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, e apresentamos dados da composição, riqueza, abundância relativa e densidade das espécies. Combinamos três metodologias de amostragem: parcelas, encontros visuais e armadilhas de queda. Registramos 16 espécies de anfíbios e 9 espécies de répteis. As densidades estimadas (baseadas nos resultados da amostragem através de parcelas foram 4.5 ind/100 m² para anfíbios, 0.8 ind/100 m² para lagartos, e a densidade total (anfíbios e répteis foi 5.3 ind/100 m². Para anfíbios, Eleutherodactylus e Scinax foram os gêneros com maior número de espécies, com três espécies cada, e Eleutherodactylus binotatus foi a espécie mais abundante (densidade média de 3.0 anuros/100 m². A

  20. The peanut landraces from Bolivia

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    Antonio Krapovickas


    Full Text Available Bolivia is reagarded as the probable place of origin of the domesticated peanut, and an important world center of unique peanut diversity. As the first published study of its kind or peanut, this paper identifies and describes the infraspecific diversity of the crop in its country of origin and center of diverstity. 62 distinct landraces of Bolivian peanut were identified and systematically described. 42 landraces belong to Arachis hypogaea L. ssp. hypogaea var. hypogaea; 17 to A. hypogaea ssp. fastigiata var. fastigiata; one to A. hypogaea ssp. fastigiata var.vulgaris; and two to A. hypogaea ssp. fastigiata var. peruviana. With very few exceptions, the landraces encountered in Bolivia are almost entirely endemic to that country. The most typical peanuts from Bolivia pertain to the landraces “Crema”, “Colorado San Simón”, “Bayo americano”, “Overo”, and “Overo carenado”, which are widely cultivated throughout the country. A few regions of unusually high peanut diversity can be identified. In the Yungas region of La Paz, 11 landraces were collected, of which three are endemic. In the mountainous regions of Santa Cruz and Cochabamba, 18 landraces were collected, of which six are endemic. The Department of Tarija yielded 14 landraces , of which two are endemic. All of the aforementioned landraces pertain to the botanical  variety hypogaea. In contrast, the subspecies fastigiata has a remarkable center or diversity  in the watershed of the Rio Beni, where 10 landraces were collected in a fairly small area, nine of which  are endemic to that region. This monograph is intended to enhance the knowledge and appreciation of peanut diversity, and facilitate the conservation and use of peanut landraces by scientistis, plant breeders, and farmers

  1. Cardiac hypertrophy and structural and metabolic remodeling related to seasonal dormancy in the first annual cycle in tegu lizards. (United States)

    da Silveira, Lilian Cristina; do Nascimento, Lucas Francisco R; Colquhoun, Alison; Abe, Augusto S; de Souza, Silvia Cristina R


    Morpho-functional adjustments in the heart of juvenile tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae) were analyzed at distinct seasonal periods to investigate how the demands of growth and of energy saving are reconciled during the first annual cycle. The relative ventricular mass (Mv) was 31% and 69% larger in late autumn and winter dormancy, respectively, compared to early autumn. This effect did not persist during unfed arousal, suggesting that protein accumulates in the heart during hypometabolism and is degraded on arousal. Both the hypertrophy and the atrophy were disproportionate in the largest individuals. In contrast, Mv was smaller in lizards that were starved during spring activity compared to fed lizards, this effect being larger in smaller individuals. In late autumn and winter dormancy the spongy myocardium had 8% of the section area covered by lacunary spaces, which expanded after food intake during arousal and reached 29% in spring activity together with higher density of cardiomyocytes. Total and soluble proteins per mass unity were unchanged, and maximum activities of selected enzymes suggest sustained glycolytic and aerobic capacities during hypometabolism. Results indicate that important structural adjustments occur in the heart in anticipation of dormancy, and that the protein balance in the tissue is maintained at winter temperatures ~17°C. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Ascending connections to the forebrain in the Tegu lizard. (United States)

    Lohman, A H; van Woerden-Verkley, I


    The ascending connections to the striatum and the cortex of the Tegu lizard, Tupinambis nigropunctatus, were studied by means of anterograde fiber degeneration and retrograde axonal transport. The striatum receives projections by way of the dorsal peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle from four dorsal thalamic nuclei: nucleus rotundus, nucleus reuniens, the posterior part of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and nucleus dorsomedialis. The former three nuclei project to circumscribed areas of the dorsal striatum, whereas nucleus dorsomedialis has a distribution to the whole dorsal striatum. Other sources of origin to the striatum are the mesencephalic reticular formation, substantia nigra and nucleus cerebelli lateralis. With the exception of the latter afferentation all these projections are ipsilateral. The ascending connections to the pallium originate for the major part from nucleus dorsolateralis anterior of the dorsal thalamus. The fibers course in both the medial forebrain bundle and the dorsal peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle and terminate ipsilaterally in the middle of the molecular layer of the small-celled part of the mediodorsal cortex and bilaterally above the intermediate region of the dorsal cortex. The latter area is reached also by fibers from the septal area. The large-celled part of the mediodorsal cortex receives projections from nucleus raphes superior and the corpus mammillare.



    Oliveira, Magno Lima Travassos


    A composição de uma comunidade pode ser influenciada por uma única espécie, através da competição interespecífica. Cada espécie pode servir de recursos para outras, sendo consumida ou parasitada, ocupando a posição de produtor, consumidor ou decompositor (BEGON et al., 2007). Desta forma, a posição de um organismo dentro da comunidade pode ser definida em termos de utilização dos recursos e de interações com organismos que utilizam os mesmos recursos (PUTMAN, 1994). Essa idéia abstrata da ...

  4. alpha-Crystallin A sequences of Alligator mississippiensis and the lizard Tupinambis teguixin: molecular evolution and reptilian phylogeny. (United States)

    de Jong, W W; Zweers, A; Versteeg, M; Dessauer, H C; Goodman, M


    The amino acid sequences of the eye lens protein alpha-crystallin A from many mammalian and avian species, two frog species, and a dogfish have provided detailed information about the molecular evolution of this protein and allowed some useful inferences about phylogenetic relationships among these species. We now have isolated and sequenced the alpha-crystallins of the American alligator and the common tegu lizard. The reptilian alpha A chains appear to have evolved as slowly as those of other vertebrates, i.e., at two to three amino acid replacements per 100 residues in 100 Myr. The lack of charged replacements and the general types and distribution of replacements also are similar to those in other vertebrate alpha A chains. Maximum-parsimony analyses of the total data set of 67 vertebrate alpha A sequences support the monophyletic origin of alligator, tegu, and birds and favor the grouping of crocodilians and birds as surviving sister groups in the subclass Archosauria.

  5. Effects of season, temperature, and body mass on the standard metabolic rate of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae). (United States)

    Toledo, Luís F; Brito, Simone P; Milsom, William K; Abe, Augusto S; Andrade, Denis V


    Abstract This study examined how the standard metabolic rate of tegu lizards, a species that undergoes large ontogenetic changes in body weight with associated changes in life-history traits, is affected by changes in body mass, body temperature, season, and life-history traits. We measured rates of oxygen consumption (Vo(2)) in 90 individuals ranging in body mass from 10.4 g to 3.75 kg at three experimental temperatures (17 degrees , 25 degrees , and 30 degrees C) over the four seasons. We found that standard metabolic rate scaled to the power of 0.84 of body mass at all experimental temperatures in all seasons and that thermal sensitivity of metabolism was relatively low (Q(10) approximately 2.0-2.5) over the range from 17 degrees to 30 degrees C regardless of body size or season. Metabolic rates did vary seasonally, being higher in spring and summer than in autumn and winter at the same temperatures, and this was true regardless of animal size. Finally, in this study, the changes in life-history traits that occurred ontogenetically were not accompanied by significant changes in metabolic rate.

  6. Biosynthesis and characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoates produced by an extreme halophilic bacterium, Halomonas nitroreducens, isolated from hypersaline ponds. (United States)

    Cervantes-Uc, J M; Catzin, J; Vargas, I; Herrera-Kao, W; Moguel, F; Ramirez, E; Rincón-Arriaga, S; Lizama-Uc, G


    Morphological, biochemical and genotypic characterization of a halophilic bacterium isolated from hypersaline ponds located at Las Coloradas (Río Lagartos, Yucatán, Mexico). Characterization of polymer produced by this strain was also performed. Twenty strains were isolated from water samples of salt ponds and selected based on both morphological features and their PHA storage capacity, which were determined by SEM and staining methods with Nile red and Nile blue, respectively; strains were also analysed by the fluorescence imaging technique. Among them, JCCOL25.8 strain showed the highest production of PHA's reason why phenotypic and genotypic characterization was performed; this strain was identified as Halomonas nitroreducens. Polymer produced by this strain was characterized by FTIR, DSC, GPC and EDX spectroscopy. Results indicated that the biosynthesized polymer was polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) which had a melting peak at 170°C and a crystallinity percentage of about 36%. Based on phenotypic and genotypic aspects, JCCOL25.8 strain was identified as H. nitroreducens and it was capable to accumulate PHB. To our knowledge, there is only one study published on the biosynthesis of PHA's by H. nitroreducens strains, although the characterization of the obtained polymer was not reported. © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  7. Serpentes da área urbana de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso: aspectos ecológicos e acidentes ofídicos associados

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    Carvalho Marcos André de


    Full Text Available São apresentadas informações sobre as serpentes da área urbana do Município de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, potencialmente causadoras de acidentes ofídicos. As informações estão baseadas em exemplares doados por populares ao Núcleo de Ofiologia Regional de Mato Grosso (Normat entre 1986 e 1993 e em registros efetuados pelo Centro de Informações Anti-Veneno (Ciave entre 1988 e 1993, que não fazem referência ao animal causador. Foram catalogadas 37 espécies de serpentes, em 25 gêneros e 3 famílias, com hábitos predominantemente diurnos, terrestres e com dietas baseadas em anfíbios e/ou lagartos. Dentre os 307 acidentes ofídicos registrados, 56% foram causados por serpentes sem interesse médico e 44% constituíram acidentes de importância médica. Cerca de 99% dos acidentes de importância médica foram atribuídos ao gênero Bothrops (Bothrops moojeni e Bothrops neuwiedi seriam as principais causadoras. Dentre as espécies sem interesse médico, Philodryas olfersii e Waglerophis merremii provavelmente foram as principais responsáveis pela maior parte dos acidentes.

  8. Communal egg laying by Gonatodes humeralis (Sauria, Gekkonidae in Manaus primary and secondary forest areas Desovas comunais de Gonatodes humeralis (Sauria, Gekkonidae em áreas de floresta primária e secundária de Manaus

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    Welton Yudi ODA


    Full Text Available Communal nesting has been registered for a number of lizard species at different sites. Here it is described communal egg laying of Gonatodes humeralis at different sites near and in human buildings in the period between 1990 and 1998. All these communal nests have been found in the dry season, between April and July, suggesting that the nests of are more common in this season, when the activity of their predators is less intense and the reduction of humidity diminish the decomposition action of the fungi that may kill the eggs.Desovas comunais tem sido registradas para inúmeras espécies de lagartos em diferentes regiões. Neste estudo, estão descritas desovas comunais de Gonatodes humeralis em diferentes localidades próximas, no interior de construções humanas no período entre 1990 e 1998. Todas estas desovas comunais foram encontradas na estação seca, entre abril e julho, sugerindo que estas desovas são mais comuns neste período, quando a atividade dos predadores é menos intensa e a redução da umidade diminui a ação decompositora dos fungos que pode matar os ovos.

  9. Caracterización de los patrones de conducta agresiva territorial del lagarto de la Sabana de Bogotá Phenacosaurus Heterodermus (Sauria: Iguanidae Caracterización de los patrones de conducta agresiva territorial del lagarto de la Sabana de Bogotá Phenacosaurus Heterodermus (Sauria: Iguanidae

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    Guzmán Lombo Juliana


    Full Text Available La conducta agonística territorial en machos de la especie Phenacosaurus heterodermus presenta amplia variabilidad intraindividual e interindividual en los patrones de comportamiento observados. Por medio de una metodología de observación, se lograron caracterizar patrones de conducta individuales y secuenciales y acciones más complejas de exhibiciones simultáneas. El cabeceo se tomó como el patrón básico de dicho comportamiento, siendo cuantitativamente el más importante.  Se comparó la caracterización de los patrones de conducta agresiva con aquellos presentes en el cortejo, observándose gran similitud con éstos. The territorial aggressive behavior in males of the species Phenacosaurus heterodermus presents a wide range of variation within the individual and among individuals in the patterns of behavior observed. By means of methods of observation it was possible to characterize behavioral patterns of individual and sequence displays, and more complex actions of simultaneous exhibitions. The head bob was taken as the basic pattern for this behavior, being quantitatively the most important.  These aggressive patterns were compared with those present in courtship, of the same species, observing great similarities between them.

  10. Feeding ecology of Tropidurus torquatus (Wied (Squamata, Tropiduridae in two areas with different degrees of conservation in Marambaia Island, Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil Ecologia alimentar de Tropidurus torquatus (Wied (Sauria, Tropiduridae em duas áreas com diferentes níveis de conservação na Ilha da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro, Sudeste do Brasil

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    André L. G. de Carvalho


    outra população (Bj num = 2,44; Bj vol = 1,52. A sobreposição de nicho foi mais marcante para o número de itens consumidos entre as populações (Oij num = 0,82 e menos marcante para volume (Oij vol = 0,05. Nossos dados sugerem diferenças nas dietas entre as duas populações de lagartos, e estas diferenças parecem estar associadas à degradação ambiental. Nossa principal hipótese para explicar as diferenças nas dietas embasa-se na Teoria do Forrageamento Ótimo. Entretanto, o comportamento alimentar, e conseqüentemente a dieta dos lagartos, mostrarem-se limitadas filogeneticamente, com um padrão que pode ter evoluído no ancestral de todos os iguanídeos.

  11. Effect of upper airway CO2 pattern on ventilatory frequency in tegu lizards. (United States)

    Ballam, G O; Coates, E L


    Nasal CO2-sensitive receptors are reported to depress ventilatory frequency in several reptilian species in response to constant low levels of inspired CO2. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of phasic patterns of CO2 in the upper airways on ventilation. Awake lizards (Tupinambis nigropunctatus) breathed through an endotracheal tube from an isolated gas source. A second gas mixture was forced at constant flow into the external nares. A concentration of 4% CO2 was intermittently pulsed through the nares in a square-wave pattern with a frequency of 60, 12, 6, 4.2, 1.8, and 0.6 cycles/min. Concentrations of 2, 3, 4, and 6% CO2 were also pulsed through the nares at 12 cycles/min and compared with sustained levels of 1, 1.5, 2, and 3%. Additionally, 0 or 3% CO2 was forced through the upper airways with a servo system designed to mimic normal ventilatory flow and gas concentrations. No changes in breathing pattern were noted during any of the pulsing protocols, although a significant breathing frequency depression was present with sustained levels of CO2 of comparable mean concentrations. We conclude that ventilatory control is selectively responsive to sustained levels of environmental CO2 but not to phasic changes in upper airway CO2 concentration.

  12. Daily and annual cycles in thermoregulatory behaviour and cardio-respiratory physiology of black and white tegu lizards. (United States)

    Sanders, Colin E; Tattersall, Glenn J; Reichert, Michelle; Andrade, Denis V; Abe, Augusto S; Milsom, William K


    This study was designed to determine the manner in which metabolism is suppressed during dormancy in black and white tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae). To this end, heart rate (fH), respiration rate (fR), and deep body temperature (Tb) were continuously monitored in outdoor enclosures by radio-telemetry for nine months. There was a continuous decline in nighttime breathing and heart rate, at constant Tb, throughout the late summer and fall suggestive of an active metabolic suppression that developed progressively at night preceding the entrance into dormancy. During the day, however, the tegus still emerged to bask. In May, when the tegus made a behavioural commitment to dormancy, Tb (day and night) fell to match burrow temperature, accompanied by a further reduction in fH and fR. Tegus, under the conditions of this study, did arouse periodically during dormancy. There was a complex interplay between changes in fH and Tb associated with the direct effects of temperature and the indirect effects of thermoregulation, activity, and changes in metabolism. This interplay gave rise to a daily hysteresis in the fH/Tb relationship reflective of the physiological changes associated with warming and cooling as preferred Tb alternated between daytime and nighttime levels. The shape of the hysteresis curve varied with season along with changes in metabolic state and daytime and nighttime body temperature preferences.


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    Néstor Javier Mancera Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este trabajo ofrece un panorama sobre las actividades relacionadas con el comercio de bienes derivados de las especies de fauna silvestre en Colombia, abordando el tema desde el desarrollo que ha tenido su actividad productiva, el aprovechamiento extractivo, así como la dinámica de su comercio legal e ilegal en el país y el desarrollo y promoción de alternativas productivas sustentadas en su aprovechamiento. Se analizó la información secundaria de entidades como el Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, las Corporaciones Autónomas Regionales y Autoridades Ambientales Urbanas, el Instituto Colombiano de Desarrollo Rural-INCODER, las Autoridades Policiales, los Institutos de Investigación, el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, la Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales-DIAN, el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, y PROEXPORT. entre otras. En Colombia, el comercio de especies de fauna silvestre está centrado principalmente en la extracción de ejemplares de forma ilegal, lo cual ha generado desequilibrios en las poblaciones naturales y ha repercutido en el deterioro de la dinámica de los ecosistemas. El comercio legal de fauna silvestre se basa en la producción de unas pocas especies entre las que se destacan la babilla (Caiman crocodilus, el chigüiro (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris, cerca de 200 especies de peces ornamentales y en menor medida el lobo pollero (Tupinambis nigropunctatus, la iguana (Iguana iguana, la boa (Boa constrictor, escarabajos (Dynastes hercules y mariposas. En el país no se tiene información exacta sobre el número de incautaciones realizadas en los operativos de control al tráfico ilegal de fauna, y no existe un conocimiento de la dinámica de este comercio ilegal.This work offers a current view on the activities related to the trade of derived from the wildlife species in Colombia, approaching the topic from the development that has had its productive activity

  14. Diurnal flight behavior of Ichneumonoidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera) related to environmental factors in a tropical dry forest. (United States)

    González-Moreno, A; Bordera, S; Leirana-Alcocer, J; Delfín-González, H


    The biology and behavior of insects are strongly influenced by environmental conditions such as temperature and precipitation. Because some of these factors present a within day variation, they may be causing variations on insect diurnal flight activity, but scant information exists on the issue. The aim of this work was to describe the patterns on diurnal variation of the abundance of Ichneumonoidea and their relation with relative humidity, temperature, light intensity, and wind speed. The study site was a tropical dry forest at Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve, Mexico; where correlations between environmental factors (relative humidity, temperature, light, and wind speed) and abundance of Ichneumonidae and Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) were estimated. The best regression model for explaining abundance variation was selected using the second order Akaike Information Criterion. The optimum values of temperature, humidity, and light for flight activity of both families were also estimated. Ichneumonid and braconid abundances were significantly correlated to relative humidity, temperature, and light intensity; ichneumonid also showed significant correlations to wind speed. The second order Akaike Information Criterion suggests that in tropical dry conditions, relative humidity is more important that temperature for Ichneumonoidea diurnal activity. Ichneumonid wasps selected toward intermediate values of relative humidity, temperature and the lowest wind speeds; while Braconidae selected for low values of relative humidity. For light intensity, braconids presented a positive selection for moderately high values.

  15. Encontro do Plasmodium (S tropiduri no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil Find of Plasmodium (S tropiduri in the State of S. Paulo, Brazil

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    Eduardo Olavo da Rocha e Silva


    Full Text Available Relata-se o encontro, pela primeira vez no Estado de São Paulo - Brasil, de lagartos do gênero Tropidurus, parasitados pelo Plasmodium (S tropiduri, mencionando alguns dos achados anteriores do parasito em outras áreas do país e na Venezuela. São salientadas as baixas parasitemias encontradas e a semelhança morfológica das formas estudadas com a descrição do parasita feita por Aragão e Neiva. São mostradas ainda as dificuldades no achado das formas exoeritrocíticas encontradas no trombócitos. Assinala-se o encontro em baixa densidade, do A. (N evansae e A. (N. argyritarsis, numa das áreas estudadas.The find, for the first time in the state of São Paulo - Brasil, a parasite, the Plasmodium (S. tropiduri in lizards of genus Tropidurus is described. Initially it was related this parasite found, by other authors, in another areas of the Brasil and Venezuela. As far as the parasitology itself is concerned, the low parasite density encountered and the simular morfology as it was studied by Aragão et Neiva are reported. There remain the difficulties encountered in the discovery of exoeritrocitic forms in trombocytes. In entomological research, finding in low density, of the A. (N. evansae and the A. (N. argyritarsis is reported.

  16. Ticks infesting amphibians and reptiles in Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil Carrapatos infestando anfíbios e répteis em Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil

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    Filipe Dantas-Torres


    Full Text Available Ticks infesting amphibians and reptiles in the State of Pernambuco are reviewed, based on the current literature and new collections recently carried out by the authors. To date, three tick species have been found on amphibians and reptiles in Pernambuco. Amblyomma fuscum appears to be exclusively associated with Boa constrictor, its type host. Amblyomma rotundatum has a relatively low host-specificity, being found on toads, snakes, and iguana. Amblyomma dissimile has been found on a lizard and also small mammals (i.e., rodents and marsupials. New tick-host associations and locality records are given.Os carrapatos encontrados infestando anfíbios e répteis no Estado de Pernambuco são revisados com base na literatura atual e em novas coletas realizadas recentemente pelos autores. Até o momento, três espécies de carrapatos foram encontradas sobre anfíbios e répteis em Pernambuco. Amblyomma fuscum parece estar exclusivamente associado à Boa constrictor, seu hospedeiro-tipo. Amblyomma rotundatum tem uma especificidade parasitária relativamente baixa, sendo encontrado em sapos, serpentes e iguana. Amblyomma dissimile já foi encontrado sobre um lagarto e também sobre pequenos mamíferos (isto é, roedores e marsupiais. Novas associações carrapato-hospedeiro e novos registros de localidades são apresentados.

  17. La lacertofauna de Mendoza: lista actualizada, distribución y riqueza

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    Corbalán, Valeria


    Full Text Available La provincia de Mendoza posee una rica fauna de lagartos pertenecientes a las familias Leiosauridae, Liolaemidae, Teiidae, Scincidae y Gekkonidae. Algunos son propios del Monte, Puna, Payunia o región andina, mientras que otros poseen una amplia distribución, ocupando dos o más ecosistemas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue actualizar la lista lacertofaunística de la provincia y determinar las áreas de mayor riqueza de especies en relación a estos cuatro tipos de ecosistemas. Se utilizaron datos de procedencia de 43 especies de lagartos a partir de colecciones herpetológicas y de bibliografía. Las localidades fueron georreferenciadas y mapeadas. Una primera estimación de las áreas de mayor riqueza fue realizada sobre la base de las distribuciones de acuerdo a los puntos de colecta. En un segundo análisis, se generaron modelos predictivos de distribución utilizan-do 26 variables ambientales. Estas áreas potenciales fueron superpuestas a fin de obtener el número de especies en cuadrículas de 4,6 km x 4,6 km. Los resultados de ambos métodos indican que la mayor riqueza de especies se encuentra en la Payunia, probablemente en relación a la mayor heterogeneidad ambiental de la zona, ya que es considerada un área ecotonal entre la región fitogeográfica de la Patagonia y el Monte. Un análisis de similitud (Índice de Morisita demuestra que la similitud entre ecosistemas en cuanto a la composición de especies es baja, conformándose dos grupos: el Monte y Patagonia por un lado, y el ecosistema Andino y Puneño por otro. Mendoza province has a rich fauna of lizards that belongs to the Leiosauridae, Liolaemidae, Teiidae, Scincidae and Gekkonidae families. Some of them are typical of the Monte, Puna, Payunia or Andean region, whereas some others are widespread, inhabiting two or more ecosystems. The objective of this work is to perform an updating of the Mendoza lizard fauna and to determine the most highly species-rich areas related to

  18. Projections of the optic tectum and the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve in the tegu lizard (Tupinambis nigropunctatus). (United States)

    Ebbesson, S O


    Fibers undergoing Wallerian degeneration following tectal lesions were demonstrated with the Nauta and Fink-Heimer methods and traced to their termination. Four of the five distinct fiber paths originating in the optic tectum appear related to vision, while one is related to the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminus. The latter component of the tectal efferents distributes fibers to 1) the main sensory nucleus of the trigeminus, 2) the motor nucleus of the trigeminus, 3) the nucleus of tractus solitarius, and 4) the intermediate gray of the cervical spinal cord. The principal ascending bundle projects to the nucleus rotundus, three components of the ventral geniculate nucleus and the nucleus ventromedialis anterior ipsilaterally, before it crosses in the supraoptic commissure and terminates in the contralateral nucleus rotundus, ventral geniculate nucleus and a hitherto unnamed region dorsal to the nucleus of the posterior accessory optic tract. Fibers leaving the tectum dorso-medially terminate in the posterodorsal nucleus ipsilaterally and the stratum griseum periventriculare of the contralateral tectum. The descending fiber paths terminate in medial reticular cell groups and the rostral spinal cord contralaterally and in the torus and the lateral reticular regions ipsilaterally. The ipsilateral fascicle also issues fibers to the magnocellular nucleus isthmi.

  19. Upper airway CO2 receptors in tegu lizards: localization and ventilatory sensitivity. (United States)

    Coates, E L; Ballam, G O


    1. Tidal volume, end-tidal CO2, and ventilatory frequency in Tupinambis nigropunctatus were measured in response to CO2 (1-4%) delivered to either the mouth or nares. Additionally, the sensitivity of the ventilatory response to nasal CO2 was evaluated at CO2 concentrations less than 1%. The ventilatory parameters were also measured in response to CO2 (1-4%) delivered to the nares after the olfactory peduncle was transected. 2. It was found that (0.4-4%) nasal CO2 depressed ventilatory frequency by 9% to 83% respectively, while tidal volume was not significantly altered. CO2 (1-4%) delivered to the mouth produced no apparent changes in any of the ventilatory parameters. Following transection of the olfactory peduncle, nasal CO2 was ineffective in producing any change in ventilatory frequency or depth. 3. These findings indicate that CO2-sensitive receptors are located in either the nasal or vomeronasal membranes of tegu lizards and that the olfactory peduncle must be intact for these receptors to affect ventilatory changes in response to elevated CO2 concentrations. The receptors are capable of mediating a ventilatory response to CO2 concentrations lower than those found in either expired air or in confined spaces such as occupied burrows. 4. The discrepancies in the ventilatory responses of lizards and snakes to inspired CO2 reported in past experiments may be partially explained by the presence of nasal or vomeronasal CO2-sensitive receptors.

  20. Necrophagous diptera associated with wild animal carcasses in southern Brazil

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    Ândrio Z. da Silva


    Full Text Available Necrophagous Diptera associated with wild animal carcasses in southern Brazil. The aim of this study was to acquire a better knowledge concerning the diversity of necrophagous Diptera that develop on wild animal carcasses. For this purpose, the decomposition of six wild animal carcasses was observed in order to collect and identify the main species of necrophagous flies associated with the decomposition process. The carcasses were found on highways near the cities of Pelotas and Capão do Leão in the initial stage of decomposition, with no significant injuries or prior larval activity. Four wild animal models were represented in this study: two specimens of Didelphis albiventris Lund, 1840; two Tupinambis merianae Linnaeus, 1758; one Nothura maculosa Temminck, 1815; and one Cerdocyon thous Linnaeus, 1766. A total of 16,242 flies from 14 species were reared in the laboratory, where Muscidae presented the greatest diversity of necrophagous species. Overall, (i carcasses with larger biomass developed a higher abundance of flies and (ii the necrophagous community was dominated by Calliphoridae, two patterns that were predicted from published literature; and (iii the highest diversity was observed on the smaller carcasses exposed to the lowest temperatures, a pattern that may have been caused by the absence of the generalist predator Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819. (iv An UPGMA analysis revealed a similar pattern of clusters of fly communities, where the same species were structuring the groupings.

  1. Divergent calcium signaling in RBCs from Tropidurus torquatus (Squamata – Tropiduridae strengthen classification in lizard evolution

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    Garcia Célia RS


    Full Text Available Abstract Background We have previously reported that a Teiid lizard red blood cells (RBCs such as Ameiva ameiva and Tupinambis merianae controls intracellular calcium levels by displaying multiple mechanisms. In these cells, calcium stores could be discharged not only by: thapsigargin, but also by the Na+/H+ ionophore monensin, K+/H+ ionophore nigericin and the H+ pump inhibitor bafilomycin as well as ionomycin. Moreover, these lizards possess a P2Y-type purinoceptors that mobilize Ca2+ from intracellular stores upon ATP addition. Results Here we report, that RBCs from the tropidurid lizard Tropidurus torquatus store Ca2+ in endoplasmic reticulum (ER pool but unlike in the referred Teiidae, these cells do not store calcium in monensin-nigericin sensitive pools. Moreover, mitochondria from T. torquatus RBCs accumulate Ca2+. Addition of ATP to a calcium-free medium does not increase the [Ca2+]c levels, however in a calcium medium we observe an increase in cytosolic calcium. This is an indication that purinergic receptors in these cells are P2X-like. Conclusion T. torquatus RBCs present different mechanisms from Teiid lizard red blood cells (RBCs, for controlling its intracellular calcium levels. At T. torquatus the ion is only stored at endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Moreover activation of purinergic receptor, P2X type, was able to induce an influx of calcium from extracelullar medium. These studies contribute to the understanding of the evolution of calcium homeostasis and signaling in nucleated RBCs.

  2. Cretaceous biota of the Triângulo Mineiro region (Brazil: A review of recent finds

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    Candeiro, C. R. A.


    Full Text Available The Bauru Group (Adamantina, Uberaba, and Marília Formations crop out in the Triângulo Mineiro region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, and yield a rich continental biota. Invertebrate and vertebrate taxa from underlying and overlying strata, as well as biostratigraphical correlations with other fossil sites in Argentina, suggest an Upper Cretaceous age for this biota. The diversity of the fossil assemblage recorded in these formations is summarized here and includes: frogs, lizards, crocodiles, titanosaurs, abelisaurid and carcharodontosaurid dinosaurs. This fossil assemblage provides important clues to understand faunas from other southern landmasses, particularly those from the Cretaceous of the African continent.Los afloramientos del Grupo Bauru (formaciones Adamantina, Uberaba y Marília en la región del Triângulo Mineiro, Provincia de Minas Gerais, Brasil, posee un rico contenido de biota continental. Los taxa de invertebrados y vertebrados de estos estratos, así como las correlaciones biostratigráficas con otros yacimientos fósiles de Argentina, sugieren una edad del Cretácico Tardío. La diversidad de la asociación fósil registrada en las formaciones del Triângulo Mineiro se resume en el presente trabajo e incluye: sapos, lagartos, tortugas, cocodrilianos, titanosaurideos, dinosaurios abelisaurideos y carcharodontosaurideos. Esta asociación es importante para la comprensión de las faunas del sur de América y también de las del Cretácico de África.

  3. Mesocestoides sp. (Eucestoda, Mesocestoididae parasitizing four species of wild felines in Southern Brazil Mesocestoides sp. (Eucestoda, Mesocestoididae parasitando quatro espécies de felinos silvestres no Sul do Brasil

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    Moisés Gallas


    Full Text Available Leopardus colocolo, Leopardus geoffroyi, Leopardus tigrinus and Puma yagouaroundi are wild feline species endangered mainly due to habitat destruction and vehicle run overs. Seventeen felines hit on the roads were collected in Southern Brazil and examined for parasites. Cestodes were identified as Mesocestoides sp. The parasites were found in the small intestine of the hosts with a prevalence of 66.7% (L. colocolo and L. tigrinus, 60% (P. yagouaroundi and 50% (L. geoffroyi. Rodents and lizards were found in the stomach contents and they possibly were intermediate hosts of Mesocestoides sp. This is the first report of Mesocestoides sp. in wild felines in Brazil.As espécies Leopardus colocolo, Leopardus geoffroyi, Leopardus tigrinus e Puma yagouaroundi, são felídeos silvestres ameaçados de extinção, principalmente pela destruição do hábitat e morte em rodovias. Dezessete felídeos foram coletados atropelados no sul do Brasil e, analisados na pesquisa de parasitos. Cestóides encontrados foram identificados como Mesocestoides sp. Os parasitos foram encontrados no intestino delgado dos hospedeiros com prevalência de 66,7% (L. colocolo e L. tigrinus, 60% (P. yagouaroundi e 50% (L. geoffroyi. Roedores e lagartos foram encontrados no conteúdo estomacal, podendo ser os hospedeiros intermediários para Mesocestoides sp. Este é o primeiro registro de Mesocestoides sp. em felídeos silvestres no Brasil.


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    Yamilka Rodríguez-Gómez


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo se describe la morfología de los espermatozoides de dos especies de lagartos cubanos, Anolis sagrei y Anolis porcatus, abordando también aspectos ultraestructurales. Para ello se colectaron tres ejemplares machos adultos en la provincia de Ciudad de La Habana, y se les extrajeron ambos testículos. Se realizaron preparaciones permanentes de cortes de túbulos seminíferos teñidos con hematoxilina-eosina y frotis de suspensiones de espermatozoides en solución Ringer. Un troceado de los testículos de ambas especies fue procesado para microscopía electrónica de transmisión. En los cortes de testículo se observaron los túbulos seminíferos redondeados u ovoides en sección transversal, en su interior las células sexuales se disponen desde la base al lumen, en diferentes grados de desarrollo. La cabeza de los espermatozoides es alargada. Al microscopio electrónico de transmisión se observa el acrosoma y el núcleo, los centríolos de la región del cuello, y la cola con pieza media, pieza principal y pieza final. El axonema, en su interior, presenta el patrón de microtúbulos de 9+2. Los resultados arrojaron que la morfología de los espermatozoides, en los caracteres analizados, no muestra diferencias entre las dos especies analizadas, aun a nivel ultraestructural.

  5. Seasonal metabolic depression, substrate utilisation and changes in scaling patterns during the first year cycle of tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae). (United States)

    de Souza, Silvia Cristina R; de Carvalho, José Eduardo; Abe, Augusto S; Bicudo, José Eduardo P W; Bianconcini, Marilene S C


    The tegus increase in body mass after hatching until early autumn, when the energy intake becomes gradually reduced. Resting rates of oxygen consumption in winter drop to 20% of the values in the active season ((O(2))=0.0636 ml g(-1) h(-1)) and are nearly temperature insensitive over the range of 17-25 degrees C (Q(10)=1.55). During dormancy, plasma glucose levels are 60% lower than those in active animals, while total protein, total lipids and beta-hydroxybutyrate are elevated by 24%, 43% and 113%, respectively. In addition, a significant depletion of liver carbohydrate (50%) and of fat deposited in the visceral fat bodies (24%) and in the tail (25%) and a slight loss of skeletal muscle protein (14%) were measured halfway through the inactive period. Otherwise, glycogen content is increased 4-fold in the brain and 2.3-fold in the heart of dormant lizards, declining by the onset of arousal. During early arousal, the young tegus are still anorexic, although (O(2)) is significantly greater than winter rates. The fat deposits analysed are further reduced (62% and 45%, respectively) and there is a large decrease in tail muscle protein (50%) together with a significant increase in glycogen (2-3-fold) and an increase in plasma glucose (40%), which suggests a role for gluconeogenesis as a supplementary energy source in arousing animals. No change is detectable in citrate synthase activity, but beta-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase activities are strongly affected by season, reaching a 3-fold and 5-fold increase in the liver tissue of winter and arousing animals, respectively, and becoming reduced by half in skeletal muscle and heart of winter animals compared with late fall or spring active individuals. From hatching to late autumn, the increase of the fat body mass relatively to body mass is disproportionate (b=1.44), and the mass exponent changes significantly to close to 1.0 during the fasting period. The concomitant shift in the (O(2)) mass exponent in early autumn (b=0.75) to values significantly greater than 1.0 in late autumn and during winter dormancy indicates an allometric effect on the degree of metabolic depression related to the size of the fat stores and suggests greater energy conservation in the smaller young.

  6. Postembryonic Nephrogenesis and Persistence of Six2-Expressing Nephron Progenitor Cells in the Reptilian Kidney.

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    Troy Camarata

    Full Text Available New nephron formation (nephrogenesis ceases in mammals around birth and is completely absent in adults. In contrast, postembryonic nephrogenesis is well documented in the mesonephric kidneys of fishes and amphibians. The transient mesonephros in reptiles (including birds and mammals is replaced by the metanephros during embryogenesis. Thus, one may speculate that postembryonic nephrogenesis is restricted to the mesonephric kidney. Previous reports have suggested the metanephros of non-avian reptiles (hereafter reptiles may continually form nephrons throughout life. We investigated the presence of adult nephrogenesis in reptiles by examining adult kidneys from several species including Trachemys scripta, Chrysemys picta, Boa constrictor, Tupinambis tegu, Anolis carolinensis, and Alligator mississipiensis among others. We found that all major reptilian groups (Testudines, Crocodylia, and Squamates showed the presence of adult nephrogenesis. The total amount of nephrogenesis varied greatly between species with turtles displaying the highest density of nephrogenesis. In contrast, we were unable to detect adult nephrogenesis in monotremes, and in the iguanid A. carolinensis. Nephron progenitor cells express the transcription factor Six2, which in mammals, becomes downregulated as the progenitor cell population is exhausted and nephrogenesis ends. Using the alligator as a model, we were able to detect Six2-positive cap mesenchyme cells in the adult kidney, which spatially correlated with areas of nephrogenesis. These results suggest that the metanephric kidney of reptiles has maintained the ability to continually grow new nephrons during postembryonic life, a process lost early in mammalian evolution, likely due to the persistence of a Six2-expressing progenitor cell population.

  7. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in reptiles: a comparative study of four species with different lung structures and pulmonary blood pressures. (United States)

    Skovgaard, Nini; Abe, Augusto S; Andrade, Denis V; Wang, Tobias


    Low O2 levels in the lungs of birds and mammals cause constriction of the pulmonary vasculature that elevates resistance to pulmonary blood flow and increases pulmonary blood pressure. This hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) diverts pulmonary blood flow from poorly ventilated and hypoxic areas of the lung to more well-ventilated parts and is considered important for the local matching of ventilation to blood perfusion. In the present study, the effects of acute hypoxia on pulmonary and systemic blood flows and pressures were measured in four species of anesthetized reptiles with diverse lung structures and heart morphologies: varanid lizards (Varanus exanthematicus), caimans (Caiman latirostris), rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus), and tegu lizards (Tupinambis merianae). As previously shown in turtles, hypoxia causes a reversible constriction of the pulmonary vasculature in varanids and caimans, decreasing pulmonary vascular conductance by 37 and 31%, respectively. These three species possess complex multicameral lungs, and it is likely that HPV would aid to secure ventilation-perfusion homogeneity. There was no HPV in rattlesnakes, which have structurally simple lungs where local ventilation-perfusion inhomogeneities are less likely to occur. However, tegu lizards, which also have simple unicameral lungs, did exhibit HPV, decreasing pulmonary vascular conductance by 32%, albeit at a lower threshold than varanids and caimans (6.2 kPa oxygen in inspired air vs. 8.2 and 13.9 kPa, respectively). Although these observations suggest that HPV is more pronounced in species with complex lungs and functionally divided hearts, it is also clear that other components are involved.

  8. Postembryonic Nephrogenesis and Persistence of Six2-Expressing Nephron Progenitor Cells in the Reptilian Kidney. (United States)

    Camarata, Troy; Howard, Alexis; Elsey, Ruth M; Raza, Sarah; O'Connor, Alice; Beatty, Brian; Conrad, Jack; Solounias, Nikos; Chow, Priscilla; Mukta, Saima; Vasilyev, Aleksandr


    New nephron formation (nephrogenesis) ceases in mammals around birth and is completely absent in adults. In contrast, postembryonic nephrogenesis is well documented in the mesonephric kidneys of fishes and amphibians. The transient mesonephros in reptiles (including birds) and mammals is replaced by the metanephros during embryogenesis. Thus, one may speculate that postembryonic nephrogenesis is restricted to the mesonephric kidney. Previous reports have suggested the metanephros of non-avian reptiles (hereafter reptiles) may continually form nephrons throughout life. We investigated the presence of adult nephrogenesis in reptiles by examining adult kidneys from several species including Trachemys scripta, Chrysemys picta, Boa constrictor, Tupinambis tegu, Anolis carolinensis, and Alligator mississipiensis among others. We found that all major reptilian groups (Testudines, Crocodylia, and Squamates) showed the presence of adult nephrogenesis. The total amount of nephrogenesis varied greatly between species with turtles displaying the highest density of nephrogenesis. In contrast, we were unable to detect adult nephrogenesis in monotremes, and in the iguanid A. carolinensis. Nephron progenitor cells express the transcription factor Six2, which in mammals, becomes downregulated as the progenitor cell population is exhausted and nephrogenesis ends. Using the alligator as a model, we were able to detect Six2-positive cap mesenchyme cells in the adult kidney, which spatially correlated with areas of nephrogenesis. These results suggest that the metanephric kidney of reptiles has maintained the ability to continually grow new nephrons during postembryonic life, a process lost early in mammalian evolution, likely due to the persistence of a Six2-expressing progenitor cell population.

  9. Postembryonic Nephrogenesis and Persistence of Six2-Expressing Nephron Progenitor Cells in the Reptilian Kidney (United States)

    Camarata, Troy; Howard, Alexis; Elsey, Ruth M.; Raza, Sarah; O’Connor, Alice; Beatty, Brian; Conrad, Jack; Solounias, Nikos; Chow, Priscilla; Mukta, Saima; Vasilyev, Aleksandr


    New nephron formation (nephrogenesis) ceases in mammals around birth and is completely absent in adults. In contrast, postembryonic nephrogenesis is well documented in the mesonephric kidneys of fishes and amphibians. The transient mesonephros in reptiles (including birds) and mammals is replaced by the metanephros during embryogenesis. Thus, one may speculate that postembryonic nephrogenesis is restricted to the mesonephric kidney. Previous reports have suggested the metanephros of non-avian reptiles (hereafter reptiles) may continually form nephrons throughout life. We investigated the presence of adult nephrogenesis in reptiles by examining adult kidneys from several species including Trachemys scripta, Chrysemys picta, Boa constrictor, Tupinambis tegu, Anolis carolinensis, and Alligator mississipiensis among others. We found that all major reptilian groups (Testudines, Crocodylia, and Squamates) showed the presence of adult nephrogenesis. The total amount of nephrogenesis varied greatly between species with turtles displaying the highest density of nephrogenesis. In contrast, we were unable to detect adult nephrogenesis in monotremes, and in the iguanid A. carolinensis. Nephron progenitor cells express the transcription factor Six2, which in mammals, becomes downregulated as the progenitor cell population is exhausted and nephrogenesis ends. Using the alligator as a model, we were able to detect Six2-positive cap mesenchyme cells in the adult kidney, which spatially correlated with areas of nephrogenesis. These results suggest that the metanephric kidney of reptiles has maintained the ability to continually grow new nephrons during postembryonic life, a process lost early in mammalian evolution, likely due to the persistence of a Six2-expressing progenitor cell population. PMID:27144443

  10. Domestic, peridomestic and wild hosts in the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Caatinga area colonised by Triatoma brasiliensis

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    Claudia Mendonça Bezerra


    Full Text Available The role played by different mammal species in the maintenance of Trypanosoma cruzi is not constant and varies in time and place. This study aimed to characterise the importance of domestic, wild and peridomestic hosts in the transmission of T. cruzi in Tauá, state of Ceará, Caatinga area, Brazil, with an emphasis on those environments colonised by Triatoma brasiliensis. Direct parasitological examinations were performed on insects and mammals, serologic tests were performed on household and outdoor mammals and multiplex polymerase chain reaction was used on wild mammals. Cytochrome b was used as a food source for wild insects. The serum prevalence in dogs was 38% (20/53, while in pigs it was 6% (2/34. The percentages of the most abundantly infected wild animals were as follows: Thrichomys laurentius 74% (83/112 and Kerodon rupestris 10% (11/112. Of the 749 triatomines collected in the household research, 49.3% (369/749 were positive for T. brasiliensis, while 6.8% were infected with T. cruzi (25/369. In captured animals, T. brasiliensis shares a natural environment with T. laurentius, K. rupestris, Didelphis albiventris, Monodelphis domestica, Galea spixii, Wiedomys pyrrhorhinos, Conepatus semistriatus and Mus musculus. In animals identified via their food source, T. brasiliensis shares a natural environment with G. spixii, K. rupestris, Capra hircus, Gallus gallus, Tropidurus oreadicus and Tupinambis merianae. The high prevalence of T. cruzi in household and peridomiciliar animals reinforces the narrow relationship between the enzootic cycle and humans in environments with T. brasiliensis and characterises it as ubiquitous.

  11. Reproducción y dieta de una población de Mabuya dorsivittata (Squamata, Scincidae en Córdoba, Argentina

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    Liliana Aun


    Full Text Available En el presente trabajo fueron estudiados los aspectos reproductivos y la dieta de Mabuya dorsivittata, una especie de lagarto vivíparo de la localidad de Alto Alegre (Córdoba. La hembra de menor tamaño, con folículos yemados midió de LHC 41 mm. El tamaño de la camada varió entre 5 – 10 embriones por hembra. Los machos de menor tamaño con espermatozoos en los testículos midieron de LHC 31 mm. Hubo una correlación positiva y significativa entre el peso de las gónadas versus el estadio reproductivo (b= 0,524, R= 0,254, P< 0,001. En los machos hubo una correlación positiva y significativa entre el volumen testicular y el estadio reproductivo (R2= 0,851, b= 0,929, P< 0,002. El incremento de cuerpos grasos en hembras y machos se relacionó con el periodo de gestación, especialmente en las hembras, decreciendo en las últimas fases, indicando un costo energético alto en los últimos meses del crecimiento embrionario. En cuanto a la dieta, las hembras se alimentaron principalmente de Araneae (suelo como ítem fundamental, y de Scarabeidae, Araneae (otras y Acridiidae como ítem secundario y los machos se alimentaran de Isopoda, Acridiidae y Araneae (otras como ítem fundamental y de Tettigonidae como ítem secundario. Hubo diferencias significativas en la selección trófica entre sexos.


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    Tania Escalante


    Full Text Available The Units for the Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use of Wildlife (UMAs are instruments of conservation and management of specific species in Mexico. UMAs represent in southeastern Mexico an important way for deer management, but they have major problems related to the monitoring of species. In this paper, we propose a methodology based on the use of a ‘niche centroid approach’ for estimating ecological distances to the niche centroid in order to produce distribution maps containing information on the potential relative abundance of species to evaluate the capability of UMAs to maintain populations of deers. We modeled the abundance for Mazama temama, M. pandora and Odocoileus virginianus on the state of Campeche, Mexico. Our predictions of areas with most abundance of deer coincided with reports from literature. We identified the UMAs “Ik Balam” and “Ejido Carlos Cano Cruz” as areas with high proportion of suitable environment, while UMAs “Betito y Lupita”, “El Huanal”, “Puh”, “Refugio faunístico Jalotum”, “Ría Lagartos-Ría Celestun” and “Yocol Cab Balam” have not environmental conditions adequate to maintain deer populations. Although this is a preliminary study, it can be a starting point to establish institutional standards for the management of species.

  13. Explaining variations in the diversity of parasitoid assemblages in a biosphere reserve of Mexico: evidence from vegetation, land management and seasonality. (United States)

    González-Moreno, A; Bordera, S; Leirana-Alcocer, J; Delfín-González, H; Ballina-Gómez, H S


    Insect fauna biodiversity in natural protected areas has not been thoroughly studied. Therefore, the aim of this work was to assess whether and how vegetation types, land management and seasonality influence the diversity of Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) in the Ría Lagartos Biosphere Reserve (Mexico). A sampling programme was conducted using Malaise traps from 2008 to 2009 in three vegetation types, each with two conservation zones (core and buffer zones). Three seasons were considered: rainy, dry and north-winds (isolated storms from November to February). A total of 336 species were identified. Rarefaction and Generalized Linear Model indicated higher species richness and abundance, respectively, in the buffer zone of the dry forest; possible explanations for this finding include the intermediate disturbance hypothesis, wherein diversity can be higher in sites where disturbance is not very frequent or very intense, and the 'enemies hypothesis', wherein structural complexity and high plant diversity favour increased predators or, in this case, parasitoids. Diversity was higher during the rainy season, which may have been due to the higher availability of resources. Vegetation and management had a positive impact on the Coc (attack cocoons and pupae) and Myc (attack concealed larvae living in the fruiting bodies of mushrooms) parasitoid guilds. Members of the Coc guild are generalist parasitoids, which may be favoured in complex vegetation with a high richness of potential hosts and non-hosts. The Myc guild requires certain environmental conditions that promote fungal growth, such as humidity, that is absent in the other vegetation types of savannah and coastal dune scrubland.

  14. Estudios arqueofaunísticos en un contexto estratigráfico de las llanuras interiores de Entre Ríos: el sitio Laguna del Negro 1 (departamento Gualeguay, Argentina

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    Laura Bastourre

    Full Text Available Resumen Debido a la escasez de investigaciones en las llanuras interiores entrerrianas del Noreste argentino y la ausencia de estudios arqueológicos en contextos estratigráficos, la información zooarqueológica para este extenso contexto ambiental es virtualmente inexistente. A partir de la excavación de Laguna del Negro 1, un sitio de actividades múltiples correspondiente al Holoceno tardío, fue posible contar con una abundante muestra de especímenes óseos y malacológicos. En este trabajo se presenta el análisis taxonómico, anatómico y tafonómico del conjunto arqueofaunístico recuperado, con el objetivo de caracterizar la diversidad de recursos faunísticos que fueron explotados, comenzar a analizar las prácticas vinculadas con su procesamiento y discutir los procesos tafonómicos involucrados en la formación del conjunto óseo. A partir de estos estudios se propone que los cérvidos de mediano porte fueron los principales recursos faunísticos consumidos en el sitio. Sin embargo, una gran diversidad de taxones, que incluyen roedores (cuises, coipo, carpincho, dasipódidos, carnívoros, lagartos, rheidos, peces y moluscos, también fueron aprovechados. La integración de la información generada con la disponible a nivel microregional permite proponer un modelo de aprovechamiento de los recursos faunísticos vinculado a la explotación de taxones disponibles en los diversos microambientes de las fajas aluviales y las llanuras altas del interior entrerriano.

  15. Dados sôbre a biologia do Triatoma arthurneivai no sudeste do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil (Hemiptera, Reduviidae

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    Oswaldo Paulo Forattini


    Full Text Available Assinala-se o encontro de focos naturais do Triatoma arthurneivai Lent e Martins, 1940, na localidade de Itupararanga, Município de Votorantim, no Estado de São Paulo. Os ecótopos apresentaram as mesmas características já assinaladas anteriormente em regiões vizinhas, ou sejam, as de espaços localizados entre lascas de pedras de «granito róseo». O triatomíneo apresentou-se associado com lagartos Tropidurus torquatus Wied. mas, no laboratório, mostrou acentuada avidez por sangue de camundongos albinos. Por outro lado, a infecção experimental com Trypanosoma cruzi (cêpa F-1 foi obtida com facilidade. Em vista dos dados coletados, os autores permitem-se tecer considerações sôbre a possibilidade desse hemíptero vir a desempenhar algum papel transmissor, na natureza.An area with natural foci of Triatoma arthurneivai Lent & Martins, 1940, is recorded at the place of Itupararanga in the county of Salto de Pirapora, São Paulo State, Brasil. These foci were represented by ecotopes placed between sliced stones, similar to the ones previously described in surrounding regions. An association with lizards Tropidurus torquatus Wied. it was suspected to be of feeding nature. Nevertheless the triatomids showed to eat quickly and intensively white mice, under laboratory conditions. Beside this, the experimental infection by Trypanosoma cruzi was easily obtained. These data led the authors to suspect that T. arthurneivai may play some transmission role in nature.

  16. La información cladística de un set de datos morfológicos en lagartos del género Liolaemus (Iguania: Liolaemidae

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    Lobo, Fernando


    Full Text Available Un set de 35 caracteres tomados de los esqueletos de especímenes de 24 especies de Liolaemus (representantes de los mayores grupos reconocidos actualmente en la literatura se analizó cladísticamente utilizando dos criterios diferentes. En primer lugar se analizó considerando a los caracteres con pesos iguales y luego la misma matriz se analizó aplicando el esquema de pesos implicados, para tal fin se realizaron cinco corridas distintas cambiando cada vez el valor de la constante K (desde 2 a 6. Los resultados obtenidos de las seis corridas se compararon con las hipótesis propuestas hasta el momento basadas en sets de datos dispares (ADN, enzimas y morfología externa. A pesar de lo limitado de la muestra de especies (16% de las especies del género y de especímenes (promedio de 4 ejemplares por especie y de la naturaleza de los caracteres para dichas muestras (80% de polimórficos y continuos los resultados obtenidos aplicando el pesado implícito son llamativamente congruentes con otros publicados anteriormente. Este trabajo demuestra por un lado la eficiencia del método de pesado utilizado para recuperar la información filogenética contenida en este set de datos (no recuperada utilizando pesos iguales, y al mismo tiempo de la congruencia entre análisis separados como contrapartida para cotejar resultados obtenidos a partir de datos independientes. A data set of 35 characters taken from skeletonized specimens of 24 species representing the main groups of Liolaemus described in literature were cladistically analyzed. Two different criteria were applied: we first considered all characters equally weighted and in a second step of the analysis we applied the Goloboffs implied weights method. We did six runs, one applying equally¬weighted characters criteria and five additional ones changing in each case the value for the constant K (from 2 to 6. Results were compared to those hypotheses obtained using different sources of data (DNA, alloenzymes, external morphology. Despite the reduced taxon (16% of the total number of species and specimen sample (average of four specimens per species and the equivocal nature of many characters (80% are polymorphic and continuos, analyzed using frequency bins and gap weighting methods, results obtained under the implied weights scheme are congruent with those published before. This study shows the efficiency of this weighting method for recovering the phylogenetic information of this set of data (not recovered applying equal-weights, and at the same time the importance of using congruence as a method for comparing results found from independent character sources.

  17. Observações sobre a história natural do lagarto Mabuya macrorhyncha Hoge (Scincidae) na Ilha da Queimada Grande, São Paulo, Brasil


    Vrcibradic, Davor; Rocha, Carlos F. D.


    Data are presented on the on diet, thermal biology, microhabitat use, reproduction and helminth infection parameters of a population of Mabuya macrorhyncha hoge, 1946 inhabiting the small island of Queimada Grande, on the southern coast of São Paulo State. The lizards were collected on November 1997 (spring) and on July 1998 (winter). Most lizards were perched above ground, mainly on herbaceous vegetation. Mean lizard body temperatures were significantly higher in spring (32.6 ± 1.9ºC) than i...

  18. Methodological congruence in phylogenomic analyses with morphological support for teiid lizards (Sauria: Teiidae). (United States)

    Tucker, Derek B; Colli, Guarino R; Giugliano, Lilian G; Hedges, S Blair; Hendry, Catriona R; Lemmon, Emily Moriarty; Lemmon, Alan R; Sites, Jack W; Pyron, R Alexander


    A well-known issue in phylogenetics is discordance among gene trees, species trees, morphology, and other data types. Gene-tree discordance is often caused by incomplete lineage sorting, lateral gene transfer, and gene duplication. Multispecies-coalescent methods can account for incomplete lineage sorting and are believed by many to be more accurate than concatenation. However, simulation studies and empirical data have demonstrated that concatenation and species tree methods often recover similar topologies. We use three popular methods of phylogenetic reconstruction (one concatenation, two species tree) to evaluate relationships within Teiidae. These lizards are distributed across the United States to Argentina and the West Indies, and their classification has been controversial due to incomplete sampling and the discordance among various character types (chromosomes, DNA, musculature, osteology, etc.) used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships. Recent morphological and molecular analyses of the group resurrected three genera and created five new genera to resolve non-monophyly in three historically ill-defined genera: Ameiva, Cnemidophorus, and Tupinambis. Here, we assess the phylogenetic relationships of the Teiidae using "next-generation" anchored-phylogenomics sequencing. Our final alignment includes 316 loci (488,656bp DNA) for 244 individuals (56 species of teiids, representing all currently recognized genera) and all three methods (ExaML, MP-EST, and ASTRAL-II) recovered essentially identical topologies. Our results are basically in agreement with recent results from morphology and smaller molecular datasets, showing support for monophyly of the eight new genera. Interestingly, even with hundreds of loci, the relationships among some genera in Tupinambinae remain ambiguous (i.e. low nodal support for the position of Salvator and Dracaena). Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Linear versus geometric morphometric approaches for the analysis of head shape dimorphism in lizards. (United States)

    Fabre, Anne-Claire; Cornette, Raphäel; Huyghe, Katleen; Andrade, Denis V; Herrel, Anthony


    Differences between the sexes may arise because of differences in reproductive strategy, with females investing more in traits related to reproductive output and males investing more in traits related to resource holding capacity and territory defence. Sexual dimorphism is widespread in lizards and in many species males and females also differ in head shape. Males typically have bigger heads than females resulting in intersexual differences in bite force. Whereas most studies documenting differences in head dimensions between sexes use linear dimensions, the use of geometric morphometrics has been advocated as more appropriate to characterize such differences. This method may allow the characterization of local shape differences that may have functional consequences, and provides unbiased indicators of shape. Here, we explore whether the two approaches provide similar results in an analyses of head shape in Tupinambis merianae. The Argentine black and white tegu differs dramatically in body size, head size, and bite force between the sexes. However, whether the intersexual differences in bite force are simply the result of differences in head size or whether more subtle modifications (e.g., in muscle insertion areas) are involved remains currently unknown. Based on the crania and mandibles of 19 lizards with known bite force, we show intersexual differences in the shape of the cranium and mandible using both linear and geometric morphometric approaches. Although both types of analyses showed generally similar results for the mandible, this was not the case for the cranium. Geometric morphometric approaches provided better insights into the underlying functional relationships between the cranium and the jaw musculature, as illustrated by shape differences in muscle insertion areas not detected using linear morphometric data. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Respiratory properties of blood and arterial blood gases in the tegu lizard: effects of temperature and hypercapnia. (United States)

    Wood, S C; Glass, M L; Andersen, N A; Heisler, N


    The effects of body temperature and hypercapnia (7% inspired CO2) on arterial blood gases, plasma pH, and the characteristics of the blood oxygen dissociation curve were determined in Tegu lizards (Tupinambis nigropunctatus). Arterial pH fell from 7.59 to 7.50 when body temperature was increased from 25 to 35 degrees C. The pH/temperature coefficient (delta pH/delta t = -0.009 U/degrees C) was half of that predicted on the basis of 'constant relative alkalinity' and the alphastat hypothesis. The fall in plasma pH resulted from a decrease in plasma [HCO3-], and a rise in plasma Pco2. The O2 affinity of Tegu blood, expressed by the partial pressure at half saturation (P50), decreased with temperature in vitro from 42.3 to 49.6 torr at pH 7.4. The apparent enthalpy (delta H = -3.1 kcal/mol) is about 1/4 of that of human blood. In vivo, the arterial blood oxygen saturation decreased from 89% at 25 degrees to 82% at 35 degrees C. Arterial Po2 increased from 61 to 71 torr as expected from the right-shift of the oxygen dissociation curve. During environmental hypercapnia (7% CO2, 21% O2, 72% N2 inspired concentrations), arterial pH decreased to 7.28. Arterial O2 saturation remained constant and arterial Po2 increased from 61 to 85 torr due to the right-shift of the oxygen dissociation curve. The comparatively small effect of changes in temperature on the oxygen affinity of Tegu blood (directly according to the delta H value, and indirectly via changes in blood pH) results in a relatively small right shift of the oxygen dissociation curve, and accordingly in relatively high arterial and tissue Po2 values also at higher temperatures.

  1. Temporal variation in black-caiman-nest predation in varzea of central Brazilian amazonia. (United States)

    Torralvo, Kelly; Botero-Arias, Robinson; Magnusson, William E


    On the Amazon floodplain, the main predators of black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) eggs are jaguars (Panthera onca), tegu lizards (Tupinambis teguixim), capuchin monkeys (Sapajus macrocephalus) and humans (Homo sapiens). In this study, we investigated the relationship between predator attacks on nests and incubation period, and evaluated the influence of initial predation on subsequent predation in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve. We also evaluated the influence of presence of females near the nests and manipulation of nests on the occurrence of attacks. We compared results from data obtained with camera traps and vestiges left by predators on estimates of rates of predation by different predators. Egg predation was recorded in 32% of the 658 black caiman nests monitored during two years. Our results suggest that the probability of predation on black caiman eggs is relatively constant throughout the incubation period and that predation on eggs was lower when adults, presumably females, were present. Careful opening of nests and handling of eggs did not increase the number of attacks on black caiman nests. Nest opening by a predator appeared to increase the chances of a subsequent attack because most of the attacks on nests occurred soon after a predator first opened the nest. However, attacks by another species of predator do not appear to be necessary to initiate attacks by any other species of predator. Results based on camera traps and vestiges differed, but use of vestiges was adequate for identifying the principal predators on eggs in black caiman nests and, in many circumstances, the vestiges may be better for estimating predation by humans. In this study, opening nests and handling eggs did not increase the number of attacks on black caiman nests.

  2. Temporal variation in black-caiman-nest predation in varzea of central Brazilian amazonia.

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    Kelly Torralvo

    Full Text Available On the Amazon floodplain, the main predators of black caiman (Melanosuchus niger eggs are jaguars (Panthera onca, tegu lizards (Tupinambis teguixim, capuchin monkeys (Sapajus macrocephalus and humans (Homo sapiens. In this study, we investigated the relationship between predator attacks on nests and incubation period, and evaluated the influence of initial predation on subsequent predation in the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve. We also evaluated the influence of presence of females near the nests and manipulation of nests on the occurrence of attacks. We compared results from data obtained with camera traps and vestiges left by predators on estimates of rates of predation by different predators. Egg predation was recorded in 32% of the 658 black caiman nests monitored during two years. Our results suggest that the probability of predation on black caiman eggs is relatively constant throughout the incubation period and that predation on eggs was lower when adults, presumably females, were present. Careful opening of nests and handling of eggs did not increase the number of attacks on black caiman nests. Nest opening by a predator appeared to increase the chances of a subsequent attack because most of the attacks on nests occurred soon after a predator first opened the nest. However, attacks by another species of predator do not appear to be necessary to initiate attacks by any other species of predator. Results based on camera traps and vestiges differed, but use of vestiges was adequate for identifying the principal predators on eggs in black caiman nests and, in many circumstances, the vestiges may be better for estimating predation by humans. In this study, opening nests and handling eggs did not increase the number of attacks on black caiman nests.

  3. Acceso a la educación en salud y su potencial en la disminución de la incidencia de diarrea infantil en las poblaciones costeras de Yucatán, México

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    Rubén Solís


    Full Text Available Introducción: La educación en salud o pláticas en el ámbito institucional mitiga la incidencia de diarrea infantil. Yucatán es el estado con las mayores tasas de incidencia de diarreas a nivel nacional; el impacto de las pláticas, como parte de un programa de salud, en la incidencia de diarreas ha sido insuficientemente estudiado. Objetivo: Analizar el rol del acceso a las pláticas para prevenir la incidencia de diarreas infantiles. Metodología: Se utilizó el muestreo de encuestas en 151 hogares, se encontró a 187 niños menores de cinco años de edad. El estudio se realizó en tres segmentos muestrales de la zona costera, con diferentes condiciones ambientales: Progreso (puerto urbano concentrado, Celestún (reserva biosfera, turismo, urbanizada y Río Lagartos (turismo, reserva biosfera rural. Se estimó la tasa de prevalencia lápsica de diarrea, los casos fueron las diarreas ocurridas en los 15 días inmediatos previos a la encuesta. Se hizo análisis descriptivos, bivariados, estratificados y la regresión logística binaria. Resultados: Se registró una tasa de prevalencia lápsica de 13.37% (n=25 casos. El análisis logístico multivariado mostró el impacto protector significativo de las pláticas (B=-2.105; RM=0.163; y p= 0.018 con un efecto que equivale a 6.25 veces menos riesgo de presentar episodios diarreicos. Conclusión: Las pláticas, como política de salud, tienen impacto en la disminución de las diarreas; esto sucede en especial si se llevan a cabo entre los beneficiarios de los programas sociales.

  4. Evaluation of the health status of a coastal ecosystem in southeast Mexico: Assessment of water quality, phytoplankton and submerged aquatic vegetation. (United States)

    Herrera-Silveira, Jorge A; Morales-Ojeda, Sara M


    The coastal environment of the Yucatan Peninsula (SE, Mexico) includes a wide variety of ecosystems ranging from mangroves to coral reefs, resulting in a heterogeneous landscape. Specifically, the marine system is characterized by environmental differences which respond to regional and local forcing functions such as marine currents and groundwater discharges (GD). Such functional characteristics were used here to define four subregions across the Yucatan coast and diagnose the health status of this coastal marine ecosystem. To achieve this goal, we conducted an analysis and integration of water quality variables, an eutrophic assessment, evaluated changes in submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), and analyzed the community structure and distribution of harmful phytoplankton. The first step was to determine the reference values for each subregion based on data previously collected from 2002 to 2006 along the coast of Yucatan, 200m offshore. The trophic index (TRIX) and Canadian index for aquatic life (CCMEWQI) were used to diagnose each subregion and then the ASSETS approach was conducted for Dzilam and Progreso, sampling localities on each end of the health status continuum (those with the best and worst conditions). Overall, results indicated that the marine coastal ecosystem of Yucatan is in good condition; however, differences were observed between subregions that can be attributed to local forcing functions and human impacts. Specifically, the central region (zone HZII, Progreso-Telchac) showed symptoms of initial eutrophication due to nutrient inputs from human activities. The eastern region (zone HZ III, Dzilam-Las Bocas) showed a meso-eutrophic condition linked to natural groundwater discharges, while the other two subregions western (zone HZI Celestun-Palmar) and caribbean (zone HZ IV Ria Lagartos-El Cuyo) exhibited symptoms of oligo-mesotrophic condition. These findings may be considered baseline information for coastal ecosystem monitoring programs in

  5. Características de los trabajos publicados sobre las propiedades de las plantas en revistas médicas peruanas

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    Oscar G. Pamo-Reyna


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar las características de los trabajos originales sobre las propiedades de las plantas publicadas en revistas médicas peruanas. Material y métodos. Se revisó las bases de datos bibliográficas SciELO Perú y SISBIB para el período 2004-2008. Resultados. En 14 revistas se halló 825 trabajos originales, de los cuales 45 fueron incluidos en el estudio. El número de trabajos por años fue 3 (2004, 5 (2005, 9 2006, 13 (2007 y 15 (2008. Las revistas que publicaron mayor proporción de artículos sobre plantas fueron revistas de facultades de medicina: Rev Med Vallejiana (33%, Horizonte Médico (29% y An Fac Med (13%. Las instituciones que más publicaron fueron la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (45,5%, Universidad San Martín de Porres (22% y Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (13%. De un total de 226 autores, 11 de ellos realizaron el 22,1% de la producción total. De 57 plantas estudiadas, las más investigadas fueron Lepidium sp. (maca, Croton palanostigma (sangre de grado, Calophyllum brasiliense (lagarto caspi y Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacón. Los potenciales usos más estudiados fueron nutritivos, antineoplásicos, antioxidante, hipoglicemiante e hipotensor arterial. Seis (13,3% trabajos fueron clínicos y el resto fue de tipo experimental o bioquímico. Conclusión. La producción científica médica relacionada con las propiedades de las plantas y publicada es escasa aunque creciente, se realiza en las universidades públicas y privadas, la participación privada es casi nula; y, existe una élite de investigadores que gran producción de trabajos.

  6. Acceso a la educación en salud y su potencial en la disminución de la incidencia de diarrea infantil en las poblaciones costeras de Yucatán, México

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    Rubén Solís


    Full Text Available Introducción: La educación en salud o pláticas en el ámbito institucional mitiga la incidencia de diarrea infantil. Yucatán es el estado con las mayores tasas de incidencia de diarreas a nivel nacional; el impacto de las pláticas, como parte de un programa de salud, en la incidencia de diarreas ha sido insuficientemente estudiado. Objetivo: Analizar el rol del acceso a las pláticas para prevenir la incidencia de diarreas infantiles. Metodología: Se utilizó el muestreo de encuestas en 151 hogares, se encontró a 187 niños menores de cinco años de edad. El estudio se realizó en tres segmentos muestrales de la zona costera, con diferentes condiciones ambientales: Progreso (puerto urbano concentrado, Celestún (reserva biosfera, turismo, urbanizada y Río Lagartos (turismo, reserva biosfera rural. Se estimó la tasa de prevalencia lápsica de diarrea, los casos fueron las diarreas ocurridas en los 15 días inmediatos previos a la encuesta. Se hizo análisis descriptivos, bivariados, estratificados y la regresión logística binaria. Resultados: Se registró una tasa de prevalencia lápsica de 13.37% (n=25 casos. El análisis logístico multivariado mostró el impacto protector significativo de las pláticas (=-2.105; RM=0.163; y = 0.018 con un efecto que equivale a 6.25 veces menos riesgo de presentar episodios diarreicos. Conclusión: Las pláticas, como política de salud, tienen impacto en la disminución de las diarreas; esto sucede en especial si se llevan a cabo entre los beneficiarios de los programas sociales.


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    Miguel J Villasuso-Pino


    Full Text Available The coastal zone of northern Yucatan Peninsula (YP is mainly constituted by Tertiary limestones, covered by Pleistocen limestones, where there exist swamps and estuary systems, locally called “rías”, with mouths connecting them to the sea and hence being a way for an important amount of groundwater to discharge, like in Ría Lagartos and Celestún. These limestones have karstic layers located at depths from 8 to 16 meters below terrain surface.  It is in these layers where groundwater mainly flows toward coast, passing below the sand dune and discharging in the sea in the form of submarine springs which in many cases manifest themselves on the marine surface depending on the hydraulic or piezometric fresh water head. The width of the superficial limestone within this coastal fringe, called “caliche”, varies from 5 to 10 kilometers in the study zone (Chuburna-Progreso-Chicxulub.  Its permeability is extremely low, so it constitutes a confining layer that impedes superficial waters to percolate toward groundwater.  The hydraulic head of the groundwater below this confining layer is over the mean sea level and also over the swamp water level, coastal lagoons and estuaries. There are two important hydrological phenomena that occur in this coastal fringe: 1 There is no recharge to the aquifer (groundwater due to limestone rock outcrops is impermeable or semipermeable; and 2 groundwater pressure is not lost, nor saline interfase is rised if the superficial layer is broken.  The groundwater pollution vulnerability within this coastal fringe is less than that for the superficial saline waters of swamps and estuaries, because of caliche’s low intrinsic permeability that impedes percolation.

  8. Intervalo hídrico ótimo utilizado como indicador da qualidade física em perímetro irrigado.

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    Thiago Lima da Silva


    Full Text Available Um dos principais parâmetros para se avaliar as condições físicas do solo é o Intervalo Hídrico Ótimo (IHO que tem como conceito a incorporação de uma faixa de quantidade de água, as limitações ao desenvolvimento das plantas por aeração, água disponível e resistência do solo à penetração das raízes. O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar o intervalo hídrico ótimo de um Latossolo amarelo distrófico com diferentes usos e manejos no perímetro irrigado Piauí, município de Lagarto-SE. Foram selecionados 4 (quatro  diferentes tipos de usos do solo que tivessem diferentes manejos agrícolas no perímetro irrigado Piauí e três profundidades 0-0,15 m; 0,15-0,30 m e 0,30-0,45 m avaliadas nesses sistemas. Os usos distintos consistiram em: a área sob cultivo de pimenteira malagueta (Capsicum frutensens L; b área sob cultivo de maracujazeiro amarelo (Passiflora edulis sims; c área sob cultivo de maracujazeiro em consórcio com pimenteira malagueta; d área sob pastagem (Brachiaria decumbens. O intervalo hídrico ótimo foi determinado por meio da curva de resistência à penetração e da curva de retenção da água no solo e mostrou-se importante indicador para avaliação da qualidade física do solo avaliado sob diferentes usos no perímetro irrigado Piauí, onde o manejo empregado no solo afetou a qualidade física deste, já que, em profundidades maiores todos os usos apresentam restrições ao desenvolvimento do sistema radicular, sendo que, a pastagem e o consórcio maracujá e a pimenteira apresentam essa restrição já na profundidade superficial 0-0-15m.

  9. Sharing the earth: case studies on population, wildlife, and the environment. (United States)

    Waak-strom, P


    In 1988 the National Audubon Society's population program began to develop a joint project on the issues of human population growth and wildlife management by comparing sites in the United States and overseas to identify actions necessary for a sustainable ecosystem. Eight US sites were matched with eight sites in other countries. The Audubon wildlife managers visited their partners' international settings and then hosted their counterparts at their own sanctuaries in the US. All sites involved water resources: three were coastal systems, two had major rivers, and three were freshwater wetlands. Coastal systems comprised Tampa Bay sanctuaries, Florida, Wat Phai Lom, Wat Asokaram, and Ban Lung Jorm, Thailand. In Thailand wildlife sanctuaries have been set aside within monastery grounds, hence Thai bird colonies are more secure than those of Rookery Bay Sanctuary, Florida and Pulau Rambut, Indonesia. An Audubon warden patrols southwest Florida's Rookery Bay, whereas in Pulau Rambut there is insufficient government staff to protect it from human disturbance. Along the Yucatan Peninsula, Louisiana's Rainey Sanctuary and Mexico's Rio Lagartos system both encompass great tracts of fertile wetlands teeming with wildlife. However, Louisiana is losing 130 square kilometers of coastal wetland a year, the most rapid loss on earth. Population growth, poverty, and unsustainable economic activities put pressure on the Sabal Palm Grove Sanctuary, Texas, and the Biotopo del Manati, Guatemala, river systems. Deforestation is a serious problem in both areas. Platte River, Nebraska, and Indus River, Pakistan. Indus River, Pakistan, still maintains much of its pristine quality, while Platte River, Nebraska, has been dammed and diverted. Freshwater Wetlands include the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, Florida, Lake Nakuru, Kenya, Alkali Lake Sanctuary, North Dakota, and Estancia Caiman, Brazil. The Corkscrew area's growth is caused by migration, while Nakuru's growth is a result of migration

  10. Philodryas chamissonis (Reptilia: Squamata: Colubridae preys on the arboreal marsupial Dromiciops gliroides (Mammalia: Microbiotheria: Microbiotheriidae Philodryas chamissonis (Reptilia: Squamata: Dipsadidae predando o marsupial arborícola Dromiciops gliroides (Mammalia: Microbiotheria: Microbiotheriidae

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    S. Muñoz-Leal


    Full Text Available Philodryas chamissonis, the Chilean long-tailed snake, is a diurnal predator mainly of Liolaemus lizards, but also of amphibians, birds, rodents and juvenile rabbits. Dromiciops gliroides (Colocolo opossum is an arboreal marsupial endemic of temperate rainforest of southern South America. Little information is available about this marsupial's biology and ecology. Here we report the predation of one Colocolo opossum by an adult female P. chamissonis in a mixed Nothofagus forest, composed mainly by N. dombeyi, N. glauca and N. alpina trees, in the "Huemules de Niblinto" National Reserve, Nevados de Chillán, Chile. Since these two species have different activity and habitat use patterns, we discuss how this encounter may have occurred. Although it could just have been an opportunistic event, this finding provides insights into the different components of food chains in forest ecosystems of Chile.Philodryas chamissonis, cobra de cauda comprida ("Culebra de cola larga", é uma cobra diurna, predadora principalmente de lagartos do gênero Liolaemus, mas também de anfíbios, aves, roedores e coelhos jovens. Dromiciops gliroides (colocolo é um marsupial arborícola endêmico das florestas temperadas do sul da América do Sul. Há pouca informação disponível sobre a biologia e a ecologia deste marsulpial. É reportada, neste estudo, a predação de um colocolo por uma fêmea adulta de P. chamissonis, em uma floresta mista de Nothofagus, composta principalmente por árvores N. dombeyi, N. glauca e N. alpina, na Reserva Nacional de Huemules de Niblinto, Nevados de Chillán, Chile. Uma vez que estas duas espécies possuem diferentes padrões de atividade e de uso de habitat, discute-se como este evento poder ter ocorrido. Embora este possa ter sido apenas um evento oportunístico, o achado fornece novas informações sobre os diferentes componentes da cadeia alimentar nos ecossistemas florestais do Chile.

  11. A new species of Mathevotaenia (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae parasitizing Tropidurus spinulosus (Reptilia, Squamata from northeastern Argentina Una especie nueva de Mathevotaenia (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae parásita de Tropidurus spinulosus (Reptilia, Squamata del noreste de Argentina

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    Lía Inés Lunaschi


    Full Text Available Mathevotaenia chaquensis n. sp. (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae, Linstowiinae from a Spiny Lava Lizard, Tropidurus spinulosus, collected in Chaco Province, Argentina, is described. This is the second species of Mathevotaenia described from Neotropical reptiles. The new species is mainly characterized by having a relatively small strobila, 24 mm in total length, with about 100 craspedote proglottids, and 19-24 testes per proglottid. Among the South American species of Mathevotaenia, M. argentinensis is most similar to the new species by having similar body length and number of testes, but the major differences between both species include the size of suckers, neck, proglottids, testes and egg capsules, and the shape of the genital atrium and ovary (with 10-13 lobules on each side in M. argentinensis,, and 4-7 lobules in M. chaquensis n. sp.. A key to the species of the South American members of the Mathevotaenia Akumyan, 1946 is presented.Mathevotaenia chaquensis n. sp. (Cestoda, Anoplocephalidae, Linstowiinae es descrita parasitando al lagarto de los quebrachales, Tropidurus spinulosus, procedente de la Provincia del Chaco, Argentina. Esta es la segunda especie de Mathevotaenia descrita parasitando reptiles Neotropicales. La nueva especie está caracterizada principalmente por tener un estróbilo relativamente pequeño, 24 mm de largo, con aproximadamente 100 proglótides craspedotas y 19-24 testículos por proglótide. Entre las especies sudamericanas de Mathevotaenia, M. argentinensis es la más semejante a la nueva especie por presentar similar longitud del cuerpo y número de testículos, pero difieren en el tamaño de las ventosas, cuello, proglótides, testículos y huevos. Además difieren en la forma del atrio genital y del ovario (10-13 lóbulos a cada lado enM. argentinensis vs. 4-7 lóbulos en M. chaquensis n. sp.. Se presenta una clave para la determinación de las especies sudamericanas de Mathevotaenia Akumyan, 1946.

  12. Comparative evaluation of the cadaveric, radiographic and computed tomographic anatomy of the heads of green iguana (Iguana iguana), common tegu (Tupinambis merianae) and bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). (United States)

    Banzato, Tommaso; Selleri, Paolo; Veladiano, Irene A; Martin, Andrea; Zanetti, Emanuele; Zotti, Alessandro


    Radiology and computed tomography are the most commonly available diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of pathologies affecting the head and skull in veterinary practice. Nevertheless, accurate interpretation of radiographic and CT studies requires a thorough knowledge of the gross and the cross-sectional anatomy. Despite the increasing success of reptiles as pets, only a few reports over their normal imaging features are currently available. The aim of this study is to describe the normal cadaveric, radiographic and computed tomographic features of the heads of the green iguana, tegu and bearded dragon. 6 adult green iguanas, 4 tegus, 3 bearded dragons, and, the adult cadavers of: 4 green iguana, 4 tegu, 4 bearded dragon were included in the study. 2 cadavers were dissected following a stratigraphic approach and 2 cadavers were cross-sectioned for each species. These latter specimens were stored in a freezer (-20°C) until completely frozen. Transversal sections at 5 mm intervals were obtained by means of an electric band-saw. Each section was cleaned and photographed on both sides. Radiographs of the head of each subject were obtained. Pre- and post- contrast computed tomographic studies of the head were performed on all the live animals. CT images were displayed in both bone and soft tissue windows. Individual anatomic structures were first recognised and labelled on the anatomic images and then matched on radiographs and CT images. Radiographic and CT images of the skull provided good detail of the bony structures in all species. In CT contrast medium injection enabled good detail of the soft tissues to be obtained in the iguana whereas only the eye was clearly distinguishable from the remaining soft tissues in both the tegu and the bearded dragon. The results provide an atlas of the normal anatomical and in vivo radiographic and computed tomographic features of the heads of lizards, and this may be useful in interpreting any imaging modality involving these species.

  13. Comparative evaluation of the cadaveric, radiographic and computed tomographic anatomy of the heads of green iguana (Iguana iguana) , common tegu ( Tupinambis merianae) and bearded dragon ( Pogona vitticeps)


    Banzato, Tommaso; Selleri, Paolo; Veladiano, Irene A; Martin, Andrea; Zanetti, Emanuele; Zotti, Alessandro


    Abstract Background Radiology and computed tomography are the most commonly available diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of pathologies affecting the head and skull in veterinary practice. Nevertheless, accurate interpretation of radiographic and CT studies requires a thorough knowledge of the gross and the cross-sectional anatomy. Despite the increasing success of reptiles as pets, only a few reports over their normal imaging features are currently available. The aim of this study is to desc...

  14. Morphological and metabolic adjustments in the small intestine to energy demands of growth, storage, and fasting in the first annual cycle of a hibernating lizard (Tupinambis merianae). (United States)

    do Nascimento, Lucas Francisco R; da Silveira, Lilian Cristina; Nisembaum, Laura Gabriela; Colquhoun, Alison; Abe, Agusto S; Mandarim-de-Lacerda, Carlos Alberto; de Souza, Silvia Cristina R


    Seasonal plasticity in the small intestine of neonatal tegu lizards was investigated using morphometry and analysis of enzymes involved in supplying energy to the intestinal tissue. In the autumn, the intestinal mass (Mi) was 1.0% of body mass and the scaling exponent b=0.92 indicated that Mi was larger in smaller neonates. During arousal from dormancy Mi was 23% smaller; later in spring, Mi increased 60% in relation to the autumn and the exponent b=0.14 indicated that the recovery was disproportionate in smaller tegus. During the autumn, the intestinal villi were greatly elongated; by midwinter, the Hv, SvEp, and VvEp were smaller than during the autumn (59%, 54%, 29%) and were restored to autumn levels during spring. In the active tegus, the maximum activity (Vmax) of enzymes indicated that the enterocytes can obtain energy from different sources, and possess gluconeogenic capacity. During winter, the Vmax of CS, HOAD, GDH, PEPCK was 40-50% lower in relation to the autumn and spring, while the Vmax of HK, PK, LDH, AST was unchanged. The hypoglycemia and the mucosal atrophy/ischemia during winter would prevent the enterocytes from using glucose, whereas they could slowly oxidize fatty acids released from body stores and amino acids from the tissue proteolysis to satisfy their needs of energy. Contrastingly, starvation during spring caused severe mass loss (50%); the tissue protein and the VvEp and VvLP did not change while the thickness of the muscular layer increased 51%, which suggested different effects along the length of the organ. In addition, the Vmax of the glycolytic enzymes was lower, indicating that a regulatory mechanism would spare blood glucose for vital organs during unanticipated food restriction. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Comparative evaluation of the cadaveric, radiographic and computed tomographic anatomy of the heads of green iguana (Iguana iguana) , common tegu ( Tupinambis merianae) and bearded dragon ( Pogona vitticeps) (United States)


    Background Radiology and computed tomography are the most commonly available diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of pathologies affecting the head and skull in veterinary practice. Nevertheless, accurate interpretation of radiographic and CT studies requires a thorough knowledge of the gross and the cross-sectional anatomy. Despite the increasing success of reptiles as pets, only a few reports over their normal imaging features are currently available. The aim of this study is to describe the normal cadaveric, radiographic and computed tomographic features of the heads of the green iguana, tegu and bearded dragon. Results 6 adult green iguanas, 4 tegus, 3 bearded dragons, and, the adult cadavers of : 4 green iguana, 4 tegu, 4 bearded dragon were included in the study. 2 cadavers were dissected following a stratigraphic approach and 2 cadavers were cross-sectioned for each species. These latter specimens were stored in a freezer (−20°C) until completely frozen. Transversal sections at 5 mm intervals were obtained by means of an electric band-saw. Each section was cleaned and photographed on both sides. Radiographs of the head of each subject were obtained. Pre- and post- contrast computed tomographic studies of the head were performed on all the live animals. CT images were displayed in both bone and soft tissue windows. Individual anatomic structures were first recognised and labelled on the anatomic images and then matched on radiographs and CT images. Radiographic and CT images of the skull provided good detail of the bony structures in all species. In CT contrast medium injection enabled good detail of the soft tissues to be obtained in the iguana whereas only the eye was clearly distinguishable from the remaining soft tissues in both the tegu and the bearded dragon. Conclusions The results provide an atlas of the normal anatomical and in vivo radiographic and computed tomographic features of the heads of lizards, and this may be useful in interpreting any imaging modality involving these species. PMID:22578088

  16. Comparative evaluation of the cadaveric, radiographic and computed tomographic anatomy of the heads of green iguana (Iguana iguana , common tegu ( Tupinambis merianae and bearded dragon ( Pogona vitticeps

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    Banzato Tommaso


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Radiology and computed tomography are the most commonly available diagnostic tools for the diagnosis of pathologies affecting the head and skull in veterinary practice. Nevertheless, accurate interpretation of radiographic and CT studies requires a thorough knowledge of the gross and the cross-sectional anatomy. Despite the increasing success of reptiles as pets, only a few reports over their normal imaging features are currently available. The aim of this study is to describe the normal cadaveric, radiographic and computed tomographic features of the heads of the green iguana, tegu and bearded dragon. Results 6 adult green iguanas, 4 tegus, 3 bearded dragons, and, the adult cadavers of : 4 green iguana, 4 tegu, 4 bearded dragon were included in the study. 2 cadavers were dissected following a stratigraphic approach and 2 cadavers were cross-sectioned for each species. These latter specimens were stored in a freezer (−20°C until completely frozen. Transversal sections at 5 mm intervals were obtained by means of an electric band-saw. Each section was cleaned and photographed on both sides. Radiographs of the head of each subject were obtained. Pre- and post- contrast computed tomographic studies of the head were performed on all the live animals. CT images were displayed in both bone and soft tissue windows. Individual anatomic structures were first recognised and labelled on the anatomic images and then matched on radiographs and CT images. Radiographic and CT images of the skull provided good detail of the bony structures in all species. In CT contrast medium injection enabled good detail of the soft tissues to be obtained in the iguana whereas only the eye was clearly distinguishable from the remaining soft tissues in both the tegu and the bearded dragon. Conclusions The results provide an atlas of the normal anatomical and in vivo radiographic and computed tomographic features of the heads of lizards, and this may be useful in interpreting any imaging modality involving these species.

  17. Dynamics of floodplain lakes in the Upper Amazon Basin during the late Holocene (United States)

    Quintana-Cobo, Isabel; Moreira-Turcq, Patricia; Cordeiro, Renato C.; Aniceto, Keila; Crave, Alain; Fraizy, Pascal; Moreira, Luciane S.; Duarte Contrera, Julia Maria de Aguiar; Turcq, Bruno


    To better understand the impact of channel migration processes and climate change on the depositional dynamics of floodplain lakes of the upper Amazon Basin during the late Holocene, we collected three sediment cores from floodplain lakes of the Ucayali River and one from the Marañón River. The cores were dated with 14C, radiographed and described. Bulk density, grain size analysis and total organic carbon (TOC) were determined. The results show that sedimentation in Ucayali floodplain lakes was marked by variations during the late Holocene, with periods of intense hydrodynamic energy and abrupt accumulations, a gap in the record between about 2870 and 690 cal yr BP, and periods of more lacustrine conditions. These changes in sedimentation were associated with variations in the river's influence related to changes in its meandering course (2870 cal yr BP) and a period of severe flooding between 3550 and 3000 cal yr BP. Lake Lagarto on the Marañón River floodplain exhibits a different sedimentary environment of low hydrodynamics with palm trees and macrophytes. Apparently, the lake has not experienced intense migration processes during the last 600 cal yr BP (base of the core). Nevertheless, the river sediment flux to the lake was important from 600 to 500 cal yr BP, although it decreased thereafter until the present. This decrease in the mineral accumulation rate indicates a decrease in river discharge since 500 cal yr BP, which coincides with precipitation records from the central Andes. In the upper part of the three Ucayali floodplain cores, a 30- to 250-cm-thick layer of reworked sediments has been deposited since 1950 AD (post-bomb). In Lake Carmen, this layer is associated with invasion of the lake by the levee of a migrating meander of the Ucayali. In Lakes Hubos and La Moringa, however, the river is still far away and the deposition must be interpreted as the result of extreme flooding. The beginning of the Ucayali meander migration is dated back to

  18. Crescimento alométrico, morfologia e uso do habitat em cinco espécies de Mabuya Fitzinger (Reptilia, Scincidae Allometric growth, morphology and habitat use in five species of Mabuya Fitzinger (Reptilia, Scincidae

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    Gabriel Silva Pinto


    Full Text Available Foram analisadas a variação ontogenética da forma do corpo nos lagartos sul-americanos Mabuya agilis, M. bistriata, M. guaporicola, M. macrorhyncha e M. nigropunctata, assim como as diferenças interespecíficas nas proporções do corpo, como resultados de um possível crescimento alométrico. As trajetórias das tendências ontogenéticas foram significativamente diferentes somente entre M. guaporicola e M. nigropunctata; todos os pares de espécies, exceto M. agilis e M. macrorhyncha, M. bistriata e M. nigropunctata, demonstraram diferenças significativas em relação ao intercepto Y. A Análise de Componentes Principais aplicada sobre uma série de caracteres morfométricos demonstrou sinais opostos para as variáveis do corpo e dos membros, corroborando estudos anteriores. Contudo, quando as espécies foram analisadas individualmente, as mãos e dígitos apresentaram alometria negativa, enquanto os demais segmentos apresentaram variação em suas alometrias. Algumas hipóteses levantadas nesse estudo, relacionadas à forma do corpo e ao uso do hábitat nessas espécies, necessitam ser testadas.The ontogenetic variation of body shape in the South American skinks Mabuya agilis Boulenger, 1887, M. bistriata (Spix, 1825, M. guaporicola Dunn, 1936, M. macrorhyncha Hoge, 1946, and M. nigropunctata (Spix, 1825 were analyzed. Interspecific differences in body proportions as a possible result of allometric growth in these species are also examined. Ontogenetic trend lines were significantly different only between M. guaporicola and M. nigropunctata; all other species pairs, except M. agilis and M. macrorhyncha, M. bistriata and M. nigropunctata, showed significantly different Y intercepts. A PCA analysis on a series of morphometric characters showed opposite signals for body and limb variables, corroborating previous studies. However, when the species were analyzed separately, hand and digits were the most likely segments to present negative

  19. Serpentes da área urbana de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso: aspectos ecológicos e acidentes ofídicos associados Snakes from the urban area of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso: ecological aspects and associated snakebites

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    Marcos André de Carvalho


    Full Text Available São apresentadas informações sobre as serpentes da área urbana do Município de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, potencialmente causadoras de acidentes ofídicos. As informações estão baseadas em exemplares doados por populares ao Núcleo de Ofiologia Regional de Mato Grosso (Normat entre 1986 e 1993 e em registros efetuados pelo Centro de Informações Anti-Veneno (Ciave entre 1988 e 1993, que não fazem referência ao animal causador. Foram catalogadas 37 espécies de serpentes, em 25 gêneros e 3 famílias, com hábitos predominantemente diurnos, terrestres e com dietas baseadas em anfíbios e/ou lagartos. Dentre os 307 acidentes ofídicos registrados, 56% foram causados por serpentes sem interesse médico e 44% constituíram acidentes de importância médica. Cerca de 99% dos acidentes de importância médica foram atribuídos ao gênero Bothrops (Bothrops moojeni e Bothrops neuwiedi seriam as principais causadoras. Dentre as espécies sem interesse médico, Philodryas olfersii e Waglerophis merremii provavelmente foram as principais responsáveis pela maior parte dos acidentes.This study presents data on snakes recorded in the urban area of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Sources of information included specimens captured by local residents (1986-1993 and turned over to the Mato Grosso Regional Ophiological Center (Normat, and data from the Anti-Venom Information Center (Ciave, regarding urban snakebites (1988-1993. Thirty-seven species of snakes from 25 genera and three families were recorded. Diurnal and terrestrial habits predominated, as well as a diet based on amphibians and/or lizards. From a total of 307 snakebites recorded, some 56% were of no clinical importance, caused by non-venomous snakes, whereas 44% were clinically relevant. Approximately 99% of the latter were attributed to vipers of the genus Bothrops, and especially the Bothrops moojeni and Bothrops neuwiedi species The colubrids Philodryas olfersii and Waglerophis merremii were

  20. Comparative evaluation of the cadaveric and computed tomographic features of the coelomic cavity in the green iguana (Iguana iguana), black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae) and bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). (United States)

    Banzato, T; Selleri, P; Veladiano, I A; Zotti, A


    Contrast-enhanced computed tomographic studies of the coelomic cavity in four green iguanas, four black and white tegus and four bearded dragons were performed using a conventional CT scanner. Anatomical reference cross sections were obtained from four green iguana, four black and white tegu and six bearded dragon cadavers; the specimens were stored in a -20°C freezer for 24 h then sliced into 5-mm intervals. The frozen sections were cleaned with water and photographed on both sides. The individual anatomical structures were identified by means of the available literature; these were labelled first on the anatomical images and then matched to the corresponding computed tomography images. The results provide an atlas of the normal cross-sectional and computed tomographic anatomy of the coelomic cavity in the green iguana, the black and white tegu and the bearded dragon, which is useful in the interpretation of any imaging modality. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  1. Draft Genome Sequences of Two Salmonella enterica Serotype Infantis Strains Isolated from a Captive Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and a Cohabitant Black and White Tegu (Tupinambis merianae) in Brazil. (United States)

    Paixão, Tatiane A; Coura, Fernanda M; Malta, Marcelo C C; Tinoco, Herlandes P; Pessanha, Angela T; Pereira, Felipe L; Leal, Carlos A G; Heinemann, Marcos B; Figueiredo, Henrique C P; Santos, Renato L


    The draft genome sequences of two Salmonella enterica serotype Infantis isolates are reported here. One of the strains was isolated from a western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) with colitis. The second strain was isolated from a reptile that inhabited the same premises. Whole-genome sequencing demonstrated that these isolates were not clonal. Copyright © 2016 Paixão et al.

  2. Fine Resolution Termohaline Structure Of The Yuctatan Coastal Sea (United States)

    Marino-Tapia, I.; Enriquez-Ortiz, C.; Capurro, L.; Euan-Avila, J.


    In the Yucatan peninsula there are a variety processes that drastically affect the thermohaline structure of the coastal seas. Some of these include hyperhaline lagoons that export salt to the ocean, upwelling events that propagate to the coast, persistent submarine groundwater discharges, and very high evaporation rates caused by the intense solar radiation. On July 2006 a fine resolution oceanographic campaign was performed on the Yucatan coast to study the detailed structure of thermohaline processes and currents from the shore to the 10 m isobath. A total of sixty nine transects that cover the entire northern stretch of the Yucatan coast were made. The transects extend seven kilometers in the offshore direction and have an alongshore spacing of 5 km. The temperature and salinity characteristics of the water column were monitored with a SEABIRD SBE 19 CTD performing profiles every 500 m along each transect. Ocean currents were measures along the same transect using a 1.5 MHz Acoustic Doppler Profiler (Sontek). The results clearly show the effects of coastal lagoons on the adjoining sea, with net salt export associated with hyperhaline lagoons (e.g. Ria Lagartos) or more estuarine influence of lagoons such as Celestun, where groundwater discharges play the role of rivers on the estuary. An assessment of this influence on the coastal ocean will be presented. It is well known the meteor impact at the end of the Cretacic era at Chicxulub, Yucatan, generated a crater with multiple rings which is evident from horizontal gravity gradients of the Yucatan mainland, and that associated with the outer ring there is a high concentration of cenotes (sinkholes) (Pope et al. 1991; Hildebrand, et al. 1995). It has also been shown that groundwater flows along this cenote ring towards the ocean, and the zones where the ring intersects the coast (Celestun and Dzilam Bravo) have impressive geologic features known as `submarine water springs' where freshwater springs as a fountain

  3. Experimental introduction of Liolaemus lutzae (Squamata: Iguanidae in Praia das Neves, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil: a descriptive study 18 years later Introdução experimental de Liolaemus lutzae (Squamata: Iguanidae em Praia das Neves, Espírito Santo, Brasil: um estudo descritivo 18 anos depois

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    Ana Hermínia B. Soares


    Full Text Available This article examines the results of the introduction into Praia das Neves, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, of Liolaemus lutzae Mertens, 1938, a lizard species threatened with extinction. Since there are few studies that evaluate how species establish and adapt to new environments, it is useful to assess to what extent the introduction of a critically endangered species into an area similar to where it originally occurred can help reduce its decline in number of individuals and avoid its possible extinction. This study presents the first results of an ongoing monitoring survey set up after the experimental introduction. We analyze how the introduced population uses space and food and we compare these characteristics to that of the original population at Barra de Maricá, Rio de Janeiro state. We also compare morphological measurementss of specimens from both populations. Both make similar use of the microhabitat, but there are differences in their diets. We recommend that the introduced population, potential competitors, predators, parasites, and the habitat characteristics continue to be monitored, so as to insure that this species will not become a threat to Praia das Neves beach community.Esse artigo examina o resultado da introdução, em Praia das Neves, Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil, de Liolaemus lutzae Mertens, 1938, uma espécie de lagarto ameaçada de extinção. Como existem poucos estudos que avaliam como espécies estabelecem-se e adaptam-se a novos ambientes, é útil conhecer em que extensão a introdução de uma espécie criticamente em perigo em uma área similar àquela onde ocorria naturalmente pode ajudar a reduzir seu declínio em número de indivíduos e evitar sua possível extinção. Esse estudo apresenta os primeiros resultados de um monitoramento em andamento, iniciado depois da introdução experimental. Analisamos o uso do espaço pela população introduzida e sua alimentação, e comparamos essas caracter

  4. Sintopy of two Tropidurus lizard species (Squamata: Tropiduridae in a rocky Cerrado habitat in Central Brazil Sintopia de duas espécies de Tropidurus (Squamata: Tropiduridae em um habitat de Cerrado rupestre no Brasil Central

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    R. G. Faria


    Full Text Available We studied the ecology of Tropidurus itambere and T. oreadicus that occur syntopically in rocky habitats of Cerrado vegetation in central Brazil during the dry season (April to September 2000. The two species are ecologically similar, but somewhat differentiated in vertical microhabitat use. The two species preferred rocky surface microhabitat. Both species demonstrated a unimodal activity pattern, with a peak between 10 and 15 h. Their diets were similar in composition and prey size. The most frequent item used by both species was ants, whereas the most important preys volumetrically were termites and ants. Small morphological differences observed between the two Tropidurus species could explain minor microhabitat divergence: T. itambere is slightly smaller, heavier, and more robust, and uses lower perches. T. oreadicus is larger, lankier, with longer extremities (tail, fore- and hindlegs, and uses a larger vertical microhabitat range. These ecological differences are slight, when compared with those observed between sympatric species of Tropidurus in spatially more heterogeneous landscapes. Considering the slight ecomorphological divergence between the two Tropidurus species and their high abundance in outcrops, we suggest that interspecific territoriality is the mechanism of coexistence.Estudamos a ecologia de Tropidurus itambere e T. oreadicus que ocorrem sintopicamente em habitats rochosos da vegetação de Cerrado, do Brasil Central, durante a estação seca (de abril até setembro de 2000. As duas espécies são ecologicamente similares, mas diferem no uso vertical do microhabitat, sendo a superfície das rochas o microhabitat mais usado pelas duas espécies. Ambas as espécies tiveram padrão de atividade unimodal, com pico entre as 10 e 15 h. Suas dietas foram similares na composição e tamanho de presa. O alimento mais freqüente das duas espécies de lagartos foi formiga, enquanto as presas volumetricamente mais importantes foram

  5. Atropelamentos de vertebrados na Floresta Nacional de Carajás, Pará, Brasil Roadkills of vertebrates in Carajas National Forest, Para, Brazil

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    Fabiano Gumier-Costa


    Full Text Available Vários pesquisadores têm avaliado impactos de estradas. Estes podem envolver aspectos paisagísticos, degradação do solo, poluição do ar e impactos sobre a fauna, como atropelamentos. Na estrada Raimundo Mascarenhas, que atravessa a Floresta Nacional de Carajás (ca. 400 mil hectares, há intenso tráfego de veículos automotores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar se há diferenças entre trechos da estrada, em três escalas espaciais; se há alteração ao longo dos anos; se alguns táxons são mais freqüentemente atropelados, e se a freqüência de atropelamentos aumenta com a precipitação mensal. Analisamos a freqüência de atropelamentos de vertebrados de abril/2003 até outubro/2006 ao longo dos 25 km iniciais da estrada. Registramos 155 atropelamentos. O número de atropelamentos diminui ao longo dos anos (P=0,01, e com a distância do início da estrada (P=0,0002. Serpentes (Ophidia e gambás Didelphis marsupialis foram mais atropelados (7,5/ano, seguidos de aves, raposas Cerdocyon thous, quatis Nasua nasua, roedores (Rodentia, e não identificados (4,9/ano; cuíca Marmosops sp., tapeti Sylvilagus brasiliensis, guariba Alouatta sp., irara Eira barbara, jabuti Geochelone sp., lagartos (Lacertilia e macaco prego Cebus apella (1/ano. Não houve relação significativa entre o número mensal de atropelamentos e a precipitação mensal.Several researchers have evaluated impacts of highways. These can involve landscape aspects, soil degradation, air pollution, and impacts upon wildlife, such as roadkills. At the Raimundo Mascarenhas highway, that crosses the Carajás National Forest (ca. 400.000 ha, there is intense traffic of automotive vehicles. The aim of this work was to test if there were differences among higway sections on three spatial scales; if there was alteration along the years; if some taxa suffered more frequently roadkills; and if roadkill frequency increased with monthly precipitation. We analysed roadkill

  6. Roadkills of vertebrates in Venezuela Vertebrados mortos em estradas na Venezuela

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    Jan Pinowski


    crocodilos Caiman crocodilus Linnaeus, 1758 (Alligatoridae, durante a estação das chuvas. Cálculos similares foram feitos para outras 313 espécies de cobras e lagartos, 294 gambás Didelphis marsupialis Linnaeus, 1758 (Didelphidae, 220 raposas Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus, 1776 (Canidae, 129 tamanduás Tamanduá tetradactyla (Linnaeus, 1766 (Myrmecophagidae, 55 capivaras Hydrochaerus hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766 (Hydrochaeridae e 37 lebres Sylvilagus floridanus Allen, 1890 (Leporidae. Numerosos trabalhos têm sido publicados sobre vertebrados mortos por veículos em estradas da Europa, América do Norte e Austrália e vários trabalhos têm sido referências úteis sobre vertebrados mortos em estradas na África e Ásia. Da América do Sul existem vários trabalhos com vertebrados, pássaros e mamíferos, sendo que da Venezuela existe apenas um que tenha tratado de iguanas (Iguana iguana Linnaeus, 1758, Iguanidae.

  7. Descrição do esqueleto axial de Liolaemus arambarensis Verrastro, Veronese, Bujes & Dias Filho (Iguania, Liolaemidae: regiões pré-sacral e sacral Description of the axial skeleton of Liolaemus arambarensis Verrastro et al. (Iguania, Liolaemidae: pre-sacral and sacral regions

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    Caroline M. da Silva


    Full Text Available Liolaemus arambarensis Verrastro, Veronese, Bujes & Dias Filho, 2003 (Iguania, Liolaemidae é um pequeno lagarto de areia, que vive nos ambientes de restingas da Laguna dos Patos. A descrição do esqueleto desta espécie pode elucidar algumas relações filogenéticas em relação a outras espécies do gênero. Tendo por objetivo a descrição das regiões pré-sacral e sacral do esqueleto axial de L. arambarensis, foram analisados sete exemplares da espécie. Observou-se que a maior estrutura axial é a coluna vertebral, que é dividida nas regiões: cervical, dorsal, sacral e caudal. A região cervical possui oito vértebras, e as costelas aparecem a partir da quarta vértebra. A região dorsal é dividida em: torácica, com cinco vértebras portando costelas unidas ao esterno; e pós-torácica, com 11 vértebras portando costelas livres. Segue-se a região sacral com duas vértebras fusionadas, que portam processos transversos fortemente expandidos lateralmente. O esterno de L. arambarensis constitui-se de uma placa cartilaginosa calcificada que se comunica com a região torácica da coluna vertebral e com a cintura escapular. Em vista do descrito anteriormente, pode-se dizer que L. arambarensis apresenta os padrões de esqueleto axial descritos para espécies de sua família e gênero.Liolaemus arambarensis Verrastro, Veronese, Bujes & Dias Filho, 2003 (Iguania: Liolaemidae is a small sand lizard that inhabits restingas in the Patos Lagoon, Southern Brazil. The description of the skeleton in this species could give some insights about the phylogenetic relationships with other species of the genus. With the main goal of describing the pre-sacral and sacral regions of the axial skeleton of L. arambarensis, a total of seven individuals were analyzed. It was observed that the largest axial structure is the vertebral column that is divided into four regions: cervical, dorsal, sacral and caudal. The cervical region presents eight vertebra and the

  8. Qualidade físico-química da carne bovina in natura aprovada na recepção de restaurante industrial / Physical and chemical quality of vacuum packed beef approved at reception in industrial restaurant

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    Marizete Oliveira de Mesquita


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros físico-químicos da carne bovina in na-tura, embalada a vácuo, por meio de métodos analíticos de rápida execução. O estudo ocorreu em restaurante universitário de uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior, du-rante maio e junho de 2012. Foram realizadas análises físico-químicas logo após a recep-ção das amostras. Os cortes utilizados foram os músculos: Coxão duro (Bíceps femoris; Contrafilé (Longissimus dorsi; Coxão mole (Semimembranosus; Patinho (Quadriceps femoris; Lagarto (Semitendinosus, fornecidos por frigoríficos. Na análise dos dados utilizou-se estatística descritiva (frequência e média e o teste Exato de Fisher para comparação entre variáveis categóricas. O perfil bioquímico indicou 40,0% das amostras consideradas em bom estado de conservação de acordo com o teste de resazurina, 53,3% apresentaram resultado negativo para prova de cocção, 16,7% foram consideradas como carne fresca pela prova de filtração, 90% apresentaram resultado negativo na prova de Nessler e 13,3% com pH 5,8-6,2. Conclui-se que o perfil físico-químico das carnes rece-bidas neste serviço de alimentação não apresenta plena conformidade com as normas do Ministério da Agricultura para carne in natura (não embalada. Considerando que a estabilidade das moléculas em produtos embalados a vácuo é alterada, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de normas específicas. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical parameters of fresh beef, packaged under vacuum, through fast analytical methods. The study took place at a university restaurant of a Federal Institution of Higher Education, during May and June of 2012. Physical and chemical analyses were made upon receipt. The mus-cles cuts used were: Biceps femoris; Longissimus dorsi; Semimembranosus; Quadriceps femoris; Semitendinosus

  9. Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism and heteroplasmy in populations of the three species of Tropidurus of the nanuzae group (Squamata, Tropiduridae

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    José Carlos Passoni


    Full Text Available The nanuzae group of lizards includes three species, Tropidurus nanuzae, T. divaricatus and T. amathites. The first species is found along Serra do Espinhaço, in eastern Brazil, and the other two in the northern region of the Brazilian State of Bahia, in continental dunes on both margins of the São Francisco River. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP of the mtDNA in these species were detected in 53 restriction sites. Site and fragment length polymorphisms were characterized, and cases of heteroplasmy involving length variation were observed. In T. divaricatus, these variations involved changes of 50-200 bp, probably in the control region of the molecule. In T. amathites, variation was apparently due to duplication/deletion of a 400-bp segment. Fragment length mutation rate varied among the species, being smaller in T. amathites than in T. divaricatus. Relatively low nucleotide diversity values were detected in these populations, the smallest being found in T. nanuzae. The most polymorphic population was T. divaricatus from Alagoado, followed by that of the same species from Ibiraba, suggesting both probable recovery of mtDNA genetic diversity after putative reductions in population size, and recent population expansion.O grupo nanuzae de lagartos compreende três espécies, Tropidurus nanuzae, T. divaricatus e T. amathites. A primeira é encontrada ao longo da Serra do Espinhaço, na região leste do Brasil, e as outras duas na região norte do Estado da Bahia, nas dunas continentais do Rio São Francisco, em margens opostas. Essas três espécies foram analisadas quanto a polimorfismos de tamanho de fragmentos de restrição (RFLP do DNAmit, tendo sido caracterizados 53 sítios de restrição. Polimorfismos de sítio e de tamanho de alguns fragmentos específicos foram caracterizados, bem como casos de heteroplasmia envolvendo variações de tamanho. Em T. divaricatus, estas variações correspondem a 50-200 pb, provavelmente

  10. Structure of claws and toes of two tropidurid lizard species of Restinga from Southeastern Brazil: adaptations to the vertical use of the habitat Estructura de garras y dedos en dos lagartos tropidúridos de Restinga, sureste de Brasil: adaptaciones al uso vertical del hábitat

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    Sueli Carvalho Ribas


    Full Text Available Tropidurus torquatus and Liolaemus lutzae, found in a restinga habitat, show some morphological differences associated with differential microhabitats use. There were made measurements of the snout-vent length, length and width of the largest toe of hand and foot, and length, width, height and curvature of the claws. We counted the number of adhesive lamellae of the largest toe of each member. T. torquatus has larger toes, greater number of adhesive lamellae and higher and more curve claws than L. lutzae. No significant differences in toe and claw widths were found. These results suggest that the differences found in the morphology of toes and claws of these two species would be associated with the differential microhabitat use. T. torquatus has morphological adaptations that allow it to use the microhabitat both vertically or horizontally, while L. lutzae use it only horizontallyTropidurus torquatus y Liolaemus lutzae hallados en un hábitat de restinga, muestran algunas diferencias morfológicas asociadas a el uso diferencial de microhábitats. Se realizaron mediciones de la longitud "snout-vent", longitud y ancho del dedo mayor de la mano y el pie y, longitud, ancho, altura y curvatura de las garras. Se contó el número de lamelas adhesivas del dedo mayor de cada miembro. T. torquatus posee dedos más grandes, mayor número de lamelas adhesivas y garras más altas y curvadas que L. lutzae. No se hallaron diferencias significativas en los anchos de dedos y garras. Estos resultados sugieren que las diferencias encontradas en la morfología de dedos y garras de estas dos especies estarían asociadas con el uso diferencial del microhábitat. T. torquatus posee adaptaciones que le permiten utilizar el microhábitat tanto vertical como horizontalmente, mientras que L. lutzae solamente lo utiliza en forma horizontal

  11. Ocorrência de Giardia, Cryptosporidium e microsporídios em animais silvestres em área de desmatamento no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil Occurrence of Giardia, Cryptosporidium and microsporidia in wild animals from a deforestation area in the state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Maria Anete Lallo


    Full Text Available A ocorrência de Giardia, Cryptosporidium e microsporídios foi investigada por meio da análise de 98 amostras fecais de animais silvestres capturados em uma área de desmatamento para a construção das barragens de Paraitinga e Biritiba, localizadas nos Municípios de Mogi das Cruzes, Salesópolis e Biritiba-Mirim, no Estado de São Paulo. As amostras foram obtidas de 46 roedores, 21 marsupiais, 16 sapos, nove morcegos, três primatas e três lagartos. As técnicas de centrífugo-flutuação com sulfato de zinco, de Kinyoun e a coloração de Gram-Chromotrope foram utilizadas, respectivamente, para a pesquisa de Giardia, de Cryptosporidium e de microsporídios. O total de animais parasitados por um dos protozoários investigados foi de 17,35% (17/98. Cistos de Giardia foram encontrados em amostras fecais de dois pequenos roedores da espécie Coendou villosus (ouriço-cacheiro. Os três animais positivos para Cryptosporidium foram roedores das espécies Akodon montensis, Thaptomys nigrita (ambos conhecidos como ratos do mato e Sciurus aestuans (serelepe ou caxinguelê. Esporos de microsporídios foram encontrados nas fezes de 12 animais, sendo seis roedores das espécies Oligoryzomys sp.(um, Akodon montensis (três e Coendou villosus (dois, três marsupiais pertencentes às espécies Didelphis aurita (dois e Marmosops incanus (um e três morcegos da espécie Diphylla ecaudata. Este é o primeiro relato de microsporidiose em animais silvestres no Brasil. A presente investigação enfatiza a importância de animais silvestres, particularmente pequenos mamíferos, como potenciais fontes de infecção desses protozoários para outras populações animais, incluindo o homem, em áreas de desmatamento.The occurrence of Giardia, Cryptosporidium and microsporidia was investigated in 98 faecal specimens from wildlife animals, captured in an area of deforestation for the construction of two water reservoirs (Paraitinga and Biritiba, located in the

  12. Herpetofauna do Parque Municipal Governador Mário Covas no município de Sorocaba, São Paulo, Sudeste do Brasil. Herpetofauna of the Parque Municipal Governador Mário Covas, Sorocaba municipality, São Paulo, southeastern Brazil.

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    Caio Vinícius de Mira MENDES


    Full Text Available A compreensão da biodiversidade local torna-se cada vez mais essencial para a implantação de ações futuras como estratégias conservacionistas e planos de manejo de espécies ameaçadas. Este estudo teve como objetivo apresentar uma lista de espécies de anuros e répteis do Parque Municipal Mário Covas ‒ PMGMC, localizado no município de Sorocaba, São Paulo. Foram realizadas visitas mensais entre os meses de setembro de 2008 a agosto de 2009. Os trabalhos de campo totalizaram 48 dias de amostragem, sendo realizadas quatro amostragens por mês, e as expedições foram realizadas de dia e à noite, sendo aplicadas as seguintes metodologias conjugadas: procura limitada por tempo; coleta por terceiros; encontros ocasionais e os métodos direto (avistamento e indireto (zoofonia para os anuros. Foram registradas 17 espécies de anfíbios anuros, pertencentes a nove gêneros e quatro famílias. Os répteis foram representados por 19 espécies, com 17 gêneros e 10 famílias, sendo 11 espécies de serpentes e oito de lagartos. A composição de espécies de anuros do PMGMC tem maior similaridade com a Estação Ecológica de Itirapina e Estação Ecológica de Jataí, enquanto a de répteis apresentou maior similaridade com as localidades da fitofisionomia floresta ombrófila densa. Apesar de o município de Sorocaba estar localizado próximo aos grandes centros de pesquisa do país, existe uma enorme carência de dados básicos sobre as espécies da herpetofauna que ocorrem na região. Neste estudo, acrescentamos 19 novos registros para a região, totalizando 52 espécies para a herpetofauna local. Knowledge of local biodiversity is essential for the implementation of future actions, such as conservation strategies and management plans for endangered species. This paper presents a check list of amphibians and reptiles of the Parque Municipal Mário Covas, at the municipality of Sorocaba, São Paulo. Field works were carried out between

  13. Regeneración biológica: Secretos de la naturaleza Biological regeneration: Secrets of nature

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    Porfirio Hernández Ramírez


    Full Text Available En mayor o menor grado la naturaleza ha proporcionado capacidad regenerativa a diferentes organismos, tanto en el campo de la botánica como en el de la zoología. Entre los nuevos métodos para mejorar las características y propagación de las plantas están las técnicas de regeneración de plantas in vitro, que incluyen la organogénesis y la embriogénesis somática que da la posibilidad de formar las llamadas “semillas artificiales”. En el campo de la zoología también se ha observado la capacidad regenerativa de algunos animales, entre ellos las planarias, las hidras, las estrellas de mar y los crustáceos. Muchos vertebrados han perdido, al menos de una forma significativa, la potencialidad regenerativa de la mayor parte de sus tejidos y órganos. Sin embargo, algunos han retenido una notable habilidad regenerativa, entre ellos los peces teleósteos, los urodelos (salamandras y tritones y otros tipos de anfibios. Los quelonios, cocodrilos y serpientes han perdido en general la capacidad de regenerar partes perdidas. Los lagartos, tienen posibilidad de regenerar la cola. Los mamíferos tienen también limitaciones, ya que no pueden regenerar extremidades, órganos y tejidos de la misma forma que lo hacen algunos animales inferiores. Sin embargo, hay excepciones, entre las que se encuentran los ciervos, el delfín y algunos tipos de ratones como los de la línea MRL. El ser humano expresa solo algunos procesos regenerativos fisiológicos o ante algunas lesiones, que se manifiestan fundamentalmente en las células epidérmicas, de la mucosa oral y del tracto respiratorio, las células sanguíneas, el pelo, las uñas, el tejido muscular, la piel y el tejido óseo. Los nuevos conocimientos sobre las células madre han abierto una nueva era que ofrece al hombre posibilidad de influir terapéuticamente en la regeneración de órganos y tejidosIn a greater or lesser extent, nature has provided different organisms with the regenerative

  14. Climate Change Scenarios in the Yucatan Peninsula to the year 2020 (United States)

    Orellana, R.; Espadas, C.; Conde, C.; Gay, C.


    introduced in a Geographical Information System (GIS), represented cartographically and were corroborated geostatistically. The results are shown through a collection of maps that constitutes the possible changes of the different elements of the climate under ten possible climate change scenarios. One main result that we obtained was that for the horizon 2020, there is great uncertainty on the temperature increments and on the changes of the projected precipitation amounts. Even with that uncertainty, extreme climatic scenarios were obtained. For example, the scenario generated with the Hadley model, and with the emission scenario A1FI, projects that the distribution of climates will radically change in the peninsula. The region with climates BSo w, which is the driest of the semi-arid climates, will extend from Sisal to the east of Río Lagartos, in the area of San Felipe. Also, this scenario projects that the Awo w" warm climate, will be distributed in the occidental middle portion of the peninsula, from Mocochá and Mérida in the north, and to the boarder zone of Campeche and Guatemala, in the south. The Ax’(wo) w" climate will be present in a very extended area, from the east of the state of Yucatán, until the east of Campeche and the west of Quintana Roo. The cartographic representation of the ten possible scenarios will allow us to contrast the possible climate change scenarios, and could support the localization of the most vulnerable areas, and to determine also what kind of adaptation and mitigation measures should start to be established i for regions and sectors that are very relevant in the peninsula, such as rainfed agriculture, apiculture (beekeeping), achiote production, and eco-tourism, for example.

  15. The terrestrial reptile fauna of the Abrolhos Archipelago: species list and ecological aspects A fauna de répteis terrestres do Arquipélago de Abrolhos: lista de espécies e aspectos ecológicos

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    C. F. D. ROCHA


    Full Text Available We have studied the terrestrial reptile fauna of the Abrolhos Archipelago (a group of five islands located ca. 70 km off the southern coast of the State of Bahia, Brazil and analyze here some of its ecological aspects such as diet, thermal ecology, activity, and some reproductive parameters. Three lizards comprise the archipelago's terrestrial reptile fauna: Tropidurus torquatus (Tropiduridae, Mabuya agilis (Scincidae, and Hemidactylus mabouia (Gekkonidae. The first two are diurnal and the latter is crepuscular/nocturnal (initiating activity at ca. 17:30. The activity period of T. torquatus extended from 5:30 to 18:30 h. Mean field body temperatures of active T. torquatus, M. agilis, and H. mabouia were, respectively, 34.0 ± 3.7ºC (range 23.8-38.0ºC; N = 75, 34.5 ± 2.2ºC (range 30.8-37.0ºC; N = 6, and 26.3 ± 1.1ºC (range 24.8-28.0ºC; N = 8. The predominant prey items in the diet of T. torquatus were ants, coleopterans, and hemipterans. In the diet of M. agilis, coleopterans were the most frequent prey items. For H. mabouia, the most important dietary items were orthopterans. Clutch size of T. torquatus averaged 4.1 ± 1.1 (range 2-6; N = 15 and was significantly related to female size (R² = 0.618; p = 0.001; N = 15. Clutch size for H. mabouia was fixed (two and mean litter size of the viviparous M. agilis was 3.3 ± 0.6 (range 3-4; N = 3. Tropidurus torquatus and H. mabouia deposit their eggs under rocks in the study area, with the former burying them but not the latter; in both species, more than one female often oviposit under the same rock.Estudamos a fauna de répteis terrestre do Arquipélago de Abrolhos (um conjunto de cinco ilhas localizadas a 70 km da costa sul do Estado da Bahia, Brasil e analisamos alguns aspectos da ecologia das espécies, como a dieta, ecologia termal, atividade e alguns parâmetros reprodutivos. A fauna de répteis do arquipélago compreende três lagartos: Tropidurus torquatus (Tropiduridae, Mabuya agilis

  16. Reproducción y variación de grupos de tamaño en una población de Liolaemus koslowskyi (Squamata: Liolaemini

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    Martori, Ricardo


    Full Text Available El patrón reproductivo, la tasa de crecimiento y la supervivencia son las principales características de la historia de vida de los organismos, el tamaño o edad en que un individuo adquiere su madurez sexual, el tamaño de la puesta y la fenología reproductiva inciden sobre el reclutamiento y por lo tanto sobre la estabilidad poblacional. Se seleccionaron diferentes ambientes representativos del área de estudio, unas para realizar la extracción de las muestras reproductivas y otras para la observación de la dinámica poblacional. Se obtuvieron 12 muestras reproductivas desde el mes de octubre de 1998 al mes de febrero de 2000, durante ese período se estudiaron 413 hembras, x= 55,48; (35-65, ds = 4,08 y 472 machos, x = 57,75; (42-69, ds = 4,66. La proporción de sexos fue similar, el macho reproductivo más pequeño medió 46 mm, la hembra con folículos yemados más pequeña midió 47 mm, se puedo registrar la presencia de los folículos yemados desde octubre a enero, los huevos en oviducto desde noviembre a febrero, no hay evidencia de más de una postura por temporada. La fecundación se produce durante noviembre, coincidiendo con los valores máximos de los volúmenes testiculares, se observó una correlación negativa entre la actividad reproductiva y el ciclo de cuerpos grasos en ambos sexos, los huevos fueron puestos a partir de diciembre y los primeros neonatos se observaron a partir de enero. Se apreció una leve correlación negativa entre la tasa de crecimiento individual y el tamaño del lagarto, Durante el período de estudio se realizaron 2199 avistajes y se estimó la proporción de cada grupo de tamaño para cada mes, se destacó el mes de enero por la presencia de 15% de individuos recién nacidos, la mayor tasa de actividad en la parcela correspondió a enero, febrero y marzo de 1999, disminuyendo en el otoño y registrando una suspensión de actividad en junio y julio, se observó una menor tasa de actividad en el

  17. Estudo ecológico e zoogeográfico sobre a fauna de lagartos (Sauria das dunas de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte e da Restinga de Ponta de Campina, Cabedelo, Paraíba, Brasil Ecologic and zoogeographic study on a fauna of lizards (Sauria from Dunas of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte and from Restinga de Ponta de Campina, Cabedelo, Paraíba, Brazil

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    Eliza Maria Xavier Freire


    Full Text Available An inventory of the fauna of lizards was made in the dunes of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil and in the "restingas" (sandbanks with its associated vegetation of Ponta de Campina (Cabedelo, Paraíba, Brazil from October/84 to March/86. The objective was to know the composition and structure of these communities as well as to evaluate the zoogeographical importance of the spots. The samples were collected and the observations were made along of transects which were established to enable the sampling of the habitats under study in both areas. Each transect was crossed one day per month, during 14 months. The collect of lizards was made manually or through the use of a small gun, calibre 22, with ammunition of the type mustard lead. Observations were made on the habitats utilized by the species (open areas or forests and on the species distribution by microhabitat. The fauna of lizards in the area under study is formed by species ecologically connected with open formations and also by species of the Atlantic Rain Forest. The majority of the species collected in the open areas is part of the fauna of the great diagonal of open formations which come from the Northeast of Argentina and go up to the state of Maranhão. There is, however, a great influence of the caatinga fauna, specially in the dunes of Natal. The species found in the forest of the dunes, in spite of being part of the Atlantic Forest, are morphologically differentiated. Gymnodactylus darwinii (Gray, 1845 and G. geckoides Spix, 1825 are sympatrics, but not syntopics, in the dunes of Natal.

  18. La reproducción de la "Icotea": (Pseudemys scripta callirostris, (Testudines Emydidae La reproducción de la "Icotea": (Pseudemys scripta callirostris, (Testudines Emydidae

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    Medem Federico


    . (Tables 7,8,9; fig. 5.14. The egg caruncle normally disappears after 5-9 days, but in some cases it is already vestigial or even worn off at the day of hatching.15. Growing rates of eight specimens between 1966 and 1971 are presented in table 7; however, these rates under natural conditions within the original habitat are still unknown.16. Either natural enemies or, and mainly, human activities cause great losses every year. The eggs are eaten by certain mammals, birds and reptiles (Tupinambis nigropunctatus ; hatchlings are sold in great quantities for exportation to pet shops, and adults are sold at the markets during the Holy Week, mostly ♀♀ containing eggs and stored since January.17. The establishment of breeding stations and areas totally protected for breeding under natural conditions are recommended.1.Se presentan los primeros datos exactos sobre la reproducción de la "Icotea", Pseudemys scripta callirostris, una tortuga de agua dulce¡ endémica en Colombia.2. Se estudiaron 75 ejemplares adultos de ambos sexos, 89 crías y 276 huevos.3. Existe un dimorfismo sexual marcado.4. La época de celos se efectúa entre septiembre y diciemhre.5. La cópula se efectúa en aguas mansas y profundas y dura unos 2·3 minutos.6. Para la excavación de los nidos se usan solamente las extremidades posteriores; la durución del proceso total de excavación, postura de huevos y tapamiento de hueco es variada; en dos casos duró una hora y veinte minutos y cuatro horas veinticinco minutos respectivamente, (Figs. 1-2.7. El nido tiene la forma de una botella redondeada en el centro, y sus dimensiones comprenden: Profurididad hasta 180.0 mm.; ancho (entrada   hasta 110.0 mm., y ancho (fondo hasta 130.0 mm. (tabla 1.8. La cantidad de huevos en un solo nido varía entre 9 y 25; en varios casos se encontraron hasta 30, según informes. (Figs. 3-4.9. Estan depositados en 2·3·4 capas; los primeros huevos (última capa se encuentran en una profundidad de 67.0 mm. a 10.0 mm. (tabla 3