
Sample records for labio hendido reporte

  1. La intervención del pediatra en el niño con labio y paladar hendido

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    Esther Lombardo-Aburto


    Full Text Available Las malformaciones congénitas son defectos estructurales presentes en el nacimiento. Las fisuras labio-alvéolo palatinas tienen una alta incidencia que se presenta en uno de cada 750 recién nacidos vivos, por lo que están entre las malformaciones más frecuentes y mejor conocidas. El labio y paladar hendido son anomalías que comúnmente están asociadas y constituyen las malformaciones congénitas más frecuentes de la cabeza y el cuello. Se define como labio leporino o hendido, fisura labial o queilosquisis al defecto facial que involucra el cierre incompleto del labio, unilateral, bilateral o medial, generalmente lateral a la línea media. Se define como paladar hendido, palatosquisis, o fisura palatina al defecto palatino en la línea media que comunica con fosas nasales y cavidad oral.

  2. La intervención del pediatra en el niño con labio y paladar hendido


    Esther Lombardo-Aburto


    Las malformaciones congénitas son defectos estructurales presentes en el nacimiento. Las fisuras labio-alvéolo palatinas tienen una alta incidencia que se presenta en uno de cada 750 recién nacidos vivos, por lo que están entre las malformaciones más frecuentes y mejor conocidas. El labio y paladar hendido son anomalías que comúnmente están asociadas y constituyen las malformaciones congénitas más frecuentes de la cabeza y el cuello. Se define como labio leporino o hendido, fisura labial o qu...

  3. Autoesquemas y habilidades sociales en adolescentes con diagnóstico de labio y paladar hendido

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    Stefano Vinaccia


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar la relación de los autoesquemas y las habilidades sociales de 49 adolescentes de ambos géneros con diagnóstico de labio y paladar hendido, de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. El diseño del estudio fue exploratorio-descriptivo-transversal-correlacional. Se utilizaron como instrumentos el Cuestionario de Esquemas, CIE y la Escala de Habilidades Sociales, EHS. Los resultados no evidenciaron niveles clínicamente significativos en las variables del estudio, a nivel general los puntajes de los autoesquemas y las habilidades sociales, reportados por los adolescentes con labio y paladar hendido, fueron buenos. Por último, todo el estudio tuvo un Alfa de Cronbach superior a .70

  4. Jornadas humanitarias de labio y paladar hendidos en el sureste de la República Mexicana: 17 años de experiencia y 40 jornadas

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    María S. Flores-Méndez

    Full Text Available Iniciamos las jornadas quirúrgicas de labio y paladar hendidos como una necesidad hacia la población más desprotegida del sureste de la República Mexicana, ya que esta malformación se presenta en nuestro país en 1 de cada 700 nacidos vivos, afectando a un sector de la población que generalmente no tiene seguridad médica, y siendo pocos además los cirujanos plásticos en el país que tratamos esta patología. Es decir, existen aproximadamente 10 nuevos casos por día, y según las estadísticas, 4 de ellos no tendrán acceso gratuito a los servicios públicos de salud. La Clínica de Labio y Paladar Hendidos inició su actividad en el año 2000 en la Ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, en el Hospital "Dr. Agustín O'Horan" de la Secretaría de Salud de Yucatán, bajo el nombre de "Todo por una sonrisa". Trabaja de forma continua todo el año, y operando un promedio de 3 a 4 pacientes de labio y paladar hendido a la semana. Además, en ella se realiza una jornada quirúrgica cada año y en los estados del sureste de la República Mexicana se han realizado otras 22 jornadas quirúrgicas, todas en hospitales donde hay uno o más cirujanos plásticos y/o cirujano maxilofacial, aunque no haya clínica de labio y paladar hendido. Todos los pacientes intervenidos a lo largo de 17 años de experiencia y 40 jornadas realizadas lo han sido por labio y paladar hendidos, con secuelas de esta malformación con o sin otras anomalías faciales agregadas.

  5. Análisis fotogramétrico de las alteraciones cartilaginosas y de tejidos blandos nasales en pacientes intervenidos por labio-paladar hendido unilateral

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    J. Puente Espel


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con fisura labio-palatina unilateral presentan alteraciones anatómicas de la nariz y de las estructuras odontológicas que afectan a la simetría facial, estética y al crecimiento. Estas alteraciones pueden corregirse durante la cirugía labial con corrección nasal primaria si se realiza una técnica quirúrgica correcta. En el caso de que la reparación primaria sea inadecuada, la región nasal mostrará deformidades como estigma del problema inicial. El objetivo de este estudio es describir las alteraciones nasales y la relación que guardan las estructuras nasales con las unidades estéticas de la mejilla y del labio superior en 50 pacientes con labio y paladar hendido unilateral no sindrómico, operados mediante queiloplastia. Además, describimos los parámetros o mediciones nasales obtenidos en los pacientes con un resultado quirúrgico adecuado. Las alteraciones anatómicas que con mayor frecuencia hemos encontrado en nuestra serie son: desplazamiento caudal de la cúpula alar en 48 pacientes (96%; desviación del eje longitudinal nasal de 5 a 10º en 24 pacientes (48%; narina más grande del lado hendido en 28 pacientes (56%; presencia de muesca en la narina en 18 pacientes (36%; inserción de la base alar con el labio superior más caudal en el lado hendido en 35 pacientes (70% y desplazamiento medial de la unión del borde lateral del ala con la mejilla en el lado hendido en 34 pacientes (68%. Estos datos permiten suponer que es posible llevar a cabo una adecuada corrección en la primera intervención.

  6. Caracterización de los pacientes con labio y paladar hendido y de la atención brindada en el Hospital Infantil Universitario de Manizales (Colombia), 2010


    Charry, Ingrid; Aguirre, Mónica Lorena; Castaño Castrillón, José Jaime; Gómez, Brenda Juliana; Higuera, Juliana; Mateus, Gloria Lucía; Montes, Diana; Villegas, Oscar


    Antecedentes: El labio y paladar hendido es la malformación más común de cabeza y cuello en el medio colombiano, es una patología multifactorial determinada por alteraciones genéticas y ambientales. Se da en uno de cada 900 nacidos vivos afectando a varones en una mayor proporción. El objetivo del presente estudio es registrar las características sociodemográficas, clínicas y de tratamiento de 118 pacientes los pacientes con labio y paladar hendido atendidos en el Hospital Infantil Universita...

  7. Factores predisponentes a labio leporino y/o paladar hendido en pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Regional de Loreto periodo 2008 - 2014.


    Ferreira Díaz, Frederick; Rodríguez Vásquez, Jean Frank


    El propósito del presente trabajo de investigación fue determinar los factores predisponentes relacionados a labio leporino y/o paladar hendido en pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Regional de Loreto período 2008 - 2014. La investigación fue cuantitativa, el diseño no experimental, descriptivo simple, transversal. Los resultados fueron: El género masculino fue el más prevalente con el 52,5%. El tipo de lesión más prevalente fue fisura del paladar con el 55%, seguido de labio leporino unilate...

  8. Prevalencia de dientes supernumerarios en pacientes con labio y paladar hendido mediante el análisis de ortopantomografías

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    María del Carmen Navas-Aparicio


    Conclusiones: El diente supernumerario es una anomalía que se presenta en los pacientes con labio y paladar hendido, por lo que es pertinente el buen diagnóstico clínico y radiográfico para determinar su presencia, y así escoger la más apropiada opción de tratamiento según las necesidades del caso.

  9. Colesteatoma asociado a secuencia de labio y paladar hendidos Cholesteatoma associated with a sequence of cleft lip and palate

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    Julianis Loraine Quintero Noa


    Full Text Available El colesteatoma adquirido asociado a secuencia de labio y paladar hendidos constituye una secuela común en los niños como consecuencia de una función anormal de la trompa de Eustaquio. Se presenta el cuadro clínico-otológico, la otomicroscopia y la eficacia del tratamiento quirúrgico en una paciente de 9 años, afecta de labio y paladar hendido y colesteatoma en el oído derecho complicado con meningitis. Se destaca el riesgo de complicaciones de la otitis media con derrame crónico y la importancia de su diagnóstico precoz, en estadios previos a la formación del colesteatoma.The cholesteatoma acquired associated with the sequence of cleft lip and palate is a common sequel in children as a result of a malfunction of the Eustachian tube. The clinical-otological picture, the otomicroscopy and the efficiency of the surgical treatment in a 9-year-old patient with cleft lip and palate and cholesteatoma on the right ear complicated with meningitis are presented. The risk for complications of otitis media with chronic effusion and the importance of its early diagnosis in stages previous to the formation of cholesteatoma are stressed.

  10. Patologías prevalentes en hospitalizados con LabioLeporino y/o Paladar Hendido del Hospital Materno-Infantil “Germán Urquidi”, Julio 2007-Agosto 2011


    Alejandro Méndez Pardo; Edgar López Saavedra


    El siguiente trabajo pretende determinar las patologías que prevalecen en pacientes hospitalizados con labioleporino y/o paladar hendido del hospital Materno-Infantil “Germán Urquidi”, julio 2007- agosto 2011, ademásdeterminar la relación con el sexo, procedencia y tipos de paladar hendido y/o labio leporino de los pacientes.La investigación es de carácter descriptivo, retrospectivo. De un total de 11.735 pacientes hospitalizados pordiversas patologías se analizaron 28 historias clínicas (15 ...

  11. Técnica de cierre vertical en labio hendido: Reporte de 837 casos y revisión de la literatura Vertical closing in lip cleft: Report of 837 cases and review of the literature

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    J.A. León Pérez


    Full Text Available Ninguna otra deformidad congénita tiene el potencial de alterar la forma facial tan perceptiblemente como lo hace un labio y paladar hendido, en donde el tercio medio de la cara se modifica y supone un gran desafío para el cirujano plástico. Proponemos el cierre vertical de la piel tras la miorrafia, formando una línea y tratando de dar apariencia a la columna del filtrum que no se formó en el labio hendido. Presentamos el resultado en niños operados en el Servicio de Cirugía Plástica del Instituto Nacional de Pediatría de México DF desde enero de 1998 hasta diciembre de 2006, en total 837 pacientes. La técnica quirúrgica utilizada consistió en el cierre de labio hendido en forma vertical. Del total de pacientes, 310 fueron mujeres y 527 varones; el 13% (n=109 presentaban hendidura bilateral. El 95% de los pacientes (n= 795 tuvieron un resultado estético adecuado; no se presentaron complicaciones postoperatorias inmediatas y sólo en un paciente se produjo dehiscencia de la herida. Como ventajas de la técnica podemos citar el que produce una línea cicatricial que parece la columna del filtrum hendido, el que conlleva una disección anatómica de la piel (líneas de máxima tensión y el que evita las incisiones que cruzan el filtrum o el ala nasal, con lo que la cicatriz resultante es menos visible.No other congenital deformity has the potential to alter the face form as perceivably as it makes a cleft lip and palate. The middle third of the face is altered and it represents a great challenge for plastic surgeon. We propose the vertical closing of the skin after miorraphy forming a line and trying to appear like the filtrum column that was not formed in the cleft lip. We report the result in children operated on our Service of Plastic Surgery at the Instituto Nacional de Salud, México DF, from january 1998 to december 2006, total 837 patients. Surgical technique consisted of the closing of cleft lip in vertical way. Total number

  12. Factores de riesgo hereditarios y socioeconómicos para labio o paladar hendido no asociados a un síndrome en México: estudio de casos y controles pareado

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    Gladys Acuña-González


    Conclusiones. El mayor riesgo en nuestra muestra para labio, paladar hendido o ambos, no asociados a un síndrome, radica en las variables relacionadas con los antecedentes familiares y hereditarios, y las indicadoras de la posición socioeconómica. Se observó un efecto protector del manejo prenatal con vitaminas

  13. Diseño y construcción de un expansor de paladar para niños con labio fisurado y paladar hendido de tipo bilateral

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    Jaime Echeverri A.


    Full Text Available este artículo presenta una posible solución a uno de los problemas de tipo congénito que con más frecuencia se presenta en la población Colombiana: el labio fisurado y/o paladar hendido de tipo bilateral. Se muestran los factores de diseño y selección del material para la construcción de un expansor de paladar diseñado de acuerdo a las condiciones de nuestra población.

  14. Reparación intrauterina del labio leporino en el feto ovino


    Peiró Ibañez, Jose Luis; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Cirurgia


    Malformación genética que es consideradqa la segunda en frecuencia entre los recién nacidos vivos. Se presenta en 1 de cada 800 nacidos vivos y representa el 15/ de las malformaciones congénitas. El término labio leporino proviene del latín “lepus”, utilizado hace ya muchos años para designar a los pacientes con labio hendido que se asemejaban a la hendidura facial de la liebre. La hendidura o fisura labial, término actualmente utilizado como sinónimo de labio leporino, es una malformación co...

  15. Descripción de un caso de labio leporino y paladar hendido en bubalus bubalis bubalis (búfalo), Sucre, Colombia - Description of a case of harelip and cleft palate in bubalus bubalis bubalis (buffalo), Sucre, Colombia.


    Montes Vergara, Donicer; De La Ossa Velázquez, Jaime


    ResumenEl presente trabajo muestra el hall azgo de un caso de labio leporino y paladar hendido en una cría de Bubalus bubalis bubalis (Murrah x Murrah) en una la finca, dedicada a la explotación de esta especie de ganado ubicada en la depresión del Bajo Cauca y San Jorge del Municipio de San Benito Abad, departamento de Sucre, Colombia.SummaryThe present work report the discovery of a case of harelip and cleft palate in a newborn of Bubalus bubalis bubalis (Murrah x Murrah) on a farm dedicate...

  16. Protocolo para la planificación quirúrgica en las clínicas de labio y paladar hendidos en la zona noroeste de la República Mexicana

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    Alicia Sigler

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción y Objetivo Las fisuras de labio y paladar son las malformaciones craneofaciales más frecuentes. Su tratamiento debe ser multidisciplinario y secuencial. Generalmente los pacientes requieren más de una cirugía reconstructiva durante su infancia y a veces es indispensable, en la edad adulta, el tratamiento dental, de audición, lenguaje, crecimiento facial y psicológico. Es necesaria la colaboración de múltiples profesionales de la salud que se mantendrán al tanto del progreso del paciente en su especialidad y se apoyarán para lograr un resultado exitoso y con buena calidad de vida. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estandarizar el manejo quirúrgico de las fisuras de labio y paladar en los pacientes atendidos en las clínicas ubicadas en Tijuana y Ensenada, y próximamente Mexicali y Hermosillo, ciudades localizadas al noroeste de México. Material y Método En las clínicas de Labio y Paladar Hendido de Tijuana y Ensenada, la colaboración de profesionales en Cirugía Plástica, Odontología Pediátrica, Ortodoncia, Otorrinolaringología, Terapia de Lenguaje, Terapia Familiar, Psicología Pediátrica y otras disciplinas, ha logrado un seguimiento del tratamiento multidisciplinario de hasta 10 años. Los resultados estéticos y funcionales han sido óptimos cuando la cirugía reconstructiva se ha complementado con estas otras disciplinas. Resultados Las fisuras de labio y paladar hendidos deben ser atendidas desde el nacimiento, apoyando psicológicamente a los padres, instruyéndolos sobre la alimentación y cuidados especiales de estos pacientes, preparando al niño para su primera cirugía que en muchos casos es la queiloplastia, y para la segunda, la palatoplastia, y enfatizando el apoyo por Odontopediatría y Ortodoncia para la salud dental y moldeamiento de los segmentos maxilares y de los cartílagos alares, así como la terapia del lenguaje cuando el paciente empieza a estructurar su habla. La evaluaci

  17. Síndrome de ectrodactilia, displasia ectodérmica y labio-paladar hendidos Syndrome of Ectrodactylism, ectodermic dysplasia and lip-cleft palate

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    Mario A. Salazar Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se propone reportar a un paciente masculino de 12 años de edad con presencia de la tríada completa del síndrome ectrodactilia, displasia ectodérmica y labio-paladar hendidos (EEC; señalar los hallazgos clínicos encontrados en las valoraciones, así como los tratamientos realizados. Es un síndrome autonómico dominante, con penetración incompleta y expresividad variable. Esta conjunción de signos y síntomas puede llevar a la confusión con otro tipo de entidades clínicas, y ocasionar un diagnóstico erróneo del paciente. La hendidura de labio y ausencia del conducto lagrimal no es una combinación usual en otras condiciones. Se hace mención de las manifestaciones clínicas reportadas en la literatura, y se enfatiza en las manifestaciones maxilofaciales y dentales. Los dos hermanos del paciente se consideraron normales o exentos de este síndrome.In present paper is reported the case of a patient presenting with the complete triad of Ectrodactylism syndrome, ectodermic dysplasia and lip-cleft palate, to mention the clinical findings present in assessments as well as the treatments applied. The syndrome is characterized by the triad Ectrodactylism, ectodermic dysplasia and cleft (EEC and it is autosomal dominant with incomplete penetration and a variable expressiveness. This group of signs and symptoms may be cofounded with other clinical entities, leading to a mistake diagnosis of patient. Lip cleft and lack of lacrimal duct is not a usual combination in other conditions. This is the clinical case of a male patient aged 12 with the syndrome of: Ectrodactylism, ectodermic dysplasia and lip-cleft palate. Clinical manifestations reported in literature are mentioned emphasizing the maxillofacial and dental manifestations. The two brothers of patient were normal or free of this syndrome. It is very important that the professionals charged of oral and maxillofacial health, as well the Stomatology students of Bachelor

  18. Operador de Energía de Teager para la Detección de Hipernasalidad en Niños con Labio y Paladar Hendido

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    Juan R. Orozco-Arroyave


    Full Text Available El labio y/o paladar hendido (LPH es una malformación, que tiene orígenes de tipo genético y ambiental. En Colombia, 6 de cada 10000 niños nacen con esta malformación, mientras en el resto del mundo la proporción se encuentra en 1 de cada 10000. El LPH trae consigo patologías en el habla tales como: hipernasalidad, hiponasalidad, golpe glótico, entre otras. De todas estas patologías, la hipernasalidad es la más recurrente en pacientes con LPH, apareciendo aproximadamente en el 90% de los casos. En este trabajo se hace un análisis, basado en resultados experimentales, del desempeño del Operador de Energía de Teager (TEO, por las siglas en inglés de Teager Energy Operator, para la detección de hipernasalidad en pacientes con LPH. Se analiza una versión generalizada del TEO con el fin de validar su capacidad discriminante en la detección de hipernasalidad, aplicándolo sobre una base de da-tos con registros de voz reales, de niños con LPH y niños control. Los resultados obtenidos comprueban que el TEO posee gran capacidad discriminante, y puede aportar información relevante en el proceso de detección de hipernasalidad.

  19. Asociación de labio y/o paladar hendido con variables de posición socioeconómica: un estudio de casos y controles Association of labial and/or palatine fissure with socioeconomic variables: a case-control study

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    Mauricio Escoffié-Ramírez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: determinar la asociación entre variables indicadoras de posición socioeconómica y la presencia de labio y/o paladar hendido no sindrómico (L/PH. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en el que se incluyeron 110 casos con L/PH pareados por edad y sexo con 220 controles, seleccionados de la clínica del Hospital Niño DIF de Hidalgo, México. A través de un cuestionario se recogió una serie de variables relacionadas con la posición socio-económica. Utilizando el análisis de componentes principales (correlación policórica se combinaron las variables relacionadas entre sí y se construyeron diversas variables indicadoras de posición socioeconómica; nivel socioeconómico (características de la vivienda, índice de bienestar (posesiones de bienes/ enseres del hogar, escolaridad de los padres (años de estudio, seguridad social (derechohabiencia, e indigenismo (hablar alguna lengua indígena por alguno de los padres. El análisis bivariado se realizó con regresión logística condicionada. RESULTADOS: el 90.9% de los pacientes presentó labio + paladar hendido al mismo tiempo, ya sea uni o bilateral. El tipo de defecto mas común fue el labio y paladar hendido izquierdo (33.6%. Resultaron asociadas a L/PH las variables: índice de bienestar (comparado con el peor quintil: 2do OR=0.46; p=0.030, 3er OR=0.39; p=0.015, 4to OR=0.30; p=0.002, 5to OR=0.27; p=0.001, nivel socioeconómico (comparado con el mejor tercil: 2do OR=0.46; p=0.004, 3er OR=0.18; pOBJECTIVES: to investigate the association between socioeconomic position and the presence of nonsyndromic cleft lip and/or palate (CL/P. METHODS: a case-control study with 110 cases with CL/P matched by age and gender with 220 controls was carried out, the cases were selected from the "Hospital Niño DIF Hidalgo" of Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico. A structured questionnaire which contained socioeconomic variables was used to recollect data. Applying the principal component

  20. Evaluación nutricional en niños de 0 a 24 meses con labio leporino y paladar hendido


    Carballo, Estefanía


    La Fisura Labiopalatina es el defecto congénito más frecuente que afecta a las estructuras maxilofaciales del hombre y ocupa el cuarto lugar entre los problemas de salud en Estomatología. Son anomalías congénitas, que ocurren cuando los tejidos del labio y/o del paladar del feto no crecen a la par y no se fusionan correctamente durante las primeras etapas del embarazo. Estadísticamente es uno de los defectos congénitos más comunes. Afecta a uno de cada 700-750 recién nacidos, y son más comune...

  1. Evaluación del efecto que produce la aparatología ortopédica pre-quirúrgica de Hotz en paciente con LPH. Reporte de caso

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    Daniel González Abundez


    Full Text Available El labio y paladar hendido, son malformaciones congénitas de origen multifactorial de tipo facial y bucal que ocurren durante la 6ta y 8va semana del desarrollo embrionario. Sus etiologías son: factores genéticos y ambientales, alterando la fusión de los procesos labiales y palatinos durante el desarrollo embrionario, lo que origina desórdenes de la alimentación, respiración, lenguaje, masticación, deglución, fonación, estética y autoestima. Por lo anterior, es importante realizar una rehabilitación ortopédica para lograr un adecuado desarrollo y crecimiento del aparato estomatognático. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto que produce la aparatología ortopédica pre-quirúrgica de Hotz, desde su colocación, hasta el primer tiempo quirúrgico en un paciente con Labio y Paladar Hendido (LPH. Reporte del caso: Paciente masculino, de dos semanas de edad, con LPH, acude a Clínica de Atención Integral para el Paciente de la Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad León. Antecedentes patológicos: labio y paladar hendido completo unilateral izquierdo. Tratamiento: Colocación de ortopedia prequirúrgica. Resultados: El uso de la aparatología ortopédica previa a la intervención quirúrgica funcionó como contención en el sector anterior, ayudando al arco dental en la cirugía primaria al momento de la labioplastía, obteniendo uniones mucoperiósticas menos agresivas, conservando el tamaño entre los procesos alveolares y el de la brecha de la hendidura en la zona anterior, mientras que en la zona posterior, aumentó favoreciendo positivamente al paciente para una succión nutricia más eficaz y funcional. Conclusiones: La placa pre-quirúrgica y la cirugía, pueden ser significativamente eficaces para un mejor desarrollo maxilofacial, mejorando la forma de la arcada y alineación pasiva del maxilar en paciente con LPH, siendo de gran ayuda para la alimentación en los pacientes postnatales.


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    Dr. Luis Monasterio A.


    Full Text Available La fisura labio palatina es la segunda malformación congénita más frecuente. En su génesis hay factores genéticos (25% y ambientales siendo en general multifactorial. La incidencia en Chile es de aproximadamente 1 en 550 recién nacidos vivos. Las fisuras pueden afectar el labio a uno o ambos lados, el paladar o ambos. La evaluación genética es fundamental para descartar casos sindrómicos, siendo estos frecuentes en las fisuras asiladas de paladar (sindrome velocardiofacial, stickler. El tratamiento de esta enfermedad debe ser multidisciplinario e iniciarse en el periodo de recién nacido para garantizar los mejores resultados. El equipo debiera estar integrado por enfermera especialista, otorrinolaringólogo, odontólogos de diferentes especialidades, genetista, fonoaudióloga y cirujano plástico. Las cirugías primarias incluyen la plastia del labio(3-6 meses, plastia de velo del paladar (6 meses y el cierre de paladar óseo junto a plastia de velo (12 meses.

  3. Dental characterization of colombian children with non syndromic cleft lip and palate


    Rengifo Reina, Herney Alonso


    Resumen: Introducción: Comparados con la población general, los sujetos con labio y paladar hendido presentan alteraciones en su crecimiento y desarrollo craneofacial y una alta prevalencia de anomalías dentales, que varía según la población estudiada, entre ellas: agenesias, presencia de dientes supernumerarios, morfología coronal anormal y taurodontismo. Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia de anomalías dentales encontradas en niños colombianos con secuelas de hendiduras labio palatinas no si...

  4. Cleft Lip and Palate (United States)

    ... Cleft Lip or Cleft Palate Print en español Labio leporino y paladar hendido Tilt your head back a bit and look in the mirror. Do you see the way your nose connects to your upper lip? Now open your mouth. Do you see the ...

  5. Epidemiologia descriptiva de hendiduras labiopalatinas en la Clínica de Labio y Paladar Hendidos de Morelia, Michoacán, México (1989-2012 y su comparación con algunas poblaciones internacionales

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    José Mena-Olalde

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivo. Las hendiduras labiopalatinas son malformaciones congénitas que afectan a la región maxilofacial. Su etiología es multifactorial, con factores genéticos y ambientales. Para la raza caucásica se estima una incidencia de 1:700 nacimientos, cifra que disminuye en otras poblaciones. El sexo masculino está afectado con mayor frecuencia, y solo las hendiduras palatinas aisladas presentan predominio femenino. Debido al desarrollo embriológico, el lado de mayor afectación es el izquierdo. Nuestro estudio tiene como objetivo conocer la distribución y frecuencia de las malformaciones atendidas en una institución de salud pública mexicana y su comparación con otras poblaciones internacionales. Material y método. Llevamos a cabo un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo, evaluando el total de expedientes clínicos de pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Reconstructiva Pediátrica de Morelia, Michoacán, México, durante el periodo 1989-2012. Realizamos la investigación bibliográfica en las bases de datos MEDLINE, LILACS y SciELO. Resultados. Obtuvimos un total de 800 expedientes clínicos, 460 (57.5% de pacientes masculinos y 340 (42.5% femeninos. La afectación de mayor frecuencia fue la hendidura labiopalatina, presente en 448 casos (56%. Esta situación se asemeja a estudios previos sobre el tema hechos en Bolivia, Sudán y México (54%. No fue posible determinar una incidencia poblacional total, ya que la institución donde realizamos el estudio atiende solo a población pediátrica. Conclusiones. La recolección de datos en nuestra institución mostró un predominio de presencia de hendidura labiopalatina en el sexo masculino, con presentación labiopalatina unilateral y del lado izquierdo. En base a ello podemos afirmar que la distribución epidemiológica de las hendiduras labiopalatinas encontrada en la Clínica de Labio y Paladar Hendidos de Morelia, Michoacán, México, se

  6. Protocolo para la planificación quirúrgica en las clínicas de labio y paladar hendidos en la zona noroeste de la República Mexicana


    Sigler, Alicia


    Resumen Introducción y Objetivo Las fisuras de labio y paladar son las malformaciones craneofaciales más frecuentes. Su tratamiento debe ser multidisciplinario y secuencial. Generalmente los pacientes requieren más de una cirugía reconstructiva durante su infancia y a veces es indispensable, en la edad adulta, el tratamiento dental, de audición, lenguaje, crecimiento facial y psicológico. Es necesaria la colaboración de múltiples profesionales de la salud que se mantendrán al tanto del progr...

  7. Dentadura completa en pacientes con paladar hendido


    Vilchez Salazar, Ernesto; Gloria Zeballos, Waldo; Vilchez Quintana, Ernesto; Torres Roque, Carol


    Reportamos la rehabilitación de un paciente edentulo total que presenta paladar hendido. Por tratarse de un caso complejo que afecta a uno de los factores de la estabilidad (retención), se tuvo que utilizar materiales de mayor hidrofilicidad para tomar las impresiones. Se usó la técnica sin presión para la impresión primaria y la técnica de presión selectiva (elastómero) para la toma de la impresión definitiva; obteniendo así mayor intimidad de contacto entre la prótesis y la mucosa, para mej...

  8. Colgajo Sabattini-Abbe en H tumbada para reconstrucción de labio leporino bilateral secundario

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    Juan Márquez-Cañada

    Full Text Available La reconstrucción del labio leporino secundario tiene al colgajo Sabattini-Abbe como una de sus principales herramientas reconstructivas básicas, si bien se han propuesto diferentes modificaciones de la técnica original para lograr una minuciosa reconstrucción de las deformidades secundarias presentes en los pacientes con labio leporino. Presentamos una modificación del colgajo Sabattini-Abbe, el colgajo en H tumbada. Este colgajo modificado incluye un segmento vertical y dos horizontales para restaurar con un solo colgajo, y adhiriéndonos al principio de la Cirugía Plástica de reconstruir lo similar con lo similar, tanto piel como bermellón de las áreas central y laterales del labio superior, las cuales se hallan comúnmente afectadas en los pacientes con labio leporino bilateral secundario.

  9. Reporte de un caso clínico de Holoprosencefalia

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    Lissette Chan Guevara


    Full Text Available Holoprosencefalia es la no segmentación del prosencéfalo, se caracteriza por defectos en la línea media. Se presenta con hipertelorismo, nariz corta ensilladura, labio, paladar hendido, filtrum amplio, microcefalia e hidrocefalia. Crisis convulsivas y anomalías endocrinológicas. Paciente masculino, 3meses de edad, madre, G1P1A0C0 15 años. Control-prenatal, completo. Embarazo normal. A las 34 semanas se diagnostica defecto del sistema nervioso central y retardo del crecimiento-intrauterino. Parto institucional, recién nacido pretérmino, 36 semanas, peso, 1900g. Cianótico, no llanto, requirió oxígeno. Se hospitaliza por 12 días, ecografía y TAC cerebral, holoprosencefalia, sin hipertensión-endocraneana. Al mes, se hospitaliza por síndrome convulsivo, neumonía, síndrome coqueluchoide, se sigue por consulta externa, paciente con fiebre ínter-diaria y episodios convulsivos durante un mes. Se hospitaliza, al ingreso tres episodios convulsivos tónico¿clónico-generalizados, irritable, hipertelorismo ocular, nariz de puente bajo ancho, labio y paladar hendido, hernia umbilical, hernia inguinoescrotal y micropene. Hipertonia, retardo del desarrollo psicomotor. Punción lumbar, resultado, meningitis bacteriana se inicia manejo antibiótico. Posterior, Na, 155.3 K,5.95 Cl,121, problemas de cortisol y Panhipopituitarismo, inicia reemplazo hormonal. Neurología refiere agenesia cerebral reacciones con tallo cerebral y cerebelo, mal pronóstico, hace paro-cardiorrespiratorio maniobras de reanimación cardiopulmonar, continúa en mal estado general, periodos de apnea, baja saturación, expansibilidad torácica disminuida. Hace 3 paros cardiorrespiratorios, en el tercero no hay respuesta. Fallece. La Holoprosencefalia es un defecto del SNC ligado a mal pronóstico. En este caso, el paciente reaccionaba con tallo-cerebral y cerebelo, además panhipopituitarismo alteraciones hormonales y meningitis bacteriana que complicó más el cuadro.

  10. Corrección de "labio ondulado" en el síndrome de Melkersson-Rosenthal Upper lip "ruffle deformity" correction in Melkerson- Rosenthal's syndrome

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    C. Gutiérrez Gómez


    Full Text Available El Síndrome de Melkersson-Rosenthal es una entidad rara caracterizada por edema granulomatoso orofacial, episodios de parálisis facial y lengua plegada. La presentación monosintomática de labios se denomina queilitis granulomatosa de Miescher. Clásicamente se ha tratado con múltiples medicamentos con respuesta parcial o insatisfactoria, por lo que el tratamiento ideal es el quirúrgico, que obtiene resultados permanentes y permite al paciente relaciones interpersonales satisfactorias. Sin embargo la corrección propuesta por los diferentes autores disminuye el grosor del labio a expensas de dejar un estigma de deformidad de labio "ondulado" ya que no se acorta el labio en sentido transverso y únicamente se adelgaza. El presente artículo describe el tratamiento propuesto para corregir esta deformidad mediante la resección en bloque del tercio medio del labio superior. Además hace referencia a la afectación del cuello en el caso que presentamos, no descrita en la bibliografía actual al respecto, que daba al paciente un aspecto de cuello de "iguana", y que fue corregida mediante resección en huso y liposucción.Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome is a rare entity characterized by granulomatous orofacial swelling, recurrent facial palsy and lingua plicata. It's monosyntomatic form affecting only lips is known as Miescher granulomatous cheilitis. Many conservative treatments have been proposed to resolve the swelling; however many times they present recurrence or fail to respond. The surgical correction permit permanent improvement and better appearance. The surgical posterior reduction cheiloplastry removing mucosa and submucosa all along the lip proposed by several authors, gives the lips an stigma of the " ruffle" aspect; this is because there is no shortening of the total length of the previously enlarged lip because of the granulomatous swelling. We report the correction of this deformity by total thickness resection of the middle third

  11. Reconstrucción de nariz y labios en secuela de quemadura eléctrica


    Cido Carvalho, F.A.M.; Rodrigues de Miranda Filho, A.; Viera da Silva Júnior, V.; Oliveira Viana, F.; Alencar Moreira, A.


    Presentamos el caso de un paciente joven, víctima de quemadura eléctrica en la cara, con complejas secuelas en la zona de boca y nariz, pérdida de sustancia y de parte del componente cartilaginoso de dorso, punta, colmuela y alas nasales, además de pérdida de labio superior e inferior, e importantes retracciones cicatriciales en áreas de vecindad. Fue sometido a reparación quirúrgica de la pérdida de sustancia nasal mediante colgajos supratrocleares y a reconstrucción de labio superior e infe...

  12. Caracterización de pacientes con cáncer de labios atendidos en el hospital “Ernesto Guevara”

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    Arley Barrera Campos


    Full Text Available La ausencia de estudios publicados sobre el cáncer de labios en Las Tunas constituyó el problema científico de la investigación. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, con el objetivo de caracterizar clínica-epidemiológicamente a los pacientes con cáncer de labios, atendidos en el servicio de Cirugía Máxilo Facial del Hospital General Docente ”Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna” de Las Tunas, Cuba; en el periodo de enero de 2012 hasta junio de 2014. El universo lo formaron los pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico de cáncer bucal y la muestra los 31 pacientes con esta entidad en los labios. El grupo de 60 y más años de edad fue el más afectado (61,3 %. Predominó la enfermedad en la piel blanca (90,4 % y el sexo masculino (87,1 %. El factor asociado más encontrado fue el hábito de fumar (74,2 %. La forma clínica más frecuente fue la úlcera hundida o infiltrante; el 74,2 % de los carcinomas se diagnosticaron en etapa I. El 83,8 % afectó al labio inferior. Predominó el carcinoma epidermoide (77,4 %. La correspondencia entre el diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico fue del 74,2 %. El tratamiento más empleado fue el quirúrgico (93,5 % y la técnica, la V-labio

  13. Social withdrawal behavior in infants with cleft lip and palate: the psychological impact of the malformation on parents and on parents-infant relationship


    Pérez Martínez, Carla


    La malformación de labio y paladar hendido (CL/P) es una de las malformaciones cráneo-faciales más frecuentes en humanos. Aunque esta condición médica no es una de las principales causas de mortalidad en los países desarrollados, conlleva una considerable morbilidad al paciente e impone una carga sustancial sobre la salud, la calidad de vida y el bienestar socioeconómico de los infantes y sus familias. En la actualidad, ningún protocolo genérico ha sido reconocido por toda la comunidad méd...

  14. Avance maxilar en pacientes fisurados labio palatinos con distractor intraoral

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    Adoración Martínez Plaza


    Conclusiones: La DO intraoral es una técnica alternativa exitosa para avance del maxilar en pacientes fisurados labio palatinos que necesiten un avance inferior a 10 mm. Produce mejoras en el perfil esquelético y blando. Los dispositivos internos no producen impacto psicológico. La contención más larga en el tiempo. La recidiva es difícil de definir y calcular.

  15. Patrones de cierre velofaringeo: Estudio comparativo entre población sana y pacientes con paladar hendido Patterns of velopharyngeal closure: comparative study between healthy population and patients with cleft palate

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    J.R. Prada Madrid


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio es corroborar los patrones de cierre velofaríngeo descritos en la literatura y su frecuencia de aparición en una muestra no probabilística de voluntarios sanos, así como comparar estos hallazgos con los obtenidos en pacientes con paladar fisurado reparado quirúrgicamente. Diseñamos para ello un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Las valoraciones se realizaron en un hospital de cuarto nivel y en el Centro de Rehabilitación para Niños con Labio y Paladar Fisurado (FISULAB, en santa Fe de Bogotá (Colombia. Participaron en el estudio 100 voluntarios sanos estudiantes universitarios y 82 pacientes con paladar hendido reparado quirúrgicamente. Realizamos videonasofaringoscopia para determinar los patrones de cierre velofaríngeo presentes y su frecuencia de aparición. El análisis estadístico se realizó utilizando el Chi², encontrando que no existe diferencia en la frecuencia de presentación de los patrones de cierre entre los voluntarios sanos y los pacientes con paladar hendido. En pacientes sanos encontramos con mayor frecuencia el patrón circular (56% de la muestra, seguido por el coronal (29 % y el circular con rodete de Passavant (15 %. En los pacientes con paladar hendido, igualmente prevaleció el patrón circular (39.02 %, seguido del patrón coronal (24.39 % y el patrón circular con rodete de Passavant (19.51 %. En ninguno de los 2 grupos encontramos el patrón sagital. En conclusión, corroboramos la presentación de 3 de los 4 patrones de cierre velofaríngeo descritos en la literatura (circular, coronal, circular con rodete de Passavant, sin que existiera una diferencia estadística en la frecuencia de presentación de los patrones de cierre velofaríngeo entre los voluntarios sanos y los pacientes con hendidura palatina. No corroboramos la presentación del patrón sagital.The purpose of this study is to define the patterns of velopharyngeal closure described in the literature, and

  16. Estado nutricional de niños afectados por fisuras labiopalatinas

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    Carlos Evaristo Zamora Linares

    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de malnutrición en niños afectados por fisuras del labio asociadas a paladar hendido. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal. La muestra consistió en 86 pacientes de edad comprendida entre 1 y 15 años, que fueron atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico "Hermanos Cordové" de Manzanillo, Cuba, entre 1995 y 2010. Resultados: predominó la desnutrición moderada, y los mayores índices se observaron en el grupo de menor edad. Conclusiones: la prevalencia de desnutrición en este grupo resultó menor que la encontrada en otras muestras tomadas de poblaciones "normales".

  17. Extracción y clasificación de posturas labiales en niños entre 5 y 10 años de la ciudad de manizales

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    Full Text Available Se presentan los diferentes algoritmos y procedimientos utilizados en el desarrollo de un sistema de extracción y clasificación automática de posturas labiales. El sistema se diseñó con el fin de acompañar a los niños con labio y/o paladar hendido corregido, en el proceso de recuperación. Para la detección facial, se trabajan técnicas basadas en el espacio de color YCbCr y análisis de conectividad. La detección del contorno de los labios se realiza mediante técnicas de proyecciones, análisis de color (espacio de color HSV y Exclusión de Rojo y la información de bordes del operador SUSAN. La extracción de la información discriminante se hace por diferentes tipos de análisis estadístico a partir de la región descrita por el contorno. La clasificación de las posturas se realiza empleando diferentes tipos de clasificadores.

  18. Evaluation of smile esthetics by photographic assessment of the dento-labio-gingival complex


    Mundoor Manjunath Dayakar; Anna Shipilova; M Rekha


    Context: The esthetics of a smile is determined by various factors including symmetry, anatomy and position of teeth, periodontal visibility, and musculoskeletal relationships. Aim: This study analyzed the dento-labio-gingival esthetic components of the smile, evaluating: (a) Amount of gingiva visible during natural smile and forced smile, (b) relationship between incisal edges of maxillary anterior teeth and upper border of lower lip, (c) deviation of dental midline from facial midline to ri...

  19. Lactancia materna en el lactante enfermo con labio leporino y fisura palatina


    Pérez Montero, Lidia


    El labio leporino y fisura palatina son malformaciones congénitas que afectan a la estructura maxilofacial, cuya incidencia estimada es de 1 por cada 700 nacidos vivos. Factores genéticos y medioambientales podrían intervenir en la aparición de estos defectos. Entre ellos la edad avanzada de los padres, la obesidad materna, infecciones durante el embarazo y el consumo del tabaco. Estos recién nacidos necesitan ser intervenidos quirúrgicamente, pero para ello deben estar bien alimentados. U...

  20. Linear degrees of freedom in speech production: analysis of cineradio- and labio-film data and articulatory-acoustic modeling. (United States)

    Beautemps, D; Badin, P; Bailly, G


    The following contribution addresses several issues concerning speech degrees of freedom in French oral vowels, stop, and fricative consonants based on an analysis of tongue and lip shapes extracted from cineradio- and labio-films. The midsagittal tongue shapes have been submitted to a linear decomposition where some of the loading factors were selected such as jaw and larynx position while four other components were derived from principal component analysis (PCA). For the lips, in addition to the more traditional protrusion and opening components, a supplementary component was extracted to explain the upward movement of both the upper and lower lips in [v] production. A linear articulatory model was developed; the six tongue degrees of freedom were used as the articulatory control parameters of the midsagittal tongue contours and explained 96% of the tongue data variance. These control parameters were also used to specify the frontal lip width dimension derived from the labio-film front views. Finally, this model was complemented by a conversion model going from the midsagittal to the area function, based on a fitting of the midsagittal distances and the formant frequencies for both vowels and consonants.

  1. Orden Cronológico del Tratamiento del Paciente con Fisura Labio Alvéolo Paladar.

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    Miguel Orticochea Aguerre


    Esta breve introducción tiene por objeto hacer un parangón entre la prevención de enfermedades infecciosas por estímulos inmunitarios que se hacen prolongados y a veces permanentes y la experiencia quirúrgica que se presenta, que previene problemas foniátricos posteriores en el paciente intervenido para un labio leporino ¿Esto que voy a presentar es una vacuna o es similar a una vacuna?. Sobre esto no me debo manifestar pero deseo dejar al lector la inquietud de este asunto.

  2. Manifestaciones clínicas y oftalmológicas en una familia con el síndrome de displasia ectodérmica, ectrodactilia y paladar hendido

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    Manuel Garza-Leon


    Conclusiones: El síndrome de displasia ectodérmica, ectrodactilia y paladar hendido puede causar vascularización corneal secundaria a alteraciones crónicas de la superficie ocular, secundaria a la ausencia de los orificios de las glándulas de Meibomio con la consecuente deficiencia de la capa lipídica en la película lagrimal, la cicatrización conjuntival progresiva y la insuficiencia de células límbicas, con afectación de la agudeza visual usualmente en la etapa adulta.

  3. Reconstrucción de nariz y labios en secuela de quemadura eléctrica Reconstrução de nariz e lábios em seqüela de queimadura elétrica Nose and lips reconstruction in electrical burn sequela


    F.A.M. Cido Carvalho; A. Rodrigues de Miranda Filho; V. Viera da Silva Júnior; F. Oliveira Viana; A. Alencar Moreira


    Presentamos el caso de un paciente joven, víctima de quemadura eléctrica en la cara, con complejas secuelas en la zona de boca y nariz, pérdida de sustancia y de parte del componente cartilaginoso de dorso, punta, colmuela y alas nasales, además de pérdida de labio superior e inferior, e importantes retracciones cicatriciales en áreas de vecindad. Fue sometido a reparación quirúrgica de la pérdida de sustancia nasal mediante colgajos supratrocleares y a reconstrucción de labio superior e infe...

  4. Labio doble: Caso clínico y revisión de la literatura Lábio duplo: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Double lip: Report of a case and review of the literature

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    P. Olímpio Aguiar


    Full Text Available El labido doble es una anomalía rara que se caracteriza por una redundancia de la mucosa labial visible al abrir la boca o al sonreir. Afecta con mayor frecuencia al labio superior. Su tratamiento es quirúrgico, para lo cual están descritas diversas técnicas. En la paciente que presentamos se realizaron resecciones elípticas de la mucosa y del tejido submucoso combinadas con una z-plastia vertical en la parte central del labio superior. Los resultados estéticos y funcionales de nuestro caso fueron satisfactorios.Lábio duplo é uma anomalia rara caracterizada por uma redundância de mucosa labial visível à abertura bucal ou ao sorriso. Ocorre com maior freqüência no lábio superior. O tratamento é cirúrgico sendo descritas algumas técnicas para sua correção. Na paciente apresentada foram realizadas ressecções elípticas de mucosa e tecido submucoso combinadas a uma z-plastia vertical na parte central do lábio superior. Os resultados estético e funcional foram satisfactórios.Double lip is a rare anomaly characterized by a redundancy of labial mucosa visible during mouth opening or during smiling. It occurs more frequently in the upper lip. The treatment is surgical and there are many techniques for its correction. In our clinical case we used an elliptical excision of mucosal and submucosal tissue combined with a vertical midline z-plasty of the upper lip. Satisfactory aesthetic result was achived.

  5. Ruptura del músculo orbicular de los labios en un músico de viento (síndrome de Satchmo): a propósito de un caso


    Maneiro, F.


    Los músicos profesionales son, además de artistas, trabajadores por cuenta ajena con patologías muy concretas relacionadas con su profesión. En ocasiones son tan específicas que no son bien conocidas por los clínicos generales o especialistas. Se presenta un caso de una patología casi exclusiva de los músicos que tocan instrumentos de viento de metal, que es la rotura del músculo orbicular de los labios que puede limitar o incluso impedir el continuar practicando de manera eficaz o completa l...

  6. Un Futuro Prometedor para su Nino con Labio Hendido y Paladar Hendido. Edicion Refundida (Bright Promise for Your Child with Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate. Revised Edition). (United States)

    McDonald, Eugene T.; Berlin, Asa J.

    The booklet, written in Spanish, is intended to help parents of babies with cleft lip and/or cleft palate. Topics covered include the sequence of prenatal development and the effects of birth defects, common misconceptions about what causes the conditions, possible hereditary and environmental causes, and what it means to have a cleft palate or a…

  7. Maurice Echeverría’s Labios: A Disenchanted Story about Lesbians in Guatemala’s Postwar Reality

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    Yajaira M. Padilla


    Full Text Available In the last two decades, lesbian, gay, and queer literary studies have gained significant ground in the broader field of Latin American cultural studies. Within this growing body of critical work, however, the Central American region and its literature have been largely ignored. This article, which focuses on the representation of lesbians and queer desire in the Guatemalan novel Labios (2004 ‘Lips’ by Maurice Echeverría, seeks to contribute to such a lack in Central American perspective. This essay contends, Echeverría’s text, one of a growing number of recent Central American narratives to call attention to and portray gay, lesbian, and/or transgender individuals and their experiences, evinces an alternate and composite form of visibility that can be understood as a visibilidad cosmo-queer . This visibility is an expression of the complex social reality of sexual minorities in postwar Guatemala, one marked by global or cosmopolitan discourses of gay and lesbian identity politics as well as queer modes of self-definition that challenge those same dominant discourses.

  8. Coiffman. Plastic, Reconstructive y Aesthetic Surgery. 4th Ed. Felipe Coiffman. Medellín: Amolca Colombia Editorial; 2016

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    Manuel Augusto Solano


    Full Text Available La Editorial Amolca Colombia ha publicado la 4ª edición del tratado “Coiffman. Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética” en seis extensos volúmenes. Esta obra tiene 296 coautores nacionales e internacionales, es el texto de estudio de la especialidad en Latinoamérica e Iberoamérica y, según la editorial, en la actualidad es la obra médica más extensa que se haya escrito en cualquier idioma. En el texto se tratan los siguientes temas: cirugía de la piel; técnicas de suturas; tumores; cicatrices; colgajos; lipoplastias; injertos de cuero cabelludo; láser; quemaduras; cirugía craneofacial; fracturas; labio y paladar hendidos; traqueostomia; parálisis facial; ritidoplastias; cirugía endoscópica; blefaroplastias; cirugía estética de cuello; lipoinyecciòn; rinoseptoplastias; otoplastias; mamoplastias; prótesis mamarias; liposucción; abdominoplastias; obesidad; implantes; gluteoplastias; cirugía posbariátrica; cirugía de miembros inferiores; úlceras; cirugía de la mano y del miembro superior; cirugía de genitales externos masculinos y femeninos transexuados, y disfunciones eréctiles.

  9. Reconstrucción de labio con Técnica de Karapandzic Reconstrução do lábio com a Técnica de Karapandzic Lip reconstruction with Karapandzic"s technique

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    A. Matos da Fonseca


    Full Text Available El Carcinoma Epidermoide es el más frecuente entre los tumores malignos de los labios. La región de los labios representa una zona anatómica de interés debido a que tiene una frecuencia importante de patología tumoral y a que involucra el esfínter natural de la cavidad bucal. Su reconstrucción es un desafío para el cirujano, que debe tratar de lograr un buen resultado tanto funcional como estético. Debido a esto, se han descrito numerosas técnicas para la reconstrucción de esta zona. Nosotros seguimos una técnica basada en la preservación anatómica de los pedículos vásculonerviosos faciales que mantiene la irrigación y la funcionalidad futura del labio. Mostramos en este trabajo la aplicación clínica de dicha técnica.O Carcinoma Epidermóide é o mais frequente entre os tumores malignos dos lábios. A região labial representa uma zona anatómica de elevado interesse devido à frequência de patologia tumoral envolvendo aquele que é o esfíncter natural da cavidade bucal. A sua reconstrução é um desafio para o cirurgião, que deve tratar de conseguir um bom resultado, tanto funcional como estético. Por isso se descreveram numerosas técnicas para a reconstrução desta zona. Neste caso seguimos uma técnica baseada na preservação anatómica dos pedículos vasculo-nervosos faciais que mantêm a futura irrigação e funcionalidade do lábio. Apresentamos neste trabalho a aplicação clínica desta técnica.Epidermoid Carcinoma is the most frecuent malignant tumor of the lips. The lips represent an important area of interest because of the frequency of tumoral pathology and because it involves the natural sphincter of the oral cavity. Its reconstruction is a challenge for the surgeon, trying to achieve good results, not only functional but also aesthetic. Many techniques have been described for their reconstruction. We follow one based on the anatomical preservation of the facial vasculonervous pediculus that keeps the

  10. Antecedentes de empleo de medicamentos durante el embarazo en madres de pacientes con fisura de labio y/o paladar Drugs use backgrounds during pregnancy in mothers of patients presenting with lip and/or palate fissures

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    Yulenia Cruz Rivas


    Full Text Available Los defectos congénitos constituyen anomalías en la estructura, funcionamiento o metabolismo del organismo y sus causas pueden ser genéticas o ambientales. La fisura de labio y paladar constituye un defecto congénito aislado cuya etiología es de carácter multifactorial. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo identificar el comportamiento de las fisuras de labio y/o paladar en madres que ingirieron medicamentos durante el embarazo, para lo cual se analizaron todos los niños nacidos vivos, con el diagnóstico de fisura de labio y/o paladar en el período de tiempo comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2006 en la Ciudad de La Habana, de donde se obtuvo un universo de estudio de 112 pacientes. Se aplicó un formulario con el objetivo de obtener información relacionada con la toma de medicamentos por parte de las madres de los pacientes en el momento de la gestación. Los resultados demuestran que el 58,92 % de las madres ingirieron medicamentos, y que el trimestre de mayor consumo fue el tercero, con el 50,89 % del total de madres estudiadas. Los medicamentos más empleados fueron las vitaminas y los antianémicos.Congenital defects are anomalies in structure, functioning or metabolism of organism and its causes may be of genetic or environmental causes. Lip and palate fissure is an isolated congenital defect whose etiology is of multifactorial character. Aim of present study is to identify behavior of lip and/or palate fissures in mothers took drugs during pregnancy, thus analyzing all children live birth with a diagnosis of lip and/or palate during 2000 and 2006 in Havana City, from where it was possible to obtain a study universe of 112 patients. We applied a form to obtain information related to drugs by mothers of patients during pregnancy. Results show that 58, 92 % of mother took drugs, and that trimester of higher consumption was the third one, with 50,89 % of total of study mothers. More use drugs were vitamins and antianemic.

  11. Crecimiento maxilar según severidad de hendidura labial, alveolar y palatina unilateral Maxillary growth according to the severity of unilateral cleft lip and palate

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    M.C. Navas-Aparicio


    Full Text Available La inhibición del crecimiento y desarrollo resultante del tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con labio y paladar hendido es un tema ampliamente discutido en el mundo. De acuerdo a la literatura, la deficiencia de tejidos, probablemente debida al ancho y la posición del segmento alveolar en la hendidura, es una variable a considerar que afecta al crecimiento del maxilar, el cual también puede verse influido por la corrección quirúrgica del labio, la nariz y el paladar, por tejido cicatricial, los diferentes tipos de tratamiento quirúrgico, el tiempo de cirugía, la habilidad del cirujano y la ortopedia prequirúrgica. El propósito de este estudio es determinar la posible asociación entre la severidad de la hendidura y el crecimiento maxilar en niños con labio y paladar hendido unilateral no sindrómico nacidos en el año 2001 y atendidos en el Hospital Nacional de Niños "Dr. Carlos Sáenz Herrera", Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social de San José, Costa Rica. El estudio fue de tipo retrospectivo y descriptivo, basado en datos recopilados de registros médicos, modelo inicial de escayola del maxilar del niño recién nacido, radiografía cefalométrica y modelo actual del maxilar del niño a la edad de 5 años. La muestra de estudio comprendió 13 pacientes. La dimensión transversal del arco fue asimétrica en 12 casos, lo que indica alteración del crecimiento en esta dirección. Existe una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa entre la longitud del arco y el ángulo SNA, indicando que a mayor longitud de arco, el ángulo SNA es mayor. El valor promedio de ANB tiene una desviación importante superior a 2. No existe relación entre la posición y longitud del arco maxilar (SNA, BaNA y ANS-PNS y la severidad de la hendidura. Esto significa, que el tejido cicatricial, el tipo de tratamiento quirúrgico, el tiempo de cirugía, el cirujano, la habilidad del cirujano y la ortopedia prequirúrgica, no influyen en la direcci

  12. Validation of Hiriart equation to compute steam production by the lip pressure method; Validacion de la ecuacion de Hiriart para calculo de gasto de vapor por el metodo de presion de labio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Flores Armenta, Magaly [Gerencia de Proyectos Geotermoelectricos de la Comision Federal de Electricidad, Morelia (Mexico)


    Mainly in new geothermal wells, it is necessary to evaluate the production in a very fast, simple and not expensive way, to know the convenience to install surface equipment, such as silencers and separators, to drive the steam to the commercial gathering system. In practice, one of the most known methods is the lip pressure one, which requires a simple set of installations. The objective of this paper is to validate the steam flow rate calculated by the lip pressure method, with respect to the ASME method. The ASME method is known for its accuracy, and is done by measuring the steam and liquid after a high pressure separator, by an orifice plate of known diameter and a triangular weir. Results of the validation show up the feasibility of application of the lip pressure method by using a simple adjustment equation. Percentage of mistake results less than 1%, without any notable influence of the production enthalpy. That equation to be applied in a general case, is as follows: Q{nu} =(20642)(F*P*D{sup 2}/{radical}h-2000). For the particular case of the Los Azufres geothermal field, the equation is: Q{nu}= 810*P*D{sup 2} [Espanol] En los pozos geotermicos, principalmente en los nuevos, es necesario evaluar su produccion de manera rapida, sencilla y economica, para determinar la conveniencia de instalar equipo superficial, como separadores, silenciadores, etc., que permita la integracion del vapor al sistema comercial de generacion electrica. Para fines practicos uno de los metodos mas conocidos es el de presion de labio, que solo requiere un arreglo sencillo de instalaciones superficiales. En este documento se validan y ajustan los calculos de produccion de vapor por ese metodo de presion de labio, con respecto a las mediciones exactas efectuadas con el metodo ASME. Este ultimo es reconocido internacionalmente por su precision, y se lleva a cabo separando la mezcla obtenida en superficie en un recipiente a presion para medir el vapor a traves de una placa de orificio

  13. Registro de pecarí de labios blancos (Tayassu pecari en la región de la laguna de Términos, Campeche, México White lipped pecaries (Tayassu pecari recorded in the area of Términos Lagoon Campeche, México

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    Mircea G. Hidalgo-Mihart


    Full Text Available Se registró fotográficamente al menos un grupo de pecaries de labios blancos (Tayassu pecari en la Selva La Montaña, al suroeste del área de Protección de Flora y Fauna Silvestre Laguna de Términos, Campeche, México. El registro se realizó utilizando trampas cámara. La presencia de esta especie muestra la importancia que tiene la región Selva La Montaña para la conservación de la biodiversidad, especialmente para las especies protegidas.We report at least one group of white lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari in Selva La Montaña located in the southwestern portion of the Términos Lagoon Flora and Fauna Protection Area, Campeche, Mexico. The record was obtained using camera traps. The presence of this species in the area shows the importance of the region for biodiversity conservation, particularly for protected species.

  14. En paladar hendido, ¿es indispensable seccionar la úvula por la mitad?: Implicaciones anatómicas y fisiológicas para una uvuloplastia diferente

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    J.A. León Pérez

    Full Text Available La función del paladar depende de la acción sincronizadadel músculo constrictor superior de la faringe y de los músculos del paladar, en especial del elevador del velo del paladar y el de la úvula que se contraen contra la pared posterior de la faringe en situación normal. Proponemos una técnica de uvuloplastia en paladar hendido mediante la cual resecamos la mitad más hipotrófica de la úvula hendida y dejamos la mitad más parecida a lo normal unida al paladar blando, en lugar de resecar la mitad de cada una y unirlas finalmente en la línea media. Presentamos un total de 936 casos, recogidos entre 1995 y 2006, en los que practicamos resección de una hemiúvula dejando la de aspecto más natural, con sutura en el paladar blando contralateral de la hemiúvula no resecada. La media de edad de los pacientes del grupo fue de 14 meses (entre los 6 y los 20 meses. Las complicaciones (4%, fueron: hemorragia 3 % y dehiscencia de la sutura 1 %. Pensamos que el aspecto natural brinda apoyo a los padres de los pacientes operados, ya que al observar la presencia de la úvula, se motivan y acuden mejor a las citas con el rehabilitador del lenguaje; la presencia de una hemiúvula no interfiere con la función del paladar para el habla.

  15. Evaluation of smile esthetics by photographic assessment of the dento-labio-gingival complex

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    Mundoor Manjunath Dayakar


    Full Text Available Context: The esthetics of a smile is determined by various factors including symmetry, anatomy and position of teeth, periodontal visibility, and musculoskeletal relationships. Aim: This study analyzed the dento-labio-gingival esthetic components of the smile, evaluating: (a Amount of gingiva visible during natural smile and forced smile, (b relationship between incisal edges of maxillary anterior teeth and upper border of lower lip, (c deviation of dental midline from facial midline to right or left side. Materials and Methods: Photographs of 127 subjects were taken by standardizing by placing patients head in Frankfurt horizontal plane and photos were cropped uniformly. Analysis of the dento-labial-gingival esthetic components of the smile, evaluating the relationship between the curve formed by the incisal edges of anterior teeth that is, incisal line and the curve of the lower lip, whether the incisal line touches the lower lip, presence of overlap of the lower lip over the incisal edges or absence of touch and also the amount of periodontal visibility during natural smile and the forced smile was done using Microsoft PowerPoint. Result: During natural smile the most frequent smile line was class 4 that is, low smile line seen in 67% of participants and class 3 for forced smile that is, average smile line seen in 44% of participants. There was a highly significant prevalence for females to have more periodontal visibility during both natural and forced smile (P 0.05. 78 % of subjects showed no deviation from the midline, 19.7 % of the subjects showed the deviation of midline toward the right, and 2.4% showed deviation toward the left. Conclusion: Harmony of the dento-labial-gingival complex is essential for a pleasing smile. Evaluating the smile of each patient using photographs, as well as radiographs and clinical data assures the clinician of the possibility of deciding what needs to be carried out and what can be done to treat a gummy or

  16. Reconstrucción de nariz y labios en secuela de quemadura eléctrica Reconstrução de nariz e lábios em seqüela de queimadura elétrica Nose and lips reconstruction in electrical burn sequela

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    F.A.M. Cido Carvalho


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un paciente joven, víctima de quemadura eléctrica en la cara, con complejas secuelas en la zona de boca y nariz, pérdida de sustancia y de parte del componente cartilaginoso de dorso, punta, colmuela y alas nasales, además de pérdida de labio superior e inferior, e importantes retracciones cicatriciales en áreas de vecindad. Fue sometido a reparación quirúrgica de la pérdida de sustancia nasal mediante colgajos supratrocleares y a reconstrucción de labio superior e inferior mediante colgajo cervical bipediculado, según descripción de Tsur y col. El resultado fue una buena cobertura nasal y la reconstrucción de los labios preservando sus funciones masticatorias y de habla, mejorando además la imagen estética del paciente.Caso de paciente jovem, vítima de queimadura elétrica na face, com complexas seqüelas na região da boca e nariz, como perda de substância cutânea e de parte do arcabouço cartilaginoso envolvendo dorso, ponta, columela e asas nasais, além de perda de lábios superior e inferior, com importante retração cicatricial das áreas vizinhas à lesão. Foi submetido a reparação da perda de substância nasal com retalhos supratrocleares e reconstrução dos lábios superior e inferior, através de retalho cervical bipediculado ao acaso, descrito por Tsur e cols. Resultou em boa cobertura nasal e reconstrução dos lábios, preservação das funções mastigatória e fala, além de permitir melhor figura estética ao paciente.We present a clinical case of a young man, victim of electrical burning to the face, with complex injuries to the mouth and nose. He presented cutaneous and framework damage to the nose and cutaneous damage to superior and inferior lips. He was submitted to nose repair with supratroclear flaps and mouth repair with bipedicular randomlybased cervical flap according to Tsur et al. The treatment allowed satisfactory nose cover and lips reconstruction, improvement on

  17. Ruptura del músculo orbicular de los labios en un músico de viento (síndrome de Satchmo: a propósito de un caso

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    F. Maneiro


    Full Text Available Los músicos profesionales son, además de artistas, trabajadores por cuenta ajena con patologías muy concretas relacionadas con su profesión. En ocasiones son tan específicas que no son bien conocidas por los clínicos generales o especialistas. Se presenta un caso de una patología casi exclusiva de los músicos que tocan instrumentos de viento de metal, que es la rotura del músculo orbicular de los labios que puede limitar o incluso impedir el continuar practicando de manera eficaz o completa la profesión. Se hace una revisión de la bibliografía y una descripción del síndrome, así como un análisis de los diferentes aspectos de la valoración de la posible incapacidad: menoscabos producidos, evaluación del trabajo, juicio clínico laboral y valoración de la contingencia.

  18. Malformaciones congénitas en hijos de madres epilépticas con y sin tratamiento con anticonvulsivantes Congenital malformations in the offspring of epileptic mothers with and without anticonvulsant treatment

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    Jazmín Arteaga-Vázquez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la frecuencia y tipo de malformaciones congénitas (MC en hijos de madres epilépticas (HME tratadas y no tratadas con anticonvulsivantes, la posible correlación anticonvulsivante/MC y la asociación con otras alteraciones del desarrollo. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio multicéntrico de casos y controles en 166 recién nacidos vivos HME identificados en 21 501 recién nacidos con MC y respectivos controles del Registro y Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Malformaciones Congénitas (RYVEMCE. RESULTADOS: La frecuencia de MC en HME tratadas fue mayor, (48.3% que en HME no tratadas (28.3%; (RM= 2.37 IC95% 1.08-5.40, p=0.03. Las MC más frecuentes fueron espina bífida, anomalías en reducción de miembros, labio/paladar hendido, microcefalia, anotia/microtia, hipospadias, paladar hendido, polidactilia, anoftalmia/microftalmia y onfalocele. No hubo diferencias entre uso de mono o politerapia. La difenilhidantoína, carbamazepina y ácido valproico fueron los anticonvulsivantes más utilizados. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados confirman la teratogenicidad propia de la epilepsia y el efecto sinérgico de ciertos anticonvulsivantes, lo que evidencia la necesidad de un apropiado control periconcepcional de esta enfermedad y su tratamiento.OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence at birth and type of congenital malformations (CM in newborns of epileptic mothers (NEM treated and not treated with anticonvulsants, the correlation anticonvulsant/CM and other developmental disorders. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Multicenter case-control study, in 166 live births NEM diagnosed in 21 501 newborns with CM and respective controls from the Registro y Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Malformaciones Congénitas (RYVEMCE. RESULTS: The frequency of CM in NEM treated with anticonvulsants was higher (48.3% than in NEM of untreated mothers (28.3%, (OR= 2.37 IC95% 1.08-5.40, p=0.03. CMs most frequently found were: spina bifida, limb reduction defects, cleft lip palate

  19. Evaluación del peso al nacer en 92 niños con fisuras del labio y del paladar

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    Carlos Evaristo Zamora Linares

    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir y evaluar algunos aspectos relacionados con el peso al nacer en una población de niños con fisuras de labio y paladar. Métodos: estudio descriptivo con fase analítica realizado en el Hospital Pediátrico Provincial "Hermanos Cordové", de Manzanillo, Cuba. Se incluyeron, luego de ser seleccionados por conveniencia, 92 niños nacidos con fisuras bucales que fueron atendidos en el centro entre los años 1986 y 2010. Se consideraron las variables siguientes: sexo, peso al nacer y tipo de fisura. Mediante medidas descriptivas se establecen asociaciones intervariables. Los aspectos analíticos incluyen el análisis de varianza y la estimación de riesgo (odds ratio y su intervalo de confianza del 95 %. Resultados: la prevalencia de bajo peso al nacer en estos pacientes (14,1 % resultó elevada, en comparación con la población general. Hubo una asociación significativa entre el tipo de fisura y el peso al nacer (X²= 12,65. El riesgo de bajo peso al nacer en los pacientes con fisuras labiales asociadas a fisuras palatinas fue significativo (RP= 6,24; IC 95 %: 1,3-30. Conclusiones: los resultados del estudio se corresponden de manera general con los obtenidos por otros autores. Aparentemente hay una asociación entre el nivel de gravedad de las fisuras y el riesgo de bajo peso al nacer.

  20. Description of Mexican Cleft Surgeons' Experience With Foreign Surgical Volunteer Missions in Mexico. (United States)

    Schoenbrunner, Anna R; Kelley, Kristen D; Buckstaff, Taylor; McIntyre, Joyce K; Sigler, Alicia; Gosman, Amanda A


    Mexican cleft surgeons provide multidisciplinary comprehensive cleft lip and palate care to children in Mexico. Many Mexican cleft surgeons have extensive experience with foreign, visiting surgeons. The purpose of this study was to characterize Mexican cleft surgeons' domestic and volunteer practice and to learn more about Mexican cleft surgeons' experience with visiting surgeons. A cross-sectional validated e-mail survey tool was sent to Mexican cleft surgeons through 2 Mexican plastic surgery societies and the Asociación Mexicana de Labio y Paladar Hendido y Anomalías Craneofaciales, the national cleft palate society that includes plastic and maxillofacial surgeons who specialize in cleft surgery. We utilized validated survey methodology, including neutral fact-based questions and repeated e-mails to survey nonresponders to maximize validity of statistical data; response rate was 30.6% (n = 81). Mexican cleft surgeons performed, on average, 37.7 primary palate repairs per year with an overall complication rate of 2.5%; 34.6% (n = 28) of respondents had direct experience with patients operated on by visiting surgeons; 53.6% of these respondents performed corrective surgery because of complications from visiting surgeons. Respondents rated 48% of the functional outcomes of visiting surgeons as "acceptable," whereas 43% rated aesthetic outcomes of visiting surgeons as "poor"; 73.3% of respondents were never paid for the corrective surgeries they performed. Thirty-three percent of Mexican cleft surgeons believe that there is a role for educational collaboration with visiting surgeons. Mexican cleft surgeons have a high volume of primary cleft palate repairs in their domestic practice with good outcomes. Visiting surgeons may play an important role in Mexican cleft care through educational collaborations that complement the strengths of Mexican cleft surgeons.

  1. Soft tissue thin-plate spline analysis of pre-pubertal Korean and European-Americans with untreated Angle's Class III malocclusions. (United States)

    Singh, G D; McNamara, J A; Lozanoff, S


    The purpose of this study was to assess soft tissue facial matrices in subjects of diverse ethnic origins with underlying dentoskeletal malocclusions. Pre-treatment lateral cephalographs of 71 Korean and 70 European-American children aged between 5 and 11 years with Angle's Class III malocclusions were traced, and 12 homologous, soft tissue landmarks digitized. Comparing mean Korean and European-American Class III soft tissue profiles, Procrustes analysis established statistical difference (P thin-plate spline analysis indicated that both affine and non-affine transformations contribute towards the total spline (deformation) of the averaged Class III soft tissue configurations. For non-affine transformations, partial warp (PW) 8 had the highest magnitude, indicating large-scale deformations visualized as labio-mental protrusion, predominantly. In addition, PW9, PW4, and PW5 also had high magnitudes, demonstrating labio-mental vertical compression and antero-posterior compression of the lower labio-mental soft tissues. Thus, Korean children with Class III malocclusions demonstrate antero-posterior and vertical deformations of the labio-mental soft tissue complex with respect to their European-American counterparts. Morphological heterogeneity of the soft tissue integument in subjects of diverse ethnic origin may obscure the underlying skeletal morphology, but the soft tissue integument appears to have minimal ontogenetic association with Class III malocclusions.

  2. Disminución de la incidencia de defectos de cierre del tubo neural en el Hospital Universitario de Neiva: posible efecto de la promoción del consumo de ácido fólico

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    Henry Ostos


    Full Text Available Los defectos del tubo neural (DTN son defectos de nacimiento, del cerebro o la médula espinal, los cuales llevan a la muerte o a la discapacidad. Las causas de los DTN son desconocidas. Se piensa que ocurren por una interacción de factores genéticos y ambientales. En 1997, se observó un significativo aumento en la incidencia de defectos del tubo neural en el Hospital Universitario de Neiva (p=0,035, respecto al atio anterior. El primer esfuerzo de control consistió en promover el consumo de ácido fólico siguiendo las recomendaciones universales de suplementación y fortificación (CDC Folic Acid Resource Guide. En este estudio se evaluó la incidencia de los DTN durante 1998, como posible indicador del impacto de las medidas tomadas. Se identificaron los nacidos con DTN, los nacidos con síndrome de Down o con labio o paladar hendido, la proporción de abortos y la de nacidos muertos. La tasa de DTN disminuyó en forma signiticativa (p=0,024 respecto a 1997 y su diferencia con la tasa de Latinoamérica no fue significativa (p=0,526. Se concluyó que la incidencia fue menor en 1998 y regresó a la tasa esperada para la región. Aunque se desconoce la causa del descenso, es posible que sea el resultado de la divulgación de los beneficios de una buena nutrición materna, la suplementación pregestacional con ácido fólico, la fortificación de la harina de trigo, o una sumatoria de todas las medidas. Se recomienda desarrollar un estudio de actitudes y prácticas sobre el uso de ácido fólico en la población de mujeres de Neiva en edad fértil y establecer un protocolo de vigilancia activa de los DTN.

  3. Linfangioma en maxilar de un recién nacido: Reporte de un caso clínico


    Sebastián Eduardo Miguelez; Lorena Gonzalez; Ariel Monteagudo; Christian Oscar Mosca


    Los linfangiomas son neoplasias benignas que ocurren predominantemente en la infancia, son muy infrecuentes, y nacen del sistema linfático. Cuando ocurren en la cavidad oral, la localización más común es el dorso de la lengua, seguido por los labios, la mucosa bucal, el paladar blando y el piso de la boca. La prevalencia es de 1 a 3 /10.000 nacidos vivos, afectando ambos generos por igual, involucran en un 75% la cabeza y el cuello, seguido por el tronco, abdomen y extremidades. En esta publi...

  4. El moldeamiento nasoalveolar en el niño con fisura labiopalatina


    Ruiz Escolano, María Gloria


    Las fisuras de labio y paladar son los defectos orofaciales congénitos más frecuentes, producidos por una alteración en la fusión de los tejidos que darán origen al labio superior y al paladar durante el desarrollo embrionario. La fisura palatina o labiopalatina es una malformación congénita que constituye el 15% de todas las malformaciones. Es la más frecuente del macizo craneofacial en la infancia, cuya incidencia ronda en España el 0,8 por cada 1.000 recién nacidos vivos.. Clínicamente...

  5. Relación de la homocisteína y las enzimas involucradas en su metabolismo con enfermedad cardiovascular y otras patologías.

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    Natalia Arias Morales


    oficiales (OMS. Tras el análisis de la información recolectada y en cuanto a las patologías reportadas con mayor frecuencia relacionadas con alteraciones de la concentración de la HCY, se encontró un 46% de literatura reportada con enfermedad cardiovascular, un 15% de reportes de enfermedades de tipo neurológico, un 11% con cáncer, un 9% con patologías en neonatos, un 4% con hipertensión arterial, así como otras enfermedades reportadas en menor porcentaje como las enfermedades metabólicas (3%, mixtas (4%, autoinmunes (2%, anormalidades en la gestación (2%, patologías óseas (1%, musculares (1% y hematológicas (1% como también la infertilidad (1%. En cuanto a las enzimas reportadas que influyen en el metabolismo de la HCY como participantes en las posibles alteraciones y patologías, el mayor número de reportes está relacionado con la metiltetrahidrofolato reductasa-(MTHFR (45% seguido de cistationina beta sintasa-(CBS (13%, betaina homocisteína metiltransferasa-(BHMT (9%, metil transferasa-(MTR (2%, metionina sintetasa reductasa-(MTRR (2% y otros porcentajes que incluyen más de dos enzimas reportadas. Conclusiones: Las principales patologías relacionadas con hHCY reportadas en la literatura son ECV, neurológicas, neoplásicas, metabólicas, neonatales y la hipertensión arterial. La MTHFR, BHMT y CBS son las enzimas más asociadas al metabolismo de HCY, cuyas alteraciones derivan en el aumento de niveles séricos de este aminoácido; la MTHFR se relaciona con cuadros de estenosis coronaria, cardiopatía congénita, Síndrome de Down (SD y neurotoxicidad. La BHMT tiene asociación con el desarrollo de SD, hepatocarcinogénesis, enfermedad coronaria, infertilidad idiopática en hombres, labio leporino y paladar hendido. La CBS se ha vinculado con ECV, enfermedades cognitivas, labio leporino y/o paladar hendido y cáncer de seno. La MTHFR es la más reportada en cuanto a cambios a nivel genético en su secuencia que se asocian a las patologías en las que

  6. Mucoceles en Cara Ventral de Lengua: Reporte de 6 casos y manejo quirúrgico


    Del Valle, Sol C.


    El "Mucocele" como todos sabemos es un término clínico que corresponde histopatológicamente a un fenómeno de retención o extravasación de moco, causado por obstrucción o ruptura del ducto de una glándula salival menor. La localización más frecuente es la mucosa del labio inferior seguida de mucosa bucal, paladar, y pocas veces en cara ventral de lengua. (1-2) Se estudiaron 6 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de mucocele en cara ventral de lengua que acudieron el Servicio de Patología Clínica ...


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    Francisco Cammarata-Scalisi


    Full Text Available Johnson et al. en 1983, describieron 16 casos en una familia que presentó alopecia, anosmia o hiposmia, sordera de conducción, microtia y/o atresia de conducto auditivo externo e hipogonadismo hipogonadrotófico, que mostraba un patrón de herencia autosómico dominante, con expresividad variable. Otras manifestaciones menos constantes incluyeron asimetría facial, retardo mental, cardiopatía congénita, paladar hendido y estenosis de coanas. Aparte de estos casos, solo siete pacientes con el síndrome de Johnson-McMillin han sido reportados hasta el momento. La patogénesis de esta entidad es incierta y el diagnóstico diferencial es amplio. Se describe un nuevo caso en una lactante femenina de ocho meses en el cual la alopecia universal, la microcefalia, la parálisis facial, el paladar blando hendido y las alteraciones a nivel de pabellones auriculares fueron significativos para establecer el diagnósticoLa paciente también presentó otros signos clínicos no asociados al síndrome, como el ano imperforado y la catarata congénita bilateral.


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    Francisco Cammarata-Scalisi


    Full Text Available Johnson et al. en 1983, describieron 16 casos en una familia que presentó alopecia, anosmia o hiposmia, sordera de conducción, microtia y/o atresia de conducto auditivo externo e hipogonadismo hipogonadrotófico, que mostraba un patrón de herencia autosómico dominante, con expresividad variable. Otras manifestaciones menos constantes incluyeron asimetría facial, retardo mental, cardiopatía congénita, paladar hendido y estenosis de coanas. Aparte de estos casos, solo siete pacientes con el síndrome de Johnson-McMillin han sido reportados hasta el momento. La patogénesis de esta entidad es incierta y el diagnóstico diferencial es amplio. Se describe un nuevo caso en una lactante femenina de ocho meses en el cual la alopecia universal, la microcefalia, la parálisis facial, el paladar blando hendido y las alteraciones a nivel de pabellones auriculares fueron significativos para establecer el diagnósticoLa paciente también presentó otros signos clínicos no asociados al síndrome, como el ano imperforado y la catarata congénita bilateral.

  9. Violência, culpa e ato: causas e efeitos subjetivos em adolescentes

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    Henrique Figueiredo Carneiro


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta um relato de pesquisa realizada sobre a violência e o adolescente, evidenciando o objetivo, as causas e os efeitos subjetivos que desencadeiam a violência na atualidade. Apresenta também uma investigação qualitativa com referencial teórico-conceitual da psicanálise, em destaque os conceitos de mal-estar, lei, anomia, limites, laços sociais, necessidade, desejo, culpa, passagem ao ato, individualismo, discurso capitalista, amor, vida e morte. Foram utilizados fotografias e fragmentos de filmes apresentados aos adolescentes inseridos no projeto Pró-jovem, desenvolvido na cidade de Maracanaú, Ceará, Brasil. As análises confirmaram os pressupostos da pesquisa de que a violência guarda relação direta com a ineficácia dos discursos normativos, que a culpa não comparece em consequência dos atos desfechados contra o próximo e que o sujeito não se guia por uma referência mítica do representante da lei.(* Colaboradores da pesquisa: doutora Marta Gerez Ambertín (Universidad de Santiago del Estero - Argentina; mestra em Psicologia Márcia Batista dos Santos (Universidade de Fortaleza - Brasil; alunos de Mestrado em Psicologia: Thiago Costa Matos Carneiro da Cunha (Labio, Rossana Vaz Borja (Labio, Carla Renata Braga de Souza (Labio/Leipcs, Lisieux D’Jesus Luzia de Araújo Rocha (Labio/Otium - Universidade de Fortaleza - Brasil; graduado em Psicologia Marcus Vinicius Ximenes Rocha (Universidade de Fortaleza – Brasil; bolsista de I. C. CNPq: Ricardo Pinheiro Maia Júnior; bolsista de I. C. Funcap: Rayana Silva Lima (Universidade de Fortaleza. Projeto apoiado pelo CNPq por meio de Bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa concedida ao Prof. Dr. Henrique Figueiredo Carneiro.

  10. Incidencia de labio leporino y paladar hendido en la Maternidad del Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile y en las maternidades chilenas participantes en el Estudio Colaborativo Latino Americano de Malformaciones Congénitas (ECLAMC) período 1991-1999


    Nazer H, Julio; Hubner G, María Eugenia; Catalán M, Jorge; Cifuentes O, Lucía


    Background: ECLAMC is a registry, aimed to assess the incidence of congenital malformations, that started in 1967 and Chile incorporated to it in 1969. Aim: To report the incidence of cleft lip/palate, updated to 1999 in the University of Chile Maternity Hospital and other Chilean hospitals participating in the ECLAMC. Patients and methods: A review of the ECLAMC database that registers all births or stillbirths of more than 500 g. Results: The incidence of orofacial cleft, at the University ...

  11. A new approach to incisor retention--the lingual spur retainer.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    McNamara, T G


    Late lower incisor crowding and incisor rotations remain a problem in orthodontics. We describe a new fixed retainer which is simple to use, allows physiological tooth movement, but prevents rotational and labio-lingual relapse.

  12. Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud oral, características socioeconómicas y de comportamiento de los pacientes fisurados menores de 7 años

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    Ana Carolina Silva Cordeiro


    Full Text Available Introducción: Labio y paladar fisurado es una malformación congénita en la región del labio y/o paladar, pudiendo ser uni o bilateral, causada por la falta de cierre de dichas estructuras, su gravedad puede variar y afectar los hábitos y la calidad de vida en relación con la salud oral. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud oral y las características socio-conductuales de pacientes fisurados menores de 7 años. Materiales y Métodos: Después de la aprobación del comité de ética, el estudio se llevó a cabo en un centro de atención clínica de los pacientes con dicha alteracion, y la muestra de conveniencia consistió en 19 pacientes cuyos cuidadores aceptaron participar y responder a los cuestionarios solicitados. Un cuestionario para medir la calidad de vida en relación con la salud oral se aplicó a los responsables. Las variables socioeconómicas se recolectaron a través de un cuestionario específico utilizado previamente, así como las preguntas sobre el miedo y el cuidado de la higiene bucal de los niños. Los datos se analizaron de manera descriptiva. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes pertenecían al sexo masculino y la edad media fue de 3,9 años. Gran parte de los cuidadores reportó dificultades y el miedo para la realización de la higiene bucal y alimentación de los niños. En cuanto a la calidad de vida se percibió un mayor impacto en la sesión del niño que en de la familia. Conclusión: Se puede concluir que los pacientes menores de 7 años con labio y paladar fisurados pueden tener dificultades en la limpieza y la alimentación, así como los cambios en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud oral.

  13. [Bilateral labio-maxillo-palatal clefts. Therapeutic evaluation]. (United States)

    Raphaël, B; Morand, B; Bettega, G; Lesne, V; Lesne, C; Lebeau, J


    The wide diversity of bilateral facial clefts makes it most difficult to assess surgical success, particularly in terms of long-term outcome. The aim of this work was to examine the rationale for the current protocol used for cleft surgery at the Grenoble University Hospital. In a first group of 28 children, a 3-step surgical protocol was applied. The first two steps were performed between 4 and 8 months with at least 3 months between each procedure. Skoog's unilateral cheilo-rhino-uranoplasty was used, associated with a periosteal tibial graft. The third step, performed between 10 and 12 months, was for staphylorraphy. Outcome was analyzed at 15 years and evidenced the deleterious effect of excessive and asymmetrical premaxillary scars, of the 2-step cheiloplasty and of columella lengthenings from the lip. The frequency of secondary revision of the superior labial vestibule and the medial labial tubercule (43%) was considered to be high; this procedure should be re-examined as should be osteotomy (32% revision). Palatine closure, acquired in 82% of the cases and premaxillary stability, achieved in 86%, would appear to favor use of the periosteal tibial graft. The osteogenic capacity of this graft tissue was less satisfactory after a second harvesting (from the same tibia three months later). These results have led us to modify our protocol, favoring early and total closure of the bony palate and continued use of the periosteal tibial graft. We now use the following operative protocol: premaxillary alignment using an active orthopedic plate at 2 months, lip adhesion associated with staphylorraphy and passive palatine contention plate at 3 months, definitive bilateral cheilo-uranoplasty associated with a single periosteal graft at 7 months. The preliminary results with this protocol in a group of 12 children have shown better quality scars, more harmonious maxillary arches, an excellent occlusion of the deciduous dentition, and preservation of the positive results obtained with the periosteal tibial graft.

  14. En paladar hendido, ¿es indispensable seccionar la úvula por la mitad?: Implicaciones anatómicas y fisiológicas para una uvuloplastia diferente In cleft palate is indispensable to section the uvula for one half?: Anatomical and phisiological implications for a different uvuloplasty

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    J.A. León Pérez


    Full Text Available La función del paladar depende de la acción sincronizadadel músculo constrictor superior de la faringe y de los músculos del paladar, en especial del elevador del velo del paladar y el de la úvula que se contraen contra la pared posterior de la faringe en situación normal. Proponemos una técnica de uvuloplastia en paladar hendido mediante la cual resecamos la mitad más hipotrófica de la úvula hendida y dejamos la mitad más parecida a lo normal unida al paladar blando, en lugar de resecar la mitad de cada una y unirlas finalmente en la línea media. Presentamos un total de 936 casos, recogidos entre 1995 y 2006, en los que practicamos resección de una hemiúvula dejando la de aspecto más natural, con sutura en el paladar blando contralateral de la hemiúvula no resecada. La media de edad de los pacientes del grupo fue de 14 meses (entre los 6 y los 20 meses. Las complicaciones (4%, fueron: hemorragia 3 % y dehiscencia de la sutura 1 %. Pensamos que el aspecto natural brinda apoyo a los padres de los pacientes operados, ya que al observar la presencia de la úvula, se motivan y acuden mejor a las citas con el rehabilitador del lenguaje; la presencia de una hemiúvula no interfiere con la función del paladar para el habla.The role of the palate depends on the synchronous action of the superior constrictor of the pharynx and the muscles of the palate, specially the levator muscle of the soft palate and the uvula, that contract against the posterior pharyngeal wall. We propose an uvuloplasty in cleft palate where half hypotrophic part of cleft uvula is resected, lefting the most similar half to normality joined to the soft palate, rather than resecting half of each one and putting them together in the midline. We present a total of 936 cases, collected between 1995 and 2006. The surgical procedure was resection of an hemiuvula, leaving the more natural looking sutured to the soft palate of unresected hemiuvula. The mean age of our

  15. Conhecimento de enfermeiros sobre amamentação de recém-nascidos com fissura labiopalatina

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    João Lopes Toledo Neto


    Full Text Available identificar el conocimiento de enfermeros acerca de la lactancia materna de recién nacidos con fisura del labio y paladar. Método: investigación transversal, con enfermeros de dos universidades brasileñas. Recolección de datos a través de cuestionario encaminado por vía digital para evaluar características personales, de formación y conocimiento en lactancia. Resultados: los 13 enfermeros relataron falta de capacitación en lactancia materna direccionadas a estos recién nacidos. La mayoría desconocían formas de ofrecer alimentación a estos niños, indicándose que, a pesar del enfermero ser aquello que realiza orientaciones acerca de la lactancia materna , el conocimiento sobre el tema no era sufiente cuanto a las necesidades y atención al recién nacido con fisura del labio y paladar. Conclusión: es preciso ampliar el contenido ofertado en la graduación acerca de las necesidades de estos recién nacidos para mejorar la comprensión del proceso de cuidar.

  16. Muscle Activity and Muscle Strength in Atypical Swallowing

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    Lina Maria López-Soto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: caracterizar la actividad y fuerza muscular de pacientes con deglución atípica ( DA ; N=88 con competencia labial ( CL o incompetencia labial ( IL vs un grupo control (Ctrl; N =90. Materiales y métodos: estudio analítico de casos y controles se realizó una electromiografía de superficie (s EMG de los músculos orbicular, mental y maseteros; se determinaron las fuerzas compresiva del orbicular de los labios ( FC o, contráctil del masetero derecho ( FC md e izquierdo ( FC mi, extensora del músculo lingual ( FEl por mioescanografía y la fuerza de resistencia del orbicular de los labios ( FR o por dinamometría. Resultados: La amplitud del registro s EMG del músculo orbicular de los labios, en con - tracción máxima, fue menor (p<0.01 en el grupo DA (596,40±175,83 con respecto a los controles(659,83±203,79; la fuerza de los músculos estudiados en el grupo experimental fue menor (p<0,01 que en los controles ( FC o: DA : 0,31±0,13; Ctrl: 0,38±0,11; FC md: DA : 0,40±0,08; Ctrl: 0,50±0,11; FC mi: DA : 0,41±0,08; Ctrl: 0,58±0,59; FEl ; DA : 0,52±0,14; Ctrl: 0,65±0,14; y FR o: DA : 2,47±0,61; Ctrl: 2,73±0,60. Los pacientes con DA - IL presen - taron mayor actividad muscular del orbicular en deglución ( DA-IL : 197,01±85,84; DA-CL : 160,54±97,03; Ctrl: 147,18±80,10. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con DA difieren en la fuerza de los músculos estudiados y en la actividad muscular del orbicular con respecto a los controles. Los pacientes con DA-CL y DA-IL difieren en la actividad y fuerza muscular del orbicular.

  17. Anterior mandibular apical base augmentation in the surgical orthodontic treatment of mandibular retrusion. (United States)

    Brusati, R; Giannì, A B


    The authors describe a surgical technique alternative to traditional pre-surgical orthodontics in order to increase the apical base in mandibular retrusion (class II, division I). This subapical osteotomy, optimizing inferior incisal axis without dental extractions and a long orthodontic treatment, associated to genioplasty permits to obtain an ideal labio-dento-mental morphology. This procedure avoids in some cases the need of a mandibular advancement and, if necessary, it reduces his entity with obvious advantages.

  18. Prise charge des fentes labio-velo-palatines | Amor | Journal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    It was about a cleft of lip and palate in 72% of cases, unilateral complete cleft in 10% of cases and bilateral complete cleft in 5% of cases.. The surgical treatment consisted in a closing in one operative time of the veil, the hard palate and the lip, associated to a nasal correction according to the technique of Malek. We got a ...

  19. Efecto de la radioterapia en glándulas salivales accesorias.


    Pérez Fernández, Carmen Aránzazu


    RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar las alteraciones que las radiaciones ionizantes producen sobre las glándulas salivales accesorias labiales. En nuestro estudio se seleccionaron sujetos diagnosticados de un tumor maligno de cabeza y cuello que iban a recibir radioterapia dentro de su tratamiento, incluyendo los labios dentro del campo de irradiación. Se evaluó la secreción salival y las alteraciones morfológicas de las glándulas en el momento del diagnóstico...

  20. Frequencies of congenital malformations: assessment and prognosis of 52,744 births in three cities of Colombia Frecuencia de malformaciones congénitas: evaluación y pronóstico de 52.744 nacimientos en tres ciudades colombianas

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    Nicolás Fernández


    Colaborativo Latinoamericano de Malformaciones Congénitas.
    Objetivo. Describir la frecuencia de las principales malformaciones congénitas en el país.
    Materiales y métodos. Entre abril de 2001 y enero de 2008, se obtuvo información sobre los pacientes con malformaciones congénitas y se analizaron la edad materna, la edad de gestación, el sexo y el peso del neonato, y la malformación congénita. Se clasificaron los casos según una escala de pronóstico para evaluar el impacto de la intervención del equipo de salud en la evolución de estos pacientes.
    Resultados. De 52.744 nacimientos en tres ciudades, 3,12% presentó alguna malformación congénita. Las anomalías de la oreja fueron las más frecuentes. El pie equino varo, la polidactilia y el labio y paladar hendidos, afectaron más a los pacientes de sexo masculino. El peso y la edad de gestación fueron menores en el grupo de los casos que en el de los controles. La escala de pronóstico mostró un alto riesgo de mortalidad o discapacidad en 54% de los pacientes y reveló que la intervención del equipo de salud cambia el pronóstico en más de 80% de los casos.
    Conclusión. Las frecuencias encontradas son similares a las del resto del mundo. La intervención del equipo de salud debe influir en el pronóstico de estas patologías. Un manejo temprano, adecuado e interdisciplinario es vital para disminuir la discapacidad y mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes.

  1. Informes clínicos breves

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista de la


    Full Text Available Carcinoma de tiroides / Cristian Roger Barbosa Sandoval y Edgar Jose Figueredo ; tutor Erix Boz6n -- Protocolo para el manejo de pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar manfaco (TABM / Luis Eduardo Jaramillo y Ricardo Sanchez -- Apendicitis aguda: experiencia en el Hospital de La Misericordia / Enrique Villamizar Zuniga ; tutores Efrairn Bonilla, Mizrahinn Mendez -- Comparacion del crecimiento facial en pacientes con fisuras labio-palatinas reparadas mediante dos tecnicas de palatoplastia / Oswaldo J. Gomez ; tutor Rafael Gomez -- Enfermedades del tejido conectivo en neoplasia / MarJioCharry Barrios ; tutor Jorge Rodrfguez Riveros.

  2. Técnicas de fisioterapia respiratoria y tolerancia a la actividad física en adultos mayores con enfermedad respiratoria crónica


    Hernández-Martínez, Liz; Ochoa-Vigo, Kattia


    Objetivo: : evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de técnicas de fisioterapia respiratoria en la tolerancia a la actividad física en pacientes adultos mayores con enfermedad respiratoria crónica. Material y métodos: estudio cuantitativo cuasiexperimental; considerando una muestra intencional de 50 pacientes asistentes al consultorio de neumología; laaplicación de fisioterapia respiratoria al grupo intervención constó de técnicas de respiración diafragmática, respiración de labios fruncidos, tos ...

  3. Resección quirúrgica de mucocele utilizando relleno siliconado


    Martínez, Adel; Gómez Arcila, Verónica; Carmona, Zenén


    El mucocele es una lesión que afecta especialmente las glándulas salivales menores; se forma debido a la extravasación de saliva mucosa producto de un trauma por mordedura. Teniendo en cuenta el factor causal, el mucocele se puede clasificar como quiste de extravasación mucosa o quiste de retención mucosa. Afecta primordialmente el labio inferior y se manifiesta como un nódulo, translúcido y circunscrito con un contenido mucoso o muestra una elevación del color de la mucosa que la cubre. El t...

  4. Malos hábitos orales: rehabilitacion neuromuscular y crecimiento facial


    K. Reni Muller, Dra.; Soledad Piñeiro, Dra.


    Hoy en día el desarrollo de las estructuras craneofaciales no puede ser evaluado sin analizar la influencia que tienen las distintas funciones que se llevan a cabo en la cavidad oral. Malos hábitos orales que se prolongan en el tiempo como la deglución infantil, la succión de dedo y chupete, interposición de labio y la respiración bucal alteran el crecimiento y desarrollo craneofacial y son de gran importancia en establecimiento o severidad de las anomalías dentomaxilares. En este artículo...

  5. Lengua del tiempo y de la muerte

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    Eduardo Carranza


    Full Text Available La lírica de nuestra lengua tiene una obsesiva inclinación al tema de la muerte, la nostalgia y el recuerdo. Que se deshojan las mejillas de las muchachas. Que vuela de nuestras manos la súbita mariposa del instante. Que todo nos deja entre los labios un sabor a ceniza. Que en la manzana habita el gusano. Que la rosa también "pierde sus mejillas sobre el césped". Que todo se derrumba: los imperios y las beldades, los sueños, los amores, las banderas y las torres que desprecio al aire fueron".

  6. Personalidad y adaptación psicológica parental en discapacidad


    Limiñana Gras, Rosa María


    La presente tesis examina el proceso de adaptación psicológica en padres de niños con discapacidades congénitas. Para investigar el proceso de adaptación al estrés crónico de los padres se utilizó el Modelo de Personalidad de Millon (1990, 1994, 2004) y el modelo de afrontamiento al estrés de Folkman y Lazarus (1985). El estudio incluye 166 adultos, padres de niños con espina bífida severa o Mielomeningocele, Parálisis Cerebral y Fisura Labio-Velo-Palatina. Los resultados identifican estilos ...

  7. Museo de Historia de la Medicina: Rey con Fisura Labio Alveolar.


    Miguel Orticochea


    obre la Costa Pacífica de América del Sur entre el Ecuador y el primer paralelo sur hay una región que se llama Manabí. Desde el quinto siglo antes de Cristo al segundo siglo después de Cristo floreció una cultura en esta región llamada Cultura Bahía, así llamada por su localización geográfica entre Bahía de Caráquez donde el río Chone llega al mar y el puerto de Manta. Bahía de Caráquez fue el centro y capital de este grupo cultural, quien no dejó nada escri...

  8. An in vitro study into the efficacy of complex tooth alignment with conventional and self-ligating brackets. (United States)

    Montasser, M A; Keilig, L; Bourauel, C


    To evaluate the efficacy of tooth alignment achieved by various small cross-section archwire/bracket combinations using the orthodontic measurement and simulation system. The study comprised three types of orthodontic brackets 1) conventional ligating (Victory Series and Mini-Taurus), 2) self-ligating (SmartClip a passive self-ligating bracket and Time3 an active self-ligating bracket), and 3) a conventional low-friction bracket (Synergy). All brackets had a nominal 0.022″ slot size. Brackets were combined with 1) 0.012″ stainless steel, 2) 0.012″ Orthonol, 3) 0.012″ Thermalloy, and 4) 0.0155″ coaxial archwires. Archwires were tied to the conventional brackets with stainless steel ligatures and elastomeric rings. The malocclusion simulated represented a central upper incisor displaced 2 mm gingivally (x-axis) and 2 mm labially (z-axis). The inciso-gingival correction achieved by the different archwire/bracket combinations ranged from 15 to 95%, while the labio-lingual correction ranged from 10 to 95%. The smallest correction was achieved by coaxial, Orthonol, and thermally archwires when ligated with the elastomeric rings to conventional brackets. Stainless steel archwires achieved from 65 to 90% of inciso-gingival correction and from 60 to 90% of labio-lingual correction. The resultant tooth alignment was the product of interaction between the archwire type, bracket type, and bracket design including ligature type. Small cross-sectional archwires might produce up to 95% correction if combined properly with the bracket system. Elastomeric rings when used with conventional brackets limit the efficacy of malalignment correction. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Linfangioma en maxilar de un recién nacido: Reporte de un caso clínico

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    Sebastián Eduardo Miguelez


    Full Text Available Los linfangiomas son neoplasias benignas que ocurren predominantemente en la infancia, son muy infrecuentes, y nacen del sistema linfático. Cuando ocurren en la cavidad oral, la localización más común es el dorso de la lengua, seguido por los labios, la mucosa bucal, el paladar blando y el piso de la boca. La prevalencia es de 1 a 3 /10.000 nacidos vivos, afectando ambos generos por igual, involucran en un 75% la cabeza y el cuello, seguido por el tronco, abdomen y extremidades. En esta publicación presentamos una situación de una paciente de sexo femenino de menos de 24 horas de vida que reside en el Servicio de Neonatología H.I.G.A. Pte. Perón en la que se decidió realizar la exéresis de la patología. El objetivo del tratamiento instaurado fué la remoción del tejido exofítico, con margen de seguridad del mismo debido al pequeño tamaño y su base pediculada. Dicho material fué remitido a la Cátedra de Anatomía Patológica de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y su diagnóstico histopatológicos, morfológico e inmunohistoquímicos comprobaron la compatibilidad de linfangioma. A los 18 meses de seguimiento post operatorio la paciente no muestra signos evidentes de recidiva o asociados a la patología diagnosticada.

  10. Estudios sobre plantas andinas,- IV

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    Cuatrecasas José


    Full Text Available Caracteres genéricos:-Capitulo radiado, con flores dimorfas, las externas apenas más largas que las interiores. Invólucro cónico, de brácteas pluriseriadas pero poco numerosas, flojas, lineal-lanceoladas, agudas, de consistencia herbácea incluso en la fructificación, más largas que el resto del capitulo. Receptáculo alveolado ,con el margen de las fositas ,escamoso-lacerado. Corolas exteriores femeninas, liguladas, con tubo muy corto y casi rectas, ,con 4 líneas longitudinales y 3 dientes gruesos y callosos, en 2-3 filas, con frecuencia provistas de un apéndice lineal en la garganta, rudimento de labio superior.

  11. Hombre, hambre y contaminación del medio ambiente

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    Gabriel Toro González


    Full Text Available Es muy significativo que precisamente un genio de las letras que también lo fue de la óptica y amante de la luz hasta el final, el gran Goethe, fuera quien expresara: "Muchas veces el telescopio y el microscopio enturbian la visión humana"; en sus labios esta sentencia significa sin duda que la mas ingenua fantasía es tratar de ignorar aquello que nos rodea; verdad que adquiere máxima dimensión hoy cuando el problema mas grande que enfrenta el hombre es como combatir el hambre y otro no menor, el deterioro que durante años viene causando al ambiente precisamente cuando trata de mejorar la cosecha.

  12. Paladar Hendido, Tratamiento quirúrgico, Injerto óseo combinado con plasma rico en plaquetas


    Monserat Soto, Enrique R.; Ramos, Alexis; Tovar Mattar, Ricardo


    Hace unos años en las décadas 40 y 50 del siglo pasado se realizaron estudios, debido a que se observó hipodesarrollo del tercio medio de la cara como consecuencia del tratamiento quirúrgico en épocas tempranas de la vida del paciente con paladar fisurado. Cirujanos odontólogos comenzaron a utilizar el injerto óseo para conseguir la integridad anatómica del arco alveolar y así facilitar su desarrollo, la erupción dentaria y las funciones intermaxilares. Estas intervenciones son muy cruentas p...

  13. Crecimiento sagital maxilar en fisurados unilaterales operados funcionalmente Sagittal maxillary growth in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients following functional surgery

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    F. Donoso Hofer


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Comparar el crecimiento sagital maxilar en pacientes con fisura labio-máxilo-palatina unilateral operados a los 6 meses con criterio funcional con pacientes normales que tengan relación consanguínea directa con los anteriores. Diseño del estudio. Análisis arquitectural y craneofacial de Delaire en telerradiografías de perfil en ambos grupos de pacientes cuyas edades fluctúan actualmente entre los 7 y los 12 años, determinando el crecimiento sagital del maxilar a través de la medida del ángulo del pilar maxilar anterior (C1/F1, sometiendo las medidas al test T de Student con una significación del 99,5%. Resultados.Se determinó el valor real y esperado para el ángulo del pilar maxilar anterior en todos los casos. Al comparar estadísticamente los resultados, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en los valores promedios obtenidos. Conclusiones.El crecimiento sagital maxilar de los pacientes con fisura labio-máxilo-palatina unilateral operados a los 6 meses con criterio funcional no difiere del de aquellos pacientes normales.Objective. To compare the sagittal maxillary growth between unilateral cleft lip and palate patients operated under functional criterion at the age of 6 months and normal patients who were blood-related. Design. Delaire’s Architectural and Structural craniofacial analysis in conventional lateral radiographs of all the patients with an age range of 7-12 years, determining the sagittal maxillary growth by the anterior maxillary pillar angle (C1/F1. These measurements were analyzed using the T-test with a 99.5% significance. Results. The real and expected value of the anterior maxillary pillar angle was determined in all cases. By comparing the results statistically, no significant differences were found in the mean values obtained. Conclusion. Maxillary sagittal growth in unilateral cleft lip and palate patients operated at the age of 6 months under functional criterion, does not differ from the

  14. Lesión de Virus Papiloma Humano a nivel del labio en paciente escolar


    Millán Isea, Ronald E; Ferrer, Maria A; Pérez, Ligia


    RESUMEN El virus Papiloma Humano (VPH), es un virus ADN, que produce proliferación cutánea o mucosa de epitelio escamoso estratificado. Existen más de 80 subtipos de VPH, los cuales pueden ser identificados por diferentes estudios histopatológicos convencionales, a través del cual se pueden determinar los cambios celulares en los queratinocitos e inmunohistoquímicos y más especializados como hibridación in situ y la técnica de reacción en cadena de polimerasa (PCR), donde puede identificarse ...

  15. El sentido de lo femenino: sobre la admiración y la diferencia sexual

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    Catherine Malabou


    Full Text Available En este artículo se exponen una serie de cuestiones que plantean el marco y la extensión de lo que se entiende por lo femenino, así como su papel en lo que respecta a la diferencia sexual y al género, desvinculándolo de las mujeres. A través de un recorrido por el pensamiento de distintos autores que han trabajado el concepto de lo femenino, tales como Levinas, Derrida, Heidegger e Irigaray, se analiza el concepto de admiración cartesiano como advenimiento del otro. Lo femenino reconoce además el cuerpo de la mujer y su múltiple sexualidad encarnada por sus múltiples labios, según la imagen de Irigaray, en su paso hacia una identidad metabólica y en tránsito.

  16. Revista de tesis de la Facultad de Medicina de Bogotá

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Excitación de la contractilidad uterina por el bicarbonato de sodio. Tesis de grado declarada meritoria. 1942. - Por Álvaro Combariza Vargas. Conclusiones / Contribución al estudio y tratamiento de los epiteliomas del labio. Tesis de grado, declarada meritoria. 1942. - Por Aurelio Pabón Rodríguez / Modificaciones de las proteinas totales del suero sanguineo y de la gravedad especifica de la sangre en el acto  quirúrgico. Tesis de grado, declarada meritoria. 1942. - Por Leonidas Albornoz Medina / Venografia central y periferica. Tesis de grado. 1942. - Por Guillermo Sierra E. / Tratamiento del chancro blando y del linfogranuloma venereo. Tesis de grado. 1942. - Por Ernesto Martínez Capella / Computo diferencial leucocitario de Schilling, y eritrosedimentación en la enfermedad de Hansen. Tesis de grado, 1942. - Por Jorge Jiménez Gandica

  17. Análisis de crecimiento maxilar tras cirugía en paladar hendido no sindrómico

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    M. Carmen Navas-Aparicio

    Full Text Available Antecedentes y Objetivos. La finalidad del cierre de la hendidura palatina es el restablecimiento de la continuidad anatómica entre la cavidad oral y la nasal para conseguir una correcta fonación y un crecimiento maxilofacial normal. El propósito de este estudio es determinar si existe un crecimiento maxilar deficiente, en sentido ántero-posterior y transversal, entre los niños nacidos en el año 2003 con hendidura palatina aislada no sindrómica atendidos en el Hospital Nacional de Niños "Dr. Carlos Sáenz Herrera" de San José, Costa Rica. Material y Método. Desarrollamos una investigación de tipo transversal, descriptiva e intervencional, basada en datos de registros médicos y registros actuales (radiografía cefalométrica y modelo de estudio del maxilar. El grupo de estudio constó de 5 pacientes. Las técnicas estadísticas utilizadas fueron las distribuciones de frecuencia, cruce de variables y comparación de medias con base en el análisis de variancia. El nivel mínimo de confianza para las comparaciones fue del 95%. Resultados. El promedio de edad de ejecución de la cirugía primaria del paladar fue de 17 meses. La asimetría transversal del arco maxilar predominó en este estudio. Encontramos también una correlación positiva, alta y estadísticamente significativa, entre la diferencia de la posición ántero-posterior del maxilar con respecto a la mandíbula. Conclusiones. Comprobamos una asimetría transversal del arco maxilar que podría ser influenciada por el proceso de cicatrización secundaria del paladar ante un hueso denudado quirúrgicamente. La relación ántero-posterior no estuvo afectada. Recomendamos realizar un estudio a diferentes edades del niño, ya que la relación ántero-posterior puede manifestarse tardíamente como una condición determinada genéticamente.

  18. Hidden dental diversity in the oldest terrestrial apex predator Dimetrodon. (United States)

    Brink, Kirstin S; Reisz, Robert R


    Paleozoic sphenacodontid synapsids are the oldest known fully terrestrial apex predators. Dimetrodon and other sphenacodontids are the first terrestrial vertebrates to have strong heterodonty, massive skulls and well-developed labio-lingually compressed and recurved teeth with mesial and distal cutting edges (carinae). Here we reveal that the dentition of Dimetrodon and other sphenacodontids is diverse. Tooth morphology includes simple carinae with smooth cutting edges and elaborate enamel features, including the first occurrence of cusps and true denticles (ziphodonty) in the fossil record. A time-calibrated phylogenetic analysis indicates that changes in dental morphology occur in the absence of any significant changes in skull morphology, suggesting that the morphological change is associated with changes in feeding style and trophic interactions in these ecosystems. In addition, the available evidence indicates that ziphodonty evolved for the first time in the largest known species of the genus Dimetrodon and independently from the ziphodont teeth observed in some therapsids.

  19. Lucha antivenerea, educación sexual: conferencia dictada en la Facultad de Medicina

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    Ricardo Zapata


    mancha de aceite se extienden e invaden las diferentes estratificaciones sociales me ha llevado a llamaros la atención sobre la imprescindible necesidad en que estamos de oponerles a estas dolencias una valla firme con el fin de contener su invasión y de prevenir los grandes males que están causando a la colectividad y de evitar los perjuicios que ellas representan para el porvenir de la Nación y de la raza. Hace algún tiempo tuvimos ocasión de escuchar en este salón, de labios del doctor Uribe Escobar, el alto porcentaje de sifilíticos encontrados por él en Antioquia gracias a la magnífica institución antioqueña, el Instituto profiláctico, y no menos alarmante es la estadística levantada por el doctor Uribe Piedrahita en Popayán; son éstos hechos que contristan el ánimo y estimulan a intensificar la lucha contra tan terribles flagelos.

  20. El consentimiento informado en el tratamiento integral del niño con fisura labio-alveolo-palatina

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    Georgia Garmendia Hernández


    Full Text Available Introducción: el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario "Juan Manuel Márquez" de La Habana adoleció de un proceso estandarizado de consentimiento informado. Se tuvo además como propósito el analizar los criterios de los representantes válidos sobre la información que le brindaría el consentimiento informado. Métodos: se estudió a los 32 integrantes del equipo multidisciplinario y a 9 representantes válidos de los pacientes para así constatar el grado de conocimiento sobre los principios de Ética Médica y Bioética. Resultados: se mostró que la mayoría tuvo un nivel bajo en cuanto a Ética Médica y niveles medio o alto en la Bioética. Los representantes válidos presentaron un nivel bajo. Se confirmó el reconocimiento de la necesidad e importancia del consentimiento informado aunque el equipo de salud refirió que no lo utiliza adecuadamente. Se elaboró una propuesta metodológica del proceso de consentimiento informado. Conclusiones: el nivel de conocimiento sobre los principios de la Ética Médica y la Bioética de los profesionales no se correspondió con la percepción que ellos tuvieron ni con la expresión práctica de dichos elementos.

  1. Prenatal factors associated with the neonatal line thickness in human deciduous incisors. (United States)

    Kurek, M; Żądzińska, E; Sitek, A; Borowska-Strugińska, B; Rosset, I; Lorkiewicz, W


    The neonatal line (NNL) is used to distinguish developmental events observed in enamel which occurred before and after birth. However, there are few studies reporting relationship between the characteristics of the NNL and factors affecting prenatal conditions. The aim of the study was to determine prenatal factors that may influence the NNL thickness in human deciduous teeth. The material consisted of longitudinal ground sections of 60 modern human deciduous incisors obtained from full-term healthy children with reported birth histories and prenatal factors. All teeth were sectioned in the labio-lingual plane using diamond blade (Buechler IsoMet 1000). Final specimens were observed using scanning electron microscopy at magnifications 320×. For each tooth, linear measurements of the NNL thickness were taken on its labial surface at the three levels from the cemento-enamel junction. The difference in the neonatal line thickness between tooth types and between males and females was statistically significant. A multiple regression analyses confirmed influence of two variables on the NNL thickness standardised on tooth type and the children's sex (z-score values). These variables are the taking of an antispasmodic medicine by the mother during pregnancy and the season of the child's birth. These two variables together explain nearly 17% of the variability of the NNL. Children of mothers taking a spasmolytic medicine during pregnancy were characterised by a thinner NNL compared with children whose mothers did not take such medication. Children born in summer and spring had a thinner NNL than children born in winter. These results indicate that the prenatal environment significantly contributes to the thickness of the NNL influencing the pace of reaching the post-delivery homeostasis by the newborn's organism. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  2. La Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica viaja a África: mi experiencia en Togo y Liberia

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    Elena Lorda-Barraguer

    Full Text Available En este artículo pretendo explicar mi experiencia en 5 campañas quirúrgicas en África. El último de estos viajes en noviembre de 2016 supuso el inicio de la cooperación internacional de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética en ese continente. También, dejar constancia de que es posible llevar a cabo una cirugía reconstructiva eficaz con recursos limitados si se cuenta con un buen apoyo logístico local. Y de lo necesaria que es nuestra cirugía capaz de mejorar la calidad de vida de muchos pacientes, lo que se pone de manifiesto incluso en estas expediciones sanitarias aunque sean de corta duración. Una vez registrada nuestra casuística, constatamos que los procesos patológicos intervenidos con más frecuencia son las secuelas de quemaduras, el labio leporino y las úlceras. Describo las condiciones de trabajo que hemos encontrado para facilitar futuras expediciones de otros colegas a quienes recomiendo encarecidamente esta experiencia.

  3. Extrofia vesical, una anomalía congénita

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    Roger Rojas Rojas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un trabajo descriptivo y representativo de un caso, para el que se utilizó la entrevista, la ultrasonografía y la evaluación del grupo Multidisciplinario de Genética Provincial. La paciente con 23 años de edad, con historia obstetricia de G2 P1 eutócico, clasificado de riesgo genético bajo, se le detectó en el ultrasonido del segundo semestre en la semana de gestación 19.6 una anomalía congénita, diagnosticada como extrofia vesical. Después de encontrado este hallazgo, la gestante fue remitida al Centro Genético Provincial. El equipo facultativo evaluó el caso y decidió la interrupción electiva del embarazo, siendo un feto de 450 gramos del sexo femenino. El resultado final de la anatomía patológica fue: ausencia de fusión del hueso pelviano; malformación de la vulva, clítoris prominente, labios mayores cortos y abiertos; vejiga insertada en la pared abdominal.

  4. Carcinoma vulvar

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    Yamit Peñas Zayas


    Full Text Available El carcinoma de la vulva tiene una incidencia de aproximadamente un 3-5% dentro de todas las enfermedades ginecológicas malignas. El 90% de los tumores malignos de la vulva está constituido por carcinoma epidermoide, el resto son adenocarcinomas, carcinomas de células basales y melanomas. Se realiza la presentación de un caso de una paciente femenina de 25 años de edad con antecedentes  de Diabetes Mellitus tipo II y trombopatia, que ingresa en el servicio de ginecología con un cuadro cutáneo polimorfo, localizado en labios mayores y menores, dado por lesiones eritematoerosivas y vegetante, sospechándose clínicamente el diagnóstico  de un carcinoma epidermoide, corroborándose el mismo histológicamente al realizarse biopsia de piel. Se indicó tratamiento con quimioterapia. Por la edad de la paciente y ser menos frecuente en mucosa que en la piel,  motivo la presentación del caso.

  5. PHENIX reports. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The various tasks outlined in the Statement of Work for the PHENIX Program have been accomplished. Reports were generated which cover the work done. This report is a compilation of the following reports: Progress Report for May 1998; Progress Report for April 1998; PHENIX FEA Mount/Electron Shield Structural Analysis report; Progress Report for February 1998; Progress Report for March 1998; and Progress Report for December 1997 and January 1998

  6. Research reports (Annual reports)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation of research reports is the third one to be published once a year in the frame of a comprehensive reporting on current investigations with regard to reactor safety. There are three types of reports: RS Research Reports, LRA Research Reports, GFK Research Reports. The RS Research Reports and the LRA Research Reports give information on the investigations sponsored by the Bundesminister fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT) and partly by the Bundesminister des Innern (BMI [SR 100, At T 85 a]) as individual reactor safety research projects. The GFK Research Reports inform about theoretical and experimental investigations on reactor safety conducted by the Gesellschaft fuer Kernforschung mbH (GFK), Karlsruhe. The Laboratorium fuer Reaktorregelung und Anlagensicherung (LRA), Muenchen-Garching, executes nine individual research projects comprehended under number At T 85 a. The work carried out by the GFK is included in the main project 'Nuclear Safety' (PNS). The single reports are attached to the main parts and focal points of the Research Program Reactor Safety. Therefore, at the head of the reports, under 'Project Number', not only the RS-, LRA- or GFK-Number but also the number of the main part of the Research Program which the reported investigation contributes to is noted. (orig.) [de

  7. Aspectos clínicos e histológicos en la queilitis actínica crónica, su relación con el Virus del Papiloma Humano

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    Francisco Octávio Teixeira Pacca

    Full Text Available Resumen Los virus del papiloma humanos (HPVs oncogénicos son importantes agentes en la etiología del cáncer ginecológico y actualmente han sido relacionados también a algunas lesiones carcinógenas y a algunos tipos de cánceres de boca. Con el objetivo de determinar la presencia del HPV en la queilitis fueron evaluados y considerados aptos para el estudio 29 pacientes portadores de quelitis actínica crónica y 29 pacientes en el grupo control. Se utilizó la PCR para detectar la presencia del HPV en muestras de tejido fresco, provenientes de labios enfermos. La quelitis actínica crónica (QAC ocurrió en individuos de raza blanca, 19 hombres y 10 mujeres, con media de edad 56 años. En el análisis de las características clínicas se registraron varias alteraciones. También se evaluaron los aspectos histológicos de la QAC y se encontraron atipia en diferentes grados en todos los casos. Concluimos que todos los casos presentaron resultados negativos del aislamiento viral

  8. [Jugal rejuvenation and jowls treatment]. (United States)

    Fogli, A


    The aim of this study is to analyze the anatomical changes leading to the appearance of jugal aging with the appearance of jowls. It is also to describe the different techniques and to highlight those that are most effective with the permanent concern of obtaining a natural result with a well-defined jawline and a harmonious distribution of jugal volumes. For this purpose, the techniques of lifting with relocation of the displaced volumes and lipostructure are often associated with the strict respect of different directional vectors for the underlying tissues and for the skin redraping. More precisely, the dissection of the pre-masseteric space makes it possible to address the specific problems posed by the jowls and the heavy labio-mental grooves. In responding to the psycho-sociological demand of our time, two major types of indications emerge with the facelift of the young patient, which makes it possible to obtain a long lasting result and a fast return to social and professional life and a later indication surgery, which requires more invasive techniques resulting in heavier surgical procedures and follow-up. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  9. Resección quirúrgica de mucocele utilizando relleno siliconado

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    Adel Martínez


    Full Text Available El mucocele es una lesión que afecta especialmente las glándulas salivales menores; se forma debido a la extravasación de saliva mucosa producto de un trauma por mordedura. Teniendo en cuenta el factor causal, el mucocele se puede clasificar como quiste de extravasación mucosa o quiste de retención mucosa. Afecta primordialmente el labio inferior y se manifiesta como un nódulo, translúcido y circunscrito con un contenido mucoso o muestra una elevación del color de la mucosa que la cubre. El tratamiento consiste en la resección quirúrgica de la lesión, que incluya las glándulas salivales menores afectadas. Se realizó la revisión de una caso clínico de paciente de 18 años de edad, que presenta mucocele profundo, el cual fue tratado con resección quirúrgica utilizando como relleno de la cavidad quística una silicona fluida, que permite mantener los reparos anatómicos y así poder realizar la remoción completa de la lesión y las glándulas afectadas.

  10. Hábitos bucales deformantes más comunes en pacientes de la clínica docente provincial “3 de octubre”, año 2012

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    Trinidad Margarita Téllez Peña


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, con el objetivo de identificar los principales hábitos bucales deformantes y las maloclusiones asociadas a los mismos, que presentaron los pacientes ingresados en el servicio de ortodoncia de la Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial “3 de Octubre” de la provincia de Las Tunas, en el período comprendido entre enero y diciembre de 2012. El universo estuvo constituido por 235 historias clínicas de los pacientes ingresados en el servicio en el período de estudio, que fueron revisadas y se seleccionó una muestra de 91 pacientes según criterios establecidos. Dentro de los principales resultados, los hábitos de respiración bucal y la deglución atípica fueron los más comunes y la disfunción neuromuscular con mayor incidencia fue la del orbicular de los labios. El sexo más afectado fue el femenino, el grupo de seis a 11 años de edad fue el más representativo y más de la mitad de la muestra presentó Clase I de Angle

  11. Anquilobléfaron filiforme adherente y otras malformaciones Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum and other malformations

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    Josefa Rodríguez Vargas


    Full Text Available Se realizó un examen físico a un recién nacido con malformaciones presentadas en el momento del parto, de un embarazo valioso de la raza negra, presentó los párpados superior e inferior de ambos ojos unidos por finas bandas en número variable que impedían la separación y los movimientos normales. Además asociado a labio leporino y hendidura palatina. Luego de descartar otras malformaciones congénitas, fue intervenido para reparar la malformación. Su estado actual es normal, después de la recanalización de sus otras anomalías.A physical examination was made to a newborn of the black race with malformations at the time of delivery. His upper and lower eyelids were united by a variable number of fine bands that impeded the separation and the normal movements. It was also associated with cleft lip and palate. After discarding other congenital malformations, he was operated on to repair the malformation. His present state is normal after the recanalization of his other abnormalities.

  12. Efecto teratogénico y toxico de ácidos grasos de cadena corta insaturados, en Rhodnius prolixus Teratogenic and toxic effect of unsaturated fatty acids of short chain, in Rhodnius prolixus

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    Ivonne Gomez


    Full Text Available Se estudia el papel teratogénico de dos ácidos grasos insaturados de cadena corta, ácido octinoico y ácido undecilénico, sobre insectos de metamorfosis hemimetábola, Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera. La penetración de los ácidos, se realiza a través de la cutícula del abdomen y de los tarsos, se presenta como una acción independiente del grado de distensión de la misma, ya que sus efectos se registran tanto en los insectos repletos, como en los hambrientos; tanto en los tratados tópicamente como en aquellos donde la droga se aplicó al papel de soporte. Los ácidos estudiados aparentemente no afectan la formación de la cutícula, ni la melanización, como tampoco afecta el proceso de la muda. Los daños inducidos por estos ácidos se presentam al azar tanto en los apéndices locomotores como en los cefálicos, observándose un desplazamiento a la proboscide a medida que se incrementa la dosis. De las malformaciones en la proboscide, es el labio el mas dramáticamente dañado, aunque también se presentan daños en los otros apéndices bucales, aisladamente o junto con el daño del labio. El daño en los apéndices locomotores está frecuentemente desplazado al segundo y tercer par de patas, mientras que el par, fue el menos afectado. El ácido octinoico se comportó como teratogénico en las dosis que fueron letales para el insecto con el ácido undecilénico.The teratogenic role of two short-chain unsaturated fatty acids, octinoic acid and undecylenic acid on the hemimetabolic metamorphosis of the insect Rhodnius prolixus (Hemipter is studied. The acids penetrate through the cuticle of the abdomen and tarsi, independently of the amount of distention. The effects are registered equally in satiated or hungry insects, in those treated topically or in those where the treatment was applied to the support paper. The acids apparently do not affect the formation of the cuticle, melanization, nor the metamorphic process. The damage induced by



    Jesús Eduardo García Castillo


    Este trabajo propone que la poesía mexicana de temas gay y homosexual puede dividirse cronológicamente en cuatro etapas sucesivas: una descrip - tiva, cuya dominante es referencial; una sublimada, en la que predomina la intención paradójica de ocultar y declararse al mismo tiempo; una que subraya la semejanza corporal como característica preponderante del homoerotismo y, por último, una etapa que se centra en lo corporal, para expresar no sólo con honestidad y libertad, sino con irreverencia,...


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    Jesús Eduardo García Castillo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo propone que la poesía mexicana de temas gay y homosexual puede dividirse cronológicamente en cuatro etapas sucesivas: una descrip - tiva, cuya dominante es referencial; una sublimada, en la que predomina la intención paradójica de ocultar y declararse al mismo tiempo; una que subraya la semejanza corporal como característica preponderante del homoerotismo y, por último, una etapa que se centra en lo corporal, para expresar no sólo con honestidad y libertad, sino con irreverencia, la celebración del amor entre hombres.

  15. Prevalência de defeitos de esmalte em indivíduos portadores de fissuras labiopalatinas da Paraíba, Brasil Prevalencia de amelogénesis imperfecta en pacientes con labio y paladar fisurados en Paraíba, Brasil Prevalence of defective amelogenesis in patients with palatoschisis in Paraíba, Brazil

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    Rosa Helena Wanderley Lacerda


    Full Text Available Os defeitos de esmalte estão entre as alterações que acometem os indivíduos portadores de fissuras labiopalatinas. O propósito do presente estudo foi descrever a prevalência de defeitos de esmalte em indivíduos portadores de fissuras, bem como a sua distribuição quanto ao tipo de fissura e lado fissurado, nos pacientes que procuraram o serviço de referência em ortodontia no atendimento de fissurados da Paraíba, Brasil. Para tanto, este estudo caracterizou-se por ser do tipo transversal e observacional, adotando como estratégia de coleta de dados o exame clínico em 76 indivíduos portadores de fissuras pós e transforame incisivo unilateral ou bilateral, de ambos os sexos, com média de idade de 13,3 anos. O exame foi realizado nos dentes incisivos e caninos superiores, por dois examinadores previamente treinados (kappa= 0,89. Os pacientes incluídos foram todos que estavam em atendimento no período de janeiro a junho de 2011 em que as faces vestibulares dos dentes a serem examinados permitissem a avaliação clínica. Foram excluídos os que apresentavam outras deformidades associadas e que não tivessem sido submetidos às cirurgias primárias. Os dados foram submetidos à estatística descritiva e ao teste estatístico qui-quadrado, sendo significativo ao nível de 5 %. Houve predominância do gênero masculino (57,9 % e da fissura transforame incisiva unilateral esquerda (40,8 %. Em relação ao defeito de esmalte, o dente mais acometido foi o incisivo central, a maioria dos examinados apresentou opacidade difusa (14,9 %, seguida pela presença de opacidade demarcada (13,15 % e opacidade mais hipoplasia (10,9 % e houve diferença estatística significativa (pLos defectos en el esmalte son algunos de los cambios que afectan a las personas con labio y paladar fisurados. El propósito de este estudio fue describir la prevalencia de defectos del esmalte con fisura labial y palatina, así como su distribución por tipo de fisura, en

  16. Reporting with Visual Studio and Crystal Reports

    CERN Document Server

    Elkoush, Mahmoud


    A fast-paced, example-based guide to learn how to create a reporting application using Visual Studio and Crystal Reports.""Reporting with Visual Studio and Crystal Reports"" is for developers new to Crystal Reports. It will also prove useful to intermediate users who wish to explore some new techniques in Crystal Reports using Microsoft Visual Studio. Readers are expected to have basic knowledge of C#, Microsoft Visual Studio, and Structured Query Language (SQL).

  17. Annual report on reactor safety research projects. Reporting period 2011. Progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Within its competence for energy research the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) sponsors research projects on the safety of nuclear power plants currently in operation. The objective of these projects is to provide fundamental knowledge, procedures and methods to contribute to realistic safety assessments of nuclear installations, to the further development of safety technology and to make use of the potential of innovative safety-related approaches. The Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS)mbH, by order of the BMWi, continuously issues information on the status of such research projects by publishing semi-annual and annual progress reports within the series of GRSF- Fortschrittsberichte (GRS-F-Progress Reports). Each progress report represents a compilation of individual reports about the objectives, work performed, results achieved, next steps of the work etc. The individual reports are prepared in a standard form by the research organisations themselves as documentation of their progress in work. The progress reports are published by the Project Management Agency/Authority Support Division of GRS. The reports as of the year 2000 are available in the Internet-based information system on results and data of reactor safety research ( The compilation of the reports is classified according to the classification system ''Joint Safety Research Index (JSRI)''. The reports are arranged in sequence of their project numbers. It has to be pointed out that the authors of the reports are responsible for the contents of this compilation. The BMWi does not take any responsibility for the correctness, exactness and completeness of the information nor for the observance of private claims of third parties. (orig.)

  18. Annual report on reactor safety research projects. Reporting period 2014. Progress report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Within its competence for energy research the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) sponsors research projects on the safety of nuclear power plants currently in operation. The objective of these projects is to provide fundamental knowledge, procedures and methods to contribute to realistic safety assessments of nuclear installations, to the further development of safety technology and to make use of the potential of innovative safety-related approaches. The Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, by order of the BMWi, continuously issues information on the status of such research projects by publishing semi-annual and annual progress reports within the series of GRS-F-Fortschrittsberichte (GRS-F-Progress Reports). Each progress report represents a compilation of individual reports about the objectives, work performed, results achieved, next steps of the work etc. The individual reports are prepared in a standard form by the research organisations themselves as documentation of their progress in work. The progress reports are published by the Project Management Agency/Authority Support Division of GRS. The reports as of the year 2000 are available in the lnternet-based information system on results and data of reactor safety research ( The compilation of the reports is classified according to the classification system ''Joint Safety Research Index (JSRI)''. The reports are arranged in sequence of their project numbers. lt has to be pointed out that the authors of the reports are responsible for the contents of this compilation. The BMWi does not take any responsibility for the correctness, exactness and completeness of the information nor for the observance of private claims of third parties.

  19. Annual report on reactor safety research projects. Reporting period 2013. Progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Within its competence for energy research the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) sponsors research projects on the safety of nuclear power plants currently in operation. The objective of these projects is to provide fundamental knowledge, procedures and methods to contribute to realistic safety assessments of nuclear installations, to the further development of safety technology and to make use of the potential of innovative safety-related approaches. The Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS)mbH, by order of the BMWi, continuously issues information on the status of such research projects by publishing semi-annual and annual progress reports within the series of GRSF- Fortschrittsberichte (GRS-F-Progress Reports). Each progress report represents a compilation of individual reports about the objectives, work performed, results achieved, next steps of the work etc. The individual reports are prepared in a standard form by the research organisations themselves as documentation of their progress in work. The progress reports are published by the Project Management Agency/Authority Support Division of GRS. The reports as of the year 2000 are available in the Internet-based information system on results and data of reactor safety research ( The compilation of the reports is classified according to the classification system ''Joint Safety Research Index (JSRI)''. The reports are arranged in sequence of their project numbers. It has to be pointed out that the authors of the reports are responsible for the contents of this compilation. The BMWi does not take any responsibility for the correctness, exactness and completeness of the information nor for the observance of private claims of third parties. (orig.)

  20. Annual report on reactor safety research projects. Reporting period 2015. Progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Within its competence for energy research the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) sponsors research projects on the safety of nuclear power plants currently in operation. The objective of these projects is to provide fundamental knowledge, procedures and methods to contribute to realistic safety assessments of nuclear installations, to the further development of safety technology and to make use of the potential of innovative safety-related approaches. The Gesellschaft tor Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, by order of the BMWi, continuously issues information on the status of such research projects by publishing semi-annual and annual progress reports within the series of GRS-F-Fortschrittsberichte (GRS-F-Progress Reports). Each progress report represents a compilation of individual reports about the objectives, work performed, results achieved, next steps of the work etc. The individual reports are ·' prepared in a standard form by the research organisations themselves as documentation of their progress in work. The progress reports are published by the Project Management Agency/Authority Support Division of GRS. The reports as of the year 2000 are available in the lnternet-based information system on results and data of reactor safety research ( The compilation of the reports is classified according to the classification system ''Joint Safety Research Index (JSRI)''. The reports are arranged in sequence of their project numbers. it has to be pointed out that the authors of the reports are responsible for the contents of this compilation. The BMWi does not take any responsibility for the correctness, exactness and completeness of the information nor for the observance of private claims of third parties.

  1. The readability of expert reports for non-scientist report-users: reports of DNA analysis. (United States)

    Howes, Loene M; Julian, Roberta; Kelty, Sally F; Kemp, Nenagh; Kirkbride, K Paul


    DNA evidence can be extremely compelling. With ongoing scientific advances and applications of DNA evidence in the criminal justice system, it is increasingly important that police, lawyers, and judges recognise both the limitations of DNA evidence and the strength of the evidence in particular cases. Because most forensic sciences are formally communicated via expert reports, we analysed the readability of 68 such reports of DNA evidence from 6 of 8 Australian jurisdictions. We conducted content analyses using three categories: content and sequence, language, and format. Categories contained qualitative and quantitative items drawn from theory and past research. Report styles differed by jurisdiction and by main audience - police and the courts. Reports for police were brief and few links were made between sections in these reports. Reports for courts were less brief and used either legal or scientific styles. Common sections in reports for courts included: the scientist's specialised knowledge; laboratory accreditation information; item list; results; and notes on interpretation. Sections were often not in a logical sequence, due to the use of appendices. According to Flesch Reading Ease scores, reports for police had language that was fairly difficult, and reports for courts, difficult. Difficulty was compounded by the use of specialist terms. Reports for police and the appendices of reports for court often used very small font and single line spacing. Many reports for court contained tables that spanned several pages. Suggestions based on theory and past research are provided to assist scientists to enhance the readability of reports for non-scientists. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Microleakage of conventional, resin-modified, and nano-ionomer glass ionomer cement as primary teeth filling material

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dita Madyarani


    Full Text Available Background: Glass ionomer cements are one of many dental materials that widely used in pediatric dentistry due to their advantage of fluoride release and chemical bond to tooth structure. Adherence of the filling material to the cavity walls is one of the most important characteristic that need to be examined its effect on microleakage. Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the microleakage of nano-ionomer glass ionomer cement compared with the conventional and resin-modified glass ionomer cements. Methods: Standard class V cavities sized 3 mm x 2 mm x 2 mm were made on a total of 21 extracted maxillary primary canine teeth and restored with the conventional, resin-modified, dan nano-ionomer glass ionomer cements. All the teeth were immersed in a 2% methylene blue dye for 4 hours. The depth of dye penetration was assessed using digital microscope after sectioning the teeth labio-palatally. The results were statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: All type of glass ionomer material showed microleakage. Conventional glass ionomer cement demonstrated the least microleakage with mean score 1.29. the resin-modified glass ionomer cements (mean score 1.57 and nano-ionomer glass ionomer cement (mean score 2.57. Conclusion: The conventional glassionomer, resin modified glassionomer, and nano-ionomer glassionomer showed micro leakage as filling material in primary teeth cavity. The micro leakage among three types was not significant difference. All three material were comparable in performance and can be used for filling material but still needs a coating material to fill the microleakage.Latar belakang: Semen ionomer kaca adalah salah satu dari banyak bahan gigi yang banyak digunakan dalam praktek kedokteran gigi anak karena bahan tersebut merilis fluoride dan berikatan kimia dengan struktur gigi. Perlekatan bahan tumpatan pada dinding kavitas adalah salah satu karakteristik paling penting yang perlu diteliti efeknya terhadap

  3. International Financial Reporting Standards and differential reporting


    Jarvis, Robin; Collis, Jill


    This paper examines the international development of financial reporting standards for smaller entities from a UK perspective. It examines the three elements of differential reporting: abbreviated accounts, the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities and exemption from the statutory audit.

  4. Reporter Concerns in 300 Mode-Related Incident Reports from NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System (United States)

    McGreevy, Michael W.


    A model has been developed which represents prominent reporter concerns expressed in the narratives of 300 mode-related incident reports from NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS). The model objectively quantifies the structure of concerns which persist across situations and reporters. These concerns are described and illustrated using verbatim sentences from the original narratives. Report accession numbers are included with each sentence so that concerns can be traced back to the original reports. The results also include an inventory of mode names mentioned in the narratives, and a comparison of individual and joint concerns. The method is based on a proximity-weighted co-occurrence metric and object-oriented complexity reduction.

  5. The Report Card on BMI Report Cards. (United States)

    Thompson, Hannah R; Madsen, Kristine A


    Half of states in the USA have legislation requiring that schools conduct body mass index (BMI) screening among students; just under half of these states report results to parents. The effectiveness of school-based BMI screening and reporting in reducing childhood obesity is not established and the practice has raised concerns about the potential for increased weight-based stigmatization. Recent experimental studies of BMI screening and reporting have not demonstrated a positive impact on students' weight status. However, the language and formatting of BMI reports used in studies to date have been suboptimal and have likely limited the potential effectiveness of the practice. This article reviews the recent literature on school-based BMI screening and reporting and highlights important areas for future inquiry. The present review suggests that evidence to date is not sufficient to support definitive conclusions about the value of school-based BMI screening and reporting as a childhood obesity prevention tool.

  6. Medication incidents reported to an online incident reporting system.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Alrwisan, Adel


    AIMS: Approximately 20% of deaths from adverse events are related to medication incidents, costing the NHS an additional £500 million annually. Less than 5% of adverse events are reported. This study aims to assess the reporting rate of medication incidents in NHS facilities in the north east of Scotland, and to describe the types and outcomes of reported incidents among different services. Furthermore, we wished to quantify the proportion of reported incidents according to the reporters\\' profession. METHODS: A retrospective description was made of medication incidents reported to an online reporting system (DATIX) over a 46-month-period (July 2005 to April 2009). Reports originated from acute and community hospitals, mental health, and primary care facilities. RESULTS: Over the study period there were 2,666 incidents reported with a mean monthly reporting rate of 78.2\\/month (SD±16.9). 6.1% of all incidents resulted in harm, with insulin being the most commonly implicated medication. Nearly three-quarters (74.2%, n=1,978) of total incidents originated from acute hospitals. Administration incidents were implicated in the majority of the reported medication incidents (59%), followed by prescribing (10.8%) and dispensing (9.9%), while the nondescript "other medication incidents" accounted for 20.3% of total incidents. The majority of reports were made by nursing and midwifery staff (80%), with medical and dental professionals reporting the lowest number of incidents (n=56, 2%). CONCLUSIONS: The majority of medication incidents in this study were reported by nursing and midwifery staff, and were due to administration incidents. There is a clear need to elucidate the reasons for the limited contribution of the medical and dental professionals to reporting medication incidents.

  7. Final report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Badger, Merete; Monaco, Lucio; Fransson, Torsten


    This report represents the deliverable D1.2 of project Virtual Campus Hub. The project runs from October 2011 to September 2013. The report is the core of the project’s 2nd periodic report, which was submitted to the European Commission on November 4th, 2013.......This report represents the deliverable D1.2 of project Virtual Campus Hub. The project runs from October 2011 to September 2013. The report is the core of the project’s 2nd periodic report, which was submitted to the European Commission on November 4th, 2013....

  8. Report Template

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjørn, Anders; Laurent, Alexis; Owsianiak, Mikołaj


    To ensure consistent reporting of life cycle assessment (LCA), we provide a report template. The report includes elements of an LCA study as recommended but the ILCD Handbook. Illustrative case study reported according to this template is presented in Chap. 39 ....

  9. Packaging- and transportation-related occurrence reports: 1993 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Welch, M.J.; Dickerson, L.S.; Jennings, S.D.


    The US Department of Energy (DOE) Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS) is an interactive computer system designed to support DOE-owned or -operated facilities in reporting and processing of information concerning occurrences related to facility operations. The requirements for reporting and the extent of the occurrences to be reported are defined in DOE Order 5000.3B, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information (hereafter referred to as DOE 5000.3B). The centralized data base, which is managed by the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL), provides computerized support for the collection, distribution, updating, analysis, and sign-off of information in the occurrence reports (ORs). The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Packaging and Transportation Safety (PATS) Program has been made responsible for retrieving reports and information pertaining to transportation and packaging incidents/accidents from the centralized ORPS data base. This annual report details the methodology that PATS uses to conduct searches of the ORPS for pertinent information, the form of the reporting to EH-332, review and examination of trends observed in ORs related to transportation and packaging safety, a presentation and discussion of the root-cause codes of ORPS and the nature of occurrence codes of PATS, timely processing of notification reports to final stage, and analysis of 10% of the reported ORs that were finalized to determine whether the actions taken to close out the occurrences were sufficient to ensure remediation of the incident and to prevent a recurrence. Data in the report are presented by calendar years

  10. 75 FR 17946 - Family Report, MTW Family Report (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR-5376-N-25] Family Report, MTW Family... comments on the subject proposal. Tenant data is collected to understand demographic, family profile.... This Notice Also Lists the Following Information Title of Proposal: Family Report, MTW Family Report...

  11. 49 CFR 396.11 - Driver vehicle inspection report(s). (United States)


    ... INSPECTION, REPAIR, AND MAINTENANCE § 396.11 Driver vehicle inspection report(s). (a) Report required—(1... shall repair any defect or deficiency listed on the driver vehicle inspection report which would be... defect or deficiency has been repaired or that repair is unnecessary before the vehicle is operated again...

  12. 7 CFR 1773.20 - CPA's submission of the auditor's report, report on compliance, report on compliance and on... (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 12 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false CPA's submission of the auditor's report, report on... for the Submission and Review of the Auditor's Report, Report on Compliance and on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, and Management Letter § 1773.20 CPA's submission of the auditor's report...

  13. Investigation of Integrated Reporting As a New Approach of Corporate Reporting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ibrahim Erol


    Full Text Available When the recent history of financial, social, environmental and ethical reporting is examined, the idea that increasing expectations of shareholders and stakeholders on transparency and accountability can be met by a single report has great importance. Therefore, the integrated reporting issue after the sustainability reports is on the agenda. When we look at the development of integrated reporting and Corporate Reporting (CR, since integrated reporting has complicated theoretical background, organizations have difficulties to understand whether their report is an integrated one. So in this study we try to reveal basic principles, theoretical background and development process of integrated reporting. We look at globally the development of integrated reporting between the years 1999-2015 on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI database and prepared visual tables showing the development of Integrated Reporting (IR aiming to create positive contribute to CR literature.  In the present study; we determine that in 2012 integrated reporting is made the most, large businesses prefer integrated reporting the most, integrated reporting is made in European region the most, and financial services sector is the sector publishing integrated report the most.

  14. The readability of expert reports for non-scientist report-users: reports of forensic comparison of glass. (United States)

    Howes, Loene M; Kirkbride, K Paul; Kelty, Sally F; Julian, Roberta; Kemp, Nenagh


    Scientific language contains features that may impede understanding for non-scientists. Forensic scientists' written reports are read by police, lawyers, and judges, and thus assessment of readability is warranted. Past studies of readability differed in background theory and approach, but analysed one or more of: content and sequence; language; and format. Using a holistic approach, we assessed the readability of expert reports (n=78) of forensic glass comparison from 7 Australian jurisdictions. Two main audiences for reports were relevant: police and the courts. Reports for police were presented either as a completed form or as a brief legal-style report. Reports for court were less brief and used either legal or scientific styles, with content and formatting features supporting these distinctions. Some jurisdictions prepared a single report to satisfy both the courts and police. In general, item list, analytical techniques, results, notes on interpretation, and conclusions were included in reports of all types. However, some reports omitted analytical techniques, and results and conclusions were sometimes combined. According to Flesch Reading Ease, language was difficult, with a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of university undergraduate. Sentences were long and contained undefined specialist terms. Information content per clause (lexical density), was typically high, as for other scientific texts. Uncertainty was expressed differently by jurisdiction. Reports from most jurisdictions were cluttered in appearance, with single-line spacing, narrow margins, and gridlines in tables. Simple suggestions, based on theory and past research, are provided to assist scientists to enhance the readability of expert reports for non-scientists. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Hiperplasia epitelial focal de la boca en Colombia (Enfermedad de Heck

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerzaín Rodríguez Toro


    Full Text Available El estudio de biopsias orales remitidas al INS por médicos y odontólogos en Servicio Social Obligatorio en la Amazonía y la Orinoquía y de especímenes de consulta enviados desde el Chocó, Boyacá y el Quindío, demuestra la amplia difusión de la hiperplasia epitelial focal en Colombia. La entidad tiene predominio notorio en las comunidades indígenas. Las lesiones son pápulas numerosas en las mucosas del labio inferior, los carrillos y los bordes de la lengua, que afectan a menores de 16 años y a algunos adultos.Tienden a evolucionar durante años y son asintomáticas. La histopatología revela hiperplasia epitelial global, anastomosis de las crestas, células mitosoides, vacuolización alta y frecuente binucleación de queratinocitos en la mitad superior del epitelio. Con la técnica de PAP y con M.E. se demuestra antígeno de Papilomavirus en las células malpighianas altas y en las células córneas paraqueratósicas. La HEP debe ser bien reconocida por médicos y odontólogos, principalmente por aquellos que prestan su servicio a comunidades indígenas.

  16. Estudio sobre los tumores malignos maxilofaciales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis durante el trienio 1994-1996 y se estudiaron los tumores malignos de la región maxilofacial tratados en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial de Artemisa. El sexo masculino fue más afectado que el femenino, los tumores de la piel fueron los más frecuentes, afectaron en elevado porcentaje a los pacientes de tez blanca, y el carcinoma basocelular fue el tipo histológico que más se observó. En cuanto a la localización más frecuente en la cavidad bucal fue el labio inferior, y el tipo histológico que más predominó fue el carcinoma epidermoide. El 3 % de todos los tumores encontrados correspondieron con metástasis, que debutaron por la zona bucofacial.An analytical study of the maxillofacial region malignant tumors treated in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of Artemisa municipality was conducted from 1994-1996. Males were the most affected; skin tumors were the most frequent, a higher percentage of white people were affected and the most observed histological type was the basal cell carcinoma. The most common location in the oral cavity was the lower lip and the most predominant histological type was the epidermoid carcinoma. 3 % of all tumors found resulted in metastasis which started in the buccofacial area.

  17. Components of soft tissue deformations in subjects with untreated angle's Class III malocclusions: thin-plate spline analysis. (United States)

    Singh, G D; McNamara, J A; Lozanoff, S


    While the dynamics of maxillo-mandibular allometry associated with treatment modalities available for the management of Class III malocclusions currently are under investigation, developmental aberration of the soft tissues in untreated Class III malocclusions requires specification. In this study, lateral cephalographs of 124 prepubertal European-American children (71 with untreated Class III malocclusion; 53 with Class I occlusion) were traced, and 12 soft-tissue landmarks digitized. Resultant geometries were scaled to an equivalent size and mean Class III and Class I configurations compared. Procrustes analysis established statistical difference (P thin-plate spline (TPS) analysis indicated that both affine and non-affine transformations contribute towards the deformation (total spline) of the averaged Class III soft tissue configuration. For non-affine transformations, partial warp 8 had the highest magnitude, indicating large-scale deformations visualized as a combination of columellar retrusion and lower labial protrusion. In addition, partial warp 5 also had a high magnitude, demonstrating upper labial vertical compression with antero-inferior elongation of the lower labio-mental soft tissue complex. Thus, children with Class III malocclusions demonstrate antero-posterior and vertical deformations of the maxillary soft tissue complex in combination with antero-inferior mandibular soft tissue elongation. This pattern of deformations may represent gene-environment interactions, resulting in Class III malocclusions with characteristic phenotypes, that are amenable to orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic manipulations.

  18. Comportamiento epidemiológico del Programa de Detección del Cáncer Bucal en Puerto Padre

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elva Zayas Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en el municipio de Puerto Padre, provincia de Las Tunas, Cuba, en el período comprendido desde febrero de 2011 a febrero de 2012, con el objetivo de describir el comportamiento epidemiológico del programa de detección del cáncer bucal. De un universo de 105 pacientes remitidos se seleccionó una muestra de 99 pacientes. Se estudiaron variables cuantitativas y cualitativas, la información se obtuvo de fuentes secundarias, como las historias clínicas, los registros de las unidades y los indicadores de los servicios. Se encontró que predominó dentro de los pacientes remitidos el grupo de adultos mayores (mayores de 60 años y el sexo masculino. El servicio estomatológico del área de salud de Vázquez remitió el mayor número de pacientes, fue bajo el porciento de pacientes remitidos con relación al total de examinados. El factor de riesgo de mayor prevalencia fue el tabaquismo, la exposición solar superó al alcoholismo. La lesión más frecuente fue la leucoplasia y la zona de la cavidad bucal más afectada el labio inferior. Fue alto el porciento de pacientes remitidos con neoplasias malignas

  19. Eritema multiforme mayor desencadenado por antimicrobianos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ronaldo de Carvalho Raimundo


    Full Text Available El eritema multiforme, aparece como una enfermedad sistémica con la participación de la piel y las membranas mucosas en relación con varios factores como las infecciones bacterianas o virales, y en particular la administración de drogas, analgésicos y antibióticos en general. Se presenta un paciente masculino de 29 años de edad con eritema multiforme mayor desencadenado por antimicrobianos con la aparición de lesiones vesiculares-bulloso-ulcerosas en las regiones de los labios, encías, la lengua y la mucosa genital en tratamiento de una infección del tracto urinario con norfloxacino 400 mg por una semana. Fue realizado un tratamiento de soporte con el uso de colutorios para la higienización bucal y pomada a base de corticoide para protección de las úlceras, antihistamínicos y orientación nutricional de dieta líquida hipercalórica e hiperproteica. Este síndrome está caracterizado como un proceso eruptivo buloso agudo que compromete la calidad de vida del paciente y no hay pruebas de laboratorio específicas por lo que su diagnóstico debe estar basado en la revisión minuciosa de la anamnesis y en los hallazgos clínicos.

  20. Report Cyberbullying (United States)

    ... Tips for Teachers Report Cyberbullying Print Share Report Cyberbullying When cyberbullying happens, it is important to document ... providers. Block the person who is cyberbullying. Report Cyberbullying to Online Service Providers Cyberbullying often violates the ...

  1. [Legitimizing and responsibilities of public health reports: public health reports or social court reports?]. (United States)

    Borgers, D; Streich, W


    Since 1970 various initiatives have been taken to improve the information bases of health reporting. However, the efforts made up to now by the Länder, the Federal Government and its corporate bodies are characterised by a lack of experience and shortage of resources; moreover, they are viewed with a critical eye by the public and in the political area. In this contribution the authors describe various topics and delimitations of a health reporting system which go far beyond health statistics and health programmes altogether. The chances of a national health reporting system are based on the assumption that an objective judgement based on expert knowledge and science will be possible and that beyond all particularistic interests, expert knowledge can be organised in a democratic process. Public health reporting varies between two extremes: On the one hand, the current reporting in the media on health-related subjects which is characterised by disagreement among experts, particularistic interests and emotions, and on the other hand the national health reporting, which, on the platform of policy marketing and political image shaping, is suspected of degenerating to a kind of "royal court reporting". A health reporting system based on expert knowledge and characterised by topics with relevance to health policy, expert quality of its information and neutrality to particularistic interests, should go beyond these two extremes. Given the political conditions of budgeting and distribution conflicts, health reporting has to deal with two main aspects: effectiveness and efficiency of employed resources and with the problems of a fair distribution of these resources to provide equal chances in the health sector. What cannot be solved, by questions of procedure, however, is the problem of truth and objective knowledge as well as the problem of confidence. If the general public lacks confidence in national expert knowledge, a society discourse will not lead to political


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dragu Ioana


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to present the new corporate reporting trends of the 21st century. Integrated reporting has been launched through a common initiative of the International Integrated Reporting Committee and global accounting organizations. However, the history of integrated reports starts before the initiative of the IIRC, and goes back in time when large corporations begun to disclose sustainability and corporate social responsibility information. Further on, we claim that the initial sustainability and CSR reports that were issued separate along with the financial annual report represent the predecessors of the current integrated reports. The paper consists of a literature review analysis on the evolution of integrated reporting, from the first stage of international non-financial initiatives, up to the current state of a single integrated annual report. In order to understand the background of integrated reporting we analyze the most relevant research papers on corporate reporting, focusing on the international organizations’ perspective on non-financial reporting, in general, and integrated reporting, in particular. Based on the literature overview, we subtracted the essential information for setting the framework of the integrated reporting evolution. The findings suggest that we can delimitate three main stages in the evolution of integrated reports, namely: the non-financial reporting initiatives, the sustainability era, and the revolution of integrated reporting. We illustrate these results by presenting each relevant point in the history of integrated reporting on a time scale axis, developed with the purpose of defining the road to integrated reporting at theoretical, empirical, and practical levels. We consider the current investigation as relevant for future studies concerning integrated reports, as this is a new area of research still in its infancy. The originality of the research derives from the novelty of

  3. 7 CFR 1780.55 - Preliminary engineering reports and Environmental Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 12 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Preliminary engineering reports and Environmental..., Designing, Bidding, Contracting, Constructing and Inspections § 1780.55 Preliminary engineering reports and Environmental Reports. Preliminary engineering reports (PERs) must conform to customary professional standards...

  4. Final Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Heiselberg, Per; Brohus, Henrik; Nielsen, Peter V.

    This final report for the Hybrid Ventilation Centre at Aalborg University describes the activities and research achievement in the project period from August 2001 to August 2006. The report summarises the work performed and the results achieved with reference to articles and reports published...

  5. The effect of reporting speed on plain film reporting errors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edwards, A.J.; Ricketts, C.; Dubbins, P.A.; Roobottom, C.A.; Wells, I.P.


    AIM: To determine whether reporting plain films at faster rates lead to a deterioration in accuracy. METHODS: Fourteen consultant radiologists were asked to report a total of 90 radiographs in three sets of 30. They reported the first set at the rate they would report normally and the subsequent two sets in two thirds and one half of the original time. The 90 radiographs were the same for each radiologist, however, the order was randomly generated for each. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in overall accuracy for each of the three film sets (p=0.74). Additionally no significant difference in the total number of false-negatives for each film set was detected (p=0.14). However, there was a significant decrease in the number of false-positive reports when the radiologists were asked to report at higher speeds (p=0.003). CONCLUSIONS: When reporting accident and emergency radiographs increasing reporting speed has no overall effect upon accuracy, however, it does lead to less false-positive reports

  6. 17 CFR 210.2-02T - Accountants' reports and attestation reports on internal control over financial reporting. (United States)


    ... attestation reports on internal control over financial reporting. 210.2-02T Section 210.2-02T Commodity and Securities Exchanges SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION FORM AND CONTENT OF AND REQUIREMENTS FOR FINANCIAL... attestation reports on internal control over financial reporting. (a) The requirements of § 210.2-02(f) shall...

  7. Report number codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nelson, R.N. (ed.)


    This publication lists all report number codes processed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information. The report codes are substantially based on the American National Standards Institute, Standard Technical Report Number (STRN)-Format and Creation Z39.23-1983. The Standard Technical Report Number (STRN) provides one of the primary methods of identifying a specific technical report. The STRN consists of two parts: The report code and the sequential number. The report code identifies the issuing organization, a specific program, or a type of document. The sequential number, which is assigned in sequence by each report issuing entity, is not included in this publication. Part I of this compilation is alphabetized by report codes followed by issuing installations. Part II lists the issuing organization followed by the assigned report code(s). In both Parts I and II, the names of issuing organizations appear for the most part in the form used at the time the reports were issued. However, for some of the more prolific installations which have had name changes, all entries have been merged under the current name.

  8. Report number codes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, R.N.


    This publication lists all report number codes processed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information. The report codes are substantially based on the American National Standards Institute, Standard Technical Report Number (STRN)-Format and Creation Z39.23-1983. The Standard Technical Report Number (STRN) provides one of the primary methods of identifying a specific technical report. The STRN consists of two parts: The report code and the sequential number. The report code identifies the issuing organization, a specific program, or a type of document. The sequential number, which is assigned in sequence by each report issuing entity, is not included in this publication. Part I of this compilation is alphabetized by report codes followed by issuing installations. Part II lists the issuing organization followed by the assigned report code(s). In both Parts I and II, the names of issuing organizations appear for the most part in the form used at the time the reports were issued. However, for some of the more prolific installations which have had name changes, all entries have been merged under the current name

  9. Engineering Research Division report on reports calendar year 1978

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lorton, M.E.


    Each year the Engineering Research Division of the Electronics Engineering Department has issued an internal report listing of all formal publications produced by the division during the calendar year. The report for 1978 is being issued in two sections (the second section has been expanded from the former format due to a change in collection of information implemented during the calendar year 1978). The first section (covering January 1978 through June 1978) lists the titles, report numbers, authors, dates, an author index, and, when applicable, conferences or journals to which the paper was submitted. The second section (covering July 1978 through December 1978) provides, in addition to the above information, abstracts for each paper, and an appendix with keywords. Future publication reports will include abstracts and a keyword appendix for all reports. It is expected that the new format will make the publication report a more useful document

  10. [The effectiveness of error reporting promoting strategy on nurse's attitude, patient safety culture, intention to report and reporting rate]. (United States)

    Kim, Myoungsoo


    The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of strategies to promote reporting of errors on nurses' attitude to reporting errors, organizational culture related to patient safety, intention to report and reporting rate in hospital nurses. A nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design was used for this study. The program was developed and then administered to the experimental group for 12 weeks. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, X(2)-test, t-test, and ANCOVA with the SPSS 12.0 program. After the intervention, the experimental group showed significantly higher scores for nurses' attitude to reporting errors (experimental: 20.73 vs control: 20.52, F=5.483, p=.021) and reporting rate (experimental: 3.40 vs control: 1.33, F=1998.083, porganizational culture and intention to report. The study findings indicate that strategies that promote reporting of errors play an important role in producing positive attitudes to reporting errors and improving behavior of reporting. Further advanced strategies for reporting errors that can lead to improved patient safety should be developed and applied in a broad range of hospitals.

  11. Safety analysis reports. Current status (third key report)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A review of Ukrainian regulations and laws concerned with Nuclear power and radiation safety is presented with an overview of the requirements for the Safety Analysis Report Contents. Status of Safety Analysis Reports (SAR) is listed for each particular Ukrainian NPP including SAR development schedules. Organisational scheme of SAR development works includes: general technical co-ordination on Safety Analysis Report development; list of leading organisations and utilization of technical support within international projects

  12. Activity report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Department of Physics and Measurement Technology, Biology and Chemistry (IFM) presents every year a progress report containing a brief description of activities in research and education within the department. The report is intended as an information for colleagues and institutions. The present report contains activities for the academic year July 1989 to June 1990

  13. Characterization of the radon source in North-Central Florida. Final report part 1 -- Final project report; Final report part 2 -- Technical report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report contains two separate parts: Characterization of the Radon Source in North-Central Florida (final report part 1 -- final project report); and Characterization of the Radon Source in North-Central Florida (technical report). The objectives were to characterize the radon 222 source in a region having a demonstrated elevated indoor radon potential and having geology, lithology, and climate that are different from those in other regions of the U.S. where radon is being studied. Radon availability and transport in this region were described. Approaches for predicting the radon potential of lands in this region were developed

  14. Odobenocetops peruvianus: una remarcable convergencia de adaptación alimentaria entre morsa y delfín

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available ODOBENOCETOPS PERUVIANUS: UNE REMARQUABLE CONVERGENCE D’ADAPTATION ALIMENTAIRE ENTRE MORSE ET DAUPHIN. Odobenocetops peruvianus (Pliocène inférieur, du Sud du Pérou est un étrange cétacé delphinoïde convergent vers le morse actuel, Odobenus rosmarus, par la forme générale de son crâne et probablement par ses habitudes alimentaires. Les spécialisations crâniennes, uniques chez les cétacés, comprennent la perte du rostre alongé, le développement de grands processus alvéolaires prémaxillaires, contenant des défenses, la présence supposée d’une puissante lèvre supérieure, la migration des narines vers l’avant du crâne avec une importante regression du télescopage du crâne et une vision binoculaire dorsale. La structure de la face et de la base du crâne indiquent un delphinoïde présentant probablement des relations phylogénétiques étroites avec les Monodontidae (représentés actuellement par le béluga et le narval. O. peruvianus utilisait probablement la langue et la lèvre supérieure pour extraire par suction les parties molles de bivalves et autres invertébrés benthiques. Odobenocetops peruvianus (Plioceno temprano, sur del Perú es un extraño cetáceo delfinoideo, convergente en el aspecto general del cráneo y presumiblemente en los hábitos de alimentación con la morsa moderna, Odobenus rosmarus. Las especializaciones craneanas, únicas entre los cetáceos, incluyen pérdida del rostro elongado, desarrollo de grandes procesos alveolares premaxilares, llevando colmillos, la supuesta presencia de un labio superior muy fuerte, la migración anterior de las narinas con regresión del telescopaje del cráneo, y una visión binocular dorsal. La estructura de la cara y del basicráneo indican un cetáceo delfinoide probablemente relacionado muy estrechamente con los Monodontidae (representados actualmente por el beluga y el narval. O. peruvianus utilizaba probablemente la lengua y el labio superior en conjunto

  15. ISBE continuous technology forecasting reportsreport 2.


    Ettrich, Rüdiger; Thanos, Dimitris; Butcher, Sarah; Kotrcova, Marcela; Stanford, Natalie; Goble, Carole; Oberthuer, Angela; Hoefer, Thomas


    This second continuous technology report is the outcome of the joint effort of the WP9 members and the Technology and Science Watch committee appointed by the steering committee appointed in April 2014. While the first report was designed to serve as a guide for building up the infrastructure, this second report takes into account the recommendations of the SAB that sees the possible role of the future infrastructure in fostering systems biology research by using existing experimental facilit...

  16. Reporting of adverse drug reactions: predictors of under-reporting in Malaysia. (United States)

    Aziz, Zoriah; Siang, Tan Ching; Badarudin, Nurul Suhaida


    Malaysia like many other countries worldwide uses spontaneous reporting systems as a mean of collecting data on suspected adverse drug reaction (ADR). However, compared to other countries, which use the system, the reporting rate in Malaysia is very low. Why some physicians do not report ADRs is not well understood. To identify factors, which would predict physicians' failure to send ADR reports. Face-to-face interview using a structured questionnaire involving physicians working at the University of Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia. About a third of the physicians in the Centre participated. Sixty-five of the 415 approached refused to participate. A high proportion of the respondents (81.4%) indicated that they had suspected an ADR but did not report it, while about 40% of the respondents were not aware of the existence of the national reporting system in Malaysia. Logistic regression modelling identified the variable 'ADR considered to be too trivial or too well known to report' as the strongest predictor of not reporting, followed by physicians' category and uncertainty that the reaction had been definitely caused by a drug. Important predictor variables, which limit physicians from reporting ADR in Malaysia, were related to uncertainty of types of reaction to report, lack of awareness about the existence, function and purpose of national ADR reporting. The findings could be useful for planning strategies to improve the reporting rate.

  17. Safe reading of chemical pathology reports: the RCPAQAP Report Assessment Survey. (United States)

    Koetsier, Sabrina; Jones, Graham Ross Dallas; Badrick, Tony


    Pathology reports are a vital component of the request-test-report cycle communicating pathology results to doctors to support clinical decision making. This should be done in a comprehensive, safe and time-efficient manner. As doctors may receive reports from different laboratories these goals can be achieved more readily if reports are formatted in the same way. This study evaluates the formatting of paper reports produced by Australian laboratories for numerical biochemistry results. As part of the RCPAQAP Liquid Serum Chemistry program in 2015, laboratories were invited to supply a routine paper report displaying the results. A total of 37 reports were received for analysis. These reports were assessed for variation in a range of components and, where possible, against relevant Australian standards and guidelines. In summary, there was a wide variation in most of the report components assessed including test names, result alignment, result flagging, sequence of data elements on the page, date formatting and patient name formatting. In most components there was also variation from the Standards. In order to ensure safe result transmission by printed reports there is a need to promote the adoption of current reporting standards and monitor compliance with similar external quality assurance programs. Crown Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Reports issued by the Risoe National Laboratory in the series: RISO-R reports and RISO-M reports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This list includes all scientific and technical reports issued from 1957 - May 1982 by Risoe National Laboratory, former Research Establishment Risoe. The list covers Riso-R and Risoe-M reports, and is arranged according to report numbers. (author)

  19. Case Report Case Report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 26, 2013 ... c Medicine and Palliative Cancer Care: A Case Report. Sanjoy Kumar Pal ... us complementary and alternative therapies for treatment about the .... controlled trials that homeopathy may be effective for the treatment of ...

  20. Annual report 1973

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The GKSS scientific annual report summarizes the problems and results of the research and development projects of 1973. In contrast to earlier annual reports, a comprehensive description of the research facilities is not included. The annual report was extended by the paragraph 'Financial Report 1973' in the chapter 'Development of Geesthacht Research Centre'. The financial report gives a survey of the financial transactions and the major operations of the year under review. (orig./AK) [de

  1. ICRU report, 1976--1980

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    This collection of reports from the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) covers the period from 1976-1980. Report 24: Determination of absorbed doses in a patient by beams of X or gamma rays in radiotherapy procedures. Report 25: Conceptual basis for the determination of dose equivalent. Report 26: Neutron dosimetry for biology and medicine. Report 27: An International Neutron Dosimetry Intercomparison. Report 28: Basic aspects of high energy particle interactions and radiation dosimetry. Report 29: Dose specification for reporting external beam therapy with photons and electrons. Report 30: Quantitative concepts and dosimetry in radiobiology. Report 31: Average energy required to produce an ion pair. Report 32: Methods of assessment of absorbed dose in clinical use of radionuclides. Report 33: Radiation quantities and units

  2. Mid-term Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Badger, Merete; Monaco, Lucio; Farinetti, Laura


    This report represents the deliverable D1.1 of project Virtual Campus Hub. The project runs from October 2011 to September 2013. The report is the core of the project’s 1st periodic report, which was submitted to the European Commission on November 26, 2012. In addition, this report contains...

  3. A new dimension of the entities’ financial reporting: Integrated Reporting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    LAPTES Ramona


    Full Text Available Nowadays, the development strategy of big corporations is based on the principle of sustainable development, which includes both protecting the interests of all involved economic actors and minimizing the aggression on natural resources. In this context, the financial communication process in large companies has acquired new meanings, being reconsidered and taking the form of Integrated Reporting. The objective of this paper is to develop a study regarding the theory of Integrated Reporting, based on a documentary research on the reports published by the International Integrated Reporting Council and organizations such as KPMG, E&Y or ACCA. Integrated Reporting is a new practice, still under development and in expansion at international level. An integrated report tells the story of a company’s journey towards achieving its vision and provides information about its historical performance, but also about the expected one.

  4. Socioeconomic inequalities in parent-reported and teacher-reported psychological well-being. (United States)

    Lewis, Hannah; Hope, Steven; Pearce, Anna


    To determine whether there are differences in the social gradient of parent-reported and teacher-reported child psychological well-being. Secondary data analysis comparing ratings of child psychological well-being (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, SDQ) in the UK Millennium Cohort Study at 7 years by socioeconomic circumstances (SEC). A number of measures of SEC were tested; results are reported for maternal education. From a sample of 13,168 singletons who participated at the age of 7 years, complete data were available for 8207 children. There was a social gradient in SDQ scores reported by parents and teachers, with 'borderline/abnormal' scores more prevalent in children with lower-educated mothers. However, the gradient was more marked in parent report compared with teacher report, and discrepancies between parent and teacher reports were greatest for children from higher SECs. The social gradient in child psychological well-being, although present, was weaker in teacher report compared with parent report. This may be because children behave differently in school and home settings, or parents and teachers demonstrate reporting bias. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  5. Reportable Creation: value, performance and risk measurement in financial reporting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    N.G. de Jager


    textabstractReporting on value or reporting value-relevant information unavoidably implies that estimates of future cash flows should be made. Consequently, uncertainty becomes an important factor in (external) financial reporting. For a long time, uncertainty was dealt with by substituting relevant

  6. LANSCE Activity Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amy Robinson; Audrey Archuleta; Barbara Maes; Dan Strottman; Earl Hoffman; Garth Tietjen; Gene Farnum; Geoff Greene; Joyce Roberts; Ken Johnson; Paul Lewis; Roger Pynn; Stan Schriber; Steve Sterbenz; Steve Wender; Sue Harper


    The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center Activity Report describes scientific and technological progress and achievements in LANSCE Division during the period of 1995 to 1998. This report includes a message from the Division Director, an overview of LANSCE, sponsor overviews, research highlights, advanced projects and facility upgrades achievements, experimental and user program accomplishments, news and events, and a list of publications. The research highlights cover the areas of condensed-matter science and engineering, accelerator science, nuclear science, and radiography. This report also contains a compact disk that includes an overview, the Activity Report itself, LANSCE operations progress reports for 1996 and 1997, experiment reports from LANSCE users, as well as a search capability.

  7. 29 CFR 403.3 - Form of annual financial report-detailed report. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Form of annual financial report-detailed report. 403.3... LABOR LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS LABOR ORGANIZATION ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORTS § 403.3 Form of annual financial report—detailed report. Every labor organization shall, except as expressly provided otherwise in...

  8. Reporting and Reacting: Concurrent Responses to Reported Speech. (United States)

    Holt, Elizabeth


    Uses conversation analysis to investigate reported speech in talk-in-interaction. Beginning with an examination of direct and indirect reported speech, the article highlights some of the design features of the former, and the sequential environments in which it occurs. (Author/VWL)

  9. Differences between food group reports of low energy reporters and non-low energy reporters on a food frequency questionnaire (United States)

    Millen, Amy E.; Tooze, Janet A.; Subar, Amy F.; Kahle, Lisa L.; Schatzkin, Arthur; Krebs-Smith, Susan M.


    Background Low-energy reporters (LERs) and non-LERs differ with respect to a number of characteristics, including self-reported intake of foods. Limited data exists investigating food intake differences with LERs identified using doubly labeled water (DLW). Objective In the Observing Protein and Energy Nutrition Study (September, 1999-March, 2000), differences were examined between food group reports of LERs and non-LERs on a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) (n=440). Design LERs were identified using DLW. LERs' (n=220) and non-LERs' (n=220) reports of 43 food groups on the FFQ were examined in three ways: whether they reported consuming a food group (yes/no), how frequently they reported consuming it (times/day), and the reported portion size (small, medium, or large). Analyses were adjusted for total energy expenditure from DLW. Results LERs compared to non-LERs were less likely to report consumption for one food group among women (soft drinks/regular) and no food groups among men. Reported mean daily frequency of consumption was lower in LERs compared to non-LERs for 23 food groups among women and 24 food groups among men (18 food groups were similar in men and women). Additionally, reported mean portion sizes were smaller for LERs compared to non-LERs for 6 food groups among women and 5 food groups among men (3 food groups were similar in men and women). Results varied minimally by sex and body mass index (BMI). Conclusions LERs as compared to non-LERs were more likely to differ regarding their reported frequency of consumption of food groups than their reported consumption (yes/no) of the food groups or the food groups' reported portion sizes. Results did not vary greatly by sex or BMI. It still remains to be known whether improvement in questionnaire design or additional tools or methods would lead to a decrease in differential reporting due to LER status on an FFQ. PMID:19559136

  10. ARRA NEPA Quarterly Report- First Report: USDA USFS Report (United States)

    Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President — Reports prepared by the Departments and Agencies on status of NEPA progress for activities and projects funded under Division A of the American Recovery and...

  11. Reporting dream experience: Why (not) to be skeptical about dream reports (United States)

    Windt, Jennifer M.


    Are dreams subjective experiences during sleep? Is it like something to dream, or is it only like something to remember dreams after awakening? Specifically, can dream reports be trusted to reveal what it is like to dream, and should they count as evidence for saying that dreams are conscious experiences at all? The goal of this article is to investigate the relationship between dreaming, dream reporting and subjective experience during sleep. I discuss different variants of philosophical skepticism about dream reporting and argue that they all fail. Consequently, skeptical doubts about the trustworthiness of dream reports are misguided, and for systematic reasons. I suggest an alternative, anti-skeptical account of the trustworthiness of dream reports. On this view, dream reports, when gathered under ideal reporting conditions and according to the principle of temporal proximity, are trustworthy (or transparent) with respect to conscious experience during sleep. The transparency assumption has the status of a methodologically necessary default assumption and is theoretically justified because it provides the best explanation of dream reporting. At the same time, it inherits important insights from the discussed variants of skepticism about dream reporting, suggesting that the careful consideration of these skeptical arguments ultimately leads to a positive account of why and under which conditions dream reports can and should be trusted. In this way, moderate distrust can be fruitfully combined with anti-skepticism about dream reporting. Several perspectives for future dream research and for the comparative study of dreaming and waking experience are suggested. PMID:24223542

  12. Reporting dream experience: Why (not) to be skeptical about dream reports. (United States)

    Windt, Jennifer M


    Are dreams subjective experiences during sleep? Is it like something to dream, or is it only like something to remember dreams after awakening? Specifically, can dream reports be trusted to reveal what it is like to dream, and should they count as evidence for saying that dreams are conscious experiences at all? The goal of this article is to investigate the relationship between dreaming, dream reporting and subjective experience during sleep. I discuss different variants of philosophical skepticism about dream reporting and argue that they all fail. Consequently, skeptical doubts about the trustworthiness of dream reports are misguided, and for systematic reasons. I suggest an alternative, anti-skeptical account of the trustworthiness of dream reports. On this view, dream reports, when gathered under ideal reporting conditions and according to the principle of temporal proximity, are trustworthy (or transparent) with respect to conscious experience during sleep. The transparency assumption has the status of a methodologically necessary default assumption and is theoretically justified because it provides the best explanation of dream reporting. At the same time, it inherits important insights from the discussed variants of skepticism about dream reporting, suggesting that the careful consideration of these skeptical arguments ultimately leads to a positive account of why and under which conditions dream reports can and should be trusted. In this way, moderate distrust can be fruitfully combined with anti-skepticism about dream reporting. Several perspectives for future dream research and for the comparative study of dreaming and waking experience are suggested.

  13. Reporting dream experience:Why (not to be skeptical about dream reports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jennifer Michelle Windt


    Full Text Available Are dreams subjective experiences during sleep? Is it like something to dream, or is it only like something to remember dreams after awakening? Specifically, can dream reports be trusted to reveal what it is like to dream, and should they count as evidence for saying that dreams are conscious experiences at all? The goal of this article is to investigate the relationship between dreaming, dream reporting and subjective experience during sleep. I discuss different variants of philosophical skepticism about dream reporting and argue that they all fail. Consequently, skeptical doubts about the trustworthiness of dream reports are misguided, and for systematic reasons. I suggest an alternative, anti-skeptical account of the trustworthiness of dream reports. On this view, dream reports, when gathered under ideal reporting conditions and according to the principle of temporal proximity, are trustworthy (or transparent with respect to conscious experience during sleep. The transparency assumption has the status of a methodologically necessary default assumption and is theoretically justified because it provides the best explanation of dream reporting. At the same time, it inherits important insights from the discussed variants of skepticism about dream reporting, suggesting that the careful consideration of these skeptical arguments ultimately leads to a positive account of why and under which conditions dream reports can and should be trusted. In this way, moderate distrust can be fruitfully combined with anti-skepticism about dream reporting. Several perspectives for future dream research and for the comparative study of dreaming and waking experience are suggested.

  14. Annual Report 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Golnik, N.; Mika, J.R.; Wieteska, K. [eds.


    This Annual Report of the Institute of Atomic Energy describes the results of the research works carried out at the Institute at 1997. As in the preceding years the authors of the individual scientific reports published in this Annual Report are fully responsible for their content and layout. The Report contains the information on other activities of the Institute as well. (author)

  15. Annual Report 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swiboda, G.


    This Annual Report of the Institute of Atomic Energy describes the results of the research works carried out at the Institute at 2001. As in the preceding years the authors of the individual scientific reports published in this Annual Report are fully responsible for their content and layout. The Report contains the information on other activities of the Institute as well. (author)

  16. Annual Report 1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golnik, N.; Mika, J.R.; Wieteska, K.


    This Annual Report of the Institute of Atomic Energy describes the results of the research works carried out at the Institute at 1997. As in the preceding years the authors of the individual scientific reports published in this Annual Report are fully responsible for their content and layout. The Report contains the information on other activities of the Institute as well. (author)

  17. Annual Report 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Golnik, N; Mika, J R; Wieteska, K [eds.


    This Annual Report of the Institute of Atomic Energy describes the results of the research works carried out at the Institute at 1997. As in the preceding years the authors of the individual scientific reports published in this Annual Report are fully responsible for their content and layout. The Report contains the information on other activities of the Institute as well. (author)

  18. Adolescent Self-Reported and Peer-Reported Self-Esteem. (United States)

    O'Donnell, William James


    The study is an examination of the relationship between adolescents' self-reported and peer-reported self-esteem and how this relationship is affected by sex, race, and age variables. Significant sex and race variations interacted with age. Explanatory hypotheses for these findings are given. (Author/KC)

  19. Regulatory and technical reports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report listings in this compilation are arranged by report number, where NUREG-XXXX is an NRC staff originated report, NUREG/CP-XXXX is an NRC sponsored conference report, and NUREG/CR-XXXX is an NRC contractor-prepared report. The bibliographic information is followed by a brief abstract of the report

  20. Environmental Report 2007

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mathews, S.; Gallegos, G.; Berg, L.L.; Bertoldo, N.A; Campbell, C.G.; Cerruti, S.; Doman, J.L; Ferry, L.S.; Grayson, A.R; Jones, H.E.; Kumamoto, G.; Larson, J.; MacQueen, D.H; Paterson, L.; Revelli, M.A.; Ridley, M.; Rueppel, D.; Wegrecki, A.M.; Wilson, K.; Woollett, J.


    The purposes of the 'Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Environmental Report 2007' are to record Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL's) compliance with environmental standards and requirements, describe LLNL's environmental protection and remediation programs, and present the results of environmental monitoring at the two LLNL sites--the Livermore site and Site 300. The report is prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by LLNL's Environmental Protection Department. Submittal of the report satisfies requirements under DOE Order 231.1A, Environmental Safety and Health Reporting, and DOE Order 5400.5, Radiation Protection of the Public and Environment. The report is distributed electronically and is available at, the website for the LLNL annual environmental report. Previous LLNL annual environmental reports beginning in 1994 are also on the website. Some references in the electronic report text are underlined, which indicates that they are clickable links. Clicking on one of these links will open the related document, data workbook, or website that it refers to. The report begins with an executive summary, which provides the purpose of the report and an overview of LLNL's compliance and monitoring results. The first three chapters provide background information: Chapter 1 is an overview of the location, meteorology, and hydrogeology of the two LLNL sites; Chapter 2 is a summary of LLNL's compliance with environmental regulations; and Chapter 3 is a description of LLNL's environmental programs with an emphasis on the Environmental Management System including pollution prevention. The majority of the report covers LLNL's environmental monitoring programs and monitoring data for 2007: effluent and ambient air (Chapter 4); waters, including wastewater, storm water runoff, surface water, rain, and groundwater (Chapter 5); and terrestrial, including soil, sediment, vegetation, foodstuff, ambient radiation, and special status

  1. Nurses' shift reports

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buus, Niels; Hoeck, Bente; Hamilton, Bridget Elizabeth


    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To identify reporting practices that feature in studies of nurses' shift reports across diverse nursing specialities. The objectives were to perform an exhaustive systematic literature search and to critically review the quality and findings of qualitative field studies...... of nurses' shift reports. BACKGROUND: Nurses' shift reports are routine occurrences in healthcare organisations that are viewed as crucial for patient outcomes, patient safety and continuity of care. Studies of communication between nurses attend primarily to 1:1 communication and analyse the adequacy...... and accuracy of patient information and feature handovers at the bedside. Still, verbal reports between groups of nurses about patients are commonplace. Shift reports are obvious sites for studying the situated accomplishment of professional nursing at the group level. This review is focused exclusively...

  2. Report to Congress on abnormal occurrences, October-December 1981. Quarterly report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    During the report period, there were two abnormal occurrences at the nuclear power plants licensed to operate. One involved a generic concern pertaining to blockage of coolant flow to safety-related systems. The other involved seismic design errors at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant with subsequent suspension of the fuel load and low power operating license for Unit 1. There were no abnormal occurrences for the other NRC licensees during the report period; the Agreement States reported no abnormal occurrences to the NRC. The report also contains information updating a previously reported abnormal occurrence

  3. Storm water monitoring report for the 1995 reporting period

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Braun, D.R.; Brock, T.A.


    This report includes sampling results and other relevant information gathered in the past year by LITCO's Environmental Monitoring and Water Resources Unit. This report presents analytical data collected from storm water discharges as a part of the Environmental Monitoring Storm Water Monitoring Program for 1994--1995 for facilities located on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL). The 1995 reporting period is October 1, 1994 through September 30, 1995. The storm water monitoring program tracks information about types and amounts of pollutants present. Data are required for the Environmental Protection Agency and are transmitted via Discharge Monitoring Reports. Additional information resulting from the program contributes to Best Management Practice to control pollution in runoff as well as Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans

  4. Southern Appalachian assessment. Summary report, Report 1 of 5

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This final report for the Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere Program is comprised of two documents: (1) a brief summary of programs and projects, and (2) a more extensive summary report included as an attachment. The purpose of the program is to promote a sustainable balance between the conservation of biological diversity, compatible economic uses, and cultural values across the Southern Appalachians. Program and project areas addressing regional issues include environmental monitoring and assessment, sustainable development/sustainable technologies, conservation biology, ecosystem management, environmental education and training, cultural and historical resources, and public information and education. The attached summary report is one of five that documents the results of the Southern Appalachian Assessment; it includes atmospheric, social/cultural/economic, terrestrial, and aquatic reports.

  5. Topical report review status

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report provides industry with procedures for submitting topical reports, guidance on how the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) processes and responds to topical report submittals, and an accounting, with review schedules, of all topical reports currently accepted for review schedules, of all topical reports currently accepted for review by the NRC. This report will be published annually. Each sponsoring organization with one or more topical reports accepted for review copies

  6. Review of NASA's Evidence Reports on Human Health Risks. 2015 Letter Report (United States)

    Scott-Conner, Carol E. H.; Masys, Daniel R.; Liverman, Catharyn T.


    NASA has requested a study from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to provide an independent review of more than 30 evidence reports on human health risks for long duration and exploration spaceflight. The evidence reports, which are publicly available, are categorized into five broad categories: (1) behavioral health and performance; (2) human health countermeasures (with a focus on bone metabolism and orthopedics, nutrition, immunology, and cardiac and pulmonary physiology); (3) radiation; (4) human factors issues; and (5) exploration medical capabilities. The reports are revised on an ongoing basis to incorporate new scientific information. In conducting this study, an IOM ad hoc committee will build on the 2008 IOM report Review of NASA's Human Research Program Evidence Books. That report provided an assessment of the process used for developing the evidence reports and provided an initial review of the evidence reports that had been completed at that time. Each year, NASA staff will identify a set of evidence reports for committee review. Over the course of the study all evidence reports will be reviewed. The committee will hold an annual scientific workshop to receive input on the evidence reports it is reviewing that year and an update on the recent literature. The committee will issue an annual letter report that addresses the following questions relevant to each evidence report: 1. Does the evidence report provide sufficient evidence, as well as sufficient risk context, that the risk is of concern for long-term space missions? 2. Does the evidence report make the case for the research gaps presented? 3. Are there any additional gaps in knowledge or areas of fundamental research that should be considered to enhance the basic understanding of this specific risk? 4. Does the evidence report address relevant interactions among risks? 5. Is input from additional disciplines needed? 6. Is the breadth of the cited literature sufficient? 7. What is the overall

  7. Data report for the integrity assessment report HNF-4589

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    Supporting data for the Integrity Assessment Report of Tanks TK-101 and TK-102. The purpose of this document is to compile supporting documentation for the Integrity Assessment Report (HNF 4589) for Tanks 101 and 102 in the 2194 Facility. This approach minimizes the size of the Integrity Assessment Report (IAR) (HNF-4589) and still provide a path to detailed information. This IAR addresses the evaluation of Tanks 101 and 102 and other existing components located in the 219-5 Waste Handling Facility

  8. Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Glasser, Alan H. [Fusion Theory and Computation Inc., Kingston, WA (United States)


    Final technical report on DE-SC0016106. This is the final technical report for a portion of the multi-institutional CEMM project. This report is centered around 3 publications and a seminar presentation, which have been submitted to E-Link.

  9. Environmental Report 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gallegos, G; Bertoldo, N A; Campbell, C G; Cerruti, S; Dibley, V; Doman, J L; Grayson, A R; Jones, H E; Kumamoto, G; MacQueen, D H; Nelson, J C; Paterson, L; Revelli, M A; Wegrecki, A M; Wilson, K; Woollett, J


    The purposes of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Environmental Report 2008 are to record Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL's) compliance with environmental standards and requirements, describe LLNL's environmental protection and remediation programs, and present the results of environmental monitoring at the two LLNL sites - the Livermore site and Site 300. The report is prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by LLNL's Environmental Protection Department. Submittal of the report satisfies requirements under DOE Order 231.1A, Environmental Safety and Health Reporting, and DOE Order 5400.5, Radiation Protection of the Public and Environment. The report is distributed electronically and is available at, the website for the LLNL annual environmental report. Previous LLNL annual environmental reports beginning in 1994 are also on the website. Some references in the electronic report text are underlined, which indicates that they are clickable links. Clicking on one of these links will open the related document, data workbook, or website that it refers to. The report begins with an executive summary, which provides the purpose of the report and an overview of LLNL's compliance and monitoring results. The first three chapters provide background information: Chapter 1 is an overview of the location, meteorology, and hydrogeology of the two LLNL sites; Chapter 2 is a summary of LLNL's compliance with environmental regulations; and Chapter 3 is a description of LLNL's environmental programs with an emphasis on the Environmental Management System including pollution prevention. The majority of the report covers LLNL's environmental monitoring programs and monitoring data for 2008: effluent and ambient air (Chapter 4); waters, including wastewater, storm water runoff, surface water, rain, and groundwater (Chapter 5); and terrestrial, including soil, sediment, vegetation, foodstuff

  10. Environmental Report 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gallegos, G.; Bertoldo, N.A.; Campbell, C.G.; Cerruti, S.; Dibley, V.; Doman, J.L.; Grayson, A.R.; Jones, H.E.; Kumamoto, G.; MacQueen, D.H.; Nelson, J.C.; Paterson, L.; Revelli, M.A.; Wegrecki, A.M.; Wilson, K.; Woollett, J.


    The purposes of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Environmental Report 2008 are to record Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL's) compliance with environmental standards and requirements, describe LLNL's environmental protection and remediation programs, and present the results of environmental monitoring at the two LLNL sites - the Livermore site and Site 300. The report is prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by LLNL's Environmental Protection Department. Submittal of the report satisfies requirements under DOE Order 231.1A, Environmental Safety and Health Reporting, and DOE Order 5400.5, Radiation Protection of the Public and Environment. The report is distributed electronically and is available at, the website for the LLNL annual environmental report. Previous LLNL annual environmental reports beginning in 1994 are also on the website. Some references in the electronic report text are underlined, which indicates that they are clickable links. Clicking on one of these links will open the related document, data workbook, or website that it refers to. The report begins with an executive summary, which provides the purpose of the report and an overview of LLNL's compliance and monitoring results. The first three chapters provide background information: Chapter 1 is an overview of the location, meteorology, and hydrogeology of the two LLNL sites; Chapter 2 is a summary of LLNL's compliance with environmental regulations; and Chapter 3 is a description of LLNL's environmental programs with an emphasis on the Environmental Management System including pollution prevention. The majority of the report covers LLNL's environmental monitoring programs and monitoring data for 2008: effluent and ambient air (Chapter 4); waters, including wastewater, storm water runoff, surface water, rain, and groundwater (Chapter 5); and terrestrial, including soil, sediment, vegetation, foodstuff, ambient radiation, and special status

  11. Environmental Report 2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mathews, S; Gallegos, G; Berg, L L; Bertoldo, N A; Campbell, C G; Cerruti, S; Doman, J L; Ferry, L S; Grayson, A R; Jones, H E; Kumamoto, G; Larson, J; MacQueen, D H; Paterson, L; Revelli, M A; Ridley, M; Rueppel, D; Wegrecki, A M; Wilson, K; Woollett, J


    The purposes of the 'Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Environmental Report 2007' are to record Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL's) compliance with environmental standards and requirements, describe LLNL's environmental protection and remediation programs, and present the results of environmental monitoring at the two LLNL sites--the Livermore site and Site 300. The report is prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by LLNL's Environmental Protection Department. Submittal of the report satisfies requirements under DOE Order 231.1A, Environmental Safety and Health Reporting, and DOE Order 5400.5, Radiation Protection of the Public and Environment. The report is distributed electronically and is available at, the website for the LLNL annual environmental report. Previous LLNL annual environmental reports beginning in 1994 are also on the website. Some references in the electronic report text are underlined, which indicates that they are clickable links. Clicking on one of these links will open the related document, data workbook, or website that it refers to. The report begins with an executive summary, which provides the purpose of the report and an overview of LLNL's compliance and monitoring results. The first three chapters provide background information: Chapter 1 is an overview of the location, meteorology, and hydrogeology of the two LLNL sites; Chapter 2 is a summary of LLNL's compliance with environmental regulations; and Chapter 3 is a description of LLNL's environmental programs with an emphasis on the Environmental Management System including pollution prevention. The majority of the report covers LLNL's environmental monitoring programs and monitoring data for 2007: effluent and ambient air (Chapter 4); waters, including wastewater, storm water runoff, surface water, rain, and groundwater (Chapter 5); and terrestrial, including soil, sediment, vegetation

  12. Self-reported and reported injury patterns in contemporary dance students. (United States)

    Baker, Jo; Scott, Daniel; Watkins, Katherine; Keegan-Turcotte, Sheramy; Wyon, Matthew


    Injury is a major concern among dancers, as currently rates are reported as being high. The purpose of the present study was to assess the incidence and details of injuries across an academic year at a full-time contemporary dance school. A questionnaire was distributed to 57 dancers at the end of their first academic year. Reported injury information was also retrieved from a database as collected from a physiotherapist over the same period. Differences were found between the reported and self-reported information, particularly with reference to shin injuries. The majority of injuries occurred in November and May, noted to be close to assessment periods. Injury rates in contemporary dance are high; notably, 89% of dancers reported one or more injuries. This problem is particularly evident in the lower limb. Med Probl Perform Art 2010; 25:10-15.

  13. Sustainability reporting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kolk, A.


    This article gives an overview of developments in sustainability (also sometimes labelled corporate social responsibility) reporting. The article will first briefly indicate how accountability on social and environmental issues started, already in the 1970s when social reports were published.

  14. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 31, 2015 ... Dual intersection syndrome of the forearm: a case report. Bouchra Zhari1,& ... We reported a case of a 60-year-old man presented to our formation with painful swelling on .... With a fiddling clinical observation and diagnosis.

  15. Environmental Report 2009

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gallegos, Gretchen M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Bertoldo, Nicholas A. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Campbell, Christopher G. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Cerruti, Steven [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Coty, Jessie [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Dibley, Valerie [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Domain, Jennifer L. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Grayson, Allen R. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Jones, Henry E. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Kumamoto, Gene [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); MacQueen, Donald H. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Nelson, Jennifer C. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Paterson, Lisa [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Revelli, Michael A. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Wegrecki, Anthony M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Wilson, Kent [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Woollett, Jim [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States)


    The purposes of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Environmental Report 2009 are to record Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s (LLNL’s) compliance with environmental standards and requirements, describe LLNL’s environmental protection and remediation programs, and present the results of environmental monitoring at the two LLNL sites—the Livermore site and Site 300. The report is prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) by LLNL’s Environmental Protection Department. Submittal of the report satisfies requirements under DOE Order 231.1A, Environmental Safety and Health Reporting, and DOE Order 5400.5, Radiation Protection of the Public and Environment. The report is distributed electronically and is available at, the website for the LLNL annual environmental report. Previous LLNL annual environmental reports beginning in 1994 are also on the website. Some references in the electronic report text are underlined, which indicates that they are clickable links. Clicking on one of these links will open the related document, data workbook, or website that it refers to. The report begins with an executive summary, which provides the purpose of the report and an overview of LLNL’s compliance and monitoring results. The first three chapters provide background information: Chapter 1 is an overview of the location, meteorology, and hydrogeology of the two LLNL sites; Chapter 2 is a summary of LLNL’s compliance with environmental regulations; and Chapter 3 is a description of LLNL’s environmental programs with an emphasis on the Environmental Management System including pollution prevention. The majority of the report covers LLNL’s environmental monitoring programs and monitoring data for 2009: effluent and ambient air (Chapter 4); waters, including wastewater, storm water runoff, surface water, rain, and groundwater (Chapter 5); and terrestrial, including soil, sediment, vegetation, foodstuff, ambient radiation, and

  16. Annual report 1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dorner, B.


    This yearbook describes the organization of ILL, the experimental facilities, visits and events, director's report, and the ILL-ESRF-EMBL cooperation. There were 10 colleges in ILL during 1994, a report of each is presented. Reports of ILL's departments are given: Directorate Service, Science Division (four groups + small projects), Projects and Techniques Division, Reactor Division and Administration Division. Finally, communication, including conference contributions, seminars and workshops, and publications (ILL Report 1994) are listed. (R.P.) 174 figs.; 9 tabs

  17. IRSN annual report 2012 - including Financial report 2012

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schuler, Matthieu; Marchal, Valerie; Albert, Marc-Gerard; Baudry, Michel; Bigot, Marie-Pierre; Charron, Sylvie; Clavelle, Stephanie; Cousinou, Patrick; Deschamps, Patrice; Delattre, Aleth; Demeillers, Didier; Dumas, Agnes; Franquard, Dominique; Goudal, Bernard; Jalouneix, Jean; Laloi, Patrick; Monti, Pascale; Richer, Gerard; Rollinger, Francois; Rouyer, Veronique; Rutschkovsky, Nathalie; Scott De Martinville, Edouard; Tharaud, Christine; Verpeaux, Jean-luc; Jaunet, Camille; Hedouin, Jean-Christophe


    This annual report for the French nuclear safety and radiation protection Institute (IRSN) addresses its organizational aspects (highlights, figures illustrating the activity, organizational chart, councils and committees), proposes a summary of activities and presentation of the strategy (transparency and communication policy, promotion of a safety and radiation protection culture). The main part addresses the activities regarding safety, nuclear security and non-proliferation, radiation protection of the environment and in terms of human health, and emergency and post-accidental situations. The last part addresses issues of efficiency (property, health, safety, environmental protection and quality, and human resources). A financial report is also proposed and contains a management report, financial statements, and an appendix to annual accounts

  18. Endogenous Locus Reporter Assays. (United States)

    Liu, Yaping; Hermes, Jeffrey; Li, Jing; Tudor, Matthew


    Reporter gene assays are widely used in high-throughput screening (HTS) to identify compounds that modulate gene expression. Traditionally a reporter gene assay is built by cloning an endogenous promoter sequence or synthetic response elements in the regulatory region of a reporter gene to monitor transcriptional activity of a specific biological process (exogenous reporter assay). In contrast, an endogenous locus reporter has a reporter gene inserted in the endogenous gene locus that allows the reporter gene to be expressed under the control of the same regulatory elements as the endogenous gene, thus more accurately reflecting the changes seen in the regulation of the actual gene. In this chapter, we introduce some of the considerations behind building a reporter gene assay for high-throughput compound screening and describe the methods we have utilized to establish 1536-well format endogenous locus reporter and exogenous reporter assays for the screening of compounds that modulate Myc pathway activity.

  19. Report to Congress on abnormal occurrences: [Quarterly report], January-March 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 identifies an abnormal occurrence as an unscheduled incident or event which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission determines to be significant from the standpoint of public health or safety and requires a quarterly report of such events to be made to Congress. This report covers the period from January 1 to March 31, 1987. The report states that for this reporting period, there was one abnormal occurrence at the nuclear power plants licensed to operate. The item involved the NRC suspension of power operations of the Peach Bottom Facility due to inattentiveness of the control room staff. There were seven abnormal occurrences at the other NRC licensees. Four involved diagnostic medical misadministrations; the other three involved breakdowns in management controls at three separate industrial radiography licensees. There were two abnormal occurrences reported by the Agreement States. Both involved breakdowns in management controls at industrial radiography licensees. The report also contains information updating some previously reported abnormal occurrences. Appendix A contains the criteria used to define an abnormal occurrence. 13 refs

  20. The social-financial responsible reporting – the key for integrated reporting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iulia Jianu


    Full Text Available General purpose of financial statements is to satisfy the needs of users who are not in the position to require of the entity to prepare reports tailored to their particular information needs. Because the public is one of these users interested of social information and because the financial statement do not provide sufficient social information to satisfy these needs, the study demonstrate the need to integrate the responsible social reporting into financial reporting. In order to support this reason, taking into account the data supplied by the entities listed on the Global Reporting Initiative regarding the corporate social responsibility. The results of the study show that social indicators can be disclosed in a monetary form which reinforces the need for their integration into financial reporting and the need to define a new concept: the social – financial responsible reporting.

  1. Course documentation report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buus, Lillian; Bygholm, Ann; Walther, Tina Dyngby Lyng

    A documentation report on the three pedagogical courses developed during the MVU project period. The report describes the three processes taking departure in the structure and material avaiable at the virtual learning environment. Also the report describes the way the two of the courses developed...



    Dragu Ioana; Tiron-Tudor Adriana


    The objective of this paper is to present the new corporate reporting trends of the 21st century. Integrated reporting has been launched through a common initiative of the International Integrated Reporting Committee and global accounting organizations. However, the history of integrated reports starts before the initiative of the IIRC, and goes back in time when large corporations begun to disclose sustainability and corporate social responsibility information. Further on, we claim that the ...

  3. Savannah River Plant environmental report. Annual report for 1984

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Ensuring the radiation safety of the public in the vicinity of the Savannah River Plant (SRP) was a foremost consideration in the design of the plant and has continued to be a primary objective during 31 years of SRP operations. An extensive surveillance program has been continuously maintained since 1951 (before SRP startup) to determine the conecntrations of radionuclides in the environment of the plant and the radiation exposure to the offsite population resulting from SRP operations. The results of this comprehensive monitoring program have been reported to the public since 1959. The scope of the environmental protection program at SRP has increased significantly since the first report was issued. Prior to the mid-1970's the reports contained primarily radiological monitoring data. Beginning in the mid-1970's the reports started including more and more nonradiological monitoring data as those programs increased. The nonradiological monitoring program now approaches the size and extensiveness of the radiological monitoring program. The report name was changed this year to more accurately reflect the many environmental programs that have become an intergral part of the operation of SRP

  4. Annual report 1976

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nilsson, A.


    This annual report contains research reports from the various groups of the Research Institute of Physics, Stockholm. Reports are made by workers in the Atomic and Molecular Physics group, the Surface Physics group, the Nuclear Physics group, the group researching into High Energy Physics and related topics and the Instrumentation and Methods group. The report also contains a list of the papers published by members of the Institute during the year and a list of the theses which were presented. (B.D.)

  5. Topical report review status

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A Topical Report Review Status is scheduled to be published semi-annually. The primary purpose of this document is to provide periodic progress reports of on-going topical report reviews, to identify those topical reports for which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff review has been completed and, to the extent practicable, to provide NRC management with sufficient information regarding the conduct of the topical report program to permit taking whatever actions deemed necessary or appropriate. This document is also intended to be a source of information to NRC Licensing Project Managers and other NRC personnel regarding the status of topical reports which may be referenced in applications for which they have responsibility. This status report is published primarily for internal NRC use in managing the topical report program, but is also used by NRC to advise the industry of report review status

  6. Topical report review status

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A Topical Report Review Status is scheduled to be published semi-annually. The primary purpose of this document is to provide periodic progress reports of on-going topical report reviews, to identify those topical reports for which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff review has been completed and, to the extent practicable, to provide NRC management with sufficient information regarding the conduct of the topical report program to permit taking whatever actions deemed necessary or appropriate. This document is also intended to be a source of information to NRC Licensing Project Managers and other NRC personnel regarding the status of topical reports which may be referenced in applications for which they have responsibility. This status report is published primarily for internal NRC use in managing the topical report program, but is also used by NRC to advise the industry of report review status

  7. Uma Forma Inédita, em «Terra Sigillata» Hispânica, no Museu Nacional de Arqueologia e Etnologia de Lisboa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María García Pereira MAIA


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Un jarro de «terra sigillata» conservado en el museo nacional de Lisboa posee algunas características no dadas todavía a conocer. No tiene decoración. Presenta una sola asa y mide unos quince centímetros de altura con la boca en forma de labio muy conspicuo. Es de pasta color rosa, de grano muy fino y muchas impurezas. El barniz de color bermejo acastañado conserva un buen brillo, delgado y de poca adherencia. La forma de la boca de dicho ejemplar no es frecuente en las piezas romanas de barro cocido. Cronológicamente presenta afinidades con ejemplares hispánicos que apuntan en torno al siglo II d. C.ABSTRACT: The A. presents what she believes to be a new form of Hispanic «Sigillata», from rhe Roman «Villa» of Torre de Palma (Alentejo, Portugal and kept in the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia e Etnologia of Lisbon. It is a plain one-handled jar, which main characteristic is a circus round the mouth, rather uncummon either on «Sigillata» or on wraph wear. On the basis of some formal similitudes with Hispanic Form 20, mouthes found on glass-ware from the I I century on, and of the quality of the slip, the A. suggests, as a mere hypothesis, a chronology not far from the I I century a.D.

  8. Síndrome de Noonan: Presentación de dos casos Noonan's syndrome: Presentation of two cases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucy Pons Castro


    Full Text Available Se presentan las características oftalmológicas y clínicas de dos pacientes hermanos (hembra y varón con diagnóstico del síndrome de Noonan. Este es un trastorno genético que produce desarrollo anormal de múltiples partes del cuerpo. Se caracteriza por una serie de signos y particularidades físicas que pueden variar ampliamente en rango y severidad según los casos. Generalmente se transmite como un rasgo genético autosómico dominante. Los casos que presentamos se caracterizan por: estenosis valvular pulmonar, hipertelorismo, retardo mental moderado, aspecto típico de la cara con filtrum (surco vertical en el centro del labio superior, párpados gruesos, epicanto, exoftalmos y ptosis palpebral.The ophthalmological and clinical characteristics of two sibling patients (male and female diagnosed with Noonan´s syndrome were presented in this paper. This is a genetic disorder that causes abnormal development of many parts of the body. It is characterized by a series of signs and physical peculiarities that may widely vary in range and severity from one case to another. Generally, it is transmitted as a dominant autosomal genetic trait. The two cases had the following features: pulmonary valve stenosis, hypertelorism, moderate mental retardation, typical aspect of the individual's face with filtrum (vertical sulcus located in the center of the upper lip, thick eyelids, epicanthus, exophthalmos and palpebral ptosis

  9. Seguimiento del contorno externo de la boca en imágenes de vídeo Outer Lip contour tracking in video images

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexánder Ceballos


    Full Text Available El seguimiento preciso de la boca de una persona, cuando está hablando, es un desafío importante en varias aplicaciones, como la identificación de la cara o la interacción con el computador. La complejidad de forma, textura y color de la boca, y los cambios de iluminación y fondos de los posibles escenarios hacen que este sea aún un problema abierto. En este artículo se propone un algoritmo para el seguimiento del contorno externo de la boca, sin utilizar marcadores o alguna clase de maquillaje para resaltar los labios, basado en apariencia y en restricciones morfológicas definidas en el estándar MPEG-4. El algoritmo es robusto ante la presencia de barba, tono de piel y calidad de la imagen.An accurate tracking of a person's mouth when he/she is speaking is an important challenge in several applications such as face identification or interaction with computer. Complexity of shape, texture, and color of the mouth, as well as changes in lighting and backgrounds of possible scenarios makes of it an open problem yet. This article proposed an algorithm for a tracking of the mouth external contour without using markers or any kind of make-up for highlighting lips, based on appearance and morphological restrictions defined by the MPEG-4 Standard. Algorithm is robust before the presence of beard, skin tone, and image quality.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Virgínia Rossana de Sousa Brito


    Full Text Available n el siguiente artículo se realiza un estudio para verificar el predominio de niños nacidos con malformaciones congénitas en las maternidades de Campina Grande–PB y los factores de riesgo asociados. Los datos recolectados se refieren a tres cen- tros maternos a través de las Declaraciones de Nacido Vivo — DNV emitidos en el período del 2003 al 2005. La asociación entre los tipos de malformaciones y las variables fue avalorada por el Chi-cuadrado y las Odds Ratio, fueron calculadas para cada variable por separado usando el programa SPSS 15.0. La consideración usada fue de p < 0,05. Se detectaron 190 mal- formaciones que fueron distribuidas en las categorías: morfo- displasias, con 90 casos (47,4%; hito-displasias, 49 (25,8%, quimio- displasias, 1 (0,5%, malformaciones múltiples, 34 (17,9% y malformaciones sin especificación 16 (8,4%. Se iden- tificó hidrocefalia, anencefalia, Síndrome de Down, polidactilia, labio leporino y pie zambo. Se concluye que no hubo asocia- ción estadística significativa de las variables sociales relativas a las madres con malformación congénita. El alto número de DNV ininteligibles, o sin especificación de la malformación, muestra que es necesario un mayor rigor al llenar los impresos.

  11. Medios, noticias y otras cuestiones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lic. Alberto Enrique Ferreyra


    Full Text Available Según las historias elegidas, un medio de comunicación de masas construye realidades sociales diferentes, algunas de las cuales contribuyen a pensar acerca de cuestiones relevantes mientras otras refieren a materias de orden menor.El comunicador puede elegir al menos tres caminos: a Dedicarse a temáticas que conciten interés masivo por más que se agoten en poco tiempo, tal la situación contractual del hábil futbolista de Boca Juan Román Riquelme. b Aludir a asuntos como la insuficiente asignación de fondos para investigación científica, que no obstante ser un tema de conversación menos extendido impactará más en el porvenir del país que el contrato de un jugador.c Asumir que la vida no es únicamente ciencia ni fútbol, lo cual no da derecho a igualar la trascendencia de la una a la del otro.En cada una de las opciones es menester considerar que el modo en que una historia se relata condiciona su percepción. Y recordar que, al tiempo que un cantante expresa "cómo dueles en los labios" y genera pesar evocativo o imaginativo, otro, que emite sonidos que permiten escuchar "Tú, que vienes y pasas como un huracán", apenas si deja la impresión de que el huracán es un vientito.

  12. EU stresstest national report of Germany. Progress report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The European Council concluded in March that the safety of all EU nuclear plants should be reviewed on the basis of a comprehensive and transparent risk assessment (''stress test''). The German Bundestag (Federal Parliament) called upon the German Federal Government on 17{sup th} March 2011 to conduct a comprehensive review of the safety requirements for the German nuclear power plants. The competent Federal Ministry asked its advisory body, the RSK, to perform this review. The findings of the RSK safety review were presented to the public on 17{sup th} May 2011. ENSREG published the scope and modalities for comprehensive risk and safety assessments of EU nuclear power plants on 13{sup th} May 2011. This ''Declaration of ENSREG'' determines the concept, methodology and time schedule of the EU stress test. The BMU as the federal regulator in Germany asked the Laender authorities to initiate the EU stress tests according to the ENSREG Declaration. The ''stress tests'' were started by all German licensees with the self-commitment to deliver the progress report by 15{sup th} August 2011 and the final report by 31{sup st} October 2011. The structure of the German national report follows mainly the chapters according to the ENSREG Declaration. In addition detailed insights from the broader scope and specific methodology of the RSK safety review are also included in the chapters. In chapter 6 are in particular insights from the RSK safety review related to initiating events caused by man-made hazards, such as an aircraft crash, terrorist attack or cyber attacks. The licensee progress reports and the certificates by the competent federal state regulators reflect an interim state. Further work is planned and should take additional guidance to be given by ENSREG into account. The Federal State authorities have so far reviewed the licensee reports in terms of completeness, the adequate application of the ENSREG

  13. Standardization of reliability reporting for cochlear implants: an interim report. (United States)

    Backous, Douglas D; Watson, Stacey D


    To propose a standard definition of "out of specification" for cochlear implants and a paradigm for inclusion of category C of the ISO standard 5841-2:2000 for reporting in cumulative survival statistics. A standard definition of "out of specification" and consistent reporting by manufacturers of cochlear implants will create a fair and consistent representation of cumulative survival. This will allow discernment of differences between manufacturers for reliability and for detection of trends in reliability between model types from the same manufacturer. Three separate meetings with representatives of the three manufacturers of cochlear implants marketed in the United States were staged over a 13-mo period. Standard questions, created by the authors, were addressed by each representative to determine the current state of device reliability reporting. Results were presented to clinicians at the William House Cochlear Implant study Group and the Implantable devices sub-committee of the American Academy of Otolaryngology (2004, 2005) and at the 8th International Cochlear Implant Conference (2004) for feedback. After assimilation of feedback by all parties, the standard was written and reviewed by representatives from each manufacturer for accuracy of data. A complaint-driven standard was developed. A "cochlear implant" as an internal device placed and skin closed in surgery. An internal device is "out of specification" when one or more technical characteristics is outside the limits of normal function and results in explantation or non-use by the patient." Children will be reported separately from adults, each model of device will be reported on annually, a minimum of 200 devices must be in each model group for Cumulative Survival Reporting (CSR). Confidence limits are set at 95%. Explants will be determined to be "biological" or "technical." Technical explants are included in CSR reports. Devices failing to meet specifications set by the manufacturer, not in use but

  14. Application of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in the sustainability reporting of financial services




    Sustainability reporting refers to the process in which an organization gives an account of issues related to corporate sustainability over a particular reporting period. The report is meant for both internal and external use. Sustainability reporting gives information about the organization’s interactions with its social and ecological environment. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has pioneered the development of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting framework. GRI Repor...

  15. Progress Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Duer, Karsten


    Progress report describing the work carried out by the Danish participant in the ALTSET project in the period January 1999 to July 1999.......Progress report describing the work carried out by the Danish participant in the ALTSET project in the period January 1999 to July 1999....

  16. Progress Report (United States)


    This report summarizes the annual progress of EPA’s Clean Air Markets Programs such as the Acid Rain Program (ARP) and the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). EPA systematically collects data on emissions, compliance, and environmental effects, these data are highlighted in our Progress Reports.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    We report on the rare entity of transvaginal small bowel herniation following a transvaginal hysterectomy. ... surgical intervention. This report serves to highlight awareness of the condition, and how knowledge of the various methods of addressing an ischaemic bowel and a ruptured ... mesh after resection and anastomosis.

  18. Prostitution Policy Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faber, Stine Thidemann; Emerek, Ruth


    The Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit at London Metropolitan University is working with the European Commission and the European Network on Gender Equality (ENEGE) to produce a report on prostitution policy in member states. In this report the data from Denmark are presented.......The Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit at London Metropolitan University is working with the European Commission and the European Network on Gender Equality (ENEGE) to produce a report on prostitution policy in member states. In this report the data from Denmark are presented....

  19. Healthcare. State Report (United States)

    Carnevale, Anthony P.; Smith, Nicole; Gulish, Artem; Beach, Bennett H.


    This report projects education requirements linked to forecasted job growth in healthcare by state and the District of Columbia from 2010 through 2020. It complements a larger national report which projects educational demand for healthcare for the same time period. The national report shows that with or without Obamacare, the United States will…

  20. Use and misuse of the Beir Report and NCRP Report No. 43

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hilberg, A.W.


    The BEIR report on the effects on populations of exposure to low levels of ionizing radiation is being used as a radiation protection guide and to establish radiation standards. This was not the intent of the document. Several statements most often used in the misinterpretation of the BEIR report are quoted and discussed. Report 43 of the NCRP substantiates the value of the BEIR report and brings to attention the necessary understanding of the warnings and restrictions of the use of the BEIR report

  1. Enhancing nuclear safety. Annual report 2015. Financial report 2015

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Le Guludec, Dominique; Niel, Jean-Christophe; Mouton, Georges-Henri; Repussard, Jacques; Schuler, Matthieu; Marchal, Valerie; Albert, Marc-Gerard; Bigot, Marie-Pierre; Brisset, Yves; Bruna, Giovanni; Charron, Sylvie; Clavelle, Stephanie; Deschamps, Patrice; Delattre, Aleth; Demeillers, Didier; Laloi, Patrick; Lorthioir, Stephane; Monti, Pascale; Rollinger, Francois; Rouyer, Veronique; Tharaud, Christine; Jaunet, Camille; Pascal-Heuze, Charlotte


    After some introductory texts proposed by several IRSN head managers, and a brief presentation of some key data illustrating the activity, the annual report presents the main strategic orientations, notably in the field of knowledge management, and of information and communication. After some images illustrating the past year, activities are presented. They first deal with safety: safety of civil nuclear facilities, from decommissioning old reactors to designing those of the future, reactor ageing, severe accidents, fuel, criticality and neutronics, fire and containment, safety and radiation protection of defence-related facilities and activities, geological disposal of radioactive wastes. They secondly deal with security and non-proliferation (nuclear security, nuclear non-proliferation, chemical weapon ban), thirdly with radiation protection for human and environment health (environment monitoring, radionuclide transfer in the environment, radon and polluted sites, human exposure, radiation protection in the workplace, effects of chronic exposures, protection in health care), and fourthly with emergency and post-accident situations (emergency and post-accident preparedness and response). The next part of the activity report addresses issues related to efficiency: improved economic and financial management, property, computer security, quality and corporate social responsibility, human resources, organisation chart. The financial report proposes a management report, financial statements with an appendix to annual accounts, and an auditor's report

  2. Semiannual report to Congress on Inspector General audit reports, April 1--September 30, 1994

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the Secretary of Energy's eleventh Semiannual Report to Congress submitted under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended. Pursuant to the Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988 (Public Law 100-504), agency heads are to report to Congress on the status of final action taken on audit report recommendations. This report complements a report prepared by the Department's Office of Inspector General that provides information on audit reports issued during the period and on the status of management decisions made on Inspector General audit reports. During the period covered by this report, April 1, through September 30, 1994, the Department took final action on 40 operational, financial, and preaward audit reports. At the end of the period 77 reports awaited final action. No final action was taken on contract and financial assistance audits, leaving six reports requiring final action at the end of the period. This report has three sections. The first outlines significant audit resolution and followup accomplishment achieved by the Department during the reporting period. The second section contains the statistical tables that illustrate the status of final action on Inspector General audit reports. The third lists the audit reports that are one year or more past management decision and have not completed final action. This section also provides the status of corrective actions on each of these reports

  3. Semiannual report to Congress on Inspector General audit reports: April 1--September 30, 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is the Secretary of Energy`s seventeenth Semiannual Report to Congress submitted under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended. Pursuant to the Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988 (Public Law 100-504), agency heads are to report to Congress on the status of final action taken on audit report recommendations. This report complements a report prepared by the Department`s Office of Inspector General that provides information on audit reports issued during the period and on the status of management decisions made on Inspector General audit reports. During the period covered by this report, April 1 through September 30, 1997, the Department took final action on 29 operational, financial, and preaward audit reports. At the end of the period 72 reports awaited final action. Final action was taken on five contract and financial assistance audits, leaving two reports requiring final action at the end of the period. This report has three sections. The first section outlines significant audit resolution and followup accomplishments achieved by the Department during the reporting period. The second section contains the statistical tables that illustrate the status of final action on Inspector General audit reports. The third lists the audit reports that are one year or more past management decision and have not completed final action. This section also provides the status of corrective actions on each of those reports.

  4. An initial look at sibling reports on children's behavior: comparisons with children's self-reports and relations with siblings' self-reports and sibling relationships. (United States)

    Epkins, C C; Dedmon, A M


    The authors examined siblings' reports of children's depression, anxiety, and aggression, and their reports of the sibling relationship, and compared them with children's self-reports. In two samples, including 169 sibling pairs (age M = 9.98 years, SD = 1.51), no significant differences emerged in the levels of depression and anxiety found in siblings' reports of children's behavior and children's self-reports, although siblings reported children to have significantly higher levels of aggression than the children self-reported. Age, the difference in ages between siblings, sex, and sibling sex were not related to siblings' reports of children's behavior. The relations between children's and siblings' reports of children's behavior were significant, yet moderate (average r = .22). Both siblings' self-reports of internalizing behavior and their perceptions of aspects of the sibling relationship (affection, rivalry, hostility, and satisfaction with the sibling relationship) explained significant, and unique, variance in siblings' reports of children's internalizing behavior. The findings for aggressive behavior were similar, although siblings' perceptions of affection in the sibling relationship were not significantly related to their reports of children's aggression. The potential uses and benefits of sibling reports of children's behavior, and sibling and family relationships, are discussed.

  5. 20 CFR 422.305 - Report of overdue program overpayment debts to consumer reporting agencies. (United States)


    ... debts to consumer reporting agencies. (a) Debts we will report. We will report to consumer reporting... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Report of overdue program overpayment debts to consumer reporting agencies. 422.305 Section 422.305 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY...

  6. 1977 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    As part of the complex HMI report and information network this report informs the public of the work done in the year under report. Scientific subjects treated are radiochemistry, radiophysics, nuclear in-pile chemistry, data processing, and dectronics. The cooperation with other research institutions and the transfer of research findings during industrial fairs and exhibitions are described. (GL) [de

  7. Final Technical Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schuur, Edward [Northern Arizona Univ., Flagstaff, AZ (United States); Luo, Yiqi [Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK (United States)


    This final grant report is a continuation of the final grant report submitted for DE-SC0006982 as the Principle Investigator (Schuur) relocated from the University of Florida to Northern Arizona University. This report summarizes the original project goals, as well as includes new project activities that were completed in the final period of the project.

  8. Research report 1972

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    A report is given in 28 contributions on the scientific progress achieved in 1972. The main problems are: a) plasma heating and waves in the plasma, b) plasma focus c) short-time technique and d) laser applications. The report furthermore contains an index of the scientific reports, publications, lectures and dissertations in the period under review. (GG/LH) [de

  9. Genesee River Basin Study; Reconnaissance Report. Volume 1. Main Report. (United States)


    River in the Towns of Chili and Riga, Monroe County, New York" was prepared in September 1969. The report gives a history of flooding and outlines...a benefit - cost ratio of less than unity. 9 A report entitled "Flood Recovery Planning Program - Preliminary Evaluation of Stony Brook and Mill Creek...Creek, Town ot (a Chili , and Ogden, Monroe County, New York," was prepared in August 1915. Ttl- report presents a brief history of flooding and

  10. Corporate responsibility reporting according to Global Reporting Initiative: an international comparison

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ionela-Corina CHERSAN


    Full Text Available The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI is an organization that has managed to impose its reporting practices on corporate responsibility among large transnational companies. The model proposed by GRI is based on the supposed convergence between the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. This convergence can be presumed at macroeconomic level, but at the level of enterprises, the three dimensions are often divergent. By analyzing the structure of reports included in the GRI database, our article aims to identify the factors that impact on company’s behavior in the corporate responsibility reporting process. In addition, our research invites to answer the following question: is it not possible that these reports attempt to exaggerate company environmental and social performance, rather than to cause a change in their conduct?

  11. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jan 21, 2015 ... Published in partnership with the African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET). ( Case report. Open Access ... La quantité de tissu neural immature permet d'établir une classification .... Wu X, Han LY, Xu X, Li Z. Recurrent immature teratoma of the ovary: a case report of radical secondary ...

  12. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Sep 11, 2012 ... Abstract. Solid pseudopapillary tumor (SPN) of the pancreas is a rare tumor, but has favorable prognosis. It is typically observed in young women. Only few cases have been reported in young men. We report the observation of a 73-year-old man presented with a palpable mass in the left upper abdomen.

  13. Organizational aspects of integrated reporting preparation according to international standard «Integrated reporting»

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.O. Maksymchuk


    Full Text Available Integrated Reporting is an innovative reporting for business entities, therefore the issue of the organization the preparation of this reporting is an actual. The absence of legislative regulation of integrated reporting at national level of legal documents has greatly affected the issue, because the only document, that specifies the requirements for integrated reporting is the international standard «integrated reporting». The article considers the organizational principles of integrated reporting preparation. Taking into account the requirements of the international standard «integrated reporting», the authors make the attempts to define the basic organizational stages of such reporting, that allows to introduce the integrated reporting in a structured way and logically. It is proposed on the enterprises preparing the integrated reporting to constitute the schedule of the formation of the integrated reporting. In addition, the important thing is to develop the internal policy for determining materiality by the use of the professional judgment. The appropriate internal policy is assigned to disclose the materiality process in an integrated reporting for decision-making on the inclusion or exclusion issues to be understandable for users.

  14. The D-SDA Reporting System: Reporting and User Access at DLR-EOC


    Senft, Johanna; Chereji, Cristian; Mario, Winkler; Katrin, Molch; Eberhard, Mikusch


    In recent years, Earth observation missions and projects have put ever-increasing emphasis on reporting. Detailed reports are being requested on system performance, user behaviour and processing workload. At the same time reporting is gaining significance for data centres’ internal purposes as well – for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing system performance and reliability. For future planning, Earth Observation data centres increasingly need information-based forecasts. Reliable reports ...

  15. Research report 1973

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    The scientific progress achieved in 1973 is reported in 29 contributions. The main problems are: a) plasma heating and waves, b) plasma focus and shock wave investigations, c) short-time technique and d) laser applications in plasma diagnostics. Furthermore, the report contains an index of the scientific reports, publications, lectures and dissertations in the period under review. (GG/LH) [de

  16. Annual Report 2008

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keeley, N; Skalski, J [The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Swierk-Otwock (Poland)


    The ''Annual Report 2008'' describes activities of Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies in 2008. Report consists of two parts. First one consists of general information about location, management, scientific council, personnel, financial support and conferences while the second one describes the scientific activity of Institute. A Foreword to all report written by Director of the Institute prof. Grzegorz Wrochna is also given.

  17. Gartner Group reports

    CERN Document Server

    Gartner Group. Stamford, CT

    Gartner Group is the one of the leading independent providers of research and analysis material for IT professionals. Their reports provide in-depth analysis of dominant trends, companies and products. CERN has obtained a licence making these reports available online to anyone within CERN. The database contains not only current reports, updated monthly, but also some going back over a year.

  18. Annual Report 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Keeley, N.; Skalski, J.


    The ''Annual Report 2008'' describes activities of Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies in 2008. Report consists of two parts. First one consists of general information about location, management, scientific council, personnel, financial support and conferences while the second one describes the scientific activity of Institute. A Foreword to all report written by Director of the Institute prof. Grzegorz Wrochna is also given

  19. Technical co-operation report for 2000. Report by the Director General

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report covers three separate topics. Part one fulfills the Agency's obligation under the General Conference resolution GC(44)/RES/18 to report on the Strengthening of Technical Co-operation. It covers the period from 1 April 2000 to 31 March 2001. The report examines the finalization of the 2001-2002 technical co-operation programme and several key concepts of the Technical Co-operation Strategy such as Partners in Development, Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries, and the continuing evolution of Regional Resource Centres. Reflecting an important trend in the technical co-operation programme, which was mandated by the General Conference, the report describes the results achieved in several programmes in least developed countries. Part two reports on the major achievements of the technical co-operation programme in 2000 in the different regions of the world. Part three presents a summary of the financial and non-financial parameters of the technical co-operation programme. The supplement to the report provides a more detailed review of resources and contributions, disbursements and non-financial indicators

  20. Technical co-operation report for 2000. Report by the Director General

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report covers three separate topics. Part one fulfills the Agency's obligation under the General Conference resolution GC(44)/RES/18 to report on the Strengthening of Technical Co-operation. It covers the period from 1 April 2000 to 31 March 2001. The report examines the finalization of the 2001-2002 technical co-operation programme and several key concepts of the Technical Co-operation Strategy such as Partners in Development, Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries, and the continuing evolution of Regional Resource Centres. Reflecting an important trend in the technical co-operation programme, which was mandated by the General Conference, the report describes the results achieved in several programmes in least developed countries. Part two reports on the major achievements of the technical co-operation programme in 2000 in the different regions of the world. Part three presents a summary of the financial and non-financial parameters of the technical co-operation programme. The supplement to the report provides a more detailed review of resources and contributions, disbursements and non-financial indicators.

  1. Integrated Sustainability Reporting at HNE Eberswalde--A Practice Report (United States)

    Kräusche, Kerstin; Pilz, Stefanie


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present the development of an integrated sustainability reporting. In this paper success criteria are named and empirical values when dealingwith specific challenges are formulated. The focus is on the development of criteria for reporting, the involvement of university members and quality assurance.…

  2. Case report

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 10, 2011 ... The authors report the case of a patient admitted with right ... secondary locations of kidney cancers are lung, bone, liver and brain. ... thrombus (left) or inferior vena cava (right), promote the spin-cell ... They reported a median survival of 13.6 months for nephrectomy plus interferon group vs 7.8 months for ...

  3. Annual Partnership Report, 2016 (United States)

    Wyoming Community College Commission, 2016


    The "Annual Partnership Report" catalogs partnerships that Wyoming community colleges established and maintained for each fiscal year. This partnership report fulfills statutory reporting requirement W.S. 21-18-202(e)(iv) which mandates the development of annual reports to the legislature on the outcomes of partnerships between colleges…

  4. ERDA Headquarters reports: March 1977

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    ERDA headquarters reports (ERDA 77-41) provides a cumulative record, through various lists and an index, of the reports issued from ERDA Headquarters (''ERDA Reports''). The four sections of this publication are New ERDA Reports, a list of Headquarters reports received in the ERDA Library during the past month; Cumulative List of ERDA Reports, all ERDA Headquarters reports already issued or scheduled to be issued; Reports by Program Division, separate lists of ERDA reports arranged by the division or office at ERDA Headquarters responsible for their preparation and/or issuance; and Index to Keywords in Report Titles

  5. Report: Fiscal Year 2009 Federal Information Security Management Act Report (United States)

    Report #10-P-0030, November 18, 2009. We believe the evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions, and in all material respects meets the FISMA reporting requirements prescribed by OMB.

  6. Technical progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report summarizes the work carried out by personnel at the Nuclear Physics Laboratory of the University of Colorado from about August 1, 1981 to October 1, 1982, under contract with the Department of Energy. The intermediate energy studies summarized in this report were carried out at the meson physics facilities at Los Alamos (LAMPF), the cyclotron at Indiana University (IUCF), and the meson physics facilities at Vancouver (TRIUMF). This year, for the first time, intermediate energy experimental studies are being reported in separate documents from the low energy and theoretical nuclear physics efforts. Experimental studies are reported on pion-nucleus interactions, charge exchange reactions, nucleon transfer reactions, and apparatus development

  7. Annual report 1985

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) continues its mandated functions and responsibilities to exploit the beneficial peaceful application of nuclear energy for national development and to protect the public from the hazards posed by radiation. This report summarizes the major accomplishments of PAEC for 1985. Details of studies conducted are not included in the report but are produced as technical reports of the commission. (ELC)

  8. Can skeletal image reporting be taught online: Perspectives of experienced reporting radiographers?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leishman, Lesley


    Background: Image interpretation relies upon expert clinical skill and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the theories and concepts that underpin clinical practices. Traditionally, radiographer reporting education has been delivered using a blend of classroom based learning combined with workplace clinical practice. The direct and indirect costs of staff development and maintenance of the service has seen the incorporation of e-learning into courses in other health professions. Yet, despite its proven success, in the UK radiography has been resistant to progression into e-learning for reporting. This study aims to explore the perceptions of reporting radiographers to interactive online delivery of skeletal image reporting education. Method: Invitations to participate in the study were sent to 80 radiology departments in the UK. Reporting radiographers were asked to complete an online questionnaire to detail their reporting education experiences and to consider whether online delivery was a viable option. Results: A total of 86 radiographers participated in the study. They could see potential benefits of online delivery but agreed it would only be suitable for delivery of theoretical subjects, and that development of practical/clinical skills required interaction with experts in the field to enhance learning. Conclusion: Image reporting education is not suitable for entirely online delivery, and a blended learning solution, where online classroom based learning is combined with work based learning is more appropriate as it allows for interaction with experts in the field of reporting to facilitate the development of reporting skills enhance the overall learning experience

  9. Custom Report | Cancer Trends Progress Report (United States)

    The Cancer Trends Progress Report, first issued in 2001, summarizes our nation's advances against cancer in relation to Healthy People targets set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services.

  10. Denmark's National Inventory Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Illerup, J. B.; Lyck, E.; Winther, M.

    This report is Denmark's National Inventory Report reported to the Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) due by 15 April 2001. The report contains information on Denmark's inventories for all years' from 1990 to 1999 for CO2, CH4, N2O, CO...

  11. Limitations and obstacles of the spontaneous adverse drugs reactions reporting: Two "challenging" case reports. (United States)

    Palleria, Caterina; Leporini, Christian; Chimirri, Serafina; Marrazzo, Giuseppina; Sacchetta, Sabrina; Bruno, Lucrezia; Lista, Rosaria M; Staltari, Orietta; Scuteri, Antonio; Scicchitano, Francesca; Russo, Emilio


    Nowadays, based on several epidemiological data, iatrogenic disease is an emerging public health problem, especially in industrialized countries. Adverse drugs reactions (ADRs) are extremely common and, therefore, clinically, socially, and economically worthy of attention. Spontaneous reporting system for suspected ADRs represents the cornerstone of the pharmacovigilance, because it allows rapid detection of potential alarm signals related to drugs use. However, spontaneous reporting system shows several limitations, which are mainly related to under-reporting. In this paper, we describe two particular case reports, which emphasize some reasons of under-reporting and other common criticisms of spontaneous reporting systems. We performed a computer-aided search of Medline, PubMed, Embase, Cochrane library databases, national and international databases of suspected ADRs reports in order to identify previous published case reports and spontaneous reports about the ADRs reviewed in this paper, and to examine the role of suspected drugs in the pathogenesis of the described adverse reactions. First, we reported a case of tizanidine-induced hemorrhagic cystitis. In the second case report, we presented an episode of asthma exacerbation after taking bimatoprost. Through the review of these two cases, we highlighted some common criticisms of spontaneous reporting systems: under-reporting and false causality attribution. Healthcare workers sometimes do not report ADRs because it is challenging to establish with certainty the causal relationship between drug and adverse reaction; however, according to a key principle of pharmacovigilance, it is always better to report even a suspicion to generate an alarm in the interest of protecting public health.

  12. A new safety event reporting system improves physician reporting in the surgical intensive care unit. (United States)

    Schuerer, Douglas J E; Nast, Patricia A; Harris, Carolyn B; Krauss, Melissa J; Jones, Rebecca M; Boyle, Walter A; Buchman, Timothy G; Coopersmith, Craig M; Dunagan, W Claiborne; Fraser, Victoria J


    Medical errors are common, and physicians have notably been poor medical error reporters. In the SICU, reporting was generally poor and reporting by physicians was virtually nonexistent. This study was designed to observe changes in error reporting in an SICU when a new card-based system (SAFE) was introduced. Before implementation of the SAFE reporting system, education was given to all SICU healthcare providers. The SAFE system was introduced into the SICU for a 9-month period from March 2003 through November 2003, to replace an underused online system. Data were collected from the SAFE card reports and the online reporting systems during introduction, removal, and reimplementation of these cards. Reporting rates were calculated as number of reported events per 1,000 patient days. Reporting rates increased from 19 to 51 reports per 1,000 patient days after the SAFE cards were introduced into the ICU (preporting increased most, rising from 0.3 to 5.8 reports per 1,000 patient days; nursing reporting also increased from 18 to 39 reports per 1,000 patient days (both preporting declined to 0 reports per 1,000 patient days (p=0.01) and rose to 8.1 (p=0.001) when the cards were returned, similar to nursing results. A higher proportion of physician reports were events that caused harm compared with no effect (p reporting system, combined with appropriate education, improved overall reporting in the SICU, especially among physician providers. Nurses were more likely to use reporting systems than were physicians. Physician reports were more likely to be of events that caused harm.

  13. Prototype road weather performance management tool : project report : draft report. (United States)


    This report is the Project Report for the Road Weather Performance Management (RW-PM) Tool developed for the project on Development and Demonstration of a Prototype Road Weather Performance Management Application that Uses Connected Vehicle Data (RW-...

  14. 2008 stewardship report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers prepares an annual stewardship report as part of the industry's commitment to stewardship through the open and transparent reporting of progress on environmental, health and safety, and social issues. These reports also serve to provide annual benchmarking targets for the industry to surpass. This report presented the eighth annual stewardship report for 2008 and discussed indicators relating to several areas. The first involved air quality as it relates to climate change and greenhouse gases and technological solutions such as toe-to-heel air injection; geothermal energy; and carbon capture and sequestration. The issues of releasing greenhouse gases through flaring and venting were also examined along with other issues such as returning the land to a sustainable landscape; using water to produce oil and gas; ensuring the workplace is safe; and maintaining positive relationships. It was concluded that while greenhouse gas intensity has dropped, overall emissions have increase. Surface water use has also slightly increased. figs

  15. 78 FR 48632 - Releasing Information; General Provisions; Accounting and Reporting Requirements; Reports of... (United States)


    ... and other examination and non-public information,\\4\\ including data from reports of System accounts... Reporting Entity that the information provided in the report of accounts and exposures is a true and... to the FCA that the information provided in the report of all banks' and associations' accounts and...

  16. ISIS annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biggin, Sue


    The paper is the first 1985/6 report of the ISIS experimental facility for neutron scattering studies, which commenced operations June 1985, at the Rutherford Laboratory, United Kingdom. The report is divided into eight chapters, including: 1) accelerator, target station and moderators, 2) instruments and related science, 3) techniques, 4) future developments, 5) condensed matter theory research, 6) ISIS organisation and user interaction, 7) publications, and 8) experimental reports. (UK)

  17. Marketing reporting system


    Hanić Hasan M.


    The main components of a developed and good organized marketing information system are: internal reporting system, marketing reporting system, market research system and analytical marketing system. Marketing reporting system provides data and information about changes in business and micro marketing environment. This component of MIS ensures that marketing managers are up-to-date with what is going on, and to be informed about changes in company marketing environment.

  18. Marketing reporting system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hanić Hasan M.


    Full Text Available The main components of a developed and good organized marketing information system are: internal reporting system, marketing reporting system, market research system and analytical marketing system. Marketing reporting system provides data and information about changes in business and micro marketing environment. This component of MIS ensures that marketing managers are up-to-date with what is going on, and to be informed about changes in company marketing environment.

  19. 1995 annual report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report presents the activities and accomplishments of Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the fiscal year 1995. The highlights of the report are about the technology transfer, nuclear services, nuclear safety and research and development. Also, the special S and T events, list of 1995 IAEA contracts, experts missions, foreign travels of PNRI and non-PNRI personnel and the lists of technical papers are also included in this report.

  20. 1995 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the activities and accomplishments of Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the fiscal year 1995. The highlights of the report are about the technology transfer, nuclear services, nuclear safety and research and development. Also, the special S and T events, list of 1995 IAEA contracts, experts missions, foreign travels of PNRI and non-PNRI personnel and the lists of technical papers are also included in this report

  1. Brief report. (United States)

    Colnerud, Gunnel


    Most accounts of the ethical problems facing researchers across a broad spectrum of research fields come from ethicists, ethics committees, and specialists committed to the study of ethics in human research. In contrast, this study reports on the ethical questions that researchers, themselves, report facing in their everyday practice. Fifty-five Swedish researchers contributed 109 examples of ethical dilemmas, conflicts, and problems in research. They were all researchers at the postdoctoral level in the fields of medicine, the humanities, education, and the social sciences, who devoted at least 50 percent of their working hours to research. They reported issues they face before, during, and after gathering data. Their range of issues is broader than generally discussed and points to the importance of researchers' ethical sensitivity.

  2. Structured reporting of MRI of the shoulder - improvement of report quality?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gassenmaier, Sebastian; Armbruster, Marco; Sommer, Wieland H.; Sommer, Nora N. [Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Department of Clinical Radiology, Munich (Germany); Haasters, Florian [Schoen Klinik Muenchen Harlaching, Department of Knee, Hip and Shoulder Surgery, Munich (Germany); Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Department of General, Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, Munich (Germany); Helfen, Tobias [Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU), Department of General, Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, Munich (Germany); Henzler, Thomas [University Medical Center Mannheim, Medical Faculty Mannheim - Heidelberg University, Institute of Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Heidelberg (Germany); Alibek, Sedat [Ambulatory Health Care Center Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Fuerth (Germany); Friedrich-Alexander University, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany); Pfoerringer, Dominik [Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich, Department of Trauma Surgery, Munich (Germany)


    To evaluate the effect of structured reports (SRs) in comparison to non-structured narrative free text (NRs) shoulder MRI reports and potential effects of both types of reporting on completeness, readability, linguistic quality and referring surgeons' satisfaction. Thirty patients after trauma or with suspected degenerative changes of the shoulder were included in this study (2012-2015). All patients underwent shoulder MRI for further assessment and possible surgical planning. NRs were generated during clinical routine. Corresponding SRs were created using a dedicated template. All 60 reports were evaluated by two experienced orthopaedic shoulder surgeons using a questionnaire that included eight questions. Eighty per cent of the SRs were fully complete without any missing key features whereas only 45% of the NRs were fully complete (p < 0.001). The extraction of information was regarded to be easy in 92% of the SRs and 63% of the NRs. The overall quality of the SRs was rated better than that of the NRs (p < 0.001). Structured reporting of shoulder MRI improves the readability as well as the linguistic quality of radiological reports, and potentially leads to a higher satisfaction of referring physicians. (orig.)

  3. Structured reporting of MRI of the shoulder - improvement of report quality?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gassenmaier, Sebastian; Armbruster, Marco; Sommer, Wieland H.; Sommer, Nora N.; Haasters, Florian; Helfen, Tobias; Henzler, Thomas; Alibek, Sedat; Pfoerringer, Dominik


    To evaluate the effect of structured reports (SRs) in comparison to non-structured narrative free text (NRs) shoulder MRI reports and potential effects of both types of reporting on completeness, readability, linguistic quality and referring surgeons' satisfaction. Thirty patients after trauma or with suspected degenerative changes of the shoulder were included in this study (2012-2015). All patients underwent shoulder MRI for further assessment and possible surgical planning. NRs were generated during clinical routine. Corresponding SRs were created using a dedicated template. All 60 reports were evaluated by two experienced orthopaedic shoulder surgeons using a questionnaire that included eight questions. Eighty per cent of the SRs were fully complete without any missing key features whereas only 45% of the NRs were fully complete (p < 0.001). The extraction of information was regarded to be easy in 92% of the SRs and 63% of the NRs. The overall quality of the SRs was rated better than that of the NRs (p < 0.001). Structured reporting of shoulder MRI improves the readability as well as the linguistic quality of radiological reports, and potentially leads to a higher satisfaction of referring physicians. (orig.)

  4. EVALUATION OF LOWER FACE HEIGHTS AND RATIOS ACCORDING TO SEX. 213\tEvaluación de las alturas y proporciones de la parte inferior de la cara en relación al sexo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ayla Kurkcuoglu


    Full Text Available La determinación de las relaciones de altura de la cara inferior proporciona información importante para el tratamiento de ortodoncia, los enfoques quirúrgicos y la identificación fiable en lmedicina forense. Este estudio se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la altura de la índices bajos de la cara de estudiantes de la Universidad Baskent y evidenciar las posibles diferencias por sexo. El estudio se realizó en 95 mujeres y 101 varones,18 a25 años, un total de 196 estudiantes turcos voluntarios. Las imágenes fotogramétricas laterales fueron adquiridos por la misma persona para todos los sujetos en la posición natural de la cabeza, con la boca cerrada en la postura normal. Las imágenes se transfirieron a un entorno de computación. La determinación de seis puntos antropométricos en el plano vertical, la medición de sus distancias relativas y el cálculo de siete relaciones se realizó por la misma persona en todas las fotografías. Se observó una diferencia significativa en función del sexo de los sujetos que fue identificada en los siete parámetros medidos entre los puntos de referencia antropométricas. Cuando se evaluaron las relaciones de altura facial inferior la más grande era la altura bermellón superior / inferior proporción de altura bermellón, tanto en hombres como en mujeres, y el más pequeño era el alto / superior bermellón del labio superior altura en mujeres y el labio superior de elevación / altura de la parte inferior del rostro en los hombres. Postulamos que el conocimiento de determinados índices faciales y sus diferencias según el sexo y la raza puede servir como una guía para la planificación de la terapia en las diferentes intervenciones quirúrgicas, el control en ortodoncia y lla identificación personal. The determination of the lower face height ratios provides significant information for orthodontic treatment, surgical approaches and for a reliable identification in forensic medicine

  5. Report: Fiscal Year 2010 Federal Information Security Management Act Report (United States)

    Report #11-P-0017, November 16, 2010. Attached is the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG’s) Fiscal Year 2010 Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) Reporting Template, as prescribed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

  6. Denmark's National Inventory Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Illerup, J. B.; Lyck, E.; Winther, M.

    This report is Denmark's National Inventory Report reported to the Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) due by 15 April 2001. The report contains information on Denmark's inventories for all years' from 1990 to 1999 for CO2, CH4, N2O, ......, NMVOC, SO2, HFCs, PFCs and SF6....

  7. Uncovering the problem-solving process: cued retrospective reporting versus concurrent and retrospective reporting. (United States)

    van Gog, Tamara; Paas, Fred; van Merriënboer, Jeroen J G; Witte, Puk


    This study investigated the amounts of problem-solving process information ("action," "why," "how," and "metacognitive") elicited by means of concurrent, retrospective, and cued retrospective reporting. In a within-participants design, 26 participants completed electrical circuit troubleshooting tasks under different reporting conditions. The method of cued retrospective reporting used the original computer-based task and a superimposed record of the participant's eye fixations and mouse-keyboard operations as a cue for retrospection. Cued retrospective reporting (with the exception of why information) and concurrent reporting (with the exception of metacognitive information) resulted in a higher number of codes on the different types of information than did retrospective reporting.

  8. Packaging- and transportation-related occurrence reports. Fiscal year 1996 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dickerson, L.S.; Welch, M.J.


    The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), through its support to the US Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Transportation, Emergency Management, and Analytical Services (EM-76), retrieves reports and information pertaining to transportation and packaging occurrences from the centralized Occurrence Reporting and Processing System (ORPS) database. These selected reports are analyzed for trends, impact on packaging and transportation operations and safety concerns, and lessons learned (LL) in transportation and packaging safety. Some selected reports are reviewed to evaluate the corrective actions being conducted. This report contains an analysis of 246 occurrences identified as packaging- or transportation-related during fiscal year (FY) 1996, with supporting data from calendar year (CY) 1991 through 1995 which provide the basis for trending. The overall number of packaging- and transportation-related occurrences remains a small percentage of the total occurrences in the DOE system, through it is relatively higher this year (∼6%) than previous years when transportation occurrences were approximately 3% of the total. The decrease in the total number of occurrences may be the result of the rollup provisions of the new DOE Order 232.1, and the comparative increase in packaging- and transportation-related occurrence reports (ORs) is only a reflection of the decrease in the overall total. There does not appear to be a correlation between the total number of offsite hazardous materials shipments and the number of reported occurrences. The offsite occurrences, while few in number, are consistent for the major shippers and contractors

  9. Federal Fleet Report (United States)

    General Services Administration — Annual report of Federal agencies' motor vehicle fleet data collected in the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST), a web-based reporting tool cosponsored by...

  10. Annual Report 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirejczyk, M.K.


    The Annual Report of the Nuclear Physics Division, Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University describes the results of the research activities carried out in 2005. The document consist of three parts: ''Research Reports on Reaction Mechanism and Nuclear Structure'', ''Research Reports on Experimental Methods and Instrumentation'' and ''Seminars, Personnel and Publications''. The short description of the whole NPD activity is also given in ''Preface'' written by director of the Department prof. K. Siwek-Wilczynska

  11. Annual report 1992

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 1992 progress report of the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) is presented. ILL is a service institute created so that solid state physics, fundamental and nuclear physics, biochemistry, chemistry and metallurgy specialists can use the unique power of neutron techniques on their investigations. This report includes the reactor refurbishment and operation, the research programs and the obtained results and international cooperation. The activities of the ILL departments, publications and internal reports are given

  12. Business Reporting and Communications: Reaching the $20 Trillion Target--a Progress Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bray, M.


    Without immediate reporting and communications reform in the energy sector, business may fail to achieve the US$20 trillion investment required to meet the world's energy demand by 2030. This KPMG paper argues that a new business-reporting and communications framework is urgently required that enables investors to award capital to competing energy projects according to merit. The current reporting and communications framework does not paint a clear picture of strategy, performance, value and prospects. A new strategy would ensure improved stakeholder understanding of business strategies and better decision-making insights into performance drivers, risks and outlook. These should be conveyed through a portfolio of communications, including a flagship business performance report and special purpose reports tailored to meet stakeholders' needs. The paper also analyzes the roles and responsibilities of key players in changing the investment climate. The time for reform is ripe: the accounting profession is calling for reform, and many leading energy-sector businesses are already implementing new approaches to business reporting. By implementing a reporting and communications framework that helps investors differentiate competing energy propositions, the sector will meet one precondition to raising the $20 trillion investment. (auth)

  13. Business Reporting and Communications: Reaching the $20 Trillion Target--a Progress Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bray, M


    Without immediate reporting and communications reform in the energy sector, business may fail to achieve the US$20 trillion investment required to meet the world's energy demand by 2030. This KPMG paper argues that a new business-reporting and communications framework is urgently required that enables investors to award capital to competing energy projects according to merit. The current reporting and communications framework does not paint a clear picture of strategy, performance, value and prospects. A new strategy would ensure improved stakeholder understanding of business strategies and better decision-making insights into performance drivers, risks and outlook. These should be conveyed through a portfolio of communications, including a flagship business performance report and special purpose reports tailored to meet stakeholders' needs. The paper also analyzes the roles and responsibilities of key players in changing the investment climate. The time for reform is ripe: the accounting profession is calling for reform, and many leading energy-sector businesses are already implementing new approaches to business reporting. By implementing a reporting and communications framework that helps investors differentiate competing energy propositions, the sector will meet one precondition to raising the $20 trillion investment. (auth)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Botez


    Full Text Available In 2009, the International Federation of Professional Accountants - IFAC initiated a process of reviewing reporting standards. The purpose of this process is to improve the auditor's way of communicating and to increase the relevance of the audit globally, meaning that the auditor's report is more informative by presenting more information about the entity and about the audit of the financial statements. Thus, reporting standards have been amended, a new standard has been published, and the impact of these changes on other standards used by the auditor has been reported. The most relevant aspects concern the introduction of new paragraphs in the auditor's report regarding key aspects of the audit and the assumption of business continuity. Also, the structure of the report has been modified.

  15. Resident Characteristics Report (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — The Resident Characteristics Report summarizes general information about households who reside in Public Housing, or who receive Section 8 assistance. The report...

  16. Minority Veteran Report (United States)

    Department of Veterans Affairs — This report is the first comprehensive report that chronicles the history of racial and ethnic minorities in the military and as Veterans, profiles characteristics...

  17. Big Game Reporting Stations (United States)

    Vermont Center for Geographic Information — Point locations of big game reporting stations. Big game reporting stations are places where hunters can legally report harvested deer, bear, or turkey. These are...

  18. KBS Annual Report 1982. Summaries of technical reports issued during 1982

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of the KBS Annual Report is to inform interested organizations and individuals of the research and development work perfomed by the division KBS within the Swedish Nuclear Fuel Supply Co. (SKBF) on the handling, treatment and final storage of nuclear wastes in Sweden. In the Annual Report for 1982 the summaries of 27 technical reports and other publications issued during the year are listed. (K.A.E.)

  19. Semiannual report to Congress on Inspector General audit reports, October 1, 1996--March 31, 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is the Secretary of Energy`s sixteenth Semiannual Report to Congress submitted under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended. Pursuant to the Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988 (Public law 100-504), agency heads are to report to Congress on the status of final action taken on audit report recommendations. This report complements a report prepared by the Department`s Office of Inspector General that provides information on audit reports issued during the period and on the status of management decisions made on Inspector General audit reports. During the period covered by this report, October 1, 1996, through March 31, 1997, the Department took final action on 31 operational, financial, and preaward audit reports. At the end of the period 74 reports awaited final action. Final action was taken on 11 contract and financial assistance audits, leaving no reports requiring final action at the end of the period. This report has three sections. The first section outlines significant audit resolution and followup accomplishments achieved by the Department during the reporting period. The second section contains the statistical tables that illustrate the status of final action on Inspector General audit reports. The third lists the audit reports that are one year or more past management decision and have not completed final action. This section also provides the status of corrective actions on each of those reports.

  20. Semiannual report to Congress on Inspector General audit reports, October 1, 1997--March 31, 1998

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is the Secretary of Energy`s eighteenth Semiannual Report to Congress submitted under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended. Pursuant to the Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988 (Public Law 100-504), agency heads are to report to Congress on the status of final action taken on audit report recommendations. This report complements a report prepared by the Department`s Office of Inspector General that provides information on audit reports issued during the period and on the status of management decisions made on Inspector General audit reports. During the period covered by this report, October 1, 1997, through March 31, 1998, the Department took final action on 20 operational, financial, and preaward audit reports. At the end of the period 80 reports awaited final action. Final action was taken on one contract and financial assistance audit, leaving two reports requiring final action at the end of the period. This report has three sections. The first section outlines significant audit resolution and followup accomplishments achieved by the Department during the reporting period. The second section contains the statistical tables that illustrate the status of final action on Inspector General audit reports. The third lists the audit reports that are one year or more past management decision and have not completed final action. This section also provides the status of corrective actions on each of those reports.

  1. Semiannual report to Congress on Inspector General audit reports, April 1, 1995--September 30, 1995

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is the Secretary of Energy`s thirteenth Semiannual Report to Congress submitted under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended. Pursuant to the Inspector General Act Amendments of 1988 (Public Law 100-504), agency heads are to report to Congress on the status of final action taken on audit report recommendations. This report complements a report prepared by the Department`s Office of Inspector General that provides information on audit reports issued during the period and on the status of management decisions made on Inspector General audit reports. During the period covered by this report, April 1, 1995, through September 30, 1995, the Department took final action on 33 operational, financial, and preaward audit reports. At the end of the period 96 reports awaited final action. Final action was taken on 2 contract and financial assistance audits, leaving 2 reports requiring final action at the end of the period. This report has three sections. The first section outlines significant audit resolution and followup accomplishments achieved by the Department during the reporting period. The second section contains the statistical tables that illustrate the status of final action on Inspector General audit reports. The third lists the audit reports that are one year or more past management decision and have not completed final action. This section also provides the status of corrective actions on each of these reports.

  2. Medicare Cost Reports (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — Medicare certified institutional providers are required to submit an annual cost report to a Medicare Administrative Contractor. The cost report contains provider...

  3. Rock mechanics models evaluation report: Draft report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report documents the evaluation of the thermal and thermomechanical models and codes for repository subsurface design and for design constraint analysis. The evaluation was based on a survey of the thermal and thermomechanical codes and models that are applicable to subsurface design, followed by a Kepner-Tregoe (KT) structured decision analysis of the codes and models. The end result of the KT analysis is a balanced, documented recommendation of the codes and models which are best suited to conceptual subsurface design for the salt repository. The various laws for modeling the creep of rock salt are also reviewed in this report. 37 refs., 1 fig., 7 tabs

  4. CSIR Annual report 1993

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report provides highlights on the activities and achievements of CSIR in the year 1993. An outline of the CSIR structure and financial reports are also presented in the report....

  5. CSIR Annual report 1984

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report provides highlights on the activities and achievements of CSIR in the year 1984. An outline of the CSIR structure and financial reports are also presented in the report....

  6. CSIR Annual report 1995

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report provides highlights on the activities and achievements of CSIR in the year 1995. An outline of the CSIR structure and financial reports are also presented in the report....

  7. CSIR Annual report 1994

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report provides highlights on the activities and achievements of CSIR in the year 1994. An outline of the CSIR structure and financial reports are also presented in the report....

  8. Revised licensee event report system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mays, G.T.; Poore, W.P.


    Licensee Event Reports (LERs) provide the basis for evaluating and assessing operating experience information from nuclear power plants. The reporting requirements for submitting LERs to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have been revised. Effective Jan. 1, 1984, all events were to be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.73 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Report NUREG-1022, Licensee Event Report System-Description of System and Guidelines for Reporting, describes the guidelines on reportability of events. This article summarizes the reporting requirements as presented in NUREG-1022, high-lights differences in data reported between the revised and previous LER systems, and presents results from a preliminary assessment of LERs submitted under the revised LER reporting system

  9. Annual Report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chmielewska, D.; Infeld, E.; Zupranski, P.


    The ''Annual Report 2006'' describes activities of Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies in 2006. Report consists in general two parts. First consists of general information about location, management, scientific council, personnel, financial support and conferences while the second one the scientific activity of Institute. This part is divided into subsections which present progress in research of the Institut Departments and Establishments. A Foreword to report written by Director of the Institute Grzegorz Wrochna is also given

  10. Annual Report 2006

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chmielewska, D; Infeld, E; Zupranski, P [The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Swierk-Otwock (Poland)


    The ''Annual Report 2006'' describes activities of Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies in 2006. Report consists in general two parts. First consists of general information about location, management, scientific council, personnel, financial support and conferences while the second one the scientific activity of Institute. This part is divided into subsections which present progress in research of the Institut Departments and Establishments. A Foreword to report written by Director of the Institute Grzegorz Wrochna is also given.

  11. Annual Report 2005

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chmielewska, D; Infeld, E; Zupranski, P [The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Swierk-Otwock (Poland)


    The ''Annual Report 2005'' describes activities of Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies in 2005. Report consists in general two parts. First consists of general information about location, management, scientific council, personnel financial support and conferences while the second one the scientific activity of Institute. This part is divided into subsections which present progress in research of the Institut Departments and Establishments. A Foreword to report written by Director of the Institute prof. Ziemowit Sujkowski is also given.

  12. Annual Report 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chmielewska, D.; Infeld, E.; Zupranski, P.


    The ''Annual Report 2005'' describes activities of Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies in 2005. Report consists in general two parts. First consists of general information about location, management, scientific council, personnel financial support and conferences while the second one the scientific activity of Institute. This part is divided into subsections which present progress in research of the Institut Departments and Establishments. A Foreword to report written by Director of the Institute prof. Ziemowit Sujkowski is also given

  13. Annual report 1980

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report contains a description of the named institute, the research programm, reports from the scientific establishments, a description of different cooperations, and a list of scientific publications. (HSI) [de


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thompson, Timothy C.


    This report contains individual progress reports for the months of December 1997 through May 1998 on the Phenix program at Hytec. Topics include the Phenix muon detector chamber flow analysis; the Phenix Muon detector deformation and motion/tolerance study of Stations 1, 2, and 3; finite element mount/electron shield structural analysis; South Station 3 muon detector deformation analysis; and Station 1 muon detector panel assembly and fabrication sequences


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report contains individual progress reports for the months of December 1997 through May 1998 on the Phenix program at Hytec. Topics include the Phenix muon detector chamber flow analysis; the Phenix Muon detector deformation and motion/tolerance study of Stations 1, 2, and 3; finite element mount/electron shield structural analysis; South Station 3 muon detector deformation analysis; and Station 1 muon detector panel assembly and fabrication sequences.

  16. Evaluation of the Illinois High School to College Success Report: Technical Report (United States)

    Klostermann, Brenda; Cameron, Sean; Hamel, Rachel; Newberry, Melissa


    This report provides findings from an evaluation of the newly designed Illinois High School to College Success Report (HS2CSR). The evaluation study examined the dissemination, usefulness, and impact on collaborative efforts of the new HS2CSR. Education stakeholders' suggestions for improving the report are also included. Recommendations to…

  17. Panel summary report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gutjahr, A.L.; Kincaid, C.T.; Mercer, J.W.; Murarka, I.P.; Siegel, M.D.; Wierenga, P.J.


    The objective of this report is to summarize the various modeling approaches that were used to simulate solute transport in a variably saturated emission. In particular, the technical strengths and weaknesses of each approach are discussed, and conclusions and recommendations for future studies are made. Five models are considered: (1) one-dimensional analytical and semianalytical solutions of the classical deterministic convection-dispersion equation (van Genuchten, Parker, and Kool, this report ); (2) one-dimensional simulation using a continuous-time Markov process (Knighton and Wagenet, this report); (3) one-dimensional simulation using the time domain method and the frequency domain method (Duffy and Al-Hassan, this report); (4) one-dimensional numerical approach that combines a solution of the classical deterministic convection-dispersion equation with a chemical equilibrium speciation model (Cederberg, this report); and (5) three-dimensional numerical solution of the classical deterministic convection-dispersion equation (Huyakorn, Jones, Parker, Wadsworth, and White, this report). As part of the discussion, the input data and modeling results are summarized. The models were used in a data analysis mode, as opposed to a predictive mode. Thus, the following discussion will concentrate on the data analysis aspects of model use. Also, all the approaches were similar in that they were based on a convection-dispersion model of solute transport. Each discussion addresses the modeling approaches in the order listed above

  18. Climate report 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Andersson, Lars; Axelsson, Pernilla; Fegler, C. [and others


    The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, NV, the National Board for Industrial and Technical Development, NUTEK, and the Swedish Institute for Transport and Communications Analysis, SIKA, have been commissioned by the Government to furnish background material for Sweden`s second national report on climate change. The national report is a commitment vis-a-vis the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). Sweden`s first national report was presented in 1994, and the second was completed and adopted by the Government on 3 April 1997. This study is a more detailed account based on NUTEK`s background material for the national report. NUTEK has been Sweden`s central authority within the energy field. The authority`s work with the background material for the national report has primarily been concentrated on projections of the future development of the energy system. However, the forecasts for energy use in the transport sector are mainly based on forecasts of transport activity prepared by SIKA. Furthermore NUTEK has been responsible for the calculations of the effects of policy instruments on the carbon dioxide emissions. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for the calculations of emissions of climate gases in the background material for the national report. These calculations of the energy system`s emissions of carbon dioxide and other climate gases are based on NUTEK`s energy forecasts 13 figs, 38 tabs

  19. Regulatory and technical reports, compilation for 1979. Volume 4. Bibliographical report Jan-Dec 79

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliu, W.E.; McKenzie, L.; Aragon, R.


    The compilation lists formal regulatory and technical reports issued in 1979 by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff and by NRC contractors. The compilation is divided into three major sections. The first major section consists of a sequential listing of all NRC reports in report-number order. The first portion of this sequential section lists staff reports, the second portion lists NRC-sponsored conference proceedings, and the third lists contractor reports. Each report citation in the sequential section contains full bibliographic information

  20. Technical report writing (United States)

    Vidoli, Carol A.


    This manual covers the fundamentals of organizing, writing, and reviewing NASA technical reports. It was written to improve the writing skills of LeRC technical authors and the overall quality of their reports.

  1. Radiation protection philosophy and risk estimates. NCRP Report 43 (1975), NAS-Beir Committee Report (1972, UNSCEAR Report (1972)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Casarett, G.W.


    The purpose of the NCRP report no. 43 was to determine what influence the epidemiological and experimental radiobiological reports of the past several years should have on current NCRP radiation exposure standards. The position of the NCRP is that the lowest practicable radiation level below the recommended dose limits is the fundamental basis for establishing radiation protection standards, and on the assumption that the most important health hazards do not have a dose threshold. The BEIR report states that societal needs can be met with far lower average exposures and risks than permitted by the current Radiation Protection Guide of 170 millirems per yr, and that the current Guide is unnecessarily high. A review is given of the recent history of radiation protection standards and a discussion is given of similarities and differences between the BEIR and UNSCEAR reports

  2. Annual Report 2007

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chmielewska, D; Infeld, E; Zupranski, P [The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Swierk-Otwock (Poland)


    The ''Annual Report 2007'' describes activities of Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies in 2007. Report consists of two parts. First one consist of of general information about location, management, scientific council, personnel, financial support and conferences while the second one describes the scientific activity of Institute. This part is divided into subsections which present progress in research of the Institut Departments and Establishments. A Foreword to all report written by Director of the Institute prof. Grzegorz Wrochna is also given.

  3. Annual Report 2007

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chmielewska, D.; Infeld, E.; Zupranski, P.


    The ''Annual Report 2007'' describes activities of Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies in 2007. Report consists of two parts. First one consist of of general information about location, management, scientific council, personnel, financial support and conferences while the second one describes the scientific activity of Institute. This part is divided into subsections which present progress in research of the Institut Departments and Establishments. A Foreword to all report written by Director of the Institute prof. Grzegorz Wrochna is also given

  4. Ethical Culture and Financial Reporting: Understanding Financial Reporting Practice within Javanese Perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anis Chariri


    Full Text Available This study is a case study conducted in an Indonesian insurance company. The aim of the study is to understand the dynamics of financial reporting in the company. Ontologically, this study is built on a belief that financial reporting practice is a socially constructed reality. As a socially constructed reality, such a practice involves an interaction among social actors, and between organisational actors and the institutional and cultural environment in which the company operates. The main research question of this study is how organisational culture shapes the company on the construction of its financial reporting practice. This study reveals that the company is committed to quality financial reporting because such reporting can be used to gain legitimacy and to maintain social harmony. The company conducts itself in this way is because it reflects Javanese culture, a dominant culture in Indonesia. Furthermore, this study concludes that the way the actors in the company construct financial reporting practice is influenced by its organisational culture. The organisational culture of the company, which reflects Javanese culture, is able to shape the behaviour of its actors from the top level to lower levels to conduct ethical and transparent business practice. Thus, as Hines (1988 claims, this paper concludes that financial reporting practice is a socially constucted reality.

  5. Summary of the Supplemental Model Reports Supporting the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brownson, D. A.


    The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM) has committed to a series of model reports documenting the methodology to be utilized in the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report (YMP 2000). These model reports detail and provide validation of the methodology to be utilized for criticality analyses related to: (1) Waste form/waste package degradation; (2) Waste package isotopic inventory; (3) Criticality potential of degraded waste form/waste package configurations (effective neutron multiplication factor); (4) Probability of criticality (for each potential critical configuration as well as total event); and (5) Criticality consequences. This purpose of this summary report is to provide a status of the model reports and a schedule for their completion. This report also provides information relative to the model report content and validation. The model reports and their revisions are being generated as a result of: (1) Commitments made in the Disposal Criticality Analysis Methodology Topical Report (YMP 2000); (2) Open Items from the Safety Evaluation Report (Reamer 2000); (3) Key Technical Issue agreements made during DOE/U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Technical Exchange Meeting (Reamer and Williams 2000); and (4) NRC requests for additional information (Schlueter 2002)

  6. NSP Production Reports (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — NSP Production Reports contain cumulative data on units assisted with NSP funds. An NSP grantee reports on the accomplishment of an activity when it meets an End...

  7. Research Reports: Heroin (United States)

    ... D. Director National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Report Series HEROIN What is heroin and how is ... and Human Services | National Institutes of Health Research Report Series drug abuse and its consequences to identify ...

  8. Report to Congress on abnormal occurrences, July--September 1977. Quarterly report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Section 208 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 identifies an abnormal occurrence as an unscheduled incident or event which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission determines to be significant from the standpoint of public health or safety and requires a quarterly report of such events to be made to Congress. This report, the tenth in the series, covers the period July 1 to September 30, 1977. The NRC has determined that during this period there were no abnormal occurrences at the 65 nuclear power plants licensed to operate nor at fuel cycle facilities. There was one abnormal occurrence at other licensee facilities, which involved the loss and recovery of a radioactive source and probable overexposure. This report also contains information updating previously reported abnormal occurrences

  9. Reporting Intellectual Capital in Annual Reports: Evidence from Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Parulian Sihotang


    Full Text Available This  exploratory  study  which  replicates  the  content  analysis  methodology  of  Guthrie et  all  (1999,  2004  towards  Intellectual  Capital  (IC  disclosures  in  the  annual  report  has set  several  objectives.  Primarily,  the  empirical  investigation  assesses  the  extent  to  which Indonesian  listed  companies  are  publicly  reporting  their  IC  both  the  amount  and  type  of information  being  reported.  Secondly,  the  investigation  also  examines  the  extent  to  which the various categories of IC are represented in the annual reports of the sample companies. Finally, the study explores the extent to which the level of IC disclosures could be related to companies' characteristics such as industry category, age, ownership structure and market capitalization.  The sample was Indonesia's 23 largest companies listed in the Jakarta Stock Exchange.    In  light  of  research  limitations,  the  preliminary  and  tentative  indings  of  this study  indicate  that  irst  of  all,  similar  to  indings  worldwide,  Indonesian  companies  have substantial intellectual capital and they do aware and disclose their intellectual capital in the annual reports. Secondly, IC that tends to be most often reported is relational capital, followed by human capital and organizational capital. Thirdly, even though the trend in IC disclosure as a whole is generally increasing, there is no conclusive and predictable pattern found.  Fourthly,  the  IC  identiied  and  reported  is  inconsistent  as  no  framework  available in  helping  the  companies  discloses  intellectual  capital.  Fifthly,  most  of  the  intellectual capital  components  identiied  are  in  qualitative  format.  Sixthly,  even  though  the  study  did not ind a conclusive evidence regarding the relationship between the level of  IC

  10. Topical report review status. Bi-annual report 15 July 1980-15 July 1981

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The primary purpose of this document is to provide periodic progress reports of on-going topical report reviews, to identify those topical reports for which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff review has been completed and, to the extent practicable, to provide NRC management with sufficient information regarding the conduct of the topical report program to permit taking whatever actions deemed necessary or appropriate

  11. Self-reported versus informant-reported depressive symptoms in adults with mild intellectual disability. (United States)

    Mileviciute, I; Hartley, S L


    Virtually nothing is known about potential differences in the types of depression symptoms reported by adults with mild intellectual disability (ID) on self-reported questionnaires as compared with the types of symptoms reported by caregivers on informant questionnaires. Moreover, little is known about how the presentation of depression among adults with mild ID varies based on socio-demographic characteristics. We compared findings from two self-reported questionnaires, the Self-Reported Depression Questionnaire (SRDQ) and the Glasgow Depression Scale for People with a Learning Disability (GDS), to that of an informant questionnaire of depressive symptoms, the Glasgow Depression Scale--Caregiver Supplement (CGDS), in 80 adults with mild ID. We also examined the association between age, sex, IQ and the presence of a co-occurring psychiatric disorder and frequency of affective, cognitive and somatic depressive symptoms in our sample of adults with mild ID. Adults with mild ID self-reported a higher frequency of affective and cognitive depressive symptoms than staff reported on the informant measure. Staff reported a higher frequency of somatic symptoms than adults with mild ID on one of the self-reported questionnaires (GDS) and a similar frequency on the other self-reported questionnaire (SRDQ). Important differences were found in the types of depressive symptoms based on their IQ, age and presence of a co-occurring psychiatric disorder. Informant questionnaires offer valuable information, but assessment should include self-reported questionnaires as these questionnaires add unique information about internalised experiences (affective and cognitive symptoms) of adults with mild ID that may not be apparent to caregivers. Health care providers should be made aware of the important differences in the presentation of depressive based on their IQ, age and presence of a co-occurring psychiatric disorder. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, MENCAP & IASSID.

  12. Do newspaper reports of suicides comply with standard suicide reporting guidelines? A study from Bangalore, India. (United States)

    Chandra, Prabha S; Doraiswamy, Padmavathy; Padmanabh, Anuroopa; Philip, Mariamma


    Several countries have prescribed standard guidelines for media professionals on suicide reporting. However, the implementation of these guidelines has been varied. Suicide rates in South Asia are one of the highest in the world, and it is known that media guidelines for suicide reporting are not followed adequately. However, there are no published reports available from this region. This study aimed at assessing newspaper reports of suicide for quality of reporting based on standard reporting guidelines and to study differences between English and vernacular (Kannada) newspapers in Bangalore, South India. A total of 341 newspaper reports of suicide from 550 newspapers (3 English and 3 Kannada) over 3 months were systematically assessed for compliance with reporting guidelines. Each report was evaluated on 2 domains and 36 parameters. Data were analyzed for frequency of inappropriate reporting and patterns compared between vernacular and English newspapers. In all, 87% of the reports were those of completed suicide. Non-compliant reporting - method of suicide was reported in 89% and 32% of reports were in prominent pages of the newspaper, 95% mentioned gender, 90% reported the name, 80% reported age and suicide location, 75% reported life events related to suicide, 70% reported occupation, 69% had headline explicity on suicide and 61% reported monocausality. Only 16% reported mental disorder related to suicide, and less than 3% included information on suicide prevention and helplines. Vernacular papers showed significantly better compliance in 16 of the 20 areas. However, protective characteristics were better reported in English newspapers. Majority of reports on suicides in newspapers from Bangalore did not comply with standard guidelines of reporting. There is a strong need to evolve local guidelines and mechanisms for ensuring responsible reporting which have important implications in prevention of suicide. © The Author(s) 2013.

  13. Uranium purchases report 1993

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Data reported by domestic nuclear utility companies in their responses to the 1991 through 1993 ''Uranium Industry Annual Survey,'' Form EIA-858, Schedule B,'' Uranium Marketing Activities,'' are provided in response to the requirements in the Energy Policy Act 1992. Appendix A contains an explanation of Form EIA-858 survey methodologies with emphasis on the processing of Schedule B data. Additional information published in this report not included in Uranium Purchases Report 1992, includes a new data table. Presented in Table 1 are US utility purchases of uranium and enrichment services by origin country. Also, this report contains additional purchase information covering average price and contract duration. Table 2 is an update of Table 1 and Table 3 is an update of Table 2 from the previous year's report. The report contains a glossary of terms

  14. ERAWATCH Country Reports 2012

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grimpe, Christoph

    between the national priorities and the structural challenges, highlighting the latest developments, their dynamics and impact in the overall national context. They further analyse and assess the ability of the policy mix in place to consistently and efficiently tackle these challenges. These reports were......This analytical country report is one of a series of annual ERAWATCH reports produced for EU Member States and Countries Associated to the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Union (FP7). The main objective of the ERAWATCH Annual Country Reports is to characterise and assess...... the performance of national research systems and related policies in a structured manner that is comparable across countries. The Country Report 2012 builds on and updates the 2011 edition. The report identifies the structural challenges of the national research and innovation system and assesses the match...

  15. Mandated reporters' experiences with reporting child maltreatment: a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. (United States)

    McTavish, Jill R; Kimber, Melissa; Devries, Karen; Colombini, Manuela; MacGregor, Jennifer C D; Wathen, C Nadine; Agarwal, Arnav; MacMillan, Harriet L


    To systematically search for research about the effectiveness of mandatory reporting of child maltreatment and to synthesise qualitative research that explores mandated reporters' (MRs) experiences with reporting. As no studies assessing the effectiveness of mandatory reporting were retrieved from our systematic search, we conducted a meta-synthesis of retrieved qualitative research. Searches in Medline (Ovid), Embase, PsycINFO, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Sociological Abstracts, Education Resources Information Center, Criminal Justice Abstracts and Cochrane Library yielded over 6000 citations, which were deduplicated and then screened by two independent reviewers. English-language, primary qualitative studies that investigated MRs' experiences with reporting of child maltreatment were included. Critical appraisal involved a modified checklist from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme and qualitative meta-synthesis was used to combine results from the primary studies. All healthcare and social-service settings implicated by mandatory reporting laws were included. Included studies crossed nine high-income countries (USA, Australia, Sweden, Taiwan, Canada, Norway, Finland, Israel and Cyprus) and three middle-income countries (South Africa, Brazil and El Salvador). The studies represent the views of 1088 MRs. Factors that influence MRs' decision to report and MRs' views towards and experiences with mandatory reporting of child maltreatment. Forty-four articles reporting 42 studies were included. Findings indicate that MRs struggle to identify and respond to less overt forms of child maltreatment. While some articles (14%) described positive experiences MRs had with the reporting process, negative experiences were reported in 73% of articles and included accounts of harm to therapeutic relationships and child death following removal from their family of origin. The findings of this meta-synthesis suggest that there are many potentially

  16. The Social-Financial Responsible Reporting – The Key for Integrated Reporting


    Iulia Jianu


    General purpose of financial statements is to satisfy the needs of users who are not in the position to require of the entity to prepare reports tailored to their particular information needs. Because the public is one of these users interested of social information and because the financial statement do not provide sufficient social information to satisfy these needs, the study demonstrate the need to integrate the responsible social reporting into financial reporting. In order to support th...

  17. Effect of electronic report writing on the quality of nursing report recording (United States)

    Heidarizadeh, Khadijeh; Rassouli, Maryam; Manoochehri, Houman; Tafreshi, Mansoureh Zagheri; Ghorbanpour, Reza Kashef


    Background and Aim Recording performed nursery actions is one of the main chores of nurses. The findings have shown that recorded reports are not qualitatively valid. Since electronic reports can be regarded as a base to write reports, this study aims at determining the effect of utilizing electronic nursing reports on the quality of the records. Methods This quasi-experimental study was conducted with the aim of applying an electronic system of nursing recording in the heart department of Shahid Rahimi Medical Center, Lorestan University of Medical Science. The samples were nursing reports on the hospitalized patients in the heart department, the basis of complete enumeration (census) during the fall of 2014. The subjects were sixteen employed nurses. To do the study, the software of nursing records was set based on the Clinical Care Classification system (CCC). The research’s tool was the checklist of the Standards of Nursing Documentation. Results The findings indicated that before and after the intervention, the amount of reports’ adaption with the written standards, respectively, was (21.8%) and (71.3%), and the most complete recording was medicine status (58%) and (100%). The worst complete recording before the intervention, acute changes was (99.1%) and nursing processes was (78%) and after, the medicine status, intake and output status and patient’s education (100%); while the nursing report structure was regarded in all cases (100%). The results showed that there is a significant difference in the quality of reporting before and after using CCC (pnurses are reminded to record the necessary parts and from the other point, the system does not allow the user to shut it down unless the necessary parameters are recorded. For this reason, the quality of recorded reports with electronic reporting improves. PMID:29238481

  18. Incentives for reporting disease outbreaks.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramanan Laxminarayan

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Countries face conflicting incentives to report infectious disease outbreaks. Reports of outbreaks can prompt other countries to impose trade and travel restrictions, which has the potential to discourage reporting. However, reports can also bring medical assistance to contain the outbreak, including access to vaccines. METHODS: We compiled data on reports of meningococcal meningitis to the World Health Organization (WHO from 54 African countries between 1966 and 2002, a period is marked by two events: first, a large outbreak reported from many countries in 1987 associated with the Hajj that resulted in more stringent requirements for meningitis vaccination among pilgrims; and second, another large outbreak in Sub-Saharan Africa in 1996 that led to a new international mechanism to supply vaccines to countries reporting a meningitis outbreak. We used fixed-effects regression modeling to statistically estimate the effect of external forcing events on the number of countries reporting cases of meningitis to WHO. FINDINGS: We find that the Hajj vaccination requirements started in 1988 were associated with reduced reporting, especially among countries with relatively fewer cases reported between 1966 and 1979. After the vaccine provision mechanism was in place in 1996, reporting among countries that had previously not reported meningitis outbreaks increased. INTERPRETATION: These results indicate that countries may respond to changing incentives to report outbreaks when they can do so. In the long term, these incentives are likely to be more important than surveillance assistance in prompt reporting of outbreaks.

  19. Photovoltaic Programme, Edition 2006. Summary report. Project list. Annual project reports 2005 (abstracts)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nowak, S.


    This comprehensive, illustrated report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) presents an overview of the work done as part of the 2005 research programme, along with the abstracts of the annual reports of the project leaders on research projects. It presents the programme's main points of focus, discusses the work done and the results obtained. Areas covered include cell technology (13 reports), solar modules and building integration (3 reports) , system technology (4 reports) as well as various further projects (5) that are connected with photovoltaics. Four further reports concern international co-operation. Further, several pilot and demonstration (P+D) projects are discussed. Lists of all research and development projects and pilot and demonstration projects are supplied. Work done at several institutions in Switzerland and at leading commercial companies is described.

  20. Home Activities Reports (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — This monthly report is an Excel spreadsheet, broken up by state. PJs can use this report to view activities with the 2012 or 2013 program year in IDIS, including;...

  1. Annual report 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toncik, M.


    In this Annual report the operating of the Slovak Environmental Agency in 2002 is reported. Structure of the Agency, mission, personnel structure, financing, monitoring of the environment, international cooperation and coordination of research programmes are reviewed

  2. 7 CFR 1773.32 - Report on compliance and on internal control over financial reporting. (United States)


    ... financial reporting. 1773.32 Section 1773.32 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture... RUS Reporting Requirements § 1773.32 Report on compliance and on internal control over financial... control over financial reporting including whether or not the tests performed provided sufficient evidence...

  3. Integrated reporting and board features

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rares HURGHIS


    Full Text Available In the last two decades the concept of sustainability reporting gained more importance in the companies’ annual reports, a trend which is embedded also in integrated reporting. Issuing an integrated report became a necessity, because the report explains to the investors how the organization creates value over time. The governance structure, more exactly the board of directors, decides whether or not the company will issue an integrated report. Thus, are there certain features of the board that might influence the issue of an integrated report? Do the companies which issue an integrated report have certain features of the governance structure? Looking for an answer to these questions, we seek for any possible correlations between a disclosure index and the corporate governance structure characteristics, on a sample from the companies participating at the International Integrated Reporting Council Examples Database. The results highlight that only the size of the board influences the extent to which the issued integrated report is in accordance with the International Framework.

  4. Annual report 1979

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The departments of IPP Garching: High-Beta-Plasma, Tokamak, Computer Science, Acceleration, Stellarators, Theory, Surface Physics, and Technology, present their R + D activities in 1979. Also reported are the activities of the Central Technical Services, the organisational structure of IPP, the managing board, administration, general services, and public relations activities. The report is supplemented by a list of publications and conference reports and a description of projects carried out at the Universities of Stuttgart, Muenchen and Frankfurt/Main on behalf of the IPP. (GG) [de

  5. Supplementary Analysis for "Measuring Up 2000": An Exploratory Report. National Center Report. (United States)

    Martinez, Mario

    This report was created to generate ideas about the kinds of data that might be used to produce follow-up analyses of "Measuring Up 2000," the state-by-state report card for higher education. The analysis attempts to present report card data and related information graphically and mathematically in ways that might be useful to policymakers and…

  6. Drivers of corporate social responsibility reporting; Case studies from three reporting companies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Tschopp PhD, MBA, CPA


    Past research cited several reasons companies issued reports, but it does not tell the whole story. These three individual case studies demonstrate the importance of the primary determinant behind an organization’s decision to issue a CSR report. This finding can provide valuable information for further studies that deal with the promotion, diffusion, and harmonization of CSR reporting.

  7. Data report for the integrity assessment report HNF-4589

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of this document is to compile supporting documentation for the Integrity Assessment Report (HNF 4589) for Tanks 101 and 102 in the 2194 Facility. This approach minimizes the size of the Integrity Assessment Report (IAR) (HNF-4589) and still provide a path to detailed information. This IAR addresses the evaluation of Tanks 101 and 102 and other existing components located in the 219-5 Waste Handling Facility.

  8. 23 CFR 230.121 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 23 Highways 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Reports. 230.121 Section 230.121 Highways FEDERAL... Reports. (a) Employment reports on Federal-aid highway construction contracts not subject to “Hometown” or... reporting requirements. FHWA Form PR-1391, Federal-Aid Highway Construction Contractors Annual EEO Report...

  9. 7 CFR 1250.529 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 1250.529 Section 1250.529 Agriculture... Regulations Registration, Certification and Reports § 1250.529 Reports. (a) Collecting handler reports. (1) Each collecting handler shall make reports on forms made available or approved by the Egg Board. Each...

  10. Homebuyer Activities Report (United States)

    Department of Housing and Urban Development — This monthly report is an Excel spreadsheet. PJs can use this report to view homebuyer activities with the 2012 or 2013 program year in IDIS that are in final draw,...

  11. Annual report 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toncik, M.


    In this Annual report the operating of the Slovak Environmental Agency in 2005 is reported. The structure of the Agency, mission, personnel structure, financing, monitoring of the environment, international cooperation and coordination of research programmes are reviewed

  12. Annual report 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toncik, M.


    In this Annual report the operating of the Slovak Environmental Agency in 2004 is reported. The structure of the Agency, mission, personnel structure, financing, monitoring of the environment, international cooperation and coordination of research programmes are reviewed

  13. Annual report 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toncik, M.


    In this Annual report the operating of the Slovak Environmental Agency in 2003 is reported. The structure of the Agency, mission, personnel structure, financing, monitoring of the environment, international cooperation and coordination of research programmes are reviewed

  14. Annual report 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    In this Annual report the operating of the Slovak Environmental Agency in 2006 is reported. The structure of the Agency, mission, personnel structure, financing, monitoring of the environment, international cooperation and coordination of research programmes are reviewed

  15. CSR and CSR Reporting: Reporting as a way to create Socially Responsible Business

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabio Andrés Bonilla Sanabria


    In this scenario the Reporting of Non-Financial Information is studied as a way to create socially responsible businesses. In addressing the reporting of non-financial information, the article provides a state of affairs regarding reporting and considers specific examples of disclosure of corporate information. The CSR battle has been transferred to the reporting of non-financial information but in this field there are many difficulties unresolved and challenges ahead.

  16. CSIR Annual report 1963

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the nineteenth annual report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The report covers the period from the 1st January, 1963, to the 31st December 1963. Balance sheets and statements of income and expenditure...

  17. ATLAS accelerator laboratory report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Den Hartog, P.


    The operation of the ATLAS Accelerator is reported. Modifications are reported, including the installation of conductive tires for the Pelletron chain pulleys, installation of a new high frequency sweeper system at the entrance to the linac, and improvements to the rf drive ports of eight resonators to correct failures in the thermally conductive ceramic insulators. Progress is reported on the positive-ion injector upgrade for ATLAS. Also reported are building modifications and possible new uses for the tandem injector

  18. 21 CFR 812.150 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Reports. 812.150 Section 812.150 Food and Drugs... INVESTIGATIONAL DEVICE EXEMPTIONS Records and Reports § 812.150 Reports. (a) Investigator reports. An investigator shall prepare and submit the following complete, accurate, and timely reports: (1) Unanticipated adverse...

  19. DIMEC - Final Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Conrad, Finn


    Final report of the research project DIMEC - Danish InfoMechatronic Control supported by the Danish Technical Research Council, STVF.......Final report of the research project DIMEC - Danish InfoMechatronic Control supported by the Danish Technical Research Council, STVF....

  20. Annual report 1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Atomic Energy Licensing Board is a Malaysian regulatory body directly involved in controlling the radiation safety and activities concerning atomic energy. Operating and financial performance report is presented. The details of all revenues and expenditures are also reported

  1. Annual report '80

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document is an annual report from the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) and the Foundation Institute for Nuclear Physics Research (IKO). The FOM stimulates research in new fields of physics, by the co-ordination of existing research projects and by calling in the help of its institutes and working groups. Furthermore it supports the IKO which has as its task the promotion of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of nuclear physics and related fields in the Netherlands. The report contains organisational and financial reports and information concerning the personnel. The following FOM institutes/working-communities have submitted separate reports: Nuclear physics, Institute for atomic and molecular physics, Atomic physics, Metals FOM-TNO, Molecular physics, Solid State, Thermonuclear Research and Plasma Physics and High energy physics. Reports are also included from the Special Committee for Theoretical physics, The Special Committee for Technical physics and the Contact Group for technical semi-conductor physics and electronics. Four ''trend articles'' are also included with the following titles: 'Atomic hydrogen as a gas at low temperatures', 'Negative ion beams', 'Turbulence in plasmas' and 'Nuclear structure described by interacting bosons'. (C.F.)

  2. Limitations and obstacles of the spontaneous adverse drugs reactions reporting: Two “challenging” case reports (United States)

    Palleria, Caterina; Leporini, Christian; Chimirri, Serafina; Marrazzo, Giuseppina; Sacchetta, Sabrina; Bruno, Lucrezia; Lista, Rosaria M.; Staltari, Orietta; Scuteri, Antonio; Scicchitano, Francesca; Russo, Emilio


    Introduction: Nowadays, based on several epidemiological data, iatrogenic disease is an emerging public health problem, especially in industrialized countries. Adverse drugs reactions (ADRs) are extremely common and, therefore, clinically, socially, and economically worthy of attention. Spontaneous reporting system for suspected ADRs represents the cornerstone of the pharmacovigilance, because it allows rapid detection of potential alarm signals related to drugs use. However, spontaneous reporting system shows several limitations, which are mainly related to under-reporting. In this paper, we describe two particular case reports, which emphasize some reasons of under-reporting and other common criticisms of spontaneous reporting systems. Materials and Methods: We performed a computer-aided search of Medline, PubMed, Embase, Cochrane library databases, national and international databases of suspected ADRs reports in order to identify previous published case reports and spontaneous reports about the ADRs reviewed in this paper, and to examine the role of suspected drugs in the pathogenesis of the described adverse reactions. Results: First, we reported a case of tizanidine-induced hemorrhagic cystitis. In the second case report, we presented an episode of asthma exacerbation after taking bimatoprost. Through the review of these two cases, we highlighted some common criticisms of spontaneous reporting systems: under-reporting and false causality attribution. Discussion and Conclusion: Healthcare workers sometimes do not report ADRs because it is challenging to establish with certainty the causal relationship between drug and adverse reaction; however, according to a key principle of pharmacovigilance, it is always better to report even a suspicion to generate an alarm in the interest of protecting public health. PMID:24347986

  3. The Hidden Cost of Regulation: The Administrative Cost of Reporting Serious Reportable Events. (United States)

    Blanchfield, Bonnie B; Acharya, Bijay; Mort, Elizabeth


    More than half of the 50 states (27) and the District of Columbia require reporting of Serous Reportable Events (SREs). The goal is to hold providers accountable and improve patient safety, but there is little information about the administrative cost of this reporting requirement. This study was conducted to identify costs associated with investigating and reporting SREs. This qualitative study used case study methods that included interviewing staff and review of data and documents to investigate each SRE occurring at one academic medical center during fiscal year 2013. A framework of tasks and a model to categorize costs was created. Time was summarized and costs were estimated for each SRE. The administrative cost to process 44 SREs was estimated at $353,291, an average cost of $8,029 per SRE, ranging $6,653 for an environmental-related SRE to $21,276 for a device-related SRE. Care management SREs occurred most frequently, costing an average $7,201 per SRE. Surgical SREs, the most expensive on average, cost $9,123 per SRE. Investigation of events accounted for 64.5% of total cost; public reporting, 17.2%; internal reporting, 10.2%; finance and administration, 6.0%; and 2.1%, other. Even with 26 states mandating reporting, the 17.2% incremental cost of public reporting is substantial. Policy makers should consider the opportunity costs of these resources, averaging $8,029 per SRE, when mandating reporting. The benefits of public reporting should be collectively reviewed to ensure that the incremental costs in this resource-constrained environment continue to improve patient safety and that trade-offs are acknowledged. Copyright © 2017 The Joint Commission. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. 2007 Site Environmental Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) prepares an annual Site Environmental Report (SER) in accordance with DOE Order 231.1A, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting of the U.S. Department of Energy. The report is written to inform the public, regulators, employees, and other stakeholders of the Laboratory's environmental performance during the calendar year in review. Volume I of the SER summarizes environmental data; environmental management performance; compliance with applicable DOE, federal, state, and local regulations; and performance in restoration and surveillance monitoring programs. BNL has prepared annual SERs since 1971 and has documented nearly all of its environmental history since the Laboratory's inception in 1947. Volume II of the SER, the Groundwater Status Report, also is prepared annually to report on the status of and evaluate the performance of groundwater treatment systems at the Laboratory. Volume II includes detailed technical summaries of groundwater data and its interpretation, and is intended for internal BNL users, regulators, and other technically oriented stakeholders. A brief summary of the information contained in Volume II is included in this volume in Chapter 7, Groundwater Protection. Both reports are available in print and as downloadable files on the BNL web page at An electronic version on compact disc is distributed with each printed report. In addition, a summary of Volume I is prepared each year to provide a general overview of the report, and is distributed with a compact disc containing the-length report.

  5. Enhancing nuclear safety. Annual report 2014. Financial report 2014

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After some introductory texts proposed by several IRSN head managers, and a brief presentation of some key data illustrating the activity, the annual report presents the main strategic orientations, notably in the field of knowledge management, and of information and communication. After some images illustrating the past year, activities are presented. They first deal with safety: Reactor safety (operating experience feedback), From decommissioning old reactors to designing those of the future, Safety of laboratories and plants, Safety regarding risks due to infrastructure near nuclear facilities, Reactor aging, Fuel: research on corrosion and deformation, Research and assessments for improved understanding of accident situations, Earthquakes: research and assessments, About defense, Geological disposal of radioactive waste. They secondly deal with security and non-proliferation (nuclear security, nuclear non-proliferation, chemical weapon ban), thirdly with radiation protection for human and environment health (environment monitoring, radionuclide transfer in the environment, radon and polluted sites, human exposure, radiation protection in the workplace, effects of low-dose chronic exposures, Organization of radiation protection at the European level, protection in health care), and fourthly with emergency and post-accident situations (emergency and post-accident preparedness and response, Emergency response tools). The next part of the activity report addresses issues related to efficiency: Real estate program (construction projects get started), Hygiene, safety, social responsibility, Human resources, Organization chart, Board of directors, Steering committee for the nuclear defense expertise Division - CODEND, Scientific council, Ethics commission composition, Nuclear safety and radiation protection Research policy committee - COR. The financial report proposes a management report, financial statements with an appendix to annual accounts, and an auditor

  6. Annual report 1975

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A survey is presented of: a) Research activities carried out during 1975 within the framework of the scientific sections of the Institute, b) the central technical seπtions and their services, and c) the organizational structure. Enclosed are: 1) Report on the activities of the administrative management, the administration, and general services, 2) a list of all publications and conference reports issued by IPP Garching during 1975, and an annual report by the Institut fuer Plasmaphysik of the University of Stuttgart, an institute financed by IPP Garching. (GG) [de

  7. Annual Report 1981

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Annual Report covers the activities at the Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (KVI) during the year 1981. It contains 74 short reports grouped under the headings: inelastic scattering studies, transfer and charge-exchange reactions, breakup reactions and fission studies, heavy-ion reactions, gamma, electron and X-ray spectroscopy, hyperfine interactions and nuclear orientation, weak interactions, IBA related studies, other theoretical studies, cyclotron and beam lines, data acquisition and data analysis, instrumentation and electronics and medical physics. Details are also presented of the personnel, scientific publications, internal reports, and attended and internal conferences and seminars. (C.F.)

  8. CSIR Annual report 1966

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the twenty second annual report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The report covers the period from the 1st January, 1966, to the 31st December 1966. Balance sheets and statements of income and expenditure...

  9. CSIR Annual report 1968

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the twenty fourth annual report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The report covers the period from the 1st January, 1968, to the 31st December 1968. Balance sheets and statements of income and expenditure...

  10. CSIR Annual report 1971

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the twenty seventh annual report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The report covers the period from the 1st January, 1971, to the 31st December 1971. Balance sheets and statements of income and expenditure...

  11. CSIR Annual report 1970

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the twenty sixth annual report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The report covers the period from the 1st January, 1970, to the 31st December 1970. Balance sheets and statements of income and expenditure...

  12. CSIR Annual report 1969

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the twenty fifth annual report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The report covers the period from the 1st January, 1969, to the 31st December 1969. Balance sheets and statements of income and expenditure...

  13. CSIR Annual report 1967

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the twenty third annual report of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. The report covers the period from the 1st January, 1967, to the 31st December 1967. Balance sheets and statements of income and expenditure...

  14. CSIR Annual report 1980

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the thirty-sixth annual report of the CSIR. The report covers the period 1 January, 1980 to 31 December 1980. A balance sheet and statements of income and expenditure for the financial year ended 31st March 1980, certified...

  15. CSIR Annual report 1962

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the eighteenth annual report of the CSIR. The report covers the period 1 January, 1962 to 31 December 1962. A balance sheet and statements of income and expenditure for the financial year ended 31st March 1962, certified...

  16. CSIR Annual report 1983

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the thirty ninth annual report of the CSIR. The report covers the period 1 January, 1983 to 31 December 1983. A balance sheet and statements of income and expenditure for the financial year ended 31st March 1983, certified...

  17. CSIR Annual report 1981

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the thirty seventh annual report of the CSIR. The report covers the period 1 January, 1981 to 31 December 1981. A balance sheet and statements of income and expenditure for the financial year ended 31st March 1981, certified...

  18. CSIR Annual report 1982

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)



    Full Text Available This report presents the thirty eighth annual report of the CSIR. The report covers the period 1 January, 1982 to 31 December 1982. A balance sheet and statements of income and expenditure for the financial year ended 31st March 1982, certified...

  19. 12 CFR 630.5 - Accuracy of reports and assessment of internal control over financial reporting. (United States)


    ... control over financial reporting. 630.5 Section 630.5 Banks and Banking FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION FARM... assessment of internal control over financial reporting. (1) Annual reports must include a report by the... disclose any material change(s) in the internal control over financial reporting occurring during the...

  20. IAEA progress report. Highlights of report to ECOSOC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The report notes that the application of radioisotope techniques to the general industrial economy is already well established in a number of the more developed countries, but because of rapid scientific and technical advance and the prospect of entirely new fields of utilization being opened up, the picture is continually changing with an increasing number of applications. The report states: 'The applications of radiation and radioisotopes in medicine and agriculture are most promising for the economic and social progress of the less developed countries, and the Agency, in consultation with WHO and FAO, is assisting in their promotion'. As for the medical uses of radioisotopes, the report describes diagnosis as 'a particularly important example of a complete change in the methods now being employed as a result of the use of radioisotope techniques'. It draws attention to the seminar on medical radioisotope scanning held in February under the joint auspices of IAEA and WHO, and to the award of contracts by IAEA for research on the medical applications of radioisotopes. Referring to the work being done in a number of advanced countries on the possibility of preserving food by irradiation, the report discloses that a survey of this work is being made by the Agency in consultation with FAO, in order to determine whether such applications would be economically feasible in the less developed areas of the world. The report says: 'it is expected that in the long run, the development of nuclear power will be the most important peaceful application of atomic energy, and that the Agency's assistance to Member States in this field will become its leading or at least one of its major activities'. It explains that the Agency's initial work is concerned with both the technical and economic aspects of the matter, with particular reference to the needs of the less developed countries. The report notes the importance of the Agency's work in the field of technical assistance and

  1. Task leaders reports

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loriaux, E.F.; Jehee, J.N.T.


    Report on CRP-OSS Task 4.1.1. ''Survey of existing documentation relevant to this programme's goals'' and report on CRP-OSS Task 4.1.2. ''Survey of existing Operator Support Systems and the experience with them'' are presented. 2 tabs

  2. Annual report 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In this annual report of the Dutch Interfacultary Reactor Institute, summary and detailed reports are presented of current research during 1987 of the departments radiochemistry, radiation chemistry, radiation physics and reactor physics. (H.W.). 61 refs.; 13 figs.; 14 tabs

  3. 2014 Site Environmental Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paquette, Douglas [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Remien, Jason [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Foley, Brian [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Burke, John [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Dorsch, William [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Ratel, Karen [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Howe, Robert [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Welty, Tim [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Williams, Jeffrey [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Pohlpt, Peter [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Lagattolla, Richard [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Metz, Robert [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Milligan, James [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States); Lettieri, Lawrence [Brookhaven National Lab. (BNL), Upton, NY (United States)


    BNL prepares an annual Site Environmental Report (SER) in accordance with DOE Order 231.1B, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting. The report is written to inform the public, regulators, employees, and other stakeholders of the Laboratory’s environmental performance during the calendar year in review.

  4. 2002 Turkey Energy Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Report includes developments and variations in energy sector of Turkey in 2002. In addition This report also includes activities and statistics in all the energy sector of our country in 2002. Energy Report hadn't been published in last two years due to some technique reasons

  5. Systematic Review of Radiation Therapy Toxicity Reporting in Randomized Controlled Trials of Rectal Cancer: A Comparison of Patient-Reported Outcomes and Clinician Toxicity Reporting

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gilbert, Alexandra, E-mail: [Leeds Institute of Cancer & Pathology, University of Leeds, Leeds (United Kingdom); Ziegler, Lucy; Martland, Maisie [Leeds Institute of Cancer & Pathology, University of Leeds, Leeds (United Kingdom); Davidson, Susan [The Christie Hospital, Manchester (United Kingdom); Efficace, Fabio [Italian Group for Adult Hematologic Diseases, Rome (Italy); Sebag-Montefiore, David; Velikova, Galina [Leeds Institute of Cancer & Pathology, University of Leeds, Leeds (United Kingdom)


    The use of multimodal treatments for rectal cancer has improved cancer-related outcomes but makes monitoring toxicity challenging. Optimizing future radiation therapy regimens requires collection and publication of detailed toxicity data. This review evaluated the quality of toxicity information provided in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of radiation therapy in rectal cancer and focused on the difference between clinician-reported and patient-reported toxicity. Medline, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library were searched (January 1995-July 2013) for RCTs reporting late toxicity in patients treated with regimens including preoperative (chemo)radiation therapy. Data on toxicity measures and information on toxicity reported were extracted using Quantitative Analyses of Normal Tissue Effects in the Clinic recommendations. International Society for Quality of Life Research standards on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) were used to evaluate the quality of patient-reported toxicity. Twenty-one RCT publications met inclusion criteria out of 4144 articles screened. All PRO studies reported higher rates of toxicity symptoms than clinician-reported studies and reported on a wider range and milder symptoms. No clinician-reported study published data on sexual dysfunction. Of the clinician-reported studies, 55% grouped toxicity data related to an organ system together (eg “Bowel”), and 45% presented data only on more-severe (grade ≥3) toxicity. In comparison, all toxicity grades were reported in 79% of PRO publications, and all studies (100%) presented individual symptom toxicity data (eg bowel urgency). However, PRO reporting quality was variable. Only 43% of PRO studies presented baseline data, 28% did not use any psychometrically validated instruments, and only 29% of studies described statistical methods for managing missing data. Analysis of these trials highlights the lack of reporting standards for adverse events and reveals the differences between clinician and

  6. A compilation of reports of the Advisory Committee on reactor safeguards. 1996 Annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This compilation contains 47 ACRS reports submitted to the Commission, or to the Executive Director for Operations, during calendar year 1996. It also includes a report to the Congress on the NRC Safety Research Program. All reports have been made available to the public through the NRC Public Document Room, the U.S. Library of Congress, and the Internet at The reports are divided into two groups: Part 1 contains ACRS reports by project name and by chronological order within project name. Part 2 categorizes the reports by the most appropriate generic subject area and by chronological order within subject area

  7. 2009 Site Environmental Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ratel, K.M.; Brookhaven National Laboratory


    Each year, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) prepares an annual Site Environmental Report (SER) in accordance with DOE Order 231.1A, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting of the U.S. Department of Energy. The report is written to inform the public, regulators, employees, and other stakeholders of BNL's environmental performance during the calendar year in review. The SER summarizes environmental data; environmental management performance; compliance with applicable DOE, federal, state, and local regulations; and compliance, restoration, and surveillance monitoring program performance. BNL has prepared annual SERs since 1971 and has documented nearly all of its environmental history since the Laboratory's inception in 1947. The report is available in print and as a downloadable file on the BNL web page at A summary of the SER is also prepared each year to provide a general overview of the report, and is distributed with a CD of the full report.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Each year, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) prepares an annual Site Environmental Report (SER) in accordance with DOE Order 231.1A, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting of the U.S. Department of Energy. The report is written to inform the public, regulators, employees, and other stakeholders of BNL's environmental performance during the calendar year in review. The SER summarizes environmental data; environmental management performance; compliance with applicable DOE, federal, state, and local regulations; and compliance, restoration, and surveillance monitoring program performance. BNL has prepared annual SERs since 1971 and has documented nearly all of its environmental history since the Laboratory's inception in 1947. The report is available in print and as a downloadable file on the BNL web page at A summary of the SER is also prepared each year to provide a general overview of the report, and is distributed with a CD of the full report.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Each year, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) prepares an annual Site Environmental Report (SER) in accordance with DOE Order 231.1A, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The report is written to inform the public, regulators, employees, and other stakeholders of BNL's environmental performance during the calendar year in review. The SER summarizes environmental data; environmental management performance; compliance with applicable DOE, federal, state, and local regulations; and compliance, restoration, and surveillance monitoring program performance. BNL has prepared annual SERs since 1971 and has documented nearly all of its environmental history since the Laboratory's inception in 1947. The report is available in print and as a downloadable file on the BNL web page at A summary of the SER is also prepared each year to provide a general overview of the report, and is distributed with a CD of the full report.

  10. 49 CFR 40.97 - What do laboratories report and how do they report it? (United States)


    ... it? 40.97 Section 40.97 Transportation Office of the Secretary of Transportation PROCEDURES FOR... report and how do they report it? (a) As a laboratory, you must report the results for each primary... release the laboratory results report only after review and approval by the certifying scientist. It must...

  11. Grant Closeout Requirements and Reports (United States)

    Requirements and reports to comply with grant closeout, including Final Federal Financial Report (FFR, SF425); Final Research Performance Progress Report (FRPPR); Interim Research Performance Progress Report (IRPPR); Final Invention Statement (FIS, HHS

  12. Environmental Radiation Data: Report 47, July-September 1986. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report is compiled and distributed quarterly by the Office of Radiation Programs' Eastern Environmental Radiation Facility (EERF), Montgomery, Alabama, and contains data from the Enviromental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System (ERAMS). Data from similar networks operated by contributing States, Canada, Mexico, and the Pan American Health Organization are reported in the ERD when available

  13. Denmark's National Inventory Report 2010

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Lyck, Erik; Mikkelsen, Mette Hjorth


    This report is Denmark's National Inventory Report 2010. The report contains information on Denmark's emission inventories for all years' from 1990 to 2008 for CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6, NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2.......This report is Denmark's National Inventory Report 2010. The report contains information on Denmark's emission inventories for all years' from 1990 to 2008 for CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6, NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2....

  14. Annual report 1997

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This annual report presents an evaluation of activities of the Entomology Unit of the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, Seibersdorf. The major themes of the report include mass rearing and quality control in Tsetse fly and research on Medfly genetic sexing strains.

  15. Annual report 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report presents an evaluation of activities of the Entomology Unit of the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, Seibersdorf. The major themes of the report include mass rearing and quality control in Tsetse fly and research on Medfly genetic sexing strains

  16. Annual report 1999

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report presents an evaluation of activities of the Entomology Unit of the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, Seibersdorf. The major themes of the report include mass rearing and quality control in Tsetse fly and research on Medfly genetic sexing strains

  17. Annual report 1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This annual report presents an evaluation of activities of the Entomology Unit of the FAO/IAEA Agriculture and Biotechnology Laboratory, Seibersdorf. The major themes of the report include mass rearing and quality control in Tsetse fly and research on Medfly genetic sexing strains

  18. The Internship Report. (United States)

    Corey, Jim; Killingsworth, M. Jimmie


    Recommends a four-part structure for retrospective internship reports: (1) introduction, (2) narrative, (3) analysis and evaluation, and (4) appendix. Advises teachers to present the report form to the student before the internship begins to add structure to the internship experience. (SKC)

  19. Annual Report 2010-2011

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... 2013-2014 Annual Report 2013-2014 Rapport annuel 2013-2014 Annual Report 2014-2015 Annual Report 2014-2015 Rapport annuel 2014-2015 Investing in Solutions Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Investing in Solutions Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Investir dans des solutions Plan stratégique 2015-2020 Financial statements ...

  20. Teachers and Psychological Reports. (United States)

    Rogers, George W., Jr.

    The importance of the written psychological report is explored, and, in particular, its relationship to teachers' needs and requirements is discussed. Additionally, the characteristics of a "good" psychological report are listed, and teachers are advised to use these criteria in evaluating the psychological reports they are receiving. (Author)

  1. The Case for Case Reports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    George R. Saade


    Full Text Available If you are reading a hard copy of this editorial, then you are holding in hand the first issue of the American Journal of Perinatology Reports, or AJP Reports as we like to refer to it. Welcome to AJP Reports and thank you for taking the time to peruse it. I hope you find many of the reports interesting and helpful. The editorial team and publisher are very pleased to be able to bring this journal to our readers. Judging by the journal title, the editorial team, and the layout you may have already guessed that this is a companion to the American Journal of Perinatology. We will continue to publish original articles and topical reviews in the American Journal of Perinatology, but all case reports or case series will be referred to AJP Reports. Some may question the need for more case reports. Our decision to start AJP Reports obviously indicates that we think that case reports can be useful. I can refer to several diseases, treatment complications, and procedures that were first brought to the attention of healthcare providers through case reports. The best example of the usefulness of case reports is probably in infectious diseases. In the early phases of an emerging infectious disease, the case report or case series are usually the first clues of a problem. HIV was first brought to the attention of the medical community by case reports.[1] [2] [3] In our own field, the first attempts at treatment of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS using laser coagulation were reported in a case series.[4] After additional reports about the use of laser in TTTS, a randomized trial was performed that cemented laser photocoagulation as a therapeutic modality for TTTS.[5] While case reports or series are not considered the highest form of evidence, they are frequently the first form of evidence and the nudge that starts the cascade of investigation that ultimately leads to high-level evidence. Therefore, their impact on clinical practice may be easily

  2. Field Report - Consumer Survey

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Kristian S.; Gwozdz, Wencke

    The present report outlines the purpose, scope, and methodology of a recently conducted four-country consumer survey that explored sustainable clothing consumption. The report also presents a sample of the descriptive findings from the survey (see Gwozdz, Nielsen & Müller, 2017 for further results...... foundation for upcoming deliverables relating to quality of life, acceptance of new business models, and consumer policy recommendations. The results presented in the report relate, specifically, to consumers’ general clothing consumption patterns, acceptance of new business models, and environmental...... purchasing outlets, and acceptance of new business models. Polish and American consumers purchased the most clothing items. Polish consumers also reported the lowest expenditures on clothing, whereas German consumers reported the highest expenditures. Only a limited proportion of consumers had previously...

  3. Radiation monitor reporting requirements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bates, W.F.


    Within High-Level Waste Management (HLWM), CAMs and VAMPs are currently considered Class B equipment, therefore, alarm conditions associated with the CAMs and VAMPs result in an Unusual Occurrence or Off-Normal notification and subsequent occurrence reporting. Recent equipment difficulties associated with Continuous Air Monitors (CAMs) and Victoreen Area Radiation Monitors (VAMPs) have resulted in a significant number of notification reports. These notification have the potential to decrease operator sensitivity to the significance of specific CAM and VAMP failures. Additionally, the reports are extremely costly and are not appropriate as a means for tracking and trending equipment performance. This report provides a technical basis for a change in Waste Management occurrence reporting categorization for specific CAM and VAMP failure modes

  4. Environmental Performance Report 2015

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Environmental Performance Report provides a description of the laboratory's environmental management activities for 2015, including information on environmental and sustainability performance, environmental compliance activities and status, and environmental protection programs, highlights, and successes. The purpose of this report is to ensure that U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the public receive timely, accurate information about events that have affected or could adversely affect the health, safety, and security of the public or workers; the environment; or the operations of DOE facilities. This report meets the requirements of the Annual Site Environmental Report and is prepared in accordance with the DOE Order 231.1B, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting.

  5. BESSY annual report 1991

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual report 1991 is drawn up as in the previous years, with general information on the organisational structure of the institution and its general purposes being given ahead of the research-specific reports. The achievements and developments in the fields of machines and experiments are reported, including contributions from the Litography laboratory of the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructural Studies and Techniques, and from the Radiometry Laboratory of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, followed by reports on basic research work. The machine developments are reported in varions contributions, and a list of publications shows all available and known scientific publications resulting from research work done at the BESSY installations by the various users. Diploma, doctoral and habilitation theses are listed separately. (orig.) [de

  6. Environmental Performance Report 2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Braus, Genevieve [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    The National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL's) Environmental Performance Report provides a description of the laboratory's environmental management activities for 2016, including information on environmental and sustainability performance, environmental compliance activities and status, and environmental protection programs, highlights, and successes. The purpose of this report is to ensure that U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the public receive timely, accurate information about events that have affected or could adversely affect the health, safety, and security of the public or workers; the environment; or the operations of DOE facilities. This report meets the requirements of the Annual Site Environmental Report and is prepared in accordance with the DOE Order 231.1B, Environment, Safety and Health Reporting.

  7. Interim Report on ISO TC 163 Working Group 3. Annual progress report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fairey, Philip [Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa, FL (United States)


    This reports cover the initial year efforts of the International Standards Organization (ISO) to develop international standards for rating the energy performance of buildings. The author of this report is a participant in this effort. This report summarizes the activities of the ISO Working Group charged with development of these standards and makes recommendations to the sponsors for future U.S. involvement in this ISO effort.

  8. Accurate assessment of adherence: self-report and clinician report vs electronic monitoring of nebulizers. (United States)

    Daniels, Tracey; Goodacre, Lynne; Sutton, Chris; Pollard, Kim; Conway, Steven; Peckham, Daniel


    People with cystic fibrosis have a high treatment burden. While uncertainty remains about individual patient level of adherence to medication, treatment regimens are difficult to tailor, and interventions are difficult to evaluate. Self- and clinician-reported measures are routinely used despite criticism that they overestimate adherence. This study assessed agreement between rates of adherence to prescribed nebulizer treatments when measured by self-report, clinician report, and electronic monitoring suitable for long-term use. Seventy-eight adults with cystic fibrosis were questioned about their adherence to prescribed nebulizer treatments over the previous 3 months. Self-report was compared with clinician report and stored adherence data downloaded from the I-Neb nebulizer system. Adherence measures were expressed as a percentage of the prescribed regimen, bias was estimated by the paired difference in mean (95% CI) patient and clinician reported and actual adherence. Agreement between adherence measures was calculated using intraclass correlation coefficients (95% CI), and disagreements for individuals were displayed using Bland-Altman plots. Patient-identified prescriptions matched the medical record prescription. Median self-reported adherence was 80% (interquartile range, 60%-95%), whereas median adherence measured by nebulizer download was 36% (interquartile range, 5%-84.5%). Nine participants overmedicated and underreported adherence. Median clinician report ranged from 50% to 60%, depending on profession. Extensive discrepancies between self-report and clinician report compared with nebulizer download were identified for individuals. Self- and clinician-reporting of adherence does not provide accurate measurement of adherence when compared with electronic monitoring. Using inaccurate measures has implications for treatment burden, clinician prescribing practices, cost, and accuracy of trial data.

  9. Technical co-operation report for 1999. Report by the Director General

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report presents the IAEA Technical Co-operation (TC) activities in 1999 and covers three separate topics. Part I reports on the Strengthening of TC and looks at the elements of the TC Strategy and how they contributed to the TC Programme. Part II reports on the major achievements of the TC Programme in 1999 in different regions of the world. In addition to reviewing some of the results of national and regional activities in each region - including activities under Regional Co-operation Agreements - this section looks at three interregional projects, and provides highlights of selected projects that were closed in 1999. Part III presents a technical discussion of the financial parameters of the TC Programme. A more detailed review of resources and contributions, disbursements, and non-financial indicators is provided in a Supplement to this report.

  10. Technical co-operation report for 1999. Report by the Director General

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the IAEA Technical Co-operation (TC) activities in 1999 and covers three separate topics. Part I reports on the Strengthening of TC and looks at the elements of the TC Strategy and how they contributed to the TC Programme. Part II reports on the major achievements of the TC Programme in 1999 in different regions of the world. In addition to reviewing some of the results of national and regional activities in each region - including activities under Regional Co-operation Agreements - this section looks at three interregional projects, and provides highlights of selected projects that were closed in 1999. Part III presents a technical discussion of the financial parameters of the TC Programme. A more detailed review of resources and contributions, disbursements, and non-financial indicators is provided in a Supplement to this report

  11. Child Abuse and Mandated Reporting (United States)

    Woika, Shirley; Bowersox, Carissa


    Teachers and teachers-in-training are mandated reporters; they are legally required to report any suspected child abuse or neglect. This article describes: (1) How to file a report; (2) How prevalent child abuse is; (3) What abuse is; (4) What it means to be a mandated reporter; (5) When the report should be made; and (6) What to do if abuse is…

  12. Denmark's National Inventory Report 2014

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Plejdrup, Marlene Schmidt; Winther, Morten

    This report is Denmark’s National Inventory Report 2014. The report contains information on Denmark’s emission inventories for all years’ from 1990 to 2012 for CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6, NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2......This report is Denmark’s National Inventory Report 2014. The report contains information on Denmark’s emission inventories for all years’ from 1990 to 2012 for CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6, NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2...

  13. Denmark's National Inventory Report 2013

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Plejdrup, Marlene Schmidt; Winther, Morten

    This report is Denmark’s National Inventory Report 2013. The report contains information on Denmark’s emission inventories for all years’ from 1990 to 2011 for CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6, NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2.......This report is Denmark’s National Inventory Report 2013. The report contains information on Denmark’s emission inventories for all years’ from 1990 to 2011 for CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6, NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2....

  14. Denmark's National Inventory Report 2017

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Plejdrup, Marlene Schmidt; Winther, Morten

    This report is Denmark’s National Inventory Report 2017. The report contains information on Denmark’s emission inventories for all years’ from 1990 to 2015 for CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6, NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2......This report is Denmark’s National Inventory Report 2017. The report contains information on Denmark’s emission inventories for all years’ from 1990 to 2015 for CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6, NOx, CO, NMVOC, SO2...

  15. Technical co-operation report for 1998. Report by the Director General

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the IAEA Technical Co-operation (TC) activities during 1998 and highlights most significant accomplishments. Part I of this report reviews the strengthening of TC, both in financial aspects and through implementation of the TC strategy. Part II reviews extensively the actual output of the TC programme; it looks at each geographic region, and reports on the results of national, regional and, where applicable, interregional activities in those regions. Part III presents a technical discussion of the financial parameters of the TC programme and ends with financial implementation summaries

  16. Technical co-operation report for 1998. Report by the Director General

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report presents the IAEA Technical Co-operation (TC) activities during 1998 and highlights most significant accomplishments. Part I of this report reviews the strengthening of TC, both in financial aspects and through implementation of the TC strategy. Part II reviews extensively the actual output of the TC programme; it looks at each geographic region, and reports on the results of national, regional and, where applicable, interregional activities in those regions. Part III presents a technical discussion of the financial parameters of the TC programme and ends with financial implementation summaries.

  17. Annual report 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Article VI.J of the Agency's Statute requires the Board of Governors to submit 'an annual report to the General Conference concerning the affairs of the Agency and any projects approved by the Agency'. This report covers the period 1 January to 31 December 2000

  18. Annual Report 1990

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report presents the achievements of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre for 1990: Specific programmes, exploratory research, support for Community Policies, work for Third Parties, participation in Eureka. The report is completed by human resources, finances and a brief presentation of large installation

  19. Reporting nuclear cardiology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Trägårdh, Elin; Hesse, Birger; Knuuti, Juhani


    The report of an imaging procedure is a critical component of an examination, being the final and often the only communication from the interpreting physician to the referring or treating physician. Very limited evidence and few recommendations or guidelines on reporting imaging studies are avail...

  20. Audit Report on the Sacramento Army Depot Internal Review and Audit Compliance Office's "Audits of Warranties, Quality Deficiency Reports, and Reports of Discrepancies"

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library


    The Sacramento Army Depot (SAAD) Internal Review and Audit Compliance Office (Internal Review) issued an audit report, "Audit of Warranties, Quality Deficiency Reports, and Reports of Discrepancies," on July 20, 1990...

  1. Annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the thirty-ninth annual report of the Atomic Energy Control Board. The period covered by this report is the year ending March 31, 1986. The Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) was established in 1946, by the Atomic Energy Control Act (AEC Act), (Revised Statues of Canada (R.S.C.) 1970 cA19). It is a departmental corporation (Schedule B) within the meaning and purpose of the Financial Administration Act. The AECB controls the development, application and use of atomic energy in Canada, and participates on behalf of Canada in international measures of control. The AECB is also repsonsible for the administration of the Nuclear Liability Act, (R.S.C. 1970 c29 1st Supp) as amended, including the designation of nuclear installations and the prescription of basic insurance to be carried by the operators of such nuclear installations. The AECB reports to Parliament through a designated Minister, currently the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources

  2. Internal evaluation report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Birgitte Holm; Meyer, Bente Tobiesen; Levinsen, Karin


    It is the aim of this report to assess and evaluate the internal communication and management of the Lancelot project during the first year of the project's life (October 2005- October 2006). The report focuses on these issues through the perspective of a SWOT analysis carried out by the project...... members at the interim meeting in Manchester October 6-8. The SWOT analysis was chosen for its ability to identify problem areas within an organisation or group as well as focusing on and facilitating future actions and strategies. The report contains a summary of the issues raised by the SWOT as well...

  3. Internal evaluation report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Birgitte Holm; Meyer, Bente; Levinsen, Karin

    It is the aim of this report to assess and evaluate the internal communication and management of the Lancelot project during the first year of the project's life (October 2005- October 2006). The report focuses on these issues through the perspective of a SWOT analysis carried out by the project...... members at the interim meeting in Manchester October 6-8. The SWOT analysis was chosen for its ability to identify problem areas within an organisation or group as well as focusing on and facilitating future actions and strategies. The report contains a summary of the issues raised by the SWOT as well...

  4. Advanced corporate sustainability reporting - XBRL taxonomy for sustainability reports based on the G3-guidelines of the gobal reporting initiative


    Isenmann, R.; Gomez, J.M.


    Sustainability reporting describes a development path towards a concept of balanced corporate reporting, usually communicating the three pillars of environmental, social, and economic performance and its mutual interrelations, what in business terms is often called the triple bottom line approach.While early sustainability reports merely have been available on print media, today most are accessible on the WWW as HTML files or as PDFs. Such a layout oriented data format however, does not seem ...

  5. Technical progress report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report summarizes experimental and theoretical work in basic nuclear physics carried out between October 1, 1995, the closing of our last Progress Report, and September 30, 1996 at the Nuclear Physics Laboratory of the University of Colorado, Boulder, under contracts DE-FG03-93ER-40774 and DE-FG03-95ER-40913 with the United States Department of Energy. The experimental contract supports broadly-based experimental research in intermediate energy nuclear physics. This report includes results from studies of Elementary Systems involving the study of the structure of the nucleon via polarized high-energy positron scattering (the HERMES experiment) and lower energy pion scattering from both polarized and unpolarized nucleon targets. Results from pion- and kaon-induced reactions in a variety of nuclear systems are reported under the section heading Meson Reactions; the impact of these and other results on understanding the nucleus is presented in the Nuclear Structure section. In addition, new results from scattering of high-energy electrons (from CEBAF/TJNAF) and pions (from KEK) from a broad range of nuclei are reported in the section on Incoherent Reactions. Finally, the development and performance of detectors produced by the laboratory are described in the section titled Instrumentation

  6. 1994 Site Environmental Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The 1994 Site Environmental Report summarizes environmental activities at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) for the calendar year (CY) 1994. The report strives to present environmental data in a manner that characterizes the performance and compliance status of the Laboratory's environmental management programs when measured against regulatory standards and DOE requirements. The report also discusses significant highlight and planning efforts of these programs. The format and content of the report are consistent with the requirements of the US Department of Energy (DOE) Order 5400.1, General Environmental Protection Program

  7. Excel dashboards and reports

    CERN Document Server

    Alexander, Michael


    Learn to use Excel dashboards and reports to better conceptualize data Updated for all the?latest features and capabilities of Excel 2013, this go-to resource provides you with in-depth coverage of the individual functions and tools that can be used to create?compelling Excel reports. Veteran author Michael Alexander walks you through the most effective ways to present and report data. Featuring a comprehensive review of a wide array of technical and analytical concepts, this essential guide helps you go from reporting data with simple tables full of dull numbers to presenting

  8. 1994 Site Environmental Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The 1994 Site Environmental Report summarizes environmental activities at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) for the calendar year (CY) 1994. The report strives to present environmental data in a manner that characterizes the performance and compliance status of the Laboratory`s environmental management programs when measured against regulatory standards and DOE requirements. The report also discusses significant highlight and planning efforts of these programs. The format and content of the report are consistent with the requirements of the US Department of Energy (DOE) Order 5400.1, General Environmental Protection Program.

  9. 78 FR 77557 - Releasing Information; General Provisions; Accounting and Reporting Requirements; Reports of... (United States)


    ... must certify ``that the information provided in the report of each bank's and association's accounts... reports of accounts and exposures or any other information received pursuant to Sec. 621.15(a)(1... examination and non-public information, including data from reports of System accounts and exposures received...

  10. Large block test status report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilder, D.G.; Lin, W.; Blair, S.C.


    This report is intended to serve as a status report, which essentially transmits the data that have been collected to date on the Large Block Test (LBT). The analyses of data will be performed during FY98, and then a complete report will be prepared. This status report includes introductory material that is not needed merely to transmit data but is available at this time and therefore included. As such, this status report will serve as the template for the future report, and the information is thus preserved

  11. Unusual event report from Oskarshamn

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The title of the report was intended to reflect the cause of the shutdown and the report to be regarded as a summary of the deficiencies that had been revealed and remedied. No single deficiency was regarded as reportable as an unusual event, but taken together the identified deficiencies deviated from the assumed safety level to the extent that it should be reported. The unusual event report refers to two main documents presenting measures taken to return to reported safety level, one concerning technical and one organizational measures

  12. 44 CFR 401.3 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 44 Emergency Management and Assistance 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Reports. 401.3 Section 401.3... RESTRICTIONS (T-1) § 401.3 Reports. Persons subject to this order shall submit such reports to the Assistant... Reports Act. ...

  13. Reliability of self-reported childhood physical abuse by adults and factors predictive of inconsistent reporting. (United States)

    McKinney, Christy M; Harris, T Robert; Caetano, Raul


    Little is known about the reliability of self-reported child physical abuse (CPA) or CPA reporting practices. We estimated reliability and prevalence of self-reported CPA and identified factors predictive of inconsistent CPA reporting among 2,256 participants using surveys administered in 1995 and 2000. Reliability of CPA was fair to moderate (kappa = 0.41). Using a positive report from either survey, the prevalence of moderate (61.8%) and severe (12.0%) CPA was higher than at either survey alone. Compared to consistent reporters of having experienced CPA, inconsistent reporters were less likely to be > or = 30 years old (vs. 18-29) or Black (vs. White) and more likely to have report one type (vs. > or = 2) of CPA. These findings may assist researchers conducting and interpreting studies of CPA.

  14. Annual report 1998-1999

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This is the Annual Report of the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited for the year ending March 31, 1999 and summarizes the activities of AECL during the period 1998-1999. The Activities covered in this Report include the CANDU Reactor Business, with excellent progress reported on the construction of two 700 MWe-class CANDU reactors in Qinshan, China. In the Republic of Korea, Wolsong Unit entered into commercial operation and Wolsong Unit 4 achieved sustained nuclear reaction. The Report also covers AECL's R and D and Waste Management programs. In the R and D section, the report outlines the development of the CANFLEX fuel bundle, Fuel Channels, Reactor Safety, Code Validation, Fuels and Fuel Cycles as well as Heavy Water production. Progress in the Waste Management program is also discussed.

  15. Annual report 1998-1999

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the Annual Report of the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited for the year ending March 31, 1999 and summarizes the activities of AECL during the period 1998-1999. The Activities covered in this Report include the CANDU Reactor Business, with excellent progress reported on the construction of two 700 MWe-class CANDU reactors in Qinshan, China. In the Republic of Korea, Wolsong Unit entered into commercial operation and Wolsong Unit 4 achieved sustained nuclear reaction. The Report also covers AECL's R and D and Waste Management programs. In the R and D section, the report outlines the development of the CANFLEX fuel bundle, Fuel Channels, Reactor Safety, Code Validation, Fuels and Fuel Cycles as well as Heavy Water production. Progress in the Waste Management program is also discussed

  16. 2000 Scientific Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The report summarises the status and main achievements of various programmes at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in the year 2000. The report is structured along four main fields of activity: Radioactive Waste and Clean-up, Reactor Safety, the BR2 Reactor and Radiation Protection.

  17. 2000 Scientific Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report summarises the status and main achievements of various programmes at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in the year 2000. The report is structured along four main fields of activity: Radioactive Waste and Clean-up, Reactor Safety, the BR2 Reactor and Radiation Protection

  18. Case Report

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bilgin-Freiert, Arzu; Fugleholm, Kåre; Poulsgaard, Lars


    We report a case of an intraneural ganglion cyst of the hypoglossal canal. The patient presented with unilateral hypoglossal nerve palsy, and magnetic resonance imaging showed a small lesion in the hypoglossal canal with no contrast enhancement and high signal on T2-weighted imaging. The lesion...... irradiation as an option. This case illustrates a very rare location of an intraneural ganglion cyst in the hypoglossal nerve. To our knowledge there are no previous reports of an intraneural ganglion cyst confined to the hypoglossal canal....

  19. Report Writing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Behnke, Eric

    In a short and precise way this compendium guides how to write an Engineering Report. The compendium is primarily targeting Engineering Students in thier first and second semester but it might as well be used by students at other technical bachelor educations......In a short and precise way this compendium guides how to write an Engineering Report. The compendium is primarily targeting Engineering Students in thier first and second semester but it might as well be used by students at other technical bachelor educations...

  20. KBS Annual Report 1983. Including summaries of technical reports issued during 1983

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The purpose of the KBS Annual Report is to inform interested organizations and individuals of the research and development work performed by the division KBS within the Swedish Nuclear Fuel Supply Co (SKBF) on the handling, treatment and final storage of nuclear wastes in Sweden. The Annual Report normally contains a presentation of the legal and organizational situation followed by an account of the progress within different areas of the R and D-work. This account also includes indications of the activities planned for the future. At the end of the report the summaries of 76 technical reports and other publications issued during the year are listed in special appendices. (K.A.E.)

  1. NIKHEF Annual Report 1982

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In this annual report 1982, the NIKHEF research programs of high-energy physics, nuclear physics and radiochemistry is described in a wide context. Next, the reports of the individual projects of section-H and section-K are described in detail. Finally, the report gives some statistical information of publications, colloquia and co-workers. (Auth.)

  2. RTE - Activity and sustainable development report 2016 + Business report - Consolidated accounts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document gathers several reports. The first one is an activity report which proposes an overview of RTE activities by outlining the contribution to the improvement of territory, customer, and electric power system performance, the contribution to innovation in terms of energy and digital transition (for example, development of smart grids), and development perspectives in terms of use of open data, of development of partnerships, and of work organisation. The next report is a business report which gives and comments financial and legal information (discussion of various accounting aspects and elements), social information (employment, work organisation, social relationships, safety, health, life quality, training, equal opportunities), environmental information (general policy, circular economy, struggle against climate change and adaptation, protection and development of biodiversity), and societal information. The last part contains a table of consolidated accounts followed by a detailed discussion and comment of its content

  3. Energy 2010-2020. Final report of the 'international context' report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report of international workshop about Energy 2010-2020 takes stock of the situation on the needs growth, the risks, the world-wide market and technological innovation. Uncertainties on the place of nuclear power and natural gas in 2020, the difficulties to respect the commitments about the greenhouse effect, the energy dependence towards Middle East, are some teaching of this report. (N.C.)

  4. Uso de factores de crecimiento plaquetar unidos a injertos de grasa para lipofiling facial en ritidectomía Use of fat grafts enriched with platelet growth factors for facial lipofiling in ritidectomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.M. Serra Renom


    Full Text Available Presentamos una serie de pacientes a los que hemos realizado infiltraciones de grasa enriquecida con Factores de Crecimiento Plaquetario (F.C.P. como único procedimiento. Igualmente presentamos casos donde las infiltraciones van acompañadas con otros procedimientos (lifting temporal, lifting cérvico-frontal, etc.. También usamos el plasma rico en F.C.P. en forma de coágulo para rellenar el surco de la cuenca orbitaria (“Tear Through”, y como mesoterapia facial enriquecida con nutrientes. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una revisión detallada de los pasos a seguir para la realización de éste procedimiento, que van desde la simple extracción de sangre para la posterior obtención de F.C.P. hasta la técnica de infiltración de grasa enriquecida con dichos factores a nivel facial. Con esta técnica de enriquecimiento de la grasa hemos logrado tener mejores resultados y con mayor permanencia. Evaluando los postoperatorios de pacientes sometidos a este procedimiento, hemos observado que el volumen infiltrado en áreas como la región malar, se mantiene entre un 90% a 95%. En otras áreas como labios y surcos nasogenianos (áreas de gran movilidad, solo permanece entre el 50% a 60% del volumen infiltrado.We present a serie of patients with facial fat infiltration enriched with platelet-derived growth factors, some of them associated to other surgical procedures (temporal lifting, cervico-frontal lifting, etc. We explain how to use this platelet - rich plasma to fill the tear - through and as a facial mesotherapy. Our purpose is to present a detailled review of our method: since blood extraction to the last obtention of the platelet - derived growth factors and the use of this plasma combined with fat infiltration in the facial area. With this methodology we have got better and more permanent results. We have evaluated 90-95 % fat grafts survival in malar region. In other facial areas such as lips or nasogenian folds (big movement

  5. Primoinfección por virus del herpes simp le tipo 1. Manejo farmacológico y caracteristicas clínicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hernan Francisco Sariego Santana


    Full Text Available ResumenEl presente artículo reporta un caso clínico de gingivoestomatitis herpética primaria y una breve revisión de los medicamentos usados para tratar la infección por virus del herpes simple (HSV. Se presenta un paciente con múltiples ulceraciones confluentes tanto en la cara ventral como en la dorsal de la lengua y en los labios, compatible con gingivoestomatitis herpética primaria. Esta forma de presentarse las ulceraciones y la edad del paciente son frecuentes en pacientes VIH positivo (Virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, esto no pudo ser comprobado en el caso ya que el paciente dejo de asistir a consulta luego de recibido el tratamiento. El tratamiento instaurado fue aciclovir tabletas 200 mg cada 6 horas vía oral por 10 días. Cabe mencionar que los tratamientos para el virus del herpes simple con aciclovir no están aprobados por la Administración de Alimentos y Drogas de los Estados Unidos (FDA siglas en inglés pero si son aceptados por el Centro de Control de Enfermedades (CDC siglas en ingles, también se utilizó gel de polivinilpirrolidona, hialuronato de sodio para facilitar la deglución del paciente. (DUAZARY 2011 No. 2, 199 - 205AbstractThis article reports a case of primary herpetic gingivostomatitis and a brief review of drugs used to treat infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV. We present a patient with multiple confluent ulcers in both the ventral and the dorsal tongue and lips, compatible with primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. This way of presenting ulceration and patient age are common in HIV positive patients (human immunodeficiency virus, this could not be found in the case because the patient stopped coming to see after the treatment. Acyclovir treatment was introduced 200 mg tablets orally every 6 hours for 10 days. It is noteworthy that the treatments for herpes simplex virus with acyclovir are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA but if accepted by the Center for Disease Control

  6. Resumen del II Congreso Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Mecánica y Metalurgia. // Summary of the 2nd Latin-American Congress for Students of Mechanical Engineering.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D. William Fonseca


    Full Text Available Del 15 al 20 de Septiembre del 2003 se celebró el II Congreso Latinoamericano de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Mecánica y Metalurgia,CLEIM´2003, con sede en el Hotel Costa Azul de la Villa Panamericana y el Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría,CUJAE., con el auspicio de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica de la CUJAE y el Centro de Estudios de Innovación y Mantenimiento(CEIM y la colaboración y patrocinio de DHL, Los Portales S.A, Unión de Empresas de Recuperación de Materias Primas, TractoImport, CUBACEL, Movitel, Softel, Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología, Ministerio de Cultura, Departamento deTelemática de la Facultad de Eléctrica, Universitur- CUJAE, Unidad de Eventos de Islazul.y LabioFam. El CLEIM fue organizadopor la Federación Estudiantil Universitaria de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica de la CUJAE en coordinación para su promocióncon la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Mecánica y Metalurgia, CLEIM. Este informe resume lasprincipales actividades realizadas durante este congreso y los resultados obtenido durante el mismo.___________________________________________________________________________AbstractThe 2nd Latin-American Congress for Students of Mechanical Engineering (CLEIM 2003 was celebrated in the areas of theHigher Polytechnic Institute José Antonio Echeverría and the Costa Azul Hotel, on September 15 - 20 of 2003, sponsored byMechanical Engineering Faculty at CUJAE and Center for Studies of Maintenance (CEIM. This Congress was organized bythe Federation of Students (FEU in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at CUJAE in coordination and promotion with theLatin American Coordinator of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy Students (CLEIM. This event was protagonist, onceagain, for the union of the great Mechanical Engineers community in Latin-American area with the mission of developing thisprofession with genius, creativity and talent. After an

  7. Denmark's national inventory report 2006

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Illerup, Jytte Boll; Lyck, Erik; Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth

    This report is Denmark's National Inventory Report reported to the Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) due by April 2006. The report contains information on Denmark's inventories for all years' from 1990 to 2004 for CO....

  8. Scientific Report 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The annual scientific report gives an overview of the R and D activities at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in 2001. The report discusses progress and main achievements in four principal areas: Radiation Protection, Radioactive Waste and Clean-up, Reactor Safety and the BR2 Reactor

  9. Scientific Report 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The annual scientific report gives an overview of the R and D activities at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in 2001. The report discusses progress and main achievements in four principal areas: Radiation Protection, Radioactive Waste and Clean-up, Reactor Safety and the BR2 Reactor.

  10. Progress report 1971/72

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The progress report comprises reports from interdisciplinary task groups on radiation protection, isotope application and radiation measurement technique, microscopy, linear accelerators, process computers, biophysics and nuclear physics. The last task group reports on work with the electron linear accelerator, nuclear spectroscopy, neutron physics, work with polarized particles, and experiments with the GSI heavy ion accelerator. (orig./AK) [de

  11. Organic solvent topical report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cowley, W.L.


    This report is the technical basis for the accident and consequence analyses used in the Hanford Tank Farms Basis for Interim Operation. The report also contains the scientific and engineering information and reference material needed to understand the organic solvent safety issue. This report includes comments received from the Chemical Reactions Subcommittee of the Tank Advisory Panel

  12. Ethics. 1983 APME Report. (United States)

    Associated Press Managing Editors.

    Dealing with a variety of issues related to media ethics and press responsibility, this report presents 12 essays on editorial policy and reporters' responsibility. The essays discuss the following: (1) a reporter who posed as a jail officer to gain entry into a prison to interview an inmate, (2) a journalism professor's opinion as to the ethics…

  13. Organic solvent topical report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cowley, W.L.


    This report is the technical basis for the accident and consequence analyses used in the Hanford Tank Farms Basis for Interim Operation. The report also contains the scientific and engineering information and reference material needed to understand the organic solvent safety issue. This report includes comments received from the Chemical Reactions Subcommittee of the Tank Advisory Panel.

  14. ARRA NEPA Quarterly Report- Second Report: DOL (United States)

    Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President — Reports prepared by the Departments and Agencies on status of NEPA progress for activities and projects funded under Division A of the American Recovery and...

  15. ARRA NEPA Quarterly Report- First Report: USAID (United States)

    Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President — Reports prepared by the Departments and Agencies on status of NEPA progress for activities and projects funded under Division A of the American Recovery and...

  16. ARRA NEPA Quarterly Report- First Report: DOD (United States)

    Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President — Reports prepared by the Departments and Agencies on status of NEPA progress for activities and projects funded under Division A of the American Recovery and...

  17. ARRA NEPA Quarterly Report- First Report: DOC (United States)

    Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President — Reports prepared by the Departments and Agencies on status of NEPA progress for activities and projects funded under Division A of the American Recovery and...

  18. ARRA NEPA Quarterly Report- First Report: HUD (United States)

    Council on Environmental Quality, Executive Office of the President — Reports prepared by the Departments and Agencies on status of NEPA progress for activities and projects funded under Division A of the American Recovery and...

  19. Electricity Generation Baseline Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Logan, Jeffrey [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Marcy, Cara [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); McCall, James [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Flores-Espino, Francisco [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Bloom, Aaron [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Aabakken, Jorn [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Cole, Wesley [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Jenkin, Thomas [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Porro, Gian [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Liu, Chang [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States); Ganda, Francesco [Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States); Boardman, Richard [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Tarka, Thomas [National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Albany, OR (United States); Brewer, John [National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Albany, OR (United States); Schultz, Travis [National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Albany, OR (United States)


    This report was developed by a team of national laboratory analysts over the period October 2015 to May 2016 and is part of a series of studies that provide background material to inform development of the second installment of the Quadrennial Energy Review (QER 1.2). The report focuses specifically on U.S. power sector generation. The report limits itself to the generation sector and does not address in detail parallel issues in electricity end use, transmission and distribution, markets and policy design, and other important segments. The report lists 15 key findings about energy system needs of the future.

  20. Black report up-date

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 1984, the Black Report published its results on the incidence of cancer and leukaemia in under 25-year olds in the village of Seascale and the surrounding area near the Sellafield nuclear reprocessing plant. Since then the pressure group core, as a result of their own independent research, has discovered ten additional cases of childhood cancer which should have been included in the Black Report and a Further two cases since the Black Report was written. This represents an additional 31% over the initial numbers considered and a review of the Black Report is sought. (UK)

  1. IPP annual report 1981

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In part A of this annual report the tokamak and stellarator projects at the IPP are reported: ASDEX, ASDEX upgrade, JET collaboration, NET collaboration, Wendelstein VII-7, Wendelstein VII-AS, Wendelstein VII-X and stellarator reactor system studies. In part B the departments and research groups give a brief, but detailed report of the results in the field of research and development. In part C a review is presented of the IPP organisation. Part D includes the papers and conference reports published in 1981. Finally a brief description of the IPP projects at German universities is presented. (GG) [de

  2. Environmental report 1993-94

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This environmental report for 1993-1994, sets out Nuclear Electric plc's environmental policy relating to its nuclear-powered power stations in England and Wales, and to its various other sites. The report looks at the environmental benefits of nuclear power in a world increasingly concerned about global warming as well as addressing areas of public concern relating to radioactive waste management, reactor decommissioning and environmental contamination. Nuclear Electric claims high safety standards and a commitment to open and honest reporting of failures and successes relating to these standards. The report also documents continuing improvements to the company's environmental protection performance. (UK)

  3. 7 CFR 1220.241 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 1220.241 Section 1220.241 Agriculture... CONSUMER INFORMATION Soybean Promotion and Research Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1220.241 Reports... to report to the Board periodically such information as may be required by the regulations...

  4. 10 CFR 420.5 - Reports. (United States)


    ... § 420.5 Reports. (a) Each State receiving financial assistance under this part shall submit to the cognizant Regional Office Director a quarterly program performance report and a quarterly financial status report. (b) Reports under this section shall contain such information as the Secretary may prescribe in...

  5. Thermal Testing Measurements Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    R. Wagner


    The purpose of the Thermal Testing Measurements Report (Scientific Analysis Report) is to document, in one report, the comprehensive set of measurements taken within the Yucca Mountain Project Thermal Testing Program since its inception in 1996. Currently, the testing performed and measurements collected are either scattered in many level 3 and level 4 milestone reports or, in the case of the ongoing Drift Scale Test, mostly documented in eight informal progress reports. Documentation in existing reports is uneven in level of detail and quality. Furthermore, while all the data collected within the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) Thermal Testing Program have been submitted periodically to the Technical Data Management System (TDMS), the data structure--several incremental submittals, and documentation formats--are such that the data are often not user-friendly except to those who acquired and processed the data. The documentation in this report is intended to make data collected within the YMP Thermal Testing Program readily usable to end users, such as those representing the Performance Assessment Project, Repository Design Project, and Engineered Systems Sub-Project. Since either detailed level 3 and level 4 reports exist or the measurements are straightforward, only brief discussions are provided for each data set. These brief discussions for different data sets are intended to impart a clear sense of applicability of data, so that they will be used properly within the context of measurement uncertainty. This approach also keeps this report to a manageable size, an important consideration because the report encompasses nearly all measurements for three long-term thermal tests. As appropriate, thermal testing data currently residing in the TDMS have been reorganized and reformatted from cumbersome, user-unfriendly Input-Data Tracking Numbers (DTNs) into a new set of Output-DTNs. These Output-DTNs provide a readily usable data structure

  6. Heat Capacity Analysis Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Findikakis, A.


    The purpose of this report is to provide heat capacity values for the host and surrounding rock layers for the waste repository at Yucca Mountain. The heat capacity representations provided by this analysis are used in unsaturated zone (UZ) flow, transport, and coupled processes numerical modeling activities, and in thermal analyses as part of the design of the repository to support the license application. Among the reports that use the heat capacity values estimated in this report are the ''Multiscale Thermohydrologic Model'' report, the ''Drift Degradation Analysis'' report, the ''Ventilation Model and Analysis Report, the Igneous Intrusion Impacts on Waste Packages and Waste Forms'' report, the ''Dike/Drift Interactions report, the Drift-Scale Coupled Processes (DST and TH Seepage) Models'' report, and the ''In-Drift Natural Convection and Condensation'' report. The specific objective of this study is to determine the rock-grain and rock-mass heat capacities for the geologic stratigraphy identified in the ''Mineralogic Model (MM3.0) Report'' (BSC 2004 [DIRS 170031], Table 1-1). This report provides estimates of the heat capacity for all stratigraphic layers except the Paleozoic, for which the mineralogic abundance data required to estimate the heat capacity are not available. The temperature range of interest in this analysis is 25 C to 325 C. This interval is broken into three separate temperature sub-intervals: 25 C to 95 C, 95 C to 114 C, and 114 C to 325 C, which correspond to the preboiling, trans-boiling, and postboiling regimes. Heat capacity is defined as the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of material by one degree (Nimick and Connolly 1991 [DIRS 100690], p. 5). The rock-grain heat capacity is defined as the heat capacity of the rock solids (minerals), and does not include the effect of water that exists in the rock pores. By comparison, the rock-mass heat capacity considers the heat capacity of both solids and pore

  7. FutureGen Project Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cabe, Jim; Elliott, Mike


    This report summarizes the comprehensive siting, permitting, engineering, design, and costing activities completed by the FutureGen Industrial Alliance, the Department of Energy, and associated supporting subcontractors to develop a first of a kind near zero emissions integrated gasification combined cycle power plant and carbon capture and storage project (IGCC-CCS). With the goal to design, build, and reliably operate the first IGCC-CCS facility, FutureGen would have been the lowest emitting pulverized coal power plant in the world, while providing a timely and relevant basis for coal combustion power plants deploying carbon capture in the future. The content of this report summarizes key findings and results of applicable project evaluations; modeling, design, and engineering assessments; cost estimate reports; and schedule and risk mitigation from initiation of the FutureGen project through final flow sheet analyses including capital and operating reports completed under DOE award DE-FE0000587. This project report necessarily builds upon previously completed siting, design, and development work executed under DOE award DE-FC26- 06NT4207 which included the siting process; environmental permitting, compliance, and mitigation under the National Environmental Policy Act; and development of conceptual and design basis documentation for the FutureGen plant. For completeness, the report includes as attachments the siting and design basis documents, as well as the source documentation for the following: • Site evaluation and selection process and environmental characterization • Underground Injection Control (UIC) Permit Application including well design and subsurface modeling • FutureGen IGCC-CCS Design Basis Document • Process evaluations and technology selection via Illinois Clean Coal Review Board Technical Report • Process flow diagrams and heat/material balance for slurry-fed gasifier configuration • Process flow diagrams and heat/material balance

  8. 1994 annual report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report presents the activities and accomplishments of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for fiscal year 1994. The highlights of the report are the following: (a) technology transfer and commercialization; (b) nuclear services; (c) research and development focusing S and T efforts towards Philippines 2000; (d) special S and T events; (e) nuclear safety and regulations on ensuring safety of the public and the environment; (f) manpower development on expanding nuclear capability; (g) enhancing local and foreign linkages; (h) and administrative services. List of 1994 IAEA research contracts, experts/missions, foreign travel of PNRI and non-PNRI personnel, and technical papers are also included in this report.

  9. 1994 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report presents the activities and accomplishments of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for fiscal year 1994. The highlights of the report are the following: a) technology transfer and commercialization; b) nuclear services; c) research and development focusing S and T efforts towards Philippines 2000; d) special S and T events; e) nuclear safety and regulations on ensuring safety of the public and the environment; f) manpower development on expanding nuclear capability; g) enhancing local and foreign linkages; h) and administrative services. List of 1994 IAEA research contracts, experts/missions, foreign travel of PNRI and non-PNRI personnel, and technical papers are also included in this report

  10. Uranium price reporting systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report describes the systems for uranium price reporting currently available to the uranium industry. The report restricts itself to prices for U 3 O 8 natural uranium concentrates. Most purchases of natural uranium by utilities, and sales by producers, are conducted in this form. The bulk of uranium in electricity generation is enriched before use, and is converted to uranium hexafluoride, UF 6 , prior to enrichment. Some uranium is traded as UF 6 or as enriched uranium, particularly in the 'secondary' market. Prices for UF 6 and enriched uranium are not considered directly in this report. However, where transactions in UF 6 influence the reported price of U 3 O 8 this influence is taken into account. Unless otherwise indicated, the terms uranium and natural uranium used here refer exclusively to U 3 O 8 . (author)

  11. Environmental impact assessment report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, K. J.; Paik, S. T.; Chung, U. S.; Jung, K. H.; Park, S. K.; Lee, D. G.; Kim, H. R.; Kim, J. K.; Yang, S. H.; Lee, B. J.; Kim, E. H.; Choi, K. S


    This report is the revised Environmental Impact Assessment Report which was made and submitted as one of the license documents for TRIGA Research Reactor D and D Project. The Environmental Impact Assessment Report includes introduction of decommissioning plan, status of reactors and environmental impact of surroundings. Also it was assessed and analyzed on radioactivity for environment, and the plan was established to minimize radioactive material release. Finally environmental monitoring plan was established to confirm whether contaminated or not from radioactivity during decommissioning period. According to the assessment results, the risk of excess exposure will be not on environment and public. The first Environmental Impact Assessment Report was submitted to the government for the license and reviewed by Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety. The first Report was revised including answers for the questions arising from review process.

  12. Report 1984

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwach, G.W.


    The report gives a detailed survey of the work carried out by the Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf in 1984. The working program comprises five main areas: energy and safety, materials research, isotope and radiation techniques, measuring techniques and information processing, environmental protection, health and food, industrial consulting. A special chapter describes the activities of the scientific-technical services. The report further contains lists of lectures held at universities by members of the Research Center, of students working for their theses or diplomas and of publications and patents issued. (Author)

  13. Russia report (United States)

    Along with cementing the joint Shuttle-Mir Program in late June with a $400 million contract, the U.S. and Russia signed a deal to team up on global environmental issues. Under the agreement, U.S. and Russian scientists will establish modern facilities for petroleum research, including advanced geographic systems technology, petroleum geochemistry, and seismic processing to help Russia transition to a “market” economy, Interior Secreary Bruce Babbitt reports. The program, to be funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, will produce maps, technical reports, and other data for investment decisions.

  14. 1997 Scientific Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report summarises the status and main achievements of various programmes at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in the year 1997. The report contains five major sections: (1) radiation protection; (2) reactor safety; (3) radioactive waste and clean-up; (4) BR2 operation and (5) exploratory R and D

  15. Annual report 2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This reports presents the activities and accomplishments of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the calendar year 2002. The accomplishments of PNRI cited in this report are the nuclear research and development projects that focused on the safe and peaceful uses of nuclear techniques and to help improve industrial processes.

  16. Annual report 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This reports presents the activities and accomplishments of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the calendar year 2002. The accomplishments of PNRI cited in this report are the nuclear research and development projects that focused on the safe and peaceful uses of nuclear techniques and to help improve industrial processes

  17. Progress report 1979

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This progress report deals with technical and research work done at the AAEC Research Establishment in the twelve month period ending September 30, 1979. Work done in the following research divisions is reported: Applied Maths and Computing, Chemical Technology, Engineering Research, Environmental Science, Instrumentation and Control, Isotope, Materials and Physics

  18. 1999 Scientific Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The report summarises the status and main achievements of various programmes at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in the year 1999. The report contains five major sections: (1) nuclear research and society; (2) radiation protection; (3) reactor safety; (4) radioactive waste and clean-up; (5) reactor BR2

  19. 1997 Scientific Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The report summarises the status and main achievements of various programmes at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in the year 1997. The report contains five major sections: (1) radiation protection; (2) reactor safety; (3) radioactive waste and clean-up; (4) BR2 operation and (5) exploratory R and D.

  20. 1999 Scientific Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The report summarises the status and main achievements of various programmes at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre SCK-CEN in the year 1999. The report contains five major sections: (1) nuclear research and society; (2) radiation protection; (3) reactor safety; (4) radioactive waste and clean-up; (5) reactor BR2.

  1. Relationship between the position of upper and lower incisors and the internal structure of symphysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Kayou; Nishide, Masashi; Ishii, Yasumasa; Enomoto, Yutaka; Kawamura, Akira; Kasai, Kazutaka


    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the position of the upper and lower incisors and cortical bone thickness and CT value of mandibular symphysis obtained by CT images and cephalograms. The specimens were 24 dry skulls of mordern Japanese males (mean age 29 years) without marked crowding and missing tooth, which had been preserved in the Tokyou University Museum. The data were transferred to a workstation, and CT value and thickness of cortical bone were measured. The dentofacial morphology was investigated with a lateral cephalogram. The results were as follows; The thickness of cortal bone was more thicker in order of basal, lingual and labial cortical bone. The CT value showed the same tendency as cortical bone thickness. Significant correlation coefficients were found between cortical bone thickness and CT value in 30, 60, 90, 120 degree areas. The inclination of upper incisors was negatively related to the CT value in basal and lingual region of symphysis. The inclination of lower incisors was positively related to the CT value in basal and lingual region of symphysis. The interincisor angle was positively related to the CT value in basal region of symphysis. In conclusion, the results of this study suggested that the labio-lingual inclination of the upper and lower incisors was associated with the CT value of basal region of sysphysis. It is suggested that the internal structures of symphysis which relate to the occlusion types of incisors are affected by function of masticatory muscles. (author)

  2. Evaluación de indicadores de estres funcional en una muestra procedente del sitio Chenque I (Parque Nacional Lihue Calel, prov. de La Pampa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Baffi, Elvira Inés


    Full Text Available La posibilidad de identificar indicadores de actividades cotidianas mediante un análisis bioarqueológico resulta relevante dado que ellas se vinculan con los patrones de subsistencia y uso del cuerpo de los individuos. Uno de esos indicadores involucra una serie de cambios degenerativos en las articulaciones (cartílago y epífisis óseas conocidas bajo el rótulo general de osteoartritis. Se considera que el uso recurrente de una articulación produce una serie de alteraciones que incluyen la formación de labios en las superficies óseas, pitting, osteofitos, porosidad y eburnación. La evaluación comparativa del grado de manifestación de estos indicadores de estrés permite obtener información acerca del nivel de exigencia en el uso de determinadas porciones anatómicas en las actividades cotidianas. En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados del análisis de los restos recuperados en el Sitio Chenque I. El mismo es un cementerio utilizado por grupos cazadores-recolectores durante el Holoceno Tardío final, que contiene dos unidades bien delimitadas: la Unidad Superior, en la cual los restos óseos presentan un alto grado de fragmentación y mezcla, y la Unidad Inferior, que contiene numerosas estructuras de inhumación bien delimitadas. Se evaluarán los niveles de prevalencia de las manifestaciones de artritis de los restos de ambas unidades, teniendo en cuenta las características específicas de cada una de ellas.

  3. Komunikace CSR aktivit: CSR reporting

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jiří Kutlák


    Full Text Available This paper focuse on CSR reporting. The aim of this paper is to discuss several aspects influencing the CSR reporting in details and get more precisely information regarding CSR reporting topic in general. Firstly, there is a theoretical part aimed at general explanation of CSR issues such as definition, arguments for and against CSR and CSR reporting. In the next part, particular aspects which influence CSR reporting are discussed. The analysis is conducted on basis of important research papers, studies and standards available in the discussed research area. The results of the analysis indicate not only past and current level of knowledge in CSR reporting, but also the future trends. The paper contributes to research stream in the CSR communication, more precisely reporting, and indicate future steps for authors ‘further research.

  4. 12 CFR 620.3 - Accuracy of reports and assessment of internal control over financial reporting. (United States)


    ... control over financial reporting. 620.3 Section 620.3 Banks and Banking FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION FARM... control over financial reporting. (a) Prohibition against incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading... assessment of internal control over financial reporting. Annual reports of those institutions with over $1...

  5. 19 CFR 202.6 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Reports. 202.6 Section 202.6 Customs Duties UNITED... PRODUCTION § 202.6 Reports. After the completion of its investigation, the Commission will incorporate its findings in a report, and the report will be transmitted to the President. ...

  6. 14 CFR 171.275 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 171.275 Section 171.275... Reports. The owner of the ISMLS facility or his maintenance representative must make the following reports... the need for periodic maintenance visits to the facility, monthly reports from the remote monitoring...

  7. 34 CFR 361.40 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Reports. 361.40 Section 361.40 Education Regulations of... Requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation Services Administration § 361.40 Reports. (a) The State plan must assure that the designated State agency will submit reports, including reports required under sections 13...

  8. 9 CFR 116.5 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 116.5 Section 116.5 Animals..., SERUMS, TOXINS, AND ANALOGOUS PRODUCTS; ORGANISMS AND VECTORS RECORDS AND REPORTS § 116.5 Reports. (a) When required by the Administrator, reports containing accurate and complete information concerning...

  9. 40 CFR 63.1516 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 12 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Reports. 63.1516 Section 63.1516... Hazardous Air Pollutants for Secondary Aluminum Production Notifications, Reports, and Records § 63.1516 Reports. (a) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan/reports. The owner or operator must develop a written...

  10. 40 CFR 224.2 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 24 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Reports. 224.2 Section 224.2 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) OCEAN DUMPING RECORDS AND REPORTS REQUIRED OF OCEAN DUMPING PERMITTEES UNDER SECTION 102 OF THE ACT § 224.2 Reports. (a) Periodic reports...

  11. 18 CFR 4.11 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Reports. 4.11 Section 4... Reports. Representatives of the Commission will inspect the project works, engineering reports, and other... report of their findings with respect to the inventory, appraisal, original cost, accrued depreciation...

  12. 10 CFR 40.64 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 40.64 Section 40.64 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION DOMESTIC LICENSING OF SOURCE MATERIAL Records, Reports, and Inspections § 40.64 Reports. (a... in the fabrication of mixed-oxide fuels, shall complete a Nuclear Material Transaction Report in...

  13. Identifying Inconsistencies and Reporting Deficits in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (TMB) Case Reports Authored by TMB Practitioners: a TMB-Adapted CAse REport (CARE) Guidelines Audit Through 2014. (United States)

    Munk, Niki; Shue, Sarah; Freeland, Emilee; Ralston, Rick; Boulanger, Karen T


    Case reports are a fundamental tool through which therapeutic massage and bodywork (TMB) practitioners can inform research and impact their field by detailing the presentation, treatment, and follow-up of a single individual encountered in practice. Inconsistencies in case reporting limit their impact as fundamental sources of clinical evidence. Using the TMB-adapted CAse REport (CARE) guidelines, the current study sought to provide a rich description regarding the reporting quality of TMB practitioner authored TMB case reports in the literature. 1) Systematic identification of published, peer-reviewed TMB case reports authored by TMB practitioners following PRISMA recommendations; 2) audit development based on TMB-adapted CARE guidelines; 3) audit implementation; and 4) descriptive analysis of audit scores. Our search identified 977 articles and 35 met study inclusion criteria. On average, TMB case reports included approximately 58% of the total items identified as necessary by the TMB-adapted CARE guidelines. Introduction sections of case reports had the best item reporting (80% on average), while Case Presentation (54%) and Results (52%) sections scored moderately overall, with only 20% of necessary Practitioner Description items included on average. Audit scores revealed inconsistent abstract reporting and few audited case reports including client race (20%), perspective (26%), and occupation/activities (40%); practitioner practice setting (12%), training (12%), scope-of-practice (29%), and credentialing (20%); adverse events or lack thereof (17%); and some aspect of informed consent (34%). Treatment descriptor item reporting varied from high to low. Various implications of concern are discussed. The current audit and descriptive analysis highlight several reporting inconsistencies in TMB case reports prior to 2015. Reporting guidelines for case reports are important if standards for, and impact of, TMB case reports are desired. Adherence to reporting

  14. Learning SQL Server Reporting Services 2012

    CERN Document Server

    Krishnaswamy, Jayaram


    The book is packed with clear instructions and plenty of screenshots, providing all the support and guidance you will need as you begin to generate reports with SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services.This book is for those who are new to SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 and aspiring to create and deploy cutting edge reports. This book is for report developers, report authors, ad-hoc report authors and model developers, and Report Server and SharePoint Server Integrated Report Server administrators. Minimal knowledge of SQL Server is assumed and SharePoint experience would be helpful.

  15. Sustainable NREL Biennial Report, FY 2012 - 2013 (Management Report)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Slovensky, Michelle [National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    NREL's Sustainability Program plays a vital role bridging research and operations - integrating energy efficiency, water and material resource conservation and cultural change - adding depth in the fulfillment of NREL's mission. The report, per the GRI reporting format, elaborates on multi-year goals relative to executive orders, achievements, and challenges; and success stories provide specific examples. A section called "The Voice of NREL" gives an inside perspective of how to become more sustainable while at the same time addressing climate change.

  16. Komunikace CSR aktivit: CSR reporting


    Jiří Kutlák; Petra Taušl Procházková


    This paper focuse on CSR reporting. The aim of this paper is to discuss several aspects influencing the CSR reporting in details and get more precisely information regarding CSR reporting topic in general. Firstly, there is a theoretical part aimed at general explanation of CSR issues such as definition, arguments for and against CSR and CSR reporting. In the next part, particular aspects which influence CSR reporting are discussed. The analysis is conducted on basis of important research pap...

  17. Environment-effect reporting. Chapter 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hermens, P.A.H.


    Environment-effect reporting is a tool in the resolution of one or more government bodies about activities which may have important disadvantageous impacts upon the environment. This chapter gives a treatment of environment-effect reporting as a process consisting of the preparation, draw-up, judgement and use of an environment-effect report (MER), followed by an evaluation. The contentsof an environment-effect report are indicated. The role of environment-effect reporting in relation with other procedures is discussed. Some experience with the application of environment-effect reporting is presented and a number of experiences in the application are discussed. (H.W.). 5 refs.; 3 figs.; 3 tabs

  18. 17 CFR 420.3 - Reporting. (United States)


    ... SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 LARGE POSITION REPORTING § 420.3 Reporting. (a) A reporting entity is subject... large position threshold specified by the Department for a specific Treasury security issue. The... or dates (as of close of business) for which the large position information must be reported; and the...

  19. 7 CFR 1216.60 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 1216.60 Section 1216.60 Agriculture... INFORMATION ORDER Peanut Promotion, Research, and Information Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1216.60 Reports. (a) Each producer and first handler subject to this part shall be required to report to the...

  20. 47 CFR 3.60 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Reports. 3.60 Section 3.60 Telecommunication... MARITIME AND MARITIME MOBILE-SATELLITE RADIO SERVICES Reporting Requirements § 3.60 Reports. (a) Initial... authority is required to submit to the FCC a report on additions, modifications or deletions to its list of...

  1. 10 CFR 36.83 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 36.83 Section 36.83 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION LICENSES AND RADIATION SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR IRRADIATORS Records § 36.83 Reports. (a) In addition to the reporting requirements in other parts of NRC regulations, the licensee shall report the...

  2. 18 CFR 4.21 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Reports. 4.21 Section 4... Reports. Representatives of the Commission will inspect the project works, engineering reports, and other..., records, and accounts of the licensee relating to the property under license, and prepare a report of...

  3. 42 CFR 136.116 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Reports. 136.116 Section 136.116 Public Health... and Services § 136.116 Reports. In addition to the reporting and information requirements provided in... Federal financial assistance shall make such reports and information available to the Indian people served...

  4. 7 CFR 1160.401 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 9 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Reports. 1160.401 Section 1160.401 Agriculture... Reports, Books and Records § 1160.401 Reports. Each fluid milk processor marketing milk and paying an assessment under § 1160.211 shall be required to report upon the remittance of such assessments such...

  5. 2001 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This reports presents the activities and accomplishments of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the calendar year 2001. The accomplishments of PNRI cited in this report attest to the concerted efforts of the PNRI personnel to harness the unique capabilities and advantages of nuclear science and technology in supporting national development programs

  6. 2001 annual report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This reports presents the activities and accomplishments of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the calendar year 2001. The accomplishments of PNRI cited in this report attest to the concerted efforts of the PNRI personnel to harness the unique capabilities and advantages of nuclear science and technology in supporting national development programs.

  7. 1998 annual report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This reports presents the activities and accomplishment of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the calendar year 1998. Some of the highlights sited on this reports are the services rendered by the institute to the public; research and development being taken; nuclear safety and regulations; and the general administration and linkages.

  8. 1998 annual report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This reports presents the activities and accomplishment of the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI) for the calendar year 1998. Some of the highlights sited on this reports are the services rendered by the institute to the public; research and development being taken; nuclear safety and regulations; and the general administration and linkages

  9. Annual report 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report documents the important accomplishments under the three pillars of Institute's mandate, namely, R and D, technology transfer and nuclear servces, and nuclear regulation, licensing, safeguards and security; also in this report, the PNRI celebrates the centennial birth anniversary of General Florencio A. Medina, the father of Atomic Energy in the Philippines

  10. 19 CFR 358.104 - Report. (United States)


    ... 19 Customs Duties 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Report. 358.104 Section 358.104 Customs Duties... Report. The Secretary will review and issue a report on the first five years of the operation of Part 358. The report will consider the impact of determinations to permit importation of particular merchandise...

  11. 7 CFR 1205.338 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 1205.338 Section 1205.338 Agriculture... Research and Promotion Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1205.338 Reports. Each handler and importer subject to this subpart and importers of de minimis amounts of cotton may be required to report to the...

  12. 7 CFR 1210.350 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 1210.350 Section 1210.350 Agriculture... PLAN Watermelon Research and Promotion Plan Reports, Books, and Records § 1210.350 Reports. (a) Each... watermelons produced and handled by the handler. Handlers shall report to the Board at such times and in such...

  13. 32 CFR 623.7 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 32 National Defense 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 true Reports. 623.7 Section 623.7 National Defense... Reports. (a) General. Reports of Army materiel loaned to non-DOD activities must be forwarded as described... report through command channels by telephone to the HQDA, (DAMO-ODS). (Para 4, app B.) Confirmation will...

  14. 7 CFR 1209.260 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 1209.260 Section 1209.260 Agriculture... CONSUMER INFORMATION ORDER Rules and Regulations Reports § 1209.260 Reports. Each first handler shall be required to report monthly to the Council such information as may be required under § 1209.60(a) of this...

  15. 7 CFR 1207.350 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 1207.350 Section 1207.350 Agriculture... Potato Research and Promotion Plan Reports, Books, and Records § 1207.350 Reports. (a) Each designated... potatoes handled which he himself produced. He shall report to the Board at such times and in such manner...

  16. 7 CFR 1212.70 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 10 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Reports. 1212.70 Section 1212.70 Agriculture..., Consumer Education, and Industry Information Order Reports, Books, and Records § 1212.70 Reports. (a) Each first handler or importer subject to this part must report to the Board, at the time and in the manner...

  17. 49 CFR 233.9 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 49 Transportation 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Reports. 233.9 Section 233.9 Transportation Other... TRANSPORTATION SIGNAL SYSTEMS REPORTING REQUIREMENTS § 233.9 Reports. Not later than April 1, 1997 and every 5 years thereafter, each carrier shall file with FRA a signal system status report “Signal System Five...

  18. 21 CFR 1310.05 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Reports. 1310.05 Section 1310.05 Food and Drugs DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE RECORDS AND REPORTS OF LISTED CHEMICALS AND CERTAIN MACHINES § 1310.05 Reports. (a) Each regulated person shall report to the Special Agent in Charge...

  19. 7 CFR 1150.171 - Reports. (United States)


    ... 7 Agriculture 9 2010-01-01 2009-01-01 true Reports. 1150.171 Section 1150.171 Agriculture... Order Reports, Books and Records § 1150.171 Reports. Each producer marketing milk of that producer's own... collection of the assessment under § 1150.152 shall be required to report at the time for remitting...

  20. Green report. Report on the status of forestry in the Slovak Republic 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moravcik, M.


    Report on Forestry in the Slovak Republic, better known as Green Report has been already the 14 th one. The Ministry of Agriculture of SR in collaboration with the National Forest Centre in Zvolen presents in the Green Report the situation in forestry in Slovakia as well as forecasts its development for the future. Within international collaboration the Green Report is provided to international organizations, experts and institutions of the European Union. The publication has found its place also at international forestry conferences as it presents in a complex and standard way the analysis of the situation and development of forestry in Slovakia