
Sample records for kristi kallassalu eduard

  1. Eduard Tubina muuseum = The Eduard Tubin Museum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eduard Tubina muuseumi ja ekspositsiooni kujundusest. Kogu mööbel ja vitriinkapid projekteeriti spetsiaalselt muuseumisse. Sisearhitektid Kärt Loopalu, Krista Thomson (OÜ Superellips), Liina Langemets, loetletud nende tehtud töid

  2. Randvere Kool = Randvere School / Kristi Lents

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lents, Kristi, 1981-


    Kristi Lents-Esnari ja Marita Mätase (Allianss Arhitektid) kujundatud Randvere Kooli (G.H. Schüdlöffeli tee 4, Randvere küla, Viimsi) interjöörist. Hoone arhitekt Inga Raukas. Lühidalt Kristi Lents-Esnarist ja Marita Mätasest

  3. Kristy Villems moves from Saku to Carlsberg / Kristy Villems

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Villems, Kristy, 1975-


    Saku õlletehase turundusjuhi kohalt aastaks Carlsberg'i õlletehase turundusosakonna Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa piirkonna projektijuhi kohale lahkunud Kristy Villems oma tulevastest tööülesannetest ning väljakutsetest uues ametis

  4. Kristi Salve kaitses doktoriväitekirja / Mall Hiiemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiiemäe, Mall, 1937-


    Kristi Salve kaitses 20. dets.̀1999 Tartu Ülikooli kirjanduse ja rahvaluule osakonnanõukogu ees väitekirja : Läänemeresoomlaste traditsiooniline vaimne kultuur : pärimusliikide vahelised seosed ja etnilised suhted / Kristi Salve. Tartu, 1999. 287 lk. Talle omistati doktorikraad folkloristika alal hinnanguga summa cum laude

  5. Äppideteemaline vestlusring: lapsed ei lähe enam iga hullusega kaasa / Kristjan Port, Kristi Mäe, Kristi Rahn, Jakob Rosin ; intervjueerinud Madis Aesma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Käib konkurss "Eesti parim mobiilirakendus 2016". Vestlusringis äppidest rääkimas inimesed, kelle jaoks rakendused mängivad igapäevaelus erinevaid rolle - spordibioloog, SA Eesti Antidoping nõukogu liige Kristjan Port, politsei- ja piirivalveameti juhtivkriminaalametnik Kristi Mäe, Gustav Adolfi gümnaasiumi klassiõpetaja Kristi Rahn ja Eesti pimedate liidu juhatuse liige, vaegnägija Jakob Rosin

  6. Kristi Tammik Münchenis edukas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Endise ajakirjaniku Kristi Tammiku moekollektsiooni näidati 3. mail Müncheni Nachtkaffees, kokkuvõtet etendusest kolmel korral TV München'is. Etendusest kirjutasid ajalehed Süddeutsche Zeitung, Abendzeitung, Extrablatt. K. Tammiku autorirõivad kannavad firmamärki Misty ja on valmistatud Eestis Zoja Järgi ateljees

  7. Hoia ja keela / Allar Aron, Eduard Sizov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aron, Allar, 1973-


    Kunda linnapea Allar Aroni ning keskkonnaministeeriumi keskkonnakorralduse ja -tehnoloogia osakonna keskkonnakorralduse peaspetsialisti Eduard Sizovi erinevatest seisukohtadest Kunda Hiiemäele kavandatava tuulepargi küsimuses

  8. Euroopa Liit ja idanaabrid / Kristi Raik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raik, Kristi


    Grzegorz Gromadzki ja Kristi Raiki uuringul "Aktiivsusest mõjuni. Uute liikmesriikide panus Euroopa Liidu suhetesse idanaabritega" põhinev artikkel käsitleb EL-i naabruspoliitika olemust ja uute liikmesriikide vajadust välja töötada kogu Euroopale vastuvõetav idanaabruse strateegia

  9. Ühe Eduard Wiiraltiga seotud eksituse jälil / Jüri Hain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hain, Jüri, 1941-


    Eduard Wiiralti 1930. aastal tehtud eksliibrisest, mille Julius Genss omistas väljaandes "Kunsti album II" (1935) ekslikult Samuel Nellinile. Tegelik omanik on metallikunstnik Samuel Yellin (1885-1940), mille tegi kindlaks Mai Levin ("Eduard Wiiralt", 1998). Lühiülevaade Samuel Yellini elust ja tegevusest

  10. Eduard Wiiralt 100 / Enriko Talvistu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talvistu, Enriko, 1961-


    20. veebruarist Rüütelkonna hoones ja Adamson-Ericu muuseumis Eduard Wiiralti 100. sünniaastapäeva näitus. Kuraator Mai Levin on keskendunud eelkõige seni Eestis eksponeerimata töödele. Eesti Kunstimuuseum kirjastab Mai Levini uurimuse Wiiralti elust ja loomingust. Monograafia väljaandmise toetajatest. 18. veebruarist Kaunases M. K. Chiurlionise muuseiumis Tartu Kunstimuuseumi organiseeritud E. Wiiralti 100. sünniaastapäeva näitusest

  11. Eduard Vääri : [Wiedemanni keeleauhinna laureaat 2001

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sisu: Kogu elu eesti keele kaitsel : [F. J. Wiedemanni keeleauhinna vastuvõtmisel peetud kõne alusel] ; Laks, Meinhard. Liivi rannarahva lipp : [luuletus] = Livõ rńdarouv plaga / liivi keelde tõlkinud Eduard Vääri

  12. Tants / Eduard Tido, Janika Sarantshina ; interv. Mel Shiffer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tido, Eduard


    Oma harrastusest räägivad hip-hop tantsijad Eduard Tido, Janika Sharantshina, Eva Ottas, show-tantsija Helen Randmäe, club freestyle autor Monika Tuvi, dance hall'i maaletooja Helen Lõhmus ja breikar Marek Vetik

  13. Kristi Liiva: investeerige suurem osa ajast oma inimestesse / intervjueerinud Annela Laaneots

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liiva, Kristi, 1971-


    Intervjuu Arvamusfestivali korraldaja Kristi Liivaga, kelle Eesti Ajalehtede Liidu liikmeslehtede peatoimetajad valisid 2013. a. pressisõbraks. Arvamusfestivali tulemustest, kommunikatsioonist ühiskonna paremaks muutmisel

  14. Pallaslase Eduard Ahase matmiskoht sai mälestuskivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    'Pallase' kunstnik ja Treffneri kooli kunstiõpetaja Eduard Alas hukkus 17. sept. 1944. a. Tartumaal lahingus Punaarmeega. Korporatsioon Ugala Vilistlaskogu leidis Ahase haua paar nädalat tagasi Kavastu lähedal ning märgistas selle mälestuskiviga. Loetletud E. Ahase loodud riigitegelaste portreid

  15. Tips From Former Smokers – Kristy (2016)

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Kristy is a truck driver who smoked heavily to pass time. She eventually quit for good after her lung collapsed.  Created: 1/20/2016 by Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.   Date Released: 1/20/2016.

  16. Tips From Former Smokers – Kristy

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    At age 33, Kristy tried using e-cigarettes to help her quit regular cigarettes but ended up using both. Eventually, she went back to smoking only cigarettes and later had a collapsed lung.  Created: 3/25/2015 by Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.   Date Released: 3/25/2015.

  17. Kuidas ohjeldada netikommentaatoreid? / Mart Laanpere, Peeter Normak, Jaanus Lillenberg, Kristi Kasper-Semidor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad TLÜ haridustehnoloogia keskuse juhataja Mart Laanpere, TLÜ informaatika instituudi direktor Peeter Normak, Postimees Online’i arendus- ja turundusjuht Jaanus Lillenberg ja haridusveebi Koolielu toimetaja Kristi Kasper-Semidor

  18. Aare Tool. Piiratud transponeeritavusega heliread ja vorm Eduard Oja muusikas / Mart Jaanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaanson, Mart, 1966-


    Arvustus: Aare Tool. Piiratud transponeeritavusega heliread ja vorm Eduard Oja muusikas. Doktoritöö, Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia Väitekirjad 7, Tallinn: Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia, 2016, 125 lk.

  19. Uusi aspekte Eduard Wiiralti loomingu mõistmisel / Ülle Kruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kruus, Ülle, 1958-


    Kuni 3. IX Adamson-Ericu muuseumis avatud näitusest "Armastus Strasbourg'is. Eduard Wiiralti looming Juhani Komulaineni kogust", mis tutvustab kunagi Wiiralti sõbratarile ja toetajale Nelly Stulzile (1892-1969) kuulunud Wiiralti kollektsiooni. Näituse koostas Mai Levin, kujundas Andres Tolts. Ka näituse raames toimunud üritustest

  20. Õpilaskodu kui võimalus käitumuslike erivajadustega õpilastele / Kristi Talu, Anne Tiko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talu, Kristi, 1961-


    Artikkel põhineb Tallinna Ülikooli sotsiaaltöö instituudis kaitstud magistritööl "Käitumuslike erivajadustega laste õpilaskodu kujunemislugu Tõstamaa keskkooli õpilaskodu näitel" (Talu, Kristi, 2009)

  1. Kuidas peaks noor õpetaja ennast klassis kehtestama? / Priit Ahte, Kristi Siirman, Kaia Kauts, Liis Prikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Tallinna kristiine gümnaasiumi keemiaõpetaja Priit Ahte, Tallinna ühisgümnaasiumi eesti keele ja kirjanduse õpetaja Kristi Siirman, Kadrina keskkooli matemaatikaõpetaja Kaia Kauts ja Viimsi keskkooli inglise keele õpetaja Liis Prikk

  2. Kuidas vormitakse meistreid? / Terje Jaksen, Kristi Tiido, Toivo Pärnapuu ; intervjueerinud Liina Liiv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaksen, Terje


    2.–5. oktoobrini toimusid Prantsusmaal Lille’i linnas Euroopa kutsemeistrivõistlused „EuroSkills 2014”. Oma mõtteid juhendamisest ja võistlemistest jagasid koka eriala ekspert Kristi Tiido Tallinna teeninduskoolist, ehitusviimistluse eriala ekspert Terje Jaksen Tallinna ehituskoolist ja infotehnoloogia eriala ekspert Toivo Pärnpuu Tallinna polütehnikumist. Veebidisainer Silver Mähar võitis EuroSkillsil kuldmedali

  3. Eduard Tubina "Kogutud teoste" köidetest I/I (sümfooniad nr. 1 ja 2) ning I/VII (orkestrisüidid) / Timo Virtanen ; (tõlkinud Merike Vaitmaa)

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virtanen, Timo, 1956-


    Arvustus: Lauri Sirp, Toomas Trass (toim.). Kogutud teosed. I seeria, I köide : Sümfoonia nr. 1 ; Sümfoonia nr. 2 : Legendaarne / Eduard Tubin. Stockholm : Rahvusvaheline Eduard Tubina Ühing ; Gehrmans Musikförlag, 2012

  4. Mr. Eduard Zeman, Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, Czech Republic

    CERN Multimedia

    Patrice Loïez


    Mr Eduard Zeman (third from left), Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, Czech Republic, visiting CERN's permanent exhibition, Microcosm, with (from left to right) Dr Rupert Leitner, ATLAS Tile Calorimetry Project Leader; Mr P. Cink, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport; Dr Ivan Lehraus, Committee for Collaboration of the Czech Republic with CERN; and H.E. Mr Milan Hovorka, Ambassador, permanent representative of the Czech Republic to the United Nations in Geneva.

  5. Tubin, Eduard. Sonate pour violon et piano dans le mode phrygien / Pierre Gervasoni

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gervasoni, Pierre


    Uuest heliplaadist "Tubin, Eduard. Sonate pour violon et piano dans le mode phrygien. Ballade pour piano en forme de Chaconne sur un theme de Mart Saar. Sonate pour saxophone alto et piano. Le Chant des soldats enrepli. Ave Maria. Societe Chorale Estudiantine de Lund, Neeme Järvi. BIS-CD 269, distribution Harmonia Mundi (CD: 161 F), 1984/85.TT: 1h 03'46"

  6. Eduard Tubin's early years in Sweden : Some thoughts on the reception and perception of his music / Hans Astrand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Astrand, Hans


    Artiklis "Eduard Tubina varajased Rootsi aastad: mõningaid mõtteid tema muusika retsptsioonist ja pertsptsioonist" on käsitletud vastukajasid helilooja Rootsi perioodi esimese aastakümne loomingule

  7. Kas palgatöö või eraäri? / Alar Anton, Kristi Kass, Katrina Sokk... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Finnlamelli osanik ja tegevjuht Alar Anton, Lõuna-Eesti Turismi Sihtasutuse juhataja Kristi Kass, džässiklubi Clazz juht Katrina Sokk, Refleks Design and Advertising tegevjuht Tarmo Ojakäär, If Kindlustuse kommunikatsioonijuht Eva-Grete Aljas, EMT sidevõrgu grupi juht Mattias Männi

  8. Der Marinemaler Eduard Edler (1887-1969): eine biographische Annäherung


    Scholl, Lars U.; Ancken, Rüdiger


    Eduard Edler's life and work have not been closely examined to date. Since documents and reports by his contemporaries can scarcely be found, only a biographical rapprochement can be undertaken. Paintings from Edler's studio keep turning up in the art trade unaccompanied by any information on their production. At present, the following is known about him: Edler first made a name for himself during the 1930s as a ship portraitist and poster-painter in the service of German shipping companies. ...

  9. Aktsiaseltsi aktsionäride, asutajate, juhatuse ja nõukogu liikmete vastutus : [bakalaureusetöö] / Kristi Relvik ; Õigusinstituut ; juhendaja: Kilvar Kessler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Relvik, Kristi


    Aktsionäride vastutus, asutajate vastutus, juhatuse ja liikmete vastutus.Vt. ka Relvik, Kristi. Aktsiaseltsi juhatuse ja nõukogu liikmete vastutus // Õigusinstituudi toimetised (1998) nr. 1, lk. 12

  10. [Thought Experiments in Historiographic Function: Max Weber on Eduard Meyer and the Question of Counterfactuality]. (United States)

    Ernst, Florian


    Thought Experiments in Historiographic Function: Max Weber on Eduard Meyer and the Question of Counterfactuality. Max Weber's remarks on his colleague Eduard Meyer regarding counterfactual reasoning in history reflects a significant shift during the Methodenstreit around 1900. The question of attributing historical change strictly to either individual causes or abstract general laws has been tackled in a new way: By counterfactual reasoning a historian should be able to detect the most significant (and therefore meaningful) cause, event, or action for a certain historical outcome. Following Fritz Ringer, this paper argues that given the predominating methods of the natural sciences, scholars of the humanities conducted historical research by counterfactual thought experiments. This way, Weber pried open contemporary narratives (e.g. historicism), and by employing a unique historical causal analysis he made way for refined concepts to offer a model of interpretation that gave hope for a more feasible, practice-oriented approach to historical research than the epistemological discussions had hitherto offered. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Edukamates riikides on soolist võrdõiguslikkust aastakümneid tähtsaks peetud / Kristi Lõuk ; interv. Valle-Sten Maiste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõuk, Kristi


    Raamatu "Eesti Vabariigi naisministrid. Koguteos naistest poliitika tipus" üks koostajatest Kristi Lõuk räägib teose koostamisest, naistest poliitikas, soolisest võrdõiguslikkusest ja tasakaalust, naiste ühiskondlikust positsioonist, feminismist ja meesšovinismist

  12. The mathematical legacy of Eduard Čech

    CERN Document Server

    Simon, Petr


    The work of Professor Eduard Cech had a si~ificant influence on the development of algebraic and general topology and differential geometry. This book, which appears on the occasion of the centenary of Cech's birth, contains some of his most important papers and traces the subsequent trends emerging from his ideas. The body of the book consists of four chapters devoted to algebraic topology, Cech-Stone compactification, dimension theory and differential geometry. Each of these includes a selection of Cech's papers, a brief summary of some results which followed from his work or constituted solutions to the problems he posed, and several selected papers by various authors concerning the areas of study he initiated. The book also contains a concise biography borrowed with minor changes from the book Topological papers of E. tech, a list of Cech's publications and a very brief note on his activity in the didactics of mathematics. The editors wish to express their sincere gratitude to all who contributed to the c...

  13. Stavitel železnic Eduard Bazika ve světle svých pamětí

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hlavačka, Milan


    Roč. 42, č. 1 (2016), s. 219-237 ISSN 0585-4172 Institutional support: RVO:67985963 Keywords : Bohemia * Eduard Bazika * Czech Tehnical High School Subject RIV: AB - History OBOR OECD: History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)

  14. Kas tasemetööd täidavad oma eesmärki? / Marge Lepik, Kristi Mere, Merike Haas...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Lääne-Viru maavalitsuse haridusosakonna juhataja Marge Lepik, Haridus- ja Teadusministeeriumi välishindamisosakonna peaekspert Kristi Mere, Viira kooli klassiõpetaja Merike Haas, Rääma põhikooli direktor Elmo Joa ja Tallinna Ülikooli Haapsalu kolledži õppejõud Sirje Piht

  15. Esmamuljed maaülikoolist / Kristi Kägu, Ülle Ütsik, Priit Veeroja, Simon Soll...[jt.] ; küsitlenud Sirje Pärismaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele, kuidas on möödunud esimesed nädalad, vastasid Maaülikooli esmakursuslased: majandusarvestuse ja finantsjuhtimise erialalt Kristi Kägu, ökonoomika ja ettevõtluse erialalt Ülle Ütsik, veemajanduse erialalt Priit Veeroja, maastikuarhitektuuri erialalt Simon Soll, kinnisvara planeerimise erialalt Merlin Henning ja liha- ja piimatehnoloogia erialalt Liina Politanova

  16. Eduard Strasburger (1844-1912): founder of modern plant cell biology. (United States)

    Volkmann, Dieter; Baluška, František; Menzel, Diedrik


    Eduard Strasburger, director of the Botany Institute and the Botanical Garden at the University of Bonn from 1881 to 1912, was one of the most admirable scientists in the field of plant biology, not just as the founder of modern plant cell biology but in addition as an excellent teacher who strongly believed in "education through science." He contributed to plant cell biology by discovering the discrete stages of karyokinesis and cytokinesis in algae and higher plants, describing cytoplasmic streaming in different systems, and reporting on the growth of the pollen tube into the embryo sac and guidance of the tube by synergides. Strasburger raised many problems which are hot spots in recent plant cell biology, e.g., structure and function of the plasmodesmata in relation to phloem loading (Strasburger cells) and signaling, mechanisms of cell plate formation, vesicle trafficking as a basis for most important developmental processes, and signaling related to fertilization.

  17. [Baltisches Welterlebnis. Die kulturgeschichtliche Bedeutung von Alexander, Eduard und Hermann Graf Keyserling. Beiträge eines internationalen Symposium in Tartu vom 19. bis 21. September 2003

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garleff, Michael, 1940-


    Baltisches Welterlebnis. Die kulturgeschichtliche Bedeutung von Alexander, Eduard und Hermann Graf Keyserling. Beiträge eines internationalen Symposium in Tartu vom 19. bis 21. September 2003. Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter, 2007

  18. 1 küsimus noorele juhile : Milline peaks olema see firma, kus tahad viie aasta pärast töötada? / Kristi Loikmaa, Siim Saare, Tiiu Roosma ... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad Ekspress Hotline'i turundujuht Kristi Loikmaa, SEBi organisatsiooni arendusjuht Siim Saare, BonBon Lingerie disainer ja osanik Tiiu Roosma, Advisio asutaja ja juht Lauri Antalainen, Brenstoli müügijuht Maret Puskar ning Carrot Konverentside partner Ott Sarapuu

  19. Auf den Spuren des verschollenen Polarforschers Baron Eduard Toll und seines Freundes Hermann Walter auf der Kotelny-Insel / Erki Tammiksaar, Roland Walter, Hans-Otto von Walter... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammiksaar, Erki, 1969-


    Baltisakslaste koostööst kuulsa vene polaaruurija Dmitri Šparoga seoses baltisaksa polaaruurija Hermann Walteri säilmete ringimatmisega Kotelnõi saarel. Hermann Walter osales Eduard von Tolli Sannikovi maa otsimise ekspeditsioonis. Hermann Walteri põhjalik iseloomustus

  20. Body of evidence: integrating Eduard Pernkopf's Atlas into a librarian-led medical humanities seminar. (United States)

    Mages, Keith C; Lohr, Linda A


    Anatomical subjects depicted in Eduard Pernkopf's richly illustrated Topographische Anatomie des Menschen may be victims of the Nazi regime. Special collections librarians in the history of medicine can use this primary resource to initiate dialogs about ethics with medical students. Reported here is the authors' use of Pernkopf's Atlas in an interactive medical humanities seminar designed for third-year medical students. Topical articles, illustrations, and interviews introduced students to Pernkopf, his Atlas , and the surrounding controversies. We aimed to illustrate how this controversial historical publication can successfully foster student discussion and ethical reflection. Pernkopf's Atlas and our mix of contextual resources facilitated thoughtful discussions about history and ethics amongst the group. Anonymous course evaluations showed student interest in the subject matter, relevance to their studies, and appreciation of our special collection's space and contents.

  1. Urbanistid ja keskkonnaeksperdid: iga muudatuse eest Reidi tee projektis oleme pidanud võitlema / Helen Sooväli-Sepping, Kristi Grišakov, Mari Jüssi ; intervjueerinud Mari Peegel ; kommenteerinud Taavi Aas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sooväli-Sepping, Helen, 1974-


    TLÜ keskkonnakorralduse professor ja linnakorralduse õppekava juht Helen Sooväli-Sepping, TTÜ maastikuarhitektuuri õppekava juht ja linnaplaneerija-urbanist Kristi Grišakov ning Stockholmi keskkonnainstituudi Tallinna keskuse liikuvus- ja keskkonnaekspert Mari Jüssi kinnitavad, et Reidi tee projekt ei ole endiselt inimsõbralik

  2. Benjamin Ortmeyer: Mythos und Pathos statt Logos und Ethos, Zu den Publikationen führender Erziehungswissenschaftler in der NS-Zeit: Eduard Spranger, Herman Nohl, Erich Weniger und Peter Petersen, Weinheim / Basel: Beltz 2009 [Rezension


    Zimmer, Hasko


    Rezension von: Benjamin Ortmeyer: Mythos und Pathos statt Logos und Ethos, Zu den Publikationen führender Erziehungswissenschaftler in der NS-Zeit: Eduard Spranger, Herman Nohl, Erich Weniger und Peter Petersen, Weinheim / Basel: Beltz 2009, 606 S.

  3. Muusika : Juubelikontserdid "ERSO 75". Tüür uuel CD-l. Muusikakonverentsid Tallinnas. Highlightsi festivalist "Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg". Hermanni päev / Vardo Rumessen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rumessen, Vardo, 1942-2015


    ERSO saab detsembris 75. aastaseks ja sel puhul on kavas kontserdid nii Tartus kui Tallinnas. Ansambel Piano Circus on välja antud uue CD, millele annab nime avateos ئ Erkki-Sven Tüüri "Transmission". Eesti Muusikateaduse Selts korraldab 3.XII EMA-s sümpoosioni teemal Beethoveni muusika. 1. ja 2. XII EMA-s toimub konverents "Interpretatsioonipedagoogika probleeme II". Põhjamaade muusikaajakirja Highlights XI numbris ilmus ülevaade rahvusvahelisest muusikafestivalist "Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg". Eesti teatri- ja muusikamuuseumis toimub helilooja, ajakirjaniku, muusika- ja keeleteadlase, dr. Karl August Hermanni päev

  4. Das Erbrecht in weltgeschichtlicher Entwickelung (1824–1835 von Eduard Gans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Corrado Bertani


    Full Text Available Das Erbrecht in weltgeschichtlicher Entwickelung, although unquestionably the most ambitious work of Eduard Gans, has hitherto been generally neglected by scholars. While some parts of it are quite well known because of their polemical arguments against Savigny’s »Historical School of Law«, the way Gans tried to develop his own project of a »philosophical« history of succession law has received far less attention. This voluminous work, which encompasses the history of human civilisation from Ancient China and India up to the Middle Ages, relies on Hegel’s conceptualisation of world history as a key for interpreting the documents containing the law of succession of the most relevant nations. However, this is not applied consistently throughout, suggesting that, despite seeming to be a homogeneous study, his Erbrecht was a work-in-progress with three main stages of composition. In the most Hegelian part of his work – vol. 2: Das Römische Erbrecht – Gans manages to reconcile his philosophical approach with his juridical background. In the introduction and in the first chapter he follows the historical course of the Roman legislation on inheritance and succession from ancient times prior to the XII Tabulae up to Justinian’s codification, whereas in the remaining five chapters he attempts to reconstruct the whole system of the Roman law of succession from a dogmatic point of view. While in the former case the systematic principle was drawn from Hegel’s lectures on the Philosophy of History, in the latter case Gans followed current academic practice in reconstructing the Roman law of succession in a systematic way, nevertheless stressing that such a systemcould not satisfy the ethical needs of reason.

  5. Памятник композитору Эдуарду Тубину, Тарту = Monument to the composer Eduard Tubin, Tartu / Илья Архипенко

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Архипенко, Илья


    Eduard Tubina monumendist Tartus. Arhitekt Veronika Valk (Zizi & Yoyo), skulptor Aili Vahtrapuu. Kompleks koosneb kahest elemendist: traditsioonilisest mälestusmärgist ja interaktiivsest installatsioonist

  6. Adressaadi dünaamikast Harriet Jacobsi orjanarratiivis "Incidents in a Life of a Slave Girl ja Eduard Vilde ajaloolises romaanis "Mahtra Sõda" / The Impact of Implied Reader on Harriet Jacobs' Slave Narrative Incidents in a Life of a Slave Girl and Eduard Vilde's Historical Novel Mahtra sõda

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kadri Naanu


    Full Text Available Teesid: Orjust ja orjandust puudutavate kirjandusteoste kirjapanemise eesmärk ulatub sageli autori isiklikest kunstilistest taotlustest kaugemale ja on seotud sooviga teksti lugejat mõjutada, mistõttu on kirjutajate jaoks oluline võita nende publiku usaldus. Artikkel uurib, milliseid vahendeid eesti ja AafrikaAmeerika autorid kasutavad, et veenda lugejaid oma tekstide või minevikutõlgenduse tõeväärtuses. Analüüs toetub Harriet Jacobsi kanoonilisele orjanarratiivile „Incidents in a Life of a Slave Girl“ (1861 ja Eduard Vilde ajaloolisele romaanile „Mahtra sõda“ (1902. Kahte nõnda erinevasse kirjandustraditsiooni kuuluvate tekstide käsitlemine ühe artikli piirides aitas märgata huvitavat paralleeli – mõlemad analüüsitud autorid toetusid teostes dokumentaalsele abimaterjalile, et paigutada tekstis kirjeldatud sündmuseid tekstivälisesse maailma.   Texts that depict slavery or serfdom, both autobiographical and fictional, are often written with a purpose that is not restricted to the artistic objectives of a particular author. Their purpose may be to find supporters for the abolitionist cause, to provide the readers with an understanding of the everyday conditions of slavery or serfdom, or to use the past in order to speak about the present, etc. In order to reach these objectives and not alienate their audience, the literary work has to take into account the reader’s expectations (i.e., regarding the genre or their prejudice (i.e., regarding the author. This means that these supposed ideas or prejudices influence the ways in which authors tell the story. This article explores the dynamics of address in Harriet Jacobs’s autobiographical slave narrative Incidents in a Life of a Slave Girl (1861 and Eduard Vilde’s historical novel The War of Mahtra (1902 in order to outline the strategies the authors use to gain the reader’s trust and connect their work with the world outside the text. These strategies have also

  7. The Way It Was Montrealis / Ralf Kall ; fotod: Tõnu Sultson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kall, Ralf


    dr. prof. Heli-Kristy Kultas-Ilinsky ja dr. prof. Igor Ilinsky külaskäigust Montreali Eesti Pensionäride Klubisse ja mälestusteose Kultas-Ilinsky, Heli-Kristy. The Way It Was: Trafford Publishing, 2008 esitlusest

  8. Milline on Eesti suhtekorraldusmaastik 2016. aasta alguses? / Kertu Kärk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kärk, Kertu


    Eesti suhtekorraldusbüroode klientidest, töötajate arvust ja käibest, suhtekorraldusteenuse turuhinnast ning 2016. aasta trendidest PR-maastikul. Vestluses osalesid PR-ettevõtete esindajad Aleksandra Moorast, Heikki Sal-Saller, Ilona Leib, Inge Rumessen, Janek Mäggi, Kristi Jõesaar, Kristi Liiva, Mari-Liis Ahven ja Jaan Vare

  9. Konkurentsis kolme Eesti tudengi filmid / Maris Balbat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Balbat, Maris, 1936-


    PÖFFiga kaasneval tudengifilmide festivalil esindavad Eestit Mart Arjukese ja Kristjan Jaak Nuudi lühimängufilm "Duell"; Kristi Leppiku nukufilm "Narkissos" ja Andres Puustusmaa lühimängufilm "Pärast müra". Lisatud lühiintervjuud Mart Arjukese ja Kristi Leppiku ning žürii liikme Peeter Urblaga

  10. Näitus "Sajand eesti puugravüüri klotsidel" / Jüri Hain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hain, Jüri, 1941-


    Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus 15. I-3. II eksponeeritud ja rahvusraamatukogu kollektsioonist koostatud näitusest "Sajand eesti puugravüüri klotsidel: 1840-1940". Järgmistest kunstnikest ja nende töödest: Aleksander Otto Gern, Bogdan Gottlieb Friedrich Kally, August Daugell, Hermann Eduard Hartmann, Eduard Magnus Jakobson, Mart Pukits, Andres Kuusk, Karl Friedrich Schnell, Anton Suurkask (1873-1965), Arkadio Laigo, Hando Mugasto, Eduard Järv, Richard Kaljo, Ott Kangilaski, Ants Puks (1918-?), Salome Trei

  11. Puugravüüriklotsid kõnelevad / Jüri Hain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hain, Jüri, 1941-


    Näitus "Sajand eesti puugravüüri klotsidel Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu kollektsioonist" rahvusraamatukogus 15. I - 3. II. Näitusel on vanim klots aastast 1842, noorim 1941. aastast. Kunstnikest (Aleksander Otto Gern, Bogdan Gottlieb Friedrich Kally, August Daugell, Eduard Magnus Jakobson, Mart Pukits, Andres Kuusk, Anton Suurkask, Arkadio Laigo, Hando Mugasto, Eduard Järv, Paul Liivak, Salome Trei, Ott Kangilaski), töödest. Näitust täiendavad Eduard Wiiralti "Tüdruku pea" (1919) kaks linoollõikeplaati

  12. Wiiralt ei väsi ikka veel üllatusi pakkumast : noorus näitusel / Ülle Kruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kruus, Ülle


    Eduard Wiiralti joonistuste näitusest "Armastus Strasbourg'is" Adamson-Ericu Muuseumis Tallinnas ja Mai Levini koostatud näituse kataloogist, kus analüüsitakse Juhani Komulaineni Pariisist ostetud kollektsiooni, kirjeldatakse Eduard Wiiralti ja Nelly Stulzi lembelugu

  13. Etnograafiast elulugudeni : eestlased Krimmis / Livia Viitol

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viitol, Livia, 1953-


    9. ja 10. IX Simferopolis toimunud, Eduard Vilde Krimmis-käigu 100. aastapäevale pühendatud teaduskonverentsist "Eestlased Krimmis. XIX-XX sajand", mille raames avati E. Vilde muuseumi koostatud eluloonäitus "Eduard Vilde ajakaaslane Amandus Adamson" ja tänapäevateemaline fotonäitus "Eestlased Krimmis"

  14. Kasvatusteaduslike tööde konkursi tulemused / Ulve Kala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kala, Ulve, 1947-


    Eesti keeles publitseeritud teadustöö preemia anti Aleksander Elangole, Inger Kraavile ja Kristi Kõivule, diplom Ühiskondlikule Pedagoogika Uurimise Instituudile, Viivi Ekstale, Inger Kraavile, Inge Undile, Viivi Maansole. Võõrkeeles publitseeritud teadustöö preemia monograafiale "Integration als Problem in der Erziehungswissenschaft" (koostaja Airi Liimets, autorid Airi Liimets, Saila Anttonen, Gunnar Bergendal, Gerd-Bodo Reinert von Carlsburg, Helmut Wehr, Tiiu Kuurme, Pauli Siljander, Jüri Kruusvall, Sirje Priimägi, Ene-Silvia Sarv, Kristi Kõiv, Meri-Liis Laherand, Jaan Mikk, Hannele Niemi, Marika Veisson, Irina Würscher, Susanne Jena, Tiina Aunin, Reet Liimets, Heli Mattisen, Aivo Saar, Maie Vikat), diplom Aino Saarele ja Katrin Niglasele. Didaktilis-rakenduslike tööde preemia Eda Heinlale, Estelle Laanele ja Kalle Laanele, Tiiu Kadajasele. Populaarteadusliku töö preemia Maie Tuulikule, diplom Kristi Kõivule. H. Liimetsa nim magistritööde preemia Rain Mikserile, Margus Pedastele, Ülle Rannutile, Inger Kraavile, Tago Sarapuule, Martin Ehalale

  15. Lakewoodi Eesti Majas New Jersey osariigis... / Enn Lillemets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lillemets, Enn


    9. X tuletati meelde eesti graafikut ja maalijat Eduard Rüga (1903-1997), kelle loomingust oli välja pandud näitus Ameerika erakogudest. Õhtust võtsid osa E. Rüga abikaasa Leida Rüga, tütred Silja Melts ja Kersti Raimondo. Enn Lillemetsa ettekandest. Vaadati Andres Söödi telefilmi "Eduard Rüga" (1993)

  16. 5.-11. IX 2004 liikus bussi ja rongiga Krimmis... : eestlased Krimmis / Janika Kronberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kronberg, Janika, 1963-


    Vilde klubi Krimmi-reisist Eduard Vilde jälgedes. Simferopolis peetud konverentsi "Krimmi eestlased" raames pandi üles Amandus Adamsoni töid tutvustav näitus. Reisi tegi kaasa skulptori Rootsis elav tütar Maria Maddalena Carlson. Beregovoje (Zamruqi) küla postkontori seinal avati mälestustahvael (autor Anatoli Ljutov) Eduard Vildele. Amandus Adamsoni "Uputatud laevade" monumendist Sevastopolis

  17. Bõvshii prezident Gruzii Eduard Shevardnadze : "V Gruzii oppozitsija slabaja." / Eduard Shevardnadze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Shevardnadze, Eduard


    Gruusia endine president vastab küsimustele, mida ta võiks nimetada oma peamiseks veaks pika poliitilise elu jooksul, mida peaks tegema Gruusia, et saada Abhaasia ja Lõuna-Osseetia tagasi rahulikul teel, millised on Gruusia ja Venemaa halbade suhete põhjused, kas Gruusia peaks minema Venemaa või lääne suunas

  18. Books / Kadri Steinbach

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinbach, Kadri


    Uutest muusikaraamatutest Elmar Arro "Vana aja muusikud", "Neeme Järvi. Encore!", J. Jürisson "Muusikud Kapid ja Suure-Jaani", V. Ojakäär "Omad viisid võõras väes", K. Pappel "Ooper Tallinnas 19. sajandil", V. Rumessen "Eduard Tubin", "Eduard Tubin. Rändavate vete ääres", A. Vahter "Eestikeelse muusikaterminoloogia kujunemine ja areng", A. Vahter "Kui mina alles nor veel olin", "A composition as a problem", "Cyrillus Kreek. helilooja", "Lepo Sumera", "Vardo Rumessen. Bibliograafia"

  19. Valaste joa vaateplatvorm ja teenindav kompleks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Projekteerija AS Kommunaalprojekt. Projektijuht Rain Nigul. Arhitektid Ilmo Liive, Kristi Mitt. Metallkonstruktsioonid projekteeris Kalju Loorits. Ehitas Facio Ehitus. Projekt 1998, valmis 1999. 3 illustratsiooni. Kommunaalprojekt

  20. Kulka lemmikud 2007 / Kalev Kesküla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kesküla, Kalev, 1959-2010


    Eesti Kultuurikapitali aastapreemia said 17. saj. Tartu juhuluule kogumiku "O Dorpat, urbs addictissima musis" koostajad Kristi Viiding, Jana Orion, Janika Päll (Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2007)

  1. Jutuvõistluse "Musta mantliga mees" võitis Katrin Johanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eduard Vilde muuseumi poolt läbi viidud krimi- ja põnevusjuttude võistlusest "Musta mantliga mees". Žürii: Karl Martin Sinijärv, Juhan Habicht, Paul Pajos, Rebekka Lotman, Kristin Rammus, Piret Meos.Võitja: Katrin Johanson, teine koht: Taavet Kase, kolmas koht: Imre Kõuts. Ajalehe "Postimees" eriauhinnad said: Juhan Voolaid, Hella Riisalu, Stina Maria Vilt, Sirle Poikkanen, Märt Kivimäe. Tallinna noorte infokeskuse auhinnad: Juhan Voolaid, Sirle Poikkalainen, Lilli Anderson, Aino Rätsep. Eduard Vilde muuseumi eriauhinnad: Merilin Jürjo, Laura Pirso

  2. Figaro ja Taska / Maarja Undusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Undusk, Maarja, 1959-


    Eduard Taska 120. sünniaastapäevale pühendatud Eduard Taska ja 1982. aastast Rootsis elava Marje Taska näitus "Vanaisa ja mina" Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja Disainimuuseumis 30. maini 2010, kuraator Anne Tiivel. Näitus "Eesti köited Prantsusmaal III" Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus 17. aprillini 2010. Väljas on tööd, mis osalesid 2009. a. X rahvusvahelisel köitekunstibiennaalil St. Rémy-lès Chevreuse'is, kus Euroopa Liidu poolt välja pandud peapreemia võitis Kristiina Nurk

  3. Iõhviskaja volost nalazhivajet sotrudnitshestvo s Severnõm regionom Frantsii / Arno Rudis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rudis, Arno


    Jõhvi vallavalitsuse delegatsioon viibis Prantsusmaal Nord Pas de Calais regioonis. Jõhvi valla asevallavanem Kristi Klaamann kohtumisest linnapeaga, toimunud arutelust tulevase koostöö üle kultuuri ja hariduse vallas

  4. New book : An excellent effort at setting the historical record straight!

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    rets. rmt.: Soviet deportations in Estonia : Impact and legacy : articles and life histories/tõlkijad: Alliki Arro; Madli Puhvel; Lilian Puust. Toimetajad: Kristi Kukk; Toivo Raun. Tartu University Press, 2007

  5. Viimsi Keevituse kontorihoone = Viimsi Keevitus office building / Madis Eek ; intervjueerinud Margit Mutso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eek, Madis, 1966-


    Haabneemes Kaluri tee 13 asuva hoone rekonstrueerimisest ja sisekujundusest. Arhitekt Madis Eek, kaasautorid Kristi Põldme, Kristel Jaanus, klaasseinte joongraafika autor Reio Avaste (AB Eek & Mutso OÜ) . Keevislõvide autor Kalle Pruuden

  6. 77 FR 20409 - Notice of Amendment to the Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the... (United States)


    ... Renewable Energy Conservation Plan, Including Kern, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Inyo, Riverside, Imperial.../Scoping'' in the subject line). Fax: (916) 978-4657 or (916) 654-4421 (Attn: Kristy Chew). Mail: ATTN...

  7. Personalitöö jätkub vanaviisi / Merike Lees

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lees, Merike, 1976-


    Töölepingu seaduse eelnõust. Lisatud: kas plaanite esitada eelnõule oma ettepanekuid? Vastavad Sampo panga personalidirektor Liina Oks ja OÜ Expert2Ekspert juhatuse liige Kristi Mikiver ; tasub teada

  8. Ehe : patt või püha? / Tanel Veenre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veenre, Tanel, 1977-


    Muljeid ehtekunstinäituselt "Palve. Puudutus. Patt" Tallinna Kunstihoone galeriis. Rein Metsa, Arseni Mölderi, Kristi Saare, Bruno Lillemetsa, Kärt Marani, Lilian Linnaksi, Kaie Partsi ja Adolfas Shaulyse töödest

  9. Eduard Odinets : "Olen eestlane, kelle emakeel on vene keel" / Eduard Odinets ; interv. Erik Kalda

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Odinets, Eduard, 1976-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje : Subbota 3. juuni lk. 3. Riigikogu sotsiaaldemokraatide fraktsiooni nõunik oma poliitikukarjäärist. Arvamust avaldab Katrin Saks ja Meelis Goldberg (Severnoje Pob.)

  10. Urozhainõi sezon / Aleksei Zhigulin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zhigulin, Aleksei


    Lohusuu talunik Ülo Karro, Eesti Põllumajandus-Kaubanduskoja spetsialist Kristi Varrik ja Jõgeva Sordiaretuse Instituudi ekspert Ilme Tiitus tänavusest viljasaagist, teravilja kokkuostust ning teraviljakasvatusest Eestis. Tabel: Teravilja kokkuostuhinna muutumisest Eestis (2002-2005)

  11. Kui vana on su keha? / Evelin Kivilo-Paas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivilo-Paas, Evelin, 1979-


    Keha vanuse testimisest Polar BodyAge'i programmi abil. Treener Kristi Roosimägi analüüsib osalejate, TV3 uudisteankur Marek Lindmaa, ilmateadustaja Liis Lusmäe ja reporter Feliks Unduski tulemusi

  12. Saksa noor draama ründab / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Viis saksa keeles kirjutavat noorema põlve kirjanikku - Sabine Wen Ching Wang, Andreas Sauter, Bernhard Studlar, Roland Schimmelpfennig ja Kristi Sagor - tuleb vaatama oma näidendite ettelugemise maratoni, mis toimub Von Krahli Teatris

  13. Päästeamet tunnustas elupäästjaid ja jagas aumärke / Reimo Raja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raja, Reimo


    2010. a. septembris autasutas siseminister Marko Pomerants ja Päästeameti peadirektor elupäästjaid. Pikemalt päästeoperatsioonidest, kus päästjateks olid Mehis Kont, Aleksei Rožkov, Kertu Rannak, Georg Alema, Hanna-Maria Puhke, Merit Kalamägi, Toomas Pagil, Janek Lember, Maiken Nelis, Markku Eklund, Olaf Orgs, Eduard Borovik, Vadim Kaminski, Eduard Bemidas, Ants Viirmann, Olesja Nekrassova, Konstantin Fjodorov, Ramid Niftalyev, Konstantin Gerassimov, Tarvo Turja, Aleksander Beljajev, Kalle Närska, Margus Matto, Igor Koževnikov, Vyacheslav Didenko, Boriss Mihhejev, Alexander Berezko, Aleksander Küttim, Andrei Larin, Aleksandr Bolšakov, Andrei Põld

  14. Noor Eesti teadlane sai maineka Briti stipendiumi / Aive Sarjas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarjas, Aive


    Eesti Maaülikooli veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituudi doktorant Kristi Kernerist sai esimene inimene väljaspool Ühendkuningriiki, kelle loomade heaolu teemalist projekti autasustas Humane Slaughter Association prestiižsse Dorothy Sidley nimelise stipendiumiga

  15. Doktorant sai loomade heaolu uurimise eest haruldase stipendiumi / Mari Aigro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aigro, Mari


    Eesti Maaülikooli veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituudi doktorant Kristi Kernerist sai esimene inimene väljaspool Ühendkuningriiki, kelle loomade heaolu teemalist projekti autasustas Humane Slaughter Association prestiižsse Dorothy Sidley nimelise stipendiumiga

  16. Typhus in Texas

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts

    Dr. Kristy Murray, an associate professor in pediatrics and assistant dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children's Hospital, discusses increased cases of typhus in southern Texas.

  17. Noorte näitlejate entusiasm silmitsi algaja näitekirjaniku tekstiga / Maris Peters

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peters, Maris


    12. IV Theatrumis esietendunud W. Shakespeare "Kaks veroonlast" (tõlk. Georg Meri), lavastaja L. Peterson, lavakujundus ja kostüümid Kristi Soe. Mängivad VHK gümnaasiumi teatriklassi abituriendid ja Theatrumi näitlejad

  18. F.F.F.F. / Pille Väljataga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Väljataga, Pille


    Rühmituse F.F.F.F. (Berit Teeäär, Maria Valdma, Ketli Tiitsar, Kaire Rannik, Kristi Paap) esinemisest 2000. a. suvel Leedus Niida kunstnike majas. Ehteid eksponeeriti kõrvuti nende 20-kordse suurendusega fotodega.

  19. "Infootsingu 2010" võitja on Krõõt Kaljusto-Munck / Krista Lepik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lepik, Krista, 1979-


    Raamatukoguhoidjate infootsingu võistluse eelvoorust, finaalist ja võitjatest. Lisa: Üks küsimus võitjatele. Mis on motiveerinud sind infootsingu võistlusel osalema? Vastavad Krõõt Kaljusto-Munck, Kristi Ütt ja Carolina Schultz

  20. Vaatajad ei pea pettuma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Oma muljeid K. Rowling'u Harry Potteri lugude teisest filmist "Harry Potter ja saladuste kamber" ("Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets") avaldavad noorteajakirja Stiina peatoimetaja Kristi Pärn ja Harry Potter lugude tõlkija Krista Kaer

  1. 31. VIII avati Vaala galeriis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Näitus "Märkmed maalist. Eesti ja Leedu noor kunst". Kuraatorid Margaret Tali ja Milda Zvirblyte. Osalevad Maarit Murka, Tõnis Saadoja, Kristi Laanemäe, Vilius Vanagas, Agile Mazonaite, Jolanta Kyzikaite, Ieva Baranauskaite. Kõlab Taavi Laatsiti originaalmuusika

  2. DCT alushariduses / Kristi Vinter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vinter, Kristi


    Euroopa üheksa riigi partnerlusprojektist DCT (Day Care Training), mille peamine ülesannne on luua elektrooniline tööriist, mis võimaldaks selgitada välja lasteaiaõpetajate koolitusvajadusi ja aidata nii tõsta koolieelsete lasteasutuste kvaliteeti

  3. Tornkorteritega maja otse tulevikust / Ave Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randviir, Ave, 1981-


    Vilen Künnapu, Ain Padriku ja Kristi Alamaa ümberehitusprojekti järgi valminud modernsest kolme torniga elumajast Triumph Plaza Tallinnas Narva mnt. 7. Rekonstrueeriti Olga Brunsi ja Mart Kallingu 1981. a. valminud konterihoone. Kommenteerib Vilen Künnapu

  4. Muusikaliteatri pidu moeka komöödiaga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Novembris kümnendat sünnipäeva tähistav Muusikaliteater toob Tallinna Linnahallis lavale Cole Porteri muusikalise komöödia "Nii on meil moes!" (esietendus 14. nov., lavastaja Andrus Vaarik, ühes peaosas Kristi Roosmaa)

  5. RMK büroohoone = State Forest Management Centre office building / Arhitektuuribüroo Studio-3

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Riigimetsa Majandamise Keskuse bürooruumide (Toompuiestee 24, Tallinn) sisekujundusest. Autorid: Reet Põime, Liisa Põime, Anu Põime, Andres Põime, Kristi Prinzmann, Lauri Kalm, Lauri Vaimel (Studio-3). Arhitekt Ott Kadariku arvamus. Arhitektuuribüroo Studio-3 lühitutvustus

  6. Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli raamatukogu = Tallinn University of Technology library

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinnas Akadeemia tee 1 asuva raamatukoguhoone sisekujundusest. Sisearhitektid Kristi Lents, Hannelore Kääramees, hoone arhitektid Priit Pent ja Eero Endjärv (Agabus, Endjärv & Truverk Arhitektid). Sisearhitektide tähtsamate koos tehtud tööde loetelu

  7. F.F.F.F. armastab mõtestada ennast / Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varblane, Reet, 1952-


    Rühmituse F.F.F.F. (Kristi Paap, Kaire Rannik, Berit Teeäär, Ketli Tiitsar, Maria Valdma) näitus "Meie igapäevane leib" 9. novembrini Hansapanga galeriis ja näitus "Pentagramm" 26. X-1. XII Tarbekunstimuuseumis

  8. V osnovu filma-baleta "Limonov" ljazhet ne muzõka, a gorodskije shumõ

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Teleajakirjaniku Aleksandr Orlovi eestvedamisel on plaanis film-ballett "Limonov" Vene Natsionaal-Boshevistliku Partei liidri Eduard Limonovi varasest proosateosest "Luuseri päevik" ("Dnevnik neudatshnika")

  9. Reshenii net, no za vodu pridjotsja priplatshivat / Vladimir Polezhajev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Polezhajev, Vladimir


    Eesti ei suuda tähtajaks täita EL-i nõudeid reoveemajanduse korraldamise alal. Harjumaa ja Järvamaa omavalitsusliitude juhtide hinnangul ei suuda kohalikud omavalitsused seda probleemi üksi lahendada, vaja oleks riigi toetust. Rahandusministeeriumi nõuniku Kristi Jõesaare seisukoht

  10. Keila Tervisekeskus. Ujula = Keila Health Club. Swimming Pool / Ain Padrik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Padrik, Ain, 1947-


    Projekteerija: Arhitektuuribüroo Künnapu & Padrik. Arhitektid Ain Padrik ja Kristi Alamaa, sisearhitekt Sirje Männik. Konstruktsioonid: Jaan Laks, A-Grupp. Ujulas on võistlus- ja lastebassein, suvel on avatud välibassein. 5 ill.: I korruse plaan, ristlõige, vaated

  11. [Eesti Kultuurikapitali aastapreemia 2007 - kirjandus] / Mari Peegel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peegel, Mari, 1978-


    Eesti Kultuurikapitali aastapreemia said 17. saj. Tartu juhuluule kogumiku "O Dorpat, urbs addictissima musis" koostajad Kristi Viiding, Jana Orion, Janika Päll (Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2007). Sisaldab nimekirja. Vt. ka Postimees, 16. jaan., lk. 4-5 ; Sirp, 18. jaan., lk. 2-3

  12. "Päikeseratas" - Viimsi uus keskkool

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    I preemia saanud projektist. Kolmekorruselise hoone põhistruktuuri moodustavad neli omaette plokki, mida ühendab siseaatrium. Autorid Illimar Truverk, Raul Järg, Priit Pent, kaasa töötasid Eero Endjärv, Kristi Lents, Kristjan Reidi (Agabush, Endjärv & Truverk Arhitektid)

  13. Combined heat and power generation - a problem of reimbursement? CHP systems still on the march; BHKW - nur eine Frage der angemessenen Verguetung? Kraft-Waerme-Kopplung weiter im Aufwind

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jost, H.


    Systems for combined heat and power generation were a widely discussed issue in 1995. On the one hand, an ecological assessment was made by a study of the Eduard-Pestel-Institut fuer Systemforschung, Hanover. On the other hand, the problem of reimbursement for electricity supplied to the public grid is still unsolved. (orig.) [Deutsch] Anlagen zur gekoppelten Erzeugung von Strom (Kraft) und Waerme (KWK) waren im Jahr 1995 Gegenstand einer intensiven Diskussion. Zum einen hat eine Diskussion zur oekologischen Bewertung von KWK-Anlagen stattgefunden, die im wesentlichen von einer Studie des Eduard-Pestel-Instituts fuer Systemforschung in Hannover angestossen wurde. Zum anderen sind die Verguetungen fuer KWK-Strom in das oeffentliche Netz nach wie vor umstritten. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The Romanian choral music from the second half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century was built on the foundation of folk art, expressed through the monodic popular song, peasant dance and church music. Jn the pages of this article, the author highlights the most representative works of folk inspiration, signed by predecessor composers of Romanian choral music, who, through their creative effort, contributed essentially to the crystallization of the genre of the choral music of this period. Thus, in the author’s objective were the creations of composers Alexandru Flechtenmacher, Eduard Wachmann, Eduard Caudella, Gavriil Musicescu, Gheorghe Dima, Jacob Mureşianu, Ciprian Porumbescu, Jon Vidu and others.

  15. Disain+juhtimine : disainjuhtimise peaauhind Eestisse / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Ühe 2012. a. Euroopa disainjuhtimise auhinna DME peaauhindadest sai Tallinna Transpordiameti uuendusprotsess kommunikatsiooni ja teenuse parandamiseks. Võidu taga on EKA tudengid Kristi Rummel, Brit Pavelson, Norman Orro ja Ronald Pihlapson, kes tegid seda alguses graafilise disaini osakonna 3. kursuse semestritööna

  16. Kuidas toetate sel õppeaastal oma valla koolilapsi? / Külle Viks, Helen Metsma, Aivar Surva...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Küsimusele vastavad: Türi vallavalitsuse haridusspetsialist Külle Viks, Sõmerpalu valla lastekaitse ja sotsiaaltoetuste spetsialist Helen Metsma, Mäetaguse vallavanem Aivar Surva, Rapla abivallavanem Imbi Kalberg, Kärdla linna haridusnõunik Juta Alev, Albu vallavalitsuse sotsiaalnõunik Claire Miljukova, Võru linnavalitsuse haridusspetsialist Kristi Aavakivi

  17. Askeetlik ja põhjamaine mööbel / Aivo Vahemets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vahemets, Aivo


    Eesti täispuidust disainmööbli sarjast Incognito. Toodab Pear Välile ja vendadele Jan J. Grapsile ning Ken K. Ruudule kuuluv Hea Ruum OÜ. Disainerid on Jan J. Graps ja Pear Väli, aksessuaaride disainiga töötab Kristi Jalakas

  18. Järve Keskus : Tallinn, Pärnu mnt. 236 = Järve Centre : 236 Pärnu Rd., Tallinn / Jaak Huimerind

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Huimerind, Jaak, 1957-


    Projekteerija: Arhitektuuribüroo Studio Paralleel. Arhitektid Jaak Huimerind, Indrek Saarepera. Kaastöötajad Kristi Põldme, Indrek Laos, Reet Viigipuu. Avalike ruumide sisekujundus: Mari Kurismaa. Konstruktiivne osa: E-Inseneribüroo. Projekt 2000-2002, valmis 2002. Asendi-, I ja II korruse plaan, 6 vaadet

  19. Düsseldorf - Estland : die Modernisierungsbewegung in der religiösen Kunst um 1900 / Mai Levin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Levin, Mai, 1942-


    Düsseldorfis õppinud maalikunstnikest. Eestiga seotud baltisaksa ja vene kunstnikest, nende religioosse sisuga maaliloomingust 19. saj. ja 20. saj. alguses. Pikemalt Eduard von Gebhardtist, Kristjan Rauast ja Paul Rauast

  20. Kõik teed viivad pimedatel talveöödel kinodesse! / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    Pimedate Ööde 11. filmifestivali filmiprogrammidest "Päike tõuseb idast", Screen International", "Igapäevane põrgu", "Panoraam" "11 valitud teost", "Foorum". Soovitusi filmivaatamiseks annavad veel Tauno Maripuu ("Minu tädi postmodernistlik elu"), Kristi Eberhart ("Minu vend on ainus laps"), Rain Tolk ("Vaimud")

  1. Teaduste akadeemias austati Ahrensit / Allar Viivik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viivik, Allar


    Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia saalis toimus konverents "Kummardus Ahrensile", sõnavõttude ja ettekannetega anti ülevaade Kuusalu pastori Eduard Ahrensi keelemehetööst. Ettekandega esines ka keelemees Mati Hint

  2. Miks ekspordib Hiina Venemaale läbi Tallinna? / interv. Mihkel Kärmas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hiina suured kaubalennukid veavad Venemaale kaupu läbi Tallinna lennujaama. Lühiintervjuu Tallinna tolliinspektuuri kontrolltalituse juhataja Peeter Kõve, lennujaama turundusdirektori Eduard Tüüri ja lennuameti asedirektori Rein Porroga

  3. Alatskivi vanadaam vuntsitakse üles / Rein Raudvere

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raudvere, Rein, 1955-


    2009. aasta sügisel agas Alatskivi lossi ennistamise viimane etapp. Lossist saab piirkonna turismi- ja kultuurikeskus. Hoone teisele korrusele tuleb Eduard Tubina muuseum. Lühidalt lossi ajaloost ja ennistamisest

  4. Kanada eestlasele Marcus Kolgale CEMA auhind / Jaan Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruus, Jaan, 1938-2017


    Kanada Etnilise Meedia Assotsiatsiooni (CEMA) telefilmipreemia sai dokumentaalfilm eestlase Eduard Kolga saatusest Teises Maailmasõjas "Gulag 113" : režissöör Marcus Kolga : operaator Rein Kotov : Eesti - Kanada 2005

  5. Sbírka vzduchoplavecké literatury v Knihovně AV ČR

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jelínková, Andrea


    Roč. 21, Prosinec 2014 (2014), s. 43-76 ISSN 1210-8510 Institutional support: RVO:67985971 Keywords : scientific literature * historical collections * balloons * Eduard Langer (1852–1914) Subject RIV: AB - History

  6. Shevardnadze : hõberebane ja tema kullakallis võim / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Võimult lahkuma sunnitud Gruusia presidendi Eduard Shevardnadze poliitikukarjäärist NSV Liidus ja tema tegevusest Gruusias alates 1991. aastast. Kommenteerivad: Arnold Rüütel, Hardo Aasmäe, Merab Beradze

  7. Vaprad lucky loser'id / Jüri Aarma ; kommenteerinud Tanja Muravskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aarma, Jüri, 1951-


    Tanja Muravskaja isikunäitus "Lucky Losers" Tallinna Linnagaleriis. Eksponeeritud videoportreed vene rahvusest Eesti kodanikest Dimitri Klenskist, Adolf Käisist, Anna Levandist, Tatjana Muravjovast, Mihhail Stalnuhhinist, Eduard Tomanist ja Boris Tuchist

  8. "Vilde jootraha" : võimuvõitlus ressursside pärast või ideoloogiline konflikt? Sotsiaalne reaalsus meediatekstides / Kristel Rattus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rattus, Kristel


    "Vilde jootrahana" on ajalukku läinud 1913. aastal Eesti kirjandusringkondades puhkenud skandaal, mille tekitas Eesti Kirjanduse Seltsi otsus jätta auhinnast ilma Eduard Vilde näidend "Tabamata ime"

  9. Research Summaries (United States)

    Brock, Stephen E., Ed.


    This column features summaries of research articles from 3 recent crisis management publications. The first, "School Shootings and Counselor Leadership: Four Lessons from the Field" summarized by Kristi Fenning, was conducted as the result of the increased demand for trained crisis personnel on school campuses. Survey participants were…

  10. Video Games to Reading: Reaching out to Reluctant Readers (United States)

    Jolley, Kristie


    Junior high school teacher Kristie Jolley believes students become more willing and motivated to practice reading strategies when they are "comfortable within their realm of literacy." Background knowledge of video games helps students succeed in understanding and enjoying game-based texts, which she incorporates into her classroom library as…

  11. Kolmel Läti ekstremistil õnnestus Ikla piiripunktis Eestisse siseneda / Ravil Khair Al-Din

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Al-Din, Ravil Khair


    Ikla piiripunktist saadeti tagasi Läti fashismivastase komitee liige Eduard Gontsharov, kes tahtis tulla toetama pronkssõduri teisaldamise vastast protestiaktsiooni. Tema sõnul ühendab Eesti valitsus pronkssõduriga eestlasi venelaste vastu

  12. Kaks plaati Sigrid Kuulmannilt / Sigrid Kuulmann ; intervjueerinud Niina Murdvee

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuulmann Martin, Sigrid, 1973-


    Kahest heliplaadist: Sigrid Kuulmann ja Marko Martin "Eduard Tubin. Works for Violin ja Piano Vol.1" ja Sigrid Kuulmann "Teosed sooloviiulile / Works for solo violin" (mõlemad: Tallinn : Estonian Record Productions, 2010)

  13. TÜ vilistlane ja polaaruurija Herman Walter / Erki Tammiksaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammiksaar, Erki, 1969-


    Eduard Gustav von Tolli poolt juhitud polaarekspeditsioonil 1901. aastal surnud ja Kotelnõi saarele maetud arsti Herman Walteri säilmete ümbermatmisest ning tema isiklike esemete annetamisest Tartu Ülikooli Ajaloomuuseumile

  14. Muusika / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Muusikasündmustest Eestis: Improvizz'05, Jazz'n Motion, muusikafestivali "Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg" pressikonverents, laulumäng "Suur Munamägi" Estonia kammersaalis, modernismi pidunädal Tartu Elleri koolis

  15. Pallas näitab teed Tartu skulptuurile / Ahti Seppet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Seppet, Ahti, 1953-


    Näitus "Pallase skulptuur" Tartu Kunstimuuseumis. Eksponeeritakse Ferdi Sannamehe, Eduard Wiiralti, Johannes Hirve, August Vommi, Martin Saksa, Roman Timotheuse, Herman Halliste, Lydia Laasi, Alfred Leiuse, Enn Roosi jt. kunstnike töid

  16. Aastaprognoos 2003 / Edda Paukson, Eduard Paukson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paukson, Edda


    Järgneb 10., 17.,24. jaan. Vt. ka Võrumaa Teataja : Elu 4. jaan. lk. 4-5, Hiiumaa 4. jaan. lk. 4-5, Nädaline 4. jaan. lk. 5-8, Vooremaa 7.,9.,14.,16. jaan. lk. 6, Virumaa Teataja 11. jaan. lk. 6-7, Põhjarannik 11. jaan. lk. 5-6, Severnoje Poberezhje 11. jaan. lk. 7-8, Lääne-Harju Ekspress 11. jaan. lk. 8-9

  17. Surmast ja Heideggerist, jumalatele / Eduard Parhomenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parhomenko, Eduard


    Vastukaja Mihhail Lotmani artiklitele: Heidegger, automobiilid ja tapvad asjad // Postimees Extra : Arvamus Kultuur, 12. jaan. 2008, lk. 4 ja Vaenlase pale: järelkaja Jokela draamale // Postimees Extra : Arvamus Kultuur, 8. Dec. 2007, lk. 2-3

  18. Olimpiada i purizm daltonikov / Eduard Tinn

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tinn, Eduard


    Olümpiamängude ja poliitika seostest ja lahushoidmisest. Eesti poliitikute suhtumisest Pekingi olümpiamängude toimumisse ja neist osavõtmisse seoses vägivallaga Tiibetis. Sotšis toimuvate olümpiamängude probleemist

  19. Ainusilmi : Imat Suumanni maastikumaalidest / Eduard Parhomenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parhomenko, Eduard, 1966-


    Imat Suumanni näitus "Kusagil Kodavere kandis II" novembris Obu galeriis Tartus. Silmapiirist kunstniku maalidel. Võrdluseks lühidalt Caspar David Friedrichi maastikest, Mark Rothko abstraktsetest maalidest

  20. Balti kultuurifestival Pariisis / Kristi Hinsberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hinsberg, Kristi


    1.-14. oktoobrini Pariisis toimunud Balti kultuurifestivalist "Semaines Baltes a Paris" (Balti nädalad Pariisis), kus tutvustati prantslastele balti muusikat, filme ja nüüdiskunsti. Pianist Andres Paasi, kes fesivalil Trio Baltica koosseisus üles astus, muljeid

  1. Sõprusest ja armastusest / Kristi Paap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paap, Kristi


    Eesti, läti ja leedu keraamikanäitus "Družba narodov ehk rahvaste sõprus" Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja Disainimuuseumis 10. aprillini 2011. 15 osalejat loetletud. Domilė Ragauskaitė (Leedu), Tõnis Kriisa, Ingrid Alliku ja Tiina Kaljuste töödest. Leo Rohlini fragmentaarium " Nokturn" Tallinnas galeriis Hop 22. veebr. 2011

  2. Rae valla laulukonkurss / Kristi Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aru, Kristi


    Seoses Rae valla asutamise 140. juubeliaastaga ja valla taasasutamise 15. aastaga kuulutab Rae vallavalitsus välja konkursi leidmaks Rae vallale oma laul (tööde esitamise tähtajaks 19. mai, info:

  3. Nahaga kaetud ihu / Kristi Paap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paap, Kristi


    Rahvusvaheline näitus "2nd skin. Korgipuust ehted" Eesti Tarbekunsti- ja disainimuuseumis kuni 24. IV. Eestist osalevad näitusel Kadri Mälk, Tanel Veenre ja Tõnis Malkov. Carla Castiajo, Eija Mustoneni, Ramon Puig Cuyas'i, Jose Carlos Marquesi, Leonor Hipolito, Tanel Veenre, Gisela Ribeiro ja Kadri Mälgu töödest

  4. Pärandimaks maailmas / Kristi Lahesoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lahesoo, Kristi


    Pärandimaks Euroopa Liidus ja mujal maailmas; pärandimaksu plussid ja miinused; topeltmaksustamise vältimine. Lisatud tabel: Saksamaa ja Hispaania pärandimaksuga (inheritance tax) topeltmaksustamine

  5. Unustamatud kohtumised pingil / Kristi Eberhart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eberhart, Kristi


    20. sept. VAT Teatris esietendunud Eesti Muusika ja Teatriakadeemia Lavakunstikooli lavastajate õppesuuna tudengite koolitööst "Pink", mis koosneb kahest iseseisvast loost - Jon Fosse "Talv", lavastaja Robert Annus ja Edward Albee "Loomaaialugu", lavastaja Uku Uusberg

  6. Magnus Riias, pisaraga / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Kadri Kõusaare Cannes'i programmis esilinastunud debüütfilmi "Magnus" esilinastuselt Läti väärtfilmikinos Cinema Riga, kus kohal olid režissöör. Filmi Eestis näitamise keelamise problemaatikast

  7. Viiralt vernulsja domoi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Kunstimuuseumi kogud täienesid Eduard Wiiralti kollektsiooniga, mille andis üle Stokholmi Eesti komitee, Herman Talviku töödega kunstniku perekonnalt ja Ameerikas surnud Edmond Valtmanni töödega

  8. Mängurõõm Göteborgi teatris ja auhinnatud rahvatants / Mai Raud-Pähn ; fotod: Okke Metsmaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud-Pähn, Mai, 1920-


    25. novembril 2000 toimunud sisukast päevast Göteborgis, kus vaadati Eduard Vilde naljamängu "Vigased pruudid" ning anti üle Rootsi Eestlaste Liidu kultuuriauhinnad rahvatantsujuhtidele Geeni Ojasoole ja Udo Tohverile

  9. Näitusele Y-galeriis mahub ära kogu moos / Hanson Raimu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanson, Raimu, 1957-


    Interdistsiplinaarse avangardkultuuri festivali "Eclectica" raames on Y-galeriis avatud järgmised näitused: Eduard Zentshiku fotonäitus, Andrus Lauringsoni kapaskoop, Draama kavalehed, Ahhaa keskuse hologrammid, Taavi Piibemanni installatsioon "Kogu moos"

  10. Vom Klangrausch des Nordwinds und der leeren Tafel der Seele. Lepo Sumeras vierte Symphonie "Serena Borealis" in Karlsruhe uraufgeführt: Eri Klas dirigierte im Konzert der Badischen Staatskapelle zu den Kulturtagen auch Musik von Arvo Pärt und Edua

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hartmann, Ulrich


    Lepo Sumera neljanda sümfoonia "Serena Borealis" esiettekanne Karlsruhes: Eri Klas dirigeeris kontserdil kultuuripäevade raames ka Arvo Pärdi ja Eduard Tubina muusikat. Eesti muusikute esinemisest Karlsruhe kultuuripäevadel

  11. Viimsi Keevituse büroo = Offices of Viimsi Keevitus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viimsis Kaluri tee 13 asuva Viimsi Keevituse büroo sisekujundusest. Autorid: arhitektid Kristi Põldme, Madis Eek, Kristel Jaanus (AB Eek & Mutso), valik nende töödest. Büroo sissepääsu kõrval oleva lõvi autor on skulptor Kalle Pruuden. Klaasseinte 3D graafika: Reio Avaste

  12. Pealinna nullpunktiks pürgivad tornid / Urmas Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Urmas, 1981-2012


    Triumph Plaza Tallinnas Narva mnt. 7 (1978. a. valminud Olga Brunsi ja Mart Kallingu projekteeritud kontorihoone rekonstruktsioon). Arhitektid Vilen Künnapu, Ain Padrik ja Kristi Alamaa, AB Künnapu & Padrik. Ehituse peatöövõtja: AS KMG Ehitus. Tööde lõpp: juuli 2006. 6 värv. ill

  13. V nulevoi totshke stolitsõ ustreemljajutsja vvõs bashni / Urmas Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Urmas, 1981-2012


    Triumph Plaza Tallinnas Narva mnt. 7 (1978. a. valminud Olga Brunsi ja Mart Kallingu projekteeritud kontorihoone rekonstruktsioon). Arhitektid Vilen Künnapu, Ain Padrik ja Kristi Alamaa, AB Künnapu & Padrik. Ehituse peatöövõtja: AS KMG Ehitus. Tööde lõpp: juuli 2006. 3 värv. ill

  14. Manhattanilt Tartu tahahoovi / Vaapo Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Vaapo, 1945-


    Tutvustus: Dos Passos, John. Manhattan Transfer / tlk. Olavi Teppan. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2007 ; Betti Alver : usutlused. Kirjad. Päevikukatked. Mälestused / koostanud ja toimetanud Kristi Metste, Enn Lillemets. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2007 ; Artur Alliksaar mälestustes / koostanud Henn-Kaarel Hellat. Tartu : Ilmamaa, 2007. Ka kirjastusest Ilmamaa

  15. Möödus vaikselt / Tiina Käesel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Käesel, Tiina, 1943-


    Tallinna rakenduskunsti triennaalist 2000 "Omand" Tarbekunstimuuseumis. Kontseptsioon-kujundus: Ketli Tiitsar, Kaire Rannik, Berit Teeäär, Kristi Paap (F.F.F.F.). Paremaid esinejaid. Peaauhind - Eija Mustonen (Soome), auhinnad - Audrius Janushonis (Leedu), Claus Domine Hansen (Taani), Tarbekunstimuuseumi ostuauhind - Aigi Orav, grupi F.F.F.F. auhind - Monika Järg

  16. Olga ja Aadu Ritsol oli keeruline lapsepõlv / Margit-Mariann Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Margit-Mariann, 1971-


    Viljandimaalt, Paistu kihelkonnast pärit perekonnast Ritson (eestistamise järel Ritso). Eduard Ritso tütar on Olga Kistler-Ritso, kelle toetusel on saanud võimalikuks Eesti Lähimineviku Okupatsioonide Muuseumi rajamine

  17. 4. aprill 2014 Elleri Muusikakool. Tubina päev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rahvusvahelise Eduard Tubina Ühingu poolt Tartu Muusikakoolis korraldatud konverentsist, kontserdist ja E. Tubina "Kogutud teoste" III köite esitlusest, millega tähistatakse helilooja kõigi sümfooniate 1-10 ilmumist

  18. Raid, Kaljo: Symphony No. 2, "Stockholm" / Guy S. Rickards

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rickards, Guy S.


    Uuest heliplaadist "Raid, Kaljo: Symphony No. 2, "Stockholm"; Tubin, Eduard: Elegy for Strings (arr. Raid). Symphony No. 11 (orch. Raid). Estonian State Symphony Orchestra, Arvo Volmer". Koch International Classics 37291-2 (48 minutes:DDD)

  19. Vino Dionisiiskihh prazdnestv / Jelena Skulskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Skulskaja, Jelena, 1950-


    Rahvusvahelise teatripäeva tähistamine Vene Draamateatris, küsimustele vastavad näitlejad Lembit Ulfsak, Aleksandr Ivashkevitsh, Julia Popova, lavastajad Eduard Toman ja Svetlana Krassman ning Venemaa saadik Eestis Konstantin Provalov

  20. Marilyn Monroe eluloost keisri hullu kannatusteni / Gert Kiiler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiiler, Gert


    Ugala uut hooaega tutvustavad lavastajad. Jaak Allik ja Peeter Tammearu lavastavad Jaan Krossi romaani "Keisri hull" järgi samanimelise näidendi, Priit Võigemast Igor Bauersma "", Kristi Teemusk omakirjutatu järgi lastelavastuse "Kes päästab koletise?" ja Kalju Komissarov Eppu Nuotio, Tiina Brännare muusikali "Marilyn"

  1. EOMAP avab peagi uue kaardiportaali / Raigo Neudorf

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Neudorf, Raigo


    AS EOMAP arengust ja tegevusaladest räägivad ettevõtte juhataja Vello Solna, EOMAP Maamõõdukeskuse arendusosakonna projektijuht Kristi Käär-Siimon ja EOMAP Geodata projektijuht Margus Värton. Pakutavate teenuste seas on geoinfosüsteemide (GIS) loomine ja arendamine, maamõõdistamine ja maakorrastusteenused, turismikaartide ja atlaste kirjastamine

  2. 77 FR 65689 - Change in Bank Control Notices; Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company (United States)


    .... 1817(j)) and Sec. 225.41 of the Board's Regulation Y (12 CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank or... Trustee of the Jeanie Rae Thorson 2012 Generation Skipping Trust, the Kristi Jo Jacobsen 2012 Generation Skipping Trust, and the Barbara Kay Billings 2012 Generation Skipping Trust, Minneapolis, Minnesota, to...

  3. Mõned mõtted "suvelugemisest" ja suvelugemisest / Peeter Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helme, Peeter, 1978-


    Tutvustatakse ja soovitatakse raamatuid: Aleksejev, Tiit. Palveränd : lugu Esimesest ristisõjast. Tallinn : Varrak, 2008 ; Rebane, Kristi. Minu oma. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2009 ; Kaints, Holger. Lennukivaatleja. Tallinn : Kultuurileht, 2009 ; Kehlmann, Daniel. Maailma mõõtmine. Tartu : Atlex, c2008 ; Zafón, Carlos Ruiz. Tuule vari. Tallinn : Varrak, 2008

  4. New Estonian CDs / Igor Garshnek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Garšnek, Igor, 1958-


    Uutest heliplaatidest "Eesti portreed", Lepo Sumera. Film Music by Lepo Sumera, Urmas Sisask "Starry Sky Cycle", "Poeme d'amour", "Tango King Astor Piazolla", "Eduard Tubin. Complete Symphonies vol. 2", Henn Rebane "Arabesque", Eino Tamberg "Nocturne"

  5. Ves aprel "Aprelju" ver / Lidija Tolmatshova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tolmatshova, Lidija


    Kunstnike rühmituse "Aprill" - Aleksandr ja Nadezhda Popolitov, Vladislav ja Jelena Kuznetsov, Tatjana Petsheritsa, Igor Lukjanov, Sergei Kolesnikov, Aleksandr Orlov, Eduard Zentshik, Vladimir Zujev, German Jershov - näituse avamisest Sillamäel kehamaalingutega

  6. 21. I avati Tartu Kunstimuuseumis Eesti Kunstnikkude Ryhma näitus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Väljas on Jaan Vahtra, Friedrich Histi, Eduard Ole, Felix Randeli, Henrik Olvi, Juhan Raudsepa, Märt Laarmani, Arnold Akbergi, Edmond Arnold Blumenfeldti ja Aleksander Krimsi looming. Kuraatorid Reet Mark ja Holger Rajavee. Ilmub artiklite kogumik

  7. Odna prostaja plastilinovaja skazka pro voronu / Nadezhda Guzheva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Guzheva, Nadezhda


    Kirjanik Eduard Uspenski meenutab, kuidas 26 aastat tagasi valmis NSV Liidus esimene plastiliinist nukkudega animafilm "Plastiliinist vares" ("Plastilinovaja vorona"), mille värsid tema kirjutas : režissöör Aleksandr Tatarski : helilooja Grigori Gladkov

  8. Tartusse tuleb Wilde'i ja Vilde monument

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tartu kesklinnas Wilde Irish Pubi ees peaks 1999. a. kevadel avatama kirjanike Oscar Wilde'i ja Eduard Vilde pronkskujud. Elusuuruses kirjanikud hakkavad istuma graniitistmel. Idee autorid - pubipidaja Liam Allen, ettevõtja Marju Unt, skulptor Tiiu Kirsipuu.

  9. Nõukogulik Gruusia annab alla / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Hääletustulemuste võltsimisest Adzhaarias 2. novembril toimunud parlamendivalimistel. Adzhaaria autonoomne vabariik ei tunnista uut võimu Gruusias. Tagasiastunud presidendi Eduard Shevardnadze lähikond on uuele võimule järele andnud. Lisa: Gruusia

  10. Robert Lepiksoni maailm / Eha Komissarov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Komissarov, Eha, 1947-


    Näitus "Minu maailm. Robert Lepikson fotograafina ja kollektsionäärina" galeriis "Vaal". Väljas on loodusfotod, fotod autodest, kunstikogust Eduard Steinbergi (1937) ja Vladimir Nemuhhini (1925) maalid, paar Salvador Dali värvilist litograafiat

  11. Pallaslitaania : ka traditsioonilist skulptuuri tuleb aktiivselt eksponeerida / Eero Kangor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kangor, Eero, 1982-


    Näitus "Pallase skulptuur" Tartu Kivisilla galeriis kuni 24. IX, kuraator Ahti Seppet. Enn Roosi, Maire-Helve Männiku, Ernst Jõesaare, Irmgard Luha, Eduard Wiiralti, Ferdi Sannamehe, Johannes Hirve ja August Vommi töödest

  12. Best practices in early phase medical device development: Engineering, prototyping, and the beginnings of a quality management system. (United States)

    Fearis, Kristy; Petrie, Aidan


    Kristy Fearis is the founder and president of KPConsulting. She has held various positions in the medical device and research industry. She has led programs for medical industry leaders Medtronic, Edward Lifesciences, and Kimberly-Clark Healthcare to develop and commercialize Class II and III devices. Although a true quality management systems specialist at heart, Kristy has a passion for effectively and efficiently applying quality systems principles to early stage development to maximize benefit while minimizing impact on resources and time to market. Kristy works with both precommercial and commercial companies to build and implement quality systems that are "right sized" and support both an effective business model and high product quality. Aidan Petrie is the cofounder and chief innovation officer of Ximedica. Aidan drives innovation in Ximedica's core markets of medical device development and consumer healthcare. With a focus on human-centered design, usability, technical innovation and industrial design, Aidan has helped bring hundreds of products to market. Ranging from simple drug compliance aids to wearable therapeutics, home monitoring products, and complex surgical systems, Aidan challenges his teams to rethink the role design plays in the success of each product. Covering topics around usability, sensor and wearable technology, and current trends in medical design and development, Aidan is a sought-after industry speaker and widely published author. In addition to his role at Ximedica, Aidan advises multiple startups in the healthcare space and has interests in a number of related companies. He sits on the Board of MassArt and teaches and lectures at the Rhode Island School of Design, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Harvard iLab, and others. Aidan holds an undergraduate degree from Central St Martins in product design/engineering and a Masters in industrial design from the Rhode Island School of Design. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All

  13. Taking control of work-life balance. (United States)


    For veterinary professionals, a key component of maintaining good wellbeing is being able to get to the end of a day feeling happy, content and in control. This, however, can prove challenging to achieve. Kristy Ebanks reports on a series of sessions from this year's BSAVA congress which focused on improving wellbeing. British Veterinary Association.

  14. TAB Tallinna arhitektuuribiennaal 8. - 11. september 2011 : unistuste tänav Tallinnas: Street 2020 / Carl-Dag Lige

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lige, Carl-Dag


    Tallinna arhitektuuribiennaali raames toimunud ideevõistlusest "Street 2020", mille eesmärgiks oli leida ideid inimsõbraliku ja sidusa linnaruumi jaoks. Tutvustatakse kolme võidutööd: "Peer-to-Peer Urbanism" (Warren Techentin Architecture, Ameerika Ühendriigid), "The Urban Lobby" (Jasmax, Uus-Meremaa), "Street Magnetism" (Kristi Grišakov ja Ars Projekt, Eesti)

  15. Tark urbanism = Smart urbanism / Inga Raukas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raukas, Inga, 1967-


    Tallinna Ülemiste City kvartalist, mille projekteerijad on Mattias Agabus, Eero Endjärv, Illimar Truverk, hoonete arhitektuurse osa autor E. Endjärv, sisearhitektid Kristi Lents, Hannelore Kääramees ja Taavi Aunre (restoran Mercado), maastikuarhitektid Ülle Grišakov, M. Agabus, E. Endjärv. Projekt 2006, valmis 2008 (1. ehitusetapp)

  16. Kolmemõõtmeline Eesti kunst Szentendre Kunstiveskis / Peeter Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helme, Peeter, 1978-


    Eesti tarbekunsti näitus "Ülestähendused". Avamisel näidati Jaanus Orgusaare rõivaste, jalanõude ja peakatete kollektsiooni. Kuraatoriteks-kujundajateks rühmitus F.F.F.F. (Ketli Tiitsar, Kristi Paap, Kaire Rannik, Maria Valdma). Keldrisaalis slaidiprogramm eesti harrastuskunstnike loomingust. Péter-Pali galeriis Anu Raua põimevaipade näitus

  17. Hobusepea tänava kunstinäitused

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti ja ungari ehtekunstnike näitus HOP-galeriis 17. augustini. Eksponeeritakse Fanni Kiraly, Márta Edöcs'i, Anneli Tammiku ja Kristi Paapi ehteid. Vilen Künnapu ja Mare Vindi näitus Hobusepea galeriis 9. augustini. Taani ehtekunstnike Per Suntumi ja Kaori Juzu näitus A-Galeriis 16. augustini 2010

  18. Pro ljudei i pro aktjorov / Svetlana Jantshek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jantšek, Svetlana


    Vene Draamateatri peanäitejuht Eduard Toman ja näitleja Herardo Kontreras arutavad viimase juubelilavastuseks valitud Neil Simoni näidendit "Päikesepoisid", kus nad mõlemad kavatsevad mängida ja E. Toman ka lavastada

  19. Dovlatov v Russkom teatre / Jelena Skulskaja ; interv. Dina Treial

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Skulskaja, Jelena, 1950-


    14. nov. esietendub Vene Teatri väikesel laval "Suur inimene väikeses linnas" Sergei Dovlatovi teemade ja variatsioonidega. Lavaseade ja luuletused kirjutanud Jelena Skulskaja, lavastanud Eduard Toman. Autor endast, oma näidendist ja lavastusest

  20. Pri delezhke Tsheburashki mehh letit po storonam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vene ärimees ostab ameerika kompaniilt Films by Jove kollektsiooni nõukogude multifilmide (547 filmi) levitamisõigused, et anda need üle loodavale laste telekanalile Venemaal. Lähemalt laste multifilmide lemmikkangelasest Tsheburashkast, mille loojaks kirjanik Eduard Uspenski

  1. Lemba, Artur: Concerto for piano no. 1 in G / Guy S. Rickards

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rickards, Guy S.


    Uuest heliplaadist "Lemba, Artur: Concerto for piano no. 1 in G; Tubin, Eduard: Concertino forpiano and orchestra; Sumera, Lepo: Concerto for piano and orchestra. Lauri Väinmaa, piano, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Arvo Volmer". Finlandia 3984-20684-2

  2. Arigato Spordiklubi = Arigato Sports Club

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Arigato Spordiklubi (Rannamõisa tee 3, Tallinn) sisekujundusest. Arhitektid: Kätlin Mänd ja Endrik Mänd. Sisearhitekt: Tiiu Truus (Stuudio Truus OÜ), kaasa töötasid: Kaari Salu ja Kristi Prinzmann. Tiiu Truusist, tema tähtsamad tööd. I-IV korruse plaan, värv. välisvaade, 13 sisevaadet, foto T. Truusist

  3. Kilekott kui kineskoop = Plastic Bag as Viewer / Johannes Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Johannes, 1965-


    Anu Järsi ja Kristi Kaljumäe kureeritud näitus "Kile kotti!" Eesti Rahva Muuseumis. Eksponeeriti 1980. aastatel Tartu Plastmasstoodete Katsetehases tehtud piltidega kilekotte, mälestusi kilekottide ümber keerelnud kultuurilisest tähendusest ja väärtusüsteemidest. Ameerikaliku massikultuuri, skandinaavia tarbimiskultuuri ja omarahvusluse ja -riikluse latentsed sümbolid

  4. Noored ja oreoolid / Tanel Veenre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veenre, Tanel, 1977-


    Köler Prize'i nominentide näitus Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseumis 12. juunini 2011. Köler Prize'i sai skulptor ja installatsioonikunstnik Jevgeni Zolotko, publikupreemia maalikunstnik Tõnis Saadoja. Eesti Kunstiakadeemia noore kunstniku preemia pälvis vabade kunstide teaduskonna bakalaureusetaseme lõpetajatest skulptor Ulla Juske, magistritaseme lõpetajatest maalikunstnik Kristi Kongi ja vabakunstnik Eva Labotkin. Premeeritute loomingust

  5. 1051 Ergs: The Evolution of Shell Supernova Remnants (United States)


    Gloria Dubner Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio , Buenos Aires, Argentina Dale A. Frail National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, NM...Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio , Argentina Dwarkadas, Vikram V.* University of Washington Dyer, Kristy K.* North Carolina State University...Carolina State University Yusef-Zadeh, Farhad* Northwestern University Zhang, X.* Beijing Astronomical Observatory, China Zheng, Y . Beijing

  6. Uued koolid 2006 / Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Viimsi kool (arhitektid Illimar Truverk, Raul Järg, Priit Pent, Eero Endjärv; sisearhitektid Kristi Lents, Hannelore Pihlak), Rakvere eragümnaasiumi algklasside maja (arhitektid Laur Pihel, Tauno Aadma), Tallinna Rahumäe põhikool (arhitektid Maaja Nummert, Triinu Nurmik), Tabasalu Ühisgümnaasium (arhitekt Veljo Kaasik), Jüri gümnaasium (arhitekt Katrin Tomberg Tohter)

  7. English for lawyers / Liina Soobik ; [preface: Peep Pruks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soobik, Liina, 1955-


    Kasutatud tekstide autorid: Peep Pruks, Merit-Ene Ilja, Ilona Nurmela, Kristi Raba, Andreas Kangur, Raul Narits, Peeter Roosma, Kalle Merusk, Maret Altnurme, Jaan Ginter, Aare Tark, Norman Aas, Lasse Lehis, Hannes Veinla, Jaan Sootak, Eerik Kergandberg, Paul Varul, Jaanus Ots, Urve Liin, Irene Kull, Merle Muda, Gaabriel Tavits, Andres Vutt, Kadri Siibak, Ellen Ridaste, Heiki Pisuke, Andrus Siibak

  8. Järelkaja Talsinki linnaaktivismi aruteluõhtule / Kaija-Luisa Kurik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kurik, Kaija-Luisa


    7. juunil 2010 räägiti Uue Maailma seltsimajas Helsingi linnaplaneerimisest ja linnaaktivismist ning mõeldi, mida oleks Tallinnal naaberlinnalt õppida, millisel tasandil on olemas Tallinna ja Helsingi vaheline suhtlus. Tallinn-Helsingi kaksiklinnast Talsinki. Helsingi linnaplaneerimisest rääkis Kristi Grišakov, DODO-nimelisest keskkonnaorganisatsioonist Elisa Niemi, DEMOSe nimelisest organisatsioonist ja noorteorganisatsioonist ORANSSi Kaija-Luisa Kurik

  9. Tartu koolkond ajakirjade kujundajana 1930-1940 / Merle Talvik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talvik, Merle, 1971-


    Õppesüsteemist ja graafika õpetamisest Pallase Kõrgemas Kunstikoolis. Tartu kunstnikud ajakirjade kujundajana: Nikolai Triik, Ernst Kollom, Arkadio Laigu, Natalie Mei, Ado Vabbe, Ott Kangilaski, Hando Mugasto, Eduard Wiiralt, Peet Aren, Jaan Vahtra, Rudolf Paris, Agu Peerna jt

  10. Palju ilusaid etüüde liiga lihtsakoelisel liistul / Valle-Sten Maiste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maiste, Valle-Sten, 1972-


    Eduard Vilde romaani "Prohvet Maltsvet" ja vene kirjaniku Viktor Pelevini romaani aineil sündinud lavastusest "Proffet" Albu vallas Kukenoosi rehealuses (lavastaja Mart Koldits). Kunstnik Pille Jänes, lavastuse teksti kirjutasid Mart Koldits ja Urmas Lennuk. Esietendus 27. juulil

  11. Vzájemná korespondence Eduarda Alberta a Antonína Randy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kokešová, Helena


    Roč. 2004, - (2004), s. 95-145 ISSN 1211-9768 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LN00A041 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z8063914 Keywords : Eduard Albert * Antonín Randa * Czech politics Subject RIV: AB - History

  12. Vilde saladus lahendatud?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eduard Vilde kahtlustas, et tema teosest "Külmale maale" on tehtud film, aga tegemist oli arvatavasti 1931. aastal kinos Skandia jooksnud Ameerika filmiga, mis on tehtud John Oxenhami teose järgi ja on väga sarnane Vilde teosega

  13. Modelli tabamas / Andri Ksenofontov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ksenofontov, Andri, 1962-


    Tallinna Linnagaleriis 3. maini avatud Tanja Muravskaja isikunäitus "Lucky Losers" ("Õnnelikud kaotajad") esitab seitsme vene rahvusest Eestis tuntud inimese videoportreed. Portreteeritavad on Dimitri Klenski, Adolf Käis, Anna Levandi, Tatjana Muravjova, Mihhail Stalnuhhin, Eduard Toman ja Boris Tuch

  14. Ed & Os : kahe Wilde näitemäng / Mati Unt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Unt, Mati, 1944-2005


    Mati Undi näidend Eduard Vilde ja Oscar Wilde'i kohtumisest. Illustratsiooniks Tiiu Kirsipuu Tartusse Wilde Irish Pubi ette loodava skulptuurigrupi kavand. Autori märkus : Tekst on kirjutatud Kahe Wilde Pubi avamiseks ja koostatud Wilde'i ja Vilde tekstidest.

  15. Eesti kirjanikumuuseumide pöördumine : [eesti keele ja kirjanduse tundide arvu vähendamise asjus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Alla kirjutanud: Dr. Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi Memoriaalmuuseum, Lydia Koidula Memoriaalmuuseum, Liivi Muuseum, Eduard Vilde Muuseum, SA A. H. Tammsaare Muuseum Vargamäel, A. H. Tammsaare Muuseum (Kadriorus), Palamuse O. Lutsu Kihelkonnakoolimuuseum, Oskar Lutsu Majamuuseum, Betti Alveri Muuseum, Muhu Muuseum

  16. 23. IX korraldab Vaala galerii kunstioksjoni "Väliseesti eri"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Oksjonil on esindatud Eerik Haamer, Jaan Grünberg, Arno Vihalemm, Eduard Wiiralt, Ruth Tulving, Endel Kõks, Harald Jürissaar, Otto Paas, Ville Tops, Otto Puusta. Töödega saab tutvuda alates 18. IX, traditsiooniline sügisoksjon toimub 18. XI

  17. Rahvusvaheline "Scripta manent II" Tallinnas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eduard Taska 110. sünniaastapäevale pühendatud rahvusvaheline köitekunsti- ja kalligraafianäitus "Scripta manent II" Tallinna Kunstihoones. Köitekunsti osas pälvis "kuldraamatu" Marielle Liivat, ergutusauhinnad: Marje Kask, Kadi Kiipus, Urve Kolde

  18. Eta volshebnaja grustnaja skazka

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vene Teatris esietendub aasta lõpupäevadel lastelavastus "Tähepoiss" Oscar Wilde'i samanimelise muinasjutu ainetel. Teose on dramatiseerinud ja lavastanud Svetlana Krassman, muusika autor Eduard Toman, lavakujunduse j a kostüümide autor Marianne Kuurme, tantsuseade tegi Elita Erkina

  19. Pärnu-Jaagupi Jakobi kirik / Rudolf Moritz von Engelhardt, Elert Thiele, Ants Laikmaa...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    välisvaade, sisevaade; olulised juurdeehitustööd 1695, uus läänetorn 1888, tornikiiver 1907 (arhitekt Rudolf von Engelhart), barokiaegne kantsel (Elert Thiele, u. 1660), varaklassitsistlik altarisein (1793), altarimaal "Kristus ristil" (Ants Laikmaa Eduard von Gebhardti järgi, 1901)

  20. Siidii / Kreete Reval

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reval, Kreete


    Heliplaatidest: Lõkõrig "Süä kisk", Laura Pausini "From The Inside", Gary Moore "Back To The Blues", Ayako Lister "The Japanese Koto", Massive Attack "100th Window", ERSO & Arvo Volmer "Eduard Tubin: 2. ja 5. sümfooniad", Claire's Birthday "Future Is Now!"

  1. Siidii / Kreete Reval

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reval, Kreete


    Heliplaatidest: Laura Pausini "From The Inside", Gary Moore "Back To The Blues", Ayako Lister "The Japanese Koto", Massive Attack "100th Window", Erso & Arvo Volmer "Eduard Tubin: 2. ja 5. sümfooniad", Claire's Birthday "Future Is Now!", Lõkõriq "Süa kisk"

  2. Õpetatud Eesti Selts 1988-1991 : [Ülevaade koosolekutest] / Tiit Rosenberg, Maris Pruuli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rosenberg, Tiit, 1946-


    Lisa: Õpetatud Eesti Seltsi taasasutamise ürik : [26 apr. 1988]. Allakirjutanute hulgas Paul Ariste, Eduard Laugaste, Leo Metsar, Aino Põldmäe, Harald Peep, Juhan Peegel, Imbi Pelkonen, Heno Sarv, Arne Merilai, Margus Kasterpalu, Heli Laanekask, Eva Aaver, Paul Hagu, Hando Runnel

  3. Kroonika - chronicle (2006)

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Helilooja Eduard Tubina helitööde ettekannete, raamatute, artiklite, helisalvestiste nimekiri. Dokumente ja väljavõtteid artiklitest, mis sisaldavad Vardo Rumesseni kirju peaministrile, kultuuriministrile ja BNS teadet dirigent Neeme Järvi kriitilisest suhtumisest kultuuriministeeriumisse seoses festivaliga "Tubin ja tema aeg"

  4. Typhus in Texas

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Podcasts


    Dr. Kristy Murray, an associate professor in pediatrics and assistant dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital, discusses increased cases of typhus in southern Texas.  Created: 7/6/2017 by National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID).   Date Released: 7/6/2017.

  5. Liikumist armastav uus koolimaja Viimsis = The New Schoolhouse in Viimsi That Loves Physical Activity / Regina Viljasaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viljasaar, Regina


    Projekteerija: Agabus, Endjärv, Truverk Arhitektid OÜ. Arhitektid: Raul Järg, Illimar Truverk, Priit Pent, Eero Endjärv. Konstruktor: Civen OÜ. Sisekujundus: Kristi Lents, Hannelore Pihlak (Agabus, Endjärv, Truverk Arhitektid OÜ). Maastikuprojekt: Ülle Grishakov. Akustiline projekt: Malle Jaanisoo. Projekt ja valmis 2006. Ill.: II korruse plaan, 3 värv. välis- ja 4 sisevaadet

  6. Elamu Kalamaja piiril : Noole 4, Tallinn = Residential Building on the Edge of the Kalamaja District : Noole 4, Tallinn / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    42 korteriga elamu, mille alumine korrus on endise tööstushoone paemüür, II korrus on puidust, III korrus on kaetud Cortenterasega. Projekteerija: Arhitektuuribüroo Eek & Mutso. Autorid: Margit Mutso, Kristi Põldme. Konstruktor: OÜ Kuup Ehitus. Ehitaja: YIT. Projekt: 2006, valmis: 2007. M. Mutso hoone kavandamisest ja valmimisest. I-IV korruse plaan, 6 värv. välisvaadet

  7. 2004. aasta prognoos / Edda Paukson, Eduard Paukson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paukson, Edda


    Vt. ka Järva Teataja, Põhjarannik : Laupäev ; Severnoje Poberezhje : Subbota, Virumaa Teataja, Võrumaa Teataja : Elu 3. jaan., Pärnu Postimees 6.,8. jaan., Harjumaa 6., 9.,13. jaan., Meie Maa : Oma Saar 10. jaan. Erinevatel lehekülgedel ja erinevate pealkirjade all

  8. Sarivõistlused ja Medalijaht 2012 / Eduard Pukkonen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pukkonen, Eduard, 1960-


    2012. aastal lisandus Eesti Orienteerumisliidu juhatuse otsusega olemasolevatele sarjadele Eesti meistrivõistluste medalite kogumise võistlus Medalijaht 2012, mille esimene võitja on Marianne Haug 11 medaliga. 2012. aastal jagati orienteerumisspordis kõigi alade ja võistlusklasside peale välja 744 Eesti meistrivõistluste medalit

  9. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    International Conference on Algebra and. Geometry. BOOK REVIEWS. 106 Atomic Warrior. Shobhana Narasimhan. Front Cover. 110. 110. 111. 112 n3. Bonnet macaque (See classroom article Project Ufescape on The Macaques of India, page 94.) Back Cover. (Picture courtesy: Anindya Sinha). ludWig Eduard Boltzmann.

  10. Elluäratatud kauged ajad lasteraamatutes / Krista Kumberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kumberg, Krista, 1959-


    Arvustus: Hainsalu Lemmiko, vanema poeg : üks lugu muinasaja lõpult / Lehte Hainsalu ; [pildid joonistanud ja kujundanud Valdek Alber]. [Tallinn] : Maalehe Raamat, 2005 ; Timmas, Eduard H. Samsu-Sin. Esimene osa, Tema noorus ja seiklused Babylonis : [romaan] / [rootsi keelest tõlkinud Allar Sooneste. Tallinn : Canopus, 2005

  11. Literary Mystification: Hermeneutical Questions of the Early Dialectical Theology

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tolstoj, E.V.


    This contribution addresses some hermeneutical problems related to Karl Barth's Römerbrief II. First, it surveys the role of the unpublished archive materials from the Karl Barth-Archiv, i.e. the commentaries, text additions and corrections Eduard Thurneysen sent to Barth during his work on

  12. Hulot, Jean-Claude / Pierre Gervasoni

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gervasoni, Pierre


    Uuest heliplaadist "Searching for Roots. Eduard Tubin: Symphonie no 11; Arvo Pärt: Nekrolog-Symphonie no 1; Erkki-Sven Tüür: Searching for Roots - Insula deserta - Zeitraum; Orchestre philharmonique royal de Stockholm, Paavo Järvi (direction); Virgin Classics 5 45212 2 (distribue par EMI)

  13. Searching for Roots / Pierre Gervasoni

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gervasoni, Pierre


    Uuest heliplaadist "Searching for Roots. Eduard Tubin: Symphonie no 11; Arvo Pärt: Nekrolog-Symphonie no 1; Erkki-Sven Tüür: Searching for Roots - Insula deserta - Zeitraum; Orchestre philharmonique royal de Stockholm, Paavo Järvi (direction)" Virgin Classics 5 45212 2 (distribue par EMI)

  14. Inimkeskne Talsinki / Kristi Grišakov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grišakov, Kristi


    Talsinki linnaaktivismist. Tallinna ja Helsingi linnaaktivistide laiemast koostööst tulevikus. Autori sõnul võiksid linnaaktivistide kohtumised veelgi enam keskenduda ühiste eesmärkide, ürituste ja tööriistade väljatöötamisele. See oleks alguseks rohujuuretasandi Talsinkile, mis on inimkeskne

  15. "Magnus" lummas Riia vaatajaid / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Kadri Kõusaare Cannes'i programmis esilinastunud debüütfilmi "Magnus" esilinastuselt Läti väärtfilmikinos Cinema Riga, kus kohal olid režissöör ning peaosatäitja Kristjan Kasearu. Lisatud Meelis Muhu "Arvamus"

  16. Tänane Tartu - naerud, nutud ja hernetondid = Tartu today - laughter, tears and scarecrows / Berk Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Berk, 1975-


    Tartu linnaruumist, selle teisenemistest. Eduard Tubina mälestusmärgist (skulptor Aili Vahtrapuu, arhitekt Veronika Valk, heli: Louis Dandrel), Tartu Kaubamajast (arhitekt Raivo Puusepp), Rüütli tänava kujundusest (Rene Valner, Ott Kadarik), Ülikooli tänavast. 5 värv. ill

  17. Životní jubileum Eduarda Maura

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Velková, Alice


    Roč. 59, č. 2 (2017), s. 158-160 ISSN 0011-8265 Institutional support: RVO:67985963 Keywords : Eduard Maur * historian * jubilee Subject RIV: AB - History OBOR OECD: History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)

  18. Luukamber / Juhan Tõrdu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõrdu, Juhan


    Ajakirja "Tarapita" rubriik "Luukamber" kui raamatutes esinevatele eksimustele osutaja 1920. aastate algul. Näiteid tänasest "luukambrist".Sisu: Mis keeles ropendada? : [Teet Kallase romaanis "Jää hüvasti, mr. Shakespeare"]; Leksikon teab rohkem kui ajaleht : [Eduard Grossschmidt-Suursepast]; Segadusi fotodega; Kes kaitseks laulusõnade autoreid?

  19. Lipase inhibition and hormonal status, body composition and gastrointestinal processing of a liquid high-fat mixed meal in moderately obese subjects.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Drent, M.L.; Popp-Snijders, C.; Adèr, H.J.; Jansen, J.B.M.J.; van der Veen, E.A.


    DRENT, MADELEINE L, CORRIE POPP‐SNIJDERS, HERMAN J ADER, JAN BMJ JANSEN AND EDUARD A VAN DER VEEN. Lipase inhibition and hormonal status, body composition and gastrointestinal processing of a liquid high‐fat mixed meal in moderately obese subjects. Obes Res. The effect of Orlistat, a lipase

  20. Developing a training module on Gender & spatial justice

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tummers, L.C.


    Justice is more than a legal matter: it has spatial and environmental implications and is related to engineering. The concept of ‘spatial justice’ was introduced in 2010 in planning by Eduard Soja. It indicates the accessibility of urban resources such as education and healthcare. Under democratic

  1. Research Article ( New England Journal of Medicine ) A trial of a 7 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Research Article (New England Journal of Medicine) A trial of a 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in HIV-infected adults. Neil French, Stephen B. Gordon, Thandie Mwalukomo, Sarah A. White, Gershom Mwafulirwa, Herbert Longwe, Martin Mwaiponya, Eduard E. Zijlstra, Malcolm E. Molyneux, Charles F. Gilks ...

  2. Ühised juured: Kesk-Euroopa disain Iisraelis / Kai Lobjakas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lobjakas, Kai, 1975-


    Näitus "Common Roots. Design Map on Central Europe" Holoni disainimuuseumis kuni 23.02.2013. Eestist esindavad nüüdisaegset disaini Sixten Heidmets / Fellin Furniture, Monika Järg, Jüri Kermik, Kerttu Laane, Jaanus Orgusaar, Kristi Paap, Villu Pruulmann, Ruumilabor, Pavel Sidorenko ja Igor Volkov. Ajaloolise disaini osas on väljas Helle Gansi, Maile Grünbergi ning Tarbeklaasi ja Estoplasti tööd

  3. 13.-20. VI võtab ehtekunstnike rühmitus F.F.F.F....

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rühmitus F.F.F.F. (Ketli Tiitsar, Kristi Paap, Kaire Rannik, Berit Teeäär, Maria Valdma) võtab osa Bostonis toimuvast rahvusvahelisest ehtekunstinäitusest ja konverentsist "ContacT 2004", juhendab Massachusetts College of Art üliõpilastele ja kunstnikele korraldatud workshop'i "SWOP". Bakalar Gallerys esineb rühmitus näitusega "Igapäevaleib", osalejate individuaalset loomingut eksponeerib galerii Mobilia

  4. "Absindijoojad" ja "Eesti neiu" graafikute pilgu läbi / Enno Ootsing, Vive Tolli ; intervjueerinud Ellu Maar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ootsing, Enno, 1940-


    Graafikud Enno Ootsing puugravüüri spetsialistina ja Vive Tolli sügavtrükispetsialistina Eduard Wiiralti töödest, erinevatest graafikatehnikatest ja nende iseärasustest, värvilise kõrg- ja sügavtrüki tegemise tehnilisest poolest ning tõmmisteks sobivatest paberitest

  5. Eduardu Maurovi k osmdesátinám

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Petráňová, Lydia


    Roč. 27, č. 2 (2017), s. 174-175 ISSN 0862-8351 Institutional support: RVO:68378076 Keywords : Eduard Maur * anniversary * historian Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology OBOR OECD: History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)

  6. 172 rue de Vanves, Paris XIV / Leila Anupõld, Jüri Hain

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Anupõld, Leila


    Kujutava Kunsti Sihtkapitali Valitsuse (KKSKV) poolt alates 1925. a. teisest poolest kunstnikele antud välismaa stipendiumidest. Stipendiaatide (Wiiralt jt.) raskest elust Pariisis. Eesti Vabariigi Prantsusmaa saatkonna abist kunstnike stipendiaatide töö korraldamisel. Sihtkapitali ateljeest, mida 1929-30. aastail lühiajaliselt kasutasid Albert Kesner ja Eduard Wiiralt

  7. Kontserthuset Göteborg. Göteborgs Symfoniker, chefdirigent: Neeme Järvi. Dirigent: Neeme Järvi. Solist: Paata Burchuladze, bas. Kontsertmästare: Per Enoksson, Christer Thorvaldsson. Onsdag 12. mars 1997 Stora salen (brun serie)

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kontserdi kavas juttu: Eduard Tubin. Süit balletist "Kratt", Modest Mussorgski "Surma laulud ja tantsud" ja Jean Sibeliuse sümfoonia N 1, e-moll op. 39 Lk. 2-4: Kruckenberg, Sven: Tubin - Svit ur Kratt. Lk. 8 lühidalt Neeme Järvi edaspidisest tööst

  8. From Lindeman to Knowles: A Change in Vision. (United States)

    Fisher, James C.; Podeschi, Ronald L.


    Analyzes basic differences in the views of the purpose and process of adult education proposed by Eduard Lindeman and Malcolm Knowles. For Lindeman, adult education's purpose is changing the social order as well as improving individuals. Knowles focuses on preparing individuals for change, fulfilling individual needs while contributing to…

  9. Sõõrumaa avab homme galerii / Ants Juske

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juske, Ants, 1956-2016


    17. detsembril avatakse Tallinnas Rotermanni kvartalis Roseni t. 8 Urmas Sõõrumaa eragalerii US Art Gallery avanäitus, kus on väljas 75 teost. Eksponeeritud Peet Areni, Ann Audova, Eugen Gustav Dückeri, Franz Gebhardti, Johannes Võerahansu, Eduard Wiiralti, Richard Uutmaa jpt. tööd

  10. Eesti meesluule argipäev / Mart Velsker

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Velsker, Mart, 1966-


    Rets.rmt.: Oja, Martin., keelatud raamat : tekste 1996-2000. [Tallinn] : 9 Koma, [2003] ; Ilus, Peeter. Mõned luuletused. [Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2003] ; Klaus, Eduard. Pommikutsikas : [luuletused]. Tartu : Ilmamaa, 2003 ; Mathura, pseud. Sõstramesi : luuletusi. Külaküla [p.o. Tallinn] : Erakkond, 2003 ; Runnel, Simo. Uneriik : luuletused. Tartu : Ilmamaa, 2003

  11. Muusika : Kreegi "Requiemi" partituur ilmunud. Heliloojaühingud. Kitarriseltsi sügisene pidu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    SP Muusikaprojekt andis välja Kreegi "Requiemi" partituuri. Estonia talveaias peeti Eduard Tubina õhtut. 26. X asutati Suure-Jaanis Rahvusvaheline Heliloojate Kappide Ühing. 23.-30. X toimus Otepääl Eesti Kitarriseltsi aastaseminar. Pärnu Linnaorkester ja Pärnu Muusikakooli keelpilliorkester annavad ühiseid isadepäeva kontserte

  12. Karikakramäng eesriide taga : Tšehhi uue laine eriprogramm PÖFFil / Tristan Priimägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Priimägi, Tristan, 1976-


    14. Pimedate Ööde filmifestivali üks märksõnu on "uus laine". Näha saab Tšehhoslovakkias 1960ndatel valminud mängufilme (rež.-d Milos Forman, Stefan Uher, Jan Nemec, Vojtech Jasny, Eduard Grecner, Dusan Hanak, Juraj Jakubisko, Elo Havetta, Vera Chytilova ja Ivan Passer)

  13. Kartina mira skvoz Monokl / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    Peterburi rahvusvahelisel mononäidendite festivalil "Monokkel 1999" käis ka Vene Draamateatri trupp lavastusega "Daam koerakesega" A. Tshehhovi jutustuse järgi. Etenduse tõid lavale lavastaja Eduard Toman, kunstnik Vladimir Anshon ja osatäitja Nikolai Hrustaljov. Lavastus ja kunstnikutöö märgiti ära eripreemiaga

  14. V "Monokl" vidno lutshshe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Peterburi rahvusvahelisel mononäidendite festivalil "Monokkel 1999" käis ka Vene Draamateatri trupp lavastusega "Daam koerakesega" A. Tshehhovi jutustuse järgi. Etenduse tõid lavale lavastaja Eduard Toman, kunstnik Vladimir Anshon ja osatäitja Nikolai Hrustaljov. Lavastus ja kunstnikutöö märgiti ära eripreemiaga

  15. The Perfect Model for the Perfect Storm: Creating an Effective State to Grassroots Comprehensive Public Health and Medical Strategic Communication Model (United States)


    Brief History of the Boston Fire Department,” Boston Fire Museum , (n.d.), 12 Kristy Annely...framework for correcting the problems.25 By utilizing the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986, the culture was changed that allowed jointness versus individual...economic shock than was anticipated. These costs were associated with a variety of sectors with tourism and travel being the biggest determinants. As a

  16. Krasota kak blagotvaritelnost / Igor Saveljev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saveljev, Igor


    Eesti Sportlaste Ühenduse 9. heategevuslik kunstioksjon Tallinnas Nordic Hotel Forumi restoranis Monaco 20. detsembril 2008. Korraldab galerii Rios. Müügis ligi 30 maali Eesti kunstnikelt. Esile toodud Andrew George Winteri (Sindist pärit Andres Jüri Vinter) maali "Purjelaev merel" ja Franz Karl Eduard von Gebhardti "Kristus haigeid tervendamas". Autoritest

  17. Gravjurõ, finansõ i povsednevnost / Dmitri Babitshenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babitshenko, Dmitri


    SEB Eesti Ühispank väljastab uusi pangakaarte, millel on kujutatud motiive Eduard Wiiralti teostest. Pangakaartide väljaandmisega toetab pank koostöös Eesti Kunsti Toetusfondiga Eesti kunstiklassikute tööde restaureerimist. Toetusfondiga koostöös on valminud ka eksklusiivne Wiiralti kalender 2008. aastaks. Kujundas Karel Korp

  18. Geeniuste tagasitulek : Louis Kahni päevad Kuressaares / Toivo Tammik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammik, Toivo


    6. X avatakse Louis Kahni portree Kuressaare raekojas ja näitus Kuressaare linnuses, Kuressaare Linnateatris linastub arhitekti poja Nathaniel Kahni film "My architect. Son's journey" (2003). 7. X toimuva rahvusvahelise arhitektuurikonverentsi kava. 1956. a. Philadelphias kohtunud Saaremaal sündinud Louis Isadore Kahnist ja Järvamaal sündinud August Eduard Komendandist

  19. Tracking the Digital Traces


    Felician ALECU


    These days we are in the middle of a huge scandal about NSA fighting against terrorism by running a massive surveillance program. Mister Eduard Snowden, a former NSA employee, revealed classified documents that clearly show how NSA is targeting the communications of everyone by collecting, storing and filtering the data in various ways.

  20. "Dama s sobatshkoi" v Monokle / Svetlana Jantshek

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jantshek, Svetlana


    Peterburi rahvusvahelisel mononäidendite festivalil "Monokkel 1999" käis ka Vene Draamateatri trupp lavastusega "Daam koerakesega" A. Tšehhovi jutustuse järgi. Etenduse tõid lavale lavastaja Eduard Toman, kunstnik Vladimir Anshon ja osatäitja Nikolai Hrustaljov. Lavastus ja kunstnikutöö märgiti ära eripreemiaga

  1. Naturen i den estniska poesin : från animism och panteism till zenbuddhism / Andres Ehin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ehin, Andres, 1940-2011


    Orig.: Loodus eesti luules: animismist ja panteismist kuni zen-buddhismini. Tekstis on rootsikeelseid luulenäiteid järgmiste eesti luuletajate loomingust: Kristjan Jaak Peterson, Karl Eduard Sööt, Ernst Enno, Gustav Suits, Henrik Visnapuu, Villem Ridala, Betti Alver, Uku Masing, Bernard Kangro, Kalju Lepik, Ilmar Laaban, Artur Alliksaar ja Hando Runnel.

  2. Air quality

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Thambiran, Tirusha


    Full Text Available ., Blaikie, P., Cannon, T. & Davis, I. 2004. At risk: Natural hazards, people’s vulnerability, and disasters (2nd edition). London: Routledge. Ziervogel, G. & Calder R. 2003. Climate variability and rural livelihoods: Assessing the impact of seasonal... Julia Mambo Kristy Faccer 4 | Global Change Global Change Global Change Global Change | i the quality of research being conducted in South Africa. In addition, South African academics occupy key positions in the Future Earth initiative...

  3. Viimsi kool = School in Viimsi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Harjumaal Haabneemes Randvere tee 8 asuva Viimsi koolimaja sisekujundus, mille eest sisearhitektid Kristi Lents ja Hannelore Pihlak (Agabus, Endjärv & Truverk Arhitektid) pälvisid Eesti Sisearhitektide Liidu 2006. a. ühiskondliku interjööri preemia. Osa sisustusest on valminud sisearhitektide jooniste järgi eritellimusena. Sisearhitektidest, nende tähtsamad tööd. I, II ja III korruse plaan, värv. välisvaade, 10 sisevaadet, fotod sisearhitektidest

  4. Fiber Optic Biosensors (United States)


    CDM Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. CSU Colorado State University DCA dichloroethane DO dissolved oxygen DoD Department of Defense EA EA...Ph.D. (PI), Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM); John Eisenbeis, Ph.D., CDM; Kristy Warren, CDM; Dan Adams, CDM; Michael Allen, Bangor Naval Submarine Base...alcohol (PVA) using cyanuric chloride, and the resulting product was cross -linked with glutaraldehyde in presence of HCl to form a hydrogel that was

  5. 3.-11. XI oli Edinburghi ECA Sculpture Court Balcony'l...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti päevade raames Kristi Paabi ja Maria Valdma kureeritud näitus "Rare Leid". Osalesid Kristiina Laurits, Villu Plink, Kaire Rannik, Mari Relo-Shaulys, Adolfas Shaulys, Anneli Tammik, Ketli Tiitsar ja Tanel Veenre. 3. XI ehtekunsti sümpoosionil Edinburghi kunstikolledzhis College of Artis esinesid loengutega Birgit Laken (Holland), K. Tiitsar ja T. Veenre. K. Paap ja M. Valdma juhendasid töötuba "Triibud või ruudud" ehtekunsti üliõpilastele

  6. Kunstiakadeemia lõpetajate defilee / Harry Liivrand, Karin Paulus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liivrand, Harry, 1961-


    Tutvustatakse 2007. aastal Eesti Kunstiakadeemia lõpetanute töid: klaasikunstnik Kristi Ringkjobi klaasobjektide komplekt "Munk"; ehtekunstnik Raili Arbuse ehted; keraamik Ann Nurga savist "Lennukid"; klaasikunstnik Lauri Kimmi "Klaas ja kivi. Muundumine"; nahakunstnik Allan Põllu kollektsioon "Coffee and Cigars. Chocolate and Cognac"; sisearhitekt Ott Kanguri lamamis/kiiktool; arhitekt Rene Sauemägi visioon Admiraliteedi basseini äärsest tühermaast; Kristiina Uslari dekoratiivobjektid; arhitekt Sander Aasa projekt "Pakri saared. Kultuurmaastiku koloniseerimine"

  7. Pauksonite horoskoop - aastaprognoos 2008 / Edda Paukson, Eduard Paukson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paukson, Edda


    Erinevate pelkirjade all. Vt. ka Järva Teataja 29.dets., 3.,8.,10.,15. jaan., SL Õhtluleht 2008, 2. jaan., Pärnu Postimees ja Võrumaa Teataja 3. jaan., Harju Ekspress 4. jaan., Põhjarannik : Laupäev ; Severnoje Poberezhje : Subbota 5. jaan.

  8. Eduard Shevardnadze: "New Thinking as a Principal Export"

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Saylor, Ben


    .... But why would the new General Secretary call on a non-Russian with virtually no experience in foreign affairs to serve as Foreign Minister and succeed the renowned veteran statesman Andrey Gromyko...

  9. Luuleline asu-andmine ja loov kehtestamine / Eduard Parhomenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parhomenko, Eduard


    Saksakeelsest mõistest "Stiftung". Martin Heidegger Freidrich Hölderlini luulest. Sisaldab katkendeid Viivi Luige esseedest, Friedrich Nietzcshe, Dieter Heinrichi ja Martin Heideggeri töödest ning Friedrich Hölderlini loomingust

  10. Valued Estonian Music CDs

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    2002. aastal välja antud eesti muusika heliplaatidest Artur Kapp "Symphonische Werke", Eduard Tubin "Symphonies No.9, No.10 and No.11", "Estonian Preludes", "Eesti heliloojad. Hortus Musicus", "Eesti Muusika Päevad", "Tallinn Saxophone Quartet. Estonian Contemporary Music", "Triskele. Kolga-Jaani vaimulikud rahvalaulud", "Helmekaala. Linnupuu Anne", "Modern Fox mängib Raimond Valgret",

  11. Soolopartiid Von Krahli katuse all / Kristi Eberhart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eberhart, Kristi


    Von Krahli Teatri kolmest lavastusest: "Erki ja Tiina" (lavastaja Mart Kangro, tantsivad Erki Laur ja Tiina Tauraite), "Faust" (J. W. Goethe ainetel tekst ja lavastus Taavi Eelmaa, muusika ja laulud Chalice, osades Jarek Kasar ja Rein Pakk), "Hamletid" (William Shakespeare'i ainetel kontseptsiooni, lavastuse, koreograafia, kujunduse, valguse autor Sasha Pepeljajev, video- ja helikunstnik Taavet Jansen. Esitaja Juhan Ulfsak)

  12. Matused lähevad kallimaks / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 15. sep. 2008, lk. 4. Matusebüroode juhtide arvamusi matuseteenuste ja -kaupade kallinemise kohta 2009. aastal, kui käibemaks kerkib seniselt viielt protsendilt 18-le

  13. Malta 10 000 õpilasega kutsekool / Kristi Tammik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammik, Kristi


    Tallinna ehituskooli kuus töötajat osalesid Leonardo Da Vinci projekti „Flexible Possibilities for Organizing” VET õpirände projektis, mille raames külastati Malta tehnoloogia-, teadus- ja kunstikolledžit (MCAST)

  14. Hiinlastele meeldib Eesti EXPO paviljon / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Shanghais 1.05.-31.10. 2010 toimuvast EXPO maailmanäitusest, mille teemaks on "Parem linn, parem elu". Eesti paviljonist ja selle püstitamisest. Eesti projekti "" tegijateks on Illimar Truverk, Andres Labi, Janno Roos, Ionel Lehari, Priit Hamer, Kristian Paljasma

  15. Naisteromaanide uimarohi / Ilona Martson, Kristi Pärn

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martson, Ilona, 1970-


    Atwood, Margaret. Röövelpruut; Austen, Jane. Veenmine; Sheldon, Sidney. Veresidemed; Ondaatje, Michael. Inglise patsient; Lind, Hera. Kahe mehe vahel; Simmel, Johannes Mario. Vastust teab vaid tuul; Gaskin, Catherine. Fiona; Gaskin, Catherine. Perekonnaasjad; Barne, John. Evita

  16. Maailmarändur ja dramaturg / Kristi Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helme, Kristi


    27-aastasel näitekirjanikul, kevadel lavakunstikooli dramaturgia suunal lõpetaval Kristiina Jalastol esietendus VAT teatris näidend „Salto Mortale”, mis on kahasse kirjutatud Slovakkia noore dramaturgi Michaela Zakutaska'ga

  17. Kõusaare film kadus Riias ekraanilt / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Kadri Kõusaare debüütfilmi "Magnus" linastamine Läti väärtfilmikinos Cinema Riga lõpetati, kuna kino juhtkonda ähvardati režissööri sõnul tema filmi näitamise keelustamist taotleva hageja advokaatide poolt

  18. Õnnitleme - Kristi Toode on doktorikraadiga õde

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    10. aprillil 2015 kaitses Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla onkoloogia- ja hematoloogiakliiniku õendusjuht Kirsti Toode Tampere Ülikoolis terviseteaduste osakonnas doktoritööd Nurses' work motivation: essence and associations = Õdede töömotivatsioon: olemus ja seosed

  19. Akadeemilised üksused : koolimuusika instituut / Kristi Kiilu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiilu, Kristi, 1974-


    Anti välja artiklikogumik "Denkkulturen, Selbstwerdung des Menschen, Erziehungskulturen : Festschrift für Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Heino Liimets". Tallinnas ja Narvas toimus üritus "Koolimuusika päevad. In memoriam Heino Klajuste 85", Heino Klajuste stipendiumid pälvisid Ene Üleoja ja kaja Kaus.

  20. Piccolo tõi Soomest taas grand prix'

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tänavuse Lappeenrantas toimunud rahvusvahelise suupillifestivali võistumängimisel osalesid suupilliklubi Piccolo orkester, kvartett ja noored solistid. Grand prix' ehk suure võidukarika pälvis Piccolo suupillikvartett koosseisus Ilmar Tõnisson, Andrus Haugas, Andres Kokk ja Elmar Trink. Noorte kategooria võitjaks tunnistati Martin Merevits, kolmandad kohad saavutasid Janek Sildvee bluusi- ja Eduard Einmann diatoonilise suupilli kategoorias

  1. 1. II avati Rotermanni soolalao kunstimuuseumi näitusesaalis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Marco Laimre kuraatorinäitus "Hääled". Väljas on Oskar Kallise, Jaan Toomiku, Rainer Jancise, Elmar Kitse, Evald Okase, Melissa Gordoni (UK), Eduard Wiiralti, Jasper Zoova, Leili Muuga, Marko Mäetamme, Ene-Liis Semperi, Ado Vabbe, Elin Kardi, Kiwa, Peeter Alliku, Kaja Kärneri, Jüri Arraku, Kadi Estlandi ja Ülo Soosteri tööd

  2. Loomingu ja looja vahel / Tiia Penjam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Penjam, Tiia, 1955-


    Jutuajamine luuletaja Sulev Olliga, kes on töötanud mitmel pool ja kes on jõudnud Maalehte tagasi juba kolmandat korda. Miks? Jutuajamise ajendas Karl Eduard Söödi lasteluule auhind luulekogu "Hea tuju kuju" eest. Samas ka kogumikust "Öö mõte on kuus" ja luuletusest Ellen Niidust "Tädi Ellen" ning luuletusest "Pilvist põlvini"

  3. Düsseldorfi koolkond ja selle Baltimaade kunstnikud - kultuuridevahelise suhtluse aspekte / Bettina Baumgärtel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Baumgärtel, Bettina


    Düsseldofi koolkonnast (1819-1918), selle rahvusvahelisest levikust, Eestist pärit baltisaksa kunstnike Karl Eduard von Gebhardti (1838-1925), Eugéne Gustav Dückeri (1841-1916) ja Alexander Heinrich Gregor von Bochmanni (1850-1930) juhtivast osast ning nende erinevatest maadest, ka eestlastest õpilastest. Ka valitsevatest maalizhanritest ja tolleaegsetest rühmitustest Saksamaal - natsareenlastest ja ühendusest Malkasten

  4. Wiiralt plaadiümbrisel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ilmus progerockansambli King Krimsoni praeguse trummari Pat Mastelotto ja Saksa multiinstrumentalisti Markus Reuteri kahemehebändi Tuner kolmas album "Müüt", mis on salvestatud möödunud aasta oktoobris Tallinnas, Tartus ja Viljandis Jazzkaare kontsertidel. Plaadi ümbrise kujunduses on baski päritolu disainer Ritxi Ostariz kasutanud mitmeid Eduard Wiiralti tuntud töid Kumu kogudest

  5. Näitused / Mari Sobolev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sobolev, Mari, 1968-


    Raatuse galerii: Kiwa. "Muzik at Vremja of my Võhod"; Tarbekunstimuuseum: Malle Agabush "Valgusega ajast aega"; EKM Jõhvi filiaal: Eduard Ole 100. sünniaastapäeva näitus; Rahvusraamatukogu: Eesti Akvarellistide Ühenduse aastanäitus; Eesti Rahva Muuseum: "Tulest jäänu" ja "Post textile"; Sammas-galerii: Helmet Raja&Karl Martin Sinijärv

  6. Modernismi ja rahvusluse vahel / Juta Kivimäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivimäe, Juta, 1952-


    Kolme Balti riigi maailmasõdadevahelist kunstiajalugu käsitlev konverents "Modernity and Identity : Art 1918-1939" 22.-23. okt. Kaunases M. K. Chiurlionise kunstimuuseumis. Esinesid Jolita Muleviciute, Pille Väljataga, Eduards Klavinsh, Osvaldas Daugelis, Tiina Abel, Juta Kivimäe, Anne Lõugas, Sergei Fauchereau (möödunudkevadisest suurnäitusest 1930ndate Euroopa kunstist Pariisi Linna Kunstimuuseumis)

  7. Kontserthuset Göteborg. Lördag 15. mars 1997 Stora salen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kontserdi kavas juttu: Eduard Tubina "Balalaikakontsert" ning Wilhelm Stenhammari ja Sergei Prokofjevi teosed Lk. 3-4: Kruckenberg, Sven: Tubin - Balalajkakontsert. Kontserthuset Göteborg. Göteborgs Symfoniker, chefdirigent: Neeme Järvi. Dirigent: Neeme Järvi, solist: Gennady Zut, balalajka. Kontsertmästare: Per Enoksson, Christer Thorvaldsson. Lördag 15. mars 1997 Stora salen (grön serie)

  8. Naised, kes juhivad mehi / Esme Kassak ; interv. Esme Kassak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kassak, Esme


    Politseiameti kriminaalosakonna juhataja Krista Aas, Agentuuride Royal Service ja Spring Advertising tegevjuht Rika Soopa, Eesti Päevalehe sporditoimetuse juhataja Kristi Vahemaa, Hansapanga IT infrastruktuuri projektide osakonna juhataja Anna Lizunova, Skype Eesti veebitiimi juht Elina Kostabi valdavalt meestest koosneva kollektiivi juhtimisest. Lisad: Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Segolene Royal. Küsimusele, millised on naisjuhtide tugevused, vastavad Mart Mikk, Aavo Kokk, Ants Lusti, Margus Alviste ja Tiit Paananen. Küsimusele, mida arvata mehelikest naistest, vastavad Mart Mikk, Ants Lusti ja Margus Alviste

  9. Mida pakub tänavune "In graafika"? / Al Paldrok ; intervjueerinud R[eet] V[arblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paldrok, Al


    2009. a. ühendfestivali "In Graafika" ja Pärnu nüüdismuusika päevade näitustest ja esinejatest. Peaesinejad on kunstnike rühmitus Le Dernier Cri (Prantsusmaa) ja Eduard Wiiralt. Näha saab kunstniku joonistusi ja kavandeid varasest Pariisi perioodist. Teosed on pärit Nelly Stulzi kogust, mis nüüd kuulub Juhani Komulainenile

  10. Portreed Chaplinis / Grete Naaber

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Naaber, Grete, 1942-


    26. augustil avati Chaplini Keskuses portreenäitus 'Ma tunnen end paremini', kus võib näha Violeta Bybelite, Maria Bengtssoni, Lieve Ulbrughsi, Edward Lucie-Smithi, Judith Vidal-Halli, Mark Soosaare, August Weizenbergi, Ants Laikmaa, Eduard Wiiralti, Evald Okase, Ene Luik Mudisti, Kaili Angela Konno töid (osa töid valmis rahvusvahelise konverentsi 'Tsensuur ja enesetsensuur' raames)

  11. Iskusstvo bumazhnogo lista / Galina Balashova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Balashova, Galina


    Tšehhi Vabariigi suursaatkonna vahendatud tšehhi graafika näitus "10 isiksust tšehhi graafikas" Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus. Tsehhi graafika ajaloost ja töödest näitusel. Esindatud on kunstnikud Eduard Ovèaèek, Kveta Pacovska, Alena Kuèerova, Mikolash Axman, Adolf Born, Ladislav €epelak, Jiri Shalamoun, Lubomir Paeibyl, Jaroslav Kralik ja Jiri Anderle

  12. [Raamatute tutvustus] / Tiit Pruuli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pruuli, Tiit, 1965-


    Tutvustus: Asmus, Ronald D. Väike sõda, mis raputas maailma. Gruusia, Venemaa ja Lääne tulevik. Tallinn : Eesti Ajalehed, 2010 ; Ševardnadze, Eduard. Kui raudne eesriie rebenes. Tallinn : Olion, 2009 ; Vene-Gruusia sõda 08.08.2008. Kuidas see tegelikkuses oli. Tallinn :, 2010 ; Raudam, Dagmar. Minu Gruusia. Elu nagu mägitee. Tartu : Petrone Print, 2010

  13. Ставка на молодость / Борис Тух

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Тух, Борис, 1946-


    Vene Teatrist, selle lähiajaloost, Aleksandr Iljini ja Eduard Tomani juhtimisstiilist, uuest peanäitejuhist Mihhail Tšumatšenkost ja 2006. a. teatrisse tulnud noortest näitlejatest, Moskva Kunstiteatri koolstuudio lõpetajatest. Pikemalt Aljona Anohhina lavastusest "Palat nr. 6" Anton Tšehhovi järgi ja Poliina Stružkova lastelavastusest "Kuningas Rästahabe" vendade Grimmide muinasjutu järgi

  14. Juugendstiil / Mai Levin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Levin, Mai, 1942-


    Suurte metropolide mõju. Heimatkunst. Kristjan Raua naivism. Ants Laikmaa pastellid. Paul Raud ja juugend. Eestlased Peterburis. Nikolai Triigi ekspressionismigeenidega stiilsus. Konrad Mägi lõõmavad värvid. Aleksander Tassa minimalism. Roman Nyman ja teatridekoratsioon. August Jansen ja Peet Aren ning vene maalikool. Herbert Lukk. Laikmaa õpilased. Varaküps Erik Obermann. Balder Tomasberg. Eduard Wiiralt. Jaan Koorti juugendlik algus. Tarbekunst

  15. A Multiscale Atomistic Method for Long-Range Electrical Interactions with Application to Multiphysics Calculations in Functional Materials (United States)


    in the family. I want to thank my fiance, Kristy, for always being there for me, putting up with my shenanigans and projects, and most of all for her...that occur in our journey together. Last, but not least I would like to thank all of my financial sponsors: the CIT Dean’s Fellowship, John and Claire...ARO Numerical Analysis for financial support through a Young Investi- gator grant (W911NF-12-1-0156). Jason Marshall also acknowledges support from the

  16. 1995. aastal TPÜ infoteaduste eriala lõpetanute diplomitööd : [nimestik koos annotatsioonidega] / koostaja Taimi Niine

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niine, Taimi


    Kirjanduse alalt: Ajaots, Merle. Kirjandusarvustus ajakirjades 'Looming' ja 'Vikerkaar' a. 1986-1994 / Juh. prof. M. Aasmets; Hüva, Aulike. Rudolf Põldmäe personaalnimestik / Juh. prof. M. Aasmets; Kindel, Kristi. Eesti raamatukogutegelane Mall Jürma (1901-1984) / Juh. prof. M. Aasmets; Ristmägi, Ruth. Otto Aleksander Webermanni elu ja tegevus / Juhendaja kirjandusteadlane E. Teder; Ruuben, Liis. Prantsuse kirjandus eesti keeles / Juh. magistrand I. Vaaro; Zimmermann, Rita. Pagulastrükis ja selle ilmumise kajastamine aastatel 1944-1946 pagulasajalehtedes / Juh. V. Kelder

  17. Dictionnaire biographique des musiciens / Baker, Theodore, Slonimsky, Nicolas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Baker, Theodore


    Eesti muusikutest: Aarne, Els (lk. 1). Aav, Evald (1). Aavik, Juhan (2). Eller, Heino (1149). Ernesaks, Gustav (1180). Järvi, Neeme (1951). Kapp. Artur (2036). Kapp, Eugen (2036). Kapp, Villem (2037). Kasemets, Udo (2050-2051). Mägi [Myagi], Ester (2923). Pärt, Arvo (3114-3115). Rääts, Jaan (3321). Saar, Mart (3558). Sumera, Lepo (4099). Tamberg, Eino (4151). Tobias, Rudolf (4240). Tubin, Eduard (4288)

  18. Poeetilise utoopia meister Aino Bach

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    28. III-11. V Adamson-Ericu muuseumis graafik Aino Bachi loomingu ülevaatenäitus. Võrdluseks on eksponeeritud Eduard Wiiralti ja Kaarel Liimandi tööd. Näha võib Mark Soosaare filmi A. Bachist "Liblikapüüdja" (1978). Kuraator Anne Lõugas, kujundaja Virge Jõekalda. Kai Tuviku juhendamisel muuseumitunnid "Kuidas joonistada inimest?". 1. IV seminaril "Naiskunstnik ja tema aeg. Aino Bach" esinejad, ettekanded

  19. Kontserthuset Göteborg. Fredag 7. mars 1997 Stora salen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kontserthuset Göteborg. Göteborgs Symfoniker. Chefdirigent: Neeme Järvi. Dirigent: Neeme Järvi. Kontsertmästare: Per Enoksson, Christer Thorvaldsson. Fredag 7. mars 1997 Stora salen (orange serie). Kavas: Ingvar Lidholm "Toccata e canto", Eduard Tubin Sümfoonia N 5 h-moll, Igor Stravinski "Püha kevad" Lk. 3-4: Kruckenberg, Sven: Tubin - Symfoni nr 5. Lk. 7 Neeme Järvi dirigenditööst

  20. H. Hiibuse šarž Oskar Lutsust (1986) : [eriväljaanne Oskar Lutsust

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Fotod ; O. Luts 1903.a. ; Eduard Jürgenson ja Oskar Lutsu sõjaväefarmatseutidena 1911.a. ; Valentina, Georg ja Oskar Luts 1923.a. ; O. Lutsu õhtu ÜENÜTO-s 1927.a. ; O. Luts, A. Leetva-Müür, A. Mering ja A. Johanson ning V. Vent ; O. Luts, J. Aavik ja M. Nurmik 1922.a. Haapsalus ; O. Luts ja J. Sisask 1930-ndate aastate alguses

  1. Foreign policy at the crossroads? / Andris Berzinsh, Eduards Ikvilds

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bērziņš, Andris, 1951-


    Einars Repshe valitsuse poolt vastu võetud Läti välispoliitika üldpõhimõtete kriitika. Autorite hinnangul ei määratleta seal Läti suhteid rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonidega, ei käsitleta Baltimaade omavahelist koostööd ega pakuta välja strateegiat kahepoolsete suhete arendamiseks USA ning Venemaaga

  2. Brüssel - unistus Euroopa pealinnast / Kristi Grishakov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grishakov, Kristi


    Brüsseli linnaplaneerimise ajaloost, linnaehituslikest ja sotsiaalset laadi probleemidest, võimalikust tulevikust Euroopa pealinnana. Berlage Instituudi näitusest "A Vision for Brussels" Bozari kunstikeskuses

  3. Maksumaksja raha sihtasutustes / Daniel Vaarik ; interv. Kristi Timmusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaarik, Daniel, 1973-


    Rahandusministeeriumi nõunik Daniel Vaarik selgitab, kui palju raha erinevatesse sihtasutustesse eraldatakse ning kuidas kontrollitakse selle raha kasutamist. Tabel: 1999. a. riigieelarvest finantseeritavad sihtasutused

  4. Arhitekt Cameron Sinclaire parandab maailma majadega / Kristi Eberhart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eberhart, Kristi


    Briti päritolu arhitekti Cameron Sinclaire tegevusest progressiivsete sotsiaalse arhitektuuri ideede levitamisel ja uudse lahendusega arhitektuuri loomisel katastroofipiirkondades. Ta on üks organisatsiooni Architecture for Humanity ("Arhitektuur inimkonnale") rajajaid

  5. Keeletammik sai järjekordse nimipuu / Kristi Ehrlich

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ehrlich, Kristi, 1979-


    Väike-Maarjas peetud Wiedemanni keelepäevast, kus pidas ettekande ka tänavune keeleauhinna laureaat, Ohio ülikooli professor Ilse Lehiste. Keelekonverentsist võttis osa ka keeleteadlane ja TLÜ emeriitprofessor Mati Hint

  6. Heliseva muusika jälgedes / Kristi Pärn

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärn, Kristi, 1970-


    1965.a. esilinastus film "Helisev muusika" : režissöör Robert Wise : Ameerika Ühendriigid. Filmi aluseks olnud Margaretha von Trappi eluloost, mis sai filmis osalenud näitlejatest ja lastest edasi

  7. Geeniandmepankade eetilised, juriidilised ja sotsiaalsed aspektid / Kristi Lõuk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõuk, Kristi


    Geeniandmepankadest ja ajakirja Trames erinumbrist "Human Genetic databases: ethical, legal and social issues" (vol. 8, no 1-2, 2004), mille külalistoimetajaks on TÜ eetikakeskuse juhataja prof Margit Sutrop

  8. Matemaatika ja loodusainete rahvusvaheline võrdlusuuring / Kristi Mere

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mere, Kristi


    Haridusministeerium langetas 2001. a detsembris otsuse Eesti osalemise kohta Rahvusvahelise Haridustulemuste Hindamise Assotsiatsiooni IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement) võrdlusuuringus "TIMSS 2003" (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study) 8. klassi õpilastele. Uuringu käigus mõõdetakse õpilaste saavutusi mainitud õppeainetes ning saadakse ülevaade riiklikest haridussüsteemidest

  9. Loeme veel! / Kristi Pärn-Valdoja, Katrin Pauts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärn-Valdoja, Kristi, 1970-


    TNS Emor väärtushinnangute uuringu RISC 2006 andmetel on igapäevane lugemisharjumus 29 protsendil Eesti naistest ja 20 protsendil meestest. Tallinna abilinnapea Kaia Jäppinen, investeerimistoodete turundusjuht Piret Reinson, KUMU direktor Sirje Helme, laulja Maarja-Liis Ilus ning näitleja Riina Maide kõige enam nende elu ja tegevust mõjutanud raamatutest. Lisa: Millised on Hollywoodi naiste lemmikraamatud?

  10. The Fundamental Issues Study within the British BMD Review (United States)


    on. Applications to military usage may then take place on a smallish scale, not too difficult to finance and organise while remaining very to achieve a political and economic alchemy , the USSR could become ’another Lebanon’. A year earlier, Eduard Shevardnadze had warned that...usefulness, cost-effectiveness’ ,47 Sensitive to Japanese expressions of resentment (e.g. over Okinawa; and the financing of the Gulf War), the

  11. Breaking Bad News: Different Approaches in Different Countries of Iran and Germany- an Expert Panel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carl Eduard Scheidt


    Full Text Available In this expert panel report which was held in Isfahan, Iran, the participants were Carl Eduard Scheidt, Alexander Wunsch, Hamid Afshar, Farzad Goli, Azadeh Malekian, Mohammad Reza Sharbafchi, Masoud Ferdosi, Farzad Taslimi, and Mitra Molaeinezhad. Professor Scheidt was the facilitator and coordinator of the discussion. Therefore, he started it with a brief introduction. After all is said and done, he ended the discussion with a conclusion.

  12. Kõnelused Tartus / Anne Untera

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Untera, Anne, 1951-


    8.-10. V Tartus toimunud eesti, läti ja saksa kunstiteadlaste ühisseminarist. Alexander Knorre rääkis Karl August Senffi, Ilona Audere Friedrich Ludwig von Maydelli, Mai Levin Karl Alexander von Winkleri, Kristiana Abele Johann Walter-Kurau (1869-1932), Anne Untera Konstantin ja Sally von Kügelgeni, Epp Preem Julie Hagen-Schwartzi, Friedrich Gross Eduard von Gebhardti ja Katharina Hadding Ida Kerkoviuse (1879-1970) loomingust

  13. Krahv Hermann Keyserlingi konflikt eestimaalastest rahvuskaaslastega 1917-1918 / Henning von Wistinghausen ; tõlk. Katrin Kaugver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wistinghausen, Henning von


    H. Keyserlingi artiklite "Sõja mõttest" ja "Mõningaid vaatepunkte päevaküsimusele" seisukohtadest ja teesidest, mis käsitlesid kultuurifilosoofilisi vaateid Esimesele maailmasõja ja tuleviku olukorra kohta ning Saksamaa rolli antud ajalooetapil. Eestimaa baltisakslaste etteheidetele vastuseks kirjutatud H. Keyserlingi kirjast Eduard Dellingshausenile, kus on ära toodud artiklite kirjutamise motiivid. Vt. ka: Undusk, Jaan. "Viimane baltlane Hermann Keyserling." (Tuna 2003/2). Järg. nr. 4, lk. 66-81

  14. The Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Three Key Decisions that Shaped the 40th Army’s Operational Withdrawal Plan (United States)


    National Reconciliation. It sounded like a panacea to Gorbachev, but did his staff conduct a feasibility analysis prior to embracing this policy? Shevardnadze could not rid himself of the personal guilt he felt towards Najibullah and the rest of his regime in Kabul. Shevardnadze sought...Gorbachev and Eduard Shevardnadze supported National Reconciliation as a panacea that would bring stability to a country he desperately wanted to depart

  15. The Power of Presence Unlock Your Potential to Influence and Engage Others

    CERN Document Server

    HEDGES, Kristi


    Everyone recognizes leaders with ôpresence.ö They stand out for their seemingly innate ability to command attention and inspire commitment. But what is this secret quality they exude, exactly? Executive and CEO coach Kristi Hedges demystifies this elusive trait, revealing that presence is the intersection of outward influencing skills and internal mental conditioning. Using her I-Presence model, the author shows how anyoneùregardless of position or personalityùcan strengthen their impact. Readers will learn how to build trust as the foundation for leadership, eschew perfectionism for authentic

  16. [Max Hirsch founder of rheumatology in Germany: banished and murdered]. (United States)

    Keitel, W


    The Jewish physician and scientist Dr. Max Hirsch (1875-1941) made a substantial contribution to consolidation of the foundations of his professional discipline, balneology, and in particular developed the social aspects. He recognized the economic significance of diseases of the musculoskeletal system very early on and gathered important ideas from abroad. Together with the department head in the Prussian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, the Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Eduard Dietrich and later alone, he was editor of various balneological journals. He worked as general secretary of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie (German Society of Rheumatology) from the beginning of its existence (1927) and created the publication series Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Rheumabekämpfung (Publications of the German Society against Rheumatism) and Rheuma-Jahrbuch (Annual review of rheumatology) in 1929, 1930 and 1931 and organized seven rheumatology congresses up to 1933. After the accession to power of the National Socialists, Max Hirsch and Eduard Dietrich were deposed from office. Hirsch emigrated to Latvia via Switzerland and the Soviet Union with his wife and one son where they were murdered in the course of the Jewish pogrom. The second son escaped with his family to Sweden.

  17. Pestel study: system comparison of the generation of electric current and heating energy in coupled and uncoupled plants; Pestel Studie: Systemvergleich der Strom- und Heizenergieerzeugung in gekoppelten und ungekoppelten Anlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Moeller, K.P.


    A system comparison of the generation of electric current and heating energy in coupled and uncoupled plants was carried out in the years 1983/84 at the Eduard Pestel Institute for system research in Hannover. A report is given on the main focus of the investigation which was the comparison of cogeneration power plant for cogeneration with the current generation in modern condensation power plants and the corresponding generation of heating energy in modern gas boilers. The primary energy consumption for generating electric current was compared by means of four examples to the consumption for heating energy generation. The costs of this generation in terms of national economy and industrial management were also compared to each other by means of four examples. (orig.) [Deutsch] Am Eduard Pestel Institut fuer Systemforschung e.V. in Hannover wurde in den Jahren 1983/1984 ein Systemvergleich zwischen der Strom- und Heizenergieerzeugung in gekoppelten und ungekoppelten Anlagen durchgefuehrt. Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung, ueber den heute berichtet werden soll, war der Vergleich von - Blockheizkraftwerken zur gekoppelten Erzeugung mit - einer Stromerzeugung in modernene Kondensationskraftwerken und der entsprechenden Heizwaermeerzeugung in modernen Gaskesseln. Dabei wurden anhand von vier konkreten Fallbeispielen jeweils - die Primaerenergieverbraeuche fuer die Strom- und Heizwaermeerzeugung sowie - die volkswirtschaftlichen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Kosten dieser Erzeugung miteinander verglichen. (orig.)

  18. Kes on tõusmas relvile? / Jürgen Rooste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rooste, Jürgen, 1979-


    Arvustus: Oja, Martin., keelatud raamat : tekste 1996-2000. Tallinn : 9 Koma, 2003 ; Klaus, Eduard. Pommikutsikas. Tartu : Ilmamaa, 2003 ; Mölter, Artur. Leitud hing... ja purunenud süda. Põltsamaa : A. Mölter, 2003 ; Kera, Mihkel. Tähelepanekuid noorusaastatest. I. k. : Kirja Kerrallaan, 2003 ; Valme, Villem. Artur Tõhu unenägu. Tallinn : Paala Järv, 2003 ; Valdmann, Astrid, Kagovere, Ott. Haiged lapsed. Sutlema (Raplamaa) : A. Valdmann, 2004 ; Olematu, Olev. Ederlezi. [Tallinn] : Huma, 2003

  19. Konserthuset Göteborg - 21. oktober 1995 kl. 15.00 Stora Salen. I avslutning till Estival 95 Estniska Kulturdagar i Göteborg : [kontserdi kava

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Erkki-Sven Tüür: Insula deserta für strakorkester W. A. Mozart: vesperae solennes de confessore K 339; Eduard Tubin: Piano concertino; L. v. Beethoven: Fantasi c-moll för piano, kör och orkester, op. 80. Göteborger Symphoniker, dirigent Neeme Järvi. Solister: Vardo Rumessen, piano; Kaia Urb, sopran; Riina Airenne, mezzosopran; Mati Kõrts, tenor; Uku Joller, bas. Estniska Gosskören, Venno Laul. Esinejate lühitutvustus

  20. Eesti luule 1935. aastal / Ants Oras

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oras, Ants, 1900-1982


    Pikemalt käsitletakse järgnevaid autoreid ja nende teoseid: Anna Haava "Laulan oma eesti laulu", Nikolai Päts "Valgeil öil", Villem Ridala "Meretäht", Marie Under "Kivi südamelt", Eduard Visnapuu "Öö ja päev", Juhan Sütiste "Päikese ootel", Erni Hiir "Sinimäed", Mart Raud "Kauge ring", Roopi Hallimäe "Päikese maja", Paul Viiding "Traataed", Bernard Kangro "Sonetid", Hugo Masing "Neemed vihmade lahte"

  1. Can we do without nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pestel, E.


    On the basis of his own calculations, Eduard Pestel, member of the Club of Rome, comes to the conclusion that the FRG's energy demand is probably much lower than the Federal Government anticipates. His thesis: There is no necessity for the use of nuclear energy until the turn of the century. However, from then onwards, nuclear energy is indispensable. In order to be prepared we have to look for global solutions now. (RW) [de

  2. Näitused / Mari Sobolev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sobolev, Mari, 1968-


    Rotermanni soolaladu: Mark Raidpere ja Ene-Liis Semper "Mäng 4. käel"; Kunstihoone: Tony Craggi skulptuurid; Adamson-Ericu muuseum: Eduard Ole 100. sünniaastapäevale pühendatud näitus; Kastellaanimaja galerii: "Tee Raamat": Anu Purre kirjutus-kunstistuudio EKSTEKST GRUPP ja stuudio sõprade näitus (T-särkidest raamat-installatsioonid); Tervishoiumuuseum: "In vino..."; Tammsaare muuseum:"Tiibeti muistne kultuur. Hiina maastikud"; Kullo galerii: Huvikeskuse Kullo aastanäitus.

  3. "Orienteeruja" kõik seni ilmunud numbrid on digiteeritud / Eduard Pukkonen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pukkonen, Eduard, 1960-


    Ülevaade Eesti Orienteerumisliidu poolt väljaantud ajalehe ning ajakirja Orienteeruja sisust ja autoritest, aga ka väljaande täielikust digitaalkogust, mis on kättesaadav interneti aadressil

  4. Balti Teatri Festivali OmaDraama 2006 auhinnad

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Parima näidendi auhind Mart Kivastik ("Põrgu wärk"), parima lavastajatöö eest Hendrik Toompere jun ("Põrgu wärk"), parima naisosatäitmise eest Harriet Toompere ("Põrgu wärk"), Eduard Wiiralti rolli eest Jan Uuspõld, Fr. Tuglase rolli eest Margus Prangel, Merle Karusoo järjepidevuse eest teatrikeeles teravatest tänapäevaprobleemidest kõnelemisel "Misjonärid", loomeenergia eest "P.S. Pöialpoiss", Salomeja Nerise rolli eest Birute Mar

  5. ESL aastapreemia 2006 žürii koosoleku protokoll : 4. aprill 2007 = ESL annual prize 2006 official minutes of the meeting of the jury : April 4th 2007

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    2006. a. ühiskondliku interjööri preemia Hannelore Pihlakule ja Kristi Lentsile Viimsi koolimaja interjööride eest, ajaloolise interjööri preemia Lembit Andres Torgile firma Koger & Partnerid kontori interjööride eest Fahle majas, näitusekujunduse preemia Mari Kurismaale ja Mari Kaljustele Kumu Kunstimuuseumis eksponeeritud Felicie Ropsi loomingu näituse "Eros ja Surm" kujunduse ja graafilise kujunduse eest, büroo interjööri preemia Taavi Aunrele Velvet Creative Alliance bürooruumide interjööride eest, esemepreemia Tiina Mangile diivanikomplekti Black eest. Žürii koosseis lk. 8

  6. TÜ, TPÜ ja EHI uusi magistreid / Eda Tursk, Hille Roots, Heidi Meier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tursk, Eda


    Tartu ülikooli eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse osakonnas ning kirjanduse ja rahvaluule osakonnas kaitsesid 2003.a. magistritööd Niina Aasmäe, Piret Voll, Larissa Degel, Reet Hendrikson, Tiina Pai, Petar Kehayov, Anna Baidullina, Katrin Ennus, Kristi Jõesaar, Ell Vahtramäe, Lauri Sommer, Andreas Kalkun, Mirjam Hinrikus, Kristel Nõlvak. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikoolis kaitsesid 2003.a. magistritööd Sirje Nootre, Merike Mägedi, Tiiu Koovit, Heidi Meier, Jaanika Stackhouse, Lilian Ossi, Annika Vamper, Marika Mikkor, Piret Õunapuu, Helin Puksand, Taimi Rosenberg. Eesti Humanitaarinstituudis kaitses 2003.a. magistritööd Merilin Miljan

  7. Õpetamine kõrgkoolis / Marge Kõrvits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kõrvits, Marge


    6.-14. aug. 2001 toimus Tartus esimene osa suveülikoolist "Õpetamine kõrgkoolis". Peakorraldajaks oli Tartu Ülikooli avatud ülikool koostöös Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooliga, eesmärgiks õppejõudude täienduskoolitus. Aktiivõpet, rühmatööd, vastava koolituse kavandmist ja hindamist tutvustas Jude Carroll (Oxford Brooke University), aktiivõppe tutvustamist jätkas Kristi Lonka (Helsingi Ülikool), kaugkoolituse mudelitest, telekonverentsidest ja e-õppest rääkis Taani Kaugkoolitusliidu president J℗ırgen Bang (Aarhusì Ülikool), avaliku kõne olemust lahkas Tõnu Lehtsaar (TÜ)

  8. Talentide kasvulava / Silvia Kadolsky ; intervjueerinud Kristi Pärn-Valdoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kadolsky, Silvia


    1841. a. asutus prantsuse rätsep Alexis Lavigne moekooli ESMOD (l'Ecole Supérieur des Arts et techniques de la Mode), mis tegutsevad tänapäeval 15 riigis. Silvia Kadolsky asutatud moekoolist ESMOD Berliinis

  9. Tragöödia teekond teatrist kinosaali / Kristi Eberhart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eberhart, Kristi


    25. juunil stardib Forum Cinemas keti suuremates kinodes pilootprojekt, kus linale jõuab otseülekanne London National Theatre etendusest "Phềdre", lavastaja Nicholas Hytner (Ted Hughes' versioon Jean Racine tragöödiast)

  10. ERP for Romanian Higher Education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Also most of the big ERP providers provide solutions for higher education, including SAP AG, Oracle, JD Eduards, Peoplesoft, universities preferr other specialized applications which better fit their specific needs. This paper presents the advantages of an integrated solution for higher education and analyzes the solutions offered for this sector by the Romanian ERP market. The conlusion is more like an invitation to discussion about possible solutions to the present Romanian university situation: low budgets, changing regulations, isolated, self-developed applications.

  11. Paavo Järvi eesti muusikaga. Eesti oratooriumikoor Iisraelis. Sumera teos virtuoosses ettekandes. Väike ooper Peterburis. Olev Ehala EHLi esimeheks. "Talvepihu" taaselustab näärid. Respeito a Jobim. Tubina ühingus / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Paavo Järvi esinemistest mitmete orkestritega ja eesti muusikaga. Eesti oratooriumikoor reisib Iisraeli, et osaleda Israel New Opera projektis. Saksamaa ajalehtedes avaldati tunnustavat kriitikat Sumera teose virtuoosse ettekande kohta. 24. ئ 26. I viibis Peterburis lasteteater Väike Ooper. Eesti Heliloojate Liit valis oma esimeheks Olev Ehala. Estonia Seltsi Segakoor ja Saue Poistekoor alustavad talvemuusika kontsertide sarja "Talvepihu". Bossa Nova kuninga Antonio Carlos Jobimi 75. sünniaastapäevale pühendatud kontserdist "Respeito a Jobim". 5.II toimunud Eduard Tubina ühingu aastakoosolekust

  12. How did mintmaster Leinhart Pauwermann die? / Ivar Leimus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leimus, Ivar, 1953-


    Leinhart Pauwermann on väheseid nimepidi teada mündimeistreid keskaegsest Soomest. Tallinna bürgermeistri Jacob Richerdesi ettepanekul alustati öörodi jt. müntide vermimist 1523. aastal. 1524. aastal jätkus tegevus Tallinnas. Liivimaa ordumeister Wolter von Plettenberg keelas illegaalse tegevuse ja Pauermanni rahad kuulutati keelatuks Valmiera maapäeval 1525. Seda lugu käsitleb ka hiljuti leitud 1860ndaltel aastatel ajaloolase Eduard Pabsti poolt tehtud väljakirjutus Suure Gildi materjalidest. Väljakirjutuse tekst ja ligikaudne tõlge

  13. Letter to Eduard Smetanin, dated March 2, 2007: Final CRADA report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ehst, D.A.


    The IPP/DOE program office has finished its evaluation of the alpha-emitting isotope work with Kurchatov Institute and IPPE, and they have made an important decision about the future of this work. IPP/DOE has directed us to re-program the work and add more funds, so the emphasis will be on production of Th228. By making this re-direction of the isotope work, IPPE will see several important benefits: (a) the payments will be made faster to IPPE by using the ISTC Agreement; (b) a larger amount of money will be paid to IPPE; and (c) a profitable future business opportunity for IPPE is more probable.

  14. Suvi tulvil festivale

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Suvel toimuvate musikafestivalide tutvustus: Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg (muusikafestival), Pärnu rahvusvaheline ooperimuusika festival 2005, Juu Jääb 2005 (retromuusikafestival), Suure-Jaani muusikapäevad 2005, Mravinski Festival 2005, Seitsme linna muusika 2005, Hiiumaa kammermuusikapäevad 2005, Saaremaa suvemuusikafestival 2005, David Oistrahhi festival 2005, Klaaspärlimäng (festival) 2005, Rapla kirikumuusika XIII festival 2005, Kuressaare ooperipäevad 2005, Pärnu ooperipäevad 2005, Tallinna XIX orelifestival, Haapsalu XII viiulimängud 2005, Viljandi vanamuusikafestival 2005, Kuressaare kammermuusikapäevad 2005, Haapsalu vanamuusikafestival 2005, Võru Muusikapäevad 2005

  15. Between history, art and medicine: the Dresden-Friedrichstadt hospital, its Neptune fountain and connections to Vienna. (United States)

    Wollina, Uwe; Hunger, Sabine; Koch, André; França, Katlein; Lotti, Torello; Fioranelli, Massimo; Roccia, Maria Grazia


    The Dresden-Friedrichstadt hospital originated from Marcolini's summer palace. It was founded in 1845 and opened in 1849. It is a place where history and art of European importance mixes with technical and medical innovations. We reflect on the meetings of Napoleon Bonaparte and Metternich in 1812, the creation of the famous Neptune fountain by Longuelune and Matielli and two outstanding physicians of the 19 th  century, the surgeon Eduard Zeis, who coined the medical term "plastic surgery", and Maximilian Nitze, inventor of the first "modern" cystoscope and the father of urology.

  16. Preemia saanud õed Anderssonid sõidavad Kanadasse laagrisse / Kristi Vahemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vahemaa, Kristi, 1980-


    Proua Evelin Ilves andis 4. mail 2011 Kadriorus üle noore sportlase preemiad. Preemia pälvisid iluuisutajatest õed Nanette Christine ja Naomi Charlotta Andersson, purjetaja Sten Christian Taal ja ujuja Elisabeth Egel

  17. Kui pidu on läbi / Kristi Grišakov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grišakov, Kristi


    5. Euroopa maastikuarhitektuuri biennaalist Barcelonas, biennaali finalistidest, arhitektuuriajakirja 2G võistluse paremate tööde näitusest. Parkidest Parc Central de Poble Nou (arhitekt Jean Nouvel, 2008) ja Parc de Diagonal Mar (Enric Miralles, Benedetta Tagliabue, 2005) Barcelonas. Pingetest Barcelona arhitektuuri ja linnaplaneerimise küsimustes

  18. Ettevõtte turgu valitsev seisund ning selle kuritarvitamine / Kristi Poogen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poogen, Kristi


    Turgu valitseva ettevõtte mõistest, kaubaturust ja geograafilisest turust ning turgu valitseva seisundi kuritarvitamisest (ebaõiglased hinnad, diskrimineerimine, seosmüük) vastavalt uuele konkurentsiseaduse eelnõule

  19. Helsingis tunnustati innovaatilisi õpetajaid / Ralph Young ; Küsitlenud Kristi Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Young, Ralph


    28.10.-1.11. kogunesid Helsingis 54. riigi uuendusmeelsed õpetajad, koolijuhid ja haridusspetsialistid, et jagada kogemusi ning arutleda kooli arengusuundade üle. Ühtlasi auhinnati neljas kategoorias parimate innovaatiliste projektide autoreid

  20. Informeeritud nõusolek ja muutuvad eetilised raamistikud bioeetikas / Kristi Lõuk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõuk, Kristi


    Ülevaade 4.-6. novembril 2010 toimunud informeeritud nõusoleku teemalisel konverentsil kõneldust. Esinejad: Tom L. Beauchamp, Margit Sutrop, Ruth Faden, Theda Rehbock, Kjetil Rommetveit, Toivo Maimets, Ruth Chadwick, Ants Nõmper, Jan Helge Solbakk

  1. "Starman murrab piire" valiti mainekal PR-auhinnakonkursil finaali / Kristi Reiland

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reiland, Kristi


    Telekommunikatsioonifirma Starman tõi 2014. aastal turule teenuse TV Everywhere, mis võimaldab telepildi vaatamist ka nutiseadmest ja arvutist ajast ja asukohast sõltumata. Teenuse turule toomise kampaaniast, avaüritusest ja meediastrateegiast. Starmani teenuse TV Everywhere turule toomine valiti rahvusvahelisel PR-konkursil Exellence Awards finaalfooru

  2. Alla kukkunud lennukiga on reisinud ka Eesti president / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Smolenski lähedal Venemaal 10. aprillil 2010 toimunud lennuõnnetusest, milles hukkus Poola president Lech Kaszynski, tema abikaasa Maria ja rohkearvuline kõrgetasemeline Poola ametlik delegatsioon. Sama lennukiga TU-157 lendasid Poola president L. Kaczynski, Leedu president Valdas Adamkus, Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves ja Läti välisminister Maris Riekstinsh 12. augustil 2008 toetusvisiidile Gruusiasse

  3. Magnus v Rige, i sljozõ na glazahh / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Kadri Kõusaare Cannes'i programmis esilinastunud debüütfilmi "Magnus" esilinastuselt Läti väärtfilmikinos Cinema Riga, kus kohal olid režissöör. Filmi Eestis näitamise keelamise problemaatikast

  4. Voldemar ehk Portreed temas ja tema ümber / Kristi Eberhart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Eberhart, Kristi


    Andrus Kivirähki "Voldemar", mis kirjutatud toetudes Voldemar Panso kirjutatud lugudele, päevikule, kirjadele. Lavastaja Merle Karusoo, peaosas Tiit Sukk. Esietendus 25. märtsil Eesti Draamateatris

  5. Narva linnuse arhitektuurivõistlus ja selle ülesanne / Toomas Paaver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paaver, Toomas, 1976-


    SA Narva Muuseum korraldas arhitektuurivõistluse, et leida terviklik ruumiline lahendus Narva linnuse hoonete ja territooriumi ümberehituseks. Esimese koha sai töö märgusõnaga "Kaks sõpra" (Kalle Vellevoog, Tiiu Truus, Lidia Zarudnaja ja Martin Prommik arhitektuuribüroost JVR). Teise koha sai töö märgusõnaga "Ulm" (Jaan Kuusemets, Üllar Ambos, Pille Noole, Kaisa Lasner ja Ionnais Lykouras arhitektuuribüroost DAGOpen ja LÜNK Arhitektid"). Kolmanda koha sai töö märgusõnaga "Aedificium" (Ott Kadarik, Mihkel Tüür, Kristi Tuurmann, Kadri Tamme, Marleen Stokkeby, Viktoria Andrejeva, Constantin Rybkin ja Tanel Trepp arhitektuuribüroost KTA - Kadarik Tüür Arhitektid)

  6. Kullavihm ja tähesadu. Muljeid 2006. aasta "Kuldse maski" festivalilt Moskvas / Sven Karja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karja, Sven, 1968-


    A. Tshehhovi "Onu Vanjal" põhinev "Stseenid maaelust" (Moskva teater "Okolo doma Stanislavskogo), "Polyphemose surm" (Moskva (pere)nukuteater Ten), N. Gogoli "Sinel" (lavastaja Valeri. Fokin, Sovremennik), "Koera ja hundi vahel" (lavastaja Andrei Mogutshi, Formaalne teater koostöös Nizza Rahvusteatriga), L. Andrejevi jutustuse põhjal "Jutt seitsmest ülespoodust" (lavastaja Mindaugas Karbauskis, Tabakovi teatri noortetrupp "Russian Case"), V. Nikiforova "Varjatud väljaminekud" (lavastaja Eduard Bojakov, Praktika), A. Tshehhov "Kirsiaed" ja A. Strindberg "Preili Julie" (mõlema lavastaja Jevgeni Martshell), W. Shakespeare "Kuningas Lear" (lavastaja Lev Dodin), M. Gorki "Põhjas" (lavastaja Lev Ehrenburg, Peterburi Väikene Draamateater)

  7. Põnevat Saaremaa Muuseumis : (Kuressaare linnuses)

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kati Haarakalju ruunimärkidega objektide näitus "Hing" 18. VI-15. VII. Rootsi Riikliku Ajaloomuuseumi rändnäitus "Viikingid idakaares" 8. V-30. VI. Rõivad Narva Muuseumi ajalooliste kostüümide teatri kollektsioonist, Fideelia maalid 7.-28. VII. Ago Ruusi fotonäitus "Mina ja sina" 30. juunini. Eduard Tüüri karikatuurid "Tervislikud jamad" 1.-28. VII. Hans Fjällströmi puust intarsiatehnikas pildid Põhja-Rootsist 11. VI-6. VII. Ehalill Halliste gobelään "Valge valgus" ja Ene Parsi lapitööd 5.-30 VI. Tiina Tammetalu maalid 3.-28. VII

  8. Lugemis- ja kuulamissoovitusi lapsemeelsetele : [heliraamatud ja -plaadid lastele] / Esme Kassak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kassak, Esme


    Arvustus: Jancis, Kaspar. Seiklus Salamandril, ehk, Morten Viksi uskumatud juhtumised lollide laevas. Tallinn : Menu Kirjastus, 2010 ; Kivirähk, Andrus. Kaka ja kevad [Helisalvestis] / loeb Ülle Kaljuste. Tallinn ; Varrak, 2010 ; Kivirähk, Andrus. Kaelkirjak [Helisalvestis] / loeb Harriet Toompere. Tallinn : Varrak, 2010 ; Tungal, Leelo. Hea lapse laulud [Helisalvestis]. Tallinn : Nõmmelill, 2010 ; Pajusaar, Priit. Lapsed, liblikad ja teised mutukad [Helisalvestis]. Tallinn : Varrak, 2010 ; Toman, Eduard. Gena ja teised : [Helisalvestis]. Tallinn : Greenroom Studio, 2010 ; Vilmusenaho, Marika. Tuulejutu viisid [Helisalvestis] / esitavad Meero Muusiku laululapsed. I.k. : Tempo Rubato, 2009 ; Raud, Eno. Sipsik : laste unejutud / loeb Salme Reek. Tallinn : Eesti Rahvusringhääling, 2010

  9. Changing interpretations of Plotinus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Catana, Leo


    about method point in other directions. Eduard Zeller (active in the second half of the 19th century) is typically regarded as the first who gave a satisfying account of Plotinus’ philosophy as a whole. In this article, on the other hand, Zeller is seen as the one who finalised a tradition initiated...... in the 18th century. Very few Plotinus scholars have examined the interpretative development prior to Zeller. Schiavone (1952) and Bonetti (1971), for instance, have given little attention to Brucker’s introduction of the concept system of philosophy. The present analysis, then, has value...

  10. Domingo Badía (Alí Bey), en Marruecos.


    Michael Mac Gaha


    Es sorprendente el hecho de que no se hayan aclarado hasta ahora las actividades de Domingo Badía y Leblich (1767-1818) como agente español en Marruecos entre los años 1803 y 1805, sobre todo porque esas actividades están muy bien documentadas. El diplomático español Eduard Toda y Güell (1855-1941) comenzó a interesarse por Badía durante sus años de estudiante de derecho en Madrid cuando trabó amistad con Víctor Balaguer, quien había escrito dos versiones novelescas de la vi...

  11. Advanced topics in linear algebra weaving matrix problems through the Weyr form

    CERN Document Server

    O'Meara, Kevin; Vinsonhaler, Charles


    The Weyr matrix canonical form is a largely unknown cousin of the Jordan canonical form. Discovered by Eduard Weyr in 1885, the Weyr form outperforms the Jordan form in a number of mathematical situations, yet it remains somewhat of a mystery, even to many who are skilled in linear algebra. Written in an engaging style, this book presents various advanced topics in linear algebra linked through the Weyr form. Kevin O'Meara, John Clark, and Charles Vinsonhaler develop the Weyr form from scratch and include an algorithm for computing it. A fascinating duality exists between the Weyr form and the

  12. Euroopa Liidu referendum Eestis - Austria või Skandinaavia variant? / Kristi Raik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raik, Kristi


    Rahvahääletused on mõjutanud tugevalt viimase aastakümne Euroopa Liidu laienemisprotsessi. ES Turu-uuringute AS küsitluse analüüs. Autor: Raivo Vetik. Ilmunud ka: Nädaline, 14. aug. 2001, lk. 7; Pärnu Postimees, 16. aug. 2001, lk. 2; Meie Maa, 15. aug. 2001, lk. 2; Põhjarannik, 15. aug. 2001, lk. 2; Severnoje Poberezhje, 15. aug. 2001, lk. 2; Vooremaa, 16. aug. 2001, lk. 7; Valgamaalane, 16. aug. 2001, lk. 2; Virumaa Teataja, 17. aug, 2001, lk. 7; Lääne-Harju Ekspress, 18. aug. 2001, lk. 4; Järva Teataja, 24. aug. 2001, lk. 2; Hiiu Leht, 24. aug. 2001, lk. 6; Sakala, 30. aug. 2001, lk. 2

  13. Mait Müntel lahendab teaduse suurt ristsõna / intervjueerinud Kristi Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Müntel, Mait


    Intervjuu keemilise ja bioloogilise füüsika instituudi noore teadlasega, kes pälvis Vabariigi Presidendi Kultuurirahastu noore teadlase preemia. Ta on kaitsnud doktoritöö teemal „Topeltlaetud Higgsi bosoni detekteerimine CMS-i detektoril”

  14. Who says no to a good cup of joe? / Kristi Martin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Martin, Kristi


    Tutvustus: Moldvaer, Anette. Coffee Obsession. London, 2014; Hoffmann, James. The world atlas of coffee. London, 2014; Steiman, Shawn. The Little Coffee Know-It-All. Massachusetts, 2015; Stephenson, Tristan. The Curious Barista's Guide to Coffee. London, 2015

  15. Pärnu "In graafika 2010" - allegooriad koomiksitest Wiiraltini / Siram

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Siram, pseud., 1968-


    Prantsuse grupi Le Dernier Cri ja Soome rühmituse KutiKuti näitused Pärnu Kunstihallis kuni 31. 01. Eduard Wiiralti näitus Pärnu muuseumis kuni 31. 01. Toomas Kuusingu grand prix' pälvinud näitus ja Kursi koolkonna väljapanek Pärnu Kunstnike Majas kuni 2. veebruarini. Näitus "Respekt" (kuraatorid Marko Nautras, Tõnis Kenkmaa) Pärnu Linnagaleriis kuni 31. 01. Marko Nautrase "Mass" Pärnu Kontserdimajas kuni 31. jaanuarini. Näitus "Luul 2010" (kuraator Marian Kivila) Pärnu kolledžis kuni 31. jaanuarini. Eesti Vabagraafikute Ühenduse näitus (kuraator Sirje Eelma) Pärnu Teatrigaleriis kuni 28. veebruarini

  16. The bias of "music-infected consciousness": the aesthetics of listening in the laboratory and on the city streets of Fin-de-Siècle Berlin and Vienna. (United States)

    Hui, Alexandra E


    Shifts in the psychophysical study of sound sensation reinforced the changing status of musical expertise in the nineteenth century. The Carl Stumpf-Wilhelm Wundt debate about tone-differentiation experimentation narrowed the conception of hearing. For Stumpf, "music consciousness" (Musikbewusstsein) granted the experimental subjects exceptional insight into sound sensation. This belief reflected a cultural reevaluation of listening, exemplified in music critic Eduard Hanslick decrying the scourge of the city: the piano playing of the neighbors. Stumpf and Hanslick's defenses of subjective musical expertise both inside the laboratory and on the city streets reveal the increasingly divergent conceptions of hearing and listening. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. The Desire to Achieve "Normalcy" - Peter Schneider's Post-Wall Berlin Novel Eduard's Homecoming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Siegfried Mews


    Full Text Available As one critic correctly observed on the occasion of Peter Schneider's sixtieth birthday (21 April 2000, the author's life and work have been defined by two momentous events whose import far surpasses that of happenings of merely local significance (see Karasek...

  18. Eduard Vilde "Mahtra sõda" kõlas Eeru kõrtsi ees nagu regilaul

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    30. mail Raplamaal Juurus ajaloolise Atla-Eeru kõrtsi ees toimunud "Mahtra sõja" ettelugemisest. Mahtra sõja 150. aastapäevale pühendatud lugemisetendust lavastas Ago-Endrik Kerge. Ettelugemist ilmestasid rahvamuusikud


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine Korte


    Full Text Available En 2008, el director alemán Frank Castorf puso en escena una adaptación de la novela de Eduard Limonov Fuck Off, Amerika, publicada en alemán en 1979, y conocida en español como El poeta ruso prefiere a los negrazos. La novela de Limonov escandalizó a la audiencia con su descripción del exceso y nihilismo capitalista mediante la detallada narración de las aventuras de un disidente soviético en Nueva York. La adaptación de Castorf se alinea con la crítica de Limonov de los proyectos socialista y capitalista por igual, y refuerza la tendencia política de su propio teatro, el Volksbühne de Berlín. La producción se centra en Eddie, el protagonista de la novela (un álter ego de Eduard Limonov, y se potencia a partir de la biografía real de Limonov como líder del extremista Partido Nacional Bolchevique ruso. Tanto Castorf como Limonov delinean las fantasías ideológicas de los antiguos regímenes socialistas como performance postsocialista de la política. Como esta representación se basa en la participación política de Limonov en zonas de guerra y conflicto reales, ambos artistas utilizan métodos cuestionables para señalar aquellos territorios geopolíticos donde la «americanización» y el neoliberalismo no se han establecido con firmeza. De esta forma, la producción representa un intento de perpetuar la lucha contra la «colonización» occidental del antiguo este, que tuvo su máximo apogeo en los años inmediatamente posteriores a la caída del muro de Berlín.

  20. Presentació del llibre La gobernanza hoy: 10 textos de referencia, d'Agustí Cerrillo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agustí Cerrillo


    Full Text Available

    El proppassat 19 de gener, es va presentar a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya el llibre La gobernanza hoy: 10 textos de referencia, coordinat i tradu¨t per Agustí Cerrillo, professor dels Estudis de Dret i Ciència Política de la UOC.

    El van presentar Eduard Aibar, vicerector de recerca de la UOC; Francisco Ramos, director de l'Institut Nacional d'Administració Pública; Joan Prats, director de l'Institut Internacional de Governabilitat de Catalunya i autor del llibre De la burocracia al management. Del management a la gobernanza, que també fou presentat en el mateix acte.

  1. 27 Estonian Music Festivals 2002

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    2002. aastal Eestis toimunud muusikafestivalidest: opeNBaroque 2002 (muusikafestival),Akadeemilised Trompetipäevad, Klavessiinimuusika Päevad, Eesti muusika päevad 2002,Mravinski Festival, Rudolf Tobiase muusikafestival, Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg (muusikafestival), Suure-Jaani muusikapäevad 2002,Regiöö (muusikafestival), David Oistrahhi festival, Haapsalu vanamuusikafestival 2002, Viljandi vanamuusikafestival 2002, Hiiumaa kammermuusikapäevad 2002, Klaaspärlimäng (festival),Mustjala Festival, Haapsalu viiulimuusika Päevad 2002, Kuressaare ooperipäevad 2002, Leigo järvemuusika 2002, Tallinna Orelifestival, Rapla kirikumuusika X festival 2002, Kuressaare kammermuusikapäevad 2002, Mart Saare muusikafestival, Credo 2002, Tartu vanamuusika IX festival, Trialogos 2002 (kultuurifestival), Fiesta de la guitarra (kitarrimuusika festival), Klaver 2002

  2. Chanel ja Põhjamaa naised / Ingela Klemetz-Farago ; intervjueerinud Kristi Pärn-Valdoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Klemetz-Farago, Ingela


    Rootsi fotograafi Peter Farago ja stilisti Ingela Klemetz-Farago koostatud raamatu "Northern Women in CHANEL" valmimise protsessist, koostööst Eesti modellidega. Raamat esitleb Chaneli moeloomingut ning 46 modelli Põhjamaadest ja Balti riikidest

  3. Humanistlik epistolaarkultuur Eesti- ja Liivimaal. Tallinna literaatide kirjad Meibomide kirjakollektsioonis / Kristi Viiding

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viiding, Kristi, 1972-


    Visandatakse pilt humanistliku epistolaaržanri pidepunktidest Eesti- ja Liivimaal ning vaadeldakse Meibomide suguvõsa kirjakollektsiooni Hannoveri raamatukogus ja selgitatakse välja selles sisalduv Eestis tegutsenud humanistide kirjade leidumus

  4. Perekond Paukson ennustab : aasta 2005 - keerulisem, raskem ja segaduste rohkem / Edda Paukson, Eduard Paukson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paukson, Edda


    Järgneb 8. jaan. Vt. ka SL Õhtuleht 3. jaan., Võrumaa Teataja 4. jaan., Virumaa Teataja 6. jaan., Harjumaa 7.,14. jaan., Järva Teataja, Meie Maa : Oma Saar, Pärnu Postimees 8. jaan., Harjumaa 11. jaan., Sakala 18.,20.,21. jaan. Erinevatel lehekülgedel ja erinevate pealkirjade all

  5. Krazha : [luuletused] / Karl Eduard Sööt ; lühibiograafia: T. L. [Toomas Liiv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sööt, Karl Eduard, 1862-1950


    Sisu: Krazha / tlk. V. Lvov ; Posle zamorozka / tlk. V. Azarov ; Na lesnoi doroge / tlk. Igor Severjanin ; Vospominanija / tlk. L. Stekolnikov. Orig.: Varas ; Pärast hallaööd ; Metsateel ; Mälestus

  6. History of pancreaticoduodenectomy: early misconceptions, initial milestones and the pioneers. (United States)

    Are, Chandrakanth; Dhir, Mashaal; Ravipati, Lavanya


    Pancreaticoduodenectomy is one of the most challenging surgical procedures which requires the highest level of surgical expertise. This procedure has constantly evolved over the years through the meticulous efforts of a number of surgeons before reaching its current state. This review navigates through some of the early limitations and misconceptions and highlights the initial milestones which laid the foundation of this procedure. The current review also provides a few excerpts from the lives and illuminates on some of the seminal contributions of the three great surgeons: William Stewart Halsted, Walther Carl Eduard Kausch and Allen Oldfather Whipple. These surgeons pioneered the nascent stages of this procedure and paved the way for the modern day pancreaticoduodenectomy. © 2011 International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association.

  7. Baltisaksa kirjanduse breviaar : põhilaad, erijooned, esindajad / Jaan Undusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Undusk, Jaan, 1958-


    Baltisaksa kirjanduse esindajaid: Barbara Juliane von Krüdener (1764-1824), Carl Gustav Jochmann (1789-1830), Karl Ernst von Baer (1792-1876), Alexander von Ungern-Sternberg (1806-1868), Victor Hehn (1813-1890), Carl Schirren (1826-1910), Eduard von Keyserling (1855-1918), Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932), Jakob von Uexküll (1864-1944), Hermann Keyserling (1880-1946), Werner Bergengruen (1892-1964), Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946), Edzard Schaper (1908-1984). Ajalookirjutajatest: Läti Henriku (u. 1188-pärast 1259) Liivimaa kroonikast ja Balthasar Russowi (u. 1535-1600) Liivimaa kroonikast, Garlieb Helwig Merkel (1769-1859). Eesti- ja Liivimaaga seotud kirjanikest: Paul Fleming (1609-1640), Jacob Michael Reinhold Lenz (1751-1792), August von Kotzebue (1761-1819). Riiast Baltikumi 18. saj.kultuuripealinnana. Autorist lk. 250

  8. Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen

    CERN Document Server

    Boltzmann, Ludwig


    The Austrian physicist Ludwig Eduard Boltzmann (1844-1906), educated at the University of Vienna, was appointed professor of mathematical physics at the University of Graz in 1869 at the age of only twenty-five. Boltzmann did important work in the fields of statistical mechanics and statistical thermodynamics; for instance, he contributed to the kinetic theory concerned with molecular speeds in gas. Boltzmann also promoted atomic theory, which at the time was still highly controversial. He was a member of the Imperial Austrian Academy of Sciences from 1885 and became a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1888. This three-volume work, prepared in 1909 by the physicist Fritz Hasenöhrl, one of Boltzmann's students, comprises all his academic publications from 1865 to 1905.

  9. Picture Perfect: Using Photographic Previews to Enhance Realia Collections for Library Patrons and Staff

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dejah Thoris Rubel


    Full Text Available Like many academic libraries, the Ferris Library for Information, Technology, and Education (FLITE acquires a range of materials, including learning objects, to best suit our students’ needs. Some of these objects, such as the educational manipulatives and anatomical models, are common to academic libraries but others, such as the tabletop games, are not. After our liaison to the School of Education, Kristy Motz, discovered some accessibility issues with Innovative Interfaces' Media Manager module, we decided to examine all three of our realia collections to determine what our goals in providing catalog records and visual representations would be. Once we concluded that we needed photographic previews to both enhance discovery and speed circulation service, choosing processing methods for each collection became much easier. This article will discuss how we created enhanced records for all three realia collections including custom metadata, links to additional materials, and photographic previews.

  10. Euroopa teadmistepõhine ühiskond ja majandus / Maria Joao Rodrigues ; interv. Kristi Hakkaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rodrigues, Maria Joao


    Innovatsiooni, teadust, konkurentsivõimet, majandust, sotsiaalset sidusust ja jätkusuutlikku arengut käsitleva Lissaboni strateegia autor selle sõnumist, elluviimisest ja seotusest tööjõuturuga

  11. Zakrõtije bumazhnoi fabriki v Kehra utjanet na dno vsju volost / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Kehra paberivabrikus seiskus ajutiselt tootmine, kuna ettevõte Eesti Gaas lõpetas võlgade tõttu vabriku varustamise maagaasiga. Skeem: Kehra vabriku sulgemine ohustab Jägala jõge. Vt. samas: Eestis on kärbitud enam kui 700 inimese tööd. Paberi tootmine Eestis hääbub. Kommenteerivad Jüri Lillsoo ja Jaan Pikka

  12. Renovation of social housing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Stina Rask; Hvejsel, Marie Frier; Kirkegaard, Poul Henning

    consumption in the building sector. This planned transformation towards a more energy-efficient building mass involves changes in the building envelope and, as such, is likely to influence the experience of the built environment dramatically, both interior and exterior. Recent research shows, however...... in the renovation of social housing. Methodologically, this hypothesis is investigated by re-reading the task of energy renovation through the lens of tectonic architectural theory. Specifically, Eduard Sekler’s etymological distinction between structure, construction, and tectonics is developed as a framework...... for addressing the spatial implications and potentials of technical initiatives in contemporary energy renovations within the continuum described by Scott. The framework is applied in two case studies of recent energy renovations of social housing dwellings. Finally, the paper discusses whether the technical...

  13. Embodied literacies imageword and a poetics of teaching

    CERN Document Server

    Fleckenstein, Kristie S


    Embodied Literacies: Imageword and a Poetics of Teaching is a response to calls to enlarge the purview of literacy to include imagery in its many modalities and various facets. Kristie S. Fleckenstein asserts that all meaning, linguistic or otherwise, is a result of the transaction between image and word. She implements the concept of imageword-a mutually constitutive fusion of image and word-to reassess language arts education and promote a double vision of reading and writing. Utilizing an accessible fourfold structure, she then applies the concept to the classroom, reconfiguring what teachers do when they teach, how they teach, what they teach with, and how they teach ethically. Fleckenstein does not discount the importance of text in the quest for literacy. Instead, she places the language arts classroom and teacher at the juncture of image and word to examine the ways imagery enables and disables the teaching of and the act of reading and writing. Learning results from the double play of language and ima...

  14. Presidendi peolaua katavad Roman Zaštšerinski ja Imre Kose / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Vt. ka Postimees : na russkom jazõke 14. veebr. 2008, lk. 2. Eesti Vabariigi aastapäeva presidendi vastuvõtu peakokad on restorani Ö peakokk Roman Zaštšerinski ja Imre Kose. Vt. samas: Retseptisoovitus 24. veebruariks

  15. Tulised mustlasviisid ja hingehaarav kummardus Tšaikovskile / Ruslan Kamatškov ; intervjueerinud Kristi Hinsberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kamatškov, Rustam


    Küsimustele vastab tšellist Rustam Kamatškov, kes esineb 4. augustil Kuressaare Kultuurikeskuses XV Kuressaare kammermuusikapäevade avakontserdil trioga Julia Igonina - Rustam Komatškov - Andres Paas

  16. Noor naine süüdistab kirikuisa enda ahistamises / Olivia Elise ; intervjueerinud Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Elise, Olivia


    Vestlus Olivia Elisega, kes esitas Eesti Karismaatilise Episkopaalkiriku peavikaari Heigo Ritsbeki kohta süüdistuse seksuaalses ahistamises. Sisaldab katkendit O. Elise ja H. Ritsbeki telefonivestlusest

  17. Vanim humanistlik album amicorum Eestis : Alciato "Embleemid" Georg Locameruse reisialbumina / Katre Kaju, Kristi Viiding

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaju, Katre, 1974-


    Varastest reisialbumitest. Georg Locamerusest ja reisialbumi sisseseadmisest. Locameruse reisialbumi raamatuloolistest ja paleograafilistest aspektidest. Reisialbumist kui selektiivse ja idealiseeritud sotsiaalse võrgustiku peegeldajast. Albumi keelelisest ja kirjanduslikust profiilist. Reisialbumi teekonnast Tartu ülikooli raamatukokku. Editeerimispõhimõtetest

  18. The Ecology of Urban Tectonics

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beim, Anne; Hvejsel, Marie Frier


    This paper is related to previous research by the authors that examine the phenomenon of tectonics as architectural design theory and method. These studies have shown that the notion of tectonics at large is associated with exclusive architecture, and that, as a profession architects have...... to develop methods for applying tectonic knowledge extracted from significant existing examples for developing future practical methods (Frampton 2002: 81). The specific intention of this paper is to push the understanding of tectonics further, into the scale of the urban context and thereby to discuss...... using Hansen’s work as a case study. (Beim & Madsen (ed.) 2014) Methodologically this has been done by applying the notion of ‘urban tectonics’ inspired by the work of Eduard F. Sekler, as a critical lens. (Sekler 1964, Sekler 1965) Through this lens we study how Hansen was able to treat culture...

  19. Pension System Related Public Politics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available This paper aims to find some answers regarding the long term sustainability of the pension system. Romania’s pension system originates from the invalidity insurances and pension system designed by the German cancellor Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismark in 1889. From a European perspective, Romania has to fill an obvious gap regarding the reformation of the national public pension system. International experience, particularly of the last 130 years, indicates that, in actuality, multiple pension systems have been put into function in most of the world’s countries and which are diferenciated by some elements (organizing and managing the system, defyning pension rights, method of forming the resources, the pension’s level rapported to the average income etc. and after the eficacity degree dependent on internal influences, social, economic and demographic environment, and last but not least by the political factor.

  20. Quo vadimus - future prospects for the earth's population. Comments on the worldwide situation concerning available energy and food sources, the consequences of climatic change, and available water resources

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Partenscky, H.W. [Hannover Univ. (Germany). Franzius Inst.


    The problems of our early future have already been critically examined in the years 1972 und 1974 in reports to the ''Club of Rome'' by D. Meadows in ''The Limits of Growth'' and by Eduard Pestel and M. Mesarovic in ''Mankind at the Turning Point'', and prognoses were given for the coming century. Nothing concerning those alarming results has changed substantially from then up to the present day. The frigthening increase in the population of our earth, our limited energy and food sources, the climatic changes with all their resultant symptoms, the limited availability of water and increasing environmental pollution still remain the problems and danger with which science and international politics must come to terms. This will be the case to an even greater extent in the future. (orig.)

  1. Lindeman s Philosophy of Andragogy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available The author commences by introducing Eduard Lindeman's life comparing it to Janez Evangelist Krek, a Slovenian adult educator, animator, politician and researcher. She deals with Lindeman 's life, discussing its influence on his views on adult education. She dwells upon some of Lindeman's recurrent topics like the use of the discussion method as the basic method in adult education, the need for any group in adult education to turn into a social group and above all the social dimension of Lindeman's education of adults. At this point she establishes a comparison with the Slovenian adult education movement of the elderly namely The Third Age University. She critically approaches Lindeman's belief that only method and not the content is important in adult education. At several points she compares Lindeman with modern social French thinkers.

  2. Rein Einasto : Eestis valitud ameerikalik valitsemise tee viib meid katastroofini / Rein Einasto ; interv. Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Einasto, Rein, 1934-


    Kodanikuühiskonna edendamisest Eestis. Aasta missiooniinimese kandidaadiks esitatud professor Rein Einasto arvates päästaks meid avar mõtlemine, et viia inimkond tervikuna teisele teele. Praegune vaba turumajandus on pillamisele, raiskamisele ja kulutamisele üles ehitatud ummiktee. Lisa: Rein Einasto

  3. 21. sajandi õpetajast ikka veel tulevikuvaates / Sirje Pärismaa ; kommenteerinud Margit Timakov ja Kristi Mikiver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärismaa, Sirje, 1958-


    Maailma parima haridusega riikide viiendal tippkohtumisel Kanadas Banffis jõuti kõnelustega 21. sajandi klassiruumi: arutleti õpetajate liidrirolli, koostöö ja innovatsiooni üle ning küsiti, mida teha teisiti, et ühiskond õpetajat senisest rohkem väärtustaks

  4. Noorukite ja täiskasvanute kiindumisstiilide seos perekonna lähisuhete erinevate aspektidega / Kristi Kõiv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kõiv, Kristi


    Uuringust, mis käsitles seoste arengut lapsevanemate ja laste kiindumussuhetes, täpsemalt seda, kuidas lapsepõlves kogetud seotuse kvaliteet oma vanematega mõjutab vanemate hoolitsuskäitumise ühte negatiivset aspekti - väärkohtlemist

  5. Lootus : [luuletused] / Friedrich Schiller ; tlk. Ain Kaalep, Rein Sepp, Paul Viiding, Eduard Roos, Jaan Kross, Jakob Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1805


    Sisu: Lootus ; Õhtu ; Brutus ja Caesar ; Laura klaveri ees ; Rousseau ; Grupp Tartarosest ; Rõõmule ; Palvekiri ; Hektori lahkumine ; Kunstnikud ; Laulu võim ; Metafüüsik ; Ideaal ja elu ; Maailma jaotamine ; Neiu võõrsilt ; Külvaja ; Odysseus ; Kolumbus ; Antiikkultuur rändurile Põhjast ; Zeus Heraklesele ; Kõrgeim ; Laps hällis ; Surematus ; Võti ; Astronoomilised teosed ; Parim riik ; Minu usk ; Sõber ja vaenlane ; Harv seos ; Nooruse lätted ; Naiste otsus ; Ootus ja täitumine ; Ühine saatus ; Looduseuurijad ja transtsendentaalfilosoofid ; Ohtlik tulemus ; Anonüümne jõgi ; Valgus ja soojus ; Neiu kaebus ; Ühele moralistile ; Goethele ; Pagulane ; Saksa muusa ; Uue sajandi saabumine ; Punshilaul ; Mäelaul ; Polykratese sõrmus ; Rüütel Toggenburg ; Kinnas ; Alpi kütt ; Sõpradele. Eluloolisi andmeid autori kohta lk. 239

  6. Journalism Research in Germany: Origins, theoretical innovations and future outlook

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Hanitzsch


    Full Text Available In Germany, the study of journalism has a long tradition. Löff elholz (2004b identifi ed the work of the writer and literary historian Robert Eduard Prutz (1816-1872 as being the ancestor of journalism theory. In 1845, long before the establishment of newspaper studies (“Zeitungskunde” as a fi eld of research, Prutz published “The History of German Journalism.” In later years the theoretical study of journalism was dominated by normative approaches, which continued for many decades. The belief that journalistic talent, similar to artistic talent, lies in the personality of the journalist (see Dovifat 1962 endured well into the 1970’s. At this time the scholarly discussion was mainly centered on the journalist as an individual who could barley live up to the normative expectations placed on news people. The result was a long-lasting (into the 1990s array of often romantic demands on journalists which they could hardly fulfi ll.

  7. Transpetrol and undue optimism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beer, G.; Slovak, K.


    We will get Transpetrol Lubomir Jahnatek, the Minister of Economy, was full of optimism following negotiations with the representatives of the Dutch company, Yukos Finance. According to the results of the meetings, the shares should have been back in Slovakia by the end of August. This enthusiasm was premature. The negotiating power of the delegation which came to Bratislava to promise the return of Transpetrol was very weak. The managers of Yukos Finance thought they would manage to avoid communication with Eduard Rebgun, Yukos' Russian bankruptcy supervisor. Their analyses showed that Yukos Finance is legally only marginally connected with the parent company, Yukos, and that they will be able to decide on the sale of Transpetrol and the Latvian refinery, Mazeikiu Nafta, on their own. On Friday last week, the Dutch courts decided that the Russian administrator is authorized to call an extraordinary general meeting of the Dutch company and to replace its management. This has further complicated the entire situation. (authors)

  8. Ekspert: arvuti ei asenda kunagi käsitsi kirjutamist / Christian Marquardt ; küsitlenud Kristi Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Marquardt, Christian


    Intervjuu dr Christian Marquardtiga, kes on sensomotoorika ekspert ning kes tutvustas ainulaadset käekirja analüüsi arvutiprogrammi Tallinna Ülikoolis 28. ja 29. oktoobril toimunud konverentsil "Käekirja anatoomia ehk Kuidas sünnib käekiri"

  9. "School of Tomorrow" kuulutati lindpriiks / Ülo Tikk ; kommenteerivad haridusministeeriumi peainspektorid Natalja Lapikova ja Kristi Mere

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tikk, Ülo, 1941-


    Ameerika inglise keele süvaõppeprogramm "School of Tomorrow", mille järgi õpetati Sillamäe, Jõhvi jt. Eesti venekeelsetes koolides, jäeti tunniplaanist välja, sest programm ei vasta Eestis kehtestatud riiklikule õppekavale

  10. Väljak: siseväljak = Square: inner plaza / Kristi Tuurmann, Tiia Vahula, Riin Kersalu, Kerstin Kivila

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuurmann, Kristi


    EKA arhitektuuri ja linnaplaneerimise osakonna III kursuse 2009-2012 aastail erialase projekteerimise raames loodud lahendus, kus ei teki raekoja ette traditsioonilist väljakut, pigem "kolib" see avaliku ruumina linnavalitsuse sisse

  11. HIV/AIDSi temaatikaga seotud teadmised ja hoiakud Eestis täiskasvanute hulgas / Karmen Lai, Kristi Tarik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lai, Karmen


    Artiklis on analüüsitud Eestis elavate täiskasvanute teadmisi ja hoiakuid seoses HIV/AIDSiga, et selgitada välja, kas ühiskonna liikmed on valmis toetama ja aitama HIV-positiivset inimest. Ainestiku kogumiseks kasutati ankeetküsitlust

  12. Traditsiooniliselt ja pluralistlikult / Epp Annus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Annus, Epp, 1969-


    Nüpli kevadkool (seminari 'Traditsioon ja pluralism' järg põhirõhuga kirjandusloole), korraldajateks Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskus, Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum ja Tartu Ülikooli eesti kirjandusloo uurimisgrupp. Ettekanded: Loone Ots. Kuninganna jalad ehk Non sciunt, se scient. Eesti kirjandust välistudengitele; Kristi Metste. Tubli pioneer Kampmaa; Peep Ehasalu. 'Kiired' ja soomlased; Sirje Olesk. Kodu- ja väliseesti kahekõne 1950.-1960. aastatel; Marin Laak. Kriitikateos kirjandusloos : näide 1924. aastast (Valmar Adamsi arvustus Jaan Kärneri romaani 'Bianka ja Ruth' puhul); Ene-Reet Soovik. Koed, põimed ja takerdused : Ants Orase tõlkekriitikast ja -praktikast; Epp Annus. Anakroonilised võitlused romaanis 'Tõde ja õigus'; Luule Epner. Kahe 'Libahundi' vahel : draama ja teater 1960.-70ndate vahetusel, põikega proosasse; Toomas Liivamägi. Mõned vulgariseeringud (20. sajandi modernism energia jäävuse seadusest lähtudes); Toomas Muru. Paabeli torn ja Gooti katedraal; Aare Pilv. Kirjandusloolisus kui hoiak; Indrek Särg - Sven Kivisildnik. Eesti gayluule järjekordne algus; Rutt Hinrikus. Reed Morn, andekas parasiit; Kajar Pruul. Ühe kunstiteose analüüs (Sven Kivisildniku luuletus 'Eesti Nõukogude Kirjanike Liit'); Ele Süvalep. Modernist Jaan Oks

  13. Diagnostic and treatment challenges in traumatic brain injury patients with severe neuropsychiatric symptoms: insights into psychiatric practice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lauterbach MD


    Full Text Available Margo D Lauterbach,1 Paula L Notarangelo,1 Stephen J Nichols,2 Kristy S Lane,1 Vassilis E Koliatsos11The Neuropsychiatry Program at Sheppard Pratt, Sheppard Pratt Health System, Baltimore, MD, 2Department of Emergency Medicine, The University of Tennessee College of Medicine Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, USAAbstract: Traumatic brain injury (TBI causes a variety of neuropsychiatric problems that pose diagnostic and treatment challenges for providers. In this report, we share our experience as a referral neuropsychiatry program to assist the general psychiatrist when adult TBI patients with psychiatric symptoms present for evaluation and treatment. We completed a retrospective study of patients with moderate-to-severe TBI and severe neuropsychiatric impairments. We collected information on demographics, nature of injury, symptomatology, diagnoses, and treatments. Data analysis indicates that mood stabilization was a key concern, often requiring aggressive pharmacological management. Cognitive dysfunction was a problem for the majority of patients, but was only medicated in a third, due to poor efficacy or behavioral side effects. The co-occurrence of multiple TBI-related symptoms and diagnoses in this patient cohort emphasizes the need for individualized psychopharmacological approaches and interventions.Keywords: traumatic brain injury, neurobehavioral, treatment

  14. Eesti Vabariigi põhiseadus : kommenteeritud väljaanne / toimetuskolleegium: Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Oliver Kask, Lasse Lehis, Heiki Lindpere, Uno Lõhmus, Ülle Madise, Kalle Merusk, Raul Narits, Vallo Olle, Jüri Põld, Heinrich Schneider

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kommentaaride autorid ja sisu: Sissejuhatus / Raul Narits, Heinrich Schneider, Lauri Madise. [Preambul] / Heinrich Schneider. I ptk. / Kalle Merusk, Taavi Annus, Madis Ernits, Heiki Lindpere, Lauri Madise. II ptk. / Uno Lõhmus, Taavi Annus, Madis Ernits, Oliver Kask, Eerik Kergandberg, Rait Maruste, Peeter Roosma. III ptk. / Oliver Kask. IV ptk. / Jüri Põld, Lauri Madise, Aaro Mõttus. V ptk. / Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Ülle Madise, Jüri Põld, Urmas Reinsalu. VI ptk. / Kalle Merusk, Jüri Põld. VII ptk. / Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Jüri Põld. VIII ptk. / Lasse Lehis. IX ptk. / Heiki Lindpere, Kristi Land, Lauri Madise, Heiki Pisuke. X ptk. / Oliver Kask, Enn Markvart, Jüri Põld. XI ptk. / Heinrich Schneider. XII ptk. / Raul Narits, Aare Reenumägi, Peeter Roosma, Enn Markvart. XIII ptk. / Uno Lõhmus, Madis Ernits, Jüri Põld. XIV ptk. / Vallo Olle, Arno Almann, Ülle Madise, Jüri Liventaal. XV ptk. / Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Aaro Mõttus. Eesti Vabariigi põhiseaduse rakendamise seadus / Raul Narits, Peeter Roosma, Oliver Kask. Märksõnastik / koost. Ülle Madise, Peep Pruks. Kasutatud õigusaktide lühendid / koost. Virgo Saarmets. Eesti Vabariigi põhiseadus 1990-2002 : bibliograafia / koost. Maia Ruttu

  15. At the Dawn of Radio Communications

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    V. P. Samokhin


    Full Text Available A brief review of the history of radio communications, which were used before the advent of humanity tubes, in the context of the essays in the series "At the root of media", published in the "History of Technical Progress" section of the supplement to our journal "Science and Education". The review covers the main stages of the development of spark radio-telegraph systems, the creation of the first powerful arc and electric machine generators of non-stopping oscillations of the carrier frequency for radiotelephony and the detection features. The first experiments of Mahlon Loomis, scientific and technical achievements of James Maxwell, Henry Hertz, Eduard Branly, Alexander Popov, Oliver Lodge, Jagadish Bosch, Karl Brown, Lee de Forest, Louis Austin, Herman Simon, William Duddel, Valdemar Paulsen, Ernst Alexander, Valentin Vologdin, Semyon Eisenstein and other creators of the nascent radio engineering. Particular attention is paid to the intersections of their work with the work of Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Guglielmo Marconi, Reginald Fessenden and other heroes of our essays.

  16. Ethics and access to teaching materials in the medical library: the case of the Pernkopf atlas. (United States)

    Atlas, M C


    Conflicts can occur between the principle of freedom of information treasured by librarians and ethical standards of scientific research involving the propriety of using data derived from immoral or dishonorable experimentation. A prime example of this conflict was brought to the attention of the medical and library communities in 1995 when articles claiming that the subjects of the illustrations in the classic anatomy atlas, Eduard Pernkopf's Topographische Anatomie des Menschen, were victims of the Nazi holocaust. While few have disputed the accuracy, artistic, or educational value of the Pernkopf atlas, some have argued that the use of such subjects violates standards of medical ethics involving inhuman and degrading treatment of subjects or disrespect of a human corpse. Efforts were made to remove the book from medical libraries. In this article, the history of the Pernkopf atlas and the controversy surrounding it are reviewed. The results of a survey of academic medical libraries concerning their treatment of the Pernkopf atlas are reported, and the ethical implications of these issues as they affect the responsibilities of librarians is discussed.

  17. Heinrich ZANGGER (1874-1957. El hombre que salvó la vida de Albert Einstein

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    Julio Montes-Santiago


    Full Text Available El profesor de la Universidad de Zurich, Heinrich Zangger (1874-1957, es recordado principalmente por haber sido compañero y amigo de Albert Einstein. La abundante correspondencia entre ambos revela esclarecedores aspectos del pensamiento científico de Einstein. Sin embargo, es menos conocido que en varias ocasiones salvó la vida del físico (rescatándole de una intoxicación por monóxido de carbono o suministrándole alimentos durante las penurias de la I Guerra Mundial y veló por las necesidades económicas y de salud del resto de la familia de Einstein: su primera mujer Mileva y sus hijos Hans Albert y Eduard. Pero además Zangger fue un hombre extraordinario que merece ser recordado también por sus aportaciones pioneras en el campo de las enfermedades profesionales como la silicosis o la intoxicación por plomo, sobre la Medicina de catástrofes, por sus estudios forenses y de Derecho sanitario, así como por su labor humanitaria con la Cruz Roja.

  18. Egeson’s (George’s) transtridecadal weather cycling and sunspots (United States)

    Halberg, F.; Cornélissen, G.; Bernhardt, K.-H.; Sampson, M.; Schwartzkopff, O.; Sonntag, D.


    In the late 19th century, Charles Egeson, a map compiler at the Sydney Observatory, carried out some of the earliest research on climatic cycles, linking them to about 33-year cycles in solar activity, and predicted that a devastating drought would strike Australia at the turn of the 20th century. Eduard Brückner and William J. S. Lockyer, who, like Egeson, found similar cycles, with notable exceptions, are also, like the map compiler, mostly forgotten. But the transtridecadal cycles are important in human physiology, economics and other affairs and are particularly pertinent to ongoing discusions of climate change. Egeson’s publication of daily weather reports preceded those officially recorded. Their publication led to clashes with his superiors and his personal life was marked by run-ins with the law and, possibly, an implied, but not proven, confinement in an insane asylum and premature death. We here track what little is known of Egeson’s life and of his bucking of the conventional scientific wisdom of his time with tragic results. PMID:21547003

  19. Management of preterm labor: atosiban or nifedipine?

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    Roel de Heus


    Full Text Available Roel de Heus, Eduard J H Mulder, Gerard H A VisserDepartment of Woman and Baby, University Medical Centre Utrecht, The NetherlandsAbstract: Preterm birth is strongly associated with neonatal death and long-term neurological morbidity. The purpose of tocolytic drug administration is to postpone threatening preterm delivery for 48 hours to allow maximal effect of antenatal corticosteroids and maternal transportation to a center with specialized neonatal care facilities. There is uncertainty about the value of atosiban (oxytocin receptor antagonist and nifedipine (calcium channel blocker as first-line tocolytic drugs in the management of preterm labor. For nifedipine, concerns have been raised about unproven safety, lack of placebo-controlled trials, and its off-label use. The tocolytic efficacy of atosiban has also been questioned because of a lack of reduction in neonatal morbidity. This review discusses the available evidence, the pros and cons of either drug and aims to provide information to support a balanced choice of first-line tocolytic drug: atosiban or nifedipine?Keywords: atosiban, oxytocin receptor antagonist, nifedipine, calcium channel blocker, preterm birth, tocolytic drugs, preterm labor

  20. TV programme presentations: Bang Goes the Theory by BBC (2010) and Beyond the Atom with John Ellis by Redes and Science Networks (2010)

    CERN Document Server

    Carolyn Lee


    BBC’s Bang Goes the Theory explores various aspects of science. In this episode, presenter Dallas Campbell travels to CERN to meet physicist Tara Shears and learn more about antimatter. Other topics include breath-holding techniques such as free diving, and what exactly is horsepower and how is it measured? In addition, Redes and Science Networks have produced "Beyond the Atom with John Ellis", a TV programme presented by Eduard Punset and featuring CERN theorist John Ellis. The aim of this programme is to understand more about what matter is and what the physicists working on the LHC experiments hope to discover, including the Higgs boson, dark matter and supersymmetry. This programme is in English and Spanish with English subtitles. Bang Goes the Theory will be presented on Friday 11 March from 13:00 to 13:30 Language: English Beyond the Atom with John Ellis will be presented on Friday 11 March from 13:30 to 14:00 Language: English and Spanish with English subtitles Both will be...

  1. ‘The “Meidias” hydria: a visual and textual journey of a Greek vase in the history of art of antiquity (c. 1770s–1840s’

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    Emmanouil Kalkanis


    Full Text Available This article examines scholarly publications between the 1770s and 1840s of one of the most published Athenian red-figured vases, a hydria first known in the collection of Sir William Hamilton and since 1772 in the British Museum. It reviews critically several visual and textual interpretations of the vase by a range of scholars of various European nationalities. It offers a new interpretation of a well-known object and reveals the extent to which its iconography influenced the development of art-historical writing and vice versa. While d’Hancarville was a pioneer in his own peculiar way, others were all more or less influenced by him though having their own agendas, not really related to any intrinsic interest in the vase, or any vase, as an object. What the article establishes is that although every writer was the product of his time and culture, only one of them (Eduard Gerhard really advanced the study of the vase or Greek ceramics being more thorough and imaginative in analyzing the subject matter.


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    Vicente de la Fuente Bermúdez


    Full Text Available Entre 1900 y 1910 se produce un auge constructivo en Canet de Mar, población cercana a Barcelona. Reformas o construcciones de nueva planta integran las novedades técnicas, como el gas y después la electricidad; adaptándose a modas y nuevos estilos de vida. El primer edificio construido por Lluís Domènech i Montaner en Canet, en 1884, es el Ateneu. Pere Domènech Roura, su hijo, diseña en 1917, la Casa Serra Pujadas. Entre ambas construcciones se crean interiores decorados en mayor o menor medida con objetos Art Nouveau/Modernistas que conviven con muebles anteriores, reflejando tanto el gusto personal de las familias, como su pasado, con muebles heredados. Junto a las casas para pequeños fabricantes locales destacan los interiores creados por artistas de renombre, como Lluís Domènech i Montaner o Eduard Ferrés i Puig, para grandes fortunas como Ramon de Montaner o Ramir Busquets.

  3. Välisinvestorite õiguslikke probleeme Eestis : [bakalaureusetöö] / Kristi Lehtis ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Andrus Siibak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehtis, Kristi, 1978-


    Välisinvestorite probleemid seoses maa omandamisega (kinnisomandi üleandmise piirangud, maa omandamine hoonestusõiguse kaudu, piirangud maareformi seaduses), võrdlus Soome ja Lätiga, välisinvestorite probleemid seoses elamis- ja töölubadega, probleemid seoses äriühingutega, dividendide maksustamisega

  4. Does the European Union still matter for Estonian's security? Positioning Estonia in CFSP and ESDP / Kristi Raik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raik, Kristi


    Eesti peab otsustama, kas võtta eesmärgiks kuulumine Euroopa Liidu välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika tuumikusse ja olla valmis süvendama integratsiooni või säilitada praegune ettevaatlik seisukoht, millega kaasneks risk jääda Euroopa julgeolekusüsteemis vähese mõjuvõimuga perifeerseks väikeriigiks

  5. Ostetud lõputööga saaks ülikoolidiplomi kätte küll / Kristi Leppik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leppik, Kristi


    Plagiaadist, autoriõigusest ja lõputööde ostmisest ajakirjandusliku eksperimendina korraldatud õigusteaduse bakalaureuse lõputöö hankimise näitel Kommenteerivad Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ehitusteaduskonna dekaan Roode Liias, Akadeemia Nord õigusteaduste dekaan Aare Kruuser, Tartu Ülikooli majandusteaduskonna arenduspordekaan Jüri Sepp, Tallinna Ülikooli riigireaduste instituudi direktor Leif Kalev

  6. Pildikesi koolipõlvest Tallinna ülikoolis / Krista Sillar, Piret Suidt, Ester Barkala ; [üles kirjutanud] Kristi Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sillar, Krista


    Ülikooliaega meenutavad Müncheni eesti koolis ja Müncheni Euroopa koolis eesti keelt õpetav Piret Suidt, Tallinna 32. keskkooli õppealajuhataja Krista Sillar ning Tallinna 21. kooli ajalooõpetaja Ester Barkala

  7. Nerve Surgeons' Assessment of the Role of Eduard Pernkopf's Atlas of Topographic and Applied Human Anatomy in Surgical Practice. (United States)

    Yee, Andrew; Coombs, Demetrius M; Hildebrandt, Sabine; Seidelman, William E; Coert, J Henk; Mackinnon, Susan E


    Pernkopf's atlas of Anatomy contains anatomical plates with detailed images of the peripheral nerves. Its use is controversial due to the author's association with the "Third Reich" and the potential depiction of victims of the Holocaust. The ethical implications of using this atlas for informing surgical planning have not been assessed. To (1) assess the role of Pernkopf's atlas in nerve surgeons' current practice and (2) determine whether a proposal for its ethical handling may provide possible guidance for use in surgery and surgical education. Members of American Society for Peripheral Nerve and PASSIO Education (video-based learning platform) were surveyed and 182 responses collected. The survey introduced the historical origin of Pernkopf's atlas, and respondents were asked whether they would use the atlas under specific conditions to serve as a recommendation for its ethical handling. An anatomical plate comparison between Netter's and Pernkopf's atlases was performed to compare anatomical accuracy and surgical utility. Fifty-nine percent of respondents were aware of Pernkopf's atlas, with 13% currently using it. Aware of the historical facts, 69% were comfortable using the atlas, 15% uncomfortable, and 17% undecided. Additional information on conditions for an ethical approach to the use of the atlas led 76% of those "uncomfortable" and "undecided" to becoming "comfortable" with use. While the use of Pernkopf's atlas remains controversial, a proposal detailing conditions for an ethical approach in its use provides new guidance in surgical planning and education.

  8. Teise inimese HI-viirusesse nakatamise kvalifitseerimine : [magistritöö] / Kristi Rickberg ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Andres Parmas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rickberg, Kristi


    Nakkushaiguste leviku ohu põhjustamise või leviku põhjustamise karistamine kehtivas õiguskorras, HI-viirusse nakatamise kriminaalkuriteona kvalifitseerimise eesmärk ja kaasnevad aspektid, õigusnorm

  9. Riia literaatide õnnesoovid Tartu Akadeemiale 1632. aastal / tlk. ja komment. [ja eessõna:] Janika Päll, Kristi Viiding

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Luuletuste tekst ladina ja kreeka keeles, rööptekst eesti keeles. Eessõna lk. 2493-2501. Kokkuvõte "Congratulations by Riga literati to the Academy of Tartu in 1632", lk. 2696-2697. Acclamationes votivae sub novo auspicio Regiae Dorpatensis Academiae [---] factae ab iis, qui sunt ex ordine Literatorum Rigae Metropolitanae totius Livoniae (Õnnesoovihüüded Tartu Kuningliku Akadeemia uueks õnnelikuks alguseks [---] nende sulest, kes kuuluvad kogu Liivimaa pealinna literaatide seisusesse). Kogumik sisaldas 6 ladinakeelset ja 1 kreekakeelse luuletuse

  10. Annual conference SAEE 2008

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Technical and economic challenges of a 1 t CO 2 society was the topic addressed by the 2008 annual conference of the Swiss Association for Energy Economics. One tonne of carbon dioxide per head and year as a long-term energy strategy is the theme of a presentation made by professor Konstantin Boulouchos from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH in Zurich, Switzerland. Professor Dr. Rainhard Madlener from the Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behaviour in Aachen, Germany, took a look at the one-ton CO 2 vision as a focus for technical development. Professor Thomas F. Rutherford from the ETH presented an economic analysis of one-ton CO 2 scenarios. Eduard Schumacher, former Chairman of the Board at the IWB utility in Basel, Switzerland, presented examples of how energy policy can be implemented, using the IWB's activities as an example. Hansruedi Kunz, Head of the Energy Department in the Building Department of the Canton of Zurich discussed the chances offered and the problems posed by the implementation of measures that are to lead to the meeting of energy visions for the year 2050. A podium and discussion session completed the conference

  11. Knotted pipeline

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beer, G.; Slovak, K.


    It is too early to speculate on where the Transpetrol shares will end up. The bankruptcy trustee of Yukos, Eduard Rebgun, has so far received three offers from Gazprom, the Rusneft oil company and the Penta private equity group via its Cyprian company. All three would like to gain control over the Slovak oil transporting company. As yet, no formal request from the Slovak Republic has been delivered to Moscow. By Trend's deadline, President Ivan Gasparovic and the Minister of Economy, Lubomir Jahnatek, were still negotiating in Moscow with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. One of the topics on the agenda was the future of the company which transports Russian oil to Europe. Both Slovakia and Russia aim to gain control over the stock and the situation is locked in stalemate The stock in question is owned by the Dutch company, Yukos Finance. And although this company is owned by the bankrupt Yukos, the property rights are in the hands of foundation, Stichting Administratiekantoor Yukos International. Yukos Finance is not in bankruptcy and it is therefore difficult to detach the Yukos shares from the company assets. (authors)

  12. El legado de Wilhelm Dilthey: las pedagogías culturalistas

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    Juan Carlos RINCÓN VERDERA


    Full Text Available Eduard Spranger, Herman Nohl y Wilhelm Flitner son herederos directos del espiritualismo, el psicologismo y el historicismo de Wilhelm Dilthey, elaborando, a partir de él, pedagogías de marcado carácter cultural. Todos ellos se propusieron reelaborar el cuerpo epistemológico de la pedagogía, siguiendo, para ello, la tradición racionalista, de corte neokantiano, propia del momento (primera mitad del siglo XX. Para Spranger la ciencia de la educación se reducirá a una pedagogía de la comprensión hermenéutica; su misión consistirá en tomar una realidad cultural históricamente heredada y someterla a conceptos ordenadores que permitan adoptar posicionamientos valorativos y normativos de actuación. Nohl, por su parte, entenderá la pedagogía como una teoría de la educación que deberá siempre contextualizarse históricamente por lo que jamás podrá tener validez general. Por último, Flitner considerará la ciencia pedagógica como un filosofar dentro de la circunstancia histórica, es decir, una estética de la educación.

  13. Thomas Mann e a cena intelectual no Brasil: encontros e desencontros

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    Sibele Paulino


    Full Text Available A origem brasileira de Thomas Mann, por parte de sua mãe, Julia da Silva Bruhns, deu ocasião, na maturidade do escritor, a seu contato com intelectuais brasileiros ou estrangeiros ligados à cena cultural do Brasil. No primeiro grupo, tem-se Gilberto Freyre, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda e Erico Verissimo. Residentes no Brasil, Karl Lustig-Prean, que posteriormente retornará à Europa, e o tradutor Herbert Caro, que se radica em definitivo no Brasil. Também o contato direto ou indireto com pensadores e escritores como Karl Loewenstein, Heinrich Eduard Jacob, Marte Brill e Stefan Zweig colaboraram para a aproximação de Thomas Mann ao universo brasileiro. Estes e outros pontos de contato são descritos no presente artigo, que pretende difundir dados e documentos há muito inacessíveis ou inéditos, no sentido de contribuir com abordagens atualizadas da obra de Thomas Mann e oferecer à pesquisa especializada a indicação de dados biográficos e documentais relacionados ao escritor, no que concerne à sua relação com o Brasil.

  14. Borodáč’s Chlapci na Stráži

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    Maťašík Andrej


    Full Text Available This study deals with the production of the play Chlapci na stráži [Boys on Guard], which was awarded in a competition organized on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the establishment of Czechoslovakia in the spring of 1938. It was written by Ján Borodáč, the artistic director of the Drama Company of the Slovak National Theatre under the pseudonym of Ján Debnár. By the time it was premiered on 29 October 1939, there had been significant political changes. Following the Munich Agreement, Czechoslovakia, based on the decision of the prime ministers of France, Great Britain, Italy and Germany, had lost ethnically mixed Czech-German borderlands, President Eduard Beneš had offered his resignation and had gone into exile, and Slovakia had got the autonomy it was promised by the Pittsburgh Agreement (an obligation that had gone unfulfilled for long. The play which was supposed to celebrate the anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic paradoxically acquired a new meaning under the pressure of these changes - it celebrated the autonomy and called for a defiance of revisionist pressures from Horthy’s Hungary.

  15. Un “libro terribile”, L’Imperio di De Roberto tra disincanto politico e nichilismo

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    Gianfranco Ferraro


    Full Text Available In the correspondence with his mother, Federico De Roberto defined its own novel L’Imperio as a “a terrible book”. Published in 1929, when the Sicilian writer was not longer alive, this incomplete novel concluded the project of literary triptych including the novels L’Illusione and I Viceré. What could arouse dismay and abhorrence in its readers was the nihilistic outcome of the plot. In order to explain it, the authors of the present paper show how the political disillusionment, embodied in the novel by the figure of the young journalist Federico Ranaldi, discloses for De Roberto the horizon of European nihilism. Being symbolic of the Italian generation born after the Unification, Ranaldi loses his political ideals when he understands that the politicians have no faith and are no longer right. Disgusted by the conduct of Consalvo Uzeda di Francalanza, the last heir of the ancient “viceroys” of Sicily, now the minister of the Kingdom, Ranaldi is overwhelmed by a radical, pessimistic vision of the world. Thus it is evident that De Roberto was extremely influenced by such philosophers as Giacomo Leopardi, Arthur Schopenhauer and Eduard von Hartmann.

  16. School ecosystems for the development of children’s creative thought

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    Alirio Severo Hernández Buitrago


    Full Text Available This paper is based on the development and results of the research project ‘School ecosystems for the development of children’s creative thought’, which has been being implemented under Action Research parameters since 2010. Its purpose is to design and carry out some pedagogical strategies leading to creative thought development in third, fourth and fifth grade children belonging to Technical School Rafael Uribe, Leonera headquarters, in the municipality of Toca, Department of Boyaca. The project is based on the Ecological Model for Human Development formulated by Urie Bronfenbrenner, Eduard de Bono´s creative thought basis, George Polya’s problem solving method, and the Philosophy for Children proposal stated by Matthew Lipman and promoted in Colombia by Diego Pineda. Those approaches are understood as cross-wise themes leading children to a reflection, creation, argumentation, and analysis process when facing the designed settings (ideas inventor, Math and recreation, Technological Curiosity, and Life Crops established individually in terms of time and actions, which have made possible to transform the ways of thinking and acting of those taking part in the pedagogical process through questions that guide the everyday duties and the scope of education aims.

  17. Eesti Vabariigi põhiseadus : kommenteeritud väljaanne / toimetuskolleegium: Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Berit Aaviksoo, Oliver Kask, Lasse Lehis, Lauri Madise, Ülle Madise, Kalle Merusk, Lauri Mälksoo, Raul Narits, Vallo Olle, Peep Pruks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kommentaaride autorid ja sisu: Sissejuhatus / Raul Narits, Lauri Madise, Heinrich Schneider. Preambul / Raul Narits, Heinrich Schneider. I ptk. / Kalle Merusk, Taavi Annus, Madis Ernits, Heiki Lindpere, Lauri Madise. II ptk. / Oliver Kask, Madis Ernits, Taavi Annus, Peeter Roosma, Rait Maruste, Eerik Kergandberg, Ivo Pilving, Uno Lõhmus, Merilin Kiviorg, Einar Vene, Ülle Madise. III ptk. / Oliver Kask. IV ptk. / Lauri Madise, Aaro Mõttus, Jüri Põld, Tiina Runthal. V ptk. / Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Ülle Madise, Jüri Põld, Urmas Reinsalu. VI ptk. / Kalle Merusk, Jüri Põld. VII ptk. / Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Jüri Liventaal, Jüri Põld. VIII ptk. / Lasse Lehis. IX ptk. / Kristi Land, Heiki Lindpere, Lauri Madise, Heiki Pisuke. X ptk. / Oliver Kask, Enn Markvart, Jüri Põld. XI ptk. / Ülle Madise, Janek Laidvee, Heinrich Schneider. XII ptk. / Berit Aaviksoo, Mihkel Allik, Enn Markvart, Raul Narits, Aare Reenumägi, Peeter Roosma. XIII ptk. / Raul Narits, Uno Lõhmus, Madis Ernits, Jüri Põld. XIV ptk. / Vallo Olle, Arno Almann, Jüri Liventaal, Ülle Madise. XV ptk. / Eerik-Juhan Truuväli, Aaro Mõttus. Eesti Vabariigi põhiseaduse rakendamise seadus / Oliver Kask, Raul Narits, Peeter Roosma. Eesti Vabariigi põhiseaduse täiendamise seadus / Berit Aaviksoo, Julia Laffranque, Ülle Madise, Jüri Põld. Eesti Vabariigi põhiseadus 1990-2008 : bibliograafia (seisuga september 2008) / koost. Maia Ruttu

  18. Rahvusvahelise terrorismi defineerimine ÜRO raames : [bakalaureusetöö] / Tuuli Pärnsalu ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Kristi Land

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärnsalu, Tuuli


    Rahvusvahelise terrorismi defineerimise tähtsus, inimõiguste kaitse, riikidevaheline koostöö terrorismi definitsiooni otsingutel, definitsiooni elemendid, riigiterrorismi kontseptsioon, riikidevahelise terrorismiga seotud vaidluste lahendamine ÜRO raames

  19. Jüri Tamm: vaid osaledes on võimalik silma vaadata ja mõista oksjoni mõtet / toimetanud Kristi Vahemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamm, Jüri, 1937-


    Oksjoni idee autor ja korraldaja Jüri Tamm 4.12.2011 toimuvast 12. heategevuslikust kunstioksjonist, mille tulud lähevad hukkunud sportlaste laste toetuseks. Tänavune väliskülaline on kõrgushüppaja Dick Fosbury. Müügile tulevate taieste nimekiri. Tagasivaade oksjonitele. Koostööd tehakse galeriiga Rios

  20. Eduard Tubina 100. sünniaastapäeva puhul toimus Stockholmis suur mälestuskontsert / Hilma Nerep-Mossin ; fotod: Karin Mickelsson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nerep-Mossin, Hilma


    17. aprillil 2005 Stockholmi Soome Kirikus toimunud kontserdi muusikaarvustus. Esinesid Stockholmi Eesti Segakoor, Projektmeeskoor E. Tubin 100, laulusolistid Katrin Meerits, Liine Carlsson ja Mikko Pulkkinen

  1. Reviews of recent publications

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    Full Text Available Anderson, Stephanie. Le Discours Féminin de Marguerite Duras by Julia Lauer-Chéenne Booker, M. Keith. Literature and Domination: Sex, Knowledge, and Power in Modern Fiction by Frédérique Chevillot Chevillot, Frédérique. La Réouverture du texte by Susan Ireland Cixous, Hélène. Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing by Jeff Schneider Descombes, Vincent. The Barometer of Modern Reason: On the Philosophies of Current Events by André Pierre Colombat Holmgren, Beth. Women's Works in Stalin's Time: On Lidiia Chukovskaia and Nadezhda Mandelstam by Serafima Roll Lyotard, Jean François. Political Writings . Trans. Bill Readings and Kevin Paul Geiman by Ronald Bogue McPherson, Karen S. Incriminations: Guilty Women/Telling Stories by Colette Hall Melnick, Daniel C. Fullness of Dissonance. Modern Fiction and the Aesthetics of Music by Walter A. Strauss Scatton, Linda Hart. Mikhail Zoshchenko: Evolution of a Writer by Eric Lozowy Sollers, Philippe. Watteau in Venice by T. Douglas Doyle Steele, Cynthia. Politics, Gender, and the Mexican Novel, 1968-1988: Beyond the Pyramid by Jill S. Kuhnheim Webb, Barbara J. Myth and History in Caribbean Fiction. Alejo Carpentier, Wilson Harris and Eduard Glissant by Nicasio Urbina

  2. Flora Livonica : kalender 2008 = Calendar 2008 / Tallinna Ülikool, Akadeemiline Raamatukogu ; tekst Katrin Kaugver ; tõlkinud Kristi Rae, Katrin Kaugver

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kalendri illustratsioonid pärinevad raamatust: Drümpelmann, Ernst Wilhelm. Flora Livonica, oder: Abbildung und Beschreibung der in Livland wildwachsenden Pflanzen, bearbeitet in Verbindung mit einigen Freunden der vaterländischen Naturkunde. Riga, 1810

  3. Palgatöötaja brutotulu omavalitsusüksustes = Gross income per employee in local government units / Kristi Lehto, Kaja Sõstra

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehto, Kristi


    Informatsiooni palgatöötajate keskmise palga ja brutotulu kohta on võimalik saada nii Statistikaametist kui ka Maksu- ja Tolliametist. Kahe allika andmete võrdlus ning saadud tulemuste erinevuse põhjused. Keskmine brutotulu ja selle muutused omavalitsusüksustes aastatel 2002-2005. Tabelid, graafikud, diagrammid

  4. The small leucine-rich proteoglycan, biglycan, is highly expressed in adipose tissue of Psammomys obesus and is associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes

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    Bolton K


    Full Text Available Kristy Bolton1, David Segal1, Ken Walder1,21Metabolic Research Unit, School of Medicine, 2Institute for Technology, Research and Innovation, Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, Victoria, AustraliaAbstract: We have previously demonstrated that the small leucine-rich proteoglycan decorin may play a role in adipose tissue homeostasis and the pathophysiology of obesity. Biglycan is highly similar in structure to decorin, therefore we hypothesized it would have a similar expression profile and role to decorin in adipose tissue. Real time polymerase chain reaction was used to measure biglycan mRNA levels in adipose tissue from normal glucose tolerant and impaired glucose tolerant and type 2 diabetic (T2D Psammomys obesus. Biglycan mRNA was found to be highly expressed in adipose tissue, and gene expression was significantly higher in visceral compared to subcutaneous adipose tissue, with elevated levels in obese, T2D compared to lean normal glucose tolerant P. obesus (P < 0.04. Biglycan mRNA was predominantly expressed by stromal/vascular cells of fractionated adipose tissue (P = 0.023. Biglycan expression in adipose tissue, particularly in the obese state, was markedly upregulated. Collectively, our data suggest that the small leucine-rich proteoglycan family proteins biglycan and decorin may play a role in the development of obesity and T2D, possibly by facilitating expansion of adipose tissue mass.Keywords: biglycan, small leucine-rich proteoglycan, Psammomys obesus, adipose tissue, obesity, type 2 diabetes

  5. Multatuli in Zombieland

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    Vermoortel Philip


    Full Text Available In 1860, the Dutch author Multatuli (pen name of Eduard Douwes Dekker published Max Havelaar, which was to become the most famous nineteenth-century Dutch novel. In 2016, the book was rewritten by Martijn Adelmund as a book in which also zombies play a role. By doing so, Adelmund follows a fifteen-year-old American literary tradition to rewrite literary masterpieces as zombie books. Since Max Havelaar neither contains many characters nor descriptions of Indonesian nature and has a rather simple plot, Adelmund decided to mix the book with another nineteenth-century Dutch literary masterpiece: Louis Couperus’ De stille kracht. The purpose is to make secondary school pupils read the original Max Havelaar again and encourage them to compare the two versions in order to develop a critical understanding of Dutch colonial history and its present-day consequences. The review focuses on the way Adelmund combined the two classic books, reshaped the plot and added parts of his own. Attention is paid to the way in which the original language was modernized and to the question whether this book really can or will help young students to read the original. However noble Adelmund’s objectives may be, it is very improbable that he will manage to realize them since the quality of the novel he created leaves a lot to be desired.

  6. Twee vroeë reaksies van Gereformeerde kant op Karl Barth

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    B. J. Engelbrecht


    Full Text Available In 1919 het die eerste uitgawe van die epogmakende “Romerbrief” van Karl Barth verskyn. Van die tweede druk in 1922 sê hy dat “kein Stein mehr auf dem andem” gelaat is nie. So opspraakwekkend was hierdie boek dat in 1929 die 5de druk van die tweede, radikaal-hersiene uitgawe verskyn het. Intussen het nog ander werke van Barth en selfs oor Barth verskyn. 0ns noem o.a. sy Der Christ in der Gesellschaft (1920; Das Wort Gottes und die Theologie (1924; Vom Christlichen Leben (1926; Auferstehung der Toten (2. Aufl. 1927, sy preke saam met Eduard Thurneysen Komm Schopfer Geist, (Dritt Aufl., 7-9 Tausend(! 1926. Maar 1927 was veral belangrik vanweë die verskyning van Barth se eerste Dogmatiekboek: “Die Christliche Dogmatik im Entwurf. 1 Die Lehre vom Worte Gottes. Prolegomena zur Christlichen Dogmatik” . Voor dié datum het dwarsoor die wêreld, maar ook in Nederland wye reaksie op sy teologie ontstaan. In 1926 skryf Max Strauch sy “Theologie Karl Barth’s”, terwyl Haitjema in Nederland ook in 1926 sy Barth boek die lig laat sien (Prof. dr. Th. L. Haitjema, Karl Barth, Wageningen 1926. Ander Nederlanders wat gereageer het, was drr. A. H. de Hartog, V. Hepp, Ph. Kohnstamm en di. D. Tromp en 0. Noordmans.

  7. Transtendon rotator-cuff repair of partial-thickness articular surface tears can lead to medial rotator-cuff failure

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    Woods TC


    Full Text Available Tom C Woods,4 Michael J Carroll,1 Atiba A Nelson,2 Kristie D More,2 Randa Berdusco,1 Stephen Sohmer,3 Richard S Boorman,1,2 Ian KY Lo1,21Department of Surgery, 2Sport Medicine Centre, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; 3Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 4St Joseph's Hospital, Comox, BC, CanadaPurpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate clinical and anatomic outcomes of patients following transtendon rotator-cuff repair of partial articular supraspinatus tendon avulsion (PASTA lesions.Patients and methods: Patients in the senior author's practice who had isolated PASTA lesions treated by transtendon rotator-cuff repair were included (n=8 and retrospectively reviewed. All patients were evaluated preoperatively and at a mean of 21.2 months (±9.7 months postoperatively using standardized clinical evaluation (physical exam, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, and Simple Shoulder Test. All patients underwent postoperative imaging with a magnetic resonance imaging arthrogram.Results: There was a significant improvement in American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (42.7±17.5 to 86.9±25.2 and Simple Shoulder Test (4.6±3.2 to 10.1±3.8 scores from pre- to postoperative, respectively. Postoperative imaging demonstrated full-thickness medial cuff tearing in seven patients, and one patient with a persistent partial articular surface defect.Conclusion: Transtendon repair of PASTA lesions may lead to improvements in clinical outcome. However, postoperative imaging demonstrated a high incidence of full-thickness rotator-cuff defects following repair.Keywords: rotator cuff, PASTA lesion, transtendon repair

  8. Korte signaleringen

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    Harry A. Poeze


    Full Text Available Maurits Ebben, Henk den Heijer en Joost Schokkenbroek (red., Alle streken van het kompas; Maritieme geschiedenis in Nederland; Opstellen over maritieme geschiedenis in Nederland; Aangeboden aan Femme S. Gaastra bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar zeegeschiedenis aan de Universiteit Leiden Bert Manders, De ontdekking van tin op het eiland Billiton Marga C. Kerkhoven, Eduard Julius Kerkhoven; 20 Indische brieven 1860-1863 verzameld uit de Hunderensche Courant Herman Stapelkamp, Oorlog in Atjeh; Het journaal van luitenant-ter-zee Henricus Nijgh, 1873-1874 Henk Mak van Dijk en Carl Nix, Wajang foxtrot; Indië in klank en beeld Jaap Hoogenboezem, H.J. Kruls; Een politieke generaal Frans C. Hazekamp. Het laatste grote gevecht in Indië; Tweeduizend guerrilla’s vallen Solo aan, 7-10 augustus 1949; Wat voorafging, strijd, politieke implicaties en het optreden van de commandotroepen, aangevuld met informatie uit Indonesië Jet Bussemaker, Dochter van een kampkind; Ervaringen van een staatssecretaris met de oorlog in Nederlands-Indië. Carel Erasmus, De Soldaat achterna; Op avontuur met Soldaat van oranje Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema Carel Erasmus en Floris Meinardi, Soldaat voor Ambon; De geheime missie van Soldaat van Oranje Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema (1917-2007 Tjaal Aeckerlin, Paradijsvogels en kroonduiven; Indische Nederlanders in voormalig Nieuw-Guinea Jan Sloot, Hoe God verscheen in Papoea; Nederlandse franciscanen in Papoea 1937-1987 Gerorge Harinck en Gerrit R. de Graaf (red., Van zending naar oecumene; Vijftig jaar gereformeerde zending op Papua, 1956-2006 Emile Leushuis, Gids historische stadswandelingen Indonesië

  9. Punase Risti nimetuse ja embleemi väärkasutamise ennetamine ja sanktsioneerimine : [magistritöö] / Martti Peetsalu ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Kristi Land

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peetsalu, Martti


    Tunnusmärkide kasutamisest (ajalooline ülevaade, kaitsval eesmärgil kasutamine, viitaval eesmärgil kasutamine, tunnusmärkide praktiline kasutamine), kaitsest, sanktsioneerimisest (riiklik järelevalve, vastutus, väärteod, kuriteod)

  10. [The history of Polish criminalistics and forensic medicine and their links to Austrian science]. (United States)

    Widacki, Jan


    The institution of the medical expert was already known in the early Polish courts. The first Chair of Forensic Medicine on Polish soil was established in 1805 at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and has existed until today. Among its most prominent forensic scientists are Prof. Fryderyk Hechell (1795-1851), Prof. Leon Blumenstock (1838-1895), who was the first to give regular lectures on forensic medicine for law students, and Prof. Leon Wachholz (1867-1941), who was a student of both Prof. Blumenstock and Prof. Eduard von Hofmann (1837-1897), under whose supervision he worked in Vienna. Under his guidance and supervision, he started to collect material for his habilitation. At that time, Hofmann was considered the pioneer of experimental research in forensic medicine. In Vienna, Wachholz was a guest scientist not only with Prof. von Hofmann, but also in the Psychiatric Hospital of Prof. Richard von Krafft-Ebing. After his return to Cracow, he was head of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the Jagiellonian University for several decades. Apart from forensic medicine in the strict sense of the word, he also worked in the fields now known as criminalistics, forensic psychiatry and criminology. In these latter fields, the influence of Krafft-Ebing was still noticeable. Three students of Wachholz became professors of forensic medicine: Jan Olbrycht, Stanislaw Horoszkiewicz and Włodzimierz Sieradzki. Their students founded a whole generation of forensic scientists. Today, all Polish forensic scientists are either directly or indirectly students of Professor Wachholz' successors.

  11. Žanr : suvelavastus? / Jaak Allik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Allik, Jaak, 1946-


    Kahekümnest suvisest teatriõhtust: Carlo Gozzi "Ronk" Tallinna Linnateatri lavaaugus (lavastaja Elmo Nüganen), Komöödiateatri suvetuuri lavastus "Elu parim puhkus" (lavastaja Ago-Endrik Kerge), muusikal "Tutvumiskuulutus" (lavastaja Mait Malmsten), Bernard Kangermanni laulumäng "Naabri Mari" (lavastaja Margus Vaher) ja Mara Zalite "Sirelikassid" (lavastaja Peeter Tammearu) Ugalas, Paul Barzi komöödia "Võimalik kohtumine" (lavastaja Raivo Trass) Vanemuise teatri suvelavastus Muhumaal Pädaste mõisas, muusikaline estraadietendus "Tähtede sadu", Endla "Tsirkus!!!" Paikuse-Reiu vabaõhulaval (autor ja lavastaja Tiit Palu), Andrus Kivirähki näidend "Uljas Neitsi" Laulasmaa Resort' rannametsas (lavastaja Taavi Teplenkov), Marti Kivastik "Eesti asi" (lavastaja Ingomar Vihmar) MTÜ Ühendus R.A.A.A.M. Viinistu kunstimuuseumi vabaõhulaval, Emajõe Suveteatri suvelavastus "Jumalaema kiriku kellamees" Victor Hugo romaani järgi (lavastaja Andres Dvinjaninov), "Muna EÜE ehk Viimane kava" (autor Lauri Vahtre, lavastaja Andrus Vaarik) Suure Munamäe vabaõhulaval, Aino Kalda "Reigi õpetaja" Kuressaares (lavastaja ja dramatiseerija Aare Toikka), Vana Baskini Teateris Pierre Chesnot "Kes aevastas?" (lavastaja Eino Baskin), Eduard Vilde romaani "Prohvet Maltsvet" ja vene kirjaniku Viktor Pelevini romaani aineil sündinud lavastus "Proffet" Albu vallas Kukenoosi rehealuses (lavastaja Mart Koldits), Enn Vetemaa "Roosiaed" Raasiku vallas Kiviloo mõisas (lavastaja Eva Klemets), Jim Ashilevi "Portselansuits" (lavastaja Lauri Lagle) Eesti Teatriliidu saalis, Andres Keili "Rooside sõda" Leigo Järveteatris (lavastaja Tõnu Lensment), Võru Teatriateljee suvelavastus Madis Kõivu "Castrozza ehk illusionist" (lavastaja Taago Tubin), Villu Tamme "Haned võlgu" (lavastaja ja kunstnik Jaanika Juhanson) Teatrilabor Von Krahli teatris

  12. Riiklike tervishoiuprogrammide juhtimine narkomaania riikliku ennetamise programmi ja HIV/AIDSi riikliku ennetamise programmi näidetel : [bakalaureusetöö] / Helen Trelin ; Õigusinstituut ; juhendaja: Eduard Raska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trelin, Helen


    Avalik sektor ja tänapäeva juhtimise põhimõtted, narkomaania ja HIV/AIDS riiklikud tervishoiuprogrammid, programmide juhtimine, alkoholismi ja narkomaania ennetamise programm 1997-2007, HIV/AIDS ennetamise riiklik programm 2002-2006

  13. Halduskohtumenetluse tõhustamise võimalused kinnipeetavate kaebuste menetlemisel : magistritöö / Kristi Kool ; juhendajad Madis Ernits, Ivo Pilving ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond, avaliku õiguse osakond

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kool, Kristi, 1993-


    Halduskohtumenetluse tõhustamisest kinnipeetavate asjade menetlemisel õigusliku regulatsiooni muutmisega, nii et regulatsioon oleks kooskõlas põhiseaduse, Euroopa inimõiguste ja põhivabaduste kaitse konventsiooni ja hartaga

  14. List of Organizing Committees and Sponsors (United States)


    Organizers DIRECTORS Maria L CalvoPresident of International Commission for Optics, Spain Aram V PapoyanDirector of Institute for Physical Research of NAS, Armenia HEADS OF PROJECT Tigran Dadalyan YSU, Armenia Artsrun MartirosyanIPR, Armenia COORDINATOR Narine GevorgyanIPR, Armenia / ICTP, Italy MANAGERS Paytsar MantashyanIPR, Armenia Karen VardanyanIPR, Armenia INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Marcis AuzinshLatvia Roland AvagyanArmenia Tapash ChakrabortyCanada Yuri ChilingaryanArmenia Eduard KazaryanArmenia Albert KirakosyanArmenia Radik KostanyanArmenia Avinash PandeyIndia Marat SoskinUkraine INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE David Sarkisyan (Chair)Armenia Roman AlaverdyanArmenia Dan ApostolRomania Levon AslanyanArmenia Aranya BhattacherjeeIndia Gagik BuniatyanArmenia Vigen ChaltykyanArmenia Roldao Da RochaBrazil Miltcho DanailovItaly Vladimir GerdtRussia Samvel GevorgyanArmenia Gayane GrigoryanArmenia Rafik HakobyanArmenia Takayuki MiyaderaJapan Levon MouradianArmenia Atom MuradyanArmenia Simon RochesterUSA Hayk SarkisyanArmenia Aleksandr VardanyanArmenia LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Narek AghekyanArmenia Anahit GogyanArmenia Melanya GrigoryanArmenia Armen HovhannisyanArmenia Lilit HovhannisyanArmenia Tatevik KhachatryanArmenia Astghik KuzanyanArmenia Satenik KuzanyanArmenia Vladimir LazarevRussia Lilit MantashyanArmenia Hripsime MkrtchyanArmenia Pavel MuzhikyanArmenia Wahi NarsisianArmenia Sahak OrdukhanyanArmenia Anna ReymersArmenia Narine TorosyanArmenia The Symposium was organized by YSU & NAS SPIE Armenian Student Chapter Institute for Physical Research (IPR) of National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University (RAU) LT-PYRKAL cjsc Yerevan State University (YSU) Official Sponsors of the Symposium LT-PYRKAlRussian ArmenianSPIE LT-PYRKAL cjscRussian-Armenian UniversityYSU & NAS SPIE Student Chapter Further sponsors NFSATICTPSCSADevout Generation National Foundation of Science and Advanced TechnologiesThe Abdus Salam International Centre

  15. New owner selected by Kremlin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beer, G.; Slovak, K.


    Today, we can say that with a high probability the new owner of a 49-percent stake in Transpetrol will become Gaspromneft, a subsidiary of the Russian giant Gasprom. The figures for last year were record-breaking. Revenues of 20.2 bil. USD and 3.6 bil. USD profit after tax. Slovakia has given in regarding the repurchase of Transpetrol shares. As an answer to TREND's question whether Slovakia would participate in the tender in which the bankruptcy trustee Eduard Rebun will offer for sale a company owning a stake in Transpetrol, the spokesman of the Ministry of Economy, Branislav Zvara, only provided a general answer that 'there are several solutions to this situation and so the representatives of all parties involved agreed that they would not inform the media before the transaction has been concluded. This concerns interim reports on progress should the situation develop in one of the expected directions.' In the opinion of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov the fate of the 49-percent stake owned by the Dutch company Yukos Finance should develop in favour of Russia and Slovakia. The Russian Prime Minister made this announcement after his meeting with the Slovak Prime Minister, Robert Fico. 'At all management levels there is an action plan agreed and we will solve this issue in a way favourable for both the countries,' quoted press agency RIS Novosti M. Fradkov. The Kommersant daily developed its ideas even further saying that the Slovak government should exchange Transpetrol for 'the promise of oil and gas deliveries'. Currently, gas utility Slovensky plynarensky priemysel is negotiating a new gas delivery contract. (authors)

  16. Amisulpride plus valproate vs haloperidol plus valproate in the treatment of acute mania of bipolar I patients: a multicenter, open-label, randomized, comparative trial

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    Pierre Thomas


    Full Text Available Pierre Thomas1, Eduard Vieta2 for the SOLMANIA study group1Department of Psychiatry, Fontan Hospital CHRU Lille, University of Lille 2, France; 2Bipolar Disorders Program, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM, Barcelona, SpainAbstract: The primary objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of combination treatment of valproate and amisulpride with that of valproate and haloperidol in bipolar I disorder. Adult inpatients with a current manic episode fulfilling DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for bipolar type I disorder were included. Patients were randomized to amisulpride (400–800 mg/day or haloperidol (5–15 mg/day for 3 months and all received valproate. The primary effectiveness criterion was the percentage of responders (defined by a decrease of ≥50% of the Y-MRS in patients completing the study. Safety was evaluated by adverse event reporting, determination of extrapyramidal function and clinical examination. Sixty-two patients were randomized to receive valproate-amisulpride, and 61 to receive valproate-haloperidol. At study end, responder rates were 72.6% in the amisulpride group and 65.5% in the haloperidol group. Remission rates were 83.9% and 89.7%, respectively. At study end, neither response rates nor remission rates differed significantly between groups. Treatment-emergent adverse events occurred significantly (p = 0.009 more frequently in the haloperidol group (86.4% than in the amisulpride group (66.1%. In conclusion, the valproate–amisulpride combination was as effective as the valproate – haloperidol combination in bipolar I patients, with a better safety profile.Keywords: amisulpride, valproate, haloperidol, clinical trial, mania, bipolar disorder

  17. Ítems de referencia para publicar Revisiones Sistemáticas y Metaanálisis: La Declaración PRISMA

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    David Moher


    Full Text Available Artículo original: Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The PRISMA Group. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement. PLoS Med. 2009;6:e1000097.The original authors have not revised and verified the Spanish translation, and not necessary endorse it. Los autores originales no han revisado ni verificado la traducción del manuscrito al español, y no necesariamente están de acuerdo con su contenido.Publicación del artículo original: 21 Julio 2009 Derechos: © 2009 Moher et al. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo las condiciones de The Creative Commons Attribution License, que permite el uso ilimitado, su distribución y reproducción en cualquier medio, siempre y cuando se acredite el autor y su fuente original.Procedencia: No comisionado; revisión científica externa. Para promover la publicación de la Declaración PRISMA, el artículo se ha publicado como acceso abierto y se puede encontrar en la página web de PLoS Medicine ( y también se ha publicado en Annals of Internal Medicine, BMJ, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, y Open Medicine. Los autores tienen unánimemente los derechos de este artículo. Para más detalles de su uso ver la página web de PRISMA (ón y adaptación al español: Mercedes Sotos-Prieto, Johana Prieto, Maria Manera, Eduard Baladia, Rodrigo Martínez-Rodríguez y Julio Basulto.Autor de correspondencia de la traducción: Mercedes Sotos-Prieto (

  18. Anatomy during the Third Reich--the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Marburg, as an example. (United States)

    Aumüller, G; Grundmann, K


    A complete documentation of German anatomical science and its representatives during the period of national socialism has not been published as yet--contrary to the situation in other medical disciplines. Instead of German anatomists, American anatomists have occasionally addressed this issue during their meetings and have reported on special aspects, such as the use of Nazi symbols in anatomical textbooks and atlases (Pernkopf 1952) and the use of corpses of justice victims for anatomical research and student education. Also, the genesis of the atrocious collection of "racial" skulls, initiated along with the SS-institution of the "Ahnenerbe" by the anatomist August Hirt of Strasbourg (who ordered more than 90 inmates from concentration camps to be murdered in the gas chamber built in the concentration camp of Natzweiler-Struthof close to Strasbourg, Alsace) has been described by Frederic Kasten and others. A broader view of the patterns of behaviour and political actions and fates of contemporary scientists, ranging from dismissal to clandestine opportunism, affirmative cooperation and fanatic activism can be obtained by the analysis of the activities in research, medical education and academic positions of the following members of the Institute of Anatomy at the Philipp-University in Marburg: Ernst Göppert, Eduard Jacobshagen, Ernst-Theodor Nauck, Adolf Dabelow, Helmut Becher and Alfred Benninghoff, whose activities and fates differ in several respects and allow more general deductions. Also, the individual fates of a number of prosecuted Jewish anatomists (Wassermann, München; Poll, Hamburg), of devoted and active members of the Nazi party (Clara, Leipzig; Blotevogel, Breslau) and of criminal fanatics (Hirt, Strasbourg; Kremer, Münster) are briefly discussed. The present contribution is an attempt to initiate a more detailed study of all German departments of anatomy during the Hitler regime and to generate a public discussion among the younger generation of

  19. Clinical Microbiology Laboratories' Adoption of Culture-Independent Diagnostic Tests Is a Threat to Foodborne-Disease Surveillance in the United States. (United States)

    Shea, Shari; Kubota, Kristy A; Maguire, Hugh; Gladbach, Stephen; Woron, Amy; Atkinson-Dunn, Robyn; Couturier, Marc Roger; Miller, Melissa B


    INTRODUCTIONIn November 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sent a letter to state and territorial epidemiologists, state and territorial public health laboratory directors, and state and territorial health officials. In this letter, culture-independent diagnostic tests (CIDTs) for detection of enteric pathogens were characterized as "a serious and current threat to public health surveillance, particularly for Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and Salmonella" The document says CDC and its public health partners are approaching this issue, in part, by "reviewing regulatory authority in public health agencies to require culture isolates or specimen submission if CIDTs are used." Large-scale foodborne outbreaks are a continuing threat to public health, and tracking these outbreaks is an important tool in shortening them and developing strategies to prevent them. It is clear that the use of CIDTs for enteric pathogen detection, including both antigen detection and multiplex nucleic acid amplification techniques, is becoming more widespread. Furthermore, some clinical microbiology laboratories will resist the mandate to require submission of culture isolates, since it will likely not improve patient outcomes but may add significant costs. Specimen submission would be less expensive and time-consuming for clinical laboratories; however, this approach would be burdensome for public health laboratories, since those laboratories would need to perform culture isolation prior to typing. Shari Shea and Kristy Kubota from the Association of Public Health Laboratories, along with state public health laboratory officials from Colorado, Missouri, Tennessee, and Utah, will explain the public health laboratories' perspective on why having access to isolates of enteric pathogens is essential for public health surveillance, detection, and tracking of outbreaks and offer potential workable solutions which will allow them to do this. Marc Couturier of

  20. Asukoha mõju kohaliku omavalitsusüksuse arengule = Influence of the location of the local government unit on the development of the local government unit / Kristi Lehto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehto, Kristi


    Inglise k. lk. 55-58. Uuringu tulemustest selgus, et enim oli kohaliku omavalitsuse asukohaga seotud üksikisiku tulumaks elaniku kohta ja rahvastikunäitajatest ülalpeetavate määr. Tabelid. Diagrammid

  1. Erki Uustalu loodab, et eestlastel jagub ka Euroopas Kaval-Antsule omast nutikust : Maksumaksja intervjuu rahvusvahelise maksunduse asjatundja Erki Uustaluga / Erki Uustalu ; interv. Imbi E. Kaljuste, Kristi Timmusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uustalu, Erki, 1976-


    Erki Uustalu on Leideni Ülikooli rahvusvahelise magistriprogrammi koordinaator ja juhatuse liige, õppinud Tartu Ülikooli õigusteaduskonnas (1994-1998), Helsingi Ülikoolis (1996-1997), Leideni Ülikoolis (1999-2000). Artiklile lisatud kommentaarid: Aare Kurist "Erki Uustalu on järginud oma kutsumust", Itzik Amiel "Erki Uustalu tabab olulisimat nii maksu- kui ka juriidilistes küsimustes", prof.dr. Kees van Raad "Maksuõigus on Erki elustiil", Kalle Kägi "EMLi jaoks rahvusvahelisi kontakte loonud Erki Uustalule on Eestis vähe mänguruumi", Lasse Lehis "EMSi mees Leidenis". Lisatud Erki Uustalu lühike biograafia ja tema bibliograafia

  2. Riigi rahvusvaheline vastutus erga omnes kohustuste rikkumisest Tðetðeenia relvakonflikti näitel : [bakalaureusetöö] / Martin Roger ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Kristi Land

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roger, Martin


    Riigi vastutuse üldisest iseloomust rahvusvahelises õiguses, teo omistatavus riigile, rahvusvahelise kohustuse rikkumine, Tshetsheenia konflikt kui siseriiklik relvastatud konflikt, Vene Föderatsiooni rahvusvahelise humanitaarõiguse rikkumised Tshetsheenia konfliktis, vastutuse rakendamine

  3. Vares ja kana : [valmid] / Ivan Krõlov ; tlk. Eduard Kansa, Mart Raud, Timotheos Kuusik, Johannes Semper, G. Õis, Arnold Tulik, Oskar Urgart, Jaan Kärner, Jakob Tamm, Erni Hiir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Krõlov, Ivan, 1768(1769)-1844


    Sisu: Vares ja Kana ; Moosekandid ; Vares ja Rebane ; Konn ja Härg ; Pirtsakas Näitsik ; Oraakel ; Rukkilill ; Tuli ja Metsatukk ; Hunt ja Talleke ; Pärdik ja Prillid ; Ahvid ; Tihane ; Eesel ; Kotkas ja Kanad ; Võimumees ja Mõttetark ; Koerte sõprus ; Kasujaotus ; Vaat ; Kvartett ; Teekäijad ja Koerad ; Hunt penilas ; Oja ; Rebane ja Mäger ; Rohutirts ja Sipelgas ; Luiskaja ; Kukk ja Pärlitera ; Jänes jahil ; Hunt ja Kägu ; Haug ja Kass ; Peremees ja Sulane ; Voor ; Elevant maavalitsejaks ; Eesel ja Ööbik ; Külamehe kimbatus ; Elevant ja Mops ; Hunt ja tema Kutsikas ; Kass ja Kokk ; Lõvi ja Sääsk ; Aednik ja Filosoof ; Haned ; Siga ; Vanamees ja kolm noorukit ; Kotkas ja Ämblik ; Lehed ja Juured ; Hunt ja Rebane ; Lohe ; Rästas ; Mehhaanik ; Trishka satter ; Tiik ja Jõgi ; Luik, Haug ja Vähk ; Erak ja Karu ; Mesilane ja Kärbsed ; Lõvi jahisaak ; Talupojad ja Jõgi ; Lilled ; Uudishimulik ; Kaastundlik Rebane ; Kogukonna koosolek ; Demjani kalasupp ; Tihane ja Tuvi ; Hiir ja Rott ; Peegel ja Ahv ; Sääsk ja Karjane ; Talupoeg ja Surm ; Hunt ja Karjased ; Lõvi ja Rebane ; Kamm ; Hunt ja Kurg ; Pilv ; Poiss ja Siug ; Maamees ja Siug ; Kägu ja Tuvike ; Kaks Vaati ; Töökas Karu ; Rebane ja Viinamarjad ; Karu võrgus ; Kirjamees ja Röövel ; Mölder ; Siga Tamme all ; Kärbes ja Mesilane ; Ämblik ja Mesilane ; Rebane ja Eesel ; Siug ja Talleke ; Ööbikud ; Peremes ja Lammas ; Kaks Külameest ; Kaks Koera ; Kass ja Ööbik ; Kalade tants ; Haug ; Habemenoad ; Hiired ; Hunt ja Kass ; Karjane ; Orav ; Damaskuse mõõk ; Koer ja Hobune ; Rebane ; Hundid ja Lambad ; Kägu ja Kukk

  4. The impact of pharmacist face-to-face counseling to improve medication adherence among patients initiating statin therapy

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    Duncan I


    Full Text Available Michael Taitel1, Jenny Jiang1, Kristi Rudkin2, Susan Ewing2, Ian Duncan 1Clinical Outcomes and Analytics, Walgreens, 2Corporate Innovation Team, Walgreens, Deerfield, Illinois, USAPurpose: To evaluate the impact of a community-based pharmacist-led face-to-face counseling program on medication adherence for patients who were new to therapy (NTT for statin medications.Patients and methods: This retrospective cohort study evaluated a program that was implemented in 76 national community pharmacies located in the midwest USA. It consisted of two face-to-face patient counseling sessions with a pharmacist that addressed patient barriers to adherence. A group of 2056 NTT statin patients was identified between September 1, 2010 and October 31, 2010, and was followed for 12 months. The intervention group consisted of 586 patients, and the comparison group comprised 516 patients. Outcomes were measured using the continuous medication possession ratio (MPR, categorical MPR, and medication persistency.Results: After adjusting for covariates, the intervention group had statistically greater MPR than the comparison group at every month measured. For example, at 12 months the intervention group had a MPR of 61.8% (CI, 54.5%–69.2% and the comparison group had a MPR of 56.9% (CI, 49.5%–64.3%; this 4.9% difference is significant (P < 0.01. The 12 month categorical MPR also showed significant differences between groups (χ2 = 6.12, P < 0.05; 40.9% of the intervention group and 33.7% of comparison group had a MPR greater than or equal to 80%. Finally, the intervention group had significantly greater persistency with their medication therapy than the comparison group at 60, 90, 120, and 365 days.Conclusion: Patients who participated in brief face-to-face counseling sessions with a community pharmacist at the beginning of statin therapy demonstrated greater medication adherence and persistency than a comparison group. This brief targeted intervention at the

  5. An innovative longitudinal curriculum to increase emergency medicine residents’ exposure to rarely encountered and technically challenging procedures

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    Grall KH


    Full Text Available Kristi H Grall,1 Lisa R Stoneking,1 Lawrence A DeLuca,1 Anna L Waterbrook,1 T Gail Pritchard,2,3 Kurt R Denninghoff1 1Department of Emergency Medicine, The College of Medicine, The University of Arizona, 2Office Medical Student Education, 3Office of Graduate Medical Education, The College of Medicine, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Background: Procedural skills have historically been taught at the bedside. In this study, we aimed to increase resident knowledge of uncommon emergency medical procedures to increase residents’ procedural skills in common and uncommon emergency medical procedures and to integrate cognitive training with hands-on procedural instruction using high- and low-fidelity simulation. Methods: We developed 13 anatomically/physiologically-based procedure modules focusing on uncommon clinical procedures and/or those requiring higher levels of technical skills. A departmental expert directed each session with collaboration from colleagues in related subspecialties. Sessions were developed based on Manthey and Fitch’s stages of procedural competency including 1 knowledge acquisition, 2 experience/technical skill development, and 3 competency evaluation. We then distributed a brief, 10-question, online survey to our residents in order to solicit feedback regarding their perceptions of increased knowledge and ability in uncommon and common emergency medical procedures, and their perception of the effectiveness of integrated cognitive training with hands-on instruction through high- and low-fidelity simulation. Results: Fifty percent of our residents (11/22 responded to our survey. Responses indicated the procedure series helped with understanding of both uncommon (65% strongly agreed [SA], 35% agreed [A] and common (55% SA, 45% A emergency medicine procedures and increased residents’ ability to perform uncommon (55% SA, 45% A and common (45% SA, 55% A emergency medical procedures. In addition, survey results

  6. Assessing the Medication Adherence App Marketplace From the Health Professional and Consumer Vantage Points. (United States)

    Dayer, Lindsey E; Shilling, Rebecca; Van Valkenburg, Madalyn; Martin, Bradley C; Gubbins, Paul O; Hadden, Kristie; Heldenbrand, Seth


    ratings are positively but weakly correlated with user-testing scores suggesting that our rating tool has some validity but that consumers and clinicians may assess adherence app quality differently. ©Lindsey E Dayer, Rebecca Shilling, Madalyn Van Valkenburg, Bradley C Martin, Paul O Gubbins, Kristie Hadden, Seth Heldenbrand. Originally published in JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth (, 19.04.2017.

  7. Counseling about gestational weight gain and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy: Canadian maternity care providers' self-evaluation

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    Ferraro ZM


    Full Text Available Zachary M Ferraro,1 Kaitlin S Boehm,1 Laura M Gaudet,2,3 Kristi B Adamo1,4,5 1Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 2Horizon Health Network, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada; 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; 4School of Human Kinetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, 5Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Introduction: There is discord between the recall of maternity care providers and patients when it comes to discussion of gestational weight gain (GWG and obesity management. Few women report being advised on GWG, physical activity (PA, and nutrition, yet the majority of health care providers report discussing these topics with patients. We evaluated whether various Canadian maternal health care providers can identify appropriate GWG targets for patients with obesity and determine if providers report counseling on GWG, physical activity, and nutrition. Methods: A valid and reliable e-survey was created using SurveyMonkey software and distributed by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada listserve. A total of 174 health care providers finished the survey. Respondents self-identified as general practitioners, obstetricians, maternal-fetal medicine specialists, midwives, or registered nurses. Results: GWG recommendations between disciplines for all body mass index categories were similar and fell within Health Canada/Institute of Medicine (IOM guidelines. Of those who answered this question, 110/160 (68.8% were able to correctly identify the maximum IOM GWG recommended for patients with obesity, yet midwives tended to recommend 0.5–1 kg more GWG (P = 0.05. PA counseling during pregnancy differed between disciplines (P < 0.01, as did nutrition counseling during pregnancy (P < 0.05. Conclusion: In

  8. Proloog : [luuletused] / Henrik Visnapuu ; [Impressioonid]: Viiu Härm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Visnapuu, Henrik, 1890-1951


    Sisu: Proloog ; Igavesti ; Kui kuurdub armulill ; Neitsi saunas ; Metsatalu ; Eokene eo-eo ; Õdango laul ; Langes lund, langes verist lund ; Sireli ; Ole tervitet, tervitet ; Kahe ääretuse vahel ; Jääb inimene ikka, ikka meil veel velleks : J. Kuperjanovi mälestuseks ; Ärge tapke inimest ; Noor-Eestile 1905-1915 1-3 ; Surnuk sõnade surise ; Autobiograafia ; Matsin mulda ; Jõuluöö ; Laske mul olla kurb ; Esimene kiri Inglile ; Teine kiri Ingile ; Kolmas kiri Ingile ; Neljas kiri Ingile ; Viies kiri Ingile ; Kuues kiri Ingile ; Seitsmes kiri Ingile ; Kaheksas kiri Ingile ; Üheksas kiri Ingile ; Kümnes kiri Ingile ; Maga Alaea ; Kuu on end riputand ; Ilo kavva on kahele ; Tartu oktoober 1-2, 5 ; Suur kirjanik on nagu vana vein : Eduard Vilde mälestusele ; Üle kodumäe ; Vana-aasta kuu 1 ; Meie aja muinasjutt ; kevad ; Vaikne palve ; Maarjamaa laulud 8 ; Sula unelm ; Koduhaldjas ; Valgus on lõhnavan lehen ; Heinakuu öö 1-2 ; Viimne teekond ; Ema lill ; Vana kell ; Kuuvalgus ; Umbra apocalyptica ; Öö ja päev ; Laul vabadusest ; Magdaleena : Jõuluöö legend 1-2 ; Hommik ; Tuisk ; Pööripäeva eel ; Nii pidulik valgus ; Sügav suvi ; Paadil ; Öö ja meres 1 ; Öö ja meres 2 ; Tulease ; Aed ja aeg ; Idaruum ; Vanaema surm ; Emale ; Endeline öö ; Õnnis suvine öö ; Leegitsev liiv ; Vanad talud ; Sõnatu kuu ; Nii kargelt hingab ; Vihkan kevadet ; Aastaajad : 1. Hiline öökülm ; 2. Hiline sügis ; 3. Sügav talv ; 4. Ma usun taas ; Rahu ; Mul on sinu pärast nii kitsas ; Üle värskete kalmuküngaste ; pea vastu ; Ikka viirastub ; Jõulutäht ; Nii suured on sinu mured ; Mis armas, kõik on tuna ; Viimne söömaaeg ; Astuge tasa ; Periheel ; Ingi haual ; Eksin tänavate kurrus ; Manamine ; Kuues küünal ; Astendus ; Vahimees, ons ikka veel öö ; Karukellad ; Lein ; Kutse ; Kõik muutub lauluks ; Suvine öö 1-2 ; Sügis 1-2 ; Talv ; Talveöö ; Astugem isamaa palge ette ; Viimne kevad

  9. Cognitive dysfunction in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: a systematic review of meta-analyses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bortolato B


    Full Text Available Beatrice Bortolato,1 Kamilla W Miskowiak,2 Cristiano A Köhler,3 Eduard Vieta,4 André F Carvalho3 1Department of Mental Health, ULSS 10 “Veneto Orientale”, Venice, Italy; 2Psychiatric Centre Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; 3Translational Psychiatry Research Group and Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil; 4Bipolar Disorders Program, Institute of Neuroscience, Hospital Clínic Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM, University of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Abstract: Cognitive impairment is a core feature of schizophrenia (SZ and bipolar disorder (BD. A neurocognitive profile characterized by widespread cognitive deficits across multiple domains in the context of substantial intellectual impairment, which appears to antedate illness onset, is a replicated finding in SZ. There is no specific neuropsychological signature that can facilitate the diagnostic differentiation of SZ and BD, notwithstanding, neuropsychological deficits appear more severe in SZ. The literature in this field has provided contradictory results due to methodological differences across studies. Meta-analytic techniques may offer an opportunity to synthesize findings and to control for potential sources of heterogeneity. Here, we performed a systematic review of meta-analyses of neuropsychological findings in SZ and BD. While there is no conclusive evidence for progressive cognitive deterioration in either SZ or BD, some findings point to more severe cognitive deficits in patients with early illness onset across both disorders. A compromised pattern of cognitive functioning in individuals at familiar and/or clinical risk to psychosis as well as in first-degree relatives of BD patients suggests that early neurodevelopmental factors may play a role in the emergence of cognitive deficits in both disorders. Premorbid intellectual impairment in SZ and at least in a

  10. EÜ/EL õiguse ülimuslikkus versus liikmesriikide põhiseaduste ülimuslikkus - vastuolud ja nende vältimise võimalused : [bakalaureusetöö] / Liis Lipre ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Kristi Land

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lipre, Liis


    Konstitutsiooniliste põrkumiste algus, Saksa konstitutsioonikohus Ühenduse õiguse ülimuslikkuse piirajana, Eesti õiguse ja ülimuslikkuse põhimõtte senised kokkupuuted, uuemad arengud, võimalikud lahendused kahe lähenemise lepitamiseks

  11. Noor eesti teater ja Noor-Eesti. Young Estonian Theatre and Young Estonia

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    Katri Aaslav-Tepandi


    connections with either theatre: none of them worked at ”Estonia” or ”Vanemuine”, nor did they hold positions in the respective Societies or boards of directors; neither did they have direct influence as creators of a new dramaturgy.Indirectly, however, Young Estonia’s relations with the theatre were very strong: they might even be regarded as the creators of a new idea of the theatre. The Young Estonians’ manifesto for the theatre was Teatri-raamat (Theatre-Book, published on the occasion of the opening of ”Estonia’s” new building in 1913. The authors represented in the volume were Bernhard Linde, Johannes Barbarus, Johannes Semper, Jaan Kärner, Anton Hansen Tammsaare, and Gustav Suits. In Teatri-raamat, Young Estonians critically analyze the development of Estonian theatre, and its place in Estonian culture in light of modern European currents in the arts (psychological realism, symbolism, impressionism, and expressionism. In this article, the ideals of the authors of Teatri-raamat are closely examined and compared with the counterarguments published in newspapers 1916 by Karl Menning, who had by then left the position of director of the Vanemuise theatre. Finally, we will consider the connections between the Young Estonia movement and the dramaturgy of its time, more specifically that of three writers for the theatre: August Kitzberg, Oskar Luts, and Eduard Vilde. Kitzberg interacted intensively with the Young Estonians without sharing their ideals concerning modern art. His plays Tuulte pöörises (In the Whirlwind, ”Enne kukke ja koitu” (Before Cock’s Crow at Dawn, Libahunt (Werewolf, and Kauka Jumal (The God of Kauka were highly esteemed by the Young Estonians. A more indirect influence of the Young Estonians can be seen in the case of young Oskar Luts, who like his contemporaries, was influenced by newer, more modern currents, especially symbolism, along with models such as Hamsun, Strindberg, and Maeterlinck. Luts wrote his plays Laul õnnest

  12. Ein Klassiker der Padagogik in Evolutionarer Perspektive: Eduard Sprangers "Lebensformen" im Lichte der Modernen Biologie (A Classic of Pedagogics from an Evolutionary Perspective: Edward Spranger's "Forms of Life" in the Light of Modern Biology). (United States)

    Neumann, Dieter


    Interprets Edward Spranger's "Forms of Life" against the background of the findings of modern biology. Shows how far Spranger's diagnosis of different human types, which are not affected by external influences on characteristics, conform with research hypotheses of modern biological sciences. (CAJ)

  13. The Effectiveness of eHealth Technologies on Weight Management in Pregnant and Postpartum Women: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Sherifali, Diana; Nerenberg, Kara A; Wilson, Shanna; Semeniuk, Kevin; Ali, Muhammad Usman; Redman, Leanne M; Adamo, Kristi B


    .55 kg, 95% CI -3.81 to -1.28) after 3 to 12 months and six studies found a nonsignificant reduction in weight gain for pregnant women (-1.62 kg, 95% CI -3.57 to 0.33) at approximately 40 weeks. This review found evidence for benefits of eHealth technologies on weight management in postpartum women only. Further research is still needed regarding the use of these technologies during and after pregnancy. ©Diana Sherifali, Kara A Nerenberg, Shanna Wilson, Kevin Semeniuk, Muhammad Usman Ali, Leanne M Redman, Kristi B Adamo. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 13.10.2017.

  14. Possible new ways in the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder and comorbid alcoholism

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    Jean-Michel Azorin


    Full Text Available Jean-Michel Azorin1, Charles L Bowden2, Ricardo P Garay3, Giulio Perugi4, Eduard Vieta5, Allan H Young61Department of Psychiatry, CHU Sainte Marguerite, Marseilles, France; 2Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, USA; 3CNRS-UMR 8162, Université Paris-Sud, and Hôpital Marie Lannelongue, Le Plessis-Robinson, France; 4Vincent P Dole Dual Diagnosis Team, Santa Chiara and University Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pisa, Italy; 5Clinical Institute of Neuroscience, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBER -SAM, Barcelona, Spain; 6Institute of Mental Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CanadaAbstract: About half of all bipolar patients have an alcohol abuse problem at some point of their lifetime. However, only one randomized, controlled trial of pharmacotherapy (valproate in this patient population was published as of 2006. Therefore, we reviewed clinical trials in this indication of the last four years (using mood stabilizers, atypical antipsychotics, and other drugs. Priority was given to randomized trials, comparing drugs with placebo or active comparator. Published studies were found through systematic database search (PubMed, Scirus, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Science Direct. In these last four years, the only randomized, clinically relevant study in bipolar patients with comorbid alcoholism is that of Brown and colleagues (2008 showing that quetiapine therapy decreased depressive symptoms in the early weeks of use, without modifying alcohol use. Several other open-label trials have been generally positive and support the efficacy and tolerability of agents from different classes in this patient population. Valproate efficacy to reduce excessive alcohol consumption in bipolar patients was confirmed and new controlled studies revealed its therapeutic benefit to prevent relapse in newly abstinent alcoholics and to improve alcohol hallucinosis. Topiramate

  15. Early history of the different forms of neurofibromatosis from ancient Egypt to the British Empire and beyond: First descriptions, medical curiosities, misconceptions, landmarks, and the persons behind the syndromes. (United States)

    Ruggieri, Martino; Praticò, Andrea D; Caltabiano, Rosario; Polizzi, Agata


    The earliest examples of neurofibromatosis (in this case type 1, NF1) can be traced in the Ebers Papyrus (Ancient Egypt, 1.500 B.C.), in a Hellenistic statuette (Smyrna, 323 B.C.), in the coinage of the Parthians kings (247 B.C.) and in some 13th century monks' drawings. These earlier examples are somewhat less well defined as compared to the most recent better defined reports credited as having NF1 including an Inca child mummy (1480-1650 AD), Ulisse Aldrovandi's homuncio ("Monstrorum Historia", 1592 A.D.) with mosaic NF1 or the illustrations seen in the 18th century "Buffon's Histoire Naturelle" and "Cruveilhier's Anatomie Pathologique du Corps Human". The first English language report on NF1 was made by Akenside in 1768 and the first systematic review by Robert William Smith in 1849, while Virchow's pupil, Friedrich Daniel von Recklinghausen, in 1882, was the first to understand the origin of skin tumors and to name them neurofibromas. The touching story of Joseph C. Merrick (the "Elephant man," (who had Proteus syndrome and not NF1), in 1884, played an important role in the later misconception of NF1, as did the novel by Vicotr Hugo on the hunchback Quasimodo. The studies by van der Hoeve (1921), Yakovlev and Guthrie (1931), and Van Bogaert (1935), categorized "von Recklinghausen's" neurofibromatosis among the phakomatoses and the neurocutaneous syndromes. The first known mention of an acoustic neuroma (at autopsy) is attributed to Eduard Sandifort (1777 AD) while John H. Wishart made the earliest autoptic description of neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2), in 1822, in a 21-year-old man with bilateral acoustic neuromas, who manifested signs since his infancy (Wishart subtype NF2). Smith likely described the first case of schwannomatosis in 1849. Older, Virchow, von Recklinghausen, and Verocay first classified "neuromas" and Masson and Penfield first used the word "schwannoma" taking it from Theodore Schwann's works. In 1903 Henneberg and Koch described NF2 in detail

  16. Holy images on blades: unique swords from the State Hermitage Museum (preliminary publication

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vsevolod Obraztsov


    Full Text Available The focus of this article are interesting rarities from the collection of the State Hermitage Museum - swords of the 17th-18th centuries with inscriptions in Greek and Slavonic, with images of Christian saints inlaid in gold. The authors offer the general characteristics of 17 exemplars of this kind of arms which are divided into several groups according to the shape of the hilt. A brief overview of the relatively few publications on this subject includes articles by Vasilii Prokhorov (1877; data from the Index of the Medieval Department of the Imperial Hermitage published by Nikodim Kondakov (1891, a catalogue of Count Sergei Sheremetev's collection of arms compiled by Eduard Lenz (1895, and a monograph by E. Astvatsaturian on Turkish arms from the collection of the State Historical Museum (2002. The authors pay special attention to the description and analysis of two swords from the Hermit- age collection. One of them belonged to Count Michail Miloradovich, and was presented to him in 1807 from the city of Bucharest. The second sword came to the Hermitage after the Bolshevik Revolution from the Marble Palace, the residency of the Grand Dukes Konstantinovichi. Besides the traditional inscriptions and images of the Virgin with Child crowned by angels, the blade bears a unique image of Byzantine Emperor Nikephoros Phokas blessed by Jesus Christ with both hands. There are also two cartouches with quotations from Psalms in Greek. The extremely rich décor of this sword and the unique depiction of the Byzantine Emperor leave no doubt that they were made on a special order. The authors connect the sword to the Greek Project initiated by the Russian Empress Catherine the Great. The main idea of the project was a restoration of the Byzantine Empire with Constantinople-Istanbul as its capital, where Grand Duke Konstantin, Catherine the Great's grandchild, would be ascended to the throne. This article is a preliminary publication of a project in process

  17. Effects and safety profile of betahistine in patients in the Russian contingent of OSVaLD, an open-label observational study in vestibular vertigo

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    Morozova SV


    Full Text Available Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Morozova,1 Natalia Stepanovna Alekseeva,2 Sergey Vasilyevich Lilenko,3 Eduard Ivanovich Matsnev,4 Oleg Anatol'evich Melnikov51Department of Ear, Nose, and Throat, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training, IM Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2Federal State Budgetary Institution, Scientific Neurology Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, 3St Petersburg Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech, St Petersburg, 4Department of Physiology and Pathology of Auditory and Vestibular Systems, Federal Scientific Center (FSC, Institute for Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS, Moscow, 5ANO Guta Clinic, Moscow, Russian Federation Background: We report here data from the >200 patients recruited in Russia to take part in OSVaLD, a 12-week, open-label, post-marketing surveillance study of the response to betahistine 48 mg/day in vertigo of peripheral vestibular origin carried out in a total of 13 countries.Methods: The primary efficacy endpoint was change in the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI; 100-point scale. Changes in Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS and Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form 36, version 2 (SF-36v2® scores were a priori secondary Outcomes.Results: Total DHI score improved by 43 points during betahistine treatment. This aggregate improvement was equally distributed across the three domains of the DHI (physical, emotional, and functional; P<0.0001 for main and subscore changes from baseline. Statistically significant improvements versus baseline were also observed in mean HADS scores for anxiety and depression (both P<0.0001, and in the Physical Component Summary and Mental Component Summary scores of the SF-36v2 (both P<0.0001 versus baseline. Only one suspected adverse drug reaction was recorded in the Russian safety population (n

  18. Concomitant psychiatric symptoms and impaired quality of life in women with cervical cancer: a critical review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Klügel S


    Full Text Available Stephanie Klügel,1 Caroline Lücke,1 Aurora Meta,1 Meike Schild-Suhren,2 Eduard Malik,2 Alexandra Philipsen,1 Helge HO Müller1,3 1Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Bad Zwischenahn, 2Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Oldenburg, 3Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany Abstract: Our aim was to summarize the current relevant literature on concomitant psychiatric symptoms with a focus on anxiety/depression in a population with gynecologic cancer; to identify the predictors, associated factors, and prevention strategies of psychiatric disorders; to examine psychiatric disorders in a population with recurrent gynecologic cancer; and to describe the limitations of the literature and future research areas. Little is known about attending psychiatric disorders in patients with gynecologic and other malignant diseases like cervical or breast cancer. However, patients suffering from other types of gynecologic cancer (eg, genital/cervical cancer may also have an increased risk of psychiatric symptoms. In this review, we identify the potential information deficits in this field. A two-rater independent literature search was conducted using the PubMed/Google Scholar search engines to systematically evaluate the literature on the research objectives, followed by a critical reflection on the results. Of the 77 screened studies, 15 met the criteria for inclusion in this review. Patients with gynecologic malignancies, especially cervical cancer, had a very high prevalence of psychiatric symptoms including depression (33%–52%. Additionally, the risk groups facing higher rates of concomitant reduced quality of life and increased psychiatric symptoms such as depression were identified. Specifically, low socioeconomic status, sexual inactivity, absence of a partner, and physical symptoms were correlated with an increased risk. Patients

  19. Evidence of Past Large Storms or Tsunamis from an Uplifted Section of the Southern Hikurangi Margin, Wairarapa Coast, New Zealand (United States)

    Mitchell, S. P.; Jessica, P.; Clark, K.; Kosciuch, T. J.; Reinhardt, E. G.


    Evidence of past large storms or tsunamis from an uplifted section of the southern Hikurangi margin, Wairarapa coast, New Zealand Stephen Mitchell1, Jessica Pilarczyk1, Kate Clark2, Thomas Kosciuch1, Eduard Reinhardt31University of Southern Mississippi, Department of Marine Science 2GNS Science, New Zealand 3McMaster University The Hikurangi margin, located along the east coast of New Zealand, has generated multiple tsunamigenic-earthquakes in the historic times that have impacted coastlines of the North Island. Knowledge of the possible magnitudes and recurrence intervals associated with Hikurangi earthquakes and tsunamis is necessary to understand and mitigate hazards facing New Zealand's coasts. Events such as the 1931 Napier earthquake, which caused severe ground shaking, and the Gisborne tsunami of 1947 that reached 10 meters high, demonstrate the earthquake and tsunami hazards associated with the Hikurangi margin. To better understand these hazards, longer-term geologic records are needed. Along the Wairarapa coast of the North Island of New Zealand, marine terraces provide evidence for multiple Hikurangi earthquakes over the past 7,000 years. Evidence for possible tsunami inundation in this area has also been discovered, but the record is patchy in spatial and temporal extent. We found three anomalous sand layers preserved within an uplifted beach exposure along the Wairarapa coast. The sand layers, consisting of very fine to coarse sand (3.5-0.8 Φ), sharply overlie paleosols containing fine to medium sized silt (6.1-7.1 Φ) in a sequence that extends for approximately 400 meters along shore. We assign a marine origin to the sand layers because they contain relatively high elemental concentrations of calcium and barium. By contrast, the paleosols contained relatively high elemental concentrations of iron. The marine sands contain evidence in support of tsunami inundation; rip-up clasts, coarse pulses, fining upward sequences, and erosive contacts were

  20. Töösuhte poolte vastanduvad huvid isikuandmete töötlemisel töösuhte erinevates etappides : [magistritöö] / Sirli-Kristi Käpa ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendajad: Seili Suder, Triin Göttig

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Käpa, Sirli-Kristi


    Töötaja isikuandmete töötlemise eesmärkidest, isikuandmete kaitse peamistest allikatest, mõistetest ja töötlemise üldpõhimõtetest. Isikuandmete töötlemisest töölepingu sõlmimise ettevalmistamisel ja töösuhte kestel töötaja kontrollimisega kaasnevast isikuandmete töötlemisest

  1. Committees (United States)


    Leadership Team of the IAHR Committee for Hydraulic Machinery and Systems Eduard EGUSQUIZA, UPC Barcelona, Spain, Chair François AVELLAN, EPFL-LMH, Switzerland, Past Chair Richard K FISHER, Voith Hydro Inc., USA, Past Chair Fidel ARZOLA, Edelca, Venezuela Michel COUSTON, Alstom Hydro, France Niklas DAHLBÄCKCK, Vatenfall, Sweden Normand DESY, Andritz VA TECH Hydro Ltd., Canada Chisachi KATO, University of Tokyo, Japan Andrei LIPEJ, Turboinstitut, Slovenija Torbjørn NIELSEN, NTNU, Norway Romeo SUSAN-RESIGA, 'Politehnica' University Timisoara, Romania Stefan RIEDELBAUCH, Stuggart University, Germany Albert RUPRECHT, Stuttgart University, Germany Qing-Hua SHI, Dong Fang Electrical Machinery Co., China Geraldo TIAGO, Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Brazil International Advisory Committee Shouqi YUAN (principal) Jiangsu University China QingHua SHI (principal) Dong Fang Electrical Machinery Co. China Fidel ARZOLA EDELCA Venezuela Thomas ASCHENBRENNER Voith Hydro GmbH & Co. KG Germany Anton BERGANT Litostroj Power doo Slovenia B C BHAOYAL Research & Technology Centre India Hermod BREKKE NTNU Norway Stuart COULSON Voith Hydro Inc. USA Paul COOPER Fluid Machinery Research Inc USA V A DEMIANOV Power Machines OJSC Russia Bart van ESCH Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Netherland Arno GEHRER Andritz Hydro Graz Austria Akira GOTO Ebara Corporation Japan Adiel GUINZBURG The Boeing Company USA D-H HELLMANN KSB AG Germany Ashvin HOSANGADI Combustion Research and Flow Technology USA Byung-Sun HWANG Korea Institute of Material Science Korea Toshiaki KANEMOTO Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan Mann-Eung KIM Korean Register of Shipping Korea Jiri KOUTNIK Voith Hydro GmbH & Co. KG Germany Jinkook LEE Eaton Corporation USA Young-Ho LEE Korea Maritime University Korea Woo-Seop LIM Hyosung Goodsprings Inc Korea Jun MATSUI Yokohama National University Japan Kazuyoshi Mitsubishi H I Ltd, Japan MIYAGAWA Christophe NICOLET Power Vision Engineering Srl Switzerland Maryse PAGE Hydro

  2. Development of a novel sports medicine rotation for emergency medicine residents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Waterbrook AL


    Full Text Available Anna L Waterbrook,1 T Gail Pritchard,2 Allison D Lane,1 Lisa R Stoneking,1 Bryna Koch,2 Robert McAtee,1 Kristi H Grall,1 Alice A Min,1 Jessica Prior,1 Isaac Farrell,1 Holly G McNulty,1 Uwe Stolz1 1Department of Emergency Medicine, 2Office of Medical Student Education, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA Abstract: Musculoskeletal complaints are the most common reason for patients to visit a physician, yet competency in musculoskeletal medicine is invariably reported as a deficiency in medical education in the USA. Sports medicine clinical rotations improve both medical students' and residents' musculoskeletal knowledge. Despite the importance of this knowledge, a standardized sports medicine curriculum in emergency medicine (EM does not exist. Hence, we developed a novel sports medicine rotation for EM residents to improve their musculoskeletal educational experience and to improve their knowledge in musculoskeletal medicine by teaching the evaluation and management of many common musculoskeletal disorders and injuries that are encountered in the emergency department. The University of Arizona has two distinct EM residency programs, South Campus (SC and University Campus (UC. The UC curriculum includes a traditional 4-week orthopedic rotation, which consistently rated poorly on evaluations by residents. Therefore, with the initiation of a new EM residency at SC, we replaced the standard orthopedic rotation with a novel sports medicine rotation for EM interns. This rotation includes attendance at sports medicine clinics with primary care and orthopedic sports medicine physicians, involvement in sport event coverage, assigned reading materials, didactic experiences, and an on-call schedule to assist with reductions in the emergency department. We analyzed postrotation surveys completed by residents, postrotation evaluations of the residents completed by primary care sports medicine faculty and orthopedic chief residents, as well as the

  3. Internet Searches and Their Relationship to Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Cross-Sectional Analysis. (United States)

    Austin, Johanna; Hollingshead, Kristy; Kaye, Jeffrey


    engines. Participants averaged 3.08 words per search (SD 1.6) and 5.77 letters per word (SD 2.2). Individuals with higher cognitive function used more unique terms per search (beta=.39, P=.002) and employed less common terms in their searches (beta=1.39, P=.02). Cognitive function was not significantly associated with the length of the words used in the searches. These results suggest that early decline in cognitive function may be detected from the terms people search for when they use the Internet. By continuously tracking basic aspects of Internet search terms, it may be possible to detect cognitive decline earlier than currently possible, thereby enabling proactive treatment and intervention. ©Johanna Austin, Kristy Hollingshead, Jeffrey Kaye. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 06.09.2017.

  4. Time-variable medical education innovation in context

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stamy CD


    Full Text Available Christopher D Stamy,1 Christine C Schwartz,1 Danielle A Phillips,2 Aparna S Ajjarapu,3 Kristi J Ferguson,4,5 Debra A Schwinn6–8 1University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, 2Des Moines University Osteopathic Medical Center, Des Moines, 3University of Iowa, 4Office of Consultation & Research in Medical Education, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, 5Department of Internal Medicine, 6Department of Anesthesia, 7Department of Biochemistry, 8Department of Pharmacology, University of Iowa Health Care, Iowa City, IA, USA Background: Medical education is undergoing robust curricular reform with several innovative models emerging. In this study, we examined current trends in 3-year Doctor of Medicine (MD education and place these programs in context. Methods: A survey was conducted among Deans of U.S. allopathic medical schools using structured phone interview regarding current availability of a 3-year MD pathway, and/or other variations in curricular innovation, within their institution. Those with 3-year programs answered additional questions. Results: Data from 107 institutions were obtained (75% survey response rate. The most common variation in length of medical education today is the accelerated 3-year pathway. Since 2010, 9 medical schools have introduced parallel 3-year MD programs and another 4 are actively developing such programs. However, the total number of students in 3-year MD tracks remains small (n=199 students, or 0.2% total medical students. Family medicine and general internal medicine are the most common residency programs selected. Benefits of 3-year MD programs generally include reduction in student debt, stability of guaranteed residency positions, and potential for increasing physician numbers in rural/underserved areas. Drawbacks include concern about fatigue/burnout, difficulty in providing guaranteed residency positions, and additional expense in teaching 2 parallel curricula. Four vignettes of

  5. Kohapärimuslik luule nädalalehes Das Inland / Die Sagendichtung in der Wochenschrift Das Inland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liina Lukas


    Full Text Available Das spätromantische Interesse für Ortsüberlieferungen, angeregt von den “Deutschen Sagen” (1816–1818 der Brüder Grimm, blühte im Baltikum in den 1830er und 1840er Jahren auf und gipfelte – im estnischen Sprachgebiet – in der zweisprachigen Ausgabe des estnischen Nationalepos “Kalevipoeg” / “Kalew’s Sohn” (1857–1861, dem Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald seine Endgestalt gab, aber das von mehreren Sammlern und Bearbeitern geprägt wurde. Literarische Bearbeitungen von Volkssagen fanden schnell ihren Weg in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften, in Gedichtbände und Anthologien – oft in modischer Balladenform, die dem mythisch-romantischen Inhalt der Volkssage am besten zu entsprechen schien. Die Blütezeit der Sagendichtung im Baltikum sind die 1840er Jahre, als vor allem in der Zeitschrift „Das Inland“ mehrere dichterischen Bearbeitungen estnischer und lettischer Volkssagen erschienen (von Heinrich Blindner, Otto Dreistern, Eduard Pabst, Minna von Mädler, Theodor Rutenberg, Robert Falck, P. Otto u. a. 1845 erschien hier das nach einer Sage von Friedrich Robert Faehlmann verfasste Gedicht „Koit und Hämarik / Morgenroth und Abendroth“ von Minna von Mädler – fünf Jahre vor der Fassung von Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwalds estnischsprachiger Ballade „Koit ja Hämarik“. Zwischen 1831 und 1836 verfasste Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald seine deutschsprachigen Balladen, von denen „Die Belagerung von Bewerin im Jahre 1207“ 1846 im „Inland“ gedruckt wurde. Das Jahr 1846 kann als „Balladenjahr“ der Zeitschrift bezeichnet werden. Die eigentliche Domäne der deutschbaltischen (lyro-epischen Dichtung ist die historische Ballade, die fußend auf baltischen Chroniken und Familiengeschichten zumeist von Ruinen alter Schlösser und den sie einst bewohnenden historischen Personen und deren Heldentaten berichtet. Doch schon im Jahre 1847 kann man im Inland die Kritik gegenüber diesem Balladenboom vernehmen, u.a. mit dem

  6. PREFACE: IV Nanotechnology International Forum (RUSNANOTECH 2011) (United States)

    Dvurechenskii, Anatoly; Alfimov, Mikhail; Suzdalev, Igor; Osiko, Vyacheslav; Khokhlov, Aleksey; Son, Eduard; Skryabin, Konstantin; Petrov, Rem; Deev, Sergey


    Sciences, Professor Anatoly Dvurechenskii (Institute of Semiconductor Physics, RAS). Nanomaterials Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Mikhail Alfimov (Photochemistry Center, RAS), Professor Igor Suzdalev (Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS), Member of Russian Academy of Science, Professor Vyacheslav Osiko (Prokhorov General Physics Institute, RAS), Member of Russian Academy of Science, Professor Aleksey Khokhlov (Physical department of Moscow State University). Nanotechnology and green energy Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Eduard Son (Joint Institute for High Temperatures, RAS). Nanotechnology in Healthcare and Pharma Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Konstantin Skryabin (Bioengineering Center, RAS), Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Rem Petrov (RAS), Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Sergey Deev (Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry).

  7. Mu süda on mägedes : [luuletused] / Robert Burns ; tlk. Ralf Parve, Ants Oras, Urmas Tõnisson, Kullo Vende, Mart Mäger, Georg Eduard Luiga, Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald, Karl August Hermann, Johannes Vau, Lydia Koidula, Ado Grenzstein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Burns, Robert, 1759-1796


    Sisu: Mu süda on mägedes ; Hing mägises Shotis ; Mu isa oli farmer ; Künnipoiss ; Noor neiu vanal mehel ; Vana Rob Morris ; Meg veskilt ; Veski-Meg ; Willie pruulis õlut ; John Odratera ; Hägisele ; Shotlased, nüüd seiske kindlad! ; Invernessi neid ; Kuradi tants aktsiisiametnikuga ; Macphersoni hüvastijätt / tlk. Ralf Parve ; Macphersoni hüvastijätt / / tlk. Ants Oras ; Nii ja naa ; Hiirele ; Eleegia Peg Nicholsoni surma puhul ; Vaga Willie palve ; Epitaaf vagale Willièle ; Värsid poeet Fergussoni portree alla ; Lõikuskuu laul ; On kaldal kõrkjad reas ; Mu arm on nagu ruske roos ; Mu arm... ; Oo, mu arm on verev, verev roos ; Esimene suudlus lahkudes ; Mõte karmist saatusest ; Oh näeksin tühja nõmme peal ; Kui näeksin ; "Kui üksi olles näeksid, neid..." ; Käies pikas rohus ; Värsiread ; Mind naine tihti taob ; Rõõmus lesk ; Willie Wastleì naine ; Mul on naine ; John Anderson / tlk. Urmas Tõnisson ; Jaan Anderson / tlk. Karl August Hermann ; Sügiselaul ; Kündja ja lill ; Kodu ; Ometi ; Kõige kiuste ; Kui õis, mis õitseb heinamaal ; Põlev armastus ; Hans ja Krõõt : [luuletused]. Epigramme: Raamatukoi ; Impromptu ; Puudus. Ammustele aegadele : [luuletus]. Autori kohta eluloolisi andmeid lk. 179

  8. Motoorika areng eelkoolieas ning selle mõju õpiedukusele esimeses klassis = The development of motor at preschool age and its influence on academic achievement in their first form : I koht magistritööde kategoorias / Kristi Heilman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Heilman, Kristi


    Uuringu ülesandeks oli välja selgitada koolieelikute liigutusoskuste tase sõltuvalt liikumistundide arvust lasteaia õppenädalas ja püüda välja selgitada liikumisoskuste mõju lapse õpiedukusele esimeses klassis

  9. “Viimne reliikvia” ja “Kolme katku vahel”: ruumist eesti ajalookirjanduse ekraniseeringutes / The Last Relic and Between Three Plagues: On Space in Film Adaptations of Estonian Historical Fiction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Näripea


    Full Text Available Teesid: Artikkel keskendub kahele ajalooromaani ekraniseeringule Nõukogude Eesti filmikunstis: „Viimne reliikvia“ (1969, rež Grigori Kromanov, Tallinnfilm, mis põhineb Eduard Bornhöhe romaanil „Vürst Gabriel ehk Pirita kloostri viimsed päevad“ (1893, ning „Kolme katku vahel“ (1970, rež Virve Aruoja, Eesti Telefilm, mille seosed oma kirjandusliku allikaga (Jaan Krossi samanimelise romaaniga on oluliselt keerulisemad. Ekraniseeringuid käsitletakse ruumirepresentatsioonide perspektiivist, uurides, missuguseid strateegiaid kasutati filmiruumide loomisel, kuidas suhestuti kirjandusliku (lähtematerjaliga ning millised ajaloonarratiivi ja rahvusliku identiteedi vahekorrad neis kangastuvad. SU M M A R Y This article examines two Soviet Estonian screen adaptations of historical novels: The Last Relic (Viimne reliikvia, Tallinnfilm, 1969, directed by Grigori Kromanov, based on Eduard Bornhöhe’s novel Prince Gabriel or The Last Days of Pirita Monastery (1893, which became a box-office hit throughout the Soviet Union and even beyond; and Between Three Plagues (Kolme katku vahel, Eesti Telefilm, 1970, directed by Virve Aruoja which reached much more limited TV-audiences; the connections between this film and its literary „source“ (a novel of the same name by Jaan Kross are much more complicated. These screen adaptations are considered from the perspective of spatial representations. I examine which strategies and devices the scriptwriters, directors and production designers drew upon when constructing these cinematic spaces and how they related to their literary hypotexts. As generally for adaptations of historical novels to other media, both The Last Relic and Between Three Plagues speak (perhaps even primarily about their time of production, about the present rather than the past. In this regard, it is important to recall the role of Tallinn’s Old Town as a locus of resistance in Soviet Estonian culture. Arguably

  10. Socorro Students Translate NRAO Web Pages Into Spanish (United States)


    Six Socorro High School students are spending their summer working at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) on a unique project that gives them experience in language translation, World Wide Web design, and technical communication. Under the project, called "Un puente a los cielos," the students are translating many of NRAO's Web pages on astronomy into Spanish. "These students are using their bilingual skills to help us make basic information about astronomy and radio telescopes available to the Spanish-speaking community," said Kristy Dyer, who works at NRAO as a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow and who developed the project and obtained funding for it from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The students are: Daniel Acosta, 16; Rossellys Amarante, 15; Sandra Cano, 16; Joel Gonzalez, 16; Angelica Hernandez, 16; and Cecilia Lopez, 16. The translation project, a joint effort of NRAO and the NM Tech physics department, also includes Zammaya Moreno, a teacher from Ecuador, Robyn Harrison, NRAO's education officer, and NRAO computer specialist Allan Poindexter. The students are translating NRAO Web pages aimed at the general public. These pages cover the basics of radio astronomy and frequently-asked questions about NRAO and the scientific research done with NRAO's telescopes. "Writing about science for non-technical audiences has to be done carefully. Scientific concepts must be presented in terms that are understandable to non-scientists but also that remain scientifically accurate," Dyer said. "When translating this type of writing from one language to another, we need to preserve both the understandability and the accuracy," she added. For that reason, Dyer recruited 14 Spanish-speaking astronomers from Argentina, Mexico and the U.S. to help verify the scientific accuracy of the Spanish translations. The astronomers will review the translations. The project is giving the students a broad range of experience. "They are

  11. Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists clinical practice guidelines for mood disorders. (United States)

    Malhi, Gin S; Bassett, Darryl; Boyce, Philip; Bryant, Richard; Fitzgerald, Paul B; Fritz, Kristina; Hopwood, Malcolm; Lyndon, Bill; Mulder, Roger; Murray, Greg; Porter, Richard; Singh, Ajeet B


    , Professor John O'Brien, Professor Harold Sackeim, Professor Jan Scott, Dr Nobuhiro Sugiyama, Professor Eduard Vieta, Professor Lakshmi Yatham. Professor Marie-Paule Austin, Professor Michael Berk, Dr Yulisha Byrow, Professor Helen Christensen, Dr Nick De Felice, A/Professor Seetal Dodd, A/Professor Megan Galbally, Dr Josh Geffen, Professor Philip Hazell, A/Professor David Horgan, A/Professor Felice Jacka, Professor Gordon Johnson, Professor Anthony Jorm, Dr Jon-Paul Khoo, Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, Dr Cameron Lacey, Dr Noeline Latt, Professor Florence Levy, A/Professor Andrew Lewis, Professor Colleen Loo, Dr Thomas Mayze, Dr Linton Meagher, Professor Philip Mitchell, Professor Daniel O'Connor, Dr Nick O'Connor, Dr Tim Outhred, Dr Mark Rowe, Dr Narelle Shadbolt, Dr Martien Snellen, Professor John Tiller, Dr Bill Watkins, Dr Raymond Wu. © The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 2015.

  12. Adaptive and active materials: selected papers from the ASME 2012 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 12) (Stone Mountain, GA, USA, 19-21 September 2012) (United States)

    Seelecke, Stefan; Erturk, Alper; Ounaies, Zoubeida; Naguib, Hani; Huber, John; Turner, Travis; Anderson, Iain; Philen, Michael; Baba Sundaresan, Vishnu


    The fifth annual meeting of the ASME/AIAA Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems Conference (SMASIS) was held in beautiful Stone Mountain near Atlanta, GA. It is the conference's objective to provide an up-to-date overview of research trends in the entire field of smart materials systems. This was reflected in keynote speeches by Professor Eduard Arzt (Institute of New Materials and Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany) on 'Micro-patterned artificial 'Gecko' surfaces: a path to switchable adhesive function', by Professor Ray H Baughman (The Alan G MacDiarmid NanoTech Institute, University of Texas at Dallas) on 'The diverse and growing family of carbon nanotube and related artificial muscles', and by Professor Richard James (University of Minnesota) on 'The direct conversion of heat to electricity using multiferroic materials with phase transformations'. SMASIS 2012 was divided into eight symposia which span basic research, applied technological design and development, and industrial and governmental integrated system and application demonstrations. • SYMP 1. Development and characterization of multifunctional materials. • SYMP 2. Mechanics and behavior of active materials. • SYMP 3. Modeling, simulation and control of adaptive systems. • SYMP 4. Integrated system design and implementation. • SYMP 5. Structural health monitoring/NDE. • SYMP 6. Bio-inspired materials and systems. • SYMP 7. Energy harvesting. • SYMP 8. Structural and materials logic. This year we were particularly excited to introduce a new symposium on energy harvesting, which has quickly matured from a special track in previous years to an independent symposium for the first time. The subject cuts across fields by studying different materials, ranging from piezoelectrics to electroactive polymers, as well as by emphasizing different energy sources from wind to waves and ambient vibrations. Modeling, experimental studies, and technology applications all

  13. Peer review statement (United States)


    All papers published in this volume of Journal of Physics: Conference Series have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the editors of the 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems proceedings. Reviews were conducted by expert referees from the International Technical Committee to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing. The members of the Scientific Committee who selected and reviewed the papers included in the Proceedings of the 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems are: Yulin WU Tsinghua University China François AVELLAN EPFL-LMH Switzerland (principal) Xingqi LUO Xi'an University of Sci & Tech China Martin BÖHLE Kaiserslautern University Germany Gerard BOIS Arts et Métiers ParisTech France Luca D'AGOSTINO University of Pisa Italy Eduard EGUSQUIZA Polytechnical University Catalonia Spain Richard FISHER Voith Hydro Inc USA Regiane FORTES-PATELLA Institute Polytechnique de Grenoble France Aleksandar GAJIC University of Belgrade Serbia Wei YANG China Agriculture University China YinLu YOUNG University of Michigan USA Adrian LUNGU Dunarea de Jos University of Galati Romania Arpad FAY University of Miskolcz Hungary José GONZÁLEZ Universidad de Oviedo Spain Baoshan ZHU Tsinghua University China Hongxun CHEN Shanghai University China Chisachi KATO University of Tokyo Japan Zhenyue MA Dalian University of Sci & Tech China Honggang FAN Tsinghua University China François GUIBAULT Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Canada Pengcheng GUO Xian University of Technology China Leqing WANG Zhejiang University China Toshiaki IKOHAGI Tohoku University Japan Jiandong YANG Wuhan University China Jianzhong ZHOU Huazhong University of Sci & Tech China Jinwei LI NULL China Rennian LI Lanzhou University of Sci & Tech China Houlin LIU NULL China Juan LIU Tsinghua University China Shuhong LIU Tsinghua University China Xianwu LUO Tsinghua University China Michihiro NISHI Tsinghua

  14. Quittr: The Design of a Video Game to Support Smoking Cessation. (United States)

    Bindoff, Ivan; de Salas, Kristy; Peterson, Gregory; Ling, Tristan; Lewis, Ian; Wells, Lindsay; Gee, Peter; Ferguson, Stuart G


    with using the app, and what proportion of users successfully abstain from smoking for 28 days, based on user-reported data and verified against a biochemical baseline using cotinine tests. We describe a novel, and theoretically-informed mobile app design approach that has a broad range of potential applications. By using the virtual currency approach, we remove the need for the game to comprehensively integrate the healthy activity as part of its actual play mechanics. This opens up the potential for a wide variety of health problems to be tackled through games where no obvious play mechanic presents itself. The implications of this app are that similar approaches may be of benefit in areas such as managing chronic conditions (diabetes, heart disease, etc), treating substance abuse (alcohol, illicit drugs, etc), diet and exercise, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating), and various phobias. ©Ivan Bindoff, Kristy de Salas, Gregory Peterson, Tristan Ling, Ian Lewis, Lindsay Wells, Peter Gee, Stuart G Ferguson. Originally published in JMIR Serious Games (, 01.12.2016.

  15. Peer review statement (United States)


    All papers published in this Volume 12 of IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science have been peer reviewed through processes administered by the editors of the 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems proceedings, Professor Romeo Susan-Resiga, Dr Sebastian Muntean and Dr Sandor Bernad. Reviews were conducted by expert referees from the Scientific Committee to the professional and scientific standards expected of a proceedings journal published by IOP Publishing. The members of the Scientific Committee who selected and reviewed the papers included in the Proceedings of the 25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems are: Anton ANTONTechnical University of Civil Engineering, BucharestRomania François AVELLANEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de LausanneSwitzerland Fidel ARZOLAEDELCAVenezuela Thomas ASCHENBRENNERVoith Hydro Gmb H & Co. KG, HeidenheimGermany Anton BERGANTLitostroj Power d.o.o., LjubljanaSlovenia Gerard BOISENSAM, LilleFrance Hermod BREKKENTNU, TrondheimNorway Stuart COULSON Voith Hydro Inc., YorkUSA Eduard EGUSQUIZAPolytechnical University Catalonia BarcelonaSpain Arpad FAYUniversity of MiskolczHungary Richard FISHERVoith Hydro Inc., York USA Regiane FORTES-PATELLAInstitut Polytechnique de GrenobleFrance Aleksandar GAJICUniversity of BelgradeSerbia Arno GEHRERAndritz Hydro GrazAustria José GONZÁLEZUniversidad de OviedoSpain François GUIBAULTEcole Polytechnique de MontrealCanada Chisachi KATOUniversity of TokyoJapan Kwang-Yong KIMInha University, IncheonKorea Jiri KOUTNIKVoith Hydro Gmb H & Co. KG, HeidenheimGermany Adrian LUNGUDunarea de Jos University of GalatiRomania Christophe NICOLETPower Vision Engineering Sàrl, LausanneSwitzerland Torbjøm K. NIELSENNTNU, TrodheimNorway Michihiro NISHIKyushu Institute of TechnologyJapan Maryse PAGEHydro Quebec IREQ, VarennesCanada Etienne PARKINSONAndritz Hydro LtdSwitzerland František POCHYLYBrno UniversityCzech Republic Stefan RIEDELBAUCHVoith Hydro Gmb H & Co. KG

  16. Towards Horizon 2020: challenges and advances for clinical mental health research – outcome of an expert survey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    van der Feltz-Cornelis CM


    Full Text Available Christina M van der Feltz-Cornelis,1–3 Jim van Os,4,6 Susanne Knappe,5 Gunter Schumann,6 Eduard Vieta,7 Hans-Ulrich Wittchen,5 Shôn W Lewis,8 Iman Elfeddali,2,9 Kristian Wahlbeck,10,11 Donald Linszen,4 Carla Obradors-Tarragó,12,13 Josep Maria Haro12–141Trimbos Instituut, Utrecht, 2Tilburg University, Tranzo Department, Tilburg, 3GGz Breburg, Tilburg, 4Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, South Limburg Mental Health Research and Teaching Network, Euron, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, the Netherlands; 5Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy and Center for Epidemiology and Longitudinal Studies, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany; 6Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, London, UK; 7Institute of Neuroscience, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain; 8School of Community-Based Medicine, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK; 9Department of Health Promotion/School of Public Health and Primary Care, Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands; 10The Nordic School of Public Health, Gothenburg, Sweden; 11National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland; 12Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental, Madrid, 13Research and Development Unit, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Fundació Sant Joan de Déu, Sant Boi de Llobregat, 14Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, SpainBackground: The size and increasing burden of disease due to mental disorders in Europe poses substantial challenges to its population and to the health policy of the European Union. This warrants a specific research agenda concerning clinical mental health research as one of the cornerstones of sustainable mental health research and health policy in Europe. The aim of this research was to identify the top priorities needed to address the main challenges in clinical research for mental disorders.Methods: The research was conducted as an

  17. Munch y el expresionismo alemán

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rocamora García Iglesias, Carmen


    Full Text Available Not available

    Recogemos en este artículo, el movimiento cultural surgido en Alemania, como consecuencia de la primera Guerra Mundial, tomando como antecedente a Eduard Munch, nacido en Oslo, (Noruega, quien fue el primer artista que quiso reflejar en sus lienzos la desesperación extrema del hombre en su punto de mayor tensión, basada en la soledad y el sufrimiento, pintando «seres de la vida normal que respiran, sienten, aman, sufren, enferman y mueren».......
    A continuación , enumeramos los artistas que se integraron en los tres grandes grupos expresionistas: «EL PUENTE», «EL JINETE AZUL» y «LA NUEVA OBJETIVIDAD» narrando sus vidas, influencias y patetismo, expresado con una agresividad de estilo que no tiene precedentes en la Historia de la Pintura, y cuyo común denominador, es la aversión por la armonía y la belleza, mezclando lo grotesco con lo cínico, ensalzando la fealdad, la miseria física, la brutalidad y la grosería.
    Pero queremos hacer un llamamiento muy especial al lector de este estudio, para concienciarle de que este movimiento no solo se produjo en el arte, sino en las demás manifestaciones de la Cultura, que, basándose en el sentimiento revolucionario del momento, hicieron surgir, en el plano filosófico, las teorías psico-analíticas de Edmund Freud, la crítica del racionalismo de Bergson, la idea de la «negación» de Nietszche, el desprecio de la poesia tradicional de Strindberg, el teatro protesta de Bertold Brecht, la desaparición de la armonia en la música Dodecafònica con Shonberg, el rompimiento de la representación de la realidad, junto con la aparición de la Abstracción con Kandinsky, y finalmente la desintegración del átomo, como avance científico número uno, que dio lugar, años después, nada menos que a la primera bomba atómica....... Todo ello, constituye la vanguardia que, abarcando la totalidad de las formas artísticas, culturales filosóficas y cient

  18. C-reactive protein in outpatients with acute exacerbation of COPD: its relationship with microbial etiology and severity

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    Gallego M


    Full Text Available Miguel Gallego,1–3 Xavier Pomares,1,3 Silvia Capilla,4 Maria Angeles Marcos,5,6 David Suárez,7 Eduard Monsó,1–3,* Concepción Montón1,8,* 1Department of Respiratory Medicine, Hospital de Sabadell, Institut Universitari Parc Taulí-UAB, Sabadell, 2Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Esfera UAB, Barcelona, 3CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias, CIBERES, Bunyola, 4Laboratory of Microbiology, Institut Universitari Parc Taulí-UAB, Sabadell, 5Department of Clinical Microbiology, Hospital Clínic, 6ISGlobal, Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB, Hospital Clínic, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, 7Epidemiology and Assessment Unit, Fundació Parc Taulí, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Sabadell, 8Health Services Research on Chronic Diseases Network-REDISSEC, Galdakao, Spain *These authors contributed equally to this work Background: C-reactive protein (CRP measurement has proven valuable for detecting exacerbations, but its usefulness in predicting etiology remains controversial. Likewise, its potential value as a marker of severity, which is well established in patients with pneumonia, remains unproven in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD exacerbations. Methods: A cohort study of 118 patients with severe COPD and acute infectious exacerbations were included and followed up over 1 year. Episodes of exacerbations meeting Anthonisen’s criteria type I–II were evaluated, analyzing the etiology and inflammatory response as measured by CRP in blood. Results: A total of 380 episodes were recorded. Full microbiological analysis was available in 265 samples. Haemophilus influenzae was the most commonly isolated bacteria and rhinovirus the most common virus. Median CRP levels from the 265 episodes were higher in the cases with positive cultures for bacteria (58.30 mg/L, interquartile range [IQR] 21.0–28.2 than in episodes only positive for viruses (37.3 mg/L, IQR 18.6–79.1 and cases negative for any

  19. International Symposium on Optics and its Applications (OPTICS-2011) (United States)

    Bhattacherjee, Aranya B.; Calvo, Maria L.; Kazaryan, Eduard M.; Papoyan, Aram V.; Sarkisyan, Hayk A.


    the direction of their further studies. We are confident that the publication of the Symposium proceedings in JPCS, a worldwide-known open access journal, will help to disseminate and promote current activities in optics, thus facilitating international cooperation and the integration of Armenian scientists into the worldwide optical community. We would like to thank the sponsors of the Symposium: National Foundation of Science and Advanced Technologies (NFSAT), The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), LT-PYRKAL, State Committee of Science of Armenia, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, and Devout Generation Foundation. We also express our gratitude to the members of the Program Committee for their organization of the manuscript reviewing. Special thanks go to Narine Gevorgyan, Lilit Mantashyan and Paytsar Mantashyan for their invaluable assistance in the compilation of this issue. The Editors, Aranya B Bhattacherjee, University of Delhi, India Maria L Calvo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Eduard M Kazaryan, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Armenia Aram V Papoyan, Institute for Physical Research of NAS, Armenia Hayk A Sarkisyan, Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University, Armenia OPTICS group photograph Participants of OPTICS-2011 in front of Yerevan State University Group in Khor Virap Participants of OPTICS-2011 in Khor Virap The PDF also contains additional photographs from the Symposium.

  20. Česká literární moderna v časopise Aus fremden Zungen — čtyři příklady prostředkování // Czech literary modernism in the journal Aus fremden Zungen — four examples of mediation

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    Lucie Merhautová


    Full Text Available The study focuses on Bronislav Wellek, Adolph Donath, Camill Hoffmann, Oskar Wiener and Otto Hauser and their translations and articles on modern Czech literature published in the German journal Aus fremden Zungen (1891–1910. This fortnightly established by Joseph Kürschner dealt exclusively with foreign literature. Its openness to all kinds of literary currents and little-known minor literatures was unique within the system of German literary journals. A comparison indicates the key role played by mediators. The primary requirement for their activity was multilingualism, and it turns out that in the case of all the figures under consideration, language did not necessarily have the nationally symbolic significance ascribed by politics, and their identity basically did not depend on their use of one language or another. The progress and success of this mediation was not just decided by the literary standard of the translation, but all five translators were concerned to improve the standard of translation, as well as to change the approach to translation in general. The choice of text and its succeeded publication was determined by the involvement of the mediators in the Czech and German literary context. Hence Bronislav Wellek focused primarily on translations and interpretations of poetry by Jaroslav Vrchlický and J. S. Machar, whom he knew personally and who also introduced him to their own literary and intellectual circles. It was thanks to Vrchlický that he printed his translations in Eduard Albert’s anthologies Poesie aus Böhmen (1893–1895. Machar was responsible for other translations, e.g. Hilbert’s drama Vina, which Hermann Bahr was to help promote in the German-language sphere. Between 1896 and 1898, Adolph Donath attempted to build up his position as mediator between the Moderní revue circle and some representatives of Viennese modernism (e.g. Karl Kraus, Peter Altenberg and Felix Rappaport. For Aus fremden Zungen he

  1. Safety, tolerability, and risks associated with first- and second-generation antipsychotics: a state-of-the-art clinical review

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    Solmi M


    Full Text Available Marco Solmi,1,2 Andrea Murru,3 Isabella Pacchiarotti,3 Juan Undurraga,4,5 Nicola Veronese,2,6 Michele Fornaro,7,8 Brendon Stubbs,2,9–11 Francesco Monaco,2 Eduard Vieta,3 Mary V Seeman,12 Christoph U Correll,13,14 André F Carvalho2,15 1Neuroscience Department, University of Padua, 2Institute for Clinical Research and Education in Medicine, Padua, Italy; 3Bipolar Disorders Unit, Institute of Neuroscience, Hospital Clínic, University of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain; 4Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Clínica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo, 5Early Intervention Program, J. Horwitz Psychiatric Institute, Santiago, Chile; 6National Research Council, Ageing Section, Padua, 7Laboratory of Molecular and Translational Psychiatry, Department of Neuroscience, School of Medicine, University “Federico II”, Naples, Italy; 8New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA; 9Health Service and Population Research Department, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, 10Physiotherapy Department, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London, 11Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK; 12Institute of Medical Science, Toronto, ON, Canada; 13Department of Psychiatry Research, Zucker Hillside Hospital, Northwell Health, Glen Oaks, 14Department of Psychiatry and Molecular Medicine Hempstead, Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine, Hempstead, NY, USA; 15Translational Psychiatry Research Group and Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil Abstract: Since the discovery of chlorpromazine (CPZ in 1952, first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs have revolutionized psychiatric care in terms of facilitating discharge from hospital and enabling large numbers of patients with severe mental illness (SMI to be treated in the community. Second

  2. Bernhard Linde. Noor-Eesti vooriülem. Bernhard Linde. Leader of the Young Estonian Pack

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    Jaanus Kulli


    figure and historian Eduard Laaman has pointed out that the historical picture of Young Estonia would be incomplete without Bernhard Linde. It was Laaman who, in view of Linde’s business instincts, dubbed him Young Estonia’s ”leader of the pack”, a label that stuck. While fulfilling the responsibilities of the group’s general secretary and business manager (the Estonian word asjaajaja has a broad connotational field Linde carried most of the burden of Young Estonia’s correspondence. Though he often protested against the designation, the term general manager seems most precisely to characterize Linde’s activities in the context of Young Estonia, since the group’s financial matters and problems connected with its publishing activities were largely his to handle. Compared with his organizational work, his own literary contributions from the Young Estonia era were modest. Young Estonia’s fifth and last album was published in 1915. The last text specifically about Young Estonia authored by a member of the movement was Bernhard Linde’s ”Noor-Eesti” kümme aastat (Young Estonia: Ten Years, also mostly written that same year, though not published until 1919 (publication date on the title page was 1918, reprinted 2005. This text is a systematic historical overview of the movement which continues to offer valuable perspectives for today’s reader.

  3. Saksa kirjandus Noor-Eesti ajal. Young Estonia and German Literature

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    Liina Lukas


    Full Text Available Impelled by a desire to free themselves from the German influence that had dominated the development of Estonian literature, and from the one-sided relation of cultural dependence that had lasted several hundred years, the Young Estonia movement sought to modernize Estonian literature through borrowing from other European literatures, in particular from French, Scandinavian, and Finnish. This article seeks to clarify the relative importance and selection criteria of translations from German literature for the literary field of the Young Estonia era. Further, I seek to elucidate Young Estonia’s contribution to the renewal of these selection criteria in the first, but more importantly the second decade of the 20th century. The long list of translations from German to Estonian at the beginning of the century speaks of the ”light Muse” of German family newspapers, with an admixture of the following: naturalist light fiction with a social theme and social drama; the historical novel (great favourite of the era of historicism, trendy fiction for both feminine and masculine audiences, and an overwhelming proportion of ”Heimatskunst” (literature of local colour. In the first and second decade of the new century, new names appear on the Estonian literary scene that signal a change in taste. For example, naturalist authors (Kretzer, Hauptmann, Halbe, Dehmel crop up sporadically amidst texts meant for leisure reading. Although the first translations of Nietzsche only appeared in 1901, already in 1902 critics had reason to speak of ”Nietzsche in Estonian literature”. 1910 marked the breakthrough of Viennese modernism in the Estonian literary field (Schnitzler, Altenberg, Bahr. Under the influential protection of the Young Estonians (Suits, Kallas, and published by the Young Estonia Publishing House, Baltic German novellawriter Eduard Keyserling enters the Estonian literary scene. Though ”mass consumption” literature from Germany continued

  4. EDITORIAL: Fluctuations and noise in photonics and quantum optics: a special issue in memory of Hermann Haus (United States)

    Abbott, Derek; Shapiro, Jeffrey H.; Yamamoto, Yoshihisa


    This Special Issue of Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics brings together the contributions of various researchers working on theoretical and experimental aspects of fluctuational phenomena in photonics and quantum optics. The topics discussed in this issue extend from fundamental physics to applications of noise and fluctuational methods from quantum to classical systems, and include: bullet Quantum measurement bullet Quantum squeezing bullet Solitons and fibres bullet Gravitational wave inferometers bullet Fluorescence phenomena bullet Cavity QED bullet Photon statistics bullet Noise in lasers and laser systems bullet Quantum computing and information bullet Quantum lithography bullet Teleportation. This Special Issue is published in connection with the SPIE International Symposium on Fluctuations and Noise, held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on 1-4 June 2003. The symposium contained six parallel conferences, and the papers in this Special Issue are connected to the conference entitled `Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics'. This was the first in a series of symposia organized with the support of the SPIE that have greatly contributed to progress in this area. The co-founders of the symposium series were Laszlo B Kish (Texas A&M University) and Derek Abbott (The University of Adelaide). The Chairs of the `Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics' conference were Derek Abbott, Jeffrey H Shapiro and Yoshihisa Yamamoto. The practical aspects of the organization were ably handled by Kristi Kelso and Marilyn Gorsuch of the SPIE, USA. Sadly, less than two weeks before the conference, Hermann A Haus passed away. Hermann Haus was a founding father of the field of noise in optics and quantum optics. He submitted three papers to the conference and was very excited to attend; as can be seen in the collection of papers, he was certainly present in spirit. In honour of his creativity and pioneering work in this field, we have

  5. Jutustuse ja romaani vahel: Elisabeth Aspe linn. Between a story and a novel : Elisabeth Aspe’ s town

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    Elle-Mari Talivee


    Full Text Available The following article analyses the description of towns in the short novels of Elisabeth Aspe: Kasuõde (Stepsister, 1887, Ennosaare Ain (Ain From Ennosaare Farm, 1888, Anna Dorothea (1891 and Aastate pärast (After Many Years, 1910. Aspe (1860–1927, one of the first Estonian female writers and an early realist, lived on the town border of Pärnu in south-west Estonia. During this historically interesting period, towns grew rapidly, but the ideology initiated by the national awakening movement concentrated on the idea of a nation being tightly bound to the countryside. Aspe’s works are like a litmus test of her time, and were influenced by German authors (Ottilie Wildermuth, W. Heimburg and Eugenie Marlitt, as well as by the Estonian national awakening period. Her first (epistolary novel is based on a pure opposition between the city and the country; in her later novels, the emphasis has changed: the contrasts are suddenly more ambivalent. One possible explanation is the impelling emergence of city thematics, and the early city novel replacing the village story – a process that began in Estonian literature at that time – resulting in a more complicated picture than a simple black-and-white opposition. This was a period of mapping, describing and exploring the townscape with curiosity and eagerness; also, it was a period of warning social criticism. For example, Eduard Vilde wrote a novel about factories consuming their workers, and men from country villages coming to a town. It was also a time of a fight for Estonia’s own town space, persuading the Estonian reader that he/she had the same right to live in towns, and even to govern towns, as the existing upper classes from other nationalities. In Ain From Ennosaare Farm, the protagonist has a double Estonian- German identity, belonging simultaneously to the town and to the countryside; finally, he acknowledges his ethnic origin. Throughout Aspe’s novels, the word “city” has a

  6. Eesti autobiograafilise kirjutuse kujunemisest 18. sajandist Teise maailmasõjani. The Development of Estonian Autobiographical Writing from the 18th Century to the Second World War

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    Rutt Hinrikus


    : “Märt Mitt`s life story, told in a manner connected with history”. Other recollections of Estonian peasants appeared at the very end of the 19th century, including Gustav Malts’ stories about Estonian settlers in the Crimea. Autobiographical writing oriented toward documenting somebody’s life was regarded merely as “material” and distinct from literary or fictional writing. With little persuasion, Gustav Malts handed over the first version of his memoirs to a writer; relying heavily on Malts’ manuscript, Eduard Vilde composed his historical novel Prophet Maltsvet in 1905–1908. Among the recollections of the peasants, the so-called Jaan Kuldkepp Chronicle is one of the most original. Jaan Kuldkepp uses folk history and family heritage, attempting in his Chronicle to combine fictional and documentary material. The first Estonian-language memoirs were published in the early 20th century, mainly at the end of 1920s and the beginning of the 1930s; by that time the generation who had received their education in the 19th century reached an age during which memoirs are traditionally written. Two writers who blazed the path were August Kitzberg (An Old Windhover’s Memories of Youth, 1924-25 and Lilli Suburg (The Suburg Family, 1923-24. They do not limit themselves to local historical events or the family history style of ‘what life was like in the old times’, but instead strive to give an overview of the characteristic socio-cultural processes of the period. The number of printed memoirs increased year by year, and by the end of the 1930s it amounted to ten books per year. The authors were mostly journalists and writers. There were few women writers, but their memoirs attracted attention. Lilli Suburg was one of the first autobiography writers, Marta Lepp was a legendary female revolutionary, and Mari Raamot was the founder of the Defence League’s women’s corps’ “Women’s Home Defence”. In the 1930s many of the prominent Estonian writers

  7. PREFACE: Rusnanotech 2010 International Forum on Nanotechnology (United States)

    Kazaryan, Konstantin


    Deputy Director, Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, RussiaProf Vladimir Kvardakov, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of SciencesExecutive Director, Kurchatov Center of Synchrotron Radiation and Nanotechnology, RussiaProf Edward Son, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of SciencesScientific Deputy Director, Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, RussiaProf Andrey GudkovSenior Vice President, Basic Science Chairman, Department of Cell Stress Biology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USAProf Robert NemanichChair, Department of Physics, Arizona State University, USAProf Kandlikar SatishProfessor, Rochester Institute of Technology, USAProf Xiang ZhangUC Berkeley, Director of NSF Nano-scale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC), USAProf Andrei ZvyaginProfessor, Macquarie University, AustraliaProf Sergey KalyuzhnyDirector of the Scientific and Technological Expertise Department, RUSNANO, RussiaKonstantin Kazaryan, PhDExpert of the Scientific and Technological Expertise Department, RUSNANO, Russia, Program Committee SecretarySimeon ZhavoronkovHead of Nanotechnology Programs Development Office, Rusnanotech Forum Fund for the Nanotechnology Development, Russia Editors of the proceedings: Section "Nanoelectronics" - Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Anatoly Dvurechenskii (Institute of Semiconductor Physics, RAS).Section "Nanophotonics" - Professor Vasily Klimov (Institute of Physics, RAS).Section "Nanodiagnostics" - Professor P Kashkarov (Russian Scientific Center, Kurchatov Institute).Section "Nanotechnology for power engineering" - Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Eduard Son (Joint Institute for High Temperatures, RAS).Section "Catalysis and chemical industry" - Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Valentin Parmon (Institute of Catalysis SB RAS).Section "Nanomaterials" - E Obraztsova, PhD (Institute of Physics, RAS), Marat Gallamov Ph

  8. Book Reviews

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    Redactie KITLV


    : KITLV Press, 2002, viii + 246 pp. [Proceedings 5.], Nico Kaptein (eds -Anton Ploeg, William C. Clarke, Remembering Papua New Guinea; An eccentric ethnography. Canberra: Pandanus Books, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, 2003, 178 pp. -Nathan Porath, Gerco Kroes, Same hair, different hearts; Semai identity in a Malay context; An analysis of ideas and practices concerning health and illness. Leiden: Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies (CNWS, Universiteit Leiden, 2002, 188 pp. -Guido Sprenger, Grant Evans, Laos; Culture and society. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 1999, xi + 313 pp. -Gerard Termorshuizen, Dik van der Meulen, Multatuli; Leven en werk van Eduard Douwes Dekker. Nijmegen: SUN, 2002, 912 pp. -Paige West, Karl Benediktsson, Harvesting development; The construction of fresh food markets in Papua New Guinea. Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies/Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2002, xii + 308 pp. -Edwin Wieringa, Amirul Hadi, Islam and state in Sumatra; A study of seventeenth-century Aceh. Leiden: Brill, 2004, xiii + 273 pp. [Islamic History and Civilization, 48.] -Robin Wilson, Pamela J. Stewart ,Remaking the world; Myth, mining and ritual change among the Duna of Papua New Guinea. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002, xvi + 219 pp. [Smithsonian Series in Ethnographic Enquiry.], Andrew Strathern (eds

  9. PREFACE: XIV Mexican School on Particles and Fields (United States)

    Bashir, Adnan; Contreras, Guillermo; Raya, Alfredo; Tejeda-Yeomans, Maria Elena


    de Física de Altas Energías. At a personal level, we are very grateful to Dr Juan Carlos D'Olivo (President of the Red Nacional de Física de Altas Energías), Dr Pedro Mata Vázquez (Director of COECyT), Dr Ricardo Becerril Bárcenas (Director of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics, UMSNH), Dr Rigoberto Vera Mendoza (Director of the Faculty of Science, UMSNH) and Dr José Napoleón Guzmán Ávila (Coordinator of Scientific Research, UMSNH) for their invaluable support in all organizational matters, which enabled the school to become a reality. We gratefully acknowledge the help of our colleagues in the organizing committee: Alexis Aguilar, Alejandro Ayala, Wolfgang Bietenholz, Alberto Güijosa, Gabriela Murguía, Sarira Sahu (UNAM), Eduard de la Cruz Burelo, Abdel Pérez-Lorenzana (CINVESTAV), Elena Cáceres (UCOL), David Delepine (UG), Mariana Kirchbach (UASLP), Ildefonso León (UAS), Juan Carlos Arteaga-Velázquez (for his impeccable work in managing the web page of the school) and Víctor Villanueva (UMSNH). Most of them contributed to the extra work involved in refereeing the contributions submitted for this publication. Many thanks also go to all the student volunteers for the efficiency and dedication with which they carried out their duties. At the registration desk, we relied on the hard work of Xiomara Gutiérrez, Enif Gutiérrez (UMSNH) and Mara Diaz Pancardo. Several post docs and PhD students provided invaluable support in all organizational matters: Adolfo Huet, Cliffor Compeán, Rocío Bermúdez, Saúl Sánchez, Anabel Trejo, Iraís Rubalcava, Khépani Raya, José Juan González, Saúl Hernández Ortiz (UMSNH), Alfredo Galaviz, and Alan Aganza (USON). Their help in carrying out the organization of the school was essential and without their collaboration, this school would not have been the same. We also acknowledge the help of the administrative secretary Maria Esperanza Jaramillo of IFM (UMSNH). We would like to take this opportunity to thank


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    Наталія МАСІЯН


    роизвело положительное влияние на развитие региона в целом.Masian N. Chernovits evangelical religious community as a component of Bukovynean religious palette: formation, development and importance in cultural diversity of the region. The aim of research is investigation of the reasons of evangelical religious community origin, its influence at cultural and educational development of Bukovina is a great significance for understanding the impact of segment of multicultural area on modern worldview of religious and cultural variety of region. The article basis is made on the documents of the archived funds of Evangelic religious community of Chernivtsi, Bukovynean regional administration, Chernivtsi city magistracy, researches of the Austrian historians and researchers of a particular region of Johann Polek, Kornelij Kozak, Eduard Fisher about protestantism on Bukovyna and history of development of Chernivtsi evangelic community. Especially valuable information is got from the statistical reports of the Bukovynean regional administration, results of censuses of population of Bukovyna in relation to intensity of distribution of evangelists, from documents about regulation activity of community and any associations of members of community, that open educator, their cultural and educational and social meaningful activity. The Community united christians-evangelists that lived in cities Chernivtsi, Kizman, Sadagura, suburbs of Rosh and Kalichanka, villages of Molodia, Tarashany, Szuchka and Lashkivka and entered in the complement of Chernivtsi evangelic parsonage. There were used such research methodologies like descriptive – generalization of sources; comparative – for analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific theories. Scientific novelty consists in determining the role of evangelical community to form a multireligious and multi-ethnicity of our region. Conclusions. There were traditionally many different confessions in

  11. Encyclopedia of Information Ethics and Security

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    Reviewed by Yavuz AKBULUT


    from an Islamic Perspective/Salam Abdallah Information Security and the ―Privacy Broker‖/Michael Douma and Eduard J.Gamito Information Security Policies for Networkable Devices/Julia Kotlarsky, IlanOshri, and Corey Hirsch Information Security Policy Research Agenda/Heather Fulford and Neil Doherty Internet and Suicide/Dianne Currier Internet Piracy and Copyright Debates/Paul Sugden Internet Research Ethics Questions and Considerations/Elizabeth Buchanan Interviews with Young People using Online Chat/Elza Dunkels and AnnBrittEnochsson Intrusion Detection and Information Security Audits/Terry T. Kidd and Robert K.Hiltbrand Investigation Strategy for the Small Pedophiles World/Gianluigi Me Managed Services and Changing Workplace Ethics/Alan Sixsmith Managing the Environmental Impact of Information Technology/Laurel EvelynDyson Measuring Ethical Reasoning of IT Professionals and Students/MohammadAbdolmohammadi and Jane Fedorowicz Meta View of Information Ethics/Charles R. Crowell and Robert N. Barger Mitigation of Identity Theft in the Information Age/Reggie Becker, Mark B.Schmidt, and Allen C. Johnston Mobile Agents and Security/Fei Xue Modelling Context-Aware Security for Electronic Health Records/Pravin Shettyand Seng Loke Moral Rights in the Australian Public Sector/Lynley Hocking Multimodal Biometric System/Ajita Rattani, Hunny Mehrotra, and PhalguniGupta Objective Ethics for Managing Information Technology/John R. Drake Parental Rights to Monitor Internet Usage/Benjamin J. Halpert Patient Centric Healthcare Information Systems in the U.S./NilminiWickramasinghe Pedagogical Framework for Ethical Development/Melissa Dark, Richard Epstein,Linda Morales, Terry Countermine, Qing Yuan, Muhammed Ali, Matt Rose, andNathan Harter Personal Information Ethics/Sabah S. Al-Fedaghi Pharming AttackDesigns/Manish Gupta and Raj Sharman Port Scans/Jalal Kawash Privacy and Access to Electronic Health Records

  12. From Editor

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    Ugur Demiray


    increased manifold, especially for the management programme. The 17th article is from USA and entiled as “Strategies For Online Educators”, written by Kristy MOTTE from Liberty University. Her explores research regarding some current strategies for teaching online for both new and current online instructors. The practices examined include training, organizing the course, remaining proactive, providing regular and timely communication, maintaining a presence in the classroom, facilitating effective discussion boards, scaffolding, and desiring to improve one’s online instruction. By utilizing these techniques in one’s courses, online instructors are several steps closer to successful and satisfied students excited to continue learning in the online environment. The 18th article titled designing instructional activities appropriate to electronic and virtual learning environments. The suggested model is guided by learning principles of cognitivism, constructivism, and connectivism learning theories in order to help online learners to build and acquire meaningful knowledge and experiences. The proposed model consists of four dynamic dimensions: Cognitive presence activities; Psychological presence activities; Social presence activities; and Mental presence activities. The 19th article once more from Turkey on “Technology Related Expectations of Turkish As A Second Language Learners At Hacettepe University”, written by Dr. Mahir KALFA, Hacettepe University, Turkish Education Center, Ankara, TURKEY. The presented paper will be focus on mainly for motivation of the current study is to explore the technology enhanced language learning expectations of students attending language courses at HUTOMER (Hacettepe University Turkish And Foreign Language Teaching, Research And Implementation Center. The study is also set out to determine the general perceptions of the HUTOMER students toward the language education they receive. The 20th article from Malaysia, which is titled as