
Sample records for kriiska lembi lugas

  1. Opportunities and Challenges of Large Investment Projects in the New Economy: the Port of Ust-Luga

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Popodko Galina


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to search for a mechanism for implementing large investment projects of crucial economic importance in the modern economic conditions characterized by the sanction policy of foreign states, limited public investment, and a mass exodus of foreign investors. An example of a large-scale investment project is the construction of a multipurpose multimodal complex — the commercial seaport of Ust-Luga. This is one of the most recent large projects in seaport infrastructure development. This article estimates the project’s significance for the development of the Baltic region and presents a competitive analysis of the seaport position in comparison to the largest European ports. The authors analyze the strengths of the seaport construction project, namely, the favorable natural environment and climate, advantageous geographical position, strong political will demonstrated by the federal and regional authorities. The article also considers the challenges the project faces — unfortunate geopolitical situation, growing competition from other seaports, and lack of investment. Based on the analysis of challenges, it is concluded that there are significant risks associated predominantly with lack of investment. In these conditions, a large investment project requires the enhancement of public-private partnership, which will ensure the timely implementation of such projects

  2. Altkäemaksu võtnud ametnik osutus ka aaretekütiks / Tanel Mazur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mazur, Tanel, 1971-


    Aardejahist ja metalliotsija kasutamisest kinnismuististel Narva linnaametniku Vassili Zablotski juhtumi põhjal. Kommenteerivad muinsuskaitseameti õigusnõunik Reesa Paatsi ja Aivar Kriiska Tartu ülikooli ajaloo- ja arheoloogia instituudist. Lisatud: altkäemaksu eest tingimisi vangi

  3. Selgusid kirjanduse aastapreemiate saajad / Rein Veidemann ; komment. Karl Martin Sinijärv, Viivi Luik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veidemann, Rein, 1946-


    Eesti Kultuurkapitali aastapreemiad: Kristiina Ehini luulekogu "Kaitseala" ja Jürgen Rooste luulekogu "Ilusaks inimeseks", Piret Raud "Sanna ja salakütid", Merle Karusoo näidend "Misjonärid", Madis Kõivu artiklikogumik "Luhta-minek". Tõlkepreemiad tõlkijatele Anu Saluäär, Heili Einasto, Lembi Loigu, Veronika Kivisilla, Risto Järv. Vabaauhind Käbi Laretei. Artiklipreemia Aare Pilv. Venekeelse autori kirjandusauhind Gohar Markosjan-Käsper, Svetlan Semenenko

  4. Reading bones / Lembi Lõugas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõugas, Lembi, 1967-


    Eesti Teadusfondi projektist "Uute meetodite rakendamine osteo-arheoloogilises uurimuses", 2006-2009. Tallinna Ülikooli Ajaloo Instituudi arheobioloogia ja muinastehnoloogia osakonnas läbi viidud projekti eesmärgiks oli luu-uurimises rakendada rohkem uusi ja kaasaegseid füüsikalisi ja keemilisi meetodeid

  5. Preliminary results of the research at corded ware sites in the Narva-Luga interfluve Estonian-Russian borders area in 2008-2014 / Aivar Kriiska, Kekko Nordqvist, Dmitri V. Gerassimov, Sarita Sandell

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    2008-2014. aastatel aset leidnud kaevamiste käigus on avastatud umbes 1000 km2 suuruselt alalt üle 40 uue kinnismuistisedateeringuga 5100-2000 eKr. Savinõude sarnasus uuritud alal osutab Narva-Lauga piirkonna ühtsele keraamikatraditsioonile

  6. Raivo Vare : "Politizatsija forsirovala jestestvennõje protsessõ v tranzitnom dele" / Raivo Vare ; interv. Aleksei Starkov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vare, Raivo, 1958-


    Transiidiküsimuste ekspert vastab küsimustele transiitkaubanduse, Venemaa transiidi mõju kohta Eesti majandusele, Ust-Luga ja Sillamäe sadamate arengu, Läänemerre rajatava Vene-Saksa gaasijuhtme ja Eesti gaasivarustuse kohta

  7. Splav ostroumija, delovitosti i dobrotõ / Vladimir Volohhonski ; interv. Aleksandr Ikonnikov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Volohhonski, Vladimir, 1948-2013


    AS DBT (Dry Bulk Terminal) juhatuse esimees oma senisest karjäärist, Muuga ja Paldiski sadamast, Sillamäe keemiaveoste terminalist, Ust-Luga sadamast, transiitkaubandusest ja reisijateveost, jalgpalli rollist oma elus, heategevusest, perekonnast ja lastest

  8. Põllumajanduse algus Eesti alal / Aivar Kriiska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kriiska, Aivar, 1965-


    Varajase maaviljeluse uurimise allikatest. Esimesed terviljakasvatuse märgid korreleeruvad kammkeraamika kultuuridega. Põllumajandusest hilisneoliitikumis ja varajasel pronksiajal. Viljelev majandus tõi nöörkeraamika perioodil kaasa küla lagunemise väiksemateks asustusüksusteks - taludeks. Kiviaja lõpul toimus põllumajandusliku asustuse laienemine, kusjuures see hõlmas ka kõrgustike alasid

  9. Suzuki ja Szilvay : meetodist ja individuaalsusest / Lembi Mets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mets, Lembi


    23. ja 24. apr. esines Tallinnas ans. Helsingin Juniorijousten F-avain-sello-bassoryhmä. 3. mail esines Tallinnas keelpilliõpilaste orkester Suzuki Nordic String. Suzuki ja Szilvayde muusikaõpetuse meetoditest, nende erinevustest, kasutamisvõimalustest Eestis


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Melissa Heringer Silveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um sistema denominado CarLuga para gerir locações de veículos. Desenvolvido para ser utilizado em plataformas desktop, com uma máquina virtual Java em execução, este sistema possui as funcionalidades de cadastro, visualização, locação e devolução. Para proteger os dados, foi utilizada a criptografia MD5. Os dados inseridos no sistema são salvos em um servidor de banco de dados MySQL. As informações de aluguéis armazenadas no sistema é uma forma de diminuir a quantidade de documentos impressos e agilizar consultas. A ferramenta CarLuga mostra-se eficiente ao compactar informações em um único local, promovendo a diminuição de material impresso, gerando, desta forma, uma economia na aquisição de material de consumo na empresa podendo, este recurso, ser redirecionado para promover melhorias na mesma. A segurança proporcionada pela criptografia gera maior confiança por parte dos usuários, em que as atividades desenvolvidas são pessoais e restritas, sendo o acesso definido por perfil de usuário.

  11. Mõnedest mesoliitilistest faunakompleksidest Läänmere idakaldal / Lembi Lõugas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõugas, Lembi, 1967-


    Loomaluude kompleksne uurimine selgitab antud paigas elanud inimeste majanduslikud suundumused. Artiklis on analüüsitud Pärnu ümbrusest, Lääne-Eestist ja Lääne-Lätist pärit loomaluudekogumeid

  12. Algunos aspectos de la biología de la manzanita (Arctostaphylos pungens HBK) y su papel en el desplazamiento de bosques templados por chaparrales




    La manzanita (Arctostaphylos pungens) es una planta ampliamente distribuida en las serranías de México. Su abundante producción de semillas, su capacidad para germinar como consecuencia de los incendios forestales, y su habilidad para adaptarse a ambientes perturbados, en conjunto con las prácticas extensivas de ganadería y de uso del fuego en estas áreas, ha propiciado que los chaparrales de manzanita ocupen cada vez mayores extensiones, reemplazando en muchos luga...

  13. Stromal-cell and cancer-cell exosomes leading the metastatic exodus for the promised niche


    Hoffman, Robert M


    Exosomes are thought to play an important role in metastasis. Luga and colleagues have described the production of exosomes by stromal cells such as cancer-associated fibroblasts that are taken up by breast cancer cells and are then loaded with Wnt 11, which is associated with stimulation of the invasiveness and metastasis of the breast cancer cells. Previous studies have shown that exosomes produced by breast cancer cells are taken up by stromal fibroblasts and other stromal cells, suggestin...

  14. Proyecto de edificio singular


    Benavides Brasil, Álvaro


    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamental el diseño de una nave para su uso como matadero de ganado bovino, atendiendo al cálculo simplificado de su estructura, así como el análisis y resolución de las instalaciones necesarias para el desarrollo de la actividad: aire comprimido, calefacción, saneamiento, fontanería y especialmente, de las cámaras frigoríficas para la conservación de la carne. Analizando las necesidades de espacio en función de las características del luga...

  15. Simulación de procesos termodinámicos cuasi ideales orientados a la generación de trabajo mecánico. Evaluación de combinaciones posibles para su aplicación en motores alternativos de combustión o de aportación de calor


    Llop Garcia, Xavier


    El objetivo del presente proyecto es la obtención de una herramienta informática que, gracias a un modelo matemático, simule los procesos termodinámicos de la fase cerrada de un motor alternativo de combustión interna. El motor que se pretende simular puede seguir un ciclo Otto o un ciclo Diesel y ser alimentado por distintos tipos de combustible. Para la obtención del modelo matemático se aceptaran ciertas hipótesis de simplificación debido a la complejidad de los procesos que tienen luga...

  16. Fuentes de incertidumbre en anemometría sónica


    Franchini, Sebastian Nicolas


    El objetivo principal de esta tesis es analizar algunas de las principales causas que inducen incertidumbres sobre la medición de la velocidad del viento con anemómetros sónicos. Para ello se han tomado dos caminos complementarios: un estudio teórico del proceso de medida de una senda sónica (formulado mediante un modelo matemático) y un análisis de los resultados experimentales de calibración de un anemómetro sónico. El modelo matemático desarrollado describe el proceso físico que tiene luga...

  17. Contaminación de la Escena del Crimen, el Talon de Aquiles


    Salaberon, Noelia


    206 p. il. En el inicio debe aclararse que el presente trabajo final de grado debe entenderse como un aporte teórico a nuevos conocimientos sobre la temática, por lo tanto no debe interpretarse como una crítica al accionar del Departamento de Criminalística de la Policía de la Provincia de Jujuy. En efecto, basados en dos estudios de casos la intención del presente trabajo final de grado será observar cuales pueden ser potencialmente los factores que inciden en la contaminación del luga...

  18. Research into the Bronze and Early Iron Ages / Aivar Kriiska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lang, Valter, 1958-


    19. sajandil olid mõisted pronksiaeg ja eelrooma rauaaeg praktiliselt tundmatud. Kuni 1950ndateni domineeris rooma rauaaja uurimine. Nüüd on selgunud, et seni kultuurilise depressiooni perioodiks peetud aeg (tuntud kivikirstkalmete perioodina), oli tegelikult üks dünaamilisemaid perioode Eesti esiajaloos. Eesti ala ebaühtlasest asustusest sel perioodil

  19. Savinõude vormimismass : Keraamika uurimise võimalikkusest III / Aivar Kriiska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kriiska, Aivar


    Savinõude vormimise massi moodustavad savi ja sellesse segatav lisand. Keraamika uurimise üldisematest lähtekohtadest ja terminitest, savidest, lisanditest. Eestis on esiajaloolisel ja ajaloolisel ajal keraamikat valmistatud kohalikest kergesti kaevandatavatest savidest ja savimoreenidest, mille hulka on segatud teokarbipudru, taimeosakesi, kivipudru, liiva ja ̧amotti.

  20. The Kohtla weapon deposit: preliminary results / Ester Oras, Aivar Kriiska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oras, Ester, 1984-


    2013. aasta augustis avastas harrastusdetektorist Mihhail Sadnik muinasaegse raudesemete leiu. Päästekaevamiste käigus tuvastati Eesti suurim rauaaegne raudesemetest koosnev peitvara, mis tunnistati Muinsuskaitseameti poolt 2013. aasta leiuks

  1. Archaeological excavations on Suur street Narva town / Aivar Kriiska, Mari Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kriiska, Aivar


    2004. aasta sügisel ja 2005. aasta kevadel toimunud päästekaevamiste vanim leid oli kammkeraamika kild keskneoliitikumist. Vanimad ehitusjäänused pärinevad keskajast, poolkeldermaja vundamendi võib dateerida 13. saj. lõppu - 14. saj. esimesse poolde. Lisaks sellele kaevati välja kahe kaevu ja kolme elamu jäänused. Suurem osa väljakaevatud leiumaterjalist pärineb perioodist 17. saj. teisest poolest kuni 20. sajandini

  2. Archaeological research on Ihaste mesolothic settlement site / Kristiina Johanson, Aivar Kriiska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Johanson, Kristiina


    Ihaste mesoliitiline asulakoht leiti 1997. aastal. 2005. aasta eeluuringutest. 2006. aastal toimunud arheoloogilistest kaevamistest. 2006. aasta uurimistöö kinnitas tekkinud arusaama, et Ihastes on tegemist kiviaegse asulakohaga. Kogunenud andmestik ei võimalda veel kindlaks teha asula funktsiooni. Lahtiseks jääb ka Ihaste asulakoha täpsem dateering

  3. Arheoloog tunneb puudust ajast, mitte rahast / Aivar Kriiska ; interv. Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kriiska, Aivar


    40. sünnipäeva puhul intervjuu arheoloog Aivar Kriiskaga, kes juhatab väljakaevamisi Narvas, kus üheks projektiks on keraamikalaager - Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Tartu Ülikooli, Narva muuseumi ja Narva kolledzhi ühisprojekt. Valter Lang A. Kriiskast

  4. Technology and economics of near-surface geothermal resources exploitation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Э. И. Богуславский


    Full Text Available The paper presents economic justification for applicability of near-surface geothermal installations in Luga region, based on results of techno-economic calculations as well as integrated technical and economic comparison of different prediction scenarios of heat supply, both conventional and using geothermal heat pumps (GHP. Construction costs of a near-surface geothermal system can exceed the costs of central heating by 50-100 %. However, operation and maintenance (O&M costs of heat production for geothermal systems are 50-70 % lower than for conventional sources of heating. Currently this technology is very important, it is applied in various countries (USA, Germany, Japan, China etc., and depending on the region both near-surface and deep boreholes are being used. World practice of near-surface geothermal systems application is reviewed in the paper.

  5. Keemiaõpetajaks pürgija koolipraktika probleeme kooli ja koolitajate vaatevinklist / Liina Karolin-Salu, Erika Jüriado, Lembi Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karolin-Salu, Liina


    Artiklis püütakse välja tuua pedagoogilise koolipraktika puudusi ja näidata selle täiustamise võimalusi. Tehakse ettepanekud koolipraktika paremaks korraldamiseks vastavalt Tartu Ülikoolis rakendatavale 3+2 õppesüsteemile

  6. La formación dual y su fundamentación curricular

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Araya Muñoz


    Full Text Available La educación dual es una modalidad de enseñanza y de aprendizaje que se realiza en dos luga-res distintos; la institución educativa y la empresa, que se complementan mediante actividades coordina-das. El principio fundamental de este modelo peda-gógico corresponde a la relación educación-trabajo en la formación profesional, que se cimienta en los enfoques tecnológico y humanista y debe ser abordado desde perspectivas filosóficas para determinar el tipo de ciudadano que se desea formar, sus valores univer-sales como individuo y a partir de su convivencia con otros, desde el fundamento epistemológico define el saber y las diversas modalidades de conocimiento, su fundamento psicopedagógico comprende un proceso de enseñanza y de aprendizaje que interrelaciona la psicología y la pedagogía para orientar esa activi-dad en dos lugares distintos, la escuela y la empre-sa, mediante un enlace cooperativo, el fundamento socioeconómico que establece la visión de formación del recurso humano para la productividad y que se apega al desarrollo económico y social del individuo y de la sociedad en la que está inmersa.

  7. Archaeological test excavations at the mesolithic and iron age settlement site Jägala-Joa IV / Aivar Kriiska, Kaarel Sikk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kriiska, Aivar, 1965-


    Jägala jõe alamjooksul on mitmeid eriaegseid muinasjäänuseid. Vanim neist on Jägala-Joa IV asulakoht. Mesoliitiline asustuskoht annab tuge hüpoteesile, et Eesti rannikuala asustamise esimesel etapil ei asunud elupaigad vahetult mererannal, vaid veidi kaugemal jõgede kallastel ja tööriistu valmistati sellel ajal üldiselt tulekivist

  8. Gallium-containing Heusler phases ScRh{sub 2}Ga, ScPd{sub 2}Ga, TmRh{sub 2}Ga and LuRh{sub 2}Ga. Magnetic and solid state NMR-spectroscopic characterization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Heletta, Lukas; Seidel, Stefan; Poettgen, Rainer [Muenster Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Anorganische und Analytische Chemie; Benndorf, Christopher [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Mineralogie, Kristallographie und Materialwissenschaften; Eckert, Hellmut [Muenster Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Physikalische Chemie; Sao Paulo Univ., Sao Carlos (Brazil). Inst. of Physics


    The gallium-containing Heusler phases ScRh{sub 2}Ga, ScPd{sub 2}Ga, TmRh{sub 2}Ga and LuRh{sub 2}Ga have been synthesized by arc-melting of the elements followed by different annealing sequences to improve phase purity. The samples have been studied by powder X-ray diffraction. The structures of Lu{sub 0.97}Rh{sub 2}Ga{sub 1.03} (Fm3m, a=632.94(5) pm, wR2=0.0590, 46 F{sup 2} values, seven variables) and Sc{sub 0.88}Rh{sub 2}Ga{sub 1.12} (a=618.91(4) pm, wR2=0.0284, 44 F{sup 2} values, six variables) have been refined from single crystal X-ray diffractometer data. Both gallides show structural disorder through Lu/Ga and Sc/Ga mixing. Temperature dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements showed Pauli paramagnetism for ScRh{sub 2}Ga, ScPd{sub 2}Ga, and LuRh{sub 2}Ga and Curie-Weiss paramagnetism for TmRh{sub 2}Ga. {sup 45}Sc and {sup 71}Ga solid state MAS NMR spectroscopic investigations of the Sc containing compounds confirmed the site mixing effects typically observed for Heusler phases. The data indicate that the effect of mixed Sc/Ga occupancy is significantly stronger in ScRh{sub 2}Ga than in ScPd{sub 2}Ga.

  9. Medieval and Early Modern Suburban Site in Tallinn, Tartu mnt Road 1: Artefacts and Ecofacts / Erki Russow, Lembi Lõugas, Liina Maldre ... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kivisilla eeslinna kaevamistelt saadud materjal on erakordselt rikkalik ja artiklit võib lugeda põgusaks katseks esitada ülevaade leitud keraamikast, nahaleidudest, metall-leidudest, klaasikollektsioonist, luuesemetest, loomaluudest, kalaluudest, taimejäänustest ja õietolmust

  10. Vitamin D Proliferates Vaginal Epithelium through RhoA Expression in Postmenopausal Atrophic Vagina tissue. (United States)

    Lee, Arum; Lee, Man Ryul; Lee, Hae-Hyeog; Kim, Yeon-Suk; Kim, Jun-Mo; Enkhbold, Temuulee; Kim, Tae-Hee


    Postmenopausal atrophic vagina (PAV) is the thinning of the walls of the vagina and decreased lugae of the vagina. PAV is caused by decreased estrogen levels in postmenopausal women. However, the harmful effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have resulted in considerable caution in its use. Various estrogen agonist treatment options are available. Vitamin D is influences the regulation of differentiation and proliferation of various cells, especially tissues lining stratified squamous epithelium, such as the vaginal epithelium. In this study, we hypothesized that vitamin D could provide an alternative and a safe treatment option for PAV by promoting the proliferation and differentiation of the vaginal epithelium. Thirty six patients were enrolled in this case-control study. Vitamin D associated proteins in a vitamin D and sex hormone treated vaginal epithelial cell line as well as normal and PAV tissues were measured. To confirm of cell-to-cell junction protein expression, cell line and tissue studies included RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry staining, and immunoblot analyses. The expression of cell-to-cell junction proteins was higher in women with symptoms of atrophic vagina tissue compared to women without the symptoms. Vitamin D stimulated the proliferation of the vaginal epithelium by activating p-RhoA and Erzin through the vitamin D receptor (VDR). The results suggest that vitamin D positively regulates cell-to-cell junction by increasing the VDR/p-RhoA/p-Ezrin pathway. This is the first study to verify the relationship of the expression of RhoA and Ezrin proteins in vaginal tissue of PAV.

  11. Saint Petersburg as a Global Coastal City: Positioning in the Baltic Region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lachininskii Stanislav


    Full Text Available The Baltic region consists of coastal areas of nine countries — Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. The region’s hubs are the port cities located along the Baltic Sea coast. However, Peter Taylor and Saskia Sassen’s classification identifies higher status cities and ‘global cities’, which are to be considered in the global context. Seven coastal regions are distinguished within this region, whose organising centers are the global coastal cities of Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn, St. Petersburg, and Malmö. The concept of a “global city-region” (Sassen can be used as a methodological framework for analyzing this connection. Within this hierarchy, the dominant alpha group global city is Stockholm. The authors argue that, as a global coastal city, St. Petersburg forms the St. Petersburg coastal region, which can be defined as a typical "global city region". The index method shows that the position of St. Petersburg in the system of global coastal cities of the Baltic region is relatively favorable in view of its transport, logistics, and demographic potential and the advantageous geo-economic situation. St. Petersburg has certain competitive advantages in the region brought about by its demographic potential, port freight capacity, and the favorable geo-economic position of the "sea gate" of Russia. However, the level of high-tech services and ‘new economy’ development is not sufficient for the port to become a match for the top three cities (Stockholm, Helsinki, and Copenhagen. This is increasingly important because transboundary global city networks demonstrate that global cities are functions of global networks. Saint Petersburg is just starting to integrate into these networks through the Pulkovo airline hub and seaports of Ust-Luga, Primorsk, and Saint Petersburg.

  12. Saint Petersburg as a Global Coastal City: Positioning in the Baltic Region

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lachninsky S.


    Full Text Available The Baltic region consists of coastal areas of nine countries — Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. The region’s hubs are the port cities located along the Baltic Sea coast. However, Peter Taylor and Saskia Sassen’s classification identifies higher status cities and ‘global cities’, which are to be considered in the global context. Seven coastal regions are distinguished within this region, whose organising centers are the global coastal cities of Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Riga, Tallinn, St. Petersburg, and Malmö. The concept of a “global city-region” (Sassen can be used as a methodological framework for analyzing this connection. Within this hierarchy, the dominant alpha group global city is Stockholm. The authors argue that, as a global coastal city, St. Petersburg forms the St. Petersburg coastal region, which can be defined as a typical "global city region". The index method shows that the position of St. Petersburg in the system of global coastal cities of the Baltic region is relatively favorable in view of its transport, logistics, and demographic potential and the advantageous geo-economic situation. St. Petersburg has certain competitive advantages in the region brought about by its demographic potential, port freight capacity, and the favorable geo-economic position of the "sea gate" of Russia. However, the level of high-tech services and ‘new economy’ development is not sufficient for the port to become a match for the top three cities (Stockholm, Helsinki, and Copenhagen. This is increasingly important because transboundary global city networks demonstrate that global cities are functions of global networks. Saint Petersburg is just starting to integrate into these networks through the Pulkovo airline hub and seaports of Ust-Luga, Primorsk, and Saint Petersburg.

  13. Nilai Karakter Anak Dalam Novel Karya Anak Usia 10 Tahun

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suyatno Suyatno


    Full Text Available Makalah ini mendeskripsikan nilai karakter anak dalam novel karya anak usia 10 tahun. Novel yang dibahas adalah The Rings of Friendship (TRF karya Vira (10 tahun, The Smart Girls Petualangan Seru Lima Sahabat (TSG karya Salma Syifa (10 tahun, dan The Special Day (TSD karya Yasyfa (10 tahun. Berdasarkan kajian deskriptif dengan teknik pembacaan berulang-ulang, ditemukan sejumlah informasi tentang nilai karakter anak berkaitan dengan nilai cerdas, nilai jujur, nilai peduli, dan nilai tangguh. Nilai karakter tersebut menyatu ke dalam narasi cerita tanpa menunjukkan secara eksplisit unsur nilai karakter melainkan berada pada alur cerita dari awal sampai akhir. Tema ketiga novel adalah petualangan dan persahabatan, alur maju, tokoh anak-anak, dan latarnya sekolah, rumah, serta alam lingkungan. Kemasan cerita bersifat sederhana, lugas, kalimat pendek, bergaya dialog, dan naratif. Abstract: This article describes the value of child character in novels written by ten year old children. The novels being discussed are The Rings f Friendship (TRF written by Vira (10 years old, The Smart Girls Petualangan Seru Lima Sahabat (TSG written by Salma Syifa (10 years old. Under the descriptive study by using continually reading technique, it was identified that there are several information about the value of child characters related to the value of intelligence, honesty, care , and strength. Those character values combine into the story narrative without explicitly exposing the character values component, but exist in the plot from the beginning to the end. The themes of the novels are adventure and friendship, flash-forward plot, child character. The settings are school, home, and the natural surrounding. The presentation of the story is simple, to the point, using short sentences, dialogic, and narrative. Key Words: character values, intelligence, honesty, care, strenght

  14. Postglacial development of the eastern Gulf of Finland: from Pleistocene glacial lake basins to Holocene lagoon systems (United States)

    Ryabchuk, Daria; Sergeev, Alexander; Kotilainen, Aarno; Hyttinen, Outi; Grigoriev, Andrey; Gerasimov, Dmitry; Anisimov, Mikhail; Gusentsova, Tatiana; Zhamoida, Vladimir; Amantov, Aleksey; Budanov, Leonid


    Despite significant amount of data, there are still lots of debatable questions and unsolved problems concerning postglacial geological history of the Eastern Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea. Among these problems are: 1) locations of the end moraine and glacio-fluvial deposits; 2) time and genesis of the large accretion forms (spits, bars, dunes); 3) basinwide correlations of trangression/regression culminations with the other parts of the Baltic Sea basin; 4) study of salinity, timing, frequency and intensity of Holocene saline water inflows and their links of sedimentation processes associated with climate change. Aiming to receive new data about regional postglacial development, the GIS analyses of bottom relief and available geological and geophysical data was undertaken, the maps of preQuaternary relief, moraine and Late Pleistocene surfaces, glacial moraine and Holocene sediments thicknesses were compiled. High-resolution sediment proxy study of several cores, taken from eastern Gulf of Finland bottom, allows to study grain-size distribution and geochemical features of glacial lake and Holocene sediments, to reveal sedimentation rates and paleoenvironment features of postglacial basins. Interdisciplinary geoarcheological approaches offer new opportunities for studying the region's geological history and paleogeography. Based on proxy marine geological and coastal geoarcheological studies (e.g. off-shore acoustic survey, side-scan profiling and sediment sampling, on-shore ground-penetrating radar (GPR SIR 2000), leveling, drilling, grain-size analyses and radiocarbon dating and archeological research) detailed paleogeographical reconstruction for three micro-regions - Sestroretsky and Lahta Lowlands, Narva-Luga Klint Bay and Southern Ladoga - were compiled. As a result, new high resolution models of Holocene geological development of the Eastern Gulf of Finland were received. Model calibration and verification used results from proxy geoarcheological research


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    Eric Wibisono


    Full Text Available Manufacturing systems that are often classified as push and pull often invite question: "How far do the differences between those two systems exist?" Many researches have been carried out but succinct answer to the above question is always difficult to reach. The difficulty roots from the variety of definition of the push and pull systems itself and also from the variety of complexity of a manufacturing system. This paper attempts to study the differences in performance between push and pull systems in a relatively simple model that consists of 4 serial processors with buffers located between these processors. Variations being modelled is on the setting of the system's load (high and low and the buffer size with performance being measured include machine utilization, number of outputs and mean flow time of jobs. The approach used is simulation using ProModel software as the tool. From the experiments it can be derived that buffer size turns out to be a very critical factor in system performance. Moreover, it is also proved that when the buffer size is large, push and pull systems do not differ significantly. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Sistem manufaktur yang umumnya dikategorikan menjadi sistem push dan pull sering mengundang pertanyaan: "Seberapa jauh perbedaan dari kedua sistem tersebut ada?" Banyak penelitian telah dilakukan namun jawaban yang lugas atas pertanyaan tersebut sulit diperoleh. Kesulitan ini umumnya berakar dari beragamnya definisi sistem push dan pull itu sendiri serta variasi dari kompleksitas suatu sistem manufaktur. Makalah ini mencoba melihat perbedaan antara kinerja sistem push dan pull dalam suatu model sederhana yang terdiri dari 4 prosesor serial dengan buffer yang diletakkan di antara masing-masing prosesor tersebut. Variasi yang dilakukan adalah pada setting beban kerja sistem (padat dan ringan dan ukuran buffer dengan kinerja yang diukur adalah utilisasi mesin, jumlah output dan rata-rata waktu tinggal job

  16. Odobenocetops peruvianus: una remarcable convergencia de adaptación alimentaria entre morsa y delfín

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    Full Text Available ODOBENOCETOPS PERUVIANUS: UNE REMARQUABLE CONVERGENCE D’ADAPTATION ALIMENTAIRE ENTRE MORSE ET DAUPHIN. Odobenocetops peruvianus (Pliocène inférieur, du Sud du Pérou est un étrange cétacé delphinoïde convergent vers le morse actuel, Odobenus rosmarus, par la forme générale de son crâne et probablement par ses habitudes alimentaires. Les spécialisations crâniennes, uniques chez les cétacés, comprennent la perte du rostre alongé, le développement de grands processus alvéolaires prémaxillaires, contenant des défenses, la présence supposée d’une puissante lèvre supérieure, la migration des narines vers l’avant du crâne avec une importante regression du télescopage du crâne et une vision binoculaire dorsale. La structure de la face et de la base du crâne indiquent un delphinoïde présentant probablement des relations phylogénétiques étroites avec les Monodontidae (représentés actuellement par le béluga et le narval. O. peruvianus utilisait probablement la langue et la lèvre supérieure pour extraire par suction les parties molles de bivalves et autres invertébrés benthiques. Odobenocetops peruvianus (Plioceno temprano, sur del Perú es un extraño cetáceo delfinoideo, convergente en el aspecto general del cráneo y presumiblemente en los hábitos de alimentación con la morsa moderna, Odobenus rosmarus. Las especializaciones craneanas, únicas entre los cetáceos, incluyen pérdida del rostro elongado, desarrollo de grandes procesos alveolares premaxilares, llevando colmillos, la supuesta presencia de un labio superior muy fuerte, la migración anterior de las narinas con regresión del telescopaje del cráneo, y una visión binocular dorsal. La estructura de la cara y del basicráneo indican un cetáceo delfinoide probablemente relacionado muy estrechamente con los Monodontidae (representados actualmente por el beluga y el narval. O. peruvianus utilizaba probablemente la lengua y el labio superior en conjunto