
Sample records for kivikyt-reponen jari liimatainen


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    Ryan Wahyudi


    Full Text Available Biometrics is a method of recognition of an identity based on human physical characteristics such as the face, fingerprint, hand geometry, retina, and voice. Biometric identification that commonly used is the fingerprint recognition. Fingerprint identification process can be accelerated by reducing the number of fingerprint comparisons, splitting fingerprint databases into a number of classes based on pre-defined classes, such as fingerprint patterns. Fingerprint patterns are divided into five categories: Whorls, Right Loops, Left Loops, Arch, and Tented Arch. One of the pattern recognition techniques (fingerprint is using neural network. This research developed a RBF (Radial Basis Function neural network, which is known as SLFNs (Single Hidden Layer Feed-forward Neural Networks that reliable in pattern recognition. The use of ELM (Extreme Learning Machine algorithm on RBF network is an alternative to avoid long computation in the absence of adjustment weights during the training process so that the computing time relatively short. OLS (Orthogonal Least Square is used to optimize the weights and RBF network simplification. The preprocessing of fingerprint images are grayscalling, histogram equalization, and image sequences block operation. Feature extraction method that used based on the orientation of the dominant direction of the image. One fingerprint image is represented by a value of 256 dominant angle in radians unit. From the results indicate that the ELM-RBF and OLS system can recognize fingerprint patterns with 100% accuracy on the training process, and 60% accuracy in the testing process. Keywords: Fingerprint Pattern Recognition, Extreme Learning Machine, Radial Basis Function, Orthogonal Least Square Biometrik merupakan metode pengenalan identitas seseorang berdasarkan karakteristik fisik manusia misalnya wajah, sidik jari, struktur telapak tangan, letak retina mata, dan suara. Identifikasi biometrik yang umum digunakan saat ini

  2. Rehabilitasi Prostetik Protesa Jari dengan Bahan Silikon Rtv untuk Mengembalikan Bentuk dan Estetik

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    Ayu Agung Subiantari


    Full Text Available Tangan memiliki fungsi utama untuk menggenggam dan meraba. Organ ini dipergunakan untuk sarana komunikasi penting yang menunjukkan bahasa tubuh dan kontak sosial. Amputasi pada jari atau sebagian jari tangan merupakan kasus yang paling sering dijumpai sebagai bentuk hilangnya sebagian tangan yang dapat menimbulkan dampak buruk secara fisik, psikologis, maupun kerugian secara ekonomi bagi individu. Rehabilitasi prostetik pada  amputasi jari menjadi pertimbangan ketika rekonstruksi mikro vaskular merupakan kontraindikasi atau perawatan mengalami kegagalan. Tujuan dari studi kasus ini adalah  mengkaji rehabilitasi prostetik protesa jari menggunakan bahan silikon RTV untuk mengembalikan bentuk dan estetik. Pasien telah menyetujui kasusnya dipublikasikan untuk kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan. Pasien laki- laki, 24 tahun datang dengan keluhan kehilangan sebagian jari telunjuk kanan . Riwayat trauma disebabkan oleh tangan kanannya tergilas mesin bubut 6 tahun yang lalu. Tatalaksana kasus : Anamnesa, pemeriksaan klinis, dan rehabilitasi prostetik protesa jari dengan ahan silikon RTV. Protesa jari dengan estetik yang baik dapat memberi dukungan psikologis terhadap pasien. Rehabilitation Finger Prosthesis with RTV Silicone to Restore Form and Esthetic. The hand has basic functions like grasping and feeling. It is a mean of communication and is of mayor importance for body language and social contact. Finger and partial finger amputations are some of the most frequently encountered forms of partial hand loss causing devastating physical, psychosocial and economic damage to an individual.  Prosthetic rehabilitation of amputed finger is considered when micro vascular reconstruction is contraindicated or unsuccessful. The purpose of  case study is to review rehabilitation finger prosthesis with RTV silicone to restore form and esthetic. Case : A 24 year old male patient with the complaint of the partially lost right index  He had a history of trauma to his

  3. The Jari Project Managed By The Orsa Group: Corporate Social Responsibility Applied To The Amazon Context O Projeto Jari, gerido pelo Grupo Orsa: Responsabilidade Social Corporativa aplicada ao contexto da Amazônia

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    Anna Greissing


    Full Text Available The development of the Jari region, in the Northeastern part of Brazil’s Amazon region, since the middle of the 20th century, ha been intrinsically linked to the evolution of the Jari project, a huge private agro-industrial enterprise aiming at the large-scale production of cellulose. Harshly criticized during the 1970s and 1980s for its ecological impact and waste of human resources, but also due to the lack of economic viability, the project was eventually taken over by a new firm (the Orsa group after coming close to bankruptcy in 1997. Under Orsa’s management, centered on the concept of corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSR, the Jari project of the XXI century resurrects as an innovative, lucrative and certified firm, pioneer in the application of CSR policies in the Amazon context. This article discusses the manifold strategies developed by the Orsa group and its conveniences and shortcomings for both the firm and the local populations of the Jari region today.O desenvolvimento da região do Jari está sendo, desde a metade do século XX, indissociavelmente ligado à evolução do Projeto Jari, um grande empreendimento agroindustrial privado, cujo objetivo é a produção de celulose em larga escala. Fortemente polêmico nas décadas de 1970 e 1980 devido ao impacto ambiental e ao desperdício de recursos humanos em suas atividades de agronegócio, e também por não ser economicamente rentável, o projeto foi enfim retomado por uma nova empresa (o grupo Orsa, após uma quase bancarrota em 1997. Sob uma nova gestão, centrada no conceito de responsabilidade social e ambiental de empresas, o Projeto Jari do século XXI emerge como um empreendimento moderno, viável, certificado e pioneiro em matéria de responsabilidade de empresas no contexto amazônico. Esse artigo discute as diferentes estratégias desenvolvidas pelo grupo Orsa, assim como os proveitos e os inconvenientes, tanto para a empresa como para as popula

  4. The Jari Project Managed By The Orsa Group: Corporate Social Responsibility Applied To The Amazon Context

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    Anna Greissing


    Full Text Available The development of the Jari region, in the Northeastern part of Brazil’s Amazon region, since the middle of the 20th century, ha been intrinsically linked to the evolution of the Jari project, a huge private agro-industrial enterprise aiming at the large-scale production of cellulose. Harshly criticized during the 1970s and 1980s for its ecological impact and waste of human resources, but also due to the lack of economic viability, the project was eventually taken over by a new firm (the Orsa group after coming close to bankruptcy in 1997. Under Orsa’s management, centered on the concept of corporate social and environmental responsibility (CSR, the Jari project of the XXI century resurrects as an innovative, lucrative and certified firm, pioneer in the application of CSR policies in the Amazon context. This article discusses the manifold strategies developed by the Orsa group and its conveniences and shortcomings for both the firm and the local populations of the Jari region today.


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    Amelia Sri Kusuma Dewi


    Full Text Available Abstract This research aims to analyze existing norms conflict between Article 16 Paragraph (1 c of Act No. 2 of 2014 on the Amendment Act No. 30 of 2004 concerning Notary which provides that the Notary required to attach the fingerprint of the parties facing the Minuta Deed, and Article 77 of Act No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Company which provides that the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS through media teleconference, videoconference, or other means of electronic media. It also examines the juridical implications of the Notary and Acts of the AGMS through electronic media if the Notary does not fulfill the obligation to attach the fingerprint of the parties facing the Minuta Deed. To answer the above norm conflict, the type of research conducted by researchers is a normative juridical research using the statute approach and conceptual approach. The results of this research, that there is a conflict of norms in the form of obscurity norm, disharmony and emptiness norm in the relevant legislation. Regarding the juridical implications of the notary when not fulfilling the obligation to attach the fingerprint of the parties facing the Minuta Deed, then the notary may be subject to sanctions pursuant to Article 16, paragraph (11 of Act No. 2 of 2014 on the Amendment of Act No. 30 of 2004 on the Notary. As against the deed of the AGMS, fingerprint embedding function within minutes of notarial deed is not a legal action to determine the validity or authenticity of the certificate, but only serves to ensure the correctness identity of the facing parties. Key words: general meeting of shareholders, electronic media, fingerprints, minuta deed Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa konflik norma yang ada antara Pasal 16 Ayat (1 huruf c Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan Undang-undang Nomor 30 tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris yang mengatur bahwa Notaris wajib untuk melekatkan sidik jari penghadap pada Minuta Akta

  6. Financial Feasibility of Kerupuk Jari Processing Business in Pasir Utama Village Rambah Hilir District Rokan Hulu Regency (a Case Study Processing Business Kerupuk Jari Mr. Andika)


    Aprilianto, Gatut Sudi


    High demand for crackers making business opportunities for cracker processing business, however, in making cracker processing business entrepreneurs typically do not conduct financial records, so it is not known how the expenditure and revenue to the business. This study aims to determine the income and financial feasibility of kerupuk jari processing business. The research was conducted from December 2015 through January 2016. Data collection methods used were interviews with respondents and...

  7. Korelasi antara dimensi vertikal oklusi dengan panjang jari kelingking pada sub-ras Deutro Melayu

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    Cytha Nilam Chairani


    yaitu metode antropometri. Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara pengukuran panjang jari kelingking. DVO dan panjang jari kelingking berbeda pada setiap ras manusia karena masing-masing ras memiliki ciri-ciri spesifik yang berbeda antara satu dengan yang lain. Sub ras Deutro Melayu merupakan salah satu sub ras di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara hasil pengukuran DVO dan panjang jari kelingking pada sub ras Deutro Melayu di Kota Padang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 112 warga Kota Padang yang merupakan sub ras Deutro Melayu dan memenuhi kriteria, terdiri dari 56 orang laki-laki dan 56 orang perempuan. Data diuji secara statistik dengan analisis Pearson correlation. Terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara hasil pengukuran DVO dengan panjang jari kelingking dengan nilai r=0,768 dan hasil kedua pengukuran ini menunjukkan nilai yang hampir sama dengan nilai p=0,000, sehingga signifikan secara statistik (p<0,05. Pengukuran antropometri panjang jari kelingking merupakan metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan DVO.

  8. Iskemia pada Jari Tangan Penderita Diabetes Melitus: Suatu Keadaan Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    Eva Decroli


    Full Text Available Abstrak Pendahuluan: Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD adalah penyumbatan pada arteri perifer akibat proses atherosklerosis atau proses inflamasi yang menyebabkan lumen arteri menyempit (stenosis, atau pembentukantrombus. Tempat tersering terjadinya PAD adalah daerah tungkai bawah dan jarang ditemukan pada jari tangan.Metode: Laporan kasus. Hasil: Telah dilaporkan suatu kasus iskemia jari tangan yang jarang ditemui di klinik, merupakan suatu PAD. Pembahasan: Selain adanya faktor risiko konvensional seperti diabetes melitus dan keganasan untuk terjadinya trombosis, juga didapatkan suatu kelainan herediter berupa defisiensi antikoagulan yaitu defisiensi protein S, sekalipun protein C dalam batas normal yang secara bersama-sama diduga mempermudah terjadinya trombosis pada arteri perifer. Kata kunci: Diabetes, Iskemia, Peripheral arterial disease, Protein S, Trombosis Abstract Introduction: Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD is occlusion in peripheral artery caused by atherosclerosis or inflammation process that make stenosis in artery, or thrombus formation. High incidence of PAD occur in lower extremity, and rarely in hand and finger. Method: Case report. Result: Has been reported hand ischaemia that rarely found in hand and finger. Discussion: Despite conventional risk factor for thrombosis like diabetes mellitus and malignancy, hereditary disorder of anticoagulant factor deficiency played the same role, like protein S deficiency,eventhough protein C in normal limit. These risk factors made thrombosis at peripheral arteri easier to occur.Keywords:  Diabetes, Ischaemia, Peripheral arterial disease, Protein S, Thrombosis

  9. Social and Environmental Issues of the of Laranjal do Jari/Ap City: Reflections From the PersPective of Popular Education

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    Eliana do Socorro de Brito Paixão


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to raise reflections on the social and environmental issues of the city of Laranjal do Jari from the point of view of its residents who are taking part in this survey. It regards a city located in the frontier area, south of the state of Amapá, that concentrates 94,9%  of the county’s population, constituted by 39.942 inhabitants. Living in such city means to live with perverse heritages induced by the installation of Jari Project, in the region, in the 70’s – a time from which a number of residents live in stilt houses over the waters of the Jari River, whose structure is that of a extended pluvial slum. The city lives with grave social and environmental issues, which, historically, have naturalized themselves to the life of the inhabitants, related to garbage, water, sewage, housing, among others, which ratify the poverty index in the order of 46,2% and are highlights in the urban configuration. The research was of qualitative nature, realized with 48 city residents, field experiments were developed inspired on the Culture Circle, from Paulo Freire. The results indicate that, when it is about proposing changes in the built environment, it is fundamental to summon those who know the reality in which he lives.

  10. Geology of radon occurrence around Jari in Parvati Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choubey, V.M.; Sharma, K.K.; Ramola, R.C.


    Soil gas and indoor radon concentrations have been measured around Jari in Parvati Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India, to study their relationship with the local geology. Both soil gas and indoor radon concentrations were found to be higher near structurally controlled uranium mineralization. Indoor radon levels in the houses of the study area are considerably higher than the ICRP recommended value of 200 Bq m -3 . The high indoor radon concentration found may be attributed to the geology of the area. This area needs more detailed investigation as it may be one of the areas of high radon risk in India. (Author)

  11. Geochemical investigation of petroleum source rocks by using Rock- Eval data in the Agha-Jari oilfield

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    Behzad khani


    Full Text Available In this study, 40 drilling cutting of the Pabdeh, Gurpi, kazhdumi and Gadvan Formations from the Agha-Jari Oilfield were analyzed by using Rock-Eval pyrolysis. In order to recognizing sedimentary environmental conditions of studied Formations, they are divided to 4 zones which A (Kazhdumi Formation#187 and C (Kazhdumi Formation#140 zones show reduction conditions by presence of sea organic materials and B (Gadvan Formation #140 and D(Gadvan Formation#187 zones show oxidation conditions by presence of continental organic materials to basin. Based on the Rock-Eval pyrolysis data, the Pabeh, Gurpi, Kazhdumi and Gadvan Formations have variable hydrocarbon generative potential. HI vs. OI plot revealed that the kerogen type in this Formations is a mixed of types II & III. The intensity of matrix effect in the Pabdeh, Gurpi, Kazhdumi and Gadvan Formations was compared by using S2 vs. TOC plot and calculating its regression equation. The results show that the significant amount of S2 adsorption by matrix was happened in the Pabdeh (4.98-6.96 mg HC/gr rock in wells 113 and 121 and Gurpi Formations ‌(4.33 mg HC/gr rock in well 113 which is due to their low thermal maturity‌(Tmax


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    R. Irpan Pahlepi


    Full Text Available AbstrakFilariasis atau penyakit kaki gajah adalah golongan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh cacing filaria  yang  ditularkan  melalui  berbagai  jenis  nyamuk.  Penyebaran  filariasis  hampir  meliputi  seluruh wilayah di Indonesia termasuk Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU Timur. Angka kesakitan filarisis di Kabupaten OKU Timur tahun 2007 sebesar 1,05%. Kegiatan pengobatan massal di Kabupaten OKU Timur belum pernah dilakukan sampai saat ini, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penyebaran penyakit filariasis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei dengan desain potong lintang. Pengambilan dan pemeriksaan sediaan darah jari dilakukan pada malam hari dimulai pukul 19.00 WIB. Jumlah penduduk yang diperiksa sebanyak 502. Hasil pemeriksaan diperoleh 4 orang positif mikrofilaria (Mf_ rate 0,8% dengan spesies Brugia  malayi  dan  kepadatan  rata-rata  200mf/ml.  Seluruh  kasus  yang  ditemukan  merupakan  kasus baru. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penularan filariasis masih terjadi di Kabupaten OKU Timur sehingga perlu adanya pengobatan massal untuk mencegah penularan lebih lanjut.Kata kunci : Filariasis, Brugia malayi, Survei darah jari, OKU TimurAbstractFilariasis or elephantiasis is an infectious diseases caused by filarial worms that transmitted by various species of mosquitoes. Filariasis distributions almost covers all districts in Indonesia including East Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU. Filarisais morbidity in East OKU regency in 2007 was 1.05 %. Mass treatment in the district of East OKU have not been done yet, so it is necessary to do a research that aim to determine the prevalen of filariasis. This study is a cross-sectional survey design. Collection and examination of finger’s blood was done at night starting at 19:00. Number of people examined were 502. Examination results obtained 4 positive microfilariae (Mf_ rate 0.8 % of Brugia malayi and the average density of 200

  13. Aplikasi Dua Segitiga Sebangun pada Studi Venus Transit di Matahari Tanggal 8 Juni 2004 dari BPD LAPAN Watukosek

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    Nanang Widodo


    Full Text Available Transit planet Venus di cakram matahari (jari-jari = 696000 km merupakan peristiwa alam yang dapat dilihat secara berkala. Planet Venus merupakan planet kedua dalam sistem tata surya yang mempunyai orbit lebih dekat ke matahari (= 0,723 Astronomical Unit dibanding jarak bumi-matahari (= 149.600.000 km = 1 AU. Sehingga pada suatu waktu tertentu ada peluang berada tepat di depan Bumi, saat menghadap matahari atau dikenal dengan transit Venus. Proses pengamatan fenomena transit Venus di cakram matahari tersebut dapat diimplimentasikan sebagai aplikasi dua segitiga sebangun, Dimana jari-jari planet Venus (jari-jari = 6051,8 km dinyatakan sebagai tinggi benda dan jari-jari tinggi bayangan Venus sebesar 20880 km (= 3,65 mm pada cakram matahari. Dimana diameter matahari 1.392.000 km (= 240 mm pada lembar sket. Dengan pengukuran jarak tempuh Venus transit 72,4 mm (419 920 km di cakram matahari terhadap waktu kontak pertama bayangan Venus pada jam 05.28 UT (12.28 WIB di tepi timur hingga akhir transit pada 17.50 UT (14.50 WIB diperoleh kecepatan bayangan Venus sebesar 49,286 km/detik


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    I Wayan Aryadi


    Full Text Available Seiring dengan perkembangan kebutuhan bit rate dan kapasitas layanan data yang meningkat di wilayah Kota Denpasar, diperlukan perencanaan lokasi site BTS (Base Transceiver Station yang dapat melayani kebutuhan pelanggan secara kuantitas maupun kualitas. Untuk memperoleh nilai bit rate yang maksimal dibutuhkan jari-jari sel yang kecil. Dengan perbandingan luas wilayah sebesar 130,48 km2 jika dibagi dengan 399 balai banjar di Kota Denpasar maka diperoleh coverage area 0,327 km2 per banjar dengan jari-jari sel sekitar 285 m. Maka pada penelitian ini lokasi site BTS yang digunakan adalah pada Balai Banjar di Kota Denpasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang lokasi site BTS layanan 3G-WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access untuk wilayah Pemerintah Kota Denpasar sesuai data sebaran penduduk dan mengetahui perbandingan jumlah site BTS secara teoritis untuk layanan 3G-WCDMA memanfaatkan Balai Banjar Pemerintah Kota Denpasar dengan model pemetaan secara geografis. Metode penelitian terdiri dari 3 alur, yaitu perkiraan pertumbuhan pelanggan 3G-WCDMA dan Offered Bit Quantity (OBQ per desa di Kota Denpasar, Perhitungan jumlah dan jari-jari site secara teoritis per desa di Kota Denpasar, dan Pemetaan site di Kota Denpasar memanfaatkan Balai Banjar. Perhitungan secara teoritis menunjukkan bahwa 257 site yang diperlukan untuk melingkupi seluruh wilayah Denpasar. Sementara pemetaan secara geografis dengan memanfaatkan lokasi Balai Banjar adalah sebanyak 311 site. Dari 311 site, 155 site (49,84% terdapat pada kawasan Balai Banjar dan 156 site (50,16% terdapat di luar kawasan Balai Banjar.

  15. Dar al-Kalima akadeemia kultuuri- ja konverentsikeskus "AD DAR" : Petlemm, Palestiina = Dar al-Kalima Academy Cultural and Convention Centre "AD DAR" : Bethlehem, Palestine, 1998-2003 / Juha Leviskä

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leviskä, Juha


    Projekteerija: Vilhelm Helander, Juha Leviskä Arkkitehdit. Autorid Jyha Leviskä ja Jari Heikkinen, kaasautor Pekka Kivisalo, sisekujundaja Jari Heikkinen. Projekt 1998-1999, valmis 1999-2003. 2 joon.: plaan, vaade, 8 fotot: 4 välis- ja 4 sisevaadet

  16. Pemanfaatan Biometric Fingerprint sebagai Media Pembayaran Transjakarta Berbasis Electronic Money


    Muhajir, Ahmad; Ristiyanti, Lia; Harsono, Shabrina Utami


    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan lain dari sidik jari sebagaialternative media pembayaran berbasis uang elektronik pada Transjakarta. Penggunaan sidik jaridipilih karena sidik jari merupakan identitas manusia yang tidak dapat diganti atau dirubah. Padapenelitian ini menggunakan Deskriptif Studies karena bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaransecara sistematis dan akurat mengenai Pemanfaatan Biometric Fingerprint sebagai mediapemabayaran Transjakarta berbasis E-Money. Dalam me...



    Purwadi, Purwadi; Sunarto, Faisal; Muttaqin, Alfan; Seto, Tri Handoko


    IntisariTelah dilakukan kajian aplikasi mobile zappeline sebagai media teknologi modifikasi cuaca (tmc) dan media penipisan polutan udara (asap) pada sebuah truk Mitsubishi Colt Diesel berukuran 5,960 x 1,970 meter. Dengan kendaraan tersebut, direkomendasikan dimensi zappeline berbentuk bangun ruang eliptical dengan jari-jari diagonal a dan b masing-masing 3,25 dan 0,65 meter. Selanjutnya, karakteristik aerodinamik dan fisika dihitung dengan memecahkan beberapa persamaan fisika secara numerik...


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    Aulia Puspaning Galih


     Media sosial, seperti namanya, adalah media bagi masyarakat untuk bersosialisasidengan orang lain tanpa dibatasi ruang dan waktu melalui jaringan internet. Salah satu bentuk media sosial yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini, terutama oleh masyarakat Indonesia, adalah jejaring sosial Facebook. Masyarakat Indonesia melakukan banyak kegiatan di situs jejaring sosial tersebut, seperti mengunggah tulisan dan berkomentar pada suatu unggahan. Salah satu fitur yang digemari di Facebook adalah fitur bagikan yang berfungsi agar pengguna dapat membagi tautan dari orang lain keakun pribadi mereka dengan pengaturan tertentu. Adanya kemudahan dalam menggunakan fitur bagikan tersebut, ternyata malah menimbulkan banyak kasus. Kasus ungkapan kemarahan pemain bulutangkis asal Denmark terhadap ancaman pembunuhan yang ditujukan kepada mereka, hingga kasus penghinaan Presiden Indonesia menjadi contoh nyata dari efek fitur tersebut. Tidak jarang masalah yang ada di jejaring sosial berujung pada hukuman sosial,bahkan dapat masuk dalam ranah hukum pidana. Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik yang telah direvisi pada akhir tahun 2016, ternyata tidak dapat mengatasi masalah sosial yang terlanjur terjadi di internet. Faktanya, Undang-undang saja tidak akan cukup untuk mengatasi masalah sosial. Sebenarnya, yang lebih dibutuhkan masyarakat adalah pengetahuan tentang literasi digital.


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    Lobes Herdiman


    Full Text Available Pengembangan  komponen telapak tangan prosthetic terdiri dari metacarpal, metacarpal pollicis, dan jari tangan. Bahan yang digunakan yaitu nylon, jumlah komponen sebanyak 87 dan berat 175 gram. Kemampuan ibu jari dan jari telunjuk memegang peranan penting dalam melakukan 6 model gerakan. Posisi ujung phalanx media-distalis ibu jari dan jari telunjuk bertemu pada satu titik, sehingga mampu melakukan gerakan dasar tangan. Pengujian dengan eksperimen empiris pada pengembangan prosthetic tangan kosmetik dilakukan untuk mengetahui rotasi dari titik koordinat pada sendi pada saat aktivitas pemegangan. Sumbu koordinat ruang dan sistem dimana sumbu x, y, dan z, dengan titik nol ditetapkan pada pangkal poros utama. Model mekanisme prosthetic tangan kosmetik dengan sistem penarikan pada kendali kabel eksternal. Pengukuran tekanan pada ibu jari dengan jari telunjuk sebesar 493 gram yang dilakukan dengan alat dial indicator, pengukuran tekanan ibu jari dengan jari tengah sebesar 487 gram. Pengujian beban tarikan kabel untuk membuka jari menjadi terbuka penuh sebesar 4.291 gram dengan alat force gauge. Persamaan Newton-Euler menghasilkan besarnya torsi melalui persamaan forward (maju dan backward (mundur. Rotasi matriks yang disimbolkan xRx+1, dengan x adalah titik mulai dan x+1 adalah titik tujuan. Titik koordinat pada tiap ruas sebagai degree of freedom pada tiga titik, yaitu titik 0, titik 1, dan titik 2. Perhitungan matriks rotasi menggunakan titik awal (origin dan titik tujuan (destination. Titik 0 jari ditentukan pada sendi metacarpophalangeal, titik 1 pada sendi interphalangeal proximalis, dan titik 2 pada ujung komponen phalanx media-distalis sebagai end effector dimana ω0 = v0 = 0 dan gravitasi g = 9,8062 m/s2. Besarnya torsi maksimal dicapai pada gerakan spherical sebesar 10,00449 N.m, dengan mengkonversikan besaran torsi ke daya maka dicapai sebesar untuk gerakan spherical sebesar 12,5046 watt, dan daya terkecil pada gerakan lateral dan tip

  20. Väikesed muutused annavad kokku suure / Harli Uljas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uljas, Harli


    Palgatõusust tingitud muudatuste vajalikkusest ettevõtluses. Kommenteerivad ASi Tarkon tegevjuht Ove Carlsson, PTA Grupp ASi juhatuse esimees Peeter Larin, Deloitte Advisory ASi juhatuse esimees Jari Kukkonen


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    Umi Salamah


    Full Text Available Kekurangan atau kelebihan oksigen dalam darah akan menimbulkan penyakit dan gangguan kerja tubuh. Pada tingkat tertentu, penyakit tersebut dapat meninbulkan resiko kematian. Oleh karena itu, informasi tentang kejenuhan oksigen dalam darah menjadi hal yang penting untuk dideteksi. Salah satu insturmentasi yang digunakan untuk memantau kejenuhan oksigen dalam darah adalah dengan pulse oximetry. Dalam penelitian ini dirancang bangun pulse oximetry berbasis personal computer menggunakan LED merah dan inframerah sebagai sumber cahaya sedang sensor cahaya yang digunakan adalah fotodioda. Pulse oximetry yang dirancang adalah instrumentasi non invasive yang mana driver LED diletakkan pada ujung jari. Cahaya LED yang terserap jari akan menjadi sinyal yang diumpankan ke fotodioda yang selanjutnya sinyal tersebut akan diubah menjadi sinyal digital oleh Arduino dan diproses lebih lanjut oleh personal computer untuk menampilkan grafik pulse oximetry tersebut. Perangkat lunak untuk mengolah data keluaran Arduino menggunakan Delphi 7, Microsoft Exel dan Mat Lab sebagai perangkat lunaknya. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh sinyal Photopletysmography (PPG Ujung Jari yang representatif  dengan sinyal PPG referensi. Pengujian pulse oximetry yang telah dirancang adalah 16 dengan sampel uji random. Dari sampel tersebut, diperoleh 13 sampel uji berada pada prosentase kejenuhan oksigen normal dan 3 sampel uji berada pada prosentase kejenuhan oksigen tidak normal.

  2. Pärnu pakub taas elamusi / Ragne Nukk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nukk, Ragne, 1984-


    Näitus "Mees ja naine" (alapealkirjaga "Tugevad tunded, haprad suhted") 5. septembrini ning soome fotograafi Jari Arffmani näitus "Bart - business art" 1. septembrini 2010 Pärnu Uue Kunsti Muuseumis

  3. Up Close and Personal / Ave Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randviir, Ave, 1981-


    Näitused Hobusepea ja Draakoni galeriis, kuraator Marge Monko. Osalesid Adel Abidin (Soome), Jari Silomäki (Soome), Helina Kõrm, Krista Mölder, Kaarel Nurk, Krõõt Tarkmeel, Tõnu Tunnel, Sigrid Viir

  4. "ARS 01", perspektiivide avamine / Helen Kivisoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivisoo, Helen


    30. IX 2001-20. I 2002 Kiasmas kuuendat korda toimuvast rahvusvahelisest näitusest "ARS", kus Eestist osaleb Marko Mäetamm. Kuraatorid Tuula Arkio, Maaretta Jaukkuri, Patrik Nyberg, Jari-Pekka Vanhala. Teemaks "kolmas ruum". Näituse kajastamisest.

  5. UP Close & Personal. Ohutult lähedale / Anneli Porri

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Porri, Anneli, 1980-


    Marge Monko kureeritud näitus "Up Close & Personal" Hobusepea ja Draakoni galeriis kuni 13. IX. Jari Silomäki (Soome), Kaarel Nurga, Tõnu Tunneli, Adel Abidini (Soome), Sigrid Viiri ja Krista Möldri töödest

  6. Soome paviljon = The Finland Pavilion / Peter MacKeith

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    MacKeith, Peter


    1989.a. rahvuslikul konkursil esimese preemia pälvinud Soome Paviljoni projektist näitusele EXPO-92. Projekt valmis arhitektuuribüroos MONARK, kuhu kuuluvad arhitektid Juha Jääskeläinen, Juha Kaakko, Petri Rouhiainen, Matti Sanaksenaho ja Jari Trikkonen

  7. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 3,6-dialkylsubstituted-[1,2,4 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)



    Feb 16, 2018 ... A series of 3,6-dialkyl-[1,2,4] triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole (10) analogues were ... Cytotoxicity data revealed that most of the tested compounds revealed cytotoxic ...... jary B 2003 Synthesis characterization and anticancer.

  8. IPDO-2007: Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium (United States)


    Grebenniko v J. Luna Tomas Perez Manuel Enriquez 025 Alexande r Grebenniko v 026 Tsung- Chien Chen Shou- Jen Hsu Pan-Chio Tuan 028...Dulikravich 086 Helmut Sobieczky Monika Hannemann 087 Anssi Lehikoinen Arto Voutilainen Jari Kaipio Stefan Finsterle Mike Kowalsky 088

  9. Väikefirma ootab alternatiivturgu / Virge Lahe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lahe, Virge


    Ehitusfirma Nova Haus ootab börsist lihtsamate reeglitega alternatiivturu käivitumist Eestis, mis võimaldaks ettevõttel hankida arenguks lisakapitali. Vt. samas: CV: Nova Haus Grupp; Erinevad turud; Euroopas tegutsevad alternatiivturud; Kuidas pääseda alternatiivturule? Kommenteerivad Jari Kukkonen ja Janek Taaler

  10. Directori ülesanne: Võimekas juht / Mari Kooskora

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kooskora, Mari, 1969-


    Noore ja ambitsioonika juhi juhtimisvigadest. Lahendusi pakuvad Rimi Eesti Food tegevdirektor Ruth Laatre: Organisatsioon on sisuliselt ju isiksuste paraad; raudteeinspektsiooni personalijuht Anna Sirak: Martin ei usaldanud oma töötajaid; Deloitte Advisory juhtimiskonsultatsioonide osakonna direktor Jari Kukkonen: Martin ei saanud oma rollist aru

  11. Eesti - Soome turismikaubamaja -5%

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Turismikonverentsil "Eesti - Soome turismikaubamaja -5%" analüüsiti Eesti ja Soome vahelisi turismivõimalusi ning seati sihte edaspidiseks. Ülevaade Reilika Lelovi (Turismimaailm OÜ), Pauli Santala (Finnish Consulting Group), Tarja Vaakanaineni (Tallink Finland Vice Managing), Ain Hinsbergi (Turismimaailm OÜ), Jari Auraneni (Go Finland Oy) ja Mikko Saviko (The Baltic Guide) ettekannetest

  12. Characterization of kaolin wastes from kaolin mining industry from the amazon region as raw material for pozzolans production; Caracterizacao dos residuos cauliniticos das industrias de mineracao de caulim da amazonia como materia-prima para producao de pozolanas de alta reatividade

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barata, M.S.; Angelica, R.S., E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto de Geociencias, Universidade Federal do Para, Belem, PA (Brazil)


    Capim and Jari are the two most important kaolin mining districts of the Brazilian Amazon region. They encompass the major Brazilian reserves of high quality kaolin for the paper coating industry. The kaolin is mined and processed by three major companies responsible for about 500,000 ton of a residue mainly composed of kaolinite. The wastes come mainly from the centrifugation phase of the kaolin beneficiation process and their final destinations are huge sedimentation basins that occupy large areas. The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the kaolin wastes processed from the Capim and Jari region, in order to obtain meta kaolinite, a high reactive pozzolans for the cement industry. When incorporated to ordinary Portland cement such pozzolans increases the concrete and mortars performance. All the residues studied in this work were characterized by means of: X-ray diffraction analysis, differential thermal analysis, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and laser diffraction. Both residues are mainly constitutes by at least 92% of low granulometry kaolinite with specific surface area above 8 m2 /g and mean diameter below 1 {mu}m. Free silica (quartz) contents are below 3%. The high concentration of kaolinite in these residues dispenses rigid control parameters for removal of impurities usually employed in pozzolans production. The Jari kaolin exhibits high disordered kaolinite in comparison with the high ordered kaolinite of the Capim region and gives rise to higher desidroxilation degree at lower temperatures. It points to energy saving and reducing costs during the production of a pozzolans. The results are satisfactory and reveal that both kaolin wastes are excellent raw material for the production of high reactive meta kaolin. (author)

  13. Characterization of kaolin wastes from kaolin mining industry from the amazon region as raw material for pozzolans production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barata, M.S.; Angelica, R.S.


    Capim and Jari are the two most important kaolin mining districts of the Brazilian Amazon region. They encompass the major Brazilian reserves of high quality kaolin for the paper coating industry. The kaolin is mined and processed by three major companies responsible for about 500,000 ton of a residue mainly composed of kaolinite. The wastes come mainly from the centrifugation phase of the kaolin beneficiation process and their final destinations are huge sedimentation basins that occupy large areas. The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the kaolin wastes processed from the Capim and Jari region, in order to obtain meta kaolinite, a high reactive pozzolans for the cement industry. When incorporated to ordinary Portland cement such pozzolans increases the concrete and mortars performance. All the residues studied in this work were characterized by means of: X-ray diffraction analysis, differential thermal analysis, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and laser diffraction. Both residues are mainly constitutes by at least 92% of low granulometry kaolinite with specific surface area above 8 m2 /g and mean diameter below 1 μm. Free silica (quartz) contents are below 3%. The high concentration of kaolinite in these residues dispenses rigid control parameters for removal of impurities usually employed in pozzolans production. The Jari kaolin exhibits high disordered kaolinite in comparison with the high ordered kaolinite of the Capim region and gives rise to higher desidroxilation degree at lower temperatures. It points to energy saving and reducing costs during the production of a pozzolans. The results are satisfactory and reveal that both kaolin wastes are excellent raw material for the production of high reactive meta kaolin. (author)

  14. Sanakirjoja juristeille ja ekonomeille / Jari J Marjanen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Marjanen, Jari J.


    Arvustus: Virolais-suomalais-englantilais-saksalais-venäläinen pörssisanakirja = Eesti-soome-inglise-saksa-vene börsisõnastik = Estonian-Finnish-English-German-Russian stock exchange dictionary = Estnisch-finnisch-englisch-deutsch-russishes Börsenwörterbuch / koost. Uno Liivaku, Uno Mereste ; Suomalais-virolainen lakikielen sanakirja = Soome-eesti õigussõnaraamat / toim. Rein Kull, Aime Vettik

  15. Tirkistelijöiden historiaa: Lectio Praecursoria 7.11.2014

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juuso Marttila


    Full Text Available FM Juuso Marttilan taloushistorian väitöskirja Työ teollistumisen ja arjen rajapintana. Strömforsin ja Ramnäsin rautaruukkiyhteisöt 1880–1950 tarkastettiin 7.11.2014 Jyväskylän yliopistossa. Vastaväittäjänä toimi professori Pertti Haapala Tampereen yliopistosta ja kustoksena professori Jari Ojala Jyväskylän yliopistosta.

  16. Aplikasi Terminal Sidik Jari Dalam Pemantauan Imunisasi Balita

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sugiyanto Sugiyanto


    Full Text Available Monitoring  the  implementation  of  immunization  as  an  effort  to  achieve  a  targeted  immunization  Universal  Child  Immunization  ieimmunization  coverage  of  at  least  80%  complete  on  the  baby  evenly  from  all  over  the  village  /  villages  in  Indonesia.  Constraintsrecapitulation  of  data  validation  and  reporting  system  is  running  slow  due  to  the  location  of  posyandu  and  vulnerable  human  errorcommitted by  the officer.  The need for  appropriate  tools  to  support the  monitoring of  immunization  activities,  by combining  hardwareand  software  in the  form of a  fingerprint  terminal  application.  This study uses a  model of  sequential  liner  system design,  software  useBorland  Delphi  7.0,  firebird  database,  as well as components  massanger  yahoo  as  an additional component  in  Borland  Delphi  7.0 forsynchronization  of  text  data  transmission  between  client  computers  and  server  computers.  Hardware  used,  fingerprint,  personal computers,  netbooks  and  GSM  modem.  The  results  of  this  study,  resulting  in  the  application  of  biometric  terminal  for  monitoringimmunization of infants aged 0 to 11 months, with the performance needs of the time synchronization of data, depending on the speed is relatively fast internet bandwidth used.Keywords : Immunization, Fingerprint

  17. Phlebotomines (Diptera: Psychodidae) in a Hydroelectric System Affected Area from Northern Amazonian Brazil: Further Insights into the Effects of Environmental Changes on Vector Ecology. (United States)

    Furtado, Nercy Virginia Rabelo; Galardo, Allan Kardec Ribeiro; Galardo, Clicia Denis; Firmino, Viviane Caetano; Vasconcelos Dos Santos, Thiago


    During 2012-2015, an entomological survey was conducted as part of a phlebotomine (Diptera: Psychodidae) monitoring program in an area influenced by the Santo Antônio do Jari hydroelectric system (Amapá State, Brazil). The purpose was to study aspects of Amazon/Guianan American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) vectors subjected to stresses by anthropogenic environmental changes. For sampling, CDC light traps were positioned 0.5, 1, and 20 m above ground at five capture locations along the Jari River Basin. Fluctuations in phlebotomine numbers were analyzed to determine any correlation with rainfall, dam waterlogging, and/or ACL cases, from May 2012 to March 2015. We captured 2,800 individuals, and among 45 species identified, Bichromomyia flaviscutellata , Nyssomyia umbratilis , and Psychodopygus squamiventris s.l. were determined to be the main putative vectors, based on current knowledge of the Amazon/Guianan ACL scenario. Rainfall, but not complete flooding, was relatively correlated with phlebotomine fluctuation, mainly observed for Ps. squamiventris s.l. , as were ACL cases with Ny. umbratilis. Behavioral changes were observed in the unexpected high frequency of Bi. flaviscutellata among CDC captures and the noncanopy dominance of Ny. umbratilis , possibly attributable to environmental stress in the sampled ecotopes. Continuous entomological surveillance is necessary to monitor the outcomes of these findings.

  18. Phlebotomines (Diptera: Psychodidae in a Hydroelectric System Affected Area from Northern Amazonian Brazil: Further Insights into the Effects of Environmental Changes on Vector Ecology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nercy Virginia Rabelo Furtado


    Full Text Available During 2012–2015, an entomological survey was conducted as part of a phlebotomine (Diptera: Psychodidae monitoring program in an area influenced by the Santo Antônio do Jari hydroelectric system (Amapá State, Brazil. The purpose was to study aspects of Amazon/Guianan American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL vectors subjected to stresses by anthropogenic environmental changes. For sampling, CDC light traps were positioned 0.5, 1, and 20 m above ground at five capture locations along the Jari River Basin. Fluctuations in phlebotomine numbers were analyzed to determine any correlation with rainfall, dam waterlogging, and/or ACL cases, from May 2012 to March 2015. We captured 2,800 individuals, and among 45 species identified, Bichromomyia flaviscutellata, Nyssomyia umbratilis, and Psychodopygus squamiventris s.l. were determined to be the main putative vectors, based on current knowledge of the Amazon/Guianan ACL scenario. Rainfall, but not complete flooding, was relatively correlated with phlebotomine fluctuation, mainly observed for Ps. squamiventris s.l., as were ACL cases with Ny. umbratilis. Behavioral changes were observed in the unexpected high frequency of Bi. flaviscutellata among CDC captures and the noncanopy dominance of Ny. umbratilis, possibly attributable to environmental stress in the sampled ecotopes. Continuous entomological surveillance is necessary to monitor the outcomes of these findings.

  19. Dokfilmiparaad Tallinnas / Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ulfsak-Šeripova, Maria, 1981-


    29.-31. jaanuaril näidatakse Tallinnas kinos Artis ja KUMUs 17 dokumentaalfilmi. See on üheksandat aastat Helsingis toimuva filmifestivali DocPoint esmakordne "väljasõit". Lähemalt neljast filmist: "Videokraatia" (rež. Erik Gandini, Rootsi 2009), "Ameerika kardetuim mees" (rež.-id Judith Erlich ja Rick Goldsmith, USA 2009), "44500 Max" (rež. Jari Kokko, USA 2009), "Teel kooli" (rež.-id Ösgür Dogan ja Orhan Eskiköy, Türgi 2008)

  20. Johdatus sissimarkkinointiin


    Helin, Janne


    Työn tarkoituksena on selvittää sissimarkkinoinnin perusajatus; mitä se on, mistä se alkaa ja mihin se päättyy, ja toisaalta mitä sissimarkkinointi ei ole. Tutkimuksessa on otettu vahvasti huomioon sissimarkkinoinnin keksijän, Jay Conrad Levinsonin kehittämät näkökannat, mutta toisaalta on otettu huomioon sissimarkkinointia suomalaisen liike-elämän näkökulmasta katsoneen Jari Parantaisen näkökannat. Todettiin, että sissimarkkinointi on etenkin alun perin, mutta myös edelleen paljolti pienten-...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adhi Kusmantoro


    Full Text Available Keamanan dalam teknologi dunia maya pada saat sangat diperlukan mengingat banyaknya masyarakat yang telah mengakuiteknologi, sehingga kecenderungan banyak ingin mengetahui atau bahkan mencuri sesuatu rahasia super yang sifatnya atau hak cipta yang di bawah aeigis hukum untuk mencari keuntungan individu dengan crack atau lebih dikenal dengan hacker.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.A. K. Oka Sudana


    Full Text Available Many cases of fraud are exposed where someone, claiming to be someone else attempts to accesssomething. This situation challenges us to create a system that is both reliable and trustworthy to verify someone’sidentity. A biometric system represent an automatic recognition system based on the physiological characteristicsand/or behaviors of the human being. One of these biometric system is fingerprint recognition. Fingerprint verification system is a system to verify a human fingerprint according to the identity which has been claimed. Thusfingerprint image input is compared with the reference fingerprint image which has been kept in a database,according to the given identity. On this research, the Gabor Filter Bank-based Fingerprint Matching Method is used to extract the image features.On application, one of sample image will be matched with one of the database reference image. First, before matching, the sample image features need to be calculate using the aforementioned method. The resulting matchingprocess will find a reference image which has the shortest Euclidean distance with the sample image. This matchingprocess will only succeed if the sample image and the reference image are from the same person. Images used inthis research are fingerprint images with dimension 191 x 191 pixels. This research is looking for the successful rateand the burst time on the verification process. Result of the system testing show that Gabor Filter Bank Method canprovide high enough success level i.e. 95%. The items influence success level are subject to quality of fingerprint image and accuracy to find a reference point/core point, Similarity between query image and reference image is determined by projection distance both of images, and also threshold value is used to decide whether this image isvalid or not.

  3. Economic History in Times of Transition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reckendrees, Alfred


    This issue coincides with my retirement as one of the (co-)editors of the Scandinavian Economic History Review. It has been a great pleasure and a real privilege to work for this journal over the last six years, and I am grateful that Jari Ojala, editor-in-chief since 2015, invited me to reflect...... interesting (the short answer is ‘red’ – relevance, engagement, debate). And finally, I introduce to the articles appearing in this number of the Journal. A journal is teamwork. Many people, from the authors who submit their papers to the publisher’s copyeditors, contribute to the success of a journal. Most...

  4. Utilisation of phosphate by jute from jute growing soils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ray, P.K.; Suiha, A.K.


    The uptake and utilisation of phosphate from different jute growing soils of West Bengal viz., Humaipur (24-Parganas), Haripal (Hooghly), Panagarh (Burdwan) and the Jute Agricultural Research Institute, Barrackpore (24-Parganas) were studied in pot under fertilizer combination of NP, PK and NPK. The soils from 24-Parganas district behaved in a similar manner with respect to dry matter yield, fertilizer P uptake and per cent utilisation of added P. The P deficient between the two, Humaipur soil, showed comparatively higher P utilisation. Other two soils, Haripal and Panagarh, though of different origin behaved similarly, highest soil P has been contributed by the P rich soil (J.A.R.I.) to the crop, though it showed minimum P fixation. (author)

  5. Väikesed viieukselised / Jussa Nieminen, Pekka Aromaa, Jari Pitkäjärvi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nieminen, Jussa


    TM võrdleb viieukselisi väikeautosid: Ford Fiesta 1,0 EcoBoost Titanium; Kia Rio 1,4 EX; Peugeot 208 VTi 82 Allure; Renault Clio TCe 90 Expression; Seat Ibiza 1,2 TSI 77 kW Style Ecomotive; Toyota Yaris 1,33 Dual VVT-i VSC 73kW Linea Terra

  6. Une région, plusieurs mondes, impressions d’une étude de terrain dans la région du Jarí, Amazonie brésilienne, août 2009

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Greising


    Full Text Available Cette synthèse de terrain retrace quelques journées clefs d’un travail de recherche réalisé en Amazonie brésilienne entre janvier et août 2009 dans le cadre d’une thèse de doctorat en géographie sur la naissance et le développement de la région du Jarí, un territoire transfrontalier entre l’Amapá et le Pará. L’histoire récente de cette région est indissociablement liée à l’installation en 1967, par l’entrepreneur Américain D.K. Ludwig, d’une entreprise agro-industrielle, la Jari Cellulose S.A., pour la production de pâte à papier à grande échelle, reposant sur des plantations extensives, alors que la région était déjà peuplée de petites communautés vivant de cueillette et d’agriculture de subsistance. Avec l’arrivée de l’entreprise, la région a connu un important changement de cap, caractérisé par une nouvelle dynamique économique, mais aussi par des impacts sociaux et écologiques considérables, dont les effets contradictoires entre développement et conservation en contexte de l’Amazonie forestière n’ont pas encore été résolus dans la région aujourd’hui. Le voyage raconté ici est la dernière et plus lointaine excursion entamée pendant le travail de terrain. Il nous amène aux communautés de l’Estrada Nova, territoire situé au sud-ouest du domaine de l’entreprise Jarí Cellulose. Ici, la plupart des familles des communautés vivent dans un isolement prononcé, en indépendance absolue de l’entreprise où en coopération silencieuse avec celle-ci. L’article suivant inclut plusieurs témoignages de quelques-uns des personnages clefs rencontrés au cours de l’expédition au et à travers de l’Estrada Nova.This article is based on a prolonged fieldwork carried out in the Brazilian Amazon region between January and August 2009 for a PhD in geography about the rise and development of the Jarí river region, a trans-border territory between the Amapá and the Pará state

  7. Correlação entre qualidade da água e variabilidade da precipitação no sul do Estado do Amapá

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brunna Stefanny Sangel de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo da investigação foi quantificar a variabilidade da qualidade físico-química e microbiológica da água sob influência da precipitação mensal no Baixo Rio Jari-AP. Este trecho da bacia hidrográfica é considerado como de alto risco às enchentes periódicas. A metodologia de estudo consistiu em coletas mensais de água superficial durante os meses de novembro de 2009 a novembro de 2010, em quatro sítios amostrais definidos em um trecho de 36 km, localizado em frente da cidade Laranjal do Jari-AP. No total, dezesseis parâmetros da qualidade da água foram analisados por amostra. Os resultados foram comparados com as referências do CONAMA 357/2005 (classe 2 e submetidos a uma análise de correlação de Spearman, a qual foi utilizada para quantificar o grau de associação entre parâmetros da qualidade da água e a precipitação mensal. Os parâmetros cor, turbidez, Al+3 , Mn+2 e E. coli apresentaram significativa correlação com a precipitação média mensal. Além disso, altas concentrações de DBO e Coliformes Totais (CT indicaram maior vulnerabilidade ou risco do corpo d´água estar relacionado com doenças potenciais de veiculação hídrica em períodos mais chuvosos. Também, os parâmetros cor, Fe, CT e E. coli apresentaram-se em não conformidade com a legislação CONAMA 357/2005. Concluiu-se que a alteração da qualidade da água tende a se agravar, em termos de vulnerabilidade ou risco à saúde pública, durante eventos mais chuvosos ou de precipitação extrema.

  8. On optimal soft-decision demodulation. [in digital communication system (United States)

    Lee, L.-N.


    A necessary condition is derived for optimal J-ary coherent demodulation of M-ary (M greater than 2) signals. Optimality is defined as maximality of the symmetric cutoff rate of the resulting discrete memoryless channel. Using a counterexample, it is shown that the condition derived is generally not sufficient for optimality. This condition is employed as the basis for an iterative optimization method to find the optimal demodulator decision regions from an initial 'good guess'. In general, these regions are found to be bounded by hyperplanes in likelihood space; the corresponding regions in signal space are found to have hyperplane asymptotes for the important case of additive white Gaussian noise. Some examples are presented, showing that the regions in signal space bounded by these asymptotic hyperplanes define demodulator decision regions that are virtually optimal.

  9. Sixpack diisleid / Hannu Ahonen, Pekka Aromaa, Jari Pitkäjärvi, Isak Kullman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Diiselmootoriga mahukad pereautod: Citroën C5 2,0 Hdi Aut.; Ford Mondeo 2,0 TDCi Trend; Mazda 6 Sedan 2,0 TD Elegance; Renault Laguna 2,0 dCi Dynamique; Toyota Avensis 2,0 dt Linea Sol; Volkswagen Passat Sedan 2,0 TDI

  10. Flights of shame or dignified return? Return flights and post-return monitoring / Jari Pirjola

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pirjola, Jari


    Rahvusvahelistest inimõiguste normidest tagasipöördumise lendudel. Rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonide ja rahvusvaheliste järelevalveasutuste loodud standarditest ning nende rakendamisest tagasipöördumise lendudel

  11. Qualidade da água e índice trófico em rio de ecossistema tropical sob impacto ambiental

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    Carlos Henrique Medeiros de Abreu


    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar a variabilidade espacial-temporal de 20 parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos da qualidade da água (incluindo o índice de estado trófico - IET no Baixo Rio Jari, Amapá, típico de ecossistemas de várzea. Amostras de água foram coletadas trimestralmente em um trecho de 80 km de extensão do rio, entre setembro de 2013 e junho de 2014. Após análises, esses parâmetros foram comparados com valores estabelecidos pela Resolução CONAMA nº 357/2005 (Classe 2. Análises multivariadas (correlação, Kruskall-Wallis e cluster hierárquico mostraram que o único parâmetro que variou espacialmente foi o oxigênio dissolvido (OD (p<0,05, devido à forte influência da reaeração no trecho. Por outro lado, os demais parâmetros - cor, turbidez, condutividade elétrica, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, NH3, P, pH, SO4, Mg, Cl-, coliformes termotolerantes (CT, Escherichia coli e clorofila-a - apresentaram apenas variação temporal significativa (p<0,05. Conclui-se que variação do IET ocorreu entre oligotrófico, mesotrófico e ultraoligotrófico, e os parâmetros cor, CT e E. coli estavam em não conformidade com a legislação, sugerindo influência relativa, mas significativa, tanto de impactos ambientais (urbanos, indústrias e da usina hidrelétrica Santo Antônio do Jari quanto hidrológicos. Isso explica não só a variação sazonal de CT, E. coli e cor no período mais chuvoso (p<0,05, mas também a correlação entre cor, turbidez, temperatura, OD, Cl-, NH3, Mg, DBO, SO4, pH, E. coli, CT e clorofila-a ao longo do ciclo hidrológico e dinâmica sazonal (p<0,05, influenciando indiretamente o comportamento sazonal do IET (p<0,05.

  12. Qualidade da água e índice trófico em rio de ecossistema tropical sob impacto ambiental

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    Carlos Henrique Medeiros de Abreu

    Full Text Available RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar a variabilidade espacial-temporal de 20 parâmetros físicos, químicos e microbiológicos da qualidade da água (incluindo o índice de estado trófico - IET no Baixo Rio Jari, Amapá, típico de ecossistemas de várzea. Amostras de água foram coletadas trimestralmente em um trecho de 80 km de extensão do rio, entre setembro de 2013 e junho de 2014. Após análises, esses parâmetros foram comparados com valores estabelecidos pela Resolução CONAMA nº 357/2005 (Classe 2. Análises multivariadas (correlação, Kruskall-Wallis e cluster hierárquico mostraram que o único parâmetro que variou espacialmente foi o oxigênio dissolvido (OD (p<0,05, devido à forte influência da reaeração no trecho. Por outro lado, os demais parâmetros - cor, turbidez, condutividade elétrica, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, NH3, P, pH, SO4, Mg, Cl-, coliformes termotolerantes (CT, Escherichia coli e clorofila-a - apresentaram apenas variação temporal significativa (p<0,05. Conclui-se que variação do IET ocorreu entre oligotrófico, mesotrófico e ultraoligotrófico, e os parâmetros cor, CT e E. coli estavam em não conformidade com a legislação, sugerindo influência relativa, mas significativa, tanto de impactos ambientais (urbanos, indústrias e da usina hidrelétrica Santo Antônio do Jari quanto hidrológicos. Isso explica não só a variação sazonal de CT, E. coli e cor no período mais chuvoso (p<0,05, mas também a correlação entre cor, turbidez, temperatura, OD, Cl-, NH3, Mg, DBO, SO4, pH, E. coli, CT e clorofila-a ao longo do ciclo hidrológico e dinâmica sazonal (p<0,05, influenciando indiretamente o comportamento sazonal do IET (p<0,05.

  13. Records of new localities and hosts for crustacean parasites in fish from the eastern Amazon in northern Brazil. (United States)

    Oliveira, Marcos Sidney Brito; Corrêa, Lincoln Lima; Oliveira Ferreira, Drielly; Neves, Lígia Rigor; Tavares-Dias, Marcos


    The aim of this study was to investigate parasites crustacean fauna in Arapaima gigas , Cichla monoculus , Cichla ocellaris , Cichla jariina , Satanoperca jurupari , Leporinus friderici , Leporinus fasciatus , Hoplias malabaricus , Phractocephalus hemioliopterus , Serrasalmus altispinis , Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum and Potamotrygon motoro of the State Amapá and Pará, in northern Brazil. A total of 242 parasites, including Argulus elongatus , Argulus multicolor, Argulus juparanaensis , Argulus nattereri , Dolops discoidalis , Dolops longicauda , Braga patagonica , Braga fluviatilis , Livoneca guianensis and undetermined Lernaeidae, were collected from these hosts. The Argulus species had the greatest richness among the community of parasitic crustaceans. There was a low abundance of parasites among the hosts, other than D. discoidalis , was most abundant in the integument of A. gigas and P. tigrinum . Finally, the present study reported nine new hosts for the crustacean parasite species and expanded knowledge of the occurrence of some parasite species in the Jari River basin, in eastern Amazon.

  14. Thinning Zhang-Suen dan Stentiford untuk Menentukan Ekstraksi Ciri (Minutiae Sebagai Identifikasi Pola Sidik Jari

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    Faiza Alif Fakhrina


    Full Text Available Fingerprint is the skin on the palms of the hands and feet that are covered with small ridge lines. Fingerprint pattern belonging to every human is being unique. There are fingerprint on the ridge pattern will not change during human life. Ridge pattern is characteristic of the fingrprint that can be used for biometric identification. Based on fingerprint ridge pattern into four, namely whorl, ulnar loop, radial loop, and arch. Minutiae Extraction (Crossing Number, Core and Delta, Center Point Location can be used for fingerprint pattern recognition. Some of the methods used in the fingerprint pattern recognition is Minutiae Extraction, and Thinning Zhang-Suen and Stentiford. Croosing Number is used for process Minutiae Extraction, example termination and bifurcation. The classification method used Linear Discriminant Analysis. The result fingerprint pattern recognition is system can recognize fingerprint patter as much as 20 images and system can not recognize fingerprint pattern as much as 10 images. Accuracy of fingerprint pattern recognition is 66%.

  15. Luksust ja ruumi / Aimo Niemi, Jyri Ajomaa, Pekka Aromaa, Jari Pitkäjärvi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    TM võrdleb diiselmootoriga universaale: Citroën C5 1,6 Hdi Tourer; Ford Mondeo 2,0 TDCi DPF Wagon; Opel Insignia 2,0 CDTi Sports Tourer Cosmo; Renault Laguna Sport Tourer 1,5 dCi; Toyota Avensis D-4D DPF Linea Sol Wagon; Volkswagen Passat Variant 2,0 TDI

  16. Kinetic study of formation of sodalite from a kaolin waste of Jari river - PA, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, L.N. da; Paz, S.P.A. da; Angelica, R.S.; Neves, R.F.


    Zeolites are materials with a wide industrial application, which has motivated the development of a large number of scientific papers on this topic. This work presents a kinetic study of the formation process of sodalite produced from the reaction of the kaolin waste in the presence of sodium hydroxide solution (5M) performed at temperatures of 80, 100, 120 and 150 ° C. The process was conducted in batch, static, and autoclaves lined with Teflon, and monitoring the kinetics was performed by ex situ XRD analysis of the materials obtained in the time interval from 2 to 24 hours. The kinetic model that best describes this transformation is zero-order homogeneous reaction. Finally, we conclude that the technique of X-ray diffraction is a powerful tool to study the kinetics of phase transformation ex situ. (author)


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    I Putu Dody Lesmana


    Full Text Available Abstract: Biometric is a development of basic method of identification using human natural characteristics as its basic. One of the biometric system that is often used is fingerprint. Fingerprint matching system can be obtained by extraction of minutiae information. Information from minutiae extraction generated ridge ending and bifurcation. The technique coffered in this paper is based on the extraction of minutiae from fingerprint image using crossing number (CN method to get ridge ending and bifurcation point by scanning each of ridges point. False identification of minutiae structure may be introduced into the fingerprint image due to hole and spur structure. It is necessary to test the validity of each minutiae point to eliminate false minutiae. Experiments are firstly conducted to assess how well the crossing number method is able to extract the minutiae point. The minutiae validation algorithm is then evaluated to see how effective the algorithm is in detecting the false minutiae. From experiments result using crossing number method, it can be deduced that all ridge points corresponding to ridge ending and bifurcation point have been detected successfully. However, there are a few cases where the extracted minutiae do not correspond to true minutiae points due to hole and spur structure. Applying minutiae validation algorithm is able to cancel out the false ridge endings created by the spur structure and bifurcations created by the hole structures.

  18. Mineralizer effects on mullite formation from kaolin processing wastes in Para-Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martelli, Marlice Cruz; Angelica, Romulo Simoes; Neves, Roberto de Freitas


    Mullite is a relatively rare mineral in nature, formed under exceptional conditions of high temperature and pressure, which can be used to synthesize this mineral. Mullite presents good chemical and thermal stability among others properties that explain the importance of mullite in traditional and advanced ceramics. This research proposes the development of a process to synthesize mullite using the wastes from kaolin processing industries located in the Rio Jari (Monte Dourado-PA) and Rio Capim (Ipixuna-PA) districts. The synthesized materials will be studied for application as silicon-aluminum refractory bricks. The steps are mineralogical and chemical characterization, verifying the differences between the materials processing through firing of the wastes at increasing levels of temperature with 100 deg C increments, ranging from 600 to 1000 deg C and 1200 to 1500 deg C, during 3 hours at each level. Methods include the study of temperature and impurities effects through X-ray-powder and scanning electron microscopy. (author)

  19. Total cross section of 242Pu between 0.7 and 170 MeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moore, M.S.; Lisowski, P.W.; Morgan, G.L.; Auchampaugh, G.F.


    Various evaluations of the neutron cross sections of 242 Pu lead to widely different predictions of bulk neutronics properties such as critical mass. These evaluations also show rather different behavior of the energy dependence of the total cross section. The total cross section of 242 Pu from 0.7 to 170 MeV was measured to a statistical accuracy of = 0.5% below 6 MeV, using 8 g of high purity material and the WNR pulsed neutron facility. Recent evaluations by Madland and Young and by Lagrange and Jary are found to be reasonably consistent with the data obtained. Best agreement, however, is found by using a relationship between the total cross sections for 238 U, 239 Pu, and 235 U. The remarkable accuracy of this description for 242 Pu suggests that it could be extended to other deformed actinides for which inadequate amounts of material exist for direct measurements of sigma/sub T/ in the MeV region, as an evaluation constraint

  20. A final test for AMS at ESTEC

    CERN Multimedia

    Paola Catapano


    The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) left CERN on Friday 12th February on the first leg of its journey to the International Space Station (ISS). The special convoy carrying the experiment arrived at the European Space Agency’s research and technology centre (ESTEC) in the Netherlands at 4.30 pm on Tuesday 16th February. AMS will then fly to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida before lifting off aboard the space shuttle.   Arrival of the AMS detector at ESTEC in the Netherlands (Credit ESA/Jari Makinen) The transportation of an 8.5-tonne load filled with superfluid helium across Europe is no ordinary shipment. The AMS detector was first inserted into a supporting structure, specially built by the collaboration’s mechanical engineers, then surrounded by protective plastic foil, placed in a box and finally carefully loaded onto the special lorry also carrying a diesel generator running a pump to keep the helium at the right temperature (about 2 K). Its initial destination is ES...

  1. Värvilised pisimunad / Robert Koistinen, Pekka Aromaa, Jari Pitkäjärvi ja Pekka Rantanen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    TM võrdleb. Väikesed väikeautod: Citroën C1 e-VTi 68 Feel, Hyundai i10 1,0 Comfort, Mitsubishi Space Star 1,2 H-Line 5MT Invite, Renault Twingo Zen 1,0 SCe 70, Seat Mii 1,0 Start&Stop Style 5D, Toyota Aygo 1,0 X-cite

  2. Banco de sementes de aveia preta no solo sob dois sistemas de manejo Soil seed bank of black oat in two management systems

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    Marcos Paulo Ludwig


    Full Text Available As sementes de aveia preta (Avena strigosa Schreb. possuem a capacidade de permanecer viáveis no solo de um ano de cultivo para outro. Dessa forma, o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o número de sementes de aveia preta resultantes de dois sistemas de manejo (colheita e ressemeadura natural, que poderão formar o banco de sementes do solo. Os ensaios foram realizados no município de Jari - RS, em uma área cultivada sob o sistema de "plantio direto". Foram coletadas 50 amostras em cada sistema de manejo, com um espaçamento de 10x20m, utilizando um amostrador de diâmetro de 0,05m e uma profundidade de 0,1m. O levantamento do número de sementes e da emergência das plântulas foi realizado no Laboratório Didático da Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel (UFPel. Constatou-se que a colheita e a ressemeadura natural possibilitam a presença de sementes no solo por área, em quantidades superiores à indicada para a semeadura. Com a colheita, a área fica heterogênea em número de sementes no solo e em plântulas emergidas. A ressemeadura natural resulta em uma grande quantidade de sementes no solo e formação de plântulas.The black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb. seeds are able to remain alive in soil from a culture to another. The objective of this study was to evaluate the number of black oat seeds resulting from two management, harvesting, and natural reseeding, which could form the seed bank of soil. The experiments were conducted in Jari-RS, Brazil, the cultivation system is "No Tillage". Were collected 50 samples in each management, at a spacing of 10mx20m, using a sampler diameter of 0.05m and depth of 0.1m. The evaluation of the number of seeds and seedling emergence was accomplish at the Laboratory of Seeds Analysis of the Faculdade de Agronomia "Eliseu Maciel" (UFPEL. It was found that both as the crop as the natural seeding allow large quantities of seeds in the soil for the upper area suitable for planting. The harvest area is

  3. "Faster than History" valiku kriteerium oli eripära ja individuaalsus / Jari-Pekka Vanhala ; interv. Eero Epner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vanhala, Jari-Pekka


    Kuraator tutvustab Helsingis Kiasmas avatud Soome, Baltimaade ja Venemaa kunstnike ühisnäitust "Kiirem kui ajalugu". Lühidalt ka näitusel osalevatest eesti kunstnikest. Intervjuu valmis 7. II eetris olnud Vikerraadio saatele "Kultuurikaja"

  4. Kenad ja kõrged / Aimo Niemi, Pekka Aromaa, Olli Laitinen ja Jari Pitkäjärvi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Linnamaasturite võrdlus: Fiat 500X 1,4 Multiair Popstar, Honda HR-V 1,5 i-VTEC Elegance, Mazda CX-3 2,0 Skyactiv-G Premium Plus, Opel Mokka 1,4 Turbo ECOTEC Start/Stop, Ssangyong Tivoli 1,6i 2WD Quartz, Suzuki Vitara 1,6 VVT GLX


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    Mohammad Iqbal


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan pengenalan sistem isyarat bahasa Indonesia (SIBI berbasis sensor yang diharapkan dapat memperbaiki akurasi, yaitu dengan menggunakan sensor flex untuk gerakan lekukan jari, dan menggunakan sensor accelerometer-gyroscope untuk mengetahui kemiringan/orientasi tangan. Untuk mendapatkan ekstraksi ciri dan metode pengenalan yang optimal, maka diperlukan uji coba dan analisis terhadap perbandingan ekstraksi ciri dan metode pengenalan, sehingga dapat ditentukan yang terbaik. Dalam uji coba dan analisis tersebut, maka diperlukan sampel data offline atau data yang sudah disimpan/direkam sebelumnya, sehingga diperlukan aplikasi untuk dapat merekam data (recording dan memonitoring data dari sensor-sensor yang dipasang pada sarung tangan. Dengan adanya data-data sensor tersebut, maka proses pemilihan ekstraksi ciri dan metode pengenalan yang optimal dapat dilakukan secara offline, menggunakan perangkat lunak komputasi. Capaian dapam Penelitian ini, adalah telah berhasil dikembangkan program aplikasi monitoring dan rekam data untuk sistem pengenalan SIBI. Data sensor yang dimonitoring dan direkam adalah data raw, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengolahan data untuk proses ekstraksi ciri sebelum diujicobakan pada metode pengenalan tertentu Kata kunci: SIBI, bahasa isyarat, sensor, flex, acclerometer, gyroscope, monitoring, recording.

  6. Pemanfaatan Hasil Eksplorasi Plasmanutfah Jeruk Nusantara

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    Emi Budiyati


    Full Text Available Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman  jenis jeruk unggul  lokal maupun nasional   yang tersebar diseluruh nusantara dari sabang sampai merauke,  dan berpotensi  dikembangkan serta didayagunakan untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan, khususnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin dan mineral masyarakat seiring  dengan bertambahnya penduduk yang terus meningkat dari tahun ketahun.  Penelitian  bertujuan untuk identifikasi hasil eksplorasi plasmanutfah jeruk nusantara  berdasarkan kemanfaatan sesuai jenisnya.  Penelitian dilakukan dari tahun 2010 -2013  diseluruh daerah sentra jeruk  Maluku Utara, Maluku tenggara,  Kalimantan Timur, dan Jawa Timur. Metodologi dengan  survei  dan exploratif,  kordinasi dengan Diperta, BPTP, Kebun Raya LIPI serta wawancara dengan penduduk lokal.  Hasil penelitian telah mendapat 30 Asesi Jeruk yang terdiri  citrus  reculata, citrus maxima,  citrus  ambicarpha dan   citrus aurantivolia dan  Menjadi  3 macam jenis berdasarkan pemanfaatannya  yaitu sebagai  buah segar (Pamelo, Keprok dan Manis, olahan dan jenis  biofarmaka (Nipis. Nipis Jumbo, Jerpaya, dan  Jari Buda membukaKata kunci:   buah, eksplorasi, jeruk, plasmanutfah, varietas

  7. Arrangement of fuel cell system for TNRF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nojima, Takehiro; Yasuda, Ryo; Iikura, Hiroshi; Sakai, Takuro; Matsubayashi, Masahito; Takenaka, Nobuyuki; Hayashida, Hirotoshi


    Polymer electrolyte fuel cells (fuel cells) can be potentially employed as sources of clean energy because they discharge only water as by-products. Fuel cells generate electricity with supply of oxygen and hydrogen gases. However, the water produced by the fuel cells blocks the gas supply, thereby degrading their performances. Therefore, it is important to understand the behavior of the water produced by the fuel cells in order to facilitate their development. Neutron radiography is a useful tool for visualizing the distribution of water in fuel cells. We have designed fuel cell operation system for TNRF (Thermal Neutron Radiography Facility) at JRR-3. The fuel cell operation system consists of various components such as gas flow and humidification systems, hydrogen-diluting system, purge system, and safety system for hydrogen gas. We tested this system using a Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI) standard cell. The system performed stably and efficiently. In addition, neutron radiography tests were carried out to visualize the water distribution. The water produced by the fuel cell was observed during the fuel cell operation. (author)

  8. La variabilité hydrologique actuelle dans le bassin de l'Amazone

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    Full Text Available Les phénomènes climatiques de type “ El Niño ”, et son inverse “ La Niña ”, perturbent fortement le climat des régions tropicales du versant Pacifique (Pérou, Équateur, Colombie. Les perturbations du régime des précipitations altèrent à leur tour le régime hydrologique des fleuves de ces régions. Aussi l’analyse des longues séries hydrologiques est un outil pratique pour détecter l’ampleur et l’étendue de l’influence du “ Niño/Niña ” sur une région donnée. Cette analyse des séries chronologiques de débit a été menée sur 17 stations hydrologiques du DNAEE dans le bassin amazonien du Brésil. Les résultats obtenus montrent de bonnes corrélations entre l’indice d’oscillation austral (ENSO et l’indice des débits dans la partie nord-est du bassin (rios Branco et Jari. Ailleurs, des tendances régionales sont observées, mais ne sont pas toujours significatives. Dans le cas de l’Amazone à Óbidos, le “ Niño ” de 1983 a entraîné une chute de 16% du débit moyen annuel, alors que la “ Niña ” de 1989 est responsable d’un excédent de 14% du débit annuel. LA VARIABILIDAD HIDROLÓGICA ACTUAL EN LA CUENCA AMAZÓNICA. Los fenómenos climáticos de tipo “El Niño”, y su inverso “La Niña”, perturban fuertemente el clima de las regiones tropicales de la vertiente Pacífica (Perú, Ecuador, Colombia. Las perturbaciones del régimen de las lluvias alteran el régimen hidrológico de los ríos de la región. Así el análisis de las largas crónicas hidrológicas es una herramienta práctica para detectar la amplitud y la extensión del impacto de El Niño (o de la Niña sobre una cuenca. Este análisis de las crónicas de caudales fue realizada sobre 17 estaciones hidrológicas del DNAEE en la cuenca amazónica del Brasil. Los resultados obtenidos muestran buenas correlaciones entre el índice de oscilación austral (ENSO y el índice de caudales en la parte noreste de la cuenca (río Branco y río Jari

  9. The challenges of managing people in a remote organizational structure Los retos de la dirección de personas en una estructura organizacional remota Os desafios de gerir pessoas em uma estrutura organizacional remota

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    Nildes R. Pitombo Leite


    Full Text Available The main objective of this paper is to investigate the peculiarities of the strategic management of people in the company with remote structures (i.e., confined and isolated from major urban centers. This is a qualitative study, based on a single case study and on organizational level analysis. The survey involved eight respondents among directors, managers, HR professionals, supervisors, and coordinators from the Orsa Group - specifically, within Jari Celulose, Orsa Florestal, and Fundação Orsa. Primary data were collected through in-depth interviews and observations in the operational areas; secondary data were collected through analysis of documents and websites. For data analysis, the techniques of content analysis of interviews and reflexive methodology were used. The theoretical basis includes organizational behavior, organizational commitment, strategic management of people, and organizational culture. Results show the existence of favorable and unfavorable factors for the management of people in this organization, leading to the creation of a culture in which organizational identity and values are shared and, above all, in which organizational commitment becomes possible to be achieved.El objetivo principal de este trabajo es investigar las peculiaridades de la gestión estratégica de personas en una empresa con una estructura organizacional remota, confinada y aislada de los grandes centros urbanos. Este es un estudio cualitativo, basado en un estudio de caso único, en el que el nivel organizacional es propuesto para el análisis. En el estudio de campo participaron directores, gerentes, profesionales de recursos humanos, supervisores y coordinadores del Grupo Orsa, específicamente dentro de Jari Celulose, Orsa Florestal y Fundación Orsa, un total de ocho entrevistados. Los datos primarios fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas en profundidad y observaciones en las áreas operativas; los secundarios se obtuvieron a trav

  10. Purires and Picagres faults and its relationship with the 1990 Puriscal seismic sequence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Montero, Walter; Rojas, Wilfredo


    The system of active faults in the region between the southern flank of the Montes del Aguacate and the northwest flank of the Talamanca mountain range was re-evaluated and defined in relation to the seismic activity that occurred between the end of March 1990 and the beginning of 1991. Aerial photographs of different scales of the Instituto Geografico Nacional de Costa Rica, aerial photographs of scale 1: 40000 of the TERRA project, of the Centro Nacional Geoambiental and infrared photos of scale 1: 40000 of the Mission CARTA 2003, of the Programa Nacional de Investigaciones Aerotransportadas y Sensores Remotos (PRIAS) were reviewed. Morphotectonic, structural and geological information related to the various faults was obtained with field work. A set of faults within the study area were determined with the neotectonic investigation. Several of these faults continue outside the zone both to the northwest within the Montes del Aguacate, and to the southeast to the NW foothills of the Cordillera de Talamanca. The superficial focus seismicity (<20 km), which occurred in the Puriscal area during 1990, was revised from previous studies, whose base information comes from the Red Sismologica Nacional (RSN, UCR-ICE). The relationship between the superficial seismic sequence and the defined faults was determined, allowing to conclude that the main seismic sources that originated the seismicity were the Purires and Picagres faults. A minor seismicity was related to the faults Jaris, Bajos de Jorco, Zapote and Junquillo [es

  11. WAP - based telemedicine applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hung, K.; Zhang, Y.T.


    Telemedicine refers to the utilization of telecommunication technology for medical diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. Its aim is to provide expert-based health care to remote sites through telecommunication and information technologies. The significant advances in technologies have enabled the introduction of a broad range of telemedicine applications, which are supported by computer networks, wireless communication, and information superhighway. For example, some hospitals are using tele-radiology for remote consultation. Such a system includes medical imaging devices networked with computers and databases. Another growing area is patient monitoring, in which sensors are used to acquire biomedical signals, such as electrocardiogram (ECG), blood pressure, and body temperature, from a remote patient, who could be in bed or moving freely. The signals are then relayed to remote systems for viewing and analysis. Telemedicine can be divided into two basic modes of operations: real-time mode, in which the patient data can be accessed remotely in real-time, and store-and-forward mode, in which the acquired data does not have to be accessed immediately. In the recent years, many parties have demonstrated various telemedicine applications based on the Internet and cellular phone as these two fields have been developing rapidly. A current, recognizable trend in telecommunication is the convergence of wireless communication and computer network technologies. This has been reflected in recently developed telemedicine systems. For example, in 1998 J. Reponen, et al. have demonstrated transmission and display of computerized tomography (CT) examinations using a remote portable computer wirelessly connected to a computer network through TCP/IP on a GSM cellular phone. Two years later, they carried out the same tests with a GSM-based wireless personal digital assistant (PDA). The WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) Forum was founded in 1997 to create a global protocol

  12. Caulins brasileiros: alguns aspectos da geologia e da mineralogia Brazilian kaolins: some aspects of the geology and mineralogy

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    Ian Richard Wilson


    Full Text Available A dimensão do Brasil e a diversidade da geologia se reflete em vários meios nos quais montagens de caulinita foram formadas. Os meios geológicos dos caulins brasileiros podem ser divididos nos seguintes grupos - caulins sedimentares, caulins oriundos de pegmatitas, de rochas graníticas, de rochas vulcânicas, e caulins derivados de anortosito. As argilas sedimentares são encontradas principalmente na bacia amazônica e aquelas adjacentes ao rio Jari estão sendo exploradas comercialmente para exportação como argilas para recobrimento de papel. Os caulins amazônicos são caracterizados por alto teor de ferro e titânia (estruturais com baixos níveis de álcalis e exibindo cristais de caulinita euédricos. As pegmatitas do sudeste, quando não recobertas com óxido de ferro, tem extremamente baixos teores de ferro e titânia e uma mistura de caulinita 7Å / haloisita 10Å ocorre em todos depósitos. As pegmatitas do nordeste produzem caulins constituídos somente por caulinitas euédricas com ausência de haloisita. Os caulins de granito tem geralmente maiores teores de ferro quando comparados com pegmatitas e são raros os depósitos constituídos somente por caulinita, sendo comum uma mistura de caulinita 7Å / haloisita. Os caulins obtidos da pegmatita e do granito são utilizados como cobertura de papel e em cerâmica em geral. Argilas de origem vulcânica são utilizadas em cerâmicas na região. Os caulins obtidos de anortosito são semelhantes em níveis de ferro e titânia àqueles obtidos de caulins graníticos. Montagens de caulinita e pequenas quantidades de haloisita 7Å são encontrados. Essas argilas são usadas tanto em cerâmicas de mesa quanto em preenchimentos para papel.The size of Brazil and the diversity of geology is reflected in varying environments in which kaolinite assemblages have been formed. The geological environments of the Brazilian kaolin may be divided into the following groups - sedimentary kaolin


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    Abdul Jahir


    Full Text Available I'enelitian yang bcrjulul Sisten Kompulerisasi presensi Karyawan tlenganFingerprint ini be ujuan untuk membangun iptikasi presensi d"ngoi ^erggurrft on4:suo:r!.. Metode yang digunakan uautr pengembangan sistem menggunaka, modelI4/ater Fall yaitu : penentuan cJan Anarisi siesrfit0, dengan,perhirungan Beneft.Co,t. Rstios fi[iirrai[ekm on,o,otrrri;;;;;"r0nilai perbandingan yang didapatkan.1,5 schingga I L Dari p"rniir-ry*' "rii;ikclayakan dengan ke empai merode diatas makiiystem layuk ,itrt ,lifu7g,rn'io,dikembangkan. Dalam -penelitian iri .,airi*putioni"'U. n, STMIK AMKOMPurwokerto pertu dibuit rancang bangun 'sistem presensi Karyawan dengan .menggunakan Fingerprint sebaga,i arat seisor sicrik jari un!uk proses'ider,,7i"ri'i,l::t"'::,rry. 2. Sistem.yang dibangun.j.uga.mampu meryaiikan ir\\oi,iri i"r$,Iaporan rekap presensi karvawan yang dibutuhkan ileh: bignn fup"goroion,Lo[ionkeuangan dan bagian lain ang membutuhkan.

  14. Integrated care and optimal management of pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    Geoff Strange


    Full Text Available Geoff Strange1, Robin Fowler2, Corina Jary2, Brad Dalton3, Simon Stewart4, Eli Gabbay51Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Monash University, VIC, Australia; 2Royal Perth Hospital and Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia; 3University of Tasmania, Launceston, TAS, Australia; 4Baker Heart Research Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia; 5Royal Perth Hospital and University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, AustraliaAbstract: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH may occur as an idiopathic process or as a component of a variety of diseases, including connective tissue diseases, congenital heart disease, and exposure to appetite suppressants or infectious agents such as HIV. Untreated, it is a potentially devastating disease; however, diagnosis can be difficult due to the non-specific nature of symptoms during the early stages, and the fact that patients often present to a range of different medical specialties. The past decade has seen remarkable improvements in our understanding of the pathology associated with the condition and the development of PAH-specific therapies with the ability to alter the natural history of the disease. This article reviews the evidence for screening and diagnosis of susceptible patient groups and discusses treatment selection and recommendations based on data available from randomized controlled trials. In addition, due to the complexity of the diagnostic evaluation required and the treatment options available, this review mandates for a multidisciplinary approach to the management of PAH. We discuss the roles and organizational structure of a specialized PAH center in Perth, Western Australia to highlight these issues. Keywords: pulmonary hypertension, multidisciplinary care, systemic sclerosis, diagnostic protocol

  15. Origin and development of «mcuniversity»: course on economization the educational field

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    M. V. Klyov


    Full Text Available The author examines the concept of «McUniversity», introduced in 1995 by British sociologists M.Parker and J.Jary. However, attention is drawn to the concept of McDonaldization, masovization that lead to the emergence of phenomena of economization in education. It is noted that the principle of McDonaldization is used by the most businesses organizations, and the McDonald’s is the epitome of efficiency, predictability and automation; gradually moving to the University, it manifests itself in rationalization, excessive consumption, the use of advertising, which creates the illusion of consumer cooperation, which focused on human behavior, freedom and impartiality. The article states that the educational sector reformers often confuse economization of education and its commercialization. The processes of economization of education are one of the most important factors of economic development and cause change. After all, education is increasingly starting to be not as education for education and obtain «pure knowledge», namely as a powerful fact of development that allows countries to enter new innovative technological frontier. In general, education is seen as a major factor of social and economic progress and stability of the social system. So the concept of «McUniversity», introduced in 1995, is becoming increasingly important today, setting the stage for the development of the economization of education in our society, because the modern era characterized rankings of universities and faculties at the international and national levels, strengthening the competitive spirit among faculties and tutors, establishing schools and faculties that operate as businesses due to the fact that they perform managerial principles.

  16. A retrospective study comparing outcomes of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair by scleral buckling and pars plana vitrectomy in Finland

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    Sahanne S


    Full Text Available Sari Sahanne,1 Raimo Tuuminen,2 Jari Haukka,3 Sirpa Loukovaara4 1Department of Anesthesiology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, 2Department of Ophthalmology, Kymenlaakso Central Hospital, Kotka, 3Hjelt Institute, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, 4Unit of Vitreoretinal Surgery, Department of Ophthalmology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Background: Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD is the most common form of retinal detachment and an ophthalmic emergency. Here, we compared outcomes of primary RRD eyes operated with conventional scleral buckling (SB with cryoretinopexy to those operated with standard pars plana vitrectomy (PPV. Methods: This is an institutional, retrospective, register-based, observational, comparative study. Based on the surgical procedure, 319 eyes of 319 patients were divided into two groups: SB plus cryotherapy (n=50 and PPV (n=269. Changes in intraocular pressure (IOP and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA were recorded at 30 days and reoperation rates within 180 days postoperatively. Results: Eyes operated with PPV had less reoperations within the first 180 days as compared with SB eyes (P=0.001, log-rank test; however, changes in IOP were more prominent (mean ± standard deviation: +8.1±8.8 vs. +4.4±7.0 mmHg, respectively; P=0.006. Changes in BCVA did not differ between the surgical procedures. Conclusion: PPV was associated with higher primary anatomic success rates and lower risk of reoperation but significant IOP elevation when compared to SB. These factors should be case-specifically considered when choosing treatment modality for primary RRD. Keywords: rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, vitrectomy, scleral buckling

  17. Analisis Spasial Kejadian Filariasi di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah

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    Nurjazuli Nurjazuli


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang: Filariasis merupakan salah satu penyakit tular vektor yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian, termasuk kelompok Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs. Kabupaten Demak merupakan salah satu wilayah di Propinsi Jawa Tengah  yang merupakan daerah endemis filarisis (mf rate>1%. Kejadian filarisis di daerah ini diduga berkaitan dengan kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologis (nyamuk yang mempunyai peran penting dalam penyebaran penyakit filarisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan adanya penderita baru,  mengidentifikasi kondisi lingkungan fisik dan biologi yang berkaitan dengan sebaran filarisis di Kabupaten Demak. Matede: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Sebanyak 30 kasus filariasis dijadikan indek kasus yang selanjutnya dipilih secara purposif sebanyak 140 yang tinggal di sekitar 30 kasus tersebut untuk dilakukan pengamblan darah jari. Observasi lingkungan dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi lingkungan (breeding places dan resting places dari yang diduga sebagai nyamuk vektor filariasis. Penangkapan nyamuk dilakukan di sekitar rumah penderita filariasis. Pengukuran koordinat kasus filariais dilakukan dengan pesawat Geographic Positioning System (GPS. Pemeriksaan darah jadi jari dilakukan di Laboratorium Kesehatan Daerah (LABKESDA Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Sedang bedah nyamuk dilakukan di Balai Penelitian Vektor Penyakit Banjarnegara. Analisis data dlakukan secara deskriptif, analisis spasial dilakukan dengan software ArcGis 9.3. Hasil: Penelitian ini tidak menemukan penderita baru filarisis (mf rate=0%. Sebanyak 129 ekor nyamuk telah dilakukan pembedahan dengan hasil semuanya negatip cacing filaria. Hasil identifikasi nyamuk menemukan spesies nyamuk Culex quinquefasciatus merupakan nyamuk yang dominan (72,86% di lokasi penelitian.Terdapat breeding places (40% berupa genangan air terbuka (SPAL dan resting places (83,3% berupa semak-semak di sekitar rumah penderita. Analisis spasial


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    Lilis Maghfuroh


    Full Text Available Pre-school is a period to increase fine motor development of children. This research aims to determine the increasing of fine motor development using the puzzle for preschoolers. his research is using one-group pre-post test design without control and procedures for statistical analysis through Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test with a confidence level of 95% and α: 5%. The subjects of this study were 40 children. The results of the analysis showed that there was effect of the intervention method by playing puzzle through the development of fine motor skills at pre-school children in mind that the value of Z sign p = 0.001 where significant value of p <0.05. Puzzle play method can improve child language development. The results of this research can be used as the basic for doing the puzzles therapy in children because it can improve fine motor skills development of children. Masa prasekolah merupakan masa peningkatan perkembangan motorik halus. Motorik halus adalah gerakan yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok otot-otot kecil seperti jari-jemari. Pada survey awal hampir sebagian anak mengalami perkembangan motorik suspek. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode puzzle terhadap perkembangan motorik halus anak pra sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan one-group pra-post test design tanpa control dan analisis statistik menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test dengan tingkat  kepercayaan 95% dan α : 5%. Populasi penelitian 50 anak dan sample 40 anak dengan tehnik Simple Random Sampling. Setelah data terkumpul dengan menggunakan DDST selanjutnya dianalisa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada pengaruh metode bermain puzzle terhadap perkembangan motorik halus diketahui p sign = 0,001 dimana nilai signifikan p < 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan dasar untuk melakukan terapi puzzle pada anak untuk meningkatkan perkembangan motorik halus anak.


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    Ida Komang Wardana


    Full Text Available Kerapu bebek/kerapu tikus/humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan budidaya laut yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi. Sebelum berkembangnya kerapu hibrid, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Laut Gondol, sudah berhasil mengembangkan pembenihan ikan kerapu bebek meskipun sintasan yang diperoleh masih bervariasi. Pemantauan benih hasil budidaya sebagian besar terfokus pada pertumbuhan dan jika sudah mencapai ukuran konsumsi bisa dijual atau diekspor ke Hongkong. Sebagai institusi penelitian nampaknya masih perlu mengupas lebih detail komoditas yang dikembangkan. Beberapa catatan yang dapat diperhatikan, untuk lebih mengenal komoditas kerapu bebek, sebelum dijadikan sebagai ikon jenis ikan yang pernah memiliki masa kejayaan, karena saat ini popularitasnya relatif menurun karena ada larangan ekspor dan masuk dalam satwa CITES. Catatan tersebut antara lain; kerapu bebek selama fase yuwana (2-3 bulan dapat dijadikan sebagai kandidat ikan hias dengan performasi bintik bintik hitam pada permukaan tubuh yang merupakan keunikan tersendiri, karena jumlah dan polanya berbeda antara satu individu dengan yang lainnya serta akan bertambah jumlahnya seiring dengan bertambahnya umur dan bobot badan. Spot/bintik hitam kemungkinan identik dengan sidik jari manusia, yang bisa digunakan untuk membedakan antara satu individu dengan individu lainnya dalam satu populasi. Gonad kerapu bebek turunan pertama (F1 dengan umur dan kisaran bobot badan yang kurang lebih sama (600-900 g, menunjukkan 95% berada pada fase betina. Sementara pematangan dan pembentukan gonad jantan pada kerapu bebek hasil budidaya dapat dipacu dengan rangsangan hormonal dan pemberian pakan segar dengan kualitas yang baik. Dari hasil pengamatan diperoleh informasi bahwa kerapu bebek hasil budidaya dapat memijah dengan baik dan menghasilkan turunan generasi kedua (F2, akan tetapi kualitas telur dan larva yang dihasilkan masih lebih rendah bila

  20. Musik Internal dan Eksternal dalam Kesenian Randai

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    Sri Rustiyanti


    Full Text Available Kehidupan musik pada masyarakat Minangkabau tidak terlepas adanya peranan serta fungsi yang melekat pada kesenian Randai. Melalui pendekatan etnomusikologi, tulisan ini menelaah peranan musik internal dan eksternal dalam kesenian Randai. Kesenian ini menggunakan medium seni ganda atau kolektif karena didukung oleh beberapa cabang seni antara lain tari, musik, teater, sastra, dan rupa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa musik iringan dalam Randai terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu musik internal dan musik eksternal. Musik internal adalah musik atau bunyi-bunyian yang berasal dari anggota tubuh manusia (penari, misalnya tepukan tangan, petik jari, tepuk dada, siulan, hentakan kaki ke tanah dan sebagainya, sedangkan musik eksternal adalah bunyi-bunyian atau suara yang berasal dari alat musik atau instrumen seperti talempong, gandang, saluang, dan rabab.   The Role of Internal and External Music in the Arts of Randai. The musical life in Minangkabau society is inseparable from its roles and functions which attach to the arts of Randai. Through the ethnomusicology approach, this paper examines the role of internal and external music in the art of Randai. Considering its sustainability and amendment, the musicality is the identity of Minangkabau society so that the sustainability of the music can be run in accordance with the dynamics of society today. Among the types of arts in Minangkabau, Randai is an art form that uses multiple or collective art medium for it is supported by several branches of the arts, including dance, music, theater arts, literary arts, and fine arts. The results of this study is more focused on the art of music. Musical accompaniment in Randai is divided into two, namely internal and external music. The internal music is the music or the sounds that come from the human body (a dancer, for example, clapping, finger picking, patting the chest, whistling, stomping on the ground, and so on, while the external music is the sounds

  1. Atributos físicos do solo em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária sob plantio direto Soil physical attributes in integrated cattle raising-crop production system under no-tillage

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    Mastrângello Enívar Lanzanova


    Full Text Available A compactação do solo é um dos principais fatores responsáveis pela queda da produtividade das culturas agrícolas. Por isso, o impacto causado pelo pisoteio bovino sobre o solo e os conseqüentes reflexos nos atributos físicos densidade do solo, porosidade do solo, resistência mecânica à penetração e infiltração de água no solo, em área manejada sob sistema integração lavoura-pecuária, foram investigados em experimento de campo, no município de Jari, na região do Planalto Médio do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram avaliados três sistemas de manejo da pastagem de inverno (aveia-preta, Avena strigosa Schreber + azevém, Lolium multiflorum Lam., caracterizados pela freqüência de pastejo: (1 Sem Pastejo (SP, (2 Pastejo a cada 28 dias (P28 e (3 Pastejo a cada 14 dias (P14. Além disso, foi avaliada a influência da cultura de verão, soja [Glycine max (L. Merr.] ou milho (Zea mays L., em rotação com as pastagens de inverno, em amenizar ou agravar a ação compactadora do pisoteio bovino. A compactação do solo, avaliada pela sua densidade, concentrou-se na camada de 0-0,05 m de profundidade, porém houve redução de sua macroporosidade até a camada de 0,10-0,15 m, no sistema com a maior freqüência de pastejo (P14. A resistência mecânica do solo à penetração atingiu valores de 2,61 e 2,49 MPa nos tratamentos P14 e P28, respectivamente, nas profundidades de 0,05 e 0,08 m, enquanto as áreas que não foram pastejadas mantiveram valores inferiores a 1,66 MPa. A taxa de infiltração de água no solo foi alterada significativamente pelo pisoteio bovino e pela cultura de verão antecedente. Com a cultura de milho, o solo mostrou-se menos sensível ao pisoteio bovino, ao passo que com a cultura de soja na maior freqüência de pastejo (P14 a taxa de infiltração de água no solo foi reduzida. A cultura de soja proporcionou os maiores valores de macroporosidade nas camadas avaliadas e, quando conjugada à menor freq

  2. Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku Masyarakat Pasca Pengobatan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Endemisitas Filariasis Di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    Santoso Santoso


    Full Text Available AbstractLymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis is a health problem in Indonesia, including in East Tanjung Jabung. Lymphatic filariasis elimination program in Indonesia was done by breaking the chain of transmission of filariasis with mass drug administration (MDA. The effectiveness of MDA program depends on knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP of the community. This study aims to determine the KAP towards lymphatic filariasis and evaluate MDA program. The study was conducted in two phases, namely interviews and finger blood survey (FBS. The number of respondents who interviewed were 117 and the number of people who had blood tests as many as 1,209. Interviews result showed that most respondents knew about lymphatic filariasis. The attitude of the majority of respondents showed a positive attitude. Interviews showed that the behavior of people taking medication was high (88%. Based on the results of the proportion of positive FBS, microfilariae were dominants found in people who do not take medication. Although the knowledge of community is high, the East Tanjung Jabung still declared as filariasis-endemic areas because it found the village with a number of microfilaria (Mf rate of more than 1%.Keywords: Lymphatic filariasis, KAP, East Tanjung Jabung, endemisAbstrakFilariasis (penyakit kaki gajah masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia termasuk di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur. Program eliminasi filariasis di Indonesia dilakukan dengan pemutusan mata rantai penularan melalui pemberian obat massal pencegahan (POMP filariasis. Keberhasilan program POMP filariasis dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku (PSP masyarakat tentang filariasis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui PSP masyarakat terhadap filariasis dan evaluasi kegiatan POMP filariasis. Penelitian dilakukan dalam 2 tahap, yaitu wawancara dan survei darah jari (SDJ. Jumlah responden yang diwawancarai sebanyak 117 orang dan jumlah penduduk yang diperiksa darahnya

  3. Injury risk curves for the WorldSID 50th male dummy. (United States)

    Petitjean, Audrey; Trosseille, Xavier; Petit, Philippe; Irwin, Annette; Hassan, Joe; Praxl, Norbert


    The development of the WorldSID 50th percentile male dummy was initiated in 1997 by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO/SC12/TC22/WG5) with the objective of developing a more biofidelic side impact dummy and supporting the adoption of a harmonised dummy into regulations. More than 45 organizations from all around the world have contributed to this effort including governmental agencies, research institutes, car manufacturers and dummy manufacturers. The first production version of the WorldSID 50th male dummy was released in March 2004 and demonstrated an improved biofidelity over existing side impact dummies. Full scale vehicle tests covering a wide range of side impact test procedures were performed worldwide with the WorldSID dummy. However, the vehicle safety performance could not be assessed due to lack of injury risk curves for this dummy. The development of these curves was initiated in 2004 within the framework of ISO/SC12/TC22/WG6 (Injury criteria). In 2008, the ACEA- Dummy Task Force (TFD) decided to contribute to this work and offered resources for a project manager to coordinate of the effort of a group of volunteer biomechanical experts from international institutions (ISO, EEVC, VRTC/NHTSA, JARI, Transport Canada), car manufacturers (ACEA, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Toyota, Chrysler) and universities (Wayne State University, Ohio State University, John Hopkins University, Medical College of Wisconsin) to develop harmonized injury risk curves. An in-depth literature review was conducted. All the available PMHS datasets were identified, the test configurations and the quality of the results were checked. Criteria were developed for inclusion or exclusion of PMHS tests in the development of the injury risk curves. Data were processed to account for differences in mass and age of the subjects. Finally, injury risk curves were developed using the following statistical techniques, the certainty method, the Mertz/Weber method, the


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    Lukman Khairudin


    Full Text Available Keterampilan mengetik sepuluh jari buta yang dimiliki oleh siswa kelas X jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran di SMK Negeri 2 Pekalongan masih rendah. Salah satu cara untuk mengingkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam� pembelajaran ketrampilan komputer dan pengelolaan informasi (KKPI pada standar kompetensi mengetik sepuluh� jari� yaitu dengan� media pembelajaran Adobe Flash menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif dan model pembelajaran berbasis komputer. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X AP1 dan X AP2 SMK Negeri 2 Pekalongan Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Prosedur penelitian ini merupakan siklus kegiatan yang terdiri dari dua siklus, dimana setiap siklus meliputi perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi.Instrumen pengumpulan data ini adalah observasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian diperoleh siklus I bahwa� hasil� belajar� siswa� pada pembelajaran mengetik� menggunakan media pembelajaran Adobe Flash mengalami peningkatan nilai dari rata-rata 103 cpm pada siklus 1 menjadi 113 cpm dan 112 cpm pada siklus 2 walaupun masih tergolong baik. Perolehan nilai� ini masuk dalam kategori� mampu menguasai praktik mengetik yang artinya bahwa kecepatan mengetik menggunakan media pembelajaran adobe flash dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif dengan model pembelajaran berbasis komputer dapat meningkatakan hasil belajar siswa. � Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ Skill typing using 10 fingers blind possessed by a student x of administrative offices in public smk 2 pekalongan still low. One way to mengingkatkan study result of the students in learning a craft a computer and information management ( kkpi competency standard on typing using 10 fingers namely by media of learning adobe flash use the model of learning cooperative and a model of learning dna-based computer. The subject of the research is student X and X class AP1 AP2 SMK Negeri 2 Pekalongan school year 2011/2012. This research procedure is a


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    Lukman Khairudin


    Full Text Available Keterampilan mengetik sepuluh jari buta yang dimiliki oleh siswa kelas X jurusan Administrasi Perkantoran di SMK Negeri 2 Pekalongan masih rendah. Salah satu cara untuk mengingkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam� pembelajaran ketrampilan komputer dan pengelolaan informasi (KKPI pada standar kompetensi mengetik sepuluh� jari� yaitu dengan� media pembelajaran Adobe Flash menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif dan model pembelajaran berbasis komputer. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X AP1 dan X AP2 SMK Negeri 2 Pekalongan Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012. Prosedur penelitian ini merupakan siklus kegiatan yang terdiri dari dua siklus, dimana setiap siklus meliputi perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi.Instrumen pengumpulan data ini adalah observasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian diperoleh siklus I bahwa� hasil� belajar� siswa� pada pembelajaran mengetik� menggunakan media pembelajaran Adobe Flash mengalami peningkatan nilai dari rata-rata 103 cpm pada siklus 1 menjadi 113 cpm dan 112 cpm pada siklus 2 walaupun masih tergolong baik. Perolehan nilai� ini masuk dalam kategori� mampu menguasai praktik mengetik yang artinya bahwa kecepatan mengetik menggunakan media pembelajaran adobe flash dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif dengan model pembelajaran berbasis komputer dapat meningkatakan hasil belajar siswa. Skill typing using 10 fingers blind possessed by a student x of administrative offices in public smk 2 pekalongan still low. One way to mengingkatkan study result of the students in learning a craft a computer and information management ( kkpi competency standard on typing using 10 fingers namely by media of learning adobe flash use the model of learning cooperative and a model of learning dna-based computer. The subject of the research is student X and X class AP1 AP2 SMK Negeri 2 Pekalongan school year 2011/2012. This research procedure is a cycle of activity that consists of two cycles, where each cycle consists of

  6. Simulación del impacto de diferentes regímenes de cosecha sobre el capital de nutrientes e indicadores económicos en plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis del NE de Entre Ríos, Argentina

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    Juan Francisco Goya


    ello importa establecer indicadores cuantitativos, de impacto ambiental y económico, en las distintas etapas del manejo. La instalación de plantaciones forestales se decide principalmente por indicadores financieros; los costos elevados pueden modificar las decisiones de los inversionistas. Un indicador ecológico del manejo forestal sustentable consiste en mantener el capital de nutrientes edáfico como línea base para sostener la productividad; sostener esto puede elevar los costos. El objetivo consistió en responder: (i ¿Cómo afecta cada uno de los escenarios de cosecha a la estabilidad nutritiva de las plantaciones? (ii ¿Cual escenario alternativo resulta de mayor valor financiero actual? y (iii ¿Perdura el escenario de mayor valor actual si, para mantener la sustentabilidad ecológica, se conservan o reponen los nutrientes exportados durante la cosecha? En plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis de 8 y 11 años de edad se simularon distintos tipos de cosecha y tratamiento de los residuos. Se cuantificó la exportación de nutrientes en los diferentes escenarios y se analizaron indicadores de estabilidad ecológica como el Índice de Estabilidad de Plantaciones (IEP, y financieros como el Valor Terminal Neto, Valor Potencial del Suelo y Tasa Interna de Retorno considerando el costo de reposición de nitrógeno. El escenario de cosecha total y quema de residuos arrojó pérdidas de 491 y 369 kgN.ha-1 para turnos de 8 y 11años respectivamente. El IEP demostró que la cosecha del árbol completo y quema de residuos provocan el mayor impacto ecológico con valores superiores a 2.5 (>0.5= inestabilidad; los indicadores económicos se redujeron con la compensación de nutrientes al suelo. Esta reducción puede afectar la decisión de concretar plantaciones comerciales, lo cual debería alertar y estimular a mejorar las practicas de cosecha y poscosecha.


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    Yanelza Supranelfy


    Full Text Available Abstract Lymphatic filariasis is still become the health problem in Indonesia, the disease almost found inthe entire area with fairly high level endemicity. Karya Makmur Village, Madang Suku III District, EastOgan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatera Province in 2007 has micofilariae rate of 1,05% based fromblood survey. The aims of the research is to identify vector and the breeding habitat. This research has beenconducted in Karya Makmur Village from May to November 2011. This type of research is noninterventionstudy with spot survey research design. Mosquitoes collection using human landing andresting collection methods, while mosquito larvae were collected from breeding sites. This research found14 species of Mansonia and Anopheles were collected and the species were Mansonia uniformis, Ma.annulata, Ma. indiana, Ma. dives, Ma. bonneae, Ma. annulifera, Anopheles nigerrimus , An. annularis, An.maculatus, An. letifer, An. vagus, An. barbumbrosus, An. barbirostris and An. tesselatus. Mansoniauniformis and Anopheles nigerrimus was confirmed as filariasis vector but none containing microfilariae.Breeding habitat of Anopheles have water temperature 280C — 300C and pH 7 with vegetation (grass andEichhornia crassipes / water hyacinth and predator (Oreochromis niloticus / nile tilapia and Aplocheiluspanchax / fish head lead. Thus the community are expected to behave positively, especially avoidmosquito bites and manipulate the environment that potentially as mosquito larvae breeding habitat.Keywords: Mansonia, Anopheles, filariasis, Karya Makmur Village AbstrakFilariasis limfatik masih merupakan masalah kesehatandi Indonesia, penyebaran penyakit ini hampirdi seluruh wilayah dan dibeberapa daerah dengan tingkatendemic yang cukup tinggi. Desa Karya Makmur, Kecamatan Madang SukuIII, Kabupaten Ogan KomeringUlu Timur, Propinsi Sumatera Selatan pada tahun2007, mikrofilariarate sebesar1,05% berdasarkansurvey darah jari. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui

  8. Hubungan Kadar FT4 dengan Gejala Klinis yang Terkait Efek Simpatis berdasarkan Indek Wayne pada Nagari Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya

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    Nining Kurniawati


    Full Text Available AbstrakPeningkatan aktivitas saraf simpatis dapat terjadi pada keadaan hipertiroid dan sebaliknya pada hipotiroid. Pengukuran kadar hormon tiroid dilakukan dengan mengukur kadar FT4, FT3, TSH, dll. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan kadar FT4 dengan gejala klinis yang terkait efek simpatis di Nagari Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional study. Hasil penelitian didapatkan subjek dengan peningkatan kadar FT4 12,96%. Subjek dengan gejala klinis palpitasi, penurunan berat badan, nervous, berkeringat lebih dan tremor jari halus dengan persentase berturut-turut adalah 42,59%, 38,89%, 46,30%, 25,93% dan 44,44%. Analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square diperoleh hasil tidak ada hubungan hubungan kadar FT4 dengan 5 gejala klinis yang terkait efek simpatis berdasarkan indeks Wayne (p > 0.05. Penelitian ini masih sederhana dan belum bisa menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara kadar FT4 dengan gejala klinis yang terkait efek simpatis. Sebaiknya untuk penelitian yang akan datang diharapkan dapat memiliki jumlah sampel yang banyak dan cakupan gejala klinis lain yang terlibat dalam aktivitas saraf simpatis yang lebih luas sehingga dapat lebih lengkap dan spesifik.Kata kunci: Kadar FT4, efek simpatis, gejala klinis AbstractIncreased sympathetic nerve activity may occur in the state of hyperthyroidism and conversely in hypothyroidism. Measurement of thyroid hormone levels is done by measuring the levels of FT4, FT3, TSH, etc. The objective of this study was to identify the relation between FT4 levels and the clinical symptoms of sympathetic effects in Nagari Koto Salak Kabupaten Dharmasraya. This research used cross sectional study design. According to the research found that subjects with elevated levels of FT4 12.96%. There are subjects with clinical symptoms of palpitations, weight loss, nervousness, sweating more and fine finger tremor by the following

  9. Data Collection for Mental Health Studies Through Digital Platforms: Requirements and Design of a Prototype. (United States)

    Aledavood, Talayeh; Triana Hoyos, Ana Maria; Alakörkkö, Tuomas; Kaski, Kimmo; Saramäki, Jari; Isometsä, Erkki; Darst, Richard K


    described why each of these features are important for digital data collection for psychiatry, gave examples of projects where Niima was used or is going to be used in the future, and demonstrated how incorporating these design principles opens new possibilities for studies. The new methods of digital psychiatry are still immature and need further research. The design features we suggested are a first step to design platforms which can adapt to the upcoming requirements of digital psychiatry. ©Talayeh Aledavood, Ana Maria Triana Hoyos, Tuomas Alakörkkö, Kimmo Kaski, Jari Saramäki, Erkki Isometsä, Richard K Darst. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (, 09.06.2017.

  10. A study of extraction and characterization of alginates obtained from brown macroalgae Sargassum duplicatum and Sargassum crassifolium from Indonesia

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    Decky J. Indrani


    Sargassum perairan Indonesia dan untuk memperoleh karakteristik alginat dalam morfologi, unsur kimia dan gugus fungsi. Metode: Alga makro Sargassum dari spesies Sargassum duplicatum (S. Duplicatum dan Sargassum crassifolium (S. Crassifolium diperoleh dari Banten, Indonesia. Ekstraksi alginat dilakukan dengan menggunakan prosedur ekstraksi alkali. Scanning electrone microscope, X-ray fluorescence dan Fouirer transform infra-red spektroscope digunakan untuk mengarakterisasi bubuk alginat hasil ekstraksi. Data yang diperoleh dari serbuk laginat dibandingkan dengan yang tersedia secara komersial. Hasil: Ekstraksi menggunakan metode alkali telah menghasilkan serbuk alginat dari S.duplicatum dan S. crassifolium. Morfologi partikel alginat terlihat tidak teratur dengan berbagai dimensi. Elemen Na dan Ca muncul sebagai komponen utama, sedangkan, elemen minor dianggap sebagai pengotor. Gugus fungsi COO-dan COC terdeteksi di regio sidik jari. Karakteristik alginat S.duplicatum dan S.crassifolium ditemukan sesuai dengan karakteristik alginat yang tersedia secara komersial. Simpulan: Serbuk yang diperoleh dari alga makroi S. duplicatum dan S.crassifolium menunjukkan kekhasan alginat dan morfologi, unsur kimia dan kelompok fungsional alginat sesuai dengan yang tersedia secara komersial.

  11. Filologi Nusantara dan Perpustakaan: Potret Layanan Khusus Pengguna Studi Islam Indonesia

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    Mahrus Elmawa


    Full Text Available Abstrak; Ada kegelisahan sebagian pengguna perpustakaan ketika sedang mengkaji Islam di Indonesia berbasis naskah kuno. Salah satu kegelisahan itu adalah ketidaktersediaan sumber informasi tentang naskah kuno Nusantara di perpustakaan PTKIN. Informasi naskah kuno yang paling sederhana ini melalui katalog naskah kuno. Di Indonesia, katalog naskah kuno ini sudah ada sejak tahun 1950 oleh Poerbatjaraka, Voorhoeve, dan Hoykaas dengan titel Indonesische Handschriften hingga saat ini. Katalog naskah Nusantara itu memuat informasi asal usul naskah, isi naskah, dst. Lebih jauh lagi, tentu saja seharusnya perpustakaan PTKIN menyediakan naskah-naskah kuno tersebut, sekalipun dalam bentuk digital. Salah satu bentuk penyelamatan naskah kuno itu melalui program digitalisasi. Dalam konteks itulah filologi Nusantara penting untuk menjadi alat bantu dalam pengembangan perpustakaan PTKIN. Sebenarnya, filologi bukanlah ilmu baru di lingkungan PTKIN. Sebagai mata kuliah, filologi atau studi naskah kuno diajarkan pada Jurusan/Program Studi Sejarah Kebudayaan/Peradaban Islam Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora. Hanya saja, kajian Islam berbasis filologi masih dapat dihitung dengan jari. Karena itu, sangat wajar juga jika pihak perpustakaan hingga saat ini masih belum ada koleksi khusus tentang hal itu. Berangkat dari kegelisahan itulah nampaknya penting diungkapkan saat ini sebagai kajian awal tentang filologi Nusantara dan perpustakaan. Pengalaman kecil di Pusat Perpustakaan IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon melalui layanan khusus Cirebonese Corner dapat menjadi pintu awal kajian ini. Abstract; There are discomfort and worry among library users when they want to study Islam in Indonesia based on ancient manuscripts. One of them is caused by the unavailability of primary references about ancient manuscripts in the library of PTKIN. In the meantime, they find them such references by searching through a catalog of ancient manuscripts which has been around since the 1950s, written by

  12. Hafnium and neodymium isotopes and REY distribution in the truly dissolved, nanoparticulate/colloidal and suspended loads of rivers in the Amazon Basin, Brazil (United States)

    Merschel, Gila; Bau, Michael; Schmidt, Katja; Münker, Carsten; Dantas, Elton L.


    Radiogenic isotopes in river sediments and river waters have been widely used in provenance studies, as these samples naturally integrate the geology/chemistry of the entire catchment. While the Hf and Nd isotope systems are coupled during igneous processes, they are decoupled during supergene processes at the Earth's surface, which is reflected by the isotope composition of riverine sediments. We present the first data for both Hf and Nd isotope compositions of the dissolved (0.2 μm-filtrates rich in nanoparticles and colloids, NPCs) and the truly dissolved (1 kDa-ultrafiltrates) load of rivers. Hafnium and Nd isotope compositions and concentrations of the Rare Earths and Yttrium (REY) and Hf were determined for suspended particles (>0.2 μm) as well as for the dissolved and the truly dissolved load of the Rio Solimões, the Amazon's largest tributary draining the Andes, and of the Rio Negro, an organic NPC- and particle-rich river draining the rainforest of northern Amazonia. We also analyzed the Nd isotope compositions of suspended sediments and 0.2 μm-filtered water samples from the Amazon River and its tributaries Rio Tapajos, Rio Xingu and Rio Jari. Our novel results clearly show that the decoupling of the Hf and Nd isotope systems is related to incongruent weathering processes on the continent, as this decoupling can already be observed in the different Hf and Nd pools, i.e. in the particulate, the NPC-dominated dissolved and the truly dissolved load of rivers. In the Rio Negro and Rio Solimões, a strong particle size-dependent difference in Hf isotope composition is observed. Values of εHf become more radiogenic as filter poresize decreases, which can be related to the density- and size-dependent distribution of Hf-rich minerals, e.g. zircons, and their absence from the truly dissolved pool. In contrast, the Nd isotope composition of Amazonian river waters reflects that of their catchment geology. Tributaries draining the Precambrian Brazilian and

  13. Pengaruh Penggunaan Senyawa Pengomplek dan Bahan Tambahan Terhadap Mutu Tinta Pemilu dari Ekstrak Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb

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    Hendri Muchtar


    Full Text Available Election ink is applied to the forefinger of voters during election in order to prevent electoral frauds such as double voting. The current election inks contain silver nitrate solutions to make it more durable which stains the skin on exposure to ultraviolet light, leaving a mark that is impossible to wash off and is only removed as external skin cells are replaced. But the silver nitrate solution may damage the human skins and is poisonous to the environment. This research was carried out to investigate the use of gambir extracts for election inks as environment-friendly raw materials. The aim of this study was to obtain the optimal ink from gambir extrac which technically could meet quality requirements of the election ink. In this study, gambir was extracted through the following refinement process; heating in boiling water, stirring, cooling, filtering, molding, and drying. The cube black then was dissolved in technical ethanol, added one of the complexing compounds FeSO4 and FeNO3 depending on the formula used. The best ink composition was 70% gambier extract in ethanol, 22% of FeSO4 saturated solution in ethanol, 5% of turmeric extract, and 3% of crystal violet solution 4%. This ink was more homogenous with violet color at pH 3.86 which gave rub resistant to water and soap. The ink stains could stay on finger skin for 3 days. Analytical results showed that the ink did not contain Pb, Cd, and Hg while Cu 65.04 ppm and fulfill the requirement of general election commitee number 16/2013.ABSTRAK Tinta pemilu  digunakan untuk identifikasi pada jari tangan pada waktu pemilihan umum atau kegiatan sejenis lainnya guna mencegah terjadinya kecurangan. Pada tinta pemilu saat ini digunakan bahan perak nitrat agar lebih tahan lama, namun penggunaan perak nitrat dapat merusak kulit dan bersifat racun. Untuk itu telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh jenis bahan senyawa pengomplek dan bahan tambahan terhadap mutu tinta pemilu dari ekstrak gambir

  14. Sistem kontrol gerak kinematika robot gripper manipulator

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    Wayan Widhiada


    Full Text Available Abstrak Sistem robot manipulator ini merupakan mekanisme lengan yang terdiri dari serangkaian segmen yang digunakan untuk menangkap dan memindahkan benda dengan beberapa derajat kebebasan. Dalam perkembangannya, robot manipulator telah digunakan dalam melaksanakan misi tertentu dan membantu operasi di ruang angkasa. Robot biasanya berinteraksi dengan sistem tangan, dan dalam kegiatan industri tangan biasanya disebut sebagai gripper. Penulis menggunakan metode simulasi teknik yang dapat menentukan sistem gerak kinematika robot. Simulasi teknik adalah metode yang digunakan untuk mendesain dan menganalisa gerakan robot dimana hasil dari respon gerakan robot yang didapat mendekati hasil dalam keadaan sebenarnya. Simulasi juga dapat menghemat waktu dan biaya yang digunakan dalam mendesain robot gripper manipulator lima jari dengan elemen prismatik. Dengan menggunakan kontrol PID diharapkan respon gerak kinematik dari setiap joint robot manipulator mencapai perfomance yang terbaik seperti overshoot yang kecil, dan kondisi tenang (steady state dalam waktu yang singkat disertai dengan keselahan penggerak yang kecil. Melalui proses Advance tuning pada PID kontrol selesai didapatkan parameter penguat pada PID kontrol yaitu Kp = 0.7194, Ki = 8.306 dan Kd = 0.0061sehingga tercapai performance gerakan kinematika robot gripper manipulator yang terbaik sesuai yang dikehendaki oleh user dengan rise time yang singkat 0.52 detik, waktu puncak yang singkat 0.52 detik, maksimum overshoot yang kecil 1,8%, kesetebailan response dicapai pada 0.76 detik dan kesalahan penggerak yang sangat kecil 0.32%. Kata kunci: Robot gripper manipulator, PID control, gerakan kinematika Abstract A robot gripper manipulator system mechanism comprising a series of segments that are used to capture and move objects with multiple degrees of freedom. In the process, the robot manipulator has been used in carrying out the specific mission and assist operations in space. Robot manipulator

  15. BOOK REVIEW: Advances in Electronic Marketing,

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    Reviewed by Dr. Ayhan YILMAZ


    V. Global Internet Marketing Strategy: Framework and ManagerialInsights? Gopalkrishnan R. Iyer, Florida Atlantic University? Chapter VI. Interactive Brand Experience: The Concept and the Challenges? Mary Lou Roberts, University of Massachusetts, Boston? Chapter VII. Viral Marketing: The Use of Surprise? Adam Lindgreen, Technical University Eindhoven and Joëlle Vanhamme,Erasmus University Rotterdam? Chapter VIII. Retailer Use of Permission-Based Mobile Advertising? Jari Salo and Jaana Tahtinen, University of Oulu, FinlandSECTION III:TECHNOLOGY FOR E-MARKETING? Chapter IX. Integrating Internet/Database Marketing for CRM? Sally Rao, Adelaide University and Chris O'Leary, MSI Business Systems PtyLtd? Chapter X. Developing Brand Assets with Wireless Devices? Jari Helenius and Veronica Liljander, Swedish School of Economics andBusiness Administration? Chapter XI. Geographic Information Systems (GIS in E-Marketing? Mark R. Leipnik and Sanjay S. Mehta, Sam Houston State UniversitySECTION IV:E-MARKETING LEGAL CHALLENGES? Chapter XII. Legal Online Marketing Issues: The Opportunities andChallenges? Michael T. Zugelder, Old Dominion University? Chapter XIII. Regulatory and Marketing Challenges Between the U.S. andEU for Online Markets? Heiko deB. Wijnholds and Michael W. Little, Virginia CommonwealthUniversitySECTION V:E-CONSUMER THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS? Chapter XIV. Modeling the Effects of Attitudes Toward Advertising on theInternet? Chris Manolis, Xavier University, Nicole Averill, Carmichael Events, andCharlesM. Brooks, Quinnipiac University? Chapter XV. Virtual Community: A Model of Successful Marketing on theInternet? Carlos Flavian and Miguel Guinaliu, University of Zaragoza (Spain? Chapter XVI. An Online Consumer Purchase Decision Cycle? Penelope Markellou, University of Patras, Maria Rigou, University of Patras,and Spiros? Sirmakessis, Technological Educational Institution of MessolongiFinally, this book can be suggested to the academicis and researchers who are related

  16. Predição da distribuição diamétrica de uma floresta manejada experimentalmente através de um Sistema de Equações Diferenciais Diametric distribution prediction of an experimentally managed forest through a differential equation system

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    Celso Paulo de Azevedo


    (Jarí area, Vitória do Jari, Amapá, Brazil. The statistical delineation was designed as random blocks with three replications. The treatments applied were combinations of logging intensities (15%, 25% and 35% of the total volume of the trees larger than 60 cm of DBH and thinning intensities (0%, 30%, 50% and 70% of the original basal area. The non-logged forest was used for the control plots. Stand development was monitored through 40 permanent sample plots of 1 ha each (36 logged and 4 unlogged. The stand was measured in 1984, logged in 1985 and remeasured in 1986, 1988, 1990, 1994, 1996 and 2004. All the trees with DBH ≥ 20 cm were measured. While keeping the same simplicity of transition matrix based models, the proposed model allows for determining the state of the system for any given point in time, not being confined just for multiplying time intervals as was the former. This method was verified for different evaluation periods and the results showed that not even the longer periods of projections (break-even point will be enough to restore the initial conditions of the stand.

  17. Introducing litter quality to the ecosystem model LPJ-GUESS: Effects on short- and long-term soil carbon dynamics (United States)

    Portner, Hanspeter; Wolf, Annett; Rühr, Nadine; Bugmann, Harald


    and 2007 [Rühr(2009)] and present soil carbon stocks [Heim et al.(2009)]. Our Results show, that for short-term soil carbon dynamics, e.g. estimates of heterotrophic soil respiration on an annual basis, the inclusion of the dependency on litter quality is not necessary, as the differences are minor only. However, when considering long-term soil carbon dynamics, e.g. simulated estimates of present soil carbon content, the dependency on litter quality shows effect, as there are correlations with specific site factors such as site location and forest type. The inclusion of the dependence on litter quality therefore may be of importance for the projection of future soil carbon dynamics, as forest types may well be altered due to climatic change. References [Heim et al.(2009)] A. Heim, L. Wehrli, W. Eugster, and M.W.I. Schmidt. Effects of sampling design on the probability to detect soil carbon stock changes at the swiss CarboEurope site Lägeren. Geoderma, 149(3-4):347-354, 2009. [Rühr(2009)] Nadine Katrin Rühr. Soil respiration in a mixed mountain forest : environmental drivers and partitioning of component fluxes. PhD thesis, ETH, 2009. [Smith et al.(2001)] Benjamin Smith, I. Colin Prentice, and Martin T. Sykes. Representation of vegetation dynamics in the modelling of terrestrial ecosystems: comparing two contrasting approaches within european climate space. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 10(6):621-637, 2001. [Tuomi et al.(2008)] Mikko Tuomi, Pekka Vanhala, Kristiina Karhu, Hannu Fritze, and Jari Liski. Heterotrophic soil respiration-Comparison of different models describing its temperature dependence. Ecological Modelling, 211(1-2): 182-190, 2008.

  18. Unit of stable isotopic N{sup 1}5 analysis; La unidad de analisis isotopicos estables N{sup 1}5

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    Cabrera de Bisbal, Evelin; Paredes U, Maria [Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (FONAIAP), Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CENIAP), Instituto de Investigaciones en Recursos Agroecologicos, Maracay (Venezuela)


    creciente de alimentos cultivados y pecuarios por los habitantes del pais, nos obliga a la busqueda de soluciones tecnicas en el area agricola. Una de las soluciones para poder cubrirla en un futuro cercano es la intensificacion de la produccion agricola en las tierras actualmente cultivadas, ya sea mediante un aumento de la intensidad de cultivo y/o aumentando los rendimientos unitarios. En los sistemas agricolas intensivos, los cultivos extraen cantidades sustanciales de nutrimentos que se reponen mediante la aplicacion de fertilizantes. Debido a la falta de recursos y a los precios en aumento de los insumos comerciales, se ha venido prestando atencion al analisis y posterior mejoramiento de sistemas de cultivo de bajos insumos y a la utilizacion mas eficaz de los recursos. Todo ello ha llevado a establecer un concepto de enfoque de sistema de nutricion de planta, el cual integra las fuentes de nutrimentos de las plantas y los factores de produccion de cultivos en un sistema agricola productivo para mejorar la fertilidad del suelo, la productividad agricola y la rentabilidad. Este sistema incluye tanto la mayor eficiencia de los fertilizantes quimicos como el maximo aprovechamiento de fuentes alternativas de nutrimentos, tales como fertilizantes organicos, rocas fosfatadas y fijacion biologica de nitrogeno. Mediante experimentos de campo en diferentes condiciones ambientales (suelo y clima) se puede determinar la mejor combinacion de practicas de fertilizantes (dosis, colocacion, oportunidad y fuente) para sistemas de cultivos seleccionados. La experimentacion con fertilizante marcado con isotopos estables y radiactivos proporciona un metodo directo y rapido de obtener respuestas concluyentes a las preguntas donde, cuando y como debe aplicarse el fertilizante. Los fertilizantes marcados con N{sup 1}5 se han utilizado para comprender la aplicacion de fertilizante marcado a los cultivos y la determinacion de la proporcion de elemento nutritivo en el cultivo derivado del

  19. In the Light of the Midnight Sun

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    Heli Ruokamu


    Full Text Available Media Education Conference (MEC 2015 “In the Light of the Midnight Sun” was organized in Sallatunturi, Finland in 15-17 of June 2015. Selected papers submitted by the conference participants are published in this special issue of (former NBE is an informal and friendly conference which participants attend to exchange ideas and information dealing with media education, educational use of ICTs and learning environments. MEC is organized by the Centre for Media Pedagogy at the University of Lapland.Themes and topics of the sixth MEC conference were as follows: Playful and Game-based Learning; Media and Code Literacies; Empowerment through Media; Media and ICT in Teaching and Learning; Digital Story Telling; 3D, Virtual and Simulation-based Learning; and Internet and Social Media in Everyday Life.In the first article, Tuulikki Keskitalo and Heli Ruokamo of the University of Lapland present “A model for simulation-based learning in healthcare”. Simulations and virtual reality do have a major focus in current healthcare education. The authors designed the study in order to fill a gap about our knowledge the pedagogical models that underpin the present activities. They studied several cases involving facilitators and students, in order to find out when and how simulations should and could be used for the benefit of the students and their learning. They describe how a refined pedagogical was developed, a model that will provide a more holistic and meaningful approach to teaching and learning in health care.The second article is written by a group pf researchers from the university of Eastern Finland, Teemu Valtonen, Erkko T. Sointu and Jari Kukkonen of the department situated in Joensuu, while Kati Mäkitalo-Siegl is based in Savonlinna. The title of their paper is “Developing a TPACK measurement instrument for 21st century pre-service teachers”. The investigate how terms, such as “Future skills”, “21st century skills

  20. Young Astronomers' Observe with ESO Telescopes (United States)


    these investigations to the same level of completeness as the others. Team 1a: Participants: Amanullah, De Beer, Huertas Rodriguez, Huijbregts, Kranz, Olsen, Oppelstrup; Team leaders: Jari Ronnback and Frederic Courbin This team used the multi-mode EMMI instrument at the 3.5-m NTT to observe so called `Interacting Galaxies'. These are galaxies which are so close to each other that their shapes are distorted by the action of their gravitational fields. Some of them are actually in a state of collision. Direct CCD images were obtained of a total of 8 galaxies; 7 of these were observed in one colour (red) and 1 in two (red and yellow-green). The programme comprises a selection of different types of galaxies (Elliptical + Elliptical; Elliptical + Spiral; etc.) and different types of interactions (direct collision; fly-by; etc.). The observing conditions were quite good, with seeing from 0.5--1.2 arcseconds and some of the images obtained are probably the best ever made of these particular objects. The team classified the types of involved, heavily distorted galaxies and attempted to decide what type of interaction is occurring. A very nice and instructive pictorial Atlas will be produced from this material. Team 1b: Participants: Barth, Bonander, Ching, Ciarletta, EresmA, Wiedemann, Wieland; Team leaders: Paul Goudfrooij and Frederic Courbin This team obtained short-exposure direct images and long-exposure long-slit spectra with NTT + EMMI of two peculiar galaxies, the edge-on distorted spiral NGC 1448 and the elliptical NGC 1947 which has a crossing dust lane. One IRAS superluminous galaxy was also observed. The latter part of the night was characterized by exceptionally good seeing (down to 0.3 arcsecond!), permitting to see many details in these galaxies, which have never been perceived before. For instance, several hitherto unknown dust lanes were found in the outer regions of NGC 1947 ! The slits were placed through the central part of the galaxies and along the major