
Sample records for iv toimub helsingis

  1. Helsingis toimub / Maria-Kristiina Soomre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soomre, Maria-Kristiina, 1978-


    Järgmiseks 5-aastakuks asub Helsingi Taidehalli juhi kohale filosoofiamagister Maija Tanninen-Mattila. Helsingi kolme keskse näitusepaiga näitusi: Anish Kapoori väljapanek Taidehallis (25. VIII-30. IX); "The art of Star Wars" Tennispalatsis (15. VIII-12. I 2002); ARS 01 "Kolmas ruum" "Kiasmas" (30. IX-20. I 2002 - eesti kunstnikest valitud Marko Mäetamm).

  2. 31. III - 3. IV toimub Helsingis ja Tallinnas rahvusvaheline kunstihoonete konverents "Concrete Visions"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Konverentsi eesmärgist, osalejatest. 3. IV avatud paneeldiskussioonil arutletakse Tallinna Kunstihoones kunstihoone kui institutsiooni rolli ja näituste korraldamise ning Viinistu kunstimuuseumis kunstihoonete koostöö üle

  3. Helsingi aktiivne kunstielu / Maria-Kristiina Soomre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soomre, Maria-Kristiina, 1978-


    Helsingis Kiasmas heliinstallatsioon "Transience". John Wynne ja Michael Madseni kureeritud üritusse on kaasatud soome ja briti heliloojad ning kunstnikud. Helsingi linna kunstimuuseumis Tennispalatsis avatud fotokunstniku Andres Serrano näitusest, sellega seoses korraldatavast loenguseeriast.

  4. Leedu Helsingi Grupp. Kohtumine 30 aastat hiljem / Mart Niklus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niklus, Mart-Olav, 1934-


    9.-10. jaanuarini toimus Vilniuses kaks Leedu Helsingi Grupi asutamise 30. aastapäevale pühendatud konverentsi: Leedu Vabariigi Seimi poolt kokku kutsutud rahvusvaheline konverents ning Leedu Inimõiguste Assotsiatsiooni ja perekond Venclova memoriaalmuuseumi poolt korraldatud konverents "Leedu Helsingi Grupp. Kohtumine 30 aastat hiljem". Leedu Helsingi Grupist. Läti Okupatsioonimuuseumist

  5. Kormašovid Helsingis / Martti Soosaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soosaar, Martti, 1933-2017


    Helsingi Kanneltalos kunstinäitus "Dünastia" tsüklist "Paljukultuuriline Eesti". Eksponeeritud Kormašovide perekonna - maalijad Nikolai (1929), Orest (1964), keraamikud Luule (1935), Jaana (1966), graafik Andrei (1957) - loomingut. Kuraator Martti Soosaar. Eesti Instituudi väljaandel ilmub temaatiline kalender, mis tutvustab soomlastele sajandi alguse Eesti arhitektuuri. Aasta viimane näitus on Helsingi Malmitalos eesti klaasikunstnikelt

  6. Suur-Helsingi 2050

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rahvusvahelise ideekonkursi "Suur-Helsingi 2050" 109 projekti seas võitis WSP Finland Ltd tööga "Emerald", mille põhiautorid on arhitektid Juha Eskolin, Jenni Lautso, Ilona Mansikka ja Tuomas Vuorinen. Projekt tegeleb komplekselt maakasutuse, elustiili, transpordi, maastikukujunduse, energiatootmise ja säästva arenguga

  7. Helsingi saab eestlaste disainitud pingid / Raivo Murde

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Murde, Raivo


    Eesti ettevõtte Frog Industrial Designi kaubamärgi Extery pingid "Klaar" võitsid Helsingi avaliku ruumi mööblikonkursi. Tooteseeria autoriteks on Martin Pärn, Edina Dufala-Pärn, Sven Sõrmus ja Pent Talvet disainibüroost Iseasi. Žürii valis Exteri toodangust välja ka teisi linnaruumis kasutatavaid elemente. Eestlaste disainitud linnamööbel on eksponeeritud Helsingi sisustusmessil Habitare

  8. Professor Tiina Tasmuth Helsingis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tervisekasvatuse õppetooli professor Tiina Tasmuth osales 11.-14. juunini Helsingis toimunud rahvusvahelise konverentsi "2nd Psycho-Social Impacts of Breast Cancer" töös ning esines ettekandega teemal "Chronic post-treatment symptoms in patients with breast cancer" : [täistekst

  9. Prostalgia Helsingis / Heie Treier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Treier, Heie, 1963-


    Näitus 'Tehisintellekt' Kiasmas Helsingis. Kuraator Erkki Huhtamo on kaasanud eri maade kunstnike 16 tööd ning ajaloolise ülevaate 'mõistusega' masinatest. Töödest pikemalt Arno Coeneni ja Rene Bosma hiigelmosaiigist küberkangelanna Lara Croft'iga.

  10. Hevoshullu lastehommik / Ingrid Randlaht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randlaht, Ingrid


    Helsingi International Horse Show raames korraldatavast Soomes ilmuva laste hobuseteemalise koomiksi- ja jutuajakirja Hevoshullu lastehommikust, kus igal aastal toimub ka laste ponispordi karikasarja takistussõidu finaal

  11. ARS 01 Helsingi Kiasmas / Tarmo Virki

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virki, Tarmo


    Helsingis Kiasmas avatud rahvusvahelisest kunstinäitusest ARS 01 alapealkirjaga "Avanevaid perspektiive", kus esines oma töödega ka Marko Mäetamm. Näituse raames toimuvast Santiago Sierra kunstiprojektist kodututega

  12. Koneisto peaesineja on The Orb

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Juuli lõpus toimub Helsingis Põhjamaade suurima elektroonilise muusika festival Koneisto, peaesinejaks ambient-klassikud Inglismaalt - ansambel The Orb. Teiste hulgas võib kuulda ka Tallinnas Jazzkaarel menukalt üles astunud kollektiivi Rinneradio

  13. Helsingis tuleb Puccini nädal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Soome Rahvusooper toob !4.-21. jaanuarini 2002 Helsingis lavale G. Puccini ooperid "Tosca", "Boheem", "Tütarlaps Kuldsest L äänest", "Madame Butterfly" ja 18. jaanuaril esietenduva "La Rondine". Lõppeva aasta novembris lavastati Haydni ooper "Orlando Paladino"

  14. Eredamaid helielamusi Helsingi "Avanto'lt" / Rael Artel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Artel, Rael, 1980-


    Helsingi meediakunsti festival 21.-24. 2002. Põhitähelepanu oli koondunud helile. Franz Pomassli heliinstallatsioonist, Briti loomingulise kollektiivi Semiconductor heli- ja pildiperformance'itest, inglise kunstniku Lis Rhodesi videotest jm.

  15. Eesti noor kunst Helsingis, Riias ja Londonis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ester Faimani, Jasper Zoova ja Tarrvi Laamanni ühisnäitus "Splendid!? Young art from Estonia" Helsingis Caisa kultuurikeskuses, kuraator Andres Härm ; Kiwa videokunst Riias Arsenals Museumis ja Londonis Milch Gallery's

  16. Korter Helsingi kohal / Suvi Ruotsi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruotsi, Suvi


    Soome disaineri Tanja Sipilä perekonna korter (71, 5 m2) Helsingi kesklinnas 20. sajandi algul ehitatud kivimajas. Korter on suures osas sisustatud modernse disainmööbliga. T. Sipila kujundab esemeid, mööblit ning teeb sisekujundusi koos Susanna Hoikkalaga, kellega koos asutasid firma Design Machine. Vt. ka lk. 48: Meister, Lylian. Valge kodu stiilsed aktsendid - valik esemeid Eestist kodu sisustamiseks samas võtmes

  17. Balti Maailmanõukogu aktsioonid Helsingis 1975 / Karl Laantee

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laantee, Karl, 1927-2007


    1975. a. Helsingis peetud Euroopa Julgeoleku ja Koostöö Konverentsi Balti delegatsiooni liikme Karl Laantee tekst, mille ta esitas 4. augustil 1975 Balti Maailmanõukogu pressikonverentsil "Continental"hotellis Stockholmis Rootsi Eestlaste Esinduse pressiinfona

  18. Uudised : Boulez Helsingis. Uued kitarrimuusika CDd / Heili Vaus-Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaus-Tamm, Heili, 1961-


    Helsingi festivalil "Juhlaviikot" toimunud P. Boulezi autorikontserdist. Estonia kontserdisaalis esitleti 14. sept. CD-plaati "Crossover Organ & Overdrive Guitar". H.Mätliku äsjailmunud CD-plaadist "Hispaania legend"

  19. Muusikamaailm : "Passioon 2000" Stuttgardis. Ojai festivalilt. Boulez dirigeerib ka Edinburghis. Placido Domingo Helsingis / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Stuttgardi Rahvusvahelisel Bachi Akadeemia korraldataval Euroopa muusikafestivalil ettekandele tulevatest "tänapäevastest passioonidest". Ojai muusikafestivalist Jaapanis. P. Boulezi 75. sünnipäevale pühendatud kontserdisari "Boulez 2000" jõudis ka Edinburghi festivalile. P. Domingo kontserdist Helsingi olümpiastaadionil, K. Mattila kontserdist Helsingi Areenal

  20. Linnalised võrgustikud Tallinna ja Helsingi vahel - Talsinki või Hellinn? / Jussi S. Jauhiainen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jauhiainen, Jussi S.


    Vaadeldakse linnaregiooni laienevas Euroopa Liidus, nimelt Helsingi ja Tallinna vahel tekkivat võrgustikku ning selle võimalikku positiivset (Talsinki) või negatiivset (Hellinn) arengut. Tutvustatakse kaasaegseid arusaamu linnade ja linnavõrgustike seotusest ühiskondlike muudatustega, tuues need Tallinna ja Helsingi linnaregiooni konteksti. Artikkel põhineb 8.-9. XI 2003. a. Tartus toimunud seminaril "Bipolar Cities" peetud ettekandel. Bibliograafia lk. 73

  1. Helsingi ehitab : lõppes Musiikkitalo konkurss / Ingrid Lillemägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lillemägi, Ingrid


    Helsingi uue kontserdimaja nn. Musiikkitalo rahvusvahelisest arhitektuurikonkursist, mille võitsid arhitektid Ola Laiho, Mikko Pulkkinen ja Marko Kivistö arhitektuuribüroost Laiho, Pulkkinen & Raunio OY

  2. Eesti ja Soome kunstniku ühisnäitus Helsingis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    24. juulist 12. augustini on Helsingis MUU galeriis avatud Jasper Zoova videoinstallatsiooni "Hebel - betoonehitus uuest aspektist" ja soome kunstniku Tuukka Kaila fotode näitus "Heissulivei - Vaadake kui ilus - Check Out Me and My Coutry"

  3. 'Tehisintellekt' (Alien Intelligence) : Heie Treier soovitab / Heie Treier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Treier, Heie, 1963-


    Helsingis 'Kiasmas' 11.II-28. V avatud suurprojekt, millele kuraator Erkki Huhtamo valis 18 kunstnikku üle maailma, esitab küsimusi inimese ja arvuti vahekorra kohta. 4.-5. III toimub konverents 'Tehisintellekti arheoloogia' ning Tehisintellekt ja meediakunst'. Vahepeal hollandi kunstniku Arthur Elssenari roboti Huge Harry performance jm.

  4. Helsingis avatakse suur Eesti maalinäitus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti maalikunsti ülevaatenäitus "Viron värit - 150 vuotta virolaista maalaustaideta Enn Kunilan kokoelamasta" ("Eesti värvid - 150 aastat eesti maalikunsti Enn Kunila kogust") Helsingi kunstihoones (Helsingin Taidehalli) 16. oktoobrist 24. novembrini 2010. Näituse kuraator Harry Liivrand, kujundaja Olev Subbi. Väljapanekut saatva raamatu on koostanud Eero Epner, kujundanud Tiit Jürna

  5. Helsingis tunnustati innovaatilisi õpetajaid / Ralph Young ; Küsitlenud Kristi Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Young, Ralph


    28.10.-1.11. kogunesid Helsingis 54. riigi uuendusmeelsed õpetajad, koolijuhid ja haridusspetsialistid, et jagada kogemusi ning arutleda kooli arengusuundade üle. Ühtlasi auhinnati neljas kategoorias parimate innovaatiliste projektide autoreid

  6. Disainiaasta eelmäng toimus Helsingis / Ave Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randviir, Ave, 1981-


    Eesti disaini tutvustav rändnäitus "10D" Helsingi disaini infokeskuses Design Forum Finland 23.08-10.09.2006. Osalevad Martin Pärn, Igor Volkov, Heikki Zoova, Tarmo Luisk, Raimo Sau, TEN TWELWE OÜ (Jukka Halttunen, Tommi Silvan), Jan Graps, Lasse Ira, Ivari Männi, Tõnis Vellama, Ilona Gurjanova

  7. Pühapäeval toimub kunstihoones esimene JazziMaali võistlus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rahvusvahelise dzhässikuu raames toimub Tallinna Kunstihoones JazziMaali pühapäev, kus musitseerib Estonian Guitar Octet ning maalivad Pelgulinna gümnaasiumi, Tallinna kunstikooli ja Sally Stuudio õpilased

  8. Helsingi : lumekirik ja ilusad asjad / Tõnu Kaalep

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaalep, Tõnu, 1966-2018


    Kultuuripealinna Helsingi 2000 üritusi. Senati väljakul 7. II sisseõnnistatud lumekoopia 1812. a. lammutatud Ulrika Eleonora kirikust. Disainimuuseumis: Philippe Starcki rändav retrospektiivnäitus 'Vanity Cases by Starck', maailmadisaini väljapanek 'Design World', Soome uudistööde väljapanek 'Find', Eesti väljapanek 'Estonian Design in Focus', hiina päritolu inglise ehtekunstniku Peter Chang'i näitus

  9. Tallink on võtnud sihikule Helsingi börsi / Annika Matson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matson, Annika, 1976-


    Tallink Grupi aktsiakapitali laiendamisel ettevõtte uueks aktsionäriks saanud Citigroup seadis Tallinkile nõude börsilemineku kohta aastaks 2006. Seega plaanib Tallink noteerida oma aktsiad Helsingi börsil. Diagramm: Tallinki käive ja kasum 1997-2003

  10. Viikki kool : Kevätkatu 2, Helsingi = Viikki Teacher Training School

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Viiki uus kool toimib Helsingi Ülikooli pedagoogikaosakonna praktikakoolina, siin on nii põhi- kui keskkooliõpe. Raudbetoonelementidest hoone, fassaadid on põhiliselt valged betoonist sandwich-paneelid. Projekteerija: ARK-house Arkkitehdit. Autorid Markku Erholtz, Hannu Huttunen, Jussi Karjalainen. Valmis 2001. 5 välis- ja 7 sisevaadet

  11. Uudised : Bachi muusikaga ooper Helsingis. Shakespeare ja Marlowe ooperis. Lordist ilmus esimene raamat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Helsingis Aleksandri teatris esietendunud J.S. Bachi muusika põhjal loodud ooperist "Herakles". Vadstena lossiteatris juuli lõpul esietendunud Tommy Anderssoni nüüdisooperist "William". Sven Pahajoki raamatust tänavu Soomele eurovisioonivõidu toonud rockansamblist Lordi

  12. Jaapan Helsingis - mangad pööritavad Tennispalatsis silmi / Ave Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randviir, Ave, 1981-


    Jaapani mangakultuurist ja nüüdiskunstist. Helsingi Tennispalatsis olevast näitusest "Japan Pop : manga ja nüüdiskunst". Näitusel originaaltöödega esindatud manga-kunstnike Katsushika Hokusai ja Osamu Tezuka loomingust. Nüüdiskunstnike Yasumasa Morimura, Makiko Kudo, Yoshitomo Nara, Takashi Murakami töödest. Jaapani neopopi mõjutusi Eestis: Kiwa, Martin Pedanik

  13. Uudised : Juuksur - uus live-muusika lokaal. Madonna tögas Bushi. Andrea Bocelli Helsingis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kontserdil 19. mail Tallinnas (Vaimu 1) õhtulokaali "Juuksur" avamisel esineb jazzrokki viljelev ansambel Wrupk Urei ja 26. mail Allan Vainola sooloprojektiga. Ameerika poplauljast Madonnast. Itaalia tenori Andrea Bocelli kontserdist 19. nov. Hartwall Arenal Helsingis

  14. "A & A" jõulukalender. Helsingi "Armastuse ja anarhia" filmifestival võib pankrotistuda / Jaak Kilmi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kilmi, Jaak, 1973-


    Helsingi festivalilt "Armastus ja Anarhia". Lähemalt kahest filmist - saksa-türgi režissööri Fatih Akini "Vastu seina" ("Gegen die Wand") ja argentiinlanna Lucrecia Marteli "Püha tüdruk" ("La Nina santa")

  15. Sibeliuse Akadeemia, Helsingi Linnaorkester ja Raadio Sümfooniorkester saavad ühe katuse alla / Reet Marttila

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Marttila, Reet


    16. XI otsustati, et Helsingi Musiikkitalo ehitamine käivitub aastal 2005 ja lõpeb hiljemalt 2010. 2000. a. toimunud arhitektuurikonkursi võitsid Turu arhitektid Marko Kivistö, Ola Laiho ja Mikko Pulkkinen (LPR-arkkitehdit OY). Akustik Yasuhisa Toyota

  16. ARS 06 Helsingis Kiasmas näitab heitlikku ja surelikku inimest / Ave Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randviir, Ave, 1981-


    Helsingi kaasaegse kunsti muuseumi Kiasma ARS 06 ekspositsioonist. Zhanriliselt mitmekesine näitus 24 maa kunstnike töödest näib sumbuvat täielikku morbiidsusse. Alates märtsist on näitusel väljas ainsa eesti osaleja Mark Raidpere video "10 meest". Lisaks intervjuu "Metsas juhtub jubedaid asju" Walter Martini ja Paloma Munoz'iga ning "Inimestele meeldib vägivald" Kent Henrickseniga

  17. Kolm nuppu ja lint : Helsingi Pihlajamäelt Tallinna Trummi tänavale / Mart Kalm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalm, Mart, 1961-


    Arhitekt Raine Karbi kavandatud Teaduste Akadeemia SKB elamurühmast Tallinnas Trummi t. 21 (1969-1971). 1970. a. tellis TA arhitekt Rein Kerstenilt juurde kakas 9-korruselist tornelamut Trummi t. 23 ja 23a. Raine Karbi eeskujudest Soomes. Helsingi Pihlajamäe elamurajoonist, mis ehitati välja 1960-ndate esimesel poolel ning mille planeeringu koostas Olli Kivinen. 3 plaani, 10 fotot. Bibliograafia lk. 62

  18. Majanduspoliitikast loova linna mõtteni - Helsingi näide = From economic policy to creative city ideas - the Helsinki experience / Timo Cantell

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Cantell, Timo


    Kaablitehas (arhitekt Wäino G. Palmqvist, 1939-1944) - Helsingi kultuurilise ümberkujundamise sümbol. Arabianranta - piirkond, kus on püütud luua sobivat keskkonda loomeinimestele. Bibliograafia lk. 24

  19. Muusikamaailm : "Musica Nova" Helsingis. Revueltase tähtpäeva-aasta. Pendereckile elutööauhind / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Helsingi uue muusika festivalist "Musica Nova" 3.-11. märtsini. Möödus sajand S. Revueltase sünnist, tähtpäeva üritustest USAs. MIDEMi muusikamess Cannes'is andis viiendat korda välja eriauhinna väljapaistvale kaasaja heliloojale ئ seekord K. Pendereckile

  20. Muusikamaailm : Hooaja algus Kuninglikus Ooperis. Gian Carlo Menotti Helsingis. Messiaeni ooper heliplaadil. Salzburgi festivali ette Ruzicka / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Londoni Royal Opera House avati 1. dets. galaõhtuga pärast 2 aastat kestnud ümberehitusi. Seoses oma ooperi "Konsul" uuslavastusega Soome Rahvusooperis viibis Helsingis C. G. Menotti. O. Messiaeni ainus ooper "Püha Franciscus Assisist" jõudis heliplaadile. Salzburgi festivali kunstiliseks juhiks aastast 2001 valiti P. Ruzicka

  1. Muusikamaailm. Festival "Ultraschall" Berliinis. Puccini nädal Helsingis. 94aastane Kurt Pahlen veel tegev. Dortmundile uus saal. Preemiaid ja tunnustusi. / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Jaanuari lõpus Berliinis toimuvast nüüdismuusikafestivalist "Ultraschall". Helsingis toimuvast Puccini nädalast. 94aastase muusikamaailma legendi Kurt Pahleni tegemistest. Dortmundis septembris avatavast uuest kontserdisaalist. Preemiatest ja tunnustustest muusikamaailmas

  2. Vahetusüliõpilased Helsingi ülikooli ja Jyväskylä ülikooli on Gerli Jõgi, Karin Leemet, Ott Lumi, Tarmo Tuule ja Siret Voll

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Vastavalt Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli ning Helsingi ja Jyväskylä ülikooli vahel sõlmitud koostöölepingutele on igal aastal neljal-viiel üliõpilasel võimalus õppida semester partnerülikoolis

  3. Muusika. Viis aastat Elleri muusikapreemiat. Asutati MTÜ Eesti Muusikafestivalid. Mati Palm taas Moskvas. Trio Romanss Helsingis. Rondelluse uus CD. Noored tshellistid jälle koos / Alo Põldmäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põldmäe, Alo, 1945-


    Viiendat korda välja antavad Heino Elleri muusikapreemiaid said sel korral T. Steiner, A. Juozepenaite-Eesmaa ja T. Kaljuste. 5. III asutati Kultuuriministeeriumis MTÜ Eesti Muusikafestivalid. Mati Palm esines Moskvas Venemaa Kultuurifondi saalis. Trio Romanss esines veebruari lõpus Helsingis. Vanamuusika ansamblilt Rondellus ilmus uus CD "Sabbatum". 2.III leidis Tartus H. Elleri Muusikakoolis aset II Eesti noorte tshellistide festival

  4. 19. ja 20. IV toimub Tartu kõrgemas kunstikoolis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Konverentsi "Sharing the Future?", mis on pühendatud foto ja uue meedia hariduse küsimustele endises Ida-Euroopas, kava. Inglise fotograafi Robin Dance'i isiknäitus "Jaapani maastikud" Sebra galeriis

  5. Tule messile Interjöör 2007! / Reet Sink

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sink, Reet


    Interjööri- ja elustiilimess "Interjöör 2007" Eesti Näituste messikeskuses 27.-29. IV. Eesti Disainerite Liidu, Eesti Sisearhitektide Liidu ja Eesti Kunstiakadeemia väljapanekust. Toimub magamistubade võistlus. 27. IV Per Mollerupi loeng "Fold, unfold, fold. A talk about collapsibles, space saving designs"

  6. Kadunud ruumi otsimas / Jan Kaus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaus, Jan, 1971-


    Lee Milleri fotode (26. II-21. IV) ja Louise Bourgeois' skulptuuride (26. II-5. V) näitusest Helsingi Tennispalatsis. L. Milleri näitus on etendus ajast, L. Bourgeois' installatsioonid - etendus ruumist

  7. Hirmu iroonia / Jan Kaus, Jürgen Rooste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaus, Jan, 1971-


    Kuni 27. VIII Helsingi Kiasmas avatud näitusest "Ars 06". Tellervo Kalleineni ja Oliver Kochta-Kalleineni, Carl Michael von Hausswolffi ja Thomas Nordanstadi, Lars Nilssoni, Motohiko Odani, Adriana Varejao, Juan Manuel Echavarria, hispaania rühmituse El Perro, vene rühmituse AES+F jt. töödest. Võrdluseks Kirke Kangro mullaskulptuuridest, Peeter Lauritsa ja Marcos Lopeze fotodest. Valik üritusi: 28. III-23. IV Põhja- ja Baltimaade üliõpilaste näitus ja töötuba "Pime kohting"; 27. IV-14. V Jenni Leskineni installatsioon ja meistriklass "Unelelu"; 16. V-11. VI Helsingi kunstiakadeemia meistriklass ja näitus; 17. V seminar "Julgus, rõõm ja kriitika"; 18. V Roi Vaara jt. performance; 15. VI-23. VII Montri Toemsombati installatsioon; 25. VII-27. VIII üliõpilaste rahvusvaheline näitus "Kollaboratsioon"

  8. Aiandusnäitusele Euroopasse / Kaja Kurg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kurg, Kaja, 1959-


    24.-28. V Londonis toimuva "Chelsea Flower Show", 7.-10. IV Helsingi messikeskuses toimuva "Kevätpuutarha 2005" ja Stockholmi messikeskuses toimuva "Nordiska Trädgardar / Põhjala aiad" tutvustus. Loetletud Lätis, Leedus, Šveitsis, Venemaal ja Norras toimuvaid aiandusnäitusi

  9. Vsemirnaja teatralnaja Olimpiada : Rossiiski razmahh / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    21. apr. kuni 29. juunini toimub Moskvas Ülemaailmne Teatriolümpiaad ja A. Tšehhovi nim. IV rahvusvaheline teatrifestival, millest võtab osa 150 teatritruppi 50 maalt. Festivalil esines ka Priit Pedajas lavastusega "Lõikuskuu tantsud" Pjotr Fomenko teatris

  10. Jiri Shibori konstruktivistlik kujundimaailm / Eilve Manglus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Manglus, Eilve, 1977-


    Metallide tehnoloogiat õppinud Jiri Shibori näitus "Ehtekunsti ja skulptuuri vahel" Deco galeriis kuni 10. IV. Personaalnäitus toimub EKA ehte- ja sepakunsti osakonna kutsel, et viia läbi külmkinnituslike konstruktsioonidega metallitöö workshop

  11. Ajalugu kivis / Raili Põldsaar, Krista Vogelberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põldsaar, Raili, 1973-


    Tartus VIII rahvusvahelise amerikanistikakonverentsi raames 26. IV toimunud diskussioonist ajaloo ja monumentide teemal. Ettekande "Ajalugu kivis. Põhja-Ameerika mälestusmärkide lugemine" pidas Markku Henriksson Helsingi ülikoolist. Christoph Kolumbusele püstitatud ausammastest, Vietnami sõja memoriaalist (Maya Ying Lin), Eesti monumentidest, abstraktsetest mälestusmärkidest

  12. Uudised : Vello Pähn Savonlinnas. Eri Klas pärast juubelit. Ain Anger Mirjam Helini konkursil. Türnpu sünnipäevakontsert / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    V. Pähn dirigeeris Savonlinna ooperifestivalil Gounod" ooperit "Faust". E.Klas erinevate orkestrite ees juuni-september 1999. 8.-20. augustini Helsingis toimunud IV rahvusvahelisest M. Helini konkursist, kus osales A. Anger. 13.augustil tähistati K. Türnpu 134. sünniaastapäeva kontserdiga Tuulna külas Keila vallas

  13. Pilk piiri taha / Katrin Talts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talts, Katrin


    Rahvusvahelistest festivalidest - Londoni rahvusvaheline miimifestival, IV rahvusvaheline naiste teatrifestival ja -kohtumine, tantsufestival "British Dance Edition 2004", Euroopa lasteteatrite festival "Panoptikum", kus Eestit on kutsutud esindama VAT Teater lavastusega " Lend üle ookeani" -, Belgia tantsukooli PARTS eelvoorust Tallinnas, "Latvian Showcase"'ist, kus tutvustatakse paremaid läti uuslavastusi ja Helsingis toimuvast ekspeditsioonist tundmatusse (loominguline retk Põhja- ja Baltimaade teatrirahvale)

  14. Järelkaja Talsinki linnaaktivismi aruteluõhtule / Kaija-Luisa Kurik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kurik, Kaija-Luisa


    7. juunil 2010 räägiti Uue Maailma seltsimajas Helsingi linnaplaneerimisest ja linnaaktivismist ning mõeldi, mida oleks Tallinnal naaberlinnalt õppida, millisel tasandil on olemas Tallinna ja Helsingi vaheline suhtlus. Tallinn-Helsingi kaksiklinnast Talsinki. Helsingi linnaplaneerimisest rääkis Kristi Grišakov, DODO-nimelisest keskkonnaorganisatsioonist Elisa Niemi, DEMOSe nimelisest organisatsioonist ja noorteorganisatsioonist ORANSSi Kaija-Luisa Kurik

  15. Lahesõjas viik / Ain Hinsberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hinsberg, Ain


    Helsingi ja Tallinna vahel liikuvate laevafirmade konkurents: Silja Line, Nordic Jet Line, Tallink ja Linda Line. Tabelid: reisijad laevaliinil Helsingi-Tallinn 1998-2001; Helsingi-Tallinna liinil kiirlaevade turuosad 1999-2000

  16. Helsingisse kunstireisile! / Tiina Kolk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kolk, Tiina


    Soome tekstiilikunstniku Kirsti Rantaneni vaipade ja ruumiinstallatsioonide näitus Helsingi Disainimuuseumis. Itaalia maalikunstniku Amadeo Modigliani loomingu näitus Helsingis Ateneumis. Jaapani kunstniku Yayoi Kusama loomingu näitus "In Infinity" Helsingi kunstimuuseumis HAM

  17. Hepatic imaging in stage IV-S neuroblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Franken, E.A. Jr.; Smith, W.L.; Iowa Univ., Iowa City; Cohen, M.D.; Kisker, C.T.; Platz, C.E.


    Stage IV-S neuroblastoma describes a group of infants with tumor spread limited to liver, skin, or bone marrow. Such patients, who constitute about 25% of affected infants with neuroblastoma, may expect spontaneous tumor remission. We report 18 infants with Stage IV-S neuroblastoma, 83% of whom had liver involvement. Imaging investigations included Technetium 99m sulfur colloid scan, ultrasound, and CT. Two patterns of liver metastasis were noted: ill-defined nodules or diffuse tumor throughout the liver. Distinction of normal and abnormal liver with diffuse type metastasis could be quite difficult, particularly with liver scans. We conclude that patients with Stage IV-S neuroblastoma have ultrasound or CT examination as an initial workup, with nuclear medicine scans reserved for followup studies. (orig.)

  18. Miks ei saa Tallinna planeerida nii nagu Helsingit? / Martti Preem

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Preem, Martti, 1949-


    2. märtsil Helsingis toimunud seminarist "Linnaplaneerimise protsessidest Helsingis ja Tallinnas". Helsingi Linnaplaneerimise Ameti näitusegaleriis Laituri avati eesti arhitektuuri näitus "Boom-room". Autori sõnul on Eestis vaja institutsiooni, mis koondaks endasse kogu ruumilise planeerimise seadusloome, arhitektuuri, ehitamise ja ehitatud keskkonna kvaliteedi reguleerimise jm.

  19. Thermodynamic data for predicting concentrations of Th(IV), U(IV), Np(IV), and Pu(IV) in geologic environments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rai, Dhanpat; Roa, Linfeng; Weger, H.T.; Felmy, A.R. [Battelle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) (United States); Choppin, G.R. [Florida State University (United States); Yui, Mikazu [Waste Isolation Research Division, Tokai Works, Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan)


    This report provides thermodynamic data for predicting concentrations of Th(IV), U(IV), Np(IV), and Pu(IV) in geologic environments, and contributes to an integration of the JNC chemical thermodynamic database, JNC-TDB (previously PNC-TDB), for the performance analysis of geological isolation system for high-level radioactive wastes. Thermodynamic data for the formation of complexes or compounds with hydroxide, chloride, fluoride, carbonate, nitrate, sulfate and phosphate are discussed in this report. Where data for specific actinide(IV) species was lacking, the data were selected based on chemical analogy to other tetravalent actinides. In this study, the Pitzer ion-interaction model is used to extrapolate thermodynamic constants to zero ionic strength at 25degC. (author)

  20. About the structure and stability of complex carbonates of thorium (IV), cerium (IV), zirconium (IV), hafnium (IV)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dervin, Jacqueline


    This research thesis addressed the study of complex carbonates of cations of metals belonging to the IV A column, i.e. thorium (IV), zirconium (IV), hafnium (IV), and also cerium (IV) and uranium (VI), and more particularly focused on ionic compounds formed in solution, and also on the influence of concentration and nature of cations on stability and nature of the formed solid. The author first presents methods used in this study, discusses their precision and scope of validity. She reports the study of the formation of different complex ions which have been highlighted in solution, and the determination of their formation constants. She reports the preparation and study of the stability domain of solid complexes. The next part reports the use of thermogravimetric analysis, IR spectrometry, and crystallography for the structural study of these compounds

  1. Heie Treier soovitab / Heie Treier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Treier, Heie, 1963-


    Ülevaade teatrikunstniku Vladimir Anshoni loomingu paremikust, mis on sündinud koostöös eesti teatritega, Kunstihoone galeriis. Helsingis kultuuripealinna "Helsinki 2000" ürituste raames fotonäitused: Robert Capa fotod Helsingi Linna Kunstimuuseumis, Tennisepalees 28. märtsini; Henri Cartier-Bressoni näitus "Eurooplased" Helsingi Linna Kunstimuuseumis 30. aprillini. H. Cartier-Bresson on pildistanud ka Tallinna "sürreaalsust".

  2. Soome Nokia on muusika / Tiia Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Tiia, 1959-


    Helsingis avatud Muusikkitalost, mis on koduks Sibeliuse Akadeemiale, Helsingi Linnaorkesterile ja Soome Raadio Sümfooniorkesterile. Kontserdimaja arhitektid Marko Kivistö, Ola Laiho ja Mikko Pulkkinen ning akustik Yasuhisa Toyota

  3. Muusikamaailm : Hooaja algus "La Scalas". Verdi mälestusaastast mujalgi. Uusooper Ateenasse olümpia-aastaks. Soome ooperi "hullu aasta" lõpp / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Milano La Scala hooaja avaetendustest. G. Verdi ooperite lavastustest New Yorgi, Barcelona, Viini ja Helsingi ooperiteatrites. D. Mitropoulose nim. rahvusvahelisest heliloojate konkursist. K. Tikka uusooperi "Luther" maailmaesiettekandest 12. dets. Helsingi Koopakirikus

  4. The Significance of Tallinn and Livonia to Helsinki in 1550-1600 / Seppo Aalto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aalto, Seppo


    Helsingi oli oma asutamisest peale Tallinnaga tihedalt seotud. Kui Rootsi sai 1560. aastatel Tallinna ja Põhja-Eesti enda valdusesse, siis need sidemed tihenesid ning mõjutasid Helsingi eluolu kõiki aspekte

  5. Test Review: Advanced Clinical Solutions for WAIS-IV and WMS-IV (United States)

    Chu, Yiting; Lai, Mark H. C.; Xu, Yining; Zhou, Yuanyuan


    The authors review the "Advanced Clinical Solutions for WAIS-IV and WMS-IV". The "Advanced Clinical Solutions (ACS) for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition" (WAIS-IV; Wechsler, 2008) and the "Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition" (WMS-IV; Wechsler, 2009) was published by Pearson in 2009. It is a…

  6. Häid tagajärgi Helsingist / Taive Abner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Abner, Taive


    Helsingi International Horse Show raames toimunud Lääne-Euroopa liiga takistussõidu MK etapi võitis prantslane Roger Yves Bost ning Helsingis erinevatel takistussõidu tasemetel võistelnud Eesti ratsutajate tulemustest

  7. Direct complexonometric determination of thorium (IV), uranium (IV), neptunium (IV), plutonium (IV) by titration of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid with xylenol orange as indicator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rykov, A.G.; Piskunov, E.M.; Timofeev, G.A.


    The purpose of the present work was to develop a method of determining Th(IV), U(IV), Np(N) and Pu(IV) in acid solutions by titration with diethylenetriamine pentacetic acid, the indicator being xylenol orange. It has been established that Th, U, Np and Pu can be determined to within 0.5-1.5%. Th and U in quantities of tens of milligrams can be determined with greater accuracy, attaining hundredths of one per cent. During titration the determination is not hindered by singly- and doubly-charged metal ions, trivalent lanthanides and actinides, except plutonium. The proposed method can be used to determine U(IV) in the presence of considerable quantities of U(VI) and Np(IV) in the presence of Np(V). Total concentrations of uranium or neptunium are determined by reducing uranium (VI) or neptunium (V) by a standard method (for example, using metallic lead, cadmium or zinc amalgam) to the tetravalent state and applying the method described in the paper. (E.P.)

  8. Soome kirikudisain, Schjerfbecki autoportreed, Mucha juugend / Harry Liivrand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liivrand, Harry, 1961-


    Näitus "Tuvi ja tall - Helsingi kirikute sakraalne disain" Helsingi disainimuuseumis. Helene Schjerfbecki (1862-1946) näitus Didrichseni kunstimuuseumis. Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) ehete ja teatriplakatite näitus Amos Andersoni Taidemuseumis

  9. Trigon annab Eesti aednikele Soomes tööd / Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Toivo


    Helsingis aiandus- ja haljastusteenuseid osutama hakkav firma Trigon Gardening palkab sadakond aiandusharidusega Eesti noort, kes hakkavad Eestist Helsingis tööl käima. Joakim Helenius uue firma loomisest. Lisa: Konkurent: Julge samm

  10. Congenital bilateral neuroblastoma (stage IV-S): case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jeong Hee; Lee, Hee Jung; Woo, Seong Ku; Lee, Sang Rak; Kim, Heung Sik


    Congenital neonatal neuroblastoma is not uncommon but bilateral adrenal neuroblastoma is rare, accounting for about ten percent of neuroblastomas in children. We report the US the MR findings of a stage IV-S congenital bilateral neuroblastoma occurring in a one-day-old neonate

  11. Ala-asteikäisten lasten viihtyvyys koulussa : Koulussa tehtävän nuorisotyön näkökulmasta


    Träskelin, Jeanette


    Opinnäytetyössäni tarkastellaan koulun ja nuorisotyön yhteistyötä. Tavoitteena on selvittää, voiko kou-lussa tehtävä nuorisotyö vaikuttaa lasten viihtymiseen koulussa, etenkin alakoulussa, ja millaisin kei-noin. Alussa kuvailen koulussa tehtävää nuorisotyötä nykypäivänä. Kerron sen tehtävistä sekä tavoit-teista. Kuvailen myös koulua nuorisotyön toimintaympäristönä sekä lasten viihtymistä koulussa ja sii-hen vaikuttavia asioita. Pääosin laadullisessa tutkimuksessani haastattelin Helsingis...

  12. Live 8 : hiigelkontserdid sunnivad rikkaid riike vaesusega võitlema / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Kontserdisarjast Live 8 (kokku toimub 10 kontserti Aasias, Aafrikas, Euroopas, Ameerikas), millega tahetakse tähelepanu tõmmata vaeste riikide abistamise vajadusele. Live 8 toimub üheaegselt G8 kohtumisega Shotimaal

  13. Oxochloroalkoxide of the Cerium (IV and Titanium (IV as oxides precursor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Machado Luiz Carlos


    Full Text Available The Cerium (IV and Titanium (IV oxides mixture (CeO2-3TiO2 was prepared by thermal treatment of the oxochloroisopropoxide of Cerium (IV and Titanium (IV. The chemical route utilizing the Cerium (III chloride alcoholic complex and Titanium (IV isopropoxide is presented. The compound Ce5Ti15Cl16O30 (iOPr4(OH-Et15 was characterized by elemental analysis, FTIR and TG/DTG. The X-ray diffraction patterns of the oxides resulting from the thermal decomposition of the precursor at 1000 degreesC for 36 h indicated the formation of cubic cerianite (a = 5.417Å and tetragonal rutile (a = 4.592Å and (c = 2.962 Å, with apparent crystallite sizes around 38 and 55nm, respectively.

  14. Uudised : Therese Raide loominguline õhtu. Küünlakuu kontsert Adamson-Ericus. Maailmamuusika tippansambel Eestis / Toomas Kuter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuter, Toomas, 1965-


    20. veebr. toimub T. Raide loominguline õhtu, kus tähistatakse muusiku 80. sünnipäeva. 18. veebr. toimub Adamson-Ericu muuseumis kolmas kontsert sarjast "Barokkmaastikud". Terem-Quartet esineb 22. veebr. Tartus ja 23. veebr. Tallinnas

  15. Transuranium perrhenates: Np(IV), Pu(IV) and (III), Am (III)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silvestre, Jean-Paul; Freundlich, William; Pages, Monique


    Synthesis in aqueous solution and by solid state reactions, crystallographical characterization and study of the stability of some transuranium perrhenates: Asup(n+)(ReO 4 - )sub(n) (A=Np(IV), Pu(IV), Pu(III), Am(III) [fr

  16. Välismaalt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hispaania balletiartist töötas Moskvas, kired La Scala hoaja esietenduse ümber, saksa show-bisnese impressario mõisteti vangi, Jose Carreras Helsingis, võistlevad dirigendid juhatasid Austraalias Soome koori, suurejoonelised Carmeni etendused mais helsingis, Läti Rahvusooperi majanduslik olukord on raske, soome keelpillikvarteti edukast esinemisest Prantsusmaal

  17. Takku - connecting people / Tommi Mäkynen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mäkynen, Tommi


    "Takku" on osa T. Mäkyneni Helsingi Tehnikaülikoolis tehtud väitekirjaprojektist "Helsinki + 22, ei loskaa". Projekti eesmärgiks on linna kompaktsemaks muutmine, arendades Helsingi kesklinna. "Takku" toob välja, kuidas globaalsed nähtused, jõud ja protsessid avaldavad meie argikeskkonnale lokaalset mõju

  18. Coordination and solvent extraction behaviour of oxozirconium(IV), thorium(IV) and dioxouranium(VI)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dash, K.C.


    The systematic liquid-liquid extraction behaviour of oxozirconium (IV), thorium(IV) and dioxouranium(VI) have been investigated using a number of synthesised and commercial chelating extractants. The synergism or antagonism for these processes in presence of neutral donor ligands have also been identified and the conditions for separation and isolation of pure individual metal ions have been established. The coordination behaviour of oxozirconium(IV), thorium(IV) and dioxouranium(VI) with a large number of mono- and polydentate ligands have been studied. With oxozirconium(IV), invariably always a cyclic, tetranuclear species is obtained, derived from the tetrameric structure of the parent ZrOCl 2 .8H 2 O which is actually (Zr 4 (OH) 8 (H 2 O) 16 )Cl 8 .12H 2 O. No simple, monomeric oxozirconium(IV) complex was obtained. Uranium(VI) and thorium(IV) form a wide variety of complexes of higher coordination numbers and several bi- and trinuclear complexes were also characterised where the two adjacent metal centres are joined to each other by a double hydroxo-bridge. (author). 69 refs., 3 figs., 4 tabs

  19. Algas vene kirjanduse nädal / Raimu Hanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanson, Raimu, 1957-


    22. septembril algas Tartu Linnaraamatukogus vene kirjanduse nädal Inga Ivanova raamatu "Kadunud koerte saladus" esitlusega; 24. sept. toimub Igor Kotjuhi autoriõhtu; 26.-28. toimub Tartu Ülikoolis vene kirjandusele pühendatud rahvusvaheline teaduskonverents. Raamatukogust saab osta ka venekeelseid raamatuid

  20. Filosoofiaõhtu Kloostri Aidas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Restoranis Kloostri Ait toimub üritus, kus prantsuse filosoofi Jacques Derrida raamatust "Surma and" räägivad raamatu tõlkija Mart Kangur ja kirjandusteadlane Hasso Krull. Üritus toimub koostöös raamatu väljaandja, Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastusega

  1. В Хельсинки открылась выставка эстонской живописи

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Helsingi kunstihoones (Helsingin Taidehalli) avati 15. oktoobril Eesti maalikunsti ülevaatenäitus "Viron värit - 150 vuotta virolaista maalaustaideta Enn Kunilan kokoelamasta" ("Eesti värvid - 150 aastat eesti maalikunsti Enn Kunila kogust"). Kuraator Harry Liivrand, kujundaja Olev Subbi. Helsingis on "Viron värit" avatud 24. novembrini

  2. Synthesis and characterization of chiral thorium(IV) and uranium(IV) benzamidinate complexes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schoene, Sebastian; Maerz, Juliane; Kaden, Peter; Patzschke, Michael; Ikeda-Ohno, Atsushi [Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Dresden (Germany). Chemistry of the F-Elements


    Two chiral benzamidinate complexes of tetravalent actinides (Th(IV) and U(IV)) were synthesized using a salt metathesis reaction of the corresponding actinide(IV) tetrachlorides and the potassium salt of the chiral benzamidine (S,S)-N,N-Bis-(1-phenylethyl)-benzamidine ((S)-HPEBA). The structure of the complexes was determined with single crystal X-ray diffraction. These are the first examples of chiral amidinate complexes of actinides.

  3. iväkoti Riemula


    Alanko, Reetta; Ihanamäki, Katja


    Opinnäytetyössä kuvataan yleisesti päivähoidon kehitystä Suomessa sekä päivähoitoa yrittäjän näkökulmasta, tuoden esille sen tämän päivän haasteet ja mahdollisuudet. Työssä on pohdittu yhteistyön merkitystä kunnan kanssa ja sitä, miten kunta voi osaltaan joko rajoittaa tai edesauttaa yksityisen päivähoitoyrityksen toimintaa. Opinnäytetyössä kerrotaan teoriassa Päiväkoti Riemula nimisen, erityispäivähoitopalveluita tarjoavan yrityksen perustamiseen liittyvistä suunnitelmista. Suunnitelluss...

  4. Eesti kunstiaarded rändasid üle mere: "Ma poleks õiglane, kui hoiaksin maalid vaid endale" / Oliver Õunmaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Õunmaa, Oliver


    Eesti maalikunsti ülevaatenäitus "Eesti värvid - 150 aastat eesti maalikunsti Enn Kunila kogust" Helsingi Taidehallis 24. novembrini 2010. Enn Kunila, näituse kuraatori Harry Liivranna, Helsingi kunstihoone juhataja kohusetäitja Taru Tappola kommentaarid. Näituse kujundas Olev Subbi, soomekeelse raamatu näituse kohta koostas Eero Epner

  5. IV access in dental practice.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Fitzpatrick, J J


    Intravenous (IV) access is a valuable skill for dental practitioners in emergency situations and in IV sedation. However, many people feel some apprehension about performing this procedure. This article explains the basic principles behind IV access, and the relevant anatomy and physiology, as well as giving a step-by-step guide to placing an IV cannula.

  6. Festival "Meretagune asi" kutsub osa saama vendade Tuulikute loomingust / Ivika Laanet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laanet, Ivika


    Kuressaares toimub Saaremaa Rahvateatri ja Kuressaare Linnateatri poolt korraldatud harrastusteatrite festival "Meretagune asi", mis on pühendatud vendadele Ülo ja Jüri Tuulikule. Festivali raames toimub kuuldemängunädal, teatri- ja kirjanduskonverents ning Jüri Tuuliku näitemängude päev

  7. Complexation of the An(IV) by NTA; Complexation des An(IV) par le NTA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonin, L. [Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France)]|[CEA Valrho, Lab. de Chimie des Actinides (LCA), 30 - Marcoule (France)


    In the framework of the Nuclear and Environmental Toxicology program, developed in France, it has been decided to take again the studies concerning the actinides decorporation. A similar study of the neptunium complexation by the citrate ions has been carried out on the complexation of Np(IV) with the nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA). The NTA can be considered as a model molecule of the de-corporating molecules (amino-carboxy- ligand). The results of the spectrophotometric measurements being encouraging, the behaviour of several actinides at the same oxidation state (+IV) (Th(IV), U(IV), Np(IV), and Pu(IV)) has been determined. The experimental results are presented. In order to determine the structure of the complexes of stoichiometry 1:2 An(IV)-(NTA){sub 2} in solution, quantic chemistry calculations and EXAFS measurements have been carried out in parallel. These studies confirm the presence of An(IV)-nitrogen bonds whose length decreases from thorium to plutonium and indicate the presence of a water molecule bound to the thorium and the uranium (coordination number 8 for Np/Pu, 9 for Th/U). The evolution of the complexation constants determined in this study in terms of 1/r (r ionic radius of the cation taking into account its coordination number 8 or 9) confirms the change of the coordination number between Th/U and Np/Pu. (O.M.)

  8. Camp of Hip-Hop - kõigile kohustuslik / Mari Hiiemäe ; kommenteerinud Joel Juht

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiiemäe, Mari


    Üheksandat korda toimuvast rahvusvahelisest tantsulaagrist ja tänavakultuuri tutvustavast noortelaagrist Camp of Hip-Hop, mis toimub Lääne Virumaal Käsmus. 28. juunil toimub kõigile huvilistele meelelahutusüritus Camp of Hip-Hop Championships, kus näitavad oma tantsuoskusi laagris osalejad ja maailmas tunnustatud koreograafid

  9. Mis toimub / Mart Niineste

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niineste, Mart, 1983-


    Tallinnas Vabaduse väljakul 23.-25. aprillini interaktiivne linnaruumi installatsioon "Self Sustainable Party Container", mille avas kunstnike rühmitus MIMproject koostöös SA Tallinn 2011 ja Kanuti gildi saaliga. Isetoimiv peokonteiner on MIMprojecti jätkusuutliku teatriprojekti järjekordne esitlus

  10. Luuleõhtu "Sitikas suudleb kuud"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    29. okt. toimub Adamson-Ericu muuseumis luuleõhtu, kus esinevad Andres Ehin luule ja häälutustega, Mart Soo kitarril ja Brian Melvin löökriistadel. Üritus toimub Kōkyō Hatanaka (sünd. 1947) näituse "Aasia minu südames. Jaapani klassikaline maal nihonga" raames

  11. Eesti 1910.-1930. aastate kunsti retseptsioon välisnäitustel / Mai Levin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Levin, Mai, 1942-


    Eesti Kunstimuuseumi koostööst Pécsi, Helsingi ja Stockholmi muuseumidega ja eesti kunsti näitustest neis 1991-1993. Pikemalt näitustest "Modernismipüüdlused eesti kunstis 1915-1935" Pecsis, "Eesti kunst aastaist 1910-1930" Helsingis ja "Ootamatu kohtumine. Eesti ja läti modernism sõdadevahelisel ajal" Stockholmis ning vastukajasid pressis. Illustratsioonid lk. 67-69

  12. Comparative Analysis of Inpatient Costs for Obstetrics and Gynecology Surgery Patients Treated With IV Acetaminophen and IV Opioids Versus IV Opioid-only Analgesia for Postoperative Pain. (United States)

    Hansen, Ryan N; Pham, An T; Lovelace, Belinda; Balaban, Stela; Wan, George J


    Recovery from obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) surgery, including hysterectomy and cesarean section delivery, aims to restore function while minimizing hospital length of stay (LOS) and medical expenditures. Our analyses compare OB/GYN surgery patients who received combination intravenous (IV) acetaminophen and IV opioid analgesia with those who received IV opioid-only analgesia and estimate differences in LOS, hospitalization costs, and opioid consumption. We performed a retrospective analysis of the Premier Database between January 2009 and June 2015, comparing OB/GYN surgery patients who received postoperative pain management with combination IV acetaminophen and IV opioids with those who received only IV opioids starting on the day of surgery and continuing up to the second postoperative day. We performed instrumental variable 2-stage least-squares regressions controlling for patient and hospital covariates to compare the LOS, hospitalization costs, and daily opioid doses (morphine equivalent dose) of IV acetaminophen recipients with that of opioid-only analgesia patients. We identified 225 142 OB/GYN surgery patients who were eligible for our study of whom 89 568 (40%) had been managed with IV acetaminophen and opioids. Participants averaged 36 years of age and were predominantly non-Hispanic Caucasians (60%). Multivariable regression models estimated statistically significant differences in hospitalization cost and opioid use with IV acetaminophen associated with $484.4 lower total hospitalization costs (95% CI = -$760.4 to -$208.4; P = 0.0006) and 8.2 mg lower daily opioid use (95% CI = -10.0 to -6.4), whereas the difference in LOS was not significant, at -0.09 days (95% CI = -0.19 to 0.01; P = 0.07). Compared with IV opioid-only analgesia, managing post-OB/GYN surgery pain with the addition of IV acetaminophen is associated with decreased hospitalization costs and reduced opioid use.

  13. X-Band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Comparison of Mononuclear Mn(IV)-oxo and Mn(IV)-hydroxo Complexes and Quantum Chemical Investigation of Mn(IV) Zero-Field Splitting. (United States)

    Leto, Domenick F; Massie, Allyssa A; Colmer, Hannah E; Jackson, Timothy A


    X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to probe the ground-state electronic structures of mononuclear Mn(IV) complexes [Mn(IV)(OH)2(Me2EBC)](2+) and [Mn(IV)(O)(OH)(Me2EBC)](+). These compounds are known to effect C-H bond oxidation reactions by a hydrogen-atom transfer mechanism. They provide an ideal system for comparing Mn(IV)-hydroxo versus Mn(IV)-oxo motifs, as they differ by only a proton. Simulations of 5 K EPR data, along with analysis of variable-temperature EPR signal intensities, allowed for the estimation of ground-state zero-field splitting (ZFS) and (55)Mn hyperfine parameters for both complexes. From this analysis, it was concluded that the Mn(IV)-oxo complex [Mn(IV)(O)(OH)(Me2EBC)](+) has an axial ZFS parameter D (D = +1.2(0.4) cm(-1)) and rhombicity (E/D = 0.22(1)) perturbed relative to the Mn(IV)-hydroxo analogue [Mn(IV)(OH)2(Me2EBC)](2+) (|D| = 0.75(0.25) cm(-1); E/D = 0.15(2)), although the complexes have similar (55)Mn values (a = 7.7 and 7.5 mT, respectively). The ZFS parameters for [Mn(IV)(OH)2(Me2EBC)](2+) were compared with values obtained previously through variable-temperature, variable-field magnetic circular dichroism (VTVH MCD) experiments. While the VTVH MCD analysis can provide a reasonable estimate of the magnitude of D, the E/D values were poorly defined. Using the ZFS parameters reported for these complexes and five other mononuclear Mn(IV) complexes, we employed coupled-perturbed density functional theory (CP-DFT) and complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculations with second-order n-electron valence-state perturbation theory (NEVPT2) correction, to compare the ability of these two quantum chemical methods for reproducing experimental ZFS parameters for Mn(IV) centers. The CP-DFT approach was found to provide reasonably acceptable values for D, whereas the CASSCF/NEVPT2 method fared worse, considerably overestimating the magnitude of D in several cases. Both methods were poor in

  14. Muusika / Saari Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamm, Saari, 1968-


    Lühisõnumid: ERSO osales Läänemere festivalil. 18. - 29. VIII toimuvad EMAs suvekursused "Crossing Borders in interpretation of Classical Music and jazz". Konstantin Türnpu 140. 22. - 24. VIII toimub XII Lõuna-Eesti noorte pianistide suvekool. 21. VIII esineb Estonia kontserdisaalis Helsinki Festival Orchestra. 20. VIII toimub Tartu laululaval Olav Ehala loomingu galakontsert

  15. IV treatment at home (United States)

    ... Other IV treatments you may receive after you leave the hospital include: Treatment for hormone deficiencies Medicines for severe nausea that cancer chemotherapy or pregnancy may cause Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) for pain (this is IV ...

  16. A cerium(IV)-carbon multiple bond

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gregson, Matthew; Lu, Erli; McMaster, Jonathan; Lewis, William; Blake, Alexander J.; Liddle, Stephen T. [Nottingham Univ. (United Kingdom). School of Chemistry


    Straightforward access to a cerium(IV)-carbene complex was provided by one-electron oxidation of an anionic ''ate'' cerium(III)-carbene precursor, thereby avoiding decomposition reactions that plague oxidations of neutral cerium(III) compounds. The cerium(IV)-carbene complex is the first lanthanide(IV)-element multiple bond and involves a twofold bonding interaction of two electron pairs between cerium and carbon. [German] Auf direktem Wege zu einem Cer(IV)-Carbenkomplex gelangt man durch die Einelektronenoxidation einer anionischen Carben-Cerat(III)-Vorstufe. So werden Zersetzungsprozesse vermieden, die die Oxidation neutraler Cer(III)-Verbindungen erschweren. Der Cer(IV)-Carbenkomplex enthaelt die erste Lanthanoid(IV)-Element-Mehrfachbindung; dabei binden Cer und Kohlenstoff ueber zwei Elektronenpaare.

  17. Uudised : Jaani kirik taastab Normanni oreli. Pärdi "Passio" Tallinna toomkirikus. Esiettekandeid "Raemuusikas" / Heili Vaus-Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaus-Tamm, Heili, 1961-


    Jaani Kiriku Oreli Fondi nõukogu volitas 13. apr. toimunud koosolekul juhatust sõlmima eellepingut Dresdeni firmaga Kristian Wegscheider. 21. apr. tuleb Tallinna toomkirikus esitusele A. Pärdi "Passio". 22. apr. toimub "Raemuusika" 1. kontsert sarjas "Ajastu muusikas ja tantsus" pealkirjaga "New York 1980", kus toimub S. Reichi, G. Crumbi ja M. Siimeri teoste eesti esiettekanne

  18. Identification of novel dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory peptides in camel milk protein hydrolysates. (United States)

    Nongonierma, Alice B; Paolella, Sara; Mudgil, Priti; Maqsood, Sajid; FitzGerald, Richard J


    Nine novel dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory peptides (FLQY, FQLGASPY, ILDKEGIDY, ILELA, LLQLEAIR, LPVP, LQALHQGQIV, MPVQA and SPVVPF) were identified in camel milk proteins hydrolysed with trypsin. This was achieved using a sequential approach combining liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), qualitative/quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) and confirmatory studies with synthetic peptides. The most potent camel milk protein-derived DPP-IV inhibitory peptides, LPVP and MPVQA, had DPP-IV half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC 50 ) of 87.0 ± 3.2 and 93.3 ± 8.0 µM, respectively. DPP-IV inhibitory peptide sequences identified within camel and bovine milk protein hydrolysates generated under the same hydrolysis conditions differ. This was linked to differences in enzyme selectivity for peptide bond cleavage of camel and bovine milk proteins as well as dissimilarities in their amino acid sequences. Camel milk proteins contain novel DPP-IV inhibitory peptides which may play a role in the regulation of glycaemia in humans. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Complexes of uranium (IV) and thorium (IV) with α-picolinic acid, nicotinic acid, anthranilic acid and N-phenylanthranilic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, M.; Singh, R.


    Stable U(IV) and Th(IV) complexes with the title ligands have been synthesised from U(OAc) 4 , and Th(OAc) 4 . Magnetic susceptibilities, IR and reflectance spectra of U(IV) and IR spectra of Th(IV) complexes have been studied which indicate eight coordination for U(IV) in these chelates. (auth.)

  20. Thorium(IV) and zirconium(IV) complexes of oxygen donor ligands. Pt. 12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agarwal, R.K.; Jain, P.C.; Kapur, V.; Sharma, S.; Srivastava, A.K.


    Crystalline thorium (IV) chelates with mono N-oxides of 2,2'-bipyridine (bipyNO) and 1,10-phenanthroline (phenNO), ThX 4 x 2L(X = Cl,Br,NO 3 or NCS) and ThX 4 x 3L(X = I or ClO 4 and L = bipyNO or phenNO) have been synthesised and characterized on the basis of i.r. spectra, molar conductance, molecular weights, t.g.a. and d.t.a. data. All the complexes are weakly diamagnetic and contain bipyNO and phenNO bonded to thorium(IV) through nitrogen and oxygen. The coordination number of thorium(IV) varies from six to twelve depending on the nature of the anions. (orig.) [de

  1. Solubility of Tc(IV) oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, D.J.; Fan, X.H.


    Full text of publication follows: The deep geological disposal of the high level radioactive wastes is expected to be a safer disposal method in most countries. The long-lived fission product 99 Tc is present in large quantities in nuclear wastes and its chemical behavior in aqueous solution is of considerable interest. Under the reducing conditions, expected to exist in a deep geological repository, it is generally predicted that technetium will be present as TcO 2 .nH 2 O. The solubility of Tc(IV) is used as a source term in performance assessment of radioactive waste repository. Technetium oxide was prepared by reduction of a technetate solution with Sn 2+ . The solubility of Tc(IV) oxide has been determined in simulated groundwater and re-distilled water under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effects of pH and CO 3 2- concentration of solution on solubility of Tc(IV) oxide were studied. The concentration of total technetium and Tc(IV) species in the solutions were periodically determined by separating the oxidized and reduced technetium species using a solvent extraction procedure and counting the beta activity of the 99 Tc with a liquid scintillation counter. The experimental results show that the rate of oxidation of Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and re-distilled water is about (1.49∼1.86) x 10 -9 mol/(L.d) under aerobic conditions, but Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and re-distilled water is not oxidized under anaerobic conditions. Under aerobic or anaerobic conditions the solubility of Tc(IV) oxide in simulated groundwater and re-distilled water is equal on the whole after centrifugation or ultrafiltration. The solubility of Tc(IV) oxide decreases with the increase of pH at pH 10 and is pH independent in the range 2 -8 to 10 -9 mol/L at 2 3 2- concentration. These data could be used to estimate the Tc(IV) solubility for cases where solubility limits transport of technetium in reducing environments of high-level waste repositories. (authors)

  2. Common molecular determinants of tarantula huwentoxin-IV inhibition of Na+ channel voltage sensors in domains II and IV. (United States)

    Xiao, Yucheng; Jackson, James O; Liang, Songping; Cummins, Theodore R


    The voltage sensors of domains II and IV of sodium channels are important determinants of activation and inactivation, respectively. Animal toxins that alter electrophysiological excitability of muscles and neurons often modify sodium channel activation by selectively interacting with domain II and inactivation by selectively interacting with domain IV. This suggests that there may be substantial differences between the toxin-binding sites in these two important domains. Here we explore the ability of the tarantula huwentoxin-IV (HWTX-IV) to inhibit the activity of the domain II and IV voltage sensors. HWTX-IV is specific for domain II, and we identify five residues in the S1-S2 (Glu-753) and S3-S4 (Glu-811, Leu-814, Asp-816, and Glu-818) regions of domain II that are crucial for inhibition of activation by HWTX-IV. These data indicate that a single residue in the S3-S4 linker (Glu-818 in hNav1.7) is crucial for allowing HWTX-IV to interact with the other key residues and trap the voltage sensor in the closed configuration. Mutagenesis analysis indicates that the five corresponding residues in domain IV are all critical for endowing HWTX-IV with the ability to inhibit fast inactivation. Our data suggest that the toxin-binding motif in domain II is conserved in domain IV. Increasing our understanding of the molecular determinants of toxin interactions with voltage-gated sodium channels may permit development of enhanced isoform-specific voltage-gating modifiers.

  3. Uudised : Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor Iisraelis. RAM esineb USAs. Suur koorikontsert Kuno Arengu auks. Riho Pätsi mälestuspäev / Leelo Kõlar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kõlar, Leelo, 1927-


    EFK T. Kaljuste juhatusel annab 28.09-3.10 Abu-Goshi muusikafestivalil Iisraelis kuus kontserti. RAM alustas kahekümnepäevast USA-turneed. 2. okt. toimub Estonia kontserdisaalis kontsert K. Arengu 70. juubeli puhul. Rahvusraamatukogus toimub 4. okt. R. Pätsi 100. sünniaastapäevale pühendatud teaduskonverents "Muusikakasvatuse minevik ja tänapäev"

  4. On the stabilization of niobium(V) solutions by zirconium(IV) and hafnium(IV)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, E.; Bjerre, A.B.


    Niobium cannot be separated from zirconium or hafnium when these elements occur together in solution with common anions such as chloride and sulphate. This is ascribed to the co-polymerization of niobium(V) and the hydrolysed ionic species of zirconium(IV) and hafnium(IV) to form colloidal...

  5. Neptunium (IV) oxalate solubility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luerkens, D.W.


    The equilibrium solubility of neptunium (IV) oxalate in nitric/oxalic acid solutions was determined at 22 0 C, 45 0 C, and 60 0 C. The concentrations of nitric/oxalic acid solutions represented a wide range of free oxalate ion concentration. A mathematical solubility model was developed which is based on the formation of the known complexes of neptunium (IV) oxalate. the solubility model uses a simplified concentration parameter which is proportional to the free oxalate ion concentration. The solubility model can be used to estimate the equilibrium solubility of neptunium (IV) oxalate over a wide range of oxalic and nitric acid concentrations at each temperature

  6. Enhanced Design Alternative IV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kramer, N.E.


    This report evaluates Enhanced Design Alternative (EDA) IV as part of the second phase of the License Application Design Selection (LADS) effort. The EDA IV concept was compared to the VA reference design using criteria from the Design Input Request for LADS Phase II EDA Evaluations (CRWMS M and O 1999b) and (CRWMS M and O 1999f). Briefly, the EDA IV concept arranges the waste packages close together in an emplacement configuration known as line load. Continuous pre-closure ventilation keeps the waste packages from exceeding their 350 C cladding and 200 C (4.3.6) drift wall temperature limits. This EDA concept keeps relatively high, uniform emplacement drift temperatures (post-closure) to drive water away from the repository and thus dry out the pillars between emplacement drifts. The waste package is shielded to permit human access to emplacement drifts and includes an integral filler inside the package to reduce the amount of water that can contact the waste form. Closure of the repository is desired 50 years after first waste is emplaced. Both backfill and drip shields will be emplaced at closure to improve post-closure performance. The EDA IV concept includes more defense-in-depth layers than the VA reference design because of its backfill, drip shield, waste package shielding, and integral filler features. These features contribute to the low dose-rate to the public achieved during the first 10,000 years of repository life as shown in Figure 3. Investigation of the EDA IV concept has led to the following general conclusions: (1) The total life cycle cost for EDA IV is about $21.7 billion which equates to a $11.3 billion net present value (both figures rounded up). (2) The incidence of design basis events for EDA IV is similar to the VA reference design. (3) The emplacement of the waste packages in drifts will be similar to the VA reference design. However, heavier equipment may be required because the shielded waste package will be heavier. (4) The heavier

  7. Synthesis and characterization of thorium(IV) and uranium(IV) complexes with Schiff bases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Radoske, Thomas; Maerz, Juliane; Kaden, Peter; Patzschke, Michael; Ikeda-Ohno, Atsushi [Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Dresden (Germany). Chemistry of the F-Elements


    We report herein the synthesis and characterization of several imine complexes of tetravalent thorium (Th(IV)) and uranium (U(IV)). The ligands investigated in this study are a Schiff base type, including the well-known salen ligand (H{sub 2}Le, Fig. 1). The complexation in solution was investigated by NMR measurements indicating paramagnetic effects of unpaired f-electrons of U(IV) on the ligand molecule. We also determined the solid-state molecular structures of the synthesized complexes by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The synthesized complexes show an eight-fold coordination geometry around the actinide center surrounded by two tetradentate ligands with 2N- and 2O-donor atoms.

  8. Uudised : Kaljuste avas festivali Amsterdamis. Rene Eespere "Ritus" Euroraadios. "Lucretia teotamise" kontsertettekanne / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    7. nov. juhatas T.Kaljuste Amsterdamis festivali "New Spirituality in Music" avakontserti, 10. nov. anti talle üle Robert Edleri auhind. Euroopa kooride rahvusvahelisel raadiokonkursil "Let The Peoples Sing 1999" finaalis esitas taani kammerkoor R. Eespere teose "Ritus". 18. nov. toimub Vanemuise kontserdimajas B.Britteni ooperi "Lucretia teotamine" kontsertettekanne, mis on teose esiettekanne Eestis. 26.-28. nov. toimub EMAs 33. Balti muusikateaduse konverents "Muusikateadus Baltimaades"

  9. The kinetics of the cerium(IV)-uranium(IV) reaction at low sulfate concentrations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Michaille, P.; Kikindai, T.


    The rate of oxidation of uranium(IV) by cerium(IV) was measured with a stopped-flow spectrophotometer at sulfuric acid concentrations of 2 x 10 -6 to 0.5 M. At a constant hydrogen ion concentration of 0.5 M, the maximum rate constant was observed for 2 x 10 -3 M sulfuric acid; at that concentration, two sulfate ions were involved in the activated complex. The dependence of the rate constant on the hydrogen ion concentration showed that the reaction paths involving one or two sulfate ions also involved one hydroxyl ion, whereas one hydrogen ion was involved in the five sulfate dependent path. Spectrophotometric measurements supported the existence of a hydrolyzed monosulfatocomplex of cerium(IV). (author)

  10. Diorganotin(IV) Complexes with Methionine Methyl Ester. Equilibria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    IV) (DBT) and diphenyltin(IV) (DPT) was investigated at 25 °C and 0.1 mol dm–3 ionic strength in water for dimethyltin(IV) and in 50 % dioxane–water mixture for dibutyltin(IV) and diphenyltin(IV). Methionine methyl ester forms1:1 and 1:2 ...

  11. Adsorption of Th(IV) and Pu(IV) on the surface of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis in the presence of desferrioxamine siderophore

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshida, Takahiro; Ozaki, Takuo; Ohnuki, Toshihiko; Francis, Arokiasamy J.


    Adsorption of Th(IV) and Pu(IV) on a Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens and a Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis in the presence of siderophore desferrioxamine B (DFO) was studied. Thorium(IV) and Pu(IV) were dissociated from DFO during adsorption on the cells. Thorium(IV) adsorption on bacterial cells in the presence of DFO was larger than that of Pu(IV) because of the smaller stability of the Th(IV)-DFO complex than that of the Pu(IV)-DFO complex. On the other hand, adsorption of Pu(IV) was larger than that of Fe(III), wherein the stability of the Pu(IV)- and Fe(III)-DFO complex is comparable. P. fluorescens showed a higher affinity for Th(IV) and Pu(IV) than B. subtilis, though potentiometric titration of bacterial cells indicated that surfaces of P. fluorescens and B. subtilis cells showed similar proton binding properties. (author)

  12. A combined XAFS, ESI TOF-MS and LIBD study on the formation of polynuclear Zr(IV), Th(IV) and Pu(IV) species (United States)

    Rothe, J.; Walther, C.; Brendebach, B.; Büchner, S.; Fuss, M.; Denecke, M. A.; Geckeis, H.


    The long term radiotoxicity of spent nuclear fuel disposed of in deep underground repositories after discharge from nuclear power reactors is determined by actinide elements, mainly plutonium. Water intrusion into the repository might cause container corrosion and leaching of the waste matrices, leading to the release of Pu and other actinides into the geological environment. Performance assessment for a future nuclear waste repository requires detailed knowledge on actinide aqueous chemistry in the aquifer surrounding the disposal site. Tetravalent actinides exhibit a strong tendency towards hydrolysis and subsequent polymerization and/or colloid formation. These species provide a potential pathway for migration of actinides away from the repository. Therefore, it is of fundamental interest to study their generation and properties in-situ. To this end, X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy (XAFS) at the INE-Beamline for actinide research at ANKA, Electrospray Mass-Spectrometry (ESI TOF-MS) and Laser Induced Breakdown Detection (LIBD) are combined at FZK-INE in a comprehensive attempt to characterize Zr(IV) (An(IV) analogue), Th(IV) and Pu(IV) polymerization and colloid formation.

  13. Generation IV national program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Preville, M.; Sadhankar, R.; Brady, D.


    This paper outlines the Generation IV National Program. This program involves evolutionary and innovative design with significantly higher efficiencies (∼50% compared to present ∼30%) - sustainable, economical, safe, reliable and proliferation resistant - for future energy security. The Generation IV Forum (GIF) effectively leverages the resources of the participants to meet these goals. Ten countries signed the GIF Charter in 2001

  14. Solubility studies of Np(IV)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yingjie; Yao Jun; Jiao Haiyang; Ren Lihong; Zhou Duo; Fan Xianhua


    The solubility of Np(IV) in simulated underground water and redistilled water has been measured with the variations of pH(6-12) and storage time (0-100 d) in the presence of reductant (Na 2 S 2 O 4 , metallic Fe). All experiments are performed in a low oxygen concentration glove box containing high purity Ar(99.99%), with an oxygen content of less than 5 x 10 -6 mol/mol. Experimental results show that the variation of pH in solution has little effect on the solubility of Np(IV) in the two kinds of water; the measured solubility of Np(IV) is affected by the composition of solution; with Na 2 S 2 O 4 as a reductant, the solubility of Np(IV) in simulated underground water is (9.23 +- 0.48) x 10 -10 mol/L, and that in redistilled water is (8.31 +- 0.35) x 10 -10 mol/L; with metallic Fe as a reductant, the solubility of Np(IV) in simulated underground water is (1.85 +- 0.56) x 10 -9 mol/L, and that in redistilled water is (1.48 +- 0.66) x 10 -9 mol/L

  15. Materials for generation-IV nuclear reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alvarez, M. G.


    Materials science and materials development are key issues for the implementation of innovative reactor systems such as those defined in the framework of the Generation IV. Six systems have been selected for Generation IV consideration: gas-cooled fast reactor, lead-cooled fast reactor, molten salt-cooled reactor, sodium-cooled fast reactor, supercritical water-cooled reactor, and very high temperature reactor. The structural materials need to resist much higher temperatures, higher neutron doses and extremely corrosive environment, which are beyond the experience of the current nuclear power plants. For this reason, the first consideration in the development of Generation-IV concepts is selection and deployment of materials that operate successfully in the aggressive operating environments expected in the Gen-IV concepts. This paper summarizes the Gen-IV operating environments and describes the various candidate materials under consideration for use in different structural applications. (author)

  16. Adduct formation in Ce(IV) thenolytrifluoroacetonate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anufrieva, S.I.; Polyakova, G.V.; Snezhko, N.I.; Pechurova, N.I.; Martynenko, L.I.; Spitsyn, V.I.


    The literature contains no information on adduct formation in Ce(IV) β-diketonates with additional ligands. Since tetrakis-β-diketonates of Ce(IV) have four six-membered chelate rings, we can suppose that the introduction of an additional monodentate or bidentate ligand into the coordination sphere of Ce(IV) β-diketonates would lead to an increase in the coordination number (CN) of the Ce(IV) to nine or ten. The possibility of realization of such a high CN for Ce(IV) has not been proved; a study of adduct formation by Ce(IV) tetrakis-β-diketonates is thus of theoretical interest. Such an investigation might also be of practical interest, because the introduction of an additional ligand into the coordination sphere of a rare-earth β-diketonate usually increases the solubility of the β-diketonate in nonpolar solvents and increases the volatility of the compound; such a modification of the properties is important for various practical purposes. The aim of our work was to study the possibility of separating solid adducts of Ce(IV) tetrakis-thenoyltrifluoroacetonate with certain oxygen-containing and nitrogen-containing donor monodentate and bidentate ligands, and also to investigate their properties. As the β-diketone we used thenoyltrifluoroacetone (HTTFA), since in a parallel investigation it was found that Ce(TTFA) 4 has a high oxidation-reduction stability

  17. Genetics Home Reference: glycogen storage disease type IV (United States)

    ... Home Health Conditions Glycogen storage disease type IV Glycogen storage disease type IV Printable PDF Open All ... Javascript to view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Glycogen storage disease type IV (GSD IV) is an ...

  18. Separation of uranium(V I) from binary solution mixtures with thorium(IV), zirconium(IV) and cerium(III) by foaming

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shakir, K.; Aziz, M.; Benyamin, K.


    Foam separation has been investigated for the removal of uranium(V I), thorium(IV), zirconium(IV) and cerium(III) from dilute aqueous solutions at pH values ranging from about I to about II. Sodium laurel sulphate (Na L S) and acetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), being a strong anionic and a strong cationic surfactants, were used as collectors. The results indicate that Na L S can efficiently remove thorium(IV), zirconium(IV) and cerium(III) but not uranium(V I). CTAB, on the other hand, can successfully float only uranium(V I) and zirconium(IV). These differences in flotation properties of the different cations could be used to establish methods for the separation of uranium(V I) from binary mixtures with thorium(IV), zirconium(IV) or cerium(III). The results are discussed in terms of the hydrolytic behaviour of the tested cations and properties of used collectors.2 fig., 1 tab

  19. IUE observations of interstellar Si IV and C IV lines observed in the spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smith, L.J.; Willis, A.J.; Wilson, R.


    Recent IUE observations of Wolf-Rayet stars show narrow absorption lines in the highly ionized species of Si IV and C IV. The strengths of these 'interstellar' Si IV and C IV lines observed in the spectra of 10 WR stars and two other early-type stars are compared. Of the WR sample, six stars exhibit very strong Si IV and C IV lines (Wsub(lambda) approximately 0.3 to 0.5 A) whilst the other four stars show much weaker lines (Wsub(lambda) approximately 0.1 A). There is no correlation between the strengths of these lines with either stellar distance or colour excess. The weaker absorptions may arise in the individual stellar H II regions, the observed strengths being consistent with those expected for stars with Tsub(eff) = 30 000 K. Five of the other stars which exhibit very strong absorptions lie in the line of sight to active interstellar regions (Cygnus and Carina nebulae) and it is considered probable that, in addition to their H II region components, the bulk of the strong Si IV and C IV absorptions originate in hot gas associated with these active regions. In the case of the WN5 star HD 50896 violet-displaced components are observed in the interstellar lines of low ionization species. These are thought to be produced in the ring nebula S308 surrounding HD 50896. (author)

  20. Current status of NPP generation IV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yohanes Dwi Anggoro; Dharu Dewi; Nurlaila; Arief Tris Yuliyanto


    Today development of nuclear technology has reached the stage of research and development of Generation IV nuclear power plants (advanced reactor systems) which is an innovative development from the previous generation of nuclear power plants. There are six types of power generation IV reactors, namely: Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR), Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR), Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR), Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (LFR), Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), and Super Critical Water-cooled Reactor (SCWR). The purpose of this study is to know the development of Generation IV nuclear power plants that have been done by the thirteen countries that are members of the Gen IV International Forum (GIF). The method used is review study and refers to various studies related to the current status of research and development of generation IV nuclear power. The result of this study showed that the systems and technology on Generation IV nuclear power plants offer significant advances in sustainability, safety and reliability, economics, and proliferation resistance and physical protection. In addition, based on the research and development experience is estimated that: SFR can be used optimally in 2015, VHTR in 2020, while NPP types GFR, LFR, MSR, and SCWR in 2025. Utilization of NPP generation IV said to be optimal if fulfill the goal of NPP generation IV, such as: capable to generate energy sustainability and promote long-term availability of nuclear fuel, minimize nuclear waste and reduce the long term stewardship burden, has an advantage in the field of safety and reliability compared to the previous generation of NPP and VHTR technology have a good prospects in Indonesia. (author)

  1. Collagen type IV at the fetal-maternal interface. (United States)

    Oefner, C M; Sharkey, A; Gardner, L; Critchley, H; Oyen, M; Moffett, A


    Extracellular matrix proteins play a crucial role in influencing the invasion of trophoblast cells. However the role of collagens and collagen type IV (col-IV) in particular at the implantation site is not clear. Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the distribution of collagen types I, III, IV and VI in endometrium and decidua during the menstrual cycle and the first trimester of pregnancy. Expression of col-IV alpha chains during the reproductive cycle was determined by qPCR and protein localisation by immunohistochemistry. The structure of col-IV in placenta was examined using transmission electron microscopy. Finally, the expression of col-IV alpha chain NC1 domains and collagen receptors was localised by immunohistochemistry. Col-IV alpha chains were selectively up-regulated during the menstrual cycle and decidualisation. Primary extravillous trophoblast cells express collagen receptors and secrete col-IV in vitro and in vivo, resulting in the increased levels found in decidua basalis compared to decidua parietalis. A novel expression pattern of col-IV in the mesenchyme of placental villi, as a three-dimensional network, was found. NC1 domains of col-IV alpha chains are known to regulate tumour cell migration and the selective expression of these domains in decidua basalis compared to decidua parietalis was determined. Col-IV is expressed as novel forms in the placenta. These findings suggest that col-IV not only represents a structural protein providing tissue integrity but also influences the invasive behaviour of trophoblast cells at the implantation site. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. A Si IV/O IV Electron Density Diagnostic for the Analysis of IRIS Solar Spectra (United States)

    Young, P. R.; Keenan, F. P.; Milligan, R. O.; Peter, H.


    Solar spectra of ultraviolet bursts and flare ribbons from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) have suggested high electron densities of > {10}12 cm‑3 at transition region temperatures of 0.1 MK, based on large intensity ratios of Si IV λ1402.77 to O IV λ1401.16. In this work, a rare observation of the weak O IV λ1343.51 line is reported from an X-class flare that peaked at 21:41 UT on 2014 October 24. This line is used to develop a theoretical prediction of the Si IV λ1402.77 to O IV λ1401.16 ratio as a function of density that is recommended to be used in the high-density regime. The method makes use of new pressure-dependent ionization fractions that take account of the suppression of dielectronic recombination at high densities. It is applied to two sequences of flare kernel observations from the October 24 flare. The first shows densities that vary between 3× {10}12 and 3× {10}13 cm‑3 over a seven-minute period, while the second location shows stable density values of around 2× {10}12 cm‑3 over a three-minute period.

  3. Batch and column adsorption behaviors of Se(IV) and Te(IV) on organic and inorganic ion exchangers from HCl solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    El-Sweify, Fatma H.; Abdel-Fattah, Alaa El-Din A.; Aly, Shorouk M.; Ghamry, Mohamed A. [Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo (Egypt). Hot Laboratories Center; El-Sheikh, Ragaa [Zagazig Univ. (Egypt). Chemistry Dept.


    Adsorption behaviors of Se(IV) and Te(IV) on the inorganic ion exchanger ceric tungstate (CeW) was studied under static and dynamic conditions and compared with the adsorption on the organic cation and anion exchangers Dowex-50X8 and AG-2X8, respectively. The radioactive isotopes {sup 75}Se and {sup 123m}Te were used to trace the respective elements. Some parameters affecting the adsorption were investigated under static conditions. In the case of batch technique the adsorption was studied from slightly acidic HCl as well as slightly alkaline media, i.e. at two pH-ranges. Se(IV) and Te(IV) were adsorbed on both the inorganic ion exchanger (CeW) and on AG-2X8, from slightly alkaline solutions. From the similarity of adsorption on both ion exchangers it was clear that (CeW) acts as an anion exchanger. Moreover, the obtained K{sub d}-values for the adsorption on (CeW) were much higher than those for the adsorption on the organic anion exchanger AG-2X8. Se(IV) was not adsorbed on Dowex-50X8 all over the studied pH-range whereas Te(IV) was slightly adsorbed. Loading and elution behaviors of Se(IV) and Te(IV) on columns of AG-2X8 and (CeW) were studied using solutions of HCl of different concentrations. Some good separation alternatives of Se(IV) and Te(IV) under certain conditions were achieved.

  4. Predicting DPP-IV inhibitors with machine learning approaches (United States)

    Cai, Jie; Li, Chanjuan; Liu, Zhihong; Du, Jiewen; Ye, Jiming; Gu, Qiong; Xu, Jun


    Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) is a promising Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) drug target. DPP-IV inhibitors prolong the action of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP), improve glucose homeostasis without weight gain, edema, and hypoglycemia. However, the marketed DPP-IV inhibitors have adverse effects such as nasopharyngitis, headache, nausea, hypersensitivity, skin reactions and pancreatitis. Therefore, it is still expected for novel DPP-IV inhibitors with minimal adverse effects. The scaffolds of existing DPP-IV inhibitors are structurally diversified. This makes it difficult to build virtual screening models based upon the known DPP-IV inhibitor libraries using conventional QSAR approaches. In this paper, we report a new strategy to predict DPP-IV inhibitors with machine learning approaches involving naïve Bayesian (NB) and recursive partitioning (RP) methods. We built 247 machine learning models based on 1307 known DPP-IV inhibitors with optimized molecular properties and topological fingerprints as descriptors. The overall predictive accuracies of the optimized models were greater than 80%. An external test set, composed of 65 recently reported compounds, was employed to validate the optimized models. The results demonstrated that both NB and RP models have a good predictive ability based on different combinations of descriptors. Twenty "good" and twenty "bad" structural fragments for DPP-IV inhibitors can also be derived from these models for inspiring the new DPP-IV inhibitor scaffold design.

  5. Spectroscopy study of ceramic pigments based on Ce(IV)-Pr(IV) oxide

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furtado, L.; Toma, H.E.


    The synthesis and spectroscopic properties of a series of cerium(IV)-praseodimium(IV) oxide pigments are reported. The pigments exhibit brick-red colours and are suitable for ceramic applications because of their high temperature stability. Electronic absorption spectra of the pigments suspended in a gel matrix of polyvinyl alcohol-sodium tetradecaborate mixture, consists of broad band with gaussian components at 372 and 472nm. These bands are described to charge -transfer transitions from the occupied oxygen p-orbitals to the empty f levels of the lanthanides. (author)

  6. Sovremennoje iskusstvo v angliskom parke

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Performance-kunsti rühmituse Virus (Alan Holligan, Stewart Bennett ja Ewan Robertson Edinburghist) projekt "Sekkumine - kaasaegne kunst inglise pargis" toimub Väliskunsti muuseumis, Mikkeli muuseumis ja selle ümbruses. Inspiratsiooniks on Kadrioru park ning parginäitused Mikkeli ja Väliskunsti muuseumis. Radical Loyalty projektist, millele pani aluse Chris Evans (Glasgow) 2002. a. ja mille raames plaanitakse skulptuuripargi rajamist Järvakandisse. Evansi projekt presentatsiooni formaadis toimub Mikkeli muuseumis video ja fotode abil

  7. 1L Mark-IV Target Design Review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Koehler, Paul E. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    This presentation includes General Design Considerations; Current (Mark-III) Lower Tier; Mark-III Upper Tier; Performance Metrics; General Improvements for Material Science; General Improvements for Nuclear Science; Improving FOM for Nuclear Science; General Design Considerations Summary; Design Optimization Studies; Expected Mark-IV Performance: Material Science; Expected Mark-IV Performance: Nuclear Science (Disk); Mark IV Enables Much Wider Range of Nuclear-Science FOM Gains than Mark III; Mark-IV Performance Summary; Rod or Disk? Center or Real FOV?; and Project Cost and Schedule.

  8. Bagatellid : maailm / Nele-Eva Steinfeld, Ivo Heinloo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinfeld, Nele-Eva


    Muusikasõnumeid maailmast: Helsingis avati uus kultuurikeskus Helsingi Musiikkitalo. Montrealis sain endale uue kontserdimaja La Maison Symphonique de Montreal. Lahkus tenor Salvatore Licitra. James Levine loobus Metropolitan Opera sügishooaja etenduste dirigeerimisest. Iisraeli Filharmoonikute kontsert BBC Promsil häiritud. Deutsche Grammophon kolis Berliini. Siemens loobub Bayereuthi festivali spondeerimisest. Kultuurivahetus Viini Riigiooperi ja La Scala ooperiteatrite vahel. MTV premeeris popimaailma tippe. Hiina tsenseerib Lääne popmuusikuid. uus Grammyde jagamise kord põhjustab pahameelt. Return to Forever taas koos. Chick Corea juubel

  9. Mis toimub Vijlandias / Lilian Vellerand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vellerand, Lilian, 1932-


    Ugala teatri lavastustest : W. Shakespeare'i "Kuningas Lear" , J. Anouilh' "Becket ehk Jumala au", mõlema lav. K. Komissarov, S. Witkiewiczi "Hullumeelne ja nunn", H. Pinteri "Kojutulek", mõlema lav. A. Lepik

  10. Investigating the reasons of variability in Si IV and C IV broad absorption line troughs of quasars (United States)

    Stathopoulos, Dimitrios; Lyratzi, Evangelia; Danezis, Emmanuel; Antoniou, Antonios; Tzimeas, Dimitrios


    In this paper we analyze the C IV and Si IV broad absorption troughs of two BALQSOs (J101056.69+355833.3, J114548.38+393746.6) to the individual components they consist of. By analyzing a BAL trough to its components we have the advantage to study the variations of the individual absorbing systems in the line of sight and not just the variations of the whole absorption trough or the variations of selected portions of BAL troughs exhibiting changes. We find that the velocity shifts and FWHMs (Full Width at Half Maximum) of the individual components do not vary between an interval of six years. All variable components show changes in the optical depths at line centers which are manifested as variations in the EW (Equivalent Width) of the components. In both BALQSOs, over corresponding velocities, Si IV has higher incidence of variability than C IV. From our analysis, evidence is in favour of different covering fractions between C IV and Si IV. Finally, although most of our results favour the crossing cloud scenario as the cause of variability, there is also strong piece of evidence indicating changing ionization as the source of variability. Thus, a mixed situation where both physical mechanisms contribute to BAL variability is the most possible scenario.

  11. Topological characterisation and identification of critical domains within glucosyltransferase IV (GtrIV of Shigella flexneri

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nair Anesh


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The three bacteriophage genes gtrA, gtrB and gtr(type are responsible for O-antigen glucosylation in Shigella flexneri. Both gtrA and gtrB have been demonstrated to be highly conserved and interchangeable among serotypes while gtr(type was found to be specific to each serotype, leading to the hypothesis that the Gtr(type proteins are responsible for attaching glucosyl groups to the O-antigen in a site- and serotype- specific manner. Based on the confirmed topologies of GtrI, GtrII and GtrV, such interaction and attachment of the glucosyl groups to the O-antigen has been postulated to occur in the periplasm. Results In this study, the topology of GtrIV was experimentally determined by creating different fusions between GtrIV and a dual-reporter protein, PhoA/LacZ. This study shows that GtrIV consists of 8 transmembrane helices, 2 large periplasmic loops, 2 small cytoplasmic N- and C- terminal ends and a re-entrant loop that occurs between transmembrane helices III and IV. Though this topology differs from that of GtrI, GtrII, GtrV and GtrX, it is very similar to that of GtrIc. Furthermore, both the N-terminal periplasmic and the C-terminal periplasmic loops are important for GtrIV function as shown via a series of loop deletion experiments and the creation of chimeric proteins between GtrIV and its closest structural homologue, GtrIc. Conclusion The current study provides the basis for elucidating the structure and mechanism of action of this important O-antigen modifying glucosyltransferase.

  12. Single-layer group IV-V and group V-IV-III-VI semiconductors: Structural stability, electronic structures, optical properties, and photocatalysis (United States)

    Lin, Jia-He; Zhang, Hong; Cheng, Xin-Lu; Miyamoto, Yoshiyuki


    Recently, single-layer group III monochalcogenides have attracted both theoretical and experimental interest at their potential applications in photonic devices, electronic devices, and solar energy conversion. Excited by this, we theoretically design two kinds of highly stable single-layer group IV-V (IV =Si ,Ge , and Sn; V =N and P) and group V-IV-III-VI (IV =Si ,Ge , and Sn; V =N and P; III =Al ,Ga , and In; VI =O and S) compounds with the same structures with single-layer group III monochalcogenides via first-principles simulations. By using accurate hybrid functional and quasiparticle methods, we show the single-layer group IV-V and group V-IV-III-VI are indirect bandgap semiconductors with their bandgaps and band edge positions conforming to the criteria of photocatalysts for water splitting. By applying a biaxial strain on single-layer group IV-V, single-layer group IV nitrides show a potential on mechanical sensors due to their bandgaps showing an almost linear response for strain. Furthermore, our calculations show that both single-layer group IV-V and group V-IV-III-VI have absorption from the visible light region to far-ultraviolet region, especially for single-layer SiN-AlO and SnN-InO, which have strong absorption in the visible light region, resulting in excellent potential for solar energy conversion and visible light photocatalytic water splitting. Our research provides valuable insight for finding more potential functional two-dimensional semiconductors applied in optoelectronics, solar energy conversion, and photocatalytic water splitting.

  13. Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bendroth-Asmussen, Lisa; Aksglaede, Lise; Gernow, Anne B


    molecular genetic analyses confirmed glycogen storage disease Type IV with the finding of compound heterozygosity for 2 mutations (c.691+2T>C and c.1570C>T, p.R524X) in the GBE1 gene. We conclude that glycogen storage disease Type IV can cause early miscarriage and that diagnosis can initially be made...

  14. IV&V Project Assessment Process Validation (United States)

    Driskell, Stephen


    The Space Launch System (SLS) will launch NASA's Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV). This launch vehicle will provide American launch capability for human exploration and travelling beyond Earth orbit. SLS is designed to be flexible for crew or cargo missions. The first test flight is scheduled for December 2017. The SLS SRR/SDR provided insight into the project development life cycle. NASA IV&V ran the standard Risk Based Assessment and Portfolio Based Risk Assessment to identify analysis tasking for the SLS program. This presentation examines the SLS System Requirements Review/System Definition Review (SRR/SDR), IV&V findings for IV&V process validation correlation to/from the selected IV&V tasking and capabilities. It also provides a reusable IEEE 1012 scorecard for programmatic completeness across the software development life cycle.

  15. Dissimilatory Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reduction. (United States)

    Lovley, D R


    The oxidation of organic matter coupled to the reduction of Fe(III) or Mn(IV) is one of the most important biogeochemical reactions in aquatic sediments, soils, and groundwater. This process, which may have been the first globally significant mechanism for the oxidation of organic matter to carbon dioxide, plays an important role in the oxidation of natural and contaminant organic compounds in a variety of environments and contributes to other phenomena of widespread significance such as the release of metals and nutrients into water supplies, the magnetization of sediments, and the corrosion of metal. Until recently, much of the Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reduction in sedimentary environments was considered to be the result of nonenzymatic processes. However, microorganisms which can effectively couple the oxidation of organic compounds to the reduction of Fe(III) or Mn(IV) have recently been discovered. With Fe(III) or Mn(IV) as the sole electron acceptor, these organisms can completely oxidize fatty acids, hydrogen, or a variety of monoaromatic compounds. This metabolism provides energy to support growth. Sugars and amino acids can be completely oxidized by the cooperative activity of fermentative microorganisms and hydrogen- and fatty-acid-oxidizing Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reducers. This provides a microbial mechanism for the oxidation of the complex assemblage of sedimentary organic matter in Fe(III)- or Mn(IV)-reducing environments. The available evidence indicates that this enzymatic reduction of Fe(III) or Mn(IV) accounts for most of the oxidation of organic matter coupled to reduction of Fe(III) and Mn(IV) in sedimentary environments. Little is known about the diversity and ecology of the microorganisms responsible for Fe(III) and Mn(IV) reduction, and only preliminary studies have been conducted on the physiology and biochemistry of this process.

  16. Assembling filamentous phage occlude pIV channels. (United States)

    Marciano, D K; Russel, M; Simon, S M


    Filamentous phage f1 is exported from its Escherichia coli host without killing the bacterial cell. Phage-encoded protein pIV, which is required for phage assembly and secretion, forms large highly conductive channels in the outer membrane of E. coli. It has been proposed that the phage are extruded across the bacterial outer membrane through pIV channels. To test this prediction, we developed an in vivo assay by using a mutant pIV that functions in phage export but whose channel opens in the absence of phage extrusion. In E. coli lacking its native maltooligosacharride transporter LamB, this pIV variant allowed oligosaccharide transport across the outer membrane. This entry of oligosaccharide was decreased by phage production and still further decreased by production of phage that cannot be released from the cell surface. Thus, exiting phage block the pIV-dependent entry of oligosaccharide, suggesting that phage occupy the lumen of pIV channels. This study provides the first evidence, to our knowledge, for viral exit through a large aqueous channel.

  17. Non-equilibrium ionization by a periodic electron beam. II. Synthetic Si IV and O IV transition region spectra (United States)

    Dzifčáková, Elena; Dudík, Jaroslav


    Context. Transition region (TR) spectra typically show the Si IV 1402.8 Å line to be enhanced by a factor of 5 or more compared to the neighboring O IV 1401.2 Å, contrary to predictions of ionization equilibrium models and the Maxwellian distribution of particle energies. Non-equilibrium effects in TR spectra are therefore expected. Aims: To investigate the combination of non-equilibrium ionization and high-energy particles, we apply the model of the periodic electron beam, represented by a κ-distribution that recurs at periods of several seconds, to plasma at chromospheric temperatures of 104 K. This simple model can approximate a burst of energy release involving accelerated particles. Methods: Instantaneous time-dependent charge states of silicon and oxygen were calculated and used to synthesize the instantaneous and period-averaged spectra of Si IV and O IV. Results: The electron beam drives the plasma out of equilibrium. At electron densities of Ne = 1010 cm-3, the plasma is out of ionization equilibrium at all times in all cases we considered, while for a higher density of Ne = 1011 cm-3, ionization equilibrium can be reached toward the end of each period, depending on the conditions. In turn, the character of the period-averaged synthetic spectra also depends on the properties of the beam. While the case of κ = 2 results in spectra with strong or even dominant O IV, higher values of κ can approximate a range of observed TR spectra. Spectra similar to typically observed spectra, with the Si IV 1402.8 Å line about a factor 5 higher than O IV 1401.2 Å, are obtained for κ = 3. An even higher value of κ = 5 results in spectra that are exclusively dominated by Si IV, with negligible O IV emission. This is a possible interpretation of the TR spectra of UV (Ellerman) bursts, although an interpretation that requires a density that is 1-3 orders of magnitude lower than for equilibrium estimates. Movies associated to Fig. A.1 are available at http://

  18. Solubility study of Tc(IV) oxides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, D.J.; Fan, X.H.


    The deep geological disposal of the high level radioactive wastes is expected to be a safer disposal method in most countries. The long-lived fission product 99 Tc is present in large quantities in nuclear wastes and its chemical behavior in aqueous solution is of considerable interest. Under oxidizing conditions technetium exists as the anionic species TcO 4 - whereas under the reducing conditions, expected to exist in a deep geological repository, it is generally predicted that technetium will be present as TcO 2 ·nH 2 O. Hence, the mobility of Tc(IV) in reducing groundwater may be limited by the solubility of TcO 2 ·nH 2 O under these conditions. Due to this fact it is important to investigate the solubility of TcO 2 ·nH 2 O. The solubility determines the release of radionuclides from waste form and is used as a source term in radionuclide migration analysis in performance assessment of radioactive waste repository. Technetium oxide was prepared by reduction of a technetate solution with Sn 2 + . The solubility of Tc(IV) oxide has been determined in simulated groundwater and redistilled water under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effects of pH and CO 3 2- concentration of solution on solubility of Tc(IV) oxide were studied. The concentration of total technetium and Tc(IV) species in the solutions were periodically determined by separating the oxidized and reduced technetium species using a solvent extraction procedure and counting the beta activity of the 99 Tc with a liquid scintillation counter. The experimental results show that the rate of oxidation of Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is about (1.49-1.86) x 10 -9 mol/(L·d) under aerobic conditions, but Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is not oxidized under anaerobic conditions. Under aerobic or anaerobic conditions the solubility of Tc(IV) oxide in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is equal on the whole after centrifugation or ultrafiltration. The

  19. The Contribution of IVS to IGGOS (United States)

    Nothnagel, A.


    Since its inauguration in 1999, the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry has made significant progress in the coordination and utilisation of worldwide VLBI resources. Improving the visibility of the IVS components to a wider public in turn led to a higher motivation of the individuals to contribute to the global effort. Not only the number of IVS components but also their investments in terms of funds and manpower demonstrate the increased awareness of the importance of this joint international endeavour. The different demands of the users but also of the contributors often require the definition of priorities which are only being acceptable due to the existence of a strong umbrella organisation like the IVS. Significant progress has also been made in the area of routine data analysis and combination of results. By now, six IVS Analysis Centers provide the redundancy necessary for a robust combination of the results. The use of ITRF2000 station coordinates as the basis for the IVS combined EOP series is the most recent step towards the generation of a consistent chain from the quasi-inertial frame of radio sources to system Earth.

  20. Purification, identification and molecular mechanism of two dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory peptides from Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) protein hydrolysate. (United States)

    Ji, Wei; Zhang, Chaohua; Ji, Hongwu


    Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) played an important role in blood glucose regulation. Inhibition of DPP-IV may improve glycemic control in diabetics by preventing the rapid breakdown of incretin hormones and prolonging their physiological action. In this study, Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) protein was hydrolyzed using animal proteolytic enzymes. The hydrolysate was purified sequentially by ultrafiltration, gel filtration chromatography and reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). DPP-IV inhibitory activity of the fractions achieved from Antarctic krill protein was determined by DPP-IV screening reagent kit. Two purified peptides were identified by Xevo G2-XS QTof mass spectrometer (QTOF-MS). One peptide purified was Ala-Pro (AP) with IC 50 values of 0.0530mg/mL, the other Ile-Pro-Ala (IPA) with IC 50 values of 0.0370mg/mL. They both exhibited strong DPP-IV inhibitory activity. The molecular docking analysis revealed that DPP-IV inhibition by AP and IPA was mainly due to formation of a strong interaction surface force with the 91-96 and 101-105 amino acids of the DPP-IV. Our results suggested that the protein hydrolysate from Antarctic krill can be considered as a promising natural source of DPP-IV inhibitory peptides in the management of diabetes. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. On the Importance of the Nonequilibrium Ionization of Si IV and O IV and the Line of Sight in Solar Surges (United States)

    Nóbrega-Siverio, D.; Moreno-Insertis, F.; Martínez-Sykora, J.


    Surges are ubiquitous cool ejections in the solar atmosphere that often appear associated with transient phenomena like UV bursts or coronal jets. Recent observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph show that surges, although traditionally related to chromospheric lines, can exhibit enhanced emission in Si IV with brighter spectral profiles than for the average transition region (TR). In this paper, we explain why surges are natural sites to show enhanced emissivity in TR lines. We performed 2.5D radiative-MHD numerical experiments using the Bifrost code including the nonequilibrium (NEQ) ionization of silicon and oxygen. A surge is obtained as a by-product of magnetic flux emergence; the TR enveloping the emerged domain is strongly affected by NEQ effects: assuming statistical equilibrium would produce an absence of Si IV and O IV ions in most of the region. Studying the properties of the surge plasma emitting in the Si IV λ1402.77 and O IV λ1401.16 lines, we find that (a) the timescales for the optically thin losses and heat conduction are very short, leading to departures from statistical equilibrium, and (b) the surge emits in Si IV more and has an emissivity ratio of Si IV to O IV larger than a standard TR. Using synthetic spectra, we conclude the importance of line-of-sight effects: given the involved geometry of the surge, the line of sight can cut the emitting layer at small angles and/or cross it multiple times, causing prominent, spatially intermittent brightenings in both Si IV and O IV.

  2. Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of mono- and dicyclopentadienyl titanium (IV)/zirconium (IV) derivatives with S-alkyl-β-N-(acetylferrocenyl) methylene dithiocarbazates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srivastava, B.K.; Srivastava, S.K.; Pandey, O.P.; Sengupta, S.K.


    The reactions of dicyclopentadienyl titanium (IV)/zirconium (IV) dichloride and monocyclopentadienyl titanium (IV) trichloride with thio-Schiff bases (LH), derived by the condensation of S-methyl/ethyl/propyl dithiocarbazic acid and acetylferrocene have been carried out under inert atmosphere and anhydrous conditions in different stoichiometric ratios. Complexes of the types Cp 2 M(L)Cl, CpM(L) 2 Cl (M= Ti(IV) or Zr(IV)), CpTi(L)Cl 2 , CpTi(L) 2 Cl are synthesised and characterized by elemental analysis, electrical conductance, magnetic moment and spectral (electronic, infrared, 1 H NMR) data. (author). 12 refs., 1 tab

  3. SAGE IV Pathfinder (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Utilizing a unique, new occultation technique involving imaging, the SAGE IV concept will meet or exceed the quality of previous SAGE measurements at a small...

  4. Facile and reversible formation of iron(III)-oxo-cerium(IV) adducts from nonheme oxoiron(IV) complexes and cerium(III)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Draksharapu, Apparao; Rasheed, Waqas; Klein, Johannes E.M.N.; Que, Lawrence Jr. [Department of Chemistry and Center for Metals in Biocatalysis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN (United States)


    Ceric ammonium nitrate (CAN) or Ce{sup IV}(NH{sub 4}){sub 2}(NO{sub 3}){sub 6} is often used in artificial water oxidation and generally considered to be an outer-sphere oxidant. Herein we report the spectroscopic and crystallographic characterization of [(N4Py)Fe{sup III}-O-Ce{sup IV}(OH{sub 2})(NO{sub 3}){sub 4}]{sup +} (3), a complex obtained from the reaction of [(N4Py)Fe{sup II}(NCMe)]{sup 2+} with 2 equiv CAN or [(N4Py)Fe{sup IV}=O]{sup 2+} (2) with Ce{sup III}(NO{sub 3}){sub 3} in MeCN. Surprisingly, the formation of 3 is reversible, the position of the equilibrium being dependent on the MeCN/water ratio of the solvent. These results suggest that the Fe{sup IV} and Ce{sup IV} centers have comparable reduction potentials. Moreover, the equilibrium entails a change in iron spin state, from S=1 Fe{sup IV} in 2 to S=5/2 in 3, which is found to be facile despite the formal spin-forbidden nature of this process. This observation suggests that Fe{sup IV}=O complexes may avail of reaction pathways involving multiple spin states having little or no barrier. (copyright 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  5. Plasma metabolism of apolipoprotein A-IV in humans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghiselli, G.; Krishnan, S.; Beigel, Y.; Gotto, A.M. Jr.


    As assessed by molecular sieve chromatography and quantitation by a specific radioimmunoassay, apoA-IV is associated in plasma with the triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, to a high density lipoprotein (HDL) subfraction of smaller size than HDL3, and to the plasma lipoprotein-free fraction (LFF). In this study, the turnover of apoA-IV associated to the triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, HDL and LFF was investigated in vivo in normal volunteers. Human apoA-IV isolated from the thoracic duct lymph chylomicrons was radioiodinated and incubated with plasma withdrawn from normal volunteers after a fatty meal. Radioiodinated apoA-IV-labeled triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, HDL, and LFF were then isolated by chromatography on an AcA 34 column. Shortly after the injection of the radioiodinated apoA-IV-labeled triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, most of the radioactivity could be recovered in the HDL and LFF column fractions. On the other hand, when radioiodinated apoA-IV-labeled HDL or LFF were injected, the radioactivity remained with the originally injected fractions at all times. The residence time in plasma of 125 I-labeled apoA-IV, when injected in association with HDL or LFF, was 1.61 and 0.55 days, respectively. When 125 I-labeled apoA-IV was injected as a free protein, the radioactivity distributed rapidly among the three plasma pools in proportion to their mass. The overall fractional catabolic rate of apoA-IV in plasma was measured in the three normal subjects and averaged 1.56 pools per day. The mean degradation rate of apoA-IV was 8.69 mg/kg X day

  6. Collagen type IV at the fetal-maternal interface


    Oefner, C M; Sharkey, A; Gardner, L; Critchley, H; Oyen, M; Moffett, A


    Introduction Extracellular matrix proteins play a crucial role in influencing the invasion of trophoblast cells. However the role of collagens and collagen type IV (col-IV) in particular at the implantation site is not clear. Methods Immunohistochemistry was used to determine the distribution of collagen types I, III, IV and VI in endometrium and decidua during the menstrual cycle and the first trimester of pregnancy. Expression of col-IV alpha chains during the reproductive cycle ...

  7. On the stabilization of NbV-solutions by ZrIV and HfIV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soerensen, E.; Bjerre, A.B.


    Niobium cannot be separated from zirconium or hafnium when these elements occur together in solution with common anions such as Cl- and SO 4 --. This is ascribed to the copolymerisation of Nb v and the hydrolyzed ionic species of Zr IV v and Hf IV by which the colloidal particles are masked as Zr- and Hf-compounds. In HCl the particles are positively charged as opposed to when they are in sulphate solution where the Zr- and Hf- sulphate complexes confer a negative charge. The two cases are considered separately. (author)

  8. Synthesis and evaluation of artificial antigens for astragaloside IV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sheng-lan Yu

    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to produce artificial antigens for astragaloside IV that could be used to prepare antibodies against astragaloside IV screened in Radix astragali (Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch Bunge, Fabaceae and its preparations, using an indirect ELISA. Astragaloside IV was coupled to carrier proteins, bovine serum albumin and ovalbumin using the sodium periodate method and was then evaluated using SDS-PAGE, MALDI-TOF MS and animal immunizations. The coupling ratio of astragaloside IV to bovine serum albumin ratio was determined to be thirteen, and the indirect ELISA demonstrated that three groups of mice immunized with astragaloside IV-bovine serum albumin produced anti-astragaloside IV- bovine serum albumin-specific antibody, with a minimum serum titer of 1:9600. A method for synthesizing highly immunogenic astragaloside IV artificial antigens was successfully developed thus indicating its feasibility in the establishment of a fast immunoassay for astragaloside IV content determination in Radix astragali and its products.

  9. 80 aastat tagasi : Oktoober 1927 / Mati Märtin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märtin, Mati


    Muusikasündmustest 80 aastat tagasi: 28. okt. pidas oma peakoosolekut Eesti Koorijuhtide Ühing, 22. okt. reisis Estonia Muusika Osakonna sagakoor Soome, kontserdid olid Helsingi Üliõpilasmajas ja 23. okt. Helsingi Nikolai kirikus (esinesid ka laulja Karl Ots ja organist Paul Pressnikoff), kus juhatas Juhan Aavik, Tartu Ülikooli kirikus 16. okt. esinesid organist Joosep Aavik, laulja Alice Kopli-Wiegand ja tšellist Udu Topman, Kuusalu kirikus 2. okt. esines organist Paul Pressnikoff (kaastegevad olid sopran O. Ellermann, viiuldaja R. Sturm ja vioolamängija G. Gelts)

  10. Market opportunities: U.S. - PADD IV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garner, R.P.


    The current supply and demand balance, the short and long term expectations and marketing opportunities for Canadian crude oil in PADD IV, the Rocky Mountain region in the US, were reviewed. It was suggested that market opportunities in PADD IV are derived from the following four factors: (1) crude oil declines within that area, (2) federal regulations, (3) competitive presence with markets, and (4) population growth. The overall conclusion was that Canadian producers and PADD IV refiners will be looking at an ever-growing relationship based on freight equalized world crude prices. 8 tabs., 5 figs

  11. Report for 2011 from the Bordeaux IVS Analysis Center (United States)

    Charlot, Patrick; Bellanger, Antoine; Bourda, Geraldine; Collioud, Arnaud; Baudry, Alain


    This report summarizes the activities of the Bordeaux IVS Analysis Center during the year 2011. The work focused on (i) regular analysis of the IVS-R1 and IVS-R4 sessions with the GINS software package; (ii) systematic VLBI imaging of the RDV sessions and calculation of the corresponding source structure index and compactness values; (iii) imaging of the sources observed during the 2009 International Year of Astronomy IVS observing session; and (iv) continuation of our VLBI observational program to identify optically-bright radio sources suitable for the link with the future Gaia frame. Also of importance is the enhancement of the IVS LiveWeb site which now comprises all IVS sessions back to 2003, allowing one to search past observations for session-specific information (e.g. sources or stations).

  12. Direct Bandgap Group IV Materials (United States)


    AFRL-AFOSR-JP-TR-2017-0049 Direct Bandgap group IV Materials Hung Hsiang Cheng NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Final Report 01/21/2016 DISTRIBUTION A...NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY 1 ROOSEVELT RD. SEC. 4 TAIPEI CITY, 10617 TW 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING...14. ABSTRACT Direct bandgap group IV materials have been long sought for in both academia and industry for the implementation of photonic devices

  13. Free-format RPG IV

    CERN Document Server

    Martin, Jim


    This how-to guide offers a concise and thorough introduction to the increased productivity, better readability, and easier program maintenance that comes with the free-format style of programming in RPG IV. Although free-format information is available in IBM manuals, it is not separated from everything else, thereby requiring hours of tedious research to track down the information needed. This book provides everything one needs to know to write RPG IV in the free-format style, and author Jim Martin not only teaches rules and syntax but also explains how this new style of coding has the pot

  14. Preparation of some complexes of Th(IV) and U(IV) with tetradentate Schiff bases. The crystal structure of bis(N,N'-ethylenebis(3-methoxysalicylaldiminato)) thorium(IV) monopyridine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hill, R J; Rickard, C E.F.; White, H E [Auckland Univ. (New Zealand). Dept. of Chemistry


    Complexes of Th(IV) and U(IV) with tetradentate Schiff bases derived from substituted salicylaldehydes have been prepared and characterised. The structure of bis(N,N'-ethylenebis(3-methoxysalicylaldiminato)) Th(IV) monopyridine has been determined by X-ray crystallographic methods. The crystals are triclinic, a = 13.468, b = 9.932, c = 16.552 A, ..cap alpha.. = 91.74, ..beta.. = 94.69, ..gamma.. = 93.03/sup 0/, space group P/sub 1//sup -/. The molecules are eight coordinate with a slightly distorted dodecahedral geometry with the imine nitrogen atoms in the dodecahedral A sites. The pyridine molecule is uncoordinated and functions in a space-filling role.

  15. 78 FR 21491 - DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P., DeltaPoint Capital IV (New York), L.P.; Notice Seeking Exemption... (United States)


    ... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [License No. 02/02-0662, 02/02-0661] DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P., DeltaPoint Capital IV (New York), L.P.; Notice Seeking Exemption Under Section 312 of the Small Business Investment Act, Conflicts of Interest Notice is hereby given that DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P. and DeltaPoint...

  16. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitory activity of protein hydrolyzates ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder. Recently, dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitors that protect incretin hormones from being cleaved by DPP-IV have been used as drugs to control glycemia. This study examined the potential hypoglycemic effect of amaranth grain storage protein hydrolyzates ...

  17. Astragaloside IV liposomes ameliorates adriamycin-induced ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Methods: The rats were given a single tail intravenous injection of adriamycin (6 mg/kg) within 1 week, and then divided into four groups including normal, model, benazepril and astragaloside IV liposomes group. They were all orally administered dosage of benazepril and astragaloside IV liposomes once daily for 8 weeks.

  18. High cost of stage IV pressure ulcers. (United States)

    Brem, Harold; Maggi, Jason; Nierman, David; Rolnitzky, Linda; Bell, David; Rennert, Robert; Golinko, Michael; Yan, Alan; Lyder, Courtney; Vladeck, Bruce


    The aim of this study was to calculate and analyze the cost of treatment for stage IV pressure ulcers. A retrospective chart analysis of patients with stage IV pressure ulcers was conducted. Hospital records and treatment outcomes of these patients were followed up for a maximum of 29 months and analyzed. Costs directly related to the treatment of pressure ulcers and their associated complications were calculated. Nineteen patients with stage IV pressure ulcers (11 hospital-acquired and 8 community-acquired) were identified and their charts were reviewed. The average hospital treatment cost associated with stage IV pressure ulcers and related complications was $129,248 for hospital-acquired ulcers during 1 admission, and $124,327 for community-acquired ulcers over an average of 4 admissions. The costs incurred from stage IV pressure ulcers are much greater than previously estimated. Halting the progression of early stage pressure ulcers has the potential to eradicate enormous pain and suffering, save thousands of lives, and reduce health care expenditures by millions of dollars. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Painlevé IV coherent states

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bermudez, David, E-mail: [Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100 (Israel); Departamento de Física, Cinvestav, A.P. 14-740, 07000 México D.F. (Mexico); Contreras-Astorga, Alonso, E-mail: [Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science, Indiana University Northwest, 3400 Broadway, Gary IN 46408 (United States); Departamento de Física, Cinvestav, A.P. 14-740, 07000 México D.F. (Mexico); Fernández C, David J., E-mail: [Departamento de Física, Cinvestav, A.P. 14-740, 07000 México D.F. (Mexico)


    A simple way to find solutions of the Painlevé IV equation is by identifying Hamiltonian systems with third-order differential ladder operators. Some of these systems can be obtained by applying supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) to the harmonic oscillator. In this work, we will construct families of coherent states for such subset of SUSY partner Hamiltonians which are connected with the Painlevé IV equation. First, these coherent states are built up as eigenstates of the annihilation operator, then as displaced versions of the extremal states, both involving the related third-order ladder operators, and finally as extremal states which are also displaced but now using the so called linearized ladder operators. To each SUSY partner Hamiltonian corresponds two families of coherent states: one inside the infinite subspace associated with the isospectral part of the spectrum and another one in the finite subspace generated by the states created through the SUSY technique. - Highlights: • We use SUSY QM to obtain Hamiltonians with third-order differential ladder operators. • We show that these systems are related with the Painlevé IV equation. • We apply different definitions of coherent states to these Hamiltonians using the third-order ladder operators and some linearized ones. • We construct families of coherent states for such systems, which we called Painlevé IV coherent states.

  20. Painlevé IV coherent states

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bermudez, David; Contreras-Astorga, Alonso; Fernández C, David J.


    A simple way to find solutions of the Painlevé IV equation is by identifying Hamiltonian systems with third-order differential ladder operators. Some of these systems can be obtained by applying supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY QM) to the harmonic oscillator. In this work, we will construct families of coherent states for such subset of SUSY partner Hamiltonians which are connected with the Painlevé IV equation. First, these coherent states are built up as eigenstates of the annihilation operator, then as displaced versions of the extremal states, both involving the related third-order ladder operators, and finally as extremal states which are also displaced but now using the so called linearized ladder operators. To each SUSY partner Hamiltonian corresponds two families of coherent states: one inside the infinite subspace associated with the isospectral part of the spectrum and another one in the finite subspace generated by the states created through the SUSY technique. - Highlights: • We use SUSY QM to obtain Hamiltonians with third-order differential ladder operators. • We show that these systems are related with the Painlevé IV equation. • We apply different definitions of coherent states to these Hamiltonians using the third-order ladder operators and some linearized ones. • We construct families of coherent states for such systems, which we called Painlevé IV coherent states

  1. Synthesis, characterization and thermal behaviour of cadmium (II) complexes of photosubstituted octacyano-molybdate(IV) and -tungstate(IV) with ethylenediamine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ali, S.I.; Majid, Kowsar


    Photosubstituted ethylenediamine complexes of M(CN) 8 4- [where M =Mo(IV) or W(IV)] with cadmium (II) chloride have been synthesized and characterized by infrared (IR), thermogravimetric (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Both Mo(IV) and W(IV) show similar stoichiometric as well as thermal decomposition behaviour. The assigned general formula is Cd[M(CN) 3 (OH)(C 2 H 8 N 2 ) 2 ](C 2 H 8 N 2 ) Cl 2 XH 2 O [where M = Mo(IV) for which X = 1(I) and M = W(IV) for which X = 2 (II)]. The presence of CN - , OH - and C 2 H 8 N 2 has been shown by observed characteristic IR peaks. The extra absorption bands appearing in complex (II) are due to librational modes of water which show the formation of hydrogen bonding, which is also supported by TG analysis. The loss of these absorption bands rules out this type of bonding in (I). Both the complexes decompose in three steps up to 650 degC after which there is no change. DSC of the complexes also shows three transitions, two exothermic and one endothermic. On the basis of TG and DSC thermograms, mechanism for the decomposition of each step has been shown. Kinetic parameters like activation energy (E a ), frequency factor (A) and entropy of activation (ΔS) have been calculated using different integral methods. (author)

  2. Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum for Generation IV Reactors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anghel, C. (Studsvik Nuclear AB, Nykoeping (Sweden)); Penttilae, S. (Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT (Finland))


    A network for material issues for Generation IV nuclear power has been initiated within the Nordic countries. The objectives of the Generation IV Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum (NOMAGE4) are to put the basis of a sustainable forum for Gen IV issues, especially focussing on fuels, cladding, structural materials and coolant interaction. Other issues include reactor physics, dynamics and diagnostics, core and fuel design. The present report summarizes the work performed during the year 2009. The efforts made include identification of organisations involved in Gen IV issues in the Nordic countries, update of the forum website,, and investigation of capabilities for research within the area of Gen IV. Within the NOMAGE4 project a seminar on Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems has been organized during 15-16th of October 2009. The aim of the seminar was to provide a forum for exchange of information, discussion on future research needs and networking of experts on Generation IV reactor concepts. As an outcome of the NOMAGE4, a few collaboration project proposals have been prepared/planned in 2009. The network was welcomed by the European Commission and was mentioned as an exemplary network with representatives from industries, universities, power companies and research institutes. NOMAGE4 has been invited to participate to the 'European Energy Research Alliance, EERA, workshop for nuclear structural materials' as external observers. Future plans include a new Nordic application for continuation of NOMAGE4 network. (author)

  3. Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum for Generation IV Reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anghel, C.; Penttilae, S.


    A network for material issues for Generation IV nuclear power has been initiated within the Nordic countries. The objectives of the Generation IV Nordic Nuclear Materials Forum (NOMAGE4) are to put the basis of a sustainable forum for Gen IV issues, especially focussing on fuels, cladding, structural materials and coolant interaction. Other issues include reactor physics, dynamics and diagnostics, core and fuel design. The present report summarizes the work performed during the year 2009. The efforts made include identification of organisations involved in Gen IV issues in the Nordic countries, update of the forum website,, and investigation of capabilities for research within the area of Gen IV. Within the NOMAGE4 project a seminar on Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems has been organized during 15-16th of October 2009. The aim of the seminar was to provide a forum for exchange of information, discussion on future research needs and networking of experts on Generation IV reactor concepts. As an outcome of the NOMAGE4, a few collaboration project proposals have been prepared/planned in 2009. The network was welcomed by the European Commission and was mentioned as an exemplary network with representatives from industries, universities, power companies and research institutes. NOMAGE4 has been invited to participate to the 'European Energy Research Alliance, EERA, workshop for nuclear structural materials' as external observers. Future plans include a new Nordic application for continuation of NOMAGE4 network. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abu Lais Mustaque


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION Laryngoscopy and intubation is an integral part for providing general anaesthesia to patients undergoing various types of surgery. It also plays an important role in critical care units viz. for providing mechanical ventilation. It is a very essential tool in the hands of anaesthesiologist in maintaining airway. The present study is undertaken to determine and compare the efficacy of single bolus dose of IV esmolol 1 mg/kg and IV fentanyl 2 mcg/kg in attenuating the haemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation and to ascertain the effectiveness of esmolol hydrochloride and fentanyl citrate in suppressing sympathetic responses. MATERIAL & METHODS The study was conducted under the Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, Assam Medical College and Hospital, Dibrugarh, during the period July 2013 to June 2014. For this purpose, 150 patients of either sex between 20-50 years of ASA I & II physical status were selected after obtaining informed and written consent and were divided into two groups namely, Group E receiving IV esmolol (1 mg/kg and Group F receiving IV fentanyl (2 mcg/kg. RESULTS Inj. fentanyl 2 mcg/kg IV administered 5 minutes before laryngoscopy and intubation was able to prevent adverse haemodynamic changes better than Inj. esmolol 1 mg/kg IV administered 3 minutes prior to laryngoscopy and intubation during elective surgeries under general anaesthesia. CONCLUSION Hence, from the findings of this study we can conclude that IV bolus dose of fentanyl 2 mcg/kg administered 5 minutes before laryngoscopy and intubation can attenuate the sympathetic response to laryngoscopy and intubation without any side effects of the drug in healthy patients undergoing elective surgeries under general anaesthesia.

  5. Computations of nuclear response functions with MACK-IV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdou, M.A.; Gohar, Y.


    The MACK computer program calculates energy pointwise and multigroup nuclear response functions from basic nuclear data in ENDF/B format. The new version of the program, MACK-IV, incorporates major developments and improvements aimed at maximizing the utilization of available nuclear data and ensuring energy conservation in nuclear heating calculations. A new library, MACKLIB-IV, of nuclear response functions was generated in the CTR energy group structure of 171 neutron groups and 36 gamma groups. The library was prepared using MACK-IV and ENDF/B-IV and is suitable for fusion, fusion-fission hybrids, and fission applications

  6. Computations of nuclear response functions with MACK-IV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abdou, M A; Gohar, Y


    The MACK computer program calculates energy pointwise and multigroup nuclear response functions from basic nuclear data in ENDF/B format. The new version of the program, MACK-IV, incorporates major developments and improvements aimed at maximizing the utilization of available nuclear data and ensuring energy conservation in nuclear heating calculations. A new library, MACKLIB-IV, of nuclear response functions was generated in the CTR energy group structure of 171 neutron groups and 36 gamma groups. The library was prepared using MACK-IV and ENDF/B-IV and is suitable for fusion, fusion-fission hybrids, and fission applications.

  7. Redox behavior of Ce(IV)/Ce(III) in the presence of nitrilotriacetic acid: a surrogate study for An(IV)/An(III) redox behavior

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suzuki, Y.; Nankawa, T.; Ohnuki, T.; Francis, A.J.


    Using cyclic voltammetry, we investigated the redox behavior of Ce(IV)/Ce(III), which is a surrogate for An(IV)/An(III) (An = actinides), in a solution of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) at 25 C. The cyclic voltammogram of Ce in a 0.1 M NTA solution at pH 6 showed a reversible one-electron redox reaction for Ce(IV)/Ce(III) at 0.51 V vs. Ag/AgCl. This redox potential was much lower than that obtained in 1 M nitric acid, indicating that Ce(IV) was preferentially stabilized by complexation with NTA. The redox potential in the NTA solution was independent of the Ce concentration from 2 to 20 mM, NTA concentration from 5 to 200 mM and pH between 3 and 7. These results indicated that no polymerization and no additional coordination of NTA and OH to the Ce(III)-NTA complex took place during the redox reaction. As the speciation calculation of Ce(III) in the NTA solution showed that the predominant species was Ce III (nta) 2 3 (H 3 nta = NTA), the redox reaction of the Ce-NTA complex was expressed by the following: Ce IV (nta) 2 2- + e - ↔ Ce III (nta) 2 3 . The logarithm of the stability constant of Ce IV (nta) 2 2- was calculated to be 38.6 ± 0.8 for I = 0 from the redox potential shift of Ce(IV)/Ce(III) in the NTA solution. The value was in good accordance with the stability constant of the Np IV (nta) 2 2- complex, demonstrating that the aqueous coordination chemistry of Ce(IV) with NTA is quite similar to that of An(IV). These results strongly suggest that a negative shift of the Pu(IV)/Pu(III) redox potential in the NTA solution should make Pu(IV) more stable than Pu(III) even in a reducing environment. (orig.)

  8. Safety assessment for Generation IV nuclear systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leahy, T.J.


    The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG) was created to develop an effective approach for the safety of Generation IV advanced nuclear energy systems. Recent RSWG work has focused on the definition of an integrated safety assessment methodology (ISAM) for evaluating the safety of Generation IV systems. ISAM is an integrated 'tool-kit' consisting of 5 analytical techniques that are available and matched to appropriate stages of Generation IV system concept development: 1) qualitative safety features review - QSR, 2) phenomena identification and ranking table - PIRT, 3) objective provision tree - OPT, 4) deterministic and phenomenological analyses - DPA, and 5) probabilistic safety analysis - PSA. The integrated methodology is intended to yield safety-related insights that help actively drive the evolving design throughout the technology development cycle, potentially resulting in enhanced safety, reduced costs, and shortened development time

  9. Maaleht soovitab : Superstaarid esinevad Taskus. Monkist "Saaremaa valsini". Muusikapidu pärimusmuusika keskuses. Suvelõpupidu Marina külas. Hortus Musicus esineb Väravatornis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    18. sept. esinevad Tartus Tasku moe- ja vaba aja keskuses telekonkursil Eesti otsib Superstaari osalenud Jana Kask ja Arno Suislep ning saate "Kaks takti ette" võitja Margus Vaher. 18. sept. toimub Tallinna Kunstihoones kitarristide Tiit Pauluse ja Jaak Sooääre uue CD esitluskontsert. 19. sept. toimub Viljandi pärimusmuusika keskuses maailmamuusika-pidu. Suvelõpupeol 20. sept. Saarde vallas Grossi järve ääres Marina külas esinevad Virve Köster ja Audru Jõelaevanduse Punt. 20. sept. Tallinnas Väravatornis esineb vanamuusikaansambel Hortus Musicus

  10. Muusika : Juubelikontserdid "ERSO 75". Tüür uuel CD-l. Muusikakonverentsid Tallinnas. Highlightsi festivalist "Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg". Hermanni päev / Vardo Rumessen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rumessen, Vardo, 1942-2015


    ERSO saab detsembris 75. aastaseks ja sel puhul on kavas kontserdid nii Tartus kui Tallinnas. Ansambel Piano Circus on välja antud uue CD, millele annab nime avateos ئ Erkki-Sven Tüüri "Transmission". Eesti Muusikateaduse Selts korraldab 3.XII EMA-s sümpoosioni teemal Beethoveni muusika. 1. ja 2. XII EMA-s toimub konverents "Interpretatsioonipedagoogika probleeme II". Põhjamaade muusikaajakirja Highlights XI numbris ilmus ülevaade rahvusvahelisest muusikafestivalist "Eduard Tubin ja tema aeg". Eesti teatri- ja muusikamuuseumis toimub helilooja, ajakirjaniku, muusika- ja keeleteadlase, dr. Karl August Hermanni päev

  11. U(IV) fluorescence spectroscopy. A new speciation tool

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lehmann, Susanne; Brendler, Vinzenz [Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Dresden (Germany). Surface Processes; Steudtner, Robin [Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V., Dresden (Germany). Inst. of Resource Ecology


    We combined absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy to study the speciation of U(IV) in solution in concentrations down to 10{sup -6} M uranium. With our time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence setup we could determine the fluorescence decay time of U(IV) in perchloric as well as in chloric acid with 2.6 ± 0.3 ns at room temperature and 148.4 ± 6.5 ns at liquid nitrogen temperature. For the U(IV) sulfate system, we observed a bathochromic shift and a peak shape modification in the fluorescence spectra with increasing sulfate concentration in solution. Thus, the potential of U(IV) fluorescence for speciation analysis could be proven.

  12. A sputnik IV saga (United States)

    Lundquist, Charles A.


    The Sputnik IV launch occurred on May 15, 1960. On May 19, an attempt to deorbit a 'space cabin' failed and the cabin went into a higher orbit. The orbit of the cabin was monitored and Moonwatch volunteer satellite tracking teams were alerted to watch for the vehicle demise. On September 5, 1962, several team members from Milwaukee, Wisconsin made observations starting at 4:49 a.m. of a fireball following the predicted orbit of Sputnik IV. Requests went out to report any objects found under the fireball path. An early morning police patrol in Manitowoc had noticed a metal object on a street and had moved it to the curb. Later the officers recovered the object and had it dropped off at the Milwaukee Journal. The Moonwarch team got the object and reported the situation to Moonwatch Headquarters at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. A team member flew to Cambridge with the object. It was a solid, 9.49 kg piece of steel with a slag-like layer attached to it. Subsequent analyses showed that it contained radioactive nuclei produced by cosmic ray exposure in space. The scientists at the Observatory quickly recognized that measurements of its induced radioactivity could serve as a calibration for similar measurements of recently fallen nickel-iron meteorites. Concurrently, the Observatory directorate informed government agencies that a fragment from Sputnik IV had been recovered. Coincidently, a debate in the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space involved the issue of liability for damage caused by falling satellite fragments. On September 12, the Observatory delivered the bulk of the fragment to the US Delegation to the UN. Two days later, the fragment was used by US Ambassador Francis Plimpton as an exhibit that the time had come to agree on liability for damage from satellite debris. He offered the Sputnik IV fragment to USSR Ambassador P.D. Morozov, who refused the offer. On October 23, Drs. Alla Massevitch and E.K. Federov of the USSR visited the

  13. Determination of uranium (IV) by flow voltammetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Anqing


    According to the quantitative reaction of U(IV) and Fe(III) in H 2 SO 4 as well as the relation between current and concentration of substance detected, U(IV) has been determined indirectly by measurement of the electrolysis current of residual Fe(III). The columniform electrode used is made of glass carbon particles. At the range of U(IV) from a few micrograms to 40 μg, the linear relation is excellent. The relative standard deviation is within ±4%. The interference of Fe(II), Ti(IV) and U(VI) is negligible but of Ti(III) is serious. This method has been successfully applied in the determination of actual samples (both out line and on line). Main advantages of this procedure are rapid, simple, small amount of sample (only at microgram level) and easy to realize automation, able to use for on line or process analysis

  14. Testing and economical evaluation of U(IV) in Purex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoisington, J.E.; Hsu, T.C.


    The use of uranous nitrate, U(IV), as a plutonium reductant in the Purex solvent extraction process could significantly reduce the waste generation at the Savannah River Plant. The current reductant is a ferrous sulfamate (FS)/hydroxylamine nitrate (HAN) mixture. The iron and sulfate in the FS are major contributors to waste generation. The U(IV) reductant oxidizes to U(VI) producing no waste. The Savannah River Laboratory has developed an efficient electrochemical cell for U(IV) production and has demonstrated the effectiveness of U(IV) as a plutonium reductant. Plant tests and economic analyses are currently being conducted to determine the cost effectiveness of U(IV) implementation. The results of recent studies are presented

  15. Are stage IV vestibular schwannomas preoperatively different from other stages? (United States)

    Tringali, Stéphane; Dubreuil, Christian; Zaouche, Sandra; Ferber-Viart, Chantal


    The aim of this study was to focus on the clinical and paraclinical symptoms of patients suffering from Stage IV vestibular schwannomas (VSs). In this prospective study, we included 734 patients who have VS and candidates for operation. Patients were classified as having Stage I, II, III, or IV tumors according to Tos criteria as evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging. PREOPERATIVE CLINICAL EVALUATION: We recorded the occurrence of complaints (%) and duration (yr) of hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorder. Preoperative paraclinical evaluation included pure-tone (PTA) and speech audiometry, auditory brainstem response (ABR) patterns, and vestibular deficit at videonystamography (VNG). Continuous variables were compared between Stage IV and other stages using analysis of variance. Qualitative variables expressed as a percentage of presence were compared between Stage IV and other stages using percentage comparison. Quantitative Parameters. Patients with Stage IV VS were significantly younger as compared with patients with other stages. Stage IV hearing loss was greater compared with other stages at 250 and 500 Hz but smaller at 2,000 and 8,000 Hz. We found no difference in the loss of PTA between Stage IV and the other stages. Speech discriminancy score was smaller in Stage IV. The durations of hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders were similar whatever the tumor stage. Auditory brainstem response patterns showed no difference in Wave III latency between Stage IV VS and other stages, whereas Wave V latency and V-I interval were higher in Stage IV. Both ABR threshold and VNG caloric deficit were higher in Stage IV VS compared with other stages. Qualitative Parameters. The percentage of patients with Stage IV was lower than that with Stages II and III. The percentage of men and women was similar in all stages. The occurrence of hearing loss was similar in all stages, whereas that of tinnitus was lower in Stage IV compared with Stages I and II. In

  16. COBRA-IV wire wrap data comparisons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Donovan, T.E.; George, T.L.; Wheeler, C.L.


    Thermal hydraulic analyses of hexagonally packed wire-wrapped fuel assemblies are complicated by the induced crossflow between adjacent subchannels. The COBRA-IV computer code simultaneously solves the hydrodynamics and thermodynamics of fuel assemblies. The modifications and the results are presented which are predicted by the COBRA-IV calculation. Comparisons are made with data measured in five experimental models of a wire-wrapped fuel assembly

  17. Determination of the solubility of Np(IV), Pu(III) - (VI),Am(III) - (VI), and Te(IV), (V) hydroxo compounds in 0.5 - 14 M NaOH solutions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Delegard, C.H.


    The solubilities of Am(III), Np(IV), Pu(IV), Tc(IV), Np(V), Pu(V), Am(V), and Tc(V) hydroxo compounds were studied in 0.5 to 14 M NaOH solutions at 25{+-}2 {degrees}C. The effects of fluoride, phosphate, carbonate, oxalate, and some other organic complexing agents on the solubilities of Np(IV), Pu(IV), and TC(IV) hydroxides were investigated at 1.0 and 4.0 M NAOH. Some predictions were made on the dissolved (I.V) and (V) species present in alkali solutions.

  18. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Germain Dominique P


    Full Text Available Abstract Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV, the vascular type of Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS, is an inherited connective tissue disorder defined by characteristic facial features (acrogeria in most patients, translucent skin with highly visible subcutaneous vessels on the trunk and lower back, easy bruising, and severe arterial, digestive and uterine complications, which are rarely, if at all, observed in the other forms of EDS. The estimated prevalence for all EDS varies between 1/10,000 and 1/25,000, EDS type IV representing approximately 5 to 10% of cases. The vascular complications may affect all anatomical areas, with a tendency toward arteries of large and medium diameter. Dissections of the vertebral arteries and the carotids in their extra- and intra-cranial segments (carotid-cavernous fistulae are typical. There is a high risk of recurrent colonic perforations. Pregnancy increases the likelihood of a uterine or vascular rupture. EDS type IV is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait that is caused by mutations in the COL3A1 gene coding for type III procollagen. Diagnosis is based on clinical signs, non-invasive imaging, and the identification of a mutation of the COL3A1 gene. In childhood, coagulation disorders and Silverman's syndrome are the main differential diagnoses; in adulthood, the differential diagnosis includes other Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, Marfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Prenatal diagnosis can be considered in families where the mutation is known. Choriocentesis or amniocentesis, however, may entail risk for the pregnant woman. In the absence of specific treatment for EDS type IV, medical intervention should be focused on symptomatic treatment and prophylactic measures. Arterial, digestive or uterine complications require immediate hospitalisation, observation in an intensive care unit. Invasive imaging techniques are contraindicated. Conservative approach is usually recommended when caring for a vascular

  19. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV (United States)

    Germain, Dominique P


    Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV, the vascular type of Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS), is an inherited connective tissue disorder defined by characteristic facial features (acrogeria) in most patients, translucent skin with highly visible subcutaneous vessels on the trunk and lower back, easy bruising, and severe arterial, digestive and uterine complications, which are rarely, if at all, observed in the other forms of EDS. The estimated prevalence for all EDS varies between 1/10,000 and 1/25,000, EDS type IV representing approximately 5 to 10% of cases. The vascular complications may affect all anatomical areas, with a tendency toward arteries of large and medium diameter. Dissections of the vertebral arteries and the carotids in their extra- and intra-cranial segments (carotid-cavernous fistulae) are typical. There is a high risk of recurrent colonic perforations. Pregnancy increases the likelihood of a uterine or vascular rupture. EDS type IV is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait that is caused by mutations in the COL3A1 gene coding for type III procollagen. Diagnosis is based on clinical signs, non-invasive imaging, and the identification of a mutation of the COL3A1 gene. In childhood, coagulation disorders and Silverman's syndrome are the main differential diagnoses; in adulthood, the differential diagnosis includes other Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, Marfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Prenatal diagnosis can be considered in families where the mutation is known. Choriocentesis or amniocentesis, however, may entail risk for the pregnant woman. In the absence of specific treatment for EDS type IV, medical intervention should be focused on symptomatic treatment and prophylactic measures. Arterial, digestive or uterine complications require immediate hospitalisation, observation in an intensive care unit. Invasive imaging techniques are contraindicated. Conservative approach is usually recommended when caring for a vascular complication in a patient suffering

  20. Gen IV Materials Handbook Implementation Plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rittenhouse, P.; Ren, W.


    A Gen IV Materials Handbook is being developed to provide an authoritative single source of highly qualified structural materials information and materials properties data for use in design and analyses of all Generation IV Reactor Systems. The Handbook will be responsive to the needs expressed by all of the principal government, national laboratory, and private company stakeholders of Gen IV Reactor Systems. The Gen IV Materials Handbook Implementation Plan provided here addresses the purpose, rationale, attributes, and benefits of the Handbook and will detail its content, format, quality assurance, applicability, and access. Structural materials, both metallic and ceramic, for all Gen IV reactor types currently supported by the Department of Energy (DOE) will be included in the Gen IV Materials Handbook. However, initial emphasis will be on materials for the Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR). Descriptive information (e.g., chemical composition and applicable technical specifications and codes) will be provided for each material along with an extensive presentation of mechanical and physical property data including consideration of temperature, irradiation, environment, etc. effects on properties. Access to the Gen IV Materials Handbook will be internet-based with appropriate levels of control. Information and data in the Handbook will be configured to allow search by material classes, specific materials, specific information or property class, specific property, data parameters, and individual data points identified with materials parameters, test conditions, and data source. Details on all of these as well as proposed applicability and consideration of data quality classes are provided in the Implementation Plan. Website development for the Handbook is divided into six phases including (1) detailed product analysis and specification, (2) simulation and design, (3) implementation and testing, (4) product release, (5) project/product evaluation, and (6) product

  1. Independent Examination of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV): What Does the WAIS-IV Measure? (United States)

    Benson, Nicholas; Hulac, David M.; Kranzler, John H.


    Published empirical evidence for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) does not address some essential questions pertaining to the applied practice of intellectual assessment. In this study, the structure and cross-age invariance of the latest WAIS-IV revision were examined to (a) elucidate the nature of the constructs…

  2. Generation IV nuclear reactors: Current status and future prospects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Locatelli, Giorgio; Mancini, Mauro; Todeschini, Nicola


    Generation IV nuclear power plants (GEN IV NPPs) are supposed to become, in many countries, an important source of base load power in the middle–long term (2030–2050). Nowadays there are many designs of these NPPs but for political, strategic and economic reasons only few of them will be deployed. International literature proposes many papers and reports dealing with GEN IV NPPs, but there is an evident difference in the types and structures of the information and a general unbiased overview is missing. This paper fills the gap, presenting the state-of-the-art for GEN IV NPPs technologies (VHTR, SFR, SCWR, GFR, LFR and MSR) providing a comprehensive literature review of the different designs, discussing the major R and D challenges and comparing them with other advanced technologies available for the middle- and long-term energy market. The result of this research shows that the possible applications for GEN IV technologies are wider than current NPPs. The economics of some GEN IV NPPs is similar to actual NPPs but the “carbon cost” for fossil-fired power plants would increase the relative valuation. However, GEN IV NPPs still require substantial R and D effort, preventing short-term commercial adoption. - Highlights: • Generation IV reactors are the middle–long term technology for nuclear energy. • This paper provides an overview and a taxonomy for the designs under consideration. • R and D efforts are in the material, heat exchangers, power conversion unit and fuel. • The life cycle costs are competitive with other innovative technologies. • The hydrogen economy will foster the development of Generation IV reactors

  3. IVS Organization (United States)


    International VLBI Service (IVS) is an international collaboration of organizations which operate or support Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) components. The goals are: To provide a service to support geodetic, geophysical and astrometric research and operational activities. To promote research and development activities in all aspects of the geodetic and astrometric VLBI technique. To interact with the community of users of VLBI products and to integrate VLBI into a global Earth observing system.

  4. Independent examination of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV): what does the WAIS-IV measure? (United States)

    Benson, Nicholas; Hulac, David M; Kranzler, John H


    Published empirical evidence for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) does not address some essential questions pertaining to the applied practice of intellectual assessment. In this study, the structure and cross-age invariance of the latest WAIS-IV revision were examined to (a) elucidate the nature of the constructs measured and (b) determine whether the same constructs are measured across ages. Results suggest that a Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC)-inspired structure provides a better description of test performance than the published scoring structure does. Broad CHC abilities measured by the WAIS-IV include crystallized ability (Gc), fluid reasoning (Gf), visual processing (Gv), short-term memory (Gsm), and processing speed (Gs), although some of these abilities are measured more comprehensively than are others. Additionally, the WAIS-IV provides a measure of quantitative reasoning (QR). Results also suggest a lack of cross-age invariance resulting from age-related differences in factor loadings. Formulas for calculating CHC indexes and suggestions for interpretation are provided. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved.

  5. Industrial Waste Landfill IV upgrade package

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Y-12 Plant, K-25 Site, and ORNL are managed by DOE's Operating Contractor (OC), Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. (Energy Systems) for DOE. Operation associated with the facilities by the Operating Contractor and subcontractors, DOE contractors and the DOE Federal Building result in the generation of industrial solid wastes as well as construction/demolition wastes. Due to the waste streams mentioned, the Y-12 Industrial Waste Landfill IV (IWLF-IV) was developed for the disposal of solid industrial waste in accordance to Rule 1200-1-7, Regulations Governing Solid Waste Processing and Disposal in Tennessee. This revised operating document is a part of a request for modification to the existing Y-12 IWLF-IV to comply with revised regulation (Rule Chapters 1200-1-7-.01 through 1200-1-7-.08) in order to provide future disposal space for the ORR, Subcontractors, and the DOE Federal Building. This revised operating manual also reflects approved modifications that have been made over the years since the original landfill permit approval. The drawings referred to in this manual are included in Drawings section of the package. IWLF-IV is a Tennessee Department of Environmental and Conservation/Division of Solid Waste Management (TDEC/DSWM) Class 11 disposal unit

  6. IVS: Current Status and Future Plans (United States)

    Behrend, D.; Nothnagel, A.; Petrachenko, W. T.; Tuccari, G.


    The International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) is a globally operating service that coordinates and performs Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) activities through its constituent components. The VLBI activities are associated with the creation, provision, dissemination, and archiving of relevant VLBI data and products. The products mostly pertain to the determination of the celestial and terrestrial reference frames, the Earth orientation parameters (EOP), atmospheric parameters as well as other ancillary parameters. The IVS observational network currently consists of about 40 radio telescopes worldwide. Subsets of these telescopes (8-12 stations) participate in 24-hour observing sessions that are run several times per week and in 1-hour intensive sessions for UT1 determination every day. The current VLBI network was developed mainly in the 1970s and 1980s. A number of factors, including aging infrastructure and demanding new scientific requirements, started to challenge its future sustainability and relevance. In response, the IVS and other groups developed and started implementing the next generation VLBI system, called VGOS (VLBI Global Observing System), at existing and new sites. The VGOS network is expected to reach maturity in the early 2020s. We describe the current status, progress, and anticipated prospects of geodetic/astrometric VLBI and the IVS.

  7. Que pasa? Mis toimub? / Veronika Valk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valk, Veronika, 1976-


    Ettepanek luua Tallinna sadama infopunkt endisesse politseimajja Admiraliteedi basseini ääres. I korrusel paikneks infosaal, II ja III korruse võiks kunstnikele, musikutele jne. välja rentida, nende kõrvale mahuksid galeriid. Tänase Tallinna moto ning mereäärse ala planeerimise kontseptsioon võiksa olla "mereõhk teeb vabaks"

  8. Lepitusmenetlusest. Kuidas toimub lepitamine? / Kirsty Laidvee

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laidvee, Kirsty, 1978-


    Lepitusseaduse jõustumisega 1. jaan. 2010. a. võeti Eesti õiguskorda üle Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu direktiiv nr 2008/52/EÜ. Lepitusseadus reguleerib keskseid mediatsiooni ja tsiviilkohtumenetluse vahelise seose aspekte

  9. Mis toimub Põhja-Koreas? / Aadu Hiietamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiietamm, Aadu, 1954-


    Infoagentuuri UPI teatel võib Põhja-Korea liider Kim Jong-il olla surnud, avalikest kohtadest on hakatud maha võtma tema portreesid. Põhja-Korea infoagentuur eitab seda. Ekspertide versioonidest Põhja-Koreas toimuva kohta

  10. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Kevadfestival Budapestis. "Musica Nova" Helsingis. Ensemble Intercontemporain 30. Uudiseid ISCMilt (International Society for Contemporary Music). Philadelphia Muusikaakadeemia 150. Preemiaid ja tunnustusi

  11. Zirconium (IV) complexes with some polymethylenediimines | Na ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The syntheses of zirconium (IV) complexes have been carried out by the reaction of oxozirconium (IV) chloride with the appropriate diimines (Schiff bases). The complexes were isolated as yellow solids which are stable to heat. The complexes were found to be insoluble in most solvents. The infrared spectra, elemental ...

  12. Development of Electromagnetic Analysis Model for IV-CEAPI

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Jinseok; Jang, Yongtae; Lee, Myounggoo; Cho, Yeonho; Kim, Hyunmin [KEPCO Engineering and Construction, Inc., Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Hong, Hoonbin; Baek, Minho [Woojin Inc., Osan (Korea, Republic of)


    There are many different types of position indicators such as reed switch type, ultrasonic type, solenoid type, etc. Through an analysis of strengths and weakness of those types, solenoid type was selected for an IV-CEAPI. Although solenoid type CEAPIs have been used world-wide, the IV-CEAPI is to be very different from the conventional designs due to its harsh operating environment. The concept of the IV-CEAPI is simple as shown in Figure 1. The coil is made of mineral insulated wire to be able to operate inside reactor vessel. The CEA is connected to the shaft which is made of ferromagnetic material. As the CEA position varies, the inductance variation is detected by the inductance meter located outside the vessel. Unlike the conventional ones, the IV-CEAPI used only one coil to eliminate coil connection point and electric components inside vessel. A finite element model was developed to calculate inductance of the solenoid type IV-CEAPI. The model considers eddy current effect to calculate frequency dependent inductance value. Analyses were performed to produce an inductance curve to the shaft position.

  13. Development of Electromagnetic Analysis Model for IV-CEAPI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jinseok; Jang, Yongtae; Lee, Myounggoo; Cho, Yeonho; Kim, Hyunmin; Hong, Hoonbin; Baek, Minho


    There are many different types of position indicators such as reed switch type, ultrasonic type, solenoid type, etc. Through an analysis of strengths and weakness of those types, solenoid type was selected for an IV-CEAPI. Although solenoid type CEAPIs have been used world-wide, the IV-CEAPI is to be very different from the conventional designs due to its harsh operating environment. The concept of the IV-CEAPI is simple as shown in Figure 1. The coil is made of mineral insulated wire to be able to operate inside reactor vessel. The CEA is connected to the shaft which is made of ferromagnetic material. As the CEA position varies, the inductance variation is detected by the inductance meter located outside the vessel. Unlike the conventional ones, the IV-CEAPI used only one coil to eliminate coil connection point and electric components inside vessel. A finite element model was developed to calculate inductance of the solenoid type IV-CEAPI. The model considers eddy current effect to calculate frequency dependent inductance value. Analyses were performed to produce an inductance curve to the shaft position

  14. The affinity plutonium(IV) for nitrogen donor ligands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jarvis, N.V.; Hancock, R.D.


    Established ligand design principles are used to predict the solution chemistry of Pu(IV) with nitrogen donor ligands which do not contain carboxylate donors. pK a 's of the nitrogen donors are lowered by addition of hydroxyalkyl groups causing Pu(IV) to have a greater affinity for these ligands than for hydroxide. Potentiometric studies using the ligands N,N,N'N',N''-pentakis(2-hydroxypropyl)-1,4,7-triazaheptane; N,N,N',N',N''-pentakis(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,4,7-triazaheptane; N,N,N',N',N'-tetrakis(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,2-diaminoethane; N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-hydroxyethyl)-trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane; 1,4,8,11-tetrakis(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane and N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycine with Pu(IV) showed that Pu(IV) has a considerable aqueous solution chemistry with these ligands. Data were processed by the ESTA library of programs and stability constants for all the systems are reported. Implications for selective ligand design for Pu(IV) are discussed. (orig.)

  15. NNDSS - Table IV. Tuberculosis (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — NNDSS - Table IV. Tuberculosis - 2016.This Table includes total number of cases reported in the United States, by region and by states, in accordance with the...

  16. NNDSS - Table IV. Tuberculosis (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — NNDSS - Table IV. Tuberculosis - 2014.This Table includes total number of cases reported in the United States, by region and by states, in accordance with the...

  17. NNDSS - Table IV. Tuberculosis (United States)

    U.S. Department of Health & Human Services — NNDSS - Table IV. Tuberculosis - 2015.This Table includes total number of cases reported in the United States, by region and by states, in accordance with the...

  18. DSM-IV: a nosology sold before its time? (United States)

    Zimmerman, M; Jampala, V C; Sierles, F S; Taylor, M A


    The purpose of this study was to determine whether American psychiatrists believe that DSM-IV is being published too soon after DSM-III-R. The authors conducted a mail survey of the attitudes of practicing psychiatrists (N = 454), residency program directors (N = 128), residents (N = 1,331), and researchers (N = 196) toward the scheduled publication of DSM-IV in the early 1990s. They found that the majority of all four groups believed that DSM-IV is being published prematurely. In contrast to respondents who believed that the timing of DSM-IV is appropriate, those who indicated that it is being published too soon had more recently completed their residency training and also believed that DSM-III-R was published prematurely. There was no association between the psychiatrists' responses and their theoretical orientation, Board certification status, ownership of the DSM manuals, the length of time they had used DSM-III, and the diagnostic manual (DSM-III or DSM-III-R) they were currently using. The belief that DSM-IV is being published too soon could contribute to underuse of DSM-IV by substantial numbers of psychiatrists. Thus, to foster compliance with it, APA must preserve in its efforts to demonstrate that the advantages of publishing it in 1993 outweigh the disadvantages of adopting yet another manual.

  19. Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitor delays tolerance to anxiolytic effect of ethanol and withdrawal-induced anxiety in rats. (United States)

    Sharma, Ajaykumar N; Pise, Ashish; Sharma, Jay N; Shukla, Praveen


    Dipeptidyl-peptidase IV (DPP-IV) is an enzyme responsible for the metabolism of endogenous gut-derived hormone, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). DPP-IV is known for its role in energy homeostasis and pharmacological blockade of this enzyme is a recently approved clinical strategy for the management of type II diabetes. Accumulating evidences suggest that enzyme DPP-IV can affect spectrum of central nervous system (CNS) functions. However, little is known about the role of this enzyme in ethanol-mediated neurobehavioral complications. The objective of the present study was to examine the impact of DPP-IV inhibitor, sitagliptin on the development of tolerance to anxiolytic effect of ethanol and anxiety associated with ethanol withdrawal in rats. A dose-response study revealed that sitaglitpin (20 mg/kg, p.o.) per se exhibit anxiolytic effect in the elevated plus maze (EPM) test in rats. Tolerance to anxiolytic effect of ethanol (2 g/kg, i.p.; 8 % w/v) was observed from 7(th) day of ethanol-diet (6 % v/v) consumption. In contrast, tolerance to anxiolytic effect of ethanol was delayed in rats that were treated daily with sitagliptin (20 mg/kg, p.o.) as tolerance was observed from 13(th)day since commencement of ethanol-diet consumption. Discontinuation of rats from ethanol-diet after 15-days of ethanol consumption resulted in withdrawal anxiety between 8 h and 12 h post-abstinence. However, rats on 15-day ethanol-diet with concomitant sitagliptin (20 mg/kg, p.o.) treatment exhibited delay in appearance (24 h post-withdrawal) of withdrawal anxiety. In summary, DPP-IV inhibitors may prove as an attractive research strategy against ethanol tolerance and dependence.

  20. Oxovanadium(IV)-catalysed oxidation of dibenzothiophene and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene. (United States)

    Ogunlaja, Adeniyi S; Chidawanyika, Wadzanai; Antunes, Edith; Fernandes, Manuel A; Nyokong, Tebello; Torto, Nelson; Tshentu, Zenixole R


    The reaction between [V(IV)OSO(4)] and the tetradentate N(2)O(2)-donor Schiff base ligand, N,N-bis(o-hydroxybenzaldehyde)phenylenediamine (sal-HBPD), obtained by the condensation of salicylaldehyde and o-phenylenediamine in a molar ratio of 2 : 1 respectively, resulted in the formation of [V(IV)O(sal-HBPD)]. The molecular structure of [V(IV)O(sal-HBPD)] was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction, and confirmed the distorted square pyramidal geometry of the complex with the N(2)O(2) binding mode of the tetradentate ligand. The formation of the polymer-supported p[V(IV)O(sal-AHBPD)] proceeded via the nitrosation of sal-HBPD, followed by the reduction with hydrogen to form an amine group that was then linked to Merrifield beads followed by the reaction with [V(IV)OSO(4)]. XPS and EPR were used to confirm the presence of oxovanadium(IV) within the beads. The BET surface area and porosity of the heterogeneous catalyst p[V(IV)O(sal-AHBPD)] were found to be 6.9 m(2) g(-1) and 180.8 Å respectively. Microanalysis, TG, UV-Vis and FT-IR were used for further characterization of both [V(IV)O(sal-HBPD)] and p[V(IV)O(sal-AHBPD)]. Oxidation of dibenzothiophene (DBT) and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT) was investigated using [V(IV)O(sal-HBPD)] and p[V(IV)O(sal-AHBPD)] as catalysts. Progress for oxidation of these model compounds was monitored with a gas chromatograph fitted with a flame ionization detector. The oxidation products were characterized using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, microanalysis and NMR. Dibenzothiophene sulfone (DBTO(2)) and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene sulfone (4,6-DMDBTO(2)) were found to be the main products of oxidation. Oxovanadium(IV) Schiff base microspherical beads, p[V(IV)O(sal-AHBPD)], were able to catalyse the oxidation of sulfur in dibenzothiophene (DBT) and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT) to a tune of 88.0% and 71.8% respectively after 3 h at 40 °C. These oxidation results show promise for potential application

  1. Dsm-iv hypochondriasis in primary care


    Escobar, JI; Gara, M; Waitzkin, H; Silver, RC; Holman, A; Compton, W


    The object of this study was to assess the prevalence and correlates of the DSM-IV diagnosis of hypochondriasis in a primary care setting. A large sample (N = 1456) of primary care users was given a structured interview to make diagnoses of mood, anxiety, and somatoform disorders and estimate levels of disability. The prevalence of hypochondriasis (DSM-IV) was about 3%. Patients with this disorder had higher levels of medically unexplained symptoms (abridged somatization) and were more impair...

  2. Viljandis tuleb imeline kohtumine / Linda Järve

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Järve, Linda, 1946-


    8.-22. juulinì01 toimub Eestis 10. Euroopa Laste Teatrikohtumine (EDERED - European Drama Encounter), mis toob kohale 180 last koos juhendajatega 18 riigist. Samal ajal on koos ka EDERED-i peaassamblee. Kahenädalase, peamiselt Viljandis aset leidva kohtumise korraldavad Eesti Harrastusteatrite Liit, haridusministeerium ja Viljandi linnavalitsus. EDERED loodi 1985. a, pärast 4 aastat varem toimunud esimest laste teatrikohtumist, kus osalesid 12-14-aastased lapsed. Hiljem lisandusid EDERED-i ürituste hulka ka noorte teatrikohtumised, kus osalejad on 16-20-aastased. EDERED-i kohtumistel kasutatakse mitmesuguseid teatriõpetuse meetodeid, toimub loov koostöö laste ja õpetajate vahel

  3. The dependence of C IV broad absorption line properties on accompanying Si IV and Al III absorption: relating quasar-wind ionization levels, kinematics, and column densities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Filiz Ak, N.; Brandt, W. N.; Schneider, D. P.; Trump, J. R. [Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); Hall, P. B. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3 (Canada); Anderson, S. F. [Astronomy Department, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 (United States); Hamann, F. [Department of Astronomy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-2055 (United States); Myers, Adam D. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071 (United States); Pâris, I. [Departamento de Astronomía, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 36-D, Santiago (Chile); Petitjean, P. [Institut d' Astrophysique de Paris, Universite Paris 6, F-75014 Paris (France); Ross, Nicholas P. [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720 (United States); Shen, Yue [Carnegie Observatories, 813 Santa Barbara Street, Pasadena, CA 91101 (United States); York, Don, E-mail: [Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637 (United States)


    We consider how the profile and multi-year variability properties of a large sample of C IV Broad Absorption Line (BAL) troughs change when BALs from Si IV and/or Al III are present at corresponding velocities, indicating that the line of sight intercepts at least some lower ionization gas. We derive a number of observational results for C IV BALs separated according to the presence or absence of accompanying lower ionization transitions, including measurements of composite profile shapes, equivalent width (EW), characteristic velocities, composite variation profiles, and EW variability. We also measure the correlations between EW and fractional-EW variability for C IV, Si IV, and Al III. Our measurements reveal the basic correlated changes between ionization level, kinematics, and column density expected in accretion-disk wind models; e.g., lines of sight including lower ionization material generally show deeper and broader C IV troughs that have smaller minimum velocities and that are less variable. Many C IV BALs with no accompanying Si IV or Al III BALs may have only mild or no saturation.

  4. Electrochemical studies of plutonium(IV) complexes in aqueous nitrate solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Seong-Yun; Asakura, Toshihide; Morita, Yasuji


    Electrochemistry has been used to investigate the behavior of plutonium (IV) in 1-7 M HNO 3 solutions. These Pu(IV) complexes were found to be reduced quasi-reversibly to Pu(III) species. The formal redox potentials (E 0 ) for Pu(IV)/Pu(III) couples were determined to be +0.721, +0.712, +0.706, +0.705, +0.704, 0.694, and +0.696 V (vs. Ag/AgCl(SSE)) for Pu(IV) complexes in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 M HNO 3 solutions, respectively. These results indicate that the reduction product of Pu(IV) is Pu(III), which is considerably stable in HNO 3 solution. (author)

  5. Crystal structure of ammonium octacyanomolybdate(IV) and rubidium octacyanomolybdate(IV)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Semenishin, D.I.; Glovyak, T.; Mys' kiv, M.G.


    The crystal structure of ammonium octacyanomolybdate(IV) and rubidium octacyanomolybdate(IV) has been determined by the single-crystal method on a Syntex P2/sub 1/ automatic diffractometer: ((NH/sub 4/)/sub 4/ Mo(CN)/sub 4/) 0.5H/sub 2/O (I) (space group Pma2, a = 15.550(3), b = 14.118(3), c = 7.438(1) A, Z = 4, R = 0.062) and Rb/sub 4/(Mo(CN)/sub 8/). 3H/sub 2/O (II) (space group P4/sub 1/2/sub 1/2, a = 9.300(10, c = 21.807(3) A, Z = 4, R = 0.065). The Mo atoms in structure I occupy two special positions (2(b) and 2(c)) and are each surrounded by eight CN ligands. The mean value of the Mo-C distances for Mo(1) is equal to 2.216 A, and the corresponding value for Mo(2) is 2.235 A. The mean Mo-N lengths are practically identical in both molybdenum anions and are equal to 3.353 A. The mean values of the C identical with N bond lengths in the Mo(1) and Mo(2) anions are 1.118 and 1.137 A, respectively. The MoCn angles vary from 175.0 to 178.4/sup 0/. The coordination sphere of the Mo(1) atom corresponds to a dodecahedron with a single twofold symmetry axis, and the coordination polyhedron of the Mo(2) atom in an antiprism of m symmetry. In structure II the Mo-C distances are within the 2.130-2.160-A range, and the Mo-N distances range from 3.290 to 3.307 A. The MoCN angles vary from 176.0 to 179.3/sup 0/, and the coordination polyhedron of (MoC/sub 8/) is a dodecahedron of 2 symmetry. The existence of two types of coordination of Mo in structure I is presently the only example among the structurally studied octahyanomolybdates(IV).

  6. Kinetics of U(VI) reduction control kinetics of U(IV) reoxidation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Senko, J.M.; Minyard, M.L.; Dempsey, B.A.; Roden, E.E.; Yeh, G.-T.; Burgos, W.D.


    For the in situ reductive immobilization of U to be an acceptable strategy for the removal of that element from groundwater, the long-term stability of U(IV) must be determined. Rates of biotransformation of Fe species influence the mineralogy of the resulting products (Fredrickson et al., 2003; Senko et al., 2005), and we hypothesize that the rate of U(VI) reduction influences the mineralogy of resultant U(IV) precipitates. We hypothesize that slower rates of U(VI) reduction will yield U(IV) phases that are more resistant to reoxidation, and will therefore be more stable upon cessation of electron donor addition. U(IV) phases formed by relatively slow reduction may be more crystalline or larger in comparison to their relatively rapidly-formed counterparts (Figure 1), thus limiting the reactivity of slowly-formed U(IV) phases toward various oxidants. The physical location of U(IV) precipitates relative to bacterial cells may also limit the reactivity of biogenic U(IV) phases. In this situation, we expect that precipitation of U(IV) within the bacterial cell may protect U(IV) from reoxidation by limiting physical contact between U(IV) and oxidants (Figure 1). We assessed the effect of U(VI) reduction rate on the subsequent reoxidation of biogenic U(IV) and are currently conducting column scale studies to determine whether U(VI) reduction rate can be manipulated by varying the electron donor concentration used to stimulate U(VI) reduction

  7. The carbonate complexation of plutonium(IV)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hobart, D.E.; Palmer, P.D.; Newton, T.W.


    Plutonium(IV) carbonate complexes are expected to be of particular importance in typical groundwaters at the Yucca Mountain site of the candidate nuclear waste repository being studied by the Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Investigations Project. The chemistry of these complexes is also important in the areas of nuclear fuel reprocessing and purification, actinide separations, and environmental studies. This report describes initial experiments performed to determine the identity and equilibrium quotients of plutonium(IV) carbonate complexes. These experiments were performed at pH values between 7.2 and 9.6 using a spectrophotometric method. In addition, a brief review of the published literature on Pu(IV) carbonate complexes is presented. Since Pu(IV) exhibits low solubility in the near-neutral pH range, a complex-competition reaction where citrate ligands compete with carbonate ions for the plutonium will be employed. This will permit us to study the pure carbonate system; study the mixed carbonate/citrate system, and confirm and extend the literature work on the pure citrate system. The current experiments have demonstrated the existence of at least three distinct species in the pH region studied. This work will continue in the extended study of the pure citrate system, followed by the investigation of the citrate/carbonate complex/competition reaction. 9 refs., 4 figs., 2 tabs

  8. Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av ADHD Rating Scale IV, Skoleversjon (ADHD-RS-IV Skole)


    Kornør, Hege; Bøe, Tormod


    - Beskrivelse. ADHD-RS-IV Skole er et spørreskjema som skal fylles ut av lærere eller førskolelærere for å fange opp ADHD-symptomer hos barn og ungdom. Spørreskjemaet har 18 ledd med fire svaralternativer. Det tar under 20 minutter å fylle ut. Hovedskalaen og de to delskalaene skåres ved å summere enkeltskårer. Kompetansekrav for bruk av ADHD-RS-IV inkluderer generell opplæring i testbruk, samt yrkesstatus som psykolog, lege, annet helsepersonell med utdanning på mastergradsnivå, spesialpe...

  9. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV in two human glioma cell lines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A Sedo


    Full Text Available There is growing evidence that dipeptidyl peptidase IV [DPP-IV, EC] takes part in the metabolism of biologically active peptides participating in the regulation of growth and transformation of glial cells. However, the knowledge on the DPP-IV expression in human glial and glioma cells is still very limited. In this study, using histochemical and biochemical techniques, the DPP-IV activity was demonstrated in two commercially available human glioma cell lines of different transformation degree, as represented by U373 astrocytoma (Grade III and U87 glioblastoma multiforme (Grade IV lines. Higher total activity of the enzyme, as well as its preferential localisation in the plasma membrane, was observed in U87 cells. Compared to U373 population, U87 cells were morphologically more pleiomorphic, they were cycling at lower rate and expressing less Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein. The data revealed positive correlation between the degree of transformation of cells and activity of DPP-IV. Great difference in expression of this enzyme, together with the phenotypic differences of cells, makes these lines a suitable standard model for further 57 studies of function of this enzyme in human glioma cells.

  10. Psychological variables and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV performance. (United States)

    Gass, Carlton S; Gutierrez, Laura


    The MMPI-2 and WAIS-IV are commonly used together in neuropsychological evaluations yet little is known about their interrelationships. This study explored the potential influence of psychological factors on WAIS-IV performance in a sample of 180 predominantly male veteran referrals that underwent a comprehensive neuropsychological examination in a VA Medical Center. Exclusionary criteria included failed performance validity testing and self-report distortion on the MMPI-2. A Principal Components Analysis was performed on the 15 MMPI-2 content scales, yielding three broader higher-order psychological dimensions: Internalized Emotional Dysfunction (IED), Externalized Emotional Dysfunction (EED), and Fear. Level of IED was not related to performance on the WAIS-IV Full Scale IQ or its four indexes: (Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory, and Processing Speed). EED was not related to WAIS-IV performance. Level of Fear, which encompasses health preoccupations (HEA) and distorted perceptions (BIZ), was significantly related to WAIS-IV Full Scale IQ and Verbal Comprehension. These results challenge the common use of high scores on the MMPI-2 IED measures (chiefly depression and anxiety) to explain deficient WAIS-IV performance. In addition, they provide impetus for further investigation of the relation between verbal intelligence and Fear.

  11. Chemical nature of implant-derived titanium(IV) ions in synovial fluid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silwood, Christopher J.L.; Grootveld, Martin


    Previous investigations have indicated a deleterious leakage of Ti(III) and/or Ti(IV) species from Ti-Al-V alloy joint prostheses into adjacent tissue, synovium or synovial fluid (SF) in vivo. In view of the importance of the particular chemical nature of such complexes in determining their biological activity, we have employed high field proton ( 1 H) NMR spectroscopy to 'speciate' Ti(IV) in inflammatory SF. Treatment of osteoarthritic SF samples with increasing concentrations of Ti(IV) (0.10-1.03 mM [TiO(C 2 O 4 ) 2 ] 2- ) gave rise to a specific broadening of the citrate proton resonances, indicating that this bioavailable oxygen-donor ligand plays an important role in complexing implant-derived Ti(IV). 1 H NMR analysis of Ti(IV)-loaded SF samples subsequently treated with a large excess of ascorbate (0.05 M) showed that this added Ti(IV) chelator was only poorly effective in removing this metal ion from Ti(IV)-citrate/Ti(IV)-oxycitrate complexes. The results obtained here provide evidence for complexation of the low-molecular-mass (non-protein-bound) fraction of implant-derived Ti(IV) by citrate in vivo

  12. Boy George Helsingi-Tallinna geikruiisil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Angel Café & Gayclub ja firmade Tallink ja Madrenalin Ltd korraldatavast geikruiisist Lovebot 2006 (30. apr.-1. mai), kus show-programmi peaesinejateks briti laulja Boy Gerry ja ameerika laulja Sherry Vine (Sherry Vine kontsert ka 29. apr. Tallinnas Angeli klubis)

  13. Nagu Helsingi parvlaevas / Kristiina Davidjants

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Davidjants, Kristiina, 1974-


    7. Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival on kaotanud oma osalejate solidaarsustundes ja suhtlemises, kolides Coca-Cola Plazasse. Sakslase Hans-Christian Schmid'i mängufilmist "Kauged tuled" ja taanlase Lars von Trieri mängufilmist "Dogville"

  14. BALTICA IV. Plant maintenance for managing life and performance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hietanen, S; Auerkari, P [eds.; VTT Manufacturing Technology, Espoo (Finland). Operational Reliability


    BALTICA IV International Conference on Plant Maintenance Managing Life and performance held on September 7-9, 1998 on board M/S Silja Symphony on its cruise between Helsinki-Stockholm and at Aavaranta in Kirkkonummi. The BALTICA IV conference provides a forum for the transfer of technology from applied research to practice. This is one of the two volumes of the proceedings of the BALTICA IV International Conference on Plant Maintenance Managing Life and Performance. The BALTICA IV conference focuses on new technology, recent experience and applications of condition and life management, and on improvements in maintenance strategies for safe and economical operation of power plants. (orig.)

  15. BALTICA IV. Plant maintenance for managing life and performance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hietanen, S.; Auerkari, P. [eds.] [VTT Manufacturing Technology, Espoo (Finland). Operational Reliability


    BALTICA IV International Conference on Plant Maintenance Managing Life and performance held on September 7-9, 1998 on board M/S Silja Symphony on its cruise between Helsinki-Stockholm and at Aavaranta in Kirkkonummi. The BALTICA IV conference provides a forum for the transfer of technology from applied research to practice. This is one of the two volumes of the proceedings of the BALTICA IV International Conference on Plant Maintenance Managing Life and Performance. The BALTICA IV conference focuses on new technology, recent experience and applications of condition and life management, and on improvements in maintenance strategies for safe and economical operation of power plants. (orig.)

  16. Redox reactions of U(IV) and Pu(IV) with H2O2 generated in nitric acid media by power ultrasound

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moisy, P.; Venault, L.; Madic, C.; Nikitenko, S.


    Power ultrasound causes water molecule dissociation on H o and OH o radicals due to high local temperatures and pressures generated in the cavitation threshold. In nitric acid media scavenging of OH o radicals with NO 3 - followed by NO 3 o radicals hydrolysis leads to H 2 O 2 formation. It was shown that H 2 O 2 generated under the effect of ultrasound with the frequency 20 kHz and intensity 1-3 Wcm -2 (Ar atmosphere) oxidizes U(IV) to U(VI) or reduces Pu(IV) to Pu(III) in 1-4 M HNO 3 in the presence of antinitrous reagents ( N 2 H 5 NO 3 or NH 2 SO 3 H). The effect of HNO 3 concentration and ultrasonic intensity on the kinetics of U(IV) oxidation and Pu(IV) reduction was studied. (author)

  17. Uranium(IV) adsorption by natural organic matter in anoxic sediments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bone, Sharon E.; Dynes, James; Cliff, John B.; Barger, John


    Uranium is an important fuel source and a global environmental contaminant. It accumulates in the tetravalent state, U(IV), in anoxic sediments, including ore deposits, marine basins, and contaminated aquifers. However, very little is known about the speciation of U(IV) in low temperature geochemical environments, inhibiting the development of a conceptual model of U behavior. Until recently, U(IV) was assumed to exist predominantly as the sparingly soluble mineral uraninite (UO2) in anoxic sediments; yet studies now show that UO2 is not often dominant in these environments. However, a model of U(IV) speciation under environmentally relevant conditions has not yet been developed. Here we show that complexes of U(IV) adsorb on organic carbon and organic carbon-coated clays in an organic-rich natural substrate under field-relevant conditions. Whereas previous research assumed that the U(IV) product depended on the reduction pathway, our results demonstrate that UO2 formation can be inhibited simply by decreasing the U:solid ratio. Thus, it is the number and type of surface ligands that controls U(IV) speciation subsequent to U(VI) reduction. Projections of U transport and bioavailability, and thus its threat to human and ecosystem health, must consider retention of U(IV) ions within the local sediment environment.

  18. Internet Economics IV (United States)


    edts.): Internet Economics IV Technical Report No. 2004-04, August 2004 Information Systems Laboratory IIS, Departement of Computer Science University of...level agreements (SLA), Information technology (IT), Internet address, Internet service provider 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 18... technology and its economic impacts in the Internet world today. The second talk addresses the area of AAA protocol, summarizing authentication

  19. Electro-regeneration of Ce(IV) in real spent Cr-etching solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, Te-San; Huang, Kuo-Lin


    Highlights: • An electrochemical process is used to regenerate Ce(IV) in real (hazardous) spent TFT-LCD Cr-etching solutions. • The Ce(IV) yield on tested anodes was in order BDD > Pt > DSA. • A Neosepta CMX separator was better than Nafion ones to be used in the process. • The activation energy on Pt was 10.7 kJ/mol. • The obtained parameters are useful to design reactors for 100% Ce(IV) regeneration in real spent Cr-etching solutions. -- Abstract: This paper presents the electro-regeneration of Ce(IV) in real (hazardous) spent thin-film transistor liquid-crystal display (TFT-LCD) Cr-etching solutions. In addition to Ce(III) > Ce(IV) in diffusivity, a quasi-reversible behavior of Ce(III)/Ce(IV) was observed at both boron-doped diamond (BDD) and Pt disk electrodes. The Ce(IV) yield on Pt increased with increasing current density, and the best current efficiency (CE) was obtained at 2 A/2.25 cm 2 . The performance in terms of Ce(IV) yield and CE of tested anodes was in order BDD > Pt > dimensional stable anode (DSA). At 2 A/2.25 cm 2 on Pt and 40 °C for 90 min, the Ce(IV) yield, CE and apparent rate constant (k) for Ce(III) oxidation were 81.4%, 21.8% and 3.17 × 10 −4 s −1 , respectively. With the increase of temperature, the Ce(IV) yield, CE, and k increased (activation energy = 10.7 kJ/mol), but the specific electricity consumption decreased. The Neosepta CMX membrane was more suitable than Nafion-117 and Nafion-212 to be used as the separator of the Ce(IV) regeneration process. The obtained parameters are useful to design divided batch reactors for the Ce(IV) electro-regeneration in real spent Cr-etching solutions

  20. Uus doktoriväitekiri kaitstud / Margus Birkenfeldt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Birkenfeldt, Margus, 1972-


    Loomaarst Ranno Viitmaa kaitses Helsingi Ülikooli Loomaarstiteaduskonnas veterinaarmeditsiinidoktori väitekirja teemal "Idiopaatiline epilepsia püstkõrvadel. Epidemioloogilised, kliinilised ja diagnostilised aspektid"

  1. Universal Music Finlandi kontoriruumid = Offices of Universal Music Finland / Jan Skolimowski ; intervjueerinud Margit Mutso

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Skolimowski, Jan, 1977-


    Helsingis Merimiehenkatu 36D asuvate kontoriruumide sisekujundusest. Sisearhitekt Jan Skolimowski, kaasautor Peeter Loo (KAMP Arhitektid OÜ). Graafilise disaini autor Martin Eelma (Tuumik Stuudio OÜ)

  2. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Muusikauudiseid maailmast: Festivalidest "Musica Nova" Helsingis, "Maerzmusik" Berliinis; ansambli Haydn Trio tegemistest; Lazar Mermani, Marcello Viotti surmast; uue muusika festivalidest "Archipel", "Klangvisionen", "Merging Voices"

  3. Crystal structure of the apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease IV from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (United States)

    Zhang, Wei; Xu, Yueyang; Yan, Mengrong; Li, Shanshan; Wang, Huiying; Yang, Haitao; Zhou, Weihong; Rao, Zihe


    Endonuclease IV is a typical endonuclease of the apurinic-apyrimidinic (AP) or abasic endonuclease superfamily. It repairs damaged DNA through base excision repair by cleaving the DNA backbone immediately 5' of an AP site. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, endonuclease IV is the major AP endonuclease. This enzyme is absent from mammalian cells, making it an attractive target for anti-tuberculosis drug development. In this study, the structure of the recombinant endonuclease IV from M. tuberculosis (MtbEndo IV) was determined at a high resolution of 1.18 Å. MtbEndo IV was found to have a classical α8β8-fold TIM barrel with loops on its surface connecting the α-helices and β-strands that constitute a groove for DNA binding. Three zinc ions were identified at the active site. A comparison between the structures of MtbEndo IV and Escherichia coli End IV suggested that Gln32 of MtbEndo IV may plays a role in regulating substrate binding. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  4. 77 FR 64398 - Order of Succession for HUD Region IV (United States)


    ... Region IV AGENCY: Office of Field Policy and Management, HUD. ACTION: Notice of Order of Succession... Field Offices (Region IV). This Order of Succession supersedes all previous Orders of Succession for HUD Region IV. DATES: Effective Date: October 9, 2012. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lawrence D. Reynolds...

  5. Spectroscopy and chemistry of uranium IV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Folcher, G.; Rigny, P.


    Different fundamental research papers on uranium IV are presented, some were never edited. Molecular spectroscopy was used for identification and structural study of uranium IV in aqueous or organic solutions. The fields studied are: coordination, stereochemistry, electronic structure and chemical properties. For interpretation of results some studies were made with solid compounds or with thorium compounds or thorium complexes. Knowledge of actinides chemistry is improved, uranium and thorium being models for 5 f ions, extractive chemistry is better understood and new applications are possible [fr

  6. The Capsicum annuum class IV chitinase ChitIV interacts with receptor-like cytoplasmic protein kinase PIK1 to accelerate PIK1-triggered cell death and defence responses (United States)

    Kim, Dae Sung; Kim, Nak Hyun; Hwang, Byung Kook


    The pepper receptor-like cytoplasmic protein kinase, CaPIK1, which mediates signalling of plant cell death and defence responses was previously identified. Here, the identification of a class IV chitinase, CaChitIV, from pepper plants (Capsicum annuum), which interacts with CaPIK1 and promotes CaPIK1-triggered cell death and defence responses, is reported. CaChitIV contains a signal peptide, chitin-binding domain, and glycol hydrolase domain. CaChitIV expression was up-regulated by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) infection. Notably, avirulent Xcv infection rapidly induced CaChitIV expression in pepper leaves. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation and co-immunoprecipitation revealed that CaPIK1 interacts with CaChitIV in planta, and that the CaPIK1–CaChitIV complex is localized mainly in the cytoplasm and plasma membrane. CaChitIV is also localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Transient co-expression of CaChitIV with CaPIK1 enhanced CaPIK1-triggered cell death response and reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) bursts. Co-silencing of both CaChitIV and CaPIK1 in pepper plants conferred enhanced susceptibility to Xcv infection, which was accompanied by a reduced induction of cell death response, ROS and NO bursts, and defence response genes. Ectopic expression of CaPIK1 in Arabidopsis enhanced basal resistance to Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis infection. Together, the results suggest that CaChitIV positively regulates CaPIK1-triggered cell death and defence responses through its interaction with CaPIK1. PMID:25694549

  7. Determination of U(IV) and hydrazine nitrate by volumetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Xi; Wang Nanjie; Zhang Tao; Wang Lin; Guo Yuhua


    To be determined U(IV) and hydrazine nitrate in exist together, chromium (VI) and 1,10-phenanthroline is used individually as oxidation titrator and indicator for U(IV), and N-bromineimino and methyl red is used individually as oxidation titrator and indicator for hydrazine nitrate, U(IV) and hydrazine nitrate in the same sample is determined sequentially in the nitric acid by adjusting concentration of nitric acid. Results show that the precision is better than 2.0% when the mass concentration of U(IV) is ranged over 5.5-205 mg/mL; and the precision is better than 2.0% when the concentration of hydrazine nitrate is ranged over 0.05-1.0 mol/L. (authors)

  8. Complexation of Plutonium (IV) With Sulfate At Variable Temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Y. Xia; J.I. Friese; D.A. Moore; P.P. Bachelor; L. Rao


    The complexation of plutonium(IV) with sulfate at variable temperatures has been investigated by solvent extraction method. A NaBrO 3 solution was used as holding oxidant to maintain the plutonium(IV) oxidation state throughout the experiments. The distribution ratio of Pu(IV) between the organic and aqueous phases was found to decrease as the concentrations of sulfate were increased. Stability constants of the 1:1 and 1:2 Pu(IV)-HSO 4 - complexes, dominant in the aqueous phase, were calculated from the effect of [HSO 4 - ] on the distribution ratio. The enthalpy and entropy of complexation were calculated from the stability constants at different temperatures using the Van't Hoff equation

  9. The I-V Measurement System for Solar Cells Based on MCU

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Fengxiang; Ai Yu; Wang Jiafu; Wang Lisheng


    In this paper, an I-V measurement system for solar cells based on Single-chip Microcomputer (MCU) is presented. According to the test principles of solar cells, this measurement system mainly comprises of two parts-data collecting, data processing and displaying. The MCU mainly used as to acquire data, then the collecting results is sent to the computer by serial port. The I-V measurement results of our test system are shown in the human-computer interaction interface based on our hardware circuit. By comparing the test results of our I-V tester and the results of other commercial I-V tester, we found errors for most parameters are less than 5%, which shows our I-V test result is reliable. Because the MCU can be applied in many fields, this I-V measurement system offers a simple prototype for portable I-V tester for solar cells.

  10. The I-V Measurement System for Solar Cells Based on MCU

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen Fengxiang; Ai Yu; Wang Jiafu; Wang Lisheng, E-mail: [Department of physics science and technology, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan city, Hubei Province, 430070 (China)


    In this paper, an I-V measurement system for solar cells based on Single-chip Microcomputer (MCU) is presented. According to the test principles of solar cells, this measurement system mainly comprises of two parts-data collecting, data processing and displaying. The MCU mainly used as to acquire data, then the collecting results is sent to the computer by serial port. The I-V measurement results of our test system are shown in the human-computer interaction interface based on our hardware circuit. By comparing the test results of our I-V tester and the results of other commercial I-V tester, we found errors for most parameters are less than 5%, which shows our I-V test result is reliable. Because the MCU can be applied in many fields, this I-V measurement system offers a simple prototype for portable I-V tester for solar cells.

  11. Some studies on the reaction between nitrous acid and plutonium(IV)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasudeva Rao, P.R.; Bagawde, S.V.; Ramakrishna, V.V.; Patil, S.K.


    In the ion exchange and solvent extraction studies nitrous acid is used as an oxidant for Pu(IV) in perchloric acid. Earlier studies had indicated that Pu(IV) forms complex with nitrous acid. The present investigation aimed to study this complex formation by solvent extraction and spectrophotometric methods, revealed that is no significant complex formation between Pu(IV) and nitrous acid. The high apparent equilibrium constant for the complex formation is caused by the partial reduction of Pu(IV) to Pu(III) by nitrous acid. The nitrate complexing is negligible in the case of Th(IV) and Np(IV) as well. Systematic investigation on the redox reactions of plutonium in different oxidation states with nitrous acid is now in progress. The preliminary results obtained indicate that Pu(IV) is reduced to Pu(III) by nitrous acid with a rate that can be conveniently followed spectrophotometrically. (T.I.)

  12. C-terminal region of DNA ligase IV drives XRCC4/DNA ligase IV complex to chromatin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Sicheng; Liu, Xunyue; Kamdar, Radhika Pankaj; Wanotayan, Rujira; Sharma, Mukesh Kumar; Adachi, Noritaka; Matsumoto, Yoshihisa


    Highlights: •Chromatin binding of XRCC4 is dependent on the presence of DNA ligase IV. •C-terminal region of DNA ligase IV alone can recruit itself and XRCC4 to chromatin. •Two BRCT domains of DNA ligase IV are essential for the chromatin binding of XRCC4. -- Abstract: DNA ligase IV (LIG4) and XRCC4 form a complex to ligate two DNA ends at the final step of DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair through non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). It is not fully understood how these proteins are recruited to DSBs. We recently demonstrated radiation-induced chromatin binding of XRCC4 by biochemical fractionation using detergent Nonidet P-40. In the present study, we examined the role of LIG4 in the recruitment of XRCC4/LIG4 complex to chromatin. The chromatin binding of XRCC4 was dependent on the presence of LIG4. The mutations in two BRCT domains (W725R and W893R, respectively) of LIG4 reduced the chromatin binding of LIG4 and XRCC4. The C-terminal fragment of LIG4 (LIG4-CT) without N-terminal catalytic domains could bind to chromatin with XRCC4. LIG4-CT with W725R or W893R mutation could bind to chromatin but could not support the chromatin binding of XRCC4. The ability of C-terminal region of LIG4 to interact with chromatin might provide us with an insight into the mechanisms of DSB repair through NHEJ

  13. Long-term risk of complications after mid-urethral sling IVS implantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Grzegorz Surkont


    Full Text Available [b]Introduction[/b]. Results of short-term evaluation of multifilament microporous midurethral tape IVS differ a great deal. During the first year of implantation, erosions have been observed in 0%–26% of operated women. Long-term observations are rare. They suggest high risk of extrusion and infection even after years of implantation. [b]Objective[/b]. The purpose of the study was to evaluate long-term risk of complications after IVS implantation. Material and methods. Between 2001–2005, 72 women were operated on with the use of IVS mid-urethral tape. [b]Results[/b]. Two women had vaginal erosions during the first 3 months after the operation. Twelve women had vaginal erosions, purulent vaginal discharge, with IVS tape sticking out of the abdominal wall or vagina, and abdominal abscess. These complications were diagnosed between 9 months and 6 years after IVS implantation. The patients were operated on vaginally and open abdominally, 1–5 times because of complications after IVS implantation. [b]Conclusions[/b]. In the case of post-IVS complication, as much tape as possible should be excised. Long-term follow up on patients with IVS implantation should be recommended to the centres where IVS tape was used, even to patients after removal of the tape. Risk of erosion, extrusion and infection after midurethral multifilament microporous IVS tape implantation is too high – which is the reason it should no longer be used.

  14. Identification and characterization of a dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitor from aronia juice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozuka, Miyuki [Department of Health and Nutrition, Faculty of Human Science, Hokkaido Bunkyo University, Eniwa 061-1449 (Japan); Yamane, Takuya, E-mail: [Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0812 (Japan); Nakano, Yoshihisa [Center for Research and Development Bioresources, Research Organization for University-Community Collaborations, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka 599-8570 (Japan); Nakagaki, Takenori [Institute of Food Sciences, Nakagaki Consulting Engineer Co., Ltd, Nishi-ku, Sakai 593-8328 (Japan); Ohkubo, Iwao [Department of Nutrition, School of Nursing and Nutrition, Tenshi College, Higashi-ku, Sapporo 065-0013 (Japan); Ariga, Hiroyoshi [Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0812 (Japan)


    Aronia berries have many potential effects on health, including an antioxidant effect, effect for antimutagenesis, hepatoprotection and cardioprotection, an antidiabetic effect and inhibition of cancer cell proliferation. Previous human studies have shown that aronia juice may be useful for treatment of obesity disorders. In this study, we found that aronia juice has an inhibitory effect against dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) (EC DPP IV is a peptidase that cleaves the N-terminal region of incretins such as glucagon-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Inactivation of incretins by DPP IV induces reduction of insulin secretion. Furthermore, we identified that cyanidin 3, 5-diglucoside as the DPP IV inhibitor in aronia juice. DPP IV was inhibited more strongly by cyanidin 3, 5-diglucoside than by cyanidin and cyanidin 3-glucoside. The results suggest that DPP IV is inhibited by cyanidin 3, 5-diglucoside present in aronia juice. The antidiabetic effect of aronia juice may be mediated through DPP IV inhibition by cyanidin 3, 5-diglucoside. - Highlights: • DPP IV activity is inhibited by aronia juice. • DPP IV inhibitor is cyanidin 3, 5-diglucoside in aronia juice. • DPP IV is inhibited by cyanidin 3, 5-diglucoside more than cyanidin and cyanidin 3-glucoside.

  15. Måleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av ADHD Rating Scale – IV Hjemmeversjon (ADHD-RS-IV Hjemme)


    Kornør, Hege; Bøe, Tormod


    - Beskrivelse. ADHD-RS-IV Hjemme er et spørreskjema som skal fylles ut av mor, far, verge eller besteforeldre for å fange opp ADHD-symptomer hos barn og ungdom. Spørreskjemaet har 18 ledd med fire svaralternativer. Det tar under 20 minutter å fylle ut. Hovedskalaen og de to delskalaene skåres ved å summere enkeltskårer. Kompetansekrav for bruk av ADHD-RS-IV inkluderer generell opplæring i testbruk, samt yrkesstatus som psykolog, lege, annet helsepersonell med utdanning på ...

  16. 12 CFR Appendix IV to Part 27 - Home Loan Data Submission (United States)


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Home Loan Data Submission IV Appendix IV to Part 27 Banks and Banking COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FAIR HOUSING HOME LOAN DATA SYSTEM Pt. 27, App. IV Appendix IV to Part 27—Home Loan Data Submission ER21JN94.003 ER21JN94...

  17. Keha, ikka see keha, kuid kui palju tähendusi / Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varblane, Reet, 1952-


    Ameerika feministliku kunsti esindaja Hannah Wilke retrospektiiv Helsingi Tennispalatsis 17. okt.-ni. Marina Abramovici fluxuslikult sahtlitesse paigutatud eksponeerimisviisiga ruumiinstallatsioon "Cleaning the House" Kiasmas 7. novembrini

  18. Reisijal vaid üks pretensioon - tahaks kauem sõita! / Tõnis Lepp

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lepp, Tõnis


    Eesti esimesest reisihelikopterist ja regulaarsest liiklusest kopteriliinil Tallinna ja Helsingi vahel. Vestlus Copterline Tallinna kopteriterminali direktoriga. Summary: From Tallinn to Helsinki by helicopter. Lk. 46

  19. Rasputin ruulib muusikateatrites

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Septembris Los Angeleses esietendunud Deborah Dratelli ooperist "Nikolai ja Aleksandra" (Rasputinit kehastab Placido Domingo) ning Helsingis esietendunud Eino-Juhani Rautavaara ooperist "Rasputin" (peaosas Matti Salminen)

  20. The Role of Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV in Lung Metastasis of Breast Cancer Cells (United States)


    Our studies focused on (1) cloning and sequencing of wild-type endothelial DPP IV (wtDPP IV) and preparation of truncated DPP IV ( tDPP IV); (2...that was identical to hepatic DPP IV. Acid extraction of rat lung yielded a tDPP IV, which was an effective inhibitor of breast cancer cell adhesion to

  1. Photoactivation of Diiodido-Pt(IV) Complexes Coupled to Upconverting Nanoparticles. (United States)

    Perfahl, Stefanie; Natile, Marta M; Mohamad, Heba S; Helm, Christiane A; Schulzke, Carola; Natile, Giovanni; Bednarski, Patrick J


    The preparation, characterization, and surface modification of upconverting lanthanide-doped hexagonal NaGdF4 nanocrystals attached to light sensitive diiodido-Pt(IV) complexes is presented. The evaluation for photoactivation and cytotoxicity of the novel carboxylated diiodido-Pt(IV) cytotoxic prodrugs by near-infrared (NIR) light (λ = 980 nm) is also reported. We attempted two different strategies for attachment of light-sensitive diiodido-Pt(IV) complexes to Yb,Er- and Yb,Tm-doped β-NaGdF4 upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) in order to provide nanohybrids, which offer unique opportunities for selective drug activation within the tumor cells and subsequent spatiotemporal controlled drug release by NIR-to-visible light-upconversion: (A) covalent attachment of the Pt(IV) complex via amide bond formation and (B) carboxylate exchange of oleate on the surface of the UCNPs with diiodido-Pt(IV) carboxylato complexes. Initial feasibility studies showed that NIR applied by a 980 nm laser had only a slight effect on the stability of the various diiodido-Pt(IV) complexes, but when UCNPs were present more rapid loss of the ligand-metal-charge transfer (LMCT) bands of the diiodido-Pt(IV) complexes was observed. Furthermore, Pt released from the Pt(IV) complexes platinated calf-thymus DNA (ct-DNA) more rapidly when NIR was applied compared to dark controls. Of the two attachment strategies, method A with the covalently attached diiodido-Pt(IV) carboxylates via amide bond formation proved to be the most effective method for generating UCNPs that release Pt when irradiated with NIR; the released Pt was also able to bind irreversibly to calf thymus DNA. Nonetheless, only ca. 20% of the Pt on the surface of the UCNPs was in the Pt(IV) oxidation state, the rest was Pt(II), indicating chemical reduction of the diiodido-Pt(IV) prodrug by the UCNPs. Cytotoxicity studies with the various UCNP-Pt conjugates and constructs, tested on human leukemia HL60 cells in culture, indicated a

  2. Synthesis and Characterization of Organ Tin (IV) Complexes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Aug 21, 2012 ... the reference drug. In addition, within the diorganotin(IV) complexes, monomeric type (3) exhibited a slightly better activity as compared to the organodistannoxane dimer types (1 and 4). Key words: Preliminary in vitro cytotoxic assay, organotin(IV) complexes, comparison study. INTRODUCTION. Although ...

  3. A Comprehensive Functional Analysis of NTRK1 Missense Mutations Causing Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy Type IV (HSAN IV). (United States)

    Shaikh, Samiha S; Chen, Ya-Chun; Halsall, Sally-Anne; Nahorski, Michael S; Omoto, Kiyoyuki; Young, Gareth T; Phelan, Anne; Woods, Christopher Geoffrey


    Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type IV (HSAN IV) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a complete lack of pain perception and anhidrosis. Here, we studied a cohort of seven patients with HSAN IV and describe a comprehensive functional analysis of seven novel NTRK1 missense mutations, c.1550G >A, c.1565G >A, c.1970T >C, c.2096T >C, c.2254T >A, c.2288G >C, and c.2311C >T, corresponding to p.G517E, p.G522E, p.L657P, p.I699T, p.C752S, p.C763S, and p.R771C, all of which were predicted pathogenic by in silico analysis. The results allowed us to assess the pathogenicity of each mutation and to gain novel insights into tropomyosin receptor kinase A (TRKA) downstream signaling. Each mutation was systematically analyzed for TRKA glycosylation states, intracellular and cell membrane expression patterns, nerve growth factor stimulated TRKA autophosphorylation, TRKA-Y496 phosphorylation, PLCγ activity, and neurite outgrowth. We showed a diverse range of functional effects: one mutation appeared fully functional, another had partial activity in all assays, one mutation affected only the PLCγ pathway and four mutations were proved null in all assays. Thus, we conclude that complete abolition of TRKA kinase activity is not the only pathogenic mechanism underlying HSAN IV. By corollary, the assessment of the clinical pathogenicity of HSAN IV mutations is more complex than initially predicted and requires a multifaceted approach. © 2016 WILEY PERIODICALS, INC.

  4. Report for 2012 from the Bordeaux IVS Analysis Center (United States)

    Charlot, Patrick; Bellanger, Antoine; Bouffet, Romuald; Bourda, Geraldine; Collioud, Arnaud; Baudry, Alain


    This report summarizes the activities of the Bordeaux IVS Analysis Center during the year 2012. The work focused on (i) regular analysis of the IVS-R1 and IVS-R4 sessions with the GINS software package; (ii) systematic VLBI imaging of the RDV sessions and calculation of the corresponding source structure index and compactness values; (iii) investigation of the correlation between astrometric position instabilities and source structure variations; and (iv) continuation of our VLBI observational program to identify optically-bright radio sources suitable for the link with the future Gaia frame. Also of importance is the 11th European VLBI Network Symposium, which we organized last October in Bordeaux and which drew much attention from the European and International VLBI communities.

  5. Sorption studies of radionuclides on a modified mesoporous cerium(IV) silicate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sepehrian, H.; Tarbiat Moallem University, Tehran; Ghannadi-Maragheh, M.; Yavari, R.; Khanchi, A.R.; Waqif-Husain, S.


    Five different samples of a new sorbent, modified mesoporous cerium(IV) silicate have been prepared with various mole ratios of Si/Ce and Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMABr) as template. XRD, nitrogen sorption, SEM, IR, thermogravimetry and sorption of radionuclides have been studied. Separation of Hg(II)-Th(IV), Hg(II)-Zr(IV) and Rb(I)-Zr(IV) have been developed on columns of this novel sorbent. (author)

  6. 78 FR 45592 - DeltaPoint Capital IV, LP; (United States)


    ..., Suite 160, Pittsford, NY 14534. The financing was contemplated for working capital. The financing is... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [License No. 02/02-0662] DeltaPoint Capital IV, LP; Notice Seeking... given that DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P., 45 East Avenue, 6th Floor, Rochester, NY 14604, Federal...

  7. Measurement of Ce(IV) Concentration in Foam Decontaminant containing Fluorosurfactant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jung, Chong Hun; Yang, H. B.; Yoon, I. H.; Choi, W. K.; Moon, J. K. [KAERI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Lee, J. S. [Gachon University, Seongnam (Korea, Republic of)


    To improve the stability of the foam, surfactants and inorganic materials such as nanoparticles can be added. A nanoparticle-based foam decontaminant is composed of a surfactant and nanoparticles for the generation and maintenance of foam, and a chemical decontamination agent made of Ce(IV) dissolved in nitric acid. Ce(IV) will be reduced to Ce(III) through the decontamination process. Oxidizing the cerium (III) can be reused as a decontamination agent, Ce(IV). Oxidation treatment technology by ozone uses its strong oxidizing power. It can be regarded as an environmentally friendly process, because ozone cannot be stored and transported like other industrial gases (because it quickly decays into diatomic oxygen) and must therefore be produced on site, and used ozone can be decomposed immediately. A concentration analysis of Ce(IV) in foam decontaminant containing a surfactant is necessary prior to the derivation of optimal conditions for the regeneration of Ce(III) through ozonation treatment. A UV spectrometric method using the absorbance or potentiometric method with a potential difference in Ce(III)/Ce(IV), or a potentiometric titration method using Fe (II), can be used for a Ce(IV) concentration analysis. A UV spectrometric method has a problem receiving the influence of the surfactant, and a potentiometric method is difficult to use because of the problem of an insignificant change in the potential difference value of the Ce(III)/Ce(IV). Thus, the present study was undertaken to determine whether the potentiometric titration method can be used for an analysis of the Ce(IV) concentration in the nanoparticle-based foam decontaminant containing surfactant. It will be effectively used for the Ce(IV) concentration measurement, in relation to the subsequent research on the derivation of optimal conditions for the regeneration of Ce(III) through ozonation treatment.

  8. Two-stage precipitation of neptunium (IV) oxalate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Luerkens, D.W.


    Neptunium (IV) oxalate was precipitated using a two-stage precipitation system. A series of precipitation experiments was used to identify the significant process variables affecting precipitate characteristics. Process variables tested were input concentrations, solubility conditions in the first stage precipitator, precipitation temperatures, and residence time in the first stage precipitator. A procedure has been demonstrated that produces neptunium (IV) oxalate particles that filter well and readily calcine to the oxide

  9. β-Zeolite modified by ethylenediamine for sorption of Th(IV)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Peng; Wu, Hanyu; Yuan, Ni; Yin, Zhuoxin; Pan, Duoqiang; Wu, Wangsuo [Lanzhou Univ. (China). Radiochemistry Lab.; Ministry of Education, Lanzhou (China). Key Lab. of Special Function Materials and Structure Design


    β-Zeolite-EDA was modified with ethylenediamine (EDA) after synthesized. The synthesized material was characterized and used for removal of Th(IV) from aqueous solutions. The influences of pH, ionic strength, contact time, temperature and humic acid (HA) on Th(IV) sorption onto synthesized β-zeolite-EDA was studied by batch technique. The dynamic process showed that the sorption of Th(IV) onto β-zeolite-EDA matched the pseudo-second-order kinetics model. The sorption of Th(IV) on β-zeolite-EDA was significantly dependent on pH values, the sorption percentage increased markedly at pH 3.5-4.5, and then maintained a steady state as pH values increased. Through simulating the sorption isotherms by Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubini-Radushkevich (D-R) models, it could be seen respectively that the sorption pattern of Th(IV) on β-zeolite-EDA was mainly controlled by surface complexation, and that the sorption processes was endothermic and spontaneous. The presence of HA increased Th(IV) sorption on β-zeolite-EDA.

  10. PLATO IV Accountancy Index. (United States)

    Pondy, Dorothy, Comp.

    The catalog was compiled to assist instructors in planning community college and university curricula using the 48 computer-assisted accountancy lessons available on PLATO IV (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operation) for first semester accounting courses. It contains information on lesson access, lists of acceptable abbreviations for…

  11. Spetsialistid soovitavad kesklinnas piirata sõidukite kiirust 40 km/h-ni / Askur Alas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Alas, Askur, 1973-


    Liiklusspetsialistid soovitavad inimvigastustega õnnetuste vähendamiseks piirata Tallinna kesklinnas kiirust 40 km/h-ni. Linna liiklusteenistus ei pea seda põhjendatuks. Lisa: Helsingi positiivne kogemus

  12. Narva osales turismimesil Leningradi oblasti boksis / Tanel Mazur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mazur, Tanel, 1971-


    Ilmunud ka: Narva Postiljon 26. jaan. lk. 1. Narva linnavalitsuse turismispetsialist Katrin Liblik põhjendab, miks osales Narva Helsingis toimunud turismimessil "Matka 2008" Leningradi oblasti boksis

  13. Laulud armastusest ja sõjast / Kersti Inno

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Inno, Kersti, 1954-


    Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoori ja Helsingi Barokkorkestri kontserdist Claudio Monteverdi loominguga 25. jaan. Rakvere Gümnaasiumis, 26. jaan. Tartu Jaani kirikus ja 27. jaan. Tallinnas Mustpeade majas

  14. Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor esitab Monteverdi muusikat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoori ja Helsingi Barokkorkestri kontserdist Claudio Monteverdi loominguga 25. jaan. Rakvere Gümnaasiumis, 26. jaan. Tartu Jaani kirikus ja 27. jaan. Tallinnas Mustpeade majas

  15. Sorption of radionuclides on mesoporous Sn(IV) silicate: a new sorbent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sepehrian, H. [Jaber Ibn Hayan Research Labs., Nuclear Science and Technology Research Inst., AEOI, Tehran (Iran); Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Univ. of Tarbiat Moallem, Tehran (Iran); Yavari, R.; Ghannadi Maragheh, M. [Jaber Ibn Hayan Research Labs., Nuclear Science and Technology Research Inst., AEOI, Tehran (Iran); Husain, S.W. [Dept. of Applied Chemistry, Univ. of Tarbiat Moallem, Tehran (Iran)


    Four different samples of mesoporous Sn(IV) silicate with varying mole ratio of Si/Sn have been used to study the sorption behavior of 18 radionuclides on these materials. Ion-exchange capacity, SEM, distribution coefficient and chemical stability have been studied and discussed. Separation of Tl(I) from Th(IV), Cs(I) from Th(IV) and Cs(I) from Zr(IV) have been developed on columns of this sorbent. (orig.)

  16. Sorption of radionuclides on mesoporous Sn(IV) silicate: a new sorbent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sepehrian, H.; Yavari, R.; Ghannadi Maragheh, M.; Husain, S.W.


    Four different samples of mesoporous Sn(IV) silicate with varying mole ratio of Si/Sn have been used to study the sorption behavior of 18 radionuclides on these materials. Ion-exchange capacity, SEM, distribution coefficient and chemical stability have been studied and discussed. Separation of Tl(I) from Th(IV), Cs(I) from Th(IV) and Cs(I) from Zr(IV) have been developed on columns of this sorbent. (orig.)

  17. Supporting Technology for Enhanced Oil Recovery-EOR Thermal Processes Report IV-12

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Izequeido, Alexandor


    This report contains the results of efforts under the six tasks of the Ninth Amendment and Extension of Annex IV, Enhanced Oil Recovery Thermal Processes of the Venezuela/USA Agreement. The report is presented in sections (for each of the 6 tasks) and each section contains one or more reports prepared by various individuals or groups describing the results of efforts under each of the tasks. A statement of each task, taken from the agreement, is presented on the first page of each section. The tasks are numbered 62 through 67. The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, and ninth reports on Annex IV, [Venezuela MEM/USA-DOE Fossil Energy Report IV-1, IV-2, IV-3, IV-4, IV-5, IV-6, IV-7, and IV-8 (DOE/BETC/SP-83/15, DOE/BC-84/6/SP, DOE/BC-86/2/SP, DOE/BC-87/2/SP, DOE/BC-89/1/SP, DOE/BC-90/1/SP) DOE/BC-92/1/SP, DOE/BC-93/3/SP, and DOE/BC-95/3/SP] contain the results from the first 61 tasks. Those reports are dated April 1983, August 1984, March 1986, July 1! 987, November 1988, December 1989, October 1991, February 1993, and March 1995 respectively.

  18. Sargent-IV Project. Development of new methodologies for safety analysis of Generation IV reactors; Proyecto SARGEB-IV. Desarrollo de nuevas metodologias de analisis de seguridad para reactores de Generacion IV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Queral, C.; Gallego, E.; Jimenez, G.


    The main result of this paper is the proposal for the addition of new ingredients in the safety analysis methodologies for Generation-IV reactors that integrates the features of probabilistic safety analysis within deterministic. This ensures a higher degree of integration between the classical deterministic and probabilistic methodologies.

  19. Central administration of angiotensin IV rapidly enhances novel object recognition among mice. (United States)

    Paris, Jason J; Eans, Shainnel O; Mizrachi, Elisa; Reilley, Kate J; Ganno, Michelle L; McLaughlin, Jay P


    Angiotensin IV (Val(1)-Tyr(2)-Ile(3)-His(4)-Pro(5)-Phe(6)) has demonstrated potential cognitive-enhancing effects. The present investigation assessed and characterized: (1) dose-dependency of angiotensin IV's cognitive enhancement in a C57BL/6J mouse model of novel object recognition, (2) the time-course for these effects, (3) the identity of residues in the hexapeptide important to these effects and (4) the necessity of actions at angiotensin IV receptors for procognitive activity. Assessment of C57BL/6J mice in a novel object recognition task demonstrated that prior administration of angiotensin IV (0.1, 1.0, or 10.0, but not 0.01 nmol, i.c.v.) significantly enhanced novel object recognition in a dose-dependent manner. These effects were time dependent, with improved novel object recognition observed when angiotensin IV (0.1 nmol, i.c.v.) was administered 10 or 20, but not 30 min prior to the onset of the novel object recognition testing. An alanine scan of the angiotensin IV peptide revealed that replacement of the Val(1), Ile(3), His(4), or Phe(6) residues with Ala attenuated peptide-induced improvements in novel object recognition, whereas Tyr(2) or Pro(5) replacement did not significantly affect performance. Administration of the angiotensin IV receptor antagonist, divalinal-Ang IV (20 nmol, i.c.v.), reduced (but did not abolish) novel object recognition; however, this antagonist completely blocked the procognitive effects of angiotensin IV (0.1 nmol, i.c.v.) in this task. Rotorod testing demonstrated no locomotor effects with any angiotensin IV or divalinal-Ang IV dose tested. These data demonstrate that angiotensin IV produces a rapid enhancement of associative learning and memory performance in a mouse model that was dependent on the angiotensin IV receptor. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Transient Analysis Needs for Generation IV Reactor Concepts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siefken, L.J.; Harvego, E.A.; Coryell, E.W.; Davis, C.B.


    The importance of nuclear energy as a vital and strategic resource in the U. S. and world's energy supply mix has led to an initiative, termed Generation IV by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), to develop and demonstrate new and improved reactor technologies. These new Generation IV reactor concepts are expected to be substantially improved over the current generation of reactors with respect to economics, safety, proliferation resistance and waste characteristics. Although a number of light water reactor concepts have been proposed as Generation IV candidates, the majority of proposed designs have fundamentally different characteristics than the current generation of commercial LWRs operating in the U.S. and other countries. This paper presents the results of a review of these new reactor technologies and defines the transient analyses required to support the evaluation and future development of the Generation IV concepts. The ultimate objective of this work is to identify and develop new capabilities needed by INEEL to support DOE's Generation IV initiative. In particular, the focus of this study is on needed extensions or enhancements to SCDAP/RELAP5/3D code. This code and the RELAP5-3D code from which it evolved are the primary analysis tools used by the INEEL and others for the analysis of design-basis and beyond-design-basis accidents in current generation light water reactors. (authors)

  1. Electrochemistry and Spectroelectrochemistry of the Pu (III/IV) and (IV/VI) Couples in Nitric Acid Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lines, Amanda M. [Nuclear Chemistry and Engineering, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland WA 99352; Adami, Susan R. [Nuclear Chemistry and Engineering, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland WA 99352; Casella, Amanda J. [Nuclear Chemistry and Engineering, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland WA 99352; Sinkov, Sergey I. [Nuclear Chemistry and Engineering, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland WA 99352; Lumetta, Gregg J. [Nuclear Chemistry and Engineering, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland WA 99352; Bryan, Samuel A. [Nuclear Chemistry and Engineering, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland WA 99352


    The solution chemistry of Pu in nitric acid is explored via electrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry. By utilizing and comparing these techniques, an improved understanding of Pu behavior and its dependence on nitric acid concentration can be achieved. Here the Pu (III/IV) couple is characterized using cyclic voltammetry, square wave voltammetry, and a spectroelectrochemical Nernst step. Results indicate the formal reduction potential of the couple shifts negative with increasing acid concentration and reversible electrochemistry is no longer attainable above 6 M HNO3. Spectroelectrochemistry is also used to explore the irreversible oxidation of Pu(IV) to Pu(VI) and shine light on the mechanism and acid dependence of the redox reaction.

  2. Uranium (IV) carboxylates - I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Satpathy, K C; Patnaik, A K [Sambalpur Univ. (India). Dept. of Chemistry


    A few uranium(IV) carboxylates with monochloro and trichloro acetic acid, glycine, malic, citric, adipic, o-toluic, anthranilic and salicylic acids have been prepared by photolytic methods. The I.R. spectra of these compounds are recorded and basing on the spectral data, structure of the compounds have been suggested.

  3. Solubility study of Tc(IV) in a granitic water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, D.J.; Yao, J.; Wang, B.; Bruggeman, C.; Maes, N.


    The deep geological disposal of the high level radioactive wastes is expected to be a safe disposal method in most countries. The long-lived fission product 99 Tc is present in large quantities in nuclear wastes and its chemical behavior in aqueous solution is of considerable interest. Under oxidizing conditions technetium exists as the anionic species TcO 4 - whereas under the reducing conditions, expected to exist in a deep geological repository, it is generally predicted that technetium will be present as TcO 2 .nH 2 O. Hence, the mobility of Tc(IV) in reducing groundwater may be limited by the solubility of TcO 2 .nH 2 O under these conditions. Due to this fact it is important to investigate the solubility of TcO 2 .nH 2 O. The solubility determines the release of radionuclides from waste form and is used as a source term in radionuclide migration analysis in performance assessment of radioactive waste repository. Technetium(IV) was prepared by reduction of a technetate solution with Sn 2+ . The solubility of Tc(IV) has been determined in simulated groundwater and redistilled water under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effects of pH and CO 3 2- concentration of solution on solubility of Tc(IV) were studied. The concentration of total technetium and Tc(IV) species in the solutions were periodically determined by separating the oxidized and reduced technetium species using a solvent extraction procedure and counting the beta activity of the 99 Tc with a liquid scintillation counter. The experimental results show that the rate of oxidation of Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is about (1.49 ∝ 1.86) x 10 -9 mol L -1 d -1 under aerobic conditions, while no Tc(IV) oxidation was detected in simulated groundwater and redistilled water under anaerobic conditions. Under aerobic or anaerobic conditions the solubility of Tc(IV) in simulated groundwater and redistilled water is equal on the whole after centrifugation or ultrafiltration. The

  4. 1. IV toimus Kõrvekülas... / Hele Ellermaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ellermaa, Hele


    Toimus Hans Christian Anderseni 200. sünniaastapäevale ja rahvusvahelisele lasteraamatupäevale pühendatud IV Tartumaa lasteraamatupäev. Konkursile laekus 172 joonistust, 14 kirjatööd ja 73 paberlõikepilti. Laste tööde näitus on avatud Kõrveküla raamatukogus kuni 16. IV

  5. Betoonist videograafika / Helen Kivisoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivisoo, Helen


    12. augustini Helsingis MUU galeriis Jasper Zoova videoinstallatsioon "Hebel - Betoonehitus uuest aspektist" ja Tuukka Kaila (Soome) fotod "Heissulivei - Vaadake kui ilus - Check out me and my country".

  6. Controlling applied to information processing: quality management applied to IP projects and IP services; Informationsverarbeitungs-Controlling: Qualitaetsmanagement fuer IV-Projekte und fuer IV-Service

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Becker, B. [Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitaetswerke e.V. (VDEW), Frankfurt am Main (Germany); Beckers, F. [Isar-Amperwerke AG, Muenchen (Germany); Dewald, N. [Bayernwerk AG, Muenchen (Germany); Hauffe, P. [Pfalzwerke AG, Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Germany); Hein, F. [EVS AG Stuttgart (Germany); Hoederath, M. [Vereinigte Elektrizitaetswerke Westfalen AG (VEW), Dortmund (Germany); Seyen, R. [Staedtische Werke Nuernberg GmbH (Germany)


    The working group on information processing (IP) basics (in German: `IV-Grundlagen`) has prepared this contribution dealing with controlling applied to information processing. This new report, on the one hand, takes into consideration the role of the organizational IP unit as one offering its services to all sections of a company. On the other hand, information processing as an operational infrastructure influencing all business processes becomes increasingly important with respect to the competitiveness of the EVU. Therefore, quality management applied to IP projects and IP services must support this development. (orig./RHM) [Deutsch] Der VDEW Arbeitskreis `IV-Grundlagen` hat einen Beitrag zum Controlling fuer die Informationsverarbeitung erstellt. Hier geht zum einen die Rolle der Organisationseinheit IV als Dienstleister fuer alle Unternehmensbereiche ein. Zum anderen gewinnt die Informationsverarbeitung als betriebliche Infrastruktur fuer alle Geschaeftsprozesse zunehmende Bedeutung fuer die Wettbewerbsfaehigkeit der EVU. Das Qualitaetsmanagement fuer IV-Projekte und fuer IV-Service muss dies unterstuetzen. (orig./RHM)

  7. Some reactions of hydrotris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)-borato trichloroactinides(IV), MCl/sub 3/(HBL/sub 3/). THF (M=Th/sup IV/, U/sup IV/; L=3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl, THF=tetrahydrofuran)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marcalo, J; Marques, N; Pires de Matos, A; Bagnall, K W


    The thorium(IV) and uranium(IV) compounds MCl/sub 2/(Cp)(HBL/sub 3/) (Cp=eta/sup 5/-C/sub 5/H/sub 5/), MCl/sub 2/(N(SiMe/sub 3/)/sub 2/)(HBL/sub 3/) and M(NPh/sub 2/)/sub 3/(HBL/sub 3/) have been prepared from MCl/sub 3/(HBL/sub 3/).THF. IR, near-IR-visible, /sup 1/H NMR and /sup 11/B NMR spectra are reported for these compounds.

  8. Functions in Free-Format RPG IV

    CERN Document Server

    Martin, Jim


    Written especially for programmers adopting a free-format style, this manual explores the role of functions in writing RPG IV programs. Demonstrating the potential of functions, many topics are explored such as details about existing RPG IV built-in functions, writing new functions, using ILE concepts to use C functions, and utilizing IBM API's functions. Explaining how to write small programs, either as sub-procedures or modules, and how to gather those parts together to make programs that are easy to write and maintain, this is a natural next step for programmers familiar with a free-format

  9. Vectorization at the KENO-IV code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Asai, K.; Higuchi, K.; Katakura, J.


    The multigroup criticality safety code KENO-IV has been vectorized and tested on the FACOM VP-100 vector processor. At first, the vectorized KENO-IV on a scalar processor was slower than the original one by a factor of 1.4 because of the overhead introduced by vectorization. Making modifications of algorithms and techniques for vectorization, the vectorized version has become faster than the original one by a factor of 1.4 on the vector processor. For further speedup of the code, some improvements on compiler and hardware, especially on addition of Monte Carlo pipelines to the vector processor, are discussed

  10. Ajurünnak: Maailma linnad õpivad Tallinnas tarka juhtimist / Endrik Mänd ; intervjueerinud Ragne Jõerand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mänd, Endrik, 1972-


    Intervjuu Tallinna linnaarhitektiga rahvusvahelise linnaarengu assotsiatsiooni INTA konverentsi "Smart city development: territorial, social and technological innovation" eel, mis toimub 25.-27. jaanuaril Tallinnas

  11. Clinical significance of determination of serum collagen type IV (IV-C) and transforming growth factor beta1(TGF-β1) levels in patients with diabetic nephropathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xie Hongfang; Peng Liang


    Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of determination of serum collagen type IV (IV-C) and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β 1 ) levels in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Methods: Serum IV-C levels ( with RIA) and TGF-β 1 levels (with ELISA) were determined in 30 controls and 105 patients with type II diabetis mellitus (45 with diabetic nephropathy and 60 without nephropathy). Results: The serum levels of IV-C and TGF-β 1 in diabetic patients with nephropathy were significantly higher than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Serum IV-C and TGF-β 1 , levels increased gradually as the diabetic nephropathy got more severe, they could be used as sensitive markers for early diagnosis of development of diabetic nephropathy. (authors)

  12. Adaptable coordination of U(IV) in the 2D-(4,4) uranium oxalate network: From 8 to 10 coordinations in the uranium (IV) oxalate hydrates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duvieubourg-Garela, L.; Vigier, N.; Abraham, F.; Grandjean, S.


    Crystals of uranium (IV) oxalate hydrates, U(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .6H 2 O (1) and U(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .2H 2 O (2), were obtained by hydrothermal methods using two different U(IV) precursors, U 3 O 8 oxide and nitric U(IV) solution in presence of hydrazine to avoid oxidation of U(IV) into uranyl ion. Growth of crystals of solvated monohydrated uranium (IV) oxalate, U(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .H 2 O.(dma) (3), dma=dimethylamine, was achieved by slow diffusion of U(IV) into a gel containing oxalate ions. The three structures are built on a bi-dimensional complex polymer of U(IV) atoms connected through bis-bidentate oxalate ions forming [U(C 2 O 4 )] 4 pseudo-squares. The flexibility of this supramolecular arrangement allows modifications of the coordination number of the U(IV) atom which, starting from 8 in 1 increases to 9 in 3 and, finally increases, to 10 in 2. The coordination polyhedron changes from a distorted cube, formed by eight oxygen atoms of four oxalate ions, in 1, to a mono-capped square anti-prism in 3 and, finally, to a di-capped square anti-prism in 2, resulting from rotation of the oxalate ions and addition of one and two water oxygen atoms in the coordination of U(IV). In 1, the space between the ∞ 2 [U(C 2 O 4 ) 2 ] planar layers is occupied by non-coordinated water molecules; in 2, the space between the staggered ∞ 2 [U(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .2H 2 O] layers is empty, finally in 3, the solvate molecules occupy the interlayer space between corrugated ∞ 2 [U(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .H 2 O] sheets. The thermal decomposition of U(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .6H 2 O under air and argon atmospheres gives U 3 O 8 and UO 2 , respectively. - Graphical abstract: The adaptable environment of U(IV) in U(IV) oxalates: from eight cubic coordination in U(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .6H 2 O (a) completed by water oxygens to nine in [U(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .H 2 O](C 2 NH 5 ) (b) and ten coordination in U(C 2 O 4 ) 2 .2H 2 O (c)

  13. An Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology for Generation IV Nuclear Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leahy, Timothy J.


    The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG) was created to develop an effective approach for the safety of Generation IV advanced nuclear energy systems. Early work of the RSWG focused on defining a safety philosophy founded on lessons learned from current and prior generations of nuclear technologies, and on identifying technology characteristics that may help achieve Generation IV safety goals. More recent RSWG work has focused on the definition of an integrated safety assessment methodology for evaluating the safety of Generation IV systems. The methodology, tentatively called ISAM, is an integrated 'toolkit' consisting of analytical techniques that are available and matched to appropriate stages of Generation IV system concept development. The integrated methodology is intended to yield safety-related insights that help actively drive the evolving design throughout the technology development cycle, potentially resulting in enhanced safety, reduced costs, and shortened development time.

  14. DSM-V from the perspective of the DSM-IV experience. (United States)

    Walsh, B Timothy


    This article provides a brief overview of the development of the diagnostic criteria for eating disorders in DSM-IV. The process by which DSM-IV was developed is reviewed, including perspectives on what constitutes diagnostic validity and clinical utility, and their importance in assessing proposed changes in diagnostic criteria. The question of whether alterations in diagnostic criteria would clearly improve clinical utility was a major consideration in the DSM-IV process. Because of concerns that changes in diagnostic criteria would be disruptive and might entail loss of established knowledge, the DSM-IV Task Force assumed a generally conservative stance vis-à-vis change. The process of developing DSM-V is just beginning, and it is far from clear what alterations in diagnostic criteria for eating disorders will occur. However, the evolution of DSM-IV may provide a useful perspective on the development of DSM-V. (c) 2007 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Apparent formation constants of Pu(IV) and Th(IV) with humic acids determined by solvent extraction method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sasaki, T.; Aoyama, S.; Yoshida, H.; Kobayashi, T.; Takagi, I. [Tokyo Univ. (Japan). Dept. of Nuclear Engineering; Kulyako, Y.; Samsonov, M.; Miyasoedov, B. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russian Federation). V. I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry (GEOKHI); Moriyama, H. [Kyoto Univ. (Japan). Research Reactor Inst.


    Apparent formation constants of Pu(IV) and Th(IV) with two kinds of humic acids were determined in 0.1 M NaClO{sub 4} at 25 C using a solvent extraction method with thenoyltrifluoroacetone in xylene. The acid dissociation constants of humic acids were also measured by potentiometric titration and used as the degree of dissociation for calculating the formation constants. The effect of solution conditions, such as the pH, the initial metal and humic acid concentrations, and the ionic strength, on the formation constants was examined. The obtained data were compared with the ones in the literature. (orig.)

  16. Graafika, graafika! / Jan Kenneth Weckman, Sue Gollifer, Andrew Atkinson...[jt.] ; interv. Kaisa Puustak, Ando Pajus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    II rahvusvahelisest vabagraafika konverentsist "Impact" Helsingis 29. VIII-2. IX. Tutvuti ka Tallinnas eesti graafikute loominguga, Tallinna Graafikakoja ja Tallinna XII graafikatriennaaliga. Eesti ja euroopa graafikast, Tallinna graafikatriennaalist

  17. Vandetõotused ja deklaratsioonid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hippokratese vanne ; Reich'is kehtestatud juhised inimuuringute läbiviimiseks ; Genfi deklaratsioon ; Maailma Arstide Liidu (MAL) Helsingi deklaratsioon ; Maailma Arstide Liidu deklaratsiooni patsiendi õigustest ; Meditsiiniõdede eetika koodeks

  18. Finnõ nam pomogut / Andrei Sharomov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sharomov, Andrei


    Narva linnavolikogu esimees Mihhail Stalnuhhin, linnavolikogu liige Vladimir Homjakov, Riigikogu liige Eldar Efendijev ja energeetika ekspert Lev Kelman tutvusid Helsingis soojusenergiat tootva ettevõtte tööga

  19. Mandelazo I as a reagent for Zr(IV) determination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rakha, T.H.; Filip, P.; Stefan, N.


    A spectrometric study of the reaction of the Zr(IV) ions with Mandelazo I was carried out. Absorption spectra revealed that the maximum absorption of the zirconium compound appears at a wavelength (316 nm) different from the maxima of the reagent (253 and 390 nm). Beer-Lambert law is followed for zirconium concentrations of the order of 8.8 x 10 -5 M (i.e. 8 μg Zr(IV)/mL). Possible interferences of ions such as Be(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Al(III), Th(IV), U(VI), Mn(II), Fe(III), Co(II) and Ni(II) were investigated in connection with some masking agents such as SO 4 2- and C 2 O 4 2- . Also, the solid state Zr(IV)- Mandelazo I compound was prepared and characterized by nitrogen and thermogravimetric analyses

  20. [Mucolipidoses type IV in a patient with mapuche ancestry]. (United States)

    Hernández Ch, Marta; Méndez C, José Ignacio; Concha G, María José; Huete L, Isidro; González B, Sergio; Durán S, Gloria P


    We report a 7 year-old girl with mapuche ancestors, diagnosed as a cerebral palsy since infancy and on active rehabilitation. She acquired motor and cognitive skills at 3 years of age. At 5 years of age, a slow neurological deterioration started, associated to visual impairment. Optic atrophy was added to the typical neurological exam of ataxic cerebral palsy and the diagnosis was re-considered. Neuroimaging showed a slow and progressive atrophy of intracerebral structures and ultramicroscopy revealed intracytoplasmatic inclusions in conjunctiva and skin, compatible with mucolipidoses type IV (ML-IV). ML-IV must be included in the differential diagnosis of cerebral palsy associated with loss of acquired skills and progressive visual impairment. Electron microscopy of skin or conjunctiva is a useful diagnostic test. Suspicion of ML-IV must not be restricted to Ashkenazi Jewish population.

  1. Peroxidasin-mediated crosslinking of collagen IV is independent of NADPH oxidases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gábor Sirokmány


    Full Text Available Collagen IV is a major component of the basement membrane in epithelial tissues. The NC1 domains of collagen IV protomers are covalently linked together through sulfilimine bonds, the formation of which is catalyzed by peroxidasin. Although hydrogen peroxide is essential for this reaction, the exact source of the oxidant remains elusive. Members of the NOX/DUOX NADPH oxidase family are specifically devoted to the production of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. Our aim in this study was to find out if NADPH oxidases contribute in vivo to the formation of collagen IV sulfilimine crosslinks. We used multiple genetically modified in vivo model systems to provide a detailed assessment of this question. Our data indicate that in various peroxidasin-expressing tissues sulfilimine crosslinks between the NC1 domains of collagen IV can be readily detected in the absence of functioning NADPH oxidases. We also analyzed how subatmospheric oxygen levels influence the collagen IV network in collagen-producing cultured cells with rapid matrix turnover. We showed that collagen IV crosslinks remain intact even under strongly hypoxic conditions. Our hypothesis is that during collagen IV network formation PXDN cooperates with a NOX/DUOX-independent H2O2 source that is functional also at very low ambient oxygen levels. Keywords: Peroxidasin, NADPH oxidase, Hydrogen peroxide, Collagen IV, Sulfilimine

  2. viking: identification and characterization of a second type IV collagen in Drosophila. (United States)

    Yasothornsrikul, S; Davis, W J; Cramer, G; Kimbrell, D A; Dearolf, C R


    We have taken an enhancer trap approach to identify genes that are expressed in hematopoietic cells and tissues of Drosophila. We conducted a molecular analysis of two P-element insertion strains that have reporter gene expression in embryonic hemocytes, strain 197 and vikingICO. This analysis has determined that viking encodes a collagen type IV gene, alpha2(IV). The viking locus is located adjacent to the previously described DCg1, which encodes collagen alpha1(IV), and in the opposite orientation. The alpha2(IV) and alpha1(IV) collagens are structurally very similar to one another, and to vertebrate type IV collagens. In early development, viking and DCg1 are transcribed in the same tissue-specific pattern, primarily in the hemocytes and fat body cells. Our results suggest that both the alpha1 and alpha2 collagen IV chains may contribute to basement membranes in Drosophila. This work also provides the foundation for a more complete genetic dissection of collagen type IV molecules and their developmental function in Drosophila.

  3. Generation of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory peptides during the enzymatic hydrolysis of tropical banded cricket (Gryllodes sigillatus) proteins. (United States)

    Nongonierma, Alice B; Lamoureux, Candice; FitzGerald, Richard J


    Tropical banded crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus) were studied for their ability to yield hydrolysates with dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory properties. A cricket protein isolate (CPI) was prepared following extraction of the water soluble proteins from G. sigillatus powder (CP). The extraction yield and purity were 20.90 ± 0.35% and 57.0 ± 2.23%, respectively. Endogenous proteinase activities were detected in the CP, which were linked to the significant protein breakdown seen in this sample. Fifteen CPI hydrolysates (H1-H15) were generated with Protamex™ using a design of experiments (DOE) approach combining three parameters, temperature (40, 50 and 60 °C), enzyme to substrate ratio (E : S, 0.50, 1.25 and 2.00% (w/w)) and hydrolysis time (60, 150 and 240 min). The DPP-IV half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC 50 ) of the CPI hydrolysates ranged from 0.40 ± 0.03/0.40 ± 0.02 (H2/H3) to 1.01 ± 0.07 mg mL -1 (H7). Following simulated gastrointestinal digestion (SGID), the DPP-IV IC 50 of CPI decreased (>3.57 vs. 0.78 ± 0.04 mg mL -1 ) while that of H5 increased (0.47 ± 0.03 vs. 0.71 ± 0.06 mg mL -1 ). This study has demonstrated for the first time that G. sigillatus protein hydrolysates are able to inhibit DPP-IV. The study of these hydrolysates in vivo is needed to evaluate their potential role in glycaemic management.

  4. The adsorption of 117Snm(IV)-EDTMP on collagen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Yuqing; Luo Shunzhong; Pu Manfei; Bing Wenzeng; He Jiaheng; Wang Guanquan


    The adsorption and desorption characteristics of 117 Sn m (IV)-EDTMP on collage are studied, and compared with that on HA. The results show that the effects of pH and temperature on adsorption of 117 Sn m (IV)-EDTMP on collagen are similar to those on HA, and that the adsorption equilibrium and adsorption model of 117 Sn m (IV)-EDTMP on collagen are completely different from those on HA; 117 Sm m -EDTMP absorbed on collagen are extremely stable and almost could not be desorbed with normal saline or EDTMP

  5. Amine and Titanium (IV Chloride, Boron (III Chloride or Zirconium (IV Chloride-Promoted Baylis-Hillman Reactions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shi-Cong Cui


    Full Text Available The Baylis-Hillman reactions of various aryl aldehydes with methyl vinyl ketone at temperatures below -20oC using Lewis acids such as titanium (IV chloride, boron (III chloride or zirconium (IV chloride in the presence of a catalytic amount of selected amines used as a Lewis bases afford the chlorinated compounds 1 as the major product in very high yields. Acrylonitrile can also undergo the same reaction to give the corresponding chlorinated product in moderate yield. A plausible reaction mechanism is proposed. However, if the reaction was carried out at room temperature (ca. 20oC, then the Z-configuration of the elimination product 3, derived from 1, was formed as the major product.

  6. IVS contribution to the next ITRF (United States)

    Bachmann, Sabine; Messerschmitt, Linda; Thaller, Daniela


    Generating the contribution of the International VLBI Service (IVS) to the next ITRF (ITRF2013 or ITRF2014) was the main task of the IVS Combination Center at the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG, Germany) in 2014. Starting with the ITRF2005, the IVS contribution to the ITRF is an intra-technique combined solution using multiple individual contributions from different institutions. For the upcoming ITRF ten international institutions submitted data files for a combined solution. The data files contain 24h VLBI sessions from the late 1970s until the end of 2014 in SINEX file format containing datum free normal equations with station coordinates and Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP). All contributions have to meet the IVS standards for ITRF contribution in order to guarantee a consistent combined solution. In the course of the generation of the intra-technique combined solution, station coordinate time series for each station as well as a Terrestrial Reference Frame based on the contributed VLBI data (VTRF) were generated and analyzed. Preliminary results using data until the end of 2013 show a scaling factor of -0.47 ppb resulting from a 7-parameter Helmert transformation of the VTRF w.r.t. ITRF2008, which is comparable to the scaling factor that was determined in the precedent ITRF generation. An internal comparison of the EOPs between the combined solution and the individual contributions as well as external comparisons of the EOP series were carried out in order to assure a consistent quality of the EOPs. The data analyses, the combination procedure and results of the combined solution for station coordinates and EOP will be presented.

  7. Gen IV. Technical and economical aspects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaluzny, Y.; Legee, F.


    In this presentation author deals with development of nuclear reactor type of Generation IV. He concluded that: - Nuclear energy is competitive with regards to the other generation sources; Its competitiveness also increases with CO 2 cost. Considering the nuclear cost breakdown of LWR reactors, it turns out that the uranium is currently not in the range of a threshold for FBR deployment; - The global balance of uranium supply and demand and also innovation required to fulfil GEN IV objectives would probably imply the emergence of fast reactor competitiveness after the turn of the mid-century; - We shall need fast reactors in the coming decade.

  8. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Milano La Scala alustas hooaega. "Ameerika tragöödia" New Yorgi Metis. Huddersfieldi festivalilt. Ricard Straussi päevad Dresdenis. Viiuldajate konkurss Helsingis. Haruldasi leide. Tunnustusi ja preemiaid

  9. Resignatsioonis ja lootuses / Paul-Eerik Rummo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rummo, Paul-Eerik, 1942-


    Ettekanne kodu- ja väliseesti kirjanike kohtumisel Helsingi Ülikoolis 15.-16. mail 1989. Poliitikast ja kirjandusest, Nõukogude Eesti kirjandusest. Artur Alliksaare, Uku Masingu ja Kersi Merilaasi loomingust

  10. Kärt Summatavet väitles end Soomes kunstidoktoriks / Anzori Barkalaja, Olli Tamminen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Barkalaja, Anzori, 1968-


    Raamatuna ilmunud uurimusest "Folk Tradition and Artistic Inspiration: A Woman's Life in Traditional Estonian Jewelry and Crafts as Told by Anne and Roosi". Doktoriõpe toimus Helsingi Taideateollises Korkeakoulus

  11. Elisa Studio showroom = Elisa Studio showroom / Jan Joonas Graps ; kommenteerinud Tiina Kuusisto

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Graps, Jan Joonas, 1972-


    Elisa Studio showroom Helsingis Lasiplatsi, Mannerheimintie 22-24. Sisekujunduse autorid Jan Joonas Graps, Ken-Kristjan Ruut, Anne Määrmann (JanKen Wisespace). Lühidalt loovstuudiost JanKen Wisespace

  12. Igavat mõtlemist segavad filmid / Marko Raat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raat, Marko, 1973-


    19. Helsingi rahvusvahelise filmifestivali "Armastus ja anarhia" filme - Royston Tani "4.30" (Singapur, 2005), Per Fly "Inimese tapmine" ("Manslaughter" ; Taani, 2005) ja György Palfi "Taxitermia" (Ungari, 2006)

  13. Removal of thorium(IV) from aqueous solutions by natural sepiolite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erden, Kadriye Esen [Pamukkale Univ., Denizli (Turkey). Dept. of Electricity and Energy; Donat, Ramazan [Pamukkale Univ., Denizli (Turkey). Dept. of Chemistry


    Natural sepiolite has been tested as a potential sorbent for the removal of Th(IV) from aqueous solutions by batch technique. Effects of various parameters on the adsorption process have been investigated. Under optimum conditions, Th(IV) was adsorbed with high adsorption efficiency. The results indicated that sorption of Th(IV) on sepiolite was strongly affected by pH values and temperature. The adsorption patterns of thorium on the sepiolite adsorbent followed the Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) isotherms. The thermodynamic data (ΔH , ΔS , ΔG ) are calculated from the temperature-dependent sorption isotherms. The results suggest that sorption process of Th(IV) on sepiolite is spontaneous and endothermic.

  14. Effect of HCl Concentration on the Oxidation of LIX 63 and the Subsequent Separation of Pd(II), Pt(IV), Ir(IV) and Rh(III) by Solvent Extraction

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nguyen, Thi Hong; Lee, Man Seung [Mokpo National University, Jeollanamdo (Korea, Republic of)


    During the selective extraction of Pd(II) by LIX 63 from 6 M HCl solutions containing platinum group metals, an oxidation-reduction reaction occurs between the LIX 63 and Ir(IV). Since the reduced Ir(III) cannot be extracted by solvating and amine extractants, the oxidation-reduction reaction has a significant effect on the separation of Pt(IV), Ir(IV) and Rh(III). Therefore, the effect of HCl concentration on the reduction of Ir(IV) during the extraction with LIX 63 was investigated at 3 and 6 M HCl solutions. The extraction behavior of Iridium by Aliquat 336 from the Pd(II) free raffinate showed that the percentage of iridium extraction rapidly decreased when HCl concentration was increased from 3 to 6 M, indicating that more Ir(IV) was reduced to Ir(III). Extraction schemes for the separation of Pt(IV), iridium and Rh(III) by Aliquat 336 from 3 and 6 M HCl solutions were investigated.

  15. Poolakad näitavad etlemiskunsti / Gert Hatsukov ; interv. Johannes Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hatsukov, Gert


    Ürituse korraldaja Gert Hatsukoviga poola etlemiskunstnikest Pawel Kwasniewskist, Wladislav Kazmierczakist, Ewa Rybskast, Artur Grabowskist ja Dariusz Fodczukist. Poola etlemiskunsti õhtupoolik "Transmission" toimub Vaal-galeriis

  16. Vse teatrõ v gosti k nam / Irina Butjajeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Butjajeva, Irina


    25.-27. märtsini toimub Vene Kultuurikeskuses esimene rahvusvaheline festival "Baltiiski bereg" (Balti kallas). Tutvustatakse festivalil osalevaid lasteteatreid. Ürituse organisaatoriks on Teater Grotesk

  17. Crystal structures of lazulite-type oxidephosphates TiIIITiIV3O3(PO4)3 and MIII4TiIV27O24(PO4)24 (MIII=Ti, Cr, Fe)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schoeneborn, M.; Glaum, R.; Reinauer, F.


    Single crystals of the oxidephosphates Ti III Ti IV 3 O 3 (PO 4 ) 3 (black), Cr III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 (red-brown, transparent), and Fe III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 (brown) with edge-lengths up to 0.3 mm were grown by chemical vapour transport. The crystal structures of these orthorhombic members (space group F2dd ) of the lazulite/lipscombite structure family were refined from single-crystal data [Ti III Ti IV 3 O 3 (PO 4 ) 3 : Z=24, a=7.3261(9) A, b=22.166(5) A, c=39.239(8) A, R 1 =0.029, wR 2 =0.084, 6055 independent reflections, 301 variables; Cr III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 : Z=1, a=7.419(3) A, b=21.640(5) A, c=13.057(4) A, R 1 =0.037, wR 2 =0.097, 1524 independent reflections, 111 variables; Fe III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 : Z=1, a=7.4001(9) A, b=21.7503(2) A, c=12.775(3) A, R 1 =0.049, wR 2 =0.140, 1240 independent reflections, 112 variables). For Ti III Ti IV O 3 (PO 4 ) 3 a well-ordered structure built from dimers [Ti III,IV 2 O 9 ] and [Ti IV,IV 2 O 9 ] and phosphate tetrahedra is found. The metal sites in the crystal structures of Cr 4 Ti 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 and Fe 4 Ti 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 , consisting of dimers [M III Ti IV O 9 ] and [Ti IV,IV 2 O 9 ], monomeric [Ti IV O 6 ] octahedra, and phosphate tetrahedra, are heavily disordered. Site disorder, leading to partial occupancy of all octahedral voids of the parent lipscombite/lazulite structure, as well as splitting of the metal positions is observed. According to Guinier photographs Ti III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 (a=7.418(2) A, b=21.933(6) A, c=12.948(7) A) is isotypic to the oxidephosphates M III 4 Ti IV 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 (M III : Cr, Fe). The UV/vis spectrum of Cr 4 Ti 27 O 24 (PO 4 ) 24 reveals a rather small ligand-field splitting Δ o =14,370 cm -1 and a very low nephelauxetic ratio β=0.72 for the chromophores [Cr III O 6 ] within the dimers [Cr III Ti IV O 9 ]. - Graphical abstract: Single crystals of the oxidephosphates Ti III Ti IV 3 O 3 (PO 4 ) 3 (black), Cr III 4 Ti IV 27 O

  18. Synthesis, spectral, DFT modeling, cytotoxicity and microbial studies of novel Zr(IV), Ce(IV) and U(VI) piroxicam complexes (United States)

    El-Shwiniy, Walaa H.; Zordok, Wael A.


    The Zr(IV), Ce(IV) and U(VI) piroxicam anti-inflammatory drug complexes were prepared and characterized using elemental analyses, conductance, IR, UV-Vis, magnetic moment, IHNMR and thermal analysis. The ratio of metal: Pir is found to be 1:2 in all complexes estimated by using molar ratio method. The conductance data reveal that Zr(IV) and U(VI) chelates are non-electrolytes except Ce(IV) complex is electrolyte. Infrared spectroscopic confirm that the Pir behaves as a bidentate ligand co-ordinated to the metal ions via the oxygen and nitrogen atoms of ν(Cdbnd O)carbonyl and ν(Cdbnd N)pyridyl, respectively. The kinetic parameters of thermogravimetric and its differential, such as activation energy, entropy of activation, enthalpy of activation, and Gibbs free energy evaluated using Coats-Redfern and Horowitz-Metzger equations for Pir and complexes. The geometry of the piroxicam drug in the Free State differs significantly from that in the metal complex. In the time of metal ion-drug bond formation the drug switches-on from the closed structure (equilibrium geometry) to the open one. The antimicrobial tests were assessed towards some types of bacteria and fungi. The in vitro cell cytotoxicity of the complexes in comparison with Pir against colon carcinoma (HCT-116) cell line was measured. Optimized geometrical structure of piroxicam ligand by using DFT calculations.

  19. Degradation of type IV collagen by neoplastic human skin fibroblasts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheela, S.; Barrett, J.C.


    An assay for the degradation of type IV (basement membrane) collagen was developed as a biochemical marker for neoplastic cells from chemically transformed human skin fibroblasts. Type IV collagen was isolated from basement membrane of Syrian hamster lung and type I collagen was isolated from rat tails; the collagens were radioactively labelled by reductive alkylation. The abilities of normal (KD) and chemically transformed (Hut-11A) human skin fibroblasts to degrade the collagens were studied. A cell-associated assay was performed by growing either normal or transformed cells in the presence of radioactively labelled type IV collagen and measuring the released soluble peptides in the medium. This assay also demonstrated that KD cells failed to synthesize an activity capable of degrading type IV collagen whereas Hut-11A cells degraded type IV collagen in a linear manner for up to 4 h. Human serum at very low concentrations, EDTA and L-cysteine inhibited the enzyme activity, whereas protease inhibitors like phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride, N-ethyl maleimide or soybean trypsin inhibitor did not inhibit the enzyme from Hut-11A cells. These results suggest that the ability to degrade specifically type IV collagen may be an important marker for neoplastic human fibroblasts and supports a role for this collagenase in tumor cell invasion

  20. Dibutylammonium bis(hydrogen methylphosphonato-κOtriphenylstannate(IV

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tidiane Diop


    Full Text Available The asymmetric unit of the title organotin salt, (C8H20N[Sn(C6H53(CH4O3P2], contains two dibutylammonium cations and two stannate(IV anions consisting each of two monodentately bonding methyl hydrogenphosphate groups attached to an Sn(C6H5 unit. The overall coordination environment of the two SnIV atoms is trigonal–bipyramidal defined by three phenyl C atoms in equatorial positions and two methyl hydrogenphosphate O atoms at the apical sites. In the crystal, the stannate(IV anions are linked to each other via pairs of short O—H...O hydrogen bonds, leading to an infinite chain extending parallel to the b-axis direction. Neighbouring chains are linked by N—H...O hydrogen bonds involving the butylammonium cations, giving a two-dimensional structure parallel to the ab plane. The crystal under investigation was found to be twinned by reticular merohedry with twin fractions of 0.5342 (7:0.4658 (7.

  1. Studies on Th(IV) and Zr(IV) complexes of oxygen donor ligands

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Agarwal, R.K.; Srivastava, M.; Srivastava, A.K.


    In recent years a large number of complexes of amine N-oxides with a wide variety of metal salts have been isolated and characterized. Less attention has been paid to the aromatic amine N-oxides complexes with Th(IV) thiocyanate. In the present communication studies are reported on Th(IV) thiocyanate complexes of pyridine N-oxide (PyO), quinoline N-oxide (QO), isoquinoline N-oxide (IsqO), 2-picoline N-oxide (2-picO), 3-picoline N-oxide (3-picO) and 4-picoline N-oxide (4-picO) and comparisons are made with the existing complexes of 2,6-lutidine N-oxide (LNO), 2, 2'bipyridine N-N'-dioxide (BipyO 2 ), mono N-oxides of 2,2'-bipyridine (BipyNO) and 1,10-phenanthroline (PhenNO) and 1, 10-phenanthroline N-N'-dioxide (PhenO 2 ). The analytical data correspond to the composition Th(NCS) 4 .4L. The molar conductance of all the complexes in nitrobenzene in the range 2.5 to 4.5 Ω -1 cm 2 mol -1 indicate them to be non-electrolytes. The results of IR spectroscopy and thermogravimetry are given and discussed. (author)

  2. Perehdyttäminen Nummenselän päiväkodissa


    Mustiala, Hanne


    TIIVISTELMÄ Mustiala, Hanne. Perehdyttäminen Nummenselän päiväkodissa. Diak, syksy 2013, 71s., 3 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, Sosionomi (AMK) + lastentarhanopettajan virkakelpoisuus. Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyöni tavoitteena oli tuottaa perehdyttämismateriaali Nummenselän päiväkodille. Päiväkoti on uusi päivähoidon toimintayksikkö Vihdissä. Tähän asti uuden työntekijän perehdyttämisessä on käytetty Vihdin kunnan yhteistä perehdyttämis...

  3. Ion exchange characteristics of cerium (IV) and Tin(IV) antimonates and their use in rad waste treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elnaggar, I M; Abdel Hamid, M M; Elabsy, M A; Aly, H F [Hot lab. centre, atomic energy authority, Cairo, (Egypt)


    Cerium (IV) and Tin(IV) antimonates cation exchangers have been synthesized. The products were characterized by powdered X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis and infrared spectrometry. The data of the distribution coefficients showed that the selectivity decreased in the order Eu{sup 3+}>Co{sup 2+}>Sr{sup 2+}>Cs{sup +} for both materials. Besides, the drying temperature of the matrices have a profound effect on their ion exchange capacities. Moreover, the obtained results of the effect of gamma radiation on the ion exchange behaviour of the samples showed that a slight decrease of the capacity and the distribution coefficient values with increasing the absorbed dose. 2 figs., 4 tabs.

  4. Synthesis and spectral properties of axially substituted zirconium(IV) and hafnium(IV) water soluble phthalocyanines in solutions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gerasymchuk, Y.S.; Volkov, S.V.; Chernii, V.Ya.; Tomachynski, L.A.; Radzki, St.


    Methods of synthesis of novel water soluble axially substituted Zr(IV) and Hf(IV) phthalocyanines with gallic, 5-sulfosalicyllic, oxalic acids, and methyl ester of gallic acid as axial ligands coordinated to the central atom metal of phthalocyanine are presented. The absorption spectra of complex solutions in various solvents were characterized. The dependence of the spectral red shift from Reichardt's empirical polarity parameter is described. The deviation from the linearity of Beer-Bouguer-Lambert law was investigated for the range of concentration 5x10 -6 to 10x10 -5 M. Fluorescent properties of axially substituted phthalocyaninato metal complexes in DMSO solutions were investigated

  5. Formation, characterization, and stability of plutonium (IV) colloid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hobart, D.E.; Morris, D.E.; Palmer, P.D.; Newton, T.W.


    Plutonium is expected to be a major component of the waste element package in any high-level nuclear waste repository. Plutonium(IV) is known to form colloids under chemical conditions similar to those found in typical groundwaters. In the event of a breach of a repository, these colloids represent a source of radionuclide transport to the far-field environment, in parallel with the transport of dissolved waste element species. In addition, the colloids may decompose or disaggregate into soluble ionic species. Thus, colloids represent an additional term in determining waste element solubility limits. A thorough characterization of the physical and chemical properties of these colloids under relevant conditions is essential to assess the concentration limits and transport mechanisms for the waste elements at the proposed Yucca Mountain Repository site. This report is concerned primarily with recent results obtained by the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP) Solubility Determination Task pertaining to the characterization of the structural and chemical properties of Pu(IV) colloid. Important results will be presented which provides further evidence that colloidal plutonium(IV) is structurally similar to plutonium dioxide and that colloidal plutonium(IV) is electrochemically reactive. 13 refs., 7 figs

  6. Endonuclease IV of Escherichia coli is induced by paraquat

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chan, E.; Weiss, B.


    The addition of paraquat (methyl viologen) to a growing culture of Escherichia coli K-12 led within 1 hr to a 10- to 20-fold increase in the level of endonuclease IV, a DNase for apurinic/apyrimidinic sites. The induction was blocked by chloramphenicol. Increases of 3-fold or more were also seen with plumbagin, menadione, and phenazine methosulfate. H/sub 2/O/sub 2/ produced no more than a 2-fold increase in endonuclease IV activity. The following agents had no significant effect: streptonigrin, nitrofurantoin, tert-butyl hydroperoxide, ..gamma.. rays, 260-nm UV radiation, methyl methanesulfonate, mitomycin C, and ascorbate. Paraquat, plumbagin, menadione, and phenazine methosulfate are known to generate superoxide radical anions via redox cycling in vivo. A mutant lacking superoxide dismutase was unusually sensitive to induction by paraquat. In addition, endonuclease IV could be induced by merely growing the mutant in pure O/sub 2/. The levels of endonuclease IV in uninduced or paraquat-treated cells were unaffected by mutations of oxyR, a H/sub 2/O/sub 2/-inducible gene that governs an oxidative-stress regulon. The results indicate that endonuclease IV is an inducible DNA-repair enzyme and that its induction can be mediated via the production of superoxide radicals.

  7. Endonuclease IV of Escherichia coli is induced by paraquat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan, E.; Weiss, B.


    The addition of paraquat (methyl viologen) to a growing culture of Escherichia coli K-12 led within 1 hr to a 10- to 20-fold increase in the level of endonuclease IV, a DNase for apurinic/apyrimidinic sites. The induction was blocked by chloramphenicol. Increases of 3-fold or more were also seen with plumbagin, menadione, and phenazine methosulfate. H 2 O 2 produced no more than a 2-fold increase in endonuclease IV activity. The following agents had no significant effect: streptonigrin, nitrofurantoin, tert-butyl hydroperoxide, γ rays, 260-nm UV radiation, methyl methanesulfonate, mitomycin C, and ascorbate. Paraquat, plumbagin, menadione, and phenazine methosulfate are known to generate superoxide radical anions via redox cycling in vivo. A mutant lacking superoxide dismutase was unusually sensitive to induction by paraquat. In addition, endonuclease IV could be induced by merely growing the mutant in pure O 2 . The levels of endonuclease IV in uninduced or paraquat-treated cells were unaffected by mutations of oxyR, a H 2 O 2 -inducible gene that governs an oxidative-stress regulon. The results indicate that endonuclease IV is an inducible DNA-repair enzyme and that its induction can be mediated via the production of superoxide radicals

  8. Leachables from saline-containing IV bags can alter therapeutic protein properties. (United States)

    Chang, Judy Y; Xiao, Nina J; Zhu, Min; Zhang, Jennifer; Hoff, Ed; Russell, Stephen J; Katta, Viswanatham; Shire, Steven J


    To investigate the cause of the observed instability of dulanermin in 100 ml polyolefin (PO) infusion bags containing saline. Diluted dulanermin in IV bags was collected and frozen prior to analysis by size exclusion chromatography. The UV absorption profiles of the IV bag solutions were characterized by using spectrophotometry. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) measured the metal content. Leachables from IV bags were identified by LC-UV-high resolution MS/MS analysis. An elevated loss of dulanermin monomers was observed only in 100 ml PO bags. These IV bag solutions have a compound that contains zinc and has absorbance at 320 nm. This compound was identified to be 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole, and its zinc salt and was found to come from the stopper used in the 100 ml PO bags. The manufacturer has subsequently corrected this problem by using non-latex components in the 100 ml PO IV bag. End-users need to be aware that IV bags made from a particular polymer by the same manufacturer may contain components or use a manufacturing process that results in a different product. Analysis of samples after freezing and thawing proved to be useful in identifying potential incompatibility of dulanermin in the IV bags.

  9. Outerbridge Grade IV Cartilage Lesions in the Hip Identified at Arthroscopy. (United States)

    Bhatia, Sanjeev; Nowak, Douglas D; Briggs, Karen K; Patterson, Diana C; Philippon, Marc J


    To determine factors associated with grade IV cartilage defects in the hip in patients undergoing hip arthroscopy with joint pain. Data from consecutive patients who underwent hip arthroscopy performed by a single surgeon over a period of 4 years were included in this study. The study group included 1,097 patients (491 women and 606 men; mean age, 37 years) who underwent hip arthroscopy for pain, had no prior hip surgery, and were aged 18 years or older. Preoperative radiographs, patient demographic characteristics, and operative details were used to identify risk factors for cartilage defects. Grade IV chondral defects were present in 308 of 1,097 hips (28%). Isolated chondral lesions were more frequently observed on the acetabulum (76%) than on the femoral head (24%). Defects of the acetabulum were more commonly anterosuperior (94.7%) and less commonly posterolateral (5.3%). Patients with less than 2 mm of joint space on preoperative radiographs were 8 times more likely to have a grade IV lesion than those with more than 2 mm. Men were more likely than women to have grade IV lesions (35% v 19%, P = .0001); patients with grade IV lesions were older than those without (42 years v 34 years, P = .0001). Hips with grade IV lesions had significantly higher alpha angles than those without (74° v 70°, P = .0001). Patients with grade IV defects reported a longer duration of symptoms than those without (37 months v 27 months, P = .007). Independent risk factors for the presence of grade IV chondral defects were less than 2 mm of joint space, male gender, increasing age, larger alpha angle, and longer duration of symptoms. Grade IV chondral defects in patients undergoing hip arthroscopy were associated with decreased joint space, increased time from symptom onset to arthroscopy, male gender, and larger alpha angles associated with femoroacetabular impingement. Level IV, prognostic case series. Copyright © 2016 Arthroscopy Association of North America. Published by

  10. Sponsorlus - kas kasu saab aidatav või aitaja? / Heie Treier

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Treier, Heie, 1963-


    Raamatust "Mõtete vabakaubandus", milles vestlevad saksa päritolu ameerika kunstnik Hans Haacke ning prantsuse filosoof ja sotsioloog Pierre Bourdieu kultuuri rahastamisest. Helsingis juunis Kiasma korraldatud samateemalisest seminarist. Kurioosumeid Eestist

  11. Eesti koerad hiilgavad sõnakuulelikkusega / Marko Tiidemann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tiidelepp, Marko


    Koerte sõnakuulelikkuse MMist, mis toimus 8.-10. augustini Helsingis, FCI World Dog Show raames. Eestist osales neli koera ja võistlejat Anne Tammiksalu, Helena Trus, Natalia Garastsenko, Svetlana Zolotnikova

  12. Läänemere merekeskkonna saastamise vältimine rahvusvahelise õiguse seisukohalt : [bakalaureusetöö] / Tarmo Teaste ; Õigusinstituut ; juhendaja: Heiki Lindpere

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teaste, Tarmo


    Saastamise ja poolsuletud mere mõisted rahvusvahelises õiguses, Helsingi 1972. a. konventsioon, 1992. a. Läänemere piirkonna merekeskkonna kaitse konventsioon, merekeskkonna monitooring, HELCOM - Läänemere merekeskkonna kaitse komisjon

  13. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Lätis jagati kõrgeimaid muusikalisi autasusid, Deliuse ooper esietendus Glasgow's, Helsingi linnaorkester tuuril, Salzburgi Mozarti nädala laureaatidest ja Schönbergi ooperi "Mooses ja Aaron" esiettekandest Metropolitanis

  14. Andres Elbingu gängstaräpp avas Polymeris ajutise alternatiivkino / Sandra Jõgeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõgeva, Sandra, 1976-


    1.-22. veebruarini 2008 toimub Tallinnas Nongrata Kunstikonteineris Kultuuritehases Polymer Eesti Kunstiakadeemia interdistsiplinaarsete kunstide kateedri ja Pärnu filmi- ja videofestivali korraldatav alternatiivkino "La Cinema Extraordinaire"

  15. ADHD Rating Scale-IV: Checklists, Norms, and Clinical Interpretation (United States)

    Pappas, Danielle


    This article reviews the "ADHD Rating Scale-IV: Checklist, norms, and clinical interpretation," is a norm-referenced checklist that measures the symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) according to the diagnostic criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric…

  16. Synthesis, structure, and thermal properties of soluble hydrazinium germanium(IV) and tin(IV) selenide salts. (United States)

    Mitzi, David B


    The crystal structures of two hydrazinium-based germanium(IV) and tin(IV) selenide salts are determined. (N(2)H(5))(4)Ge(2)Se(6) (1) [I4(1)cd, a = 12.708(1) Angstroms, c = 21.955(2) Angstroms, Z = 8] and (N(2)H(4))(3)(N(2)H(5))(4)Sn(2)Se(6) (2) [P, a = 6.6475(6) Angstroms, b = 9.5474(9) Angstroms, c = 9.8830(10) Angstroms, alpha = 94.110(2) degrees, beta = 99.429(2) degrees, gamma = 104.141(2) degrees, Z = 1] each consist of anionic dimers of edge-sharing metal selenide tetrahedra, M(2)Se(6)(4-) (M = Ge or Sn), separated by hydrazinium cations and, for 2, additional neutral hydrazine molecules. Substantial hydrogen bonding exists among the hydrazine/hydrazinium molecules as well as between the hydrazinium cations and the selenide anions. Whereas the previously reported tin(IV) sulfide system, (N(2)H(5))(4)Sn(2)S(6), decomposes cleanly to microcrystalline SnS(2) when heated to 200 degrees C in an inert atmosphere, higher temperatures (>300 degrees C) are required to dissociate selenium from 1 and 2 for the analogous preparations of single-phase metal selenides. The metal chalcogenide salts are highly soluble in hydrazine, as well as in a variety of amines and DMSO, highlighting the potential usefulness of these compounds as precursors for the solution deposition of the corresponding metal chalcogenide films.

  17. 11. IV avati Draakoni galeriis...

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tanel Saare (sünd. 1979) näitus "Gott und huhn episode IV: seed shower". Eksponeeritakse väljavõtteid aktsioonidest aastatel 2000-2004 Turus, Nürnbergis, Berliinis, Lohusalus ja Soulis. Osa aktsioone toimus koos rühmitusega Non Grata

  18. Apolipoprotein A-IV interacts synergistically with melanocortins to reduce food intake. (United States)

    Gotoh, Koro; Liu, Min; Benoit, Stephen C; Clegg, Deborah J; Davidson, W Sean; D'Alessio, David; Seeley, Randy J; Tso, Patrick; Woods, Stephen C


    Apolipoprotein (apo) A-IV is an anorexigenic gastrointestinal peptide that is also synthesized in the hypothalamus. The goal of these experiments was to determine whether apo A-IV interacts with the central melanocortin (MC) system in the control of feeding. The third ventricular (i3vt) administration of a subthreshold dose of apo A-IV (0.5 microg) potentiated i3vt MC-induced (metallothionein-II, 0.03 nmol) suppression of 30-min feeding in Long-Evans rats. A subthreshold dose of the MC antagonist (SHU9119, 0.1 nmol, i3vt) completely attenuated the anorectic effect of i3vt apo A-IV (1.5 microg). The i3vt apo A-IV significantly elevated the expression of c-Fos in neurons of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, but not in the arcuate nucleus or median eminence. In addition, c-Fos expression was not colocalized with proopiomelanocortin-positive neurons. These data support a synergistic interaction between apo A-IV and melanocortins that reduces food intake by acting downstream of the arcuate.

  19. Separation of Th(IV) and U(VI) by extraction chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nadkarni, M.N.; Mayankutty, P.C.; Pillai, N.S.


    Application of extraction chromatography to the analytical separation of Th(IV) and U(VI) has been investigated. The stationary phase was a macroporous resin Amberlite XE-270 impregnated with undiluted tri-n-butylphosphate (TBP) and the mobile phase was either 5.0M HNO 3 or 6M HCl. Separation of traces of Th(IV) from large quantities of U(VI) was achieved on a laboratory column by elution of the absorbed Th(IV) with 6M HCl. (author)

  20. Technical data summary: Uranium(IV) production using a large scale electrochemical cell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsu, T.C.


    This Technical Data Summary outlines an electrochemical process to produce U(IV), in the form of uranous nitrate, from U(VI), as uranyl nitrate. U(IV) with hydrazine could then be used as an alternative plutonium reductant to substantially reduce the waste volume from the Purex solvent extraction process. This TDS is divided into three parts. The first part (Chapters I to IV) generally describes the electrochemical production of U(IV). The second part (Chapters V to VII) describes a pilot scale U(IV) production facility that was constructed and operated at an engineering semiworks area of SRP, referred to as TNX. The lst part (Chapter VIII) describes a preliminary design for a full-scale facility that would meet the projected need for U(IV) as a reductant in SRP's separations processes. The preliminary design was described in a Basic Data Summary for the U(IV) production facility, and a Venture Guidance Appraisal (VGA) was prepared from the Basic Data Summary. The VGA for the U(IV) process showed that because of the large capital investment required, this approach to waste reduction was not economically competitive with another alternative that required only modifying the ongoing Purex process at no additional capital cost. However, implementing he U(IV) process as part of an overall canyon renovation, presently scheduled for the 1990's, may be economically attractive. The purpose of this TDS is therefore to bring together the information and experience obtained thus far in the U(IV) program so that a useful body of information will be available to support any future development of this process

  1. Interactions and Localization of Escherichia coli Error-Prone DNA Polymerase IV after DNA Damage. (United States)

    Mallik, Sarita; Popodi, Ellen M; Hanson, Andrew J; Foster, Patricia L


    Escherichia coli's DNA polymerase IV (Pol IV/DinB), a member of the Y family of error-prone polymerases, is induced during the SOS response to DNA damage and is responsible for translesion bypass and adaptive (stress-induced) mutation. In this study, the localization of Pol IV after DNA damage was followed using fluorescent fusions. After exposure of E. coli to DNA-damaging agents, fluorescently tagged Pol IV localized to the nucleoid as foci. Stepwise photobleaching indicated ∼60% of the foci consisted of three Pol IV molecules, while ∼40% consisted of six Pol IV molecules. Fluorescently tagged Rep, a replication accessory DNA helicase, was recruited to the Pol IV foci after DNA damage, suggesting that the in vitro interaction between Rep and Pol IV reported previously also occurs in vivo. Fluorescently tagged RecA also formed foci after DNA damage, and Pol IV localized to them. To investigate if Pol IV localizes to double-strand breaks (DSBs), an I-SceI endonuclease-mediated DSB was introduced close to a fluorescently labeled LacO array on the chromosome. After DSB induction, Pol IV localized to the DSB site in ∼70% of SOS-induced cells. RecA also formed foci at the DSB sites, and Pol IV localized to the RecA foci. These results suggest that Pol IV interacts with RecA in vivo and is recruited to sites of DSBs to aid in the restoration of DNA replication. DNA polymerase IV (Pol IV/DinB) is an error-prone DNA polymerase capable of bypassing DNA lesions and aiding in the restart of stalled replication forks. In this work, we demonstrate in vivo localization of fluorescently tagged Pol IV to the nucleoid after DNA damage and to DNA double-strand breaks. We show colocalization of Pol IV with two proteins: Rep DNA helicase, which participates in replication, and RecA, which catalyzes recombinational repair of stalled replication forks. Time course experiments suggest that Pol IV recruits Rep and that RecA recruits Pol IV. These findings provide in vivo evidence

  2. Lahkumata hüvasti jättes / Urmas Petti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Petti, Urmas, 1965-2016


    Baltisaksa Kultuuri Seltsi kultuuripäevadest Mare Balticum Helsingis 2012. a. ; autor kommenteerib Baltisaksa Kultuuri Selts esimeest Frank von Auerit ja Läti Baltisaksa Keskuse Domus Rigensis juhatajat Nora Rutke't

  3. Lojaalsuse põhimõte Euroopa Liidus ja selle mõju Eestile / Julia Laffranque

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laffranque, Julia, 1974-


    2000. aastal Helsingis toimunud Rahvusvahelise Euroopa Õiguse Föderatsiooni (la Federation Internationale pour le Droit Europeen) kongressist. Siseriiklike institutsioonide koostöö kohustusest Euroopa Ühenduse asutamislepingu artikkel 10 kohaselt

  4. "Tahame mängida Eestis" / Jovanka Trbojevic, Kjetil Skoien ; interv. Harry Liivrand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trbojevic, Jovanka


    Kopenhaagenis esietendus Eesti kannibali ja tema naise elu ainetel loodud ooper "Süda kilekotis". Helsingis elava serblasest helilooja Jovanka Trbojevici muusika ja idee, lavastaja norra videokunstnik, fotograaf ja lavastaja Kjetil Skoien

  5. Armastus ei luba naisel inimsööjat reeta / Harry Liivrand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liivrand, Harry, 1961-


    Kopenhaagenis esietendus Eesti kannibali ja tema naise elu ainetel loodud ooper "Süda kilekotis". Helsingis elava serblasest helilooja Jovanka Trbojevici muusika ja idee, lavastaja norra videokunstnik, fotograaf ja lavastaja Kjetil Skoien

  6. Pekka Erelt annab ülevaate 2005. aasta lõpu oksjonitest / Pekka Erelt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erelt, Pekka, 1965-


    Eesti Sportlaste Ühenduse ja Riose galerii heategevuslik kunstioksjon, Kunstisalong Allee oksjon ja Bukowskise-Hörhammeri oksjonimaja (Helsingi) oksjon - müüdud tööde autorid, nimetused ja hinnad

  7. Ionizing radiation risk assessment, BEIR IV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report of the Subpanel discusses the potential impact on Federal agencies and indicates individual risk factors that could be used by them in risk assessment. The approach used in this CIRRPC report was to consider the risk factors presented in BEIR IV for each radionuclide (or group radioelements) and to make some judgments regarding their validity and/or the uncertainties involved. The coverage of Radon-222 and its progeny dominated the BEIR IV report and this Subpanel felt is was proper to devote more attention to this radionuclide family. This risk factor presented in BEIR IV for radon is 350 cancer deaths per million person-working level months (WLM) of exposure for a lifetime. There is a range of opinions on the conversion from WLM to absorbed dose. As discussed in the text, the use of the WLM concept makes it difficult or infeasible to compare the risk factor for radon with that of other radionuclides which are based on organ dose. This report also includes a discussion of certain fundamental scientific and operational issues that may have decisive effect upon risk factor selection. These adjunct items are dealt with under separate headings and include discussions of threshold dose considerations, extrapolation to low doses, and age at exposure

  8. 17 CFR Table IV to Subpart E of... - Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustments (United States)


    ... Inflation Adjustments IV Table IV to Subpart E of Part 201 Commodity and Securities Exchanges SECURITIES AND... Table IV to Subpart E of Part 201—Civil Monetary Penalty Inflation Adjustments Table IV to Subpart E U.S. Code citation Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustments Civil monetary penalty description Year...

  9. Uudised : Lassmann Konservatooriumide Assotsiatsiooni juhatuses. Algab "Con brio 2000". Erkki-Sven Tüüri autorikontsert / Annika Koppel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koppel, Annika


    P. Lassmann valiti Euroopa Konservatooriumide Assotsiatsiooni juhatuse liikmeks. Eesti noorte interpreetide konkurssfestivalist "Con brio 2000". Tallinna metodisti kirikus toimub 24. nov. E.-S. Tüüri autorikontsert

  10. Noorte teatritrupp pääses festivalile / Kristiina Vaarik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaarik, Kristiina


    Kooliteatrite festivali žürii valis Viljandis teatritrupi Children of Aunt Rabbit ja Kadri Noormetsa kirjutatud "Antropofoobia" esinema Tartusse teatrifestivalile "Draama", mis toimub 1.-8. septembrini 2007

  11. Kirjandusklubis Banville'ist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    20. veebruaril toimub Apollo Raamatumaja Apollo Kirjandusklubi kogunemine, vesteldakse John Banville'i romaanidest "Meri" ja "Puutumatu". Vt. ka Eesti Päevaleht : Arkaadia : [kirjanduslisa], 17. veebr., lk. 2

  12. Revised and extended analysis of Br IV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Riyaz, A.; Rahimullah, K.; Tauheed, A.


    The spectrum of three-times ionized bromine Br IV has been studied in the 319–2350 Å wavelength region. The spectrum was recorded on a 3-m normal incidence vacuum spectrograph at the St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish (Canada) and 6.65-m grazing incidence spectrograph at the Zeeman laboratory (Amsterdam). The light sources used were a triggered spark and sliding spark, respectively. The ground configuration of Br IV 3d 10 4s 2 4p 2 , the excited configurations 3d 10 4s4p 3 +3d 10 4s 2 4p (4d+5d+6d+5s+6s+7s) in the odd parity system and 3d 10 4s 2 4p (5p+4f+5f)+3d 10 4s4p 2 (4d+5s)+3d 10 4p 4 in the even parity system have been studied. Relativistic Hartree–Fock (HFR) and least squares fitted (LSF) parametric calculations were used to interpret the observed spectrum. 120 Levels of Br IV have now been established, 58 being new. Among 424 spectral lines, 277 are newly classified. The levels 4s4p 35 S 2 , 4s 2 4p4d 3 F 4 and 4p5p ( 3 P 0,1 , 3 D 1,2 , 3 S 1 ) are revised. We estimate the accuracy of our measured wavelength for sharp and unblended lines to be ±0.005 Å. The ionization limit is determined as 385,390±100 cm −1 (47.782±0.012 eV). -- Highlights: • The spectrum of Br was recorded on a 3-m spectrograph with triggered spark source. • Atomic transitions for Br IV were identified to established new energy levels. • CI calculations with relativistic corrections were made for theoretical predictions. • Weighted oscillator strength (gf) and transition probabilities (gA) were calculated. • Ionization potential of Br IV was determined experimentally

  13. IV Encuentro Latinoamericano de Revistas de Arquitectura, Tlaxcala, México, Junio 1989

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    IV Seminario de Arquitectura Latinoamericana


    Full Text Available En el marco del IV Seminario de Arquitectura Latinoamericana - SAL IV - realizado en Tlaxcala, México, entre el 29 de mayo y el 2 de junio de 1989, tuvo lugar el IV Encuentro Latinoamericano de Revistas de Arquitectura.

  14. Lowered serum dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity in patients with anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (United States)

    van West, D; Monteleone, P; Di Lieto, A; De Meester, I; Durinx, C; Scharpe, S; Lin, A; Maj, M; Maes, M


    The aim of this study was to examine whether anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are accompanied by lower serum activity of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV, EC, a membrane-bound serine protease that catalyses the cleavage of dipeptides from the amino-terminus of oligo- and polypeptides. Substrates of DPP IV are, amongst others, neuroactive eptides, such as substance P, growth hormone releasing hormone, neuropeptide Y, and peptide YY. DPP IV activity was measured in the serum of 21 women with anorexia nervosa, 21 women with bulimia nervosa and 18 normal women. Serum DPP IV activity was significantly lower in patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa than in the normal controls. In the total study group, there were significant and inverse relationships between serum DPP IV activity and the total scores on the Bulimic Investigatory Test, Edinburgh, the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. In the total study group no significant correlations between DPP IV and age, body weight or body mass index could be found. It is concluded that lowered serum DPP IV activity takes part in the pathophysiology of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. It is hypothesised that a combined dysregulation of DPP IV and neuroactive peptides, which are substrates of DPP IV, e.g. neuropeptide Y and peptide YY, could be an integral component of eating disorders.

  15. Homme toimub NATO pilootidega ühisõppus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Balti V õhuturbeharjutuse osana maanduvad Tallinna lennuväljal tankimiseks ja teeninduseks kaks prantsuse hävitajat Mirage 2000C, kaks poola hävitajat F-16, kaks Leedu reaktiivlennukit L-39 Albatross, Poola transpordilennuk CASA C-295M ja Leedu transpordilennuk Spartan C-27

  16. Mis toimub "Objektis nr 2011"? / Elli Kalju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalju, Elli


    Tallinnas Vabaduse väljakul 27.02.-20.03.2011 paiknevast installatsioonist "Objekt nr. 2011", kus alati keegi sees istub. Kultuuritegelased vahetuvad iga tunni järel, järjekorda oodatakse Tallinna Kunsihoones asuvas staabis

  17. Eestis toimub esimene vanemaealiste uuring / Merle Paats

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paats, Merle


    18. novembril Eestis alanud SHARE uuringust (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe), mille käigus saadakse ülevaade 50-aastaste ja vanemate elanike tervislikust seisundist ja toimetulekust. Tegemist on rahvusvahelise uuringuga, mida samal ajal korraldavad 19 Euroopa riiki. Eestis korraldab SHARE uuringut Statistikaamet koos sotsiaalministeeriumi, Tallinna Ülikooli, Tervise Arengu Instituudi ning Eesti Gerontoloogia ja Geriaatria Assotsiatsiooniga

  18. "Sigimisvõitlus" toimub ilma relvadeta... / Ken Kalling

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kalling, Ken, 1963-


    Sõjaeelses Eestis levinud julgeolekupoliitiliste käsitluste tutvustus, mille autoriteks olid eugeenikud - tervishoiu ning meditsiiniga seotud inimesed, kelle tähelepanu keskpunktiks oli riigi rahvstikupoliitika, sh ka valmistumine kogu ühiskonda haarama pidavaks tulevikusõjaks

  19. Implementation of SAP-IV on a minicomputer disc operating system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spencer, R.B.; Howard, G.E.


    The objective of the described effort was the implementation of a linear elastic finite element structural analysis program version on a minicomputer operating system while maintaining (as much as possible) the general features of the original program. SAP-IV has been successfully implemented on a minicomputer operating system as one component in a portable vibration testing, data acquisition and processing, parameter identification and design optimization system for field work. The primary features in SAP-IV facilitating conversion and implementation on a minicomputer are: (1) the calculational procedures of SAP-IV are well documented and the subroutine structure easy to follow; (2) SAP-IV is organized in a highly modular fashion; (3) it is versatile with respect to its calculational options; and (4) the element library can be readily expanded. (Auth.)

  20. Hafnium(IV) complexation with oxalate at variable temperatures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Friend, Mitchell T.; Wall, Nathalie A. [Washington State Univ., Pullmanm, WA (United States). Dept. of Chemistry


    Appropriate management of fission products in the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is crucial in developing advanced reprocessing schemes. The addition of aqueous phase complexing agents can prevent the co-extraction of these fission products. A solvent extraction technique was used to study the complexation of Hf(IV) - an analog to fission product Zr(IV) - with oxalate at 15, 25, and 35 C in 1 M HClO{sub 4} utilizing a {sup 175+181}Hf radiotracer. The mechanism of the solvent extraction system of 10{sup -5} M Hf(IV) in 1 M HClO{sub 4} to thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTA) in toluene demonstrated a 4{sup th}-power dependence in both TTA and H{sup +}, with Hf(TTA){sub 4} the only extractable species. The equilibrium constant for the extraction of Hf(TTA){sub 4} was determined to be log K{sub ex}=7.67±0.07 (25±1 C, 1 M HClO{sub 4}). The addition of oxalate to the aqueous phase decreased the distribution ratio, indicating aqueous Hf(IV)-oxalate complex formation. Polynomial fits to the distribution data identified the formation of Hf(ox){sup 2+} and Hf(ox){sub 2(aq)} and their stability constants were measured at 15, 25, and 35 C in 1 M HClO{sub 4}. van't Hoff analysis was used to calculate Δ{sub r}G, Δ{sub r}H, and Δ{sub r}S for these species. Stability constants were observed to increase at higher temperature, an indication that Hf(IV)-oxalate complexation is endothermic and driven by entropy.

  1. Abdominal 64-MDCT for suspected appendicitis: the use of oral and IV contrast material versus IV contrast material only. (United States)

    Anderson, Stephan W; Soto, Jorge A; Lucey, Brian C; Ozonoff, Al; Jordan, Jacqueline D; Ratevosian, Jirair; Ulrich, Andrew S; Rathlev, Niels K; Mitchell, Patricia M; Rebholz, Casey; Feldman, James A; Rhea, James T


    The objective of our study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of IV contrast-enhanced 64-MDCT with and without the use of oral contrast material in diagnosing appendicitis in patients with abdominal pain. We conducted a randomized trial of a convenience sample of adult patients presenting to an urban academic emergency department with acute nontraumatic abdominal pain and clinical suspicion of appendicitis, diverticulitis, or small-bowel obstruction. Patients were enrolled between 8 am and 11 pm when research assistants were present. Consenting subjects were randomized into one of two groups: Group 1 subjects underwent 64-MDCT performed with oral and IV contrast media and group 2 subjects underwent 64-MDCT performed solely with IV contrast material. Three expert radiologists independently reviewed the CT examinations, evaluating for the presence of appendicitis. Each radiologist interpreted 202 examinations, ensuring that each examination was interpreted by two radiologists. Individual reader performance and a combined interpretation performance of the two readers assigned to each case were calculated. In cases of disagreement, the third reader was asked to deliver a tiebreaker interpretation to be used to calculate the combined reader performance. Final outcome was based on operative, clinical, and follow-up data. We compared radiologic diagnoses with clinical outcomes to calculate the diagnostic accuracy of CT in both groups. Of the 303 patients enrolled, 151 patients (50%) were randomized to group 1 and the remaining 152 (50%) were randomized to group 2. The combined reader performance for the diagnosis of appendicitis in group 1 was a sensitivity of 100% (95% CI, 76.8-100%) and specificity of 97.1% (95% CI, 92.7-99.2%). The performance in group 2 was a sensitivity of 100% (73.5-100%) and specificity of 97.1% (92.9-99.2%). Patients presenting with nontraumatic abdominal pain imaged using 64-MDCT with isotropic reformations had similar characteristics for the

  2. "Vangilaagris ja välismaal oskavad eestlased ühte hoida" : Leelo Tungal ringreisil Euroopas / Leelo Tungal ; küsitlenud Jan Kaus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tungal, Leelo, 1947-


    Lugemisaasta raames esines Leelo Tungal eesti koolides Londonis, Stockholmis, Brüsselis, Luxembourg'is, Helsingis ja Pariisis. Pariisis toimus veel luuleõhtu Põhjamaade raamatukogus, ka selle ürituse korraldajast Tarah Xaintorxare'ist

  3. Tartu teadlased avastasid taimedel ammu otsitud põuakindluse geeni / Ulvar Käärt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Käärt, Ulvar, 1982-


    Tartu ülikooli teadlased said koostöös Helsingi ja California San Diego ülikooli kolleegidega maha tähtas avastusega, mis tõotab aluse panna senisest kuivakindlamate põllukultuuride aretamisele

  4. Universal Music Finland OY ruumid = Interiors of Universal Music Finland OY

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Helsingis Merimiehenkatu 36D asuvate kontoriruumide sisekujundusest. Sisearhitekt Jan Skolimowski (KAMP Arhitektid OÜ), loetletud tema tehtud töid. Laudadele ja klaasseintele kantud graafika kaasautorid: Martin ja Marje Eelma (Tuumik Stuudio OÜ)

  5. Mälestus Jacques Derridast (ei kustu) : tema 70. sünnipäevaks / Jaan Undusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Undusk, Jaan, 1958-


    Muljeid J. Derrida loengust ja seminarist Helsingi ülikoolis (25.-26. mail 2000). Ilmunud ka: Vikerkaar 20 : valik esseesid 1986-2005 / koostaja Märt Väljataga. - Tallinn : Kultuurileht, 2006, lk. 331-347

  6. Sorption of Pu(IV) from nitric acid by bifunctional anion-exchange resins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bartsch, R.A.; Zhang, Z.Y.; Elshani, S.; Zhao, W.; Jarvinen, G.D.; Barr, M.E.; Marsh, S.F.; Chamberlin, R.M.


    Anion exchange is attractive for separating plutonium because the Pu(IV) nitrate complex is very strongly sorbed and few other metal ions form competing anionic nitrate complexes. The major disadvantage of this process has been the unusually slow rate at which the Pu(IV) nitrate complex is sorbed by the resin. The paper summarizes the concept of bifunctional anion-exchange resins, proposed mechanism for Pu(IV) sorption, synthesis of the alkylating agent, calculation of K d values from Pu(IV) sorption results, and conclusions from the study of Pu(IV) sorption from 7M nitric acid by macroporous anion-exchange resins including level of crosslinking, level of alkylation, length of spacer, and bifunctional vs. monofunctional anion-exchange resins

  7. Relationship between serum IV-C, β2-m levels and diabetic nephropathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Lu; Zhang Mukun


    Objective: To investigate the relationship between the serum type IV collagen (IV-C), β 2 -micro globulin (β 2 -m) levels and diabetic nephropathy. Methods: Serum IV-C, β 2 -m levels were measured with RIA in 30 controls and 86 patients with type 2 diabetics mellitus (35 with diabetic nephropathy and 51 without nephropathy). Results: the serum levels of IV-C and β 2 -m in diabetic patients with nephropathy were significantly higher than those in controls (P 0.05). Conclusion: Serum IV-C and β 2 -m levels increased gradually as the diabetic nephropathy got more severe. They could be a sensitive marker for early diagnosis of development of diabetic nephropathy. (authors)

  8. Adaptation of U(IV) reductant to Savannah River Plant Purex processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orebaugh, E.G.


    Partitioning of uranium and plutonium in the Purex process requires the reduction of the extracted Pu(IV) to the less extractable Pu(III). This valence adjustment at SRP has historically been performed by the addition of ferrous ion, which eventually constitutes a major component of high-level waste solids requiring costly permanent disposal. Uranous nitrate, U(IV), is a kinetically fast reductant which may be substituted for Fe(II) without contributing to waste solids. This report documents U(IV) flowsheet development in the miniature mixer-settler equipment at SRL and provides an insight into the mechanisms responsible for the successful direct substitution of U(IV) for Fe(II) in 1B bank extractant. U(IV) will be the reductant of choice when its fast reduction kinetics are required in centrifugal-contactor-based processing. The flowsheets investigated here should transfer to such equipment with minimal modifications

  9. Jaapani animafilmid vallutavad kinod / Signe Sillasoo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sillasoo, Signe


    Kolmas Jaapani animafilmifestival (JAFF) toimub 3.-12. aprillini Tallinna kinos Sõprus ja 6.-15. aprillini Tartus Athena keskuses. Tutvustab pressiesindaja Tiina Savi, lisatud kinos Sõprus linastuvate filmide programm

  10. Kokkade olümpiat oodates / Krista Dudarenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dudarenko, Krista, 1970-


    Restoranide Gloria ja Egoist peakokk Dimitri Demjanov koordineerib Eesti esmakordset osavõttu mainekast kokandusvõistlusest Bocuse d'Or, mille kohalik eelvoor toimub 16. märtsil Swissotel Tallinnas

  11. Marianna Kaadi "Auk nr 8" linastub Põhja-Ameerikas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Marianna Kaadi dokumentaalfilmi "Auk nr 8" Põhja-Ameerika esilinastus toimub Full Frame filmifestivalil Durhamis, Põhja- Carolinas. Film on valitud ka Kanadas Torontos toimuva Hot Docs filmifestivali võistlusprogrammi

  12. Galakontserti Wiedemanni võimlas toetab uhke lavasõu / Jüri-Ruut Kangur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kangur, Jüri-Ruut, 1975-


    31. juulil toimub Haapsalu Wiedemanni spordihoones filmimuusika kontsert "Gladiaator". Kultusfilmidest tuntud muusikat esitab noortest muusikutest koosnev sajaliikmeline sümfooniaorkester. Muusikat toetab efektne lavashow. Dirigeerib prantslane Thierry Stallano

  13. Pöff toob Animatsiooni Kupeldaja Eestisse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    PÖFFi alafestivalist "Animated Dreams", mille raames toimub Ottawa animafilmide festivali kunstilise juhi Chris J. Robinsoni raamatu "Between Genius and Utter Illiteracy : a Story of Estonian Animation" esitlus

  14. Diversity, assembly and regulation of archaeal type IV pili-like and non-type-IV pili-like surface structures. (United States)

    Lassak, Kerstin; Ghosh, Abhrajyoti; Albers, Sonja-Verena


    Archaea have evolved fascinating surface structures allowing rapid adaptation to changing environments. The archaeal surface appendages display such diverse biological roles as motility, adhesion, biofilm formation, exchange of genetic material and species-specific interactions and, in turn, increase fitness of the cells. Intriguingly, despite sharing the same functions with their bacterial counterparts, the assembly mechanism of many archaeal surface structures is rather related to assembly of bacterial type IV pili. This review summarizes our state-of-the-art knowledge about unique structural and biochemical properties of archaeal surface appendages with a particular focus on archaeal type IV pili-like structures. The latter comprise not only widely distributed archaella (formerly known as archaeal flagella), but also different highly specialized archaeal pili, which are often restricted to certain species. Recent findings regarding assembly mechanisms, structural aspects and physiological roles of these type IV pili-like structures will be discussed in detail. Recently, first regulatory proteins involved in transition from both planktonic to sessile lifestyle and in assembly of archaella were identified. To conclude, we provide novel insights into regulatory mechanisms underlying the assembly of archaeal surface structures. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  15. Peningkatan Partisipasi Siswa Kelas IV dalam Pembelajaran IPS melalui Media Kartu Di SDN 22 IV Koto Aur Malintang Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daswinar Daswinar


    Full Text Available Factor that causes student participation under communication in social science study (IPS still internel study process in teacher, monotonous study,  and impress a little stiff, so that make student inclined feel tense and satisfied in learn. potencial student to think, critical,  and ask, take outside opinion doesn't bloom well, so to increase student participation in study, teacher be  demanded to use strategy that can involve student mobilety. Teacher success in teach doesn't quit of teacher know-how use and choose media and method in study. Watchfulness internal issue formulation how does class student participation enhanced IV in study IPS by using card media at country elementary school. Aim from this watchfulness describes student participation enhanced in study ips pass card media in class IV. country elementary school. Hypothesis that proposed in this watchfulness with card media can be increased class student participation IV in study IPS at country. Watchfulness method that applied class action watchfulness method. Subjek watchfulness class student IV SD. Watchfulness result data student participation data and teacher activity during study in class. In hypothesis testing is used student participation percentage enhanced in study execution in use card media. Data analysis result data is got average participation percentage in my cycle I is 42,56% and cycle II 74,47% happen student participation enhanced from my cycle to cycle ii as much as 25%. Inferential with card media can be increased class student participation IV country elementary school. Conection with watchfulness result that got above so as suggestion in increase student participation, teacher can use card media in study IPS

  16. The reductive immobilization of aqueous Se(IV) by natural pyrrhotite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ma, Bin; Kang, Mingliang; Zheng, Zhong; Chen, Fanrong; Xie, Jinglin; Charlet, Laurent; Liu, Chunli


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • The reduction of aqueous Se(IV) by natural pyrrhotite can be described by a pseudo-first-order equation. • Phosphate can significantly inhibit Se(IV) reduction by natural pyrrhotite. • HS − and Fe 2+ dominate Se(IV) reduction by natural pyrrhotite at low and high pH, respectively. • Se(0) is formed following Se(IV) reduction by natural pyrrhotite. - Abstract: The interaction of Se(IV) with natural pyrrhotite was investigated at pH conditions ranging from acidic to nearly neutral. The results indicate that the reduction rate can be described in terms of a pseudo-first order reaction. At pH ∼4.0 to ∼5.0, the rate decreased with increasing pH. Unexpectedly, at pH ∼5.0, the rate increased with increasing reaction time. This response was also observed at pH ∼6.0. Two different reaction mechanisms were proposed to explain pyrrhotite oxidation by Se(IV). Because pyrrhotite is acid-soluble and can be attacked by both Fe 3+ and protons, direct reduction by the released aqueous sulfide dominates the reaction at low pH, whereas the cyclic oxidation of aqueous Fe 2+ adsorbed on pyrrhotite surfaces becomes predominant at high pH. Phosphate, which can be irreversibly bound to Fe 3+ intermediates even under acidic conditions, can significantly decrease the reaction rate by an order of magnitude at pH ∼4.5. In contrast to the thermodynamic calculations and the predicted prevalence of FeSe based on previous reports of aqueous Se(IV) reduction by synthetic mackinawite or troilite, only Se(0) was observed as the reaction product in this study. This observation confirmed that a slow reaction favors the formation of Se(0) rather than iron selenides

  17. Crystal structure of ammonium divanadium(IV,V tellurium(IV heptaoxide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    William T. A. Harrison


    Full Text Available The polyhedral building blocks of the layered inorganic network in the mixed-valence title compound, (NH4(VIVO2(VVO2(TeO3, are vertex-sharing VVO4 tetrahedra, distorted VIVO6 octahedra and TeO3 pyramids, which are linked by V—O—V and V—O—Te bonds, forming double layers lying parallel to (100. The presumed TeIV lone-pairs of electrons appear to be directed inwards into cavities in the double layers. The charge-balancing ammonium cations lie between the layers and probably interact with them via N—H...O hydrogen bonds.

  18. Effect of Cerium(IV)-Surfactant Reaction in Foam Decontamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Han Beom; Jung, Chong-Hun; Yoon, In-Ho; Kim, Chorong; Choi, Wang-Kyu [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Using foams allows the decommissioning of complex shaped facilities. The decontamination foam comprises at least one surfactant to generate the foam and one or more chemical reactants to achieve the dissolution of the contaminants at the solid surface. In order to improve the efficiency of decontamination foam, the present study attempts to find the optimum condition of chemical reagents to the foaming solution. The corrosion rate of radioactive nuclides contaminated stainless steel metal is very important factor for the foam decontamination process. The goal of this study is to develop the decontamination process for contaminated stainless steel in medium of nitric acid. Stainless steel needs a strong oxidizing agent such as Ce(IV) ion and the effects of cerium(IV). Surfactant interaction involved in foam decontamination and finally the improvement brought by formulation science. The formulation of foams loaded with strong oxidizing reagents such as Ce(IV) is an important factor. The enhanced decontamination properties of nitric acid with Ce(IV) additive on stainless steel is well known in liquid mediums. stainless steel metal is an important aspect in the foam decontamination process.

  19. Design and evaluation of a thorium (IV) selective optode

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Safavi, Afsaneh; Sadeghi, Marzieh


    A novel optical sensor has been proposed for sensitive determination of thorium (IV) ion in aqueous solutions. The thorium sensing membrane was prepared by incorporating 4-(p-nitrophenyl azo)-pyrocatechol (NAP) as ionophore in the plasticized PVC membrane containing tributyl phosphate (TBP) as plasticizer. The membrane responds to thorium ion by changing color reversibly from yellow to red-brown in glycine buffer solution at pH 3.5. The proposed sensor displays a linear range of 8.66 x 10 -6 -2.00 x 10 -4 M with a limit of detection of 6 x 10 -6 M. The response time of the optode was about 8.8-12.5 min, depending on the concentration of Th (IV) ions. The selectivity of optode to Th (IV) ions in glycine buffer is good. The sensor can readily be regenerated by exposure to a solution mixture of sodium fluoride and 5-sulfosalicylic acid (dihydrate) (0.01 M each). The optode is fully reversible. The proposed optode was applied to the determination of thorium (IV) in environmental water samples

  20. Effect of Cerium(IV)-Surfactant Reaction in Foam Decontamination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Han Beom; Jung, Chong-Hun; Yoon, In-Ho; Kim, Chorong; Choi, Wang-Kyu


    Using foams allows the decommissioning of complex shaped facilities. The decontamination foam comprises at least one surfactant to generate the foam and one or more chemical reactants to achieve the dissolution of the contaminants at the solid surface. In order to improve the efficiency of decontamination foam, the present study attempts to find the optimum condition of chemical reagents to the foaming solution. The corrosion rate of radioactive nuclides contaminated stainless steel metal is very important factor for the foam decontamination process. The goal of this study is to develop the decontamination process for contaminated stainless steel in medium of nitric acid. Stainless steel needs a strong oxidizing agent such as Ce(IV) ion and the effects of cerium(IV). Surfactant interaction involved in foam decontamination and finally the improvement brought by formulation science. The formulation of foams loaded with strong oxidizing reagents such as Ce(IV) is an important factor. The enhanced decontamination properties of nitric acid with Ce(IV) additive on stainless steel is well known in liquid mediums. stainless steel metal is an important aspect in the foam decontamination process

  1. Stark broadening of Ca IV spectral lines of astrophysical interest (United States)

    Alonso-Medina, A.; Colón, C.


    Ca IV emission lines are under the preview of Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation device aboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. Also, lines of the Ca IV in planetary nebulae NGC 7027 were detected with the Short Wavelength Spectrometer on board the Infrared Space Observatory. These facts justify an attempt to provide new spectroscopic parameters of Ca IV. There are no theoretical or experimental Stark broadening data for Ca IV. Using the Griem semi-empirical approach and the COWAN code, we report in this paper calculated values of the Stark broadening parameters for 467 lines of Ca IV. They were calculated using a set of wavefunctions obtained by using Hartree-Fock relativistic calculations. These lines arising from 3s23p4ns (n = 4, 5), 3s23p44p, 3s23p4nd (n = 3, 4) configurations. Stark widths and shifts are presented for an electron density of 1017 cm-3 and temperatures T = 10 000, 20 000 and 50 200 K. As these data cannot be compared to others in the literature, we present an analysis of the different regularities of the values presented in this work.

  2. Underutilization of IV nitrates in the treatment of acute heart failure. (United States)

    Mohan, Mohapradeep; Hawkey, Sean; Baig, Fatima; Choy, Anna Maria; Lang, Chim C


    Acute heart failure (AHF) is a growing public health concern with high inhospital mortality and costs. Clinical practice guidelines, underpinned by positive randomized controlled trials, recommend the early use of intravenous (IV) nitrates in the treatment of AHF. However, the "real-world" usage of IV nitrates has not been clearly defined. The objective of this study was to examine the use of IV nitrates in the treatment of AHF as recommended by clinical practice guidelines. A case-record analysis was conducted of all admissions with AHF at a large teaching hospital. Of the 81 AHF patients (mean age 77 ± 11, mean SBP 130 ± 27 mmHg) enrolled for this analysis, only 5 (6%) received IV nitrates at the time of AHF admission. Forty (49%, mean age 77 ± 11, mean SBP 131 ± 27 mmHg) of these 81 patients met the guideline criteria for suitability for IV nitrates and only 5 (12%) of these received them during this admission. Patients who received IV nitrates were more likely to have higher blood pressure and all had myocardial ischemia as a precipitant. Seventy-five (93%) of the total population received loop diuretics on admission. Overall, this study shows that loop diuretics remain the first-line therapy in AHF with little use of IV nitrates, despite recommendations from clinical practice guidelines. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Balti peaministrid unistavad kiirrongist / Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sildam, Toomas, 1961-


    Baltimaade peaministrite Algirdas Brazauskase, Einars Repshe ja Siim Kallase kohtumisest Kalvi mõisas. Arutlusest Helsingi-Berliini raudteeliini üle. Vt. samas lühiintervjuud Leedu peaministri Algirdas Brazauskasega: Brazauskas: Ignalina tulevik on kaalukausil

  4. Eesti disainerid maailma tüpograafiakonverentsil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Helsingis toimunud tüpograafiakonverentsil esinesid ettekannetega Ivar Sakk ja Mart Anderson. Soome disainimuuseumis avatud näitusel "Souvenir" osalesid oma uusi kirju esitlevate plakatitega Mart Anderson, Asko Künnap, Anton Koovit jt

  5. Anneli Remme soovitab : Armastuse ja sõja laulud / Anneli Remme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remme, Anneli, 1968-


    Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoori ja Helsingi Barokkorkestri kontserdist Claudio Monteverdi loominguga 25. jaan. Rakvere Gümnaasiumis, 26. jaan. Tartu Jaani kirikus ja 27. jaan. Tallinnas Mustpeade majas, Euroraadio kontsert 29. jaan. Tallinna Metodisti kirikus

  6. Rural development and research challenges - some Finnish experiences / Erik Haggren, Matti Ylätalo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Haggren, Erik


    Ülevaade aastatel 1985-1987 ja 1995-1998 Soomes läbiviidud uuringutest ning Rootsi Põllumajandusülikooli, Helsingi Ülikooli ja Burjaatia Riikliku Põllumajandusakadeemia TEMPUS-projekti raames teostatud uurimusest aastatel 2001-2003

  7. Equilibrium between Different Coordination Geometries in Oxidovanadium(IV) Complexes (United States)

    Ugone, Valeria; Garribba, Eugenio; Micera, Giovanni; Sanna, Daniele


    In this laboratory activity, the equilibrium between square pyramidal and octahedral V(IV)O[superscript 2+] complexes is described. We propose a set of experiments to synthesize and characterize two types of V(IV)O[superscript 2+] complexes. The experiment allows great flexibility and may be effectively used at a variety of levels and the activity…

  8. Arstid õpivad rääkima traumakeelt / Triin Ärm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ärm, Triin


    Eestis toimub traumahaigete käsitlemise kursus, mis õpetab arstidele kiireks ja süstemaatiliseks tegutsemiseks vajalikku ühist, rahvusvahelist keelt ATLS-i (Advanced Trauma Life Support for Doctors)

  9. Kontsertetendused Eesti mõisates

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    15.-24. augustini toimub kuues Eesti mõisas kontsertetenduste sari "Eesti mõisad 2008", kus esinevad barokkansambel Corelli Consort ja Fine 5 Tantsuteater. Mõisate ajalugu tutvustab Jüri Kuuskemaa

  10. Anneli Remme soovitab : Eesti mõisad 2008 / Anneli Remme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remme, Anneli, 1968-


    15.-24. augustini toimub kuues Eesti mõisas kontsertetenduste sari "Eesti mõisad 2008", kus esinevad barokkansambel Corelli Consort ja Fine 5 Tantsuteater. Mõisate ajalugu tutvustab Jüri Kuuskemaa

  11. "Eesti mõisad 2008" - kuus kontsertetendust

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    15.-24. augustini toimub kuues Eesti mõisas kontsertetenduste sari "Eesti mõisad 2008", kus esinevad barokkansambel Corelli Consort ja Fine 5 Tantsuteater. Mõisate ajalugu tutvustab Jüri Kuuskemaa

  12. Virumaal elab hiphopkultuur rampidel ja tänavatel / Britta aka BB

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Britta aka BB


    Rakvere JJ-Street on esimene ametlik tänavatantsukool Eestis. 26.-28. septembril toimub Tallinnas Salme kultuurikeskuses tänavatantsufestival JJ-Street Baltic Session, festivali korraldaja on Joel Juht

  13. Moeteater ühendab mitmest rahvusest Tallinna lapsi / Merike Teder

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teder, Merike


    Tallinnas Suur-Ameerika noortekeskuses avatud moeteatri Max Moda tegevusest. Rajaja ja tegevjuht Maksim Hlebnikov, kunstiline juht Margit Leerimaa. Moeteatri esimene etendus toimub 11. märtsil Rahvusraamatukogu suures konverentsisaalis

  14. XI Põhjamaade kunsti ja kirjanduse festival "Les Boréales" / Katrin Talts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Talts, Katrin


    Festival toimub 22.-30. nov. Prantsusmaal Caenis. Kirjanduslikel debattidel tutvustatakse Tõnu Õnnepalu, Jaan Kaplinski, Mati Undi, Eva Koffi ja Arvo Valtoni loomingut. Festivali teemaks on "Territoorium ja identiteet"

  15. Mirovõje shedevrõ na Ratushnoi ploshtshadi / Nikolai Karajev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karajev, Nikolai, 1978-


    Vene maalikunsti ja Pihkva koolkonna ikoonide näitus Pihkva muuseumi kogudest Tallinna Õpetajate Majas. Näitus toimub projekti "Maailma kunstiaarded Tallinnas" raames. Kommenteerib projekti juht Boris Pilar

  16. "Gladiaator" pakkus kuulajaile traagelniitideta meelelahutust / Kaie Ilves

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ilves, Kaie


    31. juulil toimub Haapsalu Wiedemanni spordihoones suurejooneline filmimuusika kontsert "Gladiaator". Kultusfilmidest tuntud muusikat esitab noortest muusikutest koosnev sajaliikmeline sümfooniaorkester. Muusikat toetab efektne lavashow. Dirigeerib prantslane Thierry Stallano

  17. "Lepatriinude jõulud" võistleb Itaalias

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Janno Põldma ja Heiki Ernitsa täispikk joonisfilm "Lepatriinude jõulud" on kutsutud osalema 18.-22. aprillini toimuvale telekanalitele orienteeritud animafilmide festivalile Cartoons on the Bay, mis toimub

  18. Tarvastu ettevõtlikud tüdrukud viivad näputöö pealinna / Tea Raidsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raidsalu, Tea


    Tarvastu gümnaasiumi ettevõte Motive läheb õpilasfirmade laadale kastanimunadest toolikatete ja taliolümpialase põsepadjaga. Laat toimub Tallinnas Kristiine kaubanduskeskuses 12. ja 13. veebruaril

  19. Õppejõudude õpetamispädevus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    15.-17. augustini toimub Tallinna ülikoolis rahvusvaheline konverents "Creativity and Innovation in Higher Education", mis vaatleb kuidas maailma tippülikoolides toetatakse õppejõudude õpetamispädevuse kasvu

  20. Luonnontieteellisen ja esteettisen orientaation esiintuominen päiväkodin toimintatuokioissa


    Koivunen, Laura; Tuomela, Eveliina


    TIIVISTELMÄ Koivunen, Laura & Tuomela, Eveliina. Luonnontieteellisen ja esteettisen orientaation esiintuominen päiväkodin toimintatuokioissa. Toimintatuokiot Taikurinhatun päiväkotiin. Pori, kevät 2012. 70 s., 7 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Diak Länsi, Pori. Sosiaalialan koulutusohjelma, sosionomi (AMK) + lastentarhanopettajan virkakelpoisuus. Opinnäytetyö on kehittämishanke. Syksyllä 2011 järjestettiin kaksi eläinaiheista toimintatuokiota Taikurinhatun päiväkodissa Pori...

  1. Scylla IV-P theta pinch

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bailey, A.G.; Chandler, G.I.; Ekdahl, C.A. Jr.; Lillberg, J.W.; Machalek, M.D.; Seibel, F.T.


    Scylla IV-P is a flexible, linear theta pinch designed to investigate high-density linear concepts, end-stoppering, alternate heating methods, and plasma injection techniques relevant to a pure fusion reactor and/or a fusion-fission hybrid system. The construction and experimental arrangement of the device are briefly described

  2. Technology Road-map Update for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This Technology Road-map Update provides an assessment of progress made by the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) in the development of the six systems selected when the original Technology Road-map was published in 2002. More importantly, it provides an overview of the major R and D objectives and milestones for the coming decade, aiming to achieve the Generation IV goals of sustainability, safety and reliability, economic competitiveness, proliferation resistance and physical protection. Lessons learnt from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident are taken into account to ensure that Generation IV systems attain the highest levels of safety, with the development of specific safety design criteria that are applicable across the six systems. Accomplishing the ten-year R and D objectives set out in this new Road-map should allow the more advanced Generation IV systems to move towards the demonstration phase. (authors)

  3. The Baltic Sea : hot-spots, problems and promises / Inna Rogatchi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rogatchi, Inna


    Vt. ka Baltiiski Kurss nr. 4, lk. 10-12. Helsingi Komisjoni (HELCOM) juhtivad eksperdid Mieczyslaw S. Ostojski, Alexey Yablokov, Lev Fjodorov ja Aleksei Kisseljov organisatsiooni peaeesmärkidest ning Läänemere paranevast olukorrast

  4. Tallinki laeva ehib kuue jalaga lehm / Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Toivo


    Valmimas on suurim Läänemerel seilav reisilaev Galaxy, mis hakkab sõitma alates suvest Tallinna ja Helsingi vahet. Lisad: Enn Pandi idee: loomad laevale; Alustatud on veel ühe laeva tegemist; Fakte Galaxyst

  5. Mike Garant Ameerika ühiskonna probleemidest

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    44. nädalal külastas inglise keele õppetooli dr Mike Garant Helsingi ülikoolist. Mike Garant käsitles oma loengutes multikulturaalse Ameerika ühiskonna probleeme (mobiilsus, identiteet, keel) : [täistekst

  6. Korea keele õpetamisest / Angelina Tšaikovskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tšaikovskaja, Angelina


    Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli külastas 7. dets. 1999 Korea Vabariigi suursaadik Helsingis Dong-chil Yang, kes tundis huvi idamaade keelte õpetamise vastu TPÜ-s ja lubas toetada korea keele õpetamist ülikoolis

  7. Angiotensin IV possibly acts through PKMzeta in the hippocampus to regulate cognitive memory in rats. (United States)

    Chow, Lok-Hi; Tao, Pao-Luh; Chen, Yuan-Hao; Lin, Yu-Hui; Huang, Eagle Yi-Kung


    Ang IV is an endogenous peptide generated from the degradation of angiotensin II. Ang IV was found to enhance learning and memory in CNS. PKMzeta was identified to be a fragment of PKCzeta (protein kinase Czeta). Its continuous activation was demonstrated to be correlated with the formation of memory in the hippocampus. Therefore, we investigated whether PKMzeta participates in the effects of Ang IV on memory. We first examined the effect of Ang IV on non-spatial memory/cognition in modified object recognition test in rats. Our data showed that Ang IV could increase the exploration time on novel object. The co-administration of ZIP (PKMzeta inhibitor) with Ang IV significantly blocked the effect by Ang IV. The effects of Ang IV on hippocampal LTP at the CA1 region were also evaluated. Ang IV significantly increased the amplitude and slope of the EPSPs, which was consistent with other reports. Surprisingly, instead of potentiating LTP, Ang IV caused a failed maintenance of LTP. Moreover, there was no quantitative change in PKMzeta induced by Ang IV and/or ZIP after behavioral experiments. Taken together, our data re-confirmed the finding of the positive effect of Ang IV to enhance memory/cognition. The increased strength of EPSPs with Ang IV could also have certain functional relevance. Since the behavioral results suggested the involvement of PKMzeta, we hypothesized that the enhancement of memory/cognition by Ang IV may rely on an increase in PKMzeta activity. Overall, the present study provided important advances in our understanding of the action of Ang IV in the hippocampus. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Kokkuvõtted kunstiõpetuse ainevõistlusest Tallinna üldhariduskoolides / Liia Jung, Marju Liidja, Jüri Mäemat... [jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kunstiõpetuse ainevõistlus toimub kolmes eraldi hinnatavas osas: kodune praktiline töö etteantud teemal vabas tehnikas, kohapeal tehtav teooriatest ja praktiline töö etteantud tehnikas ja teemal

  9. Almodovar otkrojet medovõi mesjats v Kanne

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Cannes'i festival toimub 12.-23. maini, žüriid juhib Quentin Tarantino, avafilmiks saab Pedro Almodovari "Vilets haridus" ("La mala educacion") ja lõpufilmiks Irvin Winkleri muusikal Cole Porterist

  10. Stirlitzi leitmotiivist rõõmsalt süüdimatu jäneste lauluni / Jüri Aarma

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aarma, Jüri, 1951-


    Vene filmimuusika kontserdist "Seitseteist kevadist hetke", mis toimub Vanemuise kontserdimajas 2. aprillil, Jõhvi kontserdimajas 4. aprillil ja Estonia kontserdisaalis 6. aprillil, lavastaja Ain Mäeots. Näidatakse vastavaid filmilõike

  11. Kapitaliturgude areng Euroopa Liidus ja Eestis viimase aastakümne jooksul - väärtpaberistumise aspekt / Mark Kantshukov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kantšukov, Mark, 1981-


    Eesti kapitaliturul domineerivad hetkel pangad ning väärtpaberistumine toimub küllaltki aeglaselt, aastate lõikes ei ole märgata selget kasvutendentsi, leiab autor. Tabelid. Diagrammid. Graafikud

  12. Young PM candidate harsh criticism / Talis Saule Archdeacon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Archdeacon, Talis Saule


    Läti Rahvaerakonna peaministrikandidaati Edgars Zalansit süüdistatakse kogemuste puudumises. Edgars Zalans ei kavatse osaleda tuntud teleajakirjaniku Janis Dombursi saates "Mis toimub Lätis?". Teised kandidaadid peaministri kohale

  13. Eestisse jõuab Leonardo da Vinci arvatav autoportree

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kadrioru Kunstimuuseumis eksponeeritakse 5.-12. veebruarini Leonardo da Vinci arvatavat autoportreed. Toimub maali pidulik avamine ja maali analüüse tutvustav rahvusvaheline konverents "Da Vinci kood" Tallinna Ülikoolis

  14. Kvaliteetharidus riskilastele / Tiiu Tammemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tammemäe, Tiiu


    17.-21. märtsini toimub Eestis rahvusvaheline konverents "Quality Education for Children at Social Risk. Sharing best practices and starting a dialogue", mida aitab organiseerida ka Tallinna ülikool

  15. PÖFF-i festivalid pakuvad aina paremat programmi / Margit Rebane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rebane, Margit


    VIII Pimedate Ööde filmifestivali alafestivalid : tudengifilmifestival Sleepwalkers, laste- ja noortefilmide festival Just Film, animafilmifestival Animated Dreams (korraldajad Katrin Rajasaare, Elen Lotman, Heilika Võsu). Lisa : Kus toimub? Palju maksab?

  16. Tippjuhi töö on nagu maratoni jooksmine / Jim Scholes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Scholes, Jim


    Tippjuhid ja nende käitumise mõju alluvatele ning organisatsioonikultuurile. Lisa: Juhid ei tea, mis firmas toimub. Artikkel refereeritud Jim Scholesi ettekandest 5.-6. septembril 2002 toimunud Tartu Juhtimiskonverentsil

  17. Valitsus ja 400 riigiametnikku kolivad Narva / Erik Gamzejev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gamzejev, Erik, 1967-


    Narvas toimub kahepäevane riigiametnike foorum, kus arutatakse koos kutsutud teadlaste ja välisekspertidega riigijuhtimise päevakajalisi probleeme. Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 2. okt. 2007, lk. 1

  18. ERKI moesõu toob lavale beebid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    13.01.2007 toimub Tallinnas Salme kultuurikeskuses moeetendus "Beebibissness ruulib!". Osaleb rootslane Daniel Ivarsson. Londonis tegutsev Piret Paal ja taanlane Anders Henk näitavad second hand riietest disainitud kollektsiooni

  19. I-V Curves from Photovoltaic Modules Deployed in Tucson (United States)

    Kopp, Emily; Brooks, Adria; Lonij, Vincent; Cronin, Alex


    More than 30 Mega Watts of photo-voltaic (PV) modules are connected to the electric power grid in Tucson, AZ. However, predictions of PV system electrical yields are uncertain, in part because PV modules degrade at various rates (observed typically in the range 0% to 3 %/yr). We present I-V curves (PV output current as a function of PV output voltage) as a means to study PV module efficiency, de-ratings, and degradation. A student-made I-V curve tracer for 100-Watt modules will be described. We present I-V curves for several different PV technologies operated at an outdoor test yard, and we compare new modules to modules that have been operated in the field for 10 years.

  20. Automatic generation and analysis of solar cell IV curves (United States)

    Kraft, Steven M.; Jones, Jason C.


    A photovoltaic system includes multiple strings of solar panels and a device presenting a DC load to the strings of solar panels. Output currents of the strings of solar panels may be sensed and provided to a computer that generates current-voltage (IV) curves of the strings of solar panels. Output voltages of the string of solar panels may be sensed at the string or at the device presenting the DC load. The DC load may be varied. Output currents of the strings of solar panels responsive to the variation of the DC load are sensed to generate IV curves of the strings of solar panels. IV curves may be compared and analyzed to evaluate performance of and detect problems with a string of solar panels.

  1. WAIS-IV and WISC-IV Structural Validity: Alternate Methods, Alternate Results. Commentary on Weiss et al. (2013a) and Weiss et al. (2013b) (United States)

    Canivez, Gary L.; Kush, Joseph C.


    Weiss, Keith, Zhu, and Chen (2013a) and Weiss, Keith, Zhu, and Chen (2013b), this issue, report examinations of the factor structure of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV), respectively; comparing Wechsler Hierarchical Model (W-HM) and…

  2. Loading the Saturn I S-IV Stage into Pregnant Guppy (United States)


    The photograph shows the loading operation of the Saturn I S-IV stage (second stage) into the Pregnant Guppy at the Redstone Airfield, Huntsville, Alabama. The Pregnant Guppy was a Boeing B-377 Stratocruiser modified to transport various stages of Saturn launch vehicles. The modification project called for lengthening the fuselage to accommodate the S-IV stage. After the flight test of that modification, phase two called for the enlargement of the plane's cabin section to approximately double its normal volume. The fuselage separated just aft of the wing's trailing edge to load and unload the S-IV and other cargoes.

  3. Genetics Home Reference: mucopolysaccharidosis type IV (United States)

    ... enzymes, GAGs accumulate within cells, specifically inside the lysosomes . Lysosomes are compartments in the cell that break down ... that cause molecules to build up inside the lysosomes are called lysosomal storage disorders. In MPS IV, ...

  4. Kinetics study on the reduction of trace plutonium (IV) by hydroxylamine in nitric acid media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fei Hongcheng; Luo Longjun


    Reaction kinetics of trace Pu(IV) (c(Pu(IV)≤10 -5 mol/L) with hydroxylamine in nitric acid solution is investigated. The effects of concentrations of Pu(IV), Pu(III), NO 3 - , H + and hydroxylamine on the reduction rate of trace Pu(IV) are examined. The rate law of reaction of trace Pu(IV) with hydroxylamine is obtained. The reduction rate of Pu(IV) increases obviously with increasing temperature and the apparent activation energy with k' 0 is equal to 147 kJ/mol. The reaction mechanism of trace Pu(IV) with hydroxylamine is discussed

  5. Analysis of criticality using NJOY, AMPX-II and KENO-IV systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, C.R.; Santos, A. dos


    Trough a linking between the nuclear data code systems NJOY and AMPX-II, performed at Divisao de Fisica de Reatores-IPEN, it was made criticality analysis with the KENO-IV in two fast multiplying systems: JEZEBEL and GODIVA. The ENDF/B-IV and JENDL-2 was used throughout the analysis. It was found that the linking between NJOY and AMPX-II systems can be suitable for a benchmark calculation of neutron cross sections. The KENO-IV code cannot be applied in systems where the degree of anisotropic scattering is too high because this computer code treats scattering up to first order. The XSDRNPM results show that the results obtained with ENDF/B-IV are of better quality than those obtained with JENDL-2. (author) [pt

  6. Analysis of Phoenix Anomalies and IV & V Findings Applied to the GRAIL Mission (United States)

    Larson, Steve


    NASA IV&V was established in 1993 to improve safety and cost-effectiveness of mission critical software. Since its inception the tools and strategies employed by IV&V have evolved. This paper examines how lessons learned from the Phoenix project were developed and applied to the GRAIL project. Shortly after selection, the GRAIL project initiated a review of the issues documented by IV&V for Phoenix. The motivation was twofold: the learn as much as possible about the types of issues that arose from the flight software product line slated for use on GRAIL, and to identify opportunities for improving the effectiveness of IV&V on GRAIL. The IV&V Facility provided a database dump containing 893 issues. These were categorized into 16 bins, and then analyzed according to whether the project responded by changing the affected artifacts or using as-is. The results of this analysis were compared to a similar assessment of post-launch anomalies documented by the project. Results of the analysis were discussed with the IV&V team assigned to GRAIL. These discussions led to changes in the way both the project and IV&V approached the IV&V task, and improved the efficiency of the activity.

  7. A role for collagen IV in cardiovascular disease?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Steffensen, Lasse Bach; Rasmussen, Lars M


    Over the past decade, studies have repeatedly found single nucleotide polymorphisms located in the COL4A1 and COL4A2 genes to be associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), and the 13q34 locus harboring these genes is one of approximately 160 genome-wide significant risk loci for coronary artery...... disease. COL4A1 and COL4A2 encode the ⍺1- and ⍺2-chains of collagen IV, a major component of basement membranes in various tissues including arteries. In spite of the growing body of evidence indicating a role for collagen IV in CVD, remarkably few studies aim at directly investigating such a role....... The purpose of this review is to summarize the clinical reports linking 13q34 to coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis and artery stiffening and to assemble the scattered pieces of evidence from experimental studies based on vascular cells and -tissue collectively supporting a role for collagen IV...

  8. The kinetics of the reduction reaction of plutonium(IV) with N,N-dimethylhydroxylamine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yanxin Chen; Honbing Tang; Jinping Liu; Hui He


    The kinetics of reduction reactions between N,N-dimethylhydroxylamine (DMHAN) and plutonium(IV) in nitric acid solution have been studied spectrophotometrically. The kinetic equation of the reaction is determined to be -d[Pu(IV)]/dt = k 0 [Pu(IV)][DMHAN] 1.18 /[H + ] 2.22 at the beginning, where, the rate constant of the reaction (k 0 ) is 10.5 ± 1.8(mol/L) 1.04 s -1 at 14.5 deg C. By regressing of the time-concentration curve of the reaction, The complete rate equation is calculated as -d[Pu(IV)] / dt = k[Pu(IV)] 2 [DMHAN] 1.18 /[H + ] 2.22 / 8.12[Pu(III)]+95.9[Pu(IV)] with the reaction constant k about 1,000(mol/L) 1.04 s -1 at 14.5 deg C and an ionic strength (μ) of 4.0 mol/L. (author)

  9. 78 FR 32294 - DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P., DeltaPoint Capital IV (New York), L.P., License No. 02/02-0662,02/02... (United States)


    ... Small Business Investment Act of 1958, as amended (``the Act''), in connection with the financing of a... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DeltaPoint Capital IV, L.P., DeltaPoint Capital IV (New York), L.P., License No. 02/02-0662,02/02-0661; Notice Seeking Exemption Under Section 312 of the Small Business...

  10. Muutuste teel : raamatukogu 2.0 / Kate-Riin Kont

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kont, Kate-Riin, 1971-


    7.-10. maini 2007. a Helsingis ja Tallinnas toimunud raamatukogufoorumist "Muutuste teel: Library 2.0 (Making a difference - Moving towards Library 2.0), millel esines ettekandega suhteturundusest Tallinna Ülikooli infoteaduse osakonna dotsent Aira Lepik

  11. Stiilne kahetoaline stuudiokorter / Sanna Vatanen

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vatanen, Sanna


    Infoturvajuhi Markus Porvari renoveeritud korter (71 m2) Helsingi kesklinnas 1925. a. ehitatud majas. Korteris on tipptasemel HI-FI tehnika. Vannitoa, sauna ja tualettruumi kavandas Jukka Airas firmast Airas Design. 7. värv. vaadet

  12. Kultuuritrauma ja elulood : Lectio praecursoria / Aili Aarelaid-Tart

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aarelaid-Tart, Aili, 1947-2014


    Avalikku akadeemilist väitlust sissejuhatav tekst, mis on esitatud Helsingi Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduskonna sotsiaalpoliitika osakonnas 9. XI 2006 sotsiaalteaduste doktorikraadi kaitsmisel. Uurimus on publitseeritud raamatuna "Cultural Trauma and Life Stories" Helsinki : Kikimora Publications, 2006

  13. Soomlaste Finnair sulges eile oma Eesti lennufirma / Lauri Linnamäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Linnamäe, Lauri


    Finnairi Eesti tütarfirma Aero Airlines lõpetas oma lennud nii Tallinna-Helsingi vahel kui ka Soome siseliinidel, Eesti ja Soome vahelised lennud võtab üle Soome firma Finncomm Airlines. Lisa: Aero Airlines

  14. "Faster than History" valiku kriteerium oli eripära ja individuaalsus / Jari-Pekka Vanhala ; interv. Eero Epner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vanhala, Jari-Pekka


    Kuraator tutvustab Helsingis Kiasmas avatud Soome, Baltimaade ja Venemaa kunstnike ühisnäitust "Kiirem kui ajalugu". Lühidalt ka näitusel osalevatest eesti kunstnikest. Intervjuu valmis 7. II eetris olnud Vikerraadio saatele "Kultuurikaja"

  15. Tuulepesade või inimeste maa = A Land for Wind Besoms or People? / Antti Ahlava

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ahlava, Antti


    20.-21. sajandi vahetuse soome arhitektuurist, ajakirjast "Arkkitehti", linnaplaneerimisest, linnakultuurist, müütidest (ökologia, poolkinnine kvartal, traditsioonilisus, uued vajadused). Helsingi ja Tallinna koostööst ja kohalikust eripärast. 8 ill

  16. Kinokunsti tuleviku-uuringud Kiasmas / Rael Artel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Artel, Rael, 1980-


    Helsingi Kiasma Kaasaegse Kunsti Muuseumis on näitus tulevase kinokunsti tehnilistest võimalustest "Future Cinema. The Cinematic Imaginary after Film", mis on koostatud Karlsruhe Kunsti ja Meediatehnoloogia Keskuses (kuraatorid Jefferey Shaw ja Peter Weibel)

  17. Math anxiety differentially affects WAIS-IV arithmetic performance in undergraduates. (United States)

    Buelow, Melissa T; Frakey, Laura L


    Previous research has shown that math anxiety can influence the math performance level; however, to date, it is unknown whether math anxiety influences performance on working memory tasks during neuropsychological evaluation. In the present study, 172 undergraduate students completed measures of math achievement (the Math Computation subtest from the Wide Range Achievement Test-IV), math anxiety (the Math Anxiety Rating Scale-Revised), general test anxiety (from the Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale-College version), and the three Working Memory Index tasks from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV Edition (WAIS-IV; Digit Span [DS], Arithmetic, Letter-Number Sequencing [LNS]). Results indicated that math anxiety predicted performance on Arithmetic, but not DS or LNS, above and beyond the effects of gender, general test anxiety, and math performance level. Our findings suggest that math anxiety can negatively influence WAIS-IV working memory subtest scores. Implications for clinical practice include the utilization of LNS in individuals expressing high math anxiety.

  18. Technical Survey and Feasibility Review for Development of IV-CEAPI

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Yongtae; Park, Jinseok; Lee, Myounggoo; Cho, Yeonho; Kim, Hyunmin


    The purpose of this paper is to establish the development direction of the IV-CEAPI(Control element assembly position indicator). The paper presents the technologies of the existing CEAPI and other linear displacement sensors. The paper also presents feasibility review of those technologies for the IV-CEAPI considering its environmental conditions as shown in Table 1. an instrument to monitor vertical position of the control element assembly (CEA) in nuclear reactors. The CEAPI is installed in each control element drive mechanism (CEDM). The conventional CEDMs are installed outside the reactor vessel (RV) with nozzles penetrating the RV head. To select the type of the IV-CEAPI, technical surveys on linear displacement sensors were performed. Feasibility of those sensors was reviewed considering the environment conditions, experience, reliability and simplicity. The result is summarized in Table 2 which implies that the solenoid type is considered to be the best suitable types for the IV-CEAPI

  19. Tämbrimuusika "NYYDil" / Mart Jaanson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaanson, Mart, 1966-


    27. nov. toimub festivali "NYYD '99" raames ans. Court-Circuit kontsert. Ettekandele tulevate teoste tutvustus - T. Muraili "La barque mystique", G. Grisey "Vortex temporum" ja T. Tulevi "Gare de l"Est"

  20. Kolm õde Eestist Londoni laval / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Inglise näitleja Steven Dykesi näidend "Kolonistid" Londoni Bridge Lane Theatre laval. Näidend on inspireeritud A. Tshehhovi "Kolmest õest" ja tegevus toimub Eestis, tegelased on siinsed venelased

  1. Viasati tasuta digi-tv Kinobuss külastab Antslat / Kaarel Kutti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kutti, Kaarel


    Viasat Digi-TV Kinobussi tuuri raames jagatakse infot digitelevisioonile ülemineku kohta ja näidatakse viimastel aastatel valminud eesti kvaliteetfilme. Projekt toimub Viasati ja MTÜ Kinobuss koostöös

  2. Muzei gotovitsja k novoselju. Ekspozitsii otdõhajut. Audiogid iz Japonii / Dmitri Babitshenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babitshenko, Dmitri


    17. novembril möödub 86 aastat Eesti Kunstimuuseumi asutamisest. KUMUs toimub ettekannete päev ja uue kunstiraamatu presentatsioon. Kunstimuuseumi kogudest. KUMU saab Jaapani valitsuselt kultuuritoetusena esitlus- ja restaureerimistehnikat

  3. Jätkuvad üritused sarjast "Pro Light and Sound" / Mari Kolle

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kolle, Mari


    5.- 9. märtsini saab Frankfurdis teoks järjekordne sündmus sarjast "Pro Light and Sound". Tegemist on rahvusvahelise muusikamessiga, mille raames toimub ka lava- ja kommunikatsioonitehnika erialamess

  4. Sasha, ja gorda, tshto ja tvoi utshitel! / Boris Tuch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuch, Boris, 1946-


    18. mail toimub Vene Draamateatris rahvusvahelist stepipäeva tähistav kontsert. Korraldajaks on Duff-tap studio, mida juhendab Aleksandr Ivashkevitsh. Kontserdil osalevad Barbara Duffy (USA) ja Vladimir Kirsanov (Venemaa)

  5. New Yorgi La Mama hakkab mängima Oksase "Puhastust" / Andrers Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Sõltumatus teatris La Mama toimub veebruaris 2011 Sofi Oksase näidendi "Puhastus" esietendus Ameerika mandril. Lavastaja Zishan Ugurlu. La Mamas mängitud eesti autorite näidenditest ja lavastustest

  6. Soome operaator OTTO ihkab Eesti pangaautomaatide võrku / Andres Reimer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reimer, Andres


    Pankade sularahaautomaatide operaatori leidmiseks toimub konkurss. Pankade ümarlaud kinnitas kandidaatide valiku, kuid osalejate nimesid ei avaldata. Soome ATM-ide turgu valitsevast firmast Automatia Pankkiautomaatit ja rahvusvahelisest ATM-ide operaatorist Nets

  7. Astragaloside IV inhibits pathological functions of gastric cancer-associated fibroblasts. (United States)

    Wang, Zhen-Fei; Ma, Da-Guang; Zhu, Zhe; Mu, Yong-Ping; Yang, Yong-Yan; Feng, Li; Yang, Hao; Liang, Jun-Qing; Liu, Yong-Yan; Liu, Li; Lu, Hai-Wen


    To investigate the inhibitory effect of astragaloside IV on the pathological functions of cancer-associated fibroblasts, and to explore the underlying mechanism. Paired gastric normal fibroblast (GNF) and gastric cancer-associated fibroblast (GCAF) cultures were established from resected tissues. GCAFs were treated with vehicle control or different concentrations of astragaloside IV. Conditioned media were prepared from GNFs, GCAFs, control-treated GCAFs, and astragaloside IV-treated GCAFs, and used to culture BGC-823 human gastric cancer cells. Proliferation, migration and invasion capacities of BGC-823 cells were determined by MTT, wound healing, and Transwell invasion assays, respectively. The action mechanism of astragaloside IV was investigated by detecting the expression of microRNAs and the expression and secretion of the oncogenic factor, macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), and the tumor suppressive factor, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 (TIMP2), in different groups of GCAFs. The expression of the oncogenic pluripotency factors SOX2 and NANOG in BGC-823 cells cultured with different conditioned media was also examined. GCAFs displayed higher capacities to induce BGC-823 cell proliferation, migration, and invasion than GNFs ( P GNFs, GCAFs expressed a lower level of microRNA-214 ( P < 0.01) and a higher level of microRNA-301a ( P < 0.01). Astragaloside IV treatment significantly up-regulated microRNA-214 expression ( P < 0.01) and down-regulated microRNA-301a expression ( P < 0.01) in GCAFs. Reestablishing the microRNA expression balance subsequently suppressed M-CSF production ( P < 0.01) and secretion ( P < 0.05), and elevated TIMP2 production ( P < 0.01) and secretion ( P < 0.05). Consequently, the ability of GCAFs to increase SOX2 and NANOG expression in BGC-823 cells was abolished by astragaloside IV. Astragaloside IV can inhibit the pathological functions of GCAFs by correcting their dysregulation of microRNA expression, and it is

  8. Osapäiväetätyön vaikutukset työhyvinvointiin Kevassa


    Pylvänäinen, Katja


    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää vaikuttaako osapäiväetätyö työntekijän stressitasoon, parantaako osapäiväetätyö työntekijän vaikutusmahdollisuuksia omaan työhön, parantaako osapäiväetätyö työntekijän elämänhallintaa ja työn hallintaa, vaikuttaako osapäiväetätyö työtyytyväisyyteen, miten osapäiväetätyö vaikuttaa työntekijän työn ja vapaa-ajan yhteensovittamiseen, sekä miten muiden työntekijöiden mielipiteet ja kokemukset osapäiväetätyöstä vaikuttavat osapäiväetätyöntekijän työhyvinvo...

  9. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV is sorted to the secretory granules in pancreatic islet A-cells

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Mona Dam; Hansen, Gert Helge; Dabelsteen, Erik


    Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV:EC was localized in endocrine cells of pig pancreas by immunohistochemical and enzyme histochemical methods. Immunolight microscopy with both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies demonstrated DP IV immunoreactivity in cells located in the peripheral part...... of the islets of Langerhans. The antigen is enzymatically active, as shown by enzyme histochemical analysis with a synthetic DP IV substrate. By immunoelectron microscopy (immunogold labeling), the labeling of DP IV in the islets was associated with the secretory granules of the A-cells, as identified by double...... labeling using a monoclonal glucagon antibody as the second primary antibody. These results show that DP IV is sorted to secretory granules in the pig pancreatic islet A-cells. Furthermore, this secretory granule enzyme, as opposed to intestinal brush border DP IV, is suggested to be a soluble protein...

  10. Why IV Setup for Stream Ciphers is Difficult

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zenner, Erik


    In recent years, the initialization vector (IV) setup has proven to be the most vulnerable point when designing secure stream ciphers. In this paper, we take a look at possible reasons why this is the case, identifying numerous open research problems in cryptography.......In recent years, the initialization vector (IV) setup has proven to be the most vulnerable point when designing secure stream ciphers. In this paper, we take a look at possible reasons why this is the case, identifying numerous open research problems in cryptography....

  11. Tethys and Annex IV Progress Report for FY 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanna, Luke A.; Butner, R. Scott; Whiting, Jonathan M.; Copping, Andrea E.


    The marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) environmental Impacts Knowledge Management System, dubbed “Tethys” after the mythical Greek titaness of the seas, is being developed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to support the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind and Water Power Program (WWPP). Functioning as a smart database, Tethys enables its users to identify key words or terms to help gather, organize and make available information and data pertaining to the environmental effects of MHK and offshore wind (OSW) energy development. By providing and categorizing relevant publications within a simple and searchable database, Tethys acts as a dissemination channel for information and data which can be utilized by regulators, project developers and researchers to minimize the environmental risks associated with offshore renewable energy developments and attempt to streamline the permitting process. Tethys also houses a separate content-related Annex IV data base with identical functionality to the Tethys knowledge base. Annex IV is a collaborative project among member nations of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Ocean Energy Systems – Implementing Agreement (OES-IA) that examines the environmental effects of ocean energy devices and projects. The U.S. Department of Energy leads the Annex IV working with federal partners such as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). While the Annex IV database contains technical reports and journal articles, it is primarily focused on the collection of project site and research study metadata forms (completed by MHK researchers and developers around the world, and collected by PNNL) which provide information on environmental studies and the current progress of the various international MHK developments in the Annex IV member nations. The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the content

  12. Astragaloside IV for Experimental Focal Cerebral Ischemia: Preclinical Evidence and Possible Mechanisms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hui-Lin Wang


    Full Text Available Astragaloside IV (AST-IV is a principal component of Radix Astragali seu Hedysari (Huangqi and exerts potential neuroprotection in experimental ischemic stroke. Here, we systematically assessed the effectiveness and possible mechanisms of AST-IV for experimental acute ischemic stroke. An electronic search in eight databases was conducted from inception to March 2016. The study quality score was evaluated using the CAMARADES. Rev Man 5.0 software was used for data analyses. Thirteen studies with 244 animals were identified. The study quality score of included studies ranged from 3/10 to 8/10. Eleven studies showed significant effects of AST-IV for ameliorating the neurological function score (P<0.05; seven studies for reducing the infarct volume (P<0.05; and three or two studies for reducing the brain water content and Evans blue leakage (P<0.05, respectively, compared with the control. The mechanisms of AST-IV for ischemic stroke are multiple such as antioxidative/nitration stress reaction, anti-inflammatory, and antiapoptosis. In conclusion, the findings of present study indicated that AST-IV could improve neurological deficits and infarct volume and reduce the blood-brain barrier permeability in experimental cerebral ischemia despite some methodological flaws. Thus, AST-IV exerted a possible neuroprotective effect during the cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury largely through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiapoptosis properties.

  13. Identification of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitory peptides from mare whey protein hydrolysates. (United States)

    Song, J J; Wang, Q; Du, M; Ji, X M; Mao, X Y


    Inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) activity is a promising strategy for treatment of type 2 diabetes. In the current study, DPP-IV inhibitory peptides were identified from mare whey protein hydrolysates obtained by papain. The results showed that all the mare whey protein hydrolysates obtained at various hydrolysis durations possessed more potent DPP-IV inhibitory activity compared with intact whey protein. The 4-h hydrolysates showed the greatest DPP-IV inhibitory activity with half-maximal inhibitory concentration of 0.18 mg/mL. The 2 novel peptides from 4-h hydrolysate fractions separated by successive chromatographic steps were characterized by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. The novel peptides Asn-Leu-Glu-Ile-Ile-Leu-Arg and Thr-Gln-Met-Val-Asp-Glu-Glu-Ile-Met-Glu-Lys-Phe-Arg, which corresponded to β-lactoglobulin 1 f(71-77) and β-lactoglobulin 1 f(143-155), demonstrated DPP-IV inhibitory activity with half-maximal inhibitory concentrations of 86.34 and 69.84 μM, respectively. The DPP-IV inhibitory activity of the 2 peptides was retained or even improved after simulated gastrointestinal digestion in vitro. Our findings indicate that mare whey protein-derived peptides may possess potential as functional food ingredients in the management of type 2 diabetes. Copyright © 2017 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Studies of binary cerium(IV)-praseodymium(IV) and cerium(IV)-terbium(IV) oxides as pigments for ceramic applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furtado, L.M.L.


    It was investigated a series of pigments of general composition Ce 1-x Pr x O 2 , and Ce x Tb y O 2 , exhibiting radish and brown colors, respectively, and high temperature stability. The pigments were obtained by dissolving appropriate amounts of the pure lanthanide oxides in acids and precipitating the rare earths as mixed oxalates, which were isolated and calcined under air, at 1000 0 C. X-Ray powder diffractograms were consistent with a cubic structure for the pigments. Magnetic susceptibility measurements, using Gouy method, indicated the presence of Pr(IV) ions in the Ce 1-x Pr x O 2 pigments and of Terbium predominantly as Tb(III) ions in the Ce-tb mixed oxides. A new method, based on suspension of solid samples in PVA-STB gels (STB = sodium tetradecaborate), was employed for the measurements of the electronic spectra of the pigments. The thermal behaviour the pigments was investigated by the calcination of the oxalates in the temperature range of 500 to 1200 O C, from 10 to 60 minutes. (author)

  15. Adsorption of Some Hazardous Radionuclides on Cerium(IV) Antimonate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aly, H.F.; Zakaria, E.S.; Shady, S.A.; El-Naggar, I.M.


    Cerium(IV) antimonate had been prepared by the dropwise addition of 0.6 M antimony pentachloride and 0.6 M cerium ammonium nitrate solutions by a molar radio of Ce/Sb 0.75. Exchange isotherms for H +/ Co 2+ , H +/ Cs +, H +/ Zn 2+ , H +/ Sr 2+ and H +/ Eu 3+ have been determined at 25, 40 and 60 degree. Besides it was proved that europium is physically adsorbed while zinc, strontium, cobalt and cesium are chemically adsorbed. Moreover, the heat of adsorption of zinc, strontium, cobalt and cesium on cerium(IV) antimonate had been calculated and indicated that cerium(IV) antimonate is of endothermic behaviour towards these ions. Also the distribution coefficients of these ions were determined and it was found that the selectivity in the order: Eu 3+ >Sr 2+ > Cs +> Na +

  16. Implementation of SAP-IV on a minicomputer disc operating system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spencer, R.B.; Howard, G.E.


    The objective of the described effort was the implementation of a linear elastic finite element structural analysis program version on a minicomputer operating system while maintaining (as much as possible) the general features of the original program. SAP-IV has been successfully implemented on a minicomputer operating system as one component in a portable vibration testing, data acquisition and processing, parameter identification and design optimization system for field work. The primary features in SAP-IV facilitating conversion and implementation on a minicomputer are: (1) the calculational procedures of SAP-IV are well documented and the subroutine structure easy to follow; (2) SAP-IV is organized in a highly modular fashion; (3) it is versatile with respect to its calculational options; and (4) the element library can be readily expanded. SAP-IV was installed on a Data General NOVA 32K memory disc operating system which utilizes various input-output peripherals and a single 1.2 megaword disc. The entire theoretical analysis-vibration test-data analysis-parameter identification-model modification system required such additional components as analog/digital converters, computer-driven electro-mechanical vibrators, a maximum of 512 transducers, and special-purpose software for test planning, execution, data processing, and matrix manipulation. The software system capabilities which allowed implementation of SAP-IV on the minicomputer were: (1) the availability of double precision; (2) the ability to use multiple OVERLAYs; (3) the ability to read and write programs from the disc to memory without destroying the programs (SWAP); (4) the ability to CHAIN a series of connected programs into the memory and execute them sequentially; and (5) the ability to utilize random access disc files

  17. Mathematical modeling of the radiation-chemical oxidation of U(IV) in HClO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vladimirova, M.V.


    Mathematical modeling of U(IV) oxidation in 0.5-12 M HClO 4 upon α, γ-radiolysis, based on the proposed scheme of radiation-chemical reactions, has been performed. The rate constants of the U(VI) + HO 2 , U(IV) + HO 2 , U(IV) + ClO 2 , and U(IV) + ClO 2 - reactions have been determined by the comparison of the calculated and experimental kinetic and dose curves and radiation-chemical yields of U(IV) oxidation or U(VI) formation. General equations for uranium (IV) oxidation constants at various HClO 4 concentrations, based on the analysis of the rates of particular radiation-chemical reactions composing oxidation process, have been obtained

  18. DSM-IV hypochondriasis in primary care. (United States)

    Escobar, J I; Gara, M; Waitzkin, H; Silver, R C; Holman, A; Compton, W


    The object of this study was to assess the prevalence and correlates of the DSM-IV diagnosis of hypochondriasis in a primary care setting. A large sample (N = 1456) of primary care users was given a structured interview to make diagnoses of mood, anxiety, and somatoform disorders and estimate levels of disability. The prevalence of hypochondriasis (DSM-IV) was about 3%. Patients with this disorder had higher levels of medically unexplained symptoms (abridged somatization) and were more impaired in their physical functioning than patients without the disorder. Of the various psychopathologies examined, major depressive syndromes were the most frequent among patients with hypochondriasis. Interestingly, unlike somatization disorder, hypochondriasis was not related to any demographic factor. Hypochondriasis is a relatively rare condition in primary care that is largely separable from somatization disorder but seems closely intertwined with the more severe depressive syndromes.

  19. Safety Design Criteria (SDC) for Gen-IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakai, Ryodai


    SDC Development Background & Objectives: • Safety Design Criteria (SDC) Development for Gen-IV SFR: – Proposed at the GIF Policy Group (PG) meeting in October 2010 –SDC “harmonization” is increasingly important for: • Realization of enhanced safety designs meeting to Gen-IV safety goals and safety approach common to SFR systems; • Preparation for the forthcoming licensing in the near future; • Because Gen-IV SFR are progressing into conceptual design stage. • The SDC is the Reference criteria: – Of the designs of safety-related Structures, Systems & Components that are specific to the SFR system; – For clarifying the requisites systematically & comprehensively; – When the technology developers apply the basic safety approach and use the codes & standards for conceptual design of the Gen-IV SFR system

  20. Chromatographic studies of thorium(IV) and its extraction from monazite sand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bandyopadhyay, Arup; Roy, Uday Sankar


    A simple, rapid and selective method has been developed for reversed phase extraction chromatographic studies of Th IV with high molecular mass monocarboxylic acid (C 15 -C 16 ), SRS-100 as a stationary phase on a column of silica gel. Quantitative extraction of Th IV has been achieved in the pH range 4.8-5.5. The extracted Th IV has been stripped with 1:1 (v/v) mixture of 0.2 M HNO 3 and 0.2 M NaNO 3 and estimated spectrophotometrically. The effect of variables as pH, stripping agents, flow rate on extraction and elution have been studied. Th IV has been separated from various commonly associated elements in binary and synthetic multicomponent mixtures. The method has been applied successfully for the extraction of thorium from monazite sand. (author)

  1. Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity of potential bioactive organotin(iv) dithiocarboxylates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abbas, S.M.; Sirajuddin, M.; Shah, F.A.


    A series of newly synthesized organotin(IV) compounds; Me/sub 2/SnClL (1) Bu2SnClL (2), Ph/sub 2/SnClL (3), Me/sub 3/SnL (4), Ph3SnL (5) have been derived from the reaction of organotin(IV) chlorides with 4-formylpiperazinium 4-formylpiperazine-1-carbodithioate (L) in the appropriate molar ratio. Their spectroscopic investigations have been carried out in solution state. Based on spectroscopic results, the ligand appeared to coordinate to the Sn atom through the CSS moiety. Bioassay results have revealed that these compounds have good antibacterial and antifungal activities and may well be the basis for a new class of antimicrobial drugs. The triorganotin(IV) derivatives in particular, were found to be more active than diorganotin(IV) compounds. (author)

  2. Ooperisse lipsu ja õhtukleidiga kohvris / Helen Ennok

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ennok, Helen


    Artikkel tutvustab lühidalt Euroopa ooperimaju: Viini Riigiooper, Milano La Scala, Pariisi Rahvusooper, Berliini Riigiooper, Royal Opera House, Rootsi Kuninglik Ooper, Taani kuninglik ooper, Brüsseli La Monnaie ooper, Helsingi Ooperimaja, Läti Rahvusooper

  3. Balanchine Soome rahvusballetis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Soome rahvusballeti esietendus 28. septembril Helsingis. Lühiballettide õhtu "Kolm koreograafiat": G. Balanchine'i koreograafia (aastast 1972) I.Stravinski viiulikontserdile; S. Reichi "Four Sections" (koreograaf T. Brandsen) ja E. Hämeenniemi ballett "Kolmteist" (koreograaf Tommi Kitti)

  4. Kas piiratud natsionalism või identiteedi kinnitus?! / Imbi Paju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paju, Imbi, 1959-


    Näitus "Eesti värvid - 150 aastat eesti maalikunsti Enn Kunila kollektsioonist" Helsingi Taidehallis 24. novembrini 2010, kuraator Harry Liivrand. Näituse kohta 28. oktoobril 2010 ajalehes "Sirp" ilmunud Otso Kantokorpi ja Reet Varblase artiklitest

  5. Taanlased arvustavad inimsööjaooperit

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kopenhaagenis esietendus Eesti kannibali ja tema naise elu ainetel loodud ooper "Süda kilekotis"("Heart in a Plastic Bag"). Helsingis elava serblasest helilooja Jovanka Trbojevici muusika ja idee, lavastaja norra videokunstnik, fotograaf ja lavastaja Kjetil Skoien

  6. Idast, ürgse väega / Karin Paulus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paulus, Karin, 1975-


    Rändnäitus "Uue otsijad - praegune Ida-Euroopa!" Helsingi Arhitektuurimuuseumis. Eesti arhitektuuri esindavad Lootsi tänava kiilukujuline kortermaja (HG Arhitektuur), Villa V Nõmmel (3+1), Okupatsioonide muuseum (Head Arhitektid), Georg Otsa spaa (KOKO Arhitektid)

  7. Priit Pärna filmivalik Ottawa festivalil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti animafilmirežissööri joonisfilmide eriprogrammi näidatakse Kanadas Ottawa rahvusvahelisel animafilmide festivalil, mis toimub 18.- 21. oktoobrini. Linastub ka tema õpilase Ülo Pikkovi joonisfilmi "Peata ratsanik"

  8. Ugoden li teatr Bogu?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    28. okt. kuni 5. nov. toimub Minskis III rahvusvaheline teatrifestival "Zolotoi vitjaz". Festivali sponsor on raadiokompanii "Golos Rossii", kes organiseerib festivalil osalejatele küsitluse " Kas teater on Jumalale meelepärane?"

  9. Voters shrug off upcoming EP ballot / Aleksei Gunter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gunter, Aleksei, 1979-


    Emor'i uuring näitab, et europarlamendi valimistel osaleb kõigest 33 protsenti valijatest ning valik toimub isikute, mitte erakondade järgi. Soosikuteks ennustatakse Toomas Hendrik Ilvest ning Reformierakonda. Tabel

  10. Eesti toetab Montenegro lahku löömist Serbiast / Hannes Krause

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Krause, Hannes


    Eestis viibis Montenegro välisminister Miodrag Vlahovic. Montenegros toimub referendum iseseisvuse küsimuses, välisministri sõnul loodab tema rahvas referendumi positiivse tulemuse korral esimesena toetust Brüsselist

  11. Prima Vista toob pargiraamatukogu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    5. ja 6. mail 2005 toimub teine Tartu kirjandusfestival "Prima Vista". Avatakse pargiraamatukogu, kus esinevad 5. mail Jürgen Rooste, Merca, Aapo Ilves, Peep Ilmet, Marko Martinson, Jüri Kaldmaa, Jaan Pehk

  12. Hirm valitseb Marimaad / Jaak Prozes

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Prozes, Jaak, 1965-


    Fenno-Ugria hõimukeskuse juhataja sõnul toimub Marimaal arveteõiendamine nendega, kes toetasid presidendivalimiste kampaanias Leonid Markelovi vastaskandidaati, samuti ei sallita neid, kelle arvamus presidendi omaga kokku ei lange. Vägivallajuhtumitest

  13. Muusikamaailm : Heliloojafestival Stocholmis. Klaverinädal Espoos. Preemiaid ja aunimetusi. Sena Jurinac 80 / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Stocholmis algas iga-aastane International Composer Festival. Espoos toimub klaverinädal. Erinevaid preemiaid ja aunimetusi, mida muusikategelased on hiljuti saanud. Kroaatia päritolu Austria sopran Sena Jurinac sai 80 aastaseks

  14. Lillefestivalil valmib kolmkümmend aeda / Kristina Amor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Amor, Kristina


    Rahvusvaheline aiakunstifestival "Tallinna lillefestival" toimub 3. juunist kuni 6. oktoobrini Tornide väljaku pargis. Festivali raames valmib ligi 30 aeda, mis on rajatud keskaegse või 21. sajandi tarbeaia võtmes

  15. Põhjamaade õhtu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    3. mail toimub TÜ ajaloo muuseumis muusikalis-kirjanduslik "Põhjamaade õhtu". Loetakse ka Eino Leino, Gustav Frödinki, Dan Anderseni, Edith Söderbrani, Sigrid Undseti ja Sören Kierkegaardi luulet ja proosat

  16. Fine 5 kolib Kumu lavale

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kumu kunstimuuseumi auditooriumis toimub 21. veebruaril Fine 5 kaasaegse tantsu etendus "Panus". Esinevad Tiina Ollesk, Irina Pähn, žonglöör Dimitri Kruus, disainer Rain Saukas ja muusik Mattias Siitan

  17. Õõvafilm on fun, aga mitte ainult / Tiina Lokk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lokk, Tiina, 1955-


    PÖFF-i abiga toimub Haapsalus õudusfilmide festival. Selle sissejuhatuseks annab T. Lokk pikema sissevaate õudusfilmi kui žanri kujunemisse ja väärtustesse. Lisatud festivalil näidatavate filmide nimekiri

  18. Riskide analüüs aitab kriisi puhuks varusid planeerida / Janis Toomla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toomla, Janis


    Riskide hindamisele järgnevast organisatsiooni jätkusuutlikkuse planeerimise faasist, kus toimub kriisistsenaariumide analüüs, võimalike kahjude suuruse hindamine ja taasteaja määratlemine (Business Impact Analyse)

  19. Muravskaja ja Nurk Katowices

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    2. Katowice biennaalil Poolas, mis toimub nime all „The European Constitution. What makes Europe?”, osalevad Eestist Tanja Muravskaja (fotoseeria "Positsioonid", video ja installatsioon "Monumendid") ja Kaarel Nurk (fotoseeria "Mehe aasta")

  20. Vene filmide festival Eestis / Riho Laurisaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laurisaar, Riho


    Tallinnas algas eile kolmas Vene filmide festival, mis toimub Tallinna kobarkinos ja alates 16. novembrist ka Narva kobarkinos. Algas festival nädala eest Riias. Vitali Melnikovi mängufilmist "Peksa vaenlast"

  1. Peroxiredoxin IV Protects Cells From Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in Head-and-Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jung Je; Chang, Hyo Won; Jeong, Eun-Jeong; Roh, Jong-Lyel; Choi, Seung-Ho; Jeon, Sea-Yuong; Ko, Gyung Hyuck; Kim, Sang Yoon


    Purpose: Human peroxiredoxins (Prxs) are known as a family of thiol-specific antioxidant enzymes, among which Prx-I and -II play an important role in protecting cells from irradiation-induced cell death. It is not known whether Prx-IV also protects cells from ionizing radiation (IR). Methods and Materials: To evaluate the protective role of Prx-IV in IR, we transfected full-length Prx-IV cDNA into AMC-HN3 cells, which weakly express endogenous Prx-IV, and knocked down the expression of Prx-IV with siRNA methods using AMC-HN7 cells, which express high levels of endogenous Prx-IV. Radiosensitivity profiles in these cells were evaluated using clonogenic assay, FACS analysis, cell viability, and TUNEL assay. Results: Three Prx-IV expressing clones were isolated. Prx-IV regulated intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and made cells more resistant to IR-induced apoptosis. Furthermore, the knockdown of Prx-IV with siRNA made cells more sensitive to IR-induced apoptosis. Conclusion: The results of these studies suggest that Prx-IV may play an important role in protecting cells from IR-induced apoptosis in head-and-neck squamous cell carcinoma

  2. Periodontal Disease Part IV: Periodontal Infections


    Turnbull, Robert S.


    In Part IV of this article, the author describes two periodontal infections, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (trench mouth) and periodontal abscess, both acute painful conditions for which patients may seek advice from their family physician rather than their dentist.

  3. The Pearson IV distribution and its application to ion implanted depth profiles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, R.G.


    The Pearson IV distribution system is analyzed to determine the regions of validity for the values of the moments that produce convex, concave, more pointed than Gaussian, and more flat-topped than Gaussian distributions; the limits beyond which no significant change in distribution is produced; and excluded regions. These regions are illustrated in a figure that can be used to facilitate the determination of the Pearson IV moments for experimental ion implanted depth distributions. Examples are given of Pearson IV distributions to illustrate the effects of the ranges of skewness, kurtosis, and standard deviation, for both more pointed and more flat-topped than Gaussian distributions. A procedure is described for matching experimental ion implanted depth distributions to computer plotted Pearson IV modified Gaussian distributions. A few experimental curves are given to illustrate the different types of Pearson IV curves, and accuracies of moments are discussed. (author)

  4. On the Directivity of Low-Frequency Type IV Radio Bursts (United States)

    Gopalswamy, N.; Akiyama, S.; Makela, P.; Yashiro, S.; Cairns, I. H.


    An intense type IV radio burst was observed by the STEREO Behind (STB) spacecraft located about 144 deg. behind Earth. The burst was associated with a large solar eruption that occurred on the backside of the Sun (N05E151) close to the disk center in the STB view. The eruption was also observed by the STEREO Ahead (STA) spacecraft (located at 149 deg. ahead of Earth) as an eruption close to the west limb (N05W60) in that view. The type IV burst was complete in STB observations in that the envelope reached the lowest frequency and then receded to higher frequencies. The burst was partial viewed from STA, revealing only the edge coming down to the lowest frequency. The type IV burst was not observed at all near Earth because the source was 61 deg. behind the east limb. The eruption was associated with a low-frequency type II burst observed in all three views, although it was not very intense. Solar energetic particles were also observed at both STEREOs and at SOHO, suggesting that the shock was much extended, consistent with the very high speed of the CME (2048 km/s). These observations suggest that the type IV emission is directed along a narrow cone above the flare site. We confirm this result statistically using the type IV bursts of solar cycle 23.

  5. National Coastal Condition Report IV (2012) (United States)

    The NCCR IV data shows an overall condition score of 3.0 for the nation’s coastal waters; although this score has improved substantially since 1990, the overall condition of the nation’s coastal resources continues to be rated fair.

  6. An Item Response Theory Analysis of DSM-IV Conduct Disorder (United States)

    Gelhorn, Heather; Hartman, Christie; Sakai, Joseph; Mikulich-Gilbertson, Susan; Stallings, Michael; Young, Susan; Rhee, Soo; Corley, Robin; Hewitt, John; Hopfer, Christian; Crowley, Thomas


    Interviews with over 3,000 adolescents were made to evaluate the extent to which DSM-IV criteria characterizes the range of severity of adolescent antisocial behavior within and across sex. The DSM-IV conduct disorder (CD) criteria are a useful indicator of severe adolescent antisocial behavior but some CD criteria display sex bias.

  7. Tallink прокладывает курс = Tallink bears the course

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ülevaade Tallink Grupp AS-i laevadest ja laevaliinidest, laevaliikluse avamisest liinil Helsingi-Tallinn-Peterburi, Eesti ning Vene Föderatsiooni vaheliste koostöölepingute sõlmimisest rahvusvahelise meretranspordi valdkonnas, Euroopa Liidu laienemise mõjudest liikmesriikide merelaevandusele

  8. "In Graafika" festival Pärnus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    4. rahvusvaheline "In Graafika" festival. Workshop'ist Academia Non Gratas võtavad osa tudengid Helsingi, Vilniuse ja Läti kunstiakadeemiast ning Academia Non Gratast, kunstnikest Raul Meel, Vive Tolli, Nele Zirnite, Roi Vaara. Näitustel osalejad loetletud

  9. Jürgen Järvik : Palgatöö üles ei ajaks / Gert D. Hankewitz

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hankewitz, Gert D.


    Q Vara üks asutajaid kinnisvaraärimees Jürgen Järvik oma karjäärist. Kommenteerivad Arvo Klaas ja Andres Tiisler. Vt. samas: Ühised treeningud Helsingi maratoniks viisid sõbrad Q Varani. Lisa: Elulugu

  10. Ilmar Raag: ajakirjandus võimendab vägivalda / Ilmar Raag

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raag, Ilmar, 1968-


    Küsimustele vastab Helsingi ülikoolis toimunud konverentsi "Violence and Network Society" paneeldiskussioonil osalenud kommunikatsiooniteadur Ilmar Raag, kes leidis, et sõnumi tähendus sõltub paljuski vastuvõtjast. Tema filmi "Klass" on mitmeti tõlgendatud

  11. Põrgulikud piinad ja tingimusteta armastus / Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnson, Margit, 1978-


    Helsingis 17. korda toimuva festivali "Armastus ja Anarhia" kavas olnud filme - Takashi Miike "Üks vastamata kõne" ("One Missed Call"), korealase Park Chan-Wooki "Vana poiss" ("Old Boy") ja Jean-Luc Godardi "Meie muusika" ("Notre Musique")

  12. Approximating a DSM-5 Diagnosis of PTSD Using DSM-IV Criteria (United States)

    Rosellini, Anthony J.; Stein, Murray B.; Colpe, Lisa J.; Heeringa, Steven G.; Petukhova, Maria V.; Sampson, Nancy A.; Schoenbaum, Michael; Ursano, Robert J.; Kessler, Ronald C.


    Background Diagnostic criteria for DSM-5 posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are in many ways similar to DSM-IV criteria, raising the possibility that it might be possible to closely approximate DSM-5 diagnoses using DSM-IV symptoms. If so, the resulting transformation rules could be used to pool research data based on the two criteria sets. Methods The Pre-Post Deployment Study (PPDS) of the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS) administered a blended 30-day DSM-IV and DSM-5 PTSD symptom assessment based on the civilian PTSD Checklist for DSM-IV (PCL-C) and the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5). This assessment was completed by 9,193 soldiers from three US Army Brigade Combat Teams approximately three months after returning from Afghanistan. PCL-C items were used to operationalize conservative and broad approximations of DSM-5 PTSD diagnoses. The operating characteristics of these approximations were examined compared to diagnoses based on actual DSM-5 criteria. Results The estimated 30-day prevalence of DSM-5 PTSD based on conservative (4.3%) and broad (4.7%) approximations of DSM-5 criteria using DSM-IV symptom assessments were similar to estimates based on actual DSM-5 criteria (4.6%). Both approximations had excellent sensitivity (92.6-95.5%), specificity (99.6-99.9%), total classification accuracy (99.4-99.6%), and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (0.96-0.98). Conclusions DSM-IV symptoms can be used to approximate DSM-5 diagnoses of PTSD among recently-deployed soldiers, making it possible to recode symptom-level data from earlier DSM-IV studies to draw inferences about DSM-5 PTSD. However, replication is needed in broader trauma-exposed samples to evaluate the external validity of this finding. PMID:25845710

  13. Speer teatrilaval

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Londonis Almeida teatris mängitakse Esther Vilari näidendit "Speer". Saksa arhitekti ja ministrit kehastab austria näitleja Klaus Maria Brandauer. Näidendi tegevus toimub Ida-Saksamaal Berliinis aastal 1980

  14. Sdelki carry trade ne roskosh, a sredstvo nakoplenija / Darius Gecevicius, Dmitri Fokin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gecevicius, Darius


    Strateegia carry trade kasutamisest valuutaturgudel. Carry trade on tehing, mis enamasti toimub valuutaturul, kus investor laenab raha sisse valuutas, mille intressid on madalamad ning paigutab selle valuutas, kus intressid on kõrgemad. Diagramm

  15. Nädalavahetusel saab alguse süvakultuuri festival "Ariel"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    26.-27. okt. toimub Tallinnas V juudi süvakultuuri festival "Ariel", mille peaesinejaks on klarnetist David Krakauer ansambliga Klezmer Madness1 USAst. Lisaks annavad kontserdi solist Sofia Rubina ja ansambel Vox Clamantis

  16. Nädalavahetusel algab festival "Ariel"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    26.-27. okt. toimub Tallinnas V juudi süvakultuuri festival "Ariel", mille peaesinejaks on klarnetist David Krakauer ansambliga Klezmer Madness1 USAst. Lisaks annavad kontserdi solist Sofia Rubina ja ansambel Vox Clamantis

  17. Võrõpajev s "Eiforijei" / Dmitri Titorenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Titorenko, Dmitri


    Tänavune Veneetsia filmifestival toimub 30. augustist 9. septembrini. Venemaad esindavad kolm mängufilmi : Ivan Võrõpajevi "Eufooria" (põhiprogrammis), Boriss Hlebnikovi "Svobodnoje plavanije" ( programmis "Horisondid"), Pavel Lungini "Saar" lõpetab festivali

  18. Peenrad Tornide väljakul Victoria Parmas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parmas, Victoria


    Juunist oktoobrini toimub Tallinnas Tornide väljakul esimest korda rahvusvaheline aiandusfestival, mille raames rajatakse linnamüüri äärde parki pea 30 tarbeaeda teemadel "Keskaja aed" ja "21. sajandi tarbeaed"

  19. Royal Court Theatre International Residency 2001

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Alates 1989. a. on tegutsenud teatri juures rahvusvaheline residentuur. Kolmeteistkümnes toimub 16. juulist 10. augustini 2001. Residentuuri programmist, osalejatest., näitekirjanike ja lavastajate koolitusprogrammist. Avaldusi oodatakse 1. märtsini.

  20. Под сенью комиксов в цвету /Николай Караев

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Караев, Николай, 1978-


    Eesti I Koomiksibiennaal Kultuuritehase Polymer Kunstikonteineris Tallinnas alates 16. aprillist. Kuraatorid on Elisabeth Salmin ja Sandra Jõgeva. Esitletakse kollektiivselt loodud kunstnikuraamatut "Comic Magazine", toimub kirjanduslike kohtumiste seeria "Üks hullem kui teine" koomiksieri

  1. What accounts for party system stability? Comparing the dimensions of party competition in postcommunist Europe / Conor O'Dwyer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    O'Dwyer, Conor


    Artikkel otsib vastuts küsimusele, miks osades uutes demokraatlikes riikides toimub kiire partesüsteemide stabiliseerimine, osades jääb aga see pikemaks ajaks muutuvaks, aluseks 14 riigi (sh Eesti) juhtumiuuringud.

  2. Noore Tantsu festival ei kavatse tänavugi talveunne suikuda / Silvia Soro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soro, Silvia


    Suvine Noore Tantsu festival Viljandis toimub 7.-12. juulil 2008. Tartu ülikooli Viljandi kultuuriakadeemia mustas saalis sel sügisel toimuvatest nüüdistantsuetendustest. Lisaks tutvustus "Uus suvi juba silme ees"

  3. Eesti dokumentaalfilm kutsuti Praha festivalile

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Heili Klandorfi 1991.aasta augustisündmustest Eestis jutustav dokumentaalfilmi "10 päeva augustis" kutsuti sotsiaalseid probleeme ja inimõigusi käsitlevate dokumentaalfilmide festivalile "One World", mis toimub 2002.aasta aprillis

  4. A Solar Stationary Type IV Radio Burst and Its Radiation Mechanism (United States)

    Liu, Hongyu; Chen, Yao; Cho, Kyungsuk; Feng, Shiwei; Vasanth, Veluchamy; Koval, Artem; Du, Guohui; Wu, Zhao; Li, Chuanyang


    A stationary Type IV (IVs) radio burst was observed on September 24, 2011. Observations from the Nançay RadioHeliograph (NRH) show that the brightness temperature (TB) of this burst is extremely high, over 10^{11} K at 150 MHz and over 108 K in general. The degree of circular polarization (q) is between -60% ˜ -100%, which means that it is highly left-handed circularly polarized. The flux-frequency spectrum follows a power-law distribution, and the spectral index is considered to be roughly -3 ˜ -4 throughout the IVs. Radio sources of this event are located in the wake of the coronal mass ejection and are spatially dispersed. They line up to present a formation in which lower-frequency sources are higher. Based on these observations, it is suggested that the IVs was generated through electron cyclotron maser emission.

  5. Preparation and properties of a monomeric Mn(IV)-oxo complex. (United States)

    Parsell, Trenton H; Behan, Rachel K; Green, Michael T; Hendrich, Michael P; Borovik, A S


    Manganese-oxo complexes have long been investigated because of their proposed roles in biological and chemical catalysis. However, there are few examples of monomeric complexes with terminal oxo ligands, especially those with oxomanganese(IV) units. A oxomanganese(IV) complex has been prepared from [MnIIIH3buea(O)]2- ([H3buea]3-, tris[(N'-tert-butylureaylato)-N-ethylene]aminato), a monomeric MnIII-O complex in which the oxo ligand arises from cleavage of dioxygen. Treating [MnIIIH3buea(O)]2- with [Cp2Fe]BF4 in either DMF at -45 degrees C or DMSO at room temperature produces [MnIVH3buea(O)]-: lambdamax = 635 nm; nu(Mn-16O) = 737 cm-1; nu(Mn-18O) = 709 cm-1; g = 5.15, 2.44, 1.63, D = 3.0 cm-1, E/D = 0.26, aMn = 66 G (A = 190 MHz). These spectroscopic properties support the assignment of a mononuclear MnIV-oxo complex with an S = 3/2 ground state. Density functional theory supports this assignment and the Jahn-Teller distortion around the high-spin MnIV center that would alter the molecular structure of [MnIVH3buea(O)]- from trigonal symmetry (as indicated by the highly rhombic EPR signal). [MnIVH3buea(O)]- is relatively unstable in DMSO, converting to [MnIIIH3buea(OH)]- via a proposed X-H bond cleavage. [MnIVH3buea(O)]- reacts with 1,2-diphenylhydrazine to from azobenzene (95% yield) and [MnIIIH3buea(OH)]-. The MnIV-oxo does not react with triphenyl- or tricyclohexylphosphine. However, O-atom transfer is observed with methyldiphenylphosphine and dimethylphenylphosphine, producing the corresponding phosphine oxides. These results illustrate the diverse reactivity of the MnIV-oxo unit.

  6. Studies on the complexes of uranium(IV), thorium(IV) and lanthanum(III) acetates with p-aminobenzoic acid, m-aminobenzoic acid, benzilic acid and phthalic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Singh, Mangal; Singh, Ajaib


    Complexes of acetates of U(IV), Th(IV) and La(III) with the ligands p-aminobenzoic acid, m-aminobenzoic acid, benzilic acid and phthalic acid have been prepared. Colour and chemical analytical data are recorded. They are characterised on the basis of IR and reflectance spectra and magnetic susceptibility data. (M.G.B.)

  7. Svojstva i primena solova cerijum (IV) oksida sintetisanih postupkom forsirane hidrolize


    Gulicovski, Jelena J.


    Stabilne koloidne disperzije (solovi) cerijum(IV)-oksida dobijeni su metodom forsirane hidrolize, polazeći od cerijum(IV)-nitrata i cerijum(IV)-sulfata u prisustvu različitih količina sumporne i azotne kiseline. Posebna pažnja posvećena je ispitivanju uticaja elektrolita KNO3 i K2SO4 na stabilnost pripremljenih koloidnih disperzija. Takođe, ispitana je mogućnost primene solova CeO2 za formiranje zaštitne prevlake na površini aluminijuma i primene praha CeO2 u oblasti skladištenja vodonika. ...

  8. Neutron lifetime and generation time by KENO IV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, Masatoshi


    It is believed that Monte Carlo method is suitable to the calculation of neutron lifetime and generation time with reference to the life cycle viewpoint. This paper illustrates that those times obtained by Monte Carlo method are quite different from the results by perturbation method. The neutron lifetime and the generation time for bare and reflected reactors were investigated by the Monte Carlo program, KENO IV. the Monte Carlo procedure is based on tracking and recording the life history of neutrons in a realistic fashion in a fissionable system with minimum nuclear and geometric approximations. The KENO IV provides the multiplication factor, neutron lifetime and generation time simultaneously. The thermal spherical reactors for both bare and reflected reactors were studied using the KENO IV. The reflected reactor is surrounded with 30 cm thick light water. The atomic densities in the regions and the calculated results of the multiplication factor, neutron lifetime and generation time are given. The different definitions of these times between the Monte Carlo method and perturbation theory caused the difference of the results. (K.I.)

  9. KENO IV: an improved Monte Carlo criticality program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petrie, L.M.; Cross, N.F.


    KENO IV is a multigroup Monte Carlo criticality program written for the IBM 360 computers. It executes rapidly and is flexibly dimensioned so the allowed size of a problem (i.e., the number of energy groups, number of geometry cards, etc., are arbitrary) is limited only by the total data storage required. The input data, with the exception of cross sections, fission spectra and albedos, may be entered in free form. The geometry input is quite simple to prepare and complicated three-dimensional systems can often be described with a minimum of effort. The results calculated by KENO IV include k-effective, lifetime and generation time, energy-dependent leakages and absorptions, energy- and region-dependent fluxes and region-dependent fission densities. Criticality searches can be made on unit dimensions or on the number of units in an array. A summary of the theory utilized by KENO IV, a section describing the logical program flow, a compilation of the error messages printed by the code and a comprehensive data guide for preparing input to the code are presented. 14 references

  10. Engineering design of the Aries-IV gaseous divertor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasan, M.Z.; Najmabadi, F.; Sharafat, S.


    ARIES-IV is a conceptual, D-T burning, steady-state tokamak fusion reactor producing 1000 MWe net. It operates in the second plasma stability regime. The structural material is SiC composite and the primary coolant is helium at 10MPa base pressure. ARIES-IV uses double-null divertors for particle control. Total thermal power recovered from the divertors is 425MW, which is 16% of the total reactor thermal power. Among the desirable goals of divertor design were to avoid the use of tungsten and to use the same structural material and primary coolant as in the blanket design. In order to reduce peak heat flux, the innovative gaseous divertor has been used in ARIES-IV. A gaseous divertor reduces peak heat flux by increasing the surface area and by distributing particle and radiation energy more uniformly. Another benefit of gaseous divertor is the reduction of plasma temperature in the divertor chamber, so that material erosion due to sputtering, can be diminished. This makes the use of low-Z material possible in a gaseous divertor

  11. Plutonium(IV) precipitates formed in alkaline media in the presence of various anions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krot, N.N.; Shilov, V.P.; Yusov, A.B.; Tananaev, I.G.; Grigoriev, M.S.; Garnov, A.Yu.; Perminov, V.P.; Astafurova, L.N.


    The tendency of Pu(IV) to hydrolyze and form true solutions, colloid solutions, or insoluble precipitates has been known since the Manhattan Project. Since then, specific studies have been performed to examine in detail the equilibria of Pu(IV) hydrolytic reactions in various media. Great attention also has been paid to the preparation, structure, and properties of Pu(IV) polymers or colloids. These compounds found an important application in sol-gel technology for the preparation of nuclear fuel materials. A most important result of these works was the conclusion that Pu(IV) hydroxide, after some aging, consists of very small PuO{sub 2} crystallites and should therefore be considered to be Pu(IV) hydrous oxide. However, studies of the properties and behavior of solid Pu(IV) hydroxide in complex heterogeneous systems are rare. The primary goal of this investigation was to obtain data on the composition and properties of Pu(IV) hydrous oxide or other compounds formed in alkaline media under different conditions. Such information is important to understand Pu(IV) behavior and the forms of its existence in the Hanford Site alkaline tank waste sludge. This knowledge then may be applied in assessing plutonium criticality hazards in the storage, retrieval, and treatment of Hanford Site tank wastes as well as in understanding its contribution to the transuranic waste inventory (threshold at 100 nCi/g or about 5 {times} 10{sup {minus}6} M) of the separate solution and solid phases.

  12. Plutonium(IV) precipitates formed in alkaline media in the presence of various anions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krot, N.N.; Shilov, V.P.; Yusov, A.B.; Tananaev, I.G.; Grigoriev, M.S.; Garnov, A.Yu.; Perminov, V.P.; Astafurova, L.N.


    The tendency of Pu(IV) to hydrolyze and form true solutions, colloid solutions, or insoluble precipitates has been known since the Manhattan Project. Since then, specific studies have been performed to examine in detail the equilibria of Pu(IV) hydrolytic reactions in various media. Great attention also has been paid to the preparation, structure, and properties of Pu(IV) polymers or colloids. These compounds found an important application in sol-gel technology for the preparation of nuclear fuel materials. A most important result of these works was the conclusion that Pu(IV) hydroxide, after some aging, consists of very small PuO 2 crystallites and should therefore be considered to be Pu(IV) hydrous oxide. However, studies of the properties and behavior of solid Pu(IV) hydroxide in complex heterogeneous systems are rare. The primary goal of this investigation was to obtain data on the composition and properties of Pu(IV) hydrous oxide or other compounds formed in alkaline media under different conditions. Such information is important to understand Pu(IV) behavior and the forms of its existence in the Hanford Site alkaline tank waste sludge. This knowledge then may be applied in assessing plutonium criticality hazards in the storage, retrieval, and treatment of Hanford Site tank wastes as well as in understanding its contribution to the transuranic waste inventory (threshold at 100 nCi/g or about 5 x 10 -6 M) of the separate solution and solid phases

  13. Thermodynamic properties of actinide complexes. IV. Thorium(IV)- and uranyl(VI)-malonate systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Di Bernardo, P; Di Napoli, V; Cassol, A; Magon, L [Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Padua (Italy). Lab. di Chimica e Tecnologia dei Radioelementi


    The stability constants and the enthalpies of formation of thorium(IV)- and uranyl(VI)-malonate complexes have been determined by potentiometric and calorimetric titrations in 1.00 M solutions of Na(ClO/sub 4/) at 25/sup 0/C. All complexes formed are found to be stabilized by a large entropy gain. The values for the stability constants agree with an ionic bonding model. The malonate behaves as a bidentate ligand forming only chelate complexes.

  14. A Stable Coordination Complex of Rh(IV) in an N,O-Donor Environment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sinha, Shashi B. [Department of Chemistry, Yale University, 225 Prospect; Shopov, Dimitar Y. [Department of Chemistry, Yale University, 225 Prospect; Sharninghausen, Liam S. [Department of Chemistry, Yale University, 225 Prospect; Vinyard, David J. [Department of Chemistry, Yale University, 225 Prospect; Mercado, Brandon Q. [Department of Chemistry, Yale University, 225 Prospect; Brudvig, Gary W. [Department of Chemistry, Yale University, 225 Prospect; Crabtree, Robert H. [Department of Chemistry, Yale University, 225 Prospect


    We describe facial and meridional isomers of [RhIII(pyalk)3], as well as meridional [RhIV(pyalk)3]+ {pyalk =2-(2-pyridyl)-2-propanoate}, the first coordination complex in an N,O-donor environment to show a clean, reversible RhIII/IV redox couple and to have a stable Rh(IV) form, which we characterize by EPR and UV–visible spectroscopy as well as X-ray crystallography. The unprecedented stability of the Rh(IV) species is ascribed to the exceptional donor strength of the ligands, their oxidation resistance, and the meridional coordination geometry.

  15. Cyclopentadienyluranium(IV) acetylacetonates

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bagnall, K.W.; Edwards, J.; Rickard, C.E.F.; Tempest, A.C.


    Cyclopentadienyluranium(IV) acetylacetonate complexes, (eta 5 C 5 H 5 )UClsub(3-x)(acac)sub(x), where x = 1 or 2, and the corresponding bis triphenylphosphine oxide (tppo) complexes have been prepared. The bis cyclopentadienyl complexes, (eta 5 C 5 H 5 ) 2 U(acac) 2 and (eta 5 C 5 H 5 ) 2 UCl(acac)(tppo) 2 have also been prepared and are stable with respect to disproportionation, whereas (eta 5 C 5 H 5 ) 2 UCl(acac) is not. The IR and UV/visible spectra of the complexes are reported, together with some additional information on the UCl 2 (acac) 2 thf and -tppo systems. (author)

  16. Can children undergoing ophthalmologic examinations under anesthesia be safely anesthetized without using an IV line?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vigoda M


    Full Text Available Michael M Vigoda, Azeema Latiff, Timothy G Murray, Jacqueline L Tutiven, Audina M Berrocal, Steven GayerBascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USAPurpose: To document that with proper patient and procedure selection, children undergoing general inhalational anesthesia for ophthalmologic exams (with or without photos, ultrasound, laser treatment, peri-ocular injection of chemotherapy, suture removal, and/or replacement of ocular prosthesis can be safely anesthetized without the use of an intravenous (IV line. Children are rarely anesthetized without IV access placement. We performed a retrospective study to determine our incidence of IV access placement during examinations under anesthesia (EUA and the incidence of adverse events that required intraoperative IV access placement.Methods: Data collected from our operating room (OR information system includes but is not limited to diagnosis, anesthesiologist, surgeon, and location of IV catheter (if applicable, patient’s date of birth, actual procedure, and anesthesia/procedure times. We reviewed the OR and anesthetic records of children (>1 month and <10 years who underwent EUAs between January 1, 2003 and May 31, 2009. We determined the percentage of children who were anesthetized without IV access placement, as well as the incidence of any adverse events that required IV access placement, intraoperatively.Results: We analyzed data from 3196 procedures performed during a 77-month period. Patients’ ages ranged from 1 month to 9 years. Overall, 92% of procedures were performed without IV access placement. Procedure duration ranged from 1–39 minutes. Reasons for IV access placement included parental preference for antinausea medication and/or attending preference for IV access placement. No child who underwent anesthesia without an IV line had an intraoperative adverse event requiring insertion of an IV line.Conclusion: Our data suggest that for

  17. Doktorskaja "tma"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Soome kunstnikust Teemu Mäkist ja tema tööde näitusest "The Visible Darkness" Rotermanni soolalaos Tallinnas : näitus on osa kunstniku doktoritööst, mida ta valmistub kaitsma Helsingi Kujutavate Kunstide Akadeemias

  18. Uudised : Hortus Musicus Moskvas. TPÜ naiskoor koorikonkursil. RAM samal laval Mark Knopfleriga. "Tuuleveskid. Kerkokell" / Joosep Sang

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sang, Joosep


    Hortus Musicus esines 23. ja 24. nov. Moskvas. TPÜnaiskoor võitis II preemia XVII rahvusvahelisel F.Schuberti nim. koorikonkursil Austrias. RAM esineb 8. dets. Helsingis Hartwall Areenas heategevuskontserdil. RAM esineb 6. dets. Estonia kontserdisaalis kavaga "Tuuleveskid. Kerkokell"

  19. II Läänemere maade muinsuskaitsefoorum

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Teine Läänemeremaade muinsuskaitsefoorum teemal "Urban Heritage - Collective Privilege" Helsingis 7.-11. VI 2005. Põhikonverentsi jutatasid sisse Riita Nikula, Herb Stovel ja Hans Jacob Roald, kes esitasid oma nägemuse ajaloolise linnakeskonna võimalustest ja ohtudest

  20. Эстонская коллекция едет в Финландию / Валнер Вальме

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Вальме, Валнер, 1970-


    15. oktoobril avatakse Helsingi kunstihoones (Helsingin Taidehalli) eesti klassikalise maalikunsti näitus "Eesti värvid – 150 aastat eesti maalikunsti Enn Kunila kollektsioonist". Kuraator Harry Liivrand, kujundaja Olev Subbi. Kollektsiooni tutvustava raamatu autor on Eero Epner