
Sample records for islas malvinas hepaticae

  1. Francisco Gil y Lemos, gobernador de las islas Malvinas (1774-1777

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    Iago Gil Aguado


    Full Text Available La colonia de Puerto Soledad en las islas Malvinas, guarnecida de 1767 a 1811 por tropas españolas, constituía una de las posesiones más remotas y aisladas de la Monarquía Española. Aunque la existencia de la misma ha sido escasamente estudiada, era considerada en la época de gran importancia estratégica para el control de la América meridional y el paso por el Cabo de Hornos. En este artículo se reconstruye la vida y características de la colonia, estudiando el mandato del futuro virrey y ministro de Marina Francisco Gil y Lemos a la cabeza de la misma. Se trata de años clave para su configuración definitiva, en los que, debido a las condiciones climatológicas extremas, se abandonó definitivamente el proyecto de establecer una colonia de población en las islas, reformándose su estructura de gobierno para convertir Puerto Soledad en un presidio destinado exclusivamente a garantizar la soberanía de España sobre el archipiélago. Son asimismo años clave para determinar la soberanía de las islas, ya que hasta 1776 existió una delicada cohabitación con la factoría británica de Port Egmont, que sería definitivamente abandonada por los ingleses durante el gobierno de Francisco Gil y Lemos.The colony of Puerto Soledad in the Falkland Islands, garrisoned by Spain from 1767 to 1811, was one of the most remote and isolated possessions of the Spanish Empire. Despite the fact that it was considered of the utmost strategic importance at the time, it has scarcely received any serious attention. This article studies the characteristics of and daily life in the colony, analysing the governorship of the future Viceroy and First Lord of the Spanish Admiralty Francisco Gil y Lemos. During his years as Governor, plans for the establishment of a permanent civilian settlement in the Falklands were finally dropped due to the extreme climatic conditions on the islands, and Puerto Soledad assumed its definitive role as a purely military outpost

  2. Gran Malvina. Una mirada a la experiencia bélica desde los testimonios de sus oficiales

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    Federico Lorenz


    Full Text Available En 1982, las fuerzas argentinas fueron derrotadas por Gran Bretaña en una guerra por las Islas Malvinas, en la que pelearon en pésimas condiciones, agravadas por el escenario hostil del archipiélago. El fracaso en esta conflagración, decidida y librada por la dictadura militar que gobernaba en Argentina desde 1976, dio lugar a un proceso que culminó con la restauración democrática. Se analizan las características de la experiencia bélica en Malvinas, a partir de un fondo documental producido a pocos días de la derrota. Este fondo está constituido por las declaraciones juradas de los oficiales argentinos acerca de su actuación en la guerra. Se estudian los testimonios escritos de oficiales que sirvieron en la Isla Gran Malvina, la segunda de las dos mayores que componen el archipiélago.

  3. Por ausente, por vencido. Contar Malvinas desde la ficción

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    Full Text Available Con la entrada en el nuevo milenio el tema de las Islas Malvinas resurge con mayor fuerza en los diferentes ámbitos de estudio, sin embargo es la literatura la que desde el primer momento ha marcado el pulso de estas historias y  ha propiciado la conservación del recuerdo, tanto de los caídos como el de los injustamente olvidados veteranos.


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    Luz Soto


    Full Text Available La urgencia por contar la Guerra de Malvinas se ha acelerado en la última década, en parte sustentada por la misma ola memorialista que hace virar la mirada hacia los hechos más traumáticos del siglo XX, pero en gran medida como necesidad específica del pueblo argentino por disponer de un duelo, por llorar la muerte no solamente de los caídos sino también por la pérdida instalada (recordemos que las islas estaban en manos de los ingleses desde 1833 de un territorio que insólita y paradójicamente logró unir por dos meses a un...


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    Facundo Cersosimo


    Full Text Available El 2 de abril de 1982 las autoridades de la dictadura militar argentina decidieron recuperar las islas del Atlántico Sur en poder de Inglaterra. La Guerra de Malvinas, como se denominó el enfrentamiento armado, produjo al interior del catolicismo argentino pronunciamientos disímiles que tensionaron el campo católico. En el presente artículo analizaremos las posturas de los grupos que denomino tradicionalistas católicos, tratando de reflejar sus diferencias internas como las mantenidas con las autoridades de la Iglesia Católica argentina.

  6. Cotidianeidad y guerra. Experiencias de los integrantes del Apostadero Naval Malvinas en el conflicto del Atlántico Sur

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    Andrea Rodriguez


    Full Text Available El 2 de abril de 1982 tropas argentinas desembarcaron en las islas Malvinas, lo que provocó el estallido de la única guerra del país en el siglo XX. Luego de dos meses y medio, el 14 de junio, la misma finalizó con su rendición. Durante ese período, quienes estuvieron en las islas desarrollaron diversas estrategias para vivir, y sobrevivir, en condiciones extraordinarias, aprendieron a estar diariamente sometidos a los bombardeos, incorporando la muerte a su cotidianeidad, y configuraron nuevos lazos entre los compañeros de posición, destino, unidad.Los miembros del Apostadero Naval Malvinas fueron uno de los pocos grupos que existió los 74 días que duró la guerra, en tanto dicha unidad fue creada el mismo día del desembarco y continuó en actividad hasta el término del conflicto. El objetivo del artículo es, en principio, reconstruir la cotidianeidad de este grupo durante la guerra y los cambios que se operaron, teniendo en cuenta el contexto bélico, la cantidad de personal, los espacios compartidos, las actividades que realizaron. En ese marco, se busca analizar uno de los elementos que atravesó esa cotidianeidad: la convivencia y las relaciones que se configuraron entre sus miembros, a partir, principalmente, de fuentes orales.

  7. Notes on the Plagiochilaceae, IX. A Review of the Genus Plagiochila (Dum.) Dum. (Hepaticae) in the Galapagos Islands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Inoue, Hiroshi; Gradstein, S. Rob


    El género Plagiochila (hepatica) esta representada en las Islas Galapagos por ocho (8) especies diferentes: P. bursata (Desv.) Lindenbg., P. galapagona Inoue, P gradsteinii Inoue, P. guilleminiana Mont., P. inouei Grolle, P. scabrifolia Inoue, P. spinifera Ångstr. y P. subplana Lindenbg. El

  8. Malvinas a 30 años del conflicto. Un análisis sobre las propuestas de enseñanza en formato digital

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    Virginia Cuesta


    Full Text Available Este artículo trata de definir los límites y posibilidades de los nuevos textos digitales en la enseñanza de la historia, especialmente de algunas propuestas didácticas producidas por el gobierno nacional, cuyo contenido versa sobre la guerra de Malvinas. ¿Cuáles son los nuevos significados que este tipo de textos digitales aportan a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la Guerra de las Malvinas? ¿Qué discursos y narrativas sobre Malvinas se presentan explícitos e implícitos en estos textos digitales? ¿Hay algún cambio entre estas narraciones que emergen en el 30 aniversario de la guerra en comparación con las narrativas anteriores? Son algunas de las preguntas que tratamos de resolver, a pesar de que los textos en formato digital para la enseñanza de la historia, parecen ser muy caóticos y poseen otro régimen de producción, lectura y propiedad, diferente al de los materiales curriculares impresos. Como primera aproximación al análisis podemos observar como las políticas educativas nacionales actuales en Argentina refuerzan el discurso de los derechos y la soberanía sobre las islas, introduciendo además, elementos nuevos que buscan un acercamiento emocional a la causa y desdibujan en parte, la enseñanza de la complejidad de Malvinas

  9. Malvinas issue during the 1986 soccer world cup in Mexico :: A political analysis of Crónica's newspaper discourse


    Ciccone, Carlos Sebastián


    En la etapa posterior a la guerra en la que se enfrentaron Argentina y el Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte en 1982, la disputa por la soberanía de las islas Malvinas se presentó como un tema latente con especial repercusión en los medios de comunicación, alimentando, en algunos casos, la tensión entre ambos países. Por tal motivo, en el presente artículo analizaremos de qué manera el diario nacionalista Crónica utilizó el discurso deportivo como un medio para abordar cuestiones...

  10. Los Veteranos truchos de Malvinas: la autenticidad como competencia metacomunicativa en las identidades del trabajo de campo

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    Rosana Guber


    Full Text Available El engaño y la mentira continúan preocupando a los investigadores sociales. Ya sea que se utilicen herramientas cuantitativas o cualitativas (incluso etnográficas, los investigadores creemos que recaudos metodológicos como la triangulación, la re-entrevista o desarrollar un buen rapport, sirven para eliminar la distorsión que introducen los informantes, y obtener afirmaciones y categorías más auténticas de nuestros sujetos sociales. En este artículo describoun episodio de «mentira identitaria» (o identidad trucha que me ocurrió mientras trabajaba en 1992 con veteranos del conflicto anglo-argentino por las Islas Malvinas (1982. Al comparar las identidades de los veteranos y de la mía como antropóloga, muestro que las mentiras son parte de las competencias metacomunicativas con que los veteranos y yo aprendemos a hablar sobre «Malvinas». Con este giro reflexivo descubro que los informantes engañosos desafían nuestros supuestos metodológicos no porque alteren la confiabilidad de nuestros relatos, sino porque iluminan aspectos nodales de nuestras propias identidades en el campo.

  11. El humor y la guerra. Tiras cómicas y cartoons en el diario Clarín durante el conflicto por las Malvinas

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    Florencia Paula Levín


    Full Text Available El año 1982 se inicia en la Argentina en medio de una importante crisis del régimen militar que impulsó a los militares a utilizar el viejo conflicto con Gran Bretaña por las islas Malvinas como un vehículo para movilizar el consenso de la sociedad acallando el creciente descontento que ya se comenzaba a expresar incluso en masivas manifestaciones públicas. En este artículo se abordará el comportamiento del humor gráfico del diario Clarín (entonces el matutino de mayor tirada a nivel nacional y expresión del sentido común de las clases medias en el contexto del conflicto con Gran Bretaña con el objetivo de demostrar que el mismo fue un vehículo que sirvió tanto para expresar, desde la particular óptica y reglas del género, los principales tópicos del discurso oficial y participar de la euforia nacionalista desatada por la “recuperación” de las islas como para habilitar, en lo márgenes de ese espacio, la emergencia de otras ópticas, minoritarias y relativamente marginales, que abrieron un espacio para el distanciamiento crítico del gobierno militar.

  12. DETEKSI Fasciola hepatica DAN Fasciola gigantica PADA KERBAU PERAH ( DETEKSI Fasciola hepatica DAN Fasciola gigantica PADA KERBAU PERAH ( DETEKSI Fasciola hepatica DAN Fasciola gigantica PADA KERBAU PERAH (




    2015 ABSTRAK YAUMIL NI???MAH O11111101.Deteksi Fasciola hepatica dan Fasciola gigantica pada Kerbau Perah Fasciola hepatica dan Fasciola gigantica merupakan cacing kelas trematoda.Telur cacing ini berbentuk oval dan dilengkapi dengan operculum yang berfungsi sebagai jalan keluar larva mirasidium pada saat telur menetas.Ukuran telur Fasciola gigantica lebih besar dibandingkan ukuran telur Fasciola hepatica.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi telur cacing Fasciola...

  13. La memoria de Malvinas y la “batalla por la marca”: Bahía Blanca, la guerra de Malvinas, y la refundación nacional (1982-2012

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    Andrea Belén Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende analizar los significados y representaciones condensados en los emprendimientos para establecer lugares de la memoria de Malvinas en Bahía Blanca desde 1982 hasta el 2012, contextualizándolos en las luchas por la memoria de la guerra a nivel local y nacional. Hace foco en tres iniciativas para construir memoriales de Malvinas en esta ciudad del sudoeste bonaerense –que se imaginó históricamente como la “Capital del sur argentino” y “Puerta de la Patagonia”-, haciendo hincapié en los actores que se involucraron en las “batallas por la marca”, sus objetivos y proyectos, así como en las coyunturas de activación memorial.

  14. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of Fasciola hepatica from Peru. (United States)

    Ichikawa-Seki, Madoka; Ortiz, Pedro; Cabrera, Maria; Hobán, Cristian; Itagaki, Tadashi


    The causative agent of fasciolosis in South America is thought to be Fasciola hepatica. In this study, Fasciola flukes from Peru were analyzed to investigate their genetic structure and phylogenetic relationships with those from other countries. Fasciola flukes were collected from the three definitive host species: cattle, sheep, and pigs. They were identified as F. hepatica because mature sperms were observed in their seminal vesicles, and also they displayed Fh type, which has an identical fragment pattern to F. hepatica in the nuclear internal transcribed spacer 1. Eight haplotypes were obtained from the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1) sequences of Peruvian F. hepatica; however, no special difference in genetic structure was observed between the three host species. Its extremely low genetic diversity suggests that the Peruvian population was introduced from other regions. Nad1 haplotypes identical to those of Peruvian F. hepatica were detected in China, Uruguay, Italy, Iran, and Australia. Our results indicate that F. hepatica rapidly expanded its range due to human migration. Future studies are required to elucidate dispersal route of F. hepatica from Europe, its probable origin, to other areas, including Peru. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  15. Fasciola hepatica in snails collected from water-dropwort fields using PCR. (United States)

    Kim, Hwang-Yong; Choi, In-Wook; Kim, Yeon-Rok; Quan, Juan-Hua; Ismail, Hassan Ahmed Hassan Ahmed; Cha, Guang-Ho; Hong, Sung-Jong; Lee, Young-Ha


    Fasciola hepatica is a trematode that causes zoonosis mainly in cattle and sheep and occasionally in humans. Fascioliasis has been reported in Korea; however, determining F. hepatica infection in snails has not been done recently. Thus, using PCR, we evaluated the prevalence of F. hepatica infection in snails at 4 large water-dropwort fields. Among 349 examined snails, F. hepatica-specific internal transcribed space 1 (ITS-1) and/or ITS-2 markers were detected in 12 snails and confirmed using sequence analysis. Morphologically, 213 of 349 collected snails were dextral shelled, which is the same aperture as the lymnaeid snail, the vectorial host for F. hepatica. Among the 12 F. hepatica-infected snails, 6 were known first intermediate hosts in Korea (Lymnaea viridis and L. ollula) and the remaining 6 (Lymnaea sp.) were potentially a new first intermediate host in Korea. It has been shown that the overall prevalence of the snails contaminated with F. hepatica in water-dropwort fields was 3.4%; however, the prevalence varied among the fields. This is the first study to estimate the prevalence of F. hepatica infection using the vectorial capacity of the snails in Korea.

  16. Seroprevalence of Fasciola hepatica in cattle in Estonia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersson, Jennifer; Jokelainen, Pikka; Lassen, Brian


    Fasciolosis, an infectious disease caused by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica, affects grazing cattle world-wide. Liver fluke F. hepatica is prevalent and well-documented in cattle in many European countries, but for the Baltic countries such information is limited. This study investigated...

  17. Fasciola hepatica from naturally infected sheep and cattle in Great Britain are diploid. (United States)

    Beesley, N J; Cwiklinski, K; Williams, D J L; Hodgkinson, J


    Diploid (2n = 2x = 20) and triploid (2n = 3x = 30) Fasciola hepatica have been reported in the UK, and in Asia diploid, triploid and mixoploid (2x/3x) Fasciola spp. exist but there is little information to indicate how common triploidy is, particularly in UK fluke. Here the ploidy of 565 adult F. hepatica from 66 naturally infected British sheep and 150 adult F. hepatica from 35 naturally infected British cattle was determined. All 715 of these parasites were diploid, based on observation of 10 bivalent chromosomes and sperm (n = 335) or, since triploids are aspermic, sperm alone (n = 380). This constitutes the first extensive analysis of the ploidy of F. hepatica field isolates from Great Britain and shows that most F. hepatica isolated from cattle and sheep are diploid and have the capacity to sexually reproduce. These data suggest that triploidy, and by extension parthenogenesis, is rare or non-existent in wild British F. hepatica populations. Given that F. hepatica is the only species of Fasciola present in Britain our results indicate that the parasite is predominantly diploid in areas where F. hepatica exists in isolation and suggests that triploidy may only originate in natural populations where co-infection of F. hepatica and its sister species Fasciola gigantica commonly occurs.

  18. Hepatic Mass Caused by Fasciola Hepatica: A Tricky Differential Diagnosis (United States)

    Yılmaz, Bülent; Köklü, Seyfettin; Gedikoğlu, Gökhan


    Fascioliasis is a zoonotic infestation caused by the trematode fasciola hepatica. It presents a wide spectrum of clinical pictures ranging from fever and eosinophilia to ambiguous gastrointestinal symptoms in the acute phase. However, it may often be overlooked, especially in the acute phase, because of uncertain symptoms. Fasciola hepatica can have an initial presentation similar to the presentation of malignancy. Here, we report a case of a hepatic mass caused by fasciola hepatica. PMID:24080633

  19. State of the knowledge of flora of hepaticas of Colombia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uribe M, Jaime; Gradstein, S Rob


    The Colombian hepatic flora is a very rich one. About 60% of all the species of tropical America and one sixth of the world's hepaticas occur in Colombia. The country has more species than the whole of Africa south of the Sahara and almost twice as many as Europe. The new catalogue of the hepaticas of Colombia accepts 840 species (in 36 families and 136 genera): 832 species of Hepaticae and 8 species of Anthocerotae

  20. Una memoria incómoda. La guerra de Malvinas en los gobiernos kirchneristas (2003-2015

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    Camila Perochena


    Full Text Available En Argentina las memorias de la guerra de Malvinas se han superpuesto y entrado en conflicto desde la derrota frente a los ingleses en junio de 1982. Este artículo busca analizar la gestión de la memoria en torno a la guerra a la que apelaron los gobiernos kirchneristas (2003-2015. Los usos políticos del pasado de este acontecimiento implicaron un desafío, dado que la guerra fue promovida y declarada por un gobierno dictatorial y unas Fuerzas Armadas duramente criticadas por la violación a los derechos humanos. Emergió así, durante el kirchnerismo, una memoria incómoda que buscaba compatibilizar la reivindicación nacionalista de la causa Malvinas con la defensa de los derechos humanos y los cuestionamientos a la dictadura. El objetivo del artículo es mostrar la forma en que varió la memoria oficial de la guerra entre el gobierno de Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007 y el de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2007-2015. El corpus documental en el que se detiene este análisis está constituido por todos los discursos presidenciales que mencionaron a la guerra y por el guion museográfico del Museo de Malvinas, inaugurado por el gobierno en junio de 2014.

  1. Fasciola hepatica Infection in an Indigenous Community of the Peruvian Jungle


    Cabada, Miguel M.; Castellanos-Gonzalez, Alejandro; Lopez, Martha; Caravedo, Mar��a Alejandra; Arque, Eulogia; White, Arthur Clinton


    Fasciola hepatica is a zoonotic infection with a worldwide distribution. Autochthonous cases have not been reported in the Amazon region of Peru. Operculated eggs resembling F. hepatica were identified in the stools of five out of 215 subjects in a remote indigenous community of the Peruvian jungle. Polymerase chain reaction targeting Fasciola hepatica cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene and sequencing of the products confirmed Fasciola infection.

  2. Fasciola hepatica: Infection Status of Freshwater Snails Collected from Gangwon-do (Province), Korea. (United States)

    Lee, Jae-Hyung; Quan, Juan-Hua; Choi, In-Wook; Park, Gab-Man; Cha, Guang-Ho; Kim, Hyun-Ju; Yuk, Jae-Min; Lee, Young-Ha


    Fasciola hepatica is a trematode that causes zoonosis, mainly in cattle and sheep, and occasionally in humans. Few recent studies have determined the infection status of this fluke in Korea. In August 2015, we collected 402 samples of freshwater snails at Hoenggye-ri (upper stream) and Suha-ri (lower stream) of Song-cheon (stream) in Daegwalnyeong-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun in Gangwon-do (Province) near many large cattle or sheep farms. F. hepatica infection was determined using PCR on the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2). Among the 402 samples, F. hepatica 1TS-2 marker was detected in 6 freshwater snails; thus, the overall prevalence in freshwater snails was 1.5%. The prevalence varied between collection areas, ranging from 0.0% at Hoenggye-ri to 2.9% at Suha-ri. However, F. gigantica ITS-2 was not detected in the 6 F. hepatica -positive samples by PCR. The nucleotide sequences of the 6 F. hepatica ITS-2 PCR-positive samples were 99.4% identical to the F. hepatica ITS-2 sequences in GenBank, whereas they were 98.4% similar to F. gigantica ITS-2 sequences. These results indicated that the prevalence of F. hepatica in snail intermediate hosts was 1.5% in Gangwon-do, Korea; however the prevalence varied between collection areas. These results may help us to understand F. hepatica infection status in natural environments.

  3. Fasciola hepatica Infection in an Indigenous Community of the Peruvian Jungle. (United States)

    Cabada, Miguel M; Castellanos-Gonzalez, Alejandro; Lopez, Martha; Caravedo, María Alejandra; Arque, Eulogia; White, Arthur Clinton


    Fasciola hepatica is a zoonotic infection with a worldwide distribution. Autochthonous cases have not been reported in the Amazon region of Peru. Operculated eggs resembling F. hepatica were identified in the stools of five out of 215 subjects in a remote indigenous community of the Peruvian jungle. Polymerase chain reaction targeting Fasciola hepatica cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene and sequencing of the products confirmed Fasciola infection. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  4. First insight into CD59-like molecules of adult Fasciola hepatica. (United States)

    Shi, Yunliang; Toet, Hayley; Rathinasamy, Vignesh; Young, Neil D; Gasser, Robin B; Beddoe, Travis; Huang, Weiyi; Spithill, Terry W


    The present study focussed on investigating CD59-like molecules of Fasciola hepatica. A cDNA encoding a CD59-like protein (termed FhCD59-1) identified previously in the membrane fraction of the F. hepatica tegument was isolated. This homologue was shown to encode a predicted open reading frame (ORF) of 122 amino acids (aa) orthologous to human CD59 with a 25 aa signal peptide, a mature protein containing 10 cysteines and a conserved CD59/Ly-6 family motif "CCXXXXCN". An analysis of cDNAs from two different adult specimens of F. hepatica revealed seven variable types of FhCD59-1 sequences, designated FhCD59-1.1 to FhCD59-1.7, which had 94.3-99.7% amino acid sequence identity upon pairwise comparison. Molecular modeling of FhCD59-1.1 with human CD59 confirmed the presence of the three-finger protein domain found in the CD59 family and predicted three disulphide bonds in the F. hepatica sequence. The interrogation of F. hepatica databases identified two additional sequences, designated FhCD59-2 and FhCD59-3, which had only 23.4-29.5% amino acid identity to FhCD59-1.1. Orthologues of the inferred CD59 protein sequences of F. hepatica were also identified in other flatworms, including Fasciola gigantica, Fascioloides magna, Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma japonicum, Schistosoma mansoni, Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini, Taenia solium, Echinococcus granulosus and the free living Schmidtea mediterannea. The results revealed a considerable degree of sequence complexity in the CD59-like sequence families in F. hepatica and flatworms. Phylogenetic analysis of CD59-like aa sequences from F. hepatica and flatworms showed that FhCD59-2 clustered with the known surface-associated protein SmCD59-2 of S. mansoni. Relatively well-supported clades specific to schistosomes, fasciolids and opisthorchiids were identified. The qPCR analysis of gene transcription showed that the relative expression of these 3 FhCD59-like sequences varied by 11-47-fold during fluke

  5. Detection of Lymnaea columella infection by Fasciola hepatica through Multiplex-PCR

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    Kelly Grace Magalhães


    Full Text Available From complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Fasciola hepatica available in Genbank, specific primers were designed for a conserved and repetitive region of this trematode. A pair of primers was used for diagnosis of infected Lymnaea columella by F. hepatica during the pre-patent period simultaneously with another pair of primers which amplified the internal transcribed spacer (ITS region of rDNA from L. columella in a single Multiplex-PCR. The amplification generated a ladder band profile specific for F. hepatica. This profile was observed in positive molluscs at different times of infection, including adult worms from the trematode. The Multiplex-PCR technique showed to be a fast and safe tool for fascioliasis diagnosis, enabling the detection of F. hepatica miracidia in L. columella during the pre-patent period and identification of transmission areas.

  6. Three Living Fasciola Hepatica in the Biliary Tract of a Woman (United States)

    Niknam, Ramin; Kazemi, Mohammad Hassan; Mahmoudi, Laleh


    Fasciola hepatica (F. hepatica) as a foodborne trematode can occasionally cause hepatobiliary diseases. We report a 67-year-old woman who was referred to our center because of the diagnosis of cholangitis. She was a resident of mountainous area with the history of unsafe water and contaminated vegetables. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) was performed as a diagnostic and therapeutic modality for her. Three living F. hepatica was removed from biliary tract with a basket via ERCP. Clinical and laboratory condition of the patient improved after therapy of antibiotics and triclabendazole. PMID:26379355

  7. Régimen jurídico de las islas uruguayas

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    Carlos Delpiazzo


    Full Text Available Introducción. Uruguay en América. El territorio nacional.- Conformación. - Principales islas. Islas del Océano Atlántico. Islas del Río de la Plata. Islas del Río Uruguay. Islas de la Laguna Merín. Islas interiores. Marco normativo. Marco conceptual. - Caracterización. - Naturaleza jurídica. - Tipología. Marco organizativo. Encuadramiento en la organización nacional. - Encuadramiento en la organización departamental. Conclusiones.La República Oriental del Uruguay es uno de los países más pequeños de América del Sur, que está situado entre los paralelos 30º y 35º de latitud Sur y los meridianos 53º y 58º de longitud Oeste, limitando al Norte y Noreste con la República Federativa del Brasil, al Oeste con la República Argentina, al Sur con el Río de la Plata y al Este con el Océano Atlántico, siendo su capital, Montevideo, la ciudad capital más austral del mundo.El espacio geográfico nacional abarca actualmente un área terrestre de 176.215 kilómetros cuadrados, al que corresponde agregar el espacio acuático de sus ríos y lagunas limítrofes y de su mar territorial sobre el Océano Atlántico, con sus respectivas islas, totalizando 313.782 kilómetros cuadrados.

  8. Dynamics of haemocytes from Pseudosuccinea columella circulating infected by Fasciola hepatica

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    Vinicius Marques Antunes Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Abstract The lymnaeids are important in the epidemiology of Fasciola hepatica, a neglected and endemic zoonosis. The interaction between the internal defense system of Pseudosuccinea columella and F. hepatica has been little studied. In the present study the effect of infection by F. hepatica on P. columella circulating haemocytes was investigated. Changes in the average number of total circulating haemocytes have been observed at 30 minutes post-infection and 1, 7, 10, 14, 21, 28 and 50 days post-infection (dpi. Miracidia were observed head-foot and mantle at 30 minutes post-infection. Miracidia/Sporocysts in the mantle skirt 1 dpi, and fully formed sporocysts were observed in the head-foot at 7 dpi. Rediae became evident at 10 dpi and were located between the haemocoel and the muscles from 14 dpi; 50 dpi, the rediae in the digestive gland contained cercariae. The statistical analysis of the total haemocytes of P. columella infected by F. hepatica showed significant differences on the 30 minutes post-infection and 1, 14, 21, and 28 dpi in comparison to uninfected molluscs (0 dpi. Therefore, the interference observed on the internal defence system of P. columella may have direct association with the development of F. hepatica.

  9. ¿Por qué enseñar Filosofía Hoy?.


    Castro, Francisco


    INDICE Presentación La Enseñanza de la Historia Consideraciones Generales Angel Lombardi "Tras su manto de neblina,..." Las Islas Malvinas como creación escolar Marí, Cristina; Saab, Jorge; Suárez, Carlos, Giufra, Lidia; Gerszenszteig, Marina; Stülgemayer, Sabrina; Avila, Andrea; Osuna Gutiérrez, Patricia; Suárez, Lourdes La...

  10. Complejidad, Educación y Poder.


    Vilera de Girón, Aliria


    INDICE Presentación La Enseñanza de la Historia Consideraciones Generales Angel Lombardi "Tras su manto de neblina,..." Las Islas Malvinas como creación escolar Marí, Cristina; Saab, Jorge; Suárez, Carlos, Giufra, Lidia; Gerszenszteig, Marina; Stülgemayer, Sabrina; Avila, Andrea; Osuna Gutiérrez, Patricia; Suárez, Lourdes La...

  11. La Formación de Profesores de Historia.


    Medina Rubio, Arístides


    INDICE Presentación La Enseñanza de la Historia Consideraciones Generales Angel Lombardi "Tras su manto de neblina,..." Las Islas Malvinas como creación escolar Marí, Cristina; Saab, Jorge; Suárez, Carlos, Giufra, Lidia; Gerszenszteig, Marina; Stülgemayer, Sabrina; Avila, Andrea; Osuna Gutiérrez, Patricia; Suárez, Lourdes La...

  12. La Enseñanza de la Historia Consideraciones Generales.


    Lombardi, Angel


    INDICE Presentación La Enseñanza de la Historia Consideraciones Generales Angel Lombardi "Tras su manto de neblina,..." Las Islas Malvinas como creación escolar Marí, Cristina; Saab, Jorge; Suárez, Carlos, Giufra, Lidia; Gerszenszteig, Marina; Stülgemayer, Sabrina; Avila, Andrea; Osuna Gutiérrez, Patricia; Suárez, Lourdes La...

  13. Subregional characterization of mesoscale eddies across the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (United States)

    Mason, Evan; Pascual, Ananda; Gaube, Peter; Ruiz, Simón; Pelegrí, Josep L.; Delepoulle, Antoine


    Horizontal and vertical motions associated with coherent mesoscale structures, including eddies and meanders, are responsible for significant global transports of many properties, including heat and mass. Mesoscale vertical fluxes also influence upper ocean biological productivity by mediating the supply of nutrients into the euphotic layer, with potential impacts on the global carbon cycle. The Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC) is a western boundary current region in the South Atlantic with intense mesoscale activity. This region has an active role in the genesis and transformation of water masses and thus is a critical component of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. The collision between the Malvinas and Brazil Currents over the Patagonian shelf/slope creates an energetic front that translates offshore to form a vigorous eddy field. Recent improvements in gridded altimetric sea level anomaly fields allow us to track BMC mesoscale eddies with high spatial and temporal resolutions using an automated eddy tracker. We characterize the eddies across fourteen 5° × 5° subregions. Eddy-centric composites of tracers and geostrophic currents diagnosed from a global reanalysis of surface and in situ data reveal substantial subregional heterogeneity. The in situ data are also used to compute the evolving quasi-geostrophic vertical velocity (QG-ω) associated with each instantaneous eddy instance. The QG-ω eddy composites have the expected dipole patterns of alternating upwelling/downwelling, however, the magnitude and sign of azimuthally averaged vertical velocity varies among subregions. Maximum eddy values are found near fronts and sharp topographic gradients. In comparison with regional eddy composites, subregional composites provide refined information about mesoscale eddy heterogeneity.

  14. Immune responses induced by co-infection with Capillaria hepatica in Clonorchis sinensis-infected rats. (United States)

    Moon, E-K; Lee, S-H; Goo, T W; Quan, F-S


    Clonorchis sinensis and Capillaria hepatica are zoonotic parasites that mainly infect the liver and cause serious liver disorders. However, immunological parameters induced by co-infection with these parasites remain unknown. In this study, for the first time, we investigated immunological profiles induced by co-infection with C. hepatica (CH) in C. sinensis (CS)-infected rats (Sprague-Dawley). Rats were infected primarily with 50 metacercariae of C. sinensis; 4 weeks later, they were subsequently infected with 1000 infective C. hepatica eggs. Significantly higher levels of C. sinensis- or C. hepatica-specific IgG antibodies were found in the sera of rats. Interestingly, no cross-reacting antibody was observed between C. sinensis and C. hepatica infections. Significantly raised eosinophil levels were found in the blood of C. sinensis/C. hepatica co-infected rats (CS + CH) compared to the blood of rats infected singly with C. sinensis. Co-infected rats showed significantly higher levels of lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production compared to a single C. sinensis infection. The worm burden of C. sinensis was significantly reduced in co-infected rats compared to the single C. sinensis infection. These results indicate that the eosinophils, lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production induced by subsequent infection with C. hepatica in C. sinensis-infected rats might contribute to the observed C. sinensis worm reduction.

  15. Epidemiology and impact of Fasciola hepatica exposure in high-yielding dairy herds. (United States)

    Howell, Alison; Baylis, Matthew; Smith, Rob; Pinchbeck, Gina; Williams, Diana


    The liver fluke Fasciola hepatica is a trematode parasite with a worldwide distribution and is the cause of important production losses in the dairy industry. The aim of this observational study was to assess the prevalence of exposure to F. hepatica in a group of high yielding dairy herds, to determine the risk factors and investigate their associations with production and fertility parameters. Bulk milk tank samples from 606 herds that supply a single retailer with liquid milk were tested with an antibody ELISA for F. hepatica. Multivariable linear regression was used to investigate the effect of farm management and environmental risk factors on F. hepatica exposure. Higher rainfall, grazing boggy pasture, presence of beef cattle on farm, access to a stream or pond and smaller herd size were associated with an increased risk of exposure. Univariable regression was used to look for associations between fluke exposure and production-related variables including milk yield, composition, somatic cell count and calving index. Although causation cannot be assumed, a significant (phepatica exposure and estimated milk yield at the herd level, representing a 15% decrease in yield for an increase in F. hepatica exposure from the 25th to the 75th percentile. This remained significant when fertility, farm management and environmental factors were controlled for. No associations were found between F. hepatica exposure and any of the other production, disease or fertility variables. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Ectopic Human Fasciola hepatica Infection by an Adult Worm in the Mesocolon. (United States)

    Kim, Ah Jin; Choi, Chang Hwan; Choi, Sun Keun; Shin, Yong Woon; Park, Yun-Kyu; Kim, Lucia; Choi, Suk Jin; Han, Jee Young; Kim, Joon Mee; Chu, Young Chae; Park, In Suh


    We report here an ectopic case of Fasciola hepatica infection confirmed by recovery of an adult worm in the mesocolon. A 56-year-old female was admitted to our hospital with discomfort and pain in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen. Abdominal CT showed 3 abscesses in the left upper quadrant, mesentery, and pelvic cavity. On surgical exploration, abscess pockets were found in the mesocolon of the sigmoid colon and transverse colon. A leaf-like worm found in the abscess pocket of the mesocolon of the left colon was diagnosed as an adult fluke of F. hepatica. Histologically, numerous eggs of F. hepatica were noted with acute and chronic granulomatous inflammations in the subserosa and pericolic adipose tissues. Conclusively, a rare case of ectopic fascioliasis has been confirmed in this study by the adult worm recovery of F. hepatica in the mesocolon.

  17. Sheep and Fasciola hepatica in Europe: the GLOWORM experience

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    Laura Rinaldi


    Full Text Available Fasciola hepatica infection challenges health, welfare and productivity of small ruminants throughout the world. The distribution of F. hepatica in sheep in Europe is usually scattered and studies are generally concerned with a single area making it difficult to compare results from different environments, climates and management regimes. In order to elucidate the current scenario in terms of prevalence and intensity of F. hepatica infection in sheep farms across Europe, a standardized cross-sectional survey was conducted in three pilot areas in Ireland, Switzerland and Italy, all part of the EU funded GLOWORM project. Two consecutive field surveys (in 2012 and 2013 were conducted in the three countries in the same period (August-October in 361 sheep farms in total. Harmonized procedures (from farm to laboratory based on pooled samples and the highly sensitive and accurate, diagnostic FLOTAC technique were used. The georeferenced parasitological results were modelled (at the pilot area level following a Bayesian geostatistical approach with correction for preferential sampling and accounting for climatic and environmental covariates. The observed F. hepatica prevalence rates did not differ between the two study years in any of the three pilot areas, but they did vary between the countries showing high values in Ireland (61.6% compared to Italy (7.9% and Switzerland (4.0%. Spatial patterns of F. hepatica distribution were detected by the Bayesian geostatistical approach in Ireland with a high risk of infection in the south-western part of the pilot area there. The latent factor analysis highlighted the importance of year-to-year variation of mean temperature, rainfall and seasonality within a country, while long-term trends of temperature and rainfall dominated between countries with respect to prevalence of infection.

  18. Hybridization experiments indicate incomplete reproductive isolating mechanism between Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. (United States)

    Itagaki, T; Ichinomiya, M; Fukuda, K; Fusyuku, S; Carmona, C


    Experiments on hybridization between Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica were carried out to clarify whether a reproductive isolating mechanism appears between the two Fasciola species. Molecular evidence for hybridization was based on the DNA sequence of the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region in nuclear ribosomal DNA, which differs between the species. The results suggested that there were not pre-mating but post-mating isolating mechanisms between the two species. However, viable adults of the hybrids F1 and F2 were produced from both parental F. hepatica and F. gigantica. The hybrids inherited phenotypic characteristics such as ratio of body length and width and infectivity to rats from parental Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. These findings suggest that reproductive isolation is incomplete between Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. Adults of the hybrids F1 and F2 were completely different in mode of reproduction from aspermic Fasciola forms that occur in Asia and seem to be offspring originated from hybridization between F. hepatica and F. gigantica and to reproduce parthenogenetically.

  19. Economic geology of the Isla de Mona Quadrangle, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Briggs, Reginald Peter


    Limiting this tableland In the northern part of Isla de Mona are sheer sea cliffs chiefly exposing the Isla de Mona Dolomite. Around the southern part of the island are Irregular cliffs and steep slopes that chiefly expose the Lirio Limestone. The structure of Isla de Mona consists of two gentle complex folds a broad anticline that trends and plunges gently south-southeast through the central and western parts of Isla de Mona, and a parallel syncline through-the eastern part of the Island that also has a chiefly south-southeast plunge. A near-vertical fault that strikes northwest, then north from the central part to the north coast of Isla de Mona displaces bedrock of the eastern block downward about 10 m. Many caves, including one cave system more than 100,000 m2 in total area, are localized in the lower 10 m of the Lirio Limestone, adjacent to the cliffs peripheral to the upland surface, and numerous small caves occur higher in the Lirio. A few small caves also are found In the Isla de Mona Dolomite. However, the total floor area of all caves on Isla de Mona probably is less than 1 percent of the area of the Island. Almost all caves on Isla de Mona contain phosphorite, which was mined extensively during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Phosphorite accumulation locally may have exceeded 3.5 m in thickness, but probably averaged less than 1.5 m thick. A fair estimate of original reserves of phosphorite in 12 surveyed caves is about 151,000 m3 of which about 125,500 m3 probably has been removed in mining. Original reserves in the entire island are estimated to have been in the range 158,000 to 235,500 m3. Converted to metric tons, remaining reserves of cave phosphorite probably are considerably less than 50,000. The very pure limestone and calcitic dolomite that form the bedrock of Isla de Mona are abundant industrial-mineral resources. In addition, these carbonate rocks and the beach deposits are sources of construction materials for some classes of

  20. The Malvinas/Falklands War of 1982: Lessons for the United States and Latin America (United States)


    Peruvian General Edgardo Mercado Jarrin once called the cruelest form of dependence-by developing indigenous military industrial capabilities. Brazilian...Moneta. "The Malvinas Conflict; Its Role in Argentine Foreign Policy and in the World Context," Estudios Internacionales, Vol. XV, No. 60, October...Atlantic, Latin American and Brazil Face the Disarticulation of the Inter- American System," Estudios Internacionales, Vol. XV, No. 60, October-December

  1. Controversial aspects of the life cycle of Fasciola hepatica. (United States)

    Moazeni, Mohammad; Ahmadi, Amin


    Fasciola hepatica is a well-known helminth parasite, with significant economic and public health importance all over the world. It has been known since more than 630 years ago and a considerable research work has been carried out on the life cycle of this important parasite. In the hepatic phase of the life cycle of F. hepatica, it is assumed that the young flukes, after about 6-7 weeks of migration in the liver parenchyma, enter into the bile ducts of the definitive hosts and become sexually mature. Even though the secretion of cysteine peptidases including cathepsin L and B proteases by F. hepatica may justify this opinion, because of several scientific reasons and based on the experimental studies conducted in different animals (reviewed in this article), the entry of parasites into the bile ducts, after their migration in the liver parenchyma seems to be doubtful. However, considering all the facts relating to the hepatic and biliary phases of the life cycle of F. hepatica, two alternative ideas are suggested: 1) some of the migrating juvenile flukes may enter into the bile ducts immediately after reaching the liver parenchyma while they are still very small, or 2) when newly excysted juvenile flukes are penetrating into the intestinal wall to reach the liver through the abdominal cavity, a number of these flukes may enter into the choleduct and reach the hepatic bile ducts, where they mature. According to the previously performed natural and experimental studies in different animals and human beings, the supporting and opposing evidences for the current opinion as well as the evidences that might justify the two new ideas are reviewed and discussed briefly. In conclusion, our present knowledge about the time and quality of the entry of F. hepaticas into the bile ducts, seems to be insufficient, therefore, there are still some dark corners and unknown aspects in this field that should be clarified. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. El clima de las ciudades: isla de calor de Salamanca

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    Mª Salud Alonso García


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se ha determinado la existencia de la isla de calor urbana (ICU, en una ciudad de tamaño medio, con un clima extremado y focos industriales de poca actividad. Con lo que se puede comprobar cómo afecta el calentamiento urbano a ciudades de estas características, pudiendo influir en los seres vivos de la zona. La existencia del fenómeno isla de calor, y su evolución en el tiempo, se han observado comparando los datos de temperatura registrados en una estación meteorológica situada en la ciudad, con los de otra estación fuera del radio de acción de la urbe, durante el período 1996-1998. Se han detectado dos fenómenos: la isla de calor nocturna, cuando la diferencia térmica entre la ciudad y la zona rural es positiva, que presenta sus valores más altos en otoño, y la isla de calor diurna, cuando la diferencia es negativa, que presenta sus valores más altos en primavera. Realizando un estudio estadístico de la evolución anual de la isla de calor nocturna en Salamanca, podemos definir isla de calor débil si su intensidad es inferior a 2 oC, moderada si se encuentra entre 2 oC y 4 oC e intensa si supera los 4 oC.

  3. Geology of Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Frank, E.F.; Wicks, Carol M.; Mylroie, J.; Troester, J.; Alexander, E.C.; Carew, J.L.


    Isla de Mona is a carbonate island located in the Mona Passage 68 km west of Puerto Rico. The tectonically uplifted island is 12 km by 5 km, with an area of 55 km2, and forms a raised flat-topped platform or meseta. The meseta tilts gently to the south and is bounded by near vertical cliffs on all sides. These cliffs rise from 80 m above sea level on the north to 20 m above the sea on the southern coast. Along the southwestern and western side of the island a three- to six-meter-high Pleistocene fossil reef abuts the base of the cliff to form a narrow coastal plain. The meseta itself consists of two Mio-Pliocene carbonate units, the lower Isla de Mona Dolomite and the upper Lirio Limestone. Numerous karst features, including a series of flank margin caves primarily developed at the Lirio Limestone/Isla de Mona Dolomite contact, literally ring the periphery of the island.


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    A. Panebianco


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to investigate the occurrence of bacteria in Fasciola hepatica and into cattle biliary ducts containing the parasite. A total of 24 liver and 58 F. hepatica samples were analysed. In all biliary ducts and in 62,06% of parasite Enterobacteriaceae were isolated. The bacterial specie more frequently isolated from parasite were Citrobacter freundii (34%, Proteus mirabilis (18%, Providencia rettgeri (12%, Staphylococcus spp. (18%, Enterobacter spp. (12%. There doesn’t appear to be a correlation between bacterial specie from parasite and ducts. The Authors conclude with some related inspective consideration.

  5. Biogeografía histórica de la familia Curculionidae (Coleoptera en las subregiones Subantártica y Chilena Central Historical biogeography of family Curculionidae (Coleoptera on Subantarctic and Central Chilean subregions

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    Paula Posadas


    Full Text Available El análisis de los patrones de distribución y la información filogenética de 71 especies de Curculionidae, distribuidas en las subregiones Subantártica y Chilena Central, aplicando los métodos biogeográficos de los árboles reconciliados y análisis de parsimonia de Brooks (BPA, resulta en un único cladograma general de áreas: ((Chile Central (Maule, Bosque Valdiviano (Islas Malvinas (Páramo Magallánico, Bosque Magallánico. La aplicación del análisis de dispersión-vicarianza (DIVA muestra que el evento vicariante más frecuente es el que separa las Islas Malvinas de las otras dos provincias subantárticas meridionales. Por otra parte, de acuerdo con los resultados del DIVA, se evidencia que las relaciones entre el Maule, Bosque Valdiviano y Chile Central no se deberían a eventos de vicarianza sino a eventos de dispersión, ya que el 61% del total de los eventos de dispersión implica a estas tres áreas. Aún más, los eventos de dispersión más frecuentes implican al Maule, ya sea en relación con Chile Central o con el Bosque Valdiviano, por lo que se deduce que la aparente complejidad de las relaciones biogeográficas del Maule podría estar relacionada con dichos eventos de dispersión.The application of the historical biogeographic techniques of reconciled trees and Brooks parsimony analysis (BPA to the distributional and phylogenetic information of 71 species of Curculionidae ranged in the Subantarctic and Central Chilean subregions results in a single general area cladogram: ((Central Chile (Maule, Valdivian Forest (Malvinas Islands (Magellanic Moorland, Magellanic Forest. The application of dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA to the same data set shows as the most frequent vicariant event the split of Islas Malvinas from the two southern Subantarctic provinces. In addition, DIVA results evidenced that the relationship among Maule, Valdivian Forest, and Central Chile did not arise from vicariance events (common history

  6. CT features of liver abscesses caused by the fasciola hepatica infection

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fan Dong; Li Peng; Sun Hua; Wang Zhihua; She Bo


    Objective: To study CT features of liver abscesses caused by the fasciola hepatica infection, and discuss its pathologic basis. Methods: CT images of 15 Patients were collected. All patients underwent both unenhanced and biphasic enhanced CT scanning, then its CT performances were analyzed. Results: round and nodular lesions were observed in 15 cases, branching and stripping lesions like dilated bile duct in 9 cases. The density of lesions was inhomogeneous, and the lesions were multifocal and multiform. The liver abscesses caused by the fasciola hepatica infection had no 'rim sign' or 'target' sign, Liver abscesses were less than 3.0 cm in diameter, and the dilation of the bile duct were not observed. Conclusion: Liver abscessed caused by the fasciola hepatica infection have characteristic CT features. Combined with clinical examination and laboratory test, the reliability of diagnosis will be considerably increased. (authors)

  7. Usefulness of 8 kDa protein of Fasciola hepatica in diagnosis of fascioliasis (United States)

    Kim, Kwangsig; Yang, Hyun Jong


    This study was designed to detect and evaluate an antigenicity of low molecular weight proteins of Fasciola hepatica in fascioliasis. Low molecular weight protein of F. hepatica was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation and Sephacryl S-100 HR gel filtration. The protein obtained was estimated to be 8 kDa on 7.5-15% gradient sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. Immunoblotting studies showed that the 8 kDa protein reacted with human fascioliasis sera, but not other trematodiasis sera. This result suggests that the 8 kDa protein of F. hepatica is one of diagnostic antigens in human fascioliasis without cross-reaction with other human trematodiasis. PMID:12815325

  8. ¿Hubo humanos diminutos en las islas Palaos?

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    Carlos A. Marmelada


    Full Text Available El reciente descubrimiento de 25 esqueletos de Homo sapiens en las islas Palaos (Micronesia ha causado revuelo en la comunidad científica por tratarse de humanos diminutos, quizá debido a un efecto de insularidad. Queda pendiente esclarecer cuál podría ser su relación con los Homo floresiensis, homínidos también de reducido tamaño encontrados en la isla de Flores (Indonesia.

  9. Gene Expression Profile in the Liver of BALB/c Mice Infected with Fasciola hepatica.

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    Jose Rojas-Caraballo

    Full Text Available Fasciola hepatica infection still remains one of the helminthic neglected tropical diseases (NTDs. It has a huge worldwide distribution, affecting mainly cattle and, sometimes, human beings. In addition to data reported about the immunological response induced by helminthic infections and that induced by Fasciola hepatica, little is known about the gene expression profile in its organ target, the liver, which is where adult worms are established and live for long periods of time, causing its characteristic pathology. In the present work, we study both the early and late gene expression profiles in the livers of mice infected with F. hepatica metacercariae using a microarray-based methodology.A total of 9 female-6-week-old BALB/c mice (Charles River Laboratories, Barcelona, Spain weighing 20 to 35 g were used for the experiments. Two groups of BALB/c mice were orally infected with seven F. hepatica metacercariae, and the other group remained untreated and served as a control. Mice were humanely euthanized and necropsied for liver recovery, histological assessment of hepatic damage, RNA isolation, microarray design and gene expression analysis on the day of infection (t0, seven days post-infection (t7 and twenty-one days post-infection (t21.We found that F. hepatica infection induces the differential expression of 128 genes in the liver in the early stage of infection and 308 genes in the late stage, and most of them are up-regulated. The Ingenuity Pathway Analysis revealed significant changes in the pathways related to metabolism, biosynthesis and signaling as well as genes implicated in inducing liver-toxicity, injury and death.The present study provides us insights at the molecular level about the underlying mechanisms used by F. hepatica, leading to liver damage and its subsequent pathophysiology. The expression pattern obtained here could also be used to explain the lack of association between infection with F. hepatica and cholangiocarcinoma

  10. Gene Expression Profile in the Liver of BALB/c Mice Infected with Fasciola hepatica. (United States)

    Rojas-Caraballo, Jose; López-Abán, Julio; Fernández-Soto, Pedro; Vicente, Belén; Collía, Francisco; Muro, Antonio


    Fasciola hepatica infection still remains one of the helminthic neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). It has a huge worldwide distribution, affecting mainly cattle and, sometimes, human beings. In addition to data reported about the immunological response induced by helminthic infections and that induced by Fasciola hepatica, little is known about the gene expression profile in its organ target, the liver, which is where adult worms are established and live for long periods of time, causing its characteristic pathology. In the present work, we study both the early and late gene expression profiles in the livers of mice infected with F. hepatica metacercariae using a microarray-based methodology. A total of 9 female-6-week-old BALB/c mice (Charles River Laboratories, Barcelona, Spain) weighing 20 to 35 g were used for the experiments. Two groups of BALB/c mice were orally infected with seven F. hepatica metacercariae, and the other group remained untreated and served as a control. Mice were humanely euthanized and necropsied for liver recovery, histological assessment of hepatic damage, RNA isolation, microarray design and gene expression analysis on the day of infection (t0), seven days post-infection (t7) and twenty-one days post-infection (t21). We found that F. hepatica infection induces the differential expression of 128 genes in the liver in the early stage of infection and 308 genes in the late stage, and most of them are up-regulated. The Ingenuity Pathway Analysis revealed significant changes in the pathways related to metabolism, biosynthesis and signaling as well as genes implicated in inducing liver-toxicity, injury and death. The present study provides us insights at the molecular level about the underlying mechanisms used by F. hepatica, leading to liver damage and its subsequent pathophysiology. The expression pattern obtained here could also be used to explain the lack of association between infection with F. hepatica and cholangiocarcinoma. However

  11. Fasciola hepatica infestation as a very rare cause of extrahepatic cholestasis

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Ahmet Dobrucali; Rafet Yigitbasi; Yusuf Erzin; Oguzhan Sunamak; Erdal Polat; Hakan Yakar


    Fasciola hepatica, an endemic parasite in Turkey, is still a very rare cause of cholestasis worldwide. Through ingestion of contaminated water plants like watercress, humans can become the definitive host of this parasite. Cholestatic symptoms may be sudden but in some cases they may be preceeded by a long period of fever, eosinophilia and vague gastrointestinal symptoms. We report a woman with cholangitis symptoms of sudden onset which was proved to be due to Fasciola hepatica infestation by an endoscopic retrograde cholangiography.

  12. Transcriptomic Study on Ovine Immune Responses to Fasciola hepatica Infection.

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    Yan Fu


    Full Text Available Fasciola hepatica is not only responsible for major economic losses in livestock farming, but is also a major food-borne zoonotic agent, with 180 million people being at risk of infection worldwide. This parasite is sophisticated in manipulating the hosts' immune system to benefit its own survival. A better understanding of the mechanisms underpinning this immunomodulation is crucial for the development of control strategies such as vaccines.This in vivo study investigated the global gene expression changes of ovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC response to both acute & chronic infection of F. hepatica, and revealed 6490 and 2364 differential expressed genes (DEGS, respectively. Several transcriptional regulators were predicted to be significantly inhibited (e.g. IL12 and IL18 or activated (e.g. miR155-5p in PBMC during infection. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis highlighted a series of immune-associated pathways involved in the response to infection, including 'Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGFβ signaling', 'Production of Nitric Oxide in Macrophages', 'Toll-like Receptor (TLRs Signaling', 'Death Receptor Signaling' and 'IL17 Signaling'. We hypothesize that activation of pathways relevant to fibrosis in ovine chronic infection, may differ from those seen in cattle. Potential mechanisms behind immunomodulation in F. hepatica infection are a discussed.In conclusion, the present study performed global transcriptomic analysis of ovine PBMC, the primary innate/adaptive immune cells, in response to infection with F. hepatica, using deep-sequencing (RNAseq. This dataset provides novel information pertinent to understanding of the pathological processes in fasciolosis, as well as a base from which to further refine development of vaccines.

  13. Presencia en Isla Fuerte, Bolívar de Lutzomyia evansi vector de leishmaniosis visceral Presense of lutzomyia evansi vector of visceral leishmaniosis in Isla Fuerte, Colombia

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    Ivan Darío Vélez


    Full Text Available Se hizo un Inventario de fauna flebotomínea en Isla Fuerte, Bolívar, costa caribe colombiana. Se demostró por primera vez en dicha Isla la presencia de Lu. evansi, Lu. gomezi y Lu. trinidadensis. La presencia de Lu. Evansi (91.7% de las 73 capturas, vector principal de la leishmaniosis visceral en la costa caribe colombiana, convierte a Isla Fuerte en una zona de riesgo potencial de transmisión de leishmaniosis visceral.

    An inventory was made of phiebotomidae fauna in Isla Fuerte, Bolívar, on the caribbean colombian coast. The presence of Lu. evansi was demonstrated for the first time in that island and this species constituted 91.7% of 73 captures. Therefore the island becomes a potential risk for transmission of visceralleish. maniosis since Lu. evansi its main vector.

  14. Fasciola hepatica in Cuba: compatibility of different isolates with two intermediate snail hosts, Galba cubensis and Pseudosuccinea columella. (United States)

    Vázquez, A A; Sánchez, J; Pointier, J-P; Théron, A; Hurtrez-Boussès, S


    In Cuba, only two lymnaeid snails, Galba cubensis and Pseudosuccinea columella, with different ecology and distribution patterns, are intermediate hosts for Fasciola hepatica. The compatibility of these two species as hosts was analysed through their rates of infection, the production of rediae and survivorship when exposed to F. hepatica miracidia. Ten populations of G. cubensis, eight of P. columella collected from various habitats and six isolates of F. hepatica sampled in slaughterhouses from different localities were tested. Our results clearly demonstrate that G. cubensis is a more compatible host for F. hepatica in Cuba when compared with P. columella. However, the role that P. columella may have in fascioliasis transmission under certain conditions should not be disregarded. Variation in infectivity among isolates of F. hepatica were also observed and may explain why some regions in Cuba are more commonly subjected to fascioliasis outbreaks.

  15. Nöropati ile başvuran Fasciola hepatica olgusu


    BOĞA, Salih; KÖKSAL, Ali Rıza; ALTINKAYA, Engin; ÖZDOĞAN, Osman; ERGÜN, Meltem; ALKIM, Canan ALATAŞ


    Fascioliazis insanda fasciola türlerinin, özellikle Fasciola hepatica'nın neden olduğu zoonotik bir hastalıktır. Fascioliazis koyun, sığır gibi ot yiyen evcil hayvanlarda yaygın olarak görülmekle beraber insanlar rastlantı sal konaklardır. ‹nsan enfeksiyonu genellikle koyun yetiştirilen yerlerde su teresi tüketilmesiyle alır. Erişkin Fasciola hepatica 2.5–3 cm boyunda 1–1.5 cm çapında yaprak şekilli bir yassı solucandır. Fasciola kistleri asıl konak veya insanlar tarafından ora...

  16. Comparison of humoral response in sheep to Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica experimental infection

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    Zhang W.


    Full Text Available Humoral response of sheep to F. gigantica was compared with the well known humoral response to F. hepatica, in order to explain the difference of susceptibility of sheep to these two parasites. In this work, a lesser susceptibility of sheep to F. gigantica than to F. hepatica infection was confirmed. Humoral response to F. hepatica infection is similar to that previously described by several authors. IgG level of F. gigantica infected sheep increased from week 2 post-infection (2WPI and displayed a peak at 13WPI. F. gigantica excretory-secretory products (FgESP analyzed by SDS-PAGE showed at least 31 bands from 12.0 to 127.6 kDa in FgESP. Western blot indicated that F. gigantica infected sheep sera recognized, in FgESP, at least 30 antigens from 7.8 to 119.2 kDa of which 12 major bands recognized after OWPI. In FhESP and FgESP, F. hepatica infected sheep serum reacted only with the lower molecular mass antigens, while F. gigantica infected sheep serum reacted with the lower and the higher molecular mass antigens. These differences of antigenic recognition might be associated with the difference of susceptibility of sheep. Further investigation must be done to study the mechanism of resistance between the sheep infected with F. hepatica or F. gigantica.

  17. Protection against heterologous infection by using cross antigenicity between schistosoma mansoni and fasciola hepatica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moawad, M.A.; Amin, M.M.


    Fasciola hepatica is the causative agent of fasciolosis in many areas in America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. There is an urgent need for improved methods to control the parasite's transmission. The present study is parasitological, immunological (interleukine-1β and interleukine-6) and histopathological investigations on the immunizing effect of cross antigenicity between S. mansoni and F. hepatica against schistosomiasis and fasciolosis in mice. Parasitological study showed that vaccination with irradiated cercariae of S. mansoni or vaccination by F. hepatica whole worm extract (FhWWE) before challenged with encysted metacercariae of F. hepatica or cercariae of S. mansoni played a significant control on the parasitic infection manifested by a remarkable reduction in the means of worm count. Assessment of IL-1β and IL-6 in sera of the experimental groups showed that there are cross reactivity between fasciola / schistosoma and its relation to cross protection. Histopathological examination of vaccinated mice livers showed protection against parasite maturation and liver damage after challenged, as compared to mice infected only without vaccination

  18. A Posição dos Jornais Brasileiros Perante a Guerra nas Malvinas


    Zambon, Antônio Lídio de Mattos


    Este artigo delineia a Guerra das Malvinas ocorrida em 1982, a partir da posição da imprensa escrita brasileira. Discutimos questões teóricas envolvendo o discurso jornalístico para  análise das posições dos jornais. A seguir, apresentamos um breve panorama da Argentina e da Grã-Bretanha. Os jornais segundo seus editoriais podem ser divididos em dois grupos, os do centro do país, de um modo geral, apresentam posições favoráveis a Grã-Bretanha. Enquanto, jornais do sul do país defenderam posiç...

  19. El Conflicto por Malvinas y los principios de la Negociación Internacional


    Toledo, Víctor Fabio


    p. 219-230 El presente trabajo sobre Malvinas consiste en abordar el conflicto desde la óptica de la negociación como disciplina científica o académica. Con eso en mente, se adoptó la perspectiva de la Escuela de Harvard para argumentar que es posible llegar a un acuerdo negociado si se abandonan los postulados clásicos sobe cómo encarar el conflicto para tratar de ganarlo a costa del otro y en cambio se trabaja para posibilitar una negociación integrativa en donde ambas partes puedan ver ...

  20. Clinical presentation and management of Fasciola hepatica infection: Single-center experience (United States)

    Kaya, Muhsin; Beştaş, Remzi; Çetin, Sedat


    AIM: To identify the characteristic clinical, laboratory and radiological findings and response to treatment in patients with fascioliasis. METHODS: Patients who were diagnosed with Fasciola hepatica infection were included in this prospective study. Initial clinical, laboratory and radiological findings were recorded. All patients were followed until a complete response was achieved or for 6 mo after treatment discontinuation. RESULTS: Fasciola hepatica infection was diagnosed in 30 patients (24 females; mean age: 42.6 years) between January 2008 and February 2011. Twenty-two (73%) patients had hepatic phase fascioliasis, 5 patients had biliary phase, and 3 patients had biliary phase associated with acute pancreatitis. Of the 8 patients with biliary phase fascioliasis, 2 patients displayed features that overlapped with both hepatic and biliary phase. Abdominal pain and right upper abdominal tenderness were the most prominent signs and symptoms in all patients. Eosinophilia was the most prominent laboratory abnormality in both patients with hepatic and biliary phase (100% and 50%, respectively). Multiple nodular lesions like micro-abscesses on abdominal computerized tomography were the main radiological findings in patients with hepatic phase. Small linear filling defects in the distal choledochus were the main endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) findings in patients with biliary phase. Patients with hepatic phase were treated with triclabendazole alone, and patients with biliary phase were treated with triclabendazole and had live Fasciola hepatica extracted from the bile ducts during ERCP. CONCLUSION: Fasciola hepatica infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with hepatic or biliary disease and/or acute pancreatitis associated with eosinophilia. PMID:22171131

  1. La isla de calor estival en Temuco, Chile

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    Alicia Capelli de Steffens


    Full Text Available Temuco es una ciudad localizada en el centro sur de Chile (38º 45’ S y 72º 40’ W. Morfológicamente, el sitio de la ciudad corresponde a las terrazas fluviales del río Cautín que se desarrollan en forma encajonada entre los cerros Ñielol (350 m y Conunhueno (360 m. Esta ciudad se ha desarrollado rápidamente en las últimas décadas, por lo tanto es necesario conocer el efecto antrópico en la misma. Para evaluar parte de ese efecto se analiza la isla de calor urbana estival en la ciudad de Temuco, Chile. Se efectuaron mediciones de temperatura del aire y humedad a través de la ciudad para determinar la forma y la intensidad de la isla de calor urbano. Se utilizaron estaciones móviles e información de una estación meteorológica fija. La ciudad presenta un comportamiento térmico diferente a lo largo del día. Durante el día genera una isla de calor que responde en líneas generales al modelo ideal de calentamiento urbano. La intensidad de la isla calórica (∆Tu-r fue 6.3ºC y 1.2ºC durante el día y la noche, respectivamente. La influencia de los cerros que limitan la ciudad es importante. El estudio confirma la idea que el clima urbano de una ciudad es un mosaico de microclimas que interactuan continuamente.

  2. Relative importance of meteorological and geographical factors in the distribution of Fasciola hepatica infestation in farmed sheep in Qinghai province, China

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    Qin Hongyu


    Full Text Available Fasciola hepatica is an important trematode parasite of economic importance that infests sheep and cattle worldwide. We conducted a detailed investigation into the spatial distribution of F. hepatica infestation in farmed sheep in Qinghai (Wutumeiren province, Mainland China. Mathematical modelling was used to assess the inter-relationships between meteorological and geographical factors and the risk of F. hepatica infestation across the province. A capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA test (MM3-SERO was used to detect F. hepatica infestation. A niche model based on the maximum entropy method (MaxEnt was used to estimate the influence of meteorological and geographical factors on the observed spatial distribution of F. hepatica infestation. Results of jackknife analysis indicated that temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, digital elevation and slope were associated with the occurrence of F. hepatica infestation, and that infestation rates were significantly higher among animals from districts with a high percentage of grassland habitat. The findings indicate that meteorological and geographical factors may be important variables affecting the distribution of F. hepatica infestation and should be taken into account in the development of future surveillance and control programmes for fascioliasis.

  3. Presencia y abundancia de aves de la Isla Farallón de San Ignacio, Sinaloa

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    Miguel Angel Guevara Medina


    Full Text Available Para determinar la presencia y abundancia de aves que utilizan la isla Farallón de San Ignacio, Sinaloa, documentamos las aves observadas durante 46 visitas de cinco días a la isla entre 2003 y 2008. Registramos 57 especies de aves. En la isla anidaron regularmente cinco especies de aves marinas:Sula nebouxii, S. leucogaster, Phaethon aethereus, Phalacrocorax auritus y Larus heermanni. En 2008 anidó una rapaz, Falco peregrinus. Además, observamos 24 especies de aves acuáticas no reproductoras y 27 especies de aves terrestres. La temporada reproductiva de las especies anidantes coincide con la época de alta productividad primaria en el sur del Golfo de California. La isla es importante como sitio de anidación para P. aethereus y es una de las dos colonias más importantes en el Golfo de California. Para el resto de las especies anidantes, la isla tiene una importancia marginal, pues otras islas albergan colonias mayores. Debido a la ausencia de vegetación, las aves terrestres usan la isla sólo de manera ocasional y por breves periodos, especialmente los migrantes neotropicales durante la migración. Al comparar con otras islas de la parte sur del Golfo de California, Farallón de San Ignacio exhibió una riqueza de especies mayor a lo esperado de acuerdo con su tamaño. Esta discordancia se podría explicar por un esfuerzo mayor en el muestreo y posiblemente por la existencia de una mayor cantidad de especies de aves terrestres usando los hábitats costeros de Sinaloa y dispersándose ocasionalmente a islas cercanas.

  4. Heme-Oxygenase-1 Expression Contributes to the Immunoregulation Induced by Fasciola hepatica and Promotes Infection

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    Paula Carasi


    Full Text Available Fasciola hepatica, also known as the liver fluke, is a trematode that infects livestock and humans causing fasciolosis, a zoonotic disease of increasing importance due to its worldwide distribution and high economic losses. This parasite immunoregulates the host immune system by inducing a strong Th2 and regulatory T immune response by immunomodulating dendritic cell (DC maturation and alternative activation of macrophages. In this paper, we show that F. hepatica infection in mice induces the upregulation of heme-oxygenase-1 (HO-1, the rate-limiting enzyme in the catabolism of free heme that regulates the host inflammatory response. We show and characterize two different populations of antigen presenting cells that express HO-1 during infection in the peritoneum of infected animals. Cells that expressed high levels of HO-1 expressed intermediate levels of F4/80 but high expression of CD11c, CD38, TGFβ, and IL-10 suggesting that they correspond to regulatory DCs. On the other hand, cells expressing intermediate levels of HO-1 expressed high levels of F4/80, CD68, Ly6C, and FIZZ-1, indicating that they might correspond to alternatively activated macrophages. Furthermore, the pharmacological induction of HO-1 with the synthetic metalloporphyrin CoPP promoted F. hepatica infection increasing the clinical signs associated with the disease. In contrast, treatment with the HO-1 inhibitor SnPP protected mice from parasite infection, indicating that HO-1 plays an essential role during F. hepatica infection. Finally, HO-1 expression during F. hepatica infection was associated with TGFβ and IL-10 levels in liver and peritoneum, suggesting that HO-1 controls the expression of these immunoregulatory cytokines during infection favoring parasite survival in the host. These results contribute to the elucidation of the immunoregulatory mechanisms induced by F. hepatica in the host and provide alternative checkpoints to control fasciolosis.

  5. Distribution of Fasciola hepatica in Swedish dairy cattle and associations with pasture management factors

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    Adam Novobilský


    Full Text Available The geographic distribution of Fasciola hepatica infection in relation to management routines was studied in Swedish dairy herds by testing for F. hepatica antibodies with the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. In addition, all farmers were sent a questionnaire asking for information about type of production, management routines and historical record of F. hepatica at slaughter. A total of 176 farmers (41% responded to the questionnaire. A total of 426 bulk tank milk (BTM samples were randomly selected from the period September to October 2012 representing approximately 10% of all herds in Sweden. The overall seroprevalence was 25% (n = 107; 95% confidence interval = 21-29% with a concentration of herds located in south-western Sweden. Among the seropositive herds, 31 (29% had antibody levels indicating production loss. There were no significant differences in seropositivity between organic and conventional herds or due to pasture management routines. The length of grazing period, which increased the risk for heifers, was found to be the most influential factor. A discrepancy was noted between reported F. hepatica presence at meat inspection and herds that were seropositive based on BTM-ELISA results. Although the largest proportion of seropositive BTM samples (80% came from herds where liver fluke presence had been observed at meat inspection after slaughter, seropositive BTM samples were also diagnosed in five herds (17% with no remarks at slaughter. In conclusion, F. hepatica is a common parasite in Swedish dairy herds and the month of heifer turn-out and the grazing period length were the most influential factors observed.

  6. Bautismo de fuego y gracia de dios. Las Bellas memorias aeronáuticas de La guerra de malvinas

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    Rosana Guber


    Full Text Available La Fuerza aérea argentina convirtió en historia su pasado en la batalla aérea de Malvinas contra Gran Bretaña (1982 con la instauración de una fecha conmemorativa oficial, la pintura aeronáutica, y la creación de un personaje, el halcón-cazador. Al fundar un tiempo, un espacio y un actor propios, la institución aérea desafió el dualismo con que buena parte de la literatura interpretó la última dictadura argentina (1976-1983, una empresa monolíticamente castrense destinada a castigar a sus compatriotas. La guerra fue un punto de inflexión en la identidad militar, y las memorias sobre Malvinas un escenario donde las diferencias internas se hicieron públicas, políticas e históricas. Las acciones de jóvenes oficiales aeronáuticos precariamente equipados y sin experiencia en atacar blancos navales, fueron resignificadas como un sacrificio por la Patria que se autonomizó de las otras dos fuerzas en el escenario bélico y en el pasado político argentino.

  7. Macroinvertebrados dulceacuícolas de la Isla del Coco, Costa Rica: especies y comparación con otras islas del Pacífico Tropical Oriental

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    Pablo E. Gutiérrez-Fonseca


    Full Text Available La Isla del Coco es una isla oceánica localizada en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental a unos 492km de Cabo Blanco. La isla cuenta con un área terrestre de 24km² y un área marina protegida de 9 640km². Fue declarada Parque Nacional en 1978 y Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1997. Se realizó una gira de recolecta del 22 de mayo al 12 junio 2008. Se recolectaron macroinvertebrados acuáticos en 20 tramos de tres ríos (Genio, Chatham y Sucio y dos quebradas (Minuto y quebrada sin nombre atrás de estación de guarda parques. En 13 sitios se toma- ron parámetros fisicoquímicos. En total se recolectaron 455 individuos de 20 táxones de 15 familias de insectos acuáticos y otros macroinvertebrados. La familia Staphylinidae presentó la mayor abundancia seguida por Chironomidae, los dípteros fueron el orden con mayor riqueza taxonómica. Una relación entre distancia y número de familias se observó apoyando en parte la Teoría de Biogeografía de Islas. La relación mejoró al corregir área con elevación, indicando que islas montañosas tenían alta riqueza, posiblemente debido a la mayor intercepción de nubes que alimentan los ambientes dulceacuícolas que favorecen el establecimiento de la fauna acuática. Las variables ambientales fueron similares en todos los sitios.

  8. Human fascioliasis by Fasciola hepatica: the first case report in Nepal. (United States)

    Sah, Ranjit; Khadka, Shusila; Khadka, Mohan; Gurubacharya, Dipesh; Sherchand, Jeevan Bahadur; Parajuli, Keshab; Shah, Niranjan Prasad; Kattel, Hari Prasad; Pokharel, Bharat Mani; Rijal, Basista


    Fascioliasis is a zoonotic disease caused by Fasciola species. Patient may be asymptomatic or presents with jaundice and biliary colic or right hypochondriac pain due to bile duct obstruction with gastrointestinal symptoms. We report a case of human fascioliasis in a 45 years old female presented to Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH), Kathmandu, Nepal on August, 2015 with fever, right hypochondriac pain, jaundice and occasional vomiting with anorexia for 4 months whose alkaline phosphatase was elevated and peripheral blood smear revealed eosinophilia. The patient also gives the history of consumption of water-cress. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholagiopancretography (ERCP) showed the presence of a flat worm resembling Fasciola hepatica and stool routine examination revealed ova of F. hepatica. The patient was treated with nitazoxanide by which she got improved. Repeat stool examination 2 weeks after treatment revealed no ova of F. hepatica. Patient with fascioliasis can be simply diagnosed with stool routine microscopy and treated with nitazoxanide. So patient with right hypochondriac pain, sign and symptoms of obstructive jaundice, eosinophilia and history of water-cress consumption should be suspected for fascioliasis and investigated and treated accordingly.

  9. Molecular differentiation of sheep and cattle isolates of Fasciola hepatica using RAPD-PCR

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    Khakpour, M.


    Full Text Available Understanding genetic structure and status of genetic variation of Fasciola hepatica isolates from different hosts, has important implications on epidemiology and effective control of fasciolosis. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR was used to study the genetic variation of F. hepatica in sheep and cattle. DNA was extracted from adult helminthes removed from livers of each infected animal in slaughterhouse at East-Azerbaijan province, North-West of Iran. DNA template amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, using three oligonucleotide decamers with arbitrary DNA sequences as primers. RAPD patterns showed the specific but different pattern DNA patterns for each primer. The intraspecific similarity coefficient within two isolates of F. hepatica was ranged between 69 to 100%. Present findings showed that the interspecific genetic distance was higher than intraspecific genetic distances (19-47% compares to 0-19%. Pair wise similarity matrices generated from each isolates-primer combination were totaled and the similarity coefficient between strains were calculated both manually (Nei and Li method and software analysis (Free-Tree-Freeware program. The inferred phylogenetic tree on the fingerprinting of these isolates clearly demonstrated the existence of population genetic diversity sub structuring within F. hepatica of sheep and cattle of Iran, raising interesting questions on the host specificity, epidemiology (e.g., zoonotic transmission and ecology of this fluke. RAPD-PCR is useful for both individual identification and epidemiological investigations in endemic regions.

  10. Crucero ARA General Belgrano in memóriam. Linajes político-navales en las memorias de Malvinas

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    Rosana Guber


    This paper depicts the foundations of the early postwar Argentine naval memories of the Anglo-Argentine Malvinas/Falklands War. During the tenth anniversary of the sinking of the Belgrano Cruiser (May 2nd 1982, the greatest Argentine disaster is tied to two events in Argentine politics in which the Navy was involved. Such an articulation deploys the national bases underlying the memories of this international war.

  11. Phenotypes of intermediate forms of Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica in buffaloes from Central Punjab, Pakistan. (United States)

    Afshan, K; Valero, M A; Qayyum, M; Peixoto, R V; Magraner, A; Mas-Coma, S


    Fascioliasis is an important food-borne parasitic disease caused by the two trematode species, Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. The phenotypic features of fasciolid adults and eggs infecting buffaloes inhabiting the Central Punjab area, Pakistan, have been studied to characterize fasciolid populations involved. Morphometric analyses were made with a computer image analysis system (CIAS) applied on the basis of standardized measurements. Since it is the first study of this kind undertaken in Pakistan, the results are compared to pure fasciolid populations: (a) F. hepatica from the European Mediterranean area; and (b) F. gigantica from Burkina Faso; i.e. geographical areas where both species do not co-exist. Only parasites obtained from bovines were used. The multivariate analysis showed that the characteristics, including egg morphometrics, of fasciolids from Central Punjab, Pakistan, are between F. hepatica and F. gigantica standard populations. Similarly, the morphometric measurements of fasciolid eggs from Central Punjab are also between F. hepatica and F. gigantica standard populations. These results demonstrate the existence of fasciolid intermediate forms in endemic areas in Pakistan.

  12. Karst development and speleogenesis, Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico (United States)

    Frank, E.F.; Mylroie, J.; Troester, J.; Alexander, E.C.; Carew, J.L.


    Isla de Mona consists of a raised table-top Miocene-Pliocene reef platform bounded on three sides by vertical cliffs, up to 80 m high. Hundreds of caves ring the periphery of the island and are preferentially developed in, but not limited to, the Lirio Limestone/Isla de Mona Dolomite contact. These flank margin caves originally formed at sea level and are now exposed at various levels by tectonic uplift of the island (Franbk 1983; Mylroie et al. 1995b). Wall cusps, a characteristic feature of flank margin caves, are ubiquitois features. Comparisons among similar caves formed in the Bahamas and Isla de Mona reveal the same overall morphology throughout the entire range of sizes and complexities. The coincidence of the primary cave development zone with the Lirio Limestone/Isla de Mona Dolomite contact may result from syngenetic speleogenesis and dolomitization rather than preferential dissolution along a lithologic boundary. Tectonic uplift and glacioeustatic sea level fluctuations produced caves at a variety of elevations. Speleothem dissolution took place in many caves under phreatic conditions, evidence these caves were flooded after an initial period of subaerial exposure and speleothem growth. Several features around the perimeter of the island are interpreted to be caves whose roofs were removed by surficial denudation processes. Several large closed depressions and dense pit cave fields are further evidence of surficial karst features. The cliff retreat around the island perimeter since the speleogenesis of the major cave systems is small based upon the distribution of the remnant cave sections.

  13. Itinerarios Didácticos por la isla de Lanzarote


    Becerra-Ramírez, Rafael; González Cárdenas, Elena; Gosálvez, Rafael U.; Escobar Lahoz, Estela; Dóniz-Páez, Javier


    Con la confección de esta guía de itinerarios didácticos por la isla de Lanzarote pretendemos contribuir a un mayor conocimiento de las características geográficas de este espacio dominado por las formas volcánicas que caracterizan un paisaje modificado por la mano del hombre que convive con los volcanes y los usa, tradicionalmente como soporte de sus cultivos, y modernamente como base de la industria turística. Los itinerarios didácticos por la isla de Lanzarote son la adaptación de los t...

  14. Fasciola hepatica infection reduces Mycobacterium bovis burden and mycobacterial uptake and suppresses the pro-inflammatory response. (United States)

    Garza-Cuartero, L; O'Sullivan, J; Blanco, A; McNair, J; Welsh, M; Flynn, R J; Williams, D; Diggle, P; Cassidy, J; Mulcahy, G


    Bovine tuberculosis (BTB), caused by Mycobacterium bovis, has an annual incidence in cattle of 0.5% in the Republic of Ireland and 4.7% in the UK, despite long-standing eradication programmes being in place. Failure to achieve complete eradication is multifactorial, but the limitations of diagnostic tests are significant complicating factors. Previously, we have demonstrated that Fasciola hepatica infection, highly prevalent in these areas, induced reduced sensitivity of the standard diagnostic tests for BTB in animals co-infected with F. hepatica and M. bovis. This was accompanied by a reduced M. bovis-specific Th1 immune response. We hypothesized that these changes in co-infected animals would be accompanied by enhanced growth of M. bovis. However, we show here that mycobacterial burden in cattle is reduced in animals co-infected with F. hepatica. Furthermore, we demonstrate a lower mycobacterial recovery and uptake in blood monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) from F. hepatica-infected cattle which is associated with suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and a switch to alternative activation of macrophages. However, the cell surface expression of TLR2 and CD14 in MDM from F. hepatica-infected cattle is increased. These findings reflecting the bystander effect of helminth-induced downregulation of pro-inflammatory responses provide insights to understand host-pathogen interactions in co-infection. © 2016 The Authors. Parasite Immunology Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Topography and distribution of ostia venae hepatica in the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    BACKGROUND: Openings of hepatic veins into the retrohepatic surface of the inferior vena cava. (ostia venae hepatica) play a part in controlling hepatic circulation by acting as collateral channels in obstruction. Their topography and distribution must be taken into account during catheterization and liver transplantation.

  16. Aspects of the Maintenance of the Life Cycle of Fasciola hepatica in Lymnaea columella in Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Souza Cecília Pereira de


    Full Text Available Fascioliasis is a parasitic disease of domestic ruminants that occurs worldwide. The lymnaeid intermediate hosts of Fasciola hepatica include Lymnaea columella, which is widely distributed in Brazil. A colony of L. columella from Belo Horizonte, MG, was reared in our laboratory to be used in studies of the F. hepatica life cycle, the intermediate host-parasite relationship and development of an anti-helminthic vaccine. In the first experiment 1,180 snails were exposed to miracidia of F. hepatica eggs removed from the biliary tracts of cattle from the State of Rio Grande do Sul. In the second and third experiments the snails were exposed to miracidia that had emerged from F. hepatica eggs from Uruguay, maintained in rabbits. The rates of infection in the first, second and third experiments were 0, 42.1 and 0% respectively. Over 15,806 metacercariae were obtained and stored at 4ºC. Four rabbits weighing 1.5 kg each were infected with 32-44 metacercariae and two with 200. Three rabbits begin to eliminate eggs of the parasite in the feces from 84 days after infection onwards. The biological cycle of F. hepatica in L. columella and the rabbit was completed within 124 days.

  17. Little genetic variability in resilience among cattle exists for a range of performance traits across herds in Ireland differing in Fasciola hepatica prevalence. (United States)

    Twomey, Alan J; Graham, David A; Doherty, Michael L; Blom, Astrid; Berry, Donagh P


    It is anticipated that in the future, livestock will be exposed to a greater risk of infection from parasitic diseases. Therefore, future breeding strategies for livestock, which are generally long-term strategies for change, should target animals adaptable to environments with a high parasitic load. Covariance components were estimated in the present study for a selection of dairy and beef performance traits over herd-years differing in Fasciola hepatica load using random regression sire models. Herd-year prevalence of F. hepatica was determined by using F. hepatica-damaged liver phenotypes which were recorded in abattoirs nationally. The data analyzed consisted up to 83,821 lactation records from dairy cows for a range of milk production and fertility traits, as well as 105,054 young animals with carcass-related information obtained at slaughter. Reaction norms for individual sires were derived from the random regression coefficients. The heritability and additive genetic standard deviations for all traits analyzed remained relatively constant as herd-year F. hepatica prevalence gradient increased up to a prevalence level of 0.7; although there was a large increase in heritability and additive genetic standard deviation for milk and fertility traits in the observed F. hepatica prevalence levels >0.7, only 5% of the data existed in herd-year prevalence levels >0.7. Very little rescaling, therefore, exists across differing herd-year F. hepatica prevalence levels. Within-trait genetic correlations among the performance traits across different herd-year F. hepatica prevalence levels were less than unity for all traits. Nevertheless, within-trait genetic correlations for milk production and carcass traits were all >0.8 for F. hepatica prevalence levels between 0.2 and 0.8. The lowest estimate of within-trait genetic correlations for the different fertility traits ranged from -0.03 (SE = 1.09) in age of first calving to 0.54 (SE = 0.22) for calving to first service

  18. In Vitro Assay of Paecilomyces lilacinus Biocontrol Effects on Fasciola hepatica Eggs Illustrated in Scanning Electron Micrographs

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    Faezeh NAJAFI


    Full Text Available Background: Fascioliasis is a zoonotic disease caused by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica. Drug resistance, high costs of treatment and economic losses in meat production have emerged the need of alternative control measures into consideration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro ovicidal activity of Paecilomyces lilacinus fungus on F. hepatica eggs. Methods: P. lilacinus isolated from the soil of natural environment was challenged on F. hepatica eggs to observe the bio control effect of nematophagous fungi on trematode helminth eggs. The study was conducted in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, in 2015. Within 21 d of experiment, destructive effects exhibited on the eggshells were investigated using optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Results: The effective role of P. lilacinus on damaging the eggs of F. hepatica was noticed. Conclusion: This finding is promising for advantageous use of nematophagus fungi as a natural constituent in hyper endemic areas for certain helminthic infections like fascioliasis with diverse kinds of herbivores as egg passer hosts.

  19. Fasciola hepatica: comparative metacercarial productions in experimentally-infected Galba truncatula and Pseudosuccinea columella

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    Vignoles Philippe


    Full Text Available As large numbers of metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica are necessary for research, experimental infections of Galba truncatula and Pseudosuccinea columella with this digenean were carried out to determine the better intermediate host for metacercarial production and, consequently, the most profitable snail for decreasing the cost price of these larvae. Pre-adult snails (4 mm in shell height originating from two populations per lymnaeid species were individually exposed to two or five miracidia, raised at 23 °C and followed for cercarial shedding up to their death. Compared to values noted in G. truncatula, the survival of P. columella on day 30 post-exposure was significantly greater, while the prevalence of F. hepatica infection was significantly lower. In the four P. columella groups, metacercarial production was significantly greater than that noted in the four groups of G. truncatula (347–453 per cercariae-shedding snail versus 163–275, respectively. Apart from one population of G. truncatula, the use of five miracidia per snail at exposure significantly increased the prevalence of F. hepatica in P. columella and the other population of G. truncatula, whereas it did not have any clear effect on the mean number of metacercariae. The use of P. columella for experimental infections with F. hepatica resulted in significantly higher metacercarial production than that noted with G. truncatula, in spite of a lower prevalence for the former lymnaeid. This finding allows for a significant decrease in the cost price of these larvae for commercial production.

  20. Scintigraphic evaluation of the liver in Fasciola hepatica with radiocolloid and 67Ga-citrate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aguirre Errasti, C.; Alberola Gomez-Escolar, I.; Gonzalez de Zarate, P.; Merino Angulo, J.


    A group of 23 patients with Fasciola hepatica have been studied in the province of Biscay. The diagnosis was reached after finding parasite eggs in the faeces or duodenal juice. The liver lesion was confirmed by means of macro and microscopic studies. Radiocolloid demonstrated the presence of cold areas in 18 patients; in 13 of them the uptake with 67 Ga was positive. These isotopic findings identified Fasciola hepatica as one of the causes of 'cold areas' in traditional liver scans and positive 67 Ga uptake. (orig.)

  1. Apendicularias (Urochordata y quetognatos (Chaetognatha del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica Appendicularians (Urochordata and chaetognaths (Chaetognatha of Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica

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    Iván Castellanos-Osorio


    Full Text Available Las apendicularias y quetognatos son miembros importantes del zooplancton pero poco estudiados en Costa Rica y no del todo en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Pacífico tropical este. Se recolectaron muestras epipelágicas de zooplancton de la zona oceánica (0-50m de la Isla del Coco, en noviembre de 2001 y sobre parches arrecifales en 2009. Se analizó la composición de especies de apendicularias y quetognatos presentes en 31 muestras. Nueve especies de apendicularias, y ocho especies de quetognatos fueron identificadas. Oikopleura longicauda fue la más abundante en el área estudiada (217organismos, representando el 65.56% del número total de apendicularias, seguida por Oikopleura rufescens, con 35 (10.57%. Todas las especies de apendicularias encontradas en este estudio son comunes en las aguas cálidas de los océanos, seis especies se registran aquí por primera vez en aguas de la Isla del Coco y dos son nuevos registros para Costa Rica. Entre los quetognatos, Flaccisagitta enflata fue la especie más común (85 ejemplares, representando el 50.6% del número total registrada en este estudio, seguida por Serratosagitta pacifica con 38 organismos (20.62%. Zonosagitta bedoti estuvó representada por un solo espécimen. Estas especies también se han registrado en las aguas tropicales del Pacífico oriental, pero seis especies son nuevos registros para Isla del Coco. Los datos sobre la distribución y morfología de las especies registradas se presentan junto con las claves para la identificación de los taxones en el área estudiada.Appendicularians and chaetognaths are important members of the zooplancton but little studied in Costa Rica and not at all at Isla del Coco Nacional Park, eastern tropical Pacific. Epipelagic (0-50m zooplankton samples from the oceanic area off Isla del Coco, were collected in November 2001, and over patch reefs in 2009. We analized the species composition of appendicularians and chaetognaths present in 31

  2. Sympatric and allopatric combinations of Lymnaea columella and Fasciola hepatica from southern and south-eastern Brazil. (United States)

    Coelho, L H L; Lima, W S; Guimaraes, M P


    Experimental infections of Lymnaea columella with Fasciola hepatica were carried out to test the effect of sympatric and allopatric combinations between parasite and host, by using snails and flukes from southern and south-eastern Brazil. Four groups of 50 snails were infected with four miracidia per snail: two groups in sympatric and two groups in allopatric combinations. Sympatric combinations between parasite and host were more efficient than allopatric ones when snails from Itajubá were used, but the opposite was observed in infections involving snails from Pelotas. The sympatric association between L. columella and F. hepatica from Itajubá was significantly higher than in the other combinations. We concluded that the host-parasite relationship between L. columnella and F. hepatica may vary according to the geographical origin of the snails and flukes involved.

  3. Understanding the main route of drug entry in adult Fasciola hepatica: Further insights into closantel pharmacological activity. (United States)

    Ceballos, L; Canton, C; Cadenazzi, G; Larsen, K; Virkel, G; Moreno, L; Fairweather, I; Lanusse, C; Alvarez, L


    Closantel (CLS) is highly effective against adult liver flukes after its oral or subcutaneous (sc) administration in ruminants. Trans-tegumental diffusion and oral ingestion are the two potential routes available for the entry of drugs into Fasciola hepatica. The work reported here contributes to improve the understanding of CLS pharmacology. The main goals of were: I) to determine the pattern of in vivo CLS accumulation into adult F. hepatica and relevant tissues in CLS-treated sheep; II) to investigate the influence of the physicochemical composition of the incubation medium on the CLS diffusion process into adult F. hepatica; III) to assess the ovicidal activity of CLS against F. hepatica eggs; and IV) to investigate the in vivo effect of CLS treatment on glutathione S-transferases activity in adult liver flukes exposed to CLS. Fourteen healthy sheep were each orally infected with 75 F. hepatica metacercariae. Sixteen (16) weeks after infection, animals were treated with CLS by oral (n = 6, 10 mg/kg) or sub-cutaneous (sc) (n = 6, 5 mg/kg) route. At 12, 24 and 36 h post-treatment, animals were sacrificed (n = 2) and samples of blood, bile and adult F. hepatica were collected. In addition, flukes recovered from non-treated sheep (n = 2) were ex vivo incubated (60 min) in the presence of CLS in either RPMI or bile as incubation medium. CLS concentration was measured by HPLC. The ovicidal activity of CLS was investigated using eggs obtained from the bile of untreated sheep. Finally, glutathione S-transferase activity in F. hepatica recovered from untreated and CLS-treated sheep was assessed. In the in vivo studies, the highest CLS concentrations were measured in plasma and adult liver flukes. A positive correlation was observed between CLS concentration in plasma and in F. hepatica. Results obtained in the current work indicate that the in vivo accumulation of CLS into adult liver flukes occurs mainly by the oral route. After ex

  4. Fasciola hepatica saposin-like-2 protein based ELISA for the serodiagnosis of chronic human fascioliasis (United States)

    Figueroa-Santiago, Olgary; Delgado, Bonnibel; Espino, Ana M.


    An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed and evaluated for its diagnostic ability to detect human IgG antibodies against Fasciola hepatica saposin-like protein-2. The assay was compared with an indirect ELISA with excretory-secretory products (FhES) from adult F. hepatica. In an analysis of the sera of 37 patients infected with F. hepatica, 40 patients with other parasitic infections, and 50 healthy controls, the sensitivity of both ELISA assays was 100%. However, the FhSAP2-based ELISA was more specific (95.6%) than the FhES-ELISA (91.9%). These results demonstrated that FhSAP2 can be used in the serodiagnosis of chronic human fascioliasis with additional advantage that is relative cheap and easy to produce. Studies are in progress to evaluate this FhSAP2-ELISA assay in a large-scale prevalence surveys in endemic areas. PMID:21683266

  5. Deepwater fish assemblages at Isla del Coco National Park and Las Gemelas Seamount, Costa Rica

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    Richard M. Starr


    Full Text Available The deepwater faunas of oceanic islands and seamounts of the Eastern Tropical Pacific are poorly known. From 11-22 September 2009 we conducted an exploration of the deepwater areas of the Isla del Coco Marine Conservation Area, Costa Rica and a nearby seamount using a manned submersible. The goal of the exploration was to characterize the habitats and biota, and conduct quantitative surveys of the deepwater portions of Isla del Coco National Park and Las Gemelas Seamount, located about 50km southwest of Isla del Coco. We completed a total of 22 submersible dives, spanning more than 80hr underwater, and collected a total of 36hr of video. We surveyed habitats from 50-402m and observed more than 45 species of fishes, some of which have not yet been described and are likely new to science. The diversity of fish species in deep water at Isla del Coco National Park was lower than the diversity of fishes in shallow water, and eight species groups accounted for more than 95% of the total fish biomass. The combined density of all fish species was higher at Las Gemelas Seamount (253 fishes/100m² than at Isla del Coco National Park (138 fishes/100m². The combined density of fishes in habitats comprised primarily of bedrock or large boulders outcrops was more than three times as high at Las Gemelas Seamount as it was at Isla del Coco National Park. This discrepancy was caused by the extremely high concentration of Anthiinae fishes in rocky habitats at Las Gemelas Seamount. Densities of fishes in the other habitats were similar between the two sites. Similarly, when estimates of fish density were plotted by slope categories the density was much greater on steep slopes, which were usually comprised of rock habitats. Also, the density of fishes was greatest on high rugosity habitats. Results of these submersible surveys indicate that seamounts in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean may be an important source of biodiversity and that more quantitative surveys

  6. Marine biodiversity of an Eastern Tropical Pacific oceanic island, Isla del Coco, Costa Rica

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    Jorge Cortés


    Full Text Available Isla del Coco (also known as Cocos Island is an oceanic island in the Eastern Tropical Pacific; it is part of the largest national park of Costa Rica and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The island has been visited since the 16th Century due to its abundance of freshwater and wood. Marine biodiversity studies of the island started in the late 19th Century, with an intense period of research in the 1930’s, and again from the mid 1990’s to the present. The information is scattered and, in some cases, in old publications that are difficult to access. Here I have compiled published records of the marine organisms of the island. At least 1688 species are recorded, with the gastropods (383 species, bony fishes (354 spp. and crustaceans (at least 263 spp. being the most species-rich groups; 45 species are endemic to Isla del Coco National Park (2.7% of the total. The number of species per kilometer of coastline and by square kilometer of seabed shallower than 200m deep are the highest recorded in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Although the marine biodiversity of Isla del Coco is relatively well known, there are regions that need more exploration, for example, the south side, the pelagic environments, and deeper waters. Also, several groups of organisms, such as the flatworms, nematodes, nemerteans, and gelatinous zooplankton, have been observed around the Island but have been poorly studied or not at all.La Isla del Coco es una isla oceánica en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental; es parte del Parque Nacional más grande de Costa Rica y es un sitio de Patrimonio Mundial. La isla ha sido visitada desde el Siglo XVI por su abundancia de agua dulce y árboles. Estudios de biodiversidad marina de la isla empezaron a finales del Siglo XIX, con un intenso período de investigación en la década de 1930, y de nuevo desde mediados de la década de 1990 al presente. La información sobre organismos marinos se encuentra dispersa y en algunos casos en publicaciones

  7. El clima de las ciudades: isla de calor de Salamanca


    Mª Salud Alonso García; Mª del Rosario Fidalgo Martínez; José Luis Labajo Salazar


    En este trabajo se ha determinado la existencia de la isla de calor urbana (ICU), en una ciudad de tamaño medio, con un clima extremado y focos industriales de poca actividad. Con lo que se puede comprobar cómo afecta el calentamiento urbano a ciudades de estas características, pudiendo influir en los seres vivos de la zona. La existencia del fenómeno isla de calor, y su evolución en el tiempo, se han observado comparando los datos de temperatura registrados en una estación meteorológica situ...

  8. Ocorrência de infecção natural de Fasciola hepatica Linnaeus, 1758 em Lymnaea columella Say, 1817 no Vale do Paraíba, SP, Brasil Natural infection by Fasciola hepatica in Lymnaea columella in the Paraíba river valley, S. Paulo, Brazil

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    Marlene Tiduko Ueta


    Full Text Available Foram registradas em Piquete, no vale do rio Paraíba do Sul (SP, Brasil, taxas de 1,22% e 0,14% de infecção natural em Lymnaea columella, por Fasciola hepatica. Em um único exemplar de Lymnaea columella dentre os 1.052 examinados, foram observadas rédias com xifidiocercárias, rédias com cercárias de Fasciola hepatica e metacercárias de Echinostomatidae.Infection rates of 1.22% and 0.14% were obtained in Lymnaea columella snails naturally infected by Fasciola hepatica. Samples of the snails were collected in Piquete, a municipality of Paraíba do Sul, a river valley area in the State of S. Paulo. Also observed was one of the 1052 specimen of the Lymnaea columella rediae which had xiphidiocercariae and rediae with Fasciola hepatica cercariae and metacercariae of Echinostomatidae.

  9. ISLA: An Isochronous Spectrometer with Large Acceptances

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bazin, D., E-mail:; Mittig, W.


    A novel type of recoil mass spectrometer and separator is proposed for the future secondary radioactive beams of the ReA12 accelerator at NSCL/FRIB, inspired from the TOFI spectrometer developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for online mass measurements. The Isochronous Spectrometer with Large Acceptances (ISLA) is able to achieve superior characteristics without the compromises that usually plague the design of large acceptance spectrometers. ISLA can provide mass-to-charge ratio (m/q) measurements to better than 1 part in 1000 by using an optically isochronous time-of-flight independent of the momentum vector of the recoiling ions, despite large acceptances of 20% in momentum and 64 msr in solid angle. The characteristics of this unique design are shown, including requirements for auxiliary detectors around the target and the various types of reactions to be used with the re-accelerated radioactive beams of the future ReA12 accelerator.

  10. Elucidating the transcriptome of Fasciola hepatica - a key to fundamental and biotechnological discoveries for a neglected parasite. (United States)

    Young, Neil D; Hall, Ross S; Jex, Aaron R; Cantacessi, Cinzia; Gasser, Robin B


    Liver flukes of animals are parasitic flatworms (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) of major socioeconomic importance in many countries. Key representatives, such as Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica, cause "liver fluke disease" (= fascioliasis), which is of major animal health significance worldwide. In particular, F. hepatica is a leading cause of production losses to the livestock (mainly sheep and cattle) and meat industries due to clinical disease, reduced weight gain and milk production, and deaths. This parasite is also a major food-borne pathogen of humans throughout parts of the Middle East, Asia and South America. Currently, there is a significant focus on the development of new approaches for the prevention and control of fascioliasis in livestock. Recent technological advances in genomics and bioinformatics provide unique opportunities for the identification and prevalidation of drug targets and vaccines through a better understanding of the biology of F. hepatica and related species as well as their relationship with their hosts at the molecular level. Surprisingly, despite the widespread socioeconomic impact of fascioliasis, genomic datasets for F. hepatica are scant, limiting the molecular biological research of this parasite. The present article explores specifically the transcriptome of the adult stage of F. hepatica using an integrated genomic-bioinformatic platform. The analysis of the current data reveals numerous molecules of biological relevance, some of which are inferred to be involved in key biological processes or pathways that could serve as targets for new trematocidal drugs or vaccines. Improved insights into the transcriptome of F. hepatica should pave the way for future, comparative analysis of the transcriptomes of other developmental stages of this and related parasites, such as F. gigantica, cancer-causing flatworms (Clonorchis sinensis and Opisthorchis viverrini) and blood flukes (Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum). Prediction of the

  11. The Malvinas/Falklands War (1982: Pacific Solutions for an Atlantic Conflict

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    Andrea Roxana Bellot


    Full Text Available Although the Malvinas/Falklands War (1982 was relatively short and did not involve a great number of losses, it stands as an important blow in the collective memory of the two nations involved: Great Britain and Argentina. For the British, it was the last “colonial” war and one which allowed Margaret Thatcher to stay in power for almost a decade after the British victory. For the Argentine, it was the only war fought and lost in the twentieth century and it brought about the fall of the dictatorship. This paper will summarise the course of events related to the war, showing how the war implied a major nationalist project for both nations since national honour and national dignity were at stake. By making use of historical publications, this paper will also explore how and why some pacific solutions were ignored before the war broke out, as well as the failure of diplomatic negotiations in putting an end to the conflict.

  12. Breeding Double-crested Cormorants and Wading Birds on Isla Alcatraz, Sonora, México (United States)

    Jennifer N. Duberstein; Virginia Jimenez-Serrania; Tad A. Pfister; Kirsten E. Lindquist; Lorayne Meltzer


    Isla Alcatraz is a small volcanic island in the Eastern Midriff Island region of the Gulf of California, approximately 1.4 km from the fishing community of Bahía de Kino, Sonora, México. The island falls under the protection of the Gulf Island Reserve system for wildlife and migratory birds. Isla Alcatraz is home to one of the largest Double-crested Cormorant (

  13. Algunos poliquetos holoplanctónicos (Annelida: Polychaeta del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica Some holoplanktonic polychaetes (Annelida: Polychaeta from the Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica

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    Soledad Jiménez-Cueto


    Full Text Available Los poliquetos holoplanctónicos no han sido estudiados en las aguas oceánicas adyacentes al Parque Isla del Coco. Se estudiaron estas formas pelágicas a partir del análisis de muestras de zooplancton recolectadas en esta área protegida. Las muestras fueron obtenidas mediante redes de plancton estándar (0.2-0.5mm de malla, 0.49m de diámetro de boca en arrastres horizontales y verticales en la isla oceánica Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental. Los poliquetos pelágicos de esta zona fueron analizados taxonómicamente. El material obtenido incluye representantes de seis especies y cinco familias: Alciopidae, Lopadorhynchidae, Tomopteridae, Polynoidae y Typhloscolecidae. Se presentan diagnosis breves, sino- nimias, análisis morfológicos comparativos, ilustraciones taxonómicas y la distribución conocida de las especies recolectadas en el plancton de Isla del Coco. El registro de Drieschia pellucida Moore es el primero en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental; nuestro espécimen muestra algunas diferencias respecto a la descripción original. El resto de las especies han sido encontradas previamente en aguas del Pacífico Tropical Oriental y en el Domo de Costa Rica, pero son los primeros registros para esta área protegida.The holoplanktonic polychaetes have not been surveyed in the oceanic waters adjacent to Isla del Coco. These pelagic forms are studied based on the analysis of zooplankton samples collected in the area. Samples were obtained both at night and daytime by standard plankton nets (0.2-0.5 mm meshes, 0.49 m mouth diameter hauled horizontally and vertically off the oceanic island Isla del Coco, Costa Rica in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Pelagic polychaetes were collected in one of the night samples and were taxonomically analyzed. The material obtained includes representatives of six species and five families: Alciopidae, Lopadorrhynchidae, Tomopteridae, Polynoidae, and Typhloscolecidae. Brief diagnoses

  14. The absence of MyD88 has no effect on the induction of alternatively activated macrophage during Fasciola hepatica infection

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    Luo HongLin


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Alternatively activated macrophages (AAMϕ play important roles in allergies and responses to parasitic infections. However, whether signaling through toll-like receptors (TLRs plays any role in AAMϕ induction when young Fasciola hepatica penetrates the liver capsule and migrates through the liver tissue is still unclear. Results The data show that the lack of myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88 has no effect on the AAMϕ derived from the bone marrow (BMMϕ in vitro and does not impair the mRNA expression of arginase-1, resistin-like molecule (RELMα, and Ym1 in BMMϕs. The Th2 cytokine production bias in splenocytes was not significantly altered in F. hepatica-infected mice in the absence of MyD88 in vitro and in the pleural cavity lavage in vivo. In addition, MyD88-deficiency has no effect on the arginase production of the F. hepatica elicited macrophages (Fe Mϕs, production of RELMα and Ym1 proteins and mRNA expression of Ym1 and RELMα of macrophages in the peritoneal cavity 6 weeks post F. hepatica infection. Conclusions The absence of MyD88 has no effect on presence of AAMϕ 6 weeks post F. hepatica infection.

  15. Scintigraphic evaluation of the liver in Fasciola hepatica with radiocolloid and /sup 67/Ga-citrate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aguirre Errasti, C.; Alberola Gomez-Escolar, I.; Gonzalez de Zarate, P.; Merino Angulo, J.


    A group of 23 patients with Fasciola hepatica have been studied in the province of Biscay. The diagnosis was reached after finding parasite eggs in the faeces or duodenal juice. The liver lesion was confirmed by means of macro and microscopic studies. Radiocolloid demonstrated the presence of cold areas in 18 patients; in 13 of them the uptake with /sup 67/Ga was positive. These isotopic findings identified Fasciola hepatica as one of the causes of 'cold areas' in traditional liver scans and positive /sup 67/Ga uptake.

  16. Six-year longitudinal study of Fasciola hepatica bulk milk antibody ELISA in the dairy dense region of the Republic Ireland. (United States)

    Munita, M P; Rea, R; Bloemhoff, Y; Byrne, N; Martinez-Ibeas, A M; Sayers, R G


    Completion of the F. hepatica lifecycle is dependent on suitable climatic conditions for development of immature stages of the parasite, and its snail intermediate host. Few investigations have been conducted regarding temporal variations in F. hepatica status in Irish dairy herds. The current study aimed to conduct a longitudinal study examining annual and seasonal trends in bulk milk seropositivity over six years, while also investigating associations with soil temperature, rainfall and flukicide treatment. Monthly bulk milk samples (BTM) were submitted by 28 herds between March 2009 and December 2014. In all, 1337 samples were analysed using a Cathepsin L1 ELISA. Soil temperature, rainfall and management data were obtained for general estimating equation and regression analyses. A general decrease in milk seropositivity was observed over the six year study period and was associated with an increased likelihood of treating for liver fluke (OR range=2.73-6.96). Annual and seasonal analyses of rainfall and F. hepatica BTM status yielded conflicting results. Higher annual rainfall (>1150mm) yielded a lower likelihood of being BTM positive than annual rainfall of hepatica in wetter years, although a 'wash effect' by high rainfall of the free living stages and snails cannot be ruled out. Higher seasonal rainfall (>120mm), however, was associated with increased ELISA S/P% values (Coefficient=9.63S/P%; P=0.001). Soil temperature was not found to influence F. hepatica to the same extent as rainfall and may reflect the lack of severe temperature fluctuations in Ireland. Flukicides active against both immature and mature F. hepatica were approximately half as likely to record a positive F. hepatica herd BTM status than a flukicide active against only the mature stage of the parasite (OR≅0.45; Phepatica data, which can vary significantly. Additionally, it highlights the progress that can be achieved in fluke control by application of a continuous BTM monitoring program

  17. Actas del III Encuentro Platense de Investigadores/as sobre Cuerpo en las Artes Escénicas y Performáticas


    Sáez, Mariana Lucía


    Los días 4, 5 y 6 de septiembre de 2013, en el Centro Cultural Islas Malvinas de la ciudad de La Plata, se desarrolló el III ECART, Encuentro Platense de Investigadores sobre Cuerpo en las Artes Escénicas y Performáticas, organizado por el Grupo de Estudio sobre Cuerpo-Centro Interdisciplinario Cuerpo, Educación y Sociedad y la Compañía Proyecto en Bruto. En el transcurso de las tres jornadas de este nuevo encuentro se sucedieron talleres, conferencias, mesas de ponencias, obras de danza y...

  18. Adaptación curricular en un contexto de encierro, innovaciones del programa de Biología en la escuela de la penitenciaría de la provincia de San Luis


    Gil, Angélica; Polanco, Miryam


    La Ley Nacional de Educación N° 26206, legitima la obligatoriedad de la educación en contextos de encierro que constituye un escenario complejo para la política educativa. El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado, en la Escuela Especial 443 Islas Malvinas ubicada en el Servicio Penitenciario Provincial (SPP) de San Luis, y tiene como objetivo Analizar y reflexionar sobre la selección y organización de los contenidos en el currículo de ciencias y en especial el de biología, en el mencionado cont...

  19. Role of the lymnaeid snail Pseudosuccinea columella in the transmission of the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica in Egypt. (United States)

    Dar, Y; Vignoles, P; Rondelaud, D; Dreyfuss, G


    Experimental infections of three Egyptian Pseudosuccinea columella populations with sympatric miracidia of Fasciola sp., coming from cattle- or sheep-collected eggs, were carried out to determine the capacity of this lymnaeid to support larval development of the parasite. Using microsatellite markers, the isolates of Egyptian miracidia were identified as Fasciola hepatica. Apart from being independent of snail origin, prevalences ranging from 60.4 to 75.5% in snails infected with five miracidia of F. hepatica were significantly higher than values of 30.4 to 42.2% in snails with bi-miracidial infections. The number of metacercariae ranged from 243 to 472 per cercarial-shedding snail and was independent of snail origin, parasite origin and miracidial dose used for infection. If P. columella was subjected to two successive bi-miracidial infections with F. hepatica, prevalence of infection was 63.3%, with a mean of 311 metacercariae per snail. These values were clearly greater than those already reported for Radix natalensis infected with the same parasite and the same protocol. Successful experimental infection of P. columella with F. hepatica suggests that this lymnaeid snail is an important intermediate host for the transmission of fascioliasis in Egypt.

  20. Seroepidemiology of Fasciola Hepatica in Mersin province and surrounding towns and the role of family history of the Fascioliasis in the transmission of the parasite. (United States)

    Ozturhan, Hakan; Emekdaş, Gürol; Sezgin, Orhan; Korkmaz, Metin; Altintaş, Engin


    Fascioliasis is an important zoonotic disease caused by Fasciola hepatica. This zoonosis may cause serious morbidity and a considerable financial burden. Knowledge about Fasciola hepatica and interest in this parasite have increased in Turkey recently. However, there have been few studies on the real prevalence of this condition in the country. Therefore, we aimed to determine the prevalence of fascioliasis and the role of family history of the condition in the transmission of the parasite in the province of Mersin. Taking account of their populations, 729 people without a family history of fascioliasis and 155 people with a family history of fascioliasis from the city of Mersin and randomly selected three towns were included into the study to obtain a sample that well represented the population of the province of Mersin. A questionnaire composed of items about consumption of green leafy vegetables, stock-breeding and clinical symptoms of the disease was used to collect data. Excretory/ secretory (ES)-ELISA was used to detect IgG antibodies to Fasciola hepatica. People seropositive for Fasciola hepatica underwent abdominal ultrasonography, physical examination, biochemistry, and stool tests for the detection of Fasciola hepatica eggs. A total of 0.79% of the participants were seropositive for Fasciola hepatica. One point ninety-three percent of the individuals with a family history of fascioliasis and 0.55% of the individuals without a family history of fascioliasis were seropositive for Fasciola hepatica. Out of 7 individuals found to be seropositive for Fasciola hepatica, 5 were female, 2 were male, and 4 had a family history of fascioliasis. Five and 4 patients, respectively, had a history of consuming green leafy vegetables and 4 had a history of stock-breeding. The clinical evaluation revealed that 4 patients had at least one sign of fascioliasis. Three patients had signs of fascioliasis on ultrasonography and 1 had Fasciola hepatica egg in stool examination

  1. Visita al Parque Nacional Isla del Coco


    Malavassi, Eduardo


    El Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, en Costa Rica, fue visitado por espacio de cinco días, en el año 1981, en el marco de una expedición organizada por el Servicio de Parques Nacionales y el Servicio de Patrullaje Marítimo del Ministerio de Seguridad Pública.

  2. First report of Lymnaea columella Say, 1817 (Pulmonata: Lymnaeidae naturally infected with Fasciola hepatica (Linnaeus,1758 (Trematoda: Digenea in Argentina

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    Prepelitchi Lucila


    Full Text Available We report the first evidence of natural infection of Lymnaea columella with Fasciola hepatica in Argentina. A sample of 601 snails was collected in May 2003 in northeastern Corrientes, a province bounded on the north by Paraguay, on the east by Brazil and on the southeast by Uruguay. Among 500 examined snails, 44 (8.8% were exclusively infected with F. hepatica. Parasite identification was based on morphological features of cercariae from snails, and of eggs and adult flukes from Wistar rats. We discuss the events suggesting that an enzootic transmission cycle of F. hepatica has been recently established in northeastern Corrientes.

  3. Pronóstico de Tsunamis para las Islas Galápagos


    Renteria, Willington


    Este estudio presenta una propuesta para la implementación de un sistema de Pronóstico de Tsunamis para las Islas Galápagos. Este sistema, consiste en el desarrollo de modelos de pronóstico de tsunamis de corto y de largo plazo. El primero pretende ser utilizado en tiempo real, una vez que se conoce de la ocurrencia de un tsunami en el Océano Pacifico, a fin de conocer los efectos físicos que el evento produciría a su impacto con las Islas. Mientras que el pronóstico de largo plazo, ...

  4. In vitro biomarker discovery in the parasitic flatworm Fasciola hepatica for monitoring chemotherapeutic treatment

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    Russell M. Morphew


    Full Text Available The parasitic flatworm Fasciola hepatica is a global food security risk. With no vaccines, the sustainability of triclabendazole (TCBZ is threatened by emerging resistance. F. hepatica excretory/secretory (ES products can be detected in host faeces and used to estimate TCBZ success and failure. However, there are no faecal based molecular diagnostics dedicated to assessing drug failure or resistance to TCBZ in the field. Utilising in vitro maintenance and sub-proteomic approaches two TCBZ stress ES protein response fingerprints were identified: markers of non-killing and lethal doses. This study provides candidate protein/peptide biomarkers to validate for detection of TCBZ failure and resistance.

  5. Viabilidade de ovos de Fasciola hepatica de bovinos em sistema de biodigestão anaeróbia Viability of bovine's Fasciola hepatica eggs in a system of anaerobic biodigestion

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    M.B. Mentz


    Full Text Available Cattle Fasciola hepatica egg-viability was studied in closed system of anaerobic biodigestion. Two thirds of a biodigestor were filled with liquefied manure from eight Hosltein cows, naturally infected. For 10 consecutive weeks of observation, the biodigestor internal temperature ranged from 24ºC to 28ºC, and external temperature from 26ºC to 33ºC. All the effluent samples showed a constant pH of 7. The samples of the effluent were weekly collected, in a total of 10 and submitted to techniques to detect the presence and viability of the trematode eggs. It was detected a 42-day egg viability. Therefore, liquefied cattle manure containing Fasciola hepatica eggs must remain under anaerobic biodigestion for at least 42 days before its safe return to the environment.

  6. The Virgin of Luján: sacred source of legitimation of the heroes of the Malvinas War

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    Laura Marina Panizo


    Full Text Available The loss of a loved one in war, as in the extraordinary losses in general, produces a break in the usual ways of facing death. In this article we will see how relatives of fallen in the Malvinas War were adapted to these changes in a creative way, reformulating conventional models to understand them, through a framework of interpretation of losses where the Virgin of Luján, sacred source of legitimation of the dead and the bereaved, becomes the instrument through which occurs the communion of all Argentineans, both living and dead, and strengthening the national identity.  

  7. Litoral Pacífico colombiano clima y uso de la tierra: Referencia espacial a Isla Gorgona


    Mario Mejía Gutiérrez


    Parece que ningún tipo de equipo metereológico fue operado nunca en Isla Gorgona en consecuencia, toda interpretación a la fecha de la naturaleza climática de la Isla debe deducirse del contexto regional y de impresiones de sus habitantes.

  8. Differences in intermediary energy metabolism between juvenile and adult Fasciola hepatica

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tielens, A.G.M.; Heuvel, J.M. van den; Bergh, S.G. van den

    A comparison of glucose catabolism by juvenile and adult liver flukes, Fasciola hepatica, showed that in the adult the cytosolic degradation of glucose via phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) was the most important route, whereas in the freshly excysted juvenile a large part was degraded via

  9. Consequence of temperature changes on cercarial shedding from Galba truncatula infected with Fasciola hepatica or Paramphistomum daubneyi

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    Rondelaud Daniel


    Full Text Available Experimental infections of Galba truncatula (two populations with Fasciola hepatica or Paramphistomum daubneyi were carried out to study the effect of water temperature changes (3 h at a mean of 12 °C every week on cercarial shedding during the patent period. The results were compared with those of control snails infected according to the same protocol and always maintained at 20 °C. Compared to controls, a significant increase in the number of cercariae-shedding snails, a significantly longer patent period and significantly greater cercarial production were noted in temperature-challenged snails, regardless of the type of digenean infection. In contrast, the number of incompletely formed metacercariae was significantly higher in temperature-challenged snails than in controls. Incompletely formed metacercariae of F. hepatica consisted of cysts whose colour remained whitish after shedding (25.4% for temperature-challenged snails or whose dome was flattened after encystment (74.6%. Those of P. daubneyi were totally dark brown or blackish after formation. These incomplete metacercariae might originate from young differentiating cercariae within the snail body (F. hepatica or from cercariae which died just after encystment (P. daubneyi. The use of regular temperature changes for snails infected with F. hepatica or P. daubneyi must be monitored carefully during collection of metacercariae to select completely formed cysts for infecting definitive hosts.

  10. Variations in local adaptation of allopatric Fasciola hepatica to French Galba truncatula in relation to parasite origin. (United States)

    Dar, Y; Lounnas, M; Djuikwo Teukeng, F F; Mouzet, R; Courtioux, B; Hurtrez-Boussès, S; Vignoles, P; Dreyfuss, G; Rondelaud, D


    Two French populations of Galba truncatula were subjected to experimental infections with Egyptian and French isolates of Fasciola sp. miracidia, originating from cattle and sheep, to compare characteristics of snail infections in allopatric and sympatric groups. All sampled Egyptian isolates were identified as Fasciola hepatica using microsatellite markers. Compared to snails infected with French miracidia, snail survival at day 30 post-exposure was significantly greater in the Egyptian groups, while prevalence of infection was significantly lower (in an Egyptian group infected with cattle-derived miracidia) or did not show any significant differences in the other three cases. The total number of metacercariae was significantly higher in the four Egyptian groups. However, snail population and the mammalian origin of F. hepatica had also a significant effect on this parameter. The dissection of snail cadavers showed a significantly higher number of free rediae in the Egyptian groups, even if snail population also had a significant effect on the redial burden. Both Egyptian isolates of F. hepatica could easily develop in French snails, causing a low mortality in snails and inducing a metacercarial production higher than that noted in sympatric infections. However, the mammalian origin of F. hepatica eggs and the quality of snail populations as intermediate hosts had to be taken into account for studying local adaptation in reason of their effects on this process.

  11. Flora terrestre de la isla Malpelo (Colombia, Pacífico Oriental Tropical

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    Rubén D. González-Román


    Full Text Available La isla Malpelo se encuentra en el Pacífico colombiano, a unos 380km de la costa continental. La Isla ha sido objeto de algunos estudios geológicos, ecológicos y faunísticos, tanto marinos como terrestres, pero ningún estudio estrictamente botánico. Con el fin de realizar un inventario de la flora terrestre de Malpelo, se realizaron tres salidas de campo durante el 2010, en las que se recolectaron plantas vasculares, musgos y líquenes, y se tomaron datos sobre su distribución en la Isla. El grupo más diverso correspondió a los líquenes, con 25 especies, incluidos cuatro nuevos géneros para Colombia, Endocarpon, Fuscidea, Lecanographa y Verrucaria, y 15 nuevos registros de especies para Colombia. La alta riqueza de especies de líquenes en la Isla puede deberse a la forma de reproducción asexual de estos organismos, que pudieron haber sido transportados hasta Malpelo por aves migratorias o por viento; además, pueden estar protegidos químicamente de la herbivoría por cangrejos terrestres. La gran cantidad de registros nuevos para Colombia se explica por la poca cantidad de trabajos en líquenes saxícolas en el país, sobre todo en zonas costeras e insulares. Solo se registraron dos especies de plantas vasculares, una gramínea, Paspalum sp., y un helecho, Pityrogramma calomelanos. También se recolectó una especie de musgo, Octoblepharum albidum. La escasez de plantas vasculares probablemente se deba a la combinación de condiciones de los suelos y a la herbivoría por cangrejos terrestres. El presente estudio es el primero en darle relevancia a la flora terrestre de Malpelo y constituye un punto de referencia y comparación para estudios semejantes en otras islas del Pacífico Oriental Tropical.

  12. Dependencias regionales del turismo en la Isla de Cozumel, México

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    Álvaro Sánchez-Crispín


    Full Text Available Este trabajo examina la dinámica territorial del turismo en la isla de Cozumel, al término del siglo XX. En la primera parte, se exponen los rasgos básicos de la economía del turismo en México para, en seguida, describir los elementos fundamentales de la geografía insular de Cozumel. En una segunda sección, se analizan los principales vínculos regionales de la isla que fueron determinados a partir del origen de los turistas y de los nexos comerciales entre Cozumel y otros territorios, la importancia de éstos debe ser considerada en un contexto de ausencia casi total de actividad agrícola e industrial local. En el futuro inmediato, esta isla mexicana incrementará los ya fuertes lazos con el exterior, en razón de la cantidad de personas y productos que llegan de fuera del país; esto será particularmente cierto en vista de un relativo declinar de Cancún como destino preferencial del turismo internacional en la península de Yucatán.

  13. Characterization of deepwater invertebrates at Isla del Coco National Park and Las Gemelas Seamount, Costa Rica

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    Richard M. Starr


    Full Text Available The deepwater faunas of oceanic islands and seamounts of the Eastern Tropical Pacific are poorly known. From 11-22 September 2009, we conducted an exploration of the deepwater areas around Isla del Coco National Park and Las Gemelas Seamount, located about 50km southwest of Isla del Coco, Costa Rica using a manned submersible to survey the seafloor habitats. The goal of the exploration was to characterize the habitats and biota, and conduct quantitative surveys of the deepwater portions of Isla del Coco National Park and Las Gemelas. We completed a total of 22 successful submersible dives, spanning more than 80hr underwater, and collected a total of 36hr of video. With respect to invertebrates, our objectives were to gather quantitative information on species composition, density, distribution and habitat associations as well as to compare the invertebrate communities between the two sites. A total of 7 172 invertebrates were counted from analysis of the video collected on this project. Larger organisms were counted and placed into 27 taxonomic groups to characterize the deepwater invertebrate fauna of Las Gemelas Seamount and Isla del Coco National Park. The Shannon-Weiner Index for biodiversity (H’ was calculated to be 0.14 ± 0.02 for Isla del Coco and 0.07 ± 0.03 for Las Gemelas surveys. Although richness was fairly equal between the two sites, evenness was greater at Isla del Coco (J = 0.04 ± 0.006 when compared to Las Gemelas (J = 0.02 ± 0.01. This lower level of evenness in the community at Las Gemelas was a result of high densities of a few dominant species groups, specifically sea urchins and black corals. We also evaluated invertebrate percent cover at both Isla del Coco and Las Gemelas Seamount with respect to habitat type, slope and rugosity. Results indicated that highly rugose habitats contained the highest frequencies of all invertebrates at both sites, with the exception of glass sponges and polychaetes at Isla del Coco

  14. La Isla de calor en la ciudad de Lloret de Mar


    Moreno García, María del Carmen; Serra Pardo, Juan Antonio


    Este artículo muestra el resultado de un trabajo de investigación sobre el fenómeno de la isla de calor en la ciudad de Lloret de Mar, donde se evidencia la existencia del fenómeno y se caracteriza. Utilizando el método de los transectos se han realizado mediciones de temperatura en cuatro campañas anuales entre julio del 2010 y marzo de 2014, durante el verano e invierno. El análisis de los 11.360 valores térmicos recopilados muestra una isla de calor urbana con una intensidad media de 3,3ºC...

  15. Litoral Pacífico colombiano clima y uso de la tierra: Referencia espacial a Isla Gorgona

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    Mario Mejía Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Parece que ningún tipo de equipo metereológico fue operado nunca en Isla Gorgona en consecuencia, toda interpretación a la fecha de la naturaleza climática de la Isla debe deducirse del contexto regional y de impresiones de sus habitantes.

  16. Elasmobranchs observed in deepwaters (45-330m at Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica (Eastern Tropical Pacific

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    Jorge Cortés


    Full Text Available Isla del Coco is an oceanic island 500km off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. It is a National Park and its marine fauna has been relatively well protected. The island is famous for its elasmobranch (sharks, rays and skates sightings in shallow waters. Here we present a catalogue of the deepwater elasmobranchs observed with the DeepSee submersible. Five species of sharks, six species of skates and one ray have been observed between 45 and 330m depth. Triaenodon obesus, the white tip reef shark, was commonly observed between 80 and 301m, but only in the afternoons. Sphyrna lewini, the scalloped hammerhead shark, was observed as deep a 303m, but commonly between 45 and 90m, and close to the island. Odontaspis ferox, the smalltooth sand tiger shark, was observed between 82 and 316m. Echinorhinus cookei, the prickly shark, was observed between 91 and 320m. Rhincodon typus, the whale shark, was observed only close to the island, between 77 and 80m. Taeniura meyeni, the marbled ray, was observed only close to the island, between 45 and 90m. A Dasyatis sp., similar to the the diamond stingray, was observed only once close to the island at 60m; this is the first report of this genus at Isla del Coco National Park. Manta birostris, the giant manta, was only observed close to the island at 90m. Mobula tarapacana, the sicklefin devil ray, was observed between 60 and 326m, extending its maximum depth almost 10 times what has been reported. Aetobatus narinari, the spotted eagle ray, was observed only close to the island between 60 and 82m. Torpedo peruana, the Peruvian torpedo ray, was observed only once at 313m, and is the first record of this species from Isla del Coco National Park.La Isla del Coco es una isla oceánica a 500km de la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. Es un Parque Nacional donde la fauna marina ha estado relativamente bien protegida. La isla es famosa por los elasmobranquios (tiburones y rayas en aguas poco profundas. Aquí presentamos un cat



    Yusti-Muñoz, Ana Paola; Velandia-Perilla, Jorge H.


    The amazon lily Eucharis sanderi is a rare species endemic to western Colombia, with few locality records known. We documented the occurrence of the species for the first time on Isla Gorgona, near the Pacific coast of Colombia, based on a specimen collected in May, 2011. Isla Gorgona is an important protected area for the conservation of threatened species such as E. sanderi. We recommend that research be conducted to determine the conservation status of the population of this species on the...

  18. CIAS detection of Fasciola hepatica/F. gigantica intermediate forms in bovines from Bangladesh. (United States)

    Ahasan, Syed Ali; Valero, M Adela; Chowdhury, Emdadul Haque; Islam, Mohammad Taohidul; Islam, Mohammad Rafiqul; Hussain Mondal, Mohammad Motahar; Peixoto, Raquel V; Berinde, Lavinia; Panova, Miroslava; Mas-Coma, Santiago


    Fascioliasis is an important food-borne parasitic zoonosis caused by two trematode species, Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. The characterisation and differentiation of Fasciola populations is crucial to control the disease, given the different transmission, epidemiology and pathology characteristics of the two species. Lineal biometric features of adult liver flukes infecting livestock have been studied to characterise and discriminate fasciolids from Bangladesh. An accurate analysis was conducted to phenotypically discriminate between fasciolids from naturally infected bovines (cattle, buffaloes) throughout the country. Morphometric analyses were made with a computer image analysis system (CIAS) applied on the basis of standardised measurements and the logistic model of the body growth and development of fasciolids in the different host groups. Since it is the first ever comprehensive study of this kind undertaken in Bangladesh, the results are compared to pure fasciolid populations of F. hepatica from the European Mediterranean area and F. gigantica from Burkina Faso, geographical areas where both species do not co-exist. Principal component analysis showed that the biometric characteristics of fasciolids from Bangladesh are situated between F. hepatica and F. gigantica standard populations, indicating the presence of phenotypes of intermediate forms in Bangladesh. These results are analysed by considering the present emergence of animal fascioliasis, the local lymnaeid fauna, the impact of climate change, and the risk of human infection in the country.

  19. Prevalence and Molecular Diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica in Sheep and Goats in Different Districts of Punjab, Pakistan

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    Waseem Shahzad*, Khalid Mehmood1, Rashid Munir2, Waqar Aslam, Muhammad Ijaz1, Rashid Ahmad, Mohammad Sarwar Khan1 and Ahmad Jawad Sabir1


    Full Text Available A study was conducted to determine the prevalence and molecular diagnosis of fasciolosis in Lohi sheep and Beetal goats in Okara, Sahiwal and Lahore districts of Punjab province. A total of 800 samples including 200 fecal and 200 bile, each from Lohi sheep and Beetal goats were collected and processed for microscopic examination of Fasciola eggs as well as its confirmation through polymerase chain reaction (PCR. Of the fecal samples, 3.5 and 2% samples whereas from bile samples, 6.5 and 4% bile samples from sheep and goats were found microscopically positive for Fasciola hepatica, respectively. By PCR, 4.5 and 3.5% fecal samples and 8.5 and 5% bile samples from sheep and goats, respectively were confirmed for F. hepatica. Statistically sheep and goats species were found equally likely acquiring the F. hepatica diagnosed by either source of material (fecal and bile samples similarly fecal and bile samples were equally likely showing fasciolosis in either of sheep and goats.

  20. Development of indirect sandwich ELISA for determination of excretory-secretory antigens of Fasciola hepatica

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    Libertad Alzamora-Gonzales


    Full Text Available Fasciolosis is a cosmopolitan parasitosis medical-veterinary importance caused by Fasciola hepatica, which affects sheep, goats and cattle; and it affects man accidentally causing an epidemic-endemic infection difficult to diagnose. The aim was to develop an indirect sandwich ELISA with 3 antibodies for detecting excretory-secretory antigens of Fasciola hepatica (ESFh. For the development of indirect sandwich ELISA were used, as capture antibody, mouse polyclonal antibodies anti ESFh and polyclonal antibodies rabbit anti-ESFh as detection antibody, at the concentrations of 10 and 5 µg/mL respectively. The conjugate used was mouse monoclonal anti- total immunoglobulins rabbit linked to peroxidase (1/1000. Were analized 31 sheep fecal samples, and the results were compared with those obtained by direct coproparasitological examination (DC and counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIEP. The detection limit obtained for indirect sandwich ELISA was 100 ng/mL. The test had a 100% sensitivity, 96.6% specificity, positive and negative predictive values of 50% and 96.6% respectively, in relation to DC test. Comparing with CIEP the specificity obtained for indirect sandwich ELISA was 93.5% and a negative predictive value of 100%. We concluded that indirect sandwich ELISA designed is able to detect metabolic antigens in ovine feces samples and can be used for Fasciola hepatica diagnosis.

  1. Fasciola hepatica infection and association with gastrointestinal parasites in Creole goats from western Argentina. (United States)

    Cuervo, Pablo; Sidoti, Laura; Fantozzi, Cecilia; Neira, Gisela; Gerbeno, Leticia; Mera y Sierra, Roberto


    Goats, called “the cow of the poor”, are the livestock species with the most significant population growth worldwide in recent years. Gastrointestinal parasitism constitutes one of the main constraints to its outdoor and extensive breeding in temperate and tropical countries. Despite a Creole goat population of nearly 4 million heads, local reports on parasitological prevalence are scarce, and while Fasciola hepatica infection is spread all over Argentina, the goat is usually neglected as a reservoir and economic losses are not considered. To evaluate gastrointestinal parasitism prevalence and associations between parasite genera and species, with emphasis on fascioliasis, Creole goats from the plateau and Andean regions from western Argentina were investigated by coprological techniques, and associations were statistically assessed. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the animals harbored one or more parasite types, while 46% showed mixed infections. Significant positive associations between F. hepatica + Strongyle eggs, Eimeria sp. + Nematodirus sp. and Nematodirus sp. + Trichuris ovis were detected. Further studies are required to define the causality of these associations and their relevance in epidemiology. F. hepatica is rarely considered as goat parasite in the country, but a 33% prevalence poses an interrogation on the role goats play on the transmission and dissemination of this zoonotic trematode.

  2. Localization of serotonin and ultrastructure of serotonergic neutrons in the nervous system of fasciola hepatica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Shile; Cheng Bing; Rong Yaofang


    Rabbits antisera were raised against an antigen prepared by coupling 5-HT to bovine serum albumin (BSA) using formaldehyde as a coupling reagent. The fresh adult Fasciola hepatica were fixed with 4% formaldehyde and sectioned on a cryostat. The sections were stained by indirect immunofluorescence technique. Abundant immunofluorescence specific for 5-HT was observed in ganglion cell bodies and their processes, the transverse commissure that connects two ganglia and longitudinal axes extending from the ganglia. Immuno-reactivity to 5-HT was also found in the nerve fibre innervating tegument, gut wall, the epithelium of testes or ovary, the musculature of uterus and ootype, etc. The ultrastructure of serotonergic neurons was visualized. As in other invertebrates, the serotonergic neutrons of Fasciola hepatica consisted of cell bodies, axons, synapses, herring bodies and neuromuscular junctions. The nerve cell bodies were aggregatively located in ganglia and many dispersed spherical granular vesicles were present in cytoplasm. The nerve axons branched out to the muscles forming synapses, where synaptic vesicles contained 5-HT dense-core granules were found. The distribution of 5-HT within the neurons strongly suggested that 5-HT was functioning as a neurotrasmitter in Fasciola hepatica

  3. Partial purification and properties of adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) from liver fluke Fasciola hepatica. (United States)

    Hassan, Husain; Abeer, Ali


    The adenosine triphosphatase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC;ATPase) is a membrane -bound enzyme which transport protons across the plasma membrane using ATP as an energy source. The adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase ; EC: was extracted from membrane preparations of adult Fasciola hepatica by chloroform treatment and purified by means of ammonium sulphate fractionation, gel filtration on sephadex G-200 and DEAE- Cellulose chromatography. The molecular weight was calculated to be 305.000 dalton by gel filtration. Kinetic experiments demonstrated a biphasic linear lineweaver - burk relationship (km=0.142 and 1.66 mM) thus revealing the existence of two substrate binding enzyme sites. In our study revealed that partial inhibition of Mg²⁺ dependent purified enzyme by oligomycin suggest the absence of mitochondrial ATPase in F. hepatica.

  4. Triclabendazole Effect on Protease Enzyme Activity in the Excretory- Secretory Products of Fasciola hepatica in Vitro.

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    Yosef Shrifi


    Full Text Available Fasciola hepatica is one of the most important helminthes parasites and triclabendazole (TCBZ is routinely used for treatment of infected people and animals. Secreted protease enzymes by the F. hepatica plays a critical role in the invasion, migration, nutrition and the survival of parasite and are key targets for novel drugs and vaccines. The aim of study was to determine the protease activity of excretory- secretory products (ESP of F. hepatica in the presence of TCBZ anthelmintic.F. hepatica helminthes were collected and cultured within RPMI 1640 [TCBZ treated (test and untreated (control] for 6 h at 37 °C. ESP of treated and control were collected, centrifuged and supernatants were stored at -20°C. Protein concentrations were measured according to Bradford method. Protease enzymes activities of ESP samples were estimated by using sigma's non-specific protease activity assay. ESP protein bands were detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE.Mean protein concentrations in control and treated of ESP samples were determined 196.1 ±14.52 and 376.4 ±28.20 μg/ml, respectively. Mean protease enzymes activities in control and treated were 0.37 ±0.1 and 0.089 ±0.03 U/ml, respectively. Significant difference between proteins concentrations and protease enzymes activities of two groups was observed (P<0.05. SDS-PAGE showed different patterns of protein bands between treated and control samples.The TCBZ reduced secreted protease enzymes activities and possibly effects on invasion, migration, nutrition and particularly survival of the parasite in the host tissues.

  5. Fibrinogen and fibrin are novel substrates for Fasciola hepatica cathepsin L peptidases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mebius, Mirjam M.; Op Heij, Jody M J; Tielens, Aloysius G.M.; de Groot, Philip G; Urbanus, Rolf T; van Hellemond, Jaap J.


    Cathepsin peptidases form a major component of the secreted proteins of the blood-feeding trematodes Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma mansoni. These peptidases fulfill many functions, from facilitating infection to feeding and immune evasion. In this study, we examined the Fasciola cathepsin L

  6. Fasciola hepatica demonstrates high levels of genetic diversity, a lack of population structure and high gene flow: possible implications for drug resistance. (United States)

    Beesley, Nicola J; Williams, Diana J L; Paterson, Steve; Hodgkinson, Jane


    Fasciola hepatica, the liver fluke, is a trematode parasite of considerable economic importance to the livestock industry and is a re-emerging zoonosis that poses a risk to human health in F. hepatica-endemic areas worldwide. Drug resistance is a substantial threat to the current and future control of F. hepatica, yet little is known about how the biology of the parasite influences the development and spread of resistance. Given that F. hepatica can self-fertilise and therefore inbreed, there is the potential for greater population differentiation and an increased likelihood of recessive alleles, such as drug resistance genes, coming together. This could be compounded by clonal expansion within the snail intermediate host and aggregation of parasites of the same genotype on pasture. Alternatively, widespread movement of animals that typically occurs in the UK could promote high levels of gene flow and prevent population differentiation. We identified clonal parasites with identical multilocus genotypes in 61% of hosts. Despite this, 84% of 1579 adult parasites had unique multilocus genotypes, which supports high levels of genotypic diversity within F. hepatica populations. Our analyses indicate a selfing rate no greater than 2%, suggesting that this diversity is in part due to the propensity for F. hepatica to cross-fertilise. Finally, although we identified high genetic diversity within a given host, there was little evidence for differentiation between populations from different hosts, indicating a single panmictic population. This implies that, once those emerge, anthelmintic resistance genes have the potential to spread rapidly through liver fluke populations. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  7. Antonio Colinas: la isla y su simbolog??a


    Mart??nez Fern??ndez, Jos?? Enrique


    P. 283-314 En Ibiza penetr?? Colinas en el pensamiento primitivo oriental, intuy?? la realidad dual de la isla, ahond?? en la vieja cultura mediterr??nea, percibi?? en el ??mbito isle??o s??mbolos reveladores que dar??an nuevas dimensiones a su obra y escribi?? algunos de sus m??s intensos poemarios

  8. Bulk milk-estimated seroprevalence of Fasciola hepatica in dairy herds and collecting of risk factor data in East Frisia, northern Germany. (United States)

    Kuerpick, Birte; Fiedor, Christiane; von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Georg; Schnieder, Thomas; Strube, Christina


    The liver fluke Fasciola (F) hepatica is one of the most important trematodes in cattle farming worldwide. Fasciolosis in dairy cows is leading to production losses due to decreased milk yield, liver condemnation and impaired reproduction. The treatment of dairy cows is unsatisfactory, because available drugs are either effective against adult flukes only or have long withdrawal times or in some countries may not be used at all. In the present study the prevalence of F. hepatica in dairy farms located in East Frisia, which is part of the federal state Lower Saxony, was investigated. East Frisia is considered a high risk area for Fasciola hepatica infections, because of its coastal location, high precipitation and moist pastures. About 750 bulk milk samples were collected in January and November 2006 and analysed for F. hepatica antibodies using the Pourquier ELISA. In addition, questionnaires, which were answered by 260 of the participating farmers, were evaluated to analyse management-related factors associated with fasciolosis. In January and November, 52.1% and 53.6% of the bulk milk samples, respectively, showed positive results. Thereby, 88.1% of the examined farms showed an unchanged infection status, whereas 6.2% of the farms became seropositive during the grazing season and 5.8% of the dairy herds turned seronegative. Statistical analysis revealed a significant negative association between average annual milk production and the frequency of infections with F. hepatica.

  9. Aneurysm of the A. hepatica propria as cause of Angina abdominalis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rieser, R.; Hauger, W.


    The aetiology of a. hepatica aneurysm can be manifold. Among all the complications, rupture of the vessel is the most dangerous one. We report on a case which was noticed clinically due to an angina abdominalis. In this paper we outline the symptoms, all diagnostic steps and the therapeutic approach. (orig.) [de

  10. Studies on Colombian Cryptogams VI. High Andean species of Radula (Hepaticae)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jans, Els


    This study deals with the genus Radula (Hepaticae) from the high Andean forests and paramos of Colombia, above 2500 m, and is based on the determination of Colombian collections gathered by H. Bischler and by A. M. Cleef and collaborators. A key to the 8 species known from the area is given and


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    Daniel Chao


    Full Text Available El artículo analiza el modo de gobierno de los veteranos de la guerra de Malvinas por parte del Estado argentino a partir de un conjunto de leyes, decretos y resoluciones referentes al trabajo promulgados entre 1983 y 2011. Posicionándose desde el enfoque de la gubernamentalidad, se intenta dar cuenta de la constitución y el despliegue de l o que se denomina dispositivos de protección social , al señalar cómo se presentan a nivel discursivo los problemas y las acciones necesarias para solucionarlos. El escrito se divide en tres partes. En primer término, presentamos algunas discusiones teórico - metodológicas de nuestro estudio, que ligan la analítica de la gubernamentalidad con las políticas sociales. La segunda parte se centra en delinear un marco general de la Argentina de postguerra, destacando la rareza de los excombatientes de la guerra de Malvinas dentro del panorama político y social del país. Y, por último, analizamos el corpus legal construido referido al plano laboral de los excombatientes. El texto concluye con la identificación de un número regularidades que muestran la metamorfosis d e la identidad del veterano de guerra como un sujeto en riesgo de desafiliación como problematización común.

  12. Relative importance of management, meteorological and environmental factors in the spatial distribution of Fasciola hepatica in dairy cattle in a temperate climate zone. (United States)

    Bennema, S C; Ducheyne, E; Vercruysse, J; Claerebout, E; Hendrickx, G; Charlier, J


    Fasciola hepatica, a trematode parasite with a worldwide distribution, is the cause of important production losses in the dairy industry. Diagnosis is hampered by the fact that the infection is mostly subclinical. To increase awareness and develop regionally adapted control methods, knowledge on the spatial distribution of economically important infection levels is needed. Previous studies modelling the spatial distribution of F. hepatica are mostly based on single cross-sectional samplings and have focussed on climatic and environmental factors, often ignoring management factors. This study investigated the associations between management, climatic and environmental factors affecting the spatial distribution of infection with F. hepatica in dairy herds in a temperate climate zone (Flanders, Belgium) over three consecutive years. A bulk-tank milk antibody ELISA was used to measure F. hepatica infection levels in a random sample of 1762 dairy herds in the autumns of 2006, 2007 and 2008. The infection levels were included in a Geographic Information System together with meteorological, environmental and management parameters. Logistic regression models were used to determine associations between possible risk factors and infection levels. The prevalence and spatial distribution of F. hepatica was relatively stable, with small interannual differences in prevalence and location of clusters. The logistic regression model based on both management and climatic/environmental factors included the factors: annual rainfall, mowing of pastures, proportion of grazed grass in the diet and length of grazing season as significant predictors and described the spatial distribution of F. hepatica better than the model based on climatic/environmental factors only (annual rainfall, elevation and slope, soil type), with an Area Under the Curve of the Receiver Operating Characteristic of 0.68 compared with 0.62. The results indicate that in temperate climate zones without large climatic

  13. Composition and metabolism of phospholipids of Fasciola hepatica, the common liver fluk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oldenborg, V.; Vugt, F. van; Golde, L.M.G. van

    1. 1. The phospholipid composition of Fasciola hepatica, the common liver fluke, was compared to that of the liver of the host animals (rats and cattle). Considerable differences were found: monoacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine, hardly detectable in the liver, was found in significant amounts in

  14. Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic investigations on Isla de los Estados, Argentina (United States)

    Björck, S.; Fernandez, M.; Hjort, C.; Ljung, K.; Martinez, O.; Möller, P.; Ponce, F.; Rabassa, J.; Roig, F.; Unkel, I.; Wohlfarth, B.


    The expedition in November-December 2005 to Isla de los Estados (Staten Island) off the southeastern tip of South America was a cooperative venture between Lund University (LU) and Stockholm University (SU) in Sweden and the CADIC-CONICET Institute in Ushuaia, Argentina. The aim of the expedition was threefold: (1) to extend the Swedish paleoclimatic "ATLANTIS"-project (Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Azores, Grenada, Tristan da Cunha; PI S Björck) to the southern part of the South American continent, (2) to connect earlier glacial and climate history reconstructions from the Antarctic Peninsula to equivalents north of the Drake Passage in southernmost South America, and (3) to complement paleo-information available from the Tierra del Fuego mainland with information from Isla de los Estados. Focus was on two areas in the northern and north-western part of the island, Bahía Colnett and Bahia Crossley. Detailed geomorphologic and stratigraphic mapping of glacial deposits were combined with sampling sediments for OSL dating. To reconstruct the paleoclimatic development of Isla de los Estados since the last ice retreat, four main peat bog/lake sites were cored and sampled. In addition, living trees of Nothofagus and old logs preserved in the peat were sampled for dendrochronological and dendroclimatological studies. Preliminary results show that the deglaciation of the study area occurred before 16500 cal yr BP. Detailed multi- proxy analyses of the four sequences are under way and first results will be presented.

  15. Evolution of novel wood decay mechanisms in Agaricales revealed by the genome sequences of Fistulina hepatica and Cylindrobasidium torrendii (United States)

    Floudas, Dimitrios; Held, Benjamin W.; Riley, Robert; Nagy, Laszlo G.; Koehler, Gage; Ransdell, Anthony S.; Younus, Hina; Chow, Julianna; Chiniquy, Jennifer; Lipzen, Anna; Tritt, Andrew; Sun, Hui; Haridas, Sajeet; LaButti, Kurt; Ohm, Robin A.; Kües, Ursula; Blanchette, Robert A.; Grigoriev, Igor V.; Minto, Robert E.; Hibbett, David S.


    Wood decay mechanisms in Agaricomycotina have been traditionally separated in two categories termed white and brown rot. Recently the accuracy of such a dichotomy has been questioned. Here, we present the genome sequences of the white rot fungus Cylindrobasidium torrendii and the brown rot fungus Fistulina hepatica both members of Agaricales, combining comparative genomics and wood decay experiments. Cylindrobasidium torrendii is closely related to the white-rot root pathogen Armillaria mellea, while F. hepatica is related to Schizophyllum commune, which has been reported to cause white rot. Our results suggest that C. torrendii and S. commune are intermediate between white-rot and brown-rot fungi, but at the same time they show characteristics of decay that resembles soft rot. Both species cause weak wood decay and degrade all wood components but leave the middle lamella intact. Their gene content related to lignin degradation is reduced, similar to brown-rot fungi, but both have maintained a rich array of genes related to carbohydrate degradation, similar to white-rot fungi. These characteristics appear to have evolved from white-rot ancestors with stronger ligninolytic ability. Fistulina hepatica shows characteristics of brown rot both in terms of wood decay genes found in its genome and the decay that it causes. However, genes related to cellulose degradation are still present, which is a plesiomorphic characteristic shared with its white-rot ancestors. Four wood degradation-related genes, homologs of which are frequently lost in brown-rot fungi, show signs of pseudogenization in the genome of F. hepatica. These results suggest that transition towards a brown rot lifestyle could be an ongoing process in F. hepatica. Our results reinforce the idea that wood decay mechanisms are more diverse than initially thought and that the dichotomous separation of wood decay mechanisms in Agaricomycotina into white rot and brown rot should be revisited. PMID:25683379

  16. Satellite Altimetry and Current-Meter Velocities in the Malvinas Current at 41°S: Comparisons and Modes of Variations (United States)

    Ferrari, Ramiro; Artana, Camila; Saraceno, Martin; Piola, Alberto R.; Provost, Christine


    Three year long current-meter arrays were deployed in the Malvinas Current at 41°S below a satellite altimeter track at about 10 years intervals. Surface geostrophic velocities (SGV) derived from satellite altimetric data are compared with the in situ velocities at the upper current meter (˜300 m). Multisatellite gridded SGV compare better with in situ observations than along-track SGV. In spite of the proximity of the moorings to the complex Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC) region, satellite SGV are significantly correlated with the 20 day low-passed in situ velocities (0.85 for along-isobaths velocities, 0.8 for cross-isobaths velocities). The recent in situ measurement period (2014-2015) stands out in the altimetry record with a long-lasting (4 months) high level of eddy kinetic energy at the mooring site and a southernmost location of the Subantarctic Front (SAF). The first two modes of variations of sea level anomaly (SLA) over the BMC remarkably match the first two modes of the low-passed in situ velocities. The first mode is associated with a latitudinal migration of the SAF, and the second with a longitudinal displacement of the Brazil Current overshoot. The two modes dominate the 24 year long record of SLA in the BMC, with energy peaks at the annual and semiannual periods for the first mode and at 3-5 months for the second mode. The SLA over the Southwest Atlantic was regressed onto the two confluence modes of SLA variations and showed remarkable standing wave train like structures in the Argentine Basin.

  17. A 2.9 kDa Fasciola hepatica-recombinant protein based ELISA test for the detection of current-ovine fasciolosis trickle infected. (United States)

    Arias, M; Hillyer, G V; Sánchez-Andrade, R; Suárez, J L; Pedreira, J; Lomba, C; Díaz, P; Morrondo, P; Díez-Baños, P; Paz-Silva, A


    The suitability of an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test with a 2.9 kDa Fasciola hepatica-recombinant protein (FhrAPS) for diagnosing early and current-ovine fasciolosis was analyzed, and compared to that obtained by using a direct ELISA for detecting F. hepatica-circulating FhES antigens and to the coprological sedimentation for fluke egg quantitation. Fourteen Gallega autochthonous breed sheep were experimentally infected with metacercariae by a trickle system (small repetitive infections) and divided into two groups: G-I represented a primary infection for 34 weeks; G-R, animals with primary infection and reinfected 18 w.a.p.i. Seven sheep were left uninfected as the control group (G-C). Serum IgG antibody values against the FhrAPS rose rapidly by 1st w.a.p.i. in all infected sheep. Antibody levels in those with primary infection (G-I, G-C) peaked at 10 weeks, diminishing slightly and levelling from 16 to 34 weeks. Those with primary infection reinfected at 18 weeks had a rebound effect with the highest values observed. Circulating F. hepatica-ES antigens were detected by the 1st w.a.p.i. in all infected groups peaking at 6 weeks, decreasing rapidly to uninfected control values by 10 weeks of infection. Faecal egg-output started 11 weeks after primary infection. An increase in the IgG antibody as well as antigen responses to the FhrAPS and to anti-FhES from the 18 w.a.p.i. was recorded in G-T and G-R after the challenge infection. Antibody levels remained high whereas antigenemia values diminished after 6 weeks. A positive significant correlation between the IgG response against the FhrAPS and the F. hepatica circulating antigens (r2 = 0.428, p = 0.001) was obtained. In conclusion, our standardized diagnostic ELISA for fasciolosis based on the detection of IgG responses to the FhrAPS would be a valuable tool to diagnosis early and current F. hepatica-infections in sheep.

  18. Deepwater fish assemblages at Isla del Coco National Park and Las Gemelas Seamount, Costa Rica

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    Richard M. Starr


    Full Text Available The deepwater faunas of oceanic islands and seamounts of the Eastern Tropical Pacific are poorly known. From 11-22 September 2009 we conducted an exploration of the deepwater areas of the Isla del Coco Marine Conservation Area, Costa Rica and a nearby seamount using a manned submersible. The goal of the exploration was to characterize the habitats and biota, and conduct quantitative surveys of the deepwater portions of Isla del Coco National Park and Las Gemelas Seamount, located about 50km southwest of Isla del Coco. We completed a total of 22 submersible dives, spanning more than 80hr underwater, and collected a total of 36hr of video. We surveyed habitats from 50-402m and observed more than 45 species of fishes, some of which have not yet been described and are likely new to science. The diversity of fish species in deep water at Isla del Coco National Park was lower than the diversity of fishes in shallow water, and eight species groups accounted for more than 95% of the total fish biomass. The combined density of all fish species was higher at Las Gemelas Seamount (253 fishes/100m² than at Isla del Coco National Park (138 fishes/100m². The combined density of fishes in habitats comprised primarily of bedrock or large boulders outcrops was more than three times as high at Las Gemelas Seamount as it was at Isla del Coco National Park. This discrepancy was caused by the extremely high concentration of Anthiinae fishes in rocky habitats at Las Gemelas Seamount. Densities of fishes in the other habitats were similar between the two sites. Similarly, when estimates of fish density were plotted by slope categories the density was much greater on steep slopes, which were usually comprised of rock habitats. Also, the density of fishes was greatest on high rugosity habitats. Results of these submersible surveys indicate that seamounts in the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean may be an important source of biodiversity and that more quantitative surveys

  19. Secreted products of Fasciola hepatica inhibit the induction of T cell responses that mediate allergy. (United States)

    Finlay, C M; Stefanska, A M; Coleman, M M; Jahns, H; Cassidy, J P; McLoughlin, R M; Mills, K H G


    There is evidence from epidemiology studies of a negative association between infection with helminth parasites and the development of allergy and asthma. Here, we demonstrate that the excretory/secretory products of the helminth Fasciola hepatica (FHES) protected mice against ovalbumin (OVA)-induced allergic asthma when administered at time of allergen sensitization. FHES reduced the accumulation of mucus, eosinophils and lymphocytes into the airways of allergen-challenged mice. Furthermore, FHES treatment suppressed Th2 responses in the airways. Interestingly, systemic administration of FHES at allergen challenge had no effect on airway inflammation, demonstrating that alum-induced Th2 response is set following initial allergen sensitization. Our findings highlight the immunomodulatory potential of molecules secreted by F. hepatica. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Genomes of Fasciola hepatica from the Americas Reveal Colonization with Neorickettsia Endobacteria Related to the Agents of Potomac Horse and Human Sennetsu Fevers (United States)

    McNulty, Samantha N.; Rosa, Bruce A.; Fontenla, Santiago; Choi, Young-Jun; Hallsworth-Pepin, Kymberlie; Kammili, Lakshmi; Latham, Patricia S.; Dell’Oca, Nicolas; Dominguez, Fernanda; Carmona, Carlos; Fischer, Peter U.; Mitreva, Makedonka


    Food borne trematodes (FBTs) are an assemblage of platyhelminth parasites transmitted through the food chain, four of which are recognized as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Fascioliasis stands out among the other NTDs due to its broad and significant impact on both human and animal health, as Fasciola sp., are also considered major pathogens of domesticated ruminants. Here we present a reference genome sequence of the common liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica isolated from sheep, complementing previously reported isolate from cattle. A total of 14,642 genes were predicted from the 1.14 GB genome of the liver fluke. Comparative genomics indicated that F. hepatica Oregon and related food-borne trematodes are metabolically less constrained than schistosomes and cestodes, taking advantage of the richer millieux offered by the hepatobiliary organs. Protease families differentially expanded between diverse trematodes may facilitate migration and survival within the heterogeneous environments and niches within the mammalian host. Surprisingly, the sequencing of Oregon and Uruguay F. hepatica isolates led to the first discovery of an endobacteria in this species. Two contigs from the F. hepatica Oregon assembly were joined to complete the 859,205 bp genome of a novel Neorickettsia endobacterium (nFh) closely related to the etiological agents of human Sennetsu and Potomac horse fevers. Immunohistochemical studies targeting a Neorickettsia surface protein found nFh in specific organs and tissues of the adult trematode including the female reproductive tract, eggs, the Mehlis’ gland, seminal vesicle, and oral suckers, suggesting putative routes for fluke-to-fluke and fluke-to-host transmission. The genomes of F. hepatica and nFh will serve as a resource for further exploration of the biology of F. hepatica, and specifically its newly discovered trans-kingdom interaction with nFh and the impact of both species on disease in ruminants and humans. PMID:28060841

  1. Genomes of Fasciola hepatica from the Americas Reveal Colonization with Neorickettsia Endobacteria Related to the Agents of Potomac Horse and Human Sennetsu Fevers. (United States)

    McNulty, Samantha N; Tort, Jose F; Rinaldi, Gabriel; Fischer, Kerstin; Rosa, Bruce A; Smircich, Pablo; Fontenla, Santiago; Choi, Young-Jun; Tyagi, Rahul; Hallsworth-Pepin, Kymberlie; Mann, Victoria H; Kammili, Lakshmi; Latham, Patricia S; Dell'Oca, Nicolas; Dominguez, Fernanda; Carmona, Carlos; Fischer, Peter U; Brindley, Paul J; Mitreva, Makedonka


    Food borne trematodes (FBTs) are an assemblage of platyhelminth parasites transmitted through the food chain, four of which are recognized as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Fascioliasis stands out among the other NTDs due to its broad and significant impact on both human and animal health, as Fasciola sp., are also considered major pathogens of domesticated ruminants. Here we present a reference genome sequence of the common liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica isolated from sheep, complementing previously reported isolate from cattle. A total of 14,642 genes were predicted from the 1.14 GB genome of the liver fluke. Comparative genomics indicated that F. hepatica Oregon and related food-borne trematodes are metabolically less constrained than schistosomes and cestodes, taking advantage of the richer millieux offered by the hepatobiliary organs. Protease families differentially expanded between diverse trematodes may facilitate migration and survival within the heterogeneous environments and niches within the mammalian host. Surprisingly, the sequencing of Oregon and Uruguay F. hepatica isolates led to the first discovery of an endobacteria in this species. Two contigs from the F. hepatica Oregon assembly were joined to complete the 859,205 bp genome of a novel Neorickettsia endobacterium (nFh) closely related to the etiological agents of human Sennetsu and Potomac horse fevers. Immunohistochemical studies targeting a Neorickettsia surface protein found nFh in specific organs and tissues of the adult trematode including the female reproductive tract, eggs, the Mehlis' gland, seminal vesicle, and oral suckers, suggesting putative routes for fluke-to-fluke and fluke-to-host transmission. The genomes of F. hepatica and nFh will serve as a resource for further exploration of the biology of F. hepatica, and specifically its newly discovered trans-kingdom interaction with nFh and the impact of both species on disease in ruminants and humans.

  2. Genomes of Fasciola hepatica from the Americas Reveal Colonization with Neorickettsia Endobacteria Related to the Agents of Potomac Horse and Human Sennetsu Fevers.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samantha N McNulty


    Full Text Available Food borne trematodes (FBTs are an assemblage of platyhelminth parasites transmitted through the food chain, four of which are recognized as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs. Fascioliasis stands out among the other NTDs due to its broad and significant impact on both human and animal health, as Fasciola sp., are also considered major pathogens of domesticated ruminants. Here we present a reference genome sequence of the common liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica isolated from sheep, complementing previously reported isolate from cattle. A total of 14,642 genes were predicted from the 1.14 GB genome of the liver fluke. Comparative genomics indicated that F. hepatica Oregon and related food-borne trematodes are metabolically less constrained than schistosomes and cestodes, taking advantage of the richer millieux offered by the hepatobiliary organs. Protease families differentially expanded between diverse trematodes may facilitate migration and survival within the heterogeneous environments and niches within the mammalian host. Surprisingly, the sequencing of Oregon and Uruguay F. hepatica isolates led to the first discovery of an endobacteria in this species. Two contigs from the F. hepatica Oregon assembly were joined to complete the 859,205 bp genome of a novel Neorickettsia endobacterium (nFh closely related to the etiological agents of human Sennetsu and Potomac horse fevers. Immunohistochemical studies targeting a Neorickettsia surface protein found nFh in specific organs and tissues of the adult trematode including the female reproductive tract, eggs, the Mehlis' gland, seminal vesicle, and oral suckers, suggesting putative routes for fluke-to-fluke and fluke-to-host transmission. The genomes of F. hepatica and nFh will serve as a resource for further exploration of the biology of F. hepatica, and specifically its newly discovered trans-kingdom interaction with nFh and the impact of both species on disease in ruminants and humans.

  3. A contracorriente: el independentismo de las Islas Baleares (1976-2011

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    Joan Pau Jordà Sánchez


    Full Text Available La presente investigación pretende analizar los aspectos definitorios del movimiento independentista de carácter catalanista en las Islas Baleares, haciendo especial énfasis en aquellos aspectos históricos y sociales que han condicionado su evolución reciente. Entre ellos, las dificultades asociadas al proceso autonómico en los años de la Transición así como el efec-to de las políticas territoriales, sociales y lingüísticas de los diferentes gobiernos autonómicos de Alianza Popular/Partido Popular desde 1983 hasta nuestros días. Mediante el vaciado y análisis de la prensa regional, la propaganda del movimiento independentista y los archivos personales de destacados militantes, se ha establecido el contexto del nacimiento, trayectoria y objetivos del independentismo en las Islas Baleares y de sus principales organizaciones. De esta manera, el independentismo se presenta como un movimiento minoritario pero consolidado y de gran presencia social, pese a la desigual implantación en cada una de las islas.      Palabras clave: Islas Baleares, Independentismo, Partidos Políticos, Movimientos Sociales  _____________________ Abstract: The present study analyses the defining aspects of the Catalan independence movement in the Balearic Islands, emphasizing the historical and social aspects that have influenced its recent evolution. Among them, we include the difficulties associated with the regional autonomic process during the Spanish Transition, as well as the effect of the territorial, social and linguistic policies of the regional governments of the Popular Alliance/Popular Party since 1983. Through the compilation and analysis of the regional press, propaganda publications of the independence movement and the personal archives of head activists, we have established the context of emergence, trajectory and aims of the independence movement in the Balearic Islands and its main organizations. Thus, the picture that emerges shows

  4. Algunos poliquetos holoplanctónicos (Annelida: Polychaeta del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica

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    Soledad Jiménez-Cueto


    Full Text Available Los poliquetos holoplanctónicos no han sido estudiados en las aguas oceánicas adyacentes al Parque Isla del Coco. Se estudiaron estas formas pelágicas a partir del análisis de muestras de zooplancton recolectadas en esta área protegida. Las muestras fueron obtenidas mediante redes de plancton estándar (0.2-0.5mm de malla, 0.49m de diámetro de boca en arrastres horizontales y verticales en la isla oceánica Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental. Los poliquetos pelágicos de esta zona fueron analizados taxonómicamente. El material obtenido incluye representantes de seis especies y cinco familias: Alciopidae, Lopadorhynchidae, Tomopteridae, Polynoidae y Typhloscolecidae. Se presentan diagnosis breves, sino- nimias, análisis morfológicos comparativos, ilustraciones taxonómicas y la distribución conocida de las especies recolectadas en el plancton de Isla del Coco. El registro de Drieschia pellucida Moore es el primero en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental; nuestro espécimen muestra algunas diferencias respecto a la descripción original. El resto de las especies han sido encontradas previamente en aguas del Pacífico Tropical Oriental y en el Domo de Costa Rica, pero son los primeros registros para esta área protegida.

  5. Development of functional genomic tools in trematodes: RNA interference and luciferase reporter gene activity in Fasciola hepatica.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriel Rinaldi


    Full Text Available The growing availability of sequence information from diverse parasites through genomic and transcriptomic projects offer new opportunities for the identification of key mediators in the parasite-host interaction. Functional genomics approaches and methods for the manipulation of genes are essential tools for deciphering the roles of genes and to identify new intervention targets in parasites. Exciting advances in functional genomics for parasitic helminths are starting to occur, with transgene expression and RNA interference (RNAi reported in several species of nematodes, but the area is still in its infancy in flatworms, with reports in just three species. While advancing in model organisms, there is a need to rapidly extend these technologies to other parasites responsible for several chronic diseases of humans and cattle. In order to extend these approaches to less well studied parasitic worms, we developed a test method for the presence of a viable RNAi pathway by silencing the exogenous reporter gene, firefly luciferase (fLUC. We established the method in the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni and then confirmed its utility in the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica. We transformed newly excysted juveniles of F. hepatica by electroporation with mRNA of fLUC and three hours later were able to detect luciferase enzyme activity, concentrated mainly in the digestive ceca. Subsequently, we tested the presence of an active RNAi pathway in F. hepatica by knocking down the exogenous luciferase activity by introduction into the transformed parasites of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA specific for fLUC. In addition, we tested the RNAi pathway targeting an endogenous F. hepatica gene encoding leucine aminopeptidase (FhLAP, and observed a significant reduction in specific mRNA levels. In summary, these studies demonstrated the utility of RNAi targeting reporter fLUC as a reporter gene assay to establish the presence of an intact RNAi pathway in helminth

  6. High genotypic diversity of the reef-building coral Porites lobata (Scleractinia: Poritidae in Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica

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    Jennifer N. Boulay


    Full Text Available The isolated Isla del Coco experiences periodic, extreme disturbances which devastate coral reefs surrounding the island. Scleractinian corals build the physical structure of the reef therefore ecosystem recovery relies on coral species recovery. Coral recruits can be of sexual or asexual origin, and the relative success of the two recruit types influences the speed and spread of recovery processes. Here we focus on the massive coral, Porites lobata, because it is the main reef-builder around Isla del Coco to describe the relative contribution of asexual and sexual recruits to population maintenance. P. lobata samples were collected using a spatially explicit random sampling design in three plots at Isla del Coco: Punta Ulloa (n=17, Bahía Weston (n=20 and Punta María (n=20 and samples were genotyped with 11 microsatellite markers. Additional sampling was conducted at three “coastal” sites near the Costa Rican mainland (Isla del Caño Biological Reserve: Caño1 (n=8, Caño2 (n=10, Caño5 (n=11 to compare the contributions of asexual and sexual recruits at Isla del Coco sites to coastal sites. Isla del Coco sites were characterized by small colony size (>60% of colonies Los ambientes marinos del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco experimentan perturbaciones extremas periódicamente como por ejemplo El Niño-Oscilación del Sur (ENOS que han devastado las comunidades coralinas. La cobertura coralino se redujo drásticamente durante El Niño de 1982-83. Los corales escleractinios construyen la estructura física de los arrecifes así que la recuperación de estos ecosistemas depende de que los corales se recuperen. Los corales pueden reproducirse sexual y asexualmente, y el éxito relativo de cada forma de reproducción va a guiar el proceso de recuperación con implicaciones potenciales a la diversidad de las comunidades asociadas. En la mayoría de los arrecifes alrededor de la Isla del Coco, el coral masivo, Porites lobata, es la especie

  7. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals that hybridization between Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica occurred in China. (United States)

    Ichikawa-Seki, Madoka; Peng, Mao; Hayashi, Kei; Shoriki, Takuya; Mohanta, Uday Kumar; Shibahara, Toshiyuki; Itagaki, Tadashi


    The well-known pathogens of fasciolosis, Fasciola hepatica (Fh) and Fasciola Gigantica (Fg), possess abundant mature sperms in their seminal vesicles, and thus, they reproduce bisexually. On the other hand, aspermic Fasciola flukes reported from Asian countries, which have no sperm in their seminal vesicles, probably reproduce parthenogenetically. The aim of this study was to reveal the origin of aspermic Fasciola flukes. The nuclear single copy markers, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and DNA polymerase delta, were employed for analysis of Fasciola species from China. The hybrid origin of aspermic Fasciola flukes was strongly suggested by the presence of the Fh/Fg type, which includes DNA fragments of both F. hepatica and F. gigantica. China can be regarded as the cradle of the interspecific hybridization because F. hepatica and F. gigantica were detected in the northern and southern parts of China, respectively, and hybrids flukes were distributed between the habitats of the two species. The Chinese origin was supported by the fact that a larger number of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1) haplotypes was detected in Chinese aspermic Fasciola populations than in aspermic populations from the neighbouring countries. Hereafter, 'aspermic' Fasciola flukes should be termed as 'hybrid' Fasciola flukes.

  8. A mucin-like peptide from Fasciola hepatica induces parasite-specific Th1-type cell immunity. (United States)

    Noya, Verónica; Brossard, Natalie; Berasaín, Patricia; Rodríguez, Ernesto; Chiale, Carolina; Mazal, Daniel; Carmona, Carlos; Freire, Teresa


    Fasciolosis, caused by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica, is a major parasitic disease of livestock that causes significant economic losses worldwide. Although drugs are effective against liver flukes, they do not prevent reinfection, and continuous treatment is costly. Moreover, resistant fluke strains are emerging. In this context, vaccination is a good alternative since it provides a cost-effective long-term prevention strategy to control fasciolosis. In this paper, we evaluate the Fhmuc peptide as a potential vaccine against fasciolosis. This peptide derives from a mucin-like protein highly expressed in the infective stage of Fasciola hepatica. Mucin-like molecules expressed by parasites can contribute to several infection processes by protecting the parasite from host proteases and recognition by the immune system. We show that the Fhmuc peptide induces Th1-like immune responses specific for F. hepatica excretion-secretion products (FhESP) with a high production of IFNγ. We also investigated whether this peptide could protect animals from infection, and present preliminary data indicating that animals treated with Fhmuc exhibited reduced liver damage compared to non-immunised animals and that this protection was associated with a recruitment of B and T lymphocytes in the peritoneum, as well as eosinophils and mature dendritic cells. These results suggest that the mucin-like peptide Fhmuc could constitute a potential vaccine candidate against fasciolosis and pave the way towards the development of vaccines against parasites.

  9. The energy metabolism of Fasciola hepatica during its development in the final host

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tielens, A.G.M.; Heuvel, J.M. van den; Bergh, S.G. van den


    Mature liver flukes, Fasciola hepatica, of different ages were isolated from the bile ducts of experimentally infected rats. Their energy metabolism was studied during aerobic incubation with [6-14C]glucose. The results showed that the aerobic potentials of the parenchymal liver flukes are not lost

  10. Seasonal pattern of Fasciola hepatica antibodies in dairy herds in Northern Germany. (United States)

    Kuerpick, Birte; Schnieder, Thomas; Strube, Christina


    Fasciolosis, caused by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica, is one of the most important parasitoses in cattle farming worldwide. In dairy cows, the trematode leads to economic losses due to decreased milk yield, a negative impact on reproduction parameters, and liver condemnations. In the present study, the seasonal patterns of F. hepatica antibodies in bulk-tank milk from dairy herds located in East Frisia, a region of the federal state Lower Saxony in the north of Germany, were investigated. This region was chosen since it is known as a high risk area for fluke infections due to its coastal location at the North Sea with the consequence of rather moist pastures. Between 669 and 868 bulk-tank milk samples were collected in January, September and November 2008 and 2010, respectively, and analysed for antibodies against F. hepatica with an in-house ELISA based on excretory-secretory antigens of the liver fluke. The overall East Frisian prevalence was 49.1%, 57.1% and 53.9% in January, September and November 2008 and 45.1%, 49.5% and 48.4% in 2010. From a number of 606 farms, which were sampled in all six investigated months, 34.5% of the farms continued to remain positive, whereas 30.9% continued to remain negative. A percentage of 69.1% (419 farms) were positive on at least one sampling occasion during the study period. The distributions of optical density ratio (ODR) values were skewed to the left but showed a second, lower peak in a high ODR range. Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference concerning the prevalence increase from January to September 2008. Furthermore, the prevalence decrease from September as well as November 2008 to these months in 2010 was significantly different, what might result from a more frequent use of anthelminthics or different climatic conditions.

  11. Carbohydrate Detection and Lectin Isolation from Tegumental Tissue of Fasciola hepatica

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    MB Molaei Rad


    Full Text Available "nBackground: Fascioliasis is a chronic hepatic disease and may be resulted from mechani­cal/molecular parasite adhesion to host liver tissue. The aim of this study was to detect surface car­bohydrate and lectin, carbohydrate-binding protein isolation that might be responsible of this molecular binding."nMethods: The present experimental work was conducted in the Department of Medical Parasitol­ogy and Mycology, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Te­hran, Iran.  Fasciola hepatica parasites were collected from abattoir (Saman, Tehran, Iran and surface mannose-carbohydrate was detected by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC conju­gated lectin (Lentil. Lectin of tegumental tissue from F. hepatica was isolated by affinity chroma­tography and detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE."nResults: Mannose carbohydrate was observed on the surface of tegumental tissue from para­site under fluorescence microscope. Carbohydrate-binding protein or lectin with MW of 50 kDa also was isolated from homogenized tegument of helminth."nConclusion: These results are important for understanding of molecular pathogenesis of F. hepat­ica at the chronic phase of fascioliasis

  12. The presence of Fasciola hepatica (Liver-fluke in humans and cattle from a 4,500 Year old archaeological site in the Saale-Unstrut Valley, Germany

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    Dittmar K


    Full Text Available During an excavation of a site of the corded ware culture in the Saale-Unstrut-Valley (ca. 3000 BC in Germany, a soil sample from the pelvis of a human skeleton was studied under palaeoparasitological aspects. Eggs of the trematode Fasciola hepatica and of the nematode genus Capillaria were found. This is the first case of a direct association of a F. hepatica-infestation to both a prehistoric human skeleton and domesticated animal remains. Sheep and cattle bones were present at the same site and F. hepatica eggs were found in bovine samples. This strongly points toward an existing infection cycle, involving humans as a final host.

  13. Fasciola hepatica infection and association with gastrointestinal parasites in Creole goats from western Argentina Fasciola hepatica infecção e associação com parasitas gastrintestinais em caprinos crioulos do oeste da Argentina

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    Pablo Cuervo


    Full Text Available Goats, called “the cow of the poor”, are the livestock species with the most significant population growth worldwide in recent years. Gastrointestinal parasitism constitutes one of the main constraints to its outdoor and extensive breeding in temperate and tropical countries. Despite a Creole goat population of nearly 4 million heads, local reports on parasitological prevalence are scarce, and while Fasciola hepatica infection is spread all over Argentina, the goat is usually neglected as a reservoir and economic losses are not considered. To evaluate gastrointestinal parasitism prevalence and associations between parasite genera and species, with emphasis on fascioliasis, Creole goats from the plateau and Andean regions from western Argentina were investigated by coprological techniques, and associations were statistically assessed. Eighty-five percent (85% of the animals harbored one or more parasite types, while 46% showed mixed infections. Significant positive associations between F. hepatica + Strongyle eggs, Eimeria sp. + Nematodirus sp. and Nematodirus sp. + Trichuris ovis were detected. Further studies are required to define the causality of these associations and their relevance in epidemiology. F. hepatica is rarely considered as goat parasite in the country, but a 33% prevalence poses an interrogation on the role goats play on the transmission and dissemination of this zoonotic trematode.As cabras, nomeadas como “a vaca dos pobres”, são as espécies de gado com o crescimento populacional mais significativo nos últimos anos em todo o mundo. O parasitismo gastrintestinal constitui uma das principais limitações à sua criação extensiva em clima temperado e tropical. Na Argentina, apesar de uma população de caprinos crioulos de cerca de quatro milhões de cabeças, são escassos os relatórios locais de prevalências parasitológicas. Embora a infecção por Fasciola hepatica esteja espalhada em todo o país, as cabras s

  14. Estimates of Abundance and Trend of Chilean Blue Whales off Isla de Chiloé, Chile.

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    Barbara Galletti Vernazzani

    Full Text Available Since 1970, blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus have been seen feeding in the waters off southern Chile during the summer and autumn (December to May. Investigation of the genetic, acoustic and morphological characteristics of these blue whales shows that they are a distinct but unnamed subspecies, called the Chilean blue whales. Photo-identification surveys have been conducted in the waters off northwestern Isla Grande de Chiloé, southern Chile from 2004-2012 and Isla Chañaral, central Chile in 2012. Over this time, 1,070 blue whales were encountered yielding, after photo-quality control, 318 and 267 unique photographs of the left and right side of the flank respectively. Using mark-recapture analysis of left and right side photographs collected from Isla Grande de Chiloé (2004-2012, open population models estimate that ~570-760 whales are feeding seasonally in this region. POPAN superpopulation abundance estimates for the same feeding ground in 2012 are 762 (95% confidence intervals, CI = 638-933 and 570 (95% CI 475-705 for left and right side datasets respectively, very similar to results from closed population models. Estimates of trend revealed strong variation in abundance, peaking in 2009 and [suggesting] fluctuating use in the survey area over time, likely related to the density of their prey. High inter-annual return rates suggest a degree of site-fidelity of individuals to Isla Grande de Chiloé and that the number of whales using this feeding ground is relatively small.


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    Mercedes Cáffaro Rovira


    Full Text Available La enfermedad de Huntington (EH es una enfermedad hereditaria de baja prevalencia, por lo que se incluye en los registros de enfermedades raras. El registro poblacional de enfermedades raras de las Islas Baleares se inició en el año 2010. Previamente no existían datos de prevalencia y mortalidad de la EH en las Islas Baleares. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia y la mortalidad de la enfermedad de Huntington en las Islas Baleares durante el periodo 2010-2013. Métodos: Se utilizaron como fuentes de información el registro poblacional de enfermedades raras de las Islas Baleares, del que se obtuvieron los casos diagnosticados, el Registro de mortalidad de las Islas Baleares, del que se obtuvieron los casos fallecidos, el registro del Servicio de Salud de las Islas Baleares del que se obtuvieron el número de tarjetas sanitarias y del Instituto Nacional de Estadística se obtuvieron los datos de población. Se calcularon las tasas de prevalencia y de mortalidad. Resultados: El registro poblacional de enfermedades raras de las Islas Baleares durante el periodo 2010-2013 registró 27 casos de EH. El 63% fueron mujeres. La tasa de prevalencia fue de 2,6 por 105 y la tasa de mortalidad de 1,1 por 105. La isla de Menorca fue la más afectada con una prevalencia de 5,9 por 105 y una mortalidad de 2,1 por 105. Conclusiones: La prevalencia y mortalidad de la EH en las Islas Baleares son bajas en comparación con zonas del entorno.

  16. Apendicularias (Urochordata y quetognatos (Chaetognatha del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica

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    Iván Castellanos-Osorio


    Full Text Available Las apendicularias y quetognatos son miembros importantes del zooplancton pero poco estudiados en Costa Rica y no del todo en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Pacífico tropical este. Se recolectaron muestras epipelágicas de zooplancton de la zona oceánica (0-50m de la Isla del Coco, en noviembre de 2001 y sobre parches arrecifales en 2009. Se analizó la composición de especies de apendicularias y quetognatos presentes en 31 muestras. Nueve especies de apendicularias, y ocho especies de quetognatos fueron identificadas. Oikopleura longicauda fue la más abundante en el área estudiada (217organismos, representando el 65.56% del número total de apendicularias, seguida por Oikopleura rufescens, con 35 (10.57%. Todas las especies de apendicularias encontradas en este estudio son comunes en las aguas cálidas de los océanos, seis especies se registran aquí por primera vez en aguas de la Isla del Coco y dos son nuevos registros para Costa Rica. Entre los quetognatos, Flaccisagitta enflata fue la especie más común (85 ejemplares, representando el 50.6% del número total registrada en este estudio, seguida por Serratosagitta pacifica con 38 organismos (20.62%. Zonosagitta bedoti estuvó representada por un solo espécimen. Estas especies también se han registrado en las aguas tropicales del Pacífico oriental, pero seis especies son nuevos registros para Isla del Coco. Los datos sobre la distribución y morfología de las especies registradas se presentan junto con las claves para la identificación de los taxones en el área estudiada.

  17. De mujeres, pícaros y fugas: memorias de la guerra de Malvinas

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    Veronica Perera


    Full Text Available Si al decir de Lorenz (2013 las políticas de Memoria, Verdad y Justicia de los años 2003-2015 delinearon un marco memorial con nuevas posibilidades para revisar “Malvinas”, ¿cómo aparece este escenario político de “malvinización” en el escenario teatral independiente de Buenos Aires? ¿Cómo se capta y se traduce; se espeja y se subvierte; se narran y se elaboran las memorias de Malvinas y sus dilemas en los textos dramáticos producidos alrededor del 30 aniversario de la guerra? A partir del análisis de Piedras dentro de la Piedra de Mariana Mazover, presentada el 30 de marzo de 2012 en el Teatro La Carpintería de Buenos Aires, el artículo analiza el modo en que esta dramaturgia recupera la intervención de las mujeres en la guerra de 1982; y elabora sobre la libertad que el teatro comparte con la ficción literaria para socavar nociones fundamentales que sostienen la guerra: identidad nacional, patria, honor.

  18. Comparative assessment of recombinant and native immunogenic forms of Fasciola hepatica proteins for serodiagnosis of sheep fasciolosis. (United States)

    Mokhtarian, Kobra; Meamar, Ahmad Reza; Khoshmirsafa, Majid; Razmjou, Elham; Masoori, Leila; Khanmohammadi, Majid; Akhlaghi, Lame; Falak, Reza


    Laboratory diagnosis of sheep fasciolosis is commonly performed by coprological examinations; however, this method may lead to false negative results during the acute phase of the infection. Furthermore, the poor sensitivity of coprological methods is considered to be a paradox in the chronic phase of the infection. In this study, we compared the immunoreactivity of native and recombinant forms of Fasciola hepatica excretory/secretory antigens and determined their capabilities for the development of F. hepatica-specific immunoassays. Immunoreactivity and specificity of recombinant and native forms of F. hepatica antigens, including fatty acid binding protein (FABP), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and cathepsin L-1 (CL1), in parallel with native forms of FABP and GST, were studied for serodiagnosis of the chronic form of sheep fasciolosis, individually or in combination with each other by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The correlation of the findings was assessed by receiver-operator characteristic (ROC); furthermore, the specificity and sensitivity were assessed by Youden's J. Serologic cross-reactivity was evaluated using samples from healthy sheep (n = 40), Fasciola-infected sheep (n = 30), and sheep with other parasitic infections (n = 43). The FABPs were determined to be greater than 95% sensitive for F. hepatica serodiagnosis. The most desirable diagnostic recombinant antigen was rCL1, which showed 100% sensitivity and 97% specificity in ELISA and was capable of discriminating the positive and negative samples by maximum Youden's J results. We conclude that rCL1 can be used for routine serodiagnosis of chronic fasciolosis. Thus, it could be advantageous in development of immunoassays for screening of ovine herds in fasciolosis-endemic areas and as a reliable agent for detection of fasciolosis in non-endemic regions.

  19. Retirada de fasciola hepatica da via biliar principal por coledocoscopia


    Coral, Roberto Pelegrini; Mastalir, Eduardo T.; Mastalir, Fabiane Pinto


    The authors present a rare case of hepatic fascioliasis in a female patient 53-years-old, coming from the rural zone of Rio Grande do Sul, a southern State from Brazil. She has presented with biliary colic, fluctuant jaundice and eosinophilia. Abdominal ultrasound has shown a dilated biliary tree with inside heterogeneous images. At surgery we have found inside the biliary tree several Fasciola hepatica, which have been pulled out with the choledocoscope. We have proceeded with biliodigestive...

  20. Role of the apparent diffusion coefficient measurement by diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica in the liver

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Onur, M.R.; Cicekci, M.; Kayali, A.; Aygun, C.; Kocakoc, E.


    The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic role of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurement in the diagnosis of focal parenchymal lesions and to understand the discriminating role of the ADC value for differentiating Fasciola lesions from other focal liver lesions. We measured ADC values of parenchymal lesions and liver parenchyma in 18 patients with Fasciola hepatica infestation at b 100, b 600, and b 1000 s/mm 2 gradients. We further measured average ADC values of hepatic metastases (n=21), hepatocellular carcinomas (n=21), cholangiocarcinomas (n=7), hydatid cysts (n=12), and focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) (n=12) and compared them with average ADC values for Fasciola hepatica. The differences between average ADC values of lesions (2.16±0.36 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s) and parenchyma (1.64±0.2 x 10 -3 mm 2 /s) at three gradients were statistically significant (P<0.05). Mean ADC values of Fasciola hepatica lesions were significantly different from most of the other focal hepatic lesions, except FNH at all gradients and hydatid cyst at only the b 100 gradient. ADC measurement may be a complementary method in the diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica, and it may be used to differentiate these lesions from other focal liver lesions. (author)

  1. Coproantígenos de Fasciola hepatica de posible utilidad en el diagnóstico de la fascioliasis Identification and isolation of coproantigens of Fasciola hepatica that are potentially useful in the diagnosis of fascioliasis

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    Ana M. Espino


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se describen cuáles son los antígenos de Fasciola hepatica que están presentes en las heces de pacientes con fascioliasis crónica y de ratas infectadas experimentalmente con metacercarias de F. hepatica. Mediante el empleo de la técnica de inmunoelectrotransferencia (Western blot con un suero hiperinmune obtenido frente a antígenos de excreción/secreción de adultos de F. hepatica, se pudo demostrar que en las heces de los pacientes se encuentran antígenos de posible interés para el diagnóstico con masas moleculares de 14, 19, 20, 23, 25, 32, 46, 51 y 62 kilodaltons (kDa. Además, se comprobó que algunos de estos péptidos (los de 14, 20, 23 y 51 kDa son reconocidos también por la mayoría de los sueros de pacientes crónicos. Después de purificar por cromatografía de afinidad los antígenos presentes en heces de ratas con 6 a 12 semanas de infección, empleando para ello el anticuerpo monoclonal ES78 acoplado a Sepharosa 4B-CNBr, se identificaron seis polipéptidos de 11, 14, 26, 32, 47 y 51 kDa; otros tres polipéptidos, de 17, 24 y 66 kDa, solo se pudieron identificar en heces de ratas con 10 a 12 semanas de infección. Nuestros resultados sugieren que estos polipéptidos pueden ser antígenos comunes a ambos estadios parasitarios y constituir importantes marcadores de la fascioliasis aguda y crónica, en particular los de 14, 24, 26 y 51 kDa, puesto que reaccionaron con el inmunosuero, los sueros humanos y el anticuerpo monoclonal ES78.This study describes which antigens of Fasciola hepatica are present in the feces of patients with chronic fascioliasis and in the feces of rats infected experimentally with F. hepatica metacercariae. Using a Western blot assay technique with hyperimmune serum obtained from excretory-secretory antigens of adult F. hepatica, we found in the patients' feces antigens of possible diagnostic interest, with molecular weights of 14, 19, 20, 23, 25, 32, 46, 51, and 62 kilodaltons

  2. El exilio vivido por los personajes en la Isla de la pasión


    Bedoya Bedoya, Gilma


    En el presente artículo se pretende analizar cómo la novela La isla de la pasión de Laura Restrepo configura una metáfora del exilio a partir del relato de la historia de un grupo de soldados que conviven, sueñan y sufren en medio de unas condiciones inhóspitas en una isla abandonada -- Para confirmar la tesis se realiza un estudio detallado y minucioso de la obra a través de un análisis e interpretación de algunas citas -- Como primera parte del artículo está una breve presentación de la nov...

  3. Adiciones a la avifauna de Colombia de especies arribadas a la Isla Gorgona Adiciones a la avifauna de Colombia de especies arribadas a la Isla Gorgona

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    Ortiz-Von Halle Bernardo


    Full Text Available Se registran siete especies nuevas para la avifauna de Colombia a partir de observaciones y capturas hechas en el Parque Nacional Natural Isla Gorgona, Océano Pacífico, Colombia, Aphriza virgata (Scolopacidae y Rhodospingus cruentus (Fringillidae son registros visuales, mientras que la presencia de Stercorarius longicaudus (Stercorariidae, Columbina cruziana, C.buckleyi (Columbidae, Muscisaxicola albilora y de Muscigralla brevicauda (Tyrannidae queda confirmada con especímenes preservados. Se analizan las posibles causas del arribo a la Isla de las especies terrestres. Seven species are reported as new to the avifauna of Colombia from observations and captures made at Gorgona Island National Park, Pacific Ocean, Colombia Aphriza virgata (Scolopacidae and Rhodospingus cruentus (Fringillidae are reported as visual records while the reports of Stercorarius longicaudus (Stercorariidae, Columbina cruziana, C. buckleyi (Columbidae, Muscisaxicola albilora and Muscigralla brevicauda (Tyrannidae are based on preserved specimens. The possible causes of the arrival to the Island of the terrestrial species are discussed.

  4. High genotypic diversity of the reef-building coral Porites lobata (Scleractinia: Poritidae in Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica

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    Jennifer N. Boulay


    Full Text Available The isolated Isla del Coco experiences periodic, extreme disturbances which devastate coral reefs surrounding the island. Scleractinian corals build the physical structure of the reef therefore ecosystem recovery relies on coral species recovery. Coral recruits can be of sexual or asexual origin, and the relative success of the two recruit types influences the speed and spread of recovery processes. Here we focus on the massive coral, Porites lobata, because it is the main reef-builder around Isla del Coco to describe the relative contribution of asexual and sexual recruits to population maintenance. P. lobata samples were collected using a spatially explicit random sampling design in three plots at Isla del Coco: Punta Ulloa (n=17, Bahía Weston (n=20 and Punta María (n=20 and samples were genotyped with 11 microsatellite markers. Additional sampling was conducted at three “coastal” sites near the Costa Rican mainland (Isla del Caño Biological Reserve: Caño1 (n=8, Caño2 (n=10, Caño5 (n=11 to compare the contributions of asexual and sexual recruits at Isla del Coco sites to coastal sites. Isla del Coco sites were characterized by small colony size (>60% of colonies <0.5m2 and high sexual reproduction. Sites were either mostly or entirely sexual,consisting of only unique genotypes (N G/N= 0.90-1.00; G O/G E=0.83-1.00; D=0.99-1.00. Although there were no significant differences in genetic diversity (number of alleles per locus, number of private alleles or colony size between Isla del Coco and the coastal sites, the coastal sites exhibited a greater range of genotypic diversity from moderately asexual (N G/N=0.5; G O/G E=0.36; D=0.8 to purely sexual (N G/N=1.0; G O/G E=1.0; D=1.0. The mode of asexual reproduction in P. lobata is likely fragmentation of adult colonies rather than asexual larval production because ramets of P. lobata occurred close together and asexually produced larvae have not been reported in gonochoric broadcast

  5. Evaluation and Characterization of Fasciola hepatica Tegument Protein Extract for Serodiagnosis of Human Fascioliasis (United States)

    Morales, Adelaida


    Tegument protein extract from Fasciola hepatica adult flukes (FhTA) was obtained and assessed for its potential as a diagnostic agent for the serological detection of human fascioliasis using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In an analysis of sera from 45 patients infected with F. hepatica, sera from 41 patients with other parasitic infections, and sera from 33 healthy controls, the FhTA-ELISA showed sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 91.1%, 97.3%, and 95%, respectively. Specific IgG1 and IgG4 were the antibody isotypes mainly detected in sera from patients with fascioliasis. Polypeptides of 52, 38, 24 to 26, and 12 to 14 kDa were identified by Western blotting as the most immunoreactive components of the FhTA. A proteomic approach led us to identify enolase, aldolase, glutathione S-transferase, and fatty acid binding protein as the major immunoreactive components of the FhTA. PMID:23015645


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    Sita C. Bennema


    Full Text Available Fasciolosis is a disease of importance for both veterinary and public health. For the first time, georeferenced prevalence data of Fasciola hepatica in bovines were collected and mapped for the Brazilian territory and data availability was discussed. Bovine fasciolosis in Brazil is monitored on a Federal, State and Municipal level, and to improve monitoring it is essential to combine the data collected on these three levels into one dataset. Data were collected for 1032 municipalities where livers were condemned by the Federal Inspection Service (MAPA/SIF because of the presence of F. hepatica. The information was distributed over 11 states: Espírito Santo, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Pará, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo. The highest prevalence of fasciolosis was observed in the southern states, with disease clusters along the coast of Paraná and Santa Catarina and in Rio Grande do Sul. Also, temporal variation of the prevalence was observed. The observed prevalence and the kriged prevalence maps presented in this paper can assist both animal and human health workers in estimating the risk of infection in their state or municipality.

  7. De simuladores, locos y reality shows. Lecturas del delito en las ficciones sobre la Guerra de Malvinas

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    Diego Eduardo Niemetz


    Full Text Available Este trabajo indaga en los modos en que la cuestión de la Guerra de Malvinas (1982 es representada en las ficciones de autores argentinos de tres generaciones diferentes. En un primer momento, y a partir de ciertas polémicas entre proyectos estéticos diversos, se propone un acceso desde la dinámica generacional, siguiendo las pautas establecidas por Elsa Drucaroff en su ensayo Los prisioneros de la torre. Luego, en segunda instancia, se ensaya un abordaje de las obras sobre la guerra a partir de la conceptualización del delito como instrumento crítico, según algunas ideas de Josefina Ludmer, con el objetivo de diversificar los modos de interpretación de dicho evento histórico

  8. 31P NMR studies of pH homeostasis in intact adult Fasciola hepatica

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tielens, A.G.M.; Nicolaij, K.; Bergh, van S.G.


    31P NMR was used to measure the intracellular pH in live adult Fasciola hepatica. The results demonstrate that at external pH values above 7.0, pH homeostasis keeps the intracellular pH at 7.0. At external pH values below 7.0 the intracellular pH is less strictly regulated.

  9. Hidrología y recursos hídricos en islas y terrenos volcánicos


    Santamarta Cerezal, Juan Carlos


    La islas volcánicas tienen una geología singular que condiciona enormemente la forma de aprovechar los recursos hídricos, que en general es más compleja que en los territorios continentales. El agua en las islas volcánicas es un activo fundamental para el desarrollo económico y vital de sus habitantes. Canarias es uno de los lugares del mundo donde más conocimiento se tiene sobre sus aguas subterráneas y los recursos hídricos en general, pero obviamente hay muchas cosas todavía por hacer e in...

  10. Ovicidal effect of the methanolic extract of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on Fasciola hepatica eggs: an in vitro study. (United States)

    Moazeni, Mohammad; Khademolhoseini, Ali Asghar


    Fasciolosis is of considerable economic and public health importance worldwide. Little information is available on the ovicidal effects of anthelminthic drugs. The use of ovicidal anthelmintics can be effective in disease control. In this study, the effectiveness of the methanolic extract of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on the eggs of Fasciola hepatica is investigated. Fasciola hepatica eggs were obtained from the gall bladders of naturally infected sheep and kept at 4 °C until use. The eggs were exposed to varying concentrations of ginger extract (1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 mg/mL) for 24, 48 and 72 h. To investigate the effect of the ginger extracts on the miracidial formation, the treated eggs were incubated at 28 °C for 14 days. The results indicated that F. hepatica eggs are susceptible to the methanolic extract of Z. officinale. The ovicidal effect of ginger extract at a concentration of 1 mg/mL with 24, 48 and 72 h treatment time was 46.08, 51.53 and 69.09 % respectively (compared with 22.70 % for control group). The ovicidal effect of ginger extract at a concentration of 5 mg/mL after 24 h was 98.84 %. One hundred percent ovicidal efficacy was obtained through application of ginger extract at concentrations of 5 and 10 mg/mL with a 48 and 24 h treatment time respectively. The in vitro ovicidal effect of the methanolic extract of Z. officinale was satisfactory in this study, however, in vivo efficacy of this extract, remains for further investigation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the ovicidal effect of Z. officinale against F. hepatica eggs.

  11. Assessment of flukicide efficacy against Fasciola hepatica in sheep in Sweden in the absence of a standardised test. (United States)

    Novobilský, Adam; Amaya Solis, Natalia; Skarin, Moa; Höglund, Johan


    Anthelmintic resistance (AR) to Fasciola hepatica is emerging worldwide. Recently, AR to the adulticide compound albendazole (ABZ) was shown in Argentina and Spain. In Sweden, ABZ treatment failure against F. hepatica was first reported in sheep in 2012. The present study tested the efficacy of ABZ and triclabendazole (TCBZ) in sheep naturally infected with F. hepatica using a combination of three different diagnostic methods: faecal egg counts (FEC), coproantigen ELISA (cELISA) and Fasciola egg hatch test (FEHT). Two deworming trials, in November 2014 and January 2015, were performed on two sheep farms (farms A and B) in south-western Sweden. Except ABZ in November, treatment with ABZ or TCBZ achieved sufficient efficacy (97-100%) against adult F. hepatica on farm A. In contrast, ABZ treatment failed in the sheep flock on farm B, despite low initial faecal egg output. On farm B, ABZ efficacy based on FEC was 67% (95% CI: 35-84) and four of eight ewes tested were coproantigen-positive 21 days post-treatment. Ovicidal activity of ABZ against Fasciola eggs in isolates from both farms and one additional bovine isolate were tested by FEHT to exclude the presence of juvenile flukes and other factors such as dosing failure and poor quality of drug product. Irrespective of drug trial, data from FEHT showed significantly lower ovicidal activity of ABZ for the ovine farm B isolate than for the isolate from farm A. This confirms that the low efficacy of ABZ in sheep flock B was associated with ABZ resistance. Overall, the usefulness of three complementary methods for detection of ABZ resistance in the field was demonstrated. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  12. Adaptation of Lymnaea fuscus and Radix balthica to Fasciola hepatica through the experimental infection of several successive snail generations (United States)


    Background High prevalence of Fasciola hepatica infection (>70%) was noted during several outbreaks before the 2000s in several French farms where Galba truncatula is lacking. Other lymnaeids such as Lymnaea fuscus, L. glabra and/or Radix balthica are living in meadows around these farms but only juvenile snails can sustain complete larval development of F. hepatica while older snails were resistant. The low prevalence of infection (<20%) and limited cercarial production (<50 cercariae per infected snail) noted with these juveniles could not explain the high values noted in these cattle herds. As paramphistomosis due to Calicophoron daubneyi was not still noted in these farms, the existence of another mode of infection was hypothesized. Experimental infection of several successive generations of L. glabra, originating from eggs laid by their parents already infected with this parasite resulted in a progressive increase in prevalence of snail infection and the number of shed cercariae. The aim of this paper was to determine if this mode of snail infection was specific to L. glabra, or it might occur in other lymnaeid species such as L. fuscus and R. balthica. Methods Five successive generations of L. fuscus and R. balthica were subjected to individual bimiracidial infections in the laboratory. Resulting rediae and cercariae in the first four generations were counted after snail dissection at day 50 p.e. (20°C), while the dynamics of cercarial shedding was followed in the F5 generation. Results In the first experiment, prevalence and intensity of F. hepatica infection in snails progressively increased from the F1 (R. balthica) or F2 (L. fuscus) generation. In the second experiment, the prevalence of F. hepatica infection and the number of shed cercariae were significantly lower in L. fuscus and R. balthica (without significant differences between both lymnaeids) than in G. truncatula. Conclusion The F. hepatica infection of several successive snail generations

  13. Higher physiopathogenicity by Fasciola gigantica than by the genetically close F. hepatica: experimental long-term follow-up of biochemical markers. (United States)

    Valero, M Adela; Bargues, M Dolores; Khoubbane, Messaoud; Artigas, Patricio; Quesada, Carla; Berinde, Lavinia; Ubeira, Florencio M; Mezo, Mercedes; Hernandez, Jose L; Agramunt, Veronica H; Mas-Coma, Santiago


    Fascioliasis is caused by Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. The latter, always considered secondary in human infection, nowadays appears increasingly involved in Africa and Asia. Unfortunately, little is known about its pathogenicity, mainly due to difficulties in assessing the moment a patient first becomes infected and the differential diagnosis with F. hepatica. A long-term, 24-week, experimental study comparing F. hepatica and F. gigantica was made for the first time in the same animal model host, Guirra sheep. Serum biochemical parameters of liver damage, serum electrolytes, protein metabolism, plasma proteins, carbohydrate metabolism, hepatic lipid metabolism and inflammation were analysed on a biweekly basis as morbidity indicators. Serum anti-Fasciola IgG, coproantigen and egg shedding were simultaneously followed up. rDNA and mtDNA sequencing and the morphometric study by computer image analysis system (CIAS) showed that fasciolids used fitted standard species characteristics. Results demonstrated that F. gigantica is more pathogenic, given its bigger size and biomass but not due to genetic differences which are few. Fasciola gigantica shows a delayed development of 1-2 weeks regarding both the biliary phase and the beginning of egg shedding, with respective consequences for biochemical modifications in the acute and chronic periods. The higher F. gigantica pathogenicity contrasts with previous studies which only reflected the faster development of F. hepatica observed in short-term experiments. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  14. Is Galba schirazensis (Mollusca, Gastropoda) an intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda, Digenea) in Ecuador? (United States)

    Caron, Yannick; Celi-Erazo, Maritza; Hurtrez-Boussès, Sylvie; Lounnas, Mannon; Pointier, Jean-Pierre; Saegerman, Claude; Losson, Bertrand; Benítez-Ortíz, Washington


    Fasciolosis is a widely distributed disease in livestock in South America but knowledge about the epidemiology and the intermediate hosts is relatively scarce in Ecuador. For three months, lymnaeid snails were sampled (n = 1482) in Pichincha Province at two sites located in a highly endemic area. Snails were identified (based on morphology and ITS-2 sequences) and the infection status was established through microscopic dissection and a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based technique. Techniques based on morphology were not useful to accurately name the collected snail species. Comparison with available DNA sequences showed that a single snail species was collected, Galba schirazensis. Live rediae were observed in 1.75% (26/1482) and Fasciola sp. DNA was detected in 6% (89/1482) of collected snails. The COX-1 region permitted identification of the parasite as Fasciola hepatica. The relative sensitivity and specificity of the microscope study, compared to PCR results, were 25.84% and 99.78%, respectively. The mean size of the snails recorded positive for F. hepatica through crushing and microscopy was significantly higher than the mean size of negative snails, but there was no such difference in PCR-positive snails. The role of G. schirazensis as an intermediate host of F. hepatica in Ecuador is discussed and the hypothesis of an adaptation of the parasite to this invasive snail is proposed. For the first time, an epidemiological survey based on molecular biology-based techniques assessed the possible role of lymnaeid snails in the epidemiology of fasciolosis in Ecuador. © Y. Caron et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2017.

  15. Is Galba schirazensis (Mollusca, Gastropoda an intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda, Digenea in Ecuador?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Caron Yannick


    Full Text Available Fasciolosis is a widely distributed disease in livestock in South America but knowledge about the epidemiology and the intermediate hosts is relatively scarce in Ecuador. For three months, lymnaeid snails were sampled (n = 1482 in Pichincha Province at two sites located in a highly endemic area. Snails were identified (based on morphology and ITS-2 sequences and the infection status was established through microscopic dissection and a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR-based technique. Techniques based on morphology were not useful to accurately name the collected snail species. Comparison with available DNA sequences showed that a single snail species was collected, Galba schirazensis. Live rediae were observed in 1.75% (26/1482 and Fasciola sp. DNA was detected in 6% (89/1482 of collected snails. The COX-1 region permitted identification of the parasite as Fasciola hepatica. The relative sensitivity and specificity of the microscope study, compared to PCR results, were 25.84% and 99.78%, respectively. The mean size of the snails recorded positive for F. hepatica through crushing and microscopy was significantly higher than the mean size of negative snails, but there was no such difference in PCR-positive snails. The role of G. schirazensis as an intermediate host of F. hepatica in Ecuador is discussed and the hypothesis of an adaptation of the parasite to this invasive snail is proposed. For the first time, an epidemiological survey based on molecular biology-based techniques assessed the possible role of lymnaeid snails in the epidemiology of fasciolosis in Ecuador.

  16. Influence of Fasciola Hepatica on Serum Biochemical Parameters and Vascular and Biliary System of Sheep Liver

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    A Hodžić


    Full Text Available Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the functional capacity of the liver based on the activity of specific enzymes and bilirubin in serum and also to investigate the influence of mechanical and toxic effects of Fasciola hepatica on the structures of the blood vessels and biliary tract in the sheep liver.Methods: Blood samples and liver of 63 indigenous sheep of Pramenka breed, slaughtered in the period from March to December 2009 were used. Based on parasitological findings in the liver, all animals were divided into two groups: control (n=34 and infected group (n=29. For investigation and description of pathological changes in sheep liver, naturally infected with F. hepatica, corrosion cast technique was used.Results: Biochemical analysis of tested parameters showed a significant elevation (P≤0.05 of serum gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT, total bilirubin (TBIL and direct bilirubin (DBIL in infected sheep group comparing with the control group. No significant differences were observed for activity of aspartate aminotranferase (AST between groups. Vascular and biliary systems of the liver were found to be affected.Conclusion: Results of biochemical analysis are consistent with pathological findings and measuring of tested parameters could be used in early diagnosis of sheep fasciolosis and to test the effectiveness of anthelmintic therapy. Corrosion cast technique is very useful for investigation of pathological changes and neoangiogenesis of vascular and biliary system in sheep liver, caused by mechanical and toxic effects of F. hepatica.

  17. Algas marinas bentónicas de la Isla Gorgona, costa pacífica colombiana

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    Mónica Murillo Muñoz


    Full Text Available Se presenta el listado de las algas marinas bénticas del Parque Nacional Natural Isla Gorgona, el inventario corresponde a la flora algal asociada a los diferentes ambientes marinos de la isla, a saber: arrecifes coralinos y fondos blandos. El monitoreo de las comunidades de algas se llevó a cabo entre octubre de 2010 y mayo de 2011, se realizó una estimación de abundancia y cobertura para lo cual se establecieron transeptos paralelos a la línea de costa y se evaluó el porcentaje de cobertura en cuadrantes de 0.25m². Se reportó un total de 43 especies para los dos ambientes estudiados (coralino y fondos blandos, 24 Rhodophyta, 12 Clorophyta, 6 Ochrophyta y una Cyanobacteria. El grupo más representativo fue el perteneciente a la clase Rhodophyceae, que correspondió al 55.8% de la flora inventariada. Los resultados de nuevos registros en la isla ratifican su importancia fitogeográfica, por cuanto la composición florística insular contribuye significativamente a la biodiversidad de la costa pacífica colombiana, destacándose la presencia de arrecifes coralinos como los principales ambientes marinos para el desarrollo de la flora algal de la región.

  18. Time-course investigation of the gene expression profile during Fasciola hepatica infection: A microarray-based study

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    Jose Rojas-Caraballo


    Full Text Available Fasciolosis is listed as one of the most important neglected tropical diseases according with the World Health Organization and is also considered as a reemerging disease in the human beings. Despite there are several studies describing the immune response induced by Fasciola hepatica in the mammalian host, investigations aimed at identifying the expression profile of genes involved in inducing hepatic injury are currently scarce. Data presented here belong to a time-course investigation of the gene expression profile in the liver of BALB/c mice infected with F. hepatica metacercariae at 7 and 21 days after experimental infection. The data published here have been deposited in NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus and are accessible through GEO Series accession number GSE69588, previously published by Rojas-Caraballo et al. (2015 in PLoS One [1].

  19. Effect of gamma irradiation on different stages of Fasciola hepatica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torres, J.L.; Chiriboga, J.


    Fascioliasis or hepatic distomatosis is one of the most widespread liver diseases throughout the world. It is caused by a parasitic worm of the class Trematoda of the phylum Platyhelminthes. This flatworm is commonly known as liver-fluke in the United States and Europe; babosa del higado in Cuba; cucaracha del higado in Puerto Rico; saguaype in Argentina and Chile; pirihuin in Chile; yuta in North Chile, and it is taxonomically classified as Fasciola hepatica. The adult trematode is a common parasite of warm blooded animals especially cattle, sheep, and goats. Alterations in the viability of normal Fasciola hepatica metacercariae as a result of time of storage at 4/sup 0/C were studied by the method of Wikerhauser (1960). A significant decrease in viability was observed only after one hundred days of storage. The in vitro viability of normal metacercariae was compared with that of metacercariae that were exposed to increasing ..gamma.. radiation doses. Two plainly opposite effects observed were: the activation of the excystation process by the lower radiation doses (1.5 and 2.5 Kr), an effect that persisted up to the 14th day post-radiation, and the impairment of the process evidenced on the 14th day in the metacercariae exposed to 3.5 and 5.0 Kr. Correlation between liver damage and the increasing radiation doses to which the metacercariae were exposed was studied up to 34 days after the oral inoculation in rats. (auth)

  20. Effect of gamma irradiation on different stages of Fasciola hepatica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, J.L.; Chiriboga, J.


    Fascioliasis or hepatic distomatosis is one of the most widespread liver diseases throughout the world. It is caused by a parasitic worm of the class Trematoda of the phylum Platyhelminthes. This flatworm is commonly known as liver-fluke in the United States and Europe; babosa del higado in Cuba; cucaracha del higado in Puerto Rico; saguaype in Argentina and Chile; pirihuin in Chile; yuta in North Chile, and it is taxonomically classified as Fasciola hepatica. The adult trematode is a common parasite of warm blooded animals especially cattle, sheep, and goats. Alterations in the viability of normal Fasciola hepatica metacercariae as a result of time of storage at 4 0 C were studied by the method of Wikerhauser (1960). A significant decrease in viability was observed only after one hundred days of storage. The in vitro viability of normal metacercariae was compared with that of metacercariae that were exposed to increasing γ radiation doses. Two plainly opposite effects observed were: the activation of the excystation process by the lower radiation doses (1.5 and 2.5 Kr), an effect that persisted up to the 14th day post-radiation, and the impairment of the process evidenced on the 14th day in the metacercariae exposed to 3.5 and 5.0 Kr. Correlation between liver damage and the increasing radiation doses to which the metacercariae were exposed was studied up to 34 days after the oral inoculation in rats

  1. A single amino acid substitution in isozyme GST mu in Triclabendazole resistant Fasciola hepatica (Sligo strain) can substantially influence the manifestation of anthelmintic resistance. (United States)

    Fernández, V; Estein, S; Ortiz, P; Luchessi, P; Solana, V; Solana, H


    The helminth parasite Fasciola hepatica causes fascioliasis in human and domestic ruminants. Economic losses due to this infection are estimated in U$S 2000-3000 million yearly. The most common method of control is the use of anthelmintic drugs. However, there is an increased concern about the growing appearance of F. hepatica resistance to Triclabendazole (TCBZ), an anthelmintic with activity over adult and young flukes. F. hepatica has eight Glutathione S-Transferase (GST) isozymes, which are enzymes involved in the detoxification of a wide range of substrates through chemical conjugation with glutathione. In the present work we identified and characterized the GST mu gene isolated from the TCBZ-susceptible and TCBZ-resistant F. hepatica strains. Total RNA was transcribed into cDNA by reverse transcription and a 657 bp amplicon corresponding to the GST mu gene was obtained. The comparative genetic analysis of the GST mu gene of the TCBZ susceptible strain (Cullompton) and TCBZ resistant strain (Sligo) showed three nucleotide changes and one amino acid change at position 143 in the GST mu isozyme of the TCBZ-resistant strain. These results have potential relevance as they contribute better understand the mechanisms that generate resistance to anthelmintics. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Isla de calor y ocupación espacial urbana en San Juan, Argentina: análisis evolutivo


    Papparelli, Alberto; Kurbán, Alejandra; Cúnsulo, Mario


    En este articulo se presentan resultados finales de un proyecto de investigacion bianual (2009-2010), denominado Variación histórica y espacial de la isla de calor urbana en zona árida, financiado por la Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina. Su objetivo principal es determinar la progresiva modificacion de la isla de calor urbana en un periodo de quince anos (1995-2010) y la correlacion de esta con la ocupacion del area urbana del Gran San Juan (GSJ), localizada en la diagonal arida de...

  3. Perros ferales en la isla de Cedros, Baja California, México: una posible amenaza para los pinnípedos Feral dogs at Isla de Cedros, Baja California, Mexico: a possible threat for pinnipeds

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    María Concepción García-Aguilar


    Full Text Available La presencia de perros ferales (Canis lupus familiaris en la isla de Cedros, Baja California, México, fue documentada hace más de 15 años. En el verano de 2009 e invierno 2009/2010, se realizaron 2 campañas de muestreo en la costa noreste de la isla para evaluar los hábitos alimentarios de los perros en las cercanías de las zonas de reproducción y descanso del lobo marino de California (Zalophus californianus y del elefante marino del norte (Mirounga angustirostris. Los mamíferos constituyeron el grupo consumido más importante en la alimentación de los perros (85.4%. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que en la costa noreste de la isla de Cedros los perros se alimentan de pinnípedos: el elefante marino fue la especie que más se consumió, con el mayor porcentaje en ambas temporadas (43.3% en verano y 51.9% en invierno; el lobo marino, fue la segunda durante el verano (23.3%, aunque su porcentaje disminuyó en el invierno (5.8%. Además del potencial impacto que el consumo por los perros pueda tener sobre las poblaciones de los pinnípedos, una amenaza adicional es la posible transmisión de los patógenos caninos, con serias consecuencias epizoóticas.The presence of feral dogs (Canis lupus familiaris in Isla de Cedros, Baja California, Mexico, has been documented for over 15 years. In the summer of2009 and the winter of 2009/2010, 2 sampling surveys were conducted in the northeast coastal portion of the island to assess the diet of feral dogs in the vicinity of hauled out California sea lions (Zalophus californianus and northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris. Mammals were the most important prey group in the diet of dogs (85.4%. Our results show that in the northeast coast of Isla de Cedros, feral dogs feed on pinnipeds: the elephant seal was the most important prey in both seasons (43.3% in summer and 51.9% in winter, followed by the sea lion as the second most important prey during the summer (23.3%, while its

  4. A novel ex vivo immunoproteomic approach characterising Fasciola hepatica tegumental antigens identified using immune antibody from resistant sheep. (United States)

    Cameron, Timothy C; Cooke, Ira; Faou, Pierre; Toet, Hayley; Piedrafita, David; Young, Neil; Rathinasamy, Vignesh; Beddoe, Travis; Anderson, Glenn; Dempster, Robert; Spithill, Terry W


    A more thorough understanding of the immunological interactions between Fasciola spp. and their hosts is required if we are to develop new immunotherapies to control fasciolosis. Deeper knowledge of the antigens that are the target of the acquired immune responses of definitive hosts against both Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica will potentially identify candidate vaccine antigens. Indonesian Thin Tail sheep express a high level of acquired immunity to infection by F. gigantica within 4weeks of infection and antibodies in Indonesian Thin Tail sera can promote antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity against the surface tegument of juvenile F. gigantica in vitro. Given the high protein sequence similarity between F. hepatica and F. gigantica, we hypothesised that antibody from F. gigantica-infected sheep could be used to identify the orthologous proteins in the tegument of F. hepatica. Purified IgG from the sera of F. gigantica-infected Indonesian Thin Tail sheep collected pre-infection and 4weeks p.i. were incubated with live adult F. hepatica ex vivo and the immunosloughate (immunoprecipitate) formed was isolated and analysed via liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation-tandem mass spectrometry to identify proteins involved in the immune response. A total of 38 proteins were identified at a significantly higher abundance in the immunosloughate using week 4 IgG, including eight predicted membrane proteins, 20 secreted proteins, nine proteins predicted to be associated with either the lysosomes, the cytoplasm or the cytoskeleton and one protein with an unknown cellular localization. Three of the membrane proteins are transporters including a multidrug resistance protein, an amino acid permease and a glucose transporter. Interestingly, a total of 21 of the 38 proteins matched with proteins recently reported to be associated with the proposed small exosome-like extracellular vesicles of adult F. hepatica, suggesting that the Indonesian Thin Tail week

  5. Una colonia reproductiva de la Golondrina de la Tempestad Peruana, Oceanodroma tethys kelsalli (Lowe 1925, en la Isla Santa, Perú

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    Liliana Ayala


    Full Text Available Las áreas reproductivas de la Golondrina de la tempestad Peruana eran desconocidas hasta hace poco. Esta especie anida en la costa central del Perú, en las islas: Ferrol, Chao y Corcovado. Reportamos un área reproductiva para esta ave marina en la isla Santa. Localizamos un total de 407 nidos activos, incluyendo 92 (22% con huevos y 7 (8% con polluelos. La mayor parte de las aves reproductivas se hallaron cerca de la casa al este de la isla, en el sur y suroeste, donde se registraron aves guaneras y altas cantidades de garrapatas pocas golondrinas fueron halladas. En el sur y suroeste de la isla la humedad contribuye a que algunas pircas estén cubiertas de musgos y algas, en estas paredes no se hallaron aves anidando. Es posible que existan otras áreas de reproducción en la costa peruana. Estudios de las áreas de anidación en la costa del Perú proveerá la información necesaria sobre el estatus de la Golondrina de la Tempestad Peruana.

  6. CD4+ T-cell clones obtained from cattle chronically infected with Fasciola hepatica and specific for adult worm antigen express both unrestricted and Th2 cytokine profiles. (United States)

    Brown, W C; Davis, W C; Dobbelaere, D A; Rice-Ficht, A C


    The well-established importance of helper T (Th)-cell subsets in immunity and immunoregulation of many experimental helminth infections prompted a detailed study of the cellular immune response against Fasciola hepatica in the natural bovine host. T-cell lines established from two cattle infected with F. hepatica were characterized for the expression of T-cell surface markers and proliferative responses against F. hepatica adult worm antigen. Parasite-specific T-cell lines contained a mixture of CD4+, CD8+, and gamma/delta T-cell-receptor-bearing T cells. However, cell lines containing either fewer than 10% CD8+ T cells or depleted of gamma/delta T cells proliferated vigorously against F. hepatica antigen, indicating that these T-cell subsets are not required for proliferative responses in vitro. Seventeen F. hepatica-specific CD4+ Th-cell clones were examined for cytokine expression following concanavalin A stimulation. Biological assays to measure interleukin-2 (IL-2) or IL-4, gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), and tumor necrosis factor and Northern (RNA) blot analysis to verify the expression of IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma revealed that the Th-cell clones expressed a spectrum of cytokine profiles. Several Th-cell clones were identified as Th2 cells by the strong expression of IL-4 but little or no IL-2 or IFN-gamma mRNA. The majority of Th-cell clones were classified as Th0 cells by the expression of either all three cytokines or combinations of IL-2 and IL-4 or IL-4 and IFN-gamma. No Th1-cell clones were obtained. All of the Th-cell clones expressed a typical memory cell surface phenotype, characterized as CD45Rlow, and all expressed the lymph node homing receptor (L selectin). These results are the first to describe cytokine responses of F. hepatica-specific T cells obtained from infected cattle and extend our previous analysis of Th0 and Th1 cells from cattle immune to Babesia bovis (W. C. Brown, V. M. Woods, D. A. E. Dobbelaere, and K. S. Logan, Infect. Immun. 61

  7. Herd-level seroprevalence of Fasciola hepatica and Ostertagia ostertagi infection in dairy cattle population in the central and northeastern Poland. (United States)

    Kowalczyk, Sławomir J; Czopowicz, Michał; Weber, Corinna N; Müller, Elisabeth; Nalbert, Tomasz; Bereznowski, Andrzej; Kaba, Jarosław


    Fasciola hepatica and Ostertagia ostertagi infections are widespread in cattle population of Europe, however data on their prevalence in Poland are only fragmentary. Therefore, the cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the herd-level seroprevalence of F. hepatica and O. ostertagi infection in dairy cattle population in the central and north-eastern provinces Poland, and to identify basic local risk factors for these infections. In total, 598 herds were enrolled, 394 (65.9%) in the north-eastern province and 204 (34.1%) in the central province. In each herd the questionnaire survey was conducted and bulk-tank milk (BTM) sample was collected and screened using two indirect immunoenzymatic tests. Optical density ratio (ODR) was regarded as the quantitative proxy of exposure to either of the two parasites. Both Fasciola and Ostertagia ELISA ODR in the north-eastern province was significantly higher than ODR in the central province. At the cut-off value of ODR = 0.27 the true herd-level seroprevalence of F. hepatica was 79.6% (95% CI: 74.0%, 84.3%) in the north-eastern province and 13.0% (95% CI: 5.3%, 21.7%) in the central province. At the cut-off of ODR = 0.50151 of 188 herds (80.3%, 95% CI: 74.1%, 85.4%) were seropositive for O. ostertagi in the north-eastern province and only 70 of 136 herds (51.5%, 95% CI: 43.1%, 59.7%) were seropositive in the central province. Location of a herd in the north-eastern province, longer grazing period practiced in a herd and > 50%-share of grazing grass in roughage were all positively related to the increase in exposure to both parasites. Moreover, the use of hay or haylage as main roughage proved to be positively related to the increase in exposure to F. hepatica. F. hepatica and O. ostertagi are widespread in cattle population in Poland, however their occurrence at a herd-level varies between different regions of Poland. This diversity can only partly be explained by different herd management, and appears

  8. Biological explorations of Sinai: flora and fauna of Wadi Isla and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A comprehensive survey was accomplished for two of the most important and beautiful wadis in the Sinai, Wadi Isla & Hebran. The biodiversity of the two wadis are surveyed including plant species and their associated insects, spiders and scorpions. The list includes 20 plant families with 51 species, 8 insect orders with 54 ...

  9. Cambios edáficos en islas de fertilidad y su importancia en el funcionamiento de un ecosistema del valle de Tehuacán Puebla, México

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    Daniel Jesús Muñoz Iniestra


    Full Text Available En los ecosistemas áridos y semiáridos la vegetación natural usualmente se presenta en forma de agrupaciones denominadas islas de fertilidad (IF, separadas unas de otras por amplios espacios desprovistos de plantas. Se piensa que estas islas actúan como unidades funcionales básicas del ecosistema en su conjunto. Se ha observado que el suelo debajo de las islas de fertilidad muestra mejores condiciones de calidad y fertilidad en comparación con el suelo de afuera. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la calidad del suelo dentro y fuera de las islas de fertilidad, así como contrastar propiedades físicas y químicas tanto del suelo interior como del exterior. Para esto se seleccionaron 25 islas de fertilidad de una terraza fluvial del valle de Zapotitlán, región semiárida de Tehuacán Puebla. En cada isla debajo del dosel del arbusto nodriza se tomaron tres muestras de suelo superficial, fuera de la isla alrededor se levantaron otras tres procediendo de la misma manera. Las muestras se analizaron en el laboratorio para evaluar nueve propiedades físicas y ocho químico-biológicas relacionadas con funciones ecológicas que el suelo realiza, estas propiedades se utilizaron para obtener un índice de calidad del suelo. Para el análisis de los datos se aplicó la prueba de t-test Student para muestras independientes. No hubo diferencias significativas en el índice de calidad entre los suelos fuera y dentro de las islas de fertilidad, sin embargo a nivel de propiedades individuales como: arena, densidad aparente, materia orgánica, pH, magnesio, nitrógeno total y retención de humedad sí se presentaron diferencias significativas. Se concluye que la vegetación de la isla de fertilidad modifica algunas propiedades y funciones del suelo para crear un microambiente más favorable, logrando que en su interior se reduzca el estrés hídrico y se propicie una realimentación constante de nutrientes, gracias a los mecanismos de captura y aporte

  10. Changes in energy metabolism of the juvenile Fasciola hepatica during its development in the liver parenchyma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tielens, A.G.M.; Heuvel, J.M. van den; Bergh, S.G. van den


    Juvenile Fasciola hepatica at different stages of development were isolated from the liver parenchyma of experimentally infected rats. Their energy metabolism was studied by incubation with D-[16-14C]glucose and compared with that of juveniles isolated immediately after in vitro emergence from the

  11. Proteomic analysis of Fasciola hepatica excretory and secretory products (FhESPs) involved in interacting with host PBMCs and cytokines by shotgun LC-MS/MS. (United States)

    Liu, Qing; Huang, Si-Yang; Yue, Dong-Mei; Wang, Jin-Lei; Wang, Yujian; Li, Xiangrui; Zhu, Xing-Quan


    Fasciola hepatica is a helminth parasite with a worldwide distribution, which can cause chronic liver disease, fasciolosis, leading to economic losses in the livestock and public health in many countries. Control is mostly reliant on the use of drugs, and as a result, drug resistance has now emerged. The identification of F. hepatica genes involved in interaction between the parasite and host immune system is utmost important to elucidate the evasion mechanisms of the parasite and develop more effective strategies against fasciolosis. In this study, we aimed to identify molecules in F. hepatica excretory and secretory products (FhESPs) interacting with the host peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), Th1-like cytokines (IL2 and IFN-γ), and Th17-like cytokines (IL17) by Co-IP combined with tandem mass spectrometry. The results showed that 14, 16, and 9 proteins in FhESPs could bind with IL2, IL17, and IFN-γ, respectively, which indicated that adult F. hepatica may evade the host immune responses through directly interplaying with cytokines. In addition, nine proteins in FhESPs could adhere to PBMCs. Our findings provided potential targets as immuno-regulators, and will be helpful to elucidate the molecular basis of host-parasite interactions and search for new potential proteins as vaccine and drug target candidates.

  12. Actividad reproductiva de Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae en Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008

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    Vicente Vera


    Full Text Available Isla de Aves, una isla a 650km de La Guaira, Venezuela, protegida como Refugio de Fauna Silvestre, constituye el segundo sitio de mayor anidación de la tortuga verde (Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus 1758 en el Caribe. El seguimiento de la población comenzó en 1972 y de manera más continua desde 1978. Los datos históricos indican que la captura de hembras en la isla, afectó severamente la población hasta 1978, cuando fue construida una base científico-naval. Durante las temporadas de anidación entre 2001-2008 con excepción de 2003 y 2004, las hembras fueron marcadas con placas metálicas y medidas. Asimismo, se muestreó durante 458 noches, en donde se observaron 5 154 eventos, con un máximo de 53 por noche. Los posibles eventos no observados fueron calculados ajustando la distribución temporal de eventos observados a una curva normal. El total de eventos estimados varió de =637.1±106.6 en 2001 a =2 853±42.5 en 2008 (ANOVA F(6.5gl=60.37, p<0.0001. El intervalo entre reanidaciones fue de =10.7±1.32 días. La frecuencia de anidación se calculó en =1.71±1.6 veces por hembra. El número de hembras estimadas varió entre =373±12.5 para 2001 y =1 669±56.1 para 2008 (ANOVA F(5.6gl=89.42, p<0.0001. La tendencia es significativa (r=0.842, p=0.036. Los resultados indican que el número de hembras que anidan en Isla de Aves ha aumentado, y se sugiere que más de 30 años de protección del área de reproducción está resultando en un creciente número de hembras.

  13. Los Laparocerus Schoenherr, 1834 de las Canarias orientales, islas Salvajes y Marruecos (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae

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    Machado, A.


    Full Text Available This contribution to the knowledge of the genus Laparocerus Schoenherr, 1834 in Macaronesia concerns species from the Eastern Canaries, Salvage Islands and Morocco. Laparocerus rasus Wollaston, 1864 is redescribed and two new subspecies localised in Fuerteventura are ascribed to it: L. rasus betancor n. spp. and L. rasus jandiensis n. ssp. Several new species are described from that same island: L. maxorata n. sp., L. colonnellii n. sp., L. calvus n. sp., L. xericola n. sp., L. fraterculus n. sp., and L. longipennis n. sp.; from the island of Lanzarote L. curvipes famara n. ssp., and from the Selvage Islands L. garretai albosquamosus n. spp. The only confirmed species form Morocco, Laparocerus susicus (Escalera, 1914, is redescribed and L. susicus montanus n. spp., from the interior, and L. susicus inexpectatus nov. nom., from the coastal region of Tiznit are assigned to it. A retro-colonization from the Canary Islands to the continent is hypothesized for this Moroccan species. Doubtful records and unresolved species are commented on, and keys in Spanish and English for identifying all Laparocerus inhabiting this geographical context are provided.Esta contribución al conocimiento del género Laparocerus Schoenherr, 1834 está dedicada a las Canarias orientales, islas Salvajes y Marruecos. Se redescribe Laparocerus rasus Wollaston, 1864 y se le asignan dos nuevas subespecies localizadas en Fuerteventura: L. rasus betancor n. spp. y L. rasus jandiensis n. ssp. De esta misma isla se describen varias especies nuevas: L. maxorata n. sp., L. colonnellii n. sp., L. calvus, n. sp., L. xericola n. sp., L. fraterculus n. sp. y L. longipennis n. sp.; de la isla de Lanzarote L. curvipes famara n. ssp., y de las islas Salvajes L. garretai albosquamosus n. spp. Se redescribe la única especie confirmada de Marruecos, Laparocerus susicus (Escalera, 1914, a la que se adscriben L. susicus montanus n. spp., del interior, y L. susicus inexpectatus nom. nov., de

  14. Insights into the biological features of the antigenic determinants recognized by four monoclonal antibodies in redia and adult stages of the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica. (United States)

    Alba, Annia; Sánchez, Jorge; Hernández, Hilda; Mosqueda, Maryani; Rodríguez, Suanel Y; Capó, Virginia; Otero, Oscar; Alfonso, Carlos; Marcet, Ricardo; Sarracent, Jorge


    Fasciola hepatica is a digenean trematode which infects a wide variety of domestic animals and also humans. Previous studies have demonstrated that four monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) against the total extract of F. hepatica redia (named as 1E4, 6G11, 4E5 and 4G11) also recognized the excretion - secretion antigens (ES Ag) of adult parasites, which is a biologically-relevant mixture of molecules with functional roles during infection and immune evasion on definitive hosts. In the present report we describe the partial characterization of the epitopes recognized by these Mabs by heat treatment, mercaptoethanol reduction, pronase proteolysis and sodium peryodate oxidation, which suggested their predominant protein and conformational nature. Also, a comparative study using immunodetection assays on crude extracts and on histological sections of both rediae and adults of F. hepatica were performed to explore the expression pattern of the antigenic determinants in these developmental stages. From these experiments it was found that the Mabs reacted most likely with the same proteins of approximately 64 and 105 kDa present on both rediae and adult's extracts. However, the 1E4, 6G11 and 4E5 Mabs also recognized other molecules of the total extract of F. hepatica adults, a fact that constitutes an evidence of the antigenic variation between both stages and points at a certain biological relevance of the recognized antigenic determinants. Immunolocalization studies on histological sections revealed that all Mabs reacted with the tegument of F. hepatica in both rediae and adults stages, while the epitopes recognized by 1E4, 6G11 and 4E5 antibodies were also preferentially localized in the intestinal caeca and in different organs of the reproductive system of adult specimens. The immunogenicity of these antigenic determinants, their conserved status among different stages of the life cycle of F. hepatica and their presence in both tegument and ES Ag of adult parasites

  15. Burden of Fasciola hepatica Infection among Children from Paucartambo in Cusco, Peru


    Lopez, Martha; White, A. Clinton; Cabada, Miguel M.


    There is a high prevalence of fascioliasis in the Peruvian highlands, but most cases remain undiagnosed. The burden of disease caused by chronic subclinical infection is largely unknown. We studied school-age children from a district in Paucartambo Province in Cusco, Peru to evaluate the burden of disease caused by subclinical fascioliasis. Parasite eggs and/or larvae were identified in 46.2% of subjects, including Fasciola hepatica in 10.3% of subjects. Fascioliasis was independently associa...

  16. Analysis of a general circulation model product. I - Frontal systems in the Brazil/Malvinas and Kuroshio/Oyashio regions (United States)

    Garzoli, Silvia L.; Garraffo, Zulema; Podesta, Guillermo; Brown, Otis


    The general circulation model (GCM) of Semtner and Chervin (1992) is tested by comparing the fields produced by this model with available observations in two western boundary current regions, the Brazil/Malvinas and the Kuroshio/Oyashio confluences. The two sets of data used are the sea surface temperature from satellite observations and the temperature field product from the GCM at levels 1 (12.5 m), 2 (37.5 m), and 6 (160 m). It is shown that the model reproduces intense thermal fronts at the sea surface and in the upper layers (where they are induced by the internal dynamics of the model). The location of the fronts are reproduced in the model within 4 to 5 deg, compared with observations. However, the variability of these fronts was found to be less pronounced in the model than in the observations.

  17. Estudio bioedafologico preliminar de la isla gorgona


    Chamorro, Clara; Tórres F., Orlando; Pinilla A., Gabriel; Rojas F., Gloria; Romero B., Franklin; Castillo, Tomas


    Los suelos de la Isla Oorgona son Inceptisoles con buena a baja saturación de bases (Eutropepts y Dystropepts respectivamente). con tendencia a ser ácidos y buena capacidad de intercambio catíóníco, Domina en ellos la textura arcillosa; el contenido de materia orgánica es alto en los horizontes
    O y A. razón por la cual predominan. en la fauna edáfica las formas de hábitos fltófagos y saprófagos. Los más  epresentativos de la fauna interna del suelo (O a 40 cm) son Insecta y Annelid...

  18. In vivo assessment of closantel ovicidal activity in Fasciola hepatica eggs. (United States)

    Solana, María Victoria; Mera y Sierra, Roberto; Scarcella, Silvana; Neira, Gisela; Solana, Hugo Daniel


    Anthelmintic resistance in livestock parasites is currently a worldwide problem. Fasciola hepatica is a cosmopolitan parasite which causes considerable loss in sheep and cattle production systems all over the world. Chemotherapy is currently the main tool available for its control. The intensive use of triclabendazole, the drug of choice for more than 20 years, has resulted in the development of resistant strains. The therapeutic options are adulticides such as closantel (salicylanilide anthelmintic that binds extensively to plasma albumin) to treat chronic fascioliasis in sheep, and cattle. In the present work, an Egg Hatch Assay (EHA) and morphometric studies were used to evaluate in vivo the ovicidal activity and morphology F. hepatica eggs, recovered from closantel treated sheep collected at different time intervals post treatment. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.0001) were observed in egg morphometry between the control and the treated groups in all the parameters studied. Eggs recovered from treated animals tend to be narrower and longer. Significant differences were found in the embryonation and hatching of eggs between 36 h post treatment (32, 5%) vs. approximately 85% in control, 12 h and 24 h post treatment. Our results confirm that closantel affects in vivo the normal development of the eggs. As one of the first effects, this drug affects the performance of the trematode's reproductive physiology. Even though closantel treated animals may still eliminate eggs in the first days post treatment, these are not viable. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Actividad reproductiva de Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae en Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008 Reproductive activity of Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae in Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008

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    Vicente Vera


    Full Text Available Isla de Aves, una isla a 650km de La Guaira, Venezuela, protegida como Refugio de Fauna Silvestre, constituye el segundo sitio de mayor anidación de la tortuga verde (Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus 1758 en el Caribe. El seguimiento de la población comenzó en 1972 y de manera más continua desde 1978. Los datos históricos indican que la captura de hembras en la isla, afectó severamente la población hasta 1978, cuando fue construida una base científico-naval. Durante las temporadas de anidación entre 2001-2008 con excepción de 2003 y 2004, las hembras fueron marcadas con placas metálicas y medidas. Asimismo, se muestreó durante 458 noches, en donde se observaron 5 154 eventos, con un máximo de 53 por noche. Los posibles eventos no observados fueron calculados ajustando la distribución temporal de eventos observados a una curva normal. El total de eventos estimados varió de =637.1±106.6 en 2001 a =2 853±42.5 en 2008 (ANOVA F(6.5gl=60.37, pReproductive activity of Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae in Isla de Aves, Venezuela (2001-2008. The second major nesting-site for green turtles in the Caribbean is Isla de Aves, an island protected as a wildlife refuge since 1972, located at 650km Northeast from La Guaira, Venezuela. In this island, the nesting population monitoring started in 1972 and in a more continuous way after 1978, when a Scientific-Naval Station was established and scientific observations started. Since historical data show that female captures had severely affected population levels in this island before 1978, this study aim to describe recent reproductive activities. For this, during the nesting seasons of 2001-2002 and 2005-2008, nesting females were measured and tagged using metal flipper tags. A total of 458 nights were sampled observing 5 154 female emergences, with a maximum of 53 in a single night. Non-observed emergences were calculated fitting the temporal distribution of observed emergences to a normal curve

  20. Local adaptation of the trematode Fasciola hepatica to the snail Galba truncatula

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    Dreyfuss G.


    Full Text Available Experimental infections of six riverbank populations of Galba truncatula with Fasciola hepatica were carried out to determine if the poor susceptibility of these populations to this digenean might be due to the scarcity or the absence of natural encounters between these snails and the parasite. The first three populations originated from banks frequented by cattle in the past (riverbank group whereas the three others were living on islet banks without any known contact with local ruminants (islet group. After their exposure, all snails were placed in their natural habitats from the end of October up to their collection at the beginning of April. Compared to the riverbank group, snails, which died without cercarial shedding clearly predominated in the islet group, while the other infected snails were few in number. Most of these last snails released their cercariae during a single shedding wave. In islet snails dissected after their death, the redial and cercarial burdens were significantly lower than those noted in riverbank G. truncatula. Snails living on these islet banks are thus able to sustain larval development of F. hepatica. The modifications noted in the characteristics of snail infection suggest the existence of an incomplete adaptation between these G. truncatula and the parasite, probably due to the absence of natural contact between host and parasite.

  1. Las Islas, technological imaginary and futuristic aesthetics. An anachronistic assembly

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    Julieta Soledad Heredia


    Full Text Available We intend to read in Las Islas of Carlos Gamerro the experience of war associated with the character of Felipe Felix from the notion of anachronism of Didi Huberman (2011: 39. Our hypothesis is that it forms a "montage of heterogeneous times” corresponding to different experiences of technology.From the evocation of futurism, an object of complex time emerges where the context of the Falklands war with the nineties are combined.

  2. EL CUERPO DEL HÉROE: EL DESCUBRIMIENTO DEL BUSTO DE UN SOLDADO CAÍDO EN LA GUERRA DE MALVINAS / The Hero's Body: the Unveiling of the Bust of a Soldier Fallen in the Malvinas War

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    Laura Marina Panizo


    Full Text Available En este artículo veremos de qué manera el descubrimiento del busto del soldado caído en la Guerra de Malvinas, Elbio Aaujo, expresa un marco simbólico de interpretación de la muerte en la guerra de un grupo particular, y deviene para los familiares en un escenario de dramatización de la muerte que por la falta del cuerpo no pudo enfrentarse a través de sus formas habituales. Observaré al ritual desde el punto de vista de la performance, ya que nos permite ver de qué manera estamos refiriéndonos a experiencias vivenciadas en escenarios determinados, a través de los cuales es habitada la muerte de una persona, y significada de una manera particular. Así, veremos que a través del descubrimiento del busto, se sustituye la presencia del cuerpo ausente por otra materialidad y la puesta en escena actúa no sólo como un canal de comunicación a través del cual los deudos expresan al resto de la sociedad sus experiencias y los sentidos dados a la muerte en la guerra, sino que deviene también, para los familiares involucrados, en una práctica transformadora en cuanto a la reflexividad que propone sobre la condición social del muerto. Abstract In this paper we will show how the unveiling of the bust of Elbio Aaujo, a soldier fallen in the Malvinas War, expresses the symbolic framework for interpretation of death in battle of a particular group, at the same time becoming for his relatives the stage for dramatization of a death that could not be dealt with in the usual manner due to the lack of a body. We will deal with the ritual from the point of view of performance, since it allows us to see the ways experiences are lived in specific scenes, through which the death of a person is inhabited and signified in a particular way. Therefore, we will show that through the unveiling of the bust, the lack of the body is replaced by a different materiality and that the performance acts not only as a communication channel through which the bereaved

  3. Production of Monoclonal Antibody Against Excretory-Secretory Antigen of Fasciola hepatica and Evaluation of Its Efficacy in the Diagnosis of Fascioliasis. (United States)

    Abdolahi Khabisi, Samaneh; Sarkari, Bahador; Moshfe, Abdolali; Jalali, Sedigheh


    Parasitological methods are not helpful for the diagnosis of fascioliasis in acute and invasive periods of the disease. Detection of coproantigens seems to be a suitable alternative approach in the diagnosis of fascioliasis. The present study aimed to develop a reliable antigen detection system, using monoclonal antibodies raised against excretory-secretory (ES) antigen of Fasciola hepatica, for the diagnosis of fascioliasis. Fasciola adult worms were collected from the bile ducts of infected animals. Species of the fluke was determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP-PCR). ES antigen of F. hepatica was prepared. For production of monoclonal antibodies, mice were immunized with ES antigens of F. hepatica. Spleen cells from the immunized mice were fused with NS-1 myeloma cells, using polyethylene glycol. Hybridoma cells secreting specific antibody were expanded and cloned by limiting dilution. Moreover, polyclonal antibody was produced against F. hepatica ES antigen in rabbits. A capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system, using produced monoclonal antibody, was designed and stool samples of infected animals along with control samples were tested by the system. The capture ELISA detected the coproantigen in 27 of 30 (90%) parasitologically confirmed fascioliasis cases, while 4 of 39 (10.25%) samples infected with other parasitic infections showed a positive reaction in this system. No positive reactivity was found with healthy control samples. Accordingly, sensitivity of 90% and specificity of 94.2% were obtained for the capture ELISA system. The results were compared with those obtained with commercial BIO-X ELISA, and a very good (kappa = 0.9) agreement was found between the commercial kit and the developed capture ELISA. Findings of this study showed that the produced monoclonal antibody has appropriate performance for the detection of Fasciola coproantigen in stool samples and can be appropriately

  4. Geología y aspectos geográficos de la isla de san andrés, colombia


    Vargas Cuervo, German


    La Isla de San Andrés ha sido definida geológicamente por varios autores en dos unidades calcáreas de características bien marcadas: Una unidad de calizas heterogéneas,denominada como Formación San Andrés de edad Mioceno y una unidad de calizas coralinas de edad Pleistoceno, conocida como Formación San Luis. La primera unidad aflora en la parte central de la isla y representa la zona de colinas suaves con alturas máximas de 87 m.s.n.m y la Formación San Luis constituye la región plana a suave...

  5. La visibilidad mediática de los soldados argentinos durante la Guerra de Malvinas en los diarios correntinos Época y El Litoral

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    Luis Daniel Chao


    Full Text Available El siguiente trabajo parte de la categoría régimen escópico de Martin Jay, para poder articularla con otras teorías que nos permitan entender el fenómeno de la visibilidad y abordar un caso particular.Una vez construido el entramado teórico, se propone una lectura centrada en la visibilidad de los soldados argentinos durante la Guerra de Malvinas en los periódicos correntinos Época y El Litoral, en los meses que van de abril a junio de 1982. Una vez establecidas algunas regularidades, se intentará ligarlas a determinadas condiciones discursivas que puedan generarlas.

  6. Excretory/secretory products from two Fasciola hepatica isolates induce different transcriptional changes and IL-10 release in LPS-activated bovine "BOMA" macrophages. (United States)

    Bąska, Piotr; Norbury, Luke James; Zawistowska-Deniziak, Anna; Wiśniewski, Marcin; Januszkiewicz, Kamil


    Fasciola hepatica are trematodes that reside in the bile ducts of mammals. Infection causes US$3 billion in losses annually in animal production and is considered a zoonosis of growing importance. An under-represented area in F. hepatica research has been the examination of the different immunomodulatory abilities of various parasite isolates on the host immune system. In this paper, this issue was explored, with the bovine macrophage cell line "BOMA". The cells were matured by LPS treatment and stimulated with excretory/secretory antigens (ES) from two Fasciola hepatica isolates: a laboratory isolate "Weybridge" (Fh-WeyES) and a wild isolate (Fh-WildES). As expected, stimulation with antigen mixtures with highly similar compositions resulted in mild transcriptomic differences. However, there were significant differences in cytokine levels. Compared to Fh-WeyES, exposure to Fh-WildES upregulated 27 and downregulated 30 genes. Fh-ES from both isolates diminished the release of TNF-α, whereas only Fh-WildES decreased IL-10 secretion. Neither Fh-WeyES nor Fh-WildES had an impact on IL-12 release. Our results indicate that various isolates can have different immunomodulatory abilities and impacts on the bovine immune system.

  7. La isla de calor estival en Temuco, Chile


    Alicia Capelli de Steffens; María Cintia Píccolo; Jorge Hernández González; Gustavo Navarrette


    Temuco es una ciudad localizada en el centro sur de Chile (38º 45 S y 72º 40 W). Morfológicamente, el sitio de la ciudad corresponde a las terrazas fluviales del río Cautín que se desarrollan en forma encajonada entre los cerros Ñielol (350 m) y Conunhueno (360 m). Esta ciudad se ha desarrollado rápidamente en las últimas décadas, por lo tanto es necesario conocer el efecto antrópico en la misma. Para evaluar parte de ese efecto se analiza la isla de calor urbana estival en la ...

  8. Detection and genetic distance of resistant populations of Pseudosuccinea columella (Mollusca: Lymnaeidae) to Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda: Digenea) using RAPD markers. (United States)

    Calienes, Aymé Fernandez; Fraga, Jorge; Pointier, Jean-Pierre; Yong, Mary; Sanchez, Jorge; Coustau, Christine; Gutiérrez, Alfredo; Théron, André


    Twelve natural populations of Pseudosuccinea columella snails, sampled in the western and central regions of Cuba, were analyzed using the RAPD-PCR technique to screen for resistance to Fasciola hepatica. Ten OPA primers previously shown to produce marker bands for resistance and susceptibility were tested. A new population of P. columella (El Azufre, Pinar del Río) exhibited the amplification patterns of resistant snails, and its resistant status was confirmed after experimental exposure to miracidia. No genetic variability was detected across or within the susceptible isolates. Similarly, the novel resistant isolate displayed an RAPD profile identical to the profile of two other isolates previously identified as resistant to F. hepatica. However, clear differences in RAPD banding patterns and genetic distance were observed between resistant and susceptible isolates.

  9. Retirada de fasciola hepatica da via biliar principal por coledocoscopia

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    Roberto Pelegrini Coral

    Full Text Available The authors present a rare case of hepatic fascioliasis in a female patient 53-years-old, coming from the rural zone of Rio Grande do Sul, a southern State from Brazil. She has presented with biliary colic, fluctuant jaundice and eosinophilia. Abdominal ultrasound has shown a dilated biliary tree with inside heterogeneous images. At surgery we have found inside the biliary tree several Fasciola hepatica, which have been pulled out with the choledocoscope. We have proceeded with biliodigestive anastomosis using the small intestine. The patient remains asymptomatic six months after surgical procedure. Small intestine. The patient remains asymptomatic six months after surgical procedure.

  10. Conflicto socioambiental y agronegocio: análisis histórico del conflicto en Malvinas Argentinas, Córdoba, Argentina.

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    Leandro Carlos Barros


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre las formas de resistencia surgidas debido a los complejos procesos socioeconómicos y políticos vinculados a la expansión de los agronegocios, en el marco de la consolidación de un capitalismo extractivo en  gran parte de los países de América Latina.  Analizaremos en perspectiva sociohistórica el conflicto socioambiental en la localidad de Malvinas Argentinas, provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, en torno a la pretensión de la empresa Monsanto de radicar allí una planta de procesamiento de maíz transgénico. Para esto, pondremos el foco en la organización en asambleas de los actores sociales movilizados contra la instalación, en las acciones desplegadas y en el carácter multiescalar del conflicto.

  11. Estudio de la estructura cortical en la Isla de Tierra del Fuego a partir de datos sismológicos


    Buffoni, C.; Schimmel, Martin; Sabbione, N.C.; Rosa, M.L.


    La Isla de Tierra del Fuego (TdF) se encuentra ubicada en el extremo sur de la Cuenca de Magallanes, donde el borde transformante entre la Placa de Scotia y la Sudamericana define el Sistema de Fallas Magallanes-Fagnano (MFS), cuya falla principal tiene un movimiento sinestral. Con el fin de obtener información de la corteza, se realizó un análisis de funciones receptoras (FR) a partir de datos registrados en cinco estaciones sismológicas instaladas en la Isla. Una FR es el resultado de un pr...

  12. Análisis del riesgo volcánico asociado al flujo de lavas en Tenerife (Islas Canarias: escenarios previsibles para una futura erupción en la isla

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    Hansen Machín, A.


    Full Text Available The spatial and temporal distribution of volcanic eruptions in the Canarian Archipelago are a consequence of their origin and evolution, in response to hotspot activity. Therefore, the probability that eruptive phenomena will occur is greater in the western islands (Tenerife, La Palma and El Hierro, the closest to the hotspot vertex, where hundreds of eruptions have been localized in the last 20.000 years. By contrast, in La Gomera (presently in the volcanic repose stage and in the easterly islands of Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (the most distant and oldest, in the post-erosive stage of development, few eruptions, if any, have taken place during this period. Rift structures known as «dorsals» have been defined in the more active westerly islands, where the greater part of the recent volcanic activity has been concentrated. Objective data therefore exist that permit the assessment and zonification of eruptive hazards in the archipelago. In this work the assessment of volcanic hazards in the island of Tenerife is presented, whichare concentrated in the volcanic system formed by the central edifice of Mt. Teide and the Northwest Rift. Numerous radiometric datings (14C and K/Ar and the preparation of detailed digitalized and georeferenced geological mapping (GIS have permitted an initia1 analysis and assessment of the volcanic hazards in this island, which presents the greatest risk of eruptions because of the number of recent eruptions and their complexity, in addition to demographic density.La distribución en el tiempo y el espacio de las erupciones volcánicas en el Archipiélago Canario es consecuencia de su origen y evolución, como respuesta a la actividad de un punto caliente. Por consiguiente, la probabilidad de ocurrencia de fenómenos eruptivos es mayor en las islas occidentales (Tenerife, La Palma y El Hierro, las más próximas a la vertical del punto caliente, donde se han localizado centenares de erupciones en los

  13. UNA ISLA QUE SE MUEVE (Aproximación a la isla de calor urbana de Algemesí, Valencia y su aprovechamiento didáctico)


    Enric Ramiro y Roca


    La constatación de la existencia de la isla de calor urbana en pequeñas localidades de 25.000 habitantes es el núcleo de esta investigación. El proceso que se ha seguido para desarrollar esta experiencia en alumnos de secundaria dentro de la asignatura de Ciencias Sociales: Geografía e Historia, y su aprovechamiento didáctico, son los dos ejes que recorre el artículo para invitar a su realización en otros lugares.

  14. Itinerarios didácticos por la isla de Tenerife


    Becerra Ramírez, María Carmen; Javier Dóniz-Páez; González Cárdenas, Elena; Gosálvez, Rafael U.; Becerra-Ramírez, Rafael; Escobar Lahoz, Estela


    Con la elaboración de esta guía de Itinerarios Didácticos por la isla de Tenerife pretendemos contribuir a un mayor conocimiento de las características geográficas de un espacio dominado por las formas y formaciones volcánicas que caracterizan un paisaje fuertemente modificado por la actividad humana. El hombre convive y usa lo que los volcanes le ofrecen, tradicionalmente como soporte de sus cultivos o de su actividad ganadera,y modernamente como base de la industria turística. Los itiner...

  15. Complete mitochondrial genomes of the 'intermediate form' of Fasciola and Fasciola gigantica, and their comparison with F. hepatica. (United States)

    Liu, Guo-Hua; Gasser, Robin B; Young, Neil D; Song, Hui-Qun; Ai, Lin; Zhu, Xing-Quan


    Fascioliasis is an important and neglected disease of humans and other mammals, caused by trematodes of the genus Fasciola. Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica are valid species that infect humans and animals, but the specific status of Fasciola sp. ('intermediate form') is unclear. Single specimens inferred to represent Fasciola sp. ('intermediate form'; Heilongjiang) and F. gigantica (Guangxi) from China were genetically identified and characterized using PCR-based sequencing of the first and second internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of these representative specimens were then sequenced. The relationships of these specimens with selected members of the Trematoda were assessed by phylogenetic analysis of concatenated amino acid sequence datasets by Bayesian inference (BI). The complete mt genomes of representatives of Fasciola sp. and F. gigantica were 14,453 bp and 14,478 bp in size, respectively. Both mt genomes contain 12 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes and two ribosomal RNA genes, but lack an atp8 gene. All protein-coding genes are transcribed in the same direction, and the gene order in both mt genomes is the same as that published for F. hepatica. Phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated amino acid sequence data for all 12 protein-coding genes showed that the specimen of Fasciola sp. was more closely related to F. gigantica than to F. hepatica. The mt genomes characterized here provide a rich source of markers, which can be used in combination with nuclear markers and imaging techniques, for future comparative studies of the biology of Fasciola sp. from China and other countries.

  16. Application of a coproantigen ELISA as an indicator of efficacy against multiple life stages of Fasciola hepatica infections in sheep. (United States)

    George, S D; Vanhoff, K; Baker, K; Lake, L; Rolfe, P F; Seewald, W; Emery, D L


    At present diagnosis of true resistance and determination of drug efficacy in Fasciola hepatica infection rely solely on terminal experiments. The coproantigen ELISA (cELISA) has been reported previously as a sensitive and specific tool appropriate to detect treatment failure, and potentially drug resistance. Two studies were conducted to determine whether the cELISA was appropriate for on-farm efficacy and resistance testing in Australian Merino sheep. In Study 1 sheep were infected orally with 50 F. hepatica metacercariae on three occasions, twelve, six and two weeks prior to a single flukicide treatment with triclabendazole, closantel or albendazole. Sheep were sampled weekly for a further seven weeks prior to necropsy. Following effective treatment, no faecal antigen was detected from 1 week. When immature stages (≤6 weeks) survived treatment, coproantigen reappeared from 6 weeks post-treatment. Therefore, cELISA conducted 1-4 weeks after treatment will demonstrate obvious treatment failure against adult F. hepatica, but is not sufficiently sensitive to detect survival of immature fluke until these reach maturity. In study 2, fluke burdens of sheep necropsied 13 weeks post single infection were compared to fecal worm egg counts (FWEC) and cELISA at necropsy. Regression analysis demonstrated that cELISA correlated strongly with fluke burden, whilst FWEC correlated weakly with cELISA. The correlation between FWEC and fluke burden was also weak, although stronger than that of FWEC with cELISA. The cELISA is an appropriate tool for monitoring effectiveness of treatments against Fasciola hepatica if an adult infection is present, however when immature stages of the parasite are present it is not as reliable. Where immature parasites are present it is recommended that initial cELISA be followed with a secondary cELISA at least 6 weeks after treatment to ensure resistance to immature stages is detected. Further testing is justified for monitoring the effectiveness

  17. Distribution of Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica in the endemic area of Guilan, Iran: Relationships between zonal overlap and phenotypic traits. (United States)

    Ashrafi, Keyhan; Valero, M Adela; Peixoto, Raquel V; Artigas, Patricio; Panova, Miroslava; Mas-Coma, Santiago


    Fascioliasis is a zoonotic disease emerging in numerous parts of the world. In any endemic area, the characterisation of scenarios and patterns of infection must always be considered the starting point before implementing any control measure. Fascioliasis is a parasitic disease of different epidemiological, pathological and control characteristics depending on the endemic area and the causal agent, Fasciola hepatica and Fasciolagigantica. Classically it has been accepted that F. hepatica is present worldwide, while the distribution of the two species overlaps in many areas of Africa and Asia. Fascioliasis caused by F. hepatica, F. gigantica and intermediate forms is present in Guilan province, a complicated epidemiological situation where the highest human infection rates have been described in Iran. Morphometric tools were used to analyse the possible relationship between liver-fluke metric traits and geographical and altitudinal distribution. This is the first study in which a detailed distribution of both Fasciola species is analysed in a human fascioliasis endemic area with a zonal overlap transmission pattern. An accurate analysis was conducted to phenotypically discriminate between fasciolids from naturally infected livestock (cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats). The distribution of the % F. hepatica-like (F.h.) and F. gigantica-like (F.g.) flukes detected in each liver versus altitude (m) in each group was analysed. The presence of F.g. specimens mainly in locations below sea level (average: 11.23% F.h., 88.77% F.g.), the presence of both species with similar intensity at 1-99m (average: 56.95% F.h., 43.05% F.g.) and the presence of F.h. specimens mainly from 100 to 999m (average: 71.69% F.h., 28.31% F.g.) as well as in locations with an altitude above 1000m (average: 97.48% F.h., 2.52% F.g.) are noteworthy. A significant positive correlation was obtained between altitude and % F.h., and a significant negative correlation was obtained between altitude and

  18. Como un cierre. Igualdad, honor y amistad entre contendientes directos, después de Malvinas

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    Rosana Guber


    Full Text Available Diez años después de concluido el conflicto anglo-argentino de 1982 conocido como la Guerra de Malvinas (Falklands en el mundo anglo-parlante comenzaron a salir a la luz pública los encuentros entre militares que habían sido contendientes directos. Estos encuentros, que fueron deseados, buscados y premeditados, y que se prolongaron luego en relaciones de amistad, incluyeron a tres pilotos argentinos del sistema de armas A-4B Skyhawk del Grupo 5 de Caza de la Fuerza Aérea, y personal aeronáutico o embarcado de Gran Bretaña. Este artículo busca comprender cómo significaron estos ex combatientes argentinos y británicos a sus encuentros, cómo se posicionaron recíprocamente y con respecto a sus roles en el combate y sus reflexiones en la postguerra. El artículo sostiene que en esos (reencuentros sus protagonistas actualizaron en la amistad una relación honorífica de igualdad que habían actuado en la contienda y que finalizó con la derrota argentina.

  19. Fascioliasis coledociana por Fasciola hepatica en cirugía de colecistitis crónica calculosa

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    María Beltrán-Fabián


    Full Text Available Se reporta un caso de Fasciola hepatica en una mujer de 50 años de edad, natural de Huaral, procedente de un asentamiento humano del distrito de Ate en Lima, con un tiempo de enfermedad de siete días caracterizado al inicio por dolor abdominal tipo cólico de curso progresivo en el epigastrio, dolor que se irradia a hipocondrio derecho. Luego presentó luego náuseas y vómitos en cuatro oportunidades, de contenido alimenticio y bilioso, por lo que se decide su hospitalización previa atención por emergencia. Al examen físico se encontró conjuntivas oculares levemente ictéricas, abdomen balonado, blando, depresible, no visceromegalia, Murphy positivo, ruidos hidroaéreos presentes, tórax y pulmones sin alteraciones. Posteriormente a los exámenes auxiliares, se diagnosticó colecistitis calculosa aguda y fascioliasis coledociana. En el acto quirúrgico se extrajo tres especímenes identificados como Fasciola hepatica. La paciente después de recibir el triclabendazol, concurrió al Hospital para la evaluación y control, habiendo logrado mejoría y bienestar.


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    José Ángel Hernández Luis


    Full Text Available El transporte aéreo, más aún en un territorio fragmentado y alejado como es el caso del Archipiélago canario, ha jugado un papel trascendental para el desarrollo del turismo de masas en los años sesenta y setenta. En efecto, sin la llegada del motor a reacción a Canarias, no se podría comprender el espectacular desarrollo turístico que las Islas experimentaron en este periodo, siendo el principal objetivo de este trabajo, abordar -aunque de forma sucinta-, este proceso absolutamente decisivo para las Islas.

  1. Revisión de la distribución de Hyalella Smith, 1874 (Crustacea, Amphipoda) en la Patagonia e islas adyacentes


    De los Ríos-Escalante,Patricio; Mansilla,Andrés; Anderson,Christopher B


    Se realiza una revisión de las especies de anfípodos del género Hyalella en aguas continentales de la Patagonia, isla Tierra del Fuego, Reserva de la Biosfera de Cabo de Hornos e islas adyacentes (38-54°S). Esta zona austral presenta numerosos tipos de ambientes acuáticos continentales como lagos, humedales y arroyos, y las principales especies en ambientes bentónicos corresponden a anfípodos del género Hyalella. La bibliografía menciona la presencia de H. costera, H. chiloensis, H. falklande...

  2. UNA ISLA QUE SE MUEVE (Aproximación a la isla de calor urbana de Algemesí, Valencia y su aprovechamiento didáctico

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    Enric Ramiro y Roca


    Full Text Available La constatación de la existencia de la isla de calor urbana en pequeñas localidades de 25.000 habitantes es el núcleo de esta investigación. El proceso que se ha seguido para desarrollar esta experiencia en alumnos de secundaria dentro de la asignatura de Ciencias Sociales: Geografía e Historia, y su aprovechamiento didáctico, son los dos ejes que recorre el artículo para invitar a su realización en otros lugares.

  3. The shallow-water fish assemblage of Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica: structure and patterns in an isolated, predator-dominated ecosystem

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    Alan M. Friedlander


    Full Text Available Fishes at Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica, were surveyed as part of a larger scientific expedition to the area in September 2009. The average total biomass of nearshore fishes was 7.8 tonnes per ha, among the largest observed in the tropics, with apex predators such as sharks, jacks, and groupers accounting for nearly 40% of the total biomass. The abundance of reef and pelagic sharks, particularly large aggregations of threatened species such as the scalloped hammerhead shark (up to 42 hammerheads ha-1 and large schools of jacks and snappers show the capacity for high biomass in unfished ecosystems in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. However, the abundance of hammerhead and reef whitetip sharks appears to have been declining since the late 1990s, and likely causes may include increasing fishing pressure on sharks in the region and illegal fishing inside the Park. One Galapagos shark tagged on September 20, 2009 in the Isla del Coco National Park moved 255km southeast towards Malpelo Island in Colombia, when it stopped transmitting. These results contribute to the evidence that sharks conduct large-scale movements between marine protected areas (Isla del Coco, Malpelo, Galápagos in the Eastern tropical Pacific and emphasize the need for regional-scale management. More than half of the species and 90% of the individuals observed were endemic to the tropical eastern Pacific. These high biomass and endemicity values highlight the uniqueness of the fish assemblage at Isla del Coco and its importance as a global biodiversity hotspot.La biomasa promedio de peces costeros en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco en septiembre de 2010 fue de 7,8 toneladas por hectárea, entre las más elevadas halladas jamás en zonas tropicales. Los grandes depredadores representaron el 40% de la biomasa total. La abundancia de tiburones costeros y pelágicos, particularmente las enormes agregaciones de tiburón martillo (hasta 42 individuos por hectárea y los

  4. Towards assessing fine-scale indicators for the spatial transmission risk of Fasciola hepatica in cattle

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    Johannes Charlier


    Full Text Available In order to improve the spatial resolution of current risk maps for fasciolosis in cattle, more knowledge is needed with respect to farm-level factors that determine infection risk. In this study, we visited 39 dairy farms within a predefined low- and high-risk area for fasciolosis in Belgium and assessed their infection status by an indirect bulk tank milk enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. Management factors were collected and all pastured lands of the farms were visited to identify and georeference potential snail habitats. The habitats were visually characterised, investigated for the presence of the intermediate host snails of Fasciola hepatica (i.e.Galba truncatula and Radix spp. and used in a geographical information system (GIS to construct overlays including information on soil and hydrology. A linear regression model was used to evaluate associations between bulk tank milk ELISA results and farm level management and habitat factors. A logistic, mixed model was used to identify possible risk factors for the presence of intermediate host snails on a potential habitat. Potential snail habitats were found in 35 out of 39 farms. A total of 87 potential habitats were identified and on 29% of these, intermediate host snails were found. The number of potential habitats, the presence of snails, drainage of pastures, month of turnout of the cows, stocking rate, type of watering place and risk area were significantly associated with the bulk tank milk ELISA result and explained 85% of the observed variation. Intermediate host snails were more likely to be present with increasing surface of the potential habitat and on loamy soils. This study confirms the importance of farm management factors in the infection risk for F. hepatica in cattle and highlights that the combination of management factors with characterization of snail habitats is a powerful means to predict the infection risk with F. hepatica at the individual farm level. Further

  5. The urban climate: urban heat island of Salamanca El clima de las ciudades: isla de calor de Salamanca

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    Mª Salud Alonso García


    Full Text Available We have determined the existence of the urban heat island (UHI in a medium-sized city, with an extreme climate and few important foci of industrial pollution. It was seen that urban warming can arise in cities of these characteristics, being able to influence in the alive beings of the zone. By comparing the temperature series in an urban area and those from a nearby rural area, we studied the temporal evolution of the intensity of the UHI for the three-year period between 1996 and 1998. We detected two phenomenons: nocturnal heat island, when the difference of temperature between city and rural zone is positive, and diurnal heat island, when is negative. The most intense nocturnal heat island was seen in autumn, and the most intense diurnal heat island was seen in spring. Statistical study of the annual series corresponding to the night-time heat island permits a definition for Salamanca: a weak island, such as the one showing an intensity lower than 2.0 oC, a moderate island, if the intensity lies between 2.0 oC and 4.0 oC, and an intense island when a values greater than 4.0 oC is passed.En este trabajo se ha determinado la existencia de la isla de calor urbana (ICU, en una ciudad de tamaño medio, con un clima extremado y focos industriales de poca actividad. Con lo que se puede comprobar cómo afecta el calentamiento urbano a ciudades de estas características, pudiendo influir en los seres vivos de la zona. La existencia del fenómeno isla de calor, y su evolución en el tiempo, se han observado comparando los datos de temperatura registrados en una estación meteorológica situada en la ciudad, con los de otra estación fuera del radio de acción de la urbe, durante el período 1996-1998. Se han detectado dos fenómenos: la isla de calor nocturna, cuando la diferencia térmica entre la ciudad y la zona rural es positiva, que presenta sus valores más altos en otoño, y la isla de calor diurna, cuando la diferencia es negativa, que

  6. Development and validation of a meat juice ELISA for the diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica in cattle in Cuba

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    Amilcar Arenal


    Full Text Available Objective: To establish and validate a home-made ELISA for determination of antibodies against excretory-secretory proteins of Fasciola hepatica in bovine meat juice samples. Methods: The validity criteria of the assay were defined based on standards of ISO. The following parameters were evaluated: excretion/secretion antigen concentrations for coating, anti-bovine immunoglobulin G dilution, linearity, accuracy and precision. Results: The assay was validated on 126 meat juice samples with known infection status. Using the receiver operating characteristic (n = 126 the optimal cut-off for the ELISA assay was 0.78, above this value the probability for an animal to have fasciolosis was 11 times. And the specificity and sensitivity were 100% and 90.91% respectively. The repeatability of the intra- and inter-assay tests had coefficients of variation lower than 10% and 20% respectively. Conclusions: The ELISA is a suitable test for further use in studies towards the epidemiology of Fasciola hepatica in Cuba.

  7. The diterpenoid 7-keto-sempervirol, derived from Lycium chinense, displays anthelmintic activity against both Schistosoma mansoni and Fasciola hepatica.

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    Jennifer Edwards


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Two platyhelminths of biomedical and commercial significance are Schistosoma mansoni (blood fluke and Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke. These related trematodes are responsible for the chronic neglected tropical diseases schistosomiasis and fascioliasis, respectively. As no vaccine is currently available for anti-flukicidal immunoprophylaxis, current treatment is mediated by mono-chemical chemotherapy in the form of mass drug administration (MDA (praziquantel for schistosomiasis or drenching (triclabendazole for fascioliasis programmes. This overreliance on single chemotherapeutic classes has dramatically limited the number of novel chemical entities entering anthelmintic drug discovery pipelines, raising significant concerns for the future of sustainable blood and liver fluke control. METHODOLOGY/ PRINCIPLE FINDINGS: Here we demonstrate that 7-keto-sempervirol, a diterpenoid isolated from Lycium chinense, has dual anthelmintic activity against related S. mansoni and F. hepatica trematodes. Using a microtiter plate-based helminth fluorescent bioassay (HFB, this activity is specific (Therapeutic index = 4.2, when compared to HepG2 cell lines and moderately potent (LD50 = 19.1 μM against S. mansoni schistosomula cultured in vitro. This anti-schistosomula effect translates into activity against both adult male and female schistosomes cultured in vitro where 7-keto-sempervirol negatively affects motility/behaviour, surface architecture (inducing tegumental holes, tubercle swelling and spine loss/shortening, oviposition rates and egg morphology. As assessed by the HFB and microscopic phenotypic scoring matrices, 7-keto-sempervirol also effectively kills in vitro cultured F. hepatica newly excysted juveniles (NEJs, LD50 = 17.7 μM. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM evaluation of adult F. hepatica liver flukes co-cultured in vitro with 7-keto-sempervirol additionally demonstrates phenotypic abnormalities including breaches in tegumental

  8. Bibliografía sobre investigaciones marinas, oceanográficas, geológicas y atmosféricas en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco y aguas adyacentes, Pacífico de Costa Rica Bibliography on marine, oceanographic, geological and atmospheric research at Isla del Coco Nacional Park and adjacent waters, Pacific Costa Rica

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    Jorge Cortés


    Full Text Available Isla del Coco, Pacífico de Costa Rica, ha sido visitada y se ha escrito sobre ella desde el Siglo XVI. Desde finales del Siglo XIX muchas expediciones han desarrollado investigaciones en el Isla. Aquí compilo las publicaciones sobre biología y geología marina, oceanografía física y química, ciencias atmosféricas y algunos temas sociales. Una lista de 599 artículos y capítulos, 41 libros, Suplementos, tesis, informes y un sitio de internet es incluida, y diez libros históricos donde se describen organismos y ambientes marinos de la Isla del Coco. La mayoría de las publicaciones (425 o 66.4% son sobre biodiversidad marina (descripciones, listas y distribuciones de especies. De los grupos que más publicaciones hay son de los gasterópodos (81 trabajos, decápodos (67 y peces óseos (66. No hay publicaciones de varios grupos de animales que han sido observados en Isla del Coco, por ejemplo, gusanos planos de vida libre, parásitos o nemertinos, entre otros. Temas con muchas publicaciones son: biogeografía con 65, ecología (61 y geología (48; los ecosistemas más estudiados son los arrecifes coralinos con 14 trabajos. Se necesitan más publicaciones en muchos tópicos, tales como el impacto sobre la flora y fauna del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco de la pesca ilegal y el cambio climático.Isla del Coco (also known as Cocos Island, Pacific Costa Rica, has been visited and written about since the 16th Century, and since the late 1800’s many expeditions and scientists have carried out research in the Island. Here I compiled publications on marine biological, geological, oceanographic and atmospheric research done at Isla del Coco. A list of 599 scientific papers and chapters were compiled, together with 41 books, reports, Special Issues, theses and web sites, and ten historic books with descriptions of marine animals or environemnets. A mayority of the publications (425 or 66.4% are related to marine biodiversity topics (species

  9. DNA sequence analyses reveal co-occurrence of novel haplotypes of Fasciola gigantica with F. hepatica in South Africa and Zimbabwe. (United States)

    Mucheka, Vimbai T; Lamb, Jennifer M; Pfukenyi, Davies M; Mukaratirwa, Samson


    The aim of this study was to identify and determine the genetic diversity of Fasciola species in cattle from Zimbabwe, the KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga provinces of South Africa and selected wildlife hosts from Zimbabwe. This was based on analysis of DNA sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS1 and 2) and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 (CO1) regions. The sample of 120 flukes was collected from livers of 57 cattle at 4 abattoirs in Zimbabwe and 47 cattle at 6 abattoirs in South Africa; it also included three alcohol-preserved duiker, antelope and eland samples from Zimbabwe. Aligned sequences (ITS 506 base pairs and CO1 381 base pairs) were analyzed by neighbour-joining, maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference methods. Phylogenetic trees revealed the presence of Fasciola gigantica in cattle from Zimbabwe and F. gigantica and Fasciola hepatica in the samples from South Africa. F. hepatica was more prevalent (64%) in South Africa than F. gigantica. In Zimbabwe, F. gigantica was present in 99% of the samples; F. hepatica was found in only one cattle sample, an antelope (Hippotragus niger) and a duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia). This is the first molecular confirmation of the identity Fasciola species in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Knowledge on the identity and distribution of these liver flukes at molecular level will allow disease surveillance and control in the studied areas. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Coproantígenos de Fasciola hepatica de posible utilidad en el diagnóstico de la fascioliasis

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    Ana M. Espino


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se describen cuáles son los antígenos de Fasciola hepatica que están presentes en las heces de pacientes con fascioliasis crónica y de ratas infectadas experimentalmente con metacercarias de F. hepatica. Mediante el empleo de la técnica de inmunoelectrotransferencia (Western blot con un suero hiperinmune obtenido frente a antígenos de excreción/secreción de adultos de F. hepatica, se pudo demostrar que en las heces de los pacientes se encuentran antígenos de posible interés para el diagnóstico con masas moleculares de 14, 19, 20, 23, 25, 32, 46, 51 y 62 kilodaltons (kDa. Además, se comprobó que algunos de estos péptidos (los de 14, 20, 23 y 51 kDa son reconocidos también por la mayoría de los sueros de pacientes crónicos. Después de purificar por cromatografía de afinidad los antígenos presentes en heces de ratas con 6 a 12 semanas de infección, empleando para ello el anticuerpo monoclonal ES78 acoplado a Sepharosa 4B-CNBr, se identificaron seis polipéptidos de 11, 14, 26, 32, 47 y 51 kDa; otros tres polipéptidos, de 17, 24 y 66 kDa, solo se pudieron identificar en heces de ratas con 10 a 12 semanas de infección. Nuestros resultados sugieren que estos polipéptidos pueden ser antígenos comunes a ambos estadios parasitarios y constituir importantes marcadores de la fascioliasis aguda y crónica, en particular los de 14, 24, 26 y 51 kDa, puesto que reaccionaron con el inmunosuero, los sueros humanos y el anticuerpo monoclonal ES78.

  11. Fasciola hepatica Surface Coat Glycoproteins Contain Mannosylated and Phosphorylated N-glycans and Exhibit Immune Modulatory Properties Independent of the Mannose Receptor.

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    Alessandra Ravidà


    Full Text Available Fascioliasis, caused by the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica, is a neglected tropical disease infecting over 1 million individuals annually with 17 million people at risk of infection. Like other helminths, F. hepatica employs mechanisms of immune suppression in order to evade its host immune system. In this study the N-glycosylation of F. hepatica's tegumental coat (FhTeg and its carbohydrate-dependent interactions with bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs were investigated. Mass spectrometric analysis demonstrated that FhTeg N-glycans comprised mainly of oligomannose and to a lesser extent truncated and complex type glycans, including a phosphorylated subset. The interaction of FhTeg with the mannose receptor (MR was investigated. Binding of FhTeg to MR-transfected CHO cells and BMDCs was blocked when pre-incubated with mannan. We further elucidated the role played by MR in the immunomodulatory mechanism of FhTeg and demonstrated that while FhTeg's binding was significantly reduced in BMDCs generated from MR knockout mice, the absence of MR did not alter FhTeg's ability to induce SOCS3 or suppress cytokine secretion from LPS activated BMDCs. A panel of negatively charged monosaccharides (i.e. GlcNAc-4P, Man-6P and GalNAc-4S were used in an attempt to inhibit the immunoregulatory properties of phosphorylated oligosaccharides. Notably, GalNAc-4S, a known inhibitor of the Cys-domain of MR, efficiently suppressed FhTeg binding to BMDCs and inhibited the expression of suppressor of cytokine signalling (SOCS 3, a negative regulator the TLR and STAT3 pathway. We conclude that F. hepatica contains high levels of mannose residues and phosphorylated glycoproteins that are crucial in modulating its host's immune system, however the role played by MR appears to be limited to the initial binding event suggesting that other C-type lectin receptors are involved in the immunomodulatory mechanism of FhTeg.

  12. Caribe y exilio en La isla que se repite de Antonio Benítez Rojo

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    Arcadio Díaz Quiñones


    Full Text Available This paper suggests a reading of Antonio Benítez Rojo's unavoidable essay La isla que se repite (1989, in order to approach and meditate on Caribbean cultures, attempting both to delineate a possible understanding of the relationship between his poetics and exile, and to analyse some of his choices as an intellectual and the way he conceived Caribbean in his essays. In the map drawn by Benítez Rojo, paradise islands appear along with those ruled by violence and death, and are sometimes confused. Plantation and Utopia are the main topics. Essays from La isla que se repite allow us to examine his wish to link his work to other traditions by means of a long rodeo through the rich Caribbean cultural matrices. It was his way to escape and transcend "nation" authoritarian discourse prevailing in modern Cuban history.

  13. Caribe y exilio en La isla que se repite de Antonio Benítez Rojo

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    Arcadio Díaz Quiñones


    Full Text Available This paper suggests a reading of Antonio Benítez Rojo's unavoidable essay La isla que se repite (1989, in order to approach and meditate on Caribbean cultures, attempting both to delineate a possible understanding of the relationship between his poetics and exile, and to analyse some of his choices as an intellectual and the way he conceived Caribbean in his essays. In the map drawn by Benítez Rojo, paradise islands appear along with those ruled by violence and death, and are sometimes confused. Plantation and Utopia are the main topics. Essays from La isla que se repite allow us to examine his wish to link his work to other traditions by means of a long rodeo through the rich Caribbean cultural matrices. It was his way to escape and transcend "nation" authoritarian discourse prevailing in modern Cuban history.

  14. Composición de la macrofauna bentónica en substratos sedimentarios del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica


    Sibaja Cordero, Jeffrey


    [spa] El Parque Nacional Isla del Coco (PNIC), en Costa Rica, posee una alta biodiversidad; esto por representar un punto de unión de las faunas de ambos lados del Pacífico, las Galápagos y una zona de endemismo. Sin embargo, pocos trabajos se han realizado sobre ecología del sedimento marino. Además para la Isla del Coco datos de granulometría y materia orgánica son inexistentes. Esta memoria presenta información sobre los tópicos antes mencionados, para una mejor comprensión de los procesos...

  15. Observations of Litter Deposited in the Deep Waters of Isla del Coco National Park, Eastern Tropical Pacific

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    Beatriz Naranjo-Elizondo


    Full Text Available Marine debris is recognized as a major threat to biodiversity and can be found ubiquitously even in remote regions, including deep-sea environments. Isla del Coco National Park is known as one of the best protected areas around the world, a preferred diving destination, and is also renowned for large aggregations of pelagic species that attract illegal commercial fisheries. Despite its pristine reputation, this study demonstrates that anthropogenic debris can affect this remote and well protected area. Images of marine debris were taken using the DeepSee submersible, mainly plastic litter from fishing gear were found between 200 and 350 m depth. A total of 40 items of debris were found in 5.48% of 365 dives, 60% of the items were plastics, and local boat and fishing activities provided most of litter. Our aim with this research is to raise awareness about the potential problem of solid wastes and fishing gear deposited in the deep environments of Isla del Coco National Park and to explore the potential implications for the ecological integrity of this protected area, including ghost fishing and the possible ingestion of pollutants. These results provide useful management information for the area, especially if one considers the constant pressure of illegal fishing and tourism at Isla del Coco National Park.

  16. Islas de Old Providence y Santa Catalina. Presente y futuro

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    June Marie Mow


    Full Text Available Las Islas de Providencia y Santa Catalina ofrecen una combinación única de diversidad biológica y autenticidad cultural, convirtiéndose en las Islas menos degradadas ambiental y culturalmente en el Caribe; son áreas naturales, con bajos niveles de turismo, relativamente intactas en las cuales la comunidad isleña nativa local juega un papel significativo. La falta de una marca como destino turístico único nacional e internacionalmente, la baja conectividad, la carencia de una estrategia promocional, así como la baja importancia del sector para el gobierno local, brindan la oportunidad para que el ecoturismo trabaje para la gente de Old Providence y Santa Catalina bajo sus propias reglas de juego y que la voluntad política no sea desviada por ganancias de corto plazo o esquemas superficialmente muy atractivos, pero que no generan beneficios para la población local. La visión de la gente de Old Providence y Santa Catalina es que, sea el ecoturismo la forma de ofrecer nuevas opciones socioeconómicas a las poblaciones locales para que puedan obtener los beneficios de sus senderos, playas, arrecifes y áreas naturales, la tradición, y cultura local. Para ello, es posible aprovechar de manera sostenible la introducción de un nuevo paradigma para el desarrollo sostenible de Old Providence y Santa Catalina: La Reserva de Biosfera Seaflower.


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    Sierra O


    Full Text Available El 29 de octubre de 2005 el huracán Beta, de categoría 1 pasó a 15 km norte de la isla de Providencia, Caribe colombiano. Con el propósito de determinar eventuales cambios estructurales de las praderas de fanerógamas marinas, se monitorearon cuatro praderas de Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König alrededor de la isla, uno y dos años después del paso del huracán. Se seleccionaron dos sitios no afectados y dos afectados por el paso del huracán. Se observó que las praderas de pastos marinos en la isla de Providencia parecen sanas y sin signos de alteraciones significativas ocasionadas por el huracán Beta. La única posible alteración de tipo estructural, fue devolver a un estado sucesional más temprano a este ecosistema en las zonas afectadas, alteración que actualmente parece haberse superado.

  18. Energía de oleaje en la isla de Tenerife


    Imaz Gómez, Mario


    El objeto de este proyecto es realizar todos los estudios necesarios para la construcción de la primera fase de un parque de dispositivos de extracción de energía undimotriz que permita obtener información fiable y necesaria sobre el comportamiento de los dispositivos en grupo y poder ver si el rendimiento es el esperado para posteriormente realizar las otras dos fases con el fin de abastecer a la ciudad de Puerto de la Cruz, situada en el norte de la isla de Tenerife. Actualmente las energía...

  19. Patrones de distribución, abundancia y riqueza de especies de la avifauna terrestre de la isla de La Palma (islas Canarias

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    Carrascal, L. M.


    Full Text Available We estimate the population size and density, habitat preferences, habitat breadth and probable population trends in the last 25-15 years of the diurnal terrestrial bird species breeding in La Palma island (Canary islands. Data were obtained in a large extensive census program carried out during the 2007 nesting period using line transects that allowed detectability estimations. We also explored patterns of species richness both at inter-habitat and local scale. Local species richness (species per 0.5 km transects showed an important geographical component, increasing from south to north, from west to east, and reaching maximum values at altitudes around 600-1,000 m a.s.l. It was also positively related to vegetation development (specially in the herbaceous and shrub layer, and negatively associated with urbanization and agriculture. Total bird density reached the highest figures in the ‘monteverde’ (laurel and heath forests ca. 650 aves/km2, and in the transition pinewoods-laurel forests (509 aves/km2, while the lowest figures were recorded in high altitude shrublands (153 aves/km2 and recent lava fields (58 aves/km2. The bird species with lower population sizes are Falco [peregrinus] pelegrinoides, Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus, Upupa epops, Carduelis carduelis, Miliaria calandra and Petronia petronia, while the last five species have undergone more negative population trends in the last 15-25 years.

    Se estiman los niveles poblacionales, las densidades ecológicas, los principales patrones de preferencia de hábitat, las posibles tendencias demográficas habidas en los últimos 25 y 15 años, y el estatus de conservación actual de las especies de aves terrestres diurnas reproductoras en la isla de La Palma. Los datos fueron obtenidos durante el periodo reproductor de 2007, utilizando transectos lineales. En total se efectuaron 437 transectos de 0,5 km repartidos por toda la

  20. Apparent prevalence of and risk factors for infection with Ostertagia ostertagi, Fasciola hepatica and Dictyocaulus viviparus in Swiss dairy herds. (United States)

    Frey, C F; Eicher, R; Raue, K; Strube, C; Bodmer, M; Hentrich, B; Gottstein, B; Marreros, N


    Infections with helminth parasites can negatively affect performance of dairy cows. Knowledge on infection intensity, spatial distributions and risk factors are key to develop targeted treatment strategies. Canada and most EU countries have conducted large investigations, but respective data for Switzerland were missing. We now performed a bulk tank milk serosurvey for Ostertagia ostertagi, Fasciola hepatica, and Dictyocaulus viviparus on a total of 1036 voluntarily participating dairy herds that were sampled at confinement periods, i.e. in winter 2014/15 or 2015/16, respectively. All samples were analyzed with commercial ELISAs for antibodies (AB) against O. ostertagi and F. hepatica, and those of the first sampling period additionally with an in-house ELISA for AB against D. viviparus. Testing for the latter parasite was not done in the second year of the study, as the sampling period might have missed infections due to the short lived nature of specific antibodies. The possible influence of geographic, climatic, and farm management variables on AB levels were assessed for each parasite using scanning cluster and multiple regression analysis. Overall seroprevalence for O. ostertagi was 95.5% (95% C.I.: 94.0-96.6), with a mean optical density ratio (ODR) of 0.83, for F. hepatica 41.3% (95% C.I.: 38.3-44.4), and for D. viviparus 2.9% (95% C.I.: 1.6-4.7). There were no significant differences between the two sampling periods. For all parasites, significant geographic clusters of higher AB levels could be established. Furthermore, AB levels against all three parasites were positively correlated with each other, indicating either cross-reactions or co-infections. For O. ostertagi, herd size and percentage of pasture in the ration were positively correlated with AB levels. For F. hepatica, altitude above sea level (a.s.l.) positively, and milk production per cow and year was negatively correlated with AB levels. This work provides baseline data for further



    Cayo Velasquez, Noemí Emperatriz


    La investigación tiene como finalidad determinar la valoración económica ambiental a partir de la disponibilidad a pagar de los turistas que realizan turismo rural vivencial en la isla de Taquile, de manera que permita conservar el medio ambiente y los espacios naturales, que actualmente se encuentran en riesgo de deterioro y contaminación; asimismo se reportan los recursos turísticos existentes en la isla de Taquile: el lago Titicaca, playas, orillas y muelles donde subyacen rasgos excepcion...

  2. Identification of Chalcones as Fasciola hepatica Cathepsin L Inhibitors Using a Comprehensive Experimental and Computational Approach.

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    Florencia Ferraro


    Full Text Available Increased reports of human infections have led fasciolosis, a widespread disease of cattle and sheep caused by the liver flukes Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica, to be considered an emerging zoonotic disease. Chemotherapy is the main control measure available, and triclabendazole is the preferred drug since is effective against both juvenile and mature parasites. However, resistance to triclabendazole has been reported in several countries urging the search of new chemical entities and target molecules to control fluke infections.We searched a library of forty flavonoid derivatives for inhibitors of key stage specific Fasciola hepatica cysteine proteases (FhCL3 and FhCL1. Chalcones substituted with phenyl and naphtyl groups emerged as good cathepsin L inhibitors, interacting more frequently with two putative binding sites within the active site cleft of the enzymes. One of the compounds, C34, tightly bounds to juvenile specific FhCL3 with an IC50 of 5.6 μM. We demonstrated that C34 is a slow-reversible inhibitor that interacts with the Cys-His catalytic dyad and key S2 and S3 pocket residues, determinants of the substrate specificity of this family of cysteine proteases. Interestingly, C34 induces a reduction in NEJ ability to migrate through the gut wall and a loss of motility phenotype that leads to NEJ death within a week in vitro, while it is not cytotoxic to bovine cells.Up to date there are no reports of in vitro screening for non-peptidic inhibitors of Fasciola hepatica cathepsins, while in general these are considered as the best strategy for in vivo inhibition. We have identified chalcones as novel inhibitors of the two main Cathepsins secreted by juvenile and adult liver flukes. Interestingly, one compound (C34 is highly active towards the juvenile enzyme reducing larval ability to penetrate the gut wall and decreasing NEJ´s viability in vitro. These findings open new avenues for the development of novel agents to control


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    Martorell Cunill, O.


    Full Text Available Las Islas Baleares son uno de los destinos turísticos más importantes de la cuenca mediterránea. El sector turístico domina la actividad económica de las islas. Este estudio analiza la rentabilidad del sector turístico balear con el propósito de determinar las mejoras que se tendrían que introducir en el mismo para aumentar su competitividad. Los resultados indican que la actual pérdida de rentabilidad que padece el sector turístico balear se puede paliar a través de la introducción de nuevas fórmulas que aprovechan las nuevas tendencias de la demanda así como la utilización de instrumentos innovadores en procesos.

  4. In vitro antihelmintic effect of fifteen tropical plant extracts on excysted flukes of Fasciola hepatica


    Alvarez-Mercado, Jos? Manuel; Ibarra-Velarde, Froyl?n; Alonso-D?az, Miguel ?ngel; Vera-Montenegro, Yolanda; Avila-Acevedo, Jos? Guillermo; Garc?a-Bores, Ana Mar?a


    Background Fasciolosis due to Fasciola hepatica is the most important hepatic disease in veterinary medicine. Its relevance is important because of the major economical losses to the cattle industry such as: reduction in milk, meat and wool production; miscarriages, anemia, liver condemnation and occasionally deaths, are estimated in billons of dollars. The emergence of fluke resistance due to over or under dosing of fasciolides as well as environmental damage produced by the chemicals elimin...

  5. Population size of Cuban Parrots Amazona leucocephala and Sandhill Cranes Grus canadensis and community involvement in their conservation in northern Isla de la Juventud, Cuba (United States)

    Aguilera, X.G.; Alvarez, V.B.; Wiley, J.W.; Rosales, J.R.


    The Cuban Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis nesiotes and Cuban Parrot Amazona leucocephala palmarum are considered endangered species in Cuba and the Isla de la Juventud (formerly Isla de Pinos). Coincident with a public education campaign, a population survey for these species was conducted in the northern part of the Isla de la Juventud on 17 December 1995, from 06hoo to 10hoo. Residents from throughout the island participated, manning 98 stations, with 1-4 observers per station. Parrots were observed at 60 (61.2%) of the stations with a total of 1320, maximum (without correction for duplicate observations), and 1100, minimum (corrected), individuals counted. Sandhill cranes were sighted at 38 (38.8%) of the stations, with a total of 115 individuals. Cranes and parrots co-occurred at 20 (20.4%) of the stations.

  6. Dentition of moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax mystax) from Padre Isla, Peru, part 1: quantitative variation. (United States)

    Tornow, Matthew A; Ford, Susan M; Garber, Paul A; de Sa Sauerbrunn, Edward


    Analyses of dental variation in geographically restricted, wild populations of primates are extremely rare; however, such data form the best source for models of likely degrees of variation within and between fossil species. Data from dental casts of a geographically restricted population of moustached tamarins (Saguinus mystax mystax) from Padre Isla, Peru, document high levels of dental variability, as measured by coefficients of variation, in a nonsexually dimorphic species, despite its isolation and small population size. Like other primates, moustached tamarins show lower variability in the dimensions of the first molars and increased variability in the dimensions of the final molars in the toothrow. Moustached tamarins from Padre Isla have a distinctive pattern of variability in the remaining teeth, including more stable tooth lengths in the anterior and posterior portions of the toothrow, and more stable tooth widths in the midregion of the toothrow. High variability in incisor width may be due to age effects of a distinctive diet and pattern of dental wear.

  7. Anti-helminthic activity of Momordica charantia L. against Fasciola hepatica eggs after twelve days of incubation in vitro. (United States)

    Pereira, Cíntia A J; Oliveira, Laura L S; Coaglio, Aytube L; Santos, Fernanda S O; Cezar, Rodolfo S M; Mendes, Tiago; Oliveira, Fernando L P; Conzensa, Gustavo; Lima, Walter S


    Fasciolosis, a parasitic disease caused by the trematode Fasciola hepatica underreported is expanding both in human and animal population, throughout the world. The constant use of synthetic drugs to treat this condition has led to the natural selection of resistant strains of the parasite. Hence, there is a growing focus on the potential anti-helminthic properties of medicinal plants and phytopharmaceuticals. The current study assessed the potential anti-fasciolicide action of Momordica charantia leaf extracts and fractions on the eggs of F. hepatica parasites. The lyophilized crude extract (CE) of M. charantia leaves and its sub-fractions, obtained from liquid-liquid partitioning with organic solvents, were analysed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), suspended in 1% DMSO and used in in vitro tests. Quadruplicates of 50F. hepatica eggs were incubated at 23°C with M. charantia leaf CE in different concentrations. After 12days no larvae were formed in eggs incubated with CE concentrations above 12.5mg/mL. Eggs incubated with CE sub-fractions at concentrations of 1000, 100, 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01μg/mL affected embryonic development, with n-butanol presenting the strongest inhibition of miracidia formation. In contrast, on the 12th day, 90% of the miracidia hatched in the control experiments using 0.03% DMSO whereas embryogenesis was completely abolished with any concentration of albendazole sulphoxide ABZ(SO). Chemical analysis of the CE and sub-fractions revealed a prominent presence of flavonoids. HPLC-MS confirmed Quercetin to be one of the main flavonoids present in the CE and the n-butanol subfraction. This is the first study to analyse the potential anti-fasciolicide action of M. charantia leaf CE and subfractions. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Algunos aspectos relacionados con la Variabilidad Climática en la Isla del Coco, Costa Rica

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    Evelyn Quirós-Badilla


    Full Text Available Se recolectaron y analizaron los registros meteorológicos de las estaciones que han funcionado recientemente en la Isla del Coco (1979-2005, Costa Rica, localiza en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental. Dichos registros se compararon con series de tiempo de los puntos de rejilla más cercanos a la isla de diferentes bases de datos de precipitación y de temperatura elaborados con datos compilados de estaciones medidoras en superficie, estimados de percepción remota y de modelos numéricos. Se encontró que durante enero, febrero y marzo, se dan las más bajas precipitaciones y que una intensa estación lluviosa tiene lugar de abril a diciembre, dentro de la cual se logra apreciar un mínimo relativo en julio y agosto. También se observó que de enero a marzo las temperaturas son mayores, y relativamente menores de junio a diciembre. Los resultados encontrados muestran que eventos cálidos (fríos del ENOS se relacionan con temporadas de lluvias o temperaturas superficiales por arriba (bajo de lo normal en la Isla del Coco. Estas relaciones pueden ser útiles en predicción climática ya que el evento asociado al ENOS antecede a la precipitación o la temperatura.Meteorological records from gauge stations that worked at the Isla del Coco (Coco's Island, Costa Rica, Eastern Tropical Pacific, were collected from 1979 to 2005. Those records were compared with time series of the grid points closest to the island obtained from different data bases. These data bases compile surface gauge stations, remote sensing and numerical modeling outputs. Records show that January, February and March reported the lowest precipitation accumulates, followed by an intense rainy season between April and December and a relative minimum in July-August. The warmest temperatures were observed from January to March, showing a small decrease from June to December. Results show that warm (cold ENSO events tend to be associated with above (below normal precipitation and

  9. Complete mitochondrial genomes of the ‘intermediate form’ of Fasciola and Fasciola gigantica, and their comparison with F. hepatica (United States)


    Background Fascioliasis is an important and neglected disease of humans and other mammals, caused by trematodes of the genus Fasciola. Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica are valid species that infect humans and animals, but the specific status of Fasciola sp. (‘intermediate form’) is unclear. Methods Single specimens inferred to represent Fasciola sp. (‘intermediate form’; Heilongjiang) and F. gigantica (Guangxi) from China were genetically identified and characterized using PCR-based sequencing of the first and second internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The complete mitochondrial (mt) genomes of these representative specimens were then sequenced. The relationships of these specimens with selected members of the Trematoda were assessed by phylogenetic analysis of concatenated amino acid sequence datasets by Bayesian inference (BI). Results The complete mt genomes of representatives of Fasciola sp. and F. gigantica were 14,453 bp and 14,478 bp in size, respectively. Both mt genomes contain 12 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes and two ribosomal RNA genes, but lack an atp8 gene. All protein-coding genes are transcribed in the same direction, and the gene order in both mt genomes is the same as that published for F. hepatica. Phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated amino acid sequence data for all 12 protein-coding genes showed that the specimen of Fasciola sp. was more closely related to F. gigantica than to F. hepatica. Conclusions The mt genomes characterized here provide a rich source of markers, which can be used in combination with nuclear markers and imaging techniques, for future comparative studies of the biology of Fasciola sp. from China and other countries. PMID:24685294


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    Elierson José Gomes da Rocha


    Full Text Available Introduction: Hepatic capillariosis, caused by Capillaria hepatica (Calodium hepaticum (Bancroft, 1893, Travassos, 1915 (Nematoda, Trichinelloidea, Capillariidae, is a common zoonosis in rodents but is rare in humans. Seventy-two cases in humans have been reported worldwide since the first case was described by MACARTHUR in 192417,27. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of Capillaria hepatica in humans and rodents in an urban area of Porto Velho, the capital of Rondônia, in Brazil. Methods: After conducting a census of the area, 490 residents were randomly selected, and, after signing a term of consent, provided blood samples that were screened for anti-Capillaria hepatica antibodies. Simultaneously, rats were captured to assess the prevalence of this parasite in rodents by histopathological examination in liver sections. Results: A prevalence of 1.8% was found among residents who had specific antibodies at a dilution of 1:150, indicating exposure to parasite eggs; 0.8% of the subjects also had positive titers at a dilution of 1:400, indicating true infection. The prevalence in rats was 2%. Conclusions: The prevalence of infection with this parasite among humans and rats was low. While the prevalence encountered among humans was within the limits reported in the literature, the prevalence among rodents was much lower.

  11. Aptitude of Lymnaea palustris and L. stagnalis to Fasciola hepatica larval development through the infection of several successive generations of 4-mm-high snails. (United States)

    Vignoles, P; Rondelaud, D; Dreyfuss, G


    Bimiracidial infections of Lymnaea palustris and Lymnaea stagnalis (shell height at exposure, 4 mm) with Fasciola hepatica were carried out during six successive snail generations to determine if prevalence and intensity of snail infection increased over time through descendants issuing from eggs laid by parents already exposed to this digenean. Controls were constituted by a French population of Galba truncatula (a single generation) infected according to the same protocol. In a first experiment performed with the F1 to F5 generations of L. palustris, the prevalence and intensity of F. hepatica infection in snails progressively increased. Immature rediae and a few cercariae-containing rediae of the digenean were observed in L. stagnalis from the F3 generation, but no free cercaria was noted in the bodies of this lymnaeid from the F4 to F6 generations. In another experiment carried out with the F6 generation of L. palustris, the prevalence of F. hepatica infection and the number of shed cercariae were significantly lower in L. palustris than in G. truncatula. This mode of snail infection suggests an explanation for cases of human fasciolosis occurring in central France after the collection of wild watercress from beds where L. palustris was the sole lymnaeid.

  12. NOAA ESRI Geotiff - 3m Multibeam Bathymetry, Puerto Rico (Isla de Vieques) - UTM 20N NAD83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains an ESRI Geotiff with 3 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of a selected portion of seafloor south of Isla de Vieques in Puerto Rico,...


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    Carlos Ernesto Alpízar


    Full Text Available El presente estudio fue realizado con el objetivo de determinar la infección por Fasciola hepatica (F. hepatica en una finca dedicada al ganado de carne en el cantón de Siquirres, provincia de Limón para caracterizar las lesiones más comunes de hígados parasitados, en 3 plantas de sacrificio de bovinos del país. De agosto del 2005 a agosto del 2006, fueron recolectadas muestras fecales de 577 bovinos de razas cebuinas con edades entre 6 meses y 2,5 años. Cada muestra fue sometida a la técnica coprológica de sedimentación; también se buscaron y recolectaron moluscos con el objetivo de identificar la(s especie(s involucrada(s en la transmisión del parásito en la finca. Asimismo, se recolectaron muestras de hígados bovinos infectados con el parásito en 3 mataderos del Valle Central, para el análisis histopatológico. F. hepatica fue diagnosticada en 67 (11,3% de los 577 bovinos evaluados, y el porcentaje de infección fue mayor en agosto del 2005 (31,6% y agosto del 2006 (26,2%. Además, los animales con edades entre 18 y 24 meses mostraron mayor frecuencia de infección (19,4%, mientras que los animales de 12 a menos de 18 meses mostraron la menor frecuencia de infección (2,4%. Los caracoles identificados fueron de la especie Thiara tuberculata, que no fue identificada como vector de F. hepatica. Las principales lesiones en los hígados decomisados fueron atrofia moderada de lóbulos hepáticos, aumento de consistencia, engrosamiento de ductos hepáticos con presencia de calcificación, material mucoso y formas adultas del parásito. Histológicamente corresponden a colangiohepatitis necrótica con formación de depósitos cálcicos distróficos e hiperplasia de ductos biliares. Con base en los resultados obtenidos se pudo determinar la presencia de F. hepatica en los bovinos de la finca y de la zona, con marcado incremento de la infección en la época lluviosa, además del hallazgo colateral de Paramphistomum spp.

  14. Comparación de las técnicas Kato-Katz, TSET y TSR en el diagnóstico de infección por Fasciola hepatica en humanos


    Nelson Uribe Delgado; Raúl Fernando Sierra Balcárcel; Cindy Tatiana Espinosa González


    Introducción: La Fasciolosis es una enfermedad causada por el parásito Fasciola hepatica, que afecta primordialmente a bovinos, ovinos, caprinos y en algunas zonas de forma endémica a los humanos. En la investigación clínica y epidemiológica de fasciolosis humana es importante contar con técnicas coprológicas de diagnóstico de alta sensibilidad y especificidad. Objetivo: realizar la comparación de tres técnicas coprológicas para el diagnóstico de infección por Fasciola hepatica en humanos. Me...

  15. Assessment of the FasciMol-ELISA in the detection of the trematode Fasciola hepatica in field-collected Galba cubensis: a novel tool for the malacological survey of fasciolosis transmission. (United States)

    Alba, Annia; Vázquez, Antonio A; Sánchez, Jorge; Fraga, Jorge; Hernández, Hilda; Martínez, Elizabeth; Marcet, Ricardo; Figueredo, Mabel; Sarracent, Jorge


    Fasciolosis is one of the food-borne neglected trematodioses that has reemerged as a human disease while its effects on domestic animal health remains of significant economic consideration. Being snail-borne disease, the accurate and time-saving epidemiological surveillance of the transmission foci where infected lymnaeid snails occur could be essential to effectively focus or redirect control strategies. For this purpose, the first monoclonal antibody-based immunoenzymatic assay to detect Fasciola hepatica-infected snails (FasciMol-ELISA) was recently developed and showed a high sensitivity and specificity when tested in an experimental F. hepatica - Galba cubensis system. Here, we surveyed populations of G. cubensis occurring in western Cuba for the assessment of the FasciMol-ELISA in determining natural F. hepatica infection in this intermediate host. A multiplex PCR, previously developed to detect F. hepatica in G. cubensis, was used for sample classification. Snail dissection method was also employed as screening technique. A Χ(2) test and a Kappa index were calculated to evaluate the positivity and the level of agreement between the FasciMol-ELISA and the snail dissection methods with the multiplex PCR, respectively. Galba cubensis was found in nine out of 12 sampled localities of which four were positive for F. hepatica infection as detected by both immunoenzymatic and PCR-based assays. The overall prevalence was higher than the natural infection rates previously reported for Cuban G. cubensis (range from 4.1 to 7.42% depending on the screening method). No significant differences were found between FasciMol-ELISA and multiplex PCR when determining parasite positivity (Χ(2) = 6.283; P = 0.0981) whereas an excellent agreement was also noted (Kappa = 0.8224). Our results demonstrate the importance of malacological surveys in assessing parasite transmission risk and constitute an alert on the need of accurate measures to control fasciolosis in

  16. Aportación a la flora bentónica de las Islas Baleares. IV. Flora de Ibiza

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    Rull Lluch, J.


    Full Text Available In this study 21 taxa from different places in Ibiza are presented. 13 of the mare a new references for the Balearic archipelago and the rest are quite unknown species in these islands. The most important record is Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Falkenb. Hauk, until now unknown in the Spanish Mediterranean coast and very seldom reported in the rest of the Mediterranean.

    En este trabajo se presentan 21 táxones procedentes de diferentes localidades de la isla de Ibiza, 13 de los cuales suponen nuevas citas para el archipiélago balear y los restantes son especies poco conocidas en estas islas. Se destaca Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum (Falkenb. Hauck, desconocida hasta ahora en las costas mediterráneas españolas y escasamente citada en el resto de este mar.

  17. Nuevo registro del loro frente blanca (Amazona albifrons para la Isla de Cozumel, Quintana Roo, México

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    Alexis Herminio Plasencia Vázquez


    Full Text Available Reportamos, por primera vez en la literatura científica, al loro frente blanca (Amazona albifrons como especie introducida en áreas urbanas de la Isla de Cozumel, Quintana Roo, durante el trabajo de campo realizado en el mes de abril de 2011. Su presencia sólo en áreas urbanas de la isla, la capacidad de la especie para poder vivir con éxito en áreas urbanas, la abundancia de árboles frutales y su uso como mascota por los isleños nos permite sugerir que los individuos registrados son resultado de escapes o fueron liberados por sus dueños. Es probable que las condiciones sean favorables para el establecimiento de una población dentro del poblado de San Miguel de Cozumel, lo que debe monitorearse en el futuro.


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    Claudio Vergara Reyes


    Full Text Available Este trabajo trata acerca de un tipo de escuela en la realidad educativa chilena, denominada "escuela-isla", caracterizada por su aislamiento institucional del entorno social, económico, político, religioso y cultural. El concepto nace de una serie de reflexiones bajo el marco formativo de las prácticas pedagógicas tempranas, a partir de un conjunto de experiencias que configuran al centro de enseñanza y que resultan clave para la comprensión de la naturaleza del término. El documento hace una caracterización de este tipo de escuela, reconociendo cualidades que no son propias de una institución social. Asimismo, se propone y justifica la necesidad de un tipo de "alianza simbiótica" entre la organización educativa y el resto de organizaciones de la comunidad (red de enlace para complementar y potenciar su función educativa (formativa. Por último, se destaca la importancia de la interacción de la escuela con otras instituciones de la sociedad, y que tales vínculos constituyen una estrategia educativa para el desarrollo social y comunitario.

  19. On the presence and immunoregulatory functions of extracellular microRNAs in the trematode Fasciola hepatica. (United States)

    Fromm, B; Ovchinnikov, V; Høye, E; Bernal, D; Hackenberg, M; Marcilla, A


    Liver flukes represent a paraphyletic group of endoparasitic flatworms that significantly affect man either indirectly due to economic damage on livestock or directly as pathogens. A range of studies have focussed on how these macroscopic organisms can evade the immune system and live inside a hostile environment such as the mammalian liver and bile ducts. Recently, microRNAs, a class of short noncoding gene regulators, have been proposed as likely candidates to play roles in this scenario. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are key players in development and pathogenicity and are highly conserved between metazoans: identical miRNAs can be found in flatworms and mammalians. Interestingly, miRNAs are enriched in extracellular vesicles (EVs) which are secreted by most cells. EVs constitute an important mode of parasite/host interaction, and recent data illustrate that miRNAs play a vital part. We have demonstrated the presence of miRNAs in the EVs of the trematode species Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Fasciola hepatica (Fhe) and identified potential immune-regulatory miRNAs with targets in the host. After our initial identification of miRNAs expressed by F. hepatica, an assembled genome and additional miRNA data became available. This has enabled us to update the known complement of miRNAs in EVs and speculate on potential immune-regulatory functions that we review here. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Vaccination against Fasciola hepatica using cathepsin L3 and B3 proteases delivered alone or in combination. (United States)

    Wesołowska, Agnieszka; Basałaj, Katarzyna; Norbury, Luke J; Sielicka, Alicja; Wędrychowicz, Halina; Zawistowska-Deniziak, Anna


    No licensed vaccine is currently available for prevention of Fasciola hepatica infections. However, considering the alarming increase in drug resistance, there is an urgent need for a safe and fully effective vaccine against fasciolosis. Here, we tested if cathepsins L (FhCL3-1, FhCL3-2) and B (FhCB3) secreted by juvenile liver flukes are viable vaccine targets when delivered alone or in combination in a rat model. Since control over the early immune response is crucial for parasite's establishment in its host, it was hypothesised that targeting fluke juvenile stages may prove beneficial. Moreover, it was assumed that selected antigens will act in a cumulative manner to interfere with liver fluke migration and thereby will reduce F. hepatica infection. Recombinant FhCL3-1 and FhCL3-2 delivered alone reduced liver fluke burdens by 47 % and 63 %, respectively. A trivalent vaccine containing rFhCL3-1/CL3-2/CB3 did not increase the protective vaccine efficacy compared to the rFhCL3-2 vaccinated group (53 %), although, reductions in liver fluke wet weight (statistically significant) and liver damage score were most pronounced. Further, the highest IgG1 and IgG2a levels were seen in rFhCL3-2 vaccinated rats, the group for which the highest reduction in worm burden was demonstrated. Moreover, IgG1 and IgG2a levels in vaccinated rats were significantly elevated compared to those reported for control groups up to 4 week post-infection. While the mechanism of protection remains unknown, it appears that it depends on vaccine-induced antibodies directed against cathepsins. The obtained results imply that F. hepatica juvenile-specific cathepsins are promising vaccine candidates that induce responses that successfully target early migratory liver fluke stages. Now, the challenge is to evaluate these juvenile-specific cathepsins for use in livestock. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. The shallow-water fish assemblage of Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica: structure and patterns in an isolated, predator-dominated ecosystem

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    Alan M. Friedlander


    Full Text Available Fishes at Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica, were surveyed as part of a larger scientific expedition to the area in September 2009. The average total biomass of nearshore fishes was 7.8 tonnes per ha, among the largest observed in the tropics, with apex predators such as sharks, jacks, and groupers accounting for nearly 40% of the total biomass. The abundance of reef and pelagic sharks, particularly large aggregations of threatened species such as the scalloped hammerhead shark (up to 42 hammerheads ha-1 and large schools of jacks and snappers show the capacity for high biomass in unfished ecosystems in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. However, the abundance of hammerhead and reef whitetip sharks appears to have been declining since the late 1990s, and likely causes may include increasing fishing pressure on sharks in the region and illegal fishing inside the Park. One Galapagos shark tagged on September 20, 2009 in the Isla del Coco National Park moved 255km southeast towards Malpelo Island in Colombia, when it stopped transmitting. These results contribute to the evidence that sharks conduct large-scale movements between marine protected areas (Isla del Coco, Malpelo, Galápagos in the Eastern tropical Pacific and emphasize the need for regional-scale management. More than half of the species and 90% of the individuals observed were endemic to the tropical eastern Pacific. These high biomass and endemicity values highlight the uniqueness of the fish assemblage at Isla del Coco and its importance as a global biodiversity hotspot.

  2. Metodología para realizar caminatas ecoturísticas en la Isla de la Juventud (Cuba como recreación sostenible

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    Douglas Crispin Castellanos


    Full Text Available La finalidad de esta tesis es la de estudiar cientifícamente las caminatas ecoturísticas en la Isla de la Juventud (Cuba, reflejando su repercusión en el hombre desde el punto de vista biológico, social y psicológico utilizando mediciones típicas de la cultura física para contribuir a la conservación del medio ambiente, desarrollo sociocultural y recaudación de finanzas. Las zonas escogidas para esta investigación corresponden a la porción sur de la isla, específicamente a Punta del Este, Laguna Alvariño y Cocodrilo.

  3. Turismo y nuevos paradigmas en el diseño de espacios recreativos mediante el ordenamiento territorial en islas. Caso del Plan Regulador de Isla Chira, Costa Rica.

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    Félix Zumbado Morales


    Full Text Available La disponibilidad y calidad de espacios de recreación es un tema de importancia dentro de los proyectos de Ordenamiento Territorial. En espacios turísticos, además de la población, es necesario considerar a los turistas dentro de los usuarios de estos sitios. En ese sentido, este artículo presenta el proyecto Plan Regulador de Isla Chira, Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica, y exponer la metodología empleada para incorporar el aspecto relativo a las áreas recreativas como una línea de investigación dentro del proceso de ordenamiento territorial. Se debe considerar que el estudio se enfoca en las particularidades que requieren el diseño de espacios recreativos en islas que tienen potencial turístico y lo hace desde la perspectiva de la legislación costarricense. Lo que permitirá a los investigadores de otros países comparar estos datos con su realidad jurídica. Los resultados muestran la importancia de contar con la participación de la comunidad como la base para la toma de las decisiones como también la gran relevancia que tiene las propiedades de los sitios de esparcimiento pensando en la inclusión de estos sitios como complemento de los atractivos turísticos de una zona, y teniendo en cuenta las necesidades del visitante en los diseños que se realicen de los espacios destinados al esparcimiento.


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    Full Text Available El buceo, tanto a pulmón como con tanques, constituye una actividad que, debidamente practicada, puede aportar al desarrollo sostenible y a la conservación de áreas marinas y en especial de arrecifes de coral, como los del Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia. En la medida en que implica la observación de los ecosistemas de arrecife y sus organismos, es una forma de valoración y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad, con la particularidad de que no implica su extracción, pues un mismo arrecife y sus peces, esponjas y otros organismos pueden ser observados por numerosos buzos, una y otra vez. Por otra parte, es una actividad que puede generar significativos ingresos para las regiones que tienen atractivos naturales y para sus pobladores. La GUÍA DE BUCEO ECOLÓGICO DE SAN ANDRÉS ISLA se orienta a promover el buceo como una forma de elevar la calidad y los ingresos generados por el turismo en el Archipiélago y a incrementar la conciencia sobre la necesidad de proteger los arrecifes. Presenta información básica sobre las islas, el turismo en las mismas y sus principales sitios de buceo, profusamente ilustradas con hermosas fotografías que demuestran el indudable potencial de nuestro Archipiélago para el buceo.

  5. Estructura y diversidad de la vegetación del Parque Nacional Natural de la Isla Gorgona, Colombia

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    Ana Isabel Vásquez-Vélez


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se estudió la estructura y diversidad de la vegetación en isla Gorgona, a través de 16 transectos de Gentry (área total de 0.16ha, distribuidos en nueve sitios de la isla. Se calculó el índice de Valor de Importancia para la especie y la familia (IVI e IVF respectivamente, la distribución de los individuos en función de su altura y diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP , las curvas de especies acumuladas , y la diversidad de especies. La vegetación de isla Gorgona estuvo conformada principalmente por bosque secundario, con restos de bosque primario en las partes altas de los cerros. De acuerdo con la densidad, la frecuencia, y la cobertura, la familia más importante fue Rubiaceae (IVF=0.275, mientras que la especie con el IVI más alto fue Lacistema aggregatum (Lacistemataceae, IVI=0.157. De acuerdo con la altura y clases de diámetro (DAP, la distribución de los individuos describió una forma de “J” invertida, con un valor de diversidad (H’ calculado de 3.98. Incluso después de más de diez transectos de muestreo, la curva de acumulación de especies no se niveló. Con base en el análisis de similitud, se estableció que los transectos estuvieron agrupados en zonas, de las cuales cuatro tuvieron un soporte estadístico, siendo incluso la riqueza de especies diferente entre los transectos.

  6. Burden of Fasciola hepatica Infection among children from Paucartambo in Cusco, Peru. (United States)

    Lopez, Martha; White, A Clinton; Cabada, Miguel M


    There is a high prevalence of fascioliasis in the Peruvian highlands, but most cases remain undiagnosed. The burden of disease caused by chronic subclinical infection is largely unknown. We studied school-age children from a district in Paucartambo Province in Cusco, Peru to evaluate the burden of disease caused by subclinical fascioliasis. Parasite eggs and/or larvae were identified in 46.2% of subjects, including Fasciola hepatica in 10.3% of subjects. Fascioliasis was independently associated with anemia (adjusted odds ratio = 3.01 [1.10-8.23]). Subclinical fascioliasis was common among children and strongly associated with anemia. Anemia should be recognized as an important component of the burden of disease from fascioliasis.

  7. Burden of Fasciola hepatica Infection among Children from Paucartambo in Cusco, Peru (United States)

    Lopez, Martha; White, A. Clinton; Cabada, Miguel M.


    There is a high prevalence of fascioliasis in the Peruvian highlands, but most cases remain undiagnosed. The burden of disease caused by chronic subclinical infection is largely unknown. We studied school-age children from a district in Paucartambo Province in Cusco, Peru to evaluate the burden of disease caused by subclinical fascioliasis. Parasite eggs and/or larvae were identified in 46.2% of subjects, including Fasciola hepatica in 10.3% of subjects. Fascioliasis was independently associated with anemia (adjusted odds ratio = 3.01 [1.10–8.23]). Subclinical fascioliasis was common among children and strongly associated with anemia. Anemia should be recognized as an important component of the burden of disease from fascioliasis. PMID:22403322

  8. Um gaúcho e dezoito condores nas Ilhas Malvinas: identidade política e nação sob o autoritarismo argentino

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    Rosana Guber


    Full Text Available Argumento que o apelo ao símbolo "nação" constituía o principal veículo de construção de identidades políticas na Argentina de 1955 a 1983, sob regimes autoritários e semidemocráticos que excluíam a vontade eleitoral de amplos setores do país. Para isso, apresento a história da "Operação Condor" de 1966, na qual dezoito jovens peronistas e nacionalistas desviaram para a capital das Malvinas, sob ocupação britânica desde 1833, um vôo regular para a Patagônia. Protagonistas, simpatizantes e também antagonistas dos "condores" converteram o episódio e seus efeitos imediatos em um drama quase-turneriano no qual se encontram duas histórias: a do gaúcho Antonio Rivero e sua polêmica sublevação de 1834 contra os usurpadores ingleses, e a dos "condores". A "Operação Condor" revela assim, em última instância, a confluência de duas identidades-chave na política argentina dos anos 60 e 70: o Povo e a Juventude.I argue that the symbol of the "Nation" has been the main channel through which the formation of political identities takes place under exclusionary regimes, such as the authoritarian and restricted democracies of Argentina during the period from 1950-70. I therefore examine the "Condor Operation" of 1966, when seventeen young men and a young woman hijacked an Argentinian plane that was heading for the Malvinas (Falkland Islands, in order to assert Argentina's sovereignty over the South Atlantic archipelago which had been under British occupation since 1833. Members of the Condor group, as well as people backing and countering the Condors' action, turned the event and its effects into a quasi-Turnerian drama. It is at this point that two stories meet: that of the Gaucho Antonio Rivero and his controversial uprising against the English troops in 1834, and that of the Condors. The Condor Operation ultimately reveals the confluence of two key identities in 1960s-1970s Argentinian politics: the People and the Youth.

  9. Susceptibilidade de Lymnaea (pseudosuccinea columella (Say, 1817 exposta à infecção por miracídios de Fasciola hepatica (Linnaeus, 1758

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    Alfredo Raimundo Corrêa Dacal


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de estudar a susceptibilidade de Lymnaea (pseudosuccinea columella de Minas Gerais, Estado onde ainda não se registraram casos autóctones de fasciolose hepática, foram utilizadas as amostras MG 1, MG 2, MG 3 e MG 4, provenientes de diferentes regiões deste Estado, para estudo comparativo com as amostras RJ e RGS procedentes dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro e Rio Grande do Sul, áreas de focos de fasciolose. A amostra de Fasciola hepatica utilizada era procedente de ovinos abatidos no município de Camapuã, no Rio Grande do Sul, e foi mantida em coelhos. Os moluscos foram infectados com 6, 8 e 10 miracídos por molusco, sendo estudadas as incidências de infecção e de mortalidade. Nas condições que se realizou o trabalho diante dos resultados obtidos, foram tiradas as seguintes conclusões: 1. A mortalidade dos caramujos parece não estar diretamente relacionada com a percentagem de infecção; 2. As amostras de Lymnaea (pseudosuccinea columella de Minas Gerais, do Rio de Janeiro e do Rio Grande do Sul mostraram-se identicamente susceptíveis à infecção por Fasciola hepatica; 3. A população humana e os rebanhos bovino, ovino e suíno de Minas Gerais, particularmente aqueles do Vale do Rio Paraíba, podem ser considerados sujeitos à infecção por Fasciola hepatica.

  10. Metagenomic Sequence of Prokaryotic Microbiota from an Intermediate-Salinity Pond of a Saltern in Isla Cristina, Spain


    Fernández, Ana B.; León, María José; Vera, Blanca; Sánchez-Porro, Cristina; Ventosa, Antonio


    Marine salterns are artificial multipond systems designed for the commercial production of salt by evaporation of seawater. We report here the metagenomic sequence of the prokaryotic microbiota of a pond with intermediate salinity (21% total salts) of a saltern located in Isla Cristina, Huelva, southwest Spain.

  11. Metagenomic sequence of prokaryotic microbiota from an intermediate-salinity pond of a saltern in isla cristina, Spain. (United States)

    Fernández, Ana B; León, María José; Vera, Blanca; Sánchez-Porro, Cristina; Ventosa, Antonio


    Marine salterns are artificial multipond systems designed for the commercial production of salt by evaporation of seawater. We report here the metagenomic sequence of the prokaryotic microbiota of a pond with intermediate salinity (21% total salts) of a saltern located in Isla Cristina, Huelva, southwest Spain.

  12. Comparative strategies and success of sympatric and allopatric Fasciola hepatica infecting Galba truncatula of different susceptibilities. (United States)

    Sanabria, R; Mouzet, R; Courtioux, B; Vignoles, P; Rondelaud, D; Dreyfuss, G; Cabaret, J; Romero, J


    Allopatric infections of French Galba truncatula with an Argentinean isolate of Fasciola hepatica were carried out to determine the infectivity of foreign miracidia in three snail populations differing by their susceptibility to French miracidia (two highly and one poorly susceptible populations). Sympatric infections of G. truncatula with French miracidia were used as controls. Compared to sympatric infections of G. truncatula, snail survival at day 30 post-infection in allopatric groups was significantly lower in a highly susceptible population and significantly greater in the other two. Prevalence in snails infected with the allopatric isolate was significantly lower (16.4-34.5 % instead of 58.6-72.1 %), whereas their patent period was significantly longer (a mean of 69.9-85.9 days instead of 6.4-20.7 days). The mean number of metacercariae was also higher in allopatric groups (236.5-897.3 per cercariae-shedding snail instead of 70.7-222.1). Owing to longer patent periods, the Argentinean isolate of F. hepatica was less pathogenic for these snails. The lower prevalence of infection, the longer patent period and the higher number of metacercariae noted in allopatric groups might be the consequence of an adaptive mechanism used by this digenean introduced to the New World to infect new populations of unusual intermediate hosts.

  13. Índice de reflectancia solar de revestimientos verticales: potencial para la mitigación de la isla de calor urbana

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    Noelia Liliana Alchapar

    Full Text Available La condición artificial del medio urbano modifica el consumo de energía y el confort térmico. El incremento de las temperaturas de una ciudad en relación a las áreas periféricas conduce a la formación de una Isla de Calor Urbana. Es por ello, que trabajar sobre las propiedades termofísicas de los materiales (techos, pavimentos y fachadas es una estrategia de mitigación viable para disminuir las temperaturas de una ciudad. El objetivo principal de éste trabajo es estudiar la capacidad de 80 revestimientos para fachadas disponibles regionalmente para mitigar los efectos negativos de la Isla deCalor Urbana, mediante la determinación del Índice de Reflectancia Solar (SRI. El material que posee el comportamiento más eficiente es el Acrílico Rulato Travertino fino marfil (SRI = 100%, Temp. Sup.= 35 ºC, mientras el más ineficiente es el Acrílico Llaneado fino gris plomo (SRI = 29%, Temp. Sup.= 74 ºC. No obstante existen alternativas intermedias que resultan del efecto combinado de la composición del material, su color y textura. Esta situación demuestra que es posible mitigar el efecto de isla de calor a partir de una adecuada selección de revestimientos verticales.

  14. Ciencia y economía del guano: La Isla Mona en Puerto Rico, siglo XIX

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    María Teresa Cortés Zavala


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se hace una breve historia de la isla de Mona desde los ámbitos de la geología y la arqueología para dimensionar el espacio, los actores sociales involucrados y las distintas actividades efectuadas en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX para aprovechar sus recursos naturales. La participación de autoridades de gobierno, científicos, empresarios y trabajadores tuvo un claro propósito: diversificar las actividades productivas en respuesta a la debilidad del modelo económico y a las crisis cíclicas que se vivían por los altibajos en los precios del azúcar y el café en el mercado internacional. La experiencia exitosa del Perú con la explotación y comercialización del guano en los mercados europeos generó en Puerto Rico múltiples leyendas sobre el potencial económico de las islas de Mona y Monito, que en el mejor de los casos permanecería en el imaginario colectivo como una utopía en la búsqueda del desarrollo económico.

  15. NOAA ESRI Geotiff - 3m Backscatter Mosaic, Puerto Rico (Isla de Vieques) - UTM 20N NAD83 (NCEI Accession 0131852) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This image represents a 3 meter resolution backscatter mosaic of selected portions of seafloor around Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico. NOAA's NOS/NCCOS/CCFHR, in...

  16. Presencia y abundancia de aves que se reproducen en islas de la bahía de Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México

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    Alberto Piña-Ortiz


    Full Text Available Registramos la presencia y abundancia de aves, así como el hábitat y temporalidad de la reproducción de especies en las islas Pájaros, Venados, Lobos, Hermano Norte y Hermano Sur, ubicadas en la bahía de Mazatlán. Realizamos siete recorridos entre noviembre de 2014 y mayo de 2015; además contábamos con información colectada en mayo de 2004. Observamos un total de 59 especies de aves, de las cuales 15 fueron reproductoras: Dendrocygna autumnalis (pijije ala blanca, Phaethon aethereus (rabijunco pico rojo, Sula leucogaster (bobo café, Pelecanus occidentalis (pelícano café, Ardea herodias (garza morena, Ardea alba (garza blanca, Egretta thula (garza pie dorado, Bubulcus ibis (garza ganadera, Nycticorax nycticorax (pedrete corona negra, Nyctanassa violacea (pedrete corona clara, Eudocimus albus (ibis blanco, Coragyps atratus (zopilote común, Haematopus palliatus (ostrero americano, Larus heermanni (gaviota ploma y Falco peregrinus (halcón peregrino. Para P. aethereus y S. leucogaster no había reportes previos de reproducción en estas islas; además, confirmamos la anidación de L. hermanni. La isla Pájaros fue la que albergó el mayor número de especies reproductoras (10 especies. Pelecanus occidentalis fue la especie más abundante con un total de 1 559 individuos, seguido de Fregata magnificens (fragata magnífica y Sula nebouxii (bobo pata azul con 1 526 y 1 100 individuos, respectivamente; aunque para estas dos últimas especies no hubo registros de reproducción. Las islas se encuentran bajo protección, pero se requiere realizar monitoreos para establecer el estado y tendencias de las poblaciones de aves, así como los efectos de las perturbaciones por actividades humanas y por las especies introducidas.

  17. Aves marinas de las costas e islas colombianas

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    Dugand Armando


    Full Text Available La lista de aves marinas que presento en este artículo se refiere en su mayor parte a especies que varios autores (véase Obras citadas han señalado en las costas e islas marítimas de Colombia o en las aguas extraterritoriales del Mar Caribe y del Océano Pacífico inmediatamente próximas a este país. Los ejemplares examinados que menciono fuera de tales referencias pertenecen casi todos a la colección ornitológica del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales y se señalan con las siglas ICN. Unos pocos son del museo de historia natural del Colegio Biffi, en Barranquilla, a cuyo custodio, el Hermano Hildeberto María, doy las gracias por haberme permitido examinarlos. Los que señalo con las palabras Exped. Askoy, seguidas de un numero (de la serie del American Museum of Natural History, forman parte de una interesante colección que nos envió en 1942 el doctor Robert Cushman Murphy, actual Director del Departamento de Aves del American Museum of Natural History, Nueva York. Estos fueron obtenidos por la expedición oceanográfica que, bajo la dirección del doctor Murphy, realizaron en la goleta "Askoy" varios miembros de aquel museo, acompañados por el Comandante Eduardo Fallon, de la Marina Colombiana, en aguas del Pacifico desde Panamá hasta el Ecuador. La Expedición de la "Askoy", que duró de febrero a mayo de 1941, exploró varias bahías y ensenadas en el litoral del Chocó y del Departamento del Valle, así como las islas de Gorgona y Gorgonilla al norte de la costa de Nariño, y el peñón inhabitado de Malpelo, posesión oceánica colombiana situada a unos 500 kilómetros al occidente de Buenaventura, en la latitud de 3° 59' 07" N. y la longitud de 81° 34' 27" W. de Greenwich, según posición determinada por Murphy (1936, I, p. 319, fig. 49 .

  18. Wave power for La Isla Bonita

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iglesias, G.; Carballo, R. [Univ. of Santiago de Compostela, Hydraulic Eng., EPS, Campus Univ. s/n, 27002 Lugo (Spain)


    The island of La Palma (Spain), dubbed La Isla Bonita for its beauty, is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in the Atlantic Ocean. The island's authorities are aiming for energy self-sufficiency based on wave energy and other renewables. In this research its wave resource is investigated using a 44-years hindcast dataset obtained through numerical modelling and validated with wave buoy records. First, its distribution around La Palma is studied. Significant variations are found, with the largest resource occurring off the north and northwest coasts; the northwest presents operational advantages (proximity to a port). Second, the seasonal variations in this area are studied. Wave energy is provided essentially by powerful NNW-NW swells in winter and autumn, by less energetic NNE-N waves in summer and spring. Finally, the resource is characterised in terms of sea states; it is found that the bulk of the energy is provided by waves between 9.5 s and 13.5 s of energy period and 1.5 m and 3.5 m of significant wave height, so the selection of the Wave Energy Converters to be installed should guarantee maximum efficiency in these ranges. (author)

  19. Fasciola Hepatica Mimicking Malignancy on 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography

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    Erdem Sürücü


    Full Text Available A 48-year-old female with complaints of gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, fatigue, vomiting, nausea, and weight loss was diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumor after removal of a 2 mm lesion from the stomach with endoscopic biopsy. Her magnetic resonance imaging that was performed due to on-going symptoms showed multiple linear hypointense lesions in the liver. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT scan was performed for differential diagnosis, which showed high fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG uptake in these lesions. Clinical and laboratory findings revealed the final diagnosis as Fasciola hepatica. The imaging features of this case is presented to aid in differentiating this infectious disease from malignancy and avoid misdiagnosis on FDG-PET/CT.

  20. Fasciola Hepatica Mimicking Malignancy on 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (United States)

    Sürücü, Erdem; Demir, Yusuf; Dülger, Ahmet C.; Batur, Abdüssamed; Ölmez, Şehmus; Kitapçı, Mehmet T.


    A 48-year-old female with complaints of gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, fatigue, vomiting, nausea, and weight loss was diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumor after removal of a 2 mm lesion from the stomach with endoscopic biopsy. Her magnetic resonance imaging that was performed due to on-going symptoms showed multiple linear hypointense lesions in the liver. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scan was performed for differential diagnosis, which showed high fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake in these lesions. Clinical and laboratory findings revealed the final diagnosis as Fasciola hepatica. The imaging features of this case is presented to aid in differentiating this infectious disease from malignancy and avoid misdiagnosis on FDG-PET/CT. PMID:27751978

  1. Algunos coleópteros (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Promecheilidae) de islas Diego Ramírez (56º 32S; 68º 43W), Región de Magallanes


    Elgueta, Mario; Flores, Gustavo Ernesto; Roig Junent, Fidel Alejandro


    En la presente contribución se entrega información sobre la identificación y antecedentes por primera vez de tres especies de coleópteros de las islas Diego Ramírez. Hasta el momento se reconoció la presencia de insectos en estas islas solo a nivel de familias o géneros. Se presenta un comentario zoogeográfico. Fil: Elgueta, Mario. Area Entomología, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural; Chile; Fil: Flores, Gustavo Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico T...

  2. NOAA ESRI Geotiff - 3m Multibeam Bathymetry, Puerto Rico (Isla de Vieques) - UTM 20N NAD83 (NCEI Accession 0131852) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains an ESRI Geotiff with 3 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of a selected portion of seafloor south of Isla de Vieques in Puerto Rico,...

  3. Ocurrence of the sea anemone Telmatactis panamensis (Verrill, 1869 (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria at Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica

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    Fabián H. Acuña


    Full Text Available The sea anemone fauna of Isla del Coco National Park (also known as Cocos Island Nacional Park, Pacific Costa Rica is poorly known. In the present work we report the first occurrence of the species Telmatactis panamensis. Individuals of this sea anemone (n=24 were collected at Chatham Bay intertidal and at 15m depth in Punta Ulloa, in both cases attached to rocks; during the expedition UCR-UNA-COCO-I in April 2010. We provide photographs of live individuals, external anatomy and an inventory of cnidae of the studied specimens. Possibly this species is extended to greater depth as observed by other authors in the Galápagos Islands.La fauna de anémonas de mar es prácticamente desconocida para el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco (Costa Rica. En el presente trabajo se reporta por primera vez la presencia de la especie Telmatactis panamensis. Individuos de esta anémona de mar fueron colectados en el intermareal de Bahía Chatham y a 15m de profundidad en Punta Ulloa, en ambos casos adheridas a rocas; durante la expedición UCR-UNA-COCO-I en Abril de 2010. Se proveen fotografías de ejemplares vivos, datos de su anatomía externa y un inventario del cnidae de los especímenes estudiados. Posiblemente esta especie se extienda a mayor profundidad, tal como fue observado por otros autores para ejemplares de las Islas Galápagos.

  4. Isla de Pascua: visualización de la acción del turismo


    Alba Roque, Ana Pilar


    Para la mayoría de los territorios insulares el turismo representa la principal actividad económica en términos de generación de ingresos y creación de empleo. Pero debido a su pequeño tamaño y sus condiciones de aislamiento, las islas son bastante vulnerables a impactos ambientales y sociales negativos que el turismo puede conllevar. Por ello, es vital planificar y gestionar el desarrollo del turismo con el fin de alcanzar objetivos de sostenibilidad. Son precisamente lo...

  5. Sistema Faro, Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico: speleogenesis of the worlds largest flank margin cave; Sistema Faro, Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico: espeleogenesis de la cueva del tipo flank margin mas grande del mundo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lace, M. J.; Kambesis, P. N.; Mylroie, J. E.


    Isla de Mona, a small, uplifted carbonate plateau jutting out of the waters of the Mona Passage, is an incredibly fragile and densely karstic environment. Expedition work was conducted by the Isla de Mona Project in cooperation with the Departamento Recursos Naturales y Ambientales de Puerto Rico (DRNA), including contributions from many researchers and cavers volunteering from across the U.S and Puerto Rico in the course of 12 separate expeditions, spanning a 14 year period (1998 to 2013). Over 200 caves have been documented on the island to date, the majority of this inventory is composed of flank margin caves but also includes sea caves, pit caves and talus caves. The most extensive example of cave development on the island is Sistema Faro - a sprawling maze-like series of chambers formed within the eastern point of the island with over 40 cliffside entrances overlooking the Caribbean Sea. Detailed cartography and analysis of the geomorphology and development of the Sistema Faro has helped form a complex model of carbonate island cave development as a function of tectonic uplift, lithology, sea level changes, karst hydrogeology and cliff retreat. This communication examines the roles these controls have played in the genesis of the world's largest flank margin cave. (Author)

  6. NOAA ESRI Geotiff - 10m Bathymetry around Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico, Project NF-07-06, 2007, UTM 19 NAD 83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains an ESRI Geotiff with 10 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Isla De Mona in Puerto Rico,...

  7. En el mar de la literatura : Un análisis de las funciones de la intertextualidad en La Isla de la Pasión de Laura Restrepo


    Ekström, Sandra


    En este trabajo investigamos las funciones de la intertextualidad en la novela La Isla de la Pasión de Laura Restrepo. Concentrándonos en citas y alusiones que refieren a Don Quijote de Cervantes, Robinson Crusoe de Defoe y la Biblia, y tomando en cuenta el contexto en el que aparecen, analizamos las funciones que estas referencias intertextuales cumplen en el nivel del relato en la novela de Restrepo. Constatamos que la intertextualidad entre La Isla de la Pasión y Don Quijote aparece como u...

  8. Sistema Faro, Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico: speleogenesis of the worlds largest flank margin cave

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lace, M. J.; Kambesis, P. N.; Mylroie, J. E.


    Isla de Mona, a small, uplifted carbonate plateau jutting out of the waters of the Mona Passage, is an incredibly fragile and densely karstic environment. Expedition work was conducted by the Isla de Mona Project in cooperation with the Departamento Recursos Naturales y Ambientales de Puerto Rico (DRNA), including contributions from many researchers and cavers volunteering from across the U.S and Puerto Rico in the course of 12 separate expeditions, spanning a 14 year period (1998 to 2013). Over 200 caves have been documented on the island to date, the majority of this inventory is composed of flank margin caves but also includes sea caves, pit caves and talus caves. The most extensive example of cave development on the island is Sistema Faro - a sprawling maze-like series of chambers formed within the eastern point of the island with over 40 cliffside entrances overlooking the Caribbean Sea. Detailed cartography and analysis of the geomorphology and development of the Sistema Faro has helped form a complex model of carbonate island cave development as a function of tectonic uplift, lithology, sea level changes, karst hydrogeology and cliff retreat. This communication examines the roles these controls have played in the genesis of the world's largest flank margin cave. (Author)

  9. NOAA ESRI Grid - 9m Multibeam Bathymetry, Puerto Rico (Isla de Mona) - Project NF-08-04, UTM 19N NAD83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains an ESRI Grid with 9 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Isla de Mona in Puerto Rico, derived...

  10. NOAA ESRI Grid - 6m Multibeam Bathymetry, Puerto Rico (Isla de Mona) - Project NF-08-04, , UTM 19N NAD83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains an ESRI Grid with 6 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Isla de Mona in Puerto Rico, derived...

  11. NOAA ESRI Grid - 3m Bathymetry around Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico, Project NF-07-06, 2007, UTM 19 NAD 83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains an ESRI Grid with 3 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Isla De Mona in Puerto Rico, derived...

  12. NOAA ESRI Grid - 3m Multibeam Bathymetry, Puerto Rico (Isla de Mona) - Project NF-08-04, , UTM 19N NAD83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains an ESRI Grid with 3 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Isla de Mona in Puerto Rico, derived...

  13. NOAA TIFF Image - 2 m Backscatter Mosaic of Isla de Mona, PR, Project NF-07-06, 2007, UTM 19 NAD83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This image represents a 2 meter resolution backscatter mosaic of the southern coast of Isla de Mona, collected using a Kongsberg EM 1002 (95 kHz) multibeam...

  14. NOAA ESRI Geotiff - 5m Bathymetry around Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico, Project NF-07-06, 2007, UTM 19 NAD 83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains an ESRI Geotiff with 5 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Isla De Mona in Puerto Rico, derived...

  15. NOAA ESRI Geotiff - 3m Bathymetry around Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico, Project NF-07-06, 2007, UTM 19 NAD 83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains an ESRI Geotiff with 3 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Isla De Mona in Puerto Rico, derived...

  16. NOAA ESRI Grid - 5m Bathymetry around Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico, Project NF-07-06, 2007, UTM 19 NAD 83 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This dataset contains an ESRI Grid with 5 meter cell size representing the bathymetry of selected portions of seafloor around Isla De Mona in Puerto Rico, derived...

  17. Descripción morfoagronómica de materiales de plátano (Musa AAB, ABB y banano (Musa AAA cultivados en San Andrés Isla

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    Oscar Javier Parra Pachón


    Full Text Available Durante el primer semestre de 2005 se estudiaron los cultivares de plátano y banano en fincas y parcelas de 15 agricultores típicos participantes en programas conjuntos de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Pesca de San Andrés Isla y de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Caribe. A partir de descriptores de INIBAP, IPGRI y CIRAD y revisiones bibliográ describen morfológicamente los materiales de Musa cultivados en la Isla, así como las prácticas de los productores isleños, Se identificaron cuatro clones del subgrupo plátano (Musa AAB: un Hartón (‘Horse’ y tres Dominico-Hartón (‘Tallo Negro’, ‘Tallo Blanco’ y ‘Cincuenta’ del subgrupo ABB se hallaron un material de Bluggoe (‘Boscó’ y un Felipita. El subgrupo banano AAA presentó dos materiales Gros Michel (denominados Común y Chino y uno de banano (Rojo. El plátano tiene gran importancia para los agricultores de la Isla, siendo el Boscó el clon más aceptado entre consumidores por su adaptación a las condiciones edafológicas y climáticas. El banano es menos cultivado; ya que los suelos, el clima y las enfermedades como sigatoka negra, condicionaron el desarrollo de clones. El trabajo sugiere prácticas de fácil implementación que podrían aumentar la producción en los sistemas de huerto mixto tropical que predominan en la Isla.

  18. Descripción morfoagronómica de materiales de plátano (Musa AAB, ABB y banano (Musa AAA cultivados en San Andrés Isla

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    Parra Pachón Oscar Javier


    Full Text Available Durante el primer semestre de 2005 se estudiaron los cultivares de plátano y banano en fincas y parcelas de 15 agricultores típicos participantes en programas conjuntos de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Pesca de San Andrés Isla y de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Caribe. A partir de descriptores de INIBAP, IPGRI y CIRAD y revisiones bibliográ describen morfológicamente los materiales de Musa cultivados en la Isla, así como las prácticas de los productores isleños, Se identificaron cuatro clones del subgrupo plátano (Musa AAB: un Hartón (‘Horse’ y tres Dominico-Hartón (‘Tallo Negro’, ‘Tallo Blanco’ y ‘Cincuenta’ del subgrupo ABB se hallaron un material de Bluggoe (‘Boscó’ y un Felipita. El subgrupo banano AAA presentó dos materiales Gros Michel (denominados Común y Chino y uno de banano (Rojo. El plátano tiene gran importancia para los agricultores de la Isla, siendo el Boscó el clon más aceptado entre consumidores por su adaptación a las condiciones edafológicas y climáticas. El banano es menos cultivado; ya que los suelos, el clima y las enfermedades como sigatoka negra, condicionaron el desarrollo de clones. El trabajo sugiere prácticas de fácil implementación que podrían aumentar la producción en los sistemas de huerto mixto tropical que predominan en la Isla.

  19. Bibliografía sobre investigaciones marinas, oceanográficas, geológicas y atmosféricas en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco y aguas adyacentes, Pacífico de Costa Rica

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    Jorge Cortés


    Full Text Available Isla del Coco, Pacífico de Costa Rica, ha sido visitada y se ha escrito sobre ella desde el Siglo XVI. Desde finales del Siglo XIX muchas expediciones han desarrollado investigaciones en el Isla. Aquí compilo las publicaciones sobre biología y geología marina, oceanografía física y química, ciencias atmosféricas y algunos temas sociales. Una lista de 599 artículos y capítulos, 41 libros, Suplementos, tesis, informes y un sitio de internet es incluida, y diez libros históricos donde se describen organismos y ambientes marinos de la Isla del Coco. La mayoría de las publicaciones (425 o 66.4% son sobre biodiversidad marina (descripciones, listas y distribuciones de especies. De los grupos que más publicaciones hay son de los gasterópodos (81 trabajos, decápodos (67 y peces óseos (66. No hay publicaciones de varios grupos de animales que han sido observados en Isla del Coco, por ejemplo, gusanos planos de vida libre, parásitos o nemertinos, entre otros. Temas con muchas publicaciones son: biogeografía con 65, ecología (61 y geología (48; los ecosistemas más estudiados son los arrecifes coralinos con 14 trabajos. Se necesitan más publicaciones en muchos tópicos, tales como el impacto sobre la flora y fauna del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco de la pesca ilegal y el cambio climático.

  20. Fascioliasis in relatives of patients with Fasciola hepatica infection in Peru Fasciolosis en familiares de pacientes con infección por Fasciola hepatica en el Perú

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    Luis Marcos


    Full Text Available High prevalence rates of human fascioliasis have been described in several regions of Peru. We surveyed 20 families in an endemic area of Peru in order to determine the proportion of infection with F. hepatica in relatives of diagnosed subjects and in order to identify associated risk factors. The study included feces and blood samples of 93 subjects. Ages ranged from one to 53 (mean = 18.6; SD = 14.2. The overall prevalence of fascioliasis by fecal examinations was 33.3% (n = 83 and by serology, 51.9% (n = 86. The prevalence in age group I ( 19 years old 15.4% and 37.5%. The main associated risk factor with fascioliasis was eating salads (OR = 3.29, CI = 1.2 - 9.0, p = 0.02. In conclusion, human fascioliasis is highly prevalent in the relatives of index cases and the most significant risk factor of acquiring fascioliasis in the family is eating salads in endemic areas.Altas tasas de fasciolosis humana han sido descritas en varias regiones del Perú. Estudiamos 20 familias en una área endémica del Perú para determinar la proporción de infección con F. hepatica en los familiares de los sujetos diagnosticados y para identificar factores de riesgo asociados. El estudio incluyó un total de 93 sujetos, quienes contribuyeron con muestras de heces y sangre. Las edades comprendieron desde 1 a 53 años (media = 18.6; DS = 14.2. La prevalencia general de fasciolosis por exámenes de heces fue 33.3% (n = 83 y por serología, 51.9% (n = 86. La prevalencia en el grupo de edad I ( 19 años de edad 15.4% y 37.5%. El principal factor de riesgo asociado con fasciolosis fue comer ensaladas (OR = 3.29, IC = 1.2-9.0, p = 0.02. En conclusión, la fasciolosis humana es altamente prevalente en familiares de los casos índices y el factor de riesgo más significante para adquirirla en la familia es comer ensaladas en las áreas endémicas.

  1. Immunoexpression of intermediate filaments and morphological changes in the liver and bile duct of rats infected with Fasciola hepatica. (United States)

    Kolodziejczyk, L; Laszczyńska, M; Masiuk, M; Grabowska, M; Skrzydlewska, E


    We investigated the immunoexpression of the intermediate filament proteins, cytokeratin and desmin, and the morphological changes in the liver of rats during experimental fasciolosis at 4, 7 and 10 weeks post-infection. Rats were infected with 30 Fasciola hepatica metacercariae. Paraffin sections of the liver were stained using H & E, PAS and azan stains. Immunohistochemical reactions were performed using antibodies against cytokeratin and desmin. The experimental F. hepatica infection led to fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver, and to inflammation of the common bile ducts. The expression of cytokeratin was increased in the epithelial cells of both the liver bile ductules at 4, 7 and 10 weeks post-infection and in the common bile ducts at 7 and 10 weeks post-infection compared to uninfected rats; expression in the common bile ducts was more intense. The myofibroblasts of the liver and smooth myocytes of the interlobular bile ducts and common bile ducts, showed a slight increase in desmin expression compared to the uninfected rats. The increased expression of cytokeratins in the hyperplastic rat common bile duct epithelium during the biliary phase of fasciolosis at 7 and 10 weeks post-infection may be explained by mechanical irritation by the parasite and an inflammatory reaction in the bile duct epithelium and in periductal fibrous tissue.

  2. Un nuevo mamífero introducido en la Tierra del Fuego: el "peludo" Chaetophractus villosus (Mammalia, Dasypodidae en Isla Grande A new introduced mammal in Tierra del Fuego: the "large hairy armadillo" Chaetophractus villosus (Mammalia, Dasypodidae in the Isla Grande island

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    Full Text Available El 66 % de la mastofauna de la Tierra del Fuego está compuesta por especies introducidas deliberadamente por cuestiones de índole económica, estética y caza deportiva. Entre ellas, el armadillo Chaetophractus villosus conocido vulgarmente como "peludo", que habita desde el Chaco de Bolivia y Paraguay hasta el sur de la provincia de Santa Cruz en Argentina, ha sido introducida en la Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego hace unos 20 años. Las cuevas y hoyos son las evidencias indirectas más conspicuas de la actividad de esta especie y son utilizados en este trabajo para determinar la distribución y estimar la abundancia relativa de la población de armadillos en el sector argentino de la Isla Grande. Se clasificó a las cuevas en "cortas" para refugio temporario y/o forrajeo y "largas", de uso como madriguera o semipermanente. Chaetophractus villosus es una especie establecida en la isla donde ocupa un área de unos 484 km² y su distribución se encuentra asociada a la red de tuberías soterradas para extracción y transporte de hidrocarburos, debido a las modificaciones físicas que esta actividad causa en el suelo. Aunque la población es aún pequeña, se considera que dada la distribución alcanzada por C. villosus a partir de la introducción de pocos individuos y teniendo en cuenta las condiciones climáticas de la región, es posible que no sea el clima un factor determinante en la distribución de esta especie sino las barreras geográficas como el Estrecho de Magallanes al sur y el Río de La Plata hacia el esteSixty-six percent of the mammal fauna of Tierra del Fuego consists of introduced species with economical or sport hunting importance. The large hairy armadillo, Chaetophractus villosus, is distributed from the Chaco of Bolivia and Paraguay to the South of Santa Cruz province in Argentina and was introduced to Isla Grande about 20 years ago. Since the holes and subterranean excavations are the most conspicuous indications of

  3. Diversidad y mecanismos de dispersión de árboles de la Isla Gorgona y de los bosques húmedos tropicales del Pacífico colombo-ecuatoriano

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    Yockteng Roxana


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se hizo una comparación entre la flora de la isla Gorgona (Colombia y la de los bosques del Chocó biogeográfico (Colombia y Ecuador. Para esta comparación se utilizaron curvas de acumulación de especies e índices de riqueza y diversidad, tanto publicadas por diferentes autores o generadas a partir de los inventarios florísticos originales. La riqueza del bosque de la isla Gorgona calculada a partir de curvas especie-área y del índice de diversidad de Shannon fue inferior a la de varios bosques colombianos y ecuatorianos en las tierras bajas del continente. Adicionalmente, el índice de equitabilidad de Shannon en cinco bosques del Pacífico colombo-ecuatoriano fue mayor que el de la isla Gorgona, lo cual sugiere que en los bosques continentales las especies están representados por un número similar de individuos. La ornitocoria fue el mecanismo de dispersión más importante en la isla Gorgona (49.7%, en forma similar a lo encontrado para las islas Galápagos en Ecuador (60 % y para la isla biogeográfica del bosque nublado de la Serranía de la Macuira, Guajira, en el norte de Colombia (51 %. En contraste, la dispersión por mamíferos fue el mecanismo más importante para las especies de árboles del bosque continental de Cabo Corrientes, de Bajo Calima (Colombia y los Tuxtlas (México. A pesar de que los bosques de la Isla Gorgona, no son especialmente ricos en especies, cumplen una importante función protectora de los ecosistemas de coral que rodean la isla. Una reducción de la cobertura boscosa tendría como consecuencia un aumento de las tasa de erosión y avalanchas que afectarían gravemente los ecosistemas marinos, en particular los arrecifes de coral.The flora of the continental Island of Gorgona (Colombia and that of the forests on the Chocó biogeographical region of Colombia and Ecuador were compared with species-area curves and species diversity indexes, either previously published or calculated using

  4. The Extracellular Vesicles of the Helminth Pathogen, Fasciola hepatica: Biogenesis Pathways and Cargo Molecules Involved in Parasite Pathogenesis* (United States)

    Cwiklinski, Krystyna; de la Torre-Escudero, Eduardo; Trelis, Maria; Bernal, Dolores; Dufresne, Philippe J.; Brennan, Gerard P.; O'Neill, Sandra; Tort, Jose; Paterson, Steve; Marcilla, Antonio; Dalton, John P.; Robinson, Mark W.


    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) released by parasites have important roles in establishing and maintaining infection. Analysis of the soluble and vesicular secretions of adult Fasciola hepatica has established a definitive characterization of the total secretome of this zoonotic parasite. Fasciola secretes at least two subpopulations of EVs that differ according to size, cargo molecules and site of release from the parasite. The larger EVs are released from the specialized cells that line the parasite gastrodermus and contain the zymogen of the 37 kDa cathepsin L peptidase that performs a digestive function. The smaller exosome-like vesicle population originate from multivesicular bodies within the tegumental syncytium and carry many previously described immunomodulatory molecules that could be delivered into host cells. By integrating our proteomics data with recently available transcriptomic data sets we have detailed the pathways involved with EV biogenesis in F. hepatica and propose that the small exosome biogenesis occurs via ESCRT-dependent MVB formation in the tegumental syncytium before being shed from the apical plasma membrane. Furthermore, we found that the molecular “machinery” required for EV biogenesis is constitutively expressed across the intramammalian development stages of the parasite. By contrast, the cargo molecules packaged within the EVs are developmentally regulated, most likely to facilitate the parasites migration through host tissue and to counteract host immune attack. PMID:26486420

  5. Comparação de kits ELISA® comerciais para anticorpos no soro e leite com um teste coproparasitológico em bovinos naturalmente infectados por Fasciola hepatica Comparison of comercial® ELISA kits for antibodies in serum and milk with a fecal test in cattle naturally infected with Fasciola hepatica

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    Cíntia das C. Bernardo


    Full Text Available A fasciolose é uma enfermidade causada por um trematoda que acomete o fígado principalmente de ruminantes domésticos, podendo parasitar o homem e seu diagnóstico é realizado rotineiramente por exames coproparasitológicos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar kits comerciais de ELISA para anticorpos no soro e leite com um teste coproprarasitológico em bovinos naturalmente infectados por Fasciola hepatica. Foram coletadas amostras de fezes (92 sangue (92 e leite (43 de bovinos provenientes de propriedades de gado leiteiro do município de Jerônimo Monteiro, sul do Estado do Espírito Santo. As amostras de fezes coletadas foram processadas pela técnica de sedimentação fecal para ovos de F. hepatica, utilizada como padrão ouro para as análises. Amostras de sangue e de leite foram processadas segundo a orientação do fabricante dos respectivos Kits ELISA comerciais testados. Utilizou-se o c² de McNemar para comparação estatística e calcularam-se a sensibilidade e especificidade, valores preditivos e kappa. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as frequências de positividade pelo uso dos kits ELISA comerciais de soro e de leite diferiram significativamente (pThe fascioliasis is a disease caused by a trematode that affects the liver mainly of domestic ruminants and can also parasite man; its diagnosis is routinely done by coprological methods. The aim of this study was to compare commercial ELISA kits for antibodies in serum and milk with a coprological test in cattle naturally infected by Fasciola hepatica. We collected fecal, blood and milk samples from cattle in the municipality of Jerônimo Monteiro, southern Espírito Santo state. The fecal samples were processed by the fecal egg sedimentation for F. hepatica, which is used as a gold standard for analyzis. Blood (92 and milk (43 samples were processed according to the manufacturer instructions of the respective commercial ELISA kits tested. We used the McNemar chi-square for

  6. Ordenamiento de la minería de materiales de construcción en las Islas de Providencia y Santa Catalina, Colombia

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    Hernández Almanza Primitivo


    Full Text Available El objeto de este trabajo radica en brindar soluciones a la problemática de abastecimiento de materiales de construcción (grava, gravilla, arenas en las islas de Providencia y Santa Catalina. Para ello, exploró soluciones de plan de cierres de minas abandonadas antitécnicamente y analizó alternativas de abastecimiento con el modelo de impacto-aptitud del territorio. Consideró como alternativas de ordenamiento minero-ambiental, la importación de materiales de construcción a la extracción ordenada en la misma isla de Providencia. Valoró cuatro zonas y, con la participación de los actores involucrados, variables físicas, antrópicas; considerando matrices de impacto-aptitud, propuso una zona para el desarrollo minero sostenible para abastecer parte de la demanda de dichos materiales en el Archipiélago.

  7. Molecular detection of Fasciola hepatica in water sources of District Nowshehra Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan (United States)

    Khan, Imran; Khan, Amir Muhammad; Ayaz, Khan, Sanaullah; Anees, Muhammad; Khan, Shaukat Ali


    Fascioliasis is spread through contamination of water sources and cause morbidity throughout the world. In the current study 300 water samples were processed by PCR for detection of Fasciola hepatica. The overall prevalence in different water sources was 9.66 % (29/300). Highest prevalence was recorded in drain water16 % (16/100) followed by tube well water 10% (4/40), open well water 8 % (8/100) and the lowest was recorded in tap water 1.66 %(1/60). The significant difference P < 0.05 was recorded during data analysis. The highest prevalence was recorded in summer. It was concluded from the study that cleaning and filtration should be adopted to avoid the health hazards against water borne zoonotic parasites.

  8. Elasmobranchs observed in deepwaters (45-330m at Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica (Eastern Tropical Pacific

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    Jorge Cortés


    Full Text Available Isla del Coco is an oceanic island 500km off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. It is a National Park and its marine fauna has been relatively well protected. The island is famous for its elasmobranch (sharks, rays and skates sightings in shallow waters. Here we present a catalogue of the deepwater elasmobranchs observed with the DeepSee submersible. Five species of sharks, six species of skates and one ray have been observed between 45 and 330m depth. Triaenodon obesus, the white tip reef shark, was commonly observed between 80 and 301m, but only in the afternoons. Sphyrna lewini, the scalloped hammerhead shark, was observed as deep a 303m, but commonly between 45 and 90m, and close to the island. Odontaspis ferox, the smalltooth sand tiger shark, was observed between 82 and 316m. Echinorhinus cookei, the prickly shark, was observed between 91 and 320m. Rhincodon typus, the whale shark, was observed only close to the island, between 77 and 80m. Taeniura meyeni, the marbled ray, was observed only close to the island, between 45 and 90m. A Dasyatis sp., similar to the the diamond stingray, was observed only once close to the island at 60m; this is the first report of this genus at Isla del Coco National Park. Manta birostris, the giant manta, was only observed close to the island at 90m. Mobula tarapacana, the sicklefin devil ray, was observed between 60 and 326m, extending its maximum depth almost 10 times what has been reported. Aetobatus narinari, the spotted eagle ray, was observed only close to the island between 60 and 82m. Torpedo peruana, the Peruvian torpedo ray, was observed only once at 313m, and is the first record of this species from Isla del Coco National Park.

  9. Fasciola hepatica: effect of the natural light level on cercarial emergence from temperature-challenged Galba truncatula

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    Vignoles Philippe


    Full Text Available As abrupt changes in water temperature (thermal shock triggered a significantly greater cercarial emergence of Fasciola hepatica from experimentally infected Galba truncatula, laboratory investigations were carried out to study the influence of light on cercarial emergence in snails subjected to a thermal shock every week (a mean of 12 °C for 3 h during the patent period. Thermal shock for these temperature-challenged (TC snails was carried out outdoors under artificial or natural light, or indoors under constant artificial light. Compared with the infected control snails always reared indoors at 20 °C, the number of cercariae in TC snails subjected to a thermal shock and natural light outdoors was significantly greater. The repetition of this experiment by subjecting TC snails to the same thermal shock indoors under an artificial light level ranging from 600 to 3000 lux did not show any significant difference among the numbers of cercariae in the different subgroups. A detailed analysis of the results noted in the TC snails subjected to natural light during the thermal shock demonstrated that the number of cercariae-releasing snails was significantly higher between 601 and 1200 lux and for the highest nebulosity values (7–8 octas, which corresponds to a sufficiently or completely overcast sky. Contrary to the intensity of artificial light, which did not influence cercarial emergence, the natural light level had a significant effect on this process when F. hepatica-infected snails were subjected to a regular thermal shock during the patent period.

  10. Development and evaluation of a single-step duplex PCR for simultaneous detection of Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica (family Fasciolidae, class Trematoda, phylum Platyhelminthes). (United States)

    Le, Thanh Hoa; Nguyen, Khue Thi; Nguyen, Nga Thi Bich; Doan, Huong Thi Thanh; Le, Xuyen Thi Kim; Hoang, Chau Thi Minh; De, Nguyen Van


    A single-step multiplex PCR (here referred to as a duplex PCR) has been developed for simultaneous detection and diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. These species overlap in distribution in many countries of North and East Africa and Central and Southeast Asia and are similar in egg morphology, making identification from fecal samples difficult. Based on a comparative alignment of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) spanning the region of cox1-trnT-rrnL, two species-specific forward primers were designed, FHF (for F. hepatica) and FGF (for F. gigantica), and a single reverse primer, FHGR (common for both species). Conventional PCR followed by sequencing was applied using species-specific primer pairs to verify the specificity of primers and the identity of Fasciola DNA templates. Duplex PCR (using three primers) was used for testing with the DNA extracted from adult worms, miracidia, and eggs, producing amplicons of 1,031 bp for F. hepatica and 615 bp for F. gigantica. The duplex PCR failed to amplify from DNA of other common liver and intestinal trematodes, including two opisthorchiids, three heterophyids, an echinostomid, another fasciolid, and a taeniid cestode. The sensitivity assay showed that the duplex PCR limit of detection for each Fasciola species was between 0.012 ng and 0.006 ng DNA. Evaluation using DNA templates from 32 Fasciola samples (28 adults and 4 eggs) and from 25 field-collected stools of ruminants and humans revealed specific bands of the correct size and the presence of Fasciola species. This novel mtDNA duplex PCR is a sensitive and fast tool for accurate identification of Fasciola species in areas of distributional and zonal overlap.

  11. Development and Evaluation of a Single-Step Duplex PCR for Simultaneous Detection of Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica (Family Fasciolidae, Class Trematoda, Phylum Platyhelminthes) (United States)

    Nguyen, Khue Thi; Nguyen, Nga Thi Bich; Doan, Huong Thi Thanh; Le, Xuyen Thi Kim; Hoang, Chau Thi Minh; De, Nguyen Van


    A single-step multiplex PCR (here referred to as a duplex PCR) has been developed for simultaneous detection and diagnosis of Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. These species overlap in distribution in many countries of North and East Africa and Central and Southeast Asia and are similar in egg morphology, making identification from fecal samples difficult. Based on a comparative alignment of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) spanning the region of cox1-trnT-rrnL, two species-specific forward primers were designed, FHF (for F. hepatica) and FGF (for F. gigantica), and a single reverse primer, FHGR (common for both species). Conventional PCR followed by sequencing was applied using species-specific primer pairs to verify the specificity of primers and the identity of Fasciola DNA templates. Duplex PCR (using three primers) was used for testing with the DNA extracted from adult worms, miracidia, and eggs, producing amplicons of 1,031 bp for F. hepatica and 615 bp for F. gigantica. The duplex PCR failed to amplify from DNA of other common liver and intestinal trematodes, including two opisthorchiids, three heterophyids, an echinostomid, another fasciolid, and a taeniid cestode. The sensitivity assay showed that the duplex PCR limit of detection for each Fasciola species was between 0.012 ng and 0.006 ng DNA. Evaluation using DNA templates from 32 Fasciola samples (28 adults and 4 eggs) and from 25 field-collected stools of ruminants and humans revealed specific bands of the correct size and the presence of Fasciola species. This novel mtDNA duplex PCR is a sensitive and fast tool for accurate identification of Fasciola species in areas of distributional and zonal overlap. PMID:22692744

  12. Isla de frío de los parques urbanos: una aproximación desde el estudio de la influencia climática de los parques urbanos en Barcelona


    García Haro, Alan


    Màster universitari en Estudis Avançats en Arquitectura: Gestió i Valoració Urbana i Arquitectònica El efecto de isla de calor urbana es generado por la estructura de las ciudades y la alta concentración de actividades antropogénicas. No obstante, los parques urbanos, por su abundante vegetación y superficie permeable, presentan temperaturas menores que el resto de espacios y generan la llamada isla de frío. Por lo que su promoción puede mitigar las afectaciones relacionadas con el increme...

  13. Epidemiological studies on Fasciola hepatica in Gafsa oases (South West of Tunisia

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    Hammami H.


    Full Text Available Epidemiological investigations on Fasciola hepatica fasciolasis were carried out from July 2004 to June 2005 in the Gafsa oases (Tunisia after the detection of a human case. Three habitats were studied: one in El Gsar and two in Ain Soltan. The prevalence of human infection was 6.6 %. The presence of the parasite was detected through serology in 14.3 % of cattle, 35 % of sheep and 68.4 % of goats. The plants Apium nodiflorum, Oxalis cernua and Sonchus maritimus were suspected to be at the origin of animal contamination and Apium nodiflorum was incriminated in human infection. The prevalence of the infection of the intermediate host Galba truncatula (G. truncatula was 19.2 % from July 2004 to June 2005. Gafsa oases constitute a new location for the development of fasciolasis in the southern west of Tunisia.

  14. Were natural forms of treatment for fasciola hepatica available to the Etruscans?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harrison, Adrian Paul; Turfa, Jean M.


    , that can be used to heal, to cure or to prevent infection and disease. Some tantalizing hints of herbal folk-medicine may be discerned in the rare remnants of literary and archaeological evidence for the Etruscan culture, a distinctive group who dominated central Italy through the first half of the first......In the very distant past, European and Mediterranean peoples must have shared an extensive collection of folk experiences as to how certain plants were to be used as medicines. Plants comprise active secondary metabolites such as essential oils, alkaloids, bitters, flavonoids, tanins and glycosides....... This paper investigates documentation for the plants known to the Etruscans, focusing particularly on those natural forms of treatment that would have been efficaceous in terms of Fasciola hepatica (Liver fluke) infection. Interestingly, some of the plants in the putative ancient Etruscan herbal remain...

  15. Network Analysis of the Systemic Response to Fasciola hepatica Infection in Sheep Reveals Changes in Fibrosis, Apoptosis, Toll-Like Receptors 3/4, and B Cell Function (United States)

    Fu, Yan; Browne, John A.; Killick, Kate; Mulcahy, Grace


    The Trematode Fasciola hepatica is an important cause of disease in livestock and in man. Modulation of immunity is a critical strategy used by this parasite to facilitate its long-term survival in the host. Understanding the underlying mechanisms at a system level is important for the development of novel control strategies, such as vaccination, as well as for increasing general understanding of helminth-mediated immunoregulation and its consequences. Our previous RNA sequencing work identified a large number of differentially expressed genes (DEG) from ovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) at acute and chronic stages of F. hepatica infection, and yielded important information on host–parasite interaction, with particular reference to the immune response. To extend our understanding of the immunoregulatory effects of this parasite, we employed InnateDB to further analyze the DEG dataset and identified 2,458 and 224 molecular interactions in the context of innate immunity from the acute and chronic stages of infection, respectively. Notably, 458 interactions at the acute stage of infection were manually curated from studies involving PBMC-related cell-types, which guaranteed confident hypothesis generation. NetworkAnalyst was subsequently used to construct and visualize molecular networks. Two complementary strategies (function-first and connection-first) were conducted to interpret the networks. The function-first approach highlighted subnetworks implicated in regulation of Toll-like receptor 3/4 signaling in both acute and chronic infections. The connection-first approach highlighted regulation of intrinsic apoptosis and B-cell receptor-signaling during acute and chronic infections, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first system level analysis of the regulation of host innate immunity during F. hepatica infection. It provides insights into the profound changes induced by F. hepatica infection that not only favors parasite

  16. Diversidad y mecanismos de dispersión de árboles de la Isla Gorgona y de los bosques húmedos tropicales del Pacífico colombo-ecuatoriano


    Yockteng Roxana; Jaime Cavelier


    En este trabajo se hizo una comparación entre la flora de la isla Gorgona (Colombia) y la de los bosques del Chocó biogeográfico (Colombia y Ecuador). Para esta comparación se utilizaron curvas de acumulación de especies e índices de riqueza y diversidad, tanto publicadas por diferentes autores o generadas a partir de los inventarios florísticos originales. La riqueza del bosque de la isla Gorgona calculada a partir de curvas especie-área y del índice de diversidad de Shannon fue inferior a l...

  17. Los escorpiones (chelicerata) de colombia. i. la fauna de la isla gorgona. aproximación biogeográfica


    Lourenco, Wilson R.; Flores, Eduardo


    Este artículo es el resultado del estudio de los escorpiones de la Isla Gorgona, Colombia. Se encontraron dos especies pertenecientes a la familia Buthidae: Tityus asthenes Pocock, 1893, ya conocida para la ciencia, y Ananteris Gorgona,. una especie nueva que se describe aquí. Se adicionan también algunos comentarios biogeográficos.

  18. Ecology and morphology of the flowers of Hepatica nobilis Schreb. (Ranunculaceae

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    Beata Żuraw


    Full Text Available The study was conducted in the years 2009-2010 in the UMCS Botanical Garden in Lublin. The observations involved the flowering time and the seasonal and diurnal dynamics of flowering and pollen production in flowers of the liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis Schreb. from the family Ranunculaceae. The liverleaf begins blooming in early March and the full bloom occurs at the end of March and beginning of April. All-day observations demonstrated that the flowers opened between 8 am and 3 pm, and pollen was released from the anthers between 10 am and 4 pm. The mean weight of pollen produced by 10 liverleaf flowers was estimated at 7.4 mg (1.85 mg/100 stamens. An impact of the weather on the flowering period as well as the seasonal and diurnal dynamics of flowering was observed. Among insect pollinators, the honeybee dominated with a density of 4 individuals per 1m² of a flowerbed that contained 74 open flowers on average.

  19. Vertical deformation through a complete seismic cycle at Isla Santa María, Chile (United States)

    Wesson, Robert L.; Melnick, Daniel; Cisternas, Marco; Moreno, Marcos; Ely, Lisa


    Individual great earthquakes are posited to release the elastic strain energy that has accumulated over centuries by the gradual movement of tectonic plates1, 2. However, knowledge of plate deformation during a complete seismic cycle—two successive great earthquakes and the intervening interseismic period—remains incomplete3. A complete seismic cycle began in south-central Chile in 1835 with an earthquake of about magnitude 8.5 (refs 4, 5) and ended in 2010 with a magnitude 8.8 earthquake6. During the first earthquake, an uplift of Isla Santa María by 2.4 to 3 m was documented4, 5. In the second earthquake, the island was uplifted7 by 1.8 m. Here we use nautical surveys made in 1804, after the earthquake in 1835 and in 1886, together with modern echo sounder surveys and GPS measurements made immediately before and after the 2010 earthquake, to quantify vertical deformation through the complete seismic cycle. We find that in the period between the two earthquakes, Isla Santa María subsided by about 1.4 m. We simulate the patterns of vertical deformation with a finite-element model and find that they agree broadly with predictions from elastic rebound theory2. However, comparison with geomorphic and geologic records of millennial coastline emergence8, 9 reveal that 10–20% of the vertical uplift could be permanent.

  20. Approach to the hydrodinamics of Los Vasquez lagoon (Isla Baril - Colombian Caribbean by tanatocenosis of foramifera and bentonic ostracoda

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    Carmen Parada Ruffinatti


    Full Text Available Based on the study of the faunistic composition of tanatocenosis contained in superficial sediments as well as their origin, the currents affecting Los Vasquez lagoon, Isla Baru, (Colombian Caribbean were deduced. The influence of the Caribbean current, the Panama countercurrent, the litoral drift and the local tidal currents is determined.

  1. Rediscovery of an endemic vertebrate from the remote Islas Revillagigedo in the eastern Pacific Ocean: the Clarión nightsnake lost and found.

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    Daniel G Mulcahy

    Full Text Available Vertebrates are currently going extinct at an alarming rate, largely because of habitat loss, global warming, infectious diseases, and human introductions. Island ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to invasive species and other ecological disturbances. Properly documenting historic and current species distributions is critical for quantifying extinction events. Museum specimens, field notes, and other archived materials from historical expeditions are essential for documenting recent changes in biodiversity. The Islas Revillagigedo are a remote group of four islands, 700-1100 km off the western coast of mainland México. The islands are home to many endemic plants and animals recognized at the specific- and subspecific-levels, several of which are currently threatened or have already gone extinct. Here, we recount the initial discovery of an endemic snake Hypsiglena ochrorhyncha unaocularus Tanner on Isla Clarión, the later dismissal of its existence, its absence from decades of field surveys, our recent rediscovery, and recognition of it as a distinct species. We collected two novel complete mitochondrial (mt DNA genomes and up to 2800 base-pairs of mtDNA from several other individuals, aligned these with previously published mt-genome data from samples throughout the range of Hypsiglena, and conducted phylogenetic analyses to infer the biogeographic origin and taxonomic status of this population. We found the Isla Clarión population to be most closely related to populations in the Sonora-Sinaloa state border area of mainland México and Isla Santa Catalina, in the Gulf of California. Based on genetics, morphology, and geographic distributions, we also recognize these two other lineages as distinct species. Our study shows the importance of museum specimens, field notes, and careful surveys to accurately document biodiversity and brings these island endemics (Clarión and Santa Catalina nightsnakes and mainland population near the Sonora

  2. Moluscos marinos de la Isla de Gorgona (Costa del Pacífico colombiano)


    Cosel, R.v.


    Se listan 319 especies de moluscos marinos ya recolectados por varias personas y expediciones científicas en la Isla Gorgona (Litoral Pacífico de Colombia, provincia zoogeográfica panameña). 209 especies (65.5%) se encuentran desde México hasta el Ecuador o Perú, 21 especies (6.6%) desde Centroamérica hasta el Ecuador o Perú y 4 especies (1.3%) desde Gorgona (límite norte) hasta el Ecuador o Perú. Para 42 especies (13.2%), Gorgona forma el límite sur de distribución, otras 14 e...

  3. Escolecita de aglomerados basálticos del complejo basal de Fuerteventura (Islas Canarias)


    La Iglesia, Á.; Fernández Santín, Soledad; Hernández-Pacheco, A.


    Se caracteriza por análisis químico, microscopía óptica, difracción de Rayos X, análisis térmico diferencial, termogravimetría y espectroscopía de infrarrojos, una zeolita fibrosa perteneciente a la formación volcánica aglomerática del Complejo Basal de la isla de Fuerteventura. Los datos analíticos obtenidos confirman la identidad de esta zeolita fibrosa como escolecita. El análisis químico del mineral pone de manifiesto un elevado contenido en sodio, superior a los que aparecen en la biblio...

  4. Condiciones sedimentológicas de la laguna la restinga, isla de margarita, venezuela


    C, Julio; Salazar, L; A, Jesús; C, Rosas; C, Julio; Rodríguez, R


    Resumen La laguna La Restinga, en el sureste del Mar Caribe, es una laguna costera que comprende pequeñas lagunas rodeadas de manglares, conformando el sistema lagunar más importante de la Isla de Margarita. Se comunica con el mar, al sur, a través de una boca de 800m de largo, 80-100m de ancho y profundidad promedio de 6m. Está separada del mar, al norte, por un istmo o restinga de 23,5km, y sus drenajes naturales se evidencian solamente en la época de lluvia. Se estudiaron algunos aspectos ...



    Puertas, Mario Munoz


    En esta tesis analizo La isla de la pasión de Laura Restrepo cimentando mi cuadro argumentativo, esencialmente, en conceptos teóricos de narratología (Gérard Genette), de historiografía (Hayden White) y de la Teoría Decolonial (Enrique Dussel, Walter Mignolo y Aníbal Quijano). El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar si la novela La isla de la pasión (1989), de Laura Restrepo, corresponde a una utopía novelada o una historia ficcional perteneciente a la modernidad, colonialismo y ...

  6. Insights into the relationships of Palearctic and Nearctic lymnaeids (Mollusca : Gastropoda by rDNA ITS-2 sequencing and phylogeny of stagnicoline intermediate host species of Fasciola hepatica

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    Bargues M.D.


    Full Text Available Fascioliasis by Fasciola hepatica is the vector-borne disease presenting the widest latitudinal, longitudinal and altitudinal distribution known. F. hepatica shows a great adaptation power to new environmental conditions which is the consequence of its own capacities together with the adaptation and colonization abilities of its specific vector hosts, freshwater snails of the family Lymnaeidae. Several lymnaeid species only considered as secondary contributors to the liver fluke transmission have, however, played a very important role in the geographic expansion of this disease. Many of them belong to the so-called "stagnicoline" type group. Stagnicolines have, therefore, a very important applied interest in the Holarctic region, to which they are geographically restricted. The present knowledge on the genetics of stagnicolines and on their parasite-host interrelationships is, however, far from being sufficient. The present paper analyses the relationships between Palaearctic and Nearctic stagnicoline species on the base of the new light furnished by the results obtained in nuclear rDNA ITS-2 sequencing and corresponding phylogenetic studies of the lymnaeid taxa Lymnaea (Stagnicola occulta, L. (S. palustris palustris (topotype specimens and L.(S. p. turricula from Europe. Natural infections with F. hepatica have been reported in all of them. Surprisingly, ITS-2 length and G C content of L. occulta were similar and perfectly fitted within the respective ranges known in North American stagnicolines. Nucleotide differences and genetic distances were higher between L. occulta and the other European stagnicolines than between L. occulta and the North American ones. The ITS-2 sequence of L. p. turricula from Poland differed from the other genotypes known from turricula in Europe. The phylogenetic trees using the maximum-parsimony, distance and maximum-likelihood methods confirmed (i the inclusion of L. occulta in the branch of North American

  7. Use of recent geoid models to estimate mean dynamic topography and geostrophic currents in South Atlantic and Brazil Malvinas confluence

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    Alexandre Bernardino Lopes


    Full Text Available The use of geoid models to estimate the Mean Dynamic Topography was stimulated with the launching of the GRACE satellite system, since its models present unprecedented precision and space-time resolution. In the present study, besides the DNSC08 mean sea level model, the following geoid models were used with the objective of computing the MDTs: EGM96, EIGEN-5C and EGM2008. In the method adopted, geostrophic currents for the South Atlantic were computed based on the MDTs. In this study it was found that the degree and order of the geoid models affect the determination of TDM and currents directly. The presence of noise in the MDT requires the use of efficient filtering techniques, such as the filter based on Singular Spectrum Analysis, which presents significant advantages in relation to conventional filters. Geostrophic currents resulting from geoid models were compared with the HYCOM hydrodynamic numerical model. In conclusion, results show that MDTs and respective geostrophic currents calculated with EIGEN-5C and EGM2008 models are similar to the results of the numerical model, especially regarding the main large scale features such as boundary currents and the retroflection at the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence.A utilização de modelos geoidais na determinação da Topografia Dinâmica Média foi impulsionada com o lançamento dos satélites do sistema GRACE, já que seus modelos apresentam precisão e resolução espacial e temporal sem precedentes. No presente trabalho, além do modelo de nível médio do mar DNSC08, foram utilizados os seguintes modelos geoidais com o objetivo de calcular as TDMs: EGM96, EIGEN-5C e EGM2008. No método adotado, foram calculadas as respectivas correntes geostróficas para o Atlântico Sul a partir das TDMs. O grau e ordem dos modelos geoidais influenciam diretamente na determinação da TDM e correntes. Neste trabalho verificou-se que presença de ruídos da TDM requer a utilização de técnicas de filtragem


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    Luz de Lourdes Aurora Coronado Alvarez


    Full Text Available Se analizaron in situ y en el laboratorio, variables físicas y químicas informativas de la calidad de agua subterránea de 14 pozos ubicados en el área de mayor uso de agua dulce de la isla Cozumel, Quintana Roo, México durante un ciclo anual (noviembre 2007 a octubre 2008. Se contrastaron los valores obtenidos con la normatividad nacional e internacional de calidad de agua para uso potable; contribuyendo con información que por un lado permitió determinar áreas con mejor calidad de agua y por otro, evaluar el comportamiento de las variables a escala temporal. Con una prueba de Kruskal-Wallis (p

  9. Protection against Schistosoma mansoni infection using a Fasciola hepatica-derived fatty acid binding protein from different delivery systems. (United States)

    Vicente, Belén; López-Abán, Julio; Rojas-Caraballo, Jose; del Olmo, Esther; Fernández-Soto, Pedro; Muro, Antonio


    Schistosomiasis is a water-borne disease afflicting over 261 million people in many areas of the developing countries with high morbidity and mortality. The control relies mainly on treatment with praziquantel. Fatty acid binding proteins (FABP) have demonstrated high levels of immune-protection against trematode infections. This study reports the immunoprotection induced by cross-reacting Fasciola hepatica FABP, native (nFh12) and recombinantly expressed using two different expression systems Escherichia coli (rFh15) and baculovirus (rFh15b) against Schistosoma mansoni infection. BALB/c mice were vaccinated with native nFh12 or recombinant rFh15 and rFh15 FABP from F. hepatica formulated in adjuvant adaptation (ADAD) system with natural or chemical synthesised immunomodulators (PAL and AA0029) and then challenged with 150 cercariae of S. mansoni. Parasite burden, hepatic lesions and antibody response were studied in vaccination trials. Furthermore differences between rFh15 and rFh15b immunological responses (cytokine production, splenocyte population and antibody levels) were studied. Vaccination with nFh12 induced significant reductions in worm burden (83%), eggs in tissues (82-92%) and hepatic lesions (85%) compared to infected controls using PAL. Vaccination with rFh15 showed lower total worm burden (56-64%), eggs in the liver (21-61%), eggs in the gut (30-77%) and hepatic damage (67-69%) using PAL and AA0029 as immunomodulators. In contrast, mice vaccinated with rFh15b showed only reductions in eggs trapped in the liver and intestine (53 and 60%, respectively), and hepatic lesions (45%). We observed a significant rise in TNFα, IL-6, IL-2, IL-4 and high antibody response (IgG, IgG1, IgG2a, IgM and IgE) in mice immunised with either rFh15 or rFh15b. Moreover, mice immunised with rFh15b showed an increase in IFNγ and a decrease in B220 cells compared to untreated mice, and less production of IgG1 and IgM than in mice immunised by rFh15. Higher level of

  10. A growing degree-day model for determination of Fasciola hepatica infection risk in New Zealand with future predictions using climate change models. (United States)

    Haydock, L A J; Pomroy, W E; Stevenson, M A; Lawrence, K E


    Infections of ruminants with Fasciola hepatica are considered to be of regional importance within New Zealand but there is very little recent information on its prevalence or severity other than anecdotal reports. Generally they are considered to be of secondary importance compared to gastrointestinal nematode infections. Utilizing data from Virtual Climate Stations (n=11491) distributed on a 5km grid around New Zealand a growing degree-day model was used to describe the risk of infection with liver fluke from 1972 to 2012 and then to apply the predictions to estimate the risk of fluke infections within New Zealand for the years 2040 and 2090. The growing degree-day model was validated against the most recent survey of infection within New Zealand in 1984. A strong positive linear relationship for 1984 between F. hepatica prevalence in lambs and infection risk (prisk values from 14 regions in New Zealand for 1972-2012 did not show any discernible change in risk of infection over this time period (p>0.05). Post-hoc comparisons indicate the risk in Westland was found to be substantially higher (prisk in 2040 and 2090 were detected although they did vary between different climate change scenarios. The highest average percentage changes in infection risk were found in regions with low initial risk values such as Canterbury and Otago; in these regions 2090 infection risk is expected to rise by an average of 186% and 184%, respectively. Despite the already high levels of infection risk in Westland, values are expected to rise by a further 76% by 2090. The model does show some areas with little change with Taranaki predicted to experience only very minor increases in infection risk with average 2040 and 2090 predicted changes of 0% and 29%, respectively. Overall, these results suggest the significance of F. hepatica in New Zealand farming systems is probably underestimated and that this risk will generally increase with global warming following climate change. Copyright

  11. Genome Sizes in Hepatica Mill: (Ranunculaceae Show a Loss of DNA, Not a Gain, in Polyploids

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    B. J. M. Zonneveld


    , and a possible pentaploid. The somatic nuclear DNA contents (2C-value, as measured by flow cytometry with propidium iodide, were shown to range from 33 to 80 pg. The Asiatic and American species, often considered subspecies of H. nobilis, could be clearly distinguished from European H. nobilis. DNA content confirmed the close relationships in the Asiatic species, and these are here considered as subspecies of H. asiatica. Parents for the allotetraploid species could be suggested based on their nuclear DNA content. Contrary to the increase in genome size suggested earlier for Hepatica, a significant (6%–14% loss of nuclear DNA in the natural allopolyploids was found.

  12. Islas de calor urbano en Tampico, México. Impacto del microclima a la calidad del hábitat

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    Carlos Alberto Fuentes Pérez


    Full Text Available De todas las modificaciones climáticas por causa urbana, las térmicas son las más conocidas por los propios ciudadanos. La acción transformadora del espacio natural sobre el que se realiza el emplazamiento de la ciudad, llega a ser productora en gran medida de sus condiciones ambientales, incluida la climatología urbana. Todo proceso de urbanización sustituye los suelos y áreas naturales por superficies construidas, cuyos materiales se caracterizan por una baja reflectividad, con disminución de la capacidad de absorción de agua y un comportamiento térmico propicio para el almacenamiento y la emisión de calor. Estos elementos coadyuvan a realzar la temperatura atmosférica de la ciudad en relación con su entorno menos urbanizado a través de un fenómeno conocido como efecto de islas de calor urbano, produciendo un impacto del microclima a la calidad del hábitat. La presente investigación experimental aplicada tiene como objetivo, demostrar la metodología de investigación adoptada, para realizar las islas de calor urbanas en Tampico, México.

  13. Determinantes de la demanda de turismo vacacional en las Islas Canarias

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    Santiago Rodríguez Feijoó


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se estima una función de demanda de turismo por motivos vacacionales en el destino turístico de las Islas Canarias. El objetivo del estudio es identificar las características relevantes de dicha función y cuantificar sus efectos, no sólo sobre la cantidad demandada (duración de la estancia, sino también sobre los ingresos brutos generados por el turismo, ya que, tanto desde el punto de vista de las empresas que prestan sus servicios en este sector, como de las instituciones públicas encargadas de su planificación y control, la variable que mide los resultados económicos de la actividad es la variable ingresos, más que la propia cantidad de demanda realizada.

  14. Comentarios sobre Cnemeplatiini Jacquelin du Val, 1861 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae de la península Ibérica e islas Canarias

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    Ferrer, J.


    Full Text Available The taxonomy and geographic distribution of the Iberian and Canary Islands representatives of the tribe Cnemeplatiini, is established, after study of available types. Several errors in recent papers are corrected. Cnemeplatia laticeps (Wollaston, 1857 described from Madeira, is cited as new record for the isla of La Palma, Canary Islands. Cnemeplatia atropos Costa 1847 is a valid species. Cnemeplatia rufa Tournier, 1874 stat. rest. and C. mouchampsi Español 1948 stat. nov. are considered as valid species and not geographical subspecies of Cnemeplatia atropos Costa, 1847, based on morphology. The name Cnemeplatia rufa Tournier, 1874 has priority over C. atropos africana Kaszab, 1938 syn. nov. Figures of discriminatory characters to identify all European and Northwestern African described species are given.

    La composición taxonómica y distribución geográfica de los representantes de la tribu Cnemeplatiini en la Península Ibérica y Canarias, se establece tras el estudio de los tipos disponibles. Se corrigen varios errores de trabajos recientes. Cnemeplatia laticeps (Wollaston, 1857 descrita de Madeira, se cita como nuevo para la isla de La Palma, Islas Canarias. Cnemeplatia atropos Costa, 1847 es tratado como una especie válida. Cnemeplatia rufa Tournier, 1874 stat. rest. y C. mouchampsi Español 1948 stat. nov. son consideradas como especies válidas, no como subespecies geográficas de Cnemeplatia atropos Costa, 1847, en base a su morfología. El nombre Cnemeplatia rufa Tournier, 1874 tiene prioridad sobre C. atropos africana Kaszab, 1938 syn. nov. Se presentan figuras de los caracteres morfológicos discriminatorios para identificar las diferentes especies descritas de Europa y NO de África.

  15. La vegetación como sistema de control para las Islas de Calor Urbano en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

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    Maria Goretti Salas Esparza


    Full Text Available A nivel mundial, el territorio ha experimentado un proceso de urbanización, el cual ha modificado las condiciones físicas y climatológicas como consecuencia de la densificación y construcción de las zonas urbanas, sobre todo a partir de la utilización de materiales que retienen el calor y que propician el fenómeno de isla de calor urbano (ICU, término establecido por Gordon Manley en 1958 (Fernández, 1996. Este trabajo evalúa el impacto que tienen las áreas verdes para actuar como sistema de control de isla de calor sobre Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, durante el verano del 2016. La metodología consistió en analizar cuatro áreas verdes para determinar la diferencia de temperatura que existe entre las zonas arboladas y las no arboladas, registrando temperaturas con sensores Hobo®, cada 15 minutos. Los resultados obtenidos demostraron que existe una diferencia de temperatura de 3,82 °C entre los lugares arbolados y no arbolados en el área verde con mayor nivel de vegetación, mientras que el área verde con menor nivel de vegetación se encontró una diferencia de 0,53 °C. Sin embargo, el impacto que tendrán sobre la zona urbana dependerá de la configuración y características de la misma área verde.   Documeto fianciado bajo el marco Tesis de Maestría en Planificación y Desarrollo Urbano " Áreas verdes como sistema de control para las Islas de Calor Urbano en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua".Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez

  16. Studies on metabolic antigen of F. Hepatica. Part of a coordinated programme on isotopes and radiation in animal parasitology and immunology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cuperlovic, K.


    The final report submitted by Dr. Cuperlovic covers research findings on the immunological mechanisms and responses involved in liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) infections in rabbits and sheep. Series of experiments were carried out to test the immunogenecity of labelled fluke tissue-fractions in rabbits. Hyperimmunization with secretory-excretory antigens gave conflicting results and it was concluded that only a very limited immunity is being conferred. Trials with anti-liver antibodies suggest that even autoimmune processes are involved

  17. Immunological and pathophysiological studies on the infection of animals with liver specific trichocephalid Capillaris hepatica. Part a coordinated programme on isotopes and radiation in animal parasitology and immunology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zahner, H.


    The effect of X-ray radiation on the infection of animal liver with Capillaria hepatica was investigated. A dose of 70 Krd could not prevent an invasion of the liver with the parasite, and no differences in the number of lesions was found to occur between normal and irradiated parasite eggs. With regard to the fertility of the eggs, reproductivity was found to decrease after X-ray irradiation. Studies on cross- and histopathology were performed after infections with normal and irradiated (2 Krd and 5 Krd) eggs. Alterations of serum-enzyme activities were followed and the development of antibodies was demonstrated using an extract of non-embryonated C. hepatica eggs. Immunization experiments ascertained the immunizing capacity of a vaccine (as irradiated embryonated eggs) in comparison to normal infections and to intraperitoneal injections of nonembryonated eggs. The effect was determined with regard to the egg production of sublethal challenge infections and to the mortality after normally lethal challenge infections

  18. NOAA TIFF Image - 2 m Backscatter Mosaic of Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico, Project NF-07-06, 2007, UTM 19 NAD83 (NCEI Accession 0131853) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This image represents a 2 meter resolution backscatter mosaic of the southern coast of Isla de Mona, collected using a Kongsberg EM 1002 (95 kHz) multibeam...

  19. Forecast of promising areas for uranium prospection at the metamorphic Massif of Isla de la Juventud

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gongora, L.E.; Macola, E.; Sanchez, J.; Torres, J.C.; Alaminos, C.; LLanes, A.; Morales, M.


    A mineralization conceptual model for uranium of the metamorphic Massif of Isla de la Juventud was established taking into account the study of the geological and metallogenic characteristic of the territory. The determined indications of mineralization were plotted on the geological map in order to conform a forecasting map and the selection of 22 hypothetical promising areas was carried out. As result of the field words three really promising areas were selected. A group of exploration techniques needed to evaluate the targets areas is presented

  20. Sequence analysis of ribosomal and mitochondrial genes of the giant liver fluke Fascioloides magna (Trematoda: Fasciolidae): intraspecific variation and differentiation from Fasciola hepatica

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kráľová-Hromadová, I.; Špakulová, M.; Horáčková, Eva; Turčeková, Ĺ.; Novobilský, A.; Beck, R.; Koudela, Břetislav; Marinculić, A.; Rajský, D.; Pybus, M.


    Roč. 94, č. 1 (2008), s. 58-67 ISSN 0022-3395 R&D Projects: GA ČR GD524/03/H133; GA AV ČR IAA6022404 Grant - others:Slovak Research and Development Agency(SK) APVV-51-062205 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60220518 Keywords : Fascioloides magna * Fasciola hepatica * ribosomal genes * mitochondrial genes Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 1.165, year: 2008

  1. Lagoon microbialites on Isla Angel de la Guarda and associated peninsular shores, Gulf of California (Mexico) (United States)

    Johnson, Markes E.; Ledesma-Vázquez, Jorge; Backus, David H.; González, Maria R.


    Examples of two closed lagoons with extensive growth of Recent microbialites showing variable surface morphology and internal structure are found on Isla Angel de la Guarda in the Gulf of California. Comparable lagoonal microbialites also occur ashore from Ensenada El Quemado on the adjacent peninsular mainland of Baja California. The perimeters of all three lagoons feature crusted structures indicative of thrombolites with a knobby surface morphology 2 cm to 3 cm in relief and internal clotting without any sign of laminations. Outward from this zone, thrombolitic construction thins to merge with a white calcified crust below which a soft substratum of dark organic material 4 cm to 6 cm in thickness is concealed. The substratum is laminated and heavily mucilaginous, as observed along the edges of extensive shrinkage cracks in the overlying crust. The thrombolitic crust is anchored to the shore, while the thinner crust and associated stromatolitic mats float on the surface of the lagoons. Laboratory cultures of the dark organic material yielded the solitary cyanobacterium Chroococcidiopsis as the predominant taxon interspersed with filamentous forms. In decreasing order of abundance, other morphotypes present include Phormidium, Oscillatoria, Geitlerinema, Chroococus, and probably Spirulina. The larger of the two island lagoons follows an east-west azimuth and covers 0.225 km2, while the smaller lagoon has a roughly north-south axis and covers only 0.023 km2. The salinity of water in the smaller lagoon was measured as148 ppt. Pliocene strata along the edge of the smaller modern lagoon include siltstone bearing calcified platelets suggestive of a microbial origin. Dry lagoons abandoned during the later Quaternary occur inland at higher elevations on the island, but retain no fossils except for sporadic white crusts cemented on cobbles around distinct margins. Raised Quaternary lagoons parallel to the big lagoon on Isla Angel de la Guarda are partly obscured by flood

  2. Rattus norvegicus como indicador de la circulación de Capillaria hepatica y Taenia taeniaeformis en la Plaza Minorista de Medellín, Colombia

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    Biviana Andrea Duque


    Full Text Available Introducción. Rattus norvegicus cumple un papel epidemiológico en el mantenimiento y dispersión de agentes zoonóticos bacterianos, virales y parasitarios de interés en salud pública. La presencia de infección por helmintos en especies Rattus cercanas a poblaciones expuestas en condiciones ambientales propicias, puede convertirse en un factor de riesgo de transmisión. Objetivo. Reportar la frecuencia de infección con Capillaria hepatica y formas larvarias de Taenia taeniaeformis en ratas silvestres (R. norvegicus capturadas en una zona urbana de Medellín. Materiales y métodos. Se capturaron 254 ejemplares de R. norvegicus. Los hígados de 54 ejemplares que presentaron lesión hepática macroscópica durante la necropsia, fueron examinados por histopatología convencional. Resultados. La frecuencia de infección por C. hepatica fue de 20,1 % (51/254. Seis hígados fueron también positivos para larvas de T. taeniaeformis con una frecuencia de 2,4 % (6/254. Los hígados infestados con C. hepatica exhibían parásitos en el estadio adulto o juvenil y huevos ovalados conopérculos bipolares, asociados con hepatitis granulomatosa leve a moderada multifocal y acompañada por infiltrado leucocitario. Se observaron lesiones granulomatosas en resolución y fibrosis residual o calcificada que contenía huevos. Donde se encontraron cisticercos de T. taeniaeformis, el hallazgo más frecuente fueron quistes hepáticos que contenían larvas, y lesiones inflamatorias y fibróticas. Conclusión. Estos resultados indican que helmintos de potencial zoonótico circulan en R. norvegicus de ambientes urbanos. Debe investigarse la verdadera distribución de estos parásitos, para determinar el riesgo potencial que corren las poblaciones animales y humanas expuestas a adquirir este tipo de infecciones.   doi:

  3. Cloud amount/frequency, NITRATE and other data from ISLAS ORCADAS in the SE Atlantic from 1977-01-05 to 1977-02-16 (NODC Accession 8100431) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — WATER DEPTH and Other Data from ISLAS ORCADAS (cruise 12) From SE Atlantic (limit-20 W) from January 5, 1977 to February 16, 1977. The data was collected by...

  4. Isla de calor en Toluca, México

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    Carlos Constantino Morales Méndez


    Full Text Available El clima de la ciudad de Toluca y del mundo ha sido modificado como consecuencia del crecimiento de su población y el aumento de las dimensiones de su distribución territorial. Las variaciones atmosféricas son más acusadas entre los espacios urbanos y rurales a medida que las ciudades son más grandes y su mancha urbana es más extensa,así como de la reducción de la vegetación, el aumento en la calefacción en casas y edificios y por la contaminación del aire. Para identificar los espacios con calor más intenso por la infraestructura urbana, se propone una metodología que consiste en la determinación de los valores de temperatura que se registraron en dos días típicos de invierno y verano, durante el día y la noche,mostrando la distribución de la isla de calor en la zona de estudio, a partir de los datos delas estaciones de la Red Automática de Monitoreo Ambiental (RAMA. Asimismo, se considera el comportamiento y variación de algunas variables atmosféricas como humedad relativa, precipitación y viento, para mostrar su comportamiento relativamente anómalo en la zona urbana.

  5. Levantamiento topográfico y batimetría del Club Náutico de Islas Menores


    Otón Palazón, Juan Pedro


    El presente trabajo está basado en la elaboración de un proyecto final de carrera, siendo el carácter obligatorio para la finalización de estudios de ingeniería técnica de obras públicas. Dicho proyecto consiste en el levantamiento topográfico del club náutico de Islas Menores y alrededores y hacer una batimetría de la dársena del puerto para sacar unas curvas de nivel del mismo. El objetivo del proyecto es el levantamiento topográfico del club náutico con la finalidad de actua...

  6. El cambio climático y sus consecuencias para los ecosistemas costeros de las Islas Baleares


    Duarte, Carlos M.; Tintoré, Joaquín


    El cambio climático es el problema medioambiental más importante del siglo XXI, afectando a todas las actividades humanas, incluídas la provisión de agua y alimento para la humanidad. Este cambio afectará de manera particularmente importante a las áreas insulares, ya que tienen una mayor dependencia de las zonas costeras, las cuales se veran fuertemente afectadas por el cambio climático. Esta dependencia se materializa, en el caso de las Islas Baleares, en una dependencia económica, derivada ...

  7. The effect of laser and X-rays on the invasive capability of the larvae of Fasciola hepatica L

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bielecki, A.


    The material comprised eggs and larvae of F. hepatica and its hosts: intermediate - Galba truncatula (L.) and final (Mus. sp.). The eggs and larvae of F. hepatica were exposed to X-rays hard, 240 KV 20 R/s intensity and L-rays of a laser HE-Ne of low power 0.82 mW, light wave length 632.8 mm. The eggs were exposed at the first day of culture while the miracidia at the first hour of their life, using the doses of 1, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200 R in the case of X-rays and 5, 10, 15 and 30 min in the case of L-rays. In order to express the effect of irradiation on the invasive capability of the miracidia developing inside egg capsules those hatching of the eggs and of the adolescariae, the invasion index was calculated. In the case of miracidia all the doses of X-rays used in the experiment limit the number of adolescariae and adult flukes. The X-rays used at low doses in the case of adolescariae (1 R) increase the intensity of mouse infection with adult flukes, while higher doses (e.g. 1200 R) decrease the infection. The L-rays applied to miracidia cause an inrease in the number of cercariae developing per snail and the intensity of mouse infection also grows. In the case of adolescariae they decrease the intensity of mouse infection. In the flukes developing from larvae (miracidia, adolescariae) exposed to X- and L-rays the lack of eggs in the uterus was observed as well as the decrease of size. 43 refs., 5 figs., 6 tabs. (author)

  8. Turbidity, SOLAR RADIATION - ATMOSPHERIC and other data from ISLAS ORCADAS in the North Atlantic Ocean from 1976-11-03 to 1976-12-18 (NCEI Accession 8100429) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This entry contains bottle cast data, collected by ISLAS ORCADAS SHIP (cruise 11) between November 3, 1976 to December 18, 1976, in the North Atlantic Ocean. This...

  9. Los efectos territoriales de las dinámicas globales en unas islas turísticas mediterráneas: las Baleares

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    Onofre Rullan


    Full Text Available El trabajo repasa la evolución económica y territorial de la islas Baleares a partir de su inserción en la órbita económica de Europa occidental que se da después del final de la II Guerra Mundial. Se analizan los principales procesos de transformación observados en la región en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Entre los procesos analizados se hace especial referencia a las transformaciones territoriales y urbanísticas así como al cambio de signo de los procesos demográficos y a los efectos inducidos sobre el sector inmobiliario. Se concluye que, como consecuencia de todo el proceso, las Islas Baleares han pasado de ser un muy periférico enclave turístico de uso vacacional por parte de la población europea a una extensión residencial de uso mucho más frecuente mucho más frecuente, incrementando así la conexión con la gran megalópolis europea vez más conectada a la gran megalópolis europea.

  10. Ebusus Phoenissa et Poena : la isla de Ibiza en época fenicio-púnica

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    Benjamí Costa


    Full Text Available Los resultados de las investigaciones arqueológicas realizadas en Ibiza en los últimos veinticinco años, permiten concluir que el proceso de colonización de la isla se desarrolló en dos fases claramente diferenciadas: El primer establecimiento semita fue realizado en el siglo vii a.C. por fenicios occidentales y se vincula a la expansión del círculo colonial del Estrecho de Gibraltar. El segundo, supuso el asentamiento en Ibiza de contingentes púnicos de población, desde fines del siglo vi y sobre todo durante el V a.C. Este hecho, junto al desarrollo de la población existente, hizo posible la ocupación de toda la isla que, además de ser un importante puerto comercial, pasa a ser también un centro productor y exportador, a la vez que quedará vinculada al ámbito púnico liderado por Cartago. De esta manera, en la isla se forjará una formación social púnico-ebusitana que, en los siglos siguientes, experimentará un notable desarrollo. Tras la segunda Guerra Púnica, Ibiza quedará bajo dominio romano como ciudad federada, iniciando entonces un largo proceso evolutivo, que la llevará a integrarse plenamente en el Imperio, como municipio latino, en el siglo i d.C.The archaeological research carried out in Ibiza in the last twenty five years allows US to conclude that the process of the island's colonization in Antiquity took place in two clearly different phases: The first semitic settiement was undertaken by western Phoenicians and was related to the expansión of the colonial circle of the Straits of Gibraltar in the 7th century B.C.. The second one, from the end of the 6th century and throughout the 5th century B.C., gave rise to the establishment in Ibiza of new groups of Punic settiers. This fact, together with the growth of the existing population, made possible an important urban development and the occupation of the whole of the island. In this way, Ibiza, besides being a trading port, became also an important producer and

  11. Turbidity, SOLAR RADIATION - ATMOSPHERIC and other data from ISLAS ORCADAS in the North Atlantic Ocean from 1978-04-07 to 1978-05-21 (NCEI Accession 8100428) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This record contains bottle cast data, collected by ISLAS ORCADAS ship (cruise 16) in the North Atlantic Ocean. This data is in CTD-78 format (binary) and included...

  12. El cerdo cimarrón (Sus scrofa, Suidae en la Isla del Coco, Costa Rica: Escarbaduras, alteraciones al suelo y erosión

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    Claudine Sierra


    Full Text Available El cerdo cimarrón (Sus scrofa es uno de los vertebrados exóticos más perjudiciales para las comunidades nativas de los sitios donde ha sido introducido, sobre todo en islas oceánicas. Los cerdos cimarrones habitan la Isla del Coco desde 1793 y su abundancia se estima en 400-500 individuos. Para cuantificar el impacto de los cerdos cimarrones estimé los efectos de la actividad de escarbadura y su influencia sobre la erosión natural en la Isla del Coco. Durante un año recorrí mensualmente 15 km en senderos calculando el área escarbada por transecto y recurrencia en el escarbado. Durante ocho meses comparé tasas de erosión con y sin escarbaderos. Calculé la tasa de escarbadura anual entre un 10 y un 20 % de la superficie total de la Isla del Coco. El área escarbada fue la única variable de las medidas que se correlacionó con la tasa de erosión del suelo. La tasa de erosión sin escarbaderos fue de 23.6 kg/ha/año y con escarbaderos 200.4 kg/ha/año (P Feral pigs (Sus scrofa are of the most damaging exotic vertebrates, specially on oceanic island native communities. Feral pigs inhabit Cocos Island since 1793 and there are around 400-500 individuals. In order to quantify the impacts of the feral pigs at Cocos Island, I calculated the effect of the rooting activity and its influence on the natural erosion. During one year I walked, monthly, 15 km on trails estimating rooted area by transect and rooting recurrence. During eight months I compared erosion rates with and without rootings. I estimated the annual rooting rate between 10 and 20 % of the total island surface. The rooted area was the only measured variable which correlated with the soil erosion rate. The erosion rate without rootings was 23.6 kg/ha/year and with rootings was 200.4 kg/ha/year (P < 0.01. The disturbances provoked by the rootings were not scattered homogeneously through the island. The rootings, together with the natural landslides, dominate the soil disturbance

  13. Densidad y estructura poblacional de Cebus capucinus curtus (Primates: Cebidae y Bradypus variegatus gorgon (Pilosa: Bradypodidae, en Isla Gorgona , Colombia

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    Mario Fernando Garcés-Restrepo


    Full Text Available En Isla Gorgona se registran dos subespecies endémicas de mamíferos arbóreos, el Mono capuchino de pecho blanco (Cebus capucinus curtus y el Perezoso de tres dedos de garganta marrón (Bradypus variegatus gorgon, especies importante para la conservación debido a su carácter endémico y papel ecológico como dispersores de semillas en el PNN Gorgona. En este trabajo se presenta información sobre la ecología poblacional de estas dos subespecies, utilizando el método de muestreo por distancia con transectos lineales para establecer la densidad, además se describió la estructura etaria general de cada población con base en los muestreos y observaciones directas. La densidad de C. capucinus curtus en isla Gorgona fue de 170,6 ind/km² (IC 95%=122,0-238,4 ind/km² mientras que para B. variegatus gorgon fue de 2,6 ind/km² (IC 95%=1,3-4,9 ind/km². El registro de densidad de C. capucinus curtus en isla Gorgona es el más alto para la especie en todo su rango de distribución geográfica, mientras que el de B. variegatus gorgon es el más bajo reportado para la especie. La alta densidad de C. capucinus curtus estaría relacionada con un efecto sinérgico entre la baja depredación natural y la continua disponibilidad de alimento, mientras que la baja densidad de B. variegatus gorgon estaría relacionada con la presión de caza realizada en el pasado, la baja tasa reproductiva de la especie y una pandemia ocurrida en el año 2005. Se recomienda el monitoreo constante de las poblaciones y estudios de salud poblacional para B. variegatus gorgon.

  14. Distribution of shallow water soft and hard bottom seabeds in the Isla del Coco National Park, Pacific Costa Rica

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    Jeffrey A. Sibaja-Cordero


    Full Text Available Geographic Information Systems (GIS applications used in marine habitats are powerful tools for management and monitoring of marine reserves and resources. Here, we present a series of maps of the soft and hard substrates in the shallow waters (>80 m depth of Parque Nacional Isla del Coco (PNIC= Isla del Coco National Park. We use bathymetry data and field data as input for a GIS, GAM, and kriging methods to generate a series of maps that describe the bottom characteristics. Eight types of bottom were found in the PNIC by composition and grain size. The shore of the island and islets consisted of rocky formations (mainly basalts, with coral reefs in the subtidal of some areas. Rhodolith beds had a dispersing distribution. The bottom on the southern and southwestern region is hard substrate, while sediments cover the northern and northeastern zones. Slightly gravelly sand dominated the bays, while gravelly sand (with more coarse grains was frequent offshore. The inner areas of Chatham and Wafer bays have mud and organic matter. The sediments in the area are mostly carbonates, except in Bahía Yglesias where clastic sediments (from the erosion of basalts are presented. The information generated in this study could be a valuable input for future monitoring in the PNIC.

  15. Algas epífitas de Bajo Pepito, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, México

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    L.I Quan-Young


    Full Text Available Epiphytic algae from Bajo Pepito, Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, México. A total of 96 epiphytic algae species were identified from Bajo Pepito, Quintana Roo, México. 60.4% (58 belonged to the Rhodophyta, 19.79% (19 to the Phaeophyta, 16.6% (16 to the Chlorophyta and 3.1% (3 to the Cyanophyta; 49 species (50.5% were found only in one month, while Heterosiphonia crispella was found in all of the sampled months. That species provided the largest contribution to the biomass of epiphytes. During January we registered the greater biommass and richness of epiphytes species, coincidently with high values of host species cover and rainfall. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(2: 317-328. Epub 2006 Jun 01.

  16. Revisión de la distribución de Hyalella Smith, 1874 (Crustacea, Amphipoda) en la Patagonia e islas adyacentes Revision of the distribution of Hyalella Smith, 1874 (Crustacea, Amphipoda) in Patagonia and adjacent islands


    Patricio De los Ríos-Escalante; Andrés Mansilla; Christopher B Anderson


    Se realiza una revisión de las especies de anfípodos del género Hyalella en aguas continentales de la Patagonia, isla Tierra del Fuego, Reserva de la Biosfera de Cabo de Hornos e islas adyacentes (38-54°S). Esta zona austral presenta numerosos tipos de ambientes acuáticos continentales como lagos, humedales y arroyos, y las principales especies en ambientes bentónicos corresponden a anfípodos del género Hyalella. La bibliografía menciona la presencia de H. costera, H. chiloensis, H. falklande...

  17. Variation of snail's abundance in two water bodies harboring strains of Pseudosuccinea columella resistant and susceptible to Fasciola hepatica miracidial infection, in Pinar del Río Province, Cuba

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    Alfredo Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available The abundance of freshwater snails in two rural sites of Pinar del Río, Cuba, which harbor Pseudosuccinea columella susceptible and resistant to miracidia of Fasciola hepatica was followed for one year. Susceptible snails were found in the most anthropic site (IPA whereas the resistant population inhabited the most preserved one (El Azufre. Only two snail species coexisted with P. columella at IPA site (Physa cubensis and Tarebia granifera while five species were found at El Azufre, including an endemic from that province (Hemisinus cubanianus. Populations of both resistant and susceptible snails showed stable densities throughout the year, although the susceptible strain attained higher abundance. The highest densities were observed in April-May 2004 for the susceptible population whereas the resistant strain attained its highest abundance in January 2004. No record of Fossaria cubensis was made and the thiarid T. granifera occurred only at low densities. One of the sampled sites (IPA meets all the conditions for the first report of P. columella naturally infected with larvae of F. hepatica.

  18. Variation of snail's abundance in two water bodies harboring strains of Pseudosuccinea columella resistant and susceptible to Fasciola hepatica miracidial infection, in Pinar del Río Province, Cuba. (United States)

    Gutiérrez, Alfredo; Hernandez, Dagmar F; Sánchez, Jorge


    The abundance of freshwater snails in two rural sites of Pinar del Río, Cuba, which harbor Pseudosuccinea columella susceptible and resistant to miracidia of Fasciola hepatica was followed for one year. Susceptible snails were found in the most anthropic site (IPA) whereas the resistant population inhabited the most preserved one (El Azufre). Only two snail species coexisted with P. columella at IPA site (Physa cubensis and Tarebia granifera) while five species were found at El Azufre, including an endemic from that province (Hemisinus cubanianus). Populations of both resistant and susceptible snails showed stable densities throughout the year, although the susceptible strain attained higher abundance. The highest densities were observed in April-May 2004 for the susceptible population whereas the resistant strain attained its highest abundance in January 2004. No record of Fossaria cubensis was made and the thiarid T. granifera occurred only at low densities. One of the sampled sites (IPA) meets all the conditions for the first report of P. columella naturally infected with larvae of F. hepatica.

  19. Diccionario histórico-toponímico de la Isla del Coco, Costa Rica

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    Ronald Eduardo Díaz Bolaños


    Full Text Available Se recolectaron de distintas fuentes documentales los nombres de setenta y seis topónimos correspondientes a los principales accidentes topográficos del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica. Estos se pueden agrupar en cuatro grupos principales, como son aquellos pertenecientes a las visitas de navegantes británicos, la vida republicana en Costa Rica y aquellos de la flora y fauna, tanto terrestre como marina. La metodología empleada ha permitido identificar setenta y uno de estos topónimos. Conceptualmente, el dinamismo del abordaje metodológico y la divulgación de sus resultados sugieren tener implícito un proceso de retroalimentación.

  20. Farm specific transmission patterns of Fasciola hepatica in Danish dairy cattle based on different diagnostic methods and monitoring of grazing management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Takeuchi-Storm, Nao; Denwood, Matthew; Petersen, Heidi Huus

    levels in bulk tank milk were selected. From each farm a cohort of 40 animals from different age groups (calves, heifers, primiparous and multiparous cows) were sampled 7 times between April 2015 and January 2017. Diagnostic methods included faecal egg count by sedimentation, serum ELISA and coproantigen...... ELISA. Additionally, monthly bulk tank milk samples were analyzed by ELISA. The analyses are ongoing, but preliminary results indicate that F. hepatica is mainly transmitted via summer infection of snails as most animals seroconvert in late autumn without shedding of eggs. However, infection early...


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    Carolina González Morales

    Full Text Available La fasciolosis bovina es una zoonosis causada por Fasciola hepatica, parásito que se adquiere al consumir agua o vegetales contaminados con el digeneo. Esta enfermedad ocasiona pérdidas económicas importantes en las regiones lecheras de Antioquia. En este trabajo, y con el objetivo de remover los huevos del parásito presentes en el agua, se diseñaron y construyeron dos filtros empleando como lecho filtrante arena industrial (T.E entre 0,45 y 0,55 mm, con los cuales se evaluó un sistema de filtración rápida operado a velocidades de 5 y 8 m/h (altura del lecho 60 cm y un sistema de filtración lenta a una velocidad de 1,46 m/h (alturas del lecho 30 y 40 cm. Se determinó la variación del caudal y la turbiedad del efluente durante la carrera de filtración y la eficiencia de remoción de los huevos del parásito. Los filtros operando bajo las características descritas, fueron 100% eficientes para remover los huevos de F. hepatica presentes en el agua. Los porcentajes de remoción de turbiedad fueron del 85,5 y 79,4% para filtros trabajando a velocidades de 5 m/h y 8 m/h, respectivamente. Los ensayos realizados para ambas alturas del lecho filtrante (30 y 40 cm operando con la velocidad de 1,46 m/h, mostraron una remoción promedio de turbiedad del 80,4 y 76,6%, respectivamente.

  2. Nuevos registros de peces criptobentónicos en hábitats arrecifales coralinos de isla Gorgona, Colombia , Pacifico Oriental Tropical


    Alzate, Adriana; Muñoz, Carlos G.; Zapata, Fernando A.; Giraldo, Alan


    Se hacen cuatro nuevos registros de especies en isla Gorgona, Pacífico colombiano: dos gobios (Gobulus crescentalis y Chriolepis cuneata) y un pez pipa (Cosmocampus arctus), colectados con anestésico en pequeñas colonias de coral aisladas; y un pez globo (Canthigaster janthinoptera) observado y fotografiado. Este estudio extiende el ámbito de distribución de tres de estas especies en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical.

  3. DNA multigene characterization of Fasciola hepatica and Lymnaea neotropica and its fascioliasis transmission capacity in Uruguay, with historical correlation, human report review and infection risk analysis (United States)

    Gayo, Valeria; Sanchis, Jaime; Artigas, Patricio; Khoubbane, Messaoud; Birriel, Soledad; Mas-Coma, Santiago


    Background Fascioliasis is a pathogenic disease transmitted by lymnaeid snails and recently emerging in humans, in part due to effects of climate changes, anthropogenic environment modifications, import/export and movements of livestock. South America is the continent presenting more human fascioliasis hyperendemic areas and the highest prevalences and intensities known. These scenarios appear mainly linked to altitude areas in Andean countries, whereas lowland areas of non-Andean countries, such as Uruguay, only show sporadic human cases or outbreaks. A study including DNA marker sequencing of fasciolids and lymnaeids, an experimental study of the life cycle in Uruguay, and a review of human fascioliasis in Uruguay, are performed. Methodology/Principal findings The characterization of Fasciola hepatica from cattle and horses of Uruguay included the complete sequences of the ribosomal DNA ITS-2 and ITS-1 and mitochondrial DNA cox1 and nad1. ITS-2, ITS-1, partial cox1 and rDNA 16S gene of mtDNA were used for lymnaeids. Results indicated that vectors belong to Lymnaea neotropica instead of to Lymnaea viator, as always reported from Uruguay. The life cycle and transmission features of F. hepatica by L. neotropica of Uruguay were studied under standardized experimental conditions to enable a comparison with the transmission capacity of F. hepatica by Galba truncatula at very high altitude in Bolivia. On this baseline, we reviewed the 95 human fascioliasis cases reported in Uruguay and analyzed the risk of human infection in front of future climate change estimations. Conclusions/Significance The correlation of fasciolid and lymnaeid haplotypes with historical data on the introduction and spread of livestock into Uruguay allowed to understand the molecular diversity detected. Although Uruguayan L. neotropica is a highly efficient vector, its transmission capacity is markedly lower than that of Bolivian G. truncatula. This allows to understand the transmission and

  4. DNA multigene characterization of Fasciola hepatica and Lymnaea neotropica and its fascioliasis transmission capacity in Uruguay, with historical correlation, human report review and infection risk analysis. (United States)

    Bargues, María Dolores; Gayo, Valeria; Sanchis, Jaime; Artigas, Patricio; Khoubbane, Messaoud; Birriel, Soledad; Mas-Coma, Santiago


    Fascioliasis is a pathogenic disease transmitted by lymnaeid snails and recently emerging in humans, in part due to effects of climate changes, anthropogenic environment modifications, import/export and movements of livestock. South America is the continent presenting more human fascioliasis hyperendemic areas and the highest prevalences and intensities known. These scenarios appear mainly linked to altitude areas in Andean countries, whereas lowland areas of non-Andean countries, such as Uruguay, only show sporadic human cases or outbreaks. A study including DNA marker sequencing of fasciolids and lymnaeids, an experimental study of the life cycle in Uruguay, and a review of human fascioliasis in Uruguay, are performed. The characterization of Fasciola hepatica from cattle and horses of Uruguay included the complete sequences of the ribosomal DNA ITS-2 and ITS-1 and mitochondrial DNA cox1 and nad1. ITS-2, ITS-1, partial cox1 and rDNA 16S gene of mtDNA were used for lymnaeids. Results indicated that vectors belong to Lymnaea neotropica instead of to Lymnaea viator, as always reported from Uruguay. The life cycle and transmission features of F. hepatica by L. neotropica of Uruguay were studied under standardized experimental conditions to enable a comparison with the transmission capacity of F. hepatica by Galba truncatula at very high altitude in Bolivia. On this baseline, we reviewed the 95 human fascioliasis cases reported in Uruguay and analyzed the risk of human infection in front of future climate change estimations. The correlation of fasciolid and lymnaeid haplotypes with historical data on the introduction and spread of livestock into Uruguay allowed to understand the molecular diversity detected. Although Uruguayan L. neotropica is a highly efficient vector, its transmission capacity is markedly lower than that of Bolivian G. truncatula. This allows to understand the transmission and epidemiological differences between Andean highlands and non

  5. Cryptobiota associated to dead Acropora palmata (Scleractinia: Acroporidae coral, Isla Grande, Colombian Caribbean

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    Silvia K. Moreno-Forero


    Full Text Available Cryptobiota of dead fragments of five branches in live position and five fallen pieces of the coral Acropora palmata each one of approximate 1dm3, covered by filamentous algae were extracted from the north reef crest of Isla Grande (Colombian Caribbean, in April 1991. There were three groups of organisms according to size and position (on and within the coral: 1 mobile epibenthos, mainly microcrustaceans that live among the filamentous algae 2 boring microcryptobiota, located in the layer between the epilithic organisms and the coral skeleton itself and, 3 perforating macrocryptobionts that bore and penetrate the coral skeleton. Polychaetes, sipuncu-lids, mollusks and crustaceans were most abundant in the last group. There were no differences in macrocryptobiont composition between standing dead branches and fallen fragments. There was a large variation in total biomass and type and density of macro-cryptobionts, possibly associated to stochastic factors such as placement and thickness of branches and small scale variations in recruitmentLa criptobiota de diez fragmentos coralinos muertos de Acropora palmata, de 10 dm3 cada uno, cubiertos de algas filamentosas, se colectó en abril de 1991en la cresta arrecifal de Isla Grande (Caribe colombiano. Se halló tres grupos: 1 móviles epibentónicos asociados a las algas filamentosas y conformados principalmente por microcrustáceos; 2 microcriptobiontes perforantes, ubicados en la capa intermedia entre los organismos epilíticos y el esqueleto del coral y 3 macrocriptobiontes que perforan todo el cuerpo del esqueleto coralino (principalmente poliquetos, sipuncúlidos, moluscos y crustáceos. No se encontraron diferencias en la composición de los macrocriptobiontes que habitan los corales en posición de vida y los fragmentos caidos sobre el fondo. Se presentó una amplia variación en biomasa total, tipo y densidad de macrocriptobiontes, posiblemente asociada a factores estocásticos tales como la

  6. El desarrollo turístico en la isla de Lanzarote: las implicaciones económicas y ecológicas

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    Alejandro González Morales


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo versa sobre las implicaciones medioambientales del desarrollo turístico en la isla de Lanzarote. En este sentido hemos comprobado como su crecimiento afecta al resto de las actividades y ha terciarizado de forma considerable la economía insular.The present article is on turist's develop of Lanzarote Island (Lanary Island. The agriculture is going down, whole than the tourist is over. The economy of island is very third.

  7. Evidence for high genetic diversity of NAD1 and COX1 mitochondrial haplotypes among triclabendazole resistant and susceptible populations and field isolates of Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) in Australia. (United States)

    Elliott, T; Muller, A; Brockwell, Y; Murphy, N; Grillo, V; Toet, H M; Anderson, G; Sangster, N; Spithill, T W


    In recent years, the global incidence of Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) infections exhibiting resistance to triclabendazole (TCBZ) has increased, resulting in increased economic losses for livestock producers and threatening future control. The development of TCBZ resistance and the worldwide discovery of F. hepatica population diversity has emphasized the need to further understand the genetic structure of drug susceptible and resistant Fasciola populations within Australia. In this study, the genetic diversity of liver flukes was estimated by sequencing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encoding the NAD1 (530 bp) and COX1 (420 bp) genes of 208 liver flukes (F. hepatica) collected from three populations: field isolates obtained from abattoirs from New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria (Vic); three TCBZ-resistant fluke populations from NSW and Victoria; and the well-established TCBZ-susceptible Sunny Corner laboratory isolate. Overall nucleotide diversity for all flukes analysed of 0.00516 and 0.00336 was estimated for the NAD1 and COX1 genes respectively. Eighteen distinct haplotypes were established for the NAD1 gene and six haplotypes for the COX1 gene, resulting in haplotype diversity levels of 0.832 and 0.482, respectively. One field isolate showed a similar low level of haplotype diversity as seen in the Sunny Corner laboratory isolate. Analysis of TCBZ-resistant infrapopulations from 3 individual cattle grazing one property revealed considerable sequence parasite diversity between cattle. Analysis of parasite TCBZ-resistant infrapopulations from sheep and cattle revealed haplotypes unique to each host, but no significant difference between parasite populations. Fst analysis of fluke populations revealed little differentiation between the resistant and field populations. This study has revealed a high level of diversity in field and drug resistant flukes in South-Eastern Australia. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. El nacimiento de un destino turístico en el Caribe Mexicano. Cozumel, de isla abandonada a puerto de cruceros

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    Luis Carlos Santander


    Full Text Available Los autores de este artículo ofrecen una explicación del origen del turismo de cruceros en Cozumel a partir de la reconstrucción de la historia económica moderna de esa isla mexicana. Se necesitó más de centuria y media para que el pueblo fundado en aquella ínsula, San Miguel de Cozumel (1848, se transformara en una ciudad cosmopolita, en el destino más importante de turismo de cruceros en el país. Cozumel comenzó como una anodina propiedad nacional, casi abandonada. Sus colonos del siglo XIX vieron pasar de lado el progreso, o mejor dicho de largo, porque los buques mercantes y de pasajeros nunca se detuvieron en la isla, a menos que los obligara un huracán, una avería mecánica o la necesidad de agua dulce. Durante la época virreinal y hasta inicios del siglo XX Cozumel sólo interesaba a la cartografía marítima, sus 45 kilómetros de extensión fueron una buena referencia para las embarcaciones que transitaban por esa ruta del mar Caribe. Pero esa misma condición la convirtió en un exitoso puerto de cruceros.

  9. Rearing of Lymnaea columella (Say, 1817, intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica (Linnaeus, 1758

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    Souza Cecília Pereira de


    Full Text Available The intermediate host of Fasciola hepatica, Lymnaea columella, collected in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, was reared in our laboratory. The aim of the current study was to standardize a rearing and maintenance technique. Two kinds of diet were tested: fresh lettuce (A and rodent ration + 10% CaCO3 plus fresh lettuce (B. The age for the beginning of oviposition ranged from 27 to 57 days. Ten days after oviposition at 24.7°C, 100% eclosion occurred. The complete life cycle varied from 37 to 67 days. The average numbers of eggs per egg mass were 26.3 and 31.1 with diets (A and (B, respectively. The lettuce and ration fed snails presented a increased growth although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05. The mortality rate varied from 40 to 64% after 90 days. The maximum longevity was 183 days, 21.5 mm length and 11 mm wide. The methodology to mass breed and maintain these snails was found to be suitable in the laboratory

  10. El comportamiento térmico de la ciudad de Las Palmas de G. C.: La Isla de calor nocturna

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    Lidia Esther Romero Martín


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan las principales pautas del comportamiento térmico de la ciudad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Utilizando el método de los recorridos urbanos, durante un año se registraron los datos de temperatura y humedad de 42 puntos de la ciudad, que incluyen áreas formales y funcionales diferentes. Los resultados confirman la existencia de una isla de calor nocturna de carácter bifocal y de intensidad moderada, aunque puede llegar a alcanzar valores de 5.3º C. Su localización está controlada fundamentalmente por la densidad edificatoria y la intensidad del tráfico. El Istmo de la Isleta se comporta como una isla de frescor.In this article, we present the outlines of the thermal behaviour of the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Using the method of travelling around the city, we recorded temperature and humidity data for 42 sites in the city, including different formal and functional areas. The results confirm that there is a bi-focal and moderate island of nocturnal heat, although it can reach 5.3ºC. This is determined fundamentally by building density and the intensity of the traffic. The Isthmus of La Isleta acts as an island of fresh temperatures.

  11. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry identification of anthocyanins of isla oca (Oxalis tuberosa, Mol.) tubers. (United States)

    Alcalde-Eon, Cristina; Saavedra, Gloria; de Pascual-Teresa, Sonia; Rivas-Gonzalo, Julián C


    High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-diode array detection (DAD)-mass spectrometry (MS) techniques have been successfully employed in the identification of the anthocyanins of the coloured tubers of isla oca (Oxalis tuberosa), the second most cultivated tuber in the Andean region. Tubers underwent a pre-treatment step in order to inhibit enzymatic reactions and to obtain a stable powder or "concentrate". This concentrate was dissolved, purified and then analysed. Eight different compounds were found. The major peaks were malvidin glucosides (malvidin 3-O-glucoside and 3,5-O-diglucoside). The rest of the peaks were 3,5-O-diglucosides of petunidin and peonidin, and 3-O-glucosides of delphinidin, petunidin and peonidin. Only malvidin 3-O-acetylglucoside-5-O-glucoside was found as an acylated anthocyanin.


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    Full Text Available La isla de San Andrés, en el Caribe colombiano, es una reserva de la biosfera yuna región de gran importancia biológica y cultural. Su fauna y su flora cuentan,sin embargo, con algunas especies consideradas como introducciones recientes yvoluntarias, que no han sido estudiadas y cuyos efectos deben ser evaluados conprontitud. Las babillas, Caiman crocodilus fuscus (Cope 1868, fueron introducidasa la isla en los años setenta y no se había realizado ningún trabajo previo sobre suecología en la región. En este trabajo se ubicaron las diferentes localidades dondeC. c. fuscus está presente durante la época seca en San Andrés, se estimaron losíndices de abundancia por localidad por medio de censos nocturnos, y se realizó unestudio de su dieta usando la metodología de extracción de contenidos estomacales.También se observó la relación de la comunidad isleña con la especie. El estudiose realizó durante los meses de marzo a junio del 2002, en la temporada seca.La especie fue encontrada en cuatro lagunas de agua dulce permanentes, conabundancias locales de 8, 17, 34 y 22 individuos, y no fue encontrado ninguno en losmanglares. Se capturaron veinte individuos y sus contenidos estomacales mostraronque consumen coleópteros, ortópteros, otros insectos, miriápodos, cangrejos, pecesy aves. El elemento que apareció con mayor frecuencia fue el coleóptero del géneroHydrophilus. Las babillas son utilizadas por la comunidad con fines turísticos y nose observó una explotación o extracción de animales.

  13. Factor de cielo visible y el efecto de isla de calor en Valparaíso

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    Claudio Carrasco


    Full Text Available La forma urbana transforma el territorio y su comportamiento climático. La morfología de la ciudad varía desde sus centros hasta su periferia, así como también varía en densidad poblacional, en el uso temporal de las edi caciones, en la presencia o ausencia de vegetación o en la densidad de transporte. Estas variables condicionan el comportamiento térmico del espacio público. A partir de la consideración de la visibilidad del cielo desde el cañón urbano se de ne el SVF (Sky View Factor, que está relacionado con el almacenamiento térmico y la ventilación del espacio de la calle. Ambas variables son fundamentales en el confort peatonal y en el calentamiento de la ciudad. En este trabajo se presentan desempeños climáticos asociados a la morfología de la ciudad de Valparaíso, ubicada en un clima mediterráneo costero. Se realizaron mediciones climáticas simultáneas en diversos lugares de la ciudad que se correlacionaron con parámetros geométricos y materiales de los lugares registrados. Se determina una estrecha relación entre morfología urbana, comportamiento térmico del espacio público y aumento de la temperatura favoreciendo el fenómeno de isla de calor (UHI. Estos valores permitirían predecir en forma más precisa las condiciones climáticas en el nivel de calle y la manera cómo afecta en el fenómeno urbano de isla de calor (UHI.

  14. Evolución de la mortalidad atribuible al tabaco en las Islas Canarias (1975-1994

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    Bello Luján Luis M


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la mortalidad atribuible al consumo de tabaco en las Islas Canarias durante el periodo 1975-1994. Método: Las defunciones por edad, sexo y causa desde 1975 a 1994 se obtuvieron del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Movimiento Natural Población. A partir de las Encuestas de Salud de España y Canarias se tomaron los porcentajes de nunca fumadores, fumadores y ex-fumadores de la población canaria por edad y sexo. Los riesgos relativos de muerte se obtuvieron del Cancer Prevention Study II, llevado a cabo en Estados Unidos de América. Se calculó la proporción de muertes atribuibles al tabaco para cada año, sexo y grupo de edad a partir de la fracción atribuible poblacional. Así mismo, se calculó la tendencia de la mortalidad atribuible para dicho periodo expresada como el cambio porcentual medio anual de las tasas de la mortalidad ajustadas por edad, mediante un modelo log-lineal. Resultados: Durante el periodo 1975-1994, el número de fallecimientos atribuidos al tabaco aumentó un 64%. Por grandes causas, se observó en el periodo de estudio, un aumento de las neoplasias del 108%, una disminución de las enfermedades cardiovasculares del 32% y un incremento de las enfermedades respiratorias del 15,5%. Se observó también que el número de fallecidos aumenta con la edad, siendo el grupo de edad de 65 años y más en el que se presentan más muertes por el tabaco. Conclusiones: En las Islas Canarias, más del 20% de todas las muertes en 1994 se pueden atribuir al tabaco. Esto sugiere que las medidas introducidas para controlar el tabaquismo son insuficientes.

  15. Comunicaciones para la formación de las islas eléctricas del Sistema Argentino de Interconexión


    Issouribehere, Pedro; Rodríguez, José; Gutiérrez, Alfredo


    El Sistema de Comunicaciones descripto tiene por misión dar soporte al “Proyecto Islas Eléctricas del Sistema Argentino de Interconexión”. Etapa I. Se presenta la definición de un Sistema de Referencia que permite caracterizar en forma general los requerimientos del Sistema de Telecomunicaciones y Teleprotección con el objetivo de estimar un costo mínimo justificable para la aplicación y un plazo acorde en su ejecución.

  16. Extracellular Vesicles From the Helminth Fasciola hepatica Prevent DSS-Induced Acute Ulcerative Colitis in a T-Lymphocyte Independent Mode

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    Javier Roig


    Full Text Available The complexity of the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease has led to the quest of empirically drug therapies, combining immunosuppressant agents, biological therapy and modulators of the microbiota. Helminth parasites have been proposed as an alternative treatment of these diseases based on the hygiene hypothesis, but ethical and medical problems arise. Recent reports have proved the utility of parasite materials, mainly excretory/secretory products as therapeutic agents. The identification of extracellular vesicles on those secreted products opens a new field of investigation, since they exert potent immunomodulating effects. To assess the effect of extracellular vesicles produced by helminth parasites to treat ulcerative colitis, we have analyzed whether extracellular vesicles produced by the parasitic helminth Fasciola hepatica can prevent colitis induced by chemical agents in a mouse model. Adult parasites were cultured in vitro and secreted extracellular vesicles were purified and used for immunizing both wild type C57BL/6 and RAG1-/- mice. Control and immunized mice groups were treated with dextran sulfate sodium 7 days after last immunization to promote experimental colitis. The severity of colitis was assessed by disease activity index and histopathological scores. Mucosal cytokine expression was evaluated by ELISA. The activation of NF-kB, COX-2, and MAPK were evaluated by immunoblotting. Administration of extracellular vesicles from F. hepatica ameliorates the pathological symptoms reducing the amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines and interfering with both MAPK and NF-kB pathways. Interestingly, the observed effects do not seem to be mediated by T-cells. Our results indicate that extracellular vesicles from parasitic helminths can modulate immune responses in dextran sulfate sodium (DSS-induced colitis, exerting a protective effect that should be mediated by other cells distinct from B

  17. Análisis del comportamiento de los viajeros del transporte interurbano en la isla de Gran Canaria


    Cristóbal Betancor, Teresa


    Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI) [ES] En este trabajo se hace uso de técnicas de Inteligencia de Negocio y Minería de Datos para la extracción de conocimiento útil para la empresa concesionaria del servicio de transporte interurbano de la isla de Gran Canaria. El objetivo ha sido encontrar un patrón que permita predecir la cantidad de viajeros que querrán ir de un punto a otro de red de transporte en un momento dado. Para ello se ...

  18. Las Islas de los Changos (the Monkey Islands): the economic impact of ecotourism in the region of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. (United States)

    Serio-Silva, Juan Carlos


    This study evaluates the popularity and economic impact of Las Islas de los Changos (the Monkey Islands) as an ecotourism site on Lake Catemaco in the Los Tuxtlas region of Veracruz, Mexico. Two small island colonies of exotic primates, stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides), have proved to be highly beneficial for the local economy as the main attraction for tourists in this region. From July 1991 to June 1992, data were collected on the number of tourists who took boat trips to visit the primates, and the amount of money spent on tours to the islands. The data suggest that at least 28,470 passengers visit these primate troops annually and spend approximately 88,970 U.S. dollars (USD). Follow-up questionnaires during July 1997 to June 2000 to hotelkeepers and tourist boat operators identified the Monkey Islands as the primary destination for tourists to this region. A comparison of the net income obtained by local ecotourism operators with wages earned through other types of employment in the Los Tuxtlas region, such as working in natural reserves, agriculture, or renting grazing land for cattle, show the relative importance of Las Islas de Los Changos in sustaining the local economy. 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  19. Casos autóctones de Fasciola hepatica na região de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, Brasil

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    Tostes Raimundo Alberto


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho descreve, a partir da condenação de fígado de bovinos em matadouro, a ocorrência de fasciolose em uma propriedade na região de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo, com a confirmação de ovos de Fasciola hepatica em exame coproparasitológico e a presença de caramujos do gênero Lymnaea. Observou-se que a propriedade ofereceu condições favoráveis ao desenvolvimento do hospedeiro intermediário do parasito e ao surgimento de casos autóctones na região. A verificação desses casos deve servir de alerta para as potenciais perdas econômicas advindas desse tipo de parasitismo.


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    Luis M Bello Luján


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la mortalidad atribuible al consumo de tabaco en las Islas Canarias durante el período 1975-1994. Método: Las defunciones por edad, sexo y causa desde 1975 a 1994 se obtuvieron del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Movimiento Natural Población. A partir de las Encuestas de Salud de España y Canarias se tomaron los porcentajes de nunca fumadores, fumadores y ex-fumadores de la población canaria por edad y sexo. Los riesgos relativos de muerte se obtuvieron del Cancer Prevention Study II, llevado a cabo en Estados Unidos de América. Se calculó la proporción de muertes atribuibles al tabaco para cada año, sexo y grupo de edad a partir de la fracción atribuible poblacional. Así mismo, se calculó la tendencia de la mortalidad atribuible para dicho período expresada como el cambio porcentual medio anual de las tasas de la mortalidad ajustadas por edad, mediante un modelo log-lineal. Resultados: Durante el período 1975-1994, el número de fallecimientos atribuidos al tabaco aumentó un 64%. Por grandes causas, se observó en el período de estudio, un aumento de las neoplasias del 108%, una disminución de las enfermedades cardiovasculares del 32% y un incremento de las enfermedades respiratorias del 15,5%. Se observó también que el número de fallecidos aumenta con la edad, siendo el grupo de edad de 65 años y más en el que se presentan más muertes por el tabaco. Conclusiones: En las Islas Canarias, más del 20% de todas las muertes en 1994 se pueden atribuir al tabaco. Esto sugiere que las medidas introducidas para controlar el tabaquismo son insuficientes.

  1. Purification and biochemical characterization of a 22-kDa stable cysteine- like protease from the excretory-secretory product of the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica by using conventional techniques. (United States)

    Hemici, Ahmed; Benerbaiha, Roumaila Sabrina; Bendjeddou, Dalila


    This study describes the purification and characterization of a stable protease activity isolated from Fasciola hepatica adult worms maintained in vitro by employing acetone precipitation (40-60%) followed by a gel filtration through Sephadex G-100 and DEAE- cellulose ion exchange column. Through this three-step purification, the enzyme was purified 11-fold with a specific activity of 1893.9U/mg and 31.5% recovery. After the final ultrafiltration step, the purification fold was increased up to 13.1 and the overall activity yield reached a rate of 18.8%. The MW of the purified protease was estimated by reducing SDS-PAGE to be 22kDa while the proteolytic activity detection was carried out by zymography on non-denaturing SDS-PAGE containing the casein as substrate. Using this substrate, the protease showed extreme proteolytic activity at pH 5.5 and temperature 35-40°C and was highly stable over a wide range of pH, from 5.0 to 10.0. In addition to its preference for the Z-Phe-Arg-AMC fluorogenic substrate resulting in maximum proteolytic activity (99.7%) at pH 7.0, the pure protease exhibited highest cleavage activity against hemoglobin and casein substrates at pH 5.5 (85.6% and 82.8%, respectively). The K m values obtained for this protease were 5.4, 13, 160 and approximately 1000μM using respectively the fluorogenic substrate Z-Phe-Arg-AMC, hemoglobin, casein and albumin. The protease activity was completely inhibited either by E-64 inhibitor (5mM) or iodoacetamide (10mM), indicating its cysteine nature. The usefulness of the purified protease as an antigen was studied by immunoblotting. Thus, sera from sheep experimentally infected with F. hepatica recognized the protease band at 2 weeks post-infection (WPI) and strongly at 7 WPI. The early detection of antibodies anti- F. hepatica suggests the application of this molecule as a specific epitope for the serodiagnosis of fascioliasis disease. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Вплив фасціолоцидів на сперматогенез Fasciola hepatica in vitro


    Соболта А.Г.


    They studied the impact of fasciolocides of brontel 10%, kombitrem as possible sources of cytological changes in Fasciola hepatica spermatogenous cycle cells, which is important to consider when studying the fascioles' mechanisms of developing resistance to fasciolocides antihelmintics.

  3. Perfil del excursionista de cruceros que visita la isla de Cozumel

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    Julia Sderis Anaya Ortiz


    Full Text Available El turismo de cruceros se ha convertido en un sector de suma importancia para la isla de Cozumel, sin embargo se desconoce el perfil del excursionista que visita el destino, toda vez que la información que se obtiene a partir de las instancias federales como la Secretaría de Turismo (SECTUR o bien la emitida por los informes de los organismos del ramo como la Florida- Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA o la Cruise Lines International Association, no revelan el tipo de consumidor que llega a los destinos del Caribe. A través de la realización de 350 cuestionarios con 19 ítems aplicados en el Muelle de Puerta Maya durante el verano de 2013, permitieron conocer algunas particularidades del excursionista, entre las que destacan el mínimo gasto que realizan en el destino, el cual 50% menor al reportado por la Secretaría de Turismo del estado de Quintana Roo, así como el hecho de ser un visitante repetitivo.

  4. Los escorpiones (Chelicerata de Colombia. I. La fauna de la Isla Gorgona. Aproximación biogeográfica Los escorpiones (Chelicerata de Colombia. I. La fauna de la Isla Gorgona. Aproximación biogeográfica

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    Lourenco Wilson R.


    Full Text Available This paper is the result of the study of the scorpions collected in Gorgona Island, Colombia. Two species belonging to the buthidae family were collected; one already known to science: Tityus asthenes Pocock, 1893. The second one, a new species is described in this paper, Ananteris gorgonae. Some comments on the biogeography are also added. Este artículo es el resultado del estudio de los escorpiones de la Isla Gorgona, Colombia. Se encontraron dos especies pertenecientes a la familia Buthidae: Tityus asthenes Pocock, 1893, ya conocida para la ciencia, y Ananteris Gorgona,. una especie nueva que se describe aquí. Se adicionan también algunos comentarios biogeográficos.

  5. Results of monitoring of hawksbill turtle (E. imbricate) capture two trade sites: Cocodrilo (Isla de la Juventud) and Nuevitas, Cuba


    Moncada, F.; Medina, Y.; Nodarse, G.


    Se presentan los resultados obtenidos para la tortuga carey (Eretmochelys imbricata) en la plataforma cubana, a partir de los monitoreos en los dos sitios de captura comercial: Cocodrilo (Isla de la Juventud) y Nuevitas; entre 1995 y 2006. Se analizan algunos indicadores poblacionales como el comportamiento de la composición por talla, la talla media anual y la proporción sexual de los careyes capturados, así como el comportamiento de la captura comercial anual en los dos sitios. ...

  6. La llegada de inmigrantes a Isla de Tierra en Alhucemas: Crisis migratoria entre España y Marruecos y violaciones de derechos humanos

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    Inmaculada González García


    Full Text Available Nuevas cuestiones de naturaleza jurídica se han planteado tras la llegada masiva de inmigrantes subsaharianos a las Islas y Peñones españoles en el Norte de África, en concreto, a la Isla de Tierra en 2012. En este caso, la reclamación territorial marroquí de dichos territorios no ha sido un obstáculo para cooperar con España en la lucha contra la inmigración irregular, si bien planteamos la violación por ambos países de las normas nacionales e internacionales en materia de protección de los derechos humanos y de las garantías procesales en los procedimientos de expulsión/devolución de inmigrantes. Analizaremos, en primer lugar, la falta de claridad del estatuto jurídico de la Isla de Tierra y su incidencia en el ejercicio de las competencias soberanas por parte de España en el control de las fronteras europeas en el Norte de África. Por otra parte, cuestionaremos la validez del acuerdo hispano-marroquí de readmisión de inmigrantes entrados de forma irregular de 1992 y, finalmente, analizaremos la violación de los derechos humanos de los inmigrantes y las denuncias presentadas por Organizaciones No Gubernamentales (ONG ante instancias nacionales (el Defensor del pueblo español e internacionales (como el Comité contra la Tortura de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas –ONU- o el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos –TEDH- del Consejo de Europa. Destacaremos principalmente las normas que los Estados deben aplicar en el control de fronteras y en la lucha contra la inmigración irregular, habiéndose constatado internamente, y es probable que se haga también en el plano internacional, la violación de las garantías procesales y los derechos humanos de los inmigrantes

  7. Las articulaciones entre el espacio rural y el espacio turístico en la isla de Lanzarote

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    Alejandro González Morales


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo abunda en las relaciones que se establecen entre la agricultura y el turismo, es decir, como ambos sectores están relacionados e influenciados recíprocamente. En general el desarrollo del turismo ha supuesto en la isla de Lanzarote la pérdida de importancia de la agricultura, y no como sería deseable una colaboración mutua en la que ambos sectores se beneficien.The present article is on develop of turists and crisis of agricultura turist of Lanzrote Island (canary Islands. The agriculture is going down whole than the tourist is over. The economy of island is very third.

  8. High occurrence of Calodium hepaticum (syn. Capillaria hepatica spurious infection in a village in the Atlantic Forest of southern Brazil

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    Débora do Rocio Klisiowicz


    Full Text Available Calodium hepaticum (syn. Capillaria hepatica is a nematode of the Capillariidae family that infects rodents and other mammals. In Brazil, human spurious infections of C. hepaticum have been detected in indigenous or rural communities from the Amazon Basin, but not in the southern states of the country. Here, we report the highest occurrence (13.5% of 37 residents of C. hepaticum human spurious infection detected in Brazil and the first record in a southern region, Guaraqueçaba. The finding is explained by the area being located in the Atlantic Forest of the state of Paraná, surrounded by preserved forests and because the inhabitants consume the meat of wild mammals.

  9. Determinación de la prevalencia de Fasciola hepatica en bovinos de Rio de Oro y Aguachica, Cesar

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    Juan David Estupiñán


    Full Text Available Introducción: La fasciolosis, es una zoonosis con distribución mundial provocada por Fasciola hepatica, la cual afecta principalmente a los rumiantes y accidentalmente el hombre puede ser un hospedero. Con mayor frecuencia afecta a los animales de regiones en las que llueve abundantemente, no obstante, puede aparecer en regiones más secas a lo largo de ríos o afluentes de riego. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de F. hepatica en bovinos de Rio de Oro y Aguachica, Cesar mediante el análisis de materia fecal utilizando la técnica de sedimentación de Dennis modificado. Materiales y métodos: El estudio realizado fue de tipo descriptivo, de corte transversal. La población evaluada fue de 12.290 bovinos, correspondientes a la totalidad de bovinos de Rio de Oro y Aguachica. La muestra tomada correspondió a 905 bovinos, seleccionados bajo un único criterio, que fuesen mayores de 4 meses, sin importar sexo. Las muestras fueron recolectadas con todas las normas de bioseguridad veterinaria, se tomaron directamente del recto del animal con guante de palpación y fueron enviadas desde el lugar de origen hasta los laboratorios de la Universidad de Santander el mismo día; al recibir las muestras se preservaron con formalina al 10% para su procesamiento al día siguiente. Las muestras fueron diluidas con agua en un vaso desechable y se filtraron con gasa en un vaso de precipitado, completando el volumen hasta 500 mL con agua. Se dejó sedimentar por 30 minutos para descartar el volumen del sobrenadante y dejar únicamente el sedimento. Se repitió este paso con un tiempo de sedimentación de 15 minutos y finalmente otro con 5 minutos. Al terminar la sedimentación y descartar el volumen del sobrenadante, se recolectó el sedimento final en un frasco de orina, sedimento que se observa como una arenilla, allí fue donde se buscaron los huevos de F. hepatica, observándolos en su totalidad en una caja de Petri, utilizando para ello un estereoscopio

  10. Estudios sobre identificación, lactación y cría de dromedarios en la isla de Fuerteventura (Canarias)


    Díaz Medina, Elena


    El objetivo de esta Tesis es dar respuesta a una serie de preguntas fundamentales planteadas al intentar poner en marcha una granja de camellas lecheras de raza Canaria en la isla Fuerteventura. Para ello se realizaron 3 experimentos, destinados a: proponer la adecuada identificación (ID) individual de los camellos (Exp. 1), cuantificar la producción y analizar los principales componentes de la leche, así como los niveles de insulina (INS) durante la lactación (Exp. 2), y finalmente estudiar ...

  11. The Brahea edulis palm forest in Guadalupe Island: A North American fog oasis? El palmar de Brahea edulis de Isla Guadalupe: ¿Un oasis de niebla en Norteamérica?

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    Full Text Available Fog is a factor that affects deeply the structure of vegetation of coastal deserts. Guadalupe is an oceanic island located 260 km off the coast of Baja California, and is one of the few places of the Sonoran Desert coasts with scarped coastal topography and frequent fog. With the aim to identify the effect of fog on the community of the palm forest (palmar of Brahea edulis located in the northern tip of the island: (1 we analyzed the richness and composition of vascular plants in the palmar compared to the remainder of the island, and (2 we analyzed the altitudinal variation of the abundance of palms, herbs and mosses to identify if there is altitudinal variation of the vegetation. Although species composition was not different between palmar and the rest of island, species richness and vascular plant cover were greater in the palmar. On the other hand, we found a clear altitudinal zonation of the vegetation in the palmar that is similar to that found in South American fog-driven plant communities such as the lomas. Thus, the palmar community of Guadalupe Island may be considered as a fog oasis, one of the very few that occur in North America.La niebla es un factor que afecta profundamente la estructura de la vegetación de los desiertos costeros. Guadalupe es una isla oceánica a 260 km de la costa de Baja California y constituye uno de los pocos lugares de la costa del Desierto Sonorense donde se reúnen una topografía escarpada próxima a la costa y una alta frecuencia de nieblas. Con el objeto de identificar el efecto de la niebla sobre la comunidad del palmar de Brahea edulis presente en la ladera norte de la isla: (1 analizamos la diferencia de la riqueza y la composición de plantas vasculares del palmar respecto del resto de la isla, y (2 analizamos la variación altitudinal de la abundancia de palmas, plantas acompañantes y musgo para determinar si existe variación altitudinal de la vegetación. Encontramos que, aunque la composici

  12. Comparación de las técnicas Kato-Katz, TSET y TSR en el diagnóstico de infección por Fasciola hepatica en humanos

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    Nelson Uribe Delgado


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Fasciolosis es una enfermedad causada por el parásito Fasciola hepatica, que afecta primordialmente a bovinos, ovinos, caprinos y en algunas zonas de forma endémica a los humanos. En la investigación clínica y epidemiológica de fasciolosis humana es importante contar con técnicas coprológicas de diagnóstico de alta sensibilidad y especificidad. Objetivo: realizar la comparación de tres técnicas coprológicas para el diagnóstico de infección por Fasciola hepatica en humanos. Metodología: se procesaron 200 gramos de materia fecal de humanos contaminada experimentalmente con huevos de F. hepatica que se obtuvieron de análisis anteriores con muestras de ganado bovino y ovino. La muestra se dividió en 10 partes iguales; a cada una de estas muestras se les realizó la técnicas de Kato-Katz, técnica de sedimentación espontánea en tubo (TSET y técnica de sedimentación rápida (TSR. Finalmente, la lectura de las muestras se basó en el diseño metodológico del doble ciego. Resultados: se encontró que la técnica de sedimentación rápida fue la más sensible de las tres evaluadas, detectándose positividad en 7,5 muestras de 10 analizadas; seguida por la técnica de Kato-Katz con 4,5 muestras y en último lugar la técnica de sedimentación espontánea en Tubo que mostró solo un resultado positivo. Conclusión: en este trabajo se encontró que la técnica de sedimentación rápida constituye la herramienta de elección para el profesional porque es la más sensible de las tres; además de ser sencilla, económica y de fácil aplicación en laboratorios de niveles uno y dos de complejidad para realizar un diagnóstico satisfactorio de fasciolosis humana. Salud UIS 2012; 44 (3: 7-12

  13. The porcellanid crabs of the Isla Gorgona, Pacific Coast of Colombia, with a description of Clastotoechus gorgonensis sp. nov. (Crustacea: Anomura)


    Werding, B.; Haig, J.


    A collection of porcellanid crabs was made on che Isla Gorgona, Colombia, during a one week period, sampling as completely as possible a number of different biotopes. The majority of the 16 species in six genera that were collected occurred in the formations of pocilloporid corals and between stones in the sublittoral zone. Clastotoechus gorgonensis sp. nov. lives in the burrows of the sea urchin Echinometra vanbrunti A. Agassiz in the intertidal zone. Seven species are new additions to the ...

  14. Actividades socioeconómicas en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica y posibles efectos de la variabilidad climática Socio-economic activities at Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica and possible effects of climate variability

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    Mary Luz Moreno-Díaz


    Full Text Available Las actividades socioeconómicas y sus ingresos en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco han sido poco evaluados y sistematizados, al igual que los efectos que sobre ellos pueda tener la variabilidad climática. empleó una metodología que combina análisis de conglomerados con una dinámica de valor agregado en una cadena productiva, para identificar las actividades socioeconómicas más importantes y cuantificar los ingresos que obtienen por la existencia del PNIC, además se analizó los posibles efectos de la variabilidad climática sobre estas actividades. Para lo anterior, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica detallada, consulta con empresarios, investigadores y turistas. Se obtuvo que los principales conglomerados de actividades alrededor del PNIC son la recreación y la vivencia espiritual, la investigación, las actividades económicas y la gestión y manejo del Parque. Se realizó una aproximación de las contribuciones de la existencia del PNIC en estos cuatro conglomerados en el 2010, y se obtuvo que la contribución el ámbito nacional fue de US$5.7 millones de dólares, el internacional de US$2.5 millones de dólares, el global del PNIC ascendió aproximadamente a US$8.3 millones de dólares. También se obtuvo que si los recursos naturales objeto de la visita de los turistas disminuyen debido a efectos de la variabilidad climática esto ingresos podrían disminuir en 30%.Socioeconomic activities and their gross income in Isla del Coco National Park have been poorly evaluated and systematized, as well as the effects on them climate variability may have. A methodology that combines cluster analysis with a dynamic value chain was developed to identify the most important socioeconomic activities and quantify the gross income derived by the existence of Isla del Coco National Park. The possible effects of climate variability on these activities were also analyzed. A detailed literature review, consultation and interviews with

  15. El rol de los actores subnacionales en la construcción de la política exterior de Japón. Estudio de caso: La disputa territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu entre Japón y China (2001-2014)


    Castañeda Molina, Alejandro


    El presente estudio de caso tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de la gobernación de Tokio en la formulación de la política exterior de Japón durante la disputa territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu. Para ello, se identifican los puntos más relevantes de la política exterior de seguridad de Japón después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Se hace un énfasis en la política bilateral de seguridad sino-japonesa, con el fin de ubicar el conflicto territorial por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu como...


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    Full Text Available Con el propósito de evaluar la abundancia y la composición de dinoflagelados potencialmente tóxicos asociados al material orgánico flotante (drift en la isla de San Andrés, se seleccionaron siete sitios de muestreo a lo largo de la margen Norte y Este, paralelos a la barrera arrecifal y a las principales praderas de fanerógamas marinas y macroalgas de la isla. Durante la época de mayor intensidad de vientos, se recolectaron muestras de drift; se identificaron los sustratos a especie y posteriormente se sumergieron en solución 1:1 agua de mar filtrada y solución de Transeau. Luego de agitar vigorosamente las muestras para remover los dinoflagelados, se tamizo la suspensión con una malla de 80 µm y el filtrado se observó al microscopio óptico. Se encontraron cinco sustratos, dos especies de pastos marinos y tres de macroalgas. Sobre los sustratos se identificaron doce especies de dinoflagelados, diez reportadas como tóxicas, causantes de diarrea, parálisis y ciguatera. La abundancia de dinoflagelados varió ampliamente con promedios máximos (±DE de 15 354±15 749 células/g peso seco de sustrato. De las especies de dinoflagelados, cinco son nuevos registros para San Andrés. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los valores de diversidad de dinoflagelados entre drift y praderas de pastos y macroalgas, no obstante, la abundancia fue mucho mayor en el drift. Los resultados indican que el drift es un importante sustrato para dinoflagelados y dada su naturaleza flotante, representa tal vez el vector más importante para la dispersión de estos agentes de toxicidad en la isla. Para mitigar el efecto de eventos tóxicos asociados a dinoflagelados en salud pública, pesca y turismo, es necesario diseñar un plan de manejo del material orgánico flotante, que permita mejorar el entendimiento de su composición y dinámica temporal, monitorear las toxinas asociadas e implementar mecanismos de recolección y tratamiento.

  17. La exploración naturalista de Madeira en el siglo XIX: Los viajeros alemanes y su interés por esta isla

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    Rebok, Sandra


    Full Text Available This essay aims to describe the various German scientific travellers who visited the island of Madeira from the second half of the 19th century onwards, the studies carried out by them, and the publications which resulted from their work. It documents the beginning of the systematic scientific research of this island, analyzing the focus of this interest as well as the form in which it developed in the decades to follow. After a general introduction about the genre of scientific travel literature, the article presents the significance of Madeira for German natural scientists and physicians of the 19th century, their impressions about the island, as well as the manifold information they offer about the geography, botany, landscapes, commerce, agriculture, and habits of the populations and their daily life. In this context, the views of Madeira expressed by these travellers will be of interest, particularly in the context of the differences they observed between Madeira and the Canary Islands.Este estudio tiene como objetivo dar a conocer a diferentes viajeros científicos de origen alemán que visitaron Madeira a partir de mediados del siglo XIX, los estudios realizados por ellos así como las publicaciones que resultaron de ello. Se trata principalmente de documentar los inicios de la investigación científica sistemática en la isla, analizar este interés y la forma en que se desarrolló en las décadas siguientes. Tras una introducción general sobre el género de la literatura de viajes, el enfoque se centra en el significado de esta isla para los visitantes, naturalistas y médicos alemanes del siglo XIX, las propias impresiones de las regiones recorridas, así como la variada información ofrecida sobre su geografía, botánica, los distintos paisajes, el comercio, la agricultura, las costumbres de la población y su vida cotidiana. Se analizará especialmente la mirada de estos viajeros sobre Madeira y por otro lado se realizará una

  18. Moluscos de los fondos de cascajo profundo de la isla de Alborán (Proyecto LIFE+ INDEMARES Alborán)


    Gofas, Serge; Luque, Angel A.; Salas, Carmen; Templado, José; Pola, Marta; Urra, Javier; Brusa, Viviana S.; Verdes, Aida


    Durante el proyecto LIFE+ INDEMARES Alborán (2011-2013), se tomaron diez muestras mediante arte de arrastre (bou de vara) en los fondos de cascajo profundo que aparecen entre 80 y 200 m en la plataforma insular de la isla de Alborán. Estos fondos están formados por restos calcáreos biógenos (bioclastos). En las muestras se han encontrado un total de 2.713 ejemplares vivos de moluscos pertenecientes a 147 especies (2 solenogastros, 2 poliplacóforos, 97 gasterópodos, 45 bivalvos, 1 cefalópodo)....

  19. "Purification and evaluation of somatic, excretory-secretory and Cysteine proteinase antigens of Fasciola Hepatica using IgG-ELISA in diagnosing Fascioliasis "

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    "Rokni MB


    Full Text Available Fasciolosis, or liver fluke disease, caused by parasites of the genus Fasciola is emerging as an important disease in man and animals, in the world and Iran, particularly in nortern parts. The economical losses in domestic animals are considerable. In the recent decade there were two major outbreaks of human fasciolosis in the Caspian region, northern part of Iran with 7000-10000 infected cases. Sicne it is impossible to diagnose fasciolosis in acute phase using coprological methods and even in chronic phases its sensitivity is low, evaluating and establishing a reliable and cost-effetive test is indispensable and notewortly.In the present survey, we produced and examined the sensitivity and specificity of liver fluke homogenate (LFH , excretory-secetory (ES and cysteine proteinase (CP antigens of F. hepatica using IgG-ELISA test. A 25-27 kilo Dalton coomassie blue-stained band was observed and using of specific inhibitors indicated that this antigen belongs to the class of cysteine proteinase. The sensitivity of LFH, ES and CP antigen in IgG-ELISa was 100% for each, while their specificity was 97.8%, 98.8% and 98.8% respectively. There was a significant difference in mean OD values between cases of proven fasciolosis and other true negative cases, including healthy control individuals and patients with other parasitic diseases.This present report is the first to demonstrate the purification and evaluation of F. hepatica cysteine proteinase antigen by IgG-ELISA test for the diagnosis of fasciolosis in Iran. In conclusion, the IgG-ELISa using ES and CP show high sensitivity and specificity and would be a valuable tool to diagnose human fasciolosis in Iran, particularly in endemic areas.

  20. Predicting impacts of climate change on Fasciola hepatica risk. (United States)

    Fox, Naomi J; White, Piran C L; McClean, Colin J; Marion, Glenn; Evans, Andy; Hutchings, Michael R


    Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) is a physically and economically devastating parasitic trematode whose rise in recent years has been attributed to climate change. Climate has an impact on the free-living stages of the parasite and its intermediate host Lymnaea truncatula, with the interactions between rainfall and temperature having the greatest influence on transmission efficacy. There have been a number of short term climate driven forecasts developed to predict the following season's infection risk, with the Ollerenshaw index being the most widely used. Through the synthesis of a modified Ollerenshaw index with the UKCP09 fine scale climate projection data we have developed long term seasonal risk forecasts up to 2070 at a 25 km square resolution. Additionally UKCIP gridded datasets at 5 km square resolution from 1970-2006 were used to highlight the climate-driven increase to date. The maps show unprecedented levels of future fasciolosis risk in parts of the UK, with risk of serious epidemics in Wales by 2050. The seasonal risk maps demonstrate the possible change in the timing of disease outbreaks due to increased risk from overwintering larvae. Despite an overall long term increase in all regions of the UK, spatio-temporal variation in risk levels is expected. Infection risk will reduce in some areas and fluctuate greatly in others with a predicted decrease in summer infection for parts of the UK due to restricted water availability. This forecast is the first approximation of the potential impacts of climate change on fasciolosis risk in the UK. It can be used as a basis for indicating where active disease surveillance should be targeted and where the development of improved mitigation or adaptation measures is likely to bring the greatest benefits.

  1. Predicting impacts of climate change on Fasciola hepatica risk.

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    Naomi J Fox


    Full Text Available Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke is a physically and economically devastating parasitic trematode whose rise in recent years has been attributed to climate change. Climate has an impact on the free-living stages of the parasite and its intermediate host Lymnaea truncatula, with the interactions between rainfall and temperature having the greatest influence on transmission efficacy. There have been a number of short term climate driven forecasts developed to predict the following season's infection risk, with the Ollerenshaw index being the most widely used. Through the synthesis of a modified Ollerenshaw index with the UKCP09 fine scale climate projection data we have developed long term seasonal risk forecasts up to 2070 at a 25 km square resolution. Additionally UKCIP gridded datasets at 5 km square resolution from 1970-2006 were used to highlight the climate-driven increase to date. The maps show unprecedented levels of future fasciolosis risk in parts of the UK, with risk of serious epidemics in Wales by 2050. The seasonal risk maps demonstrate the possible change in the timing of disease outbreaks due to increased risk from overwintering larvae. Despite an overall long term increase in all regions of the UK, spatio-temporal variation in risk levels is expected. Infection risk will reduce in some areas and fluctuate greatly in others with a predicted decrease in summer infection for parts of the UK due to restricted water availability. This forecast is the first approximation of the potential impacts of climate change on fasciolosis risk in the UK. It can be used as a basis for indicating where active disease surveillance should be targeted and where the development of improved mitigation or adaptation measures is likely to bring the greatest benefits.

  2. Turismo y gestión cultural en las Islas Canarias: apuntes para una reflexión

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    Beatriz Martín de la Rosa


    Full Text Available Las Islas Canarias constituyen un claro ejemplo de región que debe su nivel de desarrollo a la actividad turística. La andadura turística se inicia en la década de los sesenta, vinculada al modelo turístico de la época, el turismo de masas asociado a sol y playa (materias primas abundantes. Desde entonces hasta ahora han transcurrido bastantes cambios. En la actualidad intenta complementar su oferta turística ofreciendo turismo rural (por utilizar un nombre genérico y también, aunque menos desarrollado, turismo cultural. Plantear algunas reflexiones sobre el turismo cultural en Canarias, en especial las dificultades derivadas de su gestión, es el objetivo de este artículo

  3. Stimulating Neoblast-Like Cell Proliferation in Juvenile Fasciola hepatica Supports Growth and Progression towards the Adult Phenotype In Vitro (United States)

    Rathinasamy, Vignesh; Toet, Hayley; McCammick, Erin; O’Connor, Anna; Marks, Nikki J.; Mousley, Angela; Brennan, Gerard P.; Halton, David W.; Spithill, Terry W.; Maule, Aaron G.


    Fascioliasis (or fasciolosis) is a socioeconomically important parasitic disease caused by liver flukes of the genus Fasciola. Flukicide resistance has exposed the need for new drugs and/or a vaccine for liver fluke control. A rapidly improving ‘molecular toolbox’ for liver fluke encompasses quality genomic/transcriptomic datasets and an RNA interference platform that facilitates functional genomics approaches to drug/vaccine target validation. The exploitation of these resources is undermined by the absence of effective culture/maintenance systems that would support in vitro studies on juvenile fluke development/biology. Here we report markedly improved in vitro maintenance methods for Fasciola hepatica that achieved 65% survival of juvenile fluke after 6 months in standard cell culture medium supplemented with 50% chicken serum. We discovered that this long-term maintenance was dependent upon fluke growth, which was supported by increased proliferation of cells resembling the “neoblast” stem cells described in other flatworms. Growth led to dramatic morphological changes in juveniles, including the development of the digestive tract, reproductive organs and the tegument, towards more adult-like forms. The inhibition of DNA synthesis prevented neoblast-like cell proliferation and inhibited growth/development. Supporting our assertion that we have triggered the development of juveniles towards adult-like fluke, mass spectrometric analyses showed that growing fluke have an excretory/secretory protein profile that is distinct from that of newly-excysted juveniles and more closely resembles that of ex vivo immature and adult fluke. Further, in vitro maintained fluke displayed a transition in their movement from the probing behaviour associated with migrating stage worms to a slower wave-like motility seen in adults. Our ability to stimulate neoblast-like cell proliferation and growth in F. hepatica underpins the first simple platform for their long-term in

  4. Stimulating Neoblast-Like Cell Proliferation in Juvenile Fasciola hepatica Supports Growth and Progression towards the Adult Phenotype In Vitro. (United States)

    McCusker, Paul; McVeigh, Paul; Rathinasamy, Vignesh; Toet, Hayley; McCammick, Erin; O'Connor, Anna; Marks, Nikki J; Mousley, Angela; Brennan, Gerard P; Halton, David W; Spithill, Terry W; Maule, Aaron G


    Fascioliasis (or fasciolosis) is a socioeconomically important parasitic disease caused by liver flukes of the genus Fasciola. Flukicide resistance has exposed the need for new drugs and/or a vaccine for liver fluke control. A rapidly improving 'molecular toolbox' for liver fluke encompasses quality genomic/transcriptomic datasets and an RNA interference platform that facilitates functional genomics approaches to drug/vaccine target validation. The exploitation of these resources is undermined by the absence of effective culture/maintenance systems that would support in vitro studies on juvenile fluke development/biology. Here we report markedly improved in vitro maintenance methods for Fasciola hepatica that achieved 65% survival of juvenile fluke after 6 months in standard cell culture medium supplemented with 50% chicken serum. We discovered that this long-term maintenance was dependent upon fluke growth, which was supported by increased proliferation of cells resembling the "neoblast" stem cells described in other flatworms. Growth led to dramatic morphological changes in juveniles, including the development of the digestive tract, reproductive organs and the tegument, towards more adult-like forms. The inhibition of DNA synthesis prevented neoblast-like cell proliferation and inhibited growth/development. Supporting our assertion that we have triggered the development of juveniles towards adult-like fluke, mass spectrometric analyses showed that growing fluke have an excretory/secretory protein profile that is distinct from that of newly-excysted juveniles and more closely resembles that of ex vivo immature and adult fluke. Further, in vitro maintained fluke displayed a transition in their movement from the probing behaviour associated with migrating stage worms to a slower wave-like motility seen in adults. Our ability to stimulate neoblast-like cell proliferation and growth in F. hepatica underpins the first simple platform for their long-term in vitro study

  5. Stimulating Neoblast-Like Cell Proliferation in Juvenile Fasciola hepatica Supports Growth and Progression towards the Adult Phenotype In Vitro.

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    Paul McCusker


    Full Text Available Fascioliasis (or fasciolosis is a socioeconomically important parasitic disease caused by liver flukes of the genus Fasciola. Flukicide resistance has exposed the need for new drugs and/or a vaccine for liver fluke control. A rapidly improving 'molecular toolbox' for liver fluke encompasses quality genomic/transcriptomic datasets and an RNA interference platform that facilitates functional genomics approaches to drug/vaccine target validation. The exploitation of these resources is undermined by the absence of effective culture/maintenance systems that would support in vitro studies on juvenile fluke development/biology. Here we report markedly improved in vitro maintenance methods for Fasciola hepatica that achieved 65% survival of juvenile fluke after 6 months in standard cell culture medium supplemented with 50% chicken serum. We discovered that this long-term maintenance was dependent upon fluke growth, which was supported by increased proliferation of cells resembling the "neoblast" stem cells described in other flatworms. Growth led to dramatic morphological changes in juveniles, including the development of the digestive tract, reproductive organs and the tegument, towards more adult-like forms. The inhibition of DNA synthesis prevented neoblast-like cell proliferation and inhibited growth/development. Supporting our assertion that we have triggered the development of juveniles towards adult-like fluke, mass spectrometric analyses showed that growing fluke have an excretory/secretory protein profile that is distinct from that of newly-excysted juveniles and more closely resembles that of ex vivo immature and adult fluke. Further, in vitro maintained fluke displayed a transition in their movement from the probing behaviour associated with migrating stage worms to a slower wave-like motility seen in adults. Our ability to stimulate neoblast-like cell proliferation and growth in F. hepatica underpins the first simple platform for their long


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    Full Text Available Se presenta nueva información sobre la taxonomía, la distribución y la historia natural de los lagartos Mabuya berengerae y M. pergravis; así como de la serpiente Coniophanes andresensis, tres especies endémicas y poco conocidas de las islas de San Andrés y Providencia, las cuales se creían muy raras e incluso extintas. A pesar del poco tiempo de estudio en las islas, se evidenció que los lagartos no son raros, encontrándose hasta ocho ejemplares cada media hora. La evaluación del estado de conservación según los parámetros de la IUCN para las tres especies, clasifica a M. berengerae y M. pergravis como especies casi amenazadas (NT y a C. andresensis como una especie en peligro crítico de extinción (CR. La pequeña área de distribución geográfica, el impacto antrópico y la introducción de especies exóticas pueden ser las principales causas de la disminución de la población de C. andresensis. Se analizaron algunos caracteres taxonómicos en M. berengerae (hasta ahora conocida de un solo ejemplar, encontrándose ciertas discrepancias que hacen necesaria su redefinición. Se recomienda realizar programas de investigación básica, conservación y educación, así como proteger los hábitats naturales de las islas.

  7. Narcotráfico, violencia y crisis social en el Caribe insular colombiano: El caso de la isla de San Andrés en el contexto del Gran Caribe

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    Silvia Mantilla


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene por objetivo presentar un diagnóstico preliminar de la magnitud del tráfico de drogas, sus dinámicas, modalidades, y las condiciones sociales y económicas que favorecen el desarrollo de este negocio ilegal en la isla de San Andrés (Colombia. El análisis se desarrolla, no obstante, en el marco de la condición histórica y natural de “zona de tránsito” de drogas, armas y otros recursos ilegales, que se le atribuye a la región del Gran Caribe, entendida como un continuo geográfico, histórico y cultural en el que se observan patrones comunes en materia de amenazas a la seguridad, la geopolítica de las relaciones con Estados Unidos y los efectos sociales y económicos derivados del flagelo del narcotráfico. En este sentido, el caso de la isla de San Andrés (Colombia se examina más como parte de la dinámica insular gran caribeña que como parte de las tendencias propias del negocio en la Colombia continental, lo que permite, sin embargo, establecer las conexiones entre ambos espacios regionales - el insular y el continental - y, a la vez, evaluar el impacto regional del fenómeno a partir de las conexiones ilegales que desde el archipiélago se establecen con algunos países vecinos del Gran Caribe. Finalmente, se sostiene la hipótesis de que el fenómeno del narcotráfico se instala en la isla como resultado de factores geohistóricos, culturales y socioeconómicos que en conjunto han determinado la participación activa de distintos sectores de la sociedad en este negocio ilegal.

  8. La EPA aplica un criterio flexible en cuanto a las normas que rigen las plantas eléctricas móviles importadas para usarse en Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses (United States)

    Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La EPA aplica un criterio flexible en cuanto a las normas que rigen las plantas eléctricas móviles importadas para usarse en Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses

  9. Velocidad de descomposición de la hojarasca en diferentes sustratos de manglar en San Andrés Isla, Caribe colombiano

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    Omar Alfonso Sierra Rozo


    foliar del manglar en la acumulación de sedimentos es indispensable para estimar la estabilidad de los habitats costeros frente a los cambios del nivel del mar e impactos ocasionados por eventuales disturbios naturales. Con base a los resultados obtenidos y aquéllos de trabajos previos relacionados con las tasas de productividad de hojarasca en los mismos humedales de estudio, se propone un modelo básico conceptualcuantitativo de la dinámica producción-descomposición de hojarasca en San Andrés isla.

  10. Mezcla de magmas en Vulcanello (Isla Vulcano, Italia

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    Aparicio, A.


    Full Text Available Volcanic activity in Vulcano starts about 350 ka ago and continues up to present day with the development of thre main episodes corresponding to the calderas of Piano and La Fossa, and Vulcanello. These cover a compositional range from rhyolitic to trachybasaltic rocks. This lithological diversity is produced by different petrogenetic processes such as fractional crystallization, assimilation coupled to fractional crystallization (AFC, mixing, etc.The eruption of Vulcanello area emitted trachyandesitic materials, including shoshonites and latites. A magma-mixing process is established between trachytes and shoshonites to origine latites. Trachytes and rhyolites are produced by fractional crystallization and by ACF processes (assimilation of sedimentary rocks from trachyandesitic magmas.La actividad volcánica de Isla Vulcano comienzó aproximadamente hace 350.000 años y continúa hasta la actualidad con el desarrollo de tres grandes episodios correspondientes a las caldera de Piano, caldera de Fossa y a Vulcanello, que han emitido piroclastos y coladas de composiciones muy variadas, desde riolitas a traquibasaltos. Esta variedad litológica ha sido relacionada con procesos petrogenéticos tan diversos como cristalización fraccionada, asimilación simultánea con cristalización (ACF, mezcla de magmas, etc.El episodio de Vulcanello emite rocas traquiandesíticas, con composiciones shoshoníticas y latíticas. Un proceso de mezcla de magmas es reconocido entre traquitas y shoshonitas para generar latitas. Traquitas y riolitas son producidas por procesos de cristalización fraccionada simple y por ACF con asimilación de rocas sedimentarias a partir de magmas traquiandesíticos.

  11. The decline of Falkland Islands penguins in the presence of a commercial fishing industry La disminución de los pingüinos de las Islas Falklands en la presencia de actividades de pesca comercial

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    Islands Government to exclude large-scale commercial fishing close to penguin breeding sitesLas islas Falklands son un lugar importante para tres especies de pingüinos, pingüino papua (Pygoscelis papua, pingüino de penacho amarillo (Eudyptes c.chrysocome y pingüino de Magallanes (Spheniscus magallanicus. Recientemente estas especies han disminuido 84 % en estas islas. En la costa de Sudamérica los pingüinos no disminuyeron. Se sospecha que la causa es una reducción de peces y calamares debido a los barcos de pesca comercial que operan en aguas de las Islas Falklands. En 1995 el pingüino papua y el pingüino penacho amarillo terminaron sus disminuciones y ya parece que sus poblaciones están en equilibrio, pero en un número mucho mas bajo que antes que los pescadores comenzaron 20 años atrás. El pingüino de Magallanes todavía disminuye en las Islas Falklands. El pingüino de Magallanes depende más de especies de calamares y peces capturados por barcos de pesca comercial. Avisos de protección de la fauna no fueron suficientes para impedir que 1998 comenzaras exploraciones petroleras en las Islas Falklands. Tres derrames de petróleo ocurrieron en cinco meses, y cientos de pingüinos murieron. La torre de perforación se fue después de cinco meses, y no ocurrieron más derrames de petróleo. Nuevamente van a comenzar a buscar petróleo, sin mejorar la protección para la fauna. El turismo ha crecido rápidamente en las Islas Falklands, y la mayoría de los turistas llegan para ver los pingüinos. Investigaciones de poblaciones y éxito reproductivo indican que aún no hay efectos perjudiciales para los pingüinos por esta actividad. En este trabajo se investigan las causas potenciales de la disminución de pingüinos en las Islas Falklands y se hacen compariciones con poblaciones en Chile que parecen saludables



    Calderón Le Joliff, Tatiana; Fierro Bustos, Juan Manuel


    El presente artículo busca estudiar las relaciones, expuestas en la novela histórica La Isla de Robinson (1981) de Arturo Uslar-Pietri, entre el personaje ficcional y mítico Robinson Crusoe, el filósofo Jean-Jacques Rousseau y el educador utopista Simón Rodríguez. El relato explora el proceso de las independencias latinoamericanas en el siglo XIX a través del personaje de Simón Rodríguez, preceptor de Simón Bolívar, convertido en Samuel Robinson por 26 años. Primero, abordaremos, desde una pe...

  13. Evaluation of local immune response to Fasciola hepatica experimental infection in the liver and hepatic lymph nodes of goats immunized with Sm14 vaccine antigen

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    Ricardo E Mendes


    Full Text Available Protection against Fasciola hepatica in goats immunized with a synthetic recombinant antigen from Schistosoma mansoni fatty acid-binding protein 14 (rSm14 was investigated by assessing worm burdens, serum levels of hepatic enzymes, faecal egg count and hepatic damage, which was evaluated using gross and microscopic morphometric observation. The nature of the local immune response was assessed by examining the distribution of CD2+, CD4+, CD8+ and γ´+ T lymphocytes along with IgG+, IL-4+ and IFN-γ+ cells in the liver and hepatic lymph nodes (HLN. The goats used consisted of group 1 (unimmunized and uninfected, group 2 [infected control - immunized with Quillaia A (Quil A] and group 3 (immunized with rSm14 in Quil A and infected, each containing seven animals. Immunization with rSm14 in Quil A adjuvant induced a reduction in gross hepatic lesions of 56.6% (p < 0.001 and reduced hepatic and HLN infiltration of CD2+, CD4+, CD8+ and γ´+ T lymphocytes as well as IL-4+ and IFN-γ+ cells (p < 0.05. This is the first report of caprine immunization against F. hepatica using a complete rSm14 molecule derived from S. mansoni. Immunization reduced hepatic damage and local inflammatory infiltration into the liver and HLN. However, considering that Quil A is not the preferential/first choice adjuvant for Sm14 immunization, further studies will be undertaken using the monophosphoryl lipid A-based family of adjuvants during clinical trials to facilitate anti-Fasciolavaccine development.

  14. [Evaluation of an ELISA test with Fasciola hepatica metabolic antigen for diagnosis of human fascioliasis in Cajamarca, Peru]. (United States)

    Cornejo, Hernán; Oblitas, Fátima; Cruzado, Sandro; Quispe, William


    Metabolic (excretion/secretion) antigen was obtained from sheep infected with Fasciola hepatica, with a 1005 μg/μL of protein concentration, composed principally by proteins of molecular weight between 1.2 and 170 KDa. Bands of 170, 150, 31, 24, 18-14 and 10 kDa were detected. With this antigen an ELISA test was developed and the cut off was determined in 0.140. We evaluated 33 serums of patient with fascioliasis confirmed by visualization of eggs in feces, 177 serums of persons without fascioliasis from endemic rural areas of Cajamarca and 88 serums of patients with others parasitic and bacterial infections. We found a 97.0% of sensitivity, 96.6 specificity, 78.1% predictive positive value, 99.6 % predictive negative value. In 9/88 serums was found cross reactions. We recommended the implementation and use of this test for the fascioliasis diagnosis.

  15. Comparação de kits ELISA® comerciais para anticorpos no soro e leite com um teste coproparasitológico em bovinos naturalmente infectados por Fasciola hepatica

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    Cíntia das C. Bernardo


    Full Text Available A fasciolose é uma enfermidade causada por um trematoda que acomete o fígado principalmente de ruminantes domésticos, podendo parasitar o homem e seu diagnóstico é realizado rotineiramente por exames coproparasitológicos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar kits comerciais de ELISA para anticorpos no soro e leite com um teste coproprarasitológico em bovinos naturalmente infectados por Fasciola hepatica. Foram coletadas amostras de fezes (92 sangue (92 e leite (43 de bovinos provenientes de propriedades de gado leiteiro do município de Jerônimo Monteiro, sul do Estado do Espírito Santo. As amostras de fezes coletadas foram processadas pela técnica de sedimentação fecal para ovos de F. hepatica, utilizada como padrão ouro para as análises. Amostras de sangue e de leite foram processadas segundo a orientação do fabricante dos respectivos Kits ELISA comerciais testados. Utilizou-se o c² de McNemar para comparação estatística e calcularam-se a sensibilidade e especificidade, valores preditivos e kappa. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as frequências de positividade pelo uso dos kits ELISA comerciais de soro e de leite diferiram significativamente (p<0,0001 em relação ao exame coproparasitológico. A sensibilidade dos Kits foi de 100%, porém possuíram baixa especificidade, 42,85 e 30% para o soro e leite respectivamente. O coeficiente de kappa mostrou concordância sofrível para os testes de soro (0,33 e de leite (0,21. Os valores preditivos positivos dos kits para soro e leite foram, respectivamente, 44,61 e 38,23% e, os valores preditivos negativos de 100% para ambos os testes. Apesar da maior sensibilidade dos kits ELISA comerciais e, destes apresentarem diferença em relação ao exame coproparasitológico na detecção dos animais positivos para F. hepatica, a escolha de um teste diagnóstico deve considerar o custo benefício. Quando se trata da presença de parasitismo em rebanhos, o tratamento é aplicado

  16. “La posición de la Gran Logia de la Isla de Cuba ante la crisis de 1929 a 1933: su reflejo en la revista La Gran Logia”

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    Haens Beltrán Alonso


    Full Text Available La Gran Logia de la Isla de Cuba, principal organismo simbólico de la masonería cubana sufrió durante los años 1929-1933 la grave crisis que afectó a la sociedad cubana. El presente trabajo aborda el posicionamiento de este gobierno masónico ante la situación política, utilizando como fuente fundamental los planteamientos vertidos en su órgano de prensa oficial la revista La Gran Logia. Se parte de la premisa de que la masonería no es una institución política, pero que su funcionamiento la obliga a adoptar una posición ante los problemas que la afectan. ¿Cuál fue la posición de la Gran Logia de la Isla de Cuba sobre la crisis imperante? ¿Cómo expresó su posición sin violar los preceptos masónicos de no discutir sobre política? Estas son las preguntas que en este trabajo se pretenden responder.

  17. Antibody response in cattle, sheep and rats to infection with. gamma. -irradiated metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hughes, D.L.; Doy, T.G. (Agricultural Research Council, Compton (UK). Inst. for Research on Animal Diseases); Hanna, R.E.B. (Queen' s Univ., Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK))


    Cattle, sheep and rats were infected orally with ..gamma..-irradiated metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica, or with normal metacercariae. The antibody response was monitored in each host to metacercarial tegument (T0), juvenile tegument (T1), adult tegument (T2) and gut antigens. The response was examined at weekly intervals for cattle and sheep throughout 15 weeks of infection and four weeks after infection in rats, using an indirect fluorescent antibody labelling technique. It was found that the irradiated metacercariae engendered a normal humoral response to T0, T1 and gut antigens in all three hosts although the antibody levels were somewhat reduced due to early death or stunting of the flukes. T0 and T1 appeared to be antigenically similar. Antibodies against T2 appeared late in the animals infected with ..gamma..-irradiated metacercariae and the titres attained were considerably lower than in the controls. The T2 antigen stimulus in the animals given ..gamma..-irradiated metacercariae was probably provided by flukes which 'broke through' the developmental barrier imposed by irradiation and which were found alive at autopsy.

  18. Antibody response in cattle, sheep and rats to infection with γ-irradiated metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hughes, D.L.; Doy, T.G.


    Cattle, sheep and rats were infected orally with γ-irradiated metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica, or with normal metacercariae. The antibody response was monitored in each host to metacercarial tegument (T0), juvenile tegument (T1), adult tegument (T2) and gut antigens. The response was examined at weekly intervals for cattle and sheep throughout 15 weeks of infection and four weeks after infection in rats, using an indirect fluorescent antibody labelling technique. It was found that the irradiated metacercariae engendered a normal humoral response to T0, T1 and gut antigens in all three hosts although the antibody levels were somewhat reduced due to early death or stunting of the flukes. T0 and T1 appeared to be antigenically similar. Antibodies against T2 appeared late in the animals infected with γ-irradiated metacercariae and the titres attained were considerably lower than in the controls. The T2 antigen stimulus in the animals given γ-irradiated metacercariae was probably provided by flukes which 'broke through' the developmental barrier imposed by irradiation and which were found alive at autopsy. (author)

  19. España en el norte de África. El caso de las islas Chafarinas

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    Jesús Verdú Baeza


    Full Text Available Los distintos territorios españoles en el Norte de África, persistentemente reclamados por Marruecos, presentan características específicas que ponen de manifiesto su gran vulnerabilidad como ha quedado patente en las últimas crisis de inmigración ilegal. Salvo Ceuta y Melilla, citadas expresamente en la Constitución, sus títulos y naturaleza jurídica han de reafirmarse caso por caso y es muy poca la legislación que determina claramente su aplicación a estos territorios. En el caso de las Islas Chafarinas, la aplicación de la normativa ambiental europea en un espacio terrestre y marino protegido proporciona una oportunidad valiosa y única de cooperación internacional con Marruecos que podría ampliarse en relación con la coordinación del control de los flujos migratorios

  20. Seroprevalencia de HTLV-I/II en hombres gays y trabajadoras sexuales de la Isla de Margarita, Venezuela HTLV-I/II seroprevalence among gay men and female sex workers from Margarita Island, Venezuela

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    E. Castro de Batänjer


    Full Text Available Sabida la importante seroprevalencia en la Isla de Margarita para el HIV-1 nos propusimos conocer la seroprevalencia de HTLV-I/II en muestras de grupos epidemiologicamente importantes en su transmisión. El estudio se desarrolló con 141 trabajadoras sexuales y 40 hombres gays entre 1994 y 1997. Nuestros resultados permitieron establecer infección por HTLV-I en un hombre. Este es el primer reporte conocido sobre pesquisa epidemiológica de la infección por HTLV-I/II en la Isla de Margarita.In attention to the important HIV-1 seroprevalence observed in Margarita Island, we carried out this study to establish HTLV-I/II seroprevalence into target groups for sexual transmission. Therefore the survey was done with 141 female sex workers and 40 gay men between 1994 and 1997. We found HTLV-I infection in one man. This is the first known report to describe epidemiological features of HTLV-I/II infection in Margarita Island.


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    Carlos Santiago Martín Fernández


    Full Text Available El presente artículo describe los nexos o relaciones existentes entre tres aspectos de gran actualidad: el desarrollo inmobiliario-turístico, la ordenación del territorio y las estrategias políticas. Para ello, estudiamos un caso emblemático en Canarias: el proceso de construcción del Resort Cerca Vieja en Fuencaliente, isla de La Palma.

  2. Latest Miocene transtensional rifting of northeast Isla Tiburón, eastern margin of the Gulf of California (United States)

    Bennett, Scott E. K.; Oskin, Michael E.; Iriondo, Alexander


    Details about the timing and kinematics of rifting are crucial to understand the conditions that led to strain localization, continental rupture, and formation of the Gulf of California ocean basin. We integrate detailed geologic and structural mapping, basin analysis, and geochronology to characterize transtensional rifting on northeastern Isla Tiburón, a proximal onshore exposure of the rifted North America margin, adjacent to the axis of the Gulf of California. Slip on the Kunkaak normal fault tilted its hanging wall down-to-the-east 70° and formed the non-marine Tecomate basin, deposited across a 20° angular unconformity. From 7.1-6.4 Ma, the hanging wall tilted at 35 ± 5°/Myr, while non-marine sandstone and conglomerate accumulated at 1.4 ± 0.2 mm/yr. At least 1.8 ± 0.1 km of sediments and pyroclastic deposits accumulated in the Tecomate basin concurrent with clockwise vertical-axis block rotation and 2.8 km of total dip-slip motion on the Kunkaak fault. Linear extrapolation of tilting and sedimentation rates suggests that faulting and basin deposition initiated 7.6-7.4 Ma, but an older history involving initially slower rates is permissible. The Kunkaak fault and Tecomate basin are truncated by NW-striking, dextral-oblique structures, including the Yawassag fault, which accrued > 8 km of post-6.4 Ma dextral displacement. The Coastal Sonora fault zone on mainland Sonora, which accrued several tens of kilometers of late Miocene dextral offset, continues to the northwest, across northeastern Isla Tiburón and offshore into the Gulf of California. The establishment of rapid, latest Miocene transtension in the Coastal Sonora fault zone was synchronous with the 8-7 Ma onset of transform faulting and basin formation along the nascent Pacific-North America plate boundary throughout northwestern Mexico and southern California. Plate boundary strain localized into this Gulf of California shear zone, a narrow transtensional belt that subsequently hosted the

  3. Hacia un modelo dinámico para la isla de calor urbana de Madrid = Towards a Dynamic Model for the Urban Heat Island of Madrid.

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    Miguel Núñez Peiró


    Full Text Available Esta investigación se enmarca dentro del proyecto MODIFICA (modelo predictivo - Edificios - Isla de Calor Urbano, financiado por el Programa de I + D + i Orientada a los Retos de la sociedad 'Retos Investigación' de 2013. Está dirigido a desarrollar un modelo predictivo de eficiencia energética para viviendas, bajo el efecto de isla de calor urbano (AUS con el fin de ponerla en práctica en la evaluación de la demanda de energía real y el consumo en las viviendas. A pesar de los grandes avances que se han logrado durante los últimos años en el rendimiento energético de edificios, los archivos de tiempo utilizados en la construcción de simulaciones de energía se derivan generalmente de estaciones meteorológicas situadas en las afueras de la ciudad. Por lo tanto, el efecto de la Isla de Calor Urbano (ICU no se considera en estos cálculos, lo que implica una importante falta de precisión. Centrado en explorar cómo incluir los fenómenos ICU, el presente trabajo recopila y analiza la dinámica por hora de la temperatura en diferentes lugares dentro de la ciudad de Madrid. Abstract This research is framed within the project MODIFICA (Predictive model - Buildings - Urban Heat Island, funded by Programa de I+D+i orientada a los retos de la sociedad 'Retos Investigación' 2013. It is aimed at developing a predictive model for dwelling energy performance under the Urban Heat Island (UHI effect in order to implement it in the evaluation of real energy demand and consumption in dwellings. Despite great advances on building energy performance have been achieved during the last years, weather files used in building energy simulations are usually derived from weather stations placed in the outskirts of the city. Hence, Urban Heat Island (UHI effect is not considered in this calculations, which implies an important lack of accuracy. Focused on exploring how to include the UHI phenomena, the present paper compiles and analyses the hourly dynamics

  4. Estudio prospectivo de la educación superior del servicio de hostería en las Islas Galápagos.


    Martínez Baldeón, Edgar Fabián


    El presente trabajo está enfocado en realizar una investigación acerca del tema planteado: “ESTUDIO PROSPECTIVO DE LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR DEL SERVICIO DE HOTELERÍA EN LAS ISLAS GALÁPAGOS” utilizando la Prospectiva Estratégica, con un análisis y comprensión del tema de investigación personal y actividad del servicio de hotelería en Galápagos, combinando la deducción, la inducción y la abducción, como bases de pensamiento y análisis, apoyada en la comprensión de la complejidad, la dinámica si...

  5. ¿Doble reaseguro o doble inestabilidad?: El papel de EEUU en Asia y el conflicto por las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu

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    Gracia Abad


    Full Text Available Durante décadas, tras la II Guerra Mundial, EEUU ha jugado un papel clave en la seguridad de Asia Pacífico como estabilizador exterior.En el contexto actual de lucha por la hegemonía en Asia entre los propios Estados Unidos y la República Popular de China, esa situación puede estar cambiando. Así parece ponerse de manifiesto en los distintos conflictos planteados en la región y, en concreto, en el de las islas Senkaku/Diaoyu entre la República Popular de China y Japón, aliado en el área de Estados Unidos

  6. Clonación humana y otros conflictos éticos en La isla/ The Island (2005

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    Full Text Available Los avances científicos y biotecnológicos se acompañan siempre de problemas éticos, algunos de los cuales se pueden identificar en La Isla. Un desastre ecológico pone en peligro la supervivencia de la especie humana y se impide a los individuos tomar sus decisiones libre y voluntariamente, anulando su condición moral para ser utilizados como medios. El fin perseguido en la película (trasplante de órganos para salvar vidas no justifica los medios empleados (clonación de donantes que ignoran su condición y son sacrificados. La donación de vivo ha de ser siempre voluntaria y gratuita, realizada tras un adecuado proceso de información. La clonación humana reproductiva es unánimemente rechazada, pero aún si se realiza con fines terapéuticos o de investigación y aunque esté legalmente permitida, sigue siendo motivo de fuerte controversia ética.

  7. El Arte Rupestre como legado prehistórico en la Isla de Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Rodrigo Luiz Simas de AGUIAR


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: El estudio del arte rupestre se desarrolló de manera considerable, principalmente en la última década, donde aparece un gran rol de técnicas para aplicar método a las investigaciones sobre el tema. El arte rupestre de la Isla de Santa Catarina, sur de Brasil, presenta un importante papel como legado de las poblaciones prehistóricas que habitaron la región. El levantamiento del arte rupestre podrá garantizar la preservación de esta identidad y ayudar a futuras investigaciones sobre la temática.ABSTRACT: The rock art studies have grown in the last 10 years, when many techniques were developed to apply methods in that research area. The rock art in Santa Catarina Island plays an important role as legacy of the prehistoric populations that lived in this area. This rock art survey will guarantee the preservation of this identity and will support future researches.


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    Diana Rojas


    Full Text Available Para estimar la prevalencia anual y men - sual de Fasciola hepatica y las pérdidas econó - micas anuales asociadas al decomiso de hígados por presencia del parásito, se analizaron los registros del Ministerio de Agricultura y Gana - dería de Costa Rica, Dirección de Inocuidad de Productos de Origen Animal (DIPOA, para el 2014, provenientes de 3 mataderos clase A localizados en el área metropolitana de Costa Rica; en estos mataderos se sacrificaron 249 108 reses, de las cuales 4547 hígados fueron decomi - sados por presencia de F. hepatica en el órgano. Las mayores prevalencias, entre 2,33 y 2,55%, se presentaron en enero, febrero y marzo, y las menores, entre 1,32 y 1,56%, durante agosto, setiembre y octubre. La prevalencia anual según estos registros fue 1,83% (IC 95%: 1,77-1,88. Las pérdidas económicas asociadas al decomiso de hígados fueron de 36.379.000 CRC, equivalentes a 67.438 USD. Se resalta el perjuicio económico de este parásito a nivel nacional y la utilidad del decomiso y registro de vísceras afectadas en los establecimientos de sacrificio de bovinos, como herramienta diagnóstica para la vigilancia epidemiológica, disponible para conocer sobre el estado de esta parasitosis. Como alternativas de control y prevención de la enfermedad, se plantea considerar las condiciones específicas de las regiones afectadas y así controlar esta parasitosis con un manejo integral, que involucre la fuente de alimento, desparasitación regular del ganado, con registro y monitoreo farmacológico de las drogas utilizadas, y saneamiento ambiental en fincas afectadas.

  9. Estructura de la comunidad y distribución vertical de la macrofauna de fondos blandos en isla Gorgona, Pacífico Colombiano

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    Bellineth Valencia


    Full Text Available Resumen Se evaluó la variación temporal, espacial y vertical de la estructura comunitaria de la macrofauna de fondos blandos submareales en isla Gorgona, Pacífico colombiano. Las muestras fueron colectadas en marzo y junio de 2011 mediante descorazonadores a 10m de profundidad en cinco puntos alrededor de la isla. Se registraron un total de 73 especies; poliquetos (55% y crustáceos (30% fueron los grupos dominantes en número de individuos. La estructura comunitaria evaluada mediante análisis de clasificación y ordenación, no varió temporalmente, pero si presentó diferencias entre puntos de muestreo, al parecer relacionada con la estructura del sedimento. Las mayores abundancias de la macrofauna se registraron en puntos con dominancia de partículas finas (Farallones, pero en otro punto con sustrato similar (Planchón, la abundancia fue baja, al parecer por la bioperturbación ejercida por el pez Heteroconger sp. La presencia de Heteroconger sp. en el Planchón posiblemente afectó la distribución vertical de la macrofauna, ya que en este último punto la abundancia relativa fue homogénea entre las capas analizadas (1-2-3-4-5-10cm. En los otros cuatro sitios, la abundancia de la macrofauna estuvo limitada principalmente a los primeros dos centímetros del sedimento. En Playa Blanca y Remanso el sustrato fue principalmente gravoso, registrándose en el último punto la menor riqueza, diversidad y abundancia.

  10. Evaluación de una prueba de ELISA con antígeno metabólico de Fasciola hepatica para el diagnóstico de fasciolosis humana en Cajamarca, Perú Evaluation of an ELISA test with Fasciola hepatica metabolic antigen for diagnosis of human fascioliasis in Cajamarca, Peru

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    Hernán Cornejo


    Full Text Available Se obtuvo el antígeno metabólico (antígeno excreción - secreción de Fasciola hepatica de ovinos infectados de Cajamarca, con una concentración proteica de 1 005 μg/μL, compuesta principalmente por proteνnas de peso molecular entre 1,2 y 170 KDa. Se detectaron bandas de 170; 150; 31; 24; 18-14 y 10 kDa. Con este antνgeno se desarrollσ una prueba de ELISA y se determinσ su punto de corte en 0,140. Se evaluσ 33 sueros de pacientes con fasciolosis confirmada por visualización de huevos en heces, 177 sueros de pacientes sin fasciolosis provenientes de áreas endémicas de Cajamarca y 88 sueros de pacientes con otras infecciones parasitarias y bacterianas. Se encontró una sensibilidad de 97,0%, especificidad de 96,6%, valor predictivo positivo de 78,1% y valor predictivo negativo de 99,6%. Se encontró reacción cruzada en 9/88 sueros evaluados. Se recomienda la implementación y uso de esta prueba para el diagnóstico de fasciolosis.Metabolic (excretion/secretion antigen was obtained from sheep infected with Fasciola hepatica, with a 1005 μg/μL of protein concentration, composed principally by proteins of molecular weight between 1.2 and 170 KDa. Bands of 170, 150, 31, 24, 18-14 and 10 kDa were detected. With this antigen an ELISA test was developed and the cut off was determined in 0.140. We evaluated 33 serums of patient with fascioliasis confirmed by visualization of eggs in feces, 177 serums of persons without fascioliasis from endemic rural areas of Cajamarca and 88 serums of patients with others parasitic and bacterial infections. We found a 97.0% of sensitivity, 96.6 specificity, 78.1% predictive positive value, 99.6 % predictive negative value. In 9/88 serums was found cross reactions. We recommended the implementation and use of this test for the fascioliasis diagnosis.

  11. Climatología de descargas eléctricas nube-tierra en las Islas Baleares

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    Miguel Ángel Heredia


    Full Text Available Se ha estudiado la distribución espacio-temporal de 591624 rayos detectados por la red del INM en un área rectangular de 84000 km² del Mediterráneo Occidental que incluye a las Islas Baleares. La mayor frecuencia de descargas se concentra en el mes de septiembre, seguido a distancia por agosto y octubre. Esto puede servir de indicación de que en esta época es cuando cabe esperar una mayor ocurrencia de los fenómenos más violentos asociados a la convección. Por horas, la mayor actividad eléctrica se observa durante la noche, y la menor, a media tarde. El análisis del número de días de tormenta reproduce las pautas temporales de la frecuencia de rayos, pero suavizando considerablemente las diferencias. En cuanto a la distribución espacial, los rayos presentan una mayor frecuencia en el norte y noroeste, mientras que las tormentas son más frecuentes en el nordeste.

  12. Estructura comunitaria de bivalvos y gasterópodos en raíces del mangle rojo Rhizophora mangle (Rhizophoraceae en isla Larga, bahía de Mochima, Venezuela

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    Vanessa Acosta Balbas


    Full Text Available Las raíces del mangle rojo forman un complejo ecosistema donde se reproducen, refugian y establecen de manera permanente una gran diversidad de organismos. En este estudio, se evaluó la diversidad de bivalvos y gasterópodos que habitan las raíces del mangle rojo Rhizophora mangle, en isla Larga, Bahía de Mochima, estado Sucre Venezuela. Se realizaron recolectas bimensuales desde enero 2007 hasta mayo 2008, en cuatro zonas de estudio denominadas: zona sur, norte, este y oeste. En cada zona se muestrearon cinco raíces de mangle, de donde se obtuvieron los especímenes. Se analizaron un total 180 raíces y se contabilizaron 35 especies de bivalvos y 25 de gasterópodos. Los bivalvos más abundantes fueron: Isognomon alatus, Isognomon bicolor, Ostrea equestris, Crassostrea rhizophorae y Brachidontes exustus, mientras que los gasterópodos más frecuentes: Littorina angulifera, Cymatium pileare y Diodora cayenensis. Los meses donde se observaron las mayores abundancias de especies y número de individuos fueron enero y julio 2007 y marzo 2008. El ecosistema de manglar en isla Larga, presentó un número de individuos y especies superior al reportado en otros trabajos realizados en Venezuela y otras regiones del Caribe.

  13. Ácaros Mesostigmata (Acari, Mesostigmata de hábitats seleccionados de La Gomera (islas Canarias, España

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    Moraza, M. L.


    Full Text Available The study of 47 samples from different habitats on La Gomera (Canary Islands, reveals 43 species representing 13 families from the order Mesostigmata. Most species were members of the families Ascidae (11 species and Laelapidae (9, followed by Macrochelidae and Pachylaelapidae (7 species. The most abundant species (abundance of 9% or greater found in the collected material are: Gamasiphis pulchellus (Berlese, 1887, Gamasellodes bicolour (Berlese, 1918, Veigaia planicola Berlese, 1892 and Pseudoparasitus dentatus (Halbert, 1920. The species found in the largest number of samples were Uropoda misella (Berlese, 1916 and G. bicolour (21%, V. planicola (19% and Holoparasitus Oudemans sp. (17%. Fayal-heather and laurisilva, with 36 species, provided the most diverse habitat; 9 species are associated with Erica arborea L., 9 species with Geranium canariensis Reut. and 9 with Sideritis lotsyi (Pitard.

    Como resultado del estudio de 47 muestras recogidas en diferentes hábitats de la isla de La Gomera (Islas Canarias, se obtuvieron 43 especies pertenecientes a 13 familias del orden Mesostigmata. Las familias Ascidae y Laelapidae son las mejor representadas, con 11 y 9 especies respectivamente, seguidas de Macrochelidae y Pachylaelapidae con 7. Las especies más abundantes (abundancia mayor o igual al 9% en el material recolectado son: Gamasiphis pulchellus (Berlese, 1887, Gamasellodes bicolor (Berlese, 1918, Veigaia planicola Berlese, 1892 y Pseudoparasitus dentatus (Halbert, 1920. Las especies más frecuentes (por aparecer en el mayor número de muestras son Uropoda misella (Berlese, 1916 y G. bicolor (21%, V. planicola (19% y Holoparasitus Oudemans sp. (17%. El fayal-brezal y laurisilva (monteverde, con 36 especies, es el hábitat más diverso; 9 especies se asocian a Erica arborea L., 9 a

  14. De remeros a pasajeros: Memorias de viajes y cambios sociales en una isla de Chiloé, Chile

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    Cristian Andrés Yáñez Aguilar


    Full Text Available El artículo aborda los viajes marítimos que hombres y mujeres de isla Quehui (Archipiélago de Chiloé, Región de los Lagos, Chile realizaban para llegar a Castro (capital provincial, en la primera mitad del siglo XX. El autor se apoya en relatos ofrecidos por pobladores locales y rinde cuenta del entorno social de la comunidad en torno a tales rutinas. El texto describe la aparición de la lancha a motor, que reemplaza  las prácticas anteriores de navegación, y su impacto social en los isleños. La construcción del texto se apoya en un trabajo de campo realizado en la zona de estudio, la utilización de la técnica de entrevistas y una revisión bibliográfica.

  15. Anotaciones Críticas sobre el Proyecto de una Ciudadela Industrial en el Parque Natural Isla de Salamanca

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    Lema Tapias Álvaro


    Full Text Available Preservada hasta hace pocos años por condiciones naturales, la Isla de Salamanca es condenada a morir por un insensato proyecto que autorizó la creación de una ciudadela industrial y que destruirá uno de los pocos lugares que aún quedan en el país y en el mundo con unas características ecológicas muy especiales por su ubicación geográfica y por sus condiciones especiales que la hacen paso obligado de muchas especies migratorias entre el Norte y el Sur del continente americano, asiento de otras -algunas en vía de extinción--y otras únicas del lugar; con cuya desaparición sólo se acerca el hombre a este mismo proceso como especie.

  16. Estudio de la frecuencia de hemoglobinopatías en las islas de San Andrés y Providencia, Colombia

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    María del Pilar Bernal


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio destinado a determinar la frecuencia de hemoglobinopatías en las islas caribeñas de San Andrés y Providencia, en 544 individos individuos: 443 de San Andrés y 101 de Providencia. La frecuencia en San Andrés fue del 12,8% y en Providencia 20,8%; las hemoglobinopatías más frecuentes fueron: el rasgo falciforme, la hemoglobina C y la beta-talasemia. Los datos indican, que las hemoglobinopatías en esta región del país como problema de salud pública, tienen importancia y nos dan información sobre el origen geográfico de la población.

  17. Análisis evolutivo territorial de la isla de Lanzarote como ejemplo de un espacio reserva de la biosfera

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    Silvia Sobral García


    Full Text Available Este artículo aborda la organización territorial y evolución reciente de la isla de Lanzarote desde la óptica de su denominación como Reserva de la Biosfera, haciendo espe­cial hincapié en si esta designación ha contri­buido a transformar las bases del desarrollo insular y ha propiciado un modelo alternativo más sostenible.This article approaches the terri­torial organization and recent evolution of Lanzarote’s island from the optics of his de­nomination as Reserve of the Biosphere, do­ing special support in if this designation has helped to transform the bases of the insular development and there has caused a more sustainable alternative model.

  18. Fasciola hepatica: a light and electron microscope study of the ovary and of the development of oocytes within eggs in the uterus provides an insight into reproductive strategy. (United States)

    Hanna, R E B; Moffett, D; Forster, F I; Trudgett, A G; Brennan, G P; Fairweather, I


    The ultrastructure of the ovary of Fasciola hepatica collected from field-infected sheep, was compared with that of flukes from laboratory-infected rats harbouring the Oberon or the Cullompton fluke isolate. At the periphery of the ovarian tubules, in all flukes, interstitial tissue was identified that appears to provide physical support and facilitate the metabolism of the germinal-line cells. Oogonia undergo mitotic division to maintain the cell population and to produce oocytes. Early oocytes feature conspicuous synaptonemal complexes in the nucleoplasm, and these become less evident as the oocytes grow in size, move towards the core of the ovarian tubule, and synthesise osmiophilic bodies. The latter may represent cortical granules, and serve to block polyspermy. The identity of the synaptonemal complexes was confirmed by immunocytochemical labelling of synaptonemal proteins. The occurrence of synaptonemal complexes in the oocytes of all fluke types examined indicates that pairing of bivalent chromosomes, with the potential for genetic recombination and chiasmata formation, is a feature of the triploid aspermic parthenogenetic Cullompton flukes, as well as of the wild-type out-breeding field-derived and Oberon isolate flukes. In oocytes within shelled eggs in the proximal uterus of all flukes, condensed chromosomes align at meiotic metaphase plates. Following the reduction division, two equal pronuclei appear in each oocyte in the distal uterus. On the basis of these observations, a mechanism of facultative parthenogenesis for F. hepatica is proposed that accommodates the survival and clonal expansion of triploid aspermic isolates. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.





    Se presentan los resultados del análisis de huellas de corte en restos óseos de pinnipedos provenientes de dos yacimientos loberos históricos, localizados en cabo Shirreff, isla Livingston, Antartica Chilena. Se describe la ubicación, disposición y características morfológicas de las huellas, con el objeto de establecer los modos de procesamiento llevados a cabo en los yacimientos estudiados. Los resultados indican que los cortes fueron hechos con instrumentos metálicos, en su mayoría orienta...

  20. Neuroticismo, extraversión y estilo atribucional en veteranos de guerra: una aproximación desde el estrés postraumático

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    Alejandro Enrique


    Full Text Available Las personas que experimentan un evento traumático (guerra, desastres naturales, abuso sexual, entre otros, a menudo suelen desarrollar un tipo específico de patología clínica conocida como Síndrome de Estrés Postraumático que frecuentemente está asociada a una serie de trastornos con una fuerte incidencia negativa en la mayoría de los casos, en todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana de quienes lo padecen. En particular en el caso de los veteranos de la guerra de las Islas Malvinas, que no tuvieron la posibilidad de contar con asistencia psicológica y contención emocional post-guerra, la presencia de este síndrome se encuentra asociada a un estilo atribucional desadaptativo o pesimista, como así también a mayores niveles de neuroticismo y menores de extraversión en comparación con la población general, lo que se traduce en mayores niveles de ansiedad flotante, escasa capacidad de control de los impulsos, inestabilidad emocional e incapacidad para generar y mantener relaciones sociales estables, con respecto a los excombatientes que no desarrollaron estrés postraumático.

  1. Action of sulfurous acid on pollen. [Hepatica triloba; Helleborus orientalis; Vinca minor; Viola tricolor; Primula officinalis; Lilium candidum; Petunia; Pisum; Helleborus viridus; Galanthus nivealis; Vinca major; Convallaria maialis; Narcissus poeticus; Caltha palustris; Cystisus laburnum; Orchis maculata; Bilbergia; Eranthus; Crocus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sabachnikoff, V


    The following ornamental plants: Hepatica triloba, Helleborus orientalis, Vinca minor, Viola tricolor, Primula officinalis, Lilium candidum, Petunia, Pisum, Helleborus viridus, Galanthus nivealis, Vinca major, Convallaria maialis, Narcissus poeticus, Caltha palustris, Cystisus laburnum, Orchis maculata, Bilbergia, Eranthus, and Crocus were tested for seed production. Exposure to sulfuric acid ranged from three to forty-eight hours. Responses were noted for varying concentrations.

  2. Turismo versus pesca artesanal. A propósito de la reserva marina de la isla de La Graciosa y los islotes del norte de Lanzarote

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    Gloria Cabrera Socorro


    Full Text Available La Reserva Marina de La Graciosa y los Islotes del Norte de Lanzarote (RMLGINL se creó en 1995 y, desde entonces, las actividades pesqueras de la población local y su cultura del mar han ido decreciendo progresivamente mientras que las actividades turísticas siguen emergiendo como la panacea en una pequeña isla, como La Graciosa, con no más de 600 habitantes. En este artículo tratamos de analizar cómo estos dos procesos están relacionados y qué papel está jugando la reserva marina en este caso. Usamos no sólo información cualitativa de los pescadores locales y de sus grupos domésticos, sino también cuantitativa contrastando algunos parámetros concretos como el número de pescadores y los barcos de pesca activos, los negocios relacionados con el sector servicios (restaurantes, apartamentos, etc., antes y después de implementación de la reserva marina. En este sentido, un importante elemento es la percepción de esta institución desde la población local, y la evolución de su actitud a favor o en contra. Estos procesos están relacionados con el diseño institucional de las reservas marinas en las Islas Canarias, en donde la participación de las poblaciones pesqueras locales está severamente limitada.

  3. Avances en el estudio histórico de la mina de galena de Bunyla (isla de Mallorca

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    Marcus Heinrich Hermanns


    Full Text Available Se presentan en este trabajo los resultados de la analítica (química y isotópica realizada para determinar la huella dactilar de la zona minera de Bunyola (Isla de Mallorca, uno de los yacimientos de galena que presenta el archipiélago Balear. Estos trabajos se realizaron para contextualizar tanto los restos mineros de la zona como para contextualizar también algunos conjuntos de material arqueológico de plomo, cuya materia prima se atribuía a este yacimiento minero. Sin embargo, gran parte de los restos en el terreno pertenecen a la mineria de finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. Las consideraciones acerca de una posible explotación en época antigua deben quedar abiertas hasta que se pueda concretar con más datos arqueológicos y/o analíticos.

  4. Hábitos alimenticios y migratorios del tiburón blanco Carcharodon carcharias (Lamniformes: Lamnidae de Isla Guadalupe inferidos por el análisis de isótopos estables de δ15N and δ13C

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    Mario Jaime-Rivera


    Full Text Available La composición isotópica de los tejidos de los depredadores tope en el ambiente marino provee información sobre su ecología trófica y su comportamiento migratorio. Estudios previos han mostrado que el tejido dérmico puede registrar patrones largos de movimiento y caza. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los hábitos tróficos y migratorios de los tiburones blancos de Isla Guadalupe realizando un análisis de isótopos estables de su tejido dérmico. Consideramos un pequeño grupo de muchos posibles taxa que los tiburones pudieron haber comido a lo largo de su migración: pinípedos, calamares y atunes. Estas presas fueron agrupadas en cinco áreas focales: Golfo de California, Isla Guadalupe, Costa de California, SOFA y Hawái. Realizamos un modelo de mezcla bayesiano para estudiar la ecología trófica de este depredador tope. Los promedios del valor isotópico de la dermis del tiburón blanco fueron δ13C (-14.5‰ y δ15N (19.1‰. Los promedios del valor isotópico de la dermis transformada para semejar músculo fueron δ13C (-16.6 ‰ y δ15N (21.2‰. El modelo de mezcla mostró una probable depredación de los tiburones en áreas oceánicas como el SOFA y confirmó la importancia de los pinnípedos como presa principal del tiburón blanco en Isla Guadalupe.

  5. Islas de ida y vuelta. Canarias y El Caribe en contexto colonial

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    Ortiz García, Carmen


    Full Text Available On the presupposition that the conquest of the Canary Islands set the colonial stage for the later Spanish enterprises in the Americas, the author discusses a number of elements of identity shared by the islands of both the eastern Atlantic and the Caribbean. Sugar, the slave trade and the raising of bananas, cochineal and tobacco are the instances chosen for this comparative analysis. In addition, the author makes a reference to the legends of the apparition of the Virgin of Charity at El Cobre, in Cuba, and of Candlemas in Tenerife.

    Partiendo de la idea de que la conquista de las Islas Canarias fue el primer ensayo colonial de lo que luego desarrollarían los españoles en América, se examinan algunos elementos de identidad entre el mundo isleño atlántico y caribeño, producidos precisamente por esa situación inicial de dominio colonial. El azúcar, la trata de esclavos, los cultivos de plátano, grana y tabaco son los ejemplos escogidos para este análisis comparado. Finalmente se hace una referencia comparativa de las leyendas de la aparición de la Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre en Cuba y de la Virgen de Candelaria en Tenerife

  6. Factores de riesgo coronario en la población mayor de 15 años del Consejo Popular "La Demajagua", Isla de la Juventud


    Terroba Chambi, Cinthia Jennifer; Dávila Gómez, Heenry Luís; Robles Martínez-Pinillo, Julio A


    Las enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV) son las principales causas de muerte en los pacientes de mediana edad y de edad avanzada en la mayoría de los países desarrollados y en muchos en desarrollo; de ellas, la más frecuente es la enfermedad coronaria (EC). Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles durante el año 2008 para identificar la relación causal de algunas variables de riesgo de cardiopatía isquémica en la población mayor de 15 años del Consejo Popular "La Demajagua", de Isla de la J...

  7. Fasciola hepatica reinfection potentiates a mixed Th1/Th2/Th17/Treg response and correlates with the clinical phenotypes of anemia (United States)

    Perez-Crespo, Ignacio; Chillón-Marinas, Carlos; Khoubbane, Messaoud; Quesada, Carla; Reguera-Gomez, Marta; Mas-Coma, Santiago; Fresno, Manuel; Gironès, Núria


    Background Fascioliasis is a severe zoonotic disease of worldwide extension caused by liver flukes. In human fascioliasis hyperendemic areas, reinfection and chronicity are the norm and anemia is the main sign. Herein, the profile of the Th1/Th2/Th17/Treg expression levels is analyzed after reinfection, correlating them with their corresponding hematological biomarkers of morbidity. Methodology/Principal findings The experimental design reproduces the usual reinfection/chronicity conditions in human fascioliasis endemic areas and included Fasciola hepatica primo-infected Wistar rats (PI) and rats reinfected at 8 weeks (R8), and at 12 weeks (R12), and negative control rats. In a cross-sectional study, the expression of the genes associated with Th1 (Ifng, Il12a, Il12b, Nos2), Th2 (Il4, Arg1), Treg (Foxp3, Il10, Tgfb, Ebi3), and Th17 (Il17) in the spleen and thymus was analyzed. After 20 weeks of primary infection, PI did not present significant changes in the expression of those genes when compared to non-infected rats (NI), but an increase of Il4, Arg1 and Ifng mRNA in the spleen was observed in R12, suggesting the existence of an active mixed Th1/Th2 systemic immune response in reinfection. Foxp3, Il10, Tgfb and Ebi3 levels increased in the spleen in R12 when compared to NI and PI, indicating that the Treg gene expression levels are potentiated in chronic phase reinfection. Il17 gene expression levels in R12 in the spleen increased when compared to NI, PI and R8. Gene expression levels of Il10 in the thymus increased when compared to NI and PI in R12. Ifng expression levels in the thymus increased in all reinfected rats, but not in PI. The clinical phenotype was determined by the fluke burden, the rat body weight and the hemogram. Multivariate mathematical models were built to describe the Th1/Th2/Th17/Treg expression levels and the clinical phenotype. In reinfection, two phenotypic patterns were detected: i) one which includes only increased splenic Ifng

  8. Isla de calor y ocupación espacial urbana en San Juan, Argentina: análisis evolutivo.
    Island heat effect and spatial urban occupancy in San Juan, Argentina: evolution analysis
    Ilha de calor e ocupação do espaço urbano em San Juán, Argentina: análise evolutiva


    Mario Cúnsulo; Alejandra Kurbán; Alberto Papparelli


    Resumen:En este artículo se presentan resultados finales de un proyecto de investigación bianual (2009-2010), denominado Variación histórica y espacial de la isla de calor urbana en zona árida, financiado por la Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina. Su objetivo principal es determinar la progresiva modificación de la isla de calor urbana en un periodo de quince años (1995-2010) y la correlación de esta con la ocupación del área urbana del Gran San Juan (GSJ), localizada en la diagonal ...

  9. El Río Paraná: geomorfología y morfodinámica de barras e islas en un gran río anabranching


    Pereira, María Soledad


    En los últimos años se propuso una nueva categoría para los ríos con caudal medio anual superior a los ~17,000m3/s, la de los mega-ríos (Latrubesse, 2008), que incluye a los nueve sistemas fluviales más grandes de la Tierra, entre los cuales se encuentra el río Paraná. Estos mega-ríos tienen en común su patrón anabranching, caracterizado por la existencia de brazos entre islas aluviales, cuyos distintos estilos varían de acuerdo a la longitud, sinuosidad y cantidad de brazos, la complejidad m...



    Iriarte R, María M; Fermín, Orlando


    RESUMEN El objetivo de la investigación fue verificar el conocimiento que tiene el personal que prepara alimentos para buffet, sobre buenas prácticas de manipulación de alimentos. Se aplicó un cuestionario a empleados de cinco hoteles de 5 estrellas de la Isla de Margarita, escogidos por medio de un muestreo intencional. Se evaluaron seis tópicos relacionados con la manipulación de alimentos y el perfil social de los empleados. El 68,9% de los 101 participantes se catalogó con conocimientos N...

  11. Modelling the spatial distribution of Fasciola hepatica in dairy cattle in Europe

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    Els Ducheyne


    Full Text Available A harmonized sampling approach in combination with spatial modelling is required to update current knowledge of fasciolosis in dairy cattle in Europe. Within the scope of the EU project GLOWORM, samples from 3,359 randomly selected farms in 849 municipalities in Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Poland and Sweden were collected and their infection status assessed using an indirect bulk tank milk (BTM enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA. Dairy farms were considered exposed when the optical density ratio (ODR exceeded the 0.3 cut-off. Two ensemble-modelling techniques, Random Forests (RF and Boosted Regression Trees (BRT, were used to obtain the spatial distribution of the probability of exposure to Fasciola hepatica using remotely sensed environmental variables (1-km spatial resolution and interpolated values from meteorological stations as predictors. The median ODRs amounted to 0.31, 0.12, 0.54, 0.25 and 0.44 for Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Poland and southern Sweden, respectively. Using the 0.3 threshold, 571 municipalities were categorized as positive and 429 as negative. RF was seen as capable of predicting the spatial distribution of exposure with an area under the receiver operation characteristic (ROC curve (AUC of 0.83 (0.96 for BRT. Both models identified rainfall and temperature as the most important factors for probability of exposure. Areas of high and low exposure were identified by both models, with BRT better at discriminating between low-probability and high-probability exposure; this model may therefore be more useful in practise. Given a harmonized sampling strategy, it should be possible to generate robust spatial models for fasciolosis in dairy cattle in Europe to be used as input for temporal models and for the detection of deviations in baseline probability. Further research is required for model output in areas outside the eco-climatic range investigated.

  12. Archaeological excavations and reconstruction of Ahu Tongariki - Easter Island - Chile. / Excavaciones arquelógicas y reconstrucción del Ahu Tongariki - Isla de Pascua (Chile.

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    Vargas, Patricia


    Full Text Available This paper is a brief summary of the presentation at one of the sessions and a field visit to Ahu Tongariki during the Second International Congress on "Easter Island and Eastern Polynesian Archaeology" held at Hanga Roa, Easter Island in October 1996. Final results of this on-going research project and full presentation of the archaeological data, chronology and conservation and reconstruction procedures of the site await completion. Most of the preliminary conclusions presented, regarding the character and archaeological evolution of the monument, should be considered with reservation, although we think that they will not significantly change after the data analysis of this profoundly disturbed site are completed./Este artículo es un breve resumen de la presentación en una de las sesiones y visita a terreno a Ahu Tongariki, durante el Segundo Congreso Internacional de Arqueología de Isla de Pascua y Polinesia Oriental, realizado en Hanga Roa, Isla de Pascua en octubre de 1996. Los resultados finales de este proyecto aún en desarrollo y una exposición completa de la data arqueológica, cronología y procedimientos de reconstrucción (restauración y conservación, están en proceso de ser completados. La mayor parte de las conclusiones preliminares acerca del carácter y evolución arqueológica del monumento, deben ser consideradas con reserva, aun cuando pensamos que ellas no cambiarán significativamente una vez completados los análisis de este sitio profundamente alterado.

  13. Análisis de la máxima intensidad de la isla de calor urbana nocturna de la ciudad de Rancagua (Chile y sus factores explicativos.

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    Pablo Sarricolea


    Full Text Available Las ciudades constituyen el hábitat por excelencia de los seres humanos, y pese a su diversidad presentan características ambientales (clima urbano comunes en muchas partes del mundo, como por ejemplo la presencia de la Isla de Calor Urbana (ICU, que corresponde a un aumento de origen antrópico de las temperaturas de la ciudad en comparación con su entorno inmediato de carácter natural y rural, siendo más intensa dicha diferencia en las noches. Por ello, el propósito de esta investigación es analizar la Máxima Intensidad de la Isla de Calor Urbana (MIICU de Rancagua a partir de mediciones de las temperaturas con transectos móviles y estaciones meteorológicas fijas. Se ha determinado que la máxima intensidad de la isla de calor urbana de Rancagua bordea los 6°C en verano y primavera, y 3°C para invierno y otoño. Los factores que explican las distribuciones de las temperaturas urbanas de Rancagua corresponden a las distancias a fuentes húmedas (río Cachapoal y las densidades poblacionales; y en menor medida las características topográficas del emplazamiento de la ciudad y las áreas verdes urbanas medidas a partir del índice normalizado de diferencias vegetales (NDVI. La principal conclusión de esta investigación indica que la ausencia de parques urbanos en Rancagua explica la distribución de las temperaturas y la elevada intensidad de la isla de calor, y también la no significativa relación entre temperaturas y NDVI. De no revertirse esta situación, la sostenibilidad ambiental futura de la ciudad de Rancagua se verá muy amenazada por el crecimiento urbano.Cities are the environment for excellence in human beings, and despite their diversity, environmental features (urban climate are common in many parts of the world, such as the presence of the Urban Heat Island (UHI. This corresponds to a temperature increase due to human activities in the city compared with its immediate natural and rural surroundings, the difference

  14. Reconstrucción de la subunidad estética de la ceja con un colgajo temporal en isla de cuero cabelludo

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    J. Gaona Silva

    Full Text Available La reconstrucción de las cejas juega un papel importante en la Cirugía Reconstructiva facial, debido a que la ausencia o deformidad de las mismas altera la expresión y las características de la cara, ejerciendo una influencia poderosa en la apariencia de la región periorbitaria, así como en el aspecto y en la autoestima de los pacientes. Describimos una técnica quirúrgica basada en el empleo de un colgajo temporal en isla de cuero cabelludo para la reconstrucción de la subunidad estética de la ceja y presentamos 3 casos de pacientes con defectos alopécicos de las cejas reconstruidos mediante dicha técnica.

  15. Wind effects on leaf morphology for the mangrove Conocarpus erecta at an oceanic island from the Mexican Pacific Ocean Efectos del viento en la morfología foliar del mangle Conocarpus erecta en una isla océanica del Pacífico mexicano

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    Full Text Available Leaf morphology was measured and aerodynamical attributes as well as transpiration rates were calculated for the mangrove Conocarpus erecta from sites naturally sheltered or sites exposed to oceanic winds at Socorro Island, Mexico, and compared with those of C. erecta, Laguncularia racemosa, and Rhizophora mangle at a mainland estuary near La Manzanilla, Jalisco, Mexico. Leaves of C. erecta, 5.98 cm in length and 2.03 cm in width, were the smallest and most streamlined of the mainland mangroves. Moreover, both leaf dimensions were 32 % smaller for trees from the exposed sites on Socorro Island than on the mainland. For a given wind velocity, Reynolds numbers were 10 to 33 % lower at Socorro Island than on the mainland for leaves of C. erecta, leading to a 17 to 45 % lower drag force exerted by wind on such leaves. Reynolds numbers characterize the degree of turbulence of a fluid moving adjacent to the surface of an object; here such a dimensionless number was used as a measure of fluttering for leaves. Transpiration rates for C. erecta were 25 % lower for plants growing at exposed sites on Socorro Island than on the sheltered sites, whose midday transpiration averaged 4 mmol m_2 s_1. Conocarpus erecta was better suited than the other mainland mangroves to windy environments owing to its smaller and more streamlined leaves. The population from Socorro Island underwent further morphological changes in response to wind at exposed sites, explaining, in part, the presence of this species and not of other mangroves on this oceanic Pacific islandSe midió la morfología foliar y se calcularon atributos aerodinámicos además de tasas potenciales de transpiración del mangle Conocarpus erecta en sitios naturalmente protegidos y expuestos al viento oceánico en la Isla Socorro, México, y de C. erecta, Laguncularia racemosa y Rhizophora mangle en un estuario continental cerca de La Manzanilla, Jalisco, México. Se realizaron comparaciones entre especies

  16. El conflicto entre turismo y protección ambiental: el caso del municipio de Isla Mujeres en la península de Yucatán


    Ay Robertos, Flor de Anahí


    Desde la teoría de conflicto y apoyándonos en los conceptos de turismo sustentable y sus dificultades de puesta en práctica en las Áreas Naturales Protegidas, se construye un análisis del conflicto y sus actores desde la Investigación Acción Participativa útil para el manejo y resolución de conflictos generados en un territorio de fuerte explotación turística y con recursos naturales de alto valor económico y ambiental, localizado en los límites del, municipio de Isla Mujeres con...

  17. Rapid identification and differentiation of Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica by a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay. (United States)

    Ai, L; Li, C; Elsheikha, H M; Hong, S J; Chen, J X; Chen, S H; Li, X; Cai, X Q; Chen, M X; Zhu, X Q


    The present study developed and validated a species-specific loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the rapid detection and discrimination of Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. The LAMP assay is inexpensive, easy to perform and shows rapid reaction, wherein the amplification can be obtained in 45 min under isothermal conditions of 61 °C or 62 °C by employing a set of four species-specific primer mixtures and results can be checked through naked-eye visualization. The optimal assay conditions with no cross-reaction with other closely related trematodes (Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini, Orientobilharzia turkestanicum and Schistosoma japonicum) as well as within the two Fasciola species were established. The assay was validated by examining F. gigantica DNA in the intermediate host snails and in faecal samples. The results indicated that the LAMP assay is approximately 10(4) times more sensitive than the conventional specific PCR assays. These findings indicate that this Fasciola species-specific LAMP assay may have a potential clinical application for detection and differentiation of Fasciola species, especially in endemic countries. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    Rafael M. Navarro Cerrillo


    Full Text Available La gestión forestal sostenible requiere de una información cartográfica adecuada. En este trabajo se elaboró una cartografía actual de la vegetación de la isla de Bioko (Guinea Ecuatorial basada en la clasificación supervisada de una imagen Landsat 7 ETM+, y una cartografía de la vegetación del piso afromontano, que incluye datos de la distribución, la superficie y los tipos forestales con presencia de Prunus africana. Se proponen seis nuevos tipos de vegetación de transición entre los bosques Guineo- Congolesa y los bosques afromontanos, y distintas formaciones afromontanas secundarias. El mapa de vegetación de Bioko tuvo un coeficiente Kappa de 0,69. Los principales errores se asociaron a las clases correspondientes a bosque secundarios de tierras bajas y a las zonas de transición entre los bosques congoleses y afromontanos. La fiabilidad del análisis mejoró en una segunda clasificación restringida a la vegetación afromontana de la isla (> 1400 m s.m., obteniéndose un coeficiente Kappa de 0,81. En este trabajo se muestra la utilidad de la teledetección para la elaboración de cartografía en zonas tropicales de escasa accesibilidad, dado que se obtuvieron resultados con una fiabilidad adecuada para la gestión forestal.

  19. Health disparities between island and mainland Puerto Ricans Disparidades de salud entre puertorriqueños que viven en la isla de Puerto Rico y en tierra firme estadounidense

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    Gloria Y. F. Ho


    associated with the poor health status observed in mainland Puerto Ricans.OBJETIVO: Detectar disparidades de salud entre tres poblaciones: puertorriqueños que viven en Puerto Rico, así como puertorriqueños y personas no hispanas de raza blanca que viven en tierra firme estadounidense. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron los datos obtenidos mediante dos encuestas de similar diseño que se realizaron en 1999-2000. El Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo Conductuales proporcionó datos acerca de los puertorriqueños radicados en la isla y de residentes de Estados Unidos de raza blanca que no son hispanos. Otra encuesta de puertorriqueños radicados en la Ciudad de Nueva York aportó datos acerca de los puertorriqueños que residían en tierra firme estadounidense. Se usaron las razones de las tasas estandarizadas (standardized rate ratios, SRR para hacer las comparaciones interpoblacionales de las prevalencias ponderadas, estandarizadas por edad y sexo, de varios parámetros (obesidad, diabetes, tabaquismo y dolencias físicas y de indicadores de acceso a la atención sanitaria (frecuencia de los exámenes de rutina y de la atención de la diabetes. RESULTADOS: Los puertorriqueños que vivían en tierra firme estadounidense y los que vivían en la isla tuvieron una prevalencia de obesidad parecida (21% a 22%. Comparados con los habitantes de la isla, los puertorriqueños radicados en tierra firme tuvieron una prevalencia de diabetes más alta (SRR = 1,4; intervalo de confianza de 95% [IC95%]: 1,01 a 2,0; los que tenían diabetes también mostraron una mayor prevalencia de tabaquismo (SRR = 4,2; IC 95%: 2,3 a 7,7 y de dolencias físicas (SRR = 1,5%; IC95%: 1,1 a 2,0 que los puertorriqueños que vivían en la isla. Mientras que los puertorriqueños en tierra firme se asemejaron a los blancos que no eran hispanos en cuanto a la utilización de servicios de prevención primaria y de atención de la diabetes, los puertorriqueños en la isla tenían cifras de utilización mucho m

  20. The reproductive biology of Sophora fernandeziana (Leguminosae), a vulnerable endemic species from Isla Robinson Crusoe. (United States)

    Bernardello, Gabriel; Aguilar, Ramiro; Anderson, Gregory J


    Sophora fernandeziana is the only legume endemic to Isla Robinson Crusoe (Archipelago Juan Fernández, Chile); it is uncommon and becoming rare. Although its preservation status is listed as "vulnerable," as with many species, little is known of its reproductive biology. Flowering phenology, floral morphology, nectar features, breeding system, and visitors were analyzed in two populations. Flowering is from late winter to early spring. Flowers last 6 d and have a number of ornithophilous features. A floral nectary begins to secrete highly concentrated nectar 48 h after flowers open. Nectar secretion increases as the flower ages but culminates in active nectar reabsorption as the flower senesces. Nectar production is negatively affected by nectar removal. Self-pollen germinates and tubes grow down the style. However, pollen tubes were only observed to enter the ovaries in open pollinated styles, suggesting the possibility of an ovarian self-incompatibility mechanism. Both sexes of the two hummingbird species that inhabit the island are regular visitors. Low fruit and seed set, low genetic diversity, and a shrinking number of populations all contribute to increased concern about the future of this species-and perhaps the hummingbirds that depend on it.

  1. A new Lepeophtheirus (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae from Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica, Eastern Tropical Pacific

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    Eduardo Suárez-Morales


    Full Text Available Among the several groups of copepods that are teleost parasites, the siphonostomatoid family Caligidae is by far the most widespread and diverse. With more than 108 nominal species, the caligid genus Lepeophtheirus von Nordmann is one of the most speciose. There are no reports of this genus in Costa Rican waters. A new species of Lepeophtheirus is herein described based on female specimens collected from plankton samples in waters off Bahía Wafer, isla del Coco, an oceanic island in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. The new species, L. alvaroi sp. nov., has some affinities with other congeners bearing a relatively short abdomen, a wider than long genital complex and a 3-segmented exopod of leg 4. it differs from most of these species by the presence of an unbranched maxillular process and by the relative lengths of the terminal claws of leg 4, with two equally long elements. it is most closely related to two other Eastern Pacific species: L. dissimulatus Wilson, 1905 and L. clarionensis Shiino, 1959. it differs from these species by the proportions and shape of the genital complex, the shape of the sternal furca, the relative length of the maxillar segments, the absence of a pectiniform process on the distal maxillar segment, the length of leg 4 and the armature of leg 5. The new species represents the first Lepeophtheirus described from Costa Rican waters of the Pacific. The low diversity of this genus in this tropi- cal region is explained by its tendency to prefer hosts from temperate latitudes. Until further evidence is found, the host of this Lepeophtheirus species remains unknown.Entre los varios grupos de copépodos que son parásitos de teleósteos, la familia sifonostomatoide Caligidae incluye los más dispersos y diversos. Con más de 108 especies nominales, el género de calígidos Lepeophtheirus von Nordmann es uno de los más diversos. No existen registros previos de este género en aguas de Costa Rica. Se describe una nueva especie de

  2. Spatial analysis and risk mapping of Fasciola hepatica infection in dairy herds in Ireland

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    Nikolaos Selemetas


    Full Text Available Fasciolosis is generally a subclinical infection of dairy cows and can cause marked economic losses. This study investigated the prevalence and spatial distribution of fasciolosis in dairy cow herds in Ireland using an in-house antibodydetection enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay applied to bulk tank milk (BTM samples collected during the autumn of 2012. A total of 5,116 BTM samples were collected from 4,602 different herds, with 514 farmers submitting BTM samples in two consecutive months. Analysis of the BTM samples showed that 82% (n = 3,764 of the dairy herds had been exposed to Fasciola hepatica. A total of 108 variables, including averaged climatic data for the period 1981-2010 and contemporary meteorological data for the year 2012, such as soil, subsoil, land cover and habitat maps, were investigated for a possible role as predictor of fasciolosis. Using mainly climatic variables as the major predictors, a model of the predicted risk of fasciolosis was created by Random Forest modelling that had 95% sensitivity and 100% specificity. The most important predictors in descending order of importance were: average of annual total number of rain-days for the period 1981-2010, total rainfall during September, winter and autumn of 2012, average of annual total number of wet-days for the period 1981- 2010 and annual mean temperature of 2012. The findings of this study confirm the high prevalence of fasciolosis in Irish dairy herds and suggest that specific weather and environmental risk factors support a robust and precise distribution model.

  3. Lithosphere Structure of the Rivera Plate - Jalisco Block Contact Zone: Septentrional Region of the Islas Marías (Mexico) (United States)

    Madrigal-Ávalos, L. A.; Nunez, D.; Escalona-Alcazar, F. D. J.; Nuñez-Cornu, F. J.; Barba, D. C., Sr.; Danobeitia, J.


    The western margin of Mexico is a tectonic complex region where large earthquakes occurred with very destructive consequences, including the generation of big tsunamis. This fact is mainly the result of the Rivera plate subduction beneath the North American plate and the Jalisco Block implying a high potential seismic risk. In the north, between the Tamayo Fracture Zone and the Mesoamerican Trench, the Islas Marías region is a complex tectonic limit within the interaction of the Rivera plate oceanic crust and the Jalisco Block continental crust. In order to know the shallow and deep structure of the Rivera plate - Jalisco Block contact zone and to be able to determine these potential seismic sources, the TSUJAL geophysical experiment was carried out from 2012 to 2016. As part of this project, we present the results of the processed and analyzed MCS and WAS data along the TS09 and RTSIM01 seismic transects, respectively, across the septentrional region of Islas Marías. These marine seismic lines are coincident with 110 km length for MCS and 240 km for WAS, and perpendicular to the coastline with SW-NE orientation. The seismic sources used in this work aboard RRS James Cook consisted of 12 guns with a total capacity for WAS data of 5800 in3 every 120 s and 3540 in3 every 50 m for MCS data. The MCS data were acquired with a 5.85 km length streamer with a 468 active channels, while the WAS data were recorded by a network of 4 OBS and 27 land seismic stations. After data processing and joint interpretation, it was possible to determine that shallow structure is mainly constituted by normal faults associated to graben structures forming sedimentary basins with non-deformed sediments in the basement. While the deep structure is characterized by depths from 9 to 12 km in the oceanic crust and 18 to 21 km in the continental crust. The deepest layers of the upper mantle were determined up to 35 km depth. In this study, it was possible to calculate a dip angle between 6

  4. La isla en peso de Virgilio Piñera: metamorfosis de un tigre que no existe / The Whole Island, by Virgilio Piñera: metamorphosis of a non-existent tiger

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    María de las Nieves Hernández


    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este artículo aborda los tópicos de la cubanidad y la muerte en el poema "La isla en peso" del escritor cubano Virgilio Piñera. Es un ejercicio de lectura que focaliza adrede aspectos temáticos, si bien no excluye acercamientos a los planos formales o compositivos. La estrategia piñeriana enmarca o devela el punto de vista del sujeto lírico, respondiendo a una tensión entre el yo y lo otro que no halla nunca soluciones definitorias, y que constituye el mecanismo discursivo central de lo que aquí llamaremos ‘retorica del silencio’, opuesta y complementaria de otra, la ‘retórica del énfasis’. ABSTRACT: This article deals with the themes of Cuban identity and death in the poem “La isla en peso” by the Cuban writer Virgilio Piñera. It is a reading which deliberately focuses on thematic aspects, though it doesn't exclude approaches to the formal or compositional levels. Piñera's strategy frames or reveals the lyric subject's point of view, responding to a tension between the “self” and the “other” which never finds definitive resolution and represents the central discursive mechanism of what we will call here the 'rhetoric of silence', contrary and complementary to the other, the 'rhetoric of emphasis'.

  5. Propiedades magnéticas y micromorfología de suelos en el sitio arqueológico Marazzi 2, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Chile


    Ozán, Ivana Laura; Orgeira, Maria Julia


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es investigar el origen de la señal magnética (natural y/o antrópica) y su vinculación con la micromorfología de suelos, en dos perfiles del sitio arqueológico Marazzi 2, perteneciente al Holoceno tardío y ubicado en el noroeste de la Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego (Chile). Los resultados muestran que el perfil P1 presenta un pico de la señal magnética (presencia de magnetita y/o titanomagnetita) entre los 30 - 70 cm, que coincide con un horizonte Ab y ABb en...

  6. JPRS Report, Soviet Union, International Affairs. (United States)


    de estudios internationales (CEPEI), Lima, 1986, XXXVI+498 pp] [Text] The latest publication of the Peruvian Center for International Research is...United States on the Malvinas Islands and Easter Island (p 377). Mercado Harrin, former minister of foreign affairs and prime minister of Peru who...urgent tasks in the realm of foreign policy. E. Mercado Harrin, analyzing the geopolitical climate in Latin America after the Malvinas conflict of

  7. Isla Guadalupe, Mexico (GUAX, SCIGN/PBO) a Relative Constraint for California Borderland and Northern Gulf of California Motions. (United States)

    Gonzalez-Garcia, J. J.


    Using ITRF2000 as a common reference frame link, I analyzed survey mode and permanent GPS published results, together with SOPAC public data and results (, in order to evaluate relative present day crustal deformation in California and northern Mexico. The crustal velocity field of Mexico (Marquez-Azua and DeMets, 2003) obtained from continuous GPS measurements conducted by Instituto Nacional de Geografia e Informatica (INEGI) for 1993-2001, was partially used. The preferred model for an instantaneous rigid motion between North-America and Pacific plates (NAPA), is obtained using results of Isla Guadalupe GPS surveys (1991-2002) giving a new constraint for Pacific plate (PA) motion (Gonzalez-Garcia et al., 2003). It produces an apparent reduction of 1 mm/yr in the absolute motion in the border zone between PA and North-America (NA) plates in this region, as compared with other GPS models (v.g. Prawirodirdjo and Bock, 2004); and it is 3 mm/yr higher than NNRNUVEL-1A. In the PA reference frame, westernmost islands from San Francisco (FARB), Los Angeles (MIG1), and Ensenada (GUAX); give current residuals of 1.8, 1.7 and 0.9 mm/yr and azimuths that are consistent with local tectonic setting, respectively. In the NA reference frame, besides the confirmation of 2 mm/yr E-W extension for the southern Basin and Range province in northern Mexico; a present day deformation rate of 40.5 mm/yr between San Felipe, Baja California (SFBC) and Hermosillo, Sonora, is obtained. This rate agrees with a 6.3 to 6.7 Ma for the "initiation of a full sea-floor spreading" in the northern Gulf of California. SFBC has a 7 mm/yr motion in the PA reference frame, giving then, a full NAPA theoretical absolute motion of 47.5 mm/yr. For Puerto Penasco, Sonora (PENA) there is a NAPA motion of 46.2 mm/yr and a residual of 1.2 mm/yr in the NA reference frame, this site is located only 75 km to the northeast from the Wagner basin center. For southern Isla Guadalupe (GUAX) there

  8. El destilatorio de Quellón Nuevo: génesis y decadencia de un pueblo en la Isla Grande de Chiloé./ The New Quellon distillatory: genesis and decay of a town on the Big Island of Chiloe, Chile.

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    Quilodrán Rubio, Carolina


    Full Text Available Quellón, una de las principales ciudades chilotas, confín de la Isla Grande, debe su desarrollo económico y social a un destilatorio de alcoholes y maderas. A diferencia de la mayor parte de las demás localidades sureñas, germinalmente hispánicas y nutridas por la industria maderera de comienzos del siglo XX, la comunidad de Quellón construye su andamiaje sobre los réditos económicos que derivan del destilatorio. Su ocaso, sin embargo, deriva del cuestionable desembarco de la industria salmonícola./ Quellón, one of the main chiloteans cities, confine of Isla Grande, because their economic and social development a distiller of alcohols and Woods. Unlike most of the other cities in southern, originally Hispanic and abounding by timber of early 20th century, the community of Quellón builds your scaffolding on economic revenues derived from the distiller. Its decline, however, derives from the questionable landing salmon's industry.

  9. La erupción y el tubo volcánico del Volcán Corona (Lanzarote, Islas Canarias

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    Láinez, A.


    Full Text Available The island of Lanzarote, located at the eastem, oldest edge of the Canarian hotspot island-chain, has very sparse Holocene rejuvenation volcanism, possibly restricted to the 1824 and 1730 eruptions, ir1 agreement with the mature post-erosional stage of the island. The dating of the Corona Volcano, possibly the most recent eruptive event in the island before the historic eruptions, gives a mean 40Ar/.i9Ar age of 21 f 6.5 ka. This age agrees with the geological observations and the study of the Corona Volcano, particularly the large lava tube (7.6 km long, up to 25 m in diameter formed in the initial stages of the eruption. The last 1.6 km of' this lava tube are at present submerged, ending at a depth of at least 80 m below the present sea level. Our interpretation is that the active lava tube could not have reached that depth and, therefore, the submerged part of the tube formed as the lava flowed on a coastal platform at least 1.6 km wider and at least 80 m below the present sea level, a circumstance that could only have been possible coinciding with a period of low sea-leve1 stand related to a maximum glacial, most probably the last one, at about 20 ka. The subsequent rise in sea level left the coastal platform and the end of the lava tube submerged. The age of the Corona Volcano eruption is constrained by the radioisotopic determinations in 21 + 6.5 ka and, concordantly, by the low sea-leve1 stand recorded between about 18 and 21 ka. The Corona Volcano eruption and lava tube therefore provide clear evidence of changes in sea level in the Canaries in relation to glaciations, and establish important constraints in the volcanic history of the island of Lanzarote.La isla de Lanzarote, situada en el extremo oriental de la alineación del punto caliente de las Canarias, ha tenido escasa actividad eruptiva de rejuvenecimiento en el Holoceno, posiblemente reducida a las erupciones de 1730 y 1824, hecho que concuerda con el avanzado estado post

  10. Time-Course Study of the Transcriptome of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) from Sheep Infected with Fasciola hepatica (United States)

    Scheerlinck, Jean-Pierre; Ansell, Brendan R. E.; Hall, Ross S.; Gasser, Robin B.; Jex, Aaron R.


    Fasciola hepatica is a parasitic trematode that infects a wide range of mammalian hosts, including livestock and humans, in temperate and tropical regions globally. This trematode causes the disease fascioliasis, which consists of an acute phase (≤ 12 weeks) during which juvenile parasites migrate through the host liver tissues, and a chronic phase (> 12 weeks) following the establishment of adult parasites in the liver bile ducts. Few studies have explored the progression of the host response over the course of Fasciola infection in the same animals. In this study, we characterized transcriptomic changes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) collected from sheep at three time points over the first eight weeks of infection relative to uninfected controls. In total, 183 and 76 genes were found to be differentially transcribed at two and eight weeks post-infection respectively. Functional and pathway analysis of differentially transcribed genes revealed changes related to T-cell activation that may underpin a Th2-biased immune response against this parasite. This first insight into the dynamics of host responses during the early stages of infection improves the understanding of the pathogenesis of acute fascioliasis, informs vaccine development and presents a set of PBMC markers with diagnostic potential. PMID:27438474

  11. Time-Course Study of the Transcriptome of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs from Sheep Infected with Fasciola hepatica.

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    Cristian A Alvarez Rojas

    Full Text Available Fasciola hepatica is a parasitic trematode that infects a wide range of mammalian hosts, including livestock and humans, in temperate and tropical regions globally. This trematode causes the disease fascioliasis, which consists of an acute phase (≤ 12 weeks during which juvenile parasites migrate through the host liver tissues, and a chronic phase (> 12 weeks following the establishment of adult parasites in the liver bile ducts. Few studies have explored the progression of the host response over the course of Fasciola infection in the same animals. In this study, we characterized transcriptomic changes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs collected from sheep at three time points over the first eight weeks of infection relative to uninfected controls. In total, 183 and 76 genes were found to be differentially transcribed at two and eight weeks post-infection respectively. Functional and pathway analysis of differentially transcribed genes revealed changes related to T-cell activation that may underpin a Th2-biased immune response against this parasite. This first insight into the dynamics of host responses during the early stages of infection improves the understanding of the pathogenesis of acute fascioliasis, informs vaccine development and presents a set of PBMC markers with diagnostic potential.

  12. Una nueva especie de Opistognathus (Pisces: Perciformes para la Isla de Gorgona (Pacífico Colombiano

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    Acero P. Arturo


    Full Text Available A new species of jawfish, Opistognathus tenmutis, is described from the Colombian island of Gorgona in the Pacific Ocean, based on four specimens. The new species differs from others already described from the westem American coast by the following characters: dorsal fin with eleven spines and thirteen rays, anal fin with three spines and thirteen rays, pectoral fin with 20-21 rays, 41-44 gillrakers in the first arch, violet lines as the main body coloratlon with no spots or ocelli; also, its maximum body size is over 27 cm.Se describe una especie nueva de Opistognáthido, Opistognathus fenmutis, a partir de cuatro ejemplares provenientes de la isla colombiana de Gorgona. La nueva especie difiere de las otras descritas de la costa occidental de América por tener once espinas y trece radios en la aleta dorsal, tres espinas y trece radios en la aleta anal, 20-21 radios pectorales, 41-44 branquiespinas en el primer arco, y una coloración basada en líneas violetas, sin manchas ni ocelos dorsales; además crece por encima de los 27 cm.

  13. Dataciones radiometricas (14C y K/Ar del Teide y el Rift noroeste, Tenerife, Islas Canarias

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    Hansen, A.


    unstable slopes of Teide, it took place without any apparent response of the volcano; on the contrary, these eruptions seemed to progressively buttress and enhance the stability of Teide Volcano. Conversely, the occurrence of these flank eruptions, combined with the Pico Viejo and NW rift eruptions, poses a very high lava-flow risk to the now densely populated areas in north and west Tenerife, which have been almost entirely resurfaced during the past 20,000 years.El Teide, el edificio volcánico más alto del planeta (3.718 m sobre el nivel del mar, > 7 km desde el fondo oceánico después del Mauna Loa y Mauna Kea en las islas Hawaii, forma un complejo volcánico en el centro de la isla de Tenerife. Su actividad eruptiva reciente (últimos 20 Ka está asociada con la rama NO del rift triple (120" que ha configurado la etapa reciente de construcción de la isla. La mayoría de las erupciones de Tenerife en este período se han localizado en estas estructuras volcánicas, generando frecuentes y extensas coladas máficas y félsicas, muchas alcanzado la costa e invadiendo lo que es ahora una de las zonas más densamente pobladas de Tenerife y, probablemente, de cualquier isla oceánica del planeta. Sin embargo, y a pesar de los numerosos estudios y proyectos previos, falta aún información geológica básica para este importante sistema volcánico, en particular la datación de las diferentes erupciones que lo componen, con objeto de reconstruir el marco geocronológico indispensable para conocer su evolución y determinar científicamente los riesgos volcánicos, de perentoria necesidad habida cuenta de su naturaleza y entidad, y de la población potencialmente afectada. Nuevas dataciones de Carbono-14 y K/Ar aportan ahora importante información a este respecto. La mayoría de las erupciones de los últimos 20 Ka no están relacionadas con el estratovolcán Teide, que sólo ha tenido una hace 1.240 f 60 años -entre 663 y 943 AD una vez calibrada la edad-, sino con el

  14. Presencia de vectores de leishmaniosis cutánea y visceral en la Isla de Santa Cruz de Mompox, Departamento de Bolívar, Colombia Vectors of cutaneous and visceral Leishmaniosis in San Cruz de Mompox island, Bolívar, Colombia

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    Iván Darío Vélez Bernal


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    Se realizó una prospección entomológica en la Isla de Santa Cruz de Mompox entre los días 23 y 29 de diciembre de 1993, con el fin de determinar si se trata de una zona de riesgo potencial de Infección por Leishmania; para ello se practicaron capturas de flebotomíneos en sitios de reposo diurno y con trampas de luz tipo CDC y Shannon, colocadas simultáneamente en el perl y el extradomicilio. Se colectaron 367 ejemplares de flebotomíneos cuya Identificación demostró por primera vez la presencia en la Isla de siete especies de Lutzomyia entre las cuales se encuentran Lu. panamensis y Lu. gomezi, vectoras de leishmaniosis cutánea y Lu. evansi vectora principal de la forma visceral en la Costa Caribe Colombiana; el hallazgo demuestra que la isla es una zona de riesgo potencial para leishmaniosis cutánea y visceral.

    An entomological survey was carried out at the island of Santa Cruz of Mompox between December 23 and 29, 1993, In order to determine if there is a potential risk for Leishmania infection. Phlebotominae were captured at sites of diurnal rest as well as using CDC and Shannon light traps, simultaneously located at extra and peridomiciliary sites. 367 specimens were collected, among them 7 species of Lutzomyia including Lu. panamensis and Lu. gomezi vectors of cutaneous leishmaniosis; also Lu. evansi, the main vector of visceral leishmaniosis In the Colombian Caribbean Coast. This is the first report implicating this island as a potential risk site for cutaneous and visceral leishmaniosis.

  15. Análise do transcriptoma do estágio invasivo de Fasciola hepatica e sua contribuição na compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos no processo de infecção


    Martín Pablo Cancela Sehabiague


    Fasciola hepatica é um trematódeo parasita e o agente causador da fasciolose. Esta zoonose causa perdas importantes na produção agropecuária e tem uma crescente incidência na saúde dos seres humanos, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento. Mesmo que existem drogas fasciolicidas, estas não evitam a reinfecção e o surgimento de resistência e, portanto são necessárias novas estratégias de controle. A compreensão dos mecanismos moleculares que envolvem a relação parasito-hospedeiro e os proc...

  16. Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Compared to Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Test for the Detection of Fasciola hepatica in Human Stool (United States)

    Cabada, Miguel M.; Malaga, Jose L.; Castellanos-Gonzalez, Alejandro; Bagwell, Kelli A.; Naeger, Patrick A.; Rogers, Hayley K.; Maharsi, Safa; Mbaka, Maryann; White, A. Clinton


    Fasciola hepatica is the most widely distributed trematode infection in the world. Control efforts may be hindered by the lack of diagnostic capacity especially in remote endemic areas. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)–based methods offer high sensitivity and specificity but require expensive technology. However, the recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) is an efficient isothermal method that eliminates the need for a thermal cycler and has a high deployment potential to resource-limited settings. We report on the characterization of RPA and PCR tests to detect Fasciola infection in clinical stool samples with low egg burdens. The sensitivity of the RPA and PCR were 87% and 66%, respectively. Both tests were 100% specific showing no cross-reactivity with trematode, cestode, or nematode parasites. In addition, RPA and PCR were able to detect 47% and 26% of infections not detected by microscopy, respectively. The RPA adapted to a lateral flow platform was more sensitive than gel-based detection of the reaction products. In conclusion, the Fasciola RPA is a highly sensitive and specific test to diagnose chronic infection using stool samples. The Fasciola RPA lateral flow has the potential for deployment to endemic areas after further characterization. PMID:27821691


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    Ángel Guillemes Peira


    Full Text Available El trabajo tuvo como objetivo modelar los sistemas híbridos basados en las energías renovables, que proporcionen las necesidades energéticas a una planta desaladora (ósmosis inversa, con una capacidad de producción de 50 m3/día. Para el procesamiento de los datos se utilizó el software Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables. Se tomaron como elementos de partida la demanda eléctrica de una planta desaladora estándar, las especificaciones técnicas de los equipos utilizados, así como los potenciales de radiación solar y las velocidades de viento de la Isla San Cristóbal del archipiélago de Galápagos de Ecuador. Los resultados muestran que el sistema híbrido óptimo, desde el punto de vista técnico-económico es el eólico-fotovoltaico-diesel, compuesto por un aerogenerador, paneles fotovoltaicos, un banco de baterías y un generador diésel.

  18. Anfípodos hiperídeos (Crustacea: Peracarida del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, Pacífico Tropical Oriental Hyperiid amphipods (Crustacea: Peracarida of the Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, Eastern Tropical Pacific

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    Rebeca Gasca


    Full Text Available Los anfípodos hiperídeos son uno de los grupos de crustáceos pelágicos más frecuentemente encontrados y están entre los más diversos del zooplancton marino. Para determinar la composición de especies de anfípodos hipéridos que habitan las aguas alrededor del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, se analizaron 12 muestras de zooplancton. Estas fueron recolectadas mediante arrastres verticales y horizontales con una red de plancton con mallas de 200 y 500 micras y 49cm de diámetro en la boca. Se encontró un total de 22 especies pertenecientes a 17 géneros y 12 familias. Se presenta el listado faunístico de este grupo junto con datos acerca de su taxonomía, su distribución en el área de estudio y su distribución general. La mayor parte de las especies registradas en esta zona han sido reportadas en estudios previos referentes a la región del Pacífico Tropical Oriental y en particular en aguas oceánicas de Costa Rica. Encontramos ocho especies que representan nuevos registros para aguas del Pacífico costarricense, lo que incrementa en un 26% (a 38 el número de especies de hipéridos conocidos en Costa Rica. Las especies más frecuentes fueron Lestrigonus shoemakeri, L. bengalensis, Hyperioides sibaginis y Phronimosis spinifera. Se espera que muestreos adicionales tanto de aguas superficiales como profundas expandan el conocimiento de la diversidad del grupo en esta área protegida.Hyperiid amphipods are one of the most frequently encountered pelagic crustaceans and among the most diverse marine zooplankters. To determine the species composition of the hyperiid amphipods dwelling in the waters around Isla del Coco National Park, Pacific Costa Rica, we analyzad 12 zooplankton samples, collected by vertical and horizontals tows with plankton net with mesh sizes of 200 and 500 microns and 49cm mouth diameter. We recorded a total of 22 species belonging to 17 genera and 12 families. A faunistic list of this group is provided

  19. Magmas with slab fluid and decompression melting signatures coexisting in the Gulf of Fonseca: Evidence from Isla El Tigre volcano (Honduras, Central America) (United States)

    Mattioli, Michele; Renzulli, Alberto; Agostini, Samuele; Lucidi, Roberto


    Isla El Tigre volcano is located in the Gulf of Fonseca (Honduras) along the Central America volcanic front, where a significant change in the strike of the volcanic chain is observed. The studied samples of this poorly investigated volcano are mainly subalkaline basic to intermediate lavas (basalts and basaltic andesites) and subordinate subalkaline/alkaline transitional basalts, both having the typical mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of arc volcanic rocks. On the basis of petrographic and geochemical features, two groups of rocks have been distinguished. Lavas from the main volcanic edifice are highly porphyritic and hy-qz normative, and have lower MgO contents ( 5 wt.%), are ol-hy normative and show lower HFSE depletions relative to LILE and LREE, with lower Ba/La, Ba/Nb and Zr/Nb ratios. This suggests that mantle-derived magmas were not produced by the same process throughout the activity of the volcano. The bulk rock geochemistry and 87Sr/86Sr (0.70373-0.70382), 143Nd/144Nd (0.51298-0.51301), 206Pb/204Pb (18.55-18.58), 207Pb/204Pb (15.54-15.56) and 208Pb/204Pb (38.23-38.26) isotopic data of Isla El Tigre compared with the other volcanoes of the Gulf of Fonseca and all available literature data for Central America suggests that this stratovolcano was mainly built by mantle-derived melts driven by slab-derived fluid-flux melting, while magmas erupted through its parasitic cones have a clear signature of decompression melting with minor slab contribution. The coexistence of these two different mantle melting generation processes is likely related to the complex geodynamic setting of the Gulf of Fonseca, where the volcanic front changes direction by ca. 30° and two fundamental tectonic structures of the Chortis continental block, mainly the N-S Honduras Depression and the NE-SW Guayape Fault Zone, cross each other.

  20. Música reggae y modulaciones sociales: notas acerca de la relación individuo-grupo en una isla caribeña

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    Rafael Andrés Sánchez Aguirre


    Full Text Available La relación individuo-grupo es un tema central en diversos ám-bitos del conocimiento; asunto que también resulta relevante en el campo musical. En este escrito, se asume que la musicalidad individual está ligada estructuralmente ―más no agotada― a una musicalidad social e histórica. De tal forma, se intenta suge-rir algunas líneas de reflexión acerca de la práctica de la música reggae en una isla del Caribe. El análisis de este fenómeno musi-cal permitirá reconocer dimensiones de colectividad que los mú-sicos y miembros de la comunidad van tejiendo. Se ha realizado un ejercicio de carácter sociológico, etnográfico y de revisión his-tórica, para detallar discrepancias sonoras, síncopas sociales y re-sistencias culturales que fortalecen sentidos de acción colectiva.

  1. Efecto genético del aislamiento geográfico de la liebre negra (Lepus insularis), endémica de Isla Espíritu Santo, Baja California Sur, México


    Cervantes, Fernando A.; Castañeda, Mario


    Este estudio evaluó la magnitud de la divergencia genética entre Lepus insularis y L. californicus xanti de la Península de Baja California causada por el aislamiento geográfico de L. insularis efectuando un análisis de aloenzimas. Los resultados se compararon con un sistema biogeográfico similar que se presenta entre L. c. sheldoni de Isla Carmen y L. c. martirensis con distribución de la región norte de la Península. Se examinaron 26 loci con muestras de tejido de corazón y riñón mediante l...

  2. Colony-level assessment of Brucella and Leptospira in the Guadalupe fur seal, Isla Guadalupe, Mexico. (United States)

    Ziehl-Quirós, E Carolina; García-Aguilar, María C; Mellink, Eric


    The relatively small population size and restricted distribution of the Guadalupe fur seal Arctocephalus townsendi could make it highly vulnerable to infectious diseases. We performed a colony-level assessment in this species of the prevalence and presence of Brucella spp. and Leptospira spp., pathogenic bacteria that have been reported in several pinniped species worldwide. Forty-six serum samples were collected in 2014 from pups at Isla Guadalupe, the only place where the species effectively reproduces. Samples were tested for Brucella using 3 consecutive serological tests, and for Leptospira using the microscopic agglutination test. For each bacterium, a Bayesian approach was used to estimate prevalence to exposure, and an epidemiological model was used to test the null hypothesis that the bacterium was present in the colony. No serum sample tested positive for Brucella, and the statistical analyses concluded that the colony was bacterium-free with a 96.3% confidence level. However, a Brucella surveillance program would be highly recommendable. Twelve samples were positive (titers 1:50) to 1 or more serovars of Leptospira. The prevalence was calculated at 27.1% (95% credible interval: 15.6-40.3%), and the posterior analyses indicated that the colony was not Leptospira-free with a 100% confidence level. Serovars Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, and Bratislava were detected, but only further research can unveil whether they affect the fur seal population.

  3. Characterization of Fasciola samples by ITS of rDNA sequences revealed the existence of Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica in Yunnan Province, China. (United States)

    Shu, Fan-Fan; Lv, Rui-Qing; Zhang, Yi-Fang; Duan, Gang; Wu, Ding-Yu; Li, Bi-Feng; Yang, Jian-Fa; Zou, Feng-Cai


    On mainland China, liver flukes of Fasciola spp. (Digenea: Fasciolidae) can cause serious acute and chronic morbidity in numerous species of mammals such as sheep, goats, cattle, and humans. The objective of the present study was to examine the taxonomic identity of Fasciola species in Yunnan province by sequences of the first and second internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA). The ITS rDNA was amplified from 10 samples representing Fasciola species in cattle from 2 geographical locations in Yunnan Province, by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the products were sequenced directly. The lengths of the ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences were 422 and 361-362 base pairs, respectively, for all samples sequenced. Using ITS sequences, 2 Fasciola species were revealed, namely Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. This is the first demonstration of F. gigantica in cattle in Yunnan Province, China using a molecular approach; our findings have implications for studying the population genetic characterization of the Chinese Fasciola species and for the prevention and control of Fasciola spp. in this province.

  4. Estimación de la cobertura de las vacunaciones sistemáticas en la población infantil de las Islas Baleares

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    Galmés Truyols Antònia


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Para un buen desarrollo de los programas de vacunación es primordial conocer la cobertura de vacunación. En las Islas Baleares la cobertura notificada era muy inferior a la del resto de España. El objetivo de este trabajo es la estimación de la cobertura de las vacunas incluidas en el calendario recomendado hasta los 18 meses de edad (4 dosis de polio oral, tétanos y difteria; 3 de tosferina; 1 de sarampión, rubeola y parotiditis. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, de base poblacional. Se calcularon los estimadores puntuales de distribución de frecuencias y los intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC95% correspondientes, sobre una muestra de la población residente en Baleares de dos años de edad (nacida en 1995, seleccionada por muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados en una sola etapa a partir de las secciones censales. Se consultan los registros de vacunas de Sanidad y de los centros de salud del Insalud, se pide telefónicamente a las familias los datos del documento de vacunación y a los pediatras privados los de la historia clínica. Resultados: La muestra incluía 606 niños. Pudo obtenerse la información completa de 532. Se consiguió la información completa de 377 casos (62% a partir de los registros del sector público. La cobertura más baja fue la de la vacuna antidiftérica, 518 niños complentamente vacunados, el 96,8% (IC95% = 94,8 - 98,1 y la más alta la de la vacuna antipertussis, 537 niños, el 98,9% (IC95% = 97,5 - 99,5. Conclusiones: En las Islas Baleares existe una buena cobertura de la vacunación, similar a lo que se viene estimando en España en su totalidad. Se cumple el objetivo incluido en el Plan de Erradicación de la Polio. La información recogida desde el sector público es escasa.

  5. Desarrollo de la fijación simbiótica de nitrógeno en una cronosecuencia primaria en la Isla Santa Inés, Región de Magallanes, Chile




    La fijación biológica del nitrógeno (FBN) es un proceso clave en la recuperación de este elemento esencial para los seres vivos luego que perturbaciones catastróficas, como el avance y retroceso de glaciales, han agotado el capital de nitrógeno (N) del suelo. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue analizar los niveles de fijación simbiótica de nitrógeno (FSN) asociada a la flora del piso del bosque en una cronosecuencia primaria, desarrollada a partir del retroceso glacial en la Isla Santa...

  6. Análisis florístico del Parque Nacional Natural Amacayucu e Isla Mocagua, Amazonas (Colombia

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    Rudas L. Agustín


    Full Text Available A floristic study of the Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu and Isla Mocagua shows 1348 species, 574 genera and 128 families of vascular plants; 82% of the species are dicotyledons, 14% monocotyledons, 3.7% ferns and ca. 0.2% gymnosperms. Leguminosae, Rubiaceae, Melastomataceae, Moraceae and Annonaceae represent 33% of the dicotyledonous species, whereas Araceae, Arecaceae and Poaceae are the main monocotyledonous families. Most families are Gondwanaland elements with sorne Laurasian elements; others are of unknown origino The main habit is represented by trees and shrubs (47% and 19% of the species, 25% are vines and herbs, 9% epiphytes and hemiepiphytes, and En un estudio florístico en cinco sectores del Parque Nacional Natural Amacayacu y en la Isla Mocagua, se encontraron 1348 especies de plantas vasculares, distribuidas en 574 géneros y 128 familias; 82% de las especies corresponden a dicotiledóneas, 14% a monocotiledóneas, 3.7% a pteridófitos y ca. de 0.2% a  gimnospermas. Las principales familias fueron Leguminosae, Rubiaceae, Melastomataceae, Moraceae y Annonaceae  (dicotiledóneas, y Araceae, Arecaceae y Poaceae (monocotiledóneas. La mayoría de las familias corresponde a elementos de Gondwana con algunos elementos Laurásicos y otros sin origen asignado. El mayor número de las especies tienen hábito arbóreo o arbustivo (47% y 19% respectivamente, ca. del 25% de las especies son lianas y hierbas, 9% epífitas y hemiepífitas, mientras que las parásitas y saprófitas apenas representan < 1%. Los bosques de tierra firme presentan casi el doble de especies de arbustos, hierbas y epífitos que las planicies inundables. Algunos sectores del Parque relativamente distantes entre sí presentan una gran similaridad en cuanto a composición florística, hecho que puede atribuirse principalmente al tipo de agua (blanca, negra o mixta que los irriga. Una comparación con regiones similares en el corredor pacífico, el piedemonte amaz

  7. El conocimiento de la Posidonia oceanica y sus funciones ecológicas como herramienta de gestión litoral. La realización de encuestas a los usuarios de playas y calas de la isla de Menorca

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    Francesc Xavier Roig i Munar


    Full Text Available La Posidonia oceanica juega un papel primordial como producción de sedimento y defensa de las playas y calas de la isla de Menorca. La realización de encuestas de percepción a los usuarios de playa sobre el conocimiento y las funciones ecológicas de esta planta resulta una herramienta de gestión primordial para la conservación y mantenimiento de los espacios litorales insulares.

  8. El fantasma de la puta-peluquera: Género, trabajo y estilistas trans en Cali y San Andrés Isla, Colombia

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    Jeanny Lucero Posso

    Full Text Available Resumen: A través de un uso crítico de la perspectiva de la interseccionalidad, la investigación etnográfica y exploratoria analiza las imbricaciones del género, la clase social, la etnicidad y la sexualidad en las trayectorias laborales de un conjunto de estilistas transfemeninas en Santiago de Cali y San Andrés Isla, Colombia. Las distancias sociales que se construyen entre diferentes actores (estilistas gais, estilistas de clase alta blancos heterosexuales, personas raizales heterosexuales y la clientela cisgénero producen de manera específica los sentidos otorgados al trabajo en las peluquerías y sus fronteras difusas con la prostitución. Si por un lado el efecto de clase y la dominación cisgenerista imposibilitan el ascenso social de las mujeres trans caleñas, el tabú heterosexista del sistema étnico prohíbe y niega las feminidades trans como parte de la identidad raizal.

  9. Cuerpo y conflicto en la obra de León Rozitchner. Psicoanálisis, Marxismo y crítica de la cultura

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    Leandro Drivet


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se propone establecer una reflexión sobre la teoría del sujeto y la crítica de la moral cristiana y burguesa presentes en parte de la obra de León Rozitchner, para lo cual se dedicará especial atención a la idea de corporalidad y a la peculiar función de la memoria en este marco conceptual. La primera parte de este desarrollo está destinada a reseñar la síntesis que entre Materialismo Histórico y Psicoanálisis construyó Rozitchner a fin de comprender en términos sociopolíticos el Edipo. La segunda, parte del enriquecimiento de aquel esquema de base por la vía de una interpretación de la obra de Carl von Clausewitz: ésta permite iluminar un contexto histórico próximo, el Peronismo, con los esquemas obtenidos. En tercer puesto, el espacio de la subjetividad entendido como índice de verdad histórica se pone a prueba como categoría del análisis teórico a propósito del conflicto bélico por la soberanía sobre las islas Malvinas, y demuestra su carácter ineludible. Un segundo trabajo complementario del aquí publicado, que aborda la última parte de la producción teórica de Rozitchner, está en preparación.

  10. Estudio micológico de El Canal y Los Tiles (La Palma, Islas Canarias. V. Datos adicionales

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    Leal, Julio


    Full Text Available An annotated catalogue of 66 taxa, collected in the early MAB Reserve El Canal y Los Tiles is presented. Among these taxa, 11 species are new for La Palma island and 5 are recorded for the first time in the Canary Islands. Taxonomic comments on some critical species and information about the distribution in the Macaronesian bioregion of all the studied taxa are given. Based on our previous publications, global data on biodiversity, substrates and distribution of the mycobiota in the different plant communities present in the sampled area are analyzed.

    Se presenta un estudio sobre 66 especies, pertenecientes a las divisiones Myxomycota (21, Ascomycota (29 y Basidiomycota (16, encontradas en la antigua Reserva de la Biosfera El Canal y Los Tiles. De ellas 11 se citan por primera vez para la isla de La Palma, siendo 5 de éstas nuevas para Canarias. Se hacen comentarios taxonómicos sobre algunos táxones conflictivos, además de amplia información sobre su distribución en la Región Macaronésica. En base a publicaciones propias anteriores, se aportan datos globales sobre biodiversidad, sustratos y distribución de la micobiota en las diferentes unidades ambientales presentes en el área de estudio.

  11. Preliminary antigenic characterisation of an adult worm vomit preparation of Fasciola hepatica by infected human sera Caracterização antigênica preliminar de preparação de vômito de verme adulto de Fasciola hepatica por soros humanos infectados

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    María Alejandra De Almeida


    Full Text Available Fascioliasis is an emerging/re-emerging vector-borne disease with the widest known distribution. Approximately 17 million people are infected around the world, being the Andean region the most affected area. There is an important necessity to develop sensitive and specific diagnostic tools to treat patients early and to avoid complications. In this paper we evaluated the immune response of infected humans against two antigenic preparations: the total soluble extract (FhTSE and the adult worm vomit (FhAWV in order to identify antigenic fractions specific for Fasciola hepatica. Both preparations were processed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot with human sera with fascioliasis (F, other parasitosis and healthy individuals. In the immunoblot of FhTSE, sera F recognised 16 bands with MW between eight and 110 kDa, from which those of 8, 9, 10, 38, 45 and 57 kDa were specific. In the preparation FhAWV, sera F recognised nine bands with MW from eight to 85 kDa, from which those of 8, 12, 15 and 24 kDa were specific. Some bands of cross-reaction were evident with sera from patients with other parasitoses, more frequent with the FhTSE. Bands within the MW mentioned, particularly that of eight kDa, have been shown to be specific by others, and deserve additional characterisation for their potential use in immunodiagnosis.Fasciolíase é uma doença emergente/re-emergente transmitida por vetores com a distribuição sabidamente mais ampla. Existem aproximadamente 17 milhões de pessoas infectadas em todo mundo, sendo a região andina a área mais afetada. Há uma necessidade importante para desenvolver ferramentas diagnósticas sensíveis e específicas para tratar cedo os pacientes e para evitar complicações. Neste trabalho avaliamos a resposta imune de seres humanos infectados comparando a duas preparações antigênicas: o extrato solúvel total (FhTSE e o vômito (FhAWV do verme adulto a fim de identificar as frações antigênicas específicas para

  12. Isla Gorgona, enclave estratégico para los esfuerzos de conservación en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical

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    Alan Giraldo


    Full Text Available La Gorgona, ubicada en el sector sur del Pacífico Colombiano, es un territorio insular que se encuentra a 35km en línea recta del margen continental. Aunque históricamente tuvo diferentes usos, desde 1984 conforma una de las áreas marinas protegidas más importantes del Pacífico Colombiano. Aquí se presenta la recopilación histórica del desarrollo de la investigación científica en isla Gorgona, localidad clave para los programas de conservación marino-costeros del Pacífico Colombiano y el corredor marino de conservación del Pacífico Oriental Tropical. La integridad ecológica del PNN Gorgona es aceptable pero deben mejorarse los indicadores asociados a las poblaciones de Bradypus variegatus y Proechymis simispinosus, ya que tienen un riesgo muy elevado de desaparición. Es fundamental continuar recopilando la información técnica necesaria para ajustar los estimadores de estado de conservación.

  13. Seismically-induced soft-sediment deformation structures associated with the Magallanes-Fagnano Fault System (Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) (United States)

    Onorato, M. Romina; Perucca, Laura; Coronato, Andrea; Rabassa, Jorge; López, Ramiro


    In this paper, evidence of paleoearthquake-induced soft-sediment deformation structures associated with the Magallanes-Fagnano Fault System in the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, southern Argentina, has been identified. Well-preserved soft-sediment deformation structures were found in a Holocene sequence of the Udaeta pond. These structures were analyzed in terms of their geometrical characteristics, deformation mechanism, driving force system and possible trigger agent. They were also grouped in different morphological types: sand dykes, convolute lamination, load structures and faulted soft-sediment deformation features. Udaeta, a small pond in Argentina Tierra del Fuego, is considered a Quaternary pull-apart basin related to the Magallanes-Fagnano Fault System. The recognition of these seismically-induced features is an essential tool for paleoseismic studies. Since the three main urban centers in the Tierra del Fuego province of Argentina (Ushuaia, Río Grande and Tolhuin) have undergone an explosive growth in recent years, the results of this study will hopefully contribute to future analyses of the seismic risk of the region.

  14. Abundance and Distribution Patterns of Thunnus albacares in Isla del Coco National Park through Predictive Habitat Suitability Models.

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    Cristina Gonzáles-Andrés

    Full Text Available Information on the distribution and habitat preferences of ecologically and commercially important species is essential for their management and protection. This is especially important as climate change, pollution, and overfishing change the structure and functioning of pelagic ecosystems. In this study, we used Bayesian hierarchical spatial-temporal models to map the Essential Fish Habitats of the Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares in the waters around Isla del Coco National Park, Pacific Costa Rica, based on independent underwater observations from 1993 to 2013. We assessed if observed changes in the distribution and abundance of this species are related with habitat characteristics, fishing intensity or more extreme climatic events, including the El Niño Southern Oscillation, and changes on the average sea surface temperature. Yellowfin tuna showed a decreasing abundance trend in the sampled period, whereas higher abundances were found in shallow and warmer waters, with high concentration of chlorophyll-a, and in surrounding seamounts. In addition, El Niño Southern Oscillation events did not seem to affect Yellowfin tuna distribution and abundance. Understanding the habitat preferences of this species, using approaches as the one developed here, may help design integrated programs for more efficient management of vulnerable species.


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    Manuel Luis González


    Full Text Available Se estudian los efectos de los factores topoclimáticos sobre las dos muestras mejor conservadas de la vegetación termófila de la isla de Tenerife: el sabinar de Afur y el de la Punta de Anaga. El análisis se realiza a dos escalas espaciales: comarcal y local. La primera permite mostrar las diferencias entre los dos emplazamientos; mientras que a través de la segunda se ponen de manifiesto las variaciones internas en cada uno de ellos. Las variaciones locales de altitud y orientación dan lugar a cambios florísticos y fisionómicos que aparecen reflejados en los inventarios de campo realizados. Por la mayor diversidad de combinaciones de factores ambientales, en Afur se localiza la muestra de sabinar más rica y compleja. Los análisis a escala local demuestran que los contrastes de orientación pueden llegar a ser más importantes que los provocados por los gradientes climáticos verticales.

  16. Observaciones ecológicas en la Isla de Salamanca (Depto. del Magdalena, Colombia Observaciones ecológicas en la Isla de Salamanca (Depto. del Magdalena, Colombia

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    Schnetter Marie-Luise


    Full Text Available Von August 1965 bis Juni 1967 wurden auf der Isla de Salamanca ökologische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Das genannte Gebiet liegt an der kolumbianischen Atlantikküste zwischen Barranquilla und Ciénaga und wird im Norden von der karibischen See und im Süden von der Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta begrenzt. Die mittlere Jahrestemperatur beträgt 28° C. Die Trockenzeit dauert fünf Monate, die jährliche Niederschlagsmenge liegt wahrscheinlich bei 700 mm. Der Boden besteht überall aus Sand.  Weite Teile der Insel, vor allem im Westen, sind mit Mangrove bedeckt. Im Osten, wo die Untersuchungen durchgeführt wurden, breitet sich auf höher gelegenen Stellen ein 5-7 m hohes Gebüsch aus Dornsträuchern und Kakteen aus, In Gebieten, die sich wenig über Meeresniveau erheben, ist der Boden versalzen und entweder vegetationslos oder mit Halophyten, vor allem Batis maritima und Sesuvium portulacastrum, bedeckt. Die Bodenversalzung wird hauptsächlich durch bis an die Oberfläche aufsteigendes und dort verdunstendes salzhaltiges Grundwasser verursacht.  Während der Trockenzeit lagert sich auf den unbewachsenen Flächen eine Salzkruste ab, die in der Regenzeit durch Niederschläge ausgewaschen wird. Der Salzgehalt der mit Halophyten bestandenen Gebiete kann in der Trockenzeit über den der unbewachsenen Stellen ansteigen, was möglicherweise auf die Wasseraufnahme durch die Pflanzen und den dadurch verstärkten Wasserentzug zurückzuführen ist.  Soweit das Grundwasser dicht unter der Bodenoberfläche steht, ist ein das ganze Jahr über hoher Bodenwassergehalt vorhanden. Je mehr das Niveau ansteigt, desto geringer wird er, Am Ende der Trockenzeit kann die Wasserversorgung an mit Pflanzen bestandenen Stellen stärker beansprucht sein als an vegetationslosen. Jedoch hält in der Regenzeit der bewachsenen Boden die Niederschläge besser fest als der unbewachsene. Der Trockenbusch breitet sich nur an solchen Stellen aus, an denen das salzhaltige

  17. Register of the last 1000 years of environmental, climatic and anthropogenic change in Isla Grande de Chiloé, inferred through a multi-proxy approach: Lake Pastahué, Chile-South Center (42°S) (United States)

    Troncoso, Jose; Alvarez, Denisse; Díaz, Gustavo; Fierro, Pablo; Araneda, Alberto; Torrejón, Fernando; Rondanelli, Mauricio; Fagel, Nathalie; Urrutia, Roberto


    Knowledge of the past environmental and climatic conditions of the lake ecosystems of the Isla Grande de Chiloé and its relationship with the anthropic effect, on a high temporal resolution scale, is scarcely known. Specifically, multi-proxy studies provide a better understanding of the context in which changes occurred in the past. This insular region is particularly interesting because environmental conditions (pre and post-Hispanic) and knowledge about the impacts generated in the ecosystems during the Spanish colonization process have so far been little studied, compared to the rest of Chile continental. This research is a new contribution to the scarce information existing for the last millennium of the Isla Grande de Chiloé. The objective of this work was to reconstruct the environmental and climatic history of the last 1000 years, from the Lake Pastahué, in the Isla Grande de Chiloé through a multi-proxy analysis and compare them with other records for the region. The core sediment was sub-sampled to perform sedimentological analysis (organic matter, carbonates, magnetic susceptibility and granulometry) and biological indicators (pollen, chironomids). The age model was constructed from the activity of 210Pb,137Cs and 14C. The pollen results reveal a composition of nordpatagónico forest represented by Nothofagus, Weinmannia, Drimys, Tepualia, Myrtaceae, Poaceae and Pteridophyta, while the anthropic effect for the last cm of the profile is represented by Rumex and Pinus. The results show a significant increase in magnetic susceptibility since the middle of the 20th century, suggesting an increase in allochthonous material to the lake. The sedimentological parameters and the chironomid assembly show similar variations along the profile, which also shows changes in the trophic state of the lake. The changes recorded in lake Pastahue are directly related to past climatic phenomena occurring in the last millennium, such as the medieval climatic anomaly (MCA

  18. Immunization against Capillaria hepatica: The effects of primary infections, X-irradiated stages, non-embryonated eggs and soluble egg extracts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zahner, H.; Schmidt, H.; Laemmler, G.; Geyer, E.


    The worm reproductivity was significantly suppressed in a sublethal challenge infection given 11 days after a primary infection of Mastomys natalensis with 50, 150, 400, and 800 eggs per animal. The administration of 600 X-irradiated (2.2 Krd) embryonated eggs 36 days before challenge as well as an intraperitoneal injection of non-embryonated eggs 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, and 2 days before challenge also reduced significantly the egg production of a weak (50 eggs/animal) infection. No effect was observed on a moderate challenge (300 eggs/animal). The effect was not markedly enhanced by the repeated administration of X-irradiated eggs or by the combination of X-irradiated infective eggs and non-embryonated eggs. Immunization of mice with soluble egg extracts resulted in significant reduction of egg production determined 60 days after challenge. Two hundred and thirty eggs of C. hepatica/g bodyweight proved to be a lethal infection dose for M. natalensis. The animals died between 20 and 35 days after infection. After single infections with 50, 150, 400, or 800 eggs per animal the mortality of Mastomys challenged 36 or 52 days later was reduced to 0-30%. Using X-irradiated embryonated eggs for immunization only repeated administration led to protection in 70 to 80%, of the animals. About 40% of the animals could be protected by the intraperitoneal injection of non-embryonated eggs. If death occurred it was delayed. The combination of X-irradiated stages and eggs did not enhance the protection.

  19. Distribution and habitats of the snail Lymnaea truncatula, intermediate host of the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica, in South Africa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    K.N. de Kock


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on the geographical distribution and habitats of Lymnaea truncatula, the intermediate, snail host of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, as reflected by the 723 samples in the database of the National Freshwater Snail Collection, Potchefstroom, South Africa. The 221 different loci (1/16-degree squares on record reflect an extensive but discontinuous distribution, except in Lesotho and in parts of the Mpumalanga, Gauteng and North West provinces of South Africa. Although recorded from 12 different types of waterbody, it was mostly (42.0 % recovered from swamps. Most samples (45.8 % were collected in habitats with slow-flowing water. A muddy substratum was recorded for 62.5 % of the samples. Most samples (86.3 % were collected in habitats with a mean annual air temperature of 10-20 o C, and more than 69 % came from localities with a mean annual rainfall of 600-900mm. An integrated decision tree constructed from the data indicated that temperature and types of waterbody play a decisive role in determining the presence of L. truncatula in a given area. A temperature index calculated for all mollusc species ranked L. truncatula second in a total of 53 species according to its association with low temperatures. It remains to be established whether its distribution is indeed discontinuous, and whether its preference for a particular habitat, amphibious habits and ability to aestivate could have resulted in some populations having been overlooked during surveys.

  20. The parasitic castration and gigantism of Lymnaea truncatula infected with the larval stages of Fasciola hepatica. (United States)

    Wilson, R A; Denison, J


    The shells of Lymnaea truncatula infected with the larval stages of Fasciola hepatica were significantly longer than those of comparable uninfected controls. The dry mass (tissue, shell + parasite) of the same infected snails, 56 days after infection, was approximately twice that of the controls (tissue + shell). The increased mass of infected snails was not due to a disproportionate increase in shell weight relative to tissues. Infected snails maintained at 20 degrees C had virtually ceased egg production by 21 days post-infection whereas control snails continued to lay eggs steadily for the duration of the experiment. The dry mass of snail tissue plus the cumulative dry weight of eggs produced was taken as an indication of the ability of control snails to generate biomass. Similarly the tissue mass plus cumulative egg weight and parasite weight was taken as an indication of the ability of the infected snails to generate biomass. The control and infected snails were not significantly different in this respect indicating that the gigantism of infected snails could be the result of a switch in nutrient supply from reproduction to somatic tissue growth and parasite growth. Castration was brought about 17-21 days after infection as a result of the direct consumption of the ovotestis by a proportion of the redial population. In a separate experiment it was demonstrated that a population of infected snails maintained at 20 degrees C survived as long as a similar group of control snails. The findings with this host-parasite system are discussed in relation to possible mechanisms causing castration and gigantism in other digene-snail interactions, and in relation to parasitic castration in other groups. It is concluded that the observed gigantism of infected snails is more likely to have a nutritional rather than endocrine origin.