
Sample records for irradiados por tumores

  1. Activación del topacio natural irradiado por neutrones en el núcleo del reactor RP-10


    Gómez, J.; Parreño, Fernando; Lázaro, Gerardo; Vela, Mariano


    Se obtuvieron cristales de topacio activados al ser irradiados con neutrones dentro del núcleo del reactor RP-10. La activación depende del flujo de neutrones, por ello se desarrolló portamuestras (canes de irradiación) para absorber que son los causantes de la activación

  2. Alimentos irradiados

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    Sendra, E.


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    La industria alimentaria y las administraciones públicas realizan grandes esfuerzos para mejorar el mantenimiento de las condiciones higiénicas y evitar la contaminación de alimentos. Pese a estos esfuerzos siguen produciéndose un gran numero de procesos patológicos relacionados con los alimentos. Las buenas prácticas higiénicas pueden reducir el nivel de contaminación, pero algunos microorganismos patógenos resulta imposible eliminarlos, especialmente de aquellos alimentos que se comercializan crudos y con procesado mínimo. La irradiación se presenta como un método de descontaminación posible para este grupo de alimentos, especialmente válido como método de descontaminación final. Dosis de irradiación inferiores a 10 kGy (dependiendo del alimento y condiciones son efectivas para eliminar posibles patógenos no esporulados, inactivar parásitos, tratar especias, condimentos y otros ingredientes secos, fruta fresca y productos de cuarta gama (vegetales frescos, limpios y envasados, listos para consumo. Respecto a la seguridad de los alimentos irradiados, está plenamente demostrado que no provoca la aparición de compuestos especiales y provoca una ligera reducción en el contenido de algunas vitaminas, que es equiparable a la producida por otros tratamientos tecnológicos. Se ha visto también que microorganismos que han sido sometidos a radiaciones y han sobrevivido a ellas se muestran más sensibles a las condiciones ambientales de estrés que aquellos que nunca han sido irradiados. Pese a que los organismos internacionales FAO y OMS presentan la irradiación como un método seguro, eficaz, limpio con el medio ambiente y energéticamente eficiente, los consumidores siguen estando desinformados y mostrándose reticentes a su utilización. En la actualidad se están llevando a cabo muchos sondeos, de los que se deriva que una correcta in formación al consumidor es el único método válido para conseguir la

  3. Osteomalacia inducida por tumor: hemangiopericitoma rinosinusal

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    Enriqueta M. Serafini


    Full Text Available La osteomalacia inducida por tumor es una rara enfermedad del metabolismo óseo caracterizada por el aumento en la excreción de fosfato a nivel renal seguido de hipofosfatemia. Es causada por agentes fosfatúricos producidos por determinados tumores. La resección total del tumor resulta en la completa reversión de las anormalidades bioquímicas, la desaparición de las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos en los estudios por imágenes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 61 años con cuadro clínico y laboratorio compatibles con osteomalacia oncogénica inducida por tumor mesenquimático de localización rinosinusal. En nuestro caso el diagnóstico histológico correspondió a una neoplasia de tipo vascular: hemangiopericitoma.

  4. Osteomalacia inducida por tumor: hemangiopericitoma rinosinusal Tumor-induced osteomalacia: rhinosinusal hemangiopericytoma

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    Enriqueta M. Serafini


    Full Text Available La osteomalacia inducida por tumor es una rara enfermedad del metabolismo óseo caracterizada por el aumento en la excreción de fosfato a nivel renal seguido de hipofosfatemia. Es causada por agentes fosfatúricos producidos por determinados tumores. La resección total del tumor resulta en la completa reversión de las anormalidades bioquímicas, la desaparición de las manifestaciones clínicas y los hallazgos en los estudios por imágenes. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 61 años con cuadro clínico y laboratorio compatibles con osteomalacia oncogénica inducida por tumor mesenquimático de localización rinosinusal. En nuestro caso el diagnóstico histológico correspondió a una neoplasia de tipo vascular: hemangiopericitoma.Tumor-induced osteomalacia is a rare disease of bone metabolism. The characteristic of this disease is an increase in phosphate excretion followed by hypophosphatemia, due to phosphaturic agents produced by different types of tumors. Tumor resection results in complete resolution of clinical, biochemical and radiological abnormalities. We present the case of a 61 year old man with signs, symptoms and laboratory findings consistent with oncogenic osteomalacia due to a rhino-sinusal mesenchymal tumor. The histological diagnosis showed a vascular neoplasm: hemangiopericytoma.

  5. Alterações químicas e nutricionais do grão-de-bico (Cicer arietinum L.) cru irradiado e submetido à cocção


    Ferreira,Andréa Cristina Penati; Brazaca,Solange Guidolin Canniatti; Arthur,Valter


    O presente trabalho teve por objetivos analisar, em grãos não submetidos à irradiação, a composição centesimal e mineral, para verificar as alterações provocadas pela cocção. Em grãos crus e cozidos, não irradiados (controle) e irradiados (doses de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 kGy), foram realizadas também as análises de: disponibilidade de ferro in vitro, digestibilidade da proteína in vitro e perfil de aminoácidos. Os resultados das análises dos minerais demonstraram que ocorreu diminuição significativa...

  6. Disponibilidade de cálcio do leite de búfala irradiado por raios gama
    Calcium availability of buffalo milk irradiated by gamma rays

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    O leite de búfala é composto por elevados teores de nutrientes, sendo importante, principalmente, como matéria-prima para elaboração de produtos lácteos e fonte de proteínas e cálcio. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o efeito dos raios gama na disponibilidade de cálcio no leite de búfala. O leite integral foi irradiado nas doses 0,25; 0,50; 0,75 e 1,0 kGy e também foi avaliado o controle, que não foi submetido ao processo de irradiação. Foram avaliadas composição centesimal e teor de cálcio total no primeiro dia para caracterização do leite utilizado. As análises de diálise de cálcio in vitro ocorreram no primeiro, terceiro, sexto e nono dias de armazenamento a 4ºC. Como resultados para a composição centesimal foram obtidos valores de 4,85% de proteína, 7,00% de gordura, 0,79% cinza e 4,45% carboidratos. O teor de cálcio foi 212,43mg/100mL. A irradiação do leite não alterou a disponibilidade de cálcio.

  7. Atitudes e conhecimento dos consumidores sobre os alimentos irradiados: um inquérito conduzido em Natal, Brasil / Consumer attitudes and knowledge about irradiated foods: a survey conducted in Natal, Brazil

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    André Luiz Barbosa de Lima


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as atitudes e o conhecimento dos consumidores sobre os alimentos irradiados. A amostra do estudo correspondeu a 65,52% de mulheres e a média de idade foi 41,82 (D.P.: 14,33 anos. Apenas 66,9% dos consumidores entrevistados consultam a lista de ingredientes no rótulo dos alimentos embalados, e 13,4% destes disseram ter detectado a frase “ALIMENTO TRATADO POR PROCESSO DE IRRADIAÇÃO”. Além disso, 86,6% consideravam que a irradiação torna o alimento inseguro e, portanto, 94,9% destes não consumiriam estes alimentos, assim como 29,6% daqueles que consideraram o contrário. As mulheres apresentaram escore de atitude menos favorável que os homens em relação aos alimentos irradiados. A televisão foi considerada o meio de comunicação mais eficiente para informar sobre os alimentos irradiados. Concluímos que os consumidores do município do Natal carecem de informações sobre a irradiação de alimentos e a aceitação destes produtos depende da forma como são aplicadas as políticas de segurança alimentar e de educação sanitária, inclusive através do uso de fontes de disseminação da informação em massa. As informações contidas nos rótulos de alimentos irradiados são controversas, apesar de serem instrumentos suficientes de detecção de alimentos irradiados por parte destes consumidores. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The aim of this study is to assess the attitudes and knowledge of consumers about irradiated foods. The study sample corresponded to 65.52% women and the mean age was 41.82 (SD: 14.33 years. Only 66.9% of respondents consumers consult the list of ingredients on the label of packaged foods, and 13.4% of them said they had detected the phrase “FOOD TREATED BY IRRADIATION PROCESS.” Furthermore, 86.6% considered that irradiation becomes unsafe food and thus 94.9% of those not consume these foods, as well as 29.6% of those who

  8. Tumor de Pancoast: nuestra experiencia en 20 años Pancoast tumor: our experience of 20 years

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    Bárbaro Agustín Armas Pérez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal de 11 pacientes operados por tumor de Pancoast, en el transcurso de dos decenios. Se hizo una revisión bibliográfica amplia del tema haciendo énfasis en el diagnóstico, estadificación y tratamiento. El mayor porcentaje de pacientes era del sexo masculino, fumadores y portadores de masas radiopacas tenues en el vértice, las cuales se acompañaban de dolor en pared costal irradiado a hombro, brazo y cuello. No siempre la resección quirúrgica fue completa y radical y los pacientes que presentaron mejores índices de supervivencia fueron los tratados mediante cirugía excerética amplia y terapia neoadyuvante. La vía de abordaje más utilizada fue la posterolateral y en un sólo caso la anterior-transcervical, que mucho nos satisfizo. La supervivencia fue corta aunque la serie es pequeña y no hubo mortalidad antes de los 30 días tras la operación

  9. Mortalidade por tumores de cérebro no Brasil, 1980-1998

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    Monteiro Gina Torres Rego


    Full Text Available Os tumores cerebrais são raros, mas sua incidência e mortalidade vêm aumentando ao longo das últimas décadas em vários países, inclusive no Brasil, particularmente entre idosos. O presente artigo descreve o perfil da mortalidade desses tumores no país, analisando a distribuição de suas taxas segundo sexo, idade, topografia e natureza tumoral entre 1980 e 1998. As taxas de mortalidade por esta neoplasia, ajustadas por idade pela população mundial, cresceram de 2,24/100 mil para 3,35/100 mil, correspondendo a um aumento de 50%. Estas foram mais elevadas na infância que na adolescência, aumentando posteriormente com a idade e alcançando níveis altos nos mais idosos, sendo o crescimento médio nos maiores de 70 anos de 6% ao ano ao longo da série estudada. São analisadas as taxas de tumores do encéfalo e das meninges cerebrais para o país e para capitais selecionadas. A constatação do aumento dessas taxas demanda a elaboração de estudos com vistas a elucidar o papel de novas tecnologias diagnósticas, assim como de potenciais fatores de risco ambientais.

  10. Ativação da proteína TGFbetaI latente em pulmão irradiado in vivo Latent TGFbeta1 activation in the lung irradiated in vivo

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    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Investigar no pulmão, por imunohistoquímica, a localização das proteínas TGFbeta1 latente e TGFbeta1 ativa, se ocorre ativação radioinduzida da proteína TGFbeta1 latente e a distribuição das fibras colágenas em diversos períodos de tempo após irradiação. MÉTODOS: 32 camundongos isogênicos (C57BL foram divididos em dois grupos: GI (não irradiado com 12 animais e GII (irradiado com 20 animais. Os animais do GII receberam radiação gama (telecobaltoterapia, 60Co, com rendimento de 0,97Gy/min, dose única de 7Gy em corpo inteiro. Os camundongos dos grupos I e II foram sacrificados por estiramento cervical nos períodos de 1, 14, 30 e 90 dias após irradiação. RESULTADOS: Os pulmões irradiados apresentaram: 1 congestão vascular e espessamento dos septos alveolares aos 30 dias e mais intensamente aos 90 dias depois da irradiação; 2 aumento significante da deposição de colágeno em todos os períodos de tempo após irradiação; 3 fraca ativação da proteína TGFbeta1 latente em um dia e intensa aos 14 dias depois da irradiação em brônquios e alvéolos. Nossos resultados sugerem que células dos brônquios e alvéolos podem participar do complexo mecanismo de fibrose pulmonar radioinduzida atuando como fontes da proteína TGFbeta1 ativa.PURPOSE: assess the latent and active TGFb1 localization in the lung, whether or not radiation induces latent TGFbeta1 activation, and the distribution of collagen fibers in the irradiated lung. METHODS: Thirty two C57BL mice were randomly assigned in two groups: GI (non irradiated animals and GII (irradiated animals. The mice from GII received a single whole ¾ body radiation dose of 7Gy, using a 60Co source at a dose rate of 0.97 Gy/min. They were sacrificed by cervical dislocation at 1, 14, 30 and 90 days after radiation. RESULTS: The irradiated lungs showed: 1 vascular congestion and thickness of the alveolar septa 30 days and more intense 90 days after irradiation; 2

  11. Expressão da proteína tgfbeta1 em coração irradiado in vivo In vivo evaluation of expression of TGFbeta1 in the irradiated heart

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    Renato José Affonso Júnior


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar, no coração, por imuno-histoquímica, a localização das proteínas TGFbeta1 latente e TGFbeta1 ativa, se ocorre ativação radioinduzida da proteína TGFbeta1 latente, e a distribuição das fibras colágenas em diversos períodos de tempo após irradiação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Trinta e dois camundongos isogênicos (C57BL foram divididos em dois grupos: GI (não irradiado, com 12 animais, e GII (irradiado, com 20 animais. Os animais do GII receberam radiação gama (telecobaltoterapia, 60Co, com rendimento de 0,97 Gy/min., dose única de 7 Gy em corpo inteiro. Os camundongos dos grupos I e II foram sacrificados por estiramento cervical nos períodos de 1, 14, 30 e 90 dias após irradiação. RESULTADOS: Os corações irradiados apresentaram: 1 alterações nucleares e diminuição das estriações das células musculares cardíacas; 2 aumento significante da deposição de fibras colágenas aos 90 dias depois da irradiação; 3 ativação da proteína TGFbeta1 latente em cardiomiócitos e células do conjuntivo depois da irradiação. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados mostram a importância da proteína TGFbeta1 no processo de fibrose cardíaca radioinduzida e sugerem que células do parênquima (cardiomiócitos e do conjuntivo podem participar deste mecanismo atuando como fontes da proteína TGFbeta1 ativa.OBJECTIVE: To assess the latent and active TGFbeta1 localization in the heart, to evaluate whether or not radiation induces latent TGFbeta1 activation, and to study the distribution of collagen fibers in the irradiated heart. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-two C57BL mice were randomly assigned in two groups: GI (non irradiated animals and GII (irradiated animals. The mice from GII received a single whole-body radiation dose of 7Gy, using a 60Co source at a dose rate of 0.97 Gy/min. The animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation at 1, 14, 30 and 90 days after irradiation. RESULTS: The irradiated hearts showed: 1

  12. Tratamiento del cáncer por captura neutrónica de boro: Su aplicación al carcinoma indiferenciado de tiroides Boron neutron capture therapy applied to undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma

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    Mario A. Pisarev


    Full Text Available El cáncer indiferenciado de tiroides es un tumor muy agresivo, de muy mal pronóstico y sin tratamiento efectivo. La terapia por captura neutrónica de boro (BNCT podría ser una alternativa para el tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Se basa en la captación selectiva de boro por el tumor y su activación por un haz de neutrones. El boro activado libera un núcleo de litio-7 y una partícula alfa, las cuales tienen una alta transmisión linear de energía (linear energy transfer, LET y un alcance de 5-9 µm, destruyendo el tumor. En estudios previos hemos mostrado que la línea celular humana de cáncer indiferenciado de tiroides (ARO tiene una captación selectiva de borofenilalanina (10BPA tanto in vitro como después de ser implantada en ratones NIH nude. También demostramos en estos animales inyectados con BPA e irradiados con un haz de neutrones térmicos, un 100% de control sobre el crecimiento tumoral y un 50% de cura histológica. En trabajos posteriores mostramos que la porfirina 10BOPP tetrakis-carborane carboxylate ester de 2,4-bis-(a,b-dihydroxyethyl-deutero-porphyrin IX cuando es inyectada 5-7 días antes que el BPA se obtiene una concentración tumoral de boro de aproximadamente el doble que el BPA solo (45-38 ppm vs. 20 ppm. La posterior irradiación con neutrones mostró un 100% de remisión completa en animales con tumores cuyo volumen pre-tratamiento era de 50 mm³ o menor. Los perros padecen CIT espontáneo, con un comportamiento biológico similar al humano, y una captación selectiva de BPA, abriendo la posibilidad de su tratamiento por BNCT.Undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma (UTC is an aggressive tumor with a poor prognosis due to the lack of an effective treatment. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT is based on the selective uptake of boron by the tumor and its activation by a neutron beam, releasing lithium-7 and an alpha particle that will kill the tumor cells by their high linear energy transfer (LET. In previous

  13. Multiplicações celulares e tumores induzidos por virus: o cancer como infecção

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    F. Rocha Lagôa


    Full Text Available Após terem sido apreciadas, à luz de fatos experimentais, as principais causas determinantes das multiplicações celulares normais e aquelas responsabilidades pelas multiplicações anormais, encontradas nos tumores blastomatosos, foram analisados os tumores animais que reconhecidamente são causados por virus tais como: o sarcoma e o epitelioma das galinhas; o papiloma e o mixoma dos coelhos; os carcinomas de ratos e rãs, e finalmente, o papiloma oral e o linfo-sarcoma venéreo dos cães. Em seguida, foram focalizadas as várias propriedades em comum existentes entre os vírus indutores dêsses tumores como: capacidade de determinar multiplicações anormais nos tecidos atacados; elevada especificidade para as espécies sensíveis; existência de diminuição do poder infeccioso à medida que aumenta a capacidade de estimular a formação de tumores e, as afinidades existentes entre êles e os gens, principalmente àquelas referentes à sensibilidade aos raios X. Finalmente, foi aventada a hipótese da possível existência de elementos patogênicos ainda não identificados, situados entre os virus citocinéticos conhecidos e os gens, com poder infeccioso mínimo, exigindo por isso, condições de susceptibilidade ainda não totalmente conhecidas e controladas, possuidores de elevado poder de induzir multiplicações anormais nos tecidos atacados e possìvelmente responsáveis pelos tumores neoplásicos humanos.After being analysed, upon experimental facts, the principal determinant causes of the normal cellular multiplication, and of the abnormal, found in the tumors, were studied the animal tumors caused by viruses like chicken sarcoma and epithelioma, rabbit, papiloma and infectious myxomatosis, rat and frog carcinoma and also oral papiloma and venereal lympho-sarcoma of dog. After words there was focused the various common properties existing between the induction viruses of such tumors like that of abnormal cellular multiplication in

  14. Caracterização da dose letal mínima por irradiação gama para Penicillium citrinum Characterization of minimum lethal dosis of gama irradiation to Penicillium citrinum

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    A. N. Norberg


    Full Text Available O uso das radiações ionizantes na destruição de microrganismos responsáveis pela deterioração de alimentos ou causadores de infecções ou toxinfecções alimentares, constituiu-se aplicação da energia nuclear, para fins verdadeiramente pacíficos. Penicillium citrinum é um fungo produtor de micotoxinas, responsáveis por intoxicações em humanos e animais que se utilizam de alimentos contaminados. Há escassez de informações sobre a resistência do P. citrinum à irradiação gama; assim esta pesquisa objetivou determinar a dose letal por irradiação gama para esse microrganismo. Foram irradiadas 76 suspensões, contendo aproximadamente 100.000 esporos por mililitro, com doses entre 0,2 e 2,2 KGy (KiloGray, sendo os sobreviventes re-irradiados com doses até 3,0 KGy. O fungo foi totalmente destruído com dose de 2,2 KGy. P. citrinum descendentes dos sobreviventes de 2,0 KGy, quando re-irradiados também foram totalmente destruídos com dose de 2,2 KGy. Observou-se um aumento da resistência às doses mais baixas em relação ao fungo não irradiadoThe use of nuclear power through radiation for the destruction of microrganisms which cause food decay, and toxicosis, is specifically for peaceful purposes. Penicillium citrinum is a fungus which produce mycotoxins responsible for intoxication in humans and animals as a result of eating contaminated food. There is little informations on the resistance of P. citrinum to radiation. The objective of this research is to determine the lethal dose of gama radiation for these microrganisms. Seventy six suspensions containing approximately 100,000 spores/ml received a dose of radiation between 0.2 and 2.2 KGy (KiloGray, being one sample still alive re-irradiated with doses up to 3.0 KGy. The fungus were totally destroyed with a 2.2 KGy. Seventy six suspensions containing approximately 100,000 spores/ml received a dose of radiation between 0.2 and 2.2 KGy, being one sample still alive re

  15. Citrus asymmetric somatic hybrids produced via fusion of gamma-irradiated and iodoacetamide-treated protoplasts Híbridos somáticos assimétricos de citros produzidos pela fusão de protoplastos irradiados e tratados com iodoacetamida

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    Claudine Maria de Bona


    . Protoplastos doadores foram expostos a raios gama e protoplastos receptores foram tratados com 3 mmol L-1 de iodoacetamida (IOA e fusionados para hibridação assimétrica. Embriões assimétricos foram germinados e as brotações produzidas foram enxertadas sobre porta-enxertos de sementes de 'Laranja azeda', 'Limão rugoso' ou citrumelo 'Swingle' (C. paradisi x Poncirus trifoliata x 'Sunki' ou enraizadas após embebição em solução de ácido indol-3-butírico (IBA e aclimatadas em casa de vegetação. A análise de ploidia foi realizada por meio de citometria de fluxo e a hibridicidade foi confirmada por análise de polimorfismo de comprimento de fragmentos amplificados (AFLP de amostras de DNA das plântulas. A melhor combinação doador-recipiente foi de protoplastos de 'Ruby Red' irradiados com 80 Gy, fusionados com protoplastos de 'Succari' tratados por 20 min com IOA. Plantas tetraploides e aneuploides foram produzidas e o problema de recalcitrância ao enraizamento foi resolvido pela introdução das bases das brotações em 3.000 mg L-1 de IBA por 10 min.

  16. Abordaje inmunológico del síndrome por deleción 22q11

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    Estefanía Vásquez-Echeverri

    Full Text Available El síndrome por deleción 22q11 (SD22q11 es el síndrome por deleción cromosómica más frecuente en humanos y se caracteriza por la tríada clínica que incluye cardiopatía congénita, hipocalcemia e inmunodeficiencia primaria. El 85-90% de los pacientes tienen microdeleciones en el cromosoma 22q11.2. Tomando como punto cardinal la cardiopatía congénita, se diseñó una estrategia para tamización y diagnóstico de SD22q11 con énfasis en la evaluación inmune. Es imprescindible realizar una historia clínica detallada y, posteriormente, un análisis cuantitativo y funcional de las subpoblaciones de linfocitos en sangre periférica para clasificarlo en SD22q11 completo (<1% o parcial (95-99% e instaurar las pautas de tratamiento en aspectos como: aislamiento del paciente, vacunación, profilaxis contra microorganismos oportunistas, uso de productos sanguíneos irradiados y reconstitución inmunológica. Sin embargo, el abordaje del paciente debe ser multidisciplinario para detectar y prevenir complicaciones a largo plazo que pueden ser graves, especialmente en los pacientes con SD22q11 completo.

  17. Desigualdades sociales en la mortalidad de enfermedades por causas externas, tumores, enfermedades metabólicas en el departamento de Caldas 2010-2013


    Marín Ocampo, Angela María


    Objetivo. Determinar las desigualdades sociales en la mortalidad de enfermedades por causas externas, enfermedades metabólicas y tumores en los municipios del departamento de Caldas en el período 2010-2013.

  18. Retrorectal tumors: Excision by transanal endoscopic microsurgery Tumores retrorrectales: excisión por microcirugía endoscópica transanal

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    S. Zoller


    Full Text Available Tumours within the retrorectal space are uncommon. Due to their rarity and diverse symptoms they are often misdiagnosed or mistreated. We report three cases of women presenting a variety of symptoms including increased rectal pain, recurrent abscesses/fistulas and constipation. Upon clinical examination and further investigations using MR scan, endorectal ultrasound and endoscopy, a retrorectal mass was suspected in all three cases. In order to achieve a complete excision of the tumor while minimizing trauma, transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM was performed. The histology of the multicystic tumor revealed in all three cases a tailgut cyst. As far as we know this is the first report describing the use of TEM for surgical treatment of tumors located in the retrorectal space.Los tumores del espacio retrorrectal representan una patología poco frecuente. Debido a su singularidad incluida la amplia sintomatología con la que debutan, son a veces causa de diagnósticos y tratamientos erróneos. Esta nota clínica informa sobre tres casos surgidos en mujeres con variada sintomatología donde se incluía dolor rectal, enfermedad supurada anal recidivada y estreñimiento. La masa retrorrectal fue diagnosticada tras exploración clínica y pruebas de imagen donde se incluía ecografía endorrectal, resonancia magnética y endoscopia. La exéresis quirúrgica se realizó mediante microcirugía transanal endoscópica, en un intento de combinar una visualización mejorada de la disección y una técnica mínimamente invasiva. La anatomía patológica demostró en los tres casos quistes caudales. Esta nota clínica describe por primera vez en la literatura la resección quirúrgica de tumores localizados en el espacio retrorrectal mediante microcirugía transanal endoscópica.

  19. Tumor carcinoide apendicular Appendiceal carcinoid tumor

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    Julio Vázquez Palanco


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue dar a conocer un interesante caso de tumor carcinoide que se presentó con cuadro clínico de apendicitis aguda. El paciente fue un varón de 8 años de edad, al cual se realizó apendicectomía a causa de una apendicitis aguda. El resultado anatomopatológico confirmó un tumor de células endocrinas (argentafinoma, tumor carcinoide en el tercio distal del órgano, que infiltraba hasta la serosa, y apendicitis aguda supurada. El paciente fue enviado a un servicio de oncohematología para tratamiento oncoespecífico. Por lo inusual de estos tumores en edades tempranas y por lo que puede representar para el niño una conducta no consecuente, decidimos presentar este caso a la comunidad científica nacional e internacional. Es extremadamente importante el seguimiento de los pacientes con apendicitis aguda y de las conclusiones del examen histológico, por lo que puede representar para el niño una conducta inadecuada en una situación como esta.The objective of this paper was to make known an interesting case of carcinoid tumor that presented a clinical picture of acute appendicitis.The patient was an eight-year-old boy that underwent appendectomy due to an acute appendicitis. The anatomopathological report confirmed an endocrine cell tumor (argentaffinoma, carcinoid tumor in the distal third of the organ that infiltrated up to the serosa, and acute suppurative appendicitis. The patient was referred to an oncohematology service for oncospecific treatment. As it is a rare tumor at early ages, and taking into account what a inconsequent behavior may represent for the child, it was decided to present this case to the national and international scientific community. The follow-up of the patients with acute appendicitis and of the conclusions of the histological examination is extremely important considering what an inadequate conduct may represent for the child in a situation like this.

  20. Tumor del estroma gastrointestinal Tumor of the gastrointestinal stroma

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    Jorge Felipe Montero León


    Full Text Available Los tumores del estroma gastrointestinal, conocidos según sus siglas en inglés como GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumors, son tumores mesenquimales que aparecen en cualquier lugar a lo largo del tracto intestinal. Este trabajo tiene el propósito de presentar una paciente de 60 años de edad que asiste a la consulta de ginecología del Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología, por presentar dolor en el epigastrio, que se irradia al flanco derecho, con un aumento de volumen en la fosa iliaca derecha, y por ultrasonografía se plantea un tumor de ovario derecho, que se proyecta hacia el epigastrio y a hipocondrio derecho. Se describe la intervención quirúrgica y los hallazgos encontrados en estudios macro y microscópicos, así como en estudios posteriores por inmunohistoquímica de la lesión. Se concluye con un diagnóstico de tumor del estroma gastrointestinal y los resultados de las intervenciones quirúrgicas y medicamentosas realizadas. Se recomienda valorar la importancia de una estrecha relación entre cirujanos generales y ginecólogos frente a enfermedades inesperadas, por su difícil diagnóstico preoperatorio, que conllevan a un tratamiento quirúrgico adecuado, y que por la complejidad que requieren, necesitan de la competencia de ambas especialidades quirúrgicas.The tumors of the gastrointestinal stroma, known in English language as GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumors are mesenchymal tumors appearing in any place throughout the intestinal tract. The objective of present paper is to present the case of a female patient aged 60 came to Genecology consultation of the National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology due pain in epigastrium irradiating to right flank with increase of volume in the right iliac fossa and by ultrasonography it is a tumor of right ovarium projecting to epigastrium and the right hypochondrium. The surgical intervention is described as well as the findings noted in macro- and microscopic studies

  1. Hemorragia digestiva por tumor estromal gástrico

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    Francisco de Souza Consolo

    Full Text Available Gastrointestinal stromal tumors account for 0.1 to 3% of all resected gastric tumors and are the most common submucosal mass found in the stomach. Preoperative diagnosis is often difficult; consequently surgery is the best and only option on most cases. There are studies with different surgery techniques based on tumors location. The reported case led us at literature review with the intent of establishing preoperative diagnosis, therapeutic strategies and prognosis.

  2. Alterações químicas e nutricionais do grão-de-bico (Cicer arietinum L. cru irradiado e submetido à cocção Nutritional and chemical alteration of raw, irradiated and cooked chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.

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    Andréa Cristina Penati Ferreira


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivos analisar, em grãos não submetidos à irradiação, a composição centesimal e mineral, para verificar as alterações provocadas pela cocção. Em grãos crus e cozidos, não irradiados (controle e irradiados (doses de 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 kGy, foram realizadas também as análises de: disponibilidade de ferro in vitro, digestibilidade da proteína in vitro e perfil de aminoácidos. Os resultados das análises dos minerais demonstraram que ocorreu diminuição significativa (pThe work objective was analyzing, in chickpea seeds not irradiated, the centesimal and mineral composition to verifying the alterations on the nutritional characteristics caused by the cooking process. Also were carried out analysis of the iron availability in vitro, protein digestibility in vitro and the profile of amino acids in the raw and cooked in the control and irradiated seeds (doses of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 kGy. The results of the mineral analysis showed that only phosphorus decrease significantly (p<0.05 with cooking process. At the centesimal composition, ash and carbohydrates available decreased significantly (p<0,05. In the control and in the doses of 4 and 6 kGy the cooking hasn't influenced the digestibility of the protein, but the treatments that received radiation doses of 2, 8 and 10 kGy were influenced. The cooked chickpea has shown better digestibility in higher doses of radiation although the treatments have shown low digestibility. The raw chickpea presented a better dialysis of iron in the control and in the doses 2 and 4 kGy and the cooked chickpea presented improvement according to the increase of radiation doses. In relation to essential amino acids, chickpea has presented an adequate nutritional value, except for methionine.

  3. Estudio sobre tumores melanóticos del jámster sirio. II. Efecto de la edad del jámster dorado (Mesocricetus auratus sobre la inducción de tumores melanóticos por el 9,10 dimetilbenzantraceno

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    José Perea Sasiaín


    Full Text Available En medicina humana es bien conocida la influencia de la edad sobre la frecuencia del melanoma maligno: este tumor es muy infrecuente, si no excepcional, antes de la pubertad. Los pocos casos documentados de transmisión transplacentaria de tumores, han sido en su mayoría melanomas, lo cual prueba que el infante es susceptible al crecimiento de trasplantes de este tumor, proveniente de la madre. En el jamster dorado se han inducido tumores melanóticos mediante una sola aplicación de 9,10 dimetilbenzantraceno (D MBA. Estos tumores no son considerados malignos por su aspecto histológico, no dar metástasis, ni producir la muerte del animal, ni ser transplantables   regularmente a huéspedes homólogos. Son, sin embargo, de grande importancia para el estudio de la inducción de la melanogénesis. El presente estudio fue realizado "con el fin de establecer la influencia que la edad pudiera tener sobre la cantidad de tumores inducidos por el DMBA. Se consideró en particular que el jámster dorado no alcanza su madurez sexual hasta después del mes (45-60 días, descontando casos excepcionales como el observado a los 28 días.

  4. Review of the United States Army Wholesomeness of Irradiated Food Program (1955-1966); Apercu du Programme d'Etudes de l'Armee des Etats Unis sur la Comestibilite des Produits Alimentaires Irradies (1955-1966); Obzor programmy Amerikanskoj armii po voprosu sokhraneniya vkusovykh i pitatel'nykh'kachestv obluchennykh pishchevykh produktov (1955-1966); Programa del Ejercito de Los Estados Unidos Relativo a la Comestibilidad de los Alimentos Irradiados

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    Raica, N. Jr. [United States Army Medical Research And Nutrition Laboratory, Fitzsimons General Hospital, Denver, CO (United States); Howie, D. L. [United States Army Medical Research and Development Command, Office of the Surgeon General, Washington, DC (United States)


    se exponen algunos datos relativos a la cuestion de la comestibilidad de los alimentos irradiados (seguridad desde el punto de vista de la toxicidad, de la nutricion y en parte, de la microbiologia). Concluidos ya los prolongados estudios sobre el consumo de esos alimentos por animales, se ha demostrado que los alimentos irradiados son tan comestibles y, en general, tan aceptables como los tratados por procedimientos clasicos. Los datos se han obtenido gracias a la colaboracion de mas de 30 laboratorios de instituciones docentes, empresas comerciales y organismos oficiales, y comprenden los resultados de estudios sobre el consumo de 21 productos alimenticios irradiados (carne; prescado, frutas y verduras) por mas de 15 000 ratones, 5000 ratas de la misma progenie, 300 perros y 37-monos. En general, los alimentos utilizados para esos estudios recibieron dosis de 2,79 a 5, 58 Mrad obtenidas por medio de combustible agotado, cobalto-60 o fuentes de.electrones de 10 MeV; antes de darlos a los animales se almacenaron durante ues meses; como minimo, a la- temperatura ambiente. Los alimentos no irradiados utilizados como testigo se mantuvieron congelados hasta el momento de su consumo. Durante dos anos se administraron dietas con el 35% (en peso seco) de alimentos irradiados, a dos especies diferentes. Se estudio el crecimiento, la reproduccion, la lactacion, la hematologia, la longevidad, la histopatologfa y la carcinogenesis. Para examinar mas a fondo este ultimo punto, durante dos anos se administraron a ratones dietas con el 100% de alimentos irradiados. Tambien se estudio la radiactividad inducida, la estabilidad y suficiencia de las sustancias nutritivas, la concentracion de enzimas en los tejidos, la digestibilidad, la riqueza en vitamina K y las alteraciones quimicas. Durante periodos de dos semanas se administraron a seres humanos 54 alimentos irradiados diferentes (9,3 krad - 3,7 Mrad) en dietas cuyos componentes portadores de calorias estaban irradiados en la

  5. Osteomalacia por tumor secretor de FGF-23

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    Ariel Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de osteomalacia oncogénica en un varón de 50 años, con fuertes dolores óseos y gran debilidad muscular durante 4 años. Tenía varias deformidades vertebrales dorsales en cuña, fracturas en ambas ramas iliopubianas y en una rama isquiopubiana, y una zona de Looser en la meseta tibial derecha. Se localizó un tumor de 2 cm de diámetro en el hueco poplíteo derecho mediante centellograma con octreótido marcado con tecnecio. El tumor fue extirpado quirúrgicamente. La microscopía mostró un tumor mesenquimático fosfatúrico, de tejido conectivo mixto. La inmunotinción demostró FGF-23. Hubo rápida mejoría, con consolidación de las fracturas pelvianas y de la pseudofractura tibial y normalización de las alteraciones bioquímicas.

  6. Avaliação textural por ressonância magnética dos tumores da fossa posterior em crianças Magnetic resonance imaging textural evaluation of posterior cranial fossa tumors in childhood

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    Joelson Alves dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Possibilitar a distinção entre tecidos sãos e patológicos em pacientes da faixa etária pediátrica portadores de tumores da fossa posterior, por meio da análise de parâmetros texturais calculados a partir de imagens de ressonância magnética. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 14 pacientes da faixa etária pediátrica, portadores de tumores da fossa posterior, através da definição dos valores texturais das regiões de interesse representando tecidos sãos e patológicos, com base em imagens de ressonância magnética pesadas em T2 pelo "software" MaZda. RESULTADOS: Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os tecidos normal e tumoral, bem como entre os tecidos presumidamente normais adjacentes e distantes da lesão. Não foi possível a distinção entre edema e tumor. CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação textural por ressonância magnética é uma técnica útil para a determinação de diferenças entre diversos tipos de tecidos, inclusive entre áreas de tecidos presumidamente normais à análise visual.OBJECTIVE: To distinguish healthy from pathological tissues in pediatric patients with posterior cranial fossa tumors using calculated textural parameters from magnetic resonance images. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated 14 pediatric patients with posterior cranial fossa tumors using the software MaZda to define the texture parameters in selected regions of interest representing healthy and pathological tissues based on T2-weighted magnetic resonance images. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference between normal and tumoral tissues as well as between supposedly normal tissues adjacent and distant from the tumoral lesion. CONCLUSION: Magnetic resonance textural evaluation is an useful tool for determining differences among various tissues, including tissues that appear apparently normal on visual analysis.

  7. Comparação entre os volumes pulmonares irradiados com técnica bidimensional e tridimensional conformada na radioterapia de pacientes com tumores de pulmão localmente avançados Comparison between irradiated lung volumes with two-dimensional and three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy techniques for locally advanced lung cancer

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    Heloisa de Andrade Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar e quantificar os volumes pulmonares irradiados utilizando planejamentos bidimensional (2D e tridimensional (3D conformado na radioterapia de tumores de pulmão. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Em 27 pacientes portadores de câncer de pulmão foi feito planejamento 3D e outro correspondente em 2D. As doses prescritas variaram de 45 a 66 Gy. Foram avaliadas as doses no volume alvo planejado (PTV, volume tumoral macroscópico (GTV e pulmões (volume de pulmão que recebe 20 Gy ou 30 Gy - V20 e V30, respectivamente, e dose média. Os órgãos de risco adjacentes (medula espinhal, esôfago e coração receberam doses abaixo dos limites de tolerância. RESULTADOS: O GTV variou de 10,5 a 1.290,0 cm³ (média de 189,65 cm³. Nos planejamentos 2D foi utilizado, em média, um total de 59,33 campos, e nos planejamentos 3D, 75,65 campos. Em todas as situações analisadas houve significante (p OBJECTIVE: To compare and quantify irradiated lung volumes using two-dimensional (2D and three-dimensional (3D conformal planning for radiotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 2D and 3D conformal radiotherapy plannings were performed for 27 patients with lung cancer. Prescribed doses ranged from 45 to 66 Gy. The analysis covered the doses to planning target volume (PTV, gross tumor volume (GTV and lungs (lung volume receiving 20 Gy or 30 Gy - V20 and V30, respectively, and mean dose. The doses to adjacent organs at risk (spinal cord, esophagus and heart were maintained below the tolerance limits. RESULTS: GTV ranged from 10.5 to 1,290.0 cm³ (mean, 189.65 cm³. On average, a total of 59.33 fields were utilized in the 2D planning and 75.65 fields in the 3D planning. Lung volumes were significantly preserved (P < 0.05 with the 3D conformal planning in all the evaluated cases, with about 15% decrease in the irradiated lung volumes. Lungs without tumor were most benefited from this technique. CONCLUSION: 3D radiotherapy allowed a better



    Dr. Manuel G. Campos


    Entre el 20 a 40% de los tumores cerebrales pueden manifestarse primariamente con crisis epilépticas y un 20 a 45% pueden presentar epilepsia durante el curso de la enfermedad. Las crisis pueden ser causadas por el compromiso cortical tumoral, así como en áreas distantes por deaferentación. Las crisis pueden responder a fármacos antiepilépticos o presentarse como epilepsia refractaria a fármacos. Los tumores de más lento crecimiento se asocian a epilepsia de largo tiempo de evolución, pero ha...

  9. Three-dimensional magnetic resonance reconstruction images before and after surgical therapy of spontaneous canine brain tumors Imagens de reconstrução tri-dimensional por ressonância magnética antes e depois de tratamento cirúrgico de tumores cerebrais espontâneos caninos

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    Julio Carlos Canola


    Full Text Available Specific software was used for reconstruction of spontaneous intracranial tumor volume from magnetic resonance images (MRI in three dogs. Histopathologically confirmed meningioma, cystic meningioma, and choroid plexus tumors were evaluated before and after surgery. The software allowed the whole-volume segmentation of the skin, brain, tumor, edema, and cyst. Manipulation of the three-dimensional images (3D allowed visualization of all anatomical structures, aided clinical understanding, surgical planning, and treatment monitoring.Um programa de computador específico foi utilizado para reconstrução do volume tumoral intracraniano espontâneo por imagens de ressonância magnética (IRM em três cães. Tumores histopatologicamente confirmados como meningioma, meningioma cístico e tumor do plexo coróide foram avaliados antes e após cirurgia. O programa de computador permitiu a segmentação por completo da pele, do cérebro, do tumor, do edema e do cisto. A manipulação das imagens tridimensionais permitiu a visibilização de todas as estruturas anatômicas, além da compreensão clínica, do planejamento cirúrgico e da monitorização do tratamento.

  10. Biópsia com agulha grossa guiada por ultrassonografia para o diagnóstico dos tumores fibroepiteliais da mama Ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy for the diagnosis of fibroepithelial breast tumors

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    Marcos Desidério Ricci


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a taxa de concordância da biópsia percutânea com agulha grossa guiada por ultrassom seguida pela biópsia excisional em nódulos de mama palpáveis, sugestivos de tumores fibroepiteliais. MÉTODO: estudo retrospectivo que selecionou 70 biópsias com diagnóstico histológico de tumor fibroepitelial em 67 dentre 531 pacientes com lesões mamárias submetidas à biópsia percutânea com agulha grossa guiada por ultrassonografia, com transdutor linear de alta frequência (7.5 MHz, utilizando pistola automática Bard-Magnum e agulha 14 gauge. Foram incluídos os casos com diagnóstico de tumor fibroepitelial na biópsia percutânea ou biópsia excisional. Biópsias com diagnóstico histopatológico de fibroesclerose também foram incluídas no estudo. A força da concordância entre o resultado da biópsia percutânea e da biópsia excisional foi medida pelo coeficiente de Kappa. RESULTADOS: a biópsia excisional revelou 40 casos de fibroadenoma (57,1%, 19 de tumor filoide (27,2% e 11 de fibroesclerose (15,7%. A taxa de concordância para o fibroadenoma foi substancial (k = 0,68; IC95% = 0,45 - 0,91, quase perfeita para o tumor filoide (k = 0,81; IC95% = 0,57 - 1,0 e moderada para a fibroesclerose (k = 0,58; IC95% = 0,36 - 0,90. CONCLUSÕES: a biópsia percutânea com agulha grossa é propedêutica minimamente invasiva que tem taxas de concordância com a biópsia excisional, de "substancial" a "quase perfeita". A fibroesclerose deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial dos tumores fibroepiteliais.PURPOSE: to evaluate the concordance rate of ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy followed by excisional biopsy in palpable breast lumps, suggestive of fibroepithelial tumors. METHOD: a retrospective study included 70 biopsies with a histological diagnosis of fibroepithelial tumor in 67 out of 531 patients with breast lesions submitted to ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy with a high frequency (7.5 MHz linear transducer

  11. Absceso de pared abdominal por tumor maligno de colon transverso.


    Morales Polanco, Sergio; Díaz Rosales, Juan de Dios; Arenas Valles, Jorge


    Introduction: Colon cancer is one of the most frequent and mortal digestive tumors. Complications of this disease could be several and in a few cases, could be rare and infrequent. This article present a case of patient with an abdominal wall abscess due to a malignant transverse colonic tumor. Clinic presentation: Male 56 years-old patient with sepsis and a mass in left superior quadrant on abdomen. The patient was underwent to exploratory laparotomy and findings were a large tumor in transv...

  12. Tumor de Pindborg relacionado con trauma facial Pindborg's tumor in relationship with facial traumata

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    Niorgy Rodríguez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El tumor de Pindborg es una neoplasia benigna, rara, con carácter invasivo local y tendencia a la recidiva, que representa entre el 0,17 y el 1,8 % de todos los tumores odontogénicos, del cual tan solo se han publicado unos 200 casos, con una media de 4 casos nuevos por año en el mundo. Se presentó el caso de un hombre de 39 años de edad que acudió a la consulta de cirugía maxilofacial remitido de neurocirugía postraumatismo craneofacial, por presentar un aumento de volumen en el ángulo mandibular derecho. Se tuvo como objetivo publicar la existencia de esta infrecuente neoplasia por lo interesantes que resultan estos tumores por su evolución, dificultad en el diagnóstico, variantes de tratamiento y tendencia a la recidiva. Después de realizar exámenes de laboratorio, radiografías, tomografía axial computarizada y biopsia de fragmento óseo, se obtuvo extensión y diagnóstico de tumor de Pindborg en hemimandíbula derecha. Se realizó la técnica quirúrgica de hemimandibulectomía derecha y reconstrucción con injerto óseo de cresta ilíaca. La evolución del paciente fue satisfactoria.The Pindborg's tumor is a benign and uncommon neoplasm with a local invasive character and a trend to relapse accounting for the 0.17 and the 1.8 % of all odontogenic tumors with only 200 cases published in the literature and a mean of four cases per year at world scale. This is the case of a man aged 39 came our consultation of Maxillofacial Surgery referred from Neurosurgery Service after a craniofacial trauma and an increase of volume in right mandibular angle with the aim to publish the existence of this uncommon neoplasm due to the interesting of this type of tumor by its evolution, difficulty for diagnosis, variants of treatment and trend to relapse. After carry out laboratory examinations, X-rays, axial tomography computerize and biopsy of bone fragment, it was possible the extension and diagnosis of Pindbog's tumor in right hemi

  13. Osteomalacia por tumor secretor de FGF-23 Ostemalacia due to a tumor secreting FGF-23

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    Ariel Sánchez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso de osteomalacia oncogénica en un varón de 50 años, con fuertes dolores óseos y gran debilidad muscular durante 4 años. Tenía varias deformidades vertebrales dorsales en cuña, fracturas en ambas ramas iliopubianas y en una rama isquiopubiana, y una zona de Looser en la meseta tibial derecha. Se localizó un tumor de 2 cm de diámetro en el hueco poplíteo derecho mediante centellograma con octreótido marcado con tecnecio. El tumor fue extirpado quirúrgicamente. La microscopía mostró un tumor mesenquimático fosfatúrico, de tejido conectivo mixto. La inmunotinción demostró FGF-23. Hubo rápida mejoría, con consolidación de las fracturas pelvianas y de la pseudofractura tibial y normalización de las alteraciones bioquímicas.A case of oncogenic osteomalacia in a 50-year-old male is here presented. He suffered severe bone pain and marked muscular weakness of 4 years' duration. There were several vertebral deformities in the thoracic spine, bilateral fractures of the iliopubic branches, another fracture in the left ischiopubic branch, and a Looser's zone in the right proximal tibia. An octreotide-Tc scan allowed to identify a small tumor in the posterior aspect of the right knee. It was surgically removed. Microscopically, it was a phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor-mixed connective tissue (PMT-MCT. Expression of FGF-23 was documented by immune-peroxidase staining. There was rapid improvement, with consolidation of the pelvic fractures and the tibial pseudo-fracture. The laboratory values returned to normal.

  14. Gamma probe-assisted brain tumor microsurgical resection: a new technique Ressecção microcirúrgica de tumor cerebral assistida por detector gama: uma nova técnica

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    Osvaldo Vilela Filho


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: The pioneering performance of gamma probe-assisted surgery (GPAS for brain tumors, aiming not only an improvement of tumor detection, but mainly assurance of its complete removal and the study of the usual distribution of the 99mTc-MIBI in the brain SPECT of normal individuals. METHOD: Patient's informed consent and demonstration of the tumor by the preoperative MIBI SPECT were the inclusion criteria adopted for GPAS, which was performed in one patient with a right parietal lobe metastatic tumor. The radiotracer (99mTc-MIBI was injected in a peripheral vein 5 hours before the operation. A tumor to-normal tissue count ratio equal to or greater than 2/1 was considered indicative of tumor. MIBI SPECT was performed in five normal individuals in a pilot study. RESULTS: The gamma probe greatly facilitated intraoperative tumor detection (tumor to-normal brain count ratio was 5/1 and indicated a small piece of residual tumor after what was thought to be a complete tumor removal, allowing its resection, which, otherwise, would have been left behind. Postoperative CT confirmed complete tumor resection. The MIBI SPECT in normal individuals showed an increased uptake by the hypophisis, choroid plexus, skull, scalp and salivary glands and absence of uptake by the normal brain tissue. There were no complications. CONCLUSION: GPAS proved to be, in this single case, a safe and reliable technique to improve brain tumor detection and to confirm the presence or absence of residual tumor.OBJETIVOS: A realização pioneira de cirurgia assistida por detector gama (CADG para tumores cerebrais, objetivando-se não apenas a identificação do tumor, mas, sobretudo, assegurar-se quanto à sua completa ressecção e estudar a distribuição usual do 99mTc-MIBI no SPECT cerebral de indivíduos normais. MÉTODO: O consentimento informado do paciente e a demonstração do tumor pelo SPECT pré-operatório com MIBI foram os critérios de inclusão adotados para a

  15. Endoscopic ultrasound-assisted endoscopic resection of carcinoid tumors of the gastrointestinal tract Resección endoscópica asistida por ecoendoscopia de tumores carcinoides del aparato digestivo

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    D. Martínez-Ares


    endoscópicamente 24 tumores en 21 pacientes (edad media de 51,7 años; 71,5% varones. Las lesiones eran en su mayoría hallazgos incidentales en exploraciones indicadas por otros motivos. La resección se indicó en la mayoría de los casos por sospecha ecoendoscópica de tumor carcinoide. La ecoendoscopia además permitió establecer con claridad la capa de origen de la lesión y el tamaño de la misma. La extirpación se llevó a cabo en 13 casos (54,2% mediante la técnica convencional de polipectomía con asa, en 9 casos (37,5% asistida con inyección submucosa de suero salino y/o adrenalina y en 2 casos (8,3% tras ligar la lesión con bandas elásticas. En todos los casos la resección fue completa, sin recidivas durante el seguimiento. En un único caso se produjo una complicación mayor: una hemorragia postpolipectomía que se controló endoscópicamente. Conclusiones: la resección endoscópica de los tumores carcinoides, en pacientes bien seleccionados, es una técnica segura y eficaz permitiendo una resección completa en todos los casos con escasas complicaciones. La ecoendoscopia es la técnica de elección para seleccionar los pacientes candidatos a resección endoscópica.

  16. FIBROMATOSIS (DESMOID TUMOR OF THE BREAST. Fibromatosis (tumor desmoide de mama

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    Zhaneta P Boceska


    Full Text Available El tumor desmoide (fibromatosis es una entidad patológica extremadamente rara que se desarrolla de la fascia muscular y la aponeusorsis. Aunque sin potencial metastático, estos tumores son localmente muy agresivos y tienden a infiltrarse en los tejidos circundantes. Nosotros presentamos un caso de tumour desmoide de mama, que tuvo apariencias clínicas sugestivas a carcinoma. La paciente, de 56 años presentó una masa palpable de mama derecho. La citología por aspiracion con aguja fina (AGF no detectó ninguna célula maligna, por lo que se hizo una escisión local conservadora. La paciente no recibió ningun tratamiento postoperatorio adicional, y continúa viva y sana en los siguientes 18 meses. Desmoid tumor (fibromatosis is extremely rare benign pathological entity that develops from muscular fasciae and aponeuroses. Although without metastatic potential, these tumors are locally very aggressive and tend to infiltrate the surrounding tissues. We present a case of a desmoid tumor of the breast that had clinical appearance suggestive of carcinoma. The patient was 56 years old female with a previous history of surgical trauma who presented with a palpable mass in the right breast. A fine needle aspiration (FNA cytology did not reveal any malignant cells, thus conservative local excision was performed. The patient did not receive any additional postoperative treatment and was alive and free of disease after 18 months of follow-up. 

  17. Radiosensitizing effect of nitric oxide in tumor cells and experimental tumors irradiated with gamma rays and proton beams; Efecto radiosensibilizador del oxido nitrico en celulas tumorales y en tumores experimentales irradiados con radiacion gamma y con haces de protones

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    Policastro, Lucia L; Duran, Hebe; Molinari, Beatriz L [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, General San Martin (Argentina). Dept. de Radiobiologia; Schuff, Juan A; Kreiner, Andres J; Burlon, Alejandro A; Debray, Mario E; Kesque, Jose M; Ozafran, Mabel J; Vazquez, Monica E [Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, General San Martin (Argentina). Dept. de Fisica; Davidson, Jorge; Davidson, Miguel [Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires (Argentina); Somacal, Hector R; Valda, Alejandro A [Universidad Nacional de General San Martin , Villa Ballester (Argentina). Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnologia


    Nitric oxide (NO) has been reported to be a radiosensitizer of mammalian cells under hypoxic conditions. In a previous study, we demonstrated an enhancement in radiation response induced by NO in mouse tumor cells under aerobic conditions, with an increasing effect as a function of malignancy. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of NO in tumor cells and in experimental tumors irradiated with {gamma} rays and proton beams. Irradiations were performed with a {sup 137}Cs {gamma} source and with proton beams generated by the TANDAR accelerator. Tumor cells were treated with the NO donor DETA-NO and the sensitizer enhancement ratio (SER) was calculated using the {alpha} parameter of the survival curve fitted to the linear-quadratic model. Tumor cells irradiated with protons were radio sensitized by DETA-NO only in the more malignant cells irradiated with low LET protons (2.69{+-}0.08 keV/{mu}m). For higher LET protons there were no radiosensitizing effect. For human tumor cells pre-treated with DETA-NO and irradiated with {gamma} rays, a significantly greater effect was demonstrated in the malignant cells (MCF-7) as compared with the near normal cells (HBL-100). Moreover, a significant decrease in tumor growth was demonstrated in mice pre-treated with the NO donor spermine and irradiated with {gamma} rays and low LET protons as compared with mice irradiated without pre-treatment with the NO donor. In conclusion, we demonstrated a differential effect of NO as a radiosensitizer of malignant cells, both with {gamma} rays and low LET protons. This selectivity, coupled to the in vivo inhibition of tumor growth, is of great interest for the potential use of NO releasing agents in radiotherapy. (author)


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    Dr. Luis Enrique Contreras


    Full Text Available Los tumores cerebrales son un grupo heterogéneo de tumores de distintas líneas celulares. Pueden ser primarios o secundarios, según si se originan en tejido del sistema nervioso central o en otro sitio del cuerpo. Los tumores primarios más frecuentes son el meningioma y glioblastoma, mientras las metástasis más frecuentes son de pulmón, mama y piel. No existe un registro nacional de tumores cerebrales, por lo que su incidencia real es desconocida y está basada en egresos hospitalarios y datos de mortalidad.

  19. Regulación de la actividad biológica de las células NK por receptores de tipo toll y por células dendríticas. Implicancias en la inmunidad contra tumores.


    Girart, María Victoria


    Las células NK son células linfoides importantes en la defensa del huésped contra patógenos intracelulares y en la inmunovigilancia contra tumores. Ejercen su actividad biológica a través de la elaboración de citoquinas y el desarrollo de actividad citotóxica, funciones reguladas por familias de receptores activadores e inhibidores. Las células NK humanas expresan receptores de tipo Toll (TLRs) tales como TLR3, TLR7, TLR8 y TLR9, entre otros. Sin embargo poco se conoce acerca del impacto de l...

  20. Tumor Filóides Borderline: Relato de caso

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    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem o objetivo de narrar o caso de uma jovem de 24 anos, que teve quadro de Tumor Filóides do tipo borderline, evidenciado durante cirurgia de excisão de fibroadenoma, e diagnosticado por exame histopatológico da lesão, sendo futuramente reabordado com nova cirurgia. O Tumor Filóides é uma neoplasia fibroepitelial incomum da mama, representando de 0,3 a 0,9% de todos os tumores primários daquele órgão. É comumente vista entre pacientes com 40-50 anos. Sendo mais raro ainda sua apresentação em jovens. Por fim este artigo apresenta breve revisão de literatura, mostrando que a conduta utilizada no caso foi correta.

  1. Adenoma corticosuprarrenal no funcionante Non-functional corticosuprarenal adenoma

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    Evelio Salvador Reyes Balseiro


    Full Text Available Alrededor del 50 % de las tumoraciones corticosuprerrenales son benignas y funcionales, muchas son sólidas con signos y síntomas de exceso de glucocorticoides (Cushing o mineralocorticoides (Conn. El otro 50 % de neoplasias sólidas corresponde a carcinomas adrenocorticales primarios, la mitad funcionales. Dentro de las tumoraciones sólidas benignas la más frecuente es el adenoma. Se presenta un paciente de 36 años de edad, de piel blanca, sexo masculino, con buena salud anterior, que ingresó por astenia desde hace 6 meses y dolor abdominal en el flanco derecho, de ligera intensidad, irradiado a la espalda, además de la pérdida de peso. Al examen físico se constata tumoración en flanco derecho. Se diagnostica tumoración suprarrenal voluminosa por ultrasonografía, tomografía axial computarizada y elevación del cortisol en sangre. Se extirpa el tumor por una incisión combinada anterior y lateral en posición semidecúbito, que brindó un buen campo, y se obtuvieron excelentes resultados. El diagnóstico anatomopatológico fue adenoma corticosuprarrenal, que se analizan y comparan con otros reportes.About the 50 % of the cortical-suprarenal tumor are benign and functional, much of them are solid with signs and symptoms of glucocorticoids (Cushing or mineralocorticoid (Conn. The remainder 50 % of solid neoplasm corresponds to primary adrenocortical carcinomas whose half is functional. Within the benign solid tumors the more frequent is the adenoma. This is the case of a white male patient aged 36 with a prior good health admitted due to asthenia from 6 months ago and slightly intensive abdominal pain the right flank irradiating to back as well as weight loss. In physical examination it was verified a right flank tumor. A bulky suprarenal tumor was diagnosed by ultrasonography, computerized axial tomography and a rise of blood cortisol. Tumor is removed b y anterior and lateral combined incision in semi-decubitus position allowed a

  2. Automatización de un registro hospitalario de tumores Automatization of a hospital-based tumor registry

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    Josepa Ribes


    Full Text Available Introducción: El Instituto Catalán de Oncología automatizó los procedimientos manuales de captación de la información de las bases de datos del alta hospitalaria (AH y anatomía patológica (APA mediante una aplicación informática (ASEDAT con el objetivo de aumentar la fiabilidad de los datos y reducir los costes del Registro Hospitalario de Tumores (RHT. Material y Método: ASEDAT detecta los tumores incidentes del centro a partir de las bases de datos de APA y de las AH mediante la selección de la información básica para cada uno de ellos. Se resolvió el RHT para el período 1999-2000 mediante el procedimiento manual y automatizado, y se compararon entre sí los resultados. Resultados: Se detectaron 10.498 pacientes oncológicos. La resolución manual detectó 8.309 tumores incidentes y 2.374 tumores prevalentes. ASEDAT resolvió automáticamente 8.901 pacientes (84,8%, en los cuales se detectaron 8.367 tumores incidentes, 58 tumores más que con el procedimiento manual. La validación de la concordancia se realizó en los tumores incidentes detectados por ambos métodos (7.063 tumores. En 6.185 tumores (87,6%, la información coincidió en todas las variables. De los tumores discordantes, 692 (9,8% fueron generados por el personal del RHT en la resolución manual y el resto (n = 186; 2,6% por la aplicación (resolución automática. Conclusiones: La automatización de un registro de cáncer es posible siempre y cuando el centro disponga de las bases de datos de APA y AH codificadas e informatizadas.Introduction: To increase data reliability and reduce the costs associated with the HTR, the Catalan Institute of Oncology programmed the manual procedures of data collection from databases by means of a computer application (ASEDAT. Material and method: ASEDAT detects the incident tumors of the registry from the databases of the pathology records (PR and discharge records (DR and selects the basic information from both databases. Data

  3. Tumor intracardiaco en el recién nacido

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    Yanett Sarmiento Portal


    Full Text Available Introducción: los tumores primarios cardiacos son raros durante la infancia y en su mayoría benignos, siendo los rabdomiomas los más comunes, asociándose en más del 60% de los casos con esclerosis tuberosa. La mayoría de ellos tienden a involucionar, pero algunos, según su localización y manifestaciones clínicas, requerirán tratamiento quirúrgico. Caso clínico: recién nacido del sexo femenino, hija de madre de 34 años. Nace producto de cesárea iterada a las 40 semanas, Apgar 9-9 y peso al nacer 2800 gramos. Tuvo seguimiento por Genética Clínica durante el embarazo por detectarse en ultrasonido prenatal la presencia de tumoración intracardiaca, la cual se confirma al realizar ecografía postnatal, con un área tumoral de 3,5mm. Se diagnostica Rabdomioma intracardiaco que no obstruye el tracto de salida, con seguimiento clínico y ecocardiográfico mensual y evolución favorable. Conclusiones: los tumores cardiacos fetales son extraordinariamente raros. Se pueden diagnosticar por ecografía desde la vida intrauterina. La actitud recomendada es expectante por la posibilidad de regresión espontánea, excepto en aquellos casos con repercusión clínica. En el seguimiento se debe descartar la presencia de esclerosis tuberosa por su elevada asociación con esta entidad.

  4. Resección microquirúrgica estereotáxica de tumores intracraneales guiada por imagen y asistida por computadora

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    Gerardo López Flores


    Full Text Available Se reporta que la orientación espacial durante la microcirugía, constituye un elemento indispensable. Se demuestra esta aplicación de la cirugía estereotáxica en el Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica (CIREN de mayo de 1994 a febrero de 1998, al describir la realización de 65 intervenciones microquirúrgicas en condiciones estereotáxicas, a 62 pacientes con tumores cerebrales intracraneales. El proceder se dividió en 3 etapas: adquisición de la imagen, tomografía axial computadorizada, planificación quirúrgica, con sistema de planeamiento STASSIS y procederes microquirúrgicos, que incluyeron los sistemas estereotáxicos: Leksell, Micromar y Estereoflex. Del total, 27 de estos pacientes presentaron tumores gliales, 33 no gliales y sólo 2 lesiones no neoplásicas de localización y tamaño variados. Se realizaron 30 resecciones totales. La morbilidad quirúrgica fue mínima y no hubo mortalidad quirúrgica. Las principales ventajas del método son: localización exacta de la craneotomía, fácil orientación espacial, facilidad para distinguir los límites entre el tumor y el tejido sano. Se verificó la aplicabilidad del Estereoflex a la microcirugía cerebralIt is reported that spatial guidance during microsurgery is an essential element. This application of stereotaxic surgery is shown at the International Center of Neurological Restoration (CIREN, in Spanish from May, 1994, to February, 1998, on describing the performance of 65 microsurgical procedures under stereotaxic conditions among 62 patients with cerebral intracranial tumors. The procedure was divided into 3 stages: image adquisition, CAT, surgical planning , with STASSIS planning system, and microsurgical procedures that included the Leksell, Micromar and Esteroflex stereotaxic systems. 27 of the total of patients presented glial tumors; 33, non-glial; and only 2 non-neoplastic lesions of diverse localization and size. 30 total resections were made

  5. Efeito da radiação gama sobre o perfil sensorial de suco de laranja


    Verruma-Bernardi Marta Regina; Spoto Marta Helena F.


    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de doses de radiações sobre as características sensoriais do suco fresco de laranja variedade 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis L) conservado sob refrigeração. Utilizou-se amostras de suco de laranja refrigerado (controle) e suco de laranja refrigerado irradiado com 1,5 e 3,0kGy por hora (Cobalto60), armazenadas a 4ºC por 1, 7, 14 e 21 dias a 4ºC. Para a análise sensorial realizou-se a Análise Descritiva Quantitativa, na qual provadores selecionados e trei...

  6. Analysis of the Volatile Constituents of Irradiated Apple Juice; Analyse des Constituants Volatils des Jus de Pommes Irradies; Mezhdunarodnyj proekt po oblucheniyu fruktov i fruktovykh sokov; Analisis de los Componentes Volatiles de los Zumos de Manzana Irradiados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dubois, P.; Zenz, H.; Stehlik, G.; Kaindl, K. [Agence Europeenne pour l' Energie Nucleaire, Seibersdorf (Austria)


    Degree-Sign C (Head Space Technique de Weurman). Les identifications ont ete faites par comparaison des volumes de retention avec ceux de substances pures, et a l'aide de reactifs chimiques permettant d'eliminer certains constituants de la vapeur. Pour simplifier les analyses, les premiers essais ont porte sur des concentres de jus de pommes ne contenant plus de substances volatiles avant irradiation. Par irradiation, cinq aldehydes prennent naissance dans les jus de pommes: acetaldehyde, isobutyraldehyde, butyraldehyde, isovaleraldehyde et capronaldehyde; mais trois seulement dans les jus concentres; acetaldehyde, isobutyraldehyde et isovaleraldehyde. De plus, la 2-butanone apparait dans les jus concentres, mais le pic qui lui correspond sur les chroma- togrammes est entierement masque par celui de l'ethanol dans le cas des jus non concentres. Par ailleurs on a mis en evidence les formations de furane et de deux composes qui n'apparaissent qu'a l'etat de traces et qui n'ont pas pu etre identifies a ce jour. Des resultats analogues ont ete obtenus par pasteurisation, telle qu'elle est realisee par embouteillage a chaud. (author) [Spanish] Los estudios organolepticos y los ensayos de inocuidad que se realizan dentro del marco del proyecto internacional de investigaciones sobre la conservacion de frutas y zumos de fruta por irradiacion (Seibersdorf) hacen indispensable el analisis de las sustancias aromaticas de los zumos irradiados y no irradiados. Las sustancias volatiles de los zumos de manzana irradiados han sido analizados por cromatografia en fase gaseosa, inyectando directamente los vapores que emiten a la temperatura ambiente y a 60 Degree-Sign C (tecnica 'Head Space' , de Weurman). Las identificaciones se han efectuado comparando los volumenes de retencion con los de sustancias puras y eliminando ciertos constituyentes del vapor con reactivos quimicos. Para simplificar los analisis, los primeros ensayos se han efectuado con concentrados de zumos de manzana que no

  7. Condiloma acuminado gigante (tumor de Buschke-Lowenstein

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    Ibis Beltrán Pérez

    Full Text Available Se presenta un paciente masculino de 72 años de edad de la raza blanca, que es remitido al Servicio de Coloproctología por presentar desde hace más de un año, aumento de volumen alrededor del ano que le dificulta la defecación y sentarse. Se han realizado múltiples tratamientos tópicos con resultados no satisfactorios por el servicio de dermatología. Se le realiza estudio histopatológico de la lesión y se obtuvo un condiloma acuminado gigante (tumor de Buschke-Lowenstein. Se ha dado seguimiento sin presentarse hasta el momento recurrencia. El tumor de Buschke-Lowenstein es una entidad rara, considerada una lesión premaligna provocada por el papiloma virus humano. Hasta el momento no se ha podido encontrar el tratamiento ideal y continúa presentando una alta tasa de recurrencia.

  8. Contaminação tumoral em trajeto de biópsia de tumores ósseos malignos primários Tumor contamination in the biopsy path of primary malignant bone tumors

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    Marcelo Parente Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar os fatores possivelmente associados à contaminação tumoral do trajeto de biópsia de tumores ósseos malignos primários. MÉTODO: Foram estudados, retrospectivamente, 35 pacientes submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico com diagnóstico de osteossarcoma, tumor de Ewing e condrossarcoma. A amostra foi analisada para caracterização quanto à técnica de biópsia empregada, tipo histológico do tumor, realização de quimioterapia neoadjuvante, ocorrência de recidiva local e contaminação tumoral no trajeto da biópsia. RESULTADOS: Nos 35 pacientes avaliados ocorreram quatro contaminações (11,43%. Um caso era de osteossarcoma, dois casos de tumor de Ewing e um caso de condrossarcoma, não se observando associação entre o tipo de tumor e a presença de contaminação tumoral no trajeto da biópsia (p = 0,65. Também não se observou associação entre a presença de contaminação tumoral e a técnica de biópsia (p = 0,06. Por outro lado, observou-se associação entre a presença de contaminação tumoral e a ocorrência de recidiva local (p = 0,01 e entre a presença de contaminação e a não realização de quimioterapia neoadjuvante (p = 0,02. CONCLUSÃO: A contaminação tumoral no trajeto de biópsia de tumores ósseos malignos primários esteve associada à ocorrência de recidiva local. Por outro lado, não mostrou ser influenciada pelo tipo de biópsia realizada e pelo tipo histológico de tumor estudado. A quimioterapia neoadjuvante mostrou um efeito protetor contra esta complicação. A despeito desses achados, a contaminação tumoral é uma complicação que deve sempre ser considerada, sendo recomendada a remoção do trajeto da biópsia na cirurgia de ressecção do tumor.OBJECTIVE: To study factors possibly associated with tumor contamination in the biopsy path of primary malignant bone tumors. METHOD: Thirty-five patients who underwent surgical treatment with diagnoses of osteosarcoma, Ewing's tumor and

  9. Aquisição de uma tarefa espacial por ratos submetidos a lesão hipocampal neonatal induzida por radiação ionizante Acquisition of a non-matching to place task by rats with neonatal hippocampal lesion induced by ionizing radiation

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    Valéria Catelli Infantozzi Costa


    Full Text Available Costa, Bueno e Xavier (2005 mostraram que ratos com lesão do giro denteado hipocampal produzida por colchicina apresentam prejuízo de desempenho em testes pós-operatórios em uma tarefa espacial de discriminação condicional (tarefa de non-matching-to-place, NMTP, embora o treino repetitivo promova recuperação do desempenho dos animais lesados. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de ratos com danos seletivos no giro denteado, induzidos pela exposição neonatal a radiação ionizante, na tarefa de NMTP. O grupo irradiado apresentou prejuízo nas primeiras sessões de treino quando comparado ao grupo controle; porém, seu desempenho se igualou ao dos animais controles nas últimas sessões, replicando resultados anteriores. Os resultados são discutidos no contexto da teoria do mapa espacial cognitivo.Costa, Bueno e Xavier (2005 showed that rats with hippocampus dentate gyrus lesions produced by colchicine have post-surgical tests deficits in spatial tasks involving conditional discrimination (non-matching-to-place, NMTP, although repetitive training does promote the recovery of the lamed subject's performance. The purpose of this experiment was to assess the performance of rats with selective lesions of dentate gyrus induced by neonatal ionizing radiation in the NMTP task. The irradiated group showed deficits in the first training sessions when compared to the control group. Nevertheless, the performance of lesion and control groups was similar at the end of the sessions, as previously reported. The results are discussed in light of the cognitive map theory.

  10. Paciente con tumor de cuerpo carotideo

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    Mariuska Forteza Sáez

    Full Text Available Los tumores de cuerpo carotideo (paragangliomas son neoplasias altamente vascularizadas, muy poco frecuentes y generalmente benignas, originadas en los quimiorreceptores del cuerpo carotideo. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 54 años, con aumento de volumen cervical derecho, asintomático, con estudio preoperatorio y angiografía realizados por tomografía axial computarizada, que resultan compatibles con tumor de cuerpo carotideo. Se realiza disección subadventicial, informando la biopsia paraganglioma. El tumor fue completamente resecado, sin evidencia de recurrencia y sin complicaciones.

  11. Tumores de glándula mamaria en caninos

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    Giovanni Torres


    Full Text Available De los animales de compañía, los caninos son los que sufren con mayor frecuencia tumores de glándula mamaria y dentro de ellos las hembras son las que contribuyen con el mayor número de casos. Cuando estos tumores se presentan en machos por lo general tienen características histológicas malignas. Para el diagnóstico histopatológico la clasificación que ha tenido mayor aceptación es la propuesta por Hampe and Misdorp. A través de muchos años de investigación en este campo se han descrito varios factores considerados como predisponentes, entre los cuales están: raza, sexo, edad, dentro de estos la que presenta mayor disparidad de conceptos es la raza ya que, según algunos autores, se puede ver influenciada por factores externos como la localización geográfica y el gusto de los propietarios por ciertas razas como animales de compañía. Otro hecho importante es la descripción de agentes causales: el invalance hormonal (estrógenos, progesterona, mutaciones genéticas, (gen supresor del tumor, protooncogenes y consumo de dietas ricas en grasas. Finalmente, es importante hacer énfasis en el hecho que del diagnóstico adecuado y pautas de tratamiento llevados a cabo por el médico veterinario clínico, depende el pronóstico y las expectativas de vida del paciente canino.

  12. Acute GI bleeding by multiple jejunal gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumour associated with neurofibromatosis type I Urgencia quirúrgica por sangrado intestinal debido a tumor intestinal de nervios autónomos asociados a neurofibromatosis tipo I

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    M. Keese


    Full Text Available We describe a surgical emergency due to GI-bleeding caused by gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumours (GANT's in a patient with von Recklinghausen's disease. A 72 year old female patient with von Recklinghausen's disease was admitted with maelena. Endoscopy showed no active bleeding in the stomach and the colon. Therefore an angio-CT-scan was performed which revealed masses of the proximal jejunum as source of bleeding. Laparotomy was indicated and a 20 cm segment of jejunum which carried multiple extraluminal tumours was resected. The source of the bleeding was a 2 cm tumour which had eroded the mucosal surface. Immunohistologically, evidence of neuronal differentiation could be shown in the spindle-formed cells with positive staining for C-Kit (CD 117, CD 34, and a locally positive staining for synaptophysine and S100. This case report illustrates the association between neurofibromatosis and stromal tumours and should alert surgeons and gastroenterologist about gastrointestinal manifestations in patients with von Recklinghausen's disease.Se describe una urgencia quirúrgica por sangrado intestinal debido a tumor gastrointestinal de nervios autónomos (GANT asociado a enfermedad de von Recklinghausen. Una mujer de 72 años con neurofibromatosis fue ingresada con signos de melena. La endoscopia digestiva alta y baja fue negativa. Se indicó TAC con contraste que advirtió tumores yeyunales como causa del sangrado. Se realizó laparotomía y resección de un segmento de 20 cm de yeyuno que incluía varios tumores. La causa del sangrado activo fue lesión en mucosa intestinal por erosión tumoral. El análisis por inmunohistoquímica de la pieza mostró diferenciación neuronal, con células fusiformes con tinción positiva para el C-Kit (CD 117, CD 34. Esta nota clínica pone de manifiesto la asociación entre la neurofibromatosis y los tumores estromales y debe alertar a gastroenterólogos y cirujanos sobre las posibles manifestaciones

  13. Tumor de Wilms: Hallazgo coincidente

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    Jaime Galindo López


    Full Text Available El tumor de Wilms o nefroblastoma representa el 6% de los cánceres infantiles y se considera la formación abdominal y renal maligna más frecuente en la edad pediátrica. En Estados Unidos se diagnostican aproximadamente 500 nuevos casos por año, siendo más frecuente el hallazgo a los 36 meses de edad, aunque es posible encontrarlo en momentos tan tempranos como el nacimiento, e incluso hasta los 15 años de edad, con igual probabilidad de encontrarlo en niñas y niños a cualquier edad. Es un tumor agresivo, tiene la capacidad de alcanzar gran tamaño e incluso hacer metástasis a distancia. Se presenta por su inusual manifestación inicial el caso de un paciente de 28 meses de edad, sexo masculino, que consultó al servicio de urgencias por dolor en rodilla izquierda de 24 horas de evolución, acompañado de imposibilidad para la marcha. Al examen físico inicial se encontró presencia de masa abdominal.

  14. Efeito da radiação gama sobre o perfil sensorial de suco de laranja Effect of gamma irradiation on sensory profile of orange juice

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    Marta Regina Verruma-Bernardi


    Full Text Available O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de doses de radiações sobre as características sensoriais do suco fresco de laranja variedade 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis L conservado sob refrigeração. Utilizou-se amostras de suco de laranja refrigerado (controle e suco de laranja refrigerado irradiado com 1,5 e 3,0kGy por hora (Cobalto60, armazenadas a 4ºC por 1, 7, 14 e 21 dias a 4ºC. Para a análise sensorial realizou-se a Análise Descritiva Quantitativa, na qual provadores selecionados e treinados avaliaram a aparência, aroma, sabor e textura oral dos sucos. As doses de radiação alteraram características de aparência como cor, brilho e grumosidade. As amostras de suco irradiados apresentaram coloração amarelo mais claro, maior brilho e menor grumosidade que o suco controle. Os sucos irradiados apresentaram também maior intensidade de aroma cozido, passado e artificial, gosto ácido, amargo, sabor cozido, de sumo, passado e de laranja artificial. As doses de radiação utilizadas alteraram as características de corpo e adstringência. A cor e a grumosidade do suco não irradiado intensificaram-se com o tempo de armazenamento. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a irradiação do suco promoveu alterações nas características sensoriais.The objective of this work was to evaluate the characteristics of the irradiated fresh of 'Pera' sweet orange (Citrus sinnensis L. juice and kept refrigerated. Samples of orange juice (control and samples irradiated with 1.5 and 3.0kGy per hour (Cobalt 60 were stored for 1, 7, 14 and 21 days at 4ºC. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis was conducted by a selected trained panels that evaluated appearance, aroma, flavor and texture of juices. Radiation levels affected appearance characteristics as color, shine and gummy. Irradiated juice resulted more clear and shinny and less gummy, more cooked, with past and artificial aroma, more acid, bitter, cooked, sap, past and with accentuated

  15. Tumor de colisión periampular Collision tumor of the ampulla of Vater: Carcinoid and adenocarcinoma

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    J. Ferrando Marco


    Full Text Available Presentamos un caso de tumor de colisión periampular en el que coexisten un tumor carcinoide de pared duodenal y un adenocarcinoma de cabeza de páncreas. El paciente era un varón de 64 años con historia reciente de diarreas al que se diagnosticó una ictericia obstructiva. Histopatológicamente el tumor resecado mostraba dos neoplasias independientes. Una de ellas constituida por cordones sólidos de células neuroendocrinas que afectaba pared duodenal. La otra está formada por un adenocarcinoma bien diferenciado procedente del páncreas. Ambas neoplasias fueron confirmadas inmunohistoquímicamente. Según la literatura anglosajona revisada tan sólo hemos encontrado seis casos de esta rara coexistencia neoplásica.We report the case of a periampullary collision tumor, in which a duodenal-wall carcinoid and an adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas coexisted. We describe the case of a 64-year-old man with a recent history of diarrhea, who was diagnosed with obstructive jaundice. A duodeno-pancreatectomy was performed, and the specimen showed two independent neoplasms in the histopathologic study. Solid cords and nests of neuroendocrine cells in the duodenal wall formed the carcinoid tumor, whereas the other neoplasm was made up of a well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Both were confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis. According to the literature reviewed, this is the sixth reported case of this rare neoplastic association.


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    Dr. David Rojas


    Full Text Available Los tumores hipofisiarios son un conjunto de lesiones que ocupan la silla turca, siendo el adenoma hipofisiario por lejos la lesión más frecuente. Los adenomas hipofisiarios se manifiestan clínicamente por compresión de las estructuras vecinas y por hiper o hipofunción hormonal. Dependiendo de estas características, su manejo puede ser variable desde la observación, pasando por el manejo médico y la cirugía. En la siguiente monografía se analizará los principales aspectos clínicos, del diagnóstico y tratamiento de estas lesiones.

  17. Tumores de los anexos oculares Ocular adnexa tumors

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    Clara G. Gómez Cabrera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de 211 pacientes, operados por presentar alguna tumoración de los anexos, con confirmación histológica en el período comprendido entre enero de 1993 hasta diciembre de 1997. El 53,5 % de los pacientes fueron del sexo femenino. El 48,4 % eran mestizos. El 13,3 % de los pacientes eran menores de 20 años, el 36 % entre 20 y 49 y el 50,7 % más de 50 años. El 61,1 % de los tumores se localizaron en los párpados. Los signos clínicos que prevalecieron fueron el aumento de volumen (56,9 %, aumento de la pigmentación (23,71 %, vascularización (21,8 % y ulceración (7,1 %. El 61,6 % de los casos fueron asintomáticos. Encontramos 14 tipos histológicos de tumores en los párpados y 15 en la conjuntiva. No encontramos diferencia significativa en cuanto a sexo y tipo de tumor. La raza mestiza presentó el mayor número de casos y el grupo de mayor incidencia fue el de pacientes mayores e iguales a 50 años de edad. Los párpados constituyeron la localización anatómica principal. El signo clínico más importante fue el aumento de volumen y la mayoría de los pacientes estaban asintomáticos. Los tumores palpebrales de mayor incidencia fueron los quistes de inclusión seguido por el carcinoma basocelular y el granuloma. En la conjuntiva se destacaron los nevus, el carcinoma espinocelular y el granuloma.A retrospective study of 211 patients that were operated on for presenting some adnexa tumors with histologic confirmation from January, 1993, to December, 1997, was made. 53.5 % of the patients were females. 48.4 % were black. 13.3 % were under 20, 36 % were between 20 and 49 and 50.7 % were over 50. 61.1 % of the tumors were localized in the eyelids. The prevailing clinical signs were volume increase (56.9 %, pigmentation increase (23.71 %, vascularization (21.8 % and ulceration (7.1 %. 61.6 % of the patients were asymptomatic. We found 14 histologic types of tumors in the eyelids and 15 in the conjunctiva

  18. Mortalidad por cáncer infantil en Colombia durante 1985 a 2008 Child mortality from cancer in Colombia, 1985-2008

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    Marion Piñeros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la magnitud de la mortalidad por cáncer infantil en Colombia y evaluar las tendencias en su evolución entre 1985 y 2008. MÉTODOS: Se analizó durante dicho período la mortalidad en la población colombiana de 0 a 14 años provocada por cáncer en todas las localizaciones -leucemias, tumores malignos del sistema nervioso central (SNC, linfomas no Hodgkin, linfomas Hodgkin, tumores óseos y tumores renales. Se calculó el cambio promedio en las variaciones de las tendencias de mortalidad por cáncer en dicho grupo etario. RESULTADOS: Las muertes por cáncer constituyeron el 3,5% de la mortalidad en menores de 15 años. Entre los períodos 1985-1989 y 2005-2008 las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer mostraron un descenso en ambos sexos, pasando de 54,4 muertes por millón a 44,8 muertes por millón en niños y de 40,9 muertes por millón a 37,9 muertes por millón en niñas. La mortalidad por leucemias y linfomas registró un descenso estadísticamente significativo, mientras que la mortalidad por cánceres del SNC, contrariamente, aumentó también de manera significativa. CONCLUSIONES: Pese a leves tendencias a la baja en la mortalidad por leucemias y linfomas no Hodgkin, las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer infantil en Colombia permanecen altas y requieren esfuerzos importantes en los tratamientos para obtener mayores logros.OBJECTIVE: Determine the magnitude of child mortality from cancer in Colombia and evaluate the trends in its evolution from 1985 to 2008. METHODS: Mortality in the Colombian population aged 0-14 years from cancer in any site (e.g., leukemia, malignant tumors of the central nervous system (CNS, nonHodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, bone tumors, kidney tumors during this period was analyzed. The mean change in the variations of cancer mortality trends in this age group was calculated. RESULTS: Deaths from cancer accounted for 3.5% of mortality in children under 15 years of age. During the periods 1985

  19. Tumores intracranianos em pacientes encaminhados para estudos por tomografia de coerência óptica como portadores de glaucoma sem hipertensão ocular: relato de dois casos Intracranial tumors in patients referred for optical coherence tomography examination as glaucoma suspects: case report

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    Laurentino Biccas Neto


    Full Text Available A tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT tem se mostrado muito útil na avaliação de pacientes com glaucoma. São relatadas duas pacientes referidas com a suspeita de glaucoma sem hipertensão para avaliação por tomografia de coerência óptica que, na verdade, eram portadoras de tumores intracranianos - um cordoma de clivo no primeiro caso e um craniofaringeoma no segundo. Os achados à tomografia de coerência óptica - diminuição difusa da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas circumdiscais desproporcionalmente acentuada nos setores nasal e temporal - levantaram a suspeita de acometimento na região do quiasma e permitiram o diagnóstico destes importantes tumores intracranianos.Optical coherence tomography (OCT has proved to be a very valuable tool in the assessment of patients with glaucoma. In this report, intracranial tumors were discovered in two glaucoma suspects referred for diagnostic confirmation by OCT - a clivus chordoma and a craniopharyngeoma. Optical coherence tomography findings - marked asymmetrical diffuse attenuation of the peripapillary nerve fiber layer in nasal and temporal sectors - raised concerns about lesions in chiasmatic region and permitted the timely diagnosis of these intraocular tumors.

  20. Tumores malignos de pálpebra Malignant eyelid tumors

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    Luis Henrique Schneider Soares


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Estudar a incidência de tumores malignos de pálpebra no Hospital Banco de Olhos de Porto Alegre. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos casos de tumores malignos de pálpebra no período de 1985 a 1997, que tiveram diagnóstico confirmado por exame anátomopatológico. Resultados: Foram encontradas 54 neoplasias malignas, sendo 75,92% carcinoma basocelular, 12,96% carcinoma espinocelular, 7,40% melanoma e 1,85% lentigo maligna. A maioria dos pacientes apresentava mais de 40 anos e não houve prevalência de sexo. Conclusões: O tumor de pálpebra mais freqüente em nosso meio foi o carcinoma basocelular, seguido do carcinoma espinocelular. O melanoma foi o terceiro em freqüência mais encontrado em nossa pesquisa.Purposes: To study the incidence of eyelid malignant tumors in the Banco de Olhos Hospital of Porto Alegre from 1985 to 1997. Methods: We retrospectivelly analyzed clinical archives and in this study all cases of malignant eyelid tumors with histopathologic examination were included. Results: We found 54 eyelid tumors: 75.92% basal cell, 12.96% squamous cell, 7.40% melanoma, 1.85% undifferentiated carcinoma and 1.85% lentigo maligna. The majority of the patients was over 40 years old, 50% were male and 50% female. The diagnosis was confirmed in all cases through histopathologic examination. Conclusions: Basal cell carcinoma was the most frequent eyelid malignancy followed by squamous cell carcinoma. Melanoma was the third most frequently found tumor in our study.

  1. The effects of different doses of 670 nm diode laser on skin flap survival in rats O efeito de diferentes doses de laser de diodo 670 nm na viabilidade de retalho cutâneo randômico em ratos

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    Cristiano Schiavinato Baldan


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of different low-level laser therapy (LLLT doses on random skin flap rats. METHODS: Forty Wistar rats were randomly divided in four groups. The control group (CG was not irradiated. The experimental groups were irradiated with a diode laser 670 nm with different energies per point: group 2 (G2 with 0.06 J; group 3 (G3 0.15 J and group 4 (G4 0.57 J. The three groups were irradiated in 12 equally distributed points in the cranial skin flap portion. They were submitted to the irradiation during the immediate, first and second postoperative days. The necrosis area was evaluated in the seventh postoperative day. RESULTS: The CG shows 49.35% of necrosis area in the skin flap; G2, 39.14%; G3, 47.01% and G4, 29.17% respectively. There was a significantly difference when G4 was compared with CG`s skin flap necrosis area. CONCLUSION: The low-level laser therapy diode 670 nm with 0.57 J energy per point increases the survival in randomic skin flap rats.OBJETIVO: Investigar os efeitos de diferentes doses de laserterapia de baixa intensidade na viabilidade de retalhos cutâneos randômicos em ratos. MÉTODOS: Quarenta ratos Wistar foram randomizadamente distribuídos em quatro grupos. O grupo controle (GC não foi irradiado. Os animais dos grupos experimentais foram irradiados por laser de diodo (670 nm com as seguintes energias ofertadas por ponto: grupo 2 (G2 0,06J; grupo 3 (G3 0,15 J e grupo 4 (G4 0,57 J. Os três grupos foram irradiados em 12 pontos igualmente distribuídos na porção cranial do retalho cutâneo. Todos os animais dos grupos 2, 3 e 4 foram submetidos ao protocolo de irradiação por três dias consecutivos, iniciando no pós-operatório imediato. A área necrótica foi avaliada no sétimo dia pós-operatório. RESULTADOS: A porcentagem de área necrótica apresentou-se da seguinte forma, nos diferentes grupos: GC= 49,35%, G2= 39,14%, G3= 47,01 e G4= 29,17%. Foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente

  2. Microstructural and rheological properties of irradiated rice Propriedades microestrutural e reológica de arroz irradiado

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    Ívina Catarina de Oliveira Guimarães


    Full Text Available The culinary quality of rice directly results in its market value and consumer acceptance. Thus, the present study evaluated the effect of gamma irradiation on the properties of the polished white rice starch, as well as their characteristic pulp. Doses of 6.5 kGy and 7.5 kGy did not alter the microstructure of rice starch granules, but interfered with rheological properties when compared to the control treatment, resulting in a reduction of the maximum and final viscosity and retrogradation. Since the microstructural and rheological properties within the values associated with rice quality, it was inferred that gamma irradiation did not alter the decisive characteristics for the acceptability of this cereal.A qualidade culinária do arroz resulta diretamente em seu valor de mercado e aceitação do consumidor. Assim, no presente estudo, avaliou-se o efeito da irradiação gama sobre as propriedades do amido do arroz branco polido, bem como na sua característica de pasta. Doses de 6,5 kGy e 7,5 kGy não alteraram a microestrutura dos grânulos de amido de arroz, mas interferiram nas propriedades reológicas quando comparado ao tratamento controle, resultando na redução da viscosidade máxima e final; e retrogradação. Esse resultado pode estar correlacionado à presença de radicais livres no arroz branco polido recém-irradiado, os quais se estabilizaram ao passar quatro meses. Desde que as propriedades microestruturais e reológicas se encontrem dentro dos valores associados à qualidade do arroz, a irradiação gama não altera as características determinantes para a aceitação do cereal.

  3. El tumor Krukenberg en el hombre


    Alois, Mahlknecht; Valentina, Pecorari; Andreas, Gschwendeter


    OBJETIVOS: Las metástasis ováricas por un cáncer gastrointestinal son conocidas como tumor de Krukenberg. Presentamos un caso de metástasis testicular y de epidídimo por un cáncer gástrico que puede ser el caso análogo en el hombre. MATERIAL Y METODOS: Un paciente referido para gastrectomía total por un adenocarcinoma gástrico indiferenciado (Estadio TNM: pT3GIII N+ M1) desarrolló un año después una inflamación dolorosa de hemiescroto e ingle derechos. La palpación revelaba una masa dolorosa ...

  4. Long term follow-up in a patient with papillary glioneuronal tumor Seguimento tardio de paciente com tumor papilar glioneuronal

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    Guilherme Borges


    Full Text Available We report a case of a young female patient with a rare and recently described form of brain tumor. This patient had a history of headache, hemiparesis and motor simple partial seizures. Her investigation revealed a brain tumor involving the left frontal and parietal lobes. The radiological images showed a cystic mass with multiple nodular masses and a rim of contrast enhancement extending from the right parietal cortex to the ipsilateral ventricle and corpus callosum. The patient underwent gross resection of the lesion and the histological analysis of the surgical specimen revealed a pseudopapillary structure formed by delicate vessels intermixed with a fibrillary pattern and bordered by intense astrocytic reaction with Rosenthal fibers. These features correspond to the recently described mixed neuronal-glial neoplasm, the papillary glioneuronal tumor. The patient has been followed for five years since the surgical treatment, without evidence of tumor recurrence, confirming the indolent behavior of this type of tumor.Relatamos o caso de uma jovem paciente com um tumor cerebral raro e recentemente descrito. Essa paciente apresentou-se com queixas de cefaléia, hemiparesia e crises epiléticas parciais simples. Sua investigação revelou um tumor cerebral envolvendo os lobos frontal e parietal esquerdos. As imagens radiológicas mostraram uma massa cística com massas nodulares múltiplas e reforço anelar de contraste estendendo do córtex parietal direito aos ventrículo lateral e corpo caloso ipsilaterais. A paciente se submeteu à ressecção do tumor e a análise histológica da lesão revelou uma estrutura pseudopapilar formada por vasos delicados entremeados com um padrão fibrilar e emoldurada por intensa reação astrocítica com fibras de Rosenthal. Essas características correspondem a uma forma de neoplasia mista glial-neuronal recentemente descrita, o tumor papilar glioneuronal. A paciente está em seguimento desde a cirurgia sem evid

  5. Neuroendocrine tumors: fascination and infrequency Tumores neuroendocrinos: fascinación e infrecuencia

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    M. J. Varas Lorenzo


    Full Text Available In this article, I review and update of gastro-entero-pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, which so much fascination have risen among healthcare providers on grounds of their infrequency, hormonal syndromes, and high survival rate, is performed based on references from the past fifteen years.Se efectúa una revisión y puesta al día, basándose en citas bibliográficas de los últimos quince años, de los tumores neuroendocrinos gastroenteropancreáticos, que tanta fascinación han provocado en el estamento médico por su infrecuencia, síndromes hormonales y supervivencia elevada.

  6. Efeitos da laserterapia de baixa potência na reposta oxidativa epidérmica induzida pela cicatrização de feridas Effects of low-level laser therapy on epidermal oxidative response induced by wound healing

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    PCL Silveira


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: O uso terapêutico do laser de baixa potência na fisioterapia tem aumentado significativamente. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos da laserterapia de baixa potência nos parâmetros oxidativos na cicatrização de feridas em ratos. MÉTODOS: Dezoito ratos Wistar foram divididos randomicamente em 3 grupos (controle 5 dias, n=6; 5 dias/2 J/cm², n=6; 5 dias/4 J/cm², n=6. Uma única ferida circular medindo 8 X 8 mm foi cirurgicamente realizada no dorso do rato. Trinta minutos após a última irradiação, os ratos foram submetidos à eutanásia, e o tecido irradiado foi removido cirurgicamente e armazenado a -70ºC. Foi determinada a atividade das enzimas da cadeia respiratória: DCIP oxirredutase (complexo II e succinato desidrogenase solúvel (SDH, atividade do citocromo c oxidase (complexo IV, produção de ânion superóxido, atividade da superóxido dismutase (SOD e catalase (CAT. A lipoperoxidação foi avaliada pela técnica de TBARS. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostram uma diminuição na atividade do complexo II nos grupos irradiados por 5 dias com 2 e 4 J/cm², enquanto a produção de ânion superóxido mostrou uma diminuição significativa no grupo irradiado por 5 dias com 4 J/cm² em relação ao grupo controle. Além disso, um aumento significativo na atividade da catalase foi observado no grupo irradiado por 5 dias com 2 J/cm², como também uma diminuição da peroxidação lipídica nos dois grupos irradiados. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que o laser estimula a atividade antioxidante e protege a célula contra danos oxidativos durante o processo de cicatrização de feridas cutâneas em ratos.BACKGROUND: Therapeutic use of low-level laser in physical therapy has increased significantly. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effects of low-level laser therapy on the oxidative parameters of wound healing in rats. METHODS: Eighteen Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups (control, 5 days, n=6; 2 J

  7. Tumores malignos primarios del hígado


    Jaime de la Hoz de la Hoz; Jorge Brieva M.; José J. Arias A.; Pedro E. Morales M.


    Treinta y seis tumores malignos primarios del hígado fueron seleccionados de protocolos de patología en un periodo de 20 años, Los hepatomas continúan siendo bastante raros en el mundo occidental. Existen regiones del África y Asia en que es endémico. Aunque en la mayoría de los pacientes la consulta es debida a dolor y masa abdominal por crecimiento del tumor, gracias a los adelantos recientes en los métodos diagnósticos, pequeños tumores están siendo cada vez mas diagnosticados. La detec...

  8. Evaluation of radioprotective effect of carnosine (beta- alanyl-1- histidine on the wound healing in rats Avaliação do efeito radioprotetor da carnosina (beta-alanil-1- histidina no processo de cicatrização em ratos

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    Rosana Aramaki Tanaka


    irradiação, receberam duas doses de solução aquosa de carnosina, a primeira sendo injetada 48 horas após a cirurgia, e a segunda 1 hora e 30 minutos antes da irradiação. A reparação tecidual nos 4 grupos foi avaliada 4, 7, 14 e 21 dias após a realização da ferida, por métodos morfológicos, histoquímicos e histofísicos. Em todos os períodos examinados, pode ser observado que os animais do grupo carnosina irradiado apresentaram um melhor desenvolvimento do tecido de granulação do que o grupo irradiado e muito similar ao do grupo controle. Logo, de acordo com as condições experimentais usadas, foi possível concluir que a carnosina é uma substância radioprotetora efetiva.

  9. Avaliação do efeito radioprotetor do selenito de sódio no processo de reparação tecidual em ratos Evaluation of the radioprotective effect of sodium selenite in the tissue repair process in rats

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    Fabrício M. Tuji


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ação radioprotetora do selenito de sódio no processo de reparação tecidual. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar foram submetidos a procedimento cirúrgico para a realização de ferida na região dorsal. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos experimentais: controle, selênio, irradiado e selênio-irradiado. Os grupos selênio e selênio-irradiado receberam 2,0 mg/kg de selenito de sódio, 48 horas após a cirurgia. Os grupos irradiado e selênio-irradiado foram submetidos à irradiação em dose única de 6 Gy, administrada somente nas bordas das feridas. Após 4, 7, 13 e 21 dias do procedimento cirúrgico, os animais foram sacrificados e avaliados por meio de análise morfológica, histoquímica e birrefringência do tecido. RESULTADOS: O aspecto estrutural e morfológico, assim como a qualidade do tecido e sua maturação através da quantidade e disposição dos feixes de fibras colágenas, juntamente com o seu grau de orientação macromolecular, permitiu observar a presença de intenso retardo provocado pela irradiação, bem como o efeito radioprotetor do selenito de sódio no processo de reparação. CONCLUSÃO: Dentro das condições experimentais utilizadas, o selenito de sódio apresentou-se como radioprotetor eficaz, visto que o processo de reparação no grupo selênio-irradiado comportou-se, histologicamente, semelhante ao grupo controle.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the radioprotective effect of sodium selenite in the tissue repair process. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male Wistar rats submitted to a surgical procedure to produce a wound in the dorsal region. These animals were then divided in four experimental groups: control, selenium, irradiated and selenium-irradiated. The selenium and selenium-irradiated groups received sodium selenite (2.0 mg/kg, 48 hours after surgery. The irradiated and selenium-irradiated groups received a single dose of 6 Gy, administered only in the borders of the wound. The animals were

  10. Tumores primarios de la pared torácica Primary tumors of the thorax wall

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    Bárbaro Agustín Armas Pérez


    Full Text Available Introducción: se revisan aspectos teóricos en los tumores primarios de la pared torácica, sobre todo en la clasificación y en aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos, con el propósito de conocer los resultados del tratamiento en el centro. Métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo descriptivo para analizar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico en 22 pacientes (muestra con tumores primarios de la pared torácica, en un período de 15 años (enero de 1993 a diciembre de 2008, en los servicios de cirugía general y ortopedia del Hospital "Amalia Simoni" de Camagüey. Resultados: hubo ligero predominio del sexo femenino y del grupo de edad entre 17 a 44 años (media 39,4, la comorbilidad que predominó fue la hipertensión arterial, el hemitórax derecho fue el más afectado, y las costillas de la 1 a la 4 las más lesionadas, y predominaron las afecciones benignas, entre ellas, el osteocondroma. El tratamiento más utilizado fue la resección quirúrgica, y la complicación posoperatoria que predominó fue la bronconeumonía. El índice de recidiva tumoral fue alto, no siempre por cáncer. Hubo 4 fallecidos por enfermedad maligna avanzada, y no se presentaron muertes perioperatorias. Conclusiones: fueron comparados los resultados con los de otros reportes y se hallaron puntos de coincidencia en diversos aspectos, pero también discrepantes, se trata de unificar criterios para mejorar el diagnóstico y los resultados del tratamiento en estos enfermos. La mayoría de los pacientes no presentaron complicaciones, y la recidiva tumoral estuvo por encima de lo esperado. La resección tumoral siempre debe ser amplia. El resultado global fue satisfactorio.Introduction: the theoretical features in the primary tumors of the thorax wall, especially in the classification and clinical, diagnostic y therapeutical features were reviewed to know the results of treatment in our institution. Methods: a descriptive and retrospective study was

  11. Punção aspirativa por agulha fina no diagnóstico de linfadenopatias e tumores sólidos em crianças e adolescentes

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    Wallace Acioli Freire de Gois

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a importância diagnóstica da punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF em crianças e adolescentes portadores de linfadenopatias e tumores sólidos. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva dos pacientes com idade igual ou inferior a 18 anos, atendidos no Centro de Pediatria Cirúrgica do Hospital Universitário de Brasília, Universidade de Brasília, no período de julho de 2000 a julho de 2005. Foram calculados: sensibilidade, especificidade, precisão (acurácia diagnóstica, valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo. RESULTADOS: Em 50 pacientes estudados, os resultados da PAAF mostraram sensibilidade de 90,9%; especificidade de 100%, precisão diagnóstica de 95% e valores preditivos positivo e negativo de 100% e 90%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Em nossa experiência, a PAAF é um método preciso, simples e seguro, útil no diagnóstico de linfadenopatias e tumores sólidos em crianças e adolescentes.

  12. La Beta 2 Microglobulina como Marcador Tumoral.


    Saúco Márquez, Juan José


    En el presente trabajo hemos efectuado un estudio acerca del valor que tiene la Beta 2 Microglobulina para ser empleada como marcador tumoral. Esta sustancia es una microproteína que es producida por casi todas las células del organismos excepto los eritrocitos y las células trofoblásticas, es liberada a la circulación y es filtrada a nivel glomerular siendo reabsorbida por los túbulos renales en cuyas células es catabolizada y degradada ha...

  13. Sepsis por shigella flexneri

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    César Cabrera C


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso raro de sepsis por Shigella flexneri en una paciente de 45 años de edad quien estando hospitalizada para el estudio de un tumor cerebral, requirió el uso de manitol y dosis altas de corticoides; luego de ello presenta deposiciones líquidas con moco y sangre, desarrolla síndrome de respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, luego se aísla Shigella flexneri en el hemocultivo; recibió tratamiento antibiótico con ciprofloxacina. Se describen las características del caso y se comenta de acuerdo con la revisión de literatura.

  14. Ependimoma celular parcialmente resecado complicado con meningoependimocoroiditis bacteriana por Pseudomonas aeruginosa e infección sistémica por citomegalovirus

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    Francisco Javier Otero-Mendoza


    Full Text Available Niño de 1 año 10 meses de edad, originario de Irapuato, Guanajuato, sin antecedentes de importancia para el padecimiento actual. Inició dos meses previos a su ingreso con crisis convulsivas tónico-clónicas generalizadas de 15 segundos de duración durante el sueño. Se realizó electroencefalograma que reportó actividad epileptiforme, por lo que se dio tratamiento con ácido valproico. Una semana previa al ingreso se agregó ataxia troncal impidiendo la marcha, por lo que se realizó una tomografía axial computarizada de cráneo en la que se observó un tumor en fosa posterior con densidad heterogénea y áreas de necrosis central que obliteraba el cuarto ventrículo, ocasionando efecto de masa y desplazamiento ventral del tallo cerebral. Por tal motivo, fue referido a nuestra institución.

  15. Pulmonary Scintigraphy for Tumour Diagnosis; La Gammagrafia Pulmonar en Diagnostico Tumoral

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Esteban, J.; Lasa, D.; Herranz, R.; Galvez, F.; Negueruela, J.; Perez-Modrego, S. [Hospital Oncologico Provincial, Madrid (Spain)


    es uno de los metodos mas utiles para el estudio de las alteraciones circulacion pulmonar y para el diagnostico de embolias e infartcs. Sin embargo su utilizacion en diagnostico tumoral apenas si ha pasado de algunos ensayos. Los autores han centrado su atencion en el estudio, mediante gammagrafia, de pacientes con tumores de pulmon primitivos y secundarios a otras localizaciones, encontrando que segun el tipo de tumor el patron de distribucion del trazador es radicalmente distinto. En los tumores metastasicos la repercusion de las lesiones en la gammagraffa es pequena y depende exclusivamente del volumen de la zona de condensacion. Los nodulos tumorales se comportan exclusivamente como zonas inactivas dentro de una masa de parenquima funcional activo y su influencia en la imagen gammagrafica depende exclusivamente del tamano de la zona tumoral y de la cantidad de parenquima sano que se interponga entre ella y el detector. En los tumores pulmonares primitivos y muy especialmente en los localizados en la zona hiliar, lesiones relativamente pequenas originan defectos de captacion amplias zonas del pulmon, que pueden afectar a varios segmentos, a un lobulo e incluso a la totalidad del pulmon. Esta disminucion de captacion no puede explicarse exclusivamente por la imagen tumoral, ni por las zonas de atelectasia asociadas, sino que debe ser motivada por una modificacion profunda de la hemodinamica del puimon afecto. Varios tipos de fenomenos asociados a la progresion tumoral pueden motivar alteraciones vasculares que afecten hasta la periferia del pulmon: la alteracion del regimen ventilatorio con disminucion de la tension de oxigeno que da lugar a una modificacion de las condiciones hemodinamicas; la hipertension pulmonar por compresion de las venas pulmonares de menor resistencia que las arterias; y el estimulo nervioso directo por irritacion de los plexos bronquiales por el crecimiento del tumor y los fenomenos reactivos asociados. (author)

  16. Controversies in presacral tumors management

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    Nidal Issa


    Full Text Available Presacral tumors are rare lesions of the retrorectal space that can present diagnostic and therapeutic difficulty because of their anatomic location and the different tissue types and etiology. Although the diagnosis and management of these tumors has evolved in recent years, several points still to be addressed in order to improve perioperative diagnosis and treatment. In the upcoming we will try to highlight some controversial points; the pre-operative biopsies, neoadjuvant therapy, the necessity of surgery and the role of minimally invasive surgeries of presacral tumors. Resumo: Tumores pré-sacrais são lesões raras do espaço retrorretal que podem trazer dificuldades diagnósticas e terapêuticas por causa de sua localização anatômica e também pelos diferentes tipos de tecidos e etiologia. Embora nos últimos anos o diagnóstico e tratamento desses tumores tenham evoluído, diversos pontos ainda devem ser estudados com vistas à melhora do diagnóstico e tratamento no perioperatório. Mais adiante, tentaremos esclarecer alguns pontos controversos; biópsias pré-operatórias, terapia neoadjuvante, a necessidade de cirurgia e o papel das cirurgias minimamente invasivas para os tumores pré-sacrais. Keywords: Presacral tumor, Preoperative biopsy, Neoadjuvant therapy, Palavras-chave: Tumor pré-sacral, Biópsia pré-operatória, Terapia neoadjuvante

  17. Tumor filodes de mama con metástasis en pulmón Phyllodes tumor of the breast with lung metastasis

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    Ernesto Arias Beatón


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente de 63 años de edad, quien ingresó en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba por presentar tos seca persistente, expectoración escasa (en ocasiones amarillenta, astenia y pérdida de peso. En el examen físico se palpó un tumor en la mama derecha, confirmado a través de ecografía y mamografía. Los resultados de la biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina fueron positivos de células neoplásicas, compatibles con carcinoma. La radiografía de tórax y la tomografía axial computarizada revelaron la presencia de imágenes metastásicas pulmonares, por lo cual se realizó la exéresis del tumor con un margen de seguridad de 2 cm. Mediante el estudio histopatológico se confirmó la existencia de un tumor filodes, de manera que fue preciso indicar 3 ciclos de quimioterapia (esquema CISCYVADACT, del que solo se cumplieron 2, pues la anciana evolucionó desfavorablemente y falleció 3 meses después.The case report of a 63-year-old patient is described, who was admitted to "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" Teaching General Hospital of Santiago de Cuba due to persistent dry cough, little expectoration (sometimes yellowish, asthenia and loss of weight. On physical examination a tumor was palpated in the right breast, which was confirmed through sonography and mammogram. The results of the fine-needle biopsy were positive for neoplastic cells, consistent with carcinoma. Chest radiography and computerized axial tomography revealed the presence of lung metastatic images, reason why tumor excision with a safety margin of 2 cm was performed. The presence of phyllodes tumor was confirmed by means of the histopathologic study, so that it was necessary to indicate 3 cycles of chemotherapy (CISCYVADACT scheme, of which only two were administered as the old woman had an unfavorable course and she died 3 months later.

  18. Fibrogenesis and carcinoid tumor - a case report

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    Eduardo Fonseca Alves Filho


    Full Text Available Carcinoid tumors are rare. They may appear in the entire gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, with single or multiple occurrences. Prognosis is dependent on the size and location. Symptoms may appear in carcinoid syndrome, related to active substances, especially serotonin. One important aspect associated with these tumors and usually ignored is fibrogenesis. This is a case report of a patient with carcinoid tumor of the terminal ileum, treated by laparoscopy, associated with fat and fibrosis infiltration.Tumores carcinoides são pouco frequentes, podem surgir em todo o trato gastrointestinal e respiratório, podem ser únicos ou múltiplos. O prognóstico depende do tamanho e da localização do tumor. Podem ocorrer sintomas relacionados à síndrome carcinoide, decorrente da produção de substâncias ativas, em especial serotonina. Um aspecto comumente ignorado associado a estes tumores é a estimulação da fibrogênese. Relatamos um caso de tumor carcinoide de íleo, tratado por videolaparoscopia, associado à infiltração fibroadiposa.

  19. Enfoque terapéutico en 154 pacientes con acromegalia

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    Marcos P. Manavela


    Full Text Available La acromegalia es una enfermedad poco frecuente producida en más del 95% de los casos por un tumor hipofisario secretor de hormona de crecimiento (GH. Las manifestaciones clínicas están asociadas a síntomas locales por crecimiento del tumor o a las consecuencias orgánicas y metabólicas secundarias a la hipersecreción de GH. Debido a la alta morbilidad y mortalidad asociadas a la acromegalia, un tratamiento individualizado y optimizado para cada paciente es fundamental. Informamos el enfoque terapéutico de nuestro servicio de endocrinología en la atención de 154 pacientes con acromegalia. Utilizando criterios bioquímicos estrictos, con la cirugía logramos un 32% de remisión global, tasa relativamente baja debido fundamentalmente a que la mayor parte de los pacientes presentaban macroadenomas con un alto porcentaje de invasividad local. Con radioterapia complementaria o como tratamiento inicial se logró la remisión en el 65.4% de los pacientes irradiados. El 14.0% de los pacientes controlaron la enfermedad utilizando agonistas dopaminérgicos solos o combinados con otra droga, mientras que aquellos que utilizaron análogos de la somatostatina normalizaron los parámetros bioquímicos en un 45.7% de los casos. En conclusión, con los diferentes tratamientos utilizados obtuvimos el control de la acromegalia en el 55.2% de los casos, esperando optimizar el tratamiento de estos pacientes en la medida en que contemos con y tengamos acceso a nuevas herramientas terapéuticas.

  20. Mutagénesis inducida en microbulbos de Allium sativum L.

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    Adriana Pardo Roldán


    Full Text Available Se estableció un protocolo de mutagénesis en microbulbos de ajo (Allium sativum L. clon Boconó cultivado in vitro. Para el efecto se realizaron dos ensayos, uno de radiosensibilidad para establecer la dosimetría apropiada de radiación gamma y otro de mutagénesis para determinar el comportamiento de los materiales hasta la etapa de almacenamiento. En el primero los microbulbos fueron tratados con cuatros dosis de radiación gamma (6, 8, 10 y 12 Krad, más un control. Para establecer la dosis óptima se consideró la sobrevivencia del 50% de los microbulbos (DL50. Se empleó un diseño de bloques al azar con cinco tratamientos y 20 repeticiones por tratamiento. En el ensayo mutagénico los microbulbos fueron irradiados con 8 y 10 Krad y almacenados durante 45 días a 10 °C en condiciones de oscuridad En este caso se utilizó un diseño de bloques al azar con tres tratamientos (0, 8 y 10 Krad y 20 repeticiones por tratamiento. En ambos ensayos, los microbulbos irradiados con 8 y 10 Krad registraron los mayores promedios para peso y diámetro, lo cual permite concluir que estas dosis son adecuadas para favorecer la producción de mutantes con características agronómicas deseables en el clon Boconó

  1. Tumores del timo y cirugía Tumors of thymus and surgery

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    Miguel Ángel Martín González


    Full Text Available Introducción: los tumores del timo constituyen menos del 1 % de todas las neoplasias, y es la cirugía el tratamiento de elección. Objetivos: conocer el tipo de tratamiento quirúrgico y la magnitud de la resección, así como la relación con el tamaño del tumor, el sangrado, el tiempo quirúrgico, la morbilidad y la mortalidad. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 22 pacientes con tumor mediastinal, que tuvieron criterios de cirugía durante el ingreso en los servicios de neurología o cirugía general del hospital "Hermanos Ameijeiras", desde enero de 2007 hasta febrero de 2009. Los resultados se presentan en por cientos y se empleó el chi cuadrado en la relación de variables. Resultados: 12 fueron del sexo femenino (54,5 %. El tratamiento más empleado fue la esternotomía total en 9 pacientes (40,9 %, el tiempo quirúrgico varió de 50 a 260 min con mediana de 127,5, mientras el sangrado por encima de 100 mL estuvo asociado a un tiempo quirúrgico de 61 a 180 min (p= 0,036. Se complicaron 11 pacientes (50 % y hubo 1 fallecido (4,5 %. El tamaño del tumor varió de 3,5 a 20 cm. El paciente con tumor neuroendocrino recidivó a los 10 meses, mientras los pacientes con timomas no muestran hasta la fecha recidiva local ni se ha comprobado actividad metastásica. Conclusión: la cirugía constituye el paso más importante en el tratamiento de los tumores mediastinales, y se logra, en la gran mayoría, la resección completa, a pesar del tamaño y la relación con estructuras vecinas.Introduction: the tumors of thymus account for less than 1 % of all neoplasms and the choice treatment is the surgery. Objectives: to know the type of surgical treatment and the magnitude of resection, as well as the relationship with the tumor size, bleeding, surgical time and morbidity and mortality. Methods: a prospective study was conducted in 20 patients presenting with mediastinum tumor with surgery criteria over the admission in the services of

  2. Estudio sobre la activación de linfocitos para inducir angiogénesis durante la portación tumoral


    Monte, Martín


    La angiognésis tumoral es el proceso que involucra la proliferación de vasos sanguíneos hacia el tumor en desarrollo. Los capilares que llegan al tumor aportan nutrientes y oxígeno y la vía de acceso de las células tumorales a circulación. Por lo tanto, este proceso es indispensable para el crecimiento tumoral y la diseminación metastásica. Además de existir factores angiogénicos liberados por la células tumorales, se ha descripto que células del huésped pueden colaborar en este proceso. En e...

  3. Magnetic resonance imaging textural evaluation of posterior cranial fossa tumors in childhood; Avaliacao textural por ressonancia magnetica dos tumores da fossa posterior em criancas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Joelson Alves dos; Costa, Maria Olivia Rodrigues da; Otaduy, Maria Concepcion Garcia; Lacerda, Maria Teresa Carvalho de; Leite, Claudia da Costa [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Dept. de Radiologia]. E-mail:; Matsushita, Hamilton [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Dept. de Neurologia


    Objective: To distinguish healthy from pathological tissues in pediatric patients with posterior cranial fossa tumors using calculated textural parameters from magnetic resonance images. Materials And Methods: We evaluated 14 pediatric patients with posterior cranial fossa tumors using the software MaZda to define the texture parameters in selected regions of interest representing healthy and pathological tissues based on T2-weighted magnetic resonance images. Results: There was a statistically significant difference between normal and tumoral tissues as well as between supposedly normal tissues adjacent and distant from the tumoral lesion. Conclusion: Magnetic resonance textural evaluation is an useful tool for determining differences among various tissues, including tissues that appear apparently normal on visual analysis. (author)

  4. Hipoglucemia inducida por carcinoma adrenal

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    Jimena Soutelo


    Full Text Available El carcinoma suprarrenal es una neoplasia maligna infrecuente y de mal pronóstico. La presentación clínica más común es originada por la producción hormonal excesiva, mientras que el desarrollo de hipoglucemia sintomática es excepcional. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 37 años que ingresó al hospital por síntomas de hipoglucemias graves, hipertensión arterial, hipopotasemia y amenorrea secundaria. En el laboratorio se halló hipoglucemia con insulina inhibida y niveles de andrógenos en rango tumoral. La tomografía computarizada (TC de abdomen y pelvis mostró voluminosa formación heterogénea de aspecto sólido sin plano de clivaje con respecto al parénquima hepático e intenso realce con contraste. Luego de la extirpación de la masa retroperitoneal, evolucionó con valores de glucemia y potasemia normales, estabilizó la presión arterial y recuperó los ciclos menstruales.

  5. Tumor de la vulva, vulvectomía radical Vulvar tumor, total vulvectomy

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    Asbel Alfredo Vicente de la Cruz


    Full Text Available Los tumores de la vulva no son una rareza entre los cánceres que afectan a las féminas, pero tampoco son de los más frecuentes. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 59 años, que en el año 2000 se le diagnostica carcinoma epidermoide del clítoris, en 2004 se vuelve a intervenir por recidiva tumoral, y en 2009 acude a nuestra consulta nuevamente y es cuando se decide realizarle vulvectomía y resección de vagina y todo el sistema ginecológico. Concluyó la intervención con una talla vesical extraperitoneal. El tumor se extiende hasta la porción inicial de la vagina y uretra. Se trata de un tumor maligno, bien diferenciado, que se ha comportado en una forma no habitual, con recidivas locales, cuando en apariencia el tumor había sido resecado en toda su extensión, y en esta última oportunidad, a pesar de ser un estadio avanzado, no hemos encontrado metástasis ni multicentricidad del tumor. La evolución posoperatoria fue sin complicaciones y se dio de alta al quinto día.The vulvar tumors are not uncommon among the different types of cancer involving females, but neither are the more frequent ones. This is the case of a female aged 59 that in 2000 is diagnosed with epidermoid carcinoma of clitoris, in 2004 is re-operated on by tumor relapse, and in 2009 she came again to our consultation and a vulvectomy, vagina resection and all gynecological system are carried out. Intervention concluded with an extraperitoneal vesical cutting. The tumor extends up to the initial portion of vagina and urethra. It is a malignant and well-differentiated tumor behaved in non habitual way with local relapses, when apparently the tumor was resected in all its extent, and in this last change, despite and advanced stage, there were neither tumor metastases nor multi-centralization. The postoperative course was free of complications receiving the discharge at fifth day.

  6. Presentación atípica de piomiositis tropical difusa de psoas por Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente Atypical presentation of diffuse tropical pyomiositis of the psoas due to methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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    Ray Ticse


    Full Text Available La piomiositis tropical difusa primaria es una enfermedad de presentación infrecuente en nuestro medio, con pocos casos asociados a Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente, adquirido en la comunidad (MRSA-AC. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 70 años, con tratamiento irregular para diabetes mellitus tipo 2, que fue hospitalizado por presentar un cuadro de diez días de evolución, con dolor lumbar irradiado a miembro inferior izquierdo, fiebre y flexión forzada de la cadera derecha por dolor a la movilización. El diagnóstico de piomiositis difusa de ambos psoas se realizó con resonancia magnética. Del cultivo de una colección paravertebral posterior se aisló Staphylococcus aureus resistente a oxacilina, penicilina y dicloxacilina.Diffuse tropical primary pyomyositis is an infrequent entity in our country, with few cases associated to communityacquired Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus. There are no reported cases of Community-Acquired Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA- MRSA in Peru. We present the case of a 70 year old male with a previous diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus, receiving irregular treatment, who was admitted to the hospital with a history of 10 days of low back pain radiating to the left leg, fever and forced flexion of the right hip due to pain during movement. The diagnosis of diffuse pyomyositis of both psoas muscles was performed with MRI and culture of a posterior paravertebral collection, from which Staphylococcus aureus resistant to oxacillin, penicillin and dicloxacillin was isolated.

  7. Complicações oftálmicas em pacientes com tumores malignos extra-orbitários Ophthalmic complications in patients with extraorbital malignant tumors

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    Ana Célia Baptista


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Correlacionar as complicações oftálmicas, presentes em pacientes portadores de tumores malignos extra-orbitários, com o sítio de origem e diagnóstico histopatológico destas neoplasias, por meio de tomografia computadorizada. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados retrospectivamente, por tomografia computadorizada, 29 pacientes com neoplasias malignas extra-orbitárias, sem qualquer tratamento prévio do tumor, e evidência clínico-radiológica de comprometimento orbitário associado. RESULTADOS: Houve predomínio do carcinoma epidermóide (28%, seguido pelo carcinoma basocelular (14%. As complicações oftálmicas mais comumente observadas foram proptose (38%, epífora (24% e dor ocular (24%. Redução da acuidade visual foi referida em 14 % dos casos. Os sítios de origem mais comuns das neoplasias foram o seio maxilar (28%, o seio etmoidal (17% e a pele e subcutâneo da face (17%. Proptose ocular foi causada predominantemente por tumores não carcinomatosos e tumores originados no seio etmoidal, ao passo que epífora ocorreu preferencialmente nos casos de tumores carcinomatosos e de neoplasias do seio maxilar. Redução da motilidade ocular, irritação ocular e secreção no olho foram as complicações oftálmicas mais freqüentes em pacientes com tumores dos anexos oculares, ao passo que dor ocular foi a complicação oftálmica dominante nos pacientes com neoplasias originadas na pele e subcutâneo da face. CONCLUSÕES: Os autores sugerem que, diante de paciente com epífora e massa maxilo-nasal, carcinoma do seio maxilar deve ser considerado primariamente no diagnóstico diferencial da lesão. Da mesma forma, tumores não carcinomatosos, como sarcomas e linfomas, devem ser considerados, sobretudo no diagnóstico de pacientes com proptose e massa naso-etmoidal.OBJECTIVE: To correlate the ophthalmic complications in patients with extra-orbital malignant tumors with the site of origin and histopathologic diagnosis of the tumors by

  8. Moléculas orgánicas obtenidas en simulaciones experimentales del medio interestelar. (United States)

    Muñoz-Caro, Guillermo Manuel

    Las nubes moleculares son regiones de formación de estrellas, con temperaturas cinéticas entre 10-50 K y densidades de 103-106 átomos cm-3. Su materia está formada por gas y polvo interestelar. Estas partículas de polvo están cubiertas por una fina capa de hielo, de unos 0.01 μm, que contiene H2O y a menudo CO, CO2, CH3OH y NH3. El hielo es presumiblemente irradiado por fotones ultravioleta y rayos cósmicos en las zonas poco profundas de las nubes moleculares y las regiones circunestelares. En un sistema de vacío, P ˜ 10-7 mbar, simulamos la deposición de hielo a partir de 10 K y la irradiación ultravioleta por medio de una lámpara de descarga de hidrógeno activada con microondas. La evolución del hielo se observa por medio de un espectrómetro infrarrojo. De este modo es posible determinar la composición del hielo observado en el medio interestelar y predecir la presencia de moléculas aún no detectadas en el espacio, que han sido producto del procesamiento del hielo en nuestros experimentos. También es posible calentar el sistema hasta temperatura ambiente para sublimar el hielo depositado. Cuando el hielo ha sido previamente irradiado, se observa un residuo compuesto por moléculas orgánicas complejas, algunas prebióticas, como varios ácidos carboxílicos, aminas, amidas, ésteres y en menor proporción moléculas heterocíclicas y aminoácidos. Algunas de estas moléculas podrían detectarse en estado gaseoso por medio de observaciones milimétricas y de radio. También podrían estar presentes en el polvo cometario, cuyo análisis químico está planeado por las misiones Stardust y Rosetta. Mientras tanto, nuestro grupo está llevando a cabo el análisis de partículas de polvo interplanetario (IDPs), algunas de las cuales pueden ser de origen cometario. Al igual que ocurre con los productos obtenidos por irradiación del hielo en nuestros experimentos, algunas IDPs son ricas en material orgánico que contiene oxígeno.

  9. Osteonecrosis de hueso maxilar inducida por bisfosfonatos


    Vera Sempere, Francisco José


    Los bisfosfonatos son un grupo de fármacos, análogos de los pirofosfatos, utilizados en administración oral en el tratamiento de la osteoporosis, así como en formulaciones intravenosas para el tratamiento del dolor óseo y de la hipercalcemia ligada a la enfermedad tumoral metastasica (generalmente en el contexto de mieloma múltiple / cáncer de mama o próstata avanzados), actuando como un inhibidor de la reabsorción ósea, mediada por osteoclastos, así como de la apoptosis de los osteobl...

  10. The maspin expression in canine mammary tumors: an immunohistochemical and molecular study A expressão do maspin nos tumores mamários caninos: um estudo imuno-histoquímico e molecular

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    Debora A.P.C. Zuccari


    Full Text Available The serpin maspin, a tumor suppressor in breast cancer was described as an inhibitor of cell migration and inducer of cell adhesion between the basement membrane and extracellular matrix resulting in inhibition of tumor metastasis. In contrast, overexpression of maspin is correlated with poor prognosis in other types of cancer. Little is known about expression, regulation and function of maspin in canine mammary tumors. It was demonstrated in this study, a loss of maspin expression in malignant canine mammary cells compared with a pool of normal canine mammary tissue, analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR; weak maspin expression in malignant canine mammary tumors were observed by immunohistochemistry. It was also demonstrated that a correlation with nuclear maspin expression and a good prognosis. It is suggested that maspin could be used as a prognostic marker in canine mammary neoplasia.O serpin maspin, um supressor tumoral no câncer de mama foi descrito como inibidor de migração celular e indutor de adesão celular entre a membrana basal e a matriz extracelular resultando na inibição da metástase tumoral. Por outro lado, a alta expressão do maspin está relacionada com um mau prognóstico em outros tipos de câncer. Pouco se sabe sobre a expressão, regulação e função do maspin nos tumores mamários caninos. Neste estudo, foi demonstrada uma perda da expressão de maspin nas células mamárias malignas de cães quando comparadas com um pool de tecido mamário normal de cães, analisado por PCR quantitativa em tempo real. Houve uma expressão fraca maspin em preparações de tumores mamários malignos observadas por imuno-histoquímica. Também foi verificado que a expressão nuclear do maspin em tumores mamários caninos está relacionada a um bom prognóstico. Assim, o maspin pode ser utilizado como um marcador prognóstico nas neoplasias mamárias em cães.

  11. Estudio sobre los tumores malignos maxilofaciales

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    Juan Carlos Quintana Díaz


    Full Text Available Se realizó un análisis durante el trienio 1994-1996 y se estudiaron los tumores malignos de la región maxilofacial tratados en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial de Artemisa. El sexo masculino fue más afectado que el femenino, los tumores de la piel fueron los más frecuentes, afectaron en elevado porcentaje a los pacientes de tez blanca, y el carcinoma basocelular fue el tipo histológico que más se observó. En cuanto a la localización más frecuente en la cavidad bucal fue el labio inferior, y el tipo histológico que más predominó fue el carcinoma epidermoide. El 3 % de todos los tumores encontrados correspondieron con metástasis, que debutaron por la zona bucofacial.An analytical study of the maxillofacial region malignant tumors treated in the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of Artemisa municipality was conducted from 1994-1996. Males were the most affected; skin tumors were the most frequent, a higher percentage of white people were affected and the most observed histological type was the basal cell carcinoma. The most common location in the oral cavity was the lower lip and the most predominant histological type was the epidermoid carcinoma. 3 % of all tumors found resulted in metastasis which started in the buccofacial area.

  12. Papel del factor de bloqueo inducido por Progesterona (PIBF en embarazo y cáncer

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    Araceli Gutiérrez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El factor de bloqueo inducido por progesterona (PIBF es una proteína inmunomoduladora por medio de la cual la progesterona ejerce varios de sus efectos inmunológicos en diferentes células de alta proliferación, que incluyen desde células embrionarias hasta células tumorales. El PIBF ocasiona un incremento en la síntesis de anticuerpos asimétricos y de citocinas tipo Th2 como las interleucinas (IL 4, 6 y 10, así como una disminución en la actividad citotóxica de las células NK y en la producción de citocinas tipo Th1, como el factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNFα e IL-12. Lo anterior provoca una reducción en la relación Th1/Th2 que es característica del embarazo sano, lo que tiene como consecuencia un aumento en la inmunidad humoral y una disminución en la inmunidad celular. Estos mecanismos inmunomoduladores tienen como resultado una evasión del sistema inmune de la madre por parte del feto para que el embarazo llegue a término. De manera interesante, diversos estudios sugieren que estos mismos mecanismos son utilizados por las células cancerosas para facilitar la progresión de tumores que presentan sobre-expresión del PIBF.

  13. Tumor neuroendocrino de la mama. Presentación de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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    Lidia Torres Aja


    Full Text Available Los carcinomas neuroendocrinos primarios de mama son neoplasias raras que representan entre un 2 y un 5 % de los tumores mamarios. Para su diagnóstico se requiere que más del 50 % del tumor presente marcadores neuroendocrinos. Estos tumores que se observan principalmente en mujeres de edad avanzada se presentan como una masa bien delimitada, generalmente no acompañada de adenopatías axilares. El pronóstico de este tipo de cáncer todavía no está muy claro, aunque estudios recientes demuestran que es similar al de los carcinomas ductales infiltrantes convencionales. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 76 años que acudió a consulta por presentar gran tumoración que ocupaba prácticamente toda la mama derecha sin adenopatías axilares y la cual fue informada mediante biopsia por parafina como un carcinoma neuroendocrino. Este es el primer tumor de esta característica histológica diagnosticado en Cienfuegos, por lo cual se considera de interés científico su publicación.

  14. Resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de los tumores malignos del párpado inferior Results of the surgical treatment of malignant tumors of the lower eyelid

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    Roberto Frías Banqueris


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Es objetivo de este trabajo describir el tratamiento quirúrgico de las lesiones malignas localizadas en el párpado inferior, de extensión mayor del 25 % y propagación a los cantos mediales y externo. MÉTODOS. Un equipo multidisciplinario del Hospital «Celia Sánchez Manduley» (Manzanillo realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo entre enero de 2001 y diciembre de 2006. Se seleccionaron para el estudio 19 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, que fueron valorados previamente por el equipo multidisciplinario, y que dieron su consentimiento informado de participar en la investigación. Se describieron variables como edad, sexo, técnica quirúrgica empleada, localización, resultado anatomopatológico, complicaciones y resultado final. A los pacientes se les daría seguimiento durante un mínimo de 5 años. RESULTADOS. Se encontró un ligero predominio del sexo masculino y de edades por encima de los 50 años. La resección del tumor en cuña, seguida de la reconstrucción por técnica de colgajo de mejilla de Mustardé, fue la técnica de elección. El 79 % de los tumores resultó ser del tipo carcinoma basocelular. La necrosis parcial del colgajo y el hematoma fueron las complicaciones más frecuentes. Los pacientes se han mantenido en consulta de seguimiento, sin recidiva ni persistencia tumoral. CONCLUSIONES. El tratamiento quirúrgico por técnica de Mustardé combinada con otras técnicas y realizado por un equipo multidisciplinario es ideal para la cirugía del cáncer del párpado inferior.INTRODUCTION. The objective of this paper is to describe the surgical treatment of the malignant lesions localized in the lower eyelid with an extension over 25 % and propagation to the medial and external edges. METHODS. A multidisciplinary team of «Celia Sánchez Manduley» Hospital (Manzanillo conducted a descriptive and prospective study from January 2001 to December 2006. 19 patients that fulfilled the

  15. Tumor del corpúsculo carotídeo: Presentación de 1 caso

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    Miguel García Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se presenta un paciente que acude a consulta por presentar cuadros sincopales con una pequeña tumoración en la región lateral izquierda del cuello de más de 6 meses de evolución. Se le realiza ecografía del cuello, arteriografía carotídea y biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina y se llega al diagnóstico preoperatorio de tumor del corpúsculo carotídeo. Se interviene y realiza resección subadventicia de forma exitosaA patient who attends the physician's office for having syncopal pictures with a small tumor in the left region of the neck of more than 6 months of evolution is presented. Neck echography, carotid arteriography and fine needle biopsy aspiration are carried out. Carotid body tumor is preoperatively diagnosed. He is operated on and subadventitious resection is successfully performed

  16. Legislation and Identification of Irradiated Foodstuffs; Reglementation et Identification des Denrees Irradiees; Zakonodatel'stvo po obluchennym pishchevym produktam i metody ikh identifikatsii; Legislacion y'Identificacion de los Alimentos Irradiados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lafontaine, A. [Institut d' Hygiene et d' Epidemiologie, Ministere de la Sante Publique, Bruxelles (Belgium)


    perjuicio de derogaciones progresivas a medida que vayan progresando los conocimientos. En los apartados b y c del articulo 64.1 del real decreto de 28 de febrero de 1963 se prohibe anadir sustancias radiactivas a los productos alimenticios o tratarlos con radiaciones ionizantes. Ya en la actualidad, el articulo 65 (apartados a y b) preve una excepcion siempre que la incorporacion o el tratamiento se efectuen con fines de investigacion y con una autorizacion explicita del Ministerio de Sanidad Publica. El articulo 64.2 prohibe tambien la importacion, retencion y transporte de productos alimenticios a los que se hayan anadido sustancias radiactivas o que hayan sido tratados con radiaciones ionizantes. Se han adoptado disposiciones prohibitivas analogas con respecto a dos productos afines a los articulos alimenticios: los medicamentos y los suministros medicos tratados con radiaciones ionizantes. No obstante, con miras a una liberalizacion progresiva, se propone una gran flexibilidad en lo que respecta a los suministros medicos. Pese a la incertidumbre que continua existiendo en ciertos medios cientificos en cuanto a la salubridad de los alimentos irradiados, es probable que ciertos procedimientos sean admitidos en plazo mas o menos breve. Algunos paises han autorizado ya el consumo de diferentes alimentos irradiados y cabe prever que el circuito comercial tendera a rebasar las fronteras nacionales. Por otra parte, es indispensable tener la posibilidad de verificar que los procedimienros autorizados no se aplican indebidamente a articulos para los que no han sido previstos y que se respetan las dosis establecidas. Es decir, se plantea, en el plano nacional y en el internacional, el problema de la identificacion de los productos irradiados y, eventualmente, el de la comprobacion de la dosis de radiacion administrada. El inventario de los metodos que se podrian aplicar muestra la variedad de las maneras de abordar la cuestion: medicion del estado paramagnetico del atomo

  17. Generalidades sobre os tumores renais

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    Cristina Knopp Tristão


    Full Text Available O aumento na incidência do carcinoma de células renais, na maior parte da população, deve-se em parte ao aumento do número de tumores detectados incidentalmente com novos métodos de diagnósticos por imagem. As sofisticações dos instrumentos diagnósticos e terapêuticos modificam as perspectivas dos pacientes com carcinoma de células renais. Um aumento na taxa de sobrevivência e uma redução da morbidade foram alcançados. As neoplasias malignas do trato gênito-urinário compreendem, aproximadamente, metade dos tumores diagnosticados em homens, e a incidência deste grupo de câncer aumenta com a idade. O carcinoma de células renais representa a terceira neoplasia gênito-urinária mais freqüente.

  18. Estudo sobre a eventual utilidade de raios gama na profilaxia da malária transmissível por transfusão de sangue A study on the fortuitons advantage of gamma irradiation in the prophylaxis of transmissible malaria by blood transfusion

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    Lúcia Maria Almeida Braz


    Full Text Available O estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a eventual utilidade de raios gama na profilaxia da malária transmissível por transfusão de sangue, tendo sido, para isso, usados camundongos infectados pelo Plasmodium berghei. Na primeira fase, quando submetemos sangue deles retirado a 2.500 e 5.000rad, com associação ou não de metronidazol, não obtivemos sucesso, já que todos os animais antes sem a parasitose apresentaram parasitemia e morreram após inoculação do sangue irradiado. Porém, ocorreu êxito parcial na segunda fase, ao serem empregados 10.000 e 15.000rad, porquanto 20% e 40% dos roedores, respectivamente, embora tenham ficado infectados, sobreviveram, com posterior negativação quanto à presença do P. berghei.This study was carried out to evaluate the fortuitons advantage of using gamma irradiation in the prophylaxis of transmissible malaria by blood transfusion, with mice as the experimental model. In the first step, when the infected blood with Plasmodium berghei was submitted to 2,500rad and 5,000rad, with or without metronidazol, there was no success, because the animals presented parasitaemia and died after inoculation of irradiated blood. However, there was partial success in the second step, when the infected blood received 10,000 and 15,000rad, and was inoculated in mice, which showed infection, and presented a survival rate of 20% and 40%, respectively, with later negativation of blood infected by P. berghei.

  19. Absceso cerebral posquirúrgico causado por Propionibacterium acnes Post-surgery cerebral abscess due to Propionibacterium acnes

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    Mariela S. Zárate


    Full Text Available Los abscesos cerebrales por Propionibacterium acnes son poco frecuentes. Es importante para el médico clínico la rápida identificación de este patógeno para la elección de una terapéutica antibiótica adecuada. En este caso se describe un paciente con una exéresis de un glioblastoma multiforme donde a los 9 meses se evidenció la existencia de una recidiva tumoral, se efectuó una extirpación tumoral subtotal y la colocación de implantes de quimioterapia en el lecho tumoral residual. Al cabo de un mes de esta reoperación presentó una lesión ocupante compatible con un absceso cerebral, motivo por el cual se realizó nueva craneotomía y drenaje del mismo. En los cultivos de las biopsias y del material purulento se aisló P. acnes como flora única. Para la identificación se realizaron pruebas bioquímicas y se aplicó el sistema API20A. Se determinó la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM a clindamicina, penicilina, amoxicilina y metronidazol, los valores de CIM (ug/ml obtenidos fueron: 0.250, 0.040, 0.023 y 256, respectivamente. El paciente recibió cefepime más metronidazol por vía endovenosa durante un período de 30 días y completó tratamiento con clindamicina por vía oral durante 60 días, dada la posible complicación ósea en el sitio de la infección. Luego de 8 meses de la intervención quirúrgica y el drenaje del absceso cerebral no hubo evidencia de signos clínicos de recidiva tumoral e infecciosa. P. acnes es un patógeno infrecuente como causal de abscesos cerebrales, sin embargo no se debe desestimar en muestras neuroquirúrgicas.Brain abscesses by Propionibacterium acnes are rare. The rapid identification of this pathogen is important in order to choice the appropriate antibiotic therapy. We describe the case of a patient with excision of a multiform glioblastoma who 9 months later presented a tumor recurrence. A subtotal tumor excision was made and implants chemotherapy were placed in the residual tumor

  20. Estudo radiográfico e por tomografia computadorizada das formações orais em cães


    Carolina de Oliveira Ghirelli


    As neoplasias orais representam a quarta neoplasia mais comum em cães. O diagnóstico por imagem das neoplasias orais é necessário para determinar a extensão do tumor e dos tecidos locais acometidos, auxiliando no prognóstico e planejamento cirúrgico. Atualmente o exame radiográfico é o método diagnóstico mais utilizado por ser mais acessível e menos oneroso, porém o grande número de estruturas no crânio e suas sobreposições dificultam adequada avaliação desta região. A tomografia computadoriz...

  1. Kint3-4 protein from human plasminogen delays Ehrlich tumor growth in mice Efeito da proteína Kint3-4 do plasminogênio humano no crescimento do tumor de Ehrlich

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    Cristina Maria de Souza


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Kint3-4 protein, originated from a genetic recombination of K1-3 and K1-4 human plasminogen segments, is recognized for its antiangiogenic and anti-inflammatory potential. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Kint3-4 protein on tumor development in Swiss mice previously inoculated with Ehrlich tumor cells. METHODS: The protein fragment was obtained from Pichia pastoris cloning and transformation. After tumor cell inoculation three different protocols were used to assess tumor growth: beginning (0-6 days, peak (0-12 days and after peak (0-18 days. We analyzed tumor growth, histomorphological characteristics and immunohistochemistry by use of CDC47 (cellular proliferation marker and CD31 (blood vessel marker. RESULTS: Animals treated with Kint3-4 protein (150 µg/kg/48 h showed lower tumor growth in all protocols. Based on histological assessment, inflammation and tumor areas were also reduced. Moreover, both the lowest rate of tumor cell proliferation and low microvessel density were observed in animals treated with Kint3-4 protein compared with the untreated control group. CONCLUSION: The effect of Kint3-4 recombinant protein on tumor angiogenesis and control of malignant cell proliferation enhances the prospects of its use in clinical and antiangiogenic treatment.INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVO: A proteína Kint3-4 originou-se a partir de uma recombinação genética dos segmentos K1-3 e K1--4 do plasminogênio humano e é reconhecida por seu potencial anti-inflamatório e antiangiogênico. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da proteína Kint3-4 no desenvolvimento de tumores em camundongos inoculados com células do tumor de Ehrlich. MÉTODOS: O fragmento de proteína foi obtido por uma técnica de clonagem e transformação de Pichia pastoris. Três diferentes protocolos foram avaliados após a inoculação das células tumorais: no início (0-6 dias, no pico (0-12 dias e após o pico (0-18 dias de

  2. Tumores benignos de los párpados Bening eyelid tumors

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    Clara G. Gómez Cabrera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de tipo retrospectivo de 266 expedientes clínicos correspondientes a pacientes con diagnóstico histológico de neoplasias benignas de los párpados operados en el departamento de Cirugía Oculoplástica del Hospital Oftalmológico "Ramón Pando Ferrer" en el período comprendido entre enero de 1989 y diciembre de 1999. El 36 % de los pacientes se encontraban en el grupo comprendido entre los 31 y los 50 años de edad, y solo el 6 % eran menores de 15 años. El 64 % de los casos operados correspondieron al sexo femenino. El 41 % de las neoplasias se localizaron en párpado superior y el 40 % en el inferior. Encontramos 16 tipos histológicos de tumores. Los tumores benignos de los párpados son más frecuentes a partir de la tercera década de la vida. Afectan preferentemente al sexo femenino. Se localizan preferentemente en el párpado superior e inferior. Los quistes, seguidos por los nevus y las queratosis fueron los diagnósticos histológicos más frecuentes.A descriptive and retrospective study of 266 medical histories corresponding to patients with histological diagnosis of benign eyelid neoplasias was made. They were operated on at the Oculoplastic Surgery Department of "Pando Ferrer" Ophthalmologic Hospital from January, 1989, to December, 1999. 36 % of the patients were in the group aged 31-50 and only 6 % were under 15. 64 % of the cases that underwent surgery were females. 41 % of the neoplasias were localized in the upper eyelid and 40 % in the lower eyelid. 16 histological types of tumors were found. The benign eyelid tumors are more frequent from the third decade of life on, and females are the most affected. These tumors are localized mainly in the upper and lower eyelid. Cysts, followed by nevus and keratosis were the commonest histologic diagnoses.

  3. Conferencias anatomoclínicas: caso no. veintidos

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    San Juan de Dios Hospital


    Enfermedad Actual: Se inició hace unos dos años por la aparición de constipación pertinaz, pirosis, acedías, dolor epigástrico y sensación de hambre dolorosa que calmaba con las comidas; ocasionalmente ha presentado melenas. Hace seis días, sintió intenso dolor epigástrico de tipo punzante, irradiado hacia el ángulo inferior del omoplato izquierdo, seguido poco después de gran distención abdominal con retención de heces y gases, vómito y hematemesis inicial. Estos fenómenos fueron tratados fuera del hospital con purgantes y enemas sin ningún resultado, pues no retuvo los enemas y vomitó los purgantes. El cuadro se agudizó adquiriendo los caracteres de un abdomen agudo, por lo cual ingresa al hospital.

  4. Tumores desmoides: cuadro clínico y sobrevida

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    Juan Díaz-Plasencia


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Identificar el cuadro clínico, la recurrencia y sobrevida quinquenal por tumor desmoide. Material y métodos: Analizamos 18 pacientes manejados en el Hospital Belén, Trujillo, Perú, desde 1966 a 1994. Resultados: Los antecedentes más frecuentes fueron embarazo reciente (n=8, cirugía previa (n=3 y traumatismo (n=1. La edad promedio fue de 29.5 ± 16.7 años (rango, 5 meses a 75 años. El 50% de los casos se presentó en la tercera década de la vida. Hubo 6 hombres y 12 mujeres (H:M, 1:2.El síntoma y signo más común fue tumor (100%, acompañado por dolor (66.7%, impotencia funcional (22.2% y parestesias (16.7%. El diámetro tumoral promedio fue 10.9 ± 5.6 cm. Las neoplasias se localizaron en pared abdominal (n=12, cabeza - cuello (n=3 y miembros inferiores (n=3. El tratamiento más utilizado fue el quirúrgico (n=14, y la radioterapia se utilizó en 2 casos irresecables. En los 10 pacientes que tuvo seguimiento completo la tasa de recurrencia quinquenal fue de 33.3%, siendo ésta menor con el tratamiento quirúrgico (25% que con el radioterápico (50%. Además, hubo menor recurrencia con la cirugía amplia y radical (16.7% en comparación con la resección local simple (50%. La sobrevida quinquenal en la serie total fue de 87.5%, siendo ésta menor con el tratamiento quirúrgico (83.3% que con el radioterápico (100%. Conclusiones: La localización más frecuente de estos tumores estuvo en la pared abdominal. El tratamiento quirúrgico con un margen amplio de resección ofrece un mejor control local de los tumores desmoides. (Rev Med Hered 1998; 9:69-76 .

  5. A eletrencefalografia nos tumores intracranianos. Considerações sobre nove casos cirurgicamente verificados

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    Paulo Pinto Pupo


    Full Text Available Os autores, trabalhando com um eletrencefalógrafo Grass, de 6 inscritores, trazem os seus primeiros resultados em casos de tumores intracranianos cirurgicamente verificados (além de 2 já publicados anteriormente. São eles em número de 9. No primeiro, um abscesso profundamente situado no lobo frontal era traduzido por ondas delta e figuras de reverso, no eletrencefalograma do lobo frontal correspondente, ao lado de alterações difusas no restante do hemisfério cerebral, melhoradas em EEG feito ulteriormente, em perfeita concordância com o edema cerebral e o quadro clínico de hipertensão intracraniana inicial. No segundo, ondas extremamente lentas» difusas por todo um hemisfério, com figuras de reverso pré-fronto-parietais e ondas teta, indicavam um glioma difuso e grandemente lesivo para o parênquima nervoso. No terceiro, disritmias paroxísticas frontais predominantes se correlacionavam com antiga epilepsia devida a grande meningioma da foice naquela localização. O caso 4 mostrava ondas lentas difusas por todo um hemisfério cerebral, de predominância pré-frontal, com figuras de reverso bem assisaladas, coincidindo com carcinoma metastático de grande volume, de localização subfrontal. O caso 5 mostrava alterações eletrencefalográficas localizadas, parietoccipitais, à esquerda, coincidentes com meningioma angioblástico parasagital parietoccipital. O sexto se refere a um tumor enorme e consistente, com aspecto de papiloma, que, do prolongamento temporal de ventrículo lateral, comprimia as formações cerebrais suprajacentes, cujo EEG evidenciava alterações focais nítidas frontais e temporais, com ondas e figuras de reverso bem caracterizadas. O caso 7, pelo contrário, evidenciava alterações eletrencefalográficas difusas por todo um hemisfério e repercutindo sôbre a área frontal do hemisfério oposto, indicando lesão cerebral pré-central, concordando inteiramente com a clínica, com a ventrigulografia e com o

  6. Modelo experimental de tumor de Walker Walker’s tumoral experimental model

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    Sandra Pedroso de Moraes


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de padronizar normas técnicas para obtenção de modelo animal com tumor de Walker 256 e de estabelecer o número de células tumorais necessárias para que esse tumor tenha grande porcentagem de pega e longevidade, possibilitando o desenvolvimento de pesquisas em várias áreas da saúde, foi realizado trabalho em duas etapas. Na primeira foram utilizados 120 ratos para treinamento e definição da técnica. Na segunda etapa foram utilizados 84 ratos, sendo estes separados em 7 grupos (G de 12 animais cada. O tumor, na forma ascítica, foi inoculado no tecido celular subcutâneo do dorso dos ratos com os seguintes números de células: GI, 1 x 10(7; GII, 5 x 10(6; GIII, 2,5 x 10(6; GIV, 1 x 10(6; GV, 5 x 10(5; GVI, 3 x 10(5 e GVII, 2 x 10(5. Foram avaliadas a porcentagem de pega e a longevidade nos grupos. Os animais dos GI, GII, GIII e GIV obtiveram 100% de desenvolvimento tumoral, porém baixa longevidade. Os dos GV e GVI obtiveram desenvolvimento tumoral em frequência maior que 90% e longevidade satisfatória. Os do GVII não apresentaram desenvolvimento tumoral. Concluiu-se que todos os procedimentos devem ser exaustivamente treinados e que o número de células tumorais viáveis para inoculação, em tecido celular subcutâneo de ratos, deve estar na faixa entre 5 x 10(5 e 3 x 10(5.The aim of this work was standardize technical norms to obtain a model of Walker 256 tumor in animals and get the tumorous cells number needed to increase the tumorous join percentage and longevity, it makes possible the research development in several health areas. The work was realized in two stages. In first were used 120 rats to crew’s training and technicals definitions. In second stage were used 84 rats, these separated in 7 groups (G with 12 animals each one. The tumor, in ascitic form was inoculated on subcutaneous cellular tissue on dorsal of rats with the follow number of cells : GI, 1 x 10(7; GII, 5 x 10(6; GIII, 2,5 x 10(6; GIV, 1

  7. Criticality Studies in a Pilot Plant for Processing MTR-Type Irradiated Fuels; Estudios de Criticidad de una Planta Piloto para el Tratamiento de Combustibles Irradiados Tipo ' MTR '

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pereira Sanchez, G.; Uriarte Hueda, A. [Junta de Energia Nuclear, Division de Materiales Madrid (Spain)


    A number of theoretical studies on nuclear safety have been carried out in a pilot plant being constructed at the Junta de Energia Nuclear in Madrid for processing irradiated fuels from the MTR-type experimental reactor JEN-1. The study was carried out working with aqueous and organic solutions at two levels of {sup 235}U enrichment - 20% and 93%. The paper is divided into two main parts: the first deals with the individual items of equipment, and the interactions between these are studied in the second part. The calculations in this second part have been made using three different methods to make it more certain that the system as a whole can never be critical. The first method employed is based on the solid angle concept and makes it possible to fix the maximum {sup 235}U concentrations within the system. The second method, based on the albedo, supplies the value of the multiplication factor K of the whole assembly as a function of the concentration of {sup 235}U. In the last part, the distribution of the equipment is compared with other similar systems and experimental tests from other sources. Finally, the paper specifies the conditions for working the installation which ensure that a nuclear accident can never occur. (author) [Spanish] Se ha efectuado una serie de estudios teoricos sobre la seguridad nuclear de una planta piloto, que se encuentra en construccion en la Junta de Energfa Nuclear situada en Madrid, para el tratamiento de combustibles irradiados procedentes del reactor experimental JEN-1 del tipo MTR. El estudio se ha realizado utilizando disoluciones, tanto acuosas como organicas, con dos grados de enriquecimiento, 20% y 93% en {sup 235}U. Este trabajo comprende dos partes principales: en la primera se han considerado las distintas unidades del equipo individualmente y en la segunda se han estudiado las interacciones entre ellas. El calculo de esta segunda parte se ha hecho por tres metodos diferentes para tener una mayor seguridad de que el

  8. Tumor odontógeno adenomatoide en región mandibular Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in mandibular region

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    Ernesto Sánchez Cabrales


    Full Text Available El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide es un tumor poco frecuente derivado del epitelio odontontogénico, que contiene estructuras canaliculares con modificaciones inductivas de intensidad variable en el tejido conjuntivo. Es una lesión de crecimiento lento y poco invasiva pero que se puede asemejar a otras lesiones odontógenas de mayor agresividad como el quiste dentígero y el ameloblastoma entre otros. Su localización clásica (área de caninos superiores nos orienta al diagnóstico y su patrón histológico ductiforme es muy propio de este tumor. Otros tumores que se encuentran dentro de este grupo son el fibroma ameloblástico, el odontoameloblastoma, el quiste odontógeno calcificante y los odontomas compuesto y complejo. Este grupo de lesiones puede o no tener formaciones de tejido duro dental dentro de ellos. Por esta razón, se presenta un paciente con este tipo de tumor, al que se le realizó estudio histopatológico, se revisó la literatura acerca de este tumor odontogénico benigno y sus características clínicas, radiográficas, tratamiento, así como los diagnósticos diferenciales que se deben tener en cuenta.The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is an uncommon neoplasm derivative of the odontogenic epithelium containing canalicular structures with inductor modifications of variable intensity in the conjunctival tissue. It is a slow growth lesion and no much invasive but that may to be similar to other odontogenic lesions more aggressive including the dentigerous cyst and the ameloblastoma among others. Its classical location (upper canine area guides us to diagnosis and its duct histological pattern is very typical of this tumor. Other tumors included in this group are the ameloblastic fibroma, the ameloblastic odontoma, the calcified odontogenic cyst and composed and complex odontomas. This group of lesions may or not to have formations of hard tissue inside. Thus, authors present the case of a patient presenting with this type of

  9. Tumor do VIII nervo com apresentação incomum An uncommon presentation of an VIII nerve tumor

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    Rubem Cruz Swensson


    Full Text Available Os Schwannomas vestibulares são responsáveis por 80 a 90% dos tumores do ângulo ponto-cerebelar. A atual incidência é estimada em 0,8% a 2,5% da população mundial. A hipoacusia unilateral e progressiva é o sintoma mais precoce e freqüente, sendo o tinido a segunda queixa mais comum. Estudos demonstram que apenas 5% dos pacientes com schwannoma vestibular têm exames audiométricos normais. No caso em foco é relatado hipoestesia da hemiface com diminuição do reflexo córneo palpebral ipsilateral, hipoestesia da porção póstero-superior do pavilhão auditivo (sinal de Hitzelberger positivo, diminuição do lacrimejamento, Romberg sensibilizado positivo. Observava-se discreto desvio da rima labial para a esquerda, não apresentando outras alterações nos demais pares cranianos. À acumetria, não havia alteração da sensibilidade auditiva em ambas as vias aéreas.Vestibular Shwannomas are responsible for 80-90% of the cerebelar-pontine angle tumors and their incidence is of 0.8 to 20.5% of all tumors. Unilateral and progressive hearing loss is the most frequent and premature symptom, and tinnitus is the second most common complaint. Only 5% of the patients have normal audiograms. In this case the patient complained of ipsilateral facial numbness and weak blink, posterior pinna hypoesthesia (Hitzelberger +, tear reduction and positive Romberg test. He also had mouth twisting but no other involvement of other cranial nerves. Hearing acuity was normal.

  10. Alterações histopatológicas associadas à braquiterapia intra-arterial com o samário-153

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    Précoma Dalton Bertolim


    Full Text Available A lesão da parede arterial provocada por balão de angioplastia ou implante de próteses endovasculares em modelos experimentais e humanos pode provocar a reestenose do vaso, principalmente por migração e proliferação de células musculares lisas e síntese de matriz extracelular. Vários estudos demonstraram que a braquiterapia intra-arterial atua nestes fatores e, conseqüentemente, no tratamento da reestenose coronariana. Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar as alterações vasculares morfológicas e morfométricas induzidas pela braquiterapia com samário-153 (153Sm, utilizando uma dose considerada ideal e outra elevada em coelhos hipercolesterolêmicos. Foram analisados 43 coelhos hipercolesterolêmicos e um total de 86 artérias ilíacas submetidas à lesão por balão de angioplastia, divididos em três grupos, sendo irradiados com as doses de 15Gy (n = 14 e 60Gy (n = 36 e controle (n = 36. Foram realizadas análise morfométrica (área neo-intimal, área da camada média, área do vaso e análise histológica qualitativa para avaliação tecidual. O colesterol médio foi de 1.362 ± 497mg/dl nos três grupos. O achado mais relevante foi uma significativa inibição da hiperplasia neo-intimal no grupo irradiado com a dose de 15Gy, maior do que o controle e com a dose de 60Gy. Na dose de 60 Gy, além de ineficaz para inibir a proliferação neo-intimal, teve características tissulares e estruturais sugestivas de radiolesão, como presença de células xantomatosas, tecidos hialino e amorfo, proliferação vascular. Estas células, bem como o aumento das dimensões morfométricas do vaso, foram proporcionais aos graus de lesão nas lâminas elásticas interna e externa, sendo observados principalmente com a dose de 60Gy. Os segmentos médios das artérias ilíacas, representando o local de maior contato com o balão, tiveram maiores alterações morfométricas e celulares em relação aos segmentos referenciais (proximal e distal nos

  11. A "Trojan horse" strategy to reverse drug-resistance in brain tumors


    Pinzon-Daza, Martha L.


    Los gliomas malignos representan una de las formas más agresivas de los tumores del sistema nervioso central (SNC). De acuerdo con la clasificación de los tumores cerebrales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), los astrocitomas han sido categorizados en cuatro grados, determinados por la patología subyacente. Es así como los gliomas malignos (o de alto grado) incluyen el glioma anaplásico (grado III) así como el glioblastoma multiforme (GBM, grado IV),estos últimos los más agresiv...

  12. Condiloma gigante del pene (Tumor de Buschke-Lowenstein: Presentación de un caso Peneal Buschke-Lowenstein tumor: Case report

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    A.A. Núñez Serrano


    Full Text Available El condiloma gigante del pene o tumor de Buschke- Lowenstein, es un tumor epitelial benigno de origen viral y sexualmente transmisible, que en raros casos puede malignizar. Presentamos un paciente en el que el condiloma de localización peneana, creció rápidamente y destruyó estructuras. Su histología se caracteriza por papilomatosis y acantosis endo y exofítica. Existen diferentes tratamientos del tumor, pero el más efectivo es la extirpación quirúrgica radical para evitar recidivas y malignización.Buschke-Lowenstein tumour is an epithelial benign tumour sexually transmitted with a viral origin. We present a case of peneal localization with exofitic growth, compression and displacement of the deeper tissues, ulceration and urethral fistulae. Histology is characterized by papillomatosis and endo or exophytic acantosis. Local malignancy is still discussed. There are many possible treatments, but radical excision is the best to avoid malignant transformation and recurrences.

  13. Experimental model of ultrasound thermotherapy in rats inoculated with Walker-236 tumor Modelo experimental de termoterapia ultrassônica em ratos inoculados com tumor de Walker-236

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    José Antonio Carlos Otaviano David Morano


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To develop a model to evaluate the effects of focal pulsed ultrasound (US waves as a source of heat for treatment of murine subcutaneous implanted Walker tumor. METHODS: An experimental, controlled, comparative study was conducted. Twenty male Wistar rats (160-300 g randomized in 2 equal groups (G-1: Control and G-2: Hyperthermia were inoculated with Walker-256 carcinosarcoma tumor. After 5 days G-2 rats were submitted to 45ºC hyperthermia. Heat was delivered directly to the tumor by an ultrasound (US equipment (3 MHz frequency, 1,5W/cm³. Tumor temperature reached 45º C in 3 minutes and was maintained at this level for 5 minutes. Tumor volume was measured on days 5, 8, 11, 14 e 17 post inoculation in both groups. Unpaired t-test was used for comparison. POBJETIVO: Desenvolver um modelo para avaliar os efeitos do ultra-som focal pulsado como fonte de calor para o tratamento de tumores de Walker subcutâneos implantados em ratos. MÉTODOS: Um estudo experimental, controlado, comparativo foi realizado. Vinte ratos Wistar machos (160-300 g divididos em dois grupos (G-1: Controle e G-2: hipertermia foram inoculados com tumor de Walker carcinossarcoma-256. Após cinco dias os ratos do grupo G-2 ratos foram submetidos a hipertermia (45ºC. O calor foi aplicado diretamente no tumor por um equipamento de ultrassonografia (3 MHz, 1,5 W/cm³. A temperatura no tumor atingiu 45ºC em 3 minutos e foi mantida nesse nível por 5 minutos. O volume do tumor foi medido nos dias 5, 8, 11, 14 e 17 após a inoculação, em ambos os grupos. Teste t não pareado foi utilizado para comparação. P <0,05 foi considerado significante. RESULTADOS: O volume do tumor foi significativamente maior no 5º dia e diminuiu nos dias 11, 14 e 17 nos ratos tratados. Animais submetidos à hipertermia sobreviveram mais tempo que os animais do grupo controle. No 29º dia após a inoculação do tumor, 40% dos ratos do grupo controle e 77,78% dos ratos tratados com

  14. Intususcepción intestinal por pólipo fibroide inflamatorio en una anciana

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    Antonio M. Maya


    Full Text Available El pólipo fibroide inflamatorio es un tumor benigno poco frecuente del tubo digestivo, descripto por Vanek en 1949. Son lesiones de etiología desconocida, originadas en la submucosa. Están formadas por células mononucleares y mesenquimatosas con citoplasma fusocelular, con una importante proporción de eosinófilos. Sus síntomas son variables, dependiendo de su localización, y son una r ara causa de intususcepción intestinal en adultos. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 82 años, que sufrió una rara intususcepción de intestino delgado, originada en un pólipo fibroide inflamatorio.

  15. Phototoxic action of light emitting diode in the in vitro viability of Trichophyton rubrum Ação fototóxica do diodo emissor de luz na viabilidade de Trichophyton rubrum in vitro

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    José Cláudio Faria Amorim


    ão são capazes de alcançar o leito ungueal em concentrações terapêuticas, antifúngicos sistêmicos que não erradicam o fungo antes das unhas serem renovadas, efeitos colaterais graves e seleção de isolados fúngicos resistentes. A terapia fotodinâmica tem sido uma alternativa promissora aos tratamentos convencionais. OBJETIVOS: Este estudo avaliou a eficácia, in vitro, de azul de orto-toluidina irradiado por diodo emissor de luz na redução da viabilidade de T. rubrum. MÉTODOS: O inóculo fúngico foi preparado e exposto a diferentes concentrações de azul de orto-toluidina e densidades de energia do diodo emissor de luz, para avaliar a sensibilidade de T. rubrum e o efeito fungicida, após terapia fotodinâmica. Além disso, os perfis da área e volume das suspensões fúngicas irradiados também foram investigados. RESULTADOS: Uma pequena redução, in vitro, de células fúngicas foi observada após a exposição a 100 mM azul de orto-toluidina irradiados por diodo emissor de luz a 18 J/cm². Efeito fungicida ocorreu após irradiação 25 µM orto-toluidina por diodo emissor de luz com densidade de energia de 72 J/cm². A análise mostrou que a área e o volume irradiados pelo diodo emissor de luz foram 52,2 mm² e 413,70 mm³, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados permitiram concluir que a terapia fotodinâmica com diodo emissor de luz, nas condições experimentais é uma abordagem alternativa para inibir, in vitro, T. rubrum e pode ser um tratamento promissor para as dermatofitoses causadas por este fungo.

  16. Tumor odontogênico adenomatóide em mandíbula Tumor odontógeno adenomatoide de la mandíbula Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in mandible

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    Roberto de Almeida Azevedo


    Full Text Available Tumor odontogênico adenomatóide é uma lesão relativamente incomum, que acomete preferencialmente indivíduos do sexo feminino durante a segunda década de vida. Exibe como sítio de predileção a região anterior da maxila, é geralmente associado à coroa de um dente incluso. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar um caso clínico de tumor odontogênico adenomatóide. Este se apresenta localizado em região anterior da mandíbula. Pretende-se ainda abordar suas características clínicas, radiográficas e histológicas, além do tratamento cirúrgico conservador de eleição.El tumor odontógeno adenomatoide es una lesión relativamente infrecuente que afecta principalmente a las mujeres durante la segunda década de vida, porque su sitio predilecto es la región anterior de la mandíbula, con una lesión por lo general asociada con la corona del diente. Se reporta un caso de tumor odontógeno adenomatoide en la región anterior de la mandíbula junto con sus resultados clínicos, radiológicos e histológicos así como su tratamiento quirúrgico.Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a relatively uncommon lesion, which affects mainly individuals of the female during the second decade due, showing as a site of predilection for the anterior region of the maxilla presenting lesion usually associated with the crown of a tooth incluso. Os authors report a case of an adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in the anterior region of mandible, together with their clinical, radiographic and histological and its surgical treatment.

  17. Carga de enfermedad en la comunidad autónoma de Cataluña utilizando años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (2005-2010

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    Anna Cuadras Andreu


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: La carga de enfermedad permite medir la salud de la población incluyendo mortalidad y morbididad. Los objetivos de este estudio son estimar la carga de enfermedad en Cataluña, comparar los resultados con España y con la comarca del Tarragonés, y evaluar la aportación de los registros locales en la estimación de la discapacidad. Métodos: Se calcularon los años de vida perdidos ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD para 123 causas utilizando la metodología descrita por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Las tasas estandarizadas se compararon con las españolas. En la comarca del Tarragonés, se calcularon losAVAD, se compararon con Cataluña, y para los tumores malignos se calcularon los AVAD utilizando el registro local de incidencia de cáncer. Resultados: Los AVAD en Cataluña fueron 801.140 de media anual. El 60,3% se atribuyó a discapacidad y el 39,7% a mortalidad prematura. Neuropsiquiátricas (30,9%, tumores malignos (15,8% y cardiovasculares (11,3% fueron las principales causas en AVAD. La tasa estandarizada de las enfermedades respiratorias (7,5 por 1.000 fue significativamente superior a la española. Causas perinatales (3,1 por 1.000, lesiones intencionadas (2,2 por 1.000 y enfermedades del aparato digestivo (4,9 por 1.000 fueron significativamente superiores en el Tarragonés. Los AVAD para los tumores malignos se incrementaron un 13,4% utilizando la incidencia de casos para su cálculo. Conclusiones: Las enfermedades no transmisibles aportan la mayor parte de AVAD en Cataluña. Existen diferencias entre territorios en enfermedades respiratorias, perinatales, digestivas y lesiones intencionadas. Los registros locales pueden ser muy útiles en el cálculo de los AVAD.

  18. Tumor marrón del hiperparatiroidismo: A propósito de un caso

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    Miguel Arredondo López


    Full Text Available El tumor marrón del hiperparatiroidismo en los maxilares es poco frecuente. Se reporta 1 caso de una paciente tratada quirúrgicamente por lesión osteolítica maxilar. Se describen los antecedentes, la clínica y diferentes exámenes de valor diagnóstico. Se realizó diagnóstico diferencial con el tumor central de células gigantes. Se revisó el tema y se brindaron algunas consideraciones reportadas en la literatura.The maroon tumor of hyperparathyroidism is a rare tumor. The case of a female patient surgically treated due a maxillary osteolytic lesion was reported. The history, clinic and different examinations of diagnostic value are described.. A differential diagnosis was made with the central tumor of giant cells. The topic was reviewed and some considerations reported in literature were made.

  19. Schistosoma mansoni: evolução de vermes oriundos de cercárias irradiadas a nível de sistema porta, no camundongo

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    Gileno de Sá Cardoso


    Full Text Available Oito grupos de camundongos albinos (Mus musculus, não isogênicos, foram infectados transcutaneamente com cerca de 450 cercárias (das cepas LE e SJ do S. mansoni, irradiadas com 3 Krad, 20 Krad e 40 Krad de radiação gama proveniente de cobalto-60, e não irradiados (grupos-controle. Os vermes provenientes de cercárias irradiadas com 20 e 40 Krad só foram encontrados em quantidades insignificantes no sistema porta. Verificou-se que os vermes irradiados com 3 Krad, que alcançom o sistema porta, mostram nítido retardo no desenvolvimento evolutivo quando comparados com os grupos-controles não irradiados. Os vermes da cepa SJ (irradiados ou não têm evolução mais lenta do que os da cepa LE.Eight groups of outbred albino mice were infected transcutaneously with cercariae of S. mansoni (strains LE and SJ irradiated with either 3, 20 or 40Krad, of gamma radiation from a cobalt-60 bomb and a control non irradiated group. Cercariae irradiated with 20 or 40 Kradfailed to develop in the portal system and3 Krad retarded development. Worms of the SJ strain developed more slowlt than the LE strain.

  20. Concepto actual, diagnóstico y tratamiento del tumor odontogénico adenomatoide. Reporte de un caso


    Escalante Fontalvo, Manuel; Rebolledo Cobos, Martha


    El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA) es una lesión clasificada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) dentro de los tumores odontogénicos con participación del ectomesénquima, ya que puede contener, además del epitelio, tejido calcificado en su interior, que muestra una morfología histológica muy peculiar. Es un tumor benigno de baja prevalencia que compromete solo el 0,1% de los tumores y quistes de los maxilares, con una muy baja tendencia a la recidiva; es común en pacientes jóv...

  1. Cytogenetics of solid tumors Revisión de tema Citogenética de tumores sólidos

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    José Luis Ramírez Castro


    Full Text Available Cytogenetic analysis of tumors has provided valuable information on the biology of cancer. It has been established that more than half of solid tumors show chromosomal anomalies; therefore, cytogenetic analysis is of great usefulness for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. Identification of recurrent chromosomal anomalies in numerous tumors has been considered as an indicador of clinical importance. Cytogenetic studies in tissue tumors have revealed near 100,000 clonal chromosome abnormalities belonging to more that 30,000 human neoplasms. However, due to technical difficulties in cell cultures, only one third of solid tumors have been cytogenetically characterized. Conventional cytogenetics has been very useful for molecular characterization of new oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes involved in human tumorigenesis. In this review, some important issues related with tumors of chromosomal etiology, the diverse types of chromosomal anomalies with their frequencies, modern diagnostic techniques as well as their impact on the diagnosis and prognosis of cancer are presented. EL análisis citogenético de tumores ha proporcionado valiosa información sobre la biología del cáncer. Se ha establecido que más de la mitad de los tumores sólidos presentan alteraciones cromosómicas; por lo tanto, el análisis citogenético es de gran utilidad para el diagnóstico y el pronóstico. La identificación de cambios cromosómicos específicos recurrentes en numerosos tumores se considera un indicador de importancia clínica. Los estudios en este campo han revelado cerca de 100.000 alteraciones cromosómicas en más de 30.000 neoplasias humanas. Sin embargo, los tumores sólidos son los menos caracterizados citogenéticamente, sólo una tercera parte del total de ellos, debido a problemas técnicos en los cultivos celulares. La citogenética convencional ha sido muy útil para la posterior caracterización molecular de nuevos oncogenes y genes supresores de

  2. The nucleo-electricity and the handling of radioactive materials; La nucleoelectricidad y el manejo de materiales radioactivos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cuapio Ortiz, Hector [Sindicato Unico de Trabajadores de la Industria Nuclear (SUTIN), Mexico, D. F. (Mexico)


    This paper deals on the subject of radioactive materials handling, therefore the author presents primarily a brief resume on the different kinds of low level radioactive wastes that are to be expected from the different industrial and medical applications of the radioactivity, at the same time he presents an estimation of the wastes generated annually in our country. This document contains an annex which deals on the research and development of the nuclear energy, covering subjects such as: The term source, reprocessing of irradiated fuels, quantitative assessment, the thermo-chemical databank, the storage of irradiated fuel elements, the radiation effects; also the projects STRIPA, hydrocoin, SYVAC, ISIRS are described [Espanol] Esta ponencia trata sobre el manejo de materiales radioactivos, por lo tanto el autor presenta primeramente un breve resumen de las clases de residuos de bajo nivel que cabe esperar de las distintas aplicaciones industriales y medicas de la radioactividad, al mismo tiempo presenta una estimacion de los residuos que se generan anualmente en nuestro pais. Este documento contiene un anexo en el que se trata la investigacion y desarrollo de la energia nuclear, abordando temas como: El termino fuente, reelaboracion de combustibles irradiados, estimacion cuantitativa, el banco termoquimico de datos, el almacenamiento de elementos combustibles irradiados, los efectos de la radiacion, tambien se describen los proyectos: STRIPA, hydrocoin, SYVAC, ISIRS

  3. Tumor rectal como presentación de sífilis primaria




    En la era de la infección por VIH, ha habido un resurgimiento de enfermedades en franca disminución en el mundo occidental como sífilis. Sin lugar a dudas siguen siendo un dilema diagnóstico algunas manifestaciones clínicas como sífilis rectal en pacientes portadores de VIH. Frente a un tumor rectal en un paciente VIH se debe tener en cuenta en el diagnóstico diferencial a esta patología. Presentamos un caso de un paciente portador de VIH que consultó por tenesmo rectal asociado a rectorragia...

  4. 159. Trombectomía de Vena Cava Inferior Por Invasión de Tumor Renal

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    N. Miranda


    Conclusiones: en casos seleccionados, el carcinoma de célula renal extendiéndose a VCI puede ser resecado sin dificultad sin necesidad de esternotomía, CBP o PCHP, constituyendo una alternativa curativa en el tratamiento de dichos tumores.

  5. Tumores em animais de produção: aspectos comparativos Tumors in farm animals: comparative aspects

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    Adriano Tony Ramos


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de realizar um estudo retrospectivo de tumores em animais de produção (bovinos, ovinos, eqüinos e suínos, foi realizada uma revisão nos casos suspeitos de neoplasmas recebidos pelo Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas num período de 24 anos (1978-2002. Os aspectos epidemiológicos dos neoplasmas nessas espécies foram relatados, e uma classificação concisa para padronizar a nomenclatura, seguindo padrões internacionais de classificação histológica de tumores, foi realizada. O estudo baseou-se em um universo de 6.267 materiais. Obtiveram-se 175 casos de tumores distribuídos entre as espécies bovina (98/4407, ovina (9/636, eqüina (65/774 e suína (3/450. Esses tumores foram então avaliados e reclassificados. Os dados referentes foram analisados quanto a sua prevalência por raça, sexo, idade e localização anatômica (origem do tumor. Os tumores com maior casuística foram os linfomas nos bovinos, os carcinomas de células escamosas nos bovinos e ovinos e os sarcóides nos eqüinos.Aiming at a complete study on all neoplastic lesions in farm animals (cattle, sheep, horses and swine, a retrospective review was performed covering a 24 years period (1978-2002 at the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Veterinary School in Pelotas, Southern Brazil. The analysis included the review of epidemiological data and the standardization of classification parameters considering current rules of international classification of tumors. Six thousand two hundred and sixty seven samples were analyzed. The distribution among the species was: 98 in cattle, 9 in sheep, 65 in horses and 3 in pigs, over 175 cases detected. Prevalence studies as for the breed, sex, age and anatomical distribution of the tumors were analyzed. Lymphoma in cattle, squamous cell carcinoma in cattle and sheep, and sarcoids in horses were the tumors with higher incidence.

  6. Caso clínico del Departamento de Psiquiatría : trastorno de pánico

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    José Manuel Calvo Gómez


    Full Text Available Paciente de 37 años de edad, natural y procedente de Bogotá, unión libre, albañil, segundo de primaria, católico. Asistió a la consulta externa de la Unidad de Salud Mental del Centro Hospitalario San Juan de Dios por presentar un cuadro clínico de dos años de evolución caracterizado por episodios de ansiedad de inicio súbito, sin evento desencadenante aparente y acompañados de disnea, dolor precordial tipo picada no irradiado, temblor en las extremidades, desrealización, parestesias en los miembros superiores, diaforesis y sensación de muerte inminente. Estos síntomas aumentaban progresivamente de intensidad en cinco minutos y permanecían durante una hora, cediendo en forma espontanea. Durante ese lapso permanecía inquieto, intentando calmar de alguna forma los síntomas.

  7. [Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor of the fourth ventricle. Two cases report and literature review]. (United States)

    Choque Cuba, Bernardino; Ortega Zufiría, José Manuel; Poveda Núñez, Pedro Domingo; Lomillos Prieto, Noemí; Sierra Rodríguez, Mario; Tamarit Degenhardt, Martin; López Serrano, Remedios; Gómez Angulo Giner, Juan Carlos; Aramburu González, José Antonio


    Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor of the fourth ventricle is a primary central nervous system tumor introduced in the group of glioneuronal tumors in the WHO classification of 2007. Initially it was described around the fourth ventricle, but recently have been published cases in different locations. We present 2cases of this rare tumor, both surgically treated. The first in a 41 year old man with typical symptoms of posterior fossa injury. The second in an 18 year old woman, with incidental finding of posterior fossa injury that was also surgically treated. We present pre- and post-surgical magnetic resonance images, histological pictures of this tumor and we make a review of the literature. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  8. Tumores sólidos en niños: diagnóstico y terapéutica quirúrgica

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    G. Gloria González, Dra.


    Full Text Available Los tumores malignos en pediatría representan sólo el 2% de los casos de cáncer, sin embargo, las neoplasias son en la actualidad la segunda causa de muerte en niños mayores de 1 año de edad. Cada año se diagnostican aproximadamente 130 nuevos casos de cáncer por millón de niños. La leucemia es el más frecuente de los cánceres pediátricos, seguidos por tumores de cerebro, linfomas, neuroblastomas, sarcomas, tumores de Wilms y tumor de células germinales. La probabilidad de sobrevivir a una enfermedad maligna ha mejorado desde que en 1950 se reportaron las primeras remisiones en leucemia linfocítica aguda. Actualmente, debido al desarrollo de la quimioterapia, mejora en los métodos diagnósticos y el manejo multidisciplinario de los pacientes, el porcentaje de curación es cercano a un 75%. A pesar de estos avances, es aún necesario una mejoría de los resultados en el cáncer pediátrico, que depende del diagnóstico temprano de la enfermedad.

  9. Biopsy study of salivary gland tumors


    Rubio Pampín, Maria Magdalena; Hernández Melgarejo, Yasel; Sánchez Camacho, Luís Manuel; Martínez Larrarte, José Pedro


    Las neoplasias malignas y benignas de glándulas salivales pueden encontrarse en las glándulas salivales mayores (parótidas, submandibular, sublingual), así como en las innumerables glándulas salivares menores distribuidas por toda la mucosa de la cavidad bucal. Estas neoplasias dan lugar a una amplia variedad de tumores malignos y benignos. Entre el 65 y el 85 % se originan en la parótida y aproximadamente un 15 % son malignos. Nuestra investigación incluyó todos los casos con estudio biópsic...

  10. Puberdade precoce causada por tumores intracranianos: relato de 4 casos Pubertas praecox due to intracranial tumors: report of 4 cases

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    Reynaldo A. Brandt


    Full Text Available São relatados 4 casos de puberdade precoce conseqüentes a tumores intracranianos: um teratoma adulto do ventrículo lateral, um astrocitoma protoplasmático do terceiro ventrículo e diencéfalo, um astroblastoma do ter- ceiro ventrículo e diencéfalo e um hamartoma hipotalâmico. São apresentadas teorias que tentam explicar os mecanismos hormonais envolvidos e é salientada a importância do diagnóstico neuroradiológico preciso, pela possibilidade de cura em alguns casos e de tratamento satisfatório nos demais.Four cases of precocious puberty secondary to intracranial tumors are reported. A 3 year and 11 month old boy had a teratoma in the left lateral ventricle and total surgical excision was followed by recovery. An 8 year old girl with a protoplasmic astrocytoma of the third ventricle diagnosed by biopsy, followed by shunting and cobalt therapy was discharged improved. A five year old boy with an extensive astroblastoma of the diencephalon died following biopsy and shunting of cerebrospinal fluid. A posterior hypothalamic hamartoma totally excised from a 3 year old girl was followed by remission of the precocious puberty. The theories of hormonal mechanisms leading to precocious puberty are presented. It is stressed the importance of pneumoencephalography in the diagnosis of intracranial hamartomas, for they lack neurological signs.

  11. Intervencion psicoeducativa en adolescentes con tumores del sistema nerviosos central


    Grau Rubio, Claudia; Hernández Núñez-Polo, Mercedes


    Se describen los resultados de la evaluación neuropsicológica y de un programa de intervención psicoeducativa y apoyo emocional aplicados a 5 adolescentes afectados por un tumor del sistema nervioso central. Este programa se desarrolló en ASION (Asociación de padres de niños enfermos de cáncer de la Comunidad de Madrid).

  12. Tumores renais e adrenais com invasão cardíaca: resultados cirúrgicos imediatos em 14 pacientes Tumores renales y adrenales con invasión cardiaca: resultados quirúrgicos inmediatos en 14 pacientes Renal and adrenal tumors with cardiac invasion: immediate surgical results in 14 patients

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    Rafael Fagionato Locali


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A ressecção do trombo tumoral em veia cava inferior (VCI e átrio direito (AD aumenta a sobrevida do paciente com câncer renal/supra-renal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a conduta cirúrgica do trombo da VCI e AD no tratamento dos tumores renais e supra-renais. MÉTODOS:De janeiro de 1997 a junho de 2007 foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, 14 pacientes tratados cirurgicamente para retirada de trombo em VCI e/ou AD decorrente de tumor renal ou supra-renal. Desses, 64,2% eram do sexo masculino, e havia 42,8% de casos de tumor de Wilms (TW, 28,5% de adenocarcinoma de supra-renal (AS e 28,5% de carcinoma de células claras (CC, com idades médias de 4,5, 60,5 e 2,5 anos, respectivamente. Aspectos epidemiológicos e parâmetros intra e pós-operatórios hospitalar foram avaliados. RESULTADOS: Em todos os casos encontrou-se trombo tumoral em VCI supra-hepática, e em 62,4% o trombo invadiu o AD. A trombectomia foi realizada com o emprego da circulação extracorpórea associada à hipotermia profunda e parada circulatória total em 85,7% dos casos e moderada no restante. Ligou-se a VCI em 7,1% dos pacientes, e reconstruiu-se por rafia em 92,9%. Os tempos de intubação orotraqueal e internação variaram conforme o tipo de tumor. Ocorreram dois óbitos hospitalares no grupo de AS, por parada cardiorrespiratória intra-operatória. CONCLUSÃO: Existe maior número de casos de trombo tumoral em VCI e AD decorrente de TW. Os casos de AS evoluem com mais complicações no pós-operatório, e o prognóstico no pós-operatório hospitalar dos pacientes com TW é melhor.FUNDAMENTO: La resección del trombo tumoral en vena cava inferior (VCI y atrio derecho (AD aumenta la sobrevida del paciente con cáncer renal/ suprarrenal. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la conducta quirúrgica frente al trombo de la VCI y AD en el tratamiento de los tumores renales y suprarrenales. MÉTODOS: De enero de 1997 a junio de 2007, se evaluaron, retrospectivamente, a 14 pacientes tratados


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    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: El tumor de Masson o hemangioendotelioma vegetante intravascular, es una hiperplasia endotelial  papilar hacia el interior del vaso pudiendo ocluirlo y trombosarlo con necrosis e infartos locales, constituyendo tumoraciones rojizas irregulares bien delimitadas de localización preferente en piel y riñón, siendo muy raros en cavidad oral. Son elásticos no indurados, depresibles y frágiles, con crecimiento lentamente progresivo . MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS:Presentamos dos casos . Varón afecto de hematemesis repetidas sin identificarse origen inicialmente, demostrándose tumor de Masson de paladar duro oculto por prótesis dental, que fue resecado mediante pinza bipolar previa infiltración con suero perilesional para devascularizarlo. El segundo fue una mujer  que en relación con la ingesta presentó cuadro de hematemesis importante. La valoración de Urgencias y la endoscopia digestiva no identificaron el origen del sangrado en tubo digestivo, aunque la endoscopista identificó nuevo sangrado desde cavidad oral. La exploración ORL objetivó una pequeña tumoración rojiza de apariencia vascular en zona de mordida izquierda, sangrante al mínimo roce, cuya resección se realizó de urgencia sin incidencias, con idéntica técnica y diagnóstico anatomopatológico. Posteriormente, se constató el antecedente de episodios previos de menor cuantía. DISCUSIÓN: Los tumores de Masson son muy raros en tubo digestivo y excepcionales en cavidad oral. Se han relacionado con irritaciones repetidas o traumatismos locales,hematomas encapsulados o preexistencia de otras lesiones vasculares. Estos factores parecen haber acontecido en nuestros pacientes (roce de prótesis dental en paladar y mordidas de repetición. Son masas de lento crecimiento en las que se producen con frecuencia fenómenos trombóticos. Sin embargo, el roce de su superficie puede dar lugar a sangrados importantes como en estos casos. Deben diferenciarse de tumores

  14. Desinfestação de Averrhoa carambola infestada por Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835 (diptera -Tephritidae através de radiação gama Desinfestation of Averrhoa carambola infested with Anastrepha obliqua (mac. 1835 (diptera - Tephritidae using gamma radiation

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    V. Arthur


    Full Text Available O experimento teve por objetivo determinar a dose de desinfestação para Averrhoa carambola infestada por larvas de Anastrepha obliqua. Para realização do experimento coletou-se frutos do campo e fez-se urna amostragem prévia, constatando-se que cada fruta continha em média 11 larvas de último instar do referido inseto praga. Esses frutos foram irradiados com as seguintes doses de radiação gama: 0 (test., 50, 150, 300, 600 e 900 Gy. Cada tratamento constou de 3 repetições num total de 9 frutas e aproximadamente 99 larvas por tratamento. Após a irradiação as frutas foram colocadas em câmara climatizada com 25 ± 5°C de temperatura e umidade relativa de 70 ± 5% onde aguardou-se que as larvas deixassem os frutos e se transformassem em pupas e posteriormente em adultos. Pelos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que a dose letal para (LD100 para larvas em frutos de carambola foi 600 Gy e a que impediu a emergência dos adultos foi a de 50 Gy.The aim of this experiment was to determine the desinfestation dose of gamma radiation in Averrhoa carambola infested with larvae of Anastrepha obliqua. Fruits were collected in the field, each having about 11 larvae in the last instar. Fruits were irradiated with the following gamma radiation doses: 0 (control, 50, 150, 300, 600 and 900 Gy. Each treatment consisted of 9 fruits (3 replications giving the amount of 99 larvae for each treatment. After irradiation the fruits were kept in a climatic chamber with the temperature adjusted to 25 ± 5°C and relative humidity of 70 ± 5%, until larvae left the fruit and became transformed into pupae and adults. The lethal dose (LD100 of gamma radiation for larvae in the fruits was 600 Gy and the dose of 50 Gy inhibited completely the total emergency of adults.

  15. Tumor pardo maxilar: Elemento diagnóstico de hiperparatiroidismo primario Maxillary brown tumor: A diagnostic tool for primary hyperparathyroidism

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    S. Gallana Álvarez


    Full Text Available El hiperparatiroidismo primario es un transtorno generalizado del metabolismo óseo producido por un aumento de la secreción de hormona paratiroidea (PTH. La etiología de este transtorno es múltiple; en la forma primaria la causa de la hipersecreción de la hormona es la propia glándula, y el motivo más frecuente el adenoma paratiroideo. Los tumores pardos son lesiones óseas focales secundarias a hiperparatiroidismo. El tratamiento de elección de los tumores pardos es la extirpación del adenoma de paratiroides, ya que la normalización de la función paratiroidea debería provocar una reducción del tamaño o desaparición del tumor. Presentamos un caso de tumor pardo mandibular en un paciente con hiperparatiroidismo primario, en el cual el tumor recidivó después de la extirpación del adenoma paratiroideo. La finalidad de la presentación de este caso es recordar el interés que para el cirujano oral y maxilofacial representan las manifestaciones orales de la patología sistémica.The primary hyperparathyroidism is a generalized disorder of the osseous metabolism, caused by hypersecretion of PTH. Hyperparathyroidism has a multiple etiology. In its primary form, the hypersecretion of the hormone is caused by the gland itself, the commonest reason being parathyroid adenoma. The treatment of first choice for brown tumor is the parathyroidectomy because the normalization of parathyroid function should lead to a reduction in size or disappearance of the tumor. We present a case of the brown tumor in the mandible and primary hyperparathyroidism in whom the tumor enlarged after removal of parathyroid adenoma. Upon presentation of this report, our aim is to bring forward the significance oral manifestations of systemic pathology has for oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

  16. El coactivador de receptores nucleares RAC3 tiene un rol protector de la Apoptosis inducida por distintos estímulos RAC3 nuclear receptor co-activator has a protective role in the apoptosis induced by different stimuli

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    Georgina P. Coló


    Full Text Available RAC3 pertenece a la familia de coactivadores de receptores nucleares p160, y se encuentra sobreexpresado en varios tumores. Demostramos previamente que RAC3 es coactivador del factor de transcripción anti-apoptótico NF-kapa;B. En este trabajo investigamos su rol en la apoptosis inducida por H2O2 en una línea celular no tumoral derivada de riñón embrionario humano (HEK293, y por el ligando inductor de apoptosis relacionado a TNF (TRAIL en una línea de leucemia mieloide crónica humana (K562, naturalmente resistente a la muerte por este estímulo. Observamos que las células tumorales K562 poseen niveles altos de RAC3 comparados con las células no tumorales HEK293. La sobreexpresión normal de coactivador o por transfección, inhibe la apoptosis mediante una disminución de la activación de caspasas, translocación del factor inductor de apoptosis (AIF al núcleo, aumento de la actividad de NF-kapa;B y las quinasas AKT y p38 y disminución de la quinasa ERK. Lo opuesto fue observado por disminución de RAC3 mediante la técnica de ARN interferente (RNAi en K562, aumentando así la apoptosis inducida por TRAIL. Estas evidencias sugieren que una sobreexpresión de RAC3 contribuye al desarrollo de tumores, participando en las cascadas que controlan la muerte celular por mecanismos no estrictamente dependientes de hormonas esteroideas y/o de acetilación, constituyendo esto un posible blanco de ataque para el tratamiento de tumores.RAC3 belongs to the family of p160 nuclear receptors coactivators and it is over-expressed in several tumors. We have previously shown that RAC3 is a NF-kappa;B coactivator. In this paper, we investigated the role of RAC3 in cell-sensitivity to apoptosis, using H2O2 in the human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK293, and tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL in a human chronic myeloid leukemia cell line (K562 naturally resistant to TRAIL. We observed that the tumoral K562 cells have high levels

  17. SUNCT syndrome associated with pituitary tumor: case report Síndrome SUNCT associada a tumor de hipófise: relato de caso

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    Pedro A.S. Rocha Filho


    Full Text Available For twelve years, the subject of this report, a 38-year-old man, presented a clinical condition compatible with the SUNCT (short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing syndrome. He presented a stabbing and intense daily pain located in the left pre-auricular and temporal regions. Each of these intense pain attacks lasted around one minute and presented a frequency of two to eight times per day. The pain was associated with ipsilateral lacrimation, conjunctival injection and rhinorrhea. MRI revealed a pituitary tumor with little suprasellar extent. The subject’s serial assays of prolactin, GH, TSH and ACTH were within normal levels. Following transsphenoidal hypophysectomy, with complete removal of the tumor, the subject no more presented pain. The pathological diagnosis was non-secreting adenoma. Fourteen months after the surgery, he remains symptom-free.O paciente relatado neste artigo apresentou uma condição clínica compatível com síndrome SUNCT (cefaléia de curta duração, unilateral, neuralgiforme com hiperemia conjuntival e lacrimejamento. Ele referia dor diária, intensa, em facada, localizada na região pré-auricular e temporal esquerdas. Cada ataque de dor permanecia por cerca de um minuto, com freqüência de duas a oito vezes por dia. A dor se acompanhava de lacrimejamento ipsolateral, congestão conjuntival e rinorréia. A RM mostrou um tumor de hipófise com pouca extensão suprasselar. Dosagens de prolactina, GH, TSH e ACTH estavam em níveis normais. Foi então submetido a hipofisectomia transesfenoidal com remoção completa do tumor após o que a dor cessou completamente. O diagnóstico anátomo-patológico foi adenoma não secretor. Quatorze meses após a cirurgia, o paciente permanecia livre de dor.

  18. Portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, POR-006 SKID D storage plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.D.; Keller, G.M.


    This document provides a storage plan for portable exhausters POR-004 SKID B, POR-005 SKID C, AND POR-006 SKID D. The exhausters will be stored until they are needed by the TWRS (Tank Waste Remediation Systems) Saltwell Pumping Program. The storage plan provides criteria for portable exhauster storage, periodic inspections during storage, and retrieval from storage

  19. Tumor desmoplásico de pequenas células redondas abdominal da infância: relato de caso Abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor of childhood: case report

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    Ulysses dos Santos Torres


    Full Text Available O tumor desmoplásico de pequenas células redondas (TDPCR é uma neoplasia rara e altamente agressiva, que afeta predominantemente jovens do sexo masculino. Relata-se um caso de TDPCR em um paciente do sexo masculino, de 11 anos, com acometimento intra-abdominal marcado por volumosa massa retroperitoneal em hipocôndrio esquerdo. O estudo histológico da massa revelou presença de blocos de pequenas células tumorais redondas e azuis, envoltas por estroma desmoplásico; a análise imuno-histoquímica evidenciou positividade para desmina, WT-1 e citoceratinas. Após o diagnóstico, o paciente foi submetido a tratamento quimiorradioterápico, tendo evoluído a óbito durante o 24º mês de acompanhamento.Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT is a rare and highly aggressive neoplasm, which predominantly affects young males. We report a case of DSRCT affecting an 11-year-old male patient, with intra-abdominal involvement characterized by a large retroperitoneal mass in left hypochondrium. Histological examination of the mass showed the presence of clusters of small blue round tumor cells surrounded by a dense desmoplastic stroma. Immunohistochemical analysis disclosed a positive reaction to desmin, WT-1 and cytokeratins. After diagnosis, the patient underwent chemo radiotherapy treatment, but died at the 24th month of follow-up.

  20. Fatores Associados ao Material Insuficiente em Punção Aspirativa por Agulha Fina nos Nódulos Sólidos da Mama Factors Related to Insufficient Material in Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Solid Breast Tumors

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    Ruffo de Freitas Júnior


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar alguns fatores que possam estar associados à ocorrência de material insuficiente nos aspirados da punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF. Pacientes e Métodos: foram estudadas 351 citologias de pacientes com nódulos sólidos da mama, submetidas a PAAF, como parte de sua investigação diagnóstica. As lâminas foram analisadas por um único citologista, que classificou os esfregaços como malignos, suspeitos, benignos ou material insuficiente para diagnóstico. Foram avaliados a idade da paciente, o tamanho do tumor, o estádio clínico, o Serviço, o dispositivo utilizado na punção e o tipo de lesão puncionada, de acordo com a histologia. A significância de cada variável em relação ao material insuficiente foi testada pelo c². Resultados: houve 67 esfregaços classificados como material insuficiente (19%. O tipo de dispositivo utilizado, o tamanho do tumor, o Serviço e o estádio clínico das lesões não se relacionaram à quantidade de material suficiente ou insuficiente. A idade da paciente e o tipo histológico influenciaram a taxa de material insuficiente, sendo que as pacientes abaixo de 50 anos tiveram uma taxa de 12%, comparada a 30% daquelas acima de 50 anos (pPurpose: to analyze the factors that may be related to insufficient material in fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC. Patients and Methods: a total of 351 FNAC of patients with solid breast tumors were studied in a random way: 180 (51% by Cameco's pistol holder and 171 (49% by the auto-vacuum device. All smears were analyzed by only one cytopathologist, and they were described as malignant, suspicious, benign or insufficient for diagnosis. The significance of each variable was tested by the c² test. Results: among the 351 cases analyzed, we found 67 (19% of insufficient material. The device used (pistol or auto-vacuum, the size of the tumor and the clinical stage of the lesions were not related to the frequency of sufficient and insufficient

  1. Tumor-infiltrating CD4+ T lymphocytes in early breast cancer reflect lymph node involvement Linfócitos T CD4+ tumor infiltrantes no câncer de mama inicial refletem envolvimento linfonodal

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    Alexandre Henrique Macchetti


    élulas tumorais para os linfonodos axilares. MÉTODOS: Amostras tumorais de 23 pacientes com câncer de mama inicial do Departamento de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (USP foram obtidas no momento da biópsia e depois submetidas ao método de digestão enzimática para a extração dos linfócitos tumor infiltrantes. Os linfócitos extraídos foram analisados por citometria de fluxo com anticorpos monoclonais nas seguintes combinações: CD3 FITC/CD19 PE, CD3 FITC/CD4 PE, CD3 FITC/CD8 PE, e CD16/56 PerCP, específicos para imunofenotipagem de linfócitos T e B, linfócitos T helper, linfócitos citotóxicos, e células Natural Killer. Os valores médios destas subpopulações leucocitárias foram comparados entre grupos de pacientes com ou sem metástases linfonodais. RESULTADOS: O valor médio do infiltrado por linfócitos T foi 24,72±17,37%, para o infiltrado por linfócitos B foi 4,22±6,27%, e para o infiltrado por células Natural Killer foi 4,41±5,22%, e para o infiltrado por linfócitos T CD4+ e CD8+ foram, respectivamente, 12,43±10,12% e 11,30±15,09%. Os valores médios do infiltrado por células T e T CD4+ foram maiores no grupo de pacientes com metástase axilar, enquanto nas outras subpopulações nada foi encontrado. CONCLUSÃO: A associação dos linfócitos T CD4+ tumor infiltrantes com metástases linfonodais sugere um papel destas células na disseminação das células neoplásicas aos linfonodos dos pacientes com câncer de mama inicial.

  2. Forma tumoral de neurocisticercose: relato de caso Tumoral form of neurocysticercosis: case report

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    Manoel Baldoino Leal Filho


    Full Text Available Relata-se um caso de neurocisticercose por cisto gigante (3,9 x 3,4 cm, onde havia manifestações clínicas de hipertensão intracraniana e características de imagem na tomografia computadorizada de crânio de processo expansivo com efeito de massa no sistema nervoso central (SNC. Comenta-se a possibilidade da forma tumoral dessa parasitose ter apresentação clínica e radiológica semelhante à de outros processos expansivos do SNC e enfatiza-se a conduta cirúrgica como forma de tratamento e confirmação diagnóstica.The authors report a case of neurocysticercosis by giant cyst (3.9 x 3.4 cm, where there were clinical manifestations of increased intracranial pressure and characteristics of image in computed tomography of cranium of expansive process with mass effect in central nervous system (CNS. They comment the possibility of the tumoral form of this disease having clinical and radiological presentation similar to other expansive processes of CNS and stress the surgical procedure as a form of treatment and diagnostic confirmation.

  3. Prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la cardiotoxicidad inducida por quimioterapia: ¿qué estamos haciendo?

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    Lázaro de la Cruz Avilés


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades del corazón y los tumores malignos constituyen las dos primeras causas de muerte en Cuba, con tasas de mortalidad de 197,5 y 193,6 por 100 000 habitantes, respectivamente, en el año 2011. En Cienfuegos los tumores malignos fueron la primera causa de muerte con una tasa de 115,2 seguida de las enfermedades del corazón con 102,6 por 100 000 habitantes. Las mejoras alcanzadas en la detección y el tratamiento del cáncer han dado origen a una nueva cohorte de pacientes que alcanzan una supervivencia suficiente para que puedan aparecer complicaciones cardíacas derivadas del tratamiento. Lamentablemente, el abundante conocimiento sobre las vías bioquímicas involucradas en el tratamiento dirigido del cáncer no se ha visto acompañado de un conocimiento paralelo de las consecuencias cardíacas de su modulación.

  4. Pheochromocytoma treated by laparoscopic surgery Feocromocitoma tratado por cirurgia laparoscópica

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    Lísias Nogueira Castilho


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of the laparoscopic technique in the treatment of adrenal pheochromocytoma. METHOD: Ten patients, 7 men and 3 women, between 10 and 67 years of age (mean 48 with pheochromocytoma underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy and were evaluated retrospectively, based on clinical, laboratory, and pathological diagnosis. In all cases there was a solid unilateral adrenal tumor, 5 on the left side and 5 on the right side, whose greater diameter varied from 7 to 80 mm (mean 32. Nine of the 10 patients were chronically hypertensive or had already had hypertensive crises. One patient was normotensive, but presented metabolic alterations suggestive of adrenergic hyperfunction. RESULTS: No deaths occurred in this series. There were two (20% conversions to open surgery, one due to venous bleeding and one due to the difficulty of dissection behind the vena cava in a patient presenting a partially retro-caval tumor. Surgical time in the 8 non-converted cases ranged from 70 to 215 minutes (mean 136. One patient (10% received blood transfusion, and another (10% presented two complications - acute renal failure and a subcutaneous infection. Both had been converted to open surgery. None of the non-converted cases was transfused or presented complications. Hospital discharge occurred between the 2nd and 11th post-operative day (mean 3. The pathological exam of the surgical specimens confirmed the diagnoses of pheochromocytoma in all 10 cases, one of them associated with an aldosterone-producing cortical tumor. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for selected patients presenting pheochromocytoma is feasible and provides good results.OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados da utilização da técnica laparoscópica no tratamento do feocromocitoma de supra-renal. MÉTODO: Dez pacientes, sete homens e três mulheres, entre 10 e 67 anos de idade (média 48, com feocromocitoma, foram operados por via laparoscópica transperitoneal


    Pereira, Marina Alessandra; Ramos, Marcus Fernando Kodama Pertille; Dias, Andre Roncon; Yagi, Osmar Kenji; Faraj, Sheila Friedrich; Zilberstein, Bruno; Cecconello, Ivan; Mello, Evandro Sobroza de; Ribeiro, Ulysses


    estudadas como fator prognóstico no câncer gástrico, sendo relacionadas à diminuição da sobrevida global e aumento do risco de recidiva da doença. Entretanto, sua identificação é limitada pela metodologia convencional, uma vez que podem não ser identificadas pela rotina histopatológica por meio da coloração de H&E. Investigar a presença de células tumorais ocultas através de imunoistoquimica utilizando as citoqueratinas (CK) AE1/AE3 em pacientes com câncer gástrico com linfonodos histologicamente classificados como negativos por H&E. Quarenta pacientes (T1-T4N0) submetidos à gastrectomia potencialmente curativa com linfadenectomia D2 foram avaliados. A presença de metástases, micrometástases e células tumorais isoladas foram correlacionadas com características clínicopatológicas e impacto no estadiamento. Os depósitos tumorais nos linfonodos foram classificados de acordo com o sistema TNM (7º TNM). Um total de 1439 linfonodos foi obtido (~36 por paciente). Células tumorais foram detectadas por imunoistoquimica em 24 linfonodos de 12 pacientes (30%). As células neoplásicas estavam presentes na forma isolada ou em cluster. Invasão tumoral (p=0,002), venosa (p=0,016), linfática (p=0,006) e perineural (p=0,04), assim como resposta linfocítica peritumoral (p=0,012) foram correlacionadas com linfonodos CK-positivos que originalmente eram negativos à H&E. Dois pacientes tiveram o estadiamento alterado, migrando do estádio IB para IIA. Quatro dos 28 CK-negativos (14,3%) e três dos 12 CK-positivos (25%) tiveram recorrência da doença (p=0,65). A imunoistoquimica é meio eficaz para a detecção de células tumorais ocultas em linfonodos, podendo ser recomendada para melhor determinar o estágio do tumor. Ela pode ser útil como técnica complementar à rotina de H&E, de modo a fornecer melhor estadiamento patológico.

  6. Protagonismo del sistema inmune en el microambiente de los tumores malignos de la mama


    Arango Prado, María del Carmen; Rodríguez-Padilla, Cristina


    Los avances recientes en la comprensión de los mecanismos génicos y moleculares del cáncer de mama han revelado que el sistema inmune protagoniza los eventos responsables del desarrollo y la progresión del tumor. Las células de la respuesta inmune innata y adaptativa, así como diversos mediadores solubles liberados por ellas, pueden establecer una respuesta antitumoral protectora o, por el contrario, inducir eventos de inflamación crónica que favorezcan la promoción y progresión de esta enfer...

  7. Caracterização patológica e gênica (gene P53) dos tumores mamários em cadelas.


    Daniela Maria Bastos de Souza


    Os tumores mamários em cadelas tem alta incidência e malignidade sendo provocados por vários fatores de risco incluindo idade, atividade hormonal, nutrição, vírus, pseudogestação e administração de progestágenos exógenos. O gene p53, conhecido como um gene supressor de tumor, tem apresentado mutações relacionadas com neoplasias. Neste trabalho, o objetivo foi caracterizar os tumores mamários em cadelas, avaliar o comprometimento da mama lateral ao tumor e o envolvimento de fatores de risco...

  8. Alimentos irradiados


    Sendra, E.; Capellas, M.; Guamis, B.


    Not available

    La industria alimentaria y las administraciones públicas realizan grandes esfuerzos para mejorar el mantenimiento de las condiciones higiénicas y evitar la contaminación de alimentos. Pese a estos esfuerzos siguen produciéndose un gran numero de procesos patológicos relacionados con los alimentos. Las buenas prácticas higiénicas pueden reducir el nivel de contaminación, pero algunos microorganismos patógenos resulta imposible eliminarlos, especialmente de aque...

  9. Efecto de la endotelina-1 sobre las arterias tumorales de pacientes con neoplasia colorrectal Effect of endothelin-1 on tumor arteries in patients with colorectal cancer

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    E. Ferrero Herrero


    Full Text Available La endotelina-1 es un péptido vasoconstrictor producido por el endotelio vascular, cuyos niveles plasmáticos están aumentados en los pacientes con cáncer colorrectal y que puede participar en la regulación del flujo sanguíneo tumoral. Para estudiar si la respuesta a este péptido está alterada en las arterias tumorales, se obtuvieron, de 13 pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por cáncer colorrectal, arterias mesentéricas irrigando el tumor y arterias mesentéricas de una región alejada del tumor, y asimismo se obtuvieron arterias mesentéricas de pacientes intervenidos por diverticulitis (n = 4 o enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (n = 3. Las arterias mesentéricas se montaron en una preparación para el registro de la contracción isométrica en un baño de órganos, encontrándose que la endotelina-1 producía contracción en los tres tipos de arterias, pero la sensibilidad a este péptido fue mayor en las arterias irrigando el tumor que en las arterias alejadas del tumor o en las arterias de pacientes sin patología tumoral. Estos resultados indican que la endotelina-1 puede regular el flujo sanguíneo en los tumores colorrectales, produciendo una mayor vasoconstricción en las arterias que irrigan el tumor que en las arterias no tumorales.Endothelin-1 is an endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor peptide whose plasma levels are increased in patients with colorectal cancer, and which may be involved in tumor blood flow regulation. To study whether response to this peptide is altered in tumor arteries, mesenteric arteries supplying blood flow to colorectal tumors, and mesenteric arteries far from said tumors were obtained from 13 patients undergoing colectomy; mesenteric arteries were also obtained from patients with diverticulitis (n = 4 or inflammatory bowel disease (n = 3. Arteries were prepared for isometric tension recording in an organ bath, and in this preparation it was found that endothelin-1 induced contraction in all three

  10. Transmissible venereal tumor in the palpebral conjunctiva of a dog: case reportTumor venéreo transmissível na conjuntiva palpebral de um cão – relato de caso

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    Luciane de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available The transmissible venereal tumor (TVT is a contagious neoplasm that occurs in sexually mature dogs, usually transmitted by coitus. This tumor normally affects the genital mucosa and is rarely found in any other part of the body. A case of transmissible venereal tumor in the palpebral conjunctiva of a 3-year old, crossbreed, male dog with a history of an abnormal mass in the right eye was presented. Ophthalmic examination revealed a mass originated from the lower eyelid conjunctiva of the right eye. No other ocular abnormalities were detected. Cytological examination was carried out and the diagnosis was TVT. The dog was treated with lyophilized vincristine sulphate intravenously, once a week, for four weeks. Despite the atypical clinical presentation, the response to chemotherapy with vincristine was excellent leading to complete regression of the neoplasm and no relapse after a year.O tumor venéreo transmissível (TVT é uma neoplasia contagiosa que ocorre em cães sexualmente maduros, sendo geralmente transmitido pelo coito. A neoplasia normalmente afeta a mucosa genital e é raramente encontrada em outras partes do corpo. Apresentamos um caso de tumor venéreo transmissível na conjuntiva palpebral de um cão macho, sem raça definida, com três anos de idade e histórico de presença de uma massa na conjuntiva palpebral inferior do olho direito. Não foram detectadas outras alterações oculares. O diagnóstico citológico da massa foi TVT. O cão foi tratado com sulfato de vincristina por via intravenosa, uma vez por semana, durante quatro semanas. Embora a apresentação do caso seja atípica, a resposta à quimioterapia foi excelente, levando a regressão completa da neoplasia, sem recorrência após um ano.

  11. Encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA: experiencia con seis pacientes pediátricos. Potencial eficacia del metotrexato (United States)

    Bravo-Oro, Antonio; Abud-Mendoza, Carlos; Quezada-Corona, Arturo; Dalmau, Josep; Campos-Guevara, Verónica


    Introducción La encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de N-metil-D-aspartato (NMDA) es una entidad cada vez más diagnosticada en edad pediátrica. A diferencia de los adultos, en muchos casos no se asocia a tumores y las manifestaciones iniciales en niños más frecuentes son crisis convulsivas y trastornos del movimiento, mientras que en los adultos predominan las alteraciones psiquiátricas. Casos clínicos Presentamos seis casos pediátricos confirmados con anticuerpos contra la subunidad NR1 del receptor de NMDA en suero y líquido cefalorraquídeo. Cinco de los casos comenzaron con crisis convulsivas como manifestación clínica inicial antes de desarrollar el cuadro clásico de esta entidad. En todos los casos se utilizaron esteroides como primera línea de tratamiento, con los que sólo se observó control de las manifestaciones en uno, por lo que el resto de los pacientes requirió inmunomoduladores de segunda línea. Todos los pacientes recibieron metotrexato como tratamiento inmunomodulador para evitar recaídas y la evolución fue a la mejoría en todos ellos. Conclusiones En nuestra serie de pacientes con encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA, ninguno se asoció a tumores. Todos los casos recibieron metotrexato por lo menos durante un año, no observamos eventos adversos clínicos ni por laboratorio, ni hubo secuelas neurológicas ni recaídas durante el tratamiento. Aunque es una serie pequeña y es deseable incrementar el número y tiempo de evolución, consideramos el metotrexato una excelente alternativa como tratamiento inmunomodulador para esta patología. PMID:24150952


    Tustumi, Francisco; Kimura, Cintia Mayumi Sakurai; Takeda, Flavio Roberto; Sallum, Rubens Antônio Aissar; Ribeiro-Junior, Ulysses; Cecconello, Ivan


    ática e invasão local dos carcinomas esofágicos, de acordo com a topografia e o tipo histológico do tumor. Pacientes com diagnóstico de carcinoma espinocelular de esôfago (n=444) e adenocarcinoma de esôfago (n=105) foram retrospectivamente analisados. Foram divididos em quatro grupos: adenocarcinoma e carcinoma espinocelular do segmento cervical, médio e distal. Tais grupos foram comparados baseando-se em tomografias computadorizadas realizadas no momento do diagnóstico. Disseminação linfonodal mostrou grande associação com topografia do tumor. Linfonodos do ligamento hepatogástrico, perigástricos e peripancreáticos foram acometidos principalmente por tumores de esôfago distal; linfonodos periaórticos, interaortocavais, portocavais no carcinoma espinocelular de esôfago distal; e linfonodos subcarinais, paratraqueais, subaórticos nos tumores de esôfago médio. Cadeias cervicais foram acometidas por espinocelulares cervicais. Adenocarcinoma teve maior frequência de acometimento peritoneal (11,8%) e hepático (24,5%) do que carcinoma espinocelular. Considerando invasão tumoral local, quanto mais cranial a neoplasia, mais comum a invasão do espinocelular em vias aéreas, chegando à incidência de 64,7% nos tumores cervicais. Tumores de esôfago médio invadem mais frequentemente aorta (27,6%) e tumores de esôfago distal, o pericárdio e átrio direito (10,4%). Adenocarcinoma e carcinoma espinocelular de esôfago em diferentes topografias apresentam peculiaridades na disseminação linfática, metástases à distância e invasão local do tumor. Tais diferenças devem ser consideradas no manejo do paciente com carcinoma esofágico.

  13. Celulitis por citomegalovirus

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    A. Ruiz Lascano


    Full Text Available Las lesiones cutáneas por citomegalovirus (CMV son infrecuentes y a menudo una manifestación tardía de una enfermedad sistémica, que generalmente anuncia un curso fatal. Comunicamos un caso de celulitis por CMV: una mujer de 70 años con trasplante renal efectuado 1 mes antes de la consulta, terapia inmunosupresora con ciclosporina A y metilprednisona. La paciente ingresó por fiebre, dolor e impotencia funcional en pierna derecha. Comprobamos la existencia de una placa de 8 por 4 cm eritematoedematosa. La tratamos con antibióticos sin mejoría, por lo que realizamos un estudio histopatológico de piel que mostró cambios citopáticos compatibles con infección por CMV. Los cultivos bacteriológicos y micológicos fueron negativos. La inmunohistoquímica específica para CMV y el estudio de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR de la biopsia de piel fueron positivas, al igual que la antigenemia. El tratamiento con ganciclovir produjo la mejoría del cuadro clínico. En la literatura revisada no hemos encontrado la celulitis como manifestación de enfermedad cutánea por CMV.

  14. Avaliação microbiológica e sensorial da vida-útil de cortes de peito de frango irradiados Microbiological and sensory evaluation of the shelf-life of irradiated chicken breast meat

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    L. Miyagusku


    Full Text Available Caixas de papelão contendo cortes de peito de frango sem pele e sem ossos, previamente acondicionadas em bandejas de polietileno expandido, com aproximadamente 200 gramas por bandeja e recobertas por filme de polietileno, foram submetidas à irradiação com 60Co, utilizando-se equipamento Nordion JS 7500. As amostras foram expostas a doses de 1,5; 3,0 e 7,0kGy, sendo irradiadas na modalidade estática a 0º e 180º em relação ao feixe de irradiação. Para avaliar a homogeneidade das doses de irradiação um conjunto de 18 dosímetros de alanina+parafina por tratamento foi colocado dentro das caixas com as amostras. Outro conjunto de dosímetros foi irradiado na faixa de 1 a 10kGy para elaboração da curva de resposta . Após a irradiação, os peitos de frango foram armazenados a 5±1ºC durante 39 dias, sendo submetidos a análises microbiológicas (contagem total de bactérias aeróbias psicrotróficas, bactérias aeróbias mesófilas, bolores e leveduras, Pseudomonas spp, enterobacteriáceas totais, bactérias lácticas e NMP de E.coli em 10 períodos diferentes ao longo do armazenamento. Os resultados obtidos revelaram um comportamento linear dos dosímetros de alanina+parafina na faixa de 1 a 10kGy de irradiação. Com base nas avaliações microbiológicas as amostras controle tiveram vida-útil de 5 dias, observando-se um ganho na vida-útil de 1,75; 4,40 e 7,0 vezes para as amostras irradiadas com 1,5; 3,0 e 7,0kGy, respectivamente. Constatou-se uma alteração crescente do odor de queimado à medida que se aumentavam as doses de irradiação, indicando a dose de 3kGy como a mais recomendável para se garantir um produto com maior vida-útil e sem alterações sensoriais perceptíveis.Kraft paper boxes containing 10 expanded polystyrene trays with 200g skinless deboned chicken breast each were irradiated with 60Co source of a Nordion JS7500 irradiator. The trays were previously wrapped with polyethylene film. The samples were

  15. Gliosarcoma: un tumor cerebral poco común (Gliosarcoma, a rare brain tumor

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    Edison Vega


    Full Text Available Resumen (español El Gliosarcoma (GS es una neoplasia primaria agresiva y poco frecuente del Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC, compuesta de elementos astrocíticos anaplásicos y mesenquimales claramente malignos. El cuadro clínico se caracteriza por cefalea y convulsiones, que se presentan como parte de los síntomas iniciales en el 30% de los pacientes y cuyo porcentaje aumenta conforme avanza la enfermedad. Dentro de las manifestaciones secundarias, se describen cambios como alteración de la concentración y la personalidad; de manera particular las lesiones que afectan al lóbulo parietal se asocian a déficit motor o sensitivo. En cuanto al diagnóstico imagenológico por RMN, los gliomas malignos se observan bien circunscritos con edema focal y captan el contraste en la periferia con un centro hipointenso. Se reporta el caso de paciente Masculino de 45 años de edad, cuyos hallazgos clínico-imagenológicos concuerdan con los previamente descritos por lo que se plantea el diagnóstico de glioma parietooccipital derecho. Al realizar exeresis del tumor, se practicó estudio histopatológico, el cual fue reportado como un glioblastoma multiforme, y posterior al análisis inmunohistoquímico, se concluyó definitivamente como un gliosarcoma. La baja frecuencia de esta entidad patológica y la repercusión en la morbimortalidad de los pacientes que la padecen motivaron a la presentación de este caso. Abstract (english The Gliosarcoma (GS is an aggressive primary neoplasm and rare in central nervous system (CNS, composed of anaplastic astrocytic and mesenchymal elements clearly malignant. The clinical picture is characterized by headaches and seizures, presented as part of the initial symptoms in 30% of patients whose percentage increases as the disease progresses. Among the secondary manifestations, described changes as impaired concentration and personality of lesions particularly affecting the parietal lobe is associated with motor or sensory

  16. Hallazgo de antígenos en un tumor murino espontáneo no inmunogénico mediante el uso de una vacuna basada en células dendríticas Unveiling antigens in a non-immunogenic spontaneous murine tumor using a dendritic cell-based vaccine

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    Verónica L. Reffo


    Full Text Available La inmunoterapia sería un tratamiento ideal contra el cáncer porque combina eficacia y especificidad, pero hasta hoy no ha dado resultados exitosos contra tumores establecidos. En este trabajo abordamos el problema de la falta de inmunogenicidad de los tumores espontáneos como una posible causa del fracaso de la inmunoterapia. Nos preguntamos si esta falta de inmunogenicidad se debe a la ausencia de antígenos o a la existencia de mecanismos tolerogénicos que impiden a esos antígenos iniciar una respuesta inmune. Para deslindar entre ambas alternativas, utilizamos dos tumores murinos -uno espontáneo y no inmunogénico (linfoma LB y otro inducido por metilcolantreno y fuertemente inmunogénico (fibrosarcoma MC-C- y la técnica de inmunización con células dendríticas (DC estimuladas con extracto acelular de tumor. Al estimular DC in vitro con extracto de LB, las DC no exhibieron maduración ni inmunizaron in vivo contra implantes de LB. Por otro lado, extractos de MC-C, hicieron madurar las DC y las convirtieron en poderosas vacunas contra implantes de MC-C pero no de LB, indicando que MC-C y LB no tienen antígenos compartidos. Por último, cuando DC fueron estimuladas con una mezcla de los extractos de LB y MC-C, expresaron marcadores de maduración y exhibieron capacidad vacunante contra LB. Estos resultados sugieren que el tumor LB tiene antígenos específicos de tumor pero carece de otras señales necesarias para la maduración de las DC. Estas señales serían aportadas por el extracto de MC-C, permitiendo de este modo iniciar una respuesta inmune contra LB.Up to date, most attempts to use immunotherapy to cause the regression of animal and human established tumors have not been successful. Former experiments have postulated that this failure could be attributed, at least in part, to a lack of immunogenicity of spontaneous tumors. In this paper, we have investigated whether this lack of immunogenicity can be attributed to the

  17. Nevus sebáceo de Jadassohn: descripción de 261 casos y su asociación con otros tumores

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    Paula Andrea Arango Pérez


    Full Text Available El nevus sebáceo de Jadassohn (NSJ es una lesión congénita benigna pero por decenios se la consideró con alto potencial de malignización hacia el carcinoma basocelular (CBC, por lo que se sugería su resección precoz. Series recientes han establecido que muchas de las neoplasias diagnosticadas como malignas eran benignas. Nuestra revisión de 261 casos constituye un aporte al conocimiento del NSJ. Hasta ahora no ha habido series similares en Colombia, y en América Latina las publicaciones no superan los 60 pacientes. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: se analizaron 261 casos del archivo de histopatología de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia con diagnóstico de NSJ entre 1976 y 2008, incluyendo biopsias y resecciones. RESULTADOS: de los 261 pacientes, 143 eran hombres (54,8% y 118 mujeres (45,2%; la edad promedio fue de 17,4 años; el NSJ estaba presente al nacimiento en el 90,4%. La localización más frecuente fue en el cuero cabelludo (62,5%. Presentaron tumores asociados 28 pacientes: siringocistadenoma papilífero (SCAP 8 casos (3,1%, tumor del infundíbulo folicular (TIF 5 casos (1,9%. Cuatro casos fueron de CBC (1,5% con edad promedio de 40,7 años. Cuatro de 7 tumores diagnosticados previamente como CBC, fueron reclasificados como TIF. DISCUSIÓN: el SCAP fue el tumor más frecuentemente asociado, tal como aparece reportado por otros autores. En esta serie se encontró el TIF con una mayor frecuencia que en la literatura revisada. El CBC fue el único tumor maligno y se presentó solo en adultos. Los resultados de esta serie evidencian un comportamiento benigno del NSJ, por lo que se debiera replantear la necesidad de resección precoz. La revisión histológica del diagnóstico inicial demuestra que lesiones benignas pueden ser confundidas fácilmente con CBC, sobreestimando el potencial maligno de este hamartoma.

  18. Estudio sobre tumores melanóticos del jámster sirio. III. Influencia de la castración sobre la inducción de tumores melanóticos por el 9,10 dimetilbenzantraceno en el jámster dorado (Mesocricetus auratus

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    José Perea Sasiaín


    Full Text Available En medicina humana el melanoma se observa con mayor frecuencia en la mujer, y los resultados terapéuticos son mejores en ella que en el hombre. Estos resultados han sido atribuidos a mayor atención sobre la piel por razones cosméticas y a un tratamiento más oportuno. En el hombre se han señalado casos excepcionales de influencia gonadal sobre el melanoma, pero la orquedectomia no produce ningún cambio en la evolución de este tumor en el hámster dorado. Procedimos a este estudio para establecer la influencia que puedan tener las gónadas sobre la inducción y desarrollo de las lesiones pigmentarias, pues es conocida la extremada infrecuencia del melanoma antes de la pubertad, en comparación con edades posteriores, así como el hecho de que en 'los jóvenes son frecuentes los nevi de unión, con marcados signos de actividad, sin que lleguen a producir verdaderos melanomas: son los confusamente llamados melanomas juveniles.

  19. Análise computacional da textura de tumores de mama em imagens por ultrassom de pacientes submetidas a cirurgia conservadora Computer-assisted analysis of breast tumors texture on sonographic images of patients submitted to breast-conserving surgery

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    Carolina Maria de Azevedo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características de textura de lesões de mama em imagens por ultrassom de pacientes submetidas a cirurgia conservadora que apresentaram, ou não, recidiva. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: As imagens de ultrassom de 36 pacientes submetidas a cirurgia conservadora, com 12 tendo apresentado recidiva local e 24 que não apresentaram recidiva no local da cirurgia, foram divididas em: 3 malignas na mama oposta, 7 nódulos benignos, 5 hiperplasias atípicas e 9 alterações fibrocísticas. A textura das lesões foi quantificada utilizando-se dez parâmetros calculados da matriz de coocorrência e da curva de complexidade. Análise discriminante linear foi aplicada aos parâmetros para discriminação de lesões de mama em pacientes submetidas a cirurgia conservadora que apresentaram, ou não, recidiva. RESULTADOS: Avaliando-se a capacidade dos parâmetros em distinguir as recidivas do grupo composto por lesões não recidivas benignas e hiperplasias atípicas, obteve-se especificidade de 100%, com valores de acurácia e sensibilidade superiores a 91%. Num segundo teste, foi possível distinguir as cinco hiperplasias, das lesões não recidivas benignas. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar do número reduzido de casos, os resultados obtidos são encorajadores, sugerindo que o uso da quantificação da textura pode auxiliar na diferenciação entre lesões benignas, hiperplasias atípicas e lesões malignas de origem recidiva.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the features of breast lesion texture on sonographic images of patients submitted to breast-conserving surgery, with or without tumor recurrence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sonographic images of 36 patients submitted to conservative surgery for breast cancer, 12 of them with, and 24 without local recurrence, included 3 contralateral malignant lesions, 7 benign lumps (3 cysts and 4 fibroadenomas, 5 atypical hyperplasias and 9 fibrocystic changes. The quantification of features of breast

  20. 133. Tumor de válvula mitral a propósito de un caso

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    D. Valencia Núñez


    Conclusión: El fibroelastoma papilar es un tumor benigno y es una causa reconocida de fenómenos embólicos de origen cardíaco; tiene una prevalencia de 1–7,9% de todos los tumores primarios; los sitios más comunes en los que se localiza son las válvulas cardíacas (aórtica, mitral, pulmonar y atrio izquierdo; su resección total de la tumoración es el tratamien-to de elección en la actualidad. No se han descrito recidivas, por lo que el pronóstico es excelente.

  1. In Vitro antileishmanial properties of neutron-irradiated meglumine antimoniate

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    Samanta Etel Treiger Borborema


    Full Text Available Pentavalent antimony, as meglumine antimoniate (Glucantime® or sodium stibogluconate (Pentostam® , is the main treatment for leishmaniasis, a complex of diseases caused by the protozoan Leishmania, and an endemic and neglected threat in Brazil. Despite over half a century of clinical use, their mechanism of action, toxicity and pharmacokinetic data remain unknown. The analytical methods for determination of antimony in biological systems remain complex and have low sensitivity. Radiotracer studies have a potential in pharmaceutical development. The aim of this study was to obtain a radiotracer for antimony, with suitable physical and biological properties. Meglumine antimoniate was neutron irradiated inside the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor, producing two radioisotopes 122Sb and 124Sb, with high radionuclidic purity and good specific activity. This compound showed the same antileishmanial activity as the native compound. The use of the radiotracers, easily created by neutron irradiation, could be an interesting tool to solve important questions in antimonial pharmacology.Os antimoniais pentavalentes, como o antimoniato de meglumina (Glucantime® ou estibogluconato de sódio (Pentostam® , são o principal tratamento para a leishmaniose, um complexo de doenças causadas pelo protozoário parasita Leishmania, uma doença endêmica e negligenciada no Brasil. Apesar do seu uso clínico por mais de meio século, seu mecanismo de ação, toxicidade e dados de farmacocinética permanecem desconhecidos. Os métodos analíticos para determinação de antimônio em sistemas biológicos são complexos e apresentam baixa sensibilidade. Estudos utilizando radiotraçadores têm papel potencial no desenvolvimento farmacológico. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver um radiotraçador de antimônio, com propriedades físicas e biológicas adequadas. O antimoniato de meglumina foi irradiado por nêutrons no reator nuclear IEA-R1, produzindo dois radioisótopos: 122

  2. Mechanism of radiation-chemical and pyrolytic transformations in lexan

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    Roustam Aliev


    Full Text Available Reportamos una nueva metodología para estudiar el mecanismo de transformaciones por radiación en materiales poliméricos basada en el análisis combinado de los gases de origen radiolítico, y los productos pirolíticos, generados mediante la pirólisis rápida de polímeros pre-irradiados, acoplado a la cromatografía de gases -espectroscopía de infrarrojo con transformada de Fourier- espectrometría de masas por impacto electrónico. El Lexan® (policarbonato de bisfenol-A fue estudiado en el rango de dosis de 0.125 a 1.0 MGy. La irradiación del Lexan estuvo acompañada por la liberación preferencial del monóxido de carbono seguida de una producción menor de hidrógeno, dióxido de carbono y metano. El Lexan pirolizado liberó principalmente dióxido de carbono, metano, benceno, tolueno y 4-metilfenol. Con base en los resultados obtenidos sugerimos dos vías principales para la incisión del Lexan por radiación con igual probabilidad: (a ruptura del enlace carbonato y (b ruptura del enlace alifático-aromático.

  3. Necrosis Avascular Bilateral de cadera en paciente con VIH y traumatismo de arma de fuego.

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    Belkis J Menoni Blanco


    Full Text Available La Necrosis Avascular de Cadera (NAV es un proceso patológico infrecuente, originado por faltade irrigación de la articulación coxofemoral que implica necrosis y degeneración de los huesos que la conforman, causando dolor e impotencia funcional. Es más frecuente en varones jóvenes, pudiendo ser unilateral o bilateral. La etiología puede ser idiopática o estar relacionada a causas sistémicas como infección por VIH y su tratamiento depende de la severidad. En este reporte, se presenta un caso masculino de 35 años, seropositivo con tratamiento antirretroviral y antecedente de herida por arma de fuego de presentación inusual en cadera, sin lesión ósea aparente; quien refiere dolor de cadera izquierda, de fuerte intensidad, punzante, irradiado a rodilla izquierda, que produce limitación funcional. Al examen físico se evidencia marcha de Trendelemburg, con signos de Thomas y Patrick positivos. La radiografía demuestra NAV tipo Ficat-Arlet IV y es corregida mediante artroplastia total de cadera izquierda. Palabras claves: Necrosis Avascular de Cabeza de Fémur, VIH, Herida por arma de fuego.

  4. Aplicações da técnica de difusão por RM em cabeça e pescoço: um olhar além da anatomia

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    Fabrício Guimarães Gonçalves


    Full Text Available DWI é uma técnica totalmente não invasiva que tem sido utilizada com sucesso por muitos anos em imagens do cérebro e recentemente incluída como parte da avaliação de outros sistemas, por exemplo, no abdome e pelve e na cabeça e pescoço. Apesar de a DWI e a medida dos valores de ADC serem capazes de fornecer informações de tipos histológicos específicos de tumores, a maioria dos centros de imagem ainda não os adotaram como parte da rotina na avaliação da cabeça e pescoço. A medida de ADC demonstrou ser útil para discriminar tipos específicos de tumores histológicos, especialmente para diferenciar lesões benignas sólidas de massas malignas, importante na avaliação de linfonodos cervicais, principalmente para diferenciar processos nodais benignos de malignos, para diferenciar as alterações pós-radioterapia de tumor residual e ter uso potencial para predizer sucesso terapêutico. Além disso, DWI/ADC parece ser um método mais seguro e mais acessível, considerando a ausência de radiação ionizante e ao maior custo do FDG-PET na localização de tumores e diferenciar massas benignas de malignas. Com todas essas vantagens e potencialidades, DWI/ADC certamente fará parte da rotina na avaliação por imagem da cabeça e pescoço.

  5. Necrosis Avascular Bilateral de cadera en paciente con VIH y traumatismo de arma de fuego.

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    Belkis J. Menoni Blanco


    Full Text Available La Necrosis Avascular de Cadera (NAV es un proceso patológico infrecuente, originado por falta de irrigación de la articulación coxofemoral que implica necrosis y degeneración de los huesos que la conforman, causando dolor e impotencia funcional. Es más frecuente en varones jóvenes, pudiendo ser unilateral o bilateral. La etiología puede ser idiopática o estar relacionada a causas sistémicas como infección por VIH y su tratamiento depende de la severidad. En este reporte, se presenta un caso masculino de 35 años, seropositivo con tratamiento antirretroviral y antecedente de herida por arma de fuego de presentación inusual en cadera, sin lesión ósea aparente, quien refiere dolor de cadera izquierda, de fuerte intensidad, punzante, irradiado a rodilla izquierda, que produce limitación funcional. Al examen físico se evidencia marcha de Trendelemburg, con signos de Thomas y Patrick positivos. La radiografía demuestra NAV tipo Ficat-Arlet IV y es corregida mediante artroplastia total de cadera izquierda.

  6. Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Neutrophils in Tumor Microenvironment

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    Jaehong Kim


    Full Text Available Distinct tumor microenvironment forms in each progression step of cancer and has diverse capacities to induce both adverse and beneficial consequences for tumorigenesis. It is now known that immune cells can be activated to favor tumor growth and progression, most probably influenced by the tumor microenvironment. Tumor-associated macrophages and tumor-associated neutrophils can exert protumoral functions, enhancing tumor cell invasion and metastasis, angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix remodeling, while inhibiting the antitumoral immune surveillance. Considering that neutrophils in inflammatory environments recruit macrophages and that recruited macrophages affect neutrophil functions, there may be various degrees of interaction between tumor-associated macrophages and tumor-associated neutrophils. Platelets also play an important role in the recruitment and regulation of monocytic and granulocytic cells in the tumor tissues, suggesting that platelet function may be essential for generation of tumor-associated macrophages and tumor-associated neutrophils. In this review, we will explore the biology of tumor-associated macrophages and tumor-associated neutrophils and their possible interactions in the tumor microenvironment. Special attention will be given to the recruitment and activation of these tumor-associated cells and to the roles they play in maintenance of the tumor microenvironment and progression of tumors.

  7. Portable exhauster POR-007/Skid E and POR-008/Skid F storage plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nelson, O.D.


    This document provides storage requirements for 1,000 CFM portable exhausters POR-O07/Skid E and POR-008/Skid F. These requirements are presented in three parts: preparation for storage, storage maintenance and testing, and retrieval from storage. The exhauster component identification numbers listed in this document contain the prefix POR-007 or POR-008 depending on which exhauster is being used

  8. Imatinib and gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST: a selective targeted therapy Imatinib y tumor del estroma gastrointestinal (GIST: un tratamiento selectivo frente a una diana molecular

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    A. Fernández


    Full Text Available Gastrointestinal stromal tumors are the most frequent mesenchymal tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. They originate from the interstitial cells of Cajal and are characterized by an anomalous receptor for a growth factor with tyrosine-kinase activity (c-kit. This anomaly causes a permanent activation of the receptor and uncontrolled cell growth. These tumors show a poor response to traditional chemotherapy drugs, and are thus associated with low survival in cases of advanced disease. Imatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is an example of selective targeted oncologic therapy that induces improved survival in these patients. We discuss two cases of metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors with a good response to imatinib, and also review the pathophysiology and treatment-related outcome of this type of tumors. We include results from clinical phase-III studies.Los tumores del estroma gastrointestinal son los tumores mesenquimales más frecuentes del tracto digestivo y se originan de las células intersticiales de Cajal. Se caracterizan por presentar un receptor para el factor de crecimiento con actividad tirosin kinasa (c-kit anómalo que condiciona su activación permanente y un crecimiento celular incontrolado. Tienen una baja supervivencia en casos de enfermedad avanzada, con escasa respuesta a los agentes quimioterápicos tradicionales. El imatinib es un fármaco inhibidor de la tirosín kinasa y un ejemplo de terapia oncológica selectiva que condiciona un importante aumento en la supervivencia de estos pacientes. Se presentan 2 casos de enfermedad metastásica con buena respuesta a imatinib, así como una revisión sobre la fisiopatología y evolución en el tratamiento de este tipo de tumores, incluyendo resultados de estudios en fase III.

  9. Tumor sincrónico: cáncer de colon y liposarcoma

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    Himerón Limaylla


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente varón de 58 años, natural de Junín, que ingresó por Emergencia, referido de un hospital provincial por un cuadro de obstrucción intestinal, con un tiempo de enfermedad de 7 días, caracterizado por dolor abdominal tipo cólico difuso, náuseas y vómitos y distensión abdominal. Por dos meses presentaba dolor abdominal intermitente intenso, 3 a 4 episodios por mes, que cedía en forma espontánea, pero progresivamente aumentó su frecuencia y se asoció con ingesta de alimentos, disminuyó el apetito y perdió peso aproximadamente 6 a 7 kilos; no presentaba antecedentes patológicos ni quirúrgicos de importancia. Durante su hospitalización en nuestro nosocomio se obtuvo una tomografía (TAC abdominal que mostró la presencia de dos tumoraciones, una en colon ascendente y otra en región retroperitoneal, que fueron extraídas en cirugía electiva. El resultado de la anatomía patológica fue adenocarcinoma bien diferenciado de colon y liposarcoma dediferenciado del tumor retroperitoneal; ambos presentaron bordes quirúrgicos libres de neoplasia. La coincidencia de ambas patologías no ha sido descrita en la literatura médica.

  10. Endocrine tumors other than thyroid tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takeichi, Norio; Dohi, Kiyohiko


    This paper discusses the tendency for the occurrence of tumors in the endocrine glands, other than the thyroid gland, in A-bomb survivors using both autopsy and clinical data. ABCC-RERF sample data using 4136 autopsy cases (1961-1977) revealed parathyroid tumors in 13 A-bomb survivors, including 3 with the associated hyperparathyroidism, with the suggestion of dose-dependent increase in the occurrence of tumors. Based on clinical data from Hiroshima University, 7 (46.7%) of 15 parathyroid tumors cases were A-bomb survivors. Data (1974-1987) from the Tumor Registry Committee (TRC) in Hiroshima Prefecture revealed that a relative risk of parathyroid tumors was 5.6 times higher in the entire group of A-bomb survivors and 16.2 times higher in the group of heavily exposed A-bomb survivors, suggesting the dose-dependent increase in their occurrence. Adrenal tumors were detected in 47 of 123 cases from the TRC data, and 15 (31.5%) of these 47 were A-bomb survivors. Particularly, 11 cases of adrenal tumors associated with Cushing syndrome included 6 A-bomb survivors (54.5%). The incidence of multiple endocrine gonadial tumors (MEGT) tended to be higher with increasing exposure doses; and the 1-9 rad group, the 10-99 rad group, and the 100 or more rad group had a risk of developing MEGT of 4.1, 5.7, and 7.1, respectively, relative to both the not-in the city group and the 0 rad group. These findings suggested that there is a correlation between A-bomb radiation and the occurrence of parathyroid tumors (including hyperparathyroidism), adrenal tumors associated with Cushing syndrome and MEGT (especially, the combined thyroid and ovarian tumors and the combined thyroid and parathyroid tumors). (N.K.)

  11. Diagnóstico ecocardiográfico de los tumores primarios del corazón en el feto Echocardiographic diagnosis of fetal primary heart tumors

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    Andrés Savío Benavides


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Se describen las características ecocardiográficas de los tumores cardíacos primarios en el feto y la evolución y complicaciones de éstos, con el propósito de analizar su comportamiento en dos períodos diferentes a lo largo de 20 años. MÉTODOS. El estudio se desarrolló en dos etapas. En la primera se estudiaron 1,884 embarazadas entre las 18 y 22 semanas de gestación, que acudieron a la consulta por distintos factores de riesgo obstétrico. La técnica utilizada fue la misma empleada internacionalmente, con equipos Combison 320-5 y Aloka 860 con transductores electrónicos de 3,5 y 5 MHz, y Doppler codificado en color, para el estudio de los flujos intracavitarios y los gradientes de presión. RESULTADOS. Se identificaron 6 tumores cardíacos, lo que representó el 0,3 % de los casos examinados. Cinco correspondieron a rabdomiomas, y uno, a un mixoma de la aurícula derecha. La mayoría obstruía los tractos de entrada o salida. Se observó arritmia en un caso. La sensibilidad y especificidad fueron del 100 % y 99,8 %, respectivamente. CONCLUSIONES. Se demuestra la poca frecuencia de los tumores cardíacos en el feto y la importancia de la ecocardiografía por su alta sensibilidad y especificidad.INTRODUCTION: Echocardiographic features of fetal primary heart tumors are described, as well as its natural history and its complications to analyze its behavior during two different periods along 20 years. METHODS: Study was developed in two stages. In the first one a total of 1,884 pregnants between 18 and 22 gestational weeks were studied who were seen in consultation due to different obstetric risk factors. The technique applied was similar to that at worldwide using a equipment Combison 320-5 and Aloka 860 and electronic transducers of 3,5 and 5 MHz, and color coded Doppler to study the intracavitary flux and the pressure gradient. RESULTS: Six cardiac tumors were identified representing the 0,3% of study cases. Five were

  12. Impact on patient care time and tumor stage of a program for fast diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer Impacto en el tiempo asistencial y el estadio tumoral de un programa de diagnóstico y tratamiento rápido del cáncer colorrectal

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    K. P. Guzmán Laura


    Full Text Available Objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of a fast track diagnosis and treatment program for colorectal cancer (CRC in reducing the diagnosis to treatment interval (DTI and tumor stage. To analyze the association between DTI and tumor stage. Methods: a quasi-experimental study with a control group was conducted, and 156 incident cases of CRC referred through a preferential pathway between July 2005 and December 2008 in a tertiary hospital were included, after excluding those treated urgently, treated by endoscopic polypectomy only or having periodic colonoscopies. A control group of 156 patients was randomly selected from all the patients referred through habitual pathways, frequency matched by tumor location, age and year of entry. Data was analyzed with multivariate linear and logistic regression. Results: mean DTI was 39.20 days (95% CI: 36.21-42.42 for fast track patients and 63.40 days (95% CI: 57.08-70.41 for controls (p Objetivos: evaluar la efectividad de un programa de diagnóstico y tratamiento rápido (PDTR del cáncer colorrectal (CCR en la reducción del intervalo diagnóstico-terapéutico (IDT y el estadio tumoral. Analizar la asociación entre IDT y estadio tumoral. Métodos: estudio cuasiexperimental con grupo control en el que se incluyeron 156 casos incidentes de CCR atendidos por el PDTR entre julio de 2005 y diciembre de 2008 en un hospital de tercer nivel, tras excluir los que requirieron tratamiento urgente, tratados solo por polipectomía endoscópica o con colonoscopías periódicas. Un grupo control de 156 pacientes fue seleccionado al azar de los atendidos por el circuito habitual con la misma localización tumoral, edad y año de ingreso. Para el análisis se utilizó regresión lineal y logística. Resultados: la media del IDT fue de 39,20 días (IC 95%: 36,21-42,42 en los pacientes del programa y de 63,40 días (IC 95%: 57,08-70,41 en el grupo control (p 30 días se asoció con un estadio tumoral avanzado en los

  13. Tumor cell-derived microparticles polarize M2 tumor-associated macrophages for tumor progression. (United States)

    Ma, Ruihua; Ji, Tiantian; Chen, Degao; Dong, Wenqian; Zhang, Huafeng; Yin, Xiaonan; Ma, Jingwei; Liang, Xiaoyu; Zhang, Yi; Shen, Guanxin; Qin, Xiaofeng; Huang, Bo


    Despite identification of macrophages in tumors (tumor-associated macrophages, TAM) as potential targets for cancer therapy, the origin and function of TAM in the context of malignancy remain poorly characterized. Here, we show that microparticles (MPs), as a by-product, released by tumor cells act as a general mechanism to mediate M2 polarization of TAM. Taking up tumor MPs by macrophages is a very efficient process, which in turn results in the polarization of macrophages into M2 type, not only leading to promoting tumor growth and metastasis but also facilitating cancer stem cell development. Moreover, we demonstrate that the underlying mechanism involves the activation of the cGAS/STING/TBK1/STAT6 pathway by tumor MPs. Finally, in addition to murine tumor MPs, we show that human counterparts also possess consistent effect on human M2 polarization. These findings provide new insights into a critical role of tumor MPs in remodeling of tumor microenvironment and better understanding of the communications between tumors and macrophages.

  14. Diagnóstico Broncoscópico do Tumor do Pulmão Radiograficamente Oculto e com Citologias da Expectoração Negativas

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    Tomoya Kawaguchi


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os Tumores Ocultos do Pulmão têm sido estudados de forma exaustiva, contudo não têm havido estudos de Tumores Ocultos do Pulmão com Citologias da Expectoração Negativas. Os autores resolveram fazer uma análise retrospectiva de todos os Tumores Ocultos do Pulmão diagnosticados em 10 anos (n=100 de 1975 a 1994.Destes 100 Tumores Ocultos do Pulmão diagnosticados, 15 tinham Citologias da Expectoração Negativas. Neste grupo foram analisadas as caracteristicas clinicas, os aspectos broncosópicos e os aspectos anatamo-patológicos. Também foram analisados o tamanho do tumor e a localização que em conjunto com os aspectos broncoscópicos foram comparados com os doentes que tinham citologias da expectoração positivas apesar de Tumores Ocultos do Pulmão. Foram diagnosticados endoscopicamente 17 lesões, em 15 doentes com Tumores Ocultos do Pulmão com Citologias de Expectoração Negativas.Nesta série todos os casos de Tumores Ocultos do Pulmão foram diagnosticados por Broncofibroscopia, todos os doentes eram homens e todos grandes fumadores.O exame endoscópico revelou espaçamento da mucosa em 10 doentes, lesão nodular em 5 doentes lesão polipoide em 2 doentes. A extensão das lesões não ultrapassou 0,52 cm o que é significativamente mais pequena do que a extensão das lesões do grupo com citologias positivas.Nos doentes de alto risco de cancro do pulmão deve ser preconizada a Broncofibroscopia e a árvore brônquica deve ser examinada com rigor mesmo nos doentes com Citologias da Expectoração Negativas COMENTARIO: Os autores diagnosticaram 100 casos de Tumores Ocultos do Pulmão sem manifestações radiológicas, sendo o diagnóstico feito na maior parte dos casos por citologias da expectoração. As lesões detectadas só por Broncofibroscopia foram em 15% dos casosEste grupo de doentes tin ham como caracteritica comum serem todos homens, grandes fumadores e com idades superiores ou iguais a 55 anos. Nos doentes

  15. Mortalidade por câncer em trabalhadores da indústria da borracha de São Paulo Cancer mortality among rubber industry workers in São Paulo, Brazil

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    Hélio Neves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as mortes por câncer em trabalhadores da indústria da borracha de acordo com o tamanho da empresa. MÉTODOS: Coorte histórica com 9.188 trabalhadores masculinos, matriculados em sindicato de trabalhadores da indústria de borracha do Estado de São Paulo entre 1975 e 1985, sobreviventes em janeiro de 1990 e acompanhados até o final de 2000. As mortes por câncer foram comparadas internamente à coorte, cujos membros foram subdivididos em estratos por porte e sub-ramo da empresa, setor de trabalho e qualificação profissional. A abordagem por conjuntos de risco e regressão logística condicional foi utilizada para o cálculo dos riscos relativos, ajustados por idade, tempo desde o primeiro emprego e tempo de trabalho na indústria da borracha. RESULTADOS: Quando comparados aos empregados de grandes empresas, trabalhadores de pequenas empresas mostraram excesso de mortes por todos tipos de câncer (RR=2,33; IC 95%: 0,90-6,03; tumores de estômago (RR=3,47; IC 95%: 2,57-4,67 e do trato aero-digestivo superior (RR=2,49; IC 95%: 1,78-3,48. Identificou-se excesso de mortes por câncer nos trabalhadores dos setores de manutenção (RR=2,23; IC 95%: 0,73-6,76; expedição, armazenamento e transporte (RR=2,97; IC 95%: 0,77-11,38; e produção (RR=3,51; IC 95%: 1,07-11,57, comparados aos trabalhadores dos setores administrativos. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados mostram evidências de aumento do risco de tumores de estômago e do trato aero-digestivo superior e, possivelmente, por câncer em geral em trabalhadores de empresas de pequeno porte da indústria da borracha quando comparados aos trabalhadores das grandes empresas.OBJECTIVE: To investigate cancer deaths among rubber industry workers according to company size. METHODS: This historical cohort study included 9,188 male workers, engaged as members of a workers' union in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, between 1975 and 1985, alive in January 1990 and followed until the end of 2000


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    Maribel Castillo Caicedo


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta una perspectiva del fenómeno de la sobreeducación, entendida como un desajuste por exceso, entre el nivel educativo alcanzado por el individuo y el exigido por el puesto de trabajo en el cual se desempeña; esto se debe a que existe una demanda laboral estrecha de puestos de trabajo para personas calificadas en Colombia. Se analizan las contribuciones empíricas existentes y el debate sobre las mismas; se examinan las teorías que permiten explicar la existencia de un desajuste educativo y se realiza una revisión de la literatura internacional y nacional sobre el tema. Adicionalmente, se plantean una serie de hipótesis para desarrollar un esquema que permita determinar el comportamiento del individuo en el fenómeno de la sobreeducación.

  17. Pseudomyxoma peritonei originating from appendix tumors

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    Tatiana Maria Fernandes Moreira Marques


    Full Text Available Background: Appendix tumors represent about 1% of all gastrointestinal neoplasia, in other words they are quite rare. However, there is a specific type of appendiceal neoplasms (mucinous adenocarcinoma that spreads to the peritoneum and in almost 20% of the cases, resulting in a disease called pseudomyxoma peritonei. Although, it is a very rare condition, it is nonetheless a very severe one and therefore it is crucial to know how to correctly diagnose and treat it. Objective: This study provides updated data on how to diagnose, classify and treat pseudomyxoma peritonei that originates from appendix tumors. Methods: A bibliographic research was performed on PubMed database, including articles published since 2000, as well as, cross-referencing with the initial research. Discussion: In the past, patients diagnosed with pseudomyxoma peritonei would only undergo palliative measures, so their overall survival rate was greatly reduced. Over the years pseudomyxoma peritonei treatment has evolved and patients are now undergoing treatment which is a combination of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. This new therapy has allowed an increase of survival chances of up to 5 years in those patients with values between 53% and 88%, depending on the type of tumor. Conclusion: Despite the great progress we have witnessed in recent years, which have led to a large increase in survival rates, more research needs to be done, on what to do when the disease is in an unresectable stage. Finding a less aggressive therapy than cytoreductive surgery + hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy will be an important step forward. Resumo: Introdução: As neoplasias do apêndice são bastante raras, representando atualmente cerca de 1% de todas as neoplasias gastrointestinais. O adenocarcinoma mucinoso é um dos subtipos de neoplasia do apêndice e caracteriza-se por metastizar para o peritoneu, em 20% dos casos, facto que se manifesta sob

  18. Tumor carcinoide de la apéndice cecal: Reporte de cuatro casos en la Clínica Carlos Ardila Lülle, Floridablanca, Colombia Carcinoid tumor of the cecal appendix: A report of four cases in the Clinica Carlos Ardila Lulle, Floridablanca, Colombia

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    Julio Cesar Mantilla


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los tumores carcinoides son las neoplasias más frecuentes del apéndice cecal, se caracterizan por un crecimiento lento y curso clínico asintomático, su incidencia se calcula en 1-2 casos por cada 100,000 habitantes, se encuentran en menos del 1% de las apendicetomías y se presentan con mayor frecuencia en mujeres entre la cuarta a quinta época de la vida. Por lo general se trata de lesiones pequeñas que se diagnostican luego de la apendicetomía. Metodología El presente trabajo corresponde a una descripción de casos de tumor carcinoide del apéndice cecal, realizado en el laboratorio de patología MEGA, de la Clínica Ardila Lulle (CAL que incluye revisión de protocolos de especímenes quirúrgicos analizados entre enero 1 de 2000 y diciembre 31 de 2010. Resultados: Durante el periodo propuesto se encuentran cuatro casos de tumor carcinoide confinado al apéndice cecal en cuatro mujeres jóvenes. Tres de las lesiones presentan patrón histológico tipo A o insular y el restante un patrón tipo B o trabecular, en todos los casos se documentó reactividad con las sales de plata con la coloración de Fontana Masson y en los cuatro se encontró positividad con el marcador neuroendocrino cromogranina. Conclusión: Los tumores carcinoides de apéndice son lesiones de origen neuroendocrino, la mayoría circunscritas a la punta del órgano y de curso clínico indolente, sin embargo algunos de estos tumores tienen un comportamiento agresivo, que depende de su tamaño y de la actividad mitótica de sus células, por lo que se recomienda incluir en la evaluación diagnostica la cromogranina y el Ki67, marcadores neuroendocrino y de proliferación celular. Salud UIS 2011; 43 (2: 203-210Introduction: The carcinoids tumours are the most common neoplasm of the cecal appendix, are characterized by a slow growth and asymptomatic clinical course, its incidence is estimated at 1-2 cases per 100.000 inhabitants, are less than 1% of

  19. Desajuste educativo por regiones en Colombia: ¿competencia por salarios o por puestos de trabajo?

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    Castillo Caicedo Maribel


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta una perspectiva del fenómeno de la sobreeducación,
    entendida como un desajuste por exceso, entre el nivel educativo alcanzado
    por el individuo y el exigido por el puesto de trabajo en el cual se
    desempeña; esto se debe a que existe una demanda laboral estrecha de
    puestos de trabajo para personas calificadas en Colombia. Se analizan las
    contribuciones empíricas existentes y el debate sobre las mismas; se
    examinan las teorías que permiten explicar la existencia de un desajuste
    educativo y se realiza una revisión de la literatura internacional y
    nacional sobre el tema. Adicionalmente, se plantean una serie de hipótesis
    para desarrollar un esquema que permita determinar el comportamiento
    del individuo en el fenómeno de la sobreeducación.

  20. Tumor hepático experimental (VX-2 em coelho: implantação do modelo no Brasil Experimental liver tumor (VX-2 in rabbits: implantation of the model in Brazil

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    Rogério Saad Hossne


    Full Text Available Os estudos para a investigação de novas modalidades terapêuticas em biologia tumoral, deveriam passar por estudos experimentais prévios. Neste sentido dispõem-se hoje de uma grande variedade de modelos tumorais experimentais; em determinadas investigações faz-se necessária a adequação do modelo tumoral às necessidades biológicas, patológicas e experimentais dos estudos. Desta forma, em nosso serviço, buscávamos um modelo tumoral hepático para estudos experimentais que se adequasse às seguintes características: fácil manipulação, crescimento controlável, evolução e agressividade semelhantes aos seres humanos. Os dados da literatura nos levaram a busca do tumor hepático VX-2, em coelhos. Neste artigo discutimos as vantagens da utilização deste modelo experimental e a sua introdução em nosso país.Studies for investigation of new therapeutic modalities in tumoral biology should be based on previous experimental studies. Then, there are a great variety of tumoral experimental models today. Some investigations have been done necessary an adaptation of the tumoral model to the needing of the studies biological and pathological. So, in our laboratory, we looked for a tumoral hepatic model for experimental studies with the following characteristics: easy manipulation, control of growing, evolution and aggressiveness like to humans. Data of the literature took us the search of the hepatic tumor VX-2, in rabbits. In this article we discussed the advantages of use this experimental model and its introduction in our country. Experimental hepatic tumor (VX-2 in rabbit. Implantation of the model in Brazil.

  1. Técnica de Tenzel en la cirugía reconstructiva de los tumores malignos palpebrales Tenzel technique in the reconstructive surgery of the malignant eyelid tumors

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    Clara G. Gómez Cabrera


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo restrospectivo en el período comprendido entre marzo de 1995 y diciembre del 2000, tomando como universo a 24 pacientes operados de tumor maligno de los párpados, a los cuales fue necesario realizar cirugía reconstructiva, utilizando para ello el injerto rotado de Tenzel. El 91,8 % de los pacientes fueron operados por carcinoma basocelular. El 70,8 % de los casos se encontraban en el estadio T2 y el 29,2 % en el estadio T3. Los resultados cosméticos fueron buenos en 22 pacientes para el 91,8 %. Las complicaciones, todas posoperatorias, incluyeron el ectropion marginal en 2 casos, uno de los cuales presentó además, persistencia tumoral, la dehiscencia de sutura solo se observó en 1 paciente. La recuperación quirúrgica fue de 10 días en 4 pacientes (16,7 %, de 15 días en 16 (66,7 %, de 20 días en 3 (12,5 % y solo 1 caso tardó 30 días para recuperarse. Fue posible realizar esta técnica en el 40 % de los pacientes operados por tumores malignos palpebrales. El resultado cosmético alcanzado con esta técnica es bueno y la recuperación quirúrgica fue posible en 15 días en más de la mitad de los pacientes.A descriptive and retrospective study that included 24 patients operated on of eyelid malignant tumor that had to undergo reconstructive surgery by Tenzel rotated graft was conducted from March, 1995, to December, 1999. 91.8 % of the patients were operated on due to basocelular carcinoma. 70.8 % of the cases were in stage T2 and 29.2 % in stage T3. The cosmetic results were good in 22 patients, accounting for 91.8 %. The complications, all of them postoperative, included the marginal ectropion in 2 cases. One of them also had tumoral persistence. Suture dehiscence was only observed in 1 patient. Surgical recovery was of 10 days in 4 patients (16.7 %, of 15 days in 16 (66.7 %, of 20 days in 3 (12.5 % and of 30 days in only l case. It was possible to use this technique in 40 % of the patients

  2. Determinates of tumor response to radiation: Tumor cells, tumor stroma and permanent local control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Wende; Huang, Peigen; Chen, David J.; Gerweck, Leo E.


    Background and purpose: The causes of tumor response variation to radiation remain obscure, thus hampering the development of predictive assays and strategies to decrease resistance. The present study evaluates the impact of host tumor stromal elements and the in vivo environment on tumor cell kill, and relationship between tumor cell radiosensitivity and the tumor control dose. Material and methods: Five endpoints were evaluated and compared in a radiosensitive DNA double-strand break repair-defective (DNA-PKcs −/− ) tumor line, and its DNA-PKcs repair competent transfected counterpart. In vitro colony formation assays were performed on in vitro cultured cells, on cells obtained directly from tumors, and on cells irradiated in situ. Permanent local control was assessed by the TCD 50 assay. Vascular effects were evaluated by functional vascular density assays. Results: The fraction of repair competent and repair deficient tumor cells surviving radiation did not substantially differ whether irradiated in vitro, i.e., in the absence of host stromal elements and factors, from the fraction of cells killed following in vivo irradiation. Additionally, the altered tumor cell sensitivity resulted in a proportional change in the dose required to achieve permanent local control. The estimated number of tumor cells per tumor, their cloning efficiency and radiosensitivity, all assessed by in vitro assays, were used to predict successfully, the measured tumor control doses. Conclusion: The number of clonogens per tumor and their radiosensitivity govern the permanent local control dose

  3. Structural Insights into the PorK and PorN Components of the Porphyromonas gingivalis Type IX Secretion System.

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    Dhana G Gorasia


    Full Text Available The type IX secretion system (T9SS has been recently discovered and is specific to Bacteroidetes species. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a keystone pathogen for periodontitis, utilizes the T9SS to transport many proteins including the gingipain virulence factors across the outer membrane and attach them to the cell surface via a sortase-like mechanism. At least 11 proteins have been identified as components of the T9SS including PorK, PorL, PorM, PorN and PorP, however the precise roles of most of these proteins have not been elucidated and the structural organization of these components is unknown. In this study, we purified PorK and PorN complexes from P. gingivalis and using electron microscopy we have shown that PorN and the PorK lipoprotein interact to form a 50 nm diameter ring-shaped structure containing approximately 32-36 subunits of each protein. The formation of these rings was dependent on both PorK and PorN, but was independent of PorL, PorM and PorP. PorL and PorM were found to form a separate stable complex. PorK and PorN were protected from proteinase K cleavage when present in undisrupted cells, but were rapidly degraded when the cells were lysed, which together with bioinformatic analyses suggests that these proteins are exposed in the periplasm and anchored to the outer membrane via the PorK lipid. Chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the interaction between PorK and PorN and further revealed that they interact with the PG0189 outer membrane protein. Furthermore, we established that PorN was required for the stable expression of PorK, PorL and PorM. Collectively, these results suggest that the ring-shaped PorK/N complex may form part of the secretion channel of the T9SS. This is the first report showing the structural organization of any T9SS component.

  4. Structural Insights into the PorK and PorN Components of the Porphyromonas gingivalis Type IX Secretion System. (United States)

    Gorasia, Dhana G; Veith, Paul D; Hanssen, Eric G; Glew, Michelle D; Sato, Keiko; Yukitake, Hideharu; Nakayama, Koji; Reynolds, Eric C


    The type IX secretion system (T9SS) has been recently discovered and is specific to Bacteroidetes species. Porphyromonas gingivalis, a keystone pathogen for periodontitis, utilizes the T9SS to transport many proteins including the gingipain virulence factors across the outer membrane and attach them to the cell surface via a sortase-like mechanism. At least 11 proteins have been identified as components of the T9SS including PorK, PorL, PorM, PorN and PorP, however the precise roles of most of these proteins have not been elucidated and the structural organization of these components is unknown. In this study, we purified PorK and PorN complexes from P. gingivalis and using electron microscopy we have shown that PorN and the PorK lipoprotein interact to form a 50 nm diameter ring-shaped structure containing approximately 32-36 subunits of each protein. The formation of these rings was dependent on both PorK and PorN, but was independent of PorL, PorM and PorP. PorL and PorM were found to form a separate stable complex. PorK and PorN were protected from proteinase K cleavage when present in undisrupted cells, but were rapidly degraded when the cells were lysed, which together with bioinformatic analyses suggests that these proteins are exposed in the periplasm and anchored to the outer membrane via the PorK lipid. Chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry analyses confirmed the interaction between PorK and PorN and further revealed that they interact with the PG0189 outer membrane protein. Furthermore, we established that PorN was required for the stable expression of PorK, PorL and PorM. Collectively, these results suggest that the ring-shaped PorK/N complex may form part of the secretion channel of the T9SS. This is the first report showing the structural organization of any T9SS component.

  5. Derrame pericárdico grave. Ventana pericárdica percutánea con balón

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    Carlos A. Bruno


    Full Text Available La mayoría de los pacientes con derrame pericárdico crónico son mujeres y mayores de 50 años. En esta presentación se describe el caso de una paciente de 63 años con derrame pericárdico crónico grave, con antecedente de carcinoma de mama izquierda irradiado, diagnóstico presuntivo no confirmado de tuberculosis pulmonar e hipotiroidea sustituida. Ante la recurrencia del derrame luego de pericardiocentesis y el fracaso del tratamiento antiinflamatorio con AINE se decidió realizar una ventana pericárdica percutánea, sin que se presentaran complicaciones técnicas. Se inició tratamiento con colchicina y se evaluaron las posibles causas: tuberculosa, oncológica, secundaria a hipotiroidismo o por radiación. Por exclusión se llegó a la etiología radiante. Al mes de la realización de la ventana pericárdica no se observaba derrame pericárdico en el ecocardiograma.

  6. Prevention and control of sequels in the mouth of patients treated with radiation therapy for head and neck tumors; Prevencao e controle das sequelas bucais em pacientes irradiados por tumores de cabeca e pescoco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cardoso, Maria de Fatima Aparecida; Novikoff, Silviene; Tresso, Adriana; Segreto, Roberto Araujo [Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP/EPM), SP (Brazil). Setor de Odontologia; Cervantes, Onivaldo [Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP/EPM), SP (Brazil). Dept. de Medicina. Setor de Radioterapia


    Surgery and radiation therapy are de main treatments for head and neck cancer. The side effects of the interaction of ionizing radiation on the tissues include dermatitis, mucositis, xerostomia, candidiasis, dysgeusia, dysphagia, caries, trismus, osteoradionecrosis. Objective: To assess dental condition of the patients using a protocol which allows avoiding or reducing the effects of radiation in the tissues of the oral cavity. Materials And Methods: Dental follow-up was performed before, during and up to 180 days after radiation therapy in 12 patients submitted to surgery and radiation therapy or radiation therapy alone. Results: The proportion of effects such as dermatitis, mucositis, dysgeusia, and dysphagia increased from the second week of the treatment until the end of the administrations. There was a clear decrease at the end of the treatment which was close to baseline values after 180 days. The reduction of xerostomia was slower and less effective. No case of caries, trismus, and osteoradionecrosis were observed during the assessment period. Conclusion: Regular dental follow-up associated with preventive measures such as prophylactic management of dental and oral diseases, adequate hygiene, mouth-washing with bicarbonate water and chamomile tea, and topic fluorine application contributed to improve the recovery conditions of patients with cancer of head and neck submitted to radiation therapy. (author)

  7. Crioterapia en pequeños tumores malignos palpebrales Cryotherapy in small malignant eyelids tumors

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    Clara Gómez Cabrera


    Full Text Available Para determinar la efectividad de la crioterapia como tratamiento del cáncer de los párpados, se realizó un análisis descriptivo de tipo retrospectivo de 10 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de carcinoma palpebral cuyo máximo tamaño de la lesión fue de 5 mm y que no fuese pigmentado. El 60 % de los pacientes se encontraba entre los 31 y los 60 años de edad y el 80 % pertenece al sexo femenino. El párpado superior estuvo afectado en un 80 % y el 90 % de las lesiones fueron por clínica diagnosticadas como carcinoma basocelular.y respondieron al tratamiento. La crioterapia es un tratamiento efectivo y curativo en pequeños tumores palpebrales.To determine the effectiveness of cryotherapy to treat eyelids cancer, a descriptive retrospective analysis was made in 10 patients with clinical diagnosis of non-pigmented eyelids carcinoma with a maximun size of 5 mm. 60 % of the patients were between 31 and 60 years old, whereas 80 % were females. The upper eyelid was affected in 80 % and 90 % of the lesions were clinically diagnosed as basal cell carcinoma and responded to treatment. Cryotherapy is an effective and curative treatment in small eyelids tumors.

  8. Carcinoma basocelular simulando tumor intranasal: tratamento com cirurgia micrográfica pelo método de Munique Basal cell carcinoma mimicking intranasal tumor: treatment by Munich method of micrographic surgery

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    Luis Fernando Figueiredo Kopke


    Full Text Available Relata-se caso incomum de carcinoma basocelular que simulava tumor intranasal de crescimento expansivo, na cavidade da narina esquerda. Operado com cirurgia micrográfica pelo método de Munique, foi possível demonstrar que o tumor se originava da pele aparentemente normal e suprajacente do nariz. Por ser tridimensional, esse método de cirurgia micrográfica permite estudo mais preciso da peça cirúrgica. Discutem-se também aspectos peculiares da cirurgia micrográfica pelo método de Munique, o que contribui para a ampliação do conceito das cirurgias microscopicamente controladas.A rare case of basal cell carcinoma mimicking an expansive intranasal tumor in the left nostril is reported. Through the Munich micrographic surgery method, it was possible to demonstrate that the tumor originated from the apparently normal nose skin. Since this micrographic surgery is a tri-dimensional method, it enables a more accurate study of the specimen. Some peculiar aspects of the micrographic surgery using the Munich method are discussed, thus contributing to further understanding about the concept of microscopically controlled surgeries.

  9. The PorX response regulator of the Porphyromonas gingivalis PorXY two-component system does not directly regulate the Type IX secretion genes but binds the PorL subunit.

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    Maxence S Vincent


    Full Text Available The Type IX secretion system (T9SS is a versatile multi-protein complex restricted to bacteria of the Bacteriodetes phylum and responsible for the secretion of surface attachment of diverse proteins that participate to S-layer formation, gliding motility or pathogenesis. The T9SS is poorly characterized but a number of proteins involved in the assembly of the secretion apparatus in the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis have been identified based on genome substractive analyses. Among these proteins, PorY and PorX encode typical two-component system (TCS sensor and CheY-like response regulator respectively. Although the porX and porY genes do not localize at the same genetic locus, it has been proposed that PorXY form a bona fide TCS. Deletion of the porX in P. gingivalis causes a slight decrease of the expression of a number of other T9SS genes, including sov, porT, porP, porK, porL, porM, porN and porY. Here, we show that PorX and the soluble cytoplasmic domain of PorY interact. Using electrophoretic mobility shift, DNA-protein co-purification and heterologous host expression assays, we showed that PorX does not bind and does not directly regulate expression of the T9SS genes. Finally, we show that PorX interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of PorL, a component of the T9SS membrane core complex and propose that the CheY-like PorX protein might be involved in the dynamics of the T9SS.

  10. Tumores ósseos benignos e lesões ósseas Pseudotumorais: tratamento atual e novas tendências Benign bone tumors and tumor-like bone lesions: treatment update and new trends

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    José Marcos Nogueira Drumond


    Full Text Available O tratamento dos tumores ósseos benignos (TOB e lesões ósseas pseudotumorais (LOP tem visto surgir novos medicamentos, como os bisfosfonatos de uso intravenoso, que têm mostrado bons resultados no controle das lesões da displasia fibrosa. O cisto ósseo aneurismático tem sido tratado com agentes esclerosantes com sucesso. Tratamentos adjuvantes permitem a realização de cirurgias que preservam a articulação e a função, com baixas taxas de recidiva. Têm sido mais utilizados o cimento ósseo (PMMA, o fenol, a crioterapia com nitrogênio líquido, a água oxigenada, o álcool etílico e a radioterapia. Entre os novos métodos de tratamento surgidos destaca-se a ablação térmica por radiofrequência e por laser, utilizada principalmente para tratamento do osteoma osteoide. A artroscopia permite a ressecção de lesões benignas intra-articulares e assiste na ressecção de tumores subcondrais. Um grande avanço foi a utilização de substitutos sintéticos do osso, que associam substâncias osteoindutivas com material osteocondutivo e têm apresentado resultados comparáveis aos do enxerto ósseo autógeno. Há uma tendência atual para tratamentos fechados, fazendo-se a injeção percutânea de matriz óssea desmineralizada (DBM associada com sulfato de cálcio. O enxerto ósseo esponjoso autógeno permanece como o padrão ouro. O enxerto de fíbula vascularizado apresenta os melhores resultados para incorporação em lesões maiores e agressivas. Também o suporte cortical alogênico provê resistência estrutural aumentada nessas lesões mais agressivas. O aloenxerto liofilizado tem indicação para preencher defeitos contidos e para reforço do enxerto autógeno. As endopróteses articulares são utilizadas em grandes lesões destrutivas no fêmur distal, no quadril e no ombro.The treatment of benign bone tumors (BBT and tumor-like bone lesions (TBL has observed the introduction of new drugs, such as intravenous bisphosphonates

  11. Bone tumor (United States)

    Tumor - bone; Bone cancer; Primary bone tumor; Secondary bone tumor; Bone tumor - benign ... The cause of bone tumors is unknown. They often occur in areas of the bone that grow rapidly. Possible causes include: Genetic defects ...

  12. Radon exposure and tumors of the central nervous system. (United States)

    Ruano-Ravina, Alberto; Dacosta-Urbieta, Ana; Barros-Dios, Juan Miguel; Kelsey, Karl T


    To review the published evidence of links between radon exposure and central nervous system tumors through a systematic review of the scientific literature. We performed a thorough bibliographic search in Medline (PubMed) and EMBASE. We combined MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) terms and free text. We developed a purpose-designed scale to assess the quality of the included manuscripts. We have included 18 studies, 8 performed on miners, 3 on the general population and 7 on children, and the results have been structured using this classification. The results are inconclusive. An association between radon exposure and central nervous system tumors has been observed in some studies on miners, but not in others. The results observed in the general adult population and in children are also mixed, with some research evincing a statistically significant association and others showing no effect. We cannot conclude that there is a relationship between radon exposure and central nervous system tumors. The available studies are extremely heterogeneous in terms of design and populations studied. Further research is needed in this topic, particularly in the general population residing in areas with high levels of radon. Copyright © 2017 SESPAS. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  13. Tumor immunology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otter, W. den


    Tumor immunology, the use of immunological techniques for tumor diagnosis and approaches to immunotherapy of cancer are topics covered in this multi-author volume. Part A, 'Tumor Immunology', deals with present views on tumor-associated antigens, the initiation of immune reactions of tumor cells, effector cell killing, tumor cells and suppression of antitumor immunity, and one chapter dealing with the application of mathematical models in tumor immunology. Part B, 'Tumor Diagnosis and Imaging', concerns the use of markers to locate the tumor in vivo, for the histological diagnosis, and for the monitoring of tumor growth. In Part C, 'Immunotherapy', various experimental approaches to immunotherapy are described, such as the use of monoclonal antibodies to target drugs, the use of interleukin-2 and the use of drugs inhibiting suppression. In the final section, the evaluation, a pathologist and a clinician evaluate the possibilities and limitations of tumor immunology and the extent to which it is useful for diagnosis and therapy. refs.; figs.; tabs

  14. The PorX Response Regulator of the Porphyromonas gingivalis PorXY Two-Component System Does Not Directly Regulate the Type IX Secretion Genes but Binds the PorL Subunit (United States)

    Vincent, Maxence S.; Durand, Eric; Cascales, Eric


    The Type IX secretion system (T9SS) is a versatile multi-protein complex restricted to bacteria of the Bacteriodetes phylum and responsible for the secretion or cell surface exposition of diverse proteins that participate to S-layer formation, gliding motility or pathogenesis. The T9SS is poorly characterized but a number of proteins involved in the assembly of the secretion apparatus in the oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis have been identified based on genome substractive analyses. Among these proteins, PorY, and PorX encode typical two-component system (TCS) sensor and CheY-like response regulator respectively. Although the porX and porY genes do not localize at the same genetic locus, it has been proposed that PorXY form a bona fide TCS. Deletion of porX in P. gingivalis causes a slight decrease of the expression of a number of other T9SS genes, including sov, porT, porP, porK, porL, porM, porN, and porY. Here, we show that PorX and the soluble cytoplasmic domain of PorY interact. Using electrophoretic mobility shift, DNA-protein co-purification and heterologous host expression assays, we demonstrate that PorX does not bind T9SS gene promoters and does not directly regulate expression of the T9SS genes. Finally, we show that PorX interacts with the cytoplasmic domain of PorL, a component of the T9SS membrane core complex and propose that the CheY-like PorX protein might be involved in the dynamics of the T9SS. PMID:27630829

  15. Correlação entre o exame clínico, a mamografia e a ultra-sonografia com o exame anatomopatológico na determinação do tamanho tumoral no câncer de mama Correlation between clinical examination, mammography and ultrasonography with histopathological exam in the determination of tumor size in breast cancer

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    Fernanda Monteiro de Paula Siqueira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar qual o melhor método entre o exame clínico (EC, a mamografia (MMG e a ultra-sonografia (US na determinação pré-operatória do tamanho tumoral no câncer de mama, tendo como referência o exame anatomopatológico. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas neste estudo 184 pacientes com lesões mamárias detectadas por MMG e US, palpáveis ou não, e que foram submetidas a ressecção cirúrgica do tumor, com diagnóstico histopatológico de câncer de mama. O maior diâmetro tumoral foi avaliado por EC, MMG e US por um mesmo examinador, e a medida obtida por cada método foi correlacionada com o diâmetro máximo obtido pelo exame anatomopatológico. A análise comparativa foi feita por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r. RESULTADOS: o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson encontrado entre o exame anatomopatológico e o EC foi 0,8; entre o exame anatomopatológico e a MMG foi 0,7 e entre o exame anatomopatológico e a US foi 0,7 (pPURPOSE: to evaluate which method is the best to determine pre-surgically the size of breast cancer: clinical examination, mammography or ultrasonography, using as a reference the anatomopathological exam. METHODS: this study has included 184 patients with palpable-or-not breast lesions, detected by mammography and ultrasonography, that were submitted to surgical resection of the tumor, with histopathological diagnosis of breast cancer. The same examiner evaluated clinically the largest tumoral diameter, through clinical examination, mammography and ultrasonography, and the measurements obtained by each method were correlated with the maximum diameter obtained by the anatomopathological exam. The comparative analysis has been done by Pearson's correlation coefficient (r. RESULTS: Pearson's correlation coefficient between the anatomopathological and the clinical exams was 0.8; between the anatomopathological exam and the mammography, 0.7; and between anatomopathological exam and ultrasonography 0

  16. Estudo da topografia e da osseointegração de implante de titânio sob ação do LASER, com ou sem deposição de hidroxiapatita, em coelhos


    Sisti, Karin Ellen


    Objetivo: Estudar a topografia a osseointegração de implantes de titânio sob ação do LASER de alta intensidade com e sem deposição química de hidroxiapatita, em coelhos. Método: Foram utilizados 30 coelhos albinos que receberam em suas tíbias 3 tipos de superfície de implantes: grupo controle(GI) implantes usinados, grupo(GII) irradiado LASER(Yb), e grupo irradiado e depositado hidroxiapatita pelo método biomimético(GIII). Após os períodos de avaliações (30 e 60 dias) os implantes foram subme...

  17. Teratoid Wilms′ tumor - A rare renal tumor

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    Biswanath Mukhopadhyay


    Full Text Available Teratoid Wilms′ tumor is an extremely rare renal tumor. We report a case of unilateral teratoid Wilms′ tumor in a 4-year-old girl. The patient was admitted with a right-sided abdominal mass. The mass was arising from the right kidney. Radical nephrectomy was done and the patient had an uneventful recovery. Histopathology report showed teratoid Wilms′ tumor.

  18. Tratamento radioterápico dos tumores glômicos do osso temporal Radiation therapy for glomus tumors of the temporal bone

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    Celso Dall'Igna


    Full Text Available O tratamento dos tumores glômicos tem sido motivo de controvérsia desde sua primeira publicação, podendo ser cirúrgico, radioterápico ou apenas expectante. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a efetividade e as complicações do tratamento radioterápico para esses tumores. FORMA DE ESTUDO: clínico com coorte transversal. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Trata-se de uma coorte histórica de pacientes com tumor glômico jugular submetidos à radioterapia. Os critérios de controle da doença foram não haver progressão dos sintomas ou disfunção de nervos cranianos, sem aumento do tamanho da lesão ao exame físico ou controle radiológico. Avaliamos também a presença de seqüelas do tratamento. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 12 pacientes, sendo oito mulheres. O tempo de follow-up variou de 3 a 35 anos, com uma media de 11,6 anos. Os principais sintomas foram: hipoacusia, zumbido pulsátil e tontura ou vertigem. Os achados de exame físico mais freqüentes foram massa pulsátil retrotimpanica, paralisia facial e anacusia, sendo os tumores estadiados segundo a classificação proposta por Fisch. A radioterapia foi realizada com acelerador linear com doses variando de 4500-5500 Rads por 4-6 semanas. As seqüelas mais comuns foram a dermatite, estenose do conduto auditivo externo, anacusia e paralisia facial. DISCUSSÃO: Os sintomas e achados de exame físico e o método e dosagem da radioterapia não diferiram daqueles encontrados na literatura. Todos os pacientes tiveram melhora dos sintomas e apenas um não foi considerado como tendo controle da doença. As complicações do tratamento foram de pouca repercussão, com exceção da anacusia e da paralisia facial. CONCLUSÃO: A radioterapia é uma alternativa viável para o tratamento desses tumores pela boa resposta e baixo índice de complicações. Deve ser considerada especialmente em tumores mais avançados onde um procedimento cirúrgico pode trazer grande morbidade.The treatment of glomic

  19. Spinal tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goethem, J.W.M. van; Hauwe, L. van den; Oezsarlak, Oe.; Schepper, A.M.A. de; Parizel, P.M.


    Spinal tumors are uncommon lesions but may cause significant morbidity in terms of limb dysfunction. In establishing the differential diagnosis for a spinal lesion, location is the most important feature, but the clinical presentation and the patient's age and gender are also important. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging plays a central role in the imaging of spinal tumors, easily allowing tumors to be classified as extradural, intradural-extramedullary or intramedullary, which is very useful in tumor characterization. In the evaluation of lesions of the osseous spine both computed tomography (CT) and MR are important. We describe the most common spinal tumors in detail. In general, extradural lesions are the most common with metastasis being the most frequent. Intradural tumors are rare, and the majority is extramedullary, with meningiomas and nerve sheath tumors being the most frequent. Intramedullary tumors are uncommon spinal tumors. Astrocytomas and ependymomas comprise the majority of the intramedullary tumors. The most important tumors are documented with appropriate high quality CT or MR images and the characteristics of these tumors are also summarized in a comprehensive table. Finally we illustrate the use of the new World Health Organization (WHO) classification of neoplasms affecting the central nervous system

  20. Tumor control probability after a radiation of animal tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Urano, Muneyasu; Ando, Koichi; Koike, Sachiko; Nesumi, Naofumi


    Tumor control and regrowth probability of animal tumors irradiated with a single x-ray dose were determined, using a spontaneous C3H mouse mammary carcinoma. Cellular radiation sensitivity of tumor cells and tumor control probability of the tumor were examined by the TD 50 and TCD 50 assays respectively. Tumor growth kinetics were measured by counting the percentage of labelled mitosis and by measuring the growth curve. A mathematical analysis of tumor control probability was made from these results. A formula proposed, accounted for cell population kinetics or division probability model, cell sensitivity to radiation and number of tumor cells. (auth.)

  1. An exceptional collision tumor: gastric calcified stromal tumor and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The authors report an exceptional case of collision tumor comprised of a gastric calcified stromal tumor and a pancreatic adenocarcinoma. The pancreatic tumor was detected fortuitously on the histological exam of resection specimen. Key words: Collision tumor, stromal tumor, adenocarcinoma ...

  2. MR findings of ovarian tumors with hormonal activity, with emphasis on tumors other than sex cord-stromal tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanaka, Yumiko Oishi [Department of Radiology, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8575 (Japan)]. E-mail:; Saida, Tsukasa Sasaki [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Tsukuba University Hospital (Japan); Minami, Rie [Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba (Japan); Yagi, Takako [Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Tsukuba University Hospital (Japan); Tsunoda, Hajime [Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kanto Medical Center, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corporation (Japan); Yoshikawa, Hiroyuki [Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba (Japan); Minami, Manabu [Department of Radiology, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8575 (Japan)


    Sex cord-stromal tumors including granulosa cell tumor, thecoma, Sertoli stromal cell tumor and steroid cell tumor are noted for their hormonal activity. However, there are many kinds of ovarian tumors other than sex cord-stromal tumors and tumor-like conditions with endocrine manifestations. Cross-sectional imaging, especially MR, can provide precise features of ovarian tumors and uterine morphological change even in a clinically latent excess of estrogen. In this article, we demonstrate typical imaging findings of ovarian tumors with hormonal activity. We also shortly explain the mechanism of the virilization and hyperestrogenism caused by ovarian tumors and tumor-like conditions.

  3. MR findings of ovarian tumors with hormonal activity, with emphasis on tumors other than sex cord-stromal tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanaka, Yumiko Oishi; Saida, Tsukasa Sasaki; Minami, Rie; Yagi, Takako; Tsunoda, Hajime; Yoshikawa, Hiroyuki; Minami, Manabu


    Sex cord-stromal tumors including granulosa cell tumor, thecoma, Sertoli stromal cell tumor and steroid cell tumor are noted for their hormonal activity. However, there are many kinds of ovarian tumors other than sex cord-stromal tumors and tumor-like conditions with endocrine manifestations. Cross-sectional imaging, especially MR, can provide precise features of ovarian tumors and uterine morphological change even in a clinically latent excess of estrogen. In this article, we demonstrate typical imaging findings of ovarian tumors with hormonal activity. We also shortly explain the mechanism of the virilization and hyperestrogenism caused by ovarian tumors and tumor-like conditions

  4. The Tumor Macroenvironment: Cancer-Promoting Networks Beyond Tumor Beds. (United States)

    Rutkowski, Melanie R; Svoronos, Nikolaos; Perales-Puchalt, Alfredo; Conejo-Garcia, Jose R


    During tumor progression, alterations within the systemic tumor environment, or macroenvironment, result in the promotion of tumor growth, tumor invasion to distal organs, and eventual metastatic disease. Distally produced hormones, commensal microbiota residing within mucosal surfaces, myeloid cells and even the bone marrow impact the systemic immune system, tumor growth, and metastatic spread. Understanding the reciprocal interactions between the cells and soluble factors within the macroenvironment and the primary tumor will enable the design of specific therapies that have the potential to prevent dissemination and metastatic spread. This chapter will summarize recent findings detailing how the primary tumor and systemic tumor macroenvironment coordinate malignant progression. © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Bone tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Unni, K.K.


    This book contains the proceedings on bone tumors. Topics covered include: Bone tumor imaging: Contribution of CT and MRI, staging of bone tumors, perind cell tumors of bone, and metastatic bone disease

  6. Encefalopatía por priones

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    Carlos Colegial


    Full Text Available Las encefalopatías espongiformes por priones son enfermedades neurodegenerativas que pueden ser esporádicas o transmisibles, ya sea por mecanismos infecciosos o hereditarios. Su investigación ha planteado enormes retos y en el recorrido histórico en busca de su causa dos médicos han recibido el premio Nobel de Medicina: Carleton Gajdusek, por sus trabajos en Nueva Guinea donde describió la transmisión infecciosa por ritos canibalísticos, que llevó a estudios de transmisión experimental en chimpancés y a su teoría de los "virus lentos" (por el largo período de incubación de la enfermedad.

  7. Avances en radio oncología de tumores urologicos

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    Pelayo Besa, DR.


    Full Text Available Resumen: La radioterapia ha experimentado avances importantes en la última década, lo que ha resultado en un aumento de la curación de los cánceres urológicos y una disminución en las complicaciones por radiación. Estos avances han sido posibles por el trabajo de equipo médico multidisciplinario y la incorporación y consolidación de nuevas tecnologías. El avance en la planificación virtual tridimensional ha permitido que el radio oncólogo defina con precisión los volúmenes que alojan el cáncer y también los órganos sanos que debe proteger. La incorporación de radioterapia por modulación de intensidad en su forma estática, IMRT, intensity modulated radiotherapy o la modulación volumétrica de intensidad en arco, VMAT, volumetric modulated arc therapy, permite depositar en forma muy precisa la dosis de radiación en el volumen blanco de tratamiento y proteger los órganos vecinos. El avance se complementa con una mejor localización del volumen a tratar mediante el desarrollo de la radioterapia guiada por imágenes, IGRT, image guided radiotherapy. Otra área de avances importantes ha sido la braquiterapia beneficiada por el desarrollo de los sistemas de planificación tridimensional y el uso de las imágenes para guía de los volúmenes de tratamiento y posicionamiento de las fuentes radioactivas. El presente artículo describe la aplicación de estos avances en los diferentes tipos de cánceres urológicos. Summary: Radiation therapy has experienced significant advances during the last decade, resulting in improved control of urologic cancer and decrease in radiation toxicity. The advances have been possible due to the multidisciplinary teamwork and the development of new technologies. Advances in virtual 3D treatment planning, allows the radiation oncologist to define with precision de volumes occupied by cancer and protect the normal tissue. The incorporation of IMRT, intensity modulated radiotherapy and VMAT, volumetric

  8. Alterations caused by physical training in pulmonary edema and loss of muscle mass in rats with Walker-256 tumor Alterações promovidas pelo treinamento físico no edema pulmonar e perda de massa muscular em ratos portadores de tumor Walker-256

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    Rubens Cecchini


    -256 após morte espontânea (geralmente em torno do décimo quinto dia apresentavam edema pulmonar significativo com presença de líquido na cavidade pleural. Alguns trabalhos têm sugerido que o treinamento físico melhora a sobrevida de animais com tumor e minimiza os efeitos da caquexia. O objetivo de nosso trabalho foi o de avaliar o índice de edema pulmonar e massa muscular esquelética e cardíaca, além da sobrevida de ratos portadores de tumor Walker-256 submetidos previamente a treinamento físico por natação (N. Para este estudo, foram usados ratos Wistar machos (200 a 220g, submetidos ao treinamento físico por natação (1 hora; 5 dias/semana, 4 semanas. Um dia após o treinamento, ratos sedentários (C ou treinados (N foram submetidos à inoculação no flanco direito de 8 x 107 células de tumor de Walker 256 (T. Imediatamente após a morte espontânea desses animais, foram avaliados o índice de edema pulmonar (IEP, a massa muscular esquelética (gastrocnêmio e soleus e cardíaca. O edema pulmonar foi avaliado pelo índice calculado pela relação entre os pesos pulmonar e corporal de cada animal, e multiplicada por 100 (PP/PC x 100 (LEE et al., 2001. O índice de massa muscular (IMM foi calculado de forma similar. Em animais normais, o IEP é igual a 0,53±0,02 (n=20. Em ratos portadores de tumor após a morte espontânea apresentaram IEP significativamente maior (2,62±0,31, n=18. Após o treinamento físico em animais sem tumor, o IEP foi de 0,55±0,03 (n=5. Já em animais portadores de tumor previamente treinados obteve-se um índice de edema inferior ao grupo controle com tumor (1,46±0,16, n=5; p<0,05. Em relação à massa muscular, verificou-se, como esperado, uma diminuição no índice de massa muscular do gastrocnêmio no grupo controle com tumor, quando comparado ao grupo sem tumor (C=0,53± 0,01 ; CT=0,38± 0,02. O mesmo ocorreu para o músculo soléus (C=0,11±0,01; CT=0,08± 0,01. O treinamento físico não modificou o IMM de todos

  9. Suprasellar germ cell tumor in a dog Tumor supra-selar de células germinativas em um cão

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    Raquel Rubia Rech


    Full Text Available A case of suprasellar germ cell tumor is described in a 6-year -old Airedale Terrier bitch that presented behavioral changes and abrupt onset of blindness. The neoplasm compressed the ventral surface of the cerebrum from the level of basal ganglia to the mesencephalon. Histologically the neoplasm consisted of nests and trabeculae of round to polygonal cells that occasionally surround tubules and cysts formed by columnar cells. Neoplastic cells are immunopositive for cytokeratin and alpha-fetoprotein. The diagnosis was based on location, histological appearance and on the immunohistochemical staining.É descrito um caso de tumor de células germinativas supra-selar em numa cadela Airedale Terrier de seis anos de idade, que apresentou transtornos do comportamento e aparecimento abrupto de cegueira. O neoplasma comprimia a superfície ventral do cérebro desde a altura dos núcleos basais até o mesencéfalo. Histologicamente, o neoplasma consistia de ninhos e trabéculas de células redondas ou poligonais que ocasionalmente arranjavam-se ao redor de túbulos e cistos formados por células colunares. As células neoplásicas foram positivas na imunoistoquímica para citoqueratina e a-fetoproteína. O diagnóstico foi feito com base na localização do tumor, no seu aspecto histológico e nos resultados da marcação imunoistoquímica.

  10. Tumor ocular metastásico Metastatic ocular tumor

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    Martha G Domínguez Expósito


    Full Text Available El carcinoma metastásico del ojo es considerado la neoplasia maligna que más frecuente se encuentra de forma intraocular. Solo cerca del 10 % de las personas que tienen una o más lesiones metastásicas intraoculares son detectadas clínicamente antes de la muerte. A menudo, el carcinoma metastásico ocular es diagnosticado por el oftalmólogo ante la presencia de síntomas oculares. Las lesiones están localizadas con preferencia en coroides. Nos motivo a realizar la presentación de este caso la presencia de lesiones intraoculares múltiples tumorales metastásicos en un paciente cuyo síntoma de presentación fue la disminución de la agudeza visualThe eye metastatic carcinoma is considered the most frequently found intraocular malignant neoplasia. Only 10 % of the persons with one or more metastatic intraocular injuries are clinically detected before death. The metastatic ocular carcinoma is often diagnosed by the ophthalmologist in the presence of ocular symptoms. The injuries are preferably located in the choroid. The appearance of multiple metastatic intraaocular tumoral injuries in a patient whose chief complaint was the reduction of visual acuity motivated us to presente this case

  11. Captopril improves tumor nanomedicine delivery by increasing tumor blood perfusion and enlarging endothelial gaps in tumor blood vessels. (United States)

    Zhang, Bo; Jiang, Ting; Tuo, Yanyan; Jin, Kai; Luo, Zimiao; Shi, Wei; Mei, Heng; Hu, Yu; Pang, Zhiqing; Jiang, Xinguo


    Poor tumor perfusion and unfavorable vessel permeability compromise nanomedicine drug delivery to tumors. Captopril dilates blood vessels, reducing blood pressure clinically and bradykinin, as the downstream signaling moiety of captopril, is capable of dilating blood vessels and effectively increasing vessel permeability. The hypothesis behind this study was that captopril can dilate tumor blood vessels, improving tumor perfusion and simultaneously enlarge the endothelial gaps of tumor vessels, therefore enhancing nanomedicine drug delivery for tumor therapy. Using the U87 tumor xenograft with abundant blood vessels as the tumor model, tumor perfusion experiments were carried out using laser Doppler imaging and lectin-labeling experiments. A single treatment of captopril at a dose of 100 mg/kg significantly increased the percentage of functional vessels in tumor tissues and improved tumor blood perfusion. Scanning electron microscopy of tumor vessels also indicated that the endothelial gaps of tumor vessels were enlarged after captopril treatment. Immunofluorescence-staining of tumor slices demonstrated that captopril significantly increased bradykinin expression, possibly explaining tumor perfusion improvements and endothelial gap enlargement. Additionally, imaging in vivo, imaging ex vivo and nanoparticle distribution in tumor slices indicated that after a single treatment with captopril, the accumulation of 115-nm nanoparticles in tumors had increased 2.81-fold with a more homogeneous distribution pattern in comparison to non-captopril treated controls. Finally, pharmacodynamics experiments demonstrated that captopril combined with paclitaxel-loaded nanoparticles resulted in the greatest tumor shrinkage and the most extensive necrosis in tumor tissues among all treatment groups. Taken together, the data from the present study suggest a novel strategy for improving tumor perfusion and enlarging blood vessel permeability simultaneously in order to improve

  12. Tumor evanescente: un reto diagnóstico

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    José M. Ocampo


    Full Text Available Resumen: El tumor fantasma es una efusión interlobal pulmonar, interpretada como una manifestación radiológica poco común en personas con falla cardíaca descompensada; una vez se establece el tratamiento, estas lesiones que inicialmente se pueden confundir con infecciones o lesiones tumorales, desaparecen, por lo cual es fundamental realizar un diagnóstico adecuado que evite la práctica de estudios invasivos y no invasivos. Se expone el caso de un hombre con antecedente de falla cardíaca congestiva, quien ingresó al servicio de urgencias por exacerbación de síntomas respiratorios, edemas de miembros inferiores, disnea paroxística nocturna, ortopnea y signos clínicos de falla cardíaca. La radiografía de tórax mostró cardiomegalia, engrosamiento pleural derecho periférico y dos imágenes de tipo masa en tercios medio e inferior derechos y opacidad intersticial en bases. Se estableció manejo médico para falla cardíaca y se ordenó radiografía de tórax tres días después del tratamiento, luego de lo cual se observó desaparición de lesión intrapulmonar, confirmando diagnóstico de tumor fantasma. Abstract: The phantom (evanescent tumour is an interlobar lung effusion, interpreted as a rare radiological sign in individuals with decompensated heart failure. Once the treatment is established, these lesions, which initially can be confused with infections or tumour lesions, disappear. This makes it essential to make an appropriate diagnosis that avoids carrying out invasive and non-invasive studies. The case is presented of a man with a history of congestive heart failure, who was admitted to the Emergency Department due to the exacerbation of respiratory symptoms, swelling in the legs, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, orthopnoea, and clinical signs of heart failure. The chest x-ray showed cardiomegaly, right pleural peripheral thickening, and two mass-type images in the right middle and lower thirds, as well as interstitial

  13. Multiparametric classification links tumor microenvironments with tumor cell phenotype.

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    Bojana Gligorijevic


    Full Text Available While it has been established that a number of microenvironment components can affect the likelihood of metastasis, the link between microenvironment and tumor cell phenotypes is poorly understood. Here we have examined microenvironment control over two different tumor cell motility phenotypes required for metastasis. By high-resolution multiphoton microscopy of mammary carcinoma in mice, we detected two phenotypes of motile tumor cells, different in locomotion speed. Only slower tumor cells exhibited protrusions with molecular, morphological, and functional characteristics associated with invadopodia. Each region in the primary tumor exhibited either fast- or slow-locomotion. To understand how the tumor microenvironment controls invadopodium formation and tumor cell locomotion, we systematically analyzed components of the microenvironment previously associated with cell invasion and migration. No single microenvironmental property was able to predict the locations of tumor cell phenotypes in the tumor if used in isolation or combined linearly. To solve this, we utilized the support vector machine (SVM algorithm to classify phenotypes in a nonlinear fashion. This approach identified conditions that promoted either motility phenotype. We then demonstrated that varying one of the conditions may change tumor cell behavior only in a context-dependent manner. In addition, to establish the link between phenotypes and cell fates, we photoconverted and monitored the fate of tumor cells in different microenvironments, finding that only tumor cells in the invadopodium-rich microenvironments degraded extracellular matrix (ECM and disseminated. The number of invadopodia positively correlated with degradation, while the inhibiting metalloproteases eliminated degradation and lung metastasis, consistent with a direct link among invadopodia, ECM degradation, and metastasis. We have detected and characterized two phenotypes of motile tumor cells in vivo, which

  14. Tumores malignos del mediastino en niños: un problema clínico urgente

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    Iliana De los Reyes


    Full Text Available Los tumores de mediastino conforman un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades. La localización de la masa se relaciona con las características clínicas y la aparición de complicaciones. Las masas malignas del mediastino anterior más frecuentes en niños son las neoplasias de precursores linfoides tipo leucemia/linfoma linfoblástico T, el linfoma de Hodgkin y los tumores germinales. El manejo de la urgencia oncológica producida por el efecto compresivo de la masa requiere una evaluación exhaustiva y una rápida intervención, que permita salvaguardar la vida del paciente sin sacrificar el tratamiento óptimo posterior. El síndrome de la vena cava superior, el taponamiento cardiaco y otros hacen parte de las urgencias mecánicas más frecuentes.Se presenta el caso de un niño de ocho años de edad con síntomas respiratorios y presencia de masa en el mediastino anterior, confirmada por citometría de flujo como linfoma linfoblástico, que requirió manejo con esteroides y quimioterapia para citorreducción y mejoría de las complicaciones.

  15. Tumor radiation responses and tumor oxygenation in aging mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rockwell, S.


    EMT6 mouse mammary tumors transplanted into aging mice are less sensitive to radiation than tumors growing in young adult animals. The experiments reported here compare the radiation dose-response curves defining the survivals of tumor cells in aging mice and in young adult mice. Cell survival curves were assessed in normal air-breathing mice and in mice asphyxiated with N 2 to produce uniform hypoxia throughout the tumors. Analyses of survival curves revealed that 41% of viable malignant cells were severely hypoxic in tumors in aging mice, while only 19% of the tumor cells in young adult animals were radiobiologically hypoxic. This did not appear to reflect anaemia in the old animals. Treatment of aging animals with a perfluorochemical emulsion plus carbogen (95% O 2 /5% CO 2 ) increased radiation response of the tumors, apparently by improving tumor oxygenation and decreasing the number of severely hypoxic, radiation resistant cells in the tumors. (author)

  16. Tumor de células granulares de la región anal: Presentación de 1 caso

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    Isnerio Valerio Arzuaga Ánderson


    Full Text Available Se informa un caso de tumor de células granulares (mioblastoma de la región anal, en una mujer de 54 años de edad que acudió al Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Joaquín Albarrán" por "quiste palpable en las márgenes del ano. El tratamiento que se realizó fue la resección local del tumor. Se analizaron los patrones histopatológicos e inmunohistoquímicos, los cuales se correspondieron con los reportados en la literatura médica hasta el presenteThe authors present a case of granular cell tumor (myoblastoma of the anal region in a woman aged 54, who was attended at "Joaquin Albarrán" Clinical Surgical Hospital due to a palpable "cyst" in the anal edges. The treatment applied consisted in local resection of the tumor. Histopathologic and immunohistochemical patterns were analyzed and they corresponded to those reported in medical literature

  17. Casipoemas por Navidad : (1969-2010)


    Sena Medina, Guillermo


    PRESENTACIÓN AL AIRE DE LA POESÍA RELIGIOSA Y NAVIDEÑA DE GUILLERMO SENA MEDINA Constituye un gran honor hacer la presentación de Guillermo Sena Medina por un doble motivo; por la larga y sincera amistad que nos une desde hace muchos años al socaire de nuestra común afición por la Historia, como cronistas oficiales de nuestros municipios; y, sobre todo y particularmente, por su rica y profunda personalidad como hombre de letras, nacida de su aún más rica y profunda personalidad humana. A...

  18. Modulating the Tumor Microenvironment to Enhance Tumor Nanomedicine Delivery

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    Bo Zhang


    Full Text Available Nanomedicines including liposomes, micelles, and nanoparticles based on the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR effect have become the mainstream for tumor treatment owing to their superiority over conventional anticancer agents. Advanced design of nanomedicine including active targeting nanomedicine, tumor-responsive nanomedicine, and optimization of physicochemical properties to enable highly effective delivery of nanomedicine to tumors has further improved their therapeutic benefits. However, these strategies still could not conquer the delivery barriers of a tumor microenvironment such as heterogeneous blood flow, dense extracellular matrix, abundant stroma cells, and high interstitial fluid pressure, which severely impaired vascular transport of nanomedicines, hindered their effective extravasation, and impeded their interstitial transport to realize uniform distribution inside tumors. Therefore, modulation of tumor microenvironment has now emerged as an important strategy to improve nanomedicine delivery to tumors. Here, we review the existing strategies and approaches for tumor microenvironment modulation to improve tumor perfusion for helping more nanomedicines to reach the tumor site, to facilitate nanomedicine extravasation for enhancing transvascular transport, and to improve interstitial transport for optimizing the distribution of nanomedicines. These strategies may provide an avenue for the development of new combination chemotherapeutic regimens and reassessment of previously suboptimal agents.

  19. Modulating the Tumor Microenvironment to Enhance Tumor Nanomedicine Delivery (United States)

    Zhang, Bo; Hu, Yu; Pang, Zhiqing


    Nanomedicines including liposomes, micelles, and nanoparticles based on the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect have become the mainstream for tumor treatment owing to their superiority over conventional anticancer agents. Advanced design of nanomedicine including active targeting nanomedicine, tumor-responsive nanomedicine, and optimization of physicochemical properties to enable highly effective delivery of nanomedicine to tumors has further improved their therapeutic benefits. However, these strategies still could not conquer the delivery barriers of a tumor microenvironment such as heterogeneous blood flow, dense extracellular matrix, abundant stroma cells, and high interstitial fluid pressure, which severely impaired vascular transport of nanomedicines, hindered their effective extravasation, and impeded their interstitial transport to realize uniform distribution inside tumors. Therefore, modulation of tumor microenvironment has now emerged as an important strategy to improve nanomedicine delivery to tumors. Here, we review the existing strategies and approaches for tumor microenvironment modulation to improve tumor perfusion for helping more nanomedicines to reach the tumor site, to facilitate nanomedicine extravasation for enhancing transvascular transport, and to improve interstitial transport for optimizing the distribution of nanomedicines. These strategies may provide an avenue for the development of new combination chemotherapeutic regimens and reassessment of previously suboptimal agents. PMID:29311946



    Rutkowski, Melanie R.; Svoronos, Nikolaos; Puchalt, Alfredo Perales; Conejo-Garcia, Jose R.


    During tumor progression, alterations within the systemic tumor environment, or macroenvironment, result in the promotion of tumor growth, tumor invasion to distal organs, and eventual metastatic disease. Distally produced hormones, commensal microbiota residing within mucosal surfaces, and myeloid cells and even the bone marrow impact the systemic immune system, tumor growth, and metastatic spread. Understanding the reciprocal interactions between the cells and soluble factors within the mac...

  1. Tumor-altered dendritic cell function: implications for anti-tumor immunity

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    Kristian Michael Hargadon


    Full Text Available Dendritic cells are key regulators of both innate and adaptive immunity, and the array of immunoregulatory functions exhibited by these cells is dictated by their differentiation, maturation, and activation status. Although a major role for these cells in the induction of immunity to pathogens has long been appreciated, data accumulated over the last several years has demonstrated that DC are also critical regulators of anti-tumor immune responses. However, despite the potential for stimulation of robust anti-tumor immunity by DC, tumor-altered DC function has been observed in many cancer patients and tumor-bearing animals and is often associated with tumor immune escape. Such dysfunction has significant implications for both the induction of natural anti-tumor immune responses as well as the efficacy of immunotherapeutic strategies that target endogenous DC in situ or that employ exogenous DC as part of anti-cancer immunization maneuvers. In this review, the major types of tumor-altered DC function will be described, with emphasis on recent insights into the mechanistic bases for the inhibition of DC differentiation from hematopoietic precursors, the altered programming of DC precursors to differentiate into myeloid-derived suppressor cells or tumor-associated macrophages, the suppression of DC maturation and activation, and the induction of immunoregulatory DC by tumors, tumor-derived factors, and tumor-associated cells within the milieu of the tumor microenvironment. The impact of these tumor-altered cells on the quality of the overall anti-tumor immune response will also be discussed. Finally, this review will also highlight questions concerning tumor-altered DC function that remain unanswered, and it will address factors that have limited advances in the study of this phenomenon in order to focus future research efforts in the field on identifying strategies for interfering with tumor-associated DC dysfunction and improving DC-mediated anti-tumor

  2. Issuing of Regulations on the Clearance of Irradiated Food Products on the Basis of Foreign Petitions; Promulgation d'un Reglement Regissant l'Autorisation de Commercialiser des Denrees Alimentaires Irradiees, sur la Base de Demandes Fondees sur des Donnees Elaborees a l'Etranger; Protsedura polucheniya razreshenij na prodazhu obluchennykh pishchevykh produktov na baze inostrannykh khodatajstv; Autorizacion del Consumo de Productos Alimenticios Irradiados, Sobre la Base de Investigaciones Realizadas en el Extranjero

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foa, E.; Eisenberg, E.; Kahan, R. S.; Lapidot, M. [Soreq Nuclear Research Centre, Yavne (Israel)


    , la promulgation de dispositions nouvelles. La plupart des dispositions legislatives applicables a l'heure actuelle prevoient que la comestibilite des aliments irradies doit etre demontree de facon incontestable avant que les autorites puissent permettre l'irradiation et la consommation de ces denrees. Toutefois, une telle demonstration depasse les moyens des petits pays et des pays en voie de developpement, alors que ce sont eux, precisement, qui pourraient tirer les plus grands avantages de l'application des methodes d'irradiation a l'echelle industrielle, puisqu'elle leur permettrait d'augmenter l'approvisionnement de leur marche interieur en produits locaux et d'accroitre leurs possibilites d'exportation. A titre {sup d}'essai, on a presente le 24 fevrier 1966 au Ministere israelien de la sante une requete demandant d'autoriser la consommation humaine de pommes de terre a chair blanche prealablement irradiees pour arreter leur germination. La demande ne se fondait pas sur des etudes faites en Israeel mais sur des recherches publiees a l'etranger; on precisait que les criteres de comestibilite approuves par les gouvernements d'autres Etats devraient etre admis par les autorites israeliennes comme suffisants. Une autre demande analogue relative aux oignons irradies sera presentee sous peu. Si cette procedure reussit, elle pourrait etre adoptee par d'autres pays, ce qui faciliterait sans doute la conclusion d'accords commerciaux internationaux. Elle devrait contribuer a une generalisation rapide de l'irradiation pour la conservation des aliments dans les regions ou ce procede peut presenter un interet economique. (author) [Spanish] Desde principios de 1965 Israel viene interesandose por los problemas juridicos que plantea la autorizacion del consumo de alimentos irradiados y por la instalacion de una planta de irradiacion de alimentos. Entre las cuestiones estudiadas han sido de particular importancia la supervision y control de la irradiacion y la distribucion de

  3. Tumor germinal mixto con componentes de disgerminoma y coriocarcinoma de ovario en mujer adolescente con ataxiatelangiectasia

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    Eduardo Augusto Gálvez-Cuitiva


    días. Se suspendió la quimioterapia porque desarrolló choque séptico que puso en riesgo su vida. Por su enfermedad de base permaneció bajo vigilancia. Actualmente, 17 meses después, la paciente vive sin actividad tumoral.  Conclusión: existe asociación entre ataxia-telangiectasia, leucemia y linfomas. Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente con ataxia-telangiectasia y tumor germinal mixto con componente de disgerminoma y coriocarcinoma de ovario. Se propone establecer un tratamiento especial para estos pacientes inmunocomprometidos, con alto riesgo de cáncer pero, a la vez, de no tolerar los esquemas habituales.

  4. Pediatric brain tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poussaint, Tina Y. [Department of Radiology, Boston, MA (United States); Panigrahy, Ashok [Children' s Hospital of Pittsburgh of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Pittsburgh, PA (United States); Huisman, Thierry A.G.M. [Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children' s Center, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Division of Pediatric Radiology and Pediatric Neuroradiology, Baltimore, MD (United States)


    Among all causes of death in children from solid tumors, pediatric brain tumors are the most common. This article includes an overview of a subset of infratentorial and supratentorial tumors with a focus on tumor imaging features and molecular advances and treatments of these tumors. Key to understanding the imaging features of brain tumors is a firm grasp of other disease processes that can mimic tumor on imaging. We also review imaging features of a common subset of tumor mimics. (orig.)

  5. Tumor-reactive immune cells protect against metastatic tumor and induce immunoediting of indolent but not quiescent tumor cells. (United States)

    Payne, Kyle K; Keim, Rebecca C; Graham, Laura; Idowu, Michael O; Wan, Wen; Wang, Xiang-Yang; Toor, Amir A; Bear, Harry D; Manjili, Masoud H


    Two major barriers to cancer immunotherapy include tumor-induced immune suppression mediated by myeloid-derived suppressor cells and poor immunogenicity of the tumor-expressing self-antigens. To overcome these barriers, we reprogrammed tumor-immune cell cross-talk by combined use of decitabine and adoptive immunotherapy, containing tumor-sensitized T cells and CD25(+) NKT cells. Decitabine functioned to induce the expression of highly immunogenic cancer testis antigens in the tumor, while also reducing the frequency of myeloid-derived suppressor cells and the presence of CD25(+) NKT cells rendered T cells, resistant to remaining myeloid-derived suppressor cells. This combinatorial therapy significantly prolonged survival of animals bearing metastatic tumor cells. Adoptive immunotherapy also induced tumor immunoediting, resulting in tumor escape and associated disease-related mortality. To identify a tumor target that is incapable of escape from the immune response, we used dormant tumor cells. We used Adriamycin chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which simultaneously induce tumor cell death and tumor dormancy. Resultant dormant cells became refractory to additional doses of Adriamycin or radiation therapy, but they remained sensitive to tumor-reactive immune cells. Importantly, we discovered that dormant tumor cells contained indolent cells that expressed low levels of Ki67 and quiescent cells that were Ki67 negative. Whereas the former were prone to tumor immunoediting and escape, the latter did not demonstrate immunoediting. Our results suggest that immunotherapy could be highly effective against quiescent dormant tumor cells. The challenge is to develop combinatorial therapies that could establish a quiescent type of tumor dormancy, which would be the best target for immunotherapy. © The Author(s).

  6. Evolution of NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductases (POR) in Apiales - POR 1 is missing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Trine Bundgaard; Hansen, Niels Bjørn; Laursen, Tomas


    The NADPH-dependent cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) is the obligate electron donor to eukaryotic microsomal cytochromes P450 enzymes. The number of PORs within plant species is limited to one to four isoforms, with the most common being two PORs per plant. These enzymes provide electrons to ...... (available from the SRA at NCBI). All three genes were shown to be functional upon reconstitution into nanodiscs, confirming that none of the isoforms are pseudogenes....

  7. Tumor cell proliferation kinetics and tumor growth rate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tubiana, M


    The present knowledge on the growth rate and the proliferation kinetics of human tumor is based on the measurement of the tumor doubling times (DT) in several hundred patients and on the determination of the proportion of proliferating cells with radioactive thymidine or by flow cytometry in large numbers of patients. The results show that the DT of human tumor varies widely, from less than one week to over one year with a median value of approximately 2 months. The DTs are significantly correlated with the histological type. They depend upon (1) the duration of the cell cycle whose mean duration is 2 days with small variations from tumor to tumor, (2) the proportion of proliferating cells and consequently the cell birth rate which varies widely among tumors and which is significantly correlated to the DT, (3) the cell loss factors which also vary widely and which are the greatest when proliferation is most intensive. These studies have several clinical implications: (a) they have further increased our understanding of the natural history of human tumor, (b) they have therapeutic implications since tumor responsiveness and curability by radiation and drugs are strongly influenced by the cell kinetic parameters of the tumor, (c) the proportion of proliferating cells is of great prognostic value in several types of human cancers. The investigation of the molecular defects, which are correlated with the perturbation of control of cell proliferation, should lead to significant fundamental and therapeutic advances. (orig.).

  8. Colostomía laparoscópica por puerto único con técnica de guante

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    José L. Rodicio Miravalles


    Full Text Available La cirugía por puerto único con técnica de guante (glove port es un abordaje adecuado al momento económico y tecnológico que vivimos. Entre las intervenciones susceptibles de su aplicación está la realización de colostomías. Describimos la técnica quirúrgica y resultados de los pacientes a los que se realizó colostomía por puerto único con técnica de guante, a lo largo de los años 2011 y 2012, en dos hospitales de Asturias, España. Realizamos seis colostomías sigmoideas. Cuatro pacientes presentaban enfermedad tumoral, otro caso fue por una fascitis necrosante perineal, y el sexto un paciente con enfermedad de Crohn y fístulas perianales complejas. La edad media de los pacientes, cuatro hombres y dos mujeres, fue de 54 años (rango 42-67 años. El tiempo medio de intervención fue de 42 minutos (rango 30-65 minutos. No hubo complicaciones durante la cirugía ni en el postoperatorio. En nuestro medio, el gasto en material se redujo a la mitad con respecto a otros dispositivos convencionales de puerto único. La técnica de guante representa el abordaje por puerto único más económico y mínimamente invasivo para la realización de estomas, siendo en nuestra experiencia una técnica sencilla, segura y fácilmente reproducible.

  9. Tumor penetrating peptides

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    Tambet eTeesalu


    Full Text Available Tumor-homing peptides can be used to deliver drugs into tumors. Phage library screening in live mice has recently identified homing peptides that specifically recognize the endothelium of tumor vessels, extravasate, and penetrate deep into the extravascular tumor tissue. The prototypic peptide of this class, iRGD (CRGDKGPDC, contains the integrin-binding RGD motif. RGD mediates tumor homing through binding to αv integrins, which are selectively expressed on various cells in tumors, including tumor endothelial cells. The tumor-penetrating properties of iRGD are mediated by a second sequence motif, R/KXXR/K. This C-end Rule (or CendR motif is active only when the second basic residue is exposed at the C-terminus of the peptide. Proteolytic processing of iRGD in tumors activates the cryptic CendR motif, which then binds to neuropilin-1 activating an endocytic bulk transport pathway through tumor tissue. Phage screening has also yielded tumor-penetrating peptides that function like iRGD in activating the CendR pathway, but bind to a different primary receptor. Moreover, novel tumor-homing peptides can be constructed from tumor-homing motifs, CendR elements and protease cleavage sites. Pathologies other than tumors can be targeted with tissue-penetrating peptides, and the primary receptor can also be a vascular zip code of a normal tissue. The CendR technology provides a solution to a major problem in tumor therapy, poor penetration of drugs into tumors. The tumor-penetrating peptides are capable of taking a payload deep into tumor tissue in mice, and they also penetrate into human tumors ex vivo. Targeting with these peptides specifically increases the accumulation in tumors of a variety of drugs and contrast agents, such as doxorubicin, antibodies and nanoparticle-based compounds. Remarkably the drug to be targeted does not have to be coupled to the peptide; the bulk transport system activated by the peptide sweeps along any compound that is

  10. Tumores hepáticos incomuns: ensaio iconográfico - Parte 1

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    Bruno Cheregati Pedrassa


    Full Text Available A maioria dos tumores hepáticos primários malignos é representada pelo carcinoma hepatocelular e pelo colangiocarcinoma, entretanto, uma variedade de outras lesões hepáticas incomuns pode ser encontrada. Lesões comuns como o hemangioma, a hiperplasia nodular focal e as metástases são bem conhecidas e já foram extensamente documentadas na literatura. O diagnóstico das lesões hepáticas típicas pode ser feito com alguma segurança utilizando-se os diversos métodos de imagem; por outro lado, as lesões incomuns são geralmente um desafio diagnóstico para o radiologista. Nesta primeira parte do estudo abordaremos cinco tumores hepáticos incomuns - o angiossarcoma, o angiomiolipoma, o cistoadenoma/carcinoma biliar, o hemangioendotelioma epitelioide e o carcinoma hepatocelular fibrolamelar -, suas principais características e achados de imagem, com foco na tomografia computadorizada e na ressonância magnética.


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    Lidia Torres Aja


    Full Text Available El tumor Phyllodes de la mama es poco frecuente. Tiene un origen fibroepitelial con potencial agresivo y representa el 0.3% a 0.4% de todos los tumores mamarios y el 2.5% a 3% de los tumores epiteliales de dicho órgano.Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fundamental es caracterizar desde el punto de vista clínico patológico los tumores Phyllodes operados en la provincia de Cienfuegos durante 20 años.Tipo de estudio: descriptivo prospectivo observacional. Periodo evaluado: 20 años desde 1 de enero de 1987 hasta el 31 de diciembre del 2006. Universo: 57 pacientes.Métodos: para realizar nuestra investigación hemos seguido anualmente durante estos 20 años los casos operados en nuestra provincia, examinando personalmente los casos en consulta de Mastología antes de operarlos y siguiéndolo por consulta de operados durante más de 5 añosResultados fundamentales: como resultados fundamentales de nuestra investigación obtuvimos que se operaron en esos 20 años un total de 57 tumores Phyllodes, los cuales representaron el 2.9% del total de tumores fibroepiteliales de mama operados.Aunque el mayor número de casos se detectó en pacientes de más de 40 años, queremos resaltar que en este periodo se operaron los únicos tumores Phyllodes en niña y en adolescente reportados en nuestra provincia

  12. Concepto actual, diagnóstico y tratamiento del tumor odontogénico adenomatoide. Reporte de un caso

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    Manuel Escalante Fontalvo


    Full Text Available El tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (TOA es una lesión clasificada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS dentro de los tumores odontogénicos con participación del ectomesénquima, ya que puede contener, además del epitelio, tejido calcificado en su interior, que muestra una morfología histológica muy peculiar. Es un tumor benigno de baja prevalencia que compromete solo el 0,1% de los tumores y quistes de los maxilares, con una muy baja tendencia a la recidiva; es común en pacientes jóvenes, generalmente mujeres, de mayor presentación en el maxilar superior, asintomático, de crecimiento lento y poco invasivo; el cual se puede semejarse a otras lesiones odontogénicas de mayor agresividad como el quiste dentígero y el ameloblastoma, entre otros benignos como el odontoma complejo y adenomas pleomórficos. A menudo se observa como una lesión radiolúcida de aspecto quístico unilocular, asociada a órganos dentales incluidos, usualmente dientes caninos. Su localización clásica nos orienta al diagnóstico y su patrón histológico ductiforme (apariencia basaloide con estructuras glanduliformes, calcificaciones esferulares y presencia de abundante material amiloide que facilitan su reconocimiento microscópico es muy propio de esta lesión tumoral. Se presenta un caso de un paciente de 12 años de edad, asintomática y asimétrica facial, de sexo femenino, con un diagnóstico definitivo por biopsia de TOA en la región anterior del maxilar superior asociado a un órgano dental 23 incluido; intervenido quirúrgicamente, colocando material de injerto como sustituto óseo, teniendo en cuenta estado general del paciente, diagnósticos diferenciales, características radiográficas, tomográficas y clínicas.

  13. Realce de imágenes mamográficas mediante técnicas basadas en histograma para su clasificación por medio de redes neuronales convolucionales


    Yébenes Calvo, Belén


    El cáncer de mama es una enfermedad que actualmente afecta a una de cada ocho mujeres en el mundo, presente también en hombres aunque con una incidencia menor. Esta patología comienza con una división descontrolada de células producida por una alteración en los genes encargados de controlar los procesos de división y crecimiento celular, dando lugar a la formación de un nódulo o tumor. Estos tumores pueden ser benignos, los cuales no suponen un riesgo para la salud o malignos, denominados ta...

  14. Podridão por Fusicoccum em mangas submetidas a baixas doses de radiação gama Fusicoccum rot in mangoes submitted to low doses of gamma irradiation

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    Alice Maria Gonçalves Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da radiação gama em doses baixas no controle pós-colheita da podridão por Fusicoccum em manga 'Tommy Atkins', bem como avaliar o efeito desse método sobre as características físico-químicas da fruta. Frutos aparentemente livres de doenças no estádio de maturação 1,5 foram inoculados com 10 μL de suspensão de Fusicoccum parvum a 10(6 conídios mL-1. Após a inoculação, os frutos foram irradiados com as doses de 0,24, 0,35 e 0,45 kGy e armazenados a 13ºC, durante 15 dias, seguidos de mais seis dias em temperatura ambiente, a 25ºC. A dose mais alta de radiação gama foi eficiente em retardar o desenvolvimento da doença em razão do atraso causado na maturação das frutas. Não houve efeito significativo da radiação sobre as características físico-químicas das frutas. Os frutos mantiveram características ideais para comercialização, mesmo após o armazenamento refrigerado, com a presença de filme plástico, por 15 dias.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of gamma irradiation in low doses on the postharvest control of 'Tommy Atkins' mango rot caused by Fusicoccum, and to evaluate the effect of this method on the physicochemical characteristics of the fruit. Fruits in ripening stage 1,5 and apparently free of disease were inoculated with 10 μL of a Fusicoccum parvum suspension at 10(6 conidia mL-1. They were gamma irradiated with the doses 0.24, 0.35 and 0.45 kGy, and stored under 13°C for 15 days, followed by a further six days at room temperature, 25°C. The higher dose of gamma radiation was effective in delaying the disease development due to fruit delayed maturation. No significant effect of radiation was observed on fruit physicochemical characteristics. Fruit maintained ideal commercialization features even after cold storage, in the presence of plastic film, for 15 days.

  15. CT findings of parotid gland tumors: benign versus malignant tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Moon Ok; Han, Chun Hwan; Kim, Mie Young; Yi, Jeong Geun; Park, Kyung Joo; Lee, Joo Hyuk; Bae, Sang Hoon; Kim, Jeung Sook


    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the characteristics of parotid gland tumors to help in the differentiation between benign and malignant lesions. The CT findings of 22 patients with surgically proven parotid gland tumors were reviewed. Analysis was focused on the density and margin characteristics of the tumors, and the relationship between the tumor and surrounding structures. Those tumors were pleomorphic adenoma (n = 8), Warthin's tumor (n = 5), basal cell adenoma (n = 1), lipoma (n = 1), dermoid cyst (n = 1), adenoid cystic carcinoma (n = 2), mucoepidermoid carcinoma (n 1), epidermoid carcinoma (n = 1), and carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma (n 1). Most of benign and malignant tumors were heterogeneous in density on contrast enhanced CT scans. In 5 of 6 malignant cases, the tumors had irregular or ill-defined margin and a tendancy to involve or cross the superficial layer of deep cervical fascia with obliteration of subcutaneous fat. Two malignant tumors invaded surrounding structures. Although the heterogeneous density of tumor is not a specific finding for malignancy at CT, following findings, such as, irregular or blurred margin of the lesion, the involvement of fascial plane, and the infiltration of surrounding structures may suggest the possibility of malignant parotid tumor

  16. La sobreexpresión de RAC3 es una señal transformante y proliferativa que contribuye al desarrollo tumoral RAC3 overexpression is a transforming and proliferative signal that contributes to tumoral development

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    Cecilia V. Alvarado


    Full Text Available RAC3 fue caracterizado originalmente como un coactivador de receptores nucleares que se encuentra en cantidades limitantes en células normales, aunque sobreexpresado en tumores y es además coactivador de NF-?B. Si bien se desconocen los mecanismos involucrados en el aumento de su expresión, se sabe que induce resistencia a apoptosis. En este trabajo se investigó si RAC3 podría contribuir al desarrollo tumoral por otros mecanismos y si la citoquina TNF-a, que se encuentra en alto título en pacientes con cáncer, podría favorecer el aumento en la expresión de RAC3. Se observó que el aumento en la expresión del coactivador por transfección de células no tumorales de riñón embrionario humano HEK293 no solo aumenta significativamente la proliferación en presencia de suero, sino además en ausencia de factores de crecimiento. También se indujo la transformación celular dando un fenotipo con crecimiento independiente de anclaje similar a lo observado para células tumorales. El tratamiento de las células HEK293 en cultivo con TNF-a indujo un aumento en los niveles proteicos de RAC3 respecto de las células sin estímulo y este efecto fue inhibido por pretratamiento con un inhibidor específico de la activación de NF-?B, indicando que la activación de este factor de transcripción está involucrada en la acción de la citoquina. Se concluye que RAC3, además de su acción anti-apoptótica, es un factor transformante que promueve la proliferación y el crecimiento independiente de anclaje, cuyos niveles podrían ser aumentados en la tumorigénesis, probablemente vía las citoquinas inflamatorias involucradas en la respuesta anti-tumoral.RAC3 has been firstly characterized as a nuclear receptor coactivator that is found in limited amounts in normal cells, but is over-expressed in tumors and is also an NF-?B coactivator. Although the mechanisms involved in its over-expression are not clear, it is well known that it enhances resistance

  17. Tendencia de la incidencia de los tumores hepáticos en la infancia Incidence trends of hepatic tumors in childhood

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    Juan Manuel Mejía-Aranguré


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la tendencia de la incidencia de los diferentes tumores hepáticos en niños residentes en el Distrito Federal. Material y métodos. Encuesta hospitalaria. Se realizó un análisis de dos bases de datos. La primera tiene registrados todos los casos de tumores hepáticos que se encontraron entre el periodo de l982 a 1991, de hospitales que atienden a niños con cáncer, residentes en la Ciudad de México. La segunda base de datos tiene registrados todos los casos de tumores hepáticos que se encontraron de 1996 a 1999 en el Hospital de Pediatría Centro Médico Nacional (CMN "Siglo XXI" y en el Hospital General del Centro Médico Nacional "La Raza", del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS. Se calcularon las tasas de incidencia anual promedio (TIAP por cada tipo de tumor hepático. Las tasas fueron estandarizadas por el método directo, usando como población de referencia a la mundial estándar menor de l5 años. La tendencia se evaluó con las tasas de incidencia anuales y se calculó la tasa de cambio promedio que emplea la distribución de Poisson. Resultados. Durante el periodo de 1982 a 1991 la TIAP para hepatoblastoma fue el triple en hombres con 0.6 x 10(6. El grupo más afectado fue el de 1 a 4 años.(Para los hepatocarcinomas la TIAP fue de 0.14 para el sexo femenino, siendo el doble que la del sexo masculino. Para el periodo de 1996 a 1999 la TIAP para hepatoblastomas fue de 5.11 en mujeres y de 1.85 en hombres. El grupo de edad con la tasa más alta fue el de mujeres menores de un año. Para hepatocarcinomas la TIAP fue de 0.64 para hombres y de 1.23 en mujeres. El grupo de edad más afectado fue el de hombres de 10 a 14 años. No se observó tendencia significativa al incremento o decremento en la incidencia de hepatoblastomas. Para hepatocarcinomas hubo una tasa de cambio de 10%, pero tampoco fue significativa. Conclusiones. No existe en la Ciudad de México una tendencia en la incidencia de los tumores hep

  18. Síndrome de lise tumoral: uma revisão abrangente da literatura Acute tumor lysis syndrome: a comprehensive review

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    Michael Darmon


    Full Text Available A síndrome de lise tumoral é caracterizada pela destruição maciça de células malignas e conseqüente liberação do seu conteúdo no espaço extracelular. Embora possa ocorrer de modo espontâneo, a síndrome de lise tumoral aparece em geral, logo após o início do tratamento com agentes quimioterápicos citotóxicos. Uma vez liberados, estes metabólitos podem subjugar os mecanismos homeostáticos resultando em hiperuricemia, hipercalemia, hiperfosfatemia, e hipocalcemia. Estas alterações biológicas podem levar à ocorrência de diversas manifestações clínicas, incluindo lesão renal aguda, convulsões e morte súbita, que podem requerer cuidados intensivos. Como a síndrome de lise tumoral está associada a um prognóstico reservado, prevenção de sua ocorrência per se e também de suas conseqüências é obrigatória. O objetivo desta revisão foi descrever os mecanismos fisiopatológicos, e as manifestações clínicas e biológicas da síndrome de lise tumoral aguda, e fornecer recomendações atualizadas para sua prevenção. Foram selecionados artigos sobre síndrome de lise tumoral publicados nos últimos 20 anos no PubMed Estudos referenciados nos artigos selecionados na busca, também foram utilizados. Resultados: A síndrome de lise tumoral é uma complicação grave e freqüente em pacientes com neoplasias de diagnóstico recente. Estratégias de prevenção incluem hidratação vigorosa, agentes uricolíticos, identificação dos fatores que predispõem à lesão renal aguda e, nos pacientes críticos, a indicação profilática de métodos de substituição da função renal necessários para prevenir ou limitar suas conseqüências. Entretanto, o momento adequado assim como as modalidades de prevenção a serem oferecidas ainda são desconhecidos e podem ser inclusive modificadas por alterações no espectro de pacientes em risco de desenvolvê-la. O desenvolvimento e a validação de estrat

  19. Tumor-Associated Macrophages as Major Players in the Tumor Microenvironment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chanmee, Theerawut; Ontong, Pawared; Konno, Kenjiro; Itano, Naoki


    During tumor progression, circulating monocytes and macrophages are actively recruited into tumors where they alter the tumor microenvironment to accelerate tumor progression. Macrophages shift their functional phenotypes in response to various microenvironmental signals generated from tumor and stromal cells. Based on their function, macrophages are divided broadly into two categories: classical M1 and alternative M2 macrophages. The M1 macrophage is involved in the inflammatory response, pathogen clearance, and antitumor immunity. In contrast, the M2 macrophage influences an anti-inflammatory response, wound healing, and pro-tumorigenic properties. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) closely resemble the M2-polarized macrophages and are critical modulators of the tumor microenvironment. Clinicopathological studies have suggested that TAM accumulation in tumors correlates with a poor clinical outcome. Consistent with that evidence, experimental and animal studies have supported the notion that TAMs can provide a favorable microenvironment to promote tumor development and progression. In this review article, we present an overview of mechanisms responsible for TAM recruitment and highlight the roles of TAMs in the regulation of tumor angiogenesis, invasion, metastasis, immunosuppression, and chemotherapeutic resistance. Finally, we discuss TAM-targeting therapy as a promising novel strategy for an indirect cancer therapy

  20. Tumor-Associated Macrophages as Major Players in the Tumor Microenvironment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chanmee, Theerawut [Institute of Advanced Technology, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8555 (Japan); Ontong, Pawared [Division of Engineering (Biotechnology), Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8555 (Japan); Konno, Kenjiro [Department of Animal Medical Sciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8555 (Japan); Itano, Naoki, E-mail: [Institute of Advanced Technology, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8555 (Japan); Division of Engineering (Biotechnology), Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8555 (Japan); Department of Molecular Biosciences, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kita-ku, Kyoto 603-8555 (Japan)


    During tumor progression, circulating monocytes and macrophages are actively recruited into tumors where they alter the tumor microenvironment to accelerate tumor progression. Macrophages shift their functional phenotypes in response to various microenvironmental signals generated from tumor and stromal cells. Based on their function, macrophages are divided broadly into two categories: classical M1 and alternative M2 macrophages. The M1 macrophage is involved in the inflammatory response, pathogen clearance, and antitumor immunity. In contrast, the M2 macrophage influences an anti-inflammatory response, wound healing, and pro-tumorigenic properties. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) closely resemble the M2-polarized macrophages and are critical modulators of the tumor microenvironment. Clinicopathological studies have suggested that TAM accumulation in tumors correlates with a poor clinical outcome. Consistent with that evidence, experimental and animal studies have supported the notion that TAMs can provide a favorable microenvironment to promote tumor development and progression. In this review article, we present an overview of mechanisms responsible for TAM recruitment and highlight the roles of TAMs in the regulation of tumor angiogenesis, invasion, metastasis, immunosuppression, and chemotherapeutic resistance. Finally, we discuss TAM-targeting therapy as a promising novel strategy for an indirect cancer therapy.

  1. Tumor-Infiltrating Immune Cells Promoting Tumor Invasion and Metastasis: Existing Theories

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    Yan-gao Man, Alexander Stojadinovic, Jeffrey Mason, Itzhak Avital, Anton Bilchik, Bjoern Bruecher, Mladjan Protic, Aviram Nissan, Mina Izadjoo, Xichen Zhang, Anahid Jewett


    Full Text Available It is a commonly held belief that infiltration of immune cells into tumor tissues and direct physical contact between tumor cells and infiltrated immune cells is associated with physical destructions of the tumor cells, reduction of the tumor burden, and improved clinical prognosis. An increasing number of studies, however, have suggested that aberrant infiltration of immune cells into tumor or normal tissues may promote tumor progression, invasion, and metastasis. Neither the primary reason for these contradictory observations, nor the mechanism for the reported diverse impact of tumor-infiltrating immune cells has been elucidated, making it difficult to judge the clinical implications of infiltration of immune cells within tumor tissues. This mini-review presents several existing hypotheses and models that favor the promoting impact of tumor-infiltrating immune cells on tumor invasion and metastasis, and also analyzes their strength and weakness.

  2. Cross-immunity among allogeneic tumors of rats immunized with solid tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ogasawara, Masamichi


    Several experiments were done for the study of cross-immunity among allogeneic rat tumors by immunization using gamma-irradiated or non-irradiated solid tumors. Each group of rats which were immunized with gamma-irradiation solid tumor inocula from ascites tumor cell line of tetra-ploid Hirosaki sarcoma, Usubuchi sarcoma or AH 130, showed an apparent resistance against the intraperitoneal challenge with Hirosaki sarcoma. A similar resistance was demonstrated in the case of the challenge with Usubuchi sarcoma into rats immunized with non-irradiated methylcholanthrene (MCA)-induced tumors. In using solid MCA tumors as immunogen and Hirosaki sarcoma as challenge tumor, it was also demonstrated in 2 out of 3 groups immunized with non-irradiated tumors. In the experiment of trying to induce cross-immunity between 2 MCA tumors by immunization with irradiated solid tumor only, the inhibitory effect on the growth was observed in the early stage in the treated groups as compared with the control one. From the above results, it may be considered that the immunization with irradiated solid tumors fromas cites cell lines and non-irradiated solid MCA tumors induced strong cross-immunity in general, but that the immunization with only irradiated solid MCA tumors induced weak cross-immunity commonly. (author)

  3. Síndrome de lisis tumoral en un paciente con cáncer de riñón tratado con sunitinib Tumor lysis syndrome in a patient with a renal carcinoma treated with sunitinib

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    Ezequiel Rodríguez-Reimúndes


    Full Text Available El síndrome de lisis tumoral (SLT es un trastorno metabólico que ocurre como consecuencia de una destrucción celular masiva. Se caracteriza por la presencia de hiperuricemia, hiperfosfatemia, hipocalcemia e hiperkalemia, y predispone al desarrollo de insuficiencia renal aguda. En la mayoría de los casos el SLT ocurre luego de instaurarse un tratamiento antitumoral y es más frecuente en tumores de alto grado de malignidad y alta sensibilidad a la quimioterapia. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con diagnóstico de cáncer de riñón recidivado que presenta un SLT e insuficiencia renal aguda luego de iniciar tratamiento con sunitinib.The tumor mor lysis syndrome (TLS is a metabolic disorder resulting from a massive tumor breakdown. It is characterized by hyperuricemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia and hyperkalemia and predisposes to acute renal failure. TLS usually occurs after the initiation of cytotoxic therapy and is more frequent in the case of neoplasias with a high proliferative rate or that are highly chemo-sensitive. We report the case of a man with a recurrent kidney cancer who presented with a TLS and acute renal failure after initiation of sunitinib.

  4. Well-differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma: A very uncommon malignant lung tumor

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    H. El Ouazzani


    Full Text Available Well-differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma (WDFA is a very uncommon malignant tumor originating in the lung. This report describes the case of a 38-year-old woman with a WDFA treated by surgery. The malignancy is low grade and associated with a good prognosis, and so it is important for clinicians to be aware of and to identify this rare variant of adenocarcinoma. Resumo: O adenocarcinoma fetal bem diferenciado (WDFA, de acordo com a sigla em inglês é um tumor maligno no pulmão muito invulgar que tem origem no pulmão. Este relatório descreve o caso de uma mulher de 38 anos com WDFA tratada através de cirurgia. A malignidade é de baixo grau e está associada a um bom prognóstico e, por isso, é importante que os clínicos estejam atentos e identifiquem esta variante rara de adenocarcinoma. Keywords: Well-differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma, Lung, Good prognosis, Palavras-chave: Adenocarcinoma fetal bem diferenciado, pulmão, bom prognóstico

  5. Tumor de células granulares bifocal em mucosa jugal

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    Victor Yuri Nicolau Ferreira

    Full Text Available O tumor de células granulares é uma lesão incomum que apresenta predileção pela cavidade oral, por apresentar baixa taxa de recidiva, o tratamento de escolha é a excisão cirúrgica simples. O objetivo caracterizar um caso de tumor de células granulares bifocal em mucosa jugal e explanar características clínicas e histopatológicas acerca da lesão. Relata-se o caso de uma paciente de 60 anos apresentando dois pequenos nódulos de superfície lisa em mucosa jugal, consistência fibroelástica e coloração levemente amarelada. Foi realizada a excisão cirúrgica das duas lesões a partir de uma biópsia excisional, onde microscopicamente foi observada uma neoplasia de células granulares arranjadas em ilhas, chegando ao diagnóstico de Tumor de células granulares. O diagnóstico final da lesão foi obtido a partir do exame histopatológico, visto que, a aparência clínica da lesão é inespecífica, sendo de extrema importância a realização da biópsia excisional. A paciente continua em acompanhamento há 6 meses e não demonstra recidiva da lesão.

  6. Imaging of brain tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gaensler, E H.L. [California Univ., San Francisco, CA (United States). Dept. of Radiology


    The contents are diagnostic approaches, general features of tumors -hydrocephalus, edema, attenuation and/or intensity value, hemorrhage, fat, contrast enhancement, intra-axial supratentorial tumors - tumors of glial origin, oligodendrogliomas, ependymomas, subependymomas, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas, choroid plexus papilloma; midline tumors - colloid cysts, craniopharyngiomas; pineal region tumors and miscellaneous tumors i.e. primary intracerebral lymphoma, primitive neuroectodermal tumors, hemangioblastomas; extraaxial tumors - meningiomas; nerve sheath tumors -schwannomas, epidermoids, dermoids, lipomas, arachnoid cysts; metastatic tumors (8 refs.).

  7. Imaging of brain tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaensler, E.H.L.


    The contents are diagnostic approaches, general features of tumors -hydrocephalus, edema, attenuation and/or intensity value, hemorrhage, fat, contrast enhancement, intra-axial supratentorial tumors - tumors of glial origin, oligodendrogliomas, ependymomas, subependymomas, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas, choroid plexus papilloma; midline tumors - colloid cysts, craniopharyngiomas; pineal region tumors and miscellaneous tumors i.e. primary intracerebral lymphoma, primitive neuroectodermal tumors, hemangioblastomas; extraaxial tumors - meningiomas; nerve sheath tumors -schwannomas, epidermoids, dermoids, lipomas, arachnoid cysts; metastatic tumors (8 refs.)

  8. Tumor sólido pseudopapilar de páncreas. Presentación de un caso reportado en Hospital Universitario de Los Andes, Mérida-Venezuela

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    Naisbet Ortega-Vásquez


    Full Text Available El tumor sólido pseudopapilar de páncreas es una neoplasia de bajo grado de malignidad, de etiología incierta y relativamente raro con una incidencia de 0.2 a 2.7% entre los tumores de páncreas exocrino. Se presenta con mayor frecuencia en mujeres jóvenes, siendo muy raro en varones, y existen pocos casos de mortalidad asociados a éste tumor. Pueden encontrarse incidentalmente o dar síntomas abdominales inespecíficos. Presentamos el caso de paciente femenina de 16 años de edad, quien consultó por saciedad temprana y dolor abdominal tipo cólico en epigastrio e hipocondrio derecho. Se realizó endoscopia digestiva superior punción con aguja guiada (PAF guiada por ultrasonido endoscópico de lesión quística en cola de páncreas, con hallazgos compatibles con tumor sólido pseudopapilar de páncreas. Se realizó Pancreatectomía córporo-caudal con estudio de biopsia, los cuales confirmaron el diagnóstico preoperatorio. El tumor sólido pseudopapilar pancreático incluye entre sus manifestaciones clínicas dolor abdominal, sensación de plenitud o saciedad temprana, masa abdominal, náuseas y vómitos, entre otras. La tomografía axial computarizada puede revelar masa heterogénea grande y encapsulada. El diagnóstico definitivo se realiza con el estudio histopatológico y el tratamiento de elección es la cirugía, la cual por sí sola tiene un nivel elevado de curación. Solid-pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas. A report in the Hospital Universitario de Los Andes, Mérida-Venezuela Abstract Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas is a neoplasm of low malignant, of uncertain etiology and relatively rare with an incidence of 0.2 to 2.7% between exocrine pancreatic tumors. It occurs most often in young women and is very rare in men, and there are few cases of mortality associated with this tumor. May be found incidentally or give nonspecific abdominal symptoms. We report the case of a female patient aged 16, who consulted with

  9. Comparación entre varias poblaciones estándar para el ajuste por edades

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    Javier Llorca Díaz


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Analizar el efecto que tiene la elección de una población de referencia sobre diferentes indicadores derivados de las tasas de mortalidad ajustadas por edad. MÉTODOS: Las tasas de mortalidad por diferentes causas de muerte en España de 1971 a 1992 son ajustadas empleando cuatro poblaciones de referencia: poblaciones españolas de 1971 y 1992, población estándar europea y población estándar mundial. Los resultados obtenidos con las cuatro poblaciones se comparan empleando tres indicadores: diferencia entre las tasas de 1992 y 1971, razón entre las tasas de 1992 y 1971y cambio anual porcentual entre 1971 y 1992. RESULTADOS: En la mayor parte de las causas de muerte estudiadas incluyendo el total de causas, la cardiopatía isquémica y casi todos los tumores, la razón de tasas y el porcentaje de cambio anual son similares con independencia de cuál sea la población estándar empleada. En cambio, la diferencia de tasas es muy diferente en función de la población de referencia. En las enfermedades infecciosas y el cáncer de testículo se produce la situación contraria: la diferencia de tasas es robusta mientras que la razón de tasas varía con la población estándar. Finalmente, la mortalidad por neumonía, enfermedad de Parkinson y cáncer de encéfalo muestra cambios en los tres indicadores utilizados. CONCLUSIONES: Es necesario realizar un análisis de las tasas específicas por edad antes de proceder a su ajuste. Este análisis permite averiguar si el ajuste por edades es correcto y qué indicador (diferencia, razón o cambio porcentual será adecuado para realizar comparaciones.

  10. Experimental rat lung tumor model with intrabronchial tumor cell implantation. (United States)

    Gomes Neto, Antero; Simão, Antônio Felipe Leite; Miranda, Samuel de Paula; Mourão, Lívia Talita Cajaseiras; Bezerra, Nilfácio Prado; Almeida, Paulo Roberto Carvalho de; Ribeiro, Ronaldo de Albuquerque


    The objective of this study was to develop a rat lung tumor model for anticancer drug testing. Sixty-two female Wistar rats weighing 208 +/- 20 g were anesthetized intraperitoneally with 2.5% tribromoethanol (1 ml/100 g live weight), tracheotomized and intubated with an ultrafine catheter for inoculation with Walker's tumor cells. In the first step of the experiment, a technique was established for intrabronchial implantation of 10(5) to 5 x 10(5) tumor cells, and the tumor take rate was determined. The second stage consisted of determining tumor volume, correlating findings from high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) with findings from necropsia and determining time of survival. The tumor take rate was 94.7% for implants with 4 x 10(5) tumor cells, HRCT and necropsia findings matched closely (r=0.953; p<0.0001), the median time of survival was 11 days, and surgical mortality was 4.8%. The present rat lung tumor model was shown to be feasible: the take rate was high, surgical mortality was negligible and the procedure was simple to perform and easily reproduced. HRCT was found to be a highly accurate tool for tumor diagnosis, localization and measurement and may be recommended for monitoring tumor growth in this model.

  11. Fine needle aspiration in salivary gland tumors: specificity and sensitivity


    Gonçalves, Antonio José; Menezes, Marcelo Benedito; Kavabata, Norberto Kodi; Bertelli, Antonio Augusto Tupinambá; Souza, Ricardo Antenor de Souza e; Joelsons, Daniel


    As neoplasias das glândulas salivares são afecções que constituem aproximadamente 3% de todos os tumores da cabeça e pescoço. O tratamento cirúrgico adequado depende do correto conhecimento do tipo histológico, principalmente quando se trata de lesões malignas. Dessa maneira, a correta determinação do diagnóstico histológico pré-operatório auxilia em muito o planejamento terapêutico, porém, geralmente, isto é difícil de se estabelecer baseado apenas nos achados da história, exame clínico e de...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirian Alves Freitas


    Full Text Available S. aureus é o agente etiológico de maior importância associado às infecções adquiridas tanto em âmbito comunitário ou hospitalar, devido a sua capacidade de desenvolver resistência às terapias convencionais. A Terapia Fotodinâmica (TFD surge como alternativa a ser utilizada no controle de cepas resistentes aos antibioticos. O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar os efeitos da TFD com Azul de Metileno (AM sobre cepas de S. aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA. As amostras foram diluídas em PBS estéril de acordo com a escala 0,5 de MacFarland. Os grupos foram compostos com diferentes concentrações de AM, incubados no escuro durante 15 minutos e irradiados por LED Biopdi/Irrad-Led5 em 660nm com fluência de 10 J/cm². Posteriormente, foram semeadas e incubadas à 37ºC por 24 horas. A contagem de Unidades Formadoras de Colônias (UFCs demonstrou que a TFD foi eficaz na menor concentração testada de AM sobre cepas de MRSA.

  13. Treatment of caval vein thrombosis associated with renal tumors. (United States)

    Jiménez-Romero, Carlos; Conde, María; de la Rosa, Federico; Manrique, Alejandro; Calvo, Jorge; Caso, Óscar; Muñoz, Carlos; Marcacuzco, Alberto; Justo, Iago


    Renal carcinoma represents 3% of all solid tumors and is associated with renal or inferior caval vein (IVC) thrombosis between 2-10% of patients, extending to right atrial in 1% of cases. This is a retrospective study that comprises 5 patients who underwent nephrectomy and thrombectomy by laparotomy because of renal tumor with IVC thrombosis level iii. Four patients were males and one was female, and the mean age was 57,2 years (range: 32-72). Most important clinical findings were hematuria, weight loss, weakness, anorexia, and pulmonary embolism. Diagnostic confirmation was performed by CT scanner. Metastatic disease was diagnosed before surgery in 3 patients. Suprahepatic caval vein and hepatic hilium (Pringle's maneouver) were clamped in 4 patients, and ligation of infrarrenal caval vein was carry out in one patient. Five patients developed mild complications (Clavien I/II). No patient died and the mean hospital stay was 8,6 days. All patients were treated with chemotherapy, and 3 died because distant metastasis, but 2 are alive, without recurrence, at 5 and 60 months, respectively. Nephrectomy and thrombectomy in renal tumors with caval thrombosis can be curative in absence of metastasis or, at less, can increase survival or quality of live. Then these patients must be treated in liver transplant units because major surgical and anesthesiologic expertise. Adjuvant treatment with tyrosin kinase inhibitors must be validate in the future with wider experiences. Copyright © 2017 AEC. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. Mansonelosis por mansonella ozzardi en voluntarios para despistaje de malaria en la amazonía peruana

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    Javier Vargas

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar la frecuencia, manifestaciones clínicas y factores asociados a la infección por Mansonella ozzardi en voluntarios de una campaña de despistaje de malaria en el distrito de Alto Nanay en la selva amazónica del Perú. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, analítico y transversal. Los participantes fueron entrevistados y examinados por un médico y los datos fueron registrados en una ficha clínica. El diagnóstico de infección por M. ozzardi se realizó mediante la técnica de gota gruesa y frotis. Resultados. La frecuencia de mansonelosis en esta población fue 47,8% (IC 95%: 39,1-56,6. Mediante el análisis bivariado se encontró que el reporte de disminución de la agudeza visual o visión borrosa y la presencia de tumoraciones subcutáneas fueron los signos y síntomas estadísticamente asociados con la infección por microfilarias (p<0,05. La regresión logística encontró asociación estadística para la residencia en localidades del río Pintuyacu o Alto Nanay, la ocupación en lugares alejados del centro poblado, la presencia de tumores subcutáneos y el engrosamiento de la piel (p<0,05. Conclusiones . Existe una elevada frecuencia de mansonelosis por M. ozzardi en el distrito de Alto Nanay, la cual se encontró significativamente relacionada con ocupaciones realizadas fuera del centro poblado, residencia en localidades del río Pintuyacu y lesiones cutáneas

  15. Brain tumor - children (United States)

    ... children; Neuroglioma - children; Oligodendroglioma - children; Meningioma - children; Cancer - brain tumor (children) ... The cause of primary brain tumors is unknown. Primary brain tumors may ... (spread to nearby areas) Cancerous (malignant) Brain tumors ...

  16. Brain Tumors (United States)

    A brain tumor is a growth of abnormal cells in the tissues of the brain. Brain tumors can be benign, with no cancer cells, ... cancer cells that grow quickly. Some are primary brain tumors, which start in the brain. Others are ...

  17. Essential contribution of tumor-derived perlecan to epidermal tumor growth and angiogenesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jiang, Xinnong; Multhaupt, Hinke; Chan, En


    As a major heparan sulfate proteoglycan (PG) in basement membranes, perlecan has been linked to tumor invasion, metastasis, and angiogenesis. Here we produced epidermal tumors in immunocompromised rats by injection of mouse RT101 tumor cells. Tumor sections stained with species-specific perlecan...... factor. In vivo, antisense perlecan-transfected cells generated no tumors, whereas untransfected and vector-transfected cells formed tumors with obvious neovascularization, suggesting that tumor perlecan rather than host perlecan controls tumor growth and angiogenesis....

  18. Parallel evolution of tumor subclones mimics diversity between tumors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martinez, Pierre; Birkbak, Nicolai Juul; Gerlinger, Marco


    Intratumor heterogeneity (ITH) may foster tumor adaptation and compromise the efficacy of personalized medicines approaches. The scale of heterogeneity within a tumor (intratumor heterogeneity) relative to genetic differences between tumors (intertumor heterogeneity) is unknown. To address this, ...

  19. Urogenital tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weller, R.E.


    An overview is provided for veterinary care of urogenital tumors in companion animals, especially the dog. Neoplasms discussed include tumors of the kidney, urinary bladder, prostate, testis, ovary, vagina, vulva and the canine transmissible venereal tumor. Topics addressed include description, diagnosis and treatment.

  20. Understanding Brain Tumors (United States)

    ... to Know About Brain Tumors . What is a Brain Tumor? A brain tumor is an abnormal growth
 ... Tumors” from Frankly Speaking Frankly Speaking About Cancer: Brain Tumors Download the full book Questions to ask ...

  1. Tumor de células da granulosa com metástases numa gata

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    Márcia Regina Giacóia


    Full Text Available As características clínicas, macroscópicas e microscópicas de um tumor de células da granulosa no ovário de uma gata de 2 anos de idade são descritas neste trabalho. Essa neoplasia é rara em gatos, principalmente devido à idade apresentada pelo animal. O diagnóstico foi feito clinicamente através de exame ultra-sonográfico. O tumor, uma massa cística na região do ovário esquerdo, metastatizou para o epíploo e para os pulmões. As células tumorais expressaram vimentina e arranjavam-se num padrão sarcomatoso e difuso, sustentado por fino estroma fibrovascular. A presença de sinais clínicos, como perda de pêlos e repetição de estros, é indicativa de síndrome paraneoplásica ortoendócrina, devido à excessiva estimulação estrogênica. A existência desse tipo de tumor deve ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de distúrbios comportamentais em gatas.

  2. Enfoque terapéutico en 154 pacientes con acromegalia Therapeutic management in 154 acromegalic patients

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    Marcos P. Manavela


    Full Text Available La acromegalia es una enfermedad poco frecuente producida en más del 95% de los casos por un tumor hipofisario secretor de hormona de crecimiento (GH. Las manifestaciones clínicas están asociadas a síntomas locales por crecimiento del tumor o a las consecuencias orgánicas y metabólicas secundarias a la hipersecreción de GH. Debido a la alta morbilidad y mortalidad asociadas a la acromegalia, un tratamiento individualizado y optimizado para cada paciente es fundamental. Informamos el enfoque terapéutico de nuestro servicio de endocrinología en la atención de 154 pacientes con acromegalia. Utilizando criterios bioquímicos estrictos, con la cirugía logramos un 32% de remisión global, tasa relativamente baja debido fundamentalmente a que la mayor parte de los pacientes presentaban macroadenomas con un alto porcentaje de invasividad local. Con radioterapia complementaria o como tratamiento inicial se logró la remisión en el 65.4% de los pacientes irradiados. El 14.0% de los pacientes controlaron la enfermedad utilizando agonistas dopaminérgicos solos o combinados con otra droga, mientras que aquellos que utilizaron análogos de la somatostatina normalizaron los parámetros bioquímicos en un 45.7% de los casos. En conclusión, con los diferentes tratamientos utilizados obtuvimos el control de la acromegalia en el 55.2% de los casos, esperando optimizar el tratamiento de estos pacientes en la medida en que contemos con y tengamos acceso a nuevas herramientas terapéuticas.Acromegaly is a chronic, invalidating disease due in over 95% of cases to a growth hormone (GH secreting pituitary adenoma. Its clinical manifestations are associated to local complications related to the tumor growth and/or to the metabolic consequences of GH excess. We report here our experience on 154 acromegalic patients. Surgical remission rate using stringent biochemical criteria was 32%, a figure relatively low due to the great number of patients bearing

  3. Macrophage content of murine tumors: Associations with TD50 and tumor radiocurability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wike, J.; Hunter, N.; Volpe, J.; Milas, L.


    The experiments were designed to investigate whether the tumor-associated macrophage (TAM) content of murine solid tumors correlates with tumor response to ionizing radiation and with the clonogenic ability of tumor cells to establish s.c. tumors. Of 13 tumors studied, 6 were sarcomas and 7 were carcinomas; all tumors were of spontaneous origin in C/sub 3/Hf/Kam mice, with the exception of one sarcoma that was induced by 3-methylcholanthrene. Tumors were growing in the hind thighs of syngeneic mice, and their TAM content was determined when they were 8 mm in diameter. Their macrophage content varied greatly, ranging from 9 to 83%. Radiocurability of 8 mm tumors, determined by TCD50, ranged from 42 Gy (fibrosarcoma FSA) to > 80 Gy (hepatocarcinoma HCA-I). There was an obvious trend toward positive correlation (r = 0.43) between TAM content and reduced local tumor radiocurability. However, there was a significant negative correlation between TAM content and TD50 values, implying that cells from tumors with higher macrophage content were more clonogenic. TAM from the NFSA sarcoma, a tumor with a low TD50 value and poorly responsive to radiation, stimulated the in vitro growth of NFSA tumor cells. These observations suggest that high TAM content could be conducive to tumor cell proliferation and could be a factor in poor tumor radioresponse

  4. Neurocitoma central com apresentação incomum por hemorragia intraventricular: relato de caso

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    Hanel Ricardo Alexandre


    Full Text Available O neurocitoma central foi descrito pela primeira vez na literatura em 1982 por Hassoun e colaboradores como tumor bem diferenciado de origem neuronal. O tumor geralmente localiza-se no sistema ventricular, afetando adultos jovens e geralmente cursando com hipertensão intracraniana secundária à hidrocefalia obstrutiva. O diagnóstico diferencial com outros processos intraventriculares como oligodendroglioma é realizado através de métodos imuno-histoquímicos. Raros casos de neurocitoma central associados com hemorragia têm sido descritos na literatura. Descrevemos um caso de neurocitoma central de uma paciente de 35 anos com apresentação atípica. A paciente havia procurado o hospital com quadro súbito de cefaléia, vômitos e rigidez de nuca, sugerindo a presença de hemorragia subaracnóidea. A ressonância magnética demonstrou volumosa massa no ventrículo lateral direito cujos perfis histológico e imuno-histoquímico eram condizentes com neurocitoma central, a ressecção cirúrgica foi realizada com sucesso, embora a paciente tenha evoluído para um quadro de ventriculite no pós-operatório. Salientamos a importância do estabelecimento do neurocitoma central como diagnóstico diferencial de pacientes com hemorragia intraventricular e discutimos as opções de tratamento para este tumor incomum.

  5. Mathematical models of tumor growth: translating absorbed dose to tumor control probability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sgouros, G.


    Full text: The dose-rate in internal emitter therapy is low and time-dependent as compared to external beam radiotherapy. Once the total absorbed dose delivered to a target tissue is calculated, however, most dosimetric analyses of radiopharmaceuticals are considered complete. To translate absorbed dose estimates obtained for internal emitter therapy to biologic effect, the growth characteristics, repair capacity, and radiosensitivity of the tumor must be considered. Tumor growth may be represented by the Gompertz equation in which tumor cells increase at an exponential growth rate that is itself decreasing at an exponential rate; as the tumor increases in size, the growth rate diminishes. The empirical Gompertz expression for tumor growth may be derived from a mechanistic model in which growth is represented by a balance between tumor-cell birth and loss. The birth rate is assumed to be fixed, while the cell loss rate is time-dependent and increases with tumor size. The birth rate of the tumors may be related to their potential doubling time. Multiple biopsies of individual tumors have demonstrated a heterogeneity in the potential doubling time of tumors. By extending the mechanistic model described above to allow for sub-populations of tumor cells with different birth rates, the effect of kinetic heterogeneity within a tumor may be examined. Model simulations demonstrate that the cell kinetic parameters of a tumor are predicted to change over time and measurements obtained using a biopsy are unlikely to reflect the kinetics of the tumor throughout its growth history. A decrease in overall tumor mass, in which each sub-population is reduced in proportion to its cell number, i.e., the log-kill assumption, leads to re-growth of a tumor that has a greater proliferation rate. Therapy that is linked to the potential doubling time or to the effective proliferation rate of the tumor may lead to re-growth of a tumor that is kinetically unchanged. The simplest model of

  6. Porøse materialer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Ernst Jan de Place


    Dette undervisningsnotat er en samling af noter, der refererer til den indledende del af kurset Materialmekanik og Porøse materailer på Insitut for Bærende Konstruktiner og Materialer (BKM).......Dette undervisningsnotat er en samling af noter, der refererer til den indledende del af kurset Materialmekanik og Porøse materailer på Insitut for Bærende Konstruktiner og Materialer (BKM)....

  7. Imuno-expressão da DNMT1, DNMT3a e DNMT3b nos tumores odontogênicos


    Leonardo Borges Ferro


    Os tumores odontogênicos são um grupo heterogéneo de lesões formadas a partir de tecidos que dão origem ao dente. A metilação do ADN, uma adição covalente de um grupo metilo na posição 5 de carbono de um nucleótideo de citosina, é considerado um importante regulador da expressão génica. A adição do radical metil é catalisada por ADN metiltransferases (DNMTs). Embora alguns estudos epigenéticos tenham sido realizados em tumores odontogênicos, um estudo com os três tipos de DNMTs em vários memb...

  8. Tumor stem cells: A new approach for tumor therapy (Review) (United States)



    Recent studies have demonstrated the existence of a minority of tumor cells possessing the stem cell properties of self-renewal and differentiation in leukemia and several solid tumors. However, these cells do not possess the normal regulatory mechanisms of stem cells. Following transplantation, they are capable of initiating tumorigenesis and are therefore known as ‘tumor stem cells’. Cellular origin analysis of tumor stem cells has resulted in three hypotheses: Embryonal rest hypothesis, anaplasia and maturation arrest. Several signaling pathways which are involved in carcinogenesis, including Wnt/β-catenin, Notch and Oct-4 signaling pathways are crucial in normal stem cell self-renewal decisions, suggesting that breakdown in the regulation of self-renewal may be a key event in the development of tumors. Thus, tumors can be regarded as an abnormal organ in which stem cells have escaped from the normal constraints on self-renewal, thus, leading to abnormally differentiated tumor cells that lose the ability to form tumors. This new model for maligancies has significance for clinical research and treatment. PMID:22844351

  9. Risk of borderline ovarian tumors among women with benign ovarian tumors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guleria, Sonia; Jensen, Allan; Kjær, Susanne K


    tumors among women with a benign ovarian tumor. METHODS: This nationwide cohort study included all Danish women diagnosed with a benign ovarian tumor (n=139,466) during 1978-2012. The cohort was linked to the Danish Pathology Data Bank and standardized incidence ratios (SIR) with 95% confidence intervals...... (CI) were calculated. RESULTS: Women with benign ovarian tumors had increased risks for subsequent borderline ovarian tumors (SIR 1.62, 95% CI 1.43-1.82), and this applied to both serous (SIR 1.69, 95% CI 1.39-2.03) and mucinous (SIR 1.75, 95% CI 1.45-2.10) histotypes of borderline ovarian tumors....... The risk for borderline ovarian tumors was primarily increased for women diagnosed with a benign ovarian tumor before 40years of age. The risk remained increased up to 9years after a benign ovarian tumor diagnosis. Finally, the associations did not change markedly when analyzed for the different histotypes...

  10. Tumor residual pós-quimioterapia neoadjuvante para câncer de mama: impacto sobre o tratamento cirúrgico conservador Residual tumor after neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer: impact on conservative surgical treatment

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    Edison Mantovani Barbosa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar as alterações histopatológicas provocadas pela ação da quimioterapia neoadjuvante (fluoracil, epirrubicina e ciclofosfamida; FEC -- 4 ciclos na área tumoral, no tecido mamário adjacente e nos linfonodos homolaterais, em peças cirúrgicas obtidas de pacientes portadoras de carcinomas primários da mama. Método: estudo histológico detalhado de 30 peças cirúrgicas obtidas por mastectomia radical (Patey de pacientes portadoras de carcinomas primários da mama, previamente submetidas a esse tipo de terapêutica sistêmica. Resultados: observamos regressão tumoral, de grau variável, em todas as peças analisadas. Esta regressão ocorreu de forma irregular, restando inúmeros focos refratários na área ocupada pelo tumor primário. Observamos focos celulares resistentes independentes do tumor primário no tecido mamário. Detalhamos outros achados histopatológicos decorrentes da ação quimioterápica nos tecidos tumoral e mamário, como calcificações e fibrose, e nos linfonodos axilares homolaterais. Conclusão: concluímos que a ação da quimioterapia neoadjuvante não é uniforme, restando focos tumorais refratários, tanto na área do tumor inicial, quanto à distância. A regressão do tumor independe da resposta de regressão dos linfonodos axilares metastáticos. A utilização da cirurgia conservadora pós-quimioterapia neoadjuvante (FEC deve ser evitada.Purpose: analysis of histopathologic alterations caused by neoadjuvant chemotherapy (fluorouracil, epirubicine, cyclophosphamide; FEC - 4 cycles at the tumor site, adjacent mammary tissue and homolateral lymph nodes, as observed in sections of patients with primary breast carcinomas. Method: histological studies performed on 30 surgical sections obtained from radical mastectomy (Patey of patients with primary breast carcinomas, who underwent prior neoadjuvant systemic therapy. Results: all sections showed tumor regression with variable intensity. This

  11. Nasoangiofibroma juvenil: concordância interobservadores no estadiamento por tomografia computadorizada Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: interobserver agreement in cancer staging using computed tomography

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    Jefferson Luiz Gusso


    Full Text Available Com o advento da tomografia computadorizada, a avaliação dos locais de acometimento e extensão do nasoangiofibroma juvenil tornou-se mais precisa, o que facilitou o correto estadiamento pré-operatório. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a concordância interobservadores, por meio da análise por tomografia computadorizada, de 15 casos de nasoangiofibroma juvenil em relação à extensão para locais relacionados com altos índices de recidivas. Todos os pacientes eram do sexo masculino, com idade média de 15,8 anos. A análise da concordância entre os observadores quanto à extensão e envolvimento da fossa infratemporal, seios esfenóide e cavernoso e fossa craniana média foi excelente, em relação à fissura orbitária superior foi boa e em relação à base do processo pterigóide e fossa craniana anterior foi ruim. Concluiu-se que a análise apresenta alta concordância entre os observadores para os locais estabelecidos, com exceção da base do processo pterigóide e da fossa craniana anterior.The advent of computed tomography permitted a much more precise evaluation of tumor localization, thus facilitating presurgical staging. The objective of this study was to evaluate the interobserver agreement on the analysis of computed tomography scans of 15 patients with juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, regarding assessment of tumor extension to sites of high recurrence rate. All patients were male and had a mean age of 15.8 years. The results of the interobserver agreement analysis regarding tumor invasion and extension to the infratemporal fossa, cavernous sinus, sphenoid sinus and medium cranial fossa were excellent. Identification of involvement of the superior orbital fissure was considered good. Interobserver agreement regarding tumor extension to the base of pterigoid process and anterior cranial fossa was considered poor. We concluded that there is a very good interobserver agreement on the evaluation of the established

  12. Tumor de células de leydig, presentación con pubertad precoz


    Araque, Maryuali; Uzcátegui, Lilia; Paoli, Mariela; Petrosino Tepedino, Pierina; Milano Molina, Melisse; Contreras, Adriana


    Objetivos: Presentar un caso de pubertad precoz secundaria a tumor de células de Leydig. Caso Clínico: Paciente preescolar masculino de 5 años, quien fue referido por presentar aparición de vello púbico, aumento de tamaño del pene, piel oleosa y crecimiento acelerado para la edad, sin antecedentes de traumatismo craneal o procesos infecciosos cerebrales. Al examen físico: peso 22,7kg y talla 117,2 cm, ambos en el percentil 97, masas musculares evidentes en tórax y miembros superio...

  13. Tumor de células de Leydig, presentación con pubertad precoz


    Maryuali, Araque; Uzcátegui, Lilia R.; Paoli, Mariela; Petrosino, Pierina; Milano, Melissa; Contreras, Adriana


    Objetivos: Presentar un caso de pubertad precoz secundaria a tumor de células de Leydig. Caso Clínico: Paciente preescolar masculino de 5 años, quien fue referido por presentar aparición de vello púbico, aumento de tamaño del pene, piel oleosa y crecimiento acelerado para la edad, sin antecedentes de traumatismo craneal o procesos infecciosos cerebrales. Al examen físico: peso 22,7kg y talla 117,2 cm, ambos en el percentil 97, masas musculares evidentes en tórax y miembros superiores, vello p...

  14. Descripción de las propiedades funcionales del sistema nociceptivo trigeminal en relación con el dolor pulpar

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    Andrés O Pérez Ruíz

    Full Text Available El sistema trigeminal nociceptivo es un componente del sistema sensorial somestésico que tiene la capacidad de discriminar cuatro variables básicas de los estímulos que provocan daño tisular, ellas son: cualidad, curso temporal, localización e intensidad. Las fibras A delta y C, vinculadas a la nocicepción están presentes en la pulpa dental. Se utilizan varias clasificaciones del dolor, atendiendo a diversos criterios: calidad de la sensación, velocidad de transmisión por las fibras, en relación con el lugar del cuerpo donde se exprese, y a la ubicación del nociceptor. La evolución de las condiciones pulpares se clasifican como: pulpitis reversible, pulpitis transicional, pulpitis irreversible y pulpa necrótica.Según su cualidad, el dolor pulpar puede ser punzante o continuo; atendiendo a su aparición, provocado o espontáneo; por su curso, intermitente o continuo; por su localización puede ser limitado a una región, irradiado y referido; y en relación con su intensidad se considera leve, moderado o severo. La capacidad del sistema sensorial nociceptivo en cuanto a discriminar la modalidad, curso temporal, localización e intensidad del estímulo, permite conocer las diferentes etapas de un proceso inflamatorio pulpar.

  15. Verdad por definición


    Garrido Garrido, Julián


    Not available.La verdad por definición es un tipo peculiar de verdad científica, distinguible de las verdades lógicas, matemáticas y empíricas. La definición, por su parte, designa diversos procedimientos de asignación de significado, cuyas diferencias exigen una adjetivación cuidadosa: definiciones ostensivas y operacionales, definiciones de diccionario y definiciones teóricas. Pero sólo las del último tipo son verdaderas por definición. En el presente artículo se precisa el concepto formal ...

  16. Optimization of the tumor microenvironment and nanomedicine properties simultaneously to improve tumor therapy. (United States)

    Zhang, Bo; Shi, Wei; Jiang, Ting; Wang, Lanting; Mei, Heng; Lu, Heng; Hu, Yu; Pang, Zhiqing


    Effective delivery of nanomedicines to tumor tissues depends on both the tumor microenvironment and nanomedicine properties. Accordingly, tumor microenvironment modification or advanced design of nanomedicine was emerging to improve nanomedicine delivery to tumors. However, few studies have emphasized the necessity to optimize the tumor microenvironment and nanomedicine properties simultaneously to improve tumor treatment. In the present study, imatinib mesylate (IMA) was used to normalize the tumor microenvironment including platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β expression inhibition, tumor vessel normalization, and tumor perfusion improvement as demonstrated by immunofluorescence staining. In addition, the effect of tumor microenvironment normalization on tumor delivery of nanomedicines with different sizes was carefully investigated. It was shown that IMA treatment significantly reduced the accumulation of nanoparticles (NPs) around 110 nm but enhanced the accumulation of micelles around 23 nm by in vivo fluorescence imaging experiment. Furthermore, IMA treatment limited the distribution of NPs inside tumors but increased that of micelles with a more homogeneous pattern. Finally, the anti-tumor efficacy study displayed that IMA pretreatment could significantly increase the therapeutic effects of paclitaxel-loaded micelles. All-together, a new strategy to improve nanomedicine delivery to tumor was provided by optimizing both nanomedicine size and the tumor microenvironment simultaneously, and it will have great potential in clinics for tumor treatment.

  17. Solid-pseudo papillary tumor of the pancreas: Frantz's tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Bruno Righi Rodrigues de; Moreira, Reni Cecilia Lopes; Campos, Marcelo Esteves Chaves


    The pseudo papillary solid tumor of the pancreas, also known as Frantz's tumor, is a rare disease, taking place in approximately 0.17% to 2.7% of non-endocrine tumors of the pancreas. Recently, the increase of its incidence has been noted with more than two-thirds of the total cases described in the last 10 years. A possible explanation is a greater knowledge of the disease and a greater uniformity of conceptualization in the last years. Generally, it affects young adult females. In most of the series, the tumor principally attacks the body and tail of the pancreas. The objective of the present report is to present the diagnostic and therapeutic option used in this rare pancreatic tumor of low-grade malignancy. (author)

  18. Electrocardiografo por computadora


    Tinoco Hernandez, Rosanna; Paredes Bejarano, Margarita; Romero Chaglia, Norman; Yapur Auad, Miguel Eduardo


    El presente trabajo trata sobrees el diseño y la implementación de un graficador de señales cardiacas por computadora, para lo cual diseñamos un circuito electrónico capaz de recibir la senal analógica proveniente de la actividad electrica del corazón , amplificarla, y luego convertirla en una señal digital para ser procesada por software y finalmente ser graficada, siendo posible así observar la señal cardiaca en el monitor de un computador como un tren de pulsos. Cabe destacar que par...

  19. Imaging study of lymphoreticular tumor development in ataxia-telangiectasia and Nijmegen breakage syndrome; Estudio por imagen del desarrollo de tumores linforreticulares en la ataxia telangiectasia y el sindrome de Nijmegen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez-Leon, M. I.; Ceres-Ruiz, L.; Cuesta, M. A.; Garcia-Martin, F. J. [Hospital Materno-Infantil C.H.U. Carlos Haya. Malaga (Spain)


    Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT), or Louis-Bar syndrome, is an autosomal recessive illness characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia, oculo-cutaneous telangiectasia, immunodeficiency combined with susceptibility to sinopulmonary infections and high incidence of neoplastic development. Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is a variant of AT, is also an autosomal recessive illness that presents cerebellar ataxia, as well as combined immunodeficiency and a tendency toward tumor development. Contrary to Louis-Bar syndrome, it doesn't present telangiectasia and exhibits a characteristics phenotype (short stature, bird-like face and microcephaly). Both entities are classified as syndrome of chromosomal instability or chromosomal fragility, a group which also includes Bloom syndrome and Fanconi anemia. All of these show an increase in the frequency of neoplastic pathologies, mainly lymphoid tumors. We present three patients,two with AT and one with NBS, who developed different lymphoma types in the course of the illness. We highlight the most outstanding aspects from a clinical-radiological point of view. (Author) 17 refs.

  20. Tumor Volume-Adapted Dosing in Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy of Lung Tumors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trakul, Nicholas; Chang, Christine N.; Harris, Jeremy [Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (United States); Chapman, Christopher [Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (United States); University of Michigan School of Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI (United States); Rao, Aarti [Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (United States); University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, Davis, CA (United States); Shen, John [Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (United States); University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, Irvine, CA (United States); Quinlan-Davidson, Sean [Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (United States); Department of Radiation Oncology, McMaster University, Juravinski Cancer Centre, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada); Filion, Edith J. [Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (United States); Departement de Medecine, Service de Radio-Oncologie, Centre Hospitalier de l' Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec (Canada); Wakelee, Heather A.; Colevas, A. Dimitrios [Department of Medicine, Division of Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (United States); Stanford Cancer Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (United States); Whyte, Richard I. [Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Division of General Thoracic Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (United States); Stanford Cancer Institute, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA (United States); and others


    Purpose: Current stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) protocols for lung tumors prescribe a uniform dose regimen irrespective of tumor size. We report the outcomes of a lung tumor volume-adapted SABR dosing strategy. Methods and Materials: We retrospectively reviewed the outcomes in 111 patients with a total of 138 primary or metastatic lung tumors treated by SABR, including local control, regional control, distant metastasis, overall survival, and treatment toxicity. We also performed subset analysis on 83 patients with 97 tumors treated with a volume-adapted dosing strategy in which small tumors (gross tumor volume <12 mL) received single-fraction regimens with biologically effective doses (BED) <100 Gy (total dose, 18-25 Gy) (Group 1), and larger tumors (gross tumor volume {>=}12 mL) received multifraction regimens with BED {>=}100 Gy (total dose, 50-60 Gy in three to four fractions) (Group 2). Results: The median follow-up time was 13.5 months. Local control for Groups 1 and 2 was 91.4% and 92.5%, respectively (p = 0.24) at 12 months. For primary lung tumors only (excluding metastases), local control was 92.6% and 91.7%, respectively (p = 0.58). Regional control, freedom from distant metastasis, and overall survival did not differ significantly between Groups 1 and 2. Rates of radiation pneumonitis, chest wall toxicity, and esophagitis were low in both groups, but all Grade 3 toxicities developed in Group 2 (p = 0.02). Conclusion: A volume-adapted dosing approach for SABR of lung tumors seems to provide excellent local control for both small- and large-volume tumors and may reduce toxicity.

  1. Malignant Solitary Fibrous Tumor Metastatic to Widely Invasive Hurthle Cell Thyroid Carcinoma: A Distinct Tumor-to-Tumor Metastasis. (United States)

    Kolson Kokohaare, Eva; Riva, Francesco M G; Bernstein, Jonathan M; Miah, Aisha B; Thway, Khin


    We illustrate a case of synchronous malignant solitary fibrous tumor of the thoracic cavity, and widely invasive thyroid Hurthle cell carcinoma. The Hurthle cell carcinoma was found to harbor distinct areas of malignant solitary fibrous tumor. This is a unique case of tumor-to-tumor metastasis that, to the best of our knowledge, has not been previously reported.

  2. Selected anti-tumor vaccines merit a place in multimodal tumor therapies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weiss, Eva-Maria; Wunderlich, Roland [Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen (Germany); Ebel, Nina [Department of Process Technology and Machinery, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen (Germany); Rubner, Yvonne [Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen (Germany); Schlücker, Eberhard [Department of Process Technology and Machinery, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen (Germany); Meyer-Pittroff, Roland [Competence Pool Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München, Freising (Germany); Ott, Oliver J.; Fietkau, Rainer; Gaipl, Udo S.; Frey, Benjamin, E-mail: [Department of Radiation Oncology, University Hospital Erlangen, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen (Germany)


    Multimodal approaches are nowadays successfully applied in cancer therapy. Primary locally acting therapies such as radiotherapy (RT) and surgery are combined with systemic administration of chemotherapeutics. Nevertheless, the therapy of cancer is still a big challenge in medicine. The treatments often fail to induce long-lasting anti-tumor responses. Tumor recurrences and metastases result. Immunotherapies are therefore ideal adjuncts to standard tumor therapies since they aim to activate the patient's immune system against malignant cells even outside the primary treatment areas (abscopal effects). Especially cancer vaccines may have the potential both to train the immune system against cancer cells and to generate an immunological memory, resulting in long-lasting anti-tumor effects. However, despite promising results in phase I and II studies, most of the concepts finally failed. There are some critical aspects in development and application of cancer vaccines that may decide on their efficiency. The time point and frequency of medication, usage of an adequate immune adjuvant, the vaccine's immunogenic potential, and the tumor burden of the patient are crucial. Whole tumor cell vaccines have advantages compared to peptide-based ones since a variety of tumor antigens (TAs) are present. The master requirements of cell-based, therapeutic tumor vaccines are the complete inactivation of the tumor cells and the increase of their immunogenicity. Since the latter is highly connected with the cell death modality, the inactivation procedure of the tumor cell material may significantly influence the vaccine's efficiency. We therefore also introduce high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) as an innovative inactivation technology for tumor cell-based vaccines and outline that HHP efficiently inactivates tumor cells by enhancing their immunogenicity. Finally studies are presented proving that anti-tumor immune responses can be triggered by combining RT with selected

  3. Peculiarities in the CT findings of germ cell tumors in various tumor localizations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tazoe, Makoto; Miyagami, Mitsusuke; Tsubokawa, Takashi


    The CT findings of 17 germ cell tumors were studied in relation to the locations of the tumor, the pathological diagnoses, and the tumor markers (AFP and HCG). Generally, the CT findings of germ cell tumors depended on the pathological diagnoses more strongly than on the location of the tumors. On plain CT of 7 germ cell tumors in the pineal region, all of them demonstrated heterogeneous findings. Hydrocephalus was seen in 6 cases (86%) and calcification in 6 cases (86%) of the germ cell tumors in the pineal region. Calcification and hydrocephalus that appeared more often than in other regions were characteristic of germ cell tumors of the pineal region. The germ cell tumors in the basal ganglia had a slightly homogenous high density, with small cysts and calcification in most of them on plain CT. On enhanced CT, the tumors were moderately enhanced in all cases located in the basal ganglia. Four cases of germ cell tumors located in the basal ganglia revealed the dilatation of lateral ventricle due to hemispheric atrophy in the tumor side. The germ cell tumors showing an increase in the tumor markers such as AFP and HCG, which were usually malignant germ cell tumors, were strongly enhanced on enhanced CT. (author)

  4. Pancreatic islet cell tumor (United States)

    ... cell tumors; Islet of Langerhans tumor; Neuroendocrine tumors; Peptic ulcer - islet cell tumor; Hypoglycemia - islet cell tumor ... stomach acid. Symptoms may include: Abdominal pain Diarrhea ... and small bowel Vomiting blood (occasionally) Glucagonomas make ...

  5. Tumor macroenvironment and metabolism. (United States)

    Al-Zoughbi, Wael; Al-Zhoughbi, Wael; Huang, Jianfeng; Paramasivan, Ganapathy S; Till, Holger; Pichler, Martin; Guertl-Lackner, Barbara; Hoefler, Gerald


    In this review we introduce the concept of the tumor macroenvironment and explore it in the context of metabolism. Tumor cells interact with the tumor microenvironment including immune cells. Blood and lymph vessels are the critical components that deliver nutrients to the tumor and also connect the tumor to the macroenvironment. Several factors are then released from the tumor itself but potentially also from the tumor microenvironment, influencing the metabolism of distant tissues and organs. Amino acids, and distinct lipid and lipoprotein species can be essential for further tumor growth. The role of glucose in tumor metabolism has been studied extensively. Cancer-associated cachexia is the most important tumor-associated systemic syndrome and not only affects the quality of life of patients with various malignancies but is estimated to be the cause of death in 15%-20% of all cancer patients. On the other hand, systemic metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes are known to influence tumor development. Furthermore, the clinical implications of the tumor macroenvironment are explored in the context of the patient's outcome with special consideration for pediatric tumors. Finally, ways to target the tumor macroenvironment that will provide new approaches for therapeutic concepts are described. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Tumor Macroenvironment and Metabolism


    Al-Zhoughbi, Wael; Huang, Jianfeng; Paramasivan, Ganapathy S.; Till, Holger; Pichler, Martin; Guertl-Lackner, Barbara; Hoefler, Gerald


    In this review we introduce the concept of the tumor macroenvironment and explore it in the context of metabolism. Tumor cells interact with the tumor microenvironment including immune cells. Blood and lymph vessels are the critical components that deliver nutrients to the tumor and also connect the tumor to the macroenvironment. Several factors are then released from the tumor itself but potentially also from the tumor microenvironment, influencing the metabolism of distant tissues and organ...

  7. Tumor Volume-Adapted Dosing in Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy of Lung Tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trakul, Nicholas; Chang, Christine N.; Harris, Jeremy; Chapman, Christopher; Rao, Aarti; Shen, John; Quinlan-Davidson, Sean; Filion, Edith J.; Wakelee, Heather A.; Colevas, A. Dimitrios; Whyte, Richard I.


    Purpose: Current stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) protocols for lung tumors prescribe a uniform dose regimen irrespective of tumor size. We report the outcomes of a lung tumor volume-adapted SABR dosing strategy. Methods and Materials: We retrospectively reviewed the outcomes in 111 patients with a total of 138 primary or metastatic lung tumors treated by SABR, including local control, regional control, distant metastasis, overall survival, and treatment toxicity. We also performed subset analysis on 83 patients with 97 tumors treated with a volume-adapted dosing strategy in which small tumors (gross tumor volume <12 mL) received single-fraction regimens with biologically effective doses (BED) <100 Gy (total dose, 18–25 Gy) (Group 1), and larger tumors (gross tumor volume ≥12 mL) received multifraction regimens with BED ≥100 Gy (total dose, 50–60 Gy in three to four fractions) (Group 2). Results: The median follow-up time was 13.5 months. Local control for Groups 1 and 2 was 91.4% and 92.5%, respectively (p = 0.24) at 12 months. For primary lung tumors only (excluding metastases), local control was 92.6% and 91.7%, respectively (p = 0.58). Regional control, freedom from distant metastasis, and overall survival did not differ significantly between Groups 1 and 2. Rates of radiation pneumonitis, chest wall toxicity, and esophagitis were low in both groups, but all Grade 3 toxicities developed in Group 2 (p = 0.02). Conclusion: A volume-adapted dosing approach for SABR of lung tumors seems to provide excellent local control for both small- and large-volume tumors and may reduce toxicity.

  8. Métodos diagnósticos en los tumores gliales de tipo astrocíticos

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    Letyer Pérez Ortiz


    Full Text Available Los tumores cerebrales constituyen un problema realmente complejo para la mayoría de los profesionales dedicados a su diagnóstico y tratamiento. El paciente con un tumor cerebral constituye un desafío científico, ético y hasta emocional para el radiólogo y el neurocirujano. Desde el descubrimiento de los rayos X en 1895 la radiología, y posteriormente la neurorradiología como disciplina, han sido de indudable utilidad en la detección de estas lesiones. En las últimas décadas el desarrollo alcanzado por las técnicas de neuroimagen ha permitido realizar un diagnóstico certero, lo que ha permitido definir la localización precisa del tumor, los detalles estructurales perilesionales, la evidencia de daño de la barrera hematoencefálica, el edema cerebral y el grado de malignidad tumoral a través de los estudios imagenológicos funcionales. Con este trabajo se pretende realizar un bosquejo general sobre los métodos diagnósticos más utilizados en la detección de los tumores gliales, paso previo e imprescindible para proceder a su tratamiento y predecir pronósticoThe brain tumors are a real complex problem for most of the professionals devoted to their diagnosis and treatment. The patient with a brain tumor is a scientific, ethical and emotional challenge for the radiologist and the neurosurgeon. Since the discovery of the X-rays in 1895, radiology and later neuroradiology, as a discipline, have been unquestionably useful in the detection of injuries. During the last decades, the development attained by the neuroimaging techniques has allowed to make an accurate diagnosis and to determine the exact location of the tumor, the structural perilesional details, the evidence of damage of the hematoencephalic barrier, the brain edema, and the degree of tumoral malignity through the functional imaging studies. In this paper, we pretend to make a general review on the most used diagnostic methods in the detection of glial tumors, an

  9. A new ODE tumor growth modeling based on tumor population dynamics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oroji, Amin; Omar, Mohd bin [Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (Malaysia); Yarahmadian, Shantia [Mathematics Department Mississippi State University, USA (United States)


    In this paper a new mathematical model for the population of tumor growth treated by radiation is proposed. The cells dynamics population in each state and the dynamics of whole tumor population are studied. Furthermore, a new definition of tumor lifespan is presented. Finally, the effects of two main parameters, treatment parameter (q), and repair mechanism parameter (r) on tumor lifespan are probed, and it is showed that the change in treatment parameter (q) highly affects the tumor lifespan.

  10. A new ODE tumor growth modeling based on tumor population dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oroji, Amin; Omar, Mohd bin; Yarahmadian, Shantia


    In this paper a new mathematical model for the population of tumor growth treated by radiation is proposed. The cells dynamics population in each state and the dynamics of whole tumor population are studied. Furthermore, a new definition of tumor lifespan is presented. Finally, the effects of two main parameters, treatment parameter (q), and repair mechanism parameter (r) on tumor lifespan are probed, and it is showed that the change in treatment parameter (q) highly affects the tumor lifespan

  11. A Rare Cutaneous Adnexal Tumor: Malignant Proliferating Trichilemmal Tumor

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    Omer Alici


    Full Text Available Proliferating trichilemmal tumors (PTTs are neoplasms derived from the outer root sheath of the hair follicle. These tumors, which commonly affect the scalp of elderly women, rarely demonstrate malignant transformation. Although invasion of the tumors into neighboring tissues and being accompanied with anaplasia and necrosis are accepted as findings of malignancy, histological features may not always be sufficient to identify these tumors. The clinical behavior of the tumor may be incompatible with its histological characteristics. Squamous-cell carcinoma should certainly be considered in differential diagnosis because of its similarity in morphological appearance with PTT. Immunostaining for CD34, P53, and Ki-67 is a useful adjuvant diagnostic method that can be used in differential diagnosis aside from morphological findings. In this study, we aimed to present the case of a 52-year-old female patient with clinicopathological features. We reported a low-grade malignant proliferating trichilemmal tumor in this patient and detected no relapse or metastasis in a 24-month period of follow-up.

  12. [Tumor and tumor-like benign mesenchymal lesions of the breast]. (United States)

    Bisceglia, M; Nirchio, V; Carosi, I; Cappucci, U; Decata, A; Paragone, T; Di Mattia, A L


    All the spectrum is encompassed of those miscellaneous pathologic entities occurring in the mammary stroma which are on record up to date other than "mixed fibroepithelial" tumors (fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumors) and tumors both "pure" and "mixed" originating from myoepithelium (adenomyoepitheliomas and pleomorphic adenomas). Also they were excluded those dysreactive-autoimmune diseases (sarcoidosis, sclerosing lymphocytic lobulitis, lobular granulomatous mastitis) and those inflammatory-infectious conditions (tuberculosis, actinomycosis, foreign body reactions, Mondor's disease) which can mimick breast tumors clinically or on image analysis, but on the contrary not evoking the idea of a tumor on histology. Specifically, inflammatory pseudotumor, myofibroblastoma, leiomyoma, neurinoma/neurofibroma, benign fibrous histiocytoma, hemangiopericytoma, fibromatosis, nodular fascitis, variants of lipoma, mesenchymoma, amartoma and its variants, hemangiomas, pseudoangiomatous hyperplasia of stroma, amyloid tumor, granular cell tumor, are consecutively described and discussed, with a large list of references enclosed to each rubric. Most of the pictures are taken from personally observed lesions of the breast. Only few pictures referred to are from their analogue lesions which occurred in soft parts of other locations, with specific mention of that when it was the case. Of note after reviewing the literature the fact that no glomus tumor, nor Kaposi's sarcoma either sporadic or in the context of any immunodeficiency, nor myelolipoma has been recorded yet.


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    Michel Faizal Geagea


    Full Text Available

    La cirugía micrográfica de Mohs es el tratamiento quirúrgico con más altas tasas de curación de los tumores malignos cutáneos agresivos localmente invasivos, minimizando el sacrificio innecesario de tejidos peritumorales sanos. Los márgenes oncológicos son determinados en etapas sucesivas, los tejidos son evaluados en cortes histológicos horizontales en tres dimensiones, identificando con precisión la localización de la persistencia oncológica y subsecuente escisión hasta la inexistencia del tumor respetando los tejidos sanos que no son removidos. La conclusión diagnóstica de la evaluación de las neoplasias cutáneas, se deriva del laudo histopatológico el cual debe conducir en la elección de la mejor opción terapéutica. El tratamiento del cáncer cutáneo es realizado con métodos quirúrgicos o médicos, bien sea por la destrucción a ciegas o por la evaluación histológica de los márgenes oncológicos que determinan una porción de los límites del tumor. Las neoplasias malignas cutáneas que no han recibido tratamiento o las recurrentes consideraciones de alto riesgo por presentar características clínicas y/o histológicas agresivas, deben recibir la mejor opción terapéutica. Actualmente la cirugía micrográfica de Mohs ofrece la mejor curabilidad de los pacientes con tumores cutáneos, con un menor sacrificio de los tejidos perilesionales sanos, resultando en pequeños defectos quirúrgicos comparados con las consecuentes de resecciones quirúrgicas convencionales, repercutiendo en la complejidad de la reconstrucción. Las altas posibilidades de curación y los menores defectos quirúrgicos resultantes de la cirugía micrográfica de Mohs, crea un impacto costo-efectivo en la reducción de procedimientos quirúrgicos repetidos.



    Final diagnosis in assessing skin cancers derives from histopathology, then

  14. Is primary prevention with antiepileptic drugs effective in brain tumors or brain metastases?

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    Diego Lobos-Urbina


    Full Text Available Resumen Los pacientes con tumores cerebrales, primarios o metastásicos, presentan riego de desarrollar convulsiones durante la evolución de su enfermedad, por lo que se ha propuesto el uso profiláctico de anticonvulsivantes. Sin embargo, el efecto de esta intervención no está claro. Para responder esta pregunta utilizamos la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en múltiples bases de datos. Identificamos 12 revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen ochenta estudios primarios. Doce corresponden a estudios aleatorizados, pero sólo dos responden la pregunta de interés. Extrajimos los datos, realizamos un metanálisis y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que la prevención primaria con anticonvulsivantes podría no disminuir el riesgo de convulsiones en tumores o metástasis cerebrales, y se asocia a efectos adversos frecuentes.

  15. Carcinoma de Meibômio como segundo tumor em portadores de retinobastoma: relato de dois casos

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    Silvia Narikawa


    Full Text Available O retinoblastoma pode acometer um ou os dois olhos, ocorrendo de forma hereditária ou esporádica. O portador dessa doença pode desenvolver, a longo prazo, outros tipos de tumores não oculares. Relatamos dois pacientes: o filho, portador de cavidade anoftálmica bilateral após remoção dos olhos devido ao retinoblastoma, que apresentou segundo tumor palpebral unilateral, afetando a pálpebra superior; e o pai, portador de cavidade anoftálmica unilateral também por remoção de retinoblastoma e que apresentou tumoração de crescimento rápido na pálpebra superior ipsilateral ao olho enucleado. O exame imuno-histoquímico de ambas as lesões excisadas revelou que se tratava de carcinoma de glândulas sebáceas. Os pacientes evoluíram bem após a remoção do tumor palpebral e, até o momento, não apresentam sinais de recidiva ou metástase.

  16. Cyclophosphamide Enhances Human Tumor Growth in Nude Rat Xenografted Tumor Models

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    Yingjen Jeffrey Wu


    Full Text Available The effect of the immunomodulatory chemotherapeutic agent cyclophosphamide (CTX on tumor growth was investigated in primary and metastatic intracerebral and subcutaneous rat xenograft models. Nude rats were treated with CTX (100 mg/kg, intraperitoneally 24 hours before human ovarian carcinoma (SKOV3, small cell lung carcinoma (LX-1 SCLC, and glioma (UW28, U87MG, and U251 tumor cells were inoculated subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, or in the right cerebral hemisphere or were infused into the right internal carotid artery. Tumor development was monitored and recorded. Potential mechanisms were further investigated. Only animals that received both CTX and Matrigel showed consistent growth of subcutaneous tumors. Cyclophosphamide pretreatment increased the percentage (83.3% vs 0% of animals showing intraperitoneal tumors. In intracerebral implantation tumor models, CTX pretreatment increased the tumor volume and the percentage of animals showing tumors. Cyclophosphamide increased lung carcinoma bone and facial metastases after intra-arterial injection, and 20% of animals showed brain metastases. Cyclophosphamide transiently decreased nude rat white blood cell counts and glutathione concentration, whereas serum vascular endothelial growth factor was significantly elevated. Cyclophosphamide also increased CD31 reactivity, a marker of vascular endothelium, and macrophage (CD68-positive infiltration into glioma cell-inoculated rat brains. Cyclophosphamide may enhance primary and metastatic tumor growth through multiple mechanisms, including immune modulation, decreased response to oxidative stress, increased tumor vascularization, and increased macrophage infiltration. These findings may be clinically relevant because chemotherapy may predispose human cancer subjects to tumor growth in the brain or other tissues.

  17. Celulitis por citomegalovirus Cytomegalovirus cellulitis

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    A. Ruiz Lascano


    Full Text Available Las lesiones cutáneas por citomegalovirus (CMV son infrecuentes y a menudo una manifestación tardía de una enfermedad sistémica, que generalmente anuncia un curso fatal. Comunicamos un caso de celulitis por CMV: una mujer de 70 años con trasplante renal efectuado 1 mes antes de la consulta, terapia inmunosupresora con ciclosporina A y metilprednisona. La paciente ingresó por fiebre, dolor e impotencia funcional en pierna derecha. Comprobamos la existencia de una placa de 8 por 4 cm eritematoedematosa. La tratamos con antibióticos sin mejoría, por lo que realizamos un estudio histopatológico de piel que mostró cambios citopáticos compatibles con infección por CMV. Los cultivos bacteriológicos y micológicos fueron negativos. La inmunohistoquímica específica para CMV y el estudio de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR de la biopsia de piel fueron positivas, al igual que la antigenemia. El tratamiento con ganciclovir produjo la mejoría del cuadro clínico. En la literatura revisada no hemos encontrado la celulitis como manifestación de enfermedad cutánea por CMV.Cutaneous lesions in CMV infection are rare, often a late manifestation of systemic infection, and usually herald a fatal course. A 70 year-old woman received a kidney transplantation one month before consulting and immunosuppressive therapy that included cyclosporine A and methylprednisone. She complained of fever, local pain in her right leg, and an erythematous and swelling plaque. She was treated with intravenous antibiotics without improvement. A skin biopsy was performed and the tissue obtained was sent for bacterial and fungal cultures as well as for histological examination. Cultures were negative. The biopsy showed CMV cytopathic changes. Immunoperoxidase staining was positive for CMV and polymerase chain reaction (PCR testing revealed CMV DNA. She was treated with ganciclovir with resolution of the lesion. CMV cellulitis is a rare cutaneous manifestation

  18. Pituitary gland tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jesser, J.; Schlamp, K.; Bendszus, M.


    This article gives an overview of the most common tumors of the pituitary gland and the differential diagnostics with special emphasis on radiological diagnostic criteria. A selective search of the literature in PubMed was carried out. Pituitary adenomas constitute 10-15 % of all intracranial tumors and are the most common tumors of the sellar region. Tumors smaller than 1 cm in diameter are called microadenomas while those larger than 1 cm in diameter are called macroadenomas. Approximately 65 % of pituitary gland adenomas secrete hormones whereby approximately 50 % secrete prolactin, 10 % secrete growth hormone (somatotropin) and 6 % secrete corticotropin. Other tumors located in the sella turcica can also cause endocrinological symptoms, such as an oversecretion of pituitary hormone or pituitary insufficiency by impinging on the pituitary gland or its stalk. When tumors spread into the space cranial to the sella turcica, they can impinge on the optic chiasm and cause visual disorders. A common differential diagnosis of a sellar tumor is a craniopharyngeoma. In children up to 10 % of all intracranial tumors are craniopharyngeomas. Other differential diagnoses for sellar tumors are metastases, meningiomas, epidermoids and in rare cases astrocytomas, germinomas or Rathke cleft cysts As these tumors are located in an anatomically complex region of the skull base and are often very small, a highly focused imaging protocol is required. The currently favored modality is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with the administration of a contrast agent. The sellar region should be mapped in thin slices. In cases of suspected microadenoma the imaging protocol should also contain a sequence with dynamic contrast administration in order to assess the specific enhancement characteristics of the tumor and the pituitary gland. (orig.) [de

  19. [Pituitary gland tumors]. (United States)

    Jesser, J; Schlamp, K; Bendszus, M


    This article gives an overview of the most common tumors of the pituitary gland and the differential diagnostics with special emphasis on radiological diagnostic criteria. A selective search of the literature in PubMed was carried out. Pituitary adenomas constitute 10-15% of all intracranial tumors and are the most common tumors of the sellar region. Tumors smaller than 1 cm in diameter are called microadenomas while those larger than 1 cm in diameter are called macroadenomas. Approximately 65% of pituitary gland adenomas secrete hormones whereby approximately 50% secrete prolactin, 10% secrete growth hormone (somatotropin) and 6% secrete corticotropin. Other tumors located in the sella turcica can also cause endocrinological symptoms, such as an oversecretion of pituitary hormone or pituitary insufficiency by impinging on the pituitary gland or its stalk. When tumors spread into the space cranial to the sella turcica, they can impinge on the optic chiasm and cause visual disorders. A common differential diagnosis of a sellar tumor is a craniopharyngeoma. In children up to 10% of all intracranial tumors are craniopharyngeomas. Other differential diagnoses for sellar tumors are metastases, meningiomas, epidermoids and in rare cases astrocytomas, germinomas or Rathke cleft cysts As these tumors are located in an anatomically complex region of the skull base and are often very small, a highly focused imaging protocol is required. The currently favored modality is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with the administration of a contrast agent. The sellar region should be mapped in thin slices. In cases of suspected microadenoma the imaging protocol should also contain a sequence with dynamic contrast administration in order to assess the specific enhancement characteristics of the tumor and the pituitary gland.

  20. Primary cysts and tumors of the mediastinum

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    Pedro Bastos


    .0 years. Complementary treatment with chemo and/or radiotherapy was provided in 75 patients. Six patients had to be reoperated on for local recurrence (3 or metastasis (3 of the primary lesion. Fifteen patients died of their disease during the follow-up period. Actuarial survival at five years was 97.6% for benign lesions and 76.4% for malignant tumours. Conclusion: Results support surgical resection for benign lesions and an aggressive multimodal approach for malignant tumours. Resumo: Objectivo: Avaliação dos resultados em doentes com cistos e tumores primários do mediastino submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico. Material e métodos: Efectuado um estudo retrospectivo mono-institucional em doentes com cistos e tumores primários do mediastino submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico entre Janeiro de 1992 e Dezembro de 2004. Analisaram-se os dados demográficos, a apresentação clínica, a via de abordagem, a intervenção cirúrgica efectuada, a localização da lesão e o diagnóstico histológico. Avaliaram-se, ainda, os factores preditivos de malignidade, a morbilidade e mortalidade pós--operatórias e os resultados a médio prazo. Resultados: Ao longo de um período de 13 anos foram operados 171 doentes, 73 (43% do sexo feminino e 98 (57% do sexo masculino. A idade média foi de 40,3±19,7 anos (20 dias-78 anos. Em 15(9% dos doentes existia uma lesão cística primária. Os tumores primários incluíam neoplasias tímicas (31%, linfomas (22%, tumores neurogénicos (16%, tumores de células germinativas (9% e um grupo miscelâneo (13%. Em 78 doentes (46% as lesões eram malignas. O mediastino ântero-superior foi o compartimento mais frequentemente envolvido por um cisto ou tumor primário (58%, seguido do mediastino posterior (24% e do mediastino médio (18%. Em 68% dos doentes existiam sintomas na altura do diagnóstico: dor torácica (20%, febre e arrepios (13%, miastenia grave (11%, tosse (10%, dispneia (10% e síndroma da veia cava superior (7%. A an

  1. Animal tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gillette, E.L.


    There are few trained veterinary radiation oncologists and the expense of facilities has limited the extent to which this modality is used. In recent years, a few cobalt teletherapy units and megavoltage x-ray units have been employed in larger veterinary institutions. In addition, some radiation oncologists of human medical institutions are interested and willing to cooperate with veterinarians in the treatment of animal tumors. Carefully designed studies of the response of animal tumors to new modalities serve two valuable purposes. First, these studies may lead to improved tumor control in companion animals. Second, these studies may have important implications to the improvement of therapy of human tumors. Much remains to be learned of animal tumor biology so that appropriate model systems can be described for such studies. Many of the latter studies can be sponsored by agencies interested in the improvement of cancer management

  2. Radiological diagnostics of skeletal tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uhl, M.; Herget, G.W.


    The book contains contributions concerning the following topics: 1. introduction and fundamentals: WHO classification of bone tumors, imaging diagnostics and their function; localization, typical clinical and radiological criteria, TNM classification and status classification, invasive tumor diagnostics; 2. specific tumor diagnostics: chondrogenic bone tumors, osseous tumors, connective tissue bony tumors, osteoclastoma, osteomyelogenic bone tumors, vascular bone tumors, neurogenic bone tumors, chordoma; adamantinoma of the long tubular bone; tumor-like lesions, bony metastases, bone granulomas, differential diagnostics: tumor-like lesions

  3. Peripheral epithelial odontogenic tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carzoglio, J.; Tancredi, N.; Capurro, S.; Ravecca, T.; Scarrone, P.


    A new case of peripheral epithelial odontogenic tumor (Pindborg tumor) is reported. It is localized in the superior right gingival region, a less frequent site, and has the histopathological features previously reported. Immunochemical studies were performed, revealing a differential positive stain to cytokeratins in tumor cells deeply seated in the tumor mass, probably related to tumoral cell heterogeneity.Interestingly, in this particular case S-100 protein positive reactivity was also detected in arborescent cells intermingled with tumoral cells, resembling Langerhans cells. Even though referred in the literature in central Pindborg tumors, no references were found about their presence in peripheral tumors, like the one that is presented here

  4. Malignant Trigeminal Nerve Sheath Tumor and Anaplastic Astrocytoma Collision Tumor with High Proliferative Activity and Tumor Suppressor P53 Expression

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    Maher Kurdi


    Full Text Available Background. The synchronous development of two primary brain tumors of distinct cell of origin in close proximity or in contact with each other is extremely rare. We present the first case of collision tumor with two histological distinct tumors. Case Presentation. A 54-year-old woman presented with progressive atypical left facial pain and numbness for 8 months. MRI of the brain showed left middle cranial fossa heterogeneous mass extending into the infratemporal fossa. At surgery, a distinct but intermingled intra- and extradural tumor was demonstrated which was completely removed through left orbitozygomatic-temporal craniotomy. Histopathological examination showed that the tumor had two distinct components: malignant nerve sheath tumor of the trigeminal nerve and temporal lobe anaplastic astrocytoma. Proliferative activity and expressed tumor protein 53 (TP53 gene mutations were demonstrated in both tumors. Conclusions. We describe the first case of malignant trigeminal nerve sheath tumor (MTNST and anaplastic astrocytoma in collision and discuss the possible hypothesis of this rare occurrence. We propose that MTNST, with TP53 mutation, have participated in the formation of anaplastic astrocytoma, or vice versa.

  5. Tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile según diferencias por nivel educacional, 2000-2010

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    Cristian A. Herrera Riquelme


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Caracterizar la tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile según diferencias por nivel educacional en el período 2000-2010 en la población mayor de 20 años. Métodos. Cálculo de las tasas de mortalidad específica por cáncer ajustadas por edad para diferentes niveles educacionales (NE, para el período 2000-2010. Las tasas obtenidas se analizaron con un modelo de regresión de Poisson, calculando el índice de desigualdad relativa (IDR y el índice de desigualdad de la pendiente (IDP para cada año. Resultados. Se registraron 232 541 muertes por cáncer en el período 2000-2010. Los tipos de cáncer más frecuentes fueron de mama, estómago y vesícula biliar en mujeres; y estómago, próstata y pulmón en hombres. Las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer estandarizadas por edad fueron mayores en los NE más bajos, excepto para el de mama en mujer y el de pulmón en hombres. Las mayores diferencias se encontraron en el de vesícula biliar en mujeres y el de estómago en hombres, con mayores tasas de mortalidad específica de hasta 49 y 63 veces respectivamente, para NE bajo respecto al NE alto. Entre 2000 y 2010, las diferencias en mortalidad por NE se redujeron para todos los cánceres combinados en ambos géneros, mama en mujeres, y pulmón y estómago en hombres. Conclusiones. Durante el período estudiado, la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile estuvo fuertemente asociada al NE de la población. Esta información debe ser considerada al definir estrategias nacionales para reducir la mortalidad específica por cáncer en los grupos más desprotegidos.

  6. Tissue engineered tumor models. (United States)

    Ingram, M; Techy, G B; Ward, B R; Imam, S A; Atkinson, R; Ho, H; Taylor, C R


    Many research programs use well-characterized tumor cell lines as tumor models for in vitro studies. Because tumor cells grown as three-dimensional (3-D) structures have been shown to behave more like tumors in vivo than do cells growing in monolayer culture, a growing number of investigators now use tumor cell spheroids as models. Single cell type spheroids, however, do not model the stromal-epithelial interactions that have an important role in controlling tumor growth and development in vivo. We describe here a method for generating, reproducibly, more realistic 3-D tumor models that contain both stromal and malignant epithelial cells with an architecture that closely resembles that of tumor microlesions in vivo. Because they are so tissue-like we refer to them as tumor histoids. They can be generated reproducibly in substantial quantities. The bioreactor developed to generate histoid constructs is described and illustrated. It accommodates disposable culture chambers that have filled volumes of either 10 or 64 ml, each culture yielding on the order of 100 or 600 histoid particles, respectively. Each particle is a few tenths of a millimeter in diameter. Examples of histological sections of tumor histoids representing cancers of breast, prostate, colon, pancreas and urinary bladder are presented. Potential applications of tumor histoids include, but are not limited to, use as surrogate tumors for pre-screening anti-solid tumor pharmaceutical agents, as reference specimens for immunostaining in the surgical pathology laboratory and use in studies of invasive properties of cells or other aspects of tumor development and progression. Histoids containing nonmalignant cells also may have potential as "seeds" in tissue engineering. For drug testing, histoids probably will have to meet certain criteria of size and tumor cell content. Using a COPAS Plus flow cytometer, histoids containing fluorescent tumor cells were analyzed successfully and sorted using such criteria.

  7. Tumor cell culture on collagen–chitosan scaffolds as three-dimensional tumor model: A suitable model for tumor studies

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    Aziz Mahmoudzadeh


    Full Text Available Tumor cells naturally live in three-dimensional (3D microenvironments, while common laboratory tests and evaluations are done in two-dimensional (2D plates. This study examined the impact of cultured 4T1 cancer cells in a 3D collagen–chitosan scaffold compared with 2D plate cultures. Collagen–chitosan scaffolds were provided and passed confirmatory tests. 4T1 tumor cells were cultured on scaffolds and then tumor cells growth rate, resistance to X-ray radiation, and cyclophosphamide as a chemotherapy drug were analyzed. Furthermore, 4T1 cells were extracted from the scaffold model and were injected into the mice. Tumor growth rate, survival rate, and systemic immune responses were evaluated. Our results showed that 4T1 cells infiltrated the scaffolds pores and constructed a 3D microenvironment. Furthermore, 3D cultured tumor cells showed a slower proliferation rate, increased levels of survival to the X-ray irradiation, and enhanced resistance to chemotherapy drugs in comparison with 2D plate cultures. Transfer of extracted cells to the mice caused enhanced tumor volume and decreased life span. This study indicated that collagen–chitosan nanoscaffolds provide a suitable model of tumor that would be appropriate for tumor studies.

  8. Tumor cell culture on collagen-chitosan scaffolds as three-dimensional tumor model: A suitable model for tumor studies. (United States)

    Mahmoudzadeh, Aziz; Mohammadpour, Hemn


    Tumor cells naturally live in three-dimensional (3D) microenvironments, while common laboratory tests and evaluations are done in two-dimensional (2D) plates. This study examined the impact of cultured 4T1 cancer cells in a 3D collagen-chitosan scaffold compared with 2D plate cultures. Collagen-chitosan scaffolds were provided and passed confirmatory tests. 4T1 tumor cells were cultured on scaffolds and then tumor cells growth rate, resistance to X-ray radiation, and cyclophosphamide as a chemotherapy drug were analyzed. Furthermore, 4T1 cells were extracted from the scaffold model and were injected into the mice. Tumor growth rate, survival rate, and systemic immune responses were evaluated. Our results showed that 4T1 cells infiltrated the scaffolds pores and constructed a 3D microenvironment. Furthermore, 3D cultured tumor cells showed a slower proliferation rate, increased levels of survival to the X-ray irradiation, and enhanced resistance to chemotherapy drugs in comparison with 2D plate cultures. Transfer of extracted cells to the mice caused enhanced tumor volume and decreased life span. This study indicated that collagen-chitosan nanoscaffolds provide a suitable model of tumor that would be appropriate for tumor studies. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  9. The role of mirror focus in the surgical outcome of patients with indolent temporal lobe tumors Epilepsia do lobo temporal por processos expansivos e epileptogênese secundária

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    Leticia Sampaio


    gradualmente induzir alterações epileptiformes nessa última, que, na maioria das vezes se localiza em região homóloga no hemisfério oposto ao foco primário. OBJETIVOS: Analisar em um grupo de 21 pacientes com processos expansivos do lobo temporal e epilepsia a ocorrência do foco em espelho e os fatores clínicos potencialmente responsáveis pelo seu desenvolvimento e sua influência no prognóstico cirúrgico. MÉTODO: Foram incluídos 21 pacientes que realizaram eletroencefalograma no período interictal, antes e após o tratamento cirúrgico. Dentre os fatores clínicos estudados destaca-se a idade de início e duração da epilepsia bem como a freqüência de crises epilépticas, por serem considerados relevantes no processo da epileptogênese secundária. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a presença (8 pacientes ou não do foco em espelho (13 pacientes. Dentre os fatores clínicos analisados, a presença de crises tônico-clônicas generalizadas foi estatisticamente significante, ocorrendo de forma mais freqüente nos pacientes com o foco em espelho. Os outros fatores clínicos não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos. Após a cirurgia de retirada do processo expansivo, o foco em espelho não foi mais observado e ficaram livres de crises sete dos oito pacientes do grupo com foco em espelho e 10 dos 13, que não o apresentavam. Nos pacientes que não se tornaram livres de crises, a ressonância magnética mostrou em todos a persistência de tecido tumoral e em dois, presença de displasia cortical associada. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados sugerem que a presença do foco em espelho não deve ser uma contra-indicação à excisão da lesão primária, mesmo quando no eletrencefalograma de escalpo a atividade interictal é mais freqüente do lado contralateral à lesão ou mesmo quando as crises epilépticas são também registradas contralateralmente.

  10. Childhood Brain Tumors (United States)

    Brain tumors are abnormal growths inside the skull. They are among the most common types of childhood ... still be serious. Malignant tumors are cancerous. Childhood brain and spinal cord tumors can cause headaches and ...

  11. Neuroendocrine Tumor: Statistics (United States)

    ... Tumor > Neuroendocrine Tumor: Statistics Request Permissions Neuroendocrine Tumor: Statistics Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board , 01/ ... the body. It is important to remember that statistics on the survival rates for people with a ...

  12. Intra-Tumor Genetic Heterogeneity in Wilms Tumor: Clonal Evolution and Clinical Implications

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    George D. Cresswell


    Full Text Available The evolution of pediatric solid tumors is poorly understood. There is conflicting evidence of intra-tumor genetic homogeneity vs. heterogeneity (ITGH in a small number of studies in pediatric solid tumors. A number of copy number aberrations (CNA are proposed as prognostic biomarkers to stratify patients, for example 1q+ in Wilms tumor (WT; current clinical trials use only one sample per tumor to profile this genetic biomarker. We multisampled 20 WT cases and assessed genome-wide allele-specific CNA and loss of heterozygosity, and inferred tumor evolution, using Illumina CytoSNP12v2.1 arrays, a custom analysis pipeline, and the MEDICC algorithm. We found remarkable diversity of ITGH and evolutionary trajectories in WT. 1q+ is heterogeneous in the majority of tumors with this change, with variable evolutionary timing. We estimate that at least three samples per tumor are needed to detect >95% of cases with 1q+. In contrast, somatic 11p15 LOH is uniformly an early event in WT development. We find evidence of two separate tumor origins in unilateral disease with divergent histology, and in bilateral WT. We also show subclonal changes related to differential response to chemotherapy. Rational trial design to include biomarkers in risk stratification requires tumor multisampling and reliable delineation of ITGH and tumor evolution.

  13. Malignant bone tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zedgenidze, G.A.; Kishkovskij, A.N.; Elashov, Yu.G.


    Clinicoroentgenologic semiotics of malignant bone tumors as well as metastatic bone tumors are presented. Diagnosis of malignant and metastatic bone tumors should be always complex, representing a result of cooperation of a physician, roentgenologist, pathoanatomist

  14. Muerte materna por malaria grave por Plasmodium vivax

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    Nancy Arróspide

    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 19 años con 29 semanas de gestación, procedente de Llumpe (Ancash con antecedentes de viajes a las localidades de Chanchamayo (Junín y Rinconada (Ancash. Ingresó al Hospital de Chacas (Ancash por presentar mal estado general, deshidratación, dificultad respiratoria, ictericia, sensación de alza térmica y dolor abdominal, tuvo reporte de: hemoparásitos 60% en frotis sanguíneo. Fue transferida al Hospital Ramos Guardia (Huaraz donde presentó mayor dificultad respiratoria, coluria, hematuria, disminución del débito urinario y reporte de Plasmodium (+, luego fue transferida al Hospital Cayetano Heredia (Lima donde ingresó a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI, con evolución a falla multiorgánica, óbito fetal y muerte materna. Se confirmó infección por Plasmodium vivax. Destacamos la importancia de mejorar nuestras capacidades de diagnóstico y manejo para brindar un tratamiento adecuado y oportuno.

  15. Síndrome de lisis tumoral en un paciente con cáncer de riñón tratado con sunitinib

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    Ezequiel Rodríguez-Reimúndes


    Full Text Available El síndrome de lisis tumoral (SLT es un trastorno metabólico que ocurre como consecuencia de una destrucción celular masiva. Se caracteriza por la presencia de hiperuricemia, hiperfosfatemia, hipocalcemia e hiperkalemia, y predispone al desarrollo de insuficiencia renal aguda. En la mayoría de los casos el SLT ocurre luego de instaurarse un tratamiento antitumoral y es más frecuente en tumores de alto grado de malignidad y alta sensibilidad a la quimioterapia. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con diagnóstico de cáncer de riñón recidivado que presenta un SLT e insuficiencia renal aguda luego de iniciar tratamiento con sunitinib.

  16. Brain tumor - primary - adults (United States)

    ... Vestibular schwannoma (acoustic neuroma) - adults; Meningioma - adults; Cancer - brain tumor (adults) ... Primary brain tumors include any tumor that starts in the brain. Primary brain tumors can start from brain cells, ...

  17. Atitude do consumidor frente à irradiação de alimentos Customer attitude front to the food irradiation

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    Cléia Batista Dias Ornellas


    Full Text Available Fatores econômicos e sociais como custo, disponibilidade e hábitos alimentares têm, tradicionalmente, influência sobre a escolha do consumidor. Atualmente, outros fatores como legislação, aumento da quantidade de refeições realizadas fora de casa e o emprego de novas tecnologias têm sido, também, parâmetros de decisão. Neste sentido, esclarecimentos a respeito da irradiação, proposta como uma alternativa na conservação de alimentos se faz necessária, uma vez que seu uso comercial tem sido lento em função de interpretações errôneas por parte dos consumidores. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento do nível de conhecimento e aceitação da irradiação de alimentos, na cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG, bem como esclarecer ao consumidor o real conceito da irradiação de alimentos. Os resultados indicaram que 59,6% dos entrevistados não sabiam que a irradiação é um método de conservação de alimentos e não souberam responder se consumiriam produtos irradiados, 16% acreditam que alimentos irradiados significam o mesmo que alimentos radioativos. Além disto, 89% dos entrevistados consumiriam alimentos irradiados se soubessem que a irradiação aumenta a segurança alimentar.Economic and social factors as cost, availability and food habits usually influence the consumer's choice. Nowadays other factors like legislation, rising of meals eaten out-of-home and the application of new technologies have been affected the shopping decision. In this direction it's necessary to have more explanations about food irradiation as a method to conserve food. Its commercial use has been slow because most of the consumers misunderstands or has wrong belief about this technique. In such a manner, this work aimed at realizing a survey of knowledge and acceptance level of food irradiation in Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil, and also to elucidate its real meaning to consumers. A total of 218 people were

  18. Desenvolvimento de um kit de irrigação por microtubos com moto-bomba propulsionada por energia solar


    Luiz Ricardo Sobenko


    O bombeamento de água por meio da energia solar vem se mostrando uma alternativa para localidades onde outras fontes de energia não estão disponíveis ou são limitadas. Torna-se interessante aliar essa alternativa a um sistema de irrigação que opera com vazão e pressão relativamente baixas, como a irrigação localizada por microtubos, possibilitando assim a obtenção de alta eficiência. No presente trabalho teve-se por objetivo dimensionar e avaliar um kit de irrigação por microtubos, alimentado...

  19. Tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile según diferencias por nivel educacional, 2000-2010


    Cristian A. Herrera Riquelme; Lucy Kuhn-Barrientos; Roberto Rosso Astorga; Jorge Jiménez de la Jara


    Objetivo. Caracterizar la tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer en Chile según diferencias por nivel educacional en el período 2000-2010 en la población mayor de 20 años. Métodos. Cálculo de las tasas de mortalidad específica por cáncer ajustadas por edad para diferentes niveles educacionales (NE), para el período 2000-2010. Las tasas obtenidas se analizaron con un modelo de regresión de Poisson, calculando el índice de desigualdad relativa (IDR) y el índice de desigualdad de la pendiente (ID...

  20. Cancer stem cells and the tumor microenvironment: interplay in tumor heterogeneity. (United States)

    Albini, Adriana; Bruno, Antonino; Gallo, Cristina; Pajardi, Giorgio; Noonan, Douglas M; Dallaglio, Katiuscia


    Tumor cells able to recapitulate tumor heterogeneity have been tracked, isolated and characterized in different tumor types, and are commonly named Cancer Stem Cells or Cancer Initiating Cells (CSC/CIC). CSC/CIC are disseminated in the tumor mass and are resistant to anti-cancer therapies and adverse conditions. They are able to divide into another stem cell and a "proliferating" cancer cell. They appear to be responsible for disease recurrence and metastatic dissemination even after apparent eradication of the primary tumor. The modulation of CSC/CIC activities by the tumor microenvironment (TUMIC) is still poorly known. CSC/CIC may mutually interact with the TUMIC in a special and unique manner depending on the TUMIC cells or proteins encountered. The TUMIC consists of extracellular matrix components as well as cellular players among which endothelial, stromal and immune cells, providing and responding to signals to/from the CSC/CIC. This interplay can contribute to the mechanisms through which CSC/CIC may reside in a dormant state in a tissue for years, later giving rise to tumor recurrence or metastasis in patients. Different TUMIC components, including the connective tissue, can differentially activate CIC/CSC in different areas of a tumor and contribute to the generation of cancer heterogeneity. Here, we review possible networking activities between the different components of the tumor microenvironment and CSC/CIC, with a focus on its role in tumor heterogeneity and progression. We also summarize novel therapeutic options that could target both CSC/CIC and the microenvironment to elude resistance mechanisms activated by CSC/CIC, responsible for disease recurrence and metastases.

  1. Polución por material particulado fino (PM 2,5) incrementa las hospitalizaciones por insuficiencia cardiaca


    Castro, Pablo; Vera, Jeanette; Cifuentes, Luis; Wellenius, Gregory; Verdejo, Hugo; Sepúlveda, Luis; Vukasovic, José Luis; Llevaneras, Silvana


    Antecedentes: Estudios recientes han reportado una asociación entre la contaminación ambiental por material particulado (PM) y el riesgo de hospitalizaciones de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC). La región metropolitana de nuestro país constituye un área geográfica en la cual la contaminación es especialmente relevante, asociándose a incrementos periódicos en la morbimortalidad por causa respiratoria. Sin embargo el efecto de la polución por PM en la morbilidad de pacientes con IC no ...

  2. Diltiazem enhances tumor blood flow: MRI study in a murine tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muruganandham, M.; Kasiviswanathan, A.; Jagannathan, N.R.; Raghunathan, P.; Jain, P.C.; Jain, V.


    Purpose: Diltiazem, a calcium-channel blocker, is known to differentially influence the radiation responses of normal and murine tumor tissues. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms, the effects of diltiazem on the radiation response of Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) in mice have been investigated, and the hemodynamic changes induced by diltiazem in tumor and normal muscle have been studied using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. Methods and Materials: Ehrlich ascites tumors were grown subcutaneously in Swiss albino strain A mice. Dynamic gadodiamide and blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast enhanced 1 H MR imaging studies of EAT and normal muscle were performed after administration of diltiazem in mice using a 4.7 Tesla MR scanner. Tumor radiotherapy experiments (total dose = 10 Gy, 0.4-0.5 Gy/min, single fraction) were carried out with 30 min preadministration of diltiazem (27.5 or 55 mg/kg i.p.) to EAT-bearing mice using a teletherapy machine. Results: The diltiazem+ radiation treated group showed significant tumor regression (in congruent with 65% of the animals) and enhanced animal survival. MR-gadodiamide contrast kinetics revealed a higher magnitude of signal enhancement in diltiazem treated groups as compared to the controls. The observed changes in the magnitude of kinetic parameters were the same for both tumor and normal muscle. BOLD-MR images at 30 min after diltiazem administration showed a 25% and 8% (average) intensity enhancement from their basal values in tumor and normal muscle regions, respectively. The control group showed no significant changes. Conclusion: The present studies demonstrate the radiosensitization potential of diltiazem in the mice EAT model. The enhanced radiation response observed with diltiazem correlates with the diltiazem-induced increase in tumor blood flow (TBF) and tumor oxygenation. The present results also demonstrate the applications of BOLD-MR measurements in investigating the alterations in tumor

  3. La sobreexpresión de RAC3 es una señal transformante y proliferativa que contribuye al desarrollo tumoral

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    Cecilia V. Alvarado


    Full Text Available RAC3 fue caracterizado originalmente como un coactivador de receptores nucleares que se encuentra en cantidades limitantes en células normales, aunque sobreexpresado en tumores y es además coactivador de NF-?B. Si bien se desconocen los mecanismos involucrados en el aumento de su expresión, se sabe que induce resistencia a apoptosis. En este trabajo se investigó si RAC3 podría contribuir al desarrollo tumoral por otros mecanismos y si la citoquina TNF-a, que se encuentra en alto título en pacientes con cáncer, podría favorecer el aumento en la expresión de RAC3. Se observó que el aumento en la expresión del coactivador por transfección de células no tumorales de riñón embrionario humano HEK293 no solo aumenta significativamente la proliferación en presencia de suero, sino además en ausencia de factores de crecimiento. También se indujo la transformación celular dando un fenotipo con crecimiento independiente de anclaje similar a lo observado para células tumorales. El tratamiento de las células HEK293 en cultivo con TNF-a indujo un aumento en los niveles proteicos de RAC3 respecto de las células sin estímulo y este efecto fue inhibido por pretratamiento con un inhibidor específico de la activación de NF-?B, indicando que la activación de este factor de transcripción está involucrada en la acción de la citoquina. Se concluye que RAC3, además de su acción anti-apoptótica, es un factor transformante que promueve la proliferación y el crecimiento independiente de anclaje, cuyos niveles podrían ser aumentados en la tumorigénesis, probablemente vía las citoquinas inflamatorias involucradas en la respuesta anti-tumoral.

  4. Tumors and Pregnancy (United States)

    Tumors during pregnancy are rare, but they can happen. Tumors can be either benign or malignant. Benign tumors aren't cancer. Malignant ones are. The most common cancers in pregnancy are breast cancer, cervical cancer, lymphoma, and melanoma. ...

  5. Comparison of immunoexpression of VEGF, TGF-β and MMP-9 in ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor = Comparação da imunoexpressão de VEGF, TGF-β e MMP-9 em ameloblastoma e tumor odontogênico adenomatóide

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ferreira, Stefânia Jeronimo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estudos sobre tumores odontogênicos têm identificado várias disfunções moleculares envolvidas no seu desenvolvimento, e alguns mecanismos como a angiogênese e modulação da matriz são objetos úteis para investigar as diferenças no comportamento biológico destes tumores. Alguns marcadores importantes para identificar a agressividade do tumor por imunoistoquímica são as proteínas VEGF, TGF-ß e MMP-9. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a expressão imunoistoquímica de VEGF, TGF-ß e MMP-9 entre ameloblastoma e tumor odontogênico adenomatoide (TOA. Métodos: Imunoexpressão de VEGF, TGF-ß e MMP-9 foi estudada em 15 ameloblastomas sólidos e 15 TOA. Uma análise semiquantitativa das células imunomarcadas foi realizada e a análise estatística foi feita usando o teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney e o teste de correlação de Spearman, com nível de significância de 0,05 (P0. 05. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem o envolvimento da angiogênese na progressão tumoral de ameloblastomas e o efeito indutor de células estromais em TOA, portanto, justificando o seu potencial de crescimento mais baixo

  6. Tumor de glândula ceruminosa com invasão intracraniana: relato de caso Tumor of ceruminous gland with intracranial invasion: case report

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    Full Text Available As glândulas ceruminosas são glândulas apócrinas modificadas encontradas na região profunda da derme que reveste a porção cartilaginosa do meato acústico externo. Os tumores originados dessas glândulas são raros. Existem controvérsias em relação ao termo ceruminoma, que nos parece impróprio. Na verdade, esses tumores são atualmente classificados como adenoma, adenocarcinoma, carcinoma adenóide cístico e adenoma pleomórfico. Relatamos o caso de uma mulher de 39 anos, apresentado-se com cefaléia, hipoacusia e zumbidos à direita, além de vertigem e náuseas. A TC de crânio evidenciou tumoração do ouvido médio, invadindo os limites ósseos e cartilaginosos, com extensão intracraniana. Foi submetida a cirurgia, com exérese parcial do tumor, seguida de radioterapia (6000 cG. A histologia mostrou tratar-se de carcinoma adenóide cístico de glândulas ceruminosas. A paciente apresentou no pós-operatório paralisia facial periférica à direita, mantendo os déficits anteriores. Após um ano da cirurgia encontra-se estável clinicamente.Ceruminous glands are modified apocrine glands, confined to the skin lining of the cartilaginous part of the external auditory meatus. Tumors arising from these glands are rare. Controversy exists regarding the term "ceruminoma". Actually this neoplasia should be classified as adenoma, adenocarcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma and pleomorphic ceruminous adenoma. We report a 39-year-old woman first seen at Santa Casa of Belo Horizonte, in 1998, presenting with headache, nausea, vertigo, hearing loss and tinitus on the right for the past two years. CT scan showed a tumor eroding cartilaginous and bony limits with intracranial invasion. She was submitted to multidisciplinary treatment with surgery followed by radiotherapy (6000 cG. Histology showed a ceruminous adenoid cystic carcinoma. The patient manifested a right peripherical facial palsy and had no recovery of the previous deficits. After one

  7. Adrenal Gland Tumors: Statistics (United States)

    ... Gland Tumor: Statistics Request Permissions Adrenal Gland Tumor: Statistics Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board , 03/ ... primary adrenal gland tumor is very uncommon. Exact statistics are not available for this type of tumor ...

  8. Laparoscopic resection of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumors presenting as left adrenal tumors

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Shiu-Dong Chung; Jeff Shih-chieh Chueh; Hong-Jeng Yu


    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare gastrointestinal malignancies. They are rarely seen near the urinary tract. In a literature review, only one case of GIST presenting as a left adrenal tumor was reported. We report two documented cases of gastric GISTs mimicking left adrenal tumors which were successfully treated with pure laparoscopic adrenalectomy and wedge resection of the stomach by excising the tumor from the stomach with serial firing of endoscopic gastrointestinal staplers. The surgical margins were clear, and the patients recovered smoothly. No adjuvant therapy with imatinib was prescribed. During the surveillance for 9 mo and 44 mo respectively, no tumor recurrence and metastasis were documented. Laparoscopic tumor excision, when adhering to the principles of surgical oncology, seems feasible and the prognosis is favorable for such tumors.

  9. Blockade of Notch Signaling in Tumor-Bearing Mice May Lead to Tumor Regression, Progression, or Metastasis, Depending on Tumor Cell Types

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    Xing-Bin Hu


    Full Text Available It has been reported that blocking Notch signaling in tumor-bearing mice results in abortive angiogenesis and tumor regression. However, given that Notch signaling influences numerous cellular processes in vivo, a comprehensive evaluation of the effect of Notch inactivation on tumor growth would be favorable. In this study, we inoculated four cancer cell lines in mice with the conditional inactivation of recombination signal-binding protein-Jκ (RBP-J, which mediates signaling from all four mammalian Notch receptors. We found that whereas three tumors including hepatocarcinoma, lung cancer, and osteogenic sarcoma grew slower in the RBP-J-deficient mice, at least a melanoma, B16, grew significantly faster in the RBP-J-deficient mice than in the controls, suggesting that the RBP-J-deficient hosts could provide permissive cues for tumor growth. All these tumors showed increased microvessels and up-regulated hypoxia-inducible factor 1α, suggesting that whereas defective angiogenesis resulted in hypoxia, different tumors might grow differentially in the RBP-J-deleted mice. Similarly, increased infiltration of Gr1+/Mac1+ cells were noticed in tumors grown in the RBP-J-inactivated mice. Moreover, we found that when inoculated in the RBP-J knockout hosts, the H22 hepatoma cells had a high frequency of metastasis and lethality, suggesting that at least for H22, deficiency of environmental Notch signaling favored tumor metastasis. Our findings suggested that the general blockade of Notch signaling in tumor-bearing mice could lead to defective angiogenesis in tumors, but depending on tumor cell types, general inhibition of Notch signaling might result in tumor regression, progression, or metastasis.

  10. Bronchial carcinoid tumors: A rare malignant tumor

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Feb 3, 2015 ... Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice • Sep-Oct 2015 • Vol 18 • Issue 5. Abstract. Bronchial carcinoid tumors (BCTs) are an uncommon group of lung tumors. They commonly affect the young adults and the middle aged, the same age group affected by other more common chronic lung conditions such as ...

  11. Wilms tumor (United States)

    ... suggested. Alternative Names Nephroblastoma; Kidney tumor - Wilms Images Kidney anatomy Wilms tumor References Babaian KN, Delacroix SE, Wood CG, Jonasch E. Kidney cancer. In: Skorecki K, Chertow GM, Marsden PA, ...

  12. Síndrome de Munchausen por mandato


    Esteban, Miguel A.; Pérez, Miriam R.; Bracco, Anahí


    El Síndrome de Munchausen por mandato, "un trastorno ficticio, por el cual la enfermedad del niño es inducida, promovida o provocada por la persona más próxima a él, generalmente su madre", es todavía mal conocido y su génesis imperfectamente comprendida. Esta comunicación está destinada a esclarecer al pediatra esta patología, con elevada morbilidad y secuelas, como así también de altísima mo...

  13. Tumor-associated antigens identified by mRNA expression profiling induce protective anti-tumor immunity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mathiassen, S; Lauemøller, S L; Ruhwald, M


    Defined tumor-associated antigens (TAA) are attractive targets for anti-tumor immunotherapy. Here, we describe a novel genome-wide approach to identify multiple TAA from any given tumor. A panel of transplantable thymomas was established from an inbred p53-/- mouse strain. The resulting tumors were...... of autoimmune reactions were observed. Thus, it appears possible to evaluate the entire metabolism of any given tumor and use this information rationally to identify multiple epitopes of value in the generation of tumor-specific immunotherapy. We expect that human tumors express similar tumor-specific metabolic...

  14. Desvascularización preoperatoria de tumor del glomus mediante colocación de stent cubierto en la carótida externa

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    Sergio A. Garrido


    Full Text Available RESUMENLos tumores del glomus carotídeo se caracterizan por su vascularización importante y sumanejo preoperatorio puede incluir la embolización percutánea previa a la resección quirúrgica.Esta técnica disminuye la hemorragia y el tamaño del tumor y hace menos riesgosala disección, con reducción de la morbimortalidad. Una técnica alternativa es la interrupciónde la irrigación del tumor mediante la colocación de un stent cubierto en la carótidaexterna, que es la vía principal de irrigación. Esta técnica es útil en especial en tumoresgrandes y evita el riesgo de embolia intracraneal cuando se emplean coils para realizar laembolización. En esta presentación se describe el caso de una paciente de 31 años tratadade esta manera; se le colocó el stent y 24 horas después se realizó la resección del tumor.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2010;78:252-254.

  15. Gold namoprtices enhance anti-tumor effect of radiotherapy to hypoxic tumor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Mi Sun; Lee, Eun Jung; Kim, Jae Won; Keum, Ki Chang; Koom, Woong Sub [Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Chung, Ui Seok; Koh, Won Gun [Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Hypoxia can impair the therapeutic efficacy of radiotherapy (RT). Therefore, a new strategy is necessary for enhancing the response to RT. In this study, we investigated whether the combination of nanoparticles and RT is effective in eliminating the radioresistance of hypoxic tumors. Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) consisting of a silica core with a gold shell were used. CT26 colon cancer mouse model was developed to study whether the combination of RT and GNPs reduced hypoxia-induced radioresistance. Hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) was used as a hypoxia marker. The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining were conducted to evaluate cell death. Hypoxic tumor cells had an impaired response to RT. GNPs combined with RT enhanced anti-tumor effect in hypoxic tumor compared with RT alone. The combination of GNPs and RT decreased tumor cell viability compare to RT alone in vitro. Under hypoxia, tumors treated with GNPs + RT showed a higher response than that shown by tumors treated with RT alone. When a reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger was added, the enhanced antitumor effect of GNPs + RT was diminished. In the present study, hypoxic tumors treated with GNPs + RT showed favorable responses, which might be attributable to the ROS production induced by GNPs + RT. Taken together, GNPs combined with RT seems to be potential modality for enhancing the response to RT in hypoxic tumors.

  16. Gold namoprtices enhance anti-tumor effect of radiotherapy to hypoxic tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Mi Sun; Lee, Eun Jung; Kim, Jae Won; Keum, Ki Chang; Koom, Woong Sub; Chung, Ui Seok; Koh, Won Gun


    Hypoxia can impair the therapeutic efficacy of radiotherapy (RT). Therefore, a new strategy is necessary for enhancing the response to RT. In this study, we investigated whether the combination of nanoparticles and RT is effective in eliminating the radioresistance of hypoxic tumors. Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) consisting of a silica core with a gold shell were used. CT26 colon cancer mouse model was developed to study whether the combination of RT and GNPs reduced hypoxia-induced radioresistance. Hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) was used as a hypoxia marker. The 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining were conducted to evaluate cell death. Hypoxic tumor cells had an impaired response to RT. GNPs combined with RT enhanced anti-tumor effect in hypoxic tumor compared with RT alone. The combination of GNPs and RT decreased tumor cell viability compare to RT alone in vitro. Under hypoxia, tumors treated with GNPs + RT showed a higher response than that shown by tumors treated with RT alone. When a reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger was added, the enhanced antitumor effect of GNPs + RT was diminished. In the present study, hypoxic tumors treated with GNPs + RT showed favorable responses, which might be attributable to the ROS production induced by GNPs + RT. Taken together, GNPs combined with RT seems to be potential modality for enhancing the response to RT in hypoxic tumors

  17. Tumor interstitial fluid

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gromov, Pavel; Gromova, Irina; Olsen, Charlotta J.


    Tumor interstitial fluid (TIF) is a proximal fluid that, in addition to the set of blood soluble phase-borne proteins, holds a subset of aberrantly externalized components, mainly proteins, released by tumor cells and tumor microenvironment through various mechanisms, which include classical...

  18. Targeting Mitochondrial Function to Treat Quiescent Tumor Cells in Solid Tumors

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    Xiaonan Zhang


    Full Text Available The disorganized nature of tumor vasculature results in the generation of microenvironments characterized by nutrient starvation, hypoxia and accumulation of acidic metabolites. Tumor cell populations in such areas are often slowly proliferating and thus refractory to chemotherapeutical drugs that are dependent on an active cell cycle. There is an urgent need for alternative therapeutic interventions that circumvent growth dependency. The screening of drug libraries using multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS or glucose-starved tumor cells has led to the identification of several compounds with promising therapeutic potential and that display activity on quiescent tumor cells. Interestingly, a common theme of these drug screens is the recurrent identification of agents that affect mitochondrial function. Such data suggest that, contrary to the classical Warburg view, tumor cells in nutritionally-compromised microenvironments are dependent on mitochondrial function for energy metabolism and survival. These findings suggest that mitochondria may represent an “Achilles heel” for the survival of slowly-proliferating tumor cells and suggest strategies for the development of therapy to target these cell populations.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar y caracterizar el comportamiento mecánico en desgaste del acero API 5L X65, revestido con niobio en comparación al desempeño del revestimiento de la aleación de inconel 625 empleados en la industria de petróleo y gas. El revestimiento de niobio fue obtenido por el proceso de aspersión térmica a plasma de arco no transferido y el revestimiento inconel 625 por soldadura con electrodo revestido. La resistencia al desgaste por abrasión fue evaluada según la norma Petrobras N-2568, en un tribómetro CTER, la rugosidad y el volumen de material desgastado se determinó a través de perfilometría y la dureza de los revestimientos por microscopia Vickers. Los revestimientos obtenidos fueron caracterizados respecto a su morfología por microscopia electrónica de barrido (MEB y microscopía óptica (MO. La mayor dureza del revestimiento con niobio obtenido puede haber contribuido a reducir la tasa de desgaste en comparación con el revestimiento de inconel 625.

  20. CT of abdominal tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Endo, Satoshi; Yamada, Kenji; Ito, Masatoshi; Ito, Hisao; Yamaura, Harutsugu


    CT findings in 33 patients who had an abdominal tumor were evaluated. CT revealed a tumor in 31 cases. The organ from which the tumor originated was correctly diagnosed in 18 patients. Whether the tumor was solid or cystic was correctly predicted in 28 patients. The diagnosis malignant or benign nature of tumor was correct, incorrect and impossible, in 23, 3, and five patiens, respectively. (Kondo, M.)





    En Brasil, las estadísticas de la violencia sexual contra niños están lejos de reflejar la verdadera realidad actual debido a la baja notificación de los casos. La finalidad de este estudio fue caracterizar el abuso sexual sufrido por niños asistidos por el Programa Sentinela y el perfil del agresor, en Sobral-Ceará, en el periodo que va del 2002 al 2006. La muestra no probabilística intencional fue compuesta por 50 víctimas de abuso sexual y de las mismas, el 66% es del sexo femenino, con pr...

  2. Caracterización clínica e histopatológica de los tumores de los anexos oculares

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    Karina Calzadilla Rodríguez

    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar las características clínicas e histopatológicas de los tumores en los anexos oculares durante el período 2009 al 2010. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo longitudinal retrospectivo en un grupo de 166 pacientes con diagnóstico de tumor de anexos oculares, escogidos en consulta de Oculoplastia en Holguín. Resultados: predominó la edad comprendida entre 41 a 50 años, con 37,35 %. El sexo más afectado fue el femenino con 53,61 %. La mayor cantidad de lesiones se encontró en los párpados de 114 pacientes. El tipo histológico mayormente identificado fue el nevus con 25,90 %, seguido por el carcinoma basal con 18,07 %. Se obtuvo una concordancia de 83,13 % entre el diagnóstico clínico y el histológico. Conclusiones: en los pacientes estudiados las lesiones tumorales de los anexos se expresan comúnmente en el sexo femenino con una edad riesgosa a partir de la cuarta década de la vida donde los parpados son los más susceptibles. El nevus y el carcinoma basocelular se comportaron como un problema de salud por su predominante frecuencia, con una buena utilidad del método clínico en su diagnóstico.

  3. Descontaminación del ingrediente farmacéutico activo de Rhizophora mangle L. mediante radiaciones ionizantes

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    Yanet Rodríguez Perdomo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la dosis de radiación gamma eficaz para descontaminar el extracto seco de corteza de Rhizophora mangle L. (mangle rojo. Se obtuvieron 3 lotes de este ingrediente farmacéutico activo secado en un Spray dryer y se irradiaron en una instalación Gammacell-500 con una tasa de dosis de 6,26 kGy/h, evaluando 3 dosis (3, 5 y 8 kGy. El control del proceso de irradiación se realizó empleando dosímetros de sulfato cérico. Se determinó el límite microbiano y el contenido de taninos de cada lote del ingrediente farmacéutico activo irradiado a las diferentes dosis probadas. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se alcanzó una reducción de 2 ciclos de desarrollo logarítmico de los lotes irradiados a las dosis de 5 y 8 kGy, con respecto a la carga contaminante inicial y la concentración de taninos de los lotes irradiados a diferentes dosis se mantuvo dentro de los límites de especificación, sin diferir respecto al producto no tratado. Se estableció 5 kGy como dosis de descontaminación del ingrediente farmacéutico activo seco de mangle rojo, de esta manera se logra garantizar un producto conforme para la obtención de nuevos preparados farmacéuticos.

  4. A comparison of γ-irradiation and microwave treatments on the lipids and microbiological pattern of beef liver

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    Daw, Z. Y.


    ºC. Por el contrario, el índice de yodo disminuyó en el hígado de vaca tratado. Los tratamientos de irradiación redujeron considerablemente el recuento de bacterias totales en hígado de vaca. El porcentaje de reducción de carga bacteriana por el hígado de vaca expuesto a microondas generados de un horno con un modo de descongelación de 2 min y después de 3 meses a -18ºC fue del 62%. La carga bacteriana por el hígado de vaca expuesto a irradiación γ a 10 kGy después de 3 meses y -18ºC disminuyó al 98%. Por lo tanto, los tratamientos de irradiación γ fueron mejores que los tratamientos por microondas para la reducción de los microorganismos asociados con el hígado de vaca. La Salmonellae no se detectó en hígado de vaca no-irradiado e irradiado a través del período de almacenamiento.

  5. Sinus Tumors (United States)

    ... RESOURCES Medical Societies Patient Education About this Website Font Size + - Home > CONDITIONS > Sinus Tumors Adult Sinusitis Pediatric ... and they vary greatly in location, size and type. Care for these tumors is individualized to each ...

  6. Abdome agudo por obstrução por ileobiliar

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    Márcia Cristina de Alencastro

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: descrever a experiência na abordagem dos doentes com abdome agudo por obstrução por IB, desde o diagnóstico até o tratamento definitivo. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo incluindo todos os casos de IB tratados em um período de 23 anos. De acordo com a abordagem cirúrgica realizada, os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos (1 enterolitotomia com colecistectomia no segundo momento; e (2 enterolitotomia, colecistectomia e abordagem da fístula. RESULTADOS: Doze pacientes foram incluídos, sendo 11 mulheres (91,6%, com média de idade de 72,2 anos. Todos os pacientes apresentavam doenças associadas, principalmente hipertensão arterial sistêmica (75%. Dois pacientes não apresentavam sintomas significativos de obstrução intestinal. O diagnóstico de IB foi realizado em seis pacientes (50% antes da laparotomia. O grupo 1 foi constituído de oito pacientes e o grupo 2 de quatro, e a morbidade foi, respectivamente, 33,3% e 8,3%. A mortalidade foi 16,6% (um paciente de cada grupo. CONCLUSÃO: O manejo do IB deve ser individualizado. O tratamento da obstrução mediante remoção do cálculo biliar por enterotomia proximal é a escolha inicial para o tratamento do IB. A colecistectomia e a correção da fístula bilioentérica podem ser realizadas juntamente com a remoção do cálculo, no entanto, em pacientes com comorbidades significativas, esses procedimentos devem ser realizados posteriormente.

  7. Liver Tumors (For Parents) (United States)

    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Liver Tumors KidsHealth / For Parents / Liver Tumors What's in this article? Types of Tumors ... Cancerous) Tumors Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Coping Print The liver is the body's largest solid organ. Lying next ...

  8. The electroencephalogram in metastatic brain tumors O eletrencefalograma nos tumores metastáticos do encéfalo

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    P. Pinto Pupo


    ério oposto se apresentou normal na maioria dos casos. Considerando os resultados da literatura e os seus próprios os AA. pensam que o EEG é um método semiológico que deva ser usado em todos os casos de pacientes com tumores malignos e candidatos a um terapêutica cirúrgica. A evidenciação de uma metástase cerebral, por este método semiológico, evitará que o paciente seja submetido a intervenção cirúrgica penosa e inútil.

  9. Glial tumors with neuronal differentiation. (United States)

    Park, Chul-Kee; Phi, Ji Hoon; Park, Sung-Hye


    Immunohistochemical studies for neuronal differentiation in glial tumors revealed subsets of tumors having both characteristics of glial and neuronal lineages. Glial tumors with neuronal differentiation can be observed with diverse phenotypes and histologic grades. The rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor of the fourth ventricle and papillary glioneuronal tumor have been newly classified as distinct disease entities. There are other candidates for classification, such as the glioneuronal tumor without pseudopapillary architecture, glioneuronal tumor with neuropil-like islands, and the malignant glioneuronal tumor. The clinical significance of these previously unclassified tumors should be confirmed. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Selección de Píxel Semilla mediante Wavelets para Crecimiento por Regiones Difuso (Selection of Seed Pixel Through Wavelets for Fuzzy Region Growing

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    Damián Valdés Santiago


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El análisis de masas y tumores en mamografía es un problema difícil porque los signos del cáncer pueden ser mínimos o estar superpuestos en el tejido. Las técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes pueden mejorar el diagnóstico reduciendo los costos. La detección de masas es un reto debido al bajo contraste y la pobre definición de los bordes. Una solución al problema es representar una masa mediante conjuntos difusos. En este trabajo se estudia la propuesta de Guliato et al. que plantean dos métodos de segmentación difusos. El primero determina el borde de una masa por crecimiento por regiones clásico, luego de un preprocesamiento difuso de la región de interés. El segundo es un método de crecimiento por regiones difuso. Estos métodos necesitan un píxel semilla y un umbral. En este trabajo se propone una selección automática del píxel semilla mediante la selección de píxeles muy correlacionados según la transformada wavelet de la imagen. Como medida de evaluación en la segmentación, se emplea la medida de ambigüedad definida por los autores citados. Con la selección de semilla propuesta se obtienen mejores resultados en la segmentación, respecto al uso de una semilla aleatoria. ABSTRACT The analysis of masses and tumors in mammography is difficult because developing signs of cancer may be minimal or masked by superimposed tissues. Image analysis techniques have the potential to improve the diagnostic accuracy of mammography, and reduce health-care costs. Detection of breast masses is a challenging problem due to low contrast and poor definition of their boundaries. An alternative to address this problem is to represent tumor or mass regions by fuzzy sets. In this paper, two methods of fuzzy segmentation proposed by Guliato et al. are studied. The first method determines the boundary of a mass by classic region growing after a fuzzy preprocessing step. The second method is a fuzzy region-growing method. This

  11. Cryospectrophotometric determination of tumor intravascular oxyhemoglobin saturations: dependence on vascular geometry and tumor growth. (United States)

    Fenton, B M; Rofstad, E K; Degner, F L; Sutherland, R M


    To delineate the complex relationships between overall tumor oxygenation and vascular configuration, intravascular oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) saturation distributions were measured with cryospectrophotometric techniques. Four factors related to vascular morphometry and tumor growth were evaluated: a) vessel diameter, b) distance of vessel from the tumor surface, c) tumor volume, and d) vascular density. To measure intertumor heterogeneity, two murine sarcomas (RIF-1 and KHT) and two human ovarian carcinoma xenografts (OWI and MLS) were utilized. In contrast to skeletal muscle, a preponderance of very low HbO2 saturations was observed for both large and small tumors of all lines. Saturations up to about 90% were also generally present, however, even in very large tumors. Variations in vascular configuration were predominantly tumor-line dependent rather than due to inherent characteristics of the host vasculature, and widely disparate HbO2 distributions were found for alternate lines implanted in identical host mice. Although peripheral saturations remained fairly constant with tumor growth, HbO2 values were markedly lower for vessels nearer the tumor center and further decreased with increasing tumor volume. HbO2 saturations did not change substantially with increasing vascular density (except for KHT tumors), although density did decrease with increasing distance from tumor surface. Combined effects of vessel diameter, tumor volume, and vessel location on HbO2 saturations were complex and varied markedly with both tumor line and vessel class. For specific classes, HbO2 distributions correlated closely with radiobiological hypoxic fractions, i.e., for tumor lines in which hypoxic fraction increased substantially with tumor volume, corresponding HbO2 values decreased, while for lines in which hypoxic fraction remained constant, HbO2 values also were unchanged. Although these trends may also be a function of differing oxygen consumption rates between tumor lines

  12. Tumores del sistema nervioso central en población pediátrica entre 0 y 14 años

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    Giselly Mayerly Nieves-Cuervo


    Full Text Available Introducción: Los tumores pediátricos primarios del sistema nervioso central (SNC, ocupan el segundo lugar en frecuencia, superados solamente por las neoplasias hematológicas. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión y análisis de la literatura médica existente sobre tumores del SNC en población entre los 0 y 14 años centrado en la epidemiologia, factores etiológicos, manifestaciones clínicas y diagnóstico. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, MedlinePlus, BIREME y red interna de trabajos de grados y tesis de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Además, se realizó revisión de las páginas de los entes gubernamentales encargados del registro epidemiológico sobre cáncer nacional e internacional. Resultados: Los tumores de SNC en la población pediátrica son la segunda causa de muerte infantil solo superado por la leucemia; tienen una clínica y factores etiológicos bien establecidos. La epidemiología no difiere en el mundo. Los síntomas más frecuentes son vómito, cefalea, ataxia, síntomas visuales y alteraciones motoras. Los factores etiológicos más representativos son virus, síndromes genéticos, infecciones maternas y perinatales, exposición a radiación electromagnética e ionizante; algunos son muy discutidos como la presencia de trauma al momento del nacimiento. Además, existen documentados factores protectores tales como consumo de antioxidantes, frutas y verduras, e historia reportada de alergias. Conclusiones: El adecuado entrenamiento a los médicos de atención primaria en la identificación de los signos y síntomas para la sospecha y diagnóstico de los estadios iniciales de estos tumores pueden disminuir los índices de mortalidad. [Nieves-Cuervos GM, Manrique-Hernández EF, Ojeda-Rincón SA, Galvis-Pabón S. Tumores del sistema nervioso central en población pediátrica entre 0 y 14 años. MedUNAB 2016; 19 (2: 124-133

  13. Pérdidas laborales ocasionadas por muertes prematuras en España: un análisis para el periodo 2005-2009

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    Luz María Peña Longobardo


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: El impacto económico que causan las enfermedades va mucho más allá del gasto sanitario, transmitiéndose a la sociedad a través de diferentes dimensiones. El principal objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la evolución de las pérdidas de productividad laboral causadas por muertes prematuras en España durante el periodo 2005-2009. Métodos: Se emplearon varias fuentes estadísticas (Registro de defunciones según la causa de muerte, Encuesta de Población Activa y Encuesta de Estructura Salarial para desarrollar un modelo de simulación basado en el enfoque de capital humano que permitió estimar las pérdidas laborales ocasionadas por muertes prematuras para el periodo analizado. Adicionalmente, se llevaron a cabo dos escenarios alternativos en los que se analizó la influencia de la evolución epidemiológica en los resultados obtenidos. Resultados: El modelo de simulación mostró una caída de las pérdidas laborales asociadas a muertes prematuras que fue desde 8.935 millones de euros en 2005 a 8.073 millones de euros en 2009. El análisis de las causas reducidas de muerte señaló que nueve causas de enfermedad (accidentes de tráfico, tumor maligno de tráquea, suicidios, infarto agudo de miocardio, SIDA, cirrosis, tumor de mama, enfermedades cerebrovasculares y cáncer de colon supusieron el 35,6% del total de Años Potenciales de Vida Laboral Perdidos y 36,6% del total de pérdida estimada. Las pérdidas estimadas representaron el 0,98%, 0,85% y 0,77% del Producto Interior Bruto de 2005, 2007 y 2009, respectivamente. Conclusiones: Las pérdidas laborales ocasionadas por muertes prematuras en España disminuyeron sustancialmente en el periodo analizado. Esta reducción se debió fundamentalmente a la favorable evolución epidemiológica de la mortalidad prematura.

  14. Adenocarcinoma mucoproductor de colon con infiltración de estómago y metástasis ováricas (tumor de Krukenberg Colon mucoproducing adenocarcinoma with stomach infiltration and ovarian metastases (Krukenberg's tumor

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    Orestes Noel Mederos Curbelo


    Full Text Available Se presenta una paciente femenina de 29 años, operada de urgencia por presentar un gran tumor que incluía cuerpo gástrico y colon trasverso, con una perforación gástrica. Se realizó una gastrectomía subtotal con colectomía trasversa en bloque que incluyó el epiplón mayor. El diagnóstico histológico fue adenocarcinoma túbulo papilar mucoproductor de origen colónico, que infiltra hasta la serosa y pared gástrica. Se realizó tratamiento adyuvante con poliquimioterapia. Diez meses después presenta un tumor en hipogastrio, que al tacto vaginal, correspondía a los órganos genitales, sospecha clínica que confirman el ultrasonido abdominal y la tomografía axial computarizada. El hallazgo transoperatorio fueron tumores voluminosos de ambos ovarios, y otro tumor que afectaba la unión rectosigmoide. Se realizó una histerectomía radical con ooforectomía bilateral y sigmoidectomía, se reseca la porción proximal del recto, y se cierra tipo Hartman. El diagnóstico histológico final fue metástasis en serosa uterina e intestinal, y en ambos ovarios de adenocarcinoma mucoproductor, túbulo papilar de intestino previamente diagnosticado (tumor de Krukenberg. Se complementó el tratamiento con poliquimioterapia adyuvante.This is the case of a woman aged 29 operated on of emergency due to a tumor involving gastric body and transverse colon with gastric perforation. A subtotal gastrectomy with block transverse colectomy including the greater omentum was carried out. The histological diagnosis was a mucoproducing papillary tubular adenocarcinoma of colonic origin infiltrating to serosa and gastric wall. An adjuvant treatment was applied with poly-chemotherapy. Ten months later appears a hypogastric tumor which at vaginal manual examination corresponding to genital organs, clinical suspicion confirmed by abdominal ultrasound and computerized axial tomography. The transoperative findings were bulky tumors of both ovaries and another tumor

  15. Cross-immunity among allogeneic tumors in rats immunized with gamma-irradiated ascites tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Tatsusuke; Suga, Michio; Kudo, Hajime; Waga, Takashi; Ogasawara, Masamichi


    Non-inbred rats of the Gifu strain were intraperitoneally challenged with Hirosaki sarcoma (Tetraploid type, 10 5 cells) after repeated immunization with gamma-irradiated (13,000 rads 60 Co) allogeneic non-viral tumors of ascites type (Tetraploid or diploid type of Hirosaki sarcoma, Usubuchi sarcoma or AH130). In rats immunized not only with the same tumor as the immunizing tumor but also with a different tumor, the growth of the challenge tumor was markedly inhibited as compared with the control in non-immunized rats. It is considered that these tumors retained common antigen(s) by the resistance to irradiation because of their form of ascites tumor. The marked cross-immunity in rats immunized with AH130 may be explained by the fact that gamma-irradiated AH130 cells were alive longer in the peritoneal cavity than other tumors on account of its high resistance to irradiation. (author)

  16. Studies on cross-immunity among syngeneic tumors by immunization with gamma-irradiated tumor cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Izumi


    In order to clarify whether cross-immunity among 3-methyl-cholanthrene (MCA)-induced sarcomas in C3H/He mice can be established or not, transplantations of syngeneic tumors were carried out in mice immunized with gamma-irradiated (13,000 rad 60 Co) tumor cells and in those immunized with living tumor cells thereafter. The following results were obtained. By using immunizing procedure with only gamma-irradiated tumor cells, a pair of tumors originating from one and the same mouse showed cross-resistance to each other. However, no such evidence was seen among tumors originating from different mice. Cross-immunity among syngeneic tumors originating from different mice could be clearly observed, when immunizing procedure using living tumor cells was added after the treatment with gamma-irradiated tumor cells. It was considered that common antigenicity among MCA-induced sarcoma cells was decreased by gamma-irradiation and that individual differences of tumor antigenecity were shown distinctly under such conditions. (auth.)

  17. Uso das diretrizes para tratamento da úlcera por pressão por enfermeiros de um hospital geral

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    Elaine Maria Leite Rangel


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar a freqüência do uso das diretrizes para o tratamento da úlcera por pressão(UP por enfermeiros de um hospital geral no interior do estado de São Paulo. É transversal de caráterdescritivo com análise quantitativa de dados. Amostra de 25 enfermeiros. Para a coleta de dados utilizou-se uminstrumento, construído a partir das diretrizes para o tratamento da UP. As questões foram relacionadas aostipos de intervenções usadas pelos enfermeiros para o tratamento da UP em estágio I, II, com necrose e comtecido de granulação. Para UP em estágio I, 24 (96% enfermeiros sempre realizavam a mudança de decúbito.Nas úlceras em estágio II a utilização de óleos vegetais na ferida era realizada sempre por 10 (40%enfermeiros e o curativo de hidrocolóide nunca era utilizado por 12 (57,1% enfermeiros. Em UP com necrose alimpeza com povidine era realizada por 4 (17,4% enfermeiros às vezes. Para o desbridamento, 16 (64% àsvezes utilizavam papaína e 15 (71,4% às vezes utilizavam colagenase. Em úlceras com tecido de granulaçãosempre era utilizado o soro fisiológico por 25 (100% enfermeiros. Houve variação nas práticas para otratamento da UP e falta de adesão às diretrizes.

  18. Mortalidad por causas externas en Medellín, 1999-2006

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    Doris Cardona Arango


    Full Text Available Caracterizar el comportamiento de la mortalidad por causas externas en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, entre 1999-2006, según sexo, edad y causa básica de muerte fue el objetivo de este estudio descriptivo longitudinal, con fuente de información secundaria de 22 128 registros de defunción por causas externas. El análisis realizado es univariado y bivariado por sexo, grupos de edad y causa de muerte. Las causas externas registradas en el periodo fueron: 72.9 por ciento por homicidio; 15.3 por ciento, accidente de transporte; 7.3 por ciento, traumatismos; 4.2 por ciento, por suicidio, y por otras causas, 0.4 por ciento. La mayor tasa de mortalidad se presentó en el grupo de edad de 20 a 24 años (27.6 por cien mil habitantes, hecho que merece especial consideración por las implicaciones sociales, familiares y laborales que representa el fallecimiento de una persona en su etapa productiva.

  19. Tumor-Derived Exosomes and Their Role in Tumor-Induced Immune Suppression

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    Theresa L. Whiteside


    Full Text Available Tumor-derived exosomes (TEX are emerging as critical components of an intercellular information network between the tumor and the host. The tumor escapes from the host immune system by using a variety of mechanisms designed to impair or eliminate anti-tumor immunity. TEX carrying a cargo of immunoinhibitory molecules and factors represent one such mechanism. TEX, which are present in all body fluids of cancer patients, deliver negative molecular or genetic signals to immune cells re-programming their functions. Although TEX can also stimulate immune activity, in the microenvironments dominated by the tumor, TEX tend to mediate immune suppression thus promoting tumor progression. The TEX content, in part resembling that of the parent cell, may serve as a source of cancer biomarkers. TEX also interfere with immune therapies. A better understanding of TEX and their contribution to cancer progression and cancer patients’ response to immune therapies represents a challenging new field of investigation.

  20. Quantification of tumor extension in prostate biopsies: importance in the identification of confined tumors

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    Leite Kátia R.M.


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To assess the importance of quantifying the adenocarcinoma in prostate biopsies when determining the tumor's final stage in patients who undergo radical prostatectomy. To identify the best methodology for obtaining such data. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Prostate biopsies from 132 patients were examined, with determination of Gleason histological grade and tumor volume in number of involved fragments, tumor extent of the fragment mostly affected by the tumor and the total percentage of tumor in the specimen. Theses parameters were statistically correlated with the neoplasia's final stage following the evaluation of radical prostatectomy specimens. RESULTS: An average of 12 and a median of 14 biopsy fragments were evaluated per patient. In the univariate analysis the Gleason histological grade, the largest tumor extent in one fragment and the total percentage of tumor in the specimen were correlated with tumor stage of the surgical specimen. In the multivariate analysis, the Gleason histological grade and the total percentage of tumor were strongly correlated with the neoplasia's final stage. The risk of the tumor not being confined was 3 for Gleason 7 tumors and 10.6 for Gleason 8 tumors or above. In cases where the tumor involved more than 60% of the specimen, the risk of non-confined disease was 4.4 times. Among 19 patients with unfavorable histological parameters, Gleason > 7 and extension greater than 60% the tumor final stage was pT3 in 95%. CONCLUSION: When associated to the Gleason histological grade, tumor quantification in prostate biopsies is an important factor for determining organ-confined disease, and among the methods, total percentage of tumor is the most informative one. Such data should be included in the pathological report and must be incorporated in future nomograms.

  1. Epilepsy and Brain Tumors

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Zhi-yi Sha


    @@ Epidemiology It is estimated 61,414 new cases of primary brain tumors are expected to be diagnosed in 2009 in the U.S. The incidence statistic of 61,414 persons diagnosed per year includes both malignant (22,738) and non-malignant (38,677) brain tumors. (Data from American Brain Tumor Association). During the years 2004-2005, approximately 359,000 people in the United States were living with the diagnosis of a primary brain or central nervous system tumor. Specifically, more than 81,000 persons were living with a malignant tumor, more than 267,000 persons with a benign tumor. For every 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 131 are living following the diagnosis of a brain tumor. This represents a prevalence rate of 130.8 per 100,000 person years[1].

  2. Tumors markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamaguchi-Mizumoto, N.H.


    In order to study blood and cell components alterations (named tumor markers) that may indicate the presence of a tumor, several methods are presented. Aspects as diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic value and clinical evaluation are discussed. (M.A.C.)

  3. Anti-tumor effects of nitrosylcobalamin against spontaneous tumors in dogs. (United States)

    Bauer, Joseph A; Frye, Gerald; Bahr, Anne; Gieg, Jennifer; Brofman, Peter


    Given the limited options available to treat canine cancers, the use of companion animals for evaluating new drugs may identify better therapies for veterinary and human oncology. The anti-tumor effects of nitrosylcobalamin (NO-Cbl), an apoptosis-inducing, vitamin B12-based carrier of nitric oxide (NO), was evaluated in four dogs with spontaneous cancer. (1) A 13 year-old female spayed Giant Schnauzer with inoperable thyroid carcinoma and hypercalcemia. (2) A 6 year-old male neutered Golden Retriever with a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST). (3) A ten yr-old neutered male Bichon Frise with apocrine gland anal sac adenocarcinoma (AGACA). (4) A 7 year-old female spayed Labrador mix with spinal meningioma following partial surgical resection. Tumor regression was measured by physical exam and verified using ultrasound (case 1) and MRI (case 2-4). Serum chemistries and hematologic parameters were monitored throughout the studies. (1) The Giant Schnauzer demonstrated a 77% reduction in tumor volume after ten weeks of daily NO-Cbl treatment. (2) The Golden Retriever demonstrated a 53% reduction in tumor volume after 15 months of daily NO-Cbl therapy. (3) The Bichon Frise demonstrated a 43% regression of the primary tumor and a 90% regression of an iliac lymph node measured by MRI after 15 months of treatment. After 61 months, the dog currently has stable disease, normal liver enzymes, CBC analysis, and no evidence of toxicity. (4) The Labrador demonstrated complete regression of the residual tumor after 6 months of treatment. We have shown previously that NO-Cbl is endocytosed by malignant cells, resulting in intra-tumoral NO release. In this study, we have shown that daily long-term use of NO-Cbl induced responses in all dogs without any signs of toxicity. The use of NO-Cbl capitalizes on the tumor-specific properties of the vitamin B12 receptor and represents a promising anti-cancer therapy.

  4. Evaluation of two protocols for low-level laser application in patients submitted to orthodontic treatment

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    Mariana Marquezan


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Different low-level laser (LLL irradiation protocols have been tested to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement (OTM. Nevertheless, divergent results have been obtained. It was suggested that the stimulatory action of low level laser irradiation occurs during the proliferation and differentiation stages of bone cellular precursors, but not during later stages. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of two protocols of LLL irradiation on experimental tooth movement: One with daily irradiations and another with irradiations during the early stages. METHODS: Thirty-six rats were divided into control groups (CG1, CG2, CG3 and irradiated groups (IrG1, IrG2, IrG3 according to the presence of: experimental tooth movement, laser irradiation, type of laser irradiation protocol and date of euthanasia (3th or 8th day of experiment. At the end of experimental periods, a quantitative evaluation of the amount of OTM was made and the reactions of the periodontium were analyzed by describing cellular and tissue reactions and by counting blood vessels. RESULTS: The amount of OTM revealed no significant differences between groups in the same experimental period (p INTRODUÇÃO: diferentes protocolos de irradiação por laser de baixa potência (LBP têm sido testados para potencializar o movimento ortodôntico; entretanto, há resultados divergentes. Foi sugerido que seu efeito bioestimulador ocorre nas fases de proliferação e diferenciação celular, não agindo em estágios tardios. OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito de dois protocolos de irradiação do LBP na movimentação ortodôntica: um com irradiações diárias e outro em que irradiações foram realizadas apenas nos períodos iniciais. MÉTODOS: trinta e seis ratos Wistar foram divididos em grupos controles (GC1, GC2 e GC3 e irradiados (GIr1, GIr2 e GIr3, de acordo com a presença de dispositivo ortodôntico, a presença de irradiação, o tipo de protocolo de irradia

  5. Solid-pseudo papillary tumor of the pancreas: Frantz's tumor

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Bruno Righi Rodrigues de; Moreira, Reni Cecilia Lopes; Campos, Marcelo Esteves Chaves [Instituto Mario Penna, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)], e-mail:


    The pseudo papillary solid tumor of the pancreas, also known as Frantz's tumor, is a rare disease, taking place in approximately 0.17% to 2.7% of non-endocrine tumors of the pancreas. Recently, the increase of its incidence has been noted with more than two-thirds of the total cases described in the last 10 years. A possible explanation is a greater knowledge of the disease and a greater uniformity of conceptualization in the last years. Generally, it affects young adult females. In most of the series, the tumor principally attacks the body and tail of the pancreas. The objective of the present report is to present the diagnostic and therapeutic option used in this rare pancreatic tumor of low-grade malignancy. (author)

  6. CT and MRI of germ-cell tumors with metastasis or multi-located tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyagami, Mitsusuke; Tazoe, Makoto; Tsubokawa, Takashi


    Twenty-seven cases of germ-cell tumors were examined with a CT scan in our clinic. In the 11 cases of metastasis or multi-localized tumors, the CT findings were studied in connection with the MRI findings. There were 6 cases of germ-cell tumors which had broad infiltrating tumors with multiple lesions on first admission. Their tumor sites were different from that in cases of malignant glioma, being frequently localized in the pineal and/or the suprasellar region, on the wall of the third and/or lateral ventricle, and in the region of the basal ganglia. Five of the cases of germ-cell tumors had metastasis with various patterns connected to a remote area - that is, to spinal cords, to the ventricular wall and basal cistern of the brain stem by CSF dissemination, to a lung by hematogeneous metastasis, and to the peritoneal wall or organs by a V-P shunt. The CT findings of germ-cell tumors were correlated mainly with the results of the histological diagnosis; they were found not to differ with the tumor site. The germinoma in the suprasellar region had less calcification than in the pineal region. Cysts, calcification, and an enlargement of the lateral ventricle on the tumor side were frequently seen in the germinoma of the basal ganglia. On the MRI of 5 cases of germinoma, the T 1 -weighted image revealed a slightly low or iso signal intensity, while the T 2 -weighted image showed a high signal intensity. In the case of multiple tumor lesions, some cases demonstrated different CT findings and radiosensitivities for each tumor. The possibility of a multicentric origin for the tumors is thus suggested in some cases of germ-cell tumors. (author)

  7. Theranostic GO-based nanohybrid for tumor induced imaging and potential combinational tumor therapy. (United States)

    Qin, Si-Yong; Feng, Jun; Rong, Lei; Jia, Hui-Zhen; Chen, Si; Liu, Xiang-Ji; Luo, Guo-Feng; Zhuo, Ren-Xi; Zhang, Xian-Zheng


    Graphene oxide (GO)-based theranostic nanohybrid is designed for tumor induced imaging and potential combinational tumor therapy. The anti-tumor drug, Doxorubicin (DOX) is chemically conjugated to the poly(ethylenimine)-co-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEI-PEG) grafted GO via a MMP2-cleavable PLGLAG peptide linkage. The therapeutic efficacy of DOX is chemically locked and its intrinsic fluorescence is quenched by GO under normal physiological condition. Once stimulated by the MMP2 enzyme over-expressed in tumor tissues, the resulting peptide cleavage permits the unloading of DOX for tumor therapy and concurrent fluorescence recovery of DOX for in situ tumor cell imaging. Attractively, this PEI-bearing nanohybrid can mediate efficient DNA transfection and shows great potential for combinational drug/gene therapy. This tumor induced imaging and potential combinational therapy will open a window for tumor treatment by offering a unique theranostic approach through merging the diagnostic capability and pathology-responsive therapeutic function. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Neurofibromatosis tipo 1 asociado a tumor maligno de la vaina de nervio periférico y a carcinoma de colon

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    Rubén Valle


    Full Text Available La neurofibromatosis tipo 1 es una enfermedad autosómica dominante, producida por la mutación del gen de la neurofibrina, localizado en el cromosoma 17q11.2. Esta enfermedad presenta una diversidad de manifestaciones clínicas y predisposición al desarrollo de tumores, lo cual explica la elevada mortalidad. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con diagnóstico de neurofibromatosis tipo 1, quién desarrolló un tumor maligno de la vaina del nervio periférico y cáncer de colon. Se revisa la literatura y los factores clínicos, de imagen e histológicos que se asocian a la transformación maligna de los neurofibromas.

  9. Tendencias de mortalidad por cánceres atribuibles al tabaco en México

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    Tovar-Guzmán Víctor José


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Describir la tendencia de la mortalidad por cáncer atribuible al consumo de tabaco, particularmente neoplasias del pulmón, en México, durante el periodo 1980-1997. Material y métodos. Se hizo un análisis de tendencias de mortalidad para cada tipo de cáncer asociado con el tabaco, según la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades. Las tasas cruda y ajustada de mortalidad fueron estimadas en términos de edad, género, causa básica de la muerte y año, entre 1980 y 1997. Se estimó la razón de género y proporción relativa para los casos que estaban en el grupo de edad entre 35 y 64 años y para toda la población estudiada. Como denominador se utilizaron las proyecciones por edad calculadas por el Consejo Nacional de Población (1970-2010. Resultados. La razón de género para las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer de laringe, esófago, cavidad oral y faringe fue de 2.10:1.00 (hombre: mujer. La razón de género para el cáncer de laringe es enorme: 4.21: 1.00, probablemente debida a la mayor prevalencia de hombres fumadores de tabaco. La proporción relativa estimada, usando la mortalidad total debida a tumores malignos, entre 1980 y 1997 fue la siguiente: cáncer de pulmón 12.31%, laringe 1.71%, esófago 1.55% y cavidad oral/faringe 1.49%. El antecedente de tabaquismo tiene correlación con la tendencia de la tasa de mortalidad por cáncer del pulmón (Beta: 0.910, IC 95%: 1.097-1.797; R² 0.827. Para los grupos sociales mas pobres, por entidad federativa, la correlación está invertida (Beta: -0.510, IC 95%: -0.170, -0.039, R²: 0.260. Conclusiones. En México, la mejoría en el diagnóstico, la transición demográfica y el incremento del consumo de tabaco son, probablemente, los principales factores a los que se atribuye la tasa de mortalidad por cáncer. No obstante, otras variables asociadas con el estilo de vida, como urbanización, actividad física, ingesta de carotenoides y otros componentes dietéticos y t

  10. Lapatinib Plasma and Tumor Concentrations and Effects on HER Receptor Phosphorylation in Tumor.

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    Neil L Spector

    Full Text Available The paradigm shift in cancer treatment from cytotoxic drugs to tumor targeted therapies poses new challenges, including optimization of dose and schedule based on a biologically effective dose, rather than the historical maximum tolerated dose. Optimal dosing is currently determined using concentrations of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in plasma as a surrogate for tumor concentrations. To examine this plasma-tumor relationship, we explored the association between lapatinib levels in tumor and plasma in mice and humans, and those effects on phosphorylation of human epidermal growth factor receptors (HER in human tumors.Mice bearing BT474 HER2+ human breast cancer xenografts were dosed once or twice daily (BID with lapatinib. Drug concentrations were measured in blood, tumor, liver, and kidney. In a randomized phase I clinical trial, 28 treatment-naïve female patients with early stage HER2+ breast cancer received lapatinib 1000 or 1500 mg once daily (QD or 500 mg BID before evaluating steady-state lapatinib levels in plasma and tumor.In mice, lapatinib levels were 4-fold higher in tumor than blood with a 4-fold longer half-life. Tumor concentrations exceeded the in vitro IC90 (~ 900 nM or 500 ng/mL for inhibition of HER2 phosphorylation throughout the 12-hour dosing interval. In patients, tumor levels were 6- and 10-fold higher with QD and BID dosing, respectively, compared to plasma trough levels. The relationship between tumor and plasma concentration was complex, indicating multiple determinants. HER receptor phosphorylation varied depending upon lapatinib tumor concentrations, suggestive of changes in the repertoire of HER homo- and heterodimers.Plasma lapatinib concentrations underestimated tumor drug levels, suggesting that optimal dosing should be focused on the site of action to avoid to inappropriate dose escalation. Larger clinical trials are required to determine optimal dose and schedule to achieve tumor concentrations that maximally

  11. Tumor targeted delivery of doxorubicin in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors.

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    A B Madhankumar

    Full Text Available Peripheral nerve sheath tumors are benign tumors that have the potential to transform into malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs. Interleukin-13 receptor alpha 2 (IL13Rα2 is a cancer associated receptor expressed in glioblastoma and other invasive cancers. We analyzed IL13Rα2 expression in several MPNST cell lines including the STS26T cell line, as well as in several peripheral nerve sheath tumors to utilize the IL13Rα2 receptor as a target for therapy. In our studies, we demonstrated the selective expression of IL13Rα2 in several peripheral nerve sheath tumors by immunohistochemistry (IHC and immunoblots. We established a sciatic nerve MPNST mouse model in NIH III nude mice using a luciferase transfected STS26T MPNST cell line. Similarly, analysis of the mouse sciatic nerves after tumor induction revealed significant expression of IL13Rα2 by IHC when compared to a normal sciatic nerve. IL13 conjugated liposomal doxorubicin was formulated and shown to bind and internalized in the MPNST cell culture model demonstrating cytotoxic effect. Our subsequent in vivo investigation in the STS26T MPNST sciatic nerve tumor model indicated that IL13 conjugated liposomal doxorubicin (IL13LIPDXR was more effective in inhibiting tumor progression compared to unconjugated liposomal doxorubicin (LIPDXR. This further supports that IL13 receptor targeted nanoliposomes is a potential approach for treating MPNSTs.

  12. Adoptively transferred human lung tumor specific cytotoxic T cells can control autologous tumor growth and shape tumor phenotype in a SCID mouse xenograft model

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    Ferrone Soldano


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The anti-tumor efficacy of human immune effector cells, such as cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs, has been difficult to study in lung cancer patients in the clinical setting. Improved experimental models for the study of lung tumor-immune cell interaction as well as for evaluating the efficacy of adoptive transfer of immune effector cells are needed. Methods To address questions related to the in vivo interaction of human lung tumor cells and immune effector cells, we obtained an HLA class I + lung tumor cell line from a fresh surgical specimen, and using the infiltrating immune cells, isolated and characterized tumor antigen-specific, CD8+ CTLs. We then established a SCID mouse-human tumor xenograft model with the tumor cell line and used it to study the function of the autologous CTLs provided via adoptive transfer. Results The tumor antigen specific CTLs isolated from the tumor were found to have an activated memory phenotype and able to kill tumor cells in an antigen specific manner in vitro. Additionally, the tumor antigen-specific CTLs were fully capable of homing to and killing autologous tumors in vivo, and expressing IFN-γ, each in an antigen-dependent manner. A single injection of these CTLs was able to provide significant but temporary control of the growth of autologous tumors in vivo without the need for IL-2. The timing of injection of CTLs played an essential role in the outcome of tumor growth control. Moreover, immunohistochemical analysis of surviving tumor cells following CTL treatment indicated that the surviving tumor cells expressed reduced MHC class I antigens on their surface. Conclusion These studies confirm and extend previous studies and provide additional information regarding the characteristics of CTLs which can be found within a patient's tumor. Moreover, the in vivo model described here provides a unique window for observing events that may also occur in patients undergoing adoptive cellular


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    B. Aalami-Harandi


    Full Text Available A case of g iant cell tumor of t he vertebra simulat ing vert ebra plana was reported . t he d i agnos i s o f t he vertebra plana should not be confirmed by t he history of the patient and radiologica l manifestation alone . it can onlybe confirmed by biopsy ."nBone l esions of the spine i s one of the most di fficul t problems t o diagnosis and t r eat . Spinal tumors a r e either primary or metastatic . Ilos t bone tumors of the spine i n t he first two decade of l i f e are primary and benign;where as a majority of the bone lesions in old people ar e me tast at1,c and rna I 1' 9n ant . 5- 11 The rnaI1' 9~ant Lee Ss 1i 0ns 0f t h e Sp1' - ne can wi t hout very great risk be excl uded f r om diagnostic considerati on in chi ldren and adoles cence (She r r a r d . 1969 12 . From 34 casps of bone l esions of the spine and the pelvis i n the f irst two decade of l i f e, reported by Thommes on and 1 3 , Paulsen (1967 ni ne were histiochtosis X, two anevr ysma l bone cyst,nine Ewi ng sar coma , two reticul um cell sar c ~ma. None were g i ant cel l tumor ."nGiant cell tumor of the spine is r a re; mo s t of t he report ed cases were in t he sacrum. J affe (1958 17repor t ed only two c ases of giant cell t umo r, one of which o c c ur r e d in the por t e d s a c r um.Of the 218 cases of the g i an t ce l l tumor re6 by Goldenbe rg and Carnpbell( 1970 there were 13 cases of g i ant c e l l tumor o f the ver t ebra , one in the cervical r e g i o n , o ne in the l umbar spi ne , and e l e ven in t he sacrum. Of '08 giant ce l l t umors studied by Coley( 19604 ,one was i n the lumba r ver t ebra and one in the s a c rum. al In a r e view of 413 tumors i nc l uding t he spine(Cohen et 3 1964 tr.ere were sixteen cases o f g i ant c e l l tumor ,one  n the c e r vica l spine , one in the l umbar r e gion and f ourte61 n the sacrum. I n thi s a r t i c l e we are going to report a case of giant cel l t umor of the s i xth thor a ci

  14. Apendicitis por Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

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    Full Text Available La paracoccidioidomicosis es la micosis más prevalente en Sudamérica. La forma aguda afecta el sistema fagocítico mononuclear de niños y personas inmunocomprometidas. El compromiso gastrointestinal es frecuente y su patogenia implica diseminación hematógena y linfática. La linfadenomegalia abdominal causa obstrucción intestinal y abdomen agudo. En este artículo damos a conocer el caso de un niño con compromiso gastrointestinal por apendicitis. Este es el primer caso reportado de apendicitis por esta patología. (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:58-60.

  15. Immune response to uv-induced tumors: transplantation immunity and lymphocyte populations exhibiting anti-tumor activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streeter, P.R.


    Ultraviolet light-induced murine skin tumors were analyzed for their ability to induce tumor-specific and cross-protective transplantation immunity in immunocompetent syngeneic mice. These studies revealed that progressor UV-tumors, like regressor UV-tumors, possess tumor-specific transplantation antigens. Cross-protective transplantation immunity to UV-tumors, however, was associated with sensitization to the serum used to culture the tumor lines rather than to cross-reactive or common determinants on UV-tumors. An analysis of the cytolytic activity of lymphocytes from the spleens of mice immunized with either regressor or progressor UV-tumors revealed a striking difference between the two immune splenocyte populations. From regressor tumor-immune animals, cytolytic T (Tc) lymphocytes with specificity for the immunizing tumor were found. However, the analysis of splenic lymphocytes from progressor tumor immune animals revealed no such effector cells. To more effectively examine those lymphocytes exhibiting cytolytic activity in vitro, T lymphocyte cloning technology was used as a means of isolating homogeneous lymphocyte populations with the effector activities described above. The mechanisms where NK cells and other nonspecific effector cells could be induced in tumor-immune animals are discussed in the context of class II restricted immune responses

  16. Tumoral tracers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camargo, E.E.


    Direct tumor tracers are subdivided in the following categories:metabolite tracers, antitumoral tracers, radioactive proteins and cations. Use of 67 Ga-citrate as a clinically important tumoral tracer is emphasized and gallium-67 whole-body scintigraphy is discussed in detail. (M.A.) [pt

  17. Surgical treatment of tumor-induced osteomalacia: a retrospective review of 40 cases with extremity tumors. (United States)

    Sun, Zhi-jian; Jin, Jin; Qiu, Gui-xing; Gao, Peng; Liu, Yong


    Tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO) is a rare syndrome typically caused by mesenchymal tumors. It has been shown that complete tumor resection may be curative. However, to our knowledge, there has been no report of a large cohort to exam different surgical approaches. This study was aimed to assess outcomes of different surgical options of patients with tumor-induced osteomalacia at a single institution. Patients with extremity tumors treated in our hospital from January, 2004 to July, 2012 were identified. The minimum follow-up period was 12 months. Patient's demography, tumor location, preoperative preparation, type of surgeries were summarized, and clinical outcomes were recorded. Successful treatment was defined as significant symptom improvement, normal serum phosphorus and significant improvement or normalization of bone mineral density at the last follow-up. Differences between patients with soft tissue tumors and bone tumors were compared. There were 40 (24 male and 16 female) patients identified, with an average age of 44 years. The tumors were isolated in either soft tissue (25 patients) or bone (12 patients) and combined soft tissue and bone invasion was observed in 3 patients. For the primary surgery, tumor resection and tumor curettage were performed. After initial surgical treatment, six patients then received a second surgery. Four patients were found to have malignant tumors base on histopathology. With a minimum follow-up period of 12 months, 80% of patients (32/40) were treated successfully, including 50% of patients (2/4) with malignant tumors. Compared to patients with bone tumor, surgical results were better in patient with soft tissue tumor. Surgical treatment was an effective way for TIO. Other than tumor curettage surgery, tumor resection is the preferred options for these tumors.

  18. Imaging of pancreatic tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brambs, Hans-Juergen; Juchems, Markus


    Ductal adenocarcinoma is the most frequent solid tumor of the pancreas. This tumor has distinct features including early obstruction of the pancreatic duct, diminished enhancement after administration of contrast material due to desmoplastic growth, high propensity to infiltrate adjacent structures and to metastasize into the liver and the peritoneum. Hormone active endocrine tumors cause specific clinical symptoms. Imaging is aimed at localization of these hypervascular tumors. Non hormone active tumors are most frequently malignant and demonstrate very varying features. Cystic pancreatic tumors are increasingly detected by means of cross sectional imaging. Exact classification can be achieved with knowledge of the macropathology and considering clinical presentation as well as age and gender of the patients. (orig.)

  19. Non-Invasive Monitoring of Breast Tumor Oxygenation: A Key to Tumor Therapy Planning and Tumor Prognosis

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Liu, Hanli


    .... The aims have included (1) to evaluate a single-channel, dual wavelength, NIR, frequency-domain oximeter and the algorithms for obtaining tumor HbO2 against tumor PO2 measured by 19F magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), (2...

  20. Antitumor action of 3-bromopyruvate implicates reorganized tumor growth regulatory components of tumor milieu, cell cycle arrest and induction of mitochondria-dependent tumor cell death. (United States)

    Yadav, Saveg; Kujur, Praveen Kumar; Pandey, Shrish Kumar; Goel, Yugal; Maurya, Babu Nandan; Verma, Ashish; Kumar, Ajay; Singh, Rana Pratap; Singh, Sukh Mahendra


    Evidences demonstrate that metabolic inhibitor 3-bromopyruvate (3-BP) exerts a potent antitumor action against a wide range of malignancies. However, the effect of 3-BP on progression of the tumors of thymic origin remains unexplored. Although, constituents of tumor microenvironment (TME) plays a pivotal role in regulation of tumor progression, it remains unclear if 3-BP can alter the composition of the crucial tumor growth regulatory components of the external surrounding of tumor cells. Thus, the present investigation attempts to understand the effect of 3-BP administration to a host bearing a progressively growing tumor of thymic origin on tumor growth regulatory soluble, cellular and biophysical components of tumor milieu vis-à-vis understanding its association with tumor progression, accompanying cell cycle events and mode of cell death. Further, the expression of cell survival regulatory molecules and hemodynamic characteristics of the tumor milieu were analysed to decipher mechanisms underlying the antitumor action of 3-BP. Administration of 3-BP to tumor-bearing hosts retarded tumor progression accompanied by induction of tumor cell death, cell cycle arrest, declined metabolism, inhibited mitochondrial membrane potential, elevated release of cytochrome c and altered hemodynamics. Moreover, 3-BP reconstituted the external milieu, in concurrence with deregulated glucose and pH homeostasis and increased tumor infiltration by NK cells, macrophages, and T lymphocytes. Further, 3-BP administration altered the expression of key regulatory molecules involved in glucose uptake, intracellular pH and tumor cell survival. The outcomes of this study will help in optimizing the therapeutic application of 3-BP by targeting crucial tumor growth regulatory components of tumor milieu. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Avaliação imediata da dor e edema em lesão muscular induzida por formalina e tratada com laser 808 nm Immediate pain and edema assessment in muscular injury induced by formalin and treated with low-level laser (808nm

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    Emerson Borato


    Full Text Available O laser de baixa potência induz a bioestimulação celular, podendo acelerar a cicatrização de feridas, promover a regeneração do músculo esquelético, diminuir a resposta inflamatória, estimular a neoformação de vasos sanguíneos e diminuir a dor. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos de três doses de laser de baixa intensidade (808nm, na dor e edema imediatos, em ratos submetidos a lesão experimental do músculo gastrocnêmio lateral. Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar, distribuídos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos, sendo: GC - animais lesionados e tratados com aparelho desligado (simulacro; G20 - animais lesionados e irradiados com dose de 20J/cm²; G50 - animais lesionados e irradiados com 50J/cm; e G100 - animais lesionados e irradiados com 100J/cm². Para a produção da lesão experimental, introduziu-se 0,1mL de formalina a 5% no ventre do músculo gastrocnêmio lateral direito. A avaliação da dor ocorreu através do tempo de elevação da pata (TEP e o edema foi avaliado com auxílio de paquímetro metálico; ambas as avaliações ocorreram pré-lesão, pós-lesão, pós-tratamento, duas, oito e 24 horas pós-lesão. Os resultados mostraram aumento significativo do TEP e da avaliação com paquímetro, após a indução da lesão. Conclui-se que laser nos parâmetros utilizados não produziu diminuição na dor e edema, em animais submetidos a lesão muscular com injeção de formalina a 5%.Low-level laser therapy induces to cellular bioestimulation and can accelerate wound healing, promote skeletal muscle regeneration, decrease inflammatory response, stimulate neovascularization and decrease pain. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of three doses of low-level laser therapy (808 nm, in the immediate pain and edema, in rats submitted to experimental injury of the lateral gastrocnemius muscle. Twenty four Wistar rats, randomly distributed in the following four groups were used: CG - injured and treated

  2. Real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy for adrenal tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Katoh, Norio; Onimaru, Rikiya; Sakuhara, Yusuke; Abo, Daisuke; Shimizu, Shinichi; Taguchi, Hiroshi; Watanabe, Yoshiaki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Ishikawa, Masayori; Shirato, Hiroki


    Purpose: To investigate the three-dimensional movement of internal fiducial markers near the adrenal tumors using a real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy (RTRT) system and to examine the feasibility of high-dose hypofractionated radiotherapy for the adrenal tumors. Materials and methods: The subjects considered in this study were 10 markers of the 9 patients treated with RTRT. A total of 72 days in the prone position and 61 treatment days in the supine position for nine of the 10 markers were analyzed. All but one patient were prescribed 48 Gy in eight fractions at the isocenter. Results: The average absolute amplitude of the marker movement in the prone position was 6.1 ± 4.4 mm (range 2.3-14.4), 11.1 ± 7.1 mm (3.5-25.2), and 7.0 ± 3.5 mm (3.9-12.5) in the left-right (LR), craniocaudal (CC), and anterior-posterior (AP) directions, respectively. The average absolute amplitude in the supine position was 3.4 ± 2.9 mm (0.6-9.1), 9.9 ± 9.8 mm (1.1-27.1), and 5.4 ± 5.2 mm (1.7-26.6) in the LR, CC, and AP directions, respectively. Of the eight markers, which were examined in both the prone and supine positions, there was no significant difference in the average absolute amplitude between the two positions. No symptomatic adverse effects were observed within the median follow-up period of 16 months (range 5-21 months). The actuarial freedom-from-local-progression rate was 100% at 12 months. Conclusions: Three-dimensional motion of a fiducial marker near the adrenal tumors was detected. Hypofractionated RTRT for adrenal tumors was feasible for patients with metastatic tumors

  3. Tumor regression patterns in retinoblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zafar, S.N.; Siddique, S.N.; Zaheer, N.


    To observe the types of tumor regression after treatment, and identify the common pattern of regression in our patients. Study Design: Descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, from October 2011 to October 2014. Methodology: Children with unilateral and bilateral retinoblastoma were included in the study. Patients were referred to Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, for chemotherapy. After every cycle of chemotherapy, dilated funds examination under anesthesia was performed to record response of the treatment. Regression patterns were recorded on RetCam II. Results: Seventy-four tumors were included in the study. Out of 74 tumors, 3 were ICRB group A tumors, 43 were ICRB group B tumors, 14 tumors belonged to ICRB group C, and remaining 14 were ICRB group D tumors. Type IV regression was seen in 39.1% (n=29) tumors, type II in 29.7% (n=22), type III in 25.6% (n=19), and type I in 5.4% (n=4). All group A tumors (100%) showed type IV regression. Seventeen (39.5%) group B tumors showed type IV regression. In group C, 5 tumors (35.7%) showed type II regression and 5 tumors (35.7%) showed type IV regression. In group D, 6 tumors (42.9%) regressed to type II non-calcified remnants. Conclusion: The response and success of the focal and systemic treatment, as judged by the appearance of different patterns of tumor regression, varies with the ICRB grouping of the tumor. (author)

  4. Imaging of bone tumors and tumor-like lesions. Techniques and applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davies, A. Mark; Sundaram, Murali; James, Steven L.J.


    This is a comprehensive textbook that provides a detailed description of the imaging techniques and findings in patients with benign and malignant bone tumors. In the first part of the book, the various techniques and procedures employed for imaging bone tumors are discussed in detail. Individual chapters are devoted to MRI, CT, nuclear medicine, and interventional procedures. The second part of the book gives an authoritative review of the role of these imaging techniques in diagnosis, surgical staging, biopsy, and assessment of response to therapy. The third part of the book covers the imaging features of each major tumor subtype, with separate chapters on osteogenic tumors, cartilaginous tumors, etc. The final part of the book reviews the imaging features of bone tumors at particular anatomical sites such as the spine, ribs, pelvis, and scapula. Each chapter is written by an acknowledged expert in the field, and a wealth of illustrative material is included. This book will be of great value to musculoskeletal and general radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, and oncologists. (orig.)


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    Samira Pirola Santos Mantilla


    frango resfriado, avaliando-se os parâmetros de desenvolvimento de bactérias deteriorantes e a variação do pH das amostras. A embalagem a vácuo aumentou o prazo de validade comercial, quando comparada à embalagem em 100% ar, tanto nos filés não irradiados, como nos irradiados a 3 kGy. A irradiação das amostras, nas duas doses utilizadas, aumentou, consideravelmente, a validade comercial desse alimento. As bactérias láticas foram os micro-organismos que mais se desenvolveram nas amostras irradiadas, confirmando, assim, uma maior radiorresistência, quando comparada com os outros micro-organismos estudados, enquanto as enterobactérias demonstraram maior sensibilidade ao tratamento com radiação ionizante. A embalagem a vácuo, combinada com a tecnologia de irradiação, pode ser utilizada para melhorar a segurança de filés de peito de frango resfriados e para estender seu prazo de validade comercial.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Deterioração; carne de frango; embalagem a vácuo; radiação de carne; radiação gama.

  6. PET and endocrine tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rigo, P.; Belhocine, T.; Hustinx, R.; Foidart-Willems, J.


    The authors review the main indications of PET examination, and specifically of 18 FDG, in the assessment of endocrine tumors: of the thyroid, of the parathyroid, of the adrenal and of the pituitary glands. Neuroendocrine tumors, gastro-entero-pancreatic or carcinoid tumors are also under the scope. Usually, the most differentiated tumors show only poor uptake of the FDG as they have a weak metabolic and proliferative activity. In the assessment of endocrine tumors, FDG-PET should be used only after most specific nuclear examinations been performed. (author)

  7. Tatuaje por amalgama. Reporte de un caso

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    Luis Fang Mercado


    Full Text Available El tatuaje por amalgama se origina por el depósito en el tejido conectivo subepitelial de fragmentos de amalgama resultado de procedimientos iatrogénicos por parte del operador. La profundidad a la que se encuentren albergados los residuos de este material influye en la presentación clínica de las lesiones. Radiográficamente se pueden identificar los fragmentos mientras tengan diámetros razonables; histológicamente se pueden observar las partículas de amalgama como gránulos oscuros, sólidos e irregulares dispuesto entre los haces de colágeno y vasos sanguíneos. Este artículo refiere el caso clínico de un paciente que presentó pigmentación por amalgama en mucosa vestibular, originada por una porción de amalgama usada como material obturador en una apicectomía del 11 realizada con anterioridad. Teniendo en cuenta las consideraciones clínicas y radiográficas se optó por realizar una segunda apicectomía con obturación retrógrada con MTA del 11. Durante el procedimiento quirúrgico se cureteó y adelgazó la cara interna del colgajo mucoperióstico para tratar de disminuir el grado de pigmentación.

  8. TumorBoost: Normalization of allele-specific tumor copy numbers from a single pair of tumor-normal genotyping microarrays

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    Neuvial Pierre


    Full Text Available Abstract Background High-throughput genotyping microarrays assess both total DNA copy number and allelic composition, which makes them a tool of choice for copy number studies in cancer, including total copy number and loss of heterozygosity (LOH analyses. Even after state of the art preprocessing methods, allelic signal estimates from genotyping arrays still suffer from systematic effects that make them difficult to use effectively for such downstream analyses. Results We propose a method, TumorBoost, for normalizing allelic estimates of one tumor sample based on estimates from a single matched normal. The method applies to any paired tumor-normal estimates from any microarray-based technology, combined with any preprocessing method. We demonstrate that it increases the signal-to-noise ratio of allelic signals, making it significantly easier to detect allelic imbalances. Conclusions TumorBoost increases the power to detect somatic copy-number events (including copy-neutral LOH in the tumor from allelic signals of Affymetrix or Illumina origin. We also conclude that high-precision allelic estimates can be obtained from a single pair of tumor-normal hybridizations, if TumorBoost is combined with single-array preprocessing methods such as (allele-specific CRMA v2 for Affymetrix or BeadStudio's (proprietary XY-normalization method for Illumina. A bounded-memory implementation is available in the open-source and cross-platform R package, which is part of the Aroma Project (

  9. Immune response to UV-induced tumors: mediation of progressor tumor rejection by natural killer cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streeter, P.R.; Fortner, G.W.


    Skin tumors induced in mice by chronic ultraviolet (UV) irradiation are highly antigenic and can induce a state of transplantation immunity in syngeneic animals. In the present study, the authors compared the in vitro cytolytic activity of splenic lymphocytes from mice immunized with either regressor or progressor UV-tumors. The results of this comparison implicated tumor-specific cytolytic T (Tc) lymphocytes in rejection of regressor UV-tumors, and revealed that immunization with the progressor UV-tumor 2237 failed to elicit detectable levels of progressor tumor-specific Tc cells even as the tumors rejected. Following in vitro resensitization of spleen cells from either regressor or progressor tumor immune animals, the authors found NK-like lymphocytes with anti-tumor activity. As the authors had not detected cells with this activity in splenic lymphocyte preparations prior to in vitro resensitization, the authors examined lymphocytes from the local tumor environment during the course of progressor tumor rejection for this activity. This analysis revealed NK lymphocytes exhibiting significant levels of cytolytic activity against UV-tumors. These results implicate NK cells as potential effector cells in the rejection of progressor UV-tumors by immune animals, and suggests that these cells may be regulated by T lymphocytes

  10. Radiation-induced nitric oxide mitigates tumor hypoxia and radioresistance in a murine SCCVII tumor model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagane, Masaki; Yasui, Hironobu; Yamamori, Tohru; Zhao, Songji; Kuge, Yuji; Tamaki, Nagara; Kameya, Hiromi; Nakamura, Hideo; Fujii, Hirotada; Inanami, Osamu


    Highlights: •IR-induced NO increased tissue perfusion and pO 2 . •IR increased NO production in tumors without changes in the mRNA and protein levels of NOS isoforms. •NOS activity assay showed that IR upregulated eNOS activity in tumors. •IR-induced NO decreased tumor hypoxia and altered tumor radiosensitivity. -- Abstract: Tumor hypoxia, which occurs mainly as a result of inadequate tissue perfusion in solid tumors, is a well-known challenge for successful radiotherapy. Recent evidence suggests that ionizing radiation (IR) upregulates nitric oxide (NO) production and that IR-induced NO has the potential to increase intratumoral circulation. However, the kinetics of NO production and the responsible isoforms for NO synthase in tumors exposed to IR remain unclear. In this study, we aimed to elucidate the mechanism by which IR stimulates NO production in tumors and the effect of IR-induced NO on tumor radiosensitivity. Hoechst33342 perfusion assay and electron spin resonance oxymetry showed that IR increased tissue perfusion and pO 2 in tumor tissue. Immunohistochemical analysis using two different hypoxic probes showed that IR decreased hypoxic regions in tumors; treatment with a nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, L-NAME, abrogated the effects of IR. Moreover, IR increased endothelial NOS (eNOS) activity without affecting its mRNA or protein expression levels in SCCVII-transplanted tumors. Tumor growth delay assay showed that L-NAME decreased the anti-tumor effect of fractionated radiation (10 Gy × 2). These results suggested that IR increased eNOS activity and subsequent tissue perfusion in tumors. Increases in intratumoral circulation simultaneously decreased tumor hypoxia. As a result, IR-induced NO increased tumor radiosensitivity. Our study provides a new insight into the NO-dependent mechanism for efficient fractionated radiotherapy

  11. Síncope cardíaca reflexa por "nevralgia" do glossofaríngeo: rara apresentação dessa doença Cardiac syncope induced by glossopharyngeal "neuralgia": a rare presentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helio Korkes


    Full Text Available A primeira descrição de dor severa no trajeto do nervo glossofaríngeo foi realizada por Weisenberg, em 1910¹, em um paciente com tumor do ângulo ponto cerebelar. Entretanto, coube a Harris, em 1926², nomear como nevralgia do nervo glossofaríngeo esse raro quadro clínico, caracterizado por paroxismos de dor intensa, unilaterais, na região posterior da língua, no palato mole, na garganta e na região lateral e posterior da faringe, irradiando para o ouvido. A dor pode ser desencadeada por deglutição, tosse, bocejo ou mastigação e normalmente dura de segundos a minutos. A associaç��o de nevralgia do glossofaríngeo e síncope é muito rara e se deve a breves períodos de bradicardia, assistolia ou hipotensão, sendo a primeira descrição dessa associação, com essa fisiopatologia, realizada por Riley e cols., em 1942³.The first description of severe pain in the distribution of the glossopharyngeal nerve is credited to Weisenberg, in 1910¹, in a patient with cerebellopontine angle tumor. However, it was Harris, in 1926², who coined the term glossopharyngeal neuralgia to describe this rare condition characterized by paroxysms of excruciating pain located laterally at the back of the tongue, soft palate, throat, and lateral and posterior pharynx, radiating to the ear. Swallowing, coughing, yawning or chewing may trigger pain, which usually lasts from seconds to minutes. The association between glossopharyngeal neuralgia and syncope is very rare, being identified by brief episodes of bradycardia, asystole, and hypotension. Such an association, with this same pathophysiology, was first described by Riley et al³ in 1942.

  12. [Isolation and identification of brain tumor stem cells from human brain neuroepithelial tumors]. (United States)

    Fang, Jia-sheng; Deng, Yong-wen; Li, Ming-chu; Chen, Feng-Hua; Wang, Yan-jin; Lu, Ming; Fang, Fang; Wu, Jun; Yang, Zhuan-yi; Zhou, Xang-yang; Wang, Fei; Chen, Cheng


    To establish a simplified culture system for the isolation of brain tumor stem cells (BTSCs) from the tumors of human neuroepithelial tissue, to observe the growth and differentiation pattern of BTSCs, and to investigate their expression of the specific markers. Twenty-six patients with brain neuroepithelial tumors underwent tumor resection. Two pieces of tumor tissues were taken from each tumor to be dissociated, triturated into single cells in sterile DMEM-F12 medium, and then filtered. The tumor cells were seeded at a concentration of 200,000 viable cells per mL into serum-free DMEM-F12 medium simply supplemented with B27, human basic fibroblast growth factor (20 microg/L), human epidermal growth factor (20 microg /L), insulin (4 U/L), L-glutamine, penicillin and streptomycin. After the primary brain tumor spheres (BTSs) were generated, they were triturated again and passed in fresh medium. Limiting dilution assay was performed to observe the monoclone formation. 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation test was performed to observe the proliferation of the BTS. The BTSCs were cultured in mitogen-free DMEM-F12 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum to observe their differentiation. Immunocytochemistry was used to examine the expression of CD133 and nestin, specific markers of BTSC, and the rate of CD133 positive cells. Only a minority of subsets of cells from the tumors of neuroepithelial tissue had the capacity to survive, proliferate, and generate free-floating neurosphere-like BTSs in the simplified serum-free medium. These cells attached to the poly-L-lysine coated coverslips in the serum-supplemented medium and differentiated. The BTSCs were CD133 and nestin positive. The rate of CD133 positive cells in the tumor specimens was (21 +/- 6.2)% - (38 +/- 7.0)%. A new simplified culture system for the isolation of BTSCs is established. The tumors of human neuroepithelial tissue contain CD133 and nestin positive tumor stem cells which can be isolated

  13. Neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Davies, Karen


    Pancreatic endocrine tumors are rare neoplasms accounting for less than 5% of pancreatic malignancies. They are broadly classified into either functioning tumors (insulinomas, gastrinomas, glucagonomas, VIPomas, and somatostatinomas) or nonfunctioning tumors. The diagnosis of these tumors is difficult and requires a careful history and examination combined with laboratory tests and radiologic imaging. Signs and symptoms are usually related to hormone hypersecretion in the case of functioning tumors and to tumor size or metastases with nonfunctioning tumors. Surgical resection remains the treatment of choice even in the face of metastatic disease. Further development of novel diagnostic and treatment modalities offers potential to greatly improve quality of life and prolong disease-free survival for patients with pancreatic endocrine tumors.

  14. Neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Davies, Karen


    Pancreatic endocrine tumors are rare neoplasms accounting for less than 5% of pancreatic malignancies. They are broadly classified into either functioning tumors (insulinomas, gastrinomas, glucagonomas, VIPomas, and somatostatinomas) or nonfunctioning tumors. The diagnosis of these tumors is difficult and requires a careful history and examination combined with laboratory tests and radiologic imaging. Signs and symptoms are usually related to hormone hypersecretion in the case of functioning tumors and to tumor size or metastases with nonfunctioning tumors. Surgical resection remains the treatment of choice even in the face of metastatic disease. Further development of novel diagnostic and treatment modalities offers potential to greatly improve quality of life and prolong disease-free survival for patients with pancreatic endocrine tumors.

  15. Role of tumor necrosis factor in flavone acetic acid-induced tumor vasculature shutdown

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahadevan, V.; Malik, S.T.; Meager, A.; Fiers, W.; Lewis, G.P.; Hart, I.R.


    Flavone acetic acid (FAA), a novel investigational antitumor agent, has been shown to cause early vascular shutdown in several experimental murine tumors, and this phenomenon is believed to be crucial to FAA's antitumor effects. However, the basis of this FAA-induced tumor vascular shutdown is unknown. In this study a radioactive tracer-clearance technique has been used as an objective indication of tumor blood flow to show that i.p. administered FAA induces a progressive and sustained reduction in blood flow in a colon 26 tumor growing s.c. in syngeneic mice. As early as 1 h after administration, there was a significant increase in the t1/2 clearance value for intratumorally injected 133Xe, reaching a peak at 3 h (117.3 +/- 36.4 versus 7.8 +/- 0.85 min for controls). Significant inhibition of blood flow was still apparent 48 h after a single injection of drug. This FAA-induced vascular shutdown was virtually abolished in tumor-bearing mice pretreated with an antiserum against tumor necrosis factor, while no such effect was observed in controls pretreated with nonimmune serum (t1/2 of 10.8 +/- 1.2 versus 65.6 +/- 8.0 min for controls). Furthermore, in vitro FAA was seen to induce tumor necrosis factor secretion from murine peritoneal cells and splenocytes. These studies suggest that FAA-induced tumor vascular shutdown in the colon 26 tumor is mediated by tumor necrosis factor

  16. Management of CNS tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griem, M.L.


    The treatment of tumors of the CNS has undergone a number of changes based on the impact of CT. The use of intraoperative US for the establishment of tumor location and tumor histology is demonstrated. MR imaging also is beginning to make an impact on the diagnosis and treatment of tumors of the CNS. Examples of MR images are shown. The authors then discuss the important aspects of tumor histology as it affects management and newer concepts in surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy on tumor treatment. The role of intraoperative placement of radioactive sources, the utilization of heavy particle radiation therapy, and the potential role of other experimental radiation therapy techniques are discussed. The role of hyperfractionated radiation and of neutrons and x-ray in a mixed-beam treatment are discussed in perspective with standard radiation therapy. Current chemotherapy techniques, including intraarterial chemotherapy, are discussed. The complications of radiation therapy alone and in combination with chemotherapy in the management of primary brain tumors, brain metastases, and leukemia are reviewed. A summary of the current management of pituitary tumors, including secreting pituitary adenomas and chromophobe adenomas, are discussed. The treatment with heavy particle radiation, transsphenoidal microsurgical removal, and combined radiotherapeutic and surgical management are considered. Tumor metastasis management of lesions of the brain and spinal cord are considered

  17. Radioiodinated VEGF to image tumor angiogenesis in a LS180 tumor xenograft model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshimoto, Mitsuyoshi; Kinuya, Seigo; Kawashima, Atsuhiro; Nishii, Ryuichi; Yokoyama, Kunihiko; Kawai, Keiichi


    Introduction: Angiogenesis is essential for tumor growth or metastasis. A method involving noninvasive detection of angiogenic activity in vivo would provide diagnostic information regarding antiangiogenic therapy targeting vascular endothelial cells as well as important insight into the role of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor (flt-1 and KDR) system in tumor biology. We evaluated radioiodinated VEGF 121 , which displays high binding affinity for KDR, and VEGF 165 , which possesses high binding affinity for flt-1 and low affinity for KDR, as angiogenesis imaging agents using the LS180 tumor xenograft model. Methods: VEGF 121 and VEGF 165 were labeled with 125 I by the chloramine-T method. Biodistribution was observed in an LS180 human colon cancer xenograft model. Additionally, autoradiographic imaging and immunohistochemical staining of tumors were performed with 125 I-VEGF 121 . Results: 125 I-VEGF 121 and 125 I-VEGF 165 exhibited strong, continuous uptake by tumors and the uterus, an organ characterized by angiogenesis. 125 I-VEGF 121 uptake in tumors was twofold higher than that of 125 I-VEGF 165 (9.12±98 and 4.79±1.08 %ID/g at 2 h, respectively). 125 I-VEGF 121 displayed higher tumor to nontumor (T/N) ratios in most normal organs in comparison with 125 I-VEGF 165 . 125 I-VEGF 121 accumulation in tumors decreased with increasing tumor volume. Autoradiographic and immunohistochemical analyses confirmed that the difference in 125 I-VEGF 121 tumor accumulation correlated with degree of tumor vascularity. Conclusion: Radioiodinated VEGF 121 is a promising tracer for noninvasive delineation of angiogenesis in vivo

  18. Early-postoperative magnetic resonance imaging in glial tumors: prediction of tumor regrowth and recurrence

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ekinci, Gazanfer; Akpinar, Ihsan N. E-mail:; Baltacioglu, Feyyaz; Erzen, Canan; Kilic, Tuerker; Elmaci, Ilhan; Pamir, Necmettin


    Objective: This study investigated the value of early-postoperative magnetic resonance (EPMR) imaging in the detection of residual glial tumor and investigated the role of EPMR for the prediction of tumor regrowth and recurrence. Methods and materials: We retrospectively analyzed pre- and post-operative magnetic resonance imaging results from 50 adult patients who underwent surgical treatment for supratentorial glial tumor. There were glioblastoma multiforme in 25 patients, astrocytoma (grades II and III) in 11 patients, oligodendroglioma (grades II and III) in 9 patients, and oligoastrocytoma (grades II and III) in 5 patients. EPMR imaging was performed within 24 h after surgery. EPMR findings were compared with the neurosurgeon's intraoperative estimation of gross tumor removal. Patterns of contrast enhancement at the resection site, in residual and developing tumor tissue and blood at the resection site were evaluated on EPMR and in follow-up studies. 'Residual tumor' was defined as contrast enhancing mass at the operative site on EPMR. 'Regrowth' was defined as contrast enhancing mass detected on follow-up in the same location as the primary tumor. 'Recurrence' was defined as appearance of a mass lesion in the brain parenchyma distant from the resection bed during follow-up. Results: Nineteen patients showed no evidence of residual tumor, regrowth, or recurrence on EPMR or any of the later follow-up radiological examinations. EPMR identified 20 cases of residual tumor. Follow-up showed tumor regrowth in 10 patients, and tumor recurrence in 1 case. EPMR showed contrast enhancement of the resection bed in 45 of the 50 patients. Four of the 20 residual tumors showed a thick linear enhancement pattern, and the other 16 cases exhibited thick linear-nodular enhancement. No thin linear enhancement was observed in the residual tumor group. Nine of the 10-regrowth tumors showed a thick linear-nodular enhancement pattern, and one

  19. Tumor markers in clinical oncology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Novakovic, S.


    The subtle differences between normal and tumor cells are exploited in the detection and treatment of cancer. These differences are designated as tumor markers and can be either qualitative or quantitative in their nature. That means that both the structures that are produced by tumor cells as well as the structures that are produced in excessive amounts by host tissues under the influence of tumor cells can function as tumor markers. Speaking in general, the tumor markers are the specific molecules appearing in the blood or tissues and the occurrence of which is associated with cancer. According to their application, tumor markers can be roughly divided as markers in clinical oncology and markers in pathology. In this review, only tumor markers in clinical oncology are going to be discussed. Current tumor markers in clinical oncology include (i) oncofetal antigens, (ii) placental proteins, (iii) hormones, (iv) enzymes, (v) tumor-associated antigens, (vi) special serum proteins, (vii) catecholamine metabolites, and (viii) miscellaneous markers. As to the literature, an ideal tumor marker should fulfil certain criteria - when using it as a test for detection of cancer disease: (1) positive results should occur in the early stages of the disease, (2) positive results should occur only in the patients with a specific type of malignancy, (3) positive results should occur in all patients with the same malignancy, (4) the measured values should correlate with the stage of the disease, (5) the measured values should correlate to the response to treatment, (6) the marker should be easy to measure. Most tumor markers available today meet several, but not all criteria. As a consequence of that, some criteria were chosen for the validation and proper selection of the most appropriate marker in a particular malignancy, and these are: (1) markers' sensitivity, (2) specificity, and (3) predictive values. Sensitivity expresses the mean probability of determining an elevated tumor

  20. Tumor Cells Express FcγRl Which Contributes to Tumor Cell Growth and a Metastatic Phenotype

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. Bud Nelson


    Full Text Available High levels of circulating immune complexes containing tumor-associated antigens are associated with a poor prognosis for individuals with cancer. The ability of B cells, previously exposed to tumor-associated antigens, to promote both in vitro and in vivo tumor growth formed the rationale to evaluate the mechanism by which immune complexes may promote tumor growth. In elucidating this mechanism, FcγRl expression by tumor cells was characterized by flow cytometry, polymerase chain reaction, and sequence analysis. Immune complexes containing shed tumor antigen and anti-shed tumor antigen Ab cross-linked FcγRl-expressing tumor cells, which resulted in an induction of tumor cell proliferation and of shed tumor antigen production. Use of selective tyrosine kinase inhibitors demonstrated that tumor cell proliferation induced by immune complex cross-linking of FcγRl is dependent on the tyrosine kinase signal transduction pathway. A selective inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase also inhibited this induction of tumor cell proliferation. These findings support a role for immune complexes and FcγRl expression by tumor cells in augmentation of tumor growth and a metastatic phenotype.

  1. Tumor response to ionizing radiation and combined 2-deoxy-D-glucose application in EATC tumor bearing mice: monitoring of tumor size and microscopic observations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Latz, D.; Thonke, A.; Jueling-Pohlit, L.; Pohlit, W.


    The present study deals with the changes induced by two fractionation schedules (5x9 Gy and 10x4.5 Gy; 30 MeV-electrons) of ionizing radiations and 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose (2-DG) application on EATC tumor bearing swiss albino mice. The monitoring of tumor response was carried out by means of calliper measurement on the macroscopic level and by histopathological examination of tumor preparations stained with hematoxiline and eosine on the microscopic level. The tumor material was assessed at suitable intervals after treatment by killing the animals. The tumor response was analysed in the histological preparations and the thickness of the tumor band was determined quantitatively by an ocularmicrometric technique. Tumor damage was most extensive in the combined treated animals (5x9 Gy + 2-DG). Only in this group local tumor control was achievable. The histological analysis of tumor preparations revealed additional data about treatment-induced changes in the tumor compared to the measurement of the tumor volume with mechanical callipers. We also found that the treatment outcome could be predicted from the histopathological analysis. It is concluded that studies involving histopathological examinations may give some insight into the way cancer is controlled by radiotherapy and may be of value in prognosis and selection of treatment in patients. (orig.) [de

  2. La pintura vista por un pintor joven

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fuentes Pozo, Pedro


    Full Text Available Not available

    El pintor se define a lo largo del tiempo como un artista en mutación influenciado por la sociedad de su momento y por su propio mundo interior Esto ha contribuido a la creación de distintos estilos pictóricos y a una evolución que conlleva la despreocupación por el aspecto formal en aras de una introspección al mundo interior En el cambio constante se refleja la búsqueda del artista que valida la intemporalidad del arte. Así, el verdadero artista sobrevive al aplauso o rechazo de la crítica, convirtiéndose en un verdadero hombre renancentista preocupado por el hallazgo del conocimiento universal.

  3. Experiência inicial com terapia por pressão negativa por instilação em feridas complexas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dimas André Milcheski

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: relatar a experiência inicial com a terapia por pressão negativa por instilação em feridas complexas infectadas ou contaminadas. Métodos: a terapia por pressão negativa por instilação utilizada foi o V.A.C. Ulta com instilação Veraflo (Kinetic Concepts, Inc. O modo de operação foi contínuo com pressão sub-atmosférica ajustada em 125 mmHg por duas horas e instilação entre as pausas. O tempo de instilação foi de 20 minutos (tempo de contato do agente tópico com a ferida e a substância instilada foi solução salina padrão a 0,9%. Após obtenção de preparo adequado da ferida, ela foi coberta com enxerto ou retalho. Resultados: foram operados dez pacientes com feridas complexas contaminadas ou infectadas. O número médio de trocas da TPNi foi 1,4, o número médio total de cirurgias foi de 2,4, o intervalo até a cobertura da ferida foi de 6,3 dias e o intervalo até a alta foi de 11,4 dias. Conclusão: a comparação da terapia por pressão negativa por instilação com dois estudos prévios (controle histórico evidenciou um tempo de internação menor, favorecendo a TPNi. Este estudo teve um caráter inicial, fazendo-se necessário conduzir um trabalho randomizado e controlado para confirmar a eficácia desta terapia e verificar a sua custo-efetividade.

  4. Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation (United States)

    ... navigate their brain tumor diagnosis. WATCH AND SHARE Brain tumors and their treatment can be deadly so ... Pediatric Central Nervous System Cancers Read more >> Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation 302 Ridgefield Court, Asheville, NC 28806 ...

  5. ADAM12 produced by tumor cells rather than stromal cells accelerates breast tumor progression

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frohlich, Camilla; Nehammer, Camilla; Albrechtsen, Reidar


    that ADAM12 deficiency reduces breast tumor progression in the PyMT model. However, the catalytic activity of ADAM12 appears to be dispensable for its tumor-promoting effect. Interestingly, we demonstrate that ADAM12 endogenously expressed in tumor-associated stroma in the PyMT model does not influence......Expression of ADAM12 is low in most normal tissues, but is markedly increased in numerous human cancers, including breast carcinomas. We have previously shown that overexpression of ADAM12 accelerates tumor progression in a mouse model of breast cancer (PyMT). In the present study, we found...... hypothesized, however, that the tumor-associated stroma may stimulate ADAM12 expression in tumor cells, based on the fact that TGF-ß1 stimulates ADAM12 expression and is a well-known growth factor released from tumor-associated stroma. TGF-ß1 stimulation of ADAM12-negative Lewis lung tumor cells induced ADAM12...

  6. Neuropatia experimental por DDT: análise de nervo por microdissecção de fibras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edison Matos Nóvak


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o nervo gênito-femural do rato albino submetido a intoxicação crônica por DDT, administrado por 180 dias na dose de 5 mg/kg de peso via oral. Os resultados mostraram proporção anormal de fibras tipo C, sendo sugerido ocorrer degeneração tipo axonal determinada pelo DDT.

  7. Epidemiological features of brain tumors

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Živković Nenad


    Full Text Available Brain tumors account for 1.4% of all cancers and 2.4% of all cancer-related deaths. The incidence of brain tumors varies and it is higher in developed countries of Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. In Serbia, according to data from 2009, malignant brain tumors account for 2. 2 of all tumors, and from all cancer­related deaths, 3.2% is caused by malignant brain tumors. According to recent statistical reports, an overall incidence of brain tumors for benign and malignant tumors combined is 18.71 per 100,000 persons/year. The most common benign brain tumor in adults is meningioma, which is most present in women, and the most common malignant tumor is glioblastoma, which is most present in adult men. Due to high mortality, especially in patients diagnosed with glioblastoma and significant brain tumor morbidity, there is a constant interest in understanding its etiology in order to possibly prevent tumor occurrence in future and enable more efficient treatment strategies for this fatal brain disease. Despite the continuously growing number of epidemiological studies on possible factors of tumor incidence, the etiology remains unclear. The only established environmental risk factor of gliomas is ionizing radiation exposure. Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields via cell phone use has gained a lot of attention as a potential risk factor of brain tumor development. However, studies have been inconsistent and inconclusive, so more definite results are still expected.

  8. Ptose palpebral causada por Paquidermoperiostose

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Regina de Pinho Tavares


    Full Text Available A paquidermoperiostose é uma síndrome caracterizada por acometimento cutâneo e ósseo, e em alguns casos ocorre comprometimento palpebral leve. É uma síndrome rara, idiopática ou hereditária, com provável herança autossômica dominante de penetrância variável. Descreve-se o caso de um paciente com ptose grave por paquidermoperiostose elucidando sua fisiopatologia e conduta cirúrgica aplicada.

  9. Promotion of Tumor Invasion by Cooperation of Granulocytes and Macrophages Activated by Anti-tumor Antibodies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emilio Barbera-Guillem


    Full Text Available We investigated the potential role of anti-tumor antibodies and tumor antigens in the formation of immune complexes which promote matrix degradation and angiogenesis. B-cell deficient or B-cell depleted mice showed a reduction in tumor invasion and metastasis. In vitro invasion assays and in vivo models of metastasis showed that anti-sTn antibodies and sTn tumor antigens form complexes which induce granulocytes and macrophages together to mediate tumor invasion and metastasis by processes including extracellular matrix degradation and angiogenesis. These results suggest the existence of a tumor promoting role of a B-cell immune response induced by shed tumor associated antigens of solid, nonlymphoid tumors.

  10. Stochastic models for tumoral growth


    Escudero, Carlos


    Strong experimental evidence has indicated that tumor growth belongs to the molecular beam epitaxy universality class. This type of growth is characterized by the constraint of cell proliferation to the tumor border, and surface diffusion of cells at the growing edge. Tumor growth is thus conceived as a competition for space between the tumor and the host, and cell diffusion at the tumor border is an optimal strategy adopted for minimizing the pressure and helping tumor development. Two stoch...

  11. Stochastic models for tumoral growth (United States)

    Escudero, Carlos


    Strong experimental evidence has indicated that tumor growth belongs to the molecular beam epitaxy universality class. This type of growth is characterized by the constraint of cell proliferation to the tumor border and the surface diffusion of cells at the growing edge. Tumor growth is thus conceived as a competition for space between the tumor and the host, and cell diffusion at the tumor border is an optimal strategy adopted for minimizing the pressure and helping tumor development. Two stochastic partial differential equations are reported in this paper in order to correctly model the physical properties of tumoral growth in (1+1) and (2+1) dimensions. The advantage of these models is that they reproduce the correct geometry of the tumor and are defined in terms of polar variables. An analysis of these models allows us to quantitatively estimate the response of the tumor to an unfavorable perturbation during growth.

  12. Punção aspirativa por agulha fina para diagnóstico de mastocitoma em cães Fine needle aspiration for diagnosis of mast cell tumors in dogs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G.E. Lavalle


    Full Text Available Fine needle aspiration (FNA associated with the cytological diagnosis mast cell tumor is a widely employed technique in human medicine, but it is still underused in veterinary medicine. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the efficacy of FNA technique for the diagnosis of mast cell tumors in dogs. Over one year period all dogs referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais with tumor-like formations of the skin were submitted to FNA. In order to detect metastasis, both skin lesions and the regional lymph nodes were subjected to FNA. After surgical removal of the lesions, histological examination indicated a complete agreement with the cytological diagnosis. In conclusion, FNA technique is a good choice for diagnosis of mast cell tumors in dogs. In addition, FNA allows an adequate and early therapeutic planning.

  13. In Vitro Efficient Expansion of Tumor Cells Deriving from Different Types of Human Tumor Samples

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilaria Turin


    Full Text Available Obtaining human tumor cell lines from fresh tumors is essential to advance our understanding of antitumor immune surveillance mechanisms and to develop new ex vivo strategies to generate an efficient anti-tumor response. The present study delineates a simple and rapid method for efficiently establishing primary cultures starting from tumor samples of different types, while maintaining the immuno-histochemical characteristics of the original tumor. We compared two different strategies to disaggregate tumor specimens. After short or long term in vitro expansion, cells analyzed for the presence of malignant cells demonstrated their neoplastic origin. Considering that tumor cells may be isolated in a closed system with high efficiency, we propose this methodology for the ex vivo expansion of tumor cells to be used to evaluate suitable new drugs or to generate tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes or vaccines.

  14. Evolução da mortalidade por neoplasias malignas no Rio Grande do Sul, 1979-1995 Time trends in cancer mortality in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1979-1995

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Luiza Curi Hallal


    Full Text Available Foi analisada a mortalidade por câncer no Rio Grande do Sul (RS, entre 1979 e 1995. As variáveis consideradas foram sexo, idade, ano de ocorrência do óbito e causa básica da morte. Para análise da tendência das taxas padronizadas de mortalidade (método direto, população padrão: RS-1996 foi utilizada a regressão linear simples. As localizações mais freqüentes do tumor foram: pulmão, esôfago, próstata, estômago e cólon/reto, nos homens, e mama, colo do útero/útero não especificado, pulmão, cólon/reto e estômago, nas mulheres. A tendência temporal das taxas padronizadas de mortalidade, em cada sexo, do ponto de vista estatístico, foi de estabilidade, bem como por câncer de cólon/reto feminino e de colo do útero/útero não especificado. Verificou-se tendência estatisticamente significativa de crescimento da mortalidade por câncer de pulmão, em ambos os sexos, mama feminina, próstata e cólon/reto masculino; e, da mesma forma, decréscimo por câncer de estômago, para ambos os sexos, e esôfago, para os homens.The aim of this study was to analyze cancer mortality in Rio Grande do Sul (RS, Brazil, during the period from1979 to 1995. Study variables were sex, age, year and underlying cause of death. The simple linear regression technique was used to evaluate the trend of standardized death rates (direct method, using the population of RS in 1996 as the standard. The most frequent sites of tumors in males were lung, esophagus, prostate, stomach and colon/rectum; in females they were breast, cervix of the uterus, lung, colon/rectum and stomach. Standardized death rates presented a stable trend for all malignant neoplasms in both sexes, as did cancer of cervix of the uterus/ non-specified uterus and colon/rectum tumors in females. A significant rising trend was observed in mortality rates due to lung cancer in both sexes, breast cancer in females, prostate and colon/rectum cancer in males. The rates of stomach cancer


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    Luz Fernanda Sua Villegas


    Full Text Available



    Las metástasis de los tumores sólidos se producen cuando las células de un carcinoma primario o metastásico migran en el sistema circulatorio y proliferan en lugares distantes. Los carcinomas son de origen epitelial y no es habitual que estas células se encuentren en el torrente circulatorio. En los últimos 20 a 30 años se han utilizado diferentes métodos y tecnologías para la determinación de células tumorales circulantes (CTC en sangre periférica y médula ósea. Pero estos sistemas de recolección (Cyto-spins, magnetic beads, latex beads, cell-sorting (flow cytometry, density-gradient media, column separation o de análisis (Immuno-staining, flow cytometry, Imnunohistochemistry, Fluorescence in situ hybridization, nucleic acid probes presentan inconvenientes en cuanto a que son técnicas manuales y no estandarizadas de interpretación subjetiva, algunas sin validadación, con ausencia de un sistema de análisis específicamente diseñado para laboratorios clínicos RUO “components” y ausencia de evidencia clínica constatada que soporte la adopción del estudio de las CTC por los clínicos. 

    El sistema de detección CellSearch representa la primera tecnología automatizada y estandarizada que fue aprobada por la FDA para predecir la progresión y la supervivencia libre de enfermedad en el cáncer de mama metastásico. La presencia de células tumorales circulantes (CTC en sangre periférica detectadas con CellSearch® circulating Tumor Cell System, está asociada a menor supervivencia libre de enfermedad (SLE y menor supervivencia global (SG en pacientes de cáncer de mama, colorrectal y de próstata metastatizante.  

    Palabras clave: Células tumorales circulantes (CTC, tumores sólidos y met

  16. Dietary rice bran component γ-oryzanol inhibits tumor growth in tumor-bearing mice. (United States)

    Kim, Sung Phil; Kang, Mi Young; Nam, Seok Hyun; Friedman, Mendel


    We investigated the effects of rice bran and components on tumor growth in mice. Mice fed standard diets supplemented with rice bran, γ-oryzanol, Ricetrienol®, ferulic acid, or phytic acid for 2 weeks were inoculated with CT-26 colon cancer cells and fed the same diet for two additional weeks. Tumor mass was significantly lower in the γ-oryzanol and less so in the phytic acid group. Tumor inhibition was associated with the following biomarkers: increases in cytolytic activity of splenic natural killer (NK) cells; partial restoration of nitric oxide production and phagocytosis in peritoneal macrophages increases in released the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 from macrophages; and reductions in the number of blood vessels inside the tumor. Pro-angiogenic biomarkers vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and 5-lipoxygenase-5 (5-LOX) were also significantly reduced in mRNA and protein expression by tumor genes. ELISA of tumor cells confirmed reduced expression of COX-2 and 5-LOX up to 30%. Reduced COX-2 and 5-LOX expression downregulated VEGF and inhibited neoangiogenesis inside the tumors. Induction of NK activity, activation of macrophages, and inhibition of angiogenesis seem to contribute to the inhibitory mechanism of tumor regression by γ-oryzanol. © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  17. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography depicts small tumor vessels for the evaluation of pancreatic tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okamoto, Yuko; Kawamoto, Hirofumi; Takaki, Akinobu; Ishida, Etsuji; Ogawa, Tsuneyoshi; Kuwaki, Kenji; Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki; Sakaguchi, Kohsaku; Shiratori, Yasushi


    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for the diagnosis of pancreatic tumors. Materials and methods: Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography with Levovist was performed on 62 consecutive patients (53 with pancreatic cancer, 4 with islet cell tumor, 3 with inflammatory pancreatic tumor, and 2 with metastatic tumor). The vascular and perfusion image phases of the tumors were evaluated and compared with the findings of contrast-enhanced computed tomography. Results: Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography showed tumor vessels around and/or in the tumor at the vascular image phase in 79% of pancreatic cancer patients (42/53). At the perfusion image phase, 96% of pancreatic cancers (51/53) were classified as hypo-enhancement type. However, tiny spotty or irregular heterogeneous enhanced lesions were found in 84% of hypo-enhanced pancreatic cancer patients (43/51). The presence of small vessels at the vascular image phase was closely correlated with the presence of these intratumor regional enhanced lesions at the perfusion image phase (κ coefficient = 0.42). The sensitivity of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (100%) for pancreatic cancer was superior to that of contrast-enhanced computed tomography (91%), but no significant difference was observed between the two (McNemar test: p = 0.063). Conclusion: Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography with Levovist successfully visualizes fine vessels and enhancement in pancreatic tumors, and is useful for evaluating pancreatic tumors

  18. Tumor scintigram, 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakano, Shunichi; Hasegawa, Yoshihisa; Shimura, Kazuo; Ifuka, Keijiro


    In various cases of malignant tumors, especially those of lung cancer and liver cancer, scans were made with 57 Co-bleomycin(BLM), and its diagnostic significance was evaluated. Tumors were visualized with 57 Co-BLM in 22 of the 26 cases of lung cancer (84.6%). Concentrations of the RI were noted in all of the cases of squamous epithelium cancer, adenoid cancer and cellule-type undifferentiated cancer. The smallest tumor that could be detected was a 2 x 2 cm adenoid cancer. Tumors were imaged in 19 of the 27 cases of liver cancer (70.4%). This detection rate was increased by a combination of 57 Co-BLM and 198 Au-colloid scanning. The authors believe that 57 Co-BLM will help to establish the diagnosis of lung cancer or liver cancer. Tumors were also imaged in 6 of the 15 cases of breast cancer, but no distinct concentration was noted in the 7 cases of thyroid cancer. (Ueda, J.)

  19. Parotid hybrid tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bravo C, Gustavo; Seymour M, Camila; Fernandez R, Lara; Villanueva I, Maria Elena; Scott C, Carlos; Celedon L, Carlos


    Tumors of the salivary glands represent 33%-10% of head and neck neoplasms. The most common location is the parotid gland, accounting for 50%-85% of the cases, with 20%-30% of them being malignant. The following are known to be indicative of a malignant tumor: fast growing, painless mass, associated facial paralysis and lymphadenopathy. Most parotid neoplasm derive from a single histological type but eventually the development of more than one type on the same gland can occur. This paper presents a case of a parotid neoplasm with two different histological tumors, with uncharacteristic clinical presentation. The patient presented initially with ear pain and otorrhoea, in the clinical examination highlighted an external auditory canal tumor. The complementary study revealed a parotid neoplasm and a total resection of the gland was performed. The biopsy revealed an adenoid-cystic carcinoma with differentiated basaloid areas. Adjuvant radio-chemotherapy was administered, and the imaging control with PET-CT showed no evidence of recurrence or dissemination of the tumor

  20. Calidad de Vida en Pacientes con Tumores Cerebrales: Importancia de las Variables Psicológicas


    Ana Sanz Cortés; Maria Eugenia Olivares Crespo


    Los síntomas clínicos de ansiedad y depresión, así como el deterioro cognitivo determinan la calida de vida de los pacientes con tumores cerebrales (Liu, Page, Solheim, Fox y Chang, 2009). El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la calidad de vida y su relación con diferentes variables psicológicas en individuos diagnosticados de glioma hace seis meses. La muestra estuvo formada por 28 pacientes (58.6% hombres) con una edad media de 54.38 años, el 89.2% de los cuales estaba recibiendo tratami...

    1. Tumor segmentation of whole-body magnetic resonance imaging in neurofibromatosis type 1 patients: tumor burden correlates

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Heffler, Michael A.; Xi, Yin; Chhabra, Avneesh [University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Dallas, TX (United States); Le, Lu Q. [University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Dermatology, Dallas, TX (United States)


      Segmentation of whole-body MRI (WBMRI) to assess the feasibility, quantitate the total tumor volume (tumor burden) in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and examine associations with demographic, disease-related and anthropomorphic features. A consecutive series of patients with NF1 underwent WBMRI and were reviewed for tumors. Tumors were segmented using a semiautomated software-based tool. Tumors were classified as superficial or deep and discrete or plexiform. Segmentation times were recorded. Segmentation yielded the quantity and tumor burden of superficial, internal and plexiform tumors. Correlations between segmentation data and demographic, disease-related and anthropomorphic features were examined. Fifteen patients were evaluated (42.3 ± 13.6 years, 10 female, 5 male). Segmentation times were a median of 30 min and yielded 2,328 tumors (1,582 superficial, 746 internal and 23 plexiform). One tumor was malignant. Tumor counts ranged from 14 to 397. Tumor burden ranged from 6.95 cm3 to 571 cm3. Individual tumor volume ranged from 0.0120 cm3 to 298 cm3. Significant correlation was found between the total volume of superficial tumors and height (ρ = 0.5966, p < 0.02). Male patients had higher overall tumor burdens (p < 0.05) and higher superficial tumor burden (p < 0.03). Patients with negative family history had more tumors (p < 0.05). Segmentation of WBMRI in patients with NF1 is feasible and elucidates meaningful relationships among disease phenotype, anthropomorphic and demographic features. (orig.)

    2. Tumor segmentation of whole-body magnetic resonance imaging in neurofibromatosis type 1 patients: tumor burden correlates

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Heffler, Michael A.; Xi, Yin; Chhabra, Avneesh; Le, Lu Q.


      Segmentation of whole-body MRI (WBMRI) to assess the feasibility, quantitate the total tumor volume (tumor burden) in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and examine associations with demographic, disease-related and anthropomorphic features. A consecutive series of patients with NF1 underwent WBMRI and were reviewed for tumors. Tumors were segmented using a semiautomated software-based tool. Tumors were classified as superficial or deep and discrete or plexiform. Segmentation times were recorded. Segmentation yielded the quantity and tumor burden of superficial, internal and plexiform tumors. Correlations between segmentation data and demographic, disease-related and anthropomorphic features were examined. Fifteen patients were evaluated (42.3 ± 13.6 years, 10 female, 5 male). Segmentation times were a median of 30 min and yielded 2,328 tumors (1,582 superficial, 746 internal and 23 plexiform). One tumor was malignant. Tumor counts ranged from 14 to 397. Tumor burden ranged from 6.95 cm3 to 571 cm3. Individual tumor volume ranged from 0.0120 cm3 to 298 cm3. Significant correlation was found between the total volume of superficial tumors and height (ρ = 0.5966, p < 0.02). Male patients had higher overall tumor burdens (p < 0.05) and higher superficial tumor burden (p < 0.03). Patients with negative family history had more tumors (p < 0.05). Segmentation of WBMRI in patients with NF1 is feasible and elucidates meaningful relationships among disease phenotype, anthropomorphic and demographic features. (orig.)

    3. Irradiation effects on the tumor and adjacent tissues of brain tumor-bearing mice

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Yoshii, Yoshihiko; Maki, Yutaka; Tsunemoto, Hiroshi; Koike, Sachiko; Furukawa, Shigeo.


      C 3 H mice aged 56 - 70 days, weighing 27 - 37 g were used throughout this experiment. A transplantable fibrosarcoma arising spontaneously from C 3 H mice was used. For experiment, 10 4 tumor cells suspended in 0.025 ml of saline solution were injected into the cerebral hemisphere by a 26 gauge needle with a micrometer syringe under nembutal anesthesia. Whole brain irradiation was performed at 7 days after injection of the tumor cells and the radiation doses were 2,000 and 20,000 rads, respectively. The feature of x-rays were 200 kVp, 20 mA, 0.5 mm Cu + 0.5 mm Al filtration and TSD 20 cm. The dose-rate was 340 - 360 R/min. The articles of this study were as follows: a) Determination of LD 50 values for the mice, tumor-bearing in the brain or non-tumor-bearing; and b) Observation of clinical features and gross autopsy findings of the mice following irradiation. The LD 50 values for 2,000 rad irradiation in the tumor-bearing or non-tumor-bearing mice were 10.9 and 11.4 days, respectively. LD 50 values of 3.7 days and 4.3 days were the results for the tumor-bearing and non-tumor-bearing mice irradiated by 20,000 rad, respectively. On the other hand, the LD 50 value for the control group, i.e. non-irradiated mice, was 6.7 days. At postmortem examinations, gastrointestinal bleeding was observed frequently in mice bearing tumor in the brain. Whole brain irradiation is effective to prolong the life of tumor-bearing mice. However, in some instances, deaths have occurred earlier in tumor-bearing mice compared to the control group. (author)

    4. Brain Tumors (For Parents) (United States)

      ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Brain Tumors KidsHealth / For Parents / Brain Tumors What's in ... radiation therapy or chemotherapy, or both. Types of Brain Tumors There are many different types of brain ...

    5. Suppression of cytochrome P450 reductase (POR) expression in hepatoma cells replicates the hepatic lipidosis observed in hepatic POR-null mice. (United States)

      Porter, Todd D; Banerjee, Subhashis; Stolarczyk, Elzbieta I; Zou, Ling


      Cytochrome P450 reductase (POR) is a microsomal electron transport protein essential to cytochrome P450-mediated drug metabolism and sterol and bile acid synthesis. The conditional deletion of hepatic POR gene expression in mice results in a marked decrease in plasma cholesterol levels counterbalanced by the accumulation of triglycerides in lipid droplets in hepatocytes. To evaluate the role of cholesterol and bile acid synthesis in this hepatic lipidosis, as well as the possible role of lipid transport from peripheral tissues, we developed a stable, small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated cell culture model for the suppression of POR. POR mRNA and protein expression were decreased by greater than 50% in McArdle-RH7777 rat hepatoma cells 10 days after transfection with a POR-siRNA expression plasmid, and POR expression was nearly completely extinguished by day 20. Immunofluorescent analysis revealed a marked accumulation of lipid droplets in cells by day 15, accompanied by a nearly 2-fold increase in cellular triglyceride content, replicating the lipidosis seen in hepatic POR-null mouse liver. In contrast, suppression of CYP51A1 (lanosterol demethylase) did not result in lipid accumulation, indicating that loss of cholesterol synthesis is not the basis for this lipidosis. Indeed, addition of cholesterol to the medium appeared to augment the lipidosis in POR-suppressed cells, whereas removal of lipids from the medium reversed the lipidosis. Oxysterols did not accumulate in POR-suppressed cells, discounting a role for liver X receptor in stimulating triglyceride synthesis, but addition of chenodeoxycholate significantly repressed lipid accumulation, suggesting that the absence of bile acids and loss of farnesoid X receptor stimulation lead to excessive triglyceride synthesis.

    6. Tumor immunology. (United States)

      Mocellin, Simone; Lise, Mario; Nitti, Donato


      Advances in tumor immunology are supporting the clinical implementation of several immunological approaches to cancer in the clinical setting. However, the alternate success of current immunotherapeutic regimens underscores the fact that the molecular mechanisms underlying immune-mediated tumor rejection are still poorly understood. Given the complexity of the immune system network and the multidimensionality of tumor/host interactions, the comprehension of tumor immunology might greatly benefit from high-throughput microarray analysis, which can portrait the molecular kinetics of immune response on a genome-wide scale, thus accelerating the discovery pace and ultimately catalyzing the development of new hypotheses in cell biology. Although in its infancy, the implementation of microarray technology in tumor immunology studies has already provided investigators with novel data and intriguing new hypotheses on the molecular cascade leading to an effective immune response against cancer. Although the general principles of microarray-based gene profiling have rapidly spread in the scientific community, the need for mastering this technique to produce meaningful data and correctly interpret the enormous output of information generated by this technology is critical and represents a tremendous challenge for investigators, as outlined in the first section of this book. In the present Chapter, we report on some of the most significant results obtained with the application of DNA microarray in this oncology field.

    7. Consanguinidad por isonimia en Salta

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Albeza, María V.


      Full Text Available Se estimó el coeficiente de parentesco por isonimia para localidades de la Puna, Valle Calchaquí y Valle de Lerma, a fin de evaluar diferentes factores evolutivos que podrían estar afectando la composición genética de la población. A partir de los apellidos de las parejas consignadas en fuentes primarias de información, se estimó la isonimia conyugal o marital, el coeficiente total Ft y sus componentes Fr (inbreeding azaroso y Fn (inbreeding no azaroso. De las localidades estudiadas, en la Puna se ha detectado sólo una pareja isónima en una de ellas, en el Valle Calchaquí, tres y ninguna en el Valle de Lerma. Tanto en el Valle Calchaquí como en el de Lerma, se han estimado valores negativos de Ft, y en la Puna se registran los valores más elevados. En las localidades estudiadas no se cumple el supuesto de transmisión patrilineal de apellidos por lo que los valores de Fr y por ende de Ft podrían estar subestimados. Es por ello que sería necesario contar con información desde otras vertientes metodológicas para corroborar, complementar y manejar cuidadosamente el análisis de los datos y las conclusiones que se obtienen.

    8. Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity: what Are we Doing about it? Prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la cardiotoxicidad inducida por quimioterapia: ¿qué estamos haciendo?

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Lázaro de la Cruz Avilés


      Full Text Available Heart disease and malignant tumors are the two leading causes of death in Cuba, with mortality rates of 197,5 and 193,6 per 100 000, respectively, in 2011. In Cienfuegos, malignant tumors were the leading cause of death with a rate of 115,2 followed by heart disease with 102,6 per 100 000 inhabitants. The improvements in the detection and treatment of cancer have led to a new cohort of patients achieving such a long survival that cardiac complications may appear. Unfortunately, the wide knowledge on biochemical pathways involved in cancer targeted therapy has not been accompanied by a parallel understanding of cardiac consequences of their modulation.Las enfermedades del corazón y los tumores malignos constituyen las dos primeras causas de muerte en Cuba, con tasas de mortalidad de 197,5 y 193,6 por 100 000 habitantes, respectivamente, en el año 2011. En Cienfuegos los tumores malignos fueron la primera causa de muerte con una tasa de 115,2 seguida de las enfermedades del corazón con 102,6 por 100 000 habitantes. Las mejoras alcanzadas en la detección y el tratamiento del cáncer han dado origen a una nueva cohorte de pacientes que alcanzan una supervivencia suficiente para que puedan aparecer complicaciones cardíacas derivadas del tratamiento. Lamentablemente, el abundante conocimiento sobre las vías bioquímicas involucradas en el tratamiento dirigido del cáncer no se ha visto acompañado de un conocimiento paralelo de las consecuencias cardíacas de su modulación.

    9. Nefrectomía simple por puerto único (LESS) asistida por robot (da Vinci)




      Introducción: La cirugía mínimamente invasiva en urología avanza rápidamente y la cirugía laparo-endoscópica a través de puerto único (LESS) no es la excepción. Esta técnica por vía laparoscópica presenta mucha dificultad y requiere de un cirujano laparoscópico experimentado debido a la falta de triangulación y el cruce de los instrumentos. Los beneficios del sistema quirúrgico da Vinci® han sido introducidos recientemente en LESS. Presentamos dos casos de nefrectomía LESS asistida por robot....

    10. Tumor-associated fibrosis as a regulator of tumor immunity and response to immunotherapy. (United States)

      Jiang, Hong; Hegde, Samarth; DeNardo, David G


      Tumor-associated fibrosis is characterized by unchecked pro-fibrotic and pro-inflammatory signaling. The components of fibrosis including significant numbers of cancer-associated fibroblasts, dense collagen deposition, and extracellular matrix stiffness, are well appreciated regulators of tumor progression but may also be critical regulators of immune surveillance. While this suggests that the efficacy of immunotherapy may be limited in highly fibrotic cancers like pancreas, it also suggests a therapeutic opportunity to target fibrosis in these tumor types to reawaken anti-tumor immunity. This review discusses the mechanisms by which fibrosis might subvert tumor immunity and how to overcome these mechanisms.

    11. Tumor Heterogeneity and Drug Resistance

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Kucerova, L.; Skolekova, S.; Kozovska, Z.


      New generation of sequencing methodologies revealed unexpected complexity and genomic alterations linked with the tumor subtypes. This diversity exists across the tumor types, histologic tumor subtypes and subsets of the tumor cells within the same tumor. This phenomenon is termed tumor heterogeneity. Regardless of its origin and mechanisms of development it has a major impact in the clinical setting. Genetic, phenotypic and expression pattern diversity of tumors plays critical role in the selection of suitable treatment and also in the prognosis prediction. Intratumoral heterogeneity plays a key role in the intrinsic and acquired chemoresistance to cytotoxic and targeted therapies. In this review we focus on the mechanisms of intratumoral and inter tumoral heterogeneity and their relationship to the drug resistance. Understanding of the mechanisms and spatiotemporal dynamics of tumor heterogeneity development before and during the therapy is important for the ability to design individual treatment protocols suitable in the given molecular context. (author)

    12. 201Tl scintigraphic evaluation of tumor mass and viability of bone and soft-tissue tumors

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Tsuda, Takatoshi; Kubota, Masahiro; Yoshida, Satoru; Shibata, Masahito; Wakabayashi, Jun-ichi; Obata, Hiroyuki; Matsuyama, Toshikatsu; Usui, Masamichi; Ishii, Sei-ichi.


      To characterize 201 Tl uptake in patients with bone and soft-tissue tumor, we studied 49 patients with surgically proven tumors and one patient with a tumor diagnosed arteriographically. In 37 of our 50 patients, the tumor was evaluated with 201 Tl and arteriography. Moreover, in 14 of patients with pre-operative chemotherapy, pathologic changes were graded on the basis of percent tumor necrosis as defined histologically. The percent tumor necrosis histologically was compared with changes in the scintigraphic and conventional angiographic studies. Radiologic comparisons demonstrated a high degree of correlation with images of 201 Tl and both arterial and blood pool phase of 99m Tc-HMDP. Ninety-six percent of 28 malignant tumors had positive 201 Tl uptake. None of the patients showed any thallium accumulation in the soft tissues or skeleton adjacent to the lesion. Activity of 201 Tl was mainly dependent upon a tumor blood flow and a vascular density. In of 14 cases with the preoperative chemotherapeutic treatment, 201 Tl scintigraphic changes showed concordance with % tumor necrosis. Thallium-201 was superior to 99m Tc-HMDP in predicting tumor response to chemotherapy. Interestingly, delayed images of 99m Tc-HMDP of 5 responders with >90% tumor necrosis showed decreased uptake in the adjacent bone to the tumor mass lesions. It seems to be quite all right to consider that a major determinant of 201 Tl uptake is intratumoral angiogenecity, which is closely connected with tumor viability. Therefore, 201 Tl is a sensitive radiopharmaceutical for detection of vascular rich bone and soft-tissue tumors, and appears to be a simple and an accurate test for evaluating the response to specific therapeutic regimens of malignant bone and soft-tissue tumors. (author)

    13. Enrichment of tumor cells for cell kinetic analysis in human tumor biopsies using cytokeratin gating

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Haustermans, K.; Hofland, I.; Ramaekers, M.; Ivanyi, D.; Balm, A.J.M.; Geboes, K.; Lerut, T.; Schueren, E. van der; Begg, A.C.


      Purpose: To determine the feasibility of using cytokeratin antibodies to distinguish normal and malignant cells in human tumors using flow cytometry. The goal was ultimately to increase the accuracy of cell kinetic measurements on human tumor biopsies. Material and methods: A panel of four antibodies was screened on a series of 48 tumors from two centres; 22 head and neck tumors (Amsterdam) and 26 esophagus carcinomas (Leuven). First, screening was carried out by immunohistochemistry on frozen sections to test intensity of staining and the fraction of cytokeratin-positive tumor cells. The antibody showing the most positive staining was then used for flow cytometry on the same tumor. Results: The two broadest spectrum antibodies (AE1/AE3, E3/C4) showed overall the best results with immunohistochemical staining, being positive in over 95% of tumors. Good cell suspensions for DNA flow cytometry could be made from frozen material by a mechanical method, whereas enzymatic methods with trypsin or collagenase were judged failures in almost all cases. >From fresh material, both collagenase and trypsin produced good suspensions for flow cytometry, although the fraction of tumor cells, judged by proportion aneuploid cells, was markedly higher for trypsin. Using the best cytokeratin antibody for each tumor, two parameter flow cytometry was done (cytokeratin versus DNA content). Enrichment of tumor cells was then tested by measuring the fraction of aneuploid cells (the presumed malignant population) of cytokeratin-positive cells versus all cells. An enrichment factor ranging between 0 (no enrichment) and 1 (perfect enrichment, tumor cells only) was then calculated. The average enrichment was 0.60 for head and neck tumors and 0.59 for esophagus tumors. Conclusions: We conclude that this method can substantially enrich the proportion of tumor cells in biopsies from carcinomas. Application of this method could significantly enhance accuracy of tumor cell kinetic measurements

    14. Human CD34+ cells engineered to express membrane-bound tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand target both tumor cells and tumor vasculature. (United States)

      Lavazza, Cristiana; Carlo-Stella, Carmelo; Giacomini, Arianna; Cleris, Loredana; Righi, Marco; Sia, Daniela; Di Nicola, Massimo; Magni, Michele; Longoni, Paolo; Milanesi, Marco; Francolini, Maura; Gloghini, Annunziata; Carbone, Antonino; Formelli, Franca; Gianni, Alessandro M


      Adenovirus-transduced CD34+ cells expressing membrane-bound tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (CD34-TRAIL+ cells) exert potent antitumor activity. To further investigate the mechanism(s) of action of CD34-TRAIL+ cells, we analyzed their homing properties as well as antitumor and antivascular effects using a subcutaneous myeloma model in immunodeficient mice. After intravenous injection, transduced cells homed in the tumor peaking at 48 hours when 188 plus or minus 25 CD45+ cells per 10(5) tumor cells were detected. Inhibition experiments showed that tumor homing of CD34-TRAIL+ cells was largely mediated by vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and stromal cell-derived factor-1. Both CD34-TRAIL+ cells and soluble (s)TRAIL significantly reduced tumor volume by 40% and 29%, respectively. Computer-aided analysis of TdT-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling-stained tumor sections demonstrated significantly greater effectiveness for CD34-TRAIL+ cells in increasing tumor cell apoptosis and necrosis over sTRAIL. Proteome array analysis indicated that CD34-TRAIL+ cells and sTRAIL activate similar apoptotic machinery. In vivo staining of tumor vasculature with sulfosuccinimidyl-6-(biotinamido) hexanoate-biotin revealed that CD34-TRAIL+ cells but not sTRAIL significantly damaged tumor vasculature, as shown by TdT-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling+ endothelial cells, appearance of hemorrhagic areas, and marked reduction of endothelial area. These results demonstrate that tumor homing of CD34-TRAIL+ cells induces early vascular disruption, resulting in hemorrhagic necrosis and tumor destruction.

    15. Non-tumor enhancement at the surgical margin on CT after the removal of brain tumors

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Adachi, Michito; Hosoya, Takaaki; Yamaguchi, Kohichi; Yamada, Kiyotada


      Marginal enhancement is occasionally seen at the surgical margin on CT after the total removal of brain tumors. This enhancement disappears in due time, and therefore we call it non-tumor enhancement. It is often difficult, however, to differentiate non-tumor enhancement from tumor recurrence. In this study, we attempted to determine the characteristics of non-tumor enhancement. The subjects of the study consisted of 15 patients with astrocytoma and one with metastatic tumor in whom sequential CT scans had been performed after total removal of the tumor. Based on the observation of these sequential CT scans, the characteristics of non-tumor enhancement were presumed to be as follows: (1) In four cases, enhancement at the surgical margin persisted more than four months after surgery and then disappeared. Therefore, these cases were considered non-tumor enhancement. Prolonged duration of enhancement such as that in these cases is not necessarily due to recurrence. Marginal enhancement within 3 mm in thickness and with a well-demarcated border like that of a flax is likely to be non-tumor enhancement. (author)

    16. Imaging findings of sacral tumors

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Kim, Seung Ho; Hong, Sung Hwan; Choi, Ja Young; Koh, Sung Hye; Chung, Hye Won; Choi, Jung Ah; Kang, Heung Sik


      The various pathologic conditions detected at CT and MRI and subsumed by the term 'sacral tumor' include primary bone tumors, sacral canal tumors and metastases. Among these, metastases are much more common than primary bone tumors, of which chordoma is the most common. Although the imaging findings of sacral tumors are nonspecific, a patient's age and sex, and specific findings such as calcification or fluid-fluid levels, can help radiologists in their differential diagnosis. We describe the imaging findings of primary sacral tumors, emphasizing the MRI findings

    17. Investigation of HIFU-induced anti-tumor immunity in a murine tumor model

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Lyerly H Kim


      Full Text Available Abstract Background High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU is an emerging non-invasive treatment modality for localized treatment of cancers. While current clinical strategies employ HIFU exclusively for thermal ablation of the target sites, biological responses associated with both thermal and mechanical damage from focused ultrasound have not been thoroughly investigated. In particular, endogenous danger signals from HIFU-damaged tumor cells may trigger the activation of dendritic cells. This response may play a critical role in a HIFU-elicited anti-tumor immune response which can be harnessed for more effective treatment. Methods Mice bearing MC-38 colon adenocarcinoma tumors were treated with thermal and mechanical HIFU exposure settings in order to independently observe HIFU-induced effects on the host's immunological response. In vivo dendritic cell activity was assessed along with the host's response to challenge tumor growth. Results Thermal and mechanical HIFU were found to increase CD11c+ cells 3.1-fold and 4-fold, respectively, as compared to 1.5-fold observed for DC injection alone. In addition, thermal and mechanical HIFU increased CFSE+ DC accumulation in draining lymph nodes 5-fold and 10-fold, respectively. Moreover, focused ultrasound treatments not only caused a reduction in the growth of primary tumors, with tumor volume decreasing by 85% for thermal HIFU and 43% for mechanical HIFU, but they also provided protection against subcutaneous tumor re-challenge. Further immunological assays confirmed an enhanced CTL activity and increased tumor-specific IFN-γ-secreting cells in the mice treated by focused ultrasound, with cytotoxicity induced by mechanical HIFU reaching as high as 27% at a 10:1 effector:target ratio. Conclusion These studies present initial encouraging results confirming that focused ultrasound treatment can elicit a systemic anti-tumor immune response, and they suggest that this immunity is closely related to

    18. Curettage of benign bone tumors and tumor like lesions: A retrospective analysis

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Zile Singh Kundu


      Full Text Available Background: Curettage is one of the most common treatment options for benign lytic bone tumors and tumor like lesions. The resultant defect is usually filled. We report our outcome curettage of benign bone tumors and tumor like lesions without filling the cavity. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively studied 42 patients (28 males and 14 females with benign bone tumors who had undergone curettage without grafting or filling of the defect by any other bone graft substitute. The age of the patients ranged from 14 to 66 years. The most common histological diagnosis was that of giant cell tumor followed by simple bone cyst, aneurysamal bone cyst, enchondroma, fibrous dysplasia, chondromyxoid fibroma, and chondroblastoma and giant cell reparative granuloma. Of the 15 giant cell tumors, 4 were radiographic grade 1 lesions, 8 were grade 2 and 3 grade 3. The mean maximum diameter of the cysts was 5.1 (range 1.1-9 cm cm and the mean volume of the lesions was 34.89 cm 3 (range 0.94-194.52 cm 3 . The plain radiographs of the part before and after curettage were reviewed to establish the size of the initial defect and the rate of reconstitution, filling and remodeling of the bone defect. Patients were reviewed every 3 monthly for a minimum period of 2 years. Results: Most of the bone defects completely reconstituted to a normal appearance while the rest filled partially. Two patients had preoperative and three had postoperative fractures. All the fractures healed uneventfully. Local recurrence occurred in three patients with giant cell tumor who were then reoperated. All other patients had unrestricted activities of daily living after surgery. The rate of bone reconstitution, risk of subsequent fracture or the incidence of complications was related to the size of the cyst/tumor at diagnosis. The benign cystic bone lesions with volume greater than approximately 70 cm 3 were found to have higher incidence of complications. Conclusion: This study

    19. Análisis de costos por ausentismo laboral atribuibles a licencias médicas por enfermedad. Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza 2015


      Jave Escalante, Gladys Lizeth


      Determina el costo generado por el ausentismo laboral atribuible a licencias médicas por enfermedad en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza 2015. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio no experimental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 118 médicos asistenciales y personal de enfermería. Para el análisis de los costos se utilizó el costo de tiempo perdido del paciente, ingresos dejados de percibir por el hospital y descuento económico al trabajador. Además se realizó un análisis económico y de sensibilidad. ...

    20. Initiative action of tumor-associated macrophage during tumor metastasis

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Saroj Singh


      In this review article, we present an overview of mechanisms responsible for TAMs recruitment and highlight the roles of TAMs in the regulation of tumor angiogenesis, invasion, metastasis, immunosuppression, and chemotherapeutic resistance. We describe the interplay between Th17 cells and other immune cells in the tumor microenvironment, and we assess both the potential antitumorigenic and pro-tumorigenic activities of Th17 cells and their associated cytokines. Understanding the nature of Th17 cell responses in the tumor microenvironment will be important for the design of more efficacious cancer immunotherapies. Finally, we discuss TAM-targeting therapy as a promising novel strategy for an indirect cancer therapy.

    1. Indice por Materias

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Montoya H Luz Marina


      Full Text Available Un índice es una lista de palabras o frases indicadores asociados que permite la ubicación de material al interior de un libro o una publicación, en este caso será por el nombre de la materia.

    2. Should direct measurements of tumor oxygenation relate to the radiobiological hypoxic fraction of a tumor?

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Fenton, Bruce M.; Kiani, Mohammad F.; Siemann, Dietmar W.


      Purpose: Numerous previous studies have attempted to relate the radiobiological hypoxic fraction (HF) to direct measures of tumor oxygenation such as HbO 2 saturations, tumor pO 2 levels, or hypoxic cell labeling. Although correlations have been found within tumor lines, no overall relationships were seen across tumor lines. The current objective was to examine the effect on HF of changes in the fractions of the oxygenated and anoxic tumor cells that remain clonogenic. Methods and Materials: A mathematical model was developed that relates the HF to direct measures of tumor oxygenation. The primary assumptions were that: (a) the tumor is divided into distinct compartments of either fully oxygenated or fully anoxic cells, and (b) the survival of the oxygenated cells is negligible compared to that of the anoxic cells. Based on these assumptions, the HF is plotted as a function of the fractions of clonogenic or nonclonogenic, and oxygenated or anoxic cells. Results: If all cells are clonogenic, then the HF equals the fraction of anoxic cells. If a higher fraction of anoxic than oxygenated cells are nonclonogenic, then the HF will be overestimated by the fraction of the tumor measured to be anoxic using direct measuring techniques. If a higher fraction of the oxygenated than anoxic cells are nonclonogenic, the HF will be underestimated by the fraction of anoxic cells. Conclusion: Correlations between the HF and direct measures of tumor oxygenation have been described within tumor lines evaluated under different physiological condition. However, such relationships can be totally unpredictable between different tumors if the fraction of the anoxic cells that is clonogenic varies substantially. Clearly, if tumor anoxia cannot be detected using direct measures, this is an accurate indication that the tumor is well oxygenated. When tumor anoxia is present, however, the conclusions are ambiguous. Even when a small fraction of the tumor is measured as anoxic, direct measures

    3. Inhibition of IL-17A suppresses enhanced-tumor growth in low dose pre-irradiated tumor beds.

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      Eun-Jung Lee

      Full Text Available Ionizing radiation induces modification of the tumor microenvironment such as tumor surrounding region, which is relevant to treatment outcome after radiotherapy. In this study, the effects of pre-irradiated tumor beds on the growth of subsequently implanted tumors were investigated as well as underlying mechanism. The experimental model was set up by irradiating the right thighs of C3H/HeN mice with 5 Gy, followed by the implantation of HCa-I and MIH-2. Both implanted tumors in the pre-irradiated bed showed accelerated-growth compared to the control. Tumor-infiltrated lymphocyte (TIL levels were increased, as well as pro-tumor factors such as IL-6 and transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β1 in the pre-irradiated group. In particular, the role of pro-tumor cytokine interleukin-17A (IL-17A was investigated as a possible target mechanism because IL-6 and TGF-β are key factors in Th17 cells differentiation from naïve T cells. IL-17A expression was increased not only in tumors, but also in CD4+ T cells isolated from the tumor draining lymph nodes. The effect of IL-17A on tumor growth was confirmed by treating tumors with IL-17A antibody, which abolished the acceleration of tumor growth. These results indicate that the upregulation of IL-17A seems to be a key factor for enhancing tumor growth in pre-irradiated tumor beds.

    4. Linfoma de Burkitt: informe de un caso diagnosticado por laparotomía Burkitt's lymphoma: report of a case diagnosed by laparotomy

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      Rafael Pinilla González


      Full Text Available El linfoma de Burkitt no endémico es un tumor de frecuente localización abdominal, por lo que se debe tener presente ante cualquier masa intraabdominal. Aunque el tratamiento de elección es la quimioterapia, existe controversia respecto del papel que debe desempeñar la cirugía, especialmente en casos donde el diagnóstico se establece durante una laparotomía exploradora. Este fue el caso de una adolescente de 14 años que presentó una masa hipogástrica y otra menor en la fosa ilíaca derecha. Algunos autores no aceptan la cirugía y añaden que puede retrasar y complicar el tratamiento quimioterápeutico, mientras que otros autores defienden la cirugía reductora de masa tumoral asociada a la quimioterapia. Esta controversia es especialmente importante cuando el diagnóstico se establece en el curso de una laparotomía exploradora, durante la cual hay que decidir si extirpar la masa tumoral o no hacerlo. En nuestro caso decidimos extirpar todo el tumor macroscópico. La buena evolución de nuestra paciente y los resultados comunicados apoyan esta postura.Non-endemic Burkitt's lymphoma is a tumor of frequent abdominal localization that should be taken into consideration before any intraabdominal mass. Although chemotherapy is the election treatment, there is controversy as regards the role surgery should play, specially in those cases where the diagnosis is established by explorative laparotomy. This was the case of a 14-year-old adolescent that presented a hypogastric mass and another lower mass in the right iliac fossa. Some authors do not accept surgery and state that it may delay and complicate chemotherapy, whereas other authors defend the tumoral mass-reducing surgery associated with chemotherapy. This controversy is particularly important when the diagnosis is made in the course of an explorative laparotomy and it should be decided wether to remove the tumoral mass or not. In our case, it was decided to remove the whole macroscopic

    5. Pancreatic endocrine tumors or apudomas Tumores endocrinos o apudomas pancreáticos

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      Modesto Varas


      áticos (TEP son difíciles de diagnosticar. Su localización exacta mediante métodos de imagen tiene el propósito de lograr una curación definitiva. El objetivo de este trabajo retrospectivo fue revisar una serie institucional privada de TEP. Pacientes y métodos: se revisaron las historias clínicas de 19 pacientes con TEP, 4 casos con NEM-1, observados durante 17 años (1994-2010. Se creó una base de datos con diez parámetros: edad y sexo, síntomas, métodos diagnósticos de imagen, tamaño y situación en el páncreas, metástasis, cirugía, complicaciones, tratamientos complementarios, diagnóstico definitivo, supervivencia o éxitus. Resultados: en total se analizaron 19 casos. La edad media de presentación fue 51 años (intervalo: 26-67 años (14 varones y 5 mujeres, con un tamaño del tumor de 5 a 80 mm (X: 20 mm. El 37% (7/19 tenían metástasis. En la mayoría se practicaron los siguientes métodos de imagen: ecografía, TAC y RM. La PAAF del tumor primitivo se practicó en 4 casos. No funcionantes: 7 casos (37%, insulinomas: 2 casos (1 con posible NEM, SZE por gastrinomas: 5 (3 con NEM-1, glucagonoma: 2 casos, 2 somatostatinomas, carcinoide: 1 caso con síndrome carcinoide-like. La mayoría de los enfermos fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente 14/19 (73%. En cuatro (4/14: 28% pacientes hubo complicaciones postoperatorias después de pancreatectomías: páncreas, seudoquiste y colecciones abdominales. Algunos casos fueron tratados con quimioterapia (4, somatostatina (3 e interferón (2 antes o después de la cirugía. La mediana de seguimiento fue de 48 meses. La supervivencia actuarial en el momento del estudio fue del 73,6% (14/19. Conclusiones: la edad fue similar a lo descrito en la literatura. El sexo predominante fue el masculino. La mayoría fueron no funcionantes (37%. La mayoría fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente (73%, con escasa morbilidad (28% y con una supervivencia actuarial en el momento de cerrar el estudio del 73,6%.

    6. Diagnostic Modalities for FGF23-Producing Tumors in Patients with Tumor-Induced Osteomalacia

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      Seiji Fukumoto


      Full Text Available Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23 is a hormone that is produced by osteocytes and regulates phosphate and vitamin D metabolism through binding to the Klotho-FGF receptor complex. Excessive actions of FGF23 cause several kinds of hypophosphatemic rickets/osteomalacia. Tumor-induced rickets/osteomalacia (TIO is a paraneoplastic syndrome caused by overproduction of FGF23 from the responsible tumors. Because TIO is cured by complete resection of the causative tumors, it is of great clinical importance to locate these tumors. Several imaging methods including skeletal survey by magnetic resonance imaging and octreotide scintigraphy have been used to identify the tumors that cause TIO. However, none of these imaging studies indicate that the detected tumors are actually producing FGF23. Recently, systemic venous sampling was conducted for locating FGF23-producing tumor in suspected patients with TIO and demonstrated that this test might be beneficial to a subset of patient. Further studies with more patients are necessary to establish the clinical utility of venous sampling in patients with TIO.

    7. Desarrollo de infección tuberculosa latente y efectos adversos de la isoniazida durante tratamiento con biológico por Enfermedad de Crohn

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      María Alejandra Arriola


      Full Text Available Los fármacos anti factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-a bloquean una de las citoquinas implicadas en la patogénesis de la Enfermedad Inflamatoria intestinal (EII. Su uso se relaciona con aumento de tuberculosis (TB, por lo que el despistaje previo es obligatorio. En la infección tuberculosa latente (ITBL se utiliza isoniazida como quimioprofilaxis, fármaco que no se encuentra libre de reacciones adversas. Se presenta y discute el caso de una paciente con reacción adversa en piel secundaria al uso de isoniazida.

    8. Invasão do nervo óptico por melanoma peripapilar: relato de caso Optic nerve invasion by juxtapapillary melanoma: case report

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      Eduardo Ferrari Marback


      Full Text Available Tumores pigmentados localizados sobre o disco óptico são raros e representam desafio diagnóstico. Paciente masculino, 60 anos, apresenta baixa da acuidade visual no olho esquerdo devido à lesão pigmentada que cobre o disco óptico. Foi indicada a enucleação com recusa pelo paciente. O quadro evoluiu com descolamento de retina. Examinado em outro serviço teve indicação de vitrectomia também recusada. Retorna aos nossos cuidados; feita a enucleação o diagnóstico anatomopatológico revelou melanoma maligno da coróide com invasão pós-laminar do nervo óptico. A importância prognóstica da invasão do nervo óptico por melanoma da coróide ainda não está totalmente esclarecida. Embora raro, tumor pigmentado cobrindo o nervo óptico pode representar melanoma maligno. O diagnóstico diferencial destes casos é geralmente difícil, porém seu reconhecimento à ultra-sonografia ocular é patente e descolamento de retina associado é sinal de atividade tumoral. Os riscos de disseminação da doença exigem atenção na suspeita diagnóstica e conduta precisa.Small-pigmented lesions over the optic disc are very rare and may represent a diagnostic challenge. To report a case of a small malignant choroidal melanoma invading the optic nerve. A 60-year-old male presents with low vision in the left eye due to a small, pigmented lesion over the optic disc. At first the patient refused enucleation. One month later, after further drop in visual acuity, the patient was seen at another service, diagnosed as having a retinal detachment, and pars plana vitrectomy was proposed but also refused by the patient. Returning to our service, the eye was enucleated and a final diagnosis of choroidal melanoma with post-laminar optic nerve invasion was made. Although rare, pigmented lesions over the optic disc may represent a malignant melanoma. The prognostic significance of optic nerve invasion by choroidal melanoma is not clear yet. The differential

    9. Utility of MRI versus tumor markers for post-treatment surveillance of marker-positive CNS germ cell tumors. (United States)

      Cheung, Victoria; Segal, Devorah; Gardner, Sharon L; Zagzag, David; Wisoff, Jeffrey H; Allen, Jeffrey C; Karajannis, Matthias A


      Patients with marker-positive central nervous system (CNS) germ cell tumors are typically monitored for tumor recurrence with both tumor markers (AFP and b-hCG) and MRI. We hypothesize that the recurrence of these tumors will always be accompanied by an elevation in tumor markers, and that surveillance MRI may not be necessary. We retrospectively identified 28 patients with CNS germ cell tumors treated at our institution that presented with an elevated serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tumor marker at the time of diagnosis. We then identified those who had a tumor recurrence after having been in remission and whether each recurrence was detected via MRI changes, elevated tumor markers, or both. Four patients suffered a tumor recurrence. Only one patient had simultaneously elevated tumor markers and MRI evidence of recurrence. Two patients had evidence of recurrence on MRI without corresponding elevations in serum or CSF tumor markers. One patient had abnormal tumor markers with no evidence of recurrence on MRI until 6 months later. We conclude that in patients with marker-positive CNS germ cell tumors who achieve complete remission, continued surveillance imaging in addition to measurement of tumor markers is indicated to detect recurrences.

    10. Respuesta del Tumor Venéreo Transmisible Canino a Presentaciones de Vincristina de Patente y Genérica


      Susana Miguel De la Cruz


      El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar la respuesta de perros infectados naturalmente con el Tumor Venéreo Transmisible (TVTc) al tratamiento con vincristina comercial de patente y genérica. Se trabajó con 12 perros infectados naturalmente y con diagnóstico por citología y PCR. Los perros fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un tratamiento semanal con 0.025 mg/kg de vincristina de patente comercial o de tipo genérico, hasta que dos citologías consecutivas resultaran negativas. Se hicieron...

    11. What is a pediatric tumor?

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      Mora J


      Full Text Available Jaume Mora1,21Department of Oncology, 2Developmental Tumor Biology Laboratory, Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, Fundacio Sant Joan de Deu, Barcelona, SpainAbstract: Working together with medical oncologists, the question of whether a Ewing sarcoma in a 25-year-old is a pediatric tumor comes up repeatedly. Like Ewing's, some tumors present characteristically at ages that cross over what has been set as the definition of pediatrics (15 years, 18 years, or 21 years?. Pediatric oncology textbooks, surprisingly, do not address the subject of defining a pediatric tumor. They all begin with an epidemiology chapter defining the types of tumors appearing at distinct stages of childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. Describing the epidemiology of tumors in relation to age, it becomes clear that the disease is related to the phenomenon of aging. The question, however, remains: is there a biological definition of what pediatric age is? And if so, will tumors occurring during this period of life have anything to do with such biological definition? With the aim of finding an objective definition, the fundamental concepts of what defines "pediatrics" was reviewed and then the major features of tumors arising during development were analyzed. The tumors were explored from the perspective of a host immersed in the normal process of growth and development. This physiological process, from pluripotential and undifferentiated cells, makes possible the differentiation, maturation, organization, and function of tissues, organs, and apparatus. A biological definition of pediatric tumors and the infancy–childhood–puberty classification of developmental tumors according to the infancy–childhood–puberty model of normal human development are proposed.Keywords: growth and development, pediatric tumor, infant, childhood and adolescence, pubertal tumors

    12. [Immune system and tumors]. (United States)

      Terme, Magali; Tanchot, Corinne


      Despite having been much debated, it is now well established that the immune system plays an essential role in the fight against cancer. In this article, we will highlight the implication of the immune system in the control of tumor growth and describe the major components of the immune system involved in the antitumoral immune response. The immune system, while exerting pressure on tumor cells, also will play a pro-tumoral role by sculpting the immunogenicity of tumors cells as they develop. Finally, we will illustrate the numerous mechanisms of immune suppression that take place within the tumoral microenvironment which allow tumor cells to escape control from the immune system. The increasingly precise knowledge of the brakes to an effective antitumor immune response allows the development of immunotherapy strategies more and more innovating and promising of hope. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

    13. Efecto de células madre mesenquimales derivadas de cordón umbilical sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo tumoral


      Martínez, Marina; Palma, M. B.; Fernández, N. A.; Miriuka, Santiago Gabriel; Luzzani, Carlos; Andrini, Laura; Inda, Ana María; Errecalde, Ana Lía; García, Marcela


      Las células madres mesenquimales (CMM) obtenidas de la gelatina de Wharton de cordón umbilical (CMMCU) poseen propiedades similares a las obtenidas desde otras fuentes. Por otro lado, el desarrollo y crecimiento tumoral presenta la necesidad de un desarrollo angiogénico importante a fin de proveer las necesidades metabólicas del tejido. Para ello, las células tumorales expresan el principal inductor, el factor de crecimiento de endotelio vascular (VEGF). Las CMM son un importante componente d...

    14. Whole tumor antigen vaccination using dendritic cells: Comparison of RNA electroporation and pulsing with UV-irradiated tumor cells

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      Benencia Fabian


      Full Text Available Abstract Because of the lack of full characterization of tumor associated antigens for solid tumors, whole antigen use is a convenient approach to tumor vaccination. Tumor RNA and apoptotic tumor cells have been used as a source of whole tumor antigen to prepare dendritic cell (DC based tumor vaccines, but their efficacy has not been directly compared. Here we compare directly RNA electroporation and pulsing of DCs with whole tumor cells killed by ultraviolet (UV B radiation using a convenient tumor model expressing human papilloma virus (HPV E6 and E7 oncogenes. Although both approaches led to DCs presenting tumor antigen, electroporation with tumor cell total RNA induced a significantly higher frequency of tumor-reactive IFN-gamma secreting T cells, and E7-specific CD8+ lymphocytes compared to pulsing with UV-irradiated tumor cells. DCs electroporated with tumor cell RNA induced a larger tumor infiltration by T cells and produced a significantly stronger delay in tumor growth compared to DCs pulsed with UV-irradiated tumor cells. We conclude that electroporation with whole tumor cell RNA and pulsing with UV-irradiated tumor cells are both effective in eliciting antitumor immune response, but RNA electroporation results in more potent tumor vaccination under the examined experimental conditions.

    15. Tumor Cells and Tumor-Associated Macrophages: Secreted Proteins as Potential Targets for Therapy


      Baay, Marc; Brouwer, Anja; Pauwels, Patrick; Peeters, Marc; Lardon, Filip


      Inflammatory pathways, meant to defend the organism against infection and injury, as a byproduct, can promote an environment which favors tumor growth and metastasis. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), which constitute a significant part of the tumor-infiltrating immune cells, have been linked to the growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis of a variety of cancers, most likely through polarization of TAMs to the M2 (alternative) phenotype. The interaction between tumor cells and macrophages pro...

    16. Awake Craniotomy for Tumor Resection: Further Optimizing Therapy of Brain Tumors. (United States)

      Mehdorn, H Maximilian; Schwartz, Felix; Becker, Juliane


      In recent years more and more data have emerged linking the most radical resection to prolonged survival in patients harboring brain tumors. Since total tumor resection could increase postoperative morbidity, many methods have been suggested to reduce the risk of postoperative neurological deficits: awake craniotomy with the possibility of continuous patient-surgeon communication is one of the possibilities of finding out how radical a tumor resection can possibly be without causing permanent harm to the patient.In 1994 we started to perform awake craniotomy for glioma resection. In 2005 the use of intraoperative high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was included in the standard tumor therapy protocol. Here we review our experience in performing awake surgery for gliomas, gained in 219 patients.Patient selection by the operating surgeon and a neuropsychologist is of primary importance: the patient should feel as if they are part of the surgical team fighting against the tumor. The patient will undergo extensive neuropsychological testing, functional MRI, and fiber tractography in order to define the relationship between the tumor and the functionally relevant brain areas. Attention needs to be given at which particular time during surgery the intraoperative MRI is performed. Results from part of our series (without and with ioMRI scan) are presented.

    17. Central nervous system tumors

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Gavin, P.R.; Fike, J.R.; Hoopes, P.J.


      Central nervous system (CNS) tumors are relatively common in veterinary medicine, with most diagnoses occurring in the canine and feline species. Numerous tumor types from various cells or origins have been identified with the most common tumors being meningiomas and glial cell tumors. Radiation therapy is often used as an aid to control the clinical signs associated with these neoplasms. In general, these tumors have a very low metastatic potential, such that local control offers substantial benefit. Experience in veterinary radiation oncology would indicate that many patients benefit from radiation treatment. Current practice indicates the need for computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging studies. These highly beneficial studies are used for diagnosis, treatment planning, and to monitor treatment response. Improvements in treatment planning and radiation delivered to the tumor, while sparing the normal tissues, should improve local control and decrease potential radiation related problems to the CNS. When possible, multiple fractions of 3 Gy or less should be used. The tolerance dose to the normal tissue with this fractionation schedule is 50 to 55 Gy. The most common and serious complications of radiation for CNS tumors is delayed radiation myelopathy and necrosis. Medical management of the patient during radiation therapy requires careful attention to anesthetic protocols, and medications to reduce intracranial pressure that is often elevated in these patients. Canine brain tumors have served as an experimental model to test numerous new treatments. Increased availability of advanced imaging modalities has spawned increased detection of these neoplasms. Early detection of these tumors with appropriate aggressive therapy should prove beneficial to many patients

    18. Mortalidad intrahospitalaria por accidente cerebrovascular


      Federico Rodríguez Lucci; Virginia Pujol Lereis; Sebastián Ameriso; Guillermo Povedano; María F. Díaz; Alejandro Hlavnicka; Néstor A. Wainsztein; Sebastián F. Ameriso


      La mortalidad global por accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) ha disminuido en las últimas tres décadas, probablemente debido a un mejor control de los factores de riesgo vascular. La mortalidad hospitalaria por ACV ha sido tradicionalmente estimada entre 6 y 14% en la mayoría de las series comunicadas. Sin embargo, los datos de ensayos clínicos recientes sugieren que esta cifra sería sustancialmente menor. Se revisaron datos de pacientes internados con diagnóstico de ACV del Banco de Datos de Str...

    19. Targeting Autophagy in the Tumor Microenvironment: New Challenges and Opportunities for Regulating Tumor Immunity

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      Bassam Janji


      Full Text Available Cancer cells evolve in the tumor microenvironment, which is now well established as an integral part of the tumor and a determinant player in cancer cell adaptation and resistance to anti-cancer therapies. Despite the remarkable and fairly rapid progress over the past two decades regarding our understanding of the role of the tumor microenvironment in cancer development, its precise contribution to cancer resistance is still fragmented. This is mainly related to the complexity of the “tumor ecosystem” and the diversity of the stromal cell types that constitute the tumor microenvironment. Emerging data indicate that several factors, such as hypoxic stress, activate a plethora of resistance mechanisms, including autophagy, in tumor cells. Hypoxia-induced autophagy in the tumor microenvironment also activates several tumor escape mechanisms, which effectively counteract anti-tumor immune responses mediated by natural killer and cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Therefore, strategies aiming at targeting autophagy in cancer cells in combination with other therapeutic strategies have inspired significant interest to overcome immunological tolerance and promote tumor regression. However, a number of obstacles still hamper the application of autophagy inhibitors in clinics. First, the lack of selectivity of the current pharmacological inhibitors of autophagy makes difficult to draw a clear statement about its effective contribution in cancer. Second, autophagy has been also described as an important mechanism in tumor cells involved in presentation of antigens to T cells. Third, there is a circumstantial evidence that autophagy activation in some innate immune cells may support the maturation of these cells, and it is required for their anti-tumor activity. In this review, we will address these aspects and discuss our current knowledge on the benefits and the drawbacks of targeting autophagy in the context of anti-tumor immunity. We believe that it is

    20. Brain tumor-targeted drug delivery strategies

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      Xiaoli Wei


      Full Text Available Despite the application of aggressive surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy in clinics, brain tumors are still a difficult health challenge due to their fast development and poor prognosis. Brain tumor-targeted drug delivery systems, which increase drug accumulation in the tumor region and reduce toxicity in normal brain and peripheral tissue, are a promising new approach to brain tumor treatments. Since brain tumors exhibit many distinctive characteristics relative to tumors growing in peripheral tissues, potential targets based on continuously changing vascular characteristics and the microenvironment can be utilized to facilitate effective brain tumor-targeted drug delivery. In this review, we briefly describe the physiological characteristics of brain tumors, including blood–brain/brain tumor barriers, the tumor microenvironment, and tumor stem cells. We also review targeted delivery strategies and introduce a systematic targeted drug delivery strategy to overcome the challenges.

    1. Imaging Tumor Necrosis with Ferumoxytol.

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      Maryam Aghighi

      Full Text Available Ultra-small superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIO are promising contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI. USPIO mediated proton relaxation rate enhancement is strongly dependent on compartmentalization of the agent and can vary depending on their intracellular or extracellular location in the tumor microenvironment. We compared the T1- and T2-enhancement pattern of intracellular and extracellular USPIO in mouse models of cancer and pilot data from patients. A better understanding of these MR signal effects will enable non-invasive characterizations of the composition of the tumor microenvironment.Six 4T1 and six MMTV-PyMT mammary tumors were grown in mice and imaged with ferumoxytol-enhanced MRI. R1 relaxation rates were calculated for different tumor types and different tumor areas and compared with histology. The transendothelial leakage rate of ferumoxytol was obtained by our measured relaxivity of ferumoxytol and compared between different tumor types, using a t-test. Additionally, 3 patients with malignant sarcomas were imaged with ferumoxytol-enhanced MRI. T1- and T2-enhancement patterns were compared with histopathology in a descriptive manner as a proof of concept for clinical translation of our observations.4T1 tumors showed central areas of high signal on T1 and low signal on T2 weighted MR images, which corresponded to extracellular nanoparticles in a necrotic core on histopathology. MMTV-PyMT tumors showed little change on T1 but decreased signal on T2 weighted images, which correlated to compartmentalized nanoparticles in tumor associated macrophages. Only 4T1 tumors demonstrated significantly increased R1 relaxation rates of the tumor core compared to the tumor periphery (p<0.001. Transendothelial USPIO leakage was significantly higher for 4T1 tumors (3.4±0.9x10-3 mL/min/100cm3 compared to MMTV-PyMT tumors (1.0±0.9x10-3 mL/min/100 cm3. Likewise, ferumoxytol imaging in patients showed similar findings with

    2. Bilateral Wilms' tumor with anaplasia: lessons from the National Wilms' Tumor Study. (United States)

      Hamilton, Thomas E; Green, Daniel M; Perlman, Elizabeth J; Argani, Pedram; Grundy, Paul; Ritchey, Michael L; Shamberger, Robert C


      The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether initial diagnostic technique influenced the ability to identify anaplastic histology, to determine the time interval to diagnosis of anaplasia, and to delineate the incidence of discordant pathology in bilateral Wilms' tumor. We hypothesized that delay in diagnosis of anaplasia could affect time to appropriate surgery and intensive multimodality therapy. One hundred eight-nine children were enrolled in the fourth National Wilms' Tumor Study with synchronous bilateral tumors, 27 of whom were eventually shown to have anaplastic histology. Initial diagnostic technique, time interval to diagnosis of anaplasia, and the incidence of discordant pathology were determined. Anaplasia was identified in 0 of 7 tumors by core needle biopsy, 3 of 9 tumors by open wedge biopsy, and in 7 of 9 cases by partial or complete nephrectomy. The mean duration of first chemotherapy regimen (DD or EE) was 20, 39, and 36 weeks, respectively, before anaplasia was identified at second surgery. Discordant pathology between bilateral tumors was identified on final tissue diagnosis in 20 patients. Only 4 patients had anaplastic tumors in both kidneys. Core needle biopsy did not identify anaplasia in 7 of 7 children. Open biopsy or partial/complete nephrectomy identified anaplasia at initial diagnostic procedure in 10 of 18 children. Twenty of 24 patients at final tissue diagnosis had discordant pathology between the 2 kidneys. Earlier interval incisional biopsy or resection may identify anaplastic histology and limit the duration of chemotherapy targeted to favorable histology for children with bilateral Wilms' tumor and anaplasia.

    3. Computed tomography in gastrointestinal stromal tumors

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Ghanem, Nadir; Altehoefer, Carsten; Winterer, Jan; Schaefer, Oliver; Springer, Oliver; Kotter, Elmar; Langer, Mathias; Furtwaengler, Alex


      The aim of this study was to define the imaging characteristics of primary and recurrent gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) in computed tomography with respect to the tumor size. Computed tomography was performed in 35 patients with histologically confirmed gastrointestinal stromal tumors and analyzed retrospectively by two experienced and independent radiologist. The following morphologic tumor characteristics of primary (n=20) and (n=16) recurrent tumors were evaluated according to tumor size, shape, homogeneity, density compared with liver, contrast enhancement, presence of calcifications, ulcerations, fistula or distant metastases and the anatomical relationship to the intestinal wall, and the infiltration of adjacent visceral organs. Small GIST ( 5-10 cm) demonstrated an irregular shape, inhomogeneous density on unenhanced and contrast-enhanced images, a combined intra- and extraluminal tumor growth with aggressive findings, and infiltration of adjacent organs in 9 primary diagnosed and 2 recurrent tumors. Large GIST (>10 cm), which were observed in 8 primary tumors and 11 recurrent tumors, showed an irregular margin with inhomogeneous density and aggressive findings, and were characterized by signs of malignancy such as distant and peritoneal metastases. Small recurrent tumors had a similar appearance as compared with large primary tumors. Computed tomography gives additional information with respect to the relationship of gastrointestinal stromal tumor to the gastrointestinal wall and surrounding organs, and it detects distant metastasis. Primary and recurrent GIST demonstrate characteristic CT imaging features which are related to tumor size. Aggressive findings and signs of malignancy are found in larger tumors and in recurrent disease. Computed tomography is useful in detection and characterization of primary and recurrent tumors with regard to tumor growth pattern, tumor size, and varied appearances of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, and indirectly

    4. The PCa Tumor Microenvironment. (United States)

      Sottnik, Joseph L; Zhang, Jian; Macoska, Jill A; Keller, Evan T


      The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a very complex niche that consists of multiple cell types, supportive matrix and soluble factors. Cells in the TME consist of both host cells that are present at tumor site at the onset of tumor growth and cells that are recruited in either response to tumor- or host-derived factors. PCa (PCa) thrives on crosstalk between tumor cells and the TME. Crosstalk results in an orchestrated evolution of both the tumor and microenvironment as the tumor progresses. The TME reacts to PCa-produced soluble factors as well as direct interaction with PCa cells. In return, the TME produces soluble factors, structural support and direct contact interactions that influence the establishment and progression of PCa. In this review, we focus on the host side of the equation to provide a foundation for understanding how different aspects of the TME contribute to PCa progression. We discuss immune effector cells, specialized niches, such as the vascular and bone marrow, and several key protein factors that mediate host effects on PCa. This discussion highlights the concept that the TME offers a potentially very fertile target for PCa therapy.

    5. CNS tumors: postoperative evaluation

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Dayanir, Y.


      Full text: Imaging assessment of brain tumors following surgery is complex and depends upon several factors, including the location of the tumor, the surgical procedure and the disease process for which it was performed. Depending upon these factors, one or a combination of complementary imaging modalities may be required to demonstrate any clinically relevant situation, to assist the surgeon in deciding if repeat surgery is necessary. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can show the shape, size, signal intensity, and enhancement of a brain tumor. It has been widely used to diagnose and differentiate brain tumors and to assess the surgery outcomes. Longitudinal MRI scans have also been applied for the assessment of treatment and response to surgery. The newly developed MRI techniques, including diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), have the potential to provide the molecular, functional and metabolic information of preoperative and postoperative brain tumors. Postoperative diffusion and perfusion magnetic resonance imaging are especially useful in predicting early functional recovery from new deficits after brain tumor surgery.This lecture will stress the principles, applications, and pitfalls of conventional as well as newly developing functional imaging techniques following operation of brain tumors

    6. Corpectomia da coluna toracolombar com colocação de cage por acesso único via posterior: técnica cirúrgica e resultados de seis pacientes Corpectomía de la columna toracolumbar con la colocación de cage por abordaje único vía posterior: técnica quirúrgica y los resultados de seis pacientes Thoracolumbar spine corpectomy with placement of a cage by single posterior approach: surgical technique and results of six patients

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      Fabiano Morais Nogueira


      Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar retrospectivamente os resultados de uma série de pacientes submetidos à corpectomia torácica e/ou lombar por via exclusivamente posterior associado à colocação de cage e à artrodese instrumentada segmentar e descrever a técnica cirúrgica. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados retrospectivamente seis pacientes portadores de colapso vertebral, instabilidade biomecânica ou lesão neurológica por diferentes etiologias. Estes pacientes apresentavam indicação de descompressão neural e receberam indicação para a realização de corpectomia e reconstrução circunferencial com cage sendo realizado por via exclusivamente posterior. RESULTADOS: Quatro pacientes eram do sexo masculino e dois do sexo feminino. A idade média foi de 58 anos (22 a 82 anos com tempo médio de acompanhamento de 10,5 meses (2 a 24 meses. Em três casos a ressecção foi de um corpo vertebral e em três casos de dois corpos vertebrais. Todos os pacientes apresentaram melhora do seu estado neurológico e melhora da dor lombar ou radicular. As indicações ao procedimento foram três casos por espondilodiscite, um por fratura osteoporótica, um tumor metastático e um tumor primário. Três pacientes apresentaram complicações necessitando de revisão cirúrgica evoluindo com melhora dos sintomas. As complicações foram fístula liquórica, radiculopatia lombar, infecção de ferida operatória, meningite e falha da instrumentação. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes submetidos à corpectomia por via exclusivamente posterior apresentaram resultados favoráveis com melhora do déficit neurológico ou dor em todos os casos. Esta técnica mostrou-se eficiente na reconstrução circunferencial da coluna evitando as complicações da abordagem tradicional por dupla via.OBJETIVO: Evaluar retrospectivamente los resultados de una serie de pacientes sometidos a corpectomía vertebral por una vía exclusivamente posterior con la colocación de cage y artrodesis instrumentada

    7. Pathway-specific differences between tumor cell lines and normal and tumor tissue cells

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Tozeren Aydin


      Full Text Available Abstract Background Cell lines are used in experimental investigation of cancer but their capacity to represent tumor cells has yet to be quantified. The aim of the study was to identify significant alterations in pathway usage in cell lines in comparison with normal and tumor tissue. Methods This study utilized a pathway-specific enrichment analysis of publicly accessible microarray data and quantified the gene expression differences between cell lines, tumor, and normal tissue cells for six different tissue types. KEGG pathways that are significantly different between cell lines and tumors, cell lines and normal tissues and tumor and normal tissue were identified through enrichment tests on gene lists obtained using Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM. Results Cellular pathways that were significantly upregulated in cell lines compared to tumor cells and normal cells of the same tissue type included ATP synthesis, cell communication, cell cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, purine, pyrimidine and pyruvate metabolism, and proteasome. Results on metabolic pathways suggested an increase in the velocity nucleotide metabolism and RNA production. Pathways that were downregulated in cell lines compared to tumor and normal tissue included cell communication, cell adhesion molecules (CAMs, and ECM-receptor interaction. Only a fraction of the significantly altered genes in tumor-to-normal comparison had similar expressions in cancer cell lines and tumor cells. These genes were tissue-specific and were distributed sparsely among multiple pathways. Conclusion Significantly altered genes in tumors compared to normal tissue were largely tissue specific. Among these genes downregulation was a major trend. In contrast, cell lines contained large sets of significantly upregulated genes that were common to multiple tissue types. Pathway upregulation in cell lines was most pronounced over metabolic pathways including cell nucleotide metabolism and oxidative


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      Full Text Available En Brasil, las estadísticas de la violencia sexual contra niños están lejos de reflejar la verdadera realidad actual debido a la baja notificación de los casos. La finalidad de este estudio fue caracterizar el abuso sexual sufrido por niños asistidos por el Programa Sentinela y el perfil del agresor, en Sobral-Ceará, en el periodo que va del 2002 al 2006. La muestra no probabilística intencional fue compuesta por 50 víctimas de abuso sexual y de las mismas, el 66% es del sexo femenino, con predominio de rango de edad entre 8-12 años incompletos, (58%; en el 36% de los casos los padres están separados, siendo la madre la principal responsable por la familia (62%. La mayoría de los agresores es del sexo masculino (78%. En el ambiente fuera de la familia los agresores son conocidos o amigos de la familia (14%; dentro del seno familiar el padrastro es identificado como siendo el agresor más frecuente (18%. Los datos destacan características similares a las de otros estudios, definiendo una cierta igualdad en este tipo de violencia.

    9. Extragastrointestinal Stromal Tumor: A Differential Diagnosis of Compressive Upper Abdominal Tumor

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Clara Kimie Miyahira


      Full Text Available Introduction. Extragastrointestinal stromal tumors (EGIST are rare mesenchymal tumor lesions located outside the gastrointestinal tract. A rare compressing tumor with difficult diagnosis is reported. Presentation of the Case. A male patient, 63 years old, was admitted in the emergency room complaining of stretching and continuous abdominal pain for one day. He took Hyoscine, with partial improvement of symptoms, but got worse due to hyporexia, and the abdominal pain persisted. The patient also reported early satiety and ten-pound weight loss over the last month. Discussion. EGIST could be assessed by CT-guided biopsy, leading to diagnosis and proper treatment with surgical resection or Imatinib. Conclusion. This case report highlights the importance of considering EGIST an important differential diagnosis of compressing upper abdominal tumors.

    10. Change of tumor vascular reactivity during tumor growth and postchemotherapy observed by near-infrared spectroscopy (United States)

      Lee, Songhyun; Jeong, Hyeryun; Seong, Myeongsu; Kim, Jae Gwan


      Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in females. To monitor chemotherapeutic efficacy for breast cancer, medical imaging systems such as x-ray mammography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound imaging have been used. Currently, it can take up to 3 to 6 weeks to see the tumor response from chemotherapy by monitoring tumor volume changes. We used near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict breast cancer treatment efficacy earlier than tumor volume changes by monitoring tumor vascular reactivity during inhalational gas interventions. The results show that the amplitude of oxy-hemoglobin changes (vascular reactivity) during hyperoxic gas inhalation is well correlated with tumor growth and responded one day earlier than tumor volume changes after chemotherapy. These results may imply that NIRS with respiratory challenges can be useful in early detection of tumor and in the prediction of tumor response to chemotherapy.

    11. Tumor-induced osteomalacia

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      Pablo Florenzano


      Full Text Available Tumor-induced osteomalacia (TIO is a rare paraneoplastic syndrome clinically characterized by bone pain, fractures and muscle weakness. It is caused by tumoral overproduction of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23 that acts primarily at the proximal renal tubule, decreasing phosphate reabsorption and 1α-hydroxylation of 25 hydroxyvitamin D, thus producing hypophosphatemia and osteomalacia. Lesions are typically small, benign mesenchymal tumors that may be found in bone or soft tissue, anywhere in the body. In up to 60% of these tumors, a fibronectin-1(FN1 and fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR1 fusion gene has been identified that may serve as a tumoral driver. The diagnosis is established by the finding of acquired chronic hypophosphatemia due to isolated renal phosphate wasting with concomitant elevated or inappropriately normal blood levels of FGF23 and decreased or inappropriately normal 1,25-OH2-Vitamin D (1,25(OH2D. Locating the tumor is critical, as complete removal is curative. For this purpose, a step-wise approach is recommended, starting with a thorough medical history and physical examination, followed by functional imaging. Suspicious lesions should be confirmed by anatomical imaging, and if needed, selective venous sampling with measurement of FGF23. If the tumor is not localized, or surgical resection is not possible, medical therapy with phosphate and active vitamin D is usually successful in healing the osteomalacia and reducing symptoms. However, compliance is often poor due to the frequent dosing regimen and side effects. Furthermore, careful monitoring is needed to avoid complications such us secondary/tertiary hyperparathyroidism, hypercalciuria, and nephrocalcinosis. Novel therapeutical approaches are being developed for TIO patients, such as image-guided tumor ablation and medical treatment with the anti-FGF23 monoclonal antibody KRN23 or anti FGFR medications. The case of a patient with TIO is presented to

    12. Management of Renal Tumors by Image-Guided Radiofrequency Ablation: Experience in 105 Tumors

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Breen, David J.; Rutherford, Elizabeth E.; Stedman, Brian; Roy-Choudhury, Shuvro H.; Cast, James E. I.; Hayes, Matthew C.; Smart, Christopher J.


      Aims. In this article we present our experience with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in the treatment of 105 renal tumors. Materials and Methods. RFA was performed on 105 renal tumors in 97 patients, with a mean tumor size of 32 mm (11-68 mm). The mean patient age was 71.7 years (range, 36-89 years). The ablations were carried out under ultrasound (n = 43) or CT (n = 62) guidance. Imaging follow-up was by contrast-enhanced CT within 10 days and then at 6-monthly intervals. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine variables associated with procedural outcome. Results. Eighty-three tumors were completely treated at a single sitting (79%). Twelve of the remaining tumors were successfully re-treated and a clinical decision was made not to re-treat seven patients. A patient with a small residual crescent of tumor is under follow-up and may require further treatment. In another patient, re-treatment was abandoned due to complicating pneumothorax and difficult access. One patient is awaiting further re-treatment. The overall technical success rate was 90.5%. Multivariate analysis revealed tumor size to be the only significant variable affecting procedural outcome. (p = 0.007, Pearson χ 2 ) Five patients had complications. There have been no local recurrences. Conclusion. Our experience to date suggests that RFA is a safe and effective, minimally invasive treatment for small renal tumors

    13. Central nervous system tumors

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Curran, W.J. Jr.


      Intrinsic tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) pose a particularly challenging problem to practicing oncologists. These tumors rarely metastasize outside the CNS, yet even histologically benign tumors can be life-threatening due to their local invasiveness and strategic location. The surrounding normal tissues of the nervous system is often incapable of full functional regeneration, therefore prohibiting aggressive attempts to use either complete surgical resection or high doses of irradiation. Despite these limitations, notable achievements have recently been recorded in the management of these tumors

    14. Tumors of peripheral nerves

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Ho, Michael; Lutz, Amelie M.


      Differentiation between malignant and benign tumors of peripheral nerves in the early stages is challenging; however, due to the unfavorable prognosis of malignant tumors early identification is required. To show the possibilities for detection, differential diagnosis and clinical management of peripheral nerve tumors by imaging appearance in magnetic resonance (MR) neurography. Review of current literature available in PubMed and MEDLINE, supplemented by the authors' own observations in clinical practice. Although not pathognomonic, several imaging features have been reported for a differentiation between distinct peripheral nerve tumors. The use of MR neurography enables detection and initial differential diagnosis in tumors of peripheral nerves. Furthermore, it plays an important role in clinical follow-up, targeted biopsy and surgical planning. (orig.) [de

    15. Tumor cell surface proteins

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Kennel, S.J.; Braslawsky, G.R.; Flynn, K.; Foote, L.J.; Friedman, E.; Hotchkiss, J.A.; Huang, A.H.L.; Lankford, P.K.


      Cell surface proteins mediate interaction between cells and their environment. Unique tumor cell surface proteins are being identified and quantified in several tumor systems to address the following questions: (i) how do tumor-specific proteins arise during cell transformation; (ii) can these proteins be used as markers of tumor cell distribution in vivo; (iii) can cytotoxic drugs be targeted specifically to tumor cells using antibody; and (iv) can solid state radioimmunoassay of these proteins provide a means to quantify transformation frequencies. A tumor surface protein of 180,000 M/sub r/ (TSP-180) has been identified on cells of several lung carcinomas of BALB/c mice. TSP-180 was not detected on normal lung tissue, embryonic tissue, or other epithelial or sarcoma tumors, but it was found on lung carcinomas of other strains of mice. Considerable amino acid sequence homology exists among TSP-180's from several cell sources, indicating that TSP-180 synthesis is directed by normal cellular genes although it is not expressed in normal cells. The regulation of synthesis of TSP-180 and its relationship to normal cell surface proteins are being studied. Monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) to TSP-180 have been developed. The antibodies have been used in immunoaffinity chromatography to isolate TSP-180 from tumor cell sources. This purified tumor antigen was used to immunize rats. Antibody produced by these animals reacted at different sites (epitopes) on the TSP-180 molecule than did the original MoAb. These sera and MoAb from these animals are being used to identify normal cell components related to the TSP-180 molecule

    16. Wilms tumors: genotypes and phenotypes

      NARCIS (Netherlands)

      H. Segers (Heidi)


      textabstractWilms tumor, or nephroblastoma, represents about 90% of all pediatric renal tumors and about 7% of all pediatric malignancies. Most Wilms tumors are unilateral, although in 5-10 % of the patients both kidneys are infected. Wilms tumor typically occurs between the age of 2 and 4 years,

    17. Tumor-Derived CXCL1 Promotes Lung Cancer Growth via Recruitment of Tumor-Associated Neutrophils

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Ming Yuan


      Full Text Available Neutrophils have a traditional role in inflammatory process and act as the first line of defense against infections. Although their contribution to tumorigenesis and progression is still controversial, accumulating evidence recently has demonstrated that tumor-associated neutrophils (TANs play a key role in multiple aspects of cancer biology. Here, we detected that chemokine CXCL1 was dramatically elevated in serum from 3LL tumor-bearing mice. In vitro, 3LL cells constitutively expressed and secreted higher level of CXCL1. Furthermore, knocking down CXCL1 expression in 3LL cells significantly hindered tumor growth by inhibiting recruitment of neutrophils from peripheral blood into tumor tissues. Additionally, tumor-infiltrated neutrophils expressed higher levels of MPO and Fas/FasL, which may be involved in TAN-mediated inhibition of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. These results demonstrate that tumor-derived CXCL1 contributes to TANs infiltration in lung cancer which promotes tumor growth.

    18. Pseudoanaplastic tumors of bone

      Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

      Bahk, Won-Jong [Uijongbu St. Mary Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Gyunggido, 480-821 (Korea); Mirra, Joseph M. [Orthopaedic Hospital, Orthopedic Oncology, Los Angeles, California (United States)


      To discuss the concept of pseudoanaplastic tumors of bone, which pathologically show hyperchromatism and marked pleomorphism with quite enlarged, pleomorphic nuclei, but with no to extremely rare, typical mitoses, and to propose guidelines for their diagnosis. From a database of 4,262 bone tumors covering from 1971 to 2001, 15 cases of pseudoanaplastic bone tumors (0.35% of total) were retrieved for clinical, radiographic and pathologic review. Postoperative follow-up after surgical treatment was at least 3 years and a maximum of 7 years. There were eight male and seven female patients. Their ages ranged from 10 to 64 years with average of 29.7 years. Pathologic diagnoses of pseudoanaplastic variants of benign bone tumors included: osteoblastoma (4 cases), giant cell tumor (4 cases), chondromyxoid fibroma (3 cases), fibrous dysplasia (2 cases), fibrous cortical defect (1 case) and aneurysmal bone cyst (1 case). Radiography of all cases showed features of a benign bone lesion. Six cases, one case each of osteoblastoma, fibrous dysplasia, aneurysmal bone cyst, chondromyxoid fibroma, giant cell tumor and osteoblastoma, were initially misdiagnosed as osteosarcoma. The remaining cases were referred for a second opinion to rule out sarcoma. Despite the presence of significant cytologic aberrations, none of our cases showed malignant behavior following simple curettage or removal of bony lesions. Our observation justifies the concept of pseudoanaplasia in some benign bone tumors as in benign soft tissue tumors, especially in their late evolutionary stage when bizarre cytologic alterations strongly mimic a sarcoma. (orig.)

    19. CD8+ Tumor-Infiltrating T Cells Are Trapped in the Tumor-Dendritic Cell Network

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      Alexandre Boissonnas


      Full Text Available Chemotherapy enhances the antitumor adaptive immune T cell response, but the immunosuppressive tumor environment often dominates, resulting in cancer relapse. Antigen-presenting cells such as tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs and tumor dendritic cells (TuDCs are the main protagonists of tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL immuno-suppression. TAMs have been widely investigated and are associated with poor prognosis, but the immuno-suppressive activity of TuDCs is less well understood. We performed two-photon imaging of the tumor tissue to examine the spatiotemporal interactions between TILs and TuDCs after chemotherapy. In a strongly immuno-suppressive murine tumor model, cyclophosphamide-mediated chemotherapy transiently enhanced the antitumor activity of adoptively transferred ovalbumin-specific CD8+ T cell receptor transgenic T cells (OTI but barely affected TuDC compartment within the tumor. Time lapse imaging of living tumor tissue showed that TuDCs are organized as a mesh with dynamic interconnections. Once infiltrated into the tumor parenchyma, OTI T cells make antigen-specific and long-lasting contacts with TuDCs. Extensive analysis of TIL infiltration on histologic section revealed that after chemotherapy the majority of OTI T cells interact with TuDCs and that infiltration is restricted to TuDC-rich areas. We propose that the TuDC network exerts antigen-dependent unproductive retention that trap T cells and limit their antitumor effectiveness.

    20. The anti-tumor effect of the quinoline-3-carboxamide tasquinimod: blockade of recruitment of CD11b+ Ly6Chi cells to tumor tissue reduces tumor growth

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Deronic, Adnan; Leanderson, Tomas; Ivars, Fredrik


      Previous work has demonstrated immunomodulatory, anti-tumor, anti-metastatic and anti-angiogenic effects of the small molecule quinoline-3-carboxamide tasquinimod in pre-clinical cancer models. To better understand the anti-tumor effects of tasquinimod in transplantable tumor models, we have evaluated the impact of the compound both on recruitment of myeloid cells to tumor tissue and on tumor-induced myeloid cell expansion as these cells are known to promote tumor development. Mice bearing subcutaneous 4 T1 mammary carcinoma tumors were treated with tasquinimod in the drinking water. A BrdU-based flow cytometry assay was utilized to assess the impact of short-term tasquinimod treatment on myeloid cell recruitment to tumors. Additionally, long-term treatment was performed to study the anti-tumor effect of tasquinimod as well as its effects on splenic myeloid cells and their progenitors. Myeloid cell populations were also immune-depleted by in vivo antibody treatment. Short-term tasquinimod treatment did not influence the proliferation of splenic Ly6C hi and Ly6G hi cells, but instead reduced the influx of Ly6C hi cells to the tumor. Treatment with tasquinimod for various periods of time after tumor inoculation revealed that the anti-tumor effect of this compound mainly operated during the first few days of tumor growth. Similar to tasquinimod treatment, antibody-mediated depletion of Ly6C hi cells within that same time frame, caused reduced tumor growth, thereby confirming a significant role for these cells in tumor development. Additionally, long-term tasquinimod treatment reduced the splenomegaly and expansion of splenic myeloid cells during a later phase of tumor development. In this phase, tasquinimod normalized the tumor-induced alterations in myeloerythroid progenitor cells in the spleen but had only limited impact on the same populations in the bone marrow. Our results indicate that tasquinimod treatment reduces tumor growth by operating early after tumor

    1. Tumor-Induced Generation of Splenic Erythroblast-like Ter-Cells Promotes Tumor Progression. (United States)

      Han, Yanmei; Liu, Qiuyan; Hou, Jin; Gu, Yan; Zhang, Yi; Chen, Zhubo; Fan, Jia; Zhou, Weiping; Qiu, Shuangjian; Zhang, Yonghong; Dong, Tao; Li, Ning; Jiang, Zhengping; Zhu, Ha; Zhang, Qian; Ma, Yuanwu; Zhang, Lianfeng; Wang, Qingqing; Yu, Yizhi; Li, Nan; Cao, Xuetao


      Identifying tumor-induced leukocyte subsets and their derived circulating factors has been instrumental in understanding cancer as a systemic disease. Nevertheless, how primary tumor-induced non-leukocyte populations in distal organs contribute to systemic spread remains poorly defined. Here, we report one population of tumor-inducible, erythroblast-like cells (Ter-cells) deriving from megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cells with a unique Ter-119 + CD45 - CD71 + phenotype. Ter-cells are enriched in the enlarged spleen of hosts bearing advanced tumors and facilitate tumor progression by secreting neurotrophic factor artemin into the blood. Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) and Smad3 activation are important in Ter-cell generation. In vivo blockade of Ter-cell-derived artemin inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) growth, and artemin deficiency abolishes Ter-cells' tumor-promoting ability. We confirm the presence of splenic artemin-positive Ter-cells in human HCC patients and show that significantly elevated serum artemin correlates with poor prognosis. We propose that Ter-cells and the secreted artemin play important roles in cancer progression with prognostic and therapeutic implications. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    2. Radiation therapy of brain tumor

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Sung, K. J.; Lee, D. H.; Park, C. Y.


      One hundred and six cases of brain tumors were treated at the Yonsei Cancer Center from January 1972 to August 1978 by Co-60 teletherapy unit. We analyses their clinical findings, histopathological findings, treatment and results. In those cases which computerized tomography had been used before and after radiation therapy, changes in tumor size and the presence of edema or necrosis following treatment was evaluated. 1. Among 106 cases, 90 cases were primary brain tumors and 16 cases were metastatic brain tumors. Pituitary tumors (38), glioma (34) and pinealoma (10) composed of most of primary brain tumors. 2. Post treatment follow-up was possible in 38 cases more than 1 years. Four among 11 cases of giloma expired and survivors had considerable neurological symptoms except 2 cases. Sixty five percent (12/20) of pituitary tumors showed improvement of visual symptoms and all cases (7) of pinealoma which post treatment follow-up was possible, showed remarkable good response. 3. Findings of CT scan after radiation treatment were compatible with results of clinical findings and post treatment follow-up. It showed complete regression of tumor mass in one case of pinealoma and medulloblastoma. One case of pituitary tumor showed almost complete regression of tumor mass. It also showed large residual lesion in cases of glioblastoma multiforme and cystic astrocytoma.

    3. Morphologic classification of ductal breast tumors on ultrasound : differential diagnosis of benign and malignant tumors

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Won, Mi Sook; Chung, Soo Young; Yang, Ik; Lee, Yul; Park, Hai Jung; Lee, Myoung Hwan; Yoon, In Sook; Koh, Mi Gyoung


      To evaluate the morphologic differential diagnosis of benign and malignant ductal breast tumors, as seen on US US findings in 29 pathologically proven cases of ductal breast tumor were retrospectively reviewed. All patients were female and their mean age was 42 years. Nineteen tumors were benign and ten were malignant, and all ductal or cystic lesions showed solid masses. According to the location of the mural nodule, we classified the sonographic appearance of these tumors into three types:intraductal, intracystic and amorphic. The intraductal type was divided into three subtypes:incompletely obstructive, completely obstructive and multiple mural nodules. For the intracystic type, too, three subtypes were designated:the intracystic mural nodule (mural cyst), intracystic mural nodule with the duct (mural cyst+duct) and intracystic multiple mural nodules. The amorphic type is defined as an atypical ductal tumor with the mural nodule extending into adjacent parenchyma. The margin of the duct or cyst was smooth in 68.4% of benign, and irregular in 90% of malignant ductal tumors. Internal echogeneity of the duct or cyst usually showed homogeneity in both benign and malignant tumors. 73.7% of tumors connecting the duct were benign and 50% were malignant. In benign tumors, 52.6% of mural nodule had an irregular margin, while in malignant tumors, the corresponding proportion was 100%;both types usually showed heterogeneous hypoechogeneity. Among benign tumors, the most common morphologic type was the intraductal incompletely obstructive subtype (36.8%);among those that were malignant, the amorphic type was most common, accounting for 40% of tumors. No amorphic type was benign and no incompletely obstructive subtype was malignant. When ductal breast tumors are morphologically classified on the basis of sonographic findings, the intraductal incompletely obstructive subtype suggests benignancy, and the amorphic type, malignancy. The morphologic classification of ductal

    4. Clinicopathological characteristics of duodenal epithelial neoplasms: Focus on tumors with a gastric mucin phenotype (pyloric gland-type tumors.

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Takehiro Mitsuishi

      Full Text Available Epithelial tumors less commonly occur in the duodenum than in the stomach or large intestine. The clinicopathological characteristics of duodenal epithelial tumors remain a matter of debate. We therefore studied resected specimens to investigate the clinicopathological characteristics of duodenal epithelial tumors.Among duodenal epithelial tumors resected endoscopically or surgically in our hospital, we studied the clinicopathological characteristics of 110 adenomas or intramucosal carcinomas. The grade of atypia of all tumors was classified into 3 groups according to the World Health Organization (WHO 2010 classification. The tumors were immunohistochemically evaluated to determine the frequency of differentiation toward fundic glands.As for patient characteristics, there were 76 men (75.2% and 25 women (24.8%, with a median age of 65 years (range, 34 to 84. The tumors most commonly arose in the first to second part of the duodenum. Many lesions were flat, and the median tumor diameter was 8.0 mm. The lesions were classified into 2 types according to mucin phenotype: intestinal-type tumors (98 lesions, 89.1% and gastric-type tumors (12 lesions, 10.9%. Intestinal-type tumors were subdivided into 2 groups: tubular-type tumors (91 lesions, 82.7% and tubulovillous-type tumors (7 lesions, 6.4%. Gastric-type tumors were classified into 2 types: foveolar type (3 lesions, 2.7% and pyloric gland-type (PG tumors (9 lesions, 8.2%. The grade of atypia was significantly higher in gastric-type tumors (p<0.01. PG tumors were gastric-type tumors characterized by pyloric glands and findings suggesting differentiation toward fundic glands.About 10% of the duodenal tumors had a gastric-type mucin phenotype. Gastric-type tumors showed high-grade atypia. In particular, PG tumors showed similarities to PG tumors of the stomach, such as differentiation toward fundic glands.

    5. Detection of lung tumor movement in real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Shimizu, Shinichi; Shirato, Hiroki; Ogura, Shigeaki; Akita-Dosaka, Hirotoshi; Kitamura, Kei; Nishioka, Takeshi; Kagei, Kenji; Nishimura, Masaji; Miyasaka, Kazuo


      Purpose: External radiotherapy for lung tumors requires reducing the uncertainty due to setup error and organ motion. We investigated the three-dimensional movement of lung tumors through an inserted internal marker using a real-time tumor-tracking system and evaluated the efficacy of this system at reducing the internal margin. Methods and Materials: Four patients with lung cancer were analyzed. A 2.0-mm gold marker was inserted into the tumor. The real-time tumor-tracking system calculates and stores three-dimensional coordinates of the marker 30 times/s. The system can trigger the linear accelerator to irradiate the tumor only when the marker is located within the predetermined 'permitted dislocation'. The value was set at ±1 to ±3 mm according to the patient's characteristics. We analyzed 10,413-14,893 data sets for each of the 4 patients. The range of marker movement during normal breathing (beam-off period) was compared with that during gated irradiation (beam-on period) by Student's t test. Results: The range of marker movement during the beam-off period was 5.5-10.0 mm in the lateral direction (x), 6.8-15.9 mm in the craniocaudal direction (y) and 8.1-14.6 mm in the ventrodorsal direction (z). The range during the beam-on period was reduced to within 5.3 mm in all directions in all 4 patients. A significant difference was found between the mean of the range during the beam-off period and the mean of the range during the beam-on period in the x (p=0.007), y (p=0.025), and z (p=0.002) coordinates, respectively. Conclusion: The real-time tumor-tracking radiotherapy system was useful to analyze the movement of an internal marker. Treatment with megavoltage X-rays was properly given when the tumor marker moved into the 'permitted dislocation' zone from the planned position

    6. Epidemiological features of brain tumors


      Živković Nenad; Mihailović Goran; Marković Marko; Berisavac Iva; Spaić Milan


      Brain tumors account for 1.4% of all cancers and 2.4% of all cancer-related deaths. The incidence of brain tumors varies and it is higher in developed countries of Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand. In Serbia, according to data from 2009, malignant brain tumors account for 2. 2 of all tumors, and from all cancer­related deaths, 3.2% is caused by malignant brain tumors. According to recent statistical reports, an overall incidence of b...

    7. Development of synchronous VHL syndrome tumors reveals contingencies and constraints to tumor evolution

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Fisher, Rosalie; Horswell, Stuart; Rowan, Andrew


      are contingent upon the nature of 3p loss of heterozygosity occurring early in tumorigenesis. However, despite distinct 3p events, genomic, proteomic and immunohistochemical analyses reveal evidence for convergence upon the PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling pathway. Four germline tumors in this young patient...... a germline VHL mutation, the evolutionary principles of contingency and convergence in tumor development are complementary. In this small set of patients with early stage VHL-associated tumors, there is reduced mutation burden and limited evidence of intra-tumor heterogeneity....

    8. The role of tumor cell-derived connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) in pancreatic tumor growth. (United States)

      Bennewith, Kevin L; Huang, Xin; Ham, Christine M; Graves, Edward E; Erler, Janine T; Kambham, Neeraja; Feazell, Jonathan; Yang, George P; Koong, Albert; Giaccia, Amato J


      Pancreatic cancer is highly aggressive and refractory to existing therapies. Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) is a fibrosis-related gene that is thought to play a role in pancreatic tumor progression. However, CCN2 can be expressed in a variety of cell types, and the contribution of CCN2 derived from either tumor cells or stromal cells as it affects the growth of pancreatic tumors is unknown. Using genetic inhibition of CCN2, we have discovered that CCN2 derived from tumor cells is a critical regulator of pancreatic tumor growth. Pancreatic tumor cells derived from CCN2 shRNA-expressing clones showed dramatically reduced growth in soft agar and when implanted s.c. We also observed a role for CCN2 in the growth of pancreatic tumors implanted orthotopically, with tumor volume measurements obtained by positron emission tomography imaging. Mechanistically, CCN2 protects cells from hypoxia-mediated apoptosis, providing an in vivo selection for tumor cells that express high levels of CCN2. We found that CCN2 expression and secretion was increased in hypoxic pancreatic tumor cells in vitro, and we observed colocalization of CCN2 and hypoxia in pancreatic tumor xenografts and clinical pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Furthermore, we found increased CCN2 staining in clinical pancreatic tumor tissue relative to stromal cells surrounding the tumor, supporting our assertion that tumor cell-derived CCN2 is important for pancreatic tumor growth. Taken together, these data improve our understanding of the mechanisms responsible for pancreatic tumor growth and progression, and also indicate that CCN2 produced by tumor cells represents a viable therapeutic target for the treatment of pancreatic cancer.

    9. Tumors of the optic nerve

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Lindegaard, Jens; Heegaard, Steffen


      A variety of lesions may involve the optic nerve. Mainly, these lesions are inflammatory or vascular lesions that rarely necessitate surgery but may induce significant visual morbidity. Orbital tumors may induce proptosis, visual loss, relative afferent pupillary defect, disc edema and optic...... atrophy, but less than one-tenth of these tumors are confined to the optic nerve or its sheaths. No signs or symptoms are pathognomonic for tumors of the optic nerve. The tumors of the optic nerve may originate from the optic nerve itself (primary tumors) as a proliferation of cells normally present...... in the nerve (e.g., astrocytes and meningothelial cells). The optic nerve may also be invaded from tumors originating elsewhere (secondary tumors), invading the nerve from adjacent structures (e.g., choroidal melanoma and retinoblastoma) or from distant sites (e.g., lymphocytic infiltration and distant...

    10. Brain tumor and CT, 1

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Suzuki, Nobuyuki; Katada, Kazuhiro; Shinomiya, Youichi; Sano, Hirotoshi; Kanno, Tetsuo


      It is very important for a neurosurgeon to know the consistency of a brain tumor preoperatively, since the information which is of much use in indicating the likely difficulty of the operation, which operative tools should be selected, the amount of bleeding to be expected from the tumor, and so on. The authors, therefore, tried to evaluate the consistency of brain tumors preoperatively 27 cases in which the margin of the tumor was made clear with a homogeneous stain were studied concerning the relationship between the tumor consistency and the CT findings. The results are as follows: 1) A higher CT number on a plain CT indicated a harder consistency of the tumor. 2) A lesser contrast index (CT number on enhancement CT/CT number on plain CT) showed a harder consistency of the tumor. (author)

    11. Testicular germinal tumors

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Fresco, R.


      This work is about diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of testicular germinal tumors. The presumed diagnosis is based in the anamnesis, clinical examination, testicular ultrasound and tumor markers. The definitive diagnosis is obtained through the inguinal radical orchidectomy

    12. Ultra-estrutura dos mastócitos de diferentes tipos histológicos de mastocitoma em cães Mast cell ultrastructure in different types of canine mast cell tumor

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      F.A.R. Sueiro


      Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar as diferenças ultraestruturais de mastócitos neoplásicos de diferentes tipos histológicos de mastocitoma em cães, usando microscopia eletrônica de transmissão Os resultados mostraram que o núcleo e os grânulos citoplasmáticos são as estruturas mais indicadas para se avaliar o grau de anaplasia celular e o estádio de indiferenciação do tumor.The objective of this work was study the ultrastructural differences among the different histologic types of mast cell tumors in dogs collected in vivo. The ultrastructural analyses showed that the nuclei and cytoplasmic granules characteristics are the best structures to be appointed on evaluating the undifferentiation stage of this tumor.

    13. Use of the vasodilator sodium nitroprusside during local hyperthermia: effects on tumor temperature and tumor response in a rat tumor model

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Krossnes, Baard Kronen; Mella, Olav; Dahl, Olav


      Purpose: The effect of a decrease in the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) induced by sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on the tumor temperature during hyperthermia (HT), and on the cytotoxic effect of HT, was studied in the BT 4 An tumor transplanted to the hind limb of BD IX rats. Experiments with two different anesthetics, pentobarbital and the midazolam/fentanyl/fluanisone combination (MFF), were performed to secure reliable conclusions. Methods and Materials: In the tumor response experiments local waterbath HT at 44.0 deg. C was given for 60 min. Sodium nitroprusside was administered as a continuous intravenous infusion to lower the MAP to 60 or 80 mmHg during HT. In two other experiments the temperature at the base of the tumor during HT was measured before and during SNP infusion. In animals without tumor the temperature was measured subcutaneously on the foot during HT with or without SNP-induced hypotension. Results: When SNP was given to lower the MAP to 60 mmHg during HT in MFF anesthetized animals, the median tumor growth time (TGT) was 70 days, compared to 14.5 days in the HT alone group. The corresponding figures were 127 and 12.1 days with pentobarbital anesthesia. In the HT + SNP group, more than 40% cure was observed in both experiments. No cures were seen in any of the other groups. Hyperthermia alone prolonged the TGT slightly, whereas SNP given alone had no effect, compared to controls. When the MAP was lowered to 80 mmHg by SNP infusion during HT (MFF anesthesia), the median TGT was 19.9 days, which was significantly longer than that in the HT alone group (10.9 days). In the MAP range from 60 to 120 mmHg, a nearly linear relationship between the MAP and the tumor temperature was found during HT in MFF anesthetized animals. With both anesthetics, the median temperature at the base of the tumor was about 0.8 deg. C higher during HT when the MAP was lowered to 60 mmHg by SNP. In animals without tumors, the temperature subcutaneously on the foot was 0

    14. Value of diffusion weighted MRI in differentiating benign from malignant bony tumors and tumor like lesions

      Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

      Samir Zaki Kotb


      Conclusion: DWI has been proven to be highly useful in the differentiation of benign, malignant bone tumors and tumor like bony lesions. Measurement of ADC values improves the accuracy of the diagnosis of bone tumors and tumor like lesions. Moreover, measurement of ADC values can be used in the follow up of tumors and their response to therapy.

    15. Radiotherapy of pineal tumors

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Danoff, B.; Sheline, G.E.


      Radiotherapy has universally been used in the treatment of pineal tumors and suprasellar germinomas. Recently however, major technical advances related to the use of the operating microscope and development of microsurgical techniques have prompted a renewed interest in the direct surgical approach for biopsy and/or excision. This interest has resulted in a controversy regarding the role of surgery prior to radiotherapy. Because of the heterogeneity of tumors occurring in the pineal region (i.e., germ cell tumors, pineal parenchymal tumors, glial tumors, and cysts) and their differing biological behavior, controversy also surrounds aspects of radiotherapy such as: the optimal radiation dose, the volume to be irradiated, and indications for prophylactic spinal irradiation. A review of the available data is presented in an attempt to answer these questions

    16. Cirugía transnasal endoscópica para tumores de hipófisis (United States)

      Ajler, Pablo; Hem, Santiago; Goldschmidt, Ezequiel; Landriel, Federico; Campero, Alvaro; Yampolsky, Claudio; Carrizo, Antonio


      Introducción: Exponer la técnica utilizada y los resultados obtenidos en los primeros 52 pacientes portadores de tumores hipofisarios tratados por la vía endoscópica transnasal en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un análisis retrospectivo de 52 cirugías endoscópicas transnasales utilizadas en el tratamiento de tumores hipofisários. Las mismas fueron realizadas en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires durante el período junio del 2011 a junio del 2012. Se analizaron las características demográficas de los pacientes, la patología de base y la morbimortalidad asociada a la cirugía. Resultados: La edad media de los pacientes fue de 41,52 años con un rango de 18-79. La distribución fue similar entre hombres y mujeres. Las patologías más frecuentes fueron: adenomas no funcionantes (40.4%), tumores productores de GH/Acromegalia (25%) y tumores productores de ACTH/Enfermedad de Cushing (23.1%). Aproximadamente el 70 % correspondieron a macroadenomas. Sólo un paciente presentó complicaciones. No se registro ningún óbito. Conclusión: Si bien podremos objetivar fehacientemente resultados más concluyentes en futuros trabajos, podemos decir a priori que, en la endoscopía el detalle anatómico es claramente superior al microscópico y que la posibilidad de la introducción del endoscopio en la silla turca permite la visualización directa de remanentes tumorales, de sitios de fístula y como así también de la glándula normal, ventajas que potencialmente podrían permitir obtener mejores resultados quirúrgicos, en términos de control de la enfermedad y tasa de complicaciones. PMID:23596553

    17. The raccoon polyomavirus genome and tumor antigen transcription are stable and abundant in neuroglial tumors. (United States)

      Brostoff, Terza; Dela Cruz, Florante N; Church, Molly E; Woolard, Kevin D; Pesavento, Patricia A


      Raccoon polyomavirus (RacPyV) is associated with 100% of neuroglial tumors in free-ranging raccoons. Other tumor-associated polyomaviruses (PyVs), including simian virus 40 (SV40), murine PyV, and Merkel cell PyV, are found integrated in the host genome in neoplastic cells, where they constitutively express splice variants of the tumor antigen (TAg) gene. We have previously reported that RacPyV exists only as an episome (nonintegrated) in neuroglial tumors. Here, we have investigated TAg transcription in primary tumor tissue by transcriptome analysis, and we identified the alternatively spliced TAg transcripts for RacPyV. We also determined that TAg was highly transcribed relative to host cellular genes. We further colocalized TAg DNA and mRNA by in situ hybridization and found that the majority of tumor cells showed positive staining. Lastly, we examined the stability of the viral genome and TAg transcription by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR in cultured tumor cells in vitro and in a mouse xenograft model. When tumor cells were cultured in vitro, TAg transcription increased nearly 2 log-fold over that of parental tumor tissue by passage 17. Both episomal viral genome and TAg transcription were faithfully maintained in culture and in tumors arising from xenotransplantation of cultured cells in mice. This study represents a minimal criterion for RacPyV's association with neuroglial tumors and a novel mechanism of stability for a polyomavirus in cancer. The natural cycle of polyomaviruses in mammals is to persist in the host without causing disease, but they can cause cancer in humans or in other animals. Because this is an unpredictable and rare event, the oncogenic potential of polyomavirus is primarily evaluated in laboratory animal models. Recently, raccoon polyomavirus (RacPyV) was identified in neuroglial tumors of free-ranging raccoons. Viral copy number was consistently high in these tumors but was low or undetectable in nontumor tissue or in

    18. Tumor detection using feature extraction

      International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

      Sankar, A.S.; Amudhavalli, N.; Sivakolundu, M.K.


      The assistance system for brain tumor detection helps the doctor to analyse the brain tumor in MRI image and help to make decision. The manual detection system takes 3 -5 hours time to analyse the tumor. Doctors are in a position to analyze the tumor faster and make a correct decision with an assistance system

    19. Mena deficiency delays tumor progression and decreases metastasis in polyoma middle-T transgenic mouse mammary tumors. (United States)

      Roussos, Evanthia T; Wang, Yarong; Wyckoff, Jeffrey B; Sellers, Rani S; Wang, Weigang; Li, Jiufeng; Pollard, Jeffrey W; Gertler, Frank B; Condeelis, John S


      The actin binding protein Mammalian enabled (Mena), has been implicated in the metastatic progression of solid tumors in humans. Mena expression level in primary tumors is correlated with metastasis in breast, cervical, colorectal and pancreatic cancers. Cells expressing high Mena levels are part of the tumor microenvironment for metastasis (TMEM), an anatomical structure that is predictive for risk of breast cancer metastasis. Previously we have shown that forced expression of Mena adenocarcinoma cells enhances invasion and metastasis in xenograft mice. Whether Mena is required for tumor progression is still unknown. Here we report the effects of Mena deficiency on tumor progression, metastasis and on normal mammary gland development. To investigate the role of Mena in tumor progression and metastasis, Mena deficient mice were intercrossed with mice carrying a transgene expressing the polyoma middle T oncoprotein, driven by the mouse mammary tumor virus. The progeny were investigated for the effects of Mena deficiency on tumor progression via staging of primary mammary tumors and by evaluation of morbidity. Stages of metastatic progression were investigated using an in vivo invasion assay, intravital multiphoton microscopy, circulating tumor cell burden, and lung metastases. Mammary gland development was studied in whole mount mammary glands of wild type and Mena deficient mice. Mena deficiency decreased morbidity and metastatic dissemination. Loss of Mena increased mammary tumor latency but had no affect on mammary tumor burden or histologic progression to carcinoma. Elimination of Mena also significantly decreased epidermal growth factor (EGF) induced in vivo invasion, in vivo motility, intravasation and metastasis. Non-tumor bearing mice deficient for Mena also showed defects in mammary gland terminal end bud formation and branching. Deficiency of Mena decreases metastasis by slowing tumor progression and reducing tumor cell invasion and intravasation. Mena

    20. Real-time PCR analysis of genes encoding tumor antigens in esophageal tumors and a cancer vaccine

      DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

      Weinert, Brian T; Krishnadath, Kausilia K; Milano, Francesca


      Tumor antigens are the primary target of therapeutic cancer vaccines. We set out to define and compare the expression pattern of tumor antigen genes in esophagus carcinoma biopsies and in an allogeneic tumor lysate-based cancer vaccine, MelCancerVac. Cells used for vaccine production were treated...... in the production of the vaccine. Quantitative PCR was used to assay 74 tumor antigen genes in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. 81% (13/16) of tumors expressed more than five cancer/testis (CT) antigens. A total of 96 genes were assayed in the tumor cell clone (DDM1.7) used to make tumor cell...