
Sample records for intraocular relativo al



    Moreno, José Eduardo; Marcaccio, Antonela


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la relación existente entre los valores relativos al trabajo y algunos perfiles profesionales (contabilidad y administración, marketing y ventas, y recepción). El instrumento utilizado es la Escala Argentina de Valores Relativos al Trabajo (Moreno & Marcaccio, 2012) que contiene cuatro subescalas de cinco ítems cada una, a saber: Realización Personal, Reconocimiento Social, Altruismo y Aspiraciones Económicas. La muestra incluye a 425 sujetos (40% v...





    La inmigración es un fenómeno complejo, que involucra múltiples aspectos, y por tanto debe ser estudiado desde todas sus perspectivas. El propósito de este caso de estudio, es analizar el comportamiento del colectivo inmigrante en las comunas de Santiago, Independencia y Recoleta de la Región Metropolitana de Santiago de Chile, en lo relativo al uso del sistema de salud público, en condiciones de pre y post programa de regularización migratoria, acontecida en el país en el año 2007. A fin ...

  3. Resultados de implante de lente intraocular en niños Results of intraocular lens implantation in children

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    Nashelly I. Mejía Cruz


    Full Text Available En este estudio se describen los resultados obtenidos del implante de lente intraocular en niños, quienes acudieron al servicio de Oftalmología Pediátrica de Instituto Cubano de oftalmología “Ramón Pando Ferrer” con el diagnóstico de catarata de diversas etiologías, en período comprendido entre abril del 2002 al 2005 cuyo seguimiento fue durante un año. En nuestro universo de estudio se determinan algunos parámetros como la edad del paciente, etiología de las cataratas, agudeza visual, defecto refractivo preoperatorio y posoperatorio. Se identificó el poder dióptrico del lente intraocular más frecuente, la presencia de complicaciones durante la cirugía y después de esta. Se evaluaron finalmente, los pacientes que requerían de tratamiento adicional como la capsulotomía con láser o membranectomía quirúrgica. El implante del lente intraocular a temprana edad se relacionó con buenos resultados quirúrgicos: mejoría de la agudeza visual corregida, presentándose el astigmatismo como el error refractivo más frecuente. La complicación transoperatorio y postoperatoria más frecuente fue la membrana inflamatoria, mientras que la complicación posoperatoria más frecuente fue la opacidad de la cápsula posterior.This paper described the results of the intraocular lens implantation performed in children, who had been seen at the Pediatric Ophthalmologic Service of " Ramon Pando Ferrer " Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology and had been diagnosed as having cataract of various etiologies, from April 2002 to April 2005. They were all followed-up for a year. Some parameters like the patient’s age, the etiology of cataract, visual acuity, pre-operative and post-operative refractive defect were considered in our study. The dioptric power of the most common intraocular lens and the most frequent complications during and after surgery were identified. The patients requiring additional treatment such as laser capsulotomy and surgical

  4. Experiencia con la lente intraocular RAYNER 620H Experience gained with the use of intraocular lens RAYNER 620 H

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    Juan Raúl Hernández Silva


    Full Text Available Un importante eslabón en el progreso alcanzado en la cirugía de cataratas, está fundamentado en el desarrollo industrial paralelo que ha ocurrido durante los últimos años con la introducción de nuevos modelos de lentes intraoculares, como el Rayner 620 H; el perfeccionamiento del instrumental quirúrgico, sistemas de aspiración e irrigación bimanual y bisturí con la medida exacta para colocar el inyector de la lente intraocular. La lente intraocular Rayner 620H significó un gran paso para la facoemulsificación y el control de la opacidad de la cápsula posterior posoperatoria por el diseño peculiar de su óptica y hápticos, que permiten un implante seguro, fácil y una incisión mínima. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo y descriptivo, cuyo universo de estudio fueron 28 ojos con diagnóstico de cataratas a los cuales se les realizó facoemulsificación con implante de lente intraocular Rayner 620 H, en el Centro de Microcirugía Ocular del Instituto Cubano de oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" en el período comprendido entre junio de 2006 a febrero de 2007. El grupo de edades donde se encontró el de mayor número de pacientes fue en el de más de 60 años. En todos los casos hubo un aumento significativo de la agudeza visual sin corrección y con ella, del preoperatorio al posoperatorio. Hubo un aumento del cilindro queratométrico del preoperatorio al posoperatorio, pero este fue mínimo La pérdida de células endoteliales fue baja del preoperatorio al posoperatorio, respectivamente. No hubo ninguna complicación durante la cirugía ni después de esta. Evaluamos como satisfactoria la efectividad del lente intraocular Rayner 620 H, por el aumento de la agudeza visual del paciente, el bajo astigmatismo inducido, mejoría del campo visual por confrontación, mínima pérdida de células endoteliales, y ausencia de complicaciones y de deslumbramiento posoperatorio en los pacientes.An important link in the advances made by the

  5. Escala de valores relativos ao trabalho : EVT

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    Porto Juliana Barreiros


    Full Text Available Na literatura internacional são encontradas várias escalas para medir valores relativos ao trabalho, porém a maioria apresenta problemas com relação à definição do conceito ou a falta de integração com os modelos teóricos sobre valores pessoais. No Brasil foram encontrados dois instrumentos, um não foi validado para a população brasileira e o outro foi validado para uma população de baixa escolaridade. Foi objetivo do presente estudo desenvolver e validar uma Escala de Valores relativos ao Trabalho. Para o desenvolvimento da EVT foi realizado um levantamento de instrumentos anteriores e foram entrevistados trabalhadores. Após a análise de juízes e validação semântica, o instrumento foi respondido por 394 pessoas. A análise fatorial apontou para quatro fatores: Realização no trabalho, Relações sociais, Prestígio e Estabilidade. O instrumento após validação é composto por 45 itens. Os resultados corroboraram o modelo teórico previsto e conclui-se que a escala foi devidamente estabelecida e pode ser utilizada para pesquisa e diagnóstico.

  6. Bertrand Russell: pacifismo político relativo

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    Francisco A. Laca-Arocena


    Full Text Available Siguiendo la biografía de Bertrand Russell (1872-1970, lógico matemático, filósofo, premio Nobel de Literatura 1950 y militante pacifista a lo largo de gran parte del conflictivo siglo XX, se analiza el doble conflicto que afronta un pacifista: de desobediencia civil a un gobierno que ha declarado una guerra y de relativa marginación social con una opinión pública cuando ésta es mayoritariamente favorable a esa guerra. Tras un breve análisis del pacifismo contrastándolo con una doble tradición en el pensamiento político anglosajón, el utilitarismo y la teoría del contrato social, se incide en la distinción personal de Russell entre guerras ¿de prestigio¿ y ¿de valores¿. Fue pacifista en la Primera Guerra Mundial considerándola una guerra de prestigio, pero fue partidario de oponerse al nazismo en la Segunda Guerra entendiendo que se trataba de un combate de valores. Volvería a un activismo pacifista en su oposición a la guerra de Vietnam. Estas diferentes posiciones ante la guerra en relación con lo que en cada caso esté en juego, se conoce como ¿pacifismo político relativo¿, cuyo representante más genuino fue el propio Russell.

  7. Intraocular pressure reduction and regulation system (United States)

    Baehr, E. F.; Burnett, J. E.; Felder, S. F.; Mcgannon, W. J.


    An intraocular pressure reduction and regulation system is described and data are presented covering performance in: (1) reducing intraocular pressure to a preselected value, (2) maintaining a set minimum intraocular pressure, and (3) reducing the dynamic increases in intraocular pressure resulting from external loads applied to the eye.

  8. La desambiguación de oraciones de relativo en gallego: Nueva evidencia de adjunción alta en lenguas romances

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    Juan Carlos Acuña


    Full Text Available La investigación sobre el procesamiento de oraciones ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia de obtener datos de lenguas diferentes al inglés (e.g., Cuetos y Mitchell, 1988. En el marco de la desambiguación de oraciones de relativo como Alguien disparó al criado de la actriz que estaba en el balcón, en la que tanto “la actriz” como “el criado” podrían ser los que “estaban en el balcón”, se han encontrado preferencias dispares en distintos idiomas. Así, en inglés parecen preferirse adjunciones bajas hacia el sintagma nominal más cercano (SN2, mientras que en lenguas como el español o el francés se prefieren adjunciones altas, es decir, hacia el sintagma nominal más lejano (SN1. En el caso de otras lenguas romances, portugués e italiano, los resultados son inciertos, pues algunos autores han encontrado preferencias por la adjunción baja mientras que otros lo han hecho por la adjunción alta. En la presente investigación se evalúan, a partir de un estudio de cuestionario y un experimento de lectura autoadministrada mediante ventana móvil, las preferencias estructurales de hablantes de gallego, una lengua con un estrecho parecido al espa��ol (preferencia hacia SN1 y al portugués (preferencia incierta. Los datos, los primeros en lengua gallega, indican, tanto en el estudio de cuestionario como en el estudio on-line, preferencias por las estructuras en las que la cláusula de relativo ambigua se adjunta alto en el marco sintagmático. Estos resultados son discutidos en relación con los principales modelos de procesamiento de oraciones y las preferencias encontradas en distintas lenguas.

  9. Effect of hemodialysis on intraocular lens power calculation. (United States)

    Çalışkan, Sinan; Çelikay, Osman; Biçer, Tolga; Aylı, Mehmet Deniz; Gürdal, Canan


    To evaluate changes in ocular biometric parameters after hemodialysis (HD) in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Forty eyes of 40 patients undergoing HD were included in this cross-sectional study. Keratometry (K) readings, white-to-white (WTW) distance, central corneal thickness (CCT), anterior chamber depth (ACD), pupil diameter, lens thickness (LT), axial length (AL), and intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation were measured with Lenstar LS 900 (Haag Streit AG, Koeniz, Switzerland) before and after hemodialysis. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured with a non-contact tonometer (Tonopachy NT-530P, Nidek Co., LTD, Tokyo, Japan). Main outcomes were changes in biometric parameters after HD. Reliability of the measurements (intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs)) and the effect size (Cohen's d) were also calculated. Mean difference in AL before and after HD was -0.041 ± 0.022 mm with ICCs > 0.90 (p  0.90 (p = 0.041 and Cohen's d = 0.20). Hemodialysis had no significant effect on K readings, WTW distance, CCT, ACD, LT, or IOP. Axial length and pupil diameter increase after HD with small effect size, while HD does not significantly affect IOL power calculations.

  10. The Effect of Various Contact Lenses on Intraocular Pressure Measurement by Goldman Tonometer

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    Monireh Mahjoob


    Full Text Available Background: Today, contact lenses have extensive usages. Contact lens places on cornea, so it may induce variation on cornea and these variations can influence the measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP by Goldman tonometer. The aim of this research was to study the effect of various contact lenses on measurement of intraocular pressure by Goldman tonometer. Materials and Methods: In this study, 80 subjects aged 18-25 were selected randomly among patients of Al-Zahra ophthalmology center. None of them has any eye pathological problems. Before wearing the lens, intraocular pressure was measured, and then patients were divided into two groups of soft and hard contact lenses. Soft and hard contact lenses were placed on the eye for two hours, and the intraocular pressure was measured again. Results: The mean of IOP before wearing contact lenses and two hours later was 15.96 mmHg and 13.93, s respectively. Paired test showed a significant difference between IOP before and after wearing contact lenses (p=0.001.There was no significant differences in mean of intraocular pressure decline before and after placing the contact lens in both soft and hard lenses. Conclusion: According to this study, the intraocular pressure decreases after wearing contact lenses (CL. This decline may be due to variation in properties of cornea after wearing CL that can also affect IOP measurement.

  11. Intraocular (Eye) Melanoma—Health Professional Version (United States)

    Intraocular (uveal) melanoma of the uveal tract (iris, ciliary body, and choroid), though rare, is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults. Find evidence-based information on intraocular melanoma treatment.

  12. [Correlation of intraocular pressure variation after visual field examination with 24-hour intraocular pressure variations in primary open-angle glaucoma]. (United States)

    Noro, Takahiko; Nakamoto, Kenji; Sato, Makoto; Yasuda, Noriko; Ito, Yoshinori; Ogawa, Shumpei; Nakano, Tadashi; Tsuneoka, Hiroshi


    We retrospectively examined intraocular pressure variations after visual field examination in primary open angle glaucoma (POAG), together with its influencing factors and its association with 24-hour intraocular pressure variations. Subjects were 94 eyes (52 POAG patients) subjected to measurements of 24-hour intraocular pressure and of changes in intraocular pressure after visual field examination using a Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer. Subjects were classified into three groups according to the magnitude of variation (large, intermediate and small), and 24-hour intraocular pressure variations were compared among the three groups. Factors influencing intraocular pressure variations after visual field examination and those associated with the large variation group were investigated. Average intraocular pressure variation after visual field examination was -0.28 ± 1.90 (range - 6.0(-) + 5.0) mmHg. No significant influencing factors were identified. The intraocular pressure at 3 a.m. was significantly higher in the large variation group than other two groups (p field examination. Increases in intraocular pressure during the night might be associated with large intraocular pressure variations after visual field examination.

  13. Intraocular lymphoma

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    Li-Juan Tang


    Full Text Available Intraocular lymphoma (IOL is a rare lymphocytic malignancy which contains two main distinct forms. Primary intraocular lymphoma (PIOL is mainly a sub-type of primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL. Alternatively, IOL can originate from outside the central nervous system (CNS by metastasizing to the eye. These tumors are known as secondary intraocular lymphoma (SIOL. The IOL can arise in the retina, uvea, vitreous, Bruch’s membrane and optic nerve. There are predominantly of B-cell origin; however there are also rare T-cell variants. Diagnosis remains challenging for ophthalmologists and pathologists, due to its ability to masquerade as noninfectious or infectious uveitis, white dot syndromes, or occasionally as other metastatic cancers. Laboratory tests include flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry, interleukin detection (IL-10: IL-6, ratio >1, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR amplification. Methotrexate-based systemic chemotherapy with external beam radiotherapy and intravitreal chemotherapy with methotrexate are useful for controlling the disease, but the prognosis remains poor. Therefore, it is important to make an early diagnose and treatment. This review is focused on the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the IOL.

  14. Evolucao dos precos relativos de grupos alimentares entre 1939 e 2010, em Sao Paulo, SP

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    Tania Yuka Yuba


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a evolução dos preços relativos dos grupos de produtos alimentares e sua influência nas políticas públicas para uma alimentação saudável. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados do município de São Paulo de 1939 a 2010, a partir da aplicação de métodos de cálculo de números-índices. Foram utilizados dados do banco de preços e estruturas de ponderação da Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas (1939 a 1988 e do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (1989 a 2010. O banco de preços foi organizado, sua consistência foi testada e os preços foram deflacionados pelo Índice de Preços ao Consumidor. Os dados relativos a preços deflacionados foram calculados e agregados por categorias e grupos alimentares da pirâmide alimentar adaptada. Os índices de preços de cada grupo foram construídos aplicando a fórmula de Laspeyres modificada. O índice geral de preços da alimentação foi comparado com índices de cada grupo alimentar e respectiva categoria: alimentos in natura; alimentos industrializados; bebidas; carnes, leguminosas, leite e ovos; cereais e tubérculos; e refeições fora do domicílio. RESULTADOS: Os grupos alimentares de gorduras, óleos, condimentos, açúcares e alimentos processados (alimentos industrializados apresentaram tendência de redução de preços em termos relativos. O índice dos alimentos in natura, como frutas e verduras, apresentaram tendência de elevação de preços. Outros grupos alimentares, como cereais, farinhas e massas, carnes, leite e ovos, apresentaram estabilidade de preços relativos ao longo do tempo. CONCLUSÕES: A evolução dos preços relativos dos alimentos no município de São Paulo mostra tendência desfavorável à manutenção da alimentação saudável em nível domiciliar em longo prazo.

  15. Caracterização da variabilidade espacial do índice relativo de clorofila na cultura do trigo


    Pias,Osmar Henrique de Castro; Santi,Antônio Luis; Cherubin,Maurício Roberto; Berghetti,Juliano; Oliveira,Thiago Campos de


    A aplicação localizada de nitrogênio, baseada no índice relativo de clorofila das folhas, pode proporcionar inúmeros benefícios econômicos e ambientais, no entanto, o conhecimento sobre a metodologia de amostragem ainda é incipiente. Nesse sentido, este estudo objetivou avaliar o uso de diferentes malhas amostrais na caracterização da variabilidade espacial do índice relativo de clorofila das folhas da cultura do trigo e na confecção de mapas temáticos para a aplicação localizada de nitrogêni...

  16. Cataract and keratoconus: minimizing complications in intraocular lens calculations. (United States)

    Bozorg, Sara; Pineda, Roberto


    Patients with both cataract and keratoconus present unique challenges for the surgeon. Accurate keratometry (K) and axial length (AL) readings may be impossible, and uncertainty is introduced when estimating the corneal power for intraocular lens (IOL) selection. Different options on how to choose an IOL and how to manage irregular astigmatism of a keratoconic patient with cataract have been proposed and are reviewed. The stage of keratoconus and the history of the patient are both critical in determining the strategy used in treatment of cataracts.

  17. Intraocular inflammation in autoimmune diseases. (United States)

    Pras, Eran; Neumann, Ron; Zandman-Goddard, Gisele; Levy, Yair; Assia, Ehud I; Shoenfeld, Yehuda; Langevitz, Pnina


    The uveal tract represents the vascular organ of the eye. In addition to providing most of the blood supply to the intraocular structures, it acts as a conduit for immune cells, particularly lymphocytes, to enter the eye. Consequently, the uveal tract is represented in many intraocular inflammatory processes. Uveitis is probably a misnomer unless antigens within the uvea are the direct targets of the inflammatory process. A better term of the condition is "intraocular inflammation" (IOI). To review the presence of IOI in autoimmune diseases, the immunopathogenic mechanisms leading to disease, and treatment. We reviewed the English medical literature by using MEDLINE (1984-2003) employing the terms "uveitis," "intraocular inflammation," and "autoimmune diseases." An underlying autoimmune disease was identified in up to 40% of patients with IOI, and included spondyloarthropathies, Behcets disease, sarcoidosis, juvenile chronic arthritis, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome (an inflammatory syndrome including uveitis with dermatologic and neurologic manifestations), immune recovery syndrome, and uveitis with tubulointerstitial disease. The immunopathogenesis of IOI involves enhanced T-cell response. Recently, guidelines for the use of immunosuppressive drugs for inflammatory eye disease were established and include: corticosteroids, azathioprine, methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, cyclophosphamide, and chlorambucil. New therapies with limited experience include the tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors, interferon alfa, monoclonal antibodies against lymphocyte surface antigens, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), and the intraocular delivery of immunosuppressive agents. An underlying autoimmune disease was identified in up to 40% of patients with IOI. Immunosuppressive drugs, biologic agents, and IVIG are employed for the treatment of IOI in autoimmune diseases.

  18. 21 CFR 886.3600 - Intraocular lens. (United States)


    ... DEVICES OPHTHALMIC DEVICES Prosthetic Devices § 886.3600 Intraocular lens. (a) Identification. An intraocular lens is a device made of materials such as glass or plastic intended to be implanted to replace the natural lens of an eye. (b) Classification. Class III. (c) Date PMA or notice of completion of a...

  19. 21 CFR 886.4275 - Intraocular fluid. (United States)


    ... DEVICES OPHTHALMIC DEVICES Surgical Devices § 886.4275 Intraocular fluid. (a) Identification. An intraocular fluid is a device consisting of a nongaseous fluid intended to be introduced into the eye to aid... section 515 of the act is required before this device may be commercially distributed. See § 886.3. ...

  20. A Case Report of Intraocular Metastasis Treated with Radiotherapy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Ok Bae; Byun, Sang Jun; Kim, Kwang Soo; Kim, Jin Hee [Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Ho Jun [Daegu Catholic University School of Medicine, Daegu (Korea, Republic of)


    Intraocular metastasis is the most common malignancy of the eye. The frequency of intraocular metastasis in all the patients dying of cancer is about 12% and ocular metastases will be detected more frequently in the future because the patients with malignant tumor are now living longer. Intraocular metastasis can cause a serious clinical problem such as blindness. The early recognition and treatment of intraocular metastasis are very important clinical oncologic issues to maintain vision and to maximize the quality of life. However, significance of intraocular metastasis is still under-evaluated for practicing oncologists. External beam radiotherapy is a safe, effective palliative treatment in terms of preserving both the vision and the eye globe.

  1. 21 CFR 886.4270 - Intraocular gas. (United States)


    ... DEVICES OPHTHALMIC DEVICES Surgical Devices § 886.4270 Intraocular gas. (a) Identification. An intraocular gas is a device consisting of a gaseous fluid intended to be introduced into the eye to place pressure... required. As of May 28, 1976, an approval under section 515 of the act is required before this device may...

  2. Implantação de lente intraocular com uma alça amputada: proposta para o tratamento cirúrgico da subluxação do cristalino Intraocular lens implantation with one loop haptic amputed: a new propose to the subluxation lens surgical treatment

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    Marcelo Ventura


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados pós-operatórios da subluxação congênita do cristalino, corrigida por uma nova abordagem cirúrgica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 21 olhos de 13 pacientes, portadores de subluxação não traumática do cristalino submetidos à cirurgia na Fundação Altino Ventura, no período de abril de 1999 a abril de 2004. A idade média foi de 8,7 ± 5,4 anos, e o tempo médio de seguimento foi 21,5 ± 19,3 meses. Os pacientes foram submetidos à facoaspiração, implante do anel endocapsular e lente intraocular (LIO. Uma das alças da LIO foi amputada e apoiada sobre o anel, no interior do saco capsular, centralizando a LIO. RESULTADOS: Houve melhora da acuidade visual (AV em todos os casos, e redução significante do equivalente esférico e componente esférico comparando-se a refração pré e pós-operatória (pPURPOSE: To evaluate the postoperative results of congenital lens subluxation corrected by a new technique. METHODS: Retrospective chart review of 21 eyes of 13 patients with no traumatic lens subluxation who underwent surgery in Altino Ventura Foundation from April, 1999 to April, 2004. The mean age was 8.7 ± 5.4 years old, and the mean follow-up period was 21.5 ± 19.3 months. Patients underwent phacoaspiration, endocapsular ring and intraocular lens (IOL implantation. The implanted IOL had one loop haptic excised and was supported above the ring, inside the capsular bag promoting intraocular lens centralization. RESULTS: Visual acuity improvement was observed in all cases. There was a significant reduction of the spherical equivalent and spherical component comparing the pre and postoperative refraction (p<0.01. There was no statistically significant difference between the pre and postoperative cylinder component (p=0.71. Posterior capsule opacification was a postoperative complication found in 71.4% of the cases. Early posterior capsulotomy was performed with no complications in these cases. CONCLUSION

  3. Piggyback intraocular lens implantation to correct pseudophakic refractive error after segmental multifocal intraocular lens implantation. (United States)

    Venter, Jan A; Oberholster, Andre; Schallhorn, Steven C; Pelouskova, Martina


    To evaluate refractive and visual outcomes of secondary piggyback intraocular lens implantation in patients diagnosed as having residual ametropia following segmental multifocal lens implantation. Data of 80 pseudophakic eyes with ametropia that underwent Sulcoflex aspheric 653L intraocular lens implantation (Rayner Intraocular Lenses Ltd., East Sussex, United Kingdom) to correct residual refractive error were analyzed. All eyes previously had in-the-bag zonal refractive multifocal intraocular lens implantation (Lentis Mplus MF30, models LS-312 and LS-313; Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany) and required residual refractive error correction. Outcome measurements included uncorrected distance visual acuity, corrected distance visual acuity, uncorrected near visual acuity, distance-corrected near visual acuity, manifest refraction, and complications. One-year data are presented in this study. The mean spherical equivalent ranged from -1.75 to +3.25 diopters (D) preoperatively (mean: +0.58 ± 1.15 D) and reduced to -1.25 to +0.50 D (mean: -0.14 ± 0.28 D; P < .01). Postoperatively, 93.8% of eyes were within ±0.50 D and 98.8% were within ±1.00 D of emmetropia. The mean uncorrected distance visual acuity improved significantly from 0.28 ± 0.16 to 0.01 ± 0.10 logMAR and 78.8% of eyes achieved 6/6 (Snellen 20/20) or better postoperatively. The mean uncorrected near visual acuity changed from 0.43 ± 0.28 to 0.19 ± 0.15 logMAR. There was no significant change in corrected distance visual acuity or distance-corrected near visual acuity. No serious intraoperative or postoperative complications requiring secondary intraocular lens removal occurred. Sulcoflex lenses proved to be a predictable and safe option for correcting residual refractive error in patients diagnosed as having pseudophakia. Copyright 2014, SLACK Incorporated.

  4. A common humoral background of intraocular and arterial blood pressure dysregulation. (United States)

    Skrzypecki, Janusz; Grabska-Liberek, Iwona; Przybek, Joanna; Ufnal, Marcin


    It has been postulated that intraocular pressure, an important glaucoma risk factor, correlates positively with arterial blood pressure (blood pressure). However, results of experimental and clinical studies are often contradictory. It is hypothesized that, in some hypertensive patients, disturbances in intraocular pressure regulation may depend on biological effects of blood borne hormones underlying a particular type of hypertension, rather than on blood pressure level itself. This review compares the effects of hormones on blood pressure and intraocular pressure, in order to identify a hormonal profile of hypertensive patients with an increased risk of intraocular pressure surge. The PUBMED database was searched to identify pre-clinical and clinical studies investigating the role of angiotensin II, vasopressin, adrenaline, noradrenaline, prostaglandins, and gaseous transmitters in the regulation of blood pressure and intraocular pressure. Studies included in the review suggest that intraocular and blood pressures often follow a different pattern of response to the same hormone. For example, vasopressin increases blood pressure, but decreases intraocular pressure. In contrast, high level of nitric oxide decreases blood pressure, but increases intraocular pressure. Arterial hypertension is associated with altered levels of blood borne hormones. Contradicting results of studies on the relationship between arterial hypertension and intraocular pressure might be partially explained by diverse effects of hormones on arterial and intraocular pressures. Further studies are needed to evaluate if hormonal profiling may help to identify glaucoma-prone patients.

  5. A study of Brachytherapy for Intraocular Tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji, Kwang Soo; Yoo, Dae Hyun; Lee, Sung Goo; Kim, Jae Hu; Ji, Young Hun


    The eye enucleation or external-beam radiation therapy that has been commonly used for the treatment of intraocular tumor have demerits of visual loss and in deficiency of effective tumor dose. Recently, brachytherapy using the plaques containing radioisotope-now treatment method that decrease the demerits of the above mentioned treatment methods and increase the treatment effect-is introduced and performed in the countries, Our purpose of this research is to design suitable shape of plaque for the ophthalmic brachytherapy, and to measure absorbed doses of Ir-192 ophthalmic plaque and thereby calculate the exact radiation dose of tumor and it's adjacent normal tissue. In order to brachytherapy for intraocular tumor, 1. to determine the eye model and selected suitable radioisotope 2. to design the suitable shape of plaque 3. to measure transmission factor and dose distribution for custom made plaques 4. to compare with the these data and results of computer dose calculation models. The result were as followed. 1. Eye model was determined as a 25 mm diameter sphere, Ir-192 was considered the most appropriate as radioisotope for brachytherapy, because of the size, half, energy and availability. 2. Considering the biological response with human tissue and protection of exposed dose, we made the plaques with gold, of which size were 15 mm, 17 mm and 20 mm in diameter, and 1.5 mm in thickness. 3. Transmission factor of plaques are all 0.71 with TLD and film dosimetry at the surface of plaques and 0.45, 0.49 at 1.5 mm distance of surface, respectively. 4. As compared the measured data for the plaque with Ir-192 seeds to results of computer dose calculation model by Gary Luxton et al. and CAP-PLAN (Radiation Treatment Planning System), absorbed doses are within ±10% and distance deviations are within 0.4 mm Maximum error is -11.3% and 0.8 mm, respectively. As a result of it, we can treat the intraocular tumor more effectively by using custom made gold plaque and Ir-192

  6. 21 CFR 886.4300 - Intraocular lens guide. (United States)


    ...) MEDICAL DEVICES OPHTHALMIC DEVICES Surgical Devices § 886.4300 Intraocular lens guide. (a) Identification. An intraocular lens guide is a device intended to be inserted into the eye during surgery to direct... lenses, the device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this...


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    V. G. Kolobrodov


    Full Text Available Intraocular lenses (IOLs are used to replace the natural crystalline lens of the eye. Just few basic designs of IOLs are used clinically. Multiorder diffractive lenses (MODL which operate simultaneously in several diffractive orders were proposed to decrease the chromatic aberration. Properties analysis of MODL showed a possibility to use them to develop new designs of IOLs. The purpose of this paper was to develop a new method of designing of multiorder intraocular lenses with decreased chromatic aberration. The theoretical research of the lens properties was carried out. The diffraction efficiency dependence with the change of wavelength was studied. A computer simulation of MODL in a schematic model of the human eye was carried out. It is found the capability of the multiorder diffractive lenses to focus polychromatic light into a segment on the optical axis with high diffraction efficiency. At each point of the segment is present each component of the spectral range, which will build a color image in combination. The paper describes the new design method of intraocular lenses with reduced chromaticism and with endless adaptation. An optical system of an eye with an intraocular lens that provides sharp vision of objects located at a distance of 700 mm to infinity is modeled.

  8. Lente intra-ocular multifocal difrativa apodizada: resultados Diffractive apodized multifocal intraocular lens: results

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    Virgilio Centurion


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Mostrar os resultados visuais e refracionais com lente intra-ocular multifocal difrativa apodizada. MÉTODOS: Estudo de 100 olhos de 50 pacientes com catarata, submetidos à facoemulsificação com implante bilateral de lente intra-ocular (LIO multifocal difrativa apodizada. Foi avaliada a acuidade visual binocular sem e com correção para longe e perto, a previsibilidade refracional e a freqüência de uso de óculos. RESULTADOS: A acuidade visual sem correção para longe foi de e " 20/30 em 97,56% dos olhos operados e e" J2 em 100%, sendo que 82% dos pacientes nunca usam óculos e 16% usam de forma esporádica. CONCLUSÃO: A LIO multifocal difrativa apodizada mostrou ser uma opção previsível, reproduzível e segura na correção dos vícios de refração para longe e perto durante a cirurgia da catarata, permitindo elevado índice de independência ao uso de óculos.OBJECTIVE: To show visual and refraction results using multifocal diffractive apodized intraocular lens. METHODS: The study of 100 eyes of 50 patients with cataract, submitted to phacoemulsification with bilateral implant of multifocal diffractive apodized intraocular lens (IOL. Binocular visual acuity was evaluated with and without correction for near and distance, and refraction previsibility and frequency of wearing glasses. RESULTS: Visual acuity without correction for distance was e" 20/30 in 97.56% of eyes operated on and e" J2 in 100%, of these 82% of patients never wear glasses and 16% wear glasses sporadically. CONCLUSION: Multifocal diffractive apodized IOL proved to be a foreseeable option, reproducible and safe in the correction of refraction errors for distance and near during cataract surgery, enabling a high rate of independence from the use of glasses.

  9. Relation between intraocular pressure and size of transverse sinuses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kantarci, Mecit; Onbas, Omer; Alper, Fatih; Okur, Adnan [Atatuerk University, Department of Radiology, Medical Faculty, Erzurum (Turkey); Dane, Senol; Gumustekin, Kenan [Atatuerk University, Department of Physiology, Medical Faculty, Erzurum (Turkey); Aslankurt, Murat [Atatuerk University, Department of Ophtalmatology, Medical Faculty, Erzurum (Turkey); Yazici, Ahmet Taylan [Beyoglu Goez Egitim ve Arastirma Hastanesi, Istanbul (Turkey)


    There are asymmetries in the sizes of transverse sinus and intraocular pressure. The purpose of this study was to investigate possible relationships between the asymmetry of transverse sinuses in TOF MR venography and intraocular pressures of right and left eyes. In this study, subjects were 63 male and 42 female medical school students, aged 18-21 years (mean{+-}SD; 19.72{+-}0.67 years). Subjects with neurological and ophthalmologic disease, particularly dural sinus thrombosis, myopia, trauma and glaucoma, were excluded the study. Subjects were divided into five groups according to the magnitudes of the right- and left-transverse sinuses in MR venography results. There is a functional relation between intraocular pressures of the right and left eyes and asymmetry of the transverse sinus. If the transverse sinus on one side is larger and its venous drainage is greater, the intraocular pressure of the eye on this side is lower. It can be speculated that the transverse sinus size may be associated with pathogenesis of diseases with increased intraocular pressure such as glaucoma. We aim to determine the relation between the size and drainage of transverse sinuses in TOF MR venography and intraocular pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma in our next study. (orig.)

  10. Relation between intraocular pressure and size of transverse sinuses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kantarci, Mecit; Onbas, Omer; Alper, Fatih; Okur, Adnan; Dane, Senol; Gumustekin, Kenan; Aslankurt, Murat; Yazici, Ahmet Taylan


    There are asymmetries in the sizes of transverse sinus and intraocular pressure. The purpose of this study was to investigate possible relationships between the asymmetry of transverse sinuses in TOF MR venography and intraocular pressures of right and left eyes. In this study, subjects were 63 male and 42 female medical school students, aged 18-21 years (mean±SD; 19.72±0.67 years). Subjects with neurological and ophthalmologic disease, particularly dural sinus thrombosis, myopia, trauma and glaucoma, were excluded the study. Subjects were divided into five groups according to the magnitudes of the right- and left-transverse sinuses in MR venography results. There is a functional relation between intraocular pressures of the right and left eyes and asymmetry of the transverse sinus. If the transverse sinus on one side is larger and its venous drainage is greater, the intraocular pressure of the eye on this side is lower. It can be speculated that the transverse sinus size may be associated with pathogenesis of diseases with increased intraocular pressure such as glaucoma. We aim to determine the relation between the size and drainage of transverse sinuses in TOF MR venography and intraocular pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma in our next study. (orig.)

  11. Calidad visual en pacientes con lente intraocular multifocal modelo OcuFlex operados de catarata The quality of vision in patients operated on from cataract and implanted with OcuFlex multifocal intraocular lenses

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    Eneida Pérez Candelaria


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Describir la calidad visual en 8 pacientes operados de catarata bilateral con la técnica de Faco-chop e implante de lente intraocular multifocal modelo OcuFlex, en el ICO "Ramón Pando Ferrer", desde septiembre 2007 a febrero 2008. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo para lo cual se analizaron variables como equivalente esférico, sensibilidad al contraste en el preoperatorio y posoperatorio; fenómenos visuales, centrado y localización del lente intraocular, así como el estado de satisfacción subjetiva de los pacientes. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva con ayuda del sistema Microsoft Excel y Word 2003, para Windows XP. RESULTADOS: El equivalente esférico medio posoperatorio fue -0,59 tanto para frecuencias bajas como medias, en visión binocular la sensibilidad al contraste media fue de 1,12 unid.log en el preoperatorio y de 1,74 unid.log. en el posoperatorio. Por biomicroscopia con lámpara de hendidura en el 100 % de los casos el lente intraocular estaba centrado y por biomicroscopia ultrasónica el 93,75 % se encontraba en el saco capsular. Ningún paciente refirió la presencia de glare y solamente uno (12,5 % reportó visión de halos nocturnos. La totalidad de los pacientes se manifestaron satisfechos. CONCLUSIONES: Los lentes multifocales disminuyen la dependencia de las gafas después de la cirugía de catarata, razón por la que constituye una buena opción en la recuperación de la función visual óptima.OBJECTIVE: To describe the quality of vision in 8 patients, who were operated on from bilateral cataract using Phaco-chop technique and implanted with Ocuflex multifocal intraocular lens in "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from September 2007 to February 2008. METHODS: A prospective, longitudinal, observational and descriptive study was made in which the variables spheral equivalent, contrast sensitivity in the pre- and post

  12. Acute Retention of Urine Following Intraocular Surgery | Nwosu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Hyperosmolar agents and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are used to lower the intraocular pressure and thus minimize the chances of vitreous loss during intraocular surgery. However, these agents could precipitate urinary retention. This is a report on two elderly men who had perioperative acute urinary retention following ...

  13. Intraocular osseous metaplasia. A clinico-pathological study


    Vemuganti Geeta; Honavar Santosh; Jalali Subhadra


    Purpose: To evaluate the clinico-pathologic features of intraocular osseous metaplasia. Methods: Pathology specimens of enucleated eyes submitted to the ophthalmic pathology service at a tertiary eye-care referral center between January 1995 and June 1999 were studied for intraocular osseous metaplasia. Specific histopathologic features noted in specimens with osseous metaplasia were the presence of retinal detachment, gliosis, retinal pigment epithelial hyperplasia, drusen, epiretinal membra...

  14. Resultados da troca de lente intra-ocular de hidrogel opacificada

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    Salera Cristina Moreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados da explantação e substituição das lentes intra-oculares (LIO de hidrogel opacificadas. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados retrospectivamente os prontuários de 12 pacientes (15 olhos submetidos à explantação e substituição das lentes intra-oculares de hidrogel opacificadas. RESULTADOS: A opacificação das lentes intra-oculares de hidrogel causou perdas de linhas de visão em 13 olhos (86,7%. A troca das lentes intra-oculares opacificadas promoveu o ganho de linhas de visão em 11 olhos (73,3%. As complicações peroperatórias ocorreram em três olhos (20% e foram as seguintes: perda de óleo de silicone, ruptura total de zônula com perda do saco capsular e ruptura parcial de zônula. Durante a explantação das lentes intra-oculares foi necessária a realização de incisões relaxantes na borda da capsulorrexe anterior em três olhos (20% e em dois olhos (13,3% os hápticos foram cortados sendo retirada somente a zona óptica das lentes intra-oculares. CONCLUSÃO: A cirurgia para explantação e substituição das lentes intra-oculares opacificadas mostrou-se eficaz naqueles pacientes com perdas de linhas de visão (p > 0,05.

  15. Importance of intraocular pressure in glaucoma (United States)

    Joos, Karen M.


    Glaucoma results in permanent vision loss and affects the peripheral vision initially. It is presented in 22.5 million people worldwide and is the 3rd cause of blindness. Present tonometers are not ideal for intraocular pressure measurements in all eyes. Of concern, PRK and LASIK may result in lower intraocular pressure readings. A challenges now exists for the development of a tonometer which can easily compensate for corneas with many parameters to avoid a future increase in normal-tension glaucoma or glaucoma which is advanced.

  16. Solid intraocular xanthogranuloma in three Miniature Schnauzer dogs. (United States)

    Zarfoss, Mitzi K; Dubielzig, Richard R


    Macrophages that contain abundant intracytoplasmic lipid are called 'foam cells'. In four canine globes submitted to the Comparative Ocular Pathology Laboratory of Wisconsin (COPLOW), foam cells formed a solid intraocular mass. The purpose of this study was to describe the histopathologic findings in these cases. The electronic COPLOW database (1993-2006) was searched for the diagnosis of 'foam cell tumor'. Clinical history, gross pathology and histopathology (5-micron sections, hematoxylin and eosin and Alcian blue periodic acid Schiff) were reviewed in all cases. Cases were included if the globe was grossly filled by a solid mass and if all intraocular structures were effaced by lipid-laden foam cell macrophages admixed with birefringent, Alcian blue-positive crystals oriented in stellate patterns. All three patients (four globes) satisfying the selection criteria were Miniature Schnauzers. In all cases the clinical history included diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia and chronic bilateral uveitis that was interpreted to be lens-induced. All globes were enucleated because of glaucoma. The term solid intraocular xanthogranuloma was used to describe these cases because the intraocular contents were effaced by a solid mass of foam cells and birefringent crystals. The cases in this report suggest that diabetic Miniature Schnauzers with hyperlipidemia are at risk for lipid and macrophage-rich uveitis, which may in some cases form a solid inflammatory intraocular mass, precipitate glaucoma, and lead to enucleation.

  17. The Increase of Intra-Abdominal Pressure Can Affect Intraocular Pressure

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    Ilhan Ece


    Full Text Available Objective. This study aims to explore the usage of intraocular pressure measurements as the early indicator of the increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Methods. In this prospective study, 40 patients undergoing elective surgery were included. Patients were divided into four groups of 10 patients. The control group (Group C was not subjected to laparoscopic intervention. Laparoscopic surgery was, respectively, performed with an intra-abdominal pressure of 9, 12, and 15 mmHg in Groups L (low, M (medium, and H (high pressure. Intraocular pressure was measured binocularly in each patient at three different times (before, during, and end of surgery using a contact tonometer. Results. Patients’ gender, age, body mass index (BMI, American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA class, and operative times were not different among the groups. No complications occurred with either the surgery or measurement of intraocular pressure. Intubation was associated with a severe rise in IOP (P<0.05. An increase in intraocular pressure was seen in groups M and H (P<0.05. Conclusion. Intraocular pressure was increased in the groups with an intra-abdominal pressure of 12 mmHg or more. Measuring the intraocular pressure might be a useful method to estimate the intra-abdominal pressure. This trial is registered with NCT02319213.

  18. The effect of intraocular gas and fluid volumes on intraocular pressure. (United States)

    Simone, J N; Whitacre, M M


    Large increases in the intraocular pressure (IOP) of postoperative gas-containing eyes may require the removal of gas or fluid to reduce the IOP to the normal range. Application of the ideal gas law to Friedenwald's equation provides a mathematical model of the relationship between IOP, intraocular gas and fluid volumes, and the coefficient of scleral rigidity. This mathematic model shows that removal of a given volume of gas or fluid produces an identical decrease in IOP and that the more gas an eye contains, the greater the volume reduction necessary to reduce the pressure. Application of the model shows that the effective coefficient of scleral rigidity is low (mean K, 0.0021) in eyes with elevated IOP that have undergone vitrectomy and retinal cryopexy and very low (mean K, 0.0013) in eyes with elevated IOP that have undergone placement of a scleral buckle and band. By using the appropriate mean coefficient of rigidity, the volume of material to be aspirated to produce a given decrease in IOP can be predicted with clinically useful accuracy.

  19. Commercial air travel after intraocular gas injection. (United States)

    Houston, Stephen; Graf, Jürgen; Sharkey, James


    Passengers with intraocular gas are at risk of profound visual loss when exposed to reduced absolute pressure within the cabin of a typical commercial airliner. Information provided on the websites of the world's 10 largest airlines offer a considerable range of opinion as to when it might be safe to fly after gas injection. Physicians responsible for clearing pseassengers as 'fit to fly' should be aware modern retinal surgical techniques increasingly employ long-acting gases as vitreous substitutes. The kinetics of long-acting intraocular gases must be considered when deciding how long after surgery it is safe to travel. It is standard practice to advise passengers not to fly in aircraft until the gas is fully resorbed. To achieve this, it may be necessary to delay travel for approximately 2 wk after intraocular injection of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and for 6 wk after injection of perfluoropropane (C3F8).

  20. Bilateral intraocular lens subluxation secondary to haptic angulation. (United States)

    Moreno-Montañés, Javier; Fernández-Hortelano, Ana; Caire, Josemaría


    An 82-year-old man had uneventful phacoemulsification with bilateral implantation of a hydrophilic acrylic, single-piece intraocular lens (IOL) (ACR6D SE, Laboratoires Cornéal). Five years later, simultaneous and bilateral IOL subluxations occurred. In both eyes, the subluxation was situated on the side of one haptic that had moved forward (temporal area in the right eye and superior area in the left eye). In the right eye, the haptic-capsular bag was entrapped by the pupil and produced endothelial damage. A transscleral suture was placed over and under the subluxated haptic through the anterior and posterior capsules to capture the haptic. The haptic was then sutured to the sclera. No postoperative complications developed. We hypothesize that 10-degree angulated and broad haptic junctions can lead to zonular damage and IOL subluxation.


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    Simone Alves Pacheco de Campos


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a estrutura de valores relativos ao trabalho em uma instituição pública de ensino superior. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, de caráter quantitativo, cujos resultados demonstraram que os valores encontram-se hierarquizados segundo a seguinte estrutura: Estabilidade e Realização no Trabalho, Relações Sociais e Prestígio. As mulheres diferiram dos homens em relação à ênfase na busca por realização e estabilidade. Indivíduos com idade superior à idade média buscam sucesso profissional e poder de influência, concomitantemente com a manutenção de relações sociais positivas no trabalho. Servidores com mais tempo de cargo buscam a realização no trabalho. Por fim, a realização desta pesquisa forneceu importantes contribuições à gestão considerando que, a partir da compreensão dos valores relativos ao trabalho as organizações podem direcionar seus esforços e práticas à manutenção de um ambiente de trabalho voltado à realização das metas dos seus funcionários.

  2. Intraocular Inflammation Associated with Ocular Toxoplasmosis : Relationships at Initial Examination

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dodds, Emilio M.; Holland, Gary N.; Stanford, Miles R.; Yu, Fei; Siu, Willie O.; Shah, Kayur H.; Loon, Ninette Ten Dam-Van; Muccioli, Cristina; Hovakimyan, Anna; Barisani-Asenbauer, Talin


    PURPOSE: To describe characteristics of intraocular inflammation in eyes with active ocular toxoplasmosis and to identify relationships between signs of inflammation, complications (including elevated intraocular pressure [IOP]), other disease features, and host characteristics. DESIGN: Multicenter,

  3. Toric Intraocular Lens Outcomes in Patients With Glaucoma. (United States)

    Brown, Reay H; Zhong, Le; Bozeman, Caroline W; Lynch, Mary G


    To report the outcomes of toric intraocular lens implantation in patients with glaucoma and corneal astigmatism. One hundred twenty-six eyes of 87 patients with glaucoma and corneal astigmatism that underwent cataract surgery with an AcrySof toric intraocular lens (Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX) implant were selected for this single-center, retrospective case series. Corrected distance visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and refractive astigmatism were measured in each eye preoperatively and postoperatively. Uncorrected distance visual acuity and toric alignment were measured postoperatively. The uncorrected distance visual acuity was 0.04 ± 0.08 logMAR (20/22 Snellen) for all eyes. Ninety-eight percent of all eyes achieved an uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/40 or better, with 76% achieving 20/25 or better and 47% achieving 20/20. The corrected distance visual acuity for all eyes was 0.01 ± 0.03 logMAR (20/20.5 Snellen) postoperatively. The refractive cylinder improved from 1.47 ± 1.10 diopters preoperatively to 0.31 ± 0.37 diopters postoperatively. The residual refractive cylinder was 1.00 diopter or less in 97% of eyes, 0.75 diopters or less in 90% of eyes, and 0.50 diopters or less in 83% of eyes. Mean misalignment was 4.4° ± 5.1°. Intraocular pressure decreased by a mean of 2.3 ± 3.3 mm Hg following the surgery. Toric intraocular lenses can reliably reduce astigmatism and improve uncorrected vision in eyes with cataract and glaucoma. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.

  4. Effect of plasma colloid osmotic pressure on intraocular pressure during haemodialysis


    Tokuyama, T.; Ikeda, T.; Sato, K.


    BACKGROUND—In a previous case report, it was shown that an increase in plasma colloid osmotic pressure induced by the removal of fluid during haemodialysis was instrumental in decreasing intraocular pressure. The relation between changes in intraocular pressure, plasma osmolarity, plasma colloid osmotic pressure, and body weight before and after haemodialysis is evaluated.
METHODS—Intraocular pressure, plasma osmolarity, plasma colloid osmotic pressure, and body weight were evaluated before a...

  5. Severe pigment dispersion after iris-claw phakic intraocular lens implantation. (United States)

    Galvis, Virgilio; Carreño, Néstor I; Tello, Alejandro; Laiton, Andrea N


    A 23-year-old female patient presented 3 months after the implantation of an Artisan® phakic intraocular lens with a severe depigmentation of the iris and peripheral anterior synechiae. Explantation of the intraocular lens and goniosynechialysis were performed. Eleven months after the explantation appearance of the iris significantly improved. There was no loss of lines of corrected distance visual acuity. Severe pigment dispersion after the implantation of an Artisan® phakic intraocular lens may happen and may require explantation of the lens. Iris depigmentation may improve with time.

  6. Severe pigment dispersion after iris-claw phakic intraocular lens implantation

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    Virgilio Galvis


    Full Text Available A 23-year-old female patient presented 3 months after the implantation of an Artisan® phakic intraocular lens with a severe depigmentation of the iris and peripheral anterior synechiae. Explantation of the intraocular lens and goniosynechialysis were performed. Eleven months after the explantation appearance of the iris significantly improved. There was no loss of lines of corrected distance visual acuity. Severe pigment dispersion after the implantation of an Artisan® phakic intraocular lens may happen and may require explantation of the lens. Iris depigmentation may improve with time.

  7. Short-term intraocular pressure changes after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab in diabetic retinopathy patients

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    Farhood QK


    Full Text Available Qasim Kadhim Farhood,1 Sinan Mohammad Twfeeq21College of Medicine, Babylon University, Babylon; 2Al-Jumhori teaching hospital, Mosul, IraqBackground: This study examined the changes in short-term intraocular pressure (IOP in a prospective series of patients undergoing intravitreal bevacizumab injection. The aim was to evaluate the frequency and predictive factors related to intraocular pressure (IOP elevation in patients receiving intravitreal bevacizumab.Patients and methods: This study included 52 patients with diabetic retinopathy between 28 to 75 years of age with a mean age of 51 years; 30 (58% were females, and 22 (42% were males. All patients received bevacizumab (1.25 mg/0.05 mL injected intravitreally in a standard fashion between May 2012 to February 2013 in the AL-Jumhoury teaching hospital. IOP was measured at baseline, 5, 10, and 30 minutes after injection using Goldman applanation tonometry.Statistics: Data were analyzed using the SPSS v.12.0 for windows. Basic, demographic, and clinical data were analyzed using means, proportions, and appropriate 95% confidence intervals (CIs.Results: Most patients (85% were diagnosed with proliferative diabetic retinopathy, while 15% presented with diabetic macular edema. The mean IOP values at baseline, 5, 10, and 30 minutes after injection were 14.0 mmHg (95% CI 13.4–14.7, 36.1 mmHg (95% CI 33.5–38.6, 25.7 mmHg (95% CI 23.8–27.5, and 15.5 mmHg (95% CI 12.4–16.51, respectively. Regression analysis showed a trend toward phakic patients having higher IOP at 30 minutes.Conclusion: Intravitreal injection of bevacizumab is safe with respect to short-term IOP changes, as almost all IOP returned to a safe range (<25 mmHg within 30 minutes. Elevated IOP 30 minutes after injection only occurs rarely, so routine prophylactic use of anti-glaucoma medication is not indicated.Keywords: intravitreal injection, bevacizumab, intraocular pressure, Goldmann applanation tonometry

  8. Fundus autofluorescence patterns in primary intraocular lymphoma. (United States)

    Casady, Megan; Faia, Lisa; Nazemzadeh, Maryam; Nussenblatt, Robert; Chan, Chi-Chao; Sen, H Nida


    To evaluate fundus autofluorescence (FAF) patterns in patients with primary intraocular (vitreoretinal) lymphoma. Records of all patients with primary intraocular lymphoma who underwent FAF imaging at the National Eye Institute were reviewed. Fundus autofluorescence patterns were evaluated with respect to clinical disease status and the findings on fluorescein angiography and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography. There were 18 eyes (10 patients) with primary intraocular lymphoma that underwent FAF imaging. Abnormal autofluorescence in the form of granular hyperautofluorescence and hypoautofluorescence was seen in 11 eyes (61%), and blockage by mass lesion was seen in 2 eyes (11%). All eyes with granular pattern on FAF had active primary intraocular lymphoma at the time of imaging, but there were 5 eyes with unremarkable FAF, which were found to have active lymphoma. The most common pattern on fluorescein angiography was hypofluorescent round spots with a "leopard spot" appearance (43%). These hypofluorescent spots on fluorescein angiography correlated with hyperautofluorescent spots on FAF in 5 eyes (36%) (inversion of FAF). Nodular hyperreflective spots at the level of retinal pigment epithelium on optical coherence tomography were noted in 43% of eyes. The hyperautofluorescent spots on FAF correlated with nodular hyperreflective spots on optical coherence tomography in 6 eyes (43%). Granularity on FAF was associated with active lymphoma in majority of the cases. An inversion of FAF (hyperautofluorescent spots on FAF corresponding to hypofluorescent spots on fluorescein angiography) was observed in less than half of the eyes.

  9. Aderência in vitro do Staphylococcus epidermidis e da Pseudomonas alcaligenes em lentes intra-oculares In vitro adherence of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas alcaligenes to intraocular lenses

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    Patrícia Ioschpe Gus


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Quantificar e comparar a aderência in vitro das bactérias Staphylococcus epidermidis e Pseudomonas alcaligenes em diferentes tipos de lentes intra-oculares (LIOs. MÉTODOS: Quatorze lentes intra-oculares foram usadas no experimento. Quatro de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA, quatro de silicone, quatro de hidrogel e duas de acrílico. Oito lentes intra-oculares foram colocadas em oito tubos de ensaio contendo 4 ml de suspensão de Pseudomonas alcaligenes, e seis lentes intra-oculares foram colocadas em seis tubos de ensaio contendo 4 ml de suspensão de Staphylococcus epidermidis. A concentração do caldo utilizada para o teste de aderência foi de 10(8 unidades formadoras de colônias por mililitro (CFU/mL que corresponde a 0,5 na escala de McFarland. As lentes foram incubadas a 37° por duas horas. Após, foram removidas dos caldos e enxaguadas em água destilada estéril por duas vezes. As lentes foram cultivadas em placas de ágar-sangue a 35-37° e evaliadas a cada 24h por um período de 72h. Nas amostras que tiveram crescimento bacteriano, foram contadas as colônias utilizando os métodos convencionais de laboratório. Todos os ensaios foram executados em duplicata. RESULTADOS: A aderência do Staphylococcus epidermidis nas lentes de PMMA foi menor se comparada com as de silicone e de hidrogel. A aderência daPseudomonas alcaligenes nas lentes de hidrogel foi menor se comparada com as de silicone, PMMA e acrílico. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que a aderência do Staphylococcus epidermidis e da Pseudomonas alcaligenes nas lentes intra-oculares é influenciada pelo tipo de material da lente e pela espécie do microorganismo. A aderência bacteriana pode ter papel importante na patogenicidade da endoftalmite pós-cirurgia de catarata.PURPOSE: To quantify and compare the in vitro adherence of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas alcaligenes to different intraocular lenses (IOLs. METHODS: Fourteen intraocular lenses were


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    Krishnamoorthy Segharipuram Ranganathan


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Most of intraocular surgeries are done under local anaesthesia. The peribulbar anaesthesia provides adequate anaesthesia and akinesia. There is no reported intraoperative and/or postoperative amaurosis. The peribulbar anaesthesia provides adequate anaesthesia and akinesia. The disadvantages of it are the larger quantity of the aesthetic agent. Increasing the bulk load on the globe and a reported rise of intraocular pressure. MATERIALS AND METHODS A study of fifty cases was conducted in patients who received peribulbar anaesthesia undergoing cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation and their intraocular pressures were noted and studied after giving the peribulbar anaesthesia all given by the same surgeon. RESULTS This study did show that the peribulbar anaesthesia increases the intraocular pressure in all the cases. The external ocular compression indeed helps to dissipate the anaesthetic load thereby reducing the enormous rise in IOP, which is only expected if you recollect the fact that the eyeball occupies one sixth of the total volume of the orbit that is 5 mL and 30 mL. The volume of peribulbar anaesthesia (6 mL does add its effects to increase the IOP. Hence, a properly planned post peribulbar compression helps to minimise the transient rise in IOP. CONCLUSION Summarising the study, it is better to give peribulbar injection initially followed by external ocular compression after a delay of at least 2 to 5 minutes. It is also advised that an initial compression maybe given in slightly risk cases, so that the peribulbarinduced rise may not be alarming. The anaesthetic solution maybe fragmented and the second injection maybe delayed by 5 minutes or omitted if good akinesia and anaesthesia are achieved already.

  11. Visual outcome with the Oculentis Mplus intraocular lens


    Si-Yuan Liu; Xu Yang


    AIM: To evaluate the visual outcome of Oculentis Mplus intraocular lens(IOL).METHODS: Totally 20 eyes in 20 patients received phacoemulsification and Oculentis Mplus intraocular lens implantation were as test group, and 20 eyes(Aspira-aA IOL)were as control group. The following postoperative examinations were performed after operation for 3mo: uncorrected visual acuity of distance and near, refractive results, UBM examination, the rate of wearing spectacles and the complications. RESULTS: At ...

  12. Towards customized intraocular lenses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Jong, Tim


    In the eye there are two refractive components that make light focus on the retina and let you see: the cornea and the lens. When a eye develops cataract the lens becomes caractarous and is removed and replaced with a synthetic intraocular lens during a cataract surgery procedure. Although there was

  13. Effect of aspherical and yellow tinted intraocular lens on blue-on-yellow perimetry

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    Rodrigo França de Espíndola


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate the possible effect of aspherical or yellow tinted intraocular lens (IOL on contrast sensitivity and blue-on-yellow perimetry. METHODS: This prospective randomized bilateral double-masked clinical study included 52 patients with visually significant bilateral cataracts divided in two groups; 25 patients (50 eyes received aspherical intraocular lens in one eye and spherical intraocular lens in the fellow eye; and 27 patients (54 eyes received ultraviolet and blue light filter (yellow tinted IOL implantation in one eye and acrylic ultraviolet filter IOL in the fellow eye. The primary outcome measures were contrast sensitivity and blue-on-yellow perimetry values (mean deviation [MD] and pattern standard deviation [PSD] investigated two years after surgery. The results were compared intra-individually. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant between-group (aspherical and spherical intraocular lens difference in contrast sensitivity under photopic conditions at 12 cycles per degree and under mesopic conditions at all spatial frequencies. There were no between-group significant differences (yellow tinted and clear intraocular lens under photopic or mesopic conditions. There was no statistically significant difference between all intraocular lens in MD or PSD. CONCLUSION: Contrast sensitivity was better under mesopic conditions with aspherical intraocular lens. Blue-on-yellow perimetry did not appear to be affected by aspherical or yellow tinted intraocular lens. Further studies with a larger sample should be carried out to confirm or not that hypotheses.

  14. Clinical study on the incidence of vancomycin intraocular injection in treatment with suppurative endophthalmitis

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    Yi-Qin Duan


    Full Text Available AIM:To estimate the clinical significance of the microculture of humor and vitreous and vancomycin intraocular injection in treatment of suppurative endophthalmitis associated with intraocular foreign bodies.METHODS: Totally 65 patients with penetrating eye trauma and retained intraocular foreign bodies in emergency operation and intraocular injection from January 2012 to September 2014 were regarded as the study group, another 62 patients with penetrating eye trauma and retained intraocular foreign bodies in emergency operation without intraocular injection before August 2011 were regarded as the control group. Aqueous humor and vitreous humor were taken from each patient of the study group and the control group for bacteria and fungus cultivation. The study group was treated with 1mg vancomycin intraocular injection after operation, while the control group was not. RESULTS: The incidence of endophthalmitis in the control group was 16%(10 cases, while in the study group was 3%(2 cases, with significant difference between two groups(x2=6.32, PP>0.05. The positive rate of vitreous humor germiculture in study group was 14%(9 cases, and the incidence of endophthalmitis was 3%. The positive rate of vitreous humor germiculture in control group was 11%(7 casesand the incidence of endophthalmitis was 16%, with significant differences between two groups(PCONCLUSION: Intraocular foreign bodies treated with emergency operation and vancomycin intraocular injections can decrease the incidence of suppurative endophthalmitis and have a good vision prognosis for the second stage of operation.

  15. Survey of Intraocular Antibiotics Prophylaxis Practice after Open Globe Injury in China.

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    Bingsheng Lou

    Full Text Available To elucidate the Chinese practice of intraocular antibiotics administration for prophylaxis after open globe injury.A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was performed online by scanning a Quickmark (QR code with smartphones at the 20th Chinese National Conference of Ocular Trauma in November 2014.A total of 153 (30.6% of all participators at the conference responded. Of the respondents, 20.9% were routinely administered with prophylactic intraocular injection of antibiotics at the conclusion of the primary eye repair, and 56.9% were used only in cases with high risk of endophthalmitis development. The intraocular route of delivery was mainly included with intracameral injection (47.9% and intravitreal injection (42.0%. Cephalosporins (53.8% and vancomycin (42.0% were the main choices of antibiotic agents, followed by fluoroquinolones (24.3%, and aminoglycosides (13.4%. Only 21.9% preferred a combination of two or more two drugs routinely. In addition, significantly more respondents from the referral eye hospital (92.7% replied using intraocular antibiotics injection for prophylaxis compared to those respondents from the primary hospital (69.4% (p = 0.001, Fisher's exact test.Intraocular antibiotics injection for post-traumatic endophthalmitis prophylaxis is widely used in China. However, the choice of antibiotic agents and the intraocular route of delivery vary. A well-designed clinical trial is needed to establish a standardized protocol of intraocular antibiotics administration for post-traumatic endophthalmitis prophylaxis.

  16. Mean intraocular pressure in hypertensive adults

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Irum, S.; Malik, A.M.; Saeed, M.


    To determine the mean Intraocular Pressure (IOP) in already diagnosed adult hypertensive patients with different grades of hypertension. Study Design: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Place and Duration of Study: Combined Military Hospital, Lahore, from March 2012 to Aug 2012. Patients and Methods: A total of 178 already diagnosed hypertensive patients were selected. A detailed history of ocular or systemic diseases was taken. Intraocular pressure was measured with help of Goldmann applanation tonometer. Three consecutive readings of IOP of each eye were taken at 30 minutes interval and mean calculated. Blood pressure was recorded in seated position from right upper arm, by mercury sphygmomanometer. Blood pressure measurements were determined by taking the mean value of three systolic and diastolic readings. Results: The results of intraocular pressure (IOP) between various grades of hypertension were determined. There was an increase in mean IOP with rise in blood pressure. The subjects with grade I hypertension showed a mean IOP of 13.95 ± 3.74 mmHg, while grade II and grade III hypertensive subjects had mean IOPs as 18.10 ± 3.32 and 20.21 ± 2.52 mmHg respectively. Conclusion: A higher value of mean IOP was found with increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressures. (author)

  17. Pigment dispersion syndrome associated with intraocular lens implantation: a new surgical technique. (United States)

    Canut Jordana, M Isabel; Pérez Formigó, Daniel; Abreu González, Rodrigo; Nadal Reus, Jeroni


    We report the case of a myopic patient who, after intraocular lens transplant in the posterior chamber, suffered elevated intraocular pressure due to pigment dispersion, with recurrent episodes of blurred vision. The patient was treated with a new surgical technique that can avoid potential iridolenticular contact. Complete ophthalmologic examination and optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the anterior segment were performed. Contact between the pigmentary epithelium and the iris with an intraocular lens was revealed by utrasound biomicroscopy and OCT. In this case, Nd:YAG laser iridotomy and laser iridoplasty were not effective for iridolenticular separation and control of the pigment dispersion. We propose a new technique: stitches on the surface of the iris to obtain good iridolenticular separation and good intraocular pressure control. Stitches on the iris surface should be considered as optional therapy in pigmentary glaucoma secondary to intraocular lens implantation. This surgical technique can avoid potential iridolenticular contacts more definitively.

  18. Intraocular pressure variations during zygomatic fracture reduction and fixation: a clinical study.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Murray, Dylan J


    BACKGROUND: The reduction of midface fractures has been associated with the rare but devastating complication of blindness. An increase in intraocular pressure is important in the mechanism of blindness in this setting. In this study, the authors assessed the intraocular pressure in patients who underwent zygomatic fracture reduction (with or without fixation). METHODS: Using applanation tonometry, 29 patients underwent intraocular pressure measurements before, during, and after fracture fixation. The contralateral pressures were measured and used as the control. RESULTS: There were 29 patients with a mean age of 35 years, and the mean time to surgery was 5 days. Preoperatively, all patients had normal intraocular pressures and normal visual acuity. All patients underwent a Gillies lift and 18 patients required open reduction and fixation of the frontozygomatic suture (n = 4) or the infraorbital margin (n = 2), and the remainder (n = 12) required fixation of both points. There was no statistically significant increase in the intraocular pressures following the reduction of uncomplicated zygomatic fractures. Statistically significant pressure reductions were noted immediately after reduction and fixation. CONCLUSIONS: The surgical reduction of uncomplicated zygomatic fractures has no adverse effect on the intraocular pressure. It is the authors\\' opinion that adjunctive measures to reduce the pressures are unnecessary.

  19. Topical tissue plasminogen activator appears ineffective for the clearance of intraocular fibrin. (United States)

    Zwaan, J; Latimer, W B


    To determine the efficacy of topical tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) for the resolution of postoperative or inflammatory intraocular fibrinous exudates. Each treatment consisted of drops of 1 mg/ml tPA given 9 times 5 minutes apart. Records were reviewed and the results at 24 and 48 hours were recorded. Sixty-two patients had a total of 94 treatments. Fibrin exudates following intraocular surgery in 34 patients were treated 44 times. In 6 patients there was a positive result. Fibrin associated with intraocular infection was treated in 9 patients. None showed clear improvement. Nineteen patients had a total of 34 treatments for poorly controlled intraocular pressure (IOP) after glaucoma surgery. Five patients showed adequate control of the IOP, 12 did not change, and 2 had a questionable improvement. Eleven patients had adequate IOP control after additional treatment. Seven required suture lysis, 2 ab interno bleb revision, and 2 YAG capsulotomy or iridotomy to reduce the IOP to an acceptable level. Within the limits of this retrospective study and taking into account that fibrin may resolve spontaneously, it appears that topical tPA drops are not effective for the liquefaction of intraocular fibrin after surgery or in association with intraocular inflammation. They did not improve IOP control after glaucoma surgery.

  20. Pigment dispersion syndrome associated with intraocular lens implantation: a new surgical technique

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    M Isabel Canut Jordana


    Full Text Available M Isabel Canut Jordana1, Daniel Pérez Formigó1, Rodrigo Abreu González2, Jeroni Nadal Reus11Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre, Barcelona, Spain; 2University Hospital of La Candelaria, Tenerife, SpainAims: We report the case of a myopic patient who, after intraocular lens transplant in the posterior chamber, suffered elevated intraocular pressure due to pigment dispersion, with recurrent episodes of blurred vision. The patient was treated with a new surgical technique that can avoid potential iridolenticular contact.Methods: Complete ophthalmologic examination and optical coherence tomography (OCT of the anterior segment were performed.Results: Contact between the pigmentary epithelium and the iris with an intraocular lens was revealed by utrasound biomicroscopy and OCT. In this case, Nd:YAG laser iridotomy and laser iridoplasty were not effective for iridolenticular separation and control of the pigment dispersion. We propose a new technique: stitches on the surface of the iris to obtain good iridolenticular separation and good intraocular pressure control.Conclusion: Stitches on the iris surface should be considered as optional therapy in pigmentary glaucoma secondary to intraocular lens implantation. This surgical technique can avoid potential iridolenticular contacts more definitively.Keywords: pigmentary glaucoma, intraocular lens, optical coherence tomography, laser

  1. Advanced pigment dispersion glaucoma secondary to phakic intraocular collamer lens implant

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    Clara Ye


    Full Text Available Purpose: We report a case of pigment dispersion glaucoma secondary to uncomplicated phakic intraocular collamer lens (ICL (Visian ICL™, Staar Inc., Monrovia, CA implant that resulted in advanced visual field loss. Observations: A 50-year-old man presented for routine follow-up status post bilateral phakic intraocular collamer lens (ICL placement 8 years earlier. He was incidentally found to have a decline in visual acuity from an anterior subcapsular cataract and elevated intraocular pressure (IOP in the left eye. There were signs of pigment dispersion and no evidence of angle closure. Diffuse optic nerve thinning was consistent with advanced glaucomatous visual field defects. Pigment dispersion was also present in the patient's right eye, but without elevated IOP or visual field defects. The patient was treated with topical glaucoma medications and the phakic ICL in the left eye was removed concurrently with cataract surgery to prevent further visual field loss. Conclusions and importance: Pigment dispersion glaucoma is a serious adverse outcome after phakic ICL implantation and regular post-operative monitoring may prevent advanced visual field loss. Keywords: Phakic intraocular lens, Intraocular collamer lens, Pigment dispersion, Glaucoma

  2. Cuerpo extraño intraocular en el segmento posterior Intraocular foreign bodies in the posterior segment

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    Diley Pérez García


    Full Text Available El trauma causado por cuerpo extraño intraocular es una de las principales causas de pérdida visual severa. Técnicamente es un trauma penetrante con permanencia del agente agresor dentro del globo ocular. Constituye una verdadera emergencia oftalmológica, pues puede ocasionar ceguera aún cuando se realiza un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuados. Se realizó esta revisión para proponer un algoritmo de trabajo con el propósito de maximizar la recuperación anatómica y funcional después de una lesión de este tipo. La conducta a seguir ante este paciente requiere un tratamiento guiado por la apreciación del mecanismo del daño, naturaleza, localización y tamaño del cuerpo extraño; los conocimientos y la disposición del equipamiento necesario para el tratamiento quirúrgico y los cuidados posoperatorios. Existe controversia en cuanto al momento de extracción del cuerpo extraño; sin embargo, se debe realizar una conducta. La profilaxis de la endoftalmitis con antibióticos sistémicos es recomendada y la intravítrea de antibiótico debe ser considerada en los pacientes de alto riesgo. Se debe realizar el diagnóstico precoz o detección posoperatoria temprana de complicaciones como el desprendimiento de retina, endoftalmitis y la proliferación vítreorretiniana, que se han asociado con un pobre pronóstico visual.Intraocular foreign bodies are a major cause for severe visual loss. By technical definition, it consists of a form of penetrating ocular trauma, characterized by the persistence of the traumatic agent inside the eye, and is considered an ophthalmic emergency, since it may cause blindness even if good diagnosis and treatment are followed. This review was made to submit a management algorithm that can maximize the anatomical and functional outcomes after this type of injury. The management of these patients requires taking into account the mechanism of eye injury, the nature, the location and the size of the foreign body

  3. Vitrectomía pars plana y reimplante de lente intraocular en surco Pars plana vitrectomy and intraocular lens repositioning in the sulcus

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    Alejandro Guerra García


    Full Text Available Se presentó un caso de lente intraocular luxado a vítreo en paciente con conteo bajo de células endoteliales e intolerancia a lentes de contacto. Se practicó vitrectomía pars plana con reimplante de lente en surco ciliar con el objetivo de demostrar la fiabilidad de la técnica para casos que presenten condiciones adecuadas y situaciones especiales. Se revisó la bibliografía para conocer las tendencias actuales con respecto al manejo de esta patología. El paciente alcanzó una agudeza visual de 20/30. El lente permaneció estable en el surco 3 meses después de practicada la vitrectomía. El manejo de esta entidad debe ser personalizado. La técnica utilizada debe ser siempre la primera opción de tratamiento y parece ser segura en casos cuidadosamente escogidos.A case of dislocated intraocular lens moved to the vitreous cavity in a patient with low endothelial cell count and contact lens intolerance was reported. A pars plana vitrectomy with lens repositioning was performed to demonstrate the safety of this technique for some special cases under adequate conditions. The literature was reviewed to learn about the current management of this pathology. Finally, patient's best visual acuity was 20/30. The stability of the lens was confirmed three month l after the vitrectomy. Management of this disorder should be customized. This technique should be considered as the first option of treatment and seems to be safe in selected cases.

  4. Assessment of intraocular foreign bodies by helical-CT multiplanar imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Papadopoulos, A.; Fotinos, A.; Maniatis, V.; Kavadias, S.; Michaelides, A.; Avouri, M.; Kalamara, C.; Stringaris, K.


    The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of helical CT in the assessment of intraocular foreign bodies, evaluating two protocols with different collimation. We performed helical-CT studies in 30 patients. Fifteen patients were examined with 1.5-mm collimation and the other 15 patients with 3.0-mm collimation. All other imaging parameters were identical in both protocols. Multiplanar images were reconstructed. The examinations were reviewed for presence, localization and size of intraocular foreign bodies. We compare our results with the surgical data. We estimate the required examination time. In the first group (collimation 1.5 mm) an intraorbital foreign body was detected in 8 of 15 patients. In 3 of 8 patients an intraocular foreign body (all were metallic) was detected. In the second group (collimation 3.0 mm) an intraorbital foreign body was detected in 9 of 15 patients. In 8 of 9 patients an intraocular foreign body (all were metallic) was detected. Our results were confirmed by surgery in all cases. Examination time was 36 s in the first group and 18 s in the second group. Computed tomography should be considered the imaging modality of choice in the assessment of metallic intraocular foreign bodies and 3.0-mm collimation is optional, because of reduced examination time and radiation exposure. (orig.)

  5. A novel clinical sign in intraocular tuberculosis: Active chorioretinitis within chorioretinal atrophy


    Avinash Pathengay; Bhavik Panchal; Himadri Choudhury; Soumyava Basu; Nidhi Relhan; Harry W. Flynn, Jr.


    Purpose: To report a novel clinical sign in patients with intraocular tuberculosis. The current study is an observational consecutive case series of patients diagnosed with intraocular tuberculosis managed at a tertiary eye care centre from June 1, 2012 to December 31, 2015. Observations: The diagnosis of intraocular tuberculosis was made in 6 patients based on ocular features suggestive of tuberculosis along with a positive tuberculin skin testing and chest X-ray consistent with tuberculo...

  6. Comparison of a new refractive multifocal intraocular lens with an inferior segmental near add and a diffractive multifocal intraocular lens. (United States)

    Alio, Jorge L; Plaza-Puche, Ana B; Javaloy, Jaime; Ayala, María José; Moreno, Luis J; Piñero, David P


    To compare the visual acuity outcomes and ocular optical performance of eyes implanted with a multifocal refractive intraocular lens (IOL) with an inferior segmental near add or a diffractive multifocal IOL. Prospective, comparative, nonrandomized, consecutive case series. Eighty-three consecutive eyes of 45 patients (age range, 36-82 years) with cataract were divided into 2 groups: group A, 45 eyes implanted with Lentis Mplus LS-312 (Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany); group B, 38 eyes implanted with diffractive IOL Acri.Lisa 366D (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany). All patients underwent phacoemulsification followed by IOL implantation in the capsular bag. Distance corrected, intermediate, and near with the distance correction visual acuity outcomes and contrast sensitivity, intraocular aberrations, and defocus curve were evaluated postoperatively during a 3-month follow-up. Uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), uncorrected near visual acuity (UNVA), corrected distance near and intermediate visual acuity (CDNVA), contrast sensitivity, intraocular aberrations, and defocus curve. A significant improvement in UDVA, CDVA, and UNVA was observed in both groups after surgery (P ≤ 0.04). Significantly better values of UNVA (P<0.01) and CDNVA (P<0.04) were found in group B. In the defocus curve, significantly better visual acuities were present in eyes in group A for intermediate vision levels of defocus (P ≤ 0.04). Significantly higher amounts of postoperative intraocular primary coma and spherical aberrations were found in group A (P<0.01). In addition, significantly better values were observed in photopic contrast sensitivity for high spatial frequencies in group A (P ≤ 0.04). The Lentis Mplus LS-312 and Acri.Lisa 366D IOLs are able to successfully restore visual function after cataract surgery. The Lentis Mplus LS-312 provided better intermediate vision and contrast sensitivity outcomes than the Acri.Lisa 366D. However, the

  7. [Evaluation of accuracy of measuring intraocular pressure by handheld non-contact applanation tonometer]. (United States)

    Chen, X; Peng, D; Zhou, W; Zhong, Y


    To evaluate the accuracy of measuring intraocular pressure by handheld non-contact applanation tonometer. 58 patients' (113 eyes) intraocular pressure were measured by Keeler, non-contact tonometer and R 900 Goldmann applanation tonometer and the results of measurement of intraocular pressure by the two kinds of tonometers were compared. The mean intraocular pressure measured by non-contact is 16.31 +/- 5.59 mmHg and 17.49 +/- 6.13 mmHg (1 mmHg = 0.1333 kPa) by Goldmann applanation tonometer, respectively. There was no statistical significance to be found (P > 0.05) between the two methods. By linear correlation and regression analysis, a positive correlation was found between the two methods (r = 0.8942, b = 0.8154). The handheld non-contact tonometer has the same accuracy and reliability of measurement of intraocular pressure comparing with Goldmann applanation tonometer, and it can be used in glaucoma clinic and screening.

  8. Retropupillary iris claw intraocular lens implantation in aphakia for dislocated intraocular lens. (United States)

    Faria, Mun Yueh; Ferreira, Nuno Pinto; Pinto, Joana Medeiros; Sousa, David Cordeiro; Leal, Ines; Neto, Eliana; Marques-Neves, Carlos


    Nowadays, dislocated intraocular lenses (IOLs) and inadequate capsular support are becoming a challenge for every ophthalmic surgeon. Explantation of dislocated IOL and iris claw IOL (ICIOL) are the techniques that have been used in our ophthalmic department. The aim of this study is to report our technique for retropupillar ICIOL. This study is a retrospective case series. A total of 105 eyes with dislocated IOL from the patients at the Department of Ophthalmology in Santa Maria Hospital, a tertiary reference hospital in Lisbon, Portugal, from January 2012 until January 2016, had been analyzed. Of these 105 eyes, 66 eyes had dislocated one-piece IOL and 39 eyes had dislocated three-piece IOL. The latter underwent iris suture of the same IOL and were excluded from this study. The remaining 66 eyes with dislocated one-piece IOL underwent pars plana vitrectomy, that is, explantation of dislocated IOL through corneal incision and an implantation of retropupillary ICIOL. Operative data and postoperative outcomes included best corrected visual acuity, IOL position, intraocular pressure, pigment dispersion, clinical signs of endothelial cell loss, and anterior chamber depth. The mean follow-up was 23 months (range: 6-48 months). The mean preoperative best corrected visual acuity was 1.260±0.771 logMAR, and postoperative best corrected visual acuity was 0.352±0.400 logMAR units. Mean vision gain was 0.909 logMar units. The patients had the following complications: 1) retinal detachment was found in one patient, 2) corneal edema was found in three patients, 3) high intraocular pressure was observed in twelve patients, 4) subluxation of the IOL was observed in one patient, and 5) macular edema was found in three eyes. The results demonstrate that retropupillary ICIOL is an easy and effective method for the correction of aphakia in patients not receiving capsule support. The safety of this procedure must be interpreted in the context of a surgery usually indicated in

  9. Sutureless, Glueless, Scleral Fixation of Single-Piece and Toric Intraocular Lens: A Novel Technique

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    Aditya Kelkar


    Full Text Available Sutureless, glueless, scleral fixation of an intraocular lens is a known technique of fixing a lens in the scleral pockets. However, this technique is applied to single-piece and toric lenses instead of 3-piece lenses, allowing the advantage of the use of premium lenses in patients with poor capsular support. Favourable results without complications of pigment dispersion, iris transillumination defects, dysphotopsia, elevated intraocular pressure, intraocular hemorrhage and cystoid macular edema with a well-centered, stable intraocular lens have been observed in the 3-month postoperative period in both cases.

  10. Flurbiprofen and intraocular pressure. (United States)

    Gieser, D K; Hodapp, E; Goldberg, I; Kass, M A; Becker, B


    Systemic or topical administration of corticosteroids may produce a rise in intraocular pressure (IOP). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAI drugs) are alternate therapy for ocular inflammatory disease. Flurbiprofen, a new NSAI drug, was tested in double-masked fashion to delineate its effect on IOP. Flurbiprofen did not alter IOP in known high corticosteroid responders nor did it block corticosteroid-induced ocular hypertension.

  11. Professor Peter Choyce: an early pioneer of intraocular lenses and corneal/refractive surgery. (United States)

    Pandey, Suresh K; Apple, David J


    Professor Peter Choyce, FRCS, DOMS, MS, was one of the pioneers of intraocular lens implant surgery. He developed an interest in artificial lens implantation following cataract surgery, a procedure that was widely criticized by the ophthalmic establishment in the UK, Europe, North America and other countries. Owing to the opposition to the intraocular lenses, Peter Choyce together with Sir Harold Ridley co-founded the International Intraocular Implant Club in 1966, which was responsible for the gradual acceptance of artificial lens implantation. Peter Choyce developed several models of intraocular lens, but did not patent the majority of them. The Choyce Mark IX, manufactured by Rayner Intraocular Lenses, became the first US Food and Drug Administration-approved intraocular lens in 1981. A review of Peter Choyce's record confirms a significant number of original innovations in the field of anterior segment surgery, including many procedures taken for granted today, but not associated with his name. These include early work on both kerato- and intraocular lens-refractive procedures, keratoprosthesis, pioneering paediatric implant procedures and others. Unfortunately his tenacious adherence to anterior chamber lens technology, while in general clinically sound, caused many to question his influence and hence he remained poorly understood even until after his death. He passed away on 8 August 2001 after a long fight with colon cancer. In this article, we provide evidence and elaborate Peter Choyce's accomplishments, which places him as one of the most innovative ophthalmologist in his surgical field in the twentieth century.

  12. Intraocular pressure in very low birth weight preterm infants and its association with postconceptional age

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    Rodrigo L. Lindenmeyer


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate intraocular pressure in very low birth weight preterm infants and correlate it with postconceptional age. METHODS: The intraocular pressure in a prospective cohort of very low birth weight premature infants (defined as a birth weight <1,500 g and gestational age <32 weeks admitted to Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre , Brazil was evaluated weekly. The evaluated outcome was the variation in the intraocular pressure following changes in the postconceptional age (defined as the gestational age at birth plus the age in weeks at the time of examination in the weeks following preterm birth. Mixed-effects models were used for the statistical analysis to determine the intraocular pressure variation according to postconceptional age, and means and 10th and 90th percentiles were calculated for the intraocular pressure values. RESULTS: Fifty preterm infants with a mean gestational age of 29.7 ± 1.6 weeks and a mean birth weight of 1,127.7 ± 222.7 g were evaluated. The mean intraocular pressure for the entire cohort considering both eyes was 14.9 ± 4.5 mmHg, and 13.5% of all recorded intraocular pressure values were greater than 20 mmHg. The analysis revealed a mean reduction in the intraocular pressure of 0.29 mmHg for each increase in postconceptional age (p = 0.047; 95% CI: -0.58 to -0.0035. The mean intraocular pressure (P10-P90 decreased from 16.3 mmHg (10.5222.16 at 26.3 weeks to 13.1 mmHg (7.28-18.92 at 37.6 weeks of postconceptional age. CONCLUSIONS: The mean intraocular pressure in very low birth weight preterm infants was 14.9 ± 4.5 mmHg. This value decreased 0.29 mmHg per week as the postconceptional age increased.

  13. Intraocular manifestations of mycobacterium tuberculosis: A review of the literature

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    Lauren A. Dalvin


    Full Text Available Mycobacterium tuberculosis: is most commonly associated with pulmonary infection. However, tuberculosis (TB can also affect the eye. TB can affect nearly any tissue in the eye, and a high index of suspicion is required for accurate diagnosis, as many of the intraocular manifestations of TB can mimic other, more common diseases. Correct diagnosis is critical because systemic anti-tuberculosis treatment may be required, and vision loss or even loss of the affected eye can occur without proper treatment. Thus, it is important for ophthalmologists and infectious disease specialists to work together to accurately diagnose and treat intraocular TB. This article reports the various known presentations of intraocular TB and reviews important elements of diagnosis and treatment. Keywords: Mycobacterium, Tuberculosis, Choroidal granuloma, Retinal vasculitis

  14. Epithelial Downgrowth after Intraocular Surgery Treated with Intracameral 5-Fluorouracil

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    Nina Ni


    Full Text Available Purpose. To present the clinical and histopathologic correlation of two cases of epithelial downgrowth (EDG after prior intraocular surgery. Methods. Observational case reports. Results. We present two cases of EDG occurring after intraocular surgery. In both cases, after two anterior chamber injections of 5-fluorouracil (5FU, the area of EDG initially regressed. In Case 1, a limited area of EDG eventually recurred, and penetrating keratoplasty with cryotherapy was curative. In Case 2, subsequent corneal edema required Descemet-stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty, and the patient remained clinically free of EDG without further treatment. Conclusion. Intracameral 5FU may have a role in the treatment of EDG after intraocular surgery, though its precise utilization and impact remain to be defined.

  15. Comparison between intraocular pressure spikes with water loading and postural change. (United States)

    Chong, Calum Wk; Wang, Sarah B; Jain, Neeranjali S; Bank, Cassandra S; Singh, Ravjit; Bank, Allan; Francis, Ian C; Agar, Ashish


    To compare the agreement between peak intraocular pressures measured through the water drinking test and the supine test, in patients with primary open angle glaucoma. Consecutive, prospective, blinded. Twenty-one patients from the Glaucoma Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney, Australia. For the supine test, intraocular pressure was recorded immediately after the patient had lain down and at 20 and 40 min. At the second evaluation, intraocular pressure was measured in each patient after drinking 10 mL/kg body weight of water for the water drinking test. Again, all patients had their intraocular pressure measured at 20 and 40 min (t = 20 and t = 40, respectively). Patients were excluded from the study if they had pre-existing cardiac, renal or pulmonary complications or had concurrent ocular disease or an anatomical abnormality (including angle recession, peripheral anterior synechiae and developmental anomalies of the angle) that may have influenced intraocular pressure. Bland-Altman analysis. Bland-Altman analysis indicated an overall excellent agreement in terms of mean difference between methods (1.0, -1.0 and -0.90 mmHg, at 0, 20 and 40 min, respectively). Further, with the exception of t = 40, all measured time points had 95% confidence intervals within 6.5 mmHg of their mean difference on the Bland-Altman plot. There was close agreement between the intraocular pressure values of the supine test and water drinking test. However, as the water drinking test may be uncomfortable and potentially hazardous, there is potential that the supine test may be a safer and more comfortable alternative. © 2016 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  16. A new device to noninvasively estimate the intraocular pressure produced during ocular compression

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    Korenfeld MS


    Full Text Available Michael S Korenfeld,1,2 David K Dueker3 1Comprehensive Eye Care, Ltd., 2Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Washington University, Washington, MO, USA; 3Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar Purpose: To describe a noninvasive instrument that estimates intraocular pressure during episodes of external globe compression and to demonstrate the accuracy and reliability of this device by comparing it to the intraocular pressures simultaneously and manometrically measured in cannulated eyes. Methods: A thin fluid-filled bladder was constructed from flexible and inelastic plastic sheeting and was connected to a pressure transducer with high pressure tubing. The output of the pressure transducer was sent to an amplifier and recorded. This device was validated by measuring induced pressure in the fluid-filled bladder while digital pressure was applied to one surface, and the other surface was placed directly against a human cadaver eye or in vivo pig eye. The human cadaver and in vivo pig eyes were each cannulated to provide a manometric intraocular pressure control. Results: The measurements obtained with the newly described device were within ~5% of simultaneously measured manometric intraocular pressures in both a human cadaver and in vivo pig eye model for a pressure range of ~15–100 mmHg. Conclusion: This novel noninvasive device is useful for estimating the intraocular pressure transients induced during any form of external globe compression; this is a clinical setting where no other devices can be used to estimate intraocular pressure. Keywords: glaucoma, intraocular pressure, tonometer, ocular compression

  17. Elasticidade-preço da demanda por etanol no Brasil: como renda e preços relativos explicam diferenças entre estados

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    Veronica Fernandez Orellano


    Full Text Available Este artigo estuda a demanda por etanol no Brasil no período 2001-2009, considerando as características regionais de renda e de preços relativos. Essas características explicam variação relevante na elasticidade-preço da demanda, aspecto até então desconsiderado em estudos anteriores. Foi estimado um modelo econométrico a partir de um painel de dados estaduais mensais, no qual variáveis instrumentais foram usadas para controlar a endogeneidade na análise da demanda. Conclui-se que a demanda é mais elástica em estados mais pobres e em que o preço relativo está próximo a 70%, a taxa técnica de substituição entre etanol e gasolina, parâmetro relevante para as decisões de consumo de proprietários de veículos flex-fuel. Essas regiões apresentam maiores elasticidades-preço da demanda, em última análise, por conta de diferenças logísticas e tributárias, as quais definem o preço relativo. Esses resultados diferem daqueles obtidos por Salvo e Huse (2013, pois identificam diferenças regionais que independem da heterogeneidade das preferências dos consumidores, mas decorrem da configuração logística e de renda. Os resultados sugerem implicações para as políticas tributária e de infraestrutura logística, as quais, ao afetarem o nível de preços relativos de etanol e gasolina, afetam a sensibilidade da demanda com relação às variações de preço.

  18. Pigment dispersion and chronic intraocular pressure elevation after sulcus placement of 3-piece acrylic intraocular lens. (United States)

    Almond, M Camille; Wu, Michael C; Chen, Philip P


    A 55-year-old man had phacoemulsification and implantation of a 3-piece acrylic intraocular lens (IOL) (AcrySof MA60AC) in the right eye. One month postoperatively, the intraocular pressure (IOP) was 48 mm Hg and peripheral transillumination defects were noted in the iris circumferentially, with the IOL optic edge visible as a silhouette. Gonioscopy showed dense pigmentation of the trabecular meshwork in the right eye, but in the left eye, only mild trabecular meshwork pigment was seen, along with a concave peripheral iris insertion. At 21 months, the right eye required 3 medications for IOP control. While pigment dispersion has been widely reported after placement of 1-piece acrylic IOLs in the ciliary sulcus, we conclude that in susceptible individuals with a concave peripheral iris insertion, pigment dispersion can occur with sulcus placement of a 3-piece acrylic model despite its thinner optic and angulated haptics.

  19. Posterior Segment Intraocular Foreign Body: Extraction Surgical Techniques, Timing, and Indications for Vitrectomy

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    Dante A. Guevara-Villarreal


    Full Text Available Ocular penetrating injury with Intraocular Foreign Body (IOFB is a common form of ocular injury. Several techniques to remove IOFB have been reported by different authors. The aim of this publication is to review different timing and surgical techniques related to the extraction of IOFB. Material and Methods. A PubMed search on “Extraction of Intraocular Foreign Body,” “Timing for Surgery Intraocular Foreign Body,” and “Surgical Technique Intraocular Foreign Body” was made. Results. Potential advantages of immediate and delayed IOFB removal have been reported with different results. Several techniques to remove IOFB have been reported by different authors with good results. Conclusion. The most important factor at the time to perform IOFB extraction is the experience of the surgeon.

  20. Bacillus cereus panophthalmitis associated with intraocular gas bubble. (United States)

    al-Hemidan, A; Byrne-Rhodes, K A; Tabbara, K F


    It has become increasingly apparent that Bacillus cereus can cause a severe and devastating form of endophthalmitis following penetrating trauma by a metallic object. B. cereus is an uncommon aetiological agent in non-clostridial gas-forming infections. The patient studied in this single case report showed evidence of intraocular gas mimicking gas gangrene infection. The physiology of non-clostridial bacteria producing gas from anaerobic metabolic conditions is reviewed. Further intraocular and systemic complications which may be avoided by accurate and early diagnosis and the use of recommended treatment with antibiotics such as clindamycin. Images PMID:2493262

  1. A study of brachytherapy for intraocular tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ji, Yung Hoon; Lee, Dong Han; Ko, Kyung Hwan; Lee, Tae Won; Lee, Sung Koo; Choi, Moon Sik


    Our purpose of this study is to perform brachytherapy for intraocular tumor. The result were as followed. 1. Eye model was determined as a 25 mm diameter sphere. Ir-192 was considered the most appropriate as radioisotope for brachytherapy, because of the size, half, energy and availability. 2. Considering the biological response with human tissue and protection of exposed dose, we made the plaques with gold, of which size were 15 mm, 17 mm and 20 mm in diameter, and 1.5 mm in thickness. 3. Transmission factor of plaques are all 0.71 with TLD and film dosimetry at the surface of plaques and 0.45, 0.49 at 1.5 mm distance of surface, respectively. 4. As compared the measured data for the plaque with Ir-192 seeds to results of computer dose calculation model by Gary Luxton et al. and CAP-PLAN (Radiation Treatment Planning System), absorbed doses are within ±10% and distance deviations are within 0.4 mm. Maximum error is -11.3% and 0.8 mm, respectively. 7 figs, 2 tabs, 28 refs. (Author)

  2. Correlación entre la localización del lente intraocular, según biomicroscopia ultrasónica,y diferentes parámetros quirúrgicos en pacientes operados de catarata Correlation between the location of the intraocular lens according to ultrasonic biomicroscopy and several surgical parameters in patients operated from cataract

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    Eneida de la C Pérez Candelaria


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la correlación entre la localización del lente intraocular en cámara posterior por biomicroscopia ultrasónica, diferentes parámetros quirúrgicos en pacientes operados de catarata. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y transversal en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología «Ramón Pando Ferrer», durante el período de enero a junio del 2007. Se estudiaron variables como: edad, sexo, etiología de la catarata, técnica quirúrgica, localización del lente intraocular según biomicroscopia ultrasónica, así como complicaciones transoperatorias y posoperatorias. RESULTADOS: El 79 % de todos los pacientes operados tenían entre 60 y 79 años de edad y algo más de la mitad correspondió al sexo femenino con un 59 %. La catarata senil fue la etiología que predominó con un 74 % y en el 68 % de los casos el lente se localizó por biomicroscopia ultrasónica en el saco capsular. En los ojos donde el lente intraocular se localizó fuera del saco, la proporción de complicaciones transoperatorias y posoperatorias fueron significativamente mayoritarias, mientras que en los ojos donde el lente intraocular se encontraba en el saco, la mayoría no presentó complicaciones transoperatorias ni posoperatorias. CONCLUSIONES: Las diferencias entre las distintas localizaciones del lente intraocular se encontraron con significación estadística en el tipo de catarata, la presencia de complicaciones transoperatorias y posoperatorias, sin embargo, no se encontró relación estadística significativa entre la localización del lente intraocular con la técnica quirúrgica utilizada.OBJECTIVE: To determine the correlation between the location of the intraocular lens in the posterior chamber using ultrasonic biomicroscopy and the different surgical parameters in patients operated from cataract. METHODS: A prospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in "Ramón Pando Ferrer" Cuban Institute of

  3. Influence of macular pigment optical density spatial distribution on intraocular scatter. (United States)

    Putnam, Christopher M; Bland, Pauline J; Bassi, Carl J

    This study evaluated the summed measures of macular pigment optical density (MPOD) spatial distribution and their effects on intraocular scatter using a commercially available device (C-Quant, Oculus, USA). A customized heterochromatic flicker photometer (cHFP) device was used to measure MPOD spatial distribution across the central 16° using a 1° stimulus. MPOD was calculated as a discrete measure and summed measures across the central 1°, 3.3°, 10° and 16° diameters. Intraocular scatter was determined as a mean of 5 trials in which reliability and repeatability measures were met using the C-Quant. MPOD spatial distribution maps were constructed and the effects of both discrete and summed values on intraocular scatter were examined. Spatial mapping identified mean values for discrete MPOD [0.32 (s.d.=0.08)], MPOD summed across central 1° [0.37 (s.d.=0.11)], MPOD summed across central 3.3° [0.85 (s.d.=0.20)], MPOD summed across central 10° [1.60 (s.d.=0.35)] and MPOD summed across central 16° [1.78 (s.d.=0.39)]. Mean intraocular scatter was 0.83 (s.d.=0.16) log units. While there were consistent trends for an inverse relationship between MPOD and scatter, these relationships were not statistically significant. Correlations between the highest and lowest quartiles of MPOD within the central 1° were near significance. While there was an overall trend of decreased intraocular forward scatter with increased MPOD consistent with selective short wavelength visible light attenuation, neither discrete nor summed values of MPOD significantly influence intraocular scatter as measured by the C-Quant device. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U.

  4. Bilateral spontaneous dislocation of posterior chamber intraocular lens in a patient with gyrate atrophy

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    Michael Kinori


    Full Text Available We report a patient with gyrate atrophy, a rare metabolic disease, who had bilateral late spontaneous posterior dislocation of in-the-bag posterior chamber intraocular lens (PCIOL. He underwent pars plana vitrectomy, PCIOL retrieval and anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in both eyes. This report may imply that patients with gyrate atrophy are at risk for spontaneous dislocation of intraocular lenses.

  5. Magnetic resonance imaging diagnosis of intraocular lenses. Die kernspintomographische Diagnostik der Hinterkammerlinse

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tosch, U. (Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinik Rudolf Virchow, Berlin (Germany)); Bleckmann, H. (Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinik Rudolf Virchow, Berlin (Germany)); Kaczmarek, U. (Strahlenklinik und Poliklinik, Universitaetsklinik Rudolf Virchow, Berlin (Germany))


    Intraocular lenses were investigated by MRI to obtain information about the quality of this method. In experimental studies, seven lenses of between 0 and 30 diopters were visualized. By MRI it was possible to differentiate the various diameters of lenses. It was not possible to discriminate the material of the intraocular lenses. After these first studies the eyes of two corpses and eight patients were investigated. Because of the resolution of MRI it was possible to tell the diopter of implanted lenses. However, by use of MRI in the regular position, a tilting or decentration of the intraocular lens was demonstrated. (orig.)

  6. Electrochemical lysis at the stage of endoresection for large posterior intraocular tumors

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    Yu. A. Belyy


    Full Text Available Purpose: to design the new combined technique of endoresection with intraoperative intraocular electrochemical lysis at the tumor destruction stage for large posterior intraocular tumors.Methods: 3 patients (3 eyes with large choroidal melanomas t3N0M0 (tumor thickness — 8-10 mm, base diameter — 13-15 mm, juxtapapillary localization. Mean age was 55.4 years old. Endoresection with intraoperational intraocular electrochemical lysis of the tumor was performed. Electrochemical lysis was performed with use of the technical unit ECU 300 (Soering, Germany and the original method of combined intratumoral positioning of two platinum electrodes: anode and cathode.Results: the tumor was removal completely in all 3 cases. the anatomical retinal reattachment was reached in all patients. Sclera was safe in all 3 cases. Visual acuity was not changed (NLP. At the place of the removal tumor a surgical choroidal coloboma without pigmentation all over scleral bed and periphery was shown in all cases in distant postoperative period (from 1.5 to 3 years. No local recurrences or metastasis were revealed in all patients.Conclusion: Further investigations in clinical group are necessarily to determinate the real possibilities of the combined method and the indications for endoresection with intraoperative intraocular electrochemical lysis for large intraocular tumors. 

  7. Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in patients with oculocutaneous albinism. (United States)

    Dávila, Pedro J; Ulloa-Padilla, Jan P; Izquierdo, Natalio J


    To evaluate the benefits of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in patients with oculocutaneous albinism (OCA). The charts of 195 patients with OCA who visited a local eye clinic were reviewed. All of these patients had genetic linkage analysis to establish OCA type. Frequencies and Paired t-test analysis were determined. Of the 195 patients, nine (4.6%) underwent clear cornea phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation. Seven of the nine patients with OCA had the Hermansky-Pudlak (HPS) type 1; two had OCA type 1. Pre-operative BCVA of all eyes ranged from 1.0 to 2.3 logMAR with a mean of 1.42 logMAR and a standard deviation of 0.41 logMAR. Post-operative BCVA of all eyes ranged from 1.0 to 1.30 logMAR with a mean of 1.04 logMAR and a standard deviation of 0.10 logMAR. BCVA improved after phacoemulsification surgery and intraocular lens implantation (p = 0.002). Pre-operative astigmatism of all eyes ranged from +0.50 to +5.75 with a mean of +2.25 and a standard deviation of +2.40. Post-operative astigmatism of all eyes ranged from +0.50 to +2.00 with a mean of +1.23 and a standard deviation of +0.42. Astigmatism improved after phacoemulsification surgery and intraocular lens implantation (p = 0.05). Nine patients with OCA who underwent phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implant experienced improved visual acuity and reduced astigmatism post-operatively. These results suggest cataract surgery may improve vision and refractive errors, and thus quality of life, in patients with albinism.

  8. X-ray diffraction enhanced imaging study of intraocular tumors in human beings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan Gao; Wang Huaqiao; Chen Yu; Yuan Qing; Li Gang; Zhu Peiping; Zhang Xiaodan; Zhong Xiufeng; Tang Jintian


    Diffraction enhanced imaging (DEI) with edge enhancement is suitable for the observation of weakly absorbing objects. The potential ability of the DEI was explored for displaying the microanatomy and pathology of human eyeball in this work. The images of surgical specimens from malignant intraocular tumor of hospitalized patients were taken using the hard X-rays from the topography station of Beamline 4W1A at Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF). The obtained radiographic images were analyzed in correlation with those of pathology. The results show that the anatomic and pathologic details of intraocular tumors in human beings can be observed clearly by DEI for the first time, with good visualization of the microscopic details of eyeball ring such as sclera, choroid and other details of intraocular organelles. And the best resolution of DEI images reaches up to the magnitude of several tens of μm. The results suggest that it is capable of exhibiting clearly the details of intraocular tumor using DEI method. (authors)



    Acosta de Velásquez,Blanca Lucía


    Este artículo describe normas universales de bioseguridad en la atención odontológica, particularmente las referidas a la atención de personas infectadas con VIH/SIDA, al tiempo que pasa revista a leyes y decretos relativos al tema vigentes en Colombia. Establecer la rutina de evaluar, controlar y prevenir accidentes de trabajo e infecciones asociadas a la práctica odontológica garantiza una mejor atención y calidad de vida, tanto para los pacientes como para el personal de salud

  10. [Changes in intraocular pressure depending on posture]. (United States)

    Barac, Ramona; Pop, Monica; Tătaru, C; Gheorghe, A; Bădescu, Silvia; Stanciu, Maria; Burcea, M


    Glaucoma is an important eye disease that, left untreated, causes irreversible blindness by affecting optic nerve threads. Decreasing intraocular pressure and maintaining it at a low level throughout the day is one of the objectives of antiglaucoma therapy. This is a prospective study conducted on a sample of 80 patients who presented at "Emergency Eye Hospital" Bucharest between 1st of December 2013 30th of July 2014. Patients were divided into two groups: 40 patients with glaucoma and 40 patients without glaucoma (control group). THE OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: To determine changes in intraocular pressure that may occur depending on body posture and the correlations between changes in intraocular pressure and glaucoma, obesity, hypertension. These IOP changes may be important in the progression of glaucoma regarding that one third of our time is spent on supine position during night. RESULTS AND CONCLUZIONS: IOP varies from sitting down to supine position. IOP increases in supine in most patients (with or without glaucoma) with an average of 1.25 mmHg. The increase among patients with glaucoma is higher (1.67 mmHg) compared to those without glaucoma (0.82 mmHg). In patients with hypertension and glaucoma, IOP increased with 2.62 mmHg. In patients with hypertension and obesity IOP increased with 2.5 mmHg.

  11. Near-infrared transillumination photography of intraocular tumours. (United States)

    Krohn, Jørgen; Ulltang, Erlend; Kjersem, Bård


    To present a technique for near-infrared transillumination imaging of intraocular tumours based on the modifications of a conventional digital slit lamp camera system. The Haag-Streit Photo-Slit Lamp BX 900 (Haag-Streit AG) was used for transillumination photography by gently pressing the tip of the background illumination cable against the surface of the patient's eye. Thus the light from the flash unit was transmitted into the eye, leading to improved illumination and image resolution. The modification for near-infrared photography was done by replacing the original camera with a Canon EOS 30D (Canon Inc) converted by Advanced Camera Services Ltd. In this camera, the infrared blocking filter was exchanged for a 720 nm long-pass filter, so that the near-infrared part of the spectrum was recorded by the sensor. The technique was applied in eight patients: three with anterior choroidal melanoma, three with ciliary body melanoma and two with ocular pigment alterations. The good diagnostic quality of the photographs made it possible to evaluate the exact location and extent of the lesions in relation to pigmented intraocular landmarks such as the ora serrata and ciliary body. The photographic procedure did not lead to any complications. We recommend near-infrared transillumination photography as a supplementary diagnostic tool for the evaluation and documentation of anteriorly located intraocular tumours.

  12. Intraocular pressure measurement: Goldmann Applanation Tonometer vs non contact airpuff tonometer. (United States)

    Shah, Masood Alam; Bin Saleem, Khalid; Mehmood, Talat


    An accurate assessment of Intraocular pressure (IOP) is vital in establishing diagnosis of Glaucoma and decision making regarding various treatment modalities available. The purpose of this study is to compare Goldmann Applanation Tonometer (GAT) with Air puff tonometer. Cross-sectional comparative study conducted. 73 eyes from 73 patients were included in this study and intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured by GAT and PT100 at Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Hospital, Muzaffarabad, Benazir Shaheed Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad. Mean age of the patients was 53.17 +/- 13.80 years. Mean IOP measurements showed significant differences in measurements performed by the two tonometers (p contact air-puff tonometer, the Goldmann applanation tonometer is a reliable and consistent technique for measurement of intraocular pressure.

  13. Ocular onchocerciasis in the Yanomami communities from Brazilian Amazon: effects on intraocular pressure. (United States)

    Herzog-Neto, Guilherme; Jaegger, Karen; Nascimento, Erika S do; Marchon-Silva, Verônica; Banic, Dalma M; Maia-Herzog, Marilza


    To determine the influence of onchocercal eye disease on the intraocular pressure of the Yanomami Tribe Aratha-ú of Roraima State, Brazil, considered endemic for onchocerciasis, a total of 86 patients were submitted to an ophthalmologic exam that included external examination, slit lamp examination, intraocular pressure measurement, and a fundus ophthalmoscope examination. A high prevalence of onchocerciasis-related eye lesions was encountered in 68.6% of the patients. Punctate keratitis and microfilariae in the anterior chamber were found in ∼28%. The mean of intraocular eye pressure found was 10.47 mm of Hg.

  14. Biomicroscopia ultra-sônica na avaliação da posição das lentes intra-oculares em uma técnica de fixação escleral Ultrasound biomicroscopy in the assessment of the intraocular lenses positioning in a transscleral fixation technique

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    Raul de Camargo Vianna Filho


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar pela biomicrospia ultra-sônica (UBM o posicionamento, em relação ao sulco ciliar, das alças de lentes intra-oculares (LIO, em uma técnica de fixação escleral, avaliando-se também se dois pontos de fixação são suficientes para que não haja inclinação da parte óptica. Métodos: Dezesseis olhos afácicos foram submetidos a implante LIO por uma mesma técnica de fixação escleral, realizados por um mesmo cirurgião. Um mês após a cirurgia, o posicionamento das alças das LIO foram avaliados pelo UBM, assim como distâncias entre as LIO e córnea. Os resultados foram submetidos a testes estatísticos. Resultados: Das 32 alças fixadas à esclera, oito estavam localizadas no sulco ciliar e 24 fora deste. Não houve diferença estatística nas distâncias entre LIO e córnea para alças posicionadas no sulco ciliar quando comparadas àquelas localizadas fora do sulco. Isto sugere que, além da distância ao limbo que se transfixa a esclera, outros fatores devem estar associados ao posicionamento da alça no sulco ciliar. As medidas LIO -- córnea realizadas na periferia das LIO às 3, 6, 9, e 12 horas foram semelhantes, mostrando que dois pontos de fixação são suficientes para que a LIO não fique inclinada. Conclusões: Outros fatores (por exemplo o ângulo de abertura do corpo ciliar, além da distância ao limbo na qual se transfixa a esclera, são importantes para o posicionamento das alças no sulco ciliar. Dois pontos de fixação são suficientes para que a LIO não apresente inclinação dentro do olho.Purpose: To assess, through ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM, the positioning of the intraocular lenses (IOL haptics as related to the ciliary sulcus by using a scleral fixation technique; and to evaluate, as well, if two fixation points are sufficient to avoid tilting of the lenses. Methods: Sixteen aphakic eyes underwent an IOL implan-tation by means of the same scleral fixation technique, performed by the

  15. Sensitivity of the corneal-plane refractive compensation to change in power and axial position of an intraocular lens

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    W. F. Harris


    Full Text Available If an intraocular lens is displaced or if its power is changed what are the consequences for the refractive compensation of the eye?  Gaussian optics is used to obtain explicit formulae for the sensitivityof the corneal-plane refractive compensation (also called the refraction, refractive state, etc to change in power and axial displacement of a thin intraocular lens implanted in a simple eye.  In particular, for a pseudophakic Gullstrand simplified eye with intraocular lens placed 5 mm behind the cornea the sensitivity to errors in the power of the intraocular lens is about  71 . 0 − 71 for an intraocular lens of power   for an intraocular lens of power 20 D, that is, the refractive compensation decreases by about 0.71 dioptres per dioptre increase in the power of the intraocular lens.  More generally the sensitivity is approximately  ( m   0037 . 0 63 . 0 F − − 0.63 ( 003 . 0 63 . 0 − − (0.0037mF where FI is the power of the intraocular lens.  Also for Gullstrand’s simplified eye the sensitivity of refractive compensation to axial displacement of the intraocular lens is approximately linear in FI about  (64D FI, in fact.  That is, for each dioptre of the power of the intraocular lens the refractive compensation increases by about 0.064 dioptres per millimetre of axial displacement towards the retina. 

  16. Intraocular Pressure Increases After Intraarticular Knee Injection With Triamcinolone but Not Hyaluronic Acid. (United States)

    Taliaferro, Kevin; Crawford, Alexander; Jabara, Justin; Lynch, Jonathan; Jung, Edward; Zvirbulis, Raimonds; Banka, Trevor


    Intraarticular steroid injections are a common first-line therapy for severe osteoarthritis, which affects an estimated 27 million people in the United States. Although topical, oral, intranasal, and inhalational steroids are known to increase intraocular pressure in some patients, the effect of intraarticular steroid injections on intraocular pressure has not been investigated, to the best of our knowledge. If elevated intraocular pressure is sustained for long periods of time or is of sufficient magnitude acutely, permanent loss of the visual field can occur. How does intraocular pressure change 1 week after an intraarticular knee injection either with triamcinolone acetonide or hyaluronic acid? A nonrandomized, nonblinded prospective cohort study was conducted at an outpatient, ambulatory orthopaedic clinic. This study compared intraocular pressure elevation before and 1 week after intraarticular knee injection of triamcinolone acetonide versus hyaluronic acid for management of primary osteoarthritis of the knee. Patients self-selected to be injected in their knee with either triamcinolone acetonide or hyaluronic acid before being informed of the study. The primary endpoint was intraocular pressure elevation of ≥ 7 mm Hg 1 week after injection. This cutoff is determined as the minimum significant pressure change in the ophthalmology literature recognized as an intermediate responder to steroids. Intraocular pressure was measured using a handheld Tono-Pen® applanation device. This device is frequently used in intraocular pressure measurement in clinical and research settings; 10 sequential measurements are obtained and averaged with a confidence interval. Only measurements with a 95% confidence interval were used. Over a 6-month period, a total of 96 patients were approached to enroll in the study. Sixty-two patients out of 96 approached (65%) agreed. Thirty-one (50%) were injected with triamcinolone and 31 (50%) were injected with hyaluronic acid. Patients

  17. Intraocular gnathostomiasis: report of a case and review of literature. (United States)

    Pillai, Gopal S; Kumar, Anil; Radhakrishnan, Natasha; Maniyelil, Jayasree; Shafi, Tufela; Dinesh, Kavitha R; Karim, Shamsul


    Intraocular gnathostomiasis is a rare parasitic infection caused by the third-stage larvae of spiruroid nematode Gnanthostoma spp. seen mostly in tropical and subtropical regions. It is a food-borne zoonosis caused by ingestion of raw or undercooked freshwater fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, all of which are known to harbor advanced third-stage larvae of Gnanthostoma spp. To date, 74 cases of intraocular gnathostomiasis have been reported from 12 different countries. Only four countries have reported more than 10 cases each, and India shares the rare distinction of being one of them, with 14 cases. Surprisingly, not a single case of cutaneous gnanthostomiasis has ever been reported from India. We present one such case of intraocular gnathostomiasis in a 41-year-old male who presented with an actively motile worm attached to the iris, and we review the pertinent literature of all such cases reported from India.

  18. Sutureless Intrascleral Fixated Intraocular Lens Implantation. (United States)

    Karadag, Remzi; Celik, Haci Ugur; Bayramlar, Huseyin; Rapuano, Christopher J


    To review sutureless intrascleral intraocular lens (IOL) fixation methods. Review of published literature. Sutureless intrascleral IOL fixation methods are newer and have been developed to eliminate the suture-related complications of sutured scleral fixation methods such as suture-induced inflammation or infection and IOL dislocation or subluxation due to suture degradation or suture breakage. Sutureless intrascleral fixation methods aim for intrascleral haptic fixation to achieve stability of the IOL. Various methods of sutureless scleral fixation have been described. Using a needle, a blade, or a trochar, sclerostomies are created in all techniques for intraocular access. Some surgeons prefer to create scleral tunnels, whereas others use scleral flaps for scleral fixation of haptics. The stability of IOLs is attained by the scar tissue formed around the haptics. Short-term results of these new methods are acceptable; studies including more cases with longer follow-up are needed to determine their long-term success. [J Cataract Refract Surg. 2016;32(9):586-597.]. Copyright 2016, SLACK Incorporated.

  19. Microscopic and spectroscopic investigation of an explanted opacified intraocular lens

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Simon, V., E-mail: [Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physics and Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Bio-Nano-Sciences, 400084 Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Radu, T.; Vulpoi, A. [Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physics and Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Bio-Nano-Sciences, 400084 Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Rosca, C. [Optilens Clinic of Ophthalmology, 400604 Cluj-Napoca (Romania); Eniu, D. [Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Molecular Sciences, 400349 Cluj-Napoca (Romania)


    Highlights: • Changes on intraocular lens (IOL) surface after implantation. • Partial opacification of IOL central area. • Elemental composition on IOL surface prior to and after implantation. • First XPS depth profiling examination of the opacifying deposits. • Cell-mediated hydroxyapatite structuring. - Abstract: The investigated polymethylmethacrylate intraocular lens explanted an year after implantation presented a fine granularity consisting of ring-like grains of about 15 μm in diameter. In order to evidence the changes occurred on intraocular lens relative to morphology, elemental composition and atomic environments, microscopic and spectroscopic analyses were carried out using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDS), and X-ray photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopies. The results revealed that the grains contain hydroxyapatite mineral phase. A protein layer covers the lens both in opacified and transparent zones. The amide II band is like in basal epithelial cells. The shape and size of the grains, and the XPS depth profiling results indicate the possibility of a cell-mediated process involving lens epithelial cells which fagocitated apoptotic epithelial cells, and in which the debris derived from cell necrosis were calcified. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first investigation on explanted intraocular lenses using XPS depth profiling in order to examine the inside of the opacifying deposits.

  20. Subluxação congênita do cristalino: resultados visuais e posição das lentes intraoculares após a cirurgia Congenital lens subluxation: visual acuity outcomes and intraocular lens postoperative position

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    Caroline Arraes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados visuais e investigar, através da biomicroscopia ultrassônica, o posicionamento das lentes intraoculares e do anel endocapsular em 17 olhos de 10 portadores de subluxação congênita do cristalino, submetidos à mesma técnica cirúrgica pelo mesmo cirurgião. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi realizado no Hospital de Olhos de Pernambuco e Fundação Altino Ventura. A técnica cirúrgica consistiu em facoaspiração com implante de anel endocapsular e de lentes intraoculares com amputação de uma das alças. A idade variou entre 7 e 22 anos. Foram coletados dados sobre acuidade visual para longe pré e pós-operatória, tempo de seguimento após a cirurgia e complicações. Os pacientes foram submetidos à biomicroscopia ultrassônica. RESULTADOS: O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 2,8 anos. Houve melhora da acuidade visual para longe nos 17 (100% olhos: 12 olhos (70,6% apresentaram acuidade visual para longe melhor que 20/40; 4 (23,5% apresentaram acuidade visual para longe entre 20/40 e 20/100 e 1 (5,9% apresentou acuidade visual para longe pior que 20/100, porém melhor que acuidade visual para longe pré-operatória. A opacificação da cápsula posterior ocorreu em 10 olhos (58,9%. Na biomicroscopia ultrassônica observou-se que todas as lentes intraoculares estavam parcialmente descentralizadas, contudo sem atingir o bordo pupilar. Em todos os casos observou-se um adequado posicionamento do anel e um bom suporte capsular. CONCLUSÃO É possível concluir que o tratamento cirúrgico avaliado proporciona uma boa centralização das lentes intraoculares e do anel endocapsular, com melhora da acuidade visual para longe, sendo uma opção viável, eficaz e segura na reabilitação visual dos pacientes com subluxação congênita do cristalino.PURPOSE: To evaluate the visual acuity outcomes and to investigate the intraocular lens (IOL and endocapsular ring positions with ultrasound biomicroscopy in 17 eyes of 10 patients

  1. Intravitreal triamcinolone for intraocular inflammation and associated macular edema

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    Steven M Couch


    Full Text Available Steven M Couch, Sophie J BakriMayo Clinic Department of Ophthalmology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USAAbstract: Triamcinolone acetonide (TA is a corticosteroid that has many uses in the treatment of ocular diseases because of its potent anti-inflammatory and anti-permeability actions. Intraocular inflammation broadly referred to as uveitis can result from several causes, including the immune system and after ophthalmic surgery. One of the most common reasons for vision loss with uveitis is macular edema. TA has been used for many years as an intravitreal injection for the treatment of ocular diseases. Several case control studies have been reported showing the efficacy of TA in the treatment of intraocular inflammation and associated macular edema caused by Behcet’s disease, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, sympathetic ophthalmia and white dot syndromes. It has also been shown efficacious in cases of pars planitis and idiopathic posterior uveitis. Some authors have reported its use in postoperative cystoid macular edema. Many of the studies on the use of TA in controlling intraocular inflammation and concomitant macular edema showed its effect to be transient in many patients requiring reinjection. Complications can arise from intravitreal injection of TA including elevated intraocular pressure and cataract. Rarely, it can be associated with infectious and non-infectious endophthalmitis. TA may be useful as an adjuvant in the treatment of uveitis and its associated macular edema, especially in patients resistant or intolerant to standard treatment.Keywords: triamcinolone acetonide, Behcet’s disease, sympathetic ophthalmia, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, white dot syndromes, uveitis, cataract surgery, macular edema, endophthalmitis


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    Gustavo Ossa S


    Full Text Available Fueron analizados 1877 datos del peso al destete de terneros de la raza Romosinuano, relativos al período1980 a 2001. El peso medio al destete fue de 182,88 ± 0,67 kg, con una desviación estándar de 29,35kg y un coeficiente de variación del 16,02%. Los efectos del año, mes de nacimiento, el número del partoy el sexo del ternero, influyeron significativamente en el peso al destete. La heredabilidad estimada parael peso al destete según el efecto directo fue de 0,14 ± 0,05 y para el efecto materno fue de 0,12 ± 0,03.

  3. Intraocular lens fabrication

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salazar, Mike A. (Albuquerque, NM); Foreman, Larry R. (Los Alamos, NM)


    This invention describes a method for fabricating an intraocular lens made rom clear Teflon.TM., Mylar.TM., or other thermoplastic material having a thickness of about 0.025 millimeters. These plastic materials are thermoformable and biocompatable with the human eye. The two shaped lenses are bonded together with a variety of procedures which may include thermosetting and solvent based adhesives, laser and impulse welding, and ultrasonic bonding. The fill tube, which is used to inject a refractive filling material is formed with the lens so as not to damage the lens shape. A hypodermic tube may be included inside the fill tube.

  4. Outcomes and Complications of Scleral-Fixated Intraocular Lens Combined with Ahmed Tube Surgery

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    Nikhel Sachdev


    Full Text Available Background. To evaluate the outcome and complications of transscleral suture-fixated posterior chamber intraocular lens (PCIOL implantation combined with Ahmed glaucoma valve (AGV surgery in Asian eyes. Design. This was a retrospective study that included 22 eyes from 22 participants. The surgeries were performed at Singapore’s National University Hospital. Participants underwent an Ahmed tube surgery, together with transscleral suture-fixated posterior chamber intraocular lens. Main Outcome Measures. Complete success was defined as 6 ≤ intraocular pressure (IOP ≤ 21 mmHg without medications at the last follow-up visit, with no reoperation required and no progression to no perception of light (NPL. Results. At the last follow-up, there was a significant reduction in mean IOP (22.4 ± 6.5 mmHg versus 13.9 ± 3.9 mmHg; p<0.001 and mean number of intraocular pressure-lowering medications (2.45 ± 1.30 versus 0.05 ± 0.21; p<0.001. There was no significant change in visual acuity [1.43 ± 1.21 (LogMAR versus 1.09 ± 1.31 (p=0.204]. Sixteen eyes (72.7% achieved complete success. The 3 commonest complications were bullous keratopathy, choroidal detachment, and displacement of intraocular lens. Conclusion and Relevance. This technique showed good success for intraocular pressure control and vision preservation. Postoperative complications were relatively common although most were self-limiting. Patients at increased risk of trabeculectomy failure may be suitable for this procedure.

  5. Intraocular foreign-body hazard during vitrectomy. (United States)

    Bovino, J A; Marcus, D F


    We noted two instances of forceps-induced fragmentation of the bar used for scleral plug storage during vitreous surgery. The silicone bar material was adherent to the plug in both cases. Because this represents a significant intraocular foreign body hazard, the scleral plug should be carefully inspected before insertion.

  6. A study regarding efficacy of various intraocular lens power calculation formulas in a subset of Indian myopic population

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    Ashish Mitra


    Full Text Available Efficacy of intraocular lens power calculation formulas in a subset of Indian myopic population. Retrospectively reviewed 43 patients who underwent phacoemulsification with high axial length (AL (>24.5 mm, range 24.75-32.35 mm. The power of the implanted intraocular lens (IOL was used to calculate the predicted post-operative refractive error by four formulas: Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff (SRK II, SRK/T, Holladay 1, and Hoffer Q. The predictive accuracy of the formulas was analyzed by comparing the difference between the "actual" and "predicted" postoperative refractive errors. Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA tests were done to have pair-wise comparisons between the formulas and P < 0.05 was considered significant. A subcategory of axial length 24.5-26.5 mm was also tested. Holladay 1, Hoffer Q and SRK/T formulas showed a slight tendency toward resultant hyperopia, with mean error of +0.24 diopters (D, +0.58 D, and +0.92 D, respectively. The Holladay 1 formula provided the best predictive result overall.

  7. Bilateral Acute Angle-closure after Intraocular Surgery. (United States)

    Hoskens, Kirsten; Pinto, Luis Abegão; Vandewalle, Evelien; Verdonk, Nancy; Stalmans, Ingeborg


    We report the case of a 75-year-old woman who developed an acute bilateral angle-closure associated with choroidal effusion a day after an uneventful cataract surgery. The same patient had undergone a similarly uneventful cataract surgery two weeks before, under the same protocol, with no postoperative complication in the other eye. Medical treatment, including the use of oral sulfamide-related drugs (acetazolamide), topical beta-blockers and steroids led to a gradual decrease in intraocular pressure (IOP) and choroidal effusion. Despite initial reports suggesting a link between sulfamide-exposure and these rare forms of angle-closure, our report would suggest a more complex pathophysiology behind this intriguing phenomenon. How to cite this article: Hoskens K, Pinto LA, Vandewalle E, Verdonk N, Stalmans I. Bilateral Acute Angle-closure after Intraocular Surgery. J Curr Glaucoma Pract 2014;8(3):113-114.


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    Esteban Méndez Chacón


    Full Text Available El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar el grado de acceso al crédito para microempresarios en Alajuela, Cartago y Heredia. Se toma como muestra un grupo de 401 negocios, que posean de 1 a 5 trabajadores y que no se dediquen a actividades agrícolas. El artículo muestra que el grado de acceso al crédito de los microempresarios suele ser bajo en lo que respecta a créditos formales (instituciones financieras reguladas por la SUGEF e informales (prestamistas, parientes o amigos, pero alto en lo relativo a créditos semi-informales (proveedores y clientes.

  9. Changes of intraocular pressure in different trimesters of pregnancy among Syrian refugees in Turkey: A cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Tolunay, Harun Egemen; Özcan, Sait Coşkun; Şükür, Yavuz Emre; Özarslan Özcan, Deniz; Adıbelli, Fatih Mehmet; Hilali, Neşe Gül


    To evaluate the physiologic changes in intraocular pressure associated with pregnancy in healthy Syrian refugee women in Turkey. In this cross-sectional study, intraocular pressures were measured using a Goldmann tonometer in 235 patients in the first, second, and third trimester of pregnancy and puerperium among Syrian refugees in Turkey. Mean intraocular pressures values of the right eye were 15.5±2.5 mmHg, 14.4±1.4 mmHg, 13.9±1.6 and 14.7±1.9 mmHg in the three trimesters and puerperium, respectively. Mean intraocular pressures values of the left eye were 15.3±1.6 mmHg, 14.3±1.4 mmHg, 13.9±1.6 and 15.3±2.2 mmHg in the three trimesters and puerperium, respectively. The mean intraocular pressures values measured from both eyes were significantly higher in first trimester and puerperal period than in the third trimester (p<0.001). Changes in the intraocular pressure in pregnancy are common and temporary. This study shows the baseline changes in the intraocular pressure during pregnancy in healthy women. Therefore, we cannot extrapolate the results to the whole eye. A decrease in intraocular pressures was shown in healthy pregnant women.


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    Geórgia Nadalini Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Canine transmissible venereal tumor (TVT is a round cell neoplasm occurring on the external genital mucosa of male and female dogs. Transmission is by cell implantation during coitus, licking, or other interaction between an affected dog and a susceptible host. Metastasis of the tumor rarely occurs. This report describes an unusual presentation of TVT with intraocular involvement and inguinal lymph nodes metastasis. The subject was a six-year-old, intact, male, Brazilian Terrier dog with a history of abnormal masses in the right eye, penis and several subcutaneous nodules in the inguinal area. Histopathological examination of the eye specimens as well as cytologic examination of penile mass and subcutaneous nodules revealed similar findings. The examination revealed round cells containing a large nuclei with prominent, central located nucleoli and a pale cytoplasm containing few small, clear round vacuoles. Histologically, the subcutaneous nodules in the inguinal area were lymph nodes. The diagnosis of TVT with intraocular involvement and lymph nodes metastasis was based on clinical, cytologic and histopathologic findings.Tumor venéreo transmissível (TVT é uma neoplasia de células redondas que acomete a mucosa genital externa de cães, machos e fêmeas. A transmissão decorre da implantação de células tumorais durante o coito, brigas ou interações entre animais portadores e susceptíveis. Existem relatos referindo-se a localizações atípicas do TVT, mas metástases raramente ocorrem. O presente relato descreve um caso incomum de TVT, com acometimento intra-ocular e metástases nos linfonodos ingüinais, num cão Terrier Brasileiro, com seis anos de idade. O animal apresentava massas anormais de tecido no olho direito, extremidade do pênis e aumento de volume de linfonodos da região ingüinal. A histopatologia do globo ocular e as citologias da massa peniana e dos nódulos subcutâneos evidenciaram aspectos citológicos semelhantes

  11. [Hormonal homeostasis and intraocular pressure in chronic emotional stress caused by influences acting on the amygdala]. (United States)

    Isakova, L S; Danilov, G E; Egorkina, S B; Butolin, E G


    Changes in intraocular pressure, eye hydrodynamics and the amount of hypophyseal, thyroid, adrenal and pancreatic hormones were studied during continuous stimulation of amygdaloid complex or after administration of angiotensin II into the structure in rabbits. The effects involved changes in hormonal homeostasis and elevation of intraocular pressure due to a hypersecretion of intraocular fluid. The administration of angiotensin II during the amygdala stimulation enhanced the changes.

  12. Intraocular lens fabrication

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salazar, M.A.; Foreman, L.R.


    This invention describes a method for fabricating an intraocular lens made from clear Teflon{trademark}, Mylar{trademark}, or other thermoplastic material having a thickness of about 0.025 millimeters. These plastic materials are thermoformable and biocompatable with the human eye. The two shaped lenses are bonded together with a variety of procedures which may include thermosetting and solvent based adhesives, laser and impulse welding, and ultrasonic bonding. The fill tube, which is used to inject a refractive filling material is formed with the lens so as not to damage the lens shape. A hypodermic tube may be included inside the fill tube. 13 figs.

  13. MRI and intraocular tamponade media

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manfre, I. (Dept. of Neuroradiology, Inst. of Neurosurgery, Univ. of Catania (Italy)); Fabbri, G. (Dept. of Neuroradiology, Inst. of Neurosurgery, Univ. of Catania (Italy)); Avitabile, T. (Inst. of Ophthalmology, Univ. of Catania (Italy)); Biondi, P. (Inst. of Ophthalmology, Univ. of Catania (Italy)); Reibaldi, A. (Inst. of Ophthalmology, Univ. of Catania (Italy)); Pero, G. (Dept. of Neuroradiology, Inst. of Neurosurgery, Univ. of Catania (Italy))


    Thirteen patients who underwent surgery for retinal detachment and injection of intraocular tamponade media (silicone oil, flurosilicone oil, or perfluoro-carbon liquid) underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), using spin-echo T1- and T2-weighted images. The ophthalmic tamponade media showed different signal intensity, according to their chemical structure. Unlike ophthalmoscopy or ultrasonography, MRI showed no oil-related artefact, making possible recognition of recurrent retinal detachment. (orig.)

  14. MRI and intraocular tamponade media

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manfre, I.; Fabbri, G.; Avitabile, T.; Biondi, P.; Reibaldi, A.; Pero, G.


    Thirteen patients who underwent surgery for retinal detachment and injection of intraocular tamponade media (silicone oil, flurosilicone oil, or perfluoro-carbon liquid) underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), using spin-echo T1- and T2-weighted images. The ophthalmic tamponade media showed different signal intensity, according to their chemical structure. Unlike ophthalmoscopy or ultrasonography, MRI showed no oil-related artefact, making possible recognition of recurrent retinal detachment. (orig.)

  15. Central Corneal Thickness And Its Relationship To Intra-ocular And Epidemiological Determinants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tayyab, A.; Masrur, A.


    Objective: To measure central corneal thickness in Pakistani population and determine its relationship to intra-ocular pressure, age, gender and ethnicity. Study Design: Cross-sectional observation study. Place and Duration of Study: Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan, between December 2013 and February 2015. Methodology: The right eyes of 1000 cases (496 males and 504 females) were recruited for this study. Inclusion criteria were Pashtun or Punjabi ethnicity, intra-ocular pressure < 22 mmHg, gonioscopically open angles, cup-disk-ratio < 0.5, and age matched normal visual fields. Cases with prior ocular surgery, contact lens use, corneal pathologies, myopia or hypermetropia > ±3.0 diopters, astigmatism of > ±1.0 diopters were excluded. Central corneal thickness was measured using a TopCon non-contact specular microscope. Intra-ocular pressure was measured using Goldmann applanation tonometer. Frequency distribution, test of significance, and regression analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20.0. Result: Mean age was 47.31 ±11.78 years. Ethnic composition was 51.6 percentage (n=516) Pashtun and 48.4 percentage (n=484) Punjabi. The mean central corneal thickness was 503.96 (±12.47) meu m, while the mean intra-ocular pressure was 15.61 (±2.68) mmHg. Regression analysis showed a significant association between central corneal thickness and intra-ocular pressure (p=0.00) and age (p=0.00). A ±100 μ change in central corneal thickness was associated with change in IOP of ±3.30 mmHg, whereas central corneal thickness decreased by 0.12 meu m per year. No significant association could be established between central corneal thickness and ethnicity (p=0.19). Conclusion: Central corneal thickness of the studied races was comparable to non-Caucasians which affects intra-ocular pressure measurements, and decreases with increasing age. No relationship was observed between central corneal thickness and

  16. Comparison of Bigbag and Rayner620H intraocular lens in cataract surgeries in high myopia patients

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    Zhan-Jiang Liu


    Full Text Available AIM:To investigate the effects of Bigbag and Rayner620H intraocular lens in cataract surgeries in high myopia patients. METHODS:Seventy-seven patients(128 eyeswere treated by phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens implantation from January 2014 to March 2015 in our hospital. Thirty-nine patients(65 eyeswere treated with Bigbag intraocular lens, 38 cases(63 eyeswere treated with Rayner620H. The best corrected visual acuity(BCVAdistribution, the actual refractive value, the difference between predictive refractive value and actual refractive value and complications were measured and recorded in the two groups at 1mo after surgeries. RESULTS:The difference between the two groups on BCVA are statistically significant(PWilcoxon rank sum test. The differences between predictive refractive value and actual refractive value of the two groups were statistically significant(PPCONCLUSION:The effect of Bigbag intraocular lens for patients with phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation is good, and it can reduce the risk of complications.

  17. Evaluating the risk of eye injuries: intraocular pressure during high speed projectile impacts. (United States)

    Duma, Stefan M; Bisplinghoff, Jill A; Senge, Danielle M; McNally, Craig; Alphonse, Vanessa D


    To evaluate the risk of eye injuries by determining intraocular pressure during high speed projectile impacts. A pneumatic cannon was used to impact eyes with a variety of projectiles at multiple velocities. Intraocular pressure was measured with a small pressure sensor inserted through the optic nerve. A total of 36 tests were performed on 12 porcine eyes with a range of velocities between 6.2 m/s and 66.5 m/s. Projectiles selected for the test series included a 6.35  mm diameter metal ball, a 9.25  mm diameter aluminum rod, and an 11.16  mm diameter aluminum rod. Experiments were designed with velocities in the range of projectile consumer products such as toy guns. A range of intraocular pressures ranged between 2017 mmHg to 26,426 mmHg (39 psi-511 psi). Four of the 36 impacts resulted in globe rupture. Intraocular pressures dramatically above normal physiological pressure were observed for high speed projectile impacts. These pressure data provide critical insight to chronic ocular injuries and long-term complications such as glaucoma and cataracts.

  18. Stability of Adrenaline in Irrigating Solution for Intraocular Surgery. (United States)

    Shibata, Yuuka; Kimura, Yasuhiro; Taogoshi, Takanori; Matsuo, Hiroaki; Kihira, Kenji


    Intraocular irrigating solution containing 1 µg/mL adrenaline is widely used during cataract surgery to maintain pupil dilation. Prepared intraocular irrigating solutions are recommended for use within 6 h. After the irrigating solution is admistered for dilution, the adrenaline may become oxidized, and this may result in a decrease in its biological activity. However, the stability of adrenaline in intraocular irrigating solution is not fully understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of adrenaline in clinically used irrigating solutions of varying pH. Six hours after mixing, the adrenaline percentages remaining were 90.6%±3.7 (pH 7.2), 91.1%±2.2 (pH 7.5), and 65.2%±2.8 (pH 8.0) of the initial concentration. One hour after mixing, the percentages remaining were 97.6%±2.0 (pH 7.2), 97.4%±2.7 (pH 7.5), and 95.6%±3.3 (pH 8.0). The degradation was especially remarkable and time dependent in the solution at pH 8.0. These results indicate that the concentration of adrenaline is decreased after preparation. Moreover, we investigated the influence of sodium bisulfite on adrenaline stability in irrigating solution. The percentage adrenaline remaining at 6 h after mixing in irrigating solution (pH 8.0) containing sodium bisulfite at 0.5 µg/mL (concentration in irrigating solution) or at 500 µg/mL (concentration in the undiluted adrenaline preparation) were 57.5 and 97.3%, respectively. Therefore, the low concentration of sodium bisulfite in the irrigating solution may be a cause of the adrenaline loss. In conclusion, intraocular irrigation solution with adrenaline should be prepared just prior to its use in surgery.

  19. Experimental research on intraocular aqueous flow by PIV method. (United States)

    Yang, Hongyu; Song, Hongfang; Mei, Xi; Li, Lin; Fu, Xineng; Zhang, Mindi; Liu, Zhicheng


    Aqueous humor flows regularly from posterior chamber to anterior chamber, and this flow much involves intraocular pressure, the eye tissue nutrition and metabolism. To visualize and measure the intraocular flow regular pattern of aqueous humor. Intraocular flow in the vitro eyeball is driven to simulate the physiological aqueous humor flow, and the flow field is measured by Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV). Fluorescent particle solution of a certain concentration was infused into the root of Posterior Chamber(PC) of vitro rabbit eye to simulate the generation of aqueous and was drained out at a certain hydrostatic pressure from the angle of Anterior Chamber(AC) to represent the drainage of aqueous. PIV method was used to record and calculate the flow on the midsagittal plane of the eyeball. Velocity vector distribution in AC has been obtained, and the distribution shows symmetry feature to some extent. Fluorescent particle solution first fills the PC as it is continuously infused, then surges into AC through the pupil, flows upwards toward the central cornea, reflecting and scattering, and eventually converges along the inner cornea surface towards the outflow points at the periphery of the eyeball. Velocity values around the pupillary margin are within the range of 0.008-0.012 m/s, which are close to theoretical values of 0.0133 m/s, under the driving rate of 100 μl/min. Flow field of aqueous humor can be measured by PIV method, which makes it possible to study the aqueous humor dynamics by experimental method. Our study provides a basis for experimental research on aqueous humor flow; further, it possibly helps to diagnose and treat eye diseases as shear force damage of ocular tissues and destructions on corneal endothelial cells from the point of intraocular flow field.

  20. Retropupillary iris claw intraocular lens implantation in aphakia for dislocated intraocular lens

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    Faria MY


    Full Text Available Mun Yueh Faria,1–3 Nuno Pinto Ferreira,1–3 Joana Medeiros Pinto,1–3 David Cordeiro Sousa,1–3 Ines Leal,1–3 Eliana Neto,1–3 Carlos Marques-Neves1–3 1Centro de Estudos da Visão, Universidade de Lisboa, 2Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital de Santa Maria, 3Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Background: Nowadays, dislocated intraocular lenses (IOLs and inadequate capsular support are becoming a challenge for every ophthalmic surgeon. Explantation of dislocated IOL and iris claw IOL (ICIOL are the techniques that have been used in our ophthalmic department. The aim of this study is to report our technique for retropupillar ICIOL.Methods: This study is a retrospective case series. A total of 105 eyes with dislocated IOL from the patients at the Department of Ophthalmology in Santa Maria Hospital, a tertiary reference hospital in Lisbon, Portugal, from January 2012 until January 2016, had been analyzed. Of these 105 eyes, 66 eyes had dislocated one-piece IOL and 39 eyes had dislocated three-piece IOL. The latter underwent iris suture of the same IOL and were excluded from this study. The remaining 66 eyes with dislocated one-piece IOL underwent pars plana vitrectomy, that is, explantation of dislocated IOL through corneal incision and an implantation of retropupillary ICIOL. Operative data and postoperative outcomes included best corrected visual acuity, IOL position, intraocular pressure, pigment dispersion, clinical signs of endothelial cell loss, and anterior chamber depth.Results: The mean follow-up was 23 months (range: 6–48 months. The mean preoperative best corrected visual acuity was 1.260±0.771 logMAR, and postoperative best corrected visual acuity was 0.352±0.400 logMAR units. Mean vision gain was 0.909 logMar units. The patients had the following complications: 1 retinal detachment was found in one patient, 2 corneal edema was found in three patients, 3 high intraocular pressure was observed in

  1. Intraocular robotic interventional surgical system (IRISS): Mechanical design, evaluation, and master-slave manipulation. (United States)

    Wilson, Jason T; Gerber, Matthew J; Prince, Stephen W; Chen, Cheng-Wei; Schwartz, Steven D; Hubschman, Jean-Pierre; Tsao, Tsu-Chin


    Since the advent of robotic-assisted surgery, the value of using robotic systems to assist in surgical procedures has been repeatedly demonstrated. However, existing technologies are unable to perform complete, multi-step procedures from start to finish. Many intraocular surgical steps continue to be manually performed. An intraocular robotic interventional surgical system (IRISS) capable of performing various intraocular surgical procedures was designed, fabricated, and evaluated. Methods were developed to evaluate the performance of the remote centers of motion (RCMs) using a stereo-camera setup and to assess the accuracy and precision of positioning the tool tip using an optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. The IRISS can simultaneously manipulate multiple surgical instruments, change between mounted tools using an onboard tool-change mechanism, and visualize the otherwise invisible RCMs to facilitate alignment of the RCM to the surgical incision. The accuracy of positioning the tool tip was measured to be 0.205±0.003 mm. The IRISS was evaluated by trained surgeons in a remote surgical theatre using post-mortem pig eyes and shown to be effective in completing many key steps in a variety of intraocular surgical procedures as well as being capable of performing an entire cataract extraction from start to finish. The IRISS represents a necessary step towards fully automated intraocular surgery and demonstrated accurate and precise master-slave manipulation for cataract removal and-through visual feedback-retinal vein cannulation. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  2. Effects of phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens implantation on ocular surface

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    Ming Li


    Full Text Available AIM: To explore the changes of ocular surface after phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens implantation. METHODS: Totally 78 cases of 78 eyes with age-related cataract were collected from August 2011 to October 2012, and they underwent corneal incision phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens implantation. The score of dry eye symptoms; tear breakup time(BUT; Schirmer Ⅰ test(SⅠtand corneal fluorescein staining were observed and recorded in 3 days before, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 and 6 months after surgery respectively. The results were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: All the subjects complained of dry eye within 1 week after surgery. Compared with 3 days before the surgery, the corneal fluorescein staining increased and the amount of tear secretion reduced statistically significant in 1 day, 1 week and 1 month(PPP>0.05, and lasted to 3 months later. CONCLUSION: Phacoemulsification combined with intraocular lens implantation has obvious effect on the ocular surface to some extent. Preventions and treatment should be taken clinically.

  3. The Visual Effects of Intraocular Colored Filters

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    Billy R. Hammond


    Full Text Available Modern life is associated with a myriad of visual problems, most notably refractive conditions such as myopia. Human ingenuity has addressed such problems using strategies such as spectacle lenses or surgical correction. There are other visual problems, however, that have been present throughout our evolutionary history and are not as easily solved by simply correcting refractive error. These problems include issues like glare disability and discomfort arising from intraocular scatter, photostress with the associated transient loss in vision that arises from short intense light exposures, or the ability to see objects in the distance through a veil of atmospheric haze. One likely biological solution to these more long-standing problems has been the use of colored intraocular filters. Many species, especially diurnal, incorporate chromophores from numerous sources (e.g., often plant pigments called carotenoids into ocular tissues to improve visual performance outdoors. This review summarizes information on the utility of such filters focusing on chromatic filtering by humans.

  4. Comparison of hydrophobic and hydrophilic intraocular lens in preventing posterior capsule opacification after cataract surgery (United States)

    Zhao, Yang; Yang, Ke; Li, Jiaxin; Huang, Yang; Zhu, Siquan


    Abstract Background: Posterior capsular opacification (PCO) is a common long-term complication of cataract surgery. Intraocular lens design and material have been implicated in influencing the development of PCO. This study evaluated the association of hydrophobic and hydrophilic intraocular lenses on preventing PCO. Methods: Medline, Cochrane, EMBASE, and Google Scholar databases were searched until August 3, 2016, using the following search terms: cataract, posterior capsule opacification, and intraocular lens. Eligible studies included randomized controlled trials (RCTs), retrospective, and cohort studies. Results: Eleven studies were included in the study with a total of 889 eyes/patients. The overall analysis revealed that hydrophobic intraocular lenses were associated with lower Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy rates than hydrophilic lenses [odds ratio (OR) = 0.38, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 0.16–0.91, P = .029]. Hydrophobic intraocular lenses were also associated with lower subjective PCO score (diff. in means: −1.32, 95% CI = −2.39 to −0.25, P = .015) and estimated PCO score (diff. in means: −2.23; 95% CI, −3.80 to −0.68, P = .005) as compared with hydrophilic lenses. Objective PCO score was similar between lens types. (diff. in means: −0.075; 95% CI, −0.18 to 0.035; P = .182). Pooled analysis found that visual acuity was similar between hydrophobic and hydrophilic intraocular lenses (diff. in means: −0.016; 95% CI, −0.041 to 0.009, P = .208). Conclusion: In general, PCO scores and the rate of Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy were influenced by intraocular lens biomaterial. Lens made of hydrophobic biomaterial were overall superior in lowering the PCO score and the Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy rate, but not visual acuity. PMID:29095259

  5. Effect of pupillary dilation on Haigis formula-calculated intraocular lens power measurement by using optical biometry

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    Khambhiphant B


    Full Text Available Bharkbhum Khambhiphant,1 Suganlaya Sasiwilasagorn,2 Nattida Chatbunchachai,3 Krit Pongpirul2,4 1Department of Ophthalmology, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, 2Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 3Department of Ophthalmology, Samut Prakan Hospital, Samut Prakan, Thailand; 4Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of pupillary dilation on the Haigis formula-calculated intraocular lens (IOL power and ocular biometry measurements by using IOLMaster®. Methods: A prospective study was performed for biometry measurements of 373 eyes of 192 healthy subjects using the IOLMaster at the outpatient department of King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital from February 2013 to July 2013. The axial length (AL, anterior chamber depth (ACD, keratometry (K, and IOL power were measured before and after 1% tropicamide eye drop instillation. The Haigis formula was used in the IOL power calculation with the predicted target to emmetropia. Each parameter was compared by a paired t-test prior to and after pupillary dilation. Bland–Altman plots were also used to determine the agreement between each parameter. Results: The mean age of the subjects was 53.74±14.41 years (range 18–93 years. No differences in AL (P=0.03, steepest K (P=0.42, and flattest K (P=0.41 were obtained from the IOLMaster after pupillary dilation. However, ACD and IOL power were significantly different postdilation (P<0.01 and P<0.01, respectively. In ACD and IOL power measurements, the concordance rates were 93.03% and 97.05% within 95% limits of agreement (-0.48 to 0.26 mm and -1.09 to 0.88 D, respectively in the Bland–Altman plots. Conclusion: Biometry measurements in the cycloplegic stage should be considered in the IOL formulas that use parameters other than AL and K. Keywords: Haigis

  6. Evaluation of intraocular pressure according to corneal thickness before and after excimer laser corneal ablation for myopia. (United States)

    Hamed-Azzam, Shirin; Briscoe, Daniel; Tomkins, Oren; Shehedeh-Mashor, Raneen; Garzozi, Hanna


    Intraocular pressure is affected by corneal thickness and biomechanics. Following ablative corneal refractive surgery, corneal structural changes occur. The purpose of the study is to determine the relationship between the mean central corneal thickness (CCT) and the change in intraocular pressure measurements following various corneal ablation techniques, using different measurement methods. Two hundred myopic eyes undergoing laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) or photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) were enrolled into a prospective, non-randomized study. Corneal parameters examined included full ocular examination, measurement of CCT, corneal topography, corneal curvature and ocular refractivity. Intraocular pressure measurements were obtained using three different instruments-non-contact tonometer, Goldmann applanation tonometer and TonoPen XL (TonoPen-Central and TonoPen-Peripheral). All measurements were performed pre-operatively and 4 months post-operatively. Post-operative intraocular pressure was significantly lower than pre-operative values, with all instruments (p value tonometer and non-contact tonometer (p value < 0.001, ANOVA). Intraocular pressure readings are significantly reduced following corneal ablation surgery. We determined in our myopic patient cohort that the TonoPen XL intraocular pressure measurement method is the least affected following PRK and LASIK as compared to other techniques.

  7. Clinical assessment of diclofenac sodium eye drops in toric intraocular lens implantation

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    Yan Luo


    Full Text Available AIM:To evaluate the application of diclofenac sodium eye drops in toric intraocular lens implantation. METHODS: From January 2011 to February 2012, 38 eyes of 37 patients, who underwent toric intraocular lens implantation in this hospital, were randomly divided into diclofenac sodium eye drops group(trial groupand control group. Patient's degree of cooperation during surgery and inflammation postoperation after 1 day, 3,7, days, 1 month and 3 months were evaluated. RESULTS: Patient's degree of cooperation during surgery in the trial group(1.53±0.62was significantly better than in the control group(2.40±0.88, P<0.05. Inflammation reaction was gentle in the trial group 1 day postoperatively. CONCLUSION: Diclofenac sodium eye drops used during toric intraocular lens implantation can obviously alleviate eye irritation, and increase the cooperation of patients.

  8. The role of pili in Bacillus cereus intraocular infection. (United States)

    Callegan, Michelle C; Parkunan, Salai Madhumathi; Randall, C Blake; Coburn, Phillip S; Miller, Frederick C; LaGrow, Austin L; Astley, Roger A; Land, Craig; Oh, So-Young; Schneewind, Olaf


    Bacterial endophthalmitis is a potentially blinding intraocular infection. The bacterium Bacillus cereus causes a devastating form of this disease which progresses rapidly, resulting in significant inflammation and loss of vision within a few days. The outer surface of B. cereus incites the intraocular inflammatory response, likely through interactions with innate immune receptors such as TLRs. This study analyzed the role of B. cereus pili, adhesion appendages located on the bacterial surface, in experimental endophthalmitis. To test the hypothesis that the presence of pili contributed to intraocular inflammation and virulence, we analyzed the progress of experimental endophthalmitis in mouse eyes infected with wild type B. cereus (ATCC 14579) or its isogenic pilus-deficient mutant (ΔbcpA-srtD-bcpB or ΔPil). One hundred CFU were injected into the mid-vitreous of one eye of each mouse. Infections were analyzed by quantifying intraocular bacilli and retinal function loss, and by histology from 0 to 12 h postinfection. In vitro growth and hemolytic phenotypes of the infecting strains were also compared. There was no difference in hemolytic activity (1:8 titer), motility, or in vitro growth (p > 0.05, every 2 h, 0-18 h) between wild type B. cereus and the ΔPil mutant. However, infected eyes contained greater numbers of wild type B. cereus than ΔPil during the infection course (p ≤ 0.05, 3-12 h). Eyes infected with wild type B. cereus experienced greater losses in retinal function than eyes infected with the ΔPil mutant, but the differences were not always significant. Eyes infected with ΔPil or wild type B. cereus achieved similar degrees of severe inflammation. The results indicated that the intraocular growth of pilus-deficient B. cereus may have been better controlled, leading to a trend of greater retinal function in eyes infected with the pilus-deficient strain. Although this difference was not enough to significantly alter the severity

  9. Locally Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma with Intraocular Invasion

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    Georgi Tchernev


    Full Text Available We present a 103 - year - old patient, with duration of complaints of about ten years. The initial complaint had been presented as a small nodule, located on the eyebrow, which subsequently ulcerated and encompassed larger regions of the upper and lower eyelids. For the past three years, the patient also had complaints of a worsening of his vision, without seeking for medical help. Within the dermatological examination, an intraocular and periocular localised tumour was established, characterised by a raised peripheral edge and central ulceration. More careful examination revealed that the bulb was fully consumed. The patient refused further diagnosis and treatment. Advanced basal cell carcinomas with intraocular invasion are rare in general. If the patient refuses surgery, radiotherapy and systemic therapy with modern medications such as Vismodegib or Sonidegib are available as treatment options.

  10. Intraocular eyelashes and iris cyst in anterior chamber following penetrating eye injury: a case report

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    Sahu S


    Full Text Available Sabin Sahu,1 Lila Raj Puri,1 Sanjay Kumar Singh2 1Department of Ophthalmology, Sagarmatha Choudhary Eye Hospital, Lahan, Siraha, 2Department of Ophthalmology, Biratnagar Eye Hospital, Biratnagar, Nepal Background: The presence of intraocular eyelashes following penetrating eye injury or ocular surgery is relatively uncommon. The response of the eye to intraocular eyelashes is variable. The eyelash may be symptomatic or may remain asymptomatic for long periods. Objective: We report a case with two intraocular eyelashes and an iris cyst after 2 years of asymptomatic period following penetrating eye injury. Case presentation: A 24-year-old male presented with decreased vision in the left eye which he had noticed for the previous 2 weeks. His visual acuity was 6/6 in the right eye and 6/18 in the left eye, improving to 6/9 with -2.5 DC × 140° correction. The intraocular pressure was 12 mmHg in both eyes. On slit-lamp examination, the left eye showed 8 mm linear peripheral corneal opacity nasally, two eyelashes in the superior anterior chamber, and an iris cyst measuring 4 mm × 4 mm in the superior iris. The right eye was normal. Dilated fundus examination of both eyes was normal. The eyelashes and cyst were removed surgically. There were no complications during the 3-month follow-up period. Conclusion: Intraocular implantation of eyelashes following penetrating eye injury can remain asymptomatic for long periods; however, late development of iris cyst may occur. Keywords: intraocular eyelashes, iris cyst, penetrating eye injury

  11. Facoemulsificación e implante de lente intraocular en cataratas causadas por uveitis Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in patients with cataract caused by uveitis

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    Dayamí Pérez Gómez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar los resultados de la facoemulsificación y el implante de lente intraocular en cataratas causadas por uveítis. MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 37 ojos con 6 meses de inactividad inflamatoria, agudeza visual menor de 0,6 y edad media de 47 años. Se excluyeron otras enfermedades que disminuyeran la visión. En el preoperatorio se prescribió antiinflamatorios. Se realizó la facoemulsificación con implante de lente intarocular (PMMA, óptica 6 mm; durante el seguimiento desde 24 h/6 meses se indicó antiinflamatorios esteroideos, no esteroideos e inmunosupresores hasta 6 semanas. RESULTADOS: Se observaron numerosas alteraciones del segmento anterior secundarias a las uveítis padecidas (posquirúrgicas, inespecíficas, ciclítis heterocrómica de Fuchs, postraumáticas, síndrome de Reiter, por toxoplasmosis y otras coroiditis infecciosas y por artritis reumatoide juvenil. No hubo recurrencia posquirúrgica de la uveítis en 9 ojos (24,3 %. Las complicaciones estuvieron relacionadas con la uveítis, la cirugía, la actividad inflamatoria, y la reacción del epitelio capsular. La opacidad capsular posterior apareció en 11 pacientes (29,7 % asociada a edad joven. La evolución individual se consideró satisfactoria en 30 (81,1 % pacientes con mejoría de la visión hasta 0,8-1,0 en 28 (75,6 % y 0,5-0,6 en 2 (5,4 %. CONCLUSIONES: La facoemulsificación con implante de lente intarocular es de gran utilidad en las cataratas posuveítis al condicionar poca agresión quirúrgica, ser controlable la inflamación y proporcionar buenos resultados visuales además del reordenamiento anatomofisiológico del segmento anterior.OBJECTIVE: To assess the results of phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in cataracts caused by uveitis. METHODS: Thirty seven eyes with no inflammation for 6 months, visual acuity below 0.6 and average age of 47 years were studied. Other diseases affecting the vision were excluded. The preoperative

  12. Lentes intraoculares fácicas de câmara posterior

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    Mara Barreto Theiss

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo foi reunir estudos que reportam resultados disponíveis na literatura científica, considerando a previsibilidade, segurança, eficácia, e estabilidade das lentes intraoculares fácicas de câmara posterior. E relatar as complicações documentadas para estas lentes. A revisão criteriosa dos estudos publicados na literatura ate o momento revelam resultado satisfatórios quanto à eficácia, elevada previsibilidade, estabilidade e segurança do implante de lente intraocular de câmara posterior, para correção das miopia, hipermetropia e astigmatismo.

  13. MicroRNA profiling in intraocular medulloepitheliomas.

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    Deepak P Edward

    Full Text Available To study the differential expression of microRNA (miRNA profiles between intraocular medulloepithelioma (ME and normal control tissue (CT.Total RNA was extracted from formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE intraocular ME (n=7 and from age matched ciliary body controls (n=8. The clinical history and phenotype was recorded. MiRNA profiles were determined using the Affymetrix GeneChip miRNA Arrays analyzed using expression console 1.3 software. Validation of significantly dysregulated miRNA was confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR. The web-based DNA Intelligent Analysis (DIANA-miRPath v2.0 was used to perform enrichment analysis of differentially expressed (DE miRNA gene targets in Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG pathway.The pathologic evaluation revealed one benign (benign non-teratoid, n=1 and six malignant tumors (malignant teratoid, n=2; malignant non-teratoid, n = 4. A total of 88 miRNAs were upregulated and 43 miRNAs were downregulated significantly (P<0.05 in the tumor specimens. Many of these significantly dysregulated miRNAs were known to play various roles in carcinogenesis and tumor behavior. RT-PCR validated three significantly upregulated miRNAs and three significantly downregulated miRNAs namely miR-217, miR-216a, miR-216b, miR-146a, miR-509-3p and miR-211. Many DE miRNAs that were significant in ME tumors showed dysregulation in retinoblastoma, glioblastoma, and precursor, normal and reactive human cartilage. Enriched pathway analysis suggested a significant association of upregulated miRNAs with 15 pathways involved in prion disease and several types of cancer. The pathways involving significantly downregulated miRNAs included the toll-like receptor (TLR (p<4.36E-16 and Nuclear Factor kappa B (NF-κB signaling pathways (p<9.00E-06.We report significantly dysregulated miRNAs in intraocular ME tumors, which exhibited abnormal profiles in other cancers as well such as retinoblastoma and glioblastoma. Pathway analysis

  14. Influence of gross saponins from tribulus terrestris L on SOD activity and MDA content for chronic high intraocular pressure in rabbit

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    Nuo Li


    Full Text Available AIM:To observe influence of gross saponins from tribulus terrestris L(GSTTon SOD activity and MDA content for chronic high intraocular pressure in rabbit, and discusses the retina oxidative damage inhibition on chronic high intraocular pressure model of rabbit. METHODS:Totally 24 healthy New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups: normal control group(A group; high intraocular pressure model blank group(B group; high intraocular pressure model with GSTT treated group(C group; high intraocular pressure model with Erigeron brevicapas hand mass(EBHMtreated group(D group. High intraocular pressure model was induced by 20g/L methylcellulose injection into the anterior chamber in B group, C group and D group. D group was injected 5 mg/kg GSTT and C group was injected 4.5mg/kg EBHM and measured intraocular pressure with Schiotz tonometer every day for 4 weeks. The retina tissue superoxide dismutase(SODand maleic dialdehyde(MDAcontent were detected 28 days later. RESULTS: After glaucoma model of rabbit eyes were established, the intraocular pressure during observation period was maintained in 32-39mmHg; High intraocular pressure model blank group and normal control group, EBHM treatment group, GSTT treatment group were compared, the differences of retina MDA, SOD content had statistical significance(P0.05; EBHM treatment group, GSTT treatment group and normal control group were compared, the content of MDA in the retina was still slightly higher(P<0.05, the content of SOD slightly lower(P<0.05 CONCLUSION: GSTT can effectively improve the retina SOD activity of chronic high intraocular pressure in rabbit and reduce the content of MDA, which has a protective effect of persistent high intraocular retinal oxidative stress.

  15. Crítica al psicologismo y concepción de subjetividad en frege

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    Mario Ariel González PORTA


    Full Text Available La remisión del problema relativo al como de la captación de pensamientos a la psicología por parte de Frege ha llevado a que se imponga entre los críticos la idea de que toda consideración subjetiva está ausente en este autor. La crítica fregueana al psicologismo, sin embargo, se concentra en una crítica a la concepción psicologista de subjetividad y, correlativamente, implica una concepción de subjetividad novedosa en el contexto de la filosofía alemana de la segunda mitad del s. XIX que, como la husserliana, es no-naturalística e intencional.

  16. Acute Central Retinal Artery Occlusion Associated with Intraocular Silicone Oil Tamponade

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    Mehmet Yasin Teke


    Full Text Available Many systemic and ocular factors may cause acute central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO. Herein, we aimed to describe a case of CRAO due to intraocular silicone oil (SO tamponade. To the best of our knowledge, a case like our has not been reported previously. A 58-yearold male patient had undergone combined pars plana vitrectomy-lensectomy and intraocular SO for lens luxation and vitreus hemorrhage associated with a blunt ocular trauma in his right eye. Two weeks after the surgery, he presented with acute vision loss in the same eye. He was diagnosed with acute CRAO and it should be related with mechanical press or raised intraocular pressure (IOP associated with SO. He was treated by partial removal of SO immediately. In spite of the regression of retina edema, his visual acuity did not improve due to optic atrophy. SO may cause CRAO due to raised IOP and/or its mechanical pressure and this complication must be kept in mind. (Turk J Oph thal mol 2012; 42: 238-40

  17. Advanced pigment dispersion glaucoma secondary to phakic intraocular collamer lens implant. (United States)

    Ye, Clara; Patel, Cajal K; Momont, Anna C; Liu, Yao


    We report a case of pigment dispersion glaucoma secondary to uncomplicated phakic intraocular collamer lens (ICL) (Visian ICL™, Staar Inc., Monrovia, CA) implant that resulted in advanced visual field loss. A 50-year-old man presented for routine follow-up status post bilateral phakic intraocular collamer lens (ICL) placement 8 years earlier. He was incidentally found to have a decline in visual acuity from an anterior subcapsular cataract and elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) in the left eye. There were signs of pigment dispersion and no evidence of angle closure. Diffuse optic nerve thinning was consistent with advanced glaucomatous visual field defects. Pigment dispersion was also present in the patient's right eye, but without elevated IOP or visual field defects. The patient was treated with topical glaucoma medications and the phakic ICL in the left eye was removed concurrently with cataract surgery to prevent further visual field loss. Pigment dispersion glaucoma is a serious adverse outcome after phakic ICL implantation and regular post-operative monitoring may prevent advanced visual field loss.

  18. Effect of aspherical and yellow tinted intraocular lens on blue-on-yellow perimetry Efeito das lentes intraoculares asféricas e com pigmentação amarela na campimetria azul-amarelo

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    Rodrigo França de Espíndola


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To investigate the possible effect of aspherical or yellow tinted intraocular lens (IOL on contrast sensitivity and blue-on-yellow perimetry. METHODS: This prospective randomized bilateral double-masked clinical study included 52 patients with visually significant bilateral cataracts divided in two groups; 25 patients (50 eyes received aspherical intraocular lens in one eye and spherical intraocular lens in the fellow eye; and 27 patients (54 eyes received ultraviolet and blue light filter (yellow tinted IOL implantation in one eye and acrylic ultraviolet filter IOL in the fellow eye. The primary outcome measures were contrast sensitivity and blue-on-yellow perimetry values (mean deviation [MD] and pattern standard deviation [PSD] investigated two years after surgery. The results were compared intra-individually. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant between-group (aspherical and spherical intraocular lens difference in contrast sensitivity under photopic conditions at 12 cycles per degree and under mesopic conditions at all spatial frequencies. There were no between-group significant differences (yellow tinted and clear intraocular lens under photopic or mesopic conditions. There was no statistically significant difference between all intraocular lens in MD or PSD. CONCLUSION: Contrast sensitivity was better under mesopic conditions with aspherical intraocular lens. Blue-on-yellow perimetry did not appear to be affected by aspherical or yellow tinted intraocular lens. Further studies with a larger sample should be carried out to confirm or not that hypotheses.OBJETIVO: Investigar a possibilidade de efeitos na sensibilidade ao contraste e nos resultados da campimetria azul-amarelo com implante de uma lente intraocular (LIO asférica ou de pigmentação amarela. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, randomizado, duplo-mascarado, envolvendo 52 pacientes portadores de catarata senil bilateral, divididos em dois grupos; 25

  19. Ocular Onchocerciasis in the Yanomami Communities from Brazilian Amazon: Effects on Intraocular Pressure


    Herzog-Neto, Guilherme; Jaegger, Karen; do Nascimento, Erika S.; Marchon-Silva, Verônica; Banic, Dalma M.; Maia-Herzog, Marilza


    To determine the influence of onchocercal eye disease on the intraocular pressure of the Yanomami Tribe Aratha-ú of Roraima State, Brazil, considered endemic for onchocerciasis, a total of 86 patients were submitted to an ophthalmologic exam that included external examination, slit lamp examination, intraocular pressure measurement, and a fundus ophthalmoscope examination. A high prevalence of onchocerciasis-related eye lesions was encountered in 68.6% of the patients. Punctate keratitis and ...

  20. Intraocular osseous metaplasia. A clinico-pathological study. (United States)

    Vemuganti, Geeta K; Honavar, Santosh G; Jalali, Subhadra


    To evaluate the clinico-pathologic features of intraocular osseous metaplasia. Pathology specimens of enucleated eyes submitted to the ophthalmic pathology service at a tertiary eye-care referral center between January 1995 and June 1999 were studied for intraocular osseous metaplasia. Specific histopathologic features noted in specimens with osseous metaplasia were the presence of retinal detachment, gliosis, retinal pigment epithelial hyperplasia, drusen, epiretinal membrane, fibrovascular proliferation and inflammation. Immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibody against glial fibrillary acidic protein was performed to assess the glial component within the membranes and the proliferative vitreoretinal mass. Clinical records were reviewed and correlated with histopathologic findings. Osseous metaplasiaS was noted in 8 of 151 (5.2%) eyes examined. Clinical diagnosis in these was phthisis bulbi, staphyloma, absolute glaucoma and microphthalmos. Enucleation was performed for relief of symptoms (in painful blind eyes) or for cosmesis, and in an eye inciting sympathetic ophthalmia. Retinal detachment, gliosis and retinal pigment epithelial hyperplasia were noted in all the cases. Drusen with calcification or ossification (5 of 8), fibrovascular proliferation in the vitreous (5 of 8) and active inflammation (4 of 8) were the other associated histologic features. Location of ossification was subretinal in 3 cases, preretinal (ora serrata) in 1 case and in both locations in 4 cases. The eyes with subretinal osseous metaplasia had associated calcified drusen, while preretinal ossification was seen within the fibrovascular membranes. Chronic retinal detachment, hyperplasia and transdifferentiation of retinal pigment epithelium appear to be a few of the prerequisites for intraocular osseous metaplasia. Ossification can occur at isolated subretinal and preretinal locations or can involve both. Though a larger study is required to postulate the chronology of events, in

  1. Intraocular osseous metaplasia. A clinico-pathological study

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    Vemuganti Geeta


    Full Text Available Purpose: To evaluate the clinico-pathologic features of intraocular osseous metaplasia. Methods: Pathology specimens of enucleated eyes submitted to the ophthalmic pathology service at a tertiary eye-care referral center between January 1995 and June 1999 were studied for intraocular osseous metaplasia. Specific histopathologic features noted in specimens with osseous metaplasia were the presence of retinal detachment, gliosis, retinal pigment epithelial hyperplasia, drusen, epiretinal membrane, fibrovascular proliferation and inflammation. Immunohistochemistry using monoclonal antibody against glial fibrillary acidic protein was performed to assess the glial component within the membranes and the proliferative vitreoretinal mass. Clinical records were reviewed and correlated with histopathologic findings. Results: Osseous metaplasiaS was noted in 8 of 151 (5.2% eyes examined. Clinical diagnosis in these was phthisis bulbi, staphyloma, absolute glaucoma and microphthalmos. Enucleation was performed for relief of symptoms (in painful blind eyes or for cosmesis, and in an eye inciting sympathetic ophthalmia. Retinal detachment, gliosis and retinal pigment epithelial hyperplasia were noted in all the cases. Drusen with calcification or ossification (5 of 8, fibrovascular proliferation in the vitreous (5 of 8 and active inflammation (4 of 8 were the other associated histologic features. Location of ossification was subretinal in 3 cases, preretinal (ora serrata in 1 case and in both locations in 4 cases. The eyes with subretinal osseous metaplasia had associated calcified drusen, while preretinal ossification was seen within the fibrovascular membranes. Conclusion: Chronic retinal detachment, hyperplasia and transdifferentiation of retinal pigment epithelium appear to be a few of the prerequisites for intraocular osseous metaplasia. Ossification can occur at isolated subretinal and preretinal locations or can involve both. Though a larger study is

  2. On the retinal toxicity of intraocular glucocorticoids. (United States)

    Torriglia, Alicia; Valamanesh, Fatemeh; Behar-Cohen, Francine


    Corticosteroids are hormones involved in many physiological responses such as stress, immune modulation, protein catabolism and water homeostasis. The subfamily of glucocorticoids is used systemically in the treatment of inflammatory diseases or allergic reactions. In the eye, glucocorticoides are used to treat macular edema, inflammation and neovascularization. The most commonly used glucocorticoid is triamcinolone acetonide (TA). The pharmaceutical formulation of TA is not adapted for intravitreal administration but has been selected by ophthalmologists because its very low intraocular solubility provides sustained effect. Visual benefits of intraocular TA do not clearly correlate with morpho-anatomical improvements, suggesting potential toxicity. We therefore studied, non-common, but deleterious effects of glucocorticoids on the retina. We found that the intravitreal administration of TA is beneficial in the treatment of neovascularization because it triggers cell death of endothelial cells of neovessels by a caspase-independent mechanism. However, this treatment is toxic for the retina because it induces a non-apoptotic, caspase-independent cell death related to paraptosis, mostly in the retinal pigmented epithelium cells and the Müller cells. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Retropupillary Fixation of Iris-Claw Intraocular Lens for Aphakic Eyes in Children.

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    Martina Brandner

    Full Text Available To report outcome, complications and safety of retropupillary fixated iris-claw intraocular lenses in a pediatric population.Retrospective study.Ten consecutive pediatric patients (15 eyes underwent placement of retropupillary fixated iris-claw intraocular lenses between October 2007 and July 2013 at the Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University Graz and General Hospital Klagenfurt, Austria. Postoperative visual acuity and complications were analyzed.Median final best-corrected visual acuity improved by 0.12 logMAR from preoperative baseline. Mean postoperative spherical equivalent was -0.05 ± 1.76 D. No serious complications were observed intra- or postoperatively during the entire follow-up period of up to 40 months. One patient experienced a haptic disenclavation with IOL subluxation immediately after a car accident.Our study demonstrates that iris-claw intraocular lens implantation behind the iris is safe in children with lack of capsular support and yields excellent visual outcome with low complication rate.

  4. Retropupillary Fixation of Iris-Claw Intraocular Lens for Aphakic Eyes in Children (United States)

    Brandner, Martina; Thaler-Saliba, Sarah; Plainer, Sophie; Vidic, Bertram; El-Shabrawi, Yosuf; Ardjomand, Navid


    Purpose To report outcome, complications and safety of retropupillary fixated iris-claw intraocular lenses in a pediatric population. Design Retrospective study. Patients and Methods Ten consecutive pediatric patients (15 eyes) underwent placement of retropupillary fixated iris-claw intraocular lenses between October 2007 and July 2013 at the Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University Graz and General Hospital Klagenfurt, Austria. Postoperative visual acuity and complications were analyzed. Results Median final best-corrected visual acuity improved by 0.12 logMAR from preoperative baseline. Mean postoperative spherical equivalent was -0.05 ± 1.76 D. No serious complications were observed intra- or postoperatively during the entire follow-up period of up to 40 months. One patient experienced a haptic disenclavation with IOL subluxation immediately after a car accident. Conclusion Our study demonstrates that iris-claw intraocular lens implantation behind the iris is safe in children with lack of capsular support and yields excellent visual outcome with low complication rate. PMID:26110864

  5. Anti-tubercular therapy for intraocular tuberculosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Kee, Ae Ra; Gonzalez-Lopez, Julio J; Al-Hity, Aws; Gupta, Bhaskar; Lee, Cecilia S; Gunasekeran, Dinesh Visva; Jayabalan, Nirmal; Grant, Robert; Kon, Onn Min; Gupta, Vishali; Westcott, Mark; Pavesio, Carlos; Agrawal, Rupesh


    Intraocular tuberculosis remains a diagnostic and management conundrum for both ophthalmologists and pulmonologists. We analyze the efficacy and safety of anti-tubercular therapy (ATT) in patients with intraocular tuberculosis and factors associated with favorable outcome. Twenty-eight studies are included in this review, with a total of 1,917 patients. Nonrecurrence of inflammation was observed in pooled estimate of 84% of ATT-treated patients (95% CI 79-89). There was minimal difference in the outcome between patients treated with ATT alone (85% successful outcome; 95% CI 25-100) and those with concomitant systemic corticosteroid (82%; 95% CI 73-90). The use of ATT may be of benefit to patients with suspected intraocular tuberculosis; however, this conclusion is limited by the lack of control group analysis and standardized recruitment and treatment protocols. We propose further prospective studies to better establish the efficacy of ATT and ascertain the factors associated with favorable treatment outcomes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Intraocular pressure menagement with transpalpebral tonometry


    Toker, Mustafa İlker; Dursun, Ayhan


    Applanation tonometry is the method of measuring intraocular pressure (IOP) with instruments the corneal surface. The Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) is regarded as the “gold standard’’ of measuring IOP. An irregular and opaque corneal surface compromises IOP measurement by Goldmann applanation tonometry. In such cases accurate measurement without corneal contact would be applicable. The transpalpebral tonometer is new method and measures IOP without corneal contact through the eyelid....

  7. Liquid-crystal intraocular adaptive lens with wireless control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Simonov, A.N.; Vdovine, G.V.; Loktev, M.


    We present a prototype of an adaptive intraocular lens based on a modal liquid-crystal spatial phase modulator with wireless control. The modal corrector consists of a nematic liquid-crystal layer sandwiched between two glass substrates with transparent low- and high-ohmic electrodes, respectively.

  8. Clinical analysis of modified trabeculectomy in glaucoma surgery with high elevated intraocular pressure

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    Cang-Xia Zhang


    Full Text Available AIM: To make a retrospective analysis of the clinical data of modified trabeculectomy in treating glaucoma surgery with high elevated intraocular pressure retrospectively and evaluate the effect of modified trabeculectomy.METHODS:One hundred acute angle-closure glaucoma patients(100 eyeswith persistent high intraocular pressure were divided into treatment group(45 eyesand control group(55 eyes. Patients in treatment group was treated with by trabeculectomy, while those in control group received modified trabeculectomy. The modified measures include stellate ganglion block preoperative, topical anesthesia and local anesthesia with 20g/L lidocaine cotton-piece, to make scleral flap with sclerotome, to release aqueous humor outflow slowly after paracentesis of anterior chamber, and using mydriatic and cycloplegic during and after surgery.RESULTS: The incidence of operation complicationin control group was lower than that in treatment group. The differences were statistically significant(Pt=9.1535, Pt=39.8010, Pt=11.3219, PCONCLUSION: The modified trabeculectomy applied in the treatment of glaucoma with persistent high intraocular pressure can not only save the visual function of connection part to a certain extent, but also reduce the incidence of serious complications. It can obtain better intraocular pressure, shorten the average hospitalization days, decrease the expenses and increase patients satisfaction.

  9. Changes in intraocular pressure and horizontal pupil diameter ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of topical 0.5% tropicamide, 1% atropine sulphate and 10% phenylephrine hydrochloride ophthalmic solutions on intraocular pressure (IOP) and horizontal pupil diameter (HPD) in the dog during the first hour after treatment. Forty clinically and ophthalmologically ...

  10. Visual outcome with the Oculentis Mplus intraocular lens

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    Si-Yuan Liu


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate the visual outcome of Oculentis Mplus intraocular lens(IOL.METHODS: Totally 20 eyes in 20 patients received phacoemulsification and Oculentis Mplus intraocular lens implantation were as test group, and 20 eyes(Aspira-aA IOLwere as control group. The following postoperative examinations were performed after operation for 3mo: uncorrected visual acuity of distance and near, refractive results, UBM examination, the rate of wearing spectacles and the complications. RESULTS: At 3mo after surgery, distance visual acuity of test group with Oculentis Mplus IOL were 0.10±0.03,the difference with control group was not significant(t=1.74, P>0.05. Eyes in test group had an uncorrected near acuity 0.11±0.04, the difference with control group was significant(t=15.53, PCONCLUSION: The implantation of Oculentis Mplus IOL not only has a good distance uncorrected visual acuity, but also with better near visual acuity. The surgery is safe, reliable and no special complication induced.

  11. An ultralow power wireless intraocular pressure monitoring system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Demeng; Mei Niansong; Zhang Zhaofeng


    This paper describes an ultralow power wireless intraocular pressure (IOP) monitoring system that is dedicated to sensing and transferring intraocular pressure of glaucoma patients. Our system is comprised of a capacitive pressure sensor, an application-specific integrated circuit, which is designed on the SMIC 180 nm process, and a dipole antenna. The system is wirelessly powered and demonstrates a power consumption of 7.56 μW at 1.24 V during continuous monitoring, a significant reduction in active power dissipation compared to existing work. The input RF sensitivity is −13 dBm. A significant reduction in input RF sensitivity results from the reduction of mismatch time of the ASK modulation caused by FM0 encoding. The system exhibits an average error of ± 1.5 mmHg in measured pressure. Finally, a complete IOP system is demonstrated in the real biological environment, showing a successful reading of the pressure of an eye. (semiconductor integrated circuits)


    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiertz, Karin; De Visser, Lenneke; Rijkers, Ger; De Groot-Mijnes, Jolanda; Los, Leonie; Rothova, Aniki


    Purpose: To determine the intraocular and serum vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels in patients with acute retinal necrosis (ARN) and compare those with VEGF levels found in patients with ocular toxoplasmosis (OT). Methods: Paired intraocular fluid and serum samples of 17 patients with

  13. Intraocular Pressure in Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Nigerian Women

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    . ... ocular diseases and these were used as the exclusion ... between groups with student's t-test. ... SD = standard deviation, SEM = standard error of mean, N= .... 38(4):229-34. 26. Qureshi IA. Intraocular pressure and pregnancy. Clin. Med.

  14. Systems genetics identifies a role for Cacna2d1 regulation in elevated intraocular pressure and glaucoma susceptibility


    Chintalapudi, Sumana R.; Maria, Doaa; Di Wang, Xiang; Bailey, Jessica N. Cooke; Hysi, Pirro G.; Wiggs, Janey L.; Williams, Robert W.; Jablonski, Monica M.


    textabstractGlaucoma is a multi-factorial blinding disease in which genetic factors play an important role. Elevated intraocular pressure is a highly heritable risk factor for primary open angle glaucoma and currently the only target for glaucoma therapy. Our study helps to better understand underlying genetic and molecular mechanisms that regulate intraocular pressure, and identifies a new candidate gene, Cacna2d1, that modulates intraocular pressure and a promising therapeutic, pregabalin, ...

  15. Cambios de la presión intraocular en pacientes con hipertensión arterial

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    G. Tenorio-Guajardo


    Conclusiones: En este estudio se encontró correlación entre presión intraocular y la presión arterial diastólica, pero no se encontró correlación entre la sistólica. Es recomendable vigilar la presión intraocular en pacientes hipertensos, especialmente en aquellos con hipertensión diastólica persistente y con antecedentes familiares de glaucoma.

  16. Photodynamic therapy of intraocular cancers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gravier, N.; Duvournau, Y.; Querec, M.A.; Pechereau, A.; Patrice, T.


    The most common intraocular tumors are choroidal malignant melanomas (70%) and retinoblastomas (13%). Each time that visual acuity is preserved, various conservative treatments are considered relative to the potential risk of metastatic disease during enucleation. In addition to standard techniques, photodynamic therapy is a potentially attractive new approach limited in its effects to the area of the treated tumor. The purpose of this preclinical study is to determine a reference dose-effect for single laser doses and to study effects of fractionation of the laser dose. (author). 9 refs., 1 tab

  17. [Hyperopic Laser-in-situ-Keratomileusis after trifocal intraocular lens implantation : Aberration-free femto-Laser-in-situ-Keratomileusis treatment after implantation of a diffractive, multifocal, toric intraocular lens-case analysis]. (United States)

    Hemkeppler, E; Böhm, M; Kohnen, T


    A 52-year-old highly myopic female patient was implanted with a multifocal, diffractive, toric intraocular lens because of the wish to be independent of eyeglasses. Despite high-quality, extensive preoperative examinations, a hyperopic refractive error remained postoperatively, which led to the patient's dissatisfaction. This error was treated with Laser-in-situ-Keratomileusis (LASIK). After corneal LASIK treatment and implantation of a diffractive toric multifocal intraocular lens the patient showed a good postoperative visual result without optical phenomena.

  18. Visual performance after the implantation of a new trifocal intraocular lens

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    Vryghem JC


    Full Text Available Jérôme C Vryghem,1,2 Steven Heireman1,21Brussels Eye Doctors, Brussels, Belgium; 2Clinique Saint-Jean, Brussels, BelgiumPurpose: To evaluate the subjective and objective visual results after the implantation of a new trifocal diffractive intraocular lens.Methods: A new trifocal diffractive intraocular lens was designed combining two superimposed diffractive profiles: one with +1.75 diopters (D addition for intermediate vision and the other with +3.50 D addition for near vision. Fifty eyes of 25 patients that were operated on by one surgeon are included in this study. The uncorrected and best distance-corrected monocular and binocular, near, intermediate, and distance visual acuities, contrast sensitivity, and defocus curves were measured 6 months postoperatively. In addition to the standard clinical follow-up, a questionnaire evaluating individual satisfaction and quality of life was submitted to the patients.Results: The mean age of patients at the time of surgery was 70 ± 10 years. The mean uncorrected and corrected monocular distance visual acuity (VA were LogMAR 0.06 ± 0.10 and LogMAR 0.00 ± 0.08, respectively. The outcomes for the binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity were almost the same (LogMAR −0.04 ± 0.09. LogMAR −010 ± 0.15 and 0.02 ± 0.06 were measured for the binocular uncorrected intermediate and near VA, respectively. The distance-corrected visual acuity was maintained in mesopic conditions. The contrast sensitivity was similar to that obtained after implantation of a bifocal intraocular lens and did not decrease in mesopic conditions. The binocular defocus curve confirms good VA even in the intermediate distance range, with a moderate decrease of less than LogMAR 0.2 at −1.5 D, with respect to the best distance VA at 0 D defocus. Patient satisfaction was high. No discrepancy between the objective and subjective outcomes was evidenced.Conclusion: The introduction of a third focus in diffractive multifocal

  19. Method for producing an isoplanatic aspheric monofocal intraocular lens, and resul ting lens


    Barbero, Sergio; Marcos, Susana; Dorronsoro, Carlos; Montejo, Javier; Salazar Salegui, Pedro


    [EN] The invention can be used to obtain isoplanatic aspheric mono focal intraocular lenses in a viewing range of up to 25° (preferably up to 10°). The method comprises the following steps: l. mathematical defmition of an aphakic eye model; 2. mathematical definition of an intraocular lens model; 3. mathematical defmition of the implantation of the lens; 4. mathematical defmition of the merit function; 5. definition of the contour conditions; 6. defmition of a measurement for charact...

  20. Intraocular pressure-lowering effect of oral paracetamol and its in vitro corneal penetration properties

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    Mohamed N


    Full Text Available Nabiel Mohamed, David MeyerDivision of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South AfricaBackground: Several studies have confirmed the ability of cannabinoids to reduce intraocular pressure. Experimental data recently demonstrated unequivocally that the analgesic effect of paracetamol is due to its indirect action on cannabinoid receptors. The question then arises as to whether paracetamol can reduce intraocular pressure via its effect on intraocular cannabinoid receptors.Methods: A 2-week, prospective, randomized, controlled, single-center, parallel-group pilot study was carried out to determine the efficacy and safety of paracetamol 1 g orally administered every 6 hours in adult patients with primary or secondary open angle glaucoma as compared with topical levobunolol 0.5% twice a day. Patient well-being was closely monitored throughout the study and focused on hepatic safety in accordance with Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network criteria. The in vitro diffusion kinetics of acetaminophen in a phosphate-buffered solution in rabbit and human corneas was also investigated, with the view to a topical application.Results: Eighteen adult patients were enrolled in the study, with nine in the topical levobunolol group and nine in the oral paracetamol group. In the levobunolol group, the mean reduction in intraocular pressure at day 7 was 7.5 mmHg (P < 0.008 and at day 14 was 9.1 mmHg (P < 0.005, from a mean baseline intraocular pressure of 29.6 mmHg. The corresponding figures for the paracetamol group were 8.8 mmHg (P < 0.0004 at day 7 and 6.5 mmHg (P < 0.004 at day 14, from a mean baseline intraocular pressure of 29.4 mmHg. Both study regimens were well tolerated. No serious treatment-related adverse events were reported in either of the treatment groups. Liver function tests, systolic/diastolic blood pressure, or heart rate remained unchanged in both groups during the 2 weeks of the study. In

  1. Bartonella and intraocular inflammation: a series of cases and review of literature

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    Kalogeropoulos C


    Full Text Available Chris Kalogeropoulos1, Ioannis Koumpoulis1, Andreas Mentis2, Chrisavgi Pappa1, Paraskevas Zafeiropoulos1, Miltiadis Aspiotis11Department of Ophthalmology, Medical School, University of Ioannina, Greece; 2Laboratory of Medical Microbiology, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens, GreecePurpose: To present various forms of uveitis and/or retinal vasculitis attributed to Bartonella infection and review the impact of this microorganism in patients with uveitis.Methods: Retrospective case series study. Review of clinical records of patients diagnosed with Bartonella henselae and Bartonella quintana intraocular inflammation from 2001 to 2010 in the Ocular Inflammation Department of the University Eye Clinic, Ioannina, Greece. Presentation of epidemiological and clinical data concerning Bartonella infection was provided by the international literature.Results: Eight patients with the diagnosis of Bartonella henselae and two patients with B. quintana intraocular inflammation were identified. Since four patients experienced bilateral involvement, the affected eyes totaled 14. The mean age was 36.6 years (range 12–62. Uveitic clinical entities that we found included intermediate uveitis in seven eyes (50%, vitritis in two eyes (14.2%, neuroretinitis in one eye (7.1%, focal retinochoroiditis in one eye (7.1%, branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO due to vasculitis in one eye (7.1%, disc edema with peripapillary serous retinal detachment in one eye (7.1%, and iridocyclitis in one eye (7.1%. Most of the patients (70% did not experience systemic symptoms preceding the intraocular inflammation. Antimicrobial treatment was efficient in all cases with the exception of the case with neuroretinitis complicated by anterior ischemic optic neuropathy and tubulointerstitial nephritis.Conclusion: Intraocular involvement caused not only by B. henselae but also by B. quintana is being diagnosed with increasing frequency. A high index of suspicion is needed because the

  2. Evaluation of Different Power of Near Addition in Two Different Multifocal Intraocular Lenses

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    Ugur Unsal


    Full Text Available Purpose. To compare near, intermediate, and distance vision and quality of vision, when refractive rotational multifocal intraocular lenses with 3.0 diopters or diffractive multifocal intraocular lenses with 2.5 diopters near addition are implanted. Methods. 41 eyes of 41 patients in whom rotational +3.0 diopters near addition IOLs were implanted and 30 eyes of 30 patients in whom diffractive +2.5 diopters near addition IOLs were implanted after cataract surgery were reviewed. Uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity, intermediate visual acuity, near visual acuity, and patient satisfaction were evaluated 6 months later. Results. The corrected and uncorrected distance visual acuity were the same between both groups (p=0.50 and p=0.509, resp.. The uncorrected intermediate and corrected intermediate and near vision acuities were better in the +2.5 near vision added intraocular lens implanted group (p=0.049, p=0.005, and p=0.001, resp. and the uncorrected near vision acuity was better in the +3.0 near vision added intraocular lens implanted group (p=0.001. The patient satisfactions of both groups were similar. Conclusion. The +2.5 diopters near addition could be a better choice in younger patients with more distance and intermediate visual requirements (driving, outdoor activities, whereas the + 3.0 diopters should be considered for patients with more near vision correction (reading.

  3. Systems genetics identifies a role for Cacna2d1 regulation in elevated intraocular pressure and glaucoma susceptibility. (United States)

    Chintalapudi, Sumana R; Maria, Doaa; Di Wang, Xiang; Bailey, Jessica N Cooke; Hysi, Pirro G; Wiggs, Janey L; Williams, Robert W; Jablonski, Monica M


    Glaucoma is a multi-factorial blinding disease in which genetic factors play an important role. Elevated intraocular pressure is a highly heritable risk factor for primary open angle glaucoma and currently the only target for glaucoma therapy. Our study helps to better understand underlying genetic and molecular mechanisms that regulate intraocular pressure, and identifies a new candidate gene, Cacna2d1, that modulates intraocular pressure and a promising therapeutic, pregabalin, which binds to CACNA2D1 protein and lowers intraocular pressure significantly. Because our study utilizes a genetically diverse population of mice with known sequence variants, we are able to determine that the intraocular pressure-lowering effect of pregabalin is dependent on the Cacna2d1 haplotype. Using human genome-wide association study (GWAS) data, evidence for association of a CACNA2D1 single-nucleotide polymorphism and primary open angle glaucoma is found. Importantly, these results demonstrate that our systems genetics approach represents an efficient method to identify genetic variation that can guide the selection of therapeutic targets.

  4. A study of patient satisfaction after cataract surgery with implantation of different types of intraocular lenses

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    Wei Ching-Kuo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The implementation of capitated payment has driven medical institutions through developing balance billing for medical services. By exploring the patients’ decision-making factors on different self-pay items, a reference for the pricing and sales strategy for the related products can be formed. The major purposes of this study were to analyze the determinants of preoperative selection and postoperative satisfaction with implantation of different types of intraocular lenses in cataract surgery. Methods This cross-sectional study consisted of 127 patients that were 50 years of age and older, and who had phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation in both eyes. Data were collected by using a structured questionnaire. The following parameters were measured: access to medical care, attitude towards receiving medical products at one’s own expense, overall patient satisfaction and postoperative visual clarity. Results The results showed that the patient’s gender, educational level and economic status influenced the type of intraocular lens chosen. Patients in the insurance group cared about access to medical care, and patients in the balance billing group cared about product differentiation. ANOVA results showed no statistically significant differences in the overall satisfaction of the patients among the groups with different types of intraocular lenses. Patients that received cataract surgery with implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses had better vision when trying to view smaller objects and when looking at objects under strong light. Conclusions Manufacturers should increase the number of differences between their products, and health care providers can then recommend the appropriate intraocular lens in accordance with the needs or demands of their patients, and also by keeping in mind the financial constraints of their patients.

  5. A study of patient satisfaction after cataract surgery with implantation of different types of intraocular lenses. (United States)

    Wei, Ching-Kuo; Wang, Shun-Mu; Lin, Jen-Chieh


    The implementation of capitated payment has driven medical institutions through developing balance billing for medical services. By exploring the patients' decision-making factors on different self-pay items, a reference for the pricing and sales strategy for the related products can be formed. The major purposes of this study were to analyze the determinants of preoperative selection and postoperative satisfaction with implantation of different types of intraocular lenses in cataract surgery. This cross-sectional study consisted of 127 patients that were 50 years of age and older, and who had phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation in both eyes. Data were collected by using a structured questionnaire. The following parameters were measured: access to medical care, attitude towards receiving medical products at one's own expense, overall patient satisfaction and postoperative visual clarity. The results showed that the patient's gender, educational level and economic status influenced the type of intraocular lens chosen. Patients in the insurance group cared about access to medical care, and patients in the balance billing group cared about product differentiation. ANOVA results showed no statistically significant differences in the overall satisfaction of the patients among the groups with different types of intraocular lenses. Patients that received cataract surgery with implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses had better vision when trying to view smaller objects and when looking at objects under strong light. Manufacturers should increase the number of differences between their products, and health care providers can then recommend the appropriate intraocular lens in accordance with the needs or demands of their patients, and also by keeping in mind the financial constraints of their patients.

  6. Lente intra-ocular opaca em diplopia intratável: relato de caso Opaque intraocular lens in intractable diplopia: case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Teixeira Krieger


    Full Text Available Diplopia intratável tem sido descrita em várias situações. Métodos convencionais como prismas e correção cirúrgica do estrabismo falham em neutralizá-la. O objetivo do trabalho é documentar o caso de uma paciente com estrabismo de longa data, cuja diplopia deteriorou-se ao longo dos anos, e não foi possível resolução com cirurgia, prisma, e oclusão com óculos e lente de contato com pupila opaca. A paciente foi então submetida à facoemulsificação com implante de lente intra-ocular opaca que atingiu o objetivo desejado.Intractable diplopia has been described in many situations but poor results are the rule with standard treatment modalities. The authors report a case of a woman with long-standing strabismus and diplopia who failed to improve following surgery, prism, and occlusive spectacles or contact lenses. Then, she was submitted to phacoemulsification and opaque intraocular lens implantation, which successfully neutralized diplopia.

  7. La cooperación al desarrollo humano: visión y alcance del enfoque de desarrollo humano en la cooperación internacional del PNUD


    De Angelis, Ignacio


    El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en analizar el alcance del enfoque del desarrollo humano en los objetivos propuestos por los programas de las instituciones de cooperación internacional al desarrollo. La cooperación para el desarrollo es un concepto en constante movimiento, ya que a lo largo del tiempo su contenido se transforma adaptándose e incorporando en la actualidad lineamientos relativos al enfoque de desarrollo humano. Para explorar el alcance de este enfoque se adopta como r...

  8. Experimental differentiation of intraocular masses using ultrahigh-field magnetic resonance imaging--a case series.

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    Karen Falke

    Full Text Available PURPOSE: The case reports presented here were compiled to demonstrate the potential for improved diagnosis and monitoring of disease progress of intraocular lesions using ultrahigh-field magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM at 7.1 Tesla. METHODS: High-resolution ex vivo ocular magnetic resonance (MR images were acquired on an ultrahigh-field MR system (7.1 Tesla, ClinScan, Bruker BioScan, Germany using a 2-channel coil with 4 coil elements and T2-weighted turbo spin echo (TSE sequences of human eyes enucleated because of different intraocular lesions. Imaging parameters were: 40×40 mm field of view, 512×512 matrix, and 700 µm slice thickness. The results were correlated with in vivo ultrasound and histology of the enucleated eyes. RESULTS: Imaging was performed in enucleated eyes with choroidal melanoma, malignant melanoma of iris and ciliary body with scleral perforation, ciliary body melanoma, intraocular metastasis of esophageal cancer, subretinal bleeding in the presence of perforated corneal ulcer, hemorrhagic choroidal detachment, and premature retinopathy with phthisis and ossification of bulbar structures. MR imaging allowed differentiation between solid and cystic tumor components. In case of hemorrhage, fluid-fluid levels were identified. Melanin and calcifications caused significant hypointensity. Microstructural features of eye lesions identified by MRM were confirmed by histology. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the potential of MRM for the visualization and differential diagnosis of intraocular lesions. At present, the narrow bore of the magnet still limits the use of this technology in humans in vivo. Further advances in ultrahigh-field MR imaging will permit visualization of tumor extent and evaluation of nonclassified intraocular structures in the near future.

  9. Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Blood Pulsation on Intraocular Pressure Measurement Results in Healthy Subjects

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    Robert Koprowski


    Full Text Available Background. Blood pulsation affects the results obtained using various medical devices in many different ways. Method. The paper proves the effect of blood pulsation on intraocular pressure measurements. Six measurements for each of the 10 healthy subjects were performed in various phases of blood pulsation. A total of 8400 corneal deformation images were recorded. The results of intraocular pressure measurements were related to the results of heartbeat phases measured with a pulse oximeter placed on the index finger of the subject’s left hand. Results. The correlation between the heartbeat phase measured with a pulse oximeter and intraocular pressure is 0.69±0.26 (p<0.05. The phase shift calculated for the maximum correlation is equal to 60±40° (p<0.05. When the moment of measuring intraocular pressure with an air-puff tonometer is not synchronized, the changes in IOP for the analysed group of subjects can vary in the range of ±2.31 mmHg (p<0.3. Conclusions. Blood pulsation has a statistically significant effect on the results of intraocular pressure measurement. For this reason, in modern ophthalmic devices, the measurement should be synchronized with the heartbeat phases. The paper proposes an additional method for synchronizing the time of pressure measurement with the blood pulsation phase.

  10. Cerebral migration of intraocular silicone oil: an MRI study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiilgaard, Jens Folke; Milea, Dan; Løgager, Vibeke


    for retinal detachment. Methods: Nineteen patients included in this study were referred for silicone oil removal after uncomplicated retinal detachment surgery using internal silicone oil tamponade. Patients with a previous history of intraocular silicone oil, glaucoma or optic pit were excluded. After...

  11. Comparison of intraocular pressure measurement between rebound, non-contact and Goldmann applanation tonometry in treated glaucoma patients. (United States)

    Vincent, Stephen J; Vincent, Roslyn A; Shields, David; Lee, Graham A


    To compare the intraocular pressure readings obtained with the iCare rebound tonometer and the 7CR non-contact tonometer with those measured by Goldmann applanation tonometry in treated glaucoma patients. A prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted in a private tertiary glaucoma clinic. One hundred nine (54 males : 55 females) patients including only eyes under medical treatment for glaucoma. Measurement by Goldmann applanation tonometry, iCare rebound tonometry and 7CR non-contact tonometry. Intraocular pressure. There were strong correlations between the intraocular pressure measurements obtained with Goldmann and both the rebound and non-contact tonometers (Spearman r-values ≥ 0.79, P tonometer. For the rebound tonometer, the mean intraocular pressure was slightly higher compared with the Goldmann applanation tonometer in the right eyes (P = 0.02), and similar in the left eyes (P = 0.93); however, these differences did not reach statistical significance. The Goldmann correlated measurements from the non-contact tonometer were lower than the average Goldmann reading for both right (P 0.01) eyes. The corneal compensated measurements from the non-contact tonometer were significantly higher compared with the other tonometers (P ≤ 0.001). The iCare rebound tonometer and the 7CR non-contact tonometer measure intraocular pressure in fundamentally different ways to the Goldmann applanation tonometer. The resulting intraocular pressure values vary between the instruments and will need to be considered when comparing clinical versus home acquired measurements. © 2011 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology © 2011 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  12. [Contemporary possibilities of intraocular pressure measurement]. (United States)

    Hornová, J; Baxant, A


    Authors introduced current possibilities of measuring intraocular pressure (IOP). A list of available methods of monitoring IOP is published; contact measurement method IOP directly on the cornea, but also over upper lid, methodology of minimal contact and non-contact measurement. Following contact methods are described; former measurements of IOP by impression Schiotz tonometer and the current methodology applanation. So far as the gold standard measurement Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) is considered, another methodology with applanation measurements are compared: Pascal dynamic contoured tonometer (DCT ), BioResonator - resonant applanation tonometer (ART ), digital applanation tonometer Tonopen and last hit: continuous measurement of IOP by Sensimed Triggerfish. Orientation and rapid assessment is palpation pressure control over the lid and measuring by tonometer Diaton. Rebound tonometer (RBT) iCare belongs to measurements with minimal contact, no need anesthetic drops and fluorescein, therefore a self - home version of IOP measurements (Icare ONE) is developed. Non-contact measurement of IOP by different pneumotonometers is popular for screening assessment of IOP. Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA) is a non-contact applanation IOP measurement and reveals additional properties of the cornea. In the discussion of a range methodology is evaluated, the experience of other authors and their own experience is compared. For monitoring of patients is necessary to select the most suitable methodology, measure repeatedly and accurately to allow long-term monitoring of intraocular pressure.

  13. Apparatus and method for non-contact, acoustic resonance determination of intraocular pressure (United States)

    Sinha, D.N.; Wray, W.O.


    The apparatus and method for measuring intraocular pressure changes in an eye under investigation by detection of vibrational resonances therein. An ultrasonic transducer operating at its resonant frequency is amplitude modulated and swept over a range of audio frequencies in which human eyes will resonate. The output therefrom is focused onto the eye under investigation, and the resonant vibrations of the eye observed using a fiber-optic reflection vibration sensor. Since the resonant frequency of the eye is dependent on the pressure therein, changes in intraocular pressure may readily be determined after a baseline pressure is established. 3 figures.


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    Shilpa Y. D


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Intraocular foreign bodies can cause vision threatening complication in cases of penetrating ocular injuries. Ocular injuries can occur anywhere at work place, at home, due to road traffic accidents, etc. Accidental eye injuries are common in males in work place. Awareness about using protective eye wear is required at work places where injuries are common. The aim of the study is to study the demographic profile, visual and anatomical outcome in patients presenting with posterior segment Intraocular Foreign Bodies (IOFB undergoing vitrectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS Retrospective analysis was done on patients who underwent pars plana vitrectomy for posterior segment IOFB from March 2014 to April 2017. Complete ocular examination, B scan ultrasonography and x-ray orbit were done in all cases and retained posterior segment intraocular foreign body confirmed. Intraoperative difficulties, anatomical and visual outcome and postoperative complications were studied. RESULTS Cases with posterior segment intraocular foreign body and endophthalmitis had poor visual and anatomical outcome. Patients who underwent complete vitrectomy with 240 encirclage band with or without tamponade had better visual outcome. CONCLUSION Imaging in the injured eye is important to identify the presence of intraocular foreign body. Planning of the surgical procedure depending on the ocular condition plays a vital role in visual outcome.

  15. Foldable micro coils for a transponder system measuring intraocular pressure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ullerich, S.; Schnakenberg, U. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Inst. of Materials in Electrical Engineering 1; Mokwa, W. [Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Inst. of Materials in Electrical Engineering 1]|[Fraunhofer Inst. of Microelectronic Circuits and Systems, Duisburg (Germany); Boegel, G. vom [Fraunhofer Inst. of Microelectronic Circuits and Systems, Duisburg (Germany)


    A foldable transponder system consisting of a chip and a micro coil for measuring intraocular pressure continuously is presented. The system will be integrated in the haptic of a soft artificial intraocular lens. Calculations of planar micro coils with 6 mm and 10.3 mm in diameter show the limits for planar coils with an outer diameter of 6 mm. For the realisation of the transponder system a 20 {mu}m thick coil with an outer diameter of 10.3 mm, an inner diameter of 7.7 mm, 16 turns and a gap of 20 {mu}m between the windings was selected. Measurements show a good agreement between calculated and measured values. Wireless pressure measurements were carried out showing a linear behaviour of the output signal with respect to the applied pressure. (orig.)

  16. Bacterial contamination of intraocular lens surgery.


    Vafidis, G C; Marsh, R J; Stacey, A R


    One hundred sterile intraocular lenses were placed on the external eye of 50 patients during cataract surgery. Half of the specimens were cultured for bacteria, the other half were examined under the light microscope after fixing and staining. A bacterial contamination rate of 26% was recorded. This is significantly higher than that found in conjunctival swabs (6%) or irrigation specimens (8%) taken at the same time, and higher than that recorded in a group of control lenses (15.2%) exposed t...

  17. Clinical and optical intraocular performance of rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOL plate-haptic design versus C-loop haptic design. (United States)

    Alió, Jorge L; Plaza-Puche, Ana B; Javaloy, Jaime; Ayala, María José; Vega-Estrada, Alfredo


    To compare the visual and intraocular optical quality outcomes with different designs of the refractive rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (MFIOL) (Lentis Mplus; Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany) with or without capsular tension ring (CTR) implantation. One hundred thirty-five consecutive eyes of 78 patients with cataract (ages 36 to 82 years) were divided into three groups: 43 eyes implanted with the C-Loop haptic design without CTR (C-Loop haptic only group); 47 eyes implanted with the C-Loop haptic design with CTR (C-Loop haptic with CTR group); and 45 eyes implanted with the plate-haptic design (plate-haptic group). Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, defocus curve, and ocular and intraocular optical quality were evaluated at 3 months postoperatively. Significant differences in the postoperative sphere were found (P = .01), with a more myopic postoperative refraction for the C-Loop haptic only group. No significant differences were detected in photopic and scotopic contrast sensitivity among groups (P ⩾ .05). Significantly better visual acuities were present in the C-Loop haptic with CTR group for the defocus levels of -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, and -0.50 D (P ⩽.03). Statistically significant differences among groups were found in total intraocular root mean square (RMS), high-order intraocular RMS, and intraocular coma-like RMS aberrations (P ⩽.04), with lower values from the plate-haptic group. The plate-haptic design and the C-Loop haptic design with CTR implantation both allow good visual rehabilitation. However, better refractive predictability and intraocular optical quality was obtained with the plate-haptic design without CTR implantation. The plate-haptic design seems to be a better design to support rotational asymmetric MFIOL optics. Copyright 2013, SLACK Incorporated.

  18. Comparison of hydrophobic and hydrophilic intraocular lens in preventing posterior capsule opacification after cataract surgery


    Zhao, Yang; Yang, Ke; Li, Jiaxin; Huang, Yang; Zhu, Siquan


    Abstract Background: Posterior capsular opacification (PCO) is a common long-term complication of cataract surgery. Intraocular lens design and material have been implicated in influencing the development of PCO. This study evaluated the association of hydrophobic and hydrophilic intraocular lenses on preventing PCO. Methods: Medline, Cochrane, EMBASE, and Google Scholar databases were searched until August 3, 2016, using the following search terms: cataract, posterior capsule opacification, ...

  19. Comparative study of intraocular pressure (IP in Bangladeshi individuals by contact and non contact technique

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    Sayed Abdul Wadud


    Full Text Available Background: Intraocular pressure (IOP is one of the most important parameters in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. Glaucoma has been established as the second leading cause of blindness. The treatment of glaucoma focuses mainly on lowering intraocular pressure (IOP. The target IOP is often set to a level 20% to 30% of IOP reduction, and consequent large IOP reduction beyond 30% or even 40% in cases of advanced glaucoma The different methods of tonometery are: Goldman Applanation tonometery, Noncontact (air-puff tonometery, Perkins tonometery, Tonopen tonometery, Transpalpebral tonometery.Objective: To determine the frequency of accuracy of intraocular pressure (IOP measured by non-contact (air puff tonometer compared with Goldmann applanation tonometer.Methods: This was a non-interventional, cross sectional study conducted at a tertiary care centre of Dhaka, Bangladesh. consecutive subjects attending the BSMMU eye OPD were included in the study. IOP was measured by non-contact (air puff tonometer and a slit lamp mounted GAT in all the subjects. The study samples were selected by convenience sampling who presented for check-up in the Eye Department of community ophthalmology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka. Bangladesh. Results:A total of 120 eyes in 60 patients were studied. The mean age of the patients was 41.60 year. study population consisted of 24 (40 % men and 36 (60 % women. The mean intraocular pressure was 13.52 &13.72 mmHg for GAT, and 16.64 & 17.44 mmHg for Air puff respectively. The range of measurements by GAT was from 10 to 23 mmHg and by Air puff was 12 to 28mmHg. The difference between IOP measured by two instruments were statistically significant (p=0.000.Conclusion: Airpuff tonometer is quick, a non-contact method to measure intraocular pressure and is useful for screening purposes and postoperative case but the measurements should be confirmed with Goldmann applanation tonometer for accurate labelling

  20. Intraocular surgery in a large diabetes patient population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ostri, Christoffer


    The prevalence of diabetes is on the increase in developed countries. Accordingly, the prevention and treatment of vision-threatening diabetic eye complications is assuming greater importance. The overall aim of this thesis is to analyse risk factors for intraocular surgery in a large diabetes po...... surgery, which can be used for preventive purposes, surgical decision-making and patient counselling....

  1. Facoemulsificação, vitrectomia via pars plana e implante de lente intra-ocular em olhos com retinopatia diabética proliferativa Phacoemulsification, pars plana vitrectomy and intraocular lens implant in eyes with proliferative diabetic retinopathy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando Belfort Mattos


    realizar a vitrectomia via pars plana, ao invés de se realizar uma segunda cirurgia, que seria somente para a remoção da catarata após a vitrectomia pars plana, é técnica segura e capaz de promover a melhora da acuidade visual além de ser menos agressiva para o paciente. O potencial para melhora da acuidade visual final é limitado pela gravidade da retinopatia diabética.PURPOSE: To evaluate the outcomes and the best technique for a combined phacoemulsification (PHACO, pars plana vitrectomy (PPV and posterior chamber intraocular lens insertion (PCIOL in one single procedure for patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. METHODS: We reviewed charts of 47 (53 eyes patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy who underwent combined phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implant and pars plana vitrectomy performed between January 1991 and September 1998 at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, eye hospital affiliated with the University of Miami. The study was done in conjunction with the Federal University of São Paulo. A total of 43 eyes from 40 patients were elected to participate in the study. RESULTS: The follow-up range was three to 60 months (mean 20 months. The age ranged from 37 to 77 years with a mean of 59. Preoperative visual acuity improved two lines or more in 26 (60.4% eyes, remained the same in 9 (20.9% and got worse in 8 (18.6%. In 10 (23.2% eyes visual acuity improved to 20/40. The study showed to be statistically significant for the improvement of the final visual acuity. Recurrent vitreous hemorrhage was the most frequent postoperative complication found in 12 (27.9% eyes and it was followed by transient anterior chamber reaction in 9 (20.9% eyes. Intraoperative and postoperative complications related to phacoemulsification were rare. IOL capture was found in 2 (4.6% eyes and intraocular lens subluxation in 1 (2.3% eye. CONCLUSION: Combined phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implant and pars plana

  2. The Relationship between Anterior Chamber Depth, Axial Length and Intraocular Lens Power among Candidates for Cataract Surgery. (United States)

    Sedaghat, Mohammad Reza; Azimi, Ali; Arasteh, Peyman; Tehranian, Naghmeh; Bamdad, Shahram


    Basic anatomical parameters in ophthalmology are variable in different countries according to ethnic groups, genetics and some environmental factors. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and intraocular lens power (IOL) in a referral center from eastern Iran among patients who had cataract surgery, in comparison to studies from other regions of the world. In a cross-sectional retrospective study from 2011 to 2013, the records of 698 cataract patients referring to Khatam Al Anbia general hospital in Mashhad, Iran were evaluated. We divided patients, based on their AL and ACD, into three separate groups and compared their results. The SPSS software was used for data analysis. The Chi-Square test and the Independent-samples t-test were used to compare qualitative and quantitative data between two groups, respectively. The Kendall and the Pearson product-moment correlation tests were used to assess the relationship between AL and ACD. The linear Regression model was used to obtain a mathematical model to estimate ACD, using AL, age and sex. Among individuals who had normal AL (between 22-24.5mm), there was a positive correlation between AL and ACD (p24.5mm), no significant correlation was detected. We also found that older people have shorter AL (p=0.001 and r=-0.287). Men have an average longer AL (23.7±2.4mm vs. 22.9±2.1mm; pworld and although some anatomical variations may exist regarding ophthalmic anatomy, factors like race and geographical area have little effect on the relationship between ACD, AL and IOL power calculation, furthermore our results support the use of third and fourth generation formulas for IOL power calculation.

  3. Antireflection coatings for intraocular lenses of sapphire and fianite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Babin, A.A.; Konoplev, Yu.N.; Mamaev, Yu.A. [Inst. of Applied Physics, Nizhnii Novgorod (Russian Federation)] [and others


    Broadband antireflection coatings for intraocular lenses of sapphire and fianite are calculated and implemented practically. Their residual reflectance in the liquid with a refracting index of 1.336 is below 0.2% from each face virtually over the entire visible region. 7 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs.

  4. Straylight from glistenings in intraocular lenses : In vitro study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Łabuz, Grzegorz; Reus, Nicolaas J; van den Berg, Thomas J T P

    PURPOSE: To assess light scattering from intraocular lenses (IOLs) with different numbers of laboratory-induced glistenings and create a model for predicting glistening effects on straylight. SETTING: Rotterdam Ophthalmic Institute, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. DESIGN: Experimental study. METHODS:

  5. Comparison of hydrophobic and hydrophilic intraocular lens in preventing posterior capsule opacification after cataract surgery: An updated meta-analysis. (United States)

    Zhao, Yang; Yang, Ke; Li, Jiaxin; Huang, Yang; Zhu, Siquan


    Posterior capsular opacification (PCO) is a common long-term complication of cataract surgery. Intraocular lens design and material have been implicated in influencing the development of PCO. This study evaluated the association of hydrophobic and hydrophilic intraocular lenses on preventing PCO. Medline, Cochrane, EMBASE, and Google Scholar databases were searched until August 3, 2016, using the following search terms: cataract, posterior capsule opacification, and intraocular lens. Eligible studies included randomized controlled trials (RCTs), retrospective, and cohort studies. Eleven studies were included in the study with a total of 889 eyes/patients. The overall analysis revealed that hydrophobic intraocular lenses were associated with lower Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy rates than hydrophilic lenses [odds ratio (OR) = 0.38, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 0.16-0.91, P = .029]. Hydrophobic intraocular lenses were also associated with lower subjective PCO score (diff. in means: -1.32, 95% CI = -2.39 to -0.25, P = .015) and estimated PCO score (diff. in means: -2.23; 95% CI, -3.80 to -0.68, P = .005) as compared with hydrophilic lenses. Objective PCO score was similar between lens types. (diff. in means: -0.075; 95% CI, -0.18 to 0.035; P = .182). Pooled analysis found that visual acuity was similar between hydrophobic and hydrophilic intraocular lenses (diff. in means: -0.016; 95% CI, -0.041 to 0.009, P = .208). In general, PCO scores and the rate of Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy were influenced by intraocular lens biomaterial. Lens made of hydrophobic biomaterial were overall superior in lowering the PCO score and the Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy rate, but not visual acuity.

  6. Brachytherapy with cobalt plaques in the conservative treatment of intraocular tumors. The Brazilian experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pellizzon, Antonio Cassio Assis; Trippe, N.; Novaes, P.E.; Ferrigno, R.; Fogarolli, R.C.; Maia, M.A.C.; Salvajoli, J.V.; Baraldi, H.E.; Chojniak, M.M.; Erwene, C.M.


    Purpose/Objective: To show the retrospective results of intraocular tumors, including uveal melanomas and retinoblastomas treated by exclusive brachytherapy with cobalt plaques. The goal was to keep the vision function with not compromising the chance of cure. Materials and Methods: From December 1989 to December 1993, 76 cases of intraocular tumors, being 56 adult patients with uveal melanomas and 20 children with retinoblastoma, were treated with exclusive intraocular brachytherapy through cobalt plaques. The prescribed dose was 40 Gy, calculated at the apex of the lesion for retinoblastomas and 100 Gy for melanomas. The selection criteria included those introcular lesions with diameter until 15 mm. Results: With the minimum follow up of 24 months, of the 56 patients with uveal melanomas, 41 (73,3%) had their vision preserved with no evidence of disease, while 15 (26,4%) had local failure and were underwent to enucleation. With the medium follow up of 27 months, of the 20 patients with retinoblastoma, 17 (85,5%) had their vision preserved with no evidence of disease, while 3 (15%) had local failure and were underwent to enucleation. All patients are alive with no evidence of systemic disease. Conclusion: When well indicated, the conservative treatment of intraocular tumors with brachytherapy is a good alternative to enucleation and must be done by a multidisciplinary and well trained medical team

  7. Corn silk aqueous extracts and intraocular pressure of systemic and non-systemic hypertensive subjects. (United States)

    George, Gladys O; Idu, Faustina K


    Hypotensive properties have been attributed to the stigma/style of Zea mays L (corn silk). Although the effect of corn silk extract on blood pressure has been documented in animal studies, we are not aware of any study on its effect on human blood pressure and intraocular pressure. A randomised study was carried out on the effect of water only, masked doses of corn silk aqueous extract (60, 130, 192.5 and 260 mg/kg body weight) on intraocular pressure and blood pressure of 20 systemic and 20 non-systemic hypertensive subjects. Intraocular pressure and blood pressure were measured at baseline and every hour for eight hours after administering water or a masked dose of corn silk aqueous extract. Each dose was administered at two-week intervals to each subject in the two study groups. The results showed that the last three doses of corn silk aqueous extract gave a statistically significant reduction (p Corn silk aqueous extract has a lowering effect on intraocular pressure in systemic and non-systemic hypertensive subjects. This may have resulted from the fall in blood pressure that is due to potassium-induced natriuresis and diuresis caused by the high potassium content in the high doses of the corn silk extract. © 2015 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Optometry © 2015 Optometry Australia.



    Mauro, Giovanni


    È ben nota l'importanza dell'apparato iconografico proprio della cartografia storica, il cui limite generalmente lamentato è relativo all'accuratezza geometrica. Nel presente contributo, mediante l'utilizzo di un software dedicato, disponibile gratuitamente in rete (Mapanalyst), si punta ad analizzare la precisione geometrica di alcune cartografie storiche (carte realizzate tra l'inizio del 1500 e la fine del 1700) relative al Golfo di Trieste. Utilizzando una serie di punti do...

  9. Socioeconomic and psychological impact of treatment for unilateral intraocular retinoblastoma. (United States)

    Soliman, S E; Dimaras, H; Souka, A A; Ashry, M H; Gallie, B L


    To identify the socioeconomic and psychosocial impacts of clinical treatment decisions for advanced unilateral intraocular retinoblastoma. Retrospective observational case series. institutional study at Alexandria Main University Hospital. records of 66 unilateral retinoblastoma cases treated from May 2005 to May 2013 were retrospectively reviewed. Sixty cases were eligible (International Intraocular Retinoblastoma Classification [IIRC] group C, D or E). two treatment groups were compared: enucleation vs. salvage treatment. Salvage treatment eyes were further subdivided based on IIRC group. Six socioeconomic parameters (financial burden, financial impact, psychological, social, medical and tumor impacts) were scored. Parameter scores ranged from 0 to 3, for overall score range 0 (no adverse impact) to 18 (severe adverse impact). derived Socioeconomic scores were correlated with treatment and outcomes. The enucleation group (28 eyes) had a median overall Socioeconomic score of 4/18, significantly lower than the salvage treatment group (32 eyes), median score 11/18 (PSocioeconomic score varied with IIRC group. Attempted eye salvage failed in 25 children, due to uncontrolled tumor (44%) and socioeconomic impact of cumulative therapies (56%). Treatment duration and Socioeconomic score were higher for the 5 children in the salvage treatment group who developed metastatic disease compared to those without metastasis (Psocioeconomic and psychosocial impacts of attempted ocular salvage for unilateral intraocular retinoblastoma are severe, in comparison to primary enucleation. Primary enucleation is a good treatment for unilateral retinoblastoma. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  10. The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 7. The relationship between control of intraocular pressure and visual field deterioration.The AGIS Investigators. (United States)


    To investigate the association between control of intraocular pressure after surgical intervention for glaucoma and visual field deterioration. In the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study, eyes were randomly assigned to one of two sequences of glaucoma surgery, one beginning with argon laser trabeculoplasty and the other trabeculectomy. In the present article we examine the relationship between intraocular pressure and progression of visual field damage over 6 or more years of follow-up. In the first analysis, designated Predictive Analysis, we categorize 738 eyes into three groups based on intraocular pressure determinations over the first three 6-month follow-up visits. In the second analysis, designated Associative Analysis, we categorize 586 eyes into four groups based on the percent of 6-month visits over the first 6 follow-up years in which eyes presented with intraocular pressure less than 18 mm Hg. The outcome measure in both analyses is change from baseline in follow-up visual field defect score (range, 0 to 20 units). In the Predictive Analysis, eyes with early average intraocular pressure greater than 17.5 mm Hg had an estimated worsening during subsequent follow-up that was 1 unit of visual field defect score greater than eyes with average intraocular pressure less than 14 mm Hg (P =.002). This amount of worsening was greater at 7 years (1.89 units; P <.001) than at 2 years (0.64 units; P =.071). In the Associative Analysis, eyes with 100% of visits with intraocular pressure less than 18 mm Hg over 6 years had mean changes from baseline in visual field defect score close to zero during follow-up, whereas eyes with less than 50% of visits with intraocular pressure less than 18 mm Hg had an estimated worsening over follow-up of 0.63 units of visual field defect score (P =.083). This amount of worsening was greater at 7 years (1.93 units; P <.001) than at 2 years (0.25 units; P =.572). In both analyses low intraocular pressure is associated with reduced

  11. Delivery of Intraocular Triamcinolone Acetonide in the Treatment of Macular Edema

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    Brent Siesky


    Full Text Available Macular edema (ME is one of the eventual outcomes of various intraocular and systemic pathologies. The pathogenesis for ME is not yet entirely understood; however, some of the common risk factors for its development have been identified. While this investigation will not discuss the numerous etiologies of ME in detail, it appraises the two most widely studied delivery modalities of intraocular corticosteroids in the treatment of ME—intravitreal injection (IVI and sub-Tenon’s infusion (STI. A thorough review of the medical literature was conducted to identify the efficacy and safety of IVI and STI, specifically for the administration of triamcinolone acetonide (TA, in the setting of ME in an attempt to elucidate a preferred steroid delivery modality for treatment of ME.

  12. Comentarios a las observaciones finales realizadas por el comité de los derechos del niño y al comité contra la tortura

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    Cecilia Medina Quiroga


    Full Text Available El artículo es un comentario sobre (I las Observaciones Finales realizadas por el Comité de los Derechos del Niño a los informes presentados por Chile en cumplimiento del Protocolo Facultativo relativo a la Venta de Niños, la Prostitución Infantil y la Utilización de Niños en la Pornografía (CRC/C/OPSC/CHL/CO/1 y del Protocolo Facultativo relativo a la participación de Niños en los Conflictos Armados (CRC/C/OPAC/CHL/CO/1 ambos de febrero de 20081, y a las (II Observaciones finales hechas al quinto informe periódico presentado por Chile ante el Comité contra la Tortura (CAT/C/CHL/CO/5, 23 de junio 2009.

  13. Effect of intravenous metoclopramide on intraocular pressure: A prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sudheera K


    Full Text Available Background: Prevention of rise in intraocular pressure (IOP is essential in patients undergoing surgery for perforated eye injuries. Metoclopramide, a prokinetic agent, is commonly used to hasten gastric emptying in emergency surgeries. Aim: To study the change in IOP after intravenous metoclopramide and to study the influence of metoclopramide on change in IOP after succinylcholine and tracheal intubation. Settings and Design: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 60 patients undergoing non-ophthalmic elective surgery. Materials and Methods: Sixty American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA I adult patients were randomly assigned to receive normal saline (Group C or metoclopramide 10 mg (Group M 30 min before the induction of anesthesia. Thiopentone was used for induction and succinylcholine for tracheal intubation. Intraocular pressure was measured in both the eyes pre and post drug treatment and succinylcholine and tracheal intubation using Perkins applanation tonometer. Statistical Analysis: Student′s t-test and repeated measures ANOVA were used. A P value < 0.05 was considered as significant. Results: Intraocular pressure was consistently lower in Group M than in Group C after the test drug, though the difference was not statistically significant. Intraocular pressure decreased significantly after administration of thiopentone and increased significantly in Groups C and M after tracheal intubation ( P < 0.01. Intraocular pressure was comparable between the groups at all the times. Conclusions: Metoclopramide does not cause a clinically significant change in IOP nor does it influence the changes in IOP during anesthesia and tracheal intubation. Metoclopramide shows a trend towards decrease in IOP, though clinically insignificant. Therefore metoclopramide can be used to promote gastric emptying in patients with perforated eye injury.

  14. Neodymium:YAG laser cutting of intraocular lens haptics. (United States)

    Gorn, R A; Steinert, R F


    Neodymium:YAG laser cutting of polymethylmethacrylate and polypropylene anterior chamber and posterior chamber intraocular lens haptics was studied in terms of ease of transection and physical structure of the cut areas as seen by scanning electron microscopy. A marked difference was discovered, with the polymethylmethacrylate cutting easily along transverse planes, whereas the polypropylene resisted cutting along longitudinal fibers. Clinical guidelines are presented.

  15. Primary intraocular chondrosarcoma in a dog

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Perlmann


    Full Text Available A five-year-old male Cocker Spaniel was presented for evaluation of the right eye due to discomfort, abundant purulent discharge and progressive enlargement of the eyeball. The owner revealed that the right eye has appeared to be inflamed and smaller then the left eye for years. Ophthalmic examination revealed corneal perforation, buphthalmia and conjuctival hyperemia. Enucleating was performed due to signs of endophthalmitis and ocular discomfort. Histopathology revealed a multilobulated proliferation of chondrocytes producing hyaline cartilage with occasional pleomorphism and binucleate cells. A diagnosis of primary intraocular chondrosarcoma was done.



    Mikel Pérez-Gutiérrez; Pablo Antonio Valdés-Badilla


    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo principal desarrollar un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica iberoamericana relativa al taekwondo publicada en las principales bases de datos hispanohablantes y lusohablantes. La muestra está compuesta por artículos de investigación relativos al taekwondo, extraídos de las bases de datos Dialnet, SciELO y Redalyc, publicados en español o portugués, sin importar la fecha de su publicación. La búsqueda y extracción de información fue r...

  17. Comparison of the Retinal Straylight in Pseudophakic Eyes with PMMA, Hydrophobic Acrylic, and Hydrophilic Acrylic Spherical Intraocular Lens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ya-wen Guo


    Full Text Available Purpose. To investigate the intraocular straylight value after cataract surgery. Methods. In this study, 76 eyes from 62 patients were subdivided into three groups. A hydrophobic acrylic, a hydrophilic acrylic, and a PMMA IOL were respectively, implanted in 24 eyes, 28 eyes, and 24 eyes. Straylight was measured using C-Quant at 1 week and 1 month postoperatively in natural and dilated pupils. Results. The hydrophilic acrylic IOLs showed significantly lower straylight values than those of the hydrophobic acrylic IOLs in dilated pupils at 1 week and 1 month after surgery (P0.05. Moreover, no significant difference was found in straylight between natural and dilated pupils in each group at 1 week and 1 month postoperatively (P>0.05. Conclusions. Although the hydrophobic acrylic IOL induced more intraocular straylight, straylight differences among the 3 IOLs were minimal. Pupil size showed no effect on intraocular straylight; the intraocular straylight was stable 1 week after surgery.

  18. Intraocular 6-hydroxydopamine prevents the persistent estrus induced by continuous light. (United States)

    Shimizu, K; Hokano, M


    Following the intraocular injection of 6-hydroxydopamine, which can destroy the retinal dopaminergic neurons, female rats showed a normal estrous cycle in LD 12:12 but not a persistent estrus in continuous light.

  19. Associação entre dois diferentes tipos de estrangulamento com a variação da pressão intraocular em atletas de jiu-jitsu Association between two different types of strangling and intraocular pressure variation in jiu-jitsu athletes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marinho Jorge Scarpi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a associação entre dois diferentes tipos de estrangulamento com a variação da pressão intraocular em atletas de jiu-jitsu. MÉTODO: Estudo observacional em grupo de 9 atletas de jiu-jitsu, com mínimo 6 meses de treinamento, sexo masculino, idades entre 20 e 30 anos, sem presença de lesões físicas e do bulbo ocular. Buscou-se associação entre a variação da pressão intraocular e os estrangulamentos Frontal da Guarda (E1 e Frontal da Montada (E2. A pressão intraocular foi determinada com o tonômetro de Perkins, inicialmente sem que o atleta tivesse realizado atividade física nas 24 horas antecedentes e após cada golpe. Realizou-se medidas da pressão intraocular por 12 minutos, uma a cada 3 minutos de recuperação (R1; R2; R3; R4, com o indivíduo deitado. Como procedimento estatístico foi empregado o teste ANOVA e o pós-teste de Bonferroni. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu redução significativa da pressão intraocular em ambos os olhos durante a situação E2 comparada a E1 em todos os momentos da aferição de recuperação: R1 (OD: 8,22 ± 1,39 vs.11,33 ± 2,00 / OE: 8,55 ± 1,23 vs. 11,88 ± 1,90, R2 (OD: 8,44 ± 1,87 vs.10,22 ± 2,53 / OE: 9,00 ± 1,80 vs. 10,44 ± 2,35, R3 (OD: 8,44 ± 1,74 vs.9,78 ± 2,54 / OE: 8,55 + 1,42 vs. 10,33 ± 1,93 todos com pPURPOSE: To verify the association between two different types of strangling with intraocular pressure variation in jiu-jitsu athletes. METHODS: An observational study was performed on 9 athletes of jiu-jitsu, with at least 6 month of training, male, aged 20 to 30 years, without any physical and eyeball lesions. Associations between intraocular pressure and Cross Choke from the guard strangling (E1, and E2 - Cross Choke from mount strangling were gotten. Intraocular pressure was determined by using Perkins tonometer, at first in the absence of physical exercise over the last 24 hours and after each strangling. Then it was carried out the intraocular pressure

  20. Intermediate-term and long-term outcome of piggyback drainage: connecting glaucoma drainage device to a device in-situ for improved intraocular pressure control. (United States)

    Dervan, Edward; Lee, Edward; Giubilato, Antonio; Khanam, Tina; Maghsoudlou, Panayiotis; Morgan, William H


    This study provides results of a treatment option for patients with failed primary glaucoma drainage device. The study aimed to describe and evaluate the long-term intraocular pressure control and complications of a new technique joining a second glaucoma drainage device directly to an existing glaucoma drainage device termed 'piggyback drainage'. This is a retrospective, interventional cohort study. Eighteen eyes of 17 patients who underwent piggyback drainage between 2004 and 2013 inclusive have been studied. All patients had prior glaucoma drainage device with uncontrolled intraocular pressure. The piggyback technique involved suturing a Baerveldt (250 or 350 mm) or Molteno3 glaucoma drainage device to an unused scleral quadrant and connecting the silicone tube to the primary plate bleb. Failure of intraocular pressure control defined as an intraocular pressure greater than 21 mmHg on maximal therapy on two separate occasions or further intervention to control intraocular pressure. The intraocular pressure was controlled in seven eyes (39%) at last follow-up with a mean follow-up time of 74.2 months. The mean preoperative intraocular pressure was 27.1 mmHg (95% confidence interval 23.8-30.3) compared with 18.4 mmHg (95% confidence interval 13.9-22.8) at last follow-up. The mean time to failure was 57.1 months (95% confidence interval 32.2-82), and the mean time to further surgery was 72.3 months (95% confidence interval 49.9-94.7). Lower preoperative intraocular pressure was associated with longer duration of intraocular pressure control (P = 0.048). If the intraocular pressure was controlled over 2 years, it continued to be controlled over the long term. Two eyes (11%) experienced corneal decompensation. Piggyback drainage represents a viable surgical alternative for the treatment of patients with severe glaucoma with failing primary glaucoma drainage device, particularly in those at high risk of corneal decompensation. © 2017 Royal Australian and New Zealand

  1. Human Intraocular Filariasis Caused by Dirofilaria sp. Nematode, Brazil (United States)

    Diniz, Daniel G.; Dantas-Torres, Filipe; Casiraghi, Maurizio; de Almeida, Izabela N.F.; de Almeida, Luciana N.F.; Nascimento dos Santos, Jeannie; Furtado, Adriano Penha; Sobrinho, Edmundo F. de Almeida; Bain, Odile


    A case of human intraocular dirofilariasis is reported from northern Brazil. The nematode was morphologically and phylogenetically related to Dirofilaria immitis but distinct from reference sequences, including those of D. immitis infesting dogs in the same area. A zoonotic Dirofilaria species infesting wild mammals in Brazil and its implications are discussed. PMID:21529396

  2. Branch retinal artery occlusion post-penetrating globe injury with intraocular foreign body. (United States)

    Nagpal, Manish; Chaudhary, Pranita; Jain, Ashish


    Intraocular foreign body (IOFB) in cases of penetrating eye injury accounts for an important indication of vitreoretinal intervention following ocular trauma. Vascular occlusion as a complication of IOFB is rare. Here we present a case of a 34-year-old male with post-traumatic cataract and an intraocular metallic foreign body (IOFB) lodged in the superficial layers of the retina inferotemporal to the disc, causing an inferotemporal branch retinal artery occlusion. The case was managed by lensectomy with pars plana vitrectomy and IOFB removal followed by a second procedure of secondary IOL implantation. Final best-corrected visual acuity improved to 6/24. This case highlights an unusual sequelae following penetrating ocular trauma.

  3. Branch retinal artery occlusion post-penetrating globe injury with intraocular foreign body

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    Manish Nagpal


    Full Text Available Intraocular foreign body (IOFB in cases of penetrating eye injury accounts for an important indication of vitreoretinal intervention following ocular trauma. Vascular occlusion as a complication of IOFB is rare. Here we present a case of a 34-year-old male with post-traumatic cataract and an intraocular metallic foreign body (IOFB lodged in the superficial layers of the retina inferotemporal to the disc, causing an inferotemporal branch retinal artery occlusion. The case was managed by lensectomy with pars plana vitrectomy and IOFB removal followed by a second procedure of secondary IOL implantation. Final best-corrected visual acuity improved to 6/24. This case highlights an unusual sequelae following penetrating ocular trauma.

  4. A randomised comparative study of the effect of Airtraq optical laryngoscope vs. Macintosh laryngoscope on intraocular pressure in non-ophthalmic surgery

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    Bikramjit Das


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: We compared intraocular pressure changes following laryngoscopy and intubation with conventional Macintosh blade and Airtraq optical laryngoscope. METHODS: Ninety adult patients were randomly assigned to study group or control group. Study group (n = 45 - Airtraq laryngoscope was used for laryngoscopy. Control group (n = 45 - conventional Macintosh laryngoscope was used for laryngoscopy. Preoperative baseline intraocular pressure was measured with Schiotz tonometer. Laryngoscopy was done as per group protocol. Intraocular pressure and haemodynamic parameters were recorded just before insertion of the device and subsequently three times at an interval of one minute after insertion of the device. RESULTS: Patient characteristics, baseline haemodynamic parameters and baseline intraocular pressure were comparable in the two groups. Following insertion of the endotracheal tube with Macintosh laryngoscope, there was statistically significant rise in heart rate and intraocular pressure compared to Airtraq group. There was no significant change in MAP. Eight patients in Macintosh group had tongue-lip-dental trauma during intubation, while only 2 patients received upper airway trauma in Airtraq group. CONCLUSION: We conclude that Airtraq laryngoscope in comparison to Macintosh laryngoscope results in significantly fewer rises in intraocular pressure and clinically less marked increase in haemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation.

  5. Avaliação da sensibilidade ao contraste e da estereopsia em pacientes com lente intra-ocular multifocal Contrast sensitivity and stereopsis in pseudophakic patients with multifocal intraocular lens

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    Filipe de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a sensibilidade ao contraste e a acuidade estereoscópica em pacientes pseudofácicos, que receberam implante bilateral de lente intra-ocular multifocal. MÉTODOS: Prospectivamente foram realizados testes de sensibilidade ao contraste com o uso da tabela Pelli-Robson e teste de acuidade estereoscópica com emprego do Titmus Stereo Test, em 20 pacientes com implante bilateral de lente intra-ocular multifocal Acrysof Restor®, no pós-operatório de 1 a 2 meses e sem uso de qualquer correção óptica. RESULTADOS:O teste de sensibilidade ao contraste binocular demonstrou que 6 pacientes (30% apresentaram 1,80 unid. log, 13 (65% 1,65 e 1 (5% 1,50. No teste monocular, ocorreram as seguintes respostas: 17 pacientes (85% 1,65 unid. log e 3 (15% 1,50 para o teste do olho direito. O teste do olho esquerdo mostrou que 16 pacientes (80% apresentaram 1,65 unid. log e 4 (20% 1,50. A média e o desvio-padrão da sensibilidade ao contraste testada binocularmente foi 1,69 (±0,08, ao passo que monocularmente foi 1,63 (±0,05 para OD e 1,62 (±0,06 para OE. O teste de acuidade estereoscópica revelou que 12 pacientes (60% obtiveram 40", 6 (30% 50" e 2 (10% 60", com média de 45" e desvio-padrão de ±6,88". CONCLUSÃO: A lente intra-ocular empregada no estudo, proporcionou resultados de sensibilidade ao contraste e acuidade estereoscópica compatíveis e de acordo com critérios de normalidade estabelecidos anteriormente por outros estudos em grupos de pacientes fácicos e pseudofácicos, e portanto, impacto positivo na funcionalidade visual.PURPOSE: To evaluate the contrast sensitivity and stereopsis tests in patients who underwent bilateral implantation of multifocal intraocular lens. METHODS: Tests of contrast sensitivity using the Pelli-Robson chart and stereopsis evaluation with the Titmus Stereo Test were performed in 20 patients 30-60 days after the bilateral implantation of Acrysof Restor® multifocal intraocular lens. RESULTS: The

  6. Role of light and the circadian clock in the rhythmic oscillation of intraocular pressure: Studies in VPAC2 receptor and PACAP deficient mice. (United States)

    Fahrenkrug, Jan; Georg, Birgitte; Hannibal, Jens; Jørgensen, Henrik Løvendahl


    The intraocular pressure of mice displays a daily rhythmicity being highest during the dark period. The present study was performed to elucidate the role of the circadian clock and light in the diurnal and the circadian variations in intraocular pressure in mice, by using animals with disrupted clock function (VPAC2 receptor knockout mice) or impaired light information to the clock (PACAP knockout mice). In wildtype mice, intraocular pressure measured under light/dark conditions showed a statistically significant 24 h sinusoidal rhythm with nadir during the light phase and peak during the dark phase. After transfer of the wildtype mice into constant darkness, the intraocular pressure increased, but the rhythmic changes in intraocular pressure continued with a pattern identical to that obtained during the light/dark cycle. The intraocular pressure in VPAC2 receptor deficient mice during light/dark conditions also showed a sinusoidal pattern with significant changes as a function of a 24 h cycle. However, transfer of the VPAC2 receptor knockout mice into constant darkness completely abolished the rhythmic changes in intraocular pressure. The intraocular pressure in PACAP deficient mice oscillated significantly during both 24 h light and darkness and during constant darkness. During LD conditions, the amplitude of PACAP deficient was significantly lower compared to wildtype mice, resulting in higher daytime and lower nighttime values. In conclusion, by studying the VPAC2 receptor knockout mouse which lacks circadian control and the PACAP knockout mouse which displays impaired light signaling, we provided evidence that the daily intraocular pressure rhythms are primarily generated by the circadian master clock and to a lesser extent by environmental light and darkness. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. La opinión consultiva del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar: Aspectos relativos a la determinación del vínculo efectivo entre los Estados y las personas jurídicas a las que patrocinan para llevar a cabo actividades en la Zona

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    Juan Nicolás Guerrero Peniche


    Full Text Available No obstante la existencia de un instrumento convencional en la ma­teria, el derecho del mar en general, y lo relativo a la explotación de minerales en la Zona, se encuentra aún en una fase de puesta en práctica y de definición fina de los derechos y obligaciones de los Estados. Uno de los ejemplos que se ha hecho patente es lo relativo a las obligaciones de aquellos Estados que pa­trocinan a particulares a fin de llevar actividades de exploración y explotación de los recursos de la Zona. Esta cuestión fue remitida en 2010 por la Autoridad Internacional de Fondos Marinos al Tribunal Internacional de Derecho del Mar a fin de que este la dilucidara. La Opinión Consultiva que emitió el Tribunal presenta conclusiones de particular relevancia en materia de la de­terminación de un vínculo efectivo entre las personas jurídicas y los Estados que las patrocinan. Esta cuestión, que juega un papel determinante a fin de lograr una eficaz protección del medio marino en el marco del mecanismo de patrocinio para la exploración y explotación de los recursos en la Zona, conlleva importantes consecuencias para las actividades en áreas reservadas.

  8. Computational modeling of intraocular gas dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Noohi, P; Abdekhodaie, M J; Cheng, Y L


    The purpose of this study was to develop a computational model to simulate the dynamics of intraocular gas behavior in pneumatic retinopexy (PR) procedure. The presented model predicted intraocular gas volume at any time and determined the tolerance angle within which a patient can maneuver and still gas completely covers the tear(s). Computational fluid dynamics calculations were conducted to describe PR procedure. The geometrical model was constructed based on the rabbit and human eye dimensions. SF_6 in the form of pure and diluted with air was considered as the injected gas. The presented results indicated that the composition of the injected gas affected the gas absorption rate and gas volume. After injection of pure SF_6, the bubble expanded to 2.3 times of its initial volume during the first 23 h, but when diluted SF_6 was used, no significant expansion was observed. Also, head positioning for the treatment of retinal tear influenced the rate of gas absorption. Moreover, the determined tolerance angle depended on the bubble and tear size. More bubble expansion and smaller retinal tear caused greater tolerance angle. For example, after 23 h, for the tear size of 2 mm the tolerance angle of using pure SF_6 is 1.4 times more than that of using diluted SF_6 with 80% air. Composition of the injected gas and conditions of the tear in PR may dramatically affect the gas absorption rate and gas volume. Quantifying these effects helps to predict the tolerance angle and improve treatment efficiency. (paper)

  9. Raised intraocular pressure and recurrence of retinal detachment as complications of external retinal detachment surgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jawwad, M.; Khan, B.; Shah, M.A.; Qayyum, I.; Aftab, M.; Qayyum, I.


    Patients with Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment may develop raised intraocular pressure and recurrence of retinal detachment when they undergo external retinal detachment surgery. The present study was conducted to determine the postoperative rise in intraocular pressure (IOP) and recurrence of retinal detachment. Methods: The present descriptive study was conducted at Eye department of Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar on 25 patients of both genders from August 2012 to July 2014. Results: Of the 25 patients, 18 (72%) developed raised IOP in the immediate postoperative period; this figure decreased to 12 (48%) at one week. Following medical or surgical intervention in these 12 cases, there was only 1 (4%) case with mildly raised IOP at two weeks postoperative. Five (20%) cases developed recurrent retinal detachment which later resolved with treatment. There were no significant differences by age or gender. Conclusion: External Retinal Detachment Surgery raised intraocular pressure postoperatively and caused recurrence of retinal detachment. These complications were treated medically and surgically with resolution within two weeks. (author)

  10. Optimizing outcomes with multifocal intraocular lenses

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    Gitansha Shreyas Sachdev


    Full Text Available Modern day cataract surgery is evolving from a visual restorative to a refractive procedure. The advent of multifocal intraocular lenses (MFIOLs allows greater spectacle independence and increased quality of life postoperatively. Since the inception in 1980s, MFIOLs have undergone various technical advancements including trifocal and extended depth of vision implants more recently. A thorough preoperative workup including the patients' visual needs and inherent ocular anatomy allows us to achieve superior outcomes. This review offers a comprehensive overview of the various types of MFIOLs and principles of optimizing outcomes through a comprehensive preoperative screening and management of postoperative complications.

  11. [Congenital lens subluxation: visual acuity outcomes and intraocular lens postoperative position]. (United States)

    Arraes, Caroline; Endriss, Daniela; Lobato, Francisco; Arraes, João; Ventura, Marcelo


    To evaluate the visual acuity outcomes and to investigate the intraocular lens (IOL) and endocapsular ring positions with ultrasound biomicroscopy in 17 eyes of 10 patients with congenital lens subluxation who underwent the same surgical technique, by the same surgeon. The study was performed in the ''Hospital de Olhos de Pernambuco'' and ''Fundação Altino Ventura''. The surgical technique consisted of phacoaspiration with implant of endocapsular ring and intraocular lens with one loop haptic amputated. The age varied from 7 to 22 years. Data on visual acuity (VA) before and after surgery, surgery follow-up period, and complications were analyzed. All patients underwent ultrasound biomicroscopy. The mean follow-up period was 2.8 years. There was a VA improvement in 17 (100%) eyes: in 12 eyes (70.6%) the visual acuity was better than 20/40; 4 (23.5%) ranged from 20/40 to 20/100, and 1 (5.9%) had visual acuity worse than 20/100, however better than the preoperative visual acuity. The posterior capsular opacification occurred in 10 eyes (58.9%). Ultrasound biomicroscopy showed that all IOL were partially decentralized, however without surpassing the pupil border limit. Endocapsular ring position was correct and there was a good capsular support in all cases. The evaluated surgical treatment provided good intraocular lens and endocapsular ring position, with VA improvement Thus, this technique is a viable, effective and safe option for the visual rehabilitation of patients with congenital lens subluxation.

  12. Autorefraction versus subjective refraction in a radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Linden, J.W.M. van der; Vrijman, V.; El-Saady, R.; Meulen, I.J. van der; Mourits, M.P.; Lapid-Gortzak, R.


    PURPOSE: To evaluate whether the automated refraction (AR) correlates with subjective manifest (MR) refraction in eyes implanted with radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOLs). METHODS: This retrospective study evaluated 52 eyes (52 patients) implanted with a radially asymmetric

  13. Comparação de resposta da pressão intraocular frente a duas diferentes intensidades e volumes do treinamento resistido

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    Marcelo Conte


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Verificar a influência de duas diferentes intensidades e volumes de treinamento resistido na pressão intraocular. Método: Dezenove boxeadores (13 homens e 6 mulheres; idade média de 22 ± 3 anos foram randomicamente submetidos a duas diferentes sessões de exercícios resistidos: resistência muscular com 3 séries de 15 repetições máximas e hipertrofia muscular com 4 séries de 8RM. A pressão intraocular foi obtida com Tonometro de Perkins antes, durante e após as sessões de exercício resistido. Os dados foram expressos em média e desvio padrão. Foi realizada análise de variância (ANOVA com medidas repetidas e pós teste de Tukey. Resultados: Foi observada redução da pressão intraocular durante as sessões de treinamento resistido. Contudo, a sessão de exercício para resistência muscular promoveu uma redução significativa da pressão intraocular comparada a de hipertrofia muscular. Ao final da sessão de resistência muscular a pressão intraocular retornou aos valores prévios ao exercício, por outro lado na sessão de hipertrofia muscular a pressão intraocular após o término dos exercícios apresentou-se acima dos valores iniciais. Conclusão: O treinamento resistido pode influenciar os valores da pressão intraocular, especificamente 3 séries de 15 repetições com 60% de 1RM promoveu respostas hipotensivas mais expressivas na pressão intraocular do que 3 séries de 8 repetições com 80% de 1RM. Esses achados podem contribuir para prescrição de exercício resistido para pessoas com fatores de risco para o glaucoma.

  14. Comparison of two optical biometers in intraocular lens power calculation

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    Sheng Hui


    Full Text Available Aims: To compare the consistency and accuracy in ocular biometric measurements and intraocular lens (IOL power calculations using the new optical low-coherence reflectometry and partial coherence interferometry. Subjects and Methods: The clinical data of 122 eyes of 72 cataract patients were analyzed retrospectively. All patients were measured with a new optical low-coherence reflectometry system, using the LENSTAR LS 900 (Haag Streit AG/ALLEGRO BioGraph biometer (Wavelight., AG, and partial coherence interferometry (IOLMaster V.5.4 [Carl Zeiss., Meditec, AG] before phacoemulsification and IOL implantation. Repeated measurements, as recommended by the manufacturers, were performed by the same examiner with both devices. Using the parameters of axial length (AL, corneal refractive power (K1 and K2, and anterior chamber depth (ACD, power calculations for AcrySof SA60AT IOL were compared between the two devices using five formulas. The target was emmetropia. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software (SPSS 13.0 with t-test as well as linear regression. A P value < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: The mean age of 72 cataract patients was 64.6 years ± 13.4 [standard deviation]. Of the biometry parameters, K1, K2 and [K1 + K2]/2 values were significantly different between the two devices (mean difference, K1: −0.05 ± 0.21 D; K2: −0.12 ± 0.20 D; [K1 + K2]/2: −0.08 ± 0.14 D. P <0.05. There was no statistically significant difference in AL and ACD between the two devices. The correlations of AL, K1, K2, and ACD between the two devices were high. The mean differences in IOL power calculations using the five formulas were not statistically significant between the two devices. Conclusions: New optical low-coherence reflectometry provides measurements that correlate well to those of partial coherence interferometry, thus it is a precise device that can be used for the

  15. [Opacification of an intraocular lens: calcification of hydrophilic intraocular lenses after gas tamponade of the anterior chamber]. (United States)

    Schmidinger, G; Pemp, B; Werner, L


    A patient with endothelial dystrophy was treated with Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) combined with cataract extraction and implantation of a hydrophilic intraocular lens (IOL, Lentis-L312, Oculentis) but visual acuity dropped from 0.15 logMAR to 0.52 logMAR 18 months later due to calcification of the IOL. With new methods of lamellar corneal transplantation being used more frequently the number of necessary anterior chamber tamponades with air/gas are increasing. In cataract cases in which a gas tamponade and transplantation might be necessary later on (cornea guttata), hydrophilic IOLs should be avoided.

  16. Personalización de las constantes en las fórmulas de cálculo de la lente intraocular Personalization of constants in the intraocular lens calculation formulas

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    Anneé Miranda Carracedo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: personalizar las constantes A, factor cirujano y profundidad de la cámara anterior para las fórmulas de cálculo de la lente intraocular en la cirugía de catarata en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" de mayo de 2007 a enero de 2011. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo donde se estudiaron las constantes A, factor cirujano y profundidad de la cámara anterior. También se evaluó la longitud axial preoperatoria por IOL Master, la mejor agudeza visual sin corrección, el componente esférico esperado, el componente esférico obtenido y los resultados refractivos. Resultados: las constantes optimizadas por interferometría de coherencia parcial son diferentes a las propuestas por los fabricantes de las lentes intraoculares. Estas constantes personalizadas para cada cirujano no mostraron diferencias significativas. Las constantes optimizadas según las longitudes axiales, tienen diferencias significativas en los 3 grupos de estudio. La diferencia entre la lente intraocular implantada y la propuesta con las nuevas constantes resultó menor de 1 D de error en 83,1 % de los pacientes. El 75,4 % quedó bien corregido en relación con la diferencia entre la refracción esperada y la obtenida. Conclusiones: las constantes optimizadas por interferometría de coherencia parcial resultan más elevadas que las propuestas por el fabricante. La optimización de estas en el cálculo de la lente permite, de acuerdo a las características individuales de cada ojo (longitud axial, usar la fórmula adecuada e incrementa la predictibilidad de los resultados refractivos posoperatorios.Objective: to personalize the A, surgeon factor and anterior chamber depth constants for intraocular lens calculation formulas in the cataract surgery at the “Ramón Pando Ferrer” Cuban Ophthalmological Institute from May 2007 to January 2011. Method: a retrospective and descriptive study was made to study the A constant

  17. Autorefraction versus subjective refraction in a radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Linden, Jan Willem; Vrijman, Violette; Al-Saady, Rana; El-Saady, Rana; van der Meulen, Ivanka J.; Mourits, Maarten P.; Lapid-Gortzak, Ruth


    To evaluate whether the automated refraction (AR) correlates with subjective manifest (MR) refraction in eyes implanted with radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOLs). This retrospective study evaluated 52 eyes (52 patients) implanted with a radially asymmetric multifocal IOL (LS-312

  18. Toric Intraocular Lenses in the Correction of Astigmatism During Cataract Surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kessel, Line; Andresen, Jens; Tendal, Britta


    TOPIC: We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the benefit and harms associated with implantation of toric intraocular lenses (IOLs) during cataract surgery. Outcomes were postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity (UCDVA) and distance spectacle independence. Harms were...

  19. Clinical observation of four-fixable intraocular lens suspensory

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    Yu-Ming Teng


    Full Text Available AIM: To discuss the four-fixable intraocular lens(IOLsuspensory in the absence of capsular intraocular lens implantation, suspensory ligament rupture caused by congenital dislocation of the lens, traumatic cataract and posterior capsular rupture without capsular support, which need to line hanging IOL for intraoperative clinical observation.METHODS: The 31 cases(32 eyeswho were accepted the four-fixable IOL suspensory from May 2012 to May 2014 in our hospital were retrospectively analyzed. The postoperative visual acuity, corneal astigmatism, intraoperative and postoperative complications were comprehensively analyzed.RESULTS: Patients were followed up 6mo~1a, corrected visual acuity >0.5(12 eyes, 38%, 0.1~0.5(18 eyes, 56%, and CONCLUSION: It is designed to support non-capsular IOL implantation and design, and the concept of changing the past presence of suspended dislocated IOL implantation surgery, positional deviation and, sutures and other complications split the incidence is greatly reduced. It is consistent with the physiological characteristics of the human eye, and it is the IOL surgical sling best stability, intraoperative and postoperative complications, the best visual acuity and corneal astigmatism minimal surgical approachat least, and the four-point suspension suture fixation of IOL is designed to obtain a practical transformation of Chinese patent.

  20. Intraocular lenses and clinical treatment in paediatric cataract

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    Camila Ribeiro Koch Pena


    Full Text Available Pediatric cataract is the most common treatable cause of blindness in children. Prevalence, etiology and morphology vary with the socioeconomic development. The treatment goal is to reduce amblyopia, being difficult management especially in unilateral cases. The decision on aphakia or primary intraocular lens should be individualized as well as correction with contact lens or spectacles. The intraocular lens single-piece hydrophobic acrylic are the most implanted in children and the preferably is in the capsular bag. The Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraff theoretic (SRK/T stressing that is described as more predictable, following Holladay I and SRK II and the recommendation is to under correction +6.0 or +8.0 dioptrias expecting the growth of the eye. The posterior capsule opacity is the most frequent complication and varies with the material choice of the lens. Glaucoma is the most serious postoperative complication and depends on the timing of the surgery, primary lens implantation and time of post surgical follow-up. The adherence to occlusion therapy with patching is critical to the visual prognosis and is determined by the child’s age and laterality of the cataract. There was significant improvement in the surgery and in IOLs, however the final visual prognosis is still not desirable.

  1. Bilateral implantation of +2.5 D multifocal intraocular lens and contralateral implantation of +2.5 D and +3.0 D multifocal intraocular lenses: Clinical outcomes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nuijts, Rudy M. M. A.; Jonker, Soraya M. R.; Kaufer, Robert A.; Lapid-Gortzak, Ruth; Mendicute, Javier; Martinez, Cristina Peris; Schmickler, Stefanie; Kohnen, Thomas


    To assess the clinical visual outcomes of bilateral implantation of Restor +2.5 diopter (D) multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) and contralateral implantation of a Restor +2.5 D multifocal IOL in the dominant eye and Restor +3.0 D multifocal IOL in the fellow eye. Multicenter study at 8

  2. Can the accuracy of multifocal intraocular lens power calculation be improved to make patients spectacle free? (United States)

    Ramji, Hasnain; Moore, Johnny; Moore, C B Tara; Shah, Sunil


    To optimise intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation techniques for a segmental multifocal IOL, LENTIS™ MPlus(®) (Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany) and assess outcomes. A retrospective consecutive non-randomised case series of patients receiving the MPlus(®) IOL following cataract surgery or clear lens extraction was performed at a privately owned ophthalmic hospital, Midland Eye, Solihull, UK. Analysis was undertaken of 116 eyes, with uncomplicated lens replacement surgery using the LENTIS™ MPlus(®) lenses. Pre-operative biometry data were stratified into short (<22.00 mm) and long axial lengths (ALs) (≥22.00 mm). IOL power predictions were calculated with SRK/T, Holladay I, Hoffer Q, Holladay II and Haigis formulae and compared to the final manifest refraction. These were compared with the OKULIX ray tracing method and the stratification technique suggested by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth). Using SRK/T for long eyes and Hoffer Q for short eyes, 64% achieved postoperative subjective refractions of ≤±0.25 D, 83%≤±0.50 D and 93%≤±0.75 D, with a maximum predictive error of 1.25D. No specific calculation method performed best across all ALs; however for ALs under 22 mm Hoffer Q and Holliday I methods performed best. Excellent but equivalent overall refractive results were found between all biometry methods used in this multifocal IOL study. For eyes with ALs under 22 mm Hoffer Q and Holliday I performed best. Current techniques mean that patients are still likely to need top up glasses for certain situations. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Retropupillary iris-claw intraocular lens in ectopia lentis in Marfan syndrome

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    Faria MY


    Full Text Available Mun Yueh Faria,1 Nuno Ferreira,2 Eliana Neto,1 1Vitreo Retinal Department, 2Ophthalmology Department, Santa Maria Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal Objective: To report visual outcomes, complication rate, and safety of retropupillary iris-claw intraocular lens (ICIOL in ectopia lentis in Marfan syndrome (MFS. Design: Retrospective study. Methods: Six eyes of three MFS patients with ectopia lentis underwent surgery for subluxation lens and retropupillary ICIOL implantation from October 2014 to October 2015 at the Department of Ophthalmology, Santa Maria Hospital in Lisbon, Portugal. Demographics, preoperative and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA, and intraocular pressure were evaluated. Endothelium cell count was assessed using specular microscopy; anterior chamber depth was measured using Pentacam postoperatively; and intraocular lens position was viewed by ultrasound biomicroscopy. All patients were female; mean age was 20±14.264 years (range: 7–38 years. Results: The average follow-up period was 6.66 months (range: 4–16 months. Preoperative BCVA was 0.568±0.149 logMAR units, and postoperative BCVA was 0.066±0.121 logMAR units. The mean BCVA gain was –0.502±0.221 on the logMAR scale. Postoperative average astigmatism and intraocular pressure were 1.292±0.697 mmHg (range: 0.5–2.25 mmHg and 16 mmHg (range: 12–18 mmHg, respectively. The average endothelial cell density decreased from 3,121±178 cells/mm2 before surgery to 2,835±533 cells/mm2 after surgery (measured at last follow-up visit and in the last follow-up, representing an average endothelial cell loss of 9.16%. Mean anterior chamber depth was 4.01 mm (±0.77 mm, as measured by Pentacam. No complications were found intra- or postoperatively in any of the six studied eyes. Conclusion: Retropupillary ICIOL implantation is a safe and effective procedure in the treatment of aphakia in MFS eyes, without capsular support after surgery for ectopia lens. The six eyes that

  4. The Effect of Altitude on Intraocular Pressure in Vitrectomized Eyes with Sulfur Hexafluoride Tamponade by the Friedenwald Method: Rabbit Animal Model

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    Jans Fromow-Guerra


    Full Text Available The aim of this study is to assess the change in intraocular pressure after a road trip, in eyes with different levels of filling with gas tamponade. Five rabbit eyes were subject to pars plana vitrectomy and gas tamponade (filling percentage: 25%, 50%, and 100% of nonexpansile SF6, 100% saline solution, and 100% room air. A sixth eye was injected with 0.35 cc of undiluted SF6 without vitrectomy. Guided by global positioning system, they were driven to the highest point of the highway connecting Mexico City with Puebla city and back, stopping every 300 m to assess intraocular pressure. The rabbit’s scleral rigidity and estimation for human eyes were done by using the Friedenwald nomogram. Maximum altitude was 3209 m (Δ949 m. There were significant differences in intraocular pressure on the rabbit eyes filled with SF6 at 100%, 50%, 25%, and 100% room air. Per every 100 m of altitude rise, the intraocular pressure increased by 1.53, 1.0046, 0.971, and 0.97 mmHg, respectively. Using the human Friedenwald rigidity coefficient, the human eye estimate for intraocular pressure change was 2.1, 1.8, 1.4, and 1.1 mmHg per every 100 m of attitude rise. Altitude changes have a significant impact on intraocular pressure. The final effect depends on the percentage of vitreous cavity fill and scleral rigidity.

  5. Pharmacokinetics and efficacy of intraocular flurbiprofen. (United States)

    Blazaki, S; Tsika, C; Tzatzarakis, M; Naoumidi, E; Tsatsakis, A; Tsatsanis, C; Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis K


    Intravitreal delivery of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs could be an effective way to treat macular edema caused by posterior segment inflammation. In this study, we evaluated the intravitreal bioavailability and anti-inflammatory efficacy of flurbiprofen in rabbit eyes. For pharmacokinetics, 0.1 ml of 7.66 mg/ml flurbiprofen solution was injected intravitreally and vitreous drug levels were analyzed at specific time points using LC-MS technique. For efficacy, 100 ng lipopolysaccharide of E.coli was injected intravitreally in rabbits to induce inflammation. The animals were separated in three groups and received intraocular flurbiprofen, dexamethasone and PBS to serve as control. Complete ocular examination and total cell count in aqueous fluid were determined to evaluate the extent of inflammation. Eyes were then enucleated for histopathology analysis. The efficacy in the uveitis model was determined by clinical signs of inflammation, total leukocyte count and histology findings. No adverse events were observed during pharmacokinetic assessment. No signs of inflammation, hemorrhage or retina detachment were detected. The recovery of flurbiprofen from vitreous samples was 92.6%. The half-life of flurbiprofen was estimated to be 1.92 h with an elimination constant rate (K) of 0.36. Treatment with intraocular injections of flurbiprofen and dexamethasone significantly reduced total leukocyte count in a manner comparable to dexamethasone [reduction of 96.84% (p flurbiprofen injection compared to control eyes. Flurbiprofen is effective in suppressing inflammation in this experimental uveitis model. In our experimental setting, intravitreal flurbiprofen seem to have a therapeutic result comparable to dexamethasone. However, the half-life of the drug remains short, necessitating further research to prolong its presence in the vitreous cavity.

  6. Intraocular Lens Calcification; a Clinicopathologic Report

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    Mozhgan Rezaei-Kanavi


    Full Text Available

    PURPOSE: To describe the clinical and pathological features of a case of hydrogel intraocular lens (IOL calcification. CASE REPORT: A 48-year-old man underwent explantation of a single-piece hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens in his left eye because of decreased visual acuity and milky white opalescence of the IOL. The opacified lens was exchanged uneventfully with a hydrophobic acrylic IOL. Gross examination of the explanted IOL disclosed opacification of the optic and haptics. Full-thickness sections of the lens optic were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E, von Kossa and Gram Tworts'. Microscopic examination of the sections revealed fine and diffuse basophilic granular deposits of variable size within the lens optic parallel to the lens curvature but separated from the surface by a moderately clear zone. The deposits were of high calcium content as evident by dark brown staining with von Kossa. Gram Tworts' staining disclosed no microorganisms. CONCLUSION: This report further contributes to the existing literature on hydrogel IOL calcification.

  7. Affaire Khlaifia et autres v. Italie: Estándares del debido proceso aplicados al procedimiento administrativo de migraciones y expulsión

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    Bárbara Cortés Cabrera


    Full Text Available En septiembre de 2015, el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos resolvió el caso caratulado Affaire Khlaifia et autres v. Italie (Caso Khlaifia y otros c. Italia, relativo al reclamo presentado contra Italia por la retención ilegal, condiciones de detención, e infracciones al debido proceso de migrantes tunecinos que ingresaron ilegalmente al país, a través de embarcaciones ligeras. El fallo es sumamente interesante, pues analiza ciertos estándares jurídicos que deben aplicarse al procedimiento administrativo observado por el Estado, para la expulsión del país de los inmigrantes. El presente trabajo busca identificar los principales criterios establecidos en la sentencia, y compararlos con los estándares establecidos previamente por la doctrina y los otros sistemas de derechos humanos.

  8. Review and update of intraocular therapy in noninfectious uveitis. (United States)

    Sallam, Ahmed; Taylor, Simon R J; Lightman, Sue


    To review new clinically relevant data regarding the intraocular treatment of noninfectious uveitis. Triamcinolone acetonide, the most commonly used intravitreal corticosteroid for treatment of uveitis and uveitic macular oedema has a limited duration of action and is associated with a high risk of corticosteroid-induced intraocular pressure (IOP) rise and cataract. Recent advances have led to the development of sustained-release corticosteroid devices using different corticosteroids such as dexamethasone and fluocinolone acetonide. Treatment options for patients who have previously exhibited corticosteroid hypertensive response have also expanded through the use of new noncorticosteroid intravitreal therapeutics such as methotrexate and antivascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) agents. Ozurdex dexamethasone implant appears to have a better safety profile, and a slightly long-lasting effect than triamcinolone acetonide. The Retisert implant allows the release of corticosteroids at a constant rate for 2.5 years, but it requires surgical placement and its use is associated with a very high risk of cataract and requirement for IOP-lowering surgery. For patients who are steroid responders, methotrexate may offer a better alternative to corticosteroid treatment than anti-VEGF agents, but controlled trials are required to confirm this.

  9. Implantable intraocular pressure monitoring systems: Design considerations

    KAUST Repository

    Arsalan, Muhammad


    Design considerations and limitations of implantable Intraocular Pressure Monitoring (IOPM) systems are presented in this paper. Detailed comparison with the state of the art is performed to highlight the benefits and challenges of the proposed design. The system-on-chip, presented here, is battery free and harvests energy from incoming RF signals. This low-cost design, in standard CMOS process, does not require any external components or bond wires to function. This paper provides useful insights to the designers of implantable wireless sensors in terms of design choices and associated tradeoffs. © 2013 IEEE.

  10. Implantable intraocular pressure monitoring systems: Design considerations

    KAUST Repository

    Arsalan, Muhammad; Ouda, Mahmoud H.; Marnat, Loic; Shamim, Atif; Salama, Khaled N.


    Design considerations and limitations of implantable Intraocular Pressure Monitoring (IOPM) systems are presented in this paper. Detailed comparison with the state of the art is performed to highlight the benefits and challenges of the proposed design. The system-on-chip, presented here, is battery free and harvests energy from incoming RF signals. This low-cost design, in standard CMOS process, does not require any external components or bond wires to function. This paper provides useful insights to the designers of implantable wireless sensors in terms of design choices and associated tradeoffs. © 2013 IEEE.

  11. La incorporación de la gobernanza a la agenda latinoamericana


    Bueno, Maria del Pilar


    Este artículo se aboca a un breve análisis relativo a los orígenes y debates conceptuales relativos a la gobernanza y su aplicación al caso de América Latina. En este último espacio no ha tenido la mejor de las acogidas puesto que otros términos como el de gobernabilidad o el de gobierno, han respondido a una tradición en el análisis político regional como producto de un pasado reciente turbulento en lo relativo a las alteraciones al sistema democrático. Fil: Bueno, Maria del Pilar. Univer...

  12. Bilateral spontaneous subluxation of scleral-fixated intraocular lenses. (United States)

    Assia, Ehud I; Nemet, Arie; Sachs, Dani


    Two young men with primary ectopic lenses had intracapsular cataract extraction and scleral fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lenses (PC IOLs) using 10-0 polypropylene sutures tied to the IOL eyelets. Three to 9 years after implantation, spontaneous IOL vertical subluxation occurred in all 4 eyes (5 IOL loops), probably because of suture breakage. Late subluxation of a sutured IOL may occur several years after implantation. Double fixation and thicker sutures should be considered, especially in young patients.

  13. Refractive lens exchange with a multifocal diffractive aspheric intraocular lens

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    Teresa Ferrer-Blasco


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety, efficacy and predictability after refractive lens exchange with multifocal diffractive aspheric intraocular lens implantation. METHODS: Sixty eyes of 30 patients underwent bilateral implantation with AcrySof® ReSTOR® SN6AD3 intraocular lens with +4.00 D near addition. Patients were divided into myopic and hyperopic groups. Monocular best corrected visual acuity at distance and near and monocular uncorrected visual acuity at distance and near were measured before and 6 months postoperatively. RESULTS: After surgery, uncorrected visual acuity was 0.08 ± 0.15 and 0.11 ± 0.14 logMAR for the myopic and hyperopic groups, respectively (50% and 46.67% of patients had an uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 or better in the myopic and hyperopic groups, respectively. The safety and efficacy indexes were 1.05 and 0.88 for the myopic and 1.01 and 0.86 for the hyperopic groups at distance vision. Within the myopic group, 20 eyes remained unchanged after the surgery, and 3 gained >2 lines of best corrected visual acuity. For the hyperopic group, 2 eyes lost 2 lines of best corrected visual acuity, 21 did not change, and 3 eyes gained 2 lines. At near vision, the safety and efficacy indexes were 1.23 and 1.17 for the myopic and 1.16 and 1.13 for the hyperopic groups. Best corrected near visual acuity improved after surgery in both groups (from 0.10 logMAR to 0.01 logMAR in the myopic group, and from 0.10 logMAR to 0.04 logMAR in the hyperopic group. CONCLUSIONS: The ReSTOR® SN6AD3 intraocular lens in refractive lens exchange demonstrated good safety, efficacy, and predictability in correcting high ametropia and presbyopia.

  14. Intraocular Lens Use in an Astronaut During Long Duration Spaceflight. (United States)

    Mader, Thomas H; Gibson, C Robert; Schmid, Josef F; Lipsky, William; Sargsyan, Ashot E; Garcia, Kathleen; Williams, Jeffrey N


    The purpose of this paper is to report the first use of an intraocular lens (IOL) in an astronaut during long duration spaceflight (LDSF). An astronaut developed a unilateral cataract and underwent phacoemulsification with insertion of an acrylic IOL. Approximately 15 mo later he flew on a Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS), where he successfully completed a 6-mo mission. Ocular examination, including ultrasound (US), was performed before, during, and after his mission and he was questioned regarding visual changes during each portion of his flight. We documented no change in IOL position during his space mission. This astronaut reported excellent and stable vision during liftoff, entry into microgravity (MG), 6 mo on the ISS, descent, and landing. Our results suggest that modern IOLs are stable, effective, and well tolerated during LDSF.Mader TH, Gibson CR, Schmid JF, Lipsky W, Sargsyan AE, Garcia K, Williams JN. Intraocular lens use in an astronaut during long duration spaceflight. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2018; 89(1):63-65.

  15. Cifras del retroceso: el deterioro relativo de la tasa de mortalidad infantil de Argentina en la segunda mitad del siglo XX

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    José Carlos Escudero


    Full Text Available Se compara la evolución histórica de la tasa de mortalidad infantil de Argentina con la de otros países americanos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. También se compara la evolución histórica de la tasa de mortalidad infantil de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y la del Gran Buenos Aires con la de otras ciudades de América y del mundo. Esto muestra el deterioro relativo de la posición de Argentina con respecto a su nivel de mortalidad infantil.

  16. Common Genetic Determinants of Intraocular Pressure and Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Koolwijk, Leonieke M. E.; Ramdas, Wishal D.; Ikram, M. Kamran; Jansonius, Nomdo M.; Pasutto, Francesca; Hysi, Pirro G.; Macgregor, Stuart; Janssen, Sarah F.; Hewitt, Alex W.; Viswanathan, Ananth C.; ten Brink, Jacoline B.; Hosseini, S. Mohsen; Amin, Najaf; Despriet, Dominiek D. G.; Willemse-Assink, Jacqueline J. M.; Kramer, Rogier; Rivadeneira, Fernando; Struchalin, Maksim; Aulchenko, Yurii S.; Weisschuh, Nicole; Zenkel, Matthias; Mardin, Christian Y.; Gramer, Eugen; Welge-Luessen, Ulrich; Montgomery, Grant W.; Carbonaro, Francis; Young, Terri L.; Bellenguez, Celine; McGuffin, Peter; Foster, Paul J.; Topouzis, Fotis; Mitchell, Paul; Wang, Jie Jin; Wong, Tien Y.; Czudowska, Monika A.; Hofman, Albert; Uitterlinden, Andre G.; Wolfs, Roger C. W.; de Jong, Paulus T. V. M.; Oostra, Ben A.; Paterson, Andrew D.; Mackey, David A.; Bergen, Arthur A. B.; Reis, Andre; Hammond, Christopher J.; Vingerling, Johannes R.; Lemij, Hans G.; Klaver, Caroline C. W.; van Duijn, Cornelia M.


    Intraocular pressure (IOP) is a highly heritable risk factor for primary open-angle glaucoma and is the only target for current glaucoma therapy. The genetic factors which determine IOP are largely unknown. We performed a genome-wide association study for IOP in 11,972 participants from 4

  17. Tinting of intraocular lens implants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zigman, S.


    Intraocular lens (IOL) implants of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) lack an important yellow pigment useful as a filter in the visual process and in the protection of the retina from short-wavelength radiant energy. The ability to produce a yellow pigment in the PMMA used in IOL implants by exposure to near-ultraviolet (UV) light was tested. It was found that the highly cross-linked material in Copeland lens blanks was tinted slightly because of this exposure. The absorptive properties of lens blanks treated with near-UV light in this way approached that of the absorptive properties of human lenses. This finding shows that it is possible to alter IOL implants simply so as to induce a pale-yellow pigment in them to improve the visual process and to protect the retinas of IOL users

  18. Tinting of intraocular lens implants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zigman, S.


    Intraocular lens (IOL) implants of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) lack an important yellow pigment useful as a filter in the visual process and in the protection of the retina from short-wavelength radiant energy. The ability to produce a yellow pigment in the PMMA used in IOL implants by exposure to near-ultraviolet (UV) light was tested. It was found that the highly cross-linked material in Copeland lens blanks was tinted slightly because of this exposure. The absorptive properties of lens blanks treated with near-UV light in this way approached that of the absorptive properties of human lenses. This finding shows that it is possible to alter IOL implants simply so as to induce a pale-yellow pigment in them to improve the visual process and to protect the retinas of IOL users.

  19. Role of cataract surgery in lowering intraocular pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad, S.; Sabih, A.


    To study the effects of cataract surgery in lowering of intraocular pressure (IOP). Study Design: Retrospective study. Place and Duration of Study: The Department of Ophthalmology, Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi from January 2011 to December 2013. Patients and Methods: The study included a total of 250 patients; of which 100 cases had simple cataract with no coexisting disease, 100 cases had cataract with primary open angle glaucoma and 50 cases of cataract had accompanying pseudoexfoliation glaucoma. All patients were assessed and recorded preoperatively for their IOP, vision, depth of anterior chamber (ACD), angle of anterior chamber by gonioscopy and glaucoma medications being used. Cataract surgery was performed by phacoemulsification and IOL implantations in all cases. These patients were followed up for a period of six months. Results: The intraocular ressure of all these patients was recorded at monthly interval for six months. The IOP showed a significant decrease in all cases and remained constant till the end of the study. A marked improvement of vision was noted in all cases. The depth of the anterior chamber increased and the angle also widened in all cases. Discussion: Cataract surgery has been found to reduce IOP along with improvement in vision. Patients with glaucoma have a dual benefit of reduced IOP and visual improvement after cataract surgery. (author)


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    E. I. Belikova


    Full Text Available Purpose: To evaluate the results of intraocular correction of presbyopia by monovision in patients with cataract and primary corneal astigmatism and conduct a comparative analysis of these outcomes with the results of binocular multifocal IOLs implantation. Patients and methods. There were 21 patients with bilateral cataract surgery performed using toric monofocal intraocular lenses (monovision group in the study. The indications for the operation were: 1 primary corneal astigmatism ≥ 1.0D in patients with cataract, 2 inability to conduct excimer laser correction. Reduction of spectacle dependence by monovision was discussed during preoperative conversation. The age of patients range from 32 to 65 years. Target refraction: Emetronopia on the dominant eye (DG and myopia at 1.0–2.0 D in the non-dominant eye (NDG. Evaluation included measurement of uncorrected visual acuity, refraction, stereopsis, contrast sensitivity and patient satisfaction. The results were compared with the outcomes of binocular multifocal Iols implantation in 22 patients (44 eyes. Results. The spherical component decreased from 3.39±2.63D to 0.34±0.24D, cylinder decreased from 3.05±1.47D to 0.44±0,35D (P <0.01 in the monovision group three months after surgery . The deviation from target refraction was 0.30±0.35D. The mean difference between postoperative refraction on the two eyes was 1.92±0.57D. Postoperative corrected visual acuity significantly exceeded preoperative parameters. In 18 patients (88% the stereoscopic visual acuity did not exceed 60 seconds and corresponded to the age norm, in 3 patients (12% it was at the level of 80–100 arc seconds. In patients with multifocal IOLs, the stereovision values were identical (Ferrer-Blasco T. et al, 2008. Conclusion. The monovision is an effective method of reducing dependence on additional correction in patients with cataract and corneal astigmatism. Refractive outcomes, binocular visual acuity, predictability and


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    Júlia Moreira de Deus


    Full Text Available Está sendo realizado um projeto de pesquisa com a finalidade de elaborar um dicionário trilíngue (PortuguêsInglês-Espanhol com termos relacionados ao turismo. O dicionário visa contribuir com a comunicação no campo do turismo e disponibilizar uma fonte de consulta para profissionais e estudantes. A esta pesquisa coube levantar, selecionar e sistematizar os termos relativos aos meios de hospedagem. Para isso, foi feito um levantamento em cinco dicionários especializados e três obras que tratavam do assunto; foram selecionados os termos que designam meios de hospedagem;as definições e contextos foram inseridos em fichas e foram identificadas as principais características dos termos; foi organizado um mapa conceitual dos meios de hospedagem. Por fim, um especialista foi consultado para validar os termos. Os dados coletados nessa primeira etapa da pesquisa foram usados na redação das definições dos termos selecionados. Palavras-chave: Dicionário. Meios de Hospedagem. Terminologia.

  2. Guías alimentarias : caracterización y propuestas de traducción del español al chino


    Wang, Zhuowen


    Este trabajo se centra en aspectos relacionados con la traducción de temas relativos a la alimentación de la población extranjera en España, concretamente de la comunidad china en Madrid. Esta población está acostumbrada a las particularidades culturales (hábitos alimentarios) de su lugar de acogida. Consideramos que las guías alimentarias, al ser instrumentos alimentario-nutricionales que se divulgan entre la población, pueden constituir un punto de partida para la adaptación e integración d...

  3. In vitro study of antibiotic effect on bacterial adherence to acrylic intraocular lenses. (United States)

    Gaál, Valéria; Kilár, Ferenc; Acs, Barnabás; Szijjártó, Zsuzsanna; Kocsis, Béla; Kustos, Ildikó


    Implantation of artificial intraocular lenses into the eye during ophthalmic surgical procedures ensures an unliving surface on which bacterial pathogens may attach and form biofilms. Despite antibiotic treatment bacteria growing in biofilms might cause inflammation and serious complications. In this study the adhesive ability of 7 Staphylococcus aureus and 11 coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS) strains to the surface of acrylic intraocular lenses had been examined by the ultrasonic method. In untreated cases adhesion of the S. aureus and CNS strains did not differ significantly. We could not demonstrate significant differences between the adhesive ability of the standard strains and the clinical isolates. In this study a single--60 min long--antibiotic (ciprofloxacin and tobramycin) treatment had been applied, that correlate well with the single or intermittant antibiotic prophylaxis of patients. Ciprofloxacin administration was able to reduce significantly the number of attached cells on the surface of acrylic lenses both in the case of S. aureus and CNS strains. Dependence of the effect from concentration could also be demonstrated. Tobramycin treatment was able to inhibit significantly the attachment of S. aureus cells. Despite the debate on antibiotic prophylaxis we presented in our experiments that a single antibiotic administration can decrease the attachment of bacterial cells to the surface of acrylic intraocular lenses, and might be effective in the prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis, that is a rare but serious complication of ophthalmic surgery.

  4. Assessment of intraocular pressure in chinchillas of different age groups using rebound tonometry

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    Flor Diana Yokoay Claros Chacaltana


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: The aim of this research was to measure the intraocular pressure (IOP of normal chinchilla eyes using the rebound tonometer. A further aim was to assess whether there were differences in the values of intraocular pressure in relation to animals age, gender and time of day. Thirty-six chinchillas were divided into three groups of 12 chinchillas each, by age: Group I (2-6-month-old, Group II (20 and 34 months and Group III (37 and 135 months. Ophthalmic examination was performed previously by Schirmer tear test, slit lamp biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy and fluorescein test in all chinchillas. Three measurements of intraocular pressure were assessed on the same day (7, 12 and 19h. Tonometry was performed on both eyes using the rebound tonometer after calibration in "p" mode. Statistical analysis was performed with SigmaPlot for Windows. The mean IOP for groups I, II and III were 2.47±0.581mmHg, 2.47±0.581mmHg and 2.51±0.531mmHg, respectively. No significant differences were reported between age and IOP and no significant differences were reported between the time of day and IOP. The IOP in chinchillas did not differ significantly between genders or ages of the animals, and did not change with time of day.

  5. Evaluación del espesor corneal central y su influencia en la presión intraocular en pacientes del Hospital "Dr. Miguel Enríquez" Evaluation of the central corneal thickness and its impact on the intraocular pressure of patients in "Dr. Miguel Enriquez" hospital

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    María Teresa Arrronte Alarcón


    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar el espesor corneal central en sujetos sanos, hipertensos oculares, sospechosos de glaucoma y glaucomatosos, y su influencia en la presión intraocular. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal que incluyó 708 ojos de 356 sujetos que acudieron al servicio de oftalmología del Hospital Universitario "Dr. Miguel Enríquez" entre enero y diciembre de 2010. A los pacientes se les midió el espesor corneal central con paquimetría ultrasónica (paquímetro US 4000. El resto de la información se obtuvo a partir de las historias clínicas de los pacientes. Resultados: Los hipertensos oculares presentaron córneas gruesas (p=0,07; el mayor número de casos que tenían diagnóstico de sospecha de glaucoma y de glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto presentaron un grosor corneal delgado (p=0,62 y p=0,08 respectivamente. Si no se hubiese tenido en cuenta el factor de corrección para evaluar la presión intraocular se encontraría 48,1 % de los glaucomatosos y 31,5 % de los hipertensos oculares con diagnóstico inadecuado (pObjective: to evaluate the central corneal thickness in healthy individuals, in persons with ocular hypertension, and in suspected glaucoma and glaucomatous people, and its influence in intraocular pressure. Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was performed in 708 eyes from 356 people who had been seen at ophthalmology service of “Dr. Miguel Enríquez”, university hospital from January to December, 2010. Their central corneal thickness was measured with ultrasonic pachymetry (pachymeter US 4000. The rest of the information came from the clinical histories of the patients. Results: Most of the ocular hypertensives presented thick corneas (p=0,07; a high number of cases that had diagnosis of glaucoma suspicion and primary open-angle glaucoma showed thin corneas (p=0,62 and (p=0,08 respectively. If the correction factor to evaluate the IOP had not been considered, then 48,1 % of the

  6. Rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOL implantation with and without capsular tension ring: refractive and visual outcomes and intraocular optical performance. (United States)

    Alió, Jorge L; Plaza-Puche, Ana B; Piñero, David P


    To ascertain whether the refractive, visual, and intraocular optical quality outcomes of a rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) are enhanced by the use of a capsular tension ring. Ninety consecutive eyes from 53 patients (age range: 36 to 82 years) were divided into two groups: the no ring group comprised 43 eyes implanted with the multifocal rotationally asymmetric Lentis Mplus LS-312 (Oculentis GmbH) without a capsular tension ring; and the ring group comprised 47 eyes with the same IOL with a capsular tension ring. Distance and near visual acuity and refractive outcomes were evaluated pre- and postoperatively. Contrast sensitivity, intraocular aberrations, and defocus curve were evaluated postoperatively. Significant postoperative differences between groups were found in sphere, spherical equivalent refraction, and near addition (P<.02). Regarding defocus curve, significantly better visual acuity was present in eyes with the capsular tension ring for intermediate vision conditions (P<.05). Intraocular aberrometry did not differ significantly between groups (P<.09). Refractive predictability and intermediate visual outcomes with the Lentis Mplus LS-312 IOL improved significantly when implanted in combination with a capsular tension ring. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.

  7. Clinical study of foldable intraocular lens secondary implantation after lens-vitrectomy in residual capsular with traumatic eyes

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    Ru-Fa Meng


    Full Text Available AIM: To investigate the operation methods and clinical effects of foldable intraocular lens secondary implantation after lens-vitrectomy in residual capsular with traumatic eyes.METHODS: During January 2012 to January 2014, foldable intraocular lens was implanted on 47 cases following lens-vitrectomy in residual capsular with traumatic eyes 3~6mo. Follow-up period was 6~12mo, averaged(8.21±2.63mo. RESULTS:All of 47 eyes had successful operation at one time, and position deviation was not appeared. The naked vision of the last postoperative follow-up was(0.44±0.19. Compared with best corrected visual acuity(0.41±0.23, and There was no significant difference between visual acuity of preoperative and last follow-up period(t=0.879, P=0.342. No severe complication was found. CONCLUSION: Secondary implantation of foldable intraocular lens is a safe and reliable method for correcting ametropia after lens-vitrectomy in residual capsular with traumatic eyes.

  8. Lessons learned: wrong intraocular lens. (United States)

    Schein, Oliver D; Banta, James T; Chen, Teresa C; Pritzker, Scott; Schachat, Andrew P


    To report cases involving the placement of the wrong intraocular lens (IOL) at the time of cataract surgery where human error occurred. Retrospective small case series, convenience sample. Seven surgical cases. Institutional review of errors committed and subsequent improvements to clinical protocols. Lessons learned and changes in procedures adapted. The pathways to a wrong IOL are many but largely reflect some combination of poor surgical team communication, transcription error, lack of preoperative clarity in surgical planning or failure to match the patient, and IOL calculation sheet with 2 unique identifiers. Safety in surgery involving IOLs is enhanced both by strict procedures, such as an IOL-specific "time-out," and the fostering of a surgical team culture in which all members are encouraged to voice questions and concerns. Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Ophthalmology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Could White Coat Ocular Hypertension Affect to the Accuracy of the Diagnosis of Glaucoma? Relationships Between Anxiety and Intraocular Pressure in a Simulated Clinical Setting. (United States)

    Méndez-Ulrich, Jorge Luis; Sanz, Antoni; Feliu-Soler, Albert; Álvarez, María; Borràs, Xavier


    Sixty-one healthy subjects participated in a laboratory study carried out in a simulated clinical setting. Anticipatory anxiety-state was assessed at the arrival and immediately after, with no brief phase of adaptation, measurements of intraocular pressure, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure were collected. At the end of the procedure, anxiety-trait was also assessed. Results suggest that high levels of both anxiety-state and anxiety-trait significantly predicted a clinically relevant increase of intraocular pressure. Anxiety-state mediated the relationship between anxiety-trait and intraocular pressure, which also was found to be related with heart rate but not related to both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. These results suggest a common mechanism of regulation underlying anxiogenic variability found on both intraocular pressure and heart rate. A reduction in parasympathetic activity appears as a possible mechanism underlying to this phenomenon. This anxiety-enhanced intraocular pressure could be considered a phenomenon analogous to white coat hypertension found in the measurement of blood pressure; therefore, it probably should be taken into account in the clinical context to prevent errors in the diagnosis of glaucoma. Further research on cognitive and emotional regulation of intraocular pressure is needed to best characterize this hypothetical phenomenon.

  10. Clinical research of phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation for glaucoma with different goniosynechia ranges

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    Qing-Yu Li


    Full Text Available AIM:To study the effect of phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation to treat glaucoma with different angle-closure range, which may provide a better way to treat the angle-closure glaucoma.METHODS:There were 47 cases(54 eyeswith angle-closure glaucoma, and all of them underwent phacoemulsification and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation. According to the range of goniosynechia, these patients were divided into three groups:the eyes with the range of goniosynechia≤1/2 were group A(13 eyes; the eyes with 1/23/4 were group C(23 eyes. We observed the status of anterior chamber angle and the intraocular pressure(IOPof the three groups at 2wk after operations. RESULTS:Compared to the preoperative condition, the IOP of the three groups at 2wk after operations decreased significantly. The IOP reductions of group B and C were more significant than that of group A, and the differences were significant(PPP3/4 appeared in group B; in group C, there were 5 eyes with goniosynechia>3/4, 1 eye with disappeared anterior chamber, 3 eyes with corneal edema, 1 eye with choroidal hemorrhage. The differences of postoperative complication rate among the three groups was statistically significant(PPCONCLUSION:For patients with angle closure glaucoma who have mild to moderate goniosynechia, phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation is an effective way. After operations, their closed anterior angle reopened. But to the patients with severe adhesions, there are more complications after operations, especially the glaucoma may reoccur.

  11. Simple technique to treat pupillary capture after transscleral fixation of intraocular lens. (United States)

    Jürgens, Ignasi; Rey, Amanda


    We describe a simple surgical technique to manage pupillary capture after previous transscleral fixation of an intraocular lens. Neither author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2015 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Analysis of causes of intraocular lens explantations in the material of Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University of Lodz. (United States)

    Wilczyński, Michał; Wilczyńska, Olena; Omulecki, Wojciech


    Implantation of intraocular lenses (IOLS) has become a standard practice in cataract surgery, however, similar to any other type of surgery, using IOLs is not complication-free and sometimes explantation of intraocular lenses may be necessary. This study was to gather data and analyze causes of intraocular lens explantations, performed in the Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University of Łódź. The data were gathered from medical documentation of all patients who underwent intraocular lens removal from January 2003 to July 2006. The examined group consisted of 16 patients (16 eyes): 9 women (fraction 0.56), and 7 men (fraction 0.44), at the age from 21 to 82 years (mean age 62.4 years, SD +/- 15.5). In all patients IOL explantation was performed under local, peribulbar anaesthesia. Two groups of patients were distinguished: patients who had an anterior chamber lens explanted (3 patients, fraction 0.19) and patients who underwent posterior chamber lens explantation (13 patients, fraction 0.81). Causes of AC IOL explantations were: vaulting of the IOL (1 eye, fraction 0.06), luxation of the IOL to the vitreous cavity (1 eye, fraction 0.06), and painful eyeball after anterior chamber lens implantation (1 eye, fraction 0.06). Causes of PC IOL explantations were: subluxation of the IOL (6 eyes, fraction 0.38), luxation of the lens to the vitreous cavity (3 eyes, fraction 0.19), luxation of the lens to the anterior chamber (1 eye, fraction 0.06), endophthalmitis (2 eyes, fraction 0.13) and incorrect lens power (1 eye, fraction 0.06). In the majority of eyes (n = 13, fraction 0.81) the removed implant was replaced by another intraocular lens, but 3 eyes (fraction 0.19) were left aphakic. We did not observe serious intra- or early postoperative complications which might influence the final result of the operation.


    Tognetto, Daniele; Pastore, Marco R; Cirigliano, Gabriella; DʼAloisio, Rossella; Borelli, Massimo; De Giacinto, Chiara


    To investigate long-term intraocular pressure trends after uncomplicated pars plana vitrectomy for idiopathic epiretinal membrane. Three hundred and sixty-eight eyes of 368 consecutive patients were enrolled. Changes in intraocular pressure 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery and during the final follow-up visit were evaluated in vitrectomized eyes and nonvitrectomized fellow eyes. The median follow-up period was 36 months (range 12-92 months). Longitudinal data analysis evidenced a 2.5-mmHg (2.2 mmHg; 2.7 mmHg, 95% confidence interval) statistically significant difference in intraocular pressure 30 days after surgery between treated and fellow untreated eyes, gradually recovering to a not significant 0.2-mmHg (-0.1 mmHg; 0.4 mmHg, 95% confidence interval) difference within 26 months. The incidence of late-onset ocular hypertension was 5.7% (21 over 347, 2%; 12%, 95% confidence interval) without difference between the treated eyes and the group control. No significant difference in the incidence of late-onset ocular hypertension and sex, lens status, or gauge of vitrectomy instruments was detected. Only patient's age was significantly higher (mean difference 4.2 years; 0.1-8.0 years, Monte Carlo, 95% confidence interval) in those who developed late-onset ocular hypertension in the vitrectomized eye. Uncomplicated pars plana vitrectomy for idiopathic epiretinal membrane seems not to increase the risk of late-onset ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma development.

  14. Intraocular lens subluxation in a patient with facial atopic dermatitis. (United States)

    Yamazaki, S; Nakamura, K; Kurosaka, D


    A 66-year-old Japanese man presented with subluxation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL) caused by a rupture of part of Zinn's zonule but no retinal break 2 years after phacoemulsification with IOL implantation. He had a history of atopic dermatitis since infancy. This case presents a rare ocular complication of scratching and rubbing the face and eyelids because of itching related to atopic dermatitis.

  15. Intraocular pressure measurements after conductive keratoplasty. (United States)

    Kymionis, George D; Naoumidi, Tatiana L; Aslanides, Ioannis M; Kumar, Vinod; Astyrakakis, Nikolaos I; Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis; Pallikaris, Ioannis G


    To determine the possible impact of conductive keratoplasty (CK) on intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements. A prospective, single-center, noncomparative interventional case series was performed. Baseline and postoperative IOPs were measured by Goldmann applanation tonometry in 32 eyes of 18 patients who underwent CK for hyperopia correction. Mean follow-up was 11.9 months (range: 8 to 18 months). After CK, a statistically significant decrease in the measured IOP was observed (before CK: 14.22+/-1.64 vs after CK: 12.66+/-2.21, P<.001). The change in IOP readings postoperatively was not correlated with age, sex, keratometric readings, or attempted correction. Despite the limitations due to the small number of patients enrolled in this study, the applanation tonometer appears to underestimate the true IOP after CK.

  16. Improved accuracy of intraocular lens power calculation with the Zeiss IOLMaster. (United States)

    Olsen, Thomas


    This study aimed to demonstrate how the level of accuracy in intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation can be improved with optical biometry using partial optical coherence interferometry (PCI) (Zeiss IOLMaster) and current anterior chamber depth (ACD) prediction algorithms. Intraocular lens power in 461 consecutive cataract operations was calculated using both PCI and ultrasound and the accuracy of the results of each technique were compared. To illustrate the importance of ACD prediction per se, predictions were calculated using both a recently published 5-variable method and the Haigis 2-variable method and the results compared. All calculations were optimized in retrospect to account for systematic errors, including IOL constants and other off-set errors. The average absolute IOL prediction error (observed minus expected refraction) was 0.65 dioptres with ultrasound and 0.43 D with PCI using the 5-variable ACD prediction method (p ultrasound, respectively (p power calculation can be significantly improved using calibrated axial length readings obtained with PCI and modern IOL power calculation formulas incorporating the latest generation ACD prediction algorithms.

  17. Net technique for intraocular lens support in aphakia without capsular support. (United States)

    De Novelli, Fernando José; Neto, Theodomiro Lourenço Garrido; de Sena Rabelo, Gabriel; Blumer, Marcel Eduardo; Suzuki, Ricardo; Ghanem, Ramon Coral


    This paper describes a modified surgical technique for intraocular lens implantation in aphakic eyes with no capsular support. Retrospective case series. Seventeen eyes of 17 aphakic patients with no capsule support underwent intraocular lens (IOL) implantation using a standardized technique in which a net was created at the ciliary sulcus plane with two threads forming a net pattern. The net was used as support for the IOL. Follow-up ranged from 6 to 38 months, with an average of 23 months. In all cases, the IOL was safely implanted and remained stable during the follow-up. In 16 eyes, the IOL remained well centered; in one eye, slight decentration was observed. Distance-corrected visual acuity improved by a mean of 4 lines, from 1.13 (LogMAR) to 0.52 (P = 0.01). This technique might be especially useful in cases of insufficient capsular support associated with tissue loss or iris atrophy. In these cases, iris fixation is not feasible; thus, the only surgical alternative is IOL scleral fixation.

  18. Single suture iris-to-capsulorhexis fixation for in-the-bag intraocular lens subluxation. (United States)

    Siegel, Michael J; Condon, Garry P


    We present a simplified modification to a technique for early or mild in-the-bag subluxation that avoids conjunctival and scleral incisions and minimizes intraocular manipulation. While the capsulorhexis edge is grasped with an intraocular forceps to stabilize the IOL-capsular bag complex, a 10-0 polypropylene suture on a long curved needle is used to secure the fibrotic superior capsulorhexis edge to the midperipheral iris at 12 o'clock using a combination of a modified McCannel suture and a Siepser sliding knot. Dr. Condon receives speaker and consultant fees from Alcon Surgical, Inc., Allergan, Inc., and Microsurgical Technology. Although the Microsurgical Technology Condon snare instrument is named after him, Dr. Condon reports no patents, fees, or payments related to it. Dr. Siegel has no financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  19. Clinical application of femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery combined with triple-focus intraocular lens implantation in the treatment of cataract

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    Qing-Song Gao


    Full Text Available AIM:To evaluate the effect of femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery combined with triple-focus intraocular lens implantation in the treatment of cataract. METHODS: Totally 86 cases(106 eyesof patients with double cataract in our hospital from January 2016 to January 2017 were selected, including 49 cases(59 eyeswere set as the observation group(treated with femtosecond laser assisted phacoemulsification combined with triple-focus intraocular lens implantation, and 37 cases(47 eyeswere set as the control group(received traditional phacoemulsification combined with triple-focus intraocular lens implantation. Corneal endothelial cell density, cumulative dissipated energy(CDE, distant and near visual accommodation before and after operation were compared between the two groups, postoperative complications were observed. RESULTS: The preoperative corneal endothelial cell density of two groups had no significant difference(P>0.05. The corneal endothelial cell density of two groups significantly decreased at postoperative 1wk, with statistic significance within groups(PPPPPP>0.05. The incidence of glare and halo in the observation group was 10.2% and 8.5% in the control group, and are in the patients whose age was above 60 years old, there was no significant difference between the two groups(P>0.05. CONCLUSION: Femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery combined with triple-focus intraocular lens implantation in the treatment of cataract can not only improve curative effect, but also provide high safety, while the adverse events including glare, halo and other adverse visual circumstances should be considered after triple-focus intraocular lens implantation.

  20. The Comparison of the Influence of Thiopental and Propofol on Intraocular Pressure during Induction of Anesthesia in Intubated Patients under Cataracct Surgery

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    Reza Sahraei


    Full Text Available The prevention of the increase of intraocular pressure and the further decrease of it during eye surgery has an impressive effect on the success of surgery. Some of the phases of the induction of anesthesia like laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation result in the increase of intraocular pressure and its consequences are dangerous for penetrating injuries of eyeball. The goal of this research is the comparison of the changes of intraocular pressure during the induction of anesthesia in completely same conditions by using thiopental and propofol and also the careful investigation of their influences on intraocular pressure in order to select the medicine that effectively decrease the intraocular pressure and prevent the increase of it after laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation. In this research, 88 patients were selected and they were randomly divided into 2 groups. In the beginning of the patients' anesthesia, both groups were preoxygenated and they simultaneously receive initial dose of atracurium (0/5 mg/kg and then initial dose of fentanyl (1-2 µg/Kg. After prescription of fentanyl, the induction of anesthesia in the first group was done withthiopental (4 mg/kg and in the second group with propofol (2/5 mg/kg and after that, atracurium intubation (0/7 mg/kg was prescribed. Intraocular pressure is measured in two phases before induction of anesthesia (with tetracaine eyedrop and 3 minutes after intubation (with schiotz tonometer and 3±0/75 degree of accuracy and by a person who is not aware of the kind of anesthesia. The patients are replicated in 2 experimental and control groups in terms of age and gender. The results of independent t-test show that there is no significant difference between 2 groups of thiopental and propofol in terms of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart beat and eye pressure before the induction of anesthesia (p-value>0,05. The results of independent t-test show that there is a significant difference between2

  1. Intraocular lens calculation adjustment after laser refractive surgery using Scheimpflug imaging. (United States)

    Schuster, Alexander K; Schanzlin, David J; Thomas, Karin E; Heichel, Christopher W; Purcell, Tracy L; Barker, Patrick D


    To test a new method of intraocular lens (IOL) calculation after corneal refractive surgery using Scheimpflug imaging (Pentacam HR) and partial coherence interferometry (PCI) (IOLMaster) that does not require historical data; that is, the Schuster/Schanzlin-Thomas-Purcell (SToP) IOL calculator. Shiley Eye Center, San Diego, California, and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Retrospective data analysis and validation study. Data were retrospectively collected from patient charts including data from Scheimpflug imaging and refractive history. Target refraction was calculated using PCI and the Holladay 1 and SRK/T formulas. Regression analysis was performed to explain the deviation of the target refraction, taking into account the following influencing factors: ratio of posterior-to-anterior corneal radius, axial length (AL), and anterior corneal radius. The regression analysis study included 61 eyes (39 patients) that had laser in situ keratomileusis (57 eyes) or photorefractive keratectomy (4 eyes) and subsequent cataract. Two factors were found that explained the deviation of the target refraction using the Holladay 1 formula; that is, the ratio of the corneal radii and the AL and the ratio of corneal radii for the SRK/T formula. A new IOL adjustment calculator was derived and validated at a second center using 14 eyes (10 patients). The error in IOL calculation for normal eyes after laser refractive treatment was related to the ratio of posterior-to-anterior corneal radius. A formula requiring Scheimpflug data and suggested IOL power only yielded an improved postoperative result for patients with previous corneal laser refractive surgery having cataract surgery. No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2016 ASCRS and ESCRS. All rights reserved.

  2. Two cases of uveitis masquerade syndrome caused by bilateral intraocular large B-cell lymphoma

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    Jovanović Svetlana


    Full Text Available Introduction. Sometimes it is not easy to clinically recognize subtle differences between intraocular lymphoma and noninfectious uveitis. The most common lymphoma subtype involving the eye is B-cell lymphoma. Case report. We presented two patients aged 59 and 58 years with infiltration of the subretinal space with a large B-cell non-Hodgkin intraocular lymphoma. The patients originally had clinically masked syndrome in the form of intermediate uveitis. As it was a corticosteroid-resistant uveitis, we focused on the possible diagnosis of neoplastic causes of this syndrome. During hospitalization, the neurological symptoms emerged and multiple subretinal changes accompanied by yellowish white patches of retinal pigment epithelium with signs of vitritis, which made us suspect the intraocular lymphoma. Endocranial magnetic resonance imaging established tumorous infiltration in the region of the left hemisphere of the cerebellum. The histopathological finding confirmed the diagnosis of large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma of risk moderate degree, immunoblast - centroblast cytological type. The other patient had clinical chronic uveitis accompanied by yellowish shaped white echographic changes of the retina and localized changes in the level of the subretina. The diagnosis of lymphoma was made by brain biopsy. Conclusion. Uveitis masquerade syndrome should be considered in all patients over 40 years with idiopathic steroid-resistant uveitis. Treatment begun on time can affect the course and improve the prognosis of uveitis masquerade syndrome (UMS and systemic disease.

  3. Associations with intraocular pressure across Europe: The European Eye Epidemiology (E-3) Consortium

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khawaja, Anthony P.; Springelkamp, Henriët; Creuzot-Garcher, Catherine; Delcourt, Cécile; Hofman, Albert; Höhn, René; Iglesias, Adriana I.; Wolfs, Roger C. W.; Korobelnik, Jean-François; Silva, Rufino; Topouzis, Fotis; Williams, Katie M.; Bron, Alain M.; Buitendijk, Gabriëlle H. S.; Cachulo, Maria da Luz; Cougnard-Grégoire, Audrey; Dartigues, Jean-François; Hammond, Christopher J.; Pfeiffer, Norbert; Salonikiou, Angeliki; van Duijn, Cornelia M.; Vingerling, Johannes R.; Luben, Robert N.; Mirshahi, Alireza; Lamparter, Julia; Klaver, Caroline C. W.; Jansonius, Nomdo M.; Foster, Paul J.; Acar, Niyazi; Anastosopoulos, Eleftherios; Azuara-Blanco, Augusto; Bergen, Arthur; Bertelsen, Geir; Binquet, Christine; Bird, Alan; Brétillon, Lionel; Bron, Alain; Buitendijk, Gabrielle; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Chakravarthy, Usha; Chan, Michelle; Chang, Petrus; Colijn, Annemarie; Cumberland, Philippa; Cunha-Vaz, José; Daien, Vincent; Deak, Gabor; Delyfer, Marie-Noëlle; Hollander, Anneke den; Dietzel, Martha; Erke, Maja Gran; Fauser, Sascha; Finger, Robert; Fletcher, Astrid; Foster, Paul; Founti, Panayiota; Göbel, Arno; Gorgels, Theo; Grauslund, Jakob; Grus, Franz; Hammond, Christopher; Helmer, Catherine; Hense, Hans-Werner; Hermann, Manuel; Hoehn, René; Hogg, Ruth; Holz, Frank; Hoyng, Carel; Jansonius, Nomdo; Janssen, Sarah; Khawaja, Anthony; Klaver, Caroline; Le Goff, Mélanie; Leal, Sergio; Lechanteur, Yara; Lehtimäki, Terho; Lotery, Andrew; Leung, Irene; Mauschitz, Matthias; Merle, Bénédicte; Meyer Zu Westrup, Verena; Midena, Edoardo; Miotto, Stefania; Mohan-Saïd, Sadek; Muldrew, Alyson; Mueller, Michael; Nunes, Sandrina; Oexle, Konrad; Peto, Tunde; Piermarocchi, Stefano; Prokofyeva, Elena; Rahi, Jugnoo; Raitakari, Olli; Ribeiro, Luisa; Rougier, Marie-Bénédicte; Sahel, José; Salonikiou, Aggeliki; Sanchez, Clarisa; Schmitz-Valckenberg, Steffen; Schweitzer, Cédric; Segato, Tatiana; Shehata, Jasmin; Silvestri, Giuliana; Simader, Christian; Souied, Eric; Springelkamp, Henriet; Tapp, Robyn; Verhoeven, Virginie; Von Hanno, Therese; Vujosevic, Stela; Williams, Katie; Wolfram, Christian; Yip, Jennifer; Zerbib, Jennyfer; Zwiener, Isabella


    Raised intraocular pressure (IOP) is the most important risk factor for developing glaucoma, the second commonest cause of blindness globally. Understanding associations with IOP and variations in IOP between countries may teach us about mechanisms underlying glaucoma. We examined cross-sectional

  4. Recent decreasing frequency of enucleation for intraocular retinoblastoma in Upper Egypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdallh, A.M.


    To evaluate the efficacy of combined systematic chemotherapy (chemoreduction) and local ophthalmic therapy (LT) is preventing or delaying external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and enucleation in patients with intraocular retinoblastoma. This was a prospective, nonrandomized, single-institution, clinical study. Twenty-eight patients (37 eyes) with newly diagnosed intraocular retinoblastoma were included in this study. Primary enucleation was performed for 7 eyes with advanced intraocular retinoblastoma at presentation before starting chemoreduction. Using Reese-Ellsworth (RE) staging for RB, the remaining 30 eyes were as follows: Two in group I, 3 in group II, 8 in group III, 7 in group IV, and 9 in group V. All the 30 eyes were initially treated with 6 cycles of chemoredution using vincristine, etoposide and carboplatin, repeated every three weeks. After total of 6 cycles, each tumor was re-evaluated decide on the next mode of therapy. In cases where the tumor was reduced enough, LT (Thermotherapy, or cryotherapy, but plaque radiotherapy was unavailable) was applied. In cases where the tumor was reduced but insufficient for LT, we added another 3 cycles of same regimen in some patients; or we performed chemotherapy (CTT) for others, according to size of the residual tumor. Eyes failed to respond to tochemorduction and LT, received EBRT or were enucleated. Following 6 cycles of chemoreduction, all tumors showed an initial regression, and all vitreous and subretinal seeds showed calcification or disappearance of most of them. Among the 30 eyes, 12 eyes achieved complete response (CR), and 18 eyes achieved partial response (PR). Only 7 eyes (stage I to III) showed sufficient reduction of tumor size for the LT to be applied for, for which, TTT (4 eyes), and cryotherapy (3 eyes) were performed. Chemotherapy (CTT) was performed for 9 patients (13 eyes, 15 tumors). At the end of follow-up period, 14 of the total 30 eyes (46.7%) could not be salvaged with chemoreduction and LT

  5. Combined Acute Haemolytic and Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma following Spontaneous Intraocular Haemorrhages in a Patient on Warfarin

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    Walter Andreatta


    Full Text Available Background: To report the first described case of combined haemolytic and acute angle closure glaucoma secondary to spontaneous intraocular haemorrhages in a patient on excessive anticoagulation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case reported in the literature presenting with raised intraocular pressure due to both mechanisms. Case Description: A 90-year-old woman presented with acute pain and reduction in vision in the left eye. Her intraocular pressure (IOP was 55 mm Hg. There were red tinted blood cells in the anterior chamber giving it a reddish hue. The patient was known to have advanced wet macular degeneration. She was taking oral warfarin for atrial fibrillation. Her international normalised ratio (INR was 7.7. B-scan ultrasound of posterior segment showed vitreous and suprachoroidal haemorrhages. An ultrabiomicroscopic examination confirmed open angles. A diagnosis of haemolytic glaucoma secondary to intraocular haemorrhages was made. The IOP was controlled medically. Warfarin was withdrawn and oral vitamin K therapy was initiated leading to a rapid INR reduction. Three days later, her anterior chamber became progressively shallower causing a secondary acute angle closure which was managed medically. After 2 months, the left IOP was well-controlled without any medications and the eye was not inflamed. Her vision in that eye remained perception of light. Conclusion: Patients with suprachoroidal haemorrhages should be closely monitored as they might subsequently develop acute angle closure despite an initially open angle and well-controlled INR and IOP. Excessive anticoagulation needs to be prevented to minimise the risk of sight-threatening complications.

  6. Effect of Topical Calcium Channel Blockers on Intraocular Pressure in Steroid-induced Glaucoma. (United States)

    Ganekal, Sunil; Dorairaj, Syril; Jhanji, Vishal; Kudlu, Krishnaprasad


    To evaluate the effect of 0.125% verapamil and 0.5% diltiazem eye drops on intraocular pressure (IOP) in steroid-induced glaucoma in rabbit eyes. A total of 18 rabbits with steroid-induced glaucoma were divided into three groups (A, B and C; n = 6 each). Right eyes in groups A, B and C received 0.5% diltiazem, 0.125% verapamil and 0.5% timolol eye drops twice daily for 12 days, respectively; whereas, left eyes received distilled water. IOP was measured with Tono-pen XL at baseline, day 4, day 8, and day 12 of treatment. Both 0.5% diltiazem and 0.125% verapamil eye drops significantly reduced IOP compared to control eyes (p cite this article: Ganekal S, Dorairaj S, Jhanji V, Kudlu K. Effect of Topical Calcium Channel Blockers on Intraocular Pressure in Steroid-induced Glaucoma. J Current Glau Prac 2014;8(1):15-19.

  7. Mechanical properties of intra-ocular lenses (United States)

    Ehrmann, Klaus; Kim, Eon; Parel, Jean-Marie


    Cataract surgery usually involves the replacement of the natural crystalline lens with a rigid or foldable intraocular lens to restore clear vision for the patient. While great efforts have been placed on optimising the shape and optical characteristics of IOLs, little is know about the mechanical properties of these devices and how they interact with the capsular bag once implanted. Mechanical properties measurements were performed on 8 of the most commonly implanted IOLs using a custom build micro tensometer. Measurement data will be presented for the stiffness of the haptic elements, the buckling resistance of foldable IOLs, the dynamic behaviour of the different lens materials and the axial compressibility. The biggest difference between the lens types was found between one-piece and 3-piece lenses with respect to the flexibility of the haptic elements

  8. Comparison of current tonometry techniques in measurement of intraocular pressure. (United States)

    Kouchaki, Behrooz; Hashemi, Hassan; Yekta, Abbasali; Khabazkhoob, Mehdi


    To compare four tonometry techniques: Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT), Dynamic contour tonometer (DCT), Non-contact tonometer (NCT), and Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA) in the measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP) and the impact of some corneal biomechanical factors on their performance. In this cross-sectional study, volunteers with normal ophthalmic examination and no history of eye surgery (except for uncomplicated cataract surgery) or trauma were selected. Twenty-five subjects were male, and 21 were female. The mean age was 48 ± 19.2 years. Anterior segment parameters were measured with Scheimpflug imaging. IOP was measured with GAT, DCT, NCT, and ORA in random order. A 95% limit of agreement of IOPs was analyzed. The impact of different parameters on the measured IOP with each device was evaluated by regression analysis. The average IOP measured with GAT, DCT, NCT, and ORA was 16.4 ± 3.5, 18.1 ± 3.4, 16.2 ± 3.9, and 17.3 ± 3.4 mmHg, respectively. The difference of IOP measured with NCT and GAT was not significant ( P  = 0.382). Intraocular pressure was significantly different between GAT with DCT and IOP CC ( P  tonometers.

  9. Application of polymerase chain reaction to differentiate herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 serotypes in culture negative intraocular aspirates

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    Shyamal G


    Full Text Available Purpose: To standardize and apply a polymerase chain reaction (PCR on the glycoprotein D gene to differentiate Herpes simplex virus (HSV 1 & 2 serotypes in culture negative intraocular specimens. Methods: Twenty-one intraocular fluids collected from 19 patients were subjected to cultures for HSV and uniplex PCR (uPCR for DNA polymerase gene. To differentiate HSV serotypes, as 1 & 2, a seminested PCR (snPCR targeting the glycoprotein D gene was standardised and applied onto 21 intraocular fluids. The specificity of the snPCR was verified by application onto ATCC strains of HSV 1 and 2, clinical isolates and DNA sequencing of the amplified products. All specimens were also tested for the presence of cytomegalovirus (CMV and varicella zoster virus (VZV by nucleic acid amplification methods. Results: Four of the 21 intraocular fluids were positive for HSV by uPCR. snPCR detected HSV in three additional specimens (total of seven specimens, and identified three as HSV 1 and four as HSV 2. DNA sequencing of PCR products showed 100% homology with the standard strains of HSV 1 and 2 respectively. None of the samples were positive in culture. Among the other patients, CMV DNA was detected in two and VZV DNA in five others. Conclusions: The standardized snPCR can be applied directly onto the culture negative specimens for rapid differentiation of HSV serotypes.

  10. [To exercise caution in developing intraocular lens exchange]. (United States)

    Song, X D; Wang, X Z; Qian, J


    Nowadays cataract extraction combined intraocular lens (IOL) implantation has become the conventional treatment for cataract. Numbers of IOL exchange after cataract extraction combined IOL implantation have been increasing in recent years. As a non-routine surgery, IOL exchange is normally combined with other surgeries and accompanied by some complications to various extents. Is IOL exchange necessary for all abnomal IOLs? Can IOL exchange be avoided? How to avoid IOL exchange? The purpose of this article is to stress the importance of indication of IOL exchange and how to avoid IOL exchange. (Chin J Ophthalmol, 2018, 54: 324-327) .

  11. Management of subluxated capsular bag-fixated intraocular lenses using a capsular anchor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ton, Yokrat; Naftali, Modi; Lapid Gortzak, Ruth; Assia, Ehud I.


    We describe the use of the capsular anchor (AssiAnchor) to manage a subluxated intraocular lens (IOL) in the capsular bag. The anchor comprises 2 prongs that hold the anterior lens capsule and a central rod that is sutured to the scleral wall, enabling centration of the IOL-capsular bag complex. Six

  12. Biopsy techniques for intraocular tumors

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    Pukhraj Rishi


    Full Text Available Biopsy involves the surgical removal of a tissue specimen for histopathologic evaluation. Most intraocular tumors are reliably diagnosed based on the clinical evaluation or with noninvasive diagnostic techniques. However, accurately diagnosing a small percentage of tumors can be challenging. A tissue biopsy is thus needed to establish a definitive diagnosis and plan the requisite treatment. From fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB to surgical excision, all tissue collection techniques have been studied in the literature. Each technique has its indications and limitations. FNAB has been reported to provide for 88-95% reliable and safe ophthalmic tumor diagnosis and has gained popularity for prognostic purposes and providing eye conserving treatment surgeries. The technique and instrumentation for biopsy vary depending upon the tissue involved (retina, choroid, subretinal space, vitreous, and aqueous, suspected diagnosis, size, location, associated retinal detachment, and clarity of the media. The cytopathologist confers a very important role in diagnosis and their assistance plays a key role in managing and planning the treatment for malignancies.

  13. Study on the pathogenesis of transient intraocular pressure after laser iridectomy with Krypton laser combined with Q-switched Nd:YAG laser

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    Zhi-Juan Pei


    Full Text Available AIM: To study the pathogenesis of transient intraocular pressure(IOPafter laser iridectomy with Krypton laser combined with Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. METHODS: Totally 42 healthy rabbits(84 eyesprovided by the Animal Experimental Center of our hospital were selected, including 18 female rabbits, 24 male rabbits, average weight 2.24±0.31kg, and they were randomly divided into 6 groups, 7 rats in each group(14 eyes. We observed the change of intraocular pressure after laser iridectomy surgery at 20min, 2, 6, 18, 24h and the nitric oxide(NO, malondialdehyde(MDA, superoxide dismutase(SOD, 6-keto-prostaglandin(6-keto-PGF1αand nitric oxide synthase(NOScontent in aqueous. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in intraocular pressure, NO, NOS, SOD, MAD and 6-keto- PGF1α before operation(P>0.05. The intraocular pressure increased after operation, and the difference was statistically significant(PP>0.05. The levels of NO, NOS and SOD in the aqueous humor of the two groups decreased 20min, 2 and 6h after the operation(PP>0.05. The levels of MDA and 6-keto-prostaglandin in the aqueous humor increased after the operation, and the difference was statistically significant at 20min, 2 and 6h after operation(PP>0.05.CONCLUSION: The increase of transient intraocular pressure after laser iridectomy may relate to the increase of malondialdehyde, 6-keto-prostaglandin content and the decrease of superoxide dismutase and nitric oxide in the aqueous humor after operation.


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    Washington Fernández R


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se analizan y se estudian tres tipos de entrelazadores de bit: bloque, dorado y dorado relativo, y se determina su desempeño en un canal de línea eléctrica de baja tensión. Se utiliza el modelo de ruido dado por Middleton, para la simulación del canal de línea eléctrica de baja tensión y el algoritmo que se utiliza para generar ruido gaussiano es el método de Box-Muller. Se compara el desempeño de los entrelazadores de bits de bloque, dorado y dorado relativo, en relación al largo de la palabra versus la razón de señal a ruido y bits erróneos por palabras versus la razón de señal a ruido. La codificación de línea que se utiliza es no retorno a cero. El entrelazador de bit dorado es el que tiene el mejor desempeño, por lo tanto, se puede emplear en la transmisión por línea eléctrica de baja tensión para disminuir los errores de bits consecutivos producido por el ruido impulsivo.This paper analyzes three types of interleavers: block, golden and golden relative to determine their performance in of low voltage power line channel. The model of noise given by Middleton is used for the simulation of the low voltage power line channel and the algorithm used to generate Gaussian noise is based on the Box-Muller method. The performance of interleavers block, golden and golden relative is compared in relationship to the length of the words versus the signal to noise ratio. The error bit by word versus signal to noise ratio is compared also. The codification of line used is no return to zero. It is concluded that the interleavers of golden has the best performance, thus it can be used in data transmission in low-voltage power line, reducing errors consecutive bits produced by impulse noise.

  15. Analysis of phakic before intraocular lens implantation for fundus examination


    Juan Chen; Zhong-Ping Chen; Rui-Ling Zhu


    AIM:To investigate the findings of the eyes which were examined preoperatively by three mirror contact lens before the implantation of implantable collamer lens(ICL). To analysis the retinal pathological changes and to explore the clinical analysis of early diagnosis and treatment in retinopathy on fundus examination before operation. METHODS:The retrospective case series study included 127 eyes of 64 patients who underwent phakic intraocular lens implantation were received the fundus examina...

  16. Dynamics of intraocular IFN-γ, IL-17 and IL-10-producing cell populations during relapsing and monophasic rat experimental autoimmune uveitis.

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    Ulrike Kaufmann

    Full Text Available A major limitation of most animal models of autoimmune diseases is that they do not reproduce the chronic or relapsing-remitting pattern characteristic of many human autoimmune diseases. This problem has been overcome in our rat models of experimentally induced monophasic or relapsing-remitting autoimmune uveitis (EAU, which depend on the inducing antigen peptides from retinal S-Antigen (monophasic EAU or interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (relapsing EAU. These models enable us to compare autoreactive and regulatory T cell populations. Intraocular, but not peripheral T cells differ in their cytokine profiles (IFN-γ, IL-17 and IL-10 at distinct time points during monophasic or relapsing EAU. Only intraocular T cells concomitantly produced IFN-γ, IL-17 and/or IL-10. Monophasic EAU presented rising numbers of cells expressing IFN-γ and IL-17 (Th1/Th17 and cells expressing IL-10 or Foxp3. During relapsing uveitis an increase of intraocular IFN-γ+ cells and a concomitant decrease of IL-17+ cells was detected, while IL-10+ populations remained stable. Foxp3+ cells and cells expressing IL-10, even in combination with IFN-γ or IL-17, increased during the resolution of monophasic EAU, suggesting a regulatory role for these T cells. In general, cells producing multiple cytokines increased in monophasic and decreased in relapsing EAU. The distinct appearance of certain intraocular populations with characteristics of regulatory cells points to a differential influence of the ocular environment on T cells that induce acute and monophasic or relapsing disease. Here we provide evidence that different autoantigens can elicit distinct and differently regulated immune responses. IFN-γ, but not IL-17 seems to be the key player in relapsing-remitting uveitis, as shown by increased, synchronized relapses after intraocular application of IFN-γ. We demonstrated dynamic changes of the cytokine pattern during monophasic and relapsing-remitting disease

  17. Sol, Tierra y Luna. Movimientos relativos y sus consecuencias

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    Sebastián Cardenete García


    Full Text Available Cuando se pregunta a los estudiantes por la causa de las estaciones suelen responder: "en verano estamos más próximos al Sol y en invierno estamos más lejos del Sol". La persistencia de esta idea y el hecho de su generalización entre los estudiantes y muchos adultos me ha inducido a escribir este artículo, en el cual se trata de explicar, de una forma clara y simple, el motivo de este y otros fenómenos debidos al movimiento de la Luna alrededor de la Tierra y de ésta alrededor del Sol.

  18. Intraocular straylight and contrast sensitivity after contralateral wavefront-guided LASIK and wavefront-guided PRK for myopia. (United States)

    Barreto, Jackson; Barboni, Mirella T S; Feitosa-Santana, Claudia; Sato, João R; Bechara, Samir J; Ventura, Dora F; Alves, Milton Ruiz


    To compare intraocular straylight measurements and contrast sensitivity after wavefront-guided LASIK (WFG LASIK) in one eye and wavefront-guided photorefractive keratectomy (WFG PRK) in the fellow eye for myopia and myopic astigmatism correction. A prospective, randomized study of 22 eyes of 11 patients who underwent simultaneous WFG LASIK and WFG PRK (contralateral eye). Both groups were treated with the NIDEK Advanced Vision Excimer Laser System, and a microkeratome was used for flap creation in the WFG LASIK group. High and low contrast visual acuity, wavefront analysis, contrast sensitivity, and retinal straylight measurements were performed preoperatively and at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively. A third-generation straylight meter, C-Quant (Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH), was used for measuring intraocular straylight. Twelve months postoperatively, mean uncorrected distance visual acuity was -0.06 +/- 0.07 logMAR in the WFG LASIK group and -0.10 +/- 0.10 logMAR in the WFG PRK group. Mean preoperative intraocular straylight was 0.94 +/- 0.12 logs for the WFG LASIK group and 0.96 +/- 0.11 logs for the WFG PRK group. After 12 months, the mean straylight value was 1.01 +/- 0.1 log s for the WFG LASIK group and 0.97 +/- 0.12 log s for the WFG PRK group. No difference was found between techniques after 12 months (P = .306). No significant difference in photopic and mesopic contrast sensitivity between groups was noted. Intraocular straylight showed no statistically significant increase 1 year after WFG LASIK and WFG PRK. Higher order aberrations increased significantly after surgery for both groups. Nevertheless, WFG LASIK and WFG PRK yielded excellent visual acuity and contrast sensitivity performance without significant differences between techniques.

  19. Combined ab interno trabeculotomy and lens extraction: a novel management option for combined uveitic and chronic narrow angle raised intraocular pressure. (United States)

    Lin, Siying; Gupta, Bhaskar; Rossiter, Jonathan


    Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery is a developing area that has the potential to replace traditional glaucoma surgery, with its known risk profile, but at present there are no randomised controlled data to validate its use. We report on a case where sequential bilateral combined ab interno trabeculotomy and lens extraction surgery was performed on a 45-year-old woman with combined uveitic and chronic narrow angle raised intraocular pressure. Maximal medical management alone could not control the intraocular pressure. At 12-month follow-up, the patient had achieved stable intraocular pressure in both eyes on a combination of topical ocular antiglaucomatous and steroid therapies. This case demonstrates the effectiveness of trabecular meshwork ablation via ab interno trabeculotomy in a case of complex mixed mechanism glaucoma. 2016 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

  20. Densiron® 68 as an intraocular tamponade for complex inferior retinal detachments

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    Hussain RN


    Full Text Available Rumana N Hussain, Somnath BanerjeeLeicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester, UKIntroduction: Densiron® 68 is a high-density liquid used to tamponade inferior retinal detachments. We present a case series of 12 patients treated with Densiron as an intraocular tamponade agent.Methods: A retrospective analysis of 12 eyes in 12 patients was carried out. The primary endpoint was anatomic reattachment of the retina following removal of Densiron oil.Results: All patients had inferior detachments; 33% had associated proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR. Densiron was utilized as a primary agent in five patients (42%; the remaining patients had prior unsuccessful surgery for retinal reattachment, including pars plana vitrectomy, cryotherapy, laser, encirclement, gas (C3F8 or C2F6, or silicone oil. Eleven patients (91% had successful reattachment of the retina at 3 months following removal of Densiron; one patient had extensive PVR, total retinal detachment, preretinal macula fibrosis, and chronic hypotony, and surgical intervention was unsuccessful. Six patients (50% had raised intraocular pressure (IOP, resolving in the majority of cases following Densiron removal; two patients had long-term raised IOP requiring topical or surgical therapy. Of the six phakic patients, 50% developed significant cataract in the operated eye. Of those with successful retinal reattachment, visual outcome was variable, with 36% patients gaining two to four lines on Snellen, 27% remaining objectively the same, and 36% losing one to two lines.Conclusion: The anatomic success rate is high (91% in patients requiring Densiron tamponade for inferior retinal detachments with or without evidence of PVR either as a primary or secondary intervention. A common complication is raised IOP; however, this most often resolves following removal of the oil.Keywords: intraocular tamponade, silicone oil, retinal detachment, retinal reattachments

  1. Effects of different levels of intraocular stray light on kinetic perimetry findings.

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    Kazunori Hirasawa

    Full Text Available To evaluate the effect of different levels of intraocular stray light on kinetic perimetry findings.Twenty-five eyes of 25 healthy young participants were examined by automated kinetic perimetry (Octopus 900 using Goldmann stimuli III4e, I4e, I3e, I2e, and I1e. Each stimulus was presented with a velocity of 3°/s at 24 meridians with 15° intervals. Four levels of intraocular stray light were induced using non-white opacity filter (WOF filters and WOFs applied to the clear plastic eye covers of the participants. The visual acuity, pupil diameter, isopter area, and kinetic sensitivity of each meridian were analyzed for each WOF density.Visual acuity deteriorated with increasing WOF densities (p < 0.01. With a visual acuity of 0.1 LogMAR units, the isopter areas for III4e, I4e, I3e, I2e, and I1e decreased by -32.7 degree2 (-0.2%, -255.7 degree2 (-2.6%, -381.2 degree2 (-6.2%, -314.8 degree2 (-12.8%, and -59.2 degree2 (-15.2%, respectively; kinetic sensitivity for those stimuli decreased by -0.1 degree (-0.1%, -0.8 degree (-1.4%, -1.6 degree (-3.7%, -2.7 degree (-9.7%, and -1.7 degree (-16.2%, respectively. The pupil diameter with each WOF density was not significantly different.Kinetic perimetry measurements with a high-intensity stimulus (i.e., III4e were unaffected by intraocular stray light. In contrast, measurements with the I4e, I3e, I2e, and I1e stimuli, especially I2e and I1e, were affected. Changes in the shape of the isopter resulting from opacity must be monitored, especially in cases of smaller and lower-intensity stimuli.

  2. Intraocular methotrexate can induce extended remission in some patients in noninfectious uveitis. (United States)

    Taylor, Simon R J; Banker, Alay; Schlaen, Ariel; Couto, Cristobal; Matthe, Egbert; Joshi, Lavnish; Menezo, Victor; Nguyen, Ethan; Tomkins-Netzer, Oren; Bar, Asaf; Morarji, Jiten; McCluskey, Peter; Lightman, Sue


    To assess the outcomes of the intravitreal administration of methotrexate in uveitis. Multicenter, retrospective interventional case series of patients with noninfectious uveitis. Thirty-eight eyes of 30 patients were enrolled, including a total of 54 intravitreal injections of methotrexate at a dose of 400 µg in 0.1 mL. The primary outcome measure was visual acuity. Secondary outcome measures included control of intraocular inflammation and cystoid macular edema, time to relapse, development of adverse events, and levels of systemic corticosteroid and immunosuppressive therapy. Methotrexate proved effective in controlling intraocular inflammation and improving vision in 30 of 38 eyes (79%). The side effect profile was good, with no reported serious ocular adverse events and only one patient having an intraocular pressure of >21 mmHg. Of the 30 eyes that responded to treatment, 8 relapsed, but 22 (73%) entered an extended period of remission, with the Kaplan-Meier estimate of median time to relapse for the whole group being 17 months. The eight eyes that relapsed were reinjected and all responded to treatment. One eye relapsed at 3 months, but 7 eyes again entered extended remission. Of the 14 patients on systemic therapy at the start of the study, 8 (57%) were able to significantly reduce this following intravitreal methotrexate injection. In patients with uveitis and uveitic cystoid macular edema, intravitreal MTX can effectively improve visual acuity and reduce cystoid macular edema and, in some patients, allows the reduction of immunosuppressive therapy. Some patients relapse at 3 to 4 months, but a large proportion (73%) enter an extended period of remission of up to 18 months. This larger study extends the results obtained from previous smaller studies suggesting the viability of intravitreal methotrexate as a treatment option in uveitis.

  3. Implantation of iris-claw Artisan intraocular lens for aphakia in Fuchs′ heterochromic iridocyclitis

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    Ahmad Kheirkhah


    Full Text Available Implantation of iris-claw Artisan intraocular lens (IOL is a surgical option for correction of aphakia; however, these IOLs have not been used in eyes with uveitis including Fuchs′ heterochromic iridocyclitis (FHI due to possible risk of severe postoperative intraocular inflammation. In the case reported here, we secondarily implanted an Artisan IOL in a 28-year-old man with FHI who had aphakia with no capsular support due to a previous complicated cataract surgery. Enclavation was easily performed and no intraoperative complication was noted. Postoperative course was uneventful with no significant anterior chamber inflammation during 12 months of follow-up. Although there were few deposits on the IOL surface, the patient achieved a best-corrected visual acuity of 20/20 without developing glaucoma or other complications. Therefore, Artisan IOL may be considered for correction of aphakia in patients with FHI. However, studies on large number of patients are required to evaluate safety of the procedure.

  4. Intraocular lens opacification after Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty

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    Meng-Sheng Lee


    Full Text Available Compared with conventional penetrating keratoplasty, Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK more effectively maintain global integrity and rapid vision rehabilitation with less ocular surface disorders in patients with endothelial dysfunction. Here, we report a case of a 76-year-old woman who experienced opacification of a hydrophilic intraocular lens (IOL approximately 10 months after DSAEK. The patient with no history of systemic disease developed pseudophakic bullous keratopathy in the right eye 2 years after undergoing cataract surgery. The best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA of the right eye was Snellen 0.01 when presented to our hospital. DSAEK was arranged and performed smoothly. However, the graft detached over the upper part of the cornea on postoperative day 1. Thus, rebubbling was performed immediately. After the procedure, the graft was well attached, and the cornea became clear gradually. The BCVA returned to Snellen 0.6. However, progressive opacification over the anterior surface of the IOL was observed 10 months postoperatively. Vision deteriorated to 0.5 with various refractive errors during 2-year follow-up. IOL exchange may be considered if the vision is getting worse. IOL opacification may result from a direct contact between the IOL surface and exogenous air, particularly in a hydrophilic IOL, and can be a rare but significant complication after DSAEK. Clinicians planning to perform DSAEK should consider the composition of the IOL, the amount of intracameral air, duration of air filling, and high intraocular pressure.

  5. Brachytherapy with cobalt plaques in the conservative treatment of intraocular tumors. The hospital A.C. camargo experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trippe, N.; Novaes, P.E.R.S.; Ferrigno, R.; Pellizzon, A.C.; Fogarolli, R.C.; Maia, M.A.C.; Salvajoli, J.V.; Baraldi, H.E.; Chojniak, M.M.; Erwene, CM


    From December 1989 to December 1993, 76 cases of intraocular tumors, including 56 adult patients with uveal melanomas and 20 children with retinoblastoma, were treated with exclusive intraocular brachytherapy with Cobalt plaques. The goal was to keep the vision function and at same time not compromising the chance of cure. The dose prescribed was 40Gy, calculated at the apex of the lesion for retinoblastomas and 100 to 120Gy for uveal melanomas. With the minimum follow up of 24 months, of the 56 patients with uveal melanomas, 41 (73,3%) had their vision preserved and 15 (26,4%) had local failure and were underwent enucleation. With the medium follow up of 27 months, 17 (85,5%) of the patients with retinoblastoma had their vision preserved, while 3 (15%) had local failure and were treated by enucleation. The grade I and II complications occurred in 9 (42,8%) patients and 100% of them are with no evidence of systemic disease. When well indicated, the conservative treatment of intraocular tumors with brachytherapy is a good alternative to enucleation and must be done by a multidisciplinary and well trained medical professional group

  6. CD5-Positive Primary Intraocular B-Cell Lymphoma Arising during Methotrexate and Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitor Treatment

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    Kenji Nagata


    Full Text Available Purpose: To report a case of CD5+ primary intraocular B-cell lymphoma arising during methotrexate (MTX and tumor necrosis factor (TNF inhibitor treatment in a young patient with rheumatoid arthritis and uveitis. Case Presentation: A 39-year-old woman treated with MTX and a TNF inhibitor for rheumatoid arthritis and uveitis had steroid-resistant vitreous opacity. A vitreous sample was obtained by using diagnostic vitrectomy and was categorized as class V based on cytologic examination. Flow cytometric analysis of the vitreous sample revealed that abnormal cells were CD5+, CD10-, CD19+, CD20+ and immunoglobulin light-chain kappa+, suggesting the diagnosis of CD5+ primary intraocular B-cell lymphoma. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR detected immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene rearrangement. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV DNA was detected in the vitreous sample by using PCR, and immunohistochemistry revealed EBV latent membrane protein-1 expression in the abnormal cells infiltrating the vitreous. Optic nerve invasion was observed on magnetic resonance imaging. Conclusion: Primary intraocular lymphoma (PIOL may develop in patients receiving MTX and TNF inhibitor treatment. EBV infection may play an important role in the pathogenesis of PIOL arising during immunosuppressive therapy.

  7. Genome-wide association study of intraocular pressure identifies the GLCCI1/ICA1 region as a glaucoma susceptibility locus


    Strange, Amy; Bellenguez, Céline; Sim, Xueling; Luben, Robert; Hysi, Pirro G.; Ramdas, Wishal D.; van Koolwijk, Leonieke M.E.; Freeman, Colin; Pirinen, Matti; Su, Zhan; Band, Gavin; Pearson, Richard; Vukcevic, Damjan; Langford, Cordelia; Deloukas, Panos


    To discover quantitative trait loci for intraocular pressure, a major risk factor for glaucoma and the only modifiable one, we performed a genome-wide association study on a discovery cohort of 2175 individuals from Sydney, Australia. We found a novel association between intraocular pressure and a common variant at 7p21 near to GLCCI1 and ICA1. The findings in this region were confirmed through two UK replication cohorts totalling 4866 individuals (rs59072263, P(combined) = 1.10 × 10(-8)). A ...

  8. Image-guided system versus manual marking for toric intraocular lens alignment in cataract surgery

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Webers, V.S.C.; Bauer, N.J.C.; Visser, N.; Berendschot, T.T.J.M.; van den Biggelaar, F.J.H.M.; Nuijts, R.M.M.A.


    Purpose To compare the accuracy of toric intraocular lens (IOL) alignment using the Verion Image-Guided System versus a conventional manual ink-marking procedure. Setting University Eye Clinic Maastricht, Maastricht, the Netherlands. Design Prospective randomized clinical trial. Methods Eyes with

  9. Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation in primary angle-closure suspect, primary angle-closure and primary angle-closure glaucoma with cataract

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    Kun Zeng


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate the features and clinical outcomes of cataract extraction by phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation in primary angle-closure suspect(PACS, primary angle-closure(PACand primary angle-closure glaucoma(PACGwith cataract.METHODS:Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation was performed on 86 cases(86 eyesdiagnosed as PACS, PAC and PACG co-existing cataract from January to December 2012. All cases were followed up for 3 months to 1 year. Pre-operative and post-operative visual acuity, intraocular pressure(IOP, gonioscopy, ultrasound biomicroscopy(UBM, visual field and usage of anti-glaucomaous eye drops were recorded.RESULTS:Zonular dialysis existed in 19 eyes(22%. The post-operative visual acuity improved in 84 eyes(98%. The post-operative visual acuity was CONCLUSION: PACS, PAC and PACG co-existing zonular dialysis is common. Phacoemulsification with IOL implantation can reduce IOP, deepen anterior chamber and open angle.

  10. Implante intra-ocular de lentes dobráveis "piggyback" em paciente portador de catarata congênita no primeiro ano de vida: relato de caso Piggyback foldable intraocular lens implant in patient with congenital cataract in the first year of life: case report

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    Leonardo Akaishi


    Full Text Available No presente relato os autores descrevem um caso de catarata congênita unilateral tratada cirurgicamente com implante intra-ocular de lentes dobráveis "piggyback", ainda não descrito na literatura nacional. São analisadas as diferenças e semelhanças com outros casos descritos na literatura.The authors report a case of congenital cataract, which was treated with piggyback foldable intraocular lens implant, not described in the Brazilian literature. The differences and similarities are analyzed with other reported cases in the literature.

  11. Correlation of visual performance with quality of life and intraocular aberrometric profile in patients implanted with rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOLs. (United States)

    Ramón, María L; Piñero, David P; Pérez-Cambrodí, Rafael J


    To examine the visual performance of a rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) by correlating the defocus curve of the IOL-implanted eye with the intraocular aberrometric profile and impact on the quality of life. A prospective, consecutive, case series study including 26 eyes from 13 patients aged between 50 and 83 years (mean: 65.54±7.59 years) was conducted. All patients underwent bilateral cataract surgery with implantation of a rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOL (Lentis Mplus LS-312 MF30, Oculentis GmbH). Distance and near visual acuity outcomes, intraocular aberrations, defocus curve, and quality of life (assessed using the National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire-25) were evaluated postoperatively (mean follow-up: 6.42±2.24 months). A significant improvement in distance visual acuity was found postoperatively (P<.01). Mean postoperative logMAR distance-corrected near visual acuity was 0.19±0.12 (∼20/30). Corrected distance visual acuity and near visual acuity of 20/20 or better were achieved by 30.8% and 7.7% of eyes, respectively. Of all eyes, 96.2% had a postoperative addition between 0 and 1.00 diopter (D). The defocus curve showed two peaks of maximum visual acuity (0 and 3.00 D of defocus), with an acceptable range of intermediate vision. LogMAR visual acuity corresponding to near defocus was directly correlated with some higher order intraocular aberrations (r⩾0.44, P⩽.04). Some difficulties evaluated with the quality of life test correlated directly with near and intermediate visual acuity (r⩾0.50, P⩽.01). The Lentis Mplus multifocal IOL provides good distance, intermediate, and near visual outcomes; however, the induced intraocular aberrometric profile may limit the potential visual benefit. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.

  12. [Possibility of 3D Printing in Ophthalmology - First Experiences by Stereotactic Radiosurgery Planning Scheme of Intraocular Tumor]. (United States)

    Furdová, A; Furdová, Ad; Thurzo, A; Šramka, M; Chorvát, M; Králik, G

    Nowadays 3D printing allows us to create physical objects on the basis of digital data. Thanks to its rapid development the use enormously increased in medicine too. Its creations facilitate surgical planning processes, education and research in context of organ transplantation, individualization prostheses, breast forms, and others.Our article describes the wide range of applied 3D printing technology possibilities in ophthalmology. It is focusing on innovative implementation of eye tumors treatment planning in stereotactic radiosurgery irradiation.We analyze our first experience with 3D printing model of the eye in intraocular tumor planning stereotactic radiosurgery. 3D printing, model, Fused Deposition Modelling, stereotactic radiosurgery, prostheses, intraocular tumor.

  13. The effect of increased intra-abdominal pressure on orbital subarachnoid space width and intraocular pressure. (United States)

    Liu, Su-Meng; Wang, Ning-Li; Zuo, Zhen-Tao; Chen, Wei-Wei; Yang, Di-Ya; Li, Zhen; Cao, Yi-Wen


    In accordance with the trans-lamina cribrosa pressure difference theory, decreasing the trans-lamina cribrosa pressure difference can relieve glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Increased intracranial pressure can also reduce optic nerve damage in glaucoma patients, and a safe, effective and noninvasive way to achieve this is by increasing the intra-abdominal pressure. The purpose of this study was to observe the changes in orbital subarachnoid space width and intraocular pressure at elevated intra-abdominal pressure. An inflatable abdominal belt was tied to each of 15 healthy volunteers, aged 22-30 years (12 females and 3 males), at the navel level, without applying pressure to the abdomen, before they laid in the magnetic resonance imaging machine. The baseline orbital subarachnoid space width around the optic nerve was measured by magnetic resonance imaging at 1, 3, 9, and 15 mm behind the globe. The abdominal belt was inflated to increase the pressure to 40 mmHg (1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa), then the orbital subarachnoid space width was measured every 10 minutes for 2 hours. After removal of the pressure, the measurement was repeated 10 and 20 minutes later. In a separate trial, the intraocular pressure was measured for all the subjects at the same time points, before, during and after elevated intra-abdominal pressure. Results showed that the baseline mean orbital subarachnoid space width was 0.88 ± 0.1 mm (range: 0.77-1.05 mm), 0.77 ± 0.11 mm (range: 0.60-0.94 mm), 0.70 ± 0.08 mm (range: 0.62-0.80 mm), and 0.68 ± 0.08 mm (range: 0.57-0.77 mm) at 1, 3, 9, and 15 mm behind the globe, respectively. During the elevated intra-abdominal pressure, the orbital subarachnoid space width increased from the baseline and dilation of the optic nerve sheath was significant at 1, 3 and 9 mm behind the globe. After decompression of the abdominal pressure, the orbital subarachnoid space width normalized and returned to the baseline value. There was no significant difference in the

  14. UV laser ablation of intraocular lenses: SEM and AFM microscopy examination of the biomaterial surface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spyratou, E.; Asproudis, I.; Tsoutsi, D.; Bacharis, C.; Moutsouris, K.; Makropoulou, M.; Serafetinides, A.A.


    Several new materials and patterns are studied for the formation and etching of intraocular lenses (IOLs), in order to improve their optical properties, to reduce the diffractive aberrations and to decrease the incidence of posterior capsular opacification. The aim of this study is to investigate the use of UV (λ = 266 nm) laser pulses to ablate the intraocular lenses materials, and thus to provide an alternative to conventional surface shaping techniques for IOLs fabrication. Ablation experiments were conducted using various polymer substrates of hydrophobic acrylic IOLs and PMMA IOLs. We investigated the ablation efficiency and the morphology of the ablated area by imaging the surface modification with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The morphological appearance of IOL samples reveals the effect of a photochemical and photothermal ablation mechanism.

  15. UV laser ablation of intraocular lenses: SEM and AFM microscopy examination of the biomaterial surface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Spyratou, E., E-mail: [National Technical University of Athens, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Department of Physics, Zografou Campus, Athens, 15780 (Greece); Asproudis, I. [Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital of Ioannina, Ioannina, 45110 (Greece); Tsoutsi, D. [Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, 45110 (Greece); Bacharis, C.; Moutsouris, K.; Makropoulou, M.; Serafetinides, A.A. [National Technical University of Athens, School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Department of Physics, Zografou Campus, Athens, 15780 (Greece)


    Several new materials and patterns are studied for the formation and etching of intraocular lenses (IOLs), in order to improve their optical properties, to reduce the diffractive aberrations and to decrease the incidence of posterior capsular opacification. The aim of this study is to investigate the use of UV ({lambda} = 266 nm) laser pulses to ablate the intraocular lenses materials, and thus to provide an alternative to conventional surface shaping techniques for IOLs fabrication. Ablation experiments were conducted using various polymer substrates of hydrophobic acrylic IOLs and PMMA IOLs. We investigated the ablation efficiency and the morphology of the ablated area by imaging the surface modification with atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The morphological appearance of IOL samples reveals the effect of a photochemical and photothermal ablation mechanism.

  16. Iris-claw intraocular lenses to correct aphakia in the absence of capsule support. (United States)

    De Silva, Samantha R; Arun, Kikkeri; Anandan, Maghizh; Glover, Nicholas; Patel, Chetan K; Rosen, Paul


    To evaluate the indications, postoperative visual efficacy, and complication rate after intraocular implantation of an iris-claw aphakic intraocular lens (IOL). Oxford Eye Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom. Case series. This chart review comprised eyes with no capsule support that had anterior iris-fixation IOL implantation for aphakia between 2001 and 2009. The study comprised 116 eyes (104 patients). Iris-claw IOLs were inserted during primary lens surgery in 18 eyes (15.5%), during an IOL exchange procedure for dislocated posterior chamber IOLs in 19 eyes (16.4%), and as a secondary procedure in 79 eyes (68.1%). The mean follow-up was 22.4 months (range 3 to 79 months). The final corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) was 6/12 or better in 68.9% of all eyes and in 47 of 53 eyes (88.7%) with no preoperative comorbidity. Complications included wound leak requiring resuturing in 2.6% of eyes, postoperative intraocular pressure rise in 9.5% of eyes (glaucoma escalation 0.8%), and cystoid macular edema in 7.7% of eyes (0.8% chronic). Iris-claw IOL subluxation occurred in 6.0% of eyes from 5 days to 60 months postoperatively; all the IOLs were repositioned. Corneal decompensation occurred in 1.7% of eyes; 0.8% had retinal detachments. Iris-claw IOL implantation for aphakia gave a good visual outcome and can be used for a wide range of indications. Postoperative complication rates were comparable to, if not better than, those with conventional anterior chamber IOLs. Correct implantation technique is critical in avoiding postoperative IOL subluxation. Copyright © 2011 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Diurnal Alterations of Refraction, Anterior Segment Biometrics, and Intraocular Pressure in Long-Time Dehydration due to Religious Fasting. (United States)

    Baser, Gonen; Cengiz, Hakan; Uyar, Murat; Seker Un, Emine


    To investigate the effects of dehydration due to fasting on diurnal changes of intraocular pressure, anterior segment biometrics, and refraction. The intraocular pressures, anterior segment biometrics (axial length: AL; Central corneal thickness: CCT; Lens thickness: LT; Anterior chamber depth: ACD), and refractive measurements of 30 eyes of 15 fasting healthy male volunteers were recorded at 8:00 in the morning and 17:00 in the evening in the Ramadan of 2013 and two months later. The results were compared and the statistical analyses were performed using the Rstudio software version 0.98.501. The variables were investigated using visual (histograms, probability plots) and analytical methods (Kolmogorov-Smirnov/Shapiro-Wilk test) to determine whether or not they were normally distributed. The refractive values remained stable in the fasting as well as in the control period (p = 0.384). The axial length measured slightly shorter in the fasting period (p = 0.001). The corneal thickness presented a diurnal variation, in which the cornea measured thinner in the evening. The difference between the fasting and control period was not statistically significant (p = 0.359). The major differences were observed in the anterior chamber depth and IOP. The ACD was shallower in the evening during the fasting period, where it was deeper in the control period. The diurnal IOP difference was greater in the fasting period than the control period. Both were statistically significant (p = 0.001). The LT remained unchanged in both periods. The major difference was shown in the anterior chamber shallowing in the evening hours and IOP. Our study contributes the hypothesis that the posterior segment of the eye is more responsible for the axial length alterations and normovolemia has a more dominant influence on diurnal IOP changes.

  18. Comparison of axial length, anterior chamber depth and intraocular lens power between IOLMaster and ultrasound in normal, long and short eyes. (United States)

    Dong, Jing; Zhang, Yaqin; Zhang, Haining; Jia, Zhijie; Zhang, Suhua; Wang, Xiaogang


    To compare the axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and intraocular lens power (IOLP) of IOLMaster and Ultrasound in normal, long and short eyes. Seventy-four normal eyes (≥ 22 mm and ≤ 25 mm), 74 long eyes (> 25 mm) and 78 short eyes (devices in the order of IOLMaster followed by Ultrasound. The IOLP were calculated using a free online LADAS IOL formula calculator. The difference in AL and IOLP between IOLMaster and Ultrasound was statistically significant when all three groups were combined. The difference in ACD between IOLMaster and Ultrasound was statistically significant in the normal group (Peye group (Peye group (P = 0.465). For the IOLP difference between IOLMaster and Ultrasound in the normal group, the percentage of IOLP differences eye group, they were 90.5%, 5.4%, 4.1% and 0%, respectively. For the short eye group, they were 61.5%, 23.1%, 10.3%, and 5.1%, respectively. IOLMaster and Ultrasound have statistically significant differences in AL measurements and IOLP (using LADAS formula) for normal, long eye and short eye. The two instruments agree regarding ACD measurements for the long eye group, but differ for the normal and short eye groups. Moreover, the high percentage of IOLP differences greater than |0.5|D in the short eye group is noteworthy.

  19. Aderência bacteriana in vitro a lentes intra-oculares de polimetilmetacrilato e de silicone In vitro bacterial adherence to silicone and polymetylmethacrylate intraocular lenses

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    Claudete Inês Locatelli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Verificar a aderência bacteriana a lentes intra-oculares de silicone e de polimetilmetacrilato como possível fator de risco no desenvolvimento de endoftalmite pós-operatória, utilizando-se um modelo in vitro com três microrganismos potencialmente patogênicos. MÉTODOS: As análises foram realizadas com cepas de Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Staphylococcus epidermidis (amostra clínica e Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 incluindo a determinação de curvas de crescimento, testes para verificação de produção de cápsula, avaliação da hidrofobicidade, testes de aderência a diferentes materiais, microscopia óptica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e microscopia de força atômica. RESULTADOS: A produção de cápsula e a aderência das três diferentes cepas não mostraram qualquer relação com a quantidade de microrganismos; em relação às lentes intra-oculares de polimetilmetacrilato e de silicone, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na aderência de S. aureus e S. epidermidis; P. aeruginosa foi o microrganismo mais aderente a ambos os materiais. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura confirmou estes achados em relação à aderência, ao peso que a microscopia de força atômica evidenciou a produção de biofilme pelas cepas de S. aureus, S. epidermidis e P. aeruginosa. CONCLUSÕES: Constatou-se, in vitro, que os materiais analisados não diferiram com relação à taxa de aderência bacteriana, porém, P. aeruginosa apresentou maior eficiência de adesão entre as bactérias testadas. Todas as cepas produziram biofilme. Silicone foi o material mais hidrofóbico, quando comparado ao polimetilmetacrilato.PURPOSE: To evaluate bacterial adherence to silicone and polymetylmethacrylate (PMMA intraocular lenses as a risk factor for postsurgery endophthalmitis by using an in vitro model with three potentially pathogenic microorganisms. METHODS: In vitro experiments were carried out with the

  20. Procedimiento para elaborar una lente intraocular monofocal asférica isoplanática y lente obtenida empleando dicho procedimiento


    Barbero, Sergio; Marcos, Susana; Dorronsoro, Carlos; Montejo, Javier; Salazar Salegui, Pedro


    Procedimiento para elaborar una lente intraocular monofocal asférica isoplanática y lente obtenida empleando dicho procedimiento. Permite obtener lentes oftálmicas monofocales asféricas isoplanáticas en un rango visual de hasta 25º (preferentemente hasta 10º) de amplitud. El procedimiento comprende las etapas de: 1.- Definición matemática de un modelo de ojo afáquico; 2.- Definición matemática de un modelo de lente intraocular; 3.- Definición matemática de la implantac...

  1. Intra-Ocular Pressure Measurement in a Patient with a Thin, Thick or Abnormal Cornea. (United States)

    Clement, Colin I; Parker, Douglas G A; Goldberg, Ivan


    Accurate measurement of intra-ocular pressure is a fundamental component of the ocular examination. The most common method of measuring IOP is by Goldmann applanation tonometry, the accuracy of which is influenced by the thickness and biomechanical properties of the cornea. Algorithms devised to correct for corneal thickness to estimate IOP oversimplify the effects of corneal biomechanics. The viscous and elastic properties of the cornea influence IOP measurements in unpredictable ways, a finding borne out in studies of patients with inherently abnormal and surgically altered corneal biomechanics. Dynamic contour tonometry, rebound tonometry and the ocular response analyzer provide useful alternatives to GAT in patients with abnormal corneas, such as those who have undergone laser vision correction or keratoplasty. This article reviews the various methods of intra-ocular pressure measurement available to the clinician and the ways in which their utility is influenced by variations in corneal thickness and biomechanics.

  2. Phakic iris-fixated intraocular lens placement in the anterior chamber: effects on aqueous flow. (United States)

    Repetto, Rodolfo; Pralits, Jan O; Siggers, Jennifer H; Soleri, Paolo


    Phakic intraocular lenses (pIOLs) are used for correcting vision; in this paper we investigate the fluid dynamical effects of an iris-fixated lens in the anterior chamber. In particular, we focus on changes in the wall shear stress (WSS) on the cornea and iris, which could be responsible for endothelial and pigment cell loss, respectively, and also on the possible increase of the intraocular pressure, which is known to correlate with the incidence of secondary glaucoma. We use a mathematical model to study fluid flow in the anterior chamber in the presence of a pIOL. The governing equations are solved numerically using the open source software OpenFOAM. We use an idealized standard geometry for the anterior chamber and a realistic geometric description of the pIOL. We consider separately the main mechanisms that produce fluid flow in the anterior chamber. The numerical simulations allow us to obtain a detailed description of the velocity and pressure distribution in the anterior chamber, and indicated that implantation of the pIOL significantly modifies the fluid dynamics in the anterior chamber. However, lens implantation has negligible influence on the intraocular pressure and does not produce a significant increase of the shear stress on the cornea, while the shear stress on the iris, although increased, is not enough to cause detachment of cells. We conclude that alterations in the fluid dynamics in the anterior chamber as a result of lens implantation are unlikely to be the cause of medical complications associated with its use.

  3. Aspectos procesales relativos al daño ambiental en el Ecuador

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    René Bedón Garzón


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad determinar, mediante un análisis profundo de diferentes doctrinas, la definición de daño ambiental; se procura también, determinar la diferencia entre daño a la naturaleza y el daño civil ambiental, que es el daño producido a intereses individuales o colectivos con ocasión del evento ambiental. Para tal efecto, se pretende estudiar las normas procesales y cierta jurisprudencia ecuatoriana referente a la gestión ambiental; asimismo, considerar dentro del Derecho comparado en qué forma países como Chile, España y Argentina regulan la indemnización y la reparación del ambiente.  

  4. Effect of pegaptanib sodium 0.3 mg intravitreal injections (Macugen) in intraocular pressure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boyer, David S; Goldbaum, Mauro; Leys, Anita M


    OBJECTIVE: To assess the rate of pegaptanib-associated sustained intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation. METHODS: A posthoc analysis was conducted on all IOP measurements, except the immediate 30-min postinjection, from all subjects randomised to pegaptanib 0.3 mg or sham injections continuously in...

  5. Biometry and intraocular lens power calculation results with a new optical biometry device: comparison with the gold standard. (United States)

    Kaswin, Godefroy; Rousseau, Antoine; Mgarrech, Mohamed; Barreau, Emmanuel; Labetoulle, Marc


    To evaluate the agreement in axial length (AL), keratometry (K), anterior chamber depth (ACD) measurements; intraocular lens (IOL) power calculations; and predictability using a new partial coherence interferometry (PCI) optical biometer (AL-Scan) and a reference (gold standard) PCI optical biometer (IOLMaster 500). Service d'Ophtalmologie, Hopital Bicêtre, APHP Université, Paris, France. Evaluation of a diagnostic device. One eye of consecutive patients scheduled for cataract surgery was measured. Biometry was performed with the new biometer and the reference biometer. Comparisons were performed for AL, average K at 2.4 mm, ACD, IOL power calculations with the Haigis and SRK/T formulas, and postoperative predictability of the devices. A P value less than 0.05 was statistically significant. The study enrolled 50 patients (mean age 72.6 years±4.2 SEM). There was a good correlation between biometers for AL, K, and ACD measurements (r=0.999, r=0.933, and r=0.701, respectively) and between IOL power calculation with the Haigis formula (r=0.972) and the SRK/T formula (r=0.981). The mean absolute error (MAE) in IOL power prediction was 0.42±0.08 diopter (D) with the new biometer and 0.44±0.08 D with the reference biometer. The MAE was 0.20 D with the Haigis formula and 0.19 with the SRK/T formula (P=.36). The new PCI biometer provided valid measurements compared with the current gold standard, indicating that the new device can be used for IOL power calculations for routine cataract surgery. No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2014 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Sutureless intrascleral intraocular lens fixation with lamellar dissection of scleral tunnel

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    Kawaji T


    Full Text Available Takahiro Kawaji,1,2 Tomoki Sato,2 Hidenobu Tanihara11Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University, Chuo-ku, 2Sato Eye & Internal Medicine Clinic, Kumamoto, JapanPurpose: To report the results of sutureless scleral fixation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens (IOL by using our developed simple technique.Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 48 eyes of 47 patients who underwent sutureless intrascleral IOL fixation by using our modified technique. A 25-gauge microvitreoretinal knife was used to perform sclerotomies and create limbus-parallel scleral tunnels with lamellar dissection in which the haptics were fixed.Results: The IOLs were fixed and centered well. The mean follow-up period was 26.7 months. Postoperative complications included smooth vitreous hemorrhage in four eyes (8.3%, cystoid macular edema in two eyes (4.2%, and iris capture of the IOL in two eyes (4.2%. No other complications, such as breakage of the IOL, spontaneous IOL dislocation, or retinal detachment, were detected during the follow-up period.Conclusion: The lamellar dissection of the limbus-parallel scleral tunnel can simplify the forceps-assisted introduction of the haptics into the scleral tunnel, and this technique seemed to be safe.Keywords: intraocular lenses, ophthalmologic surgical procedures, intrascleral fixation, sutureless fixation

  7. Opacification of hydrophilic intraocular lenses after Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty

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    Morgan-Warren PJ


    Full Text Available Peter J Morgan-Warren, Walter Andreatta, Amit K Patel Department of Ophthalmology, Solihull Hospital, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK Purpose: Opacification of hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lenses (IOLs is an emerging complication following Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK. We report six cases and review the current literature.Methods: In this retrospective, noncomparative, observational case series, patients with IOL opacification after previous DSAEK surgery were identified from corneal clinic records. Case notes were reviewed for demographic details, indication for DSAEK, IOL model, incidence of rebubbling, and postoperative course.Results: Six patients developed IOL opacification after DSAEK. All patients had Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy and had previously received hydrophilic acrylic IOL models. Central anterior IOL opacification was noted in all six cases. Five cases (83% had required rebubbling due to dislocated graft tissue, and one had an early postoperative intraocular pressure (IOP rise. Five cases (83% were managed conservatively, and one case with a failed graft underwent redo DSAEK and IOL exchange.Conclusion: Repeated exposure to intracameral air, raised IOP, and other patient influences may be major etiological factors for IOL opacification after DSAEK. We advise avoiding hydrophilic acrylic IOL models in patients who may require future endothelial keratoplasty. Keywords: IOL, DSAEK, lamellar keratoplasty, endothelial corneal transplantation

  8. Prótese intra-ocular de resina acrílica em cães e gatos Acrylic resin intraocular prosthesis in dogs and cats

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    S.C. Rahal


    Full Text Available Foram atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Unesp - Campus de Botucatu, 11 animais (oito cães e três gatos, com alterações oftálmicas unilaterais graves que levaram à perda total da função ocular (protrusão de globo com injúria nervosa e estrutural, perfurações de córnea com perda de conteúdo intra-ocular e endoftalmites, entre outras. Os animais, com idades entre dois meses e 10 anos, foram submetidos à evisceração e posterior inclusão de esfera de resina acrílica (metilmetacrilato na capa córneo-escleral ou escleral. As esferas foram previamente confeccionadas e esterilizadas por autoclavagem. No pós-operatório foram utilizados antiinflamatórios e antibioticoterapia tópica combinada ou não a sistêmica. O período de observação variou de 2 meses a 3 anos e os aspectos avaliados foram secreção ocular, blefarospasmo, sinais de desconforto e estética. Obtiveram-se resultados satisfatórios em oito casos. Concluiu-se que a resina acrílica pode ser uma alternativa para uso como inclusão em cavidade anoftálmica.Eleven animals (eight dogs and three cats, aged between two months and ten years were referred to the Veterinary Hospital of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science - Unesp, Botucatu, Brazil. These animals presented severe unilateral ophthalmic changes that lead to a total loss of ocular function, such as prolapsed eyes with nervous and structural injury, corneal damage with loss of intraocular contents or endophthalmitis among others. They were submitted to evisceration followed by the insertion of an acrylic resin prosthesis (methylmethacrylate in the corneoscleral or scleral shell. The spheres were previously made and sterilized by autoclave. The postoperative medical therapy included topical and systemic broad-spectrum antibiotics for seven days and anti-inflammatory drugs. The follow-up time varied from two months to three years. The evaluated

  9. Reverse pupillary block associated with pigment dispersion syndrome after in-the-bag intraocular lens implantation. (United States)

    Itagaki, Hideo; Kunikata, Toshio; Hiratsuka, Kentaro; Saito, Junichiro; Oshika, Tetsuro


    A 61-year-old man with high myopia who had received a systemic α1A-adrenoceptor antagonist had phacoemulsification and in-the-bag intraocular lens implantation in the right eye. One day postoperatively, marked pigment dispersion in the anterior chamber, posterior bowing of the iris, and iridodonesis were noted associated with a subsequent elevation in intraocular pressure (IOP). Pharmacological pupil dilation was effective in reducing pigment dispersion and IOP, and laser peripheral iridotomy was performed to alleviate posterior bowing of the iris. We hypothesize that dynamic changes in the aqueous humor flow by cataract surgery and latent flaccidity of the iris due to the systemic α1A-adrenoceptor antagonist caused reverse pupillary block. High myopia may be another risk factor for this complication. Copyright © 2013 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Implante de lente intraocular trifocal difractivo: análisis y resultado de la agudeza visual

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    Miguel Ángel Ibáñez-Hernández


    Conclusiones: El implante de un lente intraocular trifocal difractivo es capaz de proporcionar una excelente visión lejana, intermedia y cercana, con escasas aberraciones ópticas, permitiendo una mejor calidad visual útil en actividades desarrolladas a diferentes distancias.

  11. Clinical observation of Artisan iris-clip intraocular lens implantation at stage Ⅰ

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    Qing Zhou


    Full Text Available AIM: To observe the clinical efficacy of Artisan iris-clip intraocular lens(IOLimplantation on cataract with a wide range of lens dislocation.METHODS: Twenty-four hospital patients(28 eyesof cataract with lens subluxation by trauma(20 patients, 20 eyesand Marfan's syndrome(4 patients, 8 eyesduring May 2007 to December 2011 were selected. All of them underwent phacoemulsification or an anterior vitrectomy and Artisan iris-clip IOL implantation at stage Ⅰ. Postoperative visual acuity, corneal endothelial cell count, intraocular lens position and postoperative complications were observed. Follow-up time was 6mo.RESULTS:Compared with the preoperative, postoperative best corrected visual acuity improved to varying degrees, visual acuity of 0.1-0.5 was in 20 eyes, 0.5-1.0 in 8 eyes. After followed up 1-6mo, no artificial lens shift, iris inflammation, iris atrophy and corneal decompensation and other complications were observed.CONCLUSION: Cataract surgery with a wide range of lens dislocation is difficult, but as long as surgeons who have a wealth of clinical experience and superb skills, still can carry out phacoemulsification surgery or anterior vitrectomy and Artisan iris-clip IOL implantation and obtain a better outcome.

  12. Effect of gamma radiation on the optical properties of intraocular lenses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naguib, N.I.


    The effect of gamma rays in the range of doses up to 150 gray on optical and thermal properties of the intraocular lenses (IOL) made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) was studied. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning colorimetry (DSC) have been performed to study the effect of gamma irradiation on the IOL. The results indicate that irradiation up to 150 Gy did not affect greatly the optical and thermal properties of the investigated IOL

  13. Spiral CT versus conventional CT in the preoperative assessment of metallic intraocular foreign bodies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prokesch, R.; Bankier, A.; Ba-Ssalamah, A.; Imhof, H.; Lakits, A.; Scholda, C.


    Purpose: To compare the effectiveness of spiral CT versus conventional CT in the preoperative assessment of metallic intraocular foreign bodies. Results: All foreign bodies were detected by each scanning modality on the axial and on the reconstructed planes. The quality of the axial images was similar for spiral and conventional CT. The spiral technique provided high-quality reconstructed images which allowed accurate localization of the foreign bodies in all cases. Reconstructions by conventional technique were inadequate for preoperative assessment. The examination time for the total orbital volume was 18 s for spiral CT and 52 s for conventional CT. Radiation dose delivered to the lens was 35 mGy for spiral CT and 56 mGy for conventional CT axial scanning. Conclusion: Spiral CT multiplanar offers several significant advantages for the preoperative assessment of metallic intraocular foreign bodies compared to the conventional CT technique in clinical practice, including short examination time, minimized motion artifacts, reduced radiation exposure, and accurate localization. (orig.) [de

  14. Inflammatory and intraocular pressure outcomes after trabeculectomy in active uveitic glaucoma in Chinese

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    Doris W.F. Yick


    Full Text Available AIM: To analyze the outcomes in uveitic activity and intraocular pressure(IOPcontrol after trabeculectomy for uveitis with uncontrolled IOP. METHODS: The medical records of consecutive uveitic glaucoma patients undergoing trabeculectomy between October 2006 to March 2011 were retrospectively reviewed. Uveitic activity, frequency of recurrence, steroid dependence, and intraocular pressure control were compared with paired t-test before and after trabeculectomy. RESULTS: In 29 eyes from 29 patients, 90% of eyes were on topical steroids at the time of trabeculectomy. The mean age was 58.3±14.0 years old with a pre-operative IOP of 35.7±8.9mmHg. The mean follow up time was 35.2±18.7mo. There was a reduction of anterior chamber activity grading of 0.4±0.6(PPCONCLUSION: Uveitic activity and IOP control improved after trabeculectomy with a lower success rate to primary glaucomas. Trabeculectomy may be considered as a possible early intervention of active uveitis with high IOP for pressure and uveitic activity control.

  15. Effect of transscleral neodymium: YAG cyclophotocoagulation on intraocular lenses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blomquist, P.H.; Gross, R.L.; Koch, D.D. (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (USA))


    A neodymium: YAG laser operating in the thermal mode was used to irradiate isolated intraocular lenses (IOLs) and to perform transscleral cyclophotocoagulation on pseudophakic autopsy eyes to investigate the potential damage to IOL haptics such irradiation may cause. In the isolated IOLs, 70 mJ of energy deformed and partially melted both polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and polypropylene haptics. One of the capsular-fixated PC-IOL haptics in an autopsy eye partially melted when irradiated with the maximum energy level (8.8 J), with the aiming beam focused 1 mm posterior to the limbus and maximal posterior focus offset.

  16. Early aggressive intraocular pressure lowering, target intraocular pressure, and a novel concept for glaucoma care. (United States)

    Singh, Kuldev; Shrivastava, Anurag


    Early diagnosis of glaucomatous optic nerve damage offers the potential for early treatment which may prevent vision loss from this neurodegenerative disease. Even in patients who do not begin early treatment, early diagnosis allows for better monitoring of disease at a stage where the stakes are lower relative to later stages of the disease. For these reasons, early diagnosis of glaucomatous optic nerve disease is desirable and opens the door for appropriately aggressive therapy. The target intraocular pressure (IOP) concept is widely employed by glaucoma practitioners. Although there have been no randomized clinical trials or other high-quality studies showing the benefits of setting a target IOP versus not using this approach, there is ample evidence that lowering IOP slows glaucoma progression and, in general, lower is better, regardless of disease stage and baseline IOP level. We propose an alternative approach to managing glaucoma without the use of the target IOP concept and suggest that this market IOP concept should be compared with the target IOP approach in an appropriately powered comparative clinical trial.


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    Fábio de Melo Sene


    Full Text Available El concepto de vida, bajo el punto de vista biológico, con énfasis en lareproducción, principal característica de los seres vivos, es presentadohistóricamente articulado con los diversos embates o cuestiones éticas,morales, y o legales, a lo largo de ese recorrido histórico, de acuerdo con elconsenso relativo a cada época. Inicialmente, fue establecida la distinciónnecesaria entre procesos naturales y procesos resultantes de accionesantrópicas. Se consideró como invención todo procedimiento o hacerrelativos al desarrollo cultural de la humanidad. Así, a lo largo del recorridose confrontan posiciones pasadas y actuales, haciéndose amplia discusión alrespecto de asuntos recientes como: fecundación artificial, clonación,transgénicos, células-madre y la creación de vida en el laboratorio.

  18. Comparison between OPD-Scan results and visual outcomes of monofocal and multifocal intraocular lenses Comparação dos resultados do OPD-Scan e performance visual das lentes intraoculares monofocal e multifocal

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    Wilson Takashi Hida


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To compare the visual outcome, contrast sensitivity and wavefront analysis of patients that underwent cataract surgery and implantation of AcrySof SN60D3 multifocal intraocular lens with those who received the AcrySof SN60AT monofocal IOL. METHODS: This was a prospective clinical trial of forty eyes that received the multifocal IOL and thirty-two eyes that received the monofocal IOL after phacoemulsification. RESULTS: Values for total and spherical aberrations in the multifocal group were statistically lower than in the monofocal group. In the monofocal group, 75% achieved uncorrected intermediate visual acuities between Jaeger 1 and 6. In the multifocal group, 75% of the eyes achieved more than Jaeger 6. At least 87.5% of the multifocal group and 6.3% of the monofocal group achieved monocular uncorrected near acuity of 20/30 (J2, N5 or better. And 90.0% of the eyes in the multifocal group and 37.5% in the monofocal group achieved an uncorrected near acuity of 20/40 (J3, N6 or better. The mean spherical error was 0.11 D in the multifocal group and -0.18 D in the monofocal group (p=0.0379. The SN60D3 group compared to SN60AT group had low contrast sensitivity (log units with statistically significant differences in 6.0 cpd in photopic conditions (p=0.014 and the SN60D3 group compared to SN60AT group had higher contrast sensitivity (log units under mesopic conditions (p=0.044. CONCLUSION: The multifocal IOLs induced less spherical aberration than monofocal IOLs and predictably good uncorrected distance and uncorrected near acuities. However, contrast sensitivity was lower in the multifocal group.OBJETIVO: Comparar a performance visual, sensibilidade ao contraste e de wavefront com OPD-Scan em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de facoemulsificação com implante de lente intraocular AcrySof SN60D3 multifocal e AcrySof SA60AT monofocal. MÉTODOS: Quarenta olhos com a lente intraocular multifocal e trinta e dois olhos com a lente intraocular

  19. Black diaphragm intraocular lens implantation and penetrating keratoplasty in aphakic eyes with traumatic aniridia

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    Xiao-Guang Dong


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate the long-term outcome of implantation of black diaphragm intraocular (BDI lens combined with penetrating keratoplasty (PKP for managing aphakic eyes with traumatic aniridia and corneal damage. METHODS: Six aphakic eyes of six patients with traumatic aniridia and corneal damage had BDI lens implantation at Qingdao Eye Hospital, Shandong Eye Institute from June 2008 to November 2011. Medical records of the patients were reviewed. Three patients received PKP and after 12-18months were implanted with BDI lens. The other three patients completed PKP and BDI lens implantation at the same time. The corrected visual acuity, intraocular pressure and number of corneal endothelial cells were monitored. RESULTS: The patients were followed up for an average of 24.3±12.1months (range 14-48 months. All BDI lenses were located well. The best corrected visual acuity got improved in 5 patients (0.1-1.0 and decreased in 1 patient from 0.4 to 0.2. Three patients had normal intraocular pressure (IOP after implantation. Two patients required antiglaucoma medications to control IOP within the normal range and 1 patient implanted Ahmed glaucoma valve to control IOP. The corneal grafts kept transparent in all eyes and the corneal endothelial counting >1 000/mm2, although two patients experienced acute graft rejection and loss more than 30% corneal endothelial cells. CONCLUSION: Implantation of BDI lens combined with PKP is an effective option for managing aphakic eyes with traumatic aniridia and corneal damage. Although the results in our study are encouraging, additional studies of the long-term safety and efficacy are required. A larger study population and longer follow-up may be beneficial.

  20. De la prospección sistemática al laboratorio GIS en La Canal de Navarrés

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    Oreto García Puchol


    Full Text Available El trabajo que presentamos se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto NSF “The Emergence of Coupled Natural and Human Landscapes in the Western Mediterranean”, en el área comprendida por la actual comarca de La Canal de Navarres. Este espacio se convierte en uno de las áreas elegidas para un programa de recogida de datos centrado en la prospección sistemática “off site “ o “patch-based” (Barton et al. 2004; Dunnell 1992. Los datos relativos a la cultura material se combinan con la información espacial y ecológica, lo cual permite una comprensión dinámica de los mismos.

  1. Research on antibodies anti toxoplasma gondii in intraocular fluids (Aqueous and vitreous humor) from patients with ocular toxoplasmosis, in the City of Belém, Pará State


    Carmo, Ediclei Lima do; Almeida, Edmundo Frota; Bichara, Cléa Nazaré; Póvoa, Marinete Marins


    Foi realizada pesquisa de anticorpos IgG, IgM e IgA anti-Toxoplasma gondii no soro e fluidos intra-oculares (humor aquoso e vítreo) de pacientes com toxoplasmose ocular. A partir dos resultados obtidos verificou-se que anticorpos IgG e IgA intraocular anti-Toxoplasma gondii podem vir a ser importantes marcadores no diagnóstico de toxoplasmose ocular.Tests were performed for antibodies IgG, IgM and IgA anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in serum and intraocular fluids (Aqueous and vitreous humo...

  2. Visual acuity after trans-scleral sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahmood, S.A.; Zafar, S.


    To determine the changes in visual acuity in patients undergoing Trans-Scleral Sutured Posterior Chamber Intra-Ocular Lens (TSSPCIOL) implantation at a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Study Design: Case series. Place and Duration of Study: LRBT Tertiary Eye Hospital, Karachi, from January 2006 to December 2010. Methodology: Records of all patients undergoing implantation of TSSPCIOL were reviewed. Patients with diagnosed glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, history of recurrent uveitis, corneal haze or central corneal scars were excluded. For the final analysis, 70 eyes out of a total of 75 were selected. Main outcomes of interest were pre and postoperative visual acuities and surgical complications. SPSS 21 was used for data analysis. Results: Pre-operatively, the average Best Spectacle-Corrected Visual Acuity (BSCVA) was 6/36 on the Snellen chart. This improved to 6/12 postoperatively. The mean improvement seen was 2.4 lines on the Snellen chart (p < 0.05). Complications include transient intraocular pressure elevation in 25 eyes (36%), IOL tilt in 4 eyes (7.1%), Cystoid Macular Edema (CME) in 4 eyes (5.7%), vitreous haemorrhage in 2 eyes (2.9%), hyphema in 2 eyes (2.9%), uveitis in 1 eye (1.4%), and retinal detachment 1 eye (1.4%). No IOL subluxation, suture erosion, iris capture, choroidal effusion or endophthalmitis was encountered and no re-operations were needed. Conclusion: TSSPCIOLs are a good management option for patients with aphakia in whom PC IOLs cannot be placed. (author)

  3. Associação entre dois diferentes tipos de estrangulamento com a variação da pressão intraocular em atletas de jiu-jitsu


    Scarpi,Marinho Jorge; Conte,Marcelo; Rossin,Reginaldo Alexandre; Skubs,Renato; Lenk,Rudolf Eberhard; Brant,Rodrigo


    OBJETIVO: Verificar a associação entre dois diferentes tipos de estrangulamento com a variação da pressão intraocular em atletas de jiu-jitsu. MÉTODO: Estudo observacional em grupo de 9 atletas de jiu-jitsu, com mínimo 6 meses de treinamento, sexo masculino, idades entre 20 e 30 anos, sem presença de lesões físicas e do bulbo ocular. Buscou-se associação entre a variação da pressão intraocular e os estrangulamentos Frontal da Guarda (E1) e Frontal da Montada (E2). A pressão intraocular foi de...

  4. Follow up of intraocular lens subluxation with a combined topographer/aberrometer


    Georgios A. Kontadakis; George D. Kymionis; Vardhaman P. Kankariya; Ioannis G. Pallikaris


    Purpose: To report a 36-year-old patient with intraocular lens (IOL) subluxation that was followed for IOL stability with evaluation of images captured with the iTrace combined aberrometer/topographer. Methods: The patient had undergone phacoemulsification with IOL implantation for congenital cataract 15 years before. He presented with bilateral IOL subluxation, more severe in his right eye. Right eye was operated for IOL exchange and left eye was followed with the iTrace images. The image...

  5. Evaluation of the diurnal intraocular pressure fluctuations and blood pressure under dehydration due to fasting

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    Gonen Baser


    Full Text Available Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the diurnal intraocular pressure fluctuations under dehydration conditions and the relationship between the intraocular pressure fluctuations and blood pressure. Methods: The intraocular pressures (IOP, body weights, as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP, DBP of 36 fasting healthy volunteers were recorded at 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in the Ramadan of 2014 and two weeks after it. The data were analyzed using paired Student’s t-test and Pearson correlation analysis. Results: As the results demonstrated, the mean diurnal IOP differences of IOP, SBP, DBP, and weight were 2.67±1.33 mmHg, 9.44±8.02 mmHg, 3.33±5.94 mmHg, and 0.90±0.46 kg during the fasting period, respectively. In addition, the mean diurnal IOP differences of IOP, SBP, DBP, and weight were -0.33±1.4 mmHg (P=0.001, 0.55±7.25mmHg (P=0.003, -3.33±5.94 mmHg (P=0.001, and 0.12±0.45 kg (P=0.001 during the control period, respectively. There was a moderate correlation between the diurnal IOP and SBP differences (r=0.517, P=0.028. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the current study, the total fluid volume might have a more dominant effect on IOP peaks than the sympathetic system activity. Furthermore, the SBP was found to correlate with the IOP.

  6. Carbachol as miotic agent in intra-ocular lens implant surgery

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    Agarwal Jitendra


    Full Text Available The intra cameral use of 0.025% carbachol as a miotic agent in anterior chamber intraocular lens im-plant surgery us reported in 15 cases. Carbachol produced prompt and effective moisis and was found to be harmless and non-irritating to the anterior chamber structures. A rebound dialatation of the pipit was noticed in the post operative period in 3 of our first 5 cases where only carbachol was used. For prolonged miosis instillation of a more powerful miotic like pilocarpine is recommended at the completion of surgery:

  7. Aproximación fenomenológica al signifi cado e impacto de la donación de órganos en la familia

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    Manuel Lillo-Crespo


    Full Text Available La donación de órganos es un acontecimiento crítico tras la pérdida de un ser querido. España, a pesar de ser el país del mundo con mayor tasa de donantes, todavía mantiene una negativa familiar del 15,56 %. Objetivos: conocer y analizar el impacto de la donación de órganos a través de los significados que tiene para la familia en el contexto español. Materiales y método: estudio cualitativo fenomenológico según el marco conceptual y método de Giorgi. Luego de respetar, al menos, tres años de duelo desde la pérdida de un ser querido, se entrevistaron en profundidad a once familias que donaron órganos en el Hospital La Fe en Valencia. Resultados: tras el análisis de los resultados, se describieron veintisiete unidades de significado que fueron clasificadas en relativos a la pérdida y relativos a la donación de órganos y, posteriormente, correlacionadas. Conclusiones: la donación aparece como mecanismo de alivio o compensación del fallecimiento del familiar.

  8. Aportes del Turismo al Desarrollo Local Evolución experimentada en la Ciudad de Federación, Argentina Aportes del Turismo al Desarrollo Local

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    Noemí Wallingre


    Full Text Available Este artículo aporta los resultados de la prolongación de un estudio previo, con el fin de observar la evolución experimentada en el desarrollo del turismo en la Ciudad de Federación,  provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina. Buscó realizar un aporte respecto de la relación existente entre el turismo y el desarrollo local a partir del surgimiento de iniciativas e implementación de políticas y estrategias de desarrollo. La hipótesis afirma que el turismo es una actividad que contribuye al desarrollo local de municipios pequeños. Esta etapa del estudio esta comprendida entre los años 2000 y 2009. Se analizó su impacto socioeconómico relativo al empleo, los emprendimientos e inversiones, y se tuvo en cuenta el aporte reflejado en los beneficios que ocasionó, en particular en la población residente. En síntesis, la investigación  se enmarca en el área temática del desarrollo local centrada en la figura de centro turístico, y analizada desde la denominada teoría del sistema turístico.Este artículo aporta los resultados de la prolongación de un estudio previo, con el fin de observar la evolución experimentada en el desarrollo del turismo en la Ciudad de Federación,  provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina. Buscó realizar un aporte respecto de la relación existente entre el turismo y el desarrollo local a partir del surgimiento de iniciativas e implementación de políticas y estrategias de desarrollo. La hipótesis afirma que el turismo es una actividad que contribuye al desarrollo local de municipios pequeños. Esta etapa del estudio esta comprendida

  9. Effect of Anterior Chamber Depth on Intraocular Pressure after Uneventful Phacoemulsification Surgery in Nonglaucomatous Eyes with CataractEffect of Anterior Chamber Depth on Intraocular Pressure after Uneventful Phacoemulsification Surgery in Nonglaucomatous Eyes with CataractEffect of Anterior Chamber Depth on Intraocular Pressure after Uneventful Phacoemulsification Surgery in Nonglaucomatous Eyes with Cataract

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    Tansu Gönen


    Full Text Available Purpose: To evaluate the effect of preoperative anterior chamber depth (ACD on intraocular pressure (IOP after uneventful phacoemulsification and intraocular lens (IOL implantation in nonglaucomatous eyes. Material and Method: The medical records of fifty-five patients (30 male and 25 female were reviewed retrospectively. The patients who had undergone uneventful phacoemulsification and IOL implantation were divided into two groups according to the values of preoperative ACD: 30 eyes in group 1 (ACD≤3.27 mm and 25 eyes in group 2 (ACD>3.27 mm. IOP was measured using non-contact tonometer preoperatively and postoperatively (1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months. Results: Three months after phacoemulsification and IOL implantation, the mean IOP decreased 23.6% in group 1 and 13.7% in group 2. There was a statistically significant difference between the groups (p= 0.025. Discussion: The mean IOP decreases in eyes with shallow anterior chamber more than in normal eyes after uncomplicated phacoemulsification and IOL implantation. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2011; 41: 207-12

  10. Combining zonal refractive and diffractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lenses. (United States)

    Muñoz, Gonzalo; Albarrán-Diego, César; Javaloy, Jaime; Sakla, Hani F; Cerviño, Alejandro


    To assess visual performance with the combination of a zonal refractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lens (MIOL) (Lentis Mplus, Oculentis GmbH) and a diffractive aspheric MIOL (Acri.Lisa 366, Acri.Tech GmbH). This prospective interventional cohort study comprised 80 eyes from 40 cataract patients (mean age: 65.5±7.3 years) who underwent implantation of the Lentis Mplus MIOL in one eye and Acri.Lisa 366 MIOL in the fellow eye. The main outcome measures were refraction; monocular and binocular uncorrected and corrected distance, intermediate, and near visual acuities; monocular and binocular defocus curves; binocular photopic contrast sensitivity function compared to a monofocal intraocular lens (IOL) control group (40 age-matched pseudophakic patients implanted with the AR-40e [Abbott Medical Optics]); and quality of vision questionnaire. Binocular uncorrected visual acuities were 0.12 logMAR (0.76 decimal) or better at all distances measured between 6 m and 33 cm. The Lentis Mplus provided statistically significant better vision than the Acri.Lisa at distances between 2 m and 40 cm, and the Acri.Lisa provided statistically significant better vision than the Lentis Mplus at 33 cm. Binocular defocus curve showed little drop-off at intermediate distances. Photopic contrast sensitivity function for distance and near were similar to the monofocal IOL control group except for higher frequencies. Moderate glare (15%), night vision problems (12.5%), and halos (10%) were reported. Complete independence of spectacles was achieved by 92.5% of patients. The combination of zonal refractive aspheric and diffractive aspheric MIOLs resulted in excellent uncorrected binocular distance, intermediate, and near vision, with low incidence of significant photic phenomena and high patient satisfaction. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.

  11. Efficacy on chopping with lens loop-pad in the small incision extracapsular cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation

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    Xiao-Ning Peng


    Full Text Available AIM: To study the clinical effects of chopping with lens loop-pad in the small incision extracapsular cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation.METHODS:A total of 75 cases(80 eyes, in which loop-pad and chop knife were performed to chop nucleus before implanting intraocular lens. Visual acuity, postoperative astigmatism degree, intraoperative and postoperative complications were observed. The post-operative follow-up periods ranged from 3 to 12mo.RESULTS: The visual acuity was 0.3-0.5 in 37 eyes and 0.6 or better in 21 eyes at 1d, while was respectively in 43 eyes and in 26 eyes at 1mo. Compared with preoperative astigmatism(0.85±0.29D, there were significant difference at postoperative 1wk(1.75±0.55D(PP>0.05. Intraoperative posterior capsule rupture occurred in 4 eyes, which implantation was successful in 1 eye and 3 eyes was managed viaciliary sulcus. Two eyes had dermatoglyphic pattern edema in corneal endothelium which recovered after about 3d. Two eyes had local patchy opacities which recovered in 2wk. Two eyes had transient high intraocular pressure.CONCLUSION: The surgery is efficient, low cost, easy process and less complications, it is worth to be popularized.

  12. Chiron Vision files FDA application to market intraocular implant for CMV retinitis. Food and Drug Administration. (United States)


    Chiron Corporation and Hoffman-LaRoche announced a filing of a New Drug Application with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market Vitrasert, its intraocular implant which delivers ganciclovir directly to the eye for treatment of CMV retinitis. Clinical trials show that Vitrasert offers a clinical improvement versus intravenous ganciclovir in further delaying progression of CMV retinitis in the treated eye. One study reported that the median time to progression of CMV retinitis was 186 days for eyes receiving Vitrasert compared to 72 days for eyes receiving intravenous ganciclovir therapy. Chiron's intraocular implant contains ganciclovir embedded in a polymer-based system that slowly releases the drug into the eye for up to eight months. Two additional trials are underway. For further information contact the Professional Services Group at Chiron Corporation at (800) 244-7668, select 2.

  13. Intraocular Surgery in Kyphosis: An Easier Approach

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    Karanjit S. Kooner


    Full Text Available We describe a 49-year-old man with advanced kyphosis and dense cataract, who could only recline to about 40° from the vertical axis despite a maximal reverse Trendelenburg position and pillows under the head, neck, shoulders and knees. With a single corneal retraction suture at 6 o'clock, the eye could be rotated horizontally, which enabled the surgeon to perform a complex cataract surgery despite prior glaucoma shunt, posterior synechiae, a small pupil and the need to stain the capsule. As the eye can be brought into any desired position with a retraction suture, patients with kyphosis or other conditions that prevent them from assuming a supine position can still have safe intraocular procedures. This maneuver reduces the need to tilt patients to an uncomfortable position that may cause pain, increased breathing difficulty and elevated posterior vitreous pressure.

  14. La enseñanza en arquitectura y las visiones normativas hegemónicas, desde el contexto global al local

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    Pedro Arturo Martínez Osorio


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza aspectos relativos a la legislación colombiana para la educación en arquitectura, respondiendo interrogantes sobre la existencia de normatividad a manera de lineamientos, enfoques y directrices pertinentes para la formación en arquitectura, atendiendo problemáticas locales en el siglo XXI, cumpliendo lo establecido en la Constitución de 1991, en relación a objetivos y fines de la educación. La tesis que desarrolla el trabajo plantea la presencia de visiones hegemónicas en el discurso adoptado por la academia colombiana, en ausencia de una normatividad que tome una posición crítica al respecto del camino

  15. Corneal biomechanical changes in diabetes mellitus and their influence on intraocular pressure measurements. (United States)

    Sahin, Afsun; Bayer, Atilla; Ozge, Gökhan; Mumcuoğlu, Tarkan


    To investigate possible corneal biomechanical changes in patients with diabetes mellitus and understand the influence of such changes on intraocular pressure measurements. The study group was composed of 120 eyes from 61 healthy control subjects and 81 eyes from 43 diabetic subjects. IOP was measured first with an ocular response analyzer (ORA) and subsequently with a Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT). Central corneal thickness (CCT) was measured with an ultrasonic pachymeter attached to the ORA. Axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD), and keratometry readings were acquired with partial coherence laser interferometry during the same visit before all IOP and CCT determinations were made. Corneal hysteresis (CH) was found to be significantly lower in diabetic patients when compared with healthy control subjects (9.51 +/- 1.82 mm Hg vs. 10.41 +/- 1.66 mm Hg, P < 0.0001). There was no significant difference in terms of corneal resistance factor (CRF; P = 0.8). Mean CCT, GAT IOP, Goldmann-correlated IOP (IOPg), and corneal-compensated IOP (IOPcc) were significantly higher in diabetic patients than in healthy control subjects (P = 0.01 for CCT, P < 0.0001 for GAT IOP, IOPg, and IOPcc). Diabetes affects corneal biomechanics and results in lower CH values than those in healthy control subjects, which may cause clinically relevant high IOP measurements independent of CCT.

  16. Sectioning a luxated intraocular lens inside the vitreous cavity. (United States)

    Vilaplana, Daniel; Pazos, Marta


    We describe a new technique for sectioning an intraocular lens (IOL) inside the vitreous cavity. The IOL had a broken haptic and was accidentally luxated after a complicated cataract surgery with posterior capsule rupture. The primary indication to cut the IOL in half inside the vitreous cavity is to preserve the anterior capsule integrity, especially in a small-sized capsulotomy, allowing subsequent implantation of a new IOL in the sulcus with the optical zone captured in the capsulorhexis. Neither author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2013 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. [Scheimpflug photography for the examination of phakic intraocular lenses]. (United States)

    Baumeister, M


    High myopia phakic intraocular lenses (IOL) have become an established means of surgical correction for high ametropia. Scheimpflug photography is one of the methods which are frequently applied for postoperative examination of the implants. Results from published studies employing Scheimpflug photography for examination of anterior chamber angle-fixated, iris-fixated and sulcus-fixated phakic IOLs were evaluated. In several published studies Scheimpflug photography was used to examine the position of the implant and opacification of the crystalline lens. The results provided valuable evidence for the improvement of phakic IOL design. Scheimpflug photography offers an easy to use, rapid non-contact examination of phakic IOLs.

  18. Estimación de los parámetros del modelo de Heston. Una aplicación al índice IBEX 35

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    Marabel Romo, Jacinto


    Full Text Available En este artículo se aborda la calibración de los parámetros del modelo de Heston, utilizando datos correspondientes al índice IBEX 35. Uno de los parámetros más importantes del modelo, es el relativo a la volatilidad de la varianza instantánea. Los resultados muestran que la estimación correspondiente a dicho parámetro, obtenida con datos de volatilidad realizada para el período anterior a la crisis financiera iniciada en agosto de 2007, es considerablemente inferior al obtenido calibrando el modelo a las opciones cotizadas para dicho mes. Por el contrario, el valor estimado con los datos de volatilidad realizada posteriores al inicio de la crisis, es similar al obtenido utilizando volatilidades implícitas. Este hecho muestra el problema para la correcta valoración y gestión del riesgo derivado de las opciones, que conlleva la estimación de los parámetros exclusivamente en base a datos históricos, sin considerar las expectativas que incorporan las volatilidades implícitas de mercado

  19. Al-Ḏajīra al-saniyya: una fuente relevante para el siglo XII en la Península Ibérica

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    Ramírez-del-Río, José


    Full Text Available The work al-Dhakhīra al-saniyya fī ta’rīkh al-dawla al-marīniyya records the history of the Marīnid dynasty, including a number of references to other Islamic regions like Egypt, Syria and al-Andalus. The authorship of this chronicle has not yet been solved. The aim of this paper is to provide the most relevant information on the issue. Alongside with other type of information concerning al-Andalus, this paper focuses on that which concerns the territory conquered by the Kingdom of Castile throughout the 13th century, and which so far has been mostly disregarded. It undoubtedly contributes to improve our knowledge of the period, especially as regards both the destiny of the conquered Muslim populations and the chronology of the conquest. We will also focus here on the political leaders of al-Andalus and Maghreb, their reactions towards the Christian conquests, ranging from utter resistance to conversion, and the importance this group attached to fighting the Christians, as a key factor of the political legitimacy of the Banū Marīn to guide the Islamic community, a point that greatly concerns the author of the present chronicle.La obra al-Ḏajīra al-saniyya fī ta’rīj aldawla al-marīniyya, que aborda la historia de los Banū Marīn, incluye una serie de noticias referentes a otras tierras de la Dār al-Islam, como Egipto, Siria o al-Andalus. La autoría de la misma no ha sido determinada, por lo que señalaremos las noticias más destacadas sobre este asunto. De la información que ofrece esta obra acerca de al-Andalus, este artículo se centra en el análisis de los fragmentos relativos a los territorios conquistados por Castilla durante el s. XIII, que no había sido aprovechada hasta el momento, y que contribuye a ampliar nuestro conocimiento acerca de este período histórico, muy especialmente por lo que respecta a la suerte que corrieron las poblaciones musulmanas y a la cronología de la conquista. Abordamos las actitudes


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    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Lens Induced Glaucoma is a common cause of ocular morbidity. OBJECTIVES: Our study was to know the Epidemiological factors, Duration of Symptoms, Visual Acuity and Intraocular Pressure in the clinical Presentation of Lens Induced Glaucoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS : This w as a tertiary hospital based prospective study in the department of Glaucoma, Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital and Regional Institute of Ophthalmology (RIO, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad over a period from March 2015 to August 2015. 50 Patients clinically diagnosed as Lens Induced Glaucoma (LIG were studied with the data of Age, Sex, literacy, Laterality and Rural / Urban status with the duration of symptoms, Intraocular pressure and Visual Acuity. The data was analyzed by simple statistical methods. RESULT S: 50 patients, clinically diagnosed as Lens Induced Glaucoma (LIG were studied. Age group distribution was 1(2.0% in 40 - 50yrs, 13 ( 26.0% in >50 - 60yrs, 26(52.0% in >60 - 70yrs and 10(20.0% in > 70 yrs. Sex distribution was 23(46.0% of Males and 27(54.0% of Females. Urban / Rural status was 15(30.0% of Urban and 35(70.0% of Rural. Literacy status was 7(14.0% of Literate and 43(86.0% of Illiterate. Laterality was RE in 24(48.0% and LE in 26(52.0%. Duration of the presenting symptoms before re porting to the Hospital was 12.0% in 2wks. Intraocular pressure (IOP in mm of Hg showed no case (0.0% in 20 – 40, 27(54.0% in >40 - 60 and 5(10.0% >60 wit h the Mean IOP of 42.12 mm of Hg. Visual Acuity (VA was PL +ve in 24(48.0 and HM - 3/60. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing age, female gender, rural, illiterate, and delayed reporting to the hospital after the pre senting symptoms were the common risk factors with increased Intraocular pressure and poor visual acuity in the clinical presentation of Lens induced Glaucoma.

  1. MR imaging of intraocular hemorrhage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saint-Louis, L.A.; Weiss, R.; Ellsworth, R.; Chang, S.; Deck, M.D.F.


    The authors evaluated with MR imaging 11 globes (nine patients) with spontaneous or traumatic intraocular hemorrhage. Subretinal blood was present in eight. Intravitreal bleeding was associated in seven and three subchoroidal. The ages of the hemorrhages ranged from 1 day to 6 months. Six of the subretinal and two subchoroidal cases had clotted blood with different intensity on the short TE images but were markedly hypointense on long TR/long TE images. The intravitreal blood was hyperintense on all sequences except in one. All imaging was performed with .5 T, 256 matrix, and 4- and 7- mm section thickness. Because of the varied appearance of hemorrhages, the authors scanned and are scanning two rabbits with intravitreal blood in vivo. Parameters include: 3-mm sections, T1, PD, T2 scans in .3-T and 1.5-T imagers. Initial results for the first 2 days show no change in signal intensity (hyperintense on all sequences). The T1 images show a diminishing intensity up to 8 days, and T2 scans remained hyperintense. These results so far correlate with the patient findings. The authors present the clinical findings and experimental correlation

  2. Spectral properties of common intraocular lens (IOL) types (United States)

    Milne, Peter J.; Chapon, Pascal F.; Hamaoui, Marie; Parel, Jean-Marie A.; Clayman, H.; Rol, Pascal O.


    Currently over 50 kinds of intraocular lenses (IOLs) are approved for patient use in the treatment of cataracts and ametropia. These lenses are manufactured from at least 2 kinds of silicones as well as several kinds of acrylic polymers including polyHEMA, Poly HOXEMA, a range of polymethacrylate and polyacrylate formulations. We sought to measure spectral transmission curves of a range of IOLS in the UV-visible and near IR spectral regions in order to better characterize their optical properties and to provide a baseline from which to assess their alteration following implantation over time. Consideration of how this may best be achieved are discussed. The variable ability of both explained IOLs and some samples from a range of manufacturers to block UV wavelengths is commented upon.


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    K. B. Pershin


    Full Text Available The review presents an  analysis  of the  literature  data  on  the  methods of surgical  correction of residual  refractive  error after cataract phacoemulsification. Keratorefractive and intraocular approaches are  considered in details.  A comparison of the  efficacy and  safet y  of different groups   of methods on  the  example  of comparative studies is given.  Historically earlier  keratorefractive methods (laser  vision correction with LASIK and  PRK techniques on intact  eyes,  LASIK after  implantation  of multifocal  IOLs and arcuate keratotomy  after  phaco  are  indicated  for  the  correction of astigmatic refractive  error and  a small  spherical refractive error. Intraocular methods, including the  replacement of the  IOL  and  «piggyback» IOLs implantation  are  used  to  correct a large spherical refractive error. The introduction  of new  technology, the  implantation  of light-adjustable  IOLs, will  expand  the  existing evidence  and provide greater predictabilit y and efficiency of the  method  of correction of residual  refractive error.

  4. Application of diffractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lens in the Uighur in phacoemulsification

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    Full Text Available AIM:To research the efficacy and safety of diffractive aspheric multifocal intraocular lens(MIOLin the Uighur in phacoemulsification to provide guidance for the clinical treatment of cataracts patients in Xinjiang region. METHODS:Two hundred and twenty-eight Uygur patients(280 eyesreceived phacoemulsification from April 2012 to March 2013 were randomly divided into multifocal group(106 cases with 146 eyesand monofocal group(122 cases with 134 eyes. Patients were followed up for 3mo. The intraocular pressure(IOP, uncorrected distance visual acuity, uncorrected near vision, best-corrected distance visual acuity and best corrected near vision were measured. The delensed rate, visual quality, and satisfaction for lenses in the form of questionnaires were compared. RESULTS:Multifocal group was better on the uncorrected near vision than monofocal group(PP>0.05. The contrast sensitivity of multifocal group under scotopia at spatial frequency 3c/d was lower than that of monofocal group(PP>0.05. Delensed rate of multifocal group was higher than that of monofocal group(PP>0.05.CONCLUSION:MIOL with phacoemulsification can provide patient good full range vision, especially on good near vision. The patients with MIOL implanted have a higher delensed rate, less postoperative adverse symptoms, quicker recovery and satisfaction.

  5. Tafluprost once daily for treatment of elevated intraocular pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma

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    Liu Y


    Full Text Available Yang Liu, Weiming MaoDepartment of Cell Biology and Anatomy, North Texas Eye Research Institute, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TXAbstract: Glaucoma is a leading cause of visual loss worldwide. Current antiglaucoma therapy focuses on lowering intraocular pressure to a safe level. In recent years, prostaglandin analogs have become the first-line agents for treating open angle glaucoma. Tafluprost, which was first reported in 2003, is a novel prostaglandin analog, and has been shown to be a potent ocular hypotensive agent in a number of preclinical and clinical studies. Also, its unique preservative-free formulation helps to decrease preservative-associated ocular disorders and improve patient compliance. In this review, studies from 2003 to 2012 focusing on the structure, metabolism, efficacy, and safety of tafluprost are summarized. These studies suggested that application of tafluprost once daily is a safe and effective treatment for patients with open angle glaucoma.Keywords: tafluprost, prostaglandin analog, glaucoma, intraocular pressure, preservative-free formulation

  6. Customized toric intraocular lens implantation for correction of extreme corneal astigmatism due to corneal scarring

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    R Bassily


    Full Text Available R Bassily, J LuckOphthalmology Department, Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath, UKAbstract: A 76-year-old woman presented with decreased visual function due to cataract formation. Twenty-five years prior she developed right sided corneal ulceration that left her with 10.8 diopters (D of irregular astigmatism at 71.8° (steep axis. Her uncorrected visual acuity was 6/24 and could only ever wear a balanced lens due to the high cylindrical error. Cataract surgery was planned with a custom designed toric intraocular lens (IOL with +16.0 D sphere inserted via a wound at the steep axis of corneal astigmatism. Postoperative refraction was -0.75/+1.50 × 177° with a visual acuity of 6/9 that has remained unchanged at six-week follow-up with no IOL rotation. This case demonstrates the value of high power toric IOLs for the correction of pathological corneal astigmatism.Keywords: intraocular lens, corneal ulceration, visual acuity, scarring

  7. Clinical observation of small-incision extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation for the treatment of cataract in the sight restoration project

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    Xiao-Jian Cheng


    Full Text Available AIM: To analyze the clinical effects of small-incision extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation for the treatment of cataract.METHODS:Totally 642 cases 676 eyes of cataract were treated by small-incision extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation. Complication during and after operations and postoperative visual acuity was observed.RESULTS:Visual acuity of 670 eyes was ≥0.05 and off-blindness rate was 99.11%, and there was 627 eyes ≥0.3 and the off-disability rate was 92.75% after 1mo. Rupture of posterior capsule during surgery occurred in 24 eyes. Fifty-four eyes were corneal edema, and anterior chamber exudation were 26 eyes, and 23 eyes were hypertension after operation. CONCLUSION: There are a little complications during and after operation for cataract treated by small-incision extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation. Patients have good recovery after operation. This operation does not need high-standard equipments and is suitable in the sight restoration project.

  8. The case for intraocular delivery of PPAR agonists in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Treacy, Maxwell P


    Systemic therapeutics targeting the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors have been found to be beneficial in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy. In this paper, we provide a rationale for the use of these therapeutics as intraocular agents. In addition, we introduce the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and describe their functions in response to the drugs.

  9. [Intraocular lens implantation with one loop haptic amputated: a new propose to the subluxation lens surgical treatment]. (United States)

    Ventura, Marcelo; Endriss, Daniela


    To evaluate the postoperative results of congenital lens subluxation corrected by a new technique. Retrospective chart review of 21 eyes of 13 patients with no traumatic lens subluxation who underwent surgery in Altino Ventura Foundation from April, 1999 to April, 2004. The mean age was 8.7 +/- 5.4 years old, and the mean follow-up period was 21.5 +/- 19.3 months. Patients underwent phacoaspiration, endocapsular ring and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. The implanted IOL had one loop haptic excised and was supported above the ring, inside the capsular bag promoting intraocular lens centralization. Visual acuity improvement was observed in all cases. There was a significant reduction of the spherical equivalent and spherical component comparing the pre and postoperative refraction (psubluxation surgical treatment, promoting lens centralization and postoperative visual acuity improvement.

  10. Implantation of a double iris-claw intraocular lens in an aphakic nanophthalmic eye

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    Filiz Avsin Ozdemir Sarioglu


    Full Text Available A 55-year-old female with an aphakic nanophthalmic eye underwent a secondary intraocular lens implantation (IOL with double Artisan aphakia iris claw IOLs (ICIOLs and was evaluated in this research. The patient's preoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA of the right eye was 0.4 (0.4 logMAR (with + 21.00 D, postoperative 1st and 3rd month, 1st year, and 3 years BCVAs were 0.4 (0.4 logMAR. The intraocular pressure was 15 mmHg preoperatively, and 14, 12, 12, and 15 mmHg postoperatively at 1st and 3rd month, 1st year, and 3 years, respectively. The preoperative endothelial cell density (ECD was 2372 cells/mm2, and postoperative ECDs were 2352, 2391, 2246, and 2240 cells/mm2 at 1st and 3rd months, at 1st year, and 3 years respectively. In aphakic nanophthalmic eyes with inadequate capsular support, which require high IOL dioptry, the implantation of double ICIOLs (one in front of the iris and the other behind the iris seems to be safe and provides good visual rehabilitation.

  11. Bottom-up fabrication of zwitterionic polymer brushes on intraocular lens for improved biocompatibility

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    Han Y


    Full Text Available Yuemei Han,1,* Xu Xu,1,* Junmei Tang,1,* Chenghui Shen,2 Quankui Lin,1,2 Hao Chen1,2 1School of Ophthalmology & Optometry, Eye Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University, 2Wenzhou Institute of Biomaterials and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wenzhou, People’s Republic of China *These authors contributed equally to this work Abstract: Intraocular lens (IOL is an efficient implantable device commonly used for treating cataracts. However, bioadhesion of bacteria or residual lens epithelial cells on the IOL surface after surgery causes postoperative complications, such as endophthalmitis or posterior capsular opacification, and leads to loss of sight again. In the present study, zwitterionic polymer brushes were fabricated on the IOL surface via bottom-up grafting procedure. The attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared and contact angle measurements indicated successful surface modification, as well as excellent hydrophilicity. The coating of hydrophilic zwitterionic polymer effectively decreased the bioadhesion of lens epithelial cells or bacteria. In vivo intraocular implantation results showed good in vivo biocompatibility of zwitterionic IOL and its effectiveness against postoperative complications. Keywords: RAFT, surface modification, endophthalmitis, PCO, in vivo

  12. Estado nutricional materno y peso al nacer

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    Marianela de la C Prendes Labrada


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio analítico de cohorte en el Policlínico "Raúl Gómez" entre enero de 1996 y septiembre de 1997 con el objetivo de relacionar el estado nutricional materno con el peso al nacer. Concluyeron el estudio 305 gestantes en las que se determinó edad, hábito de fumar, peso, talla, valoración ponderal inicial, incremento transgestacional y peso al nacer. Se aplicó Chi cuadrado y se determinó el riesgo relativo. El peso adecuado, el incremento transgestacional de 8 kg o más y la talla > o = 150 cm se asociaron con el peso al nacer > o = 3 000 g. La talla menor de 150 cm, peso bajo III y IV y las fumadoras aportaron con mayor frecuencia recién nacidos con peso entre 2 500 y 2 999 g. El riesgo de bajo peso al nacer fue mayor entre las gestantes con peso bajo I-II-III-IV, con incremento transgestacional menor de 8 kg y en las fumadorasAn analytic cohort study was conducted in "Raúl Gómez" Polyclinic between January, 1996, and September, 1997, aimed at relating the maternal nutritional status with birth weight. Age, smoking habit, weight, height, initial ponderal assessment, transgestational weight gain and birth weight were determined among the 305 pregnant women that concluded the study. The adequate weight, the transgestational weight gain of 8 kg or more and the height > or = 150 cm were associated with a birth weight > or = 3000 g. Women with the lowest height of 150 cm, low weight III and IV and the smokers had more frequently newborn infants between 2 500 and 2 999 g. The low birth weight risk was higher among the expectants with low weight I-II-II-IV, with a transgestational weight gain under 8 kg and among smokers

  13. Analysis of phakic before intraocular lens implantation for fundus examination

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    Juan Chen


    Full Text Available AIM:To investigate the findings of the eyes which were examined preoperatively by three mirror contact lens before the implantation of implantable collamer lens(ICL. To analysis the retinal pathological changes and to explore the clinical analysis of early diagnosis and treatment in retinopathy on fundus examination before operation. METHODS:The retrospective case series study included 127 eyes of 64 patients who underwent phakic intraocular lens implantation were received the fundus examination by three mirror from April 2011 to April 2012 in our hospital. The age, refractive diopter, the findings of Goldmann three mirror examination and the condition of retinal photocoagulation were analysed and concluded.RESULTS: A total of 34 eyes(26.8%out of all 127 eyes(64 caseswere found to have peripheral retinal pathological changes. Eight eyes(6.3%with retinal holes, 15 eyes(11.8%with retinal lattice degeneration, 5 eyes(3.9%with retina cream degeneration, 3 eyes(2.4%with retinal paving stone degeneration,2 eyes with vitreoretinal adhesion and traction,1 eye(0.8%with retinal hemorrhage. Twenty-five cases were given retinal photocoagulation and then received the ICL implantation after 3mo. The follow-up time was 1a. No retinal detachment happened.CONCLUSION:Phakic before intraocular lens implantation for fundus examination by three mirror is contributed to find the peripheral retinal pathological changes and abnormity. And make the appropriate treatment before operation for improving the security of operation, it can also give help to the postoperative follow-up of the fundus of these patients.

  14. Midline sclerotomy approach for intraocular foreign body removal in phakic eyes using endoilluminator: A novel technique (United States)

    Ravani, Raghav; Chawla, Rohan; Azad, Shorya Vardhan; Gupta, Yogita; Kumar, Vinod; Kumar, Atul


    Purpose: The objective of this study is to describe the removal of retained intraocular foreign body (RIOFB) by bimanual pars plana vitrectomy through midline sclerotomy in phakic patients. Technique: Four eyes with RIOFB and clear lens underwent microincision vitrectomy surgery. A chandelier illumination was placed through one of the existing ports. The foreign body (FB) was localized by direct visualization (intravitreal) or indentation (pars plana), stabilized using an intraocular magnet/FB forceps introduced through a midline sclerotomy and freed of vitreous from all sides using a vitrectomy cutter through the other port bimanually, reoriented along their long axis and extracted through the midline sclerotomy. Results: All four FBs were removed successfully without slippage or damage to the clear lens. Conclusion: Chandelier illumination-assisted removal of FB through midline sclerotomy helps in easier localization, stabilization and removal, avoiding lens touch even in anteriorly located FBs such as at pars plana. PMID:29676316

  15. Cauterization technique for suture erosion in transscleralfixation of intraocular lenses

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    Xu-Ting Hu


    Full Text Available Transscleral suturing is a commonly applied technique to fix intraocular implants in the sulcus. A major problem after transscleral implantation is suture erosion that normally happens in the late post-surgery period and may result in an increased incidence of endophthalmitis. Here we describe an original cauterization method by using a glass rod to melt the exposed suture end without damaging the suture knot in the sclera to avoid suture exposure in sclera-fixed IOL implantation. This is a simple, quick and effective technique that can be performed without conjunctiva incisions and will help to reduce suture erosion related complications.

  16. Light transmission through intraocular lenses with or without yellow chromophore (blue light filter) and its potential influence on functional vision in everyday environmental conditions. (United States)

    Owczarek, Grzegorz; Gralewicz, Grzegorz; Skuza, Natalia; Jurowski, Piotr


    In this research the factors used to evaluate the light transmission through two types of acrylic hydrophobic intraocular lenses, one that contained yellow chromophore that blocks blue light transmission and the other which did not contain that filter, were defined according to various light condition, e.g., daylight and at night. The potential influence of light transmission trough intraocular lenses with or without yellow chromophore on functional vision in everyday environmental conditions was analysed.

  17. The effect of blue-blocking and neutral intraocular lenses on circadian photoentrainment and sleep one year after cataract surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brøndsted, Adam Elias; Haargaard, Birgitte; Sander, Birgit


    surgery with implantation of either a neutral or a blue-blocking intraocular lens (IOL). Main outcome was activation of the intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC) measured by chromatic pupillometry. The circadian rhythm was analysed by 24-hr melatonin profiles and actigraphy......PURPOSE: To compare the long-term effect on circadian photoentrainment and sleep in patients implanted with neutral and blue-blocking intraocular lenses 1 year after cataract surgery. METHODS: Randomized, controlled trial involving 67 patients with age-related cataract. Intervention was cataract...... compared with neutral IOLs. Cataract surgery improved the response of ipRGCs and sleep quality. However, the effect of cataract surgery on sleep quality may be unrelated to circadian photoentrainment....

  18. Comparison of the visual and intraocular optical performance of a refractive multifocal IOL with rotational asymmetry and an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL. (United States)

    Alió, Jorge L; Plaza-Puche, Ana B; Javaloy, Jaime; Ayala, María José


    To compare the visual outcomes and intraocular optical quality observed postoperatively in patients implanted with a rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) and an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL. Seventy-four consecutive eyes of 40 cataract patients (age range: 36 to 79 years) were divided into two groups: zonal refractive group, 39 eyes implanted with a rotationally asymmetric multifocal IOL (Lentis Mplus LS-312 IOL, Oculentis GmbH); and diffractive group, 35 eyes implanted with an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL (ReSTOR SN6AD3, Alcon Laboratories Inc). Distance and near visual acuity outcomes, contrast sensitivity, intraocular optical quality, and defocus curves were evaluated during 3-month follow-up. Calculation of the intraocular aberrations was performed by subtracting corneal aberrations from total ocular aberrations. Uncorrected near visual acuity and distance-corrected near visual acuity were better in the diffractive group than in the zonal refractive group (P=.01), whereas intermediate visual acuity (defocus +1.00 and +1.50 diopters) was better in the zonal refractive group. Photopic contrast sensitivity was significantly better in the zonal refractive group (P=.04). Wavefront aberrations (total, higher order, tilt, primary coma) were significantly higher in the zonal refractive group than in the diffractive group (P=.02). Both multifocal IOLs are able to successfully restore visual function after cataract surgery. The zonal refractive multifocal IOL provides better results in contrast sensitivity and intermediate vision, whereas the diffractive multifocal IOL provides better near vision at a closer distance. Copyright 2012, SLACK Incorporated.

  19. La abstención electoral en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de 2014: análisis estructural de sus componentes

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    Ángel Cazorla Martín


    Full Text Available La abstención electoral en comicios de segundo orden ha sido un asunto de relativo interés en los estudios de ciencia política, especialmente en el caso de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo. Sin embargo, este tipo de consulta presenta una serie de rasgos específicos relacionados con las motivaciones para la abstención. A las clásicas interpretaciones relacionadas con los elementos contextuales y sociodemográficos debemos añadir una serie de componentes de carácter actitudinal, relacionados con castigo o la experimentación electoral, fruto de la desafección política. Con el objeto de indagar en estos aspectos, el presente trabajo pretende construir un modelo estructural (SEM que describa y explique los efectos específicos de cada uno de estos componentes en la participación de los españoles para las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de mayo de 2014.

  20. Occult intraocular trauma: evaluation of the eye in an austere environment. (United States)

    Sweet, Patrick H


    Physicians deployed to austere environments often encounter the challenge of needing to make clinical decisions based upon rudimentary history and physical examination. These skills, however, can be difficult for many to rely on, with the many subtleties of examining the eye, when they are normally accustomed to relying on sophisticated modalities to establish diagnosis. This case is a model for evaluating eye trauma in an austere or hostile environment. A 25-year-old male U.S. Marine was fired upon at a Mexican Army checkpoint where he sustained glass shrapnel injuries, the most serious being to his right eye. He was taken from a detention facility to a Mexican hospital, where he was evaluated and given the diagnosis of corneal laceration. Twelve hours later, a U.S. Navy physician arrived to evaluate the patient; he was allowed limited access to the patient. His ophthalmologic examination revealed a closed corneal laceration on the right eye, worse than 20/800 vision, absent red reflex, and obscured funduscopic examination. These findings made it impossible to rule out globe penetration. The patient was released 48 h later to a U.S. Naval Hospital, where intraocular foreign bodies were confirmed by imaging and he was taken to emergency surgery. This case illustrates that even under austere conditions, a focused history and evaluation can reveal the likelihood of occult intraocular foreign body, thereby triaging the patient for emergency surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  1. Use of intraocular lenses in children with traumatic cataract in south India


    Eckstein, M.; Vijayalakshmi, P; Killedar, M.; Gilbert, C.; Foster, A.


    AIMS—To assess the long term results of intraocular lens (IOL) implantation for traumatic cataract in young children in a developing country.
METHODS—Prospective hospital based study of 52 children (age 2-10 years) undergoing unilateral cataract extraction and IOL insertion for traumatic cataract performed by a single surgeon in south India. Children were reviewed regularly and followed up initially for 3 years.
RESULTS—There were no serious operative complications. Clinically significant pos...


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    Radhakrishnan B


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. Intraocular Pressure (IOP is the only known modifiable risk factor that has been shown to delay progression in both ocular hypertension and glaucoma patients. Clinical measurement of IOP has undergone several technical advances from the initial digital tension measurements, through indentation tonometry, to applanation tonometry and non-contact tonometry. This study was done to compare the intraocular pressure (IOP measurements with Non Contact Tonometry (NCT and Goldmann Applanation tonometry (GAT and to compare NCT IOP and GAT IOP among various central corneal thickness (CCT groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS IOP measurements were done by NCT and then by GAT followed by CCT. All IOP readings were taken in the sitting position over fifteen minutes. NCT was performed before the GAT to avoid the known mild reduction of IOP by anterior chamber compression with GAT. RESULTS The study included 200 eyes of 100 patients. Mean age of the patients was 58.14 ± 11.7 years (range 35- 81 years. The study population consisted of 58 males and 42 females. The mean ± SD intraocular pressure measurements were 23.39 ± 4.6 mmHg and 22.41 ± 5.9 mmHg for NCT and GAT, respectively. The difference between the NCT and GAT IOP was 0.98 ± 4.7 mm Hg. Mean CCT of the study group was 545.74 ± 38.23 microns. The IOP measured with both GAT and NCT showed no significant change with increasing CCT. The difference between the means increases with increasing CCT upto 600 microns. At lower IOPs ≤ 20 mm Hg, GAT measures are higher than NCT and this relationship is reversed at high IOPs. CONCLUSION Intraocular pressure measurement by NCT was consistently higher than GAT. There was a tendency for NCT to underestimate IOP at lower ranges and overestimates IOP at higher ranges. By applying appropriate correction factor for CCT, Noncontact tonometry could be used as a good screening tool for glaucoma evaluation.

  3. Use of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose 2% for removing adherent silicone oil from silicone intraocular lenses


    Wong , S Chien; Ramkissoon , Yashin D; Lopez , Mauricio; Page , Kristopher; Parkin , Ivan P; Sullivan , Paul M


    Abstract Background / aims: To investigate the effect of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) on the physical interaction (contact angle) between silicone oil and a silicone intraocular lens (IOL). Methods: In vitro experiments were performed, to determine the effect of HPMC (0.5%, 1% or 2%), with or without an additional simple mechanical manoeuvre, on the contact angle of silicone oil at the surface of both silicone and acrylic (control) IOLs. A balanced salt solu...

  4. Placement of a crystalline lens and intraocular lens: Retinal image quality. (United States)

    Siedlecki, Damian; Nowak, Jerzy; Zajac, Marek


    The influence of changes of both crystalline lens and intraocular lens (IOL) misalignment on the retinal image quality was investigated. The optical model of the eye used in investigations was the Liou-Brennan model, which is commonly considered as one of the most anatomically accurate. The original crystalline lens from this model was replaced with an IOL, made of rigid polymethylmethacrylate, in a way that recommend obligatory procedures. The modifications that were made both for crystalline lens and IOL were the longitudinal, the transversal, and the angular displacement.

  5. In-the-bag decentration of a hydrophilic radially asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens secondary to capsule contraction.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Linden, J.W.M. van der; Meulen, I.J. van der; Mourits, M.P.; Lapid-Gortzak, R.


    We report a case of in-the-bag decentration and tilt of a hydrophilic rotationally asymmetric multifocal intraocular lens (IOL) of the M Plus type secondary to capsule contraction. After uneventful surgery and follow-up for 3 months, progressive decentering and tilting of the IOL secondary to

  6. Clinical and theoretical results of intraocular lens power calculation for cataract surgery after photorefractive keratectomy for myopia.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Odenthal, M.T.; Eggink, C.A.; Melles, G.R.J.; Pameyer, J.H.; Geerards, A.J.; Beekhuis, W.H.


    OBJECTIVES: To describe the refractive results of cataract surgery after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) for patients with myopia, and to find a more accurate method to predict intraocular lens (IOL) power in these cases. DESIGN: Nonrandomized, retrospective clinical study. PATIENTS AND METHODS:

  7. A noncontact intraocular pressure measurement device using a micro reflected air pressure sensor for the prediagnosis of glaucoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kyoung Hwan; Kim, Byeong Hee; Seo, Young Ho


    This study investigates a novel, portable tonometer using a micro reflected air pressure sensor for the prediagnosis of glaucoma. Because glaucoma progresses slowly and is not painful, glaucoma patients require a portable prediagnosis system to periodically measure intraocular pressure at home. Conventionally, intraocular pressure is measured by an air-puff tonometer whereby the cornea is deformed by a short pulse of air pressure and the magnitude of the corneal deformation is measured by optic systems such as a combination of laser- and photodiodes. In this study, a micro reflected air pressure sensor was designed, fabricated, and tested in order to measure the magnitude of corneal deformation without optic systems. In an experimental study, artificial eyes with different internal pressures were fabricated and these pressures were measured by the aforementioned system. (paper)

  8. Intraocular pressure and Schirmer tear test values in maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus

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    Cristiane S. Honsho

    Full Text Available Abstract: The purpose of this study was to establish baseline data on lacrimal quantity (STT-1 and intraocular pressure (IOP in captive maned wolves. Ten healthy adult maned wolves were contained with a snare pole and muzzle and kept in decubitus of the left side. STT-1 measurement was performed on the lateral third of the lower conjunctival sac for one minute. The cornea was desensitized and intraocular pressure was measured with an tonopen. Average STT-1 in both eyes was 11±5mm.min-1, with no statistical difference between the left and right eye (p=0.960. Average IOP in both eyes was 20±6mmHg, with no statistical difference between the left and right eye (p=0.836. Average STT-1 was lower than, and IOP was the same as normal levels found in dogs. There was no statistical difference in the age of the animals, and STT-1 and IOP values. In the present paper, average maned wolf STT-1 levels were lower compared with those found in dogs, while the IOP was the same in maned wolves as in dogs. Due to the increased incidence in providing emergency care for maned wolf victims of road kill and fires, determination reference values of ocular parameters may improve the correct diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

  9. La estructura de la pasarela de acceso al Centro Especial de Empleo Aspanias. Polígono G3 de Burgos, 1994.

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    Aliseda, Ana


    Full Text Available The paper describes the wooden structure of a pedestrian bridge of a mixed use building with (residential and working for disabled people. It has been analyzed from the process of design to the structure itself and questions about materials and treatments. The building was built 13 years ago, when the wooden construction was really reduced in Spain; something to keep in mind in the analysis of this work.El artículo describe la estructura de una pasarela de madera de acceso a un edificio de uso mixto residencial y laboral para discapacitados. Se recorren los aspectos de proyecto, del diseño de la estructura y otros más técnicos relativos al tipo de materiales y tratamientos. La obra se construyó hace unos 13 años, momento en el que en España la construcción con madera era mínima; algo que sin duda no puede perderse de vista al analizar esta obra.

  10. Intra- and Intersession Repeatability of an Optical Quality and Intraocular Scattering Measurement System in Children.

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    Mi Tian

    Full Text Available To evaluate intra- and intersession repeatability of objective optical quality and intraocular scattering measurements with a double-pass system in children.Forty-two eyes of 42 children were included in the study. An optical quality analysis system (OQAS was used to measure optical quality parameters, including modulation transfer function cutoff frequency (MTFcutoff, Strehl ratio (SR, OQAS values (OV at 3 different contrasts and objective scatter index (OSI. Three measurement sessions with 10-min intervals were operated by the same technician, and in each session four consecutive measurements were obtained.Mean values for MTFcutoff, SR and OSI were 46.85 ± 7.45cpd, 0.27 ± 0.06 and 0.34 ± 0.22 respectively. 1 The intraclass correlation coefficients were ranged from 0.89 to 0.97 and coefficients of variation from 0.06 to 0.16 for all the parameters in the first session; the relative repeatability were 11.1% (MTFcutoff, 22.5% (SR, 10.9% (OV100%, 16.6% (OV2%, 22.4% (OV9% and 56.3% (OSI. Similar results were found in the second and third sessions. 2 Bland-Altman analysis showed that narrow 95% confidence intervals (compared between the first and second sessions ranged from -5.42 to 5.28 (MTFcutoff, -0.05 to 0.07 (SR, -0.18 to 0.18 (OV100%, -0.26 to 0.29 (OV20%, -0.33 to 0.39 (OV9% and -0.11 to 0.09 (OSI; the comparison between any two of the three sessions showed similar results.Measurements of optical quality and intraocular scattering in children by the double-pass system showed good intra- and intersession repeatability. Retinal image quality is high and intraocular scattering is low in children.

  11. Primary intraocular lens implantation for penetrating lens trauma in Africa. (United States)

    Bowman, R J; Yorston, D; Wood, M; Gilbert, C; Foster, A


    This study aimed to audit the surgical strategy of primary posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation for cases of recent penetrating trauma involving the lens in an African population. Retrospective, noncomparative case series. Seventy-two cases are reported, including all patients who underwent primary intraocular lens implantation for traumatic cataract extraction performed within 1 month of injury between 1988 and 1996. Demographic characteristics and follow-up attendance rates are analyzed. Surgical technique and the occurrence of intraoperative and postoperative complications are reported. Visual outcomes are reported with detailed analysis for cases of poor visual outcome. Mean age was 14.3 years (standard deviation = 11.1), 57 (79%) were male and 15 (21%) were female (chi-square = 23.66, P capsule had been breached by the trauma in 27 (38%) cases, and 15 of these required anterior vitrectomy. Capsular fixation of the implant was achieved in 49% of patients, the remainder having sulcus fixation. Intraoperative rupture of the posterior capsule occurred in four cases. The only common postoperative complication was acute fibrinous anterior uveitis, which occurred in 29 (40%) patients, and 32% of patients followed up for at least 6 months required secondary posterior capsulotomy. This was more common in younger patients (chi-square = 4.2, P < 0.05). Corrected postoperative visual acuities were available for 51 patients, of which 71% achieved 20/60 or better visual acuity. Patients 6 years of age or younger were less likely to achieve 20/60 (chi-square = 6.61, P = 0.01). This surgical strategy has proved successful, producing good visual results and causing no sight-threatening complications. Primary posterior capsulotomy may be appropriate for younger patients.

  12. Evaluation of the Repeatability and the Reproducibility of AL-Scan Measurements Obtained by Residents

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    Mehmet Kola


    Full Text Available Purpose. To assess the repeatability and reproducibility of ocular biometry and intraocular lens (IOL power measurements obtained by ophthalmology residents using an AL-Scan device, a novel optical biometer. Methods. Two ophthalmology residents were instructed regarding the AL-Scan device. Both performed ocular biometry and IOL power measurements using AL-Scan, three times on each of 128 eyes, independently of one another. Corneal keratometry readings, horizontal iris width, central corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, pupil size, and axial length values measured by both residents were recorded together with IOL power values calculated on the basis of four different IOL calculation formulas (SRK/T, Holladay, and HofferQ. Repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements obtained were analyzed using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC. Results. Repeatability (ICC, 0.872-0.999 for resident 1 versus 0.905-0.999 for resident 2 and reproducibility (ICC, 0.916-0.999 were high for all biometric measurements. Repeatability (ICC, 0.981-0.983 for resident 1 versus 0.995-0.996 for resident 2 and reproducibility were also high for all IOL power measurements (ICC, 0.996 for all. Conclusions. The AL-Scan device exhibits good repeatability and reproducibility in all biometric measurements and IOL power calculations, independent of the operator concerned.


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    Leya Sara George


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND A complete ophthalmologic examination includes intraocular pressure (IOP measurement, which is a routine procedure and is important for diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma. IOP measurement is most commonly done using Goldmann Applanation tonometer and Non-Contact tonometer. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study IOP measurements of 500 eyes (glaucomatous and non-glaucomatous were performed using GAT and NCT on patients visiting the outpatient clinic of Department of Ophthalmology at Christian Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana. This was a cross sectional and observational study. Comparison of IOP values was done in different IOP ranges. CCT was measured and analysis of its correlation with GAT and NCT was done. RESULTS Both methods of tonometry correlated significantly in patients with IOP <24 mm Hg. The mean IOP measured by NCT, was 16.06 ± 5.85 mm Hg and the mean IOP measurement by GAT was 16.61 ± 6.94 mm Hg. Intraocular pressure readings with GAT and NCT positively correlated with CCT. CONCLUSION NCT may be useful for screening in clinical settings but borderline high IOP readings should be confirmed with GAT. Our findings, also suggest that CCT is an essential variable to consider in interpreting IOP readings.

  14. A Case of Iris Melanocytoma Demonstrating Diffuse Melanocytic Proliferation with Uncontrolled Intraocular Pressure

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    Mami Kusunose


    Full Text Available We report a rare case with histologically proven melanocytoma of the iris that demonstrated diffuse melanocytic proliferation with uncontrolled secondary glaucoma and investigate the etiology of the intraocular pressure elevation. The patient was a 78-year-old man with a history of darkened iris of his left eye. The intraocular pressure was 39 mm Hg. A slit-lamp examination showed a diffuse darkened iris, and a gonioscopic examination revealed open angle with circumferential heavy pigmentation. There was no pigment dispersion of the anterior chamber and no pigment deposition of the cornea. We suspected malignant ring melanoma in the left eye and enucleated it. The globe was examined with light and electron microscopy. Light microscopy revealed the presence of heavily pigmented tumor cells in the iris, ciliary body, trabecular meshwork, and Schlemm’s canal. A bleached preparation showed large tumor cells with central and paracentral nuclei without mitosis. Electron microscopy of the trabecular meshwork revealed melanin-bearing tumor cells invading the intertrabecular spaces, and the melanin granules were not phagocytosed in the trabecular cells. The mechanical obstruction of the aqueous flow by the tumor cells may be a major cause of secondary glaucoma in eyes with iris melanocytoma presenting diffuse proliferation.

  15. Dosimetry and treatment planning of Occu-Prosta 125I seeds for intraocular lesions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chaudhari, Suresh; Deshpande, Sudesh; Anand, Vivek; De, Sandeep; Kannan, V.; Saxena, Sanjay; Dash, A.; Basu, Mahua; Samant, Preetam


    Intraocular malignant lesions are frequently encountered in clinical practice. Plaque brachytherapy represents an effective means of treatment for intraocular lesions. Recently Radiopharmaceutical Division, BARC, Mumbai, has indigenously fabricated reasonable-cost 125 I sources. Here we are presenting the preliminary experience of dosimetry of sources, configuration of treatment planning system (TPS) and quality assurance (QA) for eye plaque therapy with Occu-Prosta 125 I seeds, treated in our hospital, for a patient with ocular lesions. 125 I seeds were calibrated using well-type chamber. BrachyVision TPS was configured with Monte Carlo computed radial dose functions and anisotropy functions for 125 I sources. Dose calculated by TPS at different points in central axis and off axis was compared with manually calculated dose. Eye plaque was fabricated of 17 karat pure gold, locally. The seeds were arranged in an outer ring near the edge of the plaque and in concentric rings throughout the plaque. The sources were manually digitized on the TPS, and dose distribution was calculated in three dimensions. Measured activity using cross-calibrated well-type chamber was within ± 10% of the activity specified by the supplier. Difference in TPS-calculated dose and manually calculated dose was within 5%. Treatment time calculated by TPS was in concordance with published data for similar plaque arrangement. (author)

  16. Principales métodos para el cálculo de la lente intraocular después de la cirugía refractiva corneal

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    Taimí Cárdenas Díaz

    Full Text Available Con el surgimiento y el desarrollo de la cirugía refractiva corneal se han podido corregir quirúrgicamente a millones de pacientes con defectos refractivos. Con el cursar de los años comienza a opacarse fisiológicamente el cristalino, y disminuye la agudeza visual en estos pacientes a quienes se les modificó la curvatura corneal. Ante la necesidad de remover el cristalino y de calcular una lente intraocular de potencia adecuada para conseguir la emetropía, surge un nuevo reto a la Oftalmología. El cálculo de la lente intraocular en pacientes con cirugía refractiva corneal es mucho más complejo, pues además de tener longitudes axiales extremas, se añaden factores por la intervención previa que alteran la predictibilidad del resultado visual, con la aplicación de las fórmulas de cálculo de lente intraocular existentes. Se han descrito varios métodos que permiten determinar correctamente la potencia de la lente a implantar, dependiendo de los datos de los que se dispongan; de ahí la motivación para realizar una revisión de diferentes publicaciones con el propósito de describir los principales métodos empleados para realizar el cálculo de la lente intraocular en estos pacientes. Se utilizó la plataforma Infomed, específicamente la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, con todos sus buscadores.

  17. Intraocular lens dislocation after whole-body vibration. (United States)

    Vela, José I; Andreu, David; Díaz-Cascajosa, Jesús; Buil, José A


    We present 2 cases of intraocular lens (IOL) dislocation that appeared shortly after the patients exercised on a vibration platform. The first patient was a 71-year-old woman who presented with lens subluxation in her right eye and a complete posterior IOL dislocation in her left eye. The second case was a 62-year-old woman who presented with unilateral IOL dislocation within the capsular bag in her right eye. Timing from IOL implantation to dislocation was approximately 6 years and 4 years, respectively. Pars plana vitrectomy with removal of the dislocated IOL was performed in both patients. Whole-body vibration training has become increasingly popular as a form of exercise training. It reportedly may provide benefits in physical function and in some diseases, especially in older people. However, evidence-based protocols ensuring safety and efficacy in this population are lacking. We discuss vibration as a cause of late IOL dislocation. Copyright © 2010 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Comparação da análise da frente de onda e da sensibilidade ao contraste em olhos pseudofácicos com implante de lentes intra-oculares esférica e asférica Wavefront analysis and contrast sensitivity comparison between spheric and aspheric intraocular lenses

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    Wilson Takashi Hida


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a análise da frente de onda e a sensibilidade de contraste pós-operatórias em pacientes submetidos à facoemulsificação com implante de lentes intra-oculares esféricas num olho e asféricas no olho contralateral. MÉTODOS: Este estudo prospectivo comparativo, randomizado, duplo-cego, incluiu 32 olhos de 16 pacientes. Uma avaliação oftalmológica completa foi realizada durante as visitas antes e depois da cirurgia (no primeiro, terceiro, sétimo, e nonagésimo dias pós-cirúrgicos, que incluiu acuidade visual, teste de sensibilidade ao contraste, aberrometria. Todos exames (menos aberrometr=ia foram feitos monocularmente com pupilas não dilatadas. Os pacientes foram submetidos a facectomia ultra-sônica convencional com implante de uma lente asférica SN60WF num olho e esférica SN60ATno outro. RESULTADOS: A acuidade visual média com a melhor correção foi -0,146 LogMAR no grupo da lente intra-ocular esférica, e -0.165 logMAR no grupo da lente intra-ocular asférica sob condições fotópicas, -0,003 LogMAR sob condições mesópicas. A sensibilidade ao contraste foi semelhante em ambos os grupos tanto em condições fotópicas e mesópicas. Em relação às aberrações ópticas ocorreu uma diferença significativa nas aberrações totais (1,09 ± 0,56 no grupo asférico e 1,52 ± 1,19 no grupo esférico e no componente esférico das aberrações de alta ordem(0,422 ± 0,202 no grupo asférico e 0,124 ± 0,087 no grupo esférico. CONCLUSÃO: As duas lentes intra-oculares promoveram uma excelente visão em situações de alto contraste, e os olhos implantados com a lente asférica tiveram menos aberrações totais e esféricas que aqueles implantados com a lente esférica.PURPOSE: Compare the wavefront and contrast sensitivity of bilateral pseudophakic patients with aspheric in one eye and spheric intraocular lenses in the other. METHODS: This prospective, comparative, randomized study, double masked, included 32

  19. Genome-wide analysis of multi-ancestry cohorts identifies new loci influencing intraocular pressure and susceptibility to glaucoma

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hysi, Pirro G.; Cheng, Ching-Yu; Springelkamp, Henriet; Macgregor, Stuart; Bailey, Jessica N. Cooke; Wojciechowski, Robert; Vitart, Veronique; Nag, Abhishek; Hewitt, Alex W.; Hohn, Rene; Venturini, Cristina; Mirshahi, Alireza; Ramdas, Wishal D.; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Vithana, Eranga; Khor, Chiea-Chuen; Stefansson, Arni B.; Liao, Jiemin; Haines, Jonathan L.; Amin, Najaf; Wang, Ya Xing; Wild, Philipp S.; Ozel, Ayse B.; Li, Jun Z.; Fleck, Brian W.; Zeller, Tanja; Staffieri, Sandra E.; Teo, Yik-Ying; Cuellar-Partida, Gabriel; Luo, Xiaoyan; Allingham, R. Rand; Richards, Julia E.; Senft, Andrea; Karssen, Lennart C.; Zheng, Yingfeng; Bellenguez, Celine; Xu, Liang; Iglesias, Adriana I.; Wilson, James F.; Kang, Jae H.; van Leeuwen, Elisabeth M.; Jonsson, Vesteinn; Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur; Despriet, Dominiek D. G.; Ennis, Sarah; Moroi, Sayoko E.; Martin, Nicholas G.; Jansonius, Nomdo M.; Yazar, Seyhan; Tai, E-Shyong


    Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is an important risk factor in developing glaucoma, and variability in IOP might herald glaucomatous development or progression. We report the results of a genome-wide association study meta-analysis of 18 population cohorts from the International Glaucoma

  20. Desempenho visual após implante de uma lente intraocular asférica multifocal difrativa Visual performance after implantation of an aspheric multifocal diffractive intraocular lens

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    Leonardo Akaishi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a acuidade visual a distancia, intermediária e perto após o implante de uma lente intraocular (LIO asférica multifocal difrativa AcrySof® ReSTOR® SN6AD1. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de 50 pacientes com catarata submetidos à facoemulsificação e implante de LIO AcrySof® ReSTOR®. Foram avaliados acuidade visual sem correção (AVSC, acuidade visual com correção (AVCC para longe, acuidade visual para perto corrigida para longe (AVPC e acuidade visual intermediária corrigida para longe (AVIC. Um questionário de satisfação e fenômenos visuais foi administrado ao final do estudo. RESULTADO: Após três meses de cirurgia, a média das acuidades (logMAR era: AVSC, 0,05 ± 0,07; AVCC, 0,00 ± 0,01; AVPC, 0,00 ± 0,0, e AVIC, 0,15 ± 0,05. A AVCC e AVPC era de 20/25 ou melhor em todos os pacientes, sendo a AVIC J3 ou melhor em 83% dos pacientes. Pacientes relataram excelente desempenho visual nas questões relacionadas a atividades para distância, intermediário, e perto com pouca ou nenhuma dificuldade. Nenhum paciente relatou halos ou 'glare' severos, sendo os mesmos caracterizados entre nenhum a moderado. CONCLUSÃO: A LIO asférica AcrySof® ReSTOR® SN6AD1 mostrou excelentes resultados na visão para longe, perto e intermediário, além de apresentar uma baixa incidência de fenômenos visuais.PURPOSE: To evaluate distance, intermediate, and near vision after aspheric multifocal diffractive AcrySof® ReSTOR® SN6AD1 intraocular lens (IOL implantation. METHODS: Prospective study of 50 patients with cataract that had phacoemulsification and AcrySof® ReSTOR® IOL implantation. Uncorrected distance vision acuity (UDVA, corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA, distance-corrected near visual acuity (DCNVA, and distance-corrected intermediate visual acuity (DCIVA were measured postoperatively. A patient-satisfaction and visual phenomena questionnaire was administered at the end of the study. RESULTS: Three months


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    Taís de Andrade

    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a influência dos Valores Relativos ao Trabalho sobre as Âncoras de Carreira, a partir da perspectiva de discentes de instituições de ensino superior. Para o alcance deste objetivo, partiu-se de duas perspectivas teóricas: a abordagem de Valores do Trabalho proposta por Ros, Schwartz e Surkis (1999 e Porto e Pilati (2010 e as Âncoras de Carreira propostas por Schein (1993. Visando atingir o objetivo do estudo, realizou-se uma pesquisa quantitativa, de caráter descritivo do tipo survey. O instrumento preenchido por 958 discentes foi baseado na Escala Revisada de Valores Relativos ao Trabalho (EVT-R, de Porto e Pilati (2010, e no Inventário de Âncoras de Carreira, desenvolvido por Schein (1993. Considerando o modelo proposto, optou-se por trabalhar com modelagem de equações estruturais. Os principais resultados encontrados expõem que os valores prioritários entre os discentes investigados, foram Segurança e Realização. Em relação à carreira, houve o predomínio das âncoras Segurança/estabilidade e Desafio Puro. Ainda, a análise do modelo estrutural permitiu identificar que o construto Valores do Trabalho explica 30,5% (R2 da variância do construto Âncoras de Carreira. De maneira geral, tal achado sustenta a importância das demandas internas, representadas pelos valores que os indivíduos atribuem ao trabalho, sobre as decisões de carreira, pressuposto esse com poucas evidências empíricas, até então.

  2. Survey of ophthalmic anterior segment findings and intraocular pressure in 95 North American box turtles (Terrapene spp.). (United States)

    Espinheira Gomes, Filipe; Brandão, João; Sumner, Julia; Kearney, Michael; Freitas, Inês; Johnson, James; Cutler, Daniel; Nevarez, Javier


    To describe the ophthalmic biomicroscopy findings and intraocular pressures (IOP) in a captive population of box turtles and to determine whether a relationship exists between body morphometrics or health status and IOP. Hundred and three box turtles (69 Gulf coast, 24 three-toed, one ornate, one eastern, and eight unidentified) were triaged into three different color-coded groups: green (healthy), yellow (abnormal physical examination with no need for immediate care), and red (immediate care required). Both eyes were evaluated by rebound tonometry and slit-lamp biomicroscopy. Body weight and morphometric data were recorded. Intraocular pressures measurements were available for 190 eyes, slit-lamp biomicroscopy was available for 170 eyes, and morphometric data were available for 81 turtles. IOP in Gulf coast turtles (138 eyes) was 6.7 ± 1.4 mmHg OU. IOP in three-toed turtles (48 eyes) was 8.3 ± 1.5 mmHg OU, which was significantly higher than in Gulf coast turtles (P turtles only. There was a mild negative correlation between morphometrics and IOP in Gulf coast and three-toed turtles. Fifteen of 87 turtles had unilateral corneal or lenticular opacities; 3/87 had bilateral corneal or lenticular disease; and 3/87 had adnexal abnormalities. Different subspecies of box turtles have different normal intraocular pressures as measured by rebound tonometry, which was influenced by the animals' health status in one subspecies. Some morphometric parameters were found to be associated with IOP. Box turtles are often affected with ophthalmic abnormalities of unknown clinical significance. © 2015 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.

  3. Role of intraocular Leptospira infections in the pathogenesis of Equine Recurrent Uveitis in the Southern United States (United States)

    To investigate the role of intraocular leptospiral infections in horses with Equine Recurrent Uveitis (ERU) in the southern United States, blood and ocular fluid samples were collected from horses with a history and ocular findings consistent with ERU. Samples were also obtained from control horses ...

  4. Ultraviolet-B phototoxicity and hypothetical photomelanomagenesis: intraocular and crystalline lens photoprotection. (United States)

    Mainster, Martin A; Turner, Patricia L


    Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation can cause phototoxic macular injuries in young people who have been sunbathing but not sungazing and in welders. Welders have a reportedly increased risk of uveal melanoma. We analyze phakic and pseudophakic risks for solar and welding arc UV-B exposure. Optical radiation measurement, analysis, and perspective. Spectral transmittances were measured for UV-transmitting, UV-blocking, and blue-blocking intraocular lenses (IOLs). The photoprotective performances of crystalline and intraocular lenses were analyzed using relevant epidemiologic and laboratory data and action spectra for acute retinal phototoxicity and melanoma photocarcinogenesis. Crystalline lens UV-B retinal protection is deficient in children and young adults, increasing their potential susceptibility to acute retinal phototoxicity and hypothetical photomelanomagenesis. UV-B radiation has sufficient energy/photon to induce primary melanomagenic DNA lesions, unlike blue light or UV-A radiation. UV-blocking and blue-blocking IOLs have negligible UV-B transmittance. UV-transmitting IOL transmittance of UV-B radiation is equivalent to that of a 15-year-old crystalline lens. If optical radiation exposure is responsible for welders' increased risk of uveal melanoma, then UV-B radiation is the most probable causative agent and spectacle wear is a potential confounding factor in epidemiologic studies of ocular melanoma. Welders under 30 years of age are at greater risk for welding maculopathy than older welders. Children, adults under 30 years of age, and pseudophakic individuals with UV-transmitting IOLs should wear sunglasses in bright environments because of the UV-B window in their crystalline lenses or IOLs. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Revisión de los estudios sobre exposición al aluminio y enfermedad de Alzheimer

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    Suay Llopis Loreto


    Full Text Available Se ha llevado a cabo una revisión bibliográfica de los estudios epidemiológicos que han evaluado el papel del aluminio como factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en la base de datos MedLine combinando los términos del Thesaurus "Aluminum" y "Alzheimer´s disease". En la mayor parte de los estudios revisados se ha examinado la exposición al metal a través del agua de bebida. Los estudios que sugieren que existe una asociación entre el aluminio y la enfermedad presentan riesgos relativos de alrededor de 2 para poblaciones con exposiciones a concentraciones de Al en el agua mayores de 0,1 mg/l. Las exposiciones al metal a través de otras vías (alimentación, medicamentos y exposición laboral han sido poco estudiadas. Estos estudios epidemiológicos presentan limitaciones metodológicas y sus resultados no son consistentes por lo que los resultados disponibles hasta el momento no permiten establecer, de manera clara, que exista una asociación entre la exposición al metal y la etiología de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. No obstante, tampoco es posible descartar un papel tóxico del aluminio sobre la salud, por lo que su exposición debería ser controlada y reducida en lo posible.

  6. Evaluación de un modelo de formación inicial de profesores para su adaptación al EEES. Incidencia del Portafolio

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    Full Text Available Tras la elaboración de un Programa innovador para adecuar un curso de enseñanza universitaria, de Formación Inicial de Maestros, al EEES, aplicando nuestro Modelo Didáctico Emergente, MED, que incluye nuevas metodologías y tareas de aprendizaje para lograr nuevos objetivos, mostramos parte de los resultados de investigación, relativos a la evaluación del MED por un grupo de alumnos que participó en la aplicación del modelo. La metodología es cualitativa, incluyendo datos cuantitativos. Los resultados indican éxito del MED para las competencias profesionales: profesional reflexivo, trabajo cooperativo y creatividad interdisciplinar, objetivos para la integración del EEES.

  7. Comparison of glare in YAG-damaged intraocular lenses: injection-molded versus lathe-cut. (United States)

    Bath, P E; Dang, Y; Martin, W H


    A comparative analysis of YAG laser intraocular lens (IOL) damage was undertaken on injection-molded and lathe-cut IOLs. Damage sites were evaluated with polarized light. A consistent positive polarization was observed in the damage sites of lathe-cut IOLs. A consistent negative polarization was observed in the damage sites of injection-molded IOLs. The presence of positive polarization in IOL damage sites may be correlated with increased potential for glare. Results and clinical implications are discussed.

  8. Intraocular Telescopic System Design: Optical and Visual Simulation in a Human Eye Model


    Zoulinakis, Georgios; Ferrer-Blasco, Teresa


    Purpose. To design an intraocular telescopic system (ITS) for magnifying retinal image and to simulate its optical and visual performance after implantation in a human eye model. Methods. Design and simulation were carried out with a ray-tracing and optical design software. Two different ITS were designed, and their visual performance was simulated using the Liou-Brennan eye model. The difference between the ITS was their lenses’ placement in the eye model and their powers. Ray tracing in bot...

  9. A comparison of two different formulations of diclofenac sodium 0.1% in the treatment of inflammation following cataract-intraocular lens surgery. (United States)

    Mester, Ulrich; Lohmann, Chris; Pleyer, U; Steinkamp, G; Völcker, E; Kruger, H; Raj, Palaniswamy Sunder


    To compare the efficacy, tolerability and local tolerance of diclofenac sodium 0.1% containing hydroxypropylgamma cyclodextrin preserved with benzalkonium chloride 0.005% (Voltaren Ophtha CD), with that of diclofenac sodium 0.1% preserved with thiomersal 0.004% (Voltaren Ophtha) in the treatment of inflammation after cataract-intraocular lens surgery. Randomised 2:1, double-masked, parallel-group study in six centres in Germany. 299 patients scheduled to undergo phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation. Study medications were instilled four times in the 30 minutes before surgery and four times daily from the first postoperative day. The key efficacy variable was the reduction in anterior chamber flare (photons/millisecond) from day 1 to day 6 to 8. Patients underwent comprehensive ocular examinations, including laser flaremetry (KOWA), preoperatively and postoperatively at days 1, 6 to 8 and 24 to 32. 268 patients (Voltaren Ophtha CD 177, Voltaren Ophtha 91) completed the day 6 to 8 visit without any protocol violations. Reduction in the degree of intraocular inflammation with Voltaren Ophtha CD was equivalent to that achieved with Voltaren Ophtha at the day 6 to 8 [95% confidence interval (CI) -3.07 to +0.54] and day 24 to 32 (95% CI -1.44 to +1.40) visits. Although there was no significant (p = 0.464) difference between the two study groups in patients' global assessment of local tolerance at day 24 to 32, ocular discomfort was significantly (p = 0.023) less with Voltaren Ophtha CD compared with Voltaren Ophtha. Voltaren Ophtha CD was as effective and well tolerated but had less ocular discomfort compared with Voltaren Ophtha in the treatment of ocular inflammation after phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation. This new formulation of diclofenac sodium 0.1% may be used as an alternative to the existing formulations of ophthalmic diclofenac sodium 0.1%.

  10. Effect of oral administration of carprofen on intraocular pressure in normal dogs. (United States)

    Meekins, J M; Overton, T L; Rankin, A J; Roush, J K


    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of oral administration of carprofen on intraocular pressure in normal dogs. Twelve young adult beagle dogs were randomly assigned to treatment (n = 6) or control (n = 6) groups. After an 11-day acclimation period, the treatment group received approximately 2.2 mg/kg carprofen per os every 12 h for 7 days, and the control group received a placebo gel capsule containing no drug per os every 12 h for 7 days. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured by a rebound tonometer at three time points per day (8 am, 2 pm, and 8 pm) during the acclimation (days 1-11) and treatment (days 12-18) phases and for 48 h (days 19-20) after the completion of treatment. There was no statistically significant change in IOP for either eye in the dogs receiving oral carprofen during the treatment phase (days 12-18). After day 4, no significant daily IOP changes were seen in control group dogs. Carprofen administered orally every 12 h for 7 days had no effect on IOP in normal beagle dogs. An acclimation period to frequent IOP measurements of at least 5 days is necessary to establish baseline IOP values and minimize possible anxiety-related effects on IOP measurements. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Mesopic visual quality after three kinds of aspheric acrylic monofocal intraocular lenses

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    Hai-Lun Ji


    Full Text Available AIM:To evaluate best corrected visual acuity(BCVAand contrast sensitivity(CSunder mesopic condition with no glare in patients following implantation of three different kinds of aspheric acrylic monofocal intraocular lens(IOLs.METHODS: Seventy-seven cases(90 eyesof age-related cataract patients were selected, who were undergone phacoemulsification and intraocular lens(IOLimplantation in our hospital during December 2011 to November 2012. Preoperatively, the patients were randomly divided into three groups: 30 eyes(25 caseswere implanted with hydrophobic yellow-tinted acrylic(HOYAIOLs in group 1; 30 eyes(28 caseswith hydrophilic acrylic IOLs(Raynerin group 2; 30 eyes(24 caseswith hydrophilic acrylic surface heparin processing IOLs(XOin group 3. All eyes were evaluated at 1 month and 3 months postoperatively. The BCVA and CS under mesopic condition without glare were measured and underwent statistical analysis.RESULTS: There was neither statistically significant difference in the BCVA(P>0.05, nor statistically significant difference in CS results(after standardization of contrast sensitivity value: lgCS(P>0.05between groups under mesopic condition, but the lgCS of the HOYA group decreased slightly. CONCLUSION: There were not marked differences of BCVA and CS between groups of patients at the follow-up intervals of 1 month and 3 months under mesopic condition. The blue-filter type artificial lens may protect the retina, thus, it is advisable to implant yellow-tinted filter blue artificial lens, especially for patients who are children or young persons.

  12. Solving intraocular lens-related pigment dispersion syndrome with repositioning of primary sulcus implanted single-piece IOL in the capsular bag. (United States)

    Kohnen, Thomas; Kook, Daniel


    We describe 2 cases of pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS) after uneventful phacoemulsification and implantation of a posterior chamber single-piece intraocular lens (IOL) with a sharp-edge design. In both cases, several days after IOL implantation, marked pigment dispersion was seen on the iris and in the trabecular meshwork, associated with an elevation in intraocular pressure (IOP). Thorough examination showed that the implanted IOL was in the ciliary sulcus. After surgical repositioning of both IOLs in the capsular bag, the pigment dispersion regressed and the IOP returned to normal limits. The 2 cases suggest that particularly in PDS patients, an IOL with an anterior sharp-edge design should be implanted in the capsular bag. Implantation in the ciliary sulcus should be avoided.

  13. Capsular Outcomes After Pediatric Cataract Surgery Without Intraocular Lens Implantation (United States)

    Tan, Xuhua; Lin, Haotian; Lin, Zhuoling; Chen, Jingjing; Tang, Xiangchen; Luo, Lixia; Chen, Weirong; Liu, Yizhi


    Abstract The objective of this study was to investigate capsular outcomes 12 months after pediatric cataract surgery without intraocular lens implantation via qualitative classification and quantitative measurement. This study is a cross-sectional study that was approved by the institutional review board of Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China. Digital coaxial retro-illumination photographs of 329 aphakic pediatric eyes were obtained 12 months after pediatric cataract surgery without intraocular lens implantation. Capsule digital coaxial retro-illumination photographs were divided as follows: anterior capsule opening area (ACOA), posterior capsule opening area (PCOA), and posterior capsule opening opacity (PCOO). Capsular outcomes were qualitatively classified into 3 types based on the PCOO: Type I—capsule with mild opacification but no invasion into the capsule opening; Type II—capsule with moderate opacification accompanied by contraction of the ACOA and invasion to the occluding part of the PCOA; and Type III—capsule with severe opacification accompanied by total occlusion of the PCOA. Software was developed to quantitatively measure the ACOA, PCOA, and PCOO using standardized DCRPs. The relationships between the accurate intraoperative anterior and posterior capsulorhexis sizes and the qualitative capsular types were statistically analyzed. The DCRPs of 315 aphakic eyes (95.8%) of 191 children were included. Capsular outcomes were classified into 3 types: Type I—120 eyes (38.1%); Type II—157 eyes (49.8%); Type III—38 eyes (12.1%). The scores of the capsular outcomes were negatively correlated with intraoperative anterior capsulorhexis size (R = −0.572, P PCOA increased in size from Type I to Type II, and the PCOO increased from Type II to Type III (all P < 0.05). Capsular outcomes after pediatric cataract surgery can be qualitatively classified and quantitatively measured by acquisition, division

  14. La cooperaci??n hispano-portuguesa en materia de agua a la luz del Protocolo sobre el agua y la salud al Convenio de 1992 sobre la protecci??n y uso de los cursos de agua transfronterizos y los lagos internacionales de 1999


    Escudero Espinosa, Juan Francisco


    P. 237-245. A lo largo de la historia, Espa??a y Portugal han suscrito diferentes acuerdos de cooperaci??n de car??cter sectorial relativos al r??gimen de los r??os comunes. El marco convencional existente fue perfeccionado de forma global mediante el Convenio sobre cooperaci??n para la protecci??n y el aprovechamiento sostenible de las aguas de las cuencas hidrogr??ficas hispano-portuguesas (Convenio de Albufeira), celebrado en Albufeira el 30 de noviembre de 1998. A nivel europeo, fue...

  15. Eye retraction and rotation during Corvis ST 'air puff' intraocular pressure measurement and its quantitative analysis. (United States)

    Boszczyk, Agnieszka; Kasprzak, Henryk; Jóźwik, Agnieszka


    The aim of this study was to analyse the indentation and deformation of the corneal surface, as well as eye retraction, which occur during air puff intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement. A group of 10 subjects was examined using a non-contact Corvis ST tonometer, which records image sequences of corneas deformed by an air puff. Obtained images were processed numerically in order to extract information about corneal deformation, indentation and eyeball retraction. The time dependency of the apex deformation/eye retraction ratio and the curve of dependency between apex indentation and eye retraction take characteristic shapes for individual subjects. It was noticed that the eye globes tend to rotate towards the nose in response to the air blast during measurement. This means that the eye globe not only displaces but also rotates during retraction. Some new parameters describing the shape of this curve are introduced. Our data show that intraocular pressure and amplitude of corneal indentation are inversely related (r 8  = -0.83, P = 0.0029), but the correlation between intraocular pressure and amplitude of eye retraction is low and not significant (r 8  = -0.24, P = 0.51). The curves describing corneal behaviour during air puff tonometry were determined and show that the eye globe rotates towards the nose during measurement. In addition, eye retraction amplitudes may be related to elastic or viscoelastic properties of deeper structures in the eye or behind the eye and this should be further investigated. Many of the proposed new parameters present comparable or even higher repeatability than the standard parameters provided by the Corvis ST. © 2017 The Authors Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics © 2017 The College of Optometrists.

  16. Reliable intraocular pressure measurement using automated radio-wave telemetry

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    Paschalis EI


    Full Text Available Eleftherios I Paschalis,* Fabiano Cade,* Samir Melki, Louis R Pasquale, Claes H Dohlman, Joseph B CiolinoMassachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA*These authors contributed equally to this workPurpose: To present an autonomous intraocular pressure (IOP measurement technique using a wireless implantable transducer (WIT and a motion sensor.Methods: The WIT optical aid was implanted within the ciliary sulcus of a normotensive rabbit eye after extracapsular clear lens extraction. An autonomous wireless data system (AWDS comprising of a WIT and an external antenna aided by a motion sensor provided continuous IOP readings. The sensitivity of the technique was determined by the ability to detect IOP changes resulting from the administration of latanoprost 0.005% or dorzolamide 2%, while the reliability was determined by the agreement between baseline and vehicle (saline IOP.Results: On average, 12 diurnal and 205 nocturnal IOP measurements were performed with latanoprost, and 26 diurnal and 205 nocturnal measurements with dorzolamide. No difference was found between mean baseline IOP (13.08±2.2 mmHg and mean vehicle IOP (13.27±2.1 mmHg (P=0.45, suggesting good measurement reliability. Both antiglaucoma medications caused significant IOP reduction compared to baseline; latanoprost reduced mean IOP by 10% (1.3±3.54 mmHg; P<0.001, and dorzolamide by 5% (0.62±2.22 mmHg; P<0.001. Use of latanoprost resulted in an overall twofold higher IOP reduction compared to dorzolamide (P<0.001. Repeatability was ±1.8 mmHg, assessed by the variability of consecutive IOP measurements performed in a short period of time (≤1 minute, during which the IOP is not expected to change.Conclusion: IOP measurements in conscious rabbits obtained without the need for human interactions using the AWDS are feasible and provide reproducible results.Keywords: IOP, pressure transducer, wireless, MEMS, implant, intraocular

  17. [Laser magnetotherapy after cataract extraction with implantation of intraocular lens]. (United States)

    Maksimov, V Iu; Zakharova, N V; Maksimova, I S; Golushkov, G A; Evseev, S Iu


    Effects of low-intensive laser and alternating magnetic field on the course of the postoperative period were studied in patients with exudative reaction after extracapsular cataract extraction with implantation of intraocular lens (IOL). The results are analyzed for 148 eyes with early exudative reaction after IOL implantation (136 patients aged 42-75 years). The patients were observed for up to 6 months. The treatment efficiency was evaluated by the clinical picture of inflammatory reaction, visual acuity, and results of biochemical analysis of the lacrimal fluid (the ratio of lipid peroxidation products to antioxidants in cell membrane). The course of the postoperative period was more benign and recovery sooner in patients of the main group in comparison with the control.

  18. Intraocular levels of methotrexate after oral low-dose treatment in chronic uveitis. (United States)

    Puchta, Joachim; Hattenbach, Lars-Olof; Baatz, Holger


    To determine the intraocular levels of methotrexate in low-dose treatment of noninfectious uveitis. One day after oral administration, the methotrexate level was measured in the aqueous humor and serum of a patient with noninfectious uveitis, who underwent cataract surgery. A fluorescence polarization immunoassay was used for determination. After oral administration, methotrexate was only measurable in aqueous humor but not in serum. In uveitis, orally administered low-dose methotrexate reaches detectable levels in aqueous humor, even in the absence of detectable levels in serum. Copyright (c) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  19. Pesquisa de anticorpos anti Toxoplasma gondii em fluidos intra-oculares (humor vítreo e humor aquoso) de pacientes com toxoplasmose ocular, na cidade de Belém, PA


    Carmo,Ediclei Lima do; Almeida,Edmundo Frota; Bichara,Cléa Nazaré; Póvoa,Marinete Marins


    Foi realizada pesquisa de anticorpos IgG, IgM e IgA anti-Toxoplasma gondii no soro e fluidos intra-oculares (humor aquoso e vítreo) de pacientes com toxoplasmose ocular. A partir dos resultados obtidos verificou-se que anticorpos IgG e IgA intraocular anti-Toxoplasma gondii podem vir a ser importantes marcadores no diagnóstico de toxoplasmose ocular.

  20. Aplicación de la metodología Molecular de Orbitales de Defecto Cuántico (MQDO) al cálculo de intensidades vibrónicas y vidas medias de niveles vibracionales (United States)

    María Velasco Sanz, Ana

    Desde que se formuló, en 1996, la metodología Molecular de Orbitales de Defecto Cuántico (MQDO) [1], se han obtenido datos de calidad relativos a intensidades de bandas electrónicas que implican estados Rydberg para una gran variedad de sistemas moleculares [2]. Animados por los buenos resultados obtenidos, recientemente hemos abordado el estudio de transiciones vibrónicas, es decir aquellas que ocurren entre estados vibracionales que pertenecen a distintos estados Rydberg electrónicos. Como prototipo adecuado para nuestros propósitos hemos elegido la molécula de NO, importante en la química de la atmósfera, y para la cual existen en la bibliografía datos experimentales de calidad suficiente para contrastar la validez de nuestros resultados. En concreto, hemos calculado las fuerzas de oscilador y coeficientes de Einstein para transiciones electrónicas y vibrónicas de las principales bandas del NO, al igual que vidas medias radiativas de niveles vibracionales de dicha molécula. Las propiedades estudiadas son esenciales para la comprensión de los aspectos teóricos de los procesos físicos básicos relativos a la dispersión electrónica en moléculas heteronucleares con capas abiertas. Además, valores fiables de probabilidades de transición moleculares tienen importantes aplicaciones en Astrofísica, en la modelización de procesos fotodinámicos moleculares, etc., al igual que para evaluar más profundamente la validez de nuestra metodología teórica.

  1. The diagnostic value of intraocular fluid analysis by polymerase chain reaction in Thai patients with uveitis. (United States)

    Pathanapitoon, Kessara; Kongyai, Natedao; Sirirungsi, Wasna; de Groot-Mijnes, Jolanda D F; Leechanachai, Pranee; Choovuthayakorn, Janejit; Kunavisarut, Paradee; Rothova, Aniki


    Uveitis is a major cause of severe visual impairment throughout the world and can be initiated by various infectious and non-infectious causes. Early recognition of specific infections is important as the treatment with antimicrobial agents might stop the progression or even cure the eye disease. To determine the infectious causes of uveitis in Thailand, intraocular fluid samples of 100 HIV-negative patients and 47 HIV-positive patients with uveitis were examined using real-time PCR analysis for herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster virus, cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasma gondii. Positive PCR results were found in 33/100 (33%) HIV-negative patients and in 33/47 (70%) HIV-positive patients with uveitis. In Thailand, cytomegalovirus was identified as the most frequent cause of infectious uveitis in both HIV-negative and HIV-positive patients (49 and 91%, respectively). PCR analysis of intraocular samples in uveitis was a valuable diagnostic assay. The pattern of uveitis observed in the Far East differs from that found in the West. Copyright © 2011 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Effect on Intraocular Pressure of Switching from Latanoprost and Travoprost Monotherapy to Timolol Fixed Combinations in Patients with Normal-Tension Glaucoma

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    Ryoko Igarashi


    Full Text Available Purpose. To evaluate the effect on intraocular pressure (IOP of switching from latanoprost and travoprost monotherapy to timolol fixed combinations in Japanese patients with normal-tension glaucoma (NTG. Methods. 27 NTG patients (54 eyes were compared IOP, superficial punctuate keratitis (SPK scores, and conjunctival injection scores in eyes treated with prostaglandin (PG or PG analog/beta-blocker (PG/b fixed-combination 6 months after the change in therapy. Results. The mean baseline intraocular pressure was 17.4±1.59 mmHg in eyes receiving PG therapy only and 17.4±1.69 mmHg in eyes switched to PG/b. Switching to fixed combination therapy from PG monotherapy, the mean IOP was 13.1±1.79 mmHg (P<0.001  (-24.71% reduction from baseline at 6 months. The mean conjunctival injection score was 0.69 for eyes on PG monotherapy and 0.56 for eyes on fixed combination therapy (P=0.028. The mean SPK scores were 0.46 and 0.53. This difference was not statistically significant (P=0.463. Conclusions. Switching from PG monotherapy to PG/b fixed combination therapy for NTG resulted in a greater intraocular pressure reduction than PG alone without increasing the number of instillations.

  3. Conhecimentos e práticas de trabalhadoras de creches universitárias relativos às infecções respiratórias agudas na infância Conocimientos y prácticas de trabajadoras de guarderías universitarias relativos a las infecciones respiratorias agudas en la infancia Knowledge and practices of university day care center workers relative to acute respiratory infections in childhood

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    Roberta Cristiane P. Alves


    Full Text Available Dada a elevada freqüência de infecções respiratórias agudas em creches, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar conhecimentos e práticas de trabalhadoras de creches relativos à prevenção, detecção precoce e manejo desses agravos. Mediante quatorze entrevistas estruturadas em duas creches universitárias da cidade de São Paulo, verificou-se que as trabalhadoras: demonstram familiaridade com diversos agravos; apontam febre e respiração ruidosa como sinais de gravidade; consideram poluição e transmissão como principais causas; referem o cuidado com o ambiente como melhor forma de controle; cuidam mantendo observação contínua da criança e intervenções de higiene e conforto e maior cuidado emocional; consideram educação e cuidado interligados no atendimento infantil, manifestando necessidade de maior preparo para cuidar; têm na prática diária a fonte de seus conhecimentos.Dada la elevada frecuencia de infecciones respiratorias agudas en guarderías, el objetivo en este trabajo fue identificar conocimientos y prácticas de trabajadoras de guarderías relativos a la prevención, detección precoz y manejo de esas afecciones. Mediante catorce entrevistas estructuradas en dos guarderías universitarias de la ciudad de São Paulo, se verificó que las trabajadoras: demuestran familiaridad con las diversas afecciones; señalan fiebre y respiración ruidosa como signos de gravedad; consideran a la polución y transmisión como sus principales causas; refieren al cuidado del ambiente como la mejor forma de control; se preocupan con la observación continua del niño y con acciones de higiene, confort y cuidado emocional; consideran que la educación y el cuidado son necesarios para atender a los niños y desean mayor preparación para cuidar; tienen en la práctica diaria la fuente de sus conocimientos.Given the increasing frequency of acute respiratory infections in day care centers, the objective of this work was to identify

  4. Incidência de opacificação de cápsula posterior em pacientes submetidos à facoemulsificação e implante de lentes intra-oculares acrílicas hidrofílicas expansíveis Incidence of posterior capsule opacification in patients submitted to phacoemulsification and expandable acrylic intraocular lens implantation

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    Hilton Arcoverde Gonçalves de Medeiros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar prospectivamente os resultados das lentes intra-oculares de polímeros expansíveis implantadas em pacientes submetidos à facoemulsificação, quanto à incidência de opacificação de cápsula posterior, levando em consideração a biocompatibilidade das lentes expansíveis. MÉTODOS: O grupo de estudo foi composto por 830 pacientes, 1.200 olhos, que foram submetidos a facoemulsificação, utilizando a mesma técnica, variando-se apenas o diâmetro da capsulorrexe, pelo mesmo cirurgião, no período de 1998 a 2002, com implante de lente intra-ocular hidrofílica expansível. O acompanhamento médio foi de 2,4 anos, variando de seis meses a quatro anos. RESULTADOS: O número total de opacificação de cápsula posterior foi de 54 casos. CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de opacificação de cápsula posterior encontrada no grupo foi de 4,6%.PURPOSE: To evaluate prospectively the results of expandable acrylic intraocular lenses in patients submitted to phacoemulsification as regard posterior capsule opacification. METHODS: The study group consisted of 830 patients, 1,200 eyes that underwent phacoemulsification from 1998 to 2002, by the same surgeon, using the same technique but with different diameters of capsulorrhexis, with expandable hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens implantation. The mean follow-up was 2.4 years, ranging from 6 months to 4 years. RESULTS: The total number of posterior capsule opacification was 54 cases. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of posterior capsule opacification was 4.6% in these patients.

  5. Motorized injector-assisted intrascleral intraocular lens fixation. (United States)

    Hung, Jia-Horung; Wang, Shih-Hao; Teng, Yu-Ti; Hsu, Sheng-Min


    For eyes with deficient capsular support, intraocular lens (IOL) implantation has long been a technical challenge. Recently, intrascleral fixation of the haptics of a three-piece posterior chamber IOL has become a popular option. In this procedure, externalization of the leading haptic during IOL injection is a stressful step. We present a modified technique to improve the ease and safety of this step. Our modified technique involves IOL injection with a motorized injector with several important modifications described here. With these modifications, a surgeon can easily maintain the correct orientation of the IOL in a well-controlled manner during IOL injection. The records of 13 patients who underwent this technique were retrospectively evaluated. Corrected-distance visual acuity improved significantly after surgery (pIOL decentration, or vitreous hemorrhage was noted during the follow-up period. In conclusion, the motorized injector-assisted intrascleral IOL fixation technique is a safe and effective alternative to the conventional procedure. This technique makes the process of leading haptic externalization easier and more controllable. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Taiwan.

  6. Motorized injector-assisted intrascleral intraocular lens fixation

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    Jia-Horung Hung


    Full Text Available For eyes with deficient capsular support, intraocular lens (IOL implantation has long been a technical challenge. Recently, intrascleral fixation of the haptics of a three-piece posterior chamber IOL has become a popular option. In this procedure, externalization of the leading haptic during IOL injection is a stressful step. We present a modified technique to improve the ease and safety of this step. Our modified technique involves IOL injection with a motorized injector with several important modifications described here. With these modifications, a surgeon can easily maintain the correct orientation of the IOL in a well-controlled manner during IOL injection. The records of 13 patients who underwent this technique were retrospectively evaluated. Corrected-distance visual acuity improved significantly after surgery (p<0.05. No postoperative retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, IOL decentration, or vitreous hemorrhage was noted during the follow-up period. In conclusion, the motorized injector-assisted intrascleral IOL fixation technique is a safe and effective alternative to the conventional procedure. This technique makes the process of leading haptic externalization easier and more controllable.

  7. Preliminary study of a new intraocular method in the diagnosis and treatment of Propionibacterium acnes endophthalmitis following cataract extraction. (United States)

    Owens, S L; Lam, S; Tessler, H H; Deutsch, T A


    Late endophthalmitis, due to Propionibacterium acnes, developed in three patients following uncomplicated extracapsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC-IOL) insertion. Cultures from the capsular bag yielded P. acnes in all three. With topical anesthesia and through an anterior chamber paracentesis, culture specimens were taken from and clindamycin irrigated into the capsular bag. Filtered 100% oxygen was introduced into the anterior chamber in two; the third also received an injection of gentamicin and dexamethasone into the capsular bag. After treatment, two patients received oral antibiotics; one received hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Visual acuity was improved and inflammation reduced in all three. However, after treatment, ocular toxic effects due to clindamycin were suspected in one. This approach offers several clear advantages, including topical anesthesia, outpatient management, elimination of the need for vitrectomy, and retention of the intraocular lens (IOL).

  8. Effect of pegaptanib sodium 0.3 mg intravitreal injections (Macugen) in intraocular pressure: posthoc analysis from VISION study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boyer, David S.; Goldbaum, Mauro; Leys, Anita M.; Starita, Carla; Blumenkranz, M.; Buyse, M.; Goldberg, M.; Gragoudas, E. S.; Miller, J.; Schwartz, S. D.; Singerman, L.; Yannuzzi, L.; Adamis, A. P.; Guyer, D. R.; O'Shaughnessy, D.; de Gronckel, S.; Fesneau, G.; Quinaux, E.; Tremolet, D.; Wang, K.; Brailey, A.; Finman, J.; Ting, N.; Bressler, N. M.; Bressler, S. B.; Denblow, R.; Schein, O. D.; Seabrook, S.; Solomon, S.; Schachat, A. P.; Philips, D.; Altaweel, M.; Davis, M. D.; Blodi, Ba; Danis, R. P.; Ip, M. S.; Hiner, C.; Elledge, J.; Webster, M.; Hannan, C.; Ficken, J.; Alexander, S.; Neider, M.; Wabers, H.; Vargo, P.; Lambert, E.; Kastorff, L.; Carr, A.; Shkiele, A.; Schlingemann, R. O.


    Objective To assess the rate of pegaptanib-associated sustained intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation. Methods A posthoc analysis was conducted on all IOP measurements, except the immediate 30-min postinjection, from all subjects randomised to pegaptanib 0.3 mg or sham injections continuously in the

  9. Systems genetics identifies a role for Cacna2d1 regulation in elevated intraocular pressure and glaucoma susceptibility

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chintalapudi, S.R. (Sumana R.); Maria, D. (Doaa); Di Wang, X. (Xiang); Bailey, J.N.C. (Jessica N. Cooke); Allingham, R. (Rand); M.H. Brilliant (Murray H.); D.L. Budenz (Donald L.); J. Fingert (John); D. Gaasterland (Douglas); T. Gaasterland (Terry); J.L. Haines (Jonathan); Hark, L. (Lisa); M.A. Hauser (Michael); R.P. Igo Jr. (Robert); Hee Kang, J. (Jae); P. Kraft (Peter); R.K. Lee (Richard K.); P.A. Lichter (Paul A.); Liu, Y. (Yutao); Moroi, S. (Syoko); L.R. Pasquale (Louis); M.A. Pericak-Vance (Margaret); A. Realini (Anthony); Rhee, D. (Doug); Richards, J.R. (Julia R.); Ritch, R. (Robert); J.S. Schuman (Joel S.); W.K. Scott (William); K. Singh (Kuldev); A.J. Sit (Arthur J.); D. Vollrath (Douglas); G. Wollstein (Gadi); D.J. Zack (Donald); T. Aung (Tin); Bonnemaijer, P. (Peter); Cheng, C.-Y. (Cheng-Yu); J.E. Craig (Jamie); C.M. van Duijn (Cornelia); P. Gharahkhani (Puya); Iglesias Gonzalez, A. (Adriana); Hammond, C.J. (Christopher J.); Hewitt, A. (Alex); Hoehn, R. (Rene); Jonansson, F. (Fridbert); A.P. Khawaja (Anthony); Chuen Khor, C. (Chiea); C.C.W. Klaver (Caroline); A.J. Lotery (Andrew); D.A. Mackey (David); MacGregor, S. (Stuart); Pang, C. (Calvin); F. Pasutto (Francesca); J-A. Zwart (John-Anker); G. Thorleifsson (Gudmar); Thorsteinsdottir, U. (Unnar); V. Vitart (Veronique); E.N. Vithana (Eranga); T.L. Young (Terri L.); T. Zeller (Tanja); P.G. Hysi (Pirro); J.L. Wiggs (Janey L.); R.W. Williams (Robert W.); Jablonski, M.M. (Monica M.)


    textabstractGlaucoma is a multi-factorial blinding disease in which genetic factors play an important role. Elevated intraocular pressure is a highly heritable risk factor for primary open angle glaucoma and currently the only target for glaucoma therapy. Our study helps to better understand

  10. Influence on Visual Quality of Intraoperative Orientation of Asymmetric Intraocular Lenses. (United States)

    Bonaque-González, Sergio; Ríos, Susana; Amigó, Alfredo; López-Gil, Norberto


    To evaluate visual quality when changing the intraocular orientation of the Lentis Mplus LS-312MF nonrotational symmetric +3.00 diopters aspheric multifocal intraocular lens ([IOL] Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany) in normal eyes. An artificial eye was used to measure the in vitro wavefront of the IOL. The corneal topography of 20 healthy patients was obtained. For each eye, a computational analysis simulated the implantation of the IOL. The modulation transfer function (MTF) and an image quality parameter (visually modulated transfer function [VSMTF] metric) were calculated for a 5.0-mm pupil and for three conditions: distance, intermediate, and near vision. The procedure was repeated for each eye after a rotation of the IOL with respect to the cornea from 0° to 360° in 1° steps. Statistical analysis showed significant differences in mean VSMTF values between orientations for distance vision. Optimal orientation of the IOL (different for each eye) showed a mean improvement of 58% ± 19% (range: 20% to 121%) in VSMTF values with respect to the worst possible orientation. For these orientations, intermediate and near vision quality were statistically indistinguishable. The MTFs were different between orientations, showing a mean difference of approximately 5 cycles per degree in the maximum spatial frequencies that can be transferred between the best and the worst orientations for distance vision. The results suggest that implantation of this nonrotational symmetric IOL should improve visual outcomes if it is oriented to coincide with a customized meridian. A simple, practical method is proposed to find an approximation to the angle that an Mplus IOL should be inserted. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.

  11. Features of YAG-laser treatment of posterior capsule opacification in eyes with intraocular comorbidities ext

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    O. I. Borzunov


    Full Text Available Purpose: is to evaluate the effectiveness of YAG laser posterior lens capsule dissection in patients with secondary cataract with concurrent intraocular pathology. Patients and methods: retro- and prospective analysis of the results of the YAG — laser treatment of secondary cataract in the 196 eyes, including the intraocular concomitant pathology (myopia, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa operated retinal detachment, chronic uveitis in remission, peripheral chorioretinal degeneration. Effectiveness of treatment was evaluated by checking visual acuity and dynamics of complaints as aberration, glare, distortion in the central field of view without proper disease of the macula. Complex preoperative studies included: refractometry, visometry with correction, perimetry, tonometry, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, ultrasound examination of the eyeball (if necessary. The examination results should demonstrate convincing evidence that posterior capsular opacification is the main reason for the decrease of visual acuity. Results:, Visual acuity, at average increased from 0.4‑0.6 to 0.8‑1.0 in 50 cases after dissection, Visual acuity improved to 2‑3 lines in 66‑4–5, 24‑6‑7 lines in 74 cases. Visual acuity remains the same, but contrast sensitivity was increased in 6 cases. The IOL location after disruption was evaluated by β-scanning and biomicroscopy. In case of the initial correct IOL position in all 195 (100 % cases, there were no dislocation in the postoperative period. Complications that can be identified were single microcraters on the IOL surface in cases of its full contact with the posterior capsule. These injuries did not affect the visual functions.Conclusion: YAG -Laser dissection of secondary cataract is effective, less traumatic, and the optimal treatment of secondary cataract, including patients with concomitant intraocular pathology, and helps to avoid over

  12. Removal of Silicone Oil From Intraocular Lens Using Novel Surgical Materials (United States)

    Paschalis, Eleftherios I.; Eliott, Dean; Vavvas, Demetrios G.


    Purpose To design, fabricate, and evaluate novel materials to remove silicone oil (SiO) droplets from intraocular lenses (IOL) during vitreoretinal surgery. Methods Three different designs were fabricated using soft lithography of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), three-dimensional (3D) inverse PDMS fabrication using water dissolvable particles, and atomic layer deposition (ALD) of alumina (Al2O3) on surgical cellulose fibers. Laboratory tests included static and dynamic contact angle (CA) measurements with water and SiO, nondestructive x-ray microcomputer tomography (micro-CT), and microscopy. SiO removal was performed in vitro and ex vivo using implantable IOLs and explanted porcine eyes. Results All designs exhibited enhanced hydrophobicity and oleophilicity. Static CA measurements with water ranged from 131° to 160° and with SiO CA approximately 0° in 120 seconds following exposure. Nondestructive x-ray analysis of the 3D PDMS showed presence of interconnected polydispersed porosity of 100 to 300 μm in diameter. SiO removal from IOLs was achieved in vitro and ex vivo using standard 20-G vitrectomy instrumentation. Conclusion Removal of SiO from IOLs can be achieved using materials with lower surface energy than that of the IOLs. This can be achieved using appropriate surface chemistry and surface topography. Three designs, with enhanced hydrophobic properties, were fabricated and tested in vitro and ex vivo. All materials remove SiO within an aqueous environment. Preliminary ex vivo results were very promising, opening new possibilities for SiO removal in vitreoretinal surgeries. Translational Relevance This is the first report of an instrument that can lead to successful removal of SiO from the surface of IOL. In addition to the use of this instrument/material in medicine it can also be used in the industry, for example, retrieval of oil spills from bodies of water. PMID:25237593

  13. Removal of Silicone Oil From Intraocular Lens Using Novel Surgical Materials. (United States)

    Paschalis, Eleftherios I; Eliott, Dean; Vavvas, Demetrios G


    To design, fabricate, and evaluate novel materials to remove silicone oil (SiO) droplets from intraocular lenses (IOL) during vitreoretinal surgery. Three different designs were fabricated using soft lithography of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), three-dimensional (3D) inverse PDMS fabrication using water dissolvable particles, and atomic layer deposition (ALD) of alumina (Al 2 O 3 ) on surgical cellulose fibers. Laboratory tests included static and dynamic contact angle (CA) measurements with water and SiO, nondestructive x-ray microcomputer tomography (micro-CT), and microscopy. SiO removal was performed in vitro and ex vivo using implantable IOLs and explanted porcine eyes. All designs exhibited enhanced hydrophobicity and oleophilicity. Static CA measurements with water ranged from 131° to 160° and with SiO CA approximately 0° in 120 seconds following exposure. Nondestructive x-ray analysis of the 3D PDMS showed presence of interconnected polydispersed porosity of 100 to 300 μm in diameter. SiO removal from IOLs was achieved in vitro and ex vivo using standard 20-G vitrectomy instrumentation. Removal of SiO from IOLs can be achieved using materials with lower surface energy than that of the IOLs. This can be achieved using appropriate surface chemistry and surface topography. Three designs, with enhanced hydrophobic properties, were fabricated and tested in vitro and ex vivo. All materials remove SiO within an aqueous environment. Preliminary ex vivo results were very promising, opening new possibilities for SiO removal in vitreoretinal surgeries. This is the first report of an instrument that can lead to successful removal of SiO from the surface of IOL. In addition to the use of this instrument/material in medicine it can also be used in the industry, for example, retrieval of oil spills from bodies of water.

  14. Resultados preliminares do implante de lente intra-ocular fácica artisan para correção de miopia Preliminary results of artisan phakic intraocular lens implantation to correct myopia

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    Leonardo Akaishi


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os resultados preliminares quanto à eficácia, estabilidade e segurança da lente intra-ocular de câmara anterior Artisan em olhos fácicos para correção de miopia. MÉTODOS: Foi analisado retrospectivamente o resultado de 34 olhos fácicos que receberam o implante de lente intra-ocular Artisan para correção de miopia. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: contagem endotelial pré e pós-operatória, acuidade visual sem correção pré e pós-operatória, melhor acuidade visual com correção pré e pós-operatória, equivalente esférico pré e pós-operatório, ganho e perda de linhas de visão e complicações. RESULTADOS: Dezoito pacientes (34 olhos foram incluídos neste estudo. Quatorze eram do sexo feminino (77,8% e 4 do sexo masculino. A idade média dos pacientes era de 30 anos (DP ± 7,3, variando de 21 a 46 anos. O período médio de seguimento foi de 8,5 meses (DP ± 3,6. A média de perda endotelial foi de 4,75% em 6 meses. A acuidade visual sem correção pré-operatória era de 0,02 (20/800 variando de 0,01 a 0,13. O equivalente esférico médio pré-operatório na refração dinâmica era de -13,25 D, variando de -5,75 D a -19,75 D. No último seguimento a acuidade visual sem correção era de 0,64 (20/32 variando de 0,33 a 1,00. O equivalente esférico médio na refração dinâmica era de -1,18 D (DP ± 0,92 variando de + 0,25 a -3,0. Entre as complicações observadas em nosso estudo 1 (3,4% paciente apresentou deslocamento da lente por trauma necessitando de uma segunda intervenção para reposicionamento. CONCLUSÃO: O uso de lente fácica de câmara anterior Artisan para correção de miopia no presente estudo se mostrou seguro, eficaz e com boa previsibilidade. No entanto, estudo prospectivo com maior número de casos e maior seguimento é necessário para determinar a segurança do procedimento a longo prazo.PURPOSE: To observe the preliminary results based on the efficacy, stability and safety of

  15. DNA extraction methods for panbacterial and panfungal PCR detection in intraocular fluids. (United States)

    Mazoteras, Paloma; Bispo, Paulo José Martins; Höfling-Lima, Ana Luisa; Casaroli-Marano, Ricardo P


    Three different methods of DNA extraction from intraocular fluids were compared with subsequent detection for bacterial and fungal DNA by universal PCR amplification. Three DNA extraction methods, from aqueous and vitreous humors, were evaluated to compare their relative efficiency. Bacterial (Gram positive and negative) and fungal strains were used in this study: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Candida albicans. The quality, quantification, and detection limit for DNA extraction and PCR amplification were analyzed. Validation procedures for 13 aqueous humor and 14 vitreous samples, from 20 patients with clinically suspected endophthalmitis were carried out. The column-based extraction method was the most time-effective, achieving DNA detection limits ≥10(2) and 10(3 )CFU/100 µL for bacteria and fungi, respectively. PCR amplification detected 100 fg, 1 pg and 10 pg of genomic DNA of E. coli, S. epidermidis and C. albicans respectively. PCR detected 90.0% of the causative agents from 27 intraocular samples collected from 20 patients with clinically suspected endophthalmitis, while standard microbiological techniques could detect only 60.0%. The most frequently found organisms were Streptococcus spp. in 38.9% (n = 7) of patients and Staphylococcus spp. found in 22.2% (n = 4). The column-based extraction method for very small inocula in small volume samples (50-100 µL) of aqueous and/or vitreous humors allowed PCR amplification in all samples with sufficient quality for subsequent sequencing and identification of the microorganism in the majority of them.

  16. Heavy Silicone Oil and Intraocular Inflammation

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    Francesco Morescalchi


    Full Text Available In the past two decades, many advances have been made in vitrectomy instrumentation, surgical techniques, and the use of different tamponade agents. These agents serve close retinal breaks, confine eventual retinal redetachment, and prevent proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR. Long-acting gases and silicone oil are effective internal tamponade agents; however, because their specific gravity is lower than that of the vitreous fluid, they may provide adequate support for the superior retina but lack efficacy for the inferior retina, especially when the fill is subtotal. Thus, a specific role may exist for an internal tamponade agent with a higher specific gravity, such as heavy silicone oils (HSOs, Densiron 68, Oxane HD, HWS 45-300, HWS 46-3000, and HeavySil. Some clinical evidence seems to presume that heavy tamponades are more prone to intraocular inflammation than standard silicone if they remain in the eye for several months. In this review, we discuss the fundamental clinical and biochemical/molecular mechanisms involved in the inflammatory response after the use of heavy tamponade: toxicity due to impurities or instability of the agent, direct toxicity and immunogenicity, oil emulsification, and mechanical injury due to gravity. The physical and chemical properties of various HSOs and their efficacy and safety profiles are also described.

  17. Intraocular lens calculations in atypical eyes

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    Aazim A Siddiqui


    Full Text Available Cataract surgery is the most performed surgical procedure in the field of ophthalmology. The process of intraocular lens (IOL calculations is a critical step to achieving successful outcomes. Many IOL formulae exist to guide surgeons through the difficult process of picking the most appropriate lens to achieve a certain target refraction. However, these formulae reach within 0.50 diopters of the target refraction only 75% of the time, leaving 25% of the eyes with a significant refractive surprise. A literature review was performed to investigate all the relevant published material on the history, progress, and recent advancements of IOL calculations. Based on this review, the appropriate history, evolution, progress, limitations, and recent advancements are analyzed and explained. Although the modern IOL formulae and biometric devices perform well for average eyes, they are suboptimal for eyes with atypical biometric parameters and also those that are postrefractive and keratoconic. There has not been a single, perfect formula that can resolve the complexities of this process. Various methods of formula optimization and newer generation of IOL formulae and devices may hold the key to improving outcomes in both typical and atypical eyes. These solutions minimize refractive error by introducing new input parameters and complex mathematical techniques to better estimate postoperative lens position.

  18. Scleral fixation of a single-piece multifocal intraocular lens. (United States)

    Can, Ertugrul; Basaran, M Resat; Gül, Adem


    We describe an ab interno technique for injector implantation of a one-piece multifocal intraocular lens (IOL). Transscleral fixation of multifocal posterior chamber IOL implantation using an injector with ab interno technique was performed in an eye of a 9-year-old girl who had undergone pars plana lensectomy 2 years before for bilateral lens subluxation with unknown etiology. No major complications were encountered during a 3-month follow-up of the patient and excellent centration was observed during the follow-up period. Her preoperative best spectacle-corrected distance visual acuity of 20/32 improved to uncorrected distance visual acuity of 20/25. Closed-loop design of IOL served the function of eyelets and position of the IOL was provided using only a 2-point fixation. Intraoperative position adjustment of the IOL provided an excellent centralization of multifocal IOL.

  19. Effects of intraocular lenses with different diopters on chromatic aberrations in human eye models


    Song, Hui; Yuan, Xiaoyong; Tang, Xin


    Background In this study, the effects of intraocular lenses (IOLs) with different diopters (D) on chromatic aberration were investigated in human eye models, and the influences of the central thickness of IOLs on chromatic aberration were compared. Methods A Liou-Brennan-based IOL eye model was constructed using ZEMAX optical design software. Spherical IOLs with different diopters (AR40e, AMO Company, USA) were implanted; modulation transfer function (MTF) values at 3?mm of pupil diameter and...

  20. Appraisal of Bleb Using Trio of Intraocular Pressure, Morphology on Slit Lamp, and Gonioscopy


    Thatte, Shreya; Rana, Rimpi; Gaur, Neeraj


    Purpose The aim of this study was to assess bleb function using Wuerzburg bleb classification score (WBCS) for bleb morphology on slit lamp, intraocular pressure (IOP), and gonioscopy. Methods A total of randomly selected 30 eyes posttrabeculectomy were assessed for bleb function with the trio of bleb morphology, IOP, and gonioscopy. Bleb was assessed using the WBCS of 0–12 on slit lamp, IOP was assessed using applanation tonometry, and visualization of inner ostium and iridectomy were assess...

  1. Comparison of levobunolol and brimonidine in prophylaxis of intraocular pressure (iop|) rise following nd: yag laser capsulotomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habib, M.; Akram, A


    To compare the efficacy of topical 0.5% Levobunolol and 0.2% Brimonidine in preventing intraocular pressure rise after Nd: YAG laser posterior capsulotomy. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial (RCT). Setting and Duration of Study: Ophthalmology Department Combined Military Hospital Multan, from September 2010 to March 2011. Patients and Methods: A total of 82 patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected from out-patient department and randomly divided into two equal groups. Topical 0.5% levobunolol was instilled in group A while 0.2% brimonidine was instilled in group B one hour before and immediately after doing Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy. The intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured using Goldmann applanation tonometer 1, 3 and 24 hours later. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 15.0. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in mean IOP between 0.5% Levobunolol group (Group A) and 0.2% Brimonidine group (Group B) at 1 hour, 3 hours and 24 hours after Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy. The mean intraocular pressure (IOP) one hour after Nd:YAG laser and topical treatment in group A was 16.10 ± 1.60 mmHg while in group B was 15.65 ± 3.01 mmHg (P=0.401). Mean IOP after three hours in group A was 15.80 ± 1.35 mm Hg and in group B was 15.05 ± 2.15 mmHg (p=0.062). Mean IOP after 24 hours in group A was 15.13 ± 2.05 mmHg while in group B was 14.32 ± 1.62 mmHg (p=0.058). Conclusion: Both 0.5% Levobunolol and 0.2% Brimonidine are equally effective in controlling the IOP spike after Nd: YAG laser capsulotomy. Either of these medicines can be used as a prophylaxis to prevent rise in IOP after Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy. (author)

  2. Diagnostic accuracy of the iCare rebound tonometer compared to the Perkins applanation tonometer in assessing intraocular pressure in rural patients. (United States)

    Li, Yifan; Carpenter, Christopher R; Nicholson, Kathryn; Milne, William Ken


    Vision health is recognized as a critical unmet need in North America. The ocular morbidity associated with glaucoma results from increased intraocular pressure (IOP) and early detection is crucial for the management of glaucoma. Our objective was to find a diagnostically accurate screening tool for intraocular hypertension that can be used in rural communities. We sought to validate the diagnostic accuracy of the iCare rebound tonometer against the gold standard Perkins applanation tonometer (PAT) in measuring IOP. Patients from two rural communities in Ontario, Canada visiting their optometrists for routine appointments had their IOP measured by a non-contact tonometer (NCT), an iCare rebound tonometer, and a Perkins applanation tonometer (PAT). Values of sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios for a positive and negative result were calculated for the iCare and the NCT. Complete data was collected from 209 patients. Overall, the iCare tonometer had high levels of validity, as compared to the gold standard PAT. The iCare tonometer displayed excellent sensitivity of 98.3% (90-99%, 95% CI) and excellent negative likelihood ratio of 0.024 (0.0088-0.066, 95% CI) which is useful for ruling out intraocular hypertension. The iCare tonometer is a reasonably valid tool for detecting elevated IOP. Its ease of use, simplicity, and accessibility makes it a good screening tool to improve eye health in rural areas.

  3. Noninvasive referencing of intraocular tumors for external beam radiation therapy using optical coherence tomography: A proof of concept

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rüegsegger, Michael B.; Steiner, Patrick; Kowal, Jens H.; Geiser, Dominik; Pica, Alessia; Aebersold, Daniel M.


    Purpose: External beam radiation therapy is currently considered the most common treatment modality for intraocular tumors. Localization of the tumor and efficient compensation of tumor misalignment with respect to the radiation beam are crucial. According to the state of the art procedure, localization of the target volume is indirectly performed by the invasive surgical implantation of radiopaque clips or is limited to positioning the head using stereoscopic radiographies. This work represents a proof-of-concept for direct and noninvasive tumor referencing based on anterior eye topography acquired using optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods: A prototype of a head-mounted device has been developed for automatic monitoring of tumor position and orientation in the isocentric reference frame for LINAC based treatment of intraocular tumors. Noninvasive tumor referencing is performed with six degrees of freedom based on anterior eye topography acquired using OCT and registration of a statistical eye model. The proposed prototype was tested based on enucleated pig eyes and registration accuracy was measured by comparison of the resulting transformation with tilt and torsion angles manually induced using a custom-made test bench. Results: Validation based on 12 enucleated pig eyes revealed an overall average registration error of 0.26 ± 0.08° in 87 ± 0.7 ms for tilting and 0.52 ± 0.03° in 94 ± 1.4 ms for torsion. Furthermore, dependency of sampling density on mean registration error was quantitatively assessed. Conclusions: The tumor referencing method presented in combination with the statistical eye model introduced in the past has the potential to enable noninvasive treatment and may improve quality, efficacy, and flexibility of external beam radiotherapy of intraocular tumors

  4. Vulnerabilidad al VIH en mujeres en riesgo social Vulnerabilidade ao HIV em mulheres em risco social HIV vulnerability in women at social risk

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    Alfonso Urzúa Morales


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar la vulnerabilidad por factores de riesgo al VIH/SIDA en mujeres en riesgo social. MÉTODOS: Estudio llevado a cabo con 178 mujeres dueñas de casa (n=101 y trabajadoras del sector salud (n=77 de Antofagasta, Chile, en 2006-2007. Las dueñas de casa fueron consideradas en riesgo social. La vulnerabilidad al VIH fue calculada por medio de una escala que agrupó 21 reactivos en tres dimensiones: roles de género, comunicación con la pareja y actitud ante al uso del preservativo. Para determinar el peso relativo de cada una de las dimensiones en la vulnerabilidad total se realizó un análisis de regresión múltiple utilizando el puntaje total de la escala como variable dependiente y cada una de las tres dimensiones como variable independiente. RESULTADOS: En el grupo general, la dimensión con peso relativo mayor fue la dimensión actitud frente al uso del preservativo (0.542, seguida de relación de pareja (0.453 y roles de género (0.379. Para mujeres dueñas de casa, se observó una variación: relación de pareja (0.597, actitud frente al uso del preservativo (0.508 y roles de género (0.403. Para trabajadoras de la salud, el peso de las dimensiones fue: actitud frente al uso del preservativo (0.638, relación de pareja (0.397, y roles de género (0.307. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados permiten inferir diferencias en los factores que condicionan la vulnerabilidad al VIH en los grupos de mujeres, siendo para aquellas que están en riesgo social el rol de género el factor con mayor capacidad predictiva de riesgo.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a vulnerabilidade por fatores de risco ao HIV/Aids em mulheres em risco social. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado com 178 mulheres donas de casa (n=101 e trabalhadoras do setor de saúde (n=77 de Antofagasta, no Chile, em 2006-2007. As donas de casa foram consideradas em risco social. A vulnerabilidade ao HIV foi calculada por meio de uma escala que reuniu 21 itens em três dimensões: papéis de g

  5. Phacoemulsification using iris hooks and scleral fixation of the intraocular lens in patients with secondary glaucoma associated with lens subluxation. (United States)

    Ma, K T; Lee, H K; Seong, G J; Kim, C Y


    We described the techniques and results of phacoemulsification using iris hook and scleral fixation of intraocular lens (IOL) in patients with secondary glaucoma associated with lens subluxation. Eight eyes of seven patients with secondary glaucoma associated with lens dislocation, who had undergone the surgery, were retrospectively reviewed. At a mean of 23.5 months+/-13.6 (SD) after the surgery, the mean best-corrected visual acuity improved from 0.24+/-0.21 to 0.83+/-0.3, and mean intraocular pressure (IOP) was changed from 38.4+/-11.4 to 15.5+/-1.8 mmHg at the final examination. There were no vitreoretinal complications except cystoid macular oedema in one eye. The technique appears to be safe and effective in terms of visual rehabilitation and controlling IOP in patients with secondary glaucoma associated with lens subluxation.

  6. Comparison of intraocular pressure measurements with the portable PT100 noncontact tonometer and Goldmann applanation tonometry

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    Sarwat Salim


    Full Text Available Sarwat Salim, Daniel J Linn, James R Echols II, Peter A NetlandHamilton Eye Institute, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN, USAPurpose: Noncontact tonometers are useful when regulations preclude use of contact tonometers by medical students and other nonophthalmologists. Our study compared the measurements by the portable, noncontact tonometer (PT100 with Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT. Methods: This was a prospective study of 98 eyes from 98 patients. Intraocular pressure (IOP was measured by GAT and the PT100 (Reichert, Buffalo, NY.Results: Mean IOP measurements showed no significant differences in measurements performed by the two tonometers (P = 0.64. Measurements by the two tonometers were in agreement by ≤3 mmHg in 92.8% of eyes. Linear regression analysis of PT100 vs GAT measurements revealed a slope of 0.98 with r2 = 0.58. Bland–Altman analysis showed a mean difference of measurements by GAT and PT100 of -0.3 mmHg with two standard deviation = 7.1 mmHg.Conclusion: The portable noncontact PT100 tonometer provides IOP measurements comparable to GAT within the normal range of IOP. Keywords: applanation tonometer, intraocular pressure, noncontact tonometry

  7. ¿Cómo identifican las oportunidades de negocio los emprendedores? Una aproximación descriptiva al caso andaluz

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    Ruiz Arroyo, Matilde


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende contribuir al estudio de los factores y características que influyen en el proceso emprendedor, concretamente en la fase de identificación de oportunidades emprendedoras, previa a las de evaluación y explotación. En el estudio se ha analizado una muestra de 241 empresarios andaluces que han puesto en marcha una o más oportunidades. Mediante un análisis descriptivo se determinan el papel que juegan en el descubrimiento de oportunidades los factores relativos a las características del emprendedor y motivaciones, su capital humano, con especial atención al conocimiento previo, así como las principales fuentes para su identificación.The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the study of the factors and characteristics that may influence the entrepreneurial process, focusing specifically on the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities. Our study analyzes a sample of 241 Andalusian entrepreneurs that have driven one or several entrepreneurial opportunities. The results of the descriptive analysis show the role that entrepreneur’s characteristics, motivation, human capital (specially prior knowledge, and the sources for opportunity identification play in the discovery of new opportunities.

  8. Género, ciudadanía y cuidado: aportes al debate en América Latina

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    Verónica Gómez Urrutia


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se analiza lo relativo al llamado "trabajo de cuidado" (carework atendiendo a su valoración social como contribución a la manutención de la comunidad política. Este tipo de trabajo, históricamente realizado por mujeres, supone la división del trabajo en "productivo" y "reproductivo" y la invisibilización de este último como parte de las condiciones que aseguran la cohesión y el bienestar de una sociedad. En este contexto se plantean argumentos a favor de vincular el concepto de cuidado -con sus implicaciones de género- con el de ciudadanía, de manera que el trabajo de cuidado se conceptúe como parte de los deberes de los ciudadanos hacia la comunidad política, pero también como un derecho que se garantice a quienes están en situación de vulnerabilidad.

  9. Biofilm Formation by Staphylococcus epidermidis on Foldable and Rigid Intraocular Lenses. (United States)

    Fazly Bazzaz, Bibi Sedigheh; Jalalzadeh, Monireh; Sanati, Maryam; Zarei-Ghanavati, Syamak; Khameneh, Bahman


    Biofilm formation of Staphylococcus epidermidis is a major etiological factor of inducing device-related infections. The ability of biofilm formation by the S. epidermidis was assessed in vitro on two brands of foldable (hydrophilic) and two brands of rigid (hydrophobic) intraocular lens materials in order to investigate the role of lens material in postoperative endophthalmitis. To ensure reproducibility of biofilm formation on intraocular lenses, two strains of S. epidermidis and three quantification methods were performed. The S. epidermidis strains, DSMZ3270 (biofilm-producer) and ATCC12228 (non-biofilm-producer) were applied. Organisms were cultivated on disks of different brands of foldable hydrophilic Intra Ocular Lens (IOL) made of acrylic (Didar, Iran; (A) and Omni, India; (B)), and rigid hydrophobic IOL made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA; Didar, Iran; (C) and Hexavision, France; (D)). Biofilms were stained with crystal violet (CV) dye, which is an index of biofilm formation. The bacterial population was counted after biofilm homogenization. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to examine the extent of biofilm formation. Adherence of DSMZ3270 strain on both types of foldable and rigid IOLs, was significantly more than ATCC12228 (P brands of foldable and PMMA IOLs. According to statistical analyses the incubation time influenced the biofilm formation on both types of IOLs which meant that by increasing incubation time, the biofilm formation increased. According to the SEM pictures, biofilm seems to be lysed at 72 hours. These data demonstrated that the attachment of bacteria to hydrophilic acrylic IOLs was more than hydrophobic PMMA ones independent of the brand. According to these results the bacterial strain might have more hydrophilic properties. Augmenting the biomass of biofilm by passing of time demonstrated the key role of time in biofilm formation on the IOL surfaces. The differences between IOL brands in the biofilm formation

  10. Data on the effects of imidazo[1,2-a]benzimidazole and pyrimido[1,2-a]benzimidazole compounds on intraocular pressure of ocular normotensive rats

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    Adrian Julian Marcus


    Full Text Available This data is to document the intraocular pressure (IOP lowering activity of imidazo[1,2-a]benzimidazole and pyrimido[1,2-a]benzimidazole compounds in ocular normotensive rats. Effects of single drop application of imidazo[1,2-a]benzimidazole and pyrimido[1,2-a]benzimidazole compounds on IOP in ocular normotensive rats are presented at 3 different concentrations (0.1%, 0.2% and 0.4%. Time course of changes in IOP is presented over 6 h period post-instillation. The IOP lowering activities of test compounds were determined by assessing maximum decrease in IOP from baseline and corresponding control, duration of IOP lowering and area under curve (AUC of time versus response curve. Data shown here may serve as benchmarks for other researchers studying IOP-lowering effect of imidazo[1,2-a]benzimidazole and pyrimido[1,2-a]benzimidazole compounds and would be useful in determining therapeutic potential of these test compounds as IOP lowering agents. Keywords: Drug screening, Intraocular pressure, Intraocular pressure lowering activity, Imidazo[1,2-a]benzimidazoles, Pyrimido[1,2-a]benzimidazoles, Ocular normotensive rats, Rebound tonometry

  11. Fixed mydriatic pupil associated with an intraocular pressure rise as a complication of the implant of a Phakic Refractive Lens (PRL). (United States)

    Pérez-Cambrodí, Rafael José; Piñero-Llorens, David Pablo; Ruiz-Fortes, Juan Pedro; Blanes-Mompó, Francisco Javier; Cerviño-Expósito, Alejandro


    We describe a case report of a patient that was implanted with a posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens (Phakic Refractive Lens, PRL) for the correction of moderate myopia and who developed postoperatively a fixed mydriasis compatible with an Urrets-Zavalia Syndrome (UZS). Specifically, a sudden acute increase of IOP in the left eye was observed in the immediate postoperative period. After IOP stabilization, the refractive result was good, but a fixed and mydriatic pupil appeared. This condition led the patient to experience visual discomfort, halos, and glare associated with high levels of higher-order aberrations in spite of the good visual result. A tinted-contact lens was fitted in order to minimize those symptoms. The UZS should be considered as a possible complication after implantation of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lenses.

  12. I nuovi criteri di valutazione dei terreni in seguito al regolamento spagnolo per la valutazione dei terreni del 2011: l’oggettivazione delle aspettative edificatorie nel territorio rurale

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    Ana Maria De La Encarnación Valcárcel


    Full Text Available Il regime di valutazione dei terreni ha subito una delle sue più importanti modifiche ad opera della Legge sui Suoli del 2008 e del relativo Regolamento del 2011. Secondo il cosiddetto principio di oggettività, che definisce tutti i metodi fissati per le nuove "situazioni di base" dei terreni, ed in base al prescritto divieto di prendere in considerazione le aspettative edificatorie derivanti dal rilascio di una concessione edilizia, è facilmente desumibile l’esistenza di circostanze, che non sono una conseguenza naturale degli investimenti effettuati per il bene da parte del proprietario. Questo è in contrasto con lo spirito della Legge sui Suoli in vigore, enunciato nella Relazione Esplicativa.

  13. Intraocular Lens Dislocation after Cataract Surgery in Tambolaka, Southwest Sumba, Indonesia: A Case Report


    Ratna Sitompul


    Intraocular lens (IOL) dislocation is a rare complication of cataract extraction requiring prompt surgery. This case report aims to raise awareness of such cases and the importance of post-surgery follow-up. A 58-year-old female patient was found with anterior IOL dislocation a week after phacoemulsification surgery in her right eye. Visual acuity of the right eye was 1/60 with ciliary injection and IOL dislocation to the anterior chamber of the right eye. The patient underwent surgery of the...

  14. Effect of altered eating habits and periods during Ramadan fasting on intraocular pressure, tear secretion, corneal and anterior chamber parameters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kerimoglu, H.; Ozturk, B.; Gunduz, K.; Bozkurt, B.; Kamis, U.; Okka, M.

    Purpose To determine whether altered eating habits and periods, especially the pre-dawn meal, during Ramadan fasting have any significant effect on intraocular pressure (IOP), tear secretion, corneal and anterior chamber parameters. Methods IOP, basal tear secretion (BTS), reflex tear secretion

  15. Design of a Test Bench for Intraocular Lens Optical Characterization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alba-Bueno, Francisco; Vega, Fidel; Millan, Maria S, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Departamento de Optica y Optometria, Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna, C/ Violinista Vellsola 37, 08222 Terrassa (Spain)


    The crystalline lens is the responsible for focusing at different distances (accommodation) in the human eye. This organ grows throughout life increasing in size and rigidity. Moreover, due this growth it loses transparency through life, and becomes gradually opacified causing what is known as cataracts. Cataract is the most common cause of visual loss in the world. At present, this visual loss is recoverable by surgery in which the opacified lens is destroyed (phacoemulsification) and replaced by the implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL). If the IOL implanted is mono-focal the patient loses its natural capacity of accommodation, and as a consequence they would depend on an external optic correction to focus at different distances. In order to avoid this dependency, multifocal IOLs designs have been developed. The multi-focality can be achieved by using either, a refractive surface with different radii of curvature (refractive IOLs) or incorporating a diffractive surface (diffractive IOLs). To analyze the optical quality of IOLs it is necessary to test them in an optical bench that agrees with the ISO119679-2 1999 standard (Ophthalmic implants. Intraocular lenses. Part 2. Optical Properties and Test Methods). In addition to analyze the IOLs according to the ISO standard, we have designed an optical bench that allows us to simulate the conditions of a real human eye. To do that, we will use artificial corneas with different amounts of optical aberrations and several illumination sources with different spectral distributions. Moreover, the design of the test bench includes the possibility of testing the IOLs under off-axis conditions as well as in the presence of decentration and/or tilt. Finally, the optical imaging quality of the IOLs is assessed by using common metrics like the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), the Point Spread Function (PSF) and/or the Strehl ratio (SR), or via registration of the IOL's wavefront with a Hartmann-Shack sensor and its

  16. Effects of tramadol and acepromazine on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in young healthy cats


    Schroder, Deise Cristine; Monteiro, Bianca Garay; Pytlak, Deborah Braga; Souza, Mayara Carvalho de; Mendonça, Adriane Jorge; Ribeiro, Alexandre Pinto


    ABSTRACT: This study aimed to investigate the effects of the systemic administration of acepromazine, tramadol and the association of both on intraocular pressure (IOP) and pupil diameter (PD) in young healthy cats. Cats were randomly allocated into three groups (n=10/each) and intramuscular acepromazine (AG), tramadol (TG) or acepromazine combined with tramadol (ATG) were injected. PD (electronic caliper) and IOP (applanation tonometry) were assessed before (baseline) and following 15, 30, 6...

  17. Surgical management of spontaneous in-the-bag intraocular lens and capsular tension ring complex dislocation

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    Uzeyir Gunenc


    Full Text Available We describe a technique to manage late spontaneous intraocular lens (IOL and capsular tension ring (CTR dislocation within the intact capsular bag. The subluxated IOL and CTR complex can be positioned in a closed chamber and fixed to the pars plana at both 3 and 9 o′clock quadrants with the presented ab externo direct scleral suturation technique which provides an easy, safe and effective surgical option for such cases.

  18. Análise da fórmula SRK/T no cálculo de lente intra-ocular em cães portadores de catarata Analysis of the SRK/T formula for calculation of intra-ocular lens in dogs carrying cataract

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    T.P. Peixoto


    Full Text Available Foram utilizados 20 cães de raças e idades variadas, machos e fêmeas, portadores de catarata e não diabéticos, os quais foram submetidos ao exame oftálmico. Posteriormente, realizaram-se mensurações oculares empregando-se um ecobiômetro ultra-sônico (ultra-sonografia modo-A para o cálculo do poder dióptrico da lente intra-ocular por meio da fórmula SRK/T. O comprimento axial médio foi de 19,94±1,12mm. Todos os animais foram submetidos à facoemulsificação extracapsular. A lente calculada foi implantada no transoperatório da cirurgia de catarata, obtendo-se média de 37,33±3,05D. A avaliação pós-cirúrgica do erro refracional aos 60 dias de pós-operatório, pela retinoscopia, com a utilização da esquiascopia, foi de 5,57±1,59D. A fórmula SRK/T não ofereceu bons resultados.Twenty males and females non-diabetic dogs of different breeds and ages underwent ophthalmic examination because they presented catarats. Ocular measurements were performed by echobiometry (A-scan ultrasound for intraocular lens power calculation using the SRK/T formula. The obtained mean axial length was 19.94±1.12mm. All animals were submitted to extracapsular phacoemulsification; the mean intraocular lens power implanted was 37.33±3.05. At 60 days postoperative, the refractional error assessed via retinoscopy was 5.57±1.59 D. The SRK/T formula did not offer good results.

  19. Combined pars plana lensectomy-vitrectomy with open-loop flexible anterior chamber intraocular lens (AC IOL) implantation for subluxated lenses. (United States)

    Kazemi, S; Wirostko, W J; Sinha, S; Mieler, W F; Koenig, S B; Sheth, B P


    To review our experience with combined pars plana lensectomy-vitrectomy and open-loop flexible anterior chamber intraocular lens (AC IOL) implantation for managing subluxated crystalline lenses. Retrospective review of 36 consecutive eyes (28 patients), all of which had subluxated crystalline lenses, managed by pars plana lensectomy-vitrectomy with insertion of an open-loop flexible AC IOL. The study was performed at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, over an 8-year period. An average preoperative visual acuity of 20/163 (range, 20/25 to hand motions) improved to 20/36 (range, 20/20 to 4/200) with surgery after a mean follow-up of 14 months (range, 1 to 59 months) (P IOL implantation appears to be an excellent technique for managing subluxated crystalline lenses. It is associated with a significant improvement in visual acuity (P subluxated lens through a limbal wound. Additionally, use of an AC IOL offers a simplified alternative to placement of a ciliary sulcus sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens (PC IOL).

  20. Anterior haptic flexing and in-the-bag subluxation of an accommodating intraocular lens due to excessive capsular bag contraction. (United States)

    Kramer, Gregory D; Werner, Liliana; Neuhann, Tobias; Tetz, Manfred; Mamalis, Nick


    We describe the case of a patient who had cataract surgery with implantation of the hydrophilic acrylic Tetraflex accommodating intraocular lens (IOL), with subsequent development of capsulorhexis phimosis and in-the-bag IOL subluxation. Contraction of the capsular bag secondary to fibrosis resulted in significant anterior flexing of the lens haptic component. Explantation of the IOL-capsular bag complex was required 7 years after implantation. Histopathologic analysis demonstrated multiple areas of thick anterior subcapsular fibrosis. Pseudoexfoliative material was present throughout the surface of the lens capsule. Intraocular lenses manufactured from hydrophilic acrylic material are highly flexible and may be more susceptible to capsule contraction, even in the absence of predisposing ocular and systemic conditions. This case highlights the importance of developing guidelines regarding patient screening and selection for the appropriate use of accommodating and other highly flexible IOLs. No author has a financial or proprietary interest in any material or method mentioned. Copyright © 2015 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Comparison of a trifocal intraocular lens with a+3.0 D bifocal IOL: results of a prospective randomized clinical trial

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jonker, S.M.R.; Bauer, N.J.C.; Makhotkina, N.Y.; Berendschot, T.T.J.M.; van den Biggelaar, F.J.H.M.; Nuijts, R.M.M.A.

    Purpose To compare visual outcomes in patients with cataract surgery and bilateral implantation of a trifocal or bifocal intraocular lens (IOL). Setting University Eye Clinic Maastricht, the Netherlands. Design Prospective randomized clinical trial. Methods Eyes with cataract and less than 1.0

  2. Tamaño relativo encefálico e índices cerebrales en Vanellus c. chilensis (Aves: Charadriidae Relative encephalic size and cerebral indices of Vanellus c. chilensis (Aves: Charadriidae

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    Full Text Available Se analizó la composición cuantitativa encefálica y se estimaron índices cerebrales en Vanellus c. chilensis (tero o queltehue. Se estimó el volumen porcentual e índices cerebrales del encéfalo total y de siete de sus componentes, como así también los núcleos de relevo de las vías trigeminal, visual y acústica. El telencéfalo es el componente de mayor volumen relativo, siendo el neoestriado la estructura telencefálica de tamaño superior. El desarrollo del estriado propiamente dicho, tecto óptico y los núcleos de relevo de las vías visual y trigeminal concuerdan con la dieta carnívora de Vanellus c. chilensis. El tamaño relativo del Wulst y de los núcleos de la vía acústica se asocia a las complicadas tácticas que utiliza esta especie en la defensa del nido. Los índices cerebrales de las estructuras encefálicas analizadas indican que Vanellus c. chilensis es un ave progresivaThe quantitative encephalic composition and cerebral indices of Vanellus c. chilensis (southern lapwing were analyzed. The percentual volumes and cerebral indices for the whole encephalon and for seven components were calculated as well as relevous nuclei of the trigeminal, visual and acoustic pathways. The component of greater relative volume is the telencephalon. The neostriatum is the most developed encephalic structure. Developing of bulbus olfactorius, striatum, tectum opticum and relevous nuclei of visual and trigeminal pathways are according with the carnivorous diet of Vanellus c. chilensis. The relative size of Wulst and relevous nuclei of acoustic pathway appears associated with the complex tactics used by this species in the defense of nest. Cerebral indices of all the analyzed structures suggest that Vanellus c. chilensis is a progresive bird

  3. Quantitative assessment of corneal vibrations during intraocular pressure measurement with the air-puff method in patients with keratoconus. (United States)

    Koprowski, Robert; Ambrósio, Renato


    One of the current methods for measuring intraocular pressure is the air-puff method. A tonometer which uses this method is the Corvis device. With the ultra-high-speed (UHS) Scheimpflug camera, it is also possible to observe corneal deformation during measurement. The use of modern image analysis and processing methods allows for analysis of higher harmonics of corneal deflection above 100 Hz. 493 eyes of healthy subjects and 279 eyes of patients with keratoconus were used in the measurements. For each eye, 140 corneal deformation images were recorded during intraocular pressure measurement. Each image was recorded every 230 µs and had a resolution of 200 × 576 pixels. A new, original algorithm for image analysis and processing has been proposed. It enables to separate the eyeball reaction as well as low-frequency and high-frequency corneal deformations from the eye response to an air puff. Furthermore, a method for classification of healthy subjects and patients with keratoconus based on decision trees has been proposed. The obtained results confirm the possibility to distinguish between patients with keratoconus and healthy subjects. The features used in this classification are directly related to corneal vibrations. They are only available in the proposed software and provide specificity of 98%, sensitivity-85%, and accuracy-92%. This confirms the usefulness of the proposed method in this type of classification that uses corneal vibrations during intraocular pressure measurement with the Corvis tonometer. With the new proposed algorithm for image analysis and processing allowing for the separation of individual features from a corneal deformation image, it is possible to: automatically measure corneal vibrations in a few characteristic points of the cornea, obtain fully repeatable measurement of vibrations for the same registered sequence of images and measure vibration parameters for large inter-individual variability in patients. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier

  4. Fungal endophthalmitis caused by Paecilomyces variotii, in an immunocompetent patient, following intraocular lens implantation

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    Anita K


    Full Text Available We report the case of a 70-year-old man who was admitted for anterior endophthalmitis following an intraocular lens implantation. He had developed a fluffy growth resembling a fungal mass on the iris of the right eye. The mass was removed and sent for fungal studies to our department. Direct microscopy revealed hyphae. Further studies helped identify the fungus to belong to genus Paecilomyces. This is a rare case of fungal endophthalmitis caused by Paecilomyces variotii in an immunocompetent person.

  5. Comparison between 0.5% timolol maleate and 0.2% brimonidine tartrate in controlling increase in intraocular pressure after neodymium: yttrium-aluminium-garnet laser capsulotomy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tayyab, H.; Azhar, M.N.; Haider, M.A.; Jahangir, T.


    Objective: To compare the effectiveness of prophylactically given 0.5% Timolol maleate and 0.2% Brimonidine tartrate in controlling increase in intraocular pressure after neodymium (Nd) : yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) laser capsulotomy. Study Design: Randomized controlled trial. Place and Duration of Study: This study was conducted at Ophthalmology Department, Jinnah Hospital, Lahore from 15-05-2009 to 14-05-2010 for a duration of 12 months. Material and Methods: In this study, 90 consecutive patients were referred from outpatient department for Nd: YAG laser capsulotomy. Hospital ethical committee's approval for this research proposal and the informed consent was taken. These patients were equally divided into two groups A and B, comprising of 45 patients in each group. Group A was control group which received 0.5% Timolol maleate. Group B was experimental group which received 0.2% Brimonidine tartrate. Intraocular pressure was measured using Goldmann tonometer before instilling these topical medications. These medications were administered topically 1 hour before the laser procedure. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was recorded 1 and 3 hours after laser capsulotomy. Results: In patients belonging to group A, 42 (93.3%) patients had effective control of IOP (raise of less than or equal to 5 mmHg from the baseline) after 3 hours of Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy whereas 28 (62.2%) patients had effective control of IOP after the same period of time in group-B with significant difference (p<0.001). Conclusion: Use of prophylactic topical antiglaucoma medications before doing Nd: YAG laser capsulotomy is a effective way to reduce post laser spike of intraocular pressure. Present study showed that the use of 0.5% timolol maleate was safe and more effective than 0.2% brimonidine tartrate when given 1 hour before laser capsulotomy. (author)

  6. A comparative study of intraocular pressure measurement by three tonometers in normal subjects. (United States)

    Prabhakar, S K; Mahesh, B S; Shanthamallappa, M


    Contact Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) is gold standard for measuring intraocular pressure; however its routine use is limited by its non-portability and the need for a Slit Lamp Microscope. The Portable Perkins tonometer is also considered gold standard because it is based on the same principles as the GAT. The iCare is a newly introduced, portable, non-contact tonometer (NCT) that measures intraocular pressure (IOP) using a thin metallic probe. To evaluate reliability and accuracy of IOP measurements using iCare and Keeler Pulsair tonometers against Perkins tonometer. A comparative, randomized, prospective clinical study conducted on 166 eyes of 83 (n=83) subjects in the age group 14 to 71 years. The pressures were first recorded by iCare and Pulsair and then by Perkins. The SPSS 11.00 version was used for analysis. Mean pressures and standard deviation (+/-SD) for iCare, Pulsair and Perkins were 14.62(+/- 2.47), 14.53(+/-3.36) and 13.06(+/-2.69) and the Standard Error of the Mean (SEM) was 0.27, 0.36 and 0.30 respectively. There was a good correlation between iCare and Perkins with statistically significant difference (r=0.610, p less than 0.05). Regression analysis was performed. Using the Bland-Altman analysis 95% Limits of Agreement (LoA) for iCare and Pulsair were determined as -6.1 to 2.9 and -4.5 to 7.5 respectively. Although both tonometers overestimated the Perkins values, Pulsair showed a better agreement with Perkins tonometer than iCare tonometer. © NEPjOPH.

  7. Intraocular Implants for the Treatment of Autoimmune Uveitis

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    Darren J. Lee


    Full Text Available Uveitis is the third leading cause of blindness in developed countries. Currently, the most widely used treatment of non-infectious uveitis is corticosteroids. Posterior uveitis and macular edema can be treated with intraocular injection of corticosteroids, however, this is problematic in chronic cases because of the need for repeat injections. Another option is systemic immunosuppressive therapies that have their own undesirable side effects. These systemic therapies result in a widespread suppression of the entire immune system, leaving the patient susceptible to infection. Therefore, an effective localized treatment option is preferred. With the recent advances in bioengineering, biodegradable polymers that allow for a slow sustained-release of a medication. These advances have culminated in drug delivery implants that are food and drug administration (FDA approved for the treatment of non-infectious uveitis. In this review, we discuss the types of ocular implants available and some of the polymers used, implants used for the treatment of non-infectious uveitis, and bioengineered alternatives that are on the horizon.

  8. Intraocular pressure asymmetry-Topcon Computerised Tonometer CT-20. (United States)

    Ntim-Amponsah, C T


    The Topcon Computerised Tonometer CT-20, a non-contact tonometer (NCT), was used to measure intraocular pressure (IOP) in mmHg in 1,226 subjects above the age of 30 years with no ocular pathology. The mean IOP was 14.41 mmHg and the standard deviation 3.43. The mean IOP far was higher in female (14.60) than male (14.22). This gender difference in the mean IOP was significant; t stat = 2.69, P < 0.5. Right IOP exceeded left IOP and this was highly significant in both male (t stat 4.03) and female (t stat 5.64) p < 0.01. This IOP asymmetry approximates a normal distribution. The mean of the differences (right-left IOP) and standard deviation for all subjects were 0.57 and 2.26 respectively. The range for the differences was- 10 to 10 mmHg. Asymmetry was greater in females than males (t stat = 2.05, p < 0.05). Knowledge of these statistics will help in decisions concerning glaucoma screening with NCT.

  9. [Slit lamp optical coherence tomography study of anterior segment changes after phacoemulsification and foldable intraocular lens implantation]. (United States)

    Yan, Pi-song; Zhang, Zhen-ping; Lin, Hao-tian; Wu, Wen-jie; Bai, Ling


    To investigate quantitative changes of the anterior segment configuration after clear corneal incision phacoemulsification and foldable intraocular lens (IOL) implantation with slit-lamp-adapted optical coherence tomography (SL-OCT). In prospective consecutive case series, clear corneal incision phacoemulsification and foldable intraocular lens implantation were performed in 44 eyes of 40 patients. The changes of the anterior segment configuration were performed by SL-OCT before and 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks and 1 month after surgery. SPSS 16.0 software was used to analyze statistical difference. For all patients, the central corneal thickness (CCT) and the incisional corneal thickness (ICT) increased significantly 1 day after surgery (CCT increased 99.59 microm, ICT increased 234.57 microm; P = 0.490). At 1 month, the CCT almost had returned to baseline, but the ICT had been thicker about 19.25 microm than baseline(P = 0.001). The measurements of ACD, AOD500, AOD750, TISA500, TISA750 also increased significantly 1 day after surgery. Although the ACD had no changes within 2 weeks (all P 0.05). The SL-OCT could impersonality and quantificationally evaluate the anterior segment changes induced by cataract surgery.


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    I. V. Pogrebnyakov


    Full Text Available Treatment of intraocular retinoblastoma is challenging. It requires a multidisciplinary personalized approach that includes focal treatments, chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy. Today, the focus of therapy has shifted to eye preservation with the major aim to save the child’s life and to preserve the eyeball as a functioning organ of vision with minimal complications. One of the most promising therapy approaches is selective intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC, by which a cytostatic agent is given directly into the eye. This treatment modality has been shown to provide survival benefit and improvement of quality of life, reducing toxicity and minimizing side effects.

  11. Corneal edema and permanent blue discoloration of a silicone intraocular lens by methylene blue. (United States)

    Stevens, Scott; Werner, Liliana; Mamalis, Nick


    To report a silicone intraocular lens (IOL) stained blue by inadvertent intraoperative use of methylene blue instead of trypan blue and the results of experimental staining of various lens materials with different concentrations of the same dye. A "blue dye" was used to enhance visualization during capsulorhexis in a patient undergoing phacoemulsification with implantation of a three-piece silicone lens. Postoperatively, the patient presented with corneal edema and a discolored IOL. Various IOL materials were experimentally stained using methylene blue. Sixteen lenses (4 silicone, 4 hydrophobic acrylic, 4 hydrophilic acrylic, and 4 polymethylmethacrylate) were immersed in 0.5 mL of methylene blue at concentrations of 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%. These lenses were grossly and microscopically evaluated for discoloration 6 and 24 hours after immersion. The corneal edema resolved within 1 month after the initial surgical procedure. After explantation, gross and microscopic analyses of the explanted silicone lens revealed that its surface and internal substance had been permanently stained blue. In the experimental study, all of the lenses except the polymethylmethacrylate lenses were permanently stained by methylene blue. The hydrophilic acrylic lenses showed the most intense blue staining in all dye concentrations. This is the first clinicopathological report of IOL discoloration due to intraocular use of methylene blue. This and other tissue dyes may be commonly found among surgical supplies in the operating room and due diligence is necessary to avoid mistaking these dyes for those commonly used during ocular surgery.

  12. Spectral analysis and comparison of mineral deposits forming in opacified intraocular lens and senile cataractous lens (United States)

    Lin, Shan-Yang; Chen, Ko-Hwa; Lin, Chih-Cheng; Cheng, Wen-Ting; Li, Mei-Jane


    This preliminary report was attempted to compare the chemical components of mineral deposits on the surfaces of an opacified intraocular lens (IOL) and a calcified senile cataractous lens (SCL) by vibrational spectral diagnosis. An opacified intraocular lens (IOL) was obtained from a 65-year-old male patient who had a significant decrease in visual acuity 2-years after an ocular IOL implantation. Another SCL with grayish white calcified plaque on the subcapsular cortex was isolated from a 79-year-old male patient with complicated cataract after cataract surgery. Optical light microscope was used to observe both samples and gross pictures were taken. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and Raman microspectroscopic techniques were employed to analyze the calcified deposits. The curve-fitting algorithm using the Gaussian function was also used to quantitatively estimate the chemical components in each deposit. The preliminary results of spectral diagnosis indicate that the opacified IOL mainly consisted of the poorly crystalline, immature non-stoichiometric hydroxyapatite (HA) with higher content of type B carbonated apatites. However, the calcified plaque deposited on the SCL was comprised of a mature crystalline stoichiometric HA having higher contents of type A and type B carbonate apatites. More case studies should be examined in future.

  13. Effects of tramadol and acepromazine on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in young healthy cats

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    Deise Cristine Schroder


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: This study aimed to investigate the effects of the systemic administration of acepromazine, tramadol and the association of both on intraocular pressure (IOP and pupil diameter (PD in young healthy cats. Cats were randomly allocated into three groups (n=10/each and intramuscular acepromazine (AG, tramadol (TG or acepromazine combined with tramadol (ATG were injected. PD (electronic caliper and IOP (applanation tonometry were assessed before (baseline and following 15, 30, 60, and 120 minutes of treatments. It was verified that in AG, PD decreased significantly from time point 30 to 120 (P=0.002, but such reduction did not differ significantly from baseline (P=0.89. In TG, PD increased significantly from the first 15 minutes, until the last time point of evaluation (P0.05. It can be concluded that tramadol alone or in association with acepromazine produced significant mydriasis for up to 120 minutes, without changing IOP values in normal cats. Results of this study suggested that tramadol alone or in association with acepromazine caused significant mydriasis and did not change IOP values in normal cats. Therefore, it may be considered a satisfactory pre-anesthetic combination for ophthalmic surgery in cats. However, further studies are warranted on the use of such protocols in cats with ophthalmic diseases undergoing ocular or intraocular surgery.

  14. Pigment dispersion glaucoma induced by the chafing effect of intraocular lens haptics in Asian eyes. (United States)

    Hong, Ying; Sun, Yan-Xiu; Qi, Hong; Zhou, Ji-Chao; Hao, Yan-Sheng


    To study the possible mechanism and treatment for pigment dispersion glaucoma (PDG) caused by single-piece acrylic (SPA) intraocular lens (IOL) ciliary sulcus fixation in Asian eyes. Patients referred for PDG caused by SPA IOL ciliary sulcus fixation to our hospital from April 2005 to June 2011 were included. The patients' general information, IOL type, interval between initial surgery and PDG occurrence, examination findings, antiglaucoma medicine regimen and surgical interventions were recorded. In total, six eyes from five Chinese patients were included in this study. The intraocular pressure (IOP) increased 19-30 days after cataract surgery and was not satisfactorily controlled with antiglaucoma medication. Dense pigmentation was deposited on the IOLs and on the anterior chamber angle. IOL haptic chafing was noted on the rear iris surface. IOL repositioning in the capsular bag was performed in three eyes and was combined with trabeculectomy in two eyes with progressive glaucoma. An IOL exchange with three-piece IOL ciliary sulcus fixation was performed in the other three eyes. Scanning electron microscopy of the explanted IOLs demonstrated a rough edge on the IOL haptics. SPA IOLs were not suitable for ciliary sulcus fixation. The chafing effect of the IOL haptics on the posterior iris pigment epithelium could induce PDG in Asian eyes. IOLs should be positioned in the capsular bag or a three-piece IOL should be used instead.

  15. Capsule-Fixated Intraocular Lens Implantation in Small Pupil Cases. (United States)

    Schojai, Merita; Schultz, Tim; Burkhard Dick, H


    To describe a new technique for implantation of capsule-fixated intraocular lenses (IOLs) (FEMTIS; Oculentis, Berlin, Germany) in patients with small pupils. In 4 eyes with small pupils, an anterior capsule-fixated IOL was implanted into the capsular bag after femtosecond laser treatment. The two large and two small flaps of the IOL were elevated to the front of the iris and the anterior capsule. Finally, the iris was flipped over the flaps to ensure a fixation of the capsule inside of the capsulotomy. In all cases, the implantation of anterior capsule-fixated IOLs was possible. No complications occurred during surgery or within the first months after surgery. With the described technique, capsulefixated IOLs can be implanted in eyes with small pupil easily and safely. This type of IOL has great potential to improve the refractive outcome by better prediction of the postoperative IOL position and eliminating IOL rotation after cataract surgery. [J Refract Surg. 2017;33(8):568-570.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  16. Anterior capsular support for posterior chamber intraocular lenses following vitreous loss in endocapsular surgery

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    Jacob Pushpa


    Full Text Available We used anterior capsular support for posterior chamber intraocular lenses (PC IOLs in fourteen eyes with large posterior capsular ruptures. An endocapsular technique preserved the anterior capsule and facilitated implantation. With a median follow up of 8.5 months, all patients had a visual acuity of 6/9 or better. One lens was lost in the vitreous and one patient had a clinically significant cystoid macular edema. In the event of a posterior capsular rupture we suggest this technique as an alternative to anterior chamber or scleral-fixated lenses

  17. Principios para el cálculo de la lente intraocular tras cirugía refractiva corneal

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    Taimí Cárdenas Díaz

    Full Text Available Se estima que aproximadamente un millón o más de pacientes se realizan cirugía refractiva al año. Es por eso que con el envejecimiento son cada día más frecuentes los pacientes con catarata, a quienes previamente se les ha efectuado cirugía refractiva. El cálculo inexacto de la potencia dióptrica de la lente a implantar en la intervención de estos es también un problema de importancia creciente y con él la sorpresa refractiva. Este es mucho más complejo de lo normal, ya que existen dos fuentes de error: la incorrecta predicción de la posición efectiva de la lente por parte de la fórmula y la determinación errónea de la potencia de la córnea por parte de la queratometría. La corrección de estos dos factores permitirá realizar un cálculo correcto en estos ojos. De ahí la motivación para realizar una búsqueda actualizadas de los últimos diez años de diversos artículos publicados, con el objetivo de describir los principios para el cálculo de la lente intraocular tras cirugía refractiva corneal. Se utilizó la plataforma Infomed, específicamente la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, con todos sus buscadores.

  18. Study of the effect of distance and misalignment between magnetically coupled coils for wireless power transfer in intraocular pressure measurement. (United States)

    Rendon-Nava, Adrian E; Díaz-Méndez, J Alejandro; Nino-de-Rivera, Luis; Calleja-Arriaga, Wilfrido; Gil-Carrasco, Felix; Díaz-Alonso, Daniela


    An analysis of the effect of distance and alignment between two magnetically coupled coils for wireless power transfer in intraocular pressure measurement is presented. For measurement purposes, a system was fabricated consisting of an external device, which is a Maxwell-Wien bridge circuit variation, in charge of transferring energy to a biomedical implant and reading data from it. The biomedical implant is an RLC tank circuit, encapsulated by a polyimide coating. Power transfer was done by magnetic induction coupling method, by placing one of the inductors of the Maxwell-Wien bridge circuit and the inductor of the implant in close proximity. The Maxwell-Wien bridge circuit was biased with a 10 MHz sinusoidal signal. The analysis presented in this paper proves that wireless transmission of power for intraocular pressure measurement is feasible with the measurement system proposed. In order to have a proper inductive coupling link, special care must be taken when placing the two coils in proximity to avoid misalignment between them.

  19. Study of the Effect of Distance and Misalignment between Magnetically Coupled Coils for Wireless Power Transfer in Intraocular Pressure Measurement

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    Adrian E. Rendon-Nava


    Full Text Available An analysis of the effect of distance and alignment between two magnetically coupled coils for wireless power transfer in intraocular pressure measurement is presented. For measurement purposes, a system was fabricated consisting of an external device, which is a Maxwell-Wien bridge circuit variation, in charge of transferring energy to a biomedical implant and reading data from it. The biomedical implant is an RLC tank circuit, encapsulated by a polyimide coating. Power transfer was done by magnetic induction coupling method, by placing one of the inductors of the Maxwell-Wien bridge circuit and the inductor of the implant in close proximity. The Maxwell-Wien bridge circuit was biased with a 10 MHz sinusoidal signal. The analysis presented in this paper proves that wireless transmission of power for intraocular pressure measurement is feasible with the measurement system proposed. In order to have a proper inductive coupling link, special care must be taken when placing the two coils in proximity to avoid misalignment between them.

  20. Effect of travoprost on 24-hour intraocular pressure in normal tension glaucoma

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    Yuya Nomura


    Full Text Available Yuya Nomura1, Shunsuke Nakakura2, Mitsuyasu Moriwaki1, Yasuhiro Takahashi1, Kunihiko Shiraki11Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka City University, Japan; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Saiseikai Gose Hospital, JapanPurpose: The effect of travoprost 0.004% on 24-hour intraocular pressure (IOP was examined in patients with normal tension glaucoma (NTG.Subjects and methods: This study included 17 patients with newly diagnosed unilateral NTG. IOP was measured at three-hour intervals over 24 hours by Goldman applanation tonometer in patients taking topical travoprost 0.004% and was compared retrospectively with 24-hour IOP data in untreated eyes.Results: IOP values were significantly reduced at individual time points after treatment (P < 0.01. Mean 24-hour IOP, maximum 24-hour IOP, minimum 24-hour IOP, and 24-hour IOP fluctuations at baseline (mean ± SD were 12.9 ± 2.2 mmHg, 15.4 ± 2.7 mmHg, 10.5 ± 2.2 mmHg, and 4.9 ± 1.2 mmHg, respectively, and were significantly reduced to 10.3 ± 2.0 mmHg, 12.4 ± 2.5 mmHg, 8.5 ± 1.9 mmHg (all P < 0.001, and 3.9 ± 1.5 mmHg (P < 0.05, respectively, after treatment. The rate of IOP reduction greater than 20% was 58.8% (10 eyes for maximum 24-hour IOP and 53.0% (nine eyes for mean 24-hour IOP.Conclusion: Travoprost reduced IOP throughout the 24-hour study period, with over half of the eyes examined showing IOP reduction exceeding 20%.Keywords: 24-hour intraocular pressure, fluctuation, normal tension glaucoma, travoprost, Travatan Z

  1. Vision in semi-aquatic snakes: Intraocular morphology, accommodation, and eye: Body allometry (United States)

    Plylar, Helen Bond

    Vision in vertebrates generally relies on the refractive power of the cornea and crystalline lens to facilitate vision. Light from the environment enters the eye and is refracted by the cornea and lens onto the retina for production of an image. When an animal with a system designed for air submerges underwater, the refractive power of the cornea is lost. Semi-aquatic animals (e.g., water snakes, turtles, aquatic mammals) must overcome this loss of corneal refractive power through visual accommodation. Accommodation relies on change of the position or shape of the lens to change the focal length of the optical system. Intraocular muscles and fibers facilitate lenticular displacement and deformation. Snakes, in general, are largely unstudied in terms of visual acuity and intraocular morphology. I used light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to examine differences in eye anatomy between five sympatric colubrid snake species (Nerodia cyclopion, N. fasciata, N. rhombifer, Pantherophis obsoletus, and Thamnophis proximus) from Southeast Louisiana. I discovered previously undescribed structures associated with the lens in semi-aquatic species. Photorefractive methods were used to assess refractive error. While all species overcame the expected hyperopia imposed by submergence, there was interspecific variation in refractive error. To assess scaling of eye size with body size, I measure of eye size, head size, and body size in Nerodia cyclopion and N. fasciata from the SLU Vertebrate Museum. In both species, body size increases at a significantly faster rate than head size and eye size (negative allometry). Small snakes have large eyes relative to body size, and large snakes have relatively small eyes. There were interspecific differences in scaling of eye size with body size, where N. fasciata had larger eye diameter, but N. cyclopion had longer eyes (axial length).

  2. Contrast visual acuity after multifocal intraocular lens implantation:aspheric versus spherical design

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    Jun-Hua Li


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate contrast visual acuity (CVA after implantation of an aspheric apodized diffractive intraocular lens (IOL or a spherical apodized diffractive IOL in cataract surgery.METHOD: This prospective randomized controlled study with a 12-month follow-up compared the results of cataract surgery with implantation of an aspheric AcrySof ReSTOR SN6AD3 IOL (30 eyes and a spherical AcrySof ReSTOR SN60D3 IOL (30 eyes. CVA with best distance correction was measured at 4 contrast levels (100%, 25%, 10% and 5% under 3 levels of chart luminance [250, 85 and 25 candelas per square meter (cd/m2] using a multi-functional visual acuity tester (MFVA-100.RESULTS:At 12 months after surgery, there were no statistically significant differences in 100% CVA and 25% CVA under 250cd/m2 (P100%=0.875 and P25%=0.057 and 85cd/m2 (P100%=0.198 and P25%=0.193 between the aspheric group and the spherical group. However, the 10% CVA and 5% CVA were significant better in aspheric group than spherical group under 250cd/m2 (P10%=0.042 and P5%=0.007 and 85cd/m2 (P10%=0.002 and P5%=0.039. Under the luminance level of 25cd/m2, no significant differences was found in the 100% CVA between the 2 group (P100%=0.245, while aspheric group had better visual acuity in the remaining 3 contracts (P25%=0.023, P10%=0.026 and P5%=0.002, respectively.CONCULSION:The aspheric AcrySof ReSTOR SN6AD3 IOL provided patients with better low-contrast visual acuity than the spherical AcrySof ReSTOR SN60D3 IOL.Keyword:cataract surgery; intraocular lens; contrast sensitivity; visual acuity

  3. Corneal injection track:an unusual complication of intraocular lens implantation and review

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    Julie Y.C. Lok


    Full Text Available Phacoemulsification is the main gold standard for cataract operation in the developed world together with foldable intraocular lens (IOL implantation by injection, allowing for stable wound construction and less postoperative astigmatism. It is a safe procedure with high success rate with the advancement in machines, improvement of IOL injection systems and further maturation of surgeons’ techniques. Despite the large number of operations performed every day, foldable IOL injection leading to an intra-stromal corneal track is a very rare complication. We report a case of this unusual finding in a 70-year-old gentleman who has undergone cataract operation in November 2011 in our hospital and will review on the complications related to foldable IOL injection.

  4. Digoxin derivatives with selectivity for the α2β3 isoform of Na,K-ATPase potently reduce intraocular pressure. (United States)

    Katz, Adriana; Tal, Daniel M; Heller, Dan; Habeck, Michael; Ben Zeev, Efrat; Rabah, Bilal; Bar Kana, Yaniv; Marcovich, Arie L; Karlish, Steven J D


    The ciliary epithelium in the eye consists of pigmented epithelial cells that express the α1β1 isoform of Na,K-ATPase and nonpigmented epithelial cells that express mainly the α2β3 isoform. In principle, a Na,K-ATPase inhibitor with selectivity for α2β3 that penetrates the cornea could effectively reduce intraocular pressure, with minimal systemic or local toxicity. We have recently synthesized perhydro-1,4-oxazepine derivatives of digoxin by NaIO4 oxidation of the third digitoxose and reductive amination with various R-NH2 substituents and identified derivatives with significant selectivity for human α2β1 over α1β1 (up to 7.5-fold). When applied topically, the most α2-selective derivatives effectively prevented or reversed pharmacologically raised intraocular pressure in rabbits. A recent structure of Na,K-ATPase, with bound digoxin, shows the third digitoxose approaching one residue in the β1 subunit, Gln84, suggesting a role for β in digoxin binding. Gln84 in β1 is replaced by Val88 in β3. Assuming that alkyl substituents might interact with β3Val88, we synthesized perhydro-1,4-oxazepine derivatives of digoxin with diverse alkyl substituents. The methylcyclopropyl and cyclobutyl derivatives are strongly selective for α2β3 over α1β1 (22-33-fold respectively), as determined either with purified human isoform proteins or intact bovine nonpigmented epithelium cells. When applied topically on rabbit eyes, these derivatives potently reduce both pharmacologically raised and basal intraocular pressure. The cyclobutyl derivative is more efficient than Latanoprost, the most widely used glaucoma drug. Thus, the conclusion is that α2β3-selective digoxin derivatives effectively penetrate the cornea and inhibit the Na,K-ATPase, hence reducing aqueous humor production. The new digoxin derivatives may have potential for glaucoma drug therapy.

  5. Image-guided intraocular injection using multimodality optical coherence tomography and fluorescence confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy in rodent ophthalmological models (United States)

    Terrones, Benjamin D.; Benavides, Oscar R.; Leeburg, Kelsey C.; Mehanathan, Sankarathi B.; Levine, Edward M.; Tao, Yuankai K.


    Intraocular injections are routinely performed for delivery of anti-VEGF and anti-inflammatory therapies in humans. While these injections are also performed in mice to develop novel models of ophthalmic diseases and screen novel therapeutics, the injection location and volume are not well-controlled and reproducible. We overcome limitations of conventional injections methods by developing a multimodality, long working distance, non-contact optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fluorescence confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (cSLO) system for retinal imaging before and after injections. Our OCT+cSLO system combines a custom-built spectraldomain OCT engine (875+/-85 nm) with 125 kHz line-rate with a modified commercial cSLO with a maximum frame-rate of 30 fps (512 x 512 pix.). The system was designed for an overlapping OCT+cSLO field-of-view of 1.1 mm with a 7.76 mm working distance to the pupil. cSLO excitation light sources and filters were optimized for simultaneous GFP and tdTomato imaging. Lateral resolution was 3.02 µm for OCT and 2.74 μm for cSLO. Intravitreal injections of 5%, 10%, and 20% intralipid with Alex Fluor 488 were manually injected intraocularly in C57BL/6 mice. Post-injection imaging showed structural changes associated with retinal puncture, including the injection track, a retinal elevation, and detachment of the posterior hyaloid. OCT enables quantitative analysis of injection location and volumes whereas complementary cSLO improves specificity for identifying fluorescently labeled injected compounds and transgenic cells. The long working distance of our non-contact OCT+cSLO system is uniquely-suited for concurrent imaging with intraocular injections and may be applied for imaging of ophthalmic surgical dynamics and real-time image-guided injections.

  6. Reacciones Adversas al Tratamiento Antirretroviral de Gran Actividad Inicial en el Hospital Santa Rosa - Piura.

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    Jiovany Jhan Carlos Saldaña-Gastulo


    Full Text Available Objetivo, Determinar la incidencia y factores asociados a reacciones adversas medicamentosas (RAM al TARGA inicial durante el periodo enero 2006 - diciembre 2007 en el Hospital de Apoyo Santa Rosa-Piura. Diseño, Se realizó un estudio analítico de cohorte retrospectiva. Lugar, Hospital de Apoyo Santa Rosa-Piura. Participantes, 107 historias clínicas de pacientes VIH positivos mayores de 18 años que recibieron TARGA y fueron atendidos durante este periodo en el consultorio de infectología. Intervenciones, Se analizaron retrospectivamente las historias clínicas que fueron pertinentes para la recolección de datos. Principales medidas de resultado, Analisis Univariado, Bivariado (t de Student, y Riesgo Relativo, multivariado (Regresión logística con 95% de confianza (p<0.05. Resultados, En 107 pacientes se encontró una incidencia acumulada de 66,35% de RAM al TARGA inicial. Las RAM experimentadas con mayor frecuencia fueron anemia (35,2%, rash (16,9% y vómitos (9,9%. Se encontró diferencias significativas entre la media de edad y la presencia de RAM con la prueba de t de student (p < 0.05 Conclusiones, Existe una alta incidenica de RAM en pacientes incluidos en TARGA, siendo la más frecuente la anemia en 25 pacientes (35,2%. La media de edad es mayor en pacientes con RAM.

  7. Refractive Results: Safety and Efficacy of Secondary Piggyback Sensar™ AR40 Intraocular Lens Implantation to Correct Pseudophakic Refractive Error

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    Alahmady Hamad Alsmman Hassan


    Full Text Available In this study we evaluate the visual outcomes, safety, efficacy, and stability of implanting of second sulcus intraocular lens (IOL to correct unsatisfied ametropic patients after phacoemulsification. Methods. Retrospective study of 15 eyes (15 patients underwent secondary intraocular lens implanted into the ciliary sulcus. The IOL used was a Sensar IOL three-piece foldable hydrophobic acrylic IOL. The first IOL in all patients was acrylic intrabagal IOL implanted in uncomplicated phacoemulsification surgery. Results. Fifteen eyes (15 patients were involved in this study. Preoperatively, mean log⁡MAR UDVA and CDVA were 0.88 ± 0.22 and 0.19 ± 0.13, respectively, with a mean follow-up of 28 months (range: 24 to 36 months. At the end of the follow-up, all eyes achieved log⁡MAR UDVA of 0.20 ± 0.12 with postoperative refraction ranging from 0.00 to −0.50 D of attempted emmetropia. Conclusions. Implantation of the second sulcus SensarAR40 IOL was found to be safe, easy, and simple technique for management of ametropia following uncomplicated phacoemulsification.

  8. Currículo escolar, conocimiento [matemático] y prácticas sociales: posibilidades otras en una comunidad indígena Gunadule

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    Carolina Tamayo-Osorio

    Full Text Available Resumen Este artículo es resultado de una investigación de maestría titulada: (resignificación del currículo escolar indígena, relativo al conocimiento [matemático], desde y para las prácticas sociales: el caso de los maestros de la comunidad Dule en Alto Caimán (TAMAYO-OSORIO, 2012. En coherencia el objetivo de investigación fue: (resignificar el currículo escolar indígena, relativo al conocimiento [matemático], desde y para las prácticas sociales de la comunidad Dule en Alto Caimán. El horizonte teórico se orientó desde una perspectiva sociocultural de la educación matemática considerando la Etnomatemática y la interculturalidad. Este estudio es de orden cualitativo con visión crítico-dialéctica, basado en una investigación colaborativa. Podemos afirmar que hablar de currículo escolar indígena, relativo al conocimiento [matemático], desde una perspectiva crítica implica (reconceptualizaciones, donde se hagan visibles no sólo las concepciones teóricas, políticas y culturales que sustentan la sociedad que se quiere construir, sino que también se manifieste la dialéctica entre prácticas sociales y conocimientos [matemáticos].

  9. Combined surgical management of capsular and iris deficiency with glued intraocular lens technique. (United States)

    Kumar, Dhivya Ashok; Agarwal, Amar; Jacob, Soosan; Lamba, Mandeep; Packialakshmi, Sathiya; Meduri, Alessandro


    To determine the outcome after glued aniridia intraocular lens (IOL) and glued IOL with iridoplasty in eyes with combined lens capsular and iris deficiency. Twenty-seven eyes of 25 patients (6 had congenital aniridia with subluxated cataract and 19 had acquired lens/iris defects) were included. Glued IOL with aniridia IOL (Intra Ocular Care, Gujarat, India) was performed in eyes with total aniridia and iridoplasty with glued IOL with a three-piece foldable IOL (Sofport; Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY) was performed in eyes with partial aniridia. The postoperative outcomes were analyzed at follow-up examination (range: 6 to 48 months). Eleven eyes underwent glued aniridia IOL and 16 eyes underwent glued IOL with iridoplasty. There was significant improvement in (spectacle) corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) (P = .002). Postoperatively, pigment dispersion on the IOL (n = 1) and raised intraocular pressure was seen in the glued aniridia IOL group and chronic uveitis (n = 1), cystoid macular edema (n = 1), and hyphema (n = 1) in the glued IOL with iridoplasty group. The CDVA remained unchanged in 14 eyes (51.8%) and improved in 13 eyes (48.1%). There was a difference in postoperative CDVA (P = .001) between eyes with glued aniridia IOL and glued IOL with iridoplasty. There was no IOL decentration, retinal detachment, corneal decompensation, or endophthalmitis. There was reduction in glare and photophobia. Both glued aniridia IOL and glued IOL/iridoplasty showed good functional and anatomical results with fewer complications in eyes with lens capsule and iris deficiency. However, long-term follow-up is required.[J Refract Surg. 2013;29(5):342-347.]. Copyright 2013, SLACK Incorporated.

  10. Evolución de la mortalidad atribuible al tabaco en las Islas Canarias (1975-1994

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    Bello Luján Luis M


    Full Text Available Fundamento: El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la mortalidad atribuible al consumo de tabaco en las Islas Canarias durante el periodo 1975-1994. Método: Las defunciones por edad, sexo y causa desde 1975 a 1994 se obtuvieron del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Movimiento Natural Población. A partir de las Encuestas de Salud de España y Canarias se tomaron los porcentajes de nunca fumadores, fumadores y ex-fumadores de la población canaria por edad y sexo. Los riesgos relativos de muerte se obtuvieron del Cancer Prevention Study II, llevado a cabo en Estados Unidos de América. Se calculó la proporción de muertes atribuibles al tabaco para cada año, sexo y grupo de edad a partir de la fracción atribuible poblacional. Así mismo, se calculó la tendencia de la mortalidad atribuible para dicho periodo expresada como el cambio porcentual medio anual de las tasas de la mortalidad ajustadas por edad, mediante un modelo log-lineal. Resultados: Durante el periodo 1975-1994, el número de fallecimientos atribuidos al tabaco aumentó un 64%. Por grandes causas, se observó en el periodo de estudio, un aumento de las neoplasias del 108%, una disminución de las enfermedades cardiovasculares del 32% y un incremento de las enfermedades respiratorias del 15,5%. Se observó también que el número de fallecidos aumenta con la edad, siendo el grupo de edad de 65 años y más en el que se presentan más muertes por el tabaco. Conclusiones: En las Islas Canarias, más del 20% de todas las muertes en 1994 se pueden atribuir al tabaco. Esto sugiere que las medidas introducidas para controlar el tabaquismo son insuficientes.

  11. Results of intraocular lens implantation with capsular tension ring in subluxated crystalline or cataractous lenses in children


    Das, Pranab; Ram, Jagat; Brar, Gagandeep Singh; Dogra, Mangat R


    Purpose : To evaluate the outcome of intraocular lens (IOL) implantation using capsular tension ring (CTR) in subluxated crystalline or cataractous lenses in children. Setting : Tertiary care setting Materials and Methods : We prospectively studied 18 eyes of 15 children with subluxation of crystalline or cataractous lenses between 90° up to 210° after phacoemulsification, CTR and IOL implantation. Each child was examined for IOL centration, zonular dehiscence and posterior ...

  12. Pseudo retinitis pigmentosa in a case of missed intraocular foreign body. (United States)

    Temkar, Shreyas; Mukhija, Ritika; Venkatesh, Pradeep; Chawla, Rohan


    A 35-year-old man presented with history of painless, progressive loss of vision in the left eye for the past 7 years. There was history of trauma to the same eye with an iron object 7 years prior. Fundus examination revealed pigmentary retinopathy (unilateral advanced retinitis pigmentosa (RP)-like picture). X-ray orbits were suspicious of retained intraocular foreign body (IOFB). CT orbits confirmed the presence of IOFB. Electroretinogram revealed depressed responses. Right eye examination was within normal limits. A diagnosis of siderosis bulbi with unilateral pseudo RP-like fundus was made. No surgical intervention was planned for IOFB in view of poor visual prognosis. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  13. Intraocular Foreign Body Detected by Gonioscopy in the Anterior Chamber Angle

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    Özdemir Özdemir


    Full Text Available 45-year-old male patient was referred to our hospital with suspicion of foreign body in the right eye. It was learned that a metal burr entered his right eye 2 days ago. Best-corrected visual acuity in the right eye was 9/10. Biomicroscopic examination showed a 2-mm fullthickness corneal incision in the lower paracentral cornea. Defect on the iris corresponding to the incision line drew our attention. Seidel test was negative. After dilatation, the anterior lens capsule and fundus examinations were performed and were normal. The presence of intraocular foreign body (IOFB was suspected and it was detected in the lower quadrant of the iridocorneal angle by gonioscopy. Emergency surgery was performed and IOFB was extracted. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2013; 43: 278-81

  14. Primary anterior chamber intraocular lens for the treatment of severe crystalline lens subluxation. (United States)

    Hoffman, Richard S; Fine, I Howard; Packer, Mark


    Subluxated cataractous and clear lenses are commonly treated by limbal or pars plana lensectomy followed by primary or secondary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Adjunctive capsular prosthetic devices have facilitated lens removal and IOL centration in these challenging cases but have also added complexity and potential complications to the procedure. Although crystalline lens extraction may be required to clear the visual axis in mild to moderate lens subluxations, we propose insertion of a primary anterior chamber IOL without lens extraction in severe subluxations when the eye is optically aphakic or can be made functionally aphakic following neodymium:YAG laser zonulysis. Two cases demonstrating this approach are presented.

  15. Cell adhesion of F{sup +} ion implantation of intraocular lens

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, D.J. E-mail:; Cui, F.Z.; Gu, H.Q


    The cell adhesion of ion implanted polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) intraocular lens was studied using cultured cells in vitro. F{sup +} ion implantation was performed at the energies of 40, 60, 80, 100 keV with the fluences ranging from 5x10{sup 13} to 1x10{sup 15} ions/cm{sup 2} at room temperature. The cell adhesion tests gave interesting results that the number of the neutral granulocytes and the macrophages adhering on surface were reduced significantly after ion implantation. The optimal fluence was about 4x10{sup 14} ions/cm{sup 2}. The hydrophobicity imparted to the lens surface was also enhanced. The results of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis indicated that ion implantation resulted in the cleavage of some pendant groups, the oxidation of the surface, and the formation of some new chemical bonds, which was probably the main reason for the cell adhesion change.

  16. High intraocular pressure produces learning and memory impairments in rats. (United States)

    Yuan, Yuxiang; Chen, Zhiqi; Li, Lu; Li, Xing; Xia, Qian; Zhang, Hong; Duan, Qiming; Zhao, Yin


    Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. Previous MRI studies have revealed that POAG can be associated with alterations in hippocampal function. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate a relationship between chronic high intraocular pressure (IOP) and hippocampal changes in a rat model. We used behavioural tests to assess learning and memory ability, and additionally investigated the hippocampal expression of pathological amyloid beta (Aβ), phospho-tau, and related pathway proteins. Chronic high IOP impaired learning and memory in rats and concurrently increased Aβ and phospho-tau expression in the hippocampus by altering the activation of different kinase (GSK-3β, BACE1) and phosphatase (PP2A) proteins in the hippocampus. This study provides novel evidence for the relationship between high IOP and hippocampal alterations, especially in the context of learning and memory. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Caracterización de genotipos élite de Coffea canephora por su tolerancia a sequía.

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    Ana Odetth Quintana-Escobar


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identi car el grado de tolerancia a sequía en diferentes genotipos élite de Coffea canephora P. var. Robusta. El estudio se realizó del 2013 al 2015 en Tuxtla Chico, Chiapas, México. De cada genotipo (INIFAP P9, INIFAP P4, INIFAP P5, INIFAP P7, INIFAP P8 se utilizaron veinte plantas, excepto para el INIFAP P9 con doce; un grupo con la mitad de plantas de cada genotipo se mantuvo en condiciones de capacidad de campo (CC y la otra mitad en punto de marchitez permanente (PMP. Al nalizar la etapa de estrés y después del riego de recuperación, se evaluaron variables morfológicas y siológicas, tales como parámetros de crecimiento, contenido relativo de agua, acumulación de prolina, índice y densidad estomática e índice de tolerancia a sequía. Los genotipos de C. canephora presentaron entre ellos diferente grado de tolerancia al dé cit hídrico, pero compartieron entre sí la detención de sus funciones y activación de diferentes rutas para tolerar la sequía, como disminución en el contenido relativo de agua y aumento de prolina durante el periodo de estrés. Al determinar el índice de tolerancia a sequía, el genotipo más tolerante fue el INIFAP P5 de acuerdo con las variables número de hojas retenidas y totales, tasa de crecimiento relativo, número de pares de ramas plagiotrópicas y nudos totales; mientras que el INIFAP P4 se identi có como uno de los más susceptibles de acuerdo con la tasa de crecimiento relativo y el número de nudos totales, en las cuales presentó los valores más bajos.

  18. Development of an accommodating intra-ocular lens - In vitro prevention of re-growth of pig and rabbit lens capsule epithelial cells

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Kooten, Theo G.; Koopmans, Steven; Terwee, Thom; Norrby, Sverker; Hooymans, J. M. M.; Busscher, Henk J.


    Cataract surgery is routinely performed to replace the clouded lens by a rigid polymeric intra-ocular lens unable to accommodate. By implanting a silicone gel into an intact capsular bag the accommodating properties of the natural lens can be maintained or enhanced. The implantation success of

  19. Implantation of a Multifocal Toric Intraocular Lens after Radial Keratotomy and Cross-Linking with Hyperopia and Astigmatism Residues: A Case Report

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    Raffaele Nuzzi


    Full Text Available Radial keratotomy is a refractive surgical technique, widely used in the 80s and early 90s to correct myopia and astigmatism, but now overcome by more recent laser techniques. Important consequences, often in patients with more than 45 years of age, are progressive hyperopic shift and/or an increase in corneal astigmatism, whose main cause seems to be an increase in the curvature radius of the central portion of the cornea. This seems to be due to radial keratotomy incisions – with the consequent need for cross-linking – intraocular pressure, and corneal biomechanical parameters. The authors propose phacoemulsification with a customized multifocal toric intraocular lens implantation to correct the induced shift and hyperopic astigmatism. A decent postoperative visual acuity was observed with good patient satisfaction. A specific protocol must be applied to optimize the correct diagnosis, presurgical evaluation and postsurgical outcomes that are to be maintained over time, without regressions.

  20. Customized computer models of eyes with intraocular lenses. (United States)

    Rosales, P; Marcos, S


    We compared experimental wave aberrations in pseudophakic eyes with aspheric intraocular lenses (IOLs) to simulate aberrations from numerical ray tracing on customized computer eye models using corneal topography, angle lambda, ocular biometry, IOL geometry, and IOL tilt and decentration measured on the same eyes. We found high correlations between real and simulated aberrations even for the eye with only the cornea, and these increased on average when the IOL geometry and position were included. Relevant individual aberrations were well predicted by the complete eye model. Corneal spherical aberration and horizontal coma were compensated by the IOL, and in 58.3% of the cases IOL tilt and decentration contributed to compensation of horizontal coma. We conclude that customized computer eye models are a good representation of real eyes with IOLs and allow understanding of the relative contribution of optical, geometrical and surgically-related factors to image quality. Corneal spherical aberration is reduced by aspheric IOLs, although other corneal high order aberrations are still a major contributor to total aberrations in pseudophakic eyes. Tilt and decentration of the IOLs represent a relatively minor contribution of the overall optical quality of the eye.

  1. [Reasons for exchange and explantation of intraocular lenses]. (United States)

    Neuhann, I; Fleischer, F; Neuhann, T


    This study was performed to analyse the reasons for explantation/exchange of intraocular lenses (IOL), which had originally been implanted for the correction of aphakia during cataract extraction. All cases with IOL explantation, which had been performed at one institution between 1/2008 and 12/2009 were analysed retrospectively. A total of 105 eyes of 100 patients were analysed. The median time interval between implantation and explantation of the IOL was 5.9 years (min. 0, max. 29.6). The most frequent cause for the intervention was subluxation/dislocation of the implant in 55.2% of cases. This group comprised 21% of cases with subluxation within the capsular bag in pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Other reasons were optical problems/incorrect IOL power (21%), calcification of hydrophilic acrylic IOL (7.6%), corneal decompensation associated with an anterior chamber lens (4.8%), and single cases with varying problems. The reasons for IOL exchange presented in this study are comparable to those of other series in the literature. Explantations due to optical problems may gain weight in the future due to a rise in refractive procedures and demands. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  2. Evaluation of monkey intraocular pressure by rebound tonometer (United States)

    Yu, Wenhan; Cao, Guiqun; Qiu, Jinghua; Ma, Jia; Li, Ni; Yu, Man; Yan, Naihong; Chen, Lei; Pang, Iok-Hou


    Purpose To evaluate the usefulness of the TonoVet™ rebound tonometer in measuring intraocular pressure (IOP) of monkeys. Methods The accuracy of the TonoVet™ rebound tonometer was determined in cannulated eyes of anesthetized rhesus monkeys where IOP was controlled by adjusting the height of a connected perfusate reservoir. To assess the applicability of the equipment through in vivo studies, the diurnal fluctuation of IOP and effects of IOP-lowering compounds were evaluated in monkeys. Results IOP readings generated by the TonoVet™ tonometer correlated very well with the actual pressure in the cannulated monkey eye. The linear correlation had a slope of 0.922±0.014 (mean±SEM, n=4), a y-intercept of 3.04±0.61, and a correlation coefficient of r2=0.97. Using this method, diurnal IOP fluctuation of the rhesus monkey was demonstrated. The tonometer was also able to detect IOP changes induced by pharmacologically active compounds. A single topical ocular instillation (15 μg) of the rho kinase inhibitor, H1152, produced a 5–6 mmHg reduction (pmonkey eye. PMID:19898690

  3. Factors associated with strabismus after cataract extraction and primary intraocular lens implantation in congenital cataracts

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    Soo Jung Lee


    Full Text Available AIM: To evaluate factors associated with the development of strabismus after cataract extraction and primary intraocular lens implantation.METHODS: The medical records of 122 patients, aged 1.5mo to 9y, who had undergone cataract extraction with primary intraocular lens implantation between January 1993 and August 2011 were reviewed. Fourteen patients (17 eyes with strabismus before cataract surgery were excluded. Patients were divided into those with congenital bilateral cataracts (64 patients, 128 eyes and those with unilateral cataracts (44 patients, 44 eyes. The associations between the development of strabismus and age at cataract surgery, pre- and post-cataract extraction corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA, interocular CDVA difference, nystagmus, surgical method, and secondary cataract were evaluated.RESULTS: Factors significantly associated with the development of strabismus included age at cataract surgery (≤1y, preoperative mean CDVA ≤20/100, presence of nystagmus in the bilateral cataract group and postoperative interocular CDVA difference >20/70 in the unilateral group. Postoperative CDVA ≤20/100 and preservation of posterior capsule, and presence of secondary cataract were significant factors in both groups.CONCLUSION: Children with congenital cataracts should be monitored carefully after cataract surgery for the development of strabismus, especially when they underwent surgery at age ≤1y, and they have nystagmus, large postoperative interocular CDVA difference, poor preoperative and postoperative CDVA, preservation of the posterior capsule, or secondary cataract.

  4. Cálculo del poder de la lente intraocular mediante biometría ultrasónica

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    Yileika Elías García

    Full Text Available Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento del cálculo de la lente intraocular mediante biometría ultrasónica. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo, con un grupo de pacientes atendidos por el Servicio de Catarata del Centro Oftalmológico «Enrique Cabrera», que recibieron tratamiento quirúrgico por catarata con implante de lente intraocular, mediante técnica de Blumenthal. La muestra se conformó con 160 ojos y se estudiaron las variables: sorpresa refractiva, edad, longitud axial y promedio queratométrico según resultado refractivo, poder dióptrico de la lente y componente esférico según edad. Resultados: como resultados más sobresalientes, se obtuvo que el 78,7 % no presentó error en el cálculo de la lente, la mayoría de los pacientes tenían 60 años y más, predominó el rango de longitud axial entre 22 y 24,4 (67,5 %, el promedio queratométrico de 43 a 44,99 (64,3 %, el poder dióptrico del lente de + 20 a + 23 dioptrías (48,2 % y el componente esférico entre 0,00 y +/-1,00 dioptrías (78,8%. Conclusiones: se considera que la biometría ultrasónica resulta adecuada para el cálculo correcto del lente.

  5. Effects of puff times on intraocular pressure agreement between non-contact and Goldmann applanation tonometers

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    Ibrahim Toprak


    Full Text Available AIM: To compare intraocular pressure(IOPvalues obtained from two different puff modes of Canon TX-F non-contact tonometer(NCTand Goldmann applanation tonometer(GATin patients with primary open angle glaucoma(POAG. METHODS: The study group comprised 55 right eyes of 55 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of POAG, which were under treatment. All patients underwent detailed ophthalmological examinations, optical coherence tomography imaging and automated perimetry. Intraocular pressure measurements were performed using 1-puff mode of NCT(NCT1, 3-puffs mode of NCT(NCT3and GAT with 5 minutes intervals in order. RESULTS: Fifty-five eyes of 55 patients with POAG(mean age of 64.1±8.1 yearswere enrolled into the study. NCT1 and NCT3 gave similar IOP values when compared with GAT measurements(14.22±3.42, 14.28±3.29, 14.66±3.49mmHg respectively, P=0.291. Intertonometer agreement was assessed using the Bland-Altman method. The 95% limits of agreement(LoAfor NCT1-GAT, NCT3-GAT and NCT1-NCT3 comparisons were -4.9 to +4.4mmHg, -4.1 to +3.4mmHg, and -3.4 to +3.3mmHg respectively.CONCLUSION: Although IOP measurements obtained from two puff modes of NCT and GAT showed similar values, wide range of LoA might restrict use of NCT1, NCT3 and GAT interchangeably in POAG patients.

  6. [Comparative study of intraocular pressure measurements by Goldmann applanation tonometer, noncontact tonometer and TonoPen]. (United States)

    Ceská, Burdová M; Ferrová, K; Filous, A; Oskorypová, K; Lezatková, P; Sedlácková, P


    The purpose of the study was to compare the levels of the intraocular pressure (NOT) measured in one eye at the same moment by three different methods: by Goldmann applanation tonometer (AT), non-contact tonometer (BT) and Tono-Pen (TP). It was further set the average variability of the performed measurements for particular tonometric methods. NOT was assessed in 106 eyes of 106 subjects aged 7-77 years (average 34.3 +/- 17.1 years). NOT was measured at the same moment with BT, TP and AT. The obtained data were statistically analyzed. The average NOT was 16.55 +/- 2.95, 17.95 +/- 4.47 and 16.13 +/- 3.4 mmHg when AT, BT and TP were applied. Average variability of three measurements for AT, BT and TP was 1.51 +/- 0.96, 1.78 +/- 1.08 and 1.47 +/- 0.9 mmHg. Average NOT levels of the measured AT and TP were almost identical with a difference of 0.42 mmHg (p = 0.236). Average level of the intraocular pressure measured by BT was higher by 1.40 mmHg and 1.82 mmHg in comparison with AT and TP (p = 0.00002), respectively. NOT measurement produced almost identical average levels at AT and TP, whereas at BT the levels were much higher. Average variability of the three subsequent NOT measurements was the highest at BT, whereas at AT and TP the average variability was lower and nearly identical.

  7. Retropupillary iris-claw intraocular lens for the surgical correction of aphakia in cases with microspherophakia

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    Sameh Mosaad Fouda


    Full Text Available Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of retropupillary fixation of an iris-claw intraocular lens (IOL; Verisyse polymethyl methacrylate IOL, Abbott Medical Optics [AMO], Netherlands for the surgical correction of aphakia in microspherophakic eyes without sufficient capsular support. Design: This was a prospective, interventional, noncomparative case series. Methods: This interventional case series comprised 17 eyes of 9 microspherophakic patients. Retropupillary fixation of the Verisyse iris-claw IOL (AMO was performed in all cases. The surgical time was measured. Corrected distance visual acuity, astigmatism, intraocular pressure (IOP, tissue reaction, pigment dispersion, and stability of the IOL were studied 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, and 6 months postoperatively. Results: Eight patients had familial microspherophakia and one patient had Marfan's syndrome. Eighty-two percent of the cases achieved a visual acuity of 0.3 or better. There was no significant postoperative inflammatory reaction. Transient elevation of IOP was recorded in two cases in the 1st week only. One IOL developed disengagement of one of the haptics from the iris and was successfully re-engaged. All the other IOLs were well centered and stable. The mean surgical time was 18.0 ± 4.5 min. Conclusions: Retropupillary fixation of an iris-claw IOL is a safe and effective procedure that provides early visual recovery. It is also a time-saving method for correcting aphakia in microspherophakic eyes without sufficient capsular support.

  8. Iris en sayuela signo clínico nuevo asociado al síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior: a new clinical sign associated to the anterior segment toxic syndrome Iris in underskirt

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    Iván Hernández López


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Presentar un nuevo signo clínico como resultado del desprendimiento gigante del epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris en el curso de un síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior tras una cirugía de catarata. MÉTODOS: Presentamos un paciente intervenido de catarata mediante facoemulsificación con implante de lente intraocular de cámara posterior plegable, sin incidencias ni complicaciones transoperatorias. Se le realizó evaluación biomicroscópica en el posoperatorio inmediato diagnosticándosele un síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior asociado a un desprendimiento gigante del epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris. Se tomaron fotos durante la evolución del paciente para documentar este raro signo clínico. RESULTADOS: Al provocar la dilatación pupilar farmacológica nos encontramos con la retracción de todas las capas anteriores del iris, mostrando por debajo al epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris sinequiado al lente intraocular y tan extensamente desprendido que simulaba un segundo iris. No encontramos este hallazgo clínico reportado en la literatura revisada. Denominamos este signo como iris en sayuela. CONCLUSIONES: El desprendimiento del epitelio pigmentado posterior del iris constituye un hallazgo clínico que puede aparecer raramente asociado al síndrome tóxico del segmento anterior y cuando es muy extenso puede presentarse de forma insólita como el signo del iris en sayuela.OBJECTIVE: To present a new clinical sign as a result of a huge posterior pigmented epithelium detachment of the iris in the course of at toxic anterior segment syndrome after a successful cataract surgery. METHOD: A patient who had undergone a cataract surgery by phacoemulsification with posterior chamber foldable intraocular lens implantation, without any incidence or transoperative complication. He was evaluated through biomicroscopy in the immediate postoperative period where a huge posterior pigmented epithelium detachment of the iris

  9. Management of mydriasis and pain in cataract and intraocular lens surgery: review of current medications and future directions

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    Grob SR


    Full Text Available Seanna R Grob,1–3 Luis A Gonzalez-Gonzalez,1–3 Mary K Daly1,2,4 1Department of Ophthalmology, Veterans Administration Boston Healthcare System, Boston, MA, USA; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; 3Department of Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA, USA; 4Department of Ophthalmology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA Abstract: The maintenance of mydriasis and the control of postoperative pain and ­inflammation are critical to the safety and success of cataract and intraocular lens replacement surgery. Appropriate mydriasis is usually achieved by topical and/or intracameral administration of anticholinergic agents, sympathomimetic agents, or both, with the most commonly used being cyclopentolate, tropicamide, and phenylephrine. Ocular inflammation is common after cataract surgery. Topical steroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used because they have been proved effective to control postsurgical inflammation and decrease pain. Topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have also been shown to help maintain dilation. However, use of multiple preoperative drops for pupil dilation, inflammation, and pain control have been shown to be time consuming, resulting in delays to the operating room, and they cause dissatisfaction among perioperative personnel; their use can also be associated with systemic side effects. Therefore, ophthalmologists have been in search of new options to streamline this process. This article will review the current medications commonly used for intraoperative mydriasis, as well as pain and inflammation control. In addition, a new combination of ketorolac, an anti-inflammatory agent, and phenylephrine, a mydriatic agent has recently been designed to maintain intraoperative mydriasis and to reduce postoperative pain and irritation from intraocular lens replacement surgery. Two Phase III clinical trials evaluating this

  10. [In Vitro Evaluation of the Optical Quality of Segmental Refractive Multifocal Intraocular Lenses]. (United States)

    Yildirim, Timur Mert; Auffarth, Gerd Uwe; Tandogan, Tamer; Liebing, Stephanie; Labuz, Grzegorz; Choi, Chul Young; Khoramnia, Ramin


    In customised patient care, it is important to know the optical quality of different intraocular lenses (IOL). In this study, the optical quality of three segmental intraocular lenses were compared. The LENTIS Comfort LS-313 MF15, LENTIS Mplus X LS-313 MF30 and LENTIS High Add IOL LS-313 MF80 (Oculentis, Berlin, Germany) with a far power of + 21 D were analysed at the optical bench OptiSpheric IOL PRO (Trioptics GmbH, Wedel, Germany). The lenses have almost the same optical design but differ in the power of the near segment. The MF15 has a + 1.5 D addition to improve vision in intermediate distances, the MF30 has a near addition of + 3 D and the MF80 has a near addition of + 8 D. The modulation transfer function area (MTFa) and the Strehl ratio were examined for apertures of 3 mm (photopic) and 4.5 mm (mesopic). The MTFa values for the far focus are 33.34/30.80/51.53 (MF15/MF30/MF80) with an aperture of 3 mm and 25.38/22.52/43.15 for 4.5 mm. The MTFa values for the intermediate focus are 29.85/16.21/6.25 for a 3 mm aperture and 23.92/8.05/3.08 for 4.5 mm. The MTFa values for the near focus are 9.75/21.49/33.12 for an aperture of 3 mm and 4.95/22.70/31.68 for 4.5 mm. The Strehl ratio of the far focus is 0.34/0.30/0.52 for an aperture of 3 mm and 0.24/0.22/0.43 for 4.5 mm. For the intermediate focus, the Strehl ratio is 0.30/0.17/0.07 for an aperture of 3 mm and 0.24/0.08/0.03 for 4.5 mm. The Strehl ratio of the near focus is 0.10/0.22/0.33 for an aperture of 3 mm and 0.05/0.23/0.32 for 4.5 mm. We confirmed that the addition influences the optical quality of segmental bifocal intraocular lenses. For the far focus, the results of the MF15 and MF30 are similar. In intermediate distances, the MF15 achieves the best results. For near distances, the MF30 achieves better optical values than the MF15. The lens MF80, which has been designed for patients with maculopathies, achieves good results for far and near distances. Georg

  11. Estudo prospectivo comparativo de duas técnicas cirúrgicas de extração extra-capsular planejada de catarata com implante de lente intra-ocular: incisão limbar e incisão escleral tunelizada Prospective comparative study of two techniques of planned extracapsular cataract extraction: limbal incision and scleral tunnel incision

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    Lincoln Lemes Freitas


    Full Text Available Introdução: A catarata é responsável por 50% da cegueira no mundo, com um número estimado de 15 milhões de casos que necessitariam cirurgia. Diferentes técnicas para a extração extra-capsular da catarata com implante de lente intra-ocular foram propostas. Objetivo: Comparar as técnicas para extração extra-capsular de catarata com implante de lente intra-ocular utilizando incisão limbar e incisão escleral tunelizada. Métodos: Foram avaliados, prospectivamente, 59 olhos de 54 pacientes com acompanhamento pós-operatório de 6 meses. Aleatoriamente, os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos. No Grupo I (n=30, a técnica realizada foi a de extração extra-capsular com implante de lente intra-ocular com incisão limbar e no Grupo II (n=29, com incisão tunelizada. Foram avaliadas as medidas da acuidade visual corrigida, inflamação intra-ocular (células e "flare", tempo de cirurgia, microscopia especular, astigmatismo ceratométrico induzido e paquimetria. Resultados: O tempo de cirurgia, a perda de células endoteliais e o astigmatismo ceratométrico induzido foram estatisticamente maiores no Grupo I que no Grupo II. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos I e II quanto à acuidade visual, a quantidade de células na câmara anterior, a quantidade de "flare" na câmara anterior e paquimetria. Conclusão: A técnica para extração extra-capsular de catarata com incisão tunelizada apresentou vantagens quanto ao tempo de cirurgia, perda de células endoteliais e astigmatismo induzido em relação à técnica com incisão limbar. Os passos utilizados nessa técnica visam facilitar a extração da catarata, além de treinar o cirurgião para uma transição mais segura para facoemulsificação, sem aumentar o custo da cirurgia.Purpose: Cataract is the main cause of blindness throughout the world, affecting more than 15 million people worldwide. There are different techniques for extracapsular cataract


    Ozates, Serdar; Kiziltoprak, Hasan; Koc, Mustafa; Uzel, Mehmet Murat; Teke, Mehmet Yasin


    To assess the decentration and angle of tilt of the intraocular lens (IOL) according to the intravitreal tamponade types used in combined phacoemulsification and vitreoretinal surgery. This prospective and randomized clinical study involved 73 eyes of 69 patients who underwent combined vitreoretinal surgery. Eyes with intravitreal tamponades formed the study group and eyes without intravitreal tamponades formed the control group. The study group was further divided into silicone oil and gas tamponade subgroups. Cross-sectional IOL images were captured using a Pentacam HR (Oculus, Germany) and tilt and decentration were calculated with Adobe Photoshop software (Adobe, San Jose, CA). The mean angle of tilt and decentration at the vertical meridian were significantly higher in both tamponade groups than in the control group (P 0.05). When comparing the silicone oil and gas tamponade subgroups, no significant differences were noted on the position of IOL at both meridians (P > 0.05 for all). Intravitreal tamponades have an important effect on the position of IOL in combined vitreoretinal surgery. Silicone oil and gas tamponades may induce postoperative tilt and decentration of one-piece acrylic IOLs.

  13. Acute effects of consumption of energy drinks on intraocular pressure and blood pressure

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    Ilechie AA


    Full Text Available A Alex Ilechie, Sandra TettehDepartment of Optometry, University of Cape Coast, GhanaBackground: Energy drinks contain a wide variety of ingredients including caffeine, for which there have been conflicting reports regarding its effects on intraocular pressure (IOP and blood pressure. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of an energy drink (Red Bull® on the IOP and blood pressure of healthy young adults.Methods: Thirty healthy university students of either gender, aged 18–30 (mean 23.20 ± 2.81 years were randomly selected to participate in this study. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups (experimental and control and were asked to abstain from caffeine for 48 hours prior to and during the study. Baseline IOP and blood pressure were measured. The experimental group (n = 15 consumed one can of the energy drink (containing 85 mg of caffeine in 250 mL and measurements were repeated at 30, 60, and 90 minutes, while the control group drank 250 mL of water and were tested over the same time period.Results: When compared with baseline, a significant decrease (P < 0.05 in mean IOP at 60 and 90 minutes was observed in the experimental group. There was no corresponding change in systolic or diastolic blood pressure.Conclusion: Our results suggest that energy drinks (ie, Red Bull produce a significant reduction in IOP but have no effect on blood pressure. These findings may be interpreted as reflecting the effect of the combination of caffeine and taurine in the Red Bull energy drink. This effect may result from the known hypotensive effect of taurine, and warrants further study.Keywords: acute effect, intraocular pressure, blood pressure, glaucoma, caffeine, taurine

  14. The vascular basis of the positional influence of the intraocular pressure. (United States)

    Krieglstein, G K; Waller, W K; Leydhecker, W


    By measuring intraocular pressure in different body positions from 60 degrees semiupright to 30 degrees head down, a nonlinear relationship between IOP increase and body position was confirmed. IOP postural response in individual subjects was roughly correlated to ophthalmic arterial pressure and to the episcleral venous pressure postural response. In one series of subjects, the episcleral venous pressure increments due to posture wa; parallel to the applanation-indentation disparity in the same individual eyes. Differential tonometry with applanation or indentation procedures under blind conditions gave significantly low indentation readings. It is concluded that IOP postural response depends on arterial and venous vascular changes when subjects move from an erect to a horizontal body position. Blood expulsion from the choroid by indentation tonometry might be the reason that this tonometric procedure does not measure IOP changes based on vascular changes.

  15. Intraocular Ossification in the GSP/pe Chicken With Imperfect Albinism. (United States)

    Shibuya, K; Kinoshita, K; Mizutani, M; Oshima, A; Yamashita, R; Matsuda, Y


    The eyes of 2 male and 2 female GSP/pe chickens, the imperfect albino strain, were investigated at 52 weeks of age. Aged chickens of the GSP/pe colony became blind with bilateral ocular enlargement and opaque lenses. Affected eyes (bilateral in 2 males and unilateral in 2 females) were hard and difficult to section; histologic specimens were processed after decalcification. A large portion of the posterior chamber was occupied by cancellous bone containing fibrous and cartilaginous foci. Osseous tissues developed adjacent to the choroid, and no retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) was detected between osseous tissues and the choroid. Small segments of degenerate neuronal retina were scattered in the osseous tissue. The irises and ciliary bodies were deformed by osseous tissue, and the lenses had severe cataracts. These observations suggest that the intraocular osseous tissue may be derived from RPE in the hereditary incomplete-albino strain of chickens. © The Author(s) 2014.

  16. [Capsule contraction as a cause of in-the-bag intraocular lens subluxation and simplified technique of IOL reposition]. (United States)

    Jurowski, Piotr


    Presentation of the case of the pseudophakic patient in whom 3 months after uncomplicated phacoemulsification severe capsule contraction syndrome, followed by equatorial capsule fibrosis, 240 degree zonular dialysis, and spontaneous in-the-bag intraocular lens subluxation, were observed. Consecutive surgical intervention consisting of simplified transscleral "free haptic" through the capsule fixation and additional plastic of phimotic capsulorrhexis allowed to restore the best corrected visual acuity to 20/25.

  17. [Management of post-traumatic aphakia and aniridia: Retrospective study of 17 patients undergoing scleral-sutured artificial iris intraocular lens implantation. Management of aphakia-aniridia with scleral-sutured artificial iris intraocular lenses]. (United States)

    Villemont, A-S; Kocaba, V; Janin-Manificat, H; Abouaf, L; Poli, M; Marty, A-S; Rabilloud, M; Fleury, J; Burillon, C


    To evaluate the long-term outcomes of artificial iris intraocular lenses sutured to the sclera for managing traumatic aphakia and aniridia. All consecutive cases receiving a Morcher ® combination implant from June 2008 to February 2016 in Edouard-Herriot Hospital (Lyon, France) were included in this single-center retrospective study. Visual acuity, subjective degree of glare, quality of life and surgical complications were evaluated. Seventeen eyes of 17 patients were included, among which 82% were male. The mean age was 42 years. The injuries consisted of 23.5% contusion and 70.5% open globe injuries, of which 41% were globe ruptures. There was one postoperative case. A penetrating keratoplasty was performed at the same time for eight eyes. The mean follow-up was 32 months. Best-corrected visual acuity improved in 41.2%, remained the same in 17.6% and decreased in 41.2% of our cases. Distance vision averaged 1±0.25 line better and near vision 2.2±0.32 lines better when visual acuity was quantifiable before surgery. Glare improved in 80% of patients and remained stable in 20%, decreasing on average from 3.3/5 [min. 3-max. 4; SD: 0.48] before surgery to 1.9/5 [min. 0-max. 4; SD: 1.197] after surgery. Regarding the esthetic results, 78% of the patients declared themselves reasonably to very satisfied; 57% reported no limitation of activities of daily living, and 43% reported mild limitation. Ocular hypertension and glaucoma, found in 40% of eyes, were the main postoperative complications. Implantation of prosthetic iris device combined with an intraocular lens appears to be safe and effective in reducing glare disability and improving visual acuity. Close, long-term monitoring is essential for the success of this surgery. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  18. Estudo comparativo do desempenho óptico de diversas lentes intra-oculares (LIO) multifocais


    Antunes, Telma Nicole Nogueira


    A cirurgia da catarata tem vindo a evoluir ao longo dos anos, tendo sido realizado o primeiro implante de uma lente intra-ocular em 1949. Desde então, várias técnicas foram utilizadas e descontinuadas devido a insucessos. Actualmente é utilizada a técnica de facoemulsificação. Tal como a técnica cirúrgica a lente implantada também tem vindo a evoluir, tanto a nível do material como a nível de design. Com as evoluções, tanto a nível de técnica cirúrgica como a nível de forma e material das len...

  19. The importance of quantitative measurement methods for uveitis: laser flare photometry endorsed in Europe while neglected in Japan where the technology measuring quantitatively intraocular inflammation was developed. (United States)

    Herbort, Carl P; Tugal-Tutkun, Ilknur


    Laser flare photometry (LFP) is an objective and quantitative method to measure intraocular inflammation. The LFP technology was developed in Japan and has been commercially available since 1990. The aim of this work was to review the application of LFP in uveitis practice in Europe compared to Japan where the technology was born. We reviewed PubMed articles published on LFP and uveitis. Although LFP has been largely integrated in routine uveitis practice in Europe, it has been comparatively neglected in Japan and still has not received FDA approval in the USA. As LFP is the only method that provides a precise measure of intraocular inflammation, it should be used as a gold standard in uveitis centres worldwide.

  20. Poor correlation between intracranial pressure and intraocular pressure by hand-held tonometry

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    Golan S


    Full Text Available Shani Golan,1 Shimon Kurtz,1 Daphna Mezad-Koursh,1 Michael Waisbourd,1 Anat Kesler,1 Pinchas Halpern2 1Departments of Ophthalmology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, affiliated with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel; 2Emergency Medicine, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, affiliated with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Purpose: The aim of this study is to provide data on the controversial issue of whether handheld measurements of intraocular pressure (IOP are capable of accurately predicting elevated intracranial pressure (ICP in patients undergoing lumbar puncture (LP. Methods: All patients over the age of 18 years who underwent an LP in the emergency or neurological departments at the Tel Aviv Medical center for any reason between October 2007 and July 2010 were eligible to participate in this prospective observational pilot study. IOP was measured with the Tono-Pen XL while patients were in the supine position before undergoing LP. ICP was measured in the lateral recumbent position. ICP and bilateral IOP were measured, and the mean and maximum values of IOP were calculated. The association between ICP and each one of the four IOP measures was evaluated by the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: Twenty-four patients (mean age 37.8 ± 15.8 years, ten males and 14 females were enrolled. The reasons for their requiring an LP were headache (19/24 patients, evaluation for hemiparesis (2/24, cognitive deterioration (1/24, and seizures (2/24. Nine had elevated mean opening pressure (>20 cm H2O, six had an elevated mean IOP (>20 mmHg, and four of these six also had an elevated opening pressure. There was no significant correlation between the ICP measurements and any of the IOP measurements. Conclusion: Handheld ocular tonometry has poor sensitivity and specificity for the prediction of increased ICP and is not an effective tool for screening for ICP in the ED or in the