
Sample records for interpretazione clinica descrizione

  1. Termodinamica

    CERN Document Server

    Grilli, Mario


    Descrizione macroscopica di un sistema termodinamico ; descrizione microscopio : statistica di un sistema termodinamico ; calore e lavoro ; il calore dal punto di vista miscroscopico ; il secondo principio della termodinamica : entropia ; interpretazione miscroscopica-statistica della entropia : postulato di Nernst-Planck ; fenomeni di trasporto.


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    Full Text Available L'eliminazione dell'effetto del campo gravimetrico regionale dall'anomalia
    di Bouguer è uno dei problemi più discussi nell'interpretazione
    dei rilevamenti geofisici.
    Esso consiste nel decomporre l'anomalia di Bouguer nelle sue due
    parti componenti, anomalia residua ed anomalia regionale, allo scopo
    di individuare le strutture locali.
    L'anomalia regionale è dovuta all'effetto delle strutture profonde
    e di grande estensione; le curve isoanomale relative a tale campo hanno
    generalmente un andamento regolare e quindi un gradiente non
    variabile rapidamente.

  3. Pier Diego Siccardi (1880-1917) and the "Clinica del Lavoro" in the trench warfare. (United States)

    Riva, Michele Augusto; Caramella, Michela; Turato, Massimo; Cesana, Giancarlo


    The year 2017 marks the centenary of the death of the Italian scientist Pier Diego Siccardi (1880-1917), one of Luigi Devoto's assistants at the "Clinica del Lavoro" in Milan. To commemorate Siccardi and to describe the activities of the physicians of the "Clinica del Lavoro" during World War I. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on scientific papers written by Pier Diego Siccardi and by other physicians belonging to the Clinica del Lavoro, in the period 1915-1918. During the Great War, the Clinica del Lavoro became a military hospital, even though it indirectly maintained a role in Occupational Health, assisting women who had started to work to replace the men sent to the front. Devoto and his assistants were drafted as Army doctors, but continued their research activities while at the front; focusing on the diseases that affected the soldiers, mainly infections. Bleeding fevers and jaundice were endemic among Italian troops, but their etiology was unknown. Pier Diego Siccardi identified this syndrome as an infection caused by a spirochete, and was the first one to isolate the infectious agent. Siccardi prematurely died of the same disease as a consequence of a laboratory accident, which provided further confirmation for his research. The heroic life of Siccardi and his tragic death testify the important activities of the scientists of the "Clinica del Lavoro" in the years of the Great War.

  4. Wolfgang Iser, Lo spettro dell'interpretazione Wolfgang Iser, Lo spettro dell'interpretazione Wolfgang Iser, The Range of Interpretation

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    Laura Lucia Rossi


    Full Text Available Proponiamo la traduzione di due capitoli di The Range of Interpretation di Wolfgang Iser, in cui il teorico tedesco svolge un'analisi dell'interpretazione con particolare attenzione alle tre modalità operative paradigmatiche del circolo ermeneutico, del loop ricorsivo e del traveling differential, in un'ottica volta a sottolineare il valore di dispositivo antropologico dell'interpretazione, attraverso una sempre più pregnante istanza costruttivista che conduce, infine, ad una serie di conclusioni etiche.Мы предлагаем перевод двух глав из The Range of Interpretation Вольфганга Изера, в которых немецкий теоретик проводит анализ интерпретации, с особым вниманием на три оперативные методики: герменевтический круг, повторяющийся loop и traveling differential, с намерением подчеркнуть значение интерпретации как антропологической установки с помощью все более значимого и настоятельного конструктивизма, который приводит наконец к некоторым этическим заключениям.We propose here the translation of two chapters from The Range of Interpretation by Wolfgang Iser, in which the German theorist provides an analysis of interpretation, with specific attention to the three operational modes of the hermeneutic circle, of the recursive loop and of the traveling differential in a perspective meant to highlight the role of interpretation as anthropological device, through an increasingly pregnant constructivist disposition leading to, in the end, to a series of ethical conclusions.

  5. La filosofia clinica di Wittgenstein

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    Lorenzo Ghirelli


    Full Text Available Intento del presente saggio è quello di tracciare le linee principali della filosofia di Wittgenstein definendone l’orizzonte operativo e la strategia d’azione. Seguiremo inizialmente i cambiamenti nella concezione del linguaggio e del significato del filosofo austriaco utilizzandoli come traccia per registrare le corrispondenti revisioni degli obiettivi, delle tecniche e delle forme del far filosofia da lui proposte. Cercheremo poi di analizzare la pratica filosofica prospettata dal Wittgenstein maturo evidenziandone alcuni aspetti che ci consentiranno di qualificarla come clinica.

  6. Book review. Semeiologia Clinica Veterinaria. (a cura di Paolo Ciaramella

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Il grado di specializzazione raggiunto nel settore clinico veterinario non è dissimile da quello presente in campo umano, soprattutto se si pensa agli animali d'affezione che sono oramai considerati parte integrante di una società moderna e civile in cui anche il fattore benessere animale ha acquisito importanza non secondaria, in particolare nell'allevamento degli animali da reddito. In questo contesto è sempre più richiesta la figura di uno specialista competente e aggiornato, in grado di risolvere in modo adeguato le problematiche che gli vengono proposte, in un mercato in concorrenza che non contempla imperizia, inesperienza e ignoranza professionale. Lo studio della semeiologia clinica è uno dei primi passi di questo lungo e affascinate cammino che permette di apprendere un metodo di analisi sistematico, affidabile, efficiente e accurato per educare il futuro medico veterinario verso le procedure della buona pratica clinica. La semeiotica insegna ad allenare i propri sensi: a guardare attraverso l'osservazione diretta e indiretta, a sentire ascoltando suoni o rumori, a percepire sensazioni tattili e, non da ultimo, a saper discernere con cognizione e competenza quando ricorrere alle indagini strumentali e di laboratorio; sempre e comunque nella consapevolezza che non possono in nessun modo sostituire l'esame fisico diretto del paziente. Paolo Ciaramella, professore ordinario di Clinica Medica Veterinaria all'Università Federico II di Napoli, presenta così il volume che ha curato: "L'idea di questo libro ha preso forma durante un simposio di medicina interna tenutosi a Torino nel 2008. Con alcuni colleghi presenti si pensò alla possibilità di elaborare un nuovo testo di Semeiotica Medica che potesse ampliare e aggiornare il glorioso Messieri e Moretti, non tanto perché esso avesse perduto il suo valore intrinseco, quanto piuttosto perché nel corso degli anni sono cambiate la patologia animale e con essa la semeiotica e la clinica

  7. OC ToGo: bed site image integration into OpenClinica with mobile devices (United States)

    Haak, Daniel; Gehlen, Johan; Jonas, Stephan; Deserno, Thomas M.


    Imaging and image-based measurements nowadays play an essential role in controlled clinical trials, but electronic data capture (EDC) systems insufficiently support integration of captured images by mobile devices (e.g. smartphones and tablets). The web application OpenClinica has established as one of the world's leading EDC systems and is used to collect, manage and store data of clinical trials in electronic case report forms (eCRFs). In this paper, we present a mobile application for instantaneous integration of images into OpenClinica directly during examination on patient's bed site. The communication between the Android application and OpenClinica is based on the simple object access protocol (SOAP) and representational state transfer (REST) web services for metadata, and secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) for image transfer, respectively. OpenClinica's web services are used to query context information (e.g. existing studies, events and subjects) and to import data into the eCRF, as well as export of eCRF metadata and structural information. A stable image transfer is ensured and progress information (e.g. remaining time) visualized to the user. The workflow is demonstrated for a European multi-center registry, where patients with calciphylaxis disease are included. Our approach improves the EDC workflow, saves time, and reduces costs. Furthermore, data privacy is enhanced, since storage of private health data on the imaging devices becomes obsolete.

  8. [Analysis of utilization of information in the journal Medicina Clinica]. (United States)

    Aleixandre, R; Giménez Sánchez, J V; Terrada, M L; López Piñero, J M


    Scientific communication knowledge is specifically based in the analysis of the bibliographic references inside the publications. Pattern and laws determining the information consumption in the items of the journal Medicina Clinica are investigated in the present study as its own aim. An analysis was performed on the 13,286 references downloaded from 618 papers published by the journal in 1990. With dBASE IV was generated a database for the management of the information; data was distributed in several tables through criteria of age, documentary types, countries, journals and Bradford zones. The analysed references belong to 1,241 different journals, 110 from Spain. Being two thirds of the total sum, the publications from United States and United Kingdom have received more citations than those from Spain. The publications from european countries, like France, Germany and Italy, are scarcely present. Bradford core is constituted by the journals Medicina Clinica and The Lancet. The analysis of the bibliographic references available from the articles in this journal is able to produce knowledge on the information consumption by the practitioners; its usefulness as a complementary utility to the Indice de Citas e Indicadores Bibliométricos de Revistas Españolas de Medicina Interna y sus especialidades 1990 must be considered.

  9. Il perturbante è l’identità divisa Un’interpretazione di Der Sandmann

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    Giovanni Bottiroli


    Full Text Available Il saggio di Freud sul perturbante ha offerto molti stimoli agli studi letterari e a quelli sul cinema: è stato commentato e discusso molte volte. Nella maggior parte dei casi, tuttavia, sembra essere stato letto frettolosamente: ci si è soffermati sulla tesi più evidente, che stabilisce un nesso tra perturbante e angoscia di castrazione, e sono state trascurate le affermazioni relative al problema dell’identità. Eppure, proprio in relazione a Der Sandmann Freud offre riflessioni di straordinaria importanza. Questo articolo si propone anzitutto di restituire al saggio di Freud la sua complessità: vengono messi in luce, ad esempio, i fraintendimenti e le forzature della critica femminista (Sarah Kof- man. E, soprattutto, propone una nuova interpretazione del racconto di Hoffmann, a partire dal concetto di ‘identità divisa’. L’identità si dice in due modi fondamentali, la coincidenza e la non-coincidenza con se stessi. Ogni soggetto sperimenta il conflitto tra questi due modi. Nel racconto di Hoffmann, il prota- gonista (Nathaniel viene trascinato al di là di se stesso, verso la fatale coincidenza con das Ding. È questa la fonte essenziale della sua angoscia. Der Sandmann è la storia di un’attrazione inesora- bile, rallentata da entità che svolgono una funzione-schermo: nel rapporto con la bambola Olimpia emergono tutti i paradossi che determinano la fragile identità di Nathaniel. Poiché il perturbante appartiene al campo dell’angoscia, non sarebbe stato possibile ignorare il Seminario X di Lacan, così come le riflessioni di Heidegger. Quest’articolo propone una revisione della concezione di Lacan: l’angoscia più devastante non deriva tanto da un eccesso di presenza (ciò che Lacan chiama «la mancanza della mancanza» quanto dallo svanire della non- coincidenza. Perturbante è la sensazione di un collasso logico-ontologico, a causa del quale il soggetto viene come incellofanato in se stesso

  10. Know your audience: analysis of chief complaints at clinica esperanza, a student-run free clinic in memphis, tennessee. (United States)

    Cesari, Whitney A; Vaikunth, Sumeet S; Lewis, Jim B; Panda, Mukta


    To identify the chief complaints and demographics at Clinica Esperanza, a student-run free clinic for an underserved Hispanic population. A retrospective chart review of patient files from 2005 through 2010 was undertaken, as approved by the University of Tennessee Health Science Center's Institutional Review Board. From 2005 through 2010, Clinica Esperanza fielded 2551 patient visits, consisting of 951 unique patients, 609 females and 342 males. Mean age was 34 years, and 60% of patients presented once, while 13% followed up for 1 year, 9% for 2 years, 6% for 3, 6% for 4, and 4% for 5. "Pap smear," "abdominal pain," and "follow-up lab results" ranked, in order, as the 3 top chief complaints. Resulting data have led to several improvements. The clinic has remained open weekly to improve patient continuity. With the top 10 chief complaints identified, they are better addressed. More funding is allocated for speculums and proper training of Pap smear technique. Systematic reporting of lab results is being implemented. Physical therapists and pharmacists now participate to address musculoskeletal and medication-based needs, respectively. A volunteer gastroenterologist has been recruited to provide specialized care for abdominal pain. An electrocardiogram machine is now used to evaluate chest pain. To improve student-patient communication, online language learning modules have been created. Based on these data, improvements in health care services have been made, including better continuity, emphasis on top chief complaints, and provider education in medical Spanish. Future plans include on-site pharmacy, smoother referrals, and similar clinics on the University of Tennessee Health Science Center's other campuses.

  11. Evaluation of skin entry kerma in radiological examinations at the Hospital de Clinicas, Parana, Brazil; Avaliacao de kerma de entrada na pele em exames radiologicos no Hospital de Clinicas do Parana, Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porto, Lorena E.; Schelin, Hugo R.; Santos, Amanda C. dos; Bunick, Ana Paula; Paschuk, Sergei; Denyak, Valeriy [Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana (UTFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil); Tilly Junior, Joao G. [Universidade Federal do Parana (UFPR), Curitiba, PR (Brazil). Hospital de Clinicas; Khoury, Helen J., E-mail: khoury@ufpe.b [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE/DEN), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Energia Nuclear


    This paper evaluates the skin entry dose of pediatric and adults patients when submitted to radiological examinations at the Hospital de Clinicas do Parana, Brazil, as part integrate of the data assessment of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for Latin America. It was performed measurements of dose for evaluation of skin entry kerma in pediatric patients in thorax AP/PA examinations, adults of thorax in AP/PA, cranio caudal mammography and median lateral and patients of computerized tomography in examination of head, thorax and abdomen. The obtained data demonstrate the necessity of verification of diagnostic analysis standards. The great value amplitudes demonstrate the incompatibility of examination executions with those recommended by the literature. The dose values presented partially inside the range recommended and the other over the expected for the due examination when compared with the literature

  12. Implementation of radioactive wastes management system in nuclear medicine service of Hospital das Clinicas of Universidade de Campinas - UNICAMP, in Sao Paulo State, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rinaldi Neto, A.; Coelho, R.F.; Brunetto, S.Q.


    This work reports the experience acquired at the Servico de Medicina Nuclear of the Hospital de Clinicas/UNICAMP (SMN/HC) in planning and implementing the management system of radioactive waste. This system respects the Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear' (CNEN) standards and has been of relatively easy and simple performance, without disturbing the SMN/HC's routine. It has also proof to keep its quality along the time. (author)

  13. Evaluation of skin entry kerma in radiological examinations at the Hospital de Clinicas, Parana, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porto, Lorena E.; Schelin, Hugo R.; Santos, Amanda C. dos; Bunick, Ana Paula; Paschuk, Sergei; Denyak, Valeriy; Tilly Junior, Joao G.; Khoury, Helen J.


    This paper evaluates the skin entry dose of pediatric and adults patients when submitted to radiological examinations at the Hospital de Clinicas do Parana, Brazil, as part integrate of the data assessment of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for Latin America. It was performed measurements of dose for evaluation of skin entry kerma in pediatric patients in thorax AP/PA examinations, adults of thorax in AP/PA, cranio caudal mammography and median lateral and patients of computerized tomography in examination of head, thorax and abdomen. The obtained data demonstrate the necessity of verification of diagnostic analysis standards. The great value amplitudes demonstrate the incompatibility of examination executions with those recommended by the literature. The dose values presented partially inside the range recommended and the other over the expected for the due examination when compared with the literature

  14. Profundization of acetabular cup uncemented in total substitution of hip in-patient with acetabular dysplasia - Experience university hospital - Clinica San Rafael

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dimian Mayorga, Omar David; Sandoval Daza, Alejandro; Vargas Turriago, Marcela; Perez Torres, Javier


    14 patients with acetabular dysplasia were treated at Hospital Universitario Clinica San Rafael with total hip arthroplasty with uncemented cup internization. According to Crowe classification, one was type 1, eight were type 2 and five were type 3. The average follow up was twenty-four months. The Harris hip score was used for the clinical evaluation with a pre operative average of 35 points and 37 points post operative. The average cup internization was four millimeters, with an average cup protrutio of 47% and an average of cup coverage of 81%. The average internization of the femoral head's center was 26mm. screws for cup fixation were used in 3 patients. We did not have complications nor implant revision at the time of follow up

  15. Oncology patients hospitalized in the Clinicas Hospital Dr. Manuel Quintela

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arostegui, M.; Borba, M.; Caldarelli, D.; Eguiia, A.; Fernandez, E.; Peleteiro, M.; Pereira, C.; Vico, M.


    This work was carried out by a nursery licensed group in the Clinicas Hospital - Dr. Manuel Quintela.The nature and functioning of Services and the allocation of resources, are essential for the analysis of the Survey of the hospitalized oncology patients in the Institution. To develop a model of care that constitutes a health care as well as teaching and research in the country regarding the quality of care was defined the following topics: lower risks for the patient, safer care, personal trained and specialized to promote relationship between the offering and the person receiving the service. The assessment and management performance of the services involved in the operation are the result of the degree of user satisfaction. Objective: To determine the human and material necessary for the care of cancer resources users, considering their number, treatment, complications and nursing care derived from each pathology and stage of disease. Methodology: A comparative descriptive study of the same population was conducted in two transverse sections in relation to two different times which are based on the design of a form that allowed hospitalized to collect information on users 6/12/03 and 6/16/04. Other instruments used were the clinical history and the daily census staff Patients and Nursing Division. Results and conclusions: A comparative descriptive analysis already mentioned are: increased internships and cancer patients; between 50 and 64 is the highest number of patients; diagnoses Face and Neck and maintain the Digestive System more cases; the number of patients doubles and Hematology Neurological from one to another period. Chemotherapy is the treatment choice and there is a decrease in the surgical and medical; more patients in the study; in the origin, Montevideo has the largest number of patients followed by Canelones. Line of nursing intervention will be carried out in short, medium and long term

  16. System precision assessment ExacTrac 6D® BrainLab of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP; Avaliacao da precisao do sistema Exactrac 6D® BrainLab do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maistro, Carlos E.B., E-mail: [Programa de Residencia Multiprofissional em Fisica Medica, Faculdade de Medicina de Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Nakandakari, Marcos V.N.; Ribeiro, Victor A.B.; Sales, Camila P. de; Rodrigues, Laura N. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Instituto de Radiologia. Servico de Radioterapia. Hospital das Clinicas


    The goal of this study was to evaluate the precision of ExacTrac 6D® Brainlab system, installed at Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, in frameless radiosurgery treatments. Four sets of tests were performed for different purposes in order to assess the following parameters: the accuracy of location through infrared system; evaluation of the reproducibility of fusion algorithm; evaluation of the X-ray system; and the end-to-end test with the goal of assess the overall accuracy of the system. It was found that the infrared system showed a maximum deviation of 0.5 mm in terms of positioning and the X-ray system showed a precision of 0.15 mm and 0.6°. The reproducibility of fusion algorithms provided a maximum deviation in position which was less than 0.5 mm and 0.5° and the quantitative analysis of the results for end-to-end test showed an overall accuracy of the system better than 0.8 mm. (author)

  17. [Mobbing and its effects on health. the experience of the "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto" in Milan]. (United States)

    Punzi, Silvia; Cassitto, Maria Grazia; Castellini, Giovanna; Costa, G; Gilioli, R


    There is increasing interest in research, prevention and management of mobbing in the field of occupational psychosocial risks. To describe mobbing and its health effects by analysis of the cases examined from 1997 to 2003 at the Department of Occupational Health "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto" in Milan. A total of 226 clinical records of patients who reported a mobbing situation when undergoing medical examination were selected out of 2455 patients examined for stress-related disorders. The percentage of women was higher (53.1%) than in men (46.9%) with a prevalent age range of 35-54 years. There was a great variety of jobs, especially white-collars and workers in large service companies. In one third of the cases, mobbing occurred within 4 years from beginning of employment and mostly after company reorganization and management changes. The most frequent negative acts included social isolation and demotion. The most frequent symptoms were exhaustion, sleep, mood and sexual disorders. The number of symptoms was not related to the duration of mobbing but to the number and frequency of negative actions. 61.1% of the subjects took psychotropic drugs. Occupational health physicians play an essential role in primary prevention (information on occupational risks) and in early diagnosis and rehabilitation and could act as mediators between workers and enterprises.

  18. Analisi qualitativa, analisi comprendente e analisi semiotica: quale collegamento?

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    Martine Arino


    Full Text Available L'origine del postulato dell'interpretazione soggettiva nelle scienze sociali la ritroviamo in questa espressione, "io non posso comprendere un oggetto culturale senza riferirmi all'attività umana che lo ha prodotto. Schutz ha avviato un percorso esplorativo della fenomenologia verso l'etnometodologia. L'etnometodologia è d'altronde qualificata come "sociologia interpretativa" e questo la paragona istantaneamente alla semiotica di Charles Sanders Peirce, poiché la semiotica si indirizza verso colui che interpreta, l'interpretazione.

  19. Virtual-reality-based attention assessment of ADHD: ClinicaVR: Classroom-CPT versus a traditional continuous performance test. (United States)

    Neguț, Alexandra; Jurma, Anda Maria; David, Daniel


    Virtual-reality-based assessment may be a good alternative to classical or computerized neuropsychological assessment due to increased ecological validity. ClinicaVR: Classroom-CPT (VC) is a neuropsychological test embedded in virtual reality that is designed to assess attention deficits in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or other conditions associated with impaired attention. The present study aimed to (1) investigate the diagnostic validity of VC in comparison to a traditional continuous performance test (CPT), (2) explore the task difficulty of VC, (3) address the effect of distractors on the performance of ADHD participants and typically-developing (TD) controls, and (4) compare the two measures on cognitive absorption. A total of 33 children diagnosed with ADHD and 42 TD children, aged between 7 and 13 years, participated in the study and were tested with a traditional CPT or with VC, along with several cognitive measures and an adapted version of the Cognitive Absorption Scale. A mixed multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) revealed that the children with ADHD performed worse on correct responses had more commissions and omissions errors than the TD children, as well as slower target reaction times . The results showed significant differences between performance in the virtual environment and the traditional computerized one, with longer reaction times in virtual reality. The data analysis highlighted the negative influence of auditory distractors on attention performance in the case of the children with ADHD, but not for the TD children. Finally, the two measures did not differ on the cognitive absorption perceived by the children.

  20. Effect of cognitive stimulation in patients with mild congenital deterioration, in the reduction of progression to dementia, in the Clinica de la Memoria, Hospital Nacional de Geriatria y Gerontologia, during the period from September 2008 to September 2013

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giangiulio Lobo, Andrea


    The efficacy of cognitive stimulation in the progression to dementia is verified in patients with mild cognitive impairment, from the Clinica de Memoria of the Hospital Nacional de Geriatria y Gerontologia, between September 2008 and September 2013. A sample of 190 patients of the Metropolitan Area, the majority of female, complete primary, with self-care, aged 70 to 79 years are selected. The investigated group has had a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus to a lesser extent and some degree of associated sensory deficit. The evolution time of memory loss presented is 2.6 years at the time of the medical evaluation. The most common cognitive impairment in the study has been the multiple dominion amnesia, followed by the non-amnesic dominion multiple. The etiology has leaded the degenerative, followed by vascular and thirdly the deficit of vitamin B12. Patients with mild cognitive impairment almost half of the cases have had neuro-behavioral disorder, being the depression most frequent, followed by anxiety and apathy. Patients have been partial independent in ABVD and dependent on AIVD. Absenteeism to dating has existed both in Clinica de Memoria; but mainly to the appointment with psychology. During the study it is determined that the deterioration was developed without progress to dementia, relatives have reported cognitive stability in more than half of the cases, only 18 patients have progressed to dementia. In the process only 29 patients have concluded and were reevaluated; without being able to demonstrate that the cognitive stimulation delays the cognitive deterioration to the dementia, but nevertheless; this result is given without unduly discrediting cognitive stimulation as a non-pharmacological measure for the prevention and delaying of dementia. (author) [es

  1. [The scientific progress of the "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto" as seen through the contents of the journal "La Medicina del Lavoro". ]. (United States)

    Foà, V; Camerino, Donatella


    On occasion of the Centenary of the "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto", its researchers suggested that awareness of its historical identity and scientific development should constitute the basis for the future of the Institution. The directors of the Institute who have succeeded one to the other over the years have left a vivid report of the vast amount of work developed in several research fields and also of the original results achieved with significant impact on the scientific community and on society. Content analysis of "La Medicina del Lavoro" allowed us to shed light on strong bonds existing between manufacturing techniques, work organization and health, in the different political and social periods in which they developed. Many actions have been defined and several research subjects have been renewed (according to current demands and new methodological possibilities) between the past and the present, nevertheless many new approaches need to be taken in the fields of epidemiology, indoor air quality, ergophthalmology, muskuloskeletal disorders, environmental and molecular toxicology, and further research will be undertaken thanks to the potential of this discipline for the future. The aim of this report is also to express our thanks to all the medical and non-medical staff who have made their contribution over 100 years of engagement.

  2. Vitalij L. Machlin, Dopo l'interpretazione

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    Margherita De Michiel


    Full Text Available Una riflessione insieme lucida e accorata sulla contemporaneità umanistico-scientifica oggi, in Russia come in occidente, in un’epoca che si confronta con l’esperienza del «dopo» a molteplici livelli del «mondo della storia» e del «mondo della vita». Approcci a un’«epistemologia umanistica» come «filosofia della seconda coscienza», ermeneutica dialogica che è insieme filosofia del linguaggio e ontologia sociale. La postulazione di una nuova «filologizzazione della filosofia» che riproponga il genere discorsivo del «commento» nella sua duplice anima della «comprensione» e della «spiegazione».  Nella nostra epoca «postbarbarica», la ripresa di un discorso interrotto per una nuova disputa tra «antichi» e «moderni». La parola di un filosofo, e il suo appello a un ritorno alla valenza etica dell’insegnamento.

  3. Architettura e/è Geometria: dalla forma architettonica alla costruzione geometrica

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    Mariateresa Galizia


    Full Text Available L’avvento delle tecnologie digitali di acquisizione dati 3D ha proiettato gli studiosi dell’architettura in una dimensione del tutto inaspettata. Milioni di punti hanno travolto ricercatori e professionisti ancora culturalmente impreparati ad affrontare la rivoluzione digitale nel campo del Rilievo. Le nuvole di punti acquisite documentano e allo stesso tempo rappresentano la spazialità degli oggetti reali, tuttavia, nulla rivelano su forma e geometria, architettura e materia se non attraverso una successiva interpretazione. Il contributo vuole soffermarsi sulle implicazioni teoriche e applicative del processo di interpretazione dei dati acquisiti per la comprensione della geometria e sulla funzione euristica della modellazione digitale, nel passaggio dal “noto all’ignoto”, nella “ri-scoperta” della forma e quindi dell’idea progettuale.

  4. Clinical manifestations of peripheral nervous system involvement in human chronic chagas disease Manifestaciones clinicas de compromiso del sistema nervioso periférico en el estádio crônico de la enfermedad de Chagas

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    Osvaldo Genovese


    Full Text Available We conducted a clinical and electromyographical study in patients with Chagas' disease in the indeterminate or chronic stages of the illness. Altogether 841 patients were examined. Only 511 were admitted within the protocol; the remainder patients were rejected because they showed other causes able to damage the nervous system. Fifty two (10.17% out of the 511 patients showed signs and symptoms of peripheral nervous system involvement in the form of sensory impairment and diminished tendon jerks suggesting the presence of neuropathy. Forty five of them were submitted to a conventional electromyographical examination. Fifteen of mem showed normal results, while the remainder 30 disclosed a reduced interference pattern, being most of the remaining motor unit potentials fragmented or poliphasic, reduced sensory and motor conduction velocities and diminished amplitude of the sensory action potential. The findings suggest that some chagasic patients in the indeterminate or chronic stages of the disease may develop a clinical mild sensory-motor peripheral neuropathy.El estúdio presente fue diseftado con ei objeto de pesquizar Ia existência de manifestaciones clinicas en pacientes afectados por enfermedad de Chagas, en estádio indeterminado o crônico, que tuviesen, ai menos, 2 reacciones serologicas positivas. En total fueron examinados 841 enfermos. De ellos solo 511 fueron admitidos en ei protocolo; los restantes fueron rechazados por mostrar Ia presencia de otras causas que hubiesen podido danar su sistema nervioso. Dentro de los 511 pacientes admitidos, 52 (10.17% evidenciaron alteraciones objetivas y subjetivas de Ia sensibilidad y disminucion de los reflejos osteotendinosos. Estos signos y sintomas, que sugieren la presencia de neuropatia, podian combinarse de diferente manera. Como complemento dei examen clinico, se efectuo estúdio electromiografico convencional en 45 de estos pacientes. En 15 los hallazgos fueron normales, en tanto que en

  5. Clinical utility from the determination of serico galactomannan in the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in hematological patients of the Hospital San Juan de Dios, between January 2009 and December 2012; Utilidad clinica de la determinacion de galactomanano serico en el diagnostico de aspergilosis invasiva en pacientes hematologicos del Hospital San Juan de Dios, entre enero 2009 y diciembre 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li Sandi, Silvia


    Nosocomial infections have become more important to the health system by the high costs of these, but are little data available about them in recent years. The clinical utility of the determination of serum galactomannan (GMS) in patients with high risk of contracting the infection by Aspergillus spp, was assessed, between January 2009 and December 2012 at the Hospital San Juan de Dios. Several existing studies in the scientific literature have already evaluated the clinical usefulness, specific data have been inexistent for Costa Rica or for Central America and the Caribbean; so it is important to have known whether the conduct of the test has been similar to the other populations or have specific variations [Spanish] Las enfermedades nosocomiales han cobrado mayor importancia para el sistema de salud por el gasto elevado que han representado, pero son pocos los datos disponibles respecto a ellas en los ultimos anos. La utilidad clinica de la determinacion de galactomanano serico (GMS) en pacientes con alto riesgo a contraer la infeccion por Aspergillus spp, fue evaluada, entre enero del 2009 y diciembre del 2012 en el Hospital San Juan de Dios. Varios estudios existentes en la literatura cientifica ya han evaluado esta utilidad clinica, datos especificos han sido inexistentes para Costa Rica, o para la region Centroamericana y el Caribe, por lo que es importante haber conocido si el comportamiento de la prueba ha sido similar a las otras poblaciones o tiene variaciones.

  6. La componente estetica nella comunicazione didattica

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    Valeria Biasi


    Full Text Available Descrizione di una serie di indagini sulle relazioni tra impiego di filmati nella didattica psicologica, emozioni attivate, apprendimento e altri effetti nel discente, con particolare riferimento al ruolo delle componenti estetiche del processo di fruizione.

  7. Cooperation-Induced Topological Complexity: A Promising Road to Fault Tolerance and Hebbian Learning (United States)


    Information Science Directorate, United States Army Research Office, Durham, NC, USA 4 Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica del Consiglio Nazionale delle...Vadim Uritsky, Catholic University of America at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA *Correspondence: Paolo Allegrini , Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica

  8. Learning curve of sentinel lymph nodes in early breast cancer at the Teaching Hospital 'Hospital das Clinicas' in Belo Horizonte, MG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Homma, L.A.H.; Campos, T.P.R.; Silva, S.Z.C.; Siqueira, C.F.; Lima, C.F.


    The research of the sentinel lymph node in early breast cancer, an already worldwide established method, was standardized at the teaching hospital 'Hospital das Clinicas' in Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil). This standardization was carried out from December 2000 through December 2002, in which 39 patients were included in a learning curve and method validation. The applied methodology is based on the combination of a lymphoscintillography and the blue stain. A periareolar colloid 99m Tc injection was given 24 hours before the surgery. The blue dye was injected in the peritumoral region during the surgery. The sentinel lymph node was identified by the blue color pattern of the lymph node and by the use of a portable gamma probe detector. Radioactive contamination was evaluated before, during and after the surgery. The measurement of the radioactivity of the breast area was taken by using a GM detector and an ionization chamber on a humid piece of gauze (passed on the breast area), from which the radioactivity was recorded as well as the gloves used during the surgery, and the gauzes with contaminated blood. The sentinel lymph node identification rate was found to be 95%, there was a false negative rate of 4,8% and a predictive negative value (PNV) of 94%. The identification figures, the predictive negative value and the false negative rate were similar to the figures found in technical literature. The technique of the biopsy of the sentinel lymph node (BSL) is the method chosen for staging patients with invasive breast cancer and with clinically negative results for the armpit. The combined method using radio-colloid and the stain is the most indicated. There is a minimum radio isotopic contamination and there is scarcely any danger for the patient or the medical staff involved in the procedure. (author)

  9. Comunicazione e cooperazione a distanza per l'autonomia didattica

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    Giampaolo Chiappini


    Full Text Available Descrizione di un approccio alla formazione in servizio degli insegnanti che fa riferimento a modelli di formazione collaborativa in gruppi di lavoro e di apprendimento contestualizzato. La metodologia e gli strumenti sviluppati sono oggetto di sperimentazione all'interno del progetto Copernico.

  10. Het werkwoord lasciare en de polysemie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, M.G. de


    SAMENVATTING Dit hoofdstuk is een beschrijving van de betekenis van het Italiaanse werkwoord lasciare op grond van een corpus van 282 voorbeeldzinnen. Voor de analyse is gebruik gemaakt van een vroege versie van de semantische theorie van Jackendoff. RIASSUNTO Questo capitolo è una descrizione

  11. Innovazione nel mobile learning

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    Immaculada Arnedillo-Sànchez


    Full Text Available Descrizione, da una prospettiva europea, dell’innovazione nel settore del mobile learning e l’utilizzabilita’ del mobile learning in contesti educativi. Vengono illustrate i principali progetti europei di m-learning e si esamina le prospettive pedagogiche e teoriche relative al campo.

  12. DULP: complessità , organicità , liquidità

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    Carlo Giovannella


    Full Text Available Un intervento che, senza pretese di universalità€ ontologica, intende contribuire alla costruzione di una visione condivisa sulla natura di un sistema complesso, nella speranza che essa possa fungere da quadro di riferimento, flessibile, entro il quale ragionare del DULP.A partire dalla descrizione di alcuni comportamenti identificativi della natura complessa di un sistema, si procederà€ nella descrizione di alcuni ingredienti e di alcuni tratti caratterizzanti la complessità€ sistemica con l'obiettivo di identificare i 'motori' delle 'emergenze' e le corrispondenze tra sistemi complessi e organici. La presa d'atto della rilevanza del contesto ci condurrà ai concetti di coevoluzione e liquidità€ sistemica. La mappatura di tale quadro al mondo dell'apprendimento e l'assunto della centralità della persona ci condurranno alla valorizzazione degli approcci ai processi 'design inspired' e a discutere alcune delle caratteristiche di quello che potremmo definire una sorta di lento crossover verso l'affermarsi di un nuovo paradigma.

  13. Workshop Euratom Directive 97/43. New trends in radiation protection in clinical practice, in research and in regulation; Giornata di studio La Direttiva Europea 97/43: nuovi orientamenti per la radioprotezione nella pratica clinica, nella ricerca e nel quadro normativo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazzei, F [ed.; Istituto Superiore di Sanita' , Rome (Italy). Lab. di Fisica


    The Euratom Directive 97/43 on health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionizing radiation in relation to medical exposure is presented. In particular the following topics are focused, with a multidisciplinary approach, on: diagnostic reference levels in radiodiagnostics and nuclear medicine; radiation protection in paediatrics, in interventional radiology and in computer tomography; radiation protection radiotherapy, radiation protection in medical research; radiation protection in prenatal and neonatal exposure; radiation protection in medical-legal exposures. [Italian] Il rapporto raccoglie una presentazione della Direttiva Euratom 97/43 riguardante la protezione sanitaria delle persone contro i pericoli delle radiazioni ionizzanti connessi a esposizioni mediche. In particolare sono affrontati in modo interdisciplinare i seguenti argomenti: livelli diagnostici di riferimento in radiodiagnostica e in medicina nucleare; radioprotezione nelle esposizioni in eta' pediatrica, in radiologica interventistica e in tomografia computerizzata; radioprotezione in radioterapia; radioprotezione nella ricerca scientifica clinica; radioprotezione nell'esposizione in eta' prenatale e neonatale; esposizioni potenziali e radioprotezione nelle esposizioni medico-legali.

  14. Workshop Euratom Directive 97/43. New trends in radiation protection in clinical practice, in research and in regulation; Giornata di studio La Direttiva Europea 97/43: nuovi orientamenti per la radioprotezione nella pratica clinica, nella ricerca e nel quadro normativo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mazzei, F. [ed.] [Istituto Superiore di Sanita' , Rome (Italy). Lab. di Fisica


    The Euratom Directive 97/43 on health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionizing radiation in relation to medical exposure is presented. In particular the following topics are focused, with a multidisciplinary approach, on: diagnostic reference levels in radiodiagnostics and nuclear medicine; radiation protection in paediatrics, in interventional radiology and in computer tomography; radiation protection radiotherapy, radiation protection in medical research; radiation protection in prenatal and neonatal exposure; radiation protection in medical-legal exposures. [Italian] Il rapporto raccoglie una presentazione della Direttiva Euratom 97/43 riguardante la protezione sanitaria delle persone contro i pericoli delle radiazioni ionizzanti connessi a esposizioni mediche. In particolare sono affrontati in modo interdisciplinare i seguenti argomenti: livelli diagnostici di riferimento in radiodiagnostica e in medicina nucleare; radioprotezione nelle esposizioni in eta' pediatrica, in radiologica interventistica e in tomografia computerizzata; radioprotezione in radioterapia; radioprotezione nella ricerca scientifica clinica; radioprotezione nell'esposizione in eta' prenatale e neonatale; esposizioni potenziali e radioprotezione nelle esposizioni medico-legali.


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    Tommaso Manzon


    Full Text Available Lo scopo di questo paper è quello di sviluppare una lettura e un’interpretazione di uno degli scritti “minori” di Ludwig Wittgenstein, la Conferenza sull’Etica. La mia comprensione della Conferenza è inspirata principalmente dall’interpretazione della filosofia di Wittgenstein sviluppata da Pierre Hadot e, di conseguenza, la mia tesi consisterà nel dimostrare che seguendo Hadot la Conferenza sull’Etica può essere vista come un ‘Esercizio Spirituale’. Pertanto sostengo che la finalità principale di questo scritto va vista nel tentativo di cambiare la nostra attitudine verso il mondo, e dunque la nostra disposizione etica verso di esso. Ritengo inoltre che questo non sia solo lo scopo di ogni Esercizio Spirituale, bensì in generale quello dell’attività del filosofo austriaco, ossia, la volontà di coinvolgere i propri destinatari provocando in loro una riflessione e possibilmente un cambiamento in merito al proprio modo di vivere, e a tutta la sfera che va sotto il nome di “Etica”.

  16. L’immaginazione personale e teologica di Pha. m Công Tac

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    Janet Hoskins


    Full Text Available Uno dei testi canonici degli studi post-coloniali, “Signs Taken for Wonders” di Homi Bhabha, inizia con una lunga descrizione di un missionario indiano, degli effetti causati dalla distribuzione gratuita di alcune copie della Bibbia in hindi nel 1817 sotto un albero alla periferia di Delhi..

  17. Peste equina: descrizione di focolai di malattia in Namibia

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    Massimo Scacchia


    Full Text Available La peste equina è una malattia virale degli equidi trasmessa da vettori. Scopo di questo lavoro è di riferire su casi di malattia verificatisi in Namibia nel corso degli anni 2006-2008, osservati dal personale dell'Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise “G. Caporale” e del Central Veterinary Laboratory di Windhoek, Namibia e confermati dagli esami di laboratorio. Il lavoro è stato possibile anche grazie alla fattiva collaborazione stabilitasi con i veterinari pubblici, privati e allevatori Namibiani.

  18. Book review, Principi di video-otoendoscopia nel cane e nel gatto, Giovanni Ghibaudo

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Per il veterinario libero professionista le malattie auricolari dei cani e dei gatti sono il pane quotidiano, ciò nonostante il loro studio è progredito lentamente anche perché molti veterinari trovavano difficoltà nell’effettuare l’otoscopia e nel riconoscere la patologia otologica. L’avvento del video-otoscopio ha permesso di rilevare le malattie e i cambiamenti dell’orecchio. L'autore ha pertanto sentito la necessità di sviluppare i principi di video-otoendoscopia nel cane e nel gatto e inserirli in un’opera, unica in Italia nel suo genere, basandosi sulla propria esperienza clinica e sul materiale iconografico presente in letteratura. Nell’agile libro ci sono 94 figure video-otoscopiche che fanno comprendere visivamente la normale anatomia e le malattie dell’orecchio. Sono presentati 68 casi in cui è visibile l’immagine dell’orecchio esterno, sempre accompagnata da visioni video-otoscopiche di ciò che sta succedendo nel canale uditivo più in profondità. Nella prima parte del volume viene descritta l’anatomia dell’orecchio esterno e medio, sono fornite le informazioni essenziali per un corretto approccio e per la gestione delle otiti, per la preparazione del paziente e, infine, vengono indicati strumenti e metodiche di video-otoendoscopia. La seconda parte, attraverso immagini endoscopiche, illustra l’aspetto dell’orecchio normale del cane e del gatto. Successivamente, immagini endoscopiche chiare ed esemplificative accompagnano la descrizione delle lesioni presenti in corso di otiti acute, croniche e neoplastiche. Lo stesso schema è stato seguito nell’illustrare l’aspetto normale e alterato della membrana timpanica e dell’orecchio medio. Per ogni causa di otite sono state affiancate, a un testo essenziale d’immediata comprensione, immagini endoscopiche per una collezione iconografica il più possibile completa. Inoltre, Giovanni Ghibaudo fornisce utili consigli per esempio sull’utilizzo di spugne

  19. Il Servizio Intercultura dell’Istituto di Terapia Familiare di Firenze

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    Giancarlo Francini


    Full Text Available Nel corso del presente articolo vengono descritte le premesse epistemologiche e le metodologie adottate dagli operatori del Servizio Intercultura dell’Istituto di Terapia Familiare di Firenze (ITFF nel lavoro con la popolazione migrante ed elencati gli interventi fatti nel territorio. Il Servizio Intercultura dell’ITFF si è interrogato in questi anni sul valore della cultura come porta d’ingresso nel rapporto con il migrante; nel chiedere loro di narrare aspetti della loro cultura condividiamo aspetti della nostra cultura. L’incontro con il malinteso, che come dice Jankelevitch «(… è un quasi niente» (Jankelevitch, 1987, p. 233, perché se fosse stato qualcosa di più ce ne saremmo accorti e se fosse qualcosa di meno non sarebbe significativo, ci permette di aprirci a un rapporto che cambia entrambi, operatore e migrante, nella relazione. È nella relazione e attraverso il racconto dell’evento migrazione e del ciclo di vita che si costruisce e si cerca un linguaggio comune per la descrizione e l’espressione del disagio. Il lavoro con i migranti deve fare i conti con le difficoltà legate all’impiego, alla casa, al permesso di soggiorno e non ultimo alla brevità di alcuni incontri, perché per alcuni la nostra città è solo una tappa di un percorso che continua alla ricerca di una sistemazione migliore. Nel territorio di Firenze sono stati messi a punto una serie di servizi: oltre alla clinica e a uno sportello di consulenza, ci si dedica alla formazione degli operatori che lavorano con i migranti. Esempi di queste attività sono: un progetto di peer tutoring in alcune scuole superiori, uno di formazione per le assistenti sociali al fine di proporre un protocollo più efficace di presa in carico dei migranti, una serie di focus group con dipendenti Asl all’interno del progetto “Mamma segreta” della regione Toscana; inoltre, la collaborazione con le associazioni presenti sul territorio ha permesso un contatto


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    Luca Tallini


    Full Text Available Oltre ad una breve descrizione della problematica sui codici Unidirezionali è qui data la dimostrazione di una congettura di S. Al-Bassan e B. Bose che interviene nella teoria dei suddetti autori, sulla costruzione di codici ottimali nella classe dei codici bilanciati che si ottengono con il metodo della complementazione di Knuth.

  1. La clinica parapsicologica

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    Evrard Renaud


    Full Text Available Gli ultimi due decenni hanno visto nascere una disciplina nuova: l'accoglienza e il sostegno psicologico delle persone che vivono esperienze eccezionali. Avere l'impressione di vivere in una casa abitata, testimoniare l’apparizione di OVNI, interrogarsi sulle possibilità di influenze telepatiche o anche conservare per sé la sensazione irreale di uscire “fuori dal corpo”, sono alcuni esempi di ciò che provano queste persone. L'eterogeneità di queste testimonianze le classifica spesso nella categoria delle "esperienze vissute come paranormali". Se tali resoconti sono sempre pervenuti agli esperti, si deve ai recenti lavori di ripristino dell'ascolto di queste persone.

  2. I grandi della fisica da Platone a Heisenberg

    CERN Document Server

    Von Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich


    Parmenide ; Platone ; Aristotele ; Copernico, Keplero, Galilei ; Galileo Galilei ; Cartesio ; Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz ; Cartesio, Newton, Leibniz, Kant ; Immanuel Kant ; Johann Wolfgang Goethe ; Robert Meyer ; Albert Einstein ; Niels Bohr ; Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac ; Niels Bohr e Werner Heisenberg, un ricordo del 1932 ; Werner Heisenberg ; Heisenberg, fisico e filosofo ; l'interpretazione filosofica della fisica moderna.

  3. Little Italy, big japan: patterns of continuity and displacement among ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'articolo studia due incontri di eccezione tra la cultura italiana e quella giapponese: l'organica interpretazione di Fosco Maraini, antropologo e orientalista, in visita a più riprese (anche in circostanze drammatiche) nel paese del Sol Levante prima e dopo la seconda guerra mondiale; le impressioni e i giudizi, tra letteratura ...

  4. Aspetti della Giustizia Vaticana

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    Giuseppe Dalla Torre


    SOMMARIO: 1. Un nuovo interesse per la Giustizia Vaticana – 2. Ordinamento vaticano e ordinamento canonico – 3. Peculiarità dell’ordinamento giudiziario – 4. La questione dell’interpretazione – 5. Un caso particolare nel diritto penale – 6. La nuova normativa in materia di antiriciclaggio e lotta al terrorismo – 7. Cenni di conclusione.

  5. Nicola Turi (ed., Ecosistemi letterari. Luoghi e paesaggi nella finzione novecentesca

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    Salvatore Renna


    Full Text Available In un articolo recentemente apparso per il New York Magazine, il giornalista David Wallace-Wells ha tracciato un quadro quanto mai apocalittico del destino che attende il nostro pianeta nel futuro prossimo. L’interpretazione decisamente pessimistica della situazione ambientale fornita dall’autore, basatosi sui più recenti studi sul cambiamento climatico, ha sollevato non poche polemiche.

  6. Gunshot wounds to the head. Correlations between CT and clinical findings, neurosurgical treatment and long-term sequels; Traumi cranio-encefalici da proiettile: correlazione tra tomografia computerizzata, clinica, trattamento neurochirurgico e sequele a distanza

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A.; Nocera, V. [Ospedale S. Giovanni di Dio, Frattamaggiore, NA (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; De Rosa, A.; Nunziata, A. [Ospedale Loreto Mare, Neaples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Rossi, E.; Brunese, L. [Universita' degli Studi Federico II, Neaples (Italy). Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche; Tuccillo, M. [Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale A. Cardarelli, Neaples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Grassi, R. [Seconda Universita' degli Studi, Neaples (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia


    With the aim of demonstrating the usefulness of computerised tomography (CT) findings in the planning of brain neurosurgery in gunshot victims, for prompt and successful treatment, 30 patients with brain gunshot wounds were examined with CT over 5 years. The mortality rate of firearm wounds of the skull base was 34% higher than that of the hemisphere; this is due to carotid hemorrhage and midbrain damage. Such traumas require emergency radiological diagnosis and neurosurgical treatment because of their severity and early irreversible complications. Complex operations and skilled surgeons may prevent disabling postoperative sequels. CT findings are indispensable and must be correctly interpreted. The radiologist and the neurosurgeon must collaborate closely and both must consider several diagnostic factors affecting surgical planning. [Italian] Scopo dello studio e' stato quello di dimostrare l'utilita' della semeiologia della tomografia computerizzata in relazione con la pianificazione dell'intervento neochirurgico, al fine di attuare con tempestivita' interventi chirurgici soddisfacenti e meno lesivi. Lo studio comprende 30 casi di lesioni cranio-encefaliche da arma da fuoco esaminate con tomografia computerizzata nel periodo di 5 anni. Materiali e metodi utilizzati sono analiticamente descritti. L'esperienza dimostra che nelle lesioni da arma da fuoco del basicranio si nota una mortalita' del 34% superiore rispetto a quelle piu' craniali come quelle emisferiche in relazione a emorragie carotidee e lesioni tronco-mesencefaliche. Tali traumi esigono diagnosi radiologica e terapia neurochirurgica d'urgenza per la gravita' e le precoci complicanze irreversibili. Cio' richiede interventi complessi e manualita' esperte e rapide al fine di evitare sequele postoperatorie invalidanti. La corretta e indispensabile interpretazione dei segni radiologici della tomografia computerizzata deve avvenire in stretta

  7. Cooley’s Anemia Symposium (6th) Held in New York on 13-15 March 1990. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Volume 612 (United States)


    bIstituto di Ricerca sulle Talassemie e Anemie Mediterranee Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Cagliari Italy dlstituto di Clinica e Biologia dell’Eta...Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin S. OTTrOLENGHI,a S. NICOLIS, a C. BERTINI,a A. RONCHI, a S. CROTfA,a AND B. GIGLIONIb ’Dipartimento di Genetica e di Biologia ...TERESA TUVERI, b MARIA TERESA SCALAS,b GIOVANNI MONNI,d GIOVANNI OLLA,d AND RENZO GALANELLOb blstituto di Clinica e Biologia dell’Etti Evolutiva

  8. Andrea Corrado – Igor Mariottini, Cinema e autori sulle tracce delle migrazioni

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    Lorenzo Mari


    Full Text Available Nel dibattito pubblico così come, inevitabilmente, nel senso comune, l’interpretazione della storia post-unitaria italiana alla luce delle migrazioni – prima come flussi in uscita, poi sia in entrata che in uscita – ha innescato la costruzione di un preciso discorso retorico, alimentato da pubblicazioni come L’orda. Quando gli albanesi eravamo noi (2005 di Gian Antonio Stella.

  9. Progresso tecnico, forme di mercato e disoccupazione. ( Technical progress, market forms and unemployment

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    Full Text Available Lo scopo del presente lavoro è triplice . Il primo obiettivo è quello di sottolineare l'importanza delle intuizioni da trovare nel lavoro di Sylos Labini . Il secondo scopo è quello di espandere su di essa distinguendo tra i diversi tipi di progresso tecnico . Infine , il terzo obiettivo è quello di commentare il confronto di Labini di Ricardo e Keynes sulla possibilità di disoccupazione tecnologica . Per quanto riguarda la sua descrizione del progresso tecnologico come " risparmio di lavoro " , l'autore mostra che una descrizione più completa sarebbe più utile per i suoi scopiThe purpose of the present paper is threefold. The first purpose is to emphasise the importance of the insights to be found in Sylos Labini’s work. The second purpose is to expand upon it by distinguishing  between the different types of technical progress. Finally, the third purpose is to comment on Labini’s comparison of Ricardo and Keynes on the possibility of technological unemployment. Regarding his description of technological progress as “labour saving”, the author shows that a more comprehensive description would be more useful for his purposes.JEL: E24, J64, O33

  10. Studio della superficie degli impianti dentali in titanio: La nanotecnologia nella valutazione delle nuove superfici implantari in rapporto all'osteointegrazione dei mascellari


    Ricci, Emanuele


    Il presente lavoro parte dalla descrizione dei processi di rimodellamento osseo mascellare a seguito della perdita di elementi dentari e la successiva riabilitazione mediante impianto dentale osteointegrato. Approfondiremo proprio i complessi aspetti dell’osteointegrazione su superfici implantari in titanio sia a livello micro che macroscopico. Nel campo dell’implantologia, infatti, il titanio risulta essere il materiale maggiormente impiegato in virtù della sua eccellente biocompatibilità...

  11. La ballata E5 e le sue varianti nel codice degli abbozzi

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    Giulia Ravera


    Full Text Available La ballata petrarchesca Amor, che ’n cielo e ’n cor gentile alberghi (E5, composta per il musico Confortino e destinata alla definitiva esclusione dal Canzoniere, è un componimento profondamente complesso, oltre che caratterizzato da un’intrigante vicenda redazionale. E5 appare infatti imperniata sull’ambiguità tra due poli opposti, amoroso e religioso, in un gioco di contrapposizioni che rende difficile scegliere in via definitiva tra un’interpretazione sentimentale ed una lettura morale o addirittura penitenziale. La ballata è inoltre caratterizzata dall’evidente ed esteso riuso della tradizione lirica ed in particolare dei modelli stilnovistici, non solo e non tanto sul piano degli stilemi e delle immagini, quanto in termini di concezione amorosa. Il rapporto con queste fonti risulta problematico, tra ripresa e negazione, e rappresenta un ulteriore nodo significativo rispetto all’interpretazione del componimento. La graduale evoluzione della ballata, di cui possono essere identificate per lo meno tre versioni distinte, sembra accentuare gli elementi di complessità e le sovrapposizioni semantiche. Infine, l’analisi formale e contenutistica di E5 favorisce la formulazione, pur senza pretesa di certezza, di ipotesi sulle ragioni della sua sorte extravagante

  12. Lo sport nelle scienze sociali: da chimera a realtà

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    Marco Pasini


    Full Text Available Lo sport per la sua trama profonda, le implicazioni che cristallizza, le emozioni che condensa, è fonte di interpretazione e osservatorio straordinariamente ricco per la ricerca sociale. L'obiettivo di questo numero della rivista, grazie ai contributi qualificati, trasversali, multidisciplinari ed empirici, è proprio quello di affrontare le questioni fondamentali sopra indicate attraverso differenti percorsi di senso e approcci teorico-metodologici specifici.

  13. Situazione altimetrica attuale del comprensorio veneziano e i suoi riflessi sull'ambiente lagunare


    Carbognin, Laura; Tosi, Luigi


    Dopo aver inquadrato il processo della subsidenza che dagli inizi degli anni cinquanta ha interessato in modo particolare il territorio e la città di Venezia per le intensive estrazioni di acque sotterranee, viene effettuata un'analisi di dettaglio dell'attuale situazione altimetrica del comprensorio lagunare. Lo studio si basa sostanzialmente sulla interpretazione delle altimetrie 1993 confrontate a quelle del 1973 risultanti dalle due rispettive livellazioni di alta-altissima precisione con...



    Roselli, Andrea


    Si mostra come la celebre disputa tra Einstein e Bohr riguardi i concetti di realtà retrostanti le loro relative concezioni della realtà fisica; conseguentemente, viene suggerita una significativa connessione tra le teorie di Copenaghen e la relatività einsteiniana. Bohr considerava la descrizione della realtà offerta dalla meccanica quantistica completa; Einstein, al contrario (nonostante il contributo apportato alla sua nascita), continuava a cercare una teoria deterministica. Quando nel 19...

  15. Parlare di olio. Terminologia della degustazione e tipi di testi


    Silvia Gilardoni


    In questo contributo analizziamo la terminologia italiana del settore olivicolo con attenzione ai termini impiegati nella descrizione delle proprietà degustative dell’olio di oliva. Sulla base di un corpus costituito da una documentazione di carattere lessicografico e testuale in lingua italiana presentiamo un’analisi concettuale e terminologica del dominio dell’analisi sensoriale dell’olio. Una parte del lavoro è poi dedicata ad esaminare le modalità espressive e le variazioni terminologiche...

  16. Trasmissioni mediterranee : la ceramica come fonte di studio per i repertori figurativi di alcuni soffitti dipinti della Corona d’Aragona


    Fusté, Maria del Mar Valls


    Il particolare universo figurativo dei soffitti dipinti medievali è popolato da immagini per lo più profane, soluzioni iconografiche originali frutto della confluenza di tradizioni eterogenee. L'inserimento di motivi propri della cultura visiva islamica nei soffitti non è un fatto isolato, ma è un indicatore delle costanti circolazioni artistiche che segnano la penisola iberica nel periodo storico compreso tra l'VIII e il XV secolo. L'analisi e l'interpretazione di questo repertorio suscitano...

  17. ["Investigación Clínica": 50 years disseminating biomedical research]. (United States)

    Ryder, Elena


    INVESTIGACION CLINICA was founded by the initiative of Américo Negrette, who became its first editor, and it has been published uninterruptedly since July 1960, with a quarterly frequency. The first issues consisted mainly of a collection of reviews of seminars held at the now called Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas "Dr. Américo Negrette", Facultad de Medicina, Universidad del Zulia, its publisher. Very soon, original research results from this institution were included in the novel journal. In the 60's, papers on results obtained during the outbreaks of Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis present in the area, were prominent. Originally, the journal published 3-4 papers, but due to the increased number of contributions, in 2001, its format changed from 1/16 to 1/8, and now each number includes 11 original articles. Currently, INVESTIGACION CLINICA publishes 44 papers a year, in Spanish or English on different biomedical topics, from contributors all around the world. Progressively it has been included in different renowned indexes, such as PubMed/MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded, Excerpta Medica, Tropical Diseases Bulletin, Copernicus, Scopus, Periodica, and several others. Besides, it can be found in open access through, and in our new Web page: https://sites. Most papers published in INVESTIGACION CLINICA have been cited in the regional or foreign literature accumulating more than 1200 citations by now. For this particular issue, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of INVESTIGACION CLINICA, we have invited some of our more recent referees or authors to contribute with Reviews in their respective areas of expertise.

  18. Evoluzioni psicoanalitiche e cambiamento in psicoterapia psicoanalitica

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    Rosario Di Sauro


    Full Text Available In questo articolo si prende in considerazione l’evoluzione teoretica della psicoanalisi, passando dal modello freudiano monadico ad un approccio di matrice relazionale.  Altresì  viene evidenziato il contributo della psicologia clinica come elemento costitutivo della psicoterapia psicoanalitica, come espressività del continuum psicologia clinica-psicoterapia. Tutto ciò rappresenta, inoltre, la conditio sine qua non per il cambiamento terapeutico. Se ne evidenziano, infatti gli elementi caratteristici per una buona riuscita del processo terapeutico. L’Autore inoltre, mette in rilievo il ruolo della psicocorporeità nel trattamento psicoanalitico, sia come comunicazione del ‘non verbale’ sia come costrutto epistemologico di un nuovo apporto alla scienza psicoanalitica.

  19. E tu onore di pianti Aiace avrai. La scelta di Aiace: spunti per un confronto fra modelli psicoanalitici e neurocognitivi nell'analisi del testo e dei personaggi letterari

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darwine Delvecchio


    Prendendo le mosse dalla questione del rapporto tra emozioni e letteratura, in questo articolo offriamo alcuni spunti per confrontare i metodi e alcuni strumenti per l'interpretazione delle opere letterarie elaborati dalla psicoanalisi e dalle scienze neurocognitive. Per chiarire le differenze e per giustificare l'inassimilabilità delle prospettive indagate, abbiamo scelto di proporre una lettura dell'Aiace di Sofocle, alla quale fanno da contrappunto le riflessioni dell'estetica conflittuale nicciana elaborate in particolare nel Crepuscolo degli Idoli.

  20. La Storia della letteratura italiana come romanzo


    Ceserani, Remo


    La Storia della letteratura italiana di Francesco De Sanctis viene letta in questa relazione come un romanzo, forse il romanzo di maggior successo dell’Ottocento italiano, dopo I promessi sposi di Alessandro Manzoni. Nell’interpretazione di Ceserani la struttura del libro è basata su tre tipi molto popolari di narrazione praticati in quel secolo: 1) il romanzo storico, in cui realtà e invenzione sono mescolate e scene di movimento di grandi masse si alternano con scene in cui singoli grandi e...

  1. L’addomesticamento dei corpi selvaggi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurizio Gnerre


    Full Text Available Nella prima parte di questo testo esporrò in modo sintetico alcuni concetti necessari a un impianto prospettico sulle radici corporee della significazione. In tale ambito, porrò in evidenza il ruolo dei micro- e macro-gesti e dei movimenti e della costruzione degli spazi socio-comunicativi che emergono da coordinamenti e sincronizzazioni motorie. Sulla base dei concetti esposti procederò a un’interpretazione di una dimensione centrale dell’attuazione missionaria, quella rivolta alla re-impostazione della gestualità.

  2. Eesti nimekaim ilukirurg jagab enesekindlust / Peep Pree ; intevjueerinud Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pree, Peep, 1958-


    Vestlus Tartu esteetilise kirurgia erakliiniku Clinica juhatajaga tööst, vastutustundest, ebaõnnestumistest. Kommenteerivad Tartu linnapea Laine Jänes ja Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna emeriitprofessor Ennu Sepp

  3. Elaborazione dei dati sperimentali (United States)

    Dapor, M.; Ropele, M.

    L'analisi statistica dei dati sperimentali, la loro elaborazione ed una corretta stima degli errori sono conoscenze necessarie agli studenti di fisica, biologia, chimica, ingegneria e dei corsi di specializzazione tecnico-scientifici in cui a di laboratorio. Chi si occupa di problemi tecnici e di misure, per studio o per lavoro, deve possedere gli strumenti matematici di calcolo e di analisi necessari ad una corretta interpretazione dei dati sperimentali. Il testo fornisce in modo sintetico, chiaro ed esaustivo, tutte le nozioni e le conoscenze utili allo scopo.

  4. Paradossi e realtà saggio sui fondamenti della microfisica

    CERN Document Server

    Selleri, Franco


    Impostasi come l'interpretazione ultma e definitiva del mondo fisico, la meccanica quantistica rivela invece ampie falle a un'analisi più attenta dei suoi fondamenti. Con un'argomentazione serrata, Selleri mette a nudo in questo libro le implicite basu filosofiche della teoria dei quanti, e mostra come le più recenti proposte di esperimenti possono rivalutare la posizione realista di Einstein, Schrödinger, de Broglie. Una splendida sintesi di storia e filosofia che ci introduce alle problematiche più attuali della scienza fisica.

  5. GEOPORTALE NAZIONALE Un approfondimento sulle metodologie di conversione e trasformazione coordinate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Salvatore Costabile


    Full Text Available Con il presente articolo si intende ampliare la conoscenza e la fruibilità del servizio di conversione di coordinate delGeoportale Nazionale già descritto nel precedente numero di GEOmedia, dando una dettagliata descrizione deglialgoritmi impiegati e delle metodologie di trasformazione ricomprese all’interno del servizio stesso.With the present article is intended to broaden the knowledgeand availability of the service to coordinate conversionof the National Geoportal already described in the previousissue of GEOmedia, giving a detailed description of thealgorithms used and methods of transformation includedwithin the service.

  6. Concept of Gesamtkunstwerk in Ivan Meštrović’s oeuvre: at the intersection of art, politics, religion and self-reflection / Il concetto di Gesamtkunstwerk nell’opera di Ivan Meštrović: all’intersezione di arte, politica, religione e autoriflessione

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dalibor Prančević


    In questo intervento sono esaminati tre progetti architettonico-scultorei di Ivan Meštrović, nei quali è visibile la comprensione e l’applicazione della Gesamtkunstwerk, intesa come una forma particolare di partecipazione alla creazione artistica: il Tempio di Vidovdan, la Chiesa di Nostra Signora degli Angeli a Cavtat e la Chiesa del Santissimo Redentore a Otavice. Nell’articolo viene analizzato fino a che punto il protocollo della Gesamtkunstwerk sia veramente importante per l’interpretazione delle realizzazioni architettoniche di Meštrović. Inoltre, viene spiegato e dimostrato quanto Meštrović, come nessun altro artista del modernismo in Croazia, abbia riunito la progettazione architettonica e quella scultorea – fino ad allora quasi sempre scollegate – in un’unità artistica indissolubile, inserendole in seguito nello spettro di differenti e problematici contesti sociali, politici, religiosi o autoriflessivi. Nell’intervento, quindi, viene mostrato come la natura del protocollo della Gesamtkunstwerk cambi da un edificio impiegato per l’attivismo politico, prima e durante la prima guerra mondiale, fino ai luoghi sacrali e memoriali di natura più riflessiva, costruiti dopo la guerra e negli anni Venti. È importante rilevare come venga abbandonata l’interpretazione dell’«opera d’arte totale» come questione esclusivamente estetica, predeterminata dalla concezione dell’art pour l’art, e come a questa vengano aggiunte altre funzioni dell’opera nel suo più ampio contesto sociale, storico-politico e religioso.

  7. A representation of Power between cinema and theatre: Elio De Capitani’s Berlusconi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Mariani


    Full Text Available Che fine ha fatto un’incarnazione grandiosa del potere come Riccardo III di Shakespeare, dopo essere passato per Ubu re di Jarry e Artuto Ui di Brecht? Nella nostra epoca postideologica il pubblico chiede storie e non La Storia; personaggi in cui bene e male, forza e debolezza si mostrano nella quotidianità mescolando pubblico e privato. Il saggio analizza le rappresentazioni del potere offerte da Elio De Capitani, attore regista teatrale legato alla tradizione recitativa italiana, sensibile alla tradizione anglosassone e ai linguaggi della contemporaneità; e sceglie l’interpretazione di Berlusconi nel Caimano di Moretti per la sua popolarità e per le sue implicazioni nel contesto italiano. La metodologia si basa sulla distinzione fra Academic history e Stage history. In un teatro che lega la sperimentazione al testo e al personaggio, in un cinema che continua ad avvalersi dei saperi teatrali, il lavoro dell’attore va messo al centro e va studiato nella sua concretezza e singolarità: processo, esiti artistici, rapporto con la società dello spettacolo. Il saggio mostra come gli attori siano dentro il presente perché restituiscono non idee astratte ma esseri più veri del vero. E rende giustizia all’interpretazione di De Capitani: al lavoro esteriore e interiore che ne è la base, alla sua visione da ‘comédien’, senza giudizio. Un lavoro capace di far sentire nel Berlusconi trionfante del 2006, in sintonia con parte del paese, il Berlusconi vecchio di oggi.

  8. Umberto Eco og fortolkningens semiotik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frandsen, Finn


    En analyse af spørgsmålet om fortolkningens muligheder og grænser, sådan som det bliver formuleret og besvaret i den italienske semiotiker Umberto Ecos teoretiske forfatterskab. Problemstillingen - og dens transformationer hvad angår såvel metasprog, omfang, niveau og fokus - følges fra begyndelsen...... af 60'erne, hvor Eco er inspireret af fænomenologi og hermeneutik (f.eks. i Opera aperta), til begyndelsen af 90'erne, hvor han arbejder med tekstpragmatik og receptionssemiotik. (f.eks. i I limiti dell'interpretazione)...

  9. [The preparation and characterization of fine dusts carried out in the Clinica del Lavoro di Milano in support of experimental studies]. (United States)

    Occella, E; Maddalon, G; Peruzzo, G F; Foà, V


    This paper aims to illustrate the conditions selected at the Clinica del Lavoro of the University of Milan to prepare and analyze a large number of fine dust samples produced over a period of about 50 years, that were initially used for studies within the Clinic performed in its own facilities, and since 1956 were sent to other Italian and overseas laboratories (Luxembourg, UK, Germany, Norway, Sweden, South Korea, USA). The total quantity of material distributed (with maximum size 7-10 microns) was about 2 kg and consisted of the following mineral and artificial compounds: quartz, HF-treated quartz, tridymite, HF-treated tridymite, cristobalite, chromite, anthracite, quartz sand for foundry moulds, sand from the Lybian desert, vitreous silica, pumice, cement, as well small quantities of metallic oxides, organic resins, chrysotile, crocidolite, fibres (vitreous, cotton and polyamidic). About half of the entire quantity of dusts produced consisted of partially HF-treated tridymite. Initially, research on the etiology of silicosis used quartz dust samples, simply sieved or ventilated (consisting of classes finer than 0.04 mm, containing a 15-20% respirable fraction). From 1956 to 1960 the dusts were produced by manual grinding in an agate mortar, below about 10 microns, starting from quartz from Quincinetto (near Ivrea, Province of Turin), containing about 99.5% quartz: particle size and composition were checked using an optical-petrographic technique, with identification of the free and total silica content. Subsequently, the dusts used for biological research were obtained by grinding coarse material with a cast iron pestle and planetary mills, agate and corundum jars. The grinding products were sized by means of centrifugal classification, using the selector developed by N. Zurlo, ensuring control of dust size both optically and by means of wet levigators and hydraulic classifiers (in cooperation with the Institute of Mines of Turin Polytechnic School). After 1990

  10. Equipment for the extraction of 99sup(m)TcO4Na

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pliego, O.H.; Fraga de Suarez, A.H.; Goncalvez, Maria de; Marques, Roberto; Guerrero, Gustavo; Mitta, A.E.A


    An equipment is described for the extraction of 99 sup(m)Tc by the liquid-liquid extraction method, installed at the Nuclear Medicine Center of theHospital de Clinicas ''Jose de San Martin''. (author) [es

  11. Neonatal Malaria in the Gambia

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Inclusion Criteria. All consecutive ... these, 105 (26.5%) satisfied the inclusion criteria ..... Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 1991; ... Revista do Hospital das Clinicas; Faculdade de. Medicina Da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 1993 ...


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    Giorgio Castellini


    Full Text Available Esame degli Scydmaenidae raccolti da Stefano Zoia in Sudafrica. Sono descritte le seguenti nuove specie: Oneila zoiai, Euconnus boopis, E. busillis, E. comatus, E. cre­ber, E. curtus, E. globatus, E. gonitricus, E. inanis, E. palpator, E. porrectus, E. retinax, E. septemdecim, E. temporalis, E. trigonicus, E. zoiai.

  13. Particelle e nuclei un'introduzione ai concetti fisici

    CERN Document Server

    Povh, Bogdan; Scholz, Christoph; Zetsche, Frank


    Basato sulle lezioni tenute dagli autori all'Università di Heidelberg, il libro offre una panoramica completa e aggiornata della fisica nucleare e delle particelle, per la prima volta presentate in modo unitario. Nella prima delle due parti di cui si compone il volume il lettore viene guidato alla scoperta dei "mattoni dell'universo". L'antica aspirazione ad arrivare, per successive scomposizioni della materia, a una descrizione del mondo in termini di pochi oggetti elementari sembra confortata dalle ultime acquisizioni della fisica: il modello standard, in particolare, offre una spiegazione molto elegante delle complesse interazioni tra particelle.

  14. Caratteristiche dei sistemi differenziali e propagazione ondosa lezioni raccolte dal Dott. G. Lampariello

    CERN Document Server

    Levi-Civita, Tullio


    L'edizione originale di questo libro (qui riprodatta anastaticamente) fu pubblicata nel 1931 per i tipi di Zanichelli nella serie delle Attualità scientifiche (n.41). Del suo contenuto valga come descrizione e giudizio di sintesi quanto ne scrisse a suo tempo H. Bateman nel Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society: " Theses lectures give a clear account of the branch of partial differential equations in which attention is focused on the problem of Cauchy and its exceptional cases. The theory is well illustrated by examples from hydrodynamics, optics, and the recent theory of the Broglie waves".

  15. Disease: H01580 [KEGG MEDICUS

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available l features and dietary history, and there is rapid resolution of signs and symptoms after vitamin C suppleme...because alcohol decreases the absorption of vitamin C. The diagnosis of scurvy is generally based on clinica

  16. L'Universo alla ricerca delle sue origini

    CERN Document Server

    Picasso, Emilio


    Sommario : La Cosmologia è una disciplina storica e come avviene per la storia più si allontana dalla nostra epoca il periodo che vogliamo studiare più rari si fanno i documenti e più difficile è l'interpretazione. Il grande anello di collisione elettrone-positrone, il LEP, permette ai fisici di risalire indietro nel tempo e di studiare i fenomeni che sono avvenuti circa un decimo di miliardesimo dopo il Big Bang. In questo senso limitato il LEP è una finestra sul tempo. In questa conferenza sono brevemente presentati gli argomenti di cosmologia e le costruzione del LEP è descritta in dettaglio.

  17. La legge della Regione Lombardia sull’edilizia di culto alla prova della giurisprudenza amministrativa

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    Natascia Marchei


    Full Text Available contributo sottoposto a valutazioneSOMMARIO: 1. L’edilizia di culto tra tutela della libertà religiosa e governo del territorio: la legge n. 12 del 2005 della Regione Lombardia - 2. segue: Gli interventi “correttivi” della legge regionale n. 12 del 2005 - 3. La giurisprudenza amministrativa sul cambio di destinazione d’uso tra Tribunali amministrativi e Consiglio di Stato: la prevalenza del rispetto della normativa urbanistica sul diritto di libertà religiosa 4. L’interpretazione del requisito della necessaria “convenzione” con il comune: l’attuazione giurisprudenziale del diritto di libertà religiosa - 5. Brevi conclusioni.

  18. Phase 1 dose-escalation study of the antiplacental growth factor monoclonal antibody RO5323441 combined with bevacizumab in patients with recurrent glioblastoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lassen, Ulrik; Chinot, Olivier L; McBain, Catherine


    BACKGROUND: We conducted a phase 1 dose-escalation study of RO5323441, a novel antiplacental growth factor (PlGF) monoclonal antibody, to establish the recommended dose for use with bevacizumab and to investigate the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety/tolerability, and preliminary clinica...

  19. MACVIA clinical decision algorithm in adolescents and adults with allergic rhinitis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bousquet, Jean; Schünemann, Holger J; Hellings, Peter W


    The selection of pharmacotherapy for patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) depends on several factors, including age, prominent symptoms, symptom severity, control of AR, patient preferences, and cost. Allergen exposure and the resulting symptoms vary, and treatment adjustment is required. Clinica...

  20. A DXA Whole Body Composition Cross-Calibration Experience: Evaluation With Humans, Spine, and Whole Body Phantoms. (United States)

    Krueger, Diane; Libber, Jessie; Sanfilippo, Jennifer; Yu, Hui Jing; Horvath, Blaine; Miller, Colin G; Binkley, Neil


    New densitometer installation requires cross-calibration for accurate longitudinal assessment. When replacing a unit with the same model, the International Society for Clinical Densitometry recommends cross-calibrating by scanning phantoms 10 times on each instrument and states that spine bone mineral density (BMD) should be within 1%, whereas total body lean, fat, and %fat mass should be within 2% of the prior instrument. However, there is limited validation that these recommendations provide adequate total body cross-calibration. Here, we report a total body cross-calibration experience with phantoms and humans. Cross-calibration between an existing and new Lunar iDXA was performed using 3 encapsulated spine phantoms (GE [GE Lunar, Madison, WI], BioClinica [BioClinica Inc, Princeton, NJ], and Hologic [Hologic Inc, Bedford, MA]), 1 total body composition phantom (BioClinica), and 30 human volunteers. Thirty scans of each phantom and a total body scan of human volunteers were obtained on each instrument. All spine phantom BMD means were similar (within 1%; g/cm2 bias) between the existing and new dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry unit. The BioClinica body composition phantom (BBCP) BMD and bone mineral content (BMC) values were within 2% with biases of 0.005 g/cm2 and -3.4 g. However, lean and fat mass and %fat differed by 4.6%-7.7% with biases of +463 g, -496 g, and -2.8%, respectively. In vivo comparison supported BBCP data; BMD and BMC were within ∼2%, but lean and fat mass and %fat differed from 1.6% to 4.9% with biases of +833 g, -860 g, and -1.1%. As all body composition comparisons exceeded the recommended 2%, the new densitometer was recalibrated. After recalibration, in vivo bias was lower (g, respectively. Similarly, BBCP lean and fat agreement improved. In conclusion, the BBCP behaves similarly, but not identical, to human in vivo measurements for densitometer cross-calibration. Spine phantoms, despite good BMD and BMC agreement, did not detect

  1. Implementation of a radiology information system in an University Hospital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marques, Paulo Mazzoncini de Azevedo; Santos, Antonio Carlos; Elias Junior, Jorge; Trad, Clovis Simao; Goes, Wilson Moraes; Castro, Carlos Roberto de


    This paper describes a radiology information system (RIS) developed and in the process of implementation in an University Hospital (Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto - Universidade de Sao Paulo) which integrates a plan for a 'filmless' radiology facility. (author)

  2. Control of Chaos: New Perspectives in Experimental and Theoretical Science. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering. Theme Issue. Part 2, Volume 8, Number 9, September 1998. (United States)


    GARBO*, R. BALOCCHIt and S. CHILLEMI* *Istituto di Biofisica CNR, Via S. Lorenzo 26, 56127 Pisa, Italy tIstituto di Fisiologia Clinica CNR, Via...Publishing Company DIFFUSION PARAMETER CONTROL OF SPATIOTEMPORAL CHAOS RAUL MONTAGNE* Instituto de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias & Facultad de Ingenieria

  3. Vector competence of Culicoides sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) to epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus serotype 7 (United States)

    Background: Culicoides sonorensis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) is a vector of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) serotypes 1 and 2 in North America, where these viruses are well-known pathogens of white-tailed deer (WTD) and other wild ruminants. Although historically rare, reports of clinica...

  4. From Self-Organized to Extended Criticality (United States)


    Texas, Denton, TX, USA 2 Centro EXTREME, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy 3 Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica-CNR, Pisa, Italy 4 Department of Physics...Netherlands Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, Netherlands *Correspondence: Paolo Allegrini , Istituto di Fisiologia

  5. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 551 - 600 of 643 ... Samuel Adetunji Onasanwo, Gideon Nimedia Aitokhuehi, Opeyemi Temitayo Ajayi, Samuel Oluwaseun Faborode. Vol 4, No 3 (2001), the assessment of fasciola gigantica infection in the rabbit(Oryctolagus cuniculus) as a laboratory model parasite development - Clinica symptoms and liver pathology ...

  6. L’Igea delle Terme Milano: il contesto di rinvenimento

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    Pietro Mecozzi


    Full Text Available Lʹarticolo prende in esame il contesto di rinvenimento della testa marmorea di Igea recentemente scoperta a Gortina. In particolare intende fornire un quadro generale delle diverse fasi evolutive delle cosiddette Terme Milano e dell’area da esse occupata, dal punto di vista stratigrafico e cronologico. L’attenzione è volta per lo più alle ultime campagne di scavo, che hanno interessato l’area orientale delle Terme. L’articolo presenta inoltre una descrizione specifica del muro all’interno del quale è stata rinvenuta la scultura ed i confronti con altre strutture simili e coeve rinvenute nel sito di Gortina, con particolare attenzione alla comune tecnica costruttiva.


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    A. Casale


    Full Text Available Sardulus sacerensis Casale & Marcia, nuova specie di Histeridae ipogei della Grotta di Lu Gardu (Sassari, Sardegna nord-occidentale è descritta e comparata con le due specie note in precedenza della Sardegna centro-orientale, S. spelaeus Patrizi, 1955, e S. incrassatus Magrini & Fancello, 2005. Le caratteristiche morfologiche esternee i genitali maschili delle tre specie sono raffigurati. Inoltre, è fornita per la prima volta la descrizione della morfologia larvale di una specie di questo genere. S. spelaeus, specie nota fino ad ora di due grotte in territorio di Dorgali, è segnalata di una terza località: la Grotta di Istirzili o Stirzili, nel territorio di Baunei.

  8. Processi di visualizzazione poetica: descrizione e immaginazione nella critica di danza del XIX secolo

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    Christina Thurner


    Full Text Available This essay addresses the interest in the discourse of dance criticism within the French feuilleton of the 19th Century. It explores poetical techniques of writing with regard to and on examination of the perception of romantic ballet. The author of the essay argues that critics as Théophile Gautier and Jules Janin created and cultivated an emphatic style of criticism, which can be described as a transposition of the subjective view / imagination of the observer into poetic language. These discoursive practices became significant and paradigmatic – also in relation to the perception of dance till this day.


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    Paolo Magrini


    Full Text Available Nella presente nota vengono descritti tre nuovi taxa di Typhloreicheia Holdhaus, 1924 del Sud della Sardegna e riportati nuovi dati geonemici relativi a Typhloreicheia degiovannii Magrini, 2003 e Typhloreicheia raymondi (Putzeys, 1869. T. petriolii n. sp. di Monte Idda (San Priamo, Muravera, Cagliari, appartenente al “gruppo occulta”, sensu Magrini & Bulirsch 2002, diversa da tutte le altre specie del gruppo per l’edeago meno incurvato ventralmente, l’apice meno inflesso, la lamella copulatrice più corta e ristretta apicalmente anziché dilatata. T. abbazzii n. sp. di Arbus (San Gavino Monreale, Medio Campidano, caratterizzata da un edeago con apice fortemente ricurvo ventralmente e lamella copulatrice costituita da grosse spine evanescenti posizionate lungo il margine inferiore dell’apice dell’edeago, caratteri che pongono la nuova specie in posizione isolata nell’ambito del genere. T. leoi pilosa n. ssp. del Parco di Monte Marganai, loc. Mamenga (Carbonia-Iglesias, appartenente al “gruppo angelae”, sensu Magrini 2003. La nuova razza si differenzia dalla forma tipica essenzialmente per la morfologia esterna: presenza di setole discali elitrali su tutte le interstrie (dalla due alla sette, solo nelle interstrie 3-5-7 nella forma tipica e per l’habitus nettamente più dilatato, specialmente a livello delle elitre, come indicano le misure riportate nel testo.

  10. Assai più che eutanasia. Prelegomeni a ogni futura interpretazione filosofica del tradimento

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    Vincenzo Cicero


    Full Text Available At the very central point of the first episode in the Matrix Trilogy (1999-2003 is the cornerstone of the film’s narrative: the scene of Cypher’s betrayal, also known as the restaurant scene, which immediately received special attention from scholars. As regards the tone of interpretations, so far it has been almost a competition to issue the more sophisticated and persuasive verdict of guilty, and all of them agree, even the not incriminating ones, in believing Cypher as an incurable selfish hedonist. Their hermeneutical common limits are basically three: a they treat the Cypher case only by analyzing the verbal level, that is the script, and then by abstracting from the fact that it’s a story in a filmic text; b they isolate and crystallize the character in Chapter 19 of Matrix (the dialogue between Neo and Cypher and the restaurant scene, as though he appeared only in this specific context and not already at the beginning of the film; c they apply from above and extrinsically the theoretical formulas of some philosophers (no matter if Kant, Mill, Nietzsche, Nozick etc. dealt with as if taken from a handbook. The suggested interpretation sounds like a completely different register. We do not refer to any philosopher, instead we refer to the verse from a book of VT, Judges 16.30, in which a very similar impulse to the one moving Cypher is found. And of this character, who has an extraordinary tragic depth, the simulational and cryptogramatic structural shape is shown.

  11. Il paesaggio di Matera nell'interpretazione cinematografica / Matera landscape in the cinematographic interpretation

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    Angelo Bencivenga


    Full Text Available Una definizione classica inquadra il paesaggio come natura percepita attraverso una cultura. Sulla "storicità" del paesaggio, alcuni autori hanno sottolineato la capacità del cinema di registrare le trasformazioni del territorio e allo stesso tempo di orientare lo sguardo su di esso. La Basilicata, a partire dal secondo dopoguerra, è stata terra di cinema; più di quaranta produzioni cinematografiche sono state realizzate sul suolo lucano. Una tendenza dominante, da Il Vangelo secondo Matteo di Pier Paolo Pasolini a Cristo si è fermato a Eboli di Francesco Rosi, ha messo in luce la condizione di miseria e arretratezza della Basilicata, influenzata da autori come Carlo Levi ed Ernesto De Martino. Interessante è il caso di Matera che, da espressione cinematografica di tale tendenza interpretativa, è diventata teatro di opere filmiche - come The Passion di Mel Gibson - che hanno contribuito a formare l'immagine di una città quasi mistica e culturalmente attiva. A classical definition of landscape is "nature perceived through a culture". On the "historicity" of the landscape, some authors have underlined the cinema’s capacity  to register the transformations of the territory and, at the same time, to direct the gaze on it. Since the end of the Second World War, the Basilicata region has been a film location; more than forty full length movies have been shot in Basilicata. Most of them, from The gospel according to St. Matthew by Pier Paolo Pasolini to Christ stopped at Eboli by Francesco Rosi, have shown the misery and the backwardness of Basilicata, inspired by the works of some authors as Carlo Levi and Ernesto De Martino. Matera is an interesting case study: from expression of this cinematic representation, in the last years it has become the location of some movies - like The Passion by Mel Gibson - that have had an important role in building the image of Matera as an almost mystic and culturally dynamic city.

  12. Book review. Manuale di ematologia veterinaria e medicina trasfusionale. (a cura di Magda Gerou-Ferriani

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    Manuel Graziani


    Full Text Available Il volume curato dalla dott.ssa Magda Gerou-Ferriani dell'Ospedale veterinario "Portoni Rossi" di Bologna e dell'Università di Liverpool viene presentato come il primo manuale di ematologia veterinaria italiano. Un volume realizzato per essere utilizzato dagli studenti e dai veterinari nella pratica quotidiana. Da qui deriva la scelta della sua struttura organizzata per capitoli autonomi in modo che il lettore possa consultare le tematiche di proprio interesse indipendentemente dal resto. I primi due capitoli del manuale sono dedicati alle nozioni di base e forniscono informazioni concrete per ciò che riguarda i prelievi del sangue nella pratica veterinaria, l'allestimento e la corretta lettura del vetrino e tutto quanto è necessario sapere sulle trasfusioni. Nel terzo capitolo viene illustrata nel dettaglio l'interpretazione dell'eritrogramma, del leucogramma e del siderogramma. A seguire, nei capitoli 4 e 5, vengono trattate le patologie più spesso riscontrate dei globuli rossi, dei globuli bianchi e delle piastrine. Il sesto capitolo è dedicato alla coagulazione, un argomento spesso difficile da comprendere e da applicare, vengono illustrati i vari test, quando e come eseguirli ed interpretarli. Il manuale si conclude con un capitolo dedicato all'interpretazione dell'esame del midollo e con l'ultimo capitolo che contiene esempi pratici di casi clinici. Manuale di ematologia veterinaria e medicina trasfusionale è un testo pratico, di facile consultazione, ben curato sia sotto l'aspetto della presentazione dei contenuti che sotto l'aspetto editoriale: dal grande formato A4, alla copertina rigida. Alla curatrice Magda Gerou-Ferriani sono affiancati come autori Erika Carli, Stefano Comazzi, Silvia Tasca e Andrea Zoia, tutti medici veterinari.

  13. Spanish Navy Up to Date Data in DCS (United States)


    therapeutic measures. Final results are similar to another world navies diving centres Bibliography: 1.- Pujante, A.; Inoriza, J; Viqueira, A. Estudio de 121... casos de enfermedad descompresiva Medicina Clinica, vol . 94, n` 7, 1990 2.- Rivera, J.C. Decompression sickness among divers: An analysis of 935

  14. [The physiotherapic aspect of omeral epicondilitis (author's transl)]. (United States)

    Marenghi, P; Tella, G C


    The Authors describe history, etiopatogenesis, clinic, therapy of omeral epicondilitis, very frequent affection. Physiotherapic aspects are studied by different methods. The indications are different compared to clinical aspect, pain modality, relapse eventuality. They conclude with personal considerations based on what observed in Orthopedic Clinica of Parma University.

  15. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seropositivity and hepatitis B ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Method: A total of 130 donors comprising 120 commercial donors and 10 voluntary donors were tested for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B surface antigen in Benin city using Immunocomb HIV - 1 and 2 Biospot kit and Quimica Clinica Aplicada direct latex agglutination method respectively.

  16. Sindrome de Lennox-Gastaut com inicio tardio: I - frequencia de casos com inicio anterior e ulterior aos 6 anos de idade, fatores etiologicos e nivel intelectual

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    Amilton Antunes Barreira


    Full Text Available De um grupo de 66 pacientes com sindrome de Lennox Gastaut, 15 apresentaram as primeiras manifestações clinicas após os 6 anos de idade. Desses, 12 foram acompanhados durante o período médio de 2 anos e 6 meses, com avaliações neurológicas a intervalos de cerca de 2 meses. A revisão das publicações pertinentes permitiu estabelecer que em 20% das casuisticas apreciadas a sindrome de Lennox-Gastaut se inicia após o 6° ano de vida. As avaliações clinicas permitiram verificar que nosos pacientes apresentaram incidência de lesões neurológicas graves precedendo a instalação da síndrome por vários anos. As avaliações psicométricas evidenciaram intenso comprometimento do nível intelectual em contraste com os dados da literatura sobre a síndrome de Lennox-Gastaut de início tardio.

  17. Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes in Paediatric Oncology - Applying Mobile and Near Field Communication Technology. (United States)

    Duregger, Katharina; Hayn, Dieter; Nitzlnader, Michael; Kropf, Martin; Falgenhauer, Markus; Ladenstein, Ruth; Schreier, Günter


    Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) gathered using telemonitoring solutions might be a valuable source of information in rare cancer research. The objective of this paper was to develop a concept and implement a prototype for introducing ePRO into the existing neuroblastoma research network by applying Near Field Communication and mobile technology. For physicians, an application was developed for registering patients within the research network and providing patients with an ID card and a PIN for authentication when transmitting telemonitoring data to the Electronic Data Capture system OpenClinica. For patients, a previously developed telemonitoring system was extended by a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface for transmitting nine different health parameters and toxicities. The concept was fully implemented on the front-end side. The developed application for physicians was prototypically implemented and the mobile application of the telemonitoring system was successfully connected to OpenClinica. Future work will focus on the implementation of the back-end features.

  18. Farmacos orales para el control quimico de las biopeliculas dentales (placa bacteriana

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    Rodrigo Abello Moreno


    Full Text Available La placa dentobacteriana o biopelicula es la responsable de patologias clinicas como la caries dental, gingivitis y enfermedad periodontal, por lo tanto productos con agentes germicidas actuan en la prevencion de la biopelicula dental cuando las medidas de higiene oral no son las mas apropiadas.

  19. Influence of Progressive Central Hypovolemia on Multifractal Dimension of Cardiac Interbeat Intervals (United States)


    and 5 Istituto Fisiologia Clinica, CNR-Area Ricerca San Cataldo, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124-Pisa (Dated: May 7, 2010) Abstract We analyzed the heartbeat time...the research group of prof. B Ghe- larducci, Dipartimento di Fisiologia e Biochimica, Universitá di Pisa, and Dr. M. Varanini, Institute of Clinical

  20. Psychological changes in alcohol-dependent patients during a residential rehabilitation program

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    Giorgi I


    Full Text Available Ines Giorgi,1 Marcella Ottonello,2,3 Giovanni Vittadini,4 Giorgio Bertolotti5 1Psychology Unit, Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione, IRCCS, Pavia, 2Department of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine, Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione, IRCCS, Genoa, 3Department of Medicine, PhD Program in Advanced Sciences and Technologies in Rehabilitation Medicine and Sport, Università di Tor Vergata, Rome, 4Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit, Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione, IRCCS, Pavia, 5Psychology Unit, Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, Clinica del Lavoro e della Riabilitazione, IRCCS, Tradate, Italy Background: Alcohol-dependent patients usually experience negative affects under the influence of alcohol, and these affective symptoms have been shown to decrease as a result of alcohol-withdrawal treatment. A recent cognitive–affective model suggests an interaction between drug motivation and affective symptoms. The aim of this multicenter study was to evaluate the psychological changes in subjects undergoing a residential rehabilitation program specifically designed for alcohol addiction, and to identify at discharge patients with greater affective symptoms and therefore more at risk of relapse.Materials and methods: The sample included 560 subjects (mean age 46.91±10.2 years who completed 28-day rehabilitation programs for alcohol addiction, following a tailored routine characterized by short duration and high intensity of medical and psychotherapeutic treatment. The psychological clinical profiles of anxiety, depression, psychological distress, psychological well-being, and self-perception of a positive change were assessed using the Cognitive Behavioral Assessment – Outcome Evaluation questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the program. The changes in the psychological variables of the questionnaire were identified and considered as outcome

  1. Musicoterapia e improvisaciòn libre

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bergstrøm-Nielsen, Carl


    Muchos de los métodos de trabajo que se utilizan en musicoterapia se basan en la improvisación. En la practica clinica se plantean numerosas situaciones en las que el musicoterapeuta necesita contar con habilidades avanzadas de improvisación. Este articulo presenta algunas ideas y sugerencias prá...

  2. Note sulla pianificazione territoriale e la tutela del paesaggio in Italia

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    Paolo Ventura


    Full Text Available Il testo, basato sulla rielaborazione di un intervento al convegno Seminar COST 356 – EST, il 20.1. 2008, TOI, Oslo, si propone di contribuire al dialogo con la cultura politecnica, che richiede indicatori e parametri per la valutazione paesistica finalizzata alla misurazione dell’impatto di una nuova infrastruttura. Il tema è affrontato dal punto di vista del pianificatore sulla base della ricca e multiforme esperienza italiana. Sono rammentate alcune definizioni fondamentali di paesaggio, quale concetto olistico, flessibile e carico di ambiguità.  Il testo tenta una sintetica descrizione delle interrelazioni tra pianificazione paesistica, metodologie di classificazione e valutazione del paesaggio a diverse scale della pianificazione territoriale italiana nell’attualità.

  3. La musica del vuoto indagine sulla natura della materia

    CERN Document Server

    Wilczek, Frank


    I pattern delle onde che descrivono i protoni, i neutroni e tutti i loro parenti ricordano le vibrazioni di strumenti musicali, e in effetti le equazioni matematiche che governano questi due domini, superficialmente molto diversi, sono in realtà molto simili. Quest'analogia musicale risale alla preistoria della scienza: già Pitagora scoprì che le note armoniose sono quelle suonate da corde le cui lunghezze sono in una semplice relazione numerica, mentre Keplero trascorse anni in tediosi calcoli ed erronee ipotesi alla ricerca dell'armonia nascosta dell'universo. Wilczek riprende questa metafora nella descrizione della realtà delle masse parlando di "musica del vuoto", moderna espressione dell'antica, inafferrabile e mistica musica delle sfere.

  4. Oltre lo spazio e il tempo la nuova fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Lachièze-Rey, Marc


    Oggi la fisica si fonda, allo stesso tempo, sulla meccanica quantistica e sulla relatività generale. Ma, in quanto veri e propri sistemi di pensiero, queste due teorie suggeriscono due distinte visioni del mondo, non conciliabili nel quadro di una descrizione unificata. Se dunque la fisica attuale si rivela inadeguata, occorre costruirne una nuova, percorrendo fino in fondo la via geometrica. Supersimmetria, stringhe e superstringhe, gravità e cosmologia quantistiche, geometria non commutativa: nuove audaci ipotesi al servizio di nuove teorie che rinnovano la nostra concezione dello spazio, del tempo, della materia e dell'Universo, e che trovano nel volume una presentazione chiara e accessibile anche a un pubblico di non specialisti.

  5. Temporal evolution of the environmental doce remaining in a clinical irradiation bunker after the cessation of irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruiz Egea, E.; Sanchez Carrascal, M.; Torres Pozas, S.; Monja Ray, P. de la; Perez Molina, J. L.; Madan Rodriguez, C.; Luque Japon, L.; Morera Molina, A.; Hernandez Perez, A.; Barquero Bravo, Y.; Morengo Pedagna, I.; Oliva Gordillo, M. C.; Martin Olivar, R.


    In this paper we try to quantify tite doce emitted by different radioactive processes that occur in the head of a clinica. Linear accelerator and the patient is irradiated, or wallc of the bunker, converted into tertiary sources of radiation trying to ectablish tite origin of the came in different parts of the bunker.

  6. Storicizzare le teorie psicocritiche

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    Roberto Talamo


    Full Text Available Le teorie psicoanalitiche della letteratura, dopo una fase di alterne fortune, sono oggi praticate da una cerchia di adepti sempre più ristretta. Le nuove koinè critico-teoriche tendono infatti a relegare la dottrina freudiana all’interno di un sapere letterario (e non interpretativo o a sostituire ad essa strumenti ritenuti più efficaci nella descrizione della sfera del mentale in letteratura (neuroestetica e neuronarratologia. La proposta storiografica che qui si avanza non vuole prendere parte in questo dibattito pro o contro la psicocritica, ma vuole leggere le proposte di teoria psicoanalitica della letteratura alla luce di una riflessione sul concetto di ibridazione, concetto sul quale queste teorie hanno costruito il loro confronto con i paradigmi teorici di volta in volta egemoni.

  7. Ruolo ed organizzazione della microbiologia clinica di domani

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    Giorgio Mucignat


    Full Text Available Infectious diseases continue to represent an important preventive and clinical problem especially in the light of the emergence of new pathogens, of the return of infrequent pathogens and of the increased risk of infective pathologies associated with migratory flow. Another critical point is represented by the possible insurgence of infections due to agents used in bioterrorism. More than ever it is indispensable for our country to define a network of structures able to give an organized response to these relevant problems both in terms of prevention and assistance. It is therefore important to define a protocol for clinical microbiology on a national basis that responds to different levels of activity. Keeping in mind that the fundamental objectives of microbiology are: - diagnosis of infective diseases - determination of resistance to antimicrobic drugs as a valid instrument to allow the clinician to proceed with specific treatment - control of infection spreading in the sanitary structures (hospital infections - to develop front line defence in new infections and bioterrorism, in collaboration with the department of prevention - to be a reference centre for specific training The principals on which one must base the reorganization are essentially three: 1. to configurate the microbiology service on the basis of real needs of the local population 2. to give qualitatively optimal results in real time 3. supporting “good clinical practice” to assure adequate patient results and acceptable costs for the regionale sanitary system (SSR The organization of microbiology should therefore foresee a microbiology department, structured on a provincial basis or a vast area including a structured centralized complex with peripheral structures (even simplified. This must integrate actively with the department of prevention in regard to the dynamics of infectious diseases in the territory and with the Division of Infectious Diseases (where this exists. In parallel an active interaction with research structures (IRCCS and University present in the territory to enable the coordinated implementation of the guidelines of research and its relapse on diagnostic exams. Keeping in mind that the quality of diagnostic performance is closely linked to the professional experience of the operators it is good practice centralizing some diagnostic procedures by identifying a reference centre. In a regional network organized in this way it is important to include a coordinating structure, since it is necessary to activate a complete level of communication, information exchange, activity planning, and complete problem solving.

  8. Come pesci nell’acqua. Elementi di etnopsicologia clinica

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    Wanda Ielasi


    Full Text Available Starting from her clinical experience with migrant people, the author summarizes the theoretical and operational instruments in ethno-psychological field with a critical review of some key concepts: psyche and body, health and suffering, culture, ethnic group and race, diagnosis and treatment, individual and collective dimension. Especially, culture becomes most relevant when psychological competences are involved in cultural contexts which are different from our own: both when we work with foreign people in our country and when we are involved in mental health projects abroad. Transcultural clinic, ethnopsychiatry, critical medical anthropology and anthropology of contemporaneousness constitute the disciplinary horizon of therapeutic communications capable of managing caregiver’s and client’s cultural aspects.

  9. European Conference on Visual Perception (6th). (United States)


    Institut fuer Verhaltenswissenschaft, ETH- Zentrum, 8092 Zuerich - Switzerland W. GERBINO: Istituto di Psicologia , Universitk di Padova, Piazza Capitaniato...fuer medizinische Psychologie, Schillerstrasse 42 - 8000 Muenchen 2, West Germany L. JANEZ ESCALADA: Psicologia Matem&tica, Facultad de Psicologla...Norway P. MANCINI: Istituto di Fisiologia clinica del C.N.R., Via Bonanno Pisano - 56100 Pisa, Italy C.A. MARZI: Istituto di Psicologia . Universit

  10. Executive functions in mono- and bilingual children with language impairment - issues for speech-language pathology.


    Sandgren, Olof; Holmström, Ketty


    The clinical assessment of language impairment (LI) in bilingual children imposes challenges for speech-language pathology services. Assessment tools standardized for monolingual populations increase the risk of misinterpreting bilingualism as language impairment. This Perspective article summarizes recent studies on the assessment of bilingual LI and presents new results on including nonlinguistic measures of executive functions in the diagnostic assessment. Executive functions shows clinica...

  11. Use of oral contraceptives in the management of acne


    Melis, Gian; Paoletti,Anna Maria; ORRU' ,; MAROTTO ,; PILLONI,; PERSEU,; Lello,Stefano


    Gian Benedetto Melis, Marisa Orrù, Maria Francesca Marotto, Monica Pilloni, Mariagrazia Perseu, Stefano Lello, Anna Maria PaolettiClinica Ginecologica Ostetrica e di Fisiopatologia della Riproduzione Umana, Universita' di Cagliari, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Cagliari, Cagliari, ItalyAbstract: The pathogenesis of acne (the most common disorder involving the sebaceous gland) originates from increased sebum production by the sebaceous gland followed by colonization o...

  12. Stanley Fish, Chi ha paura di Wolfgang Iser?

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    Laura Massari


    Full Text Available Presentiamo qui la traduzione del saggio di Stanley Fish, Why no one’safraid of Wolfgang Iser, pubblicato nel numero di Marzo 1981 della rivista Diacritics. L’articolo fu scritto in risposta all’intervista a Wolfgang Iser, pubblicata nel numero precedente della stessa rivista, ma prende spunto per lo più da una delle massime opere di Iser, ovvero L’atto di lettura. Una teoria della risposta estetica (Il Mulino, Bologna, 1987. In esso l’autore valuta, critica e confuta molti dei capisaldi della teoria letteraria iseriana, a partire dalla natura ontologica degli agenti coinvolti nell’atto di lettura, fino all’esame fenomenologico  dell’interpretazione, che Fish applica sia al testo letterario che alla percezione del mondo reale.

  13. The Italian Lightning Detection System of CESI and its applications; Il sistema italiano di rilevamento fulmini del CESI e le sue applicazioni

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iorio, R. [CESI Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano, Milan (Italy)


    Aim of the paper is to give a description of the CESI lightning detection system SIRF. The system allows the real time localization (latitude, longitude) of the striking point of a cloud-to-ground lightning flash. Electrical parameters of the impulsive currents related to the flash strokes are calculated as well. Based on sensors covering the whole Italian territory, SIRF configuration and of the basic calculation criteria for passing from the sensor raw data to the final flash data is given together with the evaluation of the system expected performance parameters (accuracy, detection efficiently, signal/noise ratio). Main uses of lightning data in several fields are then reported, with special reference to electrical applications. Mention is done about the different modalities adopted for data distribution, according to that either real time or passed time applications have to be carried out. In this latter case (e.g. statistics), a huge amount of data archived within the Lightning Data Base of SIRF is available. [Italiano] Oggetto della memoria e` la descrizione del Sistema Italiano Rilevamento Fulmini del CESI, denominato SIRF, unico sistema attualmente esistente in Itallia in grado di localizzare in tempo reale e su tutto il territorio nazionale i punti di impatto di fulmini di tipo nube-suolo e le caratteristiche principali delle correnti impulsive ad essi associate. Vengono quindi riportati una descrizione della rete nella sua configurazione attuale ed i suoi collegamenti con le reti di Paesi confinanti (Francia, Svizzera, Austria). Si accenna ai criteri alla base dei calcoli dei dati finali di fulmine, a partire dai dati rilevati dai sensori, e si riportano i valori stimati dei tipici parametri di valutazione delle prestazioni di un sistema di rilevamento fulmini (precisione, efficacia di rilevamento, rapporto segnale/disturbo). Sono successivamente descritte le principali applicazioni dei dati di fulmine nei vari settori, con particolare riferimento al

  14. L'interpretazione fallibilistica della teoria della verità di d'Aquino di Alasdair MacIntyre

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    Ali Abedi Renani


    Full Text Available This paper seeks to shed some light on the possibility of a fallibilistic interpretation of Aquinas’ theory of truth, as attributed to him by Alasdair MacIntyre. Prima facia, it seems strange to read into Aquinas’ theory of truth a kind of fallibilism which approaches Poppers’ thought, especially taking into account the theological and optimistic view of Aquinas concerning the capacity of the intellect to arrive at truth. In this paper, I will argue from two perspectives, that is, the mechanisms of the intellect and Aquinas’ account of first principles for the possibility of a qualified version of fallibilism, which retains its differences from the Popperian version.

  15. 歯科基礎医学の教育について




    For convenience in comparative rating the basic science subjects were considered separately general and oral anatomy, general and oral histology, embryology, general and oral physiology, biochemistry, and oral biochemistry, microbiology, and oral microbiology, dental pharmacology, general and oral pathology, dental material, and general and oral hygiene, oral pathology, dental materials, dental pharmacology, and hygiene while better classified as the clinical science, was committed to clinica...

  16. Atenção, memória e funções executivas em crianças e adolescentes de 6 a 12 anos avaliados pelo CANTAB


    Daniela Tsubota Roque


    A neuropsicologia infantil e uma area distinta dentro da neuropsicologia clinica e o seu surgimento e uma consequencia do reconhecimento de que as relacoes cerebrocomportamento na crianca diferem significativamente dessas relacoes no adulto. Diversos testes neuropsicologicos tem sido desenvolvidos especialmente para administracao em computador, incluindo a bateria CANTAB que tem sido amplamente utilizada em pesquisas com diferentes grupos de idade e patologias. Em relacao ao desenvolvimento, ...

  17. A first experience with digital complete overdentures


    Bajunaid, Salwa Omar


    The development of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing systems for dentistry in the 1980s resulted in the successful fabrication of crowns, fixed dental prostheses, and superstructures for both natural teeth and dental implants. Today, this technology is available for constructing digitally designed and milled, completely removable dental prostheses. The procedure uses clinical and laboratory protocols that allow fabrication of completely removable prostheses within two clinica...

  18. University teaching in the prospective of Web 2.0. The Forum as a training environment

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    Manuela Fabbri


    Full Text Available L’articolo documenta e discute sul piano pedagogico un’esperienza di utilizzazione della modalità telematica del “Forum” all’interno dell’insegnamento di Tecnologie dell’educazione rivolto agli studenti del terzo anno del Corso di Laurea in Educatore sociale della Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Università di Bologna, sede di Rimini. L’esperienza ha previsto la partecipazione di studenti di un analogo Corso di Studio dell’Università spagnola di Caceres. A partire da una breve analisi del contesto complessivo in cui si colloca il Forum, l’autrice presenta una descrizione dei principali dati quantitativi dell’esperienza, ne fa emergere alcune riflessioni di natura qualitativa e giunge ad alcune considerazioni finali relative agli aspetti positivi e ai limiti dell’utilizzazione di strumenti di natura telematica nella formazione degli adulti.

  19. Utopia economica. Uno studio genealogico del neoliberalismo di Gary Becker in relazione al pensiero di Jeremy Bentham

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    Eleonora Buono


    Full Text Available L’Autrice si propone di tracciare la genealogia della posizione neoliberale, partendo soprattutto dai testi di Gary Becker. Il pensiero economico neoliberale è posto in relazione con la rivoluzione scientifica e l’operazione di matematizzazione della natura che da essa scaturisce. Questo percorso porterà poi a Jeremy Bentham, il cui sistema è spesso visto come antesignano degli studiosi neoliberali. Secondo la tesi sostenuta dall’Autrice, il neoliberalismo presenta il proprio sguardo come una neutra e scientifica descrizione del reale, sennonché in tale mossa si annida pur sempre una tendenza normativa. È così che gli economisti neoliberali elaborano un sistema che è altresì prescrittivo, proponendo un modello che si pone sul piano politico; modello il quale viene qui designato con il nome di «utopia economica».

  20. Tribunale di Bologna, ordinanza del 15 ottobre 2012Art. 18 comma 4 nuovo testo st. lav. su insussistenza del fatto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden) - redazione


    Full Text Available La insussistenza del fatto contestato deve interpretarsi come fatto giuridico, inteso come il fatto globalmente accertato, nell'unicum delle sue componenti oggettiva e soggettiva, dove­dosi correlativamente escludere che essa sia riferibile al solo fatto materiale, posto che tale interpretazione sarebbe palese­mente in violazione dei principi generali di diligenza e buona fede nell'esecuzione del contratto.* La disciplina applicabile al licenziamento disciplinare illegitti­mo consegue alla gravità del fatto, infatti, la recente riforma dell'art. 18 St. Lav. prevede che il giudice ordini la reintegra­zione nelle ipotesi di licenziamento illegittimo anche allorché il fatto rientri tra le condotte punibili con una sanzione conser­vativa, secondo le previsioni dei contratti collettivi e dei codici disciplinari applicabili.* * massime a cura della redazione

  1. L’utilizzo della ricostruzione nella comunicazione del patrimonio archeologico. L’approccio, il metodo, le finalità e alcuni spunti di discussione.

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    Elena Bacci


    In questo contributo si focalizza l’attenzione sulla ricostruzione grafica e virtuale del patrimonio e sulle sensazioni che la ricostruzione evoca nel fruitore del messaggio culturale. La ricostruzione si attua mediante la collaborazione tra archeologo e illustratore e costituisce un momento di verifica visiva dell’interpretazione archeologica e uno strumento di comunicazione del dato archeologico fruibile a più livelli. Ciò avviene grazie allo scambio costante di informazioni (dati scientifici e proposte di ricostruzione e il confronto che ne deriva determina i metodi e le fasi di avanzamento del progetto. Il metodo si basa sull’integrazione delle immagini 3D con il disegno tradizionale ed è finalizzato alla trasposizione del dato archeologico, in modo tale da garantire alla ricostruzione il duplice requisito di soddisfazione estetica e credibilità scientifica.

  2. Comparative evaluations of individual radiation doses at hospital environment in two decades 73-82 and 86-95

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carreira, Mauricio Costa; Almeida, Adelaide de; Santos, Maria Concepta P.S.


    Individual radiation doses in two decades of Hospital das Clinicas, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, are analysed. The annual values are studied according to the hospital service and specific worker categories. The workers are classified in categories A or B as recommended by ICRP 35. Three types of individual monitors (film badges, Ca So 4 and Li F + Ca So 4 ) supplied by three distinct laboratories are compared

  3. Red wine and cardiovascular health the "French Paradox" revisited


    Giuseppe Lippi; Massimo Franchini; Gian Cesare Guidi


    Giuseppe Lippi1, Massimo Franchini2, Gian Cesare Guidi31U.O. di Diagnostica Ematochimica, 2Servizio di Immunoematologia e Trasfusione, Dipartimento di Patologia e Medicina di Laboratorio, Azienda Ospedaliero, Universitaria di Parma, Parma, Italy; 3Sezione di Chimica Clinica, Dipartimento di Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche, Università degli Studi di Verona, Verona, ItalyAbstract: The healthful and nutritive properties of wine have been acknowledged for thousands of years, but the obs...

  4. pulse2percept: A Python-based simulation framework for bionic vision


    Boynton, Geoffrey; Beyeler, Michael; Rokem, Ariel; Fine, Ione


    By 2020 roughly 200 million people worldwide will suffer from photoreceptor diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration, and a variety of retinal sight restoration technologies are being developed to target these diseases. One technology, analogous to cochlear implants, uses a grid of electrodes to stimulate remaining retinal cells. Two brands of retinal prostheses are currently approved for implantation in patients with late stage photoreceptor disease. Clinica...

  5. Analysis of Activity Patterns and Performance in Polio Survivors (United States)


    correlations ( clustering ) from multiple observations on the same subject. Multivariable mixed models with random intercepts or both random...0.001 (0.001) (0.59) (ɘ.001) * The top p values compared the means between the three groups in using unpaired t tests, taking clustering of...May 2004. Talaty M. Models for Gait Analysis. 5th SIAMOC (Societa Italiana Di Analisi Del Movimento in Clinica) Congress, Loano, Italy November

  6. Osteopetrosis - Albers-Schoenberg disease: a case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeronymo, J.R.B.; Borba, L.A.N.


    The authors present a brief review of the literature and report a case of osteopetrosis tardo which was diagnosed by chance at the Hospital de Clinicas - Universidade Federal do Parana. This patient had no clinical manifestation of the disease. The radiological findings were characteristic of osteopetrosis and the absence of clinical signs confirm the tardo form of this rare disease, with the patient been well at 74 years of age. (author)

  7. Historia clinica de un caso de endocrinología

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    Max Olaya Restrepo


    de la Distrofia adiposo-genital de Babinsky-Frolich. Consiste en un sujeto, hombre o mujer, estadísticamente es más frecuente en los hombres, que presenta algunas de las modalidades características del Síndrome de Frolich, tan conocido y estudiado por, todos los investigadores. Sobre esta base endocrina, se injertan tres, distintivos somáticos que le dan cierta individualidad al Síndrome de Lawrence. Son ellos: LA POLIDACTILIA, LA RETINITIS PIGMENTARIA Y EL BOCIO. Se presentan a continuación los dos casos anteriormente descritos entre nosotros, que aparecen publicados ambos, en el BOLETIN CLINICO, Organo de la Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Antioquia.

  8. Caso e caos

    CERN Document Server

    Ruelle, David


    Caso e caos – Il caso ha la sua ragione. Ma quale? E cos’è in realtà il caso? Da dove viene e come può fare irruzione nella nostra descrizione dell’universo? A tutte queste domande, in una chiara e lucida esposizione, cerca di dare risposta David Ruelle. Curiosando tra i risultati scientifici del XX secolo e soffermandosi anche su fenomeni e problemi estranei alla scienza tradizionale – le lotterie, gli oroscopi, la teoria dei giochi, la genesi della turbolenza – Ruelle ci guida a conoscere il caso avendo la matematica, la fisica e tutte le scienze naturali come compagne. Ancora oggi il modo in cui il caso irrompe nelle nostre vite e nel mondo può essere un mistero, ma grazie ai progressi della scienza, qui raccontati, riusciamo a saperne un poco di più.

  9. Walter Gieseler, Komposition im 20. Jahrhundert. Details – Zusammenhänge, Celle, Moeck, 1975, pp. 228

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    Wilma D'Ambrosio


    Full Text Available Stupisce molto che un libro come Komposition im 20. Jahrhundert. Details - Zusammenhänge [Composizione nel 20° secolo. Particolari – Connessioni] di Walter Gieseler, pubblicato in Germania quasi venticinque anni fa, non abbia mai ricevuto un'attenzione maggiore. Strano destino, per un libro così ricco e innovativo, scritto da un autore cui andrebbe per lo meno tributato il merito di essere stato uno dei primi a realizzare una descrizione sistematica delle tecniche compositive novecentesche. Le ragioni vanno forse cercate nel fatto di non avere mai beneficiato di traduzioni in una lingua più ‘internazionale’ e di non appartenere, in senso convenzionale, né al settore propriamente analitico, né teorico-compositivo, né storico-musicale. Di fatto, il libro riassume tutti questi aspetti, nonché argomenti di materia estetica, esecutiva, psicologico-percettiva, notazionale, ecc.

  10. Il caso della letteratura ucronica italiana. Ucronia e propaganda nella narrativa italiana.

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    Emiliano Marra


    Full Text Available Oggetto dello studio sono le narrazioni ucroniche italiane del secondo dopoguerra, in comparazione con le principali opere anglosassoni del genere e in relazione con i movimenti di estrema destra. La problematica viene inquadrata con un approccio storico e le opere sono confrontate con i modelli stranieri in un'ottica comparativa. La prima parte offre un quadro generale e sintetico dello stato degli studi intorno a questa forma narrativa, la seconda è la descrizione della panoramica storica del genere nell'ambito italiano, mentre la terza parte si focalizza sulle polemiche ideologiche sollevate da alcune opere esaminate e sul confronto fra queste e i principali romanzi in lingua inglese a cui si rifanno esplicitamente. Lo studio si propone come contributo originale alla questione ed è basato su una raccolta documentaria oltre che sull'analisi tematica dei testi presi in esame.

  11. Clinical Photoscintillography: Technique and Applications; Photoscintigraphie Clinique: Methode et Applications; Klinicheskaya fotostsintillografiya: metodika i primenenie; Fotocentelleografia Clinica: Tecnicas y Aplicaciones

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ephraim, K. H. [Rotterdamsch Radio-Therapeutisch Instituut, Rotterdam (Netherlands)


    ' de exploracion. La intensidad luminosa y la frecuencia de los destellos de esta ultima varian con el indice de recuento, obteniendose asi una respuesta no lineal sin introducir la inercia de un circuito integrador. Los destellos 'secundarios' se registran sobre pelicula. Para impedir la perdida de datos debido a su registro en la region de saturacion de la curva de sensibilidad de la pe licu la, se utiliza una amplificacion de contraste moderada y la pelicula se examina en un circuito de television industrial. El autor subraya la necesidad de adaptar las condiciones de colimacion al problema clinico que haya de resolverse. En la memoria se examinan las aplicaciones clinicas de esta tecnica al estudio de enfermedades tiroideas, renales, hepaticas y oseas. (author) [Russian] Pri primenenii fotoscintillografii v klinike ogromnoe znachenie imejut kollimacija, u si l e nie kontrastnosti i nakoplenie dannyh. Dlja obnaruzhenija ogranichennyh uchastkov porazhenija v takih plotnyh organah, kak pechen' i mozg , byl razrabotan special'nyj 36-kanal'nyj mnogofokusnyj kollimator. Demonstrirujutsja izochuvstvitel'nye linii jet o go kollimator a . E go chuv stvitel'nost' malo m en ja et sja ot poverhnosti do glubiny, ravnoj naibol'shej tolshhine pecheni. Byl postr oen special'nyj usilitel' kontrastnosti: nebol'shaja ''pervichnaja'' lampa nakalivanija, soedinennaja cherez impul'snyj usilitel' na vyhode odnokanal'nogo an a l i za t or a upravlja etsja s pomoshh'ju za vi sim o go ot svetareostata (ZSR). Soprotovlenie 3 SR izmenja etsja v zavisimosti ot sk or o sti . Posledovatel'no po otnosheniju k ZSR s o edinena skennirujushhaja ''vtorichnaja'' lampa nakalivanija. Jarkost', a takzhe chastota vspyshek poslednej zavisit ot skorosti scheta i tem samym nelinejnaja chuvstviteltnost' dostigaetsja b e z vvedenija inercionnogo k on tura. ''Vtorichnye'' vspyshki re gi str i rujut sja na p lenk e. S cel'ju predotvrashhenija poteri informacii pri registracii v oblasti nasyshhenija krivoj chuv

  12. Minimally invasive aesthetic procedures in young adults


    Wollina, Uwe; Goldman, Alberto


    Uwe Wollina1, Alberto Goldman21Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Academic Teaching Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Dresden, Germany; 2Clinica Goldman, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande du Sul, BrazilAbstract: Age is a significant factor in modifying specific needs when it comes to medical aesthetic procedures. In this review we will focus on young adults in their third decade of life and review minimally invasive aesthetic procedures other than cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. Correction of asy...

  13. Ricerca clinico-epidemiologica sullo stato di salute del cavo orale nei pazienti tossicodipendenti


    Bromo, Francesco


    Obiettivo: Lo scopo della ricerca è stato quello di mettere in evidenza la presenza di patologie del cavo orale in soggetti tossicodipendenti Materiali e Metodi: Sono stati reclutati 71 pazienti in terapia di recupero presso la Comunità Incontro di Amelia. I soggetti sono stati sottoposti a visite clinico-anamnestiche adottando una cartella clinica da noi stessi costruita. Risultati: Dei 71 soggetti tossicodipendenti, 42 facevano uso di eroina e 39 assumevano droghe per v...

  14. Performance of a sample of patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and healthy elderly on a lexical decision test (LDT) as a measure of pre-morbid intelligence


    Serrao, Valéria Trunkl; Brucki, Sônia Maria Dozzi; Campanholo, Kenia Repiso; Mansur, Letícia Lessa; Nitrini, Ricardo; Miotto, Eliane Correa


    Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the performance of healthy elderly patients with aging-related pathologies (MCI) and patients with AD on a lexical decision test. Methods: The study included 38 healthy elderly subjects, 61 MCI and 26 AD patients from the Neurology Department of the Hospital das Clinicas, Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology Group. The neuropsychological instruments included the episodic memory test (RAVLT), subtests from the WAIS-III (Matrix Reasoning and...

  15. Outering the Self through the mirror : physiological and experiential correlates of the Enfacement Illusion phenomenon in schizophrenia


    Pietrangelo, Brigitte


    Introduzione: Negli ultimi anni, lo studio dei prodromi della Schizofrenia ha riconosciuto i Disturbi del Sè (SD) come una componente clinica fondamentale di questa patologia psichiatrica. I SD si definiscono come anomalie soggettive dell’esperienza che precedono la fase conclamata della malattia e che includono, ad esempio, la scarsa distinzione tra Sé-Altro ed anomalie sensoriali del corpo. Il concetto di SD si allaccia alla concettualizzazione del senso di consapevolezza corporea (Body-aw...

  16. Growth in serum-free medium improves isolation of Chlamydia pneumoniae.


    Maass, M; Essig, A; Marre, R; Henkel, W


    Infectivity titers were determined for eight Chlamydia pneumoniae strains simultaneously grown in serum-free and serum-supplemented cell culture media. Use of serum-free medium resulted in a 10- to 50-fold increase in the susceptibility of HL cells to chlamydial infection. Comparative primary isolation of a wild-type strain also produced higher inclusion counts in a serum-free environment. Serum-free cultivation is recommended to increase the efficiency of C. pneumoniae isolation from clinica...

  17. Analysis of HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DRB1 allelic, genotypic, and haplotypic frequencies in colombian population


    Yazmin Rocío Árias-Murillo; Miguel Ángel Castro-Jiménez; María Fernanda Ríos-Espinosa; Juan Javier López-Rivera; Sandra Johanna Echeverry-Coral; Oscar Martínez-Nieto


    Introduction: The high polymorphism of the HLA system allows its typification to be used as valuable tool in establishing association to various illnesses, immune and genetic profiles; it also provides a guide to identifying compatibility among donors and receptors of organs transplants. Objective: To establish HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA.DRB1 allele, genotype and haplotype frequencies among patients treated at Clinica Colsanitas SA. Methods: 561 patients coming from different regions in Col...

  18. T2 Mapping of Articular Cartilage of Glenohumeral Joint with Routine MRI Correlation—Initial Experience


    Maizlin, Zeev V.; Clement, Jason J.; Patola, Wayne B.; Fenton, David M.; Gillies, Jean H.; Vos, Patrick M.; Jacobson, Jon A.


    The evaluation of articular cartilage currently relies primarily on the identification of morphological alterations of the articular cartilage. Unlike anatomic imaging, T2 mapping is sensitive to changes in the chemical composition and structure of the cartilage. Clinical evaluation of T2 mapping of the glenohumeral joint has not been previously reported. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the feasibility of magnetic resonance T2 mapping of the glenohumeral joint in routine clinica...

  19. Sustitutos e injertos de piel desarrollados por ingeniería de tejidos


    Chaves-Rodríguez, María Inés; Calvo-Castro, Laura A.; Alvarado-Meza, Ricardo; Madrigal-Monge, Olman; Ulloa-Fernández, Andrea; Centeno-Cerdas, Carolina


    Tissue Engineering strategies for tissue and organ regeneration have allowed the fabrication and commercialization of diverse skin substitutes, which have been applied in different parts of the world on human patients over the course of the last 30 years. These grafts have been developed using biodegradable materials (of natural or synthetic origin) as scaffolds for the adhesion and proliferation of cells that may be of different origins (autologous, allogenic and xenogenic). The main clinica...

  20. La función de lo imaginario en el juego.


    Cruz Aponasenko, Alexander


    Recibido: Agosto.2012 Aceptado: Septiembre.2012 Este trabajo revisa la influencia de los factores imaginarios del juego en la estructuración subjetiva y la conformación del fantasma en los niños a partir del juego. Se propone ampliar la concepción de juego que se tiene en la clinica de niños y poner en tensión la primacia de los simbolico frente a lo imaginario.

  1. Elaborazione dei dati sperimentali

    CERN Document Server

    Dapor, Maurizio


    L'analisi statistica dei dati sperimentali, la loro elaborazione ed una corretta stima degli errori sono conoscenze necessarie agli studenti di fisica, biologia, chimica, ingegneria e dei corsi di specializzazione tecnico-scientifici in cui è richiesta pratica di laboratorio. Chi si occupa di problemi tecnici e di misure, per studio o per lavoro, deve possedere gli strumenti matematici di calcolo e di analisi necessari ad una corretta interpretazione dei dati sperimentali. Il testo fornisce in modo sintetico, chiaro ed esaustivo, tutte le nozioni e le conoscenze utili allo scopo. Gli argomenti sono esposti in modo rigoroso ma fluido e vengono introdotti con gradualità. Sono riportati i teoremi e le formule essenziali per una completa comprensione evitando, tuttavia, eccessivi appesantimenti matematici. Il libro è stato pensato per consentire ai docenti di scegliere autonomamente gli esperimenti per l'applicazione delle nozioni studiate.

  2. La lunga attesa di Marsis

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    Fabrizio Bernardini


    Full Text Available Abbiamo parlato in altre occasioni di MARSIS e della sua progenie SHARAD, due esperimenti italiani per la misura di caratteristiche sottosuperficiali del pianeta Marte. Prodotti innovativi ed unici che nascondono un potenziale scientifico elevato. La strada per Marte però non è così facile come può sembrare e se la realizzazione degli strumenti non è stata esente da dolori, l’interpretazione e la divulgazione dei risultati non sono da meno. Le incertezze ed i dubbi sono però ora dissipati: l’esperimento MARSIS funziona perfettamente e per la prima volta nella storia dell’umanità abbiamo uno strumento e gli elementi per capire cosa c’è nel sottosuolo di un altro pianeta, senza aver inviato sul posto geologi ne’ tantomeno squadre per movimenti di terra.

  3. “The meeting between Buddhism and the West” in the French media-academic sphere: A theosophical soteriology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marion Dapsance


    Full Text Available Questo articolo affronta il tema della persistenza delle visioni del mondo teosofiche nei discorsi sul Buddismo in Occidente. L’articolo mostra come alcuni intellettuali francesi attivi in ambito accademico e mediatico, mentre ritengono di analizzare la diffusione del Buddismo in Occidente sviluppano nei fatti un discorso soteriologico centrato su una entità reificata definita appunto “Occidente”. In tal modo essi non solo contribuiscono a sviluppare forme di “occidentalismo” (Carrier 1995 ma producono anche una interpretazione messianica della religione buddista. La prima parte dell’articolo descrive come questi intellettuali rifiutino di cogliere gli elementi propri di questa tradizione religiosa se non a partire dall’opposizione con quanto è noto: il Cristianesimo, la religione, la scienza, la modernità. La seconda parte esamina le radici storiche e ideologiche di questa soteriologia, mentre la terza parte ne esplora alcune applicazioni concrete.

  4. Ingegneria degli acquiferi

    CERN Document Server

    Molfetta, Antonio


    Il testo fornisce le conoscenze necessarie per affrontare, con un approccio quantitativo, i molteplici aspetti connessi al flusso delle risorse idriche sotterranee (acque di falda) e alla propagazione e bonifica di contaminanti nei sistemi acquiferi. Vengono illustrate le proprietà fondamentali che definiscono la capacità di immagazzinamento, trasporto e rilascio dell’acqua negli acquiferi, e successivamente, descritte le metodiche per la determinazione di tali parametri tramite l’esecuzione e l’interpretazione di prove di falda, di pozzo e di laboratorio. A partire dalla classificazione chimico fisica-tossicologica dei contaminanti vengono, quindi, analizzati i meccanismi di propagazione e illustrate le soluzioni analitiche dell’equazione del trasporto di massa nei mezzi porosi. L’ultima parte del testo è dedicata alla caratterizzazione e bonifica degli acquiferi contaminati. Il testo è rivolto sia agli studenti universitari, sia ai professionisti che debbano affrontare con un approccio quantit...

  5. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Deep Brain Stimulation Think Tank: A Review of Emerging Issues and Technologies


    Deeb, Wissam; Giordano, James J.; Rossi, Peter J.; Mogilner, Alon Y.; Gunduz, Aysegul; Judy, Jack W.; Klassen, Bryan T.; Butson, Christopher R.; Van Horne, Craig; Deny, Damiaan; Dougherty, Darin D.; Rowell, David; Gerhardt, Greg A.; Smith, Gwenn S.; Ponce, Francisco A.


    This paper provides an overview of current progress in the technological advances and the use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, as presented by participants of the Fourth Annual DBS Think Tank, which was convened in March 2016 in conjunction with the Center for Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration at the University of Florida, Gainesveille FL, USA. The Think Tank discussions first focused on policy and advocacy in DBS research and clinica...

  6. Association between Urine Fluoride and Dental Fluorosis as a Toxicity Factor in a Rural Community in the State of San Luis Potosi


    Jarquín-Yañez, Lizet; Mejía-Saavedra, José de Jesús; Molina-Frechero, Nelly; Gaona, Enrique; Rocha-Amador, Diana Olivia; López-Guzmán, Olga Dania; Bologna-Molina, Ronell


    Objective. The aim of this study is to investigate urine fluoride concentration as a toxicity factor in a rural community in the state of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Materials and Methods. A sample of 111 children exposed to high concentrations of fluoride in drinking water (4.13?mg/L) was evaluated. Fluoride exposure was determined by measuring urine fluoride concentration using the potentiometric method with an ion selective electrode. The diagnosis of dental fluorosis was performed by clinica...

  7. Gender Dependence in Mouth Opening Dimensions in Normal Adult Malaysians Population


    Shaari, Ramizu; Hwa, Teoh Eng; Rahman, Shaifulizan Abdul


    While measurement of mouth opening is an important clinica examination in diagnosis and management of oral disease, data on non-Western populations are limited. This study was therefore conducted to determine the range of mouth opening in normal Malaysian male and female adults. A total of 34 dental students of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) were chosen randomly and their maximum mouth opening was measured after being asked to open their mouth sufficiently to accommodate three fingers. Measu...

  8. The impact of oral health on the quality of life of nursing home residents


    Porter, Jessie; Ntouva, Antiopi; Read, Andrew; Murdoch, Mandy; Ola, Dennis; Tsakos, Georgios


    Background Good oral health in older residents of nursing homes is important for general health and quality of life. Very few studies have assessed how oral symptoms affect residents? quality of life. Objective To assess the clinical and subjective oral health, including oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL), and the association of oral symptoms with OHRQoL in older people residing in nursing homes in Islington, London. Method Overall, 325 residents from nine nursing homes were clinica...

  9. Generation of electric power through wind-diesel hybrid system for a hospital; Geracao de energia eletrica atraves de sistema hibrido diesel-eolico para um hospital

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Almeida, Silvio Carlos Anibal de; Freire, Raphael Lopes [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (DEM/UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Mecanica], e-mail:, e-mail:


    This paper presents a wind-diesel hybrid power simulation using the software Homer. The model is applied to the case study of Hospital das Clinicas da UNICAMP Analysis of several alternative energy facilities like wind, photovoltaic (PV), and connection of the isolated system with the grid is done. The costs used in the simulation indicated that the best results were obtained with the wind-diesel system. The payback period for the investment in the system is 8 years. (author)

  10. Egg introduction: differential allergic responses


    Dosanjh, Amrita


    Amrita Dosanjh Medical Center, Rady Childrens Hospital, San Diego, CA, USA Abstract: The use of egg protein preparations in clinical trials to reduce the incidence of egg allergy among infants includes a number of preparations of egg. These include whole egg, egg white protein, and egg yolk preparations. The study of the differential immune responses to these allergenic proteins in comparison is suggested as a future research area of investigation. Keywords: food allergy, egg allergy, clinica...

  11. Efectos de Bisfosfonatos sobre el hueso y su repercusión sobre el movimiento Ortodóncico: Revisión de la literatura


    Villoria, Carmen


    En esta revision de la literatua, se obtuvo informaion acerca de los bisfosfonatos sobre el hueso y las aplicaciones clinicas que tienen durante el movimiento de los dientes en ortodoncia los bisfosfonatos son una familia de drogas usadas atualmente en medicina para combatir afecciones oseas como: Osteoporosis, metastasis oseas, osteolosis, en mielomas, enfermedad de paget, etc. en odontologia, el efecto mas notable entre otros es el de anclaje a nivel local durante el movimiento ortodoncio d...

  12. Compact device for the extraction of sup(99m)TcO4Na

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pliego, O.H.; Mitta, A.E.A.


    A non automatic device for the extraction of sup(99m)TcO 4 Na by liquid-liquid extraction method is described. It has been developed at the Laboratory of Labelled Molecules of the CNEA and was installed at the Nuclear Medicine Centre of the Hospital de Clinicas Jose de San Martin. The solutions of sup(99m)TcO 4 Na are used for the labelling of radiopharmaceuticals and also for making radiodiagnosis. (author) [es

  13. Cornice epistemologica e metodologica del modello sistemico pluralista

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    Cecilia Edelstein


    Full Text Available L’articolo illustra il modello di lavoro che si è sviluppato negli ultimi trent’anni, attraverso l’intreccio tra ricerca, formazione, clinica e lavori di comunità, e che ha dato spazio all’approccio sistemico pluralista in ambito interculturale. Quest’ultimo ha sviluppato una cornice che comprende lo sviluppo di nuovi concetti, metodologie di lavoro e tecniche specifiche che attingono a teorie diverse. L’articolo, quindi, offre un quadro epistemologico, ma anche metodologico e concettuale.






  15. Humility Through Humiliation in Continuity Clinic. (United States)

    Lelkes, Efrat


    For freshly minted MDs, residency represents a period of transition from being a medical student to becoming a physician. This evolution is often fraught. Continuity clinic-a mandatory component of pediatric residency training-can be a battleground for this tribulation. This essay explores the author's journey from the first days of her continuity clinic to the last. The author recounts her struggles, her fears, her certainty of being an imposter, and her steps towards becoming a pediatrician.

  16. A rare case of anasarca caused by infiltration of the pituitary gland by diffuse large B-cell lymphoma


    Kumabe, Ayako; Kenzaka, Tsuneaki; Nishimura, Yoshioki; Aikawa, Masaki; Mori, Masaki; Matsumura, Masami


    Background Anasarca in patients with lymphoma is a rare symptom. We report a patient with DLBCL associated with pituitary gland infiltration that was diagnosed based on significant anasarca. Case presentation A 72-year-old woman with a 10-year history of hypertension visited a local hospital presenting with anasarca and 15-kg weight gain in the past 3?months. we clinically diagnosed central hypothyroidism caused by pituitary gland infiltration of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (clinica...

  17. Risks and Benefits of Commonly used Herbal Medicines in México


    Rodriguez-Fragoso, Lourdes; Reyes-Esparza, Jorge; Burchiel, Scott; Herrera-Ruiz, Dea; Torres, Eliseo


    In Mexico, local empirical knowledge about medicinal properties of plants is the basis for their use as home remedies. It is generally accepted by many people in Mexico and elsewhere in the world that beneficial medicinal effects can be obtained by ingesting plant products. In this review, we focus on the potential pharmacologic bases for herbal plant efficacy, but we also raise concerns about the safety of these agents, which have not been fully assessed. Although numerous randomized clinica...

  18. La stesura della procedura generale nell'ambito dell'applicazione della norma UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 alle direzioni Sanitarie di presidio dell'Azienda Ospedaliera G. Salvini di Garbagnate Milanese

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    A. Ilardo


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: creare una migliore omogeneizzazione e un linguaggio comune per un modus operandi, dove possibile, univoco tra i diversi Presidi che compongono l’Azienda; fornire il mezzo di confronto e di scambio di informazioni.

    Metodi: il percorso verso la Certificazione ISO 9001:2000 delle Direzioni Sanitarie di Presidio è stato suddiviso in fasi documentali di carattere descrittivo, condivise tra i gruppi di lavoro appositamente costituiti all’interno delle Direzioni, e altre applicative, proprie di ogni Presidio. La stesura della Procedura Generale, iniziata con l’individuazione di tutti i processi lavorativi e con la selezione tra essi di quelli che per primi dovranno essere certificati fa parte della fase documentale. I gruppi di lavoro di ogni Presidio oltre alle riunioni a cui partecipavano solo i rappresentanti per qualità delle tre Direzioni di Presidio sono stati anche coinvolti in incontri estesi ai settori Aziendali già certificati. Scopo di questi ultimi incontri era la presentazione della Vision 2000 e la condivisione di esperienze tra i “certificati e i non certificati”.

    Risultati: un importante risultato della fase documentale è stato l’elaborazione della Procedura Generale/PRG nelle cui pagine sono descritti: lo Scopo e il campo di applicazione; i Riferimenti (Norme e linee Guida di riferimento, Abbreviazioni, Definizioni; Responsabilità; Presentazione e Obiettivi della Direzione Sanitaria; Organigramma dell’Unità; Organizzazione dell’Unità; Descrizione dei processi suddivisi in: Fase, Attività, Documenti del Sistema Qualità; Allegati. Non ultimo va ricordato che la descrizione dei processi nella PRG, facilità l’individuazione di indicatori.

    Conclusioni: la PRG è uno strumento guida, che partendo dall’analisi e dalla revisione dell’Organizzazione da certificare, coinvolge il personale a tutti

  19. Evolutionary paths, applications and future development of discrete event simulation systems; Simulazione a eventi discreti: nuove linee di sviluppo e applicazioni

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garetti, M. [Milan Politecnico, Milan (Italy). Dipt. di Economia e Produzione; Bartolotta, A.


    The state of the art of discrete event simulation tools is presented with special reference to the application to the manufacturing systems area. After presenting the basics of discrete event computer simulation, the different steps to be followed for the successful use of simulation are defined and discussed. The evolution of software packages for discrete event simulation is also presented, highlighting main technological changes. Finally the future development lines of simulation are outlined. [Italian] Viene presentato lo stato dell'arte della simulazione a eventi discreti. Dopo una breve descrizione della tecnica della simulazione e della sua evoluzione, con un particolare riguardo alla simulazione dei sistemi produttivi, sono descritte le fasi della procedura da seguire per condurre unostudio di simulazione e i possibili approcci per la costruzione del modello. Viene infine descritta l'evoluzione dei principali pacchetti software di simulazione esistenti sul mercato.


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    Rita Scotti Jurić


    Full Text Available In base ad una ricerca sulla comunicazione plurilingue e interculturale nell’area plurilingue dell’Istria, il saggio analizza le interazioni verbali dei giovani bilingui di madrelingua italiana. Dopo una breve descrizione degli studi sul bilinguismo e sul multiculturalismo nell’area istroquarnerina, vengono esaminate le principali motivazioni che portano all’uso di code-switching e ad interferenze linguistiche durante le interazioni informali dei parlanti. Esempi di conversazioni, registrate in situazioni familiari, ed altre tratte dai social network, verranno discussi per dimostrare che l’analisi della conversazione è in grado di fornire una visione significativa della comunicazione interculturale e plurilinguistica. Si cercherà di spiegare, in particolare, come la scelta della lingua e l’alternanza del linguaggio siano in grado di soddisfare gli scopi comunicativi impellenti e come una competenza limitata nella terza e quarta lingua può essere sfruttata nella comunicazione interculturale.

  1. [Scientific productivity, collaboration and research areas in Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (2003-2007)]. (United States)

    González-Alcaide, Gregorio; Valderrama-Zurián, Juan Carlos; Ramos-Rincón, José Manuel


    Collaboration is essential for biomedical research. The Carlos III Health Institute (the Spanish national public organization responsible for promoting biomedical research) has encouraged scientific collaboration by promoting Thematic Networks and Cooperative Research Centres. Scientific collaboration in Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clinica journal is investigated. Papers published in Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clinica in the period 2002-2007 have been identified. Bibliometrics and Social Network Analysis methods have been carried out in order to quantify and characterise scientific collaboration and research areas. A total of 805 papers generated by 2,289 authors and 326 institutions have been analysed. There were 36 research groups involving 138 authors identified. The Collaboration Index for articles was 5.5. Institutional collaboration was determined in 75% of articles. The collaboration between departments or units of the same institution prevails (43%), followed by intra-regional domestic collaboration (41%) and inter-regional domestic collaboration (14%). Hospital centres were the main institutional sector responsible of research (88% of papers), with 68% of articles cited. Sida/VIH (AIDS/HIV) is the main research area (n=114), followed by Staphylococcal Infections (n=33). Notable collaboration and citation rates have been observed. Research is focused on diseases with the highest mortality rates caused by infectious diseases in Spain. Copyright © 2009 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  2. Il particolare italiano da Guicciardini a Banfield. Tra l’autoriconoscimento e l’etero-riconoscimento

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    Pierluca Birindelli


    Full Text Available Nel 1958 la pubblicazione dell’indagine di Edward Banfield The Moral Basis of a Backward Society, suscitò un fervente dibattito nella comunità dei sociologi italiani e stranieri — la disputa sull’amoral familism, il concetto esplicativo centrale, è ancora aperta. Considerare primigenia l’interpretazione dello studioso statunitense è tuttavia un errore. Ampliando lo sguardo analitico si rintracciano spiegazioni analoghe e di gran lunga antecedenti dell’arretratezza sociale, economica e politica italiana: il “paese del tornaconto personale” di Leon Battista Alberti; il particulare di Guicciardini. L’idea di una mancanza strutturale (culturale? di senso civico da parte degli italiani affonda nei secoli e appartiene innanzitutto al momento dell’auto-riconoscimento identitario. Solo in un secondo tempo, con le note di viaggio del Grand Tour, questa rappresentazione entra a far parte dell’etero-riconoscimento nordeuropeo e molti anni dopo nordamericano. Quando un tratto identitario ottiene un “doppio riconoscimento” di così lunga durata, diviene un tòpos, un punto cardinale delle rappresentazioni individuali e collettive di un popolo. Chi sostiene tesi contrarie a Banfield si deve misurare con un altro ostacolo: la forza retorica dell’espressione “familismo amorale”. Tentare di costruire nuove e altrettanto efficaci locuzioni sintetiche, ovviamente frutto di buone interpretazioni teoriche, pare l’imprescindibile via ermeneutica da imboccare. A tal fine è necessario “dar battaglia” sullo stesso campo di indagine: un questionario difficilmente scalzerà i dispositivi narrativi costruiti attraverso le osservazioni etnografiche di un ricercatore che va sul campo — e che ci rimane per un anno. Se è chiaro che si può far meglio di Banfield, è pure chiaro che bisogna provarci. Esiste un’ulteriore barriera per chi intenda proporre diverse letture del processo di modernizzazione italiana: il peso della realt

  3. Opisthorchiasi autoctona al Lago Trasimeno (Perugia: descrizione di due episodi epidemici da Opisthorchis felineus e problematiche diagnostiche differenziali

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    Daniele Crotti


    Full Text Available The Authors describe two small and apparently asymptomatic epidemics of Opisthorchiasis caused by Opisthorchis felineus, which were observed in provence of Perugia, Umbrie region, Italy.The first one was observed in a couple of young adults during 2003 because both ones ate pickled (at 2-8°C tenches fished in Trasimeno Lake in province of Perugia.The second episode was observed during 2006 among eight young adults that ate pickled fishes (tenches, carps and perches, always at 2-8°C; source of these fishes was the same lake.The request for a coproparasitological examination of stools in one of the two subjects of the first episode and in one of the eight subjects of the second episode was the casual observation of an increased count of periferical eosinophils. During January 2006, ten faecal samples of cats, living on “Isola Maggiore” of the Trasimeno Lake, were collected for a parasitological test; 40% was positive for ova of O. felineus.The Authors describe the diagnostical items for this parasitosis, relate the epidemiological features of this trematode infection, and suggest the importance of a good approach to this zoonotic parasitosis, which interest public health too and never were before observed in Italy among humans.

  4. Muscular cysticercosis: Case report and imaging findings

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Olmo, Neide Regina Simoes; Fiorio, Ulysses Ferreira; Clemente, Marcel Andreazza, E-mail: [Clinica Mult Imagem, Santos, SP (Brazil); Bastos, Eder Amaral [Universidade Metropolitana de Santos (UNIMES), Santos, SP (Brazil); Mendes, Gustavo Gomes [AC Camargo Cancer Center, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Cysticercosis is a parasitic disease caused by a worm of the Cestoda class. The most prevalent form affects the nervous system. This case report is from a 78-year old female patient evaluated at Clinica Mult Imagem, in the city of Santos, Brazil, who presented a form of the disease that differed from the classic neurocysticercosis, in this case muscular cysticercosis. This and other forms of manifestation justify further studies to ensure adequate recognition, diagnosis and treatment of this parasitic disease. (author)

  5. Lupic nephropathy: a case control study in Medellín, Colombia Nefropatía lúpica: estudio de 156 casos


    Fernando Zambrano; Javier Molina; Carmen E. Cerón


    By means of a case-control study we analyzed the cllnlcal histories of 297 patients with systemic erythematous lupus, that were seen at the out-patient section of the Rheumatology Service, Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, in Medellín, Colombia, between 1970 and 1987. Renal involvement was documented in 156 (52.5%) cases while in 94 (31.6%) there were alterations in the urinary sediment without clinica...

  6. Construcao de subconjuntos terminologicos: contribuicoes a pratica clinica do enfermeiro

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    Jorge Wilker Bezerra Clares


    Full Text Available A Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem (CIPE® é um sistema de classificação unificador dos elementos da prática de enfermagem (diagnósticos, resultados e intervenções, que possibilita elucidar elementos da linguagem própria da Enfermagem por meio da construção de subconjuntos terminológicos. Neste ensaio reflexivo, destacam-se aspectos relevantes para a construção de subconjuntos terminológicos CIPE®, bem como suas contribuições para a prática clínica do enfermeiro. Discute-se a elaboração de subconjuntos como ferramenta que contribui para a universalização da linguagem da Enfermagem, facilita o processo comunicativo, bem como o avanço científico e tecnológico da profissão. Portanto, incentiva-se seu uso por enfermeiros de todo o mundo.

  7. Factors Affecting Resident Satisfaction in Continuity Clinic-a Systematic Review. (United States)

    Stepczynski, J; Holt, S R; Ellman, M S; Tobin, D; Doolittle, Benjamin R


    In recent years, with an increasing emphasis on time spent in ambulatory training, educators have focused attention on improving the residents' experience in continuity clinic. The authors sought to review the factors associated with physician trainee satisfaction with outpatient ambulatory training. A systematic literature review was conducted for all English language articles published between January 1980 and December 2016 in relevant databases, including Medline (medicine), CINAHL (nursing), PSYCHinfo (psychology), and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Clinical Trials. Search terms included internship and residency, satisfaction, quality of life, continuity of care, ambulatory care, and medical education. We included studies that directly addressed resident satisfaction in the ambulatory setting through interventions that we considered reproducible. Three hundred fifty-seven studies were reviewed; 346 studies were removed based on exclusion criteria with 11 papers included in the final review. Seven studies emphasized aspects of organizational structure such as block schedules, working in teams, and impact on resident-patient continuity (continuity between resident provider and patient as viewed from the provider's perspective). Four studies emphasized the importance of a dedicated faculty for satisfaction. The heterogeneity of the studies precluded aggregate analysis. Clinic structures that limit inpatient and outpatient conflict and enhance continuity, along with a dedicated outpatient faculty, are associated with greater resident satisfaction. Implications for further research are discussed.

  8. Estudo de produção enzimatica da dextrana clinica


    Juan Heraldo Viloche Bazan


    Resumo: Este trabalho consiste na obtenção "in vitro" de dextrana clínica a partir da sacarose utilizando a enzima dextrana-sacarase obtida pela fermentação do Leuconostoc mesenteroides linhagem NRRL B512-F. A dextrana clínica, de peso molecular médio 40.000 daltons, tem sua aplicação consagrada como expansor volumétrico de sangue humano. A enzima foi produzida por fermentação e purificada usando ultrafiltração, separada com o uso de polietilenoglicol de peso molecular 1500 daltons e estocada...

  9. Origine ed evoluzione dell'universo dal big-bang alle galassie

    CERN Document Server

    Gratton, Livio


    Il volume, destinato a un vasto pubblico di lettori anche non particolarmente versati in materie scientifiche, offre un panorama aggiornato e completo degli sviluppi più recenti della cosmologia, la scienza che studia l'Universo nel suo complesso. Abbandonate ormai completamente visioni mitiche e geocentriche, la moderna cosmologia ripresenta come un ambizioso e affascinante tentativo di creare un modello unitario dell'Universo e della sua evoluzione attraverso gli strumenti della fisica e dell'astronomia. In questo quadro, nato da una profonda riflessione sui concetti di spazio e di tempo sviluppatasi nei primi decenni del secolo soprattutto da parte di Einstein, e sostenuto dal prodigioso progresso della tecnologia che ha aperto nuove e rivoluzionarie possibilità di osservazione, un succedersi sempre più incalzante ed emozionante di scoperte sta rivelando un panorama inaspettatamente vario, complesso, e allo stesso tempo semplice e unitario, la cui interpretazione richiede al cosmologo rigore, fantasia e...

  10. "Etica ed Estetica sono tutt’uno" Riflessioni su TLP 6.421

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    Gabriele Tomasi


    Full Text Available Per il primo Wittgenstein etica ed estetica erano tutt’uno. Scopo del saggio è fornire un’interpretazione di questa concezione. Esaminando il modo in cui è proposta nel Tractatus e considerando alcune annotazioni dei Quaderni 1914-1916 si evidenzia che l’unità di etica ed estetica è in un modo di vedere il mondo per cui esso non appare come fonte di limitazione. L’etica è un’estensione al mondo - alla vita - della capacità di conferire significato che nell’arte si realizza nei riguardi di oggetti particolari. Affermando l’unità di etica ed estetica Wittgenstein attira l’attenzione sul fatto che la radice dell’etica è in un certo modo di vedere le cose, in un atteggiamento verso la vita. Si tratta della prospettiva di un valore non connesso a come il mondo è e che è evocato dalla meraviglia per l’esistenza del mondo.

  11. Meccanica statistica elementare i fondamenti

    CERN Document Server

    Falcioni, Massimo


    La meccanica statistica (MS) nell'insegnamente universitario e' spesso confinata in una posizione itermedia tra le tre grandi aree della fisica teorica, la fisica della materia e la fisica matematica. In genere vengono discussi gli aspetti "pratici", di supporto alla fisica della materia, che pur importanti non esauriscono la rilevanza concettule della meccanica statistica. Esistono molti ottimi libri (Huang, Landau-Lifsits, Chandler, Peliti etc) che trattano in modo dettagliato gli aspetti tecnici della meccanica statistica. Lo scopo del nostro libro non e' quello di presentare metodi (esatti ed approssimati) per determinare le proprietà termodinamiche a partire dalle interazioni microscopiche, quanto discutere alcuni aspetti concettuali della meccanica statistica che sono spesso poco trattati. In particolare: 1- Il ruolo dell'ipotesi ergodica 2- L'importanza dei tanti gradi di libertà per le leggi statistiche 3- L'interpretazione degli ensemble in termini di probabilità; 4- L'irreversibilità macroscopic...

  12. Interstitial brachytherapy with 192-IR in treatment of recurrent malignant primary brain tumors. Braquiterapia intersticial con iridio-192 en el tratamiento de recidivas de tumores cerebrales tras cirugia y radioterapia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cardenes, R.; Martinez, R.; Victoria, C.; Nuez, L.; Clavo, B.; Sancedo, G. (Clinica Puerta de Hierro. Madrid (Spain))


    Seven patients with recurrent malignant primary brain tumors after surgery and radiation therapy were treated at the Clinica Puerta de Hierro (Madrid) by interstitial brachytherapy with 192-Ir sources. Implantations were performed using computerized tomography and dose prescription were determined following the Paris system rules for interstitial implants. The means dose deliberated was 50 to 65 Gy to the reference isodoses. At the last follow-up all patients except for one are alive and without evidence of progression of the disease. (Author) 35 refs.

  13. Iliosacral screw fixations of posterior pelvic ring injuries guided by TAC scan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olarte Salazar, Carlos Mario; Pasantez Hoyos, Rodrigo; Fonseca, Alejandra


    An observational and descriptive study of a series was conducted between February 2001 and November 2002 at the departments of orthopedics and traumatology of the hospital de San Jose, Clinica Palermo and Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota. 10 patients (12 fractures) with unstable lesions of the pelvic ring, on whom TAC guided percutaneous fixation of the posterior portion of the pelvic ring was performed. Six of the patients were female (60%) and four were male (40%) and average age 33.4 years (16 to 54 years)

  14. Using a voucher system to extend health services to migrant farmworkers.


    Slesinger, D P; Ofstead, C


    FAMILY HEALTH/LA CLINICA de los Campesinos, Inc., is a federally funded migrant health clinic in the heart of Wisconsin's farmland that has offered outpatient health care since 1973 and an accompanying "voucher" program since 1988. The charges for outpatient care are based on the ability to pay. The clinic issues vouchers not only to migrant workers living and working in remote parts of the State but also to patients needing services the clinic does not offer. Between 1 April 1992 and 30 Marc...

  15. Interstitial brachytherapy with 192-IR in treatment of recurrent malignant primary brain tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cardenes, R.; Martinez, R.; Victoria, C.; Nunez, L.; Clavo, B.; Sancedo, G.


    Seven patients with recurrent malignant primary brain tumors after surgery and radiation therapy were treated at the Clinica Puerta de Hierro (Madrid) by interstitial brachytherapy with 192-Ir sources. Implantations were performed using computerized tomography and dose prescription were determined following the Paris system rules for interstitial implants. The means dose deliberated was 50 to 65 Gy to the reference isodoses. At the last follow-up all patients except for one are alive and without evidence of progression of the disease. (Author) 35 refs

  16. United States Air Force Research Initiation Program. 1984 Research Reports. Volume 2. (United States)


    differential determination of adrenaline and noradrenaline in plasma." Clinica Chemica Acta. Vol. 30, pp. 373-376, 1970. 37. Stegemann, J., U. Meier, W...34%" . 1. Agh-anian, G. K. and R. Y. Wang. Physiology and Pharma - coloay cf central serotonergic neurons. In: Psych ph cl . j aGe tion A of P M...34, AIAA Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 1980,"[ ’ "<. .’ip p . 1 1 - 1 5 . 39. Rotta, J.C., "Temperaturverteilungen in der Turbulenten Grenzschicht an

  17. Elaboración de una guía de práctica clínica con enfoque homeopático para el manejo de la enfermedad diarreica aguda infantil, con la utilización de la herramienta adapte 2.0 / Development of a practical guide to clinical management homeopathic approaches to acute diarrhea in children with the use of the tool adapte 2.0


    Chamorro Rojas, Juliana


    La homeopatia es un sistema medico usado en el manejo de pacientes pediatricos cuya demanda ha sido creciente en los ultimos anos, al igual que la aloptia esta sujeta a los requirimientos legales para su practica clinica. En el anexo tecnico 01 de la Resolución N°. 1043 de 3 de abril de 2006 la ley colombiana establece las condiciones de los prestadores de salud para la habilitacion de servicios y fija los requerimientos minimos para la practica medica. Dentro de las condiciones contempla la ...

  18. El Uso de Servicios de Salud Mexicanos por Ciudadanos Estadounidenses en Tijuana


    Arredondo, Jorge


    El desarrollo del sector servtctos ha modificado el espectro no solo de Ia planeaci6n econ6mica de una ciudad sino tambien de Ia planeaci6n fisica. Tal es el caso de Ia ciudad fronteriza mexicana de Tijuana que presenta un notable incremento en actividades relacionadas con Ia salud por ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos de America, generando un incremento en Ia cantidad de clinicas y hospitales en zonas especificas de dicha ciudad, misma que no cuenta con los requerimientos necesarios de equipa...

  19. La ricerca narrativa in psicologia: in fondamento per la formazione

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    Santo Di Nuovo


    Full Text Available Proprio le metodologie qualitative di verifica del lavoro clinico, quelle narrative in particolare [...] offrono un potente strumento di mediazione tra il rigore scientifico e la possibilità di condividere principi e criteri nella comunità dei ricercatori, e l’accettazione di una complessità di approccio al lavoro clinico che solo metodologie olistiche e non riduttive possono garantire. Le scuole di formazione alla psicologia clinica possono ampiamente avvalersi di queste metodologie, con sicuro beneficio sulla qualità complessiva della formazione stessa.

  20. Io è una storia: autore, narratore, personaggi nella narrazione di sé

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    Giorgio Bert


    Full Text Available L’io che si racconta non parla di ciò che avviene ma di ciò che è avvenuto, e anche se sono passati pochi istanti si tratta già di passato. Il presente non si può narrare, il presente è un vortice, un caos; il tentativo di raccontare le cose mentre avvengono si risolve in una comunicazione confusa, spezzettata, balbettante in cui si intrecciano in modo poco coerente e disordinato eventi, fatti, emozioni, interpretazioni. Tra l’io che vive e l’io che racconta esiste un fossato invalicabile. Quando la persona narra e si narra costruisce una storia che –per quanto tenga conto di fatti effettivamente avvenuti- non è (né potrebbe essere una fedele descrizione di quanto è accaduto. La narrazione dà alla sequenza degli eventi un ordine arbitrario, colmando i vuoti, omettendo particolari e spesso, più o meno consapevolmente, inventandone di nuovi. Ciò che ne risulta è in ogni caso fiction.

  1. Il mondo dentro il mondo

    CERN Document Server

    Barrow, John D


    Davvero esistono “lì fuori” leggi di natura, che stanno in attesa di essere scoperte, indipendenti dal nostro modo di pensare, o esse rappresentano soltanto la descrizione più conveniente di ciò che abbiamo visto? Come è nata l’idea stessa di “leggi di natura”? Queste costituiscono la realtà profonda o sono soltanto pezzi di un regolamento che ci siamo dati per organizzare meglio la nostra conoscenza del mondo? o semplici paletti che piantiamo e ci lasciamo alle spalle come segnali via via che procediamo nella giungla dell’esperienza? È possibile che non esistano affatto leggi di natura? Forse esse, e anche l’universo che da esse sembra regolato, sono del tutto creazioni della nostra mente: un’illusione che scompare appena cessiamo di pensarvi. Ma allora, che cosa accadrebbe, se non ci fossero osservatori dell’universo?». Interrogativi di questo genere, che incontriamo sulla soglia del Mondo dentro il mondo, sarebbero suonati eccentrici fino a qualche anno fa. Oggi, al contrario, circ...

  2. The Making of RDA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tom Delsey


    Full Text Available L'autore ripercorre lo sviluppo di RDA dal principio, nel 2005, fino alla sua prima pubblicazione, nel 2010. L'impegno di sviluppo è inserito nel contesto di un ambiente digitale in evoluzione che trasforma sia la produzione sia la diffusione delle risorse informative e delle risorse utilizzate per creare, immagazzinare e accedere ai dati che descrivono tali risorse. L'autore esamina l'interazione tra l'impegno strategico ad allineare RDA con i nuovi modelli concettuali, le strutture di database emergenti e lo sviluppo dei metadati nelle comunità alleate, da una parte, e la compatibilità con l'eredità di AACR2 e dei database esistenti dall'altra. Gli aspetti esaminati comprendono la strutturazione di RDA come linguaggio di descrizione delle risorse, l'organizzazione del nuovo standard come uno strumento di lavoro e il raffinamento delle linee guida e delle istruzioni per la registrazione dei dati secondo RDA.

  3. La liberazione del tempo

    CERN Document Server

    Selleri, Franco


    Negli ultimi dieci anni ho lavorato alla descrizione dei fenomeni naturali da parte di osservatori in movimento. E' un problema che molti credono risolto una volta per tutte dalle trasformazioni di Lorentz della teoria della relatività speciale (TRS nel seguito), ma che in realtà era rimasto aperto per una serie di ragioni che esporrò. Sento di dover dire che ho trovato risultati molto importanti, anche se il giudizio finale sul loro valore non può certo essere il mio. Infatti la conclusione di questa ricerca è duplice: una spiegazione dei dati empirici migliore di quella relativistica, e l'eliminazione di quegli aspetti della TRS che fanno a pugni con il buon senso; il tutto grazie alla liberazione del tempo dall'asservimento alle coordinate spaziali cui era stato costretto nello spazio a quattro dimensioni di Minkowski. La faccenda è raccontata con dovizia di particolari in un libro recente [FS]. Nel presente articolo espongo gli aspetti salienti della ricerca lasciando da parte quelli matematici.

  4. Introduzione al laboratorio di fisica misure e teoria delle incertezze

    CERN Document Server

    Ciullo, Giuseppe


    Frutto dell'esperienza decennale come supporto per la didattica di laboratori di fisica sia a livello di corsi triennali che di corsi di laurea magistrale, il libro si è concretizzato nella "responsabilità" di tali corsi di laboratorio per fornire un opera di utilizzo dei vari strumenti, che un approccio sperimentale alla fisica richiede. Si parte dalla descrizione delle problematiche delle incertezze in modo operativo e si introducono i concetti fondamentali per l'analisi dei dati e la misura. Invece di una serie dispersiva di testi, con approcci, convenzioni e simbolismi differenti, poco fruibili per l'applicazione diretta ad un laboratorio dei primi anni, il libro fornisce le indicazioni utili per affrontare lo studio dei fenomeni fisici in modo immediato, fornendo anche indicazioni rigorose e giustificazioni teoriche. Lo stimolo teorico-pratico, che uno sperimentale-scienziato deve percepire, non esula dal comprendere problematiche di maggiore approfondimento. L'opera rende fruibili concetti e strumenti...

  5. [Increasing difficulties for scientific publication in Venezuela]. (United States)

    Ryder, Elena


    A very important increase in the costs of the edition of scientific journals has taken place in Venezuela, due to difficulties in obtaining imported free acid paper and other materials used for handling documents. Like other journals, Investigaci6n Clinica has been considering switching completely to a digital publication format; however there are several reasons that prevent us to doing it at this time: the journal is distributed in printed form to many national institutions, which do not have immediate access to digital information. In addition, there exists a commitment of shipment of printed issues for some international indices and in exchange with other national and foreign journals, whose printed format we receive. Another important aspect is that our University maintains a weak technological platform that makes difficult the immediacy required for the interchange with authors and consulted referees of received papers; and there is a latent danger of limitations in the use of digital technologies, due to current national politic problems. Consequently, we need to continue with the printed format, but must reduce the amount of printed issues, so as not to limit the number of papers published in each edition. Nevertheless, there is an ever increasing number of contributions from foreign researches and Investigaci6n Clinica has been recently included in two new international indices, the SEIIC from Argentina and the Infobase Index from India, reasons that obligate us to maintain our levels of excellence and commitment to our authors and readers.

  6. La strana storia della luce e del colore

    CERN Document Server

    Guzzi, Rodolfo


    Sino al 1600 la luce era oggetto di studio degli scienziati ed il colore dei filosofi. Questa dicotomia fu superata dall’Esperimentum Crucis di Newton che spiego’ come la luce contenesse il colore. Il libro analizza le teorie che furono sviluppate dai greci, per evolversi successivamente nelle teorie degli scienziati arabi e approdare al medio evo. Con l’Esperimentum Crucis Newton dimostro’ che la luce conteneva i colori primari. Tra gli esperimenti che egli fece ci furono anche quelli sulla percezione che risultarono sbagliati; solo Goethe capi’ quale era la vera portata di quegli esperimenti e li rifece dando una interpretazione che, oggi, sappiamo essere vera, ma che a quel tempo fu alquanto osteggiata. Nel frattempo la comunita’ scientifica progrediva sul concetto di visione e di sensazione, poiche’ gli strumenti di indagine si raffinavano. Bisogna pero’ arrivare ai giorni nostri per avere una spiegazione sul comportamento della luce e del colore e come questa viene percepita da noi. Solo ...

  7. Godas Rex. La amonedación del Reino de Godas

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    Alberto Trivero Rivera


    Full Text Available Dopo una rassegna storica sulla Sardegna della seconda metà del V secolo e sulla monetazione vandala battuta da una zecca sarda, l'Autore descrive alcune rare emissioni monetarie battute in nome di Godas, sovrano conosciuto solamente grazie ad alcuni paragrafi delle Storie di Procopio di Cesarea. Lo studio delle emissioni monetarie conferma il suo testo e permette di dedurre alcuni aspetti in merito agli eventi che portarono Godas al potere nell'isola e che non sono stati narrati dallo storico palestino. Ciò permette di correggere un'inesatta interpretazione dei fatti data dagli storici sardi, i quali, basandosi sulla traduzione latina invece che sull'originale greco, scrivono che Godas fu inviato in Sardegna dal re vandalo Gelamir: invece il suo ruolo nell'isola fu necessariamente importante già durante il regno di Hilderico, il suo predecessore. L'articolo è completato dal corpus di tutti gli esemplari noti di nummi battuti in nome di Godas.

  8. E-books for Italian school, between Law Requirements and Publishers' Choices

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    Maria Vincelli


    Full Text Available Il saggio presenta un'analisi del quadro legislativo italiano sulla transizione dei libri di testo dal formato cartaceo a quello digitale, oltre a una panoramica sull'offerta dei maggiori editori a riguardo, prendendo come esempio i libri di testo di Latino per le scuole superiori. Il concetto di libro digitale viene declinato oggi principalmente in due forme: il libro "on-line", digitale (generalmente in PDF o Epub, equivalente ai testi tradizionali a stampa per struttura e tipo di utilizzo; il libro che integra le caratteristiche del libro sia digitale che a stampa con una serie di materiali digitali supplementari. L'opinione dell'autrice è che l'offerta di pubblicazioni scolastiche in formato digitale si attiene a un'interpretazione limitata della legge italiana, e che dunque si prospettano nuove ipotesi che possano unire in modo efficace l'autorevolezza e il valore culturale dei libri di testo con le soluzioni più avanzate del digitale.

  9. Excellence in clinical laboratories: the standard ISO 15189:2007

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    Antonio Scipioni


    Full Text Available I laboratori clinici operano in stretto contatto con i pazienti e collaborano direttamente alla loro cura, in modo corresponsabile con i medici e i reparti ospedalieri. L’importanza della loro attività per la salute pubblica rende obbligatoria l’esplicitazione di alcuni punti finora spesso considerati ovvii. Ai pazienti dev’essere infatti garantito che: - i metodi di analisi utilizzati siano stati preliminarmente valutati, per confermare la loro rispondenza agli obiettivi dell’analisi stessa, verificati, per controllarne l’effettiva efficacia e, se necessario, validati per garantire che siano appropriati allo scopo; - il personale che esegue le analisi sia stato adeguatamente formato e quindi tecnicamente competente; - il laboratorio assicuri un’adeguata consulenza allo staff clinico che richiede le analisi, allo scopo di ottenere una sinergia tra il laboratorio e il clinico che ha in cura il paziente, sia nella fase di prelievo di materiale biologico, sia nella fase di interpretazione dei risultati. Tutto ciò è necessario per dimostrare ai pazienti

  10. Estudo clínico epidemiológico de quistos e tumores odontogénicos numa população hospitalar


    Santiago, Ana Catarina de Almeida


    Os quistos e tumores maxilares, em particular os odontogénicos, representam um conjunto de patologias que surgem na cavidade oral sob variadas manifestações clinicas e imagiológicas. Podem conduzir a graves sequelas, desde deformações faciais até transformação maligna. O estudo retrospetivo realizado estudou as características clinico epidemiológicas dos Quistos e Tumores Odontogénicos e o impacto dos queratoquistos nos Tumores Odontogénicos, segundo a classificação da OMS de 2005. Selecionar...

  11. Da lesão à disfunção: um caso invulgar de hipertensão renovascular


    Pimentel, Ana; Cabrita, Ana; Jeronimo, Teresa; Ministro, Augusto; Bernardo, Idalecio; Neves, Pedro Leao


    A hipertensão arterial resistente e uma condição clinica que carece de investigação etiológica, cujo objectivo e identificar causas secundarias passiveis de serem corrigidas. Os autores descrevem uma apresentação rara de hipertensão secundaria. O caso consiste num doente que e seguido em consulta externa desde Janeiro de 2012 por insuficiência renal e hipertensão diagnosticadas ha um ano. Foi realizado um estudo etiológico no qual constou um estudo endocrinológico que demonstrou um hiperaldos...

  12. As terapias de imagens mentais como recurso terapêutico complementar na tireoidite de Hashimoto: um estudo bibliográfico


    Hilel, Alexandre Santana


    Esta pesquisa enfoca um estudo bibliográfico das Terapias de Imagens Mentais como uma proposta terapêutica para abordagem da Tireoidite de Hashimoto. Teve sua origem através da observação empírica de resultados da atuação clinica do pesquisador, usando-se a imaginação dirigida na diminuição da contagem laboratorial de auto-anticorpos presentes na tireoidite. O presente trabalho é organizado em um capítulo de apresentação da Tireoidite de Hashimoto em seus aspectos prevalência, ...

  13. Clinical and ECG investigations in subjects with acute carbon monoxide poisoning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Capellini, A; Tomasini, M; Limonta, A


    Research carried out on more than 100 workers hospitalized for acute CO poisoning at the Milan Clinica del Lavoro and some 50 subjects undergoing treatment at the Milan polyclinic. The purpose of the research was to investigate the incidence and frequency of myocardial and coronary impairment in cases of acute CO poisoning. The authors concluded from their clinical and ECG findings that myocardial and coronary impairment in subjects suffering from acute CO poisoning was rarely serious or irreversible unless there was preexistent coronary disease. (CIS Abstr. Vol. 2)


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    T.A. Chebotareva


    Full Text Available The pathogenetic approach to treatment of symptoms of normal vaccinal process in children after standard vaccination, based on the results of application of anti9inflammatory medications — ibuprofen (nurofen for children and paracetamol is presented in this article. Clinical activity of ibuprofen was established on the basis of clinica catamnestic observation of 856 vaccinated children aged from 3 months to 3 years. recommendations for application of these medications as a treatment for a correction of vaccinal reactions are given.Key words: children, ibuprofen, paracetamol, vaccination.

  15. [Construction and implementation of two quality indicators in nursing services]. (United States)

    de Moura, Gisela Maria Schebela Souto; Juchem, Beatriz Cavalcanti; Falk, Maria Lucia Rodrigues; de Magalhães, Ana Maria Muller; Suzuki, Lyliam Midori


    Indicators monitor the quality of services and improve the attention offered to the patients. Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has been developing strategies to assess its services according to its institutional management policy of quality The present study aims to report the experience at this university hospital with the construction and implementation of quality indicators in its nursing services. In 2006, four indicators were established: incidence of pressure ulcer, with a goal of quality of nursing services, for this is a large hospital.

  16. Il romanzo paterno in adolescenza: Laio dimenticato dalla psicoanalisi

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    Arturo Casoni


    Full Text Available Il Complesso di Edipo ha ricevuto dal movimento psicoanalitico, sempre o quasi, una declinazione che sceglieva come attori principali il figlio maschio e la madre, con l’intervento successivo del padre. Si è così costruita una sorta di mitologia eterosessuale di quel triangolo, lasciando aperto il lato che collega il figlio al padre. Si tenta qui di saldare la parte mancante, a partire dalla narrazione del mito e arrivando alle dinamiche psichiche che caratterizzano le famiglie contemporanee, con particolare attenzione alla clinica dell’adolescenza contemporanea. 

  17. Clinical applications of cells labelling; Aplicaciones clinicas del marcado de celulas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gonzalez, B M [Instituto Nacional de Pediatria (Mexico)


    Blood cells labelled with radionuclides are reviewed and main applications are described. Red blood cell labelling by both random and specific principle. A table with most important clinical uses, 99mTc labelling of RBC are described pre tinning and in vivo reduction of Tc, in vitro labelling and administration of labelled RBC and in vivo modified technique. Labelled leucocytes with several 99mTc-complex radiopharmaceuticals by in vitro technique and specific monoclonal s for white cells(neutrofiles). Labelled platelets for clinical use and research by in vitro technique and in vivo labelling.

  18. Guías clinicas de RCP y SRI enfermería


    Donis Mulero, Elena


    La reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) es un procedimiento de emergencia para salvar vidas que se lleva a cabo cuando una persona se encuentra en parada cardiorrespiratoria (PCR). Tanto la técnica de RCP como la de intubación, son aspectos olvidados por los profesionales de la salud. Recopilar las últimas recomendaciones sobre RCP para poder elaborar un programa sencillo enfocado a la enfermería. Elaborar una guía sencilla de secuencia rápida de intubación (SRI). Revisión bibliográfica en la que...

  19. [Food status peculiarities, anthropometric, clinica and biochemical indices at professional sportsmen]. (United States)

    Gapparova, K M; Nikitiuk, D B; Zaĭnudinov, Z M; Tserekh, A A; Chekhonina, Iu G; Golubeva, A A; Sil'vestrova, G A; Rusakova, D S; Grigor'ian, O N


    Under steady state conditions in 66 athletes involved in weightlifting, bodybuilding, judo and taekwondo have studied features of the metabolic status. Data on matter-of-fact nutrition, body weight content within the inter-competition period, energy exchange, clinical and biochemical indices and physical acceptability indices were analyzed. As a result, the decrease indexes of metabolism at all the sportsmen and high-level caloric value at sportsmen who are engaged in weightlifting, which corresponds their energy expenditures, was revealed.

  20. Integration of a clinical trial database with a PACS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Herk, M


    Many clinical trials use Electronic Case Report Forms (ECRF), e.g., from OpenClinica. Trial data is augmented if DICOM scans, dose cubes, etc. from the Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) are included for data mining. Unfortunately, there is as yet no structured way to collect DICOM objects in trial databases. In this paper, we obtain a tight integration of ECRF and PACS using open source software. Methods: DICOM identifiers for selected images/series/studies are stored in associated ECRF events (e.g., baseline) as follows: 1) JavaScript added to OpenClinica communicates using HTML with a gateway server inside the hospitals firewall; 2) On this gateway, an open source DICOM server runs scripts to query and select the data, returning anonymized identifiers; 3) The scripts then collects, anonymizes, zips and transmits selected data to a central trial server; 4) Here data is stored in a DICOM archive which allows authorized ECRF users to view and download the anonymous images associated with each event. Results: All integration scripts are open source. The PACS administrator configures the anonymization script and decides to use the gateway in passive (receiving) mode or in an active mode going out to the PACS to gather data. Our ECRF centric approach supports automatic data mining by iterating over the cases in the ECRF database, providing the identifiers to load images and the clinical data to correlate with image analysis results. Conclusions: Using open source software and web technology, a tight integration has been achieved between PACS and ECRF.

  1. Crianças e adolescentes que convivem com diabetes e doença celíaca


    Brancaglioni, Bianca de Cássia Alvarez; Rodrigues, Grasiele Caroline; Damião, Elaine Buchhorn Cintra; Queiroz, Márcia Silva; Nery, Márcia


    RESUMO Objetivo Compreender a experiência de crianças e adolescentes que convivem com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e doença celíaca. Método Estudo qualitativo, exploratório e descritivo. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre janeiro e setembro de 2012, com 3 crianças e 2 adolescentes, em um ambulatório de diabetes do Hospital das Clinicas da FMUSP ou na residência dos participantes na cidade de São Paulo, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Utilizou-se a Análise de Conteúdo como método de tra...

  2. Evaluación de la calidad de los registros de enfermería en la historia clínica por medio de la auditoría


    Setz, Vanessa Grespan; D'Innocenzo, Maria


    OBJETIVO: Desse modo o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar por meio da auditoria, a qualidade dos registros de enfermagem nos prontuários de pacientes atendidos em unidades de um hospital universitário do município de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: O estudo é descritivo, retrospectivo e o método foi pesquisa documental. Dos 424 prontuários analisados entre novembro de 2006 a janeiro de 2007, em diferentes unidades clinicas e cirúrgicas de um hospital universitário, 43,9% se referiam a óbitos e 56,1% a alt...

  3. A sindrome da tensão pre-menstrual : uma abordagem psicanalitica


    Vera Aparecida de Carvalho Zoldan


    Resumo: O interesse por esta pesquisa orienta-se sobre as questões surgidas na clinica psicanalítica a partir do atendimento de pacientes vítimas da Síndrome da Tensão Pré-Menstrual (STPM) e suas manifestações sintomáticas, não somente físicas, mas predominantemente psíquicas. Embora seja considerada pela Medicina como uma doença resultante das próprias alterações orgânicas e hormonais associadas ao ciclo reprodutor feminino, a análise psicanalítica revela a existência de relações particularm...

  4. Escala clínica para prever a adesão ao tratamento: transtorno bipolar do humor


    Marchi, Renato


    O Transtorno Bipolar do Humor (TBH) está associado a altas taxas de desajustes psicossociais e familiares, mortalidade e prejuízos econômicos. O tratamento visa o controle de episódios agudos e prevenção de novos episódios. As taxas de não - adesão ao tratamento são altas em TBH. Este trabalho teve por objetivo elaborar e validar uma escala de avaliação clinica , capaz de indicar a probabilidade de adesão ao tratamento medico clinico dos pacientes bipolares de ambos os gêneros. O procedimento...

  5. Revisión sistemática sobre el efecto analgésico de la crioterapia en el manejo del dolor de origen músculo esquelético Systematic review of the analgesic effect of cryotherapy in the management of musculoskeletal pain


    H.J. Gutiérrez Espinoza; I.P. Lavado Bustamante; S.J. Méndez Pérez


    Introducción: La Crioterapia es una modalidad de Termoterapia Superficial que se basa en la aplicación del frío como agente terapéutico, si bien es cierto, es ampliamente utilizada para el alivio del dolor, su indicación clinica tradicionalmente se ha sustentado en mecanismos de acción indirectos, sin una base científica o estudios clínicos que avalen su efectividad, se realizará una síntesis de la evidencia relativa a la efectividad de la crioterapia a través de una revisión sistemática de e...


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    Andrea Roselli


    Full Text Available Si mostra come la celebre disputa tra Einstein e Bohr riguardi i concetti di realtà retrostanti le loro relative concezioni della realtà fisica; conseguentemente, viene suggerita una significativa connessione tra le teorie di Copenaghen e la relatività einsteiniana. Bohr considerava la descrizione della realtà offerta dalla meccanica quantistica completa; Einstein, al contrario (nonostante il contributo apportato alla sua nascita, continuava a cercare una teoria deterministica. Quando nel 1935 Einstein, Podolsky e Rosen pubblicarono il famoso EPR, Bohr replicò centrando l’attenzione sul ragionevole criterio di realtà proposto dagli autori, rimarcando l’inconsistenza concettuale dell’esistenza indipendente di un costitutivo “inconoscibile”. La fisica, attraverso la grande lezione epistemologica – come era solito dirne Niels Bohr – rappresentata dalla MQ, si trovava di fronte ad una capitale questione filosofica: che cosa è la realtà? Viene infine suggerita una giustapposizione della problematizzazione einsteiniana del concetto di simultaneità e del carattere reciproco delle misurazioni quantomeccaniche esposto da Bohr, che suggerisce l’abbandono dell’ultimo grande assoluto: una realtà assoluta.


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    Ottavio Brigandì


    Full Text Available Il presente lavoro si propone come lettura dei canti XVIII e XIX del Purgatorio, dove il centrale discorso di Virgilio sull’amore come fondamento dell’agire umano trova esemplificazione nella doppia forma dell’incontro con le anime accidiose e del sogno (la celebre «femminabalba». Che sia in dialogo col maestro o nella descrizione dei purganti o per esperienza onirica, la scoperta della forza del desiderio è seguita, rassicurazione e monito insieme, dalla certezza che il libero arbitrio può trattenerci dalle azioni ree, riconducendo il potere appetitivoa quello conoscitivo e dunque trasformando il “moto” d’amore nella feconda stasi della riflessione. Fra gli espedienti che sortiscono l’effetto di porre il lettore sullo stesso piano del Viator, si segnalano l’impianto teatrale del discorso, fitto di stazioni narrative e tematiche, e lo stile ricco di figurazioni, allusivo a un impiego della facoltà immaginativa per un fine poetico che intende mostrarsi utile all’educazione umana e davvero “libero” dal giogo amoroso.

  8. Chi ha paura del relativismo? Peirce, Wittgenstein, Vygotski e le radici linguistiche della conoscenza (non della realtà.

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    Letizia Caronia


    Full Text Available Le derive decostruzioniste e antirealiste e la discutibile equivalenza tra relativismo e disimpegno scettico hanno necessariamente prodotto un richiamo al realismo e un ennesimo appello alla necessità di una fondazione ultima delle conoscenze, delle decisioni e delle pratiche. Stiamo gettando via il bambino insieme all’acqua sporca? Questo articolo argomenta la tesi dell’irritante ineluttabilità del costruttivismo. Attraverso un riordinamento delle categorie pertinenti e sulla scorta del pensiero di Peirce, Wittgenstein e Vygotsky, si sostiene che il costruttivismo a presuppone una ontologia realista; b afferma che la realtà sia osservabile, rappresentabile, descrivibile; c implica una definizione di verità come corrispondenza ma nega che sia possibile individuare quell’ “una e una sola” descrizione della realtà che corrisponderebbe alla realtà in modi indipendenti dal linguaggio. Nelle sezioni conclusive si discutono le implicazioni del costruttivismo realista. In particolare ci si propone di dimostrare l’ineludibile e radicale appello alla responsabilità proprio – malgrado le apparenze – di uno dei corollati del costruttivismo: la relatività concettuale e la connessa questione della relatività epistemica.

  9. La piattaforma logistica di Leixões, Portogallo, e il suo territorio.

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    Marco Campolongo


    Full Text Available L’obiettivo dell’articolo è l’analisi critica del progetto preliminare della piattaforma di Leixões, nell’area metropolitana di Porto, al fine di verificare le modalità con cui sono state affrontate le questioni relative alla connessione tra mobilità dedicata e mobilità ordinaria, il rapporto con i caratteri del sistema insediativo in cui l’area è inserita, le relazioni con le zone di protezione ambientale contigue alla parte meridionale del polo logistico. Sulla base di questa attenta disamina sono state avanzate delle ipotesi progettuali tese a modificare alcuni aspetti della impostazione insediativa del progetto, pur mantenendo sostanzialmente inalterato il layout d’insieme della struttura. L’articolo è organizzato in cinque sezioni. All’introduzione segue una breve descrizione del sistema logistico in Portogallo e del Piano nazionale della Logistica. La sezione 3 è dedicata alla presentazione del progetto preliminare della piattaforma di Leixões e la sezione 4 all’analisi critica di tale progetto e alle possibili ipotesi progettuali alternative. Seguono le considerazioni conclusive.

  10. La riscoperta della stereoscopia per la rappresentazione dello spazio architettonico

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    Simone Garagnani


    Full Text Available Il progressivo sviluppo dei metodi della rappresentazione grafica nel corso della storia è stato possibile in virtù della scoperta di strumenti e tecniche appartenenti al loro tempo: questo continuo progresso delle modalità di “raccontare” l’architettura è tuttora in corso di evoluzione, costituendo il fondamento di ogni strategia informativa e di comunicazione del progetto. Il sempre più pervasivo trattamento digitale dell’informazione, sia essa grafica che testuale, ha condotto ad una progressiva riscoperta di approcci tradizionali nella descrizione dello spazio costruito, declinandoli alle nuove tecnologie informatiche per amplificarne possibilità e valenze. È il caso della stereoscopia, diffuso metodo ottocentesco adottato in fotografia per rendere spaziale la percezione dell’immagine sfruttando la visione binoculare; oggi i modelli tridimensionali e le immagini digitali catturate da apposite fotocamere rendono l’approccio stereoscopico di immediato utilizzo anche per i profani della rappresentazione, semplificando e rendendo trasparenti i concetti di geometria proiettiva alla base del metodo. Questo contributo intende indagare le funzionalità, i vantaggi e le criticità della tecnologia stereoscopica immersiva nella moderna comunicazione del progetto d’architettura.

  11. Un ethos compassionevole. La sofferenza come linguaggio, l’ascolto come politica

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    Didier Fassin


    Full Text Available In Naven, studio classico dell’antropologia culturale e psichiatrica,Gregory Bateson (1936 propone di indicare con ethos “l’espressione di un sistema culturalmente standardizzato di organizzazione degli istinti e delle emozioni degli individui”. Prima di utilizzare il concetto così definito nell’interpretazione della società iatmul della Nuova Guinea, cui ha dedicato una ricerca etnografica, egli propone un sorprendente giro attraverso la cerchia degli intellettuali britannici al fine di mostrare l’estensione del concetto, di presentarlo in un contesto che sia familiare ai suoi lettori e, infine, di respingere preventivamente ogni prospettiva esotizzante. Nei comportamenti di questa élite, possibile reperire, spiega Bateson, dei codici che regolano ciò che, di contro, appare come perfettamente naturale: un certo modo di parlare, di fare dello spirito, di soppesare come ci si debba comportare o discutere. Questo “insieme definito di sentimenti nei confronti del resto del mondo” e questo “atteggiamento definito nei confronti della realtà” sono caratteristici di questo gruppo e ne “determinano i comportamenti”.

  12. “Joie de la cort / joie de l’acort”. L’armonia degli elementi discordi nell’«Erec et Enide»

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    Beatrice Barbiellini Amidei


    Full Text Available L’articolo si sofferma sulla tematica delle nozze e dell’accordo degli elementi discordanti nell’Erec et Enide di Chrétien de Troyes, e sull’interpretazione allegorica della conjointure, con riferimento a Marziano Capella e a Macrobio. Una lettura allegorica viene proposta anche per il nome dell’avventura della «joie de la cort» che si può anche intendere come «joie de l’acort», in cui l’autore sintetizza come en abyme gli intenti del romanzo.The article treats the theme of the marriage and the armony of discordant elements in the Erec and Enide of Chrétien de Troyes, underlining the allegorical meaning of the conjointure, with reference to Martianus Capella and Macrobius. An allegorical interpretation is proposed also for the final adventure of the «joie de la cort» ‘Joy of the Court’, that is to be regarded also as a «joie de l’acort» ‘Joy of Agreement’, in which the author reveals and summarizes the focus of his romance.

  13. La Scuola di Chicago e la regola del tasso di crescita della moneta. (The Chicago monetary growth-rate rule: Friedman on Simons reconsidered

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    Full Text Available Il lavoro esamina una serie di questioni relative all'interpretazione monetaria di Friedman e Simons . Gli autori ritengono che lo sposare  una regola monetaria comporta , soprattutto , fiducia nella extrapolability di tendenze statistiche di lungo termine, in particolare per quanto riguarda la velocità . La formulazione iniziale della ipotesi monetaria della Grande Depressione è legata ad un contributo originale del tutto trascurato da William Foster e Waddill Catchings . The work takes up a series of issues pertaining to the monetary interpretation of Friedman and Simons. The authors find that espousal of a monetary rule involves, foremost, confidence in the extrapolability of long-term statistical trends, particularly with respect to velocity. The initial formulation of the monetary hypothesis of the Great Depression is linked to an entirely overlooked original contribution by William Foster and Waddill Catchings. Their contribution these authors essentially anticipates views set forth by Friedman and Simons, and already included the formulation of the monetary growth-rate rule. JEL: B31, E40

  14. L’ora di religione tra diritti fondamentali ed esigenze organizzative. Annotazioni a trent’anni dall’Accordo di Villa Madama

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    Beatrice Serra


    Full Text Available contributo sottoèposto a valutazioneSOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione - 2. Un’ipotesi di violazione dell’art. 9, n. 2, legge n. 121 del 1985 - 3. Il diritto di scelta quale cardine del sistema d’istruzione religiosa delineato dall’Accordo del 1984 e il problema della sua effettività - 4. Il quadro normativo d'immediato riferimento - 5. Un’interpretazione costituzionalmente orientata dell’art. 9, nn. 2 e 3, legge n. 121 del 1985: il risultato dell’esercizio del diritto di scelta è sempre revocabile - 6. Lo stemperamento del principio d’autodeterminazione nelle disposizioni attuative dell’Accordo - 7. La richiesta di esonero quale forma di obiezione di coscienza. Il valore della cultura religiosa e i suoi riflessi sull’oggetto del diritto di scelta - 8. Una ragionevole definizione del diritto di scelta - 9. Osservazioni conclusive.Abstract: The paper analyzes the contents and the various possible applications and interpretations of the right to choose whether or not to take religious teachings in Italian public school system.

  15. Legionnaires' disease in the renal transplant unit of "Hospital das Clinicas, FMUSP": during a five year period (1988-1993 Doença dos legionários na Unidade de Transplante Renal (UTR do Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP, no período de 1988 a 1993

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    Neusa Augusta de Oliveira Mazieri


    Full Text Available Several reports have related Legionella pneumophila with pneumonia in renal transplant patients, however this association has not been systematically documented in Brazil. Therefore this paper reports the incidence, by serologycal assays, of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 in these patients during a five year period. For this purpose sera from blood samples of 70 hospitalized patients with pneumonia from the Renal Transplant Unit of Hospital das Clinicas, FMUSP collected at the acute and convalescent phase of infection were submitted to indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA to demonstrate anti-Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antibodies. Of these 70 patients studied during the period of 1988 to 1993,18 (25.71 % had significant rises in specific antibody titers for Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. Incidence was interrupted following Hospital water decontamination procedures, with recurrence of infections after treatment interruption. In this study, the high susceptibility (25.71% of immunodepressed renal transplant patients to Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 nosocomial infections is documented. The importance of the implementation and maintenance of water decontamination measures for prophylaxis of the infection is also clearly evident.Embora vários trabalhos tem mostrado a presença de Legionella pneumophila associado a pneumopatias infecciosas em transplantados renais, tal associação não fora antes realizado de maneira sistemática no Brasil. Os autores julgaram oportuno a determinação da incidência por comprovação sorológica da Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1 em transplantados renais num período de 5 anos. Para tanto amostras de soros de 70 pacientes com pneumopatia infecciosa internados na UTR do HC-FMUSP, colhidos na fase aguda e convalescente da infecção, foram submetidas à reação de imunofluo-rescência indireta para pesquisa de anticorpos anti-Legionella pneumophila sorogrupo 1. Dos 70 pacientes


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    Francisco Javier Bonilla Escobar


    Full Text Available El consentimiento informado es una herramienta cotidiana en la práctica clínica; para comprenderlo se requiere de un proceso formativo y académico que genere las actitudes para proponer consentimientos informados éticamente aceptables y que estos abarquen la perspectiva del paciente. El consentimiento requiere de un uso adecuado y de su entendimiento por parte del paciente como del profesional de salud que lo administra, siendo de utilidad ética y legal, motivo por el cual no debe ser subestimado. Es importante que dicho conocimiento implique en forma clara el reconocimiento tanto del médico como del paciente de la(s intervención(es, de las posibles consecuencias y situaciones a las que pudiera estar expuesto. Este artículo es una revisión al respecto del consentimiento informado, partiendo de su historia, evolución e implicaciones para el personal de la salud en general, con el objetivo de orientar e informar sobre su uso y evolución en la práctica clínica. El área bioética y los temas concernientes al consentimiento informado son necesidades de difusión e investigación en Latinoamérica para la protección del paciente y la buena práctica del personal de salud.


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    Francisco Javier Bonilla Escobar


    Full Text Available El consentimiento informado es una herramienta cotidiana en la práctica clínica; para comprenderlo se requiere de un proceso formativo y acadé- mico que genere las actitudes para proponer consentimientos informados éticamente aceptables y que estos abarquen la perspectiva del paciente. El consentimiento requiere de un uso adecuado y de su entendimiento por parte del paciente como del profesional de salud que lo administra, siendo de utilidad ética y legal, motivo por el cual no debe ser subestimado. Es importante que dicho conocimiento implique en forma clara el reconoci- miento tanto del médico como del paciente de la(s intervención(es, de las posibles consecuencias y situaciones a las que pudiera estar expuesto. Este artículo es una revisión al respecto del consentimiento informado, partiendo de su historia, evolución e implicaciones para el personal de la salud en general, con el objetivo de orientar e informar sobre su uso y evolución en la práctica clínica. El área bioética y los temas concernientes al consentimiento informado son necesidades de difusión e investigación en Latinoamérica para la protección del paciente y la buena práctica del personal de salud.

  18. A clinica como pratica arborifica e rizomorfica do trabalho em enfermagem cirurgica

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    Lenice Dutra de Sousa


    Full Text Available Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória, na forma de um estudo de caso, em uma unidade de internação cirúrgica de um hospital universitário, que objetivou analisar o trabalho do enfermeiro sob a ótica da produção de cuidados em saúde e do exercício da clínica. Os sujeitos do estudo foram seis enfermeiros e foram realizadas observações não participantes, pesquisa documental e entrevistas em profundidade com posterior análise textual discursiva. Verificou-se que o trabalho da enfermagem é organizado segundo duas perspectivas interconectadas e interdependentes: a do modelo clínico, que compõe a estrutura-mestre de sua prática, e uma estrutura composta por elementos múltiplos e heterogêneos. O modelo clínico de assistência organiza-se como uma estrutura centrada que possibilita a resolutividade das necessidades biológicas e atua como base para a conexão de outros saberes e práticas que expandem o fazer do enfermeiro por meio de interligações com o ambiente.

  19. Guía de Patología Autópsica


    Arce Mateos, Félix Pablo; Fernández Fernández, Fidel Ángel; Fernández Vega, Iván; Galtés, Ignasi; Guerra Merino, Isabel; Lucena, Joaquín; Mayorga Fernández, Marta María; Regojo, Rita María; Suárez, María Paz; Terán Villagrá, Nuria


    El trabajo que aquí se publica se trata de la Guía Clinica de Consenso redactada por el Club de Autopsias de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica para el Libro Blanco de la Anatomía Patológica presentado en el XXVIII Congreso Nacional de la SEAP-IAP, XXII Congreso Nacional Sociedad Española de Citología y III Congreso Nacional Sociedad Española de Patología Forense, en mayo de 2015 en la ciudad de Santander. En palabras de su presidente, el Dr. M.A. Piris, “el papel de estas guías doce...

  20. High dose rate endobronchial brachytherapy - treatment technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carvalho, Heloisa de Andrade; Aisen, Salim; Haddad, Cecilia Maria Kalil; Nadalin, Wladimir; Pedreira Junior, Wilson Leite; Chavantes, Maria Cristina


    High dose rate endobronchial brachytherapy is efficient in symptom relief due to obstructive endobronchial malignancies. However, it's role in survival improvement for patients with lung cancer is not yet established. The use of this treatment in increasing, specially in the developing countries. The purpose of this paper is to present the treatment technique used in the Radiotherapy Department of the Hospital da Clinicas, University of Sao Paulo, based on an experience of 60 cases treated with 180 procedures. Some practical suggestions and rules adopted in the Department are described. The severe complications rate is 6.7%, demonstrating an adequate patient selection associated with the technique utilized. (author)

  1. Studio di prevalenza delle polmoniti in un'Azienda opsedaliera di Bologna

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    E. Leoni


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: nell’ambito di un progetto di sorveglianza attiva dei casi di polmonite da legionella, è stata studiata la prevalenza di tutti i casi di polmonite ricoverati in un ospedale di Bologna, allo scopo di definirne la distribuzione per origine (comunitaria o nosocomiale, eziologia, caratteristiche individuali e di confrontarle con le polmoniti da legionella.

    Metodi: per ogni caso con diagnosi clinica e/o radiologica di polmonite è stato compilato un questionario, raccogliendo le informazioni dalle cartelle cliniche. Tutti i casi di polmonite non specificata sono stati inoltre sottoposti al test per la ricerca dell’antigene di legionella nelle urine.

  2. Echocardiography in the adult's congenital cardiopaties

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Escobar Q, Carlos I; Jaramillo U, Mario; Tenorio, Luis F; Molina V, Claudia; Saldarriaga A, Marcela; Arango, Angela M


    The number of adults with congenital heart disease is steadily increasing in the course of time. We ignore the prevalence and the most frequent diagnoses in our environment. A descriptive prospective study is presented. Between November 1 1999 and July 31 2001, 8871 Tran-thoracic and Tran-esophageal echocardiographies were performed in the Clinica Cardiovascular Santa Maria's echocardiography service. We found 143 congenital cardiopathies (1.6%) in 74 men and 69 women with a mean age of 37.7 +/- 18.4 years. the most frequent diagnoses were bicuspid aortic valve, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus and Ebstein's anomaly. these findings agree with world wide data

  3. Estudo das vias biliares extrahepáticas em pacientes portadores de "megas" chagásieos

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    Donald Huggins


    Full Text Available Em 22 pacientes internados no Hospital das Clinicas da F. M. U. F. Pe e portadores de "megas" chagásicos. cuja etiologia foi comprovada através de pesquisas epidemiológicas, clínicas e laboratoriais, realizamos a colecisto-colangiografia intravenosa. Verificamos em 21 enfermos a vesícula e o colédoco com topografia, morfologia e dmãmica normais. Em apenas um doente encontramos a vesícula bastante aumentada de volume e o coledoco de calibre dilatado, sem imagem de cálculo no seu interior. O tempo de esvaziamento colédoco-duodeno muito prolongado, sugeriu alterações motoras.

  4. A importância da 1ª refeição do dia


    Antunes, Cláudia de Jesus Pontes


    Trabalho final de mestrado integrado em Medicina área científica de Nutrição Clinica, apresentado á Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra Introdução: o pequeno-almoço tem sido sinónimo de uma alimentação saudável, sendo comummente aceite como a refeição mais importante, pois dele depende o equilíbrio alimentar do dia, constituindo um fator relevante a nível da performance cognitiva, da redução do risco de doenças crónicas, entre as quais se destacam a obesidade, diabetes e doenç...

  5. Isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains from dental office environments and units in Barretos, state of São Paulo, Brazil, and analysis of their susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs Isolamento de cepas de Pseudomonas aeruginosa provenientes do meio ambiente e de equipos dentarios em clinicas dentarias em Barretos, São Paulo, Brasil; analises da susceptibilidade das cepas a drogas antimicrobianas

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    Ana Claudia de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A wide variety of opportunistic pathogens has been detected in the tubing supplying water to odontological equipment, in special in the biofilm lining of these tubes. Among these pathogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one of the leading causes of nosocomial infections, is frequently found in water lines supplying dental units. In the present work, 160 samples of water, and 200 fomite samples from forty dental units were collected in the city of Barretos, State of São Paulo, Brazil and evaluated between January and July, 2005. Seventy-six P. aeruginosa strains, isolated from the dental environment (5 strains and water system (71 strains, were tested for susceptibility to six antimicrobial drugs most frequently used against P. aeruginosa infections. Susceptibility to ciprofloxacin, followed by meropenem was the predominant profile. The need for effective means of reducing the microbial burden within dental unit water lines is emphasized, and the risk of exposure and cross-infection in dental practice, in special when caused by opportunistic pathogens like P. aeruginosa, are highlighted.Uma ampla variedade de patógenos oportunistas tem sido detectadas nos tubos de alimentação de água dos equipos odontológicos, particularmente no biofilme formado na superfície do tubo. Entre os patógenos oportunistas encontrados nos tubos de água, Pseudomonas aeruginosa é reconhecida como uma das principais causadoras de infecções nosocomiais. Foram coletadas 160 amostras de água e 200 amostras de fomites em quarenta clinicas odontológicas na cidade de Barretos, São Paulo, Brasil, durante o período de Janeiro a Julho de 2005. Setenta e seis cepas de P. aeruginosa, isoladas a partir dos fomites (5 cepas e das amostras de água (71 cepas, foram analisadas quanto à susceptibilidade à seis drogas antimicrobianas freqüentemente utilizadas para o tratamento de infecções provocadas por P. aeruginosa. As principais suscetibilidades observadas foram para a

  6. Surgical extrusion: A reliable technique for saving compromised teeth. A 5-years follow-up case report

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    Jenner Argueta


    Full Text Available Aim: To present a long term follow up clinical case in which a compromised anterior tooth was saved by a surgical extrusion procedure. Summary: Although different techniques have been suggested for clinical crown lengthening in the anterior zone, some of them have limitations in terms of aesthetics and procedural requirements. The current case report demonstrates how a simplified surgical extrusion procedure was successfully performed for saving a severely damaged anterior tooth; furthermore, it is possible to apply the technique described in this case using minimum and simple armamentarium like a scalpel, elevators, forceps and splinting flexible cord. Key-learning points: Saving severely compromised anterior teeth is possible by applying surgical extrusion techniques when crown-root ratio allows it. Risk of root resorption or ankylosis is minimum. Riassunto: Obiettivo: Presentare un caso clinico con controllo a 5 anni in cui un dente anteriore compromesso è stato recuperato con una procedura di estrusione chirurgica. Riassunto: Sebbene siano state suggerite diverse tecniche per l’allungamento della corona clinica nella zona anteriore, alcune di esse presentano limitazioni in termini di estetica e competenza nelle procedure. Il presente case report dimostra come una procedura di estrusione chirurgica semplificata sia stata eseguita con successo per salvare un dente anteriore gravemente danneggiato. Va sottolineato che la tecnica descritta in questo caso può essere portata a termine utilizzando un armamentario minimo e molto semplice come un bisturi, leve, pinze e uno splintaggio flessibile. Key learning points: E’ possibile salvare elementi dentari gravemente compromessi applicando tecniche di estrusione chirurgica quando il rapporto corona-radice lo consente. Il rischio di riassorbimento della radice o anchilosi è minimo. Keywords: Crown fracture, Crown lengthening, Surgical extrusion, Surgical repositioning, Biologic width, Parole

  7. Meningiomas of pineal region in children Meningiomas da região da pineal em crianças

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    Hamilton Matushita


    Full Text Available Meningiomas are uncommon tumors in children and either more rarely encountered in the pineal region. We report two cases of meningioma of the pineal region in children. One of these cases was a five years-old girl and the other a one year-old boy. No specific clinical presentation or tomographic examinations findings was identified before treatment, suggestive of a diagnosis of menigioma. The clinical and laboratory features were very similar to the most common tumors of the pineal region. Prior to the surgery, the histology of these tumors was not suspected. Both patients underwent direct surgery and complete removal was achieved by a suboccipital transtentorial approach. The tumors originated from velum interpositum in both cases. At the follow up, one case presented with recurrence six years later, and she underwent a reoperation with total resection without morbidity. Long-term follow up presented no other recurrences.Meningiomas são tumores poucos frequentes em crianças, e mais raramente encontrados na região da pineal. Relatamos dois casos de meningioma da região da pineal em crianças, uma menina de cinco anos e um menino de um ano de idade. Não foi identificada nenhuma forma de apresentação clinica ou caracteristica tomográfica, antes do tratamento, que sugerisse o diagnóstico de meningioma. As características clinicas e laboratoriais encontradas foram similares às de tumores mais frequentes da região da pineal. Ambos os pacientes foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico e a remoção completa foi obtida por abordagem suboccipital transtentorial. Durante o seguimento, um dos pacientes foi reoperado por recorrencia do tumor seis anos após o tratamento inicial. Atualmente, os pacientes encontram-se livres de recorrência tumoral.

  8. The Albanian Cultural Heritage on the Internet

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    Nicola Maiellaro


    Full Text Available EnThe paper discusses the production of an interactive map (both for desktop and for mobile aiming to support the promotion of the cultural heritage, using an authoring system. At present, the tools feature 13 heritage sites across the County of Tirana, which are supported by text and photographs supplied by IMK - Instituti i Monumenteve te Kultures ‘Gani Strazimiri’ (Institute for Cultural Monuments within the project ‘S.O.S. – Squiperia Open Source’, funded by the Apulia Region. We include experience of developing the tools as a possible benefit to other developers in the cultural sector.ItL'articolo illustra la produzione di una mappa interattiva (per sistemi 'desktop' e 'mobile' finalizzata a dare supporto alla promozione del patrimonio culturale, realizzata mediante un sistema autore. Attualmente il sistema gestisce 13 siti di interesse culturale collocati nel distretto di Tirana in Albania, con testi e fotografie fornite da IMK - Instituti i Monumenteve te Kultures 'Gani Strazimiri' (Istituto per i Monumenti della Cultura nell'ambito del progetto 'S.O.S. - Squiperia Open Source', finanziato dalla Regione Puglia. La descrizione del sistema può essere utile agli sviluppatori che operano nel settore culturale. 

  9. Online Pornography. The panopticon and its pleasures

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    Walter Stefano Baroni


    Full Text Available L’articolo affronta la questione della pornografia online, concentrandosi su alcuni dei suoi grandi hub presenti sulla rete, come, e, cercando di ottenere una comprensione più ampia dell’esperienza che offrono ai loro fruitori.  A partire da una prospettiva foucaultiana e dalle nozioni di panopticon e disciplina, il saggio cerca di proporre una descrizione thick dell’hardcore digitale. Seguendo le indicazioni di Geertz, per cui i testi culturali possono essere intesi solo a partire da un’attenta lettura del contesto semiotico in cui sono inseriti, i materiali pornografici online sono analizzati non solo nelle loro dimensioni testuali, ma anche in quelle paratestuali. In questo modo, gli hub del porno cambiano aspetto. Non più semplici canali di distribuzione di sesso da guardare, ma spettacoli disciplinari, nei quali i corpi sono sottoposti a una disciplina anarchica di estrazione del piacere. Le pratiche disciplinari in questione si svolgono in un mondo privo di uno spazio e di un tempo preciso, dando così forma alla rappresentazione di una società utopica, il cui centro è il corpo della vittima come superficie infinitamente lacerabile.

  10. [The whole world in a cup of coffee. Case reports]. (United States)

    De Fiore, Luca


    There is a rising interest for clinical cases in medicine. Actually, they don't necessarily conflict with the evidence-based medicine approach; rather, as several authors made clear, EBM-oriented case reports and clinical trials could be complementary. Cases and case series could even represent the first line of evidence and they are extremely valuable in discovering new pathologies and monitoring unexpected drug effects. They also play a relevant role in continuing medical education. The new section of Recenti Progressi in Medicina is edited by a prominent Italian research Institute (Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica, CNR). It focuses on a single case, guiding the physicians' decision-making from differential diagnosis to the treatment options.

  11. [Prevention of psychosocial issues and drug addiction in workers employed in building great infrastructures: first outcomes of an experience in the Florence area]. (United States)

    Carpentiero, L; Costa, G; De Luca, G; Piovanelli, S; Venè, D; Righini, S; Marini, M; Baldanzi, S; Selvi, A; Scalas, S; Cassitto, M G; Sartori, S; Lacangellera, D; Bosco, A


    The research on stress, mobbing, and substance dependence in workers employed in the building of the great infrastructures is part of the project Euridice-Ten. The 75% of the workers employed took part in the research through an anonymous and structured questionnaire. The Clinica del Lavoro of the University of Milan elaborated the data. They point out a high risk of stress, a low level of control, a marked risk of mobbing, a high chronic fatigue in the most exhausting jobs, sleep disorders, problems in the social life as well as at home, in nourishment and at work. Many workers drink too much alcohol and the 9% of the workers know workers who use cocaine.

  12. Implantation of total body irradiation in radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Habitzreuter, Angela Beatriz


    Before implementing a treatment technique, the characteristics of the beam under irradiation conditions must be well acknowledged and studied. Each one of the parameters used to calculate the dose has to be measured and validated before its utilization in clinical practice. This is particularly necessary when dealing with special techniques. In this work, all necessary parameters and measurements are described for the total body irradiation implementation in facilities designed for conventional treatments that make use of unconventional geometries to generate desired enlarged field sizes. Furthermore, this work presents commissioning data of this modality at Hospital das Clinicas of Sao Paulo using comparison of three detectors types for measurements of entrance dose during total body irradiation treatment. (author)

  13. Translation, adaptation, and validation of the Stanford Hypnotic Clinical Scale in Puerto Rico. (United States)

    Deynes-Exclusa, Yazmin; Sayers-Montalvo, Sean K; Martinez-Taboas, Alfonso


    The only hypnotizability scale that has been translated and validated for the Puerto Rican population is the Barber Suggestibility Scale (BSS). In this article, the Stanford Hypnotic Clinical Scale (SHCS) was translated and validated for this population. The translated SHCS ("Escala Stanford de Hipnosis Clinica" [ESHC]) was administered individually to 100 Puerto Rican college students. There were no significant differences found between the norms of the original SHCS samples and the Spanish version of the SHCS. Both samples showed similar distributions. The Spanish version's internal reliability as well as the item discrimination index were adequate. The authors conclude that the ESHC is an adequate instrument to measure hypnotizability in the Puerto Rican population.

  14. Il senso del lavoro e il suo contesto. Una rilettura di Bartleby lo scrivano di Herman Melville

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    Giuseppe Ruvolo


    Full Text Available Attraverso una rilettura critica del noto racconto di Herman Melville Bartleby lo scrivano, viene proposta una chiave di comprensione psico-antropologica delle condotte lavorative, delle relazioni nei contesti lavorativi e delle loro ricadute psicopatologiche. In particolare viene avanzata una lettura che connette i comportamenti e le relazioni lavorative quali esiti della difficoltà dei singoli nella mentalizzazione dei modelli ideologico-culturali che li determinano in un dato momento storico. Viene criticata una lettura, tendenzialmente presente in psicologia clinica e in psicologia del lavoro, in chiave riduttivamente individualistica, la quale attribuisce al singolo presunti deficit psichici ricercando le cause, e gli antecedenti delle condotte disadattive delle formazioni psicopatologiche, nella sola storia personale e individuale dei soggetti.

  15. The equivalent Histograms in clinical practice; Los histogramas equivalentes en la practica clinica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pizarro Trigo, F.; Teijeira Garcia, M.; Zaballos Carrera, S.


    Is frequently abused of The tolerances established for organ at risk [1] in diagrams of standard fractionation (2Gy/session, 5 sessions per week) when applied to Dose-Volume histograms non-standard schema. The purpose of this work is to establish when this abuse may be more important and realize a transformation of fractionation non-standard of histograms dosis-volumen. Is exposed a case that can be useful to make clinical decisions. (Author)

  16. Cardiovascular risk assessment: audit findings from a nurse clinic--a quality improvement initiative. (United States)

    Waldron, Sarah; Horsburgh, Margaret


    Evidence has shown the effectiveness of risk factor management in reducing mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular disease (CVD). An audit of a nurse CVD risk assessment programme undertaken between November 2005 and December 2008 in a Northland general practice. A retrospective audit of CVD risk assessment with data for the first entry of 621 patients collected exclusively from PREDICT-CVDTM, along with subsequent data collected from 320 of these patients who had a subsequent assessment recorded at an interval ranging from six months to three years (18 month average). Of the eligible population (71%) with an initial CVD risk assessment, 430 (69.2%) had afive-year absolute risk less than 15%, with 84 (13.5%) having a risk greater than 15% and having not had a cardiovascular event. Of the patients with a follow-up CVD risk assessment, 34 showed improvement. Medication prescribing for patients with absolute CVD risk greater than 15% increased from 71% to 86% for anti-platelet medication and for lipid lowering medication from 65% to 72% in the audit period. The recently available 'heart health' trajectory tool will help patients become more aware of risks that are modifiable, together with community support to engage more patients in the nurse CVD prevention programme. Further medication audits to monitor prescribing trends. Patients who showed an improvement in CVD risk had an improvement in one or more modifiable risk factors and became actively involved in making changes to their health.

  17. Fracture liaison service in a non-regional orthopaedic clinic--a cost-effective service.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Ahmed, M


    Fracture liaison services (FLS) aim to provide cost-effective targeting of secondary fracture prevention. It is proposed that a dedicated FLS be available in any hospital to which a patient presents with a fracture. An existing orthopaedic clinic nurse was retrained to deliver a FLS. Proformas were used so that different nurses could assume the fracture liaison nurse (FLN) role, as required. Screening consisted of fracture risk estimation, phlebotomy and DXA scanning. 124 (11%) of all patients attending the orthopaedic fracture clinic were reviewed in the FLS. Upper limb fractures accounted for the majority of fragility fractures screened n=69 (55.6%). Two-thirds of patients (n=69) had reduced bone mineral density (BMD). An evidence based approach to both non-pharmacological and pharmacotherapy was used and most patients (76.6%) receiving pharmacotherapy received an oral bisphosphonate (n=46). The FLS has proven to be an effective way of delivering secondary prevention for osteoporotic fracture in a non-regional fracture clinic, without increasing staff costs.

  18. Dispositivi formativi e forme di vita

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    Francesco Cappa


    Full Text Available Il dibattito pedagogico che ha caratterizzato gli ultimi anni ha spesso insistito sull’importanza del nesso tra sviluppo tecnologico e modelli formativi. Questa relazione, però, troppo spesso non valorizza i modi in cui l’esperienza educativa e formativa dovrebbe essere sempre più accuratamente pensata, progettata e predisposta se vista dalla prospettiva delle buone pratiche tecnologiche. Tale valorizzazione dell’istanza formativa deve prendere avvio da una riflessione critica e approfondita sui modelli impliciti ed espliciti che caratterizzano le pratiche educative e formative, valorizzando l’uso e l’interpretazione che i soggetti rendono attuali.Per consentire tale riflessione è necessario pensare un dispositivo pedagogico che non perda di vista la complessità delle dimensioni che agiscono nell’accadere educativo, capace di creare nuovi percorsi di sperimentazione delle conoscenze e nuove ipotesi di formazione di sé e degli altri. La formazione interpretata alla luce dei dispositivi pedagogici può offrire un valido strumento teorico e pratico per immaginare, progettare e valutare gli effetti che ogni azione formativa produce legati alla trasformazione dei saperi, alla vita delle forme e alle forme di vita contemporanee.

  19. Minimally invasive aesthetic procedures in young adults

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    Wollina U


    Full Text Available Uwe Wollina1, Alberto Goldman21Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Academic Teaching Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Dresden, Germany; 2Clinica Goldman, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande du Sul, BrazilAbstract: Age is a significant factor in modifying specific needs when it comes to medical aesthetic procedures. In this review we will focus on young adults in their third decade of life and review minimally invasive aesthetic procedures other than cosmetics and cosmeceuticals. Correction of asymmetries, correction after body modifying procedures, and facial sculpturing are important issues for young adults. The implication of aesthetic medicine as part of preventive medicine is a major ethical challenge that differentiates aesthetic medicine from fashion.Keywords: acne scars, ice pick scars, boxcar scars, fillers 

  20. External auditory canal atresia of probable congenital origin in a dog. (United States)

    Schmidt, K; Piaia, T; Bertolini, G; De Lorenzi, D


    A nine-month-old Labrador retriever was referred to the Clinica Veterinaria Privata San Marco because of frequent headshaking and downward turning of the right ear. Clinical examination revealed that there was no external acoustic meatus in the right ear. Computed tomography confirmed that the vertical part of the right auditory canal ended blindly, providing a diagnosis of external auditory canal atresia. Cytological examination and culture of fluid from the canal and the bulla revealed only aseptic cerumen; for this reason, it was assumed that the dog was probably affected by a congenital developmental deformity of the external auditory canal. Reconstructive surgery was performed using a "pull-through" technique. Four months after surgery the cosmetic and functional results were satisfactory.

  1. Evaluation of the thermoluminescent detector answers of CaSO{sub 4}:Dy, LiF:Mg,Ti and micro LiF:Mg,Ti in photon clinical beams dosimetry using water simulator; Avaliacao da resposta de detectores termoluminescentes de CaSO4:Dy, LiF:Mg,Ti e microLiF:Mg,Ti na dosimetria de feixes clinicos de fotons utilizando simulador de agua

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsushima, Luciana C.; Veneziani, Glauco R.; Campos, Leticia L., E-mail: lmatsushima@usp.b, E-mail: veneziani@ipen.b, E-mail: lcrodri@ipen.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (GMR/IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Gerencia de Metrologia das Radiacoes; Sakuraba, Roberto K.; Cruz, Jose C. da, E-mail: rsakuraba@einstein.b, E-mail: jccruz@einstein.b [Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Hospital Albert Einstein (HAE)


    This paper perform the comparative study of thermoluminescent answer of calcium sulfate dosemeter doped with dysprosium (DaSO{sub 4}:Dy) produced by the IPEN, Sao Paulo, with answer of lithium fluoride dosemeters doped with magnesium and titanium (LiF:Mg, Ti) in the dosimetry of clinical beams of photons (6 and 15 MV) by using water simulator object. Dose-answer curves were obtained for gamma radiation of cobalt-60 in the air and in conditions of electronic equilibrium (plate of PMMA), and clinical photons of CLINAC model 2100C accelerators of the two evaluated hospitals: Hospital das Clinicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Sao Paulo university and Hospital Albert Einstein. It was also evaluated the sensitivity and reproduction of the three dosemeters

  2. Estudo piloto sobre esquistossomose mansoni em área rural do Município de Itanhomi, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais

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    Maria José Conceição


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho os autores apresentam dados relativos à prevalência e formas clinicas da esquistossomose mansoni, hospedeiro intermediário e determinação do seu índice de infecção em Santa Luzia do Carneiro, área rural do Município de Itanhomi, Vale do Rio Doce, Minas Gerais. O estudo seccional da população revelou 42,1% de positividade para ovos de S.mansoni em um exame de fezes peto método de Lutz (Hoffmann, Ponz, Janer e um percentual de 6,8% de pacientes com hepato-esplenomegalia. O hospedeiro intermediário encontrado foi a B.glabrata com um índice de infecção de 3,2%.

  3. Evaluation of the thermoluminescent detector answers of CaSO4:Dy, LiF:Mg,Ti and micro LiF:Mg,Ti in photon clinical beams dosimetry using water simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsushima, Luciana C.; Veneziani, Glauco R.; Campos, Leticia L.


    This paper perform the comparative study of thermoluminescent answer of calcium sulfate dosemeter doped with dysprosium (DaSO 4 :Dy) produced by the IPEN, Sao Paulo, with answer of lithium fluoride dosemeters doped with magnesium and titanium (LiF:Mg, Ti) in the dosimetry of clinical beams of photons (6 and 15 MV) by using water simulator object. Dose-answer curves were obtained for gamma radiation of cobalt-60 in the air and in conditions of electronic equilibrium (plate of PMMA), and clinical photons of CLINAC model 2100C accelerators of the two evaluated hospitals: Hospital das Clinicas of the Faculty of Medicine of Sao Paulo university and Hospital Albert Einstein. It was also evaluated the sensitivity and reproduction of the three dosemeters

  4. Radiological-morphological synopsis of radiation-induced lung fibrosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bublitz, G.


    As delayed radiation damage after treatment of bronchial carcinoma and mamma carcinoma, fibroses occur as a reaction of the tissues. They have become a clinical-functional syndrome because of their uniform clinicaL-radiological symptomatology and pathophysiology. Pulmonary fibrosis as delayed radiation damage has a special importance with its two different radiation effects on connective tissue: a) on existing structures, b) delayed alterations of the connective tissue. As seen from experiments on lungs of men and rats, radiation-induced alterations can be measured by testing the different solubilities of the collagen types. In addition to the pathologically disordered collagen production, 9 weeks after the irradiation the radiation fibrosis leads to an isolated increase of insoluble collagen corresponding to the formation of metabolism-resistant fibrils. (MG) [de

  5. Representações sociais dos usuários hospitalizados sobre cidadania: implicações para o cuidado hospitalar

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    Flávia Pacheco de Araújo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: analisar as representacoes sociais de usuarios hospitalizados sobre a cidadania no cuidado hospitalar. Método: abordagem qualitativa com referencial da Teoria das Representacoes Sociais, realizada com 31 usuarios hospitalizados no setor de clinica medica de um hospital publico, universitario. Realizou-se entrevista semiestruturada, cujos dados foram submetidos ao programa Alceste, com aplicacao de analise lexical. Resultados: os usuarios conhecem os seus direitos, e a cidadania no cuidado e entendida a luz dos direitos a saude, de modo que sejam bem atendidos do ponto de vista tecnico e humano. Conclusão: o bom trato relacional e a prestacao do cuidado tecnico-procedimental sao direitos dos usuarios; logo, a ausência de um ou de outra implica o nao respeito a sua cidadania.


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    Maurizio Pavesi


    Full Text Available Corcyranillus abnormis (J. Sahlberg, 1900 e Prioniomus moczarskii Jeannel, 1937, specie tipo dei rispettivi generi, vengono studiati criticamente su materiale recentemente raccolto e comparati con altre specie inedite. In base a tale studio viene proposta la sinonimia tra i generi Corcyranillus Jeannel, 1937 e Prioniomus Jeannel, 1937, descritti nel medesimo lavoro; l’autore, quale Primo Revisore, seleziona Prioniomus come nome valido e gli assegna la priorità su Corcyranillus. Turkanillus Coiffait, 1956 (specie tipo T. strinatii Coiffait, 1956, dell’Anatolia nord-occidentale, viene ugualmente considerato sinonimo di Prioniomus. Viene ridefinito il genere Prioniomus, considerato sister group e vicariante orientale di Anillus Jacquelin du Val, 1851, e brevemente discussi i caratteri derivati presenti in ciascuno. Viene descritto Prioniomus cassiopaeus n. sp. dell’isola di Kérkyra. Vengono infine brevemente ridescritte le due specie di Prioniomus già conosciute di Kérkyra, con alcune note su località e habitat di rinvenimento, e considerazioni sulla distribuzione generale degli Anillina nell’isola.

  7. Two patients walk into a clinic...a genomics perspective on the future of schizophrenia

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    Corvin Aiden P


    Full Text Available Abstract Progress is being made in schizophrenia genomics, suggesting that this complex brain disorder involves rare, moderate to high-risk mutations and the cumulative impact of small genetic effects, coupled with environmental factors. The genetic heterogeneity underlying schizophrenia and the overlap with other neurodevelopmental disorders suggest that it will not continue to be viewed as a single disease. This has radical implications for clinical practice, as diagnosis and treatment will be guided by molecular etiology rather than clinical diagnostic criteria.


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    María Eugenia Agudelo Bedoya


    Full Text Available Este artículo está basado en una investigación realizada sobre problemáticas familiares de 133 pacientes interconsultados y atendidos por Trabajo Social en los servicios de internación de la Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana (CUB entre febrero-julio de 2013.1 Se utilizó un diseño mixto, integrando aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos para describir las familias, variables de la atención ofrecida por trabajo social y la manera como se organizaban las familias para el cuidado del paciente en su hospitalización. Se encontraron varias configuraciones familiares, un porcentaje alto atravesando ciclo vital de adulto o anciano. El mayor número de remisiones corrieron por cuenta del médico internista y correspondieron a situaciones catalogadas por trabajo social como “problemas relacionados con otros hechos estresantes que afectan la familia”. El tipo de intervención en el que fueron atendidas fue el acompañamiento. Algunas de las familias, encontraron soporte entre sus miembros, amigos, vecinos, cuidadores formales e informales y en instituciones que por su competencia deben brindarlo. La ausencia de estos apoyos se constituye el principal motivo de remisión a trabajo social.


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    María-Aurora Rodríguez Borrego


    Full Text Available El proyecto se desarrolló entre las Universidades de Córdoba y A Coruña en España y consistió en una experiencia de aprendizaje cooperativo intercultural e Interuniversitario con alumnos/as del primer curso de la Diplomatura de Enfermería que estaban realizando sus prácticas clínicas, con los objetivos de encontrar puntos de encuentro a la habitual distorsión entre teoría y práctica que detecta el alumnado cuando realiza sus primeras prácticas clínicas, trabajar en grupo cooperativo y ganar habilidad para la crítica y la autocrítica. Se presenta la evaluación de la experiencia por los docentes participantes con el modelo DAFO (Dificultades, Amenazas, Fortalezas y Oportunidades. Para los alumnos, el encuentro de la igualdad en la diferencia se constituyo en una gran oportunidad de aprendizaje, si bien contrastó con la dificultad de trabajar en grupo cooperativo. Como conclusión se puede decir que el método docente empleado mostró su efectividad y su dificultad.

  10. Two patients walk into a clinic...a genomics perspective on the future of schizophrenia

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Corvin, Aiden P


    Abstract Progress is being made in schizophrenia genomics, suggesting that this complex brain disorder involves rare, moderate to high-risk mutations and the cumulative impact of small genetic effects, coupled with environmental factors. The genetic heterogeneity underlying schizophrenia and the overlap with other neurodevelopmental disorders suggest that it will not continue to be viewed as a single disease. This has radical implications for clinical practice, as diagnosis and treatment will be guided by molecular etiology rather than clinical diagnostic criteria.

  11. Possibilities of radiographic digitalisation in dental clinics; Possibilidades de digitalizacao radiografica na clinica odontologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zenobio, Madelon A.F. [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Zenobio, Elton Goncalves [Pontificia Univ. Catolica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    In the evolution diagnostic processes by image, the improvement of the intrabucal radiographic sensibility generated and digitalized is today, of great expressiveness in the evolution and effectiveness in the odontological area. This methodology applicability as a possibility of a more precise and accurate diagnostic formulation among other advantages, justifies this technique use. This paper intends to, thorough the literature magazine and clinic case presentations to show its applicability in the daily odontological clinic, and specially, in the periodonty area. (author)

  12. Storage ring free electron laser, pulse propagation effects and microwave type instabilities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dattoli, G.; Mezi, L.; Renieri, A. [ENEA, Divisione Fisica Applicata, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Frascati, RM (Italy); Migliorati, M. [Rome Univ. La Sapienza, Rome (Italy). Dipt. di Energetica


    It has been developed a dynamical model accounting for the storage Ring Free Electron Laser evolution including pulse propagation effects and e-beam instabilities of microwave type. It has been analyzed the general conditions under which the on set of the laser may switch off the instability and focus everybody attention on the interplay between cavity mismatch, laser pulsed behavior and e-beam instability dynamics. Particular attention is also devoted to the laser operation in near threshold conditions, namely at an intracavity level just enough to counteract the instability, that show in this region new and interesting effects arises. [Italian] Si sviluppa un modello dinamico per la descrizione dell'evoluzione di un laser ad elettroni liberi in anello di accumulazione con l'inclusione di effetti di propagazione d'impulso e di instabilita' a microonda. Si analizzano le condizioni per le quali l'instaurarsi dell'operazione laser puo' spegnere l'instabilita' e si focalizza l'attenzione sulla connessione fra desincronismo della cavita', comportamento pulsato del laser e comportamento instabile del fascio di elettroni: si analizza in particolare l'operazione laser quando il guadagno e' prossimo alle perdite della cavita' e si osservano effetti particolarmente interessanti.

  13. A silence full of noises: The aural environment in a miner’s life history

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    Francesco Bachis


    Full Text Available L’opera 4’33” di John Cage può essere letta come un tentativo di dissacrare lo spazio dell’ascolto attento della musica “colta” attraverso l’eliminazione del “suono” in un luogo in cui paradigmaticamente si punta a ridurre il “rumore”. Il setting delle storie di vita viene costruito come un luogo “del silenzio”, in cui la predisposizione tecnica e l’abilità dell’etnografo concorrono alla riduzione dei rumori di fondo e dei disturbi. Il silenzio in etnografia non può, tuttavia, essere letto soltanto come una assenza di comunicazione, per quanto “significativa” (Basso 1970, ma come un campo da esplorare anche uditivamente, che lascia emerge soundscapes e segnali corporei. A partire dalla sfida della sensory ethnography come contributo alla «risensibilizzazione» dell’antropologia (Herzfeld 2006 l’articolo presenta un frammento di storia di vita di Giovanni, anziano minatore sardo. La descrizione etnografica si concentra sulla voce di Giovanni e sull’intero spettro sonoro del luogo e dei corpi presenti, registrati tramite una videocamera. Il «silenzio pieno di rumore» (Cage 1977: 221 che emerge dall’“ascolto differito” del video consente di offrire una maggiore densità alla rammemorazione e al racconto di Giovanni.

  14. Polineuropatia urêmica: estudo clínico-eletroneurográfico de 33 casos

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    Lineu Cesar Werneck


    Full Text Available Neste estudo foram avaliados 33 pacientes com polineuropatia e insuficiência renal crônica. A idade dos pacientes variou entre 18 e 58 anos, sendo 26 do sexo masculino e 9 do feminino. Todos os pacientes apresentavam níveis de uréia acima de 100 mg/dl e creatinina acima de 5,0 mg/dl. 10 pacientes foram mantidos com hemodiálise crônica, 13 com diálise peritoneal semanal e 10 com tratamento clinico conservador (controles. Foram realizadas medidas da condução nervosa motora nos nervos mediano, ulnar e peroneiro em todos os pacientes, concomitante com a avaliação clínica. Os pacientes foram divididos em grupos, conforme a intensidade da neuropatia presente. Os sintomas mais freqüentes foram diminuição do senso de vibração, câimbras e hipoestesia distai para tacto. O nervo mais afetado foi o peroneiro (97,82%, seguido do mediano e ulnar. O procedimento dialítico alterou pouco a condução nervosa, quando as aferições eram realizadas antes e depois da mesma diálise. Não houve nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos de hemodiálise e diálise peritoneal na avaliação clinica ou eletroneurográfica. Em 7 pacientes seguidos por vários anos, a condução nervosa manteve-se estável em dois, aumentou em dois e baixou em três, acompanhando a evolução dos sintomas. Nos três que pioraram, houve desenvolvimento paralelo de hiper-paratireoidismo secundário. Os autores concluem que o nervo peroneiro é o que melhores condições fornece para o seguimento e avaliação clinica dos pacientes com uremia, apresentando tendência para diminuir a condução nervosa, quando existe piora da sintomatologia, sem relação com o tipo de diálise empregado.

  15. La libertà religiosa nella “teocrazia costituzionale” egiziana

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    Roberta Cupertino


    Full Text Available Contributo sottoposto a valutazioneSOMMARIO: 1. Libertà religiosa nell’Islam e costituzionalismo: profili di criticità del caso egiziano - 2. L’interpretazione dei principi sciaraitici per via giurisprudenziale - 3. I nuovi risvolti costituzionali del diritto di libertà religiosa – 4. L’implementazione dei diritti tra Costituzioni e Corte Costituzionale.  ABSTRACT:The present work deals with the issue concerning the protection of the right to religious freedom in Egypt, on the basis of the fact that the Constitutions of this Country, following the Sadat era to the present day, while recognizing the essential elements of constitutionalism, attach to Sharia principles the rank of preeminent source of legislation. On the basis of this specificity, therefore, this work examines the relationship between Islamic culture and constitutionalism, focusing on a number of judgments of the Constitutional Court, known for having permitted a more liberal interpretation of the Sharia rules. Just the particular method used by constitutional judges in order to establish the principles of a religious nature that can not be violated by the legislature, in fact, offers starting points about the future, possible cohabitation, or contamination between the two cultures mentioned, with interesting implications on the subject of religious freedom.

  16. Il ruolo del topografo ieri, oggi e domani

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    Bryn Fosburgh


    Full Text Available Bryn Fosburgh, vice presidente di Trimble e membro del comitato esecutivo della società, fornisce ai lettori di GEOmedia la sua visione del ruolo del topografo (e dunque del geometra, in Italia al giorno d’oggi.Come cambia il suo ruolo in questo contesto? Secondo Fosburgh il topografo è diventato un professionista della gestione, interpretazione, analisi e rappresentazione dei dati geospaziali; il suo nuovo ruolo dev’essere quello di guida per tutti gli utenti che hanno a che fare con questo tipo di dati. The Role of the Surveyor Yesterday, Today and TomorrowOver the past 50 years, advances in technology have increased the efficiency of the surveying profession, particularly in meas-urement  and  data  collection.  However,  the  new  technolo-gies—coupled with the decreasing population of professional surveyors worldwide—mandate that the surveyor’s role must and will change to managing, interpreting, analyzing and por-traying geomatics data. The surveyor must guide geospatial data consumers in a variety of related disciplines on how data is collected and used while maintaining a high level of data integrity.

  17. La letteratura italiana tradotta in Argentina

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    Silvia Cattoni


    Full Text Available In due secoli di storia della letteratura argentina, lo sviluppo della letteratura italiana tradotta è in stretto rapporto con i propositi pedagogici o estetici determinati dal contesto culturale dei diversi momenti storici. In linea di massima, è possibile affermare che, dalla conformazione dello Stato nazionale e durante i primi decenni del XX secolo, la traduzione letteraria mirava ad ampliare l’orizzonte culturale di un lettore che si consolidava al ritmo della fiammante nazione. Nelle fasi successive e in stretto rapporto con la politica culturale portata avanti da Victoria Ocampo a partire dal 1931 tramite la rivista Sur e il suo posteriore progetto editoriale, la traduzione è stata soprattutto una pratica di scrittura che ebbe un’influenza decisiva nell’ordito della letteratura nazionale favorendo il suo rinnovo e incentivando le versioni di traduttori argentini. Fu questa un’apertura che favorì, durante la seconda metà del secolo, nel contesto della ricezione della letteratura universale, l’ingresso della letteratura italiana in Argentina. Il presente lavoro tratta in maniera sistematica, ma provvisoria, il panorama della letteratura italiana tradotta in Argentina. Lo scopo principale comporta il registro dei momenti più fecondi e l’interpretazione degli esiti ottenuti nei confronti della traduzione nel sistema letterario nazionale.

  18. [Microbiological diagnosis of HIV infection]. (United States)

    López-Bernaldo de Quirós, Juan Carlos; Delgado, Rafael; García, Federico; Eiros, José M; Ortiz de Lejarazu, Raúl


    Currently, there are around 150,000 HIV-infected patients in Spain. This number, together with the fact that this disease is now a chronic condition since the introduction of antiretroviral therapy, has generated an increasing demand on the clinical microbiology laboratories in our hospitals. This increase has occurred not only in the diagnosis and treatment of opportunistic diseases, but also in tests related to the diagnosis and therapeutic management of HIV infection. To meet this demand, the Sociedad de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clinica (Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology) has updated its standard Procedure for the microbiological diagnosis of HIV infection. The main advances related to serological diagnosis, plasma viral load, and detection of resistance to antiretroviral drugs are reviewed in this version of the Procedure.

  19. CYP7B1

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roos, P; Svenstrup, K; Danielsen, E R


    UNLABELLED: The SPG5A subtype of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutations in the CYP7B1 gene, which encodes a steroid cytochrome P450 7α-hydroxylase. This enzyme provides the primary metabolic route for neurosteroids. Clinica......UNLABELLED: The SPG5A subtype of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) is a rare autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutations in the CYP7B1 gene, which encodes a steroid cytochrome P450 7α-hydroxylase. This enzyme provides the primary metabolic route for neurosteroids.......945_947 dupGGC p.A316AA). CONCLUSION: SPG5A could be characterized as a predominantly pure HSP. MRS showing elevated mI/Cr ratio in the white matter may be indicative of SPG5A....

  20. Revisão de 45 casos de tuberculose miliar em adultos - estudos clínicopatológicos

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    Adrelirio José Rios Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Os autores apresentem uma revisão de 45 casos de tuberculose viiliar em adultos, sendo que 42 foram selecionados de urn total de 4.000 necropsias. Uma correlação clínico-patológica é feita senão nitidamente evidenciado c baixo grau de suspeita clinica da doenca e a relativa freqüência desta infecção em Hospitais Gerais conseqüente à mimetização com outras patologias. Uma classificação histovatológica da condição é feita, assim como os principais órgãos atingidos são assinalados. Discussão a respeito dos mecanismos patogênicos é tentada. Finalizam com uma revisão a respeito dos problemas gerais envolvidos na tuberculose miliar.

  1. Unrecognized bipolar disorder in patients with a diagnosis of unipolar depression%诊断为单相抑郁症者中未识别的双相障碍

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    David L.DUNNER


    @@ The diagnosis of bipolar rather than unipolar depression is currently a clinicaI diagnosis which cannot be validated by specific biological measures,such as laboratory tests.Certainly the characteristics of bipolar depression frequently differ from unipolar major depression in that patients with bipolar depression generally have an earlier age of onset and more frequent episodes than individuals with unipolar major depression[1]Some,but not all,studies support an increase in suicidal behaviors among bipolar as compared with unipolar major depression[2],and"atypical features"such as hypersomnia and hyperphagia also may be found more frequently among individuals with bipolar depression.Furthermore family histories of subjects with bipolar disorders more frequently reveal relatives with bipolar disorder.In contrast,relatives of patients with unipolar depression's family history generally reflects major depression but not bipolar disorder[3].

  2. Sexual function in women from infertile couples and in women seeking surgical sterilization. (United States)

    Hentschel, Heitor; Alberton, Daniele Lima; Sawdy, Robert John; Capp, Edison; Goldim, José Roberto; Passos, Eduardo Pandolfi


    The purpose of this study was to compare sexual function between women of infertile couples (AR) and women seeking tubal ligation (TL). Women who attended Setor de Infertilidade do Serviço de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) or the Serviço de Orientação e Planejamento Familiar (SERPLAN) completed the Female Sexual Function Index, a questionnaire about sexual activity in the last 4 weeks. Scored data were collected on six different domains: desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and discomfort/pain. The greatest positive correlation in the TL group was between orgasm and sexual satisfaction (0.798), and in group AR between desire and arousal (0.627). Infertile women and fertile women who want to undergo surgical sterilization have similar sexual satisfaction scores.

  3. Actinomicose cerebral: observação anatomo-clinica e revisão da literatura brasileira

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    Luciano de Souza Queiroz


    Full Text Available Os autores relatam a observação anátomo-clínica de um paciente de 33 anos, com síndrome de hipertensão intracraniana e hemiparesia à direita. O líquido cefalorraqueano revelava discreta hipercitose linfomonocitária. A autópsia mostrou três abscessos cerebrais, com edema difuso mais intenso no hemisfério cerebral esquerdo, sem leptomeningite purulenta. O exame histopatológico demonstrou grãos actinomicóticos nos abscessos cerebrais e pulmonares. A literatura brasileira sobre neuroactinomicose é analisada, com encontro de seis casos, publicados entre 1934 e 1946. São discutidos aspectos clínicos e anátomo-patológicos relevantes dos casos nacionais.

  4. Radio sterilized human ligaments and their clinical application;Ligamentos humanos radioesterilizados y su aplicacion clinica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luna Z, D.; Reyes F, M. L. [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Diaz M, I.; Hernandez R, G., E-mail: daniel.luna@inin.gob.m [Centro Estatal de Trasplantes del Estado de Mexico, Pablo Sidar No. 602, Col. Universidad, 50130 Toluca, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    The ligaments are human tissues that are used in the transplantation area. A ligament is an anatomical structure in band form, composed by resistant fibers that connect the tissues that unite the bones with the articulations. In an articulation, the ligaments allow and facilitate the movement inside the natural anatomical directions, while it restricts those movements that are anatomically abnormal, impeding lesions that could arise of this type of movements. The kneecap ligament is a very important tissue in the knee mobility and of walking in the human beings. This ligament can injure it because of automobile accidents, for sport lesions or illnesses, and in many cases the only form of recovering the knee movement is carried out a transplant with the purpose of replacing the damage ligament by allo gen kneecap ligament processed in specialized Tissue Banks where the tissue is sterilized with gamma radiation of {sup 60}Co at very low temperatures, obtaining high quality ligaments for clinical application in injured patients. The kneecap ligaments are processed in the Tissue Banks with a segment of kneecap bone, a segment of tibial bone, the contained ligament between both bones and in some cases a fraction of the quadriceps tendon. In this work is given a description of the selection method of the tissue that includes the donor's serologic control, the kneecap ligament processing in the Radio Sterilized Tissues Bank, its sterilization with gamma radiation of {sup 60}Co, also it is indicated like the clinical application of the allo gen ligament was realized in a hasty patient and whose previous crossed ligament was injured. Finally the results are presented from the tissue obtaining until the clinical application of it is, and in this case is observed a favorable initial evolution of the transplantation patient. (Author)

  5. Corrimentos vaginais em gestantes: comparacao da abordagem sindromica com exames da pratica clinica da enfermagem

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    Thais Marques Lima


    Full Text Available Estudo avaliativo de abordagem quantitativa, com amostra de 104 gestantes, com o objetivo de comparar os achados de infecções vaginais em gestantes obtidos por meio do fluxograma de corrimento vaginal com exames presentes na prática clínica da Enfermagem. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista e exame ginecológico realizados de janeiro a julho de 2011. O fluxograma não se mostrou eficaz na identificação de candidíase e tricomoníase, apresentou baixa sensibilidade (0,0%; 50% e valor preditivo positivo (0,0%; 3,6% para as duas infecções e baixa especificidade para tricomoníase (46%. Mostrou-se satisfatório para vaginose bacteriana, com alta sensibilidade (100%, valor preditivo negativo (100% e acurácia (74%. Conclui-se que o emprego do fluxograma precisa ser reavaliado, visto que não foi eficaz em identificar infecções importantes em gestantes. Os esforços para o desenvolvimento de testes eficazes devem ser contínuos, com intuito de prevenir a disseminação de infecções e reduzir tratamentos desnecessários.

  6. Coronary CT: clinical indications and future directions; Tomografia de coronarias: indicacoes clinicas e perspectivas futuras

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nomura, Cesar H.; Serpa, Bruna S.; Kay, Fernando U.; Szarf, Gilberto; Passos, Rodrigo B.; Neto, Roberto S.; Chate, Rodigo C.; Funar, Marcelo B., E-mail: [Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Cury, Roberto C. [Hospital Samaritano, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has started its implementation in cardiology with calcium quantification of coronary plaques in the study without contrast, using the calcium score, demonstrating an important independent predictor of future cardiac events. The examination with intravenous contrast, coronary angiography, appeared later as a noninvasive method for evaluation of anatomy and obstructive coronary disease, characterizing the degree of stenosis and the presence of non calcified atherosclerotic plaques, assessing not only the lumen, but also the vessel wall. With the advent of new machines with more detectors and higher temporal resolution has been a reduction in radiation dose and the possibility of new applications. (author)

  7. Dante e i lettori argentini: l'interpretazione politica della Commedia / Dante and the Argentinian readers: the political interpretation of the “Divina Commedia”

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    Claudia Fernández Speier


    The relationship between Dante and Argentinian readers dates back to the first half of the 19th century. In agreement with the romantic interpretation that caracterised its reading in Italy, they saw in the Divine Comedy, above all, the values of political freedom and national unity. Conceived as a universal work, deprived of its more Italian and medieval traits, from then on the poem was read in Argentina as a universal and timeless book, capable of recieving every historical context. This work attempts to retrace the process of political appropriation underwent by Dante’s Comedy through two centuries. We concentrate on the characteristics of its circulation in each period, and we identify the ideological and aesthetic values it has trasmitted in the Argentinian literary field, in relation with the different aspects of the local reality connected with the poem.

  8. Spectrophotometric intracutaneous analysis for differential diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions

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    Е. V. Filonenko


    Full Text Available The non-invasive diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions by spectrophotometric intracutaneous analysis (SIA-scopy using device for dermatoscopy (SIAscope V by Astron Clinica, Ltd was approved in P.A.Herzen Moscow Cancer Research Institute. The method is based on analysis of light interaction with wavelength of 440–960 nm anf human skin, which is recorded by change of image on scan. The comparative analysis of SIA-scopy and histological data in 327 pigmented skin lesions in 147 patients showed, that SIA had high diagnostic efficiency for cutaneous melanoma: the sensitivity was 96%, specifity – 94%, diagnostic accuracy – 94%. For study of malignant potential of pigmented lesions by SIA-scopy the most informative capacity was obtained for assessment of melanin in papillary dermis, status of blood vessels and collagen fibres (SIA-scans 3, 4, 5.

  9. Intracranial tumors with risk of dissemination in neuroaxis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Calvo, F.A.; Hornedo, J.; de la Torre, A.; Sachetti, A.; Arellano, A.; Aramburo, P.; Aragon, G.; Otero, J.


    The experience of the Radiotherapy Service, Clinica Puerta de Hierro, Madrid (Spain), in the treatment of intracranial tumors with risk of neural axis dissemination is analyzed. In 15 years (1964 to 1979) 415 primary central nervous system tumors were studied and treated; 67 corresponded to tumors with risk of meningeal dissemination. Clinical dissemination in cerebrospinal fluid was proven in 14 patients. The actuarial survival of 10 years for patients with neural axis dissemination, without prophylactic treatment to the neuroaxis, is 14% with an average survival of 10.5 months. In approximately 20% of meduloblastomas, ependymal and pineal region tumors, meningeal metastases at some distance from the primary tumor can take place. Patients at risk with these types of neoplasia must be identified, ad an adequate radical therapeutic focus devised, not only for the primary tumor, but also for the risk of dissemination

  10. Il XLIV Congresso della Società Italiana di Reumatologia

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    F. Oliviero


    Full Text Available Il 17-20 Ottobre 2007 al Lido di Venezia presso il Palazzo del Casinò e il Palazzo del Cinema si è svolto il XLIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Reumatologia (SIR. Numerosi esperti nazionali e internazionali hanno esposto le più importanti acquisizioni nel campo della ricerca clinica e di base reumatologiche. I tre giorni del congresso sono stati caratterizzati da letture, sessioni scientifiche, corsi educazionali, incontri con gli esperti, sezioni poster, corsi di aggiornamento su temi speciali, e diversi simposi. Tra i temi affrontati, particolare rilievo è stato dedicato ai singoli fattori implicati nella patogenesi delle malattie reumatiche, quali le citochine, i fagociti, le cellule endoteliali, i linfociti, i fibroblasti e gli autoanticorpi. In questo ambito un contributo di rilievo è stato offerto dai numerosi relatori stranieri ospiti del convegno. Dal punto di vista clinico, sono...

  11. L’ontologia del "De musica"

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    Eleonora Fortin


    Full Text Available Nel sesto libro del De musica Agostino pone il problema della natura del conoscere a partire da una descrizione, che si potrebbe definire fenomenologica, dei movimenti ritmici di cui il soggetto fa esperienza. Inizia così un percorso conoscitivo, che prendendo le mosse dalle tracce dei numeri arriva a indagare le condizioni di possibilità della conoscenza, rilanciando continuamente l’indagine su molteplici livelli. Con questo articolo si intende comprendere le più rilevanti implicazioni del paradigma conoscitivo agostiniano, il quale non appare riducibile a una mera logica numerica ma permette di  gettare uno sguardo filosofico fino alla realtà metafisica della creatura.   In the De musica’s sixth Book Augustin puts the question of the knowledge’s nature from the description (that we can consider as a phenomenological one of the rhytmical movements experienced by the subject. This is the beginning of a cognitive process that starts from the numers’ traces and ends with the inquiry about the conditions of knowledge’s possibility, giving impulse to a research on several levels. The article’s purpose is to understand the most important implications of the Augustinian cognitive paradigm, that doesn’t seem to be a mere numerical logic but allow us to take a philosophical glance to the creature’s metaphysical truth.

  12. Una classificazione gerarchica di dati geolinguistici tratti dall'AIS. Saggio di dialettometria dendrografica : collaborazione informatica: Erasmus Langer (Università Politecnica di Vienna

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    Hans Goebl


    Full Text Available Lo strumento euristico classico della classificazione gerarchica è l'albero (chiamato anche in modo più specialistico: grafo arborescente. La struttura ramificata dell'albero con una molteplicità di foglie, ramoscelli erami rispetto alla radice unica - poli tra i quali si inserisce uno spazio di dipendenze gerarchiche ben articolate - costituisce una rappresentazione metaforicamente molto valida per la descrizione dei risultati di qualsiasi processo evolutivo. Ora si sa che ogni evoluzione procede mediante ramificazioni, biforcazioni o frammentazioni consecutive e che nascono cosi vari raggruppamenti in classi (gruppi, unità ecc., tra i quali esistono sempre determinate dipendenze o relazioni. La lista delle scienze che si sono avvalse dell'albero in quanto mezzo euristico è lunga: oltre la zoologia, lapaleontologia, la genetica e tante altre discipline biologiche figurano anche discipline antropiche e sociali, tra cui anche la linguistica. Enoto che l'albero genealogico viene adoperato in sede linguistica sin dai tempi di August SCHLEICHER (1863. L'uso dell'albero per scopi linguistici è sempre rimasto tuttavia alquanto problematico. In effetti, lo strumento euristico "albero" offre particolari condizioni di applicazione, che fino ad oggi non sono state sufficentemente discusse. E' così rimasta, tra la stragrande maggioranza dei linguisti, una più o meno diffusa sfiducia rispetto all'albero. Cf. a questo proposito la buona documentazione storica di STEWART 1976.

  13. Application of fluent to the 3D modeling of a river basin, to study hydraulics phenomena in presence of high intensity rain events

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martini, G.; Pais, V.A. [ENEA, Divisione Caratterizzazione dell' Ambiente e del Territorio, Centro Ricerche, Frascati, Rome (Italy)


    This report presents the preliminary studies carried out with Fluent (a commercial multi-purpose fluid dynamics code) to describe a 3D river basin hydrological evolution when intense rain events take place. The results for basins with slope less than 60{sup 0} are encouraging, evidencing the evolution of a flood wave that fills the riverbed and overtakes the river embankments, and providing information about the pressure and the velocity fields. Either for more sharpens or for larger basins, some difficulties appear that could be solved adopting a more careful re-elaboration of the meshing process or moving to a more powerful computer, respectively. [Italian] Il presente lavoro riferisce gli studi preliminari condotti con FLUENT (un codice commerciale di simulazione fluidodinamica generale) per la descrizione della evoluzione idrologica di un bacino 3D quando si manifestano eventi piovosi estremi. I risultati per bacini con pendenze inferiori a 60{sup 0} sono incoraggianti, evidenziando la evoluzione di una onda di piena che supera gli argini dell'alveo e fornendo informazioni sui campi di pressione e velocita'. Sia per bacini con pendenze piu' spinte sia per bacini piu' estesi, si sono presentate alcune difficolta' che potrebbero essere risolte attraverso una rielaborazione piu' accurata della griglia di simulazione o l'uso di un computer sufficientemente potente.

  14. La riforma economica in Ungheria, 1968-82 . (The Hungarian economic reform, 1968-82

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    Full Text Available Il presente lavoro inizia con una breve descrizione delle caratteristiche principali della riforma economica globale che è stata introdotta in Ungheria nel 1968 , prima di valutare la performance economica nel quadro della riforma e le tendenze verso ricentralizzazione . Gli effetti economici delle politiche applicate sono poi analizzati . Le ulteriori riforme del 1980-81 vengono poi valutati , seguiti dall' agricoltura e la "Second Economy" . L'autore conclude che l'Ungheria ha stabilito con successo un sistema economico che unisce il grande settore socialista , le cooperative e le attività private di piccole dimensioni in maniera flessibile , che forse spiega la disponibilità di una vasta gamma di beni di consumo e dei servizi  unico nella zona CMEAThe present work begins by briefly describing the principal features of the comprehensive economic reform that was introduced in Hungary in 1968, before assessing economic performance under the reform and tendencies towards recentralisation. The economic effects of the policies applied is then analysed. The further reforms of 1980-81 are then evaluated, followed by agriculture and the “Second Economy”. The author concludes that Hungary has successfully established an economic system which combines the large-scale socialist sector, co-operatives, and small-scale private activities in a flexible manner, possibly explaining the availability of a wide range of consumer goods and services that is unique in the CMEA area.JEL: P21

  15. Retrodatazioni di viaggio

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    Mario Piotti


    Full Text Available La letteratura di viaggio, in specie quella sette-ottocentesca, presenta, tra molteplici motivi di interesse, ricchi spunti di indagine anche per la storia della lingua e certamente non è il minore quello relativo agli aspetti lessicali. Nell’articolo non si intende dare una descrizione lessicale completa dei testi odeporici esaminati, ma più limitatamente si presenta una serie cospicua di retrodatazioni e datazioni di parole raccolte in quei testi e quindi ricercate, così allargando lo spettro testuale oltre i limiti della letteratura periegetica, attraverso Google libri. Ma nonostante questo parziale spostamento di sguardo, le schede seguenti continuano a documentare la ricchezza del lessico dell’odeporica: termini scientifici, storici, stranierismi e regionalismi ben testimoniano la varia curiosità dei viaggiatori.  Backdating through travelsSeventeenth and eighteenth century travel literature features, among many points of interest, ideas for researching the history of the language, especially lexical aspects. The article does not intend to give a complete lexical description of the odeporic texts examined, but is limited to a substantial number of backdatings and datings of words collected in those texts, thusgoing beyond the limits of textual periegetic literature, through Google books. Despite this partial shift of attention, we continue to document the richness of odeporic vocabulary: scientifically, historically, through foreign terms and regionalisms, bearing witness to the varied curiosity of travelers.

  16. The role of composting from the point of view of Agenda 21; Il ruolo del compostaggio nell'ottica dell'Agenda 21

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chierici, F.


    Agenda 21 is more and more often mentioned in debates and meetings dealing with environment, economy and development. How to actually make the aims enunciated in what is to be considered the next century programmatic document effective is, on the contrary, hardly outlined. The aim of this article is to help in making interaction between Agenda 21 and product reality more tangible and evident, specifically as far as composting is concerned. After an analytical description of the document, the points of contact between Agenda 21 and composting are identified: each one is highlighted through a rich bibliography. [Italian] L'Agenda 21 e' sempre piu' spesso ricordata all'interno dei dibattiti e degli incontri che trattano d'ambiente, economia e sviluppo. I modi attraverso i quali contestualizzare in pratica gli obiettivi enunciati in quello che va considerato come il documento programmatico del prossimo secolo sono invece spesso solo tratteggiati. Quest'articolo vuole essere percio' un contributo per rendere piu' tangibile e visibile l'interazione esistente tra l'Agenda 21 e la realta' produttiva; nel caso specifico il compostaggio. Dopo una descrizione analitica del documento, sono individuati in modo formale i punti di contatto tra gli obiettivi dell'Agenda 21 ed il compostaggio: ciascuno di loro e' messo in evidenza facendo riferimento ad un'ampia bibliografia.

  17. Alexander and Darius in a contest of wit («Alexander romance» 1.36-38: sources, formation, and storytelling traditions

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    Ioannis M. Konstantakos


    Full Text Available La storia dei doni simbolici inviati da Dario a Alessandro Magno (Romanzo di Alessandro 1.36-38 è derivata da una raccolta ellenistica di lettere fittizie che raccontavano la spedizione del conquistatore Macedone. Un modello diretto di quella narrazione fu la leggenda sui regali enigmatici mandati dagli Sciti a Dario I, che è narrata da Erodoto (4.131-132 e altre fonti ed era ben nota nell’epoca ellenistica. Oltre a questo, la storia di Alessandro e Dario è anche influenzata da tradizioni orali di folclore e divertimento, ugualmente riconducibili all’età ellenistica. Il re Persiano e quello Macedone competono nell’offerta di spiegazioni contrastanti degli oggetti simbolici; le loro spiegazioni sono collocate in una sorta di scala ascendente dal più debole al più forte. Secondo l’interpretazione di Alessandro, gli oggetti rappresentano le nozioni di potere e di conquista, superando in tal modo l’allegoria più debole di puerilità e sottomissione proposta da Dario. Questo schema narrativo ricorda giochi di enigmi con analoga struttura a gradi, che vengono attestati da Difilo e Clearco di Soli per simposi di prima età ellenistica. In tali gare scherzose, due o più giocatori tentavano di superarsi l’un l’altro, trovando ogni volta una soluzione più forte per lo stesso indovinello.

  18. Ateliers dell'Immaginario Autobiografico: quarto ciclo seminari di formazione

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    Maria Immacolata Macioti


    Full Text Available Un numero di Magma dedicato al tema “Memoria, Autobiografia e Immaginario” non può che essere vario e molteplice nei contenuti e nella forma. Non può che presentare contributi che chiamano in causa realtà locali e internazionali, tempi complessi: ieri ed oggi, ieri e domani. Abbiamo messo in evidenza, nella prima sezione di questo numero, due temi fondamentali e trasversali: le memorie ed il loro contesto, l’immaginazione e l’immaginario. Le memorie risentono del tempo, del luogo e del contesto nel quale sono elaborate e raccolte, e il ruolo della politica e del potere ne condiziona il loro vissuto e la loro stessa rielaborazione e interpretazione. L’immaginazione come particolare forma di rappresentazione della realtà, di conoscenza riproduttiva e ri-costruttiva, è anche reinterpretazione creativa nel processo della narrazione della storia individuale e sociale. L’immaginario individuale, sociale e sacrale, come forma estetica delle narrazioni individuali e collettive, è parte costitutiva del pensiero e della coscienza delle donne e degli uomini, e ci svela a capacità di evocare e di creare dei soggetti, di rappresentarsi il mondo, attraverso la funzione dell’immaginazione simbolica. I contributi che abbiamo selezionato e che compaiono in questo numero all’interno delle altre sezioni, sviluppano questi due temi chiave tra spazi angusti e ampie distese che travalicano confini; confini tra terre abitate, confini tra discipline.

  19. Electronic properties of SPFC electrodes materials. Macroscopic phenomena and effects induced by nanometric size of catalyst; Proprieta' elettroniche di materiali per elettrodi di SPFC: fenomeni macroscopici ed effetti legati alle dimensioni nanometriche del catalizzatore

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Giorgi, R.; Turtu' , S. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, S. Maria di Galeria, RM (Italy). Dipt. Innovazione; Ascarelli, P. [Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Montelibretti, RM (Italy). Ist. di Metodologie Inorganiche Avanzate


    In this work the electronic properties and the composition of the three layers (diffusive, catalytic and outermost) are studied separately. In the first part, an anomalous behaviour of the photoemission peaks from the diffusive layer has been evidenced and correlated with the macroscopic electronic conductivity. In the second part, the electronic properties of the PT clusters are compared with the macroscopic electron conductivity. In the second part, the electronic properties of the PT clusters are compared with those of PT bulk, as a function of thermal treatment and after half-cell measurements. A correlation of the binding energy, asymmetry and width of the peaks with the different status of the metal has been attempted. [Italian] Il lavoro consiste di due parti: l'una dedicata allo studio delle caratteristiche dello strato di supporto e diffusivo, l'altra allo studio dello strato catalizzatore. Nella prima parte, la presenza anomala negli spettri XPS viene messa in relazione con la conducibilita' elettronica delle nanoparticelle metalliche in funzione delle condizioni di preparazione degli elettrodi e delle simulazioni di funzionamento. Sono messe in evidenza le problematiche connesse all'interpretazione degli spettri di fotoemissione da sistemi costituiti da particelle nanometriche, intermedi tra la condizione di atomo isolato e quella del solido, in cui gli effetti di dimensione svolgono un ruolo importante nel determinare risposte diverse ed inaspettate rispetto al comportamento del metallo massivo.

  20. Evolução dos conhecimentos sôbre a cardiopatia da doenca de Chagas: revisão crítica da literatura

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    Francisco S. Laranja


    Full Text Available Foi feita uma revisão critica da literatura sobre cardiopatia da Doença de Chagas, discutindo-se os principais aspectos clínicos desta cardiopatia á luz da experiência por nós adquirida nestes últimos anos. A evolução dos conhecimentos clínicos sobre esquisotripanose pode ser sintetisada em três fases: a A primeira corresponde á descoberta da doença, feita por Chagas, e á descrição por ele e seus primeiros colaboradores das manifestações clínicas essenciais da nova entidade mórbida, na qual distinguiu a forma aguda e várias formas crônicas. b Na segunda fase, a pesquisa orientou-se essencialmente pela busca dos casos de infecção aguda, havendo considerável duvida a respeito da realidade clinica das formas crônicas da infecção. Durante um longo período raros casos de cardiopatia crônica foram publicados. Ate o momento acual (1948 encontram-se na literatura estrangeira 134 casos de cardiopatia crônica chagásica, dos quais 9 autopsiados; ate fins de 1944, o numero de casos publicados no Brasil, fora de Lassance, era de 45, dos quais 3 autopsiados. c A terceira fase ou fase atual, tende a caracterisar-se por um interesse particular nos casos de infecção crônica, orientando-se porém a pesquisa cli¬nica essencialmente pelas manifestações da cardiopatia. Contribuições recentes de ordem clínica e experimental trouxeram ampla confirmação as idéias de Chagas a respeito desta cardiopatia e colocaram-na em posição de entidade clinica de realidade indiscutível. Sua importância social esta sendo determinada e os dados disponíveis já lhe apontam relevante significação em certas regiões. Mais de 600 casos de cardiopatia crônica chagásica foram publicados no Brasil nestes últimos quatro anos.

  1. Preliminary characterization of dose in personnel of interventional radiology; Caracterizacao preliminar da dose em profissionais de radiologia intervencionista

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Godolfim, Laura Larre; Anes, Mauricio; Bacelar, Alexandre; Lykawka, Rochelle [Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), Porto Alegre, RS (Brazil)


    Exposure to X-rays of Interventional Radiology professionals (IR) impacts in the high dose rate received by these individuals, and there are reports of biological effects of this professional activity. Therefore, it is fomented greater control over the doses received by these workers. This research intends to characterize the doses received by the professionals during IR procedures. We evaluated the doses of radiologists, anesthesiologists and nursing staff of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, through measures with dosimeters of the OSL type, distributed in up to six regions of the body of these professionals. Until now were accompanied 33 cholangiography procedures and 29 embolization procedures. As a preliminary result, it was possible to identify a wide variation between doses of the professionals of the same function in each procedure. In overview, the dose of the professionals presented in descending order as a radiologist 1> radiologist 2 > anesthetist > nursing. (author)

  2. Preliminary characterization of dose in personnel of interventional radiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Godolfim, Laura Larre; Anes, Mauricio; Bacelar, Alexandre; Lykawka, Rochelle


    Exposure to X-rays of Interventional Radiology professionals (IR) impacts in the high dose rate received by these individuals, and there are reports of biological effects of this professional activity. Therefore, it is fomented greater control over the doses received by these workers. This research intends to characterize the doses received by the professionals during IR procedures. We evaluated the doses of radiologists, anesthesiologists and nursing staff of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, through measures with dosimeters of the OSL type, distributed in up to six regions of the body of these professionals. Until now were accompanied 33 cholangiography procedures and 29 embolization procedures. As a preliminary result, it was possible to identify a wide variation between doses of the professionals of the same function in each procedure. In overview, the dose of the professionals presented in descending order as a radiologist 1> radiologist 2 > anesthetist > nursing. (author)

  3. Calibration of semiconductors diodes for in vivo dosimetry in total body irradiation treatments; Calibracao de diodos semicondutores para dosimetria in vivo em tratamentos de irradiacao de corpo inteiro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Fernanda F.; Costa, Alessandro M.; Ghilardi Netto, Thomaz, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (FFCLRP/USP), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Ciencias e Letras. Departamento de Fisica; Amaral, Leonardo L. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (HCFMRP/USP), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Hospital das Clinicas. Servico de Radioterapia


    This paper presents the results of in vivo dosimetry with p-type semiconductors diodes, EDP-15 (Scanditronix Wellhoefer) of two patients who underwent total body irradiation treatments, at Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto University of Sao Paulo (HCFMRP-USP). The diodes were well calibrated and the calibration factors were determined with the aid of a reference ionization chamber (FC065, IBA dosimetry, sensitive volume of 0.65 cm{sup 3}).The calibration was performed in a Total Body Irradiation (TBI) setup, using solid water phantoms. Different lateral thicknesses from one patient were simulated and then the calibration factors were determined by means of maximum depth dose readings (half of the lateral thickness). The response difference between diode readings and the prescribed dose for both treatments was below 4%. This difference is in agreement as recommended by International Commission on Radiation Units (ICRU), which is {+-}5%. (author)

  4. Clinical biochemistry education in Spain. (United States)

    Queraltó, J M


    Clinical biochemistry in Spain was first established in 1978 as an independent specialty. It is one of several clinical laboratory sciences specialties, together with haematology, microbiology, immunology and general laboratory (Clinical analysis, análisis clinicos). Graduates in Medicine, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biological Sciences can enter post-graduate training in Clinical Chemistry after a nation-wide examination. Training in an accredited Clinical Chemistry department is 4 years. A national committee for medical and pharmacist specialties advises the government on the number of trainees, program and educational units accreditation criteria. Technical staff includes nurses and specifically trained technologists. Accreditation of laboratories is developed at different regional levels. The Spanish Society for Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology (SECQ), the national representative in the IFCC, has 1600 members, currently publishes a scientific journal (Química Clinica) and a newsletter. It organizes a continuous education program, a quality control program and an annual Congress.

  5. L'influsso della causa primaria su quella secondaria: l'interpretazione del Liber de causis tra Tommaso d'Aquino, Sigieri da Brabante e Crisostomo Javelli

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jindráček, Efrem


    Roč. 91, č. 1 (2014), s. 95-104 ISSN 1123-5772 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Thomas Aquinas * Siger of Brabant * Chrysostom Javelli * Causality * Thomism * Neoplatonism * Book of Causes (Liber de causis) * Philosophy Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  6. La day surgery centralizzata: l’appropriatezza clinica e organizzativa come leva di creazione di valore sanitario

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    Bruno Vogliolo


    Full Text Available In the last years Public Health Service has been trying to find out solutions in order to improve its health value added creation capacity. The implementation of the Day-surgery division mainly aims to follow that direction, since it enables the improvement of the ratio between efficacy, quality and healthcare suitability and on the other hand efficiency, costs and modality of better resources utilization. The centralization of Day-surgery activities proposes some innovative characteristics, concerning that it introduces an organizational model focused on needs and it performs the separation of the clinic and therapeutic activities from the ones involving the assistance. Both economic and qualitative advantages deriving from the changes stand out in term of: - high possibility of activities’ scheduling; - improved customer satisfaction; - rationalisation of day-hospital recovery, with positive effects on the inpatients; - improved hospital economic stability. This study was carried out with the support of the multiple-skill group composed of doctors, nurses, administrative staff as well as experts in the field of organisation with an aim to provide the full outline of the necessary competences. The proposed discussion reflects the multidisciplinary view of the problem and different perspectives. Each of them regards particular aspects and implications indicated as following: - clinical perspective, related to the possibility of day-surgery interventions both from the medical and the anaesthetic point of view; - organisational perspective, which refers to the possible day-surgery models in conjunction with the organisational model and their peculiarities; - operative perspective, which consist of the analysis of the ideal structural dimension, flows of activities among all services involved and the analysis of the productive capability; (number of necessary beds, staff dimension and a relapse of the operation activities needs; - economic perspective, focused mainly to provide the final valuation on the capacity of the project to contribute to the improvement of the hospital.

  7. Estudo das condições de hidrolise acida para obtenção de dextrana clinica


    Vanessa Mendes Santos


    Resumo: A dextrana é um biopolímero formado por resíduos de glicose unidos por ligação et-1,6 maioritariamente. É sintetizada peia enzima dextrana-sacarase, enzima esta produzida extracelularmente por algumas bactérias, principalmente do genêro Leuconosíoa A apiicacão deste polímero está diretamente relacionada com o seu peso molecular- As dextranas de peso molecular na faixa de 20,000 a 100,000 daltons (dextrana clínica) possui notáveis aplicações no ramo da medicina como expansor do plasma ...

  8. I lectores medioevali tra il libro e il testo

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    Federica Riviello


    Full Text Available L’intento del lavoro è di problematizzare alcuni aspetti, generalmente ritenuti emblematici, della relazione tra i litterati medievali e il libro – nelle sue declinazioni di Testo sacro, Libro della natura e auctoritates. L’impiego, come strumenti di lavoro, di concetti di recente elaborazione e di osservazioni di pensatori contemporanei sull’argomento, non è finalizzato ad attualizzare tale relazione, quanto piuttosto ad ampliare i punti di vista su di essa e a metterne alla prova la capacità di offrire originali spunti di riflessione. Le proposte teoriche di Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault e Roland Barthes sono qui adoperate come esemplificazioni di un’interpretazione che ha storicamente reso quasi paradigmatico il modo di leggere dei docti, specialmente altomedievali. Tuttavia, alcune definizioni della Scrittura – il libro per eccellenza – proposte da questi ultimi, nonché la teorizzazione del suo quadruplice senso sembrano smussare la radicalità di queste osservazioni. Concetti quali “funzione-autore” di Foucault e “testo” di Barthes sono invece adottati per considerare all’interno di una diversa cornice teorica il confronto dei doctores, in particolare bassomedievali, con le cosiddette auctoritates. Nella visione ordinaria la reverenza nei confronti dell’autore, divino o umano, la ricerca e la riproposizione fedele di un significato univoco dell’opera aldilà dei segni, naturali o culturali, che lo veicolano costituiscono tratti tipici dell’atteggiamento dei lettori medievali. A fronte di questi aspetti, tuttavia, è possibile sottolinearne altri eterodossi e perlopiù trascurati, quali la rilevanza attribuita all’interpretazione, prassi ineludibile e da disciplinare, al ruolo del lettore e alla sua fruizione attiva e produttiva dei testi. The aim of the work is to problematize some aspects generally considered representative of the relationship between medieval savants and the book - in its variations


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    Rosa Argenziano


    Si fornirà quindi una descrizione delle soluzioni linguistiche del testo - con particolare attenzione al rapporto con le scelte manzoniane - opportunamente messe in relazione con l’impostazione pedagogica conservatrice manifestata dalla Baccini, che appare ancora ben lontana dalle idee emancipazioniste abbracciate in seguito. Thus speaks the good damsel: morals and language in “Come vorrei una fanciulla” by Ida Baccini  The post-unification period was a decisive moment in Italian linguistic history, characterized by the gradual and difficult replacement of local dialects with Tuscan-Florentine Italian used by increasingly large numbers of the population, thanks to the synergistic actions of lexicography, educational manuals and children's literature. This paper focuses on a prominent figure in the linguistic and cultural Italianization process: the writer and journalist Ida Baccini (1850-1911. She was the author of pedagogical works for children, among which stands out Le memorie di un pulcino (1875. The paper focuses on one of Baccini’s manuals for the education of young women, a sector which counts numerous late nineteenth century contributions. Come vorrei una fanciulla (1884, like all pedagogical writings of the time, proposed an explicit behavioral model and implicitly conveyed at the same time a specific linguistic style for females. Descriptions of the linguistic solutions in the text - with particular attention on the relationship to Manzonian choices - linked toBaccini’s conservative pedagogical approach, appears very distant from the ideas later embraced by emancipationists.

  10. Innovazione tecnologica e sinergie tra soluzioni geospaziali Lo "scenario Intergraph" (Parte Seconda

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    Andrea Fiduccia


    Full Text Available Continua in quest'articolo la descrizione delle soluzioni geospatial del nuovo scenario Intergraph che si sta delineando a seguito della fusione di molti player del settore della geomatica al'interno del gruppo Hexagon AB. La prima parte di questo articolo è stata pubblicata su GEOmedia 4/2011.Technological  innovation  and  synergies  between  geospatial solutions. The "Intergraph's scenario". 2nd Part.In  October  2010,  Intergraph  was  acquired  by  and  is  now  a wholly owned subsidiary of Hexagon AB. Hexagon is a lead-ing global provider of precision measurement technology sys-tems. Intergraph Security, Government & Infrastructure (SG&I provides geospatially powered solutions to the public safety and  security,  defense  and  intelligence,  government,  trans-portation, utilities, and communications industries. Now since ERDAS is part of Intergraph,  Intergraph provides integrated products for remote sensing, photogrammetry, and geospatial data management and delivery. Using Leica sensors and tech-nologies enhanced by Intergraph-ERDAS software technolo-gies, IMoSS (another company of HEXAGON AB is a reliable partner  when  it  is  needed  to  monitor,  analyse  and  visualise movements  at  millimetre  level  accuracy  and  to  trasform  the monitoring data into actionable intelligence.

  11. Innovazione tecnologica e sinergie tra soluzioni geospaziali Lo "scenario Intergraph" (Parte Seconda

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    Andrea Fiduccia


    Full Text Available Continua in quest'articolo la descrizione delle soluzioni geospatial del nuovo scenario Intergraph che si sta delineando a seguito della fusione di molti player del settore della geomatica al'interno del gruppo Hexagon AB. La prima parte di questo articolo è stata pubblicata su GEOmedia 4/2011. Technological  innovation  and  synergies  between  geospatial solutions. The "Intergraph's scenario". 2nd Part. In  October  2010,  Intergraph  was  acquired  by  and  is  now  a wholly owned subsidiary of Hexagon AB. Hexagon is a lead-ing global provider of precision measurement technology sys-tems. Intergraph Security, Government & Infrastructure (SG&I provides geospatially powered solutions to the public safety and  security,  defense  and  intelligence,  government,  trans-portation, utilities, and communications industries. Now since ERDAS is part of Intergraph,  Intergraph provides integrated products for remote sensing, photogrammetry, and geospatial data management and delivery. Using Leica sensors and tech-nologies enhanced by Intergraph-ERDAS software technolo-gies, IMoSS (another company of HEXAGON AB is a reliable partner  when  it  is  needed  to  monitor,  analyse  and  visualise movements  at  millimetre  level  accuracy  and  to  trasform  the monitoring data into actionable intelligence.

  12. Utilization of C-14 settled urease for diagnosing Campylobacter Pylori in the stomach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chausson, Y.; Coelho, L.G.V.


    A new method for diagnosing the Campylobacter Pylori in the stomach is described, using C-14 settled urease. Campylobacter Pylori is now being considered the most probable causative agent of antral chronic gastritis, pepitic ulcer and non-ulcerous dyspepsia. The technique is based on ingestion of the tracer, its recovery by exhalation in etanol hyamine solution, followed by counting and dates evaluation. The test was applied to forty two voluntary male and female patients, after their written acquiescence. Their ages varied from 19 to 62 years old. Thirty of the results were positive and twelve negative. All of them were comproved by microbiological (cultura) and hystologycal studies of gastric biopsy gotten by gastroscopy. They were performed at the Gastroentherology Departament of the 'Hospital das Clinicas' that belongs to the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Repetitivity of the breath test was confirmed by repetition of the results in five positive patients and five negative ones. (author) [pt

  13. Utilization of C-14 settled urease for diagnosing Campylobacter Pylori in the stomach. Utilizacao de ureia marcada com carbono quatorze para diagnostico da presenca do Campylobacter Pylori no estomago

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chausson, Y; Coelho, L G.V. [Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    A new method for diagnosing the Campylobacter Pylori in the stomach is described, using C-14 settled urease. Campylobacter Pylori is now being considered the most probable causative agent of antral chronic gastritis, pepitic ulcer and non-ulcerous dyspepsia. The technique is based on ingestion of the tracer, its recovery by exhalation in etanol hyamine solution, followed by counting and dates evaluation. The test was applied to forty two voluntary male and female patients, after their written acquiescence. Their ages varied from 19 to 62 years old. Thirty of the results were positive and twelve negative. All of them were comproved by microbiological (cultura) and hystologycal studies of gastric biopsy gotten by gastroscopy. They were performed at the Gastroentherology Departament of the 'Hospital das Clinicas' that belongs to the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Repetitivity of the breath test was confirmed by repetition of the results in five positive patients and five negative ones. (author).

  14. Implantação do Programa Saúde na escola em Fortaleza-CE: atuação de equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família

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    Lindelvania Matias de Santiago

    Full Text Available Este trabalho relata a experiência da implantação do Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE por uma equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF em uma escola pública em Fortaleza-CE. As atividades desenvolvidas incluíram seminário de implantação do PSE com os docentes e integrantes da ESF, oficinas com os estudantes, avaliação clinica e odontológica dos adolescentes e entrega de Cadernetas de Saúde do Adolescente. A implantação do PSE permitiu aos profissionais de saúde a percepção do seu papel social de educador e possibilitou aos adolescentes maior contato com a equipe da ESF. A aproximação entre escola e ESF é fundamental para ajudar os adolescentes a transformarem a informação científica em comportamentos saudáveis.

  15. Implantação do Programa Saúde na escola em Fortaleza-CE: atuação de equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família

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    Lindelvania Matias de Santiago


    Full Text Available Este trabalho relata a experiência da implantação do Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE por uma equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF em uma escola pública em Fortaleza-CE. As atividades desenvolvidas incluíram seminário de implantação do PSE com os docentes e integrantes da ESF, oficinas com os estudantes, avaliação clinica e odontológica dos adolescentes e entrega de Cadernetas de Saúde do Adolescente. A implantação do PSE permitiu aos profissionais de saúde a percepção do seu papel social de educador e possibilitou aos adolescentes maior contato com a equipe da ESF. A aproximação entre escola e ESF é fundamental para ajudar os adolescentes a transformarem a informação científica em comportamentos saudáveis.

  16. Acceptance, commissioning and quality control in radiosurgery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toreti, Dalila Luzia


    Stereotactic Radiosurgery is a treatment technique that uses narrow beams of radiation focused with great accuracy in a small lesion. The introduction of micro multi leaf collimators (mMLC) allows this technique to reach a higher degree of dose conformation of the target lesion allowing a smaller irradiation of critical structures and normal tissues. This paper presents the results of the acceptance tests and commissioning of a Varian 6EX linear accelerator dedicated to radiosurgery associated with the BrainLab micro multi leaf collimator installed in the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (HC-FMUSP) and establish feasible quality assurance program for the services that employ this special technique. The results of the acceptance tests were satisfactory and are willing with the specifications provided by the manufacturer and the commissioning tests were within the international recommendations. The tests and measures that are part of quality control process should be specific to each treatment unit, and the need, frequency and levels of tolerance

  17. Elaboration of a program for monitoring the ionizing radiations in a large hospital; Elaboracao de um programa de monitoracao das radiacoes ionizantes num hospital de grande porte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carreira, Mauricio Costa


    Personnel monitoring data collected in the Radiotherapy, Diagnostic Radiology and Hemodynamics Departments of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto - USP during the interval from 1986 to 1995 were analyzed. The data were classified according to the profession of the workers and compared to those collected in a previous period (1973-1982). Internationally established criteria, published published in the ICRP 35 and 60 were used together with additional Brazilian criteria (CNEN NE 3.01) to optimize personnel monitoring such that the required radioprotection is provided. The results show that 80% of the workers need not be monitored because their doses will not exceed 3/10 the annual limits. An economy of about US$10,200 in monitoring cost per year could be realized as well as reduction in the hospital clerical costs expended to maintain the records. The improvements gaining by reducing the number of monitored persons will not compromise the safety standard required for radiation protection. (author)

  18. Elaboration of a program for monitoring the ionizing radiations in a large hospital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carreira, Mauricio Costa


    Personnel monitoring data collected in the Radiotherapy, Diagnostic Radiology and Hemodynamics Departments of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto - USP during the interval from 1986 to 1995 were analyzed. The data were classified according to the profession of the workers and compared to those collected in a previous period (1973-1982). Internationally established criteria, published published in the ICRP 35 and 60 were used together with additional Brazilian criteria (CNEN NE 3.01) to optimize personnel monitoring such that the required radioprotection is provided. The results show that 80% of the workers need not be monitored because their doses will not exceed 3/10 the annual limits. An economy of about US$10,200 in monitoring cost per year could be realized as well as reduction in the hospital clerical costs expended to maintain the records. The improvements gaining by reducing the number of monitored persons will not compromise the safety standard required for radiation protection. (author)

  19. Results of radical radiotherapy of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: experience at the clinical Puerta de Hierro (Spain)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Regueiro, C.A.; Valcarcel, F.J.; Millan, I.; Romero, J.; Torre, A. de la; Polo, E.; Magallon, R.; Aragon, G.


    We have reviewed the records of 251 patients with oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated with radical radiotherapy at the Department of Radiation Oncology of Clinica Puerta de Hierro between 1964 and 1989. The 3-year actuarial local control probability was 85% for the 29 T1-staged patients, 59% for the 89 T2-staged patients, 45% for the 71 T3-staged patients, and 43% for the 62 T4-staged patients. The 3-year actuarial nodal control probability was 86% for the 103 NO-staged patients treated electively, 66% for the 42 N1-staged patients, 60% for the 77 N2-staged patients, and 51% for the 20 N3-staged patients. The actuarial adjusted survival was 68% for the 17 stage I patients, 69% for the 48 stage II patients, 34% for the 57 stage III patients, and 33% for the 129 stage IV patients. Author (50 refs.)

  20. Doença pulmonar induzida pelas radiações ou pelos fármacos citostáticos

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    Ulrich Costabel


    Full Text Available RESUMO: O artigo discute dois temas afins: 1 doença pulmonar induzida pela radioterapia nas suas diferentes apresentações: pneumonite de radiação clássica e fibrose pulmonar e outras duas mais recentemente descritas, BOOP e alveolite linfocitária bilateral São discutidos os mecanismos patoeenicos, clinic:a e tratamento; 2 a patologia intersticial induzida por fármacos citostáticos nas suas várias formas de apresentação.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (2: 141-144 ABSTRACT: In this paper two topics art adressed: 1 the radiation induced lung injury in its possible forms: classical radiation pneumonitis and radiation fibrosis or two other newly recoenised sindromes BOOP and bilateral lymphodtic alveolitis. The mecanism and treatment are discussed; 2 the cytotocic drug-induced lung diseases and their pulmonary reaction patterns.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (2: 141-144 Palavras-chave: Radioterapia, Citostaticos, BOOP, Alveolite Linfocitica, Key-words: Radiation, Cytotocic Drugs, Lymphocitic Alveolitis


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    Liliana Vicente


    Full Text Available La Neumonia Adquirida en la Comunidad (NAC es una enfermedad de evolucion aguda, generalmente de manejo ambulatorio. Los Gram negativos como la Klebsiella pneumoniae son poco frecuentes (1,2%, su frecuencia aumenta considerablemente en NAC severa representando el 12% de las etiologias. Las condiciones clinicas del paciente y la presencia de factores de riesgo son indicadores de la evolucion, riesgo de mortalidad y conducta terapeutica.Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 22 anos, sin factores de riesgo ni antecedentes de importancia, con diagnostico de NAC severa con un CURB-65 de 3 puntos. La radiografia y tomografia describen absceso pulmonar, derrame pleural y neumotorax derecho. Se realiza drenaje toraxico, ingresa a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI e inicia antibioticoterapia con Clindamicina-Ceftazidima, evoluciona torpidamente, se realiza decorticacion pleuro-pulmonar y reseccion cuneiforme de segmento fistulado. El cultivo inicial reporta Klebsiella pneumoniae y el segundo Acinetobacter sp y Pseudomona sp. Se considera una infeccion nosocomial, se cambia antibioticoterapia, evolucionando satisfactoriamente.

  2. [The multiple social roles of female lay caretakers of hospitalized children]. (United States)

    Wegner, Wiliam; Pedro, Eva Neri Rubim


    This is a qualitative, descriptive, exploratory, and interventionist research carried out with nine female lay caretakers of children undergoing oncologic treatment. The objectives were to present the multiple social roles performed by female lay caretakers of children with cancer and to discuss the caretaker's role in society. The study was carried out between March and April, 2007, at Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The data collection was performed with the focal group technique. The results were examined through the analysis of thematic content, which evidenced the multiple social roles performed by women, the main group of caretakers in society, regardless of the context. Final considerations enhance a discussion in the educational, political and social levels about the redistribution of social roles, particularly family responsibility between men and women. The participation of the nursing staff can take place through the comprehension of those roles imposed by the context and facilitate family inclusion in the care relationship.

  3. Acceptance, commissioning and quality control in radiosurgery; Aceite, comissionamento e controle de qualidade em radiocirurgia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Toreti, Dalila Luzia


    Stereotactic Radiosurgery is a treatment technique that uses narrow beams of radiation focused with great accuracy in a small lesion. The introduction of micro multi leaf collimators (mMLC) allows this technique to reach a higher degree of dose conformation of the target lesion allowing a smaller irradiation of critical structures and normal tissues. This paper presents the results of the acceptance tests and commissioning of a Varian 6EX linear accelerator dedicated to radiosurgery associated with the BrainLab micro multi leaf collimator installed in the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (HC-FMUSP) and establish feasible quality assurance program for the services that employ this special technique. The results of the acceptance tests were satisfactory and are willing with the specifications provided by the manufacturer and the commissioning tests were within the international recommendations. The tests and measures that are part of quality control process should be specific to each treatment unit, and the need, frequency and levels of tolerance.

  4. Studiare la cybercriminalità: alcune riflessioni metodologiche/Studying cybercrime: some methodological reflections

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    Giorgia Macilotti


    Full Text Available L’articolo propone alcune riflessioni metodologiche in merito all’analisi delle forme di criminalità associate all’utilizzo di Internet e delle tecnologie digitali. Queste realtà devianti rappresentano infatti un fecondo terreno di ricerca, grazie in particolare alla relativa tracciabilità delle pratiche degli utenti e alla quantità di dati disponibili online. Si presenteranno i principali approcci, metodi e problematiche riguardanti lo studio della cybercriminalità, focalizzandosi in particolare su alcuni esempi tratti da ricerche sulle unità di polizia specializzate nel contrasto al fenomeno in esame. Oltre agli apporti degli strumenti “tradizionali” dell’indagine sociologica, si esploreranno le interazioni con le nuove opportunità offerte dalle tecnologie digitali, così come gli effetti della relazione tra il ricercatore e l’oggetto della sua ricerca sulla costruzione e l’interpretazione dei dati. The article intends to provide an overview of research methods on studying digital crimes. Indeed, these deviant realities provide a rich ground for social research, especially thanks to the traceability of digital activities and the availability of online data. We will discuss the main approaches, methods and issues related to the study of cybercrime, focusing particularly on some examples drew from researching cybercrime law enforcement agencies. In addition to the opportunities offered by “traditional” sociological methods, the article explores their interplays with digital approaches, as well as the impacts of the researcher/researched relationship on data construction and analysis.

  5. Hip, cool, edgy, ovvero la logica culturale dominante del capitalismo neoliberista

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    Timothy Taylor


    Full Text Available Nel 1984 Fredric Jameson ha pubblicato il saggio Postmodernismo, ovvero la logica culturale del tardo capitalismo, che ha esercitato un’enorme influenza nel dibattito contemporaneo e che propone una chiave di lettura della produzione culturale nell’era del tardo capitalismo. La sua interpretazione del postmodernismo come “logica culturale dominante” è stata ampiamente citata e ripresa, ma in ultima analisi è stata anche depotenziata dall’uso eccessivo del termine “postmoderno”, che ha relegato in secondo piano la portata originaria del pensiero di Jameson. Oggi, la logica culturale dominante viene descritta attraverso i termini “hip” e “cool”: due aggettivi onnipresenti nell’industria culturale, ma che raramente vengono definiti con precisione. Mentre il termine “hip” sembra avere una storia più lunga e una connotazione ironica, il termine “cool” suggerisce significati simili, ma più strettamente legati alla generazione dei giovani. Negli Stati Uniti, l’egemonia di questa logica culturale è il risultato del predominio delle industrie pubblicitarie e del marketing, che negli anni Sessanta si sono appropriate di questi termini a partire dalla generazione dei baby-boomers. La pratica del coolhunting (“caccia al cool” oggi è diventata un’industria dominante che si riflette nella produzione e nel consumo di qualunque merce, e dunque anche dei beni culturali come la musica. Questo articolo vuole offrire alcuni spunti iniziali per una teorizzazione delle categorie di “hip” e “cool”, intese come elementi dominanti della logica culturale del capitalismo neoliberista.

  6. Indicatori per la valutazione a scala geografica regionale dell’efficacia dello Standard 1.1 di condizionalità (solchi acquai temporanei

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    Paolo Bazzoffi


    Full Text Available Il Reg. di esecuzione (CE N. 808/2014 (All. V - Questionario valutativo comune per lo sviluppo rurale impone che nelle relazioni annuali sull’attuazione (RAE presentate nel 2017 e nel 2019, nonché nella relazione di valutazione ex post, debba essere fornita risposta all’Aspetto specifico 4C: “in che misura i PSR hanno contribuito alla prevenzione dell’erosione dei suoli e a una migliore gestione degli stessi?”. Il “Valutatore Indipendente”,  chiamato ad effettuare la valutazione del PSR sotto la responsabilità dell’Autorità di Gestione (art. 84, paragrafo 4, del Reg. (CE n. 1698/2005, per quantificare correttamente l’efficacia ambientale delle misure di Sviluppo Rurale aventi valenza nel diminuire l’erosione del suolo (in modo particolare le azioni della Misura 10 dei PSR 2014-2020, dovrà valutare preventivamente l’effetto della baseline, ovvero l’efficacia dello Standard 1.1 (impegno a di condizionalità. Una volta effettuata questa valutazione, sarà possibile determinare l’efficacia aggiuntiva delle diverse misure dell’agroambiente finalizzate alla Priorità 4.c – Prevenire l'erosione del suolo e migliorarne la gestione. Per la valutazione dell’efficacia dei solchi acquai temporanei nella diminuzione del rischio di erosione è consigliabile che il Valutatore Indipendente utilizzi una modellistica di facile applicazione, in modo da limitare al massimo la soggettività e conseguentemente l’interpretazione e la comprensione dei risultati ottenuti.

  7. Performances and potential of a productive urban green infrastructure

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    Paola Gallo


    Full Text Available Negli ultimi anni si sta diffondendo anche nelle grandi città Europee, un fenomeno complesso che coinvolge la disciplina dell’architettura: l’agricoltura urbana, ovvero la pratica della coltivazione, di prodotti orticoli “nella città, per la città”. La produzione agricola, trasportata in un contesto urbano, diviene ad oggi una strategia concreta per la riqualificazione delle città grazie a: l’innesco di una rete di attività sociali, ricreative e commerciali, la possibilità di rifunzionalizzazione di spazi privati e pubblici (soprattutto quelli inutilizzati, di creazione di verde condiviso, la possibilità di integrazione con l’ambiente costruito, la valorizzazione di stili di vita sostenibili, l’occasione di educazione e collante sociale, il potenziamento e nuove possibilità all’infrastruttura verde (produttiva. Questo fenomeno necessita dunque di essere studiato per comprenderne e definirne le potenzialità, poiché l’architetto è chiamato a concepire spazi per rispondere a nuove esigenze ed a progettare soluzioni innovative alle diverse scale. Sulla base di tale consapevolezza è stata condotta una ricerca sul tema della riqualificazione della città in chiave sostenibile e sulle nuove tecnologie da mettere in atto finalizzata ad analizzare ed individuare le possibilità dell’agricoltura urbana come strategia innovativa per il potenziamento delle reti verdi nella città, definendo lo spettro di possibilità che questa offre al progettista, e di rimando alla pubblica amministrazione, per una nuova interpretazione della funzione sia dello spazio aperto che del patrimonio costruito.

  8. Las experiencias clinicas de los estudiantes de enfermeria: Estudio de caso hacia la integracion de la mentoria (United States)

    Rivera Rodriguez, Ivelisse

    Clinical experiences are an essential part of the training of future nursing professionals. The period of clinical experience aims to develop in the student the necessary skills to practice as a nursing professional, when the academic program ends. This case study aimed to understand the opinion and explore the perception of faculty, clinical instructors, and nursing students on the meaning, contributions and challenges presented during clinical experiences. Among the themes explored in the focus groups were the meaning and importance to learning about the profession of clinical experiences, teaching strategies used during the practice scenarios, didactic relationships developed among students, clinical instructors, and teachers. The goal was to learn from all participants about what they do, their expectations, and the challenges presented during the clinical experiences. A qualitative, descriptive and contextual research design was followed, which required conducting six focus groups to collect the information from the perspective of all the participants. Faculty, clinical instructors, and nursing students participated each in two focus groups. Collected data were transcribed, coded and analyzed in order to organize it under themes related to the research framework. The qualitative analysis of the focus groups revealed that nursing faculty and clinical instructors perceived clinical experiences as a very important element in the training of nursing students, but that coordination between the academy and practice scenarios is disconnected and needs improvement. They also expressed that they use various learning strategies during the clinical experiences, however, they recognize it needs more structure and suggested mentoring as a strategy to consider. They affirmed that mentoring could contribute positively to enhance the teaching-learning process. Clinical instructors understand they perform mentoring roles, but they would like to have a more defined role and structured process. Nursing students, also, recognized the importance of clinical experiences in their professional training. They expressed the need to improve the communication between the academy and the practice scenarios in order to reduce the levels of anxiety they experience when entering the clinical experiences. Nursing students also expressed the need to consider the use of different teaching strategies, such as mentoring, to improve clinical experiences.

  9. Clinical, radiographic and scintigraphic aspects of the trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis; Caracterizacao clinica, radiografica e cintilografica da osteoartrose trapeziometacarpiana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaziyama, Helena Hideko Seguchi


    Trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis occurs mainly in women during the menopausal period. It is related to manual activities and is usually bilateral. The onset is insidious and the evolution is slow and progressive. It is characterized by of strength and pain in the basis of the thumb resulting in limitation of the use and function of the hand. The diagnosis of this condition is based on the physical examination. The manouver of compression axial-rotation of the trapezimetacarpal joint is a common positive finding. Typical findings of osteoarthritis are present in the radiological studies. Scintigraphic images have a predictive value. The early diagnosis is important to avoid the risk factors and to prevent disabilities of the hand. (author) 102 refs., 18 figs., 10 tabs.

  10. Sintese do processo de obtenção de dextrana clinica e frutose a partir de sacarose


    Guilherme Martinez Mibieli


    Resumo: A dextrana é um polissacarídeo composto exclusivamente por unidades monoméricas de glicose, unidas por ligações glicosídicas do tipo a-1,6 na posição linear. Este polissacarídeo apresenta interesse industrial nas áreas de petroquímica, alimentos, química e farmacêutica. Durante o processo de síntese de dextrana ocorre a liberação de frutose, que é um monossacarídeo de grande importância na indústria de alimentos. Este trabalho teve por finalidade sintetizar as etapas do processo de ob...

  11. Leitura rapida do KDIGO 2012: Diretrizes para avaliacao e manuseio da doenca renal cronica na pratica clinica

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    Gianna Mastroianni Kirsztajn


    Full Text Available Os autores desta "leitura rápida" apresentam os dados que consideraram mais relevantes na versão 2012 do KDIGO referente à avaliação e manuseio da doença renal crônica. Não se trata da opinião dos autores, mas sim de uma apresentação mais concisa das diretrizes, que podem ser úteis na prática clínica.

  12. Utilidad clinica de biomarcadores en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad glomerular del adulto


    Jatem Escalante, Elias


    Con el presente proyecto de tesis, mediante el desarrollo de estudios observacionales con inclusión de grupos de pacientes afectos de formas primarias y secundarias de glomerulopatías causantes de síndrome nefrótico, específicamente gloméruloesclerósis focal y segmentaria,(GFS), y la nefropatía membranosa (NM), donde se practican mediciones séricas y urinarias de determinadas moléculas (receptor soluble de la urokinasa y anticuerpos contra el receptor tipo M de la fosfolipasa A2), para determ...

  13. Clinical, radiographic and scintigraphic aspects of the trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis; Caracterizacao clinica, radiografica e cintilografica da osteoartrose trapeziometacarpiana

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kaziyama, Helena Hideko Seguchi


    Trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis occurs mainly in women during the menopausal period. It is related to manual activities and is usually bilateral. The onset is insidious and the evolution is slow and progressive. It is characterized by of strength and pain in the basis of the thumb resulting in limitation of the use and function of the hand. The diagnosis of this condition is based on the physical examination. The manouver of compression axial-rotation of the trapezimetacarpal joint is a common positive finding. Typical findings of osteoarthritis are present in the radiological studies. Scintigraphic images have a predictive value. The early diagnosis is important to avoid the risk factors and to prevent disabilities of the hand. (author) 102 refs., 18 figs., 10 tabs.

  14. Micropulse diode laser trabeculoplasty (MDLT: A phase II clinical study with 12 months follow-up

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    Antonio Maria Fea


    Full Text Available Antonio Maria Fea, Alex Bosone, Teresa Rolle, Beatrice Brogliatti, Federico Maria GrignoloIstituto di Fisiopatologia Clinica, Clinica Oculistica dell’ Università di Torino, Torino, ItalyObjective: This pilot study evaluates the pressure lowering potential of subthreshold micropulse diode laser trabeculoplasty (MDLT for a clinically meaningful duration in patients with medically uncontrolled open angle glaucoma (OAG.Design: prospective interventional case series.Participants: Thirty-two eyes of 20 consecutive patients with uncontrolled OAG (12 bilateral and 8 unilateral.Methods: Confluent subthreshold laser applications over the inferior 180° of the anterior TM using an 810 nm diode laser in a micropulse operating mode. The intraocular pressure (IOP was measured at baseline and at 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months post-treatment. Flare was measured with a Kowa FM 500 flare-meter at baseline and at 3 hours, 1 day, 1 week, and 12 months post-treatment. After treatment, the patients were maintained on their pre-treatment drug regimen.Main outcome measures: Criteria for treatment response were IOP reduction ≥3 mm Hg and IOP ≤21 mm Hg within the first week after MDLT. Eyes not complying to the above criteria during the follow-up were considered treatment failure. Mean IOP change and percentage of IOP reduction during the follow-up were calculated.Results: One eye was analyzed for bilateral patients. A total of 20 eyes were thus included. Four eyes (20% did not respond to treatment during the first week. One additional eye failed at the 6 month visit. The treatment was successful in 15 eyes (75% at 12 months. The IOP was significantly lower throughout follow-up (p < 0.01. At 12 months, the mean percentage of IOP reduction in the 15 respondent eyes was 22.1% and 12 eyes (60% had IOP reduction higher than 20%. During the first two postoperative days, one eye with pigmentary glaucoma experienced a significant increase of flare

  15. Synthesis and characterization of different immunogenic viral nanoconstructs from rotavirus VP6 inner capsid protein

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    Bugli F


    Full Text Available Francesca Bugli,1 Valeria Caprettini,2 Margherita Cacaci,1 Cecilia Martini,1 Francesco Paroni Sterbini,1 Riccardo Torelli,1 Stefano Della Longa,3 Massimiliano Papi,4 Valentina Palmieri,4 Bruno Giardina,5 Brunella Posteraro,1 Maurizio Sanguinetti,1 Alessandro Arcovito5 1Istituto di Microbiologia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, 3Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica, Sanità Pubblica, Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente, Università dell’Aquila, L’Aquila, 4Istituto di Fisica, 5Istituto di Biochimica e Biochimica Clinica, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy Abstract: In order to deliver low-cost viral capsomeres from a large amount of soluble viral VP6 protein from human rotavirus, we developed and optimized a biotechnological platform in Escherichia coli. Specifically, three different expression protocols were compared, differing in their genetic constructs, ie, a simple native histidine-tagged VP6 sequence, VP6 fused to thioredoxin, and VP6 obtained with the newly described small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO fusion system. Our results demonstrate that the histidine-tagged protein does not escape the accumulation in the inclusion bodies, and that SUMO is largely superior to the thioredoxin-fusion tag in enhancing the expression and solubility of VP6 protein. Moreover, the VP6 protein produced according to the SUMO fusion tag displays well-known assembly properties, as observed in both transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy images, giving rise to either VP6 trimers, 60 nm spherical virus-like particles, or nanotubes a few micron long. This different quaternary organization of VP6 shows a higher level of immunogenicity for the elongated structures with respect to the spheres or the protein trimers. Therefore, the expression and purification strategy presented here – providing a large amount of the viral capsid protein in the native


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    Jean-Michel Vivès


    Full Text Available Nessa conferência, proferida especialmente pelo autor a convite da Comissão Científica do Colóquio Internacional « A Psicanálise e a Lei »  é abordada a estrutura da tragédia antiga retomada a partir do entendimento que dela faz Claudel, na medida em que destaca a sua dimensão essencialmente vocal. Partindo da definição dada, pelo citado poeta, da tragédia como um  « long cri devant une tombe mal fermée », o autor procura dela tirar todas as consequências para pensar as questões referentes à voz e a lei naquilo que diz respeito à clinica psicanalítica. Leva ainda em consideração as contribuições de Nietzsche, acerca do nascimento da tragédia, e de Loraux que também chama a atenção para a dimensão vocal da tragédia, pondo em Nessa conferência, proferida especialmente pelo autor a convite da Comissão Científica do Colóquio Internacional « A Psicanálise e a Lei »  é abordada a estrutura da tragédia antiga retomada a partir do entendimento que dela faz Claudel, na medida em que destaca a sua dimensão essencialmente vocal. Partindo da definição dada, pelo citado poeta, da tragédia como um  « long cri devant une tombe mal fermée », o autor procura dela tirar todas as consequências para pensar as questões referentes à voz e a lei naquilo que diz respeito à clinica psicanalítica. Leva ainda em consideração as contribuições de Nietzsche, acerca do nascimento da tragédia, e de Loraux que também chama a atenção para a dimensão vocal da tragédia, pondo em evidencia sua dimensão política. O tratamento dessas questões levam o autor a formular a hipótese: a instauração e a relação à lei, que é uma das questões essenciais apresentadas pela tragédia, não poderia ser pensada ao redor de sua relação à voz ?

  17. Advanced welding for closed structure. Pt. 3 The thermal approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sacripanti, A.; Bonanno, G.; Paoloni, M.; Sagratella, G. [ENEA Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Innovazione; Arborino, A.; Varesi, R.; Antonucci, A. [DUNE, (Italy)


    This report describes the activities developed for the European Contract BRITE AWCS III to study the use of thermal sensing techniques to obtain an accurate detection of the internal reinforcement of the closed steel structures employed in the shipbuilding industry. After a description of the methods, normally developed in Russia, about the techniques and problems, for the thermal testing of materials in the conventional approach, a new thermal detector was utilized, a new bolometric thermo camera is introduced with a special software for the on line image analysis, there are also shown the experimental tests and results. The obtained conclusion shows that the thermal non destructive testing techniques with the new detector should be useful to assemble a complete sensing system with one ultrasonic head. [Italian] Questo rapporto descrive le attivita' sperimentali sviluppate nell'ambito del contratto europeo BRITE AWCS III, in cui si sono utilizzate tecniche termiche per ottenere un preciso rilevamento dei rinforzi interni di strutture metalliche chiuse utilizzate nell'industria delle costruzioni navali. Dopo la descrizione dei metodi sviluppati essenzialmente in Russia, circa le tecniche e i problemi riguardanti il testing termico dei materiali, e' stato introdotto un approccio innovativo basato su un nuovo sensore: una termocamera bolometrica connessa con un software dedicato per l'analisi online del setto; vengono inoltre mostrati i risultati sperimentali ottenuti. Le conclusioni ottenute mostrano che nel nuovo approccio, il testing termico non distruttivo dovrebbe essere utile per assemblare un sistema sensoriale completo che utilizzi anche un sensore di tipo ultrasonico.

  18. Flow and suspended sediment yield monitoring of the Apennines' watershed of the Sillaro stream (Prov. BO). 1998 Data analysis; Monitoraggio del deflusso liquido e solido del tratto appenninico del T. Sillaro. Analisi dei dati del 1998

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pavanelli, D.; Taglioli, G. [Bologna Univ., Bologna (Italy). Dipt. Economia e Ingegneria Agrarie; Sarti, A.


    The accurate assessment of surface water erosion in watershed is aided by the indications provided by the yield of fluvial solids and in particular by suspended sediment yield. Confining itself to a research study of hydrological and erosion phenomena present at the mountain watershed of the Sillaro Torrent, a monitoring station of water flow and sediment yield was set up at the enclosed end of the mountain basin. This paper contains the presentation and evaluation of the statistics revealed during the course of 1998. The fluctuation of sediment yield appears to be connected to the variation of water flow, the annual soil loss has been assessed at 54446 t, equal to an average soil loss over the entire basin of 0.26 mm. [Italian] La stima diretta dell'erosione idrica superficiale a scala di bacino idrografico puo' avvalersi delle indicazioni fornite dal trasporto solido fluviale, ed in particolare dal trasporto in sospensione. Nell'ambito di una ricerca volta allo studio dei fenomeni idrologici ed erosivi a carico del bacino montano del T. Sillaro (prov. BO), e' stata realizzata, presso la sezione di chiusa del bacino, una stazione di misura per il monitoraggio dei deflussi liquidi e della torbida. Nella presente nota viene fornita la descrizione e la valutazione dei dati rilevati nel corso del 1998. Le fluttuazioni dei valori di trasporto torbido appaiono legate alle variazioni di portata, mentre il deflusso torbido annuo per il 1998 e' stato valutato in 54.446, pari ad una perdita annua media di suolo sull'intero bacino di 0.26 mm.

  19. Advanced welding for closed structure. Pt. 1 The magnetic approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sacripanti, A.; Paoloni, M.; Sagratella, G. [ENEA Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Dipt. Innovazione


    This report describes the activities developed for the European Contract BRITE AWCS III to study the use of magnetic sensing techniques to obtain an accurate detection of the internal reinforcement of the closed steel structures employed in the shipbuilding industry. After a description of the methods, techniques and problems for the magnetic testing of materials in the conventional approach, a new method was tried to obtain the wanted results. The obtained conclusion shows that the magnetic non destructive testing approach produce very small effects to measure, are too much sensible to the anisotropy of the magnetic properties of the steel plates and to the quality of the contact with the reinforcement. This system is not flexible enough to assemble a sensing for the goal of the BRITE AWCS III. [Italian] Questo rapporto descrive le attivita' sperimentali sviluppate nell'ambito del contratto europeo BRITE AWCS III, in cui si sono utilizzate tecniche magnetiche per ottenere un preciso rilevamento dei rinforzi interni di strutture metalliche chiuse utilizzate nell'industria delle costruzioni navali. Dopo la descrizione dei metodi, delle tecniche e dei problemi riguardanti il testing magnetico dei materiali, e' stato introdotto un approccio innovativo basato su elettromagneti costruiti ad hoc. Le conclusioni ottenute mostrano che nel nuovo approccio, il testing magnetico non distruttivo produce perturbazioni troppo piccole per essere correttamente apprezzate, risulta inoltre troppo legato alle anisotropie ed alla qualita' del contatto tra piatto e web ed infine esso appare poco flessibile per soddisfare le richieste tecniche del BRITE AWCS III.


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    Rosaria Solarino


    Full Text Available Si può oggi affrontare il tema degli errori di italiano da una prospettiva che possa giovare contemporaneamente a docenti di italiano L1 ed L2? Noi pensiamo di sì: la ricerca glottodidattica sembra aver ormai apprestato un terreno comune alle due situazioni di apprendimento, sgombrando il campo da vecchi pregiudizi e distinzioni che appaiono ormai superate. Attraverso la contrapposizione di concetti quali “lingua parlata/lingua scritta”,  “errori di lingua / errori di linguaggio”, “apprendimento spontaneo/apprendimento guidato”, “italiano L1/italiano L2”, “errori di apprendimento/errori di interferenza, si indicano diversi criteri per la interpretazione degli errori e la loro valutazione in relazione alle cause, alle situazioni comunicative, ai contesti o allo stadio di evoluzione dell’apprendimento della lingua.     Errors in italian L1 and L2: interference and learning   Can errors in Italian be approached in a way that benefits both L1 and L2 Italian teachers? We believe so: glottodidactic research seems to have prepared a common terrain for these two learning situations, clearing the field of old prejudices and obsolete distinctions.  Through the juxtaposition of concepts like “spoken language/written language”, “language errors/speech errors”, “spontaneous learning/guided learning”, “L1 Italian/L2 Italian”, “learning errors/interference errors”, different criteria for interpreting errors and evaluating them in relation to their causes, to communicative situations, to contexts and the developmental state in learning a language are singled out.

  1. Considerations on global access to rights: anlysis of multilingual search tools

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    Ginevra Peruginelli


    Full Text Available In una società globalizzata come quella odierna vi è una forte necessità, nell’accademia, nella professione legale, nel mondo degli affari ed in quello dei servizi della pubblica amministrazione, di una comune comprensione dei concetti giuridici dei diversi ordinamenti. Allo stesso tempo si assiste ad una forte pressione verso la conservazione del loro senso e valore. È difficile soddisfare entrambi i requisiti a causa della complessità del linguaggio giuridico e delle diverse modalità utilizzate per esprimere il diritto nei vari sistemi giuridici. A differenza di altre discipline, in cui esiste una corrispondenza tra i concetti espressi nelle varie lingue, nel diritto insorgono serie difficoltà di interpretazione dovute alla natura della terminologia giuridica, intimamente legata al sistema giuridico di riferimento. L'articolo offre alcuni spunti di riflessione sui requisiti dei sistemi di ricerca multilingue dell'informazione giuridica, esaminando gli aspetti linguistici e concettuali che devono essere presi in considerazione nello sviluppo di tali sistemi e soffermandosi sulle problematiche della traduzione giuridica, del diritto comparato e delle tecniche di elaborazione del linguaggio naturale ai fini dell’accesso e recupero dell'informazione in un contesto distribuito. Le raccomandazioni riguardano da un lato le metodologie per stabilire equivalenze funzionali fra concetti giuridici, dall'altro possibili forme di cooperazione fra istituzioni responsabili dell'indicizzazione e distribuzione di informazioni giuridiche. Tutto ciò per garantire ad ogni cittadino di accedere all’informazione nella molteplicità di lingue in cui si manifesta e allo stesso tempo di ricercarla nella lingua preferita.

  2. Two unusual cases of brain metastases from lung primary malignant melanoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodríguez, A.; Mañana, G.; Panuncio, A.; Rodríguez, R.; Roldán, G.; Sosa, A.


    Start with two cases of brain metastases from lung melanoma are presented who were diagnosed in the Neuropathology Laboratory of the Department of Anatomy Pathology, Institute of Neurology, Hospital de Clinicas, Montevideo, emphasizing the pathological diagnostic criteria and their evolution clinic. Both patients presented at the time of the initial consultation injuries amelánica respectively pigmented single brain. In both cases ruled by the morphology and the use of complementary techniques metastasis carcinoma. The main differential diagnosis of these lesions is whether is a primitive brain tumor, pigmented or not, or of a secondary tumor melanin: metastatic malignant melanoma. In both cases the patients had been studied one being in an unresectable lung injury, and in the other showed a single pulmonary nodule was resected in its entirety. the pulmonary lesions were for malignant melanoma, one with ample pigment and the other for the most part amelánico, with few areas retained pigment. He studied dermatologist, discarded the presence of a cutaneous malignant melanoma primitive. Other locations were also excluded


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    Sônia Terezinha dos Anjos Lopes


    Full Text Available Foram usados 50 eqüinos sadios provenientes do Batalhão de Polícia Montada da Brigada Militar em Santa Maria, RS, sendo 43 machos e 7 fêmeas com idade variadas a partir de 3 anos. Foram colhidos 10ml de sangue da jugular para determinação dos valores da atividade sérica das enzimas aspartato-aminotransferase (AST, desidrogenase lática (DHL, gama-glutamiltransferase (gGT e fosfatase alcalina sérica (FAS. Os resultados encontrados para AST foi de 101 - 190U/I com média de 130UI; DHL foi de 100 - 421 U/l com média de 182U/I; gGT foi de 2 - 27U/I com média de 6.5U/I e FAS foi de 103 - 335U/I com média de 190U/I. A partir de outubro/1992 estes valores passaram a ser referência no laboratório de Patologia Clínica do Hospital de Clinicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

  4. Avaliação da Vergonha em Adolescentes: ‘The Other as Shamer Scale’

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    Marina Cunha


    Full Text Available RESUMO A vergonha, entendida como uma emoção autoconsciente, multifacetada e socialmente focada, desempenha um papel central na saúde mental dos indivíduos. Nos adolescentes, é também uma experiência frequente, sendo importante a sua avaliação para a investigação e prática clinica. Este estudo pretende validar uma medida breve de vergonha externa (Escala de Vergonha Externa - Versão breve para Adolescentes [OASB-A]. Participaram 834 adolescentes com uma média de 15 anos. O modelo final da OASB-A (8 itens, obtido por meio da Análise Fatorial Confirmatória, apresenta um bom ajustamento aos dados, invariância para o sexo, boa consistência interna e fidedignidade temporal adequada. As correlações com as experiências traumáticas de vergonha (IES-R e sintomatologia psicopatológica (DASS-21 são significativas. A OASB-A é uma medida válida e econômica para avaliação da vergonha externa em adolescentes.

  5. [La diagnosi del disturbo da uso di alcol dal punto di vista psicologico]. (United States)

    Coriale, Giovanna; Fiorentino, Daniela; Porrari, Raffaella; Battagliese, Gemma; Capriglione, Ida; Cereatti, Federica; Iannuzzi, Silvia; Mauri, Benilde; Galli, Domenica; Fiore, Marco; Attilia, Maria Luisa; Ceccanti, Mauro


    RIASSUNTO. Il disturbo da uso di alcol (DUA) è uno dei disturbi psichiatrici più comuni nella popolazione generale. Il DUA è caratterizzato da un pattern di bere eccessivo, che si mantiene nonostante gli effetti negativi che l'alcol ha sul funzionamento lavorativo, sulla salute, sulle problematiche legali, sull'educazione e sulla vita sociale. Attualmente, il modello bio-psico-sociale è quello che spiega meglio il DUA. Infatti, molte ricerche hanno fornito evidenze su come il DUA sia una patologia multidimensionale. Variabili biologiche, psicologiche e socio-culturali entrano in gioco nell'eziologia, nella natura, nel mantenimento e nel cambiamento nel tempo del disturbo. La fase diagnostica è un momento importante del processo di cura, perché il successo del trattamento dipende in larga misura dall'esattezza e dall'adeguatezza della diagnosi. La diagnosi clinica si basa su una valutazione globale del funzionamento del paziente e utilizza il colloquio e gli strumenti psicometrici come mezzo di raccolta di informazioni. Questo articolo fornirà una panoramica delle dimensioni psicologiche più importanti da valutare e sui migliori strumenti psicometrici da usare per una diagnosi adeguata.

  6. [Frequency of depression in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2]. (United States)

    Garduño-Espinosa, J; Téllez-Zenteno, J F; Hernández-Ronquillo, L


    To determine the prevalence of depression in Mexican adult diabetics and to identify factors associated to the depression. Prolective survey. Four Mexico City hospitals (Clinica San Pedro de los Pinos IMSS, Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI IMSS, Hospital Gea González SSa and Centro de Salud Margarita Chorne SSa). 79 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. The Beck Depression Inventory was used as a measure of depression. We used sociodemographic variables (age, gender, marital status, religion, education, occupation, socioeconomic status) and disease variables (years of diagnosis, other chronic medical conditions and compliance with therapeutic regimens) as the independent variables of depression. Mean age was 59 +/- 11 years (SD) and 58 (73%) were females. The frequency of depression was 46%. Factors associated to depression were: females (OR = 3.67, CI = 1.07-13.3, p = 0.03) and years of diagnosis above 15 (OR = 3.08, CI = 0.91-10.8, p = 0.07). Frequency of depression was high (46%). Gender and years of diabetes diagnosis were factors associated to depression.

  7. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the infrared system in patients' positioning by comparison between two methods for tracking isocenters; Analise qualitativa e quantitativa do sistema de infravermelho do Exac Trac X-ray 6D no posicionamento de pacientes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, C.T. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina; Nakandakari, M.V.N.; Sales, C.P.; Cunha, A.P.V.; Sereno, M.; Rodrigues, L.N., E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Hospital das Clinicas. Instituto de Radiologia. Servico de Radioterapia


    With the advent of techniques for treatment of high complexity, such as radiosurgery and stereotactic radiotherapy, there is an increased need to reduce spatial uncertainties due to the delivery of high doses per fraction. In this work the accuracy of the Infrared (IR) system BrainLab version 5.5 was evaluated from through the positioning of patients with cranial diseases, and then followed by the routinely implementation at the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP (HCFMUSP). The validation tests were performed by making use of an isocenter phantom from BrainLab which first evaluated the uncertainty due to the positioning and then its repeatability. Further analysis provided by measurements of 60 patients has been made performed and compared with an IR and localization's box for stereotactic coordinates. The greatest variations in all the tests and all the degrees of freedom can be considered less than 1.0 mm and 0.1 °, translational and rotational respectively, thus ensuring the accuracy of positioning system of patients required in techniques of high complexity. (author)

  8. Færdighedslaboratoriet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaldal, Maiken Holm; Braad, Mette; Grønkjær, Mette


    Learning labs enable students to exercise and develop clinical skills. Nursing students are a heterogeneous group, thus it is important to focus on their individual preferences in exercising clinical skills. The aim of this study was to explore nursing students’ preferences for exercising clinica...... competences. The students suggest case work including pre – and post-supervision in the exercise of clinical skills. They suggest that learning lab training is placed throughout their in the theoretical part of course of study.......Learning labs enable students to exercise and develop clinical skills. Nursing students are a heterogeneous group, thus it is important to focus on their individual preferences in exercising clinical skills. The aim of this study was to explore nursing students’ preferences for exercising clinical...... skills in learning labs. The study used a sequential exploratory mixed methods research design that consisted of an initial qualitative focus group interview followed by a quantitative questionnaire study. We found that practical exercises in learning labs promote the learning of the students’ clinical...

  9. Membership function used to construction of a hand homogeneous phantom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pavan, Ana Luiza Menegatti; Alvarez, Matheus; Alves, Allan Felipe Fattori; Rosa, Maria Eugenia Dela; Miranda, Jose Ricardo de Arruda


    Fractures and dislocations of the hand are some injuries most frequently encountered in trauma of the musculoskeletal system. In evaluating these lesions, in addition to physical examination, radiography, in at least two incidents, is the investigation of choice, and rarely is necessary the help of other images to establish the diagnosis and treatment. The image quality of X-ray examination is therefore essential. In this study, a homogeneous phantom hand was developed to be used in the optimization of images from hand using computed radiography system process. In this procedure were quantified thicknesses of different tissues that constitute an anthropomorphic phantom hand. To perform the classification and quantification of tissue was applied membership functions for histograms of CT scans. The same procedure was adopted for retrospective examinations of 30 patients of the Hospital das Clinicas, Botucatu Medicine School, UNESP (HCFMB-UNESP). The results showed agreement between the thicknesses of tissues that make up the anthropomorphic phantom and sampling of patients, presenting variations between 12.63% and 6.48% for soft tissue and bone, respectively. (author)

  10. Critical evaluation of the use of imaging techniques in the conservative treatment of breast cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pena, F.; Vega, C.; Pastrana, M.; Gonzalez, C.; Ramos, L.


    To establish the need for a sequential radiological study to contribute, together with other specialists in the management of these patients, to achieve the best possible results with this type of treatment: rates of survival comparable to those obtained with mastectomy and the highest possible percentages of breast preservation with satisfactory cosmetic results. Studies of 200 patients who underwent conservative treatment for breast cancer at Clinica Puerta de Hierro in Madrid over the past five years.We assess the utility of the different imaging methods and their application in each specific case. An update of the literature is also carried out. Radiology plays a major role in the management of patients who undergo conservative treatment for breast cancer. We demonstrate the need to carry out, in the first place, preoperative radiological studies to aid in the proper selection of patients and, secondly, examination of the resected tissue and postoperative mammography to ensure that the surgical resection was performed correctly. Finally, follow-up studies be carried out to detect tumor recurrence as early as possible. (Author) 82 refs

  11. La huída en la obra de Mario Vargas Llosa

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    German Arce Ross

    Full Text Available Se trata de poner en perspectiva la mayor parte de novelas de Mario Vargas Llosa en función del tema de la huída, partiendo del hecho que é1 solicitó la nacionalidad Española inmediatamente después de haber perdido las elecciones para la Presidencia del Perú y de haber escrito El pez en el agua. Nuestro análisis intenta demostrar la importancia de la figura paterna – principalmente en el sentido de su ausencia y de sus bruscas reapariciones – en la cristalización sintomática del tema de la fuga. Es por eso que una analogía con la posición fóbica, en relación al padre o a sus substitutos, nos ha parecido pertinente. Teniendo como pivot el análisis de la forma, del contexto y del contenido de su libro de memorias, este trabajo definiría así las bases de una contribución literaria de la obra de Vargas Llosa a la clinica de la fobia.

  12. Minor Lagochilascaris Otomastoiditis in a Child: Case Report

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    Guimaraes, Valeriana de Castro


    Full Text Available Introduction: The lagochilascariosis is an emerging zoonosis determined by the presence of helminth Lagochilascaris minor in human tissues. Infection occurs through ingestion of larvae encysted in the subcutaneous tissue, muscles and viscera of wild animals consumed by man so raw or undercooked. The disease is rare, insidious, chronic condition, characterized by the appearance of lesions, especially in the neck, mastoid, ear, nose and oropharynx. A serious, sometimes fatal, depend on the location of the parasite. Objective: To describe a case of otomastoiditis by L. minor in child, attended at the Hospital das Clinicas, Federal University of Goias. Case Report: Patient 10 years old female, complaining of otalgia and purulent otorrhea right. Otoscopy left ear was normal, while the right ear had retroauricular edema, polyps in the external ear canal and fistula with drainage of pus. The tympanic membrane was intact.The stages of treatment were described since the initial consultation to the recovery of the patient. Final Comments: The clinician should be alert to the importance in considering the differential diagnosis of this disease on individuals residing in rural areas.

  13. The role of magnetic resonance cholangiography in the evaluation of biliary anatomy in living liver donors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arruda, Elaine Cristina de Moraes; Coelho, Julio Cezar Uili; Matias, Jorge Eduardo Fouto


    Objective: The present study was aimed at evaluating the accuracy of magnetic resonance cholangiography in the assessment of the biliary anatomy in living liver donors in correlation with surgical findings. Materials And Methods: Fifty living liver donors were retrospectively evaluated at Hospital de Clinicas da Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Cholangiographic images were analyzed and results were compared with intraoperative findings. Only anatomical alterations that affected the surgical strategy and had not been previously observed at magnetic resonance cholangiography were considered as being in disagreement. Results: Anatomical variations were found in 7 donors at magnetic resonance cholangiography, and in 14 during surgery. Agreement between imaging and surgical findings was observed in 41 of the 50 patients, and disagreement in 9. Magnetic resonance cholangiography sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy were respectively 43%, 97%, 86%, 81% and 81.6%. Conclusion: Magnetic resonance imaging is a safe and non invasive method for preoperative evaluation of the biliary tract in living liver donors. However some anatomical abnormalities are not detected by magnetic resonance cholangiography. (author)

  14. Disturbi dello spettro autistico tra filosofia della medicina e delle neuroscienze

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    Carlo Maria Cirino


    Full Text Available L’autismo è un disturbo pervasivo dello sviluppo neuropsicologico che interessa all’incirca un bambino su mille. Purtroppo, si tratta di un dato destinato ad aumentare, anche per via dell’interesse mediatico e scientifico che questa patologia è stata capace di richiamare intorno a sé. Da un lato, infatti, sono aumentate le richieste di screening presso i numerosi centri che monitorano questa complessa patologia neurologica e dall’altro sono migliorate le tecniche di diagnosi che sempre più spesso si avvalgono di esami genetici all’avanguardia in aggiunta alle ormai classiche interviste psicologiche. L’autismo pone, dunque, serie questioni all’attenzione della ricerca scientifica sia nel vasto campo delle neuroscienze che in quello della neuropsichiatria e della psicologia clinica. Ebbene: quel settore della filosofia che guarda alla scienza con interesse particolare, non può che seguire con partecipazione i progressi nella spiegazione di questa misteriosa patologia che, attualmente, resta un vero e proprio rompicapo per tutti coloro che hanno a che fare con la complessità dell’organizzazione cerebrale dell’essere umano.

  15. Vivencias emocionais de mulheres submetidas a cirurgia bariatrica no Hospital de Clinicas da Unicamp : um estudo clinico-qualitativo


    Ronis Magdaleno Junior


    Resumo: Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender as vivências emocionais de mulheres obesas mórbidas submetidas à cirurgia bariátrica. A obesidade tornou-se, globalmente, um grave problema de saúde pública e, em função disto, tem crescido de modo expressivo o número de cirurgias bariátricas como opção de tratamento para a obesidade mórbida. Contudo, é um procedimento que implica em importantes modificações físicas e psicossociais para o paciente. Metodologia: Aplicamos o Método Clínico Quali...

  16. [Instituto de Investigaciones Clinicas "Dr. Américo Negrette": 55 years of excellent research versus global economic recession]. (United States)

    Valero Cedeño, Nereida Josefina


    The Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas "Dr. Américo Negrette" belongs to the Faculty of Medicine at University of Zulia in Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela. It was created on December 4, 1959 by Dr. Américo Negrette. Today, with 55 years of existence, the Institute seeks to fulfill the mission that characterizes it, based on the values instilled by its founder and maintained by subsequent generations, whose research projects are implemented through seven research sections: Biochemistry, Hematologic Research, Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience, Immunology and Cell Biology, Clinical Neurochemistry, Parasitology and Virology. The research originated in these laboratories have become national and international points of reference, despite the current economic situation with budget deficits that put at risk the quality and originality of their projects with negative consequences on the productivity and applications for health population, reasons of biomedical research.

  17. Design and construction of ophthalmic simulators for clinical applications; Projeto e confeccao de simuladores oftalmicos para aplicacoes clinicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez, Andrea


    This work presents a calculational methodology for dose determination in human eye structures, such as: sclera, choroid, retina, lens, vitreous body, optic nerve and disc, and cornea, as well as tumor due to treatment to the eye plaques. A human eye model was constructed taking into consideration its main structural and dimension characteristics. Beyond that a mathematical model for the Co-60 and 1-125 plaques with all geometric details were built employing the MCNP-4C code. This model is able to calculate the axial and radial doses in any point of the eye and for each of its structures. An acrylic eye simulator was also built with the aim to obtain experimental results for the both model validations. This simulator is made of an acrylic sphere split into foils of 1 mm thickness which allow the introduction of a radiographic film to measure the axial and radial doses. The experimental data were used to validate the MCNP-4C results. The data from the mathematical model will serve as the basis to build a data bank for all the eye structures allowing different position and sizes of tumor as well as the replacement of all ophthalmic plaques used in the treatment. This data bank will be the principal part for the construction of a national software for the dose calculation and can be of great help for a reliable treatment system planning in radiotherapy/brachytherapy. (author)

  18. Recuperación Clinica Pero No Cognitiva En Esquizofrenia A Traves De La Experiencia Del Cine De Ficcion

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    J. Peña


    Discusión: Una intervención breve basada en actividades de la vida diaria puede ser transformada en herramienta eficaz de rehabilitación psiquiátrica. Sin embargo, con las características actuales y en la muestra de este estudio, la misma intervención no aportó beneficios en parámetros de cognición.

  19. Selection, processing and clinical application of muscle-skeletal tissue; Seleccion, Procesamiento y Aplicacion Clinica de Tejido Musculo-Esqueletico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luna Z, D.; Reyes F, M.L.; Lavalley E, C.; Castaneda J, G. [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)]. e-mail: dlz@nuclear.inin. mx


    Due to the increase in the average of the world population's life, people die each time to more age, this makes that the tissues of support of the human body, as those muscle-skeletal tissues, when increasing the individual's age go weakening, this in turn leads to the increment of the illnesses like the osteoporosis and the arthritis, that undoubtedly gives as a result more injure of the muscle-skeletal tissues joined a greater number of traffic accidents where particularly these tissues are affected, for that the demand of tissues muscle-skeletal for transplant every day will be bigger. The production of these tissues in the Bank of Radio sterilized Tissues, besides helping people to improve its quality of life saved foreign currencies because most of the muscle-skeletal tissues transplanted in Mexico are of import. The use of the irradiation to sterilize tissues for transplant has shown to be one of the best techniques with that purpose for what the International Atomic Energy Agency believes a Technical cooperation program to establish banks of tissues using the nuclear energy, helping mainly to countries in development. In this work the stages that follows the bank of radio sterilized tissues of the National Institute of Nuclear Research for the cadaverous donor's of muscle-skeletal tissue selection are described, as well as the processing and the clinical application of these tissues. (Author)

  20. Variability interexaminer of chronic apical periodontitis diagnostics in panoramic radiographs; Variabilidad interexaminador del diagnostico de periodontitis apical cronica en radiografias panoramicas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Montero Aguilar, Mauricio; Zeledon Mayorga, Rodolfo; Ramirez Mora, Tatiana; Monestel Umana, Silvia [Univ. de Costa Rica, Facultad de Odontologia (Costa Rica)


    The accuracy of radiological diagnosis of Apical Periodontitis (AP) is reported between examiners with differents levels of clinical experience using panoramic radiographs. 1032 teeth in 41 panoramic radiographs have been diagnosed. The evaluation of the x-rays and radiological diagnosis is performed by three independent dentists for AP to each tooth. The teeth have presented without radiological signs of AP in 96.6%. The number of teeth classified with an uncertain diagnosis of AP at the has been inversely proportional to the number of years of experience of the examiner. The examiner A has been used as a reference and compared the diagnoses of other examiners.The percentage agreement for all teeth was 95% for examiner B and 94% for examiner C. Kappa for all has been of 0.44 for examiner B and 0.43 for examiner C. The different categories were analyzed separately, the inferior teeth and the anterior teeth have obtained the best results. The level of clinical experience of the examiner has been indifferent in the diagnosis of AP in panoramic radiographs; however, it is important experience in the number of radiographs extras that will be needed to give a radiological diagnosis definitive. The panoramic radiographs were reliable diagnostic tools for AP. (author) [Spanish] La precision del diagnostico radiologico de la Periodontitis Apical Cronica (PAC) es reportado entre examinadores con diferentes niveles de experiencia clinica al utilizar radiografias panoramicas. 1032 dientes en 41 radiografias panoramicas han sido diagnosticados. La evaluacion de las radiografias y el diagnostico radiologico es realizado por tres odontologos independientes para la PAC a cada diente. Los dientes tampoco han presentado signos radiologicos de PAC en 96.6%. El numero de dientes clasificados con un diagnostico incierto de PAC ha sido inversamente proporcional al numero de anos de experiencia del examinador. El examinador A ha sido utilizado como referencia y se han comparado los

  1. Musei, raccolte e collezioni in Puglia / Museums and collections in Puglia

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    Francesca Imperiale


    Full Text Available Il lavoro illustra un’indagine sui musei di Puglia, come conseguenza delle lacune normative e conoscitive esistenti sul tema e della recente estensione del fenomeno a livello locale. Ci si interroga in particolare se tutte le realtà promosse come istituti museali siano dei musei secondo gli standard prevalentemente conosciuti ed applicati. In tale direzione, il lavoro, articolato in quattro paragrafi, approfondisce dapprima il significato del concetto di museo, a livello normativo e dottrinale, contrapposto a quello di raccolta o collezione. Successivamente, dopo una breve descrizione sulle origini, normativa regionale e stato dell’arte dei musei di Puglia, espone il modello di analisi sviluppato per distinguere i “veri” musei dalle “semplici” raccolte o collezione. In conclusione riporta i risultati conseguiti dall’analisi di 85 musei pugliesi ed alcune osservazioni sullo scenario emerso e sul modello di analisi sviluppato.   This paper has, as starting point, a survey about museums of Puglia. The main question is if all these museum institutions are real museums or not. With this purpose, this research deepens two main aspects. The first one is to understand the meaning of the museum concept, focusing on normative and doctrinal levels, and the differences between a museum institution and a collection. Then, after a brief description about the museum origins, the regional normative, and the museums of Puglia state of the art, the paper presents the analysis model developed in order to distinguish between “real” museums and “mere” collections. The conclusion of this research shows the analysis results of 85 museums of Puglia and some observations based on the emerging context and the analysis model.

  2. La nozione di autorità. Suggestioni da Alexandre Kojève

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    Chiara Ariano


    Full Text Available Muovendo da un’analisi fenomenologica, l’articolo intende porre una riflessione critica sull’elaborazione giusfilosofica della nozione d’autorità prendendo spunto dal volumetto La nozione d’Autorità di A. Kojève (di cui prima si conosceva l’esistenza solo grazie a una nota presente nell’Esquisse d’une phénoménologie du droit, recentemente rinvenuto. L’autore inizia col fare un’analisi concettuale delle teorie dell’autorità, distinguendo così quattro tipi “semplici” o “puri” (analoghi agli idealtipi weberiani: la teoria teologica o teocratica, secondo la quale l’Autorità primaria e assoluta appartiene a Dio, e tutte le altre ne derivano; la teoria platonica, secondo cui l’Autorità si fonda sulla Giustizia; quella aristotelica, secondo cui appartiene a chi ha il sapere e la capacità di prevedere; infine quella di Hegel che la riduce al rapporto tra Signore e servo (vincitore e vinto, basato sulla lotta, il rischio e il riconoscimento del vincitore come autorità. Di queste, solo l’ultima – scrive Kojève – “ha avuto un’elaborazione filosofica completa, che si sviluppa sia sul piano della descrizione fenomenologica sia su quello dell’analisi metafisica e ontologica, le altre non hanno oltrepassato il livello della fenomenologia”. La radicale finitudine dell’uomo, sulla quale Kojève in definitiva fonda la sua pretesa ateistica e cerca conseguentemente di svincolare dalla trascendenza ogni fondazione dell'autorità, non esclude, però, a parere di chi scrive, la traccia di un ‟antropologia in cui torna ad affacciarsi l’infinito”.  

  3. Mammary neoplasm inflammatory: clinic presentation: combined treatment value; Cancer inflamatorio de mama: presentacion clinica: valor de los tratamientos combinados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Viola Alles, A; Sabini Gaye, G; Barrios Herrera, E; Muse Sevrini, I


    On a total of 1152 patients bearing of cancer of she suckles tried in the period 1978-1988, 41 of she(3.5% )corresponding to the variety inflamatory. Her ages was understood between 26 and 73 years , was been 15(63,5% )postmenopause. Clinically they presented commitment mammary exclusive 34,1%, invasion ganglionar lorregional 48,7% and 17% was disseminated remaining. The initial treatment bases on 3-4 cycles of chemotherapy type FCA, safe in patient with more years that they received the association CMF. All then were irradiated with dose of 5000-6000 cGy on she suckles and territories ganglionares. Finish the treatment with 6 to 8 additional cycles of the patients' chemotherapy. Nobody it was subjected to surgical. The middle survive of the population's total it was of 22 meses, has been of 26 for the premenopause and 15 for the posmenopause. The percentage of relapses arrive to 30% and 45% in the located ways they were disseminated during its evolution. It highlights that the therapeutic strategy you bases on the association open chemotherapy, radiotherapy remaining the possibility of the handling of high citostatics dose with or without transplants of osseous medulla osea (Author) [Spanish] Sobre un total de 1152 pacientes portadoras de cancer de mama tratadas en el periodo 1978-1988, 41 de ellas(3.5%)correspondieron a la variedad inflamatoria. Sus edades estaban comprendidas entre 26 y 73 an os,siendo 15(63,5%) posmenopausicas. Clinicamente presentaron compromiso mamario exclusivo 34,1%, invasion ganglionar lorregional 48,7% y estaban diseminadas 17% resptantes. El tratamiento inicial se baso en 3-4 ciclos de quimioterapia tipo FCA, salvo en pacientes anosas que recibieron la asociacion CMF. Todas ellas luego se irradiaron con dosis de 5000-6000 cGy sobre mama y territorios ganglionares. Se culmino el tratamiento con 6 a 8 ciclos adicionales de quimioterapia. Ninguna de las pacientes fue sometida a cirugia. La sobrevida media del total de la poblacion fue de 22 meses, siendo de 26 para las premenopausicas y 15 para las posmenopausicas. El porcentaje de recidivas llego al 30 % y 45% de las formas localizadas se diseminaron durante su evolucion. Se destaca que la estrategia terapeutica se baso en la asociacion qumio-radioterapia, quedando abierta la posibilidad del manejo de altas dosis de citostaticos con o sin trasplantes de madula osea(Au)

  4. Electronic medical history designed by a multidisciplinary unit mastology; Historia clinica electronica disenada por una unidad de mastologia multidisciplinaria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Camejo, N.; Castillo, C.; Vaca, N.; Camargo, B.; Artagaveytia, N.; Acuna, S.; Milans, S.; Lavina, G.; Carzoglio, J.; Jacobo, O.; Pressa, C.; Delgado, L. [Servicio de Oncologia, Hospital de Clinicas, Montevideo (Uruguay)


    Full text: Objective: To facilitate the collection, organization and analysis of data from patients Unit assisted in Mastology by producing an electronic health record. Materials and Methods: We evaluated forms provided by medical oncologists, radio therapists, radiologists, pathologists, and plastic surgeons mastologists collect data interrogation, physical examination, complementary examinations, diagnoses, anatomy pathological evolution and treatment instituted and generating the system was computerized {sup U}nit Mastology - Electronic Health Record ( UMAHCE){sup .} Results: The story was designed in modules that collect data on instances arising diagnostic, treatment and monitoring of patients. Each module is represented by an icon that changes color to enter data, allowing the objectify doctor if they are or not the data for that module. The system can attach images recorded by breast exam photos, photos of study, imaging (mammography, CT, MRI) in the same way that the surgeon to enter the protocol surgical or anatomical pathologist enter a pathological report of a study untimely or after definitive surgery. The system can generate an automatic report of the input data that can be printed and placed in the patient's medical history. It also can generate the e mail alerts doctors on pathological results were entered into regarding the diagnosis or treatment breast cancer (eg, mammography B I-Rads 4 or 5, report positive cytologic puncture malignancy, H R and Her status). Conclusions: We developed an electronic medical record that allows different doctors involved in the management of breast disease can be accessed through the web regardless of where they are ( pathology laboratory, room radiology reports, clinic, operation theater), both for information about a patient to enter data the same in relation to their specialty. Moreover, homogenize manages the type and quality of the data and therefore can improve the care and research activities as well as facilitate the audit of the activities of the Unit. Its main limitation is the internet browsing speed. During the presentation work will show some electronic forms, how history is used by different specialists and patients reporting examples.

  5. Clinical Training of Medical Physicists Specializing in Diagnostic Radiology (Spanish Edition); Capacitacion clinica de fisicos medicos especialistas en radiodiagnostico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The application of radiation in human health, for both diagnosis and treatment of disease, is an important component of the work of the IAEA. The responsibility for the increasing technical aspects of this work is undertaken by the medical physicist. To ensure good practice in this vital area, structured clinical training programmes are required to complement academic learning. This publication is intended to be a guide to the practical implementation of such a programme for diagnostic radiology. There is a general and growing awareness that radiation medicine is increasingly dependent on well trained medical physicists based in the clinical setting. However, an analysis of the availability of medical physicists indicates a large shortfall of qualified and capable professionals. This is particularly evident in developing countries. While strategies to increase academic educational opportunities are critical to such countries, the need for guidance on structured clinical training was recognized by the members of the Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Sciences for Asia and the Pacific. Consequently, a technical cooperation regional project (RAS6038) under the RCA programme was formulated to address this need in the Asia-Pacific region by developing suitable material and establishing its viability. Development of a clinical training guide for medical physicists specializing in diagnostic radiology started in 2007 with the appointment of a core drafting committee of regional and international experts. The publication drew on the experiences of clinical training programmes in Australia and New Zealand, the UK and the USA, and was moderated by physicists working in the Asian region. This publication follows the approach of the IAEA publication Training Course Series No. 37, Clinical Training of Medical Physicists specializing in Radiation Oncology. This approach to clinical training has been successfully tested in Thailand, with two other Member States currently undergoing testing, and is believed to be applicable to the medical physics community in general.

  6. Pedagogia fenomenologica e interpretazione della devianza / Pédagogie phénoménologique et interprétation de la déviance / Phenomenological pedagogy and interpretation of deviance

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    Cavana Laura


    Full Text Available Phenomenological pedagogy, introduced by Piero Bertolini in the second half of the past century, gets its fundamental and basic requirements from the phenomenology of Husserl, a German philosopher operating during the first years of 20th century.This article shows a synthesis of the key points of that pedagogical perspective applied to the field of juvenile deviance, and directly experimented by Bertolini himself during the decade 1958-1968, when he was the director of juvenile prison “ Beccaria” in Milan.According to phenomenological pedagogy, “difficult boys”, besides individual conditions and behavioural differences, of discomfort and rebelliousness, share the same difficulty in giving sense and meaning to the environment ( both human and material and a resulting difficulty in establishing with it true and pedagogically correct relationships, based on recognition and respect of the innermost relational structure of reality.

  7. Calibrazioni a terra e prestazioni in volo di spettrometri ad immagine nel visibile e nel vicino infrarosso per l'esplorazione planetaria (United States)

    Filacchione, Gianrico


    progettuale e realizzativa dei parametri e de lle prestazioni strumentali; in generale infatti non solo sarà necessario mantenere le dimensioni, il peso, i consumi elettrici ed il data-volume entro i requisiti disponibili del satellite ma anche ottimizzare i disegni ottici, meccanici ed elettronici al fine di ottenere le massime prestazioni possibili in funzione della natura del target osservato e dei parametri orbitali della missione. Questa tesi descrive i metodi utilizzati per caratterizzare il funzionamento di spettrometri ad immagine per l’esplorazione planetaria. L’attività svolta ha riguardato sia la misura in laboratorio dei parametri strumentali fondamentali sia l’analisi dei dati in volo su cui verificarne ed eventualmente correggerne la risposta. Il funzionamento degli strumenti e la metodologia di calibrazione vengono descritti nelle due parti principali e nelle appendici di questa tesi per gli esperimenti Cassini-VIMS-V e Rosetta-VIRTIS-M. La prima parte è dedicata all’esperimento VIMS-V sul satellite Cassini, il cui disegno ottico, originariamente proposto da Francis Reininger, verrà successivamente riutilizzato e perfezionato su VIRTIS-M (Reininger et al., 1994; Miller et al., 1996). Il capitolo 1 contiene una descrizione dei parametri ottici, strutturali, termici ed elettronici di VIMS-V mettendone in risalto gli aspetti più innovativi del progetto. Vengono inoltre descritti la collocazione dell’esperimento sul satellite Cassini, il coallineamento con gli altri strumenti di remote sensing, i possibili modi operativi ed il formato dei dati scientifici. Il capitolo 2 riguarda il processo di calibrazione ed analisi dei dati in volo di VIMS-V. La procedura eseguita per calibrare radiometricamente lo strumento utilizzando i dati della superficie della Luna e per stimare il flat-field mediante i dati dell’atmosfera di Venere viene dettagliatamente descritta assieme agli algoritmi utilizzati per la rimozione di diversi effetti strumentali (read

  8. Romulus’ adytum or asylum? A New Exegetical proposal for De lingua Latina 5, 8

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    Federica Lazzerini


    Molto si è discusso sui quattro livelli progressivi secondo i quali Varrone struttura l’etimologia in ling. 5, 8; a ogni livello è associato un diverso tipo di analisi e si applica a una diversa categoria di parole. Una formulazione criptica ed ellittica, in un passo che nel manoscritto del testo è quasi certamente corrotto, avvolgono il quarto livello in una nube di incertezza e ambiguità. Se alcuni filologi hanno difeso il mantenimento del tradito Quartus, ubi est aditus et initia regis (“Il quarto livello è dove è l’ingresso e le origini del re”, la maggior parte delle interpretazioni moderne opta piuttosto per l’emendazione di aditus in adytum (“santuario” e legge il passo come un riferimento a vari tipi di culti misterici, collocando il quarto livello etimologico in un quadro di esoterismo. Nel presente contributo, si avanza la proposta che nel passo in questione non vi sia alcuna allusione ai misteri, ma un riferimento all’episodio storico-leggendario della fondazione, da parte di Romolo, di un “santuario” sul Campidoglio, destinato all’accoglienza di supplici provenienti da ogni popolo ed estrazione sociale. Questa istituzione portò alla formazione del primo nucleo abitativo di Roma e anche, di conseguenza, del sostrato vernacolare alle origini della lingua latina; come tale, tale episodio converge con gli interessi e le idee di Varrone. L’ipotesi che il quartus gradus etymologiae alluda al santuario di Romolo può essere difesa o dando una nuova interpretazione al termine adytum, o proponendo un’emendazione testuale (aditus > asylum, che produca il testo Quartus, ubi est asylum et initia regis.

  9. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in biomedicine. Course organized by the Istituto Superiore di Sanita`. Marciana Marina (Isola d`Elba), September 18-23, 1995; Spettroscopia di risonanza magnetica nucleare in biomedicina. Corso organizzato dall`Istituto Superiore di Sanita`. Marciana Marina (Isola d`Elba), 18-23 settembre 1995

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luciani, A M; Rosi, A [ed.; Istituto Superiore di Sanita` , Rome (Italy). Lab. di Fisica


    Nuclear magnetic resonance is a powerful technique that can be used in a wide range of applications, such as the structural characterization of high molecular weight molecules, conformational studies on enzymes in solution, enzyme-substrate or DNA-protein interactions, monitoring of cell metabolism in vivo, and for diagnostic purposes, employing spectroscopic and imaging techniques. This course was organized in order to introduce the participants to the fundamentals of NMR spectroscopy, and offer practical advice on performing NMR experiments on cell systems, cell and tissue extracts and animal models. The main implications regarding human experiments were also discussed. Finally the quantification of information and the interpretation of data were considered with regard to the main nuclei observed. [Italiano] La risonanza magnetica nucleare e` una delle tecniche spettroscopiche che meglio risponde all`ampio spettro di condizioni imposto dalla ricerca in biofisica e biomedicina. Il campo applicativo di questa tecnica copre un intervallo molto ampio che va dalla caratterizzazione di strutture di macromolecole con elevato peso moleculare, a studi di tipo conformazionale su enzimi in soluzione e sull`interazione enzima-substrato o DNA-proteine, fino al monitoraggio in vivo del metabolosmi cellulare e alla diagnostica medica con spettroscopia ed imaging. Il corso e` stato articolato in modo da presentare ai partecipanti nozioni di base della spettroscopia RMN, aspetti pratici della realizzazione di esperimenti di spettroscopia in sistemi cellulari, in estratti cellulari e tissutali e in animali da esperimento, nonche` le principali considerazioni relative agli esperimenti nell`uomo. Sono state affrontate tematiche relative alla quantificazione dell`informazione e all`interpretazione dei dati in relazione ai principali nuclei osservati.


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    Diego Rodrigues Pessoa


    Full Text Available A disfunção temporomandibular (DTM é a condição mais frequente de dor orofacial crônica. A DTM é caracterizada pela a presença de sinais e sintomas na região orofacial. A acupuntura e Terapia a laser de baixa intensidade (TLBI vêm sendo empregadas no tratamento da DTM. A acupuntura consiste na inserção de agulhas em acupontos específicos do corpo para promover efeitos terapêuticos. A TLBI é uma modalidade de tratamento não invasiva, que vem sendo utilizada com frequência na prática clínica para o tratamento das DTM. Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar revisão de literatura, acerca da eficácia clinica do laser acupuntural em pacientes com a DTM. O emprego do laseracupuntural no tratamento das DTM favorece o controle antálgico, miorrelaxante e anti-inflamatório, no entanto, são necessárias novas pesquisas acerca do tema para determinar a eficácia do laser acupuntural em longo prazo para o tratamento de desordens temporomandibulares.


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    Bertha Maggi De Monserrate


    Full Text Available El Mobbing es una patalogía considerada por la Organizacion Mundial de la Salud y la Organizacion Panamericana como una entidad clinica muy violenta que en los ultimos dias ha tomado un auge considerable afectando el desarrollo de las naciones y constituyendo una amenaza para la salud publica a nivel mundial. Este término proviene del vocablo anglosajón que se traduce como acoso moral, psicoterror laboral, violencia psicológica, en resumen una medida de conducta agresiva hacia el trabajador victima, por parte de otro trabajador agresor. Los especialistas coinciden en que se trata de un problema de salud publica, alcanzando el grado de epidemia - pandemia. El objetivo de proyecto es determinar los factores de riesgo que inducen al Mobbing en los trabajadores de los Establecimientos Estatales de la Provincia de Santa Elena, en una muestra al azar de 400 trabajadores. El instrumento de Recoleccion de datos será el Inventario de Acoso Moral de Leyman. El resultado será diagnostico de Mobbing en los trabajadorobjeto de estudio para la intervención psicológica respectiva.

  12. Daily quality controls analysis of a CT scanner simulator; Analise dos testes diarios de controle de qualidade de um tomografo simulador

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vasques, Maira Milanelo; Santos, Gabriela R.; Furnari, Laura, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina


    With the increasing technological developments, radiotherapy practices, which allow for better involvement of the tumor with the required therapeutic dose and minimize the complications of normal tissues, have become reality in several Radiotherapy services. The use of these resources in turn, was only possible due to the progress made in planning based on digital volumetric images of good quality, such as computed tomography (CT), which allow the correct delimitation of the tumor volume and critical structures. Specific tests for quality control in a CT scanner used in radiotherapy, named CT simulator, should be applied as part of the institutional Quality Assurance Program. This study presents the methodology used in the Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (HCFMUSP) for daily testing of the CT scanner simulator and the results obtained throughout more than two years. The experience gained in the period conducted showed that the tests are easy to perform and can be done in a few minutes by a trained professional. Data analysis showed good reproducibility, which allowed the tests could be performed less frequently, after 16 months of data collection. (author)

  13. Daily quality controls analysis of a CT scanner simulator; Analise dos testes diarios de controle de qualidade de um tomografo simulador

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vasques, Maira Milanelo, E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina; Santos, Gabriela R.; Furnari, Laura [Universidade de Sao Paulo (HC/FM/USP), SP (Brazil). Instituto de Radiologia. Setor de Radioterapia


    With the increasing technological developments radiotherapy practices which minimize the complications of normal tissues and allow better involvement of the tumor with the therapeutic dose have become reality in several Radiotherapy services. The use of these resources in turn, was only possible due to the progress made in planning based on digital volumetric images of good quality, such as computed tomography (CT) which allow the correct delimitation of the tumor volume and critical structures. Specific tests for quality control in a CT scanner used in radiotherapy, named CT simulator should be applied as part of the institutional Quality Assurance Program. This study presents the methodology used in the Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (HCFMUSP) for daily testing of the CT scanner simulator and the results obtained throughout more than two years. The experience gained in the period conducted showed that the tests are easy to perform and can be done in a few minutes by a trained professional. Data analysis showed good reproducibility, which allowed the tests could be performed less frequently, after 16 months of data collection. (author)

  14. Daily quality controls analysis of a CT scanner simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasques, Maira Milanelo; Santos, Gabriela R.; Furnari, Laura


    With the increasing technological developments, radiotherapy practices, which allow for better involvement of the tumor with the required therapeutic dose and minimize the complications of normal tissues, have become reality in several Radiotherapy services. The use of these resources in turn, was only possible due to the progress made in planning based on digital volumetric images of good quality, such as computed tomography (CT), which allow the correct delimitation of the tumor volume and critical structures. Specific tests for quality control in a CT scanner used in radiotherapy, named CT simulator, should be applied as part of the institutional Quality Assurance Program. This study presents the methodology used in the Instituto de Radiologia do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (HCFMUSP) for daily testing of the CT scanner simulator and the results obtained throughout more than two years. The experience gained in the period conducted showed that the tests are easy to perform and can be done in a few minutes by a trained professional. Data analysis showed good reproducibility, which allowed the tests could be performed less frequently, after 16 months of data collection. (author)

  15. Meningite a Herpes zoster num adolescente – uma complicação rara da zona

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    Catarina S. Oliveira


    Full Text Available A zona resulta da reativação do vírus varicela-zoster, latente na raíz dorsal dos gânglios sensitivos e nos gânglios dos nervos cranianos, após a resolução da varicela. Existem poucos estudos sobre as complicações da zona na população pediátrica. Enquanto que nos adultos está preconizada terapêutica antivírica específica contra o herpes zoster, nas crianças imunocompetentes o tratamento antivírico é questionável.Os adolescentes encontram-se entre estes dois grupos. O aciclovir é o único antivírico aprovado pela FDA para o tratamento da zona em crianças com menos de dois anos de idade. O valaciclovir, que apresenta uma maior biodisponibilidade, encontra-se aprovado como terapêutica contra a zona nos doentes entre os dois e os 17 anos. Descreve-se o caso de um adolescente, com zona, sem antecedentes patológicos de relevo, que sob terapêutica com aciclovir desenvolveu meningite a herpes-zoster. Questiona-se a abordagem clinica mais correta nos adolescentes imunocompetentes com zona.

  16. Medical images of patients in voxel structures in high resolution for Monte Carlo simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boia, Leonardo S.; Menezes, Artur F.; Silva, Ademir X.


    This work aims to present a computational process of conversion of tomographic and MRI medical images from patients in voxel structures to an input file, which will be manipulated in Monte Carlo Simulation code for tumor's radiotherapic treatments. The problem's scenario inherent to the patient is simulated by such process, using the volume element (voxel) as a unit of computational tracing. The head's voxel structure geometry has voxels with volumetric dimensions around 1 mm 3 and a population of millions, which helps - in that way, for a realistic simulation and a decrease in image's digital process techniques for adjustments and equalizations. With such additional data from the code, a more critical analysis can be developed in order to determine the volume of the tumor, and the protection, beside the patients' medical images were borrowed by Clinicas Oncologicas Integradas (COI/RJ), joined to the previous performed planning. In order to execute this computational process, SAPDI computational system is used in a digital image process for optimization of data, conversion program Scan2MCNP, which manipulates, processes, and converts the medical images into voxel structures to input files and the graphic visualizer Moritz for the verification of image's geometry placing. (author)

  17. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seropositivity and hepatitis B surface antigenemia (HBSAG) among blood donors in Benin city, Edo state, Nigeria. (United States)

    Umolu, Patience Idia; Okoror, Lawrence Ehis; Orhue, Philip


    Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis B virus are blood borne pathogens that can be transmitted through blood transfusion and could pose a huge problem in areas where mechanisms of ensuring blood safety are suspect. This study became necessary in a population where most of the blood for transfusion is from commercial blood donors. A total of 130 donors comprising 120 commercial donors and 10 voluntary donors were tested for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B surface antigen in Benin city using Immunocomb HIV - 1 and 2 Biospot kit and Quimica Clinica Aplicada direct latex agglutination method respectively. Thirteen (10%) samples were HIV seropositive and 7(5.8%) were HBsAg positive. The age bracket 18 - 25years had the highest numbers of donors and also had the highest number of HBsAg positive cases (7.8%) while the age group 29 - 38years had highest number of HIV seropositive cases. High prevalence of HIV antibodies and Hepatitis B surface antigen was found among commercial blood donors. Appropriate and compulsory screening of blood donors using sensitive methods, must be ensured to prevent post transfusion hepatitis and HIV.

  18. “Old stains, new perspective; Psychobiological models of personality and Rorschach”.

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    Hugo Selma Sanchez


    Full Text Available El Rorschach sigue siendo uno de los test psicol6gicos dereferencia a nivel mundial a casi cien a6os de su creaci6n~Por otra parte, en los ulfimos ahos se estan produciendoprocesos de profunda transformaci6n en los mode|Os,teorias, criterios diagn6sticos y tipos de intervencionesen psicologia clinica y psiquiatria~ En dicho procesolas neurociencias ocupan un rol central~ Resulta por lotanto indispensable evaluar la pertinencia y vigencia delRorschach en ese nuevo panorama.Parte de estos nuevos paradigmas son las teoriasdimensionales psicobiol6gicas de la personalidad~ En elpresente articulo, trabajamos con dos de el|as, las teoriasde personalidad de Cloninger y Zuckerman.El presente trabajo expone las correlaciones entrevariables del Rorschach y de las escalas TCI-140 y ZKPQ-50-CC en Una muestra representative (N=80 uruguaya~Encontramos correlaciones significativas entre todaslas dimensiones del TCI-140 y el ZKPQ-50-CC con unminimo de 6 variables del Rorschach~ Concluimos Que elRorschach puede ser Una herramienta de investigaci6n yevaluaci6n relevante, pero es necesario mejorar algunosaspectos del mismo~

  19. Development and implementation of a quality assurance program of physical aspects of a hybrid tomograph PET/CT Discovery ST GE in a nuclear medicine service;Desarollo e implementacion de un programa de garantia de calidad de los aspectos fisicos de un tomografo hibrido PET/CT Discovery ST GE en un servicio de medicina nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seijas, Jugleys; Reggio, Franklyn; Campa, Raudel [Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of). Postgrado de Fisica Medica


    This research was carry out due to the low presence of PET/CT projects in Venezuela in this moment, which consisted of the implementation and evaluation of a protocol for the acceptance and implementation of a hybrid tomograph PET/CT Discovery ST located in the nuclear medicine service at the Hospital de Clinicas Caracas. For this work, two references were used to provide a basic set of tests established and accepted by almost all manufacturers, such references are: NEMA 1994 PET and Spanish Protocol for Quality Control for Radiology CT. In general, we found that the smallest lesion in a functional image that this tomograph can resolve is {approx} 6mm. The spatial resolution of an anatomical image was resolved through 8 pl/cm. Likewise, this tomograph is able to produce a uniform anatomical and functional image, with very little noise and radiation scattered once the correction was done, referring to the test of co-registration accuracy of PET and CT shows that there is an excellent correspondence between the image of PET (functional) and the image of CT (anatomic), a basic parameter in a study of PET/CT. (author)

  20. Clinical, radiological and imunogenectical study in patients with Reiter's Syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza Meirelles, E. de.


    This study puspose was to investigate the clinical, radiological and immunogenetical parameters from a brazilian Reiter's Syndrome population. Twenty Reiter's Syndrome patients from ''Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo'' were prospectivelly studied in their demographical (sex, race, age at study, age at disease onset and disease duration), epidemiological (family history), clinical (general, articular, mucocutaneous, genitourinary, ocular and intestinal manifestations besides functional capacity at study), radiological (sacro-iliitis, spondylitis and calcaneal spur) and immunogenetical (HLA loci A, B and DR typing). The technique employed in the 61 aloantigens from loci HLA A (17), B (34) and DR (10) typing was Terasaki microlymphocitotoxicity modified by Danilovs, had being performed in the ''Laboratorio de Imunogenetica da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo''. We concluded that the clinical, radiological and immunogenetical Reiter's Syndrome expression in the brazilian population is similar to the others north american or european already studied populations and that the probability of one brazilian HLA B27 positie individual to develop Reiter's Syndrome is 19 fold larger when compared to one brazilian HLA B27 negative individual. (author) [pt

  1. Scientific publications in laboratory medicine from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: A ten-year survey of the literature. (United States)

    Liu, Ding-Hua; Cui, Wei; Yao, Yun-Tai; Jiang, Qi-Qi


    We investigated scientific publications in laboratory medicine originating from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan over the past 10 years. The information about articles published in the included journals were determined by computer-searching on PubMed and data were extracted independently and analyzed in relation to the number of articles. From 2000 to 2009 there were 1166 articles published in laboratory medicine journals from the major Chinese regions (mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan). This exceeded Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and France from 2005 onwards. Also, the number of articles from mainland China exceeded those from Hong Kong and Taiwan from 2004 onwards. The average impact factor (IF) from Hong Kong ranked the first, followed by mainland China, and then Taiwan. Clinica Chimica Acta seems to be the most popular laboratory medicine journal among Chinese authors. Over the past 10 years, Chinese authors have been more and more active in the field of laboratory medicine. Mainland China seems to have caught up to Hong Kong and Taiwan regarding publication of papers in this field. Copyright 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Effects of body weight-support treadmill training on postural sway and gait independence in patients with chronic spinal cord injury. (United States)

    Covarrubias-Escudero, Felipe; Rivera-Lillo, Gonzalo; Torres-Castro, Rodrigo; Varas-Díaz, Gonzalo


    To examine the effects of a six-week body weight-support treadmill training (BWSTT) program on center-of-mass control and gait independence in chronic, incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI) patients. Descriptive. Clinica Los Coihues. Neurorehabilitation center in Santiago, Chile. 17 chronic iSCI patients and 17 healthy subjects. An instrumented sway (ISway) test was performed before and after the implementation of a six-week BWSTT program. The standing balance of participants was measured by Normalized jerk (NJ) and root mean square (RMS). These values were used to assess the standing balance of participants, and were correlated with the scores obtained on the Walking Index Spinal Cord Injury (WISCI) II test. Significant differences were found in standing balance (i.e., through NJ) after the BWSTT program (P = 0.016), but no significant differences were found in RMS values for postural sway (P = 0.693). None of the patients obtained improved WISCI II scores pre- vs. post-intervention. While a BWSTT program can improve center-of-mass control in iSCI patients, no effects were recorded for gait independence. National Clinical Trials, registry number NCT02703883.

  3. Frontiere pericolose: l’adattamento Dangerous frontiers: adaptation

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    Sandro Volpe


    Full Text Available I discorsi sull’adattamento ruotano incessantemente intorno a una serie di inossidabili luoghi comuni: ai poli estremi le illusioni fantastiche dei lettori delusi e la programmatica indifferenza dei cinefili irriducibili. La teoria dovrebbe opporsi tenacemente al senso comune ma si è impantanata nel gergo e nell’autoreferenzialità: gli studiosi si leggono tra loro, si posizionano e riposizionano, modificano e aggiornano le loro griglie tassonomiche – quasi sempre triadiche – impegnati a ridefinire all’infinito il continuum che va dalla fedeltà all’originalità. Ai singoli adattamenti chiedono solo la gentilezza di accomodarsi nei relativi scomparti. E poco male se tutto ciò serve solo per orientarsi. Ma la loro terminologia riflette quasi sempre la stessa preoccupazione: l’ossessione della traducibilità. Formalizzando con accanimento un nucleo che nasce da una premessa errata: perché l’adattamento non è una traduzione, è un’interpretazione. O, per meglio dire, non è solo un’interpretazione ma certamente ne implica una. Di tutti gli equivoci questo è il più pericoloso, perché non ha l’alibi dell’ingenuità. Tutto l’estenuante dibattito sulla fedeltà, anche nelle sue più recenti riproposizioni, viene meno laddove si riconosca appunto l’erroneità della premessa. Se è legittimo giudicare una traduzione con il metro della fedeltà, è totalmente privo di pertinenza quando si riconosce l’adattamento come qualcosa di nuovo, una

  4. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in the oncologic clinical practice; Tomografia por Emision de Positrones (PET) en la practica clinica oncologica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Serna M, J A; Luviano, C; Martinez V, D [Hospital Angeles del Pedregal Mexico DF (Mexico); Maldonado S, A [Centro PET Complutense, Madrid (Spain)


    We intended to determine the frequency with that the computer axial tomography (TAC), it was able to visualize the lesions extra neoplasia detected by the PET tomography in patients with fully identified primary malignant neoplasia. (Author)

  5. Frecuencia de anticuerpos anti Trypanozoma cruzi en pacientes portadores de marcapasos de la Clinica San Pedro Claver de Bogotá

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    Guillermo Mora


    Conclusiones. La prevalencia de anticuerpos anti-T. cruzi en pacientes portadores de marcapaso es alta. La implantación de marcapasos se presentó más tempranamente en el grupo seropositivo. No hay adecuada sospecha clínica ni información al paciente sobre el diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Chagas.

  6. Phyllodes tumor: clinical, radiological and pathological correlation in 50 cases; Tumor filodes: correlacion clinica, radiologica y anatomopatologica en 50 casos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Higueras, A.; Alvarez, M.; Jimenez, A.; Garcia Revillo, J.; Cano, A. [Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia. Cordoba (Spain)


    To review the radiological features of the phyllodes tumor, correlating them with the clinical presentation, histological type and response to treatment. Fifty phyllodes tumors in 29 patients aged 16 to 59 years (mean: 41 years) were analyzed retrospectively. The series included 12 cases of recurrence, 1 of bilateral tumor and 6 of multiple tumor. Forty-five lesions were studied by mammography and 36 by ultrasound. Clinically guided fine-needle aspiration cytology was performed in 8 cases. The pathological diagnosis was obtained by means of surgical biopsy in every case (31 benign and 19 malignant). Twenty-four patients underwent postoperative clinical and radiological follow-up for a mean period of 32 months. Mammography revealed the presence of a nodule or mass in 42 cases, asymmetrical density in two and a generalized increase in density in one: Multifocal lesions were detected in six cases. The size varied widely, with masses measuring >5 cm showing a greater probability of malignancy (p<0.01). Calcifications were observed in 13% of the cases. Ultrasound revealed the presence of heterogeneous, hypoechoic nodules, with cystic areas in five tumors, all of which were malignant (p<0.01). Local recurrence was detected in 31% of the cases and bone metastases in one. The phyllodes tumor is an uncommon fibroepithelial tumor that has a potential for recurrence and distant metastasis. Mammographic and ultrasound features are similar to those of the fibroadenoma, a lesion with which it is occasionally associated. Multiple lesions are not infrequent and it can present with calcifications. The presence of cystic areas and a tumor size of >5 cm are the only radiological findings that are statistically associated with malignancy. The recurrence rate is greater in malignant tumors than in benign lesions, especially in patients treated by tumor resection. (Author) 28 refs.

  7. Clinical Training of Medical Physicists Specializing in Nuclear Medicine (Spanish Edition); Capacitacion clinica de fisicos medicos especialistas en medicina nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The application of radiation in human health, for both diagnosis and treatment of disease, is an important component of the work of the IAEA. The responsibility for the increasingly technical aspects of this work is undertaken by the medical physicist. To ensure good practice in this vital area, structured clinical training programmes are required to complement academic learning. This publication is intended to be a guide to the practical implementation of such a programme for nuclear medicine. There is a general and growing awareness that radiation medicine is increasingly dependent on well trained medical physicists who are based in a clinical setting. However an analysis of the availability of medical physicists indicates a large shortfall of qualified and capable professionals. This is particularly evident in developing countries. While strategies to increase educational opportunities are critical to such countries, the need for guidance on structured clinical training was recognized by the members of the Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training related to Nuclear Science and Technology (RCA) for the Asia-Pacific region. Consequently, a technical cooperation regional project (RAS6038) under the RCA programme was formulated to address this need in this region by developing suitable material and establishing its viability. Development of a clinical training guide for medical physicists specialising in nuclear medicine was started in 2009 with the appointment of a core drafting committee of regional and international experts. The publication drew on the experience of clinical training in Australia, Croatia and Sweden and was moderated by physicists working in the Asian region. The present publication follows the approach of earlier IAEA publications in the Training Course Series, specifically Nos 37 and 47, Clinical Training of Medical Physicists Specializing in Radiation Oncology and Clinical Training of Medical Physicists Specializing in Diagnostic Radiology, respectively. This approach to clinical training has been successfully tested in Thailand, with three other Member States currently undergoing testing, and is believed to be generally applicable to the medical physics community in general.

  8. Estudos sobre o xanthoma: biochimica e pathogenia Studies in xanthoma: biochemistry and pathogenesis

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    Gilberto G. Villela


    Full Text Available 1. No presente trabalho são descriptos dois casos de xanthelasmatose (xanthoma com perturbações accentuadas do metabolismo dos lipides e esteroes. 2. Um dos casos apresentou notavel cholesteroluria não mostrando o doente lesões renaes, ao passo que o outro caso sendo portador de pyelonephrite não eliminava cholesterol. 3. Foram feitas dosagens de cholesterol, acidos graxos totaes e lecithina, no sangue, urina e tumores, obtendo-se valores muito elevados. As demais provas (histo-chimicas, polarização microscopica confirmaram a presença de abundante infiltração de lipides e cholesterol nos tecidos. 4. A prova de carga de Bürger feita no caso I demonstrou diminuição da tolerancia para o cholesterol. 5. A therapeutica insulinica fez baixar o cholesterol e a glycose do sangue sem, comtudo, offerecer melhora clinica do paciente. No caso II houve baixa da cholesterolemia e da glycemia com desapparecimento dos tumores, evidenciando a diversidade das formas clinicas destes casos. 6. A intradermo-reacção feita com o cholesterol no caso I produziu reacção positiva, suggerindo um estado de hypensensibilidade para as substancias de infiltração no xanthelasma (xanthoma. 7. Os aspectos clinico-morphologicos dos casos estudados indicam tambem a ocorrencia de processos de sensibilisação cutanea. 8. As lipidoses são encaradas neste trabalho como toxicodermias hematogenicas, sendo proposto para seu estudo os mesmos methodos de exploração cutanea.1. In the present paper two cases of xanthelasmatosis (xanthoma with marked changes in lipid and sterol metabolism are studied. 2. One of the cases without injuries shows accentuated cholester-oluria, while the other with renal injuries presented pyelonephritis without cholesteroluria. 3. Cholesterol, total fatty acids and lecithine give high values in both cases. Histo-chemical and polariscopic researches confirmed a real infiltration of cholesterol and lipids in tissues. 4. Burger's test in case

  9. La radiazione solare (globale e la rete altinometrica del servizio meteorologico dell'aeronautica italiana(*

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    Full Text Available Si fa una breve desorizione della funzione degli Osservatori
    Scientifico-Sperimentali del Servizio Meteorologico deU'Aeronautioa,
    militare italiana (OSSMA, con particolare riferimento a quello di Messina,
    clie tra i suoi coinpiti ha anche quello degli studi e delle ricerclie sulla radiazione
    solare, con la gestione di una Rete attinometrica di 31 stazioni.
    Si passa quindi ad una rapida rassegna evocativa degli studi sulla
    radiazione solare su scala mondiale, notificando il contributo italiano e
    mettendo in particolare rilievo quelli della radiazione globale (D -j- I anche
    a scopo sinottico, che formano oggetto di particolari applicazioni da parte
    dell'OSSMA di Messina.
    Inoltre fatta una breve descrizione del funzionamento della Rete attinometrica
    A. M. e del contenuto delle relative pubblicazioni finora fatte
    o in corso, si discutono i risultati ed i metodi di impiego dei dati e si fanno
    voti perche essi vengano introdotti piu attivamente nel campo sinottico
    applicativo, specie in relazione alia turbolenza atmosferica, alia evaporazione
    e quindi alia umiclificazione delle masse d'aria.
    Detti fenomeni, unitamente all'azione delle correnti superflciali marine
    calde, a circolazione ciclonic.a, darebbero luogo, secondo l'autore, alle basse
    barometriche secondarie (Golfo di Genova, Alto Adriatico. . . e ad alcune
    perturbazioni temporalesche. Si auspica pertanto una maggiore collaborazione
    t r a Meteorologia e Oceanografla.
    Inline, in relazione tra i fenomeni sopra detti e l'andamento della
    acqua precipitabile notturna e diurna, ricavata dai radiosondaggi, si emette
    l'ipotesi che una parte dell'ossigeno atoinico atmosferico possa trovare la
    sua origine nella scomposizione delle molecole del vapor d'acqua dell'aria,

  10. {gamma} irradiation facility at ENEA-Casaccia Centre (Rome); Impianto di irraggiamento {gamma} Calliope presso il Centro Ricerche ENEA-Casaccia (Roma)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baccaro, S; Cecilia, A; Pasquali, A [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy). Unita scientifico tecnica Tecnologie Fisiche Avanzate


    A description of Calliope {gamma} irradiation plant of ENEA-Casaccia Centre (Rome) is presented in this paper. In particular the main characteristics of the irradiation facility necessary to define time and irradiation procedure are summarised. The plant is equipped with dosimetric services that evaluate absorbed doses in materials during irradiation. Dosimetric techniques used are Fricke, RedPerspex and alanine-ESR dosimetries. In the first case, absorbed dose is determined by chemical changes induced in a solution by irradiation and the second method uses the optical density increase induced in dosimeter by irradiation. The last method is based on the analysis of the free radical concentration induced in {alpha}-alanine amino-acid during irradiation. The paper provides also a simulation of the {gamma} radiation field inside the irradiation cell realised by using FLUKA code, which includes a good description of the electromagnetic physics down to about 0.1 KeV. [Italian] In questo lavoro viene descritto l'impianto di irraggiamento {gamma} Calliope del Centro Ricerche ENEA-Casaccia (Roma). In particolare vengono riportate le principali caratteristiche dell'impianto di irraggiamento necessarie per definire le modalita di tempo e di irraggiamento. Le tecniche dosimetriche utilizzate sono: la dosimetria di Fricke, la Red-Perspex e quella ESR con alanina. Nel primo caso la dose assorbita e misurata attraverso cambiamenti chimici indotti dalla radiazione in una soluzione mentre nel secondo metodo si utilizza l'aumento della densita ottica del dosimetro dovuto all'irraggiamento. Infine la tecnica ESR ad alanina si basa sull'analisi dei radicali liberi indotti dall' irraggiamento nell' aminoacido {alpha}-alanina. Nel lavoro e anche fornita una simulazione del campo di radiazione all'interno della cella di irraggiamento realizzata con il codice FLUKA, che include l'ottima descrizione dei processi di iterazione elettromagnetici fino ad un'energia di 0.1 KeV.

  11. Real Estate Crowdfunding. Un’innovazione finanziaria per gli investimenti immobiliari

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    Giacomo Morri


    Full Text Available Questo articolo presenta una panoramica del crowdfunding e delle sue potenziali applicazioni al settore immobiliare. La crisi economica globale del 2008 ha condotto a una paralisi dell’economia che ha comportato la riduzione della fiducia nel sistema bancario e nei servizi finanziari in generale. Nell’ultimo decennio una delle tecniche di finanziamento più rivoluzionaria è stata il crowdfunding, cioè la possibilità di essere finanziati dalla “folla” (crowd attraverso l’utilizzo di Internet. Il crowdfunding nel settore immobiliare ha origine negli Stati Uniti nel 2012 con il Jumpstart Our Business Start-up Act (JOBS Act, dove da allora si sta sviluppando a ritmi elevati. In Italia, il crowdfunding per progetti nel settore immobiliare non si è ancora sviluppato in quanto la legge in concreto non ne consente l’utilizzo; tuttavia esistono alcune piattaforme che stanno utilizzando il concetto in modi differenti, raccogliendo un certo interesse. Il Real Estate Crowdfunding può rappresentare un’interessante opportunità per i privati che vogliono investire nel settore immobiliare, ma non hanno abbastanza capitale per partecipare a grandi transazioni o esperienza nella gestione. In quest’articolo, dopo un’iniziale descrizione del crowdfunding in generale, ci si focalizza sulla sua applicazione nel settore immobiliare, analizzando il mercato statunitense dove vi sono le piattaforme più sviluppate. Infine, si presenta una panoramica del mercato italiano, spiegando le normative e i limiti del crowdfunding e descrivendo la modalità operativa sviluppata da alcune piattaforme per superare legalmente tali limitazioni. Negli Stati Uniti sono già operative oltre 125 piattaforme con una raccolta superiore a un miliardo di dollari; in Italia invece ci sono ancora limiti per le start-up che si occupano di crowdfunding e sono state create solo poche piattaforme che operano con un modello parzialmente diverso.

  12. Indagine su un focolaio di tossinfezione da Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Hadar nella regione Abruzzo

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    Primula Semprini


    Full Text Available E’ stato eseguito uno studio comparativo tra 22 ceppi di Salmonella Hadar isolati da soggetti coinvolti in un focolaio di tossinfezione alimentare in Abruzzo nel 2000 e 21 ceppi dello stesso sierotipo isolati da carni avicole e da feci umane in Abruzzo e Molise nel periodo 2000 e 2001. L’indagine aveva come obiettivo di fornire una interpretazione epidemiologica del focolaio di tossinfezione alimentare determinando il grado di similarità tra i ceppi di Salmonella Hadar isolati dai soggetti coinvolti nel focolaio, quelli isolati da carne avicola, identificata ma non confermata come possibile fonte di infezione, e da altri campioni umani pervenuti in laboratorio. A tal fine sono state impiegate tecniche di caratterizzazione genotipica come pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE e random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD e sono stati determinati i pattern di resistenza agli antimicrobici. Dall’analisi in PFGE dei profili di restrizione ottenuti con XbaI e BlnI sono stati identificati 12 pulsotipi suddivisi in 3 gruppi. La RAPD non ha fornito indicazioni non riuscendo a discriminare i ceppi isolati dai soggetti con gastroenterite appartenenti al focolaio tossinfettivo. Il test di resistenza agli antimicrobici ha evidenziato pattern di resistenza multipla ma non sono stati identificati ceppi resistenti al Ciprofloxacin o altri Chinoloni testati. I ceppi aviari sono risultati resistenti all’acido nalidixico mentre solo il 31,8% di quelli umani ha presentato tale profilo. Da un’analisi combinata dei pattern di resistenza e dei pulsotipi sono stati identificati 4 profili di cui quello associato al focolaio è risultato non correlato agli altri presenti nello stesso periodo. E’ stata confermata la necessità di applicare un set di metodi di analisi differenti per garantire una migliore caratterizzazione e una maggiore capacità discriminante nell’identificazione delle possibili origini della contaminazione e stabilire correlazioni fra gli

  13. La mimesis al servizio della giustizia nel film di Angelopoulos Anaparastassi

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    Paola Fallerini


    Full Text Available Un uomo viene ucciso dalla moglie e dal suo amante in uno sperduto villaggio dell’Epiro. L’episodio, ispirato ad un fatto di cronaca, è l’espediente narrativo del primo lungometraggio di Theo Angelopoulos, Anaparastassi (Ricostruzione di un delitto, 1970, nel quale la ricostruzione delle dinamiche del delitto si traduce in una critica al sistema giudiziario che, concentrato soprattutto nella ricerca dei colpevoli, non tiene conto di situazioni di degrado economico sociale e morale. Il film di Angelopoulos è stato girato durante la dittatura dei Colonnelli: in un clima di sopraffazione e censura il regista riesce a inserire all’interno della trama apparentemente innocua di un giallo-poliziesco una forte denuncia nei confronti del sistema sociale e politico. La mimesis è qui intesa come ricostruzione del reale e come interpretazione, dove il traguardo della verità assoluta diventa una utopia che mette in discussione il sistema giudiziario stesso. Si parte dall’assunto che il diritto e la legge hanno bisogno di una rappresentazione per poter esercitare la propria funzione: operano su una scena che non è mai la realtà, anche se reali sono gli effetti della funzione giudicatrice. Questo corto circuito tra realtà e rappresentazione nel sistema giudiziario viene analizzato da Angelopoulos ricorrendo anche ai temi del mito, del ritorno e dell’esilio, e affidandosi alla struttura narrativa del giallo, pur tradendone sistematicamente le regole: non c’è mistero dietro a questo delitto, lo spettatore viene accompagnato alla scoperta di meccanismi e leggi di portata universale, dove non sono le risposte che contano piuttosto la scoperta di nuovi interrogativi probabilmente senza soluzione. In questo film sono già presenti gli elementi stilistici che caratterizzeranno le opere successive del regista greco, primo tra tutti l’effetto di straniamento attraverso il quale è possibile risolvere la dicotomia tra realtà e rappresentazione.

  14. I big data e gli strumenti di visualizzazione analitica: interazioni e studi induttivi per le P.A.

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    Giuseppe Roccasalva


    Full Text Available Il saggio presenta alcuni risultati di una collaborazione tra Politecnico di Torino e il CSI Piemonte (Società di servizi Informatizzati partecipata dalla Regione Piemonte. Sono stati selezionati e studiati diversi strumenti di visualizzazione dei dati scientifici (Gapminder, ManyEyes, Open eXplorer e Fineo al fine di individuare quello più utile per una lettura induttiva di grandi quantità di dati informativi (big data. Lo sfruttamento intelligente dei dati digitali può portare a uno sviluppo conoscitivo ma anche a un profitto, le cui soglie di sfruttamento possono essere misurate in un sistema economico. Nell’irreversibile fenomeno di crescita dei dati digitali, la disciplina del “Data Visualization” diventa cruciale per accedere e comprendere informazioni complesse. Few, guru della comunicazione visiva, scrive che “scopriamo il mondo attraverso gli occhi”; le forme di comunicazione e interpretazione tradizionali dei dati hanno puntato sulla dimensione visuale per migliorare la comprensione e hanno permesso sia agli analisti sia agli utenti la sperimentazione di nuove interazioni (“story-telling”. Come urbanisti e cittadini, ci affidiamo alla vista che gestisce molti dei sensori (70% legati alla percezione, alle mappe cognitive, agli errori e ai nuovi pensieri. L’ipotesi di fondo di questo articolo vuole generare delle riflessioni sui Big Data come strategia importante per le imprese pubbliche e private che intendono imparare a cambiare dalle informazioni digitali di cui oggi disponiamo. Attraverso l’uso di uno strumento analitico di visualizzazione dei dati informativi, si descrive un recente caso di studio in un contesto territoriale come quello dei nuovi consorzi amministrativi (Unione dei Comuni NordEst Torino. In questo esperimento torna a essere attuale la necessità di pianificare le scelte in modo sistematico anche cercando di utilizzare in modo nuovo e semplice i sistemi informativi territoriali già disponibili.

  15. Alfred Kubin: un sognatore a vita

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    Simona Argentieri


    Full Text Available Il saggio considera l’opera grafica e narrativa di Alfred Kubin (1877-1959, artista boemo ai margini del movimento espressionista, che con i suoi scritti fantastici e i suoi disegni onirici ha suscitato infiniti spunti di interpretazione psicologica. Secondo l’autrice, la qualità e l’originalità delle creazioni di Kubin non si può però cercare nella decifrazione simbolica dei contenuti, considerandoli a priori spie di materiali psichici profondi sgorgati dall’inconscio. Più interessante semmai tentare di far ordine tra i diversi livelli di intenzionalità e di coscienza che si intrecciano nelle sue creazioni. Freud e Kubin sono contemporanei; vivono entrambi nel cuore della mitteleuropa, parlano la stessa lingua, respirano lo stesso fervido clima culturale, ma si sono reciprocamente ignorati. Le loro differenze sono irriducibili fin dal piano teorico, poiché per Freud il sogno è solo la via -sia pure regia- per scrutare l’inconscio, ma è in sé materia bruta, ipoevoluta. Per Kubin invece è un fenomeno ipervalutato, un principio creativo autonomo e superiore, quasi metafisico. E’ invece profondamente aderente al più moderno spirito psicoanalitico il metodo secondo il quale Kubin dice come vorrebbe essere guardato: “Il vero fruitore, così come io lo desidero, dovrà guardare i miei fogli non solo apprezzandoli e criticandoli, ma come animato da sensazioni segrete, dovrebbe rivolgere la sua attenzione anche alla ricchissima camera oscura della propria coscienza onirica.” Cioè, detto nei nostri più attuali termini psicoanalitici, lo “spazio transizionale” dell’opera è abitato da artista e fruitore, che vi attribuiscono significati potenzialmente infiniti, più o meno condivisi, ma che comunque nell’incontro con l’altro acquistano senso attivando circuiti sinestetici affettivi e cognitivi.

  16. Defecography of rectal wall prolapse conditions; Defecografia nelle malattie parietali del retto da prolasso

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    Salzano, A.; Muto, M.; De Rosa, A. [Azienda Sanitaria di Rilievo Nazionale A. Cardarelli, Naples (Italy). Servizio di Neuroradiologia; Ginolfi, F.; Carbone, M.; Amodio, F.; Rossi, E. [Naples Univ. Federico 2. (Italy). Ist. di Scienze Radiologiche; Tuccillo, M. [Azienda Sanitaria di Rilirvo Nazionale A. Cardarelli, Naples (Italy). 2. Servizio di Radiologia


    Pelvic floor and rectal prolapse conditions have greatly benefited by new imaging and instrumental diagnostic approaches, and especially defecography, for both pathophysiological interpretation and differential diagnosis. The authors investigated the efficacy of defecography in the assessment of rectal prolapse, and in particular the role of videproctography in diagnosis such dynamic disorders. The dynamic changes of ampulla are well depicted by videoproctography, which showed anorectum normalization and spontaneous reduction of invagination after intussusception. Defecography exhibited good capabilities in showing rectal wall function abnormalities. Finally, some features of videoproctography such as low radiation dose, non-invasiveness and ease of execution, make the examination acceptable to patients with anorectal disorders and for the follow-up of rectal prolapse. [Italian] Le malattie del pavimento pelvico e dei prolassi del retto hanno tratto numerosi vantaggi da nuovi approcci di diagnostica per immagini e strumentali, specialmente dall'esame defecografico, sia nell'interpretazione fisiopatologica che nella diagnostica differenziale dei disordini anorettali. Scopo del lavoro: valutare l'efficacia della metodica defecografica nel riconoscimento delle malattie da prolasso del retto e in particolare il ruolo svolto dalla videoproctografia nella documentazione diagnostica e nel definire i principali elementi semeiologici riscontrabili in tali malattie in modo dinamico. Le fasi dinamiche della valutazione morfologica e posizionale dell'ampolla rettale sono ben evidenti nella viedeoproctografia, che documenta dopo l'intussuscezione la normalizzazione del complesso anorettale e la riduzione spontanea dell'invaginazione parietale. In questo studio si sottolineano le possibilita' diagnostiche della defecografia integrata da videoproctografia nel riconoscimento delle malattie parietali funzionali del retto e alcune peculiarita

  17. La figura di Maria Maddalena nella tradizione agostiniana del XII secolo e l'allegoria nuziale in Bernardo di ClairvauxUn'ipotesi di interpretazione alla luce di categorie di ordine psicoanalitico

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    Elena Cartotto


    La lettura viene condotta sulla base di categorie concettuali di carattere psicoanalitico, in quanto tali categorie trovano la propria origine, prima ancora che nel pensiero, nella più concreta e profonda esperienza umana. Ed è proprio il collocarsi all'interno di questa viva esperienza umana che consente di cogliere in modo più diretto la dimensione antropologica che pare emergere dagli scrittori monastici di questo periodo.

  18. Evaluation of the repeatability of dosimetric parameters of a linear accelerator beam; Avaliacao da repetibilidade de parametros dosimetricos do feixe de um acelerador linear

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    Morelli, Humberto A.S.; Oliveira, Harley F. de; Silva, Maelson do N.; Pavoni, Juliana F., E-mail: [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), Ribeirao Preto, SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina. Servico de Radioterapia


    This study aims to evaluate the repeatability of symmetry and flatness of the photon beam of 6 MV linear accelerator Oncor Impression, Siemens, from the Radiotherapy Department of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto - USP. In total they were collected 102 measures, weekly, through two-dimensional detector of ionization chambers, Matrixx Evolution, IBA Dosimetry, connected to a computer with software OmniProI'mrt. The isocenter of the linear accelerator was placed in the center of the sensitive volume of the detector with solid water plates above and below these. Data were collected with 100 UM, with field size 10 x 10 cm². The flatness and symmetry values were calculated by the software used. The first measurement of this work was used as reference, the others were compared with it, taking into account the values of permissible variation for these parameters. The minimum, maximum and average value were analyzed. The literature indicates that the flatness and symmetry values should not vary by more than 2 and 3%, respectively. The results of this work show that the values of these parameters for the linear accelerator study are within the permissible variations in protocols and are therefore able to appropriate clinical use. (author)

  19. [Clinical, biochemical and hepatic histological findings in overweight and obese Peruvian adults: first national prospective study]. (United States)

    Tagle A, Martín; Poggi M, Luis; Ferrari G, Natalia; Siu G, Hugo; Aguinaga, Melina; Luna C, Eduardo; Scavino L, Yolanda


    We conducted a prospective, descriptive study in the Clinica Anglo Americana, a prívate institution taking care of patients from a medium-high socioeconomic level in Lima. The goal of the study was to determine the frequency of histologic findings in liver biopsies performed by laparoscopy or percutaneously in patients with overweight (body mass index > 25 kg/m2) or obesity (body mass index > 30 kg/m2), and to evaluate the correlation with antropometric variables such as BMI, waist circumference, history of diabetes or hyperlypidemia, and biochemical variables like glycemia, lipid profile, aminotransferases and AST/ALT ratio. Between the years 2001 and 2006 50 patients were biopsied, 29 with overweight and 21 with obesity. Eighteen had simple steatosis and 22 had Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (44%), so 40 patients (80%) had some form of fatty liver. Five patients (10%) had cirrhosis confirmed by biopsy, and in all of them the finding of cirrhosis was completely incidental. Sixty four percent of patients with NASH were obese, like the 5 cirrhotics in our series. Herein we illustrate that in a relatively small sample of patients with obesity and overweight like ours, we found all the forms of the liver steatosis spectrum, from simple steatosis to cirrhosis, with a high frequency of NASH.

  20. Technology for communicational development and learning in psychomotor disability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Trento, I; Santucci, M; Tula, S; Gonzalez, E


    The applied investigation and experimental development project described in this paper has been carried out by Grupo Ingenieria ClInica of the Universidad Tecnologica Nacional together with two Special Education Schools dependent on the Ministry of Education of Cordoba Province. Its aim is the development of computer access assistive tools for students with mobility limitations, and with or without intellectual problems that need adaptations to access to a computer in order to learn, communicate, work, etc. On the other hand, it demonstrates the benefits that the use of a computer gives to these students. The evaluation of their performance was made trough Dr. Marianne Frostig's Developmental Test of Visual Perception and reading and writing graphic tests, comparing the results of the tests made on paper with those made on computer. Thus, an interdisciplinary team was formed by Engineering, Psychology and Special Education professionals, and 40 students were evaluated. The design of the mouse and keyboard had some adaptations. At present, the rating test stage is being achieved, and the preliminary results allow us to anticipate that pupils with psychomotor disabilities may manifest their perceptual ripeness and reach education in a more efficient way through the use of informatics tools according to their needs and possibilities

  1. A ciência-ação: fundamentos filosóficos e relevância para a enfermagem

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    Bertha Cruz Enders


    Full Text Available La práctica de la enfermería involucra la enfermera en decisiones y acciones al enfrentar las situaciones cotidianas de la clinica. En esas ocasiones, la enfermera usa conocimiento cientifico, la experiencia anterior, conceptos y la intuición para percibir las situaciones y desempeñar las acciones. Esa acción constituye una fuente de conocimiento que puede ser obtenido por medio de metodologías que siguen el enfoque interpretativo. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar analíticamente la filosofía de la Ciencia-Acción en su relación con la construcción del conocimiento de la enfermería. La Ciencia-Acción es discutida como una metodología nueva en las ciencias sociales y su filosofía es tratada en relación a la epistemología de la enfermería. Este abordaje es recomendado para la enfermería porque focaliza la reflexión y destaca la práctica como fuente del conocimiento. Se concluye que la Ciencia-Acción tiene potencial para el avance de la teoría de la enfermería y del conocimiento de la práctica.

  2. Neurocisticercosis en un hospital de la ciudad de Buenos Aires: estudio de once casos

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    A. M. Villa


    Full Text Available Fueron examinados 11 pacientes adultos con el diagnostico presuntivo de neuro-cisticercosis, 8 de ellos provenientes de Bolivia y los restantes del interior de la Argentina. Como manifestacion clinica inicial el 82% de ellos mostro convulsiones y el 73% cefaleas. Ambas alteraciones podían estar combinadas en el mismo paciente o presentarse en forma independiente. La tomografia computada de cerebro evidencio calcificaciones y quistes en 5 enfermos, solo calcificaciones en 3, hidrocefalia en 2 y un unico quiste en 1. En 7 casos se efectuo ELISA en el LCR, de ellos 6 resultaron positivos. El tratamiento medico se hizo en base a la administración de praziquantel o albendazol con buena evolución de los pacientes en todos los casos. El tratamiento quirúrgico fue indicado solo en el caso en que una lesion actuase como masa ocupante con aumento de la presión endocraneana (1 caso o produjera obstruccion de la circulacon del LCR llevando a una hidrocefalia (2 casos. El estudio presente pretende alertar sobre la posibilidad que nuevas regiones, como la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, puedan ingresar dentro del area endemica latinoamericana a consecuencia de los movimientos migratorios internos y externos y el asentamiento de portadores de la parasitosis en el perimetro urbano.

  3. Efecto de colutorio-gel de clorhexidina sobre el crecimiento de placa en 24 horas = Effect of chlorhexidine mouthrinses-gel on de novo plaque formation in 24 hours

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    Rivera, Tânia


    Full Text Available En un estudio cruzado, doble ciego y randomizado, 25 alumnos de Odontologia de buena salud oral, participaron de cuatro estudios donde ellos se abtuvieron de toda limpieza mecanica oral por 24 horas, los estudios estuvieron separados entre si por 4 semanas. Durante los estudios los alumnos en un randomizado orden, se enjuagaron por una vez con uno de los siguientes colutorios: CHX 0.12% + alcohol (Oralgene®, CHX 0.12% + alcohol (Perio.Aid®, CHX 0.1% + alcohol (Dentilim® y CHX 0.1% + HMC 2.5% (Colutoriogel®, nueva formula. Despues de un dia se midio formación de placa, se completo y registro el cuestionario de parametros clinicos. Las formulaciones de CHX 0.12% + alcohol y CHX 0.1% + HMC 2.5% se mostraron eficientes en retardar el crecimiento de placa dental de novo, esto obtenido de las observaciones clinicas, y siempre superior (p < 0.05 a la formulación del colutorio de CHX 0.1%+ alcohol (Dentilim®. Los resultados de este estudio demuestran el potencial clinico de este nuevo colutorio-gel sin alcohol de CHX 0.1% + HMC 2.5% (Colutoriogel® como un efectivo agente antiplaca y con reducidas efectos secundarios registrados

  4. Comparison of two doses of intravenous temsirolimus in patients with relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma. (United States)

    Jurczak, Wojciech; Ramanathan, Sundra; Giri, Pratyush; Romano, Alessandra; Mocikova, Heidi; Clancy, Jill; Lechuga, Mariajose; Casey, Michelle; Boni, Joseph; Giza, Agnieszka; Hess, Georg


    Temsirolimus 175 mg once-weekly for 3 weeks, followed by 75 mg once-weekly intravenously dosed (175/75 mg) is approved in the European Union for treatment of relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). A phase IV study explored whether similar efficacy, but improved safety could be achieved with 75 mg without 175 mg loading doses ( NCT01180049). Patients with relapsed/refractory MCL were randomized to once-weekly temsirolimus 175/75 mg (n = 47) or 75 mg (n = 42). Treatment continued until objective disease progression. Primary endpoint: progression-free survival (PFS). Secondary endpoints included overall survival (OS) and adverse events (AEs). Median PFS was 4.3 versus 4.5 months (hazard ratio [HR] 0.731; 80% confidence interval [CI], 0.520-1.027), and median OS 18.7 versus 11.0 months (HR 0.681; 80% CI, 0.472-0.982) with 175/75 mg versus 75 mg. There were fewer patients with serious AEs, dose reduction, or death with 175/75 mg (57.4%, 48.9%, and 48.9%) versus 75 mg (73.8%, 64.3%, and 65.1%). Temsirolimus 175/75 mg remains the preferred dosing regimen for relapsed/refractory MCL.

  5. Medical images of patients in voxel structures in high resolution for Monte Carlo simulation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boia, Leonardo S.; Menezes, Artur F.; Silva, Ademir X., E-mail: lboia@con.ufrj.b, E-mail: ademir@con.ufrj.b [Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PEN/COPPE/UFRJ), RJ (Brazil). Coordenacao dos Programas de Pos-Graduacao de Engenharia. Programa de Engenharia Nuclear; Salmon Junior, Helio A. [Clinicas Oncologicas Integradas (COI), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    This work aims to present a computational process of conversion of tomographic and MRI medical images from patients in voxel structures to an input file, which will be manipulated in Monte Carlo Simulation code for tumor's radiotherapic treatments. The problem's scenario inherent to the patient is simulated by such process, using the volume element (voxel) as a unit of computational tracing. The head's voxel structure geometry has voxels with volumetric dimensions around 1 mm{sup 3} and a population of millions, which helps - in that way, for a realistic simulation and a decrease in image's digital process techniques for adjustments and equalizations. With such additional data from the code, a more critical analysis can be developed in order to determine the volume of the tumor, and the protection, beside the patients' medical images were borrowed by Clinicas Oncologicas Integradas (COI/RJ), joined to the previous performed planning. In order to execute this computational process, SAPDI computational system is used in a digital image process for optimization of data, conversion program Scan2MCNP, which manipulates, processes, and converts the medical images into voxel structures to input files and the graphic visualizer Moritz for the verification of image's geometry placing. (author)

  6. (United States)

    Riva, Michele Augusto; Carnevale, Francesco


    The meaning of the term "medico competente" - usually adopted in Italy to indicate the occupational physician - is little known. To describe the origins of the word "medico competente" in Italy. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the Italian legislation from the end of the nineteenth century to the present day. In the United Kingdom, occupational physicians were originally named as "certifying surgeon" (1833) and "appointed surgeon" (1860). In Italy, the term "medico delegato" was introduced to indicate the physician who visited child laborers (1886), while the word "medico competente" was first used in some propaganda leaflets of the Clinica del Lavoro of Milan in 1910. This term was officially used in Italian legislation in 1927 and was preferred to "medico di fabbrica" (factory physician) in the post-World War II period. Since 1982, the term "medico competente" has started to be considered as a synonym of occupational physician in Italian laws. The name "medico competente" appears to derive from a legislative imposition rather than from a voluntary choice developed in a medical and scientific context. Nowadays, Italian occupational physicians should be stimulated to find scientific, ethical, and professional meanings in this term, so helping to enhance their figure in modern society.

  7. Sogno, immagini e disagio psichico: una cura per l'anima

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    Ferdinando Testa


    Full Text Available Nella dimensione concettuale e terapeutica della psicologia analitica il lavoro con le immagini si pone come una sorte di spartiacque che caratterizza la specificità e l’identità della clinica junghiana, terreno di incontro col mondo delle psicosi, avvicinandosi al mondo dei deliri e delle allucinazioni come aspetti fenomenologici dove la dimensione personale si interseca con quella archetipica e il senso della propria esistenza ha potuto trovare un contenitore forse unicamente attraverso la voce dei deliri e delle immagini patologizzanti. In tal senso, le immagini accompagnano lungo il viaggio della vita, albergano nei ricordi delle storie prive di fiducia e di amore e possono condurre alla follia oppure rappresentare una ancora di salvezza in un mare tempestoso su una nave senza nocchiero. L'immaginazione è quindi da intendersi come attività creatrice, forza propulsiva che spinge e conduce l'individuo a mettersi in gioco e a valorizzare la dimensione interna non solo come portatrice di aspetti distruttivi e mostruosi, ma anche come possibilità di immaginare e non fantasticare la possibilità che ci possa essere uno spazio per la trasformazione del proprio passato in una storia riscritta in un altro modo, con un altro significato che sia quello dell'unione e non della frantumazione schizofrenica.

  8. Technology for communicational development and learning in psychomotor disability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trento, I [Grupo Ingenieria ClInica, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Facultad Regional Cordoba. Av. M. Lopez esquina Cruz Roja, Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Santucci, M [Facultad de PsicologIa, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Tula, S [Escuela de Educacion Especial y Formacion Laboral Beatriz MartInez Allio. Av. M. Lopez N0 2620 Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Gonzalez, E [Grupo Ingenieria ClInica, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Facultad Regional Cordoba. Av. M. Lopez esquina Cruz Roja, Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina)


    The applied investigation and experimental development project described in this paper has been carried out by Grupo Ingenieria ClInica of the Universidad Tecnologica Nacional together with two Special Education Schools dependent on the Ministry of Education of Cordoba Province. Its aim is the development of computer access assistive tools for students with mobility limitations, and with or without intellectual problems that need adaptations to access to a computer in order to learn, communicate, work, etc. On the other hand, it demonstrates the benefits that the use of a computer gives to these students. The evaluation of their performance was made trough Dr. Marianne Frostig's Developmental Test of Visual Perception and reading and writing graphic tests, comparing the results of the tests made on paper with those made on computer. Thus, an interdisciplinary team was formed by Engineering, Psychology and Special Education professionals, and 40 students were evaluated. The design of the mouse and keyboard had some adaptations. At present, the rating test stage is being achieved, and the preliminary results allow us to anticipate that pupils with psychomotor disabilities may manifest their perceptual ripeness and reach education in a more efficient way through the use of informatics tools according to their needs and possibilities.

  9. [Perceptions, knowledge and attitudes about liver disease in healthy adults attending health facilities in stratum A, B and C]. (United States)

    Osorio Calixtro, Liliana; Patiño Trinidad, Tania; Tagle Arróspide, Martín; Huayanay Falconi, Leandro


    To find and describe perceptions, beliefs, knowledge and attitudes adopted by healthy people regarding liver disease, who attend at three medical institutions. To estimate how the academic and socioeconomic level operate as determinant factors. Descriptive transversal study that includes a 31 question-questionnaire made in a group of 390 healthy people who were in the waiting rooms at Hospital Cayetano Heredia (HNCH), Policlinico Peruano Japones (PPJ) and Clinica Angloamericana (CAA), reflecting low, medium and medium-high socio economic status respectively. Data was processed with SPSS software. We found that 218/390 (56%) people had higher education level, and 64% were women. "Eating high-fat meals" had the highest percentage (91%) among perceptions of liver disease. "Bad breath" and "heartburn" were referred as symptoms of liver disease, among people with a higher education level. Less than 50% of people knew about routes of transmission of hepatitis B, associated with its prevention and treatment. Beliefs and wrong perceptions about liver disease are prevalent among people; dyspepsia was inaccurately associated. There is an inappropriate knowledge about routes of transmission, preventive measures and treatment, which was reflected in people with lower education level as well as in those with higher education and socioeconomic level.

  10. [Epidemiological study of acute poisoning cases treated at a Galician hospital between 2005 and 2008]. (United States)

    de Miguel-Bouzas, José Carlos; Castro-Tubío, Eva; Bermejo-Barrera, Ana María; Fernández-Gómez, Purificación; Estévez-Núñez, Juan Carlos; Tabernero-Duque, María Jesús


    A descriptive retrospective study of acute intoxication cases registered at the Complexo Hospitalario de Pontevedra (CHOP) between January 2005 and December 2008 was performed to find out the number and types of poisoning cases treated, their distribution according to patient's sex and age, chronology, type of toxic agents involved, intentionality, history, symptoms, clinical development, treatment and toxicological analysis used for diagnosis. Data were recorded using Clinica and IANUS software and consulting all paper records of patients with symptoms of poisoning. Data from a total of 1893 patients with a mean age of 35.6 ± 17.6 years (66% men) were included. Highest rates of poisoning were recorded on Saturdays and Sundays during the summer months (June, July and August). Drugs of abuse were the most common toxic agents (70.4%), ethyl alcohol accounting for 61% of these cases, which often involved males and with people with high degrees of dependency. In second place was poisoning resulting from the abuse of medical drugs, more commonly associated with females, and involving benzodiazepines in 73.2% of cases. The majority of these intoxications were intentional, and suicide attempts accounted for 18.8%. The problems most commonly resulting from the poisoning were neurological, and mortality rate was just 0.2%.

  11. Uso de medicamentos, glicemia capilar e índice de massa corpórea em pacientes com diabetes mellitus

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    Márcio Flávio Moura de Araújo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se relacionar o uso de medicamentos com a glicemia capilar e o índice de massa corpórea em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Estudo transversal realizado entre janeiro e julho de 2009, nos domicílios de 437 pacientes de doze centros de saúde de Fortaleza-CE. Utilizou-se um formulário para o registro das variáveis sociodemográficas e clinicas, glicemia capilar, índice de massa corpórea e uso de medicamentos. Dos pacientes com glicemia capilar normal, 93% não utilizavam antidepressivos / ansiolíticos (p = 0,02. Aproximadamente 99% dos que apresentavam a glicemia capilar elevada não utilizavam cálcio diariamente (p = 0,04. Entre aqueles com índice de massa corpórea normal, 45,5% tomavam diariamente anti-hipertensivos da classe inibidor da ECA (p = 0,03. O uso diário de drogas inibidoras da ECA, antidepressivos / ansiolíticos e cálcio apresentou associação com a glicemia capilar e o índice de massa corpórea, respectivamente. É importante que o enfermeiro avalie o peso corporal e a glicemia capilar dos pacientes com diabetes, em particular daqueles que fazem uso contínuo de medicamentos.

  12. Construction of a homogeneous phantom for radiographic image standardization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pina, Diana Rodrigues de


    The principle of radiodiagnosis consists in the fact the X-ray beam is attenuated at different degrees by distinct tissues. For this reason, the anatomical structures have distinct radiological opacities, that produce the radiographic image. The progresses in radiology are related to the development if new radiographic image formation systems that enable an amplification in the quality, with low dose and/or risk to the patient. The objective of this work is the sensitometric valuation of a screen-film combination, that is still the most used, for the standardization, of radiographic images. Thinking about this, were constructed homogeneous phantoms of the chest, skull and pelvis, for the calibration of X-ray beams, with the purpose of obtaining radiographic images of good quality, basing in the routine of a radiodiagnosis service and in the scientific knowledge. Questions were approached about the choice of the suitable equipment, that allow the obtention of k Vp and m As combinations, to produce radiographic images of good quality, and the reproduction of these combinations to any conventional equipment of diagnostic X-rays. Also presented are the comparison of the doses imparted by these combinations and those used in routine of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto's radiodiagnosis service. (author)

  13. Artrite séptica

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    Pedro Anderson Martinho Mocambique


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Pioartrite ou Artrite séptica é toda infecção por bactéria piogênica na cavidade articular. A artrite séptica pode ser classificada como gonocócica e não gonocócica.A artrite séptica é considerada uma emergência ortopédica.Na artrite séptica não gonocócica o micro-organismo atinge a articulação da seguinte forma; via hematogênica (maior numero de casos ou por contiguidade. A primeira por inoculação direta do agente e segunda por disseminação de infecção, como osteomielite, próxima a articulação.OBJETIVO: Discutir a importância do conhecimento acerca sintomatologia da artrite séptica com a finalidade de proporcionar ao paciente um atendimento mais rápido e eficaz. RELATO DE CASO: manejo de um paciente de 12 anos com queixa de dor em membro inferior direito de caráter limitante e febre. Há mais de sete dias. DISCUSSÂO: Em indivíduos de diferentes idadesa historia clinica de claudicação e quadro febril em geral merece uma investigação mais detalhada.

  14. Technology for communicational development and learning in psychomotor disability

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trento, I [Grupo Ingenieria ClInica, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Facultad Regional Cordoba. Av. M. Lopez esquina Cruz Roja, Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Santucci, M [Facultad de PsicologIa, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Tula, S [Escuela de Educacion Especial y Formacion Laboral Beatriz MartInez Allio. Av. M. Lopez N0 2620 Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina); Gonzalez, E [Grupo Ingenieria ClInica, Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Facultad Regional Cordoba. Av. M. Lopez esquina Cruz Roja, Ciudad Universitaria, 5012 Cordoba (Argentina)


    The applied investigation and experimental development project described in this paper has been carried out by Grupo Ingenieria ClInica of the Universidad Tecnologica Nacional together with two Special Education Schools dependent on the Ministry of Education of Cordoba Province. Its aim is the development of computer access assistive tools for students with mobility limitations, and with or without intellectual problems that need adaptations to access to a computer in order to learn, communicate, work, etc. On the other hand, it demonstrates the benefits that the use of a computer gives to these students. The evaluation of their performance was made trough Dr. Marianne Frostig's Developmental Test of Visual Perception and reading and writing graphic tests, comparing the results of the tests made on paper with those made on computer. Thus, an interdisciplinary team was formed by Engineering, Psychology and Special Education professionals, and 40 students were evaluated. The design of the mouse and keyboard had some adaptations. At present, the rating test stage is being achieved, and the preliminary results allow us to anticipate that pupils with psychomotor disabilities may manifest their perceptual ripeness and reach education in a more efficient way through the use of informatics tools according to their needs and possibilities.


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    Luan Barbosa Hubner


    Full Text Available O prontuário eletrônico é uma ferramenta de grande auxilio para gestão em unidade básica de saúde (UBS, hospitais e clinicas. Quando falamos de prontuário eletrônico percebemos que possui vários nomes, como: Prontuário do Paciente, Prontuário Familiar, Prontuário Médico, Prontuário Hospitalar, Registro do Paciente entre outros. Com a ideia de melhorar o atendimento dos pacientes, garantir segurança para os dados e manter um histórico do paciente da sua vida toda, se seu uso for bem trabalhado com cuidado e alimentado o sistema corretamente irá ser de grande aproveitamento e ajuda para a instituição. Diante disto o objetivo do presente estudo é uma revisão de literatura, para avaliar a eficácia da implantação de um prontuário eletrônico. Nenhum estudo mostrou que o prontuário teve efeito negativo em sua implantação, apenas apresenta algumas desvantagens, sendo a implantação do prontuário eletrônico de grande valia em UBS que ainda não os possuem.

  16. Diagnóstico y manejo del prolapso de órganos pélvicos, presente y futuro

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    Hans Peter Dietz, MD, PHD


    Full Text Available En los últimos 10 años se ha visto un importante progreso en el campo de la uroginecología. Esto resulta evidente al considerar los avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del prolapso genital. Lamentablemente, gran parte de los urólogos femeninos, ginecólogos y uroginecólogos podrian asociar este avance con la sucesiva implementación de nuevos procedimientos quirúrgicos que han sido introducidos con un interés comercial, sin contar con resultados de estudios clinicos que avalen su uso. Esto resulta peor aún si consideramos el limitado conocimiento que todavia se tiene de la etiología y fisiopatología del prolapso de los órganos pélvicos. Sin embargo, esta última década trajo consigo un progreso importante en el diagnóstico, junto a un incremento considerable en el estudio clínico de la etiología de las disfunciones del piso pélvico. En este artículo discutiremos los últimos adelantos, y su importancia, tanto en la práctica clinica como investigación de la obstetricia y ginecología, enfocándonos en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del prolapso genital.

  17. Noi e loro. L’integrazione psicologica nell’emigrazione

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    Alberto Ghilardi


    Full Text Available Gli studi in psicologia clinica e sociale evidenziano come l’incontro tra popolazioni provenienti da contesti etnici, sociali, culturali e psicologici molto diversi attivi una serie di meccanismi di tipo prevalentemente difensivo. E’ illusorio ritenere che l’incontro fra tali diversità, come nel caso dei fenomeni emigratori, si risolva attraverso processi d’integrazione che avvengano quasi “per natura”, al contrario vi sia sempre la necessità di una modifica di equilibri precedenti, analogamente a quanto avviene per consimili eventi sul piano biologico.L’articolo evidenzia come l’incontro con il fenomeno dell’emigrazione vada psicologicamente affrontato anche sul fronte della popolazione che riceve i nuovi individui, inclusi gli operatori e i clinici che si occupano in prima persona del fenomeno, aiutandoli ad adattare i propri confini geografici come modifica, sul piano psicologico, di confini interni, poiché questi ultimi sono i mezzi che identificano e riconoscono le differenze.Saranno utilizzate alcune esemplificazioni tratte da esperienze d’intervento psicologico clinico e sociale nei campi della consulenza educativa degli adulti, della medicina e della psicoterapia per mostrare a quali difficoltà interpretative siano sottoposti i propri abituali modelli culturali, clinici e operativi nell’incontro con realtà differenti e quali modalità possano facilitare osmosi e integrazione tra persone e culture.

  18. Valutazione analitica e applicazione clinica di un metodo Real Time PCR per il dosaggio della carica virale di Epstein-Barr virus

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    Maria Teresa Bortolin


    Full Text Available We assessed the performance of a Real Time PCR assay to be used for EBV viremia evaluation in clinical specimens. Sensitivity and intra-/interassay reproducibility were evaluated by using DNA serial dilutions from the Namalwa cell line. EBV DNA was analyzed in serum samples from 39 patients (pts with undifferentiated type nasopharyngeal carcinoma (UCNT, from 5 infectious mononucleosis (IM pts and from 18 healthy donors. Results obtained by Real Time PCR were compared with those obtained by quantitative competitive (QC-PCR assay.We thereafter measured the dynamics of EBV DNA load in 5 HIV-seropositive (HIV+ and 9 HIV-seronegative (HIV-, as controls pts with lymphoma, treated with high-dose chemotherapy (HCT followed by autologus stem-cell transplantation (ASCT. We found a sensitivity of 100% at 10 EBV copies. The Spearman correlation for both the intra- and the interassay reproducibility was statistically significant (r=0.99; p20 copies/reaction and >30% for EBV viral loads <20 copies/reaction. No EBV DNA was detected in healthy donors. Higher EBV DNA loads were found by Real Time PCR (range 1173-46328 copies/ml than by QC-PCR (range 450-5000 copies/ml (p<0.05. 54% of UCNT and 100% of IM pts were EBV DNA positive. Two HIV+(40% and 2 HIV-(22% pts with lymphoma had detectable EBV viremia during the follow-up. The Real Time PCR is a suitable technique for high-throughput screening and frequent monitoring of patients at risk for developing EBV-associated diseases.





    Criptococosis es una micosis sistémica oportunista causada por dos especies levaduriformes capsuladas, C. neoformans causan infecciones en individuos immunodeprimidos ptincipalmente y Criptococcus gattii lo hace tanto en immunocompetentes como en personas inmunodeprimidas. C. neoformans es comúnmente asociado a excretas de palomas mientras que la especie C. gattii es encontrado en especies arbóreas como eucaliptos, ficus y otras. C neoformcms se subdivide en dos variedades distintas neofor...

  20. Clinical manifestations in patients with computerized tomography diagnosis of neurocysticercosis; Manifestacoes clinicas de pacientes com diagnostico de neurocisticercose por tomografia computadorizada

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pfuetzenreiter, Marcia Regina [Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Florianopolis, SC (Brazil). Dept. de Medicina Veterinaria Preventiva e Tecnologia]. E-mail:; Avila-Pires, Fernando Dias de [Santa Catarina Univ., Florianopolis, SC (Brazil). Dept. de Saude Publica


    A survey was conducted in the urban area of Lages using patients who had been submitted to a computed tomography of the skull in the period of March-December, 1996, for different reasons. Forty-two patients with a provisional diagnosis of neurocysticercosis, and 57 negatives were personally interviewed by one of the authors (Pfuetzenreiter), using a semi-structured procedure. More individuals with a provisional diagnostic of neurocysticercosis reported clinical manifestations related to this infection than those found negative. this difference is more marked among women, except in relation to convulsions, more frequently reported by men (19.05%) than by women (7.14%). The greater percentage of inactive forms (83.33%0 and a longer history of perceived symptoms among those positives suggest that the condition is not new. (author)

  1. Management units radio physics hospital clinic: New management model; Unidades de gestion clinica de radiofisica hospitalaria, ¿nuevo modelo de gestion?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iborra Oquendo, M.; Angulo Pain, E.; Castro Ramirez, I.; Quinones Rodriguez, L. A.; Urena Llinares, A.; Richarter Reina, J. M.; Lupiani Castellanos, J.; Ramos Caballero, L. I.


    Clinical management in the Andalusian Health Service is a process of organizational design that allows professionals to incorporate the management of resources used in their own clinical practice. In the Clinical Management Units activity develops according to different objectives, among them: encourage the involvement of health professionals in managing the centers, enhance continuity of care between the two levels of care, improve work organization and raise patient satisfaction.

  2. Eurex Plant - Manual for the conversion of plutonium characteristics for the plant and description of the process; Impianto Eurex - Unita manuale di conversione del plutonio charatteristiche dell'unita e descrizione del processo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alonzo, G; Hall, A; Pozzi, F [ENEA - Dipartimento Ciclo del Combustibile, Centro Ricerche Energia, Saluggia (Italy)


    A unit for liquid-solid conversion of plutonium recovered during the reprocessing campaign of Candu irradiated fuels has been recently put in operation at the ENEA -EUREX plant - CRE Saluggia. The unit, the auxiliary services, the control and security systems and the health physics equipments are described in the report. The conversion process, based on Gel Supported Precipitation (GSP) and the throughput of the unit are also described. (author)

  3. [La Medicina del Lavoro: 100 volumes]. (United States)

    Zocchetti, C


    With these pages La Medicina del Lavoro starts its 100th volume, so we have yet another historical occasion to celebrate the oldest occupational health journal in the world that is still publishing. Over the last few years we have had many occasions to celebrate, for example several anniversaries of the Journal (the 80th volume in 1989, 90 years in 1992, 100 years in 2001); the centenary of the foundation of the Clinica del Lavoro "Luigi Devoto" of Milan in 2001; the celebration of the 300 years' anniversary of the publication of De Morbis Artificum Diatriba by Bernardino Ramazzini, and we obviously hope to continue for many years to come in this positive outlook. One hundred volumes makes for a very large collection, with the highs and lows ofthe Journal's history (here we mean the variations in number of pages and physical size of the Journal). It is thanks to the Editors-in-chief(there have been very few so we can cite them all: Luigi Devoto, 1901-1936; Luigi Preti, 1936-1941; Enrico Vigliani, 1943-1992; e Vito Foà, 1992 to the present); the contributors who in various ways and with varying degrees of commitment but always with an exceptional personal participation, that it has been possible to reach 100 volumes, starting with C. Moreschi who, along with Luigi Devoto, was the first and sole editor at the Journal's foundation; up to the present extended and impressive editorial board; the printers (from the first. Tipografia Cooperativa, Via dei Molini in Pavia, to the latest: Casa Editrice Mattioli in Fidenza); the sponsors, including the most evident who, via advertising (rather limited as a matter offact), directly gave information about themselves, but also those who have often been or are behind the scenes, ensuring fundamental support which is not visible; content. articles, news, events, reports, ideas, opinions, photographs, tables, numbers... etc, which are really impossible to sum up. But the true collection which, for obvious reasons, cannot be

  4. Dentro il casinò: quando il gioco si fa “malato” / Dans le casino : quand le jeu devient pathologie / Inside the casino: when the game becomes “pathological”

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    Molin Valentina


    Full Text Available The purpose of this contribution is to highlight similarities between the pure clinical conception of excessive gamblingand the “practical” side of it – though free from any specific theoretical knowledge – as witnessed by employees in thegambling field, specifically employees of one Italian casino. The aim of the analysis is to highlight how workers in thegambling field can be considered as bearers of a particular knowledge in the clinical diagnosis of PG (PathologicalGambling “experts of the industry” in the same way as doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists. The analysis also aimsat revealing how this “experience” in identifying patients with problems related to excessive or unbalanced gambling isnot, in any way, used for identifying and possibly expelling these subjects from the Gambling House because it wouldbe in contrast with the economic interests of the company and of individual workers.Con questo contributo si intende porre in luce l'affinità fra la concezione tipicamente clinica del gioco d'azzardoeccessivo e quella “pratica” – seppur scevra da ogni conoscenza teorica specifica – di alcuni lavoratori di gioco,specificamente alcuni impiegati di un Casinò italiano. L'obiettivo dell'analisi è dunque quello di porre in luce comealcuni lavoratori che operano nell'ambiente del gioco d'azzardo possano essere considerati portatori di una particolareconoscenza nell'ambito della diagnostica clinica del PG (Pathological Gambling, “esperti del settore” alla stregua dimedici, psicologi e psichiatri. L'analisi condotta mira inoltre a rilevare come tale “esperienza” nell'individuazione disoggetti con problematiche connesse ad una pratica di gioco eccessiva o non equilibrata non venga utilizzata, poichél'individuazione e l'eventuale allontanamento dalla Casa da Gioco di tali soggetti si pone in contrasto con gli interessieconomici dell'azienda e dei singoli lavoratori.Le but de cet article est de mettre en lumi

  5. [Congenital toxoplasmosis: clinical manifestation, treatment and follow-up] [Article in Italian] • Il neonato con toxoplasmosi congenita: clinica, terapia e follow-up

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    Lina Bollani


    Full Text Available Toxoplamosis is a parasitic zoonosis which occurs worldwide, but is prevalent in Europe, South America and Africa. When infection occurs for the first time during pregnancy, mother to child transmission of the parasite can cause congenital toxoplasmosis. Rate of congenital infection ranges from less than 0.1 to approximately 1 per 1,000 live births. The risk of transmission depends on the gestational age at the time of maternal infection. A diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis is usually considered in infants who present: hydrocephalus, chorioretinitis, and intracranial calcifications, but this triade is very rare. Approximately 85% of the infants with congenital toxoplasmosis are clinically normal at birth; however, sequelae of infection may become apparent only months or even years later. Chorioretinitis is the main complication of congenital toxoplasmosis, late onset retinal lesions and relapse can appear many years after birth, but the overall ocular prognosis is satisfactory when infection is identified and treated accordingly. Fortunately, serious neonatal forms and severe neurological impairment have become rare, but prompt treatment of children with convulsions, abnormal muscle tone, hydrocephalus, may improve the prognosis and result in almost normal outcome. For infants who have congenital toxoplasmosis, treatment soon after birth for 1 year with pyrimetamine, sulfadiazine and leukoverin led to remarkable resolution of serious, active disease. A long follow-up is necessary to assess the long-term outcome of children and young adults with congenital toxoplasmosis, that is favourable for the majority of cases. Epidemiological surveillance needs to be improved in order to determine the effectiveness of prevention programs.Articoli Selezionati del “3° Convegno Pediatrico del Medio Campidano” · Guspini · 25 Maggio 2013Guest Editor: Roberto Antonucci

  6. Laser diagnostic and therapy of dental caries: the clinic point of view; Laser diagnostico e tratamento da carie dental: uma visao clinica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paiva, Priscila Faria


    Dental caries's diagnosis is a major dentistry problem from the clinic point of view. The laser beam on the region of 655 nm induces the fluorescence of the compounds present in the hard tissue, quantifying differences between sound and carious enamel and dentine. Diagnodent (Kavo, Germany), showed to be effective regarding dental caries's diagnosis in the present research sampling. The Er:YAG laser (Kavo Key Laser 2, Germany) performed efficient cavity preparations in caries lesions of I and V class type, using up energies that ranged from 300 mJ to 350 mJ with 4 Hz repetition rate for the enamel; and from 250 mJ to 300 mJ with 4 Hz repetition rate for the dentine, and with 80 mJ with 6 Hz of repetition rate for laser conditioning. In the Er:YAG laser preparations no patient was anesthetized even when there were deeper cavities, and the maximum degree of pain ( which ranged from 0 to 10) was 4. In the control group with conventional high-speed drill two patients were anesthetized and the maximum degree of pain was 7. Restorations performed by conventional method of composite were equally satisfying both in caries groups of I and V class type and in the control group. The laser application in the operative dentistry office as a new method of diagnosis and dental preparations should be a good alternative to the use of the conventional dental drill. Nevertheless, dentistry practice has a lot to improve from technology progress, as well as new researches on laser dentistry are necessary in a long term. New types of lasers will come about and will increasingly improve the dental practice assistance and procedures quality. (author)

  7. Laser diagnostic and therapy of dental caries: the clinic point of view; Laser diagnostico e tratamento da carie dental: uma visao clinica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paiva, Priscila Faria


    Dental caries's diagnosis is a major dentistry problem from the clinic point of view. The laser beam on the region of 655 nm induces the fluorescence of the compounds present in the hard tissue, quantifying differences between sound and carious enamel and dentine. Diagnodent (Kavo, Germany), showed to be effective regarding dental caries's diagnosis in the present research sampling. The Er:YAG laser (Kavo Key Laser 2, Germany) performed efficient cavity preparations in caries lesions of I and V class type, using up energies that ranged from 300 mJ to 350 mJ with 4 Hz repetition rate for the enamel; and from 250 mJ to 300 mJ with 4 Hz repetition rate for the dentine, and with 80 mJ with 6 Hz of repetition rate for laser conditioning. In the Er:YAG laser preparations no patient was anesthetized even when there were deeper cavities, and the maximum degree of pain ( which ranged from 0 to 10) was 4. In the control group with conventional high-speed drill two patients were anesthetized and the maximum degree of pain was 7. Restorations performed by conventional method of composite were equally satisfying both in caries groups of I and V class type and in the control group. The laser application in the operative dentistry office as a new method of diagnosis and dental preparations should be a good alternative to the use of the conventional dental drill. Nevertheless, dentistry practice has a lot to improve from technology progress, as well as new researches on laser dentistry are necessary in a long term. New types of lasers will come about and will increasingly improve the dental practice assistance and procedures quality. (author)

  8. The law aspects of biotechnology patenting. The living source between discovery and invention; Aspetti giuridici del brevetto biotecnologico. La materia vivente tra scoperta e invenzione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontanella, G.; Cantale, C.; Galeffi, P. [ENEA, Divisione Biotecnologie e Agricoltura, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy); Ariemma, S. [ENEA, Unita' Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    points which could obstruct all future development in the biotech industry (possibly the first aim of the legislation) in cases of servile application of a law which is in reality aimed at securing rights. [Italian] Questo lavoro e' stato svolto in collaborazione con l'Universita' di Roma 3, nell'ambito della preparazione della tesi di laurea del Dott. Gianluca Fontanella. Questa trattazione si e' posta lo scopo di fornire un quadro normativo il piu' possibile omogeneo ed esauriente dell'effettiva situazione esistente nel settore biotecnologico, soffermandosi su uno degli aspetti portanti e piu' controversi in materia, quello, cioe', della definizione dell'oggetto brevettuale, alla luce dell'entrata in vigore della Direttiva 98/44/CE sulla tutela giudirica delle invenzioni biotecnologiche. Nella prima parte del rapporto, data la tecnicita' e la interdisciplinarieta' della materia, e' stato introdotto il tema da un punto di vista piu' generale con riferimento alla definizione del concetto di biotecnologie delle motivazioni che hanno indotto il legislatore ad incidere sul quadro normativo esistente, dando spazio ad un'organica e completa opera di raccolta e di interpretazione dei testi normativi nazionali ed internazionali piu' rilevanti, precedenti alla Direttiva 98/44/CE, in tema di tutela brevettuale, e di biotecnologie in particolare. Nella seconda parte, invece, si e' entrati nel merito della questione della individuazione di cosa sia possibile brevettare alla luce dell'entrata in vigore della Direttiva 98/44/CE, attraverso un accurato esame del testo normativo nella parte in cui analizza e definisce l'ogetto brevettuale in campo biotecnologico. In particolare, e' stata affrontata la questione della brevettualita' della materia vivente, analizzando anche, in modo precipuo, i concetti limitrofi, per natura del trovato, di varieta' vegetale e di razza

  9. The law aspects of biotechnology patenting. The living source between discovery and invention; Aspetti giuridici del brevetto biotecnologico. La materia vivente tra scoperta e invenzione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fontanella, G; Cantale, C; Galeffi, P [ENEA, Divisione Biotecnologie e Agricoltura, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy); Ariemma, S [ENEA, Unita' Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    points which could obstruct all future development in the biotech industry (possibly the first aim of the legislation) in cases of servile application of a law which is in reality aimed at securing rights. [Italian] Questo lavoro e' stato svolto in collaborazione con l'Universita' di Roma 3, nell'ambito della preparazione della tesi di laurea del Dott. Gianluca Fontanella. Questa trattazione si e' posta lo scopo di fornire un quadro normativo il piu' possibile omogeneo ed esauriente dell'effettiva situazione esistente nel settore biotecnologico, soffermandosi su uno degli aspetti portanti e piu' controversi in materia, quello, cioe', della definizione dell'oggetto brevettuale, alla luce dell'entrata in vigore della Direttiva 98/44/CE sulla tutela giudirica delle invenzioni biotecnologiche. Nella prima parte del rapporto, data la tecnicita' e la interdisciplinarieta' della materia, e' stato introdotto il tema da un punto di vista piu' generale con riferimento alla definizione del concetto di biotecnologie delle motivazioni che hanno indotto il legislatore ad incidere sul quadro normativo esistente, dando spazio ad un'organica e completa opera di raccolta e di interpretazione dei testi normativi nazionali ed internazionali piu' rilevanti, precedenti alla Direttiva 98/44/CE, in tema di tutela brevettuale, e di biotecnologie in particolare. Nella seconda parte, invece, si e' entrati nel merito della questione della individuazione di cosa sia possibile brevettare alla luce dell'entrata in vigore della Direttiva 98/44/CE, attraverso un accurato esame del testo normativo nella parte in cui analizza e definisce l'ogetto brevettuale in campo biotecnologico. In particolare, e' stata affrontata la questione della brevettualita' della materia vivente, analizzando anche, in modo precipuo, i concetti limitrofi, per natura del trovato, di varieta' vegetale e di razza animale. In conclusione alla Direttiva 98/44/CE e' stato riconosciuto il pregio di aver rappresentato il primo testo

  10. Utility of 12-lead electrocardiogram for differentiating paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias in dogs. (United States)

    Santilli, R A; Perego, M; Crosara, S; Gardini, F; Bellino, C; Moretti, P; Spadacini, G


    The 12-lead surface ECG is validated for differentiating supraventricular tachycardias (SVT) in humans. Despite the description of SVT in veterinary medicine, no studies have analyzed the electrocardiographic features of this type of arrhythmias in dogs. To describe the specific electrocardiographic criteria used to differentiate the most common SVT in dogs. Twenty-three dogs examined at Clinica Veterinaria Malpensa for SVT with the mechanism documented by electrophysiologic studies (EPS). Twelve-lead electrocardiographic variables obtained from 14 dogs with orthodromic atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia (OAVRT) and 9 dogs with focal atrial tachycardia (FAT) were compared. Dogs with FAT had faster heart rates (278 +/- 62 versus 229 +/- 42 bpm; P= .049) and less QRS alternans (33 versus 86%; P= .022). P waves appeared during tachycardia in 22 dogs, with a superior axis in 100% of OAVRT and 22% of FAT (P < .001). OAVRT was characterized by a shorter RP interval (85.0 +/- 16.8 versus 157.1 +/- 37.3 ms; P < .001) and smaller RP/PR ratio (0.60 +/- 0.18 versus 1.45 +/- 0.52; P < .001). Repolarization anomalies were present in 64% of OAVRT and no FAT (P < .001). Multivariate analysis identified QRS alternans and a positive P wave in aVR during tachycardia as independent predictors of arrhythmia type. Electrocardiographic criteria used in people for differentiating SVT can also be applied in dogs.

  11. Doença de Hodgkin

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    Marina Pereira


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os autores descrevem um caso de doença de Hodgkin, do subtipo esclerose nodular, numa mulher de 24 anos de idade. A forma de apresentação clínica, pouco habitual, é constituída por uma massa na regão esternal e parede anterior do hemitórax esquerdo, a qual adquire grande volume ao fim de 2 anos e meio de evolução natural da doença. Esta é tratada com quimioterapia (MOPP e radioterapia adjuvante, sofrendo uma reeressão total das suas manifestações clínicas.REV PORT PNEUMOL 1999; V (3: 349-355 ABSTRACT: A case of a 24 years old woman with Hodgkin’s disease, nodular sclerosis subtype, is reported. The disease present with an anterior chest wall mass, an unusual clinical presentation form. The patient receive MOPP chemotherapy and adjuvant radio-therapy with complete resolution of her clinical manifestations.REV PORT PNEUMOL 1999; V (3: 349-355 Palavras-chave: Doença de Hodgkin, Massa da parede torácica anterior, Forma de apresentação clinica, Key-words: Hodgkin’s disease, Anterior chest wall mass, Clinical presentation form

  12. Construction of a homogeneous phantom for radiographic image standardization; Construcao de um fantoma homogeneo para padronizacao de imagens radiograficas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pina, Diana Rodrigues de


    The principle of radiodiagnosis consists in the fact the X-ray beam is attenuated at different degrees by distinct tissues. For this reason, the anatomical structures have distinct radiological opacities, that produce the radiographic image. The progresses in radiology are related to the development if new radiographic image formation systems that enable an amplification in the quality, with low dose and/or risk to the patient. The objective of this work is the sensitometric valuation of a screen-film combination, that is still the most used, for the standardization, of radiographic images. Thinking about this, were constructed homogeneous phantoms of the chest, skull and pelvis, for the calibration of X-ray beams, with the purpose of obtaining radiographic images of good quality, basing in the routine of a radiodiagnosis service and in the scientific knowledge. Questions were approached about the choice of the suitable equipment, that allow the obtention of k Vp and m As combinations, to produce radiographic images of good quality, and the reproduction of these combinations to any conventional equipment of diagnostic X-rays. Also presented are the comparison of the doses imparted by these combinations and those used in routine of the Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto`s radiodiagnosis service. (author) 24 refs., 27 figs., 12 tabs.

  13. The basis for a radiological protection program to the health area of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coelho, Rosangela Franco.


    There are some sectors in the Health Area of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) that present great potential risks from the viewpoint of radiation protection. The aim of this work is to establish the basis a radiological protection program applicable to these sectors. The Diagnostic Radiology Services and the Laboratory of Cardiac Catheterization of the Hospital de Clinicas have been analyzed, as well as the Radiotherapy Services of the Center for Integral Assistance to the Women Health (CAISM). This work was mainly supported by national and international regulations related to the operative and employment aspects of the equipment and radiation sources used in the health area. Regulations related to area and individual monitoring of workers were also used. Results show that the interior of the rooms where the equipment and radiation sources are located is classified as controlled area, whereas the neighborhoods of the rooms are mostly free areas. In order to improve the radiological protection conditions, only some of the operative and employment aspects need to be modified regarding equipment and radiation sources. In this way, routine personal monitoring would not be further required. Since all the workers have their annual mean equivalent doses below 3/10 of the primary limits of the applicable equivalent dose, routine individual monitoring could be exempted. (author). 23 refs., 51 figs., 83 tabs

  14. Project reconversion Service Hospital Radiation Oncology Clinics-Medical School

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quarneti, A.; Levaggi, G.


    Introduction: The Health Sector operates within the framework of Social Policy and it is therefore one of the ways of distribution of public benefit, like Housing, Education and Social Security. While public spending on health has grown in recent years, its distribution has been uneven and the sector faces funding and management problems. The Service Hospital Radiation Oncology has reduced its health care liavility , lack technological development and unsufficient human resources and training. Aim: developing an inclusive reform bill Service Hospital Radiation Oncology .Material and Methods: This project tends to form a network institutional, introducing concepts of evidence-based medicine, risk models, cost analysis, coding systems, system implementation of quality management (ISO-9000 Standards). Proposes redefining radiotherapy centers and their potential participation in training resource development goals humanos.Promueve scientific research of national interest. Separate strictly administrative function, management and teaching. The project takes into account the characteristics of demand, the need to order it and organize around her, institutional network system and within the Hospital das Clinicas own related services related to Service Hospital Radiation Oncology , Encourages freedom of choice, and confers greater equity in care. The project would managed by the Hospital Clínicas. Conclusions: We believe this proposal identifies problems and opportunities, Service Hospital Radiation Oncology proposes the development of institutional network under one management model

  15. Avaliação neuropsicológica das funções executivas: considerações metodológicas Neuropsychological assessment of executive functions: methodological questions

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    Amer Cavalheiro Hamdan


    Full Text Available O interesse pelo estudo das funções executivas tem crescido nos últimos anos. O objetivo deste artigo é revisar algumas questões metodológicas e conceituais relacionadas à avaliação neuropsicológica das funções executivas. As principais limitações e dicotomias relacionadas às funções executivas são apresentadas e a importância de um modelo teórico que fundamente os instrumentos de avaliação e suas interpretações clinicas analisada. Conclui-se que as evidências provenientes da investigação das funções executivas ainda não permitem a compreensão satisfatória desses processos. Sugere-se, a adoção de um modelo específico para o estudo das funções executivas.The article aims to review methodological and conceptual issues related to neuropsychological assessment of executive functions. The main limitations and dichotomies of current studies related to executive functions are presented and the importance of theoretical support to validate the instruments and their clinical interpretation are discussed. There is still the need of additional evidences on executive functions that allow a complete understanding of all the processes involved. Finally, it is suggested the adoption of a specific model that may guide the study of the executive functions.

  16. Alanine/RPE dosimetry in the process of blood irradiation; Dosimetria alanina/RPE en el proceso de irradiacion de sangre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chen, F.; Covas, D.T.; Baffa, O. [Departamento de Fisica e Matematica, FFCLRP, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 14040-901 Ribeirao Preto-SP (Brazil)


    A set of eighty dosemeters approximately of Dl- alanine was proportioned to the Hemo center of Hospital das Clinicas of Medicine Faculty at Ribeirao Preto (HC-FRMP) in the Sao Paulo University, with the purpose to realize a quality control of the radiation dose supplied to blood bags. These dosemeters were divided in eight groups and irradiated for a two months period.The dosemeters were adhered to the bags and arranged inside of an acrylic box filled water with dimensions: (40x40x20) cm{sup 3}. The box irradiation was made using two fields parallel-opposed of (40x40) cm{sup 2} at 80 cm distance source-surface, in the Radiotherapy Service of HC-FMRP, with a {sup 60} Co teletherapy unit. The irradiation time was sufficient to supply a dose of 20 Gy approximately in the box center. The RPE measures were realized in a Varian E-4 spectrometer operating in X-band. For the total of dosemeters and for the irradiation volume, the minimum and maximum doses were of 14 Gy and 23 Gy respectively. The mean dose was (18{+-}2) Gy (1 {sigma}), and the variability coefficient 11 %. Around 5 % of the bags received a dose under of the recommended limit by the Brazilian legislation and as consequence, the exposure time was increased. (Author)

  17. The expression of CD56 antigen is associated with poor prognosis in patients with acute myeloid leukemia

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    Ana Paula Alegretti


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The expression of CD56 is considered a bad prognostic factor for overall survival, lower rates or short complete remission and extramedullary invasion but the results are controversial. The importance of validating new prognostic parameters in acute leukemias was the reason to investigate the CD56 expression in blast cells of patients with acute myeloid leukemia. METHODS: A cohort of 48 patients treated at Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre and diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia as classified by the French-American-British group (FAB criteria using cell morphology, cytochemistry and flow cytometry were evaluated. RESULTS: Eight cases (16.7% were CD56 positive without correlation to age or gender. The highest incidence of CD56 positivity was in FAB subtypes M4 and M5. The death rate during induction was not significantly different between patients with and without CD56 expression (62.5% vs. 27.5%; p-value = 0.097. However, patients that expressed CD56 had significantly lower overall survival than those who did not (mean 4.0 months vs. 14.5 months; p-value = 0.03. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that expression of CD56 in acute myeloid leukemia may be indicative of poor prognosis because it is associated with a shorter overall survival. The death rate during induction was not significantly different despite an apparent difference in proportions between groups.

  18. Incidence of uterine post abortion infection at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Is prophylactic antibiotic necessary?

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    Carine Luíze Panke

    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To identify the incidence of pelvic infection after miscarriage undergoing uterine evacuation in a tertiary hospital in southern Brazil and to compare with the international literature.METHODS: we reviewed electronic medical records of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre of all patients who underwent uterine evacuation for miscarriage between August 2008 and January 2012 were reviewed. We included all patients submitted to uterine curettage due to abortion and who had outpatient visits for review after the procedure. We calculated emographic and laboratory data of the study population, number needed for treatment (NNT and number needed to harm (NNH.RESULTS: of the 857 revised electronic medical records, 377 patients were subjected to uterine evacuation for miscarriage; 55 cases were lost to follow-up, leaving 322 cases that were classified as not infected abortion on admission. The majority of the population was white (79%; HIV prevalence and positive VDRL was 0.3% and 2%, respectively. By following these 322 cases for a minimum of seven days, it was found that the incidence of post-procedure infection was 1.8% (95% CI 0.8 to 4. The NNT and NNH calculated for 42 months were 63 and 39, respectively.CONCLUSION: The incidence of post-abortion infection between August 2008 to January 2012 was 1.8% (0.8 to 4.

  19. Combined fixation, intern and external, in proximal complex fractures of the tibia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Quintero Laverde, Jaime; Lozano Ortiz, Victor Hugo; Rojas Duque, Guillermo


    Between August of 1997 and December of 2001, they were treated in the orthopedics department and traumatology of the Hospital Clinica San Rafael, 16 patients with proximal complex fractures of the tibia, using internal fixation with plate in the lateral column and an unilateral external fixer, for the medial column. It carries out a clinical and radiological pursuit with average of 27 months (minimum 4.5, maximum 40 months). In 15 patients (93,7%) it was obtained a primary consolidation and 1 case (6,2%) it presented retard in the consolidation being necessary the placement of bony implants. in 2 cases (12,5%) there was superficial infection, one in the itinerary of the nails and another in area of superficial necrosis in soft fabrics in a closed fracture. single 1 case (6,2) it presented deep infection, which, it improve with bony curettage and antibiotics. In the final radiographic evaluation, 2 cases (12,5%) they presented depression of the lateral plate; according to the functional scale of Rasmussen excellent results were obtained (27 to 30 points) in 11 cases (68,7%) and good (20 to 26 points) in 5 cases (31,2%). The radiographic results and functional global they suggest that the combination of a technique less invasive in this area criticizes, it represents a good alternative for the treatment of the proximal complex fractures of the tibia

  20. Pain in Breast Cancer Treatment: Aggravating Factors and Coping Mechanisms

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    Maria de Fatima Guerreiro Godoy


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate pain in women with breast cancer-related lymphedema and the characteristics of aggravating factors and coping mechanisms. The study was conducted in the Clinica Godoy, São Jose do Rio Preto, with a group of 46 women who had undergone surgery for the treatment of breast cancer. The following variables were evaluated: type and length of surgery; number of radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions; continued feeling of the removed breast (phantom limb, infection, intensity of pain, and factors that improve and worsen the pain. The percentage of events was used for statistical analysis. About half the participants (52.1% performed modified radical surgery, with 91.3% removing only one breast; 82.6% of the participants did not perform breast reconstruction surgery. Insignificant pain was reported by 32.60% of the women and 67.3% said they suffered pain; it was mild in 28.8% of the cases (scale 1–5, moderate in 34.8% (scale 6–9, and severe in 4.3%. The main mechanisms used to cope with pain were painkillers in 41.30% of participants, rest in 21.73%, religious ceremonies in 17.39%, and chatting with friends in 8.69%. In conclusion, many mastectomized patients with lymphedema complain of pain, but pain is often underrecognized and undertreated.

  1. Hemangioma congénito rapidamente involutivo – um diagnóstico infrequente

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    Andreia Alves Martins


    Full Text Available Os hemangiomas congénitos rapidamente involutivos (RICH são tumores vasculares raros, que se caraterizam por um desenvolvimento completo ao nascimento e por uma regressão, habitualmente total e espontânea, entre seis a dezoito meses. O diagnóstico é clínico, por vezes auxiliado por exames de imagem e biópsia. Descreve-se o caso de um recém-nascido de termo, fruto de uma gestação vigiada com ecografias obstétricas sem alterações, que apresentava ao nascimento, na face anterior da coxa esquerda, uma massa de 5x4,5cm, mole, depressível, acinzentada, com algumas telangiectasias periféricas e halo periférico esbranquiçado, sem frémito palpável ou ulceração. Hemodinamicamente estável, sem trombocitopenia. A ecografia e a ressonância magnética apoiaram a suspeita clinica de RICH, que foi corroborada imunohistologicamente. Após 15 meses verificou- -se regressão espontânea e completa do tumor. O conhecimento da clínica, evolução e prognóstico deste raro hemangioma é fundamental para o diagnóstico e seguimento adequados, evitando intervenções desnecessárias, assim como para tranquilização dos cuidadores.


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    Full Text Available The objective of this research was to identify coping strategies undertaken by patients with kidney failure on current dialysis. The approach chosen for this research was quantitative, since the empirical analytical paradigm, with a rate of descriptive design. The sample comprised 10 patients aged between 20 and 60 years, on current hemodialysis in Clinica de la Costa Renal Unit, Patients were intentionally selected besides their voluntary participation. Standardized questionnaire was used in Colombia to the stress of coping Sandin & Chorot. According to the results, the coping style they use, is focused on the problem with its three dimensions: focus on the problem, with a score of 80% of the population, also in the positive reappraisal with 80% of the population studied, and seeking support with 60% of the population, indicating that this group of patients take an active role, are still concrete steps, what they do to appropriately respond to changes and demands, and treatment imposed by the disease. It is then the religion as a coping style with a 60% higher in the standings. Religion belongs to the dimension of avoidance and escape, indicates that this sample perceived as a significant interference of their health condition on their physical function and consequently feel less vital, turns to their religious beliefs as a way of relief that the situation will improve.

  3. Correlation between C-Reactive Protein in Peripheral Vein and Coronary Sinus in Stable and Unstable Angina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leite, Weverton Ferreira, E-mail: [Instituto do Coração (InCor) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP), São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Ramires, José Antonio Franchini; Moreira, Luiz Felipe Pinho; Strunz, Célia Maria Cassaro [Instituto do Coração (InCor) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP), São Paulo, SP (Brazil); Mangione, José Armando [Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is commonly used in clinical practice to assess cardiovascular risk. However, a correlation has not yet been established between the absolute levels of peripheral and central hs-CRP. To assess the correlation between serum hs-CRP levels (mg/L) in a peripheral vein in the left forearm (LFPV) with those in the coronary sinus (CS) of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and a diagnosis of stable angina (SA) or unstable angina (UA). This observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was conducted at the Instituto do Coração, Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, and at the Hospital Beneficência Portuguesa de Sao Paulo, where CAD patients referred to the hospital for coronary angiography were evaluated. Forty patients with CAD (20 with SA and 20 with UA) were included in the study. Blood samples from LFPV and CS were collected before coronary angiography. Furthermore, analysis of the correlation between serum levels of hs-CRP in LFPV versus CS showed a strong linear correlation for both SA (r = 0.993, p < 0.001) and UA (r = 0.976, p < 0.001) and for the entire sample (r = 0.985, p < 0.001). Our data suggest a strong linear correlation between hs-CRP levels in LFPV versus CS in patients with SA and UA.

  4. [Gender differences in workplace bullying]. (United States)

    Campanini, P; Punzi, Silvia; Carissimi, Emanuela; Gilioli, R


    Despite the attention that international Agencies give to the gender issue in situations of workplace bullying, few investigations have been performed on this topic. The aim of the study is describe the gender differences in victims of workplace bullying observed in an Italian survey. A total of 243 subjects (124 males and 119 females) were examined at the Centre for Occupational Stress and Harassment of the "Clinica del Lavoro Luigi Devoto" (University of Milan and IRCCS Foundation); they were selected among patients who met the criteria for being considered victims of negative actions at work leading to workplace bullying. Data regarding the person, workplace and the workplace bullying situation were collected by means of an ad hoc questionnaire. Analysis of the data, compared with those of IS-TAT 2002, showed a higher prevalence of females subjected to negative actions at work. In women, the risk of being subjected to negative actions leading to workplace bullying was shown to increase in the 34-44 age range and to decrease in higher age ranges; in men the risk remained elevated also after 55 years of age. In general, women were victims of negative actions regarding personal values related to emotional-relational factors, while men were attacked on their work performance. Sexual harassment, may mark the onset of other types of psychological harassment or can be one of its components.

  5. Disegno dello studio genomico, ambientale, microbiomico e metabolomico sulla celiachia: un approccio al futuro della prevenzione personalizzata della celiachia (United States)



    Riassunto Negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito a un fiorire di novità cliniche e scientifiche sulla celiachia (CE), ma forse la novità più importante che influenzerà il futuro della ricerca e della clinica in questo campo riguarda la storia naturale della malattia. Per molti anni si è creduto che la predisposizione genetica e l’esposizione al glutine fossero necessarie e sufficienti allo sviluppo della CE. Studi recenti, però suggeriscono che la perdita di tolleranza al glutine possa apparire in qualsiasi momento della vita a seguito di altri elementi. Inoltre, diversi fattori ambientali conosciuti per il loro ruolo nell’influenzare la composizione della microflora intestinale sono anche stati considerati legati allo sviluppo della CE. Tra questi fattori sono inclusi la modalità di parto, la dieta dell’infante e l’uso di antibiotici. A tutt’oggi, nessuno studio longitudinale di ampia scala ha determinato se e come la composizione del microbioma e il suo profilo metabolomico possano influenzare la perdita di tolleranza al glutine e il successivo sviluppo della CE in soggetti geneticamente predisposti. In questo articolo descriviamo uno studio prospettico, multicentrico e longitudinale su infanti a rischio per la CE che utilizzerà diverse tecniche per approfondire il ruolo che il microbioma intestinale ha durante i primi passaggi dello sviluppo della malattia autoimmune. PMID:27362724

  6. Alanine/RPE dosimetry in the process of blood irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen, F.; Covas, D.T.; Baffa, O.


    A set of eighty dosemeters approximately of Dl- alanine was proportioned to the Hemo center of Hospital das Clinicas of Medicine Faculty at Ribeirao Preto (HC-FRMP) in the Sao Paulo University, with the purpose to realize a quality control of the radiation dose supplied to blood bags. These dosemeters were divided in eight groups and irradiated for a two months period.The dosemeters were adhered to the bags and arranged inside of an acrylic box filled water with dimensions: (40x40x20) cm 3 . The box irradiation was made using two fields parallel-opposed of (40x40) cm 2 at 80 cm distance source-surface, in the Radiotherapy Service of HC-FMRP, with a 60 Co teletherapy unit. The irradiation time was sufficient to supply a dose of 20 Gy approximately in the box center. The RPE measures were realized in a Varian E-4 spectrometer operating in X-band. For the total of dosemeters and for the irradiation volume, the minimum and maximum doses were of 14 Gy and 23 Gy respectively. The mean dose was (18±2) Gy (1 σ), and the variability coefficient 11 %. Around 5 % of the bags received a dose under of the recommended limit by the Brazilian legislation and as consequence, the exposure time was increased. (Author)

  7. Laparoscopic nephrectomy: analysis of 34 patients

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    Domingos André Luís Alonso


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical experience of laparoscopic nephrectomy for benign and malignant diseases at a university hospital. METHODS: From February 2000 to March 2003, 34 patients (14 men and 20 women underwent transperitoneal laparoscopic total nephrectomy at the Hospital das Clinicas - FMRP-USP: 28 (82.3% patients had benign diseases and 6 (17.7% malignant neoplasias. Benign diseases were represented by: urinary stones (N-9, 32.1%, chronic pyelonephritis (N-8, 28.6%, vesicoureteral reflux (N-4, 14.3%, ureteropelvic obstruction (N-3, 10.7%, multicystic kidney (N-2, 7.1% and pyonephrosis (N-2, 7.1%. Patients age range was 2-79 years (mean - 35,1 years. RESULTS: In 32/34 patients the procedures were accomplished successfully. In 2 (5.8% cases of pyonephrosis, open conversion was necessary due to perinephric abscess and difficulties in dissection of renal hilum. Two patients had intraoperative complications (1 duodenum serous laceration an 1 vascular lesion of renal hilum, but both were managed laparoscopically. Two (5.8% post operative complications (1 delayed bleeding and 1 pancreatic fistula required open surgical exploration. The mean time of hospital stay was 58h (18 to 240h. CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic nephrectomy proved to be a method safe and associated with a low rate of morbidity, shorter hospital stay and no casualties.

  8. Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus in Women from Mexico City

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    María Guadalupe López Rivera


    Full Text Available Introduction. Cervical cancer is the most common cancer among Mexican women. The goal of the present study was to determine the prevalence and distribution of HPV types in women from Mexico City. Methods. Our study was conducted in the Clinica de Especialidades de la Mujer de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, Mexico. Random samples were taken from 929 healthy women requesting a cervical Papanicolaou examination. Detection and genotyping of HPV were performed by multiplex PCR, with the HPV4A ACE Screening kit (Seegene. Results. 85 of nine hundred twenty-nine women (9.1% were infected with HPV. Of HPV-positive women, 99% and 1% had high- and low-risk HPV genotypes, respectively. The prevalence of the 16 high-risk (HR HPV types that were screened was 43% : 42% (18 were HPV positive and 14% (16 were HPV positive, which includes coinfection. Multiple infections with different viral genotypes were detected in 10% of the positive cases. Abnormal cervical cytological results were found in only 15.3% of HPV-positive women, while 84.7% had normal cytological results. Conclusions. We found a similar prevalence of HPV to previous studies in Mexico. The heterogeneity of the HPV genotype distribution in Mexico is evident in this study, which found a high frequency of HPV HR genotypes, the majority of which were HPV 18.

  9. Reconstruction of segmented human voxel phantoms for skin dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antunes, Paula C.G.; Siqueira, Paulo de Tarso D.; Yoriyaz, Helio; Fonseca, Gabriel P.; Reis, Gabriela; Furnari, Laura


    High-resolution medical images along with methods that simulate the interaction of radiation with matter, as the Monte Carlo radiation transport codes, have been widely used in medical physics procedures. These images provide the construction of realistic anatomical models, which after being coupled to these codes, may drive to better assessments of dose distributions on the patient. These anatomical models constructed from medical images are known as voxel phantoms (voxel - volume element of an image). Present day regular images are unsuitable to correctly perform skin dose distribution evaluations. This inability is due to improper skin discrimination in most of the current medical images, once its thickness stands below the resolution of the pixels that form the image. This paper proposes the voxel phantom reconstruction by subdividing and segmenting the elements that form the phantom. It is done in order to better discriminate the skin by assigning it more adequate thickness and actual location, allowing a better dosimetric evaluation of the skin. This task is an important issue in many radiotherapy procedures. Particular interest lays in Total Skin Irradiation (TSI) with electron beams, where skin dose evaluation stands as the treatment key point of the whole body irradiation. This radiotherapy procedure is under implementation at the Hospital das Clinicas da Universidade de Sao Paulo (HC-USP). (author)

  10. Analisi comparativa della dieta di alcuni carnivori opportunisti (Vulpes vulpes, Martes foina, Meles meles in Europa

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    Anna Maria De Marinis


    Full Text Available L'ecologia alimentare della volpe, del tasso ed in misura minore della faina è stata ampiamente studiata in diverse aree comprese all'interno degli areali di queste 3 specie. La variazione geografica delle abitudini alimentari di questi carnivori definiti opportunisti è al contrario decisamente poco nota. Scopo del presente lavoro è la descrizione della variazione della dieta di faina, tasso e volpe attraverso l'Europa ed in secondo luogo l'analisi comparativa delle strategie alimentari adottate da questi carnivori. Sono stati analizzati 19 studi per la volpe, 11 per la faina e 23 per il tasso. Sono stati presi in considerazione soltanto gli studi della durata di almeno un anno nei quali la composizione della dieta, determinata tramite analisi delle feci, fosse espressa in percentuale di volume o biomassa e le categorie alimentari fossero dettagliatamente descritte. Gli studi sono stati divisi in gruppi in base alla regione climatica di appartenenza (mediterranea, centroeuropea, atlantica e boreale. Le categorie alimentari utilizzate nell'analisi della variabilità geografica sono: mammiferi, uccelli, anfibi, artropodi, lombrichi, altro animale, frutta, cereali, rifiuti. L'analisi delle componenti principali, condotta separatamente sulle 3 specie, ha consentito l'individuazione su di un grafico bidimensionale di due gruppi riferibili all'Europa centro-settentrionale ed alla regione mediterranea, con una percentuale di variabilità spiegata > 76% per ognuna delle 3 specie. La composizione della dieta del primo gruppo risulta caratterizzata da elevate percentuali di mammiferi e secondariamente uccelli per la volpe, uccelli ed altro animale per la faina e lombrichi, cereali ed anfibi per il tasso. La composizione della dieta nella regione mediterranea risulta invece caratterizzata da elevate percentuali di artropodi e frutta per tutte e 3 le specie di carnivori. L'analisi dicriminante ha consentito di differenziare gli studi condotti in ambiente

  11. ARE: Ada Rendering Engine

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    Stefano Penge


    Full Text Available E' ormai pratica diffusa, nello sviluppo di applicazioni web, l'utilizzo di template e di potenti template engine per automatizzare la generazione dei contenuti da presentare all'utente. Tuttavia a volte la potenza di tali engine è€ ottenuta mescolando logica e interfaccia, introducendo linguaggi diversi da quelli di descrizione della pagina, o addirittura inventando nuovi linguaggi dedicati.ARE (ADA Rendering Engine è€ pensato per gestire l'intero flusso di creazione del contenuto HTML/XHTML dinamico, la selezione del corretto template, CSS, JavaScript e la produzione dell'output separando completamente logica e interfaccia. I templates utilizzati sono puro HTML senza parti in altri linguaggi, e possono quindi essere gestiti e visualizzati autonomamente. Il codice HTML generato è€ uniforme e parametrizzato.E' composto da due moduli, CORE (Common Output Rendering Engine e ALE (ADA Layout Engine.Il primo (CORE viene utilizzato per la generazione OO degli elementi del DOM ed è pensato per aiutare lo sviluppatore nella produzione di codice valido rispetto al DTD utilizzato. CORE genera automaticamente gli elementi del DOM in base al DTD impostato nella configurazioneIl secondo (ALE viene utilizzato come template engine per selezionare automaticamente in base ad alcuni parametri (modulo, profilo utente, tipologia del nodo, del corso, preferenze di installazione il template HTML, i CSS e i file JavaScript appropriati. ALE permette di usare templates di default e microtemplates ricorsivi per semplificare il lavoro del grafico.I due moduli possono in ogni caso essere utilizzati indipendentemente l'uno dall'altro. E' possibile generare e renderizzare una pagina HTML utilizzando solo CORE oppure inviare gli oggetti CORE al template engine ALE che provvede a renderizzare la pagina HTML. Viceversa è possibile generare HTML senza utilizzare CORE ed inviarlo al template engine ALECORE è alla prima release ed è€ già utilizzato all

  12. Morphological identification of the Soprano Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus Leach, 1825 in Croatia.

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    Igor Pavlinić


    Full Text Available Abstract After the discovery of two different phonic types within the common pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus, mtDNA analysis confirmed the existence of two separate species named as common pipistrelle (P. pipistrellus and soprano pipistrelle (P. pygmaeus. The discrimination of these two cryptic species using external characters and measures has proved to be somewhat problematic. We examined two colonies of soprano pipistrelle from Donji Miholjac, Croatia. As a result, only two characters proved to be of help for field identification: wing venation (89% of cases and penis morphology and colour for males. The difference in length between the 2nd and 3rd phalanxes of the 3rd finger should be discarded as diagnostic trait between P. pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus in Croatia. Riassunto Identificazione su basi morfologiche del pipistrello pigmeo (Pipistrellus pygmeaus, Leach, 1825 in Croazia. A seguito della descrizione di due differenti "tipi fonici" nel pipistrello nano (Pipistrellus pipistrellus e della successiva conferma su basi genetiche dell'esistenza di due specie distinte, designate come pipistrello nano (P. pipistrellus e pipistrello pigmeo (P. pygmaeus, la distinzione delle due specie in base a caratteristiche morfologiche esterne si è dimostrata un problema di difficile soluzione. Sulla base delle caratteristiche distintive e delle differenze biometriche proposte da altri Autori, sono state esaminate due colonie di pipistrello pigmeo a Donji Miholjac, in Croazia. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano che, tra tutti i potenziali caratteri sinora proposti, solo due risultano utili per un'identificazione diretta sul campo: la venatura delle ali, risultata utile alla discriminazione nell'89% degli esemplari analizzati, e la colorazione e morfologia del pene nei maschi. La


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    Ilaria Sacchini


    Full Text Available L’insegnamento dell’italiano all’estero si colloca all’interno di un contesto specifico che deve essere tenuto in considerazione al momento della pianificazione di un corso di italiano LS. Dopo una analisi delle specifiche caratteristiche dell’ambiente universitario americano e delle difficoltà che lo studente incontra nell’apprendimento della lingua italiana in relazione alla sua lingua madre, l’attenzione si focalizza poi sul libro di testo, strumento fondamentale per lo studio e l’insegnamento/apprendimento della lingua straniera. Avanti!, manuale di lingua italiana utilizzato nei corsi di lingua italiana presso un’università americana, viene analizzato dal punto di vista glottodidattico attraverso una descrizione e una valutazione dettagliata della sua struttura, degli obiettivi linguistico- comunicativi e dei materiali didattici presenti, con particolare attenzione alla tipologia degli esercizi, nonché alla varietà di italiano presentata. Infine, vengono elencate alcune attività extra a completamento del corso di italiano da proporre agli studenti per un loro più ampio coinvolgimento nella lingua e nella cultura italiana.     Italian lessons for american english-speaking students: the importance of the textbook   Teaching Italian abroad takes place in a specific context which needs to be considered in planning Italian as a Foreign Language courses.  After analyzing the specific characteristics of the American university environment and the difficulty students have in learning the Italian language in comparison to their mother tongue, attention is focused on the textbook used, a fundamental tool for the study and learning/teaching of a foreign language. Avanti! is the textbook utilized in Italian language courses in American universities.  It is analyzed from a glottodidactic point of view through the detailed description and evaluation of its structure, the linguistic-communicative objectives and the didactic

  14. An assessment of econometric models applied to fossil fuel power generation; Un'analisi critica dell'applicazione dei modelli econometrici alla generazione termoelettrica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gracceva, F.; Quercioli, R. [ENEA, Funzione Centrale Studi, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    The main purpose of this report is to provide a general view of those studies, in which the econometric approach is applied to the selection of fuel in fossil fired power generation, focusing the attention to the key role played by the fuel prices. The report consists of a methodological analysis and a survey of the studies available in literature. The methodological analysis allows to assess the adequateness of the econometric approach, in the electrical power utilities policy. With this purpose, the fundamentals of microeconomics, which are the basis of the econometric models, are pointed out and discussed, and then the hypotheses, which are needed to be assumed for complying the economic theory, are verified in their actual implementation in the power generation sector. The survey of the available studies provides a detailed description of the Translog and Logit models, and the results achieved with their application. From these results, the estimated models show to fit the data with good approximation, a certain degree of interfuel substitution and a meaningful reaction to prices on demand side. [Italian] In questo rapporto viene tracciato un quadro generale degli studi che utilizzano modelli econometrici per analizzare la scelta dei combustibili nella termogenerazione, con particoalre attenzione al ruolo svolto dal prezzo dei combustibili. La trattazione si compone di un'analisi di tipo metodologico e di una rassegna della letteratura. L'analisi metodologica consente di valutare l'adeguatezza dell'approccio econometrico nell'analisi del comportamento delle imprese di generazione elettrica. A tal fine vengono esplicitati e discussi i fondamenti microeconomici su cui poggiano i modelli econometrici, e viene verificata la sussistenza, nel settore termoelettrico, delle ipotesi che e' necessario assumere per soddisfare la teoria economica. La rassegna fornisce invece una descrizione dei modelli translog e logit lineare, ed un

  15. Contribution of the mobile remote sensing laboratory to the 16. Antarctic expedition. Preliminary results; 16. Campagna oceanografica antartica. Attivita' del laboratorio di telerilevamento laser

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Colao, F.; Fantoni, R.; Palucci, A. [ENEA, Dipartimento Innovazione, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Rome (Italy)


    'analisi delle acque attraversate. Nel presente rapporto viene fornita una descrizione della situazione ambientale incontrata durante la navigazioen e vengono riportati i risultati preliminari elaborati in forma di mappe tematiche delle differenti sostanze fluorescenti monitorate, insieme alle misure locali di calibrazione.

  16. Instructions for learning Italian in two early modern Dutch travel guides: Delitiae Italiae (1602 and Delitiae Urbis Romae (1625

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    José van der Helm


    Full Text Available Istruzioni per imparare l'italiano in due guide di viaggio olandesi della prima età moderna: Delitiae Italiae (1602 e Delitiae Urbis Romae (1625I primi decenni del secolo XVII hanno visto la pubblicazione di due guide di viaggio specificamente destinate a un pubblico neerlandese che intende a viaggiare in Italia. La Delitiae Italiae è stata pubblicata per la prima volta nel 1602, ad Arnhem, essendo un adattamento di un’edizione tedesca pubblicata in occcasione dell’anno giubilare (1600; la Delitiae Urbis Romae appare nel 1625 ad Amsterdam ed offre una descrizione dei luoghi di interesse di Roma includendo una serie di illustrazioni. L’ultima guida risulta anch’essa un adattamento in neerlandese di un’edizione scritta originariamente in latino e pubblicata da Domenicus Custodi ad Augusta (Germania. Le due guide non stanno a sé; esse fanno parte di un corpus di testi di viaggio prodotto dalla metà del Cinquecento in poi: lavori dettagliati che miravano a fornire informazioni su tutti gli aspetti dell’Italia accanto a guide di viaggio compatte, di carattere ibrido, che non descrivono solo i luoghi da visitare, ma vogliono fornire anche informazioni pratiche. Sono guide piccole, pubblicate nel formato comodo in ottavo o in duodecimo, e da paragonare alle guide Lonely Planet, riferimento moderno per i viaggiatori indipendenti. Le due Delitiae descritte in questo articolo entrano chiaramente nellla categoria di guida pratica. Inoltre esse contengono − come parte del loro obiettivo di essere di uso pratico − delle istruzioni per imparare la lingua italiana: una serie di dialoghi in neerlandese-italiano si trova in appendice. Viene analizzato il contenuto di questi dialoghi, nonché il materiale linguistico stesso proveniente da circoli mercantili Quattro- e Cinquecenteschi di Anversa. Infine si ricerca la motivazione degli editori di ripubblicare il materiale mettendolo in un nuovo contesto secentesco: il viaggiatore


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    Annamaria Aquilino


    Full Text Available L’intensità del fenomeno migratorio in Italia suscita una riflessione critica sui bisogni linguistici di un  nuovo pubblico di apprendenti, spinti verso la conoscenza della lingua italiana da una forte esigenza di integrazione sociale. L’articolo presenta l’elaborazione di un questionario come strumento d’indagine essenziale per la rilevazione dei bisogni comunicativi degli immigrati adulti. Progettato nell’ambito di un corso di italiano L2  presso il CTP di Rozzano (Milano e sottoposto a un campione di 24 stranieri, il questionario si  è rivelato molto utile per la definizione del profilo dei singoli apprendenti e dell’intera classe che, caratterizzata da una grande differenziazione, non è sempre facile da gestire. L’interpretazione finale dei dati ha messo in luce non solo gli elementi di diversità ma ha anche permesso di cogliere alcuni tratti omogenei molto interessanti, indispensabili per la programmazione del percorso didattico, che sarà tanto efficace quanto più si adatterà alla realtà psicologica e socio-culturale degli apprendenti.     Questionnaire design to Survey the communicative needs of adult immigrants   Widespread immigration in Italy has brought about critical reflection on the linguistic needs of a new group of learners, highly motivated to learn the Italian language because of their strong need for social integration.  This article presents the designing of a questionnaire as an essential tool for surveying the communicative needs of adult immigrants.  Designed for an Italian L2 course held at the CTP in Rozzano (Milano and administered to 24 foreigners, the questionnaire was very useful for defining the profile of the single learners and the whole class group, which was dissimilar, and thus not the easiest to conduct.  The final interpretation of the data brought to light not only the elements of diversity but they also allowed us to recognize a few interesting common traits, essential for

  18. La injusticia legal como Juez de la adicción que juzgan: una continuidad en la diferencia paradigmática entre Santo Tomás y Habermas

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    Jose Marcos Miné Vanzella


    applicazione con perfezionamento della  ponderazione della procedura argomentativa. Si mostra l’aderenza di Habermas ai temi posti da San Tommaso, come pure la sua attualizzazione critica e la sua interpretazione.

  19. Gender-based violence, stalking and fear of crime: i principali risultati di una ricerca condotta su un campione di studentesse dell’Università di Perugia / Gender-based violence, stalking and fear of crime : les principaux résultats d’une recherche menée à partir d’un échantillon d’étudiantes universitaires de l’Université de Pérouse (Italie / Gender-based violence, stalking and fear of crime: The main results of a research among female students of the University of Perugia

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    Barro Martina


    Full Text Available L’articolo presenta i principali risultati di una ricerca empirica condotta su un campione di studentesse universitarie dell’Università di Perugia. Il questionario verteva su episodi di molestie sessuale, di stalking e di atti sessuali non voluti che potevano essere capitati alle studentesse tanto nell’ambiente universitario che in generale. Oltre ai comportamenti citati, sono stati analizzati i dati sul contesto in cui sono avvenuti i fatti di molestia, sulle reazioni, sulle conseguenze e sul senso di minaccia percepito. Nelle conclusioni l’autrice propone un’interpretazione della rappresentazione sociale della molestia sessuale basata sulla teoria dell’identità sociale e su quella dell’autocategorizzazione del sé.RésuméCet article rend compte des principaux résultats d'une enquête menée à partir d’un échantillon d'étudiantes universitaires de l'Université de Pérouse (Italie. Le questionnaire avait pour objet les épisodes de harcèlement sexuel, de traque furtive (stalking et de violence sexuelle qui pouvaient avoir eu lieu dans le milieu universitaire comme à l’extérieur. En outre, l’auteur analyse le contexte, les réactions, les conséquences et le sentiment de menace perçu par les étudiantes. En conclusion, l’auteur propose une interprétation de la représentation sociale du harcèlement sexuel s’appuyant sur les théories de l'identité sociale et de l'auto-catégorisation.AbstractThis article presents the main results of an empirical research among female students of the University of Perugia (Italy. The questionnaire dealt with sexual harassment, stalking and unwanted sexual acts experienced by the girls inside and outside the university. In addition, contextual data connected to these incidents, the reaction, the consequences and the perceived threat are analysed. Finally, the author proposes an explanation for a social representation of sexual harassment based on Social Identity and Self

  20. Treatment of cutaneous tumors with topical 5% imiquimod cream

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    Sabrina Sisto Alessi


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: There are various approaches to the treatment of cutaneous tumors; one of them is treatment with imiquimod, a synthetic toll-like receptor agonist with a low molecular weight that offers a topical, noninvasive, and non-surgical therapeutic option. The main objective of our study was to provide data on 89 patients who used a 5% imiquimod cream for the treatment of cutaneous tumors at the Cutaneous Oncology Group of the Dermatology Department of Hospital das Clinicas from 2003 to 2008. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Here, we present our experience in the treatment of 123 cutaneous tumors of various types, including basal cell carcinoma (BCC, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC, Bowen's disease, erythroplasia of Queyrat, Paget's disease, and trichoepithelioma, with 5% imiquimod cream from 2003 to 2008 in the Cutaneous Oncology Group of the Dermatology Department of Hospital das Clinicas. Patients were divided into two separate groups according to their diagnosis and comorbidities; these comorbidities included epidermodysplasia verruciformis, xeroderma pigmentosum, albinism, basal cell nevus syndrome, Brooke-Spiegler syndrome, HIV, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, B-cell lymphoma, and kidney transplantation. Treatment duration, response to imiquimod, follow-up, recurrence, and local and systemic reactions associated with use of the drug were analyzed. Epidemiological data were obtained and cure rates were calculated. RESULTS: The ratio of women to men was 1.28:1, and the mean age was 63.1 years. Tumors were located mainly on the face, back, trunk, and legs. For patients with comorbidities, the overall cure rate was 38%. These specific patients demonstrated cure rates of 83.5% for superficial BCC and 50% for Bowen's disease. Aggressive BCC and superficial and nodular BCC did not present a good response to treatment. Trichoepitheliomas and nodular BCC showed a partial response, and erythroplasia of Queyrat showed a complete response. For patients without

  1. Endoscopic, epidemiologic and clinic characterization of the colorectal cancer in geriatric patients;Caracterizacion clinica, epidemiologica y endoscopica del cancer colorrectal en pacientes geriatricos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Umpierrez Garcia, Ibis [Hospital Militar Docente ' Dr Mario Munnoz Monroy' , Matanzas (Cuba); Norma, Herrera Hernandez [Hospital Universitario Clinico-Quirurgico ' Cmdte Faustino Perez Hernandez' Matanzas (Cuba); Hernandez Ortega, Ania [Hospital Territorial Docente ' Mario Munnoz Monroy' , Municipio de Colon, Matanzas (Cuba)


    The colorectal cancer is a serious health problem because of its high incidence. In Cuba, this disease is the fourth neoplasm in order of frequency with a rate of 17.1 per 100 000 inhabitants. With the objective of determining the precocious diagnosis of this complaint we carried out a prospective, longitudinal and descriptive study among geriatric patients with colorectal disease assisting to consultation at the policlinic 'Carlos Verdugo' of Matanzas in the period from January 2006 to December 2007. The studied parameters were age, genre, risk facts, presentation forms, localization, and endoscopic diagnosis of the disease. The results showed predominance of female sex (52,1 %), in ages from 60 to 69 years old (59.3 %), predominating risk facts like familiar antecedents (13,5 %), idiopathic ulcerative colitis (8.1 %), and an inadequate diet (35.1 %). The most used diagnostic method was colonoscopy (18 patients), with predominance of the rectosigmoidal cancer (15 cases), being the polypoid one the most common endoscopic kind (13 %). We concluded that generally there is not a precocious diagnosis of the colorectal cancer among geriatric patients, leading to a decrease of the healing possibilities and surviving of these patients

  2. Small vessel vasculitis History, classification, etiology, histopathology, clinic, diagnosis and treatment; Vasculitis de pequenos vasos. Historia, clasificacion, etiologia, histopatologia, clinica, diagnostico y tratamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Iglesias Gamarra, Antonio; Matteson, Eric L; Restrepo, Jose Felix


    Small-vessel vasculitis is a convenient descriptor for a wide range of diseases characterized by vascular inflammation of the venules, capillaries, and/or arterioles with pleomorphic clinical manifestations. The classical clinical phenotype is leucocytoclastic vasculitis with palpable purpura, but manifestations vary widely depending upon the organs involved. Histopathologic examination in leucocytoclastic vasculitis reveals angiocentric segmental inflammation, fibrinoid necrosis, and a neutrophilic infiltrate around the blood vessel walls with erythrocyte extravasation. The etiology of small-vessel vasculitis is unknown in many cases, but in others, drugs, post viral syndromes, malignancy, primary vasculitis such as microscopic polyarteritis, and connective tissue disorders are associated, The diagnosis of small- vessel vasculitis relies on a thorough history and physical examination, as well as relevant antibody testing including antinuclear antibody and anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, hepatitis B and C serologies, assessment of complement, immunoglobulins, blood count, serum creatinine liver function tests, urinalysis, radiographic imaging and biopsy. The treatment is based primarily on corticosteroid and immunosuppressive agents.

  3. Existe diferença no estadiamento entre doentes operados de câncer colorretal no sistema previdenciário e na clinica privada?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Cuiabano Paes Leme

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar se existe diferença no estadiamento de doentes submetidos à ressecção intestinal por câncer colorretal no sistema previdenciário e na clínica privada. MÉTODO: Foram estudados de forma retrospectiva 41 doentes (16 homens e 25 mulheres com idade média de 59,4 anos operados no sistema previdenciário (SP e 33 doentes (18 homens e 15 mulheres com idade média de 60,8 anos operados na clínica privada (CP. Foram avaliados o estadiamento TNM, a frequência de operações de urgência, de operações paliativas e do uso de colostomia. RESULTADOS: Não se observou diferença entre o estadiamento dos dois grupos. A frequência de operações de urgência foi 26,8% no SP e 12,1% na CP (p=0,100. As operações paliativas ( 19,5% SP x 6,1% CP e o uso de colostomia ( 26,8 SP X 15,2 CP foram maiores no sistema previdenciário porém os valores não foram estatisticamente significantes, valores de p=0,087 e p=0,352 respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Não há diferença significante entre o estadiamento TNM de doentes operados no sistema previdenciário e privado.

  4. Pilot plant SERSE: Description and results of the experimental tests under treatment of simulated chemical liquid waste; L'impianto pilota SERSE: Descrizione e risultati delle prove sperimentali del trattamento chimico di un rifiuto liquido simulato

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Calle, C; Gili, M; Luce, A; Marrocchelli, A; Pietrelli, L; Troiani, F [ENEA - Dipartimento Ciclo del Combustibile, Centro Ricerche Energia, Casaccia (Italy)


    The chemical processes for the selective separation of the actinides and long lived fission products from aged liquid wastes is described. The SERSE pilot plant is a cold facility which has been designed, by ENEA, for the engineering scale demonstration of the chemical separation processes. The experimental tests carried out in the plant are described and the results confirm the laboratory data. (author)

  5. Radiographic changes of the pelvis in Labrador and Golden Retrievers after juvenile pubic symphysiodesis: objective and subjective evaluation. (United States)

    Boiocchi, S; Vezzoni, L; Vezzoni, A; Bronzo, V; Rossi, F


    The hypothesis of this study was that juvenile pubic symphysiodesis (JPS) results in pelvic changes that can be identified radiographically in adult dogs. The medical records at the Clinica Veterinaria Vezzoni were searched for standard ventro-dorsal views of the pelvis of adult Labrador and Golden Retrievers that had undergone JPS or had not undergone surgery. The objective assessment of radiographs included the analysis of various pelvic measurements. Subjective evaluation of radiographs was undertaken by 18 specialists and 21 general practitioners and was based on five criteria relating to 1) the acetabular fossae, 2) the pubic symphysis, 3) the margin of the cranial pubic area, 4) the pubic rami, and 5) the obturator foramen. The radiographs of 42 Labrador Retrievers and 16 Golden Retrievers were evaluated. The most useful criteria were the radiographic measurement of the shape of the obturator foramen and two different ratios of length to width of the pubic rami; these values were significantly smaller in dogs after JPS. The pelvic canal width was the same in both groups. All objective measurements were repeatable within and between evaluators. The most reliable subjective criterion was number 4, followed by number 5 in Golden Retrievers and by 2 in Labrador Retrievers. Our objective and subjective evaluations were simple and yielded useful and repeatable results. There was no significant difference between general practitioners and specialists with regard to subjective evaluation, which indicates that these evaluation criteria can be used by small animal clinicians after minimal training.

  6. Study of the correlation of brainstem auditory evoked potentials and magnetic resonance imaging in children with spastic cerebral palsy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fobe, Lisete Pessoa de Oliveira


    Central auditory evaluation in 21 children with cerebral palsy was done with brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) and correlated with brain magnetic resonance imaging findings (MRI); 12 boys and 9 girls between 5 and 12 years old were studied. All children had follow-up at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo. The control group was done with 17 children, 10 boys and 7 girls (mean age 8.06 years, SD 2.27 years). The BAEP abnormalities were: decrease of latency of wave V; decrease of latency III-V and I-IV intervals at the right side. All patients has MRI supratentorial abnormalities and 11 had brainstem atrophy. The MRI pathologic findings were: ventricular enlargement (n=17 or 80.95%), cortical/subcortical atrophy (n=15 or 71.42%), left brainstem atrophy (n=11 or 52.38%), periventricular leukomalacia (n=10 or 47.61%), infarction in the left middle cerebral artery territory (n=6 or 28.57%), and malformations such as schizencephaly and colpocephaly (n=5 or 23.80%). The findings of the decrease latencies in children with cerebral palsy suggest the contribution of decussating auditory fibers at the lower and upper pons and midbrain, the lack of homogeneity of the surrounding volume of the conductor fibres and the presence of several concurrently active potential generators sources, should be facilitating mechanisms for the nervous input to brainstem. (author)

  7. Study of the correlation of brainstem auditory evoked potentials and magnetic resonance imaging in children with spastic cerebral palsy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fobe, Lisete Pessoa de Oliveira [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina]. E-mail:


    Central auditory evaluation in 21 children with cerebral palsy was done with brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP) and correlated with brain magnetic resonance imaging findings (MRI); 12 boys and 9 girls between 5 and 12 years old were studied. All children had follow-up at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo. The control group was done with 17 children, 10 boys and 7 girls (mean age 8.06 years, SD 2.27 years). The BAEP abnormalities were: decrease of latency of wave V; decrease of latency III-V and I-IV intervals at the right side. All patients has MRI supratentorial abnormalities and 11 had brainstem atrophy. The MRI pathologic findings were: ventricular enlargement (n=17 or 80.95%), cortical/subcortical atrophy (n=15 or 71.42%), left brainstem atrophy (n=11 or 52.38%), periventricular leukomalacia (n=10 or 47.61%), infarction in the left middle cerebral artery territory (n=6 or 28.57%), and malformations such as schizencephaly and colpocephaly (n=5 or 23.80%). The findings of the decrease latencies in children with cerebral palsy suggest the contribution of decussating auditory fibers at the lower and upper pons and midbrain, the lack of homogeneity of the surrounding volume of the conductor fibres and the presence of several concurrently active potential generators sources, should be facilitating mechanisms for the nervous input to brainstem. (author)

  8. Rifaximin in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy

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    Iadevaia MD


    Full Text Available Maddalena Diana Iadevaia, Anna Del Prete, Claudia Cesaro, Laura Gaeta, Claudio Zulli, Carmelina LoguercioDepartment of Internistica Clinica e Sperimentale, F Magrassi e A Lanzara, Hepatogastroenterology Unit, Second University of Naples, Naples, ItalyAbstract: Hepatic encephalopathy is a challenging complication in patients with advanced liver disease. It can be defined as a neuropsychiatric syndrome caused by portosystemic venous shunting, ranging from minimal to overt hepatic encephalopathy or coma. Its pathophysiology is still unclear, although increased levels of ammonia play a key role. Diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy is currently based on specific tests evaluating the neuropsychiatric state of patients and their quality of life; the severity of hepatic encephalopathy is measured by the West Haven criteria. Treatment of hepatic encephalopathy consists of pharmacological and corrective measures, as well as nutritional interventions. Rifaximin received approval for the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy in 2010 because of its few side effects and pharmacological benefits. The aim of this work is to review the use and efficacy of rifaximin both in acute and long-term management of hepatic encephalopathy. Treatment of overt hepatic encephalopathy involves management of the acute episode as well as maintenance of remission in those patients who have previously experienced an episode, in order to improve their quality of life. The positive effect of rifaximin in reducing health care costs is also discussed.Keywords: acute hepatic encephalopathy, recurrent hepatic encephalopathy, rifaximin, lactulose, cost, health-related quality of life

  9. Correlation studies between serum concentrations of zinc and lipoproteins

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saiki, Mitiko; Alves, Edson R.; Vasconcellos, M.B.A. [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)], e-mail:, e-mail:, e-mail:; Sumita, Nairo M. [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Hospital das Clinicas.Central Lab. Division and Laboratories of Medical Investigation (LIM-03)], e-mail:; Jaluul, Omar; Jacob-Filho, Wilson [Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP), SP (Brazil). Faculdade de Medicina], e-mail:,


    In this study, serum zinc and lipoprotein concentrations were determined in order to assess the health status of an elderly population residing in Sao Paulo city, SP, Brazil. This population consisted of elderly considered healthy and participating of a 'Successful Ageing' program of the Sao Paulo University Medical School. Fasting blood samples were collected from 87 elderly individuals (63 females and 24 males) aged 60-91 and mean age of 72 +- 7 years. Zn concentrations were determined by neutron activation analysis at the IPEN/CNEN/ SP and, the lipoprotein (HDL, LDL and total cholesterol) concentrations were determined using routine analysis methods of the Central Laboratory Division, Hospital das Clinicas, FMUSP. Results obtained for Zn indicated that all the individuals presented this element within the recommended value. For total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol concentrations, 96 % of elderly presented levels within the desired range but for LDL cholesterol concentrations only about 70.0 % of individuals were in the desired range. Serum concentration of Zn were positively correlated to LDL-cholesterol levels (correlation coefficient r = 0.21, p < 0.06). Furthermore, the ratios of [HDL-cholesterol] / [LDL-cholesterol] were negatively correlated with Zn concentrations (r = - 0.234, p < 0.04). The positive correlation found between the serum concentrations of Zn and LDL-cholesterol indicates the possible effect of this element in serum lipoprotein profiles. Thus ,these findings suggest that more investigations should be conducted on Zn supplementation in elderly subjects with cardiovascular diseases. (author)

  10. Incidence and risk factors for central nervous system relapse in children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (United States)

    Cancela, Camila Silva Peres; Murao, Mitiko; Viana, Marcos Borato; de Oliveira, Benigna Maria


    Background Despite all the advances in the treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, central nervous system relapse remains an important obstacle to curing these patients. This study analyzed the incidence of central nervous system relapse and the risk factors for its occurrence in children and adolescents with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Methods This study has a retrospective cohort design. The studied population comprised 199 children and adolescents with a diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia followed up at Hospital das Clinicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (HC-UFMG) between March 2001 and August 2009 and submitted to the Grupo Brasileiro de Tratamento de Leucemia da Infância - acute lymphoblastic leukemia (GBTLI-LLA-99) treatment protocol. Results The estimated probabilities of overall survival and event free survival at 5 years were 69.5% (± 3.6%) and 58.8% (± 4.0%), respectively. The cumulative incidence of central nervous system (isolated or combined) relapse was 11.0% at 8 years. The estimated rate of isolated central nervous system relapse at 8 years was 6.8%. In patients with a blood leukocyte count at diagnosis ≥ 50 x 109/L, the estimated rate of isolated or combined central nervous system relapse was higher than in the group with a count 50 x 109/L at diagnosis seems to be a significant prognostic factor for a higher incidence of central nervous system relapse in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. PMID:23323068

  11. [Practice patterns in Mexican allergologists about skin tests with allergens during 2005-2006]. (United States)

    Larenas Linnemann, Désirée; Fogelbach, Guillermo Arturo Guidos; Cruz, Alfredo Arias


    Immunotherapy has been practiced since over a hundred years. The exact composition of the immunotherapy concentrate, with which the patient is treated, depends partly on the results of the skin prick tests applied to the allergic patient. As such, the effectiveness of the immunotherapy depends heavily on the quality of the skin prick test. The detailed recommendations for the realization of the skin prick tests have evolved and changed over the years, leading to multiple variations in its application in Mexico. We tried to get a picture of the daily practice patterns of the members of CMICA and CoMPedIA concerning the application of skin prick tests. Aquestionnaire was sent in various occasions to all members of the Colegio Mexicano de Inmunologia Clinica y Alergia (CMICA) and of the Colegio Mexicano de Pediatras, Especialistas en Inmunologia y Alergia (CoMPedIA). The results are presented descriptively and by calculation of the frequency/percentages of intervals of replies, in the case of numerical responses. A response rate of 61 (17%) was obtained of the College members, showing consistency in some replies but a wide variation in others, for example in the time certain medication has to be suspended before the execution of the skin prick test. Comparing the replies obtained with recent recommendations in international publications, some discrepancy can be detected. In some aspects of the survey there is coincidence of the skin test practices among the participants; however, in other items there is an important variation.

  12. An outstanding female figure in the history of occupational health: Ersilia Majno Bronzini. (United States)

    Salerno, Silvana


    Starting with the obituary "Ersilia Majno Bronzini: an outstanding female figure in Occupational Health", probably written by Luigi Devoto and published in the journal La Medicina del Lavoro (1933), a reappraisal is made of Majno Bronzini's contribution to occupational health. Most references were collected from the archives of the journal Il Lavoro (1901), the archives of the association "Union of Women", the periodical founded by Majno Bronzini (1899) and other material. Majno Bronzini's selected published papers (1895, 1900, 1902) on the working conditions of women and child labour proposing a national occupational health law were found. The importance of a women's network for occupational health is also shown in Majno Bronzini's correspondence with Anna Celli Frantzel and Maria Montessori. In 1902 Angelo Celli officially congratulated Majno Bronzini's (and Anne Kuliscioff's) efforts to promulgate the first law on women and child labour during his speech before the Italian Parliament, published by II Lavoro. Majno Bronzini and Nina Rignano Sullam were the only two women participating in the First International Congress on Occupational Health in Milan (1906). The correspondence between Majno Bronzini and Devoto (1901-1933) and Devoto's formal acknowledgement of Majno Bronzini (1910) when inaugurating the new "Clinica del Lavoro" institute is well documented. Majno Bronzini dedicated a significant part of her life to occupational health, together with Anna Celli Frantzel and Maria Montessori along with many others. This research shows how important her contribution was to occupational health development.

  13. A novel method of placing right ventricular leads in patients with persistent left superior vena cava using a conventional j stylet. (United States)

    Mora, Guillermo


    Locating pacemaker electrodes can become complicated by congenital abnormalities such as persistent left superior vena cava (LSVC). To evaluate a technique for the implanting of ventricular electrode in patients with persistent LSVC. The study was carried out from June 2001 to June 2010 involving all patients who were admitted to the Hospital Universitario Mayor, Instituto de Corazon de Bogota and Hospital Universitario Clinica San Rafael (Bogota-Colombia) for implanting pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators. LSVC was diagnosed by fluoroscopic observation (anterior-posterior view) of the course of the stylet. Four steps were followed: 1) Move the electrode with a straight stylet to the right atrium. 2) Change the straight stylet by a conventional J stylet and push the electrode to the lateral or anterolateral wall of the right atrium. 3) Remove the guide 3-5 cm and 4) Push the electrode which crosses the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle and finally deploy the active fixation mechanism. A total of 1198 patients were admitted for pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator implant during the 9-year study period, 1114 received a left subclavian venous approach. There were 573 males and 541 females. Persistent LSVC was found in five patients (0.45%) Fluoroscopy time for implanting the ventricular electrode ranged from 60 to 250 seconds, 40 to 92 minutes being taken to complete the whole procedure. We present a simple and rapid technique for electrode placement in patients with LSVC using usual J guide and active fixation electrodes with high success.

  14. Evaluation of the Olympus AU-510 analyser. (United States)

    Farré, C; Velasco, J; Ramón, F


    The selective multitest Olympus AU-510 analyser was evaluated according to the recommendations of the Comision de Instrumentacion de la Sociedad Española de Quimica Clinica and the European Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. The evaluation was carried out in two stages: an examination of the analytical units and then an evaluation in routine work conditions. The operational characteristics of the system were also studied.THE FIRST STAGE INCLUDED A PHOTOMETRIC STUDY: dependent on the absorbance, the inaccuracy varies between +0.5% to -0.6% at 405 nm and from -5.6% to 10.6% at 340 nm; the imprecision ranges between -0.22% and 0.56% at 405 nm and between 0.09% and 2.74% at 340 nm. Linearity was acceptable, apart from a very low absorbance for NADH at 340 nm; and the imprecision of the serum sample pipetter was satisfactory.TWELVE SERUM ANALYTES WERE STUDIED UNDER ROUTINE CONDITIONS: glucose, urea urate, cholesterol, triglycerides, total bilirubin, creatinine, phosphate, iron, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transferase.The within-run imprecision (CV%) ranged from 0.67% for phosphate to 2.89% for iron and the between-run imprecision from 0.97% for total bilirubin to 7.06% for iron. There was no carryover in a study of the serum sample pipetter. Carry-over studies with the reagent and sample pipetters shows some cross contamination in the iron assay.

  15. Profile of the newly graduated physicians in southern Brazil and their professional insertion. (United States)

    Purim, Kátia Sheylla Malta; Borges, Luiza DE Martino Cruvinel; Possebom, Ana Carolina


    Knowledge of the profile and professional integration of new graduates enables adjustments in medical education. This study evaluated 107 graduates from a private institution in the Brazilian South region, using a self-administered electronic questionnaire. There were similar participation of young physicians of both genders and higher male concentration in general surgery. Graduates are inserted in the public and private labor market. Most do extra shifts in emergency services and trauma surgery, where there is greater need for clinical and surgical skills. These findings suggest that adequate surgical training during graduation is critical to employability. RESUMO O conhecimento do perfil e inserção profissional dos recém-formados possibilita ajustes na educação médica. Este estudo avaliou 107 egressos de instituição privada no sul do país, utilizando questionário eletrônico autoaplicável. Houve participação similar de jovens de ambos os sexos e maior concentração masculina na área de cirurgia geral. Os egressos estão inseridos no mercado de trabalho público e privado. A maioria faz plantões extras em serviços de emergência e cirurgia do trauma, onde há maior necessidade de habilidades clinicas e cirúrgica. Esses achados apontam que a formação cirúrgica adequada durante a graduação é fundamental para a empregabilidade.

  16. Effect of the combination of basic fibroblast growth factor and cysteine on corneal epithelial healing after photorefractive keratectomy in patients affected by myopia

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    Alessandro Meduri


    Full Text Available Background: This study sought to evaluate the effect of basic fibroblast growth factor eye drops and cysteine oral supplements on corneal healing in patients treated with photorefractive keratectomy (PRK. Materials and Methods: One hundred and twenty patients treated bilaterally with PRK for myopia were enrolled at one of two eye centers (Clinica Santa Lucia, Bologna, Italy and Department of Ophthalmology, University of Magna Graecia, Catanzaro, Italy and were treated at the former center. Sixty patients included in the study group (Group 1 were treated postoperatively with topical basic fibroblast growth factor plus oral L-cysteine supplements, whereas 60 subjects included in the control group (Group 2 received basic fibroblast growth factor eye drops. We recorded the rate of corneal re-epithelialization and patients were followed-up every 30 days for 6 months. Statistical analyses were performed on the collected data. Results: The eyes in Group 1 demonstrated complete re-epithelialization at Day 5, whereas the eyes in Group 2 achieved this status on Day 6. No side-effects were reported. Conclusions : Patients treated with basic fibroblast growth factor eye drops and L-cysteine oral supplements benefit from more rapid corneal re-epithelialization. In human eyes, this combination treatment appeared to be safe and effective in accelerating corneal surfacing after surgery. Financial Disclosure: No author has any financial or proprietary interest in any material or method used in this study. Trial Registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN73824458.

  17. Segmented phantoms reconstruction for skin dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antunes, Paula C.G.; Siqueira, Paulo T.D.; Yoriyaz, Helio; Fonseca, Gabriel P.; Furnari, Laura; Reis, Gabriela S.


    There are several radio-sensitive skin diseases. Skin dosimetry is a difficult task to be properly performed, not only due to skin extension and small thickness, but also because it is usually submitted to high dose gradients. High-resolution medical images along with methods that simulate the interaction of radiation with matter, as the Monte Carlo radiation transport codes, have been widely used in medical physics procedures. These images provide the construction of realistic computational anatomical models, which after being coupled to these codes, retrieve reliable dosimetric assessments. However, present day regular images are unsuitable to correctly perform skin dose distribution evaluations. This inability is due to improper skin discrimination in most of current medical images, once its thickness stands below image resolution, i.e. pixel characteristic sizes are larger than skin thickness. This paper proposes a methodology of voxelized phantom reconstruction and segmentation, by subdividing their basic elements - voxels. It is done in order to better discriminate the skin by assigning more adequate value for skin thickness and its actual localization. Aiming at a more realistic skin modeling one is expected to get more accurate skin dose evaluations. This task is an important issue in many radiotherapy procedures. A particular interest lays in Total Skin Electron Therapy (TSET), which highlights the treatment of the whole body irradiation, a radiotherapy procedure under implementation in the Hospital das Clinicas da Universidade de Sao Paulo (HC-USP). (author)

  18. Spontaneous prematurity in fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a retrospective cohort study about prenatal predictive factors. (United States)

    Barbosa, Bruna Maria Lopes; Rodrigues, Agatha S; Carvalho, Mario Henrique Burlacchini; Bittar, Roberto Eduardo; Francisco, Rossana Pulcineli Vieira; Bernardes, Lisandra Stein


    To evaluate possible predictive factors of spontaneous prematurity in fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). A retrospective cohort study was performed. Inclusion criteria were presence of CDH; absence of fetoscopy; absence of karyotype abnormality; maximum of one major malformation associated with diaphragmatic hernia; ultrasound monitoring at the Obstetrics Clinic of Clinicas Hospital at the University of São Paulo School of Medicine, from January 2001 to October 2014. The data were obtained through the electronic records and ultrasound system of our fetal medicine service. The following variables were analyzed: maternal age, primiparity, associated maternal diseases, smoking, previous spontaneous preterm birth, fetal malformation associated with hernia, polyhydramnios, fetal growth restriction, presence of intrathoracic liver, invasive procedures performed, side of hernia and observed-to- expected lung to head ratio (o/e LHR). On individual analysis, variables were assessed using the Chi-square test and the Mann-Whitney test. A multiple logistic regression model was applied to select variables independently influencing the prediction of preterm delivery. A ROC curve was constructed with the significant variable, identifying the values with best sensitivity and specificity to be suggested for use in clinical practice. Eighty fetuses were evaluated, of which, 21 (26.25%) were premature. O/e LHR was the only factor associated with prematurity (p = 0.020). The ROC curve showed 93% sensitivity with 48.4% specificity for the cutoff of 40%. O/e LHR was the only predictor of prematurity in this sample.

  19. Dose evaluation in occupationally exposed workers through dosimeters ring and wrist type with an anthropomorphic phantom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Palma, R.; Gastelo, E.; Paucar, R.; Tolentino, D.; Herrera, J.; Armas, D.


    In the Nuclear Medicine service of the Clinica San Pablo (Peru), the occupationally exposed workers carried out the preparation and administration of radiopharmaceuticals to patients, so it is vital to measure the equivalent dose to the hands during the procedures in order to optimize the exposure to the ionizing radiation and execute the Radiological Safety Regulation (D.S. No. 009-97-Em) and the standard IR 002.2012 of radiation protection and safety in nuclear medicine. In this paper was designed and built a hand anthropomorphic phantom made of paraffin following the description given for the standard man, later were placed dosimeters ring and wrist type UD-807 model, Panasonic brand. Then we proceeded to irradiate using vial containers of Tc-99 and I-131. The obtained results showed the difference between the equivalent dose obtained among the ring and wrist dosimeter also getting a dose of 153 mSv /year when working with 99m Tc and of 61 mSv /year when working with iodine-131. Was also demonstrated that the ring dosimeter shows the average dose received in the hand with less dispersion. It was found that under the national regulation on Requirements of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety in Medicine article 63, indicates that higher doses of 150 mSv /year the occupationally exposed workers should have hand dosimetry. Finally the individual dose limit of 500 mSv /year in extremities can be overcome if adequate radiation protection standards do not apply. (author)

  20. Screening for pulmonary tuberculosis in Teresópolis, RJ, Brazil: the search for respiratory symptomatic patients in emergency service of "Hospital das Clínicas de Teresópolis Costantino Ottaviano, Fundação Educacional Serra dos Órgãos" A busca ativa de tuberculose pulmonar em Teresópolis, RJ, Brasil: a procura de sintomáticos respiratórios na emergência do Hospital das Clínicas de Teresópolis Costantino Ottaviano, Fundação Educacional Serra dos Órgãos

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    Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study was to investigate the detection percentage of tuberculosis among patients that are respiratory symptomatic (TB suspects. In this work, we present the preliminary results of research carried out at "Hospital das Clínicas de Teresópolis Costantino Ottaviano da Fundação Educacional Serra dos Órgãos (FESO" from November 2003 to April 2004. Among the 40 respiratory symptomatic individuals identified and referred to the Tuberculosis Control Program in Teresópolis, two (5.0% were characterized as smear-positive. These results confirm reports in the literature and underscore the need for and importance of this strategy.Investigar o percentual de detecção de tuberculose entre sintomáticos respiratórios é o objetivo do presente estudo. Nesta nota prévia, apresentam-se os resultados preliminares da pesquisa desenvolvida no Hospital das Clinicas de Teresópolis Costantino Ottaviano da Fundação Educacional Serra dos Órgãos (FESO, de novembro de 2003 a abril de 2004. Dos 40 sintomáticos respiratórios identificados e encaminhados ao Programa de Controle da Tuberculose do município de Teresópolis, dois (5.0% foram caracterizados como bacilíferos. Esses resultados corroboram com os relatos da literatura e confirmam a necessidade e importância desta estratégia.

  1. Correlation studies between serum concentrations of zinc and lipoproteins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saiki, Mitiko; Alves, Edson R.; Vasconcellos, M.B.A.; Sumita, Nairo M.; Jaluul, Omar; Jacob-Filho, Wilson


    In this study, serum zinc and lipoprotein concentrations were determined in order to assess the health status of an elderly population residing in Sao Paulo city, SP, Brazil. This population consisted of elderly considered healthy and participating of a 'Successful Ageing' program of the Sao Paulo University Medical School. Fasting blood samples were collected from 87 elderly individuals (63 females and 24 males) aged 60-91 and mean age of 72 +- 7 years. Zn concentrations were determined by neutron activation analysis at the IPEN/CNEN/ SP and, the lipoprotein (HDL, LDL and total cholesterol) concentrations were determined using routine analysis methods of the Central Laboratory Division, Hospital das Clinicas, FMUSP. Results obtained for Zn indicated that all the individuals presented this element within the recommended value. For total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol concentrations, 96 % of elderly presented levels within the desired range but for LDL cholesterol concentrations only about 70.0 % of individuals were in the desired range. Serum concentration of Zn were positively correlated to LDL-cholesterol levels (correlation coefficient r = 0.21, p < 0.06). Furthermore, the ratios of [HDL-cholesterol] / [LDL-cholesterol] were negatively correlated with Zn concentrations (r = - 0.234, p < 0.04). The positive correlation found between the serum concentrations of Zn and LDL-cholesterol indicates the possible effect of this element in serum lipoprotein profiles. Thus ,these findings suggest that more investigations should be conducted on Zn supplementation in elderly subjects with cardiovascular diseases. (author)

  2. Association of triglycerides and new lipid markers with the incidence of hypertension in a Spanish cohort. (United States)

    Sánchez-Íñigo, Laura; Navarro-González, David; Pastrana-Delgado, Juan; Fernández-Montero, Alejandro; Martínez, J Alfredo


    Triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) are known to be risk factors for cardiovascular disease. However, there has been limited knowledge on the relationship between triglycerides and incident hypertension. The associations of incident hypertension with triglycerides and triglycerides-related indices such as triglycerides to HDL-C ratio (TG/HDL-C) and triglyceride-glucose index (TyG) were evaluated. Data from 3637 participants from the Vascular Metabolic Clinica Universidad Navarra cohort were followed-up during a mean of 8.49 years. A Cox proportional hazard ratio with repeated measures analyses was performed to assess the risk of developing hypertension across the quintiles of triglycerides, TG/HDL-C ratio, and TyG index. The risk of developing hypertension was 47% and 73% greater for those in the fourth and fifth quintiles of triglycerides, after adjusting for age, sex, BMI, cigarette smoking, daily alcohol intake, lifestyle pattern, type 2 diabetes, antiaggregation therapy, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, SBP, and DBP. In men, those in the top quintile of triglycerides, TG/HDL-C ratio or TyG index were two times more likely to develop hypertension than those in the bottom quintile. In women, the effect was attenuated although the risk of hypertension rose with increasing quintiles (P for trend triglycerides-related variables and incident hypertension independently of adiposity. This association was stronger than those observed for other commonly used lipid parameters or lipid ratios, such as the TC/HDL-C ratio. :

  3. Confrontation with the threat of breast cancer: first results of a prospective study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Earela, B.; Caporale, B.; Galain, A.; Viera, M.; Delgado, L.; Bailer, H.; Grulke, N.; Bernardi, N.


    Introduction: The process of adaptation to cancer begins to develop before the suspected of having this disease. Coping strategies can affect on mental illness and treatment adherence. Objective: We will compare the coping strategies used by women according to the likelihood of cancer according to the results of their mammograms. We also seek to detect differences in coping between women who eventually receive a positive diagnosis, and those which do not present pathology. Methods: Patients sent from services were interviewed mammographic screening at Hospital de Clinicas to complete their diagnostic studies, also administered the HADS and POMS questionnaires. interviews were recorded and analyzed according to Ulm Coping Manual. Results: The sample consisted of 377 patients (mean age: 47.93, range: 17-84, SD: 11.22). The mammographic results or were divided into 3 groups according clinical symptoms. Women who had a BIRADS 4 or 5 showed higher Resignation use as coping (p = .001) and less use of Acceptance active (p = 0.003). 10% of women (n = 37) received a positive diagnosis. Resignation was used by 49% of these patients, compared to 30% of healthy (p = 0.041). 51% of women without cancer Acceptance actively used, compared 24% of cancer patients (p = .003). The strategy most used by women without cancer was active acceptance (20%), while the most used cancer patients was the active avoidance (11%). conclusions: Resignation was more used by women who were diagnosed positive, while the Acceptance showed the opposite trend

  4. Hepatic progenitors for liver disease: current position

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    Alice Conigliaro


    Full Text Available Alice Conigliaro1, David A Brenner2, Tatiana Kisseleva21University “La Sapienza”, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Cellulari ed Ematologia Policlinico Umberto I, V Clinica Medica, Rome, Italy; 2Department of Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USAAbstract: Liver regeneration restores the original functionality of hepatocytes and cholangiocytes in response to injury. It is regulated on several levels, with different cellular populations contributing to this process, eg, hepatocytes, liver precursor cells, intrahepatic stem cells. In response to injury, mature hepatocytes have the capability to proliferate and give rise to new hepatocytes and cholangiocytes. Meanwhile, liver precursor cells (oval cells have become the most recognized bipotential precursor cells in the damaged liver. They rapidly proliferate, change their cellular composition, and differentiate into hepatocytes and cholangiocytes to compensate for the cellular loss and maintain liver homeostasis. There is a growing body of evidence that oval cells originate from the intrahepatic stem cell(s, which in turn give(s rise to epithelial, including oval cells, and/or other hepatic cells of nonepithelial origin. Since there is a close relationship between the liver and hematopoiesis, bone marrow derived cells can also contribute to liver regeneration by the fusion of myeloid cells with damaged hepatocytes, or differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into hepatocyte-like cells. The current review discusses the contribution of different cells to liver regeneration and their characteristics.Keywords: hepatic progenitor, liver disease, liver precursor cells, oval cells, hepatocytes, intrahepatic stem cells, cholangiocytes

  5. Porous bone radio sterilized chips and their clinical application in vertebral arthrodesis; Chips de hueso esponjoso radioesterilizados y su aplicacion clinica en arthrodesis vertebral

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luna Z, D. [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico); Ortega E, J.; Zayas M, L. A. [Instituto de Salud del Estado de Mexico, Centro Medico Lic. Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Av. Nicolas San Juan s/n, Ex-Hacienda La Magdalena, 50170 Toluca, Estado de Mexico (MX); Diaz M, I., E-mail: [Centro Estatal de Trasplantes del Estado de Mexico, Pablo Sidar No. 602, Col. Universidad, 50130 Toluca, Estado de Mexico (MX)


    The diseases of the muscle-skeletal tissue are the main cause of physical disability which affects in the entire world to millions of people. The bone is part of the muscle-skeletal tissue and the spine is a group of bones that are located in the dorsal part of the human body. At present the spine lesions are varied as those that people suffer when they have automobile accidents of for fallen, mainly in the major adults, if the spine lesions are not treated appropriately they can have consequences to short or long term. A procedure that has been useful for the spine lesions is the vertebral arthrodesis. The tissue banks are places where is obtained bone of distinct origin for clinical use, the chips of porous bone are obtained in banks of specialized tissues which are sterilized with gamma radiation of cobalt-60, the use of this bone type has been demonstrated that these help in the recovery of patients that suffer spine fracture. In this work the process of procurement of human bone is presented, just as the process of its transformation in chips form and its sterilization method. At the end a case of a young patient is presented who suffers an automobile accident and was treated by the vertebral arthrodesis technique of spine, using chips of porous bone for his recovery. (Author)

  6. Polimorfismos no SNP CGIL4: estudo de associação ao fenótipo de resistência a mastite clinica em vacas holandesas


    Molina, Rachel Dias; Univates; Kich, Débora Mara; Univates; Vendramin, Tatiane; Univates; Souza, Claucia Fernanda Volken de; Univates; Lehn, Daniel Neutzling; Univates; Pozzobon, Adriane; Univates; Bustamante-Filho, Ivan Cunha; Univates


    A mastite bovina é a principal patologia da glândula mamária e a maior causadora de prejuízos na produção leiteira. Sua etiologia é quase sempre relacionada a problemas de manejo sanitário e de ordenha. Entretanto, observa-se a existência de animais com maior ou menor resistência a mastite, mesmo quando fatores ambientais são controlados. Recentemente, alguns marcadores moleculares foram associados ao fenótipo de resistência a mastite. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar se com bas...

  7. Aspiração de corpo estranho em crianças: aspectos clínicos, radiológicos e tratamento broncoscópico Foreign body aspiration in children: clinical aspects, radiological aspects and bronchoscopic treatment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrea de Melo Alexandre Fraga


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever manifestações clínicas e tratamento broncoscópico da aspiração de corpo estranho em crianças menores de 14 anos de idade, correlacionando com achados broncoscópicos. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, descritivo analisando prontuários de todas as crianças menores de 14 anos de idade atendidas no Hospital das Clinicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2005, submetidas à broncoscopia por suspeita clínica de aspiração de corpo estranho. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 69 pacientes, com idade entre 8 meses e 12 anos/7 meses (75,4% abaixo de 3 anos, dos quais 62,3% eram do sexo masculino. A principal queixa foi tosse súbita (75,4%. Em 74% dos casos houve alteração de ausculta pulmonar e dispnéia foi observada em 20 crianças (29%. Um total de 88% apresentou alteração radiológica. A aspiração ocorreu predominantemente em pulmão direito (54,8%, com material de origem vegetal, destacando feijão e amendoim (30,7%. Complicações ocorreram em 29% dos pacientes, sendo pneumonia a mais comum, e foram associadas ao tempo maior de aspiração (p = 0,03. Um total de 7 pacientes (10,1% necessitaram ventilação mecânica, e 5 (7,2% foram submetidos a mais de uma broncoscopia. CONCLUSÃO: História clínica com início súbito de engasgo e tosse, anormalidades na ausculta pulmonar e na radiografia de tórax caracterizam o quadro clínico de aspiração e são indicativas de broncoscopia. Quanto maior o tempo de aspiração, maior o risco de complicações. A alta prevalência de corpos estranhos de origem vegetal alerta para a necessidade de programas preventivos dirigidos aos menores de 3 anos.OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical manifestations and bronchoscopic treatment of foreign body aspiration in children under 14 years of age, correlating the clinical aspects with the bronchoscopic findings. METHODS: A retrospective, descriptive study analyzing data related to children under 14

  8. [100 years of lead poisoning studies from a reading of articles published in La Medicina del Lavoro]. (United States)

    Alessio, L; Cortesi, I; Materzanini, P; Barenghi, M


    In preparing this paper we considered the articles published in La Medicina del Lavoro from 1901, its first year of publication. This scientific journal was founded in Milan, when an animated debate arose in Italy on the necessity of treating and, above all, preventing occupational diseases. In the same city, the "Clinica del Lavoro" (i.e. Institute of Occupational Medicine) was inaugurated in 1910. Its founder, Professor Luigi Devoto, had to overcome numerous obstacles caused by the hostility of the Rector of the University of Pavia--the future Nobel prize winner Camillo Golgi--and the clinicians of the main hospital of Milan, founded by Francesco Sforza in the XV century. From reading a century of articles which appeared in La Medicina del Lavoro, it is clear that for occupational physicians lead is an exemplary topic by which to evaluate the evolution of research in the field of occupational diseases. The numerous pathological features of lead poisoning, the successive therapeutic responses of physicians, and the gradual development of preventive techniques constitute a paradigm that has subsequently been applied to all other fields of industrial toxicology. Reading the papers of 100 years gives a clear picture of the evolution of clinical syndromes over the decades. The pathological picture of lead poisoning gradually became less serious and progressively changed into aspecific, subclinical manifestations. The categories of workers in which lead poisoning had a high incidence changed over the years: painters, printers and munition makers had the highest incidence in the first three decades of this century; afterwards, those engaged in lead smelting, alloy production, painters, and in the last few decades those employed in battery, ceramic and PVC production. Prevention consisted mainly of early diagnosis of lead poisoning and instruction in proper hygiene measures. Later, in 1929, insurance of occupational diseases was made compulsory in Italy, and among the

  9. Vita ed economia nell’analisi sombartiana del capitalismo. Appunti per una interpretazione bioeconomica di Werner Sombart - The Life and The Economy in the Sombartian Analysis of Capitalism. Notes for a Bioeconomic Interpretation of Werner Sombart

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    Emiliano Bevilacqua


    Full Text Available The authors discuss the Sombartian analysis of capitalism from a bioeconomic perspective, paying attention to the relationship between people’s lives and economy. The paper focuses on the influence of individual behaviors and values on the genesis and the stabilization of capitalism. The Sombartian analysis is discussed stressing the point that it offers interesting insights to understand the relationship between economy and the everyday life of the people: the spirit of capitalism, luxury and religious beliefs are examples of cultural phenomena from which economy cannot be separated. The thesis of the authors is that the Sombartian analysis through a sociological interpretation of history able to avoid any psychological reductionism puts life at the center of economy.

  10. Il disegno gotico di San Giovanni Valdarno

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    Maria Teresa Bartoli


    Full Text Available San Giovanni Valdarno è una città del Valdarno di Sopra, il cui attuale centro storico fu la prima delle terre nuove della Repubblica Fiorentina, fondata alla fine del XIII secolo. Le vicende storiche della trasformazione del nucleo murato originario sono state oggetto di molti studi, ma la logica del suo particolare disegno non è stata molto investigata. L’approccio archeologico è quindi giustificato dal fatto che, per ciò che riguarda la forma del progetto urbano originario, gli studi finora pubblicati non vanno molto oltre la definizione di «progettazione ortogonale», data da David Friedman, suo maggiore studioso. I giudizi su di essa si sono quindi attestati sulla generica attribuzione di virtù e difetti che la tradizione storiografica annette alla città medievale, applicando formule basate su paradigmi convenzionali.Volendo condurre la ricerca di una descrizione significativa del tessuto materiale della città attingendo a paradigmi appartenenti al momento della sua realizzazione, è stato condotto uno studio metrico sulla forma della città storica, con riferimento al sistema del braccio fiorentino, considerato come parametro di riferimento fondamentale per la comprensione di un manufatto di dimensione urbana. L’aspetto archeologico della ricerca consiste quindi nella ricostruzione complessa di un paradigma dimenticato dall’attuale tradizione storiografica, alla luce del quale emergono negli oggetti storici significati e valori caduti dalla memoria trasmessa.L’analisi, condotta sulla planimetria digitale con il supporto di documenti storici del ‘200 e del ‘500, ha fatto emergere l’ordine logico e continuo del disegno geometrico della città fondata, replicabile a mente (e perciò memorabile, messo in opera nella pianta urbana, rendendo esplicita la sua logica e le sue connessioni sia con la cultura scientifica del tempo, sia con la tradizione storica precedente, risalendo a Vitruvio. Ai fini di interpretare

  11. Ozone, spectral irradiance and aerosol measurements with the Brewer spectro radiometer; Misure di ozono, irradianza spettrale ultravioletta e aerosol con lo spettroradiometro Brewer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marenco, F.; Di Sarra, A. [ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Rome (Italy)


    In this technical report a detailed description of the Brewer spectro radiometer, a widespread instrument for ozone and ultraviolet radiation, is given. The methodologies used to measure these quantities and for instrument calibration are described in detail. Finally a new methodology, developed by ENEA to derive the aerosol optical depth from the Brewer routine total ozone measurements, is described. This methodology is based on Langley extrapolation, on the determination of the transmissivity of the Brewer neutral density filters, and on a statistically significant number of half days of measurements obtained in could-free conditions. Results of this method, obtained with the Brewer of the ENEA station for climate observations Roberto Sarao, located in the island of Lampedusa, are reported. These results confirm the validity of the method, thanks to independent measurements taken in 1999 with a Multi filter Rotating Shadow band Radiometer. This methodology allows researchers to obtain an aerosol climatology from ozone measurements obtained at several sites world-wide. [Italian] In questo rapporto tecnico viene fornita la descrizione dettagliata di uno strumento comunemente utilizzato per le misure di ozono e radiazione ultravioletta: lo spettroradiometro Brewer. Le metodologie usate per la misura di queste grandezze e per la calibrazione dello strumento vengono descritte in dettaglio. Infine, viene descritto una nuova metodologia, messa a punto dall'ENEA, per ricavare lo spessore ottico degli aerosol a partire dalle misure di ozono fatte normalmente dal Brewer. Questa metodologia si basa su di una calibrazione effettuata con il metodo dell' estrapolazione di Langley, sulla misura della trasmissivita' dei filtri a densita' neutra dello strumento, e su un numero statisticamente grande di mezze giornate di misure effettuate in assenza di nuvole. Sono riportati alcuni risultati della metodologia, ottenuti con il Brewer della Stazione per le

  12. The role of the medical physic on radiologic, hemodynamic and surgery unit at Hospital das Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bacelar, A.; Furtado, A.P.A.; Krebs, E.M.; Oliveira, S.S.; Lima, A.A.; Jacques, L.C.; Silveira, C.S.


    The activities executed by the medical physic in the radiologic, hemodynamic and surgery unit are presented. Topics such as organization of a radiologic protection project and a quality assurance program, monthly information of the individual doses, sanitary inspection and training of the professionals involved are emphasized. The methodology and results are briefly presented

  13. Ogilvie's syndrome (acute colonic pseudo-obstruction): review of the literature and report of 6 additional cases; Sindrome di Ogilvie (pseudo-ostruzione della letteratura acuta del colon): revisione della letteratura e descrizione di 6 nuovi casi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Grassi, Roberto; Cappabianca, Salvatore; Porto, Annamaria; Montemarano, Emilio; De Rosa, Roberto [Napoli Univ., Napoli (Italy). Dipartimento medico-chirurgico di internistica clinica e sperimentale, Sezione scientifica di radiodiagnostica, radioterapia e medicina nucleare; Sacco, Maurizio; Quantarelli, Mario [Ospedale San Gennaro, Napoli (Italy). Servisio di radiodiagnostica; Di Mizio, Roberto [Ospedale S. Massimo, Penne (Italy). Servizio di radiologia


    Purpose: Ogilvie's syndrome is defined as an acute pseudo-obstruction of the colon, characterized by the signs, symptoms and radiological pattern of a large-bowel obstruction, but without a detectable organic cause. The aetiology of Ogilvie's syndrome appears to be multifactorial, with a series of possibly interacting pathogenic noxae all resulting in colon inactivity. Our study reports on six cases of Ogilvie's syndrome diagnosed and treated between 1997 and 2002. Materials and methods: From October 1997 to September 2002 we studied six patients affected by pseudo-obstruction of the colon. The pseudo-obstruction was recurrent in two cases. Acute dilatation of the colon without radiologically-detectable organic obstruction was the inclusion criterion for the study. Results: Plain abdominal radiography revealed colon dilatation that extended to the splenic flexure in three patients, to the hepatic flexure in two patients, and confined to the transverse colon in one patient. None of the patients showed air-fluid levels of the small intestine. Conclusion: The most relevant clinical finding in Ogilvie's syndrome is abdominal distension, which arises suddenly, has a progressive course and reaches massive levels. The first-line diagnostic investigation is plain abdominal radiography which shows extreme colon dilatation without air-fluid levels of the small intestine. In three of our patients, conservative therapy alone was able to restore normal conditions within five days; two patients required decompressive colonoscopy, and one patient died from cardio-circulatory arrest after 48 hours. [Italian] Scopo: La sindrome di Ogilvie � definita come una pseudo-ostruzione acuta del colon, con i segni, i sintomi e l'aspetto radiologico di un'occlusione del grosso intestino senza una causa organica riconoscibile. L'eziologia della sindrome di Ogilvie appare multifattoriale, come se l'inerzia del colon fosse la via finale comune verso la quale indirizzano noxae patogene diverse, forse interagenti. Descriviamo la nostra casistica comprendente 6 casi di sindrome di Ogilvie raccolti dal 1997 al 2002. Materiale e metodi: Sono giunti alla nostra osservazione 6 pazienti affetti da pseudo-ostruzione del colon nel periodo compreso tra ottobre 1997 e settembre 2002. In 2 casi la pseudo-ostruzione era recidiva. La positivit� dei reperti radiologici per la dilatazione acuta del colon senza ostruzione organica � stato il criterio di inclusione. Risultati: L'esame diretto dell'addome ha evidenziato che la dilatazione del colon era situata in 3 pazienti fino al livello della flessura splenica, in 2 fino alla flessura epatica e in un caso era interessato unicamente il colon trasverso. Nessuno dei pazienti presentava livelli idroaerei del piccolo intestino. Conclusioni: Il reperto clinico pi� caratteristico della sindrome di Ogilvie � la distensione addominale, che generalmente insorge all'improvviso, ha un'andamento progressivo, e raggiunge gradi elevati. L'indagine diagnostica di prima istanza � l'esame radiografico dell'addome, che documenta la dilatazione estrema del colon, in assenza di livelli idroaerei del tenue. Nella nostra casistica in 3 pazienti la sola terapia conservativa ha permesso il ritorno alla normalit� in 5 giorni. In altri 2 pazienti � stato necessario intervenire con una colonscopia decompressiva. in 1 caso la paziente � deceduta dopo 48 ore per arresto cardiocircolatorio.

  14. Analysis of material characteristics for the construction of energy degrading and scattering plates for electron beam skin radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fonseca, Gabriel P.; Yoriyaz, Helio; Siqueira, Paulo T.D.; Antunes, Paula C.G.; Furnari, Laura; Santos, Gabriela R.


    There are many radiosensitive diseases associated to the skin such as mycosis fungoids and the syndrome of Sezary that are part of a sub-group of cutaneous diseases type T-cell lymphoma. Several studies indicate the eradication of the disease when treated with linear accelerators emitting electron beams with energies between 4 to 10 MeV. However, this treatment technique presents innumerable technical challenges since the disease in general reaches all patient's body, becoming necessary a very large field size radiation beam, and also, it should deliver superficial doses limited to the skin depth. To reach the uniformity in the dose distribution, many techniques had already been developed. Based on these previous studies and guided by the report nr. 23 of the AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine), the present study will develop an energy scattering and degrading plates, supplying subsidies for a future installation for skin treatment at the - Servico de Radioterapia do Hospital das Clinicas de Sao Paulo. As part of the plates design, first of all, the energy spectrum of the 6 MeV electron beam of the VARIAN 2100C accelerator was reconstructed through Monte Carlo simulations using the MCNP4C code and based on experimental data. Once the spectrum is built the design of the plates has been performed analyzing several materials, shapes and dimensions most adequate on the basis of radial and axial dose distribution, production of rays-x and dose attenuation. The simulations will be validated with experimental measurements using copper and aluminum. (author)

  15. Monitoring of patients in the Oncology department of the Clinical Hospital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    De Quiroz, J.


    An important number of patients that visit the Oncology department o the Clinicas Hospital lost sight at some stage of their evolution. Our objective was to quantify the proportion of patients who are lost and describe the time spent in the service and its relationship with variables such as age, sex, origin of the patient and progress of the disease, for which we performed a descriptive observational study with an analytical component of 435 stories clinics patients with confirmed diagnosis of cancer, treated from January 2001 to December 2004, in order to have a minimum of 5 years of follow-up potential. Data were processed with Excel 2003. Patients had between 15-85 years old with a mean and median of 52 ± 14 years DS. Two hundred Seventy women and 165 were men, 232 were from the metropolitan area. The time of length of service was 0-114 months with a median of 8 and an average DS 21 months ± 27 months. As of December 2009 31 117 patients had died 36 remained in control and 282 were lost from sight. We found no relationship between age (p = 0.1) nor the state of progress of the disease at diagnosis (p = 0.21) If there were significant differences with greater probability of loss tracking men (p = 0.009) and from sites outside the metropolitan area (p = 0.04). The number of patients who are lost is very large and we must develop strategies more effective monitoring

  16. Foreign body aspiration in children: clinical aspects, radiological aspects and bronchoscopic treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fraga, Andrea de Melo Alexandre; Reis, Marcelo Conrado dos; Zambon, Mariana Porto; Toro, Ivan Contrera; Ribeiro, Jose Dirceu; Baracat, Emilio Carlos Elias


    Objective: To describe the clinical manifestations and bronchoscopic treatment of foreign body aspiration in children under 14 years of age, correlating the clinical aspects with the bronchoscopic findings. Methods: A retrospective, descriptive study analyzing data related to children under 14 years of age undergoing bronchoscopy due to clinical suspicion of foreign body aspiration at the State University at Campinas Hospital das Clinicas from January of 2000 to December of 2005. Results: The sample consisted of 69 patients, ranging in age from 8 months to 12 years/7 months (75.4% under 3 years of age), 62.3% of whom were male. The principal complaint was sudden-onset cough (75.4%), auscultation was abnormal in 74%, and dyspnea was observed in 29%. Radiological abnormalities were seen in 88% of the cases. Aspirations were primarily into the right lung (54.8%), and 30.7% of the foreign bodies were of vegetal origin (principally beans and peanuts). In the follow-up period, 29% presented complications (most commonly pneumonia), which were found to be associated with longer aspiration time (p = 0.03). Mechanical ventilation was required in 7 children (10.1%), and multiple bronchoscopies were performed in 5 (7.2%). Conclusions: A history of sudden-onset choking and cough, plus abnormal auscultation and radiological findings, characterizes the profile of foreign body aspiration. In such cases, bronchoscopy is indicated. Longer aspiration time translates to a higher risk of complications. The high prevalence of foreign bodies of vegetal origin underscores the relevance of prevention at children younger than three years of age. (author)

  17. Foreign body aspiration in children: clinical aspects, radiological aspects and bronchoscopic treatment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fraga, Andrea de Melo Alexandre; Reis, Marcelo Conrado dos; Zambon, Mariana Porto [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP (Brazil). Pediatric Emergency Room]. E-mail:; Toro, Ivan Contrera [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP (Brazil). Dept. of Thoracic Surgery; Ribeiro, Jose Dirceu; Baracat, Emilio Carlos Elias [Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, SP (Brazil). Dept. of Pediatric Pulmonology


    Objective: To describe the clinical manifestations and bronchoscopic treatment of foreign body aspiration in children under 14 years of age, correlating the clinical aspects with the bronchoscopic findings. Methods: A retrospective, descriptive study analyzing data related to children under 14 years of age undergoing bronchoscopy due to clinical suspicion of foreign body aspiration at the State University at Campinas Hospital das Clinicas from January of 2000 to December of 2005. Results: The sample consisted of 69 patients, ranging in age from 8 months to 12 years/7 months (75.4% under 3 years of age), 62.3% of whom were male. The principal complaint was sudden-onset cough (75.4%), auscultation was abnormal in 74%, and dyspnea was observed in 29%. Radiological abnormalities were seen in 88% of the cases. Aspirations were primarily into the right lung (54.8%), and 30.7% of the foreign bodies were of vegetal origin (principally beans and peanuts). In the follow-up period, 29% presented complications (most commonly pneumonia), which were found to be associated with longer aspiration time (p = 0.03). Mechanical ventilation was required in 7 children (10.1%), and multiple bronchoscopies were performed in 5 (7.2%). Conclusions: A history of sudden-onset choking and cough, plus abnormal auscultation and radiological findings, characterizes the profile of foreign body aspiration. In such cases, bronchoscopy is indicated. Longer aspiration time translates to a higher risk of complications. The high prevalence of foreign bodies of vegetal origin underscores the relevance of prevention at children younger than three years of age. (author)

  18. Evaluation of the radiological protection and proposal of a PGC in physical aspects for Roentgen therapy facilities; Evaluacion de la proteccion radiologica y propuesta de un PGC en aspectos fisicos para una instalacion de Roentgenterapia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia R, L.M.; Silvestre, I.; Laguardia, R.A.; Almeida, A. de [Depto. de Fisica e Matematica, Universidade de Sao Paulo-FFCLRP (Brazil)


    The present work was realized in a first stage in the Hnos Ameijeiras Hospital in Cuba and its objective in this phase is to present at the Regulatory Agency (OR) the documentation for obtaining the Institutional Exploitation License (LE) of a Roentgen therapy equipment, according with the IAEA Safety Series No. 115 and propose the Quality Assurance Program (PGC) in the physical aspects that it will be applied in this practice. For obtaining the LE it was made up a safety report, a safety manual and a radiological emergency plan. For making up the PGC it was established the reference state of the equipment (ER), realizing the tests which determine the value or stability of the physical parameters involved in the treatment through the adaptation of International protocols, mainly the `Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy` derived of Arcal XXX. In a second stage were applied some of the acquired experiences in the Das Clinicas Hospital at Ribeirao Preto in Brazil. As more important results it was had that was renewed the Roentgen therapy Service of the Hnos. Ameijeiras Hospital and was made the PGC which will govern this practice. Moreover it was obtained the dose percentage curves in depth (PDP) for X-rays low energies. It was proposed procedures for the parameters control like the PDP, the absolute dose and the hemi reducing layer (CHR). With this work it was started doing the fulfilment of one of the main objectives of the Arcal XXX Project related with the Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy extending its application toward area of Latin American countries. (Author)

  19. Influence of preoperative propranolol on cardiac index during the anhepatic phase of liver transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emerson Seiberlich


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Liver transplantation is the best therapeutic option for end-stage liver disease. Non-selective beta-blocker medications such as propranolol act directly on the cardiovascular system and are often used in the prevention of gastrointestinal bleeding resulting from HP. The effects of propranolol on cardiovascular system of cirrhotic patients during liver transplantation are not known. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the influence of propranolol used preoperatively on cardiac index during the anhepatic phase of liver transplantation. METHOD: 101 adult patients (73 male [72.2%] who underwent cadaveric donor orthotopic liver transplantation by piggyback technique with preservation of the retrohepatic inferior vena cava performed at Hospital das Clinicas, Federal University of Minas Gerais were evaluated. There was no difference in severity between groups by the MELD system, p = 0.70. The preoperative use of propranolol and the cardiac index outcome were compared during the anhepatic phase of liver transplantation in 5 groups (I: increased cardiac index, II: cardiac index reduction lower than 16%, III: cardiac index reduction equal to or greater than 16% and less than 31%, IV: cardiac index reduction equal to or greater than 31% and less than 46%, V: cardiac index reduction equal to or greater than 46%. RESULTS: Patients in group I (46.4% who received propranolol preoperatively were statistically similar to groups II (60%, III (72.7%, IV (50% and V (30.8%, p = 0.57. CONCLUSION: The use of propranolol before transplantation as prophylaxis for gastrointestinal bleeding may be considered safe, as it was not associated with worsening of cardiac index in anhepatic phase of liver transplantation.

  20. Retrospective review of congenital heart disease in 976 dogs. (United States)

    Oliveira, P; Domenech, O; Silva, J; Vannini, S; Bussadori, R; Bussadori, C


    Knowledge of epidemiology is important for recognition of cardiovascular malformations. Review the incidence of congenital heart defects in dogs in Italy and assess breed and sex predispositions. Nine hundred and seventy-six dogs diagnosed with congenital heart disease (CHD) of 4,480 dogs presented to Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso for cardiovascular examination from 1997 to 2010. A retrospective analysis of medical records regarding signalment, history, clinical examination, radiography, electrocardiography, echocardiography, angiography, and postmortem examination was performed. Breed and sex predisposition were assessed with the odds ratio test. CHD was observed in 21.7% of cases. A total of 1,132 defects were observed with single defects in 832 cases (85%), 2 concurrent defects in 132 cases (14%), and 3 concurrent defects in 12 cases (1%). The most common defects were pulmonic stenosis (PS; 32.1%), subaortic stenosis (SAS; 21.3%), and patent ductus arteriosus (20.9%), followed by ventricular septal defect (VSD; 7.5%), valvular aortic stenosis (AS; 5.7%), and tricuspid dysplasia (3.1%). SAS, PS, and VSD frequently were associated with other defects. Several breed and sex predispositions were identified. The results of this study are in accordance with previous studies, with slight differences. The breed and sex predilections identified may be of value for the diagnosis and screening of CHD in dogs. Additionally, the relatively high percentage of concurrent heart defects emphasizes the importance of accurate and complete examinations for identification. Because these data are from a cardiology referral center, a bias may exist. Copyright © 2011 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.

  1. Evaluation of the radiological protection and proposal of a PGC in physical aspects for Roentgen therapy facilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia R, L.M.; Silvestre, I.; Laguardia, R.A.; Almeida, A. de


    The present work was realized in a first stage in the Hnos Ameijeiras Hospital in Cuba and its objective in this phase is to present at the Regulatory Agency (OR) the documentation for obtaining the Institutional Exploitation License (LE) of a Roentgen therapy equipment, according with the IAEA Safety Series No. 115 and propose the Quality Assurance Program (PGC) in the physical aspects that it will be applied in this practice. For obtaining the LE it was made up a safety report, a safety manual and a radiological emergency plan. For making up the PGC it was established the reference state of the equipment (ER), realizing the tests which determine the value or stability of the physical parameters involved in the treatment through the adaptation of International protocols, mainly the 'Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy' derived of Arcal XXX. In a second stage were applied some of the acquired experiences in the Das Clinicas Hospital at Ribeirao Preto in Brazil. As more important results it was had that was renewed the Roentgen therapy Service of the Hnos. Ameijeiras Hospital and was made the PGC which will govern this practice. Moreover it was obtained the dose percentage curves in depth (PDP) for X-rays low energies. It was proposed procedures for the parameters control like the PDP, the absolute dose and the hemi reducing layer (CHR). With this work it was started doing the fulfilment of one of the main objectives of the Arcal XXX Project related with the Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy extending its application toward area of Latin American countries. (Author)

  2. Interconnecting smartphone, image analysis server, and case report forms in clinical trials for automatic skin lesion tracking in clinical trials (United States)

    Haak, Daniel; Doma, Aliaa; Gombert, Alexander; Deserno, Thomas M.


    Today, subject's medical data in controlled clinical trials is captured digitally in electronic case report forms (eCRFs). However, eCRFs only insufficiently support integration of subject's image data, although medical imaging is looming large in studies today. For bed-side image integration, we present a mobile application (App) that utilizes the smartphone-integrated camera. To ensure high image quality with this inexpensive consumer hardware, color reference cards are placed in the camera's field of view next to the lesion. The cards are used for automatic calibration of geometry, color, and contrast. In addition, a personalized code is read from the cards that allows subject identification. For data integration, the App is connected to an communication and image analysis server that also holds the code-study-subject relation. In a second system interconnection, web services are used to connect the smartphone with OpenClinica, an open-source, Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved electronic data capture (EDC) system in clinical trials. Once the photographs have been securely stored on the server, they are released automatically from the mobile device. The workflow of the system is demonstrated by an ongoing clinical trial, in which photographic documentation is frequently performed to measure the effect of wound incision management systems. All 205 images, which have been collected in the study so far, have been correctly identified and successfully integrated into the corresponding subject's eCRF. Using this system, manual steps for the study personnel are reduced, and, therefore, errors, latency and costs decreased. Our approach also increases data security and privacy.

  3. Correlation between brain injury and dysphagia in adult patients with stroke

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nunes, Maria Cristina de Alencar


    Full Text Available Introduction: In the literature, the incidence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in patients with cerebrovascular accident (AVE ranges 20-90%. Some studies correlate the location of a stroke with dysphagia, while others do not. Objective: To correlate brain injury with dysphagia in patients with stroke in relation to the type and location of stroke. Method: A prospective study conducted at the Hospital de Clinicas with 30 stroke patients: 18 women and 12 men. All patients underwent clinical evaluation and swallowing nasolaryngofibroscopy (FEES®, and were divided based on the location of the injury: cerebral cortex, cerebellar cortex, subcortical areas, and type: hemorrhagic or transient ischemic. Results: Of the 30 patients, 18 had ischemic stroke, 10 had hemorrhagic stroke, and 2 had transient stroke. Regarding the location, 10 lesions were in the cerebral cortex, 3 were in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices, 3 were in the cerebral cortex and subcortical areas, and 3 were in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices and subcortical areas. Cerebral cortex and subcortical area ischemic strokes predominated in the clinical evaluation of dysphagia. In FEES®, decreased laryngeal sensitivity persisted following cerebral cortex and ischemic strokes. Waste in the pharyngeal recesses associated with epiglottic valleculae predominated in the piriform cortex in all lesion areas and in ischemic stroke. A patient with damage to the cerebral and cerebellar cortices from an ischemic stroke exhibited laryngeal penetration and tracheal aspiration of liquid and honey. Conclusion: Dysphagia was prevalent when a lesion was located in the cerebral cortex and was of the ischemic type.

  4. From syncope to ICD: clinical paths of the Brugada syndrome

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ivan Comelli


    Full Text Available This review summarizes the evidences in the literature on the management of the Brugada syndrome (BS, an arrhythmogenic disease caused by genetic channelopathies, predisposing to syncope and sudden cardiac death in young, apparently healthy, typically male subjects, in the third and fourth decade of their life. Sudden cardiac death (SCD is defined as natural death from cardiac causes, heralded by abrupt loss of consciousness within one hour of the onset of symptoms. It ranks among the main causes of death in the western world, with an incidence ranging from 0.36 and 1.28‰ inhabitants per year, equal to 300,000 cases a year in the USA. In the majority of the cases it is due to the onset of arrhythmia in subjects with structural cardiac diseases, especially ischemic heart disease. However, in a non-negligible percentage of the cases, about 5-10%, the SCD arises in relatively young individuals in whom cardiac anomalies cannot be detected using traditional diagnostic techniques. About 20% of these cases can be attributed to SB. In spite of the many efforts produced to identify an effective pharmacological treatment, to date the only aid to reduce the mortality rate in subjects with SB is an implantable cardio-defibrillator (ICD. Since this approach often entails complications, the efforts of the scientific community is now focused on the assessment of the arrhythmic risk. The identification of high-risk subjects is one of the chief objectives in the therapeutic decision-making process. ABSTRACT clinica e terapia emergency

  5. Comparação de inibições medulares entre indivíduos com doença de Parkinson e saudáveis

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    Carla Silva-Batista


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os níveis de inibição pré-sináptica (IPS e inibição recíproca (IR entre indivíduos com Doença de Parkinson e saudáveis e, a correlação entre essas inibições e a rigidez muscular e a severidade clínica de indivíduos com Doença de Parkinson (avaliadas através da Escala Unificada de Avaliação da Doença de Parkinson. Foram avaliados 11 indivíduos nos estágios 2 e 3 da doença e 13 indivíduos saudáveis pareados pela idade. A IPS foi menor em indivíduos com Doença de Parkinson (31,6% do que em saudáveis (67,1% (p = 0,02. A IR não diferiu entre indivíduos com Doença de Parkinson (26,9% e saudáveis (27,6% (p = 0,91. Adicionalmente, não foram detectadas correlações entre os níveis de IPS com a rigidez e a severidade clínica (p > 0,05. Portanto, mecanismos inibitórios não explicam totalmente a rigidez muscular e a severidade clinica da doença. Alterações entre ativação de músculos agonistas e antagonistas parecem estar relacionadas a influências supraespinhais anormais nos mecanismos espinhais decorrentes da doença.

  6. Suburban amoebiasis. CT and US findings and percutaneous treatment of amoebic liver abscess; Amebiasi sub-urbana: aspetti diagnostici con tomografia computerizzata ed ecografia e trattamento percutaneo degli ascessi amebici del fegato

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzano, A.; De Rosa, A. [Ospedale Loreto Mare, Naples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Rossi, E.; Carbone, M.; Mondillo, F. [Naples Univ. II, Naples (Italy).Dipt. di Scienze Biomorfologiche e Funzionali, Servizio di Diagnostica per Immagini; Tuccillo, M. [Azienda Ospedaliera di Rilievo Nazionale A. Cardarelli, Naples (Italy). Servizio di Radiologia; Capuano, N. [Ospedale Loreto Mare, Naples (Italy). Div. di Chirurgia; Nunziata, A. [Naples Univ. II, Naples (Italy). Ist. di Radiologia


    The study reports ultrasonography and computerise tomography findings in 16 patients with amoebic abscesses, 12 of whom lived in a temperate peripheral area north-east of Naples (Italy). All patients have a clinical-diagnostic condition called sub-urban amoebiasis. The personal experience with the US guided therapeutic drainage of amoebic abscess with repeated cavity washing, which is important for positive parasitology. Combined US and CT assessment facilitated the diagnosis of amoebiasis and its differentiation from pyogenic abscess and hepatoma. [Italian] La colonizzazione epatica rappresenta la localizzazione piu' comune dell'amebiasi extraintestinale e gli ascessi epatici ne costituiscono la manifestazione piu' frequente sviluppandosi nel 3-9 % dei pazienti affetti da infezione parassitaria. Diversi studi confermano che la terapia medica dell'amebiasi risulta piu' efficace quando viene associato il drenaggio percutaneo degli ascessi epatici con piu' rapida guarigione clinica e risposta favorevole dell'organismo. Scopo del presente lavoro e' di descrivere gli aspetti ecografici e di tomografia computerizzata degli ascessi amebici in un gruppo di 16 pazienti, 12 dei quali residenti in zona temperata e periferica di una vasta area a nord-est di Napoli presentandosi con caratteristico e raro quadro clinico-diagnostico definito amebiasi sub-urbana. Si discute infine l'esperienza personale del drenaggio terapeutico sotto guida ecografica dell'ascesso con tecnica del lavaggio ripetuto dalla cavita', importante ai fini della positivita' dell'esame. L'associazione dei reperti tipici ecografici e TC ha consentito la diagnosi agevole dell'amebiasi differenziandola dall'ascesso piogenico e dall'epatoma.

  7. High prevalence of systemic autoimmune diseases in patients with Menière's disease.

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    Irene Gazquez

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Autoimmunity appears to be associated with the pathophysiology of Meniere's disease (MD, an inner ear disorder characterized by episodes of vertigo associated with hearing loss and tinnitus. However, the prevalence of autoimmune diseases (AD in patients with MD has not been studied in individuals with uni or bilateral sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We estimated the prevalence of AD in 690 outpatients with MD with uni or bilateral SNHL from otoneurology clinics at six tertiary referral hospitals by using clinica criteria and an immune panel (lymphocyte populations, antinuclear antibodies, C3, C4 and proinflammatory cytokines TNFα, INFγ. The observed prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE and ankylosing spondylitis (AS was higher than expected for the general population (1.39 for RA, 0.87 for SLE and 0.70 for AS, respectively. Systemic AD were more frequently observed in patients with MD and diagnostic criteria for migraine than cases with MD and tension-type headache (p = 0.007. There were clinical differences between patients with uni or bilateral SNHL, but no differences were found in the immune profile. Multiple linear regression showed that changes in lymphocytes subpopulations were associated with hearing loss and persistence of vertigo, suggesting a role for the immune response in MD. CONCLUSIONS: Despite some limitations, MD displays an elevated prevalence of systemic AD such as RA, SLE and AS. This finding, which suggests an autoimmune background in a subset of patients with MD, has important implications for the treatment of MD.

  8. Dosimetric comparison of electron beam and 90Sr+90Y applicator for keloids treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Coelho, Talita S.; Tada, Ariane; Antonio, Patricia L.; Yoriyaz, Helio; Fernandes, Marco A.R.


    Studies have been shown that among several methods that have been used for the treatment of keloids the surgical excision followed by the adjuvant radiotherapy presents the lowest relapsed rate of the injury. In this work a comparative dosimetric study has been performed using a 4 MeV electron beam from a Varian Clinac 2100C linear accelerator at the radiotherapy service of the Hospital das Clinicas of UNESP-HC, Botucatu-SP and an Amershan 90 Sr+ 90 Y brachytherapy applicator with 1491 MBq of activity. Percentage depth dose curves from ionization chamber measurements and through Monte Carlo simulation have been obtained and compared. Dose measurements have been obtained using parallel plates ionization chamber (Esradin A12) and extrapolation mini-chamber developed at IPEN. The dose calculations have been obtained using the well-known Monte Carlo radiation transport code MCNP-4C. Maximum dose differences obtained between measured/calculated values for 90 Sr+ 90 Y applicator and for the electron beam were, respectively: 7.8 % and 8.0%. The profiles of the depth and superficial tissue dose distribution produced by the electron beam revealed themselves flatter and more homogeneous than those produced by the 90 Sr+ 90 Y applicator, especially to wider fields, which cannot be obtained with beta therapy applicators because of their geometric limitations. In conclusion this present work has shown that 90 Sr+ 90 Y applicators could be efficient for small and very superficial lesions but in most cases electron beam sources are more adequate especially for large and deeper lesions. (author)

  9. Critical appraisal of bilastine for the treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and urticaria

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    Sadaba B


    Full Text Available Belen Sadaba, Jose Ramon Azanza, Almundena Gomez-Guiu, Raquel RodilClinical Pharmacology Service, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Navarra, SpainAbstract: Bilastine is a second generation antihistamine indicated for the treatment of seasonal or perennial allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and chronic urticaria with a daily dose of 20 mg, in adults and children over 12 years of age. The efficacy of bilastine has been shown to be similar to that of the comparator drugs for the control of the nasal and nonnasal symptoms of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, while also showing a subjective improvement in the quality of life and in overall clinical impression. For chronic urticaria the symptoms (itching and the development of papules lessens from the second day of treatment onwards, in a similar way to other antihistamines used as comparators. Bilastine should not be administered at meal times to avoid interference with the absorption process. It is not distributed to the central nervous system, is scarcely metabolized, and elimination is through the kidneys and feces, with a 14-hour elimination half-life. It has no effect on cytochrome P450. During clinical development, bilastine was shown to be a drug that is adequately tolerated, with a similar effect to placebo with regard to drowsiness and changes in heart rate. In relation to its use, headaches were the most frequent adverse effect to be reported. No cardiotoxic effects have been observed, and the therapeutic dose does not alter the state of alertness.Keywords: bilastine, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, chronic urticaria, second generation antihistamine, drowsiness, CYP450

  10. Electronic data capture and DICOM data management in multi-center clinical trials (United States)

    Haak, Daniel; Page, Charles-E.; Deserno, Thomas M.


    Providing eligibility, efficacy and security evaluation by quantitative and qualitative disease findings, medical imaging has become increasingly important in clinical trials. Here, subject's data is today captured in electronic case reports forms (eCRFs), which are offered by electronic data capture (EDC) systems. However, integration of subject's medical image data into eCRFs is insufficiently supported. Neither integration of subject's digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) data, nor communication with picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), is possible. This aggravates the workflow of the study personnel, in special regarding studies with distributed data capture in multiple sites. Hence, in this work, a system architecture is presented, which connects an EDC system, a PACS and a DICOM viewer via the web access to DICOM objects (WADO) protocol. The architecture is implemented using the open source tools OpenClinica, DCM4CHEE and Weasis. The eCRF forms the primary endpoint for the study personnel, where subject's image data is stored and retrieved. Background communication with the PACS is completely hidden for the users. Data privacy and consistency is ensured by automatic de-identification and re-labelling of DICOM data with context information (e.g. study and subject identifiers), respectively. The system is exemplarily demonstrated in a clinical trial, where computer tomography (CT) data is de-centrally captured from the subjects and centrally read by a chief radiologists to decide on inclusion of the subjects in the trial. Errors, latency and costs in the EDC workflow are reduced, while, a research database is implicitly built up in the background.

  11. Rectal Sedation with Thiopental in Children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Granados, Ana Maria; Levy, Wilma; Badiel, Marisol; Cruz Libreros, Alejandro; Toro Gutierrez, Juan Sebastian


    Objective: to determine the effectiveness of a rectal sedation protocol with sodium thiopental in children undergoing diagnostic imaging studies in a level-four-complexity health care facility. Materials and Methods: this case series observational study was developed between the months of January and March 2004 in the Fundacion clinica Valle del Lili. All pediatric patients between the ages of three months and eight years of age who underwent an imaging study were included. A dose of 25-40 mg/kg of sodium thiopental was administered rectally. Successful sedation was defined as one that allowed the successful completion of the study with the least number of motion artifacts. The features of the sedation and the adverse effects were evaluated. Results: the study population included 103 children with a median age of two years. The imaging studies were successfully concluded in 97% of the patients. The average total time until complete awakening was 2.9 hours. With respect to the interruption of sedation, we found statistically significant differences between the children who were kept awake the night before the procedure and those who were not. The most common adverse effect was diarrhea, which was recorded in 13 patients. Five of the patients required a supplemental dose of the sedative. There were two cases of increased salivation and one of vomiting, yet they resolved spontaneously. Conclusions: this rectal sodium thiopental protocol is a safe and effective procedure for the completion of diagnostic imaging studies in the pediatric population at our health care center.

  12. Independent calculation of the monitor units and times of treatment in radiotherapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mueller, Marcio Rogerio


    In this work, an independent verification system of calculations in radiotherapy was developed and applied, using Visual Basic TM programming language. The computational program performs calculations of monitor units and treatment time, based on the algorithm of manual calculation. The calculations executed for the independent system had initially been compared with the manual calculations performed by the medical physicists of the Institute of Radiotherapy of the Hospital das Clinicas da Universidade de Sao Paulo. In this step, the results found for more than two hundred fields studied were similar to those found in the literature; deviations larger than +- 1% were found only in five cases involving errors in manual calculation. The application of the independent system, in this stage, could have identified errors up to +- 2,4%. Based on these data, the system was validated for use in clinical routine. In a second step, calculations were compared with calculations realized by the treatment computerized planning system CadPIan TM . When, again, the results were similar to those published in other works allowing to obtain levels of acceptance of the discrepancies between the calculations executed for the independent system and the calculations developed from the planning system, separated by anatomical region, as recommended according by the recent literature. For beams of 6 MV, the levels of acceptance for deviations between the calculations of monitor units, separated by treatment region were the following; breast +- 1.7%, head and neck +2%; hypophysis +- 2.2%; pelvis +- 4 . 1% and thorax +- 1.5%. For beams of 15 MV, the level suggested for pelvis was of +- 4.5%. (author)

  13. Evaluation of the radiological protection and proposal of a PGC in physical aspects for Roentgen therapy facilities; Evaluacion de la proteccion radiologica y propuesta de un PGC en aspectos fisicos para una instalacion de Roentgenterapia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia R, L M; Silvestre, I; Laguardia, R A; Almeida, A de [Depto. de Fisica e Matematica, Universidade de Sao Paulo-FFCLRP (Brazil)


    The present work was realized in a first stage in the Hnos Ameijeiras Hospital in Cuba and its objective in this phase is to present at the Regulatory Agency (OR) the documentation for obtaining the Institutional Exploitation License (LE) of a Roentgen therapy equipment, according with the IAEA Safety Series No. 115 and propose the Quality Assurance Program (PGC) in the physical aspects that it will be applied in this practice. For obtaining the LE it was made up a safety report, a safety manual and a radiological emergency plan. For making up the PGC it was established the reference state of the equipment (ER), realizing the tests which determine the value or stability of the physical parameters involved in the treatment through the adaptation of International protocols, mainly the `Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy` derived of Arcal XXX. In a second stage were applied some of the acquired experiences in the Das Clinicas Hospital at Ribeirao Preto in Brazil. As more important results it was had that was renewed the Roentgen therapy Service of the Hnos. Ameijeiras Hospital and was made the PGC which will govern this practice. Moreover it was obtained the dose percentage curves in depth (PDP) for X-rays low energies. It was proposed procedures for the parameters control like the PDP, the absolute dose and the hemi reducing layer (CHR). With this work it was started doing the fulfilment of one of the main objectives of the Arcal XXX Project related with the Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy extending its application toward area of Latin American countries. (Author)

  14. Project and construction of energy degrading and scattering plates for electron beam radiotherapy for skin diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fonseca, Gabriel Paiva


    There are many radiosensitive epidermotropics diseases such as mycosis fungo-ids and the syndrome of Sezary, coetaneous neoplasics originated from type T lymphocytes. Several studies indicate the eradication of the disease when treated with linear accelerators emitting electron beams with energies between 4 to 10 MeV. However, this treatment technique presents innumerable technical challenges since the disease in general reaches all patient's body, becoming necessary not only a very large field size radiation beam, but also deliver superficial doses limited to the skin depth. To reach the uniformity in the dose distribution, many techniques had already been developed. Based on these previous studies and guided by the report no. 23 of the American Association of Physicists in Medi-cine (AAPM), the present study developed an energy scattering and degrading plates and made dosimetry (computational and experimental), supplying subsidies for a future installation of Total Skin Electron Therapy (TSET) at the Servico de Radioterapia do Hospital das Clinicas de Sao Paulo. As part of the plates design, first of all, the energy spectrum of the 6 MeV electron beam of the VARIAN 2100C accelerator was reconstructed through Monte Carlo simulations using the MCNP4C code and based on experimental data. Once the spectrum is built, several materials were analyzed for the plates design based on radial and axial dose distribution, production of rays-x and dose attenuation. The simulation results were validated by experimental measurements in order to obtain a large field of radiation with 200 cm x 80 cm that meets the specifications of the AAPM protocol. (author)

  15. Impact of a program to promote health and quality of life of elderly

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvia Affini Borsoi Tamai


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate the effect on quality of life of elderly people enrolled in GAMIA – Multidisciplinary Care Group to Outpatient Elderly Subjects (Grupo de Assistência Multidisciplinar ao Idoso Ambulatorial of the Geriatric Department, Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo. Methods: Between 2000 and 2002, 83 elderly participants of GAMIA were assessed by the World Health Organization Quality of Life scale (WHOQOL-bref at the beginning and the end of the program. Functionality was assessed by Katz and Lawton scales and sociodemographic data were obtained from medical charts. Results: Females predominated (79.5% and overall mean age was 69.30 years. Data analysis showed a reduction in the physical domain of WHOQOL-bref (p = 0.014 and increased psychological health and environment domains (p = 0.029 and p = 0.007, respectively, detecting a trend of increase in social relationships and in general domains (p = 0.062 and p = 0.052, respectively. Conclusions: The clinical evaluation of the elderly detected previously unknown diseases and determination of the use of new drugs, which might have been the predominant factor for the deterioration of their perception in the physical domain. Improvement in psychological health and the environment can be related to psychological and social support that the elderly received from peers and professionals and the benefits of group activities, as well as the upward trend observed in social relationships and general domains. Participation in a program to promote healthy aging was effective in improving the quality of life of the elderly.

  16. Impact of a program to promote health and quality of life of elderly. (United States)

    Tamai, Silvia Affini Borsoi; Paschoal, Sergio Márcio Pacheco; Litvoc, Julio; Machado, Adriana Nunes; Curiati, Pedro Kallas; Prada, Luis Felipe; Jacob-Filho, Wilson


    To evaluate the effect on quality of life of elderly people enrolled in GAMIA - Multidisciplinary Care Group to Outpatient Elderly Subjects (Grupo de Assistência Multidisciplinar ao Idoso Ambulatorial) of the Geriatric Department, Hospital das Clinicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Sao Paulo. Between 2000 and 2002, 83 elderly participants of GAMIA were assessed by the World Health Organization Quality of Life scale (WHOQOL-bref) at the beginning and the end of the program. Functionality was assessed by Katz and Lawton scales and sociodemographic data were obtained from medical charts. Females predominated (79.5%) and overall mean age was 69.30 years. Data analysis showed a reduction in the physical domain of WHOQOL-bref (p = 0.014) and increased psychological health and environment domains (p = 0.029 and p = 0.007, respectively), detecting a trend of increase in social relationships and in general domains (p = 0.062 and p = 0.052, respectively). The clinical evaluation of the elderly detected previously unknown diseases and determination of the use of new drugs, which might have been the predominant factor for the deterioration of their perception in the physical domain. Improvement in psychological health and the environment can be related to psychological and social support that the elderly received from peers and professionals and the benefits of group activities, as well as the upward trend observed in social relationships and general domains. Participation in a program to promote healthy aging was effective in improving the quality of life of the elderly.

  17. [Computer-aided prescribing: from utopia to reality]. (United States)

    Suárez-Varela Ubeda, J; Beltrán Calvo, C; Molina López, T; Navarro Marín, P


    To determine whether the introduction of computer-aided prescribing helped reduce the administrative burden at primary care centers. Descriptive, cross-sectional design. Torreblanca Health Center in the province of Seville, southern Spain. From 29 October 2003 to the present a pilot project involving nine pharmacies in the basic health zone served by this health center has been running to evaluate computer-aided prescribing (the Receta XXI project) with real patients. All patients on the center's list of patients who came to the center for an administrative consultation to renew prescriptions for medications or supplies for long-term treatment. Total number of administrative visits per patient for patients who came to the center to renew prescriptions for long-term treatment, as recorded by the Diraya system (Historia Clinica Digital del Ciudadano, or Citizen's Digital Medical Record) during the period from February to July 2004. Total number of the same type of administrative visits recorded by the previous system (TASS) during the period from February to July 2003. The mean number of administrative visits per month during the period from February to July 2003 was 160, compared to a mean number of 64 visits during the period from February to July 2004. The reduction in the number of visits for prescription renewal was 60%. Introducing a system for computer-aided prescribing significantly reduced the number of administrative visits for prescription renewal for long-term treatment. This could help reduce the administrative burden considerably in primary care if the system were used in all centers.

  18. Red wine and cardiovascular health the "French Paradox" revisited

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giuseppe Lippi


    Full Text Available Giuseppe Lippi1, Massimo Franchini2, Gian Cesare Guidi31U.O. di Diagnostica Ematochimica, 2Servizio di Immunoematologia e Trasfusione, Dipartimento di Patologia e Medicina di Laboratorio, Azienda Ospedaliero, Universitaria di Parma, Parma, Italy; 3Sezione di Chimica Clinica, Dipartimento di Scienze Morfologico-Biomediche, Università degli Studi di Verona, Verona, ItalyAbstract: The healthful and nutritive properties of wine have been acknowledged for thousands of years, but the observation that moderate consumption of red wine on a regular basis may be preventative against coronary disease is recent. Dr Renaud, a scientist working at the Bordeaux University in France, suggested wine consumption explains the “French Paradox”, the low incidence of heart attacks in France regardless of a remarkable dietary intake of saturated fats and alcohol. After nearly 20 years of research, there is now mounting evidence that light to moderate wine intake is beneficial for the cardiovascular health, acting through a variety of mechanisms that target all the crucial steps of atherosclerosis, from early formation of the atherosclerotic plaque to its life-threatening complications (ulceration, thrombosis, vessel occlusion and infarction. These effects are attributable to the synergic properties of several biochemical components of wine (alcohol, resveratrol, and especially polyphenolic compounds, particularly the red varieties. This article reviews the leading clinical observations and the hypothesized biological mechanisms that strongly support the cardiovascular benefits of moderate red wine consumption on cardiovascular health and that would make red wine a promising therapeutic supplement to prevent and even perhaps treat coronary artery disease.Keywords: wine, cardiovascular disease, coronary disease, atherosclerosis

  19. Dose evaluation in occupationally exposed workers through dosimeters ring and wrist type with an anthropomorphic phantom; Evaluacion de la dosis en trabajadores ocupacionalmente expuestos a traves de dosimetros tipo anillo y de muneca con un fantoma antropomorfico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Palma, R.; Gastelo, E. [Univesidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Huamachuco, Lambayeque (Peru); Paucar, R.; Tolentino, D.; Herrera, J. [Complejo Hospitalario San Pablo, Lima (Peru); Armas, D., E-mail: [Consorcio Proxtronics del Pacifico S. A. C., Cal. Manuela Estacio Mza. D1-2 Lote 13, San Miguel, Lima (Peru)


    In the Nuclear Medicine service of the Clinica San Pablo (Peru), the occupationally exposed workers carried out the preparation and administration of radiopharmaceuticals to patients, so it is vital to measure the equivalent dose to the hands during the procedures in order to optimize the exposure to the ionizing radiation and execute the Radiological Safety Regulation (D.S. No. 009-97-Em) and the standard IR 002.2012 of radiation protection and safety in nuclear medicine. In this paper was designed and built a hand anthropomorphic phantom made of paraffin following the description given for the standard man, later were placed dosimeters ring and wrist type UD-807 model, Panasonic brand. Then we proceeded to irradiate using vial containers of Tc-99 and I-131. The obtained results showed the difference between the equivalent dose obtained among the ring and wrist dosimeter also getting a dose of 153 mSv /year when working with {sup 99m}Tc and of 61 mSv /year when working with iodine-131. Was also demonstrated that the ring dosimeter shows the average dose received in the hand with less dispersion. It was found that under the national regulation on Requirements of Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety in Medicine article 63, indicates that higher doses of 150 mSv /year the occupationally exposed workers should have hand dosimetry. Finally the individual dose limit of 500 mSv /year in extremities can be overcome if adequate radiation protection standards do not apply. (author)

  20. The contribution of ultrasonography and computed tomography in the evaluation of abdominal involvement in paracoccidioidomycosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Paula, Ivie Braga de [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Dept. de Radiologia; Pedroso, Enio Roberto Pietra; Ferreira, Cid Sergio, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil). Fac. de Medicina


    Introduction: paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a polymorphic systemic granulomatous inflammatory disease determined by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, one of the 10 leading causes of morbidity and mortality among the parasitic diseases endemic in Brazil. Objective: To identify the following aspects of PCM by ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT): abdominal changes, intensity and characteristics of the observed images, frequency of changes depending on clinical presentation, differences from other nosological entities. Patients and methods: This was a retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study carried out with 35 patients with PCM treated at the Hospital das Clinicas (HC) at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Patients with tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, generalized chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or in contact with silica or mines, as well as those with granulomatous diseases at any point in their current or past clinical history and detected through serology, anatomopathology or microbiological exams were excluded. Collected data were transcribed into SPSS for Windows® for statistical analysis. The study was approved by the UFMG Ethics Committee (082/00). Results and conclusion: CT and U.S. showed involvement of abdominal organs in all forms of PCM, including lymphadenopathy (40%), hepatomegaly (37%), splenomegaly (37%) and adrenal involvement (17%). Gallbladder and retroperitoneal musculature involvement were also observed, along with ascites and pleural effusion. Lymph node calcification, adrenal involvement and ascites constituted evidence of high probability of PCM even though these findings are not enough to differentiate PCM from tuberculosis. Chronic and sequelae forms, abdominal involvement is more frequent than indicated by the clinical manifestations. (author)