
Sample records for internationale iter pour

  1. La Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) et le Comité français (CEF). Normes et recommandations, 1948-1988


    Machefert-Tassin, Yves


    La Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI-IEC) dont le siège est à Genève (Suisse) a, entre autres, pour but de promouvoir pour ses membres une coopération internationale afin de normaliser et de coordonner les règles et recommandations que doivent remplir les différents matériels faisant partie des domaines de l’électrotechnique, de l’électronique et des techniques connexes. Ces normes internationales vont de la terminologie et des symboles ou vocabulaire à l’évaluation, par essais,...

  2. Des stratégies de changement dans les organisations internationales : une analyse comparée du HCR et de l’OIT


    Louis, Marieke; Maertens, Lucile


    Partant d’une comparaison inédite entre le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) et l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), cet article suggère de revisiter la problématique du changement dans les organisations internationales en montrant, dans une perspective de sociologie des relations internationales, l’existence d’un continuum de stratégies organisationnelles mises en place par ces dernières pour légitimer leur existence et leur action, stratégies allant de l...

  3. Appel à propositions : Innovations pour l'inclusion économique des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    20 mars 2018 ... L'Organisation internationale du Travail rapporte que près d'un cinquième des ... organismes de coopération internationale ont pris des mesures pour promouvoir ... de début de carrière pour les femmes scientifiques maintenant offertes ... Droits d'auteur · Éthique de la recherche · Politique de libre accès ...

  4. 2011 : Année internationale de la chimie



    Lors de la 63e assemblée générale des Nations Unies, 2011 a été proclamée année internationale de la chimie. En France, les acteurs de la chimie sont mobilisés pour promouvoir quatre objectifs : mettre l’accent sur l’importance de la chimie pour un développement durable dans tous les aspects de la vie sur la planète ; accroître chez les jeunes l’intérêt pour la chimie ; susciter l’enthousiasme pour une chimie tournée vers l’avenir ; célébrer les travaux de Marie Curie et la contribution des f...

  5. Initiative internationale des chaires de recherche | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Initiative de recherche de sept ans dotée d'un budget de 8 millions de dollars canadiens. L'Initiative internationale des chaires de recherche a pour but de jumeler d'éminents chercheurs d'universités du Canada avec des homologues de pays en développement afin de relever quelques-uns des plus grands défis auxquels ...

  6. Renforcement de la collaboration nationale et internationale afin d ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'appui du CRDI au Conseil canadien pour la coopération internationale (CCCI) se poursuit grâce à cette subvention de deux ans visant à renforcer les capacités des membres du conseil en matière d'apprentissage, d'innovation, de recherche sur les politiques et d'élaboration de politiques, en partenariat avec des ...

  7. Pour une meilleure diffusion de l'information scientifique en Afrique ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    7 févr. 2011 ... Soutien aux journalistes scientifiques des pays en développement. Un nouveau programme de mentorat international novateur, qui vise à consolider le ... pour la recherche ( SAREC ) de l'Agence suédoise de coopération internationale pour le ... La recherche fait progresser les droits des femmes arabes.

  8. Des terres pour l’agro-industrie internationale ? Un dilemme pour la politique foncière malgache

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    André Teyssier


    Full Text Available Les manœuvres d’appropriation foncière à grande échelle tentées fin 2008 par les entreprises Daewoo Logistics et Varun International, largement relayées par les médias et dénoncées par diverses organisations, ont participé à la déstabilisation du gouvernement Ravalomanana. Les montages de ces deux grands projets agro-industriels ont suivi des trajectoires différentes, l’un choisissant de contrôler d’immenses superficies par bail emphytéotique, l’autre privilégiant des formes de contractualisation de la production, mais tous deux ont été abandonnés face à des mouvements de contestation basés sur l’inaliénabilité de la « terre des ancêtres ». Le rejet de ces projets d’envergure encore inédite et en partie tournés vers des cultures d’exportation est compréhensible tant les retombées économiques et sociales paraissaient incertaines. Madagascar ne saurait néanmoins se priver d’investissements dans le secteur agricole, mais des choix de développement, orientés par une meilleure connaissance des processus en cours, restent à opérer en toute transparence, afin de combiner développement de l’agro-business et promotion des exploitations familiales. Pour l’instant, ces incertitudes marquent une politique foncière qui, même rénovée, hésite entre la formalisation de droits sur le sol au profit du plus grand nombre grâce à une décentralisation de la gestion foncière et l’octroi de vastes espaces à des firmes internationales suivant des procédures accélérées.

  9. Le rôle du Conseil de Sécurité de l’Organisation des Nations unies dans les travaux de la Cour Pénale Internationale

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    Germana Aguiar Ribeiro do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Le Conseil de sécurité est un organe politique soucieux du maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales. La Cour pénale internationale, quant à elle, est un organe juridictionnel subsidiaire qui a pour vocation de juger les crimes de guerre, de génocide, d’agression et les crimes contre l’humanité. Ces deux organes ont comme dénominateur commun le maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales. Cette convergence de compétences a été consacrée par le Statut de Rome en octroyant au Conseil de sécurité la prérogative de saisir la Cour. L’intervention du Conseil de sécurité dans le fonctionnement de la Cour peut ainsi être bénéfique pour assurer les droits de l’Homme, néanmoins, elle peut représenter un frein à l’effectivité de l’exercice de la compétence de la Cour. Dans cette optique, il serait intéressant d’aborder l’aspect constructif du lien qui unit la Cour et le Conseil de sécurité, ainsi que l’obstacle qu’il peut représenter pour la réalisation de la paix et de la sécurité internationales. Pour cela, la méthodologie qualitative sera utilisée. La recherche documentaire, l’étude de la jurisprudence et de la législation permettront de regrouper les renseignements relatifs au sujet.

  10. La Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris

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    Sébastien Bureau


    Full Text Available La Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris est le lieu où se concentrent le plus de résidences universitaires en Île-de-France avec une vocation affichée d’accueillir les étudiants et chercheurs du monde entier, et ce depuis 1925. Elle leur offre un ensemble de services centralisés et un cadre privilégié mais se considère avant tout comme un creuset pour la rencontre des cultures et la diffusion de la culture française parmi les élites intellectuelles internationales. Au-delà des intentions, nous avons cherché, par la rencontre de ses dirigeants et des résidents, à saisir d’une part, la réalité actuelle des échanges culturels promus par une politique du « brassage » et d’autre part, la dynamique de « l’espace vécu » des résidents.The Cité Internationale of Paris is the place where concentrate most university halls of residence in the French capital with a displayed vocation to welcome the students and the researchers of the whole world since 1925. It offers to them a set of centralized services and a privileged living environment but considers itself above all as a melting pot for the meeting of cultures and the spreading of French culture among international intellectual elites. Beyond intentions, we tried, by the meeting of managements and residents, to grasp the current reality of cultural exchanges thanks to the policy of the "mixing" and the dynamic of "the space lived" on residents.

  11. Internationale rejsende i Aalborg Lufthavn

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Gunvor Riber

    internationale rejsende, der ankommer til Nordjylland gennem Aalborg Lufthavn. Undersøgelsen tog udgangspunkt i det eksisterende internationale rutenetværk i Aalborg Lufthavn, for derudfra at analysere de turister, privat‐ og erhvervsrejsende, der ankommer til Aalborg Lufthavn fra internationale destinationer...

  12. Fagbevægelsens svage internationale position over den internationale kapital

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søborg, Henrik


    På baggrund af en historisk analyse af fagbevægelsens internationale position med hovedvægten på udbredelsen af industrial relations modeller og deres konfrontation med neo-liberalismen og omstruktureringen af kapatalismen i 1980'erne belyses fagbevægelsens internationale position i dag med eksem...... eksempler fra Kina og Malaysia. Udgivelsesdato: december...

  13. Convention internationale sur l’utilisation pacifique du cyberespace

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    Edward M. Roche


    Full Text Available Les armes cybernétiques sont à présent une extension du pouvoir de l’Etat. Dans l’espoir de gagner un avantage stratégique, un certain nombre de pays, dont les Etats-Unis, la Russie et la Chine sont en train de développer des cyber-capacités offensives afin de perturber les institutions politiques, économiques, et sociales de nations concurrentes. Ces activités ont conduit à une course aux armes cybernétiques qui se développe de manière incontrôlable. L’imminence de cette menace globale incite la communauté internationale à la pro-activité. L’objectif de cet article est de proposer une convention internationale afin de mettre un terme au développement, à la prolifération, et à l’utilisation d’armes cybernétiques avant qu’elles ne causent un Armageddon électronique. Nous commencerons d’abord par l’examen de trois efforts successifs de contrôle des armements, puis en utiliserons les leçons retenues pour rédiger une convention pouvant servir de point de départ à des négociations multilatérales.

  14. Des distinctions internationales | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    3 nov. 2010 ... l'architecte de la révolution verte en Inde, a remporté en 1987 le tout premier Prix mondial de l'alimentation pour avoir fait découvrir aux agriculteurs indiens des variétés de blé et de riz à haut rendement. Le scientifique éthiopien Aklilu Lemma, qui a découvert un molluscicide d'origine végétale pouvant ...

  15. Droit des organisations internationales

    CERN Document Server

    Sorel, Jean-Marc; Ndior, Valère


    Cet ouvrage collectif offre aux enseignants et chercheurs en droit international, aux praticiens et aux étudiants, une analyse actualisée du droit des organisations internationales. Il dresse en cinq parties un tableau, illustré par des exemples variés, des problématiques que soulève le phénomène polymorphe d institutionnalisation de la société internationale. La première partie est consacrée au phénomène des « organisations internationales », sous l angle à la fois de l institutionnalisation progressive des relations internationales et de la difficulté à cerner une catégorie unifiée. La deuxième partie rend compte de la création, de la disparition et des mutations des organisations internationales, ici envisagées comme systèmes institutionnels et ordres juridiques dérivés. La troisième partie analyse l autonomie que l acquisition de la personnalité juridique et de privilèges et immunités, un organe administratif intégré, un personnel ou un budget propres confèrent aux organi...

  16. Sud du Sahara | Page 288 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Institut africain de gestion urbaine (IAGU) est une organisation non gouvernementale à vocation internationale sise au Sénégal. ... in 2004, the Benin-based NGO Initiatives pour un développement intégré (IDID) promotes food security, climate change adaptation, and sustainable management of fragile ecosystems.

  17. Partenaires et initiatives | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les frontières s'effacent lorsqu'il s'agit de problèmes tels que les changements climatiques, les maladies infectieuses, la pauvreté et l'instabilité. De nos jours, les difficultés auxquelles font face les pays en voie de développement nous touchent tous. Pour traiter ces problèmes, il faut une intervention internationale ...

  18. Partenariats pour le développement de la capacité en matière de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'Afrique est particulièrement démunie à cet égard — elle n'est pas seulement le ... L'Initiative internationale pour un vaccin contre le sida (IAVI) et le projet de ... Cela comporte un soutien à long terme afin de créer à la fois une capacité de ...... L'idée à l'origine du CREA était un regain d'espace pour la recherche qui ...

  19. : tous les projets | Page 131 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    À l'approche de 2015, la communauté internationale évalue de façon critique la mise en oeuvre des objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD), qui avaient été établis en 2000. Date de début : 3 mai 2013. End Date: 30 septembre 2014. Sujet: CROSS CULTURAL ANALYSIS, DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, SOCIAL ...

  20. : tous les projets | Page 130 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    À l'approche de 2015, la communauté internationale évalue de façon critique la mise en oeuvre des objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD), qui avaient été établis en 2000. Date de début : 3 mai 2013. End Date: 30 septembre 2014. Sujet: CROSS CULTURAL ANALYSIS, DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, SOCIAL ...

  1. Collaborer pour trouver des réponses — L'Initiative internationale ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ailleurs incité l'Afrique du Sud à s'en inspirer pour lancer son propre programme de chaires de recherche en 2007. La directrice générale du Programme des chaires de recherche du Canada, Terry Campbell, explique que le ...

  2. L’Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer (IFREMER)



    Note portant sur l’auteur L’Institut français de recherche scientifique pour le développement en coopération (ORSTOM) et le Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD) sont deux organismes français de recherche qui œuvrent au Brésil depuis plus de vingt ans. Cette contribution permet de faire connaître l’éventail des recherches entreprises et leurs aspects originaux ainsi que les résultats obtenus, les apports et les profits mutuels, en deux mot...

  3. Initiative internationale pour la transparence de l'aide (IITA) | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Pour nous conformer au format commun utilisé dans le cadre de l'IITA, nous avons sauvegardé nos données en XML (Extensible Markup Language), et nous les conservons sur notre site web. Ces données peuvent aider à suivre, à analyser et à surveiller les activités de soutien à la recherche lorsqu'on les relie au dépôt ...

  4. Rapport de frais de 2015-2016 pour Stephen McGurk | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Total des frais de déplacement : CAD$41,163.61. Réunion en Colombie pour discuter de l'engagement du CRDI dans le processus de paix de Canada. 13 mars 2016 au 19 mars 2016. CAD$3,561.02. Assister à la Conférence internationale sur l'inégalité territoriale et le développement au Mexique. 27 janvier 2016 au 30 ...

  5. pour le trimestre qui a pris fin le 31 décembre 2012

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    31 déc. 2012 ... -24,8 %. Contributions de bailleurs de fonds. Financement de la programmation en recherche pour le développement. 39 837. 11 122. 9 044. 11 376. -20,5 %. 29 081. 25 399. 25 400. 0,0 % ..... internationales d'information financière (normes IFRS) telles que publiées par le Conseil des normes comptables ...

  6. Les i-jumelages au service de la solidarité internationale et du développement local

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    Florence Durand-Tornare


    Full Text Available L’association « Villes internet » propose depuis plusieurs années aux collectivités françaises de mettre en action des i-jumelages. L’idée est simple : utiliser Internet comme vecteur pour la construction de ces nouvelles solidarités internationales entre acteurs locaux, collectivités locales et acteurs du tiers secteur non marchand. Il s’agit de mettre très concrètement en place via Internet de nouveaux modes de co-développement, basés sur des logiques de réciprocité, d’échanges de savoir et...

  7. Pour que l'exploitation minière marche : intégrer des petits mineurs ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    31 janv. 2011 ... Pour que l'exploitation minière marche : intégrer des petits mineurs pauvres dans ... ou reconnaissance de l'État est le mode de vie d'environ 13 millions de ... Selon l'Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), entre 11 et 13 millions ... mineurs subissent des discriminations et n'ont accès qu'aux parties les ...

  8. Archives: Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 1 - 31 of 31 ... Archives: Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie. Journal Home > Archives: Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie. Log in or Register to get access to full text downloads.

  9. Trois solutions novatrices pour accroître la sécurité alimentaire dans ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Corey Piccioni

    Le CRDI, qui est un élément clé de l'aide internationale du Canada, appuie des travaux de recherche dans les pays en développement afin d'y favoriser la croissance et le développement. Centre de recherches pour le développement international. 150, rue Kent * CP 8500 * Ottawa ON Canada K1G 3H9 * Tél.: +1 613 236 ...

  10. Internet i internationale virksomheder : et undervisningsnotat

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rask, Morten

    Notatet angiver forskellige vinkler på fænomenet "Internet i internationale virksomheder". Disse vinkler eller perspektiver hænger sammen, men er her behandlet (nogenlunde) hver for sig. Litteraturen om internet i internationale virksomheder fokuserer ofte på e-handel. E-handel er dog ikke det......-teknologisk perspektiv, der handler om sammenhængen mellem ansigt-til-ansigt og grænseflade interaktioner. De næste to perspektiver fokuserer på virksomhedens aktiviteter i relation til marketing og internationaliseringsprocessen. Disse fem perspektiver stammer fra min Ph.d.-afhandlig (Rask, 2001a). Det sidste...

  11. Mener un projet international bibliothèques françaises et coopération internationale

    CERN Document Server

    Bats, Raphaëlle


    Internet, construction européenne, mondialisation : notre horizon ne s'arrête plus à nos frontières. Du jumelage à la coopération décentralisée, les municipalités demandent à leurs services de participer à des projets à dimension internationale. Processus de Bologne, formation tout au long de la vie, internationalisation des études, les universités font elles aussi appel à leurs services pour les accompagner dans ces évolutions. C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrit ce volume, avec l'ambition de fournir à tous les professionnels des bibliothèques des clés de compréhension de ces nouveaux enjeux ainsi que des exemples concrets d'actions de coopération soutenus par des apports méthodologiques. Comment travailler et partager avec des partenaires étrangers ? Quelles sont les étapes fondamentales d'une coopération : de la convention à l'évaluation ? Qui sont nos relais en France et à l'étranger pour de tels projets ? C'est à travers ces questions que s'organise l'ouvrage, en proposant ...

  12. Pour un tourisme durable dans la Grande Caraïbe


    Dehoorne, Olivier; Nicolas, Fabiola; Saffache, Pascal


    IntroductionLe développement des activités touristiques dans les territoires de la Caraïbe s’impose comme l’alternative aux traditionnelles économies de plantation en difficulté. Si les produits de l’agriculture continuent d’être une importante source de revenus pour les Etats de la région, force est de reconnaître que leur déclin se précipite : les derniers marchés protégés s’ouvrent et les microéconomies insulaires sont confrontées à des concurrences internationale et intrarégionale qui les...

  13. Die Bedeutung internationaler Erfahrungen für den Karriereerfolg von Führungskräften


    Biemann, Torsten


    Die langfristigen Auswirkungen internationaler Einsätze von Führungskräften auf deren Karrieren sind bislang kaum empirisch untersucht worden und die wenigen vorliegenden Ergebnisse sind widersprüchlich. Ziel dieser Studie ist deshalb die empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen internationaler Erfahrungen auf den Karriereerfolg von Führungskräften anhand eines Vergleichs von Führungskräften mit und ohne internationale Erfahrungen. Es zeigt sich, dass internationale Erfahrungen zu einem höher...

  14. Compte-rendu de la 3e conférence internationale sur les glucosinolates « Glucosinolates and beyond »

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Quinsac Alain


    Full Text Available La 3e conférence internationale sur les glucosinolates, intitulée « Glucosinolates and beyond », a rassemblé plus d’une centaine de participants à Wageningen aux Pays-Bas, du 12 au 15 Octobre 2014. Le programme a été organisé en quatre sessions couvrant la recherche fondamentale sur l’origine et la biosynthèse des glucosinolates au cours de l’évolution, et les applications concrètes en santé humaine et agriculture. Près de 90 communications orales et posters, portant sur les récents progrès et les questions émergentes pour les recherches futures ont été présentés.

  15. Incoterms in de internationale handelspraktijk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sonja van Hall


    Op 1 januari 2011 zijn de nieuwe Incoterms 2010 in werking getreden. De benaming Incoterms is een acroniem voor International Commercial Terms, een set handelstermen die wordt beschreven en uitgegeven door de Internationale Kamer van Koophandel te Parijs. Het opstellen van een nieuwe set Incoterms

  16. Le contentieux camerounais devant les instances sportives internationales

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    Dikoume François Claude


    Les acteurs du sport depuis lors, utilisent donc les voies de recours au niveau international soit vers les fédérations sportives internationales ou encore et surtout vers le TAS qui s'occupe des litiges de toutes les disciplines sportives. Il est question ici de faire un inventaire casuistique descriptif non exhaustif des requêtes contentieuses camerounaises portées devant les diverses instances sportives internationales ; ceci permettra de questionner l'esprit processuel et la qualité technique de leurs réclamations juridiques en matière sportive.

  17. Variations sur la victime et la justice pénale internationale

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    Julian Fernandez


    Full Text Available La victime de graves violations du droit international humanitaire a longtemps été ignorée par une Justice pénale internationale naissante. Pourtant, nul doute que le bénéfice d’une justice éclairée serait un paramètre important dans le processus de « résilience » pour les victimes de l’horreur qui sont incapables d’affronter le quotidien post traumatique. Récemment, le régime de la Cour pénale internationale témoigne d’une prise en compte prometteuse, mais encore fragile des grands droits des victimes (représentation, protection, indemnisation.La víctima de graves violaciones del derecho internacional humanitario fue ignorada por las bases de la Justicia penal internacional naciente. Sin embargo, no cabe duda de que el beneficio de una justicia encendida sería un parámetro importante en el proceso de «resilience» para las víctimas del horror, que son incapaces de enfrentarse con una vida post traumática. Últimamente, el régimen de la Corte Penal Internacional está evolucionando hacia una toma en consideración cada vez más importante, pero aún frágil, de los grandes derechos de las víctimas (representación, protección, indemnización.For a long time, the victim of serious violations regarding humanitarian international law had been ignored by the new field of international criminal Justice. However, the benefit of an enlightened justice would be – no doubt – an important parameter in the process of “resilience” for the victims of the horror, who are unable to face a post traumatic everyday life. Recently, the core rights of the victims before international criminal justice (representation, protection, compensation has been taking into account by the international criminal Court, demonstrating a promising but still fragile evolution.

  18. Internationale perspektiver på seksualundervisning

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roien, Line Anne; Simovska, Venka


    I Danmark er vi i ikke så vant til at forholde os til internationale erfaringer for seksualundervisning. Men ud fra tanken om, at man kan lære meget om sit eget uddannelsessystem ved at spejle sig i andres, vil vi i dette kapitel rette blikket ud over Danmarks grænser og redegøre for nogle af de...

  19. Ensretning i den internationale skatteret

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schmidt, Peter Koerver; Bundgaard, Jakob


    I lyset af den seneste tids begivenheder (herunder særligt Luxleaks-sagerne) og tiltag på den internationale skattescene ses der i artiklen nærmere på en række af de forhold, som trækker i retning af øget ensretning af selskabsskattereglerne i store dele af verden. Det gøres gældende, at staternes...

  20. Les filtres et lits plantés de roseaux en traitement d'eaux usées domestiques. Perspectives pour le traitement d'eaux pluviales


    Boutin, C.; Esser, D.; Molle, P.; Liénard, A.


    L'article decrit puis compare le fonctionement des filtres plantes de roseaux a flux vertical puis horizontal a partir d'experiences francaises ou internationales sur le traitement des eaux usees domestiques. La discussion finale signale, par l'intermediaire d'experiences, la possibilite de traiter des eaux pluviales par ces techniques; pour autant, les bases de dimensionnement ne sont pas établies. / This article presents and describes vertical and horizontal reed beds filters for domestic w...

  1. Dispositifs permanents pour le suivi des forêts en Afrique Centrale : un état des lieux


    Picard , Nicolas


    38 p.; Cette étude, réalisée dans le cadre d'une convention entre la Commission des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC) et le Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Argonomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), département Environnements et Sociétés, vise à faire un état des lieux en matière de dispositifs permanents de suivi de la dynamique forestière dans les forêts du bassin du Congo. Elle est la première étape d'une étude visant à définir un protocole de mise en place de dispositi...

  2. Stratégie d'échantillonnage pour la campagne nationale de recherche des résidus de médicaments dans l'eau


    Py , Jean-Sébastien; Rosin , Christophe; Hollard , Caroline; Clavos , Marie-Christelle; Rimlinger , Nicole; Piat , Adeline; Garnier , Alexandra; Munoz , Jean-François


    National audience; De nombreuses études nationales et internationales ont mis en évidence la présence dans l'eau des rivières de médicaments à l'état de traces, et leurs effets biologiques sur les écosystèmes. En France, des campagnes exploratoires de mesure de la contamination des ressources superficielles (eaux de surface et eaux souterraines) utilisées pour la production d'eaux destinées à la consommation humaine (EDCH) sur trois bassins hydrographiques du territoire français ont montré la...

  3. 29 August 2013 - J.-F. Jauslin, Directeur de l’Office fédéral de la culture (OFC) Ambassadeur suisse auprès de l’UNESCO et de l’OIF au 1er septembre 2013 Confédération suisse visite le centre visiteurs de l’expérience ATLAS ainsi que la caverne expérimentale d'ATLAS avec P. Jenny, ancien Porte-parole d'ATLAS. M. Bona, Conseiller du Directeur général pour les relations avec les Organisations internationales présent tout au long.

    CERN Multimedia

    Jean-Claude Gadmer


    29 August 2013 - J.-F. Jauslin, Directeur de l’Office fédéral de la culture (OFC) Ambassadeur suisse auprès de l’UNESCO et de l’OIF au 1er septembre 2013 Confédération suisse visite le centre visiteurs de l’expérience ATLAS ainsi que la caverne expérimentale d'ATLAS avec P. Jenny, ancien Porte-parole d'ATLAS. M. Bona, Conseiller du Directeur général pour les relations avec les Organisations internationales présent tout au long.

  4. Changements à la tête du CERN - Robert Aymar aux commandes pour 5 ans.

    CERN Multimedia


    "Une nouvelle équipe prendra les rênes du CERN à partir du 1er janvier. Le Francais Robert Aymar, anciennement directeur du Projet de reacteur thermonucleaire experimental international (ITER), dirigera le centre de recherche pour la periode 2004-2008" (1 page).

  5. Internationale Medienpädagogik

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine Trültzsch-Wijnen


    Full Text Available Internationale Vergleiche sind nicht immer einfach, denn sie verlangen große Sensibilität und die Offenheit, sich auf fremde Kulturen einzulassen. Dies betrifft auch die Medienpädagogik, denn wie in einer Kultur mit Medien umgegangen wird, hängt von verschiedenen Einflussfaktoren ab. Dies macht es schwer, einheitliche Kategorien für den internationalen Vergleich von Medienpädagogik zu finden. Es lassen sich aber einige Rahmenbedingungen definieren, welche die Entwicklung der Medienpädagogik in einer bestimmten Kultur oder einem bestimmten Land beeinflussen können: das Mediensystem und Medienangebot, historische Entwicklungen (gesellschaftlich, politisch, das Bildungssystem, theoretische Ansätze (Wissenschaft, Kunst und kulturelle Besonderheiten (vgl. Wijnen 2008; Süss/Lampert/Wijnen 2013: 198–200.

  6. Cadre Institutionnel en Afrique de L'Ouest et du Centre en Matiere ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    ACDI : Agence de Coopération pour le Développement International. ACMAD ... CGIAR : Groupe consultatif pour la recherche agricole internationale ..... bassin, les institutions scientifiques et de recherche, les organisations paysannes, les.

  7. Une formation à distance pour la certification des compétences à l’ère du numérique : le projet C2i Université Laval - Université de Bordeaux

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    Jean-François Lévesque


    Full Text Available Il est désormais devenu indispensable de maîtriser les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC pour entreprendre avec succès des études universitaires. Sur ce point, la prise de conscience est de plus en plus forte et la question de la certification des compétences requises à l’ère du numérique devient un enjeu pour les universités. À partir d’un projet pilote mené dans le cadre de la collaboration internationale entre l’Université Laval (Québec et l’Université de Bordeaux (France, nous nous interrogeons dans cet article sur les conditions de mise en place d’une formation à distance en réponse à cette préoccupation.

  8. La politique de financement public du sport au Cameroun. Quels enjeux pour quelle politique fiscale ?

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    Obam Richard Evina


    Pour ce faire, cinq paliers doivent être successivement franchis. Le premier serait constitué par l'adoption d'une loi sur l'organisation et la promotion des activités physiques et sportives au Cameroun ayant comme caractéristiques essentielles l'obligation de constitution des clubs en société anonyme à objet sportif (SAOS avant toute affiliation à une Fédération et la création d'une Direction Nationale de Contrôle et de Gestion (DNCG ; Le deuxième palier consisterait dans l'opérationnalisation de la loi de 2006 sur le partenariat public-privé qui permettrait aux entreprises privées d'intervenir dans le domaine de la construction des infrastructures sur le modèle Build-operate-transfer (BOT ; Le troisième palier serait l'adoption d'un dispositif fiscal incitatif pour le mécénat, le sponsoring, le bénévolat, le marchandising et les droits télé ; Enfin, outre la dynamisation de la coopération internationale dans la perspective de diversification des financements viendrait parachever cette architecture de reconstruction du mouvement sportif camerounais.

  9. Scenarii pour (quasi-) fin du monde traiter les dangers au CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Houdart, Sophie


    Au large de Genève court le plus grand dispositif expérimental jamais construit, le LHC, conçu pour comprendre comment s’est aggloméré l’univers. Les physiciens des particules, à l’échelle internationale, y expérimentent les théories physiques les plus avancées sur l’origine et le devenir du monde. Lové 100 mètres sous terre, et donc invisible dans le paysage, cette machine extraordinaire est, en surface, le point de mire de multiples attentions et l’objet de mesures incessantes. Ce dont elle traite (le Big Bang, les trous noirs, l’antimatière…), son envergure, son empreinte territoriale sont propres à nourrir des scénarios catastrophe que le CERN doit scrupuleusement désamorcer à mesure qu’ils surgissent en usant de procédés hétérogènes : mesures techniques, normes juridiques, monitoring de l’environnement.

  10. Hvorfor standser det internationale samfund ikke krigen i Syrien?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Peter Viggo


    kapitlet anvender en analysemodel bestående af 6 forklaringsfaktorer til at forklare hvorfor det internationale samfund ikke magter at standse krigen i Syrien: 1. Støtte fra globale stormagter (FN Sikkerhedsråd). 2. Støtte fra naboer og regionale stormagter 3. Parterne anser en militær sejr for u...

  11. La régulation des industries culturelles à l’heure d’Internet et les enjeux pour la diversité culturelle: Le cas des quotas radiophoniques français

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexandre Joux


    Full Text Available La convention sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles, adoptée à l’UNESCO en 2005, redonne à l’instance internationale sa légitimité pour traiter des sujets liés aux politiques culturelles nationales. Ceux-ci avaient été déportés vers l’OMC dans les années 1990 à l’occasion des débats sur l’exception culturelle. Dix ans après l’adoption de la Convention de 2005, le développement de plates-formes mondiales de distribution des biens et services culturels remet toutefois en question, non pas les politiques culturelles nationales que la convention a sanctuarisés, mais leur efficacité à l’heure d’Internet. Ces évolutions obligent à comprendre la diversité culturelle au prisme de l’analyse économique pour imaginer des formes nouvelles et internationales de régulation des flux des produits des industries culturelles, ce qu’a révélé le débat français sur le projet de modification, en 2015, des quotas radiophoniques. Les quotas et les contraintes de programmation qu’ils imposent, en ne s’appliquant pas aux plates-formes de streaming musical, pourraient en effet et paradoxalement fragiliser les acteurs régulés sur qui repose la politique de diversité, sauf à étendre aux acteurs non-médiatiques le principe des quotas.

  12. Dansk landbrugs internationale rammevilkår i 200 år

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kærgård, Niels; Zobbe, Henrik


    De internationale markeder blev åbnet i løbet af første halvdel af 1800-tallet. I 1870’erne fik man desuden i de fleste lande guldfodssystem og dermed faste valutakurser. Samtidigt faldt transportomkostningerne med udbredelsen af jernbaner og dampskibe. Perioden fra 1870’erne til 1914 blev derfor...

  13. Een Digitale bibliotheek van dateringen: de internationale doorwerking van een Nederlands initiatief

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jansma, E.; Lanen, R.J. van

    De Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed en Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) hebben met NWO-gelden een internationale digitale bibliotheek ontwikkeld voor ouderdomsbepalingen met behulp van houtonderzoek. Alle in Nederland ontwikkelde jaarringarchieven over het cultureel erfgoed

  14. How to establish practical rules for the avoidance of contamination; Comment etablir des regles pratiques pour eviter la contamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duhamel, F.; Lavie, J.M. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The international Commission for Radiation Protection has given, for the most common radioelements, the internal contamination standards corresponding to a permanent exposure to these risks. These standards, expressed in maximum permissible concentrations in air, cannot be used directly for defining regulations aiming at avoiding the respiration of large doses during a short time. That is why the authors of this report have established a basis of comparison for the radioelements using the idea of the maximum permissible intake quantity 'Q.M.I.' for a single dose. (author) [French] La Commission internationale de Protection contre les Radiations 'I.C.R.P.' a donne, pour les radioelements les plus courants, les normes de contamination interne correspondant a une exposition permanente a ces risques. Ces normes, exprimees en concentrations maximales admissibles dans l'air ne sont pas directement utilisables pour elaborer directement un reglement cherchant a eviter les inhalations importantes mais de courte duree. C'est pourquoi, les auteurs de ce rapport ont etabli une base de comparaison des radioelements en faisant appel a la notion de quantite maximale inhalable 'Q.M.I.' en une seule fois. (auteur)

  15. How to establish practical rules for the avoidance of contamination; Comment etablir des regles pratiques pour eviter la contamination

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Duhamel, F; Lavie, J M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France).Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The international Commission for Radiation Protection has given, for the most common radioelements, the internal contamination standards corresponding to a permanent exposure to these risks. These standards, expressed in maximum permissible concentrations in air, cannot be used directly for defining regulations aiming at avoiding the respiration of large doses during a short time. That is why the authors of this report have established a basis of comparison for the radioelements using the idea of the maximum permissible intake quantity 'Q.M.I.' for a single dose. (author) [French] La Commission internationale de Protection contre les Radiations 'I.C.R.P.' a donne, pour les radioelements les plus courants, les normes de contamination interne correspondant a une exposition permanente a ces risques. Ces normes, exprimees en concentrations maximales admissibles dans l'air ne sont pas directement utilisables pour elaborer directement un reglement cherchant a eviter les inhalations importantes mais de courte duree. C'est pourquoi, les auteurs de ce rapport ont etabli une base de comparaison des radioelements en faisant appel a la notion de quantite maximale inhalable 'Q.M.I.' en une seule fois. (auteur)

  16. Guide pour la construction d'ensembles mécano-soudés conception - fabrication

    CERN Document Server

    Jubin, Laurent


    Le milieu des assemblages soudés dans la construction d’ensembles mécanosoudés et dans le secteur du levage et de la manutention a vu son environnement normatif évoluer de manière significative ces derniers temps. Les normes françaises NF E83-100 et NF E52-109, qui régissaient le secteur, ont été annulées, et les acteurs doivent dorénavant se conformer aux normes européennes ou internationales. Pour autant, ces normes françaises présentaient les règles de l’art en la matière et des aspects « métiers » utiles aux bureaux d’études, aux services méthodes et fabrications ainsi qu’aux sous-traitants du secteur, à qui elles servaient de références. C’est donc l’objet du présent rapport que de valoriser ces aspects « métiers », complétés par des retours d’expériences précis, tout en renvoyant aux textes européens et internationaux sur les aspects normatifs, leurs évolutions et leurs mises à jour. Ce rapport (9Q282) a pour but de conseiller les concepteurs et fabrica...

  17. Herstel van de trans-Atlantische vertrouwensbreuk? : Internationale betrekkingen na de Snowden-onthullingen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Graaff, B.G.J.


    In de vorige editie van Atlantisch Perspectief plaatste Constant Hijzen de Snowden-onthullingen in een historisch perspectief. Onderstaand artikel gaat in op de gevolgen van de NSA-affaire voor de internationale verhoudingen. Hoe kunnen de elkaar bespionerende bevriende landen het onderlinge

  18. Les difficultés de la replantation. Quel avenir pour le cacao en Côte d’Ivoire ?

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    Ruf François


    Full Text Available La conférence internationale sur le thème « Quel avenir pour les cultures pérennes ? » est née de deux préoccupations. La première recouvre le champ des difficultés de la replantation, difficultés techniques, économiques mais aussi environnementales, sociales et politiques : comment replanter 1 ? La seconde est la baisse des cours, probablement structurelle, de la plupart des matières premières agricoles, notamment de celles produites par des cultures pérennes. Si les prix restent aussi bas de façon aussi durable, pourquoi replanter ? De même qu’il est toujours de bon aloi d’acheter des actions quand la bourse s’écroule, les économistes recommandent de planter quand les cours des matières premières sont à leur plancher. Toutefois, si des centaines de milliers d’hectares sont plantés par des producteurs qui anticipent une remontée des cours, celle-ci peut alors être fort retardée. Cette capacité à anticiper un retour à des prix élevés est ainsi une des causes du prolongement de la phase des très bas prix du cacao jusqu’en 2001, ce qui semble bien relever d’un échec du marché 2. Le pourquoi et le comment de la replantation sont bien indissociables. Face aux enjeux, de nombreux pays détenteurs du patrimoine « cultures pérennes tropicales » ne manquent-ils pas d’une véritable politique de replantation prenant acte des changements nécessaires dans les conditions de production, se remettant en cause, tout en faisant face aux difficultés à interpréter les marchés ? Les problèmes de replantation ne peuvent se surmonter qu’à partir d’une compréhension des processus en œuvre, sur le terrain, en commençant par les décisions des producteurs. Les exemples, les études de cas, par village, par région, restent donc des fondamentaux pour une réflexion globale, pour une anticipation des problèmes, une action nationale, voire internationale, sur la replantation. En même temps, la question de

  19. Préface de l’ouvrage La mise en oeuvre du Mécanisme pour un développement propre au Cameroun : le cas du projet de récupération des gaz à effet de serre


    Oumba, Parfait


    International audience; Le concept de développement durable a été forgé dans le cadre des Nations Unies pour tenter de réconcilier les points de vue divergents des pays industrialisés et des pays en développement sur l'importance à accorder à la préoccupation environnementale dans leurs politiques économiques respectives, ce concept traduit bien la nécessité de concilier développement économique et protection de l'environnement comme l'a estimé la Cour internationale de justice dans l'Affaire...

  20. Aan de slag met een arbeidshandicap : internationale ervaringen : samenvatting van de resultaten van fase 1 van het internationale onderzoeksproject Job retention and return to work strategies for disabled workers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vos, E.L. de; Wevers, C.W.J.


    Dit rapport bevat capita selecta van resultaten van de internationale studie naar strategieën die werkhervatting bevorderen van werknemers met een arbeidshandicap. Aan NIA TNO is gevraagd vooral aandacht te besteden aan resultaten die van belang zijn voor de reïntegratiepraktijk in Nederland. Aan de

  1. JournalBase - Une étude comparative internationale des bases de données des revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS

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    Christine Kosmopoulos


    Full Text Available Pour la première fois en 2009 ont été ici présentés dans un tableau comparatif les contenus des bases de données qui recensent les revues en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS, du Web of Science (publié par Thomson Reuters et de Scopus (publié par Elsevier ainsi que des listes de référence European Reference Index for Humanities (ERIH (publiée par la Fondation européenne pour la Science et de l'AERES. Avec quelque 20 000 entrées, c’est une vue quasi exhaustive de la richesse des publications en sciences humaines et sociales qui est enfin apportée par ce tableau. La nomenclature adoptée pour classer les revues par discipline est celle en 27 postes de la Fondation Européenne pour la Science. Les affectations multiples révèlent la multidisciplinarité des revues, assez fréquente en SHS, mais parfois aussi les incohérences des bases de données qui n’ont pas été rectifiées.La recherche a été réalisée en 2008 avec le soutien financier du TGE Adonis du CNRS.Une mise à jour prochaine sera proposée en ligne.L’objectif final de ce projet, qui concerne l'ensemble de la communauté internationale en SHS, était de mettre en ligne, en version bilingue anglais/français, la base de données de JournalBase en mode interactif sur une plate-forme collaborative ainsi que le rapport final de l’étude, afin que les décideurs, les scientifiques, les experts de l'information scientifique disposent d’informations à jour et qu’ils puissent contribuer à faire avancer la réflexion sur ces questions, par l’échange d’expériences et de bonnes pratiques d’utilisation.Un article présentant l'historique du projet, la méthodologie mise en place et les difficultés rencontrées dans la comparaison des données a été publié le 8 janvier 2010. Il analyse également les premiers résultats.Désormais vous pouvez accéder à l'information intégrale de JournalBase sur le site :

  2. Drivhusgasser - kilder, opgørelsesmetoder og internationale forpligtelser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Thomsen, Marianne; Lyck, Erik

    Denne bog giver historien om drivhusgasser en hidtil udset dybde. Klimaændringerne har åbnet verdens øjne for disse gassers store betydning, og mange lande har forpligtet sig til at nedsætte udledningen af dem. Det kræver imidlertid, at man ved, hvor gasserne kommer fra, kan følge udledningernes......, hvor store udledningerne er i dag, var i fortiden og må forventes at blive i fremtiden.- Et klart overblik over de mange nationale og internationale institutioner og organisationer, der er med til at regulere drivhusgasudledningerne herhjemme og globalt.- Et godt grundlag, hvis man vil forstå den...

  3. La lutte internationale contre le réchauffement climatique comme étant une source de dégradation des ressources marines The international fight against global warming as a source of degradation of marine resources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Syrine Ismaili


    Full Text Available Les ressources marines constituent une richesse économique d'une grande importance pour un grand nombre de pays de la planète. Du fait de l'action de l'homme, ces ressources subissent une fragilisation et une raréfaction dues entre autres à la pollution, à la surpêche, à l'urbanisation intensive...S'ajoute à cette liste, depuis quelques années, le réchauffement de la planète qui affecte d'une manière sensible la diversité biologique marine. Pourtant les réponses internationales face à cette dégradation, au delà du fait qu'elles soient timides, sont rares. Il faudra dès lors se rabattre sur les solutions de lutte globale contre le réchauffement de la planète entreprise par la communauté internationale afin de contrer cette dégradation.Marine resources are a wealth of great economic importance for many countries in the world. Due to the action of man, these resources undergo embrittlement and rarification among others to pollution, overfishing, urbanization, intensive ... Added to this list in recent years, the global warming that affects a significantly marine biodiversity. Yet the international response to this degradation, beyond the fact that they are shy, is rare. It will therefore fall back on solutions to the global fight against global warming taken by the international community to counter this degradation.

  4. Sustainable energy. Progress report 2004. National and international strategy; Duurzame Daadkracht. Voortgangsrapportage 2004. Nationale en internationale strategie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the title program it is described how the Netherlands will fulfil the agreements that were made at the Johannesburg summit on sustainable development. The program consists of an international and a national strategy. In this document an overview is given of the results so far. [Dutch] In deze voortgangsrapportage van Duurzame Daadkracht, het Actieprogramma duurzame ontwikkeling, wordt aangegeven hoe de stand van zaken is ten aanzien van de ambities en voorgenomen acties, die beschreven staan in zowel het nationale als het internationale deel van het actieprogramma. Duurzame Daadkracht is de Nederlandse uitwerking van de afspraken die op de World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg zijn gemaakt. De kern van het nationale deel is dat de Nederlandse overheid er naar streeft om zich bij al haar activiteiten (van beleidsontwikkeling tot bijvoorbeeld de eigen huisvesting) te richten op duurzame ontwikkeling. Dit is uitgewerkt aan de hand van te ontwikkelen instrumenten en ruim twintig beleidsprogramma's. Het internationale deel concentreert zich op de internationale inspanningen van de Nederlandse overheid op het gebied van de institutionele ontwikkeling, publiek-private partnerschappen als instrument, de prioritaire thema's water, energie, gezondheid, landbouw en biodiversiteit, op duurzame handel en investeringen.

  5. Augmenter le taux de vaccination et réduire la mortalité infantile à Haïti

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 mai 2016 ... Résultats de l'Initiative canadienne d'immunisation internationale pour Haïti À Haïti, un enfant sur quatorze ne survit pas assez longtemps pour fêter son premier anniversaire. Parmi les facteurs contributifs, citons les taux extrêmement faibles de vaccination à Haïti, qui sont parmi les plus bas au monde.

  6. Professorat de recherche sur les droits de la personne reconnus ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Pour ce projet, le CRDI s'associe à la Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) pour réaliser un programme de recherche portant sur les droits de la personne reconnus internationalement. La subvention servira à payer pendant deux ans la moitié du salaire et des avantages sociaux du professeur agrégé ...

  7. Innovations pour améliorer les vaccins pour le bétail | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  8. Lojaalsuse põhimõte Euroopa Liidus ja selle mõju Eestile / Julia Laffranque

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laffranque, Julia, 1974-


    2000. aastal Helsingis toimunud Rahvusvahelise Euroopa Õiguse Föderatsiooni (la Federation Internationale pour le Droit Europeen) kongressist. Siseriiklike institutsioonide koostöö kohustusest Euroopa Ühenduse asutamislepingu artikkel 10 kohaselt

  9. ITER...ation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Troyon, F.


    Recurrent attacks against ITER, the new generation of tokamak are a mix of political and scientific arguments. This short article draws a historical review of the European fusion program. This program has allowed to build and manage several installations in the aim of getting experimental results necessary to lead the program forwards. ITER will bring together a fusion reactor core with technologies such as materials, superconductive coils, heating devices and instrumentation in order to validate and delimit the operating range. ITER will be a logical and decisive step towards the use of controlled fusion. (A.C.)

  10. Aux membres du personnel français détachés au CERN - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    Affiliation au régime de retraite français Le CERN a reçu la lettre suivante de la Mission permanente de la France auprès des Organisations Internationales à Genève au sujet de la récente publication d'un décret concernant la retraite des fonctionnaires français détachés dans les organisations internationales : " .. l'article 20 de la loi 2002-73 du 17 janvier 2002 a mis fin au caractère obligatoire de l'affiliation au régime de retraite français pour les fonctionnaires détachés à l'étranger ou dans les organisations internationales. Le décret 2002-1391 du 21 novembre 2002, publié au Journal Officiel du 28 novembre 2002, a prévu que les fonctionnaires concernés disposent d'un délai de quatre mois à partir de la notification de leur arrêté de détachement pour faire part à leur administration d'origine de leur volonté de continuer à cotiser au régime national. Pour les fonctionnaires ayant déjà reçu la notification de leur arrêté de détachement à la date du 1er décembre 20...

  11. Project of law, adopted by the Senate, giving permission to the approval of the agreement between the French government and the international organization for thermonuclear fusion energy ITER, relative to the head office of ITER organization and to the privileges and immunities of ITER organization in the French territory; Projet de loi adopte par le Senat, autorisant l'approbation de l'accord entre le Gouvernement de la Republique francaise et l'Organisation internationale ITER pour l'energie de fusion relatif au siege de l'Organisation ITER et aux privileges et immunites de l'Organisation ITER sur le territoire francais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The will of building up an international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER) gathers since several years the European community of atomic energy (Euratom), Japan, the USA, and Russia, next followed by China, South Korea and, since 2005, by India. The agreement signed in Paris between these seven parties on November 21, 2006 entrusted the international organization ITER with the realization of this project. The implications of the ITER project are enormous both in their scientific and in their economical aspects. France has a particular position in this project since the head office of ITER organisation is sited at Saint-Paul-lez-Durance and the tokamak will be built at Cadarache. Therefore, an agreement has been signed between ITER organization and the French government. The approval of this agreement is the object of this project of law made of a single article. The agreement between the French government and the international organization ITER is attached to the document. It defines the juridical status, the privileges and immunities of the organization itself and of its personnel inside the French territory. An appendix to the agreement precises the cooperation modalities between the French authorities and ITER organization. (J.S.)

  12. La lutte contre la désertification pour le développement durable des terres arides

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    Franco Bazzani


    Full Text Available Un des obstacles scientifiques le plus persistant pour la lutte contre la désertification a été une très grande difficulté dans la quantification soignée de la nature et l’extension du problème lié, dans le passé, à une difficulté dans la définition du phénomène. La Convention des Nations Unies sur la Lutte contre la Désertification (UNCCD a donné une définition à ce phénomène et a aussi établie un “zonage” sur base écologique en considérant un intervalle dans le rapport entre les précipitations et l’évaporation possible pour la définition des zones affectées par le phénomène. Un prise en charge direct du coté des pays touchés par la désertification ou dégradation des terres, par la réalisation des Programmes d’Action Nationale, est aussi un des piliers de la convention. L’extension croissante des phénomènes de dégradation des terres et l’inquiétude tant des pays concernés que de la communauté internationale ont déterminé la nécessité de disposer et de mettre au point des outils de suivi et d’évaluation des processus de dégradation des terres avec la création d’un réseau de surveillance.

  13. Eindrapportage Calendula-keten Project : een internationale keten-innovatie-opgave met technologische, economische en sociaal-culturele aspecten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    Doel van dit project is het duurzaam organiseren van een innovatieve, internationale, agro-industriële keten voor hernieuwbare grondstoffen met Calendula als praktijkvoorbeeld. Daarnaast beoogt het project om in een samenwerking van technologische en gamma-georiënteerde kennisinstellingen te leren

  14. Contestation internationale contre élites mondiales : l’action directe et la politique délibérative sont-elles conciliables ?

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    Francis Dupuis-Déri


    Full Text Available Dans cet article, j’analyse à la lumière des normes libérales de la politique délibérative le bien-fondé de l’action directe contre les institutions internationales associées au néolibéralisme et à la mondialisation du capitalisme (Banque mondiale, Organisation mondiale du commerce, etc.. Le processus délibératif de ces organismes étant illégitime du point de vue de la théorie de la politique délibérative, les activistes du mouvement altermondialiste sont en droit de contester ces organismes. De plus, une attitude de contestation peut avoir en elle-même une valeur délibérative pour au moins sept raisons : (1 lancer une délibération ; (2 élargir la participation à la délibération ; (3 renforcer la représentativité ; (4 faire circuler l’information et faire connaître les arguments (publicité ; (5 stimuler l’imagination ; (6 pousser à l’action ; (7 relancer la délibération. Finalement, les mouvements sociaux tels que le mouvement altermondialiste peuvent être vus comme des forums délibératifs. Ainsi, qui veut évaluer la légitimité de l’action directe doit prendre en considération la nature délibérative du processus par lequel les activistes choisissent les moyens les plus efficaces à utiliser pour corriger les défauts du processus délibératif officiel et pour faire avancer l’égalité, la liberté et la justice.In this article I examine the legitimacy of direct action in relation to liberal deliberative norms and global institutions (World Bank, World Trade Organization, etc.. Since the deliberative processes of these institutions are illegitimate according to the theory of deliberative politics, the activists of the movement for global justice should be legitimate to confront these institutions. Moreover, confrontational action in itself may have a deliberative value for at least seven reasons: (1 initiating deliberation (agenda-setting ; (2 enlarging participation ; (3 enlarging

  15. Quand la justice pénale internationale s’empare de la réconciliation nationale When international criminal justice captures « national reconciliation »

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    Sara Liwerant


    Full Text Available Si aujourd’hui les Tribunaux pénaux internationaux pour l’ex-Yougoslavie et pour le Rwanda affirment qu’ils ont pour objectif de favoriser la restauration de la paix, cette mission puise pourtant ses racines dans une réglementation des comportements dans la guerre. Cette généalogie révèle un changement de mission du droit pénal international qui, associant progressivement justice et paix, a conduit récemment à y adjoindre la « réconciliation nationale ». Sans être définie, la « réconciliation nationale » va s’introduire dans le vocable des juges internationaux. Ainsi, lors de la détermination de la peine, les juges vont considérer que les efforts de l’accusé en faveur de la réconciliation nationale est un élément susceptible de réduire la peine au titre des circonstances atténuantes. A partir d’une analyse de l’ensemble des décisions des deux Tribunaux pénaux internationaux, cet article analyse sens et enjeux de l’appropriation de la « réconciliation nationale » par la justice pénale internationale saisie par des impératifs collectifs.Although the international criminal courts for the Former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda claim that their goal is to contribute to the restoration and the maintenance of peace, their mission originates in the laws of war. This genealogy reveals a shift in international criminal law’s missions. Combining « justice » and « peace », the international judges have added the notion of « national reconciliation » to their vocabulary without defining it. Thus to give a « fair sentence » judges are willing to consider the defendant’s efforts in favor of national reconciliation among the elements that they take into account as mitigating factors. Analyzing the judgments of the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and for the Rwanda, this article explores what is at stake when international criminal justice is faced with social

  16. Adaptation

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    scientifique et ... y Centre pour la recherche forestière internationale (CIFOR), Yaoundé (Cameroun) ... Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA) .... 26 Coopération entre milieux ruraux et urbains dans la gestion de l'eau face.

  17. L’espace social des étudiants marocains dans la mobilité internationale. Spatialisation des réseaux et recomposition territoriale

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    Sabrina Marchandise


    Full Text Available La communication centre le propos sur l’étude des migrations étudiantes internationales, particulièrement marocaines. Ce thème se situe dans un contexte d’internationalisation de l’enseignement supérieur, au cœur des enjeux actuels qui ont trait à la mobilité des savoirs et des compétences et plus généralement dans les enjeux sociaux des réseaux. L’objectif général de la recherche réside dans la compréhension de la façon dont les étudiants marocains se représentent, conçoivent et produisent leurs rapports à l’espace, territorialisant de nombreuses aires. Comment alors penser les nouvelles formes de territorialité des étudiants marocains ? Les traductions spatiales des différents facteurs intervenant dans la dynamique sociale étudiante peuvent fournir des clés de lecture et d’interprétation des changements en cours (usages et technologies. Le projet consiste donc à saisir comment est structuré l’espace social des étudiants à travers les différents réseaux. Cet objectif pourra être atteint grâce à la spatialisation des réseaux étudiants marocains. Un croisement des méthodes et une articulation des échelles s’avèrent nécessaires pour une approche par les trajectoires et les pratiques des étudiants.

  18. Colloquium spectroscopicum internationale XXIV: From big bang to unsolved problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schrader, B.


    Brief report on the Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale 1985, held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (FRG). The opening lecture, ''From Big Bang to Black Holes'', unfolded the current knowledge of the universe, whereas two thirds of the following 61 plenary lectures dealt with problems of atomic spectroscopy and the remaining papers with molecular spectroscopy. In 40 poster sessions 350 posters were briefly discussed, and the conference was accompanied by an exhibition of latest spectrometric equipment. Experimental methods were the centre of discussions of atomic spectroscopy experts, whereas in the field of moclecular spectroscopy issues such as standards for digitised spectra, databases and information exchange via data networks met with great interest. (RB) [de

  19. Enquête internationale sur l'état de l'art et l'état de la pratique en géotechnique (United States)

    Acosta-Martinez, Hugo; Delage, Pierre; Nicks, Jennifer; Day, Peter


    Cet article présente une synthèse des résultats de l'enquête internationale sur l'état de l'art et l'état de la pratique en ingénierie géotechnique lancée par le Groupe présidentiel des entreprises associées et le Comité de supervision technique de la Société internationale de mécanique des sols et de géotechnique en mars 2017. Il résume également les discussions qui ont eu lieu sur le sujet durant le 19e CIMSG à Séoul, le 20 septembre 2017.

  20. CARACTERISATION VARIETALE Les marqueurs moléculaires : un nouvel outil pour l’inscription et la protection variétale ?

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    Baril Claire


    Full Text Available Le Geves (Groupe d’étude et de contrôle des variétés et des semences a pour mission officielle de mener les études nécessaires à l’homologation des variétés végétales nouvelles, la protection juridique du droit des obtenteurs et la certification des semences avant leur commercialisation, dans le cas des espèces soumises à une certification réglementaire. L’inscription d’une variété nouvelle au catalogue officiel est une condition nécessaire à sa commercialisation. Pour être homologuée, une variété doit être distincte, homogène et stable (DHS et apporter un progrès au niveau de sa valeur agronomique ou technologique (VAT. L’expertise des nouvelles variétés est effectuée pour le compte du CTPS (Comité technique permanent de la sélection, placé sous l’autorité du ministère de l’Agriculture. Le matériel végétal nouveau peut bénéficier d’une protection légale par la délivrance d’un certificat d’obtention végétale (COV par le CPOV (Comité de protection des obtentions végétales, en application de la convention internationale de l’Upov (Union pour la protection des obtentions végétales. La protection juridique du droit de l’obtenteur permet la valorisation de l’innovation variétale et, donc, celle des investissements de recherche. La production de semences certifiées suit des protocoles et respecte des normes de qualité très précises. Avant leur commercialisation, tous les lots de semences d’espèces certifiables sont échantillonnés et analysés. Les contrôles d’identité et de pureté variétale ainsi que les analyses de qualité des semences sont réalisés à la demande du SOC (Service officiel de contrôle et de certification, service technique du GNIS (Groupement national interprofessionnel des semences.

  1. Payer pour préserver : la politique internationale de la proposition équatorienne Yasuní-ITT

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    Pamela L. Martin


    Full Text Available L’idée de laisser près de 900 millions de barils de pétrole dans le sous-sol du Parc national de Yasuní, en Amazonie équatorienne, prouve l’importance des réseaux transnationaux dans l’institutionnalisation d’autres règles de gouvernance mondiale de l’environnement. Par le biais de complexes réseaux locaux et mondiaux, le Fonds Yasuní, administré par le PNUD, a créé un modèle potentiel à reproduire dans d’autres pays mégadivers en développement qui se trouvent en proie à la malédiction du pétrole mais cherchent malgré tout des solutions contribuant au développement durable et à la justice sociale. La singularité de l’initiative Yasuní-ITT réside dans son appel à la protection de l’environnement et des sociétés indigènes qui y vivent en payant pour éviter les émissions de CO2. Un tel projet regroupe les objectifs mondiaux relatifs aux changements climatiques dans le cadre d’une solution post-Kyoto qui associe le Sud avec le fondement constitutionnel et normatif de l’Equateur de vivre en harmonie avec la nature, en quechua sumak kawsay (el buen vivir en espagnol ou « le bien-vivre ».

  2. Sans-Terre au sud du Brésil Sem-terra no Sul do Brasil

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    René Somain


    Full Text Available Le livre de Susana Bleil, brésilienne et maître de conférences à l’Université du Havre, est la reprise pour un plus large public de sa thèse en sociologie soutenue en mai 2009 à Paris (EHESS. Elle est publiée par maison d’édition Karthala, qui a été fondée pour publier et diffuser des textes sur les questions internationales en rapport avec les pays du Sud.Pour l’essentiel, le livre retrace l’occupation d’une terre par seize familles de paysans Sans-Terre. Après avoir retracé – pour le publi...

  3. Abréviations



    ACB Analyse coûts/bénéfices ARP Analyse du risque phytosanitaire CDB Convention sur la diversité biologique CGAPS Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species CIPV Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux CITES Convention internationale sur les espèces menacées CRC Cooperative Research Center (CRC) for Australian Weed Management DAE Direction des affaires économiques Davar Direction des affaires vétérinaire, alimentaire et rurale DDE-E Direction du développement économique et de ...

  4. Les Fédérations sportives internationales. centres de décision et stratégies du pouvoir

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    Mohamed BEN LARBI


    Full Text Available L'analyse de la répartition spatiale des sièges et des présidences de Fédérations sportives internationales met en évidence des stratégies politiques dans l'organisation mondiale des sports.

  5. Des normes sociales pour les déplacements de population causés par les grands barrages. France, XXe siècle

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    Armelle Faure


    such projects.Le recul du temps et les études historiques permettent de porter un regard a posteriori sur la façon dont les populations rurales françaises ont été déplacées pour la construction des grands barrages pendant et après la seconde guerre mondiale. Aujourd’hui, des normes internationales sont imposées aux constructeurs par les gouvernements et les financeurs. En l’absence de ces normes sociales internationales, comment les déplacements se sont-ils passés ? Le regard est porté à partir des « politiques de sauvegarde » actuelles développées par la Banque Mondiale et la Banque Asiatique de Développement. Les études de cas rétrospectives partent des recherches menées dans les Alpes par Virginie Bodon sur Tignes et Serre-Ponçon pour sa thèse d’histoire (1999 ainsi que le livre de D. Varaschin sur Tignes. L’auteur utilise ses propres études sur les grands barrages de la Haute-Dordogne, menées dans les archives départementales et municipales, et les enquêtes directes auprès de témoins et de leurs enfants (1998-2005. L’expérience de l’auteur comme anthropologue pour la Banque Mondiale permet d’analyser les façons dont ces déplacements ont été menés en pratique. Ces déplacements contraints, appelés « involuntary resettlement » dans un concept euphémistique des discours du développement, prennent une importance de plus en plus notoire avec la crise internationale de l’énergie. Les barrages ont provoqué un débat international sur les impacts sociaux et environnementaux, relayé par la World Commission on Dams. À l’heure où les sources de financement sont à nouveau mobilisées pour accroître la construction de nouveaux barrages à travers le monde, il paraît utile de fournir des connaissances sur un pays qui était à l’époque l’un des plus innovateurs dans la construction de ces aménagements.

  6. Beyond Criminal Justice: Toward a New Paradigm for Political ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Accueil · Ce que nous faisons ... to establishing a framework for peace can promote or break cycles of violence. ... Un chercheur subventionné par le CRDI retient l'attention de la communauté internationale pour son travail relatif au taux de ...

  7. African Copyright and Access to Knowledge Network (ACA2K ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Accueil · Ce que nous faisons ... The team will examine the existing legal framework in each country and ... Un chercheur subventionné par le CRDI retient l'attention de la communauté internationale pour son travail relatif au taux de mortalité ...

  8. Dialogue sur les solutions à la question des réfugiés palestiniens ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Institution. Organisation internationale pour les migrations. Institution Country. Suisse. Institution Website. Related content. LVIF announces five more funded projects. Eleven world-class research teams set to improve livestock vaccine development and production to benefit farmers across the Global ...

  9. Managing Natural Resources for Sustainable Livelihoods : Uniting ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Il donne des idées afin que la recherche soit participative tout en restant ... au Centre pour la recherche forestière internationale (CIFOR), en Indonésie, ... coopération scientifique et technologique en appui aux projets de recherche conjoints.

  10. Lapsed väärivad head teatrit, mitte haltuurapalagani / Toomas Tross, Hiie Fluss ; intervjueerinud Meeli Parijõgi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tross, Toomas, 1966-


    Tallinnas Vaba Lava teatrimajas toimub 28.-30. oktoobrini festival „Teater noorele vaatajale”. ASSITEJ (Association Internationale du Theatre pour l'Enfance et la Jeunesse) Eesti keskuse juhatuse esimees Toomas Tross ja juhatuse liige Hiie Fluss arutlevad lastele suunatud teatri kvaliteedi üle

  11. Internationale policies og nationale handleplaner for sundhedsfremme og uddannelse for bæredygtig udvikling i skolen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Katrine Dahl; Nordin, Lone Lindegard; Simovska, Venka

    Målet med denne dokumentanalyse er at klarlægge de internationale og nationale politiske rammer, der er sat for arbejdet med sundhedsfremme og bæredygtig udvikling i grundskolen i Danmark i dag. Hensigten er at undersøge, hvor begreberne kommer fra, hvad skolerne er forpligtede på, fællestræk og ...

  12. A new real time intelligent management model for street lighting


    Romnée, Ambroise; Lejeune, Guy; Bodart, Magali; CIE Centenary Conference : Towards a New Century of Light


    La Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage émet quelques recommandations au sujet de l’exploitation nocturne de l’éclairage public sans pour autant donner de directives sur la méthode de gradation de l’éclairage. Or, une gestion intelligente de la durée d’allumage et des niveaux de puissance d’éclairage relative aux conditions de trafic est essentielle pour la mise en application d’un éclairage public de qualité et pour la réalisation d’économies d’énergie conséquentes. Cette étude établit u...

  13. Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Formulation d'un mortier de terre-ciment pour les murs mis en oeuvre selon la technique du pisé · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. M Mamba, R Nzengwa, I Tsomgme ...

  14. Clarence Batan met en lumière le sort des jeunes Philippins | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Research Committee on Sociology of Youth, le RC 34) à l'occasion du Congrès mondial de sociologie de l'Association internationale de sociologie (ISA), et il est maintenant l'un des deux vice-présidents pour l'Asie de ce comité.

  15. Conservation and Sustainable Development : Linking Practice and ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 janv. 2012 ... En matière de gestion des ressources naturelles, les liens entre les politiques ... la part de l'Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature (UICN) et ... Félicitations à la première cohorte de chercheuses en science des ...

  16. Malaysia : tous les projets | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Région: Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Philippines, ... Sujet: INDUSTRIAL CROPS, EXPORT ORIENTED INDUSTRIES, FOOD ... Gestion de la migration internationale de la main-d'oeuvre dans les pays ...

  17. Technologies omniprésentes et accès au savoir (A2K) | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... réseau transforme les modes d'accès à l'information partout dans le monde. ... En Indonésie, les portails Web locaux dominent le marché, sans pour autant toujours être en accord avec la loi nationale et internationale sur le droit d'auteur.

  18. L'incidence du prix et des stratégies d'emballage des produits du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Des données internationales, en provenance surtout des pays à revenu élevé, ... pour s'attaquer aux stratégies de marketing ciblant des groupes vulnérables dans ... Les conclusions d'un programme financé par le CRDI au premier plan de la ...

  19. La transformation de la recherche aux Suds: politiques et résultats

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    David O'Brien;Rigas Arvanitis

    des carrières, des pratiques de gestion, des collaborations internationales, des mobilités ... de mesure et de cadrage pour mesurer et évaluer les performances de la ... climatique, la protection de biodiversité ou la prévention et le contrôle des.

  20. Mangfoldighedsledelse i internationale forretningsmiljøer - fem parametre for anvendelsen af kulturel mangfoldighed

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauring, Jakob


    Mangfoldighedsledelse er per definition et bredt begreb. Man kan tale om mangfoldighed baseret på nationalitet, etnicitet, religion, alder, køn, seksuel orientering, handicap, uddannelse og meget mere. Som regel vil flere typer af mangfoldighed være til stede i en organisation. Denne mangfoldighed...... nationaliteter og etnisk oprindelse i virksomheder - hvad jeg kalder kulturel mangfoldighed. En type af mangfoldighed man ofte finder i internationale forretningsmiljøer, og som ofte er rekrutteret udelukkende ud fra et motiv om at skabe forretningsmæssige fordele. Som forudsætning for min analyse antager jeg...

  1. Abréviations



    A ACCT – Agence de Coopération Culturelle et TechniqueACP – Afrique, Caraïbes, PacifiqueAELE – Association européenne de libre-échangeAFF – Administration fédérale des financesAGE – Accords généraux d’empruntsAI – Amnesty internationalAID – Agence internationale pour le développement (IDA)AIE – Agence internationale de l’énergieALENA – Accord de libre-échange nord-américainAMF – Arrangement multifibreAMGI – Agence multilatérale de garantie des risques à l’investissementAOSIS – Association des...

  2. Abréviations



    A ACCT — Agence de Coopération Culturelle et TechniqueACP — Afrique, Caraïbes, PacifiqueAELE — Association européenne de libre-échangeAFF — Administration fédérale des financesAGE — Accords généraux d'empruntsAI — Amnesty internationalAID — Agence internationale pour le développement (IDA)AIE — Agence internationale de l'énergieALENA — Accord de libre-échange nord-américainAMF — Arrangement multifibreAMGI — Agence multilatérale de garantie des risques à l'investissementAPD — Aide publique au ...

  3. Iterating skeletons

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dieterle, Mischa; Horstmeyer, Thomas; Berthold, Jost


    a particular skeleton ad-hoc for repeated execution turns out to be considerably complicated, and raises general questions about introducing state into a stateless parallel computation. In addition, one would strongly prefer an approach which leaves the original skeleton intact, and only uses it as a building...... block inside a bigger structure. In this work, we present a general framework for skeleton iteration and discuss requirements and variations of iteration control and iteration body. Skeleton iteration is expressed by synchronising a parallel iteration body skeleton with a (likewise parallel) state......Skeleton-based programming is an area of increasing relevance with upcoming highly parallel hardware, since it substantially facilitates parallel programming and separates concerns. When parallel algorithms expressed by skeletons involve iterations – applying the same algorithm repeatedly...

  4. Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    OFDM codée pour le haut débit en fibre optique avec les codes correcteurs convolutifs, BCH, RS et LDPC · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. S R Sanou, F Zougmoré, Z Koalaga, M Kebré, 1-16 ...

  5. At gøre en dyd af nødvendigheden. Hans Hedtoft og Danmarks internationale placering fra Norden til NATO

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Villaume, Poul


    Hans Hedtofts afgørende rolle for Danmarks internationale sikkerhedspolitiske stilling fra ikke-allieret brobyggerrolle over forsøget på deltagelse i et nordisk forsvarsforbund til medlemskab af Atlantpagten/NATO tematiseres. Hedtofts NATO-loyale, men samtidig på flere områder forbeholdne tilgang...

  6. ITER-FEAT - outline design report. Report by the ITER Director. ITER meeting, Tokyo, January 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    It is now possible to define the key elements of ITER-FEAT. This report provides the results, to date, of the joint work of the Special Working Group in the form of an Outline Design Report on the ITER-FEAT design which, subject to the views of ITER Council and of the Parties, will be the focus of further detailed design work and analysis in order to provide to the Parties a complete and fully integrated engineering design within the framework of the ITER EDA extension

  7. Internationale kommunikationseffekter ved fremsendelse af danske vidensregnskaber på engelsk til kunder i Storbritannien og Tyskland: Forskningsbaggrund og -design

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skaates, Maria Anne


    Formålet med dette Working Paper er at fastlægge en metodologi for et kommende studium af de internationale kommunikationseffekter ved fremsendelse af danske vidensregnskaber på engelsk til kunder i Storbritannien og Tyskland. I det følgende afsnit vil der derfor blive redegjort generelt for, hvad...

  8. ITER council proceedings: 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Continuing the ITER EDA, two further ITER Council Meetings were held since the publication of ITER EDA documentation series no, 20, namely the ITER Council Meeting on 27-28 February 2001 in Toronto, and the ITER Council Meeting on 18-19 July in Vienna. That Meeting was the last one during the ITER EDA. This volume contains records of these Meetings, including: Records of decisions; List of attendees; ITER EDA status report; ITER EDA technical activities report; MAC report and advice; Final report of ITER EDA; and Press release

  9. ITER safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raeder, J.; Piet, S.; Buende, R.


    As part of the series of publications by the IAEA that summarize the results of the Conceptual Design Activities for the ITER project, this document describes the ITER safety analyses. It contains an assessment of normal operation effluents, accident scenarios, plasma chamber safety, tritium system safety, magnet system safety, external loss of coolant and coolant flow problems, and a waste management assessment, while it describes the implementation of the safety approach for ITER. The document ends with a list of major conclusions, a set of topical remarks on technical safety issues, and recommendations for the Engineering Design Activities, safety considerations for siting ITER, and recommendations with regard to the safety issues for the R and D for ITER. Refs, figs and tabs

  10. Sud du Sahara | Page 136 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    IDRC-supported researchers at the University of Ghana investigated why ... show that unregulated population growth — averaging 10 births per woman ... est une organisation non gouvernementale à vocation internationale sise au Sénégal.

  11. Final report of the ITER EDA. Final report of the ITER Engineering Design Activities. Prepared by the ITER Council

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This is the Final Report by the ITER Council on work carried out by ITER participating countries on cooperation in the Engineering Design Activities (EDA) for the ITER. In this report the main ITER EDA technical objectives, the scope of ITER EDA, its organization and resources, engineering design of ITER tokamak and its main parameters are presented. This Report also includes safety and environmental assessments, site requirements and proposed schedule and estimates of manpower and cost as well as proposals on approaches to joint implementation of the project

  12. Dvorak. Concerto pour violoncelle / Francis Dresel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dresel, Francis


    Uuest heliplaadist "Dvorak. Concerto pour violoncelle; Schumann: Concerto pour violoncelle. Orchestre Symphonique d'Estonie, Orchestre Symphonique de la Radio TV d'URSS, Neeme Järvi" Vogue "Archives Sovietiques" 651033 1978

  13. How to rule with ideas: study of the notion of Failed State


    Chapaux, Vincent


    Depuis la fin de la guerre froide, la notion de Failed State est utilisée dans les relations internationales pour décrire des États rencontrant des difficultés à exercer un monopole de la violence légitime sur leur territoire. La thèse se pose la question de savoir dans quelle mesure cette notion a pu jouer un rôle dans les rapports de domination en cours dans les relations internationales. L’étude montre que la notion a été créée par un communauté épistémique et des entrepreneurs de sens ava...

  14. Informatique: tous pour un ... projet

    CERN Multimedia

    Delétraz, F; Requin, J-M


    "Pour des raisons de coût et d'efficacité, les chercheurs font de plus en plus travailler ensemble des ordinateurs éparpillés sur tous les continents. Pour faire avancer la science, tous les moyens et tous les réseaux sont bons" (1 page)

  15. Bangalore, ville des nouvelles technologies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clarisse Didelon


    Full Text Available Bangalore est devenue la Silicon Valley de l’Inde. Une partie de ses habitants y vit à l’occidentale mais le reste de la population souffre de la croissance spectaculaire de la ville. Face à l’insuffisance des infrastructures, Bangalore devient de moins en moins attractive pour les entreprises internationales.

  16. Guide de classification: Jeux Paralympiques Londres 2012



    Le guide de classification pour les Jeux Paralympiques de Londres 2012 est destiné à informer les Comités Nationaux Paralympiques (CNP) et les Fédérations Internationales des Sports Paralympiques (FISP) sur les politiques et les procédures de classification qui s’appliqueront aux Jeux Paralympiques de Londres 2012.

  17. Centenary Birth Anniversary of E. W. Beth (1908-1964) (United States)

    Bagni, Giorgio T.


    Evert Willem Beth (1908-1964) was a Dutch logician, mathematician and philosopher, whose work mainly concerned the foundations of mathematics. Beth was among the founders of the Commission Internationale pour l'Etude et l'Amelioration de l'Enseignement des Mathematiques and was a member of the Central Committee of the International Commission on…

  18. Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Etude technico-économique d'un système hybride (aérogénérateur et moteur diesel) pour la production d'électricité. EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. L Merad, B Benyoucef, JP Charles. ...

  19. iterClust: a statistical framework for iterative clustering analysis. (United States)

    Ding, Hongxu; Wang, Wanxin; Califano, Andrea


    In a scenario where populations A, B1 and B2 (subpopulations of B) exist, pronounced differences between A and B may mask subtle differences between B1 and B2. Here we present iterClust, an iterative clustering framework, which can separate more pronounced differences (e.g. A and B) in starting iterations, followed by relatively subtle differences (e.g. B1 and B2), providing a comprehensive clustering trajectory. iterClust is implemented as a Bioconductor R package., Supplementary information is available at Bioinformatics online.

  20. Résultats de recherche | Page 9 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'initiative Gouvernance démocratique, droits des femmes et égalité entre les ... est un principe important du programme de coopération internationale du Canada. ... Conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique : un examen des ...

  1. The effect of pouring time on the dimensional stability of casts made from conventional and extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloids by 3D modelling

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hasan Ö. Gümüş


    Conclusion: All of the conventional and extended-pour impression materials tested in this study can be poured up to 24 hours with accuracy, if impressions are correctly stored. Extended-pour impression materials (ColorChange, Hydrogum 5, and Hydrocolor 5 can be poured up to 120 hours, if stored correctly.

  2. variabilite des productions et des revenus des exploitations

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    3Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD), UMR Innovation,. Montpellier, France. Doubangolo COULIBALY, Email RESUME. La durabilité des systèmes de production à base de coton dans un contexte de variabilité des prix aux producteurs et de ...

  3. Cultural Diversity in Mathematics (Education): CIEAEM 51. (United States)

    Ahmed, Afzal; Williams, Honor; Kraemer, Jean Marie

    The 51st meeting of the Commission Internationale pour L'Etude et L'Amelioration de L'Ensignment des Mathematiques (CIEAEM) was held July, 1999 at Chichester, UK and facilitated the collaboration of delegates from over 30 countries providing a variety of perspectives on the theme OCultural Diversity in Mathematics Education'. The papers in this…

  4. IITA_IATI Plan mise en oeuvre CRDI 10-08-15.xlsx

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    1 juil. 2016 ... notification de l'OCDE –– et la norme de l'Initiative internationale pour la ... 2) Définition –– dans cette colonne est posée une question ..... Domaine public : les données pu liées par une or anisation sont li res de droit d auteur ...

  5. Performance enhancement effects of Fédération Internationale de Football Association's "The 11+" injury prevention training program in youth futsal players

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reis, Ivan; Rebelo, António; Krustrup, Peter


    OBJECTIVE:: To evaluate if Fédération Internationale de Football Association's "The 11+" injury prevention program improves physical fitness and technical performance in youth futsal players. DESIGN:: Randomized cohort study. SETTING:: Futsal club. PARTICIPANTS:: Thirty-six futsal players (17.3 ± 0...

  6. Ce que nous faisons | Page 162 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale qui encourage la coopération entre les ... Réseau d'information sur la santé du Mozambique ... de plus en plus fréquentes entre des professionnels issus de différentes disciplines.

  7. International dosimetry experiment on the zero power pile of the Boris Kidric Institute at Vinca (Yugoslavia) (1961); Experience internationale de dosimetrie sur la pile de puissance nulle de l'Institut Boris Kidric de Vinca (Yougoslavie) (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weill, J; Furet, J; Baillet, J; Donvez, G; Duchene, J; Gras, R; Mercier, R [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Section Autonome d' Electronique des Reacteurs, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires; Chenouard, J; Lecomte, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Dept. de Physico - Chimie, Service des Isotopes Stables, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    On the occasion of the international dosimetry experiment on the zero power pile of the Yugoslavian Atomic Energy Centre at Vinca, the Commissariat a l'energie Atomique had agreed to prepare the measurement and security equipment and see to the manipulation of the heavy water, and in addition was responsible for the operation and the starting up of the pile during the experiment. The measurement and security apparatus, developed at Saclay and installed on the pile for low and high pressure runs, is listed, together with the safety equipment added near the control room. The various operations and manipulations carried out on the pile are described: filling with heavy water, starting up, determination of the critical level, testing the efficiency of the rods, operating the pile during the experiments. By operating to a carefully planned schedule, the experiments were, finished before the date fixed by the International Atomic Agency. (authors) [French] Dans le cadre de l'experience internationale de dosimetrie sur la pile de puissance nulle du Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires Yougoslave de Vinca, le Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique avait accepte de preparer l'equipement de controle et de securite, de pourvoir a la manipulation de l'eau lourde de la pile et avait la responsabilite de son fonctionnement et de sa mise en marche pendant l'experience. On enumere ici l'appareillage de controle et de securite installe sur la pile pour les marches a basse et haute puissances, appareillage mis au point a Saclay, ainsi que les protections ajoutees a proximite de la salle de controle. On decrit les differentes manipulations et operations effectuees sur la pile: remplissage d'eau lourde, demarrage, recherche du niveau critique, verification de l'efficacite des barres, conduite de la pile pendant les experiences. Grace a un planning tres serre qui a pu etre tenu, les experiences ont pu etre terminees avant la date prevue par l'Agence Atomique Internationale. (auteurs)

  8. ITER council proceedings: 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    No ITER Council Meetings were held during 2000. However, two ITER EDA Meetings were held, one in Tokyo, January 19-20, and one in Moscow, June 29-30. The parties participating in these meetings were those that partake in the extended ITER EDA, namely the EU, the Russian Federation, and Japan. This document contains, a/o, the records of these meetings, the list of attendees, the agenda, the ITER EDA Status Reports issued during these meetings, the TAC (Technical Advisory Committee) reports and recommendations, the MAC Reports and Advice (also for the July 1999 Meeting), the ITER-FEAT Outline Design Report, the TAC Reports and Recommendations both meetings), Site requirements and Site Design Assumptions, the Tentative Sequence of technical Activities 2000-2001, Report of the ITER SWG-P2 on Joint Implementation of ITER, EU/ITER Canada Proposal for New ITER Identification

  9. Negociações comerciais internacionais e democracia: o contencioso Brasil x EUA das patentes farmacêuticas na OMC

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    Marcelo Fernandes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Dans cet article, on cherche la viabilité analytique du Jeu à Deux Niveaux - JDN pour examiner la situation brésilienne dans l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce - OMC. On cherche à voir, en même temps, si le perfectionnement des institutions démocratiques brésiliennes en ce qui concerne le processus de formulation de la politique extérieure sera capable d'améliorer la réponse aux demandes des groupes d'intérêt et d'élargir la compétence technique de la diplomatie brésilienne dans les négociations commerciales internationales. On cherche aussi à savoir si ce perfectionnement peut faire monter la crédibilité et la légitimité internationale des démarches brésiliennes au sein de l'OMC, dans le sens de tourner en leur faveur les régimes internationaux. Pour cela, on analyse le contentieux des brevets pharmaceutiques mené contre les États-Unis au sein de l'OMC.

  10. Perl Modules for Constructing Iterators (United States)

    Tilmes, Curt


    The Iterator Perl Module provides a general-purpose framework for constructing iterator objects within Perl, and a standard API for interacting with those objects. Iterators are an object-oriented design pattern where a description of a series of values is used in a constructor. Subsequent queries can request values in that series. These Perl modules build on the standard Iterator framework and provide iterators for some other types of values. Iterator::DateTime constructs iterators from DateTime objects or Date::Parse descriptions and ICal/RFC 2445 style re-currence descriptions. It supports a variety of input parameters, including a start to the sequence, an end to the sequence, an Ical/RFC 2445 recurrence describing the frequency of the values in the series, and a format description that can refine the presentation manner of the DateTime. Iterator::String constructs iterators from string representations. This module is useful in contexts where the API consists of supplying a string and getting back an iterator where the specific iteration desired is opaque to the caller. It is of particular value to the Iterator::Hash module which provides nested iterations. Iterator::Hash constructs iterators from Perl hashes that can include multiple iterators. The constructed iterators will return all the permutations of the iterations of the hash by nested iteration of embedded iterators. A hash simply includes a set of keys mapped to values. It is a very common data structure used throughout Perl programming. The Iterator:: Hash module allows a hash to include strings defining iterators (parsed and dispatched with Iterator::String) that are used to construct an overall series of hash values.

  11. Les sociabilités des étudiants marocains en mobilité internationale

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    Sabrina Marchandise


    Full Text Available A partir d’une enquête de terrain, l’article propose d’identifier les réseaux sociaux des étudiants marocains en mobilité internationale selon une approche par les sociabilités dans l’hypothèse d’une remise en question des réseaux traditionnels de la migration marocaine. Il s’agit en outre de faire le lien entre les réseaux et l’entretien des relations notamment par le web social. Une méthode d’analyse du web social permet ainsi de repositionner les réseaux identifiés et leurs implications spatiales et temporelles posant ainsi la question du rôle des nouvelles technologies dans les mobilités qualifiées.

  12. ITER overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimomura, Y.; Aymar, R.; Chuyanov, V.; Huguet, M.; Parker, R.R.


    This report summarizes technical works of six years done by the ITER Joint Central Team and Home Teams under terms of Agreement of the ITER Engineering Design Activities. The major products are as follows: complete and detailed engineering design with supporting assessments, industrial-based cost estimates and schedule, non-site specific comprehensive safety and environmental assessment, and technology R and D to validate and qualify design including proof of technologies and industrial manufacture and testing of full size or scalable models of key components. The ITER design is at an advanced stage of maturity and contains sufficient technical information for a construction decision. The operation of ITER will demonstrate the availability of a new energy source, fusion. (author)

  13. ITER Overview

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimomura, Y.; Aymar, R.; Chuyanov, V.; Huguet, M.; Parker, R.


    This report summarizes technical works of six years done by the ITER Joint Central Team and Home Teams under terms of Agreement of the ITER Engineering Design Activities. The major products are as follows: complete and detailed engineering design with supporting assessments, industrial-based cost estimates and schedule, non-site specific comprehensive safety and environmental assessment, and technology R and D to validate and qualify design including proof of technologies and industrial manufacture and testing of full size or scalable models of key components. The ITER design is at an advanced stage of maturity and contains sufficient technical information for a construction decision. The operation of ITER will demonstrate the availability of a new energy source, fusion. (author)

  14. ITER Council proceedings: 1993

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Records of the third ITER Council Meeting (IC-3), held on 21-22 April 1993, in Tokyo, Japan, and the fourth ITER Council Meeting (IC-4) held on 29 September - 1 October 1993 in San Diego, USA, are presented, giving essential information on the evolution of the ITER Engineering Design Activities (EDA), such as the text of the draft of Protocol 2 further elaborated in ''ITER EDA Agreement and Protocol 2'' (ITER EDA Documentation Series No. 5), recommendations on future work programmes: a description of technology R and D tasks; the establishment of a trust fund for the ITER EDA activities; arrangements for Visiting Home Team Personnel; the general framework for the involvement of other countries in the ITER EDA; conditions for the involvement of Canada in the Euratom Contribution to the ITER EDA; and other attachments as parts of the Records of Decision of the aforementioned ITER Council Meetings

  15. ITER council proceedings: 1993

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Records of the third ITER Council Meeting (IC-3), held on 21-22 April 1993, in Tokyo, Japan, and the fourth ITER Council Meeting (IC-4) held on 29 September - 1 October 1993 in San Diego, USA, are presented, giving essential information on the evolution of the ITER Engineering Design Activities (EDA), such as the text of the draft of Protocol 2 further elaborated in ``ITER EDA Agreement and Protocol 2`` (ITER EDA Documentation Series No. 5), recommendations on future work programmes: a description of technology R and D tastes; the establishment of a trust fund for the ITER EDA activities; arrangements for Visiting Home Team Personnel; the general framework for the involvement of other countries in the ITER EDA; conditions for the involvement of Canada in the Euratom Contribution to the ITER EDA; and other attachments as parts of the Records of Decision of the aforementioned ITER Council Meetings.

  16. Guides et formulaires | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Demande de subvention de recherche du CRDI · Budget de proposition · Lignes directrices du CRDI pour la préparation du rapport d'étape technique · Lignes directrices du CRDI pour la préparation du rapport technique final · Lignes directrices du CRDI pour les dépenses de projet admissibles · Lignes directrices pour la ...

  17. ITER-FEAT safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gordon, C.W.; Bartels, H.-W.; Honda, T.; Raeder, J.; Topilski, L.; Iseli, M.; Moshonas, K.; Taylor, N.; Gulden, W.; Kolbasov, B.; Inabe, T.; Tada, E.


    Safety has been an integral part of the design process for ITER since the Conceptual Design Activities of the project. The safety approach adopted in the ITER-FEAT design and the complementary assessments underway, to be documented in the Generic Site Safety Report (GSSR), are expected to help demonstrate the attractiveness of fusion and thereby set a good precedent for future fusion power reactors. The assessments address ITER's radiological hazards taking into account fusion's favourable safety characteristics. The expectation that ITER will need regulatory approval has influenced the entire safety design and assessment approach. This paper summarises the ITER-FEAT safety approach and assessments underway. (author)

  18. Résultats de recherche | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    adresse principalement aux établissements de soins de santé du secteur public. ... Une équipe de recherche internationale s'emploie à protéger la santé humaine et l'environnement en améliorant les pratiques agricoles dans quatre pays ...

  19. Violation des droits de l'homme, internationale et globale

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    Miklavčič-Predan Neva


    -ci tandis que les citoyens ordinaires ne peuvent pas les pratiquer impunément. Donc, l' idée et la mise en œuvre du système des organisations non-gouvernementales comporte un schisme, ce qui empêche leur bon fonctionnement, en limitant leurs activités à un niveau symbolique d' une action statique formelle en faveur des droits de l' homme, qui ne peut pas être mise en œuvre. Ce qui en résulte, c' est l' hypocrisie du nouveau système, qui, soi-disant, permet une action civile, mais en fait il la limité et l' empêche. Le rôle de la communauté internationale à soutenir les ON Gest également réalisé au niveau d' un soutien symbolique pour les projets bénignes qui ne s' attaquent pas aux vrais problèmes mais aux sujets qui ne changent rien du tout et maintiennent le statu quo. C' est comme cela que cela se passe en Slovénie. La Constitution de la République de Slovénie dans son préambule explique que l' indépendance de la Slovénie était nécessaire pour la protection des droits de l' homme, en s' appuyant sur 'le fait que dans la Yougoslavie étaient vraiment violés les droits humains, les droits nationaux et les droits des républiques et régions autonomes(... L' Assemblée de la République de Slovénie accepte la loi constitutionnelle de base de l' autonomie et de l' indépendance de la République de Slovénie'. Dans le troisième paragraphe de ce document 'la République de Slovénie garantit la protection des droits de l' homme et des libertés fondamentales de toutes les personnes sur le territoire de la République de Slovénie, indépendamment de leur nationalité, sans aucune discrimination, conformément à la Constitution de la République de Slovénie et les traités internationaux'. Tout ce qui dans ce texte au caractère déclaratif était l' obligation de la République de Slovénie dans la pratique est tout à fait autre chose - il suffit de prendre en compte que l' effacement de 83 560-130 000 non Slovènes du registre des r

  20. Résultats de recherche | Page 44 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    31 juil. 2017 ... Freiner le penchant pour les sucreries des enfants bangladais. Si l'on se fie à la recherche de Parnali Chowdury, les enfants bangladais n'abandonneront pas leurs boissons sucrées facilement. ... Le rôle de la recherche dans la mise en œuvre de la Politique d'aide internationale féministe du Canada.

  1. Kampala, Ouganda : L'agriculture urbaine prend racine | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    21 avr. 2006 ... ... consultatif pour la recherche agricole internationale (GCRAI). .... des terrains est un enchevêtrement de modes d'occupation coutumiers, coloniaux et modernes. De l'avis des agriculteurs, les procédures actuelles d'accès au sol à ... être mises en marché plus rapidement que la variété locale courante.

  2. L'innovation sème l'espoir dans les régions arides | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    23 janv. 2013 ... L'ICARDA est l'un des 15 centres chapeautés par le Groupe consultatif pour la recherche agricole internationale (CGIAR), que le CRDI soutient depuis plus de 40 ans. ... Par ailleurs, cela prend un contexte de politiques propice et, ce qui est encore plus important, une approche communautaire, précise-t-il.

  3. Luces y sombras de la reforma de la salud en Colombia: Ley 100 de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 janv. 2010 ... The stagnation and decline in preventable death, problems of service quality, the numerous barriers to access to services, and the ethical distortion of ... Un chercheur subventionné par le CRDI retient l'attention de la communauté internationale pour son travail relatif au taux de mortalité des mères et des ...

  4. Excision Les jeunes changent l'Afrique par les TIC

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Comité Inter-Africain sur les Pratiques Traditionnelles ayant effet sur la santé des ... Planche 7 - Perception genrée de la citoyenneté : les dire des femmes. 90 ...... dans le monde avec les migrations internationales, l'excision ne semble pas être ...... En utilisant les TIC pour exprimer leurs attentes et leurs besoins, les jeunes, ...

  5. Nouveaux centres de cyberpolitique pour les pays du Sud | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 avr. 2018 ... L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau ...

  6. Aktionspläne, Deklarationen und andere Agenda-Setting-Dokumente internationaler Entwicklungsinterventionen: Ein Messinstrument zur Sicherstellung von Professionalität

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    David Lempert


    Full Text Available Dieser Artikel entwickelt ein einfach anwendbares Messinstrument um zu evaluieren, ob „Aktionspläne“, internationale Deklarationen, „Masterpläne“, „Länderpläne“, „Länderstrategien“, „Rechtsrahmen“ und andere Dokumente, die üblicherweise im Kontext internationaler „Hilfs“-Interventionen erstellt werden, professionelle Entwicklungsstandards für tatsächlich selbst-aktivierende, durchführbare Pläne in Übereinstimmung mit internationalem Recht und Zielen erfüllen. Die Nutzung des Messinstruments legt nahe, dass die meisten von „Entwicklungs“-Ländern unterstützten Pläne und internationalen Deklarationen von Geldgebern als Mittel zur Förderung eigener Ziele, PR und Fundraising-Strategien entwickelt werden, deren Pläne entweder wenig Aktivitäten oder Commitment aufweisen oder so gestaltet sind, dass sie zwar effektiv, aber nicht in Übereinstimmung mit internationalem Recht und Zielen sind und deren Prozesse deshalb anfälliger für Missbrauch sowie Korruption auf beiden Seiten sind. Das Messinstrument kann eingesetzt werden, um solche Missbräuche zu identifizieren und gegenzusteuern. Der Beitrag nutzt dafür die UN-Deklaration gegen Korruption und Bestechung in Internationalen Handelstransaktionen als eine Fallstudie.

  7. Résultats de recherche | Page 8 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Migrations, sexospécificités et justice sociale : faire le pont entre recherche et ... Depuis 1978, le CRDI permet à la Division des relations internationales de ... Health Bridge - Les TIC au profit de la cueillette et de la gestion des données.

  8. : tous les projets | Page 200 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Université Carleton à Ottawa, à faire paraître trois volumes de Canada Among Nations (CAN), ouvrage dont on a dit qu'il s'agissait des meilleures annales publiées au pays sur les relations internationales du Canada. End Date: 18 janvier ...

  9. Haïti : tous les projets | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: NATURAL DISASTERS, EARTHQUAKES, HOUSEHOLD SURVEYS, NEEDS ASSESSMENT, EMERGENCY RELIEF. Région: Haiti, North and Central America, South America. Programme: Gouvernance et justice. Financement total : CA$ 103,500.00. Phase 2 de l'Initiative canadienne d'immunisation internationale ...

  10. ITER council proceedings: 1998

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This volume contains documents of the 13th and the 14th ITER council meeting as well as of the 1st extraordinary ITER council meeting. Documents of the ITER meetings held in Vienna and Yokohama during 1998 are also included. The contents include an outline of the ITER objectives, the ITER parameters and design overview as well as operating scenarios and plasma performance. Furthermore, design features, safety and environmental characteristics are given

  11. Iter (United States)

    Iotti, Robert


    ITER is an international experimental facility being built by seven Parties to demonstrate the long term potential of fusion energy. The ITER Joint Implementation Agreement (JIA) defines the structure and governance model of such cooperation. There are a number of necessary conditions for such international projects to be successful: a complete design, strong systems engineering working with an agreed set of requirements, an experienced organization with systems and plans in place to manage the project, a cost estimate backed by industry, and someone in charge. Unfortunately for ITER many of these conditions were not present. The paper discusses the priorities in the JIA which led to setting up the project with a Central Integrating Organization (IO) in Cadarache, France as the ITER HQ, and seven Domestic Agencies (DAs) located in the countries of the Parties, responsible for delivering 90%+ of the project hardware as Contributions-in-Kind and also financial contributions to the IO, as ``Contributions-in-Cash.'' Theoretically the Director General (DG) is responsible for everything. In practice the DG does not have the power to control the work of the DAs, and there is not an effective management structure enabling the IO and the DAs to arbitrate disputes, so the project is not really managed, but is a loose collaboration of competing interests. Any DA can effectively block a decision reached by the DG. Inefficiencies in completing design while setting up a competent organization from scratch contributed to the delays and cost increases during the initial few years. So did the fact that the original estimate was not developed from industry input. Unforeseen inflation and market demand on certain commodities/materials further exacerbated the cost increases. Since then, improvements are debatable. Does this mean that the governance model of ITER is a wrong model for international scientific cooperation? I do not believe so. Had the necessary conditions for success

  12. Résultats de recherche | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Denis Trudeau. Denis Trudeau est le directeur de la gestion de l'information et de la technologie de l'information. Avant de se joindre au CRDI, il travaillait au sein de l'équipe internationale de Sanmina Corporation. Research in Action. Environment Pollution Mining WASTE RECYCLING ...

  13. Résultats de recherche | Page 9 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Denis Trudeau. Denis Trudeau est le directeur de la gestion de l'information et de la technologie de l'information. Avant de se joindre au CRDI, il travaillait au sein de l'équipe internationale de Sanmina Corporation. En vedette. Science and Technology SCIENCE EDUCATION Health ...

  14. Résultats de recherche | Page 6 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Denis Trudeau. Denis Trudeau est le directeur de la gestion de l'information et de la technologie de l'information. Avant de se joindre au CRDI, il travaillait au sein de l'équipe internationale de Sanmina Corporation. En vedette. Science and Technology SCIENCE EDUCATION Health ...

  15. Ferréol Gilles, Vieille-Marchiset Gilles, Dir., Loisirs, sports et sociétés. Regards croisés

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Marie Seca


    Full Text Available Cette contribution, coordonnée par Gilles Ferréol et Gilles Vieille-Marchiset, s’inscrit dans le cadre général de la sociologie des loisirs et de la culture. Elle s’orga­nise en une introduction et en onze chapitres, répartis en deux parties (cinq pour la pre­mière et six pour la seconde. Quinze auteurs, enseignants et chercheurs, spécialisés principalement dans le domaine des activités physiques et sportives, y participent. Outre la dimension internationale du volume (contributeurs suisses,...

  16. Développement Odoo pour la gestion de pièces de rechange, pour un client de SOGESI.


    BENFEDEL, Ahmed; KAZI AOUL, Abdessamad


    Ce stage de fin d’études a été une occasion pour nous pour une immersion dans le monde des ERP et de l’entreprise avec plus de responsabilités. Dans notre projet de fin d’études, le travail a été réalisé au sein de la société SOGESI. Dans ce cadre, nous avons travaillé sur un projet réel et un besoin bien spécifique d’une entreprise cliente de la société SOGESI. Pour ce faire, nous avons commencé par l’analyse des besoins, Par la suite, nous nous s...

  17. Structural analysis of the ITER Vacuum Vessel regarding 2012 ITER Project-Level Loads

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinez, J.-M., E-mail: [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon sur Verdon, 13115 St Paul lez Durance (France); Jun, C.H.; Portafaix, C.; Choi, C.-H.; Ioki, K.; Sannazzaro, G.; Sborchia, C. [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon sur Verdon, 13115 St Paul lez Durance (France); Cambazar, M.; Corti, Ph.; Pinori, K.; Sfarni, S.; Tailhardat, O. [Assystem EOS, 117 rue Jacquard, L' Atrium, 84120 Pertuis (France); Borrelly, S. [Sogeti High Tech, RE2, 180 rue René Descartes, Le Millenium – Bat C, 13857 Aix en Provence (France); Albin, V.; Pelletier, N. [SOM Calcul – Groupe ORTEC, 121 ancien Chemin de Cassis – Immeuble Grand Pré, 13009 Marseille (France)


    Highlights: • ITER Vacuum Vessel is a part of the first barrier to confine the plasma. • ITER Vacuum Vessel as Nuclear Pressure Equipment (NPE) necessitates a third party organization authorized by the French nuclear regulator to assure design, fabrication, conformance testing and quality assurance, i.e. Agreed Notified Body (ANB). • A revision of the ITER Project-Level Load Specification was implemented in April 2012. • ITER Vacuum Vessel Loads (seismic, pressure, thermal and electromagnetic loads) were summarized. • ITER Vacuum Vessel Structural Margins with regards to RCC-MR code were summarized. - Abstract: A revision of the ITER Project-Level Load Specification (to be used for all systems of the ITER machine) was implemented in April 2012. This revision supports ITER's licensing by accommodating requests from the French regulator to maintain consistency with the plasma physics database and our present understanding of plasma transients and electro-magnetic (EM) loads, to investigate the possibility of removing unnecessary conservatism in the load requirements and to review the list and definition of incidental cases. The purpose of this paper is to present the impact of this 2012 revision of the ITER Project-Level Load Specification (LS) on the ITER Vacuum Vessel (VV) loads and the main structural margins required by the applicable French code, RCC-MR.

  18. ITER test programme

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdou, M.; Baker, C.; Casini, G.


    ITER has been designed to operate in two phases. The first phase which lasts for 6 years, is devoted to machine checkout and physics testing. The second phase lasts for 8 years and is devoted primarily to technology testing. This report describes the technology test program development for ITER, the ancillary equipment outside the torus necessary to support the test modules, the international collaboration aspects of conducting the test program on ITER, the requirements on the machine major parameters and the R and D program required to develop the test modules for testing in ITER. 15 refs, figs and tabs

  19. ITER-FEAT outline design report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In July 1998 the ITER Parties were unable, for financial reasons, to proceed with construction of the ITER design proposed at that time, to meet the detailed technical objectives and target cost set in 1992. It was therefore decided to investigate options for the design of ITER with reduced technical objectives and with possibly decreased technical margins, whose target construction cost was one half that of the 1998 ITER design, while maintaining the overall programmatic objective. To identify designs that might meet the revised objectives, task forces involving the JCT and Home Teams met during 1998 and 1999 to analyse and compare a range of options for the design of such a device. This led at the end of 1999 to a single configuration for the ITER design with parameters considered to be the most credible consistent with technical limitations and the financial target, yet meeting fully the objectives with appropriate margins. This new design of ITER, called ''ITER-FEAT'', was submitted to the ITER Director to the ITER Parties as the ''ITER-FEAT Outline Design Report'' (ODR) in January 2000, at their meeting in Tokyo. The Parties subsequently conducted their domestic assessments of this report and fed the resulting comments back into the progressing design. The progress on the developing design was reported to the ITER Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) in June 2000 in the report ''Progress in Resolving Open Design Issues from the ODR'' alongside a report on Progress in Technology R and D for ITER. In addition, the progress in the ITER-FEAT Design and Validating R and D was reported to the ITER Parties. The ITER-FEAT design was subsequently approved by the governing body of ITER in Moscow in June 2000 as the basis for the preparation of the Final Design Report, recognising it as a single mature design for ITER consistent with its revised objectives. This volume contains the documents pertinent to the process described above. More detailed technical information

  20. Bourse de recherche : Division des politiques et de l'évaluation ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Date butoir : le 14 janvier 2018. Le CRDI est l'un des chefs de file à l'échelle internationale de la production et de l'application de nouvelles connaissances pour relever les grands défis mondiaux. Chaque année, par l'entremise de sa bourse de recherche, il offre à un certain nombre de chercheurs une occasion unique ...

  1. Analyse des systèmes d'innovation (Burkina Faso) | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet a pour objectif d'améliorer l'efficience du système d'innovation en construction au Burkina Faso en renforçant les échanges entre chercheurs, inventeurs, ... Faso : communication présentée à la IIIe Conférence Internationale de KMA « Knowledge Management Africa » sous le thème « le... 49285. Journal articles.

  2. Transformation des déchets en engrais : un boursier du CRDI aide à ...

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    26 sept. 2014 ... ... et légumes avariés – présentent des risques importants pour la santé publique. ... ce problème en préconisant une collaboration entre le Biotechnology and ... de projets au Département de la coopération internationale de l'Institut de ... de perfectionnement professionnel au CRDI et rédacteur à Ottawa.

  3. Renforcer la capacité de recherche afin d'orienter l'élaboration de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    17 août 2017 ... Ces programmes reposant sur des projets ont eu un impact durable sur la capacité des chercheurs du Sud à mener leurs propres études conformément aux normes internationales et à utiliser leurs résultats pour orienter les politiques en vue de favoriser un développement plus inclusif et plus équitable.

  4. Rapport de frais de 2017-2018 pour Joanne Charette | CRDI ...

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    Total des frais de déplacement : CAD$25,291.54. Assister à une rencontre du Strategic Risk Council du Conference Board du Canada. 14 novembre 2017 au 15 novembre 2017. CAD$973.86. articiper à une conférence organisée par le Conseil des relations internationales de Montréal 27 octobre 2017 CAD$357.88.

  5. Voir toutes les initiatives | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Fonds canadien de recherche sur la sécurité alimentaire internationale du CRDI finance des projets de recherche appliquée pouvant avoir une incidence considérable sur l'agriculture et la nutrition dans les pays en développement. Le FCRSAI, qui soutient des partenariats réunissant des établissements de recherche ...

  6. ITER council proceedings: 1995

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Records of the 8. ITER Council Meeting (IC-8), held on 26-27 July 1995, in San Diego, USA, and the 9. ITER Council Meeting (IC-9) held on 12-13 December 1995, in Garching, Germany, are presented, giving essential information on the evolution of the ITER Engineering Design Activities (EDA) and the ITER Interim Design Report Package and Relevant Documents. Figs, tabs

  7. Sketches from the Urban Internationale. Voluntary Societies, International Organizations and US Foundations at the City's Bedside 1900-1960


    Saunier, Pierre-Yves


    International audience; The international milieu of town planning is an exciting web of people, books, exhibits, congresses or ideas. Its exploration is a tool to complete our national-oriented understandings of the ways in which the urban scene was conceived in the 20th century. This article sets its exploration in the wider context of the "Urban Internationale", this sphere dedicated to the declensions of "urban issues" such as town planning, housing and urban government. It is proposed tha...

  8. Résultats de recherche | Page 9 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

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    égalité entre ... À l'approche de 2015, la communauté internationale évalue de façon ... sont-elles capables d'adopter des modes de production plus écologiques ? ... Droits d'auteur · Éthique de la recherche · Politique de libre accès · Politique de ...

  9. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA newsletter comprises reports of Dr. P. Barnard, Iter Canada Chairman and CEO, about the progress of the first formal ITER negotiations and about the demonstration of details of Canada's bid on ITER workshops, and Dr. V. Vlasenkov, Project Board Secretary, about the meeting of the ITER CTA project board

  10. Penjadwalan Produksi Garment Menggunakan Algoritma Heuristic Pour

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    Rizal Rachman


    Full Text Available Abstrak Penjadwalan merupakan suatu kegiatan pengalokasian sumber daya yang terbatas untuk mengerjakan sejumlah pekerjaan. Proses penjadwalan timbul jika terdapat keterbatasan sumber daya yang dimiliki, karena pada saat ini perusahaan menerapkan sistem penjadwalan manual dimana dengan penjadwalan tersebut masih terdapat beberapa produk yang terlewati sehingga menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam proses produksi, aturan ini sering tidak menguntungkan bagi order yang membutuhkan waktu proses pendek karena apabila order itu berada dibelakang antrian maka harus menunggu lama sebelum diproses dan menyebabkan waktu penyelesaian seluruh order menjadi panjang, sehingga diperlukan adanya pengaturan sumber-sumber daya yang ada secara efisien. Adapun dasar perhitungan Penjadwalan dengan menggunakan algoritma Heuristic Pour. Tahapan-tahapan penelitian terdiri dari pengumpulan data, perhitungan waktu standar, perhitungan total waktu proses berdasarkan job, penjadwalan dengan metode awal perusahaan, penjadwalan dengan metode Heuristik Pour. Berdasarkan hasil penjadwalan menggunakan Heuristik Pour diperoleh penghematan dibanding dengan metode perusahaan saat ini, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif metode dalam melakukan penjadwalan pengerjaan proses produksi di perusahaan Garment tersebut. Kata kunci: Penjadwalan Produksi, Algoritma, Heuristic Pour. Abstract Scheduling is a limited resource allocation activity to do a number of jobs. The scheduling process arises if there are limited resources available, because at this time the company implement a manual scheduling system where the scheduling is still there are some products passed so as to cause delays in the production process, this rule is often not profitable for orders that require short processing time because if the order is behind the queue then it must wait a long time before it is processed and cause the completion time of all orders to be long, so it is necessary to regulate the existing

  11. ITER council proceedings: 1997

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This volume of the ITER EDA Documentation Series presents records of the 12th ITER Council Meeting, IC-12, which took place on 23-24 July, 1997 in Tampere, Finland. The Council received from the Parties (EU, Japan, Russia, US) positive responses on the Detailed Design Report. The Parties stated their willingness to contribute to fulfil their obligations in contributing to the ITER EDA. The summary discussions among the Parties led to the consensus that in July 1998 the ITER activities should proceed for additional three years with a general intent to enable an efficient start of possible, future ITER construction

  12. Iterative and iterative-noniterative integral solutions in 3-loop massive QCD calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ablinger, J.; Radu, C.S.; Schneider, C.; Behring, A.; Imamoglu, E.; Van Hoeij, M.; Von Manteuffel, A.; Raab, C.G.


    Various of the single scale quantities in massless and massive QCD up to 3-loop order can be expressed by iterative integrals over certain classes of alphabets, from the harmonic polylogarithms to root-valued alphabets. Examples are the anomalous dimensions to 3-loop order, the massless Wilson coefficients and also different massive operator matrix elements. Starting at 3-loop order, however, also other letters appear in the case of massive operator matrix elements, the so called iterative non-iterative integrals, which are related to solutions based on complete elliptic integrals or any other special function with an integral representation that is definite but not a Volterra-type integral. After outlining the formalism leading to iterative non-iterative integrals,we present examples for both of these cases with the 3-loop anomalous dimension γ (2) qg and the structure of the principle solution in the iterative non-interative case of the 3-loop QCD corrections to the ρ-parameter.

  13. Iterative and iterative-noniterative integral solutions in 3-loop massive QCD calculations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ablinger, J.; Radu, C.S.; Schneider, C. [Johannes Kepler Univ., Linz (Austria). Research Inst. for Symbolic Computation (RISC); Behring, A. [RWTH Aachen Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Theoretische Teilchenphysik und Kosmologie; Bluemlein, J.; Freitas, A. de [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany); Imamoglu, E.; Van Hoeij, M. [Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL (United States). Dept. of Mathematics; Von Manteuffel, A. [Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI (United States). Dept. of Physics and Astronomy; Raab, C.G. [Johannes Kepler Univ., Linz (Austria). Inst. for Algebra


    Various of the single scale quantities in massless and massive QCD up to 3-loop order can be expressed by iterative integrals over certain classes of alphabets, from the harmonic polylogarithms to root-valued alphabets. Examples are the anomalous dimensions to 3-loop order, the massless Wilson coefficients and also different massive operator matrix elements. Starting at 3-loop order, however, also other letters appear in the case of massive operator matrix elements, the so called iterative non-iterative integrals, which are related to solutions based on complete elliptic integrals or any other special function with an integral representation that is definite but not a Volterra-type integral. After outlining the formalism leading to iterative non-iterative integrals,we present examples for both of these cases with the 3-loop anomalous dimension γ{sup (2)}{sub qg} and the structure of the principle solution in the iterative non-interative case of the 3-loop QCD corrections to the ρ-parameter.

  14. Physics research needs for ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauthoff, N.R.


    Design of ITER entails the application of physics design tools that have been validated against the world-wide data base of fusion research. In many cases, these tools do not yet exist and must be developed as part of the ITER physics program. ITER's considerable increases in power and size demand significant extrapolations from the current data base; in several cases, new physical effects are projected to dominate the behavior of the ITER plasma. This paper focuses on those design tools and data that have been identified by the ITER team and are not yet available; these needs serve as the basis for the ITER Physics Research Needs, which have been developed jointly by the ITER Physics Expert Groups and the ITER design team. Development of the tools and the supporting data base is an on-going activity that constitutes a significant opportunity for contributions to the ITER program by fusion research programs world-wide

  15. Ghana : tous les projets | Page 5 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

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    Renouvellement des modes de gouvernance : industries extractives et réduction ... Programme: Initiative internationale des chaires de recherche. Financement total : CA$ 1,000,000.00. Droits d'auteur et accès au savoir en Afrique ... Amélioration de la situation des pauvres sur le marché du travail en Afrique subsaharienne.

  16. Problèmes linguistiques dans le système multilingues Linguistic Problems in Multilingual Systems

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    Moureau M.


    Full Text Available La communauté scientifique est internationale. L'industrie du pétrole est internationale. Des problèmes de communication, de langage, de langue y sont rencontrés chaque jour. C'est pourquoi, bien que tranchant assez vigoureusement sur les sujets habituels de la Revue de l'Institut Français du Pétrole, l'article de Magdeleine Moureau et Gerald Brace sur des problèmes de linguistique ne nous a pas paru trop étranger aux préoccupations de nos lecteurs pour leur être présenté. Cet article a pour but de traiter d'abord des impossibilités théoriques de la traduction, d'évoquer ensuite les modalités pratiques de sa réalisation quotidienne et de les appliquer à l'étude des problèmes inhérents à l'élaboration d'un langage documentaire multilinguisme. The aim of this paper is to discuss the theoretical impossibilities of translation, and then to describe the practical ways of actually translating, and to apply these ways to the task of studying problems inherent in elaborating a multilingual documentary language.

  17. Report made on behalf of the commission of foreign affairs about the project of law, adopted by the Senate, giving permission to the approval of the agreement between the French government and the international organization for thermonuclear fusion energy ITER, relative to the head office of ITER organization and to the privileges and immunities of ITER organization in the French territory; Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires etrangeres sur le projet de loi, adopte par le senat, autorisant l'approbation de l'accord entre le Gouvernement de la Republique francaise et l'Organisation internationale ITER pour l'energie de fusion relatif au siege de l'Organisation ITER et aux privileges et immunites de l'Organisation ITER sur le territoire francais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The will of building up an international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER) gathers since several years the European community of atomic energy (Euratom), Japan, the USA, and Russia, next followed by China, South Korea and, since 2005, by India. The agreement signed in Paris between these seven parties on November 21, 2006 entrusted the international organization ITER with the realization of this project. The implications of the ITER project are enormous both in their scientific and in their economical aspects. France has a particular position in this project since the head office of ITER organisation is sited at Saint-Paul-lez-Durance and the tokamak will be built at Cadarache. Therefore, an agreement has been signed between ITER organization and the French government. The approval of this agreement is the object of this project of law. The document presents first the principle, challenge and stakes of the ITER project and the long negotiations that have led to chose France for the setting up of the research facility. Then, it presents the agreement of November 7, 2007, which fixes the general framework of the conditions necessary to the achievement of the project. The agreement comprises the classical rules, privileges and immunities of any international organization sited on the French ground, plus some more specific dispositions in particular in the domain of management of the wastes generated by the facility. (J.S.)

  18. ITER radio frequency systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bosia, G.


    Neutral Beam Injection and RF heating are two of the methods for heating and current drive in ITER. The three ITER RF systems, which have been developed during the EDA, offer several complementary services and are able to fulfil ITER operational requirements

  19. Inde | Page 77 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

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    Ce n'est un secret pour personne que les produits agricoles traditionnels comme les mils et les légumineuses à graines sont très nutritifs. C'est pourquoi des chercheurs collaborent actuellement avec des femmes en Inde et en Éthiopie pour faciliter l'utilisation à des fins personnelles (pour la préparation de repas sains) et ...

  20. Comment obtenir des fonds pour la prévention des maladies non ...

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    ... une analyse des parties prenantes, une analyse documentaire et des entrevues semi-structurées. Les participants à l'étude proviendront d'organismes gouvernementaux, d'organismes de développement, d'ONG locales et internationales, de groupes professionnels et d'établissements d'enseignement et de recherche.

  1. ITER Construction--Plant System Integration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tada, E.; Matsuda, S.


    This brief paper introduces how the ITER will be built in the international collaboration. The ITER Organization plays a central role in constructing ITER and leading it into operation. Since most of the ITER components are to be provided in-kind from the member countries, integral project management should be scoped in advance of real work. Those include design, procurement, system assembly, testing, licensing and commissioning of ITER.

  2. ITER definition phase

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is envisioned as a fusion device which would demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion power. As a first step towards achieving this goal, the European Community, Japan, the Soviet Union, and the United States of America have entered into joint conceptual design activities under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency. A brief summary of the Definition Phase of ITER activities is contained in this report. Included in this report are the background, objectives, organization, definition phase activities, and research and development plan of this endeavor in international scientific collaboration. A more extended technical summary is contained in the two-volume report, ''ITER Concept Definition,'' IAEA/ITER/DS/3. 2 figs, 2 tabs

  3. United States rejoin ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roberts, M.


    Upon pressure from the United States Congress, the US Department of Energy had to withdraw from further American participation in the ITER Engineering Design Activities after the end of its commitment to the EDA in July 1998. In the years since that time, changes have taken place in both the ITER activity and the US fusion community's position on burning plasma physics. Reflecting the interest in the United States in pursuing burning plasma physics, the DOE's Office of Science commissioned three studies as part of its examination of the option of entering the Negotiations on the Agreement on the Establishment of the International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project. These were a National Academy Review Panel Report supporting the burning plasma mission; a Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC) report confirming the role of ITER in achieving fusion power production, and The Lehman Review of the ITER project costing and project management processes (for the latter one, see ITER CTA Newsletter, no. 15, December 2002). All three studies have endorsed the US return to the ITER activities. This historical decision was announced by DOE Secretary Abraham during his remarks to employees of the Department's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. The United States will be working with the other Participants in the ITER Negotiations on the Agreement and is preparing to participate in the ITA

  4. ITER towards the construction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimomura, Y.


    The ITER Project has been significantly developed in the last few years in preparation for its construction. The ITER Participant's Negotiators have developed the Joint Implementation Agreement (JIA), ready for finalisation following selection of the construction site and nomination of the project's Director General. The ITER International Team and Participant Teams have continued technical and organisational preparations. Construction will be able to start immediately after the international ITER organisation is established, following signature of the JIA. The Project is strongly supported by the governments of the Participants as well as by the scientific community. The real negotiations, including siting and the final details of cost sharing, started in December 2003. The EU, with Cadarache, and Japan, with Rokkasho, have both promised large contributions to the project to strongly support their construction site proposals. Their wish to host ITER construction is too strong to allow convergence to a single site considering the ITER device in isolation. A broader collaboration among the Parties is therefore being contemplated, covering complementary activities to help accelerate fusion development towards a viable power source, and allow the Participants to reach a conclusion on ITER siting. This report reviews these preparations, and the status of negotiations

  5. ITER-FEAT operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimomura, Y.; Huguet, M.; Mizoguchi, T.; Murakami, Y.; Polevoi, A.R.; Shimada, M.; Aymar, R.; Chuyanov, V.A.; Matsumoto, H.


    ITER is planned to be the first fusion experimental reactor in the world operating for research in physics and engineering. The first ten years of operation will be devoted primarily to physics issues at low neutron fluence and the following ten years of operation to engineering testing at higher fluence. ITER can accommodate various plasma configurations and plasma operation modes, such as inductive high Q modes, long pulse hybrid modes and non-inductive steady state modes, with large ranges of plasma current, density, beta and fusion power, and with various heating and current drive methods. This flexibility will provide an advantage for coping with uncertainties in the physics database, in studying burning plasmas, in introducing advanced features and in optimizing the plasma performance for the different programme objectives. Remote sites will be able to participate in the ITER experiment. This concept will provide an advantage not only in operating ITER for 24 hours a day but also in involving the worldwide fusion community and in promoting scientific competition among the ITER Parties. (author)

  6. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA newsletter contains results of the ITER toroidal field model coil project presented by ITER EU Home Team (Garching) and an article in commemoration of the late Dr. Charles Maisonnier, one of the former leaders of ITER who made significant contributions to its development

  7. ÉTUDE DE CAS — Chine : De jeunes chercheurs luttent contre la ...

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    14 déc. 2010 ... Des marchés se sont ouverts et les agriculteurs ont pu opter pour les produits et les techniques de leur choix. ... des ONG chinoises et internationales à travailler dans la région. ... Leur mode de gestion traditionnel — et la crainte de mettre leur ... d'une route qui améliorerait l'accès des villageois au marché.

  8. Un projet écosanté au Pérou fait parler de lui à la radio | CRDI ...

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    25 janv. 2013 ... L'Année internationale de la coopération dans le domaine de l'eau vient de commencer. Pour souligner l'occasion, Chantal Srivastava, de l'émission Les années lumière, diffusée à la radio de Radio‑Canada, s'entretient avec des administrateurs de programme du CRDI au sujet de travaux de recherche ...

  9. Résultats de recherche | Page 132 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

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    ... DE SANTÉ filter · Coopération internationale 22 Apply Coopération ... de la pauvreté en Afrique de l'Est avec des liens entre la recherche et les médias ... de professionnels des départements des sciences de la santé, de médecine, ... Pour offrir des services de santé publique équitables dans des contextes où les ...

  10. Concours visant l'octroi de moyennes subventions à l'appui de la ...

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    La Convention-cadre pour la lutte antitabac (CCLAT) est un traité qui cherche à déclencher une action internationale concertée en vue " de protéger les générations présentes et futures des effets sanitaires, sociaux, environnementaux et économiques dévastateurs de la consommation de tabac et de l'exposition à la fumée ...

  11. 16 jours d'activisme contre la violence sexospécifique | CRDI ...

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    25 nov. 2017 ... Selon l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé, 35 p. 100 des femmes et des filles dans le monde seront victimes de violence sexuelle ou physique au cours de leur vie. La Journée internationale pour l'élimination de la violence à l'égard des femmes, le 25 novembre, marque la première journée des 16 jours ...

  12. pour le trimestre qui a pris fin le 30 septembre 2016

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    Office 2004 Test Drive User

    30 sept. 2016 ... Le CRDI finance des travaux de recherche appliquée ... internationales dʼinformation financière (normes IFRS). ..... voie de développement et sur la mise en oeuvre des connaissances scientifiques, techniques et autres en vue du .... Les accords expirent à des dates différentes, et le dernier prend fin en.

  13. Chine : tous les projets | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

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    Recherche sur les systèmes d'innovation et l'inclusion sociale dans les économies émergentes (les pays BRICS) et ailleurs ... fonctionnaires, ONG et entreprises des pays en développement soient plus aptes à saisir et à influencer les grandes avancées en matière de gouvernance de la réglementation internationale.

  14. Offre pour nos membres

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    Staff Association


    Walibi Rhône-Alpes accueille son événement Halloween FreakShow le week-end du 15 et 16 octobre puis tous les jours du 20 octobre au 02 novembre 2016 ! ouverture prolongée jusqu’à 19h et feu d’artifices chaque soir 29, 30 et 31 octobre ! Loup-garou show; 1 labyrinthe; jeu de piste sur le parc (et nombreux lots à gagner); animations (sculpture sur citrouilles et maquillage) et d'autres surpises ! Tarifs pour nos membres : Entrée "Zone terrestre": 23 € au lieu de 29 €. Entrée gratuite pour les enfants de moins de 3 ans, avec accès aux attractions limité. Parking gratuit.

  15. Incohérence des politiques publiques suisses envers les pays en développement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilles Carbonnier


    Full Text Available Il n’est pas fréquent que la Suisse se retrouve en bas de classement quand il s’agit de solidarité internationale et de relations avec les pays en développement, et pourtant… Le Centre pour le Développement Global (CDG, un think tank indépendant basé à Washington publie depuis 2003 un classement annuel de l’engagement des vingt-deux pays les plus riches de la planète en faveur des pays pauvres. Le classement repose sur un « Indice de l’engagement pour le développement » qui va bien au-delà d...

  16. Research at ITER towards DEMO: Specific reactor diagnostic studies to be carried out on ITER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krasilnikov, A. V.; Kaschuck, Y. A.; Vershkov, V. A.; Petrov, A. A.; Petrov, V. G.; Tugarinov, S. N. [Institution Project center ITER, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    In ITER diagnostics will operate in the very hard radiation environment of fusion reactor. Extensive technology studies are carried out during development of the ITER diagnostics and procedures of their calibration and remote handling. Results of these studies and practical application of the developed diagnostics on ITER will provide the direct input to DEMO diagnostic development. The list of DEMO measurement requirements and diagnostics will be determined during ITER experiments on the bases of ITER plasma physics results and success of particular diagnostic application in reactor-like ITER plasma. Majority of ITER diagnostic already passed the conceptual design phase and represent the state of the art in fusion plasma diagnostic development. The number of related to DEMO results of ITER diagnostic studies such as design and prototype manufacture of: neutron and γ–ray diagnostics, neutral particle analyzers, optical spectroscopy including first mirror protection and cleaning technics, reflectometry, refractometry, tritium retention measurements etc. are discussed.

  17. Research at ITER towards DEMO: Specific reactor diagnostic studies to be carried out on ITER (United States)

    Krasilnikov, A. V.; Kaschuck, Y. A.; Vershkov, V. A.; Petrov, A. A.; Petrov, V. G.; Tugarinov, S. N.


    In ITER diagnostics will operate in the very hard radiation environment of fusion reactor. Extensive technology studies are carried out during development of the ITER diagnostics and procedures of their calibration and remote handling. Results of these studies and practical application of the developed diagnostics on ITER will provide the direct input to DEMO diagnostic development. The list of DEMO measurement requirements and diagnostics will be determined during ITER experiments on the bases of ITER plasma physics results and success of particular diagnostic application in reactor-like ITER plasma. Majority of ITER diagnostic already passed the conceptual design phase and represent the state of the art in fusion plasma diagnostic development. The number of related to DEMO results of ITER diagnostic studies such as design and prototype manufacture of: neutron and γ-ray diagnostics, neutral particle analyzers, optical spectroscopy including first mirror protection and cleaning technics, reflectometry, refractometry, tritium retention measurements etc. are discussed.

  18. Research at ITER towards DEMO: Specific reactor diagnostic studies to be carried out on ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krasilnikov, A. V.; Kaschuck, Y. A.; Vershkov, V. A.; Petrov, A. A.; Petrov, V. G.; Tugarinov, S. N.


    In ITER diagnostics will operate in the very hard radiation environment of fusion reactor. Extensive technology studies are carried out during development of the ITER diagnostics and procedures of their calibration and remote handling. Results of these studies and practical application of the developed diagnostics on ITER will provide the direct input to DEMO diagnostic development. The list of DEMO measurement requirements and diagnostics will be determined during ITER experiments on the bases of ITER plasma physics results and success of particular diagnostic application in reactor-like ITER plasma. Majority of ITER diagnostic already passed the conceptual design phase and represent the state of the art in fusion plasma diagnostic development. The number of related to DEMO results of ITER diagnostic studies such as design and prototype manufacture of: neutron and γ–ray diagnostics, neutral particle analyzers, optical spectroscopy including first mirror protection and cleaning technics, reflectometry, refractometry, tritium retention measurements etc. are discussed

  19. Les effets sur la compétitivité internationale des réglementations relatives à la gestion des effluents d'élevage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Mikael Skou


    différences sensibles de compétitivité de la production porcine et d’une concurrence internationale croissante sur le marché de la viande de porc explique que l’on se préoccupe de la charge financière imposée par les politiques de l’environnement aux éleveurs, notamment en ce qui concerne la gestion des...

  20. Spirit and prospects of ITER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velikhov, E.P. [Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    ITER is the unique and the most straightforward way to study the burning plasma science in the nearest future. ITER has a firm physics ground based on the results from the world tokamaks in terms of confinement, stability, heating, current drive, divertor, energetic particle confinement to an extend required in ITER. The flexibility of ITER will allow the exploration of broad operation space of fusion power, beta, pulse length and Q values in various operational scenarios. Success of the engineering R and D programs has demonstrated that all party has an enough capability to produce all the necessary equipment in agreement with the specifications of ITER. The acquired knowledge and technologies in ITER project allow us to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of a fusion reactor. It can be concluded that ITER must be constructed in the nearest future. (author)

  1. Spirit and prospects of ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Velikhov, E.P.


    ITER is the unique and the most straightforward way to study the burning plasma science in the nearest future. ITER has a firm physics ground based on the results from the world tokamaks in terms of confinement, stability, heating, current drive, divertor, energetic particle confinement to an extend required in ITER. The flexibility of ITER will allow the exploration of broad operation space of fusion power, beta, pulse length and Q values in various operational scenarios. Success of the engineering R and D programs has demonstrated that all party has an enough capability to produce all the necessary equipment in agreement with the specifications of ITER. The acquired knowledge and technologies in ITER project allow us to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of a fusion reactor. It can be concluded that ITER must be constructed in the nearest future. (author)

  2. ITER interim design report package documents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication contains the Excerpt from the ITER Council (IC-8), the ITER Interim Design Report, Cost Review and Safety Analysis, ITER Site Requirements and ITER Site Design Assumptions and the Excerpt from the ITER Council (IC-9). 8 figs, 2 tabs

  3. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA Newsletter issue comprises information about the following ITER Meetings: The second negotiation meeting on the joint implementation of ITER, held in Tokyo(Japan) on 22-23 January 2002, and an international ITER symposium on burning plasma science and technology, held the day later after the second negotiation meeting at the same place

  4. ITER Status and Plans (United States)

    Greenfield, Charles M.


    The US Burning Plasma Organization is pleased to welcome Dr. Bernard Bigot, who will give an update on progress in the ITER Project. Dr. Bigot took over as Director General of the ITER Organization in early 2015 following a distinguished career that included serving as Chairman and CEO of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission and as High Commissioner for ITER in France. During his tenure at ITER the project has moved into high gear, with rapid progress evident on the construction site and preparation of a staged schedule and a research plan leading from where we are today through all the way to full DT operation. In an unprecedented international effort, seven partners ``China, the European Union, India, Japan, Korea, Russia and the United States'' have pooled their financial and scientific resources to build the biggest fusion reactor in history. ITER will open the way to the next step: a demonstration fusion power plant. All DPP attendees are welcome to attend this ITER town meeting.

  5. ITER council proceedings: 1999

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 1999 the ITER meeting in Cadarache (10-11 March 1999) and the Programme Directors Meeting in Grenoble (28-29 July 1999) took place. Both meetings were exclusively devoted to ITER engineering design activities and their agendas covered all issues important for the development of ITER. This volume presents the documents of these two important meetings

  6. ITER EDA technical activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aymar, R.


    Six years of technical work under the ITER EDA Agreement have resulted in a design which constitutes a complete description of the ITER device and of its auxiliary systems and facilities. The ITER Council commented that the Final Design Report provides the first comprehensive design of a fusion reactor based on well established physics and technology

  7. Note - Des macrophytes pour épurer les eaux ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    BOUTIN, Catherine


    Full Text Available Utiliser des macrophytes pour mieux satisfaire les besoins humains est une part importante des recherches qui les concernent. Pour l’épuration des eaux usées et les aménagements associés, qu’en est-il ?

  8. Future plan of ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitsunezaki, Akio


    In cooperation of four countries, Japan, USA, EU and Russia, ITER plan has been proceeding as ''the conceptual design activities'' from 1988 to 1990 and ''the industrial design activities'' since 1992. To construct ITER, the legal and work side of ITER operation has been investigated by four countries. However, their economic conditions have been changed to be wrong. So that, construction of ITER can not begin after end of industrial design activities in 1998. Accordingly, they determined to continue the industrial design activities more three years in order to study low cost options and to test the superconductive model·coil. (S.Y.)

  9. ITER council proceedings: 1992

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    At the signing of the ITER EDA Agreement on July, 1992, each of the Parties presented to the Director General the names of their designated members of the ITER Council. Upon receiving those names, the Director General stated that the ITER Engineering Design Activities were ''ready to begin''. The next step in this process was the convening of the first meeting of the ITER Council. The first meeting of the Council, held in Vienna, was opened by Director General Hans Blix. The second meeting was held in Moscow, the formal seat of the Council. This volume presents records of these first two Council meetings and, together with the previous volumes on the text of the Agreement and Protocol 1 and the preparations for their signing respectively, represents essential information on the evolution of the ITER EDA

  10. Zimbabwe Exiles Forum : militer pour la liberté dans la mère patrie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    31 janv. 2011 ... ... de la Cour pénale internationale et même de la Chine, qui est un important partenaire .... The challenge of achieving health equity in Africa. What does equity in health and health care mean? ... A system of entitlements?

  11. Myanmar : tous les projets | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Programme: Governance and Justice ... La création de zones économiques frontalières constitue une importante stratégie d'industrialisation pour la Thaïlande et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour deux ... Una Hakika : Porter à grande échelle les solutions numériques pour la gestion des conflits au Kenya et en Birmanie.

  12. Résultats de recherche | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... de recherche internationale sur l'adaptation aux changements climatiques 5 ... Dans les pays en développement, des millions d'enfants n'ont pas accès à une ... Les plateformes numériques de marché telles qu'AirBnB et Uber, parfois ... en réseau transforme les modes d'accès à l'information partout dans le monde.

  13. pour le trimestre qui a pris fin le 30 septembre 2012

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    30 sept. 2012 ... recommande de lire ce rapport en parallèle avec les états financiers non audités (à la page 9). L'information et les .... développement ont augmenté de 56,9 % par rapport au même trimestre de l'exercice 2011-2012 ..... IFRS) telles que publiées par le Conseil des normes comptables internationales (CNCI).

  14. Ce que nous faisons | Page 10 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI finance des études de recherche dans les pays en voie de ... Coopération internationale ... Les conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique sont essentiels au financement et à la promotion de la recherche et de l'innovation. ... Après plus d'un demisiècle de conflit, la signature d'un accord définitif de ...

  15. peru : tous les projets | Page 6 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Région: Ghana, Peru, Canada. Programme: Initiative internationale des chaires de recherche. Financement total : CA$ 1,000,000.00. Accès à la justice des femmes ayant survécu à des actes de violence : des commissariats de police réservés aux femmes en Amérique latine. Projet. La violence faite aux femmes constitue ...

  16. Résultats de recherche | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    M. Jabar était un sociologue politique (titulaire d'un doctorat de l'Université de Londres) et un chercheur invité à la School of Politics and Sociology du Birkbeck College de l'Université de Londres. Date de publication. 5 mars 2018. Webpage. Bulletin du CRDI — Journée internationale des femmes 2018. Dans ce numéro ...

  17. ITER physics design guidelines: 1989

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uckan, N.A.


    The physics basis for ITER has been developed from an assessment of the results of the last twenty-five years of tokamak research and from detailed analysis of important physics issues specifically for the ITER design. This assessment has been carried out with direct participation of members of the experimental teams of each of the major tokamaks in the world fusion program through participation in ITER workshops, contributions to the ITER Physics R and D Program, and by direct contacts between the ITER team and the cognizant experimentalists. Extrapolations to the present data base, where needed, are made in the most cautious way consistent with engineering constraints and performance goals of the ITER. In cases where a working assumptions had to be introduced, which is insufficiently supported by the present data base, is explicitly stated. While a strong emphasis has been placed on the physics credibility of the design, the guidelines also take into account that ITER should be designed to be able to take advantage of potential improvements in tokamak physics that may occur before and during the operation of ITER. (author). 33 refs

  18. ITER council proceedings: 1996

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Records of the 10. ITER Council Meeting (IC-10), held on 26-27 July 1996, in St. Petersburg, Russia, and the 11. ITER Council Meeting (IC-11) held on 17-18 December 1996, in Tokyo, Japan, are presented, giving essential information on the evolution of the ITER Engineering Design Activities (EDA) and the cost review and safety analysis. Figs, tabs

  19. ITER concept definition. V.2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Volume II of the two volumes describing the concept definition of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor deals with the ITER concept in technical depth, and covers all areas of design of the ITER tokamak. Included are an assessment of the current database for design, scoping studies, rationale for concepts selection, performance flexibility, the ITER concept, the operations and experimental/testing program, ITER parameters and design phase schedule, and research and development specific to ITER. This latter includes a definition of specific research and development tasks, a division of tasks among members, specific milestones, required results, and schedules. Figs and tabs

  20. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA newsletter issue comprises the ITER backgrounder, which was approved as an official document by the participants in the Negotiations on the ITER Implementation agreement at their fourth meeting, held in Cadarache from 4-6 June 2002, and information about two ITER meetings: one is the third meeting of the ITER parties' designated Safety Representatives, which took place in Cadarache, France from 6-7 June 2002, and the other is the second meeting of the International Tokamak Physics Activity (ITPA) topical group on diagnostics, which was held at General Atomics, San Diego, USA, from 4-8 March 2002

  1. Toward construction of ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimomura, Yasuo


    The ITER Project has been significantly developed in the past years in preparation for its construction. The ITER Negotiators have developed a draft Joint Implementation Agreement (JIA), ready for completion following the nomination of the Project's Director General (DG). The ITER International Team and Participant Teams have continued technical and organizational preparations. The actual construction will be able to start immediately after the international ITER organization will be established, following signature of the JIA. The Project is now strongly supported by all the participants as well as by the scientific community with the final high-level negotiations, focused on siting and the concluding details of cost sharing, started in December 2003. The EU, with Cadarache, and Japan, with Rokkasho, have both promised large contributions to the project to strongly support their construction site proposals. The extent to which they both wish to host the ITER facility is such that large contributions to a broader collaboration among the Parties are also proposed by them. This covers complementary activities to help accelerate fusion development towards a viable power source, as well as may allow the Participants to reach a conclusion on ITER siting. (author)

  2. ITER tokamak device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doggett, J.; Salpietro, E.; Shatalov, G.


    The results of the Conceptual Design Activities for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) are summarized. These activities, carried out between April 1988 and December 1990, produced a consistent set of technical characteristics and preliminary plans for co-ordinated research and development support of ITER; and a conceptual design, a description of design requirements and a preliminary construction schedule and cost estimate. After a description of the design basis, an overview is given of the tokamak device, its auxiliary systems, facility and maintenance. The interrelation and integration of the various subsystems that form the ITER tokamak concept are discussed. The 16 ITER equatorial port allocations, used for nuclear testing, diagnostics, fuelling, maintenance, and heating and current drive, are given, as well as a layout of the reactor building. Finally, brief descriptions are given of the major ITER sub-systems, i.e., (i) magnet systems (toroidal and poloidal field coils and cryogenic systems), (ii) containment structures (vacuum and cryostat vessels, machine gravity supports, attaching locks, passive loops and active coils), (iii) first wall, (iv) divertor plate (design and materials, performance and lifetime, a.o.), (v) blanket/shield system, (vi) maintenance equipment, (vii) current drive and heating, (viii) fuel cycle system, and (ix) diagnostics. 11 refs, figs and tabs

  3. Le CRDI présent à la prochaine réunion mondiale du Next Einstein ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    26 mars 2018 ... Les rencontres internationales du NEF sont des événements mondiaux biennaux où le monde de la science et de la technologie se rencontre sur le sol africain pour mettre en avant des découvertes scientifiques de pointe, répondre aux défis existants et regarder vers l'avenir. En 2016, le CRDI a été fier de ...

  4. Mettre l'emploi au coeur des priorités au Mexique : étude de cas ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Depuis quelques années, on se préoccupe de plus en plus, dans de nombreux pays et sur la scène internationale, du chômage et du sous-emploi ainsi que des répercussions de l'emploi sur le bien-être, l'inclusion sociale et la stabilité politique. Ce projet produira une étude de cas pour le Rapport sur le développement ...

  5. Une nouvelle vision de la transition en Syrie | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Voilà bientôt deux ans que la situation en Syrie va de mal en pis et continue de se dégrader à un rythme affolant. Les efforts déployés sur la scène internationale ont toujours pour but d'en arriver à une solution politique, notamment à un plan de transition. Or, l'opposition syrienne, elle, a besoin d'énoncer clairement sa ...

  6. Gérer les grandes crises sanitaires, écologiques, politiques et économiques

    CERN Document Server

    Crocq, P L; Vraie, B


    Crises internationales, politiques, sociales, financières, économiques, pandémies, catastrophes, attentats, prises d'otages, et, plus couramment, crises dans l'entreprise... Chacune se déroule sous stress pour le dirigeant, les cadres, la population. Comment gérer ce stress et surtout prendre les bonnes décisions ? Trois experts ont mis en commun leur expérience pour élaborer ce manuel pratique des conduites à tenir, depuis l'instauration d'une culture de crise en amont jusqu'au débriefing psychologique de fin de crise. Un livre qui s'adresse à tous ceux qui, responsables de collectivités publiques ou privées, ont ou auront à affronter des situations d'urgence. Un livre clé pour se préparer à affronter l'urgence, l'imprévisible et même l'inimaginable.

  7. Power converters for ITER

    CERN Document Server

    Benfatto, I


    The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is a thermonuclear fusion experiment designed to provide long deuterium– tritium burning plasma operation. After a short description of ITER objectives, the main design parameters and the construction schedule, the paper describes the electrical characteristics of the French 400 kV grid at Cadarache: the European site proposed for ITER. Moreover, the paper describes the main requirements and features of the power converters designed for the ITER coil and additional heating power supplies, characterized by a total installed power of about 1.8 GVA, modular design with basic units up to 90 MVA continuous duty, dc currents up to 68 kA, and voltages from 1 kV to 1 MV dc.

  8. Résultats de recherche | Page 9 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    À l'approche de 2015, la communauté internationale évalue de façon critique la ... La participation accrue des femmes au marché du travail en Amérique latine a ... sont-elles capables d'adopter des modes de production plus écologiques ? ... Droits d'auteur · Éthique de la recherche · Politique de libre accès · Politique de ...

  9. pour le trimestre qui a pris fin le 30 juin 2012

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Office 2004 Test Drive User

    30 juin 2012 ... 7. Déclaration de responsabilité de la direction. 8. État de la situation financière. 9. État du résultat global. 10. État des variations des capitaux propres. 11 ... avec les états financiers non audités (à la page 9). ..... et à toutes les autres normes internationales d'information financière (normes IFRS) telles que.

  10. À solutions locales, paix durable | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 oct. 2010 ... Scott M. Weber, directeur général d'Interpeace. Au début des années 1990, nous avons compris que le modus operandi de la communauté internationale – à savoir des solutions imposées – était voué à l'échec. Nous devions trouver une façon de réunir à la même table les parties en conflit, parfois depuis ...

  11. Iteration and accelerator dynamics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peggs, S.


    Four examples of iteration in accelerator dynamics are studied in this paper. The first three show how iterations of the simplest maps reproduce most of the significant nonlinear behavior in real accelerators. Each of these examples can be easily reproduced by the reader, at the minimal cost of writing only 20 or 40 lines of code. The fourth example outlines a general way to iteratively solve nonlinear difference equations, analytically or numerically

  12. IHadoop: Asynchronous iterations for MapReduce

    KAUST Repository

    Elnikety, Eslam Mohamed Ibrahim


    MapReduce is a distributed programming frame-work designed to ease the development of scalable data-intensive applications for large clusters of commodity machines. Most machine learning and data mining applications involve iterative computations over large datasets, such as the Web hyperlink structures and social network graphs. Yet, the MapReduce model does not efficiently support this important class of applications. The architecture of MapReduce, most critically its dataflow techniques and task scheduling, is completely unaware of the nature of iterative applications; tasks are scheduled according to a policy that optimizes the execution for a single iteration which wastes bandwidth, I/O, and CPU cycles when compared with an optimal execution for a consecutive set of iterations. This work presents iHadoop, a modified MapReduce model, and an associated implementation, optimized for iterative computations. The iHadoop model schedules iterations asynchronously. It connects the output of one iteration to the next, allowing both to process their data concurrently. iHadoop\\'s task scheduler exploits inter-iteration data locality by scheduling tasks that exhibit a producer/consumer relation on the same physical machine allowing a fast local data transfer. For those iterative applications that require satisfying certain criteria before termination, iHadoop runs the check concurrently during the execution of the subsequent iteration to further reduce the application\\'s latency. This paper also describes our implementation of the iHadoop model, and evaluates its performance against Hadoop, the widely used open source implementation of MapReduce. Experiments using different data analysis applications over real-world and synthetic datasets show that iHadoop performs better than Hadoop for iterative algorithms, reducing execution time of iterative applications by 25% on average. Furthermore, integrating iHadoop with HaLoop, a variant Hadoop implementation that caches

  13. IHadoop: Asynchronous iterations for MapReduce

    KAUST Repository

    Elnikety, Eslam Mohamed Ibrahim; El Sayed, Tamer S.; Ramadan, Hany E.


    MapReduce is a distributed programming frame-work designed to ease the development of scalable data-intensive applications for large clusters of commodity machines. Most machine learning and data mining applications involve iterative computations over large datasets, such as the Web hyperlink structures and social network graphs. Yet, the MapReduce model does not efficiently support this important class of applications. The architecture of MapReduce, most critically its dataflow techniques and task scheduling, is completely unaware of the nature of iterative applications; tasks are scheduled according to a policy that optimizes the execution for a single iteration which wastes bandwidth, I/O, and CPU cycles when compared with an optimal execution for a consecutive set of iterations. This work presents iHadoop, a modified MapReduce model, and an associated implementation, optimized for iterative computations. The iHadoop model schedules iterations asynchronously. It connects the output of one iteration to the next, allowing both to process their data concurrently. iHadoop's task scheduler exploits inter-iteration data locality by scheduling tasks that exhibit a producer/consumer relation on the same physical machine allowing a fast local data transfer. For those iterative applications that require satisfying certain criteria before termination, iHadoop runs the check concurrently during the execution of the subsequent iteration to further reduce the application's latency. This paper also describes our implementation of the iHadoop model, and evaluates its performance against Hadoop, the widely used open source implementation of MapReduce. Experiments using different data analysis applications over real-world and synthetic datasets show that iHadoop performs better than Hadoop for iterative algorithms, reducing execution time of iterative applications by 25% on average. Furthermore, integrating iHadoop with HaLoop, a variant Hadoop implementation that caches

  14. ITER ITA newsletter No. 31, June 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about initialling the ITER Agreement and its related instruments by seven ITER parties, which too place in Brussels on 24 May 2006. The initialling constituted the final act of the ITER negotiations. It confirmed the Parties' common acceptance of the negotiated texts, ad referendum, and signalled their intentions to move forward towards the entry into force of the ITER Agreement as soon as possible. 'ITER - Uniting science today, global energy tomorrow' was the theme of a number of media events timed to accompany a remarkable day in the history of the ITER international venture, May 24th 2006, initialling of the ITER international agreement

  15. Status of the ITER EDA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aymar, R.


    This article summarizes progress made in the ITER Engineering Design Activities in the period between the ITER Meeting in Tokyo (January 2000) and June 2000. Topics: Termination of EDA, Joint Central Team and Support, Task Assignments, ITER Physics, Urgent and High Priority Physics Research Areas

  16. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 10, special issue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA Newsletter includes summaries of the reports of ITER EDA JCT Physics unit about ITER physics R and D during the Engineering Design Activities (EDA), ITER EDA JCT Naka JWC ITER technology R and D during the EDA, and Safety, Environment and Health group of ITER EDA JCT, Garching JWS on EDA activities related to safety

  17. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 13, October 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA newsletter issue comprises concise information about an ITER related meeting concerning the joint implementation of ITER - the fifth ITER Negotiations Meeting - which was held in Toronto, Canada, 19-20 September, 2002, and information about assessment of the possible ITER site in Clarington, Ontario, Canada, which was the subject of the first official stage of the Joint Assessment of Specific Sites (JASS) for the ITER Project. This assessment was completed just before the Fifth ITER Negotiations Meeting

  18. The ITER remote maintenance system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tesini, A.; Palmer, J.


    The aim of this paper is to summarize the ITER approach to machine components maintenance. A major objective of the ITER project is to demonstrate that a future power producing fusion device can be maintained effectively and offer practical levels of plant availability. During its operational lifetime, many systems of the ITER machine will require maintenance and modification; this can be achieved using remote handling methods. The need for timely, safe and effective remote operations on a machine as complex as ITER and within one of the world's most hostile remote handling environments represents a major challenge at every level of the ITER Project organization, engineering and technology. The basic principles of fusion reactor maintenance are presented. An updated description of the ITER remote maintenance system is provided. This includes the maintenance equipment used inside the vacuum vessel, inside the hot cell and the hot cell itself. The correlation between the functions of the remote handling equipment, of the hot cell and of the radwaste processing system is also described. The paper concludes that ITER has equipped itself with a good platform to tackle the challenges presented by its own maintenance and upgrade needs

  19. L’OCDE évalue les compétences des adultes


    Bardi, Anne-Marie


    Une dizaine d’années après les premiers résultats du Programme international de suivi des acquis des élèves (PISA), l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) livre une étude sur les compétences des adultes de 16 à 65 ans. Ce nouveau Programme pour l’évaluation internationale des compétences des adultes (PIIAC) est conçu en cycles, dont le premier s’achève en 2013. Il vise à informer sur la maîtrise des compétences jugées indispensables pour évoluer dans un monde hyp...

  20. ITER EDA Newsletter. Vol. 1, No. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    After the ITER Engineering Design Activities (EDA) Agreement and Protocol 1 had been signed by the four ITER parties on July 21, 1992 and had entered into force, the ITER Council suggested at its first meeting (Vienna, September 10-11, 1992) that the publication of the ITER Newsletter be continued during the EDA with assistance of the International Atomic Energy Agency. This suggestion was supported by the Agency and subsequently the ITER office in Vienna assumed its responsibilities for planning and executing activities related to the publication of the Newsletter. The ITER EDA Newsletter is planned to be a monthly publication aimed at disseminating broad information and understanding, including the description of the personal and institutional involvements in the ITER project in addition to technical facts about it. The responsibility for the Newsletter rests with the ITER council. In this first issue the signing of the ITER EDA Activities and Protocol 1 is reported. The EDA organizational structure is described. This issue also reports on the first ITER EDA council meeting, the opening of the ITER EDA NAKA Co-Centre, the first meeting of the ITER Technical Advisory Committee, activities of special working groups, an ITER Technical Meeting, as well as ''News in Brief'' and ''Coming Events''

  1. Report of the international symposium for ITER. 'Burning plasma science and technology on ITER'

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report contains the presentations on the International Symposium for ITER, held on Jan. 24, 2002 on the occasion of the ITER Governmental Negotiations in Tokyo. This symposium is organized by Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute with the support of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The meaningful results were obtained through this symposium especially on new frontiers of science and technology brought by ITER, accelerated road maps towards realizing fusion energy, and portfolio of other fusion configurations from ITER. The 5 of the presented papers are indexed individually (J.P.N.)

  2. Changements climatiques | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    L'objectif du programme Changements climatiques consiste à appuyer des partenariats et des réseaux visant à rassembler des données probantes pour trouver des solutions et utiliser les technologies en vue d'obtenir des gains sociaux et économiques et d'atténuer les effets des changements climatiques pour l'avenir.

  3. ITER Council tour of Clarington site

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dautovich, D.


    The ITER Council meeting was recently held in Toronto on 27 and 28 February. ITER Canada provided local arrangements for the Council meeting on behalf of Europe as the Official host. Following the meeting, on 1 March, ITER Canada conducted a tour of the proposed ITER construction site at Charington, and the ITER Council members attended a luncheon followed by a speech by Dr. Peter Barnard, Chairman and CEO of ITER Canada, at the Empire Club of Canada. The official invitation to participate in these events came from Dr. Peter Harrison, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Canada. This report provides a brief summary of the events on 1 March

  4. The concrete technology of post pouring zone of raft foundation of Hongyun Building B tower (United States)

    Yin, Suhua; Yu, Liu; Wu, Yanli; Zhao, Ying


    The foundation of Hongyun building B tower is made of raft board foundation which is 3300mm in the thickness concreted pouring amount of large and the late poured band in the pouring settlement formed. The temperature of the pouring settlement was controlled in order to prevent the crack of the construction of the late poured band. The steel of post pouring band was designed and monitorred. The quality of post pouring band quality is guaranteed in the raft concrete foundation of Hongyun Building B tower.

  5. ITER licensing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gordon, C.W.


    ITER was fortunate to have four countries interested in ITER siting to the point where licensing discussions were initiated. This experience uncovered the challenges of licensing a first of a kind, fusion machine under different licensing regimes and helped prepare the way for the site specific licensing process. These initial steps in licensing ITER have allowed for refining the safety case and provide confidence that the design and safety approach will be licensable. With site-specific licensing underway, the necessary regulatory submissions have been defined and are well on the way to being completed. Of course, there is still work to be done and details to be sorted out. However, the informal international discussions to bring both the proponent and regulatory authority up to a common level of understanding have laid the foundation for a licensing process that should proceed smoothly. This paper provides observations from the perspective of the International Team. (author)

  6. ITER-FEAT operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimomura, Y.; Huget, M.; Mizoguchi, T.; Murakami, Y.; Polevoi, A.; Shimada, M.; Aymar, R.; Chuyanov, V.; Matsumoto, H.


    ITER is planned to be the first fusion experimental reactor in the world operating for research in physics and engineering. The first 10 years' operation will be devoted primarily to physics issues at low neutron fluence and the following 10 years' operation to engineering testing at higher fluence. ITER can accommodate various plasma configurations and plasma operation modes such as inductive high Q modes, long pulse hybrid modes, non-inductive steady-state modes, with large ranges of plasma current, density, beta and fusion power, and with various heating and current drive methods. This flexibility will provide an advantage for coping with uncertainties in the physics database, in studying burning plasmas, in introducing advanced features and in optimizing the plasma performance for the different programme objectives. Remote sites will be able to participate in the ITER experiment. This concept will provide an advantage not only in operating ITER for 24 hours per day but also in involving the world-wide fusion communities and in promoting scientific competition among the Parties. (author)

  7. Subventions à la mobilité bilatérale Canada-Afrique du Sud pour les ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  8. Big drinkers: how BMI, gender and rules of thumb influence the free pouring of wine. (United States)

    Smarandescu, Laura; Walker, Doug; Wansink, Brian


    This research examines free pouring behavior and provides an account of how Body Mass Index (BMI) and gender might lead to the overpouring, and consequently the overconsumption of wine. An observational study with young adults investigated how BMI and gender affect free-pouring of wine over a variety of pouring scenarios, and how rules-of-thumb in pouring affect the quantities of alcohol poured by men and women across BMI categories. For men, the amount poured was positively related to BMI. However, BMI did not affect pours by women. The use of the "half glass" rule-of-thumb in pouring reduced the volume of wine poured by over 20% for both men and women. Importantly, this rule-of-thumb substantially attenuated the pours by men at high BMI levels. Increasing awareness of pouring biases represents an early and effective step toward curbing alcohol consumption among men, and especially those who are overweight. Additionally, using a simple "half glass" rule-of-thumb may be an effective way to curb overpouring, despite non-standard glass sizes. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  9. Diaspora et économie internationale: le cas des Sud-Africains d’origine indienne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frédéric Landy


    Full Text Available L’Inde rêve que la diaspora indienne joue un rôle économique comparable à celui de la diaspora chinoise pour la Chine. En comparant trois cartes de la répartition mondiale des personnes d’origine indienne et des investissements internationaux, on constate que les pays à forte communauté indienne ne sont pas toujours des partenaires économiques majeurs de l’Inde. Celle-ci demeure une référence forte pour la diaspora, parfois très ancienne. Le cas de l’Afrique du Sud illustre bien la dissolution des liens matériels entre les personnes d’origine indienne et l’Inde, aggravée par la coupure de l’apartheid: la carte de l’Inde a souvent disparu des esprits, au profit d’une Inde bien plus abstraite.

  10. ITER EDA Newsletter. V. 3, no. 8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter issue reports on the sixth ITER council meeting; introduces the newly appointed ITER director and reports on his address to the ITER council. The vacuum tank for the ITER model coil testing, installed at JAERI, Naka, Japan is also briefly described

  11. JournalBase. Comparer les bases de données scientifiques internationales en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Denise Pumain


    Full Text Available Cet article dresse un tableau comparatif des contenus des bases de données et des listes de référence qui recensent les revues en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS. Il s’appuie sur JournalBase publié le 25 juin 2009 dans Cybergeo. Cette étude porte sur les bases AHCI et SSCI du Web of Science (publié par Thomson Reuters, de Scopus (publié par Elsevier, du European Reference Index for Humanities (ERIH (publié par la Fondation européenne pour la Science et de l’AERES (Agence pour l’évaluation de la recherche en France. La recherche a été réalisée en 2008 avec le soutien financier du TGE Adonis du CNRS. Avec quelque 20 000 entrées correspondant à environ 10 000 journaux différents, c’est une vue quasi exhaustive de la richesse des publications en sciences humaines et sociales qui est apportée par ce tableau. La nomenclature adoptée pour classer les revues par discipline est celle en 27 postes de la Fondation Européenne pour la Science. Les affectations multiples révèlent la multidisciplinarité des revues, assez fréquente en SHS, mais parfois aussi les incohérences des bases de données qui n’ont pas été rectifiées.L’article présente l’historique du projet, la méthodologie mise en place par les auteurs, les difficultés rencontrées dans la comparaison des données. Les premiers résultats mettent en évidence une couverture plus large de la liste ERIH pour les sciences humaines et une surreprésentation des revues anglophones dans les bases de données commerciales pour l’ensemble des disciplines. L’objectif de ce travail est d’alerter sur les contenus de ces bases de données, au moment où les outils bibliométriques soulèvent maints débats quant à leur application dans le champ des sciences humaines et sociales.

  12. ITER technical advisory committee meeting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujiwara, M.


    The 17th Meeting of the ITER Technical Advisory Committee (TAC-17) was held on February 19-22, the ITER Garching Work Site in Germany. The objective of the meeting was to review the Draft Final Design Report of ITER-FEAT and assess the ability of the self-consistent overall design both to satisfy the technical objectives previously defined and to meet the cost limitations. TAC-17 was also organized to confirm that the design and critical elements, with emphasis on the key recommendations made at previous TAC meetings, are such as to extend the confidence in starting ITER construction. It was also intended to provide the ITER Council, scheduled to meet on 27 and 28 February in Toronto, with a technical assessment and key recommendations of the above mentioned report

  13. ITER EDA status

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aymar, R.


    The Project has focused on drafting the Plant Description Document (PDD), which will be published as the Technical Basis for the ITER Final Design Report (FDR), and its related documentation in time for the ITER review process. The preparations have involved continued intensive detailed design work, analyses and assessments by the Home Teams and the Joint Central Team, who have co-operated closely and efficiently. The main technical document has been completed in time for circulation, as planned, to TAC members for their review at TAC-17 (19-22 February 2001). Some of the supporting documents, such as the Plant Design Specification (PDS), Design Requirements and Guidelines (DRG1 and DRG2), and the Plant Safety Requirement (PSR) are also available for reference in draft form. A summary paper of the PDD for the Council's information is available as a separate document. A new documentation structure for the Project has been established. This hierarchical structure for documentation facilitates the entire organization in a way that allows better change control and avoids duplications. The initiative was intended to make this documentation system valid for the construction and operation phases of ITER. As requested, the Director and the JCT have been assisting the Explorations to plan for future joint technical activities during the Negotiations, and to consider technical issues important for ITER construction and operation for their introduction in the draft of a future joint implementation agreement. As charged by the Explorers, the Director has held discussions with the Home Team Leaders in order to prepare for the staffing of the International Team and Participants Teams during the Negotiations (Co-ordinated Technical Activities, CTA) and also in view of informing all ITER staff about their future directions in a timely fashion. One important element of the work was the completion by the Parties' industries of costing studies of about 83 ''procurement packages

  14. Approche historique des classifications en psychiatrie


    Garrabé , J.


    Resume Des le milieu du xixe siecle s?est posee la question des criteres de classification des maladies. Pour les maladies mentales, diverses classifications ont alors ete proposees par des auteurs francais (Morel) et allemands (Kahlbaum, Kraepelin). A partir de la fin du xixe siecle, le Bureau International de Statistique (Paris) a publie a une Classification Internationale des Maladies, a revision decennale (J. Bertillon). Cette tache a ete poursuivie dans l?entre-deux-guerres pa...

  15. Reconstruction après le tsunami dans un contexte de guerre | Page ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le 26 décembre 2004, un tsunami a ravagé la majeure partie des régions côtières de la province d'Aceh, en Indonésie, ainsi que les côtes est et sud du Sri Lanka. La communauté internationale s'est mobilisée massivement pour secourir les populations en détresse et a acheminé une aide considérable aux zones ...

  16. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 8, September 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related activities including Robert Aymar's leaving ITER for CERN, ITER related issues at the IAEA General Conference and status and prospects of thermonuclear power and activity during the ITA on materials foe vessel and in-vessel components

  17. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA newsletter contains information about the Fourth Negotiations Meeting on the Joint Implementation of ITER held in Cadarache, France on 4-6 June 2002 and about the meeting of the ITER CTA Project Board which took place on the occasion of the N4 Meeting at Cadarache on 3-4 June 2002

  18. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA newsletter comprises reports on ITER co-ordinated technical activities, information about the Meeting of the ITER CTA project board which took place in Vienna on 16 July 2001, and the Meeting of the expert group on MHD, disruptions and plasma control which was held on 25-26 June 2001 in Funchal, Madeira

  19. The JET ITER-like wall experiment: First results and lessons for ITER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Horton, Lorne, E-mail: [EFDA-CSU Culham, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB (United Kingdom); European Commission, B-1049 Brussels (Belgium)


    Highlights: ► JET has recently completed the installation of an ITER-like wall. ► Important operational aspects have changed with the new wall. ► Initial experiments have confirmed the expected low fuel retention. ► Disruption dynamics have change dramatically. ► Development of wall-compatible, ITER-relevant regimes of operation has begun. -- Abstract: The JET programme is strongly focused on preparations for ITER construction and exploitation. To this end, a major programme of machine enhancements has recently been completed, including a new ITER-like wall, in which the plasma-facing armour in the main vacuum chamber is beryllium while that in the divertor is tungsten—the same combination of plasma-facing materials foreseen for ITER. The goal of the initial experimental campaigns is to fully characterise operation with the new wall, concentrating in particular on plasma-material interactions, and to make direct comparisons of plasma performance with the previous, carbon wall. This is being done in a progressive manner, with the input power and plasma performance being increased in combination with the commissioning of a comprehensive new real-time protection system. Progress achieved during the first set of experimental campaigns with the new wall, which took place from September 2011 to July 2012, is reported.

  20. ITER concept definition. V.1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), an agreement among the four parties representing the world's major fusion programs resulted in a program for conceptual design of the next logical step in the fusion program, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The definition phase, which ended in November, 1989, is summarized in two reports: a brief summary is contained in the ITER Definition Phase Report (IAEA/ITER/DS/2); the extended technical summary and technical details of ITER are contained in this two-volume report. The first volume of this report contains the Introduction and Summary, and the remainder will appear in Volume II. In the Conceptual Design Activities phase, ITER has been defined as being a tokamak device. The basic performance parameters of ITER are given in Volume I of this report. In addition, the rationale for selection of this concept, the performance flexibility, technical issues, operations, safety, reliability, cost, and research and development needed to proceed with the design are discussed. Figs and tabs

  1. ITER primary cryopump test facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Petersohn, N.; Mack, A.; Boissin, J.C.; Murdoc, D.


    A cryopump as ITER primary vacuum pump is being developed at FZK under the European fusion technology programme. The ITER vacuum system comprises of 16 cryopumps operating in a cyclic mode which fulfills the vacuum requirements in all ITER operation modes. Prior to the construction of a prototype cryopump, the concept is tested on a reduced scale model pump. To test the model pump, the TIMO facility is being built at FZK in which the model pump operation under ITER environmental conditions, except for tritium exposure, neutron irradiation and magnetic fields, can be simulated. The TIMO facility mainly consists of a test vessel for ITER divertor duct simulation, a 600 W refrigerator system supplying helium in the 5 K stage and a 30 kW helium supply system for the 80 K stage. The model pump test programme will be performed with regard to the pumping performance and cryogenic operation of the pump. The results of the model pump testing will lead to the design of the full scale ITER cryopump. (orig.)

  2. ITER ITA newsletter No. 32, July 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related activities. The ITER Parties, at their Ministerial Meeting in May 2006 in Brussels, initialled the draft text of the prospective Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project as well as the draft text of the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organisation for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project. The Parties have requested that the IAEA Director General serve as Depositary of the two aforementioned Agreements and that the IAEA establish a Trust Fund to Support Common Expenditures under the ITER Transitional Arrangements, pending entry into force of the prospective Agreement on the Establishment of the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization for the Joint Implementation of the ITER Project. At its June Meeting in Vienna, the IAEA Board of Governors approved these requests. There is also information about the Tenth Meeting of the International Tokamak Physics Activity (ITPA) Topical Group (TG) on Diagnostics was held at the Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, from 10-14 April 2006

  3. ITER EDA Newsletter. V. 10, no. 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA Newsletter presents an overview of meetings held at IAEA Headquarters in Vienna during the week 16-20 July 2001 related to the successful completion of the ITER Engineering Design Activities (EDA). Among them were the final meeting of the ITER Council, the closing ceremony to commemorate the EDA completion, the final meeting of the ITER Management Advisory Committee, a briefing of issues related to ITER developments, and discussions on the possible joint implementation of ITER

  4. Ablation laser pour la microélectronique plastique (United States)

    Alloncle, A.-P.; Thomas, B.; Grojo, D.; Delaporte, Ph.; Sentis, M.; Sanaur, S.; Barret, M.; Collot, Ph.


    La microélectronique plastique connaît un développement sans précédent dans le domaine de la recherche. Cette étude s'intéresse à l'utilisation des lasers impulsionnels pour la réalisation de composants organiques sur supports souples. Les deux aspects plus particulièrement étudiés sont d'une part la gravure de polymère pour réaliser un canal entre la source et le drain, et d'autre part le développement d'un procédéde dépôt appelé LIFT pour Laser Induced Forward Transfer. Ce dernier pourrait notamment permettre dedéposer des composés organiques non solubles.

  5. Publications | Page 118 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La culture du pavot à opium : quelle politique pour l'Afghanistan ? La culture illicite du pavot à opium contribue à la subsistance de millions de paysans afghans, mais il se trouve qu'elle constitue également une source de revenus importants pour les bandes criminalisées.

  6. IAEA activities related to ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolan, T.J.; Schneider, U.


    As agreed between the IAEA and the ITER Parties, special sessions are dedicated to ITER at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conferences. At the 18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, held on 4-10 October 2000 in Sorrento, Italy, in the Artsimovich-Kadomtsev Memorial opening session there were special lectures by Carlo Rubbia (President, ENEA, Italy), A. Arima (Japan), and E.P. Velikhov (Russia); an overview talk on ITER by R. Aymar (ITER Director); and a talk on the FTU experiment by F. Romanelli. In total, 573 participants from 34 countries presented 389 papers (including 11 post-deadline papers and the 4 summaries)

  7. 1er mars 2017 - Signature du livre d'or, visite du tunnel du LHC au Point 5 et de la caverne expériementale de CMS par le Secrétaire d’Etat français aux Affaires européennes auprès du ministre des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international H. Désir.

    CERN Multimedia

    Bennett, Sophia Elizabeth


    Entourent le Secrétaire d'Etat pendant la signature du livre d'or: Le Préfet de l’Ain A. Cochet; le Directeur des accélérateurs et de la technologie F. Bordry; Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent de la France auprès de l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève et des Organisations internationales en Suisse E. Laurin; la Directrice générale du CERN F. Gianotti et la Directrice des relations internationales C. Warakaulle. Sont également présents: H. Bertrand, Maire de Saint-Genis-Pouilly; C. Bouvier, Maire de Cessy; G. Rousseau, Secrétaire Général de la sous-préfecture de Gex; Y. Mecibah, Directrice de Cabinet du Maire de Saint-Genis-Pouilly; F. Croquette, Ambassadeur pour les droits de l’homme, chargé de la dimension internationale de la Shoah, des spoliations et du devoir de mémoire; S. Bonbayl, Conseillère technique, Cabinet du Secrétaire d’Etat chargé des Affaires Européennes au MAEDI; F. Cormon-Veyssière, Sous-Directrice des droits de l’Homme et des Affaires humanitaires au MAEDI...

  8. ITER blanket designs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gohar, Y.; Parker, R.; Rebut, P.H.


    The ITER first wall, blanket, and shield system is being designed to handle 1.5±0.3 GW of fusion power and 3 MWa m -2 average neutron fluence. In the basic performance phase of ITER operation, the shielding blanket uses austenitic steel structural material and water coolant. The first wall is made of bimetallic structure, austenitic steel and copper alloy, coated with beryllium and it is protected by beryllium bumper limiters. The choice of copper first wall is dictated by the surface heat flux values anticipated during ITER operation. The water coolant is used at low pressure and low temperature. A breeding blanket has been designed to satisfy the technical objectives of the Enhanced Performance Phase of ITER operation for the Test Program. The breeding blanket design is geometrically similar to the shielding blanket design except it is a self-cooled liquid lithium system with vanadium structural material. Self-healing electrical insulator (aluminum nitride) is used to reduce the MHD pressure drop in the system. Reactor relevancy, low tritium inventory, low activation material, low decay heat, and a tritium self-sufficiency goal are the main features of the breeding blanket design. (orig.)

  9. De meilleurs emplois pour l'Asie | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 mars 2018 ... D'est en ouest, les économies de l'Asie se transforment rapidement, créant des emplois pour une population croissante de jeunes travailleurs. Cependant, qu'en est-il des conditions de travail ? Une recherche financée par le CRDI recueille des données probantes qui démontrent que de meilleures ...

  10. Instituteur(-trice) néerlandais(e) recherché(e) - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    La section néerlandophone du Lycée International de Ferney-Voltaire est à la recherche d'un instituteur(-trice) diplômé(e) pour enseigner le néerlandais tous les mardis après-midis. Il s'agit d'élèves de 8 et 9 ans et c'est pour le néerlandais comme langue maternelle. Pour plus de renseignements vous pouvez contacter Eric van Herwijnen, tel 79887 ou par e-mail : Onderwijzer(es) Nederlands gezocht De Nederlandse sectie van het Internationale Lyceum te Ferney-Voltaire is op zoek naar een bevoegde onderwijzer(es) voor het geven van Nederlandse les aan leerlingen van 8 en 9 jaar. Het betreft elke dinsdag-middag. Voor meer informatie kunt U contact opnemen met Eric van Herwijnen, tel : 79887 of per e-mail :

  11. ITER ITA Newsletter. No. 29, March 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related activities and meetings, namely, the ITER Director-General Nominee, Dr. Kaname Ikeda, took up his position as ITER Project Leader in Cadarache on 13 March, the consolidation of information technology infrastructure for ITER and about he Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Fusion Power Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC), which was held on 28 February-1 March 2006 at the headquarters of the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris

  12. ITER safety challenges and opportunities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piet, S.J.


    This paper reports on results of the Conceptual Design Activity (CDA) for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) suggest challenges and opportunities. ITER is capable of meeting anticipated regulatory dose limits, but proof is difficult because of large radioactive inventories needing stringent radioactivity confinement. Much research and development (R ampersand D) and design analysis is needed to establish that ITER meets regulatory requirements. There is a further oportunity to do more to prove more of fusion's potential safety and environmental advantages and maximize the amount of ITER technology on the path toward fusion power plants. To fulfill these tasks, three programmatic challenges and three technical challenges must be overcome. The first step is to fund a comprehensive safety and environmental ITER R ampersand D plan. Second is to strengthen safety and environment work and personnel in the international team. Third is to establish an external consultant group to advise the ITER Joint Team on designing ITER to meet safety requirements for siting by any of the Parties. The first of three key technical challenges is plasma engineering - burn control, plasma shutdown, disruptions, tritium burn fraction, and steady state operation. The second is the divertor, including tritium inventory, activation hazards, chemical reactions, and coolant disturbances. The third technical challenge is optimization of design requirements considering safety risk, technical risk, and cost

  13. Status of ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aymar, R.


    At the end of engineering design activities (EDA) in July 2001, all the essential elements became available to make a decision on construction of ITER. A sufficiently detailed and integrated engineering design now exists for a generic site, has been assessed for feasibility, and costed, and essential physics and technology R and D has been carried out to underpin the design choices. Formal negotiations have now begun between the current participants--Canada, Euratom, Japan, and the Russian Federation--on a Joint Implementation Agreement for ITER which also establishes the legal entity to run ITER. These negotiations are supported on technical aspects by Coordinated Technical Activities (CTA), which maintain the integrity of the project, for the good of all participants, and concentrate on preparing for procurement by industry of the longest lead items, and for formal application for a construction license with the host country. This paper highlights the main features of the ITER design. With cryogenically-cooled magnets close to neutron-generating plasma, the design of shielding with adequate access via port plugs for auxiliaries such as heating and diagnostics, and of remote replacement and refurbishing systems for in-vessel components, are particularly interesting nuclear technology challenges. Making a safety case for ITER to satisfy potential regulators and to demonstrate, as far as possible at this stage, the environmental attractiveness of fusion as an energy source, is also important. The paper gives illustrative details on this work, and an update on the progress of technical preparations for construction, as well as the status of the above negotiations

  14. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA Newsletter contains information about the organization of the ITER Co-ordinated Technical Activities (CTA) International Team as the follow-up of the ITER CTA project board meeting in Toronto on 7 November 2001. It also includes a summary on the start of the international tokamak physics activity by Dr. D. Campbell, Chair of the ITPA Co-ordinating Committee

  15. ITER management advisory committee meeting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshikawa, M.


    The ITER Management Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting was held on 23 February in Garching, Germany. The main topics were: the consideration of the report by the Director on the ITER EDA Status, the review of the Work Programme, the review of the Joint Fund, the review of a schedule of ITER meetings, and the arrangements for termination and wind-up of the EDA

  16. Recht und Gewalt im internationalen System. Von G. I. Tunkin. (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel, Band 93) / Henn-Jüri Uibopuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uibopuu, Henn-Jüri, 1929-2012


    Raamatuarvustus: Tunkin, G. I. Recht und Gewalt im internationalen System. - Berlin : Duncker und Humblot, 1986. - (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel ; 93). 213 lk.

  17. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 6, July 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related activities. One of them was the farewell party for for Annick Lyraud and Robert Aymar, who will take up his position as Director-General of CERN in January 2004, another is information about Dr. Yasuo Shimomura, ITER interim project leader, and ITER technical work during the transitional arrangements

  18. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 7, no. 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This newsletter contains the articles: 'Extraordinary ITER council meeting', 'ITER EDA final safety meeting' and 'Summary report of the 3rd combined workshop of the ITER confinement and transport and ITER confinement database and modeling expert groups'

  19. Place à l'adaptAction | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    22 févr. 2011 ... Place à l'adaptAction — Protéger les collectivités côtières du nord du Maroc par Mary O'Neill Les régions rurales de la côte du nord-est du Maroc sont de plus en plus vulnérables aux effets des changements climatiques. Une équipe de recherche internationale réalise une étude participative dans deux ...

  20. ITER Central Solenoid Module Fabrication

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, John [General Atomics, San Diego, CA (United States)


    The fabrication of the modules for the ITER Central Solenoid (CS) has started in a dedicated production facility located in Poway, California, USA. The necessary tools have been designed, built, installed, and tested in the facility to enable the start of production. The current schedule has first module fabrication completed in 2017, followed by testing and subsequent shipment to ITER. The Central Solenoid is a key component of the ITER tokamak providing the inductive voltage to initiate and sustain the plasma current and to position and shape the plasma. The design of the CS has been a collaborative effort between the US ITER Project Office (US ITER), the international ITER Organization (IO) and General Atomics (GA). GA’s responsibility includes: completing the fabrication design, developing and qualifying the fabrication processes and tools, and then completing the fabrication of the seven 110 tonne CS modules. The modules will be shipped separately to the ITER site, and then stacked and aligned in the Assembly Hall prior to insertion in the core of the ITER tokamak. A dedicated facility in Poway, California, USA has been established by GA to complete the fabrication of the seven modules. Infrastructure improvements included thick reinforced concrete floors, a diesel generator for backup power, along with, cranes for moving the tooling within the facility. The fabrication process for a single module requires approximately 22 months followed by five months of testing, which includes preliminary electrical testing followed by high current (48.5 kA) tests at 4.7K. The production of the seven modules is completed in a parallel fashion through ten process stations. The process stations have been designed and built with most stations having completed testing and qualification for carrying out the required fabrication processes. The final qualification step for each process station is achieved by the successful production of a prototype coil. Fabrication of the first

  1. Nuclear power and world energy needs: Looking ahead. Address at the 'Quatrieme Annuelle Conference Strategique', Institut de Relations Internationales et Strategiques, Paris, 5 May 1999

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    ElBaradei, M.


    In his address at the 'Quatrieme Annuelle Conference Strategique' (Institut de Relations Internationales Strategiques, Paris, 5 May 1999), the Director General of the IAEA presented the future role of the nuclear power from Agency's perspective, emphasizing the following aspects: nuclear power and the environment, nuclear safety and public confidence, economic competitiveness, and the importance of nuclear verification and prevention of illicit trafficking

  2. ITER safety and operational scenario

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimomura, Y.; Saji, G.


    The safety and environmental characteristics of ITER and its operational scenario are described. Fusion has built-in safety characteristics without depending on layers of safety protection systems. Safety considerations are integrated in the design by making use of the intrinsic safety characteristics of fusion adequate to the moderate hazard inventories. In addition to this, a systematic nuclear safety approach has been applied to the design of ITER. The safety assessment of the design shows how ITER will safely accommodate uncertainties, flexibility of plasma operations, and experimental components, which is fundamental in ITER, the first experimental fusion reactor. The operation of ITER will progress step by step from hydrogen plasma operation with low plasma current, low magnetic field, short pulse and low duty factor without fusion power to deuterium-tritium plasma operation with full plasma current, full magnetic field, long pulse and high duty factor with full fusion power. In each step, characteristics of plasma and optimization of plasma operation will be studied which will significantly reduce uncertainties and frequency/severity of plasma transient events in the next step. This approach enhances reliability of ITER operation. (orig.)

  3. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 1, no. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This second issue of the ITER Newsletter during the EDA (Engineering Design Activities) reports on (i) the second ITER Council Meeting held in the Russian Research Centre (RRC) ''Kurchatov Institute'', Moscow, Russia, December 15-16, 1992, (ii) the opening ceremony of the ITER Council Office at the RRC, (iii) the first meeting of the ITER Management Advisory Committee (MAC), (iv) the start-up of the ITER EDA at Garching, Germany, (v) descriptions of the ITER Co-Centres at Naka, Japan, and (vi) San Diego, USA, (vii) contact persons activities, (viii) the adoption by the ITER Council of the recommendations by the Special Working Group 1 (SWG-1), (ix) news in brief, and (x) coming events

  4. Réseau d'universités et de conseils pour l'innovation au service du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  5. Atténuation des risques pour la santé dans le secteur de la poterie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  6. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 11, December 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER including information from the editor about ITER update, about progress in ITER magnet design and preparation of procurement packages and about 25th anniversary of the First Steering Committee Meeting of the International Tokamak Reactor (INTOR) Workshop, organized under the auspices of the IAEA, took place at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna

  7. Rokkasho: Japanese site for ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohtake, S.; Yamaguchi, V.; Matsuda, S.; Kishimoto, H.


    The Atomic Energy Commission of Japan authorized ITER as the core machine of the Third Phase Basic Program of Fusion Energy Development. After a series of discussions in the Atomic Energy Commission and the Council of Science and Technology Policy, Japanese Government concluded formally with the Cabinet Agreement on 31 May 2002 that Japan should participate in the ITER Project and offer the Rokkasho-Mura site for construction of ITER to the Negotiations among Canada (CA), the European Union (EU), Japan (JA), and the Russian Federation (RF). The JA site proposal is now under the international assessment in the framework of the ITER Negotiations. (author)

  8. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 8, no. 12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA Newsletter reports about the ITER Management Advisory Committee Meeting in Naka, the ITER Technical Advisory Committee Meeting in Naka and the meeting of the ITER SWG-P2 in Vienna. A separate abstract is prepared for each meeting

  9. Des semences pour vivre | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    12 juil. 2011 ... Partout au Canada, le marché des aliments biologiques ne cesse de croître, ... du Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) et d'Inter ... des variétés de semences et des modes de culture traditionnels, face à ... La protection de l'accès à l'eau contre les effets de l'étalement urbain et ...

  10. Imposition des fortunes et finance offshore durant les années 1920: Aux origines de la concurrence fiscale internationale


    Farquet, Christophe


    En se fondant sur un large panel de sources inédites issues de différentes archives européennes, l’article analyse l’impact des fuites de capitaux, de la finance offshore et de l’évasion fiscale internationale sur les systèmes d’imposition dans les années suivant la Première Guerre mondiale. Après avoir fourni des données sur l’ampleur du contournement par les détenteurs de capitaux des nouvelles taxes introduites à la sortie du conflit, le papier montre que la pression structurelle exercée s...

  11. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 10, no. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This article provides a summary of results of the ITER Physics Committee Meeting, which was held on 14 October 2000 at the ITER Garching Joint Work Site, Germany. The ITER Physics Committee is the body responsible for overseeing, through the seven specialized Expert Groups, the R and D activities contributed voluntarily by the ITER Parties. The Parties' Physics Designated Persons, the Chairs and Co-Chairs of ITER Physics Expert Groups and the JCT members involved attended the Meeting. As usual, the meeting was chaired by the ITER Director, Dr. R. Aymar, who reported on the status of the ITER EDA. Dr. Aymar described the steps being taken in preparing the ITER-FEAT Final Design Report (FDR), and further stated that the Report would be available in time to be of benefit to the Negotiations on the ITER Joint Implementation, expected to start around May 2001. All Parties recognize that the ITER Physics Expert Group structure has been useful in focusing the tokamak physics activity on the ITER-relevant issues and provides an efficient worldwide collaboration on confirming innovative solutions. The concept of an international workshop to be organized as a pre-meeting of each Expert Group meeting, in order to involve U.S. scientists in the discussion of generic tokamak physics issues, was introduced in 2000, with some success, and its goal should be pursued

  12. Existence test for asynchronous interval iterations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Kaj; Caprani, O.; Stauning, Ole


    In the search for regions that contain fixed points ofa real function of several variables, tests based on interval calculationscan be used to establish existence ornon-existence of fixed points in regions that are examined in the course ofthe search. The search can e.g. be performed...... as a synchronous (sequential) interval iteration:In each iteration step all components of the iterate are calculatedbased on the previous iterate. In this case it is straight forward to base simple interval existence and non-existencetests on the calculations done in each step of the iteration. The search can also...... on thecomponentwise calculations done in the course of the iteration. These componentwisetests are useful for parallel implementation of the search, sincethe tests can then be performed local to each processor and only when a test issuccessful do a processor communicate this result to other processors....

  13. ITER EDA Newsletter. V.3, no.3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA Newsletter issue contains reports on (i) the completion of the ITER EDA Protocol 1, (ii) the signing of ITER EDA Protocol 2, (iii) a technical meeting on pumping and fuelling and (iv) a technical meeting on the ITER Tritium Plant

  14. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 7, no. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER Newsletter contains a summary report on the Thirteenth meeting of the ITER Management Advisory Committee (MAC), a report on ITER at the International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials and a report of a Russian scientist working at ITER Garching JWS

  15. Pitié pour les grandes villes !

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jérôme Monnet


    Full Text Available Roger Caillois disait, en 1938, qu´il existe "une représentation de la grande ville, assez puissante sur les imaginations pour que jamais en pratique ne soit posée la question de son exactitude, créée de toute pièce par le livre, assez répandue néanmoins pour faire partie de l´atmosphère mentale collective et posséder par suite une certaine force de contrainte"(Le mythe et l´homme, p.156 [c´est lui qui souligne]. En 1996, la presse française a consacré dossiers et articles à "Habitat II...

  16. Estimating emissions from grout pouring operations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ballinger, M.Y.; Hendrickson, D.W.


    Grouting is a method for disposal of low-level radioactive waste in which a contaminated solution is mixed into a slurry, poured into a large storage vault, then dried, fixing the contaminants within a stable solid matrix. A model (RELEASE) has been developed to estimate the quantity of aeorsol created during the pouring process. Information and equations derived from spill experiments were used in the model to determine release fractions. This paper discusses the derivation of the release fraction equation used in the code and the model used to account for gravity settling of particles in the vault. The input and results for a base case application are shown

  17. Plasma control concepts for ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lister, J.B.; Nieswand, C.


    This overview paper skims over a wide range of issues related to the control of ITER plasmas. Although operation of the ITER project will require extensive developmental work to achieve the degree of control required, there is no indication that any of the identified problems will present overwhelming difficulties compared with the operation of present tokamaks. However, the precision of control required and the degree of automation of the final ITER plasma control system will present a challenge which is somewhat greater than for present tokamaks. In order to operate ITER optimally, integrated use of a large amount of diagnostic information will be necessary, evaluated and interpreted automatically. This will challenge both the diagnostics themselves and their supporting interpretation codes. The intervening years will provide us with the opportunity to implement and evaluate most of the new features required for ITER on existing tokamaks, with the exception of the control of an ignited plasma. (author) 7 figs., 7 refs

  18. ITER project and fusion technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takatsu, H.


    In the sessions of ITR, FTP and SEE of the 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, 159 papers were presented in total, highlighted by the remarkable progress of the ITER project: ITER baseline has been established and procurement activities have been started as planned with a target of realizing the first plasma in 2019; ITER physics basis is sound and operation scenarios and operational issues have been extensively studied in close collaboration with the worldwide physics community; the test blanket module programme has been incorporated into the ITER programme and extensive R and D works are ongoing in the member countries with a view to delivering their own modules in a timely manner according to the ITER master schedule. Good progress was also reported in the areas of a variety of complementary activities to DEMO, including Broader Approach activities and long-term technology. This paper summarizes the highlights of the papers presented in the ITR, FTP and SEE sessions with a minimum set of background information.

  19. Carrières | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le développement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le CRDI regroupe des gens qui partagent une passion pour la recherche pour le développement international. La recherche pour le développement contribue réellement à changer les choses lorsqu'elle reçoit un soutien adéquat et que les bonnes personnes y travaillent. Nous recherchons des personnes qui ont la ferme ...

  20. ITER fuel cycle

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Leger, D.; Dinner, P.; Yoshida, H.


    Resulting from the Conceptual Design Activities (1988-1990) by the parties involved in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project, this document summarizes the design requirements and the Conceptual Design Descriptions for each of the principal subsystems and design options of the ITER Fuel Cycle conceptual design. The ITER Fuel Cycle system provides for the handling of all tritiated water and gas mixtures on ITER. The system is subdivided into subsystems for fuelling, primary (torus) vacuum pumping, fuel processing, blanket tritium recovery, and common processes (including isotopic separation, fuel management and storage, and processes for detritiation of solid, liquid, and gaseous wastes). After an introduction describing system function and conceptual design procedure, a summary of the design is presented including a discussion of scope and main parameters, and the fuel design options for fuelling, plasma chamber vacuum pumping, fuel cleanup, blanket tritium recovery, and auxiliary and common processes. Design requirements are defined and design descriptions are given for the various subsystems (fuelling, plasma vacuum pumping, fuel cleanup, blanket tritium recovery, and auxiliary/common processes). The document ends with sections on fuel cycle design integration, fuel cycle building layout, safety considerations, a summary of the research and development programme, costing, and conclusions. Refs, figs and tabs

  1. The ITER reduced cost design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aymar, R.


    Six years of joint work under the international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER) EDA agreement yielded a mature design for ITER which met the objectives set for it (ITER final design report (FDR)), together with a corpus of scientific and technological data, large/full scale models or prototypes of key components/systems and progress in understanding which both validated the specific design and are generally applicable to a next step, reactor-oriented tokamak on the road to the development of fusion as an energy source. In response to requests from the parties to explore the scope for addressing ITER's programmatic objective at reduced cost, the study of options for cost reduction has been the main feature of ITER work since summer 1998, using the advances in physics and technology databases, understandings, and tools arising out of the ITER collaboration to date. A joint concept improvement task force drawn from the joint central team and home teams has overseen and co-ordinated studies of the key issues in physics and technology which control the possibility of reducing the overall investment and simultaneously achieving the required objectives. The aim of this task force is to achieve common understandings of these issues and their consequences so as to inform and to influence the best cost-benefit choice, which will attract consensus between the ITER partners. A report to be submitted to the parties by the end of 1999 will present key elements of a specific design of minimum capital investment, with a target cost saving of about 50% the cost of the ITER FDR design, and a restricted number of design variants. Outline conclusions from the work of the task force are presented in terms of physics, operations, and design of the main tokamak systems. Possible implications for the way forward are discussed

  2. On One-Point Iterations and DIIS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østerby, Ole; Sørensen, Hans Henrik Brandenborg


    We analyze various iteration procedures in many dimensions inspired by the SCF iteration used in first principles electronic structure calculations. We show that the simple mixing of densities can turn a divergent (or slowly convergent) iteration into a (faster) convergent process provided all...

  3. The ITER activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glass, A.J.


    The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project is a collaboration among four parties, the United States, the Soviet Union, Japan, and the European Communities, to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion power for peaceful purposes. ITER will demonstrate this through the construction of a tokamak fusion reactor capable of generating 1000 megawatts of fusion power. The ITER project has three missions, as follows: (1) Physics mission -- to demonstrate ignition and controlled burn, with pulse durations from 200 to 1000 S; (2) Technology mission -- to demonstrate the technologies essential to a reactor in an integrated system, operating with high reliability and availability in pulsed operation, with steady-state operation as the ultimate goal; and (3) Testing mission -- to test nuclear and high-heat-flux components at flux levels for 1 mw/m 2 , and fluences of order 1 mw-yr/m 2

  4. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 1, February 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This first issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related meetings including eighth ITER Negotiations meeting, held on 18-19 February, 2003 in St. Petersburg, Russia, first meeting of the ITER preparatory committee, held on 17 February, 2003 in St. Petersburg, Russia and the third meeting of the ITPA (International Tokamak Physics Activity) coordinating committee, held on 24-25 October 2002 at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, Garching

  5. ITER Conceptual design: Interim report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This interim report describes the results of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Conceptual Design Activities after the first year of design following the selection of the ITER concept in the autumn of 1988. Using the concept definition as the basis for conceptual design, the Design Phase has been underway since October 1988, and will be completed at the end of 1990, at which time a final report will be issued. This interim report includes an executive summary of ITER activities, a description of the ITER device and facility, an operation and research program summary, and a description of the physics and engineering design bases. Included are preliminary cost estimates and schedule for completion of the project

  6. Villes durables intelligentes | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    6 juin 2016 ... Smart Cities for Sustainable Development. Elsa Estevez, Nuno Vasco Lopes et Tomasz Janowski. On prévoit que de 2014 à 2050, la population urbaine mondiale devrait croître de 63 pour cent, comparativement à une croissance de la population mondiale globale de 32 pour cent pendant la même ...

  7. Perspectives féministes en éthique des relations internationales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryoa Chung


    Full Text Available Dans le cadre de cet article, je veux démontrer la nécessité de développer et d’incorporer les perspectives féministes dans le champ de l’éthique des relations internationales à travers l’examen des contributions respectives de J. A. Tickner, C. MacKinnon, S. Ruddick et M. Nussbaum. Mon hypothèse générale consiste à arguer que la force critique des perspectives féministes en théorie politique représente non seulement une ouverture épistémologique incontournable, mais que celles-ci ouvrent la voie à des méthodes d’investigation et de conceptualisation que l’on doit explorer en vue d’enrichir les théories de justice globale d’une portée pratique plus grande. This paper aims to demonstrate the necessity of developing and incorporating feminist perspectives in the field of international ethics, through the examination of important contributions of J. A. Tickner, C. MacKinnon, S. Ruddick and M. Nussbaum. My general hypothesis argues that the critical impact of feminist perspectives in political theory consists not only in the epistemological avenue that they open, but that their methods of investigation and of conceptualization must be thoroughly explored in order to enrich theories of global justice of a greater practical scope.

  8. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 20, February-March 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related activities including interview on the occasion of Academician E.P. Velikhov' 70th birthday conducted by Dr. Lev Golubbchikov, former ITER Contact Person of the Russian Federation and a new document management system of ITER called IDM (ITER Document Management), which supersedes the old IDoMS

  9. The ITER Remote Maintenance Management System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tesini, Alessandro; Rolfe, A.C.


    A major challenge for the ITER project is to develop and implement a Remote Maintenance System, which can deliver high Tokamak availability within the constraints of the overall ITER programme objectives. Much of the maintenance of ITER will be performed using remote handling methods and some with combined manual and remote activities working together. The organization and management of the ITER remote handling facilities will be of a scale unlike any other remote handling application in the world. The ITER remote handling design and procurement activities will require co-ordination and management across many different sites throughout the world. It will be a major challenge for the ITER project to ensure a consistent quality and technical approach in all of the contributing parties. To address this issue the IO remote handling team are implementing the ITER Maintenance Management Plan (IMMP) comprising an overarching document defining the policies and methodologies (ITER Remote Maintenance Management System or IMMS) and an associated ITER remote handling code of practise (IRHCOP). The IMMS will be in document form available as a pdf file or similar. The IRHCOP will be implemented as a web based application and will provide access to the central resource of the entire code of practise from any location in the world. The IRHCOP data library will be centrally controlled in order that users can be assured of the data relevance and authenticity. This paper will describe the overall approach being taken to deal with this challenge and go on to detail the structure and content of both the IMMS and the IRHCOP.

  10. The ITER remote maintenance system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tesini, A.; Palmer, J.


    ITER is a joint international research and development project that aims to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion power. As soon as the plasma operation begins using tritium, the replacement of the vacuum vessel internal components will need to be done with remote handling techniques. To accomplish these operations ITER has equipped itself with a Remote Maintenance System; this includes the Remote Handling equipment set and the Hot Cell facility. Both need to work in a cooperative way, with the aim of minimizing the machine shutdown periods and to maximize the machine availability. The ITER Remote Handling equipment set is required to be available, robust, reliable and retrievable. The machine components, to be remotely handle-able, are required to be designed simply so as to ease their maintenance. The baseline ITER Remote Handling equipment is described. The ITER Hot Cell Facility is required to provide a controlled and shielded area for the execution of repair operations (carried out using dedicated remote handling equipment) on those activated components which need to be returned to service, inside the vacuum vessel. The Hot Cell provides also the equipment and space for the processing and temporary storage of the operational and decommissioning radwaste. A conceptual ITER Hot Cell Facility is described. (orig.)

  11. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 4, no. 9

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter contains reports on the first meeting of the ITER Test Blanket Working Group held 19-21 July 1995 at the ITER Garching Joint Work Site, and on the second workshop of the ITER Expert Group on Confinement and Transport.

  12. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 4, no. 9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter contains reports on the first meeting of the ITER Test Blanket Working Group held 19-21 July 1995 at the ITER Garching Joint Work Site, and on the second workshop of the ITER Expert Group on Confinement and Transport

  13. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 10, no. 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA Newsletter issue includes information about the ITER Management Advisory Committee Meeting held in Vienna on 16 July 2001 and also a summary of the ninth ITER Technical Meeting on safety and environment held at the ITER Garching Joint Work site, 8 to 10 May, 2001

  14. Pour en lire plus : Dark Tourism and Place Identity


    DIAZ, Jérémy


    Quatre ans après The Darker Side of Travel: The Theory and Practice of Dark Tourism (2009, Bristol, Channel View Publications), dirigé par Richard Sharpley et Philip R. Stone, l’ouvrage collectif Dark Tourism and Place Identity: Managing and Interpreting Dark Places constitue une autre contribution remarquable à la compréhension scientifique du dark tourism. À l’intersection des travaux sur l’identité du lieu et le dark tourism, ce livre propose une approche internationale de l’objet dans une...

  15. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 4, no.12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter contains a report on the ninth ITER council meeting held December 12 - 13, 1995 in Garching near Munich, Germany (by Dr. E. Canobbio), a report on the status of the ITER EDA (by Dr. R. Aymar, ITER Director) and a report on the ninth meeting of the ITER Technical Advisory Committee (by Professor P. Rutherford, TAC Chair) held 27 - 29 November 1995, in Garching near Munich, Germany

  16. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 4, May 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related meetings, one of them the eighth meeting of the ITER negotiators' standing sub-group (NSSG-8) and a number of related meetings from 14 to 22 May 2003 at Garching, Germany, another was bilateral blanket meeting between ITER International Team (IT) and the Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering (ENTEK), which was held in Moscow, Russian Federation on 22 and 23 May, 2003

  17. Club de pétanque

    CERN Document Server

    Club de pétanque


    Vendredi 18 octobre 2013 se déroulait dans le cadre des Nations-Unies organisé par O.M.S une confrontation de pétanque réservée aux organisations internationales. Notre équipe Cern composée de André Domeniconi, Christian Jouve et Claude Cerruti remportait ce concours avec quatre parties gagnées sur quatre. Un grand bravo à cette équipe qui une nouvelle fois à bien représentée notre organisation Cern qui vient, grace à de nouveaux statuts, d'intégrer ces organisations. Merci à tous les participants ainsi qu'à Jenifer et Sylvie pour le repas. Rendez-vous le jeudi 26 septembre pour le dernier concours de la saison Challenge "Pierre Lecossec".

  18. The Texts of the Agency's Agreements with the United Nations; Texte Des Accords Conclus Entre L'Agence Et L'Organisation Des Nations Unies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The texts of the following agreements and supplementary agreements between the Agency and the United Nations are reproduced in this document for the information of all Members of the Agency: I. A. Agreement Governing the Relationship Between the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency; B. Protocol Concerning the Entry into Force of the Agreement between the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency; II. Administrative Arrangement Concerning the Use of the United Nations Laissez-Passer by Officials of the International Atomic Energy Agency; and III. Agreement for the Admission of the International Atomic Energy Agency into the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund [French] Le texte des accords et des accords additionnels ci-apres, conclus entre l'Agence et l'Organisation des Nations Unies, est reproduit dans le present document pour l'information de tous les Membres de l'Agence. A.Accord regissant les relations entre l'Organisation des Nations Unies et l'Agence internationale de l'energie atomique; B.Protocole relatif a l'entree en vigueur de l'accord conclu entre l'Organisation des Nations Unies et l'Agence internationale de l'energie atomique; II.Dispositions administratives concernant l'utilisation du laissez-passer de l'Organisation des Nations Unies par les fonctionnaires de l'Agence internationale de l'energie atomique; III.Accord en vue de l'admission de l'Agence internationale de l'energie atomique a la Caisse commune des pensions du personnel des Nations Unies.

  19. ITER EDA Newsletter. V. 4, no. 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter issue contains reports on (i) the 8th meeting of the ITER Technical Advisory Committee (TAC-8) held on June 29 - July 7, 1995 at the ITER San Diego Work Site, (ii) the 8th meeting of the ITER Management Advisory Committee (MAC-8) held at the ITER San Diego Work Site on July 9-10, 1995, (iii) the 33rd meeting of the International Fusion Research Council (FRC), held July 11, 1995 at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna, Austria, and (iv) the ITER participation in the fifth topical meeting on Tritium Technology in Fission, Fusion and Isotopic Applications

  20. Inclusief Onderwijs op de grens van Europa en Azië: praktijk en perspectief : Verslag van de vijfde Internationale conferentie over Inclusief Onderwijs in Azerbeidzjan op 14 en 15 oktober 2011

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr. Hans Schuman


    De vijfde Internationale conferentie over Inclusief Onderwijs werd gehouden in Azerbeidzjan op 14 en 15 oktober 2011. Dit verslag geeft een beeld van de conferentie en de informatie die daar werd gepresenteerd. Tevens wordt iets gezegd over actuele ontwikkelingen in Azerbeidzjan wat betreft de

  1. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 27, January 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about two ITER related meetings including the twelfth ITER Negotiations Meeting and The Ninth Meeting of the ITPA Topical Group (TG) on Diagnostics was held at the National Fusion Research Centre (NFRC), Daejeon, Korea, from 10-14 October 2005

  2. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 5, no. 9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the Newsletter on the Engineering Design Activities (EDA) for the ITER project contains an overview of one of the seven large ITER Research and Development Projects identified by the ITER Director, namely the Vacuum Vessel Sector, as well as an account of computer animation created for ITER

  3. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 5, no. 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the Newsletter on the Engineering Design Activities (EDA) for the ITER Tokamak project contains a report on the Tenth ITER Council Meeting, held July 24-25, 1996, in St. Petersburg, Russia; a description of the Status of the ITER EDA by the ITER Director, Dr. R. Aymar; and a report on the so-called Task Number One by the ITER Special Working Group (Basis for the Start of Explorations, presenting possible scenarios toward siting, licensing and host support)

  4. ITER ITA newsletter. Special issue - December 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional arrangements) newsletter contains information about signing ITER Agreement, which took place on 21 November 2006 in Paris, France. It was great day for fusion research as Ministers from the seven ITER Parties in the presence of President Jacques Chirac and President of European Commission Jose Barroso and some 400 invited guests signed the Agreement setting up the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization. This issues contains the speeches, statements and remarks of Presidents and Ministers

  5. Etude du secteur des préparations pour desserts 2009


    Combris, Pierre; Goglia, Raffaella; Henini, Marion; Lafitte, Caroline; Soler, Louis Georges; Spiteri, Marine; Stevenin, Florence; Observatoire de la Qualité de l'Alimentation


    Cette étude sectorielle de suivi du marché des préparations pour desserts repose principalement sur les informations relevées sur les emballages, notamment les valeurs nutritionnelles, la taille des portions indiquées, les repères nutritionnels, les recommandations de consommation… Pour cette première année d’étude, la base de données compte 155 références, correspondant à une couverture d’au moins 67% du marché en volume. Pour affiner au mieux les traitements effectués, le secteur a été déco...

  6. Development and test of prototype components for ITER; Entwicklung und Test von Prototypkomponenten fuer ITER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Biel, Wolfgang; Behr, Wilfried; Castano-Bardawil, David; and others


    The scientific program of the project is divided into the following partial projects: (1.) ITER Diagnostic Port Plug for the charge-exchange spectroscopy (CXRS) with the subthemes: (a) Development of prototypes for critical mechanical components, (b) development of a roboter for the laser welding of vacuum seals and pipings at the Port Plug, (c) mirror studies, (d) CXRS prototype spectrometer, (2.) ITER tritium retention diagnostics (TR), (3.) ITER disruption mitigation ventile (DMV).

  7. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 10, November 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about an ITER related meeting, namely, the Ninth ITER Negotiations Meeting (N-9), which was held on 9-10 November 2003 at the Fragrant Hill Golden Resources Commerce Hotel in Beijing and information about research on magnetic confinement fusion (MCF) in China

  8. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 22, May 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about Japanese Participant Team's recent activities in the ITER Transitional Arrangements(ITA) phase and ITER related meeting the Fourth IAEA Technical Meeting (IAEA-TM) on Negative Ion Based Neutral Beam Injectors which was held in Padova, Italy from 9-11 May 2005

  9. Installation of the ITER committee industry. Participants guide; Installation du Comite industrie ITER. Dossier des participants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    ITER is an international project to design and build an experimental fusion reactor based on the tokamak concept. This guide presents the ITER project and objectives and the associated organizations in France, the recommendations and actions for ITER, the industrial mobilization, the industrial committee and its members, technological sheets for the enterprises and the statistical document of the SESSI. (A.L.B.)

  10. A Statistical Treatment of Bioassay Pour Fractions (United States)

    Barengoltz, Jack; Hughes, David W.


    The binomial probability distribution is used to treat the statistics of a microbiological sample that is split into two parts, with only one part evaluated for spore count. One wishes to estimate the total number of spores in the sample based on the counts obtained from the part that is evaluated (pour fraction). Formally, the binomial distribution is recharacterized as a function of the observed counts (successes), with the total number (trials) an unknown. The pour fraction is the probability of success per spore (trial). This distribution must be renormalized in terms of the total number. Finally, the new renormalized distribution is integrated and mathematically inverted to yield the maximum estimate of the total number as a function of a desired level of confidence ( P(fraction. The extension to recovery efficiency corrections is also presented. Now the product of recovery efficiency and pour fraction may be small enough that the likely value may be much larger than the usual calculation: the number of spores divided by that product. The use of this analysis would not be limited to microbiological data.

  11. ITER safety challenges and opportunities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Piet, S.J.


    Results of the Conceptual Design Activity (CDA) for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) suggest challenges and opportunities. ''ITER is capable of meeting anticipated regulatory dose limits,'' but proof is difficult because of large radioactive inventories needing stringent radioactivity confinement. We need much research and development (R ampersand D) and design analysis to establish that ITER meets regulatory requirements. We have a further opportunity to do more to prove more of fusion's potential safety and environmental advantages and maximize the amount of ITER technology on the path toward fusion power plants. To fulfill these tasks, we need to overcome three programmatic challenges and three technical challenges. The first programmatic challenge is to fund a comprehensive safety and environmental ITER R ampersand D plan. Second is to strengthen safety and environment work and personnel in the international team. Third is to establish an external consultant group to advise the ITER Joint Team on designing ITER to meet safety requirements for siting by any of the Parties. The first of the three key technical challenges is plasma engineering -- burn control, plasma shutdown, disruptions, tritium burn fraction, and steady state operation. The second is the divertor, including tritium inventory, activation hazards, chemical reactions, and coolant disturbances. The third technical challenge is optimization of design requirements considering safety risk, technical risk, and cost. Some design requirements are now too strict; some are too lax. Fuel cycle design requirements are presently too strict, mandating inappropriate T separation from H and D. Heat sink requirements are presently too lax; they should be strengthened to ensure that maximum loss of coolant accident temperatures drop

  12. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 16, January 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA newsletter contains information about some ITER related activities including ITER transitional arrangements (ITA) which will start on 1 January 2003, the USA rejoining ITER and People's Republic of China joining ITER, the visit of Mr. J. Koizumi, Prime Minister of Japan, to Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation on 11 January 2003, and the most recent meeting of the Scrape-Off Layer (SOL) and Divertor Physics Group of the International Tokamak Physics Activity (ITPA), which was held in Lausanne, Switzerland, on October 21-23, 2002 at the CRPP/EFL laboratory

  13. ITER diagnostic system: Vacuum interface

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Patel, K.M., E-mail: [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon sur Verdon, 13115 St Paul-Lez-Durance (France); Udintsev, V.S.; Hughes, S.; Walker, C.I.; Andrew, P.; Barnsley, R.; Bertalot, L. [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon sur Verdon, 13115 St Paul-Lez-Durance (France); Drevon, J.M. [Bertin Technologies, BP 22, 13762 Aix-en Provence cedex 3 (France); Encheva, A. [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon sur Verdon, 13115 St Paul-Lez-Durance (France); Kashchuk, Y. [Institution “PROJECT CENTER ITER”, 1, Akademika Kurchatova pl., Moscow (Russian Federation); Maquet, Ph. [Bertin Technologies, BP 22, 13762 Aix-en Provence cedex 3 (France); Pearce, R.; Taylor, N.; Vayakis, G.; Walsh, M.J. [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon sur Verdon, 13115 St Paul-Lez-Durance (France)


    Diagnostics play an essential role for the successful operation of the ITER tokamak. They provide the means to observe control and to measure plasma during the operation of ITER tokamak. The components of the diagnostic system in the ITER tokamak will be installed in the vacuum vessel, in the cryostat, in the upper, equatorial and divertor ports, in the divertor cassettes and racks, as well as in various buildings. Diagnostic components that are placed in a high radiation environment are expected to operate for the life of ITER. There are approx. 45 diagnostic systems located on ITER. Some diagnostics incorporate direct or independently pumped extensions to maintain their necessary vacuum conditions. They require a base pressure less than 10{sup −7} Pa, irrespective of plasma operation, and a leak rate of less than 10{sup −10} Pa m{sup 3} s{sup −1}. In all the cases it is essential to maintain the ITER closed fuel cycle. These directly coupled diagnostic systems are an integral part of the ITER vacuum containment and are therefore subject to the same design requirements for tritium and active gas confinement, for all normal and accidental conditions. All the diagnostics, whether or not pumped, incorporate penetration of the vacuum boundary (i.e. window assembly, vacuum feedthrough etc.) and demountable joints. Monitored guard volumes are provided for all elements of the vacuum boundary that are judged to be vulnerable by virtue of their construction, material, load specification etc. Standard arrangements are made for their construction and for the monitoring, evacuating and leak testing of these volumes. Diagnostic systems are incorporated at more than 20 ports on ITER. This paper will describe typical and particular arrangements of pumped diagnostic and monitored guard volume. The status of the diagnostic vacuum systems, which are at the start of their detailed design, will be outlined and the specific features of the vacuum systems in ports and extensions

  14. ITER diagnostic system: Vacuum interface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Patel, K.M.; Udintsev, V.S.; Hughes, S.; Walker, C.I.; Andrew, P.; Barnsley, R.; Bertalot, L.; Drevon, J.M.; Encheva, A.; Kashchuk, Y.; Maquet, Ph.; Pearce, R.; Taylor, N.; Vayakis, G.; Walsh, M.J.


    Diagnostics play an essential role for the successful operation of the ITER tokamak. They provide the means to observe control and to measure plasma during the operation of ITER tokamak. The components of the diagnostic system in the ITER tokamak will be installed in the vacuum vessel, in the cryostat, in the upper, equatorial and divertor ports, in the divertor cassettes and racks, as well as in various buildings. Diagnostic components that are placed in a high radiation environment are expected to operate for the life of ITER. There are approx. 45 diagnostic systems located on ITER. Some diagnostics incorporate direct or independently pumped extensions to maintain their necessary vacuum conditions. They require a base pressure less than 10 −7 Pa, irrespective of plasma operation, and a leak rate of less than 10 −10 Pa m 3 s −1 . In all the cases it is essential to maintain the ITER closed fuel cycle. These directly coupled diagnostic systems are an integral part of the ITER vacuum containment and are therefore subject to the same design requirements for tritium and active gas confinement, for all normal and accidental conditions. All the diagnostics, whether or not pumped, incorporate penetration of the vacuum boundary (i.e. window assembly, vacuum feedthrough etc.) and demountable joints. Monitored guard volumes are provided for all elements of the vacuum boundary that are judged to be vulnerable by virtue of their construction, material, load specification etc. Standard arrangements are made for their construction and for the monitoring, evacuating and leak testing of these volumes. Diagnostic systems are incorporated at more than 20 ports on ITER. This paper will describe typical and particular arrangements of pumped diagnostic and monitored guard volume. The status of the diagnostic vacuum systems, which are at the start of their detailed design, will be outlined and the specific features of the vacuum systems in ports and extensions will be described

  15. Final Report on ITER Task Agreement 81-08

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Richard L. Moore


    As part of an ITER Implementing Task Agreement (ITA) between the ITER US Participant Team (PT) and the ITER International Team (IT), the INL Fusion Safety Program was tasked to provide the ITER IT with upgrades to the fusion version of the MELCOR 1.8.5 code including a beryllium dust oxidation model. The purpose of this model is to allow the ITER IT to investigate hydrogen production from beryllium dust layers on hot surfaces inside the ITER vacuum vessel (VV) during in-vessel loss-of-cooling accidents (LOCAs). Also included in the ITER ITA was a task to construct a RELAP5/ATHENA model of the ITER divertor cooling loop to model the draining of the loop during a large ex-vessel pipe break followed by an in-vessel divertor break and compare the results to a simular MELCOR model developed by the ITER IT. This report, which is the final report for this agreement, documents the completion of the work scope under this ITER TA, designated as TA 81-08.

  16. Multi-level iteration optimization for diffusive critical calculation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yunzhao; Wu Hongchun; Cao Liangzhi; Zheng Youqi


    In nuclear reactor core neutron diffusion calculation, there are usually at least three levels of iterations, namely the fission source iteration, the multi-group scattering source iteration and the within-group iteration. Unnecessary calculations occur if the inner iterations are converged extremely tight. But the convergence of the outer iteration may be affected if the inner ones are converged insufficiently tight. Thus, a common scheme suit for most of the problems was proposed in this work to automatically find the optimized settings. The basic idea is to optimize the relative error tolerance of the inner iteration based on the corresponding convergence rate of the outer iteration. Numerical results of a typical thermal neutron reactor core problem and a fast neutron reactor core problem demonstrate the effectiveness of this algorithm in the variational nodal method code NODAL with the Gauss-Seidel left preconditioned multi-group GMRES algorithm. The multi-level iteration optimization scheme reduces the number of multi-group and within-group iterations respectively by a factor of about 1-2 and 5-21. (authors)

  17. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 8, no. 9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This edition of the ITER EDA Newsletter contains a contribution by the ITER Director, R. Aymar, on the subject of developments in ITER Physics R and D report on the completion of the ITER central solenoid model coils installation by H. Tsuji, Head fo the Superconducting Magnet Laboratory at JAERI in Naka, Japan. Individual abstracts are prepared for each of the two articles

  18. ITER EDA Newsletter. V. 4, no. 5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter contains comments on the ITER project by the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna; a report on the ITER Magnet Technical Meeting held at the Joint Work Site at Naka, Japan, April 19-21, 1995; and a contribution entitled ''ITER spouses cross the cultures''

  19. Potential for Australian involvement in ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Connor, D. J.; Collins, G. A.; Hole, M. J.


    Full text: Full text: Fusion, the process that powers the sun and stars, offers a solution to the world's long-term energy needs: providing large scale energy production with zero greenhouse gas emissions, short-lived radio-active waste compared to conventional nuclear fission cycles, and a virtually limitless supply of fuel. Almost three decades of fusion research has produced spectacular progress. Present-day experiments have a power gain ratio of approximately 1 (ratio of power out to power in), with a power output in the 10's of megawatts. The world's next major fusion experiment, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), will be a pre-prototype power plant. Since announcement of the ITER site in June 2005, the ITER project, has gained momentum and political support. Despite Australia's foundation role in the field of fusion science, through the pioneering work of Sir Mark Oliphant, and significant contributions to the international fusion program over the succeeding years, Australia is not involved in the ITER project. In this talk, the activities of a recently formed consortium of scientists and engineers, the Australian ITER Forum will be outlined. The Forum is drawn from five Universities, ANSTO (the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation) and AINSE (the Australian Institute for Nuclear Science and Engineering), and seeks to promote fusion energy in the Australian community and negotiate a role for Australia in the ITER project. As part of this activity, the Australian government recently funded a workshop that discussed the ways and means of engaging Australia in ITER. The workshop brought the research, industrial, government and general public communities, together with the ITER partners, and forged an opportunity for ITER engagement; with scientific, industrial, and energy security rewards for Australia. We will report on the emerging scope for Australian involvement

  20. Final ITER CTA project board meeting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vlasenkov, V.


    The final ITER CTA Project Board Meeting (PB) took place in Barcelona, Spain on 8 December 2002. The PB took notes of the comments concerning the status of the International Team and the Participants Teams, including Dr. Aymar's report 'From ITER to a FUSION Power Reactor' and the assessment of the ITER project cost estimate

  1. Parallel S/sub n/ iteration schemes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wienke, B.R.; Hiromoto, R.E.


    The iterative, multigroup, discrete ordinates (S/sub n/) technique for solving the linear transport equation enjoys widespread usage and appeal. Serial iteration schemes and numerical algorithms developed over the years provide a timely framework for parallel extension. On the Denelcor HEP, the authors investigate three parallel iteration schemes for solving the one-dimensional S/sub n/ transport equation. The multigroup representation and serial iteration methods are also reviewed. This analysis represents a first attempt to extend serial S/sub n/ algorithms to parallel environments and provides good baseline estimates on ease of parallel implementation, relative algorithm efficiency, comparative speedup, and some future directions. The authors examine ordered and chaotic versions of these strategies, with and without concurrent rebalance and diffusion acceleration. Two strategies efficiently support high degrees of parallelization and appear to be robust parallel iteration techniques. The third strategy is a weaker parallel algorithm. Chaotic iteration, difficult to simulate on serial machines, holds promise and converges faster than ordered versions of the schemes. Actual parallel speedup and efficiency are high and payoff appears substantial

  2. Physics fundamentals for ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosenbluth, M.N.


    The design of an experimental thermonuclear reactor requires both cutting-edge technology and physics predictions precise enough to carry forward the design. The past few years of worldwide physics studies have seen great progress in understanding, innovation and integration. We will discuss this progress and the remaining issues in several key physics areas. (1) Transport and plasma confinement. A worldwide database has led to an 'empirical scaling law' for tokamaks which predicts adequate confinement for the ITER fusion mission, albeit with considerable but acceptable uncertainty. The ongoing revolution in computer capabilities has given rise to new gyrofluid and gyrokinetic simulations of microphysics which may be expected in the near future to attain predictive accuracy. Important databases on H-mode characteristics and helium retention have also been assembled. (2) Divertors, heat removal and fuelling. A novel concept for heat removal - the radiative, baffled, partially detached divertor - has been designed for ITER. Extensive two-dimensional (2D) calculations have been performed and agree qualitatively with recent experiments. Preliminary studies of the interaction of this configuration with core confinement are encouraging and the success of inside pellet launch provides an attractive alternative fuelling method. (3) Macrostability. The ITER mission can be accomplished well within ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability limits, except for internal kink modes. Comparisons with JET, as well as a theoretical model including kinetic effects, predict such sawteeth will be benign in ITER. Alternative scenarios involving delayed current penetration or off-axis current drive may be employed if required. The recent discovery of neoclassical beta limits well below ideal MHD limits poses a threat to performance. Extrapolation to reactor scale is as yet unclear. In theory such modes are controllable by current drive profile control or feedback and experiments should

  3. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 9, no. 11

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA Newsletter contains discussions of three meetings, i.e., (1) the Third ITER International Industry Liaison Meeting held in Toronto, Canada (November 7-9, 2000), (2) an informal meeting on ITER developments held in Sorrento, Italy (October 9, 2000), and (3) the Thirteenth Meeting of the ITER Physics Expert Group on Diagnostics held in Naka, Japan (September 21-22, 2000)

  4. Pour un puissant service public international

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    Les différentes organisations internationales et européennes basées en Europe emploient des dizaines de milliers de fonctionnaires publics internationaux et européens. Les membres du personnel de ces organisations sont soumis à divers régimes de droit juridique et doivent faire appel contre les décisions administratives avant d’aller aux différents tribunaux administratifs internationaux (e.g. TAOIT, TANU, TFPU, TAOCDE). CERN, une des organisations les plus importantes, se doit d’être à l’affut des derniers développements dans ce domaine. L’Association du personnel a donc envoyé des représentants à un colloque sur « les évolutions de la protection juridictionnelle des fonctionnaires internationaux et européens » qui a eu lieu au Luxembourg le 1 et 2 avril 2011. Nous n&rsqu...

  5. Alara applied to iter design and operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uzan-Elbez, Joelle; Rodriguez-Rodrigo, Lina; Porfiri, Maria Teresa; Taylor, Neil; Gordon, Charles; Garin, Pascal; Girard, Jean-Philippe


    Based on the existing data on ITER and the safety options for licensing ITER in Cadarache, the present work assesses the application of the as-low-as-reasonably-achievable (ALARA) principle, as it has been implemented in the design of ITER and will be applied during ITER operation, as well as the compliance of the design with EUR/96-29 directive and regulation applicable in France. The preliminary occupational radiation exposure estimate gives a value of about 250 man mSv/a, which is half the annual target for ITER and comes essentially from maintenance activities. Some examples of the approach are presented

  6. Investigation of waste glass pouring behavior over a knife edge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ebadian, M.A.


    The development of vitrification technology for converting radioactive waste into a glass solid began in the early 1960s. Some problems encountered in the vitrification process are still waiting for a solution. One of them is wicking. During pouring, the glass stream flows down the wall of the pour spout until it reaches an angled cut in the wall. At this point, the stream is supposed to break cleanly away from the wall of the pour spout and fall freely into the canister. However, the glass stream is often pulled toward the wall and does not always fall into the canister, a phenomenon known as wicking. Phase 1 involves the assembly, construction, and testing of a melter capable of supplying molten glass at operational flow rates over a break-off point knife edge. Phase 2 will evaluate the effects of glass and pour spout temperatures as well as glass flow rates on the glass flow behavior over the knife edge. Phase 3 will identify the effects on wicking resulting from varying the knife edge diameter and height as well as changing the back-cut angle of the knife edge. The following tasks were completed in FY97: Design the experimental system for glass melting and pouring; Acquire and assemble the melter system; and Perform initial research work

  7. People's Republic of China joins ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huo Yuping


    The People's Republic of China is the largest developing country with a projected population of 1.6 - 2 billion people and an energy consumption growing from the current 1.3 Billion Tons Coal Equivalent (TCE) to more than 4 Billion TCE by 2050. This large demand needs to be accommodated in a sustainable way, requiring energy generation in an environmentally friendly way. Fusion is one of the most promising candidates to solve this important issue. This explains why in the second half of 2002, the ITER Participants' delegations to the ITER Negotiations received expression of interest from the People's Republic of China in the possibility of Chinese participation in ITER, including joining the ongoing Negotiations. The speed with which the Chinese authorities had made their decision to participate in the ITER Negotiations was impressive. The Prime Minister and the State Council had already confirmed their decision to apply to join ITER as soon as possible, and Mr. Xu Guanhua, Chinese Minister of Science and Technology, wrote on behalf of his government, on 10 January 2003, to the four heads of delegation in the ITER Negotiations, requesting that China participate in the present ITER Negotiations, pointing out that China intends to provide a substantial contribution to the Project, comparable to what is currently envisaged by some of the participants in the present Negotiations

  8. Fusion Power measurement at ITER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bertalot, L.; Barnsley, R.; Krasilnikov, V.; Stott, P.; Suarez, A.; Vayakis, G.; Walsh, M. [ITER Organization, Route de Vinon-sur-Verdon, CS 90 046, 13067 St Paul Lez Durance Cedex (France)


    Nuclear fusion research aims to provide energy for the future in a sustainable way and the ITER project scope is to demonstrate the feasibility of nuclear fusion energy. ITER is a nuclear experimental reactor based on a large scale fusion plasma (tokamak type) device generating Deuterium - Tritium (DT) fusion reactions with emission of 14 MeV neutrons producing up to 700 MW fusion power. The measurement of fusion power, i.e. total neutron emissivity, will play an important role for achieving ITER goals, in particular the fusion gain factor Q related to the reactor performance. Particular attention is given also to the development of the neutron calibration strategy whose main scope is to achieve the required accuracy of 10% for the measurement of fusion power. Neutron Flux Monitors located in diagnostic ports and inside the vacuum vessel will measure ITER total neutron emissivity, expected to range from 1014 n/s in Deuterium - Deuterium (DD) plasmas up to almost 10{sup 21} n/s in DT plasmas. The neutron detection systems as well all other ITER diagnostics have to withstand high nuclear radiation and electromagnetic fields as well ultrahigh vacuum and thermal loads. (authors)

  9. Dynamical behaviour of neuronal networks iterated with memory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melatagia, P.M.; Ndoundam, R.; Tchuente, M.


    We study memory iteration where the updating consider a longer history of each site and the set of interaction matrices is palindromic. We analyze two different ways of updating the networks: parallel iteration with memory and sequential iteration with memory that we introduce in this paper. For parallel iteration, we define Lyapunov functional which permits us to characterize the periods behaviour and explicitly bounds the transient lengths of neural networks iterated with memory. For sequential iteration, we use an algebraic invariant to characterize the periods behaviour of the studied model of neural computation. (author)

  10. ITER ITA newsletter No. 30, April-May 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related activities including visit of Kaname Ikeda, director general nominee, to Naka; the common message from 6th preparatory meeting for ITER decision making; the eighth ITER preparatory committee and leaders meeting; principal deputy director-general Norbert Holtkamp and recollections of Dr. Michael Roberts on the occasion of his retirement

  11. ITER must make its case

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Last month, as expected, the four partners in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project announced a three-year extension of the ITER engineering design activity. Detailed design work on the next-generation fusion-energy device started in 1992 and has cost about $1 bn so far. A decision to build the device, once scheduled to be taken this year, will now be made in 2001 at the earliest. The ITER council said that the extension would ''provide the framework for undertaking jointly site(s)-specific and other activities with the aim of enabling future decision on construction and operation of ITER''. What the project is really doing is buying time as it tries to find a cheaper option that the partners will find acceptable. The US is keen to cut the project's cost by two-thirds. (author)

  12. ITER management advisory committee meeting in NAKA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshikawa, M.


    The ITER Management Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting was held on 17 December 1999 in Naka, Japan. The main topics were the ITER EDA Status, Task Status Summary and Work Program and a schedule of ITER meetings

  13. On Controlled Iterated GSM Mappings and Related Operations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asveld, P.R.J.


    In [17] G. Paun studied families of languages generated by iterated gsm mappings, iterated finite substitutions, and iterated homomorphisms. In this note we generalize some results in [17], and we discuss the relation between iterated finite substitutions (homomorphisms) and (deterministic) tabled

  14. On Controlled Iterated GSM Mappings and Related Operations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Asveld, P.R.J.


    In [17] G. Paun studied families of languages generated by iterated gsm mappings, iterated finite substitutions, and iterated homomorphisms. In this note we generalize some results in [17], and we discuss the relation between iterated finite substitutions (homomorphisms) and (deterministic) tabled

  15. ITER conceptual design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomabechi, K.; Gilleland, J.R.; Sokolov, Yu.A.; Toschi, R.


    The Conceptual Design Activities of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) were carried out jointly by the European Community, Japan, the Soviet Union and the United States of America, under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The European Community provided the site for joint work sessions at the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik in Garching, Germany. The Conceptual Design Activities began in the spring of 1988 and ended in December 1990. The objectives of the activities were to develop the design of ITER, to perform a safety and environmental analysis, to define the site requirements as well as the future research and development needs, to estimate the cost and manpower, and to prepare a schedule for detailed engineering design, construction and operation. On the basis of the investigation and analysis performed, a concept of ITER was developed which incorporated maximum flexibility of the performance of the device and allowed a variety of operating scenarios to be adopted. The heart of the machine is a tokamak having a plasma major radius of 6 m, a plasma minor radius of 2.15 m, a nominal plasma current of 22 MA and a nominal fusion power of 1 GW. The conceptual design can meet the technical objectives of the ITER programme. Because of the success of the Conceptual Design Activities, the Parties are now considering the implementation of the next phase, called the Engineering Design Activities. (author). Refs, figs and tabs

  16. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 5, no. 10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the newsletter on the Engineering Design Activities (EDA) for the ITER Tokamak project contains a report on the Fifth ITER Technical Meeting on Safety, Environment, and Regulatory Approval, held September 29 - October 7, 1996 at the ITER San Diego Joint Work Site; and a report on the Fifth ITER Diagnostics Expert Group Workshop and Technical Meeting on Diagnostics held in Montreal, Canada, 12-13 October 1996

  17. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 9, no. 8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA Newsletter reports on the ITER meeting on 29-30 June 2000 in Moscow, summarizes the status report on the ITER EDA by R. Aymar, the ITER Director, and gives overviews of the expert group workshop on transport and internal barrier physics, confinement database and modelling and edge and pedestal physics, and the IEA workshop on transport barriers at edge and core. Individual abstracts have been prepared

  18. Iterative nonlinear unfolding code: TWOGO

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hajnal, F.


    a new iterative unfolding code, TWOGO, was developed to analyze Bonner sphere neutron measurements. The code includes two different unfolding schemes which alternate on successive iterations. The iterative process can be terminated either when the ratio of the coefficient of variations in terms of the measured and calculated responses is unity, or when the percentage difference between the measured and evaluated sphere responses is less than the average measurement error. The code was extensively tested with various known spectra and real multisphere neutron measurements which were performed inside the containments of pressurized water reactors

  19. ITER co-ordinated technical activities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    As agreed upon between the ITER Engineering Design Activities (EDA) Parties 'Co-ordinated Technical Activities' (CTA) means technical activities which are deemed necessary to maintain the integrity of the international project, so as to prepare for the ITER joint implementation. The scope of these activities includes design adaptation to the specific site conditions, safety analysis and licensing preparation that are based on specific site offers, evaluation of cost and construction schedule, preparation of procurement documents and other issues raised by the Parties collectively, whilst assuring the coherence of the ITER project including design control

  20. Remote maintenance development for ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tada, Eisuke; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi


    This paper describes the overall ITER remote maintenance design concept developed mainly for in-vessel components such as diverters and blankets, and outlines the ITER R and D program to develop remote handling equipment and radiation hard components. Reactor structures inside the ITER cryostat must be maintained remotely due to DT operation, making remote handling technology basic to reactor design. The overall maintenance scenario and design concepts have been developed, and maintenance design feasibility, including fabrication and testing of full-scale in-vessel remote maintenance handling equipment and tool, is being verified. (author)

  1. Remote maintenance development for ITER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tada, Eisuke [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment; Shibanuma, Kiyoshi


    This paper describes the overall ITER remote maintenance design concept developed mainly for in-vessel components such as diverters and blankets, and outlines the ITER R and D program to develop remote handling equipment and radiation hard components. Reactor structures inside the ITER cryostat must be maintained remotely due to DT operation, making remote handling technology basic to reactor design. The overall maintenance scenario and design concepts have been developed, and maintenance design feasibility, including fabrication and testing of full-scale in-vessel remote maintenance handling equipment and tool, is being verified. (author)

  2. Ce que nous faisons | Page 41 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    aflatoxine du maïs et le degré d'exposition pour les humains au Zimbabwe. Ce projet examine des solutions d'après-récolte novatrices pour éviter la contamination du grain par l'aflatoxine. Zimbabwe. PROJECT ...

  3. Session du Conseil du CERN : le ministre britannique, Robert Jackson, souligne l'intérêt de on pays pour l'avenir du CERN : décisions du Conseil pour la mise en oeuvre des recommandations du Comité d'évaluation du CERN: départ anticipé pour 200 membres au moins du personnel - mise à jour de la méthode de calcule pour les contributions des Etats Membres au budget

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Press Office. Geneva


    Session du Conseil du CERN : le ministre britannique, Robert Jackson, souligne l'intérêt de on pays pour l'avenir du CERN : décisions du Conseil pour la mise en oeuvre des recommandations du Comité d'évaluation du CERN: départ anticipé pour 200 membres au moins du personnel - mise à jour de la méthode de calcule pour les contributions des Etats Membres au budget

  4. Design iteration in construction projects – Review and directions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Purva Mujumdar


    Full Text Available Design phase of any construction project involves several designers who exchange information with each other most often in an unstructured manner throughout the design phase. When these information exchanges happen to occur in cycles/loops, it is termed as design iteration. Iteration is an inherent and unavoidable aspect of any design phase which requires proper planning. Till date, very few researchers have explored the design iteration (“complexity” in construction sector. Hence, the objective of this paper was to document and review the complexities of iteration during design phase of construction projects for efficient design planning. To achieve this objective, exhaustive literature review on design iteration was done for four sectors – construction, manufacturing, aerospace, and software development. In addition, semi-structured interviews and discussions were done with a few design experts to verify the different dimensions of iteration. Finally, a design iteration framework was presented in this study that facilitates successful planning. Keywords: Design iteration, Types of iteration, Causes and impact of iteration, Models of iteration, Execution strategies of iteration

  5. Impact of the 2010 FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) World Cup on Pediatric Injury and Mortality in Cape Town, South Africa. (United States)

    Zroback, Chris; Levin, David; Manlhiot, Cedric; Alexander, Angus; van As, Ab Sebastian; Azzie, Georges


    To examine how a mass-gathering event (the Federation Internationale de Football Association World Cup, 2010, South Africa) impacts trauma and mortality in the pediatric (≤ 18 years) population. We investigated pediatric emergency visits at Cape Town's 3 largest public trauma centers and 3 private hospital groups, as well as deaths investigated by the 3 city mortuaries. We compared the 31 days of World Cup with equivalent periods from 2007-2009, and with the 2 weeks before and after the event. We also looked at the World Cup period in isolation and compared days with and without games in Cape Town. There was significantly decreased pediatric trauma volume during the World Cup, approximately 2/100,000 (37%) fewer injuries per day, compared with 2009 and to both pre- and post-World Cup control periods (P emergency visits corresponding with local match start time, with fewer all-cause emergency visits during the 5 hours surrounding this time (-16.4%, P = .01), followed by a subsequent spike (+26.2%, P = .02). There was an increase in trauma 12 hours following matches (+15.6%, P = .06). In Cape Town, during the 2010 Federation Internationale de Football Association World Cup, there were fewer emergency department visits for traumatic injury. Furthermore, there were fewer all-cause pediatric emergency department visits during hometown matches. These results will assist in planning for future mass-gathering events. Copyright © 2014 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 9, no. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA Newsletter reports on the seventh ITER technical meeting on safety and environment and contains the executive summary of the eleventh ITER scrape-off layer and divertor physics expert group meeting. Individual abstracts have been prepared


    KAUST Repository

    Desmal, Abdulla; Bagci, Hakan


    minimization problem is solved using nonlinear Landweber iterations, where at each iteration a thresholding function is applied to enforce the sparseness-promoting L0/L1-norm constraint. The thresholded nonlinear Landweber iterations are applied to several two

  8. ITER site selection studies in Spain

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Medrano, M.; Alejaldre, C.; Doncel, J.; Garcia, A.; Ibarra, A.; Jimenez, J.A.; Sanchez de Mora, M.A.; Alcala, F.; Diez, J.E.; Dominguez, M.; Albisu, F.


    The studies carried out to evaluate and select a candidate site for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) construction in Spain are presented in this paper. The ITER design, completed in July 2001, considered a number of technical requirements that must be fulfilled by the selected site. Several assumptions concerning the ITER site were made in order to carry on the design before final site selection. In the studies undertaken for ITER site selection in Spain, the referred technical requirements and assumptions were applied across the whole of Spain and two areas were identified as being preferential. These areas are on the Mediterranean coast and are situated in the Catalan and Valencian regions. A comparative evaluation based on technical characteristics for the concrete plots, proposed within the preferential areas, has been done. The result of these studies was the selection of a site that was deemed to be the most competitive--Vandellos (Tarragona)--and it was proposed to the European Commission for detailed studies in order to be considered as a possible European site for ITER construction. Another key factor for hosting ITER in Spain, is the licensing process. The present status is summarised in this paper

  9. ITER driver blanket, European Community design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simbolotti, G.; Zampaglione, V.; Ferrari, M.; Gallina, M.; Mazzone, G.; Nardi, C.; Petrizzi, L.; Rado, V.; Violante, V.; Daenner, W.; Lorenzetto, P.; Gierszewski, P.; Grattarola, M.; Rosatelli, F.; Secolo, F.; Zacchia, F.; Caira, M.; Sorabella, L.


    Depending on the final decision on the operation time of ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), the Driver Blanket might become a basic component of the machine with the main function of producing a significant fraction (close to 0.8) of the tritium required for the ITER operation, the remaining fraction being available from external supplies. The Driver Blanket is not required to provide reactor relevant performance in terms of tritium self-sufficiency. However, reactor relevant reliability and safety are mandatory requirements for this component in order not to significantly afftect the overall plant availability and to allow the ITER experimental program to be safely and successfully carried out. With the framework of the ITER Conceptual Design Activities (CDA, 1988-1990), a conceptual design of the ITER Driver Blanket has been carried out by ENEA Fusion Dept., in collaboration with ANSALDO S.p.A. and SRS S.r.l., and in close consultation with the NET Team and CFFTP (Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project). Such a design has been selected as EC (European Community) reference design for the ITER Driver Blanket. The status of the design at the end of CDA is reported in the present paper. (orig.)

  10. Advances in iterative methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beauwens, B.; Arkuszewski, J.; Boryszewicz, M.


    Results obtained in the field of linear iterative methods within the Coordinated Research Program on Transport Theory and Advanced Reactor Calculations are summarized. The general convergence theory of linear iterative methods is essentially based on the properties of nonnegative operators on ordered normed spaces. The following aspects of this theory have been improved: new comparison theorems for regular splittings, generalization of the notions of M- and H-matrices, new interpretations of classical convergence theorems for positive-definite operators. The estimation of asymptotic convergence rates was developed with two purposes: the analysis of model problems and the optimization of relaxation parameters. In the framework of factorization iterative methods, model problem analysis is needed to investigate whether the increased computational complexity of higher-order methods does not offset their increased asymptotic convergence rates, as well as to appreciate the effect of standard relaxation techniques (polynomial relaxation). On the other hand, the optimal use of factorization iterative methods requires the development of adequate relaxation techniques and their optimization. The relative performances of a few possibilities have been explored for model problems. Presently, the best results have been obtained with optimal diagonal-Chebyshev relaxation

  11. Tubin, Eduard. Sonate pour violon et piano dans le mode phrygien / Pierre Gervasoni

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gervasoni, Pierre


    Uuest heliplaadist "Tubin, Eduard. Sonate pour violon et piano dans le mode phrygien. Ballade pour piano en forme de Chaconne sur un theme de Mart Saar. Sonate pour saxophone alto et piano. Le Chant des soldats enrepli. Ave Maria. Societe Chorale Estudiantine de Lund, Neeme Järvi. BIS-CD 269, distribution Harmonia Mundi (CD: 161 F), 1984/85.TT: 1h 03'46"

  12. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 3, no. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter contains reports on the Fifth ITER Council Meeting held in Garching, Germany, 27-28 January 1994, a visit (28 January 1994) of an international group of Harvard Fellows to the San Diego Joint Work Site, the Inauguration Ceremony of the EC-hosted ITER joint work site in Garching (28 January 1994), on an ITER Technical Meeting on Assembly and Maintenance held in Garching, Germany, January 19-26, 1994, and a report on a Technical Committee Meeting on radiation effects on in-vessel components held in Garching, Germany, November 15-19, 1993, as well as an ITER Status Report

  13. Third ITER International Industry Liaison Meeting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dautovich, D.


    Following previous meetings held in 1996 in San Diego and in 1997 in Tokyo, the Third ITER International Industry Liaison Meeting (IILM) meeting was held under the European Chairmanship in Toronto, Canada, November 7-9, 2000. The intention of such meetings is to provide a forum for industrialists of the ITER EDA parties and other interested countries to develop common understandings on important issues of the timing and nature of Industry involvement in the ITER project. This article describes the main views from Industry on the preconstruction and construction phases and the cost and benefit schemes, while summarizing the progress made by the ITER project since the Tokyo meeting

  14. Centre de recherches pour le développement international ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    André Lavoie

    Definitions. 5. Rôles et ... a) Le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) est une société d'État canadienne à .... conduite éthique dans le cadre de ces activités afin que la confiance du public dans .... a) Les gouverneurs en déplacement pour le compte du CRDI ont droit à une indemnité de repas et ...

  15. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 5, no. 5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issues of the ITER Engineering Design Activities Newsletter contains a report on the Tenth Meeting of the ITER Management Advisory Committee held at JAERI Headquarters, Tokyo, June 5-6, 1996; on the Fourth ITER Divertor Physics and Divertor Modelling and Database Expert Group Workshop, held at the San Diego ITER Joint Worksite, March 11-15, 1996, and on the Agenda for the 16th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (7-11 October 1996)

  16. Colorado Conference on iterative methods. Volume 1

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The conference provided a forum on many aspects of iterative methods. Volume I topics were:Session: domain decomposition, nonlinear problems, integral equations and inverse problems, eigenvalue problems, iterative software kernels. Volume II presents nonsymmetric solvers, parallel computation, theory of iterative methods, software and programming environment, ODE solvers, multigrid and multilevel methods, applications, robust iterative methods, preconditioners, Toeplitz and circulation solvers, and saddle point problems. Individual papers are indexed separately on the EDB.

  17. Ensemble pour apprendre à s'attaquer à de grandes questions de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    25 janv. 2011 ... Ensemble pour apprendre à s'attaquer à de grandes questions de santé .... pour reprendre l'image de Martin Forde, de l'Université St. George, à la Grenade ... As the world observed International Youth Day (August 12), IDRC ...

  18. ITER ITA newsletter No. 33, August-September-October 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related events such as public debate on ITER in Provence and fiftieth annual General Conference of the IAEA. Eight ITER related statements were made during Conference

  19. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 7, no. 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This newsletter contains the articles: 'ITER representation at the 11th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference', 'Summary of discussion points and further deliberations in the special committee on the ITER project in the Atomic Energy Commission', and 'ITER radio frequency systems'

  20. ITER EDA Newsletter. V. 2, no. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter issue is dedicated to the description of the ITER EDA Home Teams (European Community, Japan, Russian Federation, USA), in particular their composition, tasks, responsibilities, national support and activities, aimed to design the ITER tokamak

  1. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 21, April 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about Russian federation Participant Team's activity in the area of preparation for ITER construction and information about International Fusion materials irradiation Facility(IRMIF) project and prospects for implementation

  2. Punto J : portail d'information sur la santé et le VIH/sida par et pour les

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Nouveau webinaire IWRA/CRDI sur les changements climatiques et la gestion adaptive de l'eau. L'Association internationale de ressources en eau (IWRA), en étroite collaboration avec le CRDI, organise un webinaire intitulé "Changements climatiques et gestion adaptive de l'eau: des... Voir davantageNouveau webinaire ...

  3. iHadoop: Asynchronous Iterations Support for MapReduce

    KAUST Repository

    Elnikety, Eslam


    MapReduce is a distributed programming framework designed to ease the development of scalable data-intensive applications for large clusters of commodity machines. Most machine learning and data mining applications involve iterative computations over large datasets, such as the Web hyperlink structures and social network graphs. Yet, the MapReduce model does not efficiently support this important class of applications. The architecture of MapReduce, most critically its dataflow techniques and task scheduling, is completely unaware of the nature of iterative applications; tasks are scheduled according to a policy that optimizes the execution for a single iteration which wastes bandwidth, I/O, and CPU cycles when compared with an optimal execution for a consecutive set of iterations. This work presents iHadoop, a modified MapReduce model, and an associated implementation, optimized for iterative computations. The iHadoop model schedules iterations asynchronously. It connects the output of one iteration to the next, allowing both to process their data concurrently. iHadoop\\'s task scheduler exploits inter- iteration data locality by scheduling tasks that exhibit a producer/consumer relation on the same physical machine allowing a fast local data transfer. For those iterative applications that require satisfying certain criteria before termination, iHadoop runs the check concurrently during the execution of the subsequent iteration to further reduce the application\\'s latency. This thesis also describes our implementation of the iHadoop model, and evaluates its performance against Hadoop, the widely used open source implementation of MapReduce. Experiments using different data analysis applications over real-world and synthetic datasets show that iHadoop performs better than Hadoop for iterative algorithms, reducing execution time of iterative applications by 25% on average. Furthermore, integrating iHadoop with HaLoop, a variant Hadoop implementation that caches

  4. Updated safety analysis of ITER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Taylor, Neill, E-mail: [ITER Organization, CS 90 046, 13067 St Paul Lez Durance Cedex (France); Baker, Dennis; Ciattaglia, Sergio; Cortes, Pierre; Elbez-Uzan, Joelle; Iseli, Markus; Reyes, Susana; Rodriguez-Rodrigo, Lina; Rosanvallon, Sandrine; Topilski, Leonid [ITER Organization, CS 90 046, 13067 St Paul Lez Durance Cedex (France)


    An updated version of the ITER Preliminary Safety Report has been produced and submitted to the licensing authorities. It is revised and expanded in response to requests from the authorities after their review of an earlier version in 2008, to reflect enhancements in ITER safety provisions through design changes, to incorporate new and improved safety analyses and to take into account other ITER design evolution. The updated analyses show that changes to the Tokamak cooling water system design have enhanced confinement and reduced potential radiological releases as well as removing decay heat with very high reliability. New and updated accident scenario analyses, together with fire and explosion risk analyses, have shown that design provisions are sufficient to minimize the likelihood of accidents and reduce potential consequences to a very low level. Taken together, the improvements provided a stronger demonstration of the very good safety performance of the ITER design.

  5. Cooperation between CERN and ITER

    CERN Document Server


    CERN and the International Fusion Organisation ITER have just signed a first cooperation agreeement. Kaname Ikeda, the Director-General of the International Fusion Energy Organisation (ITER) (on the right) and Robert Aymar, Director-General of CERN, signing the agreement.The Director-General of the International Fusion Energy Organization, Mr Kaname Ikeda, and CERN Director-General, Robert Aymar, signed a cooperation agreement at a meeting on the Meyrin site on Thursday 6 March. One of the main purposes of this agreement is for CERN to give ITER the benefit of its experience in the field of technology as well as in administrative domains such as finance, procurement, human resources and informatics through the provision of consultancy services. Currently in its start-up phase at its Cadarache site, 70 km from Marseilles (France), ITER will focus its research on the scientific and technical feasibility of using fusion energy as a fu...

  6. Updated safety analysis of ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, Neill; Baker, Dennis; Ciattaglia, Sergio; Cortes, Pierre; Elbez-Uzan, Joelle; Iseli, Markus; Reyes, Susana; Rodriguez-Rodrigo, Lina; Rosanvallon, Sandrine; Topilski, Leonid


    An updated version of the ITER Preliminary Safety Report has been produced and submitted to the licensing authorities. It is revised and expanded in response to requests from the authorities after their review of an earlier version in 2008, to reflect enhancements in ITER safety provisions through design changes, to incorporate new and improved safety analyses and to take into account other ITER design evolution. The updated analyses show that changes to the Tokamak cooling water system design have enhanced confinement and reduced potential radiological releases as well as removing decay heat with very high reliability. New and updated accident scenario analyses, together with fire and explosion risk analyses, have shown that design provisions are sufficient to minimize the likelihood of accidents and reduce potential consequences to a very low level. Taken together, the improvements provided a stronger demonstration of the very good safety performance of the ITER design.

  7. ITER at Cadarache; ITER a Cadarache

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This public information document presents the ITER project (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), the definition of the fusion, the international cooperation and the advantages of the project. It presents also the site of Cadarache, an appropriate scientifical and economical environment. The last part of the documentation recalls the historical aspect of the project and the today mobilization of all partners. (A.L.B.)

  8. ITER Safety and Licensing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Girard, J-.P; Taylor, N.; Garin, P.; Uzan-Elbez, J.; GULDEN, W.; Rodriguez-Rodrigo, L.


    The site for the construction of ITER has been chosen in June 2005. The facility will be implemented in Europe, south of France close to Marseille. The generic safety scheme is now under revision to adapt the design to the host country regulation. Even though ITER will be an international organization, it will have to comply with the French requirements in the fields of public and occupational health and safety, nuclear safety, radiation protection, licensing, nuclear substances and environmental protection. The organization of the central team together with its partners organized in domestic agencies for the in-kind procurement of components is a key issue for the success of the experimentation. ITER is the first facility that will achieve sustained nuclear fusion. It is both important for the experimental one-of-a-kind device, ITER itself, and for the future of fusion power plants to well understand the key safety issues of this potential new source of energy production. The main safety concern is confinement of the tritium, activated dust in the vacuum vessel and activated corrosion products in the coolant of the plasma-facing components. This is achieved in the design through multiple confinement barriers to implement the defence in depth approach. It will be demonstrated in documents submitted to the French regulator that these barriers maintain their function in all postulated incident and accident conditions. The licensing process started by examination of the safety options. This step has been performed by Europe during the candidature phase in 2002. In parallel to the final design, and taking into account the local regulations, the Preliminary Safety Report (RPrS) will be drafted with support of the European partner and others in the framework of ITER Task Agreements. Together with the license application, the RPrS will be forwarded to the regulatory bodies, which will launch public hearings and a safety review. Both processes must succeed in order to

  9. Ethiopia : tous les projets | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le but de ce projet consiste à améliorer la compréhension des complexités du mariage d'enfants et de la parentalité pour éclairer les politiques et les programmes. Sujet: Gender. Région: Ethiopia, Peru, Zambia. Programme: Gouvernance et justice. Financement total : CA$ 1,120,200.00. Alliance statistique pour les faits ...

  10. Free-boundary simulations of ITER advanced scenarios

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Besseghir, K.


    The successful operation of ITER advanced scenarios is likely to be a major step forward in the development of controlled fusion as a power production source. ITER advanced scenarios raise specific challenges that are not encountered in presently-operated tokamaks. In this thesis, it is argued that ITER advanced operation may benefit from optimal control techniques. Optimal control ensures high performance operation while guaranteeing tokamak integrity. The application of optimal control techniques for ITER operation is assessed and it is concluded that robust optimisation is appropriate for ITER operation of advanced scenarios. Real-time optimisation schemes are discussed and it is concluded that the necessary conditions of optimality tracking approach may potentially be appropriate for ITER operation, thus offering a viable closed-loop optimal control approach. Simulations of ITER advanced operation are necessary in order to assess the present ITER design and uncover the main difficulties that may be encountered during advanced operation. The DINA-CH and CRONOS full tokamak simulator is used to simulate the operation of the ITER hybrid and steady-state scenarios. It is concluded that the present ITER design is appropriate for performing a hybrid scenario pulse lasting more than 1000 sec, with a flat-top plasma current of 12 MA, and a fusion gain of Q ≅ 8. Similarly, a steady-state scenario without internal transport barrier, with a flat-top plasma current of 10 MA, and with a fusion gain of Q ≅ 5 can be realised using the present ITER design. The sensitivity of the advanced scenarios with respect to transport models and physical assumption is assessed using CRONOS. It is concluded that the hybrid scenario and the steady-state scenario are highly sensitive to the L-H transition timing, to the value of the confinement enhancement factor, to the heating and current drive scenario during ramp-up, and, to a lesser extent, to the density peaking and pedestal

  11. Free-boundary simulations of ITER advanced scenarios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Besseghir, K.


    The successful operation of ITER advanced scenarios is likely to be a major step forward in the development of controlled fusion as a power production source. ITER advanced scenarios raise specific challenges that are not encountered in presently-operated tokamaks. In this thesis, it is argued that ITER advanced operation may benefit from optimal control techniques. Optimal control ensures high performance operation while guaranteeing tokamak integrity. The application of optimal control techniques for ITER operation is assessed and it is concluded that robust optimisation is appropriate for ITER operation of advanced scenarios. Real-time optimisation schemes are discussed and it is concluded that the necessary conditions of optimality tracking approach may potentially be appropriate for ITER operation, thus offering a viable closed-loop optimal control approach. Simulations of ITER advanced operation are necessary in order to assess the present ITER design and uncover the main difficulties that may be encountered during advanced operation. The DINA-CH and CRONOS full tokamak simulator is used to simulate the operation of the ITER hybrid and steady-state scenarios. It is concluded that the present ITER design is appropriate for performing a hybrid scenario pulse lasting more than 1000 sec, with a flat-top plasma current of 12 MA, and a fusion gain of Q ≅ 8. Similarly, a steady-state scenario without internal transport barrier, with a flat-top plasma current of 10 MA, and with a fusion gain of Q ≅ 5 can be realised using the present ITER design. The sensitivity of the advanced scenarios with respect to transport models and physical assumption is assessed using CRONOS. It is concluded that the hybrid scenario and the steady-state scenario are highly sensitive to the L-H transition timing, to the value of the confinement enhancement factor, to the heating and current drive scenario during ramp-up, and, to a lesser extent, to the density peaking and pedestal

  12. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 8

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA newsletter contains information about the Third Negotiations Meeting on the Joint Implementation of ITER held in Moscow on 23-24 April 2002 and about the visit of Canadian officials and members of the Canadian delegation to RF research center 'Kurchatov Institute'

  13. Meeting of the ITER Council

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drew, M.


    Full text: A meeting of the ITER Council took place in Toronto, Canada, on 27-28 February 2001 (Canada participates in the ITER EDA as an associate of the EU Party). The delegations to the Council were led by Dr. U. Finzi, Principal Advisor in charge of Fusion R and D in the Directorate-General for Research of the European Commission, Mr. T. Sugawa, Deputy Director-General of the Research and Development Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology of Japan, and Academician E. Velikhov, President of the RRC ''Kurchatov Institute''. The European delegation was joined by Canadian experts including a representative from the Canadian Department of Natural Resources. The Council heard presentations from Dr. H. Kishimoto on the successful completion of the Explorations concerning future joint implementation of ITER, and from Dr. J.-P. Rager on the ITER International Industry Liaison Meeting held in Toronto in November 2000. Having noted statements of Parties' status, in particular concerning the readiness to start negotiations and the progress toward site offers, the Council encouraged the Parties to pursue preparations toward future implementation of ITER along the general lines proposed in the Explorers' final report. The Council also noted the readiness the of the RF and EU Parties to instruct specified current JCT members to remain at their places of assignment after the end of the EDA, in preparation for a transition to the Co-ordinated Technical Activities foreseen as support to ITER negotiations. The Council was pleased to hear that meetings with the Director of the ITER Parties' Designated Safety Representatives had started, and commended the progress toward achieving timely licensing processes with a good common understanding. The Council noted with appreciation the Director's view that no difficulties of principle in the licensing approach had been identified during the informal discussions with the regulatory representatives and

  14. ITER technical advisory committee meeting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujiwara, M.


    The ITER Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting took place on December 20-22, 1999 at the Naka Joint Work Site. The objective of this meeting was to review the document 'Technical Basis for ITER-FEAT Outline Design (ODR)' issued by the Director on December 10. It was also aimed at providing the ITER Meeting scheduled for January 19-20, 2000 in Tokyo with a technical assessment of ODR and recommendations for the optimization of the anticipated plasma performance and engineering design, based on the guidelines approved by the Council in June 1998 and recommendations of the last TAC meeting

  15. U.S. contributions to ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauthoff, Ned R.


    The United States participates in the ITER project to undertake the study of the science and technology of burning plasmas. The 2003 U.S. decision to enter the ITER negotiations followed an extensive series of community and governmental reviews of the benefits, readiness, and approaches to the study of burning plasmas. This paper describes both the technical and the organizational preparations and plans for U.S. participation in the ITER construction activity: in-kind contributions, staff contributions, and cash contributions as well as supporting physics and technology research. Near-term technical activities focus on the completion of R and D and design and mitigation of risks in the areas of provisionally assigned US contributions. Outside the project, the U.S. is engaged in preparations for the test blanket module program. Organizational activities focus on preparations of the project management arrangements to maximize the overall success of the ITER project: elements include refinement of U.S. positions on the international arrangements, the establishment of the U.S. Domestic Agency, progress along the path of the U.S. Department of Energy's Project Management Order, and overall preparations for commencement of the fabrication of major items of equipment and for provision of staff and cash as specified in the upcoming ITER agreement

  16. Plutonium Immobilization Program cold pour tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hovis, G.L.; Stokes, M.W.; Smith, M.E.; Wong, J.W.


    The Plutonium Immobilization Program (PIP) is a joint venture between the Savannah River Site, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to carry out the disposition of excess weapons-grade plutonium. This program uses the can-in-canister (CIC) approach. CIC involves encapsulating plutonium in ceramic forms (or pucks), placing the pucks in sealed stainless steel cans, placing the cans in long cylindrical magazines, latching the magazines to racks inside Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) canisters, and filling the DWPF canisters with high-level waste glass. This process puts the plutonium in a stable form and makes it attractive for reuse. At present, the DWPF pours glass into empty canisters. In the CIC approach, the addition of a stainless steel rack, magazines, cans, and ceramic pucks to the canisters introduces a new set of design and operational challenges: All of the hardware installed in the canisters must maintain structural integrity at elevated (molten-glass) temperatures. This suggests that a robust design is needed. However, the amount of material added to the DWPF canister must be minimized to prevent premature glass cooling and excessive voiding caused by a large internal thermal mass. High metal temperatures, minimizing thermal mass, and glass flow paths are examples of the types of technical considerations of the equipment design process. To determine the effectiveness of the design in terms of structural integrity and glass-flow characteristics, full-scale testing will be conducted. A cold (nonradioactive) pour test program is planned to assist in the development and verification of a baseline design for the immobilization canister to be used in the PIP process. The baseline design resulting from the cold pour test program and CIC equipment development program will provide input to Title 1 design for second-stage immobilization. The cold pour tests will be conducted in two

  17. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 4, no. 11

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter contains a report on the Ninth Meeting of the ITER Management Advisory Committee held in St. Petersburg, Russia, on November 3, 1995; a report on the Seventh International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials held at Obninsk, Russia, 25-29 September, 1995; on the presentation of the ITER Project during a symposium on fusion energy held at Champaign, Illinois, USA, October 1-5, 1995; and on two meetings on ITER diagnostics, i.e., an international workshop on diagnostics for ITER held in Varenna, Italy, 28 August - 1 September, 1995; followed by the Third Diagnostics Expert Group Workshop held September 4-5 in the same location

  18. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 7, no. 12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This edition of the ITER EDA Newsletter is dedicated to celebrate the achievements of the ITER activities at the San Diego Joint Work Site. Articles by E. Velikhov, A. Davies and R. Aymar mark the final days of American participation in the ITER program

  19. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 7, No. 3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER Newsletter contains an article of the Status of the ITER EDA and the progress of the ITER activities and a report on the 5th Technical Meeting on Quality which was held in San Diego on 20-22 October 1997

  20. identification de caractéristiques agronomiques pour le diagnostic

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La régénération des vieux vergers de cacaoyers (Theobrama cacao L.) est une des stratégies mises en place en. Côte d'Ivoire pour assurer une production durable de cacao. Une étude a été conduite en vue d'élaborer un guide pour réaliser un diagnostic rapide et adéquat des vergers et prendre la bonne décision de ...

  1. Publications | Page 57 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Pour augmenter la production et l'offre de petits mils, les ménages ruraux doivent avoir accès à des technologies et à des... La gestion intégrée des pêches accroît la sécurité alimentaire en Amazonie bolivienne. En indiquant de nouveaux débouchés pour le poisson, en améliorant les connaissances en matière de nutrition ...

  2. The Physics Basis of ITER Confinement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagner, F.


    ITER will be the first fusion reactor and the 50 year old dream of fusion scientists will become reality. The quality of magnetic confinement will decide about the success of ITER, directly in the form of the confinement time and indirectly because it decides about the plasma parameters and the fluxes, which cross the separatrix and have to be handled externally by technical means. This lecture portrays some of the basic principles which govern plasma confinement, uses dimensionless scaling to set the limits for the predictions for ITER, an approach which also shows the limitations of the predictions, and describes briefly the major characteristics and physics behind the H-mode--the preferred confinement regime of ITER.

  3. Eighth ITER negotiations meeting (N-8)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korzhavin, V.


    The eighth ITER Negotiations meeting was held on 18-19 February, 2003 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The delegations of People's Republic of China and the USA joined those from Canada, The European Union, Japan and the Russian federation in their efforts to reach agreement on the implementation of the ITER project. The delegations took note of the progress of discussions on procurement allocations, ITER decommissioning issues, management structure and intellectual property rights. The Negotiators approved the report on the Joint Assessment of Specific Sites and noted the report on the start of the ITER Transitional Arrangements (ITA). The delegations also noted that China has stated its willingness to participate in ITA and that the USA is considering participation

  4. Comment agir pour raviver l'espoir ? Pour un traitement efficace du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    28 févr. 2011 ... Dix pour cent de la population mondiale vit dans cette région qui affiche près de 70 % des cas d'infection par le VIH dans le monde et 90 % des décès causés par le sida. En 2005, on y a relevé environ 2,7 millions de nouveaux cas, ce qui porterait à 24,5 millions le nombre de personnes vivant avec le ...

  5. ITER convertible blanket evaluation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wong, C.P.C.; Cheng, E.


    Proposed International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) convertible blankets were reviewed. Key design difficulties were identified. A new particle filter concept is introduced and key performance parameters estimated. Results show that this particle filter concept can satisfy all of the convertible blanket design requirements except the generic issue of Be blanket lifetime. If the convertible blanket is an acceptable approach for ITER operation, this particle filter option should be a strong candidate

  6. ITER EDA and technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, C.C.


    The year 1998 was the culmination of the six-year Engineering Design Activities (EDA) of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Project. The EDA results in design and validating technology R and D, plus the associated effort in voluntary physics research, is a significant achievement and major milestone in the history of magnetic fusion energy development. Consequently, the ITER EDA was a major theme at this Conference, contributing almost 40 papers

  7. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 15, December 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER CTA newsletter issue contains brief information about several meetings related to ITER. One of them is the seventh ITER Negotiations Meetings that took place in Barcelona, Spain on 9-10 December 2002, another is the final ITER CTA Project Board Meeting, which took place in Barcelona, Spain on 8 December 2002 and the last one is the Third Meeting of the International Tokamak Physics Activity (ITPA) Topical Group on diagnostics held in Toki, Japan on 18-21 September 2002

  8. Bounded-Angle Iterative Decoding of LDPC Codes (United States)

    Dolinar, Samuel; Andrews, Kenneth; Pollara, Fabrizio; Divsalar, Dariush


    Bounded-angle iterative decoding is a modified version of conventional iterative decoding, conceived as a means of reducing undetected-error rates for short low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. For a given code, bounded-angle iterative decoding can be implemented by means of a simple modification of the decoder algorithm, without redesigning the code. Bounded-angle iterative decoding is based on a representation of received words and code words as vectors in an n-dimensional Euclidean space (where n is an integer).

  9. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 5, no. 6

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER Engineering Design Activities Newsletter contains a report on the Tenth Meeting of the ITER Technical Advisory Committee; on the papers relevant to the ITER project that were presented during the 12th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices held at St. Raphael, France, on 20-24 May 1996; and a note on the interrelationship between ITER and the PSI Conference, initiated more than twenty years ago by surface and solid-state physicists

  10. Un essai réussi : l'approche participative pour les pâturages de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 oct. 2010 ... À mesure qu'elle s'ouvrait à une économie de marché, la Mongolie a restitué la ... définissant les modes de gestion des pâturages et des ressources connexes. ... La cogestion permet aux collectivités pauvres d'avoir accès aux ... points saillants de la table ronde internationale des économistes en chef.

  11. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 9, no. 9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA Newsletter contains the following 5 contributions: CSMC and CSIC charging tests successfully completed; The ITER divertor cassette project meeting; Blanket R and D and design task meeting; IAEA technical committee meeting on fusion safety; ITER L-6 large project ''blanket remote handling and maintenance''

  12. Avantages possibles de la téléphonie mobile pour la surveillance ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Avantages possibles de la téléphonie mobile pour la surveillance épidémiologique au Mali. La charge de morbidité au Mali est l'une des plus lourdes au monde. L'utilisation de téléphones mobiles pour surveiller les flambées de maladies pourrait contribuer à réduire cette charge. La surveillance de la santé publique pour ...

  13. Nouveaux centres de cyberpolitique pour les pays du Sud | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    13 avr. 2018 ... L'appel ouvert avait pour but de cibler les organismes indépendants voués à la recherche sur les politiques qui s'appuient sur la recherche pour éclairer et influencer les politiques nationales dans les domaines des droits numériques, de la cybersécurité et des politiques d'innovation. Parmi les 59 ...

  14. Pour mieux profiter des avantages commerciaux : le Réseau latino ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    Pour mieux profiter des avantages commerciaux : le Réseau latino-américain sur le commerce. July 13, 2011. Image. Kevin Conway. Éloigner les menaces et maximiser les possibilités : voilà le mantra des négociateurs commerciaux de par le monde. Pour que la stratégie réussisse, toutefois, les négociateurs et leurs ...

  15. Asie | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le développement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... défis agricoles, environnementaux, technologiques, sociaux et économiques de l'Asie. Grâce à nos investissements stratégiques, nous aidons les acteurs régionaux à participer plus efficacement à résolution des problèmes régionaux. Qu'en résulte-t-il ? Des dirigeants régionaux forts, pour aujourd'hui et pour demain.

  16. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 10, no. 3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue contains a report on the meeting of the ITER Council (M. Drew), a report on the ITER EDA status (Dr. R. Aymar), a report on the ITER Council tour of the Clarington Site (Dr. D. Dautovich) . Abstracts of the indivdual reports have been included in the database

  17. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 2, no. 12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter contains a report of the Second ITER Technical Committee Meeting on Safety, Environment, and Regulatory Approval, San Diego, USA, November 3-12, 1993, and a summary report on an ITER Magnet Technical Meeting, Naka, Japan, October 5-8, 1993

  18. ITER EDA Newsletter. V. 3, no. 9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter issue contains a description of the ITER Physics Research and Development (F.Perkins), a report on the first meeting of the ITER Divertor Physics and Divertor Modelling and Database Expert Groups (D. Post, G. Janeschitz, R. Stambaugh, M. Shimada), a report on the first meeting of the ITER Physics Expert Group on Diagnostics (A.E. Costley and K.M. Young), and a contribution entitled ''to meet or not to meet? If yes, for how long?'' (L. Golubchikov)

  19. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 5, no. 12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the newsletter on the Engineering Design Activities (EDA) for the ITER Tokamak project contains a report on the Eleventh ITER Council Meeting held on December 17-18, 1996 in Tokyo, Japan; a report on the Eleventh Meeting of the ITER Technical Advisory Committee (TAC-11) Meeting held 3-7 December, 1996, at the ITER Naka Joint Work Site, Japan; and a report on the Fifth Workshop of the Confinement Modelling and Database Expert Group held in Montreal, Canada, October 13-16, 1996

  20. US--ITER activation analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Attaya, H.; Gohar, Y.; Smith, D.


    Activation analysis has been made for the US ITER design. The radioactivity and the decay heat have been calculated, during operation and after shutdown for the two ITER phases, the Physics Phase and the Technology Phase. The Physics Phase operates about 24 full power days (FPDs) at fusion power level of 1100 MW and the Technology Phase has 860 MW fusion power and operates for about 1360 FPDs. The point-wise gamma sources have been calculated everywhere in the reactor at several times after shutdown of the two phases and are then used to calculate the biological dose everywhere in the reactor. Activation calculations have been made also for ITER divertor. The results are presented for different continuous operation times and for only one pulse. The effect of the pulsed operation on the radioactivity is analyzed. 6 refs., 12 figs., 1 tab

  1. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 2, March 2003

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER ITA newsletter contains concise information about the JASS (Joint Assessment of Specific Sites) final report. The main conclusion is that all four sites are sound and fully capable to respond to all ITER Site Requirements and Design assumptions, as approved by the ITER Council in its January 2000 Meeting

  2. Construction Safety Forecast for ITER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    cadwallader, lee charles


    The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project is poised to begin its construction activity. This paper gives an estimate of construction safety as if the experiment was being built in the United States. This estimate of construction injuries and potential fatalities serves as a useful forecast of what can be expected for construction of such a major facility in any country. These data should be considered by the ITER International Team as it plans for safety during the construction phase. Based on average U.S. construction rates, ITER may expect a lost workday case rate of < 4.0 and a fatality count of 0.5 to 0.9 persons per year.

  3. Preconditioned iterations to calculate extreme eigenvalues

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brand, C.W.; Petrova, S. [Institut fuer Angewandte Mathematik, Leoben (Austria)


    Common iterative algorithms to calculate a few extreme eigenvalues of a large, sparse matrix are Lanczos methods or power iterations. They converge at a rate proportional to the separation of the extreme eigenvalues from the rest of the spectrum. Appropriate preconditioning improves the separation of the eigenvalues. Davidson`s method and its generalizations exploit this fact. The authors examine a preconditioned iteration that resembles a truncated version of Davidson`s method with a different preconditioning strategy.

  4. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 23, June 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related meeting the Eighth Meeting of the ITPA Topical Group (TG) on Diagnostics was held at the Culham Science Centre, UKAEA, from 14-18 March 2005 and the Third International Atomic Energy Agency - Technical Meeting (TM) on Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) in ITER, following those in Oharai, Japan in 1999, and in Kloster Seeon, Germany in 2003, was held in Como, Italy, from May 2 to May 5, 2005, in a two-and-half day intense workshop


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    Full Text Available La Ligue Marocaine de Lutte contre le Diabète, membre de la Fédération Internationale du Diabète Région MENA, a adopté durant l’année 2016 (Colloque National sur le Diabète et la Nutrition de Rabat les 13 et 14 mai 2016 et célébration de la Journée Mondiale du Diabète à Dakhla les 11, 12 et 13 novembre 2016 deux importantes résolutions :1-     La Déclaration / Plaidoyer pour la mise en place d’un plan d’action national pour une réglementation juridique multisectorielle de lutte contre le diabète et pour la promotion et la protection des droits des diabétiques.2-     l’Appel de Dakhla 2016 pour la mise en œuvre de  « la Charte Internationale des Droits et des Responsabilités des personnes atteintes du Diabète » en Afrique  annonçant la création d’un Observatoire Africain pour la Promotion et la Protection des Droits des Diabétiques».Les recommandations et résolutions de 2016 soulignent l’importance accordée par la Ligue Marocaine à l’effort continue dans la lutte contre l’épidémie du diabète au Maroc, dans la Région MENA et en Afrique.L’implication forte et la participation des différents partenaires dont le Ministère de la Santé, le Conseil National de l’Ordre National des Médecins, les Organismes de Prévoyance Sociale et le Parlement Marocain constitue un acquis considérable dans cette approche multisectorielle et partenariale.Dans ce cadre, le droit des diabétiques constitue un objectif prioritaire, permettant d’engager autant les politiques que l’ensemble des partenaires concernés pour améliorer non seulement la prise en charge thérapeutique du diabétique mais également le droit à l’information, à l’éducation et le droit à la justice sociale.D’autre part, la mise en place d’un Observatoire Africain pour la Protection et la Promotion des Droits des Diabétiques permettra de suivre l’évolution de l’épidémie du Diabète dans le continent autant

  6. Iterative solutions of finite difference diffusion equations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menon, S.V.G.; Khandekar, D.C.; Trasi, M.S.


    The heterogeneous arrangement of materials and the three-dimensional character of the reactor physics problems encountered in the design and operation of nuclear reactors makes it necessary to use numerical methods for solution of the neutron diffusion equations which are based on the linear Boltzmann equation. The commonly used numerical method for this purpose is the finite difference method. It converts the diffusion equations to a system of algebraic equations. In practice, the size of this resulting algebraic system is so large that the iterative methods have to be used. Most frequently used iterative methods are discussed. They include : (1) basic iterative methods for one-group problems, (2) iterative methods for eigenvalue problems, and (3) iterative methods which use variable acceleration parameters. Application of Chebyshev theorem to iterative methods is discussed. The extension of the above iterative methods to multigroup neutron diffusion equations is also considered. These methods are applicable to elliptic boundary value problems in reactor design studies in particular, and to elliptic partial differential equations in general. Solution of sample problems is included to illustrate their applications. The subject matter is presented in as simple a manner as possible. However, a working knowledge of matrix theory is presupposed. (M.G.B.)

  7. Status of ITER neutron diagnostic development (United States)

    Krasilnikov, A. V.; Sasao, M.; Kaschuck, Yu. A.; Nishitani, T.; Batistoni, P.; Zaveryaev, V. S.; Popovichev, S.; Iguchi, T.; Jarvis, O. N.; Källne, J.; Fiore, C. L.; Roquemore, A. L.; Heidbrink, W. W.; Fisher, R.; Gorini, G.; Prosvirin, D. V.; Tsutskikh, A. Yu.; Donné, A. J. H.; Costley, A. E.; Walker, C. I.


    Due to the high neutron yield and the large plasma size many ITER plasma parameters such as fusion power, power density, ion temperature, fast ion energy and their spatial distributions in the plasma core can be measured well by various neutron diagnostics. Neutron diagnostic systems under consideration and development for ITER include radial and vertical neutron cameras (RNC and VNC), internal and external neutron flux monitors (NFMs), neutron activation systems and neutron spectrometers. The two-dimensional neutron source strength and spectral measurements can be provided by the combined RNC and VNC. The NFMs need to meet the ITER requirement of time-resolved measurements of the neutron source strength and can provide the signals necessary for real-time control of the ITER fusion power. Compact and high throughput neutron spectrometers are under development. A concept for the absolute calibration of neutron diagnostic systems is proposed. The development, testing in existing experiments and the engineering integration of all neutron diagnostic systems into ITER are in progress and the main results are presented.

  8. Status of ITER neutron diagnostic development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krasilnikov, A.V.; Sasao, M.; Kaschuck, Yu.A.; Nishitani, T.; Batistoni, P.; Zaveryaev, V.S.; Popovichev, S.; Iguchi, T.; Jarvis, O.N.; Kaellne, J.; Fiore, C.L.; Roquemore, A.L.; Heidbrink, W.W.; Fisher, R.; Gorini, G.; Prosvirin, D.V.; Tsutskikh, A.Yu.; Donne, A.J.H.; Costley, A.E.; Walker, C.I.


    Due to the high neutron yield and the large plasma size many ITER plasma parameters such as fusion power, power density, ion temperature, fast ion energy and their spatial distributions in the plasma core can be measured well by various neutron diagnostics. Neutron diagnostic systems under consideration and development for ITER include radial and vertical neutron cameras (RNC and VNC), internal and external neutron flux monitors (NFMs), neutron activation systems and neutron spectrometers. The two-dimensional neutron source strength and spectral measurements can be provided by the combined RNC and VNC. The NFMs need to meet the ITER requirement of time-resolved measurements of the neutron source strength and can provide the signals necessary for real-time control of the ITER fusion power. Compact and high throughput neutron spectrometers are under development. A concept for the absolute calibration of neutron diagnostic systems is proposed. The development, testing in existing experiments and the engineering integration of all neutron diagnostic systems into ITER are in progress and the main results are presented

  9. Status of ITER neutron diagnostic development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sasao, M.; Krasilnikov, A.V.; Kaschuck, Yu.A.; Nishitani, T.; Batistoni, P.; Zaveryaev, V.S.; Popovichev, S.; Jarvis, O.N.; Iguchi, T.; Kaellne, J.; Fiore, C.L.; Roquemore, A.L.; Heidbrink, W.W.; Fisher, R.; Gorini, G.; Donne, A.J.H.; Costley, A.E.; Walker, C.I.


    Due to the high neutron yield and the large plasma size many ITER plasma parameters such as fusion power, power density, ion temperature, fast ion energy and their spatial distributions in the plasma core can be well measured by various neutron diagnostics. Neutron diagnostic systems under consideration and development for ITER include: radial and vertical neutron cameras (RNC and VNC), internal and external neutron flux monitors, neutron activation systems and neutron spectrometers. The two-dimensional neutron source strength and spectral measurements can be provided by the combined RNC and VNC. The neutron flux monitors need to meet the ITER requirement of time-resolved measurements of the neutron source strength and can provide the signals necessary for real-time control of the ITER fusion power. Compact and high throughput neutron spectrometers are under development. A concept for the absolute calibration of neutron diagnostic systems is proposed. The development, testing in existing experiments and the engineering integration of all neutron diagnostic systems into ITER are in progress and the main results are presented. (author)

  10. ITER status, design and material objectives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aymar, R.


    During the ITER Engineering Design Activities (EDA), completed in July 2001, the Joint Central Team and Home Teams developed a robust design of ITER, summarised in this paper, with parameters which fully meet the required scientific and technological objectives, construction costs and safety requirements, with appropriate margins. The design is backed by R and D to qualify the technology, including materials R and D. Materials for ITER components have been selected largely because of their availability and well-established manufacturing technologies, taking account of the low fluence experienced during neutron irradiation, and the experimental nature of the device. Nevertheless, for specific needs relevant to a future fusion reactor, improved materials, in particular for magnet structures, in-vessel components, and joints between the different materials needed for plasma facing components, have been successfully developed. Now, with the technical readiness to decide on ITER construction, negotiations, supported by coordinated technical activities of an international team and teams from participant countries, are underway on joint construction of ITER with a view to the signature/ratification of an agreement in 2003

  11. Radioecology, radioactivity and ecosystems: a short presentation of a publication of the Union Internationale de Radioecologie

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stricht, E. van der; Kirchmann, R.


    This book is the outcome of a long-standing project of the International Union of Radioecology (registered name, UIR, Union Internationale de Radioecologie). The project was launched in 1992 by the late UIR President Stan Myttenaere, with the help of a number of dedicated members. Norman Pattenden was the editor and he did the fundamental initial work of setting up discussions with the contributors as well as taking the responsibility to write two sections. Sadly, he also didn't live to see the book published. Inevitable delays ensued. They have been beneficial for one thing. It allowed including recent advances. But, surely enough, the book retained most features of the initial endeavours and it is in this respect a testimony for the continuing evolution of thoughts in radioecology. It sees the light at the crucial time of the now outstanding re-evaluation of radioecology as such

  12. Overview of physics basis for ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mukhovatov, V; Shimada, M; Chudnovskiy, A N; Costley, A E; Gribov, Y; Federici, G; Kardaun, O; Kukushkin, A S; Polevoi, A; Pustovitov, V D; Shimomura, Y; Sugie, T; Sugihara, M; Vayakis, G


    ITER will be the first magnetic confinement device with burning DT plasma and fusion power of about 0.5 GW. Parameters of ITER plasma have been predicted using methodologies summarized in the ITER Physics Basis (1999 Nucl. Fusion 39 2175). During the past few years, new results have been obtained that substantiate confidence in achieving Q>=10 in ITER with inductive H-mode operation. These include achievement of a good H-mode confinement near the Greenwald density at high triangularity of the plasma cross section; improvements in theory-based confinement projections for the core plasma, even though further studies are needed for understanding the transport near the plasma edge; improvement in helium ash removal due to the elastic collisions of He atoms with D/T ions in the divertor predicted by modelling; demonstration of feedback control of neoclassical tearing modes and resultant improvement in the achievable beta values; better understanding of edge localized mode (ELM) physics and development of ELM mitigation techniques; and demonstration of mitigation of plasma disruptions. ITER will have a flexibility to operate also in steady-state and intermediate (hybrid) regimes. The 'advanced tokamak' regimes with weak or negative central magnetic shear and internal transport barriers are considered as potential scenarios for steady-state operation. The paper concentrates on inductively driven plasma performance and discusses requirements for steady-state operation in ITER

  13. La communication participative pour le développement : Un agenda ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 janvier 1996. ISBN : Épuisé. 138 pages. e-ISBN : 1552503909. Téléchargez le PDF. Il y a deux ans, le Centre de recherches pour le développement international a créé CIME, un programme de communication pour le développement, afin de témoigner de l'importance des interrelations entre la Communication à la base, ...

  14. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 16, June-July-August 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER Transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related meetings, namely, the third preparatory meeting for ITER decision making, which was held at the IAEA Headquarters in Vienna on 18 June 2004, the third meeting of the ITER preparatory committee, which was held on 22nd June 2004 at IPP Garching and ITA technical activities status report

  15. ITER instrumentation and control-Status and plans

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallander, Anders; Abadie, Lana; Dave, Haresh; Di Maio, Franck; Gulati, Hitesh Kumar; Hansalia, Chandresh; Joonekindt, Didier; Journeaux, Jean-Yves; Klotz, Wolf-Dieter; Mahajan, Kirti; Makijarvi, Petri; Scibile, Luigi; Stepanov, Denis; Utzel, Nadine; Yonekawa, Izuru


    The ITER instrumentation and control (I and C) system is the term encompassing all hardware and software required to operate ITER. It has two levels of hierarchy: the central I and C systems and the plant systems I and C. The central I and C systems comprise CODAC (Control, Data Access and Communication), the central interlock system (CIS) and the central safety systems (CSS). The central I and C systems are 'in-fund', i.e. procured by ITER Organization (IO), while plant systems I and C are 'in-kind', i.e. procured by the seven ITER domestic agencies. This procurement model, together with the current estimate of 161 plant systems I and C, poses a major challenge for the realization and integration of the ITER I and C system. To address this challenge a main strategic focus of the CODAC group, formed in 2008, has been to establish good relations with the domestic agencies. By distributing the required R and D tasks and contracts fairly between the domestic agencies we build collaborations for the future at the same time as technical work proceed. The primary goal of ITER I and C system is to provide a fully integrated and automated control system for ITER. Standardization of plant systems I and C is of primary importance and has been the highest priority task during the last year. The target of associated R and D activities is to survey, benchmark and prototype main stream technologies, in order to choose the best and most widely used technology standards for plant systems I and C. In this paper we elaborate on our approach, both from a technical and a non-technical perspective, explain technology evaluation and decisions and finally present the way forward to ensure ITER I and C system will contribute and be instrumental in making ITER a success.

  16. ITER Council proceedings: April 1988 - August 1989

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The ITER documentation series, of which this is the sixth report, began with a concise record of the decisions and actions taken in establishing ITER. The contents of that first report include the Terms of Reference Concerning Conceptual Design Activities for an International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. The Terms of Reference, which were part of the IAEA's invitation to the prospective parties, formally describe how the co-operative work of the four Parties in the specified activities is directed and managed. The first report in the series also covered activities from the initial meeting of the ITER Quadripartite Initiative Committee in March 1987 through March 1988. The present report is intended to make available in convenient form the essential information on ''landmark'' events in the direction of the ITER activities from the first meeting of the ITER Council (IC), in April 1988, through the letter report by the Council following their fourth meeting in July 1989. This report therefore covers approximately the first half of the Conceptual Design Activities, which are to be concluded in December 1990. THe next section of this report provides, for convenient reference, an overview of the organization and schedule that were adopted for the ITER activities through 1990. The sections that follow contain, for each of the four IC meetings during the period covered by this report, a copy of the official record of the transactions. The written reports of the ITER Management Committee (IMC) and the ITER Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (ISTAC) to the IC in connection with the meetings are represented by summaries, prepared by the ITER Secretariat. These summaries include direct quotations of especially significant statements in the reports. In general, other supporting material is included only if it is of more than transitory significance. 1 fig and tabs

  17. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 7, no. 10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This newsletter contains three articles, namely a report on an ITER meeting (October 20-21,1998) in Yokohama, Japan, a short note on the 17th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (October 19-24, 1998) in Yokohama and a monograph by ITER Director R. Aymar on 'the Legacy of Artsimovitch and the lessons of ITER'

  18. ITER technical advisory committee meeting at Garching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujiwara, M.


    The ITER Technical Advisory Committee meeting took place on 24-27 February at the Garching Joint Work Site. According to the discussions at the ITER meeting in Yokohama in October 1998, the Technical Advisory Committee was requested to conduct a thorough review of the document 'Options for the reduced technical objectives / reduced cost ITER'

  19. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 2, no. 9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter issue contains a report on the third meeting of the ITER Technical Advisory Committee, a summary report for the ITER Magnetic Technical Meeting, a brief account of the International Workshop on Nuclear Data for Fusion Reactor Technology, and a description of approved arrangements for visiting home team personnel

  20. Une plateforme pour la mise au point d'un vaccin anti-adénovirus ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Une plateforme pour la mise au point d'un vaccin anti-adénovirus non réplicatif contre les maladies aviaires. 09 avril 2018. Fonds d'innovation en vaccins pour le bétail. Photo: Sven Torfinn/Panos Pictures. La volaille constitue un élevage essentiel en Afrique subsaharienne, surtout pour la sécurité alimentaire et ...

  1. Iterative Splitting Methods for Differential Equations

    CERN Document Server

    Geiser, Juergen


    Iterative Splitting Methods for Differential Equations explains how to solve evolution equations via novel iterative-based splitting methods that efficiently use computational and memory resources. It focuses on systems of parabolic and hyperbolic equations, including convection-diffusion-reaction equations, heat equations, and wave equations. In the theoretical part of the book, the author discusses the main theorems and results of the stability and consistency analysis for ordinary differential equations. He then presents extensions of the iterative splitting methods to partial differential

  2. Iterative numerical solution of scattering problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomio, L.; Adhikari, S.K.


    An iterative Neumann series method, employing a real auxiliary scattering integral equation, is used to calculate scattering lengths and phase shifts for the atomic Yukawa and exponential potentials. For these potentials the original Neumann series diverges. The present iterative method yields results that are far better, in convergence, stability and precision, than other momentum space methods. Accurate result is obtained in both cases with an estimated error of about 1 in 10 10 after some-8-10 iterations. (author). 31 refs, 2 tabs

  3. Ghana : tous les projets | Page 4 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: TOBACCO, SMOKING, Disease control, PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, HEALTH POLICY, PROGRAMME EVALUATION. Région: Burkina Faso, Ghana, ... Pour atteindre les objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement d'ici 2015, le Ghana aura besoin d'une aide extérieure considérable. Date de début : 17 mars 2009.

  4. Asie du sud | Page 10 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Langue English. Read more about Comparaison des politiques fiscales et réglementaires pour prévenir les maladies non transmissibles en Inde. Langue French. Read more about Moyens que prennent les collectivités pour faire face aux souvenirs traumatiques - enseignements tirés d'Aceh et du Timor-Leste. Langue ...

  5. : tous les projets | Page 47 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La création de zones économiques frontalières constitue une importante stratégie d'industrialisation pour la Thaïlande et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour deux de ses pays voisins pauvres, le Cambodge et le Myanmar. Sujet: MIGRANTS. Région: Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Japan. Programme: Employment and ...

  6. ITER plant systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kolbasov, B.; Barnes, C.; Blevins, J.


    As part of a series of documents published by the IAEA that summarize the results of the Conceptual Design Activities for the ITER project, this publication describes the conceptual design of the ITER plant systems, in particular (i) the heat transport system, (ii) the electrical distribution system, (iii) the requirements for radioactive equipment handling, the hot cell, and waste management, (iv) the supply system for fluids and operational chemicals, (v) the qualitative analyses of failure scenarios and methods of burn stability control and emergency shutdown control, (vi) analyses of tokamak building functions and design requirements, (vii) a plant layout, and (viii) site requirements. Refs, figs and tabs

  7. Summary of the ITER final design report. July 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This document is a summary of the ITER final design report foreseen during the current, Engineering Design Activities (EDA), phase of the ITER project. The report presents the results of collaborative design and supporting technical work undertaken by the ITER Joint Central team (JCT) and the Home Teams (HT) of the parties to the agreement on co-operation in the Engineering Design Activities for ITER (the ITER EDA Agreement). This report marks the achievement of the full technical scope of activities indicated in the ITER EDA Agreement, with a final design which meets the programmatic objective defined in the Agreement and satisfies detailed scientific, technical and costing objectives set by ITER Council in 1998

  8. The ITER CODAC conceptual design

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lister, J.B.; Farthing, J.W.; Greenwald, M.; Yonekawa, I.


    CODAC orchestrates the activity of 60-90 Plant Systems in normal ITER operation. Interlock Systems protect ITER from potentially damaging operating off-normal conditions. Safety Systems protect the personnel and the environment and will be subject to licensing. The principal challenges to be met in the design and implementation of CODAC include: complexity, reliability, transparent access respecting security, a high experiment data rate and data volume since ITER is an experimental reactor, scientific exploitation from multiple Participant Team Experiment Sites and the long 35-year period for construction and operation. Complexity is addressed by prescribing the communication interfaces to the Plant Systems and prescribing the technical implementation within the Plant Systems. Plant Systems export to CODAC all the information on their construction and operation as 'self-description'. Complexity is also addressed by automating the operation of ITER and of the plasma, using a structured data description of 'Operation Schedules' which encompass all non-manual control, including Plasma Control. Reliability is addressed by maximising code reuse and maximising the use of existing products thereby minimising in-house development. The design is hierarchical and modular in both hardware and software. The latter facilitates evolution of methods during the project lifetime. Guaranteeing security while maximising access is addressed by flow separation. Out-flowing data, including experimental signals and the status of ITER plant is risk-free. In-flowing commands and data originate from Experiment Sites. The Cadarache Experiment Site is equated with the Remote Experiment Sites and a rigorous 'Operation Request Gatekeeper' is provided. The high data rates and data volumes are handled with high performance networks. Global Area Networks allow Participant Teams to access all CODAC data and applications. Scientific exploitation of ITER will remain a human as well as technical

  9. ITER Operating Limits and Conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ciattaglia, S.; Barabaschi, P.; Carretero, J.A.


    The Operating Limits and Conditions (OLCs) are operating parameters and conditions, chosen among all system/components, which together define the domain of the safe operation of ITER in all foreseen ITER status (operation, maintenance, commissioning). At the same time they are selected to guarantee the required operation flexibility which is a critical factor for the success of an experimental machine such as ITER. System and components important for personnel or public safety (Safety Important Class, SIC) are identified from the overall plant safety analysis on functional importance to safety of the components. SIC classification has to be presented already inside the preliminary safety analysis report and approved by the licensing safety authority before the relevant construction. OLCs comprise the safety limits, i.e. that if exceeded could result in a potential safety hazard, the relevant settings that determine the intervention of SIC systems and the operational limits on equipment which warn from or stop a functional departure from a planned operational status that could challenge equipment and functions. The safety limits have to indicate clearly states that leave the nominal safety state of ITER; they are derived from the safety analysis of ITER. OLCs can represent in some cases few parameters grouping together. Some operational conditions, e.g. inventories, will be controlled through no real time measurements and procedures. Operating experience from present tokamaks, in particular JET, and from nuclear plants is considered at the maximum possible extent. This paper presents the guidelines to develop the ITER OLCs with particular reference to safety limits. A few examples are reported as well as open issues on some OLCs control and measurement and the relevant R-and-D planned to solve the issues. (author)

  10. ITER jako živý

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řípa, Milan


    Roč. 10, č. 6 (2010), s. 18-19 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20430508 Keywords : Fusion * ITER * magnetic field * ELMs * cryo pumps * central solenoid * correction coils * superconducting coils * toroidal field coils * poloidal field coils * divertor * Cadarache Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics

  11. ITMETH, Iterative Routines for Linear System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Greenbaum, A.


    1 - Description of program or function: ITMETH is a collection of iterative routines for solving large, sparse linear systems. 2 - Method of solution: ITMETH solves general linear systems of the form AX=B using a variety of methods: Jacobi iteration; Gauss-Seidel iteration; incomplete LU decomposition or matrix splitting with iterative refinement; diagonal scaling, matrix splitting, or incomplete LU decomposition with the conjugate gradient method for the problem AA'Y=B, X=A'Y; bi-conjugate gradient method with diagonal scaling, matrix splitting, or incomplete LU decomposition; and ortho-min method with diagonal scaling, matrix splitting, or incomplete LU decomposition. ITMETH also solves symmetric positive definite linear systems AX=B using the conjugate gradient method with diagonal scaling or matrix splitting, or the incomplete Cholesky conjugate gradient method

  12. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 6, no. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter reports on the ITER divertor development project and its objectives; contains a report on the 16th Energy IAEA Fusion Conference (ITER and other Tokamak Issues) held in Montreal, Canada; 287 papers were selected by the Programme Committee for presentation and 178 posters were presented. 3 figs

  13. Design of the ITER Tokamak Assembly Tools

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Hyunki; Her, Namil; Kim, Byungchul; Im, Kihak; Jung, Kijung; Lee, Jaehyuk; Im, Kisuk


    ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) Procurement allocation among the seven Parties, EU, JA, CN, IN , KO, RF and US had been decided in Dec. 2005. ITER Tokamak assembly tools is one of the nine components allocated to Korea for the construction of the ITER. Assembly tools except measurement and common tools are supplied to assemble the ITER Tokamak and classified into 9 groups according to components to be assembled. Among the 9 groups of assembly tools, large-sized Sector Sub-assembly Tools and Sector Assembly Tools are used at the first stage of ITER Tokamak construction and need to be designed faster than seven other assembly tools. ITER IT (International Team) proposed Korea to accomplish ITA (ITER Transitional Arrangements) Task on detailed design, manufacturing feasibility and contract specification of specific, large sized tools such as Upending Tool, Lifting Tool, Sector Sub-assembly Tool and Sector Assembly Tool in Oct. 2004. Based on the concept design by ITER IT, Korea carried out ITA Task on detailed design of large-sized and specific Sector Sub-assembly and Sector Assembly Tools until Mar. 2006. The Sector Sub-assembly Tools mainly consist of the Upending, Lifting, Vacuum Vessel Support and Bracing, and Sector Sub-assembly Tool, among which the design of three tools are herein. The Sector Assembly Tools mainly consist of the Toroidal Field (TF) Gravity Support Assembly, Sector In-pit Assembly, TF Coil Assembly, Vacuum Vessel (VV) Welding and Vacuum Vessel Thermal Shield (TS) Assembly Tool, among which the design of Sector In-pit Assembly Tool is described herein

  14. Novel aspects of plasma control in ITER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Humphreys, D.; Jackson, G.; Walker, M.; Welander, A. [General Atomics P.O. Box 85608, San Diego, California 92186-5608 (United States); Ambrosino, G.; Pironti, A. [CREATE/University of Naples Federico II, Napoli (Italy); Vries, P. de; Kim, S. H.; Snipes, J.; Winter, A.; Zabeo, L. [ITER Organization, St. Paul Lez durance Cedex (France); Felici, F. [Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven (Netherlands); Kallenbach, A.; Raupp, G.; Treutterer, W. [Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching (Germany); Kolemen, E. [Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey 08543-0451 (United States); Lister, J.; Sauter, O. [Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne (Switzerland); Moreau, D. [CEA, IRFM, 13108 St. Paul-lez Durance (France); Schuster, E. [Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (United States)


    ITER plasma control design solutions and performance requirements are strongly driven by its nuclear mission, aggressive commissioning constraints, and limited number of operational discharges. In addition, high plasma energy content, heat fluxes, neutron fluxes, and very long pulse operation place novel demands on control performance in many areas ranging from plasma boundary and divertor regulation to plasma kinetics and stability control. Both commissioning and experimental operations schedules provide limited time for tuning of control algorithms relative to operating devices. Although many aspects of the control solutions required by ITER have been well-demonstrated in present devices and even designed satisfactorily for ITER application, many elements unique to ITER including various crucial integration issues are presently under development. We describe selected novel aspects of plasma control in ITER, identifying unique parts of the control problem and highlighting some key areas of research remaining. Novel control areas described include control physics understanding (e.g., current profile regulation, tearing mode (TM) suppression), control mathematics (e.g., algorithmic and simulation approaches to high confidence robust performance), and integration solutions (e.g., methods for management of highly subscribed control resources). We identify unique aspects of the ITER TM suppression scheme, which will pulse gyrotrons to drive current within a magnetic island, and turn the drive off following suppression in order to minimize use of auxiliary power and maximize fusion gain. The potential role of active current profile control and approaches to design in ITER are discussed. Issues and approaches to fault handling algorithms are described, along with novel aspects of actuator sharing in ITER.

  15. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 14, November 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The Sixth ITER Negotiations Meeting (N6) took place on 29-30 October 2002 at Rokkasho-mura in the Aomori Prefecture - the location of the site that Japan has offered to host the ITER project. Japan hosted the meeting, which was also attended by delegations from Canada, the European Union, and the Russian Federation. At the start of the meeting, Mr. Yoshiro Mori, the former Prime Minister of Japan said that energy issues are important to achieving human prosperity, world peace and conservation of the environment, and that therefore the Japanese Government as a whole should promote the ITER project under international collaboration to realize fusion energy. The JA delegation reported that JA had sent a letter to China on 22 October 2002 on behalf of the ITER Negotiators in response to a letter from Mr. Liu, Vice Minister of Science and Technology of China. The Canadian delegation reported on the special informal ITER session at the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference in Lyon, France, and noted that it raised the ITER profile in a positive way. The EU delegation reported on the adoption, within the Sixth Framework Programme, of the Specific Euratom Programme, which gives an explicit basis for continuing activities in the period up to the end of 2006, including a provision of up to Euro 200 million for a possible start of ITER construction. The RF delegation reported that the ITER activities in the Russian Federation are conducted in accordance with the Federal Program (2002-2005) approved by the Russian Government. Funding for ITER activities in 2003 is expected to be on the same level as in previous years. It was reported that the mandate of the Russian delegation to participate in the Negotiations in 2003 is expected to be approved soon by the Government. The RF delegation also reported that they had received informal enquiries from the Republic of Korea about possible participation in ITER. Significant progress was also made on a wide range of other issues, including

  16. Japanese site for ITER: Rokkasho

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kishimoto, Hiroshi


    This paper describes the status of Japanese efforts for hosting ITER in Japan. In May 2002, Japanese Government decided to propose an ITER site, Rokkasho in Aomori Prefecture, a Northern part of the main island, based on the comprehensive/intensive assessments by the Site Selection Committee established by Japanese Government. ITER is designed basically with a potential flexibility beyond the detailed technical objectives to have more clear scope for developing technical key elements in a future power plant. Various flexibilities in the construction, operation and decommissioning of ITER are totally assessed. Consequently the Japanese site has been chosen and it satisfies sufficiently not only the Site Requirements and the Site Design Assumptions but also the further extension and flexibilities. In particular the potential for more flexible construction schedule and operations is technically described as well as the fulfillment of the site requirements and its assumptions as the minimum requirements in this paper. The socio-cultural environment is also described briefly because of a key aspect for the scientists and engineers who will participate in the project

  17. Guide pour la rédaction de cahiers des charges pour la sous-traitance en mécano-soudage

    CERN Document Server

    Cheminat, Olivier


    Ce rapport est principalement dédié aux rédacteurs de cahiers des charges lors de sous-traitance en soudage. Le choix de faire sous-traiter une fabrication et le choix du sous-traitant revêtent une triple dimension technique, économique et stratégique. Un sous-traitant n'est pas un simple fournisseur ; il est un véritable partenaire technique pour le donneur d'ordre qui lui confie la réalisation d'un produit qu'il a lui-même conçu. La sous-traitance nécessite alors, outre un audit préalable du partenaire, un suivi en continu, à distance, et une communication entre le donneur d'ordre et le sous-traitant. Le cahier des charges est un des éléments de cette communication. C'est un outil essentiel, notamment lorsque le marché est soumis à des normes, imposées par contrat entre le donneur d'ordre et le sous-traitant. Ce présent document est un guide pour la rédaction du document de consultation, afin d'être le plus précis et exhaustif possible, mais il ne saurait être utilisé pour établi...

  18. Re-starting an Arnoldi iteration

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lehoucq, R.B. [Argonne National Lab., IL (United States)


    The Arnoldi iteration is an efficient procedure for approximating a subset of the eigensystem of a large sparse n x n matrix A. The iteration produces a partial orthogonal reduction of A into an upper Hessenberg matrix H{sub m} of order m. The eigenvalues of this small matrix H{sub m} are used to approximate a subset of the eigenvalues of the large matrix A. The eigenvalues of H{sub m} improve as estimates to those of A as m increases. Unfortunately, so does the cost and storage of the reduction. The idea of re-starting the Arnoldi iteration is motivated by the prohibitive cost associated with building a large factorization.

  19. Computed Tomography Image Quality Evaluation of a New Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm in the Abdomen (Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction-V) a Comparison With Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction, Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction, and Filtered Back Projection Reconstructions. (United States)

    Goodenberger, Martin H; Wagner-Bartak, Nicolaus A; Gupta, Shiva; Liu, Xinming; Yap, Ramon Q; Sun, Jia; Tamm, Eric P; Jensen, Corey T

    The purpose of this study was to compare abdominopelvic computed tomography images reconstructed with adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction-V (ASIR-V) with model-based iterative reconstruction (Veo 3.0), ASIR, and filtered back projection (FBP). Abdominopelvic computed tomography scans for 36 patients (26 males and 10 females) were reconstructed using FBP, ASIR (80%), Veo 3.0, and ASIR-V (30%, 60%, 90%). Mean ± SD patient age was 32 ± 10 years with mean ± SD body mass index of 26.9 ± 4.4 kg/m. Images were reviewed by 2 independent readers in a blinded, randomized fashion. Hounsfield unit, noise, and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) values were calculated for each reconstruction algorithm for further comparison. Phantom evaluation of low-contrast detectability (LCD) and high-contrast resolution was performed. Adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction-V 30%, ASIR-V 60%, and ASIR 80% were generally superior qualitatively compared with ASIR-V 90%, Veo 3.0, and FBP (P ASIR-V 60% with respective CNR values of 5.54 ± 2.39, 8.78 ± 3.15, and 3.49 ± 1.77 (P ASIR 80% had the best and worst spatial resolution, respectively. Adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction-V 30% and ASIR-V 60% provided the best combination of qualitative and quantitative performance. Adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction 80% was equivalent qualitatively, but demonstrated inferior spatial resolution and LCD.

  20. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 10, no. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In 2000, the Fusion Power Associates Awards were given, among others, to persons closely associated with the developments of ITER. These Awards are given annually for Distinguished Career, for Leadership, and for Excellence in Fusion Engineering. Distinguished Career Award to Ken Tomabechi, a leading fusion researcher and director of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Leadership Award to: Robert Aymar, a leading European fusion researcher and has been ITER Director since 1994. Excellence in Fusion Engineering to: Gianfrano Federici, a staff member of the ITER Joint Central Team, working at the ITER Joint Work Site at Garching, Germany

  1. ITER EDA Newsletter. V. 3, no. 10

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter issue reports on (i) the ITER-relevant statements made at the occasion of the 15th IAEA fusion conference in Seville, Spain, September 26 - October 1, 1994; (ii) a comprehensive technical presentation of the ITER EDA developments at the same conference; (iii) the first Workshop of the ITER Expert Group on Confinement and Transport, held at the San Diego Joint Work Site on 22-25 August 1994; and (iv) the visit to the San Diego Work Site of the representatives of a local philanthropic group, the ARCS Foundation (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists).

  2. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 6, no. 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter reports on the STATUS OF THE ITER EDA Overview, Design Work, ITER Physics; contains a report of the Third Technical Meeting on Quality Assurance was held at the ITER Garching Joint Work Site on 25-27 November 1996. The objectives of the meeting were to review the progress made in the Implementation of QA and to identify weal areas which require improvement. The focus was on the Large R and D Projects assigned to the EU Home Team(HT) or placed under the responsibility of the Garching JWS. 1 fig, 3 tabs

  3. ITER EDA Newsletter. V. 3, no. 10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter issue reports on (i) the ITER-relevant statements made at the occasion of the 15th IAEA fusion conference in Seville, Spain, September 26 - October 1, 1994; (ii) a comprehensive technical presentation of the ITER EDA developments at the same conference; (iii) the first Workshop of the ITER Expert Group on Confinement and Transport, held at the San Diego Joint Work Site on 22-25 August 1994; and (iv) the visit to the San Diego Work Site of the representatives of a local philanthropic group, the ARCS Foundation (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists)

  4. First formal ITER negotiations make excellent progress

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barnard, P.


    November 8 and 9 2001 marked the historic beginning of formal negotiations meetings on the ITER project. Delegations from Canada, the European Union, Japan and the Russian Federation met in Toronto, Canada, for the first in a series of Negotiations that is expected to lead, by the end of 2002, to an agreement on the joint implementation of ITER. This agreement will govern, under international law, the construction, operation and decommissioning of ITER. The Negotiations concluded by issuing a joint news release, reflecting a commitment to share the progress reports on the efforts to implement ITER

  5. Mise en oeuvre de la Convention-cadre pour la lutte antitabac au ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    SEATCA) de coordonner un programme de recherche pour appuyer la mise en oeuvre (dans le cas du Cambodge) et la ratification (dans le cas du Laos) de la Convention-cadre pour la lutte antitabac (CCLAT) de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé.

  6. US ITER Management Plan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This US ITER Management Plan is the plan for conducting the Engineering Design Activities within the US. The plan applies to all design, analyses, and associated physics and technology research and development (R ampersand D) required to support the program. The plan defines the management considerations associated with these activities. The plan also defines the management controls that the project participants will follow to establish, implement, monitor, and report these activities. The activities are to be conducted by the project in accordance with this plan. The plan will be updated to reflect the then-current management approach required to meet the project objectives. The plan will be reviewed at least annually for possible revision. Section 2 presents the ITER objectives, a brief description of the ITER concept as developed during the Conceptual Design Activities, and comments on the Engineering Design Activities. Section 3 discusses the planned international organization for the Engineering Design Activities, from which the tasks will flow to the US Home Team. Section 4 describes the US ITER management organization and responsibilities during the Engineering Design Activities. Section 5 describes the project management and control to be used to perform the assigned tasks during the Engineering Design Activities. Section 6 presents the references. Several appendices are provided that contain detailed information related to the front material

  7. ITER management advisory committee meeting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshikawa, M.


    The ITER Management Advisory Committee (MAC) Meeting was held in Vienna on 16 July 2001. It was the last MAC Meeting and the main topics were consideration of the report by the Director on the ITER EDA status, review of the Work Programme, review of the Joint Fund and arrangements for termination and wind-up of the EDA

  8. ITER CTA newsletter. No. 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER CTA newsletter contains information about the meeting of the ITER CTA project board, which took place in Moscow, Russian Federation on 22 April 2002 on the occasion of the Third Negotiators Meeting (N3), and about the meeting 'EU divertor celebration day' organized on 16 January 2002 at Plansee AG, Reutte, Austria

  9. ITER ITA newsletter No. 34, November-December 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about ITER related events such as the 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, which was held in Chengdu, People's Republic of China, on 16-2 October 2006 and an exhibition in recognition of the Agency's support to the ITER Negotiations was organized at the Rotunda of the Vienna International Centre during the week 20-24 November 2006

  10. Iterative numerical solution of scattering problems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tomio, L; Adhikari, S K


    An iterative Neumann series method, employing a real auxiliary scattering integral equation, is used to calculate scattering lengths and phase shifts for the atomic Yukawa and exponential potentials. For these potentials the original Neumann series diverges. The present iterative method yields results that are far better, in convergence, stability and precision, than other momentum space methods. Accurate result is obtained in both cases with an estimated error of about 1 in 10{sup 10} after some-8-10 iterations. (author). 31 refs, 2 tabs.

  11. Optimised Iteration in Coupled Monte Carlo - Thermal-Hydraulics Calculations (United States)

    Hoogenboom, J. Eduard; Dufek, Jan


    This paper describes an optimised iteration scheme for the number of neutron histories and the relaxation factor in successive iterations of coupled Monte Carlo and thermal-hydraulic reactor calculations based on the stochastic iteration method. The scheme results in an increasing number of neutron histories for the Monte Carlo calculation in successive iteration steps and a decreasing relaxation factor for the spatial power distribution to be used as input to the thermal-hydraulics calculation. The theoretical basis is discussed in detail and practical consequences of the scheme are shown, among which a nearly linear increase per iteration of the number of cycles in the Monte Carlo calculation. The scheme is demonstrated for a full PWR type fuel assembly. Results are shown for the axial power distribution during several iteration steps. A few alternative iteration method are also tested and it is concluded that the presented iteration method is near optimal.

  12. Optimized iteration in coupled Monte-Carlo - Thermal-hydraulics calculations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoogenboom, J.E.; Dufek, J.


    This paper describes an optimised iteration scheme for the number of neutron histories and the relaxation factor in successive iterations of coupled Monte Carlo and thermal-hydraulic reactor calculations based on the stochastic iteration method. The scheme results in an increasing number of neutron histories for the Monte Carlo calculation in successive iteration steps and a decreasing relaxation factor for the spatial power distribution to be used as input to the thermal-hydraulics calculation. The theoretical basis is discussed in detail and practical consequences of the scheme are shown, among which a nearly linear increase per iteration of the number of cycles in the Monte Carlo calculation. The scheme is demonstrated for a full PWR type fuel assembly. Results are shown for the axial power distribution during several iteration steps. A few alternative iteration methods are also tested and it is concluded that the presented iteration method is near optimal. (authors)

  13. Possessive pour in the French Lexicon of the Ivory Coast and Language Contact

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Akissi Boutin, Béatrice


    Full Text Available Any variationist study of Ivory Coast French needs to take into account sociolinguistic considerations and systemic features of other contact languages. For instance, there is a specific usage of pour against which the interference hypothesis can easily be tested:FI: Le kaki que je porte présentement, c'est pour un bachelier qui me l'a laissé avant de partir en fac, cadeau. (Lafage 2003: 676. Avant de te moquer du linge de ta voisine, regarde si pour toi est propre..In Ivory Coast French, pour (N/Pro can display a variety of functions: it can be part of associative predications, it can stand for genitive phrases in an anaphoric construction, make reference to an object in relation with another and participate in various idiomatic expressions.This paper has a twofold objective. First, I argue that pour (N/Pro constructions has to be analysed as an empty headed "associative" noun phrase. Second, I will show the relevance of extra- AND intersystemic factors in accounting for language variation. Incidentally, the use of pour (N/Pro constructions seems to be conditioned by the availability of similar constructions in other Ivory Coast languages on the one hand, such as baoule (o liε or dioula (à tá, and, cultural needs on the other.

  14. Optimization of Iter with Iter-89P scaling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johner, J.


    Ignition in the ITER baseline machine is studied in the frame of a 1/2-D model using the ITER-89P scaling of the energy confinement time. The required value of the enhancement factor f L with respect to the L-mode, allowing ignition with a total fusion power of 1100 MW, is found to be 1.9 at an optimum operating temperature of 11 keV. A sensitivity analysis shows that the critical f L =2 value can be exceeded with relatively small changes in the physical assumptions. It is concluded that the safety margin is not sufficient for this project. Optimization of a thermonuclear plasma in a tokamak is then performed with constraints of given maximum magnetic field B in the superconducting windings, given distance between the plasma and the maximum magnetic field point, imposed safety factor at the plasma edge, and given averaged neutron flux at the plasma surface. The minimum enhancement factor f L with respect to the L-mode, allowing ignition at a given value of the total fusion power P fus , is only a function of the torus aspect ratio A. Taking the ITER reference values for the above constraints, the required value of f L is practically independent of the aspect ratio but can be sensibly improved by increasing the total fusion power P fus . With P fus =1700 MW, a reasonable safety margin (f L ≅ 1.5) is obtained. Analytical expressions of the conditions resulting from the above optimization are also derived for an arbitrary monomial scaling of the energy confinement time, and shown to give excellent agreement with the numerical results

  15. Maroc | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le développement ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Appliquer à grande échelle la chaîne de valeur du quinoa pour améliorer la sécurité alimentaire dans les communautés pauvres/rurales du Maroc. Au Maroc, la pauvreté rurale demeure un problème et l'on s'attend à ce qu'il s'accentue. Voir davantageAppliquer à grande échelle la chaîne de valeur du quinoa pour ...

  16. U.S. Contributions to ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sauthoff, Ned R.


    The United States participates in the ITER project and program to enable the study of the science and technology of burning plasmas, a key programmatic element missing from the world fusion program. The 2003 U.S. decision to enter the ITER negotiations followed an extensive series of community and governmental reviews of the benefits, readiness, and approaches to the study of burning plasmas. This paper describes both the technical and the organizational preparations and plans for U.S. participation in the ITER construction activity: in-kind contributions, staff contributions, and cash contributions as well as supporting physics and technology research. Near-term technical activities focus on the completion of R and D and design and mitigation of risks in the areas of the central solenoid magnet, shield/blanket, diagnostics, ion cyclotron system, electron cyclotron system, pellet fueling system, vacuum system, tritium processing system, and conventional systems. Outside the project, the U .S. is engaged in preparations for the test blanket module program. Organizational activities focus on preparations of the project management arrangements to maximize the overall success of the ITER Project; elements include refinement of U.S. directions on the international arrangements, the establishment of the U.S. Domestic Agency, progress along the path of the U.S. Department of Energy's Project Management Order, and overall preparations for commencement of the fabrication of major items of equipment and for provision of staff and cash as specified in the upcoming ITER agreement

  17. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 8, no. 11

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA Newsletter contains summary reports on the eleventh meeting of the ITER diagnostic expert group in Cadarache, France, on the ITER JCT presentation at the international conference on fusion reactor materials in Colorado Springs, USA and on the seventh workshop on plasma edge theory in fusion devices in Tajimi, Japan. Individual abstracts are prepared for the three contributions

  18. US power outage won't dim ITER

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lawler, A.


    The $8 billion International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is moving ahead, without definite support of the USA. However, still undecided are where it will be built and how much each partner will pay. This article discusses the international political aspects of building the ITER, with a particular emphasis on the Japanese approach to landing the ITER. Also discussed are possible cost-saving solutions

  19. Synthesis copolymer use to reduce pour point temperature of diamond crude oil (United States)

    Than, Dao Viet; Chuong, Thai Hong; Tuy, Dao Quoc


    Diamond oil field is located in Block 01&02 Offshore Vietnam. Crude oil from Diamond Well Head Platform (WHP) is evacuated to FPSO via 20km 10" subsea flexible pipeline. The lowest seabed temperature in the field is 22°C, while the pour point temperature (PPT) of Diamond crude oil is very high (36°C) due to high paraffin content (25%). So studying to research a suitable Pour Point Depressant (PPD) for the crude oil is very important. The PPD must have ability to reduce pour point temperature of crude oil from 36°C to 21°C.

  20. : tous les projets | Page 37 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: MOTIVATION. Région: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay. Programme: Employment and Growth. Financement total : CA$ 858,000.00. Accroître les possibilités pour les jeunes vulnérables : entendre leur voix pour éclairer les politiques. Projet. Ce projet s'attaquera au défi du chômage chez les ...

  1. Résultats de recherche | Page 3 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Une plateforme pour la mise au point d'un vaccin anti-adénovirus non réplicatif contre les maladies aviaires. La volaille constitue un élevage essentiel en Afrique subsaharienne, surtout pour la sécurité alimentaire et l'indépendance économique des jeunes et des femmes vivant en milieu rural. Date de publication.

  2. Évaluation organisationnelle : Cadre pour l'amélioration de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le présent ouvrage propose une méthodologie simple pour diagnostiquer les forces et les faiblesses institutionnelles lorsque l'on se lance dans des activités de développement. Les bénéficiaires peuvent ainsi satisfaire les gouvernements et les organismes donateurs qui font de plus en plus pression pour que le ...

  3. Résultats de recherche | Page 8 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Initiative régionale pour la lutte contre le tabac en Afrique - coordination des efforts avec ceux d'organismes africains. Financée par le CRDI et la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates, l'initiative Analyses situationnelles de la lutte antitabac en Afrique (ASTA) a pour objectif de permettre de comprendre les facteurs déterminants ...

  4. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 25, August-September-October 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER ITA (ITER transitional arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about two ITER related meetings including the tenth ITER Negotiations and related meetings held in the period 7-12 September 2005 at Cadarache, France, the ITER Divertor meeting, which was held in Genova, Italy on 26-28 October 2005, and information about the forty-ninth regular session of IAEA General Conference and eighth Scientific Forum, 26-30 September 2005, Vienna, Austria

  5. Concatenated coding system with iterated sequential inner decoding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Ole Riis; Paaske, Erik


    We describe a concatenated coding system with iterated sequential inner decoding. The system uses convolutional codes of very long constraint length and operates on iterations between an inner Fano decoder and an outer Reed-Solomon decoder......We describe a concatenated coding system with iterated sequential inner decoding. The system uses convolutional codes of very long constraint length and operates on iterations between an inner Fano decoder and an outer Reed-Solomon decoder...

  6. Wall conditioning for ITER: Current experimental and modeling activities

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Douai, D., E-mail: [CEA, IRFM, Association Euratom-CEA, 13108 St. Paul lez Durance (France); Kogut, D. [CEA, IRFM, Association Euratom-CEA, 13108 St. Paul lez Durance (France); Wauters, T. [LPP-ERM/KMS, Association Belgian State, 1000 Brussels (Belgium); Brezinsek, S. [FZJ, Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung Plasmaphysik, 52441 Jülich (Germany); Hagelaar, G.J.M. [Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie, UMR5213, Toulouse (France); Hong, S.H. [National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon 305-806 (Korea, Republic of); Lomas, P.J. [CCFE, Culham Science Centre, OX14 3DB Abingdon (United Kingdom); Lyssoivan, A. [LPP-ERM/KMS, Association Belgian State, 1000 Brussels (Belgium); Nunes, I. [Associação EURATOM-IST, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal); Pitts, R.A. [ITER International Organization, F-13067 St. Paul lez Durance (France); Rohde, V. [Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 85748 Garching (Germany); Vries, P.C. de [ITER International Organization, F-13067 St. Paul lez Durance (France)


    Wall conditioning will be required in ITER to control fuel and impurity recycling, as well as tritium (T) inventory. Analysis of conditioning cycle on the JET, with its ITER-Like Wall is presented, evidencing reduced need for wall cleaning in ITER compared to JET–CFC. Using a novel 2D multi-fluid model, current density during Glow Discharge Conditioning (GDC) on the in-vessel plasma-facing components (PFC) of ITER is predicted to approach the simple expectation of total anode current divided by wall surface area. Baking of the divertor to 350 °C should desorb the majority of the co-deposited T. ITER foresees the use of low temperature plasma based techniques compatible with the permanent toroidal magnetic field, such as Ion (ICWC) or Electron Cyclotron Wall Conditioning (ECWC), for tritium removal between ITER plasma pulses. Extrapolation of JET ICWC results to ITER indicates removal comparable to estimated T-retention in nominal ITER D:T shots, whereas GDC may be unattractive for that purpose.

  7. Geometric interpretation of optimal iteration strategies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, R.B.


    The relationship between inner and outer iteration errors is extremely complex, and even formal description of total error behavior is difficult. Inner and outer iteration error propagation is analyzed in a variational formalism for a reactor model describing multidimensional, one-group theory. In a generalization the work of Akimov and Sabek, the number of inner iterations performed during each outer serial that minimizes the total computation time is determined. The generalized analysis admits a geometric interpretation of total error behavior. The results can be applied to both transport and diffusion theory computer methods. 1 figure

  8. ITER on display at Yokohama, Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Green, B.


    During the 17th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, held in Yokohama, Japan, from 19-24 October 1998, the ITER Project exhibited a display, primarily of the research and development which has taken place to support the design of ITER

  9. ITER ITA newsletter. No. 24, July 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of ITER ITA (ITER transitional Arrangements) newsletter contains concise information about the Ministerial Meeting on the ITER site selection (MMI-2) took place in Moscow, Russian Federation, on 28 June 2005. About one hundred participants from the Parties to the ITER Negotiations and the IAEA attended at the Meeting. Mr. A.Yu. Rumyantsev, Director of Rosatom, welcomed the participants and pointed out that the goal of the meeting was to resolve the most difficult issue: to select the site for implementation of the ITER project. Once this decision had been taken, one could expect a swift and successful accomplishment of negotiations and beginning of work on the ITER constriction. Mr. A. Yu. Rumyantsev, Director of Rosatom, welcomed the participants and pointed out that the goal of the meeting was to resolve the most difficult issue: to select the site for implementation of the ITER project. Once this decision had been taken, one could expect a swift and successful accomplishment of negotiations and beginning of work on the ITER construction. Mr. Rumyantsev invited the Heads of Delegations of Japan, the European Union, the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and the United States of America to express the positions of their Parties on the choice of a site. Mr. N. Nakayama, Japanese Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, recognized that three years had passed since the start of Negotiations on the site issue and that a consensus on the roles of the Host Party and the Non-Host Party had been reached. It was therefore not desirable that both Japan and the EU still advocate their own sites and allow the Negotiations to continue with no prospect of coming to a conclusion. So, considering that the ITER project should be started as soon as possible for the future benefit of humankind, that the six-Party-framework for implementing the ITER project should not be broken, that the ITER project starting smoothly will be a major

  10. Fourteenth meeting of the ITER management advisory committee

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshikawa, M.


    Following the Director's report on the progress made in the ITER Engineering Design Activities, the ITER Management Advisory Committee reviewed the Task Status Summary, Work Program and Task Agreements for EDA Extension, Joint Fund and a schedule of ITER meetings

  11. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 7, no. 9

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Newsletter containing the two articles 'Parties working on continuation of ITER EDA' and 'ITER exhibit at the Austria Centre, Vienna'. The first article describes efforts of the 4 ITER partners, the European Atomic Energy Community and the governments of Japan, the Russian Federation and the USA, to agree to continuation of the ITER EDA. While the former 3 partners signed an Extension to the EDA, the Americans were refused funding by the US Congress und will therefore be phased out within one year. Copies of the documents signed are provided. The second article reports on exhibition featuring a model of ITER and various other means of information on nuclear fusion which took place at the IAEA Headquarters from the 21st to 25th of September 1998. There is also an article in memoriam of Alexander V. Kashirski, who died on the 29th of September 1998

  12. Pouring and running a protein gel by reusing commercial cassettes. (United States)

    Hwang, Alexander C; Grey, Paris H; Cuddy, Katrina; Oppenheimer, David G


    The evaluation of proteins using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis is a common technique used by biochemistry and molecular biology researchers. For laboratories that perform daily analyses of proteins, the cost of commercially available polyacrylamide gels (~$10/gel) can be considerable over time. To mitigate this cost, some researchers prepare their own polyacrylamide gels. Traditional methods of pouring these gels typically utilize specialized equipment and glass gel plates that can be expensive and preclude pouring many gels and storing them for future use. Furthermore, handling of glass plates during cleaning or gel pouring can result in accidental breakage creating a safety hazard, which may preclude their use in undergraduate laboratory classes. Our protocol demonstrates how to pour multiple protein gels simultaneously by recycling Invitrogen Nupage Novex minigel cassettes, and inexpensive materials purchased at a home improvement store. This economical and streamlined method includes a way to store the gels at 4°C for a few weeks. By re-using the plastic gel cassettes from commercially available gels, labs that run frequent protein gels can save significant costs and help the environment. In addition, plastic gel cassettes are extremely resistant to breakage, which makes them ideal for undergraduate laboratory classrooms.

  13. Approche multivalente pour l'amélioration des vaccins inactivés ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    utilisation des terres que le bétail; ils sont donc une source importante de sécurité alimentaire et économique pour ... Une plateforme pour la mise au point d'un vaccin anti-adénovirus non réplicatif contre les maladies aviaires.

  14. ITER technical meeting on nuclear analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khripunov, V.


    The ITER technical meeting on nuclear analysis was organized on 24-25 February 2000 at the ITER Joint Work Site in Garching. It was clear from the meeting that continuous nuclear analysis is a fundamental part of the design process

  15. Influence of delayed pouring on irreversible hydrocolloid properties

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stéfani Becker Rodrigues


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical properties of irreversible hydrocolloid materials poured immediately and after different storage periods. Four alginates were tested: Color Change (Cavex; Hydrogum (Zhermack; Hydrogum 5 (Zhermack; and Hydro Print Premium (Coltene. Their physical properties, including the recovery from deformation (n = 3, compressive strength (n = 3, and detail reproduction and gypsum compatibility (n = 3, were analyzed according to ANSI/ADA specification no. 18. Specimens were stored at 23ºC and humidity and were then poured with gypsum immediately and after 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 days. The data were analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA and Tukey's test at p < 0.05. All of the alginate impression materials tested exhibited detail reproduction and gypsum compatibility at all times. Hydro Print Premium and Hydrogum 5 showed recovery from deformation, as established by ANSI/ADA specification no. 18, after 5 days of storage. As the storage time increased, the compressive strength values also increased. Considering the properties of compounds' recovery from deformation, compressive strength, and detail reproduction and gypsum compatibility, irreversible hydrocolloids should be poured immediately.

  16. ITER EDA Newsletter. V. 4, no. 4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter reports on (i) the Second Meeting of the ITER Physics Expert Group on Diagnostics held at the Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka, Japan, on February 8-10, 1995; and (ii) a summary of the Second Workshop of the Confinement Modelling and Database Expert Group, held at the ITER San Diego Work Site, March 13-15, 1995

  17. ITER EDA Newsletter. V. 3, no. 7

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter issue reports on the sixth meeting on the ITER management advisory committee (MAC-6); on the sixth meeting of the ITER technical advisory committee (TAC-6); a summary of a magnet technical meeting, held at Naka, Japan, June 27-30 1994 is also included. It finally contains an in memoriam on the passing away of Dr. A.I. Kostenko

  18. ITER EDA newsletter. V. 2, no. 10

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This issue of the ITER EDA (Engineering Design Activities) Newsletter contains progress reports on the Fourth ITER Council Meeting in San Diego, 29 September - 1 October 1993, on the Third Meeting of the ITER Management Advisory Committee (MAC) in Naka, Japan, 16-17 September 1993, and on the flag raising ceremony at the US hosted joint work site in San Diego, California, 1 October 1993

  19. ITER interim design report package and relevant documents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This publication documents the technical basis which underlay the Interim Design Report, Cost Review and Safety Analysis submitted to the ITER Councils (IC-8 and IC-9) Records of decisions and the ''ITER Interim Design Report Package''. This publication contains ITER Site Requirements and ITER Site Design Assumptions, TAC-8 Report, SRG Report, CP's Report on Tentative Sequence of Events and Parties' Views on the IDR Package and Parties' Technical Comments on the IDR Package. Figs, tabs

  20. Mission of ITER and Challenges for the Young

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikeda, Kaname


    It is recognized that the ongoing effort to provide sufficient energy for the wellbeing of the globe's population and to power the world economy is of the greatest importance. ITER is a joint international research and development project that aims to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion power. It represents the responsible actions of governments whose countries comprise over half the world's population, to create fusion power as a source of clean, economic, carbon dioxide-free energy. This is the most important science initiative of our time.The partners in the Project--the ITER Parties--are the European Union, Japan, the People's Republic of China, India, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the USA. ITER will be constructed in Europe, at Cadarache in the South of France. The talk will illustrate the genesis of the ITER Organization, the ongoing work at the Cadarache site and the planned schedule for construction. There will also be an explanation of the unique aspects of international collaboration that have been developed for ITER.Although the present focus of the project is construction activities, ITER is also a major scientific and technological research program, for which the best of the world's intellectual resources is needed. Challenges for the young, imperative for fulfillment of the objective of ITER will be identified. It is important that young students and researchers worldwide recognize the rapid development of the project, and the fundamental issues that must be overcome in ITER.The talk will also cover the exciting career and fellowship opportunities for young people at the ITER Organization.