
Sample records for internados con neutropenia

  1. Factores de mal pronóstico en pacientes internados con Neutropenia al inicio del episodio febril Prognostic risk factors for serious complications in an inpatient population with neutropenia at the onset of a febrile episode

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    Carlos Gómez Roca


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con neutropenia y fiebre constituyen una población heterogénea con riesgo variable para el desarrollo de complicaciones serias y mortalidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar factores que, presentes al ingreso, estuvieran asociados a mayor riesgo de complicaciones graves en pacientes que se internan por neutropenia y fiebre. Se trata de un estudio de seguimiento de una cohorte de 238 episodios de neutropenia y fiebre (neutrófilos 38.3 °C en 167 pacientes internados en sala general en nuestra institución desde 1997 a 2004. Ochenta y dos por ciento de los pacientes tenían enfermedad hematológica, 14% tumores sólidos y 4% no asociados a quimioterapia. Se registraron 67 eventos adversos (46% de insuficiencia renal, 27% de hipotensión refractaria, 15% de insuficiencia respiratoria y 12% con sangrado mayor. Se hallaron diferencias significativas en presencia de comorbilidades previas, temperatura mayor a 39 °C, frecuencia cardíaca mayor a 120 latidos por minuto, frecuencia respiratoria mayor a 24 por minuto, tensión arterial sistólica menor a 90 mm Hg, presencia de 3 o más valores de laboratorio alterados al ingreso, presencia de foco clínico y hemocultivos positivos. En el análisis multivariado de regresión logística mantuvieron asociación independiente con mayor riesgo de eventos graves: hipotensión arterial sistólica (OR=7, pPatients with neutropenia and fever conform a heterogeneous population with a variable risk of serious complications and mortality. The goal of this study was to identify prognostic risk factors present at the beginning of the episode, for adverse events and serious complications in patients admitted in a general ward with fever and neutropenia. A cohort of 238 episodes with neutropenia and fever (neutrophils 38.3 °C in 167 patients admitted to our general hospital between 1997 and 2004 was followed. Eighty two percent of the patients had hematologic malignancies, 14% solid tumors

  2. Tratamiento ambulatorio del paciente con neutropenia febril Outpatient therapy in patients with febrile neutropenia

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    Andrés Londoño Gallo


    Full Text Available

    El tratamiento de los pacientes con neoplasia y neutropenia febril plantea muchas dudas. Una de ellas, que genera ansiedad en el personal de la salud, el paciente y sus familiares, es la necesidad de hospitalización porque ésta implica exponer a gérmenes intrahospitalarios potencialmente resistentes a un paciente cuyo sistema inmune puede no estar en las mejores condiciones; incluso con un aislamiento óptimo existe el riesgo de adquirir una infección nosocomial. Muchos estudios han tratado de validar métodos para clasificar a los pacientes con fiebre y neutropenia en grupos de diferente riesgo, como fundamento para implementar estrategias de tratamiento selectivo; así se ha abierto la posibilidad de utilizar medidas más conservadoras para el tratamiento de los episodios de bajo riesgo, entre ellas la administración de regímenes orales ambulatorios de antibióticos de amplio espectro; ello sin demeritar la necesidad de aplicar un juicio clínico adecuado, hacer un buen seguimiento y tener acceso a la atención médica inmediata. La neutropenia es una de las consecuencias graves de la quimioterapia para el cáncer, y se ha demostrado que el tratamiento del paciente neutropénico febril con antibióticos intravenosos reduce la mortalidad. La terapia oral podría ser una alternativa aceptable para pacientes bien seleccionados. Ella puede mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con cáncer, evitar las complicaciones asociadas con la terapia intravenosa y disminuir los costos del tratamiento.

    Treatment of patients with neoplasia and febrile neutropenia, as a consequence of chemotherapy, poses many doubts, among them the need for hospitalization, since this implies exposure to potentially resistant nosocomial microorganisms. Even under the best isolation techniques, there may

  3. Bacteriemia en pacientes internados con celulitis

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    Juan S. Lasa


    Full Text Available La celulitis es una inflamación aguda de la dermis y tejido celular subcutáneo de causa bacteriana, que generalmente complica a heridas, úlceras y dermatosis, aunque de manera frecuente no existe sitio de entrada. Se recomienda la realización de cultivo de punción de piel y partes blandas (PPB. Los hemocultivos raramente dan resultados positivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de bacteriemia en pacientes internados en nuestra institución con diagnóstico de celulitis. Se analizaron retrospectivamente los registros clínicos de los pacientes con este diagnóstico al ingreso entre junio de 2007 y marzo de 2010. Se evaluaron los datos poblacionales, presencia de comorbilidades, y resultados de los cultivos. En ese período, se internaron 140 pacientes con diagnóstico de celulitis y a todos ellos se les realizó hemocultivo y cultivos de PPB. Setenta y cuatro eran varones (52.8%. La edad promedio: 47.5 ± 19.7 años (rango 16-94. El 40% tuvo cultivos positivos de PPB, en los que el Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente (SAMR fue el germen más frecuentemente aislado (35.7%; la prevalencia de bacteriemia fue del 8.6%, en donde el germen más frecuente fue Streptoccocus Beta hemolítico, grupo G (33% del total de hemocultivos positivos. La bacteriemia se asoció significativamente a mayor estadía hospitalaria (10.5 ± 8.9 vs. 4.9 ± 6, p = 0.004. Se asoció con mayor riesgo de hemocultivo positivo a ser diabético, tener cultivo de PPB positivo, consumo de alcohol y/o enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.

  4. Nota editorial: la medalla del internado

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Discursos pronunciados por el Profesor jefe José del Carmen Acosta y el estudiante Eduardo J. Rivera, con motivo de la entrega de la Medalla del Internado, correspondiente al año de 1939.

  5. Tratamiento antibiótico oral versus intravenosopara la neutropenia febril en pacientes con cáncer

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    Conclusiones de los autores: Según los datos actuales, el tratamiento oral es una opción aceptable al tratamiento con antibióticos intravenosos en los pacientes con cáncer con neutropenia febril (se excluye a los pacientes con leucemia aguda hemodinámicamente estables, sin insuficiencia orgánica y sin neumonía, infección de una vía central o infección grave de partes blandas. El IC amplio en la mortalidad permite el uso actual del tratamiento oral en grupos de pacientes con bajo riesgo de mortalidad esperado y los estudios de investigación adicionales deben tener como objetivo aclarar la definición de pacientes con bajo riesgo.

  6. Tromboprofilaxis en pacientes no quirúrgicos internados en un hospital general

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    Marcelo J. Melero


    Full Text Available Los pacientes adultos internados por una enfermedad no quirúrgica tienen un riesgo alto de padecer una tromboembolia venosa y pueden desarrollar alguna forma de esta enfermedad cuando no reciben un tratamiento preventivo adecuado. Los objetivos de este estudio prospectivo, analítico, observacional y transversal, fueron: 1 determinar cuál es el porcentaje de pacientes adultos internados por una enfermedad aguda no quirúrgica en el Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, que tienen indicación de tromboprofilaxis, 2 establecer cuántos de ellos reciben un tratamiento preventivo para la tromboembolia venosa, y 3 comprobar cuántos estaban medicados con alguna forma de tromboprofilaxis sin tener causas que justificaran este tratamiento. Se estudiaron 93 pacientes durante un lapso de 72 horas consecutivas. Se encontró que el 90.3% de ellos necesitaba un tratamiento preventivo para la tromboembolia venosa y el 76.2% de estos enfermos recibían tromboprofilaxis farmacológica. Un 33.3% de los pacientes internados tenía indicado un tratamiento farmacológico preventivo sin tener una causa que justificara esta prescripción. El porcentaje encontrado de pacientes tratados con tromboprofilaxis es más alto que el comunicado en otros estudios observacionales.

  7. Farmacocinética y farmacodinamia de antimicrobianos: a propósito de pacientes con neutropenia y fiebre


    Garzón, Javier R; Cuervo M, Sonia; Gómez R, Julio; Cortés, Jorge A


    La neutropenia febril es una complicación grave de la terapia antineoplásica que se presenta más frecuentemente en pacientes con neoplasias hematológicas, asociada a tasas elevadas de mortalidad. Uno de los factores descritos como causa de fracasos terapéuticos de la terapia antimicrobiana es la inadecuada concentración tisular de los antimicrobianos que a su vez se correlaciona con bajas concentraciones en el líquido intersticial en el caso de los fármacos hidrofílicos. En pacientes críticam...

  8. Aparición de episodios de neutropenia febril tras la quimioterapia citostática en el paciente oncológico Appearance of febrile neutropenia episodes after cytostatic therapy on Oncology patients

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    Leonardo Lami Casaus


    Full Text Available El tratamiento con drogas citotóxicas en el paciente oncológico, tiene como toxicidad limitante de dosis más común la neutropenia y sus complicaciones infecciosas. Su aparición provoca retrasos y reducción de dosis en los ciclos posteriores de quimioterapia, así como deterioro en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. El colectivo de Medicina Oncológica, que incluye el Servicio de Farmacia, decidió realizar un estudio, con el objetivo de analizar la aparición de neutropenia febril tras la administración de la terapia citotóxica y la presencia de otros factores que pueden incrementar el riesgo de estas reacciones. Se estudiaron los 42 pacientes que ingresaron con neutropenia febril tras el tratamiento citotóxico en el periodo comprendido entre febrero y agosto del 2007. Se recogieron variables biomédicas del grupo de pacientes incluidos y se analizó el tratamiento citostático empleado previamente. El grupo de edad que prevaleció fue el de los pacientes mayores de 50 años, con un predomino del sexo masculino y los estadios avanzados con afecciones asociadas. Las localizaciones tumorales más frecuentes radicaron en mama, pulmón y linfoma no Hodgkin. El citostático más señalado en casos de neutropenia febril resultó la adriamicina con un 71,4 %, seguido de la ciclofosfamida con 52,4 %. Los factores que más se asociaron con la aparición de neutropenia febril fueron: quimioterapia con antraciclinas, la edad mayor de 50 años, estadios avanzados y presencia de enfermedades asociadas.Treatment of oncology patient using cytotoxic drugs has the neutropenia and its infectious complications as the commonest dose-limiting toxicity. Its appearance provokes dose delays and reduction during post-chemotherapy cycles, as well as the quality of life deterioration of patients. Oncology Medicine Group including the Pharmacy Service carried out a study to analyze the appearance of febrile neutropenia after cytotoxic therapy administration, and

  9. Aplicación de un modelo pronóstico para predecir la evolución de la neutropenia febril en niños con leucemias agudas A new model applied in prediction of febrile neutropenia in children with acute leukemias

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    Alberto Arencibia Núñez


    Full Text Available Se realizó estudio analítico retrospectivo de casos controles en 62 episodios de neutropenia febril presentados por pacientes con hemopatías malignas admitidos en el Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología durante los años 2005 y 2006. Los episodios de neutropenia febril se dividieron en 2 grupos a partir de su evolución favorable (56 % o desfavorable (44 % y se compilaron los parámetros clínicos y de laboratorio en ambos grupos. Los factores que mayor asociación mostraron con la evolución desfavorable fueron la presencia de comorbilidad (sepsis, deshidratación, hipoxia, hipovolemia, mucositis severa, el diagnóstico de leucemia aguda no linfoblástica, el uso de quimioterapia en los 7 días previos al inicio de la fiebre, el compromiso del estado general, y el conteo absoluto de neutrófilos menor de 100 x mm³. Los pacientes con neutropenia febril de evolución desfavorable presentaron entre 3 y 5 factores de riesgo, mientras que los de evolución satisfactoria tuvieron menos de 2 factores de mal pronóstico. El valor predictivo positivo del modelo pronóstico fue del 91,4 % y el negativo del 92,6 %, con una sensibilidad y especificidad del 94,1 % y 89,3 %, respectivamente.A retrospective and analytical control cases study was carried out in 62 episodes of febrile neutropenia present in patients with malignant blood disease admitted in Hematology and Immunology Institute during 2005 and 2006. Above episodes were divided in 2 groups from its favorable course (56% or unfavorable (44% as well as the laboratory and clinical parameters compiled in both groups. Factors with higher association related to unfavorable course were the comorbidities presence (sepsis, dehydration, hypoxia, hypovolemia and severe mucositis, diagnosis of non-lymphoblastic, use of chemotherapy during the 7 previous days to fever onset, general status involvement, and the neutrophil absolute count lower than 100 x mm³. Patients presenting with a unfavorable course

  10. O doente mental crônico internado: uma revisão da literatura El enfermo mental crónico internado: una revisión de la literatura The chronic mentally ill patient: a literature review

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    Zeyne Alves Pires Scherer


    Full Text Available Abordagens alternativas no manejo da doença mental têm surgido no mundo inteiro com ênfase nos modelos extra-hospitalares, comunitários. Pouco se fala das pessoas cronicamente internadas. O objetivo da presente revisão da literatura foi levantar o que os estudiosos têm proposto na última década no que se refere ao trabalho com doentes mentais crônicos internados. Os artigos e textos encontrados foram divididos nos tópicos: características dos doentes crônicos internados, opinião destes sobre a internação e sugestões para melhorar a prática. Como conclusão, os autores propõem uma melhor avaliação com estudos sérios sobre esta clientela, a realidade que a cerca e as possibilidades de intervenção.Abordajes alternativos en el manejo de la enfermedad mental han surgido en el mundo entero con énfasis en los modelos extra-hospitalarios, comunitarios. Poco se habla de las personas crónicamente internadas. El objetivo de la presente revisión de la literatura fue levantar lo que los estudiosos han propuesto en la última década acerca del trabajo con enfermos mentales crónicos internados. Los artículos y textos encontrados fueron divididos en los tópicos: características de los enfermos crónicos internados, opinión de los mismos sobre la internación y sugerencias para mejorar la práctica. Como conclusión, los autores proponen una mejor evaluación con estudios serios sobre esta clientela, la realidad que la circunda y las posibilidades de intervención.Alternative approaches to manage mental illness have arisen all over the world with emphasis on outpatient community models. Little is said about chronically hospitalized patients. The purpose of this literature review was to access what researchers have proposed in the past decade concerning the work with chronic mentally ill inpatients. The articles found were divided in topics: characteristics of chronic mentally ill inpatients, their opinion about hospitalization and

  11. Síndrome de Burnout en estudiantes de internado del Hospital Universidad del Norte

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    Mariela Borda Pérez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Establecer el comportamiento y los factores de riesgo asociados al Síndrome de Burnout (SB en estudiantes de último año de medicina en en el internado rotatorio I y II, en el Hospital Universidad del Norte en el 2006. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de la población de 55 estudiantes de último año en internado rotatorio I y II de ambos sexos. Se empleó encuesta autodiligenciada anónima sobre características sociodemográficas, laborales y la escala de Maslach. Se procesaron y presentaron los datos utilizando SPSS. Se efectuó análisis univariado y bivariado para establecer tendencia a la asociación entre la variable dependiente SB y las independientes mediante Chi cuadrado y valor de p <0.05. Resultados: La prevalencia global del SB es de 9.1%; la distribución según dimensiones del SB es: agotamiento emocional: 41.8%, despersonalización: 30.9%, realización personal baja: 12.7%. Se encontró significancia estadística entre SB y relaciones con el equipo de trabajo; asimismo, hubo relación de esta variable con el grado de agotamiento emocional y de realización personal y entre la presencia de hijos y el grado de agotamiento emocional. Conclusiones: El SB es bajo en los internos. Se encontró tendencia a la asociación entre las relaciones con el equipo de trabajo y los grados de agotamiento emocional y de realización personal.

  12. Bioseguridad durante el Internado de Medicina en Hospitales de Trujillo - La Libertad 2010: a propósito de la muerte de un estudiante de medicina


    Galán-Rodas, Edén; Díaz-Vélez, Cristian; Maguiña Várgas, Ciro; Villena Vizcarra, Juan


    Objetivo: Conocer las características de bioseguridad en el internado de Medicina de Trujillo - La Libertad, 2010. Material y método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, en una muestra de 80 internos de medicina de Hospitales de Trujillo, La Libertad durante los meses de julio - agosto 2010, utilizando como instrumento autoaplicable la encuesta del estudio "Características del Internado de Medicina en el Perú, 2010". Se realizó estadística descriptiva con frecuencias absolutas y r...

  13. Bacteriemia en pacientes internados con celulitis Bacteremia in patients hospitalized with cellulitis

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    Juan S. Lasa


    Full Text Available La celulitis es una inflamación aguda de la dermis y tejido celular subcutáneo de causa bacteriana, que generalmente complica a heridas, úlceras y dermatosis, aunque de manera frecuente no existe sitio de entrada. Se recomienda la realización de cultivo de punción de piel y partes blandas (PPB. Los hemocultivos raramente dan resultados positivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de bacteriemia en pacientes internados en nuestra institución con diagnóstico de celulitis. Se analizaron retrospectivamente los registros clínicos de los pacientes con este diagnóstico al ingreso entre junio de 2007 y marzo de 2010. Se evaluaron los datos poblacionales, presencia de comorbilidades, y resultados de los cultivos. En ese período, se internaron 140 pacientes con diagnóstico de celulitis y a todos ellos se les realizó hemocultivo y cultivos de PPB. Setenta y cuatro eran varones (52.8%. La edad promedio: 47.5 ± 19.7 años (rango 16-94. El 40% tuvo cultivos positivos de PPB, en los que el Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente (SAMR fue el germen más frecuentemente aislado (35.7%; la prevalencia de bacteriemia fue del 8.6%, en donde el germen más frecuente fue Streptoccocus Beta hemolítico, grupo G (33% del total de hemocultivos positivos. La bacteriemia se asoció significativamente a mayor estadía hospitalaria (10.5 ± 8.9 vs. 4.9 ± 6, p = 0.004. Se asoció con mayor riesgo de hemocultivo positivo a ser diabético, tener cultivo de PPB positivo, consumo de alcohol y/o enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica.Cellulitis is an acute inflammation of dermis and subcutaneous tissue, usually complicating wounds, ulcers, or dermatosis. Even though in these cases it is recommended to perform culture from skin and soft tissue samples, the utility of blood cultures remains controversial due to the low frequency of positive results. Here we report the prevalence of bacteremia in patients with cellulitis admitted in our

  14. Efficacy and safety of ior® LeukoCIM (G-CSF in patients with neutropenia after chemotherapy Eficacia y seguridad del ior® LeukoCIM (FEC-G en pacientes con neutropenia posquimioterapia

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    Leslie Pérez Ruiz


    efectivos contra los riesgos potenciales de infección. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la efectividad y seguridad del LeukoCIM® (CIMAB, La Habana. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, observacional con los datos de los pacientes incluidos en el ensayo clínico fase IV abierto, no aleatorizado y multicéntrico. Estos pacientes provenían del Hospital Gustavo Aldereguía Lima y se evaluaron durante un año. Se analizaron los datos demográficos, clínicos y de seguridad. Como profilaxis el fármaco fue administrado de 24-72 h después de la última dosis de quimioterapia y como tratamiento cuando la neutropenia había sido diagnosticada. En ambos casos la dosis única diaria fue de 300 µg por vía subcutánea. La administración del próximo ciclo de quimioterapia en tiempo resultó la variable principal de respuesta y la seguridad del producto se evaluó midiendo los eventos adversos. Se incluyeron 47 pacientes con 95 episodios neutropénicos. El 82,1 % de episodios recibió su próximo ciclo de quimioterapia en tiempo. Los eventos adversos más frecuentes fueron: dolor óseo y fiebre (11,22 % respectivamente, hiperuricemia (9,2 %, leucocitosis y neutrofilia (7,1 % e incremento de LDH (6, 1%. LeukoCIM® resultó efectivo, pues aceleró la recuperación del número de neutrófilos, disminuyó la incidencia de neutropenia febril y permitió administrar las dosis de quimioterapia en tiempo según el protocolo. También se consideró seguro en la serie estudiada, pues solo reportó eventos adversos conocidos.

  15. Is the addition of aminoglycosides to beta-lactams in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia needed?

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    Valeria Contreras


    Full Text Available En pacientes con cáncer que se presentan con neutropenia febril existe controversia sobre si es mejor utilizar una combinación de antibióticos betalactámicos y aminoglicósidos o si bastaría la monoterapia con betalactámicos de amplio espectro como tratamiento empírico inicial. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en 30 bases de datos, identificamos tres revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen 14 estudios aleatorizados pertinentes a esta pregunta. Realizamos un metanálisis y tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que adicionar aminoglicósidos a los betalactámicos en el tratamiento de la neutropenia febril en pacientes con cáncer aumenta la nefrotoxicidad y podría aumentar la mortalidad en comparación con la monoterapia con betalactámicos.

  16. Evaluación de la satisfacción alimentaria de pacientes internados


    Avalos, Melina


    La presente investigación intenta evaluar el grado de satisfacción alimentaria de pacientes internados en una clínica privada de Villa Gesell. Determinar el grado de aceptación de las preparaciones y el grado de satisfacción en los pacientes internados

  17. Candidiasis hepatoesplénica en un paciente con leucemia mieloide aguda Hepatosplenic candidiasis in acute myeloid leukemia

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    A. Larregina


    Full Text Available La candidiasis diseminada crónica, principalmente en su variedad hepatoesplénica, es una de las formas clínicas más características de infección invasora por Candida en pacientes hematológicos. Se presenta el caso clínico de un varón de 31 años, con leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA M2, internado en el Servicio de Clínica Médica del hospital, que luego del tratamiento quimioterápico de inducción y consolidación presentó neutropenia febril leve. La candidiasis hepatoesplénica fue diagnosticada por tomografía axial computada (TAC y biopsia hepática. El enfermo fue tratado con anfotericina B, seguida de la forma liposomal hasta completar los 4 g. Se le dió el alta en espera de transplante de médula ósea. En este paciente se demostró que la sospecha temprana de candidiasis hepatoesplénica ayudó en la elección de un método de diagnóstico precoz y a su correcto tratamiento.Chronic diseminated candidiasis - mainly its hepatosplenic form- is one of the most characteristic invasive infection due to Candida in haematological patients. A case is presented of a 31 year old man admitted to the Clinical Department with acute mieloid leukosis M2, showing febrile neutropenia after induction and consolidation chemotherapy. Hepatoesplenic candidiasis was diagnosed and confirmed by computered axial tomography (CAT and hepatic biopsy; amphotericin B followed by liposome encapsuled amphotericin B up to complete a total dose of 4 g was used for treatment. The patient was discharged waiting for bone marrow transplantation. Early suspicion of hepatosplenic candidiasis helps to select a rapid diagnosis method and an effective treatment.

  18. La intervención grupal en pacientes adultos con retraso mental


    Avilés, Fabián


    La temática principal es plantear cómo se puede trabajar la subjetividad en pacientes adultos, con diferentes niveles de retraso mental, internados como pacientes crónicos en una institución hospitalaria. Se delimita el problema a partir de describir los imaginarios institucionales existentes en el hospital (el profesional y el de las personas que cuidan cotidianamente a los pacientes )y cómo dentro de estas dos formas de pensar a los internados no se contempla el trabajo de la subjetividad d...

  19. Neutropenia in the Newborn (United States)

    Maheshwari, Akhil


    PURPOSE OF REVIEW Review normal blood neutrophil concentrations and the clinical approach to neutropenia in the neonatal period. A literature search on neonatal neutropenia was performed using the databases PubMed, EMBASE, and Scopus and the electronic archive of abstracts presented at the annual meetings of the Pediatric Academic Societies. RECENT FINDINGS This review summarizes current knowledge on the causes of neutropenia in premature and critically-ill neonates, focusing on common causes such as maternal hypertension, neonatal sepsis, twin-twin transfusion, alloimmunization, and hemolytic disease. The article provides a rational approach to diagnosis and treatment of neonatal neutropenia, including current evidence on the role of recombinant hematopoietic growth factors. SUMMARY Neutrophil counts should be carefully evaluated in premature and critically-ill neonates. Although neutropenia is usually benign and runs a self-limited course in most neonates, it can be prolonged and constitute a serious deficiency in antimicrobial defense in some infants. PMID:24322487

  20. Neutropenia febril: convertir el bajo riesgo en cero riesgo To convert the low risk in zero risk in patients with febrile neutropenia

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    Alberto Arencibia Núñez


    Full Text Available La neutropenia febril constituye una de las principales causas de morbiletalidad en los pacientes con hemopatías malignas; sin embargo, la presentación clínica y evolución de esta complicación varía considerablemente de un paciente a otro. El primer modelo de estratificación de riesgo fue desarrollado por Talcot a partir de elementos clínicos y diferenciaba a los pacientes según el riesgo de presentar complicaciones letales. No obstante, cerca del 10 % de los pacientes catalogados como de bajo riesgo de complicaciones graves requieren tratamiento intrahospitalario. La determinación de algunos reactantes de fase aguda como la proteína C reactiva, las interleucinas 6 y 8 y la procalcitonina, aumentan notablemente la sensibilidad y especificidad de los modelos pronósticos. Las nuevas técnicas imagenológicas y de biología molecular facilitarán el diagnóstico precoz y certero de las infecciones en un futuro cercano. Sin embargo, es necesario desarrollar modelos pronósticos que combinen elementos clínicos y humorales adaptados a las condiciones epidemiológicas de cada centro, para optimizar el tratamiento diferenciado de los enfermos con neutropenia febril.Febrile neutropenia is one of the main causes of mortality in patients presenting with malignant hemopathic disorders; however the clinical and course presentation of this condition differ notably between patients. The first risk stratification model was developed by Talcot from clinical elements and differentiated the patients according the risk of lethal complications. However, around the 10% of patients classed as low risk of severe complications required intrahospital treatment. The determination of some acute phase reactants e.g. reactive C protein, 6 and 8 interleukins, and procalcitonin, increases remarkably the sensitivity and specificity of prognostic model. The new imaging techniques and of molecular biology allow an early and accurate diagnosis of infections in a near

  1. How I manage children with neutropenia. (United States)

    Dale, David C


    Neutropenia, usually defined as a blood neutrophil count <1·5 × 10 9 /l, is a common medical problem for children and adults. There are many causes for neutropenia, and at each stage in life the clinical pattern of causes and consequences differs significantly. I recommend utilizing the age of the child and clinical observations for the preliminary diagnosis and primary management. In premature infants, neutropenia is quite common and contributes to the risk of sepsis with necrotizing enterocolitis. At birth and for the first few months of life, neutropenia is often attributable to isoimmune or alloimmune mechanisms and predisposes to the risk of severe bacterial infections. Thereafter when a child is discovered to have neutropenia, often associated with relatively minor symptoms, it is usually attributed to autoimmune disorder or viral infection. The congenital neutropenia syndromes are usually recognized when there are recurrent infections, the neutropenia is severe and there are congenital anomalies suggesting a genetic disorder. This review focuses on the key clinical finding and laboratory tests for diagnosis with commentaries on treatment, particularly the use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor to treat childhood neutropenia. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibodies, Autoimmune Neutropenia, and Vasculitis (United States)

    Grayson, Peter C.; Sloan, J. Mark; Niles, John L.; Monach, Paul A.; Merkel, Peter A.


    Objectives Reports of an association between antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) and autoimmune neutropenia have rarely included cases of proven vasculitis. A case of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) with recurrent neutropenia is described and relevant literature on the association between ANCA, neutropenia, and vasculitis is reviewed. Methods Longitudinal clinical assessments and laboratory findings are described in a patient with AAV and recurrent episodes of profound neutropenia from December 2008 – October 2010. A PubMed database search of the medical literature was performed for papers published from 1960 through October 2010 to identify all reported cases of ANCA and neutropenia. Results A 49 year-old man developed recurrent neutropenia, periodic fevers, arthritis, biopsy-proven cutaneous vasculitis, sensorineural hearing loss, epididymitis, and positive tests for ANCA with specificity for antibodies to both proteinase 3 and myeloperoxidase. Antineutrophil membrane antibodies were detected during an acute neutropenic phase and were not detectable in a post-recovery sample, whereas ANCA titers did not seem to correlate with neutropenia. An association between ANCA and neutropenia has been reported in 74 cases from 24 studies in the context of drug/toxin exposure, underlying autoimmune disease, or chronic neutropenia without underlying autoimmune disease. In these cases, the presence of atypical ANCA patterns and other antibodies were common; however, vasculitis was uncommon and when it occurred was usually limited to the skin and in cases of underlying toxin exposure. Conclusions ANCA is associated with autoimmune neutropenia, but systemic vasculitis rarely occurs in association with ANCA and neutropenia. The interaction between neutrophils and ANCA may provide insight into understanding both autoimmune neutropenia and AAV. PMID:21507463

  3. Neutropenia Inmune - Aloinmune neonatal: IgG sérica reactiva y fenotipo específico de los neutrófilos evaluados por citometría de flujo Autoimmune-alloimmune neonatal neutropenia: Serum reactive IgG and neutrophil-specific phenotype detected by flow cytometry

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    Norma E. Riera


    Full Text Available La neutropenia inmune se diagnostica por la presencia de auto o aloanticuerpos reactivos con los neutrófilos. La neutropenia aloinmune neonatal es consecuencia de la sensibilización materna a los antígenos específicos de los neutrófilos paternos que afectan al neonato al atravesar la barrera placentaria. Se presentan 4 casos de niños, 2 de ellos hermanos consanguíneos con doble vínculo. Se estudiaron los sueros de los pacientes y sus padres. Por citometría de flujo se establecen los valores de referencia de la IgG sérica reactiva con los neutrófilos en voluntarios sanos, para 3 diluciones (1/2, 1/5 y 1/20 en reacción autóloga (suero y células de un mismo individuo y heteróloga (suero y células de diferentes individuos. Los resultados se expresan por un índice definido como el cociente entre la mediana de la intensidad de fluorescencia media del suero incógnita y la de un suero utilizado como referencia. Por leucoaglutinación se evaluó la dilución del suero 1/20. Se determinó el nivel de complejos inmunes circulantes. Se determinó el fenotipo, para los epitopes HNA-1a, HNA-1b y HNA-2a. En los 4 niños se encontró IgG reactiva y/o factores aglutinantes; 2/3 sueros maternos fueron reactivos con los neutrófilos del cónyuge y de los hijos. Los complejos inmunes circulantes fueron positivos en 2/4 sueros negativos en 3/3 sueros maternos. Se encontró incompatibilidad materno-infantil en los 4 casos. Las 3 madres tenían igual fenotipo: homocigotos NA1/NA1, NB1+. En síntesis, se presenta el hallazgo de 4 casos con neutropenia inmune: 3/4 auto-inmune, 1/3 se asocia a complejos inmunes circulantes y 1/4 con neutropenia neonatal aloinmune.Auto or alloantibodies reactive with neutrophils define immune neutropenia. Alloimmune neonatal neutropenia is caused by maternal sensitization to paternal neutrophil antigens, resulting in IgG antibodies that are transferred to the fetus through the placenta. We present the studies in 4

  4. Is the addition of aminoglycosides to beta-lactams in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia needed?


    Valeria Contreras; Sebastián Sepúlveda; Ana Heredia


    En pacientes con cáncer que se presentan con neutropenia febril existe controversia sobre si es mejor utilizar una combinación de antibióticos betalactámicos y aminoglicósidos o si bastaría la monoterapia con betalactámicos de amplio espectro como tratamiento empírico inicial. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en 30 bases de datos, identificamos tres revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen 14 estudios aleatorizados pertinentes a esta p...

  5. Triagem para o tratamento ambulatorial da neutropenia febril Screening for the outpatient treatment of febrile neutropenia

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    Marcelo Bellesso


    Full Text Available A neutropenia febril (NF é uma complicação frequente e potencialmente fatal nos pacientes em tratamento quimioterápico. Entendemos hoje que a neutropenia febril é considerada uma emergência clínica e que a administração de antibióticos de amplo espectro diminui drasticamente a mortalidade. Estudos sugerem que a neutropenia febril compreende um grupo extremamente heterogêneo e que dados clínicos como febre domiciliar, ausência de hipotensão, ausência de desidratação, ausência de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, ausência de outros sintomas, ausência de infecção fúngica prévia e idade Febrile neutropenia is a frequent and potentially fatal adverse event of chemotherapy. Nowadays, febrile neutropenia is considered an emergency and it is known that prompt infusion of antibiotics decreases mortality. Several studies demonstrated that febrile neutropenia is a heterogeneous group of diseases and that factors such as outpatient status, no hypotension, no dehydration, no chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, no symptoms, no previous fungal infection and age < 60 years are protective factors against serious complications as demonstrated by the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC. These data show that outpatient treatment and early discharge is safer and much research has shown lower costs for outpatient treatment in low-risk patients with febrile neutropenia. The aim of this work is to review and discuss tools (in particular the MASCC index for safe screening of febrile neutropenia for outpatient treatment in addition to demonstrate results of research.

  6. Necessidades de familiares de pacientes internados em unidade de cuidados intensivos Necesidades de los familiares de pacientes internados en unidad de cuidados intensivos Needs of family members of patients admitted to an intensive care unit

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    Marina Rumiko Maruiti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar as necessidades de familiares de pacientes internados em uma unidade de cuidados intensivos. MÉTODOS: Fizerem parte da amostra 39 familiares de pacientes em estado crítico de saúde. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizada uma adaptação do Critical Care Family Need Inventory. RESULTADOS: a necessidade de conhecimento/informação identificada com maior freqüência foi saber fatos concretos sobre o progresso do paciente (84,6%; a necessidade de conforto identificada com maior freqüência foi ter um toalete e um telefone próximo à sala de espera (56,4%; a necessidade de segurança identificada com maior freqüência foi ter a certeza que o paciente está recebendo o melhor tratamento (89,7%; e a necessidade de acesso ao paciente e aos profissionais da unidade com maior freqüência foi conversar com o médico todos os dias (79,5%. CONCLUSÃO: Os profissionais de enfermagem devem se preocupar em atender não apenas as necessidades dos pacientes, mas também de seus familiares.OBJETIVO: Identificar las necesidades de los familiares de pacientes internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. MÉTODOS: Formaron parte de la muestra 39 familiares de pacientes en estado crítico de salud. Para la recolección de datos fue utilizada una adaptación del Critical Care Family Need Inventory. RESULTADOS: La necesidad de conocimiento/información identificada con mayor frecuencia fue saber hechos concretos sobre el progreso de paciente (84,6%; la necesidad de comodidad identificada con mayor frecuencia fue tener un baño y teléfono próximo a la sala de espera (56,4%; la necesidad de seguridad registrada con mayor frecuencia fue tener la certeza de que lo patiente está recibiendo el mejor tratamiento (89,7% y la necesidad de acceso al paciente y a los profesionales de la unidad detectada con mayor frecuencia fue hablar con el médico todos los días (79,5%. CONCLUSÍON: La enfermería no debe preocuparse solamente con las

  7. Colegio internado de lzarra Vitoria – España

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    Benlloch, E.


    Full Text Available This new pavilion completes the female boarding school and an attempt has been made to integrate the entire unit into the surrounding landscape. For greater economy and shorter construction time, systems have been selected for the greatest possible use of prefabricated elements as well as modular building units. Different prefabrication systems have been used for the common zones, auditoriums, bedrooms and dining room and the building has been covered with prefabricated timber trusses, compressed wood pulp boards and cement tiles. The College is equipped with heating, fire extinction appliances and ventilation in the bedrooms. Within the framework of modern technology the results fulfill the aims set up by the proprietors.Con este nuevo pabellón exento se completa el internado masculino existente, cuidando de integrar el conjunto edificado en el paisaje circundante. En beneficio de las máximas economía y rapidez de construcción, se han elegido sistemas que permitan la mayor utilización de elementos prefabricados, procurando acudir a una modulación rígida donde ha sido posible. Se emplean diferentes sistemas de prefabricación para las zonas comunes, aulas y comedor y dormitorios, cubriendo el edificio con cerchas prefabricadas de madera, tableros aglomerados y tejas de cemento. El Colegio está dotado de calefacción, protección contra incendios y ventilación forzada en dormitorios y aseos. El resultado satisface las aspiraciones expuestas por la propiedad, dentro de la tecnología moderna.

  8. Accelerate Genomic Aging in Congenital Neutropenia (United States)


    reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching...neutropenia; Shwachman Diamond syndrome; Cyclic neutropenia; Hematopoietic stem cells; Granulocyte colony- stimulating factor; Acute myeloid leukemia...high rate of leukemic transformation. For example, granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) expression is induced by neutropenia and may increase

  9. Congenital neutropenia: diagnosis, molecular bases and patient management

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    Chantelot Christine


    Full Text Available Abstract The term congenital neutropenia encompasses a family of neutropenic disorders, both permanent and intermittent, severe ( When neutropenia is detected, an attempt should be made to establish the etiology, distinguishing between acquired forms (the most frequent, including post viral neutropenia and auto immune neutropenia and congenital forms that may either be isolated or part of a complex genetic disease. Except for ethnic neutropenia, which is a frequent but mild congenital form, probably with polygenic inheritance, all other forms of congenital neutropenia are extremely rare and have monogenic inheritance, which may be X-linked or autosomal, recessive or dominant. About half the forms of congenital neutropenia with no extra-hematopoetic manifestations and normal adaptive immunity are due to neutrophil elastase (ELANE mutations. Some patients have severe permanent neutropenia and frequent infections early in life, while others have mild intermittent neutropenia. Congenital neutropenia may also be associated with a wide range of organ dysfunctions, as for example in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (associated with pancreatic insufficiency and glycogen storage disease type Ib (associated with a glycogen storage syndrome. So far, the molecular bases of 12 neutropenic disorders have been identified. Treatment of severe chronic neutropenia should focus on prevention of infections. It includes antimicrobial prophylaxis, generally with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and also granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF. G-CSF has considerably improved these patients' outlook. It is usually well tolerated, but potential adverse effects include thrombocytopenia, glomerulonephritis, vasculitis and osteoporosis. Long-term treatment with G-CSF, especially at high doses, augments the spontaneous risk of leukemia in patients with congenital neutropenia.

  10. Aspergilosis pulmonar secundaria a neutropenia inducida por metimazol: reporte de un caso Pulmonary aspergillosis due to methimazole-induced neutropenia: a case report

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    Miguel E. Pinto


    Full Text Available Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 48 años de edad con diagnóstico reciente de enfermedad de Graves, quien acudió a emergencia por presentar fiebre, palpitaciones y dolor faríngeo. Su tratamiento regular incluía metimazol. Al ingreso, los análisis mostraron TSH suprimido, T4 libre elevado y neutropenia. La paciente fue hospitalizada, se administraron antibióticos y factor estimulante de colonia. Después de diez días de tratamiento, la paciente presentó leucocitosis, fiebre y hemoptisis. La tomografía de tórax mostró una cavidad con múltiples nódulos en el lóbulo superior derecho. Los cultivos fueron positivos a Aspergillus fumigatus y Aspergillus flavus. Se inició tratamiento con anfotericina B y luego se cambió a voriconazol, a pesar de lo cual no hubo mejoría del cuadro. La paciente falleció por falla multiorgánica.A 48-year old woman with a recent diagnosis of Graves’ disease arrived at the emergency room with fever, palpitations, and a sore throat. Her regular treatment included methimazole. On admission, laboratory results showed suppressed TSH, elevated free thyroxine, and neutropenia. She was admitted and started on antibiotics and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (gm-csf. After ten days, the patient developed leukocytosis, fever, and hemoptysis. Chest CT scan showed a lung cavity with multiple nodules in the upper right lobe. Cultures from a lung biopsy were positive for Aspergillus Fumigatus and Aspergillus Flavus. Amphotericin B was started but then switched to voriconazole, with both treatments failing to result in clinical improvement. The patient died of multi-organ failure.

  11. Kejadian Demam Neutropenia pada Anak dengan Keganasan

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    Sarah Rafika Nursyirwan


    Kesimpulan. kejadian demam neutropenia lebih sering terjadi pada pasien dengan keganasan darah. Patogen ditemukan pada sebagian pasien dengan demam neutropenia. Penyebab terbanyak bakteremia adalah bakteri Gram positif. Sensitivitas antibiotik tertinggi didapatkan pada vankomisin. Data mengenai pola sensitivitas antibiotik terbaru diperlukan untuk pedoman tata laksana pasien demam neutropenia.

  12. Serum endocan levels in children with febrile neutropenia

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    Eylem Kiral


    Full Text Available Endocan is an endotelial cell specific molecule; previous studies have shown that serum endocan levels increased in cancer and sepsis and are also related to the severity of sepsis. There are no clinical study about serum endocan levels in children with febrile neutropenia. The aim of this study was to evaluate serum endocan levels in pediatric leukemia patients with febrile neutropenia (n=33 and compare them with children with leukemia without fever (n=33 and also with healthy children (n=24. The median serum endocan level in the first group (children with febrile neutropenia was statistically significantly higher compared to the leukemic children without febrile neutropenia and also control group (P<0.01 for both. No difference was determined between the serum endocan levels of the leukaemia patients without febrile neutropenia and the healthy control group (P>0.05. Serum endocan levels were also similar with febrile neutropenia due to bacterial causes comparing with the idiopathic febril neutropenia. The results of this study showed increased serum endocan in children with leukemia during the febrile neutropenia episode, and no changes of serum endocan levels in children without leukemia without infection/fever. The monitoring of a series of serum endocan levels would be helpful for the course of febrile neutropenia.

  13. Drug induced neutropenia manifesting as oral ulcerations

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    Rachna Kaul


    Full Text Available As dental practitioners, we often come across oral ulcerations of varied etiology. Among all the causes of oral ulcers, those due to neutropenia are significant. Neutropenia can occur in many systemic conditions and also in patients on long-term therapy of certain drugs like phenytoin. The diagnosis of neutropenia in time leads to early recognition of the cause of this fatal condition. Here, we report a case of a 50-year-old female patient who developed oral ulcerations secondary to phenytoin-induced neutropenia. Early diagnosis of the condition led to discontinuation of the offending drug and significant improvement in her blood picture and also prevented her from falling prey to many other systemic infections that neutropenia can cause.

  14. Family caring strategies in neutropenia. (United States)

    Eggenberger, Sandra K; Krumwiede, Norma; Meiers, Sonja J; Bliesmer, Mary; Earle, Patricia


    Aggressive chemotherapy protocols result in neutropenia in approximately half of all patients receiving chemotherapy. Thus, neutropenia continues to be a significant and potentially life-threatening side effect of treatment, even with use of colony-stimulating factors. Families of patients with neutropenia often provide the primary healing environment because most chemotherapy protocols are managed on an outpatient basis. To learn about the family's experience of managing chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN), a grounded-theory methodology was used to analyze data from seven families. The central theme revealed by these families was "turbulent waiting with intensified connections." This meant that when families had a sense of greater vulnerability in response to the waiting after diagnosis of CIN, they connected intensely with each other and healthcare providers. Families reported that connections with nurses became more significant when neutropenia interrupted chemotherapy. Families also developed family caring strategies to manage this period of waiting for the chemotherapy to resume. These strategies included family inquiry, family vigilance, and family balancing. Nurses need to be aware of approaches to support the family's ability to manage CIN. Interventions and approaches constructed from the perspective of a family-professional partnership will enhance the family cancer experience as well as ongoing family growth and function.

  15. Risperidone-induced reversible neutropenia. (United States)

    Kattalai Kailasam, Vasanth; Chima, Victoria; Nnamdi, Uchechukwu; Sharma, Kavita; Shah, Kairav


    This case report presents a 44-year-old man with a history of schizophrenia who developed neutropenia on risperidone therapy. The patient's laboratory reports showed a gradual decline of leukocytes and neutrophils after resolution and rechallenging. This was reversed with the discontinuation of risperidone and by switching to olanzapine. In this case report, we also discuss the updated evidence base for management of risperidone-induced neutropenia.

  16. Clinical evolution of patients hospitalized due to the first episode of Acute Coronary Syndrome Evolución clínica de pacientes internados debido el primer episodio de la Síndrome Aguda de las Coronarias Evolução clinica de pacientes internados em decorrência do primeiro episódio da Síndrome Coronariana Aguda

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    Gislaine Pinn Gil


    Full Text Available AIM: to assess the clinical evolution of patients hospitalized due to the first episode of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS according to its clinical manifestation. METHODS: data were collected from 234 patients, hospitalized between May 2006 and July 2009 due to the first episode of an ACS, by consulting their medical records. RESULTS: 234 patients were hospitalized, 140 (59.8% due to Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI. In the group with AMI, 19.3% presented complications, against 12.8% in the group with Unstable Angina (UA (p=0.19. Angioplasty levels were higher among patients with AMI than with UA (p=0.02 and coronary artery bypass graft surgery was more frequent among UA patients (p=0.03. The majority (227; 97% survived after the coronary event. Among the seven patients who died during the hospitalization, four had AMI (2.9% and three UA (3.2%. CONCLUSIONS: A larger number of complications were found among infarction victims and the accomplishment of coronary artery bypass graft surgery differed between the groups.OBJETIVO: evaluar la evolución clínica de pacientes internados por el primer episodio del Síndrome Aguda de Coronarias según su manifestación clínica. MÉTODOS: Fueron colectados datos de 234 pacientes internados entre mayo de 2006 y julio de 2009 debido el primer episodio de una ACA mediante consultas a los prontuarios. RESULTADOS: La mayoría (59,8% internó debido al Infarto Agudo del Miocardio (IAM. En el grupo con IAM, 19,3% presentaron complicaciones y 12,8% en el grupo con Angina Inestable (AI(p=0,19. La realización de angioplastia fue mayor entre los pacientes con IAM de lo que con AI (p=0,02 y la cirugía de revascularización fue más realizada entre los pacientes con AI (p=0,03. La mayoría (227; 97% sobrevivió al evento de las coronarias. Entre los siete pacientes que murieron en la internación, cuatro tenían IAM (2,9% y tres AI (3,2%. CONCLUSIONES: Hubo mayor número de complicaciones entre los infartados y la

  17. Thickened cortical bones in congenital neutropenia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boechat, M.I.; Gormley, L.S.; O'Laughlin, B.J.


    Congenital neutropenia is an uncommon entity which may be familial and has a wide spectrum of clinical expression. Three sisters with the severe form of the disease, that suffered from recurrent infections which lead to their demise are described. Review of their radiographs revealed the presence of cortical thickening of the bones. Although several syndroms with different bone abnormalities have been reported associated with neutropenia, the radiographic finding of thickened cortex in children with congenital neutropenia has not been previously described. (orig.)

  18. Thickened cortical bones in congenital neutropenia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boechat, M.I.; Gormley, L.S.; O' Laughlin, B.J.


    Congenital neutropenia is an uncommon entity which may be familial and has a wide spectrum of clinical expression. Three sisters with the severe form of the disease, that suffered from recurrent infections which lead to their demise are described. Review of their radiographs revealed the presence of cortical thickening of the bones. Although several syndroms with different bone abnormalities have been reported associated with neutropenia, the radiographic finding of thickened cortex in children with congenital neutropenia has not been previously described.

  19. Genetics Home Reference: severe congenital neutropenia (United States)

    ... A characteristic of X-linked inheritance is that fathers cannot pass X-linked traits to their sons. ... Genetic Testing Registry: Severe congenital neutropenia 2, autosomal dominant Genetic Testing Registry: Severe congenital neutropenia 3, autosomal ...

  20. Evaluasi Sensitivitas Antibiotik dengan Demam Neutropenia

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    Sulaiman Hamid


    Kesimpulan. Bakteri Gram negatif merupakan penyebab utama demam neutropenia. Sensitivitas cefotaxime lebih rendah apabila dibandingkan dengan antibiotik yang lain. Cefpirome, cefepime dan ampicillin-sulbactam direkomendasikan untuk menggantikan cefotaxime sebagai obat yang dikombinasikan dengan gentamicin pada pengobatan demam neutropenia.

  1. Febrile neutropenia in childhood cancer

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    To classify and treat patients with febrile neutropenia adequately, one has to have a ... 48 hours.2,4,5. Approach. A child with possible febrile neutropenia should be viewed as a ... treating centre for information on the child's treatment if the family do not have a ... treatment, such as antimicrobial therapy, as well as the nature.

  2. Prevalence, phenotype and inheritance of benign neutropenia in Arabs

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    Nagelkerke Nicollas


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Benign neutropenia, i.e., neutropenia not associated with an increased risk of infection, may result in serious medical consequences when a 'standard' definition of neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count (ANC 9cells/L is universally applied to all races. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of benign neutropenia among healthy Arabs and evaluate its mode of inheritance. Methods ANCs were studied prospectively amongst a healthy indigenous population (n = 1032 from the United Arab Emirates undergoing a nation-wide sickle-cell and thalassemia screening program. The mean neutrophil count and the prevalence of benign neutropenia were compared by age, sex and amongst various tribes. Results The mean neutrophil count (× 109cells/L was 3.3 (range 0.95–7.6. Benign neutropenia was present in 110 (10.7% subjects of whom 24 (2.3% individuals had moderate neutropenia (ANC 0.5 – 1.0 × 109 cells/L. In the 22 tribe-family groups, the prevalence of benign neutropenia varied between 0% and 38%. Benign neutropenia showed no difference in the frequency amongst the sexes (p = 0.23 and it was independent of age (Spearman's rho = 0.05, p = 0.13. The age-related mean neutrophil count was the lowest in Arabs when compared with other ethnic groups (Blacks, Europeans and Mexicans. The inheritance of benign neutropenia was consistent with an autosomal dominant pattern; however, the diversity of observed phenotypes suggested the presence of more than one genetic variant for this trait. Conclusion Arabs have a high prevalence of benign neutropenia that may be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.

  3. Fatores que interferem na qualidade do sono de pacientes internados Factores que interfieren en la calidad del sueño de pacientes internados Factors that affect inpatients' quality of sleep

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    Shíntia Viana da Costa


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar fatores que interferem na qualidade do sono de pacientes internados em hospital universitário do interior de São Paulo. Trata-se de estudo exploratório, de corte transversal, com amostragem não probabilística. Participaram 117 pacientes (59% homens, idade média de 48 anos, desvio padrão 16,9 internados há pelo menos 72 horas, em condições clínicas estáveis. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: questionário de identificação e Fatores Intervenientes na Qualidade do Sono (FIQS. O tratamento dos dados foi feito com estatística descritiva e cada item do FIQS foi submetido a teste e reteste. Os fatores apontados com maior frequência foram: acordar cedo (55,6%, sono interrompido (52,1%, iluminação excessiva (34,2%, recebimento de cuidados pela equipe de enfermagem (33,3% e distúrbios orgânicos como dor e fadiga (26,5%. Sugere-se que os enfermeiros planejem intervenções buscando modificar fatores que propiciam ruídos e iluminação intensos à noite, visando reduzir interrupções e, consequentemente, a privação de sono.Se objetivó identificar factores que interfieren en la calidad del sueño de pacientes internados en un hospital universitario del interior de São Paulo. Estudio exploratorio, transversal, con muestra no probabilística. Participaron 117 pacientes (59% masculinos, media etaria 48,0 años, desvío estándar 16,9 internados al menos hace 72 horas, en condiciones clínicas estables. Se utilizaron los instrumentos: cuestionario de identificación y Factores Intervinientes en la Calidad del Sueño (FIQS. Los datos se analizaron según la estadística descriptiva, cada ítem del FIQS fue sometido a prueba y contraprueba. Los factores señalados como más frecuentes fueron: despertar temprano (55,6%, sueño interrumpido (52,1%, iluminación excesiva (32,4%, recepción de cuidados de enfermería (33,3% y disturbios orgánicos, como dolor y fatiga (26,5%. Se sugiere que los enfermeros

  4. Evaluación del desenlace y características clínicas de una serie de niños con neutropenia febril sin foco en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Medellín, Colombia, 2000-2005

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    María Adelaida Aristizábal Gil


    Full Text Available Introducción: la neutropenia febril (NF se asocia a infección en 48-60% de los casos y es la segunda causa de ingreso hospitalario al servicio de oncología pediátrica. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el desenlace de una serie de niños, que recibían tratamiento para neutropenia febril sin foco aparente, según un protocolo preestablecido en el Servicio de Hematooncología infantil del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: se incluyeron retrospectivamente historias clínicas de pacientes menores de 15 años con diagnóstico nuevo de neoplasia maligna y neutropenia febril sin foco, hospitalizados en un lapso de 5 años. Los datos se registraron en un formato preestablecido. RESULTADOS: se incluyeron 103 historias clínicas con 182 episodios de NF; 34,1% fueron pacientes con leucemia linfoblástica riesgo estándar (LLA, 19,8% LLA de alto riesgo y 13,7%, linfoma no Hodking. 68,1% tuvieron NF grave y en 94,5% se había aplicado quimioterapia previa (79,7% intensiva. La infección se documentó clínicamente en 38,4% y microbiológicamente en 25,2% de los episodios; hubo bacteriemia en 15,4% de los episodios, 3,3% con urocultivo positivo y 6,5% con aislamiento del invasor en otros sitios. Los microorganismos más frecuentes fueron Escherichia coli (24% y Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13%. Hubo mayor resistencia a ceftriazona y cefatzidime tanto de gérmenes grampositivos como de gramnegativos y producción de betalactamasas en 9% durante un año de evaluación; 50% de los aislamientos de S. aureus coagulasa negativo fueron resistentes a oxacilina. En 37 episodios hubo complicaciones (20,2%, la más frecuente de las cuales fue la afectación cardiopulmonar; en 25,2% fracasó el tratamiento, en 21,4% hubo respuesta parcial y 7 pacientes (3,8% fallecieron. CONCLUSIONES: los hallazgos son similares a los reportados por otros autores; predominan en nuestra unidad los microorganismos gramnegativos como causa importante de

  5. La neutropenia severa febril en niños con cáncer: Estudio descriptivo en el Hospital Universitario de Santander Severe febrile neutropenia in children with cancer: A descriptive study at the Hospital Universitario de Santander

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    Ernesto Rueda


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir una población oncológica afectada por neutropenia severa febril, sus características demográficas, nutricionales, microbiológicas, de tratamiento y severidad de la enfermedad. Materiales y métodos: Esta es una serie de casos prospectiva de los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Universitario de Santander entre enero/2007 y enero/2008. Resultados: Veintiun (21 pacientes aportaron 35 episodios de neutropenia febril; 65,7% eran hombres, la edad promedio 5,6 años; 38,3% vivían en el Área Metropolitana de Bucaramanga y 91,4% en estrato socioeconómico bajo. El diagnóstico oncológico más frecuente fue leucemia linfocítica aguda. Ninguno presentó dolor abdominal o síntomas neurológicos. La neutropenia se detectó 8,5 días en promedio posterior a la última quimioterapia. El 31,4% no tuvieron neutrófilos absolutos, 54,2% plaquetas Objective: To describe an oncological population affected with severe febrile neutropenia, its demographic, nutritional, and microbiological features, their treatment and severity of the illness. Materials and methods: A descriptive-prospective clinical chart review from attended patients at the Hospital Universitario de Santander, from January/2007 to January/2008. Results: Twenty (21 patients contributed with 35 febrile neutropenia episodes; 65.7% were male; they aged average was 5.6-years; 38.37% lived in Bucaramanga Metropolitan Area; 91.4% had low economic status. The most frequent oncological diagnosis was acute lumphocytic leukemia. No one presented abdominal pain or neurological symptoms. The neutropenia was detected 8.5 days after the last chemotherapy cycle. 31.4% patients had no absolute neutrophils; 54.2% blood platelets <50,000/mm3, 45.7% had reactive C protein <90 mg|/dL. The bloodculture was positive only in 7 patients. It was found the infection focus in 88.6% of the episodes and the most frequently diagnosis were related with the gastrointestinal tract. The most used

  6. Correlation Between Body Weight and Mitoxantrone-Associated Neutropenia in Dogs. (United States)

    Richardson, Danielle; Poirier, Valerie J; Matsuyama, Arata; Calvalido, Jerome

    Thirty-seven dogs with histologically or cytologically confirmed malignant tumors treated with single-agent mitoxantrone at 5 mg/m 2 were evaluated in a retrospective study assessing the correlation between body weight and neutropenia associated with a single dose of mitoxantrone in dogs. Overall, eight dogs (21%) experienced grade 3 neutropenia and five dogs (14%) experienced grade 4 neutropenia on day 7 following mitoxantrone chemotherapy. Dogs ≤10 kg body weight were significantly more likely to develop grade 3 or 4 neutropenia (5.8 relative risk; 95% confidence interval, 2.6-12.9; P 10 kg. Dogs ≤15 kg body weight were significantly more likely to develop grade 3 or 4 neutropenia (8.1 relative risk; 95% confidence interval, 2.1-31.3; P 15 kg. Of the 13 patients who developed grade 3 or 4 neutropenia, 6 (46%) were hospitalized for clinical signs related to neutropenia. Based on the severity of neutropenia and the resulting hospitalization seen in dogs ≤10 kg, a dose reduction could be considered for the initial dose of mitoxantrone, and clinicians should be aware of the increased risk of neutropenia in patients 10.1 to ≤15 kg.

  7. Neutropenia in infants with hemolytic disease of the newborn. (United States)

    Blanco, Esther; Johnston, Donna L


    This study examined the incidence, outcome and risk factors of neutropenia in infants with hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). A retrospective chart review was performed on infants with HDN. Of 69 evaluable infants, 45% developed neutropenia. Only one infectious complication was recorded. In most instances the neutropenia resolved spontaneously, but in seven infants it persisted for a median of 397 days. Males were at higher risk for developing neutropenia, but severity of HDN, antibody specificity, or therapy were not significant risk factors. Neutropenia is a common feature of HDN, regardless of severity of disease, treatment received, or antibody specificity. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  8. Four novel ELANE mutations in patients with congenital neutropenia. (United States)

    Kurnikova, Maria; Maschan, Michael; Dinova, Evgeniya; Shagina, Irina; Finogenova, Natalia; Mamedova, Elena; Polovtseva, Tatyana; Shagin, Dmitry; Shcherbina, Anna


    Congenital neutropenia is a heterogeneous bone marrow failure syndrome characterized by a maturation arrest of myelopoesis at the promyelocyte/myelocyte stage. Cyclic neutropenia (CyN) and severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) are two main forms of congenital neutropenia. Genetic analysis has shown that heterozygous mutations in the ELANE gene encoding the neutrophil elastase are the major cause of these disorders. We investigated the prevalence of ELANE mutations in a group of 16 patients from 14 families with congenital neutropenia. Five patients had typical manifestations of CyN, and 11 patients had SCN. Seven different heterozygous ELANE mutations were found, including four novel mutations. Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  9. Neutropenia in pediatric hematology/oncology practice

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    E. A. Deordieva


    Full Text Available Acquired neutropenia is one of the most common conditions in pediatric hematology practice. These conditions usually are benign. In contrast, congenital neutropenia are rare conditions, but in the absence of pathogenic therapy can cause fatal complications. Approach to the differential diagnosis and management of these patients are discussed in this review.

  10. Febrile neutropenia in haematological malignancies

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    Sharma A


    Full Text Available Fever is the principle sign of infection in neutropenic patient and frequently may be the only evidence of infection. The pattern of fever in neutropenia is non-specific and not pathognomonic of any type of infections or non-infectious process and can be suppressed by the antipyretic effects of drugs such as corticosteroids. Neutropenia, resulting from cytotoxic chemotherapy is the most common risk factor for severe infections in hematological malignancies. The duration of neutropenia also contributes significantly to the risk of serious infections. This risk is significantly greater a lower neutrophil counts, such that 100% patients with ANC < 100 cells/µl lasting 3 weeks or more develop documented infections. The prompt initiation of empirical antibiotics in febrile neutropenia has been the most important advance in the management of the immunocompromised host. The initial empirical antibiotic regimen started at presentation of the febrile episode frequently requires modifications especially in high-risk febrile neutropenia. Neutropenic patients who remain febrile despite 4-7 days of broad spectrum antibacterial therapy are at a high risk of invasive fungal infection. Empirical antifungal therapy with Amphotericin B in persistently febrile neutropenic patients and other high risk patients has shown to reduce the risk of invasive fungal infection by 50-80% and the risk of fungal infection related mortality by 23-45% in 1980′s. The IDSA has recommended that amphotericin B at 0.5-0.7 mg/kg/day be administered till marrow recovery. This approach is limited however by the adverse effects caused by drug infusion (fever, chills, myalgias, nausea, hypotension and bronchospasm. Lipid formulations which improve the therapeutic ratio of the traditional formulation are available. The safety and efficacy of these formulations is well established. These formulations have comparable efficacy and are less nephrotoxic than conventional amphotericin B

  11. Anemia intrahospitalaria y descenso de hemoglobina en pacientes internados

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    Carina V. Gianserra


    Full Text Available Es frecuente observar el desarrollo de anemia durante la internación, especialmente en pacientes graves. Esto se ha relacionado a extracciones de laboratorio. Pocos estudios evaluaron su prevalencia y factores asociados en pacientes internados en sala general. El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia, características y factores clínicos asociados a anemia intrahospitalaria y descenso de hemoglobina en pacientes internados. Se efectuó un estudio transversal, prospectivo, descriptivo. Se analizaron 192 internaciones consecutivas en sala general. Se determinó aquellas que presentaron un descenso del valor de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl y se analizaron factores de riesgo asociados. Presentaron anemia 139 pacientes (72.4%, 89 (46.4% al ingreso y 50 (26% durante la internación. Se presentaron 47 casos de descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl (24.47%, en los que se observaron los valores más bajos de hematocrito y hemoglobina al alta (p = 0.01, hidratación parenteral con mayor volumen (p = 0.01 y estadías hospitalarias más prolongadas (p = 0.0001. En el análisis univariado las variables leucocitosis = 11 000mm³ (OR; IC95%: 2.02; 1.03-4; p = 0.01, días de internación = 7 (OR; IC95%: 3.39; 1.62-7.09; p = 0.0006, hidratación parenteral = 1500 ml/día (OR; IC95%: 2.47; 1.06-6.4; p = 0.01, vía central (OR; IC95%: 10.29; 1.75-108.07, p = 0.003 y anemia intrahospitalaria (OR; IC95%: 7.06; 3.41-15.83; p = 0.00000004 fueron estadísticamente significativos como factores de riesgo para descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl. En el análisis multivariado las variables leucocitosis = 11 000 mm³ (OR; IC95%:2.45; 1.14-5.27; p = 0.02; días de internación = 7 (OR; IC95%: 5.15; 2.19-12.07; p = 0.0002; hidratación parenteral = 1500 ml/día (OR; IC95%: 2.95; 1.13-7.72; p = 0.02 y vía central (OR; IC95%:8.82; 1.37-56.82; p = 0.02 fueron factores predictivos independientes de descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl. La anemia intrahospitalaria tuvo una elevada prevalencia. La

  12. Bacteriemia asociada a neutropenia febril en pacientes hemato-oncológicos, su espectro bacteriano y patrón de susceptibilidad antibiótica

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    Lucy Johanna Hinojosa-Andía


    Full Text Available La neutropenia febril es una de las complicaciones más frecuentes y de mayor morbilidad y mortalidad en los pacientes hematológicos. Su documentación microbiológica es una herramienta invaluable para el manejo; sin embargo, la cambiante tendencia en etiología de la bacteriemia y el patrón de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana comprometen la tasa de respuesta a los esquemas de tratamiento empírico. Objetivo: Determinar la etiología de bacteriemia en pacientes con neoplasias hematológicas y neutropenia febril, su patrón de susceptibilidad antimicrobiana y el grado de resistencia vigente a los medicamentos comúnmente utilizados en esquemas empíricos de manejo. Material y métodos: Se revisaron datos microbiológicos de las historias clínicas de pacientes hematológicos, hospitalizados en el HNERM entre diciembre 2010 y marzo 2012; que habían presentado neutropenia febril y bacteriemia concurrente. La información se analizó con el paquete estadístico STATA v. 10 y se empleó estadística descriptiva. Resultados: La bacteriemia fue predominantemente por bacterias gram negativas (75,9% y post consolidación de LMA con Ara-C por gram positivas (63,6%. La mortalidad de pacientes post reinducción con bacteriemia fue 75% y se asoció a Klebsiella pneumoniae BLEE+ en 31,2%. Conclusiones: Gérmenes gram negativos fueron la etiología más frecuente de bacteriemia en la población estudiada, particularmente en pacientes que recibieron quimioterapia de reinducción, donde se vio la mayor frecuencia de bacteriemia con mayor resistencia y asociados a mayor mortalidad. Posterior a quimioterapia de consolidación con Citarabina en altas dosis para LMA, resultó más frecuente la bacteriemia a gram positivos. Carbapenems y Amoxicilina/Clavulánico mostraron considerable menor resistencia que cefalosporinas y fluoroquinolonas.

  13. Rinovirus: Frecuencia en niños con infección respiratoria aguda, no internados

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    Débora N. Marcone


    Full Text Available Los métodos moleculares para diagnosticar rinovirus humanos (RVH han aumentado la sensibilidad de detección. Esto ha permitido documentar la asociación entre los RVH y las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA altas y bajas. La infección por RVH durante la infancia se asoció con posterior desarrollo de asma. Se estudió la frecuencia de RVH en 186 niños menores de 6 años ambulatorios con IRA (alta o baja, durante 2 años consecutivos (1/6/2008 - 31/5/2010. Se correlacionó la presencia de RVH con los antecedentes y características clínico-epidemiológicas. La detección de RVH se realizó con una RT-PCR en tiempo real que amplifica parte de la región 5' no codificante del genoma. Los virus respiratorios clásicos se estudiaron por inmunofluorescencia. En el 61% de los niños se detectó etiología viral. Las frecuencias fueron: RVH 27%, virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR 16%, influenza A y B 9%, parainfluenza 8%, metapneumovirus 7% y adenovirus 0.5%. Se observaron coinfecciones duales en 8 casos, siendo RVH el más frecuente (en 4 de ellos. Los RVH circularon durante todo el período estudiado, con picos en invierno y primavera. No se observaron diferencias clínico-epidemiológicas significativas entre pacientes con o sin RVH, excepto un mayor porcentaje de niños afebriles con RVH. Los RVH fueron los virus más detectados en niños ambulatorios, principalmente en menores de 2 años, los segundos virus asociados a bronquiolitis, luego del VSR, y detectados tres veces más en los niños expuestos a tabaquismo pasivo (OR: 2,91; p = 0.012 que en el resto. Fueron identificados como único agente en el 28% de las bronquiolitis.

  14. El sentido de vida de las madres de niños prematuros internados en unidad de Cuidados intensivos neonatales (UCIN

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    María Celeste Gómez


    Full Text Available La prematuridad es una problemática que se encuentra en aumento a nivel mundial. En Argentina 8 de cada 100 bebés nacen antes de tiempo, de ahí la importancia de sensibilizar a la población sobre este tema. Para la logoterapia la motivación básica y propia del ser humano es su orientación fundamental hacia el sentido, es de- cir, el encontrar y descubrir un porqué y para qué. Tener en cuenta la dimensión existencial de la persona es una forma de acercarnos al problema. Por tal motivo el objetivo del trabajo que se in forma fue relacionar el sentido de vida develado por las madres de niños que se encuentran internados en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neona- tales (UCIN debido a su nacimiento prematuro con dos factores; por un lado con la capacidad que ellas mismas refieren para informarse adecuadamente acerca de la situación de su hijo y por el otro, con su vinculación con situaciones límite vividas durante el embarazo. Se realizó un estudio experimental con 30 madres de niños prematuros que han pasado por una internación en UCIN en tres instituciones hospitalarias. Se construyó un instrumento con formato de entrevista semidirigida llamado Vivencia de Madres de Niños Nacidos Prematuramente. Los resultados demuestran que las madres con mayor capacidad para solicitar información sobre la situación de sus hijos son las que pudieron dar respuestas acerca de la pregunta sobre el sentido que esta situación les permitía descubrir. En un porcentaje menor pudieron relacionarse las respuestas con situaciones límites vividas con anterioridad.

  15. Fatores que interferem na qualidade do sono de pacientes internados

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    Shíntia Viana da Costa


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetivou identificar fatores que interferem na qualidade do sono de pacientes internados em hospital universitário do interior de São Paulo. Trata-se de estudo exploratório, de corte transversal, com amostragem não probabilística. Participaram 117 pacientes (59% homens, idade média de 48 anos, desvio padrão 16,9 internados há pelo menos 72 horas, em condições clínicas estáveis. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: questionário de identificação e Fatores Intervenientes na Qualidade do Sono (FIQS. O tratamento dos dados foi feito com estatística descritiva e cada item do FIQS foi submetido a teste e reteste. Os fatores apontados com maior frequência foram: acordar cedo (55,6%, sono interrompido (52,1%, iluminação excessiva (34,2%, recebimento de cuidados pela equipe de enfermagem (33,3% e distúrbios orgânicos como dor e fadiga (26,5%. Sugere-se que os enfermeiros planejem intervenções buscando modificar fatores que propiciam ruídos e iluminação intensos à noite, visando reduzir interrupções e, consequentemente, a privação de sono.

  16. Neutropenia febril en el trópico: una descripción de los hallazgos clínicos y microbiológicos y el impacto de la terapia inapropiada que utilizan en un centro de referencia oncológica en Colombia

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    Jorge A. Cortés


    Full Text Available Introducción. La neutropenia febril es una complicación frecuente de la quimioterapia para las neoplasias hematológicas. Se dispone de escasa información de sus complicaciones infecciosas en nuestro medio. Objetivo. Evaluar las características clínicas y microbiológicas de pacientes con neutropenia febril, así como su resultado clínico en una institución de referencia oncológica en Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se conformó prospectivamente una serie de casos con pacientes con enfermedad oncológica confirmada, que consultaron o presentaron neutropenia febril durante la hospitalización. Se excluyeron aquellos con enfermedad hematológica benigna. Se recolectaron datos sobre variables demográficas, microbiológicas, clínicas, de tratamiento y de resultado de los pacientes. Se llevaron a cabo un análisis univariado y uno multivariado, con la mortalidad como resultado. Resultados. Se identificaron 130 episodios de neutropenia febril en 104 pacientes, con una edad media de 19 años y 53 % masculinos. El 86 % de los episodios ocurrieron en pacientes con alteraciones hematológicas. Se demostró infección en 65 % de los casos: 41 % con un foco infeccioso localizado y 27,7 % con bacteriemia. Los principales focos infecciosos se localizaron en el torrente sanguíneo, el aparato urinario, el sistema gastrointestinal, la piel y los tejidos blandos. De los aislamientos microbiológicos, 46,4 % fueron bacilos Gram negativos, 38,4 %, cocos Gram positivos, 9 %, hongos y, 7,1%, parásitos. La mortalidad global fue de 7,7 %. En el análisis multivariado la utilización de un tratamiento empírico apropiado se correlacionó con una menor mortalidad, de forma independiente (OR=0,17; IC95% 0,034-0,9; p=0,037. Conclusiones. La tasa de mortalidad fue relativamente baja y fue comparable con lo reportado en países desarrollados. El tratamiento antimicrobiano inapropiado fue el principal factor asociado con mortalidad.   doi:

  17. Water Extract of Deer Bones Activates Macrophages and Alleviates Neutropenia

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    Han-Seok Choi


    Full Text Available Extracts from deer bones, called nok-gol in Korean, have long been used to invigorate Qi. While neutropenia is not well detected in normal physiological condition, it could be a cause of severe problems to develop diseases such as infectious and cancerous diseases. Thus, a prevention of neutropenia in normal physiology and pathophysiological states is important for maintaining Qi and preventing disease progress. In cell biological aspects, activated macrophages are known to prevent neutropenia. In this study, we demonstrate that water extract of deer bone (herein, NG prevents neutropenia by activating macrophages. In mouse neutropenia model system in vivo where ICR mice were treated with cyclophosphamide to immunosuppress, an oral administration of NG altered the number of blood cells including lymphocytes, neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils. This in vivo effect of NG was relevant to that of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF that was known to improve neutropenia. Our in vitro studies further showed that NG treatment increased intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS and promoted macrophagic differentiation of mouse monocytic Raw264.7 cells in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, NG enhanced nitric oxide (NO synthesis and secretions of cytokines including IL-6 and TNF-α. Consistently, NG treatment induced phosphorylation of ERK, JNK, IKK, IκBα, and NF-κB in Raw264.7 cells. Thus, our data suggest that NG is helpful for alleviating neutropenia.

  18. Re-challenge with Etanercept in patients with Etanercept-induced Neutropenia.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Haroon, Muhammad


    TNF blockers have rarely been associated with haematological complications; however, there are scattered case reports of marked neutropenia with their use and necessitating in their withdrawal. We would like to report a series of five patients who developed neutropenia with etanercept use; however, all these patients were re-challenged with etanercept with a mean follow up of 30 months. These patients developed neutropenia within 2 months of starting etanercept. Two patients were eventually taken off etanercept; one of them needed switching to a different form of TNF blockers, and the second patient is in clinical remission with low-dose corticosteroids. All our patients continued to have mild-moderate degree of neutropenia; however, they are being monitored very closely and they are enjoying complete disease remission. It was interesting to note that none of our patients had increased infections during the re-challenge phase, even though they had grade 2 to grade 4 neutropenia. We have re-challenged these patients without any clinical complications, revealing that patients with mild to moderate neutropenia can be safely exposed to TNF blockers as long as they are monitored with regular cell count checks. Although largely noted to be clinically insignificant in our patient series, the potential of drug-induced neutropenia in causing higher rate of infections do exist. Careful clinical and hematologic monitoring is the best way to recognize this adverse event.

  19. Severe congenital neutropenia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borregaard, Niels


    In this issue of Blood, Tidwell et al1 demonstrate that mutations in the start codon (protein synthesis is initiated at the codon ATG) of neutrophil elastase (ELANE) result in the production of N-terminally truncated elastase, which mislocates to the nucleus and results in severe congenital neutr...... neutropenia (SCN)....

  20. Lipegfilgrastim in the management of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia of cancer patients

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    Guariglia R


    Full Text Available Roberto Guariglia,1 Maria Carmen Martorelli,1 Rosa Lerose,2 Donatella Telesca,2 Maria Rita Milella,2 Pellegrino Musto3 1Unit of Hematology and Stem Cell Transplantation, 2Pharmacy Service, 3Scientific Direction, IRCCS, Referral Cancer Center of Basilicata, Rionero in Vulture, Potenza, Italy Abstract: Neutropenia and febrile neutropenia (FN are frequent and potentially fatal toxicities of myelosuppressive anticancer treatments. The introduction of granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSFs in clinical practice has remarkably reduced the duration and severity of neutropenia, as well as the incidence of FN, thus allowing the administration of chemotherapeutic agents at the optimal dose and time with lower risk. The current scenario of G-CSFs in Europe includes filgrastim, lenograstim, some G-CSF biosimilars, and pegfilgrastim. Recently, a novel long-acting G-CSF, lipegfilgrastim, became available. Lipegfilgrastim is a glycopegylated G-CSF, alternative to pegfilgrastim, and has shown in randomized trials, to be equivalent to pegfilgrastim in reducing the incidence of severe neutropenia and FN in patients with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy, with a similar safety profile. Furthermore, lipegfilgrastim was more effective than the placebo in reducing the incidence of severe neutropenia, its duration, and time to absolute neutrophil count recovery, in patients with non-small cell lung cancer receiving myelosuppressive therapy. Although the number of studies currently published is still limited, lipegfilgrastim seems to be a promising drug in the management of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Keywords: neutropenia, febrile neutropenia, granulocyte colony-stimulating factors, G-CSF, pegfilgrastim, lipegfilgrastim

  1. Is preemptive antifungal therapy a good alternative to empirical treatment in prolonged febrile neutropenia?

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    Erica Koch


    Full Text Available La neutropenia febril prolongada conlleva un alto riesgo de desarrollar infecciones fúngicas invasoras, por lo que habitualmente se administra terapia antifúngica empírica en estos casos. Sin embargo, esta se asocia a importantes efectos adversos, por lo que se ha propuesto como alternativa la estrategia "preemptive" o anticipada, es decir, la indicación de antifúngicos sólo ante la evidencia indirecta de infección fúngica invasora. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en 30 bases de datos, identificamos tres revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen doce estudios. Cuatro estudios aleatorizados evaluaron la pregunta abordada en este artículo. Realizamos un metanálisis y tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que no está claro si la estrategia "preemptive" tiene algún efecto sobre la mortalidad porque la certeza de la evidencia es muy baja, pero podría disminuir levemente el uso de antifúngicos en pacientes con neutropenia febril prolongada.

  2. Difference in Neutropenia due to Administration Schedule of TAS-102

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    Yoichiro Yoshida


    Full Text Available TAS-102 significantly improves overall survival in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer. The most common adverse event of TAS-102 is bone marrow suppression, which leads to neutropenia. The incidence of neutropenia is high, and there is no known effective prevention method. Furthermore, the administration method of TAS-102 is complicated. We reported that neutropenia could be avoided by changing to a simple administration method of TAS-102.

  3. Relation between stressors and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients hospitalized at a coronary unit Relación entre estresores y características sociodemográficas y clínicas de pacientes internados en una unidad coronaria Relação entre estressores e características sócio-demográficas e clínicas de pacientes internados em uma unidade coronariana

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    Carina Aparecida Marosti


    Full Text Available This descriptive study aimed to correlate the stressors of patients hospitalized at a coronary care unit and their sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. We interviewed 43 patients who were hospitalized at a large hospital. The stressors were evaluated by means of a 4-point Likert scale, which measured stress intensity for 42 possible stressors, ranging from 1 (not stressful to 4 (very stressful. We collected data on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and about the coronary unit. Data were analyzed through non parametrical statistics, using Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman's correlation test. A 0.05 significance level was adopted. Greater stress was found among younger female patients who did not receive psychotherapeutic medication, including the presence of more than two pieces of equipment and no earlier hospitalization at this kind of intensive therapy unit.La finalidad de este estudio descriptivo fue establecer correlación entre los estresores de los pacientes internados en una unidad coronaria y sus características sociodemográficas y clínicas. Entrevistamos a 43 individuos internados en un hospital de gran porte. Para la evaluación de los estresores utilizamos una escala Likert de 4 puntos que evaluó la intensidad del estrés para 42 posibles estresores, variando de 1 (no estresante a 4 (muy estresante. Recopilamos datos para la caracterización sociodemográfica y clínica y respecto a la unidad coronaria. Para el análisis de los datos utilizamos la estadística no paramétrica, con los tests de Mann-Whitney y de Kruskal Wallis y el test de correlación de Spearman. El nivel de significancia adoptado fue de 0,05. Constatamos mayor estrés entre los pacientes más jóvenes, del sexo femenino, no medicados con psicoterápicos, con presencia de más de dos equipamientos y sin internación anterior en este tipo de unidad de terapia intensiva.Estudo descritivo, realizado com objetivo de correlacionar os

  4. Neutropenia induced by high-dose intravenous benzylpenicillin in treating neurosyphilis: Does it really matter?

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    Rui-Rui Peng


    Full Text Available Prompt therapy with high-dose intravenous benzylpenicillin for a prolonged period is critical for neurosyphilis patients to avoid irreversible sequelae. However, life-threatening neutropenia has been reported as a complication of prolonged therapy with high doses of benzylpenicillin when treating other diseases. This study aimed to investigate the incidence, presentation, management and prognosis of benzylpenicillin-induced neutropenia in treating neurosyphilis based on a large sample of syphilis patients in Shanghai.Between 1st January 2013 and 31st December 2015, 1367 patients with neurosyphilis were treated with benzylpenicillin, 578 of whom were eligible for recruitment to this study. Among patients without medical co-morbidities, the total incidence of benzylpenicillin-induced neutropenia and severe neutropenia was 2.42% (95% CI: 1.38-4.13% and 0.35% (95% CI: 0.06-1.39%, respectively. The treatment duration before onset of neutropenia ranged from 10 to 14 days, with a total cumulative dose of between 240 and 324 megaunits of benzylpenicillin. Neutropenia was accompanied by symptoms of chills and fever (5 patients, fatigue (2 patients, cough (1 patient, sore throat (1 patient, diarrhea (1 patient and erythematous rash (1 patient. The severity of neutropenia was not associated with age, gender or type of neurosyphilis (p>0.05. Neutropenia, even when severe, was often tolerated and normalized within one week. A more serious neutropenia did not occur when reinstituting benzylpenicillin in patients with mild or moderate neutropenia nor when ceftriaxone was used three months after patients had previously experienced severe neutropenia.Benzylpenicillin-induced neutropenia was uncommon in our cohort of patients. Continuation of therapy was possible with intensive surveillance for those with mild or moderate neutropenia. For severe neutropenia, it is not essential to aggressively use hematopoietic growth factors or broad-spectrum antibiotics for

  5. Rationalizing the approach to children with fever in neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ammann, Roland A.; Tissing, Wim J. E.; Phillips, Bob

    Purpose of review Fever in neutropenia is the most frequent potentially life-threatening complication of chemotherapy in children and adolescents with cancer. This review summarizes recent studies that refine our knowledge of how to manage pediatric fever in neutropenia, and their implications for

  6. Tromboprofilaxis en pacientes no quirúrgicos internados en un hospital general Venous thromboembolism prevention in non-surgical adult patients admitted in a general hospital

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    Marcelo J. Melero


    Full Text Available Los pacientes adultos internados por una enfermedad no quirúrgica tienen un riesgo alto de padecer una tromboembolia venosa y pueden desarrollar alguna forma de esta enfermedad cuando no reciben un tratamiento preventivo adecuado. Los objetivos de este estudio prospectivo, analítico, observacional y transversal, fueron: 1 determinar cuál es el porcentaje de pacientes adultos internados por una enfermedad aguda no quirúrgica en el Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, que tienen indicación de tromboprofilaxis, 2 establecer cuántos de ellos reciben un tratamiento preventivo para la tromboembolia venosa, y 3 comprobar cuántos estaban medicados con alguna forma de tromboprofilaxis sin tener causas que justificaran este tratamiento. Se estudiaron 93 pacientes durante un lapso de 72 horas consecutivas. Se encontró que el 90.3% de ellos necesitaba un tratamiento preventivo para la tromboembolia venosa y el 76.2% de estos enfermos recibían tromboprofilaxis farmacológica. Un 33.3% de los pacientes internados tenía indicado un tratamiento farmacológico preventivo sin tener una causa que justificara esta prescripción. El porcentaje encontrado de pacientes tratados con tromboprofilaxis es más alto que el comunicado en otros estudios observacionales.Adult patients hospitalized for a non-surgical condition, usually have a high risk of venous thromboembolism and may develop some form of this disease when they do not receive appropriate preventive treatment. The objectives of this prospective, analytical, observational and cross-sectional study were: 1 to determine what percentage of adult patients hospitalized for a non-surgical acute condition at the Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, had indication for preventive thromboprophylaxis, 2 to establish how many of them had been prescribed a preventive treatment of venous thromboembolism, 3 to establish how many of them had been

  7. Periodontal disease in three siblings with familial neutropenia. (United States)

    Kirstilä, V; Sewón, L; Laine, J


    The periodontal status and treatment of three teenagers in a Finnish family with familial neutropenia is described. The mother was also diagnosed with neutropenia. At initial examination, the 15-year-old male and the 10-year-old female had severe periodontitis, whereas the 13-year-old male had oral ulcerations but no significant periodontal disease. The two siblings with periodontitis were treated and followed approximately 5 years. It was concluded that periodontal therapy including scaling, surgery, and use of antimicrobial agents can be successful in patients with familial neutropenia, and that such patients are not necessarily candidates for full mouth extraction. The role of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in which was used in the treatment of these patients remains to be established.

  8. Parvovirus B19 reactivation presenting as neutropenia after rituximab treatment. (United States)

    Klepfish, A; Rachmilevitch, E; Schattner, A


    A patient with primary biliary cirrhosis and associated refractory immune thrombocytopenic purpura was treated with 4 weekly courses of rituximab, a monoclonal antibody targeting B-cell surface antigen CD20. Her thrombocyte count and even cholestatic liver function tests improved. However, 17 weeks after rituximab treatment, she developed severe neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count 0.23x10(3)/mul) and recurrent thrombocytopenia with abnormal bone marrow of all three lineages. Although delayed-onset neutropenia has been reported after rituximab, reactivated viral infections have also been encountered. Parvovirus B19 was suspected and confirmed as the cause of neutropenia in our patient. The patient was supported by GCSF treatment and recovered uneventfully after several weeks. Neutropenia after rituximab can also be the predominant manifestation of reactivated parvovirus B19 infection and have a favorable prognosis.

  9. Indomethacin-associated neutropenia with subsequent Gram-negative sepsis in a preterm infant. Cause or coincidence? (United States)

    Bengtsson, B-O S; Milstein, J M; Sherman, M P


    A preterm male infant with a patent ductus arteriosus developed neutropenia during treatment with indomethacin. Afterward, the mother described her own history of indomethacin-associated neutropenia. During the recovery from the neutropenia, the infant became septic with bacteremia caused by Enterobacter cloacae. Although indomethacin-related neutropenia has been described in adults, no case in a neonate has been reported. If neutropenia occurs after indomethacin therapy in a neonate, a familial history of indomethacin-associated neutropenia should be sought and the increased risk of infection should be considered.

  10. Classificação de pacientes internados em uma unidade traumatológica Clasificación de pacientes internados en una unidad traumatológica Classification of patients in a traumatology unit

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    Monica de Moraes


    Full Text Available Estudo com o objetivo de classificar pacientes de acordo com o grau de dependência da assistência de enfermagem, dimensionar a equipe de enfermagem e correlacionar os instrumentos utilizados. Foram utilizados os instrumentos de Perroca e Fugulin para classificar os pacientes internados durante 30 dias. O dimensionamento da equipe de enfermagem foi realizado conforme recomendação do Conselho Federal de Enfermagem. Incluiu-se 157 pacientes, sendo 42,0% classificados com o grau de dependência de cuidados intermediários e, em 50,3% dos pacientes, o grau de dependência foi classificado como "cuidados mínimos". Em relação ao dimensionamento da equipe de enfermagem, o quadro de funcionários existente no setor pesquisado era de 20 funcionários, e o necessário seria de 32 funcionários, divididos nos quatro turnos. Os instrumentos apresentaram uma forte correlação (r p=0,88. Acredita-se que a classificação de pacientes com vistas ao dimensionamento da equipe de enfermagem pode oferecer mais qualidade ao cuidado.Estudio cuyo objetivo es clasificar pacientes según el grado de dependencia de la asistencia de enfermeira, el tamaño del personal de enfermería y correlacionar los instrumentos. Se utilizaron los instrumentos de Perroca y Fugulin para clasificar los pacientes internados por un periodo de 30 días, y, para realizar el dimensionamiento del equipo, fue utilizada la fórmula recomendada por la Resolución 239/04 del Consejo Federal de Enfermería (COFEN. Se incluyeron 157 pacientes, el 42,0 % fue clasificada con el grado de dependencia de cuidados intermediarios y, en un 50,3 % de los pacientes, el grado de dependencia fue clasificado como cuidados mínimos. Con relación al dimensionamiento del equipo de enfermería, el número de empleados existente en el sector investigado era de 20 empleados y lo necesario serían 32 en total, divididos en cuatro turnos. Dichos pacientes fueron evaluados por dos instrumentos que presentaron


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    Emmanuel Gyan


    Full Text Available Background. The 2008 WHO classification identified refractory cytopenia with unilineage dysplasia (RCUD as a composite entity encompassing refractory anemia, refractory thrombocytopenia (RT, and refractory neutropenia (RN, characterized by 10% or more dysplastic cells in the bone marrow respective lineage. The diagnosis of RT and RN is complicated by several factors.  Diagnosing RT first requires exclusion of familial thrombocytopenia, chronic auto-immune thrombocytopenia, concomitant medications, viral infections, or hypersplenism. Diagnosis of RN should also be made after ruling out differential diagnoses such as ethnic or familial neutropenia, as well as acquired, drug-induced, infection-related or malignancy-related neutropenia. An accurate quantification of dysplasia should be performed in order to distinguish RT or RN from the provisional entity named idiopathic cytopenia of unknown significance (ICUS. Cytogenetic analysis, and possibly in the future somatic mutation analysis (of genes most frequently mutated in MDS, and flow cytometry analysis aberrant antigen expression on myeloid cells may help in this differential diagnosis. Importantly, we and others found that, while isolated neutropenia and thrombocytopenia are not rare in MDS, those patients can generally be classified (according to WHO 2008 classification as refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia or refractory anemia with excess blasts, while RT and RN (according to WHO 2008 are quite rare.These results suggest in particular that identification of RT and RN as distinct entities could be reconsidered in future WHO classification updates.

  12. Treatment of febrile neutropenia with cefepime monotherapy. (United States)

    Jándula, B M; Martino, R; Gurgi, M; Manteiga, R; Sierra, J


    The empirical administration of a broad-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic, either as monotherapy or in combination with an aminoglycoside, is an essential component of the initial management of patients with fever and severe neutropenia. Multiple antibiotics have been tested for this indication. Cefepime is a fourth-generation cephalosporin with in vitro activity against most gram-negative and many gram-positive bacteria. We have studied the use of this agent as monotherapy in this indication. One hundred and twenty-six episodes of febrile neutropenia in 98 adults with hematological malignancies were treated with cefepime monotherapy. Cefepime was given at a dose of 2 g every 8 h i.v. Most episodes (49%) were fever of unexplained origin, while a microbiologically documented and clinically documented infection occurred in 25% episodes each. Seventy-six (61%) episodes occurred after conventional chemotherapy, while 51 (41%) after a hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Twelve episodes (10%) were not evaluable for response. Among the 114 evaluable episodes, 69 (55% of the initial sample and 61% of those evaluable) responded to cefepime monotherapy, while therapy failed in 45 cases (36% of the initial sample and 39% of those evaluable), including 14 cases who developed breakthrough bacteremia during therapy. There were no deaths due to bacterial infection. At the end of all antibiotic therapy (final outcome) 69 episodes were cured only with monotherapy, 47 were cured with modification of therapy and 10 patients died from an unrelated cause. The only variable that appeared to correlate with response to therapy was the duration of neutropenia, which was longer among patients who failed or developed breakthrough bacteremia than among those who responded to monotherapy. Initial empirical antibiotic therapy with cefepime as a single agent in patients with febrile neutropenia and a hematological malignancy is effective, but patients with prolonged neutropenia appear to be

  13. Intermittent chronic neutropenia in a patient with familial Mediterranean fever. (United States)

    Ganiou Tidjani, K; Ailal, F; Najib, J; Bellanné-Chantelot, C; Donadieu, J; Bousfiha, A A


    A 12-year-old daughter of consanguineous Moroccan parents was diagnosed with cyclic neutropenia, based on a combination of recurrent gingivostomatitis, a fluctuating neutrophil count, and several episodes of severe neutropenia. No ELA2 gene mutations were found. At age 19 years she presented with edema of the limbs, proteinuria and renal failure. Renal amyloidosis AA was diagnosed by biopsy. Gene mutations associated with family Mediterranean fever (FMF) were sought, and a homozygous mutation (M694V) was found in the MFEV gene. This is the novel finding of FMF that masqueraded as cyclic neutropenia. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  14. Weak circadian rhythm increases neutropenia risk among breast cancer patients undergoing adjuvant chemotherapy. (United States)

    Li, Wentao; Kwok, Carol Chi-Hei; Chan, Dominic Chun-Wan; Wang, Feng; Tse, Lap Ah


    Severe neutropenia is a common dose-limiting side effect of adjuvant breast cancer chemotherapy. We aimed to test the hypothesis that weak circadian rhythm is associated with an increased risk of neutropenia using a cohort study. We consecutively recruited 193 breast cancer patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy (5-fluorouracil, epirubicin, and cyclophosphamide followed by docetaxel; doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide; docetaxel and cyclophosphamide). Participants wore a wrist actigraph continuously for 168 h at the beginning of chemotherapy. Values of percent rhythm and double amplitude below medians represented weak circadian rhythm. Mesor measured the mean activity level and acrophase symboled the peak time of the rhythm. We used Cox proportional hazard regression model to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) of grade 4 neutropenia and febrile neutropenia in relation to actigraphy-derived parameters. Low levels of percent rhythm (HR:2.59, 95% CI 1.50-4.72), double amplitude (HR:2.70, 95% CI 1.51-4.85), and mesor (HR: 2.48, 95% CI 1.44-4.29) were positively associated with the risk of grade 4 neutropenia during chemotherapy. Low levels of percent rhythm (HR: 2.41, 95% CI 1.02-5.69) and double amplitude (HR:2.49, 95% CI 1.05-5.90) were also associated with increased risks of febrile neutropenia. The HRs for acrophase were not statistically significant. This study provides the first epidemiological evidence that increased risks of grade 4 neutropenia and febrile neutropenia are associated with weak circadian rhythm among adjuvant breast cancer patients. The results suggest that circadian rhythm might be one potential target for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia among cancer patients.

  15. Severe neutropenia revealing a rare presentation of dengue fever: a case report. (United States)

    Shourick, J; Dinh, A; Matt, M; Salomon, J; Davido, B


    Arboviruses are a common cause of fever in the returned traveler often associated with leucopenia, especially lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia. Transient neutropenia has been described in a few cases of arboviruses. However, prolonged and severe neutropenia (dengue fever, especially in the returned traveler in Europe. A 26-year-old healthy female without any medical past history, flying back from Thailand, presented a transient fever with severe neutropenia (dengue fever. Outcome was favorable without any antimicrobial therapy. Physicians should be wary of possible unusual presentation of dengue fever with prolonged neutropenia. Although such biological sign is more often associated with malaria or severe bacterial infection, it may be a sign of arbovirus.

  16. Febrile neutropenia and refeeding syndrome. (United States)

    Jahn, H K; Barraclough, S; Currell, S; Tighe, M P


    We describe the management of a 4-year-old child with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) who presented with febrile neutropenia, Cryptosporidium and subsequently developed refeeding syndrome. Febrile neutropenia is common and can be life-threatening and we highlight the identification of well low-risk neutropenic children with resolved febrile illnesses suitable for early discharge. We also discuss the potential management strategies for Cryptosporidium Refeeding syndrome is not common, but should be considered as a cause of acute inpatient deterioration and is a significant risk, with potential morbidity, in children who have undergone a period of catabolism. This article reviews the current literature and provides useful guidance on these issues. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  17. Secondary Infections in Cancer Patients with Febrile Neutropenia

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    Alpay Azap


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Patients with neutropenia due to cancer chemotherapy are prone to severe infections. Cancer patients can experience >1 infectious episode during the same period of neutropenia. This study aimed to determine the etiological and clinical characteristics of secondary infectious episodes in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia and to identify the factors associated with the risk of secondary infectious episodes. METHODS: All cancer patients that received antineoplastic chemotherapy at Ankara University, School of Medicine, Department of Hematology between May 2004 and May 2005 and developed neutropenia were included in the study. Data were collected using survey forms that were completed during routine infectious diseases consultation visits. Categorical data were analyzed using the chi-square test, whereas Student’s t-test was used for continuous variables. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify independent predictors of secondary infections (SIs. RESULTS: SIs were observed during 138 (53% of 259 febrile neutropenic episodes. Of the 138 episodes, 89 (64.5% occurred in male patients with a mean age of 40.9 years (range: 17-76 years. In total, 80% of the SIs were clinically or microbiologically documented. Factors on d 4 of the initial febrile episode were analyzed via a logistic regression model. The presence of a central intravenous catheter (OR: 3.01; P < 0.001, acute myeloid leukemia (AML as the underlying disease (OR: 2.12; P = 0.008, diarrhea (OR: 4.59; P = 0.005, and invasive aspergillosis (IA during the initial febrile episode (OR: 3.96; P = 0.009 were statistically significant risk factors for SIs. CONCLUSION: Among the cancer patients with neutropenia in the present study, AML as the underlying disease, the presence of a central venous catheter, diarrhea, and IA during the initial febrile episode were risk factors for the development of SIs.

  18. Severe congenital neutropenia (Kostmann Syndrome)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN), Kostmann syndrome is a heterogenous disorder of myelopoiesis characterized by severe chronic ... erogenous hematological disorders, characterized by extremely low circu- lating neutrophils and ..... tic activation of STAT5 and stimulate. G-CSF-induced cell proliferation.26, 27.

  19. Appearance of febrile neutropenia episodes after cytostatic therapy on oncology patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lami Casaus, Leonardo; Arbesu Michelena, Maria Antonieta; Sarmiento, Sofia Alsina; Brito Iglesia, Rosario


    Treatment of oncology patient using cytotoxic drugs has the neutropenia and its infectious complications as the commonest dose-limiting toxicity. Its appearance provokes dose delays and reduction during post-chemotherapy cycles, as well as the quality of life deterioration of patients. Oncology Medicine Group including the Pharmacy Service carried out a study to analyze the appearance of febrile neutropenia after cytotoxic therapy administration, and the presence of other factors that may to increase the risk to these reactions. A total of 42 patients were studied admitted with febrile neutropenia after above therapy from February to August, 2007. Biomedical variables from included patient group were achieved and the previously applied cytostatic therapy. The prevalent age-group was those patients aged over 50 and predominance of male sex and advanced stages with associated affections. The more frequent tumor locations were in breast, lung, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The cytostatic agent more used in cases of febrile neutropenia was Adriamycin (71.4 %) followed by Cyclophosphamide (52.4 %). The factors more associated with febrile neutropenia appearance were: Anthracycline chemotherapy, age over 50, advanced stages, and presence of associated diseases

  20. Neutropenia and agranulocytosis in England and Wales: incidence and risk factors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Staa, T. P.; Boulton, F.; Cooper, C.; Hagenbeek, A.; Inskip, H.; Leufkens, H. G. M.


    The objectives of this study were to estimate the incidence of idiosyncratic neutropenia and agranulocytosis in England and Wales and to evaluate their risk factors and outcomes. The study was conducted using data from the General Practice Research Database. All cases of idiosyncratic neutropenia or

  1. Níveis de zinco sérico em pacientes internados com depressão

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    Camila Saueressig

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo Comparar pacientes internados com depressão e com transtorno de humor bipolar em episódio depressivo quanto aos níveis séricos de zinco. Métodos Foram incluídos 46 pacientes com idade igual ou superior a 19 anos, de ambos os sexos, internados em Unidade de Internação Psiquiátrica de um hospital universitário do sul do Brasil. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Depressão (Grupo D e Grupo com Transtorno de Humor Bipolar em episódio depressivo (Grupo THB. A análise do zinco sérico foi realizada por meio de espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Como valores de referência para normalidade, foram adotados níveis de zinco sérico acima de 59 µg/dL para mulheres e acima de 61 µg/dL para homens. Resultados Os níveis de zinco sérico estavam dentro do padrão de normalidade em 95,7% dos pacientes. A mediana de zinco no Grupo D foi de 88,5 µg/dL e de 81,5 µg/dL no Grupo THB, porém essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa. O Grupo THB apresentou valores maiores de índice de massa corporal (IMC, LDL colesterol e mais internações psiquiátricas prévias. Conclusão Os resultados encontrados no presente estudo mostram que os níveis de zinco sérico em pacientes em uso de antidepressivos e outras medicações psiquiátricas, internados por THB em episódio depressivo, quando comparados a pacientes com depressão, não diferiram e estavam dentro da faixa de normalidade. O uso dessas medicações pode ter influência nas concentrações séricas do mineral.

  2. Neutropenia associated with osteomyelitis due to Hepatozoon canis infection in a dog. (United States)

    Shimokawa Miyama, Takako; Umeki, Saori; Baba, Kenji; Sada, Kumiko; Hiraoka, Hiroko; Endo, Yasuyuki; Inokuma, Hisashi; Hisasue, Masaharu; Okuda, Masaru; Mizuno, Takuya


    A 4-year-old, intact male Shiba dog was referred to Yamaguchi University Animal Medical Center, Yamaguchi, Japan, for the following complaints: anorexia, lethargy, intermittent fever, gingival bleeding and abdominal purpura. The dog presented with persistent neutropenia. Histopathological examination of a bone marrow sample revealed round to oval structures that resembled Hepatozoon micromerozoites and formed a "wheel-spoke" pattern. Furthermore, mature neutrophils were observed around these structures. PCR and sequencing using bone marrow aspirate confirmed Hepatozoon canis (H. canis) infection. These findings suggest that the neutropenia observed in this case was associated with osteomyelitis due to H. canis infection. This is the first report of neutropenia associated with H. canis infection. H. canis infection can be included in the differential diagnosis in canine cases of neutropenia in areas where the disease is endemic.

  3. Neutropenia: occurrence and management in women with breast cancer receiving chemotherapy

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    Talita Garcia do Nascimento


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: to identify the prevalence, and describe the management of, neutropenia throughout the chemotherapy treatment among women with breast cancer.METHODS: observational study, cycles of chemotherapy. 116 neutropenic events were recorded, and 63.3% of the patients presented neutropenia at some point of their treatment, 46.5% of these presenting grade II. The management used was temporary suspension between the cycles and the mean number of delays was 6 days. The study was prospective and longitudinal, where the evaluation of the hematological toxicities was undertaken at each cycle of chemotherapy, whether neoadjuvant or adjuvant.RESULTS: 79 women were included, who received 572 cycles. However, the reasons for the suspensions were the lack of a space in the chemotherapy center, followed by neutropenia.CONCLUSION: neutropenia is one of the most common and serious adverse events observed during the chemotherapy. Nursing must invest in research regarding this adverse event and in management strategies for organizing the public health system, so as to offer quality care.

  4. Technical evaluation of methods for identifying chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in healthcare claims databases. (United States)

    Weycker, Derek; Sofrygin, Oleg; Seefeld, Kim; Deeter, Robert G; Legg, Jason; Edelsberg, John


    Healthcare claims databases have been used in several studies to characterize the risk and burden of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia (FN) and effectiveness of colony-stimulating factors against FN. The accuracy of methods previously used to identify FN in such databases has not been formally evaluated. Data comprised linked electronic medical records from Geisinger Health System and healthcare claims data from Geisinger Health Plan. Subjects were classified into subgroups based on whether or not they were hospitalized for FN per the presumptive "gold standard" (ANC based definition (diagnosis codes for neutropenia, fever, and/or infection). Accuracy was evaluated principally based on positive predictive value (PPV) and sensitivity. Among 357 study subjects, 82 (23%) met the gold standard for hospitalized FN. For the claims-based definition including diagnosis codes for neutropenia plus fever in any position (n=28), PPV was 100% and sensitivity was 34% (95% CI: 24-45). For the definition including neutropenia in the primary position (n=54), PPV was 87% (78-95) and sensitivity was 57% (46-68). For the definition including neutropenia in any position (n=71), PPV was 77% (68-87) and sensitivity was 67% (56-77). Patients hospitalized for chemotherapy-induced FN can be identified in healthcare claims databases--with an acceptable level of mis-classification--using diagnosis codes for neutropenia, or neutropenia plus fever.

  5. Prevalence and clinical significance of neutropenia discovered in routine complete blood cell counts: a longitudinal study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Christen Bertel L; Tesfa, D.; Siersma, Volkert Dirk


    BACKGROUND: Neutropenia, defined as an absolute blood neutrophil count (ANC) neutropenia detected in a routine complete blood cell count is poorly understood. METHODS: Using a primary care resource, comprising...... more than 370 000 individuals, we assessed the association with a number of previously recognized conditions as well as all-cause mortality in the 4 years following the identification of neutropenia. By matching laboratory data with Danish nationwide health registers, risk estimates were assessed....... RESULTS: Neutropenia was observed in approximately 1% of all individuals and was associated dose dependently with viral infections, haematological malignancies (but not autoimmune disorders or solid cancers) and mortality. Neutropenia was particularly associated with HIV, acute leukaemias...

  6. Parental perspectives on inpatient versus outpatient management of pediatric febrile neutropenia. (United States)

    Diorio, Caroline; Martino, Julia; Boydell, Katherine Mary; Ethier, Marie-Chantal; Mayo, Chris; Wing, Richard; Teuffel, Oliver; Sung, Lillian; Tomlinson, Deborah


    To describe parent preference for treatment of febrile neutropenia and the key drivers of parental decision making, structured face-to-face interviews were used to elicit parent preferences for inpatient versus outpatient management of pediatric febrile neutropenia. Parents were presented with 4 different scenarios and asked to indicate which treatment option they preferred and to describe reasons for this preference during the face-to-face interview. Comments were recorded in writing by research assistants. A consensus approach to thematic analysis was used to identify themes from the written comments of the research assistants. A total of 155 parents participated in the study. Of these, 80 (51.6%) parents identified hospital-based intravenous treatment as the most preferred treatment scenario for febrile neutropenia. The major themes identified included convenience/disruptiveness, physical health, emotional well-being, and modifiers of parental decision making. Most parents preferred hospital-based treatment for febrile neutropenia. An understanding of issues that influence parental decision making may assist health care workers in planning program implementation and further support families in their decision-making process.

  7. Treatment of Febrile Neutropenia and Prophylaxis in Hematologic Malignancies: A Critical Review and Update

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    Paola Villafuerte-Gutierrez


    Full Text Available Febrile neutropenia is one of the most serious complications in patients with haematological malignancies and chemotherapy. A prompt identification of infection and empirical antibiotic therapy can prolong survival. This paper reviews the guidelines about febrile neutropenia in the setting of hematologic malignancies, providing an overview of the definition of fever and neutropenia, and categories of risk assessment, management of infections, and prophylaxis.

  8. A Case of Severe Neutropenia From Short-Term Exposure to Moxifloxacin

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    Weihan Chen BS


    Full Text Available Moxifloxacin is commonly prescribed in the inpatient and outpatient management of community-acquired pneumonia and other common infections. We report a case of a 76-year-old man who developed severe neutropenia after several days of treatment for community-acquired pneumonia. The patient had a history of alcohol abuse; however, there were no other offending medications prescribed, and a thorough laboratory workup for other possible causes of neutropenia was negative. The patient’s neutrophils and white blood count responded quickly to cessation of fluoroquinolones. This case highlights the importance of identifying patients that might be at high risk for neutropenia that may need closer monitoring on this commonly prescribed medication.

  9. Radiation-induced oesophagitis in lung cancer patients. Is susceptibility for neutropenia a risk factor?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruysscher, D. de [MAASTRO Clinic, Maastricht (Netherlands). Dept. of Radiation Oncology; Meerbeeck, J. van [Ghent Univ. Hospital (Belgium). Dept. of Respiratory Medicine; Vandecasteele, K. [Ghent Univ. Hospital (BE). Dept. of Radiation Oncology] (and others)


    Background: Radiation-induced oesophagitis is a major side effect of concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy. A strong association between neutropenia and oesophagitis was previously shown, but external validation and further elucidation of the possible mechanisms are lacking. Methods and patients: A total of 119 patients were included at two institutions. The concurrent group comprised 34 SCLC patients treated with concurrent carboplatin and etoposide, and concurrent chest irradiation, and 36 NSCLC patients with concurrent cisplatin and etoposide, and concurrent radiotherapy, while the sequential group comprised 49 NSCLC patients received sequential cisplatin and gemcitabine, and radiotherapy. Results: Severe neutropenia was very frequent during concurrent chemoradiation (grade: 4 41.4%) and during induction chemotherapy in sequentially treated patients (grade 4: 30.6%), but not during radiotherapy (only 4% grade 1). In the concurrent group, the odds ratios of grade 3 oesophagitis vs. neutropenia were the following: grade 2 vs. grade 0/1: 5.60 (95% CI 1.55-20.26), p = 0.009; grade 3 vs. grade 0/1: 10.40 (95% CI 3.19-33.95); p = 0.0001; grade 4 vs. grade 0/1: 12.60 (95% CI 4.36-36.43); p < 0.00001. There was no correlation between the occurrence of neutropenia during induction chemotherapy and acute oesophagitis during or after radiotherapy alone. In the univariate analysis, total radiation dose (p < 0.001), overall treatment time of radiotherapy (p < 0.001), mean oesophageal dose (p = 0.038) and neutropenia (p < 0.001) were significantly associated with the development of oesophagitis. In a multivariate analysis, only neutropenia remained significant (p = 0.023). Conclusion: We confirm that neutropenia is independently correlated with oesophagitis in concurrent chemoradiation, but that the susceptibility for chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is not associated with radiation-induced oesophagitis. Further studies focusing on the underlying mechanisms are thus

  10. Radiation-induced oesophagitis in lung cancer patients. Is susceptibility for neutropenia a risk factor?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruysscher, D. de; Meerbeeck, J. van; Vandecasteele, K.


    Background: Radiation-induced oesophagitis is a major side effect of concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy. A strong association between neutropenia and oesophagitis was previously shown, but external validation and further elucidation of the possible mechanisms are lacking. Methods and patients: A total of 119 patients were included at two institutions. The concurrent group comprised 34 SCLC patients treated with concurrent carboplatin and etoposide, and concurrent chest irradiation, and 36 NSCLC patients with concurrent cisplatin and etoposide, and concurrent radiotherapy, while the sequential group comprised 49 NSCLC patients received sequential cisplatin and gemcitabine, and radiotherapy. Results: Severe neutropenia was very frequent during concurrent chemoradiation (grade: 4 41.4%) and during induction chemotherapy in sequentially treated patients (grade 4: 30.6%), but not during radiotherapy (only 4% grade 1). In the concurrent group, the odds ratios of grade 3 oesophagitis vs. neutropenia were the following: grade 2 vs. grade 0/1: 5.60 (95% CI 1.55-20.26), p = 0.009; grade 3 vs. grade 0/1: 10.40 (95% CI 3.19-33.95); p = 0.0001; grade 4 vs. grade 0/1: 12.60 (95% CI 4.36-36.43); p < 0.00001. There was no correlation between the occurrence of neutropenia during induction chemotherapy and acute oesophagitis during or after radiotherapy alone. In the univariate analysis, total radiation dose (p < 0.001), overall treatment time of radiotherapy (p < 0.001), mean oesophageal dose (p = 0.038) and neutropenia (p < 0.001) were significantly associated with the development of oesophagitis. In a multivariate analysis, only neutropenia remained significant (p = 0.023). Conclusion: We confirm that neutropenia is independently correlated with oesophagitis in concurrent chemoradiation, but that the susceptibility for chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is not associated with radiation-induced oesophagitis. Further studies focusing on the underlying mechanisms are thus

  11. Results of high-risk neutropenia therapy of hematology-oncology patients in a university hospital in Uruguay

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    Matilde Boada Burutaran


    Full Text Available Background: Febrile neutropenia is an important cause of mortality and morbidity in hematology-oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy. The management of febrile neutropenia is typically algorithm-driven. The aim of this study was to assess the results of a standardized protocol for the treatment of febrile neutropenia. Methods: A retrospective cohort study (2011-2012 was conducted of patients with high-risk neutropenia in a hematology-oncology service. Results: Forty-four episodes of 17 patients with a median age of 48 years (range: 18-78 years were included. The incidence of febrile neutropenia was 61.4%. The presence of febrile neutropenia was associated with both the duration and severity of neutropenia. Microbiological agents were isolated from different sources in 59.3% of the episodes with bacteremia iso- lated from blood being the most prevalent (81.3%. Multiple drug-resistant gram-negative bacilli were isolated in 62.5% of all microbiologically documented infections. Treatment of 63% of the episodes in which the initial treatment was piperacillin/tazobactam needed to be escalated to meropenem. The mortality rate due to febrile neutropenia episodes was 18.5%. Conclusion: The high rate of gram-negative bacilli resistant to piperacillin/tazobactam (frontline antibiotics in our protocol and the early need to escalate to carbapenems raises the question as to whether it is necessary to change the current protocol.

  12. O papel da neutropenia no prognóstico do doente oncológico com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade The role of neutropenia on outcomes of cancer patients with community-acquired pneumonia

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    Fátima Caeiro


    Full Text Available A doença infecciosa contribui para uma elevada morbilidade e mortalidade no doente oncológico, representando a pneumonia adquirida na comunidade a mais frequente. O desenvolvimento de PAC no doente neoplásico parece advir da modificação de mecanismos de defesa imunitária resultante, quer da patologia maligna, quer do tratamento oncológico. O risco de infecção relacionada com o tipo de neoplasia pode associar-se ao défice de imunidade humoral, celular ou do número de neutrófilos. As doenças hematológicas malignas podem predispor o doente às infecções devido à substituição da medula por células neoplásicas. Consequentemente, estes doentes têm neutropenia funcional, apesar de apresentarem, muitas vezes, um número normal ou aumentado de neutrófilos. Por outro lado, estes doentes podem ter neutropenia como efeito secundário da quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia (neutropenia absoluta. A gravidade da neutropenia foi considerada como principal factor de risco isolado no doente neoplásico, com particular relevância se o número de neutrófilos ≤500cel/mm³. A mortalidade global atribuída à neutropenia febril no doente neoplásico é de 30-50%. Nas últimas décadas, o tratamento das infecções na população oncológica foi direccionado, primariamente, para o manuseamento da neutropenia febril, devido ao facto de o local da infecção não ser determinado em 50-80% dos casos. As guidelines da American Thoracic Society de 2001 utilizavam a neutropenia para identificar os quadros mais graves de PAC nos doentes oncológicos. Os doen tes com patologia hematológica e neutropenia funcional ou indivíduos com qualquer tipo de neoplasia e neutropenia absoluta foram excluídos das referidas guidelines. A decisão de incluir doentes com tumores sólidos não neutropénicos foi baseada, apenas, na opinião de especialistas. Assim, os clínicos podiam sentir-se confiantes e tratar a PAC no doente oncológico não neutropénico como na

  13. Technical evaluation of methods for identifying chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in healthcare claims databases

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    Weycker Derek


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Healthcare claims databases have been used in several studies to characterize the risk and burden of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia (FN and effectiveness of colony-stimulating factors against FN. The accuracy of methods previously used to identify FN in such databases has not been formally evaluated. Methods Data comprised linked electronic medical records from Geisinger Health System and healthcare claims data from Geisinger Health Plan. Subjects were classified into subgroups based on whether or not they were hospitalized for FN per the presumptive “gold standard” (ANC 9/L, and body temperature ≥38.3°C or receipt of antibiotics and claims-based definition (diagnosis codes for neutropenia, fever, and/or infection. Accuracy was evaluated principally based on positive predictive value (PPV and sensitivity. Results Among 357 study subjects, 82 (23% met the gold standard for hospitalized FN. For the claims-based definition including diagnosis codes for neutropenia plus fever in any position (n=28, PPV was 100% and sensitivity was 34% (95% CI: 24–45. For the definition including neutropenia in the primary position (n=54, PPV was 87% (78–95 and sensitivity was 57% (46–68. For the definition including neutropenia in any position (n=71, PPV was 77% (68–87 and sensitivity was 67% (56–77. Conclusions Patients hospitalized for chemotherapy-induced FN can be identified in healthcare claims databases--with an acceptable level of mis-classification--using diagnosis codes for neutropenia, or neutropenia plus fever.

  14. A brucellosis case presenting with vesicular and maculopapular rash and febrile neutropenia

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    Selmin Dirgen Çaylak


    Full Text Available Brucellosis is a systemic disease in which all kind of tissues and organs can be affected. Brucellosis may present with different symptoms and symptoms are non-specific. A broad spectrum of clinical manifestations can be seen, therefore diagnosis can be difficult. Cutaneous complications and febrile neutropenia have been rarely reported. Here, a rare brucellosis case was reported that he applied with fever, skin eruption and neutropenia. We emphasized that especially in endemic areas brucellosis should always be kept on mind in the differential diagnosis of patient with skin eruption and febril neutropenia.J Microbiol Infect Dis 2014;4(1: 39-41

  15. Características clínicas y microbiológicas de los pacientes neutropénicos febriles con neoplasias hematológicas

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    Fabián Alberto Jaimes Barragán


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron en forma retrospectiva 441 historias clínicas en el período comprendido entre enero de 2003 y diciembre de 2005. De éstas, se identificaron las características de 117 episodios de neutropenia febril en 96 pacientes. La mediana de edad fue 34 años y el 56,4% de los episodios ocurrieron en hombres. Las más frecuentes neoplasias hematológicas relacionadas con neutropenia febril fueron leucemia linfoide aguda (LLA y leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA con 45 episodios de cada una, que corresponden al 76,9%. La mediana de duración de la neutropenia fue 8 días y el 60,7% de los casos entraron en la categoría de neutropenia grave. La mortalidad global fue del 32% y el 81,5% de estas muertes estuvieron asociadas directamente con la infección. Se obtuvo aislamiento microbiológico en el 51% de los eventos. Los bacilos gram negativos (BGN constituyeron el 59% de los aislamientos microbiológicos y los cocos gram positivos el 32%. El 14,3% de los BGN aislados fueron positivos para beta lactamasas de espectro extendido (BLEE y la resistencia global a ciprofloxacina alcanzó el 31,4%. El esquema antimicrobiano empírico más frecuentemente utilizado fue ciprofloxacina más ceftriaxona; la respuesta terapéutica fue desfavorable en 65% de los casos. En el Hospital San Vicente de Paúl de Medellín siguen primando los gérmenes gram negativos y son altas las tasas de resistencia a los antibióticos utilizados tradicionalmente como de primera línea, lo que sugiere la necesidad de reevaluar la pertinencia de estos esquemas.

  16. Intoxicación alimentaria por consumo de carne de caimán negro (Melanosuchus niger en el internado indígena de Nazareth, Amazonas, abril de 1997

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    Martha C. Suárez


    Full Text Available Las intoxicaciones alimentarias son ocasionadas por consumo de alimentos en malas condiciones de preparación o de conservación o que han sufrido contaminación con agentes quimicos, fisicos o biológicos. La reciente incorporación de la vigilancia de este evento en el sistema de vigilancia intensificado de la Secretaria de Salud del Amazonas, ha permitido identificar la presencia de brotes de intoxicación alimentaria en el departamento. En abril de 1997, se informó a la Oficina de Epidemiologia de la Secretaria de Salud del Amazonas, la llegada de 30 pacientes al Hospital Empresa Social del Estado San Rafael de Leticia, con un cuadro clinico de dolor abdominal, vómito y cefalea. Las pacientes eran estudiantes adolescentes del internado indígena femenino de Nazareth, que presentaban como antecedente común la ingestión de pescado recalentado el día anterior a su consulta. En la investigación del presente brote de intoxicación alimentaria se comprobó por laboratorio que el alimento implicado era la carne de caimán negro, Melanosuchusniger, contaminada con Bacillus cereus. Esta carne iba a ser vendida como 'pescado seco' en Bogotá, por la gran demanda que tiene este alimento en la época de Semana Santa.

  17. Neutropenia in Patients with Common Variable Immunodeficiency: a Rare Event Associated with Severe Outcome. (United States)

    Guffroy, Aurélien; Mourot-Cottet, Rachel; Gérard, Laurence; Gies, Vincent; Lagresle, Chantal; Pouliet, Aurore; Nitschké, Patrick; Hanein, Sylvain; Bienvenu, Boris; Chanet, Valérie; Donadieu, Jean; Gardembas, Martine; Karmochkine, Marina; Nove-Josserand, Raphaele; Martin, Thierry; Poindron, Vincent; Soulas-Sprauel, Pauline; Rieux-Laucat, Fréderic; Fieschi, Claire; Oksenhendler, Eric; André-Schmutz, Isabelle; Korganow, Anne-Sophie


    Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is characterized by infections and hypogammaglobulinemia. Neutropenia is rare during CVID. The French DEFI study enrolled patients with primary hypogammaglobulinemia. Patients with CVID and neutropenia were retrospectively analyzed. Among 473 patients with CVID, 16 patients displayed neutropenia (lowest count [0-1400]*10 6 /L). Sex ratio (M/F) was 10/6. Five patients died during the follow-up (11 years) with an increased percentage of deaths compared to the whole DEFI group (31.3 vs 3.4%, P < 0.05). Neutropenia was diagnosed for 10 patients before 22 years old. The most frequent symptoms, except infections, were autoimmune cytopenia, i.e., thrombopenia or anemia (11/16). Ten patients were affected with lymphoproliferative diseases. Two patients were in the infection only group and the others belonged to one or several other CVID groups. The median level of IgG was 2.6 g/L [0.35-4.4]. Most patients presented increased numbers of CD21 low CD38 low B cell, as already described in CVID autoimmune cytopenia group. Neutropenia was considered autoimmune in 11 cases. NGS for 52 genes of interest was performed on 8 patients. No deleterious mutations were found in LRBA, CTLA4, and PIK3. More than one potentially damaging variant in other genes associated with CVID were present in most patients arguing for a multigene process. Neutropenia is generally associated with another cytopenia and presumably of autoimmune origin during CVID. In the DEFI study, neutropenia is coupled with more severe clinical outcomes. It appears as an "alarm bell" considering patients' presentation and the high rate of deaths. Whole exome sequencing diagnosis should improve management.

  18. Outpatient management of febrile neutropenia: time to revise the present treatment strategy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carstensen, M.; Sørensen, Jens Benn


    We reviewed medical literature on the efficacy and safety of outpatient versus hospital-based therapy of low-risk febrile neutropenia in adult cancer patients. A PubMed search for all studies evaluating the outpatient treatment of adults diagnosed with solid tumors who suffered from low......-risk febrile neutropenia was completed; reference lists from identified articles also were used. In all, 10 trials were included in the analysis, which showed no significant difference in clinical failure rates and mortality for ambulatory regimens and standard hospital-based therapy. Subgroup analysis...... treatment failure (P febrile neutropenia is safe, effective, and comparable to standard hospital-based therapy. Patients at low risk are outpatients and are hemodynamically...

  19. Dental findings and treatment in consanguinity associated congenital chronic familial neutropenia. (United States)

    Buduneli, Nurcan; Cogulu, Dilsah; Kardesler, Levent; Kütükçüler, Necil


    The purpose of this report is to describe dental findings and treatment of an 11-year old male patient and a 5-year old female patient, children of first cousins, suffering from severe benign congenital chronic familial neutropenia. This case report emphazises the importance of differential diagnosis of immunodeficiencies including congenital chronic familial neutropenia in the background of severe periodontal diseases and/or diffuse carious lesions in children.


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    Luciana Teofili


    Full Text Available

    We retrospectively compared the incidence of neutropenia  in two groups of  HIV patients with lymphoma,  who underwent chemotherapy supported by once-per-cycle administration of pegfilgrastim or by daily subcutaneous injection of filgrastim, respectively. Our findings indicate that pegfilgrastim and filgastrim produce similar results in preventing both neutropenia and febrile neutropenia.


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    Luciana Teofili


    Full Text Available We retrospectively compared the incidence of neutropenia  in two groups of  HIV patients with lymphoma,  who underwent chemotherapy supported by once-per-cycle administration of pegfilgrastim or by daily subcutaneous injection of filgrastim, respectively. Our findings indicate that pegfilgrastim and filgastrim produce similar results in preventing both neutropenia and febrile neutropenia.

  2. G-CSF in solid tumor chemotherapy: a tailored regimen reduces febrile neutropenia, treatment delays and direct costs. (United States)

    Tsavaris, Nicolas; Kosmas, Christos; Gouveris, Panagiotis; Vadiak, Maria; Dimitrakopoulos, Antonis; Karadima, Dimitra; Pagouni, Efterpi; Panagiotakopoulos, George; Tzima, Evanthia; Ispoglou, Sevasti; Sakelariou, Dimitris; Koufos, Christos


    Current guidelines do not recommend G-CSF for patients with risk factors for neutropenia. One-hundred patients undergoing chemotherapy were randomized to treatment with G-CSF at 5 Kg/kg for established febrile neutropenia (ANC <1000/microl) (Group A) or G-CSF at 263 Kg/day if ANC was 1500/microl or less on the day of the expected nadir, with the duration of treatment determined by the severity of neutropenia (Group B). The number of doses of G-CSF was similar in the two groups. There were 34 cases of febrile neutropenia in Group A, but none in Group B (p=0.0001). Hospital admission for febrile neutropenia, antibiotic use and delays in chemotherapy were all significantly more common in Group A. Total direct costs were estimated to be 66, 646 for Group A and 47, 119 for Group B. Tailoring treatment does not increase G-CSF use, but significantly reduces febrile neutropenia and treatment delays and lowers direct costs.

  3. Infusional β-lactam antibiotics in febrile neutropenia: has the time come? (United States)

    Abbott, Iain J; Roberts, Jason A


    Febrile neutropenia presents a clinical challenge in which timely and appropriate antibiotic exposure is crucial. In the context of altered pharmacokinetics and rising bacterial resistance, standard antibiotic doses are unlikely to be sufficient. This review explores the potential utility of altered dosing approaches of β-lactam antibiotics to optimize treatment in febrile neutropenia. There is a dynamic relationship between the antibiotic, the infecting pathogen, and the host. Great advancements have been made in the understanding of the pharmacokinetic changes in critical illness and the pharmacodynamic relationships of antibiotics in these settings. Antibiotic treatment in febrile neutropenia is becoming increasingly difficult. Patients are of higher acuity, receive more intensive chemotherapy regimens leading to prolonged neutropenia, and are often exposed to multiple antibiotic courses. These patients display significant variability in antibiotic clearances and increases in volume of distribution compared with standard ward-based patients. Rising antibiotic resistance and a lack of new antibiotics in production have prompted alternative dosing strategies based on pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic data, such as extended or continuous infusions of β-lactam antibiotics, to maximize the likelihood of treatment success. A definitive study that describes a mortality benefit of such dosing regimens remains elusive and the theoretical advantages require testing in well designed clinical trials.

  4. Colony-stimulating factors for chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia. (United States)

    Mhaskar, Rahul; Clark, Otavio Augusto Camara; Lyman, Gary; Engel Ayer Botrel, Tobias; Morganti Paladini, Luciano; Djulbegovic, Benjamin


    Febrile neutropenia is a frequent adverse event experienced by people with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy, and is a potentially life-threatening situation. The current treatment is supportive care plus antibiotics. Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs), such as granulocyte-CSF (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), are cytokines that stimulate and accelerate the production of one or more cell lines in the bone marrow. Clinical trials have addressed the question of whether the addition of a CSF to antibiotics could improve outcomes in individuals diagnosed with febrile neutropenia. However, the results of these trials are conflicting. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of adding G-CSF or GM-CSF to standard treatment (antibiotics) when treating chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in individuals diagnosed with cancer. We conducted the search in March 2014 and covered the major electronic databases: the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, and SCI. We contacted experts in hematology and oncology and also scanned the citations from the relevant articles. We searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that compared CSF plus antibiotics versus antibiotics alone for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in adults and children. We used the standard methodological procedures expected by The Cochrane Collaboration. We performed meta-analysis of the selected studies using Review Manager 5 software. Fourteen RCTs (15 comparisons) including a total of 1553 participants addressing the role of CSF plus antibiotics in febrile neutropenia were included. Overall mortality was not improved by the use of CSF plus antibiotics versus antibiotics alone (hazard ratio (HR) 0.74 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.47 to 1.16) P = 0.19; 13 RCTs; 1335 participants; low quality evidence). A similar finding was seen for infection-related mortality (HR 0.75 (95% CI 0.47 to 1.20) P = 0.23; 10 RCTs; 897

  5. Different clinical phenotypes in familial severe congenital neutropenia cases with same mutation of the ELANE gene. (United States)

    Cho, Hye-Kyung; Jeon, In Sang


    Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) is a heterogeneous group of disorders with a defect in granulopoiesis causing marked neutropenia and severe bacterial infections. A 17-month-old girl (patient 1) was admitted due to cervical lymphadenitis caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, with neutropenia. She had Pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis and peritonitis with perforated appendicitis at 8-month of age. Her sister, a 37-month-old girl (patient 2), had recurrent stomatitis with profound neutropenia, and her mother, a 32-yr-old woman (patient 3), had had recurrent stomatitis until her early 20s with neutropenia. We found an ELANE gene mutation (c.597+1G > A) from them in direct DNA sequencing analysis. Patients 1 and 2 did not respond to granulocyte colony stimulating factor and patient 1 was treated with prolonged antibiotics and excision. We demonstrated inherited SCN cases showing different severity even with the same mutation of the ELANE gene in a family.

  6. Treatment of hyperthyroidism with antithyroid drugs corrects mild neutropenia in Graves' disease. (United States)

    Aggarwal, N; Tee, S A; Saqib, W; Fretwell, T; Summerfield, G P; Razvi, S


    Neutropenia secondary to antithyroid drug (ATD) therapy in Graves' disease (GD) is well recognized. However, the effect of hyperthyroidism, prior to and after ATD therapy, on neutrophil counts in patients with GD is unclear. To study the prevalence of neutropenia in newly diagnosed untreated GD and the effect of ATD on the neutrophil count. Prospective study from August 2010 to December 2014. Endocrinology outpatient clinic in a single centre. Consecutive patients (n = 206) with newly diagnosed GD. ATD therapy. Prevalence and factors predicting neutropenia (treatment with ATD and are related to reduction in thyroid hormone concentrations. It is therefore important to check neutrophil levels in newly diagnosed patients with GD prior to commencing ATD therapy as otherwise low levels may incorrectly be attributed to ATD therapy. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Management of Febrile Neutropenia in Patients receiving ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    BACKGROUND: One in ten patients on anticancer medication will develop febrile neutropenia irrespective of tumour type. There is need to protect our patients from this fatal condition while optimising chemotherapy. This may be difficult for a poor country. OBJECTIVE: To assess the management of cancer patients with

  8. Different Clinical Phenotypes in Familial Severe Congenital Neutropenia Cases with Same Mutation of the ELANE Gene


    Cho, Hye-Kyung; Jeon, In Sang


    Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) is a heterogeneous group of disorders with a defect in granulopoiesis causing marked neutropenia and severe bacterial infections. A 17-month-old girl (patient 1) was admitted due to cervical lymphadenitis caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, with neutropenia. She had Pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis and peritonitis with perforated appendicitis at 8-month of age. Her sister, a 37-month-old girl (patient 2), had recurrent stomatitis with profou...

  9. Cost Minimization Analysis of the Use of Meropenem and Ceftazidime in Febrile Neutropenia Therapy

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    Rizky Abdulah


    Full Text Available Use of antibiotics is required in febrile neutropenia therapy. The variety choice on the use of antibiotics has increased the role of pharmacoeconomics study to determine the most effective and efficient antibiotic in a specific area. The purpose of this study was to investigate the lowest cost antibiotic between meropenem and ceftazidime that were used as one of febrile neutropenia treatments at one of referral hospitals in West Java province during 2011–2013. This study was a retrospective, observational and analytical study that was performed on February 2014 by collecting medical record data related to febrile neutropenia inpatient who received meropenem or ceftazidime therapy. The result showed that although it was not statistically significant, the total cost for ceftazidime therapy was IDR7,082,523, which was lower than meropenem therapy (IDR11,094,147. Hopefully, this result can assist the health professionals in the management of febrile neutropenia therapy.

  10. Poikiloderma with Neutropenia in Morocco: a Report of Four Cases. (United States)

    Aglaguel, Ayoub; Abdelghaffar, Houria; Ailal, Fatima; Habti, Norddine; Hesse, Sebastian; Kohistani, Naschla; Klein, Christoph; Bousfiha, Ahmed Aziz


    Poikiloderma with Neutropenia (PN) is inherited genodermatosis which results from a biallelic mutation in the USB1 gene (U Six Biogenesis 1). PN, first described in Navajo Native Americans, is characterized by early onset poikiloderma, pachyonychia, palmo-plantar hyperkeratosis, and permanent neutropenia. This condition results in frequent respiratory tract infections during infancy and childhood. From 2011 to 2013, four cases of PN were diagnosed in Morocco. In this paper, we report the first four cases of PN diagnosed in Morocco, out of three unrelated consanguinous families. We investigated the genetic, immunological, and clinical features of four Moroccan patients with PN from three unrelated consanguinous families. Mean age at onset was 3 months and mean age at diagnosis was 7.5 years. The diagnosis of these PN patients was made based on clinical features and confirmed by molecular analysis for three cases. We identified two undescribed homozygous mutations in the USB1 gene: c.609 + 1G>A in two siblings and c.518 T>G(p.(Leu173Arg)) in the other case. This report confirms the clinical and genetic identity of Poikiloderma with Neutropenia syndrome.

  11. Aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos de pacientes queimados internados em um Hospital de Ensino

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    Samanta Flor Montes


    Full Text Available Os objetivos foram: caracterizar os pacientes queimados segundo as variáveis epidemiológicas e clínicas e identificar os tratamentos, procedimentos invasivos e as complicações. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e quantitativo. A amostra constituiu-se de 138 pacientes queimados internados em um hospital de ensino, no período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2007, de Uberaba-MG. Dos 138 pacientes internados, 98 (71,0% eram do gênero masculino e a média de idade foi de 26,1 anos. O tempo médio de internação foi de 16,2 dias; 93 (67,4% eram de natureza acidental e a principal causa 68 (49,3% foi a chama aberta. A superfície corporal queimada média foi de 20,8% e a maioria 122 (88,4% apresentou queimadura de 2° grau. A terapia tópica mais utilizada 93 (67,4% foi a sulfadiazina de prata. A sondagem vesical de demora foi instalada em 47 (34,0% pacientes; 30 (21,7% foram submetidos à enxertia e 28 (20,3% ao desbridamento; 14 (10,1% apresentaram infecção da lesão.

  12. Oral features of a family with benign familial neutropenia. (United States)

    Porter, S R; Luker, J; Scully, C; Oakhill, A


    The oral features of three members of a family with familial benign neutropenia (a mother and two children) are detailed. Prepubertal periodontitis, oral ulceration, and angular stomatitis were the principal features.

  13. Sunitinib-associated hypertension and neutropenia as efficacy biomarkers in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Donskov, Frede; Michaelson, M Dror; Puzanov, Igor


    ), neutropenia (grade ⩾2), thrombocytopenia (grade ⩾2), hand-foot syndrome (grade >0), and asthenia/fatigue (grade >0)) were analysed in multivariate analyses of progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) end points. RESULTS: On-treatment neutropenia and hypertension were associated with longer...... PFS (P=0.0276 and Pneutropenia was significantly associated...... with longer PFS and OS (P=0.013 and P=0.0122, respectively) and hypertension or hand-foot syndrome with longer OS (P=0.0036 and P=0.0218, respectively). The concordance index was 0.65 (95% CI: 0.63-0.67) for IMDC classification alone and 0.72 (95% CI: 0.70-0.74) when combined with hypertension and neutropenia...

  14. Clinical profile of high-risk febrile neutropenia in a tertiary care hospital

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    Mohan V Bhojaraja


    Full Text Available Background Infection in the immunocompromised host has been a reason of concern in the clinical setting and a topic of debate for decades. In this study, the aim was to analyse the clinical profile of high-risk febrile neutropenic patients. Aims To study the clinical profile of high risk febrile neutropenia patients with the objective of identifying the most common associated malignancy, most common associated pathogen, the source of infection, to correlate the treatment and management with that of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA 2010 guidelines and to assess the clinical outcome. Methods A cross-sectional time bound study was carried out and a total of 80 episodes of high-risk febrile neutropenia were recorded among patients with malignancies from September 2011 to July 2013 with each episode being taken as a new case. Results Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (30 per cent was the most common malignancy associated, commonest source of infection was due to central venous catheters, the commonest pathogens were gram negative (52 per cent the treatment and management of each episode of high risk febrile neutropenia correlated with that of IDSA 2010 guidelines and the mortality rate was 13.75 per cent. Conclusion Febrile neutropenia is one of the major complications and cause of mortality in patients with malignancy and hence understanding its entire spectrum can help us reduce morbidity and mortality.

  15. Biosimilars in the management of neutropenia: focus on filgrastim

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    Caselli D


    Full Text Available Désirée Caselli,1 Simone Cesaro,2 Maurizio Aricò1 1Medical Department, Pediatric Unit, Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale Ragusa, Ragusa, 2Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Hematology Oncology, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata, Verona, Italy Abstract: Advances in chemotherapy and surgery allows the majority of patients to survive cancer diseases. Yet, the price may be a proportion of patients dying of complications due to treatment-induced infectious complications, such as neutropenia. With the aim of decreasing morbidity and mortality related to infectious complications, recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF, filgrastim, and pegylated filgrastim have been used to reduce time and degree of neutropenia. A biosimilar is a copy of an approved original biologic medicine whose data protection has expired. The patent for filgrastim expired in Europe in 2006 and in the US in 2013. This review analyses the available evidence to be considered in order to design a strategy of use of G-CSF and its biosimilars. The clinical and safety outcomes of biosimilars are well within the range of historically reported data for originator filgrastim. This underscores the clinical effectiveness and safety of biosimilar filgrastim in daily clinical practice. Biosimilars can play an important role by offering the opportunity to reduce costs, thus contributing to the financial sustainability of treatment programs. Keywords: neutropenia, filgrastim, biosimilars, G-CSF, fever, prophylaxis

  16. Simultaneous occurrence of fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia and neonatal neutropenia due to maternal neutrophilic autoantibodies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Taaning, Ellen; Jensen, Lise; Varming, Kim


    Foetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) and neonatal neutropenia caused by maternal autoantibodies against neutrophils are rare disorders. We describe a newborn with severe thrombocytopenia and intracerebral bleeding caused by maternal anti-HPA-3a alloantibodies and mild neutropenia...

  17. Microbiology of destructive periodontal disease in adolescent patients with congenital neutropenia - A report of 3 cases

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Winkelhoff, AJ; Schouten-van Meeteren, AYN; Baart, JA; Vandenbroucke-Grauls, CMJE

    Background, aims: Congenital neutropenia is one condition that may predispose for destructive periodontal disease at a young age. In this report, we describe the microbiology of 3 adolescent patients with congenital neutropenia two of whom suffered from severe periodontitis. Method: Microbiological

  18. The antimicrobial propeptide hCAP-18 plasma levels in neutropenia of various aetiologies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ye, Ying; Carlsson, Göran; Karlsson-Sjöberg, Jenny M T


    The underlying cause of neutropenia may be difficult to determine due to similar clinical presentation in many neutropenic conditions. The neutrophil protein hCAP-18 (pro-LL-37) is a major component of neutrophil secondary granules and in this prospective study we assessed the use of hCAP-18 levels...... in blood plasma for differential diagnosis of neutropenic patients (n = 133) of various aetiologies. Plasma levels of hCAP-18 were determined using immunoblot and ELISA. Patients with severe congenital neutropenia (n = 23) presented with the lowest levels of plasma hCAP-18 and differential diagnostic...... diagnostic value in differential diagnosis of chronic neutropenia. Neutropenic patients with Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, Barth syndrome, Cohen syndrome, acute myeloid leukaemia and specific granule deficiency presented with reduced plasma hCAP-18 levels as well. The blood plasma level of hCAP-18 was thus low...

  19. Prescribing and Conducting Non-Pharmacological Management of Patients With Decompensated Heart Failure Admitted to a University Hospital Emergency Prescripción y realización del manejo no-farmacológico para pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca descompensada internados en la emergencia de hospital universitario Prescrição e realização do manejo não farmacológico para pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca descompensada, internados em emergência de hospital universitário

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    Joelza Chisté Linhares


    Full Text Available This cross-sectional study aimed to describe the prescription of non-pharmacological management of patients with heart failure attending the emergency care of a hospital and the effectiveness of the practice. 256 patients aged 63±13 years, 153 (60% men, participated in the research. The most commonly prescribed non-pharmacological treatment was sodium restriction, 240 (95%, followed by weight control, 135 (53%. Fluid restriction and fluid balance were the least commonly prescribed treatments, 95 (37% and 72 (28%, respectively. Only 38 (54% of balances, 89 (67% of weight controls and 69 (57% of diuresis controls were performed. Concerning patients’ previous knowledge of the treatments, 229 (90% were advised to restrict salt intake, and 163 (64% were advised to restrict fluid intake. Weight control was the least commonly known care, 117 (46%. Except for salt control, the other treatments were prescribed in slightly more than half of the samples, and were ineffective.Se trata de un estudio transversal con objetivo de describir la prescripción del manejo no-farmacológico de pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca descompensada, internados en la emergencia y la efectividad de su realización. Se incluyeron 256 pacientes, con edad promedio de 63±13 años, siendo 153 (60% del sexo masculino. El cuidado no-farmacológico más prescrito fue la restricción de sodio, 240 (95%, seguido de control de peso 135 (53%. La restricción hídrica y el equilibrio hídrico fueron menos prescritos, 95 (37% y 72 (28%, respectivamente. Apenas 38 (54% de los equilibrios hídricos, 89 (67% de los controles de peso y 69 (57% de los controles de diuresis, fueron realizados. En cuanto al conocimiento previo de los pacientes sobre esos cuidados, 229 (90% recibieron orientación para control de la sal y 163 (64% para el control hídrico. El control de peso fue el cuidado menos conocido, con 117 (46%. Excepto el control de sal, los demás fueron prescritos para un poco m

  20. Effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Chemotherapy-Induced Myelosuppression and Febrile Neutropenia in Breast Cancer Patients

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    Huan Tian


    Full Text Available Title. Chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression lowers the quality of life in breast cancer patients and causes many complications. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM is a widely used complementary and alternative medicine therapies. Objective. To study whether TCM can reduce the incidence of chemotherapy-induced leukopenia, neutropenia, and febrile neutropenia (FN in breast cancer patients. Methods. The data were analyzed retrospectively between patients who received TCM treatment (group 1, n=453 and patients who did not receive TCM treatment (group 2, n=359. Significant risk factors associated with the occurrence of chemotherapy-induced leukopenia, neutropenia, and FN were identified using multivariate analysis. Propensity score-matched patients were analyzed to adjust for any baseline differences. Results. Group 1 patients had a significantly lower rate of chemotherapy-induced severe leukopenia, neutropenia, and FN, compared with group 2 (43% versus 71%, P<0.0001, 72% versus 78%, P=0.005, 6% versus 24%, P<0.0001, resp.. Multivariate analysis revealed that chemotherapy regimens containing anthracyclines combined with paclitaxel or docetaxel were the most significant predictor. Subgroup analysis indicated that TCM treatment showed benefit in relieving chemotherapy-induced leukopenia and FN in most chemotherapy regimens. Conclusions. TCM treatment could lower the risk of severe chemotherapy-induced leukopenia, neutropenia, and FN in breast cancer patients.

  1. Viral findings in adult hematological patients with neutropenia.

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    Lars Ohrmalm

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Until recently, viral infections in patients with hematological malignancies were concerns primarily in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT recipients. During the last years, changed treatment regimens for non-transplanted patients with hematological malignancies have had potential to increase the incidence of viral infections in this group. In this study, we have prospectively investigated the prevalence of a broad range of respiratory viruses in nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA as well as viruses that commonly reactivate after allogeneic HSCT. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Patients with hematological malignancies and therapy induced neutropenia (n = 159 were screened regarding a broad range of common respiratory viruses in the nasopharynx and for viruses commonly detected in severely immunosuppressed patients in peripheral blood. Quantitative PCR was used for detection of viruses. A viral pathogen was detected in 35% of the patients. The detection rate was rather similar in blood (22% and NPA (18% with polyoma BK virus and rhinovirus as dominating pathogens in blood and NPA, respectively. Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL (p<0.01 and patients with fever (p<0.001 were overrepresented in the virus-positive group. Furthermore, viral findings in NPA were associated with upper respiratory symptoms (URTS (p<0.0001. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Both respiratory viral infections and low titers of viruses in blood from patients with neutropenia were common. Patients with CLL and patients with fever were independently associated to these infections, and viral findings in NPA were associated to URTS indicating active infection. These findings motivate further studies on viruses' impact on this patient category and their potential role as causative agents of fever during neutropenia.

  2. Neutropenia and eosinophilia among Ethiopian immigrants to Israel: Familial or environmental? (United States)

    Tandeter, Howard; Glick, Karina; Moser, Asher


    Due to trends of population movements, Israeli family physicians are treating increasing numbers of African immigrants from Ethiopia. These immigrants were found to have complete blood counts (CBC) that are different from other ethnic groups, with a higher prevalence of eosinophilia and neutropenia. To evaluate haematological findings in an attempt to define whether they behave as familial (genetic) or environmental. Retrospective chart review of 300 patients from a primary care clinic: 100 individuals of Ethiopian heritage born in Ethiopia (EE); 100 individuals of Ethiopian heritage born in Israel, whose parents were born in Ethiopia (EI), and a control group of 100 patients who were not of Ethiopian heritage (C). Absolute eosinophilia (greater than 500/dl) was found in 13% of the EE study group significantly higher than the two other groups (P neutropenia (defined as less than 1500/dl) was found in 32% of EE group, 20% of EI, and 1% of C (P familial-genetic nature is probably the reason for the higher prevalence of neutropenia in this population, although some environmental influence may play a role. The knowledge of these findings may be useful for physicians treating people migrating from Africa.

  3. New developments in the treatment of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia: focus on balugrastim

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    Ghidini M


    Full Text Available Michele Ghidini,1 Jens Claus Hahne,2 Francesco Trevisani,3 Stefano Panni,1 Margherita Ratti,1 Laura Toppo,1 Gianluca Tomasello1 1Medical Department, Division of Oncology, ASST di Cremona, Ospedale di Cremona, Cremona, Italy; 2Division of Molecular Pathology, The Institute of Cancer Research, London and Sutton, UK; 3Department of Urology, Unit of Urology/Division of Oncology, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, URI, Milan, Italy Abstract: Neutropenia and febrile neutropenia are two major complications of chemotherapy. Dose reductions, delays in treatment administration, and the use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factors are equally recommended options to preserve absolute neutrophil count in case of chemotherapy regimens bringing a risk of febrile neutropenia of 20% or higher. Recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factors, such as filgrastim and lenograstim, have a short elimination half-life (t1/2 and need to be used daily, while others, like pegfilgrastim and lipegfilgrastim, are characterized by a long t1/2 requiring only a single administration per cycle. Balugrastim is a novel long-acting recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor obtained by means of a genetic fusion between recombinant human serum albumin and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Albumin binding increases the molecular weight and determines a high plasmatic stability leading to a t1/2 of ~19 days. Balugrastim’s efficacy, safety, and tolerability have been assessed in four different clinical trials involving breast cancer patients treated with doxorubicin and docetaxel. Pegfilgrastim was chosen as a comparator. Balugrastim was noninferior to pegfilgrastim with regard to the reduction of mean duration of severe neutropenia during cycle 1. Moreover, both treatments were comparable in terms of efficacy and safety profile. Balugrastim was well tolerated, with the only related adverse event being mild to moderate bone pain. The aim of this review is to summarize the

  4. [A pilot study of antibiotic cycling for the treatment of febrile neutropenia patients with hematological diseases]. (United States)

    Ikegaya, Satoshi; Iwasaki, Hiromichi; Kinoshita, Keiichi; Urasaki, Yoshimasa; Tsutani, Hiroshi; Ueda, Takanori


    Two antibiotics recommended by the guideline of Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) were selected for treatment of febrile neutropenia, and these paired antibiotics were changed periodically three times. The clinical efficacy of each antibiotic was retrospectively evaluated at the end of the final period. There was no significant difference about efficacy rate between two kinds of antibiotics in the same sequential period. However, the efficacy rate has been rising and febrile duration has been shortening by degrees. Only a few drug resistant bacteria were recognized by the surveillance culture during antibiotic cycling. Recently, antibiotic cycling therapy has attracted attention especially in the ICU. However, a clinical study of treatment for febrile neutropenia has not been reported. Our trial suggests that cycling therapy may be useful for febrile neutropenia. However, Some deviation in the patients characteristics of each period may affect the result. It seems that further examination is necessary about usefullness of the cycling therapy for febrile neutropenia.

  5. Very early discharge versus early discharge versus non-early discharge in children with cancer and febrile neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Loeffen, Erik A. H.; te Poele, Esther M.; Tissing, Wim J. E.; Boezen, H. Marike; de Bont, Eveline S. J. M.


    Background Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is a common adverse effect in children with cancer. Due to the high relative risk of infections and infectious complications, standard care for children with cancer and febrile neutropenia consists of routine hospitalization and parenteral administration

  6. Application of whole-exome sequencing to unravel the molecular basis of undiagnosed syndromic congenital neutropenia with intellectual disability. (United States)

    Gauthier-Vasserot, Alexandra; Thauvin-Robinet, Christel; Bruel, Ange-Line; Duffourd, Yannis; St-Onge, Judith; Jouan, Thibaud; Rivière, Jean-Baptiste; Heron, Delphine; Donadieu, Jean; Bellanné-Chantelot, Christine; Briandet, Claire; Huet, Frédéric; Kuentz, Paul; Lehalle, Daphné; Duplomb-Jego, Laurence; Gautier, Elodie; Maystadt, Isabelle; Pinson, Lucile; Amram, Daniel; El Chehadeh, Salima; Melki, Judith; Julia, Sophia; Faivre, Laurence; Thevenon, Julien


    Neutropenia can be qualified as congenital when of neonatal onset or when associated with extra-hematopoietic manifestations. Overall, 30% of patients with congenital neutropenia (CN) remain without a molecular diagnosis after a multidisciplinary consultation and tedious diagnostic strategy. In the rare situations when neutropenia is identified and associated with intellectual disability (ID), there are few diagnostic hypotheses to test. This retrospective multicenter study reports on a clinically heterogeneous cohort of 10 unrelated patients with CN associated with ID and no molecular diagnosis prior to whole-exome sequencing (WES). WES provided a diagnostic yield of 40% (4/10). The results suggested that in many cases neutropenia and syndromic manifestations could not be assigned to the same molecular alteration. Three sub-groups of patients were highlighted: (i) severe, symptomatic chronic neutropenia, detected early in life, and related to a known mutation in the CN spectrum (ELANE); (ii) mild to moderate benign intermittent neutropenia, detected later, and associated with mutations in genes implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders (CHD2, HUWE1); and (iii) moderate to severe intermittent neutropenia as a probably undiagnosed feature of a newly reported syndrome (KAT6A). Unlike KAT6A, which seems to be associated with a syndromic form of CN, the other reported mutations may not explain the entire clinical picture. Although targeted gene sequencing can be discussed for the primary diagnosis of severe CN, we suggest that performing WES for the diagnosis of disorders associating CN with ID will not only provide the etiological diagnosis but will also pave the way towards personalized care and follow-up. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



    Emmanuel Gyan; François Dreyfus; Pierre Fenaux


    Background. The 2008 WHO classification identified refractory cytopenia with unilineage dysplasia (RCUD) as a composite entity encompassing refractory anemia, refractory thrombocytopenia (RT), and refractory neutropenia (RN), characterized by 10% or more dysplastic cells in the bone marrow respective lineage. The diagnosis of RT and RN is complicated by several factors.  Diagnosing RT first requires exclusion of familial thrombocytopenia, chronic auto-immune thrombocytopenia, concomitant medi...

  8. Validade do sintoma tosse para o diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar em pacientes internados em hospital universitário

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    Berenice das Dores Gonçalves

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar a acurácia do sintoma tosse como um critério diagnóstico de tuberculose pulmonar (TBP em pacientes internados em um hospital universitário. MÉTODOS: foi conduzida uma avaliação de teste diagnóstico em pacientes com idade ≥15 anos internados em hospital geral de Niterói-RJ, Brasil, em 2011 e 2012. RESULTADOS: foram incluídos 3.677 pacientes, dos quais 608 apresentaram tosse e 15 foram diagnosticados com TBP; entre 184 pacientes sintomáticos respiratórios, 10 foram diagnosticados com TBP; a acurácia do sintoma tosse para a identificação de pacientes com TB foi de 83,4%; a ausência de tosse revelou-se um bom indicador para o descarte do diagnóstico (valor preditivo negativo de 99,7%; todavia, o valor preditivo positivo foi baixo (0,99. CONCLUSÃO: a tosse produtiva apresentou boa acurácia, embora, isoladamente, não seja um bom sintoma de rastreio da TBP em ambientes hospitalares; torna-se necessário identificar outros sintomas e sinais para rastreio e diagnóstico precoce em hospitais.

  9. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy related neutropenia and thrombocythopenia correction in CML patients

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    V. A. Shuvaev


    Full Text Available At present, introduction of target therapy to chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML treatment made CML not life-limiting disorder. The main condition of treatment efficacy is its continuity. The most common causes of dose reduction and CML therapy interruption is hematologic toxicities such as neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. The adverse events correction in these circumstances is vital. Recommendations for neutropenia and thrombocytopenia correction are proposed in this article. The basement and results of the use of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF and thrombopoietine receptor agonist for hematologic toxicities correction with clinical case are presented.

  10. The use of rhG-CSF in chronic autoimmune neutropenia: reversal of autoimmune phenomena, a case history

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuijpers, T. W.; de Haas, M.; de Groot, C. J.; von dem Borne, A. E.; Weening, R. S.


    An 8-year-old boy had been suffering from chronic autoimmune neutropenia for more than 5 years. The neutropenia proved to be resistant to high-dose steroids and intravenous (either low-or high-dose) immunoglobulin (Ig) therapy. The chronic autoimmune thrombocytopenia and recurrent phases of

  11. Medical visits for chemotherapy and chemotherapy-induced neutropenia: a survey of the impact on patient time and activities

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    Moore Kelley


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Patients with cancer must make frequent visits to the clinic not only for chemotherapy but also for the management of treatment-related adverse effects. Neutropenia, the most common dose-limiting toxicity of myelosuppressive chemotherapy, has substantial clinical and economic consequences. Colony-stimulating factors such as filgrastim and pegfilgrastim can reduce the incidence of neutropenia, but the clinic visits for these treatments can disrupt patients' routines and activities. Methods We surveyed patients to assess how clinic visits for treatment with chemotherapy and the management of neutropenia affect their time and activities. Results The mean amounts of time affected by these visits ranged from approximately 109 hours (hospitalization for neutropenia and 8 hours (physician and chemotherapy to less than 3 hours (laboratory and treatment with filgrastim or pegfilgrastim. The visits for filgrastim or pegfilgrastim were comparable in length, but treatment with filgrastim requires several visits per chemotherapy cycle and treatment with pegfilgrastim requires only 1 visit. Conclusions This study provides useful information for future modelling of additional factors such as disease status and chemotherapy schedule and provides information that should be considered in managing chemotherapy-induced neutropenia.

  12. Immune-Mediated Neutropenia and Thrombocytopenia in a Patient with Ulcerative Colitis: An Unusual Hematological Association with IBD

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    Young-In Kim


    Full Text Available Hematological manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD are well described in the literature. However, the combination of immune-mediated neutropenia and thrombocytopenia has only been reported once in association with IBD. A case is reported of immune-mediated neutropenia and thrombocytopenia in a patient with ulcerative colitis during a relapse. No obvious causes of these hematological abnormalities were found in the patient despite an exhaustive search. An immune-mediated process was confirmed by positive antineutrophil antibody and platelet-associated antibody in the patient’s serum, and the demonstration of binding of the patient’s immunoglobulin G to autologous neutrophils. The patient was treated with high-dose steroid, intravenous gamma-globulin and eventually splenectomy. The platelet count subsequently normalized; although the severe neutropenia recurred, it has subsequently improved without further treatment. Although a definitive cause-effect relationship cannot be established, the immune-mediated neutropenia and thrombocytopenia may be an unusual hematological manifestation associated with ulcerative colitis.

  13. Heterozygous M1V variant of ELA-2 gene mutation associated with G-CSF refractory severe congenital neutropenia. (United States)

    Setty, Bhuvana A; Yeager, Nicholas D; Bajwa, Rajinder P


    Severe congenital neutropenia is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by maturation arrest at the promyelocyte/myelocyte phase in the bone marrow, absolute neutrophil count ELA-2 have been described. We report the case of a premature male infant with congenital neutropenia, associated with multiple infections, refractory to treatment with granulocyte colony stimulating factor who subsequently underwent matched sibling donor stem-cell transplant. He was found to be heterozygous for the M1V variant of the ELA-2 gene that we postulate to be causative for his severe neutropenia Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  14. Profilaxia para úlcera de estresse em pacientes internados em UTI pediátrica

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    Taisa E. Araujo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a utilização de profilaxia para úlcera de estresse (UE, em pacientes internados, de cinco unidades de terapia intensiva pediátrica (UTIP de Porto Alegre (RS. MÉTODOS: Estudo multicêntrico, prospectivo, transversal, observacional. Foram avaliados os prontuários dos pacientes internados em dia definido para visitação, entre abril de 2006 e fevereiro de 2007, excluindo os avaliados em visitas anteriores e aqueles com hemorragia digestiva alta na admissão. Foram avaliados a idade, o gênero, o diagnóstico na admissão, a gravidade da doença, o uso de profilaxia para UE, a sua justificativa e o medicamento profilático utilizado como primeira escolha. As variáveis foram descritas como frequências absoluta e relativa, ou média e desvio padrão/mediana, e intervalo interquartil (IQ. Os testes qui-quadrado de Pearson, de tendência linear, ou exato de Fisher foram utilizados para avaliar as associações. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%, sendo estatisticamente significativo p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 398 pacientes, sendo 57% do gênero masculino. A mediana de idade foi de 16 meses (IQ4-65 e mediana de permanência em UTIP foi de 4 dias (IQ1-9. O principal motivo de internação foi doença respiratória (32,7%. Usaram profilaxia 77,5% dos pacientes, variando de 66 a 91%; a ventilação mecânica (22,3% foi a justificativa mais prevalente, seguida de rotina informal do serviço (21,4%. Apenas uma das UTIP tinha protocolo assistencial para profilaxia de UE. A ranitidina foi o medicamento mais empregado (84,5%. CONCLUSÕES: O uso de profilaxia para UE foi prática frequente nas UTIP avaliadas, sendo a ranitidina a droga de escolha. Entre as justificativas, a ventilação mecânica e o uso baseado em rotinas institucionais foram as mais prevalentes.

  15. Factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos en pacientes con cáncer Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in patients with cancer

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    María Cristina Céspedes Quevedo


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 26 pacientes con cáncer en diferentes localizaciones asociado a leucopenia y neutropenia inducidas por citotóxicos, atendidos en el Servicio de Quimioterapia del Hospital Oncológico Docente "Conrado Benítez" de Santiago de Cuba, de mayo del 2011 a igual mes del 2012, con vistas a determinar el efecto del factor de colonias granulocítica recombinante Ior® LeukoCIM --producido por el Centro de Inmunología Molecular de Ciudad de La Habana-- en ellos mediante la realización de conteos globales de leucocitos y neutrófilos, antes y después de aplicar el tratamiento. En la serie predominaron el sexo femenino, el cáncer de mama y el estadio clínico II; también se obtuvo que 92,3 % de los pacientes respondieron satisfactoriamente a la terapia, el estadio clínico del cáncer no modificó el efecto mielodepresor de los citotóxicos ni el mieloestimulador de la hormona, y el cisplatino y la adriamicina se relacionaron con las neutropenias mayores y la falta de reacción al factor. Para finalizar, el Ior® LeukoCIM estimuló el sistema granulopoyético de la mayoría de los afectados.A descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study was conducted in 26 patients with cancer in different locations associated with leukopenia and neutropenia induced by cytotoxic drugs, treated at the Chemotherapy Department of "Conrado Benítez" Teaching Oncology Hospital of Santiago de Cuba, from May 2011 to the same month of 2012, with the purpose of determining the effect of the recombinant granulocyte-colony factor Ior® LeukoCIM --produced by the Center of Molecular Immunology in Havana city-- in them by means of global counts of leukocytes and neutrophils before and after applying the treatment. Female sex, breast cancer and clinical stage II prevailed in the series. It was also found that 92.3% of patients responded successfully to the therapy, the clinical stage of cancer did not modify the

  16. Successful Management of Crizotinib-Induced Neutropenia in a Patient with Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase-Positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Case Report

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    Jun Osugi


    Full Text Available Crizotinib, the first clinically available inhibitor of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK gene rearrangement, is generally well tolerated. In contrast, neutropenia induced by crizotinib is a commonly reported grade 3 or 4 adverse event. In such cases, interruption and dose reduction of crizotinib might be necessary for some patients with severe neutropenia. However, information concerning clinical experience and management of severe neutropenia is currently limited. In this report, the successful management of crizotinib-induced neutropenia by dose reduction of crizotinib in a patient with ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer is described.

  17. Alloimmune neonatal neutropenia in Croatia during the 1998-2008 period. (United States)

    Tomicic, Maja; Starcevic, Mirta; Ribicic, Rebeka; Golubic-Cepulic, Branka; Hundric-Haspl, Zeljka; Jukic, Irena


    The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of the disease and to analyze laboratory data of 23 newborns undergoing serologic testing for alloimmune neonatal neutropenia (ANN) during the 1998-2008 period in Croatia. Laboratory data on 23 newborns undergoing serologic testing for ANN during the 1998-2008 period and epidemiologic data on the number of live births in Croatia were analyzed. Laboratory testing for ANN included serologic screening of maternal and neonatal sera and granulocytes (neutrophils) by immunofluorescence (IF) method. The monoclonal antibody immobilization of neutrophil antigens (MAINA) was employed to determine anti-HNA antibody specificity. Anti-HNA antibodies were detected in seven (54%) of 13 cases of serologically positive ANN. Only anti-HLA class I antibodies were demonstrated in four (31%) of 13 cases In the 2007-2008 period of prospective data collection, the number of serologically verified ANN cases was one case per 17,323 live births. Results of the prospective study conducted at Maternity Ward, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center yielded the ANN incidence of one case per 2843 live births. Monitoring of neutrophil count in neonatal blood and serologic testing for ANN in case of isolated neutropenia in the newborn contributed considerably to timely detection of ANN. Neonatal alloimmune neutropenia-incidence, serologic diagnosis, antineutrophil antibodies, anti-HNA, anti-HLA class I, Croatia. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. Congenital neutropenia in the era of genomics: classification, diagnosis, and natural history. (United States)

    Donadieu, Jean; Beaupain, Blandine; Fenneteau, Odile; Bellanné-Chantelot, Christine


    This review focuses on the classification, diagnosis and natural history of congenital neutropenia (CN). CN encompasses a number of genetic disorders with chronic neutropenia and, for some, affecting other organ systems, such as the pancreas, central nervous system, heart, bone and skin. To date, 24 distinct genes have been associated with CN. The number of genes involved makes gene screening difficult. This can be solved by next-generation sequencing (NGS) of targeted gene panels. One of the major complications of CN is spontaneous leukaemia, which is preceded by clonal somatic evolution, and can be screened by a targeted NGS panel focused on somatic events. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Síndrome Poliglandular Autoinmune Tipo II: Posible Asociación con HLA DRB1*-DQB1* Possible association of Type II Autoimmune Polyendrocrine Syndrome with HLA DRB1*-DQB1*


    M.S. Mallea Gil; M.C. Ballarino; M.M. Aparicio; K. Bertini; M.C. Ridruejo; S. Gimenez; P. Galarza; A. Perusco; S. Roveto; D. Rimoldi


    Los síndromes poliendocrinos autoinmunes (APS) asocian enfermedades endocrinas autoinmunes con otros desórdenes autoinmunes no endocrinos. El APS tipo II se caracteriza por compromiso primario suprarrenal, tiroideo y/o DM tipo I. Presentamos un paciente masculino de 46 años que fue internado por astenia, adinamia, hiporexia, severa disminución de peso, mareos y vómitos. Antecedente de obesidad y diabetes diagnosticada 3 años antes. Presentaba hipotensión arterial, hiperpigmentación de mucosas...

  20. Familial benign chronic neutropenia associated with periodontal disease. A case report. (United States)

    Deasy, M J; Vogel, R I; Macedo-Sobrinho, B; Gertzman, G; Simon, B


    A rare case report of periodontal disease associated with familial benign chronic neutropenia is presented. The medical, dental and family histories as well as clinical and histologic observations are described and discussed.

  1. Neutropenia, agranulocytosis and dipyrone

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    Nelson Hamerschlak

    Full Text Available CONTEXT: Neutropenia and agranulocytosis may be defined as granulocyte counts of less than 1,500/mm³ and 500/mm³, respectively. Agranulocytosis is a rare and serious disease often caused by drugs. Its mortality rate is around 10%. The most common manifestations are infections such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis or pneumonia. Although dipyrone is one of the drugs known to be associated with agranulocytosis, the strength of the association has been a matter of much debate. Moreover, alternative analgesic and antipyretic agents are not devoid of serious side effects. CONCLUSIONS: It is therefore necessary to establish the incidence of agranulocytosis in Latin America and the role of dipyrone. The ongoing LATIN Study is a multicenter international case-control study that will provide answers for these questions.

  2. Caracterização clínica dos pacientes sob ventilação mecânica internados em unidade de terapia intensiva / Clinical characterization of patients under mechanical ventilation in an intensive therapy unit


    Camila Llima Ribeiro; Islene Victor Barbosa; Renata Saraiva Martins da Silva; Virna Ribeiro Feitosa Cestari; Kiarelle Lourenço Penaforte; Ires Lopes Custódio


    RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as características clínicas de pacientes sob ventilação mecânica internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Métodos: Estudo transversal e quantitativo, com amostra de 90 pacientes internados em um hospital referência em atendimento de doenças cardiopulmonares, situado na cidade de Fortaleza/Ceará. Coleta de dados realizada em outubro de 2016 através de um instrumento estruturado. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Intituição sob o p...

  3. Neutropenia febril em pacientes com câncer de mama submetidas à quimioterapia: experiência de 12 anos Febrile neutropenia in patients with breast cancer submitted to chemotherapy: a 12 year experience

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    Omero Benedicto Poli Neto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Identificar as características das pacientes com câncer de mama que desenvolveram neutropenia febril, estabelecer fatores de risco para a sua ocorrência e indicadores de evolução desfavorável. MÉTODOS: Realizamos um estudo caso-controle com 65 pacientes. Foram incluídas 13 pacientes que desenvolveram neutropenia febril e quatro controles por caso pareados por data e número de ciclos de quimioterapia prévios, drogas e doses empregadas. Os dados clínicos e laboratoriais foram obtidos dos prontuários médicos. Utilizamos odds ratio (OR e intervalo de confiança (IC de 95% para estimar a significância dos fatores de risco. RESULTADOS: Identificamos dois fatores de risco associados à ocorrência de neutropenia febril: a realização de quimioterapia nas primeiras 24 horas após a cirurgia (OR: 159,9 IC 95%: 9,5 a 2699 e a realização concomitante de quimioterapia e radioterapia da mama (OR: 108,3 IC 95%: 4,9 a 2391. Não observamos diferenças significativas entre casos e controles quanto à idade, índice de massa corporal e contagem de neutrófilos e monócitos antes da quimioterapia. Três pacientes foram a óbito (23,1%. Duas delas tinham idade superior a 60 anos, não apresentavam comorbidades, tinham recebido o primeiro ciclo de CMF nas primeiras 24 horas após a cirurgia e tiveram infecção de sítio cirúrgico. CONCLUSÕES: Os principais fatores de risco associados a neutropenia febril em pacientes com câncer de mama foram quimioterapia nas primeiras 24 horas após a cirurgia, e uso concomitante de quimioterapia e radioterapia da mama. Nosso estudo mostra, portanto, que estas situações devem ser evitadas.PURPOSE: To identify the characteristis of patients with breast cancer who developed febrile neutropenia and to establish risk factors for its incidence and parameters for an unfavorable evolution. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A case-control study was performed and included 65 patients: 13 patients presented febrile

  4. Methimazole Associated Neutropenia in a Preterm Neonate Treated for Hyperthyroidism

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    Dimitrios Angelis


    Full Text Available Maternal Graves’ disease is relatively uncommon with an estimated incidence of 0.4%–1% of all pregnancies, but only 1–5% of newborns delivered to mothers with Graves’ disease develop overt clinical signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Here, we describe a case of a 1380-gram female neonate who was born at 30-week gestation to a mother with Graves’ disease. Our patient presented with hyperthyroidism followed by transient hypothyroidism requiring treatment with levothyroxine. While hyperthyroid, she was treated with methimazole, iodine, and a beta-blocker. 20 days after the initiation of methimazole, she developed neutropenia. The neutrophil counts started to improve immediately after the initiation of the weaning of methimazole. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case reported in the literature of methimazole induced neutropenia in a preterm infant being treated for neonatal Graves’ disease.

  5. The relationship between periodontal status and peripheral levels of neutrophils in two consanguineous siblings with severe congenital neutropenia: case reports. (United States)

    Tözüm, Tolga Fikret; Berker, Ezel; Ersoy, Fügen; Tezcan, Iihan; Sanal, Ozden


    Congenital neutropenia is characterized by a severe reduction in absolute neutrophil counts, resulting in an almost total absence of neutrophils. It is well known that severe neutropenia affects periodontal status. Oral manifestations include ulcerations, gingival desquamation, gingival inflammation, attachment loss, and alveolar bone loss which may result in tooth loss. Treatment with granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) may improve this periodontal condition. This article reports the relationship between periodontal disease status and peripheral neutrophil levels in two consanguineous siblings with severe congenital neutropenia who did not receive routine G-CSF for 2 years prior to examination. Both siblings were given scaling, root planing, and periodontal prophylaxis in regular follow-up visits. This report demonstrates that periodontal therapy supported by adequate oral hygiene may result in restoration of neutrophil counts in siblings with congenital neutropenia.

  6. Impact of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia on quality of life: a prospective pilot investigation. (United States)

    Fortner, Barry V; Schwartzberg, Lee; Tauer, Kurt; Houts, Arthur C; Hackett, James; Stolshek, Brad S


    In this exploratory, prospective study evaluated quality of life (QoL) changes in patients with diverse cancers during the first cycle of myelosuppressive chemotherapy. Of 80 patients enrolled, 71 were observed during one of five chemotherapy regimens: docetaxel; CHOP (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone); carboplatin-paclitaxel; carboplatin-docetaxel; and carboplatin-gemcitabine. Complete blood counts were taken weekly. QoL and symptom burden measures were administered at baseline and throughout the cycle, and included SF-36, Cancer Care Monitor (CCM), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale (PAIS). Using generalized estimating equations, we modeled the change in each measure from baseline to the end of each week using the following covariates: baseline QoL measure, baseline SF-36 Physical and Mental Health Summary scores, sex, age, cycle week, grade 4 neutropenia any time in the past 7 days (yes/no), and the interaction of the latter two covariates. Of the 71 patients observed, 33 developed grade 4 neutropenia during the first 2 weeks. Changes from baseline in SF-36 Bodily Pain, HADS Anxiety, and PAIS Social Environment scores were significantly less favorable (P<0.05) when patients experienced grade 4 neutropenia any time in the past 7 days compared to when they did not (grade 0-3). A similar, but non-significant, trend was also observed for 12 other QoL measures. QoL may be adversely affected up to 7 days after patients experience grade 4 (versus grade 0-3) neutropenia. Such findings need to be examined further in studies with adequate statistical power to test a priori hypotheses regarding specific QoL measures.

  7. Detection of anti-neutrophil antibodies in autoimmune neutropenia of infancy: a multicenter study. (United States)

    Sella, Ruti; Flomenblit, Lena; Goldstein, Itamar; Kaplinsky, Chaim


    Autoimmune neutropenia of infancy is caused by neutrophil-specific autoantibodies. Primary AIN is characterized by neutrophil count familial or congenital neutropenias. To further assure the quality of the new test, we retested six samples previously tested by the gold standard method. All medical files were screened and clinical outcomes were recorded. Our method showed specificity of 85%, sensitivity of 62.5%, and a positive predictive value of 91.8%, values quite similar to those obtained by more traditional methods. The new method showed high specificity for detection of anti-neutrophil antibodies in the appropriate clinical setting and could be an effective tool for clinical decision making.

  8. Lithium carbonate as a treatment for paliperidone extended-release-induced leukopenia and neutropenia in a patient with schizoaffective disorder; a case report. (United States)

    Matsuura, Hiroki; Kimoto, Sohei; Harada, Izumi; Naemura, Satoshi; Yamamuro, Kazuhiko; Kishimoto, Toshifumi


    Antipsychotic drug treatment can potentially lead to adverse events such as leukopenia and neutropenia. Although these events are rare, they represent serious and life-threatening hematological side effects. We present a case study of a patient with schizoaffective disorder in a 50-year-old woman. We report a case of paliperidone extended-release (ER)-induced leukopenia and neutropenia in a female patient with schizoaffective disorder. Initiating lithium carbonate treatment and decreasing the dose of valproic acid improved the observed leukopenia and neutropenia. This treatment did not influence psychotic symptoms. The combination of paliperidone ER and valproic acid induces increased paliperidone ER plasma levels. Lithium carbonate was successfully used to treat paliperidone ER-induced leukopenia and neutropenia.

  9. High frequency of GATA2 mutations in patients with mild chronic neutropenia evolving to MonoMac syndrome, myelodysplasia, and acute myeloid leukemia. (United States)

    Pasquet, Marlène; Bellanné-Chantelot, Christine; Tavitian, Suzanne; Prade, Naïs; Beaupain, Blandine; Larochelle, Olivier; Petit, Arnaud; Rohrlich, Pierre; Ferrand, Christophe; Van Den Neste, Eric; Poirel, Hélène A; Lamy, Thierry; Ouachée-Chardin, Marie; Mansat-De Mas, Véronique; Corre, Jill; Récher, Christian; Plat, Geneviève; Bachelerie, Françoise; Donadieu, Jean; Delabesse, Eric


    Congenital neutropenia is a group of genetic disorders that involve chronic neutropenia and susceptibility to infections. These neutropenias may be isolated or associated with immunologic defects or extra-hematopoietic manifestations. Complications may occur as infectious diseases, but also less frequently as myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Recently, the transcription factor GATA2 has been identified as a new predisposing gene for familial AML/MDS. In the present study, we describe the initial identification by exome sequencing of a GATA2 R396Q mutation in a family with a history of chronic mild neutropenia evolving to AML and/or MDS. The subsequent analysis of the French Severe Chronic Neutropenia Registry allowed the identification of 6 additional pedigrees and 10 patients with 6 different and not previously reportedGATA2 mutations (R204X, E224X, R330X, A372T, M388V, and a complete deletion of the GATA2 locus). The frequent evolution to MDS and AML in these patients reveals the importance of screening GATA2 in chronic neutropenia associated with monocytopenia because of the frequent hematopoietic transformation, variable clinical expression at onset, and the need for aggressive therapy in patients with poor clinical outcome. Mutations of key transcription factor in myeloid malignancies.

  10. Voriconazole versus amphotericin B or fluconazole in cancer patients with neutropenia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Karsten Juhl; Gøtzsche, Peter C; Dalbøge, Christina S


    and fluconazole when used for prevention or treatment of invasive fungal infections in cancer patients with neutropenia. SEARCH METHODS: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in The Cochrane Library (2014, Issue 1 2014), MEDLINE (to January 2014). Letters, abstracts and unpublished trials were...

  11. Mucositis and oral infections secondary to gram negative rods in patients with prolonged neutropenia

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    Mindy M. Sampson


    Full Text Available Patients with prolonged neutropenia are at risk for a variety of complications and infections including the development of mucositis and oral ulcers. The changes in oral flora during chemotherapy and its effects on the development of infections of the oral cavity have been studied with inconsistent results. However, there is evidence that supports the colonization of gram negative rods in patients undergoing chemotherapy. In this report, we present two leukemic patients who developed oral ulcers secondary to multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is important to suspect multi-drug resistant gram negative rods in patients with prolonged neutropenia who develop gum infections despite appropriate antibiotic coverage.

  12. Role of biosimilars in neutropenia prevention in cancer patients

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    V. V. Ptushkin


    Full Text Available Decreasing the neutrophils count in peripheral blood after intensive chemotherapy (CT dramatically increases the risk of infectious complications.As a consequence, treatment costs significantly increased and patients quality of life reduced. Correction of neutropenia is possible with granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF – a human protein produced by recombinant technology and is able to support the survival and proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells. Pharmacoeconomic studies have shown that G-CSF reduces the frequency of hospitalization and antibiotics using, which can reduce the treatment cost. The use of G-CSF allows to reduce early and infection mortality after chemotherapy, providing background to prolonging life especially for the elderly (over 65 years and debilitated patients. The drug is included in all international recommendations. However, its use in Russia is limited due to high cost.Part of the policy aimed to reducing protein drugs cost and increase their availability is the creation of biosimilars protein drugs with proven effective. At the same time biosimilars as the original protein molecules are living cells products, causing serious difficulties in achieving their identity. To eliminate the risk of reducing the effectiveness or increase the toxicity, the European Union established regulations for the determination the bioproducts quality, a detailed description of the requirements for pre-clinical and clinical research, as well as the requirements for pharmacovigilance. Registered in the EEC countries G-CSF biosimilars have been first studied in healthy volunteers, and then in controlled clinical trials in comparison with the reference drug. High efficacy of one such G-CSF biosimilars (Zarsio® was shown in controlled clinical trials of 170 patients with breast cancer receiving intensive chemotherapy with Docetaxel and Doxorubicin. Total in the study only 6 % cases of febrile neutropenia (FN was

  13. Role of biosimilars in neutropenia prevention in cancer patients

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    V. V. Ptushkin


    Full Text Available Decreasing the neutrophils count in peripheral blood after intensive chemotherapy (CT dramatically increases the risk of infectious complications.As a consequence, treatment costs significantly increased and patients quality of life reduced. Correction of neutropenia is possible with granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF – a human protein produced by recombinant technology and is able to support the survival and proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells. Pharmacoeconomic studies have shown that G-CSF reduces the frequency of hospitalization and antibiotics using, which can reduce the treatment cost. The use of G-CSF allows to reduce early and infection mortality after chemotherapy, providing background to prolonging life especially for the elderly (over 65 years and debilitated patients. The drug is included in all international recommendations. However, its use in Russia is limited due to high cost.Part of the policy aimed to reducing protein drugs cost and increase their availability is the creation of biosimilars protein drugs with proven effective. At the same time biosimilars as the original protein molecules are living cells products, causing serious difficulties in achieving their identity. To eliminate the risk of reducing the effectiveness or increase the toxicity, the European Union established regulations for the determination the bioproducts quality, a detailed description of the requirements for pre-clinical and clinical research, as well as the requirements for pharmacovigilance. Registered in the EEC countries G-CSF biosimilars have been first studied in healthy volunteers, and then in controlled clinical trials in comparison with the reference drug. High efficacy of one such G-CSF biosimilars (Zarsio® was shown in controlled clinical trials of 170 patients with breast cancer receiving intensive chemotherapy with Docetaxel and Doxorubicin. Total in the study only 6 % cases of febrile neutropenia (FN was

  14. O papel da neutropenia no prognóstico do doente oncológico com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade

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    S. Aliberti


    Full Text Available Resumo: A doença infecciosa contribui para uma elevada morbilidade e mortalidade no doente oncológico, representando a pneumonia adquirida na comunidade a mais frequente.O desenvolvimento de PAC no doente neoplásico parece advir da modificação de mecanismos de defesa imunitária resultante, quer da patologia maligna, quer do tratamento oncológico. O risco de infecção relacionada com o tipo de neoplasia pode associar-se ao défice de imunidade humoral, celular ou do número de neutrófilos. As doenças hematológicas malignas podem predispor o doente às infecções devido à substituição da medula por células neoplásicas. Consequentemente, estes doentes têm neutropenia funcional, apesar de apresentarem, muitas vezes, um número normal ou aumentado de neutrófilos. Por outro lado, estes doentes podem ter neutropenia como efeito secundário da quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia (neutropenia absoluta.A gravidade da neutropenia foi considerada como principal factor de risco isolado no doente neoplásico, com particular relevância se o número de neutrófilos ≤500cel/mm3.A mortalidade global atribuída à neutropenia febril no doente neoplásico é de 30–50%. Nas últimas décadas, o tratamento das infecções na população oncológica foi direccionado, primariamente, para o manuseamento da neutropenia febril, devido ao facto de o local da infecção não ser determinado em 50–80% dos casos.As guidelines da American Thoracic Society de 2001 utilizavam a neutropenia para identificar os quadros mais graves de PAC nos doentes oncológicos. Os doen tes com patologia hematológica e neutropenia funcional ou indivíduos com qualquer tipo de neoplasia e neutropenia absoluta foram excluídos das referidas guidelines. A decisão de incluir doentes com tumores sólidos não neutropénicos foi baseada, apenas, na opinião de

  15. Case report of a family with benign familial neutropenia and the implications for the general dental practitioner. (United States)

    Casey, Christine; Brooke, Tony; Davies, Rebecca; Franklin, Deborah


    Benign familial neutropenia (BFN) is a condition where there is a decrease in circulating neutrophils in the blood and patients suffer from oral manifestations which include: persistant periodontal disease, recurrent neutropenic ulceration and candidal infections. This report discusses a family affected by BFN and the effects on their oral health. Benign familial neutropenia is a rare condition and this article aims to raise awareness among general dental practitioners so that prompt referral and management in secondary care can be arranged.

  16. Familial severe congenital neutropenia associated with infantile osteoporosis: a new entity. (United States)

    Elhasid, R; Hofbauer, L C; Ish-Shalom, S; Ben-Arush, M; Koc, O; Rowe, J M; Etzioni, A


    A new entity manifested by severe congenital neutropenia associated with osteoporosis and recurrent bone fracture is described in a family. A possible role for a new recognized cytokine system involved in bone remodeling, the osteoprotegerin/receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand, is suggested. Copyright 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  17. Concomitant Use of Topiramate Inducing Neutropenia in a Schizophrenic Male Stabilized on Clozapine

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    Pravesh Sharma


    Full Text Available This is a case of a 23-year-old African American male with a history of paranoid schizophrenia that developed neutropenia on a clozapine-topiramate therapy. Clozapine had well addressed the patient’s psychotic symptoms, while topiramate was used as a weight-lowering agent. The patient had fairly stable leukocyte counts for eight months on clozapine 300 mg and topiramate 100 mg daily. Doubling the dosage of topiramate led to severe neutropenia after two months. Reviewing the patient’s laboratory reports showed a gradual decline of neutrophils occurring at a lower dosage, followed by a rapid decline after an increased dosage. In this case, we report that not only did topiramate act as the neutropenic agent, but also it might have done so in a dose-dependent manner.

  18. Síndrome hemofagocítico asociado con dengue hemorrágico

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    Ernesto Rueda


    Full Text Available El síndrome hemofagocítico se caracteriza por proliferación histiocítica con fagocitosis de células hemáticas que ocasionan citopenia. Ha sido relacionado antes con diversas infecciones, principalmente por virus. Informamos de tres pacientes con síndrome hemofagocítico secundario a dengue hemorrágico, confirmado por exámenes específicos de laboratorio, quienes fueron internados en el Hospital Universitario Ramón González Valencia de Bucaramanga, Colombia, durante los últimos dos años. Los tres pacientes fueron escolares que presentaron dengue hemorrágico y manifestaron dolor abdominal intenso, fiebre prolongada, hipotensión y hepatomegalia dolorosa; los exámenes paraclínicos mostraron plaquetopenia, anemia y leucopenia; en la ecografía abdominal se observó colecistitis acalculosa y en todos los aspirados de medula ósea se encontraron histiocitos fagocitando células hemáticas de la serie eritroide, mieloide o plaquetaria. Se definió y clasificó el síndrome hemofagocítico, según la Sociedad Internacional de Histiocitosis, en tres grandes clases, recalcando que los casos informados corresponden a histiocitosis clase II y, más específicamente, al síndrome hemofagocítico secundario. Se mencionan las diversas asociaciones de este síndrome con infecciones, principalmente virales, y otras enfermedades no infecciosas; se hace diferenciacion entre síndrome hemofagocítico familiar o primario y el secundario. Finalmente, se enfatiza que los tres pacientes con este síndrome asociado con dengue hemorrágico tuvieron una evolución atípica durante el curso de su enfermedad; la fiebre prolongada y el dolor abdominal persistente fueron los síntomas más importantes. Los autores recomiendan realizar un aspirado de médula ósea como parte de los estudios para el diagnóstico diferencial de casos atípicos de dengue, especialmente con fiebre prolongada, buscando la posibilidad de un síndrome hemofagocítico secundario.

  19. Fluconazole for empiric antifungal therapy in cancer patients with fever and neutropenia

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    Peterson Josh F


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Several clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of fluconazole as empiric antifungal therapy in cancer patients with fever and neutropenia. Our objective was to assess the frequency and resource utilization associated with treatment failure in cancer patients given empiric fluconazole antifungal therapy in routine inpatient care. Methods We performed a retrospective cohort study of cancer patients treated with oral or intravenous fluconazole between 7/97 and 6/01 in a tertiary care hospital. The final study cohort included cancer patients with neutropenia (an absolute neutrophil count below 500 cells/mm3 and fever (a temperature above 38°C or 100.4°F, who were receiving at least 96 hours of parenteral antibacterial therapy prior to initiating fluconazole. Patients' responses to empiric therapy were assessed by reviewing patient charts. Results Among 103 cancer admissions with fever and neutropenia, treatment failure after initiating empiric fluconazole antifungal therapy occurred in 41% (95% confidence interval (CI 31% – 50% of admissions. Patients with a diagnosis of hematological malignancy had increased risk of treatment failure (OR = 4.6, 95% CI 1.5 – 14.8. When treatment failure occurred the mean adjusted increases in length of stay and total costs were 7.4 days (95% CI 3.3 – 11.5 and $18,925 (95% CI 3,289 – 34,563, respectively. Conclusion Treatment failure occurred in more than one-third of neutropenic cancer patients on fluconazole as empiric antifungal treatment for fever in routine clinical treatment. The increase in costs when treatment failure occurs is substantial.

  20. Quality assessment of the wound dressing procedure in patients at a university hospital Evaluación de la calidad de los procedimientos curativos en pacientes internados en un hospital universitario Avaliação da qualidade do procedimento curativo em pacientes internados em um hospital universitário

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    Eleine Aparecida Penha Martins Nonino


    Full Text Available This observational and sectional study analyzed the quality of the wound dressing procedure performed on hospitalized patients at a medical surgical unit of a University Hospital, based on their classification according to the degree of care dependency and activity performance phases. Using a check list, 168 wound dressings were observed between October and December 2005. Procedure quality was analyzed based on the Positivity Index (IP and values >70% were considered satisfactory.For the preparation, the IP was 68%, 63%, 73% and 75% for patients with degrees I, II, III and IV, respectively; for execution, 70%, 69%, 71% and 75% and, for unit organization, it was >70% for all degrees. However, the items: validity time frame checking, respect for aseptic principles and maintenance of logical sequence of procedures were compromised. Rigorous execution of procedures allows for risk decrease and assures benefic results for patients, conferring quality to nursing actions.Estudio observacional y seccional analizó la calidad del procedimiento curativo, realizado en pacientes internados en una unidad medico-quirúrgica de un Hospital Universitario, de acuerdo con el grado de dependencia asistencial y las fases de realización de la actividad. Con la utilización de un instrumento tipo check list fueran observados 168 curativos, entre octubre y diciembre 2005. La cualidad de los procedimientos fue analizada basada en el Índice de Positividad (IP y fueron considerados satisfactorios aquellos que alcanzaron valores >70%. En la preparación, el IP fue de 68%, 73% y 75% para pacientes en grados I, II, III y IV, respectivamente; en la ejecución, fueran de 70%, 69%, 71% y 75% y en la de organización de la unidad, en todos los grados fue >70%. Entre tanto, los ítems: conferencia del plazo de validez de los materiales, respeto a los principios de asepsia y manutención de la secuencia lógica muestrearon se comprometidos. La ejecución rigorosa de un

  1. Relato de um caso de neutropenia congênita grave em um lactente jovem A case report of severe congenital neutropenia in a young infant

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    Lucas Fadel M. dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Relatar um caso de neutropenia congênita grave e alertar os pediatras sobre tal diagnóstico em pacientes jovens, com infecções recorrentes. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Lactente jovem com 45 dias de vida, com história de febre alta, letargia, recusa alimentar e hemogramas repetidos com leucopenia importante à custa de polimorfonucleares. A hipótese diagnóstica foi confirmada pelo aspirado de medula óssea, que mostrou hipoplasia de série granulocítica e completa ausência de neutrófilos maduros. Foi introduzida antibioticoterapia de largo espectro e estimulador da formação de colônias de granulócitos. O paciente evoluiu para óbito em decorrência de complicações infecciosas após 21 dias de internação. COMENTÁRIOS: Trata-se de um lactente jovem, portador de uma rara desordem congênita que leva à intensa neutropenia, deixando-o vulnerável a infecções graves e potencialmente fatais. À internação, o paciente apresentava sinais e sintomas sugestivos de sepse, sendo introduzido antibioticoterapia de amplo espectro, necessária por se tratar de lactente jovem, neutropênico e febril. A hipótese diagnóstica se baseou na história clínica e nos leucogramas alterados, sendo posteriormente confirmada pelo aspirado de medula óssea. Foi introduzido o estimulador da formação de colônias de granulócitos, que geralmente é efetivo, porém, nesse caso, não houve sucesso e o paciente evoluiu para óbito devido à grave infecção.OBJECTIVE: To report a case of severe congenital neutropenia and alert pediatricians about its diagnosis in young patients with recurrent infectious diseases. CASE DESCRIPTION: Young infant with 45 days of life, with a history of high fever, lethargy, poor feeding and repeated blood counts showing significant leucopenia due to a significant decrease of polymorphonuclear cells. The diagnosis was confirmed by bone marrow aspirate showing hypoplasia of the granulocytic series and complete absence of

  2. Co-administration of dexamethasone increases severity and accelerates onset day of neutropenia in bladder cancer patients on methotrexate, vinblastine, adriamycin and cisplatin chemotherapy: a retrospective cohort study. (United States)

    Itai, Shingo; Suga, Yukio; Hara, Yusuke; Izumi, Kouji; Maeda, Yuji; Kitagawa, Yasuhide; Ishizaki, Junko; Shimada, Tsutomu; Mizokami, Atsushi; Sai, Yoshimichi


    Bladder cancer patients receiving methotrexate, vinblastine, adriamycin and cisplatin (MVAC) chemotherapy are co-administered with dexamethasone as an anti-emetic. We examined whether or not dexamethasone affects the severity and onset day of MVAC-induced severe neutropenia. This was a retrospective study of bladder cancer patients treated with MVAC chemotherapy with or without dexamethasone as an antiemetic at Kanazawa University Hospital during January 2005 - December 2009. Patients were categorized into three groups; no dexamethasone use (Dex (-)), dexamethasone on day 2 (Dex 1 day), and dexamethasone on days 2, 3 and 4 (Dex multiday). We evaluated the incidence of grade 3/4 neutropenia and the day of onset of first severe neutropenic episode during the first course of MVAC chemotherapy. Logistic regression was used to investigate whether co-administration of dexamethasone was a risk factor for severe neutropenia. Episodes of grade 3/4 neutropenia occurred in 3 out of 6 (50.0%), 11 out of 12 (91.7%) and 6 out of 6 (100%) patients in the Dex (-), Dex 1 day, and Dex multiday groups, respectively. The appearance day of first severe neutropenia in the Dex multiday group (13.2 ± 1.0) was significantly accelerated compared to the Dex (-) group (17.7 ± 2.1). Univariate logistic regression analysis revealed that dexamethasone is a risk factor for severe neutropenia (OR 17.0; 95%CI: 1.3-223.1). Co-administration of dexamethasone for anti-emesis brings forward the first appearance of neutropenia, and increases the severity of neutropenia, in bladder cancer patients receiving MVAC chemotherapy.

  3. Evaluation of malnutrition as a predictor of adverse outcomes in febrile neutropenia associated with paediatric haematological malignancies. (United States)

    Chaudhuri, Jasodhara; Biswas, Tamoghna; Datta, Jyotishka; Sabui, Tapas Kumar; Chatterjee, Sukanta; Ray, Somosri; Raychaudhuri, Dibyendu; Mandal, Kalyanbrata; Chatterjee, Kaushani; Chakraborty, Swapna


    Malnutrition has been reported in the literature to be adversely associated with outcomes in paediatric malignancies. Our objective in this paper was to evaluate malnutrition as a potential predictor for adverse outcomes in febrile neutropenia associated with haematological malignancies. A prospective observational study was performed in a tertiary care teaching hospital of Kolkata, India. Forty-eight participants, suffering from haematological malignancy, were included. Participants were included if they experienced at least one episode of febrile neutropenia. For children aged malnutrition, while body mass index for age was used in children ≥5 years. A total of 162 episodes of febrile neutropenia were studied. Thirty patients (30/48, 62.5%) included in the study had malnutrition. In bivariate analyses at patient level, there is a strong association between malnutrition and death (odds ratio (OR) 7.286, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.838-63.345, one-tailed P = 0.044), and life-threatening complications show a moderate trend towards significance (OR 3.333, 95% CI 0.791-14.052, one-tailed P = 0.084). Survival functions were significantly different between malnourished and non-malnourished children (log rank test χ(2)  = 4.609, degree of freedom = 1, P = 0.032). Wasting was associated with life-threatening complications in children aged malnutrition was not. Malnutrition may be a potential predictor of mortality in febrile neutropenia. © 2016 Paediatrics and Child Health Division (The Royal Australasian College of Physicians).

  4. Predictors of Outcome and Severity in Adult Filipino Patients with Febrile Neutropenia

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    Marc Gregory Y. Yu


    Full Text Available Aim. The study aimed to describe the profile of Filipino febrile neutropenia patients and to determine parameters associated with severe outcomes. Methods. This is a retrospective study of Filipino febrile neutropenia patients admitted to the Philippine General Hospital. Patients were described in terms of clinical presentation and stratified according to the presence or absence of severe outcomes. Prognostic factors were then identified using regression analysis. Results. 115 febrile episodes in 102 patients were identified. Regression analysis yielded prolonged fever >7 days prior to admission (OR 2.43; 95% CI, 0.77–7.74, isolation of a pathogen on cultures (OR 2.69; 95% CI, 1.04–6.98, and nadir absolute neutrophil count (ANC 7 days prior to admission, positive pathogen on cultures, and nadir ANC < 100 during admission predicted severe outcomes, whereas G-CSF use and complete antibiotic therapy were associated with better outcomes. These prognostic variables might be useful in identifying patients that need more intensive treatment and monitoring.

  5. Sobrecarga de trabalho da Enfermagem e incidentes e eventos adversos em pacientes internados em UTI

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    Marcia Cristina Zago Novaretti


    Full Text Available Estudo prospectivo, tipo coorte que visou identificar a influência da sobrecarga de trabalho da Enfermagem na ocorrência de incidentes sem lesão e eventos adversos em 399 pacientes internados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTI. Para coleta de dados, foi aplicado um questionário estruturado e feita análise de prontuários. Nessas admissões, aproximadamente 78% dos incidentes sem lesão e eventos adversos em pacientes foram relacionados à esfera da Enfermagem. Essas ocorrências foram atribuídas à sobrecarga de trabalho, aumentaram o número de dias de internação e o risco de óbito dos pacientes estudados. É fundamental que os gerentes de enfermagem atuem no processo de gestão de pessoas no âmbito hospitalar, evitando a sobrecarga de trabalho e proporcionando, consequentemente, aumento da segurança do paciente.

  6. Infecciones intrahospitalarias en pacientes pediátricos con enfermedades hematológicas, 2006-2009 Nosocomial infections in pediatric patients with hematological diseases, 2006-2009

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    Librada Martell-Martorell


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el Servicio de Pediatría del Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología, en el período comprendido entre diciembre de 2006 y marzo de 2009. Se incluyeron 36 pacientes que presentaron 60 infecciones con documentación microbiológica, lo que representó el 29 % del total. La mayoría de las infecciones se presentaron en pacientes con hemopatías malignas, de los cuales una gran parte tuvo neutropenia severa. En los episodios infecciosos las bacterias gramnegativas fueron las más frecuentes, seguidas de las grampositivas y los hongos, estos últimos siempre asociados con infecciones bacterianas. El estafilococo coagulasa negativo fue el microorganismo de mayor incidencia. Los pacientes que tuvieron colocado el catéter venoso central en región femoral tuvieron mayor riesgo de presentar bacteriemia por bacilos gramnegativos.A cross-sectional study was performed at the Pediatric Department of the Institute of Hematology and Immunology from December 2006 to March 2009. There were 36 patients who had 60 infections with microbiological documentation, which represented 29 % of the total. Most infections occurred in patients with hematological malignancies, of which a large portion had severe neutropenia. In infectious episodes Gram-negative bacteria was the most frequent, followed by Gram positive and fungi, this latter was always associated with bacterial infections. Coagulase negative staphylococcus was the organism with the highest incidence. Patients who had central venous catheter placed in the femoral region had a higher risk of negative bacilli bacteremia.

  7. Benign chronic neutropenia with abnormalities involving 16q22, affecting mother and daughter. (United States)

    Glasser, Lewis; Meloni-Ehrig, Aurelia; Joseph, Plakyil; Mendiola, Jennifer


    We report a case of familial, chronic, benign neutropenia in a 17-year-old female showing (1) the spontaneous expression of a heritable rare fragile site at 16q22 and (2) a deletion at the same region. The del(16)(q22), which most likely originated from the fragile site, was the main clonal abnormality detected in the patient's bone marrow cells, whereas a few cells with either del(16)(q22) or fra(16)(q22) were seen in the patient's peripheral blood. Interestingly, the del(16q) was also detected in the patient's uncultured cells, as demonstrated by FISH, excluding an in vitro origin of the del(16q) during culture. The bone marrow was hypocellular with decreased neutrophils and their precursors. Absolute neutrophil counts ranged from (0.62 to 1.24) x 10(9)/L with a median value of 1.02 x 10(9)/L. The patient had a more severe neutropenia than her mother, which correlated with the presence of more cells with del(16q) in the marrow. The patient's mother, who was also diagnosed with neutropenia, revealed only a few cells with the rare fra(16)(q22) in her peripheral blood cells, whereas her bone marrow showed cells with both fra(16)(q22) and del(16)(q22), although the del(16q) was present in only 2/20 cells. Some possible candidate genes contributing to the pathogenesis of the neutropenia are discussed. Chromosome abnormalities involving the 16q22 breakpoint have been observed in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In this patient, the del(16)(q22) risk factor is unknown for subsequent development of MDS or AML. Another point to consider is the need to determine the origin of a chromosome abnormality, particularly when the clinical picture does not fit the chromosome findings. Although, the observation of a constitutional structural abnormality in a mosaic form is an extremely rare event, it is somewhat different in the case of a fragile site expression, which can, as in this case, be present in some cells and not in others. Copyright 2006

  8. Managing febrile neutropenia in adult cancer patients: an integrative review of the literature

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    Juliana Nunes Ferreira

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the interventions performed by health professionals with a view to managing chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia. Method: Integrative literature review, the sample of 12 primary articles was selected from the following databases: LILACS, SciELO, BVS, PubMed, CINAHL and Web of Science. Results: There was a prevalence of studies, realized by doctors, focused on pharmacological treatment and on the association of methods for greater diagnostic accuracy of febrile neutropenia. A study was found on pharmaceutical management regarding antibiotic dosing efficacy and a study indicating that nurses could contribute to the identification of elderly patients who would benefit from prophylactic use of growth factor. Conclusion: There was a shortage of studies involving the participation of other health professionals, besides the doctors, and a knowledge gap regarding interprofessional practice in the management of interventions specific to their area of specialism, joint interventions and non-pharmacological interventions.

  9. Influencia de la parasitemia sobre los valores de hemoglobina y anemia en niños con malaria por Plasmodium falciparum no complicada: experiencia en un hospital de Tanzania

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    Melkzedeck P. Mansi


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar la importancia de la parasitemia, su relación con los valores de hemoglobina y anemia en niños internados con malaria por Plasmodium falciparum no complicada, y su potencial uso como variable en la predicción de la hemoglobina y la anemia. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio clínico epidemiológico en el Hospital de Nzega, provincia de Tabora, Tanzania entre el 2001-2005, haciendo el diagnóstico con gota gruesa y extendido para investigar la presencia de hemoparásitos. Resultados: En el período de estudio fueron evaluados 165 pacientes con una edad media de 4,1 años (61,2% <5 años. La malaria se confirmó en 87,3% de ellos (100% por P. falciparum. La densidad parasitaria media fue de nueve parásitos por cada 200 glóbulos blancos (IC95% 6,69-11,24 y su Hb 8,4 (±1,6g/dL (82,42% con anemia. La edad y la parasitemia fueron predictores significativos de la anemia (F=13,622; p<0,001, teniendo mayor importancia la parasitemia (p=0,001 que la edad (p=0,014. Conclusión: El nivel de parasitemia de P. falciparum se asocia significativamente con menores niveles de hemoglobina en niños.

  10. Análisis de Costo Efectividad de Estrategias de Tratamiento Antimicótico en Pacientes con Neutropenia Febril Persistente y Tratamiento Antibiótico de Amplio Espectro. (United States)

    Gamboa Garay, Oscar Andrés; Fuentes Pachón, Juan Camilo; Cuervo Maldonado, Sonia Isabel; Gómez Rincón, Julio Cesar; Castillo Londoño, Juan Sebastian


    To assess cost-effectiveness of antifungal treatment on patients with persistent fever neutropenia: empiric antifungal therapy (EAT) vs. anticipated antifungal therapy (AAT). A decision model was performed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of antifungal treatment strategies in patients with febrile neutropenia not responding to a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment. The strategies included were: 1) EAT with amphotericin B deoxycholate; 2) EAT with liposomal amphotericin B; 3) EAT with caspofungin; and 4) AAT with voriconazole and amphotericin B deoxycholate or liposomal amphotericin B or caspofungin in patients who initiate treatment despite having negative CT scan and galactomannan or fail to voriconazole. Effectiveness was measured as the number of deaths averted. Cost-effectiveness and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated. Deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyzes were performed. EAT with Amphotericin B deoxycholate was the least expensive and least effective strategy. The EAT with caspofungin was the most effective. The cost per death averted for caspofungin when compared with amphotericin B deoxycholate was $17,011,073.83, which would indicate that this strategy would be cost-effective for the country if the willingness to pay per death averted is equal to or greater than this value. EAT with liposomal amphotericin B and AAT with voriconazole were dominated by AET with caspofungin, which is less costly and more effective. EAT with caspofungin would be cost-effective for Colombia if the threshold per death averted is greater to $18.000.000. If the threshold is lesser the EAT with amphotericin B deoxycholate would be the election. Copyright © 2012 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Allogeneic Transplant in ELANE and MEFV Mutation Positive Severe Cyclic Neutropenia: Review of Prognostic Factors for Secondary Severe Events


    Okolo, Onyemaechi N.; Katsanis, Emmanuel; Yun, Seongseok; Reveles, Candace Y.; Anwer, Faiz


    Objective and Importance. Cyclic neutropenia (CyN) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited disorder due to the mutation ELANE primarily affecting bone marrow stem cells and is characterized by recurrent neutropenia every 2 to 4 weeks. Symptoms vary from benign to severe, including death. Postulations on the cause of wide spectrum in symptom presentation include the possibility of other genetic mutations, such as MEFV. Recommended treatment for CyN is G-CSF to keep ANC higher to minimize risk o...

  12. Prevention of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia with pegfilgrastim: pharmacokinetics and patient outcomes. (United States)

    Yang, Bing-Bing; Savin, Michael A; Green, Michael


    Patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy are at risk for developing chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN). Filgrastim, a recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) that stimulates the proliferation, differentiation and function of neutrophils, is approved for the prevention of CIN. To eliminate the burden of daily filgrastim injection, pegfilgrastim, a long-acting form of filgrastim, was developed by covalently attaching a 20-kDa polyethylene glycol molecule to filgrastim to increase molecular size and thus reduce renal elimination. Consequently, neutrophil-mediated clearance is the primary mechanism for pegfilgrastim elimination. Therefore, after a single pegfilgrastim injection following chemotherapy treatment, pegfilgrastim concentration is sustained during neutropenia and decreases with neutrophil recovery. Pegfilgrastim has received marketing authorization approval from many regions to reduce the incidence of CIN based on the similar efficacy and safety of a single injection of 6 mg of pegfilgrastim administered once per chemotherapy cycle and 10 to 11 daily injections of filgrastim at 5 µg/kg. The efficient self-regulating clearance of pegfilgrastim allows administration once per chemotherapy cycle, thereby providing a more convenient treatment regimen than filgrastim. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  13. Fortalecimiento de la simulación clínica como herramienta pedagógica en enfermería: experiencia de internado

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    Carlos Andrés Niño Herrera


    Full Text Available Introducción: La simulación clínica es una herramienta pedagógica que posibilita al estudiante de enfermería la participación en intervenciones clínicas controladas, para obtener un aprendizaje significativo de situaciones que desempeñará en su rol profesional. Objetivo: Sistematizar la experiencia desarrollada en la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia en Simulación clínica. Materiales y Métodos: El artículo sistematiza la experiencia obtenida para fortalecer herramientas de simulación clínica en el Laboratorio de procedimientos y simulación de enfermería (LAPSE, apoyándose en el marco lógico como instrumento de planeación, ejecución y evaluación del proceso de gestión desarrollado por internos de enfermería durante el segundo semestre académico del 2014 en la Escuela de Enfermería de la UPTC. Resultados: Se logra a través de las estrategias planteadas mayor reconocimiento del LAPSE, la implementación de talleres para el fortalecimiento de técnicas de procedimientos de los estudiantes, diseño de guías para el desarrollo de escenarios de simulación y la gestión de convenios interinstitucionales que facilitan el desarrollo de escenarios extramurales por parte de estudiantes de enfermería. Discusión y Conclusiones: Se coincide con estudios que afirman que la simulación clínica permite mayor autonomía por parte de los estudiantes, con lo que se logra un aprendizaje significativo. Es necesario implementar guías para garantizar la replicación de escenarios de simulación clínica para el desarrollo de habilidades en procesos clínicos específicos.Cómo citar este artículo: Niño CA, Vargas NG, Barragán JA. Fortalecimiento de la simulación clínica como herramienta pedagógica en enfermería: experiencia de internado. Rev Cuid. 2015; 6(1: 970-5. 

  14. Amphotericin B lipid soluble formulations versus amphotericin B in cancer patients with neutropenia

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Johansen, Helle Krogh; Gøtzsche, Peter C


    a fever. OBJECTIVES: To compare the benefits and harms of lipid soluble formulations of amphotericin B with conventional amphotericin B in cancer patients with neutropenia. SEARCH METHODS: We searched PubMed from 1966 to 7 July 2014 and the reference lists of identified articles. SELECTION CRITERIA...

  15. O envolvimento do enfermeiro no processo de morrer de bebês internados em Unidade Neonatal El involucramiento del enfermero en el proceso de morir de niños hospitalizados en una unidad de neonatología Nurses experiences with death in the neonatal intensive care unit

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    Isabella Rocha Aguiar


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: compreender a participação do enfermeiro no processo de morrer de bebês internados em unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa Qualitativa em que participaram 10 enfermeiras de uma unidade de terapia intensiva neonatológica de um hospital-escola da cidade de Fortaleza-CE, durante os meses de maio e junho de 2003. RESULTADOS: os resultados foram analisados conforme as categorias: Sentimentos que emergem na convivência com a morte; Convivendo com a família no processo de morrer; A influência da formação acadêmica para a convivência com o paciente terminal. Os sentimentos citados foram de perda, tristeza, angústia, impotência, frieza. Os profissionais se vêem envolvidos com a família que vivencia o luto. A maioria das enfermeiras não teve embasamento acerca de Tanatologia no Curso de Graduação. CONCLUSÃO: os profissionais que lidam com a morte em sua prática convivem com a busca do equilíbrio entre o cuidar do outro e de si mesmo.OBJETIVO: comprender la participación del enfermero en el proceso de morir de bebés internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa Qualitativa en que participaron en el estudio 10 enfermeras de la unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatal de un hospital-docente de la ciudad de Fortaleza-CE, durante los meses de mayo a junio del 2003. RESULTADOS: los datos fueron analizados resultando las siguientes categorías: Sentimientos que emergen en la convivencia con la muerte; Conviviendo con la familia en el proceso de morir; La influencia de la formación académica para la convivencia con el paciente terminal. Los sentimientos citados fueron de pérdida, tristeza, angustia, impotencia, frialdad. Los profesionales se ven involucrados con la familia que vivencia el duelo. La mayoría de las enfermeras no tuvo base respecto a Tanatología en el Pregrado. CONCLUSIÓN: los profesionales que se enfrentan con la muerte, en su práctica, conviven con la b

  16. Jalea Real (tabletas masticables una alternativa en el tratamiento de pacientes pediátricos con inmunodeficiencia celular

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    Odalis María de la Guardia Peña


    Full Text Available Para evaluar la eficacia del uso de la Jalea Real (tabletas masticables en el tratamiento de niños con inmunodeficiencias celulares, se estudió a 100 niños diagnosticados con esta afección, en la consulta de Inmunología del Hospital Infantil Norte Docente "Juan de la Cruz Martínez Maceira" de Santiago de Cuba; en los años 2000 al 2002. Se establecieron 3 grupos de tratamiento: grupo 1: Tratamiento habitual con levamisol y vitaminas; grupo 2: Tratamiento habitual más Jalea Real a mitad de dosis optima; grupo 3: Jalea Real a dosis optima. Se encontró una mejoría clínica y de laboratorio superior en los pacientes que usaron Jalea Real, sin aparición de reacciones adversas, aumento de la calidad de vida y del apetito, además de aumento del conteo de linfocitos T periféricos mediante la prueba de Roseta. Cuando se combinó Jalea Real con levamisol disminuyó considerablemente la aparición de neutropenia. De los resultados de este estudio se deriva que la Jalea Real pudiera ser usada como inmunomodulador celular.In order to evaluate the efficacy of the use of Royal Jelly (chewable tablets in children with cellular immunodeficiencies, 100 children that were diagnosed this affection at the Immunology Department of "Juan Cruz Martínez Maceira" Northern Children Teaching Hospital, in Santiago de Cuba, from 200 to 2002, were studied. 3 groups of treatment were established: group 1, usual treatment with levamisol and vitamins; group 2, usual treatment plus half of the optimun dose of Royal Jelly; group 3, Royal Jelly at optimum dose. A higher clinical and laboratory improvement was observed among patients using Royal Jelly. No adverse reactions were detected and there was an increase of the quality of life and of appetite . A rise of the peripheral T lymphocytes count was also proved by Roseta test. When the Royal Jelly was mixed with levamisol, the appearance of neutropenia decreased considerably. According to the results of this study, the

  17. Loss of murine Gfi1 causes neutropenia and induces osteoporosis depending on the pathogen load and systemic inflammation.

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    Sven Geissler

    Full Text Available Gfi1 is a key molecule in hematopoietic lineage development and mutations in GFI1 cause severe congenital neutropenia (SCN. Neutropenia is associated with low bone mass, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly characterized. Using Gfi1 knock-out mice (Gfi1-ko/ko as SCN model, we studied the relationship between neutropenia and bone mass upon different pathogen load conditions. Our analysis reveals that Gfi1-ko/ko mice kept under strict specific pathogen free (SPF conditions demonstrate normal bone mass and survival. However, Gfi1-ko/ko mice with early (nonSPF or late (SPF+nonSPF pathogen exposure develop low bone mass. Gfi1-ko/ko mice demonstrate a striking rise of systemic inflammatory markers according to elevated pathogen exposure and reduced bone mass. Elevated inflammatory cytokines include for instance Il-1b, Il-6, and Tnf-alpha that regulate osteoclast development. We conclude that low bone mass, due to low neutrophil counts, is caused by the degree of systemic inflammation promoting osteoclastogenesis.

  18. [A multicenter, randomized, controlled, phase Ⅳ clinical study of PEG-rhG-CSF for preventing chemotherapy induced neutropenia in patients with breast cancer]. (United States)

    Jiang, Z F; Xu, F R; Fan, J; Li, B J; Gao, J N; Hu, J W; Wang, X J; Zhang, Y Q; Wang, J H; Li, F; Liu, Q; Liu, Y H; Wang, S; Wang, Y S; Ouyang, Q C; Hu, B; Sun, G P; Zhang, Y; Zang, A M; Fan, P Z; Wu, C P; Liu, J; Zhang, H W; Wang, W; Hu, X C; Tang, L L; Zhang, J; Bao, Y Y; Geng, C Z; Sun, Q; Zhang, F; Yin, Y M; Jiang, H C; An, Y H


    Objective: To explore the efficacy and safety of polyethylene glycal recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (PEG-rhG-CSF) in preventing chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in patiens with breast cancer. Methods: There were two parts in the present phase Ⅳ clinical study. One was a randomized, controlled clinical study. Patients in this study received PEG-rhG-CSF or rhG-CSF in the first cycle and followed with both PEG-rhG-CSF in the rest of 3 cycles. The other one was a single arm study. Patients who developed Ⅲ/Ⅳ grade neutropenia in the screening cycle received PEG-rhG-CSF in the rest of 3 cycles chemotherapy. Results: In the first cycle of randomized, controlled study, the incidence of Ⅳ grade neutropenia are 31.48% and 35.58% respectively in PEG-rhG-CSF and rhG-CSF group, with no statistically significant differences ( P =0.527 6). The duration of Ⅳ grade neutropenia respectively are 2.22±1.58 and 3.00±1.59 days, with a statistically significant difference ( P =0.016 6). In the single arm study, the incidence of Ⅳ grade neutropenia was 57.76% in screening cycle. And the incidence decreased to 16.35%, 10%, and 8.57% in the followed 3 cycle after the use of PEG-rhG-CSF. The incidence of adverse effects was 5.06%, and the major adverse effect was bone pain which with an incidence of 2.8%. Conclusion: The fixed 6mg dose of PEG-rhG-CSF can effectively prevent neutropenia in patients with breast cancer in multicycle chemotherapy and it has a low incidence of adverse events and mild adverse reaction.

  19. The diagnostic value of CRP, IL-8, PCT, and sTREM-1 in the detection of bacterial infections in pediatric oncology patients with febrile neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Miedema, Karin G. E.; de Bont, Eveline S. J. M.; Elferink, Rob F. M. Oude; van Vliet, Michel J.; Nijhuis, Claudi S. M. Oude; Kamps, Willem A.; Tissing, Wim J. E.


    In this study, we evaluated C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin (IL)-8, procalcitonin (PCT), and soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (sTREM-1) as predictors for bacterial infection in febrile neutropenia, plus their usefulness in febrile neutropenia during chemotherapy-induced

  20. Rinovirus: Frecuencia en niños con infección respiratoria aguda, no internados Rhinoviruses: Frequency in nonhospitalized children with acute respiratory infection

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    Débora N. Marcone


    Full Text Available Los métodos moleculares para diagnosticar rinovirus humanos (RVH han aumentado la sensibilidad de detección. Esto ha permitido documentar la asociación entre los RVH y las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA altas y bajas. La infección por RVH durante la infancia se asoció con posterior desarrollo de asma. Se estudió la frecuencia de RVH en 186 niños menores de 6 años ambulatorios con IRA (alta o baja, durante 2 años consecutivos (1/6/2008 - 31/5/2010. Se correlacionó la presencia de RVH con los antecedentes y características clínico-epidemiológicas. La detección de RVH se realizó con una RT-PCR en tiempo real que amplifica parte de la región 5' no codificante del genoma. Los virus respiratorios clásicos se estudiaron por inmunofluorescencia. En el 61% de los niños se detectó etiología viral. Las frecuencias fueron: RVH 27%, virus sincicial respiratorio (VSR 16%, influenza A y B 9%, parainfluenza 8%, metapneumovirus 7% y adenovirus 0.5%. Se observaron coinfecciones duales en 8 casos, siendo RVH el más frecuente (en 4 de ellos. Los RVH circularon durante todo el período estudiado, con picos en invierno y primavera. No se observaron diferencias clínico-epidemiológicas significativas entre pacientes con o sin RVH, excepto un mayor porcentaje de niños afebriles con RVH. Los RVH fueron los virus más detectados en niños ambulatorios, principalmente en menores de 2 años, los segundos virus asociados a bronquiolitis, luego del VSR, y detectados tres veces más en los niños expuestos a tabaquismo pasivo (OR: 2,91; p = 0.012 que en el resto. Fueron identificados como único agente en el 28% de las bronquiolitis.Molecular methods for human rhinoviruses (HRV have increased the sensitivity in their diagnosis. HRV may cause acute respiratory infections (ARI of the upper and lower respiratory tract. HRV infection during childhood is a predictor of asthma development. In this study, the HRV frequency in outpatient children with

  1. Imbalances in serum angiopoietin concentrations are early predictors of septic shock development in patients with post chemotherapy febrile neutropenia

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    Lorand-Metze Irene


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Febrile neutropenia carries a high risk of sepsis complications, and the identification of biomarkers capable to identify high risk patients is a great challenge. Angiopoietins (Ang - are cytokines involved in the control microvascular permeability. It is accepted that Ang-1 expression maintains endothelial barrier integrity, and that Ang-2 acts as an antagonizing cytokine with barrier-disrupting functions in inflammatory situations. Ang-2 levels have been recently correlated with sepsis mortality in intensive care units. Methods We prospectively evaluated concentrations of Ang-1 and Ang-2 at different time-points during febrile neutropenia, and explored the diagnostic accuracy of these mediators as potential predictors of poor outcome in this clinical setting before the development of sepsis complications. Results Patients that evolved with septic shock (n = 10 presented higher levels of Ang-2 measured 48 hours after fever onset, and of the Ang-2/Ang-1 ratio at the time of fever onset compared to patients with non-complicated sepsis (n = 31. These levels correlated with sepsis severity scores. Conclusions Our data suggest that imbalances in the concentrations of Ang-1 and Ang-2 are independent and early markers of the risk of developing septic shock and of sepsis mortality in febrile neutropenia, and larger studies are warranted to validate their clinical usefulness. Therapeutic strategies that manipulate this Ang-2/Ang-1 imbalance can potentially offer new and promising treatments for sepsis in febrile neutropenia.

  2. Risk assessment in fever and neutropenia in children with cancer : What did we learn?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Poele, Esther M. te; Tissing, Wim J. E.; Kamps, Willem A.; de Bont, Eveline S. J. M.


    Children with cancer treated with chemotherapy are susceptible to bacterial infections and serious infectious complications. However, fever and neutropenia can also result from other causes, for which no antibiotic treatment is needed. In the past decades attempts have been made to stratify the

  3. Febrile Neutropenia Risk Assessment and Granulocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor Support in Patients with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Receiving R-CHOP Regimens

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salar, Antonio; Haioun, Corinne; Rossi, Francesca Gaia


    BACKGROUND: ASCO and EORTC guidelines recommend granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) primary prophylaxis for cancer patients with a ≥20% overall risk of febrile neutropenia (FN), and to support delivery of dose-dense regimens. CHOP-like regimens (with rituximab [R]) are the current...... standard of care for the management of aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), but they are often associated with significant myelosuppression. Neutropenic events, particularly febrile neutropenia (FN), can be life-threatening and may lead to dose delays or reductions that compromise the efficacy......-CSF primary prophylaxis. Across all cycles, 29% of R-CHOP-21 patients had an unplanned hospitalization, with neutropenia/FN being the main reason. Subsequently, 67% of patients achieved a relative dose intensity (RDI) of ≥90% of their planned treatment (with respect to cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin...

  4. Is there still an indication for nursing patients with prolonged neutropenia in protective isolation? An evidence-based nursing and medical study of 4 years experience for nursing patients with neutropenia without isolation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mank, Arno; van der Lelie, Hans


    Patients with severe neutropenia due to high-dose chemotherapy and/or total-body irradiation are at risk of serious infections and are frequently nursed in strict protective isolation. This is a costly procedure and results in a psychological burden for the patient and its significance has been

  5. Padrão de uso de cannabis em dependentes de crack/cocaína internados para desintoxicação

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    Laura Baptista Lewgoy


    Full Text Available Introdução: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar o padrão de uso de cannabis em dependentes de crack/cocaína internados para desintoxicação em uma unidade de internação especializada. Métodos: Pesquisa quantitativa com delineamento exploratório e transversal em amostra não aleatória (n=109 de dependentes de crack/cocaína segundo os critérios da Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10. O protocolo de coleta foi composto por: informações sociodemográficas e descrição do padrão de uso de substâncias psicoativas, Inventário Beck de Ansiedade (BAI e Inventário Beck de Depressão (BDI. Resultados: Os participantes, com média de idade de 27,82 anos (DP=6,68; 18-49 e com 8,19 (2,56; 4-16 de anos de estudo, estavam internados há cerca de 14,81 dias (DP=11,51; 7-64. Verificou-se que a idade média de início do uso de cannabis (15,17 +-3,29 é bastante inferior à idade de início do uso de crack (22,76 +-6,28. Achados indicam que a cannabis foi a primeira droga ilícita a ser consumida pelos dependentes de crack, sendo que 96,33% desses sujeitos apresentavam dependência de cannabis. Conclusão: Foi encontrada uma correlação positiva (r=0,385 de intensidade baixa entre a idade de início de consumo de crack e de cannabis, concluindo-se que, quanto mais cedo é iniciado o uso de cannabis, mais cedo é iniciado o uso de crack.

  6. Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia and the prognosis of colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. (United States)

    Tan, XiangZhou; Wen, QiaoCheng; Wang, Ran; Chen, ZhiKang


    Recently, there has been a controversial discussion about the prognostic value of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN) in colorectal cancer patients. Thus, a meta-analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between CIN and the prognosis of colorectal cancer patients. We searched the PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane library databases to identify studies evaluating the association between CIN and colorectal cancer prognosis. Pooled random/fixed effect models were used to calculate pooled hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to assess the association. Eight studies were selected for the meta-analysis, for a total of 2,745 patients. There was significant improved survival among colorectal cancer patients with CIN (HR = 0.62, 95% CI = 0.47-0.76). However, significant heterogeneity was found (p = 0.000, Ι 2  = 75.0%). Through subgroup analysis, we could greatly eliminate the heterogeneity and found that neutropenia was associated with better survival in stage IV colorectal cancer patients, no matter the HR calculated by overall survival (OS) or progression-free survival (PFS). Meanwhile, the prognostic value of neutropenia in stage II/III colorectal cancer can be found when the HR is calculated by disease-free survival (DFS). Additionally, we observed significant differences after stratification according to various tumor stages, endpoints, and the use of G-CSF. Our results which, based on a cohort study, indicate that CIN is associated with improved survival in patients with colorectal cancer. However, further randomized controlled trials are warranted.

  7. Severe neutropenia at time of port insertion is not a risk factor for catheter-associated infections in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. (United States)

    Junqueira, Beatriz L P; Connolly, Bairbre; Abla, Oussama; Tomlinson, George; Amaral, Joao G


    The objective of this study was to determine whether severe neutropenia on the day of port-a-catheter (PORT) insertion was a risk factor for catheter-associated infection (CAI) in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). This was a retrospective study of children with ALL who had a PORT insertion between January 2005 and August 2008. Early (≤ 30 days) and late (>30 days) postprocedure complications were reviewed. The length of follow-up ranged between 7 months and 42 months. In total, 192 PORTs were inserted in 179 children. There were 43 CAIs (22%), and the infection rate was 0.35 per 1000 catheter-days. The CAI rate (15%) in children who had severe neutropenia on the day of the procedure did not differ statistically from the CAI rate (24%) in children who did not have severe neutropenia (P = .137). Conversely, patients with severe neutropenia who had a CAI were more likely to have their PORT removed (P = .019). The most common organisms to cause catheter removal were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus and Staphylococcus aureus. Patients with high-risk ALL had a statistically significant higher incidence of late CAI than patients with standard-risk ALL (P = .012). Age (P = .272), positive blood culture preprocedure (P = 1.0), and dexamethasone use (P = .201) were not risk factors for CAI. Patients who had an early CAI did not have a greater chance of having a late CAI. The catheter infection-free survival rate at 1 year was 88.6%. The current results indicated that severe neutropenia on the day of PORT insertion does not increase the risk of CAI in children with ALL. © 2010 American Cancer Society.

  8. Caracterização dos pacientes em uso de drogas vasoativas internados em unidade de terapia intensiva Patients’ characterization in use of vasoactive drugs hospitalized in intensive care unit

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    Elizabeth Mesquita Melo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Caracterizar o paciente internado em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI em uso de drogas vasoativas (DVA. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, abordagem quantitativa, com 85 pacientes internados na UTI de um hospital municipal, em Fortaleza-Ceará. Coleta dos dados realizada em março e abril de 2011, pela consulta ao relatório de enfermagem. Resultados: 55,3% eram do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 70 anos. O diagnóstico mais comum foi o acidente vascular encefálico (29,4%, seguido das pneumopatias (23,5%; 89,4% necessitaram de suporte ventilatório invasivo, 98,9% usaram sonda nasogástrica e 92,9% sonda vesical de demora; 92,9 % utilizaram acesso venoso central e 90,6% fizeram uso de antibióticos. Quanto aos níveis pressóricos, apenas 4,9% apresentaram normalidade; a noradrenalina foi a DVA mais utilizada (67,1% seguida da dopamina (35,3%; 64,7% evoluíram para óbito. Conclusão: O paciente grave apresenta especificidades que exigem conhecimento da equipe de enfermagem para uma assistência de qualidade.

  9. How we diagnose and treat neutropenia in adults. (United States)

    Palmblad, Jan; Nilsson, Christer C; Höglund, Petter; Papadaki, Helen A


    Neutropenias (NPs), being acute and often transient, or chronic, range from life-threatening conditions with very low absolute neutrophil blood counts (ANC) to disorders characterized by only mild NP and of no obvious significance for health. Many are caused by genetic variations/mutations, e.g. the benign familial NP and the chronic severe NPs (e.g. Kostmann disease). Some of the latter are associated with various bodily malformations. Many of the mild-to-moderate NPs are signs of underlying disorders that need specialized treatments (e.g. HIV, hepatitis, autoimmune disorders, the large granular lymphocyte syndrome). We provide here means for the evaluation of a previously unknown NP, suggest a triage and treatments.

  10. EORTC guidelines for the use of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor to reduce the incidence of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in adult patients with lymphomas and solid tumours.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aapro, M.S.; Cameron, D.; Pettengell, R.; Bohlius, J.; Crawford, J.; Ellis, M.; Kearney, N.; Lyman, G.H.; Tjan-Heijnen, V.C.; Walewski, J.A.; Weber, D.C.; Zielinski, C.


    Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is not only a major risk factor for infection-related morbidity and mortality, but is also a significant dose-limiting toxicity in cancer treatment. Patients developing severe (grade 3/4) or febrile neutropenia (FN) during chemotherapy frequently receive dose

  11. Percepção dos funcionários de uma unidade de queimados em relação à higiene bucal dos pacientes internados


    Busato, Claudia de Abreu


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia. Objetivou-se conhecer a percepção dos funcionários que atuam na unidade de queimados do Hospital Infantil Joana de Gusmão, em relação à higiene bucal do paciente internado. Realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando entrevista semi-estruturada. Os entrevistados perceberam a higiene bucal como procedimento importante para todas as pessoas. Aspectos e...

  12. CLPB Variants Associated with Autosomal-Recessive Mitochondrial Disorder with Cataract, Neutropenia, Epilepsy, and Methylglutaconic Aciduria

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saunders, Carol; Smith, Laurie; Wibrand, Flemming


    of type IV 3-MGA-uria characterized by cataracts, severe psychomotor regression during febrile episodes, epilepsy, neutropenia with frequent infections, and death in early childhood. Four of the individuals were of Greenlandic descent, and one was North American, of Northern European and Asian descent...

  13. A patient with common glycogen storage disease type Ib mutations without neutropenia or neutrophil dysfunction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Martens, DHJ; Kuijpers, TW; Maianski, NA; Rake, JP; Smit, GPA; Visser, G

    We describe a 16-year old boy with glycogen storage disease type Ib, homozygous for the common 1211-1212delCT mutation, who never experienced neutropenia, and did not suffer from frequent infections or inflammatory bowel disease. In addition, neutrophil function tests showed no abnormalities.

  14. Piperacillin-tazobactam vs. imipenem-cilastatin as empirical therapy in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation recipients with febrile neutropenia. (United States)

    Jing, Yu; Li, Jian; Yuan, Lei; Zhao, Xiaoli; Wang, Quanshun; Yu, Li; Zhou, Daobin; Huang, Wenrong


    This randomized, dual-center study compared the efficacy and safety of piperacillin-tazobactam (PTZ) and imipenem-cilastatin (IMP) in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients with febrile neutropenia. HSCT recipients with febrile neutropenia were randomized into two groups receiving either PTZ or IMP as initial empiric antibiotic. Endpoints were defervescence rate after empiric antibiotic for 48 h, success at end of therapy, and side effects. Defervescence within 48 h after empiric antibiotic was observed in 46 patients with PTZ (75.4%) and 59 patients with IMP (95.2%) (p = 0.002). Ten patients (10/46) in the PTZ group and two patients (2/59) in the IMP group switched empiric antibiotics due to recurrent fever (p = 0.005). Success of initial antibiotic with modification was achieved in 34 patients with PTZ (55.7%) and 53 patients with IMP (85.5%) at the end of therapy (p = 0.001). To treat the bacteremia, seven of 10 patients in the PTZ group and one of eight patients in the IMP group needed to switch the empiric antibiotic (p = 0.025). Compared with PTZ, IMP had more gastrointestinal adverse events (p = 0.045). This study demonstrates that IMP had better efficacy than PTZ as an empiric antibiotic for febrile neutropenia in the HSCT setting, but with more gastrointestinal side reactions. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. [Asthma and cyclic neutropenia]. (United States)

    Salazar Cabrera, A N; Berrón Pérez, R; Ortega Martell, J A; Onuma Takane, E


    We report a male with history of recurrent infections (recurrent oral aphtous disease [ROAD], middle ear infections and pharyngo amigdalitis) every 3 weeks since he was 7 months old. At the age of 3 years cyclic neutropenia was diagnosed with cyclic fall in the total neutrophil count in blood smear every 21 days and prophylactic antimicrobial therapy was indicated. Episodic events every 3 weeks of acute asthma and allergic rhinitis were detected at the age of 6 years old and specific immunotherapy to Bermuda grass was given during 3 years with markedly improvement in his allergic condition but not in the ROAD. He came back until the age of 16 with episodic acute asthma and ROAD. The total neutrophil count failed to 0 every 21 days and surprisingly the total eosinophil count increased up to 2,000 at the same time, with elevation of serum IgE (412 Ul/mL). Specific immunotherapy to and Aller.a. and therapy with timomodulin was indicated. After 3 months we observed clinical improvement in the asthmatic condition and the ROAD disappeared, but the total neutrophil count did not improve. We present this case as a rare association between 2 diseases with probably no etiological relationship but may be physiopatological that could help to understand more the pathogenesis of asthma.

  16. Clinical evolution of adult, elderly and very elderly patients admitted in Intensive Care Units Evolución clínica de adultos, ancianos y muy ancianos internados en Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Evolução clínica de adultos, idosos e muito idosos internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva

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    Verônica Cunha Rodrigues de Oliveira


    Full Text Available This study compared clinical outcomes among adult, elderly and very elderly patients admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs located in São Paulo, Brazil. This retrospective, longitudinal and comparative study included 279 adult (≥18 and El estudio comparó la evolución clínica de adultos, ancianos y muy ancianos internados en Unidades de Terapia Intensiva localizadas en Sao Paulo, Brasil. El estudio fue retrospectivo longitudinal, del tipo comparativo. Participaron 279 adultos (≥18 y O estudo comparou a evolução clínica de adultos, idosos e muito idosos, internados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva, localizadas em São Paulo, Brasil. Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo-longitudinal, do tipo comparativo. Participaram 279 adultos (≥18 e <60 anos, 216 idosos (≥60 e <80 anos e 105 muito idosos (≥80 anos. Os adultos diferiram dos outros grupos em relação à unidade de destino e evolução da gravidade, segundo Simplified Acute Physiology Score II. Foi mais prevalente o encaminhamento dos adultos para unidades de internação, porém, os idosos e muito idosos, sobreviventes à internação na unidade crítica, apresentaram melhora mais acentuada antes da alta. Entre adultos e idosos ocorreu diferença em relação à mortalidade, com maior taxa no grupo mais velho; entretanto, a mortalidade dos muito idosos e adultos foi similar. Em geral, os resultados indicaram que a idade mais avançada não foi fator associado aos desfechos indesejáveis da assistência intensiva.

  17. Ela2 mutations and clinical manifestations in familial congenital neutropenia. (United States)

    Shiohara, Masaaki; Shigemura, Tomonari; Saito, Shoji; Tanaka, Miyuki; Yanagisawa, Ryu; Sakashita, Kazuo; Asada, Hiroshi; Ishii, Eizaburo; Koike, Kazutoshi; Chin, Motoaki; Kobayashi, Masao; Koike, Kenichi


    Three familial cases of each of severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) and cyclic neutropenia (CN) in addition to 3 sporadic cases of SCN were analyzed for neutrophil elastase (Ela2) gene mutation. The contents of the neutrophil-specific granule proteins cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin were also analyzed in SCN. Genomic DNA was extracted from the patients' peripheral blood or bone marrow, and the coding sequence of the Ela2 gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and subjected to direct sequencing. The contents of antimicrobial peptides were analyzed by flow cytometry. Three cases of familial SCN (P13L, R52P, and S97L), 2 of familial CN (W212stop and P110L), and 1 of sporadic SCN (V72M) were shown to have heterozygous mutations in the Ela2 gene. W212stop found in a familial CN case was a novel mutation of Ela2. Prophylactic treatment for growth factors or antibiotic prophylaxis against bacterial infection was useful for lowering the frequency of infectious episodes. Adult patients tended to have less frequent infections compared with minors in the same family. The contents of both cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin were significantly reduced in SCN compared with healthy controls. Prophylaxis by growth factor or antibiotics is useful for decreasing risks of bacterial infections in SCN and CN. Adults were likely to have less frequent infections than children in familial cases of SCN and CN with the same mutation of Ela2.

  18. Severe Neutropenia at the Time of Implantable Subcutaneous Chest Port Insertion Is Not a Risk Factor for Port Removal at a Tertiary Pediatric Center. (United States)

    Hoss, Daniel R; Bedros, Antranik A; Mesipam, Avinash; Criddle, Jared; Smith, Jason C


    To determine if severe neutropenia at the time of chest port insertion is a risk factor for port removal and central catheter-associated bloodstream infection (CCABSI) in pediatric patients. From May 2007 to June 2015, 183 consecutive patients (mean age, 9.9 y; range, 0.75-21 y) had a port inserted at a single tertiary pediatric center. Seventy-two had severe neutropenia at the time of port insertion (absolute neutrophil count [ANC] range, 0-500/mm 3 ; mean, 185/mm 3 ). Follow-up until port removal or death and CCABSI events were recorded. Within the first 30 days, similar incidences of CCABSI (12.5% of patients with severe neutropenia [n = 9] vs 4.5% of patients without [n = 5]), port removal for infection (2.8% [n = 2] vs 2.7% [n = 3]), and local port infection (2.8% [n = 2] vs 0.9% [n = 1]) were observed in both groups (P > .05), but the rate of CCABSI per 1,000 catheter-days was higher for patients with severe neutropenia (P = .045). Overall, similar incidences of CCABSI (18.1% [n = 13] vs 16.2% [n = 18]), port removal for infection (2.8% [n = 2] vs 7.2% [n = 8]), local port infection (2.8% [n = 2] vs 2.7% [n = 3]), and CCABSIs per 1,000 catheter-days (0.332 vs 0.400) were observed in both groups (P > .05). Port placement in patients with severe neutropenia can be performed without an increased incidence of port removal for infection. The majority of CCABSIs were successfully treated without port removal. Copyright © 2016 SIR. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Cost Effectiveness of Primary Pegfilgrastim Prophylaxis in Patients With Breast Cancer at Risk of Febrile Neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aarts, Maureen J.; Grutters, Janneke P.; Peters, Frank P.; Mandigers, Caroline M.; Dercksen, M. Wouter; Stouthard, Jacqueline M.; Nortier, Hans J.; van Laarhoven, Hanneke W.; van Warmerdam, Laurence J.; van de Wouw, Agnes J.; Jacobs, Esther M.; Mattijssen, Vera; van der Rijt, Carin C.; Smilde, Tineke J.; van der Velden, Annette W.; Temizkan, Mehmet; Batman, Erdogan; Muller, Erik W.; van Gastel, Saskia M.; Joore, Manuela A.; Borm, George F.; Tjan-Heijnen, Vivianne C.


    Purpose Guidelines advise primary granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) prophylaxis during chemotherapy if risk of febrile neutropenia (FN) is more than 20%, but this comes with considerable costs. We investigated the incremental costs and effects between two treatment strategies of primary

  20. Cost effectiveness of primary pegfilgrastim prophylaxis in patients with breast cancer at risk of febrile neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aarts, M.J.; Grutters, J.P.C.; Peters, F.P.; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Dercksen, M.W.; Stouthard, J.M.; Nortier, H.J.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Warmerdam, L.J. van; Wouw, A.J. van de; Jacobs, E.M.G.; Mattijssen, V.; Rijt, C.C. van der; Smilde, T.J.; Velden, A.W. van der; Temizkan, M.; Batman, E.; Muller, E.W.; Gastel, S.M. van; Joore, M.A.; Borm, G.F.; Tjan-Heijnen, V.C.


    PURPOSE: Guidelines advise primary granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) prophylaxis during chemotherapy if risk of febrile neutropenia (FN) is more than 20%, but this comes with considerable costs. We investigated the incremental costs and effects between two treatment strategies of primary

  1. O papel da neutropenia no prognóstico do doente oncológico com pneumonia adquirida na comunidade** Eur Respir J 2009; 33:142-147

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Aliberti


    Full Text Available Resumo: A doença infecciosa contribui para uma elevada morbilidade e mortalidade no doente oncológico, representando a pneumonia adquirida na comunidade a mais frequente.O desenvolvimento de PAC no doente neoplásico pa-rece advir da modificação de mecanismos de defesa imunitária resultante, quer da patologia maligna, quer do tratamento oncológico. O risco de infecção relacionada com o tipo de neoplasia pode associarse ao défice de imunidade humoral, celular ou do número de neutrófilos. As doenças hematológicas malignas podem predispor o doente às infecções devido à substituição da medula por células neoplásicas. Consequentemente, estes doentes têm neutropenia funcional, apesar de apresentarem, muitas vezes, um número normal ou aumentado de neutrófilos. Por outro lado, estes doentes podem ter neutropenia como efeito secundário da quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia (neutropenia absoluta.A gravidade da neutropenia foi considerada como principal factor de risco isolado no doente neoplásico, com particular relevância se o número de neutrófilos ≤500cel/mm3.A mortalidade global atribuída à neutropenia febril no doente neoplásico é de 30-50%. Nas últimas décadas, o tratamento das infecções na população oncológica foi direccionado, primariamente, para o manuseamento da neutropenia febril, devido ao facto de o local da infecção não ser determinado em 50-80% dos casos. As guidelines da American Thoracic Society de 2001 utilizavam a neutropenia para identificar os quadros mais graves de PAC nos doentes oncológicos. Os doentes com patologia hematológica e neutropenia funcional ou indivíduos com qualquer tipo de neoplasia e neutropenia absoluta foram excluídos das referidas guidelines. A decisão de incluir doentes com tumores sólidos não neutropénicos foi baseada, apenas, na opinião de especialistas

  2. A Patient Risk Model of Chemotherapy-Induced Febrile Neutropenia: Lessons Learned From the ANC Study Group. (United States)

    Lyman, Gary H; Poniewierski, Marek S


    Neutropenia and its complications, including febrile neutropenia (FN), represent major toxicities associated with cancer chemotherapy, resulting in considerable morbidity, mortality, and costs. The myeloid growth factors such as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) have been shown to reduce the risk of neutropenia complications while enabling safe and effective chemotherapy dose intensity. Concerns about the high costs of these agents along with limited physician adherence to clinical practice guidelines, resulting in both overuse and underuse, has stimulated interest in models for individual patient risk assessment to guide appropriate use of G-CSF. In a model developed and validated by the ANC Study Group, half of patients were classified as high risk and half as low risk based on patient-, disease-, and treatment-related factors. This model has been further validated in an independent patient population. Physician-assessed risk of FN, as well as the decision to use prophylactic CSF, has been shown to correlate poorly with the FN risk estimated by the model. Additional modeling efforts in both adults and children receiving cancer treatment have been reported. Identification of patients at a high individual risk for FN and its consequences may offer the potential for optimal chemotherapy delivery and patient outcomes. Likewise, identification of patients at low risk for neutropenic events may reduce costs when such supportive care is not warranted. This article reviews and summarizes FN modeling studies and the opportunities for personalizing supportive care in patients receiving chemotherapy. Copyright © 2017 by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network.

  3. Efficacy and safety of ior® LeukoCIM (G-CSF in patients with neutropenia after chemotherapy

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    Leslie Pérez Ruiz


    Full Text Available Neutropenia and infections are the most restrictive side effects during chemotherapy application. The granulocytic colonies stimulating factor activates the neutrophils, shortens the neutropenic period and can be effective against the potential risk of infection. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of LeukoCIM® (CIMAB, Havana. A retrospective observational study was carried out with data from the patients with neutropenic episodes enrolled in the open-label, non-randomized, multicenter, phase IV clinical trial. These patients were from Gustavo Aldereguía Lima hospital. They had been evaluated for one year. Demographic information, clinical data and side effects were analyzed. As prophylaxis indication LeukoCIM® was administrated 24-72 h after the last chemotherapy dose and as treatment when neutropenia was diagnosed. In both cases, a daily single 300 µg dose was administrated subcutaneously. The application of the next chemotherapy cycle on time was the main variable of response and the product safety was assessed by measuring the side effects. Forty seven patients with 95 neutropenic episodes were enrolled. The 82.1 % of episodes received their next chemotherapy cycle on time. The most frequent side effects were: bone pain and fever (11.2 % respectively, hyperuricemia (9.2 %, leukocytosis and neutrophilia (7.1 % and increased LDH (6.1 %. LeukoCIM® was effective in patients receiving chemotherapy, because it accelerated neutrophil recovery, decreased the incidence of febrile neutropenia and improved delivery of protocol doses of chemotherapy on time. Additionally, this product was considered safe for the studied patients since just known adverse events were reported.

  4. CLPB mutations cause 3-methylglutaconic aciduria, progressive brain atrophy, intellectual disability, congenital neutropenia, cataracts, movement disorder. (United States)

    Wortmann, Saskia B; Ziętkiewicz, Szymon; Kousi, Maria; Szklarczyk, Radek; Haack, Tobias B; Gersting, Søren W; Muntau, Ania C; Rakovic, Aleksandar; Renkema, G Herma; Rodenburg, Richard J; Strom, Tim M; Meitinger, Thomas; Rubio-Gozalbo, M Estela; Chrusciel, Elzbieta; Distelmaier, Felix; Golzio, Christelle; Jansen, Joop H; van Karnebeek, Clara; Lillquist, Yolanda; Lücke, Thomas; Õunap, Katrin; Zordania, Riina; Yaplito-Lee, Joy; van Bokhoven, Hans; Spelbrink, Johannes N; Vaz, Frédéric M; Pras-Raves, Mia; Ploski, Rafal; Pronicka, Ewa; Klein, Christine; Willemsen, Michel A A P; de Brouwer, Arjan P M; Prokisch, Holger; Katsanis, Nicholas; Wevers, Ron A


    We studied a group of individuals with elevated urinary excretion of 3-methylglutaconic acid, neutropenia that can develop into leukemia, a neurological phenotype ranging from nonprogressive intellectual disability to a prenatal encephalopathy with progressive brain atrophy, movement disorder, cataracts, and early death. Exome sequencing of two unrelated individuals and subsequent Sanger sequencing of 16 individuals with an overlapping phenotype identified a total of 14 rare, predicted deleterious alleles in CLPB in 14 individuals from 9 unrelated families. CLPB encodes caseinolytic peptidase B homolog ClpB, a member of the AAA+ protein family. To evaluate the relevance of CLPB in the pathogenesis of this syndrome, we developed a zebrafish model and an in vitro assay to measure ATPase activity. Suppression of clpb in zebrafish embryos induced a central nervous system phenotype that was consistent with cerebellar and cerebral atrophy that could be rescued by wild-type, but not mutant, human CLPB mRNA. Consistent with these data, the loss-of-function effect of one of the identified variants (c.1222A>G [p.Arg408Gly]) was supported further by in vitro evidence with the mutant peptides abolishing ATPase function. Additionally, we show that CLPB interacts biochemically with ATP2A2, known to be involved in apoptotic processes in severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) 3 (Kostmann disease [caused by HAX1 mutations]). Taken together, mutations in CLPB define a syndrome with intellectual disability, congenital neutropenia, progressive brain atrophy, movement disorder, cataracts, and 3-methylglutaconic aciduria. Copyright © 2015 The American Society of Human Genetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Emergence of MRSA in positive blood cultures from patients with febrile neutropenia--a cause for concern.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Morris, Patrick G


    Febrile neutropenia (FN) causes considerable morbidity in patients on cytotoxic chemotherapy. Recently, there has been a trend towards fewer Gram-negative and more Gram-positive infections with increasing antibiotic resistance. To assess these patterns, data from a supra-regional cancer centre in Ireland were reviewed.

  6. Evaluation of febrile neutropenia in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shahideh Amini


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and causes of fever as a major problem contributing to transplantation related mortality among patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT and evaluation of antibiotic use, according to reliable guidelines.We retrospectively reviewed hospital records of 195 adult patients who underwent HSCT between 2009-2011 at hematology-oncology and bone marrow transplantation research center. Baseline information and also data related to fever and neutropenia, patient's outcomes, duration of hospitalization and antibiotic use pattern were documented.A total of 195 patients were analyzed and a total of 268 febrile episodes in 180 patients were recorded (mean 1.5 episodes per patient. About 222 episodes (82% were associated with neutropenia which one-fourth of them were without any documented infection sources. Microbiologic documents showed that the relative frequencies of gram positive and gram negative bacteria were 62.5% and 37.5%, respectively. The hospital stay duration was directly related to the numbers of fever episodes (P<0.0001.The rate of febrile episodes in autologous stem cell transplantation was significantly higher compared to allogeneic type (P<0.05.It is necessary to determine not only the local profile of microbiologic pattern, but also antibiotic sensitivities in febrile neutropenic patients following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, and reassess response to antibiotic treatment to establish any necessity for modifications to treatment guidelines in order to prevent any fatal complications from infection.

  7. Is serum albumin an independent predictor of post chemotherapy febrile neutropenia?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saleem, L.; Zahid, N.A.


    Objective: To evaluate the association between serum albumin and risk of post chemotherapy febrile neutropenia. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of oncology, Liaquat National Hospital, from 1st Jan 2015 to 31st Dec 2016. Material and Method: One hundred and sixty-six biopsy proven cancer patients with Eastern cooperative oncology group (ECOG) performance status <2 and without significant co-morbidities received first cycle of chemotherapy during two years study period. Different chemotherapies with moderate to severe risk of FN were used. Patient's pre-treatment serum albumin was measured and patients followed for occurrence of FN. Association between serum albumin and post chemotherapy FN was analyzed. Results: Data of 166 patients was available for final analysis. Post chemotherapy FN was observed in 19.9% (33/166) patients. Pre-chemotherapy serum albumin level was <3.5 mg/dl in (35/166) 21.1% of patients, out of which (15/35) 42.9% developed FN. Serum albumin (p=0.0005) was highly significantly associated with a risk of FN. On analysis of other factors age, gender, body surface area (BSA) and pre-chemotherapy hemoglobin level were not significantly associated with a risk of FN while body mass index (p=0.0005) was found to be associated with risk of FN. Conclusion: Pre-chemotherapy serum albumin levels were found to be statistically significant predictor of postchemotherapy febrile neutropenia.

  8. Distribution of pathogens in central line-associated bloodstream infections among patients with and without neutropenia following chemotherapy: evidence for a proposed modification to the current surveillance definition. (United States)

    Steinberg, James P; Robichaux, Chad; Tejedor, Sheri Chernetsky; Reyes, Mary Dent; Jacob, Jesse T


    Many bloodstream infections (BSIs) occurring in patients with febrile neutropenia following cytotoxic chemotherapy are due to translocation of intestinal microbiota. However, these infections meet the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) definition of central line-associated BSIs (CLABSIs). We sought to determine the differences in the microbiology of NHSN-defined CLABSIs in patients with and without neutropenia and, using these data, to propose a modification of the CLABSI definition. Retrospective review. Two large university hospitals over 18 months. All hospital-acquired BSIs occurring in patients with central venous catheters in place were classified using the NHSN CLABSI definition. Patients with postchemotherapy neutropenia (500 neutrophils/mm(3) or lower) at the time of blood culture were considered neutropenic. Pathogens overrepresented in the neutropenic group were identified to inform development of a modified CLABSI definition. Organisms that were more commonly observed in the neutropenic group compared with the nonneutropenic group included Escherichia coli (22.7% vs 2.5%; P definition (removing BSI with enterococci, streptococci, or E. coli) excluded 33 of 66 neutropenic CLABSIs and decreased the CLABSI rate in one study hospital with large transplant and oncology populations from 2.12 to 1.79 cases per 1,000 line-days. Common gastrointestinal organisms were more common in the neutropenia group, suggesting that many BSIs meeting the NHSN criteria for CLABSI in the setting of neutropenia may represent translocation of gut organisms. These findings support modification of the NHSN CLABSI definition.

  9. Canadian supportive care recommendations for the management of neutropenia in patients with cancer


    Kouroukis, C.T.; Chia, S.; Verma, S.; Robson, D.; Desbiens, C.; Cripps, C.; Mikhael, J.


    Hematologic toxicities of cancer chemotherapy are common and often limit the ability to provide treatment in a timely and dose-intensive manner. These limitations may be of utmost importance in the adjuvant and curative intent settings. Hematologic toxicities may result in febrile neutropenia, infections, fatigue, and bleeding, all of which may lead to additional complications and prolonged hospitalization. The older cancer patient and patients with significant comorbidities may be at highest...

  10. Modelo de accesibilidad de conceptos matematicos aplicados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales en la UPR (United States)

    Isidro Villamizar, Gloria Maria

    Este estudio utiliza metodologia de investigacion cualitativa, con el proposito de describir, analizar y evaluar los procesos de diseno y desarrollo de un modelo de accesibilidad que consiste en estrategias de ensenanza de las matematicas para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales matriculados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva en la UPR. Se utilizaron las siguientes estrategias para recopilar la informacion, 1) reflexiones de la investigadora en el proceso de diseno y desarrollo de las lecciones adaptadas, que se registraron en un diario reflexivo. 2) entrevista semiestructurada luego de haber trabajado las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas con los participantes. 3) observaciones y notas de la investigadora del trabajo de los participantes. Para obtener la informacion de los participantes se obtuvo los permisos institucionales necesarios; se seleccionaron los participantes y se validaron los instrumentos; se realizo el desarrollo de las lecciones adaptadas con los participantes; y finalmente, se analizo la informacion obtenida. El diseno de las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas se hizo siguiendo las recomendaciones curriculares de los temas de matematicas aplicados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva realizado por la investigadora durante su semestre de internado. El testimonio de las voces de los participantes se obtuvo del proceso de desarrollo de las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas de temas seleccionados de conceptos matematicos requeridos en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva y de la entrevista semiestructurada con los participantes, luego de haber trabajado las lecciones de aprendizaje. Para el desarrollo de las lecciones de aprendizaje, se utilizaron materiales tactiles adaptados, materiales tactiles disenados y materiales disponibles comercialmente. Los textos de las lecciones se imprimieron en tinta y en Braille. Se exhorta a disenar y desarrollar estrategias de ensenanza accesibles, considerando como recursos para evaluar su efectividad a

  11. Quality of Life and Neutropenia in Patients with Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Randomized Pilot Study Comparing Additional Treatment with Mistletoe Extract to Chemotherapy Alone

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    Wilfried Tröger


    Full Text Available Background: Chemotherapy for breast cancer often deteriorates quality of life, augments fatigue, and induces neutropenia. Mistletoe preparations are frequently used by cancer patients in Central Europe. Physicians have reported better quality of life in breast cancer patients additionally treated with mistletoe preparations during chemotherapy. Mistletoe preparations also have immunostimulant properties and might therefore have protective effects against chemotherapy-induced neutropenia.Patients and Methods: We conducted a prospective randomized open label pilot study with 95 patients randomized into three groups. Two groups received Iscador® M special (IMS or a different mistletoe preparation, respectively, additionally to chemotherapy with six cycles of cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, and 5-fluoro-uracil (CAF. A control group received CAF with no additional therapy. Here we report the comparison IMS (n = 30 vs. control (n = 31. Quality of life including fatigue was assessed with the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC-QLQ-C30. Neutropenia was defined as neutrophil counts <1,000/µl and assessed at baseline and one day before each CAF cycle.Results: In the descriptive analysis all 15 scores of the EORTC-QLQ-C30 showed better quality of life in the IMS group compared to the control group. In 12 scores the differences were significant (p < 0.02 and nine scores showed a clinically relevant and significant difference of at least 5 points. Neutropenia occurred in 3/30 IMS patients and in 8/31 control patients (p = 0.182.Conclusions: This pilot study showed an improvement of quality of life by treating breast cancer patients with IMS additionally to CAF. CAF-induced neutropenia showed a trend to lower frequency in the IMS group.

  12. Prophylaxis against febrile neutropenia with pegfilgrastim in Italy: a budget impact analysis

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    Giovanni Rosti


    Full Text Available Introduction: prophylaxis with granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF is indicated for reduction in the duration of neutropenia and the incidence of febrile neutropenia in patients treated with cytotoxic chemotherapy for malignancy.
Objective: to evaluate the budgetary impact for the Italian NHS.
Design: a decision-analytic model has been developed to analyze the budget impact from the national health care system perspective. Costs include direct healthcare costs to the public payer of G-CSFs as well as their administration costs and costs of FN-related events. The comparison has been done using prophylaxis with G‑CSF (filgrastim for 11 days, pegfilgrastim, lenograstim for 11 days and antibiotics.
Patients and participants: The population of interest for the analysis were patients with breast cancer in stage II and III and patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL.
Main outcome measures and results: for all the three patients group (NHL, Breast II and III, and for all the chemotherapy regimens (CHOP 21 and R-CHOP 21 for NHL, AC-T, TAC and TC for Breast stage II and III the budget impact analyses shows a cost reduction for the Italian NHS, as a result of an increase of the use of pegfilgrastim.
Conclusions: in Italy, a treatment strategy including pegfilgrastim as either primary or secondary prophylaxis provides value for money.

  13. Ojo de buey en tomografía hepática.

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    Jorge Alberto Cortés


    Full Text Available Las infecciones micóticas invasoras se presentan con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con neutropenia posterior al uso de quimioterapia para el tratamiento del cáncer. Se presenta una paciente de 4 años con diagnóstico de leucemia linfoide aguda, quien, luego de la quimioterapia, desarrolló neutropenia febril y diarrea. Recibió tratamiento antibiótico y antimicótico de amplio espectro. Se aisló Candida albicans y se observaron trofozoítos de Entamoeba histolytica en la materia fecal. La paciente desarrolló candidiosis crónica diseminada que fue tratada con anfotericina B y, posteriormente, con fluconazol. Se ilustra la imagen tomográfica conocida como 'ojo de buey' y su correspondiente estudio histopatológico. Candida spp. es la levadura más común en pacientes inmunosuprimidos con tumores hematológicos que reciben quimioterapia. La candidiosis diseminada que se presenta en estos pacientes persiste y se hace evidente clínicamente una vez se resuelve la neutropenia; se denomina candidiosis crónica diseminada. En la paciente se presentaron varios factores de riesgo, como el tratamiento previo con antibióticos de amplio espectro, la colonización del tracto gastrointestinal por Candida y la neutropenia prolongada. El diagnóstico por imagen se hace principalmente por ecografía, tomografía axial computarizada y resonancia magnética. Se han descrito cuatro patrones tanto ecográficos como tomográficos, de los cuales se destacan el tipo 1 ('ruedas entre ruedas' y el tipo 2 ('ojo de buey', que son característicos de

  14. Evaluation of ticarcillin/clavulanic acid versus ceftriaxone plus amikacin for fever and neutropenia in pediatric patients with leukemia and lymphoma

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    Petrilli Antonio Sérgio


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The empirical use of antibiotic treatments is widely accepted as a means to treat cancer patients in chemotherapy who have fever and neutropenia. Intravenous monotherapy, with broad spectrum antibiotics, of patients with a high risk of complications is a possible alternative. METHODS: We conducted a prospective open-label, randomized study of patients with lymphoma or leukemia who had fever and neutropenia during chemotherapy. Patients received either monotherapy with ticarcillin/clavulanic acid (T or ceftriaxone plus amikacin (C+A. RESULTS: Seventy patients who presented 136 episodes were evaluated, 68 in each arm of the study. The mean neutrophil counts at admission were 217cells/mm³ (T and 201cells/mm³ (C+A. The mean duration of neutropenia was 8.7 days (T and 7.6 days (C+A. Treatment was successful without the need for modifications in 71% of the episodes in the T group and 81% in the C+A group (p=0.23. Treatment was considered to have failed because of death in two episodes (3% in the T group and three episodes (4% in the C+A group, and because of a change in the drug applied in one episode in the T group and two episodes in the C+A group. Overall success was 96% (T and 93% (C+A. Adverse events that occurred in group T were not related to the drugs used in this study. CONCLUSION: In pediatric and adolescent patients with leukemia or lymphoma, who presented with fever and neutropenia, during chemotherapy, ticarcillin/clavulanic acid was as successful as the combination of ceftriaxone plus amikacin. It should be considered an appropriate option for this group of patients at high risk for infections.

  15. 2010 update of EORTC guidelines for the use of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor to reduce the incidence of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in adult patients with lymphoproliferative disorders and solid tumours

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aapro, M.S.; Bohlius, J.; Cameron, D.A.; Dal Lago, L.; Donnelly, J.P.; Kearney, N.; Lyman, G.H.; Pettengell, R.; Tjan-Heijnen, V.C.; Walewski, J.; Weber, D.C.; Zielinski, C.


    Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia is a major risk factor for infection-related morbidity and mortality and also a significant dose-limiting toxicity in cancer treatment. Patients developing severe (grade 3/4) or febrile neutropenia (FN) during chemotherapy frequently receive dose reductions and/or

  16. Use of inflammatory molecules to predict the occurrence of fever in onco-hematological patients with neutropenia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribeiro, A.F. Tibúrcio; Nobre, V.; Neuenschwander, L.C. [Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Teixeira, A.L. [Laboratório de Imunofarmacologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Xavier, S.G.; Paula, F.D.F. [Departamento de Propedêutica, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Teixeira, M.M. [Laboratório de Imunofarmacologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil); Teixeira, J.C.A.; Bittencourt, H. [Departamento de Clínica Médica, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG (Brazil)


    Febrile neutropenia remains a frequent complication in onco-hematological patients, and changes in the circulating level of inflammatory molecules (IM) may precede the occurrence of fever. The present observational prospective study was carried out to evaluate the behavior of plasma tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), soluble TNF-α I and II receptors (sTNFRI and sTNFRII), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 [MCP-1 or chemokine (c-c motif) ligand 2 (CCL2)], macrophage inflammatory protein-1α (MIP-1α or CCL3), eotaxin (CCL11), interleukin-8 (IL-8 or CXCL8), and interferon-inducible protein-10 (IP-10 or CXCL10) in 32 episodes of neutropenia in 26 onco-hematological patients. IM were tested on enrollment and 24-48 h before the onset of fever and within 24 h of the first occurrence of fever. Eight of 32 episodes of neutropenia did not present fever (control group) and the patients underwent IM tests on three different occasions. sTNFRI levels, measured a median of 11 h (1-15) before the onset of fever, were significantly higher in patients presenting fever during follow-up compared to controls (P = 0.02). Similar results were observed for sTNFRI and CCL2 levels (P = 0.04 for both) in non-transplanted patients. A cut-off of 1514 pg/mL for sTNFRI was able to discriminate between neutropenic patients with or without fever during follow-up, with 65% sensitivity, 87% specificity, and 93% positive predictive value. Measurement of the levels of plasma sTNFRI can be used to predict the occurrence of fever in neutropenic patients.

  17. Use of inflammatory molecules to predict the occurrence of fever in onco-hematological patients with neutropenia

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    A.F. Tiburcio Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Febrile neutropenia remains a frequent complication in onco-hematological patients, and changes in the circulating level of inflammatory molecules (IM may precede the occurrence of fever. The present observational prospective study was carried out to evaluate the behavior of plasma tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α, soluble TNF-α I and II receptors (sTNFRI and sTNFRII, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 [MCP-1 or chemokine (c-c motif ligand 2 (CCL2], macrophage inflammatory protein-1α (MIP-1α or CCL3, eotaxin (CCL11, interleukin-8 (IL-8 or CXCL8, and interferon-inducible protein-10 (IP-10 or CXCL10 in 32 episodes of neutropenia in 26 onco-hematological patients. IM were tested on enrollment and 24-48 h before the onset of fever and within 24 h of the first occurrence of fever. Eight of 32 episodes of neutropenia did not present fever (control group and the patients underwent IM tests on three different occasions. sTNFRI levels, measured a median of 11 h (1-15 before the onset of fever, were significantly higher in patients presenting fever during follow-up compared to controls (P = 0.02. Similar results were observed for sTNFRI and CCL2 levels (P = 0.04 for both in non-transplanted patients. A cut-off of 1514 pg/mL for sTNFRI was able to discriminate between neutropenic patients with or without fever during follow-up, with 65% sensitivity, 87% specificity, and 93% positive predictive value. Measurement of the levels of plasma sTNFRI can be used to predict the occurrence of fever in neutropenic patients.

  18. [Clinical Investigation of the Effects of Filgrastim BS1 on Neutropenia Following Oral Cancer Chemotherapy (TPF Therapy)]. (United States)

    Uchiyama, Kimio; Yamada, Manabu; Tamate, Shusuke; Iwasaki, Konomi; Mitomo, Keisuke; Nakayama, Seiichi


    The time for the neutrophil count to recover after subcutaneous injection of filgrastim BS1 or lenograstim was studied in patients suffering from neutropenia following preoperative combined chemotherapy using docetaxel, nedaplatin, or cisplatin (in divided doses for 5 days)and 5-fluorouracil for oral cancer. 1. There was no significant difference in the minimum leukocyte and neutrophil counts after chemotherapy. 2. There was no significant difference in the maximum leukocyte and neutrophil counts after chemotherapy. 3. Time for leukocytes to recover from their minimum count(>4,000/mm3)or for neutrophils to recover from their minimum count(>2,000/mm3)and the number of days on which treatment was administered tended to be shorter in the filgrastim BS1 group. Thus, it was concluded that filgrastim BS1 is just as effective as other prior G-CSF agents in treating patients suffering from neutropenia following chemotherapy(TPF therapy).

  19. Identifying patient- and family-centered outcomes relevant to inpatient versus at-home management of neutropenia in children with acute myeloid leukemia. (United States)

    Szymczak, Julia E; Getz, Kelly D; Madding, Rachel; Fisher, Brian; Raetz, Elizabeth; Hijiya, Nobuko; Gramatges, Maria M; Henry, Meret; Mian, Amir; Arnold, Staci D; Aftandilian, Catherine; Collier, Anderson B; Aplenc, Richard


    Efficacy of therapeutic strategies relative to patient- and family-centered outcomes in pediatric oncology must be assessed. We sought to identify outcomes important to children with acute myeloid leukemia and their families related to inpatient versus at-home management of neutropenia. We conducted qualitative interviews with 32 children ≥8 years old and 54 parents. Analysis revealed the impact of neutropenia management strategy on siblings, parent anxiety, and child sleep quality as being outcomes of concern across respondents. These themes were used to inform the design of a questionnaire that is currently being used in a prospective, multiinstitutional comparative effectiveness trial. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Improving early diagnosis of pulmonary infections in patients with febrile neutropenia using low-dose chest computed tomography.

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    M G Gerritsen

    Full Text Available We performed a prospective study in patients with chemotherapy induced febrile neutropenia to investigate the diagnostic value of low-dose computed tomography compared to standard chest radiography. The aim was to compare both modalities for detection of pulmonary infections and to explore performance of low-dose computed tomography for early detection of invasive fungal disease. The low-dose computed tomography remained blinded during the study. A consensus diagnosis of the fever episode made by an expert panel was used as reference standard. We included 67 consecutive patients on the first day of febrile neutropenia. According to the consensus diagnosis 11 patients (16.4% had pulmonary infections. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 36%, 93%, 50% and 88% for radiography, and 73%, 91%, 62% and 94% for low-dose computed tomography, respectively. An uncorrected McNemar showed no statistical difference (p = 0.197. Mean radiation dose for low-dose computed tomography was 0.24 mSv. Four out of 5 included patients diagnosed with invasive fungal disease had radiographic abnormalities suspect for invasive fungal disease on the low-dose computed tomography scan made on day 1 of fever, compared to none of the chest radiographs. We conclude that chest radiography has little value in the initial assessment of febrile neutropenia on day 1 for detection of pulmonary abnormalities. Low-dose computed tomography improves detection of pulmonary infiltrates and seems capable of detecting invasive fungal disease at a very early stage with a low radiation dose.

  1. Improving early diagnosis of pulmonary infections in patients with febrile neutropenia using low-dose chest computed tomography. (United States)

    Gerritsen, M G; Willemink, M J; Pompe, E; van der Bruggen, T; van Rhenen, A; Lammers, J W J; Wessels, F; Sprengers, R W; de Jong, P A; Minnema, M C


    We performed a prospective study in patients with chemotherapy induced febrile neutropenia to investigate the diagnostic value of low-dose computed tomography compared to standard chest radiography. The aim was to compare both modalities for detection of pulmonary infections and to explore performance of low-dose computed tomography for early detection of invasive fungal disease. The low-dose computed tomography remained blinded during the study. A consensus diagnosis of the fever episode made by an expert panel was used as reference standard. We included 67 consecutive patients on the first day of febrile neutropenia. According to the consensus diagnosis 11 patients (16.4%) had pulmonary infections. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 36%, 93%, 50% and 88% for radiography, and 73%, 91%, 62% and 94% for low-dose computed tomography, respectively. An uncorrected McNemar showed no statistical difference (p = 0.197). Mean radiation dose for low-dose computed tomography was 0.24 mSv. Four out of 5 included patients diagnosed with invasive fungal disease had radiographic abnormalities suspect for invasive fungal disease on the low-dose computed tomography scan made on day 1 of fever, compared to none of the chest radiographs. We conclude that chest radiography has little value in the initial assessment of febrile neutropenia on day 1 for detection of pulmonary abnormalities. Low-dose computed tomography improves detection of pulmonary infiltrates and seems capable of detecting invasive fungal disease at a very early stage with a low radiation dose.

  2. Hiponatremia como factor de riesgo de muerte en pacientes internados por neumonía adquirida en la comunidad Hyponatremia as a risk factor of death in patients with community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization

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    Ricardo E. Barcia


    Full Text Available Investigamos si la hiponatremia es un factor de riesgo de muerte en pacientes internados por neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (NAC y estimamos el peso relativo de otros factores de riesgo de muerte por NAC, en un estudio de cohorte, prospectivo, multicéntrico, en 5 Servicios de Clínica Médica del Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Evaluamos adultos con NAC ingresados entre 21 de marzo de 2000 y 21 de diciembre del mismo año. Los factores de riesgo que mostraron asociación con evolución por análisis univariado, fueron sometidos a análisis de regresión logística, con un nivel de significación de a de 0.05. En 9 meses se internaron 238 pacientes con NAC: 150 (63% varones y 88 (36% mujeres, con edades medias 52.99 (±20.35 y 55.06 (±20.94 años, respectivamente. Fallecieron 25/238 (10.5%. En análisis multivariado, se asociaron significativamente con evolución: enfermedad vascular encefálica (EVE (B: 2.614, pWe investigated whether hyponatremia is a risk factor of death in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP and estimated the relative risk of death by CAP of other risk factors. The design was prospective multicentre cohort study. In 5 centers in Buenos Aires, Argentina, we studied adults hospitalized with CAP between March 21, 2000 and December 21, 2000. Using stepwise logistic regression, we analyzed risk factors that showed a univariate association with mortality; a significance level was 0.05. During a 9-month period, 238 patients were admitted with CAP: 150 (63% male and 88 (36% female, mean age 52.99 (±20.35 and 55.06 (±20.94, respectively. Mortality was 10.5% (25/238. By multivariate analysis, the following variables were statistically associated with evolution: cerebrovascular disease (CD (B: 2.614, p<0.001, RRE: 13.6, IC 95%: 3.7-49.6; hyponatremia at admission or during hospitalization (B: 1.994, p<0.001, RRE: 7.3, IC 95%: 2.5-20.8; and elevated blood urea (B: 0.016, p= 0.003, RRE: 1.016, IC 95

  3. Technical evaluation of methods for identifying chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in healthcare claims databases


    Weycker Derek; Sofrygin Oleg; Seefeld Kim; Deeter Robert G; Legg Jason; Edelsberg John


    Abstract Background Healthcare claims databases have been used in several studies to characterize the risk and burden of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia (FN) and effectiveness of colony-stimulating factors against FN. The accuracy of methods previously used to identify FN in such databases has not been formally evaluated. Methods Data comprised linked electronic medical records from Geisinger Health System and healthcare claims data from Geisinger Health Plan. Subjects were classifie...

  4. Alumnos españoles en el internado jesuita de Beaumont (Old Windsor, Inglaterra, 1880-1886

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    Rodríguez Caparrini, Bernardo


    Full Text Available The present article is a continuation of three previous studies, in which taken together we analyzed the presence of Spanish students at Beaumont College (Old Windsor, Berkshire, England from the foundation of this Jesuit boarding school in October 1861 until August 1880. The period now under consideration spans from September 1880 to August 1886. The Spanish students, or those of Spanish descent, who passed through the college classrooms over a period of six academic years, are presented chronologically, their geographical origin is given and all of them are identified.El presente artículo es continuación de otros tres estudios, en los que en conjunto analizábamos la presencia de alumnos españoles en Beaumont College (Old Windsor, Berkshire, Inglaterra desde la fundación de este internado jesuita en octubre de 1861 hasta el mes de agosto de 1880. El periodo que ahora estudiamos comprende desde septiembre de 1880 hasta agosto de 1886. Hacemos una relación cronológica de los estudiantes españoles o de ascendencia española que pasan por las aulas del colegio a lo largo de estos seis cursos académicos, aportamos su procedencia geográfica e identificamos a todos ellos.

  5. The Importance of Serum Cytokine Levels in Febrile Neutropenia

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    Nuray Buyukberber


    Full Text Available The most important evaluation of the neutropenic patients is to determine the risk group. The desired approach to patients with low risks should be either not to hospitalize or to hospitalize for a short period of time which both decreases the cost and exposure to the resistant flora. The early diagnosis of sepsis in patients with high risk may be life saving. Recently, the determination of low and high-risk groups only by the clinical variables is not found to be a reliable method. The laboratory parameters supported by the clinical variables may be more practical. The determination of serum cytokines levels in febrile neutropenia may be helpful for the early risk diagnosis, new treatment approaches, and prognosis. [Archives Medical Review Journal 2003; 12(1.000: 12-19

  6. Febrile neutropenia in paediatric peripheral blood stem cell transplantation, in vitro sensitivity data and clinical response to empirical antibiotic therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ansari, S.H.; Nasim, S.; Ahmed, A.; Irfan, M.; Ishaque, A.; Farzana, T.; Panjwani, V.K.; Taj, M.; Shamsi, T.S.


    To find the in-vitro sensitivity data and clinical response in order to determine the changes required in empiric antibiotic therapy for management of febrile neutropenia in paediatric patients undergoing peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. All patients were treated according to institutional protocol for febrile neutropenia. Empirical antibiotics include Ceftriaxone and Amikacin. In non-responders, changes made included Imipenem and Amikacin, Piperacillin Tazobactum/Tiecoplanin or Vancomycin/Cloxacilin/Ceftazidime. In non-responders, amphotaracin was added until recovery. Out of 52 patients, 5 did not develop any fever; in the remaining 47 patients there were 57 episodes of febrile neutropenia. The mean days of febrile episodes were 4.71 (range 3-8). Fever of unknown origin (FUO) occurred in 31 (54.3%) episodes. Microbiologically documented infection (MDI) occurred in 17 (29.8%) episodes of fever. Clinically documented infection (CDI) occurred in 9 (15.7%) episodes. Gram-negative organisms were isolated in 10 while gram-positive organisms in 7. Klebseilla, S. aureus were the most common isolates. Empirical therapy was effective in 12 of the 33 (36%) episodes. Out of 28, 26 (92%) responded to Imipenem/Amikacin as second line therapy while those who received any other second line combination, only 11 out of 22 (50%) showed response. Systemic Amphotericin was used in 4 patients, 2 responded. Infection related mortality rate was 4%. (author)

  7. ELANE mutant-specific activation of different UPR pathways in congenital neutropenia. (United States)

    Nustede, Rainer; Klimiankou, Maksim; Klimenkova, Olga; Kuznetsova, Inna; Zeidler, Cornelia; Welte, Karl; Skokowa, Julia


    A number of studies have demonstrated induction of the unfolded protein response (UPR) in patients with severe congenital neutropenia (CN) harbouring mutations of ELANE, encoding neutrophil elastase. Why UPR is not activated in patients with cyclic neutropenia (CyN) carrying the same ELANE mutations is unclear. We evaluated the effects of ELANE mutants on UPR induction in myeloid cells from CN and CyN patients, and analysed whether additional CN-specific defects contribute to the differences in UPR induction between CN and CyN patients harbouring identical ELANE mutations. We investigated CN-specific p.C71R and p.V174_C181del (NP_001963.1) and CN/CyN-shared p.S126L (NP_001963.1) ELANE mutants. We found that transduction of haematopoietic cells with p.C71R, but not with p.V174_C181del or p.S126L ELANE mutants induced expression of ATF6, and the ATF6 target genes PPP1R15A, DDIT3 and HSPA5. Recently, we found that levels of secretory leucocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), a natural ELANE inhibitor, are diminished in myeloid cells from CN patients, but not CyN patients. Combined knockdown of SLPI by shRNA and transduction of ELANE p.S126L in myeloid cells led to elevated levels of ATF6, PPP1R15A and HSPA5 RNA, suggesting that normal levels of SLPI in CyN patients might protect them from the UPR induced by mutant ELANE. In summary, different ELANE mutants have different effects on UPR activation, and SLPI regulates the extent of ELANE-triggered UPR. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Association of oesophageal radiation dose volume metrics, neutropenia and acute radiation oesophagitis in patients receiving chemoradiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Everitt, Sarah; Duffy, Mary; Bressel, Mathias; McInnes, Belinda; Russell, Christine; Sevitt, Tim; Ball, David


    The relationship between oesophageal radiation dose volume metrics and dysphagia in patients having chemoradiation (CRT) for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is well established. There is also some evidence that neutropenia is a factor contributing to the severity of oesophagitis. We retrospectively analysed acute radiation oesophagitis (ARO) rates and severity in patients with NSCLC who received concurrent chemotherapy and high dose radiation therapy (CRT). We investigated if there was an association between grade of ARO, neutropenia and radiation dose volume metrics. Patients with NSCLC having concurrent CRT who had RT dose and toxicity data available were eligible. Exclusion criteria included previous thoracic RT, treatment interruptions and non-standard dose regimens. RT dosimetrics included maximum and mean oesophageal dose, oesophagus dose volume and length data. Fifty four patients were eligible for analysis. 42 (78 %) patients received 60 Gy. Forty four (81 %) patients received carboplatin based chemotherapy. Forty eight (89 %) patients experienced ARO ≥ grade 1 (95 % CI: 78 % to 95 %). ARO grade was associated with mean dose (r s = 0.27, p = 0.049), V20 (r s = 0.31, p = 0.024) and whole oesophageal circumference receiving 20 Gy (r s = 0.32 p = 0.019). In patients who received these doses, V20 (n = 51, r s = 0.36, p = 0.011), V35 (n = 43, r s = 0.34, p = 0.027) and V60 (n = 25, r s = 0.59, P = 0.002) were associated with RO grade. Eleven of 25 (44 %) patients with ARO ≥ grade 2 also had ≥ grade 2 acute neutropenia compared with 5 of 29 (17 %) patients with RO grade 0 or 1 (p = 0.035). In addition to oesophageal dose-volume metrics, neutropenia may also be a risk factor for higher grades of ARO

  9. Perfil clínico de neonatos de muito baixo peso internados em uma Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo Neonatal

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    Alana Piccoli


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever o perfil de recém-nascidos prematuros de muito baixo peso (RNMBP internados em uma UTIN. Metodologia: Caracteriza-se como um estudo retrospectivo documental com coleta de dados nos prontuários de RNMBP. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 153 RNMBP, os quais apresentaram peso ao nascimento (PN de 1082,92 ± 275,73 e tempo de ventilação pulmonar mecânica (VPM de 13,34 ± 17,23 dias. A incidência de displasia broncopulmonar esteve associada ao tempo de VPM, à presença de enterocolite necrosante e à persistência do canal arterial. O tempo de permanência em VPM esteve associado ao tempo de internação e ao peso de nascimento. A incidência de hemorragia intracraniana esteve associada ao tempo de VPM, à IG e ao PN. Conclusão: O baixo peso ao nascimento, isolado ou associado a outros fatores, contribui para o aparecimento de comorbidades que poderão influenciar na qualidade de vida desses bebês bem como aumentar a mortalidade.

  10. Decreased numbers of chemotactic factor receptors in chronic neutropenia with defective chemotaxis: spontaneous recovery from the neutrophil abnormalities during early childhood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasui, K.; Yamazaki, M.; Miyagawa, Y.; Komiyama, A.; Akabane, T.


    Childhood chronic neutropenia with decreased numbers of chemotactic factor receptors as well as defective chemotaxis was first demonstrated in an 8-month-old girl. Chemotactic factor receptors on neutrophils were assayed using tritiated N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine ( 3 H-FMLP). The patient's neutrophils had decreased numbers of the receptors: numbers of the receptors were 20,000 (less than 3 SD) as compared with those of control cells of 52,000 +/- 6000 (mean +/- SD) (n = 10). The neutropenia disappeared spontaneously by 28 months of age parallel with the improvement of chemotaxis and increase in numbers of chemotactic factor receptors. These results demonstrate a transient decrease of neutrophil chemotactic factor receptors as one of the pathophysiological bases of a transient defect of neutrophil chemotaxis in this disorder

  11. Suicide risk among inpatients at a university general hospital Risco de suicídio em pacientes internados em um hospital geral universitário

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    Marianne Herrera Falceti Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To estimate the proportion of inpatients at a university general hospital who are at risk of committing suicide. METHOD: A random sample of 253 patients (57% males aged 18 years old or older, admitted to surgical and clinical wards, was assessed using the the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, which has a section that evaluates the risk for suicide. Uni- and multivariate analyses were performed. RESULTS: There were 58 (23% patients with a risk for suicide, 13 (5% of total of whom presented a high risk. The prevalence of suicide risk was greater in young adult patients, those with no matrimonial relationship and those diagnosed with major depression (univariate analysis, Chi-squared test; p = 0.01, 0.03 and 0.0001, respectively. The multivariate analysis revealed that the risk for suicide in individuals younger than 30 years old was two fold higher than in those individuals between the ages of 30 and 59 years (OR = 0.45, 95% CI = 0.22-0.93; p = 0.03 and four fold greater than in those who were 60 years old or older (OR = 0.25, 95% CI = 0.1-0.64; p = 0.004. CONCLUSION: When young adults are admitted to general hospitals they should receive special attention due to their suicidal potential.OBJETIVO: Estimar a proporção de pacientes internados em um hospital geral universitário que têm risco de suicídio. MÉTODO: Uma amostra aleatória de 253 pacientes (57% do sexo masculino com 18 anos ou mais, internados em enfermarias clínicas e cirúrgicas, foi avaliada por meio do Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, o qual possui uma seção que avalia risco de suicídio. Foram realizadas analises uni e multivariadas. RESULTADOS: Cinqüenta e oito (23% pacientes tinham risco de suicídio, 13 dos quais (5% do total risco elevado. A prevalência de risco de suicídio foi maior em adultos jovens, nos que não tinham vínculo matrimonial e nos que tiveram um diagnóstico de depressão maior (análise univariada, teste do Qui

  12. Variación del perfil lipídico durante los primeros días de la internación en pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo

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    Daniel Siniawski


    Full Text Available RESUMENIntroducciónExisten controversias sobre las variaciones temporales en los niveles lipídicos luego de unsíndrome coronario agudo (SCA. En nuestro país, la información sobre las característicasdel perfil lipídico basal y la variabilidad de sus componentes luego de un SCA es limitada yno incluye la medición directa de C-LDL ni de apolipoproteínas.Objetivos1 Analizar las variaciones en los niveles de lipoproteínas y apolipoproteínas en un grupo depacientes internados por SCA y 2 describir el perfil lipídico basal y compararlo con el deuna población saludable.Material y métodosSe midieron los niveles plasmáticos de colesterol total (CT, triglicéridos, C-LDL, C-HDL,ApoB y ApoA al ingreso, a las 18 h y a las 42 h en pacientes internados por SCA. Ningúnpaciente recibía fármacos hipolipemiantes ni fue tratado con ellos durante las primeras 48h de la internación.ResultadosSe incluyeron 31 pacientes (edad media 61 años, 87% hombres, IAM con onda Q 51%, IAMno Q 19% y angina inestable 30%. Las concentraciones de CT, C-noHDL y C-LDL se redujeronsignificativamente durante la internación (media ± desviación estándar de la admisión,18 h y 42 h, valor de p: CT (218 ± 53, 206 ± 40 y 194 ± 41; p = 0,005, C-noHDL (180± 54, 169,8 ± 40 y 157,6 ± 39; p = 0,01, C-LDL (136 ± 30, 134 ± 33 y 127 ± 37; p = 0,01.Los niveles de ApoB y de C-HDL no variaron en forma significativa. El nivel basal de ApoAcorrespondió al percentil 5 de una población saludable y se observó un descenso precoz ysignificativo durante la internación (115 ± 21, 108 ± 18 y 106 ± 3; p = 0,01.ConclusionesLa admisión es el momento más adecuado para evaluar el perfil lipídico basal del pacientecon SCA. Los niveles de ApoB se mantuvieron estables y podrían utilizarse como alternativapara seleccionar la estrategia terapéutica. El transporte reverso del colesterol estabaafectado en más del 50% de la población.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2010;78:238-244.

  13. Pacientes vítimas de politrauma com insuficiência renal aguda na unidade de terapia intensiva Pacientes víctimas de politrauma con insuficiência renal aguda en la unidad de cuidados intensivos Patient victim of polytrauma with acute renal failure in the intensive care unit

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    Rita de Cássia Helú Mendonça Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Identificar as características de pacientes portadores de insuficiência renal aguda (IRA, vítimas de politrauma, internados em uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma análise retrospectiva de 357 prontuários de portadores de IRA, no período de 2002 a 2003, com creatinina sérica de 1,8 a 4 mg/dl. Destes pacientes internados na UTI, 10,6% eram vítimas de politrauma. RESULTADOS: Dos 38 (10,6% pacientes portadores de IRA e vítimas de politrauma, 78,9% eram do sexo masculino; 47,3% tinham idade entre 16 e 45 anos; 84,3% apresentaram oligúria; 92,1% não receberam tratamento para IRA durante a internação; 50% permaneceram de um a cinco dias internados na UTI; 47,3% não apresentaram nenhuma doença de base e a mortalidade ocorreu em 50% desta amostra. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que a monitorização diária da função renal das vítimas de politrauma é um cuidado importante para evitar as complicações da IRA e a respectiva mortalidade.OBJETIVOS: Identificar las características de pacientes portadores de insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA, víctimas de politrauma, internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI. MÉTODOS: Se llevó a cabo un análisis retrospectivo de 357 historias clínicas de portadores de IRA, en el período de 2002 a 2003, con creatinina sérica de 1,8 a 4 mg/dl. De estos pacientes internados en la UCI, el 10,6% eram víctimas de politrauma. RESULTADOS: De los 38 (10,6% pacientes portadores de IRA y víctimas de politrauma, el 78,9% eran del sexo masculino; el 47,3% tenían edades entre 16 y 45 años; el 84,3% presentaron oliguria; el 92,1% no recibieron tratamiento para IRA durante el internamiento; el 50% permanecieron de uno a cinco días internados en la UCI; el 47,3% no presentaron ninguna enfermedad de base y la mortalidad ocurrió en el 50% de esta muestra. CONCLUSIÓN: el monitoreo diario de la función renal de las víctimas de politrauma es un cuidado importante para


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    M. V. Peshikova


    Full Text Available Abstract. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the contents of some lymphocyte sub-populations in peripheral blood of the children with tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues, depending on infectious complication of cytostatic therapy and neutropenia. In all children undergoing cytostatic therapy for acute lympho-blastic leukemia and non-B cell non-Hodgkinґs lymphomas, we found significant decrease in the numbers of CD95 lymphocytes, absolute amounts of natural killer cells (CD16, CD56-lymphocytes and activated lymphocytes (СD11b, HLA-DR-cells, irrespective of neutrophile numbers in their blood and infectious complications. However, absolute number of CD25- lymphocytes was significantly decreased in the children with neutropenia. Relative contents of CD16, CD56, СD11b, HLA-DR, CD25-lymphocytes did not significantly differ from those in healthy children, or they were found to be significantly increased.

  15. A prospective, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of empirical teicoplanin in febrile neutropenia with persistent fever after imipenem monotherapy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Erjavec, Z; de Vries-Hospers, HG; Halie, RM; Daenen, S

    Glycopeptide antibiotics are used extensively in the empirical treatment of febrile patients with neutropenia. To come to a more rational and restricted application of these expensive drugs and to reduce the risk of emergence of resistance, we carried out a prospective, double-blinded,

  16. Representação social de pais sobre o filho prematuro na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal Representación social de los padres sobre el hijo prematuro en la unidad de terapia intensiva neonatal Social representation of fathers regarding their premature child in the neonatal intensive care unit

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    Jovanka Bittencourt Leite de Carvalho


    Full Text Available Pesquisa qualitativaa que teve como objetivo conhecer a representação social do pai diante do filho prematuro. Os dados foram coletados no período de maio a junho de 2008 por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, junto a 17 pais cujos filhos prematuros estavam internados na UTIN de duas instituições públicas de natal-RN. Os depoimentos foram tratados e analisados com base na teoria das representações sociais (TRS. Os resultados revelaram que os pais ao estarem com seus filhos internados vivenciam emoções que são traduzidas por medo, angústia, ansiedade, solidão e se entremeiam a fé, alegria e esperança. Para o pai a UTIN representa um ambiente assustador, mas necessário aos cuidados especializados requeridos pelas condições do recém nascido prematuro.Investigación cualitativa tiene como objetivo conocer la representación social del padre frente del hijo prematuro. Los datos fueron tomados en el periodo de mayo a junio de 2008 mediante entrevista semi-estructurada a 17 padres con hijos prematuros internados en la UTIN de dos instituciones públicas de Natal-RN. Las declaraciones fueron tratadas y analizadas con base en la teoría de las representaciones sociales (TRS. Los resultados revelaron que los padres al acompañar a sus hijos internados viven emociones que se traducen en miedo, angustia, ansiedad, soledad y se entreveran con fe, alegría y esperanza. Para el padre la UTIN representa un ambiente amedrentador, pero necesario.Qualitative study that aimed at understanding the social representation of a parent with a premature child. The data were collected between May and June 2008, in a semi-structured interview with 17 parents whose premature children were hospitalized in the NICU of two public institutions in Natal, Brazil. The reports were analyzed based on the Social Representations Theory (SRT. The results reveal that the hospitalization of their children causes parents to experience emotions of fear, anguish, anxiety

  17. Validasi Sistem Skoring Rondinelli untuk Mendeteksi Komplikasi Infeksi Berat pada Pasien Leukemia Limfoblastik Akut L1 dengan Demam Neutropenia Selama Kemoterapi Fase Induksi

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    Renno Hidayat


    Kesimpulan. Sistem skoring Rondinelli merupakan instrumen yang cukup baik untuk mendeteksi komplikasi infeksi berat pada anak dengan LLA-L1 yang mengalami demam neutropenia selama pemberian kemoterapi fase induksi.

  18. Infecção por Chryseobacterium indologenes: relato de um caso Chryseobacterium indologenes infection: a case report

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    Renata de Souza Ferreira


    Full Text Available Relatamos um caso de infecção por Chryseobacterium indologenes, presente na cultura de aspirado traqueal em paciente sob ventilação mecânica invasiva, revisando os aspectos epidemiológicos, microbiológicos e o tratamento na unidade de terapia intensiva. Paciente do sexo masculino, 30 anos, internado com quadro de aplasia de medula idiopática e neutropenia febril foi transferido para a unidade de terapia intensiva com quadro de broncopneumonia e sepse grave de origem pulmonar. A maioria dos casos já relatados de pacientes com infecção por Chryseobacterium indologenes apresentavam patologias graves associadas e infecções polimicrobianas que podem dificultar a interpretação da efetividade da terapia antimicrobiana contra este agente.A case of Chryseobacterium indologenes infection is reported, identified in an invasive mechanic ventilation patient's tracheal aspiration material. Epidemiological, microbiological, and intensive care unit therapy aspects are discussed. The patient was a 30 years-old male, admitted with idiopathic medullary aplasia and febrile neutropenia, referred to the intensive care unit with severe bronchopneumonia and sepsis of pulmonary origin. Most of the previously reported Chryseobacterium indologenes infection cases were associated with severe diseases and polymicrobial infections which could make difficult interpreting antimicrobial therapy options against this agent.

  19. Expression of fra(10)(q25) in peripheral blood and bone marrow in familial neutropenia.


    Holmes, J A; Thompson, P W


    We report on the expression of fra(10)(q25) in a mother and daughter with familial chronic neutropenia. Differences in expression of the fragile site in bone marrow cells compared with peripheral blood lymphocytes were observed. Short term bone marrow cultures in complete medium showed high levels of spontaneous expression, whereas in 72 hour stimulated blood cultures it was virtually absent. There were also differences in the types of lesions found; chromosome type lesions predominated in th...

  20. Fumador internado? - A intervenção apropriada In-patient smoker? - Providing appropriate intervention

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    Paula Pamplona


    Full Text Available O tabagismo é a causa de morte evitável mais frequente. Para além de provocar múltiplas doenças causadoras de internamentos, o tabagismo é também uma doença a tratar durante o internamento, não só para controlar a síndroma de abstinência do doente, sujeito a interrupção abrupta, mas também para cumprir a legislação que proíbe o uso de tabaco nos serviços de saúde, única forma eficaz de prevenir a exposição dos não fumadores ao fumo do tabaco presente no ambiente (FTA. Tratar o fumador internado de forma apropriada é também aproveitar a janela de oportunidade para promover a cessação tabágica e não apenas a abstinência temporária.Tobacco use is the most avoidable cause of death. Other than provoking multiple diseases requiring hospitalisation, Tobacco Use is also a disease requiring management in the hospital setting, not only in terms of controlling the withdrawal symptoms of the patient, who has been abruptly prohibited from smoking, but also for fulfilling legislation which prohibits tobacco use in the health services, the only efficient way of preventing exposure of non-smokers to environmental tobacco smoke. Treating the in-patient smoker in an appropriate way also provides a window of opportunity for promoting not just a temporary but a complete smoking cessation.

  1. Distribution and clinical determinants of time-to-positivity of blood cultures in patients with neutropenia. (United States)

    Lambregts, Merel M C; Warreman, Eva B; Bernards, Alexandra T; Veelken, Hendrik; von dem Borne, Peter A; Dekkers, Olaf M; Visser, Leo G; de Boer, Mark G


    Blood cultures (BCs) are essential in the evaluation of neutropenic fever. Modern BC systems have significantly reduced the time-to-positivity (TTP) of BC. This study explores the probability of bacteraemia when BCs have remained negative for different periods of time. All adult patients with neutropenia and bacteraemia were included (January 2012-February 2016). Predictive clinical factors for short (≤16 hours) and long (>24 hours) TTP were determined. The residual probability of bacteraemia was estimated for the scenario of negative BC 24 hours after collection. The cohort consisted of 154 patients, accounting for 190 episodes of bacteraemia. Median age of 61 years, 60.5% were male. In 123 (64.7%) episodes, BC yielded a single Gram-positive micro-organism and in 49 (25.8%) a Gram-negative micro-organism (median TTP 16.7, 14.5 hours respectively, P hours in 91.6% of episodes. Central line-associated bacteraemia was associated with long TTP. The probability of bacteraemia if BC had remained negative for 24 hours was 1%-3%. The expected TTP offers guidance in the management of patients with neutropenia and suspected bacteraemia. The knowledge of negative BC can support a change in working diagnosis, and impact clinical decisions as soon as 24 hours after BC collection. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Sunitinib-induced hypertension, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia as predictors of good prognosis in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rautiola, Juhana; Donskov, Frede; Peltola, Katriina


    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the clinical significance of hypertension, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia as possible new biomarkers of sunitinib efficacy in non-trial metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 181 consecutive mRCC patients were treated with sunitinib. Thir...... of sunitinib efficacy patients with mRCC. Our results may help to individualize sunitinib dosing during therapy based on these common sunitinib-related AEs....

  3. Incidence of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in HIV-infected and uninfected patients with breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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    Sithembile Ngidi


    Full Text Available Background. Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (CIN can result in poor tolerance of chemotherapy, leading to dose reductions, delays in therapy schedules, morbidity and mortality. Actively identifying predisposing risk factors before treatment is of paramount importance. We hypothesised that chemotherapy is associated with a greater increase in CIN and its complications in HIV-infected patients than in those who are not infected. Objective. To establish the incidence of CIN in HIV-infected and uninfected patients undergoing chemotherapy. Methods. A retrospective chart review and analysis was conducted in the oncology departments at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital and Addington Hospital, Durban, South Africa. The study population consisted of 65 previously untreated women of all ages with stage II - IV breast cancer and known HIV status treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy from January 2012 to December 2015. Results. HIV-infected patients formed 32.3% of the group, and 95.2% of them were on antiretroviral therapy. The mean age (standard deviation (SD of the cohort was 48.5 (13.2 years (40.6 (9.6 years for the HIV-infected group v. 52.0 (13.1 years for the uninfected group; p<0.001. Ninety-five neutropenia episodes were observed (rate 0.85 per 1 year of follow-up time. Following multivariate adjustment, patients with HIV infection were almost two times more likely to develop CIN (hazard ratio (HR 1.76, 95% confidence interval (CI 1.06 - 2.92; p=0.029. A high baseline absolute neutrophil count (ANC (HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.68 - 0.95; p=0.005 remained significantly associated with protection against CIN. Conclusions. HIV-infected patients were younger than those who were not infected, and presented at a more locally advanced stage of disease. HIV infection was an independent predictor for CIN. HIV-infected patients had an almost two-fold increased risk of developing CIN and developed neutropenia at a much faster rate. A high baseline white cell

  4. Characterisation of Neutropenia-Associated Neutrophil Elastase Mutations in a Murine Differentiation Model In Vitro and In Vivo.

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    Michael Wiesmeier

    Full Text Available Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN is characterised by a differentiation block in the bone marrow and low neutrophil numbers in the peripheral blood, which correlates with increased risk of bacterial infections. Several underlying gene defects have been identified in SCN patients. Mutations in the neutrophil elastase (ELANE gene are frequently found in SCN and cyclic neutropenia. Both mislocalization and misfolding of mutant neutrophil elastase protein resulting in ER stress and subsequent induction of the unfolded protein response (UPR have been proposed to be responsible for neutrophil survival and maturation defects. However, the detailed molecular mechanisms still remain unclear, in part due to the lack of appropriate in vitro and in vivo models. Here we used a system of neutrophil differentiation from immortalised progenitor lines by conditional expression of Hoxb8, permitting the generation of mature near-primary neutrophils in vitro and in vivo. NE-deficient Hoxb8 progenitors were reconstituted with murine and human forms of typical NE mutants representative of SCN and cyclic neutropenia, and differentiation of the cells was analysed in vitro and in vivo. ER stress induction by NE mutations could be recapitulated during neutrophil differentiation in all NE mutant-reconstituted Hoxb8 cells. Despite ER stress induction, no change in survival, maturation or function of differentiating cells expressing either murine or human NE mutants was observed. Further analysis of in vivo differentiation of Hoxb8 cells in a murine model of adoptive transfer did not reveal any defects in survival or differentiation in the mouse. Although the Hoxb8 system has been found to be useful for dissection of defects in neutrophil development, our findings indicate that the use of murine systems for analysis of NE-mutation-associated pathogenesis is complicated by differences between humans and mice in the physiology of granulopoiesis, which may go beyond possible

  5. Análisis de costos hospitalarios de la insuficiencia cardíaca con función sistólica conservada versus deteriorada

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    Mariano A. Giorgi,


    Full Text Available IntroducciónLa insuficiencia cardíaca (IC es un problema de salud de creciente importancia, especialmente entre los pacientes añosos. Sobre la base de la función sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo (FSVI, existen dos tipos de insuficiencia cardíaca (IC con FSVI deteriorada e IC con FSVI conservada que se caracterizan por tener diferencias fisiopatológicas y clínicas. Nuestra hipótesis es que esto podría devenir en una diferente utilización de los recursos de la salud.Pese a su importancia, no existen en la Argentina registros que comparen los costos hospitalarios de estas dos formas de IC en pacientes añosos, población en la que predomina la IC con FSVI conservada (fracción de eyección ≥ 50%.ObjetivoAnalizar los costos hospitalarios de estas dos formas de IC en pacientes añosos.Material y métodosSe analizaron datos de 133 pacientes añosos internados por IC. La muestra se dividió según la FSVI; se compararon las características previas y durante la hospitalización y los costos totales desde la perspectiva del financiador.ResultadosLa IC con FSVI conservada fue más frecuente (55,6% y con predominio femenino. No se observaron grandes diferencias entre ambos grupos, excepto para el uso de espironolactona y la cantidad de medicaciones recibidas, que fue más frecuente en el grupo con FSVI deteriorada.Esta última presentó un costo total mayor (27% más respecto de la otra variante, mayor tiempo de internación y un costo de medicamentos más elevado.ConclusionesSi bien el número de pacientes es reducido, el presente trabajo brinda una aproximación acerca de la importancia del análisis de costos de ambas formas de IC en sujetos añosos en la Argentina, lo cual constituye el paso inicial para la proyección de los gastos en salud.

  6. Promotive effect of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) on recovery from neutropenia induced by fractionated irradiation in mice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kabaya, Koji; Watanabe, Masahiko; Kusaka, Masaru; Seki, Masatoshi (Kirin Brewery Co., Ltd., Gunma (Japan). Pharmaceutical Research Laboratory); Fushiki, Masato


    The effect of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) on the recovery from neutropenia induced by fractionated whole-body irradiation was investigated in mice. Male 7-week old C3H/HeN mice received a total of ten exposures of 0.25 Gy/day from day 1 to 5 and from day 8 to 12. Peripheral neutropenia with a nadir on day 17 was caused by the fractionated irradiation. Daily subcutaneous injections of rhG-CSF at 0.25 and 2.5 [mu]g/body/day from day from day 1 to 21 promoted the recovery of neutrophils in a dose-dependent manner. The kinetics of morphologically identifiable bone marrow cells were studied to clarify the mechanism behind the promotive effect of this factor. A slight decrease in mitotic immature granulocytes, such as myeloblasts, promyelocytes and myelocytes on day 5, and a drastic decrease in metamyelocytes and marrow neutrophils on days 5, 9, and 17 were seen in the femur of irradiated mice. Treatment using rhG-CSF caused an increase in immature granulocytes of all differential stages in the femur. Microscopic findings of the femurs and spleens also reveals an increase in immature granulocytes in these organs in mice injected with rhG-CSF. These results indicate that rhG-CSF accelerates granulopoiesis in the femur and spleen, thereby promoting recovery from neutropenia induced by fractionated irradiation. (author).

  7. Promotive effect of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) on recovery from neutropenia induced by fractionated irradiation in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kabaya, Koji; Watanabe, Masahiko; Kusaka, Masaru; Seki, Masatoshi; Fushiki, Masato.


    The effect of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) on the recovery from neutropenia induced by fractionated whole-body irradiation was investigated in mice. Male 7-week old C3H/HeN mice received a total of ten exposures of 0.25 Gy/day from day 1 to 5 and from day 8 to 12. Peripheral neutropenia with a nadir on day 17 was caused by the fractionated irradiation. Daily subcutaneous injections of rhG-CSF at 0.25 and 2.5 μg/body/day from day from day 1 to 21 promoted the recovery of neutrophils in a dose-dependent manner. The kinetics of morphologically identifiable bone marrow cells were studied to clarify the mechanism behind the promotive effect of this factor. A slight decrease in mitotic immature granulocytes, such as myeloblasts, promyelocytes and myelocytes on day 5, and a drastic decrease in metamyelocytes and marrow neutrophils on days 5, 9, and 17 were seen in the femur of irradiated mice. Treatment using rhG-CSF caused an increase in immature granulocytes of all differential stages in the femur. Microscopic findings of the femurs and spleens also reveals an increase in immature granulocytes in these organs in mice injected with rhG-CSF. These results indicate that rhG-CSF accelerates granulopoiesis in the femur and spleen, thereby promoting recovery from neutropenia induced by fractionated irradiation. (author)

  8. Cuidados paliativos no paciente com HIV/AIDS internado na unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Paola Nóbrega Souza

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as características de pacientes com HIV/AIDS e comparar as medidas terapêuticas e cuidados de fim de vida, antes e após a avaliação da equipe de cuidados paliativos. Métodos: Trata-se de uma coorte retrospectiva, que incluiu todos os pacientes com HIV/AIDS internados na unidade de terapia intensiva do Instituto de Infectologia Emílio Ribas e avaliados pela equipe de cuidados paliativos no período de janeiro de 2006 a dezembro de 2012. Resultados: Dos 109 pacientes avaliados, 89% tinham relato de doenças oportunistas, 70% apresentavam CD4 menor que 100cels/mm3 e apenas 19% aderiram ao tratamento. A mortalidade geral foi de 88%. Dentre os pacientes considerados em provável terminalidade (68%, observaram-se redução do uso da terapia antirretroviral altamente ativa (50,0% para 23,1%; p = 0,02, antibioticoterapia (100% para 63,6%; p < 0,001, drogas vasoativas (62,1% para 37,8%, p = 0,009, terapia de substituição renal (34,8% para 23%; p < 0,0001 e transfusão de hemoderivados (74,2% para 19,7%; p < 0,0001. Foi realizada reunião com a família em 48% dos casos, e 23% dos pacientes em provável terminalidade receberam alta da unidade de terapia intensiva. Conclusão: A equipe de cuidados paliativos foi acionada para pacientes com perfil de elevadas gravidade e mortalidade. Os pacientes acompanhados pela equipe de cuidados paliativos avaliados como provável terminalidade tiveram significativa redução de intervenções potencialmente inapropriadas, e 26% desses pacientes conseguiram receber alta da unidade de terapia intensiva.

  9. Pacientes clínicos referenciados, mas não internados na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva: prevalência, características clínicas e prognóstico Referred medical patients not admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: prevalence, clinical characteristics and prognosis

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    José Rodolfo Rocco


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A evolução dos pacientes cuja internação é negada nos centros de terapia intensiva (CTI é pouco conhecida. Os objetivos deste estudo foram comparar as características dos pacientes internados com aqueles que não foram internados em CTI e identificar os fatores associados com o processo de triagem para a internação. MÉTODO: Foi realizado um estudo do tipo coorte prospectiva e observacional durante 26 meses. Os dados dos pacientes foram coletados através de um formulário padronizado para a solicitação de internação no CTI. Os desfechos de interesse do estudo foram a internação no CTI e a evolução hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 455 pacientes dos quais 254 (56% foram internados e 201 (44% não; a maioria destes, por falta de vagas (82%. Os pacientes não internados apresentaram maior letalidade (85% versus 61%; p 70 anos [4,0(2,4-6,5], cirrose hepática [3,7(1,8-7,5], e escala de coma de Glasgow BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Information on the outcomes of patients who were refused to the ICU is limited. The aims of this study were to compare the clinical characteristics of patients who were admitted with those of patients who were refused to the ICU and to identify clinical parameters associated with triage procedures. METHODS: Observational prospective cohort study. The following data were collected using a standard questionnaire: comorbidities, acute illness, vital status, laboratory data and APACHE II score. The end-points of interest were admission to the ICU and vital status at hospital discharge. RESULTS: A total of 455 patients were studied; 254 (56% were admitted and 201 (44% were not. The main reason for the refuse of admission was the lack of ICU beds (82%. Patients who were not admitted had a higher mortality (85% vs. 61%; p 70 years [4.0(2.4-6.5], hepatic cirrhosis [3.7(1.8-7.6], and Glasgow coma scale < 5 [3.6(1.9-6.9]. The variables associated with ICU admission were: mechanical

  10. A phase I study of different doses and frequencies of pegylated recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (PEG rhG-CSF) in patients with standard-dose chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. (United States)

    Qin, Yan; Han, Xiaohong; Wang, Lin; Du, Ping; Yao, Jiarui; Wu, Di; Song, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Shuxiang; Tang, Le; Shi, Yuankai


    The recommended dose of prophylactic pegylated recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (PEG rhG-CSF) is 100 μg/kg once per cycle for patients receiving intense-dose chemotherapy. However, few data are available on the proper dose for patients receiving less-intense chemotherapy. The aim of this phase I study is to explore the proper dose and administration schedule of PEG rhG-CSF for patients receiving standard-dose chemotherapy. Eligible patients received 3-cycle chemotherapy every 3 weeks. No PEG rhG-CSF was given in the first cycle. Patients experienced grade 3 or 4 neutropenia would then enter the cycle 2 and 3. In cycle 2, patients received a single subcutaneous injection of prophylactic PEG rhG-CSF on d 3, and received half-dose subcutaneous injection in cycle 3 on d 3 and d 5, respectively. Escalating doses (30, 60, 100 and 200 μg/kg) of PEG rhG-CSF were investigated. A total of 26 patients were enrolled and received chemotherapy, in which 24 and 18 patients entered cycle 2 and cycle 3 treatment, respectively. In cycle 2, the incidence of grade 3 or 4 neutropenia for patients receiving single-dose PEG rhG-CSF of 30, 60, 100 and 200 μg/kg was 66.67%, 33.33%, 22.22% and 0, respectively, with a median duration less than 1 (0-2) d. No grade 3 or higher neutropenia was noted in cycle 3 in all dose cohorts. The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles of PEG rhG-CSF used in cancer patients were similar to those reported, as well as the safety. Double half dose administration model showed better efficacy result than a single dose model in terms of grade 3 neutropenia and above. The single dose of 60 μg/kg, 100 μg/kg and double half dose of 30 μg/kg were recommended to the phase II study, hoping to find a preferable method for neutropenia treatment.

  11. Neutropenia induced in outbred mice by a simplified low-dose cyclophosphamide regimen: characterization and applicability to diverse experimental models of infectious diseases

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    Zapata Ana X


    Full Text Available Abstract Background For its low cost and ease of handling, the mouse remains the preferred experimental animal for preclinical tests. To avoid the interaction of the animal immune system, in vivo antibiotic pharmacodynamic studies often employ cyclophosphamide (CPM to induce neutropenia. Although high doses (350–450 mg/kg are still used and their effects on mouse leukocytes have been described, a lower dose (250 mg/kg is widely preferred today, but the characteristics and applicability of this approach in outbred mice have not been determined. Methods Fifteen female ICR mice were injected intraperitoneally with 150 and 100 mg/kg of CPM on days 1 and 4, respectively. Blood samples (~160 μL were drawn from the retro-orbital sinus of each mouse on days 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 11. Leukocytes were counted manually and the number of granulocytes was based on microscopic examination of Wright-stained smears. The impact of neutropenia induced by this method was then determined with a variety of pathogens in three different murine models of human infections: pneumonia (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, meningoencephalitis (S. pneumoniae, and the thigh model (S. aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacteroides fragilis. Results The basal count of leukocytes was within the normal range for outbred mice. On day 4, there was an 84% reduction in total white blood cells, and by day 5 the leukopenia reached its nadir (370 ± 84 cells/mm3. Profound neutropenia (≤10 neutrophils/mm3 was demonstrated at day 4 and persisted through days 5 and 6. Lymphocytes and monocytes had a 92% and 96% decline between days 1 and 5, respectively. Leukocytes recovered completely by day 11. Mice immunosupressed under this protocol displayed clinical and microbiological patterns of progressive and lethal infectious diseases after inoculation in different organs with diverse human pathogens. Conclusion A CPM total dose of 250 mg/kg is sufficient to induce

  12. Tuberculosis en el hospital de infecciosas Francisco Javier Muñíz 1998 al 2001


    Moretti, Blanca


    El número de pacientes con Tuberculosis (TB) ha aumentado y este incremento se debe a que los pacientes con hiv (+) padecen, entre sus enfermedades oportunistas, de TB. En algunas ocasiones el modo de presentación de la misma es multirresistente. El hospital Muñiz no se encontraba preparado para la gran afluencia de este tipo de enfermos, y resulta necesario conocer el perfil epidemiológico de los pacientes internados a fin de adecuar acciones para su cuidado. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la prevale...

  13. Prediction of serious complications in patients with seemingly stable febrile neutropenia: validation of the Clinical Index of Stable Febrile Neutropenia in a prospective cohort of patients from the FINITE study. (United States)

    Carmona-Bayonas, Alberto; Jiménez-Fonseca, Paula; Virizuela Echaburu, Juan; Antonio, Maite; Font, Carme; Biosca, Mercè; Ramchandani, Avinash; Martínez, Jerónimo; Hernando Cubero, Jorge; Espinosa, Javier; Martínez de Castro, Eva; Ghanem, Ismael; Beato, Carmen; Blasco, Ana; Garrido, Marcelo; Bonilla, Yaiza; Mondéjar, Rebeca; Arcusa Lanza, María Ángeles; Aragón Manrique, Isabel; Manzano, Aránzazu; Sevillano, Elena; Castañón, Eduardo; Cardona, Mercé; Gallardo Martín, Elena; Pérez Armillas, Quionia; Sánchez Lasheras, Fernando; Ayala de la Peña, Francisco


    To validate a prognostic score predicting major complications in patients with solid tumors and seemingly stable episodes of febrile neutropenia (FN). The definition of clinical stability implies the absence of organ dysfunction, abnormalities in vital signs, and major infections. We developed the Clinical Index of Stable Febrile Neutropenia (CISNE), with six explanatory variables associated with serious complications: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status ≥ 2 (2 points), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1 point), chronic cardiovascular disease (1 point), mucositis of grade ≥ 2 (National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria; 1 point), monocytes < 200 per μL (1 point), and stress-induced hyperglycemia (2 points). We integrated these factors into a score ranging from 0 to 8, which classifies patients into three prognostic classes: low (0 points), intermediate (1 to 2 points), and high risk (≥ 3 points). We present a multicenter validation of CISNE. We prospectively recruited 1,133 patients with seemingly stable FN from 25 hospitals. Complication rates in the training and validation subsets, respectively, were 1.1% and 1.1% in low-, 6.1% and 6.2% in intermediate-, and 32.5% and 36% in high-risk patients; mortality rates within each class were 0% in low-, 1.6% and 0% in intermediate-, and 4.3% and 3.1% in high-risk patients. Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves in the validation subset were 0.652 (95% CI, 0.598 to 0.703) for Talcott, 0.721 (95% CI, 0.669 to 0.768) for Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), and 0.868 (95% CI, 0.827 to 0.903) for CISNE (P = .002 for comparison between CISNE and MASCC). CISNE is a valid model for accurately classifying patients with cancer with seemingly stable FN episodes. © 2015 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.

  14. Pharmacoeconomic analysis of voriconazole vs. caspofungin in the empirical antifungal therapy of febrile neutropenia in Australia. (United States)

    Al-Badriyeh, Daoud; Liew, Danny; Stewart, Kay; Kong, David C M


    In two major clinical trials, voriconazole and caspofungin were recommended as alternatives to liposomal amphotericin B for empirical use in febrile neutropenia. This study investigated the health economic impact of using voriconazole vs. caspofungin in patients with febrile neutropenia. A decision analytic model was developed to measure downstream consequences of empirical antifungal therapy. Clinical outcomes measured were success, breakthrough infection, persistent base-line infection, persistent fever, premature discontinuation and death. Treatment transition probabilities and patterns were directly derived from data in two relevant randomised controlled trials. Resource use was estimated using an expert clinical panel. Cost inputs were obtained from latest Australian sources. The analysis adopted the perspective of the Australian hospital system. The use of caspofungin led to a lower expected mean cost per patient than voriconazole (AU$40,558 vs. AU$41,356), with a net cost saving of AU$798 (1.9%) per patient. Results were most sensitive to the duration of therapy and the alternative therapy used post-discontinuation. In uncertainty analysis, the cost associated with caspofungin is less than that with voriconazole in 65.5% of cases. This is the first economic evaluation of voriconazole vs. caspofungin for empirical therapy. Caspofungin appears to have a higher probability of having cost-savings than voriconazole for empirical therapy. The difference between the two medications does not seem to be statistically significant however. © 2011 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  15. Using the braden and glasgow scales to predict pressure ulcer risk in patients hospitalized at intensive care units Uso de la escala de braden y de glasgow para identificar el riesgo de úlceras de presión en pacientes internados en un centro de terapia intensiva Uso da escala de braden e de glasgow para identificação do risco para úlceras de pressão em pacientes internados em centro de terapia intensiva

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    Luciana Magnani Fernandes


    Full Text Available Pressure ulcers remain a major health issue for critical patients. The purpose of this descriptive and exploratory study was to analyze the risk factors for the development of pressure ulcers in patients hospitalized at an intensive care unit of a university hospital. Patients were assessed through the Braden scale to determine the risk for the development of pressure ulcers and to identify individual risks, and the Glasgow scale was used to assess their consciousness. It was found that the risks associated with pressure ulcer development were: low scores on the Braden Scale on the first hospitalization day and low scores on the Glasgow scale. The results showed that these tools can help nurses to identify patients at risk, with a view to nursing care planning.Las ulceras de presión todavía representan un gran problema de salud en pacientes críticos. Este estudio, descriptivo y exploratorio, tuvo como objetivo evaluar los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de la úlcera de presión presentes en pacientes internados en un centro de terapia intensiva de un hospital universitario. Los pacientes fueron evaluados utilizando la escala de Braden para determinar el riesgo de desarrollo de úlceras de presión e identificación de factores de riesgo individuales y con la escala de Glasgow para evaluar el nivel de conciencia. Se encontró que los factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de úlcera de presión fueron: las bajas puntuaciones de la Escala de Braden en el primer día de internación y las bajas puntuaciones de la escala de Glasgow. Los resultados confirmaron que estos instrumentos pueden ayudar al enfermero a identificar pacientes en riesgo y a planificar la asistencia.Úlceras de pressão ainda representam grande problema de saúde em pacientes críticos. Este estudo, descritivo e exploratório, objetivou avaliar os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de úlcera de pressão presentes em pacientes internados em um centro de

  16. Avaliação da satisfação das necessidades energéticas e proteicas e desperdício alimentar de utentes internados no CHCB, EPE-Hospital Pêro da Covilhã


    Pires, Daniela Cristina Veigas


    Resumo da tese: Introdução: Existe uma preocupação crescente com a ingestão alimentar dos utentes hospitalizados devido à elevada prevalência de malnutrição, com repercussões a nível individual e do desperdício gerado. Objetivos: Caracterizar utentes internados no Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, EPE - Hospital Pêro da Covilhã relativamente a dados antropométricos, ingestão energética e proteica, satisfação das necessidades, risco de malnutrição, desperdício alimentar, as suas causas e custo....

  17. The time has come for new models in febrile neutropenia: a practical demonstration of the inadequacy of the MASCC score. (United States)

    Carmona-Bayonas, A; Jiménez-Fonseca, P; Virizuela Echaburu, J; Sánchez Cánovas, M; Ayala de la Peña, F


    Since its publication more than 15 years ago, the MASCC score has been internationally validated any number of times and recommended by most clinical practice guidelines for the management of febrile neutropenia (FN) around the world. We have used an empirical data-supported simulated scenario to demonstrate that, despite everything, the MASCC score is impractical as a basis for decision-making. A detailed analysis of reasons supporting the clinical irrelevance of this model is performed. First, seven of its eight variables are "innocent bystanders" that contribute little to selecting low-risk candidates for ambulatory management. Secondly, the training series was hardly representative of outpatients with solid tumors and low-risk FN. Finally, the simultaneous inclusion of key variables both in the model and in the outcome explains its successful validation in various series of patients. Alternative methods of prognostic classification, such as the Clinical Index of Stable Febrile Neutropenia, have been specifically validated for patients with solid tumors and should replace the MASCC model in situations of clinical uncertainty.

  18. Comunicação prejudicada: fatores relacionados e características definidoras em pacientes internados com queimaduras Comunicación alterada, factores relacionados y características que la definen, en pacientes internados con quemaduras Impaired communication, related factors and defining characteristics in burned patients

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    Adriana Silva Meneguello


    Full Text Available O presente estudo aborda as questões do paciente portador de queimaduras e suas influências no processo comunicacional. Busca contribuir com a preocupação recente da Enfermagem na criação de instrumentos de identificação de problemas de comunicação, a formulação de diagnósticos de enfermagem que envolve tais alterações, bem como, a elaboração de propostas alternativas para o cuidado a pacientes de comunicação prejudicada. A partir do conhecimento dos resultados de DALRI (1993, que encontrou 03 pacientes com diagnóstico de comunicação prejudicada, utilizando a Taxonomia I da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA, realizamos uma análise secundária dos dados tomando como subsídio a proposta de CARVALHO & COLER (1994. Nesta amostra, encontramos 14 pacientes com esta alternação (Comunicação Prejudicada, confirmando a hipótese de que a segunda proposta para o diagnóstico de enfermagem de Comunicação Prejudicada se apresenta mais abrangente. Os fatores relacionados mais freqüentes foram: condições físicas - alteração anatômica (aparelho visual e fonador; stress e percepção alterada. As características definidoras mais comuns foram: expressões de ansiedade/depressão; déficit visual parcial ou total e dispnéia.El presente estudio aborda las cuestiones del paciente portador de quemaduras y sus influencias en el proceso de comunicación. Busca contribuir con la preocupación reciente de la Enfermería con la creación de instrumentos de identificación de problemas de comunicación, la formulación de diagnósticos de enfermería que envuelven estas alteraciones y también, la elaboración de propuestas alternativas para el cuidado de pacientes con comunicación alterada. A partir del conocimiento de los resultados de DALRI (1993, quien encontró 03 pacientes con diagnósticos de comunicación alterada, utilizando la Taxonomía I de la North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA 1990 ano

  19. Hemodialysis-associated neutropenia and hypoxemia: the effect of dialyzer membrane materials. (United States)

    Hakim, R M; Lowrie, E G


    The fall in white blood cells (WBC) and arterial oxygen pressure that occurs during hemodialysis was investigated as a function of different dialysis membranes and different sterilization methods. 8 chronic hemodialysis patients were studied and each was dialyzed with three different membranes: cellulosic hollow fiber, polyacrylonitrile flat sheet and polymethylmethacrylate hollow fiber. Each dialyzer was studied with a dry sterilization method and after formalin treatment. Arterialized blood gas, bicarbonate and WBC were drawn at various intervals throughout dialysis. The effect of the sterilization method was minimal. Cellulosic membranes were shown to cause significantly more neutropenia (p less than 0.001) and hypoxemia (p less than 0.01) than the other two membranes. No significant differences was seen in pH, PCO2 and bicarbonate. The results indicate differences in biocompatibility between different membranes. Clinical implications are discussed.

  20. Aspergilosis pulmonar invasiva: reporte de un caso

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    Sonia M. Restrepo-Gualteros


    Ante la presencia de síntomas respiratorios en pacientes pediátricos con enfermedades hematológicas que cursen con neutropenia febril, es indispensable considerar como agentes etiológicos los hongos, entre los cuales Aspergillus spp. se presenta frecuentemente causando diferentes síndromes clínicos.

  1. Ciprofloxacin reduces occurrence of fever in children with acute leukemia who develop neutropenia during chemotherapy. (United States)

    Laoprasopwattana, Kamolwish; Khwanna, Thida; Suwankeeree, Pussayaban; Sujjanunt, Tipwan; Tunyapanit, Wanutsanun; Chelae, Sureerat


    Fluoroquinolones reduce occurrence of fever in adult cancer patients who develop neutropenia, but there has been no randomized controlled trial in children, and there are only a few studies considering resistance in intestinal floral after ciprofloxacin has been used. Children younger than 18 years with acute lymphoblastic leukemia or lymphoma scheduled to undergo chemotherapy were randomized to receive oral ciprofloxacin 20mg/kg/day or placebo from the beginning of their chemotherapy. Rectal swab cultures were taken before and at 1 and/or 2 weeks after the intervention. Of the total of 95 patients, 45 and 50 patients received ciprofloxacin and placebo, respectively. Of the 71 patients who developed neutropenia, the proportion of children who developed fever was significantly lower in the ciprofloxacin group than in the placebo group (17/34 [50.0%] versus 27/37 [73.0%]; absolute difference in risk, -23.0%; 95% confidence interval: -45.0% to -0.9%; P = 0.046). Ciprofloxacin significantly reduced the occurrence of febrile episodes in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the induction phase of chemotherapy, but not in patients with lymphoma or in the consolidation phase of chemotherapy. Adverse effects were not different between the groups. After intervention, the percentages of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae susceptible to ciprofloxacin were significantly lower in the ciprofloxacin group. Ciprofloxacin can prevent fever in neutropenic patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during the induction phase of chemotherapy with good tolerance and no serious side effects. Due to the selective pressure of intestinal flora resistance to ciprofloxacin, the long-term effectiveness needs further investigation.

  2. Long-term epidemiology of bacterial susceptibility profiles in adults suffering from febrile neutropenia with hematologic malignancy after antibiotic change

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    J Mebis


    Full Text Available J Mebis1,2, H Jansens3, G Minalu4, G Molenberghs4, WA Schroyens1, AP Gadisseur1, A van de Velde1, I Vrelust1, H Goossens3, ZN Berneman11Division of Hematology, Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem, 2Division of Medical Oncology, Jessa Hospital, Hasselt, 3Division of Microbiology, Antwerp University Hospital, Edegem, 4Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and Statistical Bioinformatics, Hasselt University, Hasselt, BelgiumObjective: The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiology and antibiotic ­susceptibility profiles of isolated bacterial organisms in relation to empiric treatment of neutropenic fever over a 15-year period.Methods: All patients with or at risk febrile neutropenia and treated in the hematology ward of the Antwerp University Hospital during 1994–2008 were prospectively included. Skin, blood, and urine cultures were taken. Oral quinolone prophylaxis was started in patients with neutropenia without fever. Empiric starting therapy consisted of amikacin in combination with cefepime.Results: A total of 3624 bacteria were isolated. The most common pathogens were coagulase-negative Staphylococci (46%, followed by Escherichia coli (25%, Enterobacteriaceae (15.6%, Staphylococcus aureus (7.2%, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3.8%. The balance between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria remained stable, with a majority of Gram-positive bacteria. A shift from oxacillin-sensitive to oxacillin-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococci was observed. Regarding susceptibility patterns, no vancomycin resistance was detected in coagulase-negative Staphylococci or in S. aureus. The E. coli susceptibility rates remained stable. However, 66% of bloodstream infections were ciprofloxacin-resistant. A reduced susceptibility of P. aeruginosa strains to meropenem was noticed.Conclusions: Improvement in antibiotic susceptibility of inducible Enterobacteriaceae ­following a switch of empiric antibiotic therapy was maintained 15 years

  3. Severe neutropenia in children: a single institutional experience. (United States)

    Yilmaz, Deniz; Ritchey, Arthur Kim


    Severe neutropenia (SN) is a rare disorder in childhood. This study aimed to document the approach to diagnosis and treatment of children with SN in a single university-based children's hospital, determine the types of SN seen in a 4-year period, and determine outcomes of the subtypes of SN. Forty-five children with SN were identified between 2000 and 2004. Two patients had autoimmune, 3 congenital, 3 familial, 6 cyclic, and 31 idiopathic SN. The median age of the patients with idiopathic SN was 15 months (3 mo to 17 y). Thirteen patients with idiopathic SN received filgrastim and 18 were observed. The history of severe infection and hospitalization at presentation was significantly more common among the patients who received filgrastim than those observed, but was not different between the 2 groups during the follow-up period. SN resolved in 16 patients and persisted in 14 patients. One patient with idiopathic SN did not respond to filgrastim and died of sepsis while she was still neutropenic. In summary, the majority of patients with SN had idiopathic SN, the infection risk was variable, treatment was based on clinical judgment rather than absolute neutrophil count, and approximately half of the patients had complete recovery.

  4. Adult siblings with homozygous G6PC3 mutations expand our understanding of the severe congenital neutropenia type 4 (SCN4 phenotype

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    Fernandez Bridget A


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Severe congenital neutropenia type 4 (SCN4 is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the third subunit of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase (G6PC3. Its core features are congenital neutropenia and a prominent venous skin pattern, and affected individuals have variable birth defects. Oculocutaneous albinism type 4 (OCA4 is caused by autosomal recessive mutations in SLC45A2. Methods We report a sister and brother from Newfoundland, Canada with complex phenotypes. The sister was previously reported by Cullinane et al., 2011. We performed homozygosity mapping, next generation sequencing and conventional Sanger sequencing to identify mutations that cause the phenotype in this family. We have also summarized clinical data from 49 previously reported SCN4 cases with overlapping phenotypes and interpret the medical histories of these siblings in the context of the literature. Results The siblings’ phenotype is due in part to a homozygous mutation in G6PC3, [c.829C > T, p.Gln277X]. Their ages are 38 and 37 years respectively and they are the oldest SCN4 patients published to date. Both presented with congenital neutropenia and later developed Crohn disease. We suggest that the latter is a previously unrecognized SCN4 manifestation and that not all affected individuals have an intellectual disability. The sister also has a homozygous mutation in SLC45A2, which explains her severe oculocutaneous hypopigmentation. Her brother carried one SLC45A2 mutation and was diagnosed with “partial OCA” in childhood. Conclusions This family highlights that apparently novel syndromes can in fact be caused by two known autosomal recessive disorders.

  5. Is the addition of aminoglycosides to beta-lactams in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia needed? (United States)

    Contreras, Valeria; Sepúlveda, Sebastián; Heredia, Ana


    It is still controversial if the combined use of beta-lactam antibiotics and aminoglycosides has advantages over broad-spectrum beta-lactam monotherapy for the empirical treatment of cancer patients with febrile neutropenia. Searching in Epistemonikos database, which is maintained by screening 30 databases, we identified three systematic reviews including 14 pertinent randomized trials. We combined the evidence using meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings table following the GRADE approach. We concluded the combination of beta-lactam antibiotics and aminoglycosides probably does not lead to a reduced mortality in febrile neutropenic cancer patients and it might increase nephrotoxicity.

  6. Cytotoxic T cells in chronic idiopathic neutropenia express restricted antigen receptors. (United States)

    Mastrodemou, Semeli; Stalika, Evangelia; Vardi, Anna; Gemenetzi, Katerina; Spanoudakis, Michalis; Karypidou, Maria; Mavroudi, Irene; Hadzidimitriou, Anastasia; Stavropoulos-Giokas, Catherine; Papadaki, Helen A; Stamatopoulos, Kostas


    Chronic idiopathic neutropenia (CIN) is an acquired disorder of granulopoiesis characterized by female predominance and mostly uncomplicated course. Crucial to CIN pathophysiology is the presence of activated T lymphocytes with myelosuppressive properties in both peripheral blood (PB) and bone marrow (BM). We systematically profiled the T cell receptor beta chain (TRB) gene repertoire in CD8 + cells of 34 CIN patients through subcloning/Sanger sequencing analysis of TRBV-TRBD-TRBJ gene rearrangements. Remarkable repertoire skewing and oligoclonality were observed, along with shared clonotypes between different patients, alluding to antigen selection. Cross-comparison of our sequence dataset with public TRB sequence databases revealed that CIN may rarely share common immunogenetic features with other entities, however, the CIN TRB repertoire is largely disease-biased. Overall, these findings suggest that CIN may be driven by long-term exposure to a restricted set of specific CIN-associated antigens.

  7. Fumador internado? – A intervenção apropriada

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    Paula Pamplona


    Full Text Available Resumo: O tabagismo é a causa de morte evitável mais frequente. Para além de provocar múltiplas doenças causadoras de internamentos, o tabagismo é também uma doença a tratar durante o internamento, não só para controlar a síndroma de abstinência do doente, sujeito a interrupção abrupta, mas também para cumprir a legislação que proíbe o uso de tabaco nos serviços de saúde, única forma eficaz de prevenir a exposição dos não fumadores ao fumo do tabaco presente no ambiente (FTA.Tratar o fumador internado de forma apropriada é também aproveitar a janela de oportunidade para promover a cessação tabágica e não apenas a abstinência temporária.Rev Port Pneumol 2007; XIII (6: 801-826 Abstract: Tobacco use is the most avoidable cause of death. Other than provoking multiple diseases requiring hospitalisation, Tobacco Use is also a disease requiring management in the hospital setting, not only in terms of controlling the withdrawal symptoms of the patient, who has been abruptly prohibited from smoking, but also for fulfilling legislation which prohibits tobacco use in the health services, the only efficient way of preventing exposure of non-smokers to environmental tobacco smoke.Treating the in-patient smoker in an appropriate way also provides a window of opportunity for promoting not just a temporary but a complete smoking cessation.Rev Port Pneumol 2007; XIII (6: 801-826 Palavras-chave: Cessação tabágica, internamento, serviço de saúde sem tabaco, Key-words: Smoking cessation, in-patient, smoke-free hospital

  8. Novas diretrizes na abordagem clínica da neutropenia febril e da sepse em oncologia pediátrica New guidelines for the clinical management of febrile neutropenia and sepsis in pediatric oncology patients

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    Ana Verena Almeida Mendes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Fornecer subsídios à abordagem diagnóstica, profilática e terapêutica da neutropenia febril e da sepse em criança com doença oncológica, dando especial atenção aos novos protocolos e diretrizes. FONTES DE DADOS: Revisão de literatura científica utilizando uma busca bibliográfica eletrônica nas páginas do MEDLINE, Medscape, SciELO, Google, Cochrane e PubMED com as palavras-chave febrile, neutropenic, cancer, children, sepse, intensive, care. Foram selecionados artigos publicados entre 1987 e 2007, preferencialmente artigos de revisão, protocolos, revisões sistemáticas, estudos epidemiológicos, recomendações de força-tarefa e ensaios clínicos fase III. Foram revistos os consensos publicados pela Infectious Diseases Society of America, Center for Diseases Control e Infectious Diseases Working Party da German Society of Hematology and Oncology, além de recomendações da World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies e da Society of Critical Care Medicine. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: A utilização de esquemas quimioterápicos agressivos, transplante de medula óssea e recursos de terapia intensiva aumentaram a sobrevida nas crianças com câncer e também a morbidade infecciosa, sendo as complicações sépticas a principal causa de mortalidade. Diversos fatores de risco têm sido identificados, como neutropenia, tipo oncológico, sinais clínicos e marcadores de resposta inflamatória (reação em cadeia da polimerase, procalcitonina, assim como a maior resistência aos antimicrobianos e antifúngicos. Protocolos de classificação de risco, de diagnóstico e tratamento devem ser estabelecidos em cada serviço, respeitando a flora microbiológica da população estudada. A terapia intensiva pediátrica tem aumentado a sobrevida a curto e longo prazo nestes pacientes. CONCLUSÕES: Pacientes oncológicos são particularmente vulneráveis a complicações infecciosas. A identificação e o tratamento

  9. Prisiones e internados: una comparación de los establecimientos penales en América del Norte y América Latina

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    Christopher Howard Birkbeck

    Full Text Available El empleo reciente de términos como "warehouse prison" en Estados Unidos y "campo de concentración" en América Latina parecería indicar que las condiciones de privación de la libertad son distintas en ambas regiones. El análisis presentado aquí explora esas diferencias. Se comparan los establecimientos penales en América del Norte y América Latina a través de seis dimensiones relacionadas entre sí: la organización interna de los espacios, la vigilancia, el aislamiento, la supervisión, el control administrativo y la formalización de los procedimientos. En América del Norte, el control es asiduo (persistente, intrusivo y casi permanente; en América Latina, el control es somero (esporádico, indiferente y superficial. Si en América del Norte se habla de prisiones y encarcelamiento, en América Latina parece mejor hablar de internados judiciales e internación.

  10. Could Neutrophil CD64 Expression Be Used as a Diagnostic Parameter of Bacteremia in Patients with Febrile Neutropenia?

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    Nur Efe İris


    Full Text Available Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate if neutrophil CD64 expression in febrile neutropenia patients could be used as an early indicator of bacteremia. Materials and Methods: All consecutive patients older than 18 years of age who had developed febrile neutropenia episodes due to hematological malignancies were included in the study. Those patients who had significant growth in their blood cultures constituted the case group, while those who had febrile neutropenia without any growth in their cultures and who did not have any documented infections formed the control group. Blood culture bottles were incubated in the Bact ALERT 3D system (bioMerieux, France, identification and susceptibility testing were performed using an automated broth microdilution method (VITEK 2, bioMerieux, and CD64 expression analysis was performed by the flow cytometry method. C-reactive protein (CRP was measured by turbidimetric methods (Biosystems, Spain and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR was measured by the Wintrobe method. Results: In total, we prospectively evaluated 31 febrile episodes. The case group consisted of 17 patients while the control group included 14 patients. CD64 was found on neutrophils of the case group patients with a mean count of 8006 molecules/cell and of control group with a mean count of 2786 molecules/cell. CD64 levels of the case group were significantly higher than those of the control group (p=0.005. In the differentiation of the case group from the control group, a 2500 cut-off value for CD64 had significant [AUC=0.792 (0.619-0.965] predictive value (p=0.001. In the prediction of patients with a 2500 cut-off value for CD64, sensitivity was 94.1%, positive predictive value was 76.2%, specificity was 64.3%, and negative predictive value was 90.0%. CRP levels and ESR values did not differ significantly between the groups (p=0.005. Conclusion: Neutrophil CD64 expression could be a good predictor as an immune parameter with

  11. Neutropenia, neutrophil dysfunction, and inflammatory bowel disease in glycogen storage disease type Ib : Results of the European Study on Glycogen Storage Disease Type I

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Visser, G; Rake, JP; Fernandes, J; Labrune, P; Leonard, JV; Moses, S; Ullrich, K; Smit, GPA

    Objective: To investigate the incidence, the severity, and the course of neutropenia, neutrophil dysfunction, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in glycogen storage disease (GSD) type Ib. Method: As part of a collaborative European Study on GSD type I, a retrospective registry was established in

  12. Assessment of intrafamilial clinical variability of poikiloderma with neutropenia by a 10-year follow-up of three affected siblings. (United States)

    Concolino, Daniela; Sestito, Simona; Falvo, Francesca; Romano, Giusy; Ceravolo, Miriam; Anastasio, Elisa; Pensabene, Licia; Colombo, Elisa A; Larizza, Lidia


    Clericuzio-type poikiloderma with neutropenia is a well-defined nosological entity, but despite a remarkable number of clinical reports, no long term follow-up data has been presented to date regarding patients with this rare condition. Here we describe the results of clinical follow-up of three siblings, one male (Patient 1) and two females (Patients 2 and 3), subsequent to their first clinical and then molecular diagnosis of Clericuzio-type poikiloderma with neutropenia syndrome due to mutation of USB1gene. Patient 1 always expressed the most severe phenotype, while patients 2 and 3 showed an intermediate and mild phenotype, respectively, as observed since their first clinical evaluation. None of the patients developed skin cancer and/or myelodysplastic disorders considering the peripheral haematological findings. Lens opacity, never reported before, was found in two of the three patients. The long term follow-up observations confirm the stability over time of the pronounced intra-familial heterogeneity of clinical manifestations observed prior to and upon molecular diagnosis. We conclude that prolonged follow-up is an adjunct tool to monitor intra-familial variability of PN clinical spectrum which may favour surveillance of more serious complications of the disease among siblings, when a patient-specific clinical expressivity is present. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  13. Allogeneic Transplant in ELANE and MEFV Mutation Positive Severe Cyclic Neutropenia: Review of Prognostic Factors for Secondary Severe Events

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    Onyemaechi N. Okolo


    Full Text Available Objective and Importance. Cyclic neutropenia (CyN is a rare autosomal dominant inherited disorder due to the mutation ELANE primarily affecting bone marrow stem cells and is characterized by recurrent neutropenia every 2 to 4 weeks. Symptoms vary from benign to severe, including death. Postulations on the cause of wide spectrum in symptom presentation include the possibility of other genetic mutations, such as MEFV. Recommended treatment for CyN is G-CSF to keep ANC higher to minimize risk of infection. Case. A 25-year-old male diagnosed with CyN, on G-CSF but worsening quality of life. Pretransplant investigations revealed ELANE mutation positive severe CyN along with familial Mediterranean fever (MEFV mutation. Intervention. Bone marrow transplantation as treatment for dual mutation (ELANE and MEFV mutation positive severe CyN. Conclusion. BMT may be considered as an alternative treatment for severe CyN in patients who are refractory to G-CSF. It is postulated that in our patient the combined mutations (CyN and MEFV may have contributed to the severity of this individual’s symptoms. We suggest CyN patients who present with severe symptoms have evaluation with ELANE mutation testing, Periodic Fever Syndromes Panel, and routine marrow assessment with FISH, conventional cytogenetics, and morphological evaluation for MDS/AML.

  14. Management of Infection and Febrile Neutropenia in Patients with Solid Cancer. (United States)

    Aguado, José María; Cruz, Juan Jesús; Virizuela, Juan Antonio; Aguilar, Manuela; Carmona, Alberto; Cassinello, Javier; Gudiol, Carlota; Jiménez Fonseca, Paula; Lizasoain, Manuel; Marco, Francesc; Ruiz, Isabel; Ruiz, Maribel; Salavert, Miguel; Vicente, David; Carratalà, Jordi

    A group of experts from the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC) and the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) have reviewed in this paper the main aspects to be considered in the evaluation of patients with solid cancer and infectious diseases. They have established a series of recommendations on the prevention of the most prevalent infections in these patients, the use of vaccines, the control measures of vascular catheter infection and prevention of infections before certain surgical procedures. Also the criteria for management of febrile neutropenia and the use of colony-stimulating factors were revised. Finally they provide a series of recommendations for the treatment of cancer patients with severe infection. The document is completed with a series of measures for the control of hospital infection. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. All rights reserved.

  15. Avaliação da existência de controle de infecção oral nos pacientes internados em hospitais do estado do Rio de Janeiro Evaluating the existence of oral infection control in patients admitted in state hospitals in Rio de Janeiro

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    Sérgio Kahn


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a existência de um protocolo de controle de infecção oral nos hospitais do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram avaliados 62 hospitais da rede pública e privada. Quando questionados se existia na instituição algum procedimento destinado aos pacientes internados (no caso de UTIs, 39% dos hospitais pesquisados responderam positivamente. Das instituições pesquisadas, apenas 15% possuem um protocolo regular para o controle de placa nos pacientes internados. Pesquisas têm demonstrado a inter-relação da doença periodontal com doenças sistêmicas, como doenças cardiovasculares, osteoporose, nascimento de bebês de baixo peso e parto prematuro, diabetes e doenças respiratórias. A cavidade oral tem sido considerada como um potente reservatório de patógenos respiratórios. Diante destes fatos, evidencia-se a importância da higiene bucal como um meio de se prevenir patologias diversas. Desta forma, existe a necessidade de se criar um protocolo de controle de infecção da cavidade oral para contribuir para a redução da mortalidade de pacientes internados e propor medidas preventivas para este fim.The aim of the present study is to ascertain whether an oral infection control protocol is being used in Rio de Janeiro State hospitals. Sixty two hospitals, both public and private have been surveyed. When asked whether any procedure was being adopted with admitted patients (in case of ICU patients, 39% of the hospitals responded positively. Among all institutions surveyed, only 15% conduct a regular plaque control protocol in admitted patients. Studies have shown that there is an inter-relationship between periodontal disease and systemic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, preterm births and low birthweight, diabetes and respiratory diseases. The oral cavity is considered a potent reservoir of respiratory pathogens. Based on these findings, it has become evident that oral hygiene is

  16. Anemia intrahospitalaria y descenso de hemoglobina en pacientes internados Hospital-acquired anemia and decrease of hemoglobin levels in hospitalized patients

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    Carina V. Gianserra


    Full Text Available Es frecuente observar el desarrollo de anemia durante la internación, especialmente en pacientes graves. Esto se ha relacionado a extracciones de laboratorio. Pocos estudios evaluaron su prevalencia y factores asociados en pacientes internados en sala general. El objetivo fue determinar la prevalencia, características y factores clínicos asociados a anemia intrahospitalaria y descenso de hemoglobina en pacientes internados. Se efectuó un estudio transversal, prospectivo, descriptivo. Se analizaron 192 internaciones consecutivas en sala general. Se determinó aquellas que presentaron un descenso del valor de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl y se analizaron factores de riesgo asociados. Presentaron anemia 139 pacientes (72.4%, 89 (46.4% al ingreso y 50 (26% durante la internación. Se presentaron 47 casos de descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl (24.47%, en los que se observaron los valores más bajos de hematocrito y hemoglobina al alta (p = 0.01, hidratación parenteral con mayor volumen (p = 0.01 y estadías hospitalarias más prolongadas (p = 0.0001. En el análisis univariado las variables leucocitosis = 11 000mm³ (OR; IC95%: 2.02; 1.03-4; p = 0.01, días de internación = 7 (OR; IC95%: 3.39; 1.62-7.09; p = 0.0006, hidratación parenteral = 1500 ml/día (OR; IC95%: 2.47; 1.06-6.4; p = 0.01, vía central (OR; IC95%: 10.29; 1.75-108.07, p = 0.003 y anemia intrahospitalaria (OR; IC95%: 7.06; 3.41-15.83; p = 0.00000004 fueron estadísticamente significativos como factores de riesgo para descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl. En el análisis multivariado las variables leucocitosis = 11 000 mm³ (OR; IC95%:2.45; 1.14-5.27; p = 0.02; días de internación = 7 (OR; IC95%: 5.15; 2.19-12.07; p = 0.0002; hidratación parenteral = 1500 ml/día (OR; IC95%: 2.95; 1.13-7.72; p = 0.02 y vía central (OR; IC95%:8.82; 1.37-56.82; p = 0.02 fueron factores predictivos independientes de descenso de hemoglobina = 2 g/dl. La anemia intrahospitalaria tuvo una elevada prevalencia. La

  17. Epidemiología de las lesiones por presión en los pacientes internados en el Hospital de Niños Dr. Roberto Gilbert Elizalde desde el mes de enero del 2013 a junio del 2014.


    Neira Morante, Martha Leticia


    Determinar la epidemiología de las lesiones por presión en los pacientes internados en el hospital de niños Dr. Roberto Gilbert E. desde enero de 2013 a junio de 2014. -Objetivos Específicos. ¿ Identificar la causa de las lesiones por presión ¿ Establecer la edad, sexo, tipo y ubicación de la lesión más frecuentes. ¿ Relacionar el estado nutricional de los pacientes y la aparición de lesiones por presión. ¿ Describir la respuesta al tratamiento empleado Método. Estudio pr...

  18. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  19. Pacientes com alteração da imagem facial: circunstâncias de cuidado Pacientes con alteración de la imagen facial: circunstancias de cuidado Patients with facial image alteration: care circunstances

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    Sadja Cristina Tassinari de Souza Mostardeiro


    Full Text Available Estudo qualitativo exploratório que objetivou compreender a percepção dos pacientes com imagem facial alterada em relação ao cuidado e as circunstâncias que podem influenciar no seu significado para esse paciente. Na coleta de dados, realizada entre agosto e outubro de 2008, foi utilizada a entrevista semi-estruturada junto aos pacientes da clínica de cabeça/pescoço internados na unidade cirúrgica do Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. As informações foram interpretadas mediante a análise de conteúdo e evidenciou as categorias: a convivência com as mudanças e circunstâncias de cuidado. Constatou-se o quanto é difícil e sofrido para os pacientes conviverem, com a alteração da imagem dos seus rostos. Percebeu-se que estes necessitam de cuidados que vão além do cuidado profissional, ou seja, aquele cuidado técnico, apoiado no princípio científico, mas também um cuidado pautado nos valores humanos, os quais devem ser sempre discutidos, estudados, respeitados e objeto de compromisso e responsabilidade da enfermagem.Estudio cualitativo exploratorio, que tuvo como objetivo comprender la percepción de los pacientes con imagen facial alterada en relación a la acción del cuidado y circunstancias que pueden influir en su significado para ese paciente. En la colección de datos ocurrió entre agosto y octubre del 2008 con pacientes de la clínica de cabeza/ cuello internados en la unidad quirúrgica del Hospital Universitario de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Fue utilizado una entrevista semi-estructurada. Las informaciones fueron interpretadas mediante análisis de contenido y mostró las categorías: convivencia con los cambios y las circunstancias del cuidado. Así constatamos cómo es difícil y sufrido para los pacientes que convivan con los cambios generados por la alteración de la imagen de sus rostros. Constatamos que necesitan de cuidados que van más allá del cuidado profesional, ou

  20. Caracterização clínica dos pacientes sob ventilação mecânica internados em unidade de terapia intensiva / Clinical characterization of patients under mechanical ventilation in an intensive therapy unit

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    Camila Llima Ribeiro


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as características clínicas de pacientes sob ventilação mecânica internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI. Métodos: Estudo transversal e quantitativo, com amostra de 90 pacientes internados em um hospital referência em atendimento de doenças cardiopulmonares, situado na cidade de Fortaleza/Ceará. Coleta de dados realizada em outubro de 2016 através de um instrumento estruturado. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Intituição sob o protocolo CAAE- 53956816.2.0000.5052. Resultados: Observou-se que 56,7% eram do sexo feminino, na faixa etária de 50 a 59 anos (59%. Os principais motivos de internação foram as doenças cardiovasculares (53,3%; 88,9% utilizaram antibioticoterapia; 34,4% apresentaram pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica; 80% utilizaram drogas vasoativas e apenas 25,6% realizaram traqueostomia após a internação 36,7%. Conclusão: O paciente crítico possui peculiaridades que exige do enfermeiro um planejamento das ações de cuidados que vise à redução de possíveis complicações graves e letais.  Descritores: Ventilação Mecânica,Unidades de Terapia Intensiva, Enfermagem. ABSTRACT Objective: Lo describe the clinical characteristics of patients under mechanical ventilation admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU. Methods: A cross - sectional and quantitative study with a sample of 90 patients admitted to a referral hospital for cardiopulmonary diseases, located in the city of Fortaleza / Ceará. Data collection conducted in October 2016 through a structured instrument. The study was approved by the Institutional Research Ethics Committee under protocol CAAE-53956816.2.0000.5052. Results: It was observed that 56.7% were female, in the age group of 50 to 59 years (59%. The main reasons for hospitalization were cardiovascular diseases (53.3%; 88.9% used antibiotic therapy; 34.4% presented pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation; 80% used

  1. Use of FDG PET/CT for investigation of febrile neutropenia: evaluation in high-risk cancer patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guy, Stephen D.; Tramontana, Adrian R.; Worth, Leon J.; Thursky, Karin A.; Slavin, Monica A.; Lau, Eddie; Hicks, Rodney J.; Seymour, John F.


    Febrile neutropenia (FNP) is a frequent complication of cancer care and evaluation often fails to identify a cause. [ 18 F]FDG PET/CT has the potential to identify inflammatory and infectious foci, but its potential role as an investigation for persistent FNP has not previously been explored. The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate the clinical utility of FDG PET/CT in patients with cancer and severe neutropenia and five or more days of persistent fever despite antibiotic therapy. Adult patients with a diagnosis of an underlying malignancy and persistent FNP (temperature ≥38 C and neutrophil count <500 cells/μl for 5 days) underwent FDG PET/CT as an adjunct to conventional evaluation and management. The study group comprised 20 patients with FNP who fulfilled the eligibility criteria and underwent FDG PET/CT in addition to conventional evaluation. The median neutrophil count on the day of the FDG PET/CT scan was 30 cells/μl (range 0-730 cells/μl). Conventional evaluation identified 14 distinct sites of infection, 13 (93 %) of which were also identified by FDG PET/CT, including all deep tissue infections. FDG PET/CT identified 9 additional likely infection sites, 8 of which were subsequently confirmed as ''true positives'' by further investigations. FDG PET/CT was deemed to be of 'high' clinical impact in 15 of the 20 patients (75 %). This study supports the utility of FDG PET/CT scanning in severely neutropenic patients with five or more days of fever. Further evaluation of the contribution of FDG PET/CT in the management of FNP across a range of underlying malignancies is required. (orig.)

  2. Use of FDG PET/CT for investigation of febrile neutropenia: evaluation in high-risk cancer patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guy, Stephen D.; Tramontana, Adrian R. [Western Health, Department of Infectious Diseases, Private Bag, Footscray, Victoria (Australia); University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria (Australia); Worth, Leon J.; Thursky, Karin A.; Slavin, Monica A. [University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria (Australia); Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Department of Infectious Diseases, Melbourne, Victoria (Australia); Lau, Eddie; Hicks, Rodney J. [University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria (Australia); Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Centre for Cancer Imaging, Melbourne, Victoria (Australia); Seymour, John F. [University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria (Australia); Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Department of Haematology, Melbourne, Victoria (Australia)


    Febrile neutropenia (FNP) is a frequent complication of cancer care and evaluation often fails to identify a cause. [{sup 18} F]FDG PET/CT has the potential to identify inflammatory and infectious foci, but its potential role as an investigation for persistent FNP has not previously been explored. The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate the clinical utility of FDG PET/CT in patients with cancer and severe neutropenia and five or more days of persistent fever despite antibiotic therapy. Adult patients with a diagnosis of an underlying malignancy and persistent FNP (temperature {>=}38 C and neutrophil count <500 cells/{mu}l for 5 days) underwent FDG PET/CT as an adjunct to conventional evaluation and management. The study group comprised 20 patients with FNP who fulfilled the eligibility criteria and underwent FDG PET/CT in addition to conventional evaluation. The median neutrophil count on the day of the FDG PET/CT scan was 30 cells/{mu}l (range 0-730 cells/{mu}l). Conventional evaluation identified 14 distinct sites of infection, 13 (93 %) of which were also identified by FDG PET/CT, including all deep tissue infections. FDG PET/CT identified 9 additional likely infection sites, 8 of which were subsequently confirmed as ''true positives'' by further investigations. FDG PET/CT was deemed to be of 'high' clinical impact in 15 of the 20 patients (75 %). This study supports the utility of FDG PET/CT scanning in severely neutropenic patients with five or more days of fever. Further evaluation of the contribution of FDG PET/CT in the management of FNP across a range of underlying malignancies is required. (orig.)

  3. Tratamento de uma coorte de pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST Tratamiento de una cohorte de pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio con supradesnivel del segmento ST Treatment of a cohort of patients with acute myocardial infarction and ST-segment elevation

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    Jamil da Silva Soares


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Trombólise e angioplastia transluminal coronariana (ATC primária são técnicas bem estabelecidas, mas grande parte dos pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento ST (IAM com SST não as recebem quando do atendimento hospitalar. OBJETIVO: Descrever tratamentos inicial e final e desfechos de uma coorte com IAM com SST. MÉTODOS: Analisados, da internação até a alta, 158 pacientes com IAM com SST, de uma população total de 351 pacientes internados com (SCA nos hospitais de Campos dos Goytacazes, entre 2004 e 2006. RESULTADOS: Dos 158 pacientes com IAM com SST, 67,7% chegaram ao hospital nos primeiros 180 minutos, 81,3% em 360 minutos e 8,4% após doze horas. Realizados 148 estudos cinecoronariográficos (93,7%. Observadas lesões de mais de 70% em 266 territórios arteriais. Tratamento inicial foi ATC em 41(26%, trombolíticos em 50 (32%, com 80% de sucesso. Tratamento clínico em 67 (42%. Cerca de 35% dos pacientes deveriam ser trombolizados mas não o foram. No tratamento final foram 93 ATCs, 89 delas com sucesso angiográfico (95,7, sangramento 2 (2,2, oclusão subaguda 2 (2,2%, dissecção tronco 1 (1,1, pseudo aneurisma 1 (1,1. Nenhum óbito durante angioplastia; na evolução, houve dois óbitos (2,1%. Doze pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (CRM. Tratamento clínico 53 (33%, com 11 óbitos (20,7%. Letalidade global 9,5%, consideradas as três formas de tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes atendidos em tempo adequado para reperfusão, porém 1/3 deles não recebeu o procedimento. Tratamento predominante foi ATC, com baixa morbidade. Dois óbitos na evolução. Baixa letalidade global.FUNDAMENTO: La trombólisis y la angioplastia transluminal coronaria (ATC primaria son técnicas bien establecidas, sin embargo gran parte de los pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio con supradesnivel del segmento ST (IAM con SST no las reciben cuando de la atenci

  4. Plasma IL-8 and IL-6 levels can be used to define a group with low risk of septicaemia among cancer patients with fever and neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Bont, ESJM; Vellenga, E; Swaanenburg, JCJM; Fidler, [No Value; Visser-van Brummen, PJ; Kamps, WA

    The standard therapy for patients with fever and chemotherapy-related neutropenia is hospitalization and infusion of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Early discharge of a defined group of patients at low risk for septicaemia would be of great advantage for these patients. Ih this study plasma

  5. Plasma IL-8 and IL-6 levels can be used to define a group with low risk of septicaemia among cancer patients with fever and neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Bont, ESJM; Vellenga, E; Swaanenburg, JCJM; Fidler, [No Value; Visser-van Brummen, PJ; Kamps, WA


    The standard therapy for patients with fever and chemotherapy-related neutropenia is hospitalization and infusion of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Early discharge of a defined group of patients at low risk for septicaemia would be of great advantage for these patients. Ih this study plasma

  6. The Effect of Recombinant Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor on Oral and Periodontal Manifestations in a Patient with Cyclic Neutropenia: A Case Report

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    Sergio Matarasso


    Full Text Available Cyclic Neutropenia (CN is characterized by recurrent infections, fever, oral ulcerations, and severe periodontitis as result of the reduced host defences. The previous studies have established the effectiveness of recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF to increase the number and the function of neutrophils in the peripheral blood in this disease. In a 20-year-old Caucasian female with a diagnosis of cyclic neutropenia, oral clinical examination revealed multiple painful ulcerations of the oral mucosa, poor oral hygiene conditions, marginal gingivitis, and moderate periodontitis. The patient received a treatment with G-CSF (Pegfilgrastim, 6 mg/month in order to improve her immunological status. Once a month nonsurgical periodontal treatment was carefully performed when absolute neutrophil count (ANC was ≥500/L. The treatment with G-CSF resulted in a rapid increase of circulating neutrophils that, despite its short duration, leaded to a reduction in infection related events and the resolution of the multiple oral ulcerations. The disappearance of oral pain allowed an efficacy nonsurgical treatment and a normal tooth brushing that determined a reduction of probing depth (PD≤4 mm and an improvement of the oral hygiene conditions recorded at 6-month follow-up.

  7. Frequency and Severity of Neutropenia Associated with Food and Drug Administration Approved and Compounded Formulations of Lomustine in Dogs with Cancer


    Burton, J.H.; Stanley, S.D.; Knych, H.K.; Rodriguez, C.O.; Skorupski, K.A.; Rebhun, R.B.


    Background Compounded lomustine is used commonly in veterinary patients. However, the potential variability in these formulations is unknown and concern exists that compounded formulations of drugs may differ in potency from Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?approved products. Hypothesis/Objectives The initial objective of this study was to evaluate the frequency and severity of neutropenia in dogs treated with compounded or FDA?approved formulations of lomustine. Subsequent analyses aimed t...

  8. Patients' satisfaction with information on disease and morbidity La satisfacción del paciente con la información ofrecida sobre su enfermedad y morbilidad Satisfação do doente com a informação sobre a doença e morbidade

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    José Carlos Amado Martins


    Full Text Available This descriptive-correlational study aimed to evaluate the relation between patients' satisfaction with information they have about their disease and its morbidity. A questionnaire was applied in two samples: 235 individuals with recent experience of illness (network sampling and 254 hospitalized cancer patients post-surgery (consecutive sampling. The Escala de Conhecimentos sobre a Doença(12 [Patients' Satisfaction with Information Questionnaire - PSIQ] and the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist were used. Results show that participants were dissatisfied with information received and this dissatisfaction was more pronounced in hospitalized patients. An inverse statistically significant correlation (pOBJETIVO: el objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la relación entre la satisfacción de los pacientes con la información sobre la enfermedad y su morbilidad. Metodología: se trata de un estudio descriptivo y de correlación resultante de la aplicación de un cuestionario a dos muestras; siendo una de 235 personas con experiencia reciente de enfermedad (muestra en redes y la otra de 254 pacientes hospitalizados después de una cirugía de cáncer (muestra consecutiva. Fue utilizada la Escala de Conocimientos sobre la Enfermedad y el Rotterdam Symptom Checklist. RESULTADOS: los encuestados se muestran insatisfechos con la información, y esta insatisfacción es más pronunciada en los pacientes hospitalizados. Existe una correlación inversa estadísticamente significativa (pO estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a satisfação dos doentes com a informação sobre a doença e a sua morbidade. É um estudo descritivo-correlacional, resultante da aplicação de questionário a duas amostras: 235 indivíduos com experiência recente de doença (amostra em redes e 254 doentes oncológicos, internados pós-cirurgia (amostra consecutiva. Utilizada a Escala de Conhecimentos sobre a Doença e a Rotterdam Symptom Checklist. Os resultados mostram que os

  9. Primary granulocyte colony-stimulating factor prophylaxis during the first two cycles only or throughout all chemotherapy cycles in patients with breast cancer at risk for febrile neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aarts, M.J.; Peters, F.P.; Mandigers, C.M.P.W.; Dercksen, M.W.; Stouthard, J.M.; Nortier, H.J.; Laarhoven, H.W.M. van; Warmerdam, L.J. van; Wouw, A.J. van de; Jacobs, E.M.G.; Mattijssen, V.; Rijt, C.C. van der; Smilde, T.J.; Velden, A.W. van der; Temizkan, M.; Batman, E.; Muller, E.W.; Gastel, S.M. van; Borm, G.F.; Tjan-Heijnen, V.C.


    PURPOSE: Early breast cancer is commonly treated with anthracyclines and taxanes. However, combining these drugs increases the risk of myelotoxicity and may require granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) support. The highest incidence of febrile neutropenia (FN) and largest benefit of G-CSF

  10. Primary Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Prophylaxis During the First Two Cycles Only or Throughout All Chemotherapy Cycles in Patients With Breast Cancer at Risk for Febrile Neutropenia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Aarts, Maureen J.; Peters, Frank P.; Mandigers, Caroline M.; Dercksen, M. Wouter; Stouthard, Jacqueline M.; Nortier, Hans J.; van Laarhoven, Hanneke W.; van Warmerdam, Laurence J.; van de Wouw, Agnes J.; Jacobs, Esther M.; Mattijssen, Vera; van der Rijt, Carin C.; Smilde, Tineke J.; van der Velden, Annette W.; Temizkan, Mehmet; Batman, Erdogan; Muller, Erik W.; van Gastel, Saskia M.; Borm, George F.; Tjan-Heijnen, Vivianne C. G.


    Purpose Early breast cancer is commonly treated with anthracyclines and taxanes. However, combining these drugs increases the risk of myelotoxicity and may require granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) support. The highest incidence of febrile neutropenia (FN) and largest benefit of G-CSF

  11. Censo dos pacientes internados em uma instituição asilar no Estado do Rio de Janeiro: dados preliminares

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    Gomes Maria Paula Cerqueira


    Full Text Available O Estado do Rio de Janeiro concentra uma das maiores redes de hospitais psiquiátricos do país, sendo um deles a Casa de Saúde Dr. Eiras/Paracambi (CSDE-P. A atual Assessoria de Saúde Mental da Secretaria de Estado de Saude do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, realizou em fins de 2000, o Censo Clínico e Psicossocial dos Pacientes Internados na CSDE-P. Encontrou uma população de 1494 indivíduos, com predomínio de homens (53,4%, solteiros (81,6%, faixa etária produtiva (66,4% e baixa escolaridade (11,5% com primeiro grau completo ou mais. A maioria tinha um tempo de internação superior/igual a 2 anos (77,6%, recebiam visitas de familiares (60,5% mas não saíam de licença (73,8%. Os diagnósticos predominantes foram as esquizofrenias (53,6% e o retardo mental (26,4%. A principal abordagem terapêutica foi a psiquiátrica (84,1%. Realizavam atividades sistemáticas durante o dia 13,3% dos pacientes, embora cerca de 36% apresentassem bons indicativos de condições de autonomia. A CSDE-P é um macro hospital, onde a maioria dos pacientes encontra-se desterritorializada e com laços sociais precários, exigindo a construção de estratégias de cuidados que levem em conta essa particularidade.

  12. Editorial: Howard Taylor Ricketts

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    Facultad de Medicina Revista


    Full Text Available Howard Taylor Ricketts nació en Findlay (Ohio el 9 de febrero de 1871. Pasó su niñez en Nebraska, recibió su título de bachiller en la Universidad de ese Estado, en 1894 y se graduó de médico en Northwestern University, en 1897. Hizo su internado en el Cook-County de Chicago. Practicó estdios especiales de dermatología en el Rush Medical College durante dos años. En 1900 contrajo matrimonio con Myra Tubbs, inteligente mujer que colaboró en sus trabajos con rara devoción, ardiente interés y constante estímulo.

  13. Factores asociados a la calificación del Examen Nacional de Medicina 2012 en internos de la UNMSM

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    Fernando Ricardo Arenas-Significación


    Full Text Available Introducción: El Examen Nacional de Medicina (ENAM es una herramienta que mide los conocimientos y el raciocinio clínico del interno como una forma de aproximarse a evaluar la calidad educativa. Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a la calificación del ENAM 2012 en internos de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM. Diseño: Estudio transversal. Lugar: Facultad de Medicina Humana de la UNMSM, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Internos de Medicina Humana 2012. Intervenciones: Se analizó fuentes secundarias con el método de regresión logística binaria. Se determinó los coeficientes de correlación de Pearson y Spearman, así como la prueba t student. Principales medidas de resultados: Promedios de las calificaciones del ENAM, pertenencia a la promoción ingresante, sede hospitalaria de internado, orden de mérito según promedio ponderado universitario (PPU. Resultados: Los factores asociados a un mejor puntaje en el ENAM fueron pertenecer a la promoción ingresante 2006, realizar internado en EsSalud y ubicarse en el tercio superior y medio. Conclusiones: La pertenencia a la promoción ingresante 2006, la sede hospitalaria de internado y el orden de mérito según el PPU fueron factores asociados a obtener una calificación mayor o igual a trece en el ENAM 2012.

  14. {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT for diagnosing infectious complications in patients with severe neutropenia after intensive chemotherapy for haematological malignancy or stem cell transplantation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vos, Fidel J.; Kullberg, Bart-Jan; Bleeker-Rovers, Chantal P. [Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Department of Internal Medicine, PO Box 9101, Nijmegen (Netherlands); Nijmegen Institute for Infection, Inflammation and Immunity (N4i), Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen (Netherlands); Donnelly, J.P.; Blijlevens, Nicole M.A. [Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Department of Hematology, Nijmegen (Netherlands); Nijmegen Institute for Infection, Inflammation and Immunity (N4i), Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen (Netherlands); Oyen, Wim J.G. [Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Nijmegen (Netherlands); Nijmegen Institute for Infection, Inflammation and Immunity (N4i), Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen (Netherlands)


    Between 30 and 50% of febrile neutropenic episodes are accounted for by infection. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a nonspecific parameter for infection and inflammation but might be employed as a trigger for diagnosis. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether {sup 18}F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)/CT can be used to detect inflammatory foci in neutropenic patients with elevated CRP and whether it helps to direct treatment. Twenty-eight consecutive patients with neutropenia as a result of intensive chemotherapy for haematological malignancies or myeloablative therapy for haematopoietic stem cell transplantation were prospectively included. {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT was added to the regular diagnostic workup once the CRP level rose above 50 mg/l. Pathological FDG uptake was found in 26 of 28 cases despite peripheral neutrophil counts less than 0.1 x 10{sup -9}/l in 26 patients: in the digestive tract in 18 cases, around the tract of the central venous catheter (CVC) in 9 and in the lungs in 7 cases. FDG uptake in the CVC tract was associated with coagulase-negative staphylococcal bacteraemia (p < 0.001) and deep venous thrombosis (p = 0.002). The number of patients having Streptococcus mitis bacteraemia appeared to be higher in patients with grade 3 oesophageal FDG uptake (p = 0.08). Pulmonary FDG uptake was associated with the presence of invasive fungal disease (p = 0.04). {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT scanning during chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia and increased CRP is able to detect localized foci of infection and inflammation despite the absence of circulating neutrophils. Besides its potential role in detecting CVC-related infection during febrile neutropenia, the high negative predictive value of {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT is important for avoiding unnecessary diagnostic tests and therapy. (orig.)

  15. Inherited biallelic CSF3R mutations in severe congenital neutropenia. (United States)

    Triot, Alexa; Järvinen, Päivi M; Arostegui, Juan I; Murugan, Dhaarini; Kohistani, Naschla; Dapena Díaz, José Luis; Racek, Tomas; Puchałka, Jacek; Gertz, E Michael; Schäffer, Alejandro A; Kotlarz, Daniel; Pfeifer, Dietmar; Díaz de Heredia Rubio, Cristina; Ozdemir, Mehmet Akif; Patiroglu, Turkan; Karakukcu, Musa; Sánchez de Toledo Codina, José; Yagüe, Jordi; Touw, Ivo P; Unal, Ekrem; Klein, Christoph


    Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) is characterized by low numbers of peripheral neutrophil granulocytes and a predisposition to life-threatening bacterial infections. We describe a novel genetic SCN type in 2 unrelated families associated with recessively inherited loss-of-function mutations in CSF3R, encoding the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) receptor. Family A, with 3 affected children, carried a homozygous missense mutation (NM_000760.3:c.922C>T, NP_000751.1:p.Arg308Cys), which resulted in perturbed N-glycosylation and aberrant localization to the cell surface. Family B, with 1 affected infant, carried compound heterozygous deletions provoking frameshifts and premature stop codons (NM_000760.3:c.948_963del, NP_000751.1:p.Gly316fsTer322 and NM_000760.3:c.1245del, NP_000751.1:p.Gly415fsTer432). Despite peripheral SCN, all patients had morphologic evidence of full myeloid cell maturation in bone marrow. None of the patients responded to treatment with recombinant human G-CSF. Our study highlights the genetic and morphologic SCN variability and provides evidence both for functional importance and redundancy of G-CSF receptor-mediated signaling in human granulopoiesis. © 2014 by The American Society of Hematology.

  16. Central line-associated bloodstream infections in adult hematology patients with febrile neutropenia: an evaluation of surveillance definitions using differential time to blood culture positivity. (United States)

    Freeman, Joshua T; Elinder-Camburn, Anna; McClymont, Catherine; Anderson, Deverick J; Bilkey, Mary; Williamson, Deborah A; Berkahn, Leanne; Roberts, Sally A


    We used differential time to positivity between central and peripheral blood cultures to evaluate the positive predictive value (PPV) of the National Healthcare Safety Network central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) surveillance definition among hematology patients with febrile neutropenia. The PPV was 27.7%, which suggests that, when the definition is applied to this population, CLABSI rates will be substantially overestimated.

  17. Treatment of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in a rat model by using multiple daily doses of oral administration of G-CSF-containing nanoparticles. (United States)

    Su, Fang-Yi; Chuang, Er-Yuan; Lin, Po-Yen; Chou, Yi-Chun; Chen, Chiung-Tong; Mi, Fwu-Long; Wey, Shiaw-Pyng; Yen, Tzu-Chen; Lin, Kun-Ju; Sung, Hsing-Wen


    Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia often increases the likelihood of life-threatening infections. In this study, a nanoparticle (NP) system composed of chitosan and poly(γ-glutamic acid) conjugated with diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (γPGA-DTPA) was prepared for oral delivery of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), a hematopoietic growth factor. The therapeutic potential of this NP system for daily administration of G-CSF to treat neutropenia associated with chemotherapy was evaluated in a rat model. In vitro results indicate that the procedures of NP loading and release preserved the structural integrity and bioactivity of the G-CSF molecules adequately. Those results further demonstrated the enzymatic inhibition activity of γPGA-DTPA towards G-CSF against intestinal proteases. Additionally, the in vivo biodistribution study clearly identified accumulations of G-CSF in the heart, liver, bone marrow, and urinary bladder, an indication of systemic absorption of G-CSF; its relative bioavailability was approximately 13.6%. Moreover, significant glucose uptake was observed in bone marrow during G-CSF treatment, suggesting increased bone marrow metabolism and neutrophil production. Consequently, neutrophil count in the blood increased in a sustained manner; this fact may help a patient's immune system recover from the side effects of chemotherapy. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. MPL expression on AML blasts predicts peripheral blood neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. (United States)

    Rauch, Philipp J; Ellegast, Jana M; Widmer, Corinne C; Fritsch, Kristin; Goede, Jeroen S; Valk, Peter J M; Löwenberg, Bob; Takizawa, Hitoshi; Manz, Markus G


    Although the molecular pathways that cause acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are increasingly well understood, the pathogenesis of peripheral blood cytopenia, a major cause of AML mortality, remains obscure. A prevailing assumption states that AML spatially displaces nonleukemic hematopoiesis from the bone marrow. However, examining an initial cohort of 223 AML patients, we found no correlation between bone marrow blast content and cytopenia, questioning the displacement theory. Measuring serum concentration of thrombopoietin (TPO), a key regulator of hematopoietic stem cells and megakaryocytes, revealed loss of physiologic negative correlation with platelet count in AML cases with blasts expressing MPL, the thrombopoietin (scavenging) receptor. Mechanistic studies demonstrated that MPL hi blasts could indeed clear TPO, likely therefore leading to insufficient cytokine levels for nonleukemic hematopoiesis. Microarray analysis in an independent multicenter study cohort of 437 AML cases validated MPL expression as a central predictor of thrombocytopenia and neutropenia in AML. Moreover, t(8;21) AML cases demonstrated the highest average MPL expression and lowest average platelet and absolute neutrophil counts among subgroups. Our work thus explains the pathophysiology of peripheral blood cytopenia in a relevant number of AML cases. © 2016 by The American Society of Hematology.

  19. Formación especializada en España: del internado rotatorio a la troncalidad

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    Jacinto Fernández Pardo


    El Hospital General de Asturias, en 1963, y la Clínica Puerta de Hierro de Madrid, en 1964, iniciaron la formación de médicos internos y residentes (MIR, pese a que contravenía lo estipulado en la Ley de especialidades de 1955 y a que entraba en conflicto con el sistema de especialización a través de las escuelas universitarias, entonces vigente. El nuevo sistema recibió un fuerte impulso coincidiendo con la expansión de las residencias de la Seguridad Social, y los principales centros hospitalarios lo fueron implantando progresivamente. En 1968 se constituyó el denominado “seminario de hospitales con programas de posgraduados”, que elaboró en 1970 el primer manual de acreditación de hospitales. Su influjo sobre el ministerio fue muy grande, y a partir de 1971 tienen lugar las primeras convocatorias de ámbito nacional, aunque por concurso de méritos y con entrevista local de los solicitantes. Recién creado el Ministerio de Sanidad y Seguridad Social, se publica el Real Decreto (RD 2015/1978, primera norma que reconoce que las enseñanzas de especialización podrán cursarse por el sistema de residencia, que se convertirá en obligatorio para las especialidades que requieran formación hospitalaria a partir de 1984. La reforma del sistema de FSE viene de la mano de la Ley 44/2003, de ordenación de las profesiones sanitarias, y sus disposiciones de desarrollo: el RD 1146/2006, que regula los derechos y deberes del residente; el RD 183/2008, que clasifica las especialidades y regula importantes aspectos del sistema de FSE; los decretos autonómicos de ordenación de la FSE (solo cinco hasta ahora, y, finalmente, el RD 639/2014, que regula la troncalidad, la reespecialización, las áreas de capacitación específica, las pruebas de acceso y otros aspectos. Sin embargo, toda esta extensa normativa reguladora, muy formalizada y que pretende la excelencia del sistema, contrasta con los importantes incumplimientos existentes y los numerosos desarrollos

  20. Evento com aparente risco de morte recorrente como manifestação inicial de síndrome miastênica congênita Evento con aparente riesgo de muerte recurrente como manifestación inicial de síndrome miasténico congénito Recurrent apparent life-threatening event as the first manifestation of congenital myasthenia

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    Mariana Tresoldi das N. Romaneli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Alertar os pediatras sobre a necessidade de investigar criteriosamente a etiologia de eventos com aparente risco de morte recorrente. Não foram encontrados relatos associando tais eventos à miastenia congênita. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Lactente de sete meses apresentando história de eventos com aparente risco de morte recorrente foi internado para investigação. Durante a internação, apresentou cianose e dispneia progressiva, com necessidade de ventilação mecânica por três dias. Após a melhora clínica, e tendo sido descartadas as hipóteses de doença do refluxo gastroesofágico e aspiração pulmonar como desencadeantes, notou-se ptose palpebral bilateral, hipotonia apendicular e choro fraco, que conduziram à suspeita clínica de miastenia congênita. Após confirmação do diagnóstico, foi mantido tratamento ambulatorial com piridostigmina, com recuperação nutricional e neurológica, sem novos eventos com aparente risco de morte nos três anos seguintes. COMENTÁRIOS: A investigação minuciosa das causas de eventos com aparente risco de morte pode levar a diagnósticos menos frequentes que exigem tratamento específico, como a miastenia congênita.OBJETIVO: Alertar a los pediatras sobre la necesidad de investigar criteriosamente la etiología de eventos con aparente riesgo de muerte recurrente. No se encontraron relatos asociando tales eventos a la miastenia congénita. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL CASO: Lactante de siete meses presentando historia de eventos con aparente riesgo de muerte recurrente fue internado para investigación. Durante la internación, presentó cianosis y disnea progresiva, con necesidad de ventilación mecánica por tres días. Después de la mejora clínica, y habiendo sido rechazadas las hipótesis de enfermedad del reflujo gastroesofágico y aspiración pulmonar como desencadenantes, se notó ptosis palpebral bilateral, hipotonía apendicular y lloro débil, que condujeron a la sospecha clínica de

  1. Tratamento ambulatorial da endocardite bacteriana estreptocócica Tratamiento clínico de la endocarditis bacteriana estreptocócica Ambulatory treatment of streptococcal bacterial endocarditis

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    Sirio Hassem Sobrinho


    Full Text Available A endocardite bacteriana é uma grave doença infecciosa cujo tratamento é tradicionalmente feito com o paciente internado. recebendo medicação intravenosa. A possibilidade de tratamento domiciliar ou ambulatorial. em casos estritamente selecionados. é atraente tanto do ponto de vista social quanto do econômico. Apresentamos o relato de 6 pacientes com diagnóstico de endocardite bacteriana por Streptococcus. tratados parcial ou integralmente em regime ambulatorial. Todos evoluíram sem complicações e com resolução completa do quadro infeccioso.La endocarditis bacteriana es una severa enfermedad infecciosa cuyo tratamiento se hace tradicionalmente con el paciente internado, recibiendo medicación intravenosa. La posibilidad de tratamiento domiciliar o clínico, en casos estrictamente seleccionados, es atractivo desde el punto de vista social como del económico. Presentamos el caso clínico de 6 pacientes con diagnóstico de endocarditis bacteriana por streptococcus, tratados parcial o integralmente en régimen ambulatorio. Todos evolucionaron sin complicaciones y con resolución completa del cuadro infeccioso.Bacterial endocarditis is a severe infectious disease. of which treatment is traditionally carried out in hospitalized patients through intravenous medication. The possibility of at-home or ambulatory treatment. for stringently selected cases. is attractive from the social as well as from the economic point of view. We report 6 patients with a diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis caused by Streptococcus. treated partially or completely on an outpatient basis. All of them evolved without complications and presented complete resolution of the infection.

  2. The Use of Intravenous Antibiotics at the Onset of Neutropenia in Patients Receiving Outpatient-Based Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplants (United States)

    Hamadah, Aziz; Schreiber, Yoko; Toye, Baldwin; McDiarmid, Sheryl; Huebsch, Lothar; Bredeson, Christopher; Tay, Jason


    Empirical antibiotics at the onset of febrile neutropenia are one of several strategies for management of bacterial infections in patients undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) (empiric strategy). Our HSCT program aims to perform HSCT in an outpatient setting, where an empiric antibiotic strategy was employed. HSCT recipients began receiving intravenous antibiotics at the onset of neutropenia in the absence of fever as part of our institutional policy from 01 Jan 2009; intravenous Prophylactic strategy. A prospective study was conducted to compare two consecutive cohorts [Year 2008 (Empiric strategy) vs. Year 2009 (Prophylactic strategy)] of patients receiving HSCT. There were 238 HSCTs performed between 01 Jan 2008 and 31 Dec 2009 with 127 and 111 in the earlier and later cohorts respectively. Infection-related mortality pre- engraftment was similar with a prophylactic compared to an empiric strategy (3.6% vs. 7.1%; p = 0.24), but reduced among recipients of autologous HSCT (0% vs. 6.8%; p = 0.03). Microbiologically documented, blood stream infections and clinically documented infections pre-engraftment were reduced in those receiving a prophylactic compared to an empiric strategy, (11.7% vs. 28.3%; p = 0.001), (9.9% vs. 24.4%; p = 0.003) and (18.2% vs. 33.9% p = 0.007) respectively. The prophylactic use of intravenous once-daily ceftriaxone in patients receiving outpatient based HSCT is safe and may be particularly effective in patients receiving autologous HSCT. Further studies are warranted to study the impact of this Prophylactic strategy in an outpatient based HSCT program. PMID:23029441

  3. Complication-related removal of totally implantable venous access port systems: Does the interval between placement and first use and the neutropenia-inducing potential of chemotherapy regimens influence their incidence? A four-year prospective study of 4045 patients. (United States)

    Kakkos, A; Bresson, L; Hudry, D; Cousin, S; Lervat, C; Bogart, E; Meurant, J P; El Bedoui, S; Decanter, G; Hannebicque, K; Regis, C; Hamdani, A; Penel, N; Tresch-Bruneel, E; Narducci, F


    Totally implantable venous access port systems are widely used in oncology, with frequent complications that sometimes necessitate device removal. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of the time interval between port placement and initiation of chemotherapy and the neutropenia-inducing potential of the chemotherapy administered upon complication-related port removal. Between January 2010 and December 2013, 4045 consecutive patients were included in this observational, single-center prospective study. The chemotherapy regimens were classified as having a low (20%) risk for inducing neutropenia. The overall removal rate due to complications was 7.2%. Among them, port-related infection (2.5%) and port expulsion (1%) were the most frequent. The interval between port insertion and its first use was shown to be a predictive factor for complication-related removal rates. A cut-off of 6 days was statistically significant (p = 0.008), as the removal rate for complications was 9.4% when this interval was 0-5 days and 5.7% when it was ≥6 days. Another factor associated with port complication rate was the neutropenia-inducing potential of the chemotherapy regimens used, with removal for complications involved in 5.5% of low-risk regimens versus 9.4% for the intermediate- and high-risk regimens (p = 0.003). An interval of 6 days between placement and first use of the port reduces the removal rate from complications. The intermediate- and high-risk for neutropenia chemotherapy regimens are related to higher port removal rates from complications than low-risk regimens. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd, BASO ~ The Association for Cancer Surgery, and the European Society of Surgical Oncology. All rights reserved.

  4. Performance of Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-8 serum levels in pediatric oncology patients with neutropenia and fever for the assessment of low-risk

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    Kontny Udo


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Patients with chemotherapy-related neutropenia and fever are usually hospitalized and treated on empirical intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotic regimens. Early diagnosis of sepsis in children with febrile neutropenia remains difficult due to non-specific clinical and laboratory signs of infection. We aimed to analyze whether IL-6 and IL-8 could define a group of patients at low risk of septicemia. Methods A prospective study was performed to assess the potential value of IL-6, IL-8 and C-reactive protein serum levels to predict severe bacterial infection or bacteremia in febrile neutropenic children with cancer during chemotherapy. Statistical test used: Friedman test, Wilcoxon-Test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, Mann-Whitney U-Test and Receiver Operating Characteristics. Results The analysis of cytokine levels measured at the onset of fever indicated that IL-6 and IL-8 are useful to define a possible group of patients with low risk of sepsis. In predicting bacteremia or severe bacterial infection, IL-6 was the best predictor with the optimum IL-6 cut-off level of 42 pg/ml showing a high sensitivity (90% and specificity (85%. Conclusion These findings may have clinical implications for risk-based antimicrobial treatment strategies.

  5. Freqüência de Serratia sp em Infecções Urinárias de pacientes internados na Santa Casa de Misericórdia em Fortaleza Frequency of Serratia sp in urine infections of intern patients in the Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Fortaleza


    Everardo Albuquerque Menezes; Fabrizio Coelho Cezafar; Maria do Socorro de Sena Andrade; Maria Valdenir Abreu de Paula Rocha; Francisco Afrânio Cunha


    Atualmente a Serratia é considerada um importante patógeno humano, o qual tem sido encontrado como agente causal de infecções hospitalares principalmente infecções do trato urinário. Verificamos a freqüência da Serratia sp em amostras de urina, em pacientes internados. Foram estudadas 1197 amostras das quais 15 foram positivas para Serratia sp. As espécies encontradas foram: 7 Serratia liquefaciens (46,7%), 5 Serratia odorífera (33,3%) e 3 Serratia rubidaea (20%).In the present time the Serra...

  6. Avaliação dos pacientes portadores de lesão por pressão internados em hospital geral Assessment of patients with pressure sores admitted in a tertiary care center

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    Adriana Moro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Determinar a prevalência e analisar o perfil dos portadores de lesão por pressão, enfocando fatores de risco, características clínicas e demográficas dos pacientes internados em hospital geral e estádio e localização das lesões no corpo. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal observacional não controlado. Foram observados diariamente os pacientes internados em hospital geral no período de abril a junho de 2005, a fim de identificar todos os casos de lesão por pressão. Os pacientes acometidos foram avaliados através de um questionário padronizado e a Escala de Braden foi aplicada para definir o risco de desenvolvimento das lesões. RESULTADOS: Do total de 690 pacientes internados durante o período referido, observou-se uma prevalência de 5,9% de portadores de lesão por pressão, equivalente a 41 pacientes. Desses, 63,9% eram idosos. A média do tempo de internação foi de 18 dias. Observou-se que o setor de clínica médica e a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI apresentaram prevalência de 41,5%. Quanto à localização das lesões, 73,1% apresentavam-na em região sacral, e o grau mais evidenciado foi o estádio II, perfazendo um total de 58,5%. De acordo com a Escala de Braden, a maioria (80,4% apresentava alto risco para o desenvolvimento das lesões, comparado com 9,7% dos pacientes com risco moderado e 7,4% com baixo risco. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes acometidos apresentaram alto risco de desenvolver lesões por pressão. A prevalência dessas e o perfil clínico e demográfico dos pacientes acometidos estão de acordo com os dados encontrados na literatura.BACKGROUND: To determine the prevalence and analyze the profile of patients with pressure sores, focusing on risk factors, the patients' clinical characteristics at a tertiary care center, as well as stage and location of the lesions on the body. METHODS: This was a cross sectional not controlled observational study, all patients admitted from April to June of 2005 were

  7. Prevalência e caracterização clínica dos doentes com insuficiência respiratória parcial grave internados numa UCI

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    Alexandra Borba


    Full Text Available Resumo: Objectivos: A insuficiência respiratória parcial aguda (IRPA grave é uma situação comum na prática dos cuidados intensivos, mas os estudos existentes são insuficientes. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se estudar a prevalência e caracterizar clinicamente a população de doentes internados numa UCI que apresentam insuficiência respiratória parcial aguda grave.Material e métodos: Numa unidade de cuidados intensivos médico-cirúrgica avaliaram-se retrospectiva-mente os doentes internados durante o ano de 2004.Resultados: 37,6% dos doentes apresentaram IRPA grave. A análise estatística demonstrou que estes doentes diferiam dos doentes sem IRPA nos tempos de internamento e ventilação, índices de gravidade e mortalidade.Conclusão: A IRPA é uma situação com elevada prevalência e relevância em cuidados intensivos, mas as carac-terísticas destes doentes estão mal definidas, em parte devido à ausência de critérios claros na sua definição. Para melhor compreender este fenómeno são necessá-rios mais estudos, prospectivos e multicêntricos.Rev Port Pneumol 2008; XIV (3: 339-352 Abstract: Objective: The authors analysed patients with severe partial respiratory failure (SPRF admitted to a general Intensive Care Unit (ICU. The prevalence and clinical characteristics of these patients were evaluated.This work aims to study the rate of and to clinically characterise the patient population admitted to an Intensive Care Unit with acute severe partial respiratory failure.Material and methods: In 16-bed ICU of a central Hospital in Lisbon, patients admitted in the year 2004 were analysed. Patients with SPRF were recruited form patients with an ICU stay>24 hours. They were selected according to PaO2 and FiO2 and clinically characterized.Results: During the study period 472 patients were admitted, and 378 presented an ICU stay>24 hours and were enrolled. From those, 142 (37.6% met criteria for SPRF. Of these, 45 (31.7% a pulmonary

  8. Effect of benign familial neutropenia on the periodontium of Yemenite Jews. (United States)

    Stabholz, A; Soskolne, V; Machtei, E; Or, R; Soskolne, W A


    The purpose of this study was to compare the periodontal status of Yemenite Jews with and without benign familial neutropenia (BFN). Thirty-four volunteers were examined at baseline and after 3 years. Plaque index (PlI), bleeding index (BI) probing depth (PD), and attachment levels (AL) were recorded. Differential blood counts were done on at least three occasions during the study. Volunteers with at least one count of less than 2000 neutrophils were considered neutropenic. The majority of patients received oral hygiene instructions and scaling at the initial visit. During the study there was a significant drop in PlI (P less than 0.01) and BI (P less than 0.05). At baseline the BFN and non-BFN volunteers had similar PlI, but the BI was significantly greater in the BFN group. At follow-up, there was a significantly greater number of teeth with pockets greater than or equal to 6 mm in the BFN group (P less than 0.05). These results indicate that volunteers with BFN, a phenomenon that has not previously been associated with any pathology, are more susceptible to gingival inflammation and attachment loss than unaffected volunteers and that they respond more favorably to an improvement in oral hygiene.

  9. O cotidiano dos meninos internados no Seminário de Santana na cidade de São Paulo (1825 – 1874)/The daily lives of hospitalized children in Santana Seminar in city of São Paulo (1825 – 1868)


    Silva, Robson Roberto; Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) Faculdade de Ciências e Letras – Campus Assis – SP


    Foi durante o século XIX que a questão da infância abandonada saiu do âmbitofamiliar e tornou-se uma questão pública na cidade de São Paulo. Assim, a iniciativa daIgreja Católica, da caridade da sociedade civil e do Governo Provincial foi fundada em 1825,conjuntamente  com a Roda dos Expostos,  o  Seminário  de  Santana,  um internato  parameninos abandonados que, após o período da primeira infância, eram internados para suadevida educação. Nesse local, seria priorizada a instrução de um ofíc...

  10. Antibiotic susceptibility of Gram-negatives isolated from bacteremia in children with cancer. Implications for empirical therapy of febrile neutropenia. (United States)

    Castagnola, Elio; Caviglia, Ilaria; Pescetto, Luisa; Bagnasco, Francesca; Haupt, Riccardo; Bandettini, Roberto


    Monotherapy is recommended as the first choice for initial empirical therapy of febrile neutropenia, but local epidemiological and antibiotic susceptibility data are now considered pivotal to design a correct management strategy. To evaluate the proportion of Gram-negative rods isolated in bloodstream infections in children with cancer resistant to antibiotics recommended for this indication. The in vitro susceptibility to ceftazidime, piperacillin-tazobactam, meropenem and amikacin of Gram-negatives isolated in bacteremic episodes in children with cancer followed at the Istituto "Giannina Gaslini", Genoa, Italy in the period of 2001-2013 was retrospectively analyzed using the definitions recommended by EUCAST in 2014. Data were analyzed for any single drug and to the combination of amikacin with each β-lactam. The combination was considered effective in absence of concomitant resistance to both drugs, and not evaluated by means of in vitro analysis of antibiotic combinations (e.g., checkerboard). A total of 263 strains were evaluated: 27% were resistant to piperacillin-tazobactam, 23% to ceftazidime, 12% to meropenem and 13% to amikacin. Concomitant resistance to β-lactam and amikacin was detected in 6% of strains for piperacillin-tazobactam, 5% for ceftazidime and 5% for meropenem. During the study period there was a nonsignificant increase in the proportions of strains resistant to β-lactams indicated for monotherapy, and also increase in the resistance to combined therapies. in an era of increasing resistance to antibiotics guideline-recommended monotherapy could be not appropriate for initial empirical therapy of febrile neutropenia. Strict local survey on etiology and antibiotic susceptibility is mandatory for a correct management of this complication in cancer patients.

  11. con dietas suplementadas con Cromo-L-metionina

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    Ram\\u00F3n Garc\\u00EDa-Castillo


    Full Text Available Un total de 48 cerdos (Sus scrofa domesticus; 24 machos castrados y 24 hembras cruzados (Yorkshire, Hampshire, Duroc y Landrace de 3,5 a 4,0 meses de edad y 60,0 ± 5,0 kg PV en finalización. Se alimentaron con dietas isoproteícas (14,5 % PC e isoenergéticas (3.400 kcal EM/kg de MS, adicionadas con Cr-L-metionina (MiCroPlex® (0, 200, 400 y 600 ppb. El experimento tuvo una duración de 45 días y se realizó de agosto a noviembre del 2002 en las instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, localizada en Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Al tener los animales aproximadamente 95 kg PV, se tomó muestra de 15 ml de sangre por cada animal para determinar la concentración de glucosa, ácido úrico, creatinina, urea, proteinas totales y colesterol. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 2 x 4; dos para el factor sexo y cuatro para nivel de cromo. Los metabolitos en suero no fueron afectados (P>0,05 por el factor sexo. La glucosa en suero disminuyó (P<0,05 y el colesterol incrementó (P<0,05 con cromo en la dieta. Se concluye que el Cr incrementa el metabolismo de glucosa y disminuye el de colesterol, con lo cual puede haber energía disponible para síntesis de proteína la cual es necesaria para el crecimiento de los animales

  12. Mortalidad intrahospitalaria por accidente cerebrovascular


    Federico Rodríguez Lucci; Virginia Pujol Lereis; Sebastián Ameriso; Guillermo Povedano; María F. Díaz; Alejandro Hlavnicka; Néstor A. Wainsztein; Sebastián F. Ameriso


    La mortalidad global por accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) ha disminuido en las últimas tres décadas, probablemente debido a un mejor control de los factores de riesgo vascular. La mortalidad hospitalaria por ACV ha sido tradicionalmente estimada entre 6 y 14% en la mayoría de las series comunicadas. Sin embargo, los datos de ensayos clínicos recientes sugieren que esta cifra sería sustancialmente menor. Se revisaron datos de pacientes internados con diagnóstico de ACV del Banco de Datos de Str...

  13. Analisi Costo-Efficacia di Amfotericina B Liposomiale (L-AmB versus Amfotericina B Complesso Lipidico (ABLC nel trattamento empirico della neutropenia febbrile

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    Mario Eandi


    Full Text Available Current international guidelines for the management of immuno-compromised patients with febrile neutropenia recommend a systemic antimicrobial therapy if fever hasn’t receded after three days of antibiotic treatment. Amphotericin B remains the gold standard because of its broad spectrum fungicidal action and minimal resistance development risk. Nonetheless, therapeutic use of the standard formulation, Amphotericin B deoxycholate, is limited by its toxicity, especially on the kidneys. To counteract this, amphotericin B has been encapsulated in liposomes, a process which reduces its toxicity and allows higher doses to be given. Three lipid formulations have been developed and are now available in most countries: amB colloidal dispersion (ABCD, amB lipid complex (ABLC, and liposomal amB (L-AmB. These lipid formulations differ in pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, and can’t therefore be considered interchangeable. Besides, they are more expensive than Amphotericin B deoxycholate. Aim of the study is to perform a cost/effectiveness analysis (CEA comparing L-AmB (3mg/kg/die or 5mg/kg/ die and ABLC (5mg/kg/die as first-line antimicrobial empirical treatments in immuno-compromised patients with febrile neutropenia resistant to broad spectrum antibiotics. Secondly, we present a cost-minimization analysis (CMA of the considered alternatives, assuming the same efficacy for all treatments. At the end we value the principal cost items from the point of view of the Italian Health Service, with a particular focus on the economic burden caused by adverse reactions.

  14. Prevalidation of a model for predicting acute neutropenia by colony forming unit granulocyte/macrophage (CFU-GM) assay. (United States)

    Pessina, A; Albella, B; Bueren, J; Brantom, P; Casati, S; Gribaldo, L; Croera, C; Gagliardi, G; Foti, P; Parchment, R; Parent-Massin, D; Sibiril, Y; Van Den Heuvel, R


    This report describes an international prevalidation study conducted to optimise the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for detecting myelosuppressive agents by CFU-GM assay and to study a model for predicting (by means of this in vitro hematopoietic assay) the acute xenobiotic exposure levels that cause maximum tolerated decreases in absolute neutrophil counts (ANC). In the first phase of the study (Protocol Refinement), two SOPs were assessed, by using two cell culture media (Test A, containing GM-CSF; and Test B, containing G-CSF, GM-CSF, IL-3, IL-6 and SCF), and the two tests were applied to cells from both human (bone marrow and umbilical cord blood) and mouse (bone marrow) CFU-GM. In the second phase (Protocol Transfer), the SOPs were transferred to four laboratories to verify the linearity of the assay response and its interlaboratory reproducibility. After a further phase (Protocol Performance), dedicated to a training set of six anticancer drugs (adriamycin, flavopindol, morpholino-doxorubicin, pyrazoloacridine, taxol and topotecan), a model for predicting neutropenia was verified. Results showed that the assay is linear under SOP conditions, and that the in vitro endpoints used by the clinical prediction model of neutropenia are highly reproducible within and between laboratories. Valid tests represented 95% of all tests attempted. The 90% inhibitory concentration values (IC(90)) from Test A and Test B accurately predicted the human maximum tolerated dose (MTD) for five of six and for four of six myelosuppressive anticancer drugs, respectively, that were selected as prototype xenobiotics. As expected, both tests failed to accurately predict the human MTD of a drug that is a likely protoxicant. It is concluded that Test A offers significant cost advantages compared to Test B, without any loss of performance or predictive accuracy. On the basis of these results, we proposed a formal Phase II validation study using the Test A SOP for 16-18 additional

  15. Mutations in the ELA2 gene encoding neutrophil elastase are present in most patients with sporadic severe congenital neutropenia but only in some patients with the familial form of the disease. (United States)

    Ancliff, P J; Gale, R E; Liesner, R; Hann, I M; Linch, D C


    Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) was originally described as an autosomal recessive disorder. Subsequently, autosomal dominant and sporadic forms of the disease have been recognized. All forms are manifest by persistent severe neutropenia and recurrent bacterial infection. In contrast, cyclical hematopoiesis is characterized by periodic neutropenia inter-spaced with (near) normal neutrophil counts. Recently, linkage analysis on 13 affected pedigrees identified chromosome 19p13.3 as the likely position for mutations in cyclical hematopoiesis. Heterozygous mutations in the ELA2 gene encoding neutrophil elastase were detected in all families studied. Further work also demonstrated mutations in ELA2 in sporadic and autosomal dominant SCN. However, all mutations described to date are heterozygous and thus appear to act in a dominant fashion, which is inconsistent with an autosomal recessive disease. Therefore, the current study investigated whether mutations in ELA2 could account for the disease phenotype in classical autosomal recessive SCN and in the sporadic and autosomal dominant types. All 5 exons of ELA2 and their flanking introns were studied in 18 patients (3 autosomal recessive, 5 autosomal dominant [from 3 kindreds], and 10 sporadic) using direct automated sequencing. No mutations were found in the autosomal recessive families. A point mutation was identified in 1 of 3 autosomal dominant families, and a base substitution was identified in 8 of 10 patients with the sporadic form, though 1 was subsequently shown to be a low-frequency polymorphism. These results suggest that mutations in ELA2 are not responsible for classical autosomal recessive Kostmann syndrome but provide further evidence for the role of ELA2 in SCN.

  16. Tratamiento con implantes Leader-Nano en paciente con oligodoncia

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    Salvador Javier Santos Medina


    Full Text Available Los implantes dentales de titanio han revolucionado el mundo de la rehabilitación desde su surgimiento. De manera particular, el empleo de implantes de carga inmediata acorta el tiempo quirúrgico y protésico, con el consiguiente bienestar estético. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 32 años de edad, con antecedentes de oligodoncia de ambos incisivos laterales superiores y portadora de prótesis parcial acrílica. Fue atendida por el equipo multidisciplinario de implantes en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente “3 de Octubre” y se le realizó tratamiento de rehabilitación integral con implantes Leader-Nano y prótesis fija con corona acrílica sobre dichos implantes. La implantología fue satisfactoria en la paciente; la mejoría estética y funcional, así como la satisfacción de la paciente, fueron los principales logros obtenidos

  17. High-risk febrile neutropenia in Auckland 2003-2004: the influence of the microbiology laboratory on patient treatment and the use of pathogen-specific therapy. (United States)

    Ritchie, S; Palmer, S; Ellis-Pegler, R


    International guidelines recommend routine microbiological assessment of patients with febrile neutropenia, but do not recommend a change from broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy to pathogen-specific therapy when a clinically relevant organism has been isolated. The aim of the study was to determine the aetiology of febrile neutropenia in adult haematology patients at Auckland City Hospital, to document the changes in treatment made following isolation of a clinically relevant organism and to assess adverse outcomes in any patient who received pathogen-specific therapy after a positive culture result. The results of all microbiological tests together with antibiotic therapy were recorded from consecutive patients with fever and a neutrophil count cultures in 40 episodes: Gram-positive cocci accounted for 46% of isolates and Gram-negative bacilli for 35%. Isolation of a pathogen from blood cultures resulted in a change of treatment in 25 of 40 (62.5%, 95%CI 46-77%) episodes. In 12 of these episodes, antibiotic therapy was optimized to a single pathogen-specific agent. No adverse events or subsequent changes in antibiotic therapy occurred in any of these 12 patients. Isolation of a pathogen from specimens other than blood seldom led to a change in therapy. Isolation of a pathogen from blood cultures often allows antibiotic therapy to be simplified to a pathogen-specific regimen. Further study of this approach is warranted.

  18. Experiencias de haber crecido con un padre/madre con trastorno mental severo (TMS)


    Vivanco B, Gabriela; Grandón F, Pamela


    Introducción. La experiencia de vivir con personas que presentan un Trastorno Mental Severo (TMS) es difícil para las familias, en especial para los hijos quienes han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer cómo la experiencia de haber vivido con un padre o madre con un trastorno mental severo influyó en la infancia, adolescencia y adultez joven de sus hijos e hijas. Método. Se analizan las experiencias de convivencia con un padre/madre con TMS en 10 hijos (6 hombres...

  19. Flow cytometric analysis of lymphocyte subset in patients with neutropenia among atomic bomb survivors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Imamura, Nobutaka; Kimura, Akiro [Hiroshima Univ. (Japan). Research Inst. for Radiation Biology and Medicine


    In 51 patients (atomic bomb survivors 50, unexposed persons 1) who have had neutropenia for two years or more under indistinct cause, cell surface antigen was analyzed by flow cytometry. Twenty-nine cases of survivors were diagnosed as NK cell leukemia or NK cell cytosis because analysis data showed CD3(-), CD56(+) and CD57(+/-). Six cases were diagnosed as NK like T cell hypercytosis because analysis data showed CD3(+), CD56(+/-) and CD57(+). As for 15 cases, CD56(+) cell number was in range of 15.96{+-}5.35 of a normal person, and no relation with NK cell was recognized. But, CD4/CD8 ratio was higher than 2.1, and gain of T helper cell was recognized. One unexposed persons was diagnosed as chronic NK cell leukemia because analysis data showed CD3(-), CD56(+) and CD57(+). Anti-neutrophil antibody wasn't recognized. Cytotoxic activity for K562 and Raji cell line showed high value compared with that of a normal person. Epstein Barr virus wasn't detected. (K.H.)

  20. Study design: two long-term observational studies of the biosimilar filgrastim Nivestim™ (Hospira filgrastim) in the treatment and prevention of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamioner, Didier; Fruehauf, Stefan; Maloisel, Fréderic; Cals, Laurent; Lepretre, Stéphane; Berthou, Christian


    Nivestim™ (filgrastim) is a follow-on biologic agent licensed in the EU for the treatment of neutropenia and febrile neutropenia induced by myelosuppressive chemotherapy. Nivestim™ has been studied in phase 2 and 3 clinical trials where its efficacy and safety was found to be similar to its reference product, Neupogen ® . Follow-on biologics continue to be scrutinised for safety. We present a design for two observational phase IV studies that are evaluating the safety profile of Nivestim™ for the prevention and treatment of febrile neutropenia (FN) in patients treated with cytotoxic chemotherapy in general clinical practice. The NEXT (Tolérance de Nivestim chez les patiEnts traités par une chimiothérapie anticancéreuse cytotoXique en praTique courante) and VENICE (VErträglichkeit von NIvestim unter zytotoxischer Chemotherapie in der Behandlung malinger Erkrankungen) trials are multicentre, prospective, longitudinal, observational studies evaluating the safety profile of Nivestim™ in 'real-world’ clinical practice. Inclusion criteria include patients undergoing cytotoxic chemotherapy for malignancy and receiving Nivestim as primary or secondary prophylaxis (NEXT and VENICE), or as treatment for ongoing FN (NEXT only). In accordance with European Union pharmacovigilance guidelines, the primary objective is to evaluate the safety of Nivestim™ by gathering data on adverse events in all system organ classes. Secondary objectives include obtaining information on patient characteristics, efficacy of Nivestim™ therapy (including chemotherapy dose intensity), patterns of use of Nivestim™, and physician knowledge regarding filgrastim prescription and the reasons for choosing Nivestim™. Data will be gathered at three visits: 1. At the initial inclusion visit, 2. At a 1-month follow-up visit, and 3. At the end of chemotherapy. Recruitment for VENICE commenced in July 2011 and in November 2011 for NEXT. VENICE completed recruitment in July 2013 with

  1. Perfil nutricional e alimentar de portadores de HIV-1/AIDS internados em um hospital universitário = Nutritional and alimentary profile of HIV-1/AIDS patients admitted in a university hospital

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    Kauffmann, Luanny Kaísa de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil nutricional e alimentar de portadores de HIV-1, internados em um hospital universitário. Materiais e Métodos: Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo, no qual a população de estudo foi composta por 54 pacientes internados, de ambos os sexos, adultos, com faixa etária de 20 a 59 anos, acompanhados durante o período de Abril a Outubro de 2014, na Clínica de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias (DIP, do Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto (HUJBB/UFPA. Foi utilizado formulário próprio para o levantamento das características demográficas, socioeconômicas, antropométricas e dietéticas (QFA. Para verificar a as diferenças de médias foi realizada a análise de variância (ANOVA e o grau de associação entre as variáveis foi medido pela correlação de Pearson, estabeleceu-se como significância valor de p<0,05. Resultados: Prevalência do sexo masculino, os pacientes pertencem a um nível econômico baixo, apresentando também uma baixa escolaridade. O perfil nutricional encontrado nos pacientes, de acordo com os métodos de avaliação antropométrica (índice de massa corporal, prega cutânea tricipital, circunferência do braço e circunferência muscular do braço, apresentou predominância de desnutrição (55,5; 92,6; 79,6 e 55,5%; respectivamente, evidenciando déficit de massa magra e gordura corporal. Encontrou-se ainda significativa correlação linear do índice de massa corpórea com as outras medidas antropométricas compartimentadas. Quanto à ingestão dietética, verificou-se expressivo consumo de alimentos energéticos, significativo consumo de alimentos construtores e baixa ingestão de alimentos reguladores quando comparados ao recomendado. Conclusão: Observou-se que a maioria dos pacientes apresentou estado nutricional de desnutrição e o perfil alimentar, de modo geral, se caracterizou por prevalência de hábitos alimentares saudáveis

  2. Microbiology and mortality of pediatric febrile neutropenia in El Salvador. (United States)

    Gupta, Sumit; Bonilla, Miguel; Gamero, Mario; Fuentes, Soad L; Caniza, Miguela; Sung, Lillian


    Febrile neutropenia (FN) and infection-related mortality are major problems for children with cancer in low-income countries. Identifying predictors for adverse outcome of FN in low-income countries permits targeted interventions. We describe the nature and predictors of microbiologically documented infection (MDI) and mortality of FN in children with cancer in El Salvador. We examined Salvadoran pediatric oncology patients admitted with FN over a 1-year period. Data were collected prospectively. Demographic, treatment, and admission-related variables were examined as predictors of outcomes. Hundred six FN episodes among 85 patients were included. Twenty-three of 106 episodes (22%) were microbiologically documented; 13 of 106 episodes (12%) resulted in death. Gram-positive and gram-negative organisms were isolated in 14 of 23 and 11 of 23 specimens; polymicrobial infections were common (11 of 23 episodes of MDI). Older age decreased the MDI risk [odds ratio (OR) per year=0.87, 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.75-0.99; P=0.04] while increasing number of days since the last chemotherapy increased the risk (OR=1.03 per day, 95% CI, 1.01-1.04; P=0.002). Pneumonia diagnosed either clinically (OR=6.6, 95% CI, 1.8-30.0; P=0.005) or radiographically (OR=5.5, 95% CI, 1.7-18.1; P=0.005) was the only predictor of mortality. In El Salvador, polymicrobial infections were common. Pneumonia at admission identified children with FN at high risk of death; these children may benefit from targeted interventions.

  3. Rifaximin diminishes neutropenia following potentially lethal whole-body radiation. (United States)

    Jahraus, Christopher D; Schemera, Bettina; Rynders, Patricia; Ramos, Melissa; Powell, Charles; Faircloth, John; Brawner, William R


    Terrorist attacks involving radiological or nuclear weapons are a substantial geopolitical concern, given that large populations could be exposed to potentially lethal doses of radiation. Because of this, evaluating potential countermeasures against radiation-induced mortality is critical. Gut microflora are the most common source of systemic infection following exposure to lethal doses of whole-body radiation, suggesting that prophylactic antibiotic therapy may reduce mortality after radiation exposure. The chemical stability, easy administration and favorable tolerability profile of the non-systemic antibiotic, rifaximin, make it an ideal potential candidate for use as a countermeasure. This study evaluated the use of rifaximin as a countermeasure against low-to-intermediate-dose whole-body radiation in rodents. Female Wistar rats (8 weeks old) were irradiated with 550 cGy to the whole body and were evaluated for 30 d. Animals received methylcellulose, neomycin (179 mg/kg/d) or variably dosed rifaximin (150-2000 mg/kg/d) one hour after irradiation and daily throughout the study period. Clinical assessments (e.g. body weight) were made daily. On postirradiation day 30, blood samples were collected and a complete blood cell count was performed. Animals receiving high doses of rifaximin (i.e. 1000 or 2000 mg/kg/d) had a greater increase in weight from the day of irradiation to postirradiation day 30 compared with animals that received placebo or neomycin. For animals with an increase in average body weight from irradiation day within 80-110% of the group average, methylcellulose rendered an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of 211, neomycin rendered an ANC of 334, rifaximin 300 mg/kg/d rendered an ANC of 582 and rifaximin 1000 mg/kg/d rendered an ANC of 854 (P = 0.05 for group comparison). Exposure to rifaximin after near-lethal whole-body radiation resulted in diminished levels of neutropenia.

  4. Filgrastim as a Rescue Therapy for Persistent Neutropenia in a Case of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Myocarditis

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    Desh Deepak


    Full Text Available Pathogenesis of dengue involves suppression of immune system leading to development of characteristic presentation of haematological picture of thrombocytopenia and leucopenia. Sometimes, this suppression in immune response is responsible for deterioration in clinical status of the patient in spite of all specific and supportive therapy. Certain drugs like steroids are used for rescue therapy in conditions like sepsis. We present a novel use of filgrastim as a rescue therapy in a patient with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS, myocarditis, and febrile neutropenia and not responding to standard management.

  5. A utilização dos jogos cooperativos no tratamento de dependentes de crack internados em uma unidade de desintoxicação

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    Gabriel Soares Ledur Alves


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade dos jogos cooperativos no manejo do craving (fissura e da ansiedade, bem como na motivação para a mudança do comportamento aditivo em dependentes de crack/cocaína internados em uma unidade de desintoxicação. Trata-se de um ensaio clínico do tipo quase-experimental, em que foram pesquisados 30 sujeitos, do sexo masculino, entre 18 e 50 anos, dependentes de crack/cocaína, distribuídos em oito grupos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: ficha com dados sociodemográficos, mini-mental state examination, University of Rhode Island Change Assessment scale (URICA, Beck anxiety inventory (BAI e escala analógica visual (EAV. Foram apresentadas imagens e vídeos da cocaína sob a forma de crack com o objetivo de induzir o craving nos participantes e, em seguida, foram aplicados a EAV, a URICA e o BAI. Após, foi realizada uma oficina de jogos cooperativos, sendo reaplicados os instrumentos. Foi encontrada diferença significativa no craving e sintomas de ansiedade a partir dos jogos cooperativos (p < 0,001, porém não houve alteração na motivação para mudança do comportamento aditivo. Conclui-se que os jogos cooperativos podem ser um importante instrumento no tratamento de dependentes de crack/cocaína.

  6. Patient Destination after Discharge from Intensive Care Units: Wards or Intermediate Care Units? Destino del paciente después de recibir el alta médica de la unidad de cuidados intensivos: ¿unidad de internación o intermedia? Destino do paciente após alta da unidade de terapia intensiva: unidade de internação ou intermediária?

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    Maria Claudia Moreira da Silva


    Full Text Available This study characterizes patients hospitalized in Intensive Care Units (ICUs of hospitals that have intermediate units (IU regarding their demographic and clinical data and identifies factors related to discharge from these units. This prospective longitudinal study involved 600 adult patients hospitalized in general ICUs in four hospitals in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Demographic and clinical characteristics were similar to those found in other studies addressing patients hospitalized in ICUs. Factors associated with discharge from ICU to IU were: age ≥60 years, diseases related to the nervous, circulatory or respiratory systems, originated from the IU, and Simplified Acute Physiologic Score II (SAPS II, Logistic Organ Dysfunction (LODS and Nursing Activities Scores (NAS at admission and discharge from the ICU. Age and risk of death at admission in the ICU, according to SAPS II, stood out as indicators of discharge to IUs in the Multiple Logistic Regression analysis.Este estudio tuvo como objetivos caracterizar a los pacientes internados en unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI de hospitales con unidades intermediarias - en lo que se refiere a los datos demográficos y clínicos - e identificar los factores relacionados con el alta médica para esa unidad. Es estudio prospectivo longitudinal, con 600 pacientes adultos, internados en UTIs generales de cuatro hospitales del municipio de Sao Paulo. En los resultados, las características demográficas y clínicas fueron similares a las descritas en otros estudios sobre pacientes en UTIs. Los factores asociados con el alta hospitalaria para la unidad intermediaria fueron: edad ≥60 años, antecedentes relacionados al sistema nervioso, circulatorio o respiratorio, procedencia de la unidad intermediaria y valores del Simplified Acute Physiologic Score II (SAPS II, Logistic Organ Dysfunction (LODS y Nursing Activities Score (NAS en la admisión y el alta de la UTI. En el análisis de regresión log

  7. Aspectos Psicosociales Relacionados con el TEPT en Pacientes con Cáncer de Mama


    Hernández Moreno, Fresia Paloma; Landero Hernández, René


    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la relación del estrés, la depresión y las estrategias de afrontamiento con el Trastorno de Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) en una muestra de pacientes con cáncer de mama. Se realizó con una muestra no probabilística de 52 mujeres con cáncer de mama. Se encontró una relación entre TEPT y estrés (r= .344, p= .014), TEPT y depresión (rs=.346, p= .013). El TEPT correlacionó con evitación cognitiva (r= .437, p= .001), TEPT y desesperanza (rs= .437, p= .001) y TEPT...

  8. Perfil dos idosos internados no Hospital Geral em Belém (Pará Perfil de los ancianos internados en el Hospital General en Belém (Pará Brasil Profile of the elderly admited in a General Hospital at Belém (Pará - Brazil

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    Maria Izabel Penha de Oliveira Santos


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou identificar o perfil dos idosos internados em um hospital geral da rede pública de saúde em Belém (Pará. Estudo transversal, retrospectivo, analítico. Foram analisadas variáveis sociodemográficas, causas da internação, tempo de permanência, complicações e dependência para cuidados de enfermagem, em 160 prontuários, em 2001. A análise estatística foi processada pelo programa eletrônico Epi-info 6.04. Os resultados apontam: A idade variou entre 65 e 74 anos (43,1%, e os idosos eram do sexo masculino (53,1%. A maior freqüência das internações foi por doenças respiratórias (53,7%; os sintomas evidentes foram dispnéia, hipertemia e hipertensão; e o tempo médio de permanência foi de 16 dias. O tempo de internação prolongado aparece como um fator de risco no desenvolvimento de incapacidades, pela imobilidade no leito, complicações como úlceras de decúbito e demais iatrogenias. Houve dependência para os cuidados de enfermagem e necessidade de intervenção interdisciplinar.El estudio tiene como objetivo identificar el perfil de ancianos hospitalizados en hospital general de salud pública, en Belém, Estado Pará. Estudio cuantitativo, retrospectivo y analitico. Analizadas variables sócio-demográficas, causas de internación, tiempo de permanencia, complicaciónes y dependencias de la enfermería en muestra de 160 historias en 2001. Analisys estadística fué a través del programa electrónico Epi-info 6.04. Los resultados apuntaran: La edad varió de 64 a 74 años (43, y 85 (53,1% y los ancianos eran del sexo masculino, la major frecuencia de la internaciónes fueron enfermedades respiratorias (53,7%, los síntomas evidentes disnea, hipertermia na hipertensión, tiempo promedio de 16 dias. Los ancianos se internaron en media dos veces al año , tiempo de internación largo aparece como factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de incapacidad, por la inmobilidad en las camas, complicaciónes como úlceras

  9. A prevenção e o controle de infecções: um estudo de caso com enfermeiras La prevención y el control de infecciones hospitalarias: un estudio de caso con enfermeras The prevention and control of hospital infection: a case study with nurses

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    Rosane Teresinha Fontana


    Full Text Available Estudo de Caso, do tipo descritivo, realizado com enfermeiras, cujo objetivo foi conhecer a estrutura físico-administrativa dos hospitais desta região e sua interface com a atuação das enfermeiras na prevenção e controle das infecções hospitalares. Vinte e oito enfermeiras participaram. Coletaram-se os dados através de observação da área física dos hospitais, dos documentos de avaliação e inspeção do Setor de Vigilância Sanitária da 12ª CRS e através de entrevistas com as enfermeiras. Da análise pode-se concluir que, para a promoção da saúde, para a redução de danos ao paciente internado e para a segurança do profissional e do usuário, há necessidade de se fazer uma reflexão profunda das ações de prevenção e controle das infecções hospitalares no cotidiano dessas instituições.Estudio de caso, del tipo descriptivo, realizado con enfermeras, cuyo objetivo fue conocer la estructura fisico-administrativa de los hospitales de esta Coordinadoría y su relación con la actuación de las enfermeras en la prevención y control de infecciones hospitalares. Veinte y ocho enfermeras participaron . Se colectaron los datos a través de observación, del area fisica en los hospitales, de los documentos de evaluación e inspección del Sector de Vigilância Sanitária de la 12ª CRS y a través de entrevistas con las enfermeras. Del análisis se puede concluir que para la promoción de la salud, para la redución de danos al paciente internado y para la seguridad del profesional y del usuario hay la necesidad de hacer una reflexión profunda de las acciones de prevención y control de las infecciones hospitalares en el cotidiano de las instituciones.A descriptive case study carried out with nurses. Its main purpose is getting to know the physical and administrative structure of the hospitals in this area, as well as their averal policy regarding the nurses' action in the prevention ans control of hospital infection. Twenty

  10. Paciente con esquizofrenia tratado con ziprasidona + clozapina

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    Pol Yanguas E.


    Full Text Available P es un paciente diagnosticado de esquizofrenia, sigue en un piso tutelado un programa de rehabilitación, está medicado con clozapina 500 mg/día y ziprasidona 280 mg/ día. Padece hipercolesterolemia, tabaquismo y sus hábitos alimenticios no son buenos. La medicación que utiliza desde 2007 hasta ahora se refleja en la tabla 1. El último tratamiento se le introdujo el 7 de agosto de 2012, habiendo presentado un electro cardiograma (ECG normal, pero con ligera taquicardia ventricular y prolactinemia de 44,8 ng/ml (valores normales: 2-18 ng/ml.

  11. Riesgo familiar total en familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con neoplasia de mama

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    Nancy Cecilia Charrys-Bravo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el riesgo familiar total de las familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama, que asisten a un centro de salud oncológico en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal con abordaje cuantitativo. Se utilizó el instrumento Riesgo Familiar Total RFT 5-33. El universo estuvo conformado por familias con mujeres diagnosticadas con cáncer en mama. La muestra fue de 41 familias que integraron a 154 miembros; se abordó el estudio de manera censal, y no por medio de una muestra, porque el acceso a la información de la totalidad de las familia fue viable. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que las familias, en su mayoría, son de tipo 2. El 68 % de las pacientes categorizan sus familias como amenazadas, el 5 % como familias de alto riesgo y un 27 % de las familias con un bajo riesgo. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos encontrados en esta investigación son importantes para las familias, lo cual permitirá establecer acciones y actividades que logren orientar e implementar procesos de atención específicos con el propósito de cuidar a las familias para que se mantengan sanos en un nivel de bajo riesgo; además, desarrollar controles y seguimiento a aquellas familias que se encuentran en un riesgo alto de amenazas, mediante acciones de promoción y prevención de la enfermedad de una manera amplia. Por lo anterior, se deben emprender programas más agresivos de prevención y promoción, especialmente con las familias que asisten en busca de apoyo médico para este padecimiento; de esta forma, se podrán diagnosticar los casos de forma temprana y proceder al respectivo tratamiento.


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    Enrique Alexis García Moya


    Full Text Available Se presenta un estudio sobre la reducción catalítica selectiva (RCS de NOx con metano en presencia de oxígeno en exceso con varios catalizadores a base de las zeolitas mordenita, ferrierita y ZSM-5 intercambiadas con diferentes cargas de cobalto y con las correspondientes zeolitas en forma acida. Cuando la mezcla reactiva contenía mayormente NO2 en lugar de NO, los catalizadores ácidos mostraron las más altas velocidades de formación de N2 en condiciones secas. Las mayores actividades se obtuvieron con los catalizadores Co-mordenita, siguiendo en orden de actividad los catalizadores Co-Ferrierita y Co-ZSM-5. El catalizador Co-Mordenita más activo se ensayó con una mezcla reactiva donde predominó el NO en lugar del NO2 bajo condiciones secas e hidrotérmicas y en presencia de SO2. Con la adición de 8% de agua a la mezcla de reacción se observó desactivación reversible, especialmente a bajas temperaturas. La adición de 60 ppm de SO2 disminuyó la velocidad de reacción aproximadamente a la mitad debido posiblemente al envenenamiento de algunos sitios activos.

  13. Terapias alternativas con animales para niños con necesidades especiales


    Cea-Chueca, Aihnoa


    El presente trabajo de fin de grado consiste en la realización de un análisis y descripción de la literatura acerca de las distintas terapias animales, destinadas a niños con necesidades especiales: cómo y por qué surgieron, en qué consisten las terapias, cómo podemos utilizarlas, etc. Las terapias alternativas con animales se conocen como una alternativa terapéutica, donde se utiliza a un animal como co-terapeuta para poder desarrollar diferentes capacidades de los niños con necesidades espe...

  14. Game of clones: the genomic evolution of severe congenital neutropenia. (United States)

    Touw, Ivo P


    Severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) is a genetically heterogeneous condition of bone marrow failure usually diagnosed in early childhood and characterized by a chronic and severe shortage of neutrophils. It is now well-established that mutations in HAX1 and ELANE (and more rarely in other genes) are the genetic cause of SCN. In contrast, it has remained unclear how these mutations affect neutrophil development. Innovative models based on induced pluripotent stem cell technology are being explored to address this issue. These days, most SCN patients receive life-long treatment with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF, CSF3). CSF3 therapy has greatly improved the life expectancy of SCN patients, but also unveiled a high frequency of progression toward myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and therapy refractory acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Expansion of hematopoietic clones with acquired mutations in the gene encoding the G-CSF receptor (CSF3R) is regularly seen in SCN patients and AML usually descends from one of these CSF3R mutant clones. These findings raised the questions how CSF3R mutations affect CSF3 responses of myeloid progenitors, how they contribute to the pre-leukemic state of SCN, and which additional events are responsible for progression to leukemia. The vast (sub)clonal heterogeneity of AML and the presence of AML-associated mutations in normally aged hematopoietic clones make it often difficult to determine which mutations are responsible for the leukemic process. Leukemia predisposition syndromes such as SCN are unique disease models to identify the sequential acquisition of these mutations and to interrogate how they contribute to clonal selection and leukemic evolution. © 2015 by The American Society of Hematology. All rights reserved.

  15. Evaluation of serum galactomannan enzyme immunoassay at two different cut-offs for the diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in patients with febrile neutropenia

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    Ritin Mohindra


    Full Text Available Background: Invasive aspergillosis (IA is an increasingly common and fatal opportunistic fungal infection in patients with haematological diseases. Early diagnosis is difficult as mycological culture techniques have low sensitivity and the radiological tools have low specificity. Galactomannan enzyme immunoassay (GEI detects galactomannan in the human serum with a reported sensitivity and specificity between 30% and 100%. Aims: The aim of this study was to analyse the role of GEI in diagnosis of IA in patients with febrile neutropenia and to evaluate the role of GEI in the diagnosis of IA as per the revised (2008 European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer–Mycoses Study Group (EORTC–MSG criteria at two different optical density (OD cut-offs of 0.5 and 1.0. Setting: This prospective study was conducted in Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India. Methods: GEI testing was performed in adult patients of febrile neutropenia with evidence of IA. Results at two different OD indices (ODIs of 0.5 and 1.0 were analysed. The evaluation of the diagnostic parameter, that is, GEI was measured in terms of sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive value and was validated with the revised (2008 EORTC–MSG diagnostic criteria of IA. Results: One hundred and eleven patients had evidence of IA, of which 79 patients were GEI positive when cut-off ODI was 0.5, whereas with cut-off ODI 1.0, 55 patients were GEI positive. Conclusion: ODI of 1.0 should be considered as positive while in patients with OD between 0.5 and 1.0, repeat sampling from the patient is recommended.

  16. Variables socionutricionales de hogares mazahuas integrados por preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Conzuelo González, Viridiana Vanessa


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  17. Estudio de la comorbilidad entre el distrés psicológico y abuso de drogas en pacientes en centros de tratamiento, ciudad de Panamá - Panamá

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    Opal Jones Willis


    Full Text Available Se trata de un estudio epidemiológico multicéntrico de corte transversal, dirigido a personas en tratamiento por abuso/dependencia de drogas en la República de Panamá. Se estudia la comorbilidad. La muestra consta de 167 internos en 11 Centros de tratamiento. Los datos fueron colectados en un cuestionario, mediante encuesta o entrevista. El 71.3% reportó uso de alcohol, 73.9% cannabis, 62.3% cocaína en polvo, 40.7% crack o piedra, 14.4% pasta base o bazuco. La prevalencia del distrés psicológico es de 49.1% de personas con distrés psicológico leve, y 28.8% de distress psicológico severo y muy severo. Existen evidencias de comorbilidad en la población internada en los Centros de tratamiento por abuso/dependencia de droga en Panamá, ya que 44.1% de los internados por abuso de alcohol, tienen también un diagnóstico de trastornos psiquiátricos y 73% de los internados por consumo de drogas ilícitas también poseen un diagnóstico de trastorno psiquiátrico.


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    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue saber cómo perciben las madres el proceso de lactancia materna en prematuros asistidos en la Unidad Madre Canguro. Estudio descriptivo, con planteo cualitativo, realizado en una maternidad pública, en Fortaleza-CE, en el período de enero a mayo de 2007. Los sujetos sondeados fueron 10 madres que se hallaban con bebés internados en la Unidad. Se utilizó entrevista estructurada en parte, de la cual surgieron las categorías: conocimiento materno sobre el bebé prematuro, percepción de las madres sobre el método madre canguro, apreciación de las madres en amamantar un bebé prematuro y satisfacción con el servicio. El vínculo afectivo del binomio madre e hijo quedó en evidencia y, a su vez, considerado factor significativo en la recuperación del bebé.

  19. Factores de riesgo para mortalidad en la infección por Pseudomonas aeruginosa en pacientes oncológicos hospitalizados en tres ciudades de Colombia

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    David Cataño Toro


    Full Text Available Introducción: Pseudomonas aeruginosa es una bacteria oportunista Gram negativa particularmente eficiente en la adquisición de mecanismos de resistencia y de alta prevalencia en infecciones nosocomiales en pacientes oncológicos. Objetivo: identificar los factores de riesgo para mortalidad en pacientes oncológicos con aislamiento de P. aeruginosa. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, la población de estudio fueron los casos reportados con aislamiento de P. aeruginosa en el servicio de hospitalización de Oncólogos de Occidente en Pereira, Armenia y Manizales durante el año 2015. Se realizaron análisis univariados y multivariados; la supervivencia se estableció según el método de KaplanMeier. Se estableció un valor de p <0.05. Se usó el software STATA. Se tuvo aval de bioética de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Resultados: se estudió 41 casos confirmados de cultivos positivos de P. aeruginosa. El sexo masculino (46.3%, anemia (46.3%, neutropenia febril (41%, trombocitopenia (29.3% y haber sido hospitalizado en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (29.3% fueron asociados estadísticamente con mayor mortalidad (p=0.019; con estos resultados se diseñó una escala de riesgo (alfa de Cronbach =0.72. Los pacientes con cuatro de estas exposiciones mostraron mayor riesgo de mortalidad al egreso hospitalario con una sensibilidad del 68% y especificidad del 90%. La P. aeruginosa presentó resistencia a cefepime (36.6% y a aztreonam (34.1%, mientras que la letalidad global fue del 26.8%. Conclusión: El sexo masculino, la coexistencia de anemia, trombocitopenia, y neutropenia febril, así como la estancia en la unidad de cuidados intensivos aumentan la mortalidad en los pacientes oncológicos infectados con P. aeruginosa

  20. Relationship between ELA2 gene mutations, clinical and laboratory parameters in severe congenital and cyclic neutropenia

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    Farhoodi A


    Full Text Available   Background: Mutations of ELA2, the gene encoding neutrophil elastase (NE are known to be associated with cyclic neutropenia (CN and severe congenital neutropenia (SCN. However, high variability of these mutations has been reported. This study was designed to describe the analysis of the ELA2 gene, clinical manifestations and demographic characteristics in patients with CN and SCN.Methods: A series of 21 patients with CN or SCN were selected, based on SCINR criteria, from the immunology ward of the Pediatric Medicine Center, Tehran, Iran, from March 2004 to August 2005. The ELA2 gene, isolated from blood samples, was analyzed using RT-PCR and automated capillary sequencing. Informed consent was obtained under the tenets of the Helsinki Declaration and the Ethical Committee of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences.Results: Kostmann's syndrome and CN was diagnosed in three and 18 patients respectively. Of all the patients, one or two mutations were found in 18 cases (85.7%, including all three patients with SCN and 15 of the patients with CN. Exons two and four had the most mutations (eight and seven cases, respectively. Seven patients had double mutations in two distinct exons. Overall, 16 different mutations were found. At the time of presentation, the mean age of patients was 13.4 ±17.6 months, ranging from one month to seven years. Overall, 61.9% of patients had consanguineous parents. The mean absolute neutrophil count was 830.5 ±419.4 (150-2000/mm3. On average, each patient had been admitted to the hospital 2.2 ±1.6 times. The neutrophil counts of the SCN patients were significantly higher than those of the CN patients. However, there was no significant difference in the neutrophil counts between patients with mutations and those without mutations. All patients with SCN had two or more infectious complications, although the prevalence of infectious or non-infectious complications did not correlate with ELA2 mutations or the

  1. Programa de informação para alívio da ansiedade de familiares de doentes internados em psiquiatria Programa de información para el alivio de la ansiedad de enfermos internados en psiquiatria Information program for the relief of anxiety in the families of psychiatric in-patients

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    Pedro Filipe Nabais Neves Renca


    Full Text Available Este trabalho pretende avaliar o efeito de um programa de informação para alívio da ansiedade de familiares de utentes internados pela primeira vez em psiquiatria. O presente artigo refere-se a uma investigação do tipo quantitativo: um estudo do tipo quasi experimental, com um grupo de controlo e avaliação antes e depois. Para a amostra foi utilizada a técnica de amostragem não probabilística, do tipo acidental, constituída pelas famílias dos utentes que tiveram o primeiro internamento de psiquiatria no DPSM da Guarda. Os dados utilizados foram recolhidos utilizando o instrumento de colheita de dados baseado no Inventário de Ansiedade Estado de Spielberger (STAI-Y1 aferido para a população portuguesa por Daniel (1996.Verificámos que a ansiedade no grupo experimental diminuiu significativamente de 87,00 para 60,29, enquanto que, no grupo controlo permaneceu praticamente inalterada, 83,88 no primeiro tempo para 82,50. Concluímos que, após a abordagem efectuada na aplicação do guião estruturado, os níveis de ansiedade das famílias em relação à patologia psiquiátrica do seu familiar e de tudo o que essa patologia envolve em relação ao (des equilíbrio familiar diminuiu, aceitando-se de forma mais assertiva a patologia psiquiátrica, uma vez que, foi desmistificada.Este trabajo pretende evaluar el efecto de un programa de información para el alivio de la ansiedad en familiares de usuarios ingresados por primera vez en el servicio de psiquiatría. El presente artículo se refiere a una investigación de tipo cuantitativo: un estudio de tipo casi-experimental, con grupo de control y evaluación antes y después. Para la muestra fue utilizada una técnica de muestreo no probabilística, de tipo accidental, constituida por las familias de los usuarios que tuvieron el primer ingreso en el servicio de psiquiatría en el DPSM de Guarda. Los datos utilizados fueron recogidos con base en el Inventario de Ansiedad Estado de

  2. Avaliação clínica e epidemiológica das úlceras por pressão em pacientes internados no Hospital São Paulo Clinical and epidemiologic evaluation of pressure ulcers in patients at the Hospital São Paulo

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    Leila Blanes


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o perfil dos pacientes internados no Hospital São Paulo, portadores de úlcera por pressão (UP. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, baseado na avaliação de todos os portadores de UP, internados no período de 1 a 31 de maio de 2002 neste hospital. Foi utilizado um questionário que contém dados demográficos, clínicos, classificação da UP e aplicação da Escala de Braden. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado o Teste do qui quadrado de Pearson, sendo considerado significante um p BACKGROUND: To determine the profile of patients at the Hospital São Paulo with pressure ulcers (PU. METHODS: A prospective study was carried out. Seventy-eight patients with pressure ulcers were evaluated between May 1st and 31st of 2002. The questionnaire consisted of demographic and clinical data of the population, PU classification and Braden Scale. RESULTS: Concerning 78 patients with PU: 66.7% were over 61 years old (average: 64. The average period of hospitalization was 33 days. 68% (53 developed ulcers while hospitalized, of which 43.7% (34 were pre-ulcers. The most frequent causes of hospitalization were neurological diseases (29.5% and cancer (29.5%. Regarding the classification of the pressure ulcers, all stages were found on the sacrum, being 24.4% (19 pre-ulcer, 38.5% (30 stage II, 11.5%(9 stage III and 12.8%(10 at stage IV. According to the Braden Scale, half of the patients hospitalized showed severe risk of PU development, while 20.5% (16 showed moderate risk and 19.3% (15 showed low risk. CONCLUSIONS: The study showed a high risk of PU development, indicating the importance of having knowledge about the main characteristics of the hospitalized patients who may develop pressure ulcers, and, thus, preventing them.

  3. Eventos adversos a antibióticos em pacientes internados em um hospital universitário Adverse events to antibiotics in inpatients of a university hospital

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    Estela Louro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Antibióticos são os medicamentos que mais causam eventos adversos, gerando problemas aos pacientes e custos adicionais ao sistema de saúde. Assim, objetivou-se analisar a ocorrência de eventos adversos a antibióticos em pacientes internados em um hospital. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se monitoramento intensivo do uso de antibióticos em pacientes adultos internados no município de Maringá, Paraná, de setembro de 2002 a fevereiro de 2003. Foram pesquisadas variáveis relativas aos medicamentos em uso, em particular aos antibióticos e aos eventos adversos. Com base em critérios para a avaliação do uso correto dos antibióticos, os eventos observados foram classificados como reações adversas, erros de medicação e "quase erros". Para relação de causalidade entre a administração do fármaco e o surgimento dos eventos utilizou-se o algoritmo de Naranjo. RESULTADOS: Foram acompanhados 87 pacientes e identificados 91 eventos adversos, sendo três deles (3,3% reações adversas a medicamentos, sete (7,7% erros de medicação, e 81 (89,0% "quase erros". As reações a medicamentos ocorreram devido ao uso de quinolonas e foram consideradas "prováveis" utilizando-se o algoritmo de Naranjo. Os sete erros de medicação ocorreram devido a quatro prescrições incorretas de dose e três interações medicamentosas. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que a falta de conhecimento do medicamento ou a falta de informação sobre o paciente no momento da prescrição tenham sido os principais fatores envolvidos na ocorrência das reações a medicamentos.OBJECTIVE: Antibiotics are the most common drugs causing adverse events and they lead to problems to patients and additional costs of the health system. The aim of the study was to evaluate the occurrence of adverse events to antibiotics in inpatients of a hospital. METHODS: An extensive drug monitoring was conducted in adult inpatients taking antibiotics in the city of Maringá, Southern

  4. Avaliação do apoio social e da auto-estima por indivíduos coronariopatas, segundo o sexo Evaluación del apoyo social y de la autoestima entre pacientes con coronariopatías según el sexo Gender-specific evaluation of coronary disease patients' self-esteem and social support

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    Camila Donida Silvério


    Full Text Available Este estudo descritivo teve como objetivo avaliar o apoio social e a auto-estima de pacientes coronariopatas internados para tratamento clínico dessa doença. Uma amostra de 80 pacientes, sendo 49 homens, 52 casados e com idade média de 52 anos, foram entrevistados de agosto de 2005 a junho de 2006. Os dados coletados foram analisados por estatística descritiva, e as medidas de apoio social e auto-estima foram comparadas pelo teste de Mann-Whitney, de acordo com o sexo. As consistências internas das escalas foram verificadas, obtendo-se valores que indicam boa consistência interna para ambas. Os resultados indicaram valores elevados de apoio social e auto-estima no grupo estudado. Não constatamos diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre estes valores, segundo o sexo dos pacientes. Essas variáveis têm sido apontadas como favorecedores no processo de reabilitação dos pacientes cardíacos após a alta.Este estudio descriptivo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el apoyo social y la autoestima de pacientes con coronariopatía internados para tratamiento clínico de esa enfermedad. Se utilizó una muestra de 80 pacientes, siendo 49 hombres, 52 casados y con edad promedio de 52 años; fueron entrevistados de agosto 2.005 a junio 2.006. Los datos recolectados fueron analizados con la estadística descriptiva y las medidas de apoyo social y de autoestima fueron comparadas, según el sexo, por la prueba de Mann-Whitney. Las consistencias internas de las escalas fueron verificadas, obteniéndose valores que indican una buena consistencia interna para ambas. Los resultados indicaron valores elevados de apoyo social y autoestima en el grupo estudiado. No constatamos diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre esos valores, según el sexo de los pacientes. Esas variables han sido apuntadas como favorecedores en el proceso de rehabilitación de los pacientes cardíacos después del alta.The purpose of this descriptive study was to evaluate the

  5. Terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con quemaduras

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    María del Carmen Franco Mora


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio comparativo, longitudinal y prospectivo de 60 adultos con quemaduras profundas, atendidos en el Hospital General docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero de 2013 hasta igual mes de 2014, para evaluar la efectividad de la terapia regenerativa con plasma rico en plaquetas para la cicatrización de estas lesiones. La muestra fue dividida en 2 grupos de 30 integrantes cada uno: a los del primero se les aplicó plasma rico en plaquetas y a los del segundo sulfadiazina de plata. Se utilizaron las frecuencias absolutas y el porcentaje como medidas de resumen para variables cualitativos, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para las cuantitativas. Con el proceder aplicado la cicatrización se completó en un tiempo menor, de manera que se demostró la efectividad de esta alternativa terapéutica en relación con el tratamiento convencional

  6. RadConEd: A Graphical Data Editor for the Radiological Consequences Model, RadCon

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crawford, J.; Domel, R.U.


    This document describes the application, RadConEd, which has been designed and implemented to enable users of the RadCon system to update these parameter files. The RadCon system is written in the Java programming language, and as such provides portability across computer platforms. The software described in this report was developed in line with the portability requirements of RadCon, thus providing a uniform user interface across computer platforms and bypassing the need of using system editors. In addition a number of data integrity measures were implemented

  7. Verbal contents expressed by mothers of preterm infants with clinical emotional symptoms Contenido verbal expresado por las madres de bebés prematuros con síntomas emocionales clínicos Conteúdos verbais expressos por mães de bebês prematuros com sintomas emocionais clínicos

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    Luciana Leonetti Correia


    Full Text Available The aim of the present study was to characterize verbal contents expressed by preterm neonates' mothers during psychological support intervention. The sample was composed by 20 mothers of pre-term and very low birthweight neonates, hospitalized in NICU, allocated into two groups: 10 mothers with emotional clinical symptoms (MECS and 10 mothers with no symptoms (MNECS, assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The verbal behavior expressed by mothers in the psychological support group was recorded, transcribed and categorized. The results show that three verbal categories were more frequent: negative feelings or reactions, followed by positive feelings or reactions and communication with the health staff. The comparison between groups reveals that MECS presented more expressions in the first category in comparison to MNECS. The identification of the feelings and reactions of pre-term neonates' mothers and emotional clinical symptoms should be included for appropriate intervention in developmental care in NICU.El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar los contenidos verbales maternos expresados durante una intervención de apoyo psicológico. La muestra estaba compuesta por 20 madres de recién nacidos prematuramente, con un peso abajo de lo normal, internados en una UTI Neonatal; la muestra estaba constituida por 10 madres con indicadores clínicos emocionales (MCIE y 10 madres sin estos indicadores (MSIE; las expresiones fueron evaluadas por medio de los Inventarios de Depresión de Beck y de Ansiedad Trazo/Estado. Las expresiones verbalizadas por las madres en el grupo de apoyo fueron gravadas, transcritas y clasificadas en categorías. Los resultados mostraron que las categorías sobre los sentimientos o reacciones maternas con connotación negativa o connotación positiva y la comunicación con el equipo de salud fueron las más frecuentes. Comparando los grupos, el Grupo MCIE verbalizó m

  8. Calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes LADA


    Granado Casas, Minerva


    Introducción: La calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes mellitus están relacionados con el control metabólico, las complicaciones y algunas variables socioeconómicas. Actualmente, no existe ningún estudio científico que analice la calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes LADA. Objetivos: Los objetivos principales fueron conocer la calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamient...

  9. Prevalência da infecção pelo HIV em pacientes internados por tuberculose Prevalence of HIV infection in patients hospitalized due to tuberculosis

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    Full Text Available Objetivos: Verificar a prevalência da co-infecção tuberculose (TBC/HIV e a capacidade da anamnese em detectar a infecção pelo HIV em pacientes internados por TBC. Local: Hospital Eduardo de Menezes, Belo Horizonte, MG, referência para TBC e SIDA. Material e métodos: Todos os pacientes internados com TBC na enfermaria de pneumologia foram avaliados prospectivamente no período de 1/1/1997 até 31/1/1998, com anamnese dirigida para fatores de risco para SIDA, TBC, tratamentos anteriores e abandonos de tratamento para TBC, e verificadas as formas clínicas de TBC. Foram excluídos pacientes com doenças marcadoras de SIDA com exceção da TBC, ou com sorologia anti-HIV realizada anteriormente. Foram realizadas sorologias anti-HIV (ELISA e, quando positivas, confirmadas pelo teste Western-Blot. Os testes do qui-quadrado e de Fisher foram usados para análise estatística. Resultados: Sessenta e cinco pacientes avaliados foram divididos em grupo I (sorologia positiva para HIV, n = 6 e grupo II (sorologia negativa para HIV, n = 59. Não houve diferença significativa entre os dois grupos quanto a fatores de risco para SIDA, TBC, abandonos de tratamento ou tratamentos anteriores para TBC ou formas clínicas de TBC. Conclusões: Devido à alta prevalência da infecção pelo HIV (9,2% no grupo estudado, estes achados reforçam as orientações do Consenso Brasileiro de Tuberculose no sentido de: 1 a anamnese não consegue detectar uma parcela significativa dos pacientes com co-infecção TBC/HIV; e: 2 a solicitação de sorologia anti-HIV deve ser feita de forma rotineira em todos os pacientes com TBC ativa.Objectives: To verify the prevalence of tuberculosis (TB/HIV co-infection and the ability of the clinical history to detect the HIV infection in TB inpatients. Setting: Eduardo de Menezes Hospital, reference for both TB and AIDS. Patients and methods: All patients admitted with TB in a pneumology ward were evaluated prospectively from 1

  10. Determinación de la profundidad y duración de la neutropenia inducida por ciclofosfamida en ratones hembras MPF de la cepa Udea: ICR(cd-1

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    Omar Vesga


    Full Text Available

    El modelo murino de infección del muslo emplea animales neutropénicos para poder determinar la eficacia intrínseca de los antibióticos in vivo. Sin embargo, no se ha definido el número de neutrófilos y la duración de la neutropenia inducida por ciclofosfamida (CFM intraperitoneal (IP, información fundamental
    para valorar la reproducibilidad y confiabilidad del modelo.



  11. Mastopexia con prótesis: técnica triplanar con colgajo en cola de pez para mamas con pobre calidad de cobertura

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    M. Berrocal-Revueltas


    Full Text Available La mastopexia con implantes de silicona, es uno de los procedimientos más frecuentes en la práctica diaria en Cirugía Plástica. Sin embargo, la pobre calidad de la cobertura de las mamas, relacionada con piel estriada, escaso tejido subcutáneo y pérdida del parénquima mamario secundarios a la lactancia prolongada y a la pérdida masiva de peso, son causa del incremento progresivo de resultados insatisfactorios a medio y largo plazo que han sido evaluados, analizados y discutidos por los especialistas. Los resultados insatisfactorios más frecuentes en mastopexia con implantes en posición retromuscular son: doble contorno mamario, asimetrías y desplazamiento de los implantes. Los objetivos del presente estudio son: describir el nuevo método triplanar como alternativa útil para lograr mejores resultados en pacientes con mala calidad de cobertura y analizar los resultados obtenidos con el mismo. Realizamos un estudio observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, en un grupo de 268 pacientes con diagnóstico de ptosis mamaria con hipotrofia y mala calidad de cobertura por piel estriada, escaso tejido celular subcutáneo y pérdida del parénquima mamario, secundarios a lactancia prolongada y pérdida masiva de peso, entre otros, a las que se les practicó mamoplastia de aumento con implantes de silicona mediante la aplicación del método triplanar descrito por la autora, entre enero del 2004 y enero del 2013 en el Hospital de Bocagrande de Cartagena, Colombia. El diseño de la técnica se basa en los principios de cicatriz vertical descrita por Lassus o Lejour o mediante cicatriz en "J", descrita por la autora. El método triplanar se basa en tres planos de cobertura del implante. Plano I: submuscular, para cubrir los dos tercios superiores del implante. Plano II: colgajo dermoglandular con dos prolongaciones distales triangulares de tejido adiposo, en forma de pez, para cubrir el tercio inferior del implante y el borde libre del m

  12. Reacções adversas aos antibacilares em doentes internados: Gravidade e factores de risco

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    Ana Sofia Vilariça


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: Atendendo às características do Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT, o tratamento da tuberculose (TB é feito com uma associação de vários fármacos, por um período de tempo alargado (≥ a 6 meses, cada um com potencial para provocar reacções adversas (RA. Estas podem acompanhar-se de significativa morbilidade e comprometer o tratamento da TB.Objectivos: Determinar a incidência, a gravidade e os factores de risco das principais RA induzidas pelos antibacilares, em doentes internados com TB em tratamento.Material e métodos: Análise retrospectiva dos registos clínicos dos doentes internados no Serviço de Pneumologia III do Hospital de Pulido Valente com tuberculose activa, medicados com antibacilares, durante o período de Abril de 1999 a Julho de 2007. Foram registadas as RA que resultaram em modificação ou descontinuação do tratamento ou que foram a causa de internamento.As características demográficas e os dados clínicos dos doentes foram usados como variáveis independentes. A relação entre variáveis independentes e a frequência e gravidade das RA foi feita através de uma análise multivariada, utilizando um modelo de regressão logística. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste t de Student, one-way ANOVA e regressão logística. A aplicação utilizada para a análise estatística foi o programa SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versão 15.0.Resultados: Dos 1400 doentes internados e tratados por TB activa entre 1999 e 2007, 175 doentes (12,5%, 118 homens e 57 mulheres, apresentaram pelo menos uma RA induzida pelos antibacilares, num total de 192 eventos. A hepatotoxicidade foi a RA mais prevalente (83/47,4%, seguindo-se a reacção cutânea (55/31,4% e a intolerância gastrintestinal (24/13,7%. Em 76 doentes (43,4% as RA causaram o prolongamento do internamento. Constatou-se que a demora m

  13. Reacções adversas aos antibacilares em doentes internados: Gravidade e factores de risco

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    Ana Sofia Vilariça


    Full Text Available Resumo: Introdução: Atendendo às características do Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT, o tratamento da tuberculose (TB é feito com uma associação de vários fármacos, por um período de tempo alargado (≥ a 6 meses, cada um com potencial para provocar reacções adversas (RA. Estas podem acompanhar-se de significativa morbilidade e comprometer o tratamento da TB. Objectivos: Determinar a incidência, a gravidade e os factores de risco das principais RA induzidas pelos antibacilares, em doentes internados com TB em tratamento. Material e métodos: Análise retrospectiva dos registos clínicos dos doentes internados no Serviço de Pneumologia III do Hospital de Pulido Valente com tuberculose activa, medicados com antibacilares, durante o período de Abril de 1999 a Julho de 2007. Foram registadas as RA que resultaram em modificação ou descontinuação do tratamento ou que foram a causa de internamento. As características demográficas e os dados clínicos dos doentes foram usados como variáveis independentes. A relação entre variáveis independentes e a frequência e gravidade das RA foi feita através de uma análise multivariada, utilizando um modelo de regressão logística. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste t de Student, one-way ANOVA e regressão logística. A aplicação utilizada para a análise estatística foi o programa SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versão 15.0. Resultados: Dos 1400 doentes internados e tratados por TB activa entre 1999 e 2007, 175 doentes (12,5%, 118 homens e 57 mulheres, apresentaram pelo menos uma RA induzida pelos antibacilares, num total de 192 eventos. A hepatotoxicidade foi a RA mais prevalente (83/47,4%, seguindo-se a reacção cutânea (55/31,4% e a intolerância gastrintestinal (24/13,7%. Em 76 doen tes (43,4% as RA causaram o prolongamento do internamento. Constatou-se que a demora

  14. Estudio comparativo del efecto del cepillado con una crema dental con propóleos rojos y de un gel con clorofila


    Estela Gispert Abreu; Elena Cantillo Estrada; Aracelys Rivero López; Berta Oramas Rodríguez


    Se analiza comparativamente el efecto de un gel dental de clorofila y de una crema dental con propóleos rojos sobre varios parámetros relacionados con la caries dental, en escolares que se cepillaron durante 21 días con dichos productos. Se obtuvieron resultados favorables principalmente en la disminución del grado de infección por Streptococcus mutans y la elevación de la capacidad individual de remineralización; salvo en este último no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas.Author...

  15. Neutropenia Prediction Based on First-Cycle Blood Counts Using a FOS-3NN Classifier

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    Elize A. Shirdel


    Full Text Available Background. Delivery of full doses of adjuvant chemotherapy on schedule is key to optimal breast cancer outcomes. Neutropenia is a serious complication of chemotherapy and a common barrier to this goal, leading to dose reductions or delays in treatment. While past research has observed correlations between complete blood count data and neutropenic events, a reliable method of classifying breast cancer patients into low- and high-risk groups remains elusive. Patients and Methods. Thirty-five patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for early-stage breast cancer under the care of a single oncologist are examined in this study. FOS-3NN stratifies patient risk based on complete blood count data after the first cycle of treatment. All classifications are independent of breast cancer subtype and clinical markers, with risk level determined by the kinetics of patient blood count response to the first cycle of treatment. Results. In an independent test set of patients unseen by FOS-3NN, 19 out of 21 patients were correctly classified (Fisher’s exact test probability P<0.00023 [2 tailed], Matthews’ correlation coefficient +0.83. Conclusions. We have developed a model that accurately predicts neutropenic events in a population treated with adjuvant chemotherapy in the first cycle of a 6-cycle treatment.

  16. Resolving a genetic paradox throughout preimplantation genetic diagnosis for autosomal dominant severe congenital neutropenia. (United States)

    Malcov, Mira; Reches, Adi; Ben-Yosef, Dalit; Cohen, Tania; Amit, Ami; Dgany, Orly; Tamary, Hannah; Yaron, Yuval


    Severe congenital neutropenia is an inherited disease characterized by low peripheral blood neutrophils, amenable to bone marrow transplantation. Genetic analysis in the family here described detected a ELA2 splice-site mutation in the affected child and also in his asymptomatic father. The parents requested preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), coupled with HLA matching, to obtain a suitable bone marrow donor for the affected child. A PGD protocol was developed, based on multiplex nested PCR for direct analysis of the ELA2 mutation, flanking polymorphic markers and HLA typing. The amplification efficiency of the mutation was > 90% in single leukocytes from the affected child but only 67% in the father. Analysis of single haploid sperm cells from the father demonstrated three different sperm-cell populations: (1) sperm cells harboring the ELA2 mutation on the 'affected' haplotype, (2) sperm cells without the ELA2 mutation on the 'normal' haplotype, and (3) sperm cells without the ELA2 mutation on the 'affected' haplotype. These data demonstrate that the ELA2 mutation in the father occurred de novo during his embryonic development, resulting in somatic as well as germ-line mosaicism. This conclusion was also taken into consideration when PGD was performed. Copyright (c) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  17. A Comparison of Proposed Biosimilar LA-EP2006 and Reference Pegfilgrastim for the Prevention of Neutropenia in Patients With Early-Stage Breast Cancer Receiving Myelosuppressive Adjuvant or Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Pegfilgrastim Randomized Oncology (Supportive Care) Trial to Evaluate Comparative Treatment (PROTECT-2), a Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind Trial. (United States)

    Blackwell, Kimberly; Donskih, Roman; Jones, C Michael; Nixon, Allen; Vidal, Maria J; Nakov, Roumen; Singh, Pritibha; Schaffar, Gregor; Gascón, Pere; Harbeck, Nadia


    Pegfilgrastim is widely used for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. In highly regulated markets, there are currently no approved biosimilars of pegfilgrastim. Pegfilgrastim Randomized Oncology (Supportive Care) Trial to Evaluate Comparative Treatment (PROTECT-2) was a confirmatory efficacy and safety study designed to compare proposed biosimilar LA-EP2006 with reference pegfilgrastim (Neulasta, Amgen) in early-stage breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant or neoadjuvant myelosuppressive chemotherapy. A total of 308 patients were randomized to LA-EP2006 or reference pegfilgrastim. Each patient received TAC (intravenous docetaxel 75 mg/m(2), doxorubicin 50 mg/m(2), and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m(2)) on day 1 of each cycle, for six or more cycles. Pegfilgrastim (LA-EP2006 or reference) was given subcutaneously (6 mg in 0.6 mL) on day 2 of each cycle. The primary endpoint was duration of severe neutropenia (DSN) during cycle 1 (number of consecutive days with an absolute neutrophil count prevention of neutropenia in patients with early-stage breast cancer receiving TAC. The granulocyte colony-stimulating factor pegfilgrastim is widely used for the prevention of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. Biosimilars are biologics with similar quality, safety, and efficacy to a reference product that may increase the affordability of treatment compared with their reference compounds. There are currently no approved biosimilars of pegfilgrastim in highly regulated markets. No previous phase III studies have been performed with LA-EP2006. PROTECT-2 was conducted to confirm the similarity of the proposed biosimilar LA-EP2006 to pegfilgrastim. Biosimilar pegfilgrastim (LA-EP2006) may benefit oncology patients by offering increased access to biological treatments that may improve clinical outcomes. This means that patients could potentially be treated prophylactically with biologics rather than only after complications have occurred. ©AlphaMed Press.

  18. Efeitos de intervenção educativa na adesão às recomendações técnicas de aspiração traqueobrônquica em pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva

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    Erimara Dall'Agnol de Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade de uma intervenção educacional na adesão dos profissionais da saúde às recomendações técnicas de aspiração traqueobrônquica em pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva. MÉTODOS: Estudo quasi-experimental, com avaliação da adesão dos profissionais da unidade de terapia intensiva às recomendações da técnica de aspiração traqueobrônquica, em pacientes internados na unidade de terapia intensiva, antes e após uma intervenção educacional teórico-prática. As comparações foram feitas com teste do qui-quadrado e foi utilizado o nível de significância de p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Foram observados 124 procedimentos, pré e pós-intervenção. Verificou-se aumento da adesão em: utilização de equipamento para proteção individual (p=0,01, cuidado com a abertura da embalagem do cateter (p<0,001, uso de luva estéril na mão dominante para retirada do cateter (p=0,003, contato da luva estéril apenas com o cateter (p<0,001, realização de movimentos circulares durante a retirada do cateter (p<0,001, cateter envolto na luva estéril no final do procedimento (p=0,003, utilização de água destilada, aberta no início do procedimento, para lavagem do látex de conexão (p=0,002, descarte do restante do conteúdo de água destilada ao final do procedimento (p<0,001 e realização do conjunto dos procedimentos da técnica de aspiração (p<0,001. CONCLUSÃO: Houve baixa adesão dos profissionais de saúde às medidas preventivas de infecção hospitalar, indicando a necessidade de implantação de estratégias educativas. A intervenção educativa utilizada mostrou-se efetiva para melhorar a adesão às recomendações da técnica de aspiração traqueobrônquica.

  19. Investigando con personas con dificultades de aprendizaje

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    Borja González Luna


    Full Text Available El artículo muestra los orígenes de lo que Walmsley (2008 denomina «investigación inclusiva». Para comprender qué se entiende por investigación inclusiva tenemos que remontarnos a los debates epistemológicos sobre las metodologías cuantitativas y cualitativas, acontecidos en la década de los 90, en torno a la revista Disability & Society. A partir de una síntesis de dichos debates, focalizados en el ámbito de la «discapacidad intelectual y del desarrollo», se exponen dos estrategias de colaboración con dicha población: a una aproximación etnográfica (de trabajo grupal, y b una aproximación biográfica (de trabajo individual. A continuación se esboza un posible diseño de trabajo de campo que intenta superar el paradigma cualitativo «clásico» con el objetivo de incluir a dicho colectivo más allá del rol de «sujetos de la investigación». Para finalizar se recoge el debate sobre la accesibilidad de los resultados de la investigación a los participantes en dichas investigaciones, y con ello la necesaria innovación en el ámbito de las «devoluciones» de los resultados, cuando se trata de incluir a personas que presentan limitaciones para la comprensión del lenguaje abstracto oral y/o escrito.



    Johanna Stella Castellanos Arias; Leonardo Enrique Solaque Guzmán


    En este trabajo, se presenta el modelado de un Sistema de Manufactura Flexible (SMF), con procesos concurrentes y recursos compartidos mediante Sistemas a Eventos Discretos (SED), específicamente Redes de Petri (RdP), y GRAFCET. El SMF se plantea como un modelo hipotético que se modela con una RdP con el objeto de identificar su dinámica y hallar la secuencia óptima de funcionamiento del sistema. Se desarrolló un modelo matemático que permite estimar el vector de tiempo acumulado de un proces...

  1. Genetic Associations in Acquired Immune-Mediated Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes: Insights in Aplastic Anemia and Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia (United States)

    Mavroudi, Irene; Papadaki, Helen A.


    Increasing interest on the field of autoimmune diseases has unveiled a plethora of genetic factors that predispose to these diseases. However, in immune-mediated bone marrow failure syndromes, such as acquired aplastic anemia and chronic idiopathic neutropenia, in which the pathophysiology results from a myelosuppressive bone marrow microenvironment mainly due to the presence of activated T lymphocytes, leading to the accelerated apoptotic death of the hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, such genetic associations have been very limited. Various alleles and haplotypes of human leucocyte antigen (HLA) molecules have been implicated in the predisposition of developing the above diseases, as well as polymorphisms of inhibitory cytokines such as interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor-α, and transforming growth factor-β1 along with polymorphisms on molecules of the immune system including the T-bet transcription factor and signal transducers and activators of transcription. In some cases, specific polymorphisms have been implicated in the outcome of treatment on those patients. PMID:22956967

  2. Multisite external validation of a risk prediction model for the diagnosis of blood stream infections in febrile pediatric oncology patients without severe neutropenia. (United States)

    Esbenshade, Adam J; Zhao, Zhiguo; Aftandilian, Catherine; Saab, Raya; Wattier, Rachel L; Beauchemin, Melissa; Miller, Tamara P; Wilkes, Jennifer J; Kelly, Michael J; Fernbach, Alison; Jeng, Michael; Schwartz, Cindy L; Dvorak, Christopher C; Shyr, Yu; Moons, Karl G M; Sulis, Maria-Luisa; Friedman, Debra L


    Pediatric oncology patients are at an increased risk of invasive bacterial infection due to immunosuppression. The risk of such infection in the absence of severe neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count ≥ 500/μL) is not well established and a validated prediction model for blood stream infection (BSI) risk offers clinical usefulness. A 6-site retrospective external validation was conducted using a previously published risk prediction model for BSI in febrile pediatric oncology patients without severe neutropenia: the Esbenshade/Vanderbilt (EsVan) model. A reduced model (EsVan2) excluding 2 less clinically reliable variables also was created using the initial EsVan model derivative cohort, and was validated using all 5 external validation cohorts. One data set was used only in sensitivity analyses due to missing some variables. From the 5 primary data sets, there were a total of 1197 febrile episodes and 76 episodes of bacteremia. The overall C statistic for predicting bacteremia was 0.695, with a calibration slope of 0.50 for the original model and a calibration slope of 1.0 when recalibration was applied to the model. The model performed better in predicting high-risk bacteremia (gram-negative or Staphylococcus aureus infection) versus BSI alone, with a C statistic of 0.801 and a calibration slope of 0.65. The EsVan2 model outperformed the EsVan model across data sets with a C statistic of 0.733 for predicting BSI and a C statistic of 0.841 for high-risk BSI. The results of this external validation demonstrated that the EsVan and EsVan2 models are able to predict BSI across multiple performance sites and, once validated and implemented prospectively, could assist in decision making in clinical practice. Cancer 2017;123:3781-3790. © 2017 American Cancer Society. © 2017 American Cancer Society.

  3. Escala de Coma de Glasgow: subestimação em pacientes com respostas verbais impedidas Escala de Coma de Glasgow: subestimación en pacientes con respuestas verbales impedidas Glasgow Coma Scale: underestimation in patients with verbal responses impeded

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    Maria Sumie Koizumi


    Full Text Available Questão freqüente no uso da Escala de Coma de Glasgow (ECGl, na fase aguda, em pacientes internados devido ao trauma crânio-encefálico (TCE é a subestimação decorrente de situações impeditivas como intubação endotraqueal/traqueostomia, sedação e edema palpebral. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e determinar a subestimação na pontuação total da ECGl quando se utiliza a pontuação 1 nas situações de impedimento para a sua avaliação. A amostra estudada foi de 76 pacientes internados com TCE no Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP. Em 42 (55,3% pacientes, não havia impedimentos e foram realizadas 136 avaliações. Em 34 (44,7%, havia impedimentos caracterizados por intubação ou traqueostomia, podendo estar ou não associados com edema palpebral e sedação, e o total de avaliações foi de 310. A pontuação nesses pacientes total variou de 3 a 11, com os escores mais freqüentes de 3 e 6. Pelos valores estimados pela regressão linear, a partir das pontuações obtidas em AO e MRM foram obtidas as seguintes subestimações: média=1,03 ±1,36, mediana=0,54 (intubação ou traqueostomia; média=0,40 ±0,79, mediana=0,00 (intubação ou traqueostomia + sedação; média=0,57 ±0,96, mediana=0,27 (intubação ou traqueostomia + sedação + edema palpebral. Conclui-se que, no TCE grave, a pontuação total da ECGl fixando a MRV em 1, embora subestimada, encontra-se próxima da real.Cuestionamiento frecuente en el uso de la Escala de Coma de Glasgow (ECG, en la fase aguda, en pacientes internados debido al trauma craneoencefalico es la subestimación decorrient de situaciones impeditivas como intubación endotraqueal/traqueostomía, sedación y edema palpebral. El objetivo de ese estudio fue identificar y determinar la subestimación en la puntuación total de la ECG cuando es utilizada la puntuación 1 en las situaciones de impedimiento para su avaliación. La muestra estudiada fue de 76 pacientes internados por TEC en el

  4. con mala calidad de vida

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    Agustín Martín-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En este estudio ex post facto se ha analizado si los familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida presentan diferencias en las variables clínicas de personalidad y relaciones familiares en función de que el paciente haya estado o no ingresado en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Seleccionamos dos grupos: 29 familiares de pacientes traumatizados graves transcurridos cuatro años de su ingreso en una UCI de Traumatología y con mala calidad de vida (debido a secuelas físicas y/o psicológicas tras el ingreso, tales como traumatismos craneoencefálicos, politraumatismos y tetraplejias traumáticas y 32 familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida con cuatro años de evolución de su enfermedad física (hipertensión, diabetes, artritis reumatoide y síndrome de intestino irritable que no han estado ingresados en la UCI. Para alcanzar nuestro objetivo empleamos una Encuesta Psicosocial y los siguientes instrumentos: Cuestionario de Análisis Clínico, Escala de Clima Social en la Familia y Escala de Adaptación Psicosocial de la Enfermedad. Los resultados mostraron que los familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida que estuvieron ingresados en la UCI hace cuatro años, presentan diferencias significativas en las variables agitación y expresividad comparados con los familiares de pacientes con mala calidad de vida que no han estado ingresados en la UCI.

  5. The Role Of Multidetector Computed Tomography In The Early Diagnosis Of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergıllosis In Patients With Febrile Neutropenia Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Nazan Çiledağ


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the vessel involvement and the role of multidedector computed tomograpy (MDCT in the early diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA at MDCT in autologous bone morrow transplantation patients with febrile neutropenia and antibiotic-resistant fever of unknown origin with clinically suspected IPA. METHODS: 74 pulmonary MDCT examinations of 37 consecutive hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients with febrile neutropenia with clinically suspected IPA were retrospectively evaluated. RESULTS: The diagnosis of IPA was made according to according to the Fungal Infections Cooperative Group and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Consensus Group criteria and 0, 14, 11 patients were diagnosed as proven, probable, possible IPA, respectively. Among 25 cases accepted as probable and possible IPA, all patients had pulmonary MDCT findings consistent with IPA. Remaining 12 patients were accepted as having fever of unknown origin (FUO and in these 12, MDCT showed patent vessel. In patients with probable/possible IPA, 72 focal pulmonary lesions were detected. In 41 of 72 (57%, vascular occlusion was detected. The CT halo sign was present in 25 of 41 (61% lesions. A clinical improvement, resolution of fever was observed following antifungal therapy in 19 (76% of 25 patients with probable/possible IPA. Six (25% patients diagnosed as IPA died during follow-up. Transplant related mortality at day 100 in patients with IPA and FUO were found to be 24% and 0%, respectively. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, MDCT has a potential role in early diagnosis of IPA by detection of vessel occlusion.

  6. Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud del niño y del adolescente con obesidad


    Hurtado-Valenzuela, Jaime Gabriel; Álvarez-Hernández, Gerardo


    Objetivo Estimar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) en un grupo de niños y adolescentes con obesidad de la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Métodos Se realizó un estudio transversal utilizando el cuestionario PedsQL® para comparar la CVRS de 200 niños y adolescentes con obesidad al igual que a sus padres, con dos grupos de control, uno de la comunidad (n=400) y otro grupo de usuarios (n=200) del Hospital Infantil del Estado de Sonora. Las diferencias en la CVRS fueron eva...

  7. Pulpotomía con electrocauterio en pacientes con hemofilia A


    Carbonell Rodriguez, Rosario


    Rehabilita la salud oral de un niños con Hemofilia A, empleando el Electrocauterio como una alternativa en la terapia pulpar, específicamente en la pulpotomía, para lo cual se realiza un minucioso examen clínico y anamnesis, que respaldados con exámenes complementarios, permite determinar el plan de tratamiento. La rehabilitación integral se llevó a cabo, previo consentimiento informado del padre, en sala de operaciones bajo anestesia general, debido a la condición sistémica del niño. Incl...

  8. Intervención con menores con adicciones desde Proyecto Hombre


    Pardo-Esteban, Belén; Escalza-González, Amaia


    En el citado seminario informaremos del programa de atención y prevención de las toxicomanías y otras adicciones, llevado a cabo por la Asociación Proyecto hombre. A continuación, trataremos la formación en adicciones y toxicomanía con los estudiantes, mediante charla, cuestionarios sobre conocimientos básicos en prevención de toxicomanía en menores y los diferentes programas de intervención posibles aducados a los perfiles de los usuarios. Terminaremos con un debate sobre los temas tra...


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    Full Text Available Se presentan algunas ventajas y limitaciones de las narrativas conversacionales como estrategia de investigación para el trabajo con familias y docentes de niños con discapacidad. La narración realizada por muchas voces, como sucede en una conversación, privilegia la relación y el discurso entre las personas como fuente de construcción consensuada de significados. La interacción triádica entre familia, inclusión educativa y salud orientó los encuentros conversacionales con padres, acudientes y profesores de estos niños en la ciudad de Manizales (Colombia. Los participantes conformaron equipos conversacionales y equipos reflexivos y conversaron sobre preguntas propuestas, previamente elaboradas. Con este ejercicio investigativo se resalta el valor interaccional de esta estrategia desde tres ámbitos: entre los par ticipantes, con el investigador y con el contexto situacional. Se argumenta que la reflexividad está más relacionada con el hacer que con el ser y el sentir de las personas, las cuales no necesariamente se transforman en la narrativa...


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    Johanna Stella Castellanos Arias


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se presenta el modelado de un Sistema de Manufactura Flexible (SMF, con procesos concurrentes y recursos compartidos mediante Sistemas a Eventos Discretos (SED, específicamente Redes de Petri (RdP, y GRAFCET. El SMF se plantea como un modelo hipotético que se modela con una RdP con el objeto de identificar su dinámica y hallar la secuencia óptima de funcionamiento del sistema. Se desarrolló un modelo matemático que permite estimar el vector de tiempo acumulado de un proceso modelado mediante una RdP, el cual constituye la base para hallar la mejor secuencia posible del sistema modelado. Por último, se realizó una implementación en el Laboratorio de Automatización de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, que simula el funcionamiento del SMF modelado por un montaje electrohidroneumático controlado con GRAFCET mediante PLC.

  11. Relación del perfil salival con el grado de inmunosupresión en pacientes infectados con VIH con y sin tratamiento antirretroviral


    Vera Cruz, Moisés; Cornejo Salaza, José; Chiyong, Teresa Evaristo; Arevalo Abanto, Jorge A.; Villanueva Vílchez, Hugo G.


    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el perfil salival de pacientes con infección por VIH con y sin Tratamiento Antirretroviral de Gran Actividad (TARGA), por medio de la evaluación de los síntomas de hipofunción salival (Xerostomía, Disgeusia, Disfagia y Susceptibilidad de desarrollar úlceras orales), la Tasa de Flujo salival no estimulado, el pH salival y la viscosidad salival; estableciendo su relación con el Grado de Inmunosupresión, evaluado por medio del Recuento de Linfocitos CD4/μl. Se...

  12. Anobium: La carcoma política en la casa de muñecas

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    Santiago Martínez Magdalena


    Full Text Available La práctica de los profesionales sociales, sobre todo en instituciones, está necesitada de nuevas vías de indagación a raíz de la insuficiencia de los métodos habituales: no tanto encaminadas a solventar mejor los problemas cotidianos en la administración de la alteridad social (enfermos mentales, inadaptados, con trastornos de conducta, con necesidad de protección ante situaciones de riesgo social; menores internados en nuestro caso; sino, más bien, en la exigencia de comprender con nuevas perspectivas lo que ocurre “adentro” de unas instituciones que se muestran incomprensibles (laboralmente enajenantes. Las instituciones tienen sus propias dinámicas que no pueden reducirse solamente a conflictos laborales por fuera y competencia (práctica y formativa por dentro. Propondremos un método de des-enajenación laboral entendiendo la práctica social experta (educativa, psicológica, de atención social como eminente política, y con recursos creativos (traslaciones de metáforas que ayuden a des-aplicar o des-coyuntar las prácticas expertas que configuran y designan una realidad absorbente.


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    Carmen Llanos Val Jiménez


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Al igual que en otros problemas crónicos, en el abor - daje del paciente con artrosis se tiende a un modelo de toma de decisiones compartidas, en el que el punto de vista del paciente debe ser considerado en la elección del tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la sa - tisfacción con el tratamiento en pacientes diagnosticados de osteoartrosis y comprobar si existen diferencias entre diferentes opciones farmacológicas, así como determinar si existe asociación con el estado funcional y las carac - terísticas clínicas y sociodemográficas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal en una muestra de 487 pacientes seleccionados mediante muestreo consecutivo. La variable principal fue el nivel de satisfacción con el tratamiento (cuestionario ARTS. El estado funcional de los pacientes fue evaluado mediante la escala WO - MAC. Otras variables fueron: características del tratamiento, adherencia te - rapéutica, eventos adversos, y variables clínicas y sociodemográficas. Resultados: En el cuestionario ARTS los pacientes, en un rango entre 28 y 87, obtuvieron una puntuación media de 65,3 (DE: 9,9. La puntuación no fue significativamente diferente en consumidores de 1, 2 o más fármacos. Entre quienes consumían un solo fármaco, no hubo diferencias entre los di - ferentes tipos de fármacos. En el estado funcional se obtuvo una puntuación media de 30,2 puntos (DE: 20,8 y se observó una débil correlación negativa con el nivel de satisfacción (r= - 0,252; p<0,001. Mediante regresión lineal múltiple, se observó mayor puntuación en la escala ARTS (p<0,05 en pa - cientes con menor puntuación en la escala WOMAC, mayor edad y ausencia de eventos adversos. Conclusión : En pacientes con osteoartritis se observa un nivel mode - rado de satisfacción con el tratamiento farmacológico, condicionado por su situación funcional, sus características sociodemográficas y por la presencia de eventos

  14. Sindrome confusional agudo por abstinencia aguda de nicotina Delirium due to acute nicotine withdrawal

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    Manuel Klein


    Full Text Available El síndrome confusional agudo (SCA o delirium en pacientes hospitalizados es un problema frecuente y grave. Se caracteriza por síntomas de comienzo agudo y curso fluctuante con inatención, pensamiento desorganizado, y con distintos niveles de alteración de la conciencia.En la bibliografía consultada, el SCA como manifestación de un síndrome de abstinencia aguda nicotínica fue descripto en solo ocho casos. Presentamos el caso de un tabaquista grave que, internado por una reagudización de su enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC, presentó un cuadro de SCA al tercer día de abstinencia tabacal, cediendo los síntomas tras la administración de un parche de nicotina. Lo descripto sugiere que en pacientes internados que presentan SCA y agitación, con fuertes antecedentes de tabaquismo, un simple ensayo con un parche de nicotina puede ofrecer en pocas horas una notable respuesta terapéutica y a su vez un test confirmatorio. El reconocimiento del SCA como forma de presentación de la abstinencia nicotínica permitirá identificar casos habitualmente complejos en los que se podrá implementar una sencilla y eficaz alternativa terapéutica.Delirium or acute confusional state among hospitalized patients is a frequent and serious problem. It is characterized by acute onset symptoms, fluctuating course, impaired attention, unorganized thinking, and altered level of conciousness. Delirium, as a manifestation of acute nicotine withdrawal syndrome has been reported in the reviewed literature only in eight cases. We report the case of a heavy smoker admitted because of a reagudization of his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. At the third day of nicotine abstinence, he developed delirium with a rapid improvement of his symptoms after treatment with a transdermal nicotine patch. This description suggests that in hospitalized heavy smokers who develop delirium with agitation, a simple trial with a nicotine patch can offer a dramatic

  15. Hidroxilación de fenol con catalizadores ZSM-5 modificado con cobre

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    César Augusto Caro


    Full Text Available Se sintetizaron varios catalizadores Cu-ZSM-5 con diferentes relaciones Si/Al y Si/Cu. Usando metilamina o hidróxido de sodio como agente mineralizante. Los catalizadores se caracterizaron por DRX, IR, análisis BET, UV-VIS y análisis elemental. El desempeño catalítico de los catalizadores sintetizados se evaluó en la hidroxilación de fenol con H2O2. Se encontró que la relación catecol (CAT/(hidroquinona (HQ + p-benzoquinona (PBQ aumentó con el contenido de agua, presentó un máximo cuando la relación en peso de agua/fenol fue de 53/1 y se favoreció a altas temperaturas, con el aumento del contenido de aluminio o con la disminución en el contenido de catalizador. El contenido de cobre no fue un factor determinante para la conversión ni para la selectividad en la hidroxilación de fenol. La producción de la p-benzoquinona (PBQ, producto de oxidación de la hidroquinona, fue mínimo cuando se usaron las siguientes condiciones: 80 ºC, fenol: 1 mmol, relación molar fenol/H2O2 de 3/1, catalizador: 20 mg, agua: 5 g, tiempo de reacción: 4 h.

  16. Adaptação cultural e validação para a língua portuguesa da Parental Stress Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS:NICU Adaptación cultural y validación al idioma português del Parental Stress Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS:NICU Cultural adaptation and validation for the portuguese language of the Parental Stress Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS:NICU

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    Sandra Regina de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Traduzir, realizar a adaptação cultural e validar a escala Parental Stress Scale:Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS:NICU para a língua portuguesa. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se o método descritivo de validação de instrumentos de medida, baseado nas etapas propostas por Guillemin et al. A análise da confiabilidade foi realizada por meio dos testes e retestes e da consistência interna. Na validação clínica, participaram 163 pais de recém-nascidos internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN. RESULTADOS: Os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse ficaram em torno de 0,70 mostrando boa estabilidade entre as duas avaliações. A análise fatorial pelo método de componentes principais utilizou os mesmos critérios da escala original, com rotação Varimax, com grau de variância adequado de 57,9%. Os maiores níveis de estresse dos pais foram obtidos na subescala "alteração do papel de pais". CONCLUSÃO: A PSS:NICU na versão em português é uma ferramenta válida e confiável para avaliação do estresse de pais com filho internado na UTIN.OBJETIVO: Traducir, realizar la adaptación cultural y validar la escala Parental Stress Scale:Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (PSS:NICU al idioma portugués. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó el método descriptivo de validación de instrumentos de medida, basado en las etapas propuestas por Guillemin et al. El análisis de la confiabilidad fue realizado por medio de los tests y retests y de la consistencia interna. En la validación clínica, participaron 163 padres de recién nacidos internados en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal (UCIN. RESULTADOS: Los coeficientes de correlación intraclase quedaron alrededor de 0,70 mostrando buena estabilidad entre las dos evaluaciones El análisis factorial por el método de componentes principales utilizó los mismos criterios de la escala original, con rotación Varimax, con grado de varianza adecuado de 57,9%. Los mayores niveles de estrés de


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    Mª Begoña Carretero Gómez


    Full Text Available En esta experiencia se han seleccionado una serie de actividades relacionadas con la digestión con el fin de lograr una reestructuración de ideas y cambios conceptuales, y así con la conseguir que el alumnado aprenda a construir sus propios conocimientos acerca de cómo y donde se dan los procesos de digestión necesarios para la nutrición del organismo. El trabajo se ha llevado a cabo con alumnos de 3º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, pertenecientesal programa de diversificación curricular. Hemos querido hacer la ciencia más cercana para que comprendan que algunos procesos tienen su explicación científica y que la ciencia forma parte de nuestro día a día, fomentando el interés del estudiante así como su implicación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Por ello hemos trabajado a base de pequeñas investigaciones, donde es el alumno el que marca su ritmo de trabajo, investiga y hace sus aportaciones. Han aprendido a trabajar de una forma meticulosa donde el rigor esfundamental, contagiándose del afán investigador de manera que al realizar las experiencias se han aproximado al trabajo científico a la vez que aclaran y reestructuran conocimientos.


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    Icleia Parente Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Estudio descriptivo, cuyos objetivos fueron: caracterizar los aspectos sociodemográficos, clínicos y terapeuticos de niños y adolescentes con fiebre reumática y describir experiencias de sujetos que viven con la enfermedad. Desarrollado en un hospital del Sistema Único de Salud recomendable en la atención terciaria en Fortaleza-Ce. Amuestra compuesta de 20 sujetos internados con diagnósticos de fiebre reumática en 2004 y 2005. En la colecta se utilizaron datos de 20 registros médicos, además de entrevista semiestructurada, aplicada a los seis sujetos escojidos intencionalmente, incluyéndose los responsables. El análisis permitió percibir las diversas condiciones clínicas y sociales que predisponen niños y adolescentes a la falta de confuertos físicos y psicosiales por las restriciones a las condiciones de vida. Hay, por lo tanto, la necesidad de esfuerzos del equipo asistencial para la detección y tratamiento precoz para mejor pronóstico y cualidad de vida de aquellos afectados por esta enfermedad.

  19. Impacto Económico del dengue en el Instituto de Previsión Social: epidemia diciembre 2006 - julio 2007

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    Laura Flores


    Full Text Available El dengue es la enfermedad viral transmitida por vectores más extendida en el mundo, siendo una carga económica significativa en los países endémicos. Aunque se ha tratado de determinar el costo relacionado con los casos de dengue y su impacto económico en varios países, no se conoce la magnitud de su repercusión económica en nuestro país. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los costos directos e indirectos asociados con la atención de dengue en el Instituto de Previsión Social en el 2007. Diseño observacional descriptivo de corte transverso. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes con diagnóstico de dengue, se calcularon: costos de insumos, hospitalización, análisis químicos y serología. Para los costos indirectos se consideró los subsidios pagados al personal y el salario mínimo diario del 2007. Se registraron 9819 consultas por síndrome febril, de los cuales 5960 casos fueron confirmados para dengue y 1447 hospitalizados. El costo día de insumos fue 38.180 Gs (7,6 US$. El costo día laboratorio fue 17.660 Gs. Los costos de contratación de médicos para la contingencia fue 600.000 Gs día (120 US$. El costo paciente/día internado 655.840 (131,1 US$. El costo de atención ambulatoria fue 1.824.468G (364,8 US$ por 7 días de tratamiento. Los costos indirectos fueron 358.701.798 G (71.740,3 US$ por 2024 subsidios por dengue, correspondiente a 12.552 días de reposo. Los costos en la urgencia y ambulatorio representan más del 86%, los costos a internados representa el 7%, y los debidos al ausentismo laboral causado por la hospitalización y la convalecencia tras la enfermedad, representan el 7%.

  20. Pros and cons of intraperitoneal chemotherapy in the treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer. (United States)

    Zeimet, Alain G; Reimer, Daniel; Radl, Alice C; Reinthaller, Alexander; Schauer, Christian; Petru, Edgar; Concin, Nicole; Braun, Stephan; Marth, Christian


    Development of the pros and cons of intraperitoneal (IP) chemotherapy in the treatment of epithelial ovarian cancer based on the most prominent data published on the evolution of IP chemotherapy and on experience with this therapeutic strategy in clinical routine. The literature published on IP chemotherapy in ovarian cancer between 1970 and 2008 was identified systematically by computer-based searches in MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library. Furthermore, a preliminary analysis of data recorded during an observational nationwide multicenter study of the Austrian AGO on IP-IV chemotherapy using the GOG-172 treatment regimen was performed. The literature review unequivocally revealed a significantly greater toxicity for IP than for intravenous (IV) cisplatin-based chemotherapy. However, according to a Cochrane meta-analysis, IP-IV administration of chemotherapy is associated with a 21.6% decrease in the risk for death. In agreement with earlier reports, the most frequently mentioned side-effects in the Austria-wide observational study were long-lasting neurotoxicity, abdominal pain, fatigue, gastrointestinal and metabolic toxicities, and catheter-related complications. Most of these toxicities were identified as mirroring the toxicity profile of high-dose IV cisplatin (>or=100 mg/m(2)). In some patients, the classic IP-IV regimen with cisplatin/paclitaxel was changed to an alternative schedule comprising carboplatin AUC 5 (d1) and weekly paclitaxel 60 mg/m(2) (d1, 8, 15) completely administered via the IP route. This treatment was better tolerated and quality of life was significantly less compromised. However, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia were the limiting side-effects of this IP regimen. In cases where optimal cytoreduction with residual disease

  1. Esporotricosis cutánea diseminada con compromiso articular en una mujer con diabetes tipo 2

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    Sendy Solorzano

    Full Text Available La esporotricosis diseminada es una presentación infrecuente de esta micosis. Aunque ha sido descrita en sujetos inmunocompetentes, con frecuencia existe compromiso de la inmunidad mediada por células T. Reportamos el caso de una mujer con diabetes tipo 2 no controlada que desarrolló esporotricosis cutánea diseminada. El curso de la enfermedad presentó varias complicaciones que incluyeron hepatitis secundaria a itraconazol y artritis de la rodilla con cultivo positivo para Sporothrix schenckii durante el tratamiento con solución saturada de ioduro de potasio. La discusión del caso incluye aspectos de la patogénesis de la esporotricosis diseminada y el manejo de la infección y sus complicaciones.

  2. Efectos del tratamiento con litio sobre las funciones neurosicológicas de pacientes con trastorno bipolar de tipo I

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    Anabel Martínez Aran


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: determinar si el tratamiento continuo con litio influye en el desempeño cognitivo de un grupo de pacientes eutímicos con trastorno afectivo bipolar I. MÉTODO: se evaluó el desempeño cognitivo usando pruebas neurosicológicas de atención, memoria y función ejecutiva en 20 pacientes eutímicos con trastorno afectivo bipolar I que no tomaban medicación, 20 pacientes eutímicos con trastorno afectivo bipolar I quienes continuaban regularmente el tratamiento con carbonato de litio, y un tercer grupo de 20 pacientes control. RESULTADOS: no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos grupos de pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar. Sin embargo, al compararlos con el grupo control, su desempeño en términos de memoria verbal, viso-verbal y asociación semántica medida fue menor. DISCUSIÓN: los pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar I muestran deficiencias en términos de memoria verbal y viso-verbal que no pueden ser atribuidos al tratamiento regular con carbonato de litio. Por el contrario, estas deficiencias podrían ser consideradas como características de rasgo de este trastorno.

  3. Acne polimorfo: tratamiento con Implacen

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    Rubén Pérez Armas


    Full Text Available Se realiza el estudio de 40 pacientes con acné polimorfo, los que fueron atendidos en la Consulta de Dermatología del Hospital Provincial Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Celia Sánchez Manduley", en el período comprendido de enero de 1988 a diciembre de 1989. Se revisa la literatura médica sobre los diversos métodos y medicamentos utilizados en la terapéutica de esta dermatosis. Se describe el esquema de tratamiento empleado con implacén en 30 pacientes; los 10 restantes se trataron con placebo; se compara dicho esquema con los tradicionales y se observan mejores resultados con nuestro estudio. Se destaca la ausencia de recaídas, así como el resultado del tratamiento de acuerdo con el sexo.A study was performed in 40 patients presenting with polymorphic acne who were attended in the Dermatology Department of "Celia Sánchez Manduley" Clinicosurgical and Teaching Hospital from January, 1988 to December, 1989. A review of the literature was made seeking for the different methods and drugs used for the treatment of this dermatosis. The treatment schedule with the use of implacen in 30 patients is described. Such therapeutic schedule was compared with traditional ones and better results were observed with the use of implacen. The fact that there were no relapses is highlighted, as well as the result of treatment according to sex.

  4. Reducción de color con cloruro de magnesio en soluciones con colorantes comerciales

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    Mercedes Lucero Chávez


    Full Text Available Se experimentó con diferentes concentraciones de cloruro de magnesio (MgCl2 como coagulante para reducir el color en soluciones con colorantes comerciales: negro, azul y café. Los parámetros analizados fueron pH, color, demanda química de oxígeno ( dqo y sólidos suspendidos totales (sst de acuerdo con las Normas Mexicanas. Como prueba complementaria se agregó carbón activado a las muestras para reducir el color residual después de la coagulación-floculación. La reducción de los valores de color y dqo fue mayor cuando se adicionó más cantidad de MgCl2 (1.8 g/L. Los porcentajes de reducción fueron ≥90% para el color y >50% para la dqo. Los sst aumentaron con la adición de MgCl2. El carbón activado eliminó el color residual.

  5. Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 2


    ESTÉVEZ MONTERO, RAÚL; Lloret Mauri, Jaime


    Es una pieza audiovisual creada con el objeto de atraer la atención de los niños de muy corta edad con el ajedrez y familiarizarlos con todas sus piezas y movimientos. Es una animación dirigida a un público infantil presentada por dibujos animados en 2D, en la que se ha intentado respetar en todo momento el argot de la comunidad ajedredística. En este video se presenta la segunda parte. Estévez Montero, R.; Lloret Mauri, J. (2016). Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 2.

  6. Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 1


    ESTÉVEZ MONTERO, RAÚL; Lloret Mauri, Jaime


    Es una pieza audiovisual creada con el objeto de atraer la atención de los niños de muy corta edad con el ajedrez y familiarizarlos con todas sus piezas y movimientos. Es una animación dirigida a un público infantil presentada por dibujos animados en 2D, en la que se ha intentado respetar en todo momento el argot de la comunidad ajedredística. En este video se presenta la primera parte. Estévez Montero, R.; Lloret Mauri, J. (2016). Aprende Ajedrez con Rey - Parte 1.

  7. Videojuego con Realidad Virtual


    González Mora, César


    El objetivo del proyecto es el desarrollo de un videojuego deportivo que utilice realidad mixta. El videojuego se podrá utilizar con dispositivos de tipo cardboard, y utilizará realidad aumentada para la interacción del jugador con el videojuego. En el desarrollo se utilizará el motor Unity para conseguir una aplicación multiplataforma, y la librería Vuforia para implementar realidad mixta.

  8. Factores psicosociales relacionados con la rehospitalización de pacientes con psicosis orgánica

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    Cortés-Padilla María Teresa


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Conocer los factores psicosociales relacionados con la frecuente rehospitalización de pacientes con psicosis orgánica. Material y métodos. Estudio de tipo observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal. La muestra estuvo formada por 33 pacientes del Hospital Psiquiátrico Guillermo Dávila, con Unidad de Medicina Familiar Número 10 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de la Ciudad de México, con psicosis orgánica y quienes durante los años de 1993-1994 presentaron más de dos rehospitalizaciones. Instrumentos: Entrevista grabada, o muestra de conversación de cinco minutos, para la emoción expresada (EE, cuestionarios mixtos para la Concepción de Enfermedad y la Relación médico-paciente. La validez y confiabilidad de los datos se establecieron con las pruebas de Kappa y Alpha de Cronbach y se efectuó análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial. Resultados. El 60.9% de los familiares presentan alto nivel de EE, es decir, expresan crítica, hostilidad o sobreinvolucramiento emocional; el 64.3% de los sujetos de la muestra conviven más de 35 horas a la semana con familiares que presentan Alta EE. Conclusiones. Altos niveles de EE estuvieron asociados con los frecuentes reingresos a hospitalización. Existe mayor conocimiento de las características de la enfermedad por parte del familiar que del paciente. La relación médico-paciente es satisfactoria pero no forma conciencia de enfermedad ni propicia apego al tratamiento terapeútico. El texto completo en inglés de este artículo está disponible en:

  9. Análisis probabilista con caminata al azar del número de personas viviendo con VIH mundialmente

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    Javier Oswaldo Rodríguez-Velásquez


    Full Text Available Introducción: El estudio de la dinámica anual de la epidemia de VIH a partir de la caminata al azar ha mostrado ser de utilidad para llevar este fenómeno altamente variable a un comportamiento predecible Objetivo: Predecir el comportamiento de la dinámica del número de personas viviendo con VIH mediante la caminata al azar probabilista. Metodología: Se analizaron los valores anuales de personas que a nivel global viven con VIH desde el año 1990 hasta el 2009, a partir de los espacios de probabilidad generados con la caminata al azar probabilista, para posteriormente desarrollar la predicción del valor anual de personas viviendo con VIH para los años 2010, 2011 y 2012. Resultados: Se predijeron los valores anuales de personas viviendo con VIH con un porcentaje de acierto de 98,95% para el año 2010, de 98,82% para el año 2011 y de 98,99% para la predicción realizada para el año 2012. Conclusiones: Se establecieron órdenes matemáticos a partir de la caminata al azar probabilista, estableciendo predicciones prácticamente deterministas del número de personas viviendo con VIH, lo que podría ser útil para las decisiones en Salud Pública y para la evaluación de intervenciones.

  10. Bloodstream infection caused by extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in cancer patients: high mortality associated with delayed treatment rather than with the degree of neutropenia. (United States)

    Freire, M P; de Oliveira Garcia, D; Garcia, C P; Campagnari Bueno, M F; Camargo, C H; Kono Magri, A S G; Francisco, G R; Reghini, R; Vieira, M F; Ibrahim, K Y; Rossi, F; Hajjar, L; Levin, A S; Hoff, P M; Pierrotti, L C; Abdala, E


    This study aimed to describe severe infections with extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii-calcoaceticus complex (XDR-ABC), as well as to investigate risk factors for mortality, in cancer patients. It was a retrospective study including all patients diagnosed with XDR-ABC bacteraemia during hospitalization in the intensive care unit of a cancer hospital between July 2009 and July 2013. Surveillance cultures were collected weekly during the study period, and clonality was analysed using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). We analysed underlying diseases, oncology therapy, neutrophil counts, infection site and management of infection, in terms of their correlation with 30-day mortality. During the study period, 92 patients with XDR-ABC bacteraemia were identified, of whom 35 (38.0%) were patients with haematological malignancy. We identified XDR-ABC strains with four different profile patterns, 91.3% of patients harbouring the predominant PFGE type. Of the 92 patients with XDR-ABC bacteraemia, 66 (71.7%) had central line-associated bloodstream infections; infection occurred during neutropenia in 22 (23.9%); and 58 (63.0%) died before receiving the appropriate therapy. All patients were treated with polymyxin, which was used in combination therapy in 30 of them (32.4%). The 30-day mortality rate was 83.7%. Multivariate analysis revealed that septic shock at diagnosis of XDR-ABC infection was a risk factor for 30-day mortality; protective factors were receiving appropriate therapy and invasive device removal within the first 48 h. Among cancer patients, ineffective management of such infection increases the risk of death, more so than do features such as neutropenia and infection at the tumour site. Copyright © 2015 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Anti-human neutrophil antigen-1a, -1b, and -2 antibodies in neonates and children with immune neutropenias analyzed by extracted granulocyte antigen immunofluorescence assay. (United States)

    Onodera, Rie; Kurita, Emi; Taniguchi, Kikuyo; Karakawa, Shuhei; Okada, Satoshi; Kihara, Hirotaka; Fujii, Teruhisa; Kobayashi, Masao


    Anti-human neutrophil antigen (HNA) antibodies have been implicated in the development of neonatal alloimmune neutropenia (NAN) and autoimmune neutropenia (AIN). There are many conventional assay methods that detect anti-HNA antibodies. However, a method to measure multiple samples and detect several anti-HNA antibodies simultaneously is needed. We developed a new method, the extracted granulocyte antigen immunofluorescence assay (EGIFA), to analyze anti-HNA-1a, -1b, and -2 antibodies in sera. The results obtained by EGIFA were evaluated in comparison with those from several standard assay methods. Anti-HNA antibodies in serum samples from nine familial cases with suspected NAN (n = 19) and children with suspected AIN (n = 88) were also measured by EGIFA. The evaluation of nine serum samples with anti-HNA antibodies suggested that EGIFA demonstrated equivalent specificity and superior sensitivity to monoclonal antibody-specific immobilization of granulocyte antigens and had comparable sensitivity to the granulocyte indirect immunofluorescence test. EGIFA successfully detected anti-HNA-1a or -1b antibodies in seven of nine familial cases with suspected NAN. EGIFA detected anti-HNA antibodies in 40.9% of children with suspected AIN. Among them, isolated anti-HNA-1a or -1b antibody was detected in 4.5 or 12.5% of children, respectively, and anti-HNA-2 antibody was identified in 3.4% of children. The 30.8% (16 of 52) of children negative for anti-HNA antibody by EGIFA were positive for anti-HLA antibody. EGIFA facilitated the measurement of anti-HNA-1a, -1b, and/or -2 antibodies in sera. The prompt measurement of anti-HNA antibodies will improve the diagnosis and clinical management of patients with suspected NAN or AIN. © 2017 AABB.

  12. Fuerza manual de adultos con discapacidad intelectual

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    Ruth Cabeza Ruiz


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Presentar una descripción de la fuerza de prensión manual de hombres y mujeres con discapacidad intelectual (DI y comparar los resultados con valores de referencia de otras personas con y sin discapacidad intelectual. Método. El presente trabajo es un estudio transversal observacional, financiado por la Fundación SAMU, en el que se evaluaron a 122 personas con DI (86 hombres y 36 mujeres durante el desarrollo de unas jornadas de carácter recreativo en las que participaron varias asociaciones de atención a este colectivo. La batería de test utilizada fue el Alpaha-Fit Test Battery for Adults. Resultados. Se presentan los resultados relacionados con las variables de fuerza del miembro superior (Hand Grip Strength por grupos de edad (20-24, 25- 29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59 años. Los datos muestran valores que oscilan desde los 31 kg en los hombres más jóvenes con DI hasta los 13.3 kg del grupo más maduro de mujeres. Estos hallazgos son similares a los valores de referencia de población con DI española. Sin embargo, son muy inferiores a los obtenidos por la población sin discapacidad de la misma edad. Conclusión. Los resultados evidencian el menor rendimiento de las personas con DI en pruebas de fuerza de prensión manual por lo que se hace evidente la necesidad de llevar a cabo programas de ejercicio físico o deporte con las personas con DI.

  13. Sistemas integrados con Arduino




    Design of a robot prototype remotely controllable from Bluetooth using Arduino. Control and testing of sensors and events interacting with Arduino and Bluetooth. Diseño de un prototipo de robot controlable remotamente con Bluetooth utilizando Arduino. Control y verificación de los sensores y eventos que interactúan mediante el Arduino y el Bluetooth. El Yakouti, M. (2017). Sistemas integrados con Arduino. TFGM

  14. fertilizada con diferentes abonos

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    Jorge Alberto Elizondo-Salazar


    Full Text Available Producción y calidad de la biomasa de morera (Morus alba fertilizada con diferentes abonos. Se llevó a cabo un experimento en la Estación Experimental “Alfredo Volio Mata” de la Universidad de Costa Rica con el fi n de evaluar la aplicación de 150 kg de N/ha/año proveniente de dos abonos orgánicos: lombriabono y compostaje; y de un fertilizante químico, sobre la producción y calidad de la biomasa de morera. El periodo experimental comprendió un ciclo de 12 meses, iniciando en julio del 2003 y fi nalizando en julio del 2004. Se utilizó una plantación de morera de 12 años de establecida con una densidad de siembra de 27.777 plantas/ ha. Se empleó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro tratamientos: dos abonos orgánicos, nitrato de amonio (33,5% N y un control. Las plantas se podaron a 0,6 m sobre el nivel del suelo al inicio del ensayo. Durante el periodo experimental, las plantas fueron podadas consecutivamente cada 90 días. Las hojas y los tallos fueron separados y analizados para determinar el contenido de materia seca y proteína cruda. La producción de materia seca fue 23% superior y el contenido de proteína cruda fue signifi cativamente mayor con el nitrógeno químico, mientras que el contenido de materia seca fue menor. No se encontraron diferencias signifi cativas entre el tratamiento control y los tratamientos orgánicos.

  15. Estudio observacional prospectivo con insulina detemir en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 mal controlados que inician por primer vez tratamiento con insulina (estudio SOLVE

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    Domingo Orozco-Beltrán


    Conclusiones: En esta cohorte de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 recientemente insulinizados, la insulina detemir (una vez al día mejoró el control glucémico, con baja incidencia de hipoglucemia y una reducción significativa del peso.

  16. Eficacia del tratamiento tópico con Vimang® en pacientes con estomatitis subprótesis

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    Laritza Coureaux Rojas


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un ensayo clínico terapéutico controlado de fase III en 120 pacientes con estomatitis subprótesis, atendidos en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" de Santiago de Cuba, desde junio de 2010 hasta mayo de 2011, con vistas a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento tópico con té de Vimang® en dichos pacientes. Se conformaron 2 grupos de 60 integrantes cada uno (de estudio y de control. Los primeros fueron tratados con enjuagatorios fríos de dicho té 4 veces al día y los segundos con el mismo tratamiento más vitaminas. Se utilizaron el porcentaje para variables cualitativas, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para variables cuantitativas. Todos los integrantes del grupo de estudio se curaron y disminuyó el gasto de material, pero el costo-efectividad fue mayor por ser menor el tiempo de curación. El té de Vimang® resultó eficaz para eliminar las manifestaciones clínicas de esa lesión y no hubo reacciones adversas, de manera que se logró la curación de los afectados con ahorro de tiempo y recursos.

  17. Trastornos temporomandibulares en pacientes con maloclusiones

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    Luis Soto Cantero

    Full Text Available Introducción: existe una prevalencia de trastornos oclusales en gran medida relacionados con la presencia de disfunción temporomandibular. Objetivo: determinar el grado de disfunción temporomandibular según el Índice de Maglione en correspondencia con la prevalencia de maloclusiones en el área de salud del policlínico "Turcios Lima". Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal, en la consulta de ortodoncia, de junio del 2008 a junio del 2009. De un universo constituido por los 280 pacientes que acudieron al servicio de ortodoncia en el período señalado con presencia de maloclusiones, se seleccionó una muestra de 84 pacientes por muestreo aleatorio simple, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusión y exclusión realizados por criterios de expertos. Resultados: presentaban disfunción temporomandibular 74 pacientes y dentro de ellos 44 (52,4 % tenían disfunción grado II (Moderada. El 97 % de los pacientes con relación molar de clase II, presentaban disfunción temporomandibular. El 42,9 % de los pacientes con una maloclusión, presentaban disfunción grado I. El 60 % de los pacientes con dos maloclusiones presentaban disfunción grado II y el 66,7 % de los pacientes con tres maloclusiones, presentaban disfunción grado III. La mayor cantidad de pacientes tuvieron disfunción grado II (Moderada. Conclusiones: el mayor por ciento de los pacientes con disfunciones presentó una clase II molar y a medida que aumentó el número de maloclusiones aumentó también la severidad de la disfunción.

  18. Estudio multicéntrico de prevalencia de infección tuberculosa latente en los internados en prisiones españolas Multi-centre study of the prevalance of latent tuberculosis infection amongst inmates in spanish prisons

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    J. García-Guerrero


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Estudiar la prevalencia de infección tuberculosa latente (ITL entre los presos internados en las prisiones españolas. Material y Método: Estudio multicéntrico, observacional y transversal; muestreo por conglomerado bietápico. Se recogieron variables sociodemográficas, penitenciarias y clínico-serológicas. Se realizó análisis univariante, bivariante y multivariante mediante regresión logística con las variables que mostraron significación estadística. Se calculó la odds ratio con intervalo de confianza del 95%. Resultados: 378 pacientes. Se dispuso de intradermorreacción de Mantoux (IDRM valorable en el 90,2%. 91,2% hombres, 37,8% extranjeros con edad media de 35,9±10,3 años. Mediana de estancia en prisión: 2 años y el 28,7% había estado > 5 años en prisión. El 49,6% ingresó en prisión en 2006 o antes. El 24,5% tenía antecedentes de uso de drogas intravenosas (UDI. El 50,4% presentaba ITL que se asoció a: edad > 40 años (63,2 vs 43,8%; IC: 1,39-3,49; OR: 2,20; p=0,001; haber estado > 5 años en prisión (71,2 vs 41,3%; IC: 2,13-5,75; OR: 3,50; p 40 años (OR:1,76; IC: 1,08-2,87; p=0,024; y b estancia > 5 años en prisión (OR: 2,50; IC: 1,41-4,43; p=0,002. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de ITL en prisión es muy alta, sobre todo en los mayores de 40 años y los que están más de cinco años en prisión. Para evitar el riesgo de progresión a tuberculosis, se recomienda tratar a los infectados que lo precisen y mantener los programas de control de esta patología.Aims: To study the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI amongst inmates in Spanish prisons. Materials and Methods: Multi-centre, cross-sectional study; two stage sampling. Socio-demographic, prison and clinical variables were gathered. A univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis was carried out using logistic regression with the variables that showed statistical significance. The odds ratio was calculated with a confidence interval

  19. RadCon: A Radiological Consequences Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crawford, J.; Domel, R.U.


    RadCon estimates the dose received by user selected groups in the population from an accidental release of radionuclides to the environment. The exposure pathways considered are external exposure from the cloud and ground and internal exposure from inhalation and ingestion of contaminated food. Atmospheric dispersion modelling is carried out externally to RadCon.Given a two dimensional time varying air and ground concentration of radioactive elements, RadCon allows the user to: view the air and ground concentration over the affected area, select optional parameters and calculate the dose to people,display the results to the user, and change the parameter values. RadCon offers two user interfaces: 1) the standard graphical user interface which is started using Java DoseApp at the command line, or by setting up a shortcut to this command (particularly when RadCon is installed on a PC) and 2) the text based interface used to generate information for the model inter-comparison exercise . This is initiated using Java BIOMASS at the command line, or an equivalent shortcut. The text based interface was developed for research purposes and is not generally available. Appendices A, B and C provide a summary of instructions on setting up RadCon. This will generally be carried out by the computer support personnel

  20. Subgingival microflora and treatment in prepubertal periodontitis associated with chronic idiopathic neutropenia. (United States)

    Kamma, J J; Lygidakis, N A; Nakou, M


    Prepubertal periodontitis affects both primary and permanent dentition. The purpose of this study was to examine the composition of subgingival microflora of the permanent dentition in an 11-year-old Caucasian female, who had premature exfoliation of her deciduous teeth on her 5th year of age, and the response of this condition to the antibiotic therapy and supportive periodontal care. Gingival tissues were highly inflamed and alveolar bone loss was detected radiographically. The girl had experienced frequent upper respiratory tract infections, tonsilitis and recurrent otitis media. Her mother had history of early onset periodontitis associated with chronic idiopathic neutropenia. Blood chemistry tests and immunological examinations were also performed. Subgingival plaque samples were collected from the proximal sites of permanent molars, incisors, canines and maxillary premolars. 27 different microbial species were isolated from the subgingival microflora. Among the predominant species were Porphyromonas gingivalis (17.6%-7.3%), Prevotella intermedia (12.4%-4.7%), Capnocytophaga sputigena (14.4%-10.4%), Capnocytophaga ochracea (13.2%-6.9%) and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (9.3%-5.5%). Periodontal treatment consisted of scaling, root planing in conjunction with antibiotic administration of Augmentin 312.5 mg and Flagyl 200 mg, each t.i.d. for 10 days. 3 weeks after the antibiotic therapy, bacterial samples were collected from the same sites. All the periodontal pathogens were recovered in lower levels and A.actinomycetemcomitans was almost eliminated in the 3-week period. The evaluation of clinical indices at 3, 6 and 12 months showed that periodontal treatment in conjunction with antibiotics was effective and rapidly followed by marked clinical improvement. The microbiological monitoring at 3, 6 and 12 months after antibiotic treatment and each time prior to supportive periodontal care, revealed that the periodontal pathogens fluctuated in low levels even

  1. Síndrome de Felty: Presentación de un caso y revisión bibliográfica Felty's syndrome: A case report and literature review

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    M Domínguez

    Full Text Available El síndrome de Felty se caracteriza por reunir la tríada compuesta por: artritis reumatoide, neutropenia y esplenomegalia. Es una enfermedad autoinmune poco frecuente, con compromiso sistémico, articular y extra articular. Se desarrolla en personas de mediana edad, con historia de artritis reumatoide crónica deformante. El diagnóstico es eminentemente clínico y el tratamiento está enfocado a disminuir el dolor articular, las altas tasas de infecciones y evitar las deformidades óseas. Presentamos una paciente de 69 años de edad, diagnosticada en nuestro hospital, motivo por el que realizamos revisión bibliográfica de la entidad.Felty's syndrome has such as main feature the triad composed by: rheumatoid arthritis, neutropenia and splenomegaly. It is unusual autoimmune disease that compromises the nervous system as well as joint affectation and extra joint. This illness develops in middle aged subjects with arthritis rheumatoid chronic deform history. The diagnosis is clinical and the focus treatment is to diminish the articular pain, to reduce the infections high rates and to avoid the bony deformities. We report a clinical case of a patient who is 69 years-old, she was diagnosed in our hospital and we reviewed the bibliographic entity.

  2. Dependência química e prevenção à “recaída”

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    Fátima Büchele


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se trata de una investigación descriptiva-exploratoria con un abordaje cuali-cuantitativo, el cual posibilitó hacer un levantamiento de los factores considerados de riesgo para las reacaidas según la visión de los entrevistados en la Unidad de Dependencia Química del Instituto de Psiquiatría de Santa Catarina. Para la colecta de los datos se aplicó un cuestionario en la forma de entrevista a una muestra de 25 usuarios internados en la misma unidad, durante el período de abril a mayo del 2003. El objetivo fue levantar las situaciones de riesgo que los dependientes químicos reconocen como signos y síntomas siendo que estos los llevan a una recaida. Entre tanto, presentamos los resultados obtenidos donde se demuestran algunos factores de riesgo para la recaida que contribuyen con el área de dependencia química en este sentido.


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    Diamantino Santos


    Full Text Available Utilizando la Entrevista Estructurada para Familias Multiproblema (Pakman, 2007 se llevó a cabo un estudio exploratorio con 52 delincuentes adolescentes internados en Centros Educativos de la Dirección General de Rehabilitación Social y Servicios de Encar celamiento. Los datos, analizados utilizando una metodología de métodos mixtos, muestran que los adolescentes perciben un patrón de debilidades múltiples caracterizado por una alta prevalencia de consumo de sustancias adictivas, bajo rendimiento académico, experiencia laboral ilegal, bajo ingreso familiar, viviendo predominantemente en vecindarios con problemas, una gran polimórfica ruta antisocial bruja comienza a principios de la adolescencia y un comportamiento a menudo agresivo. Estos adolescentes se refieren a los elementos relevantes de la red social personal de sus pares antisociales del pasado y reportaron una alta incidencia de intervención familiar / individual por parte de la seguridad social.

  4. Estudio comparativo del efecto del cepillado con una crema dental con propóleos rojos y de un gel con clorofila

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    Estela Gispert Abreu


    Full Text Available Se analiza comparativamente el efecto de un gel dental de clorofila y de una crema dental con propóleos rojos sobre varios parámetros relacionados con la caries dental, en escolares que se cepillaron durante 21 días con dichos productos. Se obtuvieron resultados favorables principalmente en la disminución del grado de infección por Streptococcus mutans y la elevación de la capacidad individual de remineralización; salvo en este último no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas.Authors made a comparative analysis about effect of chlorophyl dental gel and toothpaste containing red propolis, on some parameters related to dental caries in a group of students that brushed their teeth during 21 days using such products. Favourable results were obtained, mainly in decrease of infection level from Streptococcus mutans, and in increase of individual capacity of remineralization; except for this latter, there weren´t statistically significant differences.

  5. Tratamiento conservador en pacientes con retinoblastoma bilateral

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    Juan C. Suárez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar el tratamiento convencional del retinoblastoma bilateral, usado hasta hace algunos años, consistente en radioterapia o enucleación bilateral, con el tratamiento conservador actual que incluye termoterapia transpupilar (TTT o TTT/quimioterapia al menos en un ojo, en niños con diagnóstico de retinoblastoma bilateral. DISEÑO: estudio retrospectivo descriptivo. MUESTRA: 20 pacientes con diagnóstico de retinoblastoma bilateral que consultaron al Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, de Medellín, Colombia, entre 1997 y 2007. MÉTODO: se hizo enucleación del ojo con el tumor de mayor tamaño. En el otro ojo se hizo tratamiento con TTT, con el láser diodo (810 nm, spot amplio, solo o combinado con otras terapias. RESULTADOS: se dividió a los pacientes en dos grupos: 16 pacientes (32 ojos en el grupo 1 tratados conservadoramente y 4 pacientes (8 ojos en el grupo 2 con tratamiento convencional. El rango de edad fue de 1-72 meses en el grupo 1 y de 1-12 meses en el grupo 2. El tiempo de seguimiento fue de 7-67 meses para el grupo 1 y de 13-73 meses para el grupo 2. En el grupo 1 se hizo enucleación de 16 ojos (50%, radioterapia externa de uno (3,1%, quimioterapia más termoterapia de 5 (15,6% y quimioterapia más termoterapia más crioterapia de 10 (31,3%. En todos los pacientes se logró preservar al menos un ojo. En el grupo 2, se enuclearon 7 ojos (87,5% y se hizo radioterapia externa más enucleación en un paciente (12.5%. Además, todos los pacientes recibieron quimioterapia. CONCLUSIÓN: la terapia conservadora actual consistente en tratamiento local (termoterapia, crioterapia o braquiterapia y quimiorreducción permite preservar al menos un ojo y en algunos casos de los dos, muchas veces con buena agudeza visual, en niños con retinoblastoma bilateral; se evitan así la enucleación bilateral y la radioterapia externa usada en el tratamiento convencional con todos sus efectos secundarios. La enucleación contin

  6. Variables socionutricionales de hogares mazahuas integrados por preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad


    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria) entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estud...

  7. Terapia asistida con perros en niños con autismo revisión sistemática


    Isaza Narváez, Ana Milena; Muñoz Chilito, Doumer Adrian


    Introducción: El autismo es un trastorno temprano y masivo del desarrollo en el cual se afecta la interacción social, el desarrollo del lenguaje, se presentan rituales y estereotipias. Hay evidencia que la interacción con un perro está asociada con efectos positivos en la salud del niño, lo cual se extiende al terreno terapéutico donde la compañía del perro estimula habilidades comunicativas para conectarse con el mundo exterior y romper el aislamiento que lo hace refractario a formas convenc...

  8. Variables socionutricionales de hogares mazahuas integrados por preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad


    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González; Ivonne Vizcarra-Bordi


    El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria) entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un est...

  9. Diagnósticos de enfermagem e proposta de intervenções para pacientes com lesão medular Diagnósticos de enfermería y propuesta de intervenciones para pacientes con lesión medular Nursing diagnoses and interventions proposal al for patients with spinal cord lesion

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    Clélia Regina Cafer


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: As lesões medulares constituem evento grave que acomete principalmente jovens, requerendo um planejamento cuidadoso da assistência de enfermagem Este estudo tem a finalidade de contribuir nesse planejamento, oferecendo subsídios para melhorar a qualidade do cuidado desses pacientes. OBJETIVOS: Identificar os diagnósticos de enfermagem, segundo a NANDA, em portadores de lesão medular internados numa Unidade de Ortopedia e Traumatologia; e propor as intervenções de enfermagem, conforme a NIC. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo prospectivo, com 10 casos analisados no período de janeiro/2000 a julho/2002. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento criado para uso na unidade de estudo, identificando-se os diagnósticos de enfermagem. As intervenções foram propostas pelas autoras e submetidas à avaliação de duas especialistas. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 15 diagnósticos de enfermagem prevalentes, para os quais foram propostas 26 intervenções de enfermagem. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados poderão subsidiar as enfermeiras ao cuidado do paciente com lesão medular, auxiliando-o e contribuindo à sua autonomia, através das intervenções propostas.INTRODUCCIÓN: Las lesiones medulares constituyen un evento grave que afecta, en su mayoría, a los jóvenes, las cuales requirien una planificación cuidadosa para la atencion de enfermeria. Este estudio tiene la finalidad de contribuir con subsidios para mejorar la calidad de los cuidados prestados a esos pacientes. OBJETIVOS: Identificar los diagnósticos de enfermería, según la taxonomía de la NANDA, en pacientes con lesión medular, internados en una Unidad de Ortopedia y Traumatología; y proponer las intervenciones de enfermería, conforme el referencial de la NIC. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo en el cual fue analizado un total de 10 casos, en el período de enero/2000 a julio/2002. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de un instrumento creado para uso en

  10. Efectos del contacto piel con piel del recién nacido con su madre

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    Camila Lucchini Raies

    Full Text Available Antecedentes: el contacto piel con piel ha sido una práctica ancestral en toda cultura, que debido a la institucionalización de la atención del parto, disminuyó en occidente. Se retomó en el marco de la atención humanizada del parto. Objetivo principal: determinar los efectos del contacto piel con piel del recién nacido con su madre. Metodología: revisión bibliográfica de 26 estudios. Límites de búsqueda: new borns, humans, clinical trials, de 10 años de publicación, en bases de datos: Pubmed, ProQuest, CINHAL, Lilacs. Resultados principales: Se observaron beneficios en las variables: duración de lactancia materna, comportamiento neurosensorial, regulación de temperatura, como alternativa al cuidado estándar, disminución en días hospitalización y niveles de cortisol, favorecedor de la interacción madre-hijo y desarrollo infantil. Conclusión principal: el contacto piel con piel brinda múltiples beneficios a recién nacidos. Se presenta como alternativa de cuidado segura, factible de implementar.

  11. Incidência e caraterísticas sociodemográficas de pacientes internados com coronariopatia Incidencia y características sociodemográficas de pacientes internados con coronariopatía Incidence and sociodemographic characteristics of patients with coronary conditions

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    Maria Aparecida Baggio


    pacientes atendidos durante el periodo de 2005 a 2009. De ellos, 1.755 son expedientes médicos de hospitalización por infarto de miocardio, 5.977 de procedimientos de angiografía coronaria, 2264 de angioplastia coronaria y 1004 de cirugías de revascularización miocárdica. En función de las variables del estudio, los datos fueron agrupados en tablas y analizados de forma descriptiva. Los enfermos con coronariopatía del sexo masculino (68,55% son más numerosos que los del sexo femenino (31,5%. De los pacientes revascularizados, la mayoría era de raza blanca, baja escolaridad, se encontraba en el grupo etario de los 51 a los 70 años, estaban jubilados y eran originarios de los municipios de São José y Florianópolis. Los datos de incidencia posibilita a los profesionales de enfermería y de la salud planear acciones de cuidado, de promoción y de educación para la salud, y el conocimiento de las características sociodemográficas permite a aquellos profesionales que actúan en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos cardiovasculares planear el cuidado del paciente revascularizado.Cardiovascular diseases are the principal cause of death in Brazil. For this reason, the objective of this study is to verify the incidence of the population of inpatients at the Cardiological Institute of Santa Catarina (Instituto de Cardiologia de Santa Catarina for clinical and surgical treatment for coronary conditions and to characterize the socio-demographic characteristics of patients having myocardial revascularization. This is a descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study of 11000 records of patients who were attended from 2005 to 2009. Of these, 1755 represent inpatient records for myocardial infarction, 5977 for coronary angiography procedures, 2264 for coronry angioplasty, and 1004 for myocardial revascularization surgery. Depending on the variables of this study, the data were grouped in tables and analyzed descriptively. Male patients with coronary conditions (68

  12. Larvicultura de Rhamdia quelen (Pisces, Pimelodidae con proteína vegetal y animal, suplementadas con plancton

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    Germán Castañeda A.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar el efecto de dietas con diferentes proporciones de fuentes proteicas animales y vegetales suplementadas con plancton sobre el crecimiento y sobrevivencia en larvas de Rhamdia quelen. Materiales y métodos. Fueron formuladas dos dietas experimentales, dieta-1 con 70% de proteína de origen vegetal (torta de soya y dieta-2 con 70% de proteína proveniente de animales (corazón bovino yharina de pescado; se utilizaron cuatro protocolos de alimentación (cinco réplicas por tratamiento: dieta-1 + plancton filtrado en tamiz de 50-200 micras (T1, dieta-2 + plancton filtrado en tamiz de 50-200 micras (T2, dieta-1 (T3, dieta-2 (T4. Las larvas fueron manejadas a una densidad de 20 animales L-1 suministrando alimentohasta aparente saciedad diariamente a las 07:00, 11:00, 16:00 y 21:00 horas; la suplementación con plancton se realizó a las 11:00 y 21:00 horas. Resultados. Entre T1 y T2 no se observaron diferencias estadísticas (p>0.05 en peso final (21.89 ± 15.17mg vs 20.37 ± 10.37mg, longitud total (13.41±2.34mm vs 13.39±1.99 mm, factor de condición (K (0.80±0.13 vs 0.78±0.13 y sobrevivencia (46.6±2.68% vs36.0±7.41%; las diferencias entre T3 y T4 tampoco fueron significativas (3.35±1.40 mg vs 2.98±1.48 mg; 7.54±0.91mm vs 7.33±0.96mm; 0.75±0.13 vs 0.71±0.12; 33.6±9.07% vs 24.8±6.76%, respectivamente; hubo diferencias significativas (p<0.05 entre los grupos suplementados con plancton y los alimentados solo con ración. Conclusiones. La suplementación con plancton fue más efectiva que elofrecimiento solo de ración. La inclusión del 62.9% de torta de soya en la formulación (T1, aparentemente no afectó el crecimiento ni la sobrevivencia.

  13. Ensayo clínico con intervención educativa en mujeres perimenopáusicas con un factor de riesgo cardiovascular

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    Anxela Soto-Rodríguez


    Conclusiones: Una sencilla intervención educativa en mujeres perimenopáusicas con un factor de riesgo cardiovascular mejora aspectos relacionados con la calidad de vida y con hábitos saludables como la actividad física.

  14. Soporte social con el uso de tic’s para cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica


    Carrillo, Gloria Mabel; Chaparro, Olivia Lorena; Barrera, Lucy; Sanchez, beatriz; Pinto, Raquel Natividad


    Objetivo Determinar la efectividad del soporte social dado con el uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC’S) a los cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica.  Material y Métodos. Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio realizado en Bogotá en 2008 y 2009 con 144 cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica  que constó de tres etapas para su desarrollo: 1. Planeación, diseño de la TIC’s,  aplicación de  prueba piloto y  selección de  población objeto;  ...

  15. Infecciones en huéspedes inmunocomprometidos


    Cuéllar Ponce de León, Luis Ernesto


    Las infecciones son causa frecuente de morbimortalidad en huéspedes inmunocomprometidos. La frecuencia y diversidad de infecciones en esta población dependerá del tipo de inmunocompromiso, tratamiento recibido y aspecto epidemiológico. Los huéspedes con neutropenia desarrollan infecciones por bacterias extracelulares no encapsuladas y hongos levaduriformes y filamentosos; el diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento oportuno de las mismas son considerados una emergencia por su severidad y gran mortali...

  16. Os significados da palavra conforto segundo a perspectiva do paciente com infarto agudo do miocárdio Los significados de la palabra bienestar según la perspectiva del paciente con infarto agudo del miocardio The meaning of the word comfort from the point of view of patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    Fernanda Carneiro Mussi


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou identificar o significado da palavra conforto conferido por pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio, do sexo masculino, internados numa Unidade Coronariana do município de São Paulo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de formulário específico. As respostas às questões abertas foram tratadas utilizando-se o método de análise de conteúdo de BARDIN², e os resultados basicamente analisados sob a forma de números absolutos percentuais. O conforto enquanto significado foi expressado com vários sentidos, relacionando-se com as condições materiais ou financeiras (29,4%, o desfrutar das interações pessoais (21,6%, as sensações de bem-estar psicológico (13,7%, físico (11,8% e espiritual (9,8%, o funcionar normalmente (13,7%, isto é, Ter expectativas de recuperação, estar livre de doenças e poder desempenhar as atividades habituais.El objetivo del estudio fue identificar cuál es el significado que los pacientes de sexo masculino diagnosticado con infarto agudo del miocardio, internados en una unidad coronaria del municipio de São Paulo, le dan a la palabra bienestar. La fuente de los datos fue obtenida por medio de un formulario específico. Las respuestas a las preguntas abiertas fueron tratadas utilizándose en método de análisis de contenido de BARDIN² y los resultados básicamente analizados sobre la forma de números absolutos y porcentuales. En cuanto el significado de bienestar fue expresado con varios sentidos, relacionándose con las condiciones materiales o financieras (29,4%, el disfrute de las interacciones personales (21,6% las sensaciones del bienestar psicológico (13,7%, físico (11,8% y espiritual (9,8%, el funcionar normalmente (13,7% esto es, tener expectativa de recuperación, estar libre de enfermedad y poder desempeñar las actividades habituales. Además de las conclusiones relacionadas directamente a los objetivos, los resultados del presente estudio permiten decir también: a

  17. Adolescente femenino con granulomatosis de Wegener fulminante

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    S C Scheffler-Mendoza


    Full Text Available Adolescente femenino de 13 años de edad, originaria de Guerrero, grupo étnico mixteco, padres analfabetos y con poco entendimiento del español. Sin otros antecedentes de importancia para el padecimiento. Inició un mes previo con la aparición de una pápula hipercrómica en párpado superior derecho que en los 10 días previos al ingreso aumentó de volumen generando proptosis. Al interrogatorio se negó dolor, lagrimeo, fiebre, o pérdida de peso. Ingresó con fiebre (39.0°C, palidez generalizada, proptosis derecha con exposición de córnea y conjuntiva, eritema periorbitario, movimientos oculares y agudeza visual disminuidos (i.e. contaba dedos a 1 m, pupila con tendencia a midriasis, hiperreactividad a la luz, y fondo de ojo con papila hiperémica edematosa y tortuosidad peripapilar. El resto de exploración no mostró datos relevantes. Se hospitalizó para iniciar tratamiento antimicrobiano parenteral de amplio espectro (i.e. ceftriaxona y vancomicina y abordar proptosis unilateral.

  18. Síntomas depresivos en pacientes con Trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad.

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    Diego Artemio Reátegui Villegas


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de síntomas depresivos en pacientes con Trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH, así como determinar su asociación con edad, sexo y comorbilidad psiquiátrica. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se incluyeron pacientes con diagnóstico de TDAH del Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental Honorio Delgado Hideyo Noguchi, desde febrero del 2006 hasta completar el tamaño de la muestra. Se les aplicó a los pacientes el Children´s depression inventory (CDI. Se consideró un punto de corte de 15 para definir presencia de trastorno depresivo. Se analizaron las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, comorbilidad psiquiátrica y sintomatología depresiva. Resultados: Sesenta y cuatro (85,3% fueron varones, en 35/75 (46,7% se encontró CDI ³ 15. No se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre síntomas depresivos y sexo o edad. El síntoma depresivo más frecuente fue el problema del rendimiento escolar (65,3%. Se encontraron 6 pacientes con otra comorbilidad. Conclusión: Existe una alta frecuencia de sintomatología depresiva en niños y adolescentes con diagnóstico de TDAH. (Rev Med Hered 2008;19:96-101 .


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    Full Text Available Un estudio transversal, realizado con 42 niños internados con diagnóstico médico de asma, en un Hospital Infantil Público de Fortaleza-CE, ha sido desarrollado con el objetivo de analizar el esmero de las características determinantes de los diagnósticos de Enfermería “ Desobstrucción ineficaz de las vías aéreas - DIVA” y “Modelo respiratorio ineficaz - MIR” en niños asmáticos. Para el Modelo respiratorio ineficaz han sido identificadas como características determinantes de mayor sensibilidad la dipnea, a ortopnea y la frecuencia respiratoria/minuto aumentada. Características de mayor especificidad para este diagnóstico fueron: batimiento de ala de la nariz y frecuencia respiratoria / min. aumentada. Con relación al diagnóstico Desobstrucción ineficaz de las vías aéreas solamente una característica presentó mejor sensibilidad: Ruidos respiratorios adventicios. Se concluyó que niños asmáticos presentan características determinantes que son comunes a un grupo de diagnósticos de enfermería respiratorios y poco específicos de las respuestas humanas aquí estudiadas.


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    Fernanda de Paula Rossini


    Full Text Available Se trata de un estudio exploratorio, retrospectivo focalizado en el análisis de datos secundarios, con el objetivo de caracterizar el perfil socio demográfico y de morbidez de los pacientes internados en la especialidad de clínica médica de una institución de enseñanza hospitalaria pública, responsable por la atención de urgencia/emergencia de alta complejidad, en el período entre noviembre de 1999 hasta el año 2005. Los resultados revelan que con la alteración del flujo de entrada de pacientes, el número de internaciones disminuyó gradualmente. El número de ancianos obtuvo un porcentaje superior al 40%, alcanzando en el año 2000 el 48,3%, con reducción en el 2004 y el 2005. El diagnóstico principal predominante de los pacientes fue: enfermedades del aparato circulatorio, enfermedades del aparato respiratorio, enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias, y enfermedades del aparato digestivo. Se observa en el transcurso de los años aumento en el porcentaje de pacientes con diagnósticos de neoplasias, enfermedades de la sangre, de los órganos hematopoyéticos y trastornos inmunitarios, y de los casos de lesiones, envenenamiento y otras causas externas.

  1. Caracterización de pacientes con lesiones pigmentarias de piel con riesgo de transformación maligna

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    María Elena Izquierdo Izquierdo


    Full Text Available Fundamento: el melanoma es el más terrible y mortífero de los cánceres de piel. Se origina frecuentemente a partir de un nevo melanocítico con riesgo de transformación maligna. Estas lesiones pigmentadas se diagnostican cada vez más en edades tan tempranas como la adolescencia. Objetivo: caracterizar los pacientes en edades pediátricas con signos de lesiones pigmentarias de la piel con riesgo de transformación maligna. Métodos: se realizó un estudio prospectivo de corte transversal en un grupo de 50 pacientes en edades entre 5 y 19 años, que asistieron a la consulta de dermatología del Hospital Pediátrico de Centro Habana en el año 2010, con signos de lesiones pigmentarias de la piel con riesgo de transformación maligna. Se aplicó un instrumento de recogida de datos, con previo consentimiento informado. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva para el procesamiento de los datos. Resultados: en la población de estudio predominó la adolescencia temprana, el grupo de riesgo con daño actínico crónico y el fototipo III. Estuvo presente el antecedente familiar de cáncer de piel no-melanoma. La lesión más frecuente fue la de nevo melanocítico displásico. Además, se reportó un caso de carcinoma basal en paciente de fototipo II, perteneciente al grupo de riesgo de xeroderma pigmentoso. Conclusiones: se evidenció la transformación maligna de lesiones pigmentarias en piel de pacientes de grupos de riesgo.

  2. disegnare con ... Alberto Pratelli

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    Roberto Mingucci


    Full Text Available Con questa breve intervista ad Alberto Pratelli, (non a caso scelto per aprire questa nuova rubrica intendia-mo inaugurare un dialogo con personalità significati-ve del Disegno di Architettura, che consenta riflessioni dedicate alle sue varie dimensioni, oggi più che mai da approfondire. La suggestione a farlo, viene da un’idea di Pablo Rodri-guez Navarro ed abbiamo quindi pensato di avviarla proprio in questo numero, che Pablo ha accettato di curare su un tema a lui particolarmente caro.

  3. Depresion en pacientes con alteraciones del tiroides


    Radanovic-Grguric´, Ljiljana; Filakovic´, Pavo; Barkic´, Jelena; Mandic´, Nikola; Karner, Ivan; Smoje, Juraj


    Nuestro estudio fue realizado en un grupo de 53 mujeres con disfunción tiroidea y 28 mujeres con depresión mayor. Empleamos la Escala de la Depresión de Hamilton, la Escala de Autoevaluación de la Depresión de Zung y la Escala sobre la Impresión Clínica Global. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que la mayoría de los pacientes con disfunción tiroidea se mostraron clínicamente significativos en cuanto al trastorno depresivo. Los episodios depresivos son más frecuentes en pacientes con hipot...

  4. Enfermedad coronaria en pacientes con psoriasis

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    Walter Masson


    Full Text Available Comunicaciones previas asociaron la psoriasis con la enfermedad coronaria. Desconocemos si en nuestro país o región existe dicha asociación. Se realizó un estudio transversal analizando los datos de la historia clínica electrónica de un sistema de salud de Buenos Aires. Analizamos todos los pacientes mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico de psoriasis entre el 1 de enero de 2003 y el 31 de julio de 2011 y los comparamos con un grupo control, en una relación 2:1, obtenido en forma aleatoria del mismo sistema de salud, apareados por edad y sexo. Determinamos la prevalencia de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular y de enfermedad coronaria. Analizamos la asociación entre la enfermedad coronaria y la psoriasis mediante análisis uni y multivariado. Se incluyeron 3 833 sujetos (1 286 pacientes con psoriasis y 2 547 controles. La prevalencia de hipertensión arterial (50% vs. 38%, p < 0.001, tabaquismo (25% vs. 17%, p < 0.001, diabetes (12% vs. 8%, p < 0.001 y enfermedad coronaria (4.98% vs. 3.06%, p = 0.003 fue mayor en los sujetos con psoriasis en comparación con el grupo control. Independientemente de la edad, la presencia de diabetes, hipertensión arterial o tabaquismo, hubo una asociación significativa entre la enfermedad coronaria y la psoriasis (OR 1.48, IC95% 1.04-2.11, p = 0.03. En conclusión, en esta población de Buenos Aires, los pacientes con psoriasis tuvieron una mayor prevalencia de diabetes, hipertensión arterial, tabaquismo y enfermedad coronaria. La asociación entre la psoriasis y la enfermedad coronaria fue independiente de los factores de riesgo explorados.

  5. Mincle Signaling Promotes Con-A Hepatitis (United States)

    Greco, Stephanie H.; Torres-Hernandez, Alejandro; Kalabin, Aleksandr; Whiteman, Clint; Rokosh, Rae; Ravirala, Sushma; Ochi, Atsuo; Gutierrez, Johana; Salyana, Muhammad Atif; Mani, Vishnu R.; Nagaraj, Savitha V.; Deutsch, Michael; Seifert, Lena; Daley, Donnele; Barilla, Rocky; Hundeyin, Mautin; Nikifrov, Yuriy; Tejada, Karla; Gelb, Bruce E.; Katz, Steven C.; Miller, George


    Concanavalin-A (Con-A) hepatitis is regarded as a T cell-mediated model of acute liver injury. Mincle is a C-type lectin receptor (CLR) that is critical in the immune response to mycobacteria and fungi, but does not have a well-defined role in pre-clinical models of non-pathogen mediated inflammation. Since Mincle can ligate the cell death ligand SAP130, we postulated that Mincle signaling drives intrahepatic inflammation and liver injury in Con-A hepatitis. Acute liver injury was assessed in the murine Con-A hepatitis model using C57BL/6, Mincle−/−, and Dectin-1−/− mice. The role of C/EBPβ and HIF-1α signaling was assessed using selective inhibitors. We found that Mincle was highly expressed in hepatic innate inflammatory cells and endothelial cells in both mice and humans. Furthermore, sterile Mincle ligands and Mincle signaling intermediates were increased in the murine liver in Con-A hepatitis. Most significantly, Mincle deletion or blockade protected against Con-A hepatitis whereas Mincle ligation exacerbated disease. Bone marrow chimeric and adoptive transfer experiments suggested that Mincle signaling in infiltrating myeloid cells dictates disease phenotype. Conversely, signaling via other CLRs did not alter disease course. Mechanistically, we found that Mincle blockade decreased the NF-κβ related signaling intermediates, C/EBPβ and HIF-1α, both of which are necessary in macrophage-mediated inflammatory responses. Accordingly, Mincle deletion lowered production of nitrites in Con-A hepatitis and inhibition of both C/EBPβ and HIF1-α reduced the severity of liver disease. Our work implicates a novel innate immune driver of Con-A hepatitis and, more broadly, suggests a potential role for Mincle in diseases governed by sterile inflammation. PMID:27559045

  6. Mincle Signaling Promotes Con A Hepatitis. (United States)

    Greco, Stephanie H; Torres-Hernandez, Alejandro; Kalabin, Aleksandr; Whiteman, Clint; Rokosh, Rae; Ravirala, Sushma; Ochi, Atsuo; Gutierrez, Johana; Salyana, Muhammad Atif; Mani, Vishnu R; Nagaraj, Savitha V; Deutsch, Michael; Seifert, Lena; Daley, Donnele; Barilla, Rocky; Hundeyin, Mautin; Nikifrov, Yuriy; Tejada, Karla; Gelb, Bruce E; Katz, Steven C; Miller, George


    Con A hepatitis is regarded as a T cell-mediated model of acute liver injury. Mincle is a C-type lectin receptor that is critical in the immune response to mycobacteria and fungi but does not have a well-defined role in preclinical models of non-pathogen-mediated inflammation. Because Mincle can ligate the cell death ligand SAP130, we postulated that Mincle signaling drives intrahepatic inflammation and liver injury in Con A hepatitis. Acute liver injury was assessed in the murine Con A hepatitis model using C57BL/6, Mincle(-/-), and Dectin-1(-/-) mice. The role of C/EBPβ and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) signaling was assessed using selective inhibitors. We found that Mincle was highly expressed in hepatic innate inflammatory cells and endothelial cells in both mice and humans. Furthermore, sterile Mincle ligands and Mincle signaling intermediates were increased in the murine liver in Con A hepatitis. Most significantly, Mincle deletion or blockade protected against Con A hepatitis, whereas Mincle ligation exacerbated disease. Bone marrow chimeric and adoptive transfer experiments suggested that Mincle signaling in infiltrating myeloid cells dictates disease phenotype. Conversely, signaling via other C-type lectin receptors did not alter disease course. Mechanistically, we found that Mincle blockade decreased the NF-κβ-related signaling intermediates C/EBPβ and HIF-1α, both of which are necessary in macrophage-mediated inflammatory responses. Accordingly, Mincle deletion lowered production of nitrites in Con A hepatitis and inhibition of both C/EBPβ and HIF-1α reduced the severity of liver disease. Our work implicates a novel innate immune driver of Con A hepatitis and, more broadly, suggests a potential role for Mincle in diseases governed by sterile inflammation. Copyright © 2016 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  7. The influence of different fever definitions on diagnostics and treatment after diagnosis of fever in chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in children with cancer.

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    Stéphanie Wagner

    Full Text Available There is no evidence-based definition of the temperature limit defining fever (TLDF in children with neutropenia. Lowering the TLDF is known to increase the number of episodes of fever in neutropenia (FN. This study aimed to investigate the influence of a lower versus standard TLDF on diagnostics and therapy.In a single pediatric cancer center using a high standard TLDF (39°C tympanic-temperature patients were observed prospectively (NCT01683370. The effect of applying lower TLDFs (range 37.5°C to 38.9°C versus 39.0°C on these measures was simulated in silicon.In reality, 45 FN episodes were diagnosed. Of 3391 temperatures measured, 193 were ≥39.0°C, and 937 ≥38.0°C. For persisting fever ≥24 hours, additional blood cultures were taken in 31 (69% episodes in reality. This number decreased to 22 (49% when applying 39.0°C, and increased to 33 for 38.0°C (73%; plus 11 episodes; plus 24%. For persisting fever ≥48 hours, i.v.-antibiotics were escalated in 25 (56% episodes. This number decreased to 15 (33% when applying 39.0°C, and increased to 26 for 38.0°C (58%; plus 11 episodes; plus 24%. For persisting fever ≥120 hours, i.v.-antifungals were added in 4 (9% episodes. This number increased to 6 (13% by virtually applying 39.0°C, and to 11 for 38.0°C (24%; plus 5 episodes; plus 11%. The median length of stay was 5.7 days (range, 0.8 to 43.4. In 43 episodes with hospital discharge beyond 24 hours, applying 38.0°C led to discharge delay by ≥12 hours in 24 episodes (56%; 95% CI, 40 to 71, with a median delay of 13 hours, and a cumulative delay of 68 days.Applying a low versus standard TLDF led to relevant increases of diagnostics, antimicrobial therapy, and length of stay. The differences between management in reality versus simply applying 39.0° as TLDF reflect the important impact of clinical assessment.

  8. The influence of different fever definitions on diagnostics and treatment after diagnosis of fever in chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in children with cancer. (United States)

    Wagner, Stéphanie; Brack, Eva K; Stutz-Grunder, Eveline; Agyeman, Philipp; Leibundgut, Kurt; Teuffel, Oliver; Ammann, Roland A


    There is no evidence-based definition of the temperature limit defining fever (TLDF) in children with neutropenia. Lowering the TLDF is known to increase the number of episodes of fever in neutropenia (FN). This study aimed to investigate the influence of a lower versus standard TLDF on diagnostics and therapy. In a single pediatric cancer center using a high standard TLDF (39°C tympanic-temperature) patients were observed prospectively (NCT01683370). The effect of applying lower TLDFs (range 37.5°C to 38.9°C) versus 39.0°C on these measures was simulated in silicon. In reality, 45 FN episodes were diagnosed. Of 3391 temperatures measured, 193 were ≥39.0°C, and 937 ≥38.0°C. For persisting fever ≥24 hours, additional blood cultures were taken in 31 (69%) episodes in reality. This number decreased to 22 (49%) when applying 39.0°C, and increased to 33 for 38.0°C (73%; plus 11 episodes; plus 24%). For persisting fever ≥48 hours, i.v.-antibiotics were escalated in 25 (56%) episodes. This number decreased to 15 (33%) when applying 39.0°C, and increased to 26 for 38.0°C (58%; plus 11 episodes; plus 24%). For persisting fever ≥120 hours, i.v.-antifungals were added in 4 (9%) episodes. This number increased to 6 (13%) by virtually applying 39.0°C, and to 11 for 38.0°C (24%; plus 5 episodes; plus 11%). The median length of stay was 5.7 days (range, 0.8 to 43.4). In 43 episodes with hospital discharge beyond 24 hours, applying 38.0°C led to discharge delay by ≥12 hours in 24 episodes (56%; 95% CI, 40 to 71), with a median delay of 13 hours, and a cumulative delay of 68 days. Applying a low versus standard TLDF led to relevant increases of diagnostics, antimicrobial therapy, and length of stay. The differences between management in reality versus simply applying 39.0° as TLDF reflect the important impact of clinical assessment.

  9. Cementos con cenizas volantes

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    Ossa M., Mauricio


    additions of 20 and 30% .

    Casi la generalidad de los estudios realizados sobre cementos con adición de cenizas volantes se refieren a sus características y comportamiento en pastas, morteros y hormigones, siempre en relación con aquéllos del cemento portland. Esta vez, se desarrolló un trabajo experimental orientado a relacionar entre sí los cementos con adiciones de cenizas volantes y de puzolana natural. Para ello se fabricaron a escala de laboratorio cementos de ambos tipos, empleando como materias primas comunes clinker y yeso y, como variables, diferentes porcentajes de las dos adiciones, que cumplieron previamente los requisitos normalizados en cuanto a sus actividades puzolánicas. La calidad de los cementos fabricados resultó adecuada y concordante con la del cemento portland-puzolánico obtenido a escala industrial con los mismos clinker, yeso y puzolana natural de este estudio. Posteriormente, se determinaron las características de los cementos experimentales y se confeccionaron morteros normales para la realización de ensayos físicos y mecánicos. Los resultados de ensayos indicaron que los cementos con adición de cenizas volantes (CCV requieren menos agua para consistencia normal, presentan tiempos de fraguado mayores y expansiones en autoclave menores que los cementos con adición de puzolana (CP. Los calores de hidratación a 7 y 28 días de edad fueron aproximadamente similares para ambos tipos de cemento. En morteros normales, los cementos CCV mostraron menor retracción de secado, mayor retentividad y mayor fluidez (para igual cantidad de agua que los cementos CP. En los ensayos de exudación se observó que ésta depende más de la finura que el tipo de adición. Finalmente, los ensayos mecánicos señalaron que las resistencias a compresión y flexotracción de los morteros con cementos CCV son menores a edades inferiores que 14 días (del orden de 5 a 10% a un día de edad, pero que a partir de entonces pasan a ser mayores que las de

  10. Efecto de un tratamiento intensivo con insulina sobre la reactividad plaquetaria en pacientes con hiperglucemia que ingresan con un síndrome coronario agudo


    Vivas Balcones, Luis David


    El objetivo primario de este trabajo ha sido la valoración del efecto que produce el control estricto de la glucemia mediante un tratamiento intensivo y precoz con insulina sobre la reactividad plaquetaria durante la fase hospitalaria en pacientes que ingresan en una unidad de cuidados intensivos cardiológicos con un síndrome coronario agudo e hiperglucemia, respecto a un tratamiento convencional.

  11. Hiperalgesia asociada al tratamiento con opioides


    A. Gil Martín; M. Moreno García; J. Sánchez-Rubio Ferrández; T. Molina García


    La hiperalgesia inducida por opioides es una reacción paradójica caracterizada por una percepción intensificada de dolor relacionada con el uso de estos medicamentos en ausencia de progresión de la enfermedad o de síndrome de retirada. A diferencia de los casos de tolerancia, definida como pérdida de potencia analgésica durante el uso prolongado de opioides, no se produce mejoría con el escalado de dosis. La hiperalgesia inducida por opioides se ha manifestado en pacientes con dosis de manten...

  12. Paciente con tumor de cuerpo carotideo

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    Mariuska Forteza Sáez

    Full Text Available Los tumores de cuerpo carotideo (paragangliomas son neoplasias altamente vascularizadas, muy poco frecuentes y generalmente benignas, originadas en los quimiorreceptores del cuerpo carotideo. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 54 años, con aumento de volumen cervical derecho, asintomático, con estudio preoperatorio y angiografía realizados por tomografía axial computarizada, que resultan compatibles con tumor de cuerpo carotideo. Se realiza disección subadventicial, informando la biopsia paraganglioma. El tumor fue completamente resecado, sin evidencia de recurrencia y sin complicaciones.

  13. Clinical efficacy of cycling empirical antibiotic therapy for febrile neutropenia in pediatric cancer patients. (United States)

    Teranishi, Hideto; Koga, Yuhki; Nishio, Hisanori; Kato, Wakako; Ono, Hiroaki; Kanno, Shunsuke; Nakashima, Kentaro; Takada, Hidetoshi


    Febrile neutropenia (FN) is the main treatment-related cause of mortality among children with cancer, as the prolonged use of broad-spectrum antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance in these patients. Antibiotic cycling has been reported to limit the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria among adult patients. However, no studies have evaluated pediatric patients with FN. Between September 2011 and February 2014, 126 pediatric cancer patients were admitted to our center for chemotherapy and/or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and were included in this study. Retrospective and prospective data collection were performed before and after antibiotic cycling, respectively. Between September 2011 and November 2012 (before antibiotic cycling was implemented), intravenous cefpirome was used as the empirical therapy for FN. Between December 2012 and February 2014 (after antibiotic cycling was implemented), the monthly antibiotic cycling involved intravenous piperacillin-tazobactam (PIPC/TAZ), intravenous meropenem or ciprofloxacin (CPFX), and intravenous cefepime in that order. For children aged ≥13 years, the monthly cycling involved intravenous PIPC/TAZ, and CPFX was administered. The detection rates for extended-spectrum β-lactamase producers in blood and stool culture samples decreased significantly after the implementation of antibiotic cycling (0.33/1000 patient-days vs 0/1000 patient-days, p = 0.03; 1.00/1000 patient-days vs 0/1000 patient-days, p Antibiotic cycling was associated with a decreased emergence of multidrug-resistant microbes. Copyright © 2017 Japanese Society of Chemotherapy and The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes internados na clínica pediátrica em um hospital universitário

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    José Sávio Menezes Parente


    Full Text Available Introdução: a infância é um período de grande importância na formação do ser humano, logo, um episódio de doença pode interromper esse processo, além de interferir na estrutura familiar e gerar ônus ao sistema de saúde. A epidemiologia e a morbidade atuam como importantes instrumentos, pois promovem o conhecimento em saúde e auxiliam na distribuição dos recursos, alcançando os vários níveis administrativos. Porém, estudos que envolvem o perfil de internações pediátricas ainda são escassos. O estudo tem como objetivo delinear perfil epidemiológico e clínico dos pacientes internados na enfermaria de pediatria. Metodologia: estudo realizado na enfermaria de pediatria do Hospital Universitário Walter Cantídio (HUWC com amostra de 119 registros, referentes aos meses de agosto a dezembro de 2015. Resultados: a idade média é de 8,6 anos, sendo que no sexo feminino houve predomínio na faixa da adolescência. Os 3 sistemas mais acometidos foram: sistema digestivo, sistema endócrino e sistema respiratório. A permanência hospitalar média foi de 10,09 dias. Condições crônicas foram encontradas em 48,1% dos registros, sendo o Diabetes Mellitus a mais comum. 25,2% dos casos possuíam internamentos prévios, em sua grande maioria portadores de patologias crônicas. A grande maioria das altas ocorreram para domicílio. Discussão e Conclusão: o estudo demonstra particularidades da enfermaria de pediatria do HUWC, sendo possível guiar o ensino de residentes e estudantes, além de auxiliar na formação de políticas, melhoria do atendimento e preparo da equipe ligada aos cuidados com o paciente.

  15. Beneficios de la terapia con resistómetro inspiratorio en los pacientes con esclerosis multiple frente a terapias respiratorias convencionales


    Martín Sánchez, Carlos


    [ES] La Universidad de Salamanca (USAL) a través del programa de Doctorado en Oncología Clínica realiza un estudio con ASPRODES, la Asociación Salmantina de Esclerosis Múltiple (ASDEM) y la Asociación Zamorana de Esclerosis Múltiple (AZDEM) para llevar a cabo un estudio experimental con el fin de analizar las ventajas que la terapia respiratoria con resistómetro inspiratorio puede aportar a los pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple frente a las técnicas de fisioterapia respiratoria convencional. ...

  16. Los adolescentes españoles y sus familias: Calidad en la comunicación con el padre y con la madre y conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de sustancias adictivas


    Moreno Rodríguez, María del Carmen; Muñoz Tinoco, María Victoria; Pérez Moreno, Pedro Juan; Sánchez Queija, María Inmaculada


    Se presenta una reflexión acerca de cómo transcurren los años de la adolescencia en el contexto de la familia, analizando las transformaciones que se producen en las relaciones con los progenitores. El trabajo empírico se centra en una de las dimensiones que definen la calidad de las relaciones en el contexto familiar -la facilidad en la comunicación entre el adolescente y sus padres- y en su relación con algunas conductas de los adolescentes relacionadas con la salud, como es el caso del con...

  17. Santiago, una ciudad con temor

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    Enrique Oviedo S.


    Full Text Available El objetivo general de este artículo es evaluar los efectos de la inseguridad ciudadana en el uso del espacio público. Dicha evaluación exige analizar dos relaciones que se establecen en el ámbito de la violencia: la relación entre victimización y percepción de inseguridad; y la que se establece entre actitudes sociales y resolución pacífica de conflictos nacionales. Para ello, se analizaron las variables victimización, percepción de inseguridad, uso del espacio físico, actitudes hacia el sistema institucional político y social y hacia la resolución de conflictos nacionales, y las posibles relaciones entre ellas. Los datos para realizar el estudio se obtuvieron por medio de una encuesta que se llevó a cabo con 1 200 personas de 18 y 70 años de edad residentes en la ciudad de Santiago. Los resultados indican que Santiago es una ciudad de habitantes con temor y que el aumento de la percepción de inseguridad de sus habitantes contrasta con el hecho de que las tasas de victimización se hayan mantenido, más o menos, constantes en los años que precedieron a la encuesta. El temor se relaciona con el abandono del espacio público físico y sociopolítico, así como con el refugio en los espacios y la vida privados. La actitud de resolver los conflictos por medios no pacíficos es frecuente y se asocia en mayor medida con la inseguridad, la actitud negativa hacia la democracia y la falta de expectativas sobre el futuro del país. Los resultados de este estudio respaldan la idea de que para superar el temor la gente tiende a adaptarse a la realidad adoptando una postura conformista, homogeneizando las creencias y los comportamientos, y sobreestimando la fuerza como medio para resolver las diferencias.

  18. Santiago, una ciudad con temor

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    Oviedo S. Enrique


    Full Text Available El objetivo general de este artículo es evaluar los efectos de la inseguridad ciudadana en el uso del espacio público. Dicha evaluación exige analizar dos relaciones que se establecen en el ámbito de la violencia: la relación entre victimización y percepción de inseguridad; y la que se establece entre actitudes sociales y resolución pacífica de conflictos nacionales. Para ello, se analizaron las variables victimización, percepción de inseguridad, uso del espacio físico, actitudes hacia el sistema institucional político y social y hacia la resolución de conflictos nacionales, y las posibles relaciones entre ellas. Los datos para realizar el estudio se obtuvieron por medio de una encuesta que se llevó a cabo con 1 200 personas de 18 y 70 años de edad residentes en la ciudad de Santiago. Los resultados indican que Santiago es una ciudad de habitantes con temor y que el aumento de la percepción de inseguridad de sus habitantes contrasta con el hecho de que las tasas de victimización se hayan mantenido, más o menos, constantes en los años que precedieron a la encuesta. El temor se relaciona con el abandono del espacio público físico y sociopolítico, así como con el refugio en los espacios y la vida privados. La actitud de resolver los conflictos por medios no pacíficos es frecuente y se asocia en mayor medida con la inseguridad, la actitud negativa hacia la democracia y la falta de expectativas sobre el futuro del país. Los resultados de este estudio respaldan la idea de que para superar el temor la gente tiende a adaptarse a la realidad adoptando una postura conformista, homogeneizando las creencias y los comportamientos, y sobreestimando la fuerza como medio para resolver las diferencias.

  19. A nomogram for predicting complications in patients with solid tumours and seemingly stable febrile neutropenia. (United States)

    Fonseca, Paula Jiménez; Carmona-Bayonas, Alberto; García, Ignacio Matos; Marcos, Rosana; Castañón, Eduardo; Antonio, Maite; Font, Carme; Biosca, Mercè; Blasco, Ana; Lozano, Rebeca; Ramchandani, Avinash; Beato, Carmen; de Castro, Eva Martínez; Espinosa, Javier; Martínez-García, Jerónimo; Ghanem, Ismael; Cubero, Jorge Hernando; Manrique, Isabel Aragón; Navalón, Francisco García; Sevillano, Elena; Manzano, Aránzazu; Virizuela, Juan; Garrido, Marcelo; Mondéjar, Rebeca; Arcusa, María Ángeles; Bonilla, Yaiza; Pérez, Quionia; Gallardo, Elena; Del Carmen Soriano, Maria; Cardona, Mercè; Lasheras, Fernando Sánchez; Cruz, Juan Jesús; Ayala, Francisco


    We sought to develop and externally validate a nomogram and web-based calculator to individually predict the development of serious complications in seemingly stable adult patients with solid tumours and episodes of febrile neutropenia (FN). The data from the FINITE study (n=1133) and University of Salamanca Hospital (USH) FN registry (n=296) were used to develop and validate this tool. The main eligibility criterion was the presence of apparent clinical stability, defined as events without acute organ dysfunction, abnormal vital signs, or major infections. Discriminatory ability was measured as the concordance index and stratification into risk groups. The rate of infection-related complications in the FINITE and USH series was 13.4% and 18.6%, respectively. The nomogram used the following covariates: Eastern Cooperative Group (ECOG) Performance Status ⩾2, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic cardiovascular disease, mucositis of grade ⩾2 (National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria), monocytes 0.1). The concordance index was 0.855 and 0.831 in each series. Risk group stratification revealed a significant distinction in the proportion of complications. With a ⩾116-point cutoff, the nomogram yielded the following prognostic indices in the USH registry validation series: 66% sensitivity, 83% specificity, 3.88 positive likelihood ratio, 48% positive predictive value, and 91% negative predictive value. We have developed and externally validated a nomogram and web calculator to predict serious complications that can potentially impact decision-making in patients with seemingly stable FN.

  20. Aloantígenos de granulocitos: Importancia clínica The granulocyte alloantigens. Clinical importance

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    María del Rosario López De Roux


    Full Text Available Los aloantígenos de granulocitos se agrupan en 2 grandes categorías: antígenos específicos de granulocitos y antígenos cuya distribución es más amplia y comprende otras líneas celulares. En 1998 se acordó establecer una nueva nomenclatura de los aloantígenos de granulocitos, basada en la localización glucoproteica de estos antígenos. La molécula FcgRIIIb es un miembro de la superfamilia de inmunoglobulinas (CD 16 en la cual se asientan varios de los aloantígenos específicos de granulocitos. Existen otros aloantígenos cuya función y localización se desconocen. Estas moléculas son de gran importancia clínica, pues se ven envueltas en una serie de enfermedades como la neutropenia neonatal aloinmune, cuyo carácter clínico moderado hace que pase inadvertida, la reacción febril no hemolítica, el daño pulmonar agudo relacionado con la transfusión, la neutropenia inmune asociada con el trasplante de médula ósea y la neutropenia autoinmune. Aunque se han producido avances en la caracterización de los aloantígenos de granulocitos, muchos puntos quedan sin aclarar, entre ellos, la significación clínica de muchos antígenos. El desarrollo creciente de técnicas moleculares, bioquímicas y serológicas para el estudio de los antígenos de células sanguíneas, nos permitirá aclarar los puntos que aún permanecen oscuros en este campo de la investigaciónThe granulocyte alloantigens are grouped into 2 big categories: specific granulocyte antigens and antigens, whose distribution is wider and comprises other cellular lines. In 1998, it was agreed to establish a new nomenclature of granulocyte alloantigens based on the glycoprotein localization of these antigens. The FcgRIIIb molecule is a member of the superfamily of immunoglobulins (CD 16, in which many of the specific granulocyte alloantigens are found. There are other alloantigens with an unknown function and localization. These molecules have a great clinical importance

  1. Síndrome disejecutivo en personas con dependencia alcohólica con/sin recidivas


    Fidalgo Martínez, Eva


    [ES]En la mayoría de las culturas el alcohol es el depresor del SNC utilizado con más frecuencia y el responsable de una morbilidad y una mortalidad considerables. En la actualidad, el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas constituye un importante problema de salud pública, especialmente en España, que es uno de los países con mayor consumo de alcohol por habitante y año. El objetivo general del estudio es determinar la existencia de diferencias significativas entre dos grupos clínicos de sujetos...


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    Full Text Available La pulpa de uchuva fortificada con calcio, oligofructosa y vitamina C es un alimento funcional con grandes beneficios para la salud. Para ello se le adicionó componentes biológicamente activos, como ácidos grasos, fibra alimentaria y antioxidantes. En este trabajo se estudió la estabilidad de la pulpa enriquecida en diferentes formulaciones, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de incorporación de calcio y vitamina C (20% del valor diario recomendado VDR y para la oligofructosa (fibra dietaría en relación 1:1 con el calcio. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la pulpa de uchuva fortificada con CMC, ologofructosa, calcio y vitamina C presentó en promedio una estabilidad de 87,7±10,0; una viscosidad de 22,8±7,9; una aw de 0,9863±0; pH de 3,3±0,1; acidez de 1,6±0,1; grados Brix de 13,3±0,7; una densidad de 1,32±0 g/mL y las mejores respuestas sensoriales en cuanto a color, aroma, fluidez y sabor.

  3. Intervención psicomotriz en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad


    Herguedas Esteban, María del Carmen


    El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) es una de las principales causas de fracaso escolar. Los niños con este trastorno deben ser atendidos en una escuela inclusiva que permita responder a las necesidades de todos los alumnos. Se ha desarrollado un trabajo de investigación cuyos objetivos eran: evaluar las alteraciones psicomotoras de los niños con TDAH; elaborar un programa educativo de intervención psicomotriz para niños con TDAH; aplicar dicho programa en un gru...

  4. Enfermedad periodontal en pacientes con discapacidad en custodia versus pacientes con discapacidad independientes

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    Fermín-Guerrero-Del Ángel


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar el estado de salud periodontal en pacientes con discapacidad en custodia versus pacientes independientes en su higiene oral. Material y métodos: Se examinaron pacientes con discapacidad, ambos sexos, 3 a 19 años que acuden al Servicio de Odontopediatría del Centro de Rehabilitación Infantil Teletón (CRIT Tamaulipas mediante revisión de cavidad oral y aplicación del Índice de Higiene Oral Simplificado (IHOS, Índice Periodontal Comunitario de la Necesidad de Tratamiento (IPCNT y entrevista con su cuidador primario. Se agruparon en dos categorías: Independientes y de Custodia. Resultados: En el total de la muestra la Media y Desviación estándar (D.E. de IPCNT fue de 0.89±0.54, así como el IHOS de 1.88±0.77. El IPCNT en pacientes con discapacidad de Custodia fue 0.91±0.57 e Independientes de 0.86±0.49 (p=0.70, IHOS en pacientes de Custodia 1.89±0.78 e Independientes 1.87±.0.74 (p=.93. IPCNT en géneros masculino 1.03±0.54 y femenino 0.75±0.51 (p=.009. IHOS en pacientes que habitan área rural 2.41±1.25 y área urbana 1.83±0.68 (p=.02. Relación entre la edad y la necesidad de tratamiento periodontal (p=0.001. Frecuencia del cepillado del grupo Independientes 2.03±0.56 y de Custodia 2.00±0.75 (p=.84. Conclusiones: No existe diferencia en el estado de salud periodontal y el grado de higiene oral entre pacientes con discapacidad Independientes y de Custodia. La mayoría de los pacientes Independientes y de Custodia tienen una necesidad de tratamiento de Instrucción de Higiene Oral (TN1 y tienen Higiene Oral Regular.

  5. Demodicidosis en pacientes con rosácea

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    Edhizon Trejo Mucha


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de demodicidosis y sus características clínicas en pacientes con rosácea. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de casos y controles en 42 pacientes con rosácea y 42 controles para describir la presencia y densidad de D. folliculorum. El estudio se realizó en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia entre marzo y setiembre del 2004, utilizándose la técnica de Tello. Resultados: Demodex folliculorum fue encontrado en los 42 pacientes con rosácea (100% y en 13 (31,0% del grupo control, (p= 0,000. La exposición a gatos, la crianza de roedores y cerdos, la seborrea y el uso de corticoides tópicos fueron mas frecuentes en los pacientes con rosácea. Conclusiones: La presencia de Demodex folliculorum fue más frecuente en los pacientes con rosácea. (Rev Med Hered 2007;18:15-21.

  6. Materiales nanocumpuestos basados en LDPE relleno con nanotubos de carbono con potenciales propiedades bactericidas


    Benigno Escribano, Erika


    En este trabajo, se ha seleccionado como material de estudio polietileno de baja densidad, LDPE, ya que es un polímero con múltiples aplicaciones en diversos campos. Se busca como objetivo principal, preparar y caracterizar nuevos materiales basados en LDPE con potenciales propiedades antibacterianas. Para ello, se van a estudiar dos posibles maneras de conseguirlo: La primera de ellas, consiste en realizar un procesado mecánico sobre el polietileno, concretamente, una molienda del alta en...


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    J. Garduño-González


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue estimar la producción de biomasa, rendimiento y algunos de sus componentes de dos cultivares de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L. con potencial ejotero ('Acerado' y 'Criollo', en unicultivo y asociado con dos cultivares de girasol (Helianthus annuus L. ('Sunbright' y 'Victoria'. El estudio se realizó durante el ciclo primavera verano 2006 bajo condiciones de temporal en Tenancingo, Méx. Las variables evaluadas fueron: índice de área foliar (IAF, tasa de asimilación neta (TAN, biomasa total (BT, diámetro de vaina (DV, longitud de vaina (LV, número de vainas·m-2 (NV y rendimiento de vaina·m-2 (RV; las cuales fueron analizadas en arreglo factorial, bajo un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Para estimar el grado de asociación, entre las variables estudiadas y el rendimiento de vainas, se realizó un análisis de correlación lineal simple. En el factor cultivares se detectaron diferencias estadísticas significativas para la TAN y DV; para el factor sistemas de siembra hubo diferencias significativas para BT, DV, NV y RV. La interacción cultivares * sistema de siembra fue significativa en todas las variables, excepto en la TAN. En ese sentido, las asociaciones 'Criollo' + 'Sunbright', 'Acerado' + 'Victoria' y 'Acerado' en unicultivo, presentaron el mayor RV. Las variables IAF, BT y NV se correlacionaron positiva y significativamente con el rendimiento de vaina. Los resultados indican que 'Criollo' y 'Acerado', asociados con 'Sunbright' y 'Victoria', respectivamente, responden positivamente a la asociación, constituyendo una buena opción para los productores de la región de Tenancingo, México.

  8. Tratamiento con trióxido de arsénico en pacientes con leucemia promielocítica aguda

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    Lidia Clara Suárez Beyríes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 17 adultos con leucemia promielocítica aguda, atendidos en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba durante un quinquenio, con vistas a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento de inducción con trióxido de arsénico. En la casuística, la remisión hematológica completa se obtuvo en 82,4 % de sus integrantes a los 42,2 días como promedio. Predominaron la hepatotoxicidad y los dolores óseos como reacciones adversas más comunes, así como también las hemorragias severas como causa principal de muerte. Con este tratamiento se logró la incorporación laboral de quienes mejoraron totalmente y la sobrevida global hasta la fecha es de 76,4 %

  9. Tratamiento de la tiroiditis de Riedel con triamcinolona

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    Germán Brito Sosa

    Full Text Available Se presenta el primer paciente con una tiroiditis de Riedel que se le aplica un tratamiento alternativo con triamcinolona creado por el profesor Juan Gualberto Vivó Núñez. Es el caso de una mujer de 48 años de edad, que acude al cuerpo de guardia por aumento de volumen de la región anterior del cuello y referir ligera disfagia. Tiene antecedente inicialmente de hipertiroidismo, a los 9 años comenzó con hipotiroidismo y hace aproximadamente un año se le diagnosticó una tiroiditis de Hashimoto, con seguimiento por endocrinología. La ecografía del tiroides muestra un aumento marcado de la glándula tiroidea y las imágenes de la biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina (BAAF son compatibles con una tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Con estos resultados se decide intervenirla quirúrgicamente eliminando así los signos compresivos. La biopsia postoperatoria describe una tiroiditis de Riedel. Por el gran tamaño de los lóbulos tiroideos, se le infiltra triamcinolona 1/2 cc en cada lóbulo, una vez al mes durante cuatro meses; logrando reducir aproximadamente el 50 % de los lóbulos tiroideos. Por lo que se puede apreciar los resultados obtenidos con el uso de la triamcinolona.

  10. pacientes con falla cardiaca

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    Diana Marcela Achury Saldaña


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la adherencia al tratamiento de pacientes con falla cardiaca hospitalizados, al aplicar un plan educativo quefomenta el autocuidado.Método: estudio cuasiexperimental (entrevistas enfermera-paciente realizado entre diciembre de 2004 y mayo de 2006, con unamuestra de 50 pacientes seleccionados por conveniencia. Se diseñó un instrumento para evaluar los comportamientos de los pacientes,con base en algunos resultados de la adherencia y sus respectivos indicadores de la taxonomía NOC (Nursing out comes classification. Laadherencia al tratamiento fue medida en dos momentos: el primero durante la hospitalización, seguido de la aplicación del plan educativoantes del alta, que proporcionaba información en el manejo de su enfermedad desde una dimensión física, psicológica y social quepromueve el autocuidado; y el segundo un mes después del alta en su domicilio.Resultados: diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P=0,0001 que demuestran cómo mediante la capacitación al paciente enel manejo de su tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico, el establecimiento de una sana relación entre el profesional de enfermeríay el paciente, y la participación de la familia, se logra una total adherencia al tratamiento.Conclusiones: para lograr una adherencia total del paciente con falla cardiaca al tratamiento es necesario un proceso educativo y unseguimiento continuo y personalizado que motive permanentemente al paciente y se le reconozca el papel protagónico en su cuidado y manejo de la enfermedad.

  11. Coriocarcinoma con metástasis pulmonar

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    Vicia Sánchez Abalos


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de una fémina de 44 años de edad, con 32 semanas de embarazo, la cual fuera ingresada en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, por presentar insuficiencia respiratoria aguda como consecuencia de una sepsis. La paciente fue tratada con cefalosporina de tercera generación y ventilación mecánica no invasiva, pero se mantuvieron las características gasométricas de hipoxemia y una mala reacción terapéutica, por lo que se requirió instrumentación de las vías respiratorias y soporte hemodinámico, sin lograr regresión del cuadro clínico, lo cual condujo a un paro cardiorrespiratorio y, con ello, a la muerte. La necropsia mostró un coriocarcinoma del endometrio con metástasis pulmonar

  12. Giochiamo con i robot

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    Andrea Bonarini


    Full Text Available "Giochiamo con i robot" e' un laboratorio interattivo per grandi e piccini realizzato per l'edizione 2007 del Festival della Scienza di Genova. Lungo un percorso che va dalla telerobotica alla robotica evolutiva, il laboratorio sviluppa il tema di dare intelligenza ai robot. Questo percorso, le cui tappe sono le varie installazioni, si conclude nella "bottega" dove e' possibile costruire e programmare i propri robot o smontare e modificare quelli esposti durante il percorso didattico. I visitatori sono coinvolti in attivita' ludiche grazie alle quali possonoentrare in contatto con alcune delle idee potenti della robotica,

  13. Intubación de paciente despierto con fibroscopio rígido bajo sedación con remifentanil


    Bocanegra, Juan Carlos; Ríos Medina, Ángela María; Aguirre Ospina, Óscar David


    Introducción. Al elegir el manejo de un paciente con vía aérea difícil, conocida o sospechada, es importante plantearse alternativas de intervención. Varios algoritmos de manejo, recomiendan la intubación con paciente despierto, con laringoscopia directa o instrumentos ópticos. Los estiletes rígidos y semirrígidos son dispositivos ópticos desarrollados para el manejo de la vía aérea difícil, que han mostrado ser rápidos, atraumáti-cos y confiables. Objetivos. Describir el uso de diferentes es...

  14. Survival and differentiation defects contribute to neutropenia in glucose-6-phosphatase-β (G6PC3) deficiency in a model of mouse neutrophil granulocyte differentiation. (United States)

    Gautam, S; Kirschnek, S; Gentle, I E; Kopiniok, C; Henneke, P; Häcker, H; Malleret, L; Belaaouaj, A; Häcker, G


    Differentiation of neutrophil granulocytes (neutrophils) occurs through several steps in the bone marrow and requires a coordinate regulation of factors determining survival and lineage-specific development. A number of genes are known whose deficiency disrupts neutrophil generation in humans and in mice. One of the proteins encoded by these genes, glucose-6-phosphatase-β (G6PC3), is involved in glucose metabolism. G6PC3 deficiency causes neutropenia in humans and in mice, linked to enhanced apoptosis and ER stress. We used a model of conditional Hoxb8 expression to test molecular and functional differentiation as well as survival defects in neutrophils from G6PC3(-/-) mice. Progenitor lines were established and differentiated into neutrophils when Hoxb8 was turned off. G6PC3(-/-) progenitor cells underwent substantial apoptosis when differentiation was started. Transgenic expression of Bcl-XL rescued survival; however, Bcl-XL-protected differentiated cells showed reduced proliferation, immaturity and functional deficiency such as altered MAP kinase signaling and reduced cytokine secretion. Impaired glucose utilization was found and was associated with ER stress and apoptosis, associated with the upregulation of Bim and Bax; downregulation of Bim protected against apoptosis during differentiation. ER-stress further caused a profound loss of expression and secretion of the main neutrophil product neutrophil elastase during differentiation. Transplantation of wild-type Hoxb8-progenitor cells into irradiated mice allowed differentiation into neutrophils in the bone marrow in vivo. Transplantation of G6PC3(-/-) cells yielded few mature neutrophils in bone marrow and peripheral blood. Transgenic Bcl-XL permitted differentiation of G6PC3(-/-) cells in vivo. However, functional deficiencies and differentiation abnormalities remained. Differentiation of macrophages from Hoxb8-dependent progenitors was only slightly disturbed. A combination of defects in differentiation

  15. Tumor germinal mixto con componentes de disgerminoma y coriocarcinoma de ovario en mujer adolescente con ataxiatelangiectasia

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    Eduardo Augusto Gálvez-Cuitiva


    días. Se suspendió la quimioterapia porque desarrolló choque séptico que puso en riesgo su vida. Por su enfermedad de base permaneció bajo vigilancia. Actualmente, 17 meses después, la paciente vive sin actividad tumoral.  Conclusión: existe asociación entre ataxia-telangiectasia, leucemia y linfomas. Se describe el caso clínico de una paciente con ataxia-telangiectasia y tumor germinal mixto con componente de disgerminoma y coriocarcinoma de ovario. Se propone establecer un tratamiento especial para estos pacientes inmunocomprometidos, con alto riesgo de cáncer pero, a la vez, de no tolerar los esquemas habituales.

  16. Síndrome coronario agudo con supradesnivel del ST asociado al feocromocitoma con las catecolaminas inicialmente normales

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    Jorge M. Pacheco


    Full Text Available Los feocromocitomas son tumores secretores de catecolaminas que cursan con paroxismos de hipertensión o hipotensión arterial y palpitaciones. Son una causa rara del síndrome coronario agudo. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con síndrome coronario agudo secundario a feocromocitoma que inicialmente tenía valores normales de catecolaminas.

  17. Síndrome coronario agudo con supradesnivel del ST asociado al feocromocitoma con las catecolaminas inicialmente normales


    Pacheco, Jorge M.; Pérez Baztarrica, Gabriel; Díaz Bozio, Fernando; Jiménez, Andrés; Porcile, Rafael


    Los feocromocitomas son tumores secretores de catecolaminas que cursan con paroxismos de hipertensión o hipotensión arterial y palpitaciones. Son una causa rara del síndrome coronario agudo. Presentamos el caso de una paciente con síndrome coronario agudo secundario a feocromocitoma que inicialmente tenía valores normales de catecolaminas.


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    Victoria Rey Niño


    Full Text Available La Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y de la Salud (CIF define la discapacidad como un término genérico que abarca deficiencias, limitaciones de la actividad y restricciones a la participación. En este caso hablamos de personas con discapacidad física e intelectual por parálisis cerebral, lo que significa que su acceso al mundo de la actividad física se encuentra en la mayoría de los casos muy restringido. Pero existe una modalidad de la orientación llamada Orientación de Precisión u O-Trail que, según la Federación Deportiva de Orientación (FEDO, ha sido adaptada para ofrecer a todos, independientemente de su sexo, edad, capacidad o discapacidad física, la oportunidad de participar en igualdad de condiciones en una típica competición de orientación. Como sugiere Arribas y Sánchez (1998: “En la actividad física podemos encontrar recursos y herramientas de intervención adecuadas a cada contexto y etapa de ciclo vital además, a través de su práctica pueden verse satisfechas determinadas necesidades e intereses personales y grupales, que pueden ser tratados desde un planteamiento educativo” . Este proyecto tiene la intención de ir más allá y pretende utilizar la Orientación de precisión como una herramienta para implementar una alternativa metodológica de trabajo a las actividades que se llevan a cabo con un colectivo de personas con discapacidad física e intelectual en la Asociación Cultural y rehabilitadora de Discapacitados Físicos de Palencia, desarrollando y estimulando sus aspectos intelectuales y sociales mediante una disciplina deportiva desconocida para ellos, con la intención de que aumente su motivación por participar.Objetivo: Implementar la O-Precisión como alternativa metodológica de trabajo con personas con discapacidad física e intelectual con el fin de desarrollar sus capacidades cognitivas y aumentar su autoestima.

  19. Freqüência de Serratia sp em Infecções Urinárias de pacientes internados na Santa Casa de Misericórdia em Fortaleza Frequency of Serratia sp in urine infections of intern patients in the Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Fortaleza

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    Everardo Albuquerque Menezes


    Full Text Available Atualmente a Serratia é considerada um importante patógeno humano, o qual tem sido encontrado como agente causal de infecções hospitalares principalmente infecções do trato urinário. Verificamos a freqüência da Serratia sp em amostras de urina, em pacientes internados. Foram estudadas 1197 amostras das quais 15 foram positivas para Serratia sp. As espécies encontradas foram: 7 Serratia liquefaciens (46,7%, 5 Serratia odorífera (33,3% e 3 Serratia rubidaea (20%.In the present time the Serratia is considered an important human pathogen, which has been found as causal agent of nosocomial infections mainly urine infections. We verify the frequency of the Serratia sp in urine samples, in intern patients. Were studied 1197 urine samples, this study show 15 positive for the Serratia sp. The species found were: 7 Serratia liquefaciens (46,7%, 5 Serratia odorífera (33,3% and 3 Serratia rubidaea (20%.

  20. Retinitis por citomegalovirus en un paciente con VIH

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    Alena de los Ángeles Vejerano Duany

    Full Text Available La retinitis por citomegalovirus es la infección ocular más frecuente en pacientes con un recuento de linfocitos CD4 inferior a 200 por µL. El aspecto oftalmoscópico de las lesiones se caracteriza, en la mayoría de los casos, por infiltrados retinianos resultados de la necrosis retiniana producida por citomegalovirus y el edema en asociación con hemorragias. Estas lesiones se disponen, por lo general, siguiendo las arcadas vasculares temporales con invasión hacia la mácula. Se presentó una paciente de 24 años de edad, femenina, blanca, ama de casa, con antecedentes patológicos personales oculares sin datos de interés, y antecedentes patológicos personales generales de ser diagnosticadas con VIH. Hace cuatro años que comenzó con tratamiento antirretroviral, y tuvo cambios de tratamiento en dos ocasiones. El último fue impuesto en mayo del año 2011, con el cual presentó mala adherencia terapéutica, y comenzó desde entonces a presentar disminución de su peso corporal de forma marcada en breve período de tiempo. Refiere que desde hace unos meses comenzó a presentar una disminución progresiva de la agudeza visual en el ojo derecho, acompañado de visión borrosa. Adquiere gran importancia este caso, ya que ante la supervivencia de los pacientes con sida, va a ser cada vez más frecuente la aparición de las afecciones oculares relacionadas con esta enfermedad. Dentro de ellas se encuentran las infecciones oportunistas mayores como la retinitis por citomegalovirus.

  1. Equinoterapia en niños con autismo


    Martinez Alvernia, Carlos Francisco


    Introducción: Autismo es un trastorno del desarrollo caracterizado por compromiso en interacción social, habilidades de lenguaje, presentando rituales con estereotipias. Sin tratamientos curativos, actualmente se buscan terapias alternativas. Un incremento de la literatura científica de terapias asistidas con animales se ha evidenciado, demostrando mejoría en pacientes autistas con la equinoterapia. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura para evaluar efectividad de la eq...

  2. Plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con gonartrosis


    Álvarez López, Alejandro; Ortega González, Carlos; García Lorenzo, Yenima; Arias Sifontes, Joanka; Ruiz de Villa Suárez, Abel


    Fundamento: la aplicación del plasma rico en plaquetas se ha convertido en una modalidad de tratamiento para pacientes con gonartrosis, tanto de forma aislada como en combinación con otros procedimientos. Objetivo: actualizar al personal médico sobre aspectos esenciales relacionados con la aplicación del plasma rico en plaquetas en pacientes con gonartrosis. Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de un total de 300 artículos originales publicados en Pubmed, Hinari y Medline, mediante e...

  3. Estudio de viabilidad de cajones marítimos con hormigón con fibras


    Ramos Marquès, Òscar Gonçal


    En este TFM se estudia la viabilidad de sustituir la armadura pasiva por fibras metálicas o plásticas en cajones para obras portuarias. Para ello, en primer lugar, se estudia el procedimiento constructivo de un cajón y las propiedades de los hormigones con fibras. Una vez analizado el estado del conocimiento se procede a escoger un cajón representativo, ya construido con armadura pasiva. El cajón escogido es el cajón tipo 3 del dique est...

  4. Bases tratadas con cemento, en California

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    Chinchilla, M.


    Full Text Available El uso de bases tratadas con cemento para autopistas se inició en el Estado de California en 1938, empleándose para carreteras con determinadas condiciones de tráfico. Inicialmente, se especificó el uso obligatorio de plantas mezcladoras para asegurar el debido control de las proporciones adecuadas.


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    Jane Bandeira DICHI


    Full Text Available

    RESUMO: A avaliação do estado nutricional (ingestão alimentar, antropométrica e parâmetros laboratoriais foi realizada em 99 pacientes (67M e 32F de 50 ± 17 anos, internados na Enfermaria de Gastroclínica deste Hospital das Clínicas, nestes últimos 18 meses. Estes pacientes eram portadores de patologias hepatobiliares (39%, gastrintestinais (31%, pancreáticas (10% e outras. Quando comparados com valores de referência, verificou-se, pela associação dos resultados dos indicadores nutricionais, que 61% dos pacientes encontravam-se desnutridos ou com risco nutricional já na internação, sendo este índice de 67% na alta hospitalar. O tempo médio de internação foi de 22 ± 17 dias. Quando os resultados da internação e da alta foram pareados para cada um dos pacientes, verificou-se que cerca de 50% deles apresentaram aumento da ingestão alimentar, dos quais apenas 1/5 mostrou melhora no estado nutricional. A quase totalidade destes pacientes era composta de portadores de diarréia crônica com esteatorréia, recebendo dieta especial. Os pacientes não responsivos à maior ingestão alimentar diminuiu em 22% dos casos, o que pode ser atribuído tanto às dietas restritivas dos cirróticos quanto à falta de apetite na interfase das dietoterapias parenteral ou enteral/oral. Dos indicadores nutricionais o triptofano sérico foi o mais sensível na resposta à ingestão alimentar. Assim, pode-se concluir que a prevalência de desnutrição, entre esses pacientes, é alta, e não diminuiu com a internação, embora, neste período, a ingestão alimentar tenha aumentado. A resposta nutricional à dietoterapia foi positiva sempre que as deficiências dietéticas foram supridas e/ou o hipercatabolismo do paciente compensado. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Avaliação do estado nutricional; desnutrição hospitalar; gastroenterologia.

  6. DR Con o:

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    which could fall under the Ugandan influence. The con-. flict in the ..... The Congolese people and international community within SADC, the AU ..... ments and make peace among themselves. However, one ... friends overnight.There is a great ...

  7. Transporte intra-hospitalar de pacientes internados em UTI Neonatal: fatores de risco para intercorrências Intra-hospital transport of neonatal intensive care patients: risk factors for complications

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    Anna Luiza P. Vieira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudar os fatores associados à hipotermia e ao aumento da necessidade de oxigênio e/ou suporte ventilatório durante o transporte intra-hospitalar de pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva neonatal. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de todos os pacientes internados na unidade neonatal que necessitaram de transporte intra-hospitalar de janeiro de 1997 a dezembro de 2000, entre segundas-feiras e sextas-feiras, das 8h às 17h. Fatores associados à hipotermia e ao aumento da necessidade de oxigênio e/ou de suporte ventilatório durante e até duas horas após o transporte foram estudados por meio de regressão logística. RESULTADOS: Foram realizados 502 transportes no período. Os pacientes tinham em média 2.000g, 35 semanas de idade gestacional ao nascer e 22 dias de vida. As principais indicações do transporte foram: cirurgia e realização de exames de imagem. A hipotermia ocorreu em 17% dos transportes e o aumento da necessidade de oxigênio e/ou de suporte ventilatório em 7%. Fatores associados à hipotermia foram: duração do transporte >3h (OR=2,1; IC95%=1,2-3,6, presença de malformações neurológicas (OR=1,7; IC95%=1,1-2,5, transporte realizado em 1997 (OR=1,7; IC95%=1,1-2,6 e peso no transporte >3.500g (OR=0,3; IC95%=0,16-0,68. Fatores de risco para o aumento da necessidade de oxigênio e/ou de suporte ventilatório foram: idade gestacional ao nascimento em semanas (OR=0,9; IC95%=0,8-0,9, idade em dias no transporte (OR=1,0; IC95%=1,0-1,1 e presença de malformações gastrintestinais e geniturinárias (OR=3,1; IC95%=1,6-6,2. CONCLUSÕES: As intercorrências relativas ao transporte intra-hospitalar são freqüentes nos neonatos em UTI e estão associadas às condições dos pacientes e dos transportes.OBJECTIVE: Evaluate factors associated with hypothermia and increased need of oxygen and/or ventilatory support during intra-hospital transport of neonatal intensive care patients. METHODS: Prospective study of


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    Lidija Kitanovski


    Full Text Available Background. The results of the study conducted to determine whether procalcitonin (PCT and interleukin-6 (IL-6 are more sensitive and specific markers of severe infection in children with febrile neutropenia (FN than routinelly used C-reactive protein (CRP are presented in the article. 68 episodes of FN experienced by 32 patients were divided into three groups according to the site of infection. Group 1: episodes of bacteraemia and/or clinical sepsis (n = 16, group 2: episodes of focal infection (n = 16 and group 3: episodes of fever of unknown origin (FUO (n = 36. Blood samples for further PCT and IL-6 determination were collected on three consecutive days. CRP concentrations were measured daily in each patient until the resolution of fever. PCT, IL-6 and CRP concentrations were measured on one occassion in each of the 18 afebrile patients with malignant disase forming the reference group. Serum PCT and IL-6 concentrations were measured by immunochemiluminometric and immunoenzymatic assay. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC curves were used to determine optimum sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values and diagnostic accuracy of the studied parameters.Conclusions. PCT and IL-6 were found to be earlier and more sensitive markers of severe infection in neutropenic patients than CRP. The erliest one was IL-6, followed by PCT and CRP. Sequential determination of PCT up to 72 hours improved its diagnostic value, which was not the case for IL-6.In patients with gramnegative bacteraemias PCT concentracions were 3–5 times higher comparing to grampositive, whereas IL-6 concentrations were comparable in both groups.

  9. Imatinib induced severe skin reactions and neutropenia in a patient with gastrointestinal stromal tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hwang, Jun-Eul; Yoon, Ju-Young; Bae, Woo-Kyun; Shim, Hyun-Jeong; Cho, Sang-Hee; Chung, Ik-Joo


    Imatinib mesylate has been used for the treatment of unresectable or metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). The current recommended dose of imatinib is 400 mg/day that is increased to 800 mg/day in cases with disease progression. However, imatinib can be associated with diverse adverse events, which has limited its use. We report a case of severe adverse skin reactions with neutropenic fever during imatinib treatment in a patient with GIST. A 71-year-old man was admitted with a one month history of epigastric pain and a palpable mass in the right upper quadrant. An abdominal CT scan revealed a 20 × 19 cm intraabdominal mass with tumor invasion into the peritoneum. Needle biopsy was performed and the results showed spindle shaped tumor cells that were positive for c-KIT. The patient was diagnosed with unresectable GIST. Imatinib 400 mg/day was started. The patient tolerated the first eight weeks of treatment. However, about three months later, the patient developed a grade 4 febrile neutropenia and a grade 3 exfoliative skin rash. The patient recovered from this serious adverse events after discontinuation of imatinib with supportive care. However, the skin lesions recurred whenever the patient received imatinib over 100 mg/day. Therefore, imatinib 100 mg/day was maintained. Despite the low dose imatinib, follow up CT showed a marked partial response without grade 3 or 4 toxicities. The recommended dose of imatinib for the treatment of GIST is 400 mg/day but patients at risk for adverse drug reaction may benefit from lower doses. Individualized treatment is needed for such patients, and we may also try sunitinib as a alternative drug

  10. Experiencia con Nexobrid® para el desbridamiento enzimático de quemaduras faciales seguido de tratamiento conservador con Medihoney®

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    José-Manuel Sampietro-De-Luis

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivos. El desbridamiento enzimático de las quemaduras ha sido objeto de estudio durante décadas; en este terreno, NexoBrid® (MediWound Ltd., Israel se postula como una prometedora alternativa al desbridamiento quirúrgico clásico. Por otra parte, las propiedades antibacterianas y promotoras de la cicatrización de la miel también se han evaluado recientemente con buenos resultados clínicos. Describimos nuestra experiencia preliminar con el empleo de NexoBrid® para el tratamiento de quemaduras faciales, seguido de curas tópicas con Medihoney® Wound Gel (Derma Sciences Ltd., EE.UU.. Material y Método. Incluimos en el estudio todos los pacientes atendidos en nuestra Unidad de Quemados con quemaduras faciales dérmicas o subdérmicas que afectaban a 2 o más subunidades estéticas. Realizamos desbridamiento enzimático con NexoBrid® en las primeras 24 horas. Posteriormente, llevamos a cabo tratamiento conservador con curas tópicas con Medihoney® Wound Gel. Recogimos todos los datos de calidad del desbridamiento, necesidad de desbridamiento quirúrgico, tiempo hasta epitelización completa, presencia de infección y necesidad de cirugía correctora de secuelas. Resultados. Tratamos 10 pacientes con quemaduras faciales de etiología diversa (llama, flash eléctrico, deflagración, escaldadura y química. El desbridamiento inicial fue completo en todos los pacientes. Se alcanzó la epitelización completa en una media de 13.88 días (10-20 días. Ningún paciente presentó infección clínicamente manifiesta ni precisó desbridamiento quirúrgico, cobertura mediante autoinjertos o cirugía de secuelas. Conclusiones. Nuestra experiencia preliminar indica que parece factible la aplicación de NexoBrid® y su combinación con Medihoney® para el tratamiento conservador de las quemaduras faciales.

  11. Conversazioni autobiografiche con Albino Sacco-Casamassima

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    Orazio Maria Valastro


    Full Text Available Nel 1948 venne Olivetti a Matera. Olivetti venne a Matera con un certo ambasciatore americano che praticamente aveva preparato o stava dando una mano per il piano Marschall, venne a Matera e mi vollero incontrare. Io sono stato chiamato dalla piazza, stavo nella piazza, era il mese di luglio, una cosa di questo genere, e andai in un bar, un bar ad angolo mi ricordo in Via Don Minzioni, dove questo Olivetti mi disse 'ma lei che cosa fa coi sassi?' 'Che cos'è questa storia?' Gli raccontai un po' che cosa facevo io con questi amici, avevamo fatto questo, insomma tutto quello che avevamo fatto nei sassi e che volevamo preparare ancora per presentare a qualcuno un piano di revisionamento dei sassi. Mi ricordo, era la prima volta che avevo visto Adriano Olivetti, ne avevo sentito parlare però non avevo mai visto quest'uomo con gli occhi celesti, minuto, coi capelli bianchi, riccioluto, con una cravatta bianca, cosa che mi fece impressione, una specie di angelo.

  12. Peso y talla en niños con retinoblastoma

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    Cecilia Ridaura-Sanz


    Full Text Available Introducción: la talla baja se ha descrito como característica clínica de niños con retinoblastoma. Esta particularidad puede estar relacionada directamente con la enfermedad de base o con factores externos.  Objetivo: el propósito de esta investigación fue conocer la frecuencia de talla y peso bajos en niños mexicanos con retinoblastoma y correlacionar los valores antropométricos con variables de la enfermedad y ambientales. Materiales y métodos: se analizaron expedientes clínicos de 346 pacientes con retinoblastoma. Se obtuvieron los datos de peso y talla referidos al ingreso; antes del tratamiento. Se comparó el valor de Z con las referencias de la distribución normal de la población mexicana. La asociación de las medidas antropométricas con las variables clínicas, sociales y genéticas se estableció con la prueba de c2. Resultados: la talla y el peso promedio de los niños con retinoblastoma fueron significativamente más bajos que los de la población general (p < 0.001 y p = 0.013, respectivamente. La talla y peso bajos fueron más frecuentes en niños con enfermedad avanzada, provenientes de medio rural y de bajo nivel socioeconómico. Conclusiones: los déficits en peso y talla en niños con retinoblastoma se deben a factores relacionados con enfermedad avanzada al momento del diagnóstico, lo cual a su vez es consecuencia de la situación de marginación de la población rural mexicana. Dado que la mayoría de las variables sociales y ambientales están muy relacionadas y que no podemos descartar posibles factores genéticos, las conclusiones de este estudio deben verificarse analizando las medidas de los padres y hermanos y establecer grupos comparativos para controlar las variables confusas.

  13. Incidencia y factores asociados con las reacciones adversas del tratamiento antirretroviral inicial en pacientes con VIH

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    Juan Astuvilca


    Full Text Available La alta incidencia de reacciones adversas medicamentosas (RAMA al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA en pacientes con VIH/SIDA puede afectar la calidad de vida y adherencia al tratamiento. Objetivos: Determinar la incidencia de RAMA del TARGA inicial e identificar los factores asociados con la ocurrencia de RAMA al recibir dicha terapia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte histórica con todos los pacientes VIH (+ mayores de 18 años que recibieron TARGA por primera vez en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, con un seguimiento de 360 días desde la primera prescripción. Se recabó las RAMA de las historias clínicas y tarjetas de control. Resultados: Se incluyeron 353 pacientes, se encontró una incidencia acumulada de 66,7% de efectos adversos al TARGA inicial y una densidad de incidencia de 9,1 eventos de RAMA por 10 personas año de seguimiento (IC95%: 8,1-10,1. Anemia (23,4%, náuseas (20,6% y rash (17,2% fueron las RAMA más frecuentes. El uso de drogas (OR 2,40; IC95% 1,01-5,67; consumo de alcohol (OR 0.32; IC95%: 0,19-0,55 y estadio SIDA (OR 0,20; IC95%: 0,04-0,95 estuvieron asociadas con la presencia de RAMA. Conclusiones: Existe un alta incidencia de RAMA, siendo la anemia la más frecuente. El uso de drogas es un factor de riesgo para presentar RAMA.

  14. Indicadores de enfermedades mentales en pacientes mexicanos con VIH/SIDA y su relación con la adherencia terapéutica

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    Ismael García-Cedillo


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Se analiza la relación entre algunos indicadores de enfermedades mentales y la adherencia terapéutica en pacientes con VIH/SIDA. Participantes. Muestra de 76 pacientes mexicanos infectados por VIH/SIDA. Procedimiento. Entrevista a profundidad a pacientes de un hospital público de la ciudad de San Luis Potosí, México. Resultados. 80% de los participantes presentó indicadores de enfermedades mentales correspondientes a: 28% conducta antisocial; 20% depresión clínica; 13% síndrome de estrés postraumático, 12% psicosis orgánica y 8% discapacidad intelectual. El porcentaje de pacientes infectados con VIH/SIDA con indicadores de enfermedad mental concuerda con los resultados de investigaciones realizadas en otros países. Solamente 7% de los participantes mostró un nivel de adherencia apropiado. La adherencia no guarda una relación lineal con la presencia de indicadores de enfermedad mental. La adherencia se relaciona con la escolaridad, la utilización de estrategias para recordar la toma del medicamento, confiar el estatus a los familiares y apoyo familiar.

  15. Testimonios de la II Guerra Mundial

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    Gerhard Hoffmann


    Full Text Available En este artículo se recogen valiosos testimonios sobre la Segunda Guerra Mundial centrados en dos significativos episodios: una dura experiencia en el Campo de Concentración de Gross Rosen; y la convivencia de los españoles internados en el Campo de Gurs con mujeres procedentes de Baden.Palabras claves: Segunda Guerra Mundial, españoles republicanos, campos de concentración, Gross Rosen, Gurs.________________________AbstractThis article contains valuable testimony on the Second World War focused on two significant events: a hard experience in the concentration camp of Gross Rosen, and the coexistence of Spanish interned in Camp Gurs with women from Baden.Keywords: Second World War, Spanish republicans, concentration camps, Gross Rosen, Gurs.


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    Juan Manuel Anaya


    Full Text Available La siguiente investigación presenta los resultados de un estudio desarrollado en Colombia sobre la evaluación de la calidad de vida y sus relaciones con la depresión, ansiedad y optimismo disposicional en 32 pacientes con diagnóstico de lupus eritematoso sistémico de la Clínica Universitaria Bolivariana de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Para evaluar la calidad de vida se utilizó el Cuestionario SF36, la ansiedaddepresión fue evaluada mediante el Cuestionario HAD, y se trabajó con el Cuestionario DIOP para medir optimismo. El estudio evidenció que los pacientes perciben una calidad de vida favorable en todas las dimensiones que conforman el cuestionario SF36, no se encontraron niveles clínicamente significativos de ansiedad-depresión, y por último se encontró alta predisposición hacia el optimismo.

  17. Planificación Neuroquirúrgica con Software Osirix (United States)

    Jaimovich, Sebastián Gastón; Guevara, Martin; Pampin, Sergio; Jaimovich, Roberto; Gardella, Javier Luis


    Introducción: La individualidad anatómica es clave para reducir el trauma quirúrgico y obtener un mejor resultado. Actualmente, el avance en las neuroimágenes ha permitido objetivar esa individualidad anatómica, permitiendo planificar la intervención quirúrgica. Con este objetivo, presentamos nuestra experiencia con el software Osirix. Descripción de la técnica: Se presentan 3 casos ejemplificadores de 40 realizados. Caso 1: Paciente con meningioma de la convexidad parasagital izquierda en área premotora; Caso 2: Paciente con macroadenoma hipofisario, operada previamente por vía transeptoesfenoidal en otra institución con una resección parcial; Caso 3: Paciente con lesiones en pedúnculo cerebeloso medio bilateral. Se realizó la planificación prequirúrgica con el software OsiriX, fusionando y reconstruyendo en 3D las imágenes de TC e IRM, para analizar relaciones anatómicas, medir distancias, coordenadas y trayectorias, entre otras funciones. Discusión: El software OsiriX de acceso libre y gratuito permite al cirujano, mediante la fusión y reconstrucción en 3D de imágenes, analizar la anatomía individual del paciente y planificar de forma rápida, simple, segura y económica cirugías de alta complejidad. En el Caso 1 se pudo analizar las relaciones del tumor con las estructuras adyacentes para minimizar el abordaje. En el Caso 2 permitió comprender la anatomía post-operatoria previa del paciente, para determinar la trayectoria del abordaje transnasal endoscópico y la necesidad de ampliar su exposición, logrando la resección tumoral completa. En el Caso 3 permitió obtener las coordenadas estereotáxicas y trayectoria de una lesión sin representación tomográfica. Conclusión: En casos de no contar con costosos sistemas de neuronavegación o estereotáxia el software OsiriX es una alternativa a la hora de planificar la cirugía, con el objetivo de disminuir el trauma y la morbilidad operatoria. PMID:25165617

  18. El maltrato en las personas con discapacidad


    Revuelta, Lucerga


    El maltrato no solo se realiza por acción sino también por omisión, la indiferencia hacia la persona con discapacidad es una forma de maltrato muy frecuente. Por ejemplo, ignorar y desatender las necesidades de la persona con discapacidad o, al contrario, la sobreprotección son maneras de maltrato. Cuando a un niño con discapacidad el padre o cuidador le hace todo, el niño se siente agredido pues le están incapacitando más de lo que su enfermedad ya lo hace.


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    I. G. Bakulin


    Full Text Available Currently in the Russian Federation or chronic hepatitis C (CHC are still relevant Interferon-based regimens. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of baseline characteristics and prognosis of the patient HCV genotype 1 for the development  of leukopenia (LP and neutropenia  (NP. We investigated  factors such as sex, age, body mass index (BMI, viral load, genotype  of Interleukin-28 B (IL-28B,  the initial level of leukocytes and neutrophils,  alanine aminotransferase (ALT, fibrosis, duration  of infection, presence  of previous therapy.  Absolute values of leukocytes  and neutrophils  were analyzed on 4, 12, 24, 48 weeks of therapy,  and at 4, 12, 24 weeks after antiviral treatment with protease  inhibitors (PI 1 and 2 generation. Prognostic criteria were identified, indicating the possible development  of the LP and NP expressed during treatment with interferon: female  gender,  low initial load, TT-genotype of IL-28B, the  initial level of white  blood cells and neutrophils  below 5,7×109/L and 3,4×109/L, respectively. Mathematical  models predicting the onset of LP and NP, formalized in the form of decision trees were also constructed. These models have shown the greatest potential for practical use in view of highest accuracy and reliability.

  20. Actitud de universitarios hacia las personas con discapacidad

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    Alexis Araya-Cortés


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y comparar la actitud hacia las personas con discapacidad de estudiantes de pedagogía, con estudiantes de otras profesiones y en distintos niveles de formación. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo y correlacional en el que participaron 260 estudiantes de ambos sexos de una universidad privada de la cuidad de La Serena, Chile. Como instrumento se aplicó la Escala de Actitudes hacia las Personas con Discapacidad de Verdugo, Jenaro y Arias. Los resultados mostraron que la totalidad del alumnado presenta actitudes positivas. En relación con el tipo de carrera y nivel de estudio no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Se puede inferir que los estudiantes presentan una predisposición favorable a comportarse de manera efectiva frente a personas con discapacidad, valorando positivamente sus capacidades y reconociendo sus derechos fundamentales.

  1. Insuficiencia renal aguda relacionada con medicamentos en pacientes hospitalizados

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    Lujan Iavecchia


    Conclusiones: La mitad de los episodios de IRA intrahospitalaria se relacionaron con medicamentos. Los pacientes con IRA relacionada con medicamentos presentaron más antecedentes patológicos cardiovasculares, pero menos factores de riesgo de IRA y una menor mortalidad.


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    William Espinoza-Domínguez


    Full Text Available El presente estudio se realizó con el objetivo de estimar el almacén de carbono en sistemas agroforestales (SAF con base en café en la región de Huatusco, zona de mayor producción de café (Coffea arabiga L. en el estado de Veracruz, México, a fin de obtener información cuantitativa sobre el potencial de mitigación de carbono en los SAF de la región. Para ello, se estimaron los reservorios de carbono en biomasa vegetal y la materia orgánica edáfica existentes en sistemas agroforestales de café-plátano, café-macadamia, café-cedro rosado, café-ganado ovino y café-chalahuite, y como referencia de una condición no agroforestal se incluyeron un bosque primario y un potrero con pradera natural. La recolección de muestras se hizo en parcelas de 4 x 25 m (100 m2, donde se colectó biomasa de vegetación herbácea y mantillo, y para el suelo la profundidad de muestreo fue de 0 a 30 cm. El sistema agroforestal que presentó la mayor cantidad de carbono aéreo, estimado con modelos alelométricos, fue café-cedro rosado (Ca + Ce, con 114 Mg C·ha-1, seguido de los sistemas café - macadamia (Ca + Ma, con 34 Mg C·ha-1; café-chalahuite (Ca + Ch, con 29 Mg C·ha-1; café-plátano velillo (Ca + Pl, con 27 Mg C·ha-1; y por último el sistema silvopastoril (Sp, con 2 Mg C·ha-1. Para el caso del carbono orgánico del suelo, el tratamiento (Ca + Ce fue el que presentó mayor contenido de carbono fácilmente oxidable en el suelo, con 58 Mg C·ha-1, y el menor fue el tratamiento potrero (P, con 50 Mg C·ha-1. Del carbono orgánico total entre los SAF el tratamiento Ca + Ce fue el que tuvo el mayor valor, con 172 Mg C·ha-1, y el tratamiento silvopastoril (Sp presentó el menor, con 65 Mg C·ha-1. De los sistemas evaluados se concluye que, en promedio, los SAF almacenan 102 Mg C·ha-1, mientras que el potrero almacena 52 t C·ha-1, y el bosque primario es el sistema que más almacena carbono total, con un valor de 355 Mg C·ha-1.


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    Américo José Hossne García


    Full Text Available La determinación de la tracción de los tractores agrícolas acredita su empleo eficiente, por ejemplo en: disminución del tiempo oportuno de operación, reducción de daños físicos y terramecánicos, adecuadas característica ingenieriles, tipo y número de neumáticos tractivos y reducción de los costos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la utilización de las ecuaciones de Micklethwaite, Bekker, Janosi-Hanomoto, y Brixius adaptadas al campo agrícola analizadas con el lenguaje de programación Visual Basic. En la metodología se utilizaron los procedimientos de aplicación de las ecuaciones, las relaciones algebraicas y procedimientos programáticos en Visual Basic 6, diagrama de flujo y el análisis en la tracción sencilla, doble, aperos de tiro y montados; todos, con transferencia de peso y análisis de inestabilidad. El programa desarrollado con sus códigos proporciona una interfaz de usuario intuitiva mediante la vinculación de bases de datos con especificaciones del equipo agrícola, características del neumático, datos del suelo, datos del apero y los coeficientes de las ecuaciones para predecir el rendimiento de un tractor y modelo seleccionados. El programa demostró ser accesible, con mecanismos de uso sin instalación, eficiente y versátil. Las ecuaciones se emplearon con un número de parámetros representativos del área, que pueden ser reemplazados o ampliados y aplicables al agro involucrando la humedad del suelo.

  4. en personas con el VIH/SIDA

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    Ximena Palacios Espinosa


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue hallar la relación de la intención e ideación suicida con algunas variables sociodemográficas, las características de la enfermedad, el tratamiento antirretroviral y los aspectos piscoafectivos en personas con el VIH/SIDA que residen en Bogotá (Colombia y pertenecientes a una fundación. Para ello, se tomó una muestra de 75 pacientes con VIH positivo a quienes se evaluó a través de una entrevista semiestructurada y dos instrumentos: el inventario de depresión de Beck (IBD y la escala de Ideación Suicida (SSI. Los resultados mostraron que solo 29 personas tenían ideación suicida y 10 intención suicida: De los 10 solo 2 sujetos tenían intención después del diagnóstico. Se encontró una relación estadística significativa para ideación suicida e intención suicida con edad, estrato socioeconómico, estado civil, orientación sexual, las características de la enfermedad, el tratamiento antirretroviral y los aspectos piscoafectivos.

  5. Carcinoma tricofolicular con capacidad metastásica

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    C.B. Pinilla-Martínez


    Full Text Available El carcinoma folicular es un tumor maligno derivado del folículo piloso. La mayor parte de los tumores foliculares son benignos, pero en los últimos años se han publicado casos aislados de tumores anexiales con características de malignidad y con una gran agresividad local siendo en principio tumores que se consideraban benignos. Creemos que este tumor está siendo infradiagnosticado, y como consecuencia, infratratado al ser confundido con otros tumores malignos originados en la piel, como el carcinoma basocelular y sobre todo con el carcinoma epidermoide, en parte por poca documentación y por la dificultad para su diagnóstico anatomopatológico. Presentamos un caso de carcinoma tricofolicular en cuero cabelludo en una mujer de 51 años de edad que rápidamente invade sistema nervioso central y que en solo 3 meses metastatiza a pulmón.

  6. Experiencias y recursos con las tics para la atención al alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales

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    Eladio Sebastian Heredero


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene como objetivo levantar algunas experiencias llevadas a cabo en centros educativos en los que se ponen de manifiesto buenas prácticas con el uso de las tecnologías para la atención al alumnado con necesidades educativas. Se ha realizado a través de una metodología mixta que alterna el trabajo de investigación de campo con el análisis documental, para finalmente llegar a presentar algunos ejemplos clarificadores y eficaces de prácticas educativas concretas. Los ejemplos aquí aportados, tienen como innovación, que nos presentan prácticas de aula, testadas y aplicadas, y a partir de ellas poder establecer algunas conclusiones e ideas para su mejora.

  7. Comparacion de 3 técnicas para el diagnóstico de la neumocistosis pulmonar en pacientes con SIDA Comparison of 3 tests for the diagnosis of pulmonary pneumocystosis in AIDS patients

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    A.J. Bava


    Full Text Available Debido a la falta de desarrollo in vitro de Pneumocystis jiroveci el diagnóstico de la neumocistosis pulmonar (PCP se realiza fundamentalmente mediante la microscopia. Se comparó la eficacia de 3 métodos de diagnóstico de la PCP en 111 lavados broncoalveolares, pertenecientes a igual número de pacientes con SIDA y diagnóstico presuntivo de PCP, internados en diferentes salas del Hospital Muñiz. Preparaciones en fresco, una modificación rápida de la técnica de Grocott e inmunofluorescencia directa (IFD con anticuerpos monoclonales fueron empleadas para el diagnóstico de PCP sobre preparaciones de los materiales clínicos. Se obtuvieron iguales resultados con las 3 técnicas en 105 (93,6% muestras (15 positivas y 90 negativas; en 3 (2,7% la IFD fue positiva cuando las otras dos fueron negativas y en otras 3 (2,7%, la coloración de Grocott fue negativa cuando las otras dos técnicas resultaron positivas. En los materiales investigados, debido a la abundancia de P. jiroveci, la búsqueda de "estructuras en panal de abejas" en preparaciones al estado fresco se adapta perfectamente como prueba tamiz. La coloración de Grocott permite no sólo el diagnóstico de la PCP sino de otras micosis, y la IFD, por su elevado costo, puede emplearse cuando las otras técnicas son negativas.Since Pneumocystis jiroveci cannot be grown in vitro, laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary pneumocystosis (PCP has been based mainly upon microscopy. The usefulness of 3 diagnostic methods of PCP was compared in 111 bronchoalveolar fluids belonging to an equal number of AIDS patients assisted in different wards of the Muñiz Hospital. Wet mount preparations, a rapid modification of Grocott technique and the direct immunofluorescence (DIF with monoclonal antibodies were compared for the diagnosis of PCP on smears of clinical samples. Similar results (15 positive and 90 negative were obtained with these three techniques in 105 (93,6% of the studied samples; in 3 (2

  8. Adolescentes con autolesiones e ideación suicida: un grupo con mayor comorbilidad y adversidad psicosocial


    Mayer Villa, Pablo Adolfo; Morales Gordillo, Nadia; Victoria Figueroa, Gamaliel; Ulloa Flores, Rosa Elena


    La creciente prevalencia de conductas suicidas en adolescentes se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública. Existen varios factores asociados con este tipo de conductas, tales como: síntomas depresivos y ansiosos, consumo de sustancias nocivas, trastornos de conducta, violencia familiar, negligencia y abuso sexual en la infancia. Otro factor importante que se asocia con la presencia del comportamiento suicida son las autolesiones, las cuales pueden definirse como conductas deliberadas de...

  9. Sintomatología depresiva en pacientes con fibromialgia

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    Vanessa Moreno


    Full Text Available Introducción: La fibromialgia es una entidad frecuente en la práctica clínica y se ha considerado que está asociada con desórdenes psiquiátricos, en particular con depresión, lo cual podría tener un impacto en el tratamiento de esta entidad. Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos en pacientes con fibromialgia. Diseño: Estudio observacional y de tipo transversal. Lugar: Servicio de Reumatología, Hospital Departamental María Auxiliadora. Participantes: Pacientes de ambos sexos con diagnóstico de fibromialgia. Intervenciones: Se utilizó la escala de Hamilton para la depresión (HDRS y el recuento de puntos dolorosos para fibromialgia. Principales medidas de resultados: Porcentaje de pacientes con síntomas depresivos. Puntaje total de la HDRS en relación al recuento de puntos dolorosos. Resultados: La edad promedio fue 54,9 ± 14 años, 80% fue del sexo femenino y el número promedio de puntos dolorosos, 14,4 ± 1,5. El 32,7% de pacientes no tenía síntomas de ánimo depresivo, en 27,7% los síntomas fueron leves, en 30,9% moderados y solo en 9% severos. Ningún paciente presentó síntomas compatibles con ánimo depresivo muy severo. Encontramos una correlación significativa entre el número de puntos dolorosos y el puntaje de la escala HDRS (r= 0,740, p< 0,001. Conclusiones: Los síntomas depresivos severos se encuentran en una proporción baja en pacientes con fibromialgia y parecen estar directamente asociados con el número de puntos dolorosos.

  10. Aprendizajes en sincronía con la vida

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    Flor Abarca-Alpízar


    Full Text Available Como humanidad sufrimos la desconexión y separación con la vida toda. Esta ruptura impuesta por el paradigma mecanicista predominante en los últimos cuatrocientos años, nos ha llevado a olvidar la visión holista promovida por las culturas originarias y ancestrales. Esta situación prevalece también en los sistemas educativos dominados por la enseñanza memorística y fragmentada, alejada de la vida, del ser y sentir de las personas aprendientes. Para la superación de la crisis planetaria actual es urgente recuperar la visión holista de la vida y del aprendizaje, para lo cual los procesos docentes universitarios son claves para la formación de personas profesionales comprometidas con la plenitud de la vida sobre la tierra. El sentido de este ensayo es reflexionar sobre la importancia que tiene para la superación de la crisis planetaria actual la recuperación de nuestra conectividad con la vida del planeta tierra en sincronicidad con los aprendizajes, porque los procesos vitales y los procesos de aprendizaje son la misma cosa. Este ensayo está organizado en tres momentos. El primero parte del intercambio de seres, saberes, sentires y experiencias para recuperar nuestra conexión perdida con la vida en nuestro planeta tierra. Un segundo momento donde presentamos reflexiones y conceptualización por medio de la construcción colectiva de conocimientos, con apoyo de personas especialistas en la visión holista y los procesos de interaprendizaje, necesarios para salvar la vida toda. El tercer momento de este ensayo está elaborado con propuestas, claves, signos y señales para la conexión de los procesos vitales en sincronía con los procesos de aprendizaje necesarios en los tiempos actuales.

  11. Infliximab en pacientes con enfermedad ocular inflamatoria, refractarios a DARMES

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    Elmer R. García-Salazar


    Full Text Available Se describe la experiencia con infliximab (anticuerpo monoclonal con una potente acción antiinflamatoria en el tratamiento de enfermedades oculares inflamatorias secundarias a patologías reumáticas y refractarias a drogas antirreumáticas modificadoras de la enfermedad (DARMES. Se evaluó el caso de una paciente de 50 años con artritis reumatoide (AR de fondo activo y una paciente de 37 años con vasculitis anticuerpos anticitoplasma de neutrófilos especifico para mieloperoxidasa (ANCA MPO sin compromiso de órgano noble, ambas con escleritis bilateral y perforación con prolapso de iris del ojo izquierdo. Ellas recibieron infliximab EV en dosis de 3 a 5 mg/kg/dosis, según el esquema, a las 0, 2, 6 y 8 semanas. Infliximab resultó eficaz y seguro para el tratamiento de escleritis asociada a AR y vasculitis ANCA MPO positivo, refractaria a tratamiento con DARMES y corticoides en dosis altas. Los injertos de tejido esclerocorneal evolucionaron favorablemente con infliximab.

  12. Programas de Salud y Género. Mujeres con VIH/SIDA

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    Graciela Enria


    Full Text Available La proliferación de trabajos biológicos sobre el proceso del VIH/Sida contrasta con el abordaje de la problemática desde la experiencia de los que lo viven. De entre los involucrados, la mujer se vio implicada desde el comienzo como una de las poblaciones de riesgo de contagiar y de enfermarse. La embarazada, objeto privilegiado de la salud pública, contó con programas especiales y normativas estrictas a través de los programas de salud, que dejaron fuera lo que pasaba con ellas en las relaciones con los compañeros y con ellas mismas; sus experiencias, sus perspectivas, sus nociones de futuro; así como su relación con el sistema de salud y con los médicos. En este trabajo se aplicó una metodología cualitativa basada en entrevistas abiertas a mujeres con VIH de la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina. Los hallazgos remiten a una serie de experiencias que relatan sus estrategias y contradicciones, abriendo puentes hacia la comprensión.

  13. "Sonríe con salud"

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    Rosa María González Ramos

    Full Text Available Introducción: los programas educativos juegan un papel importante ya que permiten modificar hábitos y conductas perjudiciales para la salud. Las personas de la tercera edad deben adquirir los conocimientos necesarios para realizar el auto cuidado de la salud bucal mejorando así su calidad de vida. Objetivo: evaluar los resultados del programa "Sonríe con salud". Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva de corte transversal, con un universo de 74 personas de 60 años y más. Las variables estudiadas fueron: la edad, sexo. Se aplicó una encuesta. Las respuestas se agruparon atendiendo a si poseían o no, conocimientos acerca de la relación entre salud bucal y salud general, las principales enfermedades buco-dentales, realización del autoexamen bucal, efecto del tabaquismo y alcoholismo, ingestión de los alimentos azucarados, calientes, picantes y la importancia de la higiene bucal. La recolección de la información, la realizaron los autores empleando como fuente primaria el cuestionario aplicado en la primera etapa de la investigación. Se utilizaron los valores absolutos y el porcentaje en el análisis de los resultados. Resultados: el grupo de edad de 70 a 79 años fueron los más representados (36,5 % y el sexo femenino con un 59,5 %. Se elevaron los conocimientos relacionados con el efecto perjudicial del alcoholismo al 91,9 % y el tabaquismo al 95,9 %; acerca de la ingestión de alimentos azucarados se elevan al 97,7 % al igual que los alimentos calientes y picantes en un 90,5 %, relativo al autoexamen bucal se superan los conocimientos de su realización al 78,4 % y referente a la higiene bucal se elevan al 91,9 %. Conclusiones: el programa educativo "sonríe con salud" resultó eficaz, al elevar el nivel de conocimientos de los ancianos que recibieron las actividades previstas en el programa.

  14. Tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica en niños con Rinitis Alérgica y/o Asma Bronquial. Área Norte. 2005 - 2007.


    Matilde Iraida Morera Franco; Rigoberto Antonio García Chang; María Mercedes Gómez Paz


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal durante el período Enero 2005_ Enero 2007 en el Policlínico Norte del municipio Sancti Spíritus. El universo estuvo constituido por el total de niños con edades de 2_15 años con enfermedades alérgicas, a los que se realizó pruebas de alergia e indicó tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica por vía subcutánea, la muestra estuvo formada por 75 pacientes con asma bronquial, rinitis alérgica y/o ambas enfermedades, con el objetivo de determinar ...

  15. Silla multipropósito con medios auxiliares

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    René Ramón Toledo González


    Full Text Available Nuestro país no cuenta con la cantidad de sillones de rueda necesario para suplir las necesites de la población con diferentes tipos de discapacidades, en nuestro municipio existen muchos discapacitados que no pueden trasladarse a los servicios de rehabilitación, ni cuenta con medio de traslado en sus propios hogares lo que entorpecen su evolución y los hace mas dependientes; otro grupo de pacientes poseen sillón de ruedas útil para su traslado pero no para realizar  otras  actividades  de  la  vida  diaria  y  tienen  que  valerse  de  otras personas para realizar las mismas. La silla que hemos creado se hace con recursos y materias primas propias de nuestro país sin tener necesidad de compras de accesorios en el exterior; lo que nos permite a la vez que se resuelva un gran problema económico al país.

  16. Procesamiento de argumentos en personas con afasia

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    Luis Martínez


    Full Text Available En las personas con afasia se alteran diversos procesos lingüísticos. Entre las alteraciones más comunes tenemos aquellas que se producen en el procesamiento sintáctico, lo cual es evidente en el procesamiento de los argumentos. Investigaciones previas realizadas a sujetos con afasia reflejan un procesamientodeficiente de argumentos, lo cual se hace más evidente a medida que el número de argumentos aumenta. Se ha encontrado que mientras mayor es la complejidad en la estructura de la oración, los sujetos afásicos manifiestan mayores dificultades en el procesamiento de la misma. El presente estudio indaga en las dificultades que presentan los sujetos adultos con trastornos afásicos hablantes de español en el procesamiento de argumentos durante tareas de descripción. Este trabajo corrobora la evidencia de que los sujetos con afasia manifiestan un manejo deficiente en el procesamiento de argumentos en las tareas señaladas.

  17. Prediction of Febrile Neutropenia after Chemotherapy Based on Pretreatment Risk Factors among Cancer Patients (United States)

    Aagaard, Theis; Roen, Ashley; Daugaard, Gedske; Brown, Peter; Sengeløv, Henrik; Mocroft, Amanda; Lundgren, Jens; Helleberg, Marie


    Abstract Background Febrile neutropenia (FN) is a common complication to chemotherapy associated with a high burden of morbidity and mortality. Reliable prediction of individual risk based on pretreatment risk factors allows for stratification of preventive interventions. We aimed to develop such a risk stratification model to predict FN in the 30 days after initiation of chemotherapy. Methods We included consecutive treatment-naïve patients with solid cancers and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas at Copenhagen University Hospital, 2010–2015. Data were obtained from the PERSIMUNE repository of electronic health records. FN was defined as neutrophils ≤0.5 × 10E9/L ​at the time of either a blood culture sample or death. Time from initiation of chemotherapy to FN was analyzed using Fine-Gray models with death as a competing event. Risk factors investigated were: age, sex, body surface area, haemoglobin, albumin, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and chemotherapy drugs. Parameter estimates were scaled and summed to create the risk score. The scores were grouped into four: low, intermediate, high and very high risk. Results Among 8,585 patients, 467 experienced FN, incidence rate/30 person-days 0.05 (95% CI, 0.05–0.06). Age (1 point if > 65 years), albumin (1 point if 2) and chemotherapy (range -5 to 6 points/drug) predicted FN. Median score at inclusion was 2 points (range –5 to 9). The cumulative incidence and the incidence rates and hazard ratios of FN are shown in Figure 1 and Table 1, respectively. Conclusion We developed a risk score to predict FN the first month after initiation of chemotherapy. The score is easy to use and provides good differentiation of risk groups; the score needs independent validation before routine use. Disclosures All authors: No reported disclosures.

  18. Adolescentes con autolesiones e ideación suicida: un grupo con mayor comorbilidad y adversidad psicosocial

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    Pablo Adolfo Mayer Villa


    Full Text Available La creciente prevalencia de conductas suicidas en adolescentes se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública. Existen varios factores asociados con este tipo de conductas, tales como: síntomas depresivos y ansiosos, consumo de sustancias nocivas, trastornos de conducta, violencia familiar, negligencia y abuso sexual en la infancia. Otro factor importante que se asocia con la presencia del comportamiento suicida son las autolesiones, las cuales pueden definirse como conductas deliberadas destinadas a producir daño físico sin la intención de provocar la muerte. En adolescentes mexicanos, se ha reportado una frecuencia de autolesiones de 17.1%, con una relación mujer-hombre de 2:1; este problema es tan grave que las clasificaciones diagnósticas psiquiátricas internacionales han propuesto incluir las conductas autolesivas no suicidas como una categoría independiente...

  19. Obliteración de fracturas de seno frontal con colgajos pediculados

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    J. Pefaure


    Full Text Available El compromiso del seno frontal con fractura de sus paredes es un tipo de lesión infrecuente, en torno al 5-12% de todas las fracturas faciales. Suele asociarse a lesiones intracraneales, oftalmológicas y a otras fracturas máxilofaciales y cuando conlleva fractura de la pared posterior de seno frontal requiere tratamiento inmediato, siendo necesaria la obliteración del seno frontal debido a la comunicación con meninges y lóbulo frontal, con el riesgo infeccioso que ello representa. Tratamos 18 pacientes con traumatismos craneofaciales y fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior en el periodo comprendido entre 2007 y 2011; 8 mujeres y 10 varones con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 64 años. Todos los casos fueron tratados con reducción y osteosíntesis por vía abierta con distintos abordajes y realizamos en todos colgajos pediculados de vecindad. La vitalidad de los colgajos fue del 100% . Certificamos el posicionamiento correcto mediante tomografía axial computarizada. El tratamiento de las fracturas del seno frontal con compromiso de su pared posterior o del conducto nasofrontal requiere obliteración con tejido vascularizado para evitar comunicaciones con la cavidad nasal.

  20. Diferencias conductuales y cognitivas en dos grupos de escolares con TDAH intervenidos con Arteterapia -vsMetilfenidato y un grupo control


    M. Aurora G. Gallardo Saavedra; Ana Lucía Padrón García; M. del Consuelo Martínez-Wbaldo


    Introducción: El trastorno de défcit de atención e hiperactividad TDAH es una entidad neuropsiquiátrica, con prevalencia en la infancia entre 2% y 20%, su tratamiento actual asocia medicamentos y psicoterapia. El arteterapia en salud mental ha sido utilizado para tratar de cambiar el comportamiento y potenciar la cognición. Objetivo: comparar los cambios cognitivo-conductuales en escolares con TDAH tratados con arteterapia-vs-metilfenidato y un grupo control. Método: Ensayo clínico aleatoriza...