
Sample records for intellectuelle diversite education

  1. Le marché mondial de la propriété intellectuelle : Droits des ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Destiné aux groupes indigènes, aux activistes et aux décideurs qui oeuvrent dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle et à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la préservation de la diversité biologique et culturelle de notre planète, ce volume constitue un exposé précieux et révélateur de l'une des questions les plus ...

  2. Un brevet pour la vie : La propriété intellectuelle et ses effets sur le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Un brevet pour la vie : La propriété intellectuelle et ses effets sur le commerce, la biodiversité et le monde rural. Couverture du livre Un brevet pour la vie : La propriété intellectuelle et ses effets sur. Auteur(s):. The Crucible Group. Maison(s) d'édition: CRDI. 1 janvier 1994. ISBN : Épuisé. 120 pages. e-ISBN : 1552503917.

  3. Entrevista com Marie Raynal, Redatora chefe da Revista Diversité - França (Tradução. Interview with Marie Raynal, editor of Diversité - France (Translation

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    Abramowicz, Anete


    Full Text Available A Revista Eletrônica de Educação teve o privilégio de entrevistar Marie Raynal, que apesar de muitas atividades nos concedeu um tempo para nos responder. Marie Raynal é Responsável pelo Departamento Ville-Ecole-Intégration (Cidade-Escola-Integração em Montrouge, França e Redatora Chefe (rédactrice em chef da Revista Diversité que é um dos únicos periódicos da educação na França que acolhe artigos sobre a diversidade social. Em 2003 foi criado o departamento “Ville & Education” sob a coordenação de Marie Raynal. Este departamento tem por missão acompanhar todos os atores da educação (professores, quadros da educação, coletividades, associações, etc. que tem por encargo - durante e fora do tempo escolar - as crianças e os jovens em situação de fragilidade, especialmente aqueles que vivem nos bairros da política da cidade, àqueles que se destacam por uma educação prioritária, os recém chegados na França e as crianças nômades. No conjunto destas questões, este departamento é considerado como expert nacional. Este departamento possui três revistas e uma carta de informação, entre elas está a revista trimestral em Ciências Sociais, a Diversité.The Revista Eletrônica de Educação (Electronic Journal of Education has the privilege to interview Marie Raynal, which although having many activities, dedicated us time to answer it. Marie Raynal is head of the Département de Ville-Ecole-Intégration (Department of City-School-Integration in Montrouge, France and Chief editor of the journal Diversité, which includes articles on social diversity. In 2003, the department "Ville & Education" is created under the authority of Marie Raynal. Its mission is to accompany all education members (teachers, education managers, communities, associations, etc. that are in charge, during and after school time, children and youth in situations of fragility, including those living in neighborhood of the city policy, those

  4. La politique intellectuelle de Mvemba N'zinga (Dom Afonso 1er ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le Kongo venait de rater un grand rendez-vous avec l'histoire. Mots-Clés: enseignement; élite intellectuelle; Bakongo; Mvemba N'zinga; Mbanza Kongo; Lisbonne; Mani Kongo Summary Taking advantage of the opportunities that he offered to the Portuguese monarch - consignment of missionaries, study of the young " ...

  5. Aspasie, l’étrangère, l’intellectuelle


    LORAUX, Nicole


    La brillante Aspasie doit sa célébrité à deux hommes. Elle fut la compagne aimée et respectée de Périclès, le plus puissant et le plus prestigieux des Athéniens à l’époque de sa splendeur (« le siècle de Périclès » : 460-430) et l’interlocutrice privilégiée et admirée de Socrate. Sa situation de compagne valorisée et d’intellectuelle reconnue, exceptionnelle dans une cité où la norme voulait que la plus grande gloire d’une femme soit l’invisibilité et le silence, fut sans doute liée à son sta...

  6. Diversité et succession des protistes dans l'océan Arctique


    Terrado, Ramon


    L'Arctique est la région du globe où le réchauffement climatique est le plus prononcé. L'étude de la diversité des microorganismes, leur dynamique de communauté et les facteurs environnementaux qui agissent sur eux s'avèrent donc importants pour comprendre comment ces communautés vont réagir à des changements environnementaux. Cette thèse explore la diversité des protistes et leur dynamique dans l'océan Arctique sur une échelle temporelle ainsi que spatiale. La méthodologie utilisée dans cett...

  7. La diversité culturelle dans l’industrie du livre en France (2003-2007)


    Moreau, François; Peltier, Stéphanie


    La production éditoriale française a considérablement progressé au cours des années 2000, au point que la question de la surproduction est désormais posée à l’occasion de chaque rentrée littéraire. Pour autant, l’offre, réputée prolifique, se traduit-elle par une plus grande diversité de consommation ou, comme le dénoncent certains, ne conduit-elle pas la demande à se concentrer davantage sur quelques best-sellers et auteurs stars ? La préservation de la diversité de la création et de la diff...

  8. Un premier aperçu de la diversité génétique de cinq microbes eucaryotique de l'océan arctique


    Edgar, Robyn


    Malgré leur abondance, leur diversité et leur importance pour la production primaire et l'écosystème marin arctique, la diversité génétique des microbes marins eucaryotes arctiques reste relativement inconnue. De récentes études moléculaires ont montré que les espèces florissantes dans l'Arctique sont phylogénétiquement divergentes des espèces de protistes marins non-polaires. Pour mieux à comprendre l'histoire évolutive et la diversité des espèces dans l'océan Arctique, cinq cultures de micr...

  9. Etude de la diversite genetique de l'igname sauvage Dioscorea ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    analysis show that the cultivars differ genetically from both the wild allopatric and sympatric of the zone and those collected in the Pendjari National Park. La diversité génétique de deux populations de Dioscorea abyssinica, estimée par les marqueurs AFLP, récoltées dans la forêt classée de l'Ouémé supérieur et le parc ...

  10. Élites intellectuelles françaises, élites intellectuelles grecques et la « question de la langue » en Grèce dans les années 1920 et 1930 : le cas de Louis Roussel


    Calvié, Julien


    Louis Roussel a tenu dans l’histoire du néo-hellénisme en France un rôle de pionnier. Son journal, Libre, qui parut régulièrement de décembre 1922 à juillet 1936, nous fournit une vision très riche et très vivante de la vie intellectuelle athénienne dans les années 1920 et 1930.Nous étudierons successivement la représentation des partisans de la langue savante et la représentation des démoticistes dans Libre. Nous conclurons en constatant que Louis Roussel a, sur « la question de la langue » ...

  11. Diversité du peuplement ichtyologique de la rivière Bagoé (Bassin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les indices de diversité spécifique, d'équitabilité et de similarité ont été calculés sur la rivière selon les ... orpailleurs le long de ce cours d'eau. Ce qui ... certains cours d'eau dont la rivière Bagoé. En ... richesse spécifique, traduisant la qualité.

  12. Réduction de la malnutrition et retour à une diversité biologique et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le défi. En Inde, beaucoup de personnes pauvres vivent dans des régions rurales fortement tributaires de l'agriculture. Or, la grande diversité des cultures traditionnellement pratiquées dans ces régions est aujourd'hui fréquemment mise à mal par les politiques gouvernementales, qui encouragent la culture du riz et du blé.

  13. Diversité et dynamique des Salmonella Lactuca sativa L.) dans les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectif: Au Niger, l'agriculture maraîchère réalisée dans les zones urbaines et péri-urbaines utilise les eaux usées souvent très souillées par la matière fécale humaine et animale pour l'irrigation. Cette étude a évalué la prévalence et la diversité des Salmonella isolées de la laitue dans différents sites maraichers du Niger.

  14. 200 Facteurs de contrôle de la diversité des plantations d ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Ainsi, cette étude présente les facteurs de contrôle de la diversité des plantations d'alignement de la ville de Porto-Novo au Bénin. ..... Mémoire de DESS en Gestion de l'Environnement, Université de Parakou, ... [10] - A. ALLIO et M. SCHUT, “ Porto-Novo : Une stratégie d'aménagement pour le centre-ville: Dynamique.

  15. Diversité de la microflore initiale de la viande et sécurité sanitaire ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La microflore initiale de la viande regroupe les germes survenus de l'animal vivant jusqu'à l'obtention de la carcasse c'est-à dire jusqu'à l'habillage mais avant lavage. Cet article décrit la diversité de cette microflore, les facteurs favorisant leur multiplication et leurs conséquences sur la santé des consommateurs.

  16. Diversität und Konvergenz an der Wurzel: Perspektiven der Romanistik in Zeiten der Globalisierung

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    Bernhard Teuber


    Full Text Available I. Wieder eine Studienreform – II. Diversitäten und Konvergenz – III. Die fetten Jahre der Theorie – IV. Was in Zukunft zu tun bleibt: 1.Digital Humanities; 2.Spatial Turn; 3.Postcolonial Studies; 4.Gender Studies; 5.Ethical Turn – V. Averroes auf der Suche

  17. 329 Diversité végétale urbaine et estimation du stock de carbone ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Diversité végétale urbaine et estimation du stock de carbone : cas de la commune du Plateau ... Urban plants diversity and carbon stock estimation: the case of Plateau district. Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire ..... [15] - R. HOME; C. KELLER; P. NAGEL; N. BAUER et M. HUNZIKER, Selection criteria for flagship species by conservation ...

  18. Diversité et critères d'adoption des cultivars de maïs (Zea mays L ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    République du Bénin),. Tél. 67763722 / 95246102, E-mail ... vue de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques par le développement d'une agriculture résiliente, fondée ... diversité biologique et l'utilisation durable de ses éléments.

  19. Empowerment et diversité culturelle : quelques prolégomènes


    Gagnon, Alain G.; May, Paul


    Le présent texte explore l’articulation entre l’empowerment et la diversité culturelle, et notamment les voies prometteuses du jumelage entre ces deux termes. L’apport de la philosophie de Charles Taylor conjuguée aux récentes théories du fédéralisme permet de porter un regard nouveau sur la thématique des revendications identitaires en milieu urbain et d’esquisser des solutions institutionnelles pour répondre au double défi posé par le pluralisme culturel et de la nouvelle configuration écon...

  20. La diversité vue par un journal communautaire maghrébin à Montréal

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    Rachad Antonius


    Full Text Available Cet article se situe dans le champ d’étude des médias “communautaires” ou ethniques. Il analyse la couverture, par le journal communautaire maghrébin Atlas.Mtl, de la question de la diversité au Québec. L’analyse montre qu’Atlas.Mtl s’inscrit dans une logique de négociation des rapports de force entre les citoyens d’origine maghrébine et le groupe majoritaire, dans le cadre d’un système hégémonique dont il ne conteste pas les fondements. Son approche est non conflictuelle, et le journal adopte un ton généralement conciliant qui ne rejette pas globalement les avantages d’un système libéral et laïque, contrastant ainsi avec d’autres journaux plus radicaux dans leurs revendications. On y trouve une ouverture à la diversité d’opinions. En dehors des périodes de tension sociale où le discours sur l’immigration et sur la diversité s’est durci, le contenu du journal revient à un ton moins revendicateur. Son apport se situe davantage au niveau de l’information qu’à celui de la revendication, avec une préoccupation claire pour la modification des situations d’inégalité. Il s’en dégage une orientation générale qui propose une identité arabo-musulmane laïque, modérée et libérale, spécifiquement maghrébine, assumant son appartenance à une société québécoise laïque, et faisant partie de la diaspora internationale maghrébine. Nous situerons cette orientation dans les débats entre le courant des études post-coloniales et les courants qui insistent sur les orientations économiques et intégrationnistes des médias ethniques minoritaires, et nous proposerons des interprétations du positionnement du journal qui font référence au grand débat entre islamisme et nationalisme laïque dans les pays arabes.

  1. Relations entre la diversité et la biomasse aérienne des espèces ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    En Afrique sub-saharienne, peu d'études ont mis la lumière sur les relations éventuelles entre la biomasse végétale et la diversité biologique dans ces systèmes. La présente étude a permis de tester ces relations dans des agroforêts à cacao de Lakota en Côte d'Ivoire. Des cacaoyères et des forêts ont été inventoriées ...

  2. Diversité et dynamique des communautés de protistes dans le haut Arctique canadien


    Charvet, Sophie


    Le paysage arctique est un mélange d’étendues désertiques, fouettées par les vents, et d’une grande diversité d’écosystèmes aquatiques. Confronté à des augmentations de température nettement supérieures à la moyenne globale qui modifient les propriétés de ces paysages, l’Arctique est un site d’étude stratégique pour suivre les impacts des changements climatiques sur les communautés microbiennes endogènes. Caractéristique importante des écosystèmes arctiques, la cryosphère commence déjà à atte...

  3. La régulation des industries culturelles à l’heure d’Internet et les enjeux pour la diversité culturelle: Le cas des quotas radiophoniques français

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    Alexandre Joux


    Full Text Available La convention sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles, adoptée à l’UNESCO en 2005, redonne à l’instance internationale sa légitimité pour traiter des sujets liés aux politiques culturelles nationales. Ceux-ci avaient été déportés vers l’OMC dans les années 1990 à l’occasion des débats sur l’exception culturelle. Dix ans après l’adoption de la Convention de 2005, le développement de plates-formes mondiales de distribution des biens et services culturels remet toutefois en question, non pas les politiques culturelles nationales que la convention a sanctuarisés, mais leur efficacité à l’heure d’Internet. Ces évolutions obligent à comprendre la diversité culturelle au prisme de l’analyse économique pour imaginer des formes nouvelles et internationales de régulation des flux des produits des industries culturelles, ce qu’a révélé le débat français sur le projet de modification, en 2015, des quotas radiophoniques. Les quotas et les contraintes de programmation qu’ils imposent, en ne s’appliquant pas aux plates-formes de streaming musical, pourraient en effet et paradoxalement fragiliser les acteurs régulés sur qui repose la politique de diversité, sauf à étendre aux acteurs non-médiatiques le principe des quotas.

  4. Les TIC au coeur des pédagogies universitaires diversité des enjeux pédagogiques et administratifs

    CERN Document Server

    Karsenti, Thierry


    Cet ouvrage illustre en quoi les TIC jouent un rôle si important en pédagogie universitaire et pourquoi ce virage technologique est devenu incontournable. Les auteurs font une place tant aux expériences qu'aux théories sur l'intégration des TIC. Il est question de la diversité des formes de recours aux TIC, des enjeux de leur intégration en milieu universitaire, des défis sociaux sous-jacents à cette incursion technologique, des cours sur le Web, de l'apprentissage collaboratif, de la supervision des stagiaires et de la réforme scolaire.

  5. Diversité potentielle du peuplement de rongeurs dans le parc régional du W (Burkina Faso, Bénin et Niger)


    Nomao, Adamou; Gautun, Jean-Claude


    Note portant sur l’auteur Introduction Comme souvent pour les parcs et réserves d’Afrique de l’Ouest, la diversité mammalienne du parc régional du W (PRW, carte 1) est mieux connue pour la grande faune que pour les rongeurs. Ceci est principalement dû au fait que les rongeurs sont des animaux très difficiles à observer et qu’ils sont peu médiatiques, Ils n’en restent pas moins d’excellents indicateurs de la qualité de la biodiversité. De plus pour pouvoir les identifier, il est indispensable ...

  6. Evaluation of Kosovo Primary Education Programs in Terms of Cultural Diversit

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    Serdan KERVAN


    Full Text Available Communities that have lived together for a long time have used the same language and created a number of common values. All of these common values ​​constitute the cult of that community. Culture is a complex phenomenon that reflects the ways in which a nation solves its problems, the ways in which it interacts with each other and with others, and the way they think (Naylor, 1996. This research was conducted by teachers 1-5. the structure of the class curricula and their impact on student achievement is determined by a semi-structured interview form, so it is a qualitative research based on the cause-and-effect relationship. The universe of this research is the class teachers who work in the primary schools in the cities where different mother-tongue education is provided in Kosovo. According to the teachers 'views, the influences of the programs applied for different cultures on the students' success were determined as meaningful differences in the age, education level, teaching language of the teachers and whether or not they were educated in different mother tongues in the same school.

  7. Des communautés microbiennes au service de la qualité des fromages : diversité et dynamique adaptative et fonctionnelle des populations endogènes et ensemencées


    Delbes, Céline; Monnet, Christophe; Irlinger, Francoise


    Les fromages traditionnels hébergent un microbiote diversifié, composé de populations microbiennes endogènes et de ferments, qui joue un rôle majeur dans le développement des qualités sanitaires et sensorielles du produit fini. La connaissance de la diversité microbienne taxonomique et fonctionnelle des produits laitiers s’enrichit depuis ces trois dernières années des apports des approches (méta)génomiques. Plus de 100 genres et 400 espèces microbiennes ont été détectés dans le lait cru et l...

  8. Empowerment et diversité culturelle : quelques prolégomènes

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    Alain G. Gagnon


    Full Text Available Le présent texte explore l’articulation entre l’empowerment et la diversité culturelle, et notamment les voies prometteuses du jumelage entre ces deux termes. L’apport de la philosophie de Charles Taylor conjuguée aux récentes théories du fédéralisme permet de porter un regard nouveau sur la thématique des revendications identitaires en milieu urbain et d’esquisser des solutions institutionnelles pour répondre au double défi posé par le pluralisme culturel et de la nouvelle configuration économico-politique sous-tendant la mondialisation. Malgré ses aspects positifs, cet article entend montrer, dans le sillon des travaux de Bernard Jouve, les limites et l’utilisation équivoque que l’on peut faire de l’empowerment, qui sert parfois à justifier un désengagement de l’État-providence en faveur des populations les plus démunies, et qui ne présente pas toujours les garanties nécessaires pour lutter contre les discriminations survenant au sein des Minorities within Minorities.This article explores linkages between empowerment and cultural diversity largely defined, and at times a promising convergence between the two notions. Charles Taylor’s contribution to current theories of federalism allows us to cast a rejuvenated  look on cultural claims in urban centers and to sketch institutional avenues to face the dual challenge posed by cultural pluralism and the new socio-political configuration underlying globalization. In spite of some very positive aspects, and following Bernard Jouve’s intellectual insights, this text illustrates the extent to which the notion of empowerment can also be deceiving as it might add limitations for weaker communities, and create new hurdles as the undermining of the welfare state has showned. In addition, empowerment does not always provide guarantees to counter discrimation as the case of «Minorities witin Minorities» reveal.

  9. Diversité des itinéraires migratoires des colons d’un front pionnier amazonien

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    Pascal Sebille


    Full Text Available Durante muito tempo, o debate sobre as causas das migrações foi pensado a partir de uma oposição entre migração causada por um evento exterior (guerra, pobreza, etc. e migração decidida por estratégias internas ao quadro familiar. Há mais de dez anos, vem-se tentando construir relações entre esses pontos de vista. A abordagem pelas histórias de vida se encaixa nessas tentativas: uma forma quantitativa de realizar essas pontes se desenvolveu em demografia pela análise dos itinerários biográficos. Mas muitas vezes, busca-se uma razão única ou uma combinação de razões para explicar os comportamentos de todos os membros da população estudada. O nosso objetivo neste artigo é aplicar uma metodologia baseada na realização de tipologias de itinerários biográficos para descrever os diferentes perfis migratórios dos assim chamados assentados da reforma agrária do sudeste do Pará. Baseada em uma amostra de 350 assentados, nossa análise mostra e qualifica a heterogeneidade dos itinerários biográficos, tentando também propor pistas para explicá-la.Alors que depuis longtemps la grande majorité des travaux sur les dynamiques migratoires s’est organisée autour de débats sur les facteurs externes des migrations et sur les stratégies familiales migratoires, la présente recherche s’intéresse aux liens entre ces deux dynamiques en associant l’analyse spatiale de la mobilité et l’étude des trajectoires de vie des individus. L’approche biographique d’analyse des histoires de vie développée en démographie, au cœur de cette étude, permet d’apporter de nouveaux éléments explicatifs à l’interaction entre les facteurs de mobilité et les dynamiques familiales. Grâce à la construction de typologies de parcours migratoires, ce travail permet de rendre compte de la diversité des dynamiques de mobilité et de l’hétérogénéité des profils de migrants. Le front pionnier Amazonien représente un lieu d

  10. Enquêter sur la « diversité » à Berlin. Le cas de l’inspecteur Bobkowski

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    Barbara Thériault


    Full Text Available Comment traiter de diversité dans une organisation qui est réputée y être hostile ? Se réglant sur une démarche wébérienne, je présente dans cet article un cas, celui du commissaire Klaus Bobkowski, un enseignant responsable de la section « éducation politique » à l’Académie de police de Berlin et historien amateur. En considérant ce cas, ainsi que d’autres efforts pour composer avec la différence sous la République de Weimar (1918-1933 que j’ai enregistrés durant mon travail de terrain, je tente de faire saillir les motifs qui sous-tendent l’action des commissaires ayant contribué à la reconnaissance et à la promotion de la différence au sein des services policiers en Allemagne depuis les années 1990. En enquêtant sur ces motifs d’action, je suis en mesure de construire un idéaltype d’un « porteur de la diversité », qu’on peut lier, comme je le soutiens, à un programme libéral d’égalité civique.Investigate the “diversity” in Berlin. The case of the Inspector BobkowskiHow can one consider diversity in an organisation having a reputation for being against it? Following a weberian perspective, I present in this article such a case, that of Inspector Bobkowski, a teacher in charge of the “political education” section of the “Police Academy” of Berlin and amateur historian. In considering this case, along with other efforts to take differences into account during the Weimar Republic (1918-1933 that I recorded during my field work, I attempt to bring out the motifs which underline those actions of the police inspectors that contributed to the recognition and to the promotion of difference within the police services in Germany since the 1990s. By investigating these motifs of action, I am able to construct an ideal type of a “diversity messenger” that one can link, as I argue, to a liberal program of civic equality.Hacer encuestas en Berlín sobre la «diversidad». El caso del

  11. La disqualification sélective des sources. Introduction à la pratique de la malhonnêteté intellectuelle The Selective Disqualification of Sources. An Introduction to the Practice of Intellectual Dishonesty

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    Jean-Michel Chaumont


    Full Text Available Ce texte analyse la manière dont les membres du Comité spécial d’experts char­gés par la Société des Nations de superviser une enquête internationale sur la traite des femmes entre 1924 et 1927 ont sciemment écarté les “données” de l’enquête qui infirmaient ou heurtaient leurs convictions. Le mécanisme par lequel ils y sont parvenus est la disqualification sélective des sources : ils ont dénié de façon opportuniste la validité des sources quand des informations indé­sirables en émanaient. Les sources officielles, les sources officieuses et jusqu’aux observations réalisées par les enquêteurs eux-mêmes furent ainsi suc­cessivement disqualifiées. Cette pratique soulève l’enjeu de l’importance peut-être sous-estimée de la probité intellectuelle dans la conduite des recherches en sciences sociales.This text analyzes how members of the special Committee of experts charged by the League of Nations with supervising an international enquiry on female slavery between 1924 and 1927 knowingly eliminated investigatory “data” which weakened or ran up against their convictions. The mechanism by which they managed to do that is the selective disqualification of sources, which consists in opportunistically denying the validity of sources when undesirable information emanated from them. Thus official sources, semi-official sources and even observations made by the investigators themselves were successively disqualified. This practice raises the issue of the perhaps underestimated importance of intellectual probity in conducting research in the social sciences.

  12. Les réseaux d’investissement dans le thermalisme au XIXe siècle en France

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    Jérôme Penez


    Full Text Available Le XIXe siècle est le siècle de la « fièvre thermale » en France. Pour permettre cet extraordinaire développement, l’argent est nécessaire. La station thermale apparaît comme un eldorado où la fortune est à portée de la main. Cette fortune n’est pourtant pas si facile à obtenir, la gestion thermale est ingrate, et les centaines de villes d’eaux françaises ne peuvent pas toutes obtenir un succès comparable à celui de Vichy ou d’Aix-les-Bains. Le thermalisme français est diversité, diversité dans les réussites, diversité dans les types de gestion (de la gestion étatique à la gestion privée, diversité dans sa fréquentation, diversité dans ses périodes de développement, diversité dans les moyens de son financement. Etudier l’importance ou au contraire la rareté des réseaux d’investissement dans le thermalisme permet de lever une partie du voile de l’histoire encore bien mystérieuse des villes d’eaux françaises.

  13. Diversity and similarity of trophic system "Barn Owl - terrestrial mammals" in the volcanic districts of Latium (Italy / Diversità ed affinità dei sistemi trofici "Tyto alba - mammiferi terragnoli" nei comprensori vulcanici del Lazio

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    Fiorella Aste


    Full Text Available Abstract Bony remains of about ten thousands small terrestrial mammals preyed by Barn Owl in six volcanic districts of Latium were examined and relevant biocoenotic parameters (such as biotic diversity, thermoxerophily index, Renkonen's and Faith's indexes calculated. Diversity values exhibit no apparent correlation with a number of environmental and biocoenotic parameters of non-anthropic origin - i.e.: district age, height on sea level, latitude, biocoenotic (Renkonen's and faunistic (Faith's affinities. Conversely, a clearly significant, negative correlation with landscape anthropization was shown, revealing the importance of man's impact in shaping functional connections in the terrestrial communities of studied region. Riassunto L'esame del sistema trofico in argomento in 6 distretti vulcanici del Lazio ha posto in evidenza che la diversità biotica è significativamente e inversamente correlata con l'antropizzazione territoriale, ma non con altri fattori ambientali di origine anantropica.

  14. Vive la diversité! Vive La Diversité!

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    Doris Kolesch


    Full Text Available Der erste deutschsprachige Sammelband zu Homosexualität, Queerness und nicht-normativer Sexualität in der französischen Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte beleuchtet die verschiedenen Facetten dieses weiten Themenbereichs aus unterschiedlichen historischen und methodischen Perspektiven.Drawing on diverse historical and methodological perspectives, this first anthology of homosexuality, queerness, and non-normative sexualities in French literary and cultural history ever to be published in German investigates various facets of diverse sexualities.

  15. 2500-IJBCS-Article-Dr Neya Bouma James

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    DANIDA) et l'Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) pour leurs soutiens financiers. RESUME. Un champ ensemencé avec des ...... interne et externe par l'adoption de mesures comme l'utilisation de semences saines, le.

  16. Publications | Page 45 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dans les pays en développement, le manque de diversité dans l'alimentation est l'une des principales causes de la malnutrition et de la prévalence de maladies ... et une perte de diversité des cultures locales, ce qui a eu une incidence négative sur la sécurité alimentaire et la résilience face aux changements climatiques.

  17. Vielfalt oder Chaos? 'Musikalische Bildung' und das künstlerisch-wissenschaftliche Studium


    Kremer, Joachim


    Der folgende Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die Hochschule als Raum für gelebte und gelehrte Diversität. Er widmet sich der Diversität im künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Studium der Schulmusik, diskutiert die Frage, inwieweit die Vielfalt der Studienpläne der Zieldimension 'musikalische Bildung' zuträglich ist und entwirft ein Studien-Szenario, das verstärkt interdisziplinäre Synergien fordert. (DIPF/Orig.)

  18. Modèles commerciaux libres (Amérique latine) - phase II | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... ne reposant pas essentiellement sur les droits de propriété intellectuelle comme ... un accord de coopération scientifique et technologique en appui aux projets de ... de l'Institut d'étude du développement international de l'Université McGill.

  19. La gestion dynamique des varietes d'ignames dans le systeme ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les origines de la diversité variétale des ignames et le maintien de cette diversité ont été étudiés dans 240 exploitations du Bénin réparties dans huit terroirs, 150 ans l'aire culturelle Bariba (sous-préfecture de Sinendé de juin à octobre 1999) et 90 dans l'aire Nagot (sous-préfecture de Banté, de juin à octobre 2000).

  20. Tonemic Substitution

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    détournement de mineure' suite aux accusations portées contre elle par la ... partir de ces exemples, une loi générale sur les conditions de la création, les faits .... Dans son œuvre, Simone de Beauvoir, conflits d'une intellectuelle,.

  1. Élaboration de politiques nationales sur l'accès aux ressources ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    amélioration des cultures et de gestion des ressources naturelles sont compromises. Les lois et les mécanismes en vigueur, comme les droits de propriété intellectuelle (DPI), ne conviennent pas à la protection du savoir traditionnel, car ils protègent les ...

  2. Ce que nous faisons | Page 166 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    information, Gestion D'entreprises, Propriété Intellectuelle. Région(s): Amériques, Brésil, Amérique Du Sud, Afrique, Nigéria, Sud Du Sahara, Amérique Latine. Le Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS - centre pour la technologie et la société) fait ...

  3. : tous les projets | Page 510 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les négociations entourant les droits de propriété intellectuelle (DPI) prennent de plus en plus d'importance dans les sphères du commerce international et du développement international. Date de début : 1 janvier 2008. End Date: 14 avril 2011. Sujet: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, COMPUTER PROGRAMS, ACCESS TO ...

  4. : tous les projets | Page 511 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les négociations entourant les droits de propriété intellectuelle (DPI) prennent de plus en plus d'importance dans les sphères du commerce international et du développement international. Date de début : 1 janvier 2008. End Date: 14 avril 2011. Sujet: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, COMPUTER PROGRAMS, ACCESS TO ...

  5. uganda : tous les projets | Page 7 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Sujet: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, ACCESS TO INFORMATION, ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING. Région: Uganda, South Africa, South of Sahara. Financement total : CA$ 364,627.00. Droits d'auteur et accès au savoir en Afrique. Projet. Le débat actuel sur les politiques visant la propriété intellectuelle et sur l'incidence de ...

  6. Editorial - Les Defis de la Pratique medicale en Afrique sub ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La solution à ce dilemme semble se trouver dans un assemblage harmonieux entre les valeurs profondes de l'Afrique, notamment l'esprit de solidarité, et les certitudes de la technologie occidentale. C'est à cette transhumance intellectuelle que les praticiens du continent doivent se livrer pour réduire les disparités de prise ...

  7. Sud du Sahara | Page 227 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Langue French. Read more about Rôle de la propriété intellectuelle dans le développement ouvert en Afrique. Langue French. Read more about Agenda panafricain de recherche sur l'intégration pédagogique des TIC (PanAf) - phase III. Langue French. Read more about Panafrican Research Agenda on the Pedagogical ...

  8. : tous les projets | Page 578 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les modèles commerciaux libres proposent une façon différente d'échanger, dans le domaine de l'information, des connaissances et de la culture, ne reposant pas essentiellement sur les droits de propriété intellectuelle comme moteur ou comme source de revenus principale. Date de début : 14 septembre 2008.

  9. Legislation Without Empathy: Race and Ethnicity in LIS

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    Gianmarco Visconti


    Full Text Available Most people can agree that libraries are public goods, built upon ideals of egalitarianism and the democratization of information. But can we say that libraries exist without biases? LIS has been unpacking the issue of diversity for decades, particularly longstanding racial and ethnic biases, while simultaneously trying to shift the focus of diversity issues to include the full spectrum of human identity. This paper takes up the issue of racial and ethnic diversity in LIS, as two single components of the larger issue of diversity, in order to explore the dynamics of race and ethnicity amongst librarians themselves. La plupart des gens admettent que les bibliothèques sont des biens publics, construites sur les idéaux de l’égalitarisme et de la démocratisation d’information. Mais peut-on dire que les bibliothèques existent sans partialité? La science de l’information et des bibliothèques (SIB cherche à éclairer le problème de diversité pendant des décennies, en particulier les partialités ethniques et raciales de longue date, tout en essayant de recentrer l’orientation des questions de diversité pour inclure tout l’éventail de l’identité humaine. Cette dissertation aborde la question de diversité dans les SIB, comme deux seuls composants de la question plus vaste de diversité, afin d’explorer les dynamiques de race et d’ethnie parmi des bibliothécaires eux-mêmes.

  10. Mixité sociale dans l'habitat. Revue de la littérature dans une perspective comparative


    Kirszbaum, Thomas


    Cette revue de la littérature examine les politiques de diversité dans l’habitat d’un point de vue comparatif. Depuis qu’elle a été promue comme objectif central des politiques urbaines et du logement en France, la diversité (ou mixité) sociale dans l’habitat et les politiques publiques initiées en son nom, ont suscité une abondante littérature. De telles politiques existent aussi dans d’autres pays et s’accompagnent de débats importants dans les sciences sociales et le champ de l’évaluation ...

  11. Le bois comme générateur d'ambiances visuelles en architecture : étude expérimentale comparative sur la satisfaction visuelle à l'aide de maquettes à l'échelle réduite


    Poirier, Geneviève


    Cette étude explore le potentiel d’environnements intérieurs en bois éclairés naturellement à créer des ambiances chaleureuses, lumineuses et agréables, favorisant le confort et le bien-être psychologique. Le premier objectif de ce projet est d’étudier la diversité des conditions de ciel en termes de couverture et d’épaisseur nuageuse, ainsi que d’évaluer les impacts de cette diversité lumineuse sur cinq maquettes à échelle réduite composées de différents agencements de bois. Des données mété...

  12. L’Imaginaire Linguistique à l’intérieur de la diversité dans la langue

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    Sanda-Maria ARDELEANU


    Full Text Available The language education policies in the context of globalisation emphasize the necessity of a plurilingual education promoting cultural diversity. The present study offers an insight into the current situation of the French language. The author underlines the essential role linguistic imaginary holds in the process of learning a foreign language. That is why she suggests cultivating a new attitude in the speakers of French based on the foundations of language diversity, as well as the diversity within one and the same language.

  13. (United States)

    Diamond, Adele


    Comment aider les enfants à réussir à l'école et, plus généralement, à développer leurs capacités intellectuelles ? Les résultats de travaux fondamentaux en psychologie et en neurosciences permettent de proposer des méthodes pédagogiques efficaces, bien qu'elles semblent parfois aller contre le bon sens.

  14. : tous les projets | Page 600 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les régimes de propriété intellectuelle existants protègent les droits des personnes en ce qui a trait aux bénéfices commerciaux, mais ils ne conviennent pas, ... Région: China, Far East Asia, India, Kenya, North and Central America, Panama, Peru, South America, North of Sahara, South of Sahara, Central Asia, South Asia.

  15. Étude méthodologique de la conservation de ressources génétiques de ray-grass anglais (graminée fourragère) par multiplication en pools de populations naturelles


    Balfourier , François; Charmet , G


    À partir d’une collection de 547 populations naturelles de ray-grass anglais, préalablement étudiées pour des caractères d’intérêt agronomique, 42 populations sont choisies à l’aide d’analyses multivariables et en fonction de critères agronomiques et écogéographiques, afin de constituer 9 pools typés et représentatifs de la diversité observée. Cette méthode de constitution de pools est présentée comme une étape de présélection, permettant la conservation de la diversité et la préparation...

  16. Lost in the lifeworld: Technology help seeking and giving on diverse, post-secondary campuses / Perdu dans le monde vécu: solliciter et fournir une aide technologique dans les institutions postsecondaires marquées par la diversité

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    Derek Tannis


    Full Text Available Information and communications technology (ICT is integrated throughout a student’s lived experience in their post-secondary learning environment. In order for students with limited or no background with ICT to achieve their academic goals, a central part of their adaptation involves an intensive period of ICT help seeking. Using anecdotes from phenomenological research, this paper explores what we can learn about our practice as help givers through reflecting upon the lived experience of cross-cultural ICT help seeking and giving on diverse, post-secondary campuses. What surfaces from this investigation is the importance of developing an ICT support and training structure that appreciates the inter-subjective, activity-embedded nature of ICT help seeking and giving. An phenomenological educational approach to ICT help giving would be thoughtfully interwoven into a post-secondary learning environment, not as a remedial construct, but as an integral part of the learning, and help seeking, experience itself. Solliciter et fournir une aide technologique font de toute évidence partie intégrante de l’expérience étudiante, et ce, tout au long de la formation postsecondaire. Pour permettre aux étudiants avec peu ou pas d’expérience en TIC d’atteindre leurs objectifs universitaires, on doit présumer qu’une composante cruciale de leur adaptation consiste en une phase intensive de demandes d’aide technologique. À partir d’anecdotes tirées de la recherche phénoménologique, cet article explore ce que l’on peut apprendre sur nos pratiques d’assistance grâce à une réflexion sur l’expérience de demande d’aide technologique en contexte interculturel dans les institutions d’enseignement supérieur marquées par la diversité. Les résultats de cette enquête mettent en évidence l’importance de développer une structure d’aide et de formation en TIC qui prend en considération la nature intersubjective et active de la


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    Virginia Drummond-Guitel


    Full Text Available La diversité devenue une valeur incontournable adoptée par les grands groupes, encore faut-t-il trouver les moyens concrets pour l’intégrer dans les pratiques des ressources humaines et dans les mentalités des personnes. Le présent papier a pour but de montrer comment les valeurs de la diversité adoptées par la direction générale ont été déclinées et appliquées dans un processus de sélection de candidats pour une formation continue au sein d’une grande organisation internationale. A travers l’application d’une méthode qualitative de recherche, 10 (dix dirigeants ayant conçu la formation et 42 (quarante-deux managers ayant suivi le programme confirment l’atteinte du but stratégique de cette formation, autrement dit, l’atteinte d’une vision partagée (SENGE, 1991, à travers la consolidation d’un fort sentiment d’appartenance à la culture organisationnelle (SCHEIN, 1995. Les managers ont été sélectionnés selon leurs différentes professions, cultures nationales et différents secteurs d’activités, confirmant ainsi une promotion de la diversité au sein de l’organisation.

  18. Call 1 FAQ (FR)

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Francine Sinzinkayo

    Le terme « amélioration » utilisé dans cet appel à propositions fait référence à toutes les innovations utilisées par les ... Le candidat principal est chargé de la conception intellectuelle et de la mise en oeuvre de l'idée, .... de vaccins, notamment les nouvelles techniques mises au point en biologie synthétique, ou ce type de ...

  19. Précis de télédétection, v.4 méthodes de photointerprétation et d'interprétation d'image

    CERN Document Server

    Provencher, Léo


    Le premier manuel publié en français sur l'interprétation d'image ainsi que le premier manuel universitaire de photointerprétation en français depuis plus de 30 ans. Cet ouvrage novateur met l'accent sur la démarche intellectuelle d'interprétation ainsi que sur les techniques et méthodes d'identification des composantes de la surface terrestre.

  20. Appréciation de la qualité biologique d'un cours d'eau de plaine

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    GROSS F.


    Full Text Available Un ruisseau de la Gironde est étudié du point de vue physico-chimique et faunistique (invertébrés benthiques. Les communautés d'invertébrés benthiques diversifiées trouvées en milieu non pollué organiquement se transforment progressivement avec remplacement d'espèces et simplification de la communauté dans les milieux pollués par effluents domestiques. Trois méthodes de détermination de la qualité biologique : saprobies, indices biotiques, indices de diversité, sont utilisées comparativement avec proposition d'une échelle d'équivalence entre ces techniques. L'indice de diversité serait la méthode rendant le mieux compte de l'état du ruisseau.

  1. Utilisation de la Technique D\\'électrophorèse des Protéines Totales ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Utilisation de la Technique D\\'électrophorèse des Protéines Totales sur Gel de Polyacrylamide-SDS (SDS-PAGE) pour L\\'étude de la Diversité des Rhizobiums D\\'Acacia tortilis (Forsk.) Hayne Subsp. Raddiana (Savi) Brenan.

  2. Würdigung statt Mythisierung: kulturelle Bezüge zur individuellen und kollektiven Erfahrung des Ersten Weltkriegs

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    Isabella von Treskow


    Full Text Available Gislinde Seybert und Thomas Stauder, Hrsg., Heroisches Elend: der Erste Weltkrieg im intellektuellen, literarischen und bildnerischen Gedächtnis der europäischen Kulturen = Misères de l’héroïsme: la Première guerre mondiale dans la mémoire intellectuelle, littéraire et artistique des cultures européennes = Heroic Misery: The First World War in the Intellectual, Literary and Artistic Memory of the European Cultures, 2 Bände (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2014.


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    , nomination ... femmes de développer leur carrière, l'impact de ces mécanismes et les ... Gender Empowerment Measure. IEF : ..... diversité, la présence accrue des femmes et la performance (Adler, 2001 ...... Journal of Business Ethics, vol.

  4. Browse Title Index

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    Vol 16, No 2 (2012), Effet de la monoculture des poacees sur le controle de ... sur la dynamique des populations de maruca vitrata fabricius en culture du niebe, Vigna unguiculata (l.) .... Vol 3, No 2 (2002), Gestion de la diversite varietale de d.

  5. 225-IJBCS-Article-Dr A Toguyeni

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Mots clés: Diversité ichtyologique, dynamique des populations, bassin de la Comoé, Burkina Faso. INTRODUCTION ... projet Gestion de la Pêche dans le Sud-Ouest. (GPSO) a .... contrôle des ressources piscicoles au regard de la législation ...

  6. Working Towards Diversity with a Postmigrant Perspective

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vitting-Seerup, Sabrina


    This article presents ways for researchers and cultural workers to find and examine versions of representation in cultural institutions through a postmigrant perspective. The starting point is Denmark—a European nation state with, like many others, a diverse composition of citizens. This diversit...

  7. Genetic Diversity of Brown Trout Populations Using Mitochondrial Markers In Relatively Similar Geographical and Ecological Conditions – a Carpathian Case Study

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    Popa Gina-Oana


    Full Text Available Analiza diversităţii genetice cu ajutorul markerilor mitocondriali, a unor populaţii de păstrav comun aflate în condiţii geografice şi ecologice relativ similare în Munţii Carpaţi.

  8. Les systèmes alimentaires alternatifs face aux enjeux sanitaires


    Touzard, Jean-Marc


    L’objet de la communication est de montrer comment la coexistence et la combinaison d’une diversité de système alimentaires est un trait de la globalisation et joue sur les enjeux, les pratiques, et les régulations sanitaires.


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    Virginia Drummond-Guitel


    Full Text Available La diversité devenue une valeur incontournable adoptée par les grands groupes, encore faut-t-il trouver les moyens concrets pour lâintégrer dans les pratiques des ressources humaines et dans les mentalités des personnes. Le présent papier a pour but de montrer comment les valeurs de la diversité adoptées par la direction générale ont été déclinées et appliquées dans un processus de sélection de candidats pour une formation continue au sein dâune grande organisation internationale. A travers lâapplication dâune méthode qualitative de recherche, 10 (dix dirigeants ayant conçu la formation et 42 (quarante-deux managers ayant suivi le programme confirment lâatteinte du but stratégique de cette formation, autrement dit, lâatteinte dâune vision partagée (SENGE, 1991, à travers la consolidation dâun fort sentiment dâappartenance à la culture organisationnelle (SCHEIN, 1995. Les managers ont été sélectionnés selon leurs différentes professions, cultures nationales et différents secteurs dâactivités, confirmant ainsi une promotion de la diversité au sein de lâorganisation.

  10. 2511-IJBCS-Article-Emmanuel T Sekloka

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Evolution de la diversité des cultivars de fonio pratiqués dans la commune de. Boukoumbé au Nord-Ouest ... local names, their main characteristics and seed management. The results ...... Evaluation de la qualité de quelques produits dérivés ...

  11. Impacts des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des eaux sur la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Impacts des caractéristiques physico-chimiques des eaux sur la distribution du ... chimiques qui sont à l'origine d'une dégradation croissante de la qualité d'eau. ... Les valeurs d'indice de diversité de Shannon Weaver traduisent une grande ...

  12. Feminicidio / femicidio : les enjeux théoriques et politiques d’un discours définitoire de la violence contre les femmes


    Lapalus, Marylène


    Cet article s’intéresse au travail de reformulation discursive et définitoire des violences contre les femmes par les intellectuelles latino-américaines, au Mexique et au Costa Rica, depuis vingt ans. Il se donne comme objectif d’identifier les stratégies définitoires utilisées par les concepts de femicidio et feminicidio pour dénoncer, conceptualiser et politiser la violence vécue, en particulier dans l’espace intime. En combinant les apports de la réflexion sociologique et linguistique, cet...

  13. History of Sciences as a recourse to upgrade geometrical optics courses


    Morizot, Olivier; Ferri, Sandrine; Bodea, Simona; Hagel, Gaetan; Abgrall, Philippe


    International audience; "Balzac disait que les célibataires remplacent les sentiments par les habitudes. De même, les professeurs remplacent les découvertes par des leçons. Contre cette indolence intellectuelle qui nous prive peu à peu de notre sens des nouveautés spirituelles, l’enseignement des découvertes le long de l’histoire scientifique est d’un grand secours. Pour apprendre aux élèves à inventer, il est bon de leur donner le sentiment qu’ils auraient pu découvrir."First year university...

  14. Les Offices du cinéma scolaire et éducateur à l’épreuve des publics The Educational Cinema Offices and their publics in France between the two World Wars

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    Pascal Laborderie


    Full Text Available En France, dans l’entre-deux-guerres, les Offices du cinéma scolaire et éducateur constituèrent un réseau d’enseignement, d’éducation et de propagande par le cinéma. Comment évaluer les effets de ce dispositif ? Tout d’abord, nous considérons les dispositifs mis en œuvre par les Offices comme une réponse à la diversité des publics, enfants ou adultes, hommes ou femmes, des mondes ouvriers ou des classes intermédiaires, des espaces ruraux ou urbains, de métropole ou des colonies. Puis l’intérêt du cinéma en matière d’enseignement devant un public d’enfants est envisagé à partir des discours des enseignants. Enfin cet article aborde la représentation des enseignants concernant la propagande pour adultes. Des discours à la réalité, il est finalement proposé que cette propagande a surtout permis de faire travailler ensemble les animateurs des Offices au moment même où les divers mouvements du centre et de la gauche étaient divisés.In France, between the two World Wars, the Educational Cinema Offices built a network of teaching, education and propaganda using cinema. How can the effects of this network be assessed? First of all, we examine the plans of action implemented by the Educational Cinema Offices as an answer to the multiplicity of the audiences, children and adults, men or women, working and middle classes, from rural or urban places, from mainland France or colonies. Then the interest of cinema as a matter of teaching in front of children is considered from speeches of teachers. Finally, this article tackles the opinion of the teachers on the propaganda for adults. From speeches to reality, we suggest that this propaganda especially made the driving forces of the Offices work together when the various movements of the centre and of the left wings were divided.

  15. 2163-IJBCS-Article-M.Gapili Naoura

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    , Jacquot M, Hamon S, Nicolas. D (eds). Edit Cirad, Collection Repères : Paris ; 565-590. Dje Y, Heuertz M, Ater M, Lefebvre C,. Vekmans X. 2006. Evaluation de la. Diversité Morphologique des Variétés de sorgho du Nord-Ouest du Maroc. Jr.

  16. 1846-IJBCS-Article-Koffi Akpagana

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Diversité des espèces cultivées et contraintes à la production en agriculture maraîchère au ... 2 Laboratoire de Chimie des Eaux, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Lomé, BP 1515, Lomé, Togo. ..... Techniques Biologiques et Alimentaires,.

  17. 1271-IJBCS-Artticle-Dasmané Bambara

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    L'objectif de l'étude est d'évaluer la diversité taxonomique et la variabilité inter et intra-spécifique des plantes cultivées ..... Culture (16). Tomate. Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. Solanaceae. Amérique. 33. 3. 11,54 ..... Calice plus long, sauce.

  18. Le renforcement des capacités en mobilisation de ressources au CRDI

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    grande diversité de sources publiques et privées aux échelles locale, régionale et ..... du Nord : Les activités de RCMR n'ont été entreprises qu'en 2006, après avoir ...... Organizational Assessment: A Framework for Improving Performance,.

  19. Comprendre le jargon de l'agroalimentaire | CRDI - Centre de ...

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    25 janv. 2011 ... Une nouvelle publication aide à s'y retrouver dans le labyrinthe des ... Signée par plus de 150 pays au Sommet de la Terre, à Rio de ... des communautés autochtones et locales dans la conservation de la diversité biologique.

  20. Terres socialisées au Portugal en 1975: les circonscriptions de Montemor-O-Novo et d'Alcacer do Sal

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    Bernard DOMENECH


    Full Text Available La réforme agraire dans deux circonscriptions de 1'Alentejo portugais (deux tiers d'expropriations recouvre une grande diversité dans la socialisation des terres: formes d'organisation en domaines de l'État et coopératives, modes d'occupation du sol.

  1. La pianificazione del paesaggio: principi innovativi ed esperienze applicate. il caso studio della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento

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    Giuliana Campioni


    Full Text Available La Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio, sottoscritta il 20 ottobre 2000 dagli Stati membri del Consiglio d’Europa, aggiorna il concetto stesso di paesaggio, direzionandolo verso lo sviluppo sostenibile. Il piano del paesaggio redatto per la Valle dei Templi di Agrigento, una fra le più importanti aree archeologiche protette della Sicilia, applica le nuove idee della Convenzione Europea, al fine di dimostrare che la conservazione, pianificazione e gestione effettiva di una eredità paesaggistica di questo tipo consiste in un processo di arricchimento e di crescita delle diversità e, soprattutto, nel provocare un’evoluzione e uno sviluppo equilibrati. D’altro canto, se il caso studio del paesaggio di Agrigento è essenzialmente riferito ad un patrimonio storico di eccezionale interesse, risultato di rilevanti diversità ambientali e culturali, bisogna anche ricordare che esso costituisce una risorsa economica da cui possono essere estratti particolari benefici, con particolare riferimento al turismo. 

  2. Une souplesse au niveau des droits de propriété intellectuelle ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    27 avr. 2016 ... Leur étude a englobé les secteurs de la musique, de la maroquinerie, du design textile, du cacao, du café, des pièces d'automobile, de la médecine traditionnelle, de l'édition, des biocarburants et de la recherche universitaire. Conclusion : pour qu'il y ait innovation en Afrique, il faut trouver un équilibre ...

  3. 2600-IJBCS-Article-Abdoulaye Ndiaye

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    Les fourmis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), de par leur biomasse, et leur diversité spécifique, jouent un rôle fondamental dans les ... Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), by their biomass and species diversity, play a fundamental role in the terrestrial ecosystems of .... glutinosum, Acacia senegal, Balanites aegyptiaca et Boscia ...

  4. Résultats de recherche | Page 2 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

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    Santé et diversité alimentaire au Yémen. Incité par l'adoption de politiques nationales sur l'agriculture et l'alimentation, le Yémen a transformé rapidement son secteur agricole. Research in Action. Development Regional development Sectoral development Labour markets Private sector development Gender ...

  5. pdf2xml

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    ... de la diversité entrave considérablement la pérennité et la sécurité alimentaire. ...... Par cette loi, le gouvernement colombien a élargi sa mer territoriale et établi les ..... Ce groupe reconnaissait les avantages d'une approche régionale de ...

  6. La recherche francophone sur les TICE . Pluralisme référentiel et diversité de pratiques


    Baron, Georges-Louis; Dané, Eric; Thibault, Françoise


    Il s'agit de contributions à des actes en ligne; This paper aims at presenting the current progress of the Adjectif project, launched within the French speaking research network about ICT and education (Rés@tice). We first recall the current context and the aims of the project. After having discussed our methodological choices and analyzed some of the difficulties we encountered, some of the more significant results are presented. Our text includes inputs by Jacques Béziat, whom we warmly tha...

  7. La politique publique de la gestion des espaces verts par l'hôtel de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2 août 2011 ... pollutions sont très marquées dans les quartiers et communes populaires ... et des chefs des quartiers qui sont sensés appliquer les lois en la matière. .... à la diversité des sites – centres anciens, secteurs périurbains, grands.

  8. Dramatizing the truth: David Simon's poetics in three HBO miniseries

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    Marco Mongelli


    Questo saggio ha l'obiettivo di verificare quest'ipotesi attraverso un'analisi serrata dei tre testi. Letti in maniera comparata mostreranno, pur nella diversità dei temi e delle tecniche narrative, la necessità – civile, sociale e politica – di dire la verità sul nostro mondo contemporaneo, per cambiarlo.

  9. Potagers domestiques et étangs de pisciculture, sources de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    État du Kerala, on trouve plusieurs variétés d'igname et de riz. Toutefois, on constate une érosion de cette diversité au profit de grandes cultures commerciales et industrielles dans les trois districts, qui sont maintenant considérés comme des ...

  10. Diversite et importance socio-economique des services ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ecosystems and protected areas provide important ecosystem services to local communities. These services are incentives for natural resources conservation. The current project, conducted in Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, northern Benin aimed at assessing ecosystem services and their contribution to local people ...

  11. « Soi-même » comme un « autre ». Les histoires coloniales d'Ahmad Tawfîq al-Madanî (1899-1983

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    James McDougall


    Full Text Available Dans l'optique de contribuer au dépassement des récits coloniaux ou nationalistes, cet article esquisse une relecture critique de l'histoire culturelle et intellectuelle de l'entre-deux-guerres au Maghreb, à travers un acteur politique et intellectuel parfois méconnu. Son œuvre, sa représentation de soi (dans ses mémoires donnent des points d'appui pour une analyse qui remettrait un certain type (salafiste de discours nationaliste — discours dont al-Madanî se fait en quelque sorte le symbole — dans le contexte particulier des conditions de la production politique, intellectuelle et culturelle en Afrique du Nord française. Opérant une rupture avec une pratique qui consiste à retranscrire les propres termes du discours nationaliste en présentant celui-ci comme une « restauration de l'histoire », nous nous efforcerons de montrer comment une stratégie d'invention historiographique, liée au mouvement réformiste musulman en Algérie, et conçue dans une relation « dialogique » intense avec la domination coloniale, refonde la conception de communauté en tant que « nation ». Cette conception particulière de la nation, et le rôle d'al-Madanî comme producteur de celle-ci, se voient dans ses relations complexes avec la situation coloniale qui leur donne naissance, et avec le mouvement révolutionnaire qui finira par arracher l'indépendance.

  12. ‘Michel de Certeau. Le marcheur blessé’.

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    François Dosse


    Full Text Available Quatrième de couverture. Jésuite et historien spécialiste du 17 e siècle et de la mystique, sociologue de la culture du quotidien, anthropologue, sémiologue et cofondateur de l'école lacanienne, Michel de Certeau est une figure singulière de l'histoire intellectuelle du 20 e siècle. Célébré par le tout-Paris lors de sa disparition en janvier 1986, il fut toute sa vie un franc-tireur. Position qui n'a sans doute pas permis de mesurer son apport au renouvellement des ...

  13. Guillen Fabienne P. et Trabelsi Salah (dir., Les esclavages en Méditerranée. Espaces et dynamiques économiques, Madrid, Casa de Velazquez, 2012, 246 p.

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    Alessandro Stella


    Full Text Available Les études réunies par Fabienne Plazolles Guillen et Salah Trabelsi trouvent leur place dans le courant historiographique qui depuis trente ans tente de contrebalancer la prépondérance des études sur l’esclavage aux Amériques, au point d’assimiler l’esclavage aux Noirs dans les plantations du Nouveau Monde. Le succès de cette entreprise intellectuelle est loin d’être assuré, du fait que la littérature anglophone dominante refuse obstinément d’intégrer dans sa bibliographie les ouvrages publié...

  14. Francis Jauréguiberry & Serge Proulx, Usages et enjeux des technologies de communication

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    Jean-Pierre Durand


    Full Text Available Ce petit ouvrage propose une très large revue de littérature sur les usages des technologies de l’information et de la communication. On peut dire que cet ouvrage est complet, en particulier parce qu’il couvre aussi la production intellectuelle du monde anglo-saxon. Il est très agréable à lire parce que les thèses y sont exposées clairement. C’est aussi un ouvrage qui reprend l’historique des usages des TIC et leurs analyses dans les sciences humaines. Le premier chapitre propose un cadrage t...

  15. C:\\Users\\HP Pro 2000\\Desktop\\FOSSOU K. R..xps

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    HP Pro 2000

    La diversité génétique a été étudiée par PCR-RFLP du gène codant l'ARNr 16S des bactéries. ... genetic diversity of rhizobia nodulating a pigeon pea field in Yamoussoukro (Center Ivory Coast). One ..... growing cowpea Rhizobium strain with.

  16. 1891-IJBCS-Article-Gaulbert Houemenou

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    L'étude de la diversité des petits mammifères de la ville de Cotonou (Bénin) selon les types de milieux ... (Baker et Harris, 2007). Ainsi, la ..... Tableau 3: Différence entre les captures de 2004 et 2005 pour le même mois (test bilatéral de Z).

  17. Dynamique de structuration spatio-temporelle des populations de ...

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    30 juin 2014 ... conventionnelle de la « Directive Cadre sur l'Eau de l'Union Européenne (DCE) » préconisée pour ... différence entre les indices de diversité biologique de Shannon de ... reste un outil de choix dans l'évaluation de la qualité.

  18. Père ou pair? Décalages et ajustements co-énonciatifs

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    Christiane Préneron


    Full Text Available

    L’objet de notre analyse dialogique et co-énonciative concerne la forme prise par la relation entre un père et son fi ls au cours d’échanges verbaux. Dans cette dimension relationnelle, nous avons cherché plus particulièrement à éclairer le statut d’énonciateur que chacun octroie à lui-même et à l’autre. Les images qu’un père et un fi ls ont l’un de l’autre et les places qu’ils occupent dans le dialogue sont en partie déterminées par leur statut de père et d’enfant. Ces places ne confi gurent pas un mode relationnel homogène. Au contraire, cet extrait de corpus est frappant par la grande diversité d’attitudes adoptées par le père avec son enfant: tour à tour il lui donne des ordres, des permissions, le réconforte, joue avec lui, lui propose des défi s ou rivalise avec lui. Daniel peut entrer dans le jeu proposé par son père ou s’y opposer, se laisser guider ou refuser, mais aussi être à l’initiative par des demandes ou des jeux. C’est cette diversité que nous tentons de mettre au jour, sachant que certaines séquences se caractérisent plus particulièrement par des décalages entre les interlocuteurs, alors que d’autres conduisent à des ajustements. Si la diversité qui caractérise cet extrait ne saurait être étendue comme caractérisant toute interaction père/enfant, l’analyse qui en est faite peut servir de repère pour l’étude de nouvelles interactions parent/enfant.

  19. Author Details

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    Achou, M. Vol 28 (2014) - Articles Etude de la diversité morphométrique de deux populations d'abeilles domestiques (Apis mellifera intermissa et Apis mellifera sahariensis) du sud Algérien Abstract PDF. ISSN: 2352-9717. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors ...

  20. Des villages au Népal se préparent à des conditions climatiques ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    4 avr. 2012 ... La grande diversité ethnique, culturelle et linguistique, ainsi que l'inaccessibilité de nombreuses communautés rurales, particulièrement dans les régions montagneuses, font partie des facteurs venant compliquer les choses. La recherche. En 2010, l'Institute for Social and Environmental Transition – Népal ...

  1. Sélection des espèces indicatrices d'oiseaux des galeries ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Quatrième rapport national du Bénin sur la convention des nations unies sur la diversité biologique. Cotonou, Bénin, 130p. Rija AA, Said A, Mwamende KA, Hassan SN,. Madoffe SS. 2014. Urban sprawl and species movement may decimate natural plant diversity in an Afro-tropical city. Biodiversity & Conservation, 23: 963 ...

  2. 187 Résumé

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    Structure physicochimique et phytoplanctonique du lac dayet aoua (moyen atlas - Maroc). Anissi FAZUL1, Saâd ... Le Maroc de par sa position géographique dispose d'une grande diversité de milieux aquatiques marins et continentaux. Ainsi, il est .... transparentes ne présente aucun signe d'eutrophisation. Des résultats ...

  3. Einfalt der Vielfalt. Zur Heterogenität als neuer Norm der (Sexual-)Pädagogik


    Dammer, Karl-Heinz


    Der Autor befasst sich mit der aktuellen Diskussion zur Schulentwicklung in Baden-Württemberg. Diese dreht sich um den Versuch, in den schulischen Lehrplan die sexuelle Vielfalt zum Thema zu machen. Dem Autor geht es dabei um die sexualpädagogischen Konsequenzen des Diversitätsdiskurses im Hinblick auf Heterogenität und ideologischen Implikationen von Normierung. (DIPF/JS)

  4. Comportements Sexuels parmi les Adolescents et Jeunes

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    AJRH Managing Editor

    Cette étude a comme objectif spécifique d'analyser les prévalences des comportements sexuels à risque et leurs facteurs sociaux dans les pays francophones d'Afrique subsaharienne parmi les adolescents et jeunes, en mettant en exergue les diversités entre pays. Les données utilisées sont celles des Enquêtes ...

  5. Activité des extraits de six variétés de piment (Capsicum) utilisés en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 oct. 2014 ... Par ailleurs, les extraits ont montré des effets fongicide contre ... nombreux médicaments et elle y contribue encore. (Kporou et al., 2009). En effet, l'industrie pharmaceutique moderne elle-même, continue de s'appuyer sur la diversité ... prennent des mesures de plus en plus strictes pour garantir l'innocuité ...

  6. Annales des Sciences Agronomiques - Vol 20, No 2 (2016)

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    Diversité floristique des peuplements ligneux des trois sites du tracé de la grande muraille verte du Tchad · EMAIL FULL TEXT EMAIL FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. M Mahamat-Saleh, M.D. Diallo, P.S. Sarr, O Ndiaye, T Goalbaye, K Niang, S Goy, D Ndiaye, A Guisse, 1-12 ...

  7. 450 Sorindeia warneckei Engl. (Anacardiaceae), une espèce multi ...

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    Gabriel Segniagbeto

    33] dans les fourrés dunaires sur le littoral sableux du Togo.Les indices de diversité de Shannon (6,46) et d'équitabilité de Piélou. (0,89) montrent qu'il s'agit des formations bien diversifiées, présentant des affinités floristiques. Ces différences ...

  8. Author Details

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    Agbo, V. Vol 3, No 2 (2002) - Articles Gestion de la diversite varietale de d. Cayenensis - d. rotundata et domestication des dioscorea spontanées dans l'aire culturelle fon (Bénin) Abstract. ISSN: 1659-5009. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors · FAQ's · More about ...

  9. De la problématique des articles synopsis dans la compilation des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Autrement dit, au Gabon l'attention doit porter sur l'utilisation des articles synopsis dans la compilation des dictionnaires, en vue de refléter dans ses ouvrages la diversité linguistique et culturelle de ce pays. Ceci est d'autant plus vrai que l'utilisation des articles synopsis ne dépend aucunement de la typologie du ...

  10. : tous les projets | Page 628 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Santé et diversité alimentaire au Yémen. Projet. Incité par l'adoption de politiques nationales sur l'agriculture et l'alimentation, le Yémen a transformé rapidement son secteur agricole. Date de début : 19 janvier 2006. End Date: 1 février 2009. Sujet: INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE, TRADITIONAL CULTURE, DIET, FOOD ...

  11. Résultats de recherche | Page 421 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La diversité des végétaux cultivés constitue une de nos plus importantes ressources biologiques et les champs des paysans agriculteurs des régions où il y a eu domestication et évolution des cultures constituent la source la plus importante de mat. Publication Date. 1 janvier 2000. Livres.

  12. DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.79.15930 12455 AGRODIVERSITE, GESTION ...

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    documenter les valeurs socioculturelles, économiques, alimentaires et les pratiques paysannes de ... bien-être humain et l'amélioration de la santé. ..... naturel), les ignames disposent de leurs conditions optimales de croissance et de .... dynamique de son capital de diversité répond donc à deux modèles : un modèle en.

  13. Écosanté : en route pour Londres 2010 | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    10 mai 2011 ... ... Association for Ecology and Health (EcoHealth) qui aura lieu à Londres en 2010 explorera de nouveaux sujets pour l'écosanté, notamment la politique énergétique et celle de la santé, les rapports entre la diversité écologique et les maladies infectieuses émergentes, ainsi que la recherche participative.

  14. Les fruits de Cycas (Cycadacea) des Comores : utilisation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... gras mono et polyinsaturés. L'analyse des protéines a permis d'identifier une diversité d'acides aminés dans ces amandes. La prédominance glucidique, 89% dont 72% d'amidon, fait du fruit de Cycas une ressource amylacée potentielle. Mots-clés : Cycas, amandes, amidon, analyse nutritionnelle, farine, transformation.

  15. ICT in teacher education: Examining needs, expectations and attitudes

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    Zuochen Zhang


    Full Text Available An exploratory case study was designed to obtain pre-service teachers’ expectations of and attitudes toward the learning and integrating of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT into their teaching and learning. Given the diverse demographic backgrounds and social conditions of the teacher candidates, such as age, gender, English language proficiency, and previous education, a wide range of responses to the online survey and the semi-structured focus group interview questions was expected. Implementation of the sequential mixed method research design resulted in emerging themes related to participants’ social conditions that impact their perceptions and attitudes regarding the ICT and beliefs about the use of ICT in their future careers. Findings from this study are compared to earlier studies done in the same setting. Findings from this case study show unexpected consistency in teacher candidates’ comments despite changed circumstances. This study could be employed as a useful reference for the design of an ICT curriculum for Teacher Education programs. Résumé : Une étude de cas exploratoire a été conçue afin de connaître les attentes et les dispositions des futurs enseignants à l’égard de l’apprentissage et de l’intégration des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC dans leur pratique d’enseignement et leur apprentissage. L’obtention d’un large éventail de réponses à l’enquête en ligne et aux questions semi-structurées du groupe de discussion était prévue compte tenu de la diversité des horizons démographiques et des conditions sociales des candidats (notamment l’âge, le sexe, le niveau de connaissance de l’anglais et la formation antérieure. L’utilisation de la méthode de recherche séquentielle mixte a conduit à l’émergence de thèmes liés aux conditions sociales des participants, conditions qui influencent leurs perceptions et leurs dispositions à l

  16. Paul Jorion, Vers la crise du capitalisme américain

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    Claude Dubar


    Full Text Available Paul Jorion est un anthropologue qui s’est donné comme objet de recherche le capitalisme financier américain et sa crise. Le fait n’est pas courant : passer au cours de sa carrière de chercheur de l’étude des paludiers français et de l’apprentissage de leur métier (cf. Delbos et Jorion, La transmission des savoirs, Ed. de la MSH, 1984 à l’analyse du système financier américain suppose à la fois une grande curiosité intellectuelle et une grande flexibilité mentale. L’ouvrage dont il est ici q...

  17. Identité hors territoire. Les élites espagnoles exilées en France sous la dictature de Primo de Rivera (1923-1930

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    Elvire Diaz


    Full Text Available Le territoire étant un point d’ancrage de l’identité individuelle et nationale, nous verrons dans ce travail si hors territoire, il peut y avoir préservation de l’identité, individuelle, collective, nationale, débouchant sur une dé-territorialisation, au sens défini par Gilles Deleuze. Notre objet d’étude portera sur le cas d’une micro-société hors territoire, les élites intellectuelles espagnoles exilées en France sous la dictature du Général Miguel Primo de Rivera (1923-1930.Le général Mig...

  18. Construire un monde commun : entretien avec Amitai Etzioni


    Etzioni, Amitai; Berrebi-Hoffmann, Isabelle


    Né en Allemagne, à Cologne, en 1929, Amitai Etzioni est l’une des figures intellectuelles publiques les plus connues aux États-Unis. Sociologue, il a enseigné à Columbia University et à la Harvard Business School et a travaillé à la Maison-Blanche pour Jimmy Carter avant d’inspirer Tony Blair pour son projet de « troisième voie » face à l’économie de marché. Il a fondé le premier courant de « socioéconomie » aux États-Unis, puis le mouvement communautarien nord-américain. Il est l’auteur de 2...

  19. Les réminiscences spartiates dans les discours et la politique de Robespierre de 1789 à Thermidor


    Rosso, Maxime


    La Grèce antique est une des sources les plus riches de la pensée politique occidentale. Les réflexions de ses philosophes et les institutions de ses cités ont servi de modèles et appuyé les constructions intellectuelles, depuis la fin de cet ancien monde jusqu’au XXe siècle, où, il est vrai, la référence antique s’estompe un peu. Deux systèmes se détachent de l’ensemble et ont retenu l’attention de par leur importance historique et de par l’obstination des auteurs à opposer leurs lois et leu...

  20. Quand la biopsie cutanee peut etiqueter une epilepsie

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    Taoufiq Harmouch


    Full Text Available La maladie de Lafora (ML represente une forme rare et grave d�epilepsie myoclonique progressive. C�est une affection a transmission autosomique recessive, heterogene sur le plan genetique. Nous rapportons le cas d�une adolescente de 16 ans, issue de parents consanguins de premier degre, qui presente depuis l�age de 14 ans des crises d�epilepsie et des myoclonies. L'examen neurologique a montre un syndrome cerebelleux et une deterioration intellectuelle. La biopsie cutanee etait indispensable pour orienter le diagnostic. La ML a un pronostic constamment fatal. L�etude histologique confirme le diagnostic et l�etude moleculaire peut aider a etablir un conseil genetique.

  1. Penser la musique, Écouter les images. Lectures de Cahiers d’art, Jazz et Documents sur le jazz et le cinéma américains


    Turquety, Diane


    De 1926 à 1931, les revues d’art ou plus largement d’actualité intellectuelle, Cahiers d’art, Jazz et Documents, couvrent de façon inédite l’actualité du jazz et du cinéma américains, notamment. Sous le signe du populaire, de l’Amérique et d’un apport « exotique » incarné par la communauté noire américaine, ces spectacles sont hissés en de nouvelles références artistiques vecteurs d’une modernité idéale. Le jazz et le cinéma parlant deviennent alors, progressivement et selon des orientations ...

  2. Recherches sur l’apocalyptique syriaque et byzantine au viie siècle : la place de l’Empire romain dans une histoire du salut

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    Pablo Ubierna


    Full Text Available L’occupation perse et la littérature apocalyptiqueLa perception des événements militaires du début du viie siècle – d’abord l’occupation perse et ensuite la guerre arabe – n’est pas écartée, chez les contemporains, de la vision d’un empire, l’empire byzantin, secoué par de fortes controverses religieuses.La préoccupation intellectuelle à propos de la situation de l’Empire fut extrêmement marquée au commencement du viie siècle. Une vie anonyme de l’empereur Maurice inclut un récit de sa mort d...

  3. Aspects structurels et fonctionnels de la biodiversité des peuplements de poissons

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    Full Text Available Cet article passe brièvement en revue les relations existant entre la biodiversité des peuplements de poissons et leur fonctionnement écologique. La biodiversité et la structure des peuplements peuvent être décrites, à l'échelle locale, en termes (1 de diversité phylogénétique, (2 de structure des populations, (3 de stratégies démographiques, (4 de diversité morphologique, (5 et de diversité trophique. Un défi majeur est de déterminer les relations qui existent entre la structure des populations et des peuplements et le fonctionnement des peuplements et des écosystèmes. La structure phylogénétique d'un peuplement résulte de l'interaction entre colonisation, extinction et évolution. En dépit du fait que ces facteurs opèrent sur une vaste gamme d'échelles spatiales et temporelles, de grands progrès ont été réalisés dans la modélisation des processus qui sont à la base de la structure génétique et phylogénétique des populations et des peuplements. Les modes de reproduction des poissons sont très variés, et la définition de guildes de reproduction et de stratégies démographiques permet de poser le cadre dans lequel les aspects structurels et fonctionnels peuvent être étudiés. Des études théoriques et empiriques mettent en évidence de fortes relations entre les stratégies démographiques, les variations environnementales et la dynamique des populations. Les poissons présentent une grande diversité morphologique qui, à l'échelle du peuplement, tend à augmenter avec la richesse spécifique. Des relations reliant la morphologie et l'écologie, en termes de fonction et de performance dans l'utilisation du milieu, ont été établies, mais dans certains cas, les tendances prédites sont masquées par des biais d'échantillonnage et la flexibilité du comportement en réponse à la variabilité environnementale. Le spectre des stratégies trophiques manifesté par les poissons est large, au niveau inter

  4. ImpersoNations: cinéma national, imaginaires historiques et nouveau cinéma européen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elsaesser, T.


    La question du capital culturel propre à la diversité linguistique de l’Europe reste entière. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de cet éventail de langues dans le cinéma? Les films, quand ils franchissent les frontières, sont souvent doublés. Or, comme un bon jeu d’acteur représente une

  5. 1560-IJBCS-Article-Fiobe Emile Didier

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La présente étude a été conduite pour apprécier le niveau de pollution des eaux du collecteur de. Dantokpa (Cotonou-Bénin) par l'évaluation de la diversité phytoplanctonique en relation avec les caractéristiques physico-chimiques afin de faire ressortir le risque de leur rejet sans traitement dans la lagune de Cotonou.

  6. Du simple relevé de végétation à la gestion des données sur la biodiversité : problèmes liées à la construction d’une base de données sur la flore alpine

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    Full Text Available À partir de l'exemple de constitution de la base de données FloRem sur la flore alpine, cet article nous présente ici les difficultés, les avantages et limites d'une telle base pour la valorisation de données de diversité végétale sur le long terme.

  7. Download this PDF file

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Loss ofDesiccati()n Res~tan~e'l~~'oUoWing th~ ~d~l C;ultivation -or: Cowpea BradyhizofJia IsoI~t~JromPrevi.ollsly,-Desiccated Soil" . :,. G.P. Nlsumali. ' .. ,~. - .' ~.:.' -, ";-:~~. Department ofSoilSclen~e Sok ...... chemistrv9: 149-152. Chakrabarti. S .. Lee. M.S. and Gibson: A.H (1981). Diversit\\ in the nutritional requireineni~'of.

  8. De la problématique des articles synopsis dans la compilation des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    refléter dans ses ouvrages la diversité linguistique et culturelle de ce pays. Ceci est d'autant plus vrai que l'utilisation des articles synopsis ne dépend aucunement de la typologie du dictionnaire. Cet article à pour but de suggérer les différentes approches méthodologiques à partir des- quelles les lexicographes et ...

  9. Baromètre de la démocratie dans le monde arabe | IDRC ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les questionnaires sonderont les attitudes de la population face à la diversité culturelle, la tolérance et l'égalité des chances; l'identité sociale, religieuse et politique; la perception de la gouvernance et la compréhension de la démocratie; l'engagement citoyen et la participation politique. Les données permettront ...

  10. Publications | Page 158 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Outre son territoire fragmenté, cette région se caractérise par sa grande diversité linguistique et culturelle, ce phénomène... Funding and Implementing Universal Access: Innovation and Experience from Uganda. L'Ouganda a été l'un des tous premiers pays d'Afrique à formuler une politique sur l'accès universel aux ...

  11. Baromètre de la démocratie dans le monde arabe | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les questionnaires sonderont les attitudes de la population face à la diversité culturelle, la tolérance et l'égalité des chances; l'identité sociale, religieuse et politique; la perception de la gouvernance et la compréhension de la démocratie; l'engagement citoyen et la participation politique. Les données permettront ...

  12. Les porphyres Luganois et leurs enveloppes. L’histoire géologique des Alpes Tessinoises entre Lugano et Varese

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sitter, de L.U.


    Serrant de près le lac de Lugano, se trouve un vieux pays volcanique, environné de montagnes calcaires escarpées, qui, malgré son peu d'étendue a une histoire géologique des plus intéressantes. Les laves et les tufs de ces volcans anciens sont d’une grande diversité et ont fourni en ces derniers

  13. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Boko, KC. Vol 7, No 3 (2013) - Articles Diversité de la microflore initiale de la viande et sécurité sanitaire des consommateurs. Abstract PDF. ISSN: 1997-342X. AJOL African Journals Online. HOW TO USE AJOL... for Researchers · for Librarians · for Authors · FAQ's · More about AJOL · AJOL's Partners · Terms and ...

  14. 1676-IJBCS-Article-Alexandre Dassi

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Dioscorea praehensilis est une igname sauvage apparentée aux ignames cultivées du complexe D. cayenensis-D. rotundata qui évolue en populations naturelles dans les forêts du Sud et du Centre-Bénin. Pour identifier les sites propices à la préservation in situ de ses populations naturelles et de sa diversité génétique,.

  15. Petits mils, énorme potentiel : diversifiés, nutritifs et adaptés aux ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 avr. 2016 ... Dans les pays en développement, le manque de diversité dans l'alimentation est l'une des principales causes de la malnutrition et de la prévalence de maladies non transmissibles comme le diabète. La culture des petits mils en complément des cultures existantes pourrait faire partie de la solution.

  16. Diversité floristique et ethnobotanique des plantes sauvages ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 29, 2016 ... La valorisation (préparation de jus ou extraction d'huile) de certains fruits pourrait apporter une valeur ajoutée à ces espèces. ... elles aussi montré le rôle essentiel des plantes ... conservation/protection des plantes sauvages.

  17. Gestion des agroecosystemes sur le mont agou en zone forestiere ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dans le but d'une meilleure mise en valeur de l'espace, plusieurs espèces végétales sont cultivées en association essentiellement avec Persea americana. L'approche méthodologique est basée sur des inventaires floristiques et écologiques sur 45 placettes de 25 m x 25 m dans les agrosystèmes. Une diversité de 85 ...

  18. ÉTUDE DE CAS — mondiale : Repenser les stratégies de recherche ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    24 déc. 2010 ... Repenser les stratégies de recherche agricole. Les agriculteurs qui disposent de peu de ressources -- des femmes, pour une large part -- produisent jusqu'à 20 % des cultures vivrières de la planète et pourraient bien détenir la clé de la croissance de la diversité biologique et culturelle. Car en luttant pour ...

  19. 1364-IJBCS-Article-Missihoun Antoine

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    ressources génétiques de cette céréale afin d'accroître sa production pour une meilleure sécurité alimentaire au. Bénin. .... savoirs, pratiques et systèmes traditionnels de gestion de la diversité ont été entreprises dans plusieurs ...... locales ne sont pas encore sujettes à un risque .... management of sorghum diversity in.

  20. Author Details

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Clinquart, A. Vol 6, No 6 (2012) - Articles Evaluation du procédé d'abattage des bovins aux abattoirs de Cotonou-Porto- Novo au sud du Bénin Abstract PDF · Vol 7, No 3 (2013) - Articles Diversité de la microflore initiale de la viande et sécurité sanitaire des consommateurs. Abstract PDF. ISSN: 1997-342X. AJOL African ...

  1. La pisciculture familiale améliore la qualité de vie en Amazonie ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Pays enclavé de l'Amérique du Sud, la Bolivie affiche le plus bas taux de consommation de poisson par habitant dans le monde, et ce malgré une grande diversité de poissons d'eau douce. Le gouvernement a reconnu récemment la contribution potentielle du poisson pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire et a mis sur pied ...

  2. Diversity of what? Multifaceted Boards and Directors


    A. Hillman; S. Nielsen; A. Zattoni


    Board diversity has long intrigued practitioners and scholars. Constituents encourage companies to vary of director characteristics, but companies often resist. Academics debate whether diversity is beneficial for board decision-making and the empirical evidence is mixed, partly because “diversity” is treated as a singular construct despite representing many different forms (e.g. demographic, human capital and social capital). We propose a theoretical model of board diversit...

  3. Genes in the Field : On-Farm Conservation of Crop Diversity | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La diversité des végétaux cultivés constitue une de nos plus importantes ressources biologiques et les champs des paysans agriculteurs des régions où il y a eu domestication et évolution des cultures constituent la source la plus importante de matériel génétique d'une culture. Des changements sociaux et technologiques ...

  4. (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) du Nord du Burkina Faso

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    29 déc. 2014 ... sorghos à grains sucrés ont un cycle court et arrivent donc à maturité avant les autres sorghos et le mil d'où leur exploitation comme aliment de soudure par les paysans. L'organisation de la diversité morphologique des accessions de sorghos à grains sucrés du Nord du. Burkina autour principalement des ...

  5. Formes coopératives hybrids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spear, Roger


    la coopérative sociale. Il s’agit d’un modèle doublement « hybride », tant par son mode de gouvernance que par la diversité de ses pourvoyeurs de ressources. D’autres formes hybrides de coopératives se sont développées au cours de ces dernières années, en particulier dans le secteur des coopératives...

  6. Juifs, chrétiens et musulmans après l'expulsion d'Espagne : le cas Nord-Africain

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    Michel Abitol


    Full Text Available Le 9 février 1616, on assista á la Haye á un spectacle peu commun, celui d'un convoi fúnebre juif, conduit en grande pompe par le Prince Maurice de Nassau, entouré de membres éminents de son Conseil d'Etat et des Etats-Généraux. Le notable honoré de la serte n'était pourtant ni une grande sommité intellectuelle ni méme un personnage natif de Hollando. C'était tout juste un juif du Maroc, nommé Samuel Pallache qui, entre autres activités ténébreuses, faisait fonction d'agent du Rol du Maroc, Mawlay Zidan, aux Pays-Bas.

  7. Gabriel Camps (1927-2002

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    Marceau Gast


    Full Text Available Le professeur Gabriel Camps nous a quittés le 6 septembre 2002, emporté par les suites d’une grave maladie. Né le 20 mai 1927 à Misserghin, en Oranie, il affirma très jeune de grandes capacités intellectuelles. Dès l’âge de huit ans il se passionnait déjà à identifier des collections de pièces romaines. Son père, ingénieur à la Société nationale des chemins de fer algériens, sut favoriser sa curiosité concernant l’histoire antique de l’Afrique du Nord. Après des études secondaires au lycée d’...

  8. The End of Philosophy in the Age of Democracy


    Vattimo , Gianni


    « La fin de la philosophie dans l’âge de la démocratie » L’époque actuelle est celle de la fin de la philosophie. Une telle fin équivaut à l’abandon irréversible de la notion platonicienne de « Vérité » comprise comme l’expression d’un ordre éternel et objectif de tout « ÊTRE ». L’époque actuelle est aussi celle de l’émergence ainsi que de la consolidation progressive de sociétés démocratiques.On objectera que, en démocratie, l’ancienne suprématie d’une caste politique et intellectuelle, fond...

  9. Du géosystème au géoanthroposystème

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    Henri Reymond


    Full Text Available Je remercie Yves Guermond de réagir aux textes d’A. Berque ainsi qu’à mon dernier papier en les liant car ils procèdent du même esprit. Il pense qu’ils demandent réflexion et il forcent cette dernière. Je vais répondre en détail aux questions pertinentes qu’il pose après cependant avoir contesté l’usage qu’il fait des expressions « pirouette intellectuelle » et « chape idéologique » qui se renforçant l’une l’autre annihilent le débat scientifique avant même qu’on puisse le penser. Doute scien...

  10. Fonds Rabearivelo

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    Claire Riffard


    Full Text Available Présentation biographique de l’auteur L’Histoire s’est montrée abrupte avec le poète. Né dans la période la plus âpre du colonialisme français sur la Grande Île, J.-J. Rabearivelo (1903-1937 en vécut les traumatismes, et au premier chef la déchéance de sa famille maternelle, qui appartenait à la grande noblesse merina. On se rappelle quelle fut à Madagascar la brutalité de la politique coloniale française, et avec quel mépris elle considérait la formation intellectuelle de ses « sujets ». En...

  11. Répertoire des thèses (2006 - mars 2011

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    Full Text Available En Belgique francophonede Marneffe (Daphné, Entre modernisme et avant-garde. Le réseau des revues littéraires de l’immédiat après-guerre en Belgique (1919-1922Mots-clés : littérature belge, sociabilités intellectuelles, réseau, revues littéraires, modernisme, avant-garde.Langue du manuscrit :  françaisRésumé : L’ensemble des revues littéraires « modernistes et d’avant-garde » parues en Belgique immédiatement après la première guerre mondiale (jusqu’en 1922 est étudié dans une perspective d...

  12. Répertoire des thèses 2006-2010

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    Full Text Available En Belgique francophonede Marneffe (Daphné, Entre modernisme et avant-garde. Le réseau des revues littéraires de l’immédiat après-guerre en Belgique (1919-1922Mots-clés : littérature belge, sociabilités intellectuelles, réseau, revues littéraires, modernisme, avant-garde.Langue du manuscrit :  françaisRésumé : L’ensemble des revues littéraires « modernistes et d’avant-garde » parues en Belgique immédiatement après la première guerre mondiale (jusqu’en 1922 est étudié dans une perspective d...

  13. LA PROPRIETE INTELLECTUELLE La protection de la propriété intellectuelle sur le vivant : historique et débats actuels autour des variétés végétales

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    Feyt Henri


    Full Text Available La reconnaissance d’un droit ou d’un privilège temporaire en faveur des inventeurs ou innovateurs, en contrepartie de la divulgation de leur savoir-faire au profit de tous, est un concept qui se perd dans la nuit des temps. On en retrouve les premières traces dès l’Antiquité, vers le viie-vie siècle avant J.-C., dans la colonie grecque de Sybaris (qui a laissé une trace dans l’Histoire pour son raffinement, au sud de l’Italie, dans un texte rapporté par l’historien Phylarque… en faveur des cuisiniers créateurs de nouvelles recettes de cuisine !

  14. 1908-IJBCS-Article-Elisa Kaboré

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Les Cordons ripicoles sont des végétations bordant les rivières à écoulement temporaire et qui possèdent des sols riches et une grande capacité en bois. Ces ressources sont anarchiquement utilisées par l'homme créant ainsi la fragmentation des berges. Cette étude s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une évaluation de la diversité ...

  15. 982-IJBCS-Article-Prof Guy Apollinaire Mensah

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    L'étude des caractères morphométriques des abeilles est l'une des étapes d'un programme de conservation de leur diversité. L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer les caractéristiques morphométriques d'Apis mellifera adansonii au Nord-Est du Bénin afin d'établir la pureté des colonies d'abeilles. Des échantillons ...

  16. Impact agro écologique de simulation de culture transgénique de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les impacts agro écologiques des cultures transgéniques sont les flux de gènes entre les cultures de même nature et entre la culture transgénique et les adventices du milieu de culture. Entre autres menaces sur les écosystèmes du sol, on note la perturbation de la diversité floristique par l'utilisation répétée du glyphosate ...

  17. Phytophthora megakarya : A review on its status as a pathogen on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Il y a donc un besoin accru de connaissance sur la diversité et l'épidémiologie de P. megakarya dans le but de développer des méthodes de lutte efficace et durable contre cet agent pathogène. Cet article passe en revue l'état actuel des connaissances sur l'origine, la distribution et la biologie de P. megakarya, en Afrique ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Lippia multiflora (Verbenaceae) communement connu sous le nom de « thé de savane », offre une diversité d'usages en pharmacopée et en médecine. Toutefois, en dépit d'un intérêt grandissant, le thé de savane demeure un produit de cueillette. Dès lors, il apparaît opportun de procéder à sa domestication, dans une.

  19. Évaluation de l'eau dans un climat et une économie en évolution ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    de préserver la diversité biologique et culturelle. Nouvelles connaissances requises. De récentes études ont porté sur la compréhension de la vulnérabilité des écosystèmes dans la région de Chaco. Une recherche antérieure financée par le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) a permis de ...

  20. Les Africaines et les TIC : Enquête sur les technologies, la question ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    28 févr. 2011 ... Ineke Buskens est une anthropologue des cultures qui se passionne pour la méthodologie de la recherche et l'autonomisation des femmes et porte un profond respect à la diversité culturelle et à l'unicité de l'être humain. Elle a fait ses études à Leiden, aux Pays Bas, et a vécu au Ghana, en Inde et au ...

  1. Publications | Page 156 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    ... and Community Diversity. La mer des Caraïbes est la deuxième au monde pour sa superficie et sa région englobe plus de 30 pays insulaires et continentaux où vivent près de 35 millions d'habitants. Outre son territoire fragmenté, cette région se caractérise par sa grande diversité linguistique et culturelle, ce phénomène.

  2. Impacts des usages traditionnels sur la vulnérabilité de Detarium ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Detarium microcarpum (Caesalpiniaceae) est un fruitier de grande importance socio-économique en. Afrique de l'Ouest. Au Bénin, l'espèce est surexploitée dans plusieurs régions alors que peu de recherches se sont intéressées à sa viabilité et la conservation de sa diversité génétique. L'objectif de cette étude est de.

  3. Atouts et contraintes de la pisciculture traditionnelle de Bandial ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Une analyse diachronique, des poissons élevés, est réalisée à l'aide d'enquêtes. Les données biométriques des poissons ont été collectées et les variables physicochimiques du milieu mesurées. La baisse de la diversité des poissons montre que deux espèces (Galeoïdes decadactylus et Arius heudeuloti) ne sont plus ...

  4. Caractérisation biomoléculaire et structure de la population des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    En vue de caractériser la diversité génétique des populations de cobayes domestiques (Cavia porcellus) dans la région agro-écologique du Cameroun, un panel de16 marqueurs microsatellites ont été utilisés. L'ADN génomique provenait de 110 prélèvements sanguins obtenus chez des animaux non apparentés des ...

  5. Secteur informel, climat des affaires et croissance économique : une ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le caractère nébuleux de ces entreprises rend également difficile une taxation appropriée, ce qui fausse le jeu de la concurrence et pénalise les entreprises constituées en bonne et due forme. Le projet se propose de faire la lumière sur la diversité des types d'entreprises informelles au moyen d'une analyse des données ...

  6. 1648-IJBCS-Article-Dedjiho Comlam Achille

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    l'appauvrissement de la diversité spécifique. (Dupré, 2002), provoquant donc un déséquilibre de la chaîne trophique d'un plan d'eau et peut entraîner des conséquences écologiques importantes. Ce phénomène est devenu aujourd'hui un problème environnemental généralisé. Dans lacs artificiels de Yamoussoukro (Côte.

  7. Women, Livestock Ownership and Markets : Bridging the gender ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    30 oct. 2013 ... Le livre analyse en outre le rôle que le fait de posséder des animaux d'élevage, surtout lorsqu'on est une femme, joue dans la sécurité alimentaire du ménage, en accroissant la diversité alimentaire et en favorisant un apport alimentaire suffisant et équilibré au sein du foyer. Il y est également question de ...

  8. 778-IJBCS-Article-Dan Guimbo Iro

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    La présente étude conduite dans le sud-ouest du Niger vise à déterminer la diversité, la structure et la régénération des espèces ligneuses des parcs à Vitellaria paradoxa et à Neocarya macrophylla. Les méthodes utilisées pour la collecte des informations sont l'inventaire des ligneux et les enquêtes ethnobotaniques.

  9. Amélioration de la productivité agricole et des moyens de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 avr. 2016 ... Dans les collines Kolli, dans l'État du Tamil Nadu, la monoculture d'une seule variété de manioc, non comestible, pour l'industrie de l'amidon s'est traduite par la prévalence accrue de maladies, l'érosion des sols et une perte de diversité des cultures locales, ce qui a eu une incidence négative sur la ...

  10. Croquages de langue en formation d’enseignants

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    Annemarie Dinvaut


    Full Text Available Le sensoriel et l’expression plastique sont-ils des outils de formation pertinents pour aller à la rencontre de l’altérité et de la diversité linguistique et culturelle ? Nous nous proposons de répondre à cette question en analysant des productions d’étudiants : ceux-ci rendent compte de leur fréquentation d’une langue par une création plastique qui privilégie les aspects sensoriels de cette expérience. Ce double processus les amène à une réflexion métalinguistique et à une posture d’accueil du plurilinguisme. We sketch our languages and develop teaching skills Abstract: Are sensorial and plastic activities appropriate tools to develop language awareness and intercultural skills, in a college of education? To answer this question, we ask students to express their sensorial and affective experience of a language they choose: scrutinizing their productions enables us to see the impact of this activity, regarding their metalinguistic reflection and their receptiveness to linguistic and cultural plurality.

  11. Diversity does not travel!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Rebecca; Meriläinen, Susan; Tienari, Janne


    In this chapter we offer insights into the social construction of diversity in Finnish organizations and society. In Finnish organizations, gender is highlighted while other markers of diversity are blotted out. 'Non-Finns' become subject to cultural assimilation. The US-based concept of Diversit...... Management becomes adopted and adapted in particular ways. Standardized concepts of diversity and its management do not travel, rather they become translated locally. In organizational practice, globalization is slow and laborious....

  12. Les articles de 2017 à lire absolument sur | CRDI - Centre ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les articles de 2017 à lire absolument sur 02 janvier 2018. Le contenu le plus populaire publié cette année sur notre site Web offre un bon aperçu des défis en matière de développement revêtant une importance capitale pour nos lecteurs. Il démontre également la diversité du travail effectué par le CRDI de même ...

  13. Recettes pour la paix, les droits & le bien-être concoctées au sein de la Genève internationale

    CERN Document Server


    Cette diversité de recettes est une vitrine d’exemples du travail ainsi réalisé par les organisations basées à Genève, illustré sous une forme innovante, et incluant également des propositions de menus composés de trois plats élaborés par des Chefs cuisiniers exerçant dans des hôtels 5 étoiles sur la place de Genève.

  14. Ce que nous faisons | Page 153 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Région(s): Americas, Chile, South America. Programme(s): Économies en réseaux. La municipalité de Peñalolén, établie en périphérie de Santiago, au Chili, se caractérise par sa grande diversité socioéconomique et par ses solides réseaux sociaux (clubs réservés aux aînés ou aux jeunes, clubs sportifs, syndicats, ...

  15. Modèles d'affaires ouverts : nouveaux mécanismes de revenus pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Ce projet de recherche vise à examiner les principaux modèles d'affaires qui émergent dans une société réseautée, les répercussions qu'ont ces modèles sur les droits des consommateurs et des créateurs et le rôle qu'ils peuvent jouer pour favoriser une plus grande inclusion et la diversité culturelle. Le projet se penchera ...

  16. Coastal Resource Management in the Wider Caribbean : Resilience ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    1 janv. 2010 ... La mer des Caraïbes est la deuxième au monde pour sa superficie et sa région englobe plus de 30 pays insulaires et continentaux où vivent près de 35 millions d'habitants. Outre son territoire fragmenté, cette région se caractérise par sa grande diversité linguistique et culturelle, ce phénomène étant ...

  17. Conserver la biodiversité intra-spécifique des arbres forestiers en France et en Europe

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    COLLIN, Éric


    Full Text Available À l'aide d'exemples issus de son expertise en matière d'ormes et de son expérience de Secrétaire de la commission «Ressources génétiques forestières», Éric Collin illustre les enjeux et méthodes de la conservation de la diversité génétique des arbres forestiers dans la perspective du changement climatique.

  18. Emerging spatial patterns in Antarctic prokaryotes


    Chong, Chun-Wie; Pearce, David A.; Convey, Peter


    Recent advances in knowledge of patterns of biogeography in terrestrial eukaryotic organisms have led to a fundamental paradigm shift in understanding of the controls and history of life on land in Antarctica, and its interactions over the long term with the glaciological and geological processes that have shaped the continent. However, while it has long been recognized that the terrestrial ecosystems of Antarctica are dominated by microbes and their processes, knowledge of microbial diversit...

  19. Asie du sud | Page 96 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dans les collines Kolli, dans l'État du Tamil Nadu, la monoculture d'une seule variété de manioc, non comestible, pour l'industrie de l'amidon s'est traduite par la prévalence accrue de maladies, l'érosion des sols et une perte de diversité des cultures locales, ce qui a eu une incidence négative sur la sécurité alimentaire et ...

  20. Syndrome de Silver Russell: à propos de 3 cas et revue de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Abstract Le syndrome de Silver Russell (SSR) est une maladie génétique rare. Sa prévalence est estimée à 1/100.000. Il s'agit d'une pathologie de l'empreinte parentale, caractérisée par une grande diversité phénotypique. Ses signes cliniques majeurs sont: un retard de croissance intra-utérin sévère, un retard ...

  1. D'éminents spécialistes mettent leur savoir-faire en commun | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    8 oct. 2010 ... Adalto Bianchini, de l'Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, au Brésil, collabore avec Christopher Wood, de l'Université McMaster, afin de résoudre les problèmes de pollution qui sévissent dans deux zones côtières du Brésil. La diversité des activités qui y sont pratiquées (par exemple, elles abritent à la ...

  2. Original Paper Structure et diversité taxonomique des peuplements ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Segundo congreso internacional sobre geologia y mineria en la ordenación del territorio y en el desarrollo. Utrillas 95-. 114. Poisson R. 1957. Hétéroptères aquatiques. Faune de la France, 61: 261. Tachet H, Richoux P, Bournaud M, Usseglio-. Polatera P. 2000. Invertébrés d'Eau. Douce. Systématique, Biologie, Ecologie.

  3. La Convention de Rio sur la diversité biologique


    Maljean-Dubois , Sandrine


    International audience; Du 3 au 14 juin 1992, en écho à la première grande conférence onusienne sur l'environnement et le développement, celle de Stockholm organisée en 1972, se tenait à Rio de Janeiro la Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement et le développement (CNUED), dite aussi Sommet de la Terre. Cette conférence marquait une étape dans la perception des enjeux environnementaux et suscitait de vifs espoirs. Un programme d'action pour le XXI ème siècle, Action 21, dont le chapi...

  4. La foret classee d'Atakpame: diversite, typologie, sequestration de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study assesses the woodlands diversity in Atakpamé classified forest (FCA) of Togo and their potential carbon sequestration. The FCA, an important production source of diversified products and very useful for riparian populations survival is weakened. FCA is subject to various anthropogenic pressures that affect ...

  5. Du rapport entre le harcèlement et l’hégémonie intellectuelle


    Berger, Vincent


    Mesdames, Messieurs, Chers collègues, Je suis très heureux que mon tout dernier discours ici à la Présidence de Paris Diderot – la fin même de cette intervention sera l’occasion pour moi de prononcer mes derniers mots de Président – le soit sur le thème des relations entre les hommes et les femmes à l’Université. Vous êtes ici dans  un  lieu  universitaire  engagé  sur  la  thématique de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes. Le harcèlement entre personnels me semble  un  problème  relat...

  6. Le groupe de travail EPNAC

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    MOLLE, Pascal


    Full Text Available En France, les procédés de traitement des eaux usées des petites et moyennes collectivités sont en constante évolution et leur diversité augmente fortement. Constitué à l'initiative d'Irstea, le groupe de travail EPNAC a pour objectif de mutualiser et de diffuser une information technique et cohérente sur ces procédés auprès des acteurs de l'assainissement.

  7. Répercussions des TIC sur la démocratie locale : transparence et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Répercussions des TIC sur la démocratie locale : transparence et participation des citoyens dans la municipalité de Peñalolén (au Chili). La municipalité de Peñalolén, établie en périphérie de Santiago, au Chili, se caractérise par sa grande diversité socioéconomique et par ses solides réseaux sociaux (clubs réservés aux ...

  8. Augmentation du rendement des producteurs de petits mils par leur ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    29 avr. 2016 ... Image. Cultivateurs du petit mils en Inde. Une plus grande diversité de variétés de petit mil contribue à réduire la vulnérabilité à l'égard des mauvaises conditions météorologiques. En dépit du fait qu'ils ont une teneur élevée en micronutriments et en fibres alimentaires, présentent un indice glycémique ...

  9. Ce que nous faisons | Page 163 | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    La municipalité de Peñalolén, établie en périphérie de Santiago, au Chili, se caractérise par sa grande diversité socioéconomique et par ses solides réseaux sociaux (clubs réservés aux aînés ou aux jeunes, clubs sportifs, syndicats, comités de parents, groupes folkloriques). Chili, Amérique Du Sud, Amérique Nord Et ...

  10. Un programme de réforme démocratique « sur mesure » | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    10 janv. 2013 ... ... 4) encourager la diversité culturelle et 5) définir les responsabilités de l'État envers la société. L'ARI a concentré la majorité de ses efforts en Égypte. Au cours de l'été 2012, plusieurs documents portant sur la réforme constitutionnelle en Égypte ont été commandés pour examiner des questions précises ...

  11. Les semences du monde : L'amélioration participative des plantes

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)


    enthousiastes de l'Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas. (INCA) a décidé de relever un défi : participer à l'innovation agricole de Cuba. Ils ont entrepris un projet visant à amé- liorer la qualité et le rendement du maïs et du haricot grâce aux efforts conjugués de tous les intervenants pour accroître la diversité des variétés ...

  12. 1323-IJBCS-Article-Gaudence Djego

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Les stratégies intégrées de conservation des forêts dans lesquelles la sauvegarde des ressources forestières en général et de la biodiversité en particulier, nécessitent en premier lieu un bon état des lieux. Au moment où la préservation de l'environnement et la sauvegarde de la diversité biologique sont prônées de par le.

  13. 2177-IJBCS-Article-Bourgou Larbaga

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    RESUME. Le but de l'étude a été de réunir et d'évaluer la diversité génétique des cotonniers traditionnels afin de les valoriser et de les conserver. Dans 243 villages, 336 accessions ont été collectées. Pendant la campagne hivernale 2010-2011, une évaluation préliminaire a été faite à partir de 25 caractères qualitatifs et ...

  14. La sociologie économique de Thorstein Veblen ; pertinences et impertinences d’une pensée à contre-courant

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    Dimitri della Faille


    Full Text Available Thorstein Veblen a su développer une analyse rigoureuse et originale de la société américaine au début du XXe siècle. L’analyse véblénienne tient son originalité du regard d’étranger que pose l’auteur sur sa société ainsi que sur les sources intellectuelles diverses où il a puisé ses influences. Après avoir présenté en quoi le regard de Veblen sur le capitalisme sauvage diffère radicalement des autres auteurs de son époque, nous identifions les principales sources intellectuelles de sa pensée, soit la philosophie kantienne, le pragmatisme, l’École historique allemande, les théories évolutionnistes et le socialisme. Nous montrons ensuite comment ces influences lui ont permis de développer une théorie de l’évolution des institutions économiques, à bien des égards supérieures aux théories néo-institutionnalistes contemporaines, lui permettant de critiquer radicalement une Amérique dominée des institutions « imbéciles ».Thorstein Veblen managed to develop a meticulous and original analysis of American society in the beginning of the XXth century. The diversity of its intellectual influences and the look on his society from a stranger’s point of view are the basis of Veblen’s originality. After introducing the reasons of Veblen’s outside point of view, we identify the main intellectual sources of his thought: Kantian philosophy, pragmatism, German historical school, evolutionary theory and socialism. Finally, we show how these influences allowed him to develop an evolutionary theory of economic institutions, which remains superior to neo-intitutionalist theory on many points, in order to produce a radical critique of America as it is dominated by imbecile institutions.

  15. The early eugenics movement and emerging professional psychiatry: conceptual transfers and personal relationships between Germany and North America, 1880s to 1930s. (United States)

    Stahnisch, Frank W


    French-Austrian psychiatrist Bénédict Augustin Morel's (1809-1873) Traits des dégénérescences physiques, intellectuelles et morales de l'espèce humaine (1857) was fully dedicated to the social problem of "degeneration" and it became very attractive to German-speaking psychiatrists during the latter half of the 19th century. Auguste Forel (1848-1931) and Constantin von Monakow (1853-1930) in Zurich integrated Morel's approach and searched for the somatic and morphological alterations in the human brain; a perspective of research that Ernst Ruedin (1874-1952) at Munich further prolonged into a thorough analysis of hereditary influences on mental health. This paper investigates the continuities and major differences within some early eugenic traditions of the emerging field of psychiatry in the German-speaking countries and North America.

  16. L'esprit de sel science, culture, politique

    CERN Document Server

    Lévy-Leblond, Jean-Marc


    L'esprit de sel. Activité de recherche, la science est-elle nécessairement productrice de connaissances ? Y a-t-il de nouvelles formes et normes du savoir ? Qu'est la science pour la science ? Activité intellectuelle. la science est-elle aussi une activité culturelle ? La science moderne est-elle dans la culture. est-elle une nouvelle culture - devrait-elle l'être ? Qu'est la science pour la culture ? Activité sociale. la science est liée de façon complexe aux structures économiques et à la conjoncture politique. Quel rôle joue-t-elle, quels conditionnements subit-elle ? Qu'est la science pour la politique ? Voici un ensemble de contributions pour aiguiser ces questions cruciales et décaper les idées reçues.

  17. Definition: Conservation Education, Environmental Education, Outdoor Education. (United States)


    Conservation education, outdoor education, and environmental education all have as a common goal the understanding and appreciation of the natural world. Outdoor education is a method of teaching wherein established disciplines, topics, and concepts which can best be taught outdoors are taught outdoors. Conservation education is the study of man's…

  18. Reclutamento e formazione dei poliziotti: il caso degli ufficiali della gendarmeria francese

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    François Dieu


    Full Text Available Partendo dal caso degli ufficiali della gendarmeria francese, questo articolo illustra il modo in cui il reclutamento e la formazione possono contribuire, informalmente, alla ripartizione del potere nelle organizzazioni di polizia. Tramite la diversità delle vie di reclutamento si costituisce, di fatto, un vero e proprio sistema di "caste", con una stratificazione degli ufficiali in tre livelli gerarchici, che produce, al di là dei principi meritocratici, delle ineguaglianze manifeste nella ripartizione del potere nell'organizzazione della gendarmeria.

  19. Studies of the Genetic Diversity Between Two Reference Strains of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Resumé La diversité génétique entre deux souches de référence de Leishmania major en provenant de deux localités géographiquement différentes a été évaluée par analyse électrophoretic des ADN génomiques. Les résultats obtenus montrent des variations génétiques très marquées entre les souches de référence de ...

  20. Management interculturel, altérité, et identités

    CERN Document Server

    Mutabazi, Evalde; Overveck Ottino, Saskia von; Pierre, Philippe


    Le management interculturel se fonde sur un effort permanent de remise en question de repères culturels acquis et ressentis comme universels. Ce livre s appuie sur des travaux de recherche et sur des témoignages d expériences pratiques, défend l urgence d un management interculturel au lieu d une gestion de la diversité risquant d assigner des individus à résidence identitaire, et intègre les apports de l ethnopsychanalyse.

  1. Le CRDI au Népal

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Au cours des années 1980 et 1990, les recherches menées dans le domaine de la phytosélection ont donné lieu à l'amélio- ration du rendement de céréales telles que le mil et l'orge. Par la suite, d'autres activités de recherche ont rendu les agriculteurs mieux en mesure de préserver la diversité génétique de leurs cultures ...

  2. Diversité, nuisances et modes de gestion des termites (Isoptera ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ce travail présente la première liste des espèces de termites recensées, une revue de la littérature de leurs dégâts sur les essences botaniques et leurs modes de gestion dans les agrosystèmes au Sénégal entre 1966 et 2015. Elle a été faite sur la base d'une revue bibliographique existante et complétée par un récent ...

  3. Phyto-diversite et utilisations des espaces verts prives dans les ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    85,02 %), d'ornement (45,10 %), de jeux (13,24 %) ou comme potager (8,16 %). Leurs espèces végétales sont exploitées par les populations dans les domaines alimentaire (87,8 %), médicinal (76 %), d'ombrage (75,8 %), ornemental (39,8 ...

  4. Uguaglianza nella diversità. Identità religiose e democrazia costituzionale

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    Marco Parisi


    ABSTRACT: The entry into force of the new system after the fall of fascism did not constitute the resolutive element to mark a decisive turning point in the Italian ecclesiastical politics, with the implementation of a system of reforms in religious matters consistent with the innovative will of the institutional change that occurred in the Country. The consequence is that, seventy years after the adoption of the Republican Constitutional Charter, many normative provisions still conform to the inspiring principles of the fascist system, and there are many impediments to the concrete realization of the principles of freedom and democracy, with serious damage for the enjoyment of constitutional guarantees by spiritual minorities. With the approval of a general legislation on religious interests, the equal enjoyment of the fundamental rights could be achieved, both for individuals and for groups, within a framework of definitive overcoming of the fascist penalizing legislation and of fixation of the regulatory law criteria of the various treatments to protect spiritual specificities.

  5. Etude preliminaire de la diversite genetique du bananier ( Musa spp ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Les bananes dessert et bananes plantain constituent une ressource alimentaire importante. Elles sont à la base de l'alimentation humaine dans la plupart des pays tropicaux de la planète. Cependant les différentes espèces de bananiers cultivées ne sont pas bien connues au Togo. Afin d'entreprendre des travaux pour les ...

  6. phyto-sociologie et diversite floristique du perimetre elaeicole de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Lindernia diffusa (L.) Wettst. Scrophulariaceae D. +. -. 102 Lmp Loesenerilla rowlandii (Loes.) N. Halle. Hippocrataceae. D. +. -. 103 mp. Maesobotrya barteri Var. sparsiflora (Sc. Elliot ) Keay Euphorbiaceae. D. +. -. 104 Lnp. Mangenotia eburnea Pichon. Periplocaceae. D. +. -. 105 mp. Mangifera indica L. Anacardiaceae. D.

  7. diversite floristique et degre d'infestation par les mauvaises herbes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    installer des cultures. Or, il est reconnu que là où l'homme crée un environnement artificiel pour les cultures, les mauvaises herbes s'installent inévitablement ..... nord-cameroun. Weed Reseach 35 ;. 89 - 98. Lebreton G. et T. Le Bourgeois. 2005. Analyse comparée de la flore en culture d'ananas et de canne à sucre à la ...

  8. Caractérisation physico-chimique et diversité du peuplement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    faits au microscope photonique de marque Nikon Eclipse 0,90 Dry. L'étude a révélé une turbidité, un pH et un taux d'oxygène dissous élevés dans les mares Afi et Lagoè avec des valeurs maximales de 8,25 NTU ; 8,14 et. 9,75 mg/L. A Dindin, une conductivité électrique élevée de 590 µS/cm et un taux d'oxydabilité au ...

  9. Caractérisation physico-chimique et diversité du peuplement ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'identification et le dénombrement du phytoplancton ont été faits au microscope photonique de marque Nikon Eclipse 0,90 Dry. L'étude a révélé une turbidité, un pH et un taux d'oxygène dissous élevés dans les mares Afi et Lagoè avec des valeurs maximales de 8,25 NTU ; 8,14 et 9,75 mg/L. A Dindin, une conductivité ...

  10. The university, social education and the education of social educator

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    Irandi Pereira


    Full Text Available This article discusses the relations between university and social education and their developments in the social educator education supported by an education conception linked to the collective rights. This article emphasizes the relations between theory and the social education actions, the social educator continual education, according to three focus: Brazilian higher education aspects, the call for a more general education towards the demands resulting from the contemporary context, in which the formal education, in its different levels, cannot answer the low income adults, youngsters and children solicitations and yet the requests needed for the social educator continual education. The readings have shown that the debate is insufficient in face of the social education experiences carried out in national and international scenarios. It is a field to be effectively established.

  11. Response of infaunal macrobenthos to the sediment granulometry in a tropical continental margine southwest coast of India

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Jayaraj, K.A.; Sheeba, P.; Jacob, J.; Revichandran, C.; Arun, P.K.; Praseeda, K.S.; Nisha, P.A.; Rasheed, K.A.

    . Marine Ecology Progress Series 232, 15e27. El-Wakeel, S.K., Riley, J.P., 1957. Determination of organic carbon in the ma- rine muds. Journal of Du Counseil International Exploration 22, 180e183. Fauchald, K., Jones, G.F., 1979a. A survey of five... Press, Chicago, 111 pp. Massad, R., Brunel, P., 1979. Associations par stations, densites et diversite des polychates du benthos circalittoral et bathyal de estuaire maritime du Saint Laurent. Naturaliste Canadien 106, 229e253 (in French). McLaren, P...

  12. Rôle de la propriété intellectuelle dans le développement ouvert en ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    auteurs, brevets et marques de commerce) ne sont pas les seuls facteurs limitant la contribution de l'Afrique à l'innovation, et que leur interprétation et leur application y sont aussi pour quelque chose. ... Agent(e) responsable du CRDI. Perini ...

  13. Les savants genevois dans l'Europe intellectuelle du XVIIe au milieu du XIXe siècle

    CERN Document Server


    Après une introduction sur l'essor de la science genevoise par Jean STAROBINSKI et un chapitre sur l'Europe savante (1700-1850) par Jacques ROGER, sont présentés les travaux et recherches dans les différentes disciplines: l'astronomie par Marcel GOLAY, les mathématiques par Pierre SPEZIALI, la physique par Pierre SPEZIALI, la chimie par Armand BUCHS, la géologie par Albert V. CAROZZI, la zoologie par Marino BUSCAGLIA, la botanique par Jacques NAEF; suivis des biographies des savants genevois par Jean-Michel PICTET, avec petits portraits; notes; index; photos et fac-similés de documents; bibliographies par chapitre. Ouvrage publié par l'Association pour le Musée d'histoire des sciences de Genève, présidé par Jacques TREMBLEY.

  14. L’interconnessione dei registri europei della proprietà immobiliare: il caso italiano e spagnolo a confronto

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    Agostina Lodde


    Full Text Available La necessità che le informazioni detenute dai Registri Immobiliari possano liberamente circolare all’interno dello spazio dell’Unione rappresenta un obiettivo prioritario nell’ambito della strategia delineata dal Consiglio UE in materia di giustizia elettronica europea 2014-2018, la quale prevede di incentrare l’azione “sulla interconnessione dei registri che presentino un interesse per i cittadini, le imprese, gli operatori della giustizia e i magistrati”. Pertanto, si afferma che “si dovrebbero assicurare i presupposti tecnici e giuridici necessari per rendere possibile tale interconnessione”. La realizzazione dei “presupposti tecnici” di cui si parla, grazie agli sviluppi straordinari delle tecnologie informatiche, rappresenta il traguardo meno difficile da raggiungere, mentre è di gran lunga più complicato risolvere le difficoltà giuridiche derivanti dalla storica diversità dei Registri, tenendo anche in considerazione il limite posto dall’art. 345 del Trattato sul Funzionamento dell’Unione Europea, secondo il quale “I trattati lasciano del tutto impregiudicato il regime di proprietà esistente negli Stati membri”. Per meglio comprendere le suddette diversità e facendo seguito alla panoramica sui diversi sistemi europei di registrazione immobiliare illustrata da Lodde (2016, si è cercato di fornire un quadro comparato dei sistemi di registrazione italiano e spagnolo, sistemi che poggiano su tradizioni giuridiche comuni (quelle di civil law ma che, per diversi percorsi evolutivi, sono pervenuti a una regolamentazione completamente differente dei rispettivi Registri.

  15. L'intégrité au CERN

    CERN Document Server

    HR, Department


    Pour mener à bien sa mission, le CERN compte sur la confiance et le soutien matériel de ses États membres et de ses partenaires, et se doit de gérer de manière exemplaire les ressources qui lui sont confiées. Dès lors, le CERN attend la plus haute intégrité de la part de tous ses collaborateurs (membres du personnel, consultants, contractants travaillant sur le domaine ou personne engagée à tout autre titre au CERN ou pour le compte de celui-ci). L’intégrité est l’une des valeurs essentielles du CERN. Elle est définie dans le Code de conduite comme le fait d’« agir avec éthique, en toute honnêteté intellectuelle et en étant responsable de ses actes ».

  16. Les vertus du conseiller dans les Sept parties et dans le Livre du conseil et des conseillers

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    Mélanie JECKER


    Full Text Available Ce travail se propose d'étudier les divers aspects de la conception du conseil dans l'ensemble des Sept parties. Après avoir souligné l'importance que l'œuvre attribue au conseil et analysé la valeur qu'il y revêt, cette étude s'intéresse surtout à la figure du conseiller, dont elle définit les caractéristiques sociales et les vertus intellectuelles.Este trabajo estudia los distintos aspectos de la concepción del consejo en el corpus de las Siete Partidas. Tras haber señalado la importancia que la obra concede al consejo así como el valor que le confiere, este estudio se interesa principalmente a la figura del consejero para definir sus características sociales y sus virtudes intelectuales.  

  17. Les stratégies éducatives des classes supérieures néerlandaises. Professions intellectuelles supérieures, managers et entrepreneurs face au choix entre capital cultural cosmopolite = Educational strategies in Dutch upper classes Upper level intellectual professions, managers and entrepreneurs face a choice between "classic" cultural capital and cosmopolitan cultural capital

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weenink, D.


    A survey conducted in Dutch high schools and covering both gymnasium (which privilege classical culture) and international curricula (selective tracks more open toward international exchanges where English is more prominent) makes it possible to observe the educational strategies of the Dutch upper

  18. Panorama de la Dendrochronologie en France.


    Astrade, Laurent; Miramont, Cécile


    Actes du colloque "Panorama de la dendrochronologie en France", octobre 2009, Digne les Bains. Ce nouveau numéro de la Collection Edytem accueille les contributions du colloque qui s'est déroulé, il y a moins d'un an, à Digne-les-Bains, autour de la dendrochronologie en France. Les différents textes de ce numéro et leur articulation en cinq grands thèmes (dendroécologie, dendroclimatologie, dendrogéomorphologie, dendroarchéologie, méthodes de la dendrochronologie) mettent en avant la diversit...

  19. Ressources vegetales de la foret classee de la lama et alimentation ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'étude s'est déroulée dans la forêt classée de la Lama située entre 6°55-7°00N et 2°04-2°12 E. Elle a permis de mettre en exergue la diversité et la densité des ressources forestières alimentaires consommées par les populations des villages Holli et Fon vivant dans cette forêt. Au total, 45 espèces végétales sont ...

  20. Abréviations



    ACB Analyse coûts/bénéfices ARP Analyse du risque phytosanitaire CDB Convention sur la diversité biologique CGAPS Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species CIPV Convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux CITES Convention internationale sur les espèces menacées CRC Cooperative Research Center (CRC) for Australian Weed Management DAE Direction des affaires économiques Davar Direction des affaires vétérinaire, alimentaire et rurale DDE-E Direction du développement économique et de ...

  1. Activité collective et réélaboration des règles : des enjeux pour la santé au travail


    Caroly , Sandrine


    L'activité collective se définit comme une articulation entre le travail collectif et le collectif de travail. Le travail collectif correspond aux modes de coopération et de collaboration entre les membres d'une équipe. Il facilite dans certains cas la mise en œuvre de régulations individuelles et collectives pour gérer les perturbations issues de situations caractérisées par des conflits de but et donnent une ressource à chacun pour ne pas être seul face à la diversité des prescriptions, not...



    Sebti , Hicham


    International audience; Le présent article s’intéresse à la manière dont s’organisent les liens entre les acheteurs et les clients internes autour de la définition, des leviers et des dispositifs de pilotage de la performance client-fournisseur. Nous interrogeons la diversité des représentations de la performance, des activités pour la réaliser et des usages des dispositifs de gestion qui servent de fondement aux interprétations de ce qui est performant et orientent les comportements. Nous so...

  3. Development Education and Disarmament Education. (United States)

    Burns, Robin


    Discusses development education as an educational process aimed at preparing people for participation in change and examines the implications for disarmament education. Development education is interpreted to include adult literacy education as well as a system of spreading basic concepts and encouraging and developing local initiatives. (DB)

  4. Educational technology in medical education. (United States)

    Han, Heeyoung; Resch, David S; Kovach, Regina A


    This article aims to review the past practices of educational technology and envision future directions for medical education. The discussion starts with a historical review of definitions and perspectives of educational technology, in which the authors propose that educators adopt a broader process-oriented understanding of educational technology. Future directions of e-learning, simulation, and health information technology are discussed based on a systems view of the technological process. As new technologies continue to arise, this process-oriented understanding and outcome-based expectations of educational technology should be embraced. With this view, educational technology should be valued in terms of how well the technological process informs and facilitates learning, and the acquisition and maintenance of clinical expertise.

  5. Monkeys on the Screen?: Multicultural Issues in Instructional Message Design

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    Debbie McAnany


    Full Text Available With the shift in numbers between Canadian-born students in the university classroom and the increased number of international students, it is a primary concern for instructors and instructional designers to know and understand learner characteristics in order to create effective instructional messages and materials. Recognizing how culture might shape cognition and learning, we can value and design for the diversity of students and maximize their learning while improving the learning environment for all students. To celebrate cultural diversity and meet the challenges associated with designing for diverse learning styles and educational experiences, this paper offers a review of the literature and proposes a systematic three-fold approach to the creation and evaluation of multicultural instructional messages and materials: first, “Do no harm”; second, “Know your learner”; and third, “Incorporate global concepts and images into instructional messages.” Résumé Avec le renversement des proportions d’étudiants nés au Canada et d’étudiants internationaux qui sont de plus en plus nombreux dans nos universités, connaître et comprendre les caractéristiques des apprenants constitue maintenant une préoccupation majeure pour les instructeurs et les concepteurs pédagogiques afin de créer des messages et du matériel pédagogiques efficaces. En prenant en considération la façon dont la culture peut influencer la cognition et l’apprentissage, nous pouvons tenir compte de la diversité des étudiants lors de la conception et ainsi maximiser leur apprentissage tout en améliorant l’environnement d’apprentissage pour tous les étudiants. Dans le but de célébrer la diversité culturelle tout en relevant les défis associés à la conception pour divers styles d’apprentissage et d’expériences éducatives, le présent article présente un examen de la documentation et propose une approche systématique en trois volets pour

  6. Memoria, patrimonio y educación - Memory, patromony and education

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    Antonio Viñao Frago, España


    Full Text Available MEMÓRIA, PATRIMÔNIO E EDUCAÇÃOResumoNeste artigo se analisam as relações e interações entre memória, patrimônio educativo e história. Primeiro, de um modo específico, entre memória e história, mediante uma análise especial das comemorações como nexo entre ambas e instrumento institucional das políticas do esquecimento e da memória. Depois, se estudam as relações e interações entre memória e patrimônio educativo (exposições, investigações, sociedades científicas, congressos, grupos e projetos de pesquisa, declarações e recomendações internacionais e museísmo pedagógico. Por último, se expõem algumas das questões relacionadas à preservação e catalogação do patrimônio histórico e educativo: a necessidade de conectar ambas a seu estudo, a diversidade de usos e valores do mesmo e os problemas relacionados com as mudanças que aconteceram nos suportes tecnológicos da memória e da conservação e transmissão intergeracional do saber e do conhecimento, ou seja, da herança do patrimônio cultural e educativo.Palavras-chave: memória, história, patrimônio histórico e educativo, museus pedagógicos, comemorações. MEMORY, PATROMONY AND EDUCATIONAbstractIn this article the relationships and interactions among memory, educational inheritance and history are tackled. First, in a specific way, the relationships and interactions between memory and history are addressed through a special analysis of the commemorations as a link between both subjects and as an institutional tool of the policies of oblivion and memory. Then, the relationships and interactions between memory and educational inheritance are studied (exhibitions, researches, scientific societies, conferences, groups and projects of research, international statements and recommendations as well as pedagogical museism. Finally, some of the issues arising from the safeguard and cataloguing of the educational inheritance are set out: the need to

  7. Education(al) Research, Educational Policy-Making and Practice (United States)

    Clark, Charles


    Professor Whitty has endorsed the consensus that research into education is empirical social science, distinguishing "educational research" which seeks directly to influence practice, and "education research" that has substantive value but no necessary practical application. The status of the science here is problematic. The positivist approach is…

  8. Lições de coisas e ensino das ciências na França no fim do século 19: contribuição a uma história da cultura - Object lessons and science education in France in the late nineteenth century: contribution to a history of the school culture

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    Pierre Kahn, France


    ères. Versant enchanté: l’enseignement des sciences est un instrument puissant d’éducation intellectuelle (voire d’éducation morale et politique. Il incarne l’espoir d’une  éducation libérale  primaire aussi complète, digne et valable en son genre que les humanités classiques du secondaire. La leçon de choses, en faisant correspondre la démarche pédagogique à la méthode même de la science (la méthode inductive devient alors par excellence ce qui permet cette éducation intellectuelle. Cette tension n’est pas propre à l’enseignement des sciences. L’analyse de celui-ci permet bien plutôt de mettre en évidence le double discours que les républicains ont tenu sur une école qu’ils ont simultanément transformé en réalité et en rêve.Mots-clé: activité (de l’élève, ecole primaire, education intellectuelle, education pratique, enseignement concret, enseignement des sciences, leçon de choses, méthode inductive, méthode intuitive, observation, pédagogie.

  9. Single-Gender Education: Educators' Perspective (United States)

    Fry, John P.


    The examination of educator's views regarding single-gender education was the basis of this study. The significance of the intended study is to show the educator's view of single-gender education as it relates to student academic achievement and behavioral incidents. A quantitative study was conducted utilizing a sample population of regular and…

  10. Adult Basic Education: Aligning Adult Basic Education and Postsecondary Education (United States)

    Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, 2008


    In 2007, the 80th Texas Legislature included a rider to the General Appropriations Act for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The rider directed the agency to coordinate with the Texas Education Agency to develop and implement plans to align adult basic education with postsecondary education. The Coordinating Board, in collaboration…

  11. Les plantes génétiquement modifiées en Afrique : enjeux et recherches

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    De Lattre-Gasquet Marie


    Full Text Available En ce qui concerne la politique sur plantes génétiquement modifiées, l’Afrique est un terrain de luttes d’influence et de débats. Les enjeux sont à la fois économiques, politiques et écologiques. Dans cet article, nous montrons que les biotechnologies végétales sont l’une des techniques, à combiner avec d’autres, qui pourraient permettre d’assurer la sécurité alimentaire et sanitaire de l’Afrique, et que les risques qu’entraîneront l’utilisation de cette technique doivent être soigneusement analysés. Nous présenterons ensuite la position des différents pays africains vis-à-vis des conventions internationales (propriété intellectuelle, biosécurité et commerce et nous caractériserons leurs politiques nationales et de recherche vis-à-vis des OGM.


    CERN Multimedia



    La période de rentrée des classes coïncide également avec la reprise des activités sportives de nos enfants. L’Ecole de Rugby du CMSG Rugby Club, une des plus grandes de Suisse avec près d’une de licenciés de 6 à 18 ans, profite de cette période pour vous informer sur la réelle alternative que représente le Rugby. Pourquoi le rugby pour mon enfant ? Parce qu’il contribue à l’épanouissement harmonieux des enfants et des jeunes, ainsi qu’à la formation de leur personnalité. C’est même le ‘Sport Collectif par Excellence’ selon le Manuel des Castor Juniors ! Le rugby est un sport complet qui sollicite et développe les capacités motrices, intellectuelles, sociales et affectives de celui qui l’exerce. Le rugby...

  13. Quand la biopsie cutanée peut étiqueter une épilepsie (United States)

    Harmouch, Taoufiq; Gallouj, Salim; Znati, Kaoutar; Sennou, Aicha Slassi; Belahcen, Faouzi; Amarti, Afaf


    La maladie de Lafora (ML) représente une forme rare et grave d’épilepsie myoclonique progressive. C'est une affection à transmission autosomique récessive, hétérogène sur le plan génétique. Nous rapportons le cas d'une adolescente de 16 ans, issue de parents consanguins de premier degré, qui présente depuis l’âge de 14 ans des crises d’épilepsie et des myoclonies. L'examen neurologique a montré un syndrome cérébelleux et une détérioration intellectuelle. La biopsie cutanée était indispensable pour orienter le diagnostic. La ML a un pronostic constamment fatal. L’étude histologique confirme le diagnostic et l’étude moléculaire peut aider à établir un conseil génétique. PMID:22187608

  14. Educational Fever and South Korean Higher Education

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    Jeong-Kyu Lee


    Full Text Available This paper examines the influence of educational fever on the development of the Republic of Korea education and economy in the context of the cultural history of this country. In order to examine this study, the author explains the concept of educational fever and discusses the relation between Confucianism and education zeal. Educational fever and human capitalization in South Korean higher education are analyzed from a comparative viewpoint. The study evaluates the effects and problems of education fever this country’s current higher education, and it concludes that Koreans’ educational fever has been a core factor by which to achieve the development of the national economy as well as the rapid expansion of higher education.

  15. Évaluation de la restauration des rivières chenalisées pour le flottage du bois : étude du cas de la rivière Kutinjoki, Finlande du Nord

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    Full Text Available Au cours de la dernière décennie, plusieurs projets de restauration de rivières à grande échelle ont été initiés en Finlande, afin de réhabiliter la structure originale de l'habitat dans des rivières chenalisées pour le flottage du bois dans les années 1950-1960. L'objectif principal de la restauration est d'augmenter la diversité des berges et d'améliorer l'habitat des poissons en réarrangeant le substrat sur le fond de la rivière. Les digues de blocs utilisées sur la rivière Kutinjoki ont augmenté la diversité et la variabilité des profondeurs, des vitesses et des classes de substrats dominants disponibles, et ont augmenté la complexité spatiale des rapides. Sur les sites étudiés, les successions radiers-mouilles étaient clairement visibles après restauration et contrastaient avec les écoulements plus ou moins homogènes d'avant restauration. L'opération de restauration semble favoriser les truites de un an (1+ et plus. Si l'on souhaite planifier et évaluer ce type d'amélioration de l'habitat piscicole, il est fortement conseillé d'utiliser une modélisation des conditions physiques et hydrologiques à une échelle pertinente pour les poissons et d'y inclure une analyse des préférences d'habitat des poissons.

  16. Diversity and convergence of population aging: evidence from China and Canada

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    Légaré, Jacques


    Full Text Available EnglishTaking the diversity and the convergence of demographic transitions intoconsideration, it is hypothesized that population aging that occurs in developed countries anddeveloping countries will reflect diversity, but will also show some convergence. In order to testthis hypothesis, the present study compares the population aging experiences of China (1971-2050 andCanada (1911-2050 and places them within the context of the demographic transition. In this paper welearn how, as population ages, these two countries will, through two distinct pathways, arrive atsimilar age structures by the middle of the 21st century. Both the diversity and the convergence ofpopulation aging are shown in this comparative study.FrenchEn constatant la diversité et la convergence des transitions démographiques,nous faisons l'hypothèse que le processus du vieillissement démographiquecomporte également une certaine diversité et montrera une convergence, enparticulier, entre les pays développés et les pays en développement. Afin devérifier cette hypothèse, la présente étude compare les vieillissementsdémographiques en Chine (1971-2050 et au Canada (1911-2050, en lesmettant dans le contexte de la transition démographique. Cet article montre qu’àmesure que vieillit la population, comment ces deux pays arriveront par deuxvoies distinctes à une structure par âge similaire au milieu du XXIème siècle. Ladiversité et la convergence du vieillissement sont toutes deux illustrées danscette étude comparative.

  17. Diversité de l'entomofaune floricole de Sesamum indicum (L.) 1753 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Amegilla sp. était l'espèce la plus fréquente, suivie de Camponotus flavomarginatus et Apis mellifera adansonii. En comparant les rendements des deux traitements, il est apparu que les insectes ont augmenté le taux de fructification de 27,35%, le nombre de graines par fruit de 15,99% et le pourcentage de graines ...

  18. Diversité floristique et déterminants de l'enherbement des ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2 sept. 2013 ... personnes directement employées dans le secteur de la banane, qu'il ... bananeraies regroupées en trois sites (Site 40 à Songon-. Agban, Site 66: à .... contribution floristique est évaluée suivant la loi de Daget et Poissonnet ...

  19. Forest vegetation in the upper Iara basin. Considerations on plants diversit


    Ilie-Adrian Stoica


    . Forests cover important areas in Romania, but are poorly investigated from a biological point of view. Forestry studies are focused on economic productivity, while biological studies have focused on phytosociological descriptions. Biodiversity measures have been rarely used in Romania to describe forest environments. This study is an attempt to link classical biologic forest studies with more modern statistical methods of investigation. The diversity of 65 forest relevées from the upper Iar...

  20. Abondance et diversité des communautés lombriciennes dans la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Quartzipsamment Ustoxique Isohyperther- mique suivant la classification américaine. (Soil Survey Staff, 2006). ... Le climat de la région est tropical humide du type AW4 selon la classification de Köppen c'est-à-dire avec ..... Museum, Systematic Zoology 348p. Curry JP. 2004. Factors affecting the abundance of earthworms ...

  1. La diversité de l'économie solidaire : atout ou faiblesse ?


    Frère, Bruno


    Social economy today tends to diversify its actions allows to bring solutions to situations of poverty themselves ever more varied. This surprising citizen reactivity might suggest that it is pleasant to see an area supporting the treatment of social problems that States appear increasingly inable to assume, as also confirm by all austerity plans at work in the countries of an Europe confronted to crisis. Capitalism, as the State, is also welcoming this mass of citizens creating initiatives e...

  2. Description of intensity of physical education in a structure educational educate and health-improvement-educate processes.

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    Bondar T.S.


    Full Text Available Comparison of intensity of physical education is presented in child's establishments of making healthy and rest and general educational establishments. Questioning of 183 students-practice and analysis of document of the Kharkov regional management is conducted on physical education and sport. It is set that health-improvement-educate process is directed on forming for children and young people of culture of health. It is marked that the result of pedagogical activity in establishments and establishments of education is physical, spiritual and social development of personality of children and young people. Witnessed, that process of physical education in out-of-town child's establishments of making healthy and rest almost in three times more intensive by comparison to general educational establishments and school summer camps. It contingently a presence for the children of plenty of spare time, by the use in practice of camps of non-standard facilities and forms of increase of motive activity of children, by the features of structure health-improvement-educate process.

  3. Entrepreneurship Education in Nigerian Education Institution ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Entrepreneurship Education in Nigerian Education Institution. ... Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria ... This document posits that Nigeria is burdened with unemployment, cases of crimes, wrong education, wrong use of skills; wrong religious believes, unsuppressed graduate unemployment, acute tribal and ...

  4. Geoinformation monitoring of the educational risk in educational institutions of higher education

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    Aleksandr N. Kolesenkov


    Full Text Available The effect, received by a person and society from mastering the basic professional educational programs is problematic to quantify, which leads to the emergence of a risk that characterizes the quality of management decision-making procedures for implementing the educational process in higher education institutions in terms of the level of achievement of the set criteria and indicators.The aim of the work is the development of technology for monitoring of the educational risk based on the geoinformation approach and methods of data mining. Assessment of the educational risk can be implemented through monitoring the quality of the implementation of the main professional educational programs of the institution.Monitoring of the educational risk in the implementation of the educational process in institutions of higher education means the collection, cataloging, pre-processing, analysis and visualization of the data, aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of providing educational services. To accomplish this goal, the following methods and approaches are used: geoinformation approach, cluster analysis, probability theory, data classification methods, forecasting methods, forecasting, and data visualization technologies.The scientific and methodological aspects of the development of the methodical, informational and instrumental support of the educational risk management system in educational institutions of higher education are examined. According to the results of the work, it is revealed that the use of geoinformation technologies increases the efficiency of management by the collection automation, processing and analysis of data on the implementation of educational programs.Modern geoinformation technologies provide the opportunity to create and integrate a system that has innovative analytical functionality, and implements new effective technologies, methods and algorithms in the tasks of monitoring the educational programs. The use of

  5. Perspectives on Transnational Higher Education: A View from Cooperative Education%Perspectives on Transnational Higher Education:A View from Cooperative Education

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    MENG Jun


    The rapid development of transnational higher education among the world leaves theoretical and practical room for study on educational globalization in the age.In China,transnational higher education is mostly manifested through issues and approaches on Sino-Foreign Cooperative education,but comparatively speaking,cooperative education that is one of educational patterns has been examined and applied widely in western countries.This study offers a systematically review on transnational higher education and cooperative education specifically on its origins and practice,which demonstrate the usefulness improving development of higher education in China.

  6. La divulgation de l’origine des ressources génétiques : une contribution du droit des brevets au développement durable?


    Morin, Jean-Frédéric


    La Convention sur la diversité biologique prévoit que les avantages qui résultent de l'utilisation des ressources génétiques doivent être partagés avec les fournisseurs de ces ressources. Pour faciliter l’atteinte de cet objectif et exercer un suivi sur les transferts de ressources génétiques, un nombre croissant de pays imposent aux déposants de divulguer dans leurs demandes de brevets l’origine géographique des ressources génétiques utilisées pour développer l’invention revendiq...

  7. Polymorphismes protéique et génomique au sein des morchellaceae : mise au point d'un outil moléculaire adapté à l'étude de l'écologie du genre morchella en milieu forestier


    Wipf , Daniel


    Non disponible / Not available; Les morilles présentent une grande diversité de formes, difficiles à interpréter même pour les spécialistes. Ceci a engendré un grand nombre de classifications différentes. Par ailleurs, ces champignons présentent une grande variabilité de modes de vie, qui semblent fortement influencés par des facteurs micro-écologiques. Nous avons développé un outil moléculaire basé sur le polymorphisme de l'ADN ribosomal qui permet à la fois de clarifier la systématique ambi...

  8. Les «États point-champ» phéniciens et l’empire carthaginois dans l’espace méditerranéen (IXe-IIe siècles avant J.-C.

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    Philippe Moyen


    Full Text Available De la prospérité des cités-États phéniciennes à la disparition de l’empire carthaginois, la Méditerranée, entre le IXe et le IIe siècle, constitue un champ d’analyse privilégié pour étudier, dans la longue durée, l’évolution des «États point-champ» et mettre en évidence la diversité des modalités de territorialisation dans la production des aires géopolitiques supports de la trame évènementielle de l’Histoire.

  9. Risques sanitaires en Arctique russe


    Vaguet, Yvette


    La grande diversité géographique de l’Arctique complique l’approche globale. Néanmoins, ses habitants partagent l’expérience d’un milieu naturel extrême inscrit dans un environnement socio-économique récemment entré dans la modernité. À ce titre, l’Arctique russe présente l’originalité d’être la région circumpolaire la plus peuplée et la plus industrielle de toutes. L’article aborde dans une vision dynamique, l’équilibre homme/milieu en interrogeant trois concepts clefs autour du risque : le ...

  10. Approches sur l’historiographie du genre à Byzance


    Georges Sidéris


    Les études de genre occupent une place importante dans les études byzantines. Le rôle des femmes, des eunuques, des hommes en tant que mâles, mais aussi de la domination masculine dans la société byzantine est maintenant bien reconnu. Ces études reflètent la diversité et la spécificité de la société byzantine.Gender Studies hold an important place in Byzantine Studies. Roles of women and eunuchs as well as masculinity and male domination in the Byzantine society are now well recognized. Gende...

  11. La grenouille taureau en Sologne, de la lutte à l’éradication

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    MICHELIN, Gabriel


    Full Text Available La grenouille taureau, espèce originaire d'Amérique du Nord, a été introduite dans de nombreux pays. En Sologne, cette espèce exotique envahissante perturbe les écosystèmes colonisés et nuit à la diversité biologique de la faune autochtone. Focus sur les résultats des actions de lutte engagées depuis une dizaine d'années et présentation du programme d'éradication en cours pour optimiser les opérations d'élimination et de détection de l'espèce.

  12. Présentation de Manuela Carneiro da Cunha


    Corvol, Pierre


    Chère Collègue, Chère Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, Il y a tout juste vingt ans, la Convention de Rio sur la diversité biologique reconnaissait l’importance des savoirs autochtones dans l’économie mondiale. Reconnaissance tardive, car ces sociétés traditionnelles, même si elles ne constituent qu’un faible effectif – les indiens représentent un millième de la population au Brésil –, ont acquis des connaissances et des techniques uniques pour repérer, gérer et conserver des ressources naturelles. ...

  13. Bases chimiosensorielles du comportement alimentaire chez les poissons


    Saglio, P.


    Le comportement alimentaire, indispensable à la survie de l'individu et donc de l'espèce, occupe à ce titre une position de première importance dans la hiérarchie des comportements fondamentaux qui tous en dépendent très étroitement. Chez les poissons, cette prééminence se trouve illustrée par l'extrême diversité des supports sensoriels impliqués et des expressions comportementales qui leur sont liées. A la suite d'un certain nombre de mises en évidence neurophysiologiques et éthologiques de ...

  14. Biodiversity of the Hercynian mountains of central Europe

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    Jeník, Jan


    Full Text Available The vegetation of temperate Central Europe north of the Alps is mainly of low diversity broadleaf and conifer forest. The occurrence of three azonal habitat types: mires with their numerous microhabitats, the georelief of the karst and its deeply-cut river valleys, and ecological islands with a distinct vegetation near the tree-line of the middle-mountains causes local areas of high diversity. These high species diversity spots are the result of an interplay between physical, biotic and historical factors. A model of an anemo-orographic system with its underlying factors is described to explain the high plant and animal diversity in the corries (glacial cirques of the Hercynian mountains.

    [fr] La végétation de l'Europe Centrale tempérée au nord des Alpes nous montre surtout des forêts à de feuillues et de conifères à faible diversité. Cependant, la présence de trois types d'habitats azonaux peut produire une haute diversité au niveau local: zones humides avec leur nombreux microhabitats, reliefs karstiques et leur profonds défilés fluviaux, et enfin des îles écologiques avec une végétation particulière situées près de la limite supérieure des arbres (treeline. Ces secteurs riches en espèces peuvent s'expliquer par l'interaction des facteurs physiques, biotiques et historiques. Dans ce domaine nous proposons un système anémo-orographique avec ses facteurs inféodés qui pourrait expliquer la haute diversité animale et végétale dans les cirques glaciaires des montagnes hercyniennes. [es]Al N de los Alpes, la vegetación de la Europa Central templada está constituida fundamentalmente por bosques de baja diversidad, bien sean de hoja ancha o de coníferas. No obstante, la presencia de tres tipos de hábitats azonales aumenta la diversidad: charcos con sus numerosos microhábitats, el relieve kárstico con sus desfiladeros y las islas ecológicas con vegetación diversa cerca del límite superior del bosque en

  15. 76 FR 11765 - Education Research and Special Education Research Grant Programs; Institute of Education Sciences... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Education Research and Special Education Research Grant Programs; Institute of Education Sciences; Overview Information; Education Research and Special Education Research.... SUMMARY: The Director of the Institute of Education Sciences (Institute) announces the Institute's FY 2012...

  16. Transforming Education, Transforming Society: The Co-Construction of Critical Peace Education and Indigenous Education (United States)

    Sumida Huaman, Elizabeth


    This article seeks to contribute to the link between critical peace education and Indigenous education from an Indigenous international and comparative education perspective. The article first reviews the marginalization of critical peace education and Indigenous education. By bringing forward areas of common interest between peace education and…

  17. Pre-Service Educators' Attitudes towards Inclusive Education (United States)

    Mdikana, Andile; Ntshangase, Sibusiso; Mayekiso, Tokozile


    The inclusion of learners with special educational needs in general education is becoming more prevalent. As a result various special education researchers have begun to examine the success of inclusion, as well as the attitudes and beliefs of general educators towards the inclusion of learners with disabilities in the general education classroom.…

  18. Implementation of Inclusive Education in General Education Institutions

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    Tat'yana A. Kalashnikova


    Full Text Available Nowadays much attention is attached to the problem of inclusive education. Inclusive education of children with learning disabilities is a new strategic trend of educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, significantly addressing fundamental education. This article considers the possibility of involving the schoolchildren with learning disabilities in educational process and the necessity to secure favorable environment and support for the children with learning disabilities in accordance with the Law “On Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and State Program of Education Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011–2012.The trend of maximum possible involvement of children with special needs in common general education institutions determines the educational culture dynamics in many countries of the world. Number of European Union countries has already made drastic structural alterations, resulted in the abolition of special schools (Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Australia, USA, etc.. Children with different disabilities study in “the least restrictive environment”, in other words, whenever possible, together with peers in the environment of general education institutions [1].The goal of Kazakhstan development strategy up to 2030, involving the educational system is “to provide the development of the national educational model and its integration into international educational environment”.The priority of state program “Education” (2000–2005 “is to create conditions for efficient development of national educational model, providing access to qualitative education”. “The Concept of Kazakhstan Educational System”, the realization of which should provide: transfer from the principle of “education for life” to the principle of “lifelong education for everyone”; affordability and continuity of all educational levels; comprehensive, qualitative, competitive result-oriented education has been adopted

  19. The Uphill Battle of Performing Education Scholarship: Barriers Educators and Education Researchers Face. (United States)

    Jordan, Jaime; Coates, Wendy C; Clarke, Samuel; Runde, Daniel; Fowlkes, Emilie; Kurth, Jaqueline; Yarris, Lalena


    Educators and education researchers report that their scholarship is limited by lack of time, funding, mentorship, expertise, and reward. This study aims to evaluate these groups' perceptions regarding barriers to scholarship and potential strategies for success. Core emergency medicine (EM) educators and education researchers completed an online survey consisting of multiple-choice, 10-point Likert scale, and free-response items in 2015. Descriptive statistics were reported. We used qualitative analysis applying a thematic approach to free-response items. A total of 204 educators and 42 education researchers participated. Education researchers were highly productive: 19/42 reported more than 20 peer-reviewed education scholarship publications on their curricula vitae. In contrast, 68/197 educators reported no education publications within five years. Only a minority, 61/197 had formal research training compared to 25/42 education researchers. Barriers to performing research for both groups were lack of time, competing demands, lack of support, lack of funding, and challenges achieving scientifically rigorous methods and publication. The most common motivators identified were dissemination of knowledge, support of evidence-based practices, and promotion. Respondents advised those who seek greater education research involvement to pursue mentorship, formal research training, collaboration, and rigorous methodological standards. The most commonly cited barriers were lack of time and competing demands. Stakeholders were motivated by the desire to disseminate knowledge, support evidence-based practices, and achieve promotion. Suggested strategies for success included formal training, mentorship, and collaboration. This information may inform interventions to support educators in their scholarly pursuits and improve the overall quality of education research in EM.

  20. Education Reform and Career Education--Deja Vu. (United States)

    Stock, Barbara


    The current outcry for educational reform raises issues that have already long concerned career education. This situation gives career educators the opportunity to provide leadership in attaining common educational goals. (JB)

  1. Ethics Education in CACREP-Accredited Counselor Education Programs (United States)

    Urofsky, Robert; Sowa, Claudia


    The authors present the results of a survey investigating ethics education practices in counselor education programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs and counselor educators' beliefs regarding ethics education. Survey responses describe current curricular approaches to ethics education,…

  2. Educating Teachers for Intercultural Education (United States)

    Ermenc, Klara Skubic


    The paper begins with a short overview of the development of intercultural education and proposes a definition of interculturality in education as a pedagogical principle that guides the entire process of planning, implementing, and evaluating education at the systemic, curricular, school, and classroom levels to enable recognition and empowerment…

  3. The Uphill Battle of Performing Education Scholarship: Barriers Educators and Education Researchers Face

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    Wendy C. Coates


    Full Text Available Introduction: Educators and education researchers report that their scholarship is limited by lack of time, funding, mentorship, expertise, and reward. This study aims to evaluate these groups’ perceptions regarding barriers to scholarship and potential strategies for success. Methods: Core emergency medicine (EM educators and education researchers completed an online survey consisting of multiple-choice, 10-point Likert scale, and free-response items in 2015. Descriptive statistics were reported. We used qualitative analysis applying a thematic approach to free-response items. Results: A total of 204 educators and 42 education researchers participated. Education researchers were highly productive: 19/42 reported more than 20 peer-reviewed education scholarship publications on their curricula vitae. In contrast, 68/197 educators reported no education publications within five years. Only a minority, 61/197 had formal research training compared to 25/42 education researchers. Barriers to performing research for both groups were lack of time, competing demands, lack of support, lack of funding, and challenges achieving scientifically rigorous methods and publication. The most common motivators identified were dissemination of knowledge, support of evidence-based practices, and promotion. Respondents advised those who seek greater education research involvement to pursue mentorship, formal research training, collaboration, and rigorous methodological standards. Conclusion: The most commonly cited barriers were lack of time and competing demands. Stakeholders were motivated by the desire to disseminate knowledge, support evidence-based practices, and achieve promotion. Suggested strategies for success included formal training, mentorship, and collaboration. This information may inform interventions to support educators in their scholarly pursuits and improve the overall quality of education research in EM.

  4. Physical Education & Outdoor Education: Complementary but Discrete Disciplines (United States)

    Martin, Peter; McCullagh, John


    The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) includes Outdoor Education (OE) as a component of Physical Education (PE). Yet Outdoor Education is clearly thought of by many as a discrete discipline separate from Physical Education. Outdoor Education has a body of knowledge that differs from that of Physical…

  5. NASA Education Recommendation Report - Education Design Team 2011 (United States)

    Pengra, Trish; Stofan, James


    NASA people are passionate about their work. NASA's missions are exciting to learners of all ages. And since its creation in 1958, NASA's people have been passionate about sharing their inspiring discoveries, research and exploration with students and educators. In May 2010, NASA administration chartered an Education Design Team composed of 12 members chosen from the Office of Education, NASA's Mission Directorates and Centers for their depth of knowledge and education expertise, and directed them to evaluate the Agency's program in the context of current trends in education. By improving NASA's educational offerings, he was confident that the Agency can play a leading role in inspiring student interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as few other organizations can. Through its unique workforce, facilities, research and innovations, NASA can expand its efforts to engage underserved and underrepresented communities in science and mathematics. Through the Agency's STEM education efforts and science and exploration missions, NASA can help the United States successfully compete, prosper and be secure in the 21st century global community. After several months of intense effort, including meeting with education experts; reviewing Administration policies, congressional direction and education research; and seeking input from those passionate about education at NASA, the Education Design Team made six recommendations to improve the impact of NASA's Education Program: (1) Focus the NASA Education Program to improve its impact on areas of greatest national need (2) Identify and strategically manage NASA Education partnerships (3) Participate in National and State STEM Education policy discussions (4) Establish a structure to allow the Office of Education, Centers and Mission Directorates to implement a strategically integrated portfolio (5) Expand the charter of the Education Coordinating Committee to enable deliberate Education Program design (6


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    Full Text Available This paper focuses on the reflection on the relationship between values and methodological principles of Outdoor Education and spatial and geographical education perspectives, especially in pre-school and primary school, which relates to the age between 3 and 10 years. Outdoor Education is an educational practice that is already rooted in the philosophical thought of the 16th and the 17th centuries, from John Locke to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and in the pedagogical thought, in particular Friedrich Fröbel, and it has now a quite stable tradition in Northern Europe countries. In Italy, however, there are still few experiences and they usually do not have a systematic and structural modality, but rather a temporarily and experimentally outdoor organization. In the first part, this paper focuses on the reasons that justify a particular attention to educational paths that favour outdoors activities, providing also a definition of outdoor education and highlighting its values. It is also essential to understand that educational programs in open spaces, such as a forest or simply the schoolyard, surely offers the possibility to learn geographical situations. Therefore, the question that arises is how to finalize the best stimulus that the spatial location guarantees for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities about space and geography.

  7. Educational Reform and Educational Crisis. (United States)

    Apple, Michael W.


    Author argues that education has increasingly become dominated by economic interest that can lead not to enhancing equality but to its opposite. Important ideological shifts are occurring in what education is for and in the content and control of curriculum, with an increased emphasis on making education an economic product. Author predicts a…

  8. On the Educational Thoughts in Dewey's Democracy and Education

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    HU Zong-xia


    Dewey is a famous American educator,and his Democracy and Education is a complete and systematic theoretical sys-tem of education,so it is know as the classics education, progressive education theory of the general program.There are many de-fects and deficiencies in the education of junior middle school in our country,the pragmatism education thought in the book has a great influence on the education of junior middle school in our country,so analysis of the educational thoughts of Dewey's De-mocracy and Education,such as"child centered theory","school is society", education is"life","learn from doing"and so on,this is to improve the history education of junior high school in our country and further promote the education reform of our country has a great positive significance.

  9. [Health education, patient education and health promotion: educational methods and strategies]. (United States)

    Sandrin, Brigitte


    The purpose of this paper is to help public health actors with an interest in health promotion and health care professionals involved in therapeutic education to develop and implement an educational strategy consistent with their vision of health and health care. First, we show that the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and the French Charter for Popular Education share common values. Second, an examination of the career and work of Paulo Freire, of Ira Shor's pedagogical model and of the person-centered approach of Carl Rogers shows how the work of educational practitioners, researchers and theorists can help health professionals to implement a truly "health-promoting" or "therapeutic" educational strategy. The paper identifies a number of problems facing health care professionals who become involved in education without reflecting on the values underlying the pedagogical models they use.

  10. Rural education in brazilian education: contradictions and perspective

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    Adriana D'Agostini


    Full Text Available This work focuses on the rural education. It aimed to analyze and discuss the rural education in the Brazilian educational context, indicating its character and its importance from the 1990s in the perspective of building an education aimed at human emancipation and that contradictory it is also supported and guided by neoliberal educational policies. From the studies of production on rural education was found challenges, problems, difficulties and contradictions that permeate the attempt to create a perspective of rural education. The concept of rural education was initially developed within the Movement of Landless Workers (MST and other social movements from the political pressure and demands for the state to take over public education / field took dimension of public policy. This complex situation currently directs rural schools, a critical perspective that seeks an education beyond the capital.

  11. Postmodernism and Education Postmodernism and Education

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    Vera Helena Gomes Wielewicki


    Full Text Available How related are postmodernism and education? If we bear in mind the traditional concept of education, with sacralized institutions, like universities, imposing rules to be followed, no easy connection can be made with the postmodern moment. Fragmentation and inconsistency, ideas associated with postmodernism, do not seem to match education. Usher and Edwards are aware of the troublesome task they have settled themselves to. How related are postmodernism and education? If we bear in mind the traditional concept of education, with sacralized institutions, like universities, imposing rules to be followed, no easy connection can be made with the postmodern moment. Fragmentation and inconsistency, ideas associated with postmodernism, do not seem to match education. Usher and Edwards are aware of the troublesome task they have settled themselves to.

  12. Education(al) Research and Education Policy Making: Is Conflict Inevitable? (United States)

    Whitty, Geoff


    The relationship between research and policy and practice in education is a long-standing issue in many countries. Focusing on the UK Government, which is responsible for education in England, this paper looks at the criticisms of education research that have been made in recent years by government and related non-departmental public bodies and…

  13. 75 FR 5771 - Institute of Education Sciences; Overview Information; Education Research and Special Education... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Institute of Education Sciences; Overview Information; Education Research and Special Education Research Grant Programs; Notice Inviting Applications for New Awards for Fiscal....305D, 84.305E, 84.324A, 84.324B, and 84.324C. Summary: The Director of the Institute of Education...

  14. Flaubert lecteur de Musset relu par Louise Colet

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    Sylvain Ledda


    Full Text Available En mai 1852, Louise Colet assiste admirative à la réception de Musset à l’Académie Française. Elle relate l’épisode à Flaubert qui lui démontre la vacuité du discours du récipiendaire. Flaubert se livre dès lors à une critique de l’œuvre de Musset, mais surtout à un réquisitoire contre ses reniements. Les aléas de la vie personnelle de Louise croisent les préoccupations intellectuelles de Flaubert qui se fait juge de Musset.In May 1852 Louise Colet admiringly attended Musset’s reception at the French Academy. She recounts the episode to Flaubert who proves to her the vacuity of the recipient’s speech. Flaubert then engages in a criticism of Musset, in particular against his disavowals. The hazards of Louise’s personal life intercross with the intellectual preoccupations of Flaubert who appoints himself Musset’s judge.

  15. Aux origines de la science moderne

    CERN Document Server

    Rossi, Paolo


    Aux origines de la science moderne. " Lorsque l'on aborde l'étude d'une pensée qui n'est plus la nôtre, il est important de chercher à oublier ce que nous savons ou croyons savoir. " Pour appréhender cette période fondatrice que fut la Révolution scientifique du XVIIe siècle en Europe, Paolo Rossi nous replonge dans des atmosphères intellectuelles et des modes de pensée depuis longtemps disparus. Des secrets hermétiques aux calculs mathématiques, de la magie au magnétisme et des cabinets de curiosité aux premières académies des sciences défilent ainsi des notions et des individus qui, remis en toute simplicité dans le contexte de leur époque, retrouvent une épaisseur et un sens nouveaux. Ainsi racontée sous la forme d'une histoire des idées, l'histoire des sciences devient accessible à tous.

  16. Biography versus Fiction or the Value of Testimony in Jacobs’s and Stowe’s Narratives about Slavery (Autobiographie contre fiction ou la valeur du témoignage dans les récits d’esclavages de Jacobs et de Stowe

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    Anne Garrait-Bourrier


    Full Text Available Cette étude comparée a pour projet de souligner les différences culturelles qui existent entre deux genres littéraires de la période antebellum : les récits d’esclaves et la fiction abolitionniste. Via l’approche d’extraits de textes tirés de l’autobiographie d’Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of A Slave Girl, écrite sous le pseudonyme de Linda Brent et du roman de Harriet Beecher-Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin, nous soulignerons le témoignage historique commun qui ressort de ces deux textes. Bien que d’essence et de sources différentes, ces deux récits – celui de l’ancienne esclave et celui de l’intellectuelle blanche – offrent une image authentique de l’histoire américaine d’avant guerre civile essentielle et dénoncent le même fléau: l’esclavage.

  17. Pela liberdade intelectual: uma homenagem a Gilberto Velho (1945-2012

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    Karina Kuschnir


    Full Text Available Hommage à l'anthropologue Gilberto Velho, né en 1945, à Rio de Janeiro, et décédé à l'âge de 66 ans, d'un arrêt cardiaque chez lui, le 14 avril 2012. Pendant plus de quarante ans de travail, Gilberto Velho a publié des dizaines de textes, dirigé une centaine de thèses et mémoires, reçu divers prix et occupé des postes importants dans les institutions les plus renommées des Sciences Sociales brésiliennes. Il était professeur agrégé, Doyen du Département d'Anthropologie Sociale du Musée National de l'Université Fédérale de Rio de Janeiro et membre de l'Académie Brésilienne des Sciences. Dans cet article, on rend homage à son attachement à la liberté intellectuelle - une valeur qui illumine les interfaces de sa vie et de son oeuvre.

  18. Educating the Reflective Educator

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjorth, Mikkel; Smith, Rachel Charlotte; Iversen, Ole Sejer


    , (2) managing digital and analogue design materials and (3) balancing different modes of teaching. This paper demonstrates how a combination of design theory, in-school practice and peer-to-peer learning created a framework towards educating design educators – a framework that allowed us......Design thinking and digital technologies are increasingly introduced in education to develop children’s design literacy. This shift demands a change in teachers’ mindsets, capabilities and approaches to design and technology as well as new teaching practices. This paper reports on a research......-based master's course developed to address and study the challenges that educators experience when teaching design in K-12 classes. We investigate three aspects that we argue are crucial when developing teachers' capability to teach design literacy to children: (1) ability to navigate a complex design process...

  19. Vocational Education and the Binary Higher Education System in the Netherlands: Higher Education Symbiosis or Vocational Education Dichotomy? (United States)

    van Houten, Maarten Matheus


    The Netherlands has a binary higher education system in which academic education and higher professional education at EQF levels 5-8 co-exist. There is also secondary vocational education at EQF levels 1 up to 4. In this paper, I analyse policy documents resulting from the Bologna Process and argue that under neo-liberal conditions, higher…

  20. Using Educational Tourism in Geographical Education




    The article analyses and defines the concept of educational tourism, presents the structure of the concept and looks into the opportunities for using educational tourism in geographical education. In order to reveal such opportunities a research was carried out in the Lithuanian national and regional parks using the qualitative method of content analysis and the quantitative method of questionnaire survey. The authors of the research identified the educational excursion activities conducted i...

  1. Interface between Global Education and Multicultural Education. (United States)

    Randall, Ruth E.; And Others

    Today global education and multicultural education are vital as all countries in the world face complex issues in economic, political, and social interdependence. This paper examines the interface between global education and multicultural education as a potential answer of how to prepare students for effective participation in a culturally…

  2. Education and Culture. Routledge Research in Education (United States)

    Quinn, Jocey


    Quinn presents a radical new perspective on the interrelationships between education and culture. Rather than viewing education in isolation from major cultural debates, she demonstrates how culture shapes education and education shapes culture. Cultural perspectives and rich empirical data from a wide range of research with learners in…

  3. Elective Home Education and Special Educational Needs (United States)

    Arora, Tiny


    This paper reviews the literature on home education with reference to special educational needs (SEN). A rapid expansion in home educating families is noted. Parents present a variety of reasons for this, including those with concerns about the provision for their child's SEN. In one Local Education Authority (LEA), data were obtained through…

  4. The problem is education not ``special education'' (United States)

    Fellner, Gene


    In his article, Urban special education policy and the lived experience of stigma in a high school science classroom, Chris Hale persuasively argues that the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and subsequent special education policies have largely failed to serve special education students who are stigmatized by their deficit classification. Though classified students may be doubly stigmatized, research suggests that students of color who live in economically stressed communities are also subject to systemic educational policies that produce stigma; special education should be understood within the larger context of educational policy in the inner city. Though we cannot immediately dismantle the macro level structures that nurture stigma, I suggest pedagogies based on facilitating phenomenological awareness enacted through individual-collectively based methodologies to challenge the stigma that classified as well as non-classified students in the inner city often carry with them.

  5. Optimization of educational paths for higher education (United States)

    Tarasyev, Alexandr A.; Agarkov, Gavriil; Medvedev, Aleksandr


    In our research, we combine the theory of economic behavior and the methodology of increasing efficiency of the human capital to estimate the optimal educational paths. We provide an optimization model for higher education process to analyze possible educational paths for each rational individual. The preferences of each rational individual are compared to the best economically possible educational path. The main factor of the individual choice, which is formed by the formation of optimal educational path, deals with higher salaries level in the chosen economic sector after graduation. Another factor that influences on the economic profit is the reduction of educational costs or the possibility of the budget support for the student. The main outcome of this research consists in correction of the governmental policy of investment in human capital based on the results of educational paths optimal control.

  6. Intercultural Education and Migration: Educational Proposals

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    Pedro Ortega Ruiz


    Full Text Available This paper tackles the difficult problem that immigration poses for developed Western European societies and the need of a new model of intercultural education which puts the emphasis of educational activity not so much on “intellectual understanding” as on the acceptance and welcoming of the person who is different, on account of his/her culture or ethnic group. Educational proposals are put forward that are materialized in a change of the intercultural education model, the involvement of the family and of society in changing attitudes towards immigrants, the need not to attribute a metahistorical or essentialist meaning to cultural identity, and the restoring of an ethical and political dimension of educational activity.

  7. Integrating technology education concepts into China's educational system (United States)

    Yang, Faxian

    The problem of this study was to develop a strategy for integrating technology education concepts within the Chinese mathematics and science curricula. The researcher used a case study as the basic methodology. It included three methods for collecting data: literature review, field study in junior and senior secondary schools in America and China, and interviews with experienced educators who were familiar with the status of technology education programs in the selected countries. The data came from the following areas: Japan, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, China, and five states in the United States: Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New York. The researcher summarized each state and country's educational data, identified the advantages and disadvantages of their current technology education program, and identified the major concepts within each program. The process determined that identified concepts would be readily acceptable into the current Chinese educational system. Modernization of, industry, agriculture, science and technology, and defense have been recent objectives of the Chinese government. Therefore, Chinese understanding of technology, or technology education, became important for the country. However, traditional thought and culture curb the implementation of technology education within China's current education system. The proposed solution was to integrate technology education concepts into China's mathematics and science curricula. The purpose of the integration was to put new thoughts and methods into the current educational structure. It was concluded that the proposed model and interventions would allow Chinese educators to carry out the integration into China's education system.

  8. Ethnographies of Education: anthropological knowledge production in education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pradhan, Uma; Valentin, Karen


    This paper critically examines the situated nature of ethnography for anthropological knowledge production in education and to discuss complex educational processes and meanings within and beyond institutions of formal learning central to the field of educational anthropology. The paper extends...... ongoing debates in educational anthropology on the importance of a localized, comparative and historically grounded approach to ethnographic studies of education, thereby acknowledging the anthropology of education in plural. It adds an intersubjective dimension to this through the biographical...

  9. Reform of teacher education and teacher educator competences

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Jens

    Despite it is well known known and recognized that teacher educators’ competences play a decisive role for the education of new teachers and also for the quality of the profession as such very little research is conducted on the competences of teacher educators and their training. It is also...... an established fact that the implementation of teacher education reforms to a large extent stands and falls with the competences of the teacher educators. Not least it is of importance that teacher educators possess the kind of competences that are needed to meet the intentions of a reform. Failing teacher...... educator competences might just as well be an explanation for frequent reforms in teacher education as it can be failure of the reforms themselves. Danish teacher education was in 2012 reformed for the third time in only fifteen years, but teacher educator competences were not mapped at all during...

  10. L’argumentation rhétorique et le problème de l’auditoire complexe Rhetorical Argumentation and the Problem of the Complex Audience

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    Christopher W. Tindale


    Full Text Available La nécessité pour l’argumentateur de connaître son auditoire afin de persuader est l’un des lieux communs de la théorie de l’argumentation. Mais, en dehors du cas où l’argumentation s’adresse à soi-même ou à un interlocuteur unique, les auditoires vers lesquels nous nous tournons sont de composition complexe, et reflètent la diversité de nos identités et les différents groupes auxquels nous appartenons. Comment les argumentateurs doivent-ils faire face à une telle diversité de l’auditoire ? S’inspirant principalement des travaux de Perelman et Olbrechts-Tyteca, ainsi que de ceux d’Amartya Sen, cet article explore la manière dont divers aspects identitaires sont choisis par les auditoires, et les moyens par lesquels les argumentateurs peuvent encourager de tels choix en préalable à l’acte de persuasion lui-même.It is a commonplace of argumentation theory that an arguer needs to know her or his audience in order to be persuasive. But beyond arguments directed to oneself or to a single interlocutor, the audiences we address are complex in make-up, reflecting the diversity of our own identities and the different groups to which we belong. How should arguers accommodate such diversity within audiences? Drawing principally from the work of Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca, as well as Amartya Sen, this paper explores the ways aspects of identities are chosen by audiences, and how arguers can encourage such choices as a preliminary move to persuasion itself.

  11. Education and identity of adult educators

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    Zoran Jelenc


    Full Text Available Adult education and learning has because of its wide extensiveness and variability huge difficulties with its identity. Difficulties appear in all three spheres of identity: professional identity of adult education; societal identity of the field; and personal identity with the profession. In our contribution we list and describe difficulties in all three identity areas. Insufficient identity is a great obstacle for continuing education and further training of those who work or wish to work in adult education or they are obliged to carry out such education. They are all named ‘adult educators’ but their roles and tasks in education are different. Contents and ways of realization of programs have to be adapted to that. We recommend: modular programs for different target groups should be created from a wide list of contents; more sophisticated methods of marketing and recruiting should be used for the better realization of programs; programs should enable participants to get publicly recognized certificates and in this way current program of pedagogical-andragogical education which does not follow enough above-named difficulties of identity should be replaced; successful programs should be distributed all over Slovenia and performed in cooperation with another providers.

  12. Educational Reconstruction and Today's Teacher Education. (United States)

    Stone, Frank Andrews


    An educator reflects on preservice teachers in his class who were concerned with issues of interpersonal relations and classroom dynamics but not with socioeconomic, intercultural, and political contexts of education. Nevertheless, there were some faculty and students involved in urban schools bringing reconstructionist ideas of education for…

  13. The Role of Educational Psychology in Teacher Education: Three Challenges for Educational Psychologists (United States)

    Patrick, Helen; Anderman, Lynley H.; Bruening, Paige S.; Duffin, Lisa C.


    We argue that this is a crucial time for educational psychology as a field to refocus its attention on the evidence base for its contribution to teacher education. In revisiting the recommendations of the APA Division 15 committee charged with examining the role of educational psychology in teacher education (Anderson et al., 1995), we note…

  14. Rethinking Educational Evaluation for Quality Educational Outcomes

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Rethinking Educational Evaluation for Quality Educational Outcomes. ... Educational Evaluation (EE) provides information for action by offering invaluable knowledge in terms of theoretical and practical ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  15. Ethnographic Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Robinson, Sarah; Shumar, Wesley


    education into Higher Education discourses can be traced throughout the western world over the last two decades. Whether talking about starting businesses, often the focus for American universities, or encouraging enterprising behavior, the terms used in the UK and some parts of Europe, entrepreneurship...... education has, using models from cognitive psychology and social cognition theories from education gradually become established as a discipline in Higher Education. As educational anthropologists we are interested in exploring the parameters of this new discipline. We propose that the nature...... of this discipline lends itself to ethnography as a method for discussions about how enterprising behaviour is nurtured, supported and evolves into entrepreneurial practices through socially constructed communities. A close look at the practices of entrepreneurship educators in a Danish Higher Education institute...

  16. STEM Education (United States)

    & Development (LDRD) National Security Education Center (NSEC) Office of Science Programs Richard P Databases National Security Education Center (NSEC) Center for Nonlinear Studies Engineering Institute Scholarships STEM Education Programs Teachers (K-12) Students (K-12) Higher Education Regional Education

  17. Higher Education (United States)

    & Development (LDRD) National Security Education Center (NSEC) Office of Science Programs Richard P Databases National Security Education Center (NSEC) Center for Nonlinear Studies Engineering Institute Scholarships STEM Education Programs Teachers (K-12) Students (K-12) Higher Education Regional Education

  18. Sport, Physical Education and Educational Worth (United States)

    Bailey, Richard


    "Evaluating the relationship between physical education, sport and social inclusion", published in "Educational Review" in 2005 was concerned formally with an analysis of the potential role of sport and physical education (PE) within the social policy agenda of Blair's New Labour Government. It was also a contribution to a…

  19. Esthetic Education in Teacher Education (LEEP). (United States)

    Texas Tech Univ., Lubbock.

    The Lubbock Esthetic Education Program (LEEP) is being offered as a field-based experience which combines theory and practice. As an interdisciplinary arts-education program conducted by teams composed of arts and education faculty and graduate and undergraduate students of Texas Tech University, LEEP is concerned with developing esthetic…

  20. Is Christian Education Compatible With Science Education? (United States)

    Martin, Michael

    Science education and Christian education are not compatible if by Christian education one means teaching someone to be a Christian. One goal of science education is to give students factual knowledge. Even when there is no actual conflict of this knowledge with the dogmas of Christianity, there exists the potential for conflict. Another goal of science education is to teach students to have the propensity to be sensitive to evidence: to hold beliefs tentatively in light of evidence and to reject these beliefs in the light of new evidence if rejection is warranted by this evidence. This propensity conflicts with one way in which beliefs are often taught in Christian education: namely as fundamental dogmas, rather than as subject to revision in the light of the evidence.

  1. Early education - strategic field of the educational reform

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    Claudiu Marian Bunaiasu


    Full Text Available Nowadays, early education represents the educational area that benefits from a multitude of researches and theoretical and practical contributions, pursuant to acknowledging the necessity in order to holistically approach pre-scool pupil's development and to report to education's European dimension. The managerial approach of the early education implies strategic decisions regarding the: a plan, organization and implementation of the school curriculum, by referring to legislative documents and in the spirit of focusing activities on pre-school pupil's global development; b institutional development of pre-school educational units, regarding all functional fields and managerial activity's efficiency, for reasons related to optimal organization of the pre-school pupils' learning and development conditions. The article approaches early education issues from multiple perspectives: a theoretical, legislative and conceptual premises; b strategic orientations and finalities of the curriculum for early education; c educational management as part of the early education area. The above mentioned premises, strategies and directions represent elements that supply new reflections and points of view as part of future studies and backgrounds of some empiric researches we foresee as part of early education field.

  2. Entrepreneurship education: relationship between education and entrepreneurial activity. (United States)

    Raposo, Mário; do Paço, Arminda


    The importance of entrepreneurial activity for the economic growth of countries is now well established. The relevant literature suggests important links between education, venture creation and entrepreneurial performance, as well as between entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial activity. The primary purpose of this paper is to provide some insights about entrepreneurship education. The meaning of entrepreneurship education is explained, and the significant increase of these educational programmes is highlighted. Literature has been suggesting that the most suitable indicator to evaluate the results of entrepreneurship education is the rate of new business creation. However, some studies indicate that the results of such programmes are not immediate. Therefore, many researchers try to understand the precursors of venture creation, concluding that is necessary to carry out longitudinal studies. Based on an overview of the research published about the existing linkage of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial activity, the main topics studied by different academics are addressed. For the authors, the positive impact of entrepreneurship education puts a double challenge on governments in the future: the increased need of financial funds to support entrepreneurship education and the choice of the correct educational programme.

  3. Media-Educational Habitus of Future Educators in the Context of Education in Day-Care Centers (United States)

    Friedrichs-Liesenkötter, Henrike


    This research explores these questions: (1) How are the forms of media-educational habitus of future educators shaped? (2) What conditions influence whether or not media education is done in day-care centers? The qualitative study consists of six semi-structured interviews with media education teachers in educator training, four focus group…

  4. Legal Education, Liberal Education, and the Trivial "Artes." (United States)

    Kimball, Bruce A.


    Reviews the influence of liberal education upon legal education, studying the historical process according to which changes of emphasis within liberal education (from rhetoric to dialectic or the reverse) have been reflected in related changes in legal education. (AYC)

  5. GIS und Fernerkundung für Landschaftsmonitoring und Landschaftsplanung (United States)

    Blaschke, Thomas


    Der Beitrag beleuchtet die Rolle der Geographischen Informationsverarbeitung hinsichtlich der Aufgaben in der Umweltüberwachung. Dabei wird über etablierte "sektorale" Umweltbeobachtungssysteme (Boden, Wasser, Luft) hinaus zunehmend der Bedarf an einer integrativen Betrachtung der Landschaft deutlich, insbesondere in mittleren bis kleinen Maßstäben. Wie verändern sich ganze Landschaften in Deutschland, in Europa? Welches sind Bereiche kritischer Abnahme landschaftlicher Diversität? Wie können landschaftliche Vielfalt und Eigenart erhalten beziehungsweise deren Erhalt überwacht werden? Diese und weitere Fragen drängen sich vor allem bei der Erstellung langfristiger Szenarien der Veränderung ganzer Landschaften und in der Nachhaltigkeitsdiskussion auf.

  6. Etude rétrospective et descriptive des solutés massifs au sein du C.H.0 de Tlemcen Durant les années : 2008, 2009 et 2010


    NEGADI, Sihem; RAHMANI, Fatima Zohra; ROUANE, Fatima Zohra; SADOK, Soumya; SEBiH, Mohammed Zaka ria.


    Durant cette humble étude, plusieurs constatations ont été révélées *Les cristalloïdes prennent une place prépondérante en milieu hospitalier et la diversité des classes; Ainsi, le sérum salé 9%o est le chef de fil avec une stabilité des pourcentages de consommation d'une année à une autre et le service de néphrologie est le premier utilisateur surtout en été. Les solutés hypotoniques sont beaucoup moins utilisés que ceux isotoniques; ceci est expliqué par leur moindre effic...

  7. Mougenot Catherine, Raconter le paysage de la recherche, Préface de Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis, Paris, Quae, 2011.

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    André Micoud


    Full Text Available Que voilà un livre bien original ! La recherche dont il rend compte consiste ni plus ni moins qu’à sonder les reins et les cœurs de tous ceux là qui partagent la passion du connaître. Engagée auprès d’une large communauté de chercheurs de terrain appartenant à un spectre étendu de disciplines, et tous impliqués dans un même programme (DIVA : DIVersité biologique et Agriculture, elle a consisté à écouter ce que des chercheurs ont rarement l’occasion de confier. Ce qui veut dire qu’on ne trouv...

  8. Asie du Sud-Est : enjeu régional ou enjeu mondial ?, Hugues Tertrais

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    Laurent Gédéon


    Full Text Available Dans Asie du Sud-Est : enjeu régional ou enjeu mondial ?, Hugues Tertrais se livre à une analyse précise de la situation en Asie du sud-est au regard de la crise économique qui a secoué cette région du monde en 1997 et de ses conséquences. Soulignant la fragmentation de cet espace politique, caractérisé par sa très grande diversité culturelle et linguistique, l’auteur rappelle qu’il s’est édifié sur l’ancienne ligne de fracture entre monde chinois et puissances européennes, tout d’abord, puis...

  9. Vivre ensemble en pays d’islam : territorialisation et marquage identitaire de l’espace urbain

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    Méropi Anastassiadou-Dumont


    Full Text Available Vaste sujet, les contacts et échanges, en pays d’islam, entre populations d’appartenances religieuses différentes ont déjà fait couler beaucoup d’encre. Pourquoi revisiter ce terrain ? D’abord parce que la multiplication, au cours de ces dernières années, des études de cas, éclairant des aspects partiels appelait à une confrontation générale des avancées enregistrées par la recherche. Ensuite, parce qu’il nous a semblé utile de réunir des études rendant compte de la diversité des situations e...

  10. De la parcelle au bassin versant : quelles données pour la modélisation du transfert des pesticides ?


    Queyrel, Wilfried; Schott, Céline; Habets, Florence; Ripoche, Dominique; Launay, Marie; Tallec, Gaëlle; Ansart , P.; Blanchoud, Hélène


    La Directive Cadre sur l'Eau suppose la mise en œuvre par les pays membres de l'union européenne de la préservation ou la restauration d'une eau de "bonne qualité" pour les grandes masses d'eau. Cependant, les études réalisées sur le transfert des pesticides restent encore insuffisantes pour évaluer la vulnérabilité des eaux de surface et souterraines. La difficulté réside dans la diversité des molécules utilisées et de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques qui imposent que chaque substance acti...

  11. « Une femme en Côte d’Ivoire, une femme au Burkina Faso »


    Ruf, François


    La Côte d’Ivoire, dans sa diversité de régions de forêt et de savane, et le Burkina Faso sont historiquement liés dans la construction de l’économie de plantation villageoise ivoirienne, fondée sur le binôme « café/cacao ». La terre de la première a toujours eu besoin du travail des habitants du second. Cette rencontre entre terre et travail a pu se réaliser avec peu de capital et sans capitalistes dans la sphère de production. Les familles d’origine ivoirienne et burkinabé, en majorité des m...

  12. Mirepoix



    Identifiant de l'opération archéologique : Date de l'opération : 1987 - 1992 (SU) ; 1986 (SU) Inventeur(s) : Hygounet J.-L ; Vosgien J.-C Ce site, encore difficile à interpréter, a fait l'objet de multiples fouilles (GalliaInformations, 1989 : 72) révélant la présence de structures creuses, d'unités stratigraphiques d'habitations et de sépultures étendant son occupation sur près de huit siècles. La complexité des aménagements mis au jour, leur diversité, mais aussi les écarts chronologiques ...

  13. Evolution du génome des Streptomyces : transfert horizontal et variabilité des extrémités chromosomiques


    Choulet, Frédéric


    L'analyse et la comparaison des génomes permettent d'appréhender les forces évolutives à la base de leur dynamique et les contraintes qui s'opposent à la variabilité. Chez les bactéries, le transfert horizontal joue un rôle majeur dans leur diversification. Ce travail traite de l'évolution du génome des Streptomyces qui sont des bactéries du sol responsables de la biosynthèse d'une très grande diversité de composés actifs. Leur intérêt applicatif est considérable et touche des domaines variés...

  14. Intégration de données temps-réel issues de capteurs dans un entrepôt de données géo-décisionnel


    Mathieu, Jean


    Nous avons pu, au cours des dernières années, assister à une augmentation du nombre de capteurs utilisés pour mesurer des phénomènes de plus en plus variés. En effet, nous pouvons aujourd'hui utiliser les capteurs pour mesurer un niveau d'eau, une position (GPS), une température et même le rythme cardiaque d'un individu. La grande diversité de capteurs fait d'eux aujourd'hui des outils par excellence en matière d'acquisition de données. En parallèle à cette effervescence, les outils d'analyse...

  15. Représentations des pratiques parentales, de la maltraitance et de la protection de la jeunesse : une comparaison entre parents québécois et colombiens


    Boilard, Alexandra


    Au Canada, l’immigration est en augmentation depuis les 25 dernières années. À Québec, entre 1999 et 2008, les Colombiens ont été les plus nombreux à s’établir en tant que réfugiés. Cette augmentation de la diversité de la population n’est pas sans conséquences pour les institutions de santé publique. C’est vrai en particulier pour la protection de la jeunesse dans laquelle les familles migrantes et réfugiées sont surreprésentées. Il est par ailleurs reconnu que le processus d’acculturation e...

  16. Contribution au développement d’une nouvelle technologie de séchage solaire. Application à la mangue.


    Heilporn, Caroline


    Le séchage de denrées alimentaires est une filière clé de la transformation des aliments, tant dans nos pays que dans les pays en voie de développement. Cette opération, largement utilisée dans l’industrie agro-alimentaire, permet d’augmenter significativement la durée et la diversité d’utilisation de nombreux aliments. Néanmoins, au cours d’une opération de séchage, l’élévation de la température et l’exposition à des débits d’air importants peuvent entraîner des altérations biologiques, chim...

  17. Quelques remarques sur le nomadisme préhilalien au Maghreb (viiie-xie siècle)


    Benhima, Yassir


    Cette étude propose un aperçu de l'histoire du nomadisme au Maghreb avant le début des migrations hilaliennes au milieu du xie siècle. Ce sujet demeure peu étudié en comparaison avec le nomadisme en Afrique du Nord à l'époque antique, dont la connaissance a connu récemment un grand développement. L'examen des sources arabes du haut Moyen Âge permet de constater la diversité des termes employés pour désigner les populations nomades et leur mode de vie. Les aspects résidentiels, territoriaux et...

  18. La vision de Saint Eustathe dans la peinture post-byzantine

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    Amprazogoula Katerina


    Full Text Available (francuski L'article étudie l'évolution de la Vision de saint Eustathe dans une série de peintures murales et d'icônes portatives - allant du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle - les formules iconographiques adoptées et leurs particularités ainsi que la place et la fonction de cette image dans la peinture murale. Le matériel étudié a montré une diversité de formules iconographiques qui exploitent pour l'essentiel la tradition byzantine et orientale du sujet, en manifestant en même temps ses propres traits ainsi que l'influence des images occidentales. .

  19. ImpersoNations: National Cinema, Historical Imaginaries and New Cinema Europe


    Elsaesser, Thomas


    La question du capital culturel propre à la diversité linguistique de l’Europe reste entière. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de cet éventail de langues dans le cinéma? Les films, quand ils franchissent les frontières, sont souvent doublés. Or, comme un bon jeu d’acteur représente une symbiose très particulière entre le corps, la gestuelle, la voix et l’intonation, les amateurs de cinéma ne peuvent se passer des films tournés dans leur propre langue. A l’instar du son, qui revêt...

  20. « ImpersoNations » : cinéma national, imaginaires historiques et nouveau cinéma européen


    Elsaesser, Thomas


    La question du capital culturel propre à la diversité linguistique de l’Europe reste entière. Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de cet éventail de langues dans le cinéma ? Les films, quand ils franchissent les frontières, sont souvent doublés. Or, comme un bon jeu d’acteur représente une symbiose très particulière entre le corps, la gestuelle, la voix et l’intonation, les amateurs de cinéma ne peuvent se passer des films tournés dans leur propre langue. A l’instar du son, qui revê...

  1. Propriétés structurales et électroniques de sels de BEDT-TTF. Influence de la température et de la pression


    Guionneau , Philippe


    Les sels conducteurs organiques basés sur la molécule BEDT-TTF présentent une gamme de comportements dont la diversité s'exprime par application de contraintes de température et de pression. La connaissance des prorpriétés structurales de ces sels en tout point du diagramme de phase s'avère indispensable à la compréhension de leurs propriétés physiques. La diffraction X à très basse température et haute pression demeure encore une voie d'investigation pionnière. Nous avons étudié les comporte...

  2. Érasme, l'Europe et moi.

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    Jacques Lévy


    Full Text Available Ce film est fondé sur une double métaphore, poussée jusqu'à l'allégorie : la diversité de l'Europe comme expression de celle de l'individu, la construction européenne comme image de la construction de la personnalité. Passant un an à Barcelone dans le cadre d'échanges « Erasmus », un étudiant français découvre, en partageant un appartement avec des étudiants venus de plusieurs pays européens, l'importance de l'altérité dans la création ...

  3. Thécamoebiens muscicoles d'un mur d’enceinte du château de Neuchâtel – les protistes constituent-ils une partie négligeable de la biodiversité ou plutôt une « majorité silencieuse » ?


    Mitchell, Edward A.D.; Arnet, Thierry; Chatelain, Auriel; Derungs, Nicolas; Lara, Enrique


    L’analyse de quelques échantillons de mousses poussant sur le mur d'enceinte du château de Neuchâtel a révélé la présence de 23 taxons de thécamoebiens : dont 10 Euglyphides et 13 Arcellinides sur un total de 117 espèces recensées au total, tous groupes taxonomiques confondus. Ce total de 23 taxons est sans doute une sous-estimation compte-tenu des découvertes récentes d’une diversité inconnue d’espèces et taxons de rangs supérieurs au sein des différents groupes de protistes, y compris chez ...

  4. Jacques Krynen, Jacques Raibaut. La légitimité des juges. Actes du colloque des 29-30 octobre 2003

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    Guillaume Métairie


    Full Text Available  « Au nom du peuple français » : grandiose et lapidaire, la formule suffit-elle à légitimer l’existence et le travail des juges qui tranchent en son lieu et place ? C’est à propos de cette question, sensible et d’actualité, que le volume dont nous avons à rendre compte présente une série diversifiée de regards croisés qui font son intérêt et sa richesse. Diversité, d’abord, en ce qui concerne la nature des participants, juristes praticiens (magistrats pour la plupart ou théoriciens (universi...

  5. Using Educational Tourism in Geographical Education (United States)

    Prakapiene, Dalia; Olberkyte, Loreta


    The article analyses and defines the concept of educational tourism, presents the structure of the concept and looks into the opportunities for using educational tourism in geographical education. In order to reveal such opportunities a research was carried out in the Lithuanian national and regional parks using the qualitative method of content…


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    Edoardo Lugarini


    Full Text Available Dalla la Guida per lo sviluppo e l’attuazione di curricoli per una educazione plurilingue e interculturale del Consiglio d’Europa è possibile trarre una serie di indicazioni per disegnare un profilo professionale e, di conseguenza, una serie di indicazioni per la formazione iniziale e in servizio dell’insegnate di lingua (L1, L2, LS. In questo intervento si suggeriscono, senza alcuna pretesa di esaustività, degli indicatori relativi alle competenze professionali che l’insegnante dovrebbe possedere per poter svolgere la sua attività nella scuola italiana di oggi in considerazione dei bisogni linguistici delle nuove generazioni e degli obiettivi linguistici proposti dal Consiglio d’Europa nell’ambito delle politiche educative orientate a favorire la mobilità, una più efficace comunicazione internazionale, il rispetto dell’identità e della diversità delle culture, a sviluppare l’educazione alla cittadinanza democratica ed europea. Dalle riflessioni condotte emerge la necessità di una formazione disciplinare e didattica articolata e complessa che renda l’insegnante “professionista riflessivo” e “ricercatore sperimentale”TRAINING TEACHERS FOR MULTILINGUISTIC, INTERCULTURAL EDUCATIONFrom the Council of Europe’s Guide for the development and implementation of curricula for multilingual and intercultural education, it is possible to draw a series of explicit or implicit characteristics for teachers, and consequently, a series of indications for initial and in-service language (L1, L2, FL teacher training. This paper offers a brief view of the professional competences teachers should possess in order to carry out their roles in Italian schools considering the linguistic needs of the young generations and the language objectives set out by the Council of Europe regarding education policies that promote mobility, more effective International communication and respect for cultural identity and diversity, in an effort to

  7. Geography Education and Citizenship Education in Portugal

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    Maria Helena Esteves


    Full Text Available The contribution of geography education to citizenship education is recognized by geography educators. Still, globalization created new territories and new “borders” not always easy to cross—but they all exist and coexist giving new meanings to the idea of space appropriation. Geographical space has gained all these dimensions and can no longer be viewed in terms of its materiality. This article addresses the concept of citizenship education for Portuguese geography teachers within the multicultural nature of Portuguese society and schools. A final reference is given to the importance of cities as places of citizenship education.

  8. Innovative Educational Program: A New Edge of Education (United States)

    Chong, L. L.; Lai, M. M.; Ong, H. B.; Tan, S. H.; Lan, N. T. P.

    Quality education program is always expected in order to produce competent and knowledgeable graduate to meet the demand from the employers` market. Despite the popularized of online education, in-class education programs are still remained as the core of the mode of education in present days. This study focuses on the learning outcome of innovative education programs and assesses the competitive advantages of those degrees as perceived by the employers. To define innovation education, it is best described as an innovative way of teaching in expanding students` critical thinking skills, personal leadership and entrepreneurial skills in building a pool of knowledge workers. Present findings indicate that with better technological skills, critical thinking and strong leadership, the prospect of these graduates are believed aplenty. Nevertheless, the efforts set up by higher education to train such graduates are a vital link to the quality of the innovative education programs.

  9. Quality of higher education: organisational or educational?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zou, Yihuan; Du, Xiangyun; Rasmussen, Palle


    Based on a study of Chinese university self-evaluation reports, this paper argues that higher education institutions are trying to manage the tensions between educational and organisational quality and the increasing and worldwide concerns about quality assurance. After 30 years of dramatic...... remain an important basis for external review. In an attempt to examine the institutional understanding of quality in higher education, the authors conducted a content analysis study of 53 self-evaluation reports written by a wide range of higher education institutions in China. This study concludes...... educational reform, China has established a nationwide evaluation system for assessing its higher education institutions. This comprehensive system includes a series of procedures for both internal self-evaluation and external peer reviewing, among which self-evaluation reports prepared by each institution...

  10. Open Education as a Way for Space Education in Russia (United States)

    Malyshev, V. V.; Karp, K. A.


    low level of state financial support. As a result there is a decreasing education quality. Scientific research was always an integral part of education and an alternative way for education financial support. But today the level of such support is too low as well. High experience of Russian space education system is not useful completely. This paper shows, that at present an open education could be a new step of space education in Russia. discussed in the paper. of students per one professor and also the number of students, which pay for education. New technology based on Internet technology would provide high methodology and technical level of education. The open education guarantees training in different areas and specialties on international standard level. education process, new education technology, new equipment of education system, new ways of financial support, international cooperation in education process, new professors and staffs in education system, increasing the level of salary for staff and comfortable conditions for students are discussed at the first. free education period, both traditional and new education methods are very important on the other side. about 4-5 years. The necessity of international educational system integration has to be taken into account. The international standard request, educational courses in different languages and free market conditions have to be under consideration. The partially ready open space education is discussed also. That system can be started even today.

  11. Correctional Education as Democratic Citizenship Education (United States)

    Cantrell, Dustin


    Many educators view the process of education as transformative. This transformation is important in all classrooms, but it takes on added importance in prison classrooms. The education that inmates receive in prison can mean the difference between the doorway of freedom with a productive future and the revolving door of recidivism. For many prison…

  12. Inclusive Education in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities (United States)

    Moriña, Anabel


    Implementing the principles of inclusive education within higher education can be challenging. Inclusive education was originally developed for younger students, prior to its application within higher education. However, as more students with disabilities successfully complete their early schooling, the need to move towards inclusive practices…

  13. Content of Curriculum in Physical Education Teacher Education: Expectations of Undergraduate Physical Education Students (United States)

    Spittle, Michael; Spittle, Sharna


    This study explored the perceptions of university physical education students of the importance of physical education curriculum content areas and how those perceptions related to the reasons for course choice and motivation. Physical education degree students (n = 188) completed measures of their perceptions of physical education content areas,…

  14. Can Distance Education Increase Educational Equality? Evidence from the Expansion of Chinese Higher Education (United States)

    Li, Fengliang; Zhou, Mengying; Fan, Baolong


    Since China decided to expand its higher education, we have seen an increasing number of discussions of the relationship between educational expansion and equality. However, few studies have examined whether the expansion of distance higher education will improve educational equality among different regions. In this study, we analyzed the changes…

  15. K-12 Education (United States)

    products laboratories publications nisee b.i.p. members education FAQs links education Education Program Internships K-12 Education Contact the PEER Education Program PEER's Educational Affiliates Student Design Competition Student Leadership Council Classes and Other Educational Activities Site Map Search K-12 Education

  16. Education in Lithuania: Reviews of National Policies for Education (United States)

    OECD Publishing, 2016


    Lithuania has achieved steady expansion of participation in education, substantially widening access to early childhood education and care and tertiary education, coupling this with nearly universal participation in secondary education. However, if Lithuania's education system is to help the nation respond effectively to economic opportunities and…

  17. Sex (Education) in the City: Singapore's Sexuality Education Curriculum (United States)

    Liew, Warren Mark


    This paper examines the Singapore Ministry of Education's sexuality education curriculum in relation to two leading approaches to sex education, namely, abstinence-only-until-marriage education (AOUME) and comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). Based on competing cultural, political, and religious beliefs, the arguments between the advocates of…

  18. Physical Education in Primary Education in EU Countries

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    Črtomir Matejek


    Full Text Available The main aim of this paper is to compare the representation of physical education in primary education in the countries of European Union and to explain the effects of sports activities in child's development. For at least twenty years experts have pointed to the lack of spontaneous movement in childhood. Therefore, sports activity is suitable for maintaining good health and proper physical fitness. Physical education represents a large proportion of children's sports activities and has positive effects on a child’s holistic development. EU countries allocate physical education of children in primary school different amounts of attention. To physical education about half of European countries devote 10% of the total time of school curriculum, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia to 15%, while Ireland only 4%. These findings suggest that among EU countries, there are very large differences in the number of hours devoted to physical education and that designers of primary education in Europe perceive physical education as less important than other subjects.

  19. Education Fever and Happiness in Korean Higher Education (United States)

    Lee, Jeong-Kyu


    This article discusses relevance between education fever and happiness from the viewpoint of Korean higher education. To review this study systematically, three research questions are addressed. First, what is education fever from the viewpoint of the Korean people? Second, what are relations between education fever and happiness? Last, can…

  20. Reframing Inclusive Education: Educational Equality as Capability Equality (United States)

    Terzi, Lorella


    In this paper, I argue that rethinking questions of inclusive education in the light of the value of educational equality--specifically conceived as capability equality, or genuine opportunities to achieve educational functionings--adds some important insights to the current debate on inclusive education. First, it provides a cohesive value…

  1. Physical Education Teacher Educator's Perceptions toward and Understanding of K-12 Online Physical Education (United States)

    Daum, David N.; Woods, Amelia M.


    K-12 online physical education (OLPE) is as an educational opportunity in at least 30 states in the US (NASPE, 2006; 2010; 2012). The purpose of this study was to examine physical education teacher educators' perceptions toward and understanding of K-12 OLPE. Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory (1986) served as the theoretical framework for this…

  2. Diversité variétale de manioc sur la base des nominations ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 août 2016 ... très inégale, entrainant de fortes différences de portefeuilles variétaux entre villages et entre agriculteurs au sein de chaque site. Compte tenu des différences de portefeuilles variétaux observés, la mise en place d'une stratégie de conservation ..... Caillon S. et Lanouguère –Bruneau V. 2005 Gestion de.

  3. Etude de la diversité morphométrique de deux populations d ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Une étude biométrique a été réalisée sur des abeilles ouvrières domestiques prélevées dans 07 sites et sur 11 ruchers du Sud algérien situés dans les étages bioclimatiques aride (wilaya Laghouat) et saharien (wilaya Béchar). Sur chaque site, entre 45 et 60 abeilles ont été prélevées aléatoirement, soit un total de 567 ...

  4. Diversité variétale de manioc sur la base des nominations ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    31 août 2016 ... village, les délégués des ONGs et conseillers des chefs des villages, les épouses des chefs des villages) sont impliquées pour faciliter les rencontres avec ..... innovation for improving farmers' climate change adaptation and risk mitigation capacities : A case of Bangladesh. Journal of Agricultural. Extension ...

  5. 552 Analyse de la diversité floristique du parc national de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    , alors que la forêt ... savoir l'état exact de la végétation et de la flore. ...... différentes forêts. Lieux. Densité tige/ha Aire basale (m2/ha). Forêt classée Haut Sassandra (R32) [24]. 385. 33,8. Forêt classée Haut Sassandra (R24) [24]. 417. 29,79.

  6. diversité des pratiques d'intégration agriculture – élevage

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    BOL BI

    Dans le sud la région de Maradi, l'agriculture et l'élevage sont les deux principales activités socio-économiques qui occupent environ 95% de la population. Ces activités sont pratiquées de façon intégrée dans un contexte de très forte pression démographique (plus de 70 habitants/km²). Pour comprendre les pratiques ...

  7. Impact of On-line Education on Higher Education System


    Sreeramana Aithal; Shubhrajyotsna Aithal


    Education is the most important thing for any country to develop and prosper. Education moulds the character and intelligence of individuals. It also provides the talent and motivation to every person. The conventional education system at higher education level is analogous to brick and mortar type business system, where a student gets a systematic education from college/University by personally attending required courses regularly (Full time/part Time). However, the conventional education sy...

  8. Impact of On-line Education on Higher Education System


    Sreeramana Aithal; Shubhrajyotsna Aithal


    Education is the most important thing for any country to develop and prosper. Education moulds the character and intelligence of individuals. It also provides the talent and motivation to every person. The conventional education system at higher education level is analogous to brick and mortar type business system, where a student gets systematic education from college/University by personally attending required courses regularly (Full time/part Time). However, the conventional education syst...

  9. The Impact of a Pedagogy of Teacher Education Seminar on Educator and Future Teacher Educator Identities (United States)

    Butler, Brandon M.; Burns, Elizabeth; Frierman, Christina; Hawthorne, Katrice; Innes, Alisa; Parrott, James A.


    Educators require support as they move from classroom to higher education settings. This collaborative self-study provides insight into one such support space, a doctoral seminar titled Pedagogy of Teacher Education, and how our identities as educators and future teacher educators developed through participation in the course. Several important…

  10. "Democracy and Education": Reconstruction of and through Education (United States)

    Campbell, James


    While focusing on "Democracy and Education," James Campbell attempts in this essay to offer a synthesis of the full range of John Dewey's educational thought. Campbell explores in particular Dewey's understanding of the relationship between democracy and education by considering both his ideas on the reconstruction of education and on…

  11. Multicultural Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Ulla Ambrosius


    This paper is about ethnic minority education and builds on theories, principles and practices of multicultural education – a term we apply to summarize some of the more essential contributions in the field. First, we introduce to the background of multicultural education and the implications...... such term has for the understanding of the relation between the ‘majority’ and ‘minority’ groups. Second, key-concepts that surround and relate to multicultural education are defined, culture, ethnic minority, religion, language, diversity, integration, assimilation, inclusion- exclusion. Third, we identify...... the aims and objectives of multicultural education while the fourth section in as introduction to six essential dimensions of multicultural education. The fifth section includes examples of multicultural education and/or bilingual education from different countries in different parts of the world; Canada...

  12. Goal setting education and counseling practices of diabetes educators. (United States)

    Malemute, Charlene L; Shultz, Jill Armstrong; Ballejos, Miriam; Butkus, Sue; Early, Kathaleen Briggs


    The purpose of this study was to identify goal setting education practices used by diabetes educators working with type 2 diabetes patients. Data were collected by a mail questionnaire with 179 diabetes educators purposively selected from the 2008 American Association of Diabetes Educators membership listing. Many diabetes educators (52%) reported that more than 75% of their patients set goals for diabetes control. Independent factor patterns for the frequency of information collected from the patient for the first diabetes education session showed that educators either focused on patients' self-management practices (exercise and dietary practices, knowledge, and social impacts of diabetes) or issues with learning about self-management, such as understanding the patient's learning style and motivation for managing diabetes. Factor patterns overall showed diverse approaches to working with patients, including strategies used with patients struggling with dietary goals and the importance of tasks to complete during the first patient session. Although most educators reported practices that were largely patient centered as promoted by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and models of chronic disease management, patterns of practice suggest that diabetes educators vary considerably in how they apply education practices, especially with dietary self-management education.

  13. Sexual Education


    Býmová, Pavlína


    The subject matter of this diploma thesis "Sexual Education" is sexual education in the Czech Republic, specifically dedicated to the study of the integration of sexual education into the educational process in schools and families.

  14. E-education Essay

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    This entry is filed under Examples and tagged e-education essay sample,free education essay example,sample education essay.So many things around us have been changed by development of technology of which education can't help being an exception.Some kinds of technology have applied to education and one of produc~ is the E-education which makes us be ableto get education wherever and whenever we want to.This feature of E-education has given us many advantages.However,there is debate between online education and ordinary education due to some of concern such as technology of E-education and students responsibility for learning.Even though some problems have heen found in E-education,it could be one of best way to get good quality education and supplement ordinary education because technology which supports online education keeps developing and there are a lot of good online course which offer good qualityeducation.

  15. Perceived barriers to online education by radiologic science educators. (United States)

    Kowalczyk, Nina K


    Radiologic science programs continue to adopt the use of blended online education in their curricula, with an increase in the use of online courses since 2009. However, perceived barriers to the use of online education formats persist in the radiologic science education community. An electronic survey was conducted to explore the current status of online education in the radiologic sciences and to identify barriers to providing online courses. A random sample of 373 educators from radiography, radiation therapy, and nuclear medicine technology educational programs accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology and Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology was chosen to participate in this study. A qualitative analysis of self-identified barriers to online teaching was conducted. Three common themes emerged: information technology (IT) training and support barriers, student-related barriers, and institutional barriers. Online education is not prevalent in the radiologic sciences, in part because of the need for the clinical application of radiologic science course content, but online course activity has increased substantially in radiologic science education, and blended or hybrid course designs can effectively provide opportunities for student-centered learning. Further development is needed to increase faculty IT self-efficacy and to educate faculty regarding pedagogical methods appropriate for online course delivery. To create an excellent online learning environment, educators must move beyond technology issues and focus on providing quality educational experiences for students.

  16. Educational psychology and the effectiveness of inclusive education/mainstreaming. (United States)

    Lindsay, Geoff


    Inclusive education/mainstreaming is a key policy objective for the education of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. This paper reviews the literature on the effectiveness of inclusive education/mainstreaming. The focus is on evidence for effects in terms of child outcomes with examination also of evidence on processes that support effectiveness. The review covers a range of SEN and children from pre-school to the end of compulsory education. Following an historical review of evidence on inclusive education/mainstreaming, the core of the paper is a detailed examination of all the papers published in eight journals from the field of special education published 2001-2005 (N=1373): Journal of Special Education, Exceptional Children, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Remedial and Special Education, British Journal of Special Education, European Journal of Special Needs Education, and the International Journal of Inclusive Education. The derived categories were: comparative studies of outcomes: other outcome studies; non-comparative qualitative studies including non-experimental case studies; teacher practice and development; teacher attitudes; and the use of teaching assistants. Only 14 papers (1.0%) were identified as comparative outcome studies of children with some form of SEN. Measures used varied but included social as well as educational outcomes. Other papers included qualitative studies of inclusive practice, some of which used a non-comparative case study design while others were based on respondent's judgements, or explored process factors including teacher attitudes and the use of teaching assistants. Inclusive education/mainstreaming has been promoted on two bases: the rights of children to be included in mainstream education and the proposition that inclusive education is more effective. This review focuses on the latter issue. The evidence from this review does not

  17. Supervision Vs Education Quality in Primary Education

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    Jhoel Ruber Mota Fonseca


    Full Text Available This article has as objective to interpret the voices of teachers supervising vs quality of education in primary education, as today, supervision entails progress and improvement in the performance of the duties of teachers in the learning environment is therefore, that through this content conflicts present information to achieve changes within educational institutions towards organizational efficiency and under supplied. In it, a qualitative paradigmatic approach as a methodological foundation that allows us to interpret educational supervision through delos social actors which is made up of managers, teachers and supervisors in the context of primary education, established likewise was necessary to collect the information through direct observation technique using as an interview script whose implementation was key informants comprised of a primary teacher education, a supervisor and from this the researcher, thus achieving the corresponding analysis according to the information provided for each, which allowed the development of argumentative skills teachers, establishing rules and procedures that provide guidelines for creating answers to the problem. For with following aims determined in the investigation, vital agents that help teachers to be highly competent in their daily practice, using teaching strategies that will enable success in the classroom, whose purpose is the achievement orientation and optimization in the process of teaching and student learning. In this sense, a reflection about the role it should play the supervisor to achieve educational quality is performed, demonstrating spaces mediation, integration, participation and collaboration with respect to the performance of the master whose aim is to be efficient and effective in its educational work of the educational system.

  18. Astronomy Education: a Challenge for Contemporary Education (United States)

    Metaxa, M.


    Tales around the World give visibility to local, national and international fundamental connection that always existed between people and the night sky that means Astronomy. In this paper we discuss and analyze further the role of Astronomy Education for achieving an integrated concept of education, one that enables individuals to adapt to a rapidly changing social, economic and cultural environment, and to continue to learn throughout life. It is no longer enough to learn how to read, write and count. We also discuss and present initiatives undertaken in the context of various national, and international educational projects in Greece as best practices on how Astronomy Education can actually reinforce the Contemporary Education.


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    João Ricardo Silva


    Full Text Available In this article we discuss the idea of Education as a Freedom Practice, taking into account an emancipatory perspective of Integral Education for Higher Education. Thus, we reflect on an integral education in opposition to the hegemonic and simplistic version of an education for the market and even in opposition to that which means absorption of superior objective knowledge. The methodology used was the bibliographical research, where we sought a dynamic synthesis between Marxist authors and the colonial / postcolonial discussion. The theoretical horizon was a dialectical historical materialism, but without neglecting that knowledge is beyond the Western gaze and that science is not the only logic of valid knowledge. Given that knowledge is not only a reflection of reality, but the interpretation of this, the search for an integral education is also the search for inter-knowledge. This leads us to deacralize the university and to transform it into a place of building democratic relations. Keywords: Integral Education. Practices of freedom. Higher Education.

  20. Transformation of Correspondence Education into Distance Education

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    Marjan Velej


    Full Text Available Since 1957 the Correspondence-Education Centre Univerzum has been involved in correspondence education, which - as a matter of principle - uses the written word as a basic and predorninam medium of instruction, ensuring a two­ directional communication between the teacher and the student. Following the world-wide trends in adult education, the institution has gradually updated its teaching methods by incorporating correspondence-consulting and correspondence-seminar methods. As a result of the forceful development of new technologies and media the written word has become only one among many media of instruction, replacing the concept of correspon­ dence education with that of distance education. Although the latter hasa num­ ber of advantages, it is rather difficult to implement. ln view of its role and in the interese of its own development, the Correspondence-Education Centre Univerzum is forced to effect the transition to distance education. In order to be able to effectively adopt new methods, extensive training has been organised for the teaching staff, the results of which are encouraging. They enable us to plan further changes and improvements of our methods of instruction.

  1. Transitioning From Medical Educator to Scholarship in Medical Education. (United States)

    Darden, Alix G; DeLeon, Stephanie D


    Clinician educators spend most of their time in clinical practice, educating trainees in all types of care settings. Many are involved in formal teaching, curriculum development and learner assessment while holding educational leadership roles as well. Finding time to engage in scholarly work that can be presented and published is an academic expectation, but also a test of efficiency. Just as clinical research originates from problems related to patients, so should educational research originate from issues related to educating the next generation of doctors. Accrediting bodies challenge medical educators to be innovative while faculty already make the best use of the limited time available. One obvious solution is to turn the already existing education work into scholarly work. With forethought, planning, explicit expectations and use of the framework laid out in this article, clinical educators should be able to turn their everyday work and education challenges into scholarly work. Copyright © 2017 Southern Society for Clinical Investigation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Attitudes of teachers education centers to special education inclusion

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    Full Text Available This research aims to analyze the attitudes and perceptions towards inclusive education teacher that practices in special education centers in Andalusia. The paper has used a descriptive methodology, a total of 428 participating teachers and using data collection a semi structured questionnaire developed ad hoc. The results show how teachers of special education centers in Andalusia consider inclusive education as a pillar in education, while defining the mode of schooling in special education institutions as an educational response to students aimed at improving their quality of life and achieve greater personal independence and function in daily life activities. They also consider that the students enrolled in these schools has higher educational needs in the field of health, cognitive and social. It stands out even the existence of statistically significant differences in attitudes and perceptions of teachers as they have developed or no practical training related to the field of inclusive education during their initial training, being more favorable in the case of those without such training. Thus, we want to know the perceptions of these teachers on inclusive education to establish proposals for improvement in teacher education that lead to the development of a process of quality teaching and learning for pupils with severe and permanent disabilities.

  3. Ninth Annual "Brown" Lecture in Education Research: Black Educators as Educational Advocates in the Decades before "Brown v. Board of Education" (United States)

    Walker, Vanessa Siddle


    This research sought to extend the historical record of advocacy for Black education by exploring the role of Black educators in the decades before the "Brown v. Board of Education" decision. It addressed (a) the ways the educators were involved in advocating for Black schools and (b) the relationship of the activities to the more…

  4. Policy of Inclusive Education for Education for All in Indonesia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Asal Wahyuni Erlin Mulyadi


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to discuss the basic and essential contents of the policy of inclusive education in Indonesia. Inclusive education is the recent worldwide agenda for educational reform toward the no-discrimination in education. Regardless of any condition and circumstances, it is guaranteed that every child has the right for education, as it is also clearly highlighted in the global program of Education for All (EFA. This paper is a content and analytic review on the national policy of inclusive education towards the education for all in Indonesia, i.e the Regulation of National Ministry of Education (PERMENDIKNAS Number 70 Year 2009. Number of schools implementing the inclusive education policy has significantly increased, supported also by the province and district related regulations. However, the context of the policy of inclusive education as the major guideline for the policy implementation lead to various and even narrowed perspective on the concept of inclusion. Inclusive education is still discussed more in term of learners with disabilities only. Much progress has been made, yet it is still much left to be accomplished to achieve the fundamental and universal rights on education to all society.

  5. Decade of inclusive education in Ghana: perspectives of special educators

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    Maxwell Peprah Opoku


    Full Text Available The development of inclusive education systems has been recognized as the process for orchestrating educational quality and equity. Inclusive education systems reflect growing awareness of the imperatives of 21st century societies to make quality education available to all students. This article contributes to developing area of inclusive education by exploring the perspectives of Ghanaian special educators on the progress and achievements of inclusive education. The data in this paper emerged from case study involving special educators from two regions in Ghana. Findings show an uncoordinated attempt to pilot inclusive education across the country because of different agencies funding the project. The authors argue that there is the need for a holistic review of the programme to ground the policy within the education system of Ghana.

  6. Career education attitudes and practices of K-12 science educators (United States)

    Smith, Walter S.

    A random sample of 400 K-12 science educators who were members of the National Science Teachers Association were surveyed regarding their attitude toward and practice of career education in their science teaching. These science teachers rejected a narrowly vocational view, favoring instead a conception of career education which included self-perception, values analysis, and vocational skills objectives. The science educators affirmed the importance of career education for a student's education, asserted career education ought to be taught in their existing science courses, and expressed a willingness to do so. Fewer than one-third of the science teachers, however, reported incorporating career education at least on a weekly basis in their science lessons. The major impediment to including more career education in science teaching was seen to be their lack of knowledge of methods and materials relevant to science career education, rather than objections from students, parents, or administrators; their unwillingness; or their evaluation of career education as unimportant. Thus, in order to improve this aspect of science teaching, science teachers need more concrete information about science career education applications.

  7. An Examination of Articles in Gifted Education and Multicultural Education Journals (United States)

    Chamberlin, Scott A.


    An analysis of gifted education and multicultural education journals was performed to identify the number of multicultural education articles in gifted education journals and the number of gifted education articles in multicultural education journals. Journals reviewed were "Multicultural Education", "Multicultural Perspectives," "Urban…

  8. On Education

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    @@ In England, many children go to nursery school from the age of about three, but these schools are not compulsory. Compulsory education begins at the age of five, when children go to primary school. Primary education takes six years, then pupils go to secondary education. After six years of secondary education, pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examination. Most pupils take about eight subjects in this exam.

  9. Preparing Special Education Higher Education Faculty: The Influences of Contemporary Education Issues and Policy Recommendations (United States)

    deBettencourt, Laurie U.; Hoover, John J.; Rude, Harvey A.; Taylor, Shanon S.


    There is a well-documented need for leadership personnel who are prepared at the doctoral level to fill special education faculty positions at institutions of higher education (IHEs) and train the next generation of teachers. The intersection of continued retirements of special education faculty, shortage of well-prepared special education faculty…

  10. Non-Traditional Educational Trajectories: The Educational Aspirations and Expectations of Women Who Are Educationally Disadvantaged (United States)

    Coffield, Claudia Ditmar


    This dissertation focuses on the educational aspirations and expectations of a heterogeneous group of women who were enrolled in, or had graduated from, adult education and literacy programs in Boston, Massachusetts. The research questions guiding the inquiry are: (1) Why do educationally disadvantaged women value education--how are these values…

  11. Biodiversity and Education for Sustainable Development in Teacher Education Programmes of Four Jamaican Educational Institutions (United States)

    Collins-Figueroa, Marceline


    This article presents an account of biodiversity education in a national teacher education project in Jamaica. Four case studies are examined here. Document analyses and interviews of educators and student teachers are used to explore how biodiversity was addressed in teacher education curricula, the processes and outcomes of learning in education…

  12. Philosophy of Education and Other Educational Sciences (United States)

    Howe, Kenneth R.


    This article largely agrees with John White's characterizations of the relationships among philosophy of education, philosophy more generally, and the conventional world. It then extends what White identifies as the fundamental problem that should now be occupying philosophy of education--the irreconcilable opposition between education for…

  13. Linking health education and sustainability education in schools

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Katrine Dahl; Nordin, Lone Lindegard; Simovska, Venka


    , the focus is on transformation processes occurring on the trajectory from international policy frameworks to the national context. The chapter considers the consequences of these transformation processes for educational practices within schools in light of the current major reform of basic general education......This chapter addresses the relationships between international and national (Danish) policies regarding sustainability and health promotion which have the potential to affect school-based health education/promotion and education for sustainable development. Based on policy mapping and analysis...... in Denmark with its aims of ensuring overall school improvement, increasing pupil wellbeing and improving academic outcomes. Analysis of international policy documents, as well as of research literature in both fields, shows that school-based health education (HE) and education for sustainable development...

  14. Interactive Development of Community Education and Migrant Workers’ Continuing Education

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Ning; WANG


    Community education is an essential carrier of continuing education and plays a positive role in promoting continuing education of migrant workers. On the one hand,it can raise employment quality and labor skills of migrant workers; on the other hand,it manifests function of serving society of community education. Besides,it is also an important measure for building learning society and lifelong learning system.From the perspective of interactive development,it discusses interactive relationship between community education and migrant workers’ continuing education,analyzes their interactive mechanism,and comes up with recommendations for developing community education and migrant workers’ continuing education.

  15. STEM Education. (United States)

    Xie, Yu; Fang, Michael; Shauman, Kimberlee


    Improving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, especially for traditionally disadvantaged groups, is widely recognized as pivotal to the U.S.'s long-term economic growth and security. In this article, we review and discuss current research on STEM education in the U.S., drawing on recent research in sociology and related fields. The reviewed literature shows that different social factors affect the two major components of STEM education attainment: (1) attainment of education in general, and (2) attainment of STEM education relative to non-STEM education conditional on educational attainment. Cognitive and social psychological characteristics matter for both major components, as do structural influences at the neighborhood, school, and broader cultural levels. However, while commonly used measures of socioeconomic status (SES) predict the attainment of general education, social psychological factors are more important influences on participation and achievement in STEM versus non-STEM education. Domestically, disparities by family SES, race, and gender persist in STEM education. Internationally, American students lag behind those in some countries with less economic resources. Explanations for group disparities within the U.S. and the mediocre international ranking of US student performance require more research, a task that is best accomplished through interdisciplinary approaches.

  16. Educational testing validity and reliability in pharmacy and medical education literature. (United States)

    Hoover, Matthew J; Jung, Rose; Jacobs, David M; Peeters, Michael J


    To evaluate and compare the reliability and validity of educational testing reported in pharmacy education journals to medical education literature. Descriptions of validity evidence sources (content, construct, criterion, and reliability) were extracted from articles that reported educational testing of learners' knowledge, skills, and/or abilities. Using educational testing, the findings of 108 pharmacy education articles were compared to the findings of 198 medical education articles. For pharmacy educational testing, 14 articles (13%) reported more than 1 validity evidence source while 83 articles (77%) reported 1 validity evidence source and 11 articles (10%) did not have evidence. Among validity evidence sources, content validity was reported most frequently. Compared with pharmacy education literature, more medical education articles reported both validity and reliability (59%; particles in pharmacy education compared to medical education, validity, and reliability reporting were limited in the pharmacy education literature.

  17. Educational Leaders and Inclusive Education: Perceptions, Roles, and Responsibilities (United States)

    Romanuck Murphy, Cammy


    This three article dissertation explores educational leaders' perceptions, roles, and responsibilities associated with inclusive special education. Educational leaders include district leaders involved in the special education decision-making process, principals, and assistant principals. Article one provides a detailed literature review outlining…


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    Skaistė Kovienė


    Full Text Available Competence, psychological and material-organisational conditions determine favourable educational environment for parent education in pre-school education establishments. The aim of this research is - to identify competence conditions determining favourable educational environment for parent education in pre-school education establishment. Competence conditions, determining favourable educational environment for parent education in pre-school education establishments, which are formed of pedagogues and parents’ collaboration and parents’ communication between themselves, have been examined in the research. One of the determining factors, forming favourable educational environment for parent education is- pre-school educational establishment pedagogues, therefore both professional and personal pedagogues’ abilities were analysed to apply the most suitable communication and collaboration forms with parents in a concrete situation, to give parents pedagogical-psychological support. Standardised interview was applied for the research (for gathering empiric research data and content analysis (empiric data analysis. Parents of the children attending pre-school education establishments participated in the research. The obtained results allowed making concrete conclusions about competence conditions determining favourable environment for parent education and to identify, according to parents, the most necessary for parents’ education improvement educational environment area, – pedagogues and parents’ communication and collaboration.

  19. The spanisti music education: inconsistent educational policies

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    Reyes Marzal Raga


    Full Text Available The regulatory framework chosen by the legislator regarding the studies of the arts and music is based on a very singular educational policy. In the article below we will present some of the basics on which the teaching and qualifications of these disciplines are built, alongside with the teachers who teach them and the different options for the educational centres chosen for that purpose. Thus, we can identify the elements upon which this educational infrastructure lies, underlining the dysfunctional aspects created within the general educational system.

  20. Home Education, School, Travellers and Educational Inclusion (United States)

    D'Arcy, Kate


    The difficulties Traveller pupils experience in school are well documented. Yet those in home educating go unreported. Monk suggests this is because some groups are overlooked; that gypsies and Travellers are often not perceived as home educators. This article highlights how the move to home education is seldom a free choice for Traveller…

  1. Transforming Public Education: Cases in Education Entrepreneurship (United States)

    Childress, Stacey M., Ed.


    For nearly two decades, education entrepreneurs have been working to transform the K-12 public education system in the United States. "Social entrepreneurship" has become part of the language of a new generation of idealists, many of whom are focused on education. The nineteen cases in this book profile entrepreneurs who are pursuing…

  2. Some Outdoor Educators' Experiences of Outdoor Education (United States)

    Gunn, Terry


    The phenomenological study presented in this paper attempts to determine, from outdoor educators, what it meant for them to be teaching outdoor education in Victorian secondary schools during 2004. In 1999, Lugg and Martin surveyed Victorian secondary schools to determine the types of outdoor education programs being run, the objectives of those…

  3. Education and Development. Major Themes in Education (United States)

    McMahon, Walter, Ed.


    This series addresses the relation of education to knowledge-based growth and broader measures of development beyond growth, central features of the modern world in which education has a central role. This role includes the effects of education on pure economic growth including its effects on the creation, adaptation, and dissemination of new…


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    Ш В Тагирова


    Full Text Available The growth of academic mobility of students, professors, professionals, experts, as well as educational programs and institutions has led to the emergence of new forms of educational services in the global education market - transnational (cross-border education. International branch campuses, distance learning, joint educational programs, educational services of commercial providers are the most common types of transnational education and act as an effective tool of a national marketing strategy to promote a national education system in education global market

  5. Jung in education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gitz-Johansen, Thomas


    -Jungian inspiration are identified: Mytho-historical education, holistic education, archetypal pedagogy, educating imagination, educating different personality types, and transformative education. Finally it is suggested, that while analytical psychology may never occupy a place in the mainstream of educational......This article is a review of the influence of analytical psychology within the field of education. The influence of analytical psychology on the mainstream of educational thought and practice has never been great. However, Jung himself gave a number of lectures on education and post-Jungians have...... further explored the relevance of analytical thought in education. The article first outlines Jung’s own thoughts about education and their reception in primarily North-America and England. The second half of the article discusses the post-Jungian contributions. Six different strands of post...

  6. Tactical Decision Competency of Preservice Physical Education Teacher Education Students (United States)

    Williams, Skip M.; Coleman, Margo M.; Henninger, Mary L.; Carlson, Kristin B.


    The most recent publication of the "National Standards and Guidelines for Physical Education Teacher Education" (National Association for Sport and Physical Education [NASPE], 2009) requires physical education teacher education (PETE) programs to demonstrate that teacher candidates display both tactical knowledge and physical competence.…

  7. Neoliberal Education? Comparing "Character" and Citizenship Education in Singapore and "Civics" and Citizenship Education in Australia (United States)

    Neoh, Jia Ying


    Purpose: This paper compares citizenship education in Singapore and Australia. While discussions have been made about education and neoliberalism, few have explored the direct connections between citizenship education and neoliberalism. Approach: Though a discussion of country contexts, citizenship education policies and curriculum,…

  8. Analysis of the Concept Continuing Education in Nursing Education (United States)

    Agyepong, Edith Biamah; Okyere, Enoch Danso


    The term continuing education is extensively used throughout nursing education literature. This paper sought to re-examine the concept 'continuing education' for its meaning, relevance and appropriateness of application. The authors examined the definitions of continuing education from dictionaries, thesauruses, and current nursing education…

  9. Technological Literacy Education and Technological and Vocational Education in Taiwan (United States)

    Lee, Lung-Sheng Steven


    Technology education in Taiwan is categorized into the following two types: (1) technological literacy education (TLE)--the education for all people to become technological literates; and (2) technological specialty education (TSE)--the education for specific people to become technicians and professionals for technology-related jobs. This paper…

  10. Expanding Roles: Teacher Educators' Perspectives on Educating English Learners (United States)

    Daniel, Shannon; Peercy, Megan Madigan


    Although the underpreparation of teachers to work with English learners is a documented problem in teacher education, little research has addressed teacher educators' perspectives in guiding prospective teachers to educate English learners. This case study of one 13-month elementary certification program highlights teacher educators' efforts and…

  11. Education (United States)


    1 EDUCATION ABSTRACT United States schools are better than ever, but they are not assuring competitive advantage . Unequal access to quality...Development Network, Washington, DC Defense Logistics Agency, Corporate Planning (J-1), Ft Belvoir, VA International : Department for Education and...influencing all aspects of the US education system in an effort to improve student achievement, enhance national competitive advantage , and promote

  12. Educator Sexual Misconduct and Texas Educator Discipline Database Construction. (United States)

    Robert, Catherine E; Thompson, David P


    The purpose of this research is to describe Texas educator sexual misconduct (ESM) by examining 8 years of sanctions issued to educators (N = 1415) for either sexual misconduct or inappropriate relationships with students or minors. We first examine Texas ESM from the perspective of quality database construction and then describe the demographic characteristics of educators sanctioned for ESM between 2008 and 2016. Differences in the demographic characteristics of educators sanctioned for ESM vary according to the definition of ESM employed by the state education agency. Younger and early career educators are more likely to engage in inappropriate relationships with students or minors, whereas older and later-career teachers are more likely to engage in sexual misconduct as that term is defined by the state education agency. Over one-third of educators sanctioned for ESM were either new to the profession or new to their school district when sanctioned. Recommendations are offered for database construction, policy, and practice.

  13. [Employees health education--challenges according to the educational level]. (United States)

    Korzeniowska, Elzbieta; Puchalski, Krzysztof


    Article addresses the problem of increasing Polish employees health education effectiveness according to the differences in educational level. Research model assume that effective method of developing recommendations improving the health education will synthesise scientific findings regarding methodology of conducting such education and knowledge about needs of two target groups: low and high educated employees. Educational solutions were searched in publications related to: health education, andragogy, propaganda and direct marketing. The empirical material used to characterize two target groups came from four research (qualitative and quantitative) conducted by the National Centre for Workplace Health Promotion (Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine) in 2007-2010. Low educated employees' health education should be focused on increasing responsibility for health and strengthening their self-confidence according to the introduction of healthy lifestyle changes. To achieve these goals, important issue is to build their motivation to develop knowledge about taking care of health. In providing such information we should avoid the methods associated with school. Another important issue is creating an appropriate infrastructure and conditions facilitating the change of harmful behaviors undertaken at home and in the workplace. According to high-educated employees a challenge is to support taking health behaviors--although they are convinced it is important for their health, such behaviors are perceived as a difficult and freedom restriction. Promoting behavior change techniques, avoiding prohibitions in the educational messages and creating favorable climate for taking care of health in groups they participate are needed.

  14. Educating American Protestant Religious Educators (United States)

    Foster, Charles R.


    The voluntarism in Protestant theologies and practices has significantly shaped the education of lay and professional Protestant religious educators in networks of voluntary and academic training programs that through the years have emphasized the interdependence of pedagogical, religious/theological, and social science theories and practices.…

  15. Education for work: Reflections towards a theory of vocational education (United States)

    Corson, David J.


    By integrating aspects of a philosophy of work and a sociology of work, this article draws conclusions relevant to framing a theory of vocational education. `Education for work' is accepted in this paper as the common central meaning of the term `vocational education'. The two concepts, `education' and `work', are first examined separately: `work' is seen to include recreational and occupational work, while occupational work is seen to fall on a continuum ranging from constrained to unconstrained occupational work. `Education' and `training' are distinguished. After a discussion of the conceptual links which might be drawn between `education' and `work', recommendations are made about the aims, the place, and the curriculum of vocational education within the general institution of education.

  16. Open Educational Practices in Higher Education: Institutional Adoption and Challenges (United States)

    Murphy, Angela


    Open educational resources and open education practices have the potential to lower costs and increase participation in higher education. One hundred and ten individuals from higher education institutions around the world participated in a survey aimed at identifying the extent to which higher education institutions are currently implementing open…

  17. Science Education Research vs. Physics Education Research: A Structural Comparison (United States)

    Akarsu, Bayram


    The main goal of this article is to introduce physics education research (PER) to researchers in other fields. Topics include discussion of differences between science education research (SER) and physics education research (PER), physics educators, research design and methodology in physics education research and current research traditions and…

  18. Durkheim's Sociology of Education: Interpretations of Social Change Through Education (United States)

    Goldstein, Marc A.


    Three questions are examined: (1) Why have contemporary American educators generally ignored Durkheim's sociology of education? (2) What were Durkheim's contributions to the sociology of education as his analysis related to social change through education? and (3) What is the relationship between Durkheim's sociology of education, social change,…

  19. Distance Education in Higher Education in Latvia (United States)

    Vasilevska, Daina


    For a modern society it is common to have a new point of view about education, which changes functional role of system of education and makes it an integrative social institution. The process of globalization in all spheres of public life makes implementation of the task of continuing education of the population a necessity. The Education…

  20. Science education through informal education (United States)

    Kim, Mijung; Dopico, Eduardo


    To develop the pedagogic efficiency of informal education in science teaching, promoting a close cooperation between institutions is suggested by Monteiro, Janerine, de Carvalho, and Martins. In their article, they point out effective examples of how teachers and educators work together to develop programs and activities at informal education places such as science museums. Their study explored and discussed the viability and relevancy of school visits to museums and possibilities to enhance the connection between students' visits in informal contexts and their learning in schools. Given that students learn science by crossing the boundaries of formal and informal learning contexts, it is critical to examine ways of integrated and collaborative approach to develop scientific literacy to help students think, act and communicate as members of problem solving communities. In this forum, we suggest the importance of students' lifeworld contexts in informal learning places as continuum of Monteiro, Janerine, de Carvalho, and Martins' discussion on enhancing the effectiveness of informal learning places in science education.

  1. Early Childhood Sexuality Education: Future Educators' Attitudes and Considerations (United States)

    Brouskeli, Vasiliki; Sapountzis, Antonis


    Sexuality education is one of the most disputable health education programs as far as its inclusion in Early Childhood Education is concerned. This study was conducted in order to investigate early childhood future educators' attitudes and considerations about introducing sexuality education to their future pupils. We used a qualitative research…

  2. Do educators in initial training have stereotypes about adult education?


    Moreno-Crespo Pilar; Moreno-Fernández Olga


    The initial training that future educators receive must be prepared for the education of adults, which includes knowing the characteristics of the group and overcoming the stereotypes towards them. However, not always achieved. The purpose of this communication is to approximate the stereotypes that early educators (elementary school teachers and social educators) have about adult education. To this end, 110 students of teachers in the specialty of Primary Education and 151 of social educatio...

  3. Appreciative Education (United States)

    Bloom, Jennifer L.; Hutson, Bryant L.; He, Ye; Konkle, Erin


    Appreciative education is presented as a framework for leading higher education institutions, delivering truly student-centered services, and guiding higher education professionals' interactions with students.

  4. Conceptual Challenges for Environmental Education: Advocacy, Autonomy, Implicit Education and Values (United States)

    Schlottmann, Christopher


    "Conceptual Challenges for Environmental Education" is a critical analysis of environmental education from the perspective of educational ethics. It spells out elements of the conceptual foundations of an environmental education theory--among them implicit education, advocacy, Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, and climate…

  5. Tele-education as method of medical education. (United States)

    Masic, Izet; Pandza, Haris; Kulasin, Igor; Masic, Zlatan; Valjevac, Salih


    Development of computer networks and introduction and application of new technologies in all aspects of human activity needs to be followed by universities in their transformation on how to approach scientific, research, and education teaching curricula. Development and increased use of distance learning (DL) over the past decade have clearly shown the potential and efficiency of information technology applied in education. Use of information technology in medical education is where medical informatics takes its place as important scientific discipline which ensures benefit from IT in teaching and learning process involved. Definition of telemedicine as "use of technologies based on health care delivered on distance" covers areas such as electronic health, tele-health (eHealth), telematics, but also tele-education. Web based medical education today is offered in different forms--from online lectures, online exams, web based continuous education programs, use of electronic libraries, online medical and scientific databases etc. Department of Medical Informatics of Medical Faculty of University of Sarajevo has taken many steps to introduce distance learning in medical curricula--from organising professional--scientific events (congresses, workshop etc), organizing first tele-exam at the faculty and among first at the university, to offering online lectures and online education material at the Department's website ( Distance learning in medical education, as well as telemedicine, significantly influence health care in general and are shaping the future model of medical practice. Basic computer and networks skills must be a part of all future medical curricula. The impact of technical equipment on patient-doctor relationship must be taken into account, and doctors have to be trained and prepared for diagnosing or consulting patients by use of IT. Telemedicine requires special approach in certain medical fields--tele-consultation, tele

  6. Continuing education in physical education at school: principals and challenges for a critical education project

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Ferreira de Souza Antunes


    Full Text Available The theme of teacher's formation has gained a spotlight in academic research, especially in the context of the researches conducted in the perspective of the "researcher professor", and in the consolidation of the partnerships between universities and educational systems by promoting programs of continuing education. The Laboratory of Studies about School, Curriculum and Physical Education of the Faculty of Physical Education at the Federal University of Uberlândia (LECEF/FAEFI/UFU is constituted as a unifying space for teachers and students whose aim is the further study on issues related to school, teaching and curriculum planning for physical education as a curriculum component as well as providing space for continuing education to promote qualitative changes in teaching practice. This article presents a model of educational planning held on the curricular component of physical education, developed in a collective planning context, under an extension project offered by LECEF. We underline the principles and assumptions leading the planning process adopted. We emphasize that the collective work gives us dialogue, exchange of experience, inclination to listen, overcoming the difficulties of individualism and isolation presents in the organization and realization of pedagogical work routine.

  7. Passive Education (United States)

    Bojesen, Emile


    This paper does not present an advocacy of a passive education as opposed to an active education nor does it propose that passive education is in any way 'better' or more important than active education. Through readings of Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida and B.S. Johnson, and gentle critiques of Jacques Rancière and John Dewey, passive…

  8. Les huiles d’olive vierges françaises : évolution, état des lieux

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pinatel Christian


    Full Text Available La production française d’huiles d’olive vierges bien que très modeste (environ 5000 T par rapport à la production mondiale (0,22 %, présente une originalité et une diversité de caractéristiques notamment organoleptiques. Cette diversité se retrouve dans les huit Appellations d’Origine françaises existantes actuellement qui représentent environ 30 % de la production nationale. La production en agriculture biologique, actuellement de l’ordre de 15 %, progresse. Le suivi des indices de qualité (acidité, indice de peroxyde, absorption spécifique en UV K232 et K270, éthyl esters, analyse organoleptique montre une amélioration constante de la qualité des huiles d’olive vierges qui sont conformes aux normes internationales. Toutefois, quelques échantillons présentent des valeurs de K270> 0,22, qui ne correspondent pas à un état d’oxydation élevé mais à une forte teneur en composés phénoliques. De plus, certaines productions françaises particulières (huiles « fruité noir », huiles Corse « à l’ancienne » présentent des typicités appréciées d’une partie des consommateurs et qui méritent d’être conservées et pérennisées, malgré leur classification dévalorisante par les critères règlementaires. Les teneurs en composés phénoliques totaux varient fortement en fonction des différents types de fruités ou de type de récolte. Les profils organoleptiques standards des AOP, AOC et des principales variétés françaises sont décrits par des descripteurs analogiques.

  9. Agriculture itinérante sur brûlis (AIB et plantes cultivées sur le haut Maroni: étude comparée chez les Aluku et les Wayana en Guyane française

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marie Fleury

    Full Text Available Résumé Vers la fin du 18e siècle, les Noirs marrons Aluku, descendants d’esclaves rebelles fuyant les plantations hollandaises et les Amérindiens Wayana, arrivant du Brésil, où ils fuyaient les chasseurs d’esclaves, se sont rencontrés sur le haut Maroni, en Guyane française. Ce partage d’un même lieu de vie a été l’occasion d’échanger un grand nombre de techniques, notamment en ce qui concerne l’agriculture itinérante sur brûlis, et les plantes cultivées. Toutefois notre étude montre que le culte des ancêtres chez les Noirs marrons a modifié leur cycle cultural (via la culture du riz, influençant ainsi leur gestion de l’environnement. De même la nature et la diversité des plantes cultivées diffèrent sensiblement en fonction des usages traditionnels et habitudes culinaires des deux sociétés. Les Aluku ont sélectionné de nombreuses espèces et variétés de plantes qui leur sont propres et sont liées à leurs racines africaines. Les Amérindiens cultivent des plantes spécifiques utiles au chamanisme (tabac et à leur artisanat traditionnel. De plus, leur perception de la nature implique des pratiques cultuelles différentes notamment avant le défrichage. Cette étude illustre l’influence de la diversité culturelle sur la gestion de l’agrobiodiversité et, de manière plus générale, sur l’adaptation de l’homme à son environnement.

  10. Monitoraggio della biodiversità in relazione all’applicazione degli standard di condizionalità: 4.2c, 4.6, 4.3 (olivo

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    Claudia Corti


    Full Text Available Nel presente lavoro vengono riportati i risultati relativi ai monitoraggi della diversità faunistica per i seguenti standard: 4.2c, 4.3 (olivo, 4.6. I risultati ottenuti sono nel complesso interessanti sia dal punto di vista metodologico sia per quanto concerne gli aspetti conservazionistici e gestionali. Emerge l’importanza di utilizzare più indicatori o gruppi tassonomici che comprendano taxa ecologicamente e funzionalmente diversi per valutare la “biodiversità”. Relativamente allo sfalcio è stato osservato che una “blanda gestione” dei ritirati dalla produzione può favorire un certo incremento di biodiversità sia per quanto riguarda gli Artropodi, sia per quanto riguarda i Rettili. Risultati concordi sono stati osservati anche negli oliveti dove la gestione della vegetazione al suolo (sfalcio sembrerebbe incrementare la diversità. Tuttavia è opportuno ricordare che l’effetto monitorato, almeno nei ritirati dalla produzione, non è quello immediatamente successivo all’azione meccanica che invece provoca danni diretti e immediati alla fauna (ferimento e uccisione. Emerge con evidenza dai dati raccolti anche l’importanza della presenza, all’interno degli agro-ecosistemi, di aree a minor disturbo antropico, naturali e semi-naturali: fasce ecotonali e ripariali, ma anche bordure dei campi. Viceversa l’uniformità del paesaggio e la presenza di grandi estensioni coltivate a monocoltura rappresentano elementi sfavorevoli alla biodiversità animale. Nel monitoraggio attraverso l’utilizzo della tecnica di fototrappolaggio è emersa l’importante funzione svolta dai muretti a secco, “presenze” tipiche e diffuse nel paesaggio agricolo tradizionale del nostro territorio italiano. Per molti taxa animali detti manufatti assolvono a funzioni ecologiche diverse, quali: rifugio, aree di foraggiamento, passaggio o sosta nonché punti ottimali per la termoregolazione.

  11. Pour une vision élargie des performances de la filière ostréicole à partir d’une approche en termes de patrimoine for a broader vision of the performances of the oyster farming industry from an approach in terms of heritage

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    Audrey Rivaud


    Full Text Available Dans le but de contribuer aux réflexions relatives à l’élargissement de la notion de performance, nous entendons traiter la question de la performance d’une filière économique dans une perspective située, à la fois dans l’espace et dans le temps, en mettant en lumière la variété des éléments constitutifs de la performance d’une part et l’existence de tensions, voire de contradictions entre ces éléments d’autre part. Dès lors, nous soutenons l’idée d’une diversité de modèles de production performants et insistons sur la nécessité d’identifier des indicateurs adaptés à cette diversité. Nous nous appuyons pour cela sur les outils conceptuels développés dans le cadre de l’économie patrimoniale. Nous illustrons notre propos en nous appuyant sur le cas de la filière ostréicole dans le Bassin d’Arcachon.This article deals with the question of the performance of an industry, viewed in its relations with the space and with the time. The purpose, which contributes to the literature relating to the broadening of the performance, is to insist on the variety of constituent elements of the performance on the one hand and on the existence of contradictions between these elements on the other hand. Thus, we assume the diversity of performing production models and we stress the importance to define indicators which take into account this diversity. To this end, the tools developed within the framework of the heritage economy are used. We refer to the case study of oyster-farming industry in the Arcachon Bay (France to illustrate these points.

  12. L'introduction des agents pathogènes dans les écosystèmes aquatiques : aspects théoriques et réalités

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    BLANC G.


    Full Text Available La multiplicité des introductions ou translocations de poissons, mollusques ou crustacés s'est largement amplifiée dans les dernières décennies et s'est accompagnée de multiples introductions d'agents pathogènes dans les hydrosystèmes naturels. L'analyse de la diversité des sources de ces agents pathogènes montre que certaines voies sont encore largement sous-évaluées aujourd'hui. L'amélioration apportée aux méthodologies et aux techniques d'identification a récemment permis un progrès spectaculaire dans la traçabilité des agents pathogènes et dans l'analyse de leurs introductions. Elle apporte, en partie, les clarifications nécessaires pour tenter de faire le bilan des introductions mais pose nettement le problème du seuil de perception de l'intrus. Une revue de la littérature a permis de recenser environ une centaine d'introductions relativement récentes d'agents pathogènes dans les hydrosystèmes naturels européens. Les caractères biologiques lato sensu favorables à la naturalisation des agents pathogènes introduits sont présentés. La diversité et la non-prédictibilité des impacts consécutifs à ces introductions sont ensuite détaillées à la lumière des études de terrain et de l'écologie théorique de la relation hôte-pathogène. Un cadre conceptuel d'analyse de risque est succinctement délimité pour évaluer ces introductions et des recommandations sont proposées.

  13. Adult education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Palle; Larson, Anne; Cort, Pia

    education works well, serving relevant needs of citizens as well as the labour market and contributes to social justice. Thus policy intervention is not needed and the workings of adult education are more or less invisible (2) the Danish system of adult education confronts problems of quality......When the first round of results from the PIAAC survey was published in 2013, the media coverage in Denmark was limited and quickly focused on how to enhance learning in primary school (Cort & Larson, 2015). What could have led to an increased focus on adult education and training, thus, instead...... revealed how the interest in adult education and training was being overshadowed by a dominant focus on primary education. This apparent lack of interest for adult education and training is not a given in the international context and perhaps especially in Denmark. In the 1970’s, both UNESCO and the OECD...

  14. Moral education and values education in curriculum reform In China

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Zhu Xiaoman


    In the new curriculum reform in China,moral education and values education have been defined from the angles of the integrity and conformity of curriculum functions.Accordingly, a new education concept based on complete/integral curriculum functions is established.By discussing the essences of the curriculum,the basis of moral and values education,integrated curriculum setting in instruction structure,the presence of emotional and attitudinal goals in the subject standards,and teaching methods,this text points out that this curriculum reform looks to moral and values education in schools.The reform also emphasizes and will guarantee moral and values education in schools.Finally,the article recommends to elementary and secondary schools the studies on moral education in class conducted by the Research Institute of Moral Education of Nanjing Normal University,one of the Key Bases for Humanities and Social Sciences Research for the Ministry of Education.

  15. Exploring the Relevance of Holocaust Education for Human Rights Education (United States)

    Eckmann, Monique


    Can Holocaust education be considered a tool for human rights education? If so, to what extent? These questions elicit discussions among a wide range of educators, and interest among politicians, educational planners, and ministries in charge of memorials. At first glance the obvious answer seems to be yes; both educators and students have strong…

  16. Taxation and Revenues for Education. Education Partners Working Papers. (United States)

    Crampton, Faith; Whitney, Terry

    Funding education with property taxes has always been controversial. This paper examines taxation and the sources of revenue for education. The historical context in which tax and revenue sources have supported education in the United States is described. Also discussed are state tax-policy goals and education funding, and the embattled role of…

  17. The construction of educational and educational communities: for an articulated training and educational practice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Duarte


    Full Text Available This paper aims to reflect on the relationship between higher education institutions (universities and polytechnic institutes and intuitions of non-higher education (primary and secondary schools in the context of initial teacher training. This reflection is implicitly related to the process of supervision in initial formation, and how this contributes to the formation of teachers who reflect on their action, assuming that this practice is sustained in a praxiological knowledge simultaneously individual and collective. Taking into account this reflection, and taking into account the theoretical assumptions explored, it is intended to reflect and indicate possible problems / challenges inherent to the supervision process in the initial teacher training and to the relationship between higher education institutions and educational not higher education institutions. Based on the problems / challenges indicated, it is proposed a system / structure (Educational and Pedagogical Communities of sharing and collaboration between the different organizations that enables an integrated and integral initial teacher training that values the continuum theory and practice.

  18. STEM Education Programs (United States)

    & Development (LDRD) National Security Education Center (NSEC) Office of Science Programs Richard P Databases National Security Education Center (NSEC) Center for Nonlinear Studies Engineering Institute Scholarships STEM Education Programs Teachers (K-12) Students (K-12) Higher Education Regional Education

  19. Regional Education Partners (United States)

    & Development (LDRD) National Security Education Center (NSEC) Office of Science Programs Richard P Databases National Security Education Center (NSEC) Center for Nonlinear Studies Engineering Institute Scholarships STEM Education Programs Teachers (K-12) Students (K-12) Higher Education Regional Education

  20. Diabetes self-management education: acceptability of using trained lay educators. (United States)

    Mandalia, P K; Stone, M A; Davies, M J; Khunti, K; Carey, M E


    The use of lay people to deliver education programmes for people with chronic conditions is a potential method of addressing healthcare staff capacity and increasing the cost efficiency of delivering education. This qualitative substudy is embedded within an equivalence trial (2008-2011 including development stage). In the qualitative substudy, we aimed to elicit the views of key stakeholders (patients, educators) about using lay people to deliver education to people recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, alongside a healthcare professional educator with an equal role. In this way, we sought to explore perceptions about acceptability and also contribute to understanding the reasons underlying positive or negative quantitative findings from main trial. We conducted 27 telephone interviews with a purposive sample of patients, lay educators and healthcare professional educators involved in the main trial. Thematic analysis of transcribed data was underpinned by the constant comparative approach and structured using Framework methodology. Overall, the data suggested that the use of lay educators was acceptable to educators and patients. Perceived difference in knowledge levels between lay and healthcare professional educators did not appear to have an impact on perceived acceptability or the effectiveness of the education received. Additional themes explored were related to peer status of educators and feasibility. Some concerns were raised about lay educators with diabetes, transferring personal issues and about the impact of healthcare professional time taken up by mentoring and supporting lay educators. Positive perceptions about the use of lay educators support the positive quantitative findings from the main trial. Acceptability is an important consideration in relation to implementation of the model of delivery studied. Concerns raised within the interviews should be considered in the design of training for lay educators. ISRCTN 99350009. Published by the BMJ

  1. Factors that motivate and deter rehabilitation educators from participating in distance education. (United States)

    Edwards, Yolanda V


    The major purpose of the study was to conduct exploratory research on the motivational levels of rehabilitation educators whose programs have Comprehensive Service Personnel Development (CSPD; Department of Education grant) grants targeted toward distance education. Additionally, the study attempted to identify whether significant factors existed that would inhibit faculty participation in distance education. There were three research questions to examine: (a) Do distance educators and non-distance educators differ significantly in intrinsic motivational factors? (b) Do distance educators and non-distance educators differ significantly in extrinsic motivational factors? and (c) Do distance educators and non-distance educators differ significantly in inhibiting factors? The results showed that rehabilitation faculty with CSPD grants who are distance educators are more extrinsically motivated (such as increase in salary, monetary support for participation, job security, working conditions, technical support, and requirement by department) than non-distance educators. There were no significant differences in levels between distance educators and non-distance educators that are intrinsically motivated (scholarly pursuit, personal research tool, and job satisfaction). There was no significant difference between distance educators and non-distance educators in inhibiting factors.

  2. Education (United States)


    program) steadily declined from 15% in 1970 to 10.7% in 2001.16 Data from the National Center for Education Statistics show that the number of...academic institutions, and corporate education and training institutions. By size, it’s defined in terms of distribution of funds, facilities , and...of students entering four-year colleges and universities require some remedial education .”9 Given statistics such as these, concerns for the US

  3. Globalisation and science education: Rethinking science education reforms (United States)

    Carter, Lyn


    Like Lemke (J Res Sci Teach 38:296-316, 2001), I believe that science education has not looked enough at the impact of the changing theoretical and global landscape by which it is produced and shaped. Lemke makes a sound argument for science education to look beyond its own discourses toward those like cultural studies and politics, and to which I would add globalisation theory and relevant educational studies. Hence, in this study I draw together a range of investigations to argue that globalisation is indeed implicated in the discourses of science education, even if it remains underacknowledged and undertheorized. Establishing this relationship is important because it provides different frames of reference from which to investigate many of science education's current concerns, including those new forces that now have a direct impact on science classrooms. For example, one important question to investigate is the degree to which current science education improvement discourses are the consequences of quality research into science teaching and learning, or represent national and local responses to global economic restructuring and the imperatives of the supranational institutions that are largely beyond the control of science education. Developing globalisation as a theoretical construct to help formulate new questions and methods to examine these questions can provide science education with opportunities to expand the conceptual and analytical frameworks of much of its present and future scholarship.

  4. Special Education and General Education--Coordinated or Separated? A Study of Curriculum Planning for Pupils with Special Educational Needs (United States)

    Nilsen, Sven


    The central issue of this article is the coordination between special and general education in curriculum planning for pupils with special educational needs. The focus is on individual education plans (IEPs) in special education and work plans in general education. This is also viewed in relation to how special and general education teachers…

  5. Geography Education and Citizenship Education in Portugal


    Maria Helena Esteves


    The contribution of geography education to citizenship education is recognized by geography educators. Still, globalization created new territories and new “borders” not always easy to cross—but they all exist and coexist giving new meanings to the idea of space appropriation. Geographical space has gained all these dimensions and can no longer be viewed in terms of its materiality. This article addresses the concept o...

  6. The Extent of Educational Technology's Influence on Contemporary Educational Practices


    Kim, Bradford-Watts


    This paper investigates how advances in educational technologies have influenced contemporary educational practices.It discusses the nature of educational technology, the limitations imposed by the digital divide and other factors of uptake, and the factors leading to successful implementation of educational technologies.The extent of influence is then discussed,together with the probable implications for educational sites for the future.

  7. Educational Justice Due to More Education? Requests for a Solution Strategy (United States)

    Grümme, Bernhard


    Why does education fail to realize educational justice? Why does religious education not play a part in contributing to educational justice to some degree, as it is technically located in the logic of its handed down biblical message? On the one hand, education is socially testified as being at a crucial moment of educational justice, on the other…

  8. Childbearing impeded education more than education impeded childbearing among Norwegian women. (United States)

    Cohen, Joel E; Kravdal, Øystein; Keilman, Nico


    In most societies, women at age 39 with higher levels of education have fewer children. To understand this association, we investigated the effects of childbearing on educational attainment and the effects of education on fertility in the 1964 birth cohort of Norwegian women. Using detailed annual data from ages 17 to 39, we estimated the probabilities of an additional birth, a change in educational level, and enrollment in the coming year, conditional on fertility history, educational level, and enrollment history at the beginning of each year. A simple model reproduced a declining gradient of children ever born with increasing educational level at age 39. When a counterfactual simulation assumed no effects of childbearing on educational progression or enrollment (without changing the estimated effects of education on childbearing), the simulated number of children ever born decreased very little with increasing completed educational level, contrary to data. However, when another counterfactual simulation assumed no effects of current educational level and enrollment on childbearing (without changing the estimated effects of childbearing on education), the simulated number of children ever born decreased with increasing completed educational level nearly as much as the decrease in the data. In summary, in these Norwegian data, childbearing impeded education much more than education impeded childbearing. These results suggest that women with advanced degrees have lower completed fertility on the average principally because women who have one or more children early are more likely to leave or not enter long educational tracks and never attain a high educational level.

  9. Educators of Educators: Their Goals, Perceptions and Practices (United States)

    Ben-Peretz, Miriam; Kleeman, Sara; Reichenberg, Rivka; Shimoni, Sarah


    Teacher educators prepare future teachers, and their own professional development is essential for successful teaching and learning in schools. Our study aims at understanding teacher educators' professional development (TEPD) from the unique perspective of a group of educators who are regularly involved in planning, managing and implementing…

  10. Societe Pluraliste et Diversite des Experiences Spirituelles Chez les Jeunes Adultes: Ce Que Revele Une Enquete=Pluralistic Society and the Diversity of Spiritual Experiences among Young Adults: What One Study Revealed. (United States)

    Michaud, Claude


    Describes a study conducted at the University of Ottawa to investigate the spiritual experiences of 168 young adults enrolled in the education department in 1992-93 and the impact of those experiences on their personality development. Describes four psycho-religious profiles, including integrated (inductive), conventional (deductive), fragmented…

  11. Frontiers in Education at Japanese Institutes of Higher Education (United States)

    Akiyama, Hidenori; Teramoto, Akemi; Shimomura, Naoyuki

    Education has become more and more important in Japanese institutes of higher education. Under such circumstances, societies of the study of frontiers in education have been held since the first society at September 20, 2002. The valuable 158 presentations have been carried out during 11 societies till March, 2006. These presentations are classified according to the topics of subjects. The topics are the improvement of education methods, IT aided education, cooperation with elementary school, junior high school, high school and companies, hands-on training (manufacturing), JABEE and others. Some distinct presentations are summarized.

  12. Educational Changes to Support Advanced Practice Nursing Education. (United States)

    LeFlore, Judy L; Thomas, Patricia E


    Educational factors limit the number of advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) graduates to meet the growing workforce demands. Healthcare dynamics are necessitating a shift in how nursing education envisions, creates, and implements clinical learning opportunities. The current clinical education model in APRN programs continues to be the same as it was 45 years ago when the student numbers were much smaller. New approaches in graduate nursing education are needed to address the shortage of APRNs in primary and acute care areas. Determining competency based on the number of clinical hours can be inefficient, ineffective, and costly and limits the ability to increase capacity. Little research exists in graduate nursing education to support the effectiveness and efficiency of current hours of clinical required for nurse practitioner students. Simulation and academic-practice partnership models can offer innovative approaches to nurse practitioner education for clinical training, with the goal of producing graduates who can provide safe, quality care within the complex practice-based environment of the nation's evolving healthcare system.

  13. Introduction


    Chartier, Pierre


    De Diderot à l’Encyclopédie et à l’Idéologie, de l’opposition janséniste au carnaval des fous, le sommaire de ce n° 25 offre un bon exemple de la richesse et de la diversité des objets qui nous occupent.Jean Sgard, d’abord, interroge l’image que les Nouvelles ecclésias­tiques ont donnée de Denis Diderot, cet incrédule qui a peut-être été un temps, au collège d’Harcourt, le disciple de maîtres jansénistes. Or on ne trouve que quelques rares mentions de celui qui fut sans conteste l’un des adve...

  14. Rezension zu: Elisabeth Tuider, Martin Dannecker: Das Recht auf Vielfalt. Aufgaben und Herausforderungen sexueller Bildung. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag 2016.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcus Felix


    Full Text Available Sexuelle Bildung ist und war schon immer eine umkämpfte Disziplin der Pädagogik. Dabei ist die aktuelle Erregung um diese als Reaktion auf die fortschreitende Pluralisierung von Lebensentwürfen und die Liberalisierung von Normen und Werten zu verstehen, auf die eine diversitätsbewusste Sexualpädagogik in ihren Konzepten Bezug nimmt, die aber von ultrakonservativen, fundamentalistischen und rechtsradikalen Gruppierungen angegriffen werden. Diese Gemengelage nehmen die Autor_innen zum Anlass, um ausgewählte in der Kritik stehende Inhalte einer sexualfreundlichen Bildung zu besprechen und die Argumentationsmuster der Kritiker_innen zu verdeutlichen. Damit trägt der Band zur (Re-Kontextualisierung und Versachlichung einer hochemotionalen Auseinandersetzung über sexuelle Bildung bei.

  15. Un numéro spécial du réseau québécois de recherche en SST

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    Geneviève Baril-Gingras


    Full Text Available Bonjour à vous toutes et tous, lectrices et lecteurs de PISTES, Ce numéro spécial regroupe des articles produits à la suite du colloque organisé par le Réseau de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec, lors du congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS à Montréal, en mai 2004. Numéro spécial, tant par le nombre de contributions, que la diversité des thématiques traitées. La totalité des articles ayant été produits par des chercheurs travaillant au Québec, ce n...

  16. Le Système National des Données Biologiques, Ministère de la Science, la Technologie et l’Innovation Productive d’Argentine

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    Cristina Damborenea


    Full Text Available Introduction Appréhender la biodiversité de notre planète demeure l’un des plus grands défis auxquels les biologistes restent confrontés à l’heure actuelle. Les spécimens préservés dans les collections consacrées à l’histoire naturelle figurent parmi les sources les plus consultées pour connaître la diversité des espèces. Pendant longtemps, les informations contenues dans ces collections et l’accès à ces dernières étaient l’apanage d’experts associés à des institutions spécialisées, qui gérai...

  17. L’empreinte culturelle


    Weeks, Jeffrey


    Depuis le XVIIe siècle, lorsque, comme le formule Havelock Ellis, les voyageurs découvrirent les « mœurs et coutumes étranges » des primitifs dans le « monde nouveau et paradisiaque des Amériques », l’anthropologie a été un lieu capital en ce qui concerne les débats sur la sexualité et sa régulation, les cultures « autres » constituant « le laboratoire où nous pouvons étudier la diversité des institutions humaines ». De Rousseau aux pionniers de la sexologie, de Freud à Kinsey et au-delà, les...

  18. Approches sur l’historiographie du genre à Byzance

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    Georges Sidéris


    Full Text Available Les études de genre occupent une place importante dans les études byzantines. Le rôle des femmes, des eunuques, des hommes en tant que mâles, mais aussi de la domination masculine dans la société byzantine est maintenant bien reconnu. Ces études reflètent la diversité et la spécificité de la société byzantine.Gender Studies hold an important place in Byzantine Studies. Roles of women and eunuchs as well as masculinity and male domination in the Byzantine society are now well recognized. Gender studies in Byzantium do reflect the diversity and the specificity of this society.

  19. Introduction


    Gastineau, Bénédicte; Gubert, Flore; Robilliard, Anne-Sophie; Roubaud, François


    Située dans l’océan Indien, au sud-est des côtes africaines, Madagascar est, avec une superficie de 590 000 km2 et une population de près de 20 millions d’habitants, le cinquième plus grand État insulaire au monde. De par son relief, caractérisé par un ensemble de massifs montagneux coupant le territoire du Nord au Sud, Madagascar connaît une grande diversité de climats : équatorial et humide sur la côte est, sec et doux dans les grandes plaines de l’Ouest, et semi-désertique au Sud. Cette va...

  20. Introduction

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    Muriel Verbeeck-Boutin


    Full Text Available Version françaiseInstaurer un dialogue autant qu’une réflexion : c’est le sens de ce premier numéro de CeROArt, consacré aux Objets d’art, Oeuvres d’art. Le choix de ce thème s’est imposé en regard de la diversité des biens culturels qui s’offrent à nous, dans le cadre des disciplines qui sont les nôtres.Que garder, pourquoi garder, s’interrogeait déjà Françoise Choay dans L’allégorie du patrimoine. La question n’a pas trouvé réponse, encore, mais se fait d’autant plus cruciale que nous assis...

  1. ¿Para qué recordar* ? 

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    Jacques Maurice


    Full Text Available « Mémoire collective » est une notion à l’usage extensif, différent de part et d’autre des Pyrénées. Compte tenu de la diversité des positions des historiens, il est nécessaire de souligner que la mémoire est reconstruction du passé par un être avant tout social. Inflation mémorielle, fièvre commémorative : ces deux caractéristiques de la situation actuelle s’expliquent par une combinaison de facteurs qui modifient le rapport des sociétés européennes à leur passé. Aujourd’hui s’opère un retou...

  2. Avant-propos

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    Masha Itzhaki


    Full Text Available La production littéraire israélienne, à l’aube du XXIe siècle, se caractérise par une extraordinaire diversité thématique et stylistique qui ouvre la voie et donne de la voix à des auteurs de toutes origines, religions et couches sociales. Ce numéro de YOD comporte les actes du colloque organisé en mai 2008 à l’INALCO (Paris et à l’Université de Lille 3, qui se donnait pour objectif de célébrer le soixantième anniversaire de la littérature israélienne, mais aussi et surtout de mettre en évi...

  3. Pérez Mallaína Bueno, Pablo Emilio, Retrata de una ciudad en crísis. La sociedad limeña ante el movimiento sísmico de 1746


    Musset, Alain


    L’étude des désastres et des catastrophes dites « naturelles » occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans la littérature historique et géographique contemporaine, comme le montre la grande diversité des travaux qui portent sur la notion de risque, d’aléa et de vulnérabilité. Il serait pourtant inexact de penser qu’il a fallu attendre la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle pour passer de la notion de « risque naturel » à celle de « vulnérabilité sociale ». Si la formulation est moderne, le con...

  4. Figures et Unité de l’idée de montagne chez Alexandre von Humboldt


    Debarbieux, Bernard


    Bien que la montagne soit omniprésente dans ses écrits, Alexandre von Humboldt n’a consacré aucun de ses ouvrages en particulier à ce type de région ou de milieu. Cet essai propose d’expliciter le statut de la montagne en tant que catégorie de la connaissance dans la vision du monde qu’Humboldt a élaborée. Plus précisément, cet essai montre que derrière la diversité apparente des façons qu’il a de mobiliser la notion, il existe une cohérence d’ensemble dont il n’a jamais véritablement rendu c...

  5. Choix d'un modèle de pyrolyse ménagée du bois à l'échelle de la microparticule en vue de la modélisation macroscopique


    Rousset , Patrick; Turner , Ian; Donnot , Andre; Perre , Patrick


    Par définition la pyrolyse ménagée du bois est la décomposition physique et chimique de matières organiques sous l'action de la chaleur et en absence d'oxygène. Comprendre ce phénomène passe d'abord par l'identification des mécanismes réactionnels et la détermination des paramètres cinétiques mis en jeu lors de la dégradation thermique du bois et de ses constituants majeurs, c'est-à-dire cellulose, hémicelluloses et lignines. La richesse et la diversité des résultats issus de la littérature s...

  6. Mathematics Education and Democracy Education (United States)

    Çetin, Ömer Faruk


    Democracy is a most accepted form of government system and has a great importance for citizens by allowing them equal and active participation in common life. As its development and characteristics are important for all citizens of a country, each democratic country puts much emphasis on democracy education in its educational curricula. In recent…

  7. Citizenship Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dorf, Hans


    a key role to education in engendering European democratic citizenship. It can be questioned whether it is within the scope of educational programmes to ensure social integration and democracy. However, to clarify the perspectives of the educational issue, the article discusses the conflicts...... and relationships between cultural identity and democracy within a framework of modernity before returning to the issue of education for democratic citizenship. It is shown on the basis of empirical studies that family background interacts with school factors in the reproduction of democratic inequalities....... It is also indicated, however, that this must not be considered an unchangeable pedagogical fact, and the article briefly sketches a set of pedagogical and research challenges concerned with educating for democratic empowerment at different levels of school practice. Although this paper focuses on education...

  8. Global Citizenship Education and Human Rights Education: Are They Compatible with U.S. Civic Education? (United States)

    Fernekes, William R.


    Global citizenship education (GCE) and human rights education (HRE) offer substantive contributions to civic education. Interconnections between the fields exist in curricula from intergovernmental organizations (UNESCO), non-governmental organizations (Oxfam Great Britain) and national ministries (Learning and Teaching Scotland). This essay…


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    Galina A. Ignatyeva


    Full Text Available The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of the educational coworking as a fundamentally new form of organization of teacher’s innovative activity and relevant meaningful-activity technology of its exploration and practical implementation in the conditions of additional professional education (АPE. Methods. From the standpoint of anthropological project-transforming paradigm and reflective-positional approach the mission, content, structure and shape of the АPE, focused on the project-network and scientific-service support of innovative development of educational institutions and the formation of a new professional position of the teacher are disclosed. Based on the comparative analysis of mechanisms of coworking in economics, sociology and business education key characteristics of a model of educational co-working space are highlighted. The method of conceptual modeling of educational polypositional space of co-organization of the АPE subjects is applied. Results. The methodological framework of educational coworking is proposed and described including the problem area, realized in the project – analytical sessions; information area, based on today’s knowledge-management technologies; the project – constructor area, where the project – network nodes format is implemented to work with al-ready initiated projects and the launch of new projects; organizational area where the cultivation is carried out a viable community of implementers of innovative projects; and the main unit – media-hub – concentration and distribution center in terms of growth time, personal resources, to ensure the movement of students on individual trajectories. Scientific novelty. Essential characteristics of the educational coworking, based on its understanding as a new organizational format that integrates professional training of the teacher in accordance with the social order and its professional development in terms of individual needs and

  10. Outsiders in nursing education: cultural sensitivity in clinical education. (United States)

    Debrew, Jacqueline Kayler; Lewallen, Lynne Porter; Chun, Edna


    Cultural competence is a stated value of nursing and nursing education. However, some institutional and traditional practices in nursing education can unintentionally impede nurses from achieving cultural competence. Both the literature and interviews with nurse educators show that despite educators' intentions to treat all students the same, nontraditional students may feel singled out and may in fact be singled out for closer scrutiny because of their difference from the demographic norms of nursing students. To ensure that the nursing profession reflects the composition of the patient population it serves, nurse educators must first acknowledge the Eurocentric culture of nursing education and, then, work to change the environment in which students are recruited, learn, and take on the role of beginning practicing nurses. © 2014.

  11. Northeast Tennessee Educators' Perception of STEM Education Implementation (United States)

    Turner, Kristin Beard


    A quantitative nonexperimental survey study was developed to investigate Northeast Tennessee K-8 educators' perceptions of STEM education. This study was an examination of current perceptions of STEM education. Perceived need, current implementation practices, access to STEM resources, definition of STEM, and the current condition of STEM in…

  12. Enterprise Education in Initial Teacher Education in Ireland (United States)

    Tiernan, Peter


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of enterprise education on students' understanding of and attitudes to entrepreneurship and enterprise education in initial teacher education. Design/methodology/approach: This paper builds on current literature by introducing student teachers to the theory and practice of…

  13. Educational texts as empirical basis in qualitative research in Physical Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Svendsen, Annemari Munk

    This presentation will focus attention on educational texts as empirical basis in qualitative research in Physical Education (PE). Educational texts may be defined as all kinds of texts used in a pedagogical setting, including textbooks, popular articles, webpages and political reports (Selander......). This makes them fundamental sites for illuminating what counts as knowledge in an educational setting (Selander & Skjeldbred, 2004). This presentation will introduce a qualitative research study obtained with discourse analysis of educational texts in Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) in Denmark...... (Svendsen & Svendsen, 2014). It will present the theoretical and methodological considerations that are tied to the analysis of educational texts and discuss the qualities and challenges related to educational texts as empirical basis in qualitative research in PE. References: Apple, M. W. & Christian...



    Andrii O. Kravchenko


    This article deals with analyses of modern level of integration of distance education in Ukraine and around the world, it is performed the distance education in educational principles, perspective analyses of modern tendencies in development of language education is presented.

  15. The Significance of Physical Education Content: "Sending the Message" in Physical Education Teacher Education (United States)

    Johnson, Tyler G.


    Mind-body dualism has likely influenced how many view human beings and their behavior--mind (i.e., thinking) is elevated over body (i.e., performing)--even in Physical Education Teacher Education. The problem is that such a perspective makes physical education content (i.e., dance, games, play, and sport) subsidiary to more "intellectual" or…

  16. Civic education and religious education in the function of democratization of education in the Republic of Serbia

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    Klemenović Jasmina


    Full Text Available Starting from the socio-political context of changes that have affected the education systems of Eastern European countries, the authors summarize the specific nature of the process of democratization of education in Europe at the turn of the century. The paper analyzes the purpose of democratization of education and of introduction of Civic Education and Religious Education classes in the education system of the Republic of Serbia, observing the idea that education may serve as a generator of social changes, and stating that school is an important support pillar in promoting and accepting the values of the community, as well as in personal growth and the development of every individual. The presented theoretical concepts are supported by the summary of results of empirical studies that have been focused on the analysis of the pedagogical aspects of the implementation of teaching these subjects at the secondary level of education from the perspective of teachers, pupils and parents. Based on the insight into the topic, the authors suggest searching for a “common tangent” in Civic Education and Religious Education teaching process via an open and tolerant dialogue of participants of both subjects, which would enable the exchange of experiences, attitudes, and opinions of pupils, as well as coinciding and permeating of spiritual and democratic values as a foundation for further democratization of school in general. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179036: Pedagogical Pluralism as the Basis for Education Policy

  17. Looking Back to Move Ahead: Interprofessional Education in Dental Education. (United States)

    Hamil, Lindsey M


    Interprofessional education (IPE) is a widely recognized and critical component of dental and health professions education and is included in two of the predoctoral education standards required by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA). Following a review of the literature on the state of IPE education in U.S. dental education programs, this article revisits six institutions identified in previous research as exemplars successfully implementing IPE on their campuses. Interviews were conducted with leaders at the following programs: Columbia University, Medical University of South Carolina, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, University of Florida, University of Minnesota, and Western University of Health Sciences. Strengths and weakness of IPE in dental education are discussed, along with opportunities for the future including reducing barriers to scheduling, increasing intraprofessional education, and consistent outcomes assessment. The article concludes with lessons learned by administrators and suggestions for improving incorporation of these requirements into predoctoral dental education programs by emphasizing the importance of IPE and dentistry's role in overall health. This article was written as part of the project "Advancing Dental Education in the 21 st Century."


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    Gunseli GIRGIN


    Full Text Available Teaching profession is a strategic occupation in that it conributes to educating the adults of the future. However,depending on some stress sources related with the occupation teachers have a special risk for menthal health.Depending on literature, negative life events,loss of energy and formation of some physical discomfort is defined as?burnout sendrom?. With the belief that this group of teachers were closer to the risk of burnout because of the responsibilities they carry in relation with the needs of the special education children the aim of the study was to investigate the burnout syndrome of special education teachers in relation with their sex, age, socio-economic status, perceived support from collegues, beliefs on status of their occupation, and appreciation from their administors. The sample of this study consists of 48 special education teachers teaching at different special education institutes at Izmir. Maslach Burnout Inventory-Teacher Form and Personal Information Survey were used for gathering the data. The analysis of the data demonstrated that sex is positively related with special education teachers emotional burnout and insensitiveness level. Men have higher scores in these subdimensions. Participants from middle socio-economic status are seen to have the lowest scores in all dimensions. Participants that perceive support from collegues are seen to have significantly lower scores on emotional burnout and insensitiveness dimensions. Special education teachers who think that the status of their occupation is low in society are seen to have higher scores in emotional burnout. Beliefs about appreciation from their administors are seen to be related with burnout level of special education teachers. Participants that believed that they were not appreciated by their administrators have significantly higher scores on emotional burnout and insensitiveness subdimensions. [TAF Prev Med Bull 2005; 4(4.000: 172-187

  19. Teaching Methods in Biology Education and Sustainability Education Including Outdoor Education for Promoting Sustainability--A Literature Review (United States)

    Jeronen, Eila; Palmberg, Irmeli; Yli-Panula, Eija


    There are very few studies concerning the importance of teaching methods in biology education and environmental education including outdoor education for promoting sustainability at the levels of primary and secondary schools and pre-service teacher education. The material was selected using special keywords from biology and sustainable education…

  20. The music like scope of education. Education «through» the music and education «for» the music

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    José Manuel TOURIÑÁN LÓPEZ


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is the formation of criterion in favors of the music as scope of education. Inside the educational current system we can distinguish three areas of musical education: the musical professional training, the teacher training and general music education. It is important to maintain these distinctions for the development of the curriculum and for the identity of the competence of formation of teachers, student training and general education pupils. In order to build criteria, we will approach these questions in three paragraphs, the first one dedicated to the education «through» the music, where we develop the possibilities of music as general scope of education and as scope of general education. The following epigraph contemplates the education «for» the music, orientated to the professional and vocational development. And, finally, we come closer to music teacher training for the different educational levels.

  1. Entrepreneurship Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Robinson, Sarah; Shumar, Wesley


    A deep concern about how higher education worldwide has become more narrowly focused on the economy, on qualification and credentialing brings the focus in this paper to Entrepreneurship Education (EE) as an opportunity for purposeful education. We suggest that the present climate has produced...... a kind of legitimacy crisis in that the only knowledge that is socially valued is knowledge that is already seen to have economic value. These arguments have already been developed in literature on the commodification of the university (Shumar 1997), the market mantra of neoliberalism on education (Blum...... education is supposed to be for the good of the economy, and in addition, the individual and society may benefit. We question whether this approach to higher education under neoliberal reform is likely to stimulate individuals. From the standpoint of the individual, pursuing qualifications for credentials...


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    Irina G. Zakharova


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to study changes in the conditions of the educational process associated with the development of information and communication technologies (ICT.Methods. The main methods of the study were the analysis of scientific publications and regulatory documents, observations, interviews, surveys and questionnaires of students, the data processing, interpretation and analysis.Results. By analogy with the Web-technologies, the concept of educational context (dynamically changing conditions in which educational content is studied is introduced. Context of educational process can be understood as special conditions, which determine educational purpose; the way (technology in which the content must be submitted and will be studied; the feedback it is assumed. The features of the ICT context (conditions, arising from the use of ICT, which are characteristic of the current level of information environment are noted. It is shown that some of the negative features (the formalization of teaching materials, excessive use of the computer testing due to it’s simplicity, the easiness of obtaining information, etc., have been manifested in the education to a greater extent than the features, which can enrich the educational process (multimedia, computer modeling, communications. The results of tests and interviews with undergraduates and high school students have showed that the vast majority of students actively using ICT couldn’t explain the principle of the computer operations, the organization of the Internet or social networks, the search algorithms, etc. However, they are not interested in these issues. Teachers promote superficial approach using ICT only for office work and testing. The importance of the teacher’s role in the ICT context creation achieving adequate quality of education is proved.Scientific novelty and practical significance. The research results can be used while developing basic educational programs of

  3. Educational Resilience as a Quadripartite Responsibility: Indigenous Peoples Participating in Higher Education via Distance Education (United States)

    Willems, Julie


    Considerations of educational resilience are often linked to student participation, retention, and outcomes in distance higher education, in spite of adversity, equity issues, or "invisible fences" that students may face. This paper further develops the quadripartite model of educational resilience (Willems, 2010; Willems & Reupert,…

  4. Teacher Educators' Perceptions and Practices Pertaining to Multicultural Teacher Education. (United States)

    Burcalow, Janet V.

    This study focuses on three questions: (1) What are the perceptions of teacher educators regarding five education approaches titled: "Educational Equality,""Cultural Understanding,""Individual Development,""Power Parity," and "Bilingual/Bicultural Education"? (2) Do variables such as age, race, gender, or professional responsibilities affect the…

  5. Educations in Ethnic Violence: Identity, Educational Bubbles, and Resource Mobilization (United States)

    Lange, Matthew


    In "Educations in Ethnic Violence", Matthew Lange explores the effects education has on ethnic violence. Lange contradicts the widely-held belief that education promotes peace and tolerance. Rather, Lange finds that education commonly contributes to aggression, especially in environments with ethnic divisions, limited resources, and…

  6. Teacher Educators' Views on Inclusive Education and Teacher Preparation in Ghana (United States)

    Nketsia, William; Saloviita, Timo; Gyimah, Emmanuel Kofi


    The crucial role of initial teacher education programmes and teacher educators in preparing effective inclusive practitioners has been universally acknowledged. This study explored the attitudes of 125 teacher educators from four colleges of education towards inclusive education, their views and concerns about teacher preparation and the…

  7. Inclusive Special Education: Development of a New Theory for the Education of Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (United States)

    Hornby, Garry


    Inclusive education and special education are based on different philosophies and provide alternative views of education for children with special educational needs and disabilities. They are increasingly regarded as diametrically opposed in their approaches. This article presents a theory of "inclusive special education" that comprises…

  8. Marx and Education: Working with the Revolutionary Educator (United States)

    Banfield, Grant


    This paper positions education as productive work, i.e. radical labour. It argues that education is a deliberate and conscious process directed to the building of human capacities to labour for socialist transformation. In drawing on the intellectual resources left by Marx the objective of education is the production of the "revolutionary…

  9. Quality education imperatives for inclusive basic education: Moving ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Although quality education is central to both international and national education debates and practices in most countries, there is a reluctance and lack of urgency in providing it for all. There are disparities in the policies, equity and provisioning strategies of basic education for all learners. Most South American and South ...

  10. Education and childlessness: The relationship between educational field, educational level, and childlessness among Swedish women born in 1955-59

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    Gerda Neyer


    Full Text Available In this paper we extend the concept of educational attainment to cover the field of education taken in addition to the conventional level of education attained. Our empirical investigation uses register records containing childbearing and educational histories of an entire cohort of women born in Sweden (about a quarter-million individuals. This allows us to operate with a high number of educational field-and-level combinations (some sixty in all. It turns out that the field of education serves as an indicator of a woman's potential reproductive behavior better than the mere level attained. We discover that in each field permanent childlessness increases some with the educational level, but that the field itself is the more important. In general, we find that women educated for jobs in teaching and health care are in a class of their own, with much lower permanent childlessness at each educational level than in any other major grouping. Women educated in arts and humanities or for religious occupations have unusually high fractions permanently childless. Our results cast doubt on the assumption that higher education per se must result in higher childlessness. In our opinion, several factors intrinsic and extrinsic to an educational system (such as its flexibility, its gender structure, and the manner in which education is hooked up to the labor market may influence the relationship between education and childlessness, and we would not expect a simple, unidirectional relationship.

  11. Continuing education for Physical Education teachers: Assistive Technology in inclusive education

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    Maria Luiza Salzani Fiorini


    Full Text Available This study aimed at describing the development of continuing education for physical education teachers towards the incorporation of Assistive Technology and the creation of favorable conditions to an inclusive school. The methodology employed was reflective and collaborative research. Two teachers who were facing difficulties to include a physically disabled student and one student with global developmental delay took part in the study. The continuing education plan comprised three steps: 1 reflecting on their own practice after watching a video and planning one lesson, together with the researcher, seeking to incorporate Assistive Technology and favor inclusion; 2 videoing the lesson; 3 evaluating and reflecting on what was planned and what was executed and planning a new lesson. Some factors were seen to be essential to the development of continuing education: considering the teacher’s demand, developing collaborative work, promoting reflection on the practices and having Assistive Technology as a support to the human element.

  12. Looking at sexual education in pre-school education

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    Estrella García Quintero


    Full Text Available The paper provides the framework supporting the training of educative agents to influence upon sexual education of boys and girls in pre-school age as a way to attain high quality standard in the education. These rationale starts from the assumption that it is possible to favor the training process of educative agents on the topic by means of integrating actions with a gender centered approach. The proposal is the result of a thorough study based on the socio-historical cultural approach resulting from the doctoral dissertation already presented by the first authoress. At the same time, these results contribute to the research project “Training the family for the intellectual stimulus of pre-school children. Additionally it offers the stages of sexual education at pre-school age.

  13. Educational Leadership

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moos, Lejf


    Educational leadership is different from other kinds of leadership, e.g. in leading production or service enterprises or public service institutions ? because educational leaders cannot choose their leadership style. I shall argue that educational leadership must be seen from the perspective...

  14. Redirecting Educational Priorities. (United States)

    Lourie, Sylvain

    Few nations can claim that education is not a source of conflict. Although education alone cannot overcome all social evils, two problems can be attacked through a redirection of educational policies. The problems of illiteracy and of providing a basic education to all are the objectives of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural…

  15. Education for Survival. (United States)

    Allen, James E., Jr.

    In this address, James E. Allen, Jr., Assistant Secretary for Education and U.S. Commissioner of Education, discusses the relationship of education to the problem of ecological destruction. He states that the solutions to the problems of air, water, and soil pollution may be found in redirected education. This "education for survival" can serve to…

  16. An Argument for Love in Intercultural Education for Teacher Education (United States)

    Lanas, Maija


    This paper proposes rethinking intercultural education in teacher education, arguing that any discussion of student teachers' intercultural education should be connected more explicitly to a theoretical conceptualisation of love. The first part of the paper focuses on identifying discursive boundaries in engaging with intercultural education in…

  17. What Unites Us All: Establishing Special Education Teacher Education Universals (United States)

    Darling, Sharon M.; Dukes, Charles; Hall, Kalynn


    The theoretical base that supports human universals served as a model for proposing special education teacher education universals. The human universals model is explained and put forth as a basis for identifying special education teacher education universals. Twenty-four English language journals from different countries representing four…

  18. The Right to Education Index: An Education Innovation (United States)

    Krupar, Allyson


    A fundamental principle of Education Diplomacy is that education is a human right central to the attainment of all other human rights. Monitoring and advocacy tools such as the Right to Education Index serve to mobilize national partnerships to hold governments to account for all children's enrollment in school and enjoyment of the right to…

  19. Peer Education from the Perspective of Peer Educators (United States)

    Karaca, Aysel; Akkus, Dilek; Sener, Dilek Konuk


    Peer educators (PEs) have a significant role in providing education on various health issues like smoking, alcohol, and other substance use. This study aimed to determine the experiences and opinions of PEs regarding a peer education program. Using the qualitative research method, data were collected from the study sample, which consisted of 23…

  20. Gender, Educational Theory and Educational Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borgnakke, Karen


    The article gives an overview of research in gender and adult education and discusses the different approaches and strategies in critical research......The article gives an overview of research in gender and adult education and discusses the different approaches and strategies in critical research...

  1. Mexico's Federal Education Law of 1973; Its Implications for Nonformal Education. (United States)

    Dobson-Ingram, John R. A.

    An evolutionary step in Mexico's nonformal educational development, the Federal Education Law of 1973 was ratified by the President in December 1973. This law covers the purpose of education in Mexico, the national system of education, distribution of responsibilities for education, programs of study, rights and obligations of institutions,…

  2. Foundations of Distance Education. Third Edition. Routledge Studies in Distance Education. (United States)

    Keegan, Desmond

    This text gives an overview of distance education for students, administrators, and practitioners in distance education. Chapter 1 discusses the study of distance education. Chapter 2 analyzes forms of nonconventional education (open, nontraditional) that may have similarities to distance education but are not to be identified with it. Chapter 3…


    Ministry of Education, New Delhi (India).


  4. The Ferris Educational Mission: A Continuing Study by the Ferris Educational Planning Committee, Part II: Continuing Education. (United States)

    Ferris State Coll., Big Rapids, MI.

    This document, the second of a two-part study, focuses on the area of continuing and adult education at Ferris State College (FSC), Michigan. An overview of the status of adult and continuing education and recommendations are provided by the schools of allied health, business, general education, education, pharmacy, technical and applied arts, and…

  5. Media education in the subject of civic education (design worksheets)


    ZIFČÁKOVÁ, Monika


    This bachelor thesis deals with Media education and its participation in subject called Citizenship education, which is taught in the form of worksheets at elementary school. The main aim of the thesis is to create worksheets to the subject of Media education. The worksheets should contribute to develop knowledge and skills in the field of Media education. Topics for worksheets are chosen in appropriate form, so they can be taught in Citizenship education at elementary school. The topics are ...

  6. Interprofessional education: Partnerships in the educational proc. (United States)

    Bressler, Toby; Persico, Lori


    The curriculum for healthcare professionals is primarily dictated by the demands of the specific discipline. Detailed curricula are essential to develop professional healthcare providers such as nurses, physicians and pharmacists. Traditional educational methods created a system or process where professionals operate in isolation from each other. A siloed structure inhibits effective communication, patient-centered care and safety. Today the focus in healthcare has shifted towards a more patient-centeredness approach using interprofessional collaboration to achieve optimal patient outcomes. Nurses are at the forefront of patient care and play a key role in quality patient care and improved patient outcomes. Interprofessional education is one type of academic strategy that nursing educators can incorporate into educational curricula. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Nursing education as adult education: A philosophical standpoint

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    V.J. Pinkney-Atkinson


    Full Text Available There are probably as many definitions of adult education as there are authors on the subject. In most cases the definition reflects the particular bias of the author. In its opening statement on the subject, The Encyclopedia for Educational Research (1 p .30 notes that adult education may be defined in many Ways.

  8. Initial education and training pathways for danish adult educators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Milana, Marcella


    The contribution aims at mapping out initial education and training opportunities for Danish adult educators and to examine key structural features that characterise professionalisation processes in the field of adult education. The analysis draws on policy documents and available research...... three provides a detailed account of existing qualification pathways for individuals willing to enter the system as adult educators. Notwithstanding the range of opportunities to acquire pedagogical qualifications in teaching adults, the knowledge and skills provided may vary substantially. Consequently......, the author's main argument is that it is not possible to speak of tailored-made pathways of professionalisation in the field of adult education, at least in the Danish context....

  9. Effective Educational Methods In Educational Video Games


    Van Zyl, Abraham


    This thesis examines the teaching methods used in three successful educational video games with the goal to provide a concise, practical guide for the proper implementation of educational learning into video games. The main source for analysing the teaching methods of educational games in this thesis is James Paul Gee’s book What Video Games Have To Teach Us About Learning And Literacy (2004). Gee expresses 36 learning principles existing in good games (chapter 4.2). This ideology serves ...

  10. Technology Education Benefits from the Inclusion of Pre-Engineering Education (United States)

    Rogers, Steve; Rogers, George E.


    Technology education is being taught today in almost every high school and middle school in America. Over 1000 technology education departments are now including pre-engineering education in their programs. According to these authors, the time has come for the profession to agree that including pre-engineering education in technology education…

  11. Trends towards Distance Education of Nursing Education in Turkey (United States)

    Senyuva, Emine


    The contemporary world, developments, changes, transformations, globalization, information and communication technologies developments, diversification of the educational environment and life-long education to become compulsory in education, learning-teaching process efficiency and effectiveness in their discussion raises, while the educational…

  12. Education System, Labour Market and Education System Graduates Employment in Romania


    Adina Popovici (Barbulescu)


    The objective of our paper is to highlight and analyse certain aspects related to the education system, labour market and education system graduates employment in Romania. It starts by pointing out the importance of education and some of the transformations the Romanian education system has undertaken after 1989 and during the process of passage to the Bologna system. It then focuses on the Romanian labour market and education system graduates employment. We conclude that the education system...

  13. Moral Education as Intercultural Moral Education (United States)

    Frisancho, Susana; Delgado, Guillermo Enrique


    In a diverse country such as Peru, moral education should reflect social, cultural, political and spiritual dilemmas of both indigenous and non-indigenous peoples and their communities. To promote understanding and respect amongst people from different sociocultural backgrounds, moral education should encourage a dialogue between indigenous values…

  14. Rheumatology Research Foundation Clinician Scholar Educator Award: Fifteen Years Promoting Rheumatology Educators and Education. (United States)

    Berman, Jessica R; O'Rourke, Kenneth S; Kolasinski, Sharon L; Aizer, Juliet; Wheatley, Mary J; Battistone, Michael J; Siaton, Bernadette C; Criscione-Schreiber, Lisa; Pillinger, Michael H; Lazaro, Deana M


    The Rheumatology Research Foundation's Clinician Scholar Educator (CSE) award is a 3-year career development award supporting medical education research while providing opportunities for mentorship and collaboration. Our objective was to document the individual and institutional impact of the award since its inception, as well as its promise to strengthen the subspecialty of rheumatology. All 60 CSE Award recipients were surveyed periodically. Fifty-six of those 60 awardees (90%) responded to requests for survey information that included post-award activities, promotions, and further funding. Data were also collected from yearly written progress reports for each grant. Of the total CSE recipients to date, 48 of 60 (80%) are adult rheumatologists, 11 of 60 (18%) are pediatric rheumatologists, and 1 is an adult and pediatric rheumatologist. Two-thirds of survey respondents spend up to 30% of their total time in educational activities, and one-third spend greater than 30%. Thirty-one of the 60 CSE recipients (52%) have published a total of 86 medical education papers. Twenty-six of 52 (50%) had received an academic promotion following the award. Eleven awardees earned advanced degrees. We describe the creation and evolution of a grant program from a medical subspecialty society foundation and the impact on producing education research, individual identity formation, and ongoing support for educators. This community of rheumatology scholar educators now serves as an important resource at the national level for the American College of Rheumatology and its membership. We believe that this grant may serve as a model for other medical societies that want to promote education scholarship and leadership within their specialties. © 2016, American College of Rheumatology.

  15. Self-efficacy in Environmental Education: Experiences of elementary education preservice teachers (United States)

    Gardner, Cynthia Crompton

    Despite research showing Environmental Education can provide positive student outcomes in academic achievement, critical thinking, motivation and engagement (Ernst, 2007; Lieberman & Hoody, 1998; Orr, 1992; Palmer, 1998; Powers, 2004; Volk & Cheak, 2003), Environmental Education is currently not a critical element in American public school K-12 education. The present study investigates self-efficacy in Environmental Education through a mixed methods research approach. The data reveal the participants' perspectives of their sense of self-efficacy in Environmental Education. It adds to the body of work on Environmental Education and self-efficacy by specifically investigating the topics through interviews with preservice teachers. Purposeful sampling is used to identify preservice elementary education teachers in their senior year of college with a high measure of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is measured using the Environmental Education Efficacy Belief Instrument (Sia, 1992). Forty-six preservice teachers completed the instrument. Six preservice teachers were interviewed to determine experiences that impact their self-efficacy in Environmental Education. Continual comparison and cross-case analysis are used to analyze the data. The results reveal a relationship between personal experiences with nature as a young child and current beliefs toward their personal efficacy and teaching outcome efficacy in Environmental Education. Similar to the findings of Sia (1992), the researcher discovered that preservice teachers realize that they lack sufficient knowledge and skill in Environmental Education but believe that effective teaching can increase students understanding of Environmental Education. While the preservice teachers do not believe they will teach Environmental Education as well as other subjects, they will continually seek out better ways to teach Environmental Education. Interviews with participants who had a high self-efficacy revealed the importance of

  16. The Value of Home Education Including Physical Education

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    Iradge Ahrabi-Fard


    Full Text Available There is a false notion that public school can educate great students. Facing diversity of students’ potential, different timing of growth pattern and varieties of home preparation of students to be a assiduous learner it is serious challenging task. Schools offer a general education to all with some attention to the diversity of students. It is home education, dealing with concentration habits during learning process, valuing educational process and respecting the rules of group learning that are influential in acquiring most from the educational opportunities. School is not able to go against the home culture and re-educate students to behave as a concern and diligent learner if these habits are not emphasized or supported at home. Public education in US is ranked between 18 to 22 in the world (according to different sources. Comparing with the world, American schools as the whole rank first for school structures, are number one for allocation of school budget, the emphasis and requirements of teacher education is number one. America expenditure per student exceed the top ten of the world combined. It is the lack of home education of learning demeanor and respecting the learning process that causes the inferiority. Physical education faces the same general dilemma at school having a very diverse group of students within variety of growth stages, potentials, sizes and capabilities based on their previous experiences. Decent general physical education at school can only offer a limited advancement. It is the responsibilities of parents to learn about the specifics of healthy growth and suitable skill development for their unique child. It is their parental task to act responsibly for the healthy growth of their child concerning: bone density and health, muscular strength, size and endurance, heart development to endure the stress of activities and function well, the range of motion of joints and finally their weight management. All the above

  17. Distance Education in Turkey

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    Dr. Nursel Selver RUZGAR,


    Full Text Available Distance Education in Turkey Assistant Professor Dr. Nursel Selver RUZGAR Technical Education Faculty Marmara University, TURKEY ABSTRACT Many countries of the world are using distance education with various ways, by internet, by post and by TV. In this work, development of distance education in Turkey has been presented from the beginning. After discussing types and applications for different levels of distance education in Turkey, the distance education was given in the cultural aspect of the view. Then, in order to create the tendencies and thoughts of graduates of Higher Education Institutions and Distance Education Institutions about being competitors in job markets, sufficiency of education level, advantages for education system, continuing education in different Institutions, a face-to-face survey was applied to 1284 graduates, 958 from Higher Education Institutions and 326 from Distance Education Institutions. The results were evaluated and discussed. In the last part of this work, suggestions to become widespread and improve the distance education in the country were made.

  18. The Educational Imagination and the Sociology of Education in Australia (United States)

    Matthews, Julie


    A remarkable feature of the sociology of education is its proliferation under a broad gamut of research themes and topics. Understanding the relationship of education to social reproduction and social change are pivotal to the sociology of education, and have fruitfully informed research in fields such as gender and education, vocational education…

  19. Paraboles et catastrophes

    CERN Document Server

    Thom, René


    René Thom, mathématicien français, membre de l'Académie des Sciences, s'est vu décerner en 1958 la médaille Field, équivalent du Prix Nobel en mathématiques, pour ses créations intellectuelles, la " théorie des catastrophes ", regard nouveau sur toutes les transformations qui adviennent de manière brusque, imprévisible, dramatique. Dans ces entretiens qui vont de la mathématique à l'embryologie, de la linguistique à l'anthropologie et à l'histoire, René Thom expose les grandes lignes de la théorie des catastrophes et passe en revue, avec un esprit à la fois critique et passionné, les grands thèmes scientifiques de notre époque, de la physique atomique à la biologie moléculaire, du " progrès " scientifique et technologique aux connexions complexes entre la société et la science. " Ce petit livre est une extraordinaire réussite en vulgarisation ". (Jean Largeault)


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    Elaine Almeida Aires Melnikoff


    Ce texte vise à analyser la trajectoire artistique de Núbia Marques, en soulignant la poète et le romancier. Dans sa longue carrière, cet artiste a joué dans plusieurs poèmes et romans primés. Ainsi, nous allons analyser le genre de l'écriture que l'écrivain réfléchit à écrire. Pour donner un caractère durable au texte, nous aborderons les concepts de Literary Field of Bourdieu (1996, Représentation de Chartier (1997. La méthodologie adoptée était la recherche historique, de la trajectoire de l'écrivain Nubia Marques, soutenu par l'hypothèse de l'histoire culturelle. Par conséquent, tout au long de la recherche il a été possible de percevoir que l'auteur a écrit ce qu'elle ressentait, et elle a souvent parlé d'elle-même et a placé des pseudonymes sur les personnages. Mots-clés: Poète; Écrivain Sergipana; Femme Intellectuelle.