
Sample records for insuficiencia mitral grave

  1. Determinantes pronósticos en la insuficiencia mitral de origen degenerativo. ¿Podemos adelantar hoy el momento quirúrgico?

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    Alberto Domenech


    Full Text Available En los últimos años, dados los excelentes resultados obtenidos fundamentalmente con la reparación quirúrgica de la válvula mitral, en la insuficiencia mitral de origen degenerativo (tipo II de Carpentier, existe una tendencia creciente de indicar la cirugía de forma precoz. Algunos autores proponen incluir aquí a los pacientes todavía asintomáticos, sin ningún deterioro anatómico ni hemodinámico generado por esta enfermedad. Es propósito de esta revisión analizar cada uno de los determinantes pronósticos principales ya conocidos, así como alguno todavía no suficientemente considerado, como el monto de la regurgitación mitral grave medido ecocardiográficamente y ponderado como volumen regurgitante y/o como área del orificio de regurgitación efectiva. También se estima el valor de la medición de los péptidos natriuréticos tanto atrial como cerebral, y su correlación con el incremento observado a medida que aumenta el grado de insuficiencia valvular y su repercusión clínica y hemodinámica. Se hace hincapié en el valor aditivo de más de una variable en forma combinada con otra para valorar con mayor precisión el riesgo y pronóstico de la enfermedad.

  2. Reparación de la insuficiencia mitral funcional mediante abordaje del aparato subvalvular. Resultados a medio plazo

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    Álvaro Pedraz-Prieto


    Conclusiones: El abordaje del aparato subvalvular en la reparación de la insuficiencia mitral funcional se presenta como una alternativa válida en el tratamiento de este tipo de insuficiencia, ofreciendo buenos resultados en lo que a evolución postoperatoria y tasa de recidiva a medio plazo se refiere.

  3. 166. Anuloplastia con anillo Carpentier-McCarthy-Adams IMR ETlogix® en la insuficiencia mitral isquémica crónica. Resultados a medio plazo

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    C.E. Martín López


    Conclusiones: La anuloplastia con anillo Carpentier-Mc-Carthy-Adams IMR ETlogix® en la insuficiencia mitral isquémica crónica presenta unos aceptables resultados a medio plazo, con una corrección efectiva y durable de la insuficiencia mitral.

  4. Ruptura traumática de la válvula mitral

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    Bernardo Romero


    Full Text Available Presentamos dos pacientes que sufrieron un accidente de tráfico con resultado de traumatismo de la válvula mitral. En el primer caso, al cuarto día del accidente, se diagnosticó insuficiencia mitral masiva por ruptura de la cabeza del músculo papilar anterolateral, con versión completa de los segmentos A1 y P1, procediéndose a reparación quirúrgica al mes del accidente, siendo la válvula mitral estructuralmente normal. En el segundo caso, el diagnóstico se hizo a los 10 días del accidente. Se trataba de una insuficiencia mitral grave por ruptura de cuerdas del velo posterior. La reparación quirúrgica se llevó a cabo a los 2 meses y medio del accidente. En este caso la válvula mitral era, además, degenerativa. En ambos casos la cirugía consistió en reparación valvular mitral. Se revisa la ruptura traumática de la válvula mitral.

  5. 336. Insuficiencia mitral y cirugía aórtica asociadas en la tercera edad

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    I. Moriones


    Conclusiones: A la insuficiencia mitral en la tercera edad se presentó con una alta incidencia de la etiología funcional no quirúrgica; b la cirugía univalvular mitral o aórtica se realizó sólo en una cuarta parte de los pacientes, y c la baja mortalidad observada favorece la indicación de cirugía en estos pacientes.

  6. Comparativa de la reparación valvular mitral y el dispositivo MitraClip® en el tratamiento de la insuficiencia mitral severa

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    Isabel Pernía-Oreña


    Conclusiones: El dispositivo MitraClip®, en este grupo de bajo riesgo, mostró peores resultados con mayor mortalidad, reingresos, descompensaciones y alta tasa de insuficiencia mitral residual. Podría ser una alternativa en casos desestimados de cirugía.

  7. Fístula aortoauricular izquierda secundaria a endocarditis infecciosa

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    Alberto Fernández Carmona


    Full Text Available Paciente de 74 años con antecedentes de hipertensión, diabetes mellitus e insuficiencia aórtica moderada. Ingresa en unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI en situación de shock cardiogénico; en ecocardiografía transtorácica (Fig. 1 se aprecia masa globulosa en la base auricular de velo anterior mitral, insuficiencia aórtica grave e insuficiencia mitral con flujo de gran turbulencia tangencial a la válvula mitral. En ecocardiografía transesofágica (Fig. 2 se objetiva insuficiencia aórtica avanzada, fistulización raíz de aorta-aurícula izquierda con afectación de la continuidad mitroaórtica e insuficiencia mitral grave secundaria a la misma. El paciente evoluciona de forma desfavorable, falleciendo en menos de 36 h.

  8. Mujer joven con hipertiroidismo asociado a insuficiencia tricuspídea grave Young woman with hyperthyroidism associated with severe tricuspid regurgitation

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    Ariel K. Saad


    Full Text Available Las manifestaciones cardiovasculares del hipertiroidismo son frecuentes, y en ocasiones dominan el cuadro clínico. Con frecuencia, la enfermedad se manifiesta por un estado circulatorio hiperdinámico, con disminución de la resistencia vascular periférica, aumento de la volemia y del volumen minuto cardíaco. La dilatación de las cavidades cardíacas con insuficiencia tricuspídea grave e insuficiencia cardíaca derecha sin hipertensión pulmonar constituye una forma inusual de presentación. Se presenta el caso de una joven paciente, portadora de enfermedad de Graves Basedow, sin antecedentes cardiovasculares, que evoluciona en el transcurso de un mes con edema de miembros inferiores, palpitaciones, diarrea, pérdida de peso y fiebre. Al examen clínico se evidencian taquicardia con pulso irregular, signos de insuficiencia cardíaca derecha acompañado de un intenso soplo regurgitante que aumentaba con la inspiración. Por radiografía de tórax y ecocardiograma se constata cardiomegalia e insuficiencia tricuspídea grave sin hipertensión pulmonar. El cuadro se resuelve en forma rápida luego del tratamiento con propranolol, corticoides y diuréticos, con reversión de la arritmia y franca mejoría de los signos y síntomas. Se analizan en forma breve los efectos de las hormonas tiroideas en el aparato cardiovascular y se postulan probables mecanismos fisiopatológicos de la insuficiencia cardíaca en el hipertiroidismo.Cardiovascular manifestations of hyperthyroidism are frequent and sometimes are relevant in the clinical picture. Usually an hyperdynamic circulatory state hallmarks the disease with low peripheral resistance, increased intravascular volume and cardiac output. However, right chamber dilatation with tricuspid valve regurgitation and cardiac failure are unusual. We present the case of a young woman with Graves-Basedow disease without cardiovascular history who complained about palpitations, peripheral edemas, weight loss and

  9. Reparación valvular de la insuficiencia mitral degenerativa. Evolución clínica y ecocardiográfica según el grado de regurgitación residual intraoperatoria

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    Luis Delgado


    Conclusiones: La reparación valvular mitral se ha mostrado como una técnica segura y eficaz. La ausencia de insuficiencia mitral al final de la reparación determina una mejor evolución con mínima recidiva durante un seguimiento a medio plazo.

  10. Utilidad de la ecocardiografía en la detección de la insuficiencia cardiaca en un adulto joven con síndrome de origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda del tronco de la arteria pulmonar y válvula mitral asimétrica similar al paracaídas

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    Luis Cordero


    Full Text Available Resumen: Objetivo: describir un caso de un paciente joven con insuficiencia cardiaca, secundaria a dos malformaciones cardiacas infrecuentes, síndrome de ALCAPA y válvula mitral asimétrica, parecida al paracaídas, resaltando la utilidad de la ecocardiografía. Métodos: se analiza el caso a la luz de la literatura médica. Conclusiones: El origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda del tronco de la arteria pulmonar y la válvula mitral asimétrica parecida al paracaídas, son malformaciones raras, asociadas a insuficiencia mitral severa e insuficiencia cardiaca. No se encontraron reportes en la literatura acerca de la coexistencia de las dos patologías en un paciente. Abstract: Objective: To describe a case of a young adult with heart failure, secondary to two rare cardiac malformations, anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA syndrome and parachute-like asymmetric mitral valve, highlighting the use of echocardiography. Material and methods: A case is analysed along with a search in the medical literature. Conclusions: The anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery and parachute-like asymmetric mitral valve are rare malformations associated with severe mitral insufficiency and heart failure. No reports were found in the literature as regards the existence of these two diseases in a patient. Palabras clave: Insuficiencia cardiaca, Insuficiencia mitral, Coronaria izquierda, Cardiopatía congénita, Keywords: Heart failure, Mitral insufficiency, Left coronary artery, Congenital heartdisease

  11. TRAUMA VALVULAR MITRAL EN UN LACTANTE DURANTE LA VALVULOPLASTIA AÓRTICA Y SU TRATAMIENTO QUIRÚRGICO / Mitral valve trauma in an infant during aortic valvuloplasty and its surgical treatment

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    Francisco Díaz Ramírez


    Full Text Available Resumen: La valvuloplastia con globo es ampliamente aceptada como tratamiento de elección de la estenosis aórtica congénita en recién nacidos y lactantes. Las complicaciones por el procedimiento son bien conocidas pero el daño valvular mitral es infrecuente. Se presenta un paciente masculino, de siete meses de edad, con el diagnóstico de coartación de la aorta y estenosis valvular aórtica a quién se le realizó dilatación de ambas lesiones por cateterismo intervencionista. A las 20 horas del procedimiento se diagnosticó insuficiencia cardíaca grave secundaria a lesión de la valva anterior mitral. Se intervino quirúrgicamente de urgencia y se observó un desgarro en forma de hendidura desde el borde libre hasta el anillo, el cual se reparó y se realizó anuloplastia en la comisura lateral. En el postoperatorio inmediato evolucionó sin complicaciones y al año de seguimiento presenta insuficiencia valvular mitral leve sin signos de recoartación ni de estenosis valvular aórticas. / Abstract: Balloon valvuloplasty is widely accepted as the treatment of choice for congenital aortic stenosis in newborns and infants. Complications from the procedure are well known but mitral valve damage is rare. This is the case of a 7-month-old male patient with the diagnosis of coarctation of the aorta and aortic valve stenosis who underwent dilation of both lesions via catheterization. At 20 hours of the procedure a severe heart failure secondary to an injury of the anterior mitral valve was diagnosed. The patient underwent emergency surgery and a slit-like tear from the free edge to the annulus was observed, which was repaired and annuloplasty in the lateral commissure was performed. In the immediate postoperative period the patient progressed without complications and at one year follow up he shows mild valve regurgitation without evidence of recoarctation or aortic valve stenosis.

  12. Origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar: resultados de la cirugía correctora

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    Andrés J. Schlichter


    Full Text Available IntroducciónEl origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar es una cardiopatía congénita rara que produce isquemia miocárdica con disfunción ventricular izquierda e insuficiencia mitral de grado variable. Las técnicas actuales han modificado la historia natural de esta enfermedad mediante el restablecimiento de un sistema de doble irrigación coronaria.ObjetivosEvaluar la experiencia institucional en la corrección quirúrgica del origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar.Material y métodosEntre febrero de 2000 y mayo de 2008 fueron operados 13 pacientes con este diagnóstico. Seis eran menores de 1 año; mediana: 2,5 años; rango: 45 días a 21 años. Antes de la cirugía, el 61% de los pacientes presentaban insuficiencia cardíaca, el 69% signos de infarto y el 84% cardiomegalia moderada a grave. La fracción de acortamiento promedio era del 26,07% y existía insuficiencia mitral moderada a grave en el 46% de los casos. El diagnóstico se confirmó por cateterismo en 11 pacientes.En un paciente se realizó cirugía de Takeuchi y en los 12 restantes se efectuó el reimplante de la coronaria izquierda en la aorta. En un paciente se realizó plástica mitral. Seis recibieron perfusión y cardioplejía de la coronaria anómala por la arteria pulmonar.ResultadosLa mortalidad al presente, con un seguimiento promedio de 74,76 meses, es del 0%. Ningún paciente presentaba insuficiencia cardíaca al alta. En 9 de los 11 pacientes con cardiomegalia, ésta se redujo. La fracción de acortamiento promedio posoperatoria fue del 39,92%. La insuficiencia mitral disminuyó en todos los que la presentaban, excepto en uno. Ninguno presentó insuficiencia grave en el posoperatorio alejado.ConclusionesLos resultados de la cirugía correctora del origen anómalo de la coronaria izquierda en la arteria pulmonar son excelentes en todos los grupos etarios, con mejoría significativa de la función mioc

  13. 103. Reparación valvular mitral en un caso de endocarditis trombótica no bacteriana

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    R. Manrique


    Conclusiones: La reparación valvular mitral es un procedimiento eficaz y seguro en la insuficiencia mitral aguda en pacientes con endocarditis trombótica no bacteriana. Permite evitar un riesgo adicional asociado al uso de prótesis mecánicas en pacientes con riesgo tromboembólico elevado.

  14. Papel del ecocardiograma en la reparación mitral

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    Vanessa Moñivas


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia mitral (IM es muy prevalente en Europa a pesar de la reducción de la fiebre reumática. El desarrollo de las técnicas de reparación mitral introducido por Alain Carpentier ha cambiado el pronóstico y el manejo de los pacientes con IM. Las técnicas de imagen son fundamentales para la evaluación del tipo de lesión anatómica, etiología, mecanismo, cuantificación, así como para valorar la posibilidad de éxito de la reparación. La ecocardiografía transesófagica (ETE bidimensional se emplea de forma rutinaria para planear la reparación mitral. Sin embargo, la ETE tiene una serie de dificultades en relación a las relaciones anatómicas y las anomalías morfológicas de la válvula mitral (VM. La recientemente introducida ecocardiografía tridimensional (3D nos ha permitido entender la anatomía funcional de la VM, la fisiopatología de las lesiones mitrales y, en especial, de la insuficiencia mitral funcional (IMF. En la actualidad, la ecotransesofágico 3D (ETE-3D supone una herramienta imprescindible, tanto para el diagnóstico de lesiones mitrales como para la monitorización en el quirófano de cirugía cardíaca y de los procedimientos percutáneos en hemodinámica. Permite evaluar online todas las estructuras cardíacas y ofrece nuevos planos como la «vista de cirujano» para valorar la morfología de la VM en una sola adquisición. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la aportación de la ETE, así como la ETE-3D en el conocimiento de la anatomía funcional de la VM, sus aplicaciones clínicas y sus implicaciones terapéuticas.

  15. Fibroelastoma papilar de la válvula mitral

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    Fernando Reguillo


    Full Text Available Mujer de 59 años, que presentaba accidentes cerebrovasculares de repetición, de posible origen cardioembólico. Al realizar el estudio cardiológico, en el ecocardiograma transesofágico se detectó una masa de 7–8 mm dependiente de la valva anterior mitral, que ocasionaba una insuficiencia mitral leve (Fig. 1. Fue intervenida bajo circulación extracorpórea, por vía transeptal anterior auricular, extirpándose dicha masa y la base de implantación, cerrando el defecto de la valva mitral con puntos sueltos (Fig. 2. El postoperatorio fue normal, siendo dada de alta a los 7 días. La anatomía patológica demostró que se trataba de un fibroelastoma papilar.

  16. Entrenamiento físico en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca

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    Barbara Fletcher, RN, MN, FAAN


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia cardíaca constituye una prioridad esencial en el ámbito de la salud, tanto en Norteamérica como en Sud-américa, donde incluso se llega a las hospitalizaciones cuando el diagnóstico principal presenta condiciones graves. Hay una relación directamente proporcional entre prevalencia de insuficiencia cardíaca y edad. Sin embargo, la mortalidad por insuficiencia cardíaca está en declinación debido a los avances médicos, administración de medicamentos, e intervenciones no farmacológicas. Una de estas intervenciones es, el entrenamiento físico o el ejercicio, los cuales están siendo ampliamente aceptados por la comunidad médica como una opción viable en el manejo médico de pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca permanente. Tanto los ejercicios aeróbicos como de fuerza han demostrado ser eficaces en este tipo de pacientes. Actualmente la evidencia no sólo respalda el ejercicio para mejorar o mantener la función física en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca, sino también la calidad de vida en general. Muchos estudios han demostrado que el ejercicio en la población mejora el carácter de las personas y el bienestar general reconocido por ellas mismas. Aunque los beneficios al miocardio producidos por el ejercicio pueden ser mínimos en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca, los beneficios periféricos que dan como resultado una mejor capacidad física y la conservación de la independencia son muy significativos. Basados en la evidencia científica existente en el ámbito del ejercicio y la insuficiencia cardíaca, los médicos que trabajan con esta población tienen la información necesaria para recomendar prescripciones de ejercicios. Actualmente, diversas declaraciones de puntos de vista médicos confirman el ejercicio como una modalidad segura y efectiva para pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca.

  17. Pseudoaneurisma de ventrículo esquerdo associado a insuficiência mitral grave complicando infarto agudo do miocárdio ínfero-látero-dorsal Left ventricular pseudoaneurysm associated to severe mitral insufficiency, complicating inferolaterodorsal acute myocardial infarction

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    João Luiz de A. A. Falcão


    Full Text Available Descrevemos um caso de pseudoaneurisma de ventrículo esquerdo associado a grave regurgitação mitral, complicando um infarto ínfero-látero-dorsal. A lesão foi descoberta em ecocardiograma de rotina durante o seguimento ambulatorial. Destacam-se a estratégia cirúrgica bem sucedida, e a boa evolução clínica da paciente.We described a case of left ventricular pseudoaneurysm associated to a severe mitral regurgitation, complicating a inferolaterodorsal acute myocardial infarction. The lesion was found in a routine echocardiogram during the in-hospital follow-up. The well-succeeded surgical strategy and the good clinical evolution of the patient were distinguished.

  18. Tratamiento quirúrgico e intervencionista de la insuficiencia valvular mitral: revisión del documento de consenso de los Grupos de Trabajo en Cirugía Cardiovascular y Valvulopatías de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología


    Rafael García Fuster


    En este documento de consenso de los Grupos de Trabajo en Cirugía Cardiovascular y Valvulopatías de la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología se realiza una puesta al día sobre el manejo más adecuado de los pacientes con insuficiencia valvular mitral. El manuscrito publicado en el mes de enero del 2016 en el European Heart Journal recoge los siguientes puntos: – una enumeración de los principales aspectos clave sobre la evidencia científica referente a este tema; – la importancia de un abordaj...

  19. Deterioro cognitivo, síntomas depresivos y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca estable severa

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    Joanna M. Morys


    Full Text Available Antecedentes/Objetivo : Las enfermedades cardiovasculares y la depresión son comunes y, muchas veces, coexistentes empeorando la calidad de vida. Además, existen trastornos de funciones cognitivas omnipresentes en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca. Se obser - van deficiencias de distinto nivel de severidad en varios dominios cognitivos. Asimismo, en la depresión existen problemas cognitivos que podrían perjudicar el funcionamiento cotidiano, obstaculizar la adaptación a la enfermedad y empeorar los pronósticos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la relación entre calidad de vida, intensificación de trastornos depresivos y trastornos de ciertos aspectos de las funciones ejecutivas y me - moria en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca grave y estable. Método : Los estudios se realizaron en un grupo de 50 pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca grave y estable, y otro de 50 pacientes con enfermedad coronaria, pero sin insuficiencia cardiaca. Resultados : Los resultados de las pruebas cognitivas son notablemente peores en el grupo con insufi - ciencia cardiaca en comparación con el grupo control. Se observó una calidad de vida considerablemente peor y unos resultados significativamente más altos en la prueba BDI- II. No se demostró que los trastornos cognitivos influyeran en el empeoramiento de la calidad de vida. Sin embargo, se observó que los síntomas de depresión influían en la calidad de vida. Conclusiones : El factor que afecta significativamente la calidad de vida es la intensificación de los síntomas depresivos.

  20. Geometria da valva mitral derivada da ressonância magnética cardiovascular na avaliação da gravidade da regurgitação mitral Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging-derived mitral valve geometry in determining mitral regurgitation severity

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    Andre Mauricio Fernandes


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A regurgitação mitral é a doença valvar cardíaca mais comum em todo o mundo. A ressonância magnética pode ser uma ferramenta útil para analisar os parâmetros da valva mitral. OBJETIVO: diferenciar padrões geométricos da valva mitral em pacientes com diferentes gravidades por regurgitação mitral (RM com base na ressonância magnética cardiovascular. MÉTODOS: Sessenta e três pacientes foram submetidos à ressonância magnética cardiovascular. Os parâmetros da valva mitral analisados foram: área (mm2 e ângulo (graus de tenting, altura do ventrículo (mm, altura do tenting (mm, folheto anterior, comprimento posterior do folheto (leaflet e diâmetro do anulo (mm. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos, um incluindo pacientes que necessitaram de cirurgia da valva mitral e o outro os que não. RESULTADOS: Trinta e seis pacientes apresentaram de RM discreta a leve (1-2+ e 27 RM de moderada a grave (3-4+. Dez (15,9% dos 63 pacientes foram submetidos à cirurgia. Pacientes com RM mais grave tiveram maior diâmetro sistólico final do ventrículo esquerdo (38,6 ± 10,2 vs. 45,4 ± 16,8, p BACKGROUND: Mitral regurgitation is the most common valvular heart disease worldwide. Magnetic resonance may be a useful tool to analyze mitral valve parameters. OBJECTIVE: To distinguish mitral valve geometric patterns in patients with different severities of mitral regurgitation (MR based on cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. METHODS: Sixty-three patients underwent cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. Mitral valve parameters analyzed were: tenting area (mm2 and angle (degrees, ventricle height (mm, tenting height (mm, anterior leaflet, posterior leaflet length and annulus diameter (mm. Patients were divided into two groups, one including patients who required mitral valve surgery and another which did not. RESULTS: Thirty-six patients had trace to mild (1-2+ MR and 27 had moderate to severe MR (3-4+. Ten (15.9% out of

  1. 206. Reparación mitral como tratamiento de la insuficiencia mitral crónica. Estudio de 119 casos

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    S. Ramis


    Conclusiones: La cirugía de reparación mitral es una técnica segura y eficaz que permite corregir adecuadamente el vicio valvular. Su morbimortalidad hospitalaria es baja, presentando excelentes resultados a corto y medio plazo, además de evitar todas las complicaciones propias de las prótesis.

  2. Registro Nacional de Internación por Insuficiencia Cardíaca

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    Raúl Borracci


    Full Text Available IntroducciónLa insuficiencia cardíaca representa una de las principales causas de internación con una tasa elevada de complicaciones y cuyo enfoque no parece que haya mejorado en los últimos años.ObjetivosConocer el perfil epidemiológico y clínico, analizar las medidas terapéuticas y la evolución durante la internación y a los 3 meses de pacientes admitidos por insuficiencia cardíaca descompensada.Material y métodosRegistro prospectivo, multicéntrico de pacientes internados por insuficiencia cardíaca descompensada en 31 centros de todo el país que aceptaron la invitación a participar del registro. Se analizaron variables vinculadas con la presentación y la evolución hospitalaria y a los 90 días.ResultadosSe incluyeron 736 pacientes, mediana de edad 74 años (64-82, 41% mujeres, 75% hipertensos, 27% diabéticos, 20% infarto previo, 30% fibrilación auricular crónica, 17% insuficiencia renal crónica, 18% EPOC. Sólo el 29% era de etiología isquémico-necrótica. El 47% había tenido internación en el último año por insuficiencia cardíaca. Las causas de descompensación más frecuentes fueron infecciones, suspensión del tratamiento y transgresión alimentaria.Las formas graves de presentación (shock cardiogénico, edema agudo de pulmón, anasarca representaron el 30%. El 60% de los pacientes se internaron en área crítica. La mediana de permanencia fue de 7 (5-11 días. La mortalidad hospitalaria fue del 8%. A los 90 días, la reinternación fue del 24,5% y la mortalidad posalta fue del 12,8%.ConclusionesEl presente registro confirma que se trata de una población de edad avanzada con una incidencia alta de comorbilidades. Muchas descompensaciones ocurren por factores prevenibles. La tasa de complicaciones es elevada y no se redujo en la última década.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2009;77:33-39.

  3. Estratificación de riesgo en la insuficiencia aórtica grave asintomática: ¿cómo podemos identificar a los pacientes con evolución adversa?

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    Juan Krauss


    Full Text Available AntecedentesNo está determinado cómo se evalúa el riesgo en la insuficiencia aórtica (IA grave asintomática, dado que no hay consenso acerca de qué variables deben considerarse para predecir una evolución más adversa.ObjetivoEvaluar un score que incorpore variables clínicas y ecocardiográficas para identificar a pacientes con IA grave susceptibles de peor evolución.Material y métodosSe evaluaron 294 pacientes consecutivos con IA grave asintomáticos (edad media: 63 ± 7 años; 71% sexo masculino y fracción de eyección del VI [FEVI]: 64% ± 5%. Se elaboró un score basado sobre: l diámetro de fin de sístole > 24 mm/m2; 2 diámetro de fin de diástole > 36 mm/m2; 3 área del orificio regurgitante efectivo (AORE > 60 mm2; 4 diámetro de la raíz aórtica (DRA > 45 mm; 5 edad > 70 años y 6 cambio de la FEVI de reposo al ejercicio (ΔFEVI > 5%.Los puntos finales fueron: 1 sobrevida a largo plazo, 2 presencia de síntomas en el seguimiento, 3 caída de la FEVI > 5% y/o 4 cirugía valvular. El rango total del score fue de 6,5. El punto final primario fue combinado (muerte, síntomas y/o disfunción VI.ResultadosDurante un seguimiento promedio de 6,7 ± 4,2 años, 14 de 294 pacientes (4,8% fallecieron: 5 por muerte súbita, 5 por falla de bomba congestiva y 4 de causa no cardíaca. Durante el seguimiento, 88 pacientes (30% presentaron síntomas, 105 (36% disminución de la FEVI > 5% y 109 (37% fueron operados. Ciento doce (39% pacientes desarrollaron el punto final combinado.La tasa de eventos combinados (muerte, síntomas y/o caída de la FEVI con un score 3 fue del 73% ± 9%.La curva operador-receptor (ROC discriminó bien los eventos en relación con el score de riesgo: área bajo la curva de 0,93.A su vez, la tasa de cirugía valvular fue del 29% ±5% con score 3. La curva ROC discriminó bien la relación del score con la indicación de cirugía valvular: área bajo la curva de 0,96.ConclusiónEn pacientes con insuficiencia a

  4. Reemplazo valvular mitral en edad pediátrica

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    H S Diliz-Nava


    Full Text Available ANTECEDENTES: el reemplazo valvular mitral en pediatría es un procedimiento raro asociado con dificultades técnicas y clínicas únicas. Estudios recientes reportan mejores resultados, a corto y largo plazo, posteriores al procedimiento.   OBJETIVO: analizar la experiencia del reemplazo valvular mitral en el Instituto Nacional de Pediatría.   MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: se revisaron los expedientes de los pacientes con reemplazo valvular mitral, en el Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, entre agosto del 2002 y agosto del 2012. Las variables de evaluación primaria fueron mortalidad, complicaciones de la anticoagulación y resultados a largo plazo. Se incluyó a doce pacientes, con mediana de edad de 12.5 años (tres pacientes menores de 5 años. RESULTADOS: en 11 casos la anomalía mitral fue considerada congénita. La manifestación clínica más frecuente fue insuficiencia mitral. La mediana de la fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo fue de 62% antes de la cirugía. Se colocó prótesis mecánica en 11 casos. Dos pacientes fallecieron en el postoperatorio inmediato, con supervivencia a 30 días de 83%, sin reporte de ninguna muerte en el periodo de seguimiento. Un paciente presentó sangrado de  tubo digestivo leve y dos arritmia auricular. No se reportaron eventos tromboembólicos ni necesidad de nueva intervención. La mediana del tiempo de seguimiento fue de 16.6 meses.   CONCLUSIÓN: en nuestras condiciones el reemplazo valvular mitral parece ser una buena opción para los pacientes que no pueden beneficiarse de la reparación, con resultados aceptables a corto y mediano plazos.

  5. Insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital Regional de Cuilapa, Santa Rosa, Guatemala

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    Ronald J. Ajcalon


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia renal aguda, es una condición común en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de Adultos (UCIA y probablemente una consecuencia de la enfermedad crítica que se asocia a resultados clínicos adversos, altos costos y una mortalidad de más del 50%, sobre todo si se requiere tratamiento de reemplazo renal. El objetivo fue determinar la incidencia de insuficiencia renal aguda en pacientes ingresados a la UCIA. El estudio fue prospectivo, longitudinal, observacional, en 101 pacientes ingresados en la UCIA del Hospital Regional de Cuilapa. Se diagnosticaron 101 pacientes durante el periodo de estudio con insuficiencia renal aguda represento el 27.4% del total de pacientes internados (368 en el servicio en un año. La incidencia de mortalidad en pacientes que requieren terapia de reemplazo renal y se encuentran en ventilación mecánica es del 100%. Del total de pacientes estudiados, según la escala Akin, se encontró que el 49.5% de los pacientes correspondían a grado II, aunque el grado I también fue frecuente (29%, y que el 22 % de los pacientes correspondían a grado III. La patología que mayormente se asoció al desarrollo de insuficiencia renal aguda fue sepsis grave con un 31%, seguido de pacientes sometidos a cirugía mayor e hipovolemia con el 21 y 18% respectivamente. Se halló una incidencia aumentada de insuficiencia renal aguda comparado con estadísticas internacionales, cuya etiología fue mayormente causada por procesos sépticos.

  6. Oclusión transitoria de comunicación interauricular en el síndrome de Lutembacher

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    Alejandro E. Contreras


    Full Text Available Se describe una paciente de 82 años de edad, con síntomas de insuficiencia cardíaca avanzada e hipertensión arterial pulmonar. Un ecocardiograma transtorácico mostró una comunicación interauricular tipo ostium secundum y estenosis valvular mitral concomitante (síndrome de Lutembacher. La valoración ecocardiográfica de la enfermedad mitral se vio dificultada por la presencia del defecto interauricular. Se realizó test de oclusión percutánea transitoria de la comunicación interauricular, observándose la aparición de estenosis valvular mitral grave. El tamaño del defecto interauricular modificó las manifestaciones clínicas y el test de oclusión transitoria ayudó a decidir la conducta terapéutica.

  7. Enfermedad cardíaca grave en la esclerosis sistémica Severe cardiac disease in scleroderma

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    Alejandro R. Grinberg


    Full Text Available Una mujer de 36 años de edad con diagnóstico de esclerosis sistémica (ES desarrolló un cuadro agudo de miositis esquelética e insuficiencia cardíaca grave. Evolucionó con shock cardiogénico y a pesar del tratamiento con drogas inotrópicas y altas dosis de corticoides falleció a los cinco días de haber ingresado. La autopsia reveló áreas de necrosis coagulativa miocárdicas con miocitolisis y necrosis en banda de contracción. Son muy pocos los casos comunicados de insuficiencia cardíaca grave asociada a la ES.A 36 year-old female with a diagnosis of systemic sclerosis suffered from an acute episode of skeletal myositis and refractory heart failure with cardiogenic shock. Despite immunosuppressive treatment with high doses of corticosteroids and hemodynamic support she died five days after admission. The autopsy showed cardiac myocytolysis, myocyte necrosis and contraction band necrosis. There are very few reported cases of severe heart failure associated to systemic sclerosis.

  8. Insuficiencia cardíaca y diabetes


    Jorge Thierer


    La prevalencia de la insuficiencia cardíaca y la diabetes continúa creciendo. Ambas están fuertemente asociadas. La diabetes es un fuerte predictor de aparición de insuficiencia cardíaca. Las razones son la presencia de enfermedad coronaria y los trastornos metabólicos vinculados con la resistencia a la insulina que generan disfunción contráctil. Los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca que son diabéticos tienen peor evolución. Los Betabloqueantes, vasodilatadores y los inhibidores de la en...

  9. Insuficiencia cardíaca y diabetes


    Thierer, Jorge


    La prevalencia de la insuficiencia cardíaca y la diabetes continúa creciendo. Ambas están fuertemente asociadas. La diabetes es un fuerte predictor de aparición de insuficiencia cardíaca. Las razones son la presencia de enfermedad coronaria y los trastornos metabólicos vinculados con la resistencia a la insulina que generan disfunción contráctil. Los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca que son diabéticos tienen peor evolución. Los betabloqueantes vasodilatadores y los inhibidores de la enzim...

  10. Geometria da valva mitral derivada da ressonância magnética cardiovascular na avaliação da gravidade da regurgitação mitral

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    Andre Mauricio Fernandes


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A regurgitação mitral é a doença valvar cardíaca mais comum em todo o mundo. A ressonância magnética pode ser uma ferramenta útil para analisar os parâmetros da valva mitral. OBJETIVO: diferenciar padrões geométricos da valva mitral em pacientes com diferentes gravidades por regurgitação mitral (RM com base na ressonância magnética cardiovascular. MÉTODOS: Sessenta e três pacientes foram submetidos à ressonância magnética cardiovascular. Os parâmetros da valva mitral analisados foram: área (mm2 e ângulo (graus de tenting, altura do ventrículo (mm, altura do tenting (mm, folheto anterior, comprimento posterior do folheto (leaflet e diâmetro do anulo (mm. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos, um incluindo pacientes que necessitaram de cirurgia da valva mitral e o outro os que não. RESULTADOS: Trinta e seis pacientes apresentaram de RM discreta a leve (1-2+ e 27 RM de moderada a grave (3-4+. Dez (15,9% dos 63 pacientes foram submetidos à cirurgia. Pacientes com RM mais grave tiveram maior diâmetro sistólico final do ventrículo esquerdo (38,6 ± 10,2 vs. 45,4 ± 16,8, p < 0,05 e diâmetro diastólico final esquerdo (52,9 ± 6,8 vs. 60,1 ± 12,3, p = 0,005. Na análise multivariada, a área de tenting foi a determinante mais forte de gravidade de RM (r = 0,62, p = 0,035. Comprimento do anulo (36,1 ± 4,7 vs. 41 ± 6,7, p< 0,001, área de tenting (190,7 ± 149,7 vs. 130 ± 71,3, p= 0,048 e comprimento do folheto posterior (15,1 ± 4,1 vs. 12,2 ± 3,5, p= 0,023 foram maiores em pacientes que precisaram de cirurgia da valva mitral. CONCLUSÕES: Área de tenting, anulo e comprimento do folheto posterior são possíveis determinantes da gravidade da RM. Estes parâmetros geométricos podem ser usados para individualizar a gravidade e, provavelmente, no futuro, orientar o tratamento do paciente com base na anatomia individual do aparelho mitral.

  11. Insuficiencia cardíaca y diabetes

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    Jorge Thierer


    Full Text Available La prevalencia de la insuficiencia cardíaca y la diabetes continúa creciendo. Ambas están fuertemente asociadas. La diabetes es un fuerte predictor de aparición de insuficiencia cardíaca. Las razones son la presencia de enfermedad coronaria y los trastornos metabólicos vinculados con la resistencia a la insulina que generan disfunción contráctil. Los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca que son diabéticos tienen peor evolución. Los Betabloqueantes, vasodilatadores y los inhibidores de la enzima convertidora ejercen una influencia favorable, en tanto que el uso de glitazonas todavía es controversial. La insuficiencia cardíaca puede a su vez generar diabetes, debido a la activación del sistema nervioso simpático y al efecto del tratamiento. La comprensión adecuada de estos hechos es fundamental para tomar decisiones correctas y mejorar la suerte de los pacientes.

  12. Mujer de 52 años con shock cardiogénico secundario a síndrome de takotsubo tras reparación quirúrgica de la válvula mitral

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    Francisco J. Rodríguez Rodrigo


    Full Text Available Presentamos un caso de miocardiopatía de takotsubo en una paciente con insuficiencia valvular mitral severa (por prolapso severo del velo posterior, acaecida después de la reparación quirúrgica de dicha válvula. Hasta donde conocemos, este es el primer caso descrito en la literatura.

  13. Postoperative Outcomes of Mitral Valve Repair for Mitral Restenosis after Percutaneous Balloon Mitral Valvotomy

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    Seong Lee


    Full Text Available Background: There have been a number of studies on mitral valve replacement and repeated percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy for mitral valve restenosis after percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy. However, studies on mitral valve repair for these patients are rare. In this study, we analyzed postoperative outcomes of mitral valve repair for mitral valve restenosis after percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy. Methods: In this study, we assessed 15 patients (mean age, 47.7±9.7 years; 11 female and 4 male who underwent mitral valve repair between August 2008 and March 2013 for symptomatic mitral valve restenosis after percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy. The mean interval between the initial percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy and the mitral valve repair was 13.5±7 years. The mean preoperative Wilkins score was 9.4±2.6. Results: The mean mitral valve area obtained using planimetry increased from 1.16±0.16 cm2 to 1.62±0.34 cm2 (p=0.0001. The mean pressure half time obtained using Doppler ultrasound decreased from 202.4±58.6 ms to 152±50.2 ms (p=0.0001. The mean pressure gradient obtained using Doppler ultrasound decreased from 9.4±4.0 mmHg to 5.8±1.5 mmHg (p=0.0021. There were no early or late deaths. Thromboembolic events or infective endocarditis did not occur. Reoperations such as mitral valve repair or mitral valve replacement were not performed during the follow-up period (39±16 months. The 5-year event-free survival was 56.16% (95% confidence interval, 47.467–64.866. Conclusion: On the basis of these results, we could not conclude that mitral valve repair could be an alternative for patients with mitral valve restenosis after percutaneous balloon mitral valvotomy. However, some patients presented with results similar to those of mitral valve replacement. Further studies including more patients with long-term follow-up are necessary to determine the possibility of this application of mitral valve repair.

  14. Uso inadecuado de antimicrobianos en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada

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    Milena Duque Vizcaíno

    Full Text Available Introducción: en la práctica clínica, el número de pacientes que ingresa por insuficiencia cardiaca descompensada y recibe tratamiento antimicrobiano, supera la prevalencia descrita de infecciones (15,3 % como causa de descompensación. Objetivo: determinar el uso inadecuado de antimicrobianos en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo en 184 pacientes que ingresaron con diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardiaca en el Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Joaquín Albarrán", entre enero de 2010 y diciembre de 2011. Se consideró inadecuada la utilización de antimicrobianos, en caso de ausencia de infección asociada a la insuficiencia cardiaca. Resultados: hubo un predominio de infección asociada a insuficiencia cardiaca de 40,8 % y se prescribió antimicrobianos al 69 % de estos pacientes. La prevalencia global de utilización inadecuada de antimicrobianos en la población estudiada fue del 32,6 %. Conclusiones: los resultados indican que existe la necesidad de mejorar la prescripción de antimicrobianos en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca.

  15. 347. Insuficiencia tricuspídea grave 13 años tras traumatismo torácico: una causa infrecuente de reparación valvular

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    J. Arroyo


    Conclusiones: La reparación de la insuficiencia tricuspídea postraumática, aunque es una patología poco frecuente, puede ser intervenida con éxito. La cirugía reparadora sobre el recambio valvular se debe intentar, siempre que sea posible.

  16. Oclusión transitoria de comunicación interauricular en el síndrome de Lutembacher Temporary occlusion of atrial septal defect in the Lutembacher syndrome

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    Alejandro E. Contreras


    Full Text Available Se describe una paciente de 82 años de edad, con síntomas de insuficiencia cardíaca avanzada e hipertensión arterial pulmonar. Un ecocardiograma transtorácico mostró una comunicación interauricular tipo ostium secundum y estenosis valvular mitral concomitante (síndrome de Lutembacher. La valoración ecocardiográfica de la enfermedad mitral se vio dificultada por la presencia del defecto interauricular. Se realizó test de oclusión percutánea transitoria de la comunicación interauricular, observándose la aparición de estenosis valvular mitral grave. El tamaño del defecto interauricular modificó las manifestaciones clínicas y el test de oclusión transitoria ayudó a decidir la conducta terapéutica.We report the case of an 82 year-old woman with symptoms of advanced heart failure and pulmonary arterial hypertension. An echocardiogram showed an ostium secundum type atrial septal defect and concomitant mitral valve stenosis (Lutembacher syndrome. Echocardiographic assessment of mitral pathology was hampered by the interatrial septal defect. Transient percutaneous occlusion test of the atrial septal defect was performed and severe mitral valve stenosis was detected. Atrial septal defect size modified the clinical manifestations and the transient occlusion test helped to decide the therapeutic strategy.

  17. Cirugía reparadora de la insuficiencia mitral degenerativa. Análisis, resultados y seguimiento de 100 pacientes

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    Elena Ferrer


    Conclusiones: La reparación valvular mitral se ha mostrado como una técnica segura y eficaz. Un equipo multidisciplinario permite la correcta identificación de pacientes candidatos y la aplicación de las técnicas quirúrgicas adecuadas. A la espera de un mayor seguimiento, los resultados son satisfactorios.

  18. Insuficiencia suprarrenal secundaria a paracoccidioidomicosis.

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    José M. Oñate


    Full Text Available La paracoccidioidomicosis se asocia en 10 a 15% de los casos con insuficiencia suprarrenal e, inclusive, puede ser la primera manifestación de la enfermedad. Para determinar la frecuencia de la anterior relación en nuestro medio, se revisó el archivo de historias clínicas del Servicio de Micología de la Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas y se encontró que de 207 pacientes con diagnóstico de paracoccidioidomicosis, 6 (2,9% presentaban insuficiencia suprarrenal. Los pacientes eran del sexo masculino con una edad promedio de 67,2 años (rango: 48-75 y la mayoría eran agricultores. El tiempo promedio de duración de los síntomas relacionados con la insuficiencia fue de 4,1 meses (rango: 2-6. Todos los pacientes habían perdido peso, tenían adinamia y, además, radiología pulmonar anormal. El tratamiento con itraconazol, prednisolona y fluorocortisona resultó en mejoría clínica y en disminución de los títulos de anticuerpos contra Paracocidioides brasiliensis. Puesto que se ha demostrado que las alteraciones morfológicas y funcionales de las glándulas suprarrenales pueden desaparecer si se inicia prontamente el tratamiento, sería de vital importancia detectar precozmente el hipoadrenalismo en pacientes provenientes de áreas endémicas para esta micosis y, de tal manera, evitar daños mayores y acortar el tratamiento esteroideo en los pacientes afectados.

  19. Floppy Mitral Valve (FMV) - Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) - Mitral Valvular Regurgitation and FMV/MVP Syndrome. (United States)

    Boudoulas, Konstantinos Dean; Pitsis, Antonios A; Boudoulas, Harisios


    Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) results from the systolic movement of a portion(s) or segment(s) of the mitral valve leaflet(s) into the left atrium during left ventricular (LV) systole. It should be emphasised that MVP alone, as defined by imaging techniques, may comprise a non-specific finding because it also depends on the LV volume, myocardial contractility and other LV hemodynamics. Thus, a floppy mitral valve (FMV) should be the basis for the diagnosis of MVP. Two types of symptoms may be defined in these patients. In one group, symptoms are directly related to progressive mitral regurgitation and its complications. In the other group, symptoms cannot be explained only by the degree of mitral regurgitation alone; neuroendocrine dysfunction has been implicated for the explanation of symptoms in this group of patients that today is referred as the FMV/MVP syndrome. When significant mitral regurgitation is present in a patient with FMV/MVP, surgical intervention is recommended. In patients with a prohibitive risk for surgery, transcatheter mitral valve repair using a mitraclip device may be considered. Furthermore, transcatheter mitral valve replacement may represent an option in the near future as clinical trials are underway. In this brief review, the current concepts related to FMV/MVP and FMV/MVP syndrome will be discussed. Copyright © 2016 Hellenic Cardiological Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Diverticulum of the mitral valve, a rare cause of mitral regurgitation.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Soo, Alan


    Non-infective mitral valve diverticulum is extremely rare. We present a case of intraoperatively diagnosed mitral valve diverticulum of a 69-year-old man presenting with mitral regurgitation who was successfully treated with mitral valve replacement.



    Muzzo B, Santiago; Cordero, Jaime; Ceresa, Sergio; Buchel, Erwin; Gajardo L, Hector; Leiva B, Laura


    La insuficiencia hepática (IH) crónica altera la mineralización ósea (MO) de acuerdo a la etiología de la IH, debido a los problemas nutricionales agregados y por el tratamiento post transplante con inmunosupresores y glucocorticoides. El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer la mineralización ósea en niños con insuficiencia hepática secundaria a atresia de vías biliares y la dinámica ósea. La mineralización ósea se determinó en columna lumbar (L2-L4) mediante un densitómetro Lunar radiol...

  2. Echocardiographic evaluation of mitral geometry in functional mitral regurgitation

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    Maleki Majid


    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives We sought to evaluate the geometric changes of the mitral leaflets, local and global LV remodeling in patients with left ventricular dysfunction and varying degrees of Functional mitral regurgitation (FMR. Background Functional mitral regurgitation (FMR occurs as a consequence of systolic left ventricular (LV dysfunction caused by ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Mitral valve repair in ischemic MR is one of the most controversial topic in surgery and proper repairing requires an understanding of its mechanisms, as the exact mechanism of FMR are not well defined. Methods 136 consecutive patients mean age of 55 with systolic LV dysfunction and FMR underwent complete echocardiography and after assessing MR severity, LV volumes, Ejection Fraction, LV sphericity index, C-Septal distance, Mitral valve annulus, Interpapillary distance, Tenting distance and Tenting area were obtained. Results There was significant association between MR severity and echocardiogarphic indices (all p values Mitral annular dimensions and area, C-septal distance and sphericity index, although greater in patients with severe regurgitation, did not significantly contribute to FMR severity. Conclusion Degree of LV enlargement and dysfunction were not primary determinants of FMR severity, therefore local LV remodeling and mitral valve apparatus deformation are the strongest predictors of functional MR severity.

  3. Insuficiencia respiratoria aguda


    Gutiérrez Muñoz, Fernando R.


    La función respiratoria básica es el intercambio gaseoso de oxígeno y dióxido carbono; lo que implica un perfecto equilibrio y control entre los componentes del sistema respiratorio. a insuficiencia respiratoria aguda (IRA) es la incapacidad del sistema respiratorio de cumplir su función básica, que es el intercambio gaseoso de oxígeno y dióxido de carbono. Basic respiratory function is gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which implies a perfect balance and control between the compo...

  4. Transcatheter mitral valve repair in osteogenesis imperfecta associated mitral valve regurgitation. (United States)

    van der Kley, Frank; Delgado, Victoria; Ajmone Marsan, Nina; Schalij, Martin J


    Osteogenesis imperfecta is associated with increased prevalence of significant mitral valve regurgitation. Surgical mitral valve repair and replacement are feasible but are associated with increased risk of bleeding and dehiscence of implanted valves may occur more frequently. The present case report describes the outcomes of transcatheter mitral valve repair in a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta. A 60 year-old patient with osteogenesis imperfecta and associated symptomatic moderate to severe mitral regurgitation underwent transthoracic echocardiography which showed a nondilated left ventricle with preserved systolic function and moderate to severe mitral regurgitation. On transoesophageal echocardiography the regurgitant jet originated between the anterolateral scallops of the anterior and posterior leaflets (A1-P1). Considering the comorbidities associated with osteogenesis imperfecta the patient was accepted for transcatheter mitral valve repair using the Mitraclip device (Abbott vascular, Menlo, CA). Under fluoroscopy and 3D transoesophageal echocardiography guidance, a Mitraclip device was implanted between the anterolateral and central scallops with significant reduction of mitral regurgitation. The postoperative evolution was uneventful. At one month follow-up, transthoracic echocardiography showed a stable position of the Mitraclip device with no mitral regurgitation. Transcatheter mitral valve repair is feasible and safe in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta and associated symptomatic significant mitral regurgitation. Copyright © 2014 Australian and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons (ANZSCTS) and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. Relation of mitral valve morphology and motion to mitral regurgitation severity in patients with mitral valve prolapse

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    Sénéchal Mario


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Mitral valve thickness is used as a criterion to distinguish the classical from the non-classical form of mitral valve prolapse (MVP. Classical form of MVP has been associated with higher risk of mitral regurgitation (MR and concomitant complications. We sought to determine the relation of mitral valve morphology and motion to mitral regurgitation severity in patients with MVP. Methods We prospectively analyzed transthoracic echocardiograms of 38 consecutive patients with MVP and various degrees of MR. In the parasternal long-axis view, leaflets length, diastolic leaflet thickness, prolapsing depth, billowing area and non-coaptation distance between both leaflets were measured. Results Twenty patients (53% and 18 patients (47% were identified as having moderate to severe and mild MR respectively (ERO = 45 ± 27 mm2 vs. 5 ± 7 mm2, p Conclusions In patients with MVP, thick mitral leaflet is not associated with significant MR. Leaflet thickness is probably not as important in risk stratification as previously reported in patients with MVP. Other anatomical and geometrical features of the mitral valve apparatus area appear to be much more closely related to MR severity.

  6. Mapping of mitral regurgitant defects by cardiovascular magnetic resonance in moderate or severe mitral regurgitation secondary to mitral valve prolapse

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    Raffel Owen C


    Full Text Available Abstract Purpose In mitral valve prolapse, determining whether the valve is suitable for surgical repair depends on the location and mechanism of regurgitation. We assessed whether cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR could accurately identify prolapsing or flail mitral valve leaflets and regurgitant jet direction in patients with known moderate or severe mitral regurgitation. Methods CMR of the mitral valve was compared with trans-thoracic echocardiography (TTE in 27 patients with chronic moderate to severe mitral regurgitation due to mitral valve prolapse. Contiguous long-axis high temporal resolution CMR cines perpendicular to the valve commissures were obtained across the mitral valve from the medial to lateral annulus. This technique allowed systematic valve inspection and mapping of leaflet prolapse using a 6 segment model. CMR mapping was compared with trans-oesophageal echocardiography (TOE or surgical inspection in 10 patients. Results CMR and TTE agreed on the presence/absence of leaflet abnormality in 53 of 54 (98% leaflets. Prolapse or flail was seen in 36 of 54 mitral valve leaflets examined on TTE. CMR and TTE agreed on the discrimination of prolapse from flail in 33 of 36 (92% leaflets and on the predominant regurgitant jet direction in 26 of the 27 (96% patients. In the 10 patients with TOE or surgical operative findings available, CMR correctly classified presence/absence of segmental abnormality in 49 of 60 (82% leaflet segments. Conclusion Systematic mitral valve assessment using a simple protocol is feasible and could easily be incorporated into CMR studies in patients with mitral regurgitation due to mitral valve prolapse.

  7. Cardiopatía valvular en fase dilatada en paciente con Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos

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    Belkis J. Menoni-Blanco


    Full Text Available El Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos (SED es una alteración hereditaria del tejido conjuntivo, presentada en 1 de 5000 nacidos. Las principales alteraciones cardiovasculares descritas son insuficiencia de la válvula mitral y debilidad de vasos sanguíneos de gran calibre. En este reporte se presenta paciente de 25 años de edad, con diagnósticos de SED e insuficiencia mitral desde 2007, asociado con patrón de disnea a moderados esfuerzos (Clase funcional II. En mayo de 2009 consulta por presentar cambio en el patrón de disnea por lo que es ingresada al Servicio de Cardiología del Hospital Universitario de Caracas con los diagnósticos de SDE y cardiopatía dilatada con insuficiencia mitral severa e insuficiencia tricuspídea moderada en insuficiencia cardíaca clase funcional IV. En el examen físico se evidencia pulso venoso yugular con onda v sistólica a +5cm, pulso carotídeo parvus y céler, latido sistólico, ápex hiperquinético, ruidos rítmicos y regulares, soplo holosistólico mitral 2/4 y soplo holosistólico tricuspídeo 2/4, modificable con la inspiración. El tratamiento planteado es reemplazo valvular mitral para mejorar la sintomatología. La complicación valvular en este síndrome es poco frecuente, siendo resaltante en el caso, la alteración de dos válvulas cardíacas y además, la presencia de un evento tromboembólico de origen cardiogénico hacia sistema nervioso central como antecedente. La valoración de esta paciente permite la identificación de elementos particulares de su patología, que pueden ser descritos como factores de riesgo en la evolución hacia una cardiopatía avanzada.

  8. Surgical treatment of infective endocarditis with aortic and tricuspid valve involvement using cryopreserved aortic and mitral valve allografts. (United States)

    Ostrovsky, Yury; Spirydonau, Siarhei; Shchatsinka, Mikalai; Shket, Aliaksandr


    Surgical treatment of infective and prosthetic endocarditis using allografts gives good results. Aortic allograft implantation is a common technique, while tricuspid valve replacement with a mitral allograft is very rare. Multiple valve disease in case of infective endocarditis is a surgical challenge as such patients are usually in a grave condition and results of surgical treatment are often unsatisfactory. In this article we describe a clinical case of successful surgical treatment in a patient with active infective endocarditis of aortic and tricuspid valve, complicated by an aortic-right ventricular fistula. The aortic valve and ascending aorta were replaced with a cryopreserved aortic allograft; the tricuspid valve was replaced with a cryopreserved mitral allograft. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  9. Percutaneous transluminal mitral commissurotomy for rheumatic mitral stenosis in a 5-year-old child. (United States)

    Ullah, Maad; Sultan, Mehboob; Akbar, Hajira; Sadiq, Nadeem


    We report a 5-year-old boy weighing 11 kg, with severe mitral valve stenosis of rheumatic aetiology, who underwent successful percutaneous transluminal mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) with valvuloplasty balloon. Postprocedural mean pressure gradient across the mitral valve decreased to 6 mmHg from an initially recorded value of 22 mmHg. In addition to symptomatic improvement, the mitral valvular area increased from 0.4 to 0.8 cm(2) without significant change in mitral regurgitation. At 1- and 3-month follow up, transthoracic echocardiography revealed further improvement with an increase in mitral valve area to 1.0 cm(2), a decrease in pulmonary arterial pressure, and a mean mitral valve pressure gradient of 8 mmHg with trivial mitral regurgitation. To best of our knowledge, this is the first successful PTMC procedure performed in the youngest and smallest ever reported child with rheumatic mitral stenosis (MS). We conclude that PTMC with valvuloplasty balloon could be a logical alternative to surgery in young patients with rheumatic MS.

  10. Durability of mitral valve repair for mitral regurgitation due to degenerative mitral valve disease. (United States)

    David, Tirone E


    Degenerative diseases of the mitral valve (MV) are the most common cause of mitral regurgitation in the Western world and the most suitable pathology for MV repair. Several studies have shown excellent long-term durability of MV repair for degenerative diseases. The best follow-up results are obtained with isolated prolapse of the posterior leaflet, however even with isolated prolapse of the anterior leaflet or prolapse of both leaflets the results are gratifying, particularly in young patients. The freedom from reoperation on the MV at 15 years exceeds 90% for isolated prolapse of the posterior leaflet and it is around 70-85% for prolapse of the anterior leaflet or both leaflets. The degree of degenerative change in the MV also plays a role in durability of MV repair. Most studies have used freedom from reoperation to assess durability of the repair but some studies that examined valve function late after surgery suggest that recurrent mitral regurgitation is higher than estimated by freedom from reoperation. We can conclude that MV repair for degenerative mitral regurgitation is associated with low probability of reoperation for up to two decades after surgery. However, almost one-third of the patients develop recurrent moderate or severe mitral regurgitation suggesting that surgery does not arrest the degenerative process.

  11. Redo mitral valve surgery

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    Redoy Ranjan


    Full Text Available This study is based on the findings of a single surgeon’s practice of mitral valve replacement of 167 patients from April 2005 to June 2017 who developed symptomatic mitral restenosis after closed or open mitral commisurotomy. Both clinical and color doppler echocardiographic data of peri-operative and six months follow-up period were evaluated and compared to assess the early outcome of the redo mitral valve surgery. With male-female ratio of 1: 2.2 and after a duration of 6 to 22 years symptom free interval between the redo procedures, the selected patients with mitral valve restenosis undergone valve replacement with either mechanical valve in 62% cases and also tissue valve in 38% cases. Particular emphasis was given to separate the adhered pericardium from the heart completely to ameliorate base to apex and global contraction of the heart. Besides favorable post-operative clinical outcome, the echocardiographic findings were also encouraging as there was statistically significant increase in the mitral valve area and ejection fraction with significant decrease in the left atrial diameter, pressure gradient across the mitral valve and pulmonary artery systolic pressure. Therefore, in case of inevitable mitral restenosis after closed or open commisurotomy, mitral valve replacement is a promising treatment modality.

  12. Estrategias en la prevención de la insuficiencia cardíaca

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    Vukasovig R. José Luis, MD, FACC


    Full Text Available Aproximadamente 1 a 2% de la población adulta tiene insuficiencia cardíaca, llegando a valores sobre el 10% en mayores de 70 años de edad. Una adecuada estrategia en la prevención de la Insuficiencia Cardíaca implica tener un manejo precoz en aquellas etiologías que la producen tales como: hipertensión arterial, enfermedad coronaria, valvulopatías y miocardiopatías. La hipertensión arterial es la primera causa de insuficiencia cardíaca en Chile y se expresa principalmente a través de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda y disfunción diastólica. La enfermedad coronaria genera insuficiencia cardíaca por medio de infarto al miocardio y la isquemia miocárdica sostenida (tejido hibernado, para evitar el compromiso ventricular deben controlarse rigurosamente los factores de riesgo de enfermedad coronaria. En caso de presentarse una obstrucción coronaria aguda se debe reestablecer el flujo coronario a la brevedad para disminuir la necrosis de miocitos. Actualmente las valvulopatías están siendo intervenidas cada vez más precozmente con el fin de evitar la remodelación ventricular patológica irreversible. En relación a las miocardiopatías se debe enfatizar en la necesidad de una detección precoz de la toxicidad por drogas antineoplásicas (ej antraciclinas, del mismo modo debemos preocuparnos de factores emergentes que conducen a insuficiencia cardíaca, ejemplo obesidad.

  13. Mitral regurgitation jet around neoannulus: Mitral valve replacement in erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae endocarditis

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    Rahul Basu


    Full Text Available A 50-year-old male presented with erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (ER endocarditis of the mitral valve, severe mitral regurgitation, and heart failure. The ER endocarditis destroyed the native mitral annulus therefore a new annulus was created for the suspension of the mitral bioprosthesis. Postoperative neoannulus dehiscence and leak prompted to redo surgery where transesophageal echocardiography (TEE played an important role in pointing out the exact location of perineoannular leaks for repair.

  14. Mitral Stenosis: A Review

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    By C. Richard Conti, MD, MACC


    Full Text Available Mitral stenosis due to rheumatic heart disease is not common in the United States but is common in the developing world because rheumatic fever is still occurring frequently. Symptoms usually gradually occur in the young adult (most commonly female. Atrial fibrillation is a common accompanying rhythm in patients with proven mitral stenosis. The main physiologic event is a pressure gradient between the left atrium and the left ventricle. Diagnosis is relatively straight forward using physical exam and simple laboratory studies such as Chest X-Ray (elevated Left main stem bronchus, Double Density indicating enlarged left atrium and ECG (P-Mitrale. Cardiac ultrasound confirms the clinical diagnosis (Doming of mitral valve in diastole, Hockey stick deformity of the anterior mitral valve leaflet, large left atrium, Doppler estimation of valve gradient. Mitral commisurotomy (surgical or Balloon is warranted if the valve is pliable and not heavily calcified.

  15. Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy in patients with mitral stenosis and coexistent hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Wang, P W; Hung, J S; Fu, M; Yeh, K H; Wu, J J


    Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) was performed successfully without complications in 3 patients with severe mitral stenosis and hyperthyroidism. All 3 patients had pliable, noncalcified mitral valves. One patient who had been treated with methimazole for 6 months was still in a hyperthyroid state when she presented with intractable congestive heart failure and was found to have severe mitral stenosis. The heart failure improved immediately after PTMC, but the patient remained in New York Heart Association functional class 2 until a euthyroid state was achieved with I131 therapy. In the other 2 patients, hyperthyroidism was unsuspected at the time of PTMC. Unexpectedly suboptimal symptom improvement led to the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism 1 month after the intervention. In all 3 patients, PTMC resulted in an immediate hemodynamic and clinical improvement. However, complete clinical improvement occurred only when euthyroid state was achieved after antithyroid treatment. The present study suggests that PTMC is a safe and effective intervention modality in patients with coexisting hyperthyroidism and severe mitral stenosis. The procedure may be considered a therapeutic option in patients with hyperthyroidism and severe mitral stenosis.

  16. Mitral valve repair and redo repair for mitral regurgitation in a heart transplant recipient

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bouma, Wobbe; Brugemann, Johan; Wijdh-den Hamer, Inez J.; Klinkenberg, Theo J.; Koene, Bart M.; Kuijpers, Michiel; Erasmus, Michiel E.; van der Horst, Iwan C. C.; Mariani, Massimo A.


    A 37-year-old man with end-stage idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy underwent an orthotopic heart transplant followed by a reoperation with mitral annuloplasty for severe mitral regurgitation. Shortly thereafter, he developed severe tricuspid regurgitation and severe recurrent mitral regurgitation

  17. Moderate exercise does not increase the severity of mitral regurgitation due to mitral valve prolapse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pecini, Redi; Dalsgaard, Morten; Møller, Daniel Vega


    Mitral regurgitation (MR) secondary to ischemic heart disease (IHD) increases during exercise. We tested the hypothesis that the same is also true for MR due to mitral valve prolapse (MVP).......Mitral regurgitation (MR) secondary to ischemic heart disease (IHD) increases during exercise. We tested the hypothesis that the same is also true for MR due to mitral valve prolapse (MVP)....

  18. Mitral regurgitation: challenges and solutions

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    Ejiofor JI


    Full Text Available Julius I Ejiofor, Lawrence Cohn,† Tsuyoshi Kaneko Division of Cardiac Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA †Lawrence Cohn passed away on January 9, 2016 Abstract: Since the first mitral valvuloplasty in 1923, the technique of mitral valvuloplasty has matured over the years and now has become the first-line treatment, especially in patients with myxomatous mitral regurgitation (MR. We have highlighted some of the major problems that are encountered with the various etiologies of MR. We believe that repair is always the optimal surgical procedure for any of the above etiologies if it is consistent with a long-term result. However, replacement has shown to be a safer procedure in some instances such as severe functional MR or destructive endocarditis. Keywords: mitral regurgitation, mitral valvuloplasty, systolic anterior motion, functional mitral regurgitation, rheumatic valve disease


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    Victoria Ruiz-Romero


    Full Text Available Los ingresos hospitalarios evitables por insuficiencia cardiaca (IC son un problema para los sistemas de salud, consumen recursos, generan morbilidades adicionales y alta mortalidad. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer los factores de riesgo de las personas hospitalizadas por insuficiencia cardiaca. Métodos: Se constituyó un grupo con médicos de atención primaria y hospitalaria. Se realizaron auditorías de las historias clínicas de 110 pacien - tes de la poblacion de la comarca del Aljarafe con mayores tasas de ingreso por insuficiencia cardiaca y estudio descriptivo y comparativo con T-Student y U-Mann Whitney para cuantitativas y λ 2 y Fisher para cualitativas. Resultados: Los pacientes que ingresaron por IC tenían 78,1 años (SD: 9,56 de media; 73 (66,4% fueron mujeres; un Índice Barthel de 45,0 de media; un 53,5% con grado III de la NYHA y 17 (15,5% institucionaliza - dos. El 70% presentaban 3-5 comorbilidades, hipertensión (87,3%, dislipe - mia (60,0% diabetes (57,3%, enfermedad renal crónica (56,4%, anemia (53,2% o fibrilación auricular (52,7%. Fallecieron al ingreso 23 (20,9% pacientes. Conclusiones: Los ingresos se dieron en personas mayores con múl - tiples enfermedades (hipertensión, diabetes, EPOC, enfermedad renal y escasa capacidad para actividades básicas de la vida diaria. El fallecimiento hospitalario se asoció a edad avanzada, ser mujer, menor uso de betabloqueantes y la no inclusión del paciente en el proceso asistencial.

  20. Tratamiento endovascular de una fuga paraprotésica mitral con dispositivo Amplatzer®

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    Alberto Sciegata


    Full Text Available El leak o fuga paraprotésica mitral se presenta entre el 5 y el 17% de los pacientes tratados con cirugía de reemplazo valvular. En general, los defectos son únicos, la mayoría se encuentran localizados en la región postero-medial del anillo valvular y solo la tercera parte produce reflujo de grado grave. El cierre percutáneo por vía endovascular es una alternativa terapéutica válida en pacientes con elevado riesgo para re-operación. La estrategia de abordaje depende de la localización, tamaño, morfología y relaciones adyacentes del o los defectos. El procedimiento debe ser realizado por profesionales con experiencia en el tratamiento de cardiopatías estructurales y en el manejo de estos dispositivos de cierre, y se considera imprescindible la utilización de un ecocardiograma transesofágico tridimensional. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con una fuga paraprotésica valvular mitral que fue cerrada con un dispositivo Amplatzer ® introducido en forma percutánea desde la vena femoral.

  1. Mitral Valve Stenosis (United States)

    ... the left ventricle from flowing backward. A defective heart valve fails to either open or close fully. Risk factors Mitral valve stenosis is less common today than it once was because the most common cause, ... other heart valve problems, mitral valve stenosis can strain your ...

  2. Effects of Mitral Annulus Remodeling Following MitraClip Procedure on Reduction of Functional Mitral Regurgitation. (United States)

    Hidalgo, Francisco; Mesa, Dolores; Ruiz, Martín; Delgado, Mónica; Rodríguez, Sara; Pardo, Laura; Pan, Manuel; López, Amador; Romero, Miguel A; Suárez de Lezo, José


    The percutaneous mitral valve repair procedure (MitraClip) appears to reduce mitral annulus diameter in patients with functional mitral regurgitation, but the relationship between this and regurgitation severity has not been demonstrated. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of mitral annulus remodeling on the reduction of mitral regurgitation in patients with functional etiology. The study included all patients with functional mitral regurgitation treated with MitraClip at our hospital until January 2015. Echocardiogram (iE33 model, Philips) was performed in all patients immediately after device positioning. Changes in the mitral annulus correlated with mitral regurgitation severity, as assessed using the effective regurgitant orifice area. The study included 23 patients (age, 65±14 years; 74% men; left ventricular ejection fraction, 31%±13%; systolic pulmonary artery pressure, 47±10 mmHg). After the procedure, the regurgitant orifice area decreased by 0.30 cm 2 ±0.04 cm 2 (P<.0005), from a baseline of 0.49 cm 2 ±0.09 cm 2 . Anteroposterior diameter decreased by 3.14 mm±1.01 mm (P<.0005) from a baseline of 28.27 mm±4.9 mm, with no changes in the intercommissural diameter (0.50 mm±0.91 mm vs 40.68 mm±4.7 mm; P=.26). A significant association was seen between anteroposterior diameter reduction and regurgitant orifice area reduction (r=.49; P=.020). In patients with functional mitral regurgitation, the MitraClip device produces an immediate reduction in the anteroposterior diameter. This remodeling may be related to the reduction in mitral regurgitation. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  3. Tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardíaca: nuevas estrategias terapéuticas

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    Jesús Herreros


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia cardíaca es uno de los problemas de salud de mayor relevancia por su incidencia creciente y sus repercusiones sociales, económicas y sobre todo humanas. El trasplante cardíaco es un abordaje excelente y un tratamiento consolidado para estos pacientes. Sin embargo, la desproporción entre el número de pacientes con una insuficiencia cardíaca terminal y los donantes potenciales restringe el trasplante a aquellos pacientes sin otras posibilidades de tratamiento y ha generado alternativas terapéuticas para mejorar el pronóstico y los síntomas de estos pacientes con alto riesgo. El interés creciente del estudio de la reversibilidad de varias formas de insuficiencia cardíaca terminal y la aplicación de la biología al tratamiento de estos pacientes ha inducido el desarrollo de estrategias terapéuticas, diseñadas para integrar la biología y las nuevas tecnologías médicas, para así intervenir sobre los modelos biomecánicos, moleculares y neurohormonales de la insuficiencia cardíaca. Estos tratamientos incluyen la cardiomioplastia celular, la ingeniería tisular, la cirugía de restauración del ventrículo izquierdo, la inmunoadsorción y la constricción mecánica pasiva ventricular como puente a la recuperación. La integración de estos abordajes puede ofrecer alternativas válidas al trasplante cardíaco.

  4. Mitral-valve repair versus replacement for severe ischemic mitral regurgitation. (United States)

    Acker, Michael A; Parides, Michael K; Perrault, Louis P; Moskowitz, Alan J; Gelijns, Annetine C; Voisine, Pierre; Smith, Peter K; Hung, Judy W; Blackstone, Eugene H; Puskas, John D; Argenziano, Michael; Gammie, James S; Mack, Michael; Ascheim, Deborah D; Bagiella, Emilia; Moquete, Ellen G; Ferguson, T Bruce; Horvath, Keith A; Geller, Nancy L; Miller, Marissa A; Woo, Y Joseph; D'Alessandro, David A; Ailawadi, Gorav; Dagenais, Francois; Gardner, Timothy J; O'Gara, Patrick T; Michler, Robert E; Kron, Irving L


    Ischemic mitral regurgitation is associated with a substantial risk of death. Practice guidelines recommend surgery for patients with a severe form of this condition but acknowledge that the supporting evidence for repair or replacement is limited. We randomly assigned 251 patients with severe ischemic mitral regurgitation to undergo either mitral-valve repair or chordal-sparing replacement in order to evaluate efficacy and safety. The primary end point was the left ventricular end-systolic volume index (LVESVI) at 12 months, as assessed with the use of a Wilcoxon rank-sum test in which deaths were categorized below the lowest LVESVI rank. At 12 months, the mean LVESVI among surviving patients was 54.6±25.0 ml per square meter of body-surface area in the repair group and 60.7±31.5 ml per square meter in the replacement group (mean change from baseline, -6.6 and -6.8 ml per square meter, respectively). The rate of death was 14.3% in the repair group and 17.6% in the replacement group (hazard ratio with repair, 0.79; 95% confidence interval, 0.42 to 1.47; P=0.45 by the log-rank test). There was no significant between-group difference in LVESVI after adjustment for death (z score, 1.33; P=0.18). The rate of moderate or severe recurrence of mitral regurgitation at 12 months was higher in the repair group than in the replacement group (32.6% vs. 2.3%, P<0.001). There were no significant between-group differences in the rate of a composite of major adverse cardiac or cerebrovascular events, in functional status, or in quality of life at 12 months. We observed no significant difference in left ventricular reverse remodeling or survival at 12 months between patients who underwent mitral-valve repair and those who underwent mitral-valve replacement. Replacement provided a more durable correction of mitral regurgitation, but there was no significant between-group difference in clinical outcomes. (Funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Canadian Institutes of

  5. Plástica mitral Mitral repair

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    Domingo M Braile


    Full Text Available Foram estudados 101 pacientes submetidos a plástica da valva mitral em seis anos, com seguimento de 100%. Entre eles, 36 eram do sexo masculino e 65 do sexo feminino, com idade variando de dois a 62 anos (M = 28 ± 16,4. Desses, 57 (56,4% foram submetidos apenas a abordagem valvar mitral. Os demais foram submetidos a procedimentos associados, como plástica tricúspide (9,9%, revascularização do miocárdio (4,0%, entre outros. Não foi registrado óbito imediato. O índice de mortalidade tardia foi de 2% (AVC hemorrágico após cinco anos e septicemia, no primeiro ano. As complicações não fatais foram representadas pela endocardite evidenciada em dois pacientes (2%, sendo tratados e curados, e um paciente com reestenose mitral pós-plástica por reagudização da doença reumática. O estudo atuarial revelou um índice de 79,0 ± 17,7% de sobrevida, um total de 76,3 ± 17,8% de pacientes livres de complicações, 80,0 ± 17,9% de reoperações, 100,0% livres de tromboembolismo. Os resultados ecodoplercardiográficos registraram que 89% dos pacientes evoluíram com ausência de insuficiência. Dos 11% restantes, 7,4% apresentram insuficiência mitral discreta, 2,4% moderada e 2% importante. De acordo com a classificação da NYHA, os pacientes das classes III (83,8% e IV (16,2% passaram para as classes I (33,3%, II (60,6%, III (4,1% e IV (2%. Os autores concluem que o anel de pericárdio flexível conforma-se perfeitamente com o anel valvar, não produz hemólise e se endoteliza completamente a médio prazo.A hundred-and-one patients were studied in six years, with 100% of follow-up. Among them, 36 were male and 65 female, with an age range of two to 62 years (mean 28 ± 16.4%. Fifty seven of them (56.4% underwent just a mitral surgery, the others and other associated procedures, as tricuspid plastic (9.9%, coronary artery revascularization (4.0%, among others. Hospital mortality was not registered. The late mortality rate was 2% for AVC

  6. Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty in mitral stenosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jae Hyung; Oh, Byung Hee; Park, Kyung Ju; Kim, Seung Hyup; Lee, Young Woo; Han, Man Chung


    Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty(PBV) was successfully performed in 8 mitral stenosis patients for recent 3 months. Five patients have aortic insufficiencies also and two patients have mitral regurgitations below grade II/IV. All patients showed sinus rhythm on EKG, and had no mitral valvular calcification on echocardiography and fluoroscopy. PBV resulted in an increase in mitral valve area from 1.22±0.22 to 2.57±0.86 cm 2 , a decrease in mean left atrial pressure from 23.4±9.6 to 7.5±3.4 mmHg and a decrease in mean mitral pressure gradient from 21.3±9.4 to 6.8±3.1 mmHg. There were no significant complications except 2 cases of newly appeared and mildly aggravated mitral regurgitation. We believe that PBV will become a treatment modality of choice replacing surgical commissurotomy or valve replacement in a group of mitral stenosis patients, because of its effectiveness and safety

  7. Comparación de cambios clínicos y hemodinámicos en pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta según tipo de manejo.


    Escobar Diaz, Alejandro


    Existen varias causas de la insuficiencia venosa profunda, la insuficiencia venosa superficial es una de ellas; por tal motivo, una intervención activa de la insuficiencia superficial ya sea cirugía convencional, esclerosis o radiofrecuencia mejora el reflujo del sistema venoso profundo. En nuestro medio no se acostumbra a intervenir los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta bajo la creencia de exacerbar la enfermedad o generar complicaciones. Se pretende documentar los cambios clínicos y ...

  8. Insuficiencia renal crónica.


    Torres Zamudio, César


    La insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) se define como el deterioro lento y progresivo de las funciones renales debido a la destrucción irreversible de las nefronas. El resultado es un descenso gradual de la velocidad de filtración glomerular, de la función tubular y de la capacidad de reabsorción, que da lugar a la pérdida del control hidroelectrolítico, a trastornos aci­dobásicos y a problemas sistémicos. Suele producirse una progresión gradual hacia la uremia. Evoluciona en periodos de tiempo...

  9. Problem: Mitral Valve Regurgitation (United States)

    ... each time the left ventricle contracts. Watch an animation of mitral valve regurgitation A leaking mitral valve ... Not Alone Popular Articles 1 Understanding Blood Pressure Readings 2 Sodium and Salt 3 Heart Attack Symptoms ...

  10. Mitral stenosis in 15 dogs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lehmkuhl, L.B.; Ware, W.A.; Bonagura, J.D.


    Mitral stenosis was diagnosed in 15 young to middle-aged dogs. There were 5 Newfoundlands and 4 bull terriers affected, suggesting a breed predisposition for this disorder. Clinical signs included cough, dyspnea, exercise intolerance, and syncope. Soft left apical diastolic murmurs were heard only in 4 dogs, whereas 8 dogs had systolic murmurs characteristic of mitral regurgitation. Left atrial enlargement was the most prominent radiographic feature. Left-sided congestive heart failure was detected by radiographs in 11 dogs within 1 year of diagnosis. Electrocardiographic abnormalities varied among dogs and included atrial and ventricular enlargement, as well as atrial and ventricular arrhythmias. Abnormalities on M-mode and two-dimensional echocardiograms included abnormal diastolic motion of the mitral valve characterized by decreased leaflet separation, valve doming, concordant motion of the parietal mitral valve leaflet, and a decreased E-to-F slope. Increased mitral valve inflow velocities and prolonged pressure half-times were detected by Doppler echocardiography. Cardiac catheterization, performed in 8 dogs, documented a diastolic pressure gradient between the left atrial, pulmonary capillary wedge, or pulmonary artery diastolic pressures and the left ventricular diastolic pressure. Necropsy showed mitral stenosis caused by thickened, fused mitral valve leaflets in 5 dogs and a supramitral ring in another dog. The outcome in affected dogs was poor; 9 of 15 dogs were euthanatized or died by 2 1/2 years of age

  11. Traumatic Mitral Valve and Pericardial Injury

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    Nissar Shaikh


    Full Text Available Cardiac injury after blunt trauma is common but underreported. Common cardiac trauma after the blunt chest injury (BCI is cardiac contusion; it is very rare to have cardiac valve injury. The mitral valve injury during chest trauma occurs when extreme pressure is applied at early systole during the isovolumic contraction between the closure of the mitral valve and the opening of the aortic valve. Traumatic mitral valve injury can involve valve leaflet, chordae tendineae, or papillary muscles. For the diagnosis of mitral valve injury, a high index of suspicion is required, as in polytrauma patients, other obvious severe injuries will divert the attention of the treating physician. Clinical picture of patients with mitral valve injury may vary from none to cardiogenic shock. The echocardiogram is the main diagnostic modality of mitral valve injuries. Patient’s clinical condition will dictate the timing and type of surgery or medical therapy. We report a case of mitral valve and pericardial injury in a polytrauma patient, successfully treated in our intensive care unit.

  12. frequency of severe mitral stenosis in young female patients having pure mitral stenosis secondary to rheumatic heart disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad, S.; Hayat, U.; Naz, H.


    High morbidity and mortality due to Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) associated with females is mainly because of late diagnosis on one hand and socioeconomic reasons on the other hand. Poor referral to tertiary care centres leads to delayed diagnosis which results in complications. The objectives of this cross-sectional descriptive study was to assess the frequency of severe mitral stenosis in woman of child bearing age, having pure mitral stenosis (MS) secondary to rheumatic heart disease. Methods: Two hundred and fifty women of child bearing age with RHD were enrolled in the study using consecutive non-probability sampling technique. Out of these 250 patients, cases of pure MS were selected. Patients with associated mitral regurgitation and aortic valve disease were excluded. After admission, assessment of mitral valve stenosis was done with 2D colour Doppler echocardiography. Results: Out of 250 consecutive patients of rheumatic carditis, 110 (44%) patients had pure mitral valve stenosis, 85 (34%) had stenosis with mitral regurgitation and 55 (22%) patients had both mitral and aortic valve problem of varying severity. Among 110 patients with pure mitral valve stenosis, 48 (43.6%) had severe mitral valve stenosis. Severe mitral valve gradient (MVG) and high pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) was observed in 66 (60%) and 49 (44.5%) of the patients respectively. Conclusion: This high frequency can be linked to lack of early detection of the disease at primary level, poor management of throat infections and poor rheumatic fever prophylaxis at community level. (author )

  13. All in the family: matrimonial mitral valve clicks. (United States)

    Desser, K B; Bokhari, S I; Benchimol, A; Romney, D


    Mitral valve clicks with or without late systolic murmurs were detected in genetically unrelated marital partners of 5 families. The first family represented 2 successive nonconsanguineous marital unions with 3 generations of mitral valve clicks. The second family included 1 natural and 2 adopted children with clinical and echographic evidence of mitral valve prolapse. The third family was comprised of asymptomatic parents, both with nonejection clicks and mitral valve prolapse, whose daughter presented 3 years previously with syncope, palpitations, and combined mitral and tricuspid valve prolapse. The fourth family had 3 members with auscultatory and ultrasonic manifestations of billowing mitral valve, whereas the fourth member had "silent mitral valve prolapse." The fifth family represented a mother with auscultatory and echographic evidence of mitral valve prolapse; her 14-year-old daughter had both mitral and tricuspid valve prolapse, whereas the son had a bicuspid aortic valve. Both children were products of a prior marriage, and her husband has symptomatic mitral valve prolapse. We conclude that matrimonial mitral valve prolapse probably reflects the purported (6--10%) prevalence of this disorder in the general population. The consequences of such marital union on progeny is currently unclear and warrants future investigation.

  14. Alfabetización en salud en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca atendidos en atención primaria

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    Rosalia Santesmases-Masana


    Conclusiones: La alfabetización en salud permite explicar la actitud de los pacientes hacia el régimen terapéutico que requiere la insuficiencia cardiaca. En los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca, los médicos y enfermeras de atención primaria han de tener en cuenta los factores que facilitan la comprensión de la información de salud.

  15. Management of mitral regurgitation in Marfan syndrome: Outcomes of valve repair versus replacement and comparison with myxomatous mitral valve disease. (United States)

    Helder, Meghana R K; Schaff, Hartzell V; Dearani, Joseph A; Li, Zhuo; Stulak, John M; Suri, Rakesh M; Connolly, Heidi M


    The study objective was to evaluate patients with Marfan syndrome and mitral valve regurgitation undergoing valve repair or replacement and to compare them with patients undergoing repair for myxomatous mitral valve disease. We reviewed the medical records of consecutive patients with Marfan syndrome treated surgically between March 17, 1960, and September 12, 2011, for mitral regurgitation and performed a subanalysis of those with repairs compared with case-matched patients with myxomatous mitral valve disease who had repairs (March 14, 1995, to July 5, 2013). Of 61 consecutive patients, 40 underwent mitral repair and 21 underwent mitral replacement (mean [standard deviation] age, 40 [18] vs 31 [19] years; P = .09). Concomitant aortic surgery was performed to a similar extent (repair, 45% [18/40] vs replacement, 43% [9/21]; P = .87). Ten-year survival was significantly better in patients with Marfan syndrome with mitral repair than in those with replacement (80% vs 41%; P = .01). Mitral reintervention did not differ between mitral repair and replacement (cumulative risk of reoperation, 27% vs 15%; P = .64). In the matched cohort, 10-year survival after repair was similar for patients with Marfan syndrome and myxomatous mitral disease (84% vs 78%; P = .63), as was cumulative risk of reoperation (17% vs 12%; P = .61). Patients with Marfan syndrome and mitral regurgitation have better survival with repair than with replacement. Survival and risk of reoperation for patients with Marfan syndrome were similar to those for patients with myxomatous mitral disease. These results support the use of mitral valve repair in patients with Marfan syndrome and moderate or more mitral regurgitation, including those having composite replacement of the aortic root. Copyright © 2014 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Factores pronósticos del éxito de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva en la insuficiencia respiratoria aguda

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    Zadis Navarro Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y analítico, de casos y controles, de 41 afectados con insuficiencia respiratoria aguda, tratados con ventilación mecánica no invasiva y egresados de las unidades de atención a pacientes en estado grave en el Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, del 2012 al 2013, con vistas a describir la variabilidad de los parámetros fisiológicos y hemogasométricos, así como estimar la capacidad de pronóstico de estos en el desenlace exitoso del procedimiento. En la serie la media de edad fue de 60 años, predominó el sexo masculino (61,0 %, la técnica fue exitosa en 80,5 % y se constataron resultados significativos de éxito en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, asma bronquial e insuficiencia respiratoria aguda posextubación (76,9; 87,5 y 100,0 %, respectivamente. El éxito de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva trajo aparejada una mejoría considerable en los integrantes de la casuística al final de la evaluación de todos los parámetros fisiológicos y hemogasométricos, a excepción, en este último caso, de la presión arterial de dióxido de carbono y el bicarbonato sódico. Finalmente se concluyó que solo la escala de coma de Glasgow y la presión arterial de oxígeno presentaron importancia significativa para el pronóstico de éxito

  17. Comportamientos y capacidad de agencia de autocuidado de adultos con insuficiencia cardiaca

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    Full Text Available Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir comportamientos y capacidad de agencia de autocuidado de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca de una clínica cardiovascular de Medellín entre noviembre de 2007 y mayo de 2008. Es un estudio descriptivo con abordaje cuantitativo. La muestra fue de 206 adultos con insuficiencia cardiaca diagnosticados por sintomatología clínica, fracción de eyección menor o igual a 40%. Se usaron para la recolección de datos la Escala Capacidad de Agencia de Autocuidado desarrollada por Isemberg y Evers et ál. (1993, traducida por Gallego, que mide el nivel de agencia de autocuidado, y la Escala Comportamientos de Autocuidado validada en Colombia en 2007 por Arredondo, que mide la frecuencia de comportamientos de autocuidado de adultos con insuficiencia cardiaca en la solicitud de ayuda, adaptación a vivir con la enfermedad y el régimen terapéutico, modificación del autoconcepto y aceptación de sí mismo, vivir con efectos de la insuficiencia cardiaca y el tratamiento. Concluye que el mayor número de pacientes eran hombres; que factores básicos condicionantes como el apoyo de la familia, desempeño de un trabajo, afiliación al sistema de salud, nivel socioeconómico y acceso a un nivel educativo fueron importantes para los pacientes. La frecuencia de comportamientos de autocuidado fue media en los adultos en la mayoría de las dimensiones y el nivel de agencia fue alto y muy alto. Igualmente se concluyó que no hay una correlación entre agencia y comportamientos de autocuidado. Lo que plantea que los adultos tienen el conocimiento pero no han tomado la decisión de realizar acciones de autocuidado.

  18. Transcatheter Mitral Valve Devices - Functional Mechanical Designs. (United States)

    Kliger, Chad


    Mitral regurgitation is a complex disorder involving a multitude of components of the mitral apparatus. With the desire for less invasive treatment approaches, transcatheter mitral valve therapies (TMVT) are directed at these components and available at varying stages of development. Therapeutic advancements and the potential to combine technologies may further improve their efficacy and safety. Transcatheter mitral valve replacement, while preserving the mitral apparatus, may emerge as an alternative or even a more suitable treatment option. In addition, early data on transcatheter mitral valve-in-valve and valve-in-ring implantation are encouraging and this approach may be an alternative to reoperation in the high-risk patient. This review details the expanding functional mechanical designs of current active TMVT.

  19. Miastenia grave y miastenia grave ocular

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    Rosa María Naranjo Fernández

    Full Text Available La miastenia grave es una enfermedad caracterizada por debilidad y fatiga de los músculos voluntarios debido a una trasmisión anómala a nivel de la unión neuromuscular. La prevalencia es aproximadamente de 5 casos/100 000 personas. La miastenia grave puede ser bulbar, ocular o generalizada.Existen formas clínicas en la infancia como son la miastenia neonatal transitoria, la miastenia congénita y la miastenia juvenil. Los músculos oculares, faciales y bulbares son los más frecuentes afectados por la enfermedad. Cuando los síntomas se limitan a la musculatura cercana al ojo se denomina miastenia grave ocular. Una vez el oftalmólogo diagnostica o sospecha la miastenia grave, un neurólogo generalmente dirige la comprobación y tratamiento. El papel del oftalmólogo continúa siendo importante, además de chequear la motilidad y disfunción palpebral y proporcionar el alivio sintomático para estos desórdenes, debe estar alerta a la posibilidad de ambliopía.

  20. Homoenxerto mitral: uma realidade

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    Francisco Diniz Affonso da COSTA


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: A utilização de homoenxertos valvares aórticos criopreservados está associada a excelente qualidade de vida, com baixa morbidade e durabilidade satisfatória. Espera-se obter resultados semelhantes em posição mitral com o emprego de homoenxertos mitrais criopreservados. Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados imediatos e a curto prazo da substituição da valva mitral por homoenxerto mitral criopreservado. Casuística e Métodos: De julho/97 a fevereiro/98, 8 pacientes com média de idades de 40,3 ± 6,2 anos foram submetidos a substituição da valva mitral por homoenxerto mitral criopreservado. A técnica de implante consistiu de fixação látero-lateral dos músculos papilares, sutura anular contínua e anuloplastia com anel de Carpentier. Antes da alta, todos os pacientes realizaram ecocardiografia bidimensional com Doppler para análise da função valvar e ventricular. Os pacientes foram solicitados a retornar no primeiro mês e, subseqüentemente, a cada três meses de pós-operatório, para controles clínico e ecocardiográfico tardio. Resultados: Houve um óbito hospitalar de causa não relacionada ao enxerto. A avaliação ecocardiográfica antes da alta hospitalar demonstrou média das áreas valvares de 3,1 ± 0,6 cm2 e média dos gradientes médios de 3,5 ± 1,6 mmHg. A insuficiência valvar foi quantificada como inexistente ou trivial em 4 casos e leve em 3. A fração de ejeção de 57 ± 7% no pré-operatório foi adequadamente preservada no pós-operatório (62 ± 6%. Os níveis de hipertensão pulmonar regrediram significativamente de 87 ± 15 mmHg no pré-operatório para 48 ± 12 mmHg no pós-operatório. Houve também redução do tamanho da cavidade atrial esquerda de 61 ± 10 mm para 53 ± 7 mm. Nenhum paciente foi perdido do acompanhamento tardio. Após um tempo médio de seguimento de 4,1 ± 2,5 meses, os pacientes encontram-se funcionalmente bem e sem complicações pós-operatórias. O estudo ecocardiogr

  1. Anatomic characteristics of bileaflet mitral valve prolapse--Barlow disease--in patients undergoing mitral valve repair. (United States)

    Rostagno, Carlo; Droandi, Ginevra; Rossi, Alessandra; Bevilacqua, Sergio; Romagnoli, Stefano; Montesi, Gian Franco; Stefàno, Pier Luigi


    Barlow disease is a still challenging pathology for the surgeon. Aim of the present study is to report anatomic abnormalities of mitral valve in patients undergoing mitral valve repair. Between January 1st, 2007, and December 31st, 2010, 85 consecutive patients (54 men and 31 women, mean age 59 +/- 14 years--range: 28-85 years) with the features of a Barlow mitral valve disease underwent mitral repair Forty seven percent of patients were in New York Heart Association functional class III or IV. Preoperative transesophageal echocardiography was compared with anatomical findings at the moment of surgery. Transthoracic echocardiography diagnosis of Barlow disease according to the criteria described by Carpentier was confirmed at anatomical inspection. Annular calcifications were found in 28 patients while 7 patients presented single or multiple clefts. A flail posterior mitral leaflet was detected in 32 subjects, while a flail anterior leaflet in 8. Elongation of chordae tendineae was demonstrated in 45 patients and chordal rupture in 31. All patients showed at trans esophageal echocardiography the typical features of Barlow disease. Seventy-seven (90.6%) patients had severe mitral valve regurgitation, in the remaining 9.4% it was moderate to severe. Transesophageal echocardiography failed to identify clefts in 2/7 and chordal rupture in 4/31. bileaflet prolapse > 2 mm, billowing valve with excess tissue and thickened leaflets > or = 3 mm, and severe annular dilatation, are characteristics of Barlow disease, however the identification of the associated and complex abnormalities of mitral valve is necessary to obtain optimal valve repair.

  2. Manejo terapéutico actual de la insuficiencia cardíaca

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    Sarah María Regueira Betancourt


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia cardíaca es un síndrome clínico complejo, en el cual ocurren alteraciones anatómicas y funcionales, que dan como resultado un deterioro de la función de bomba del miocardio ventricular (disfunción sistólica o una incapacidad para una correcta relajación y llenado (disfunción diastólica, y es el estadio final de muchas enfermedades cardiovasculares. En el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca, desde la atención primaria de salud, es tradicional el empleo de diuréticos y digitálicos, que logran alivio de los síntomas, pero con poco impacto sobre la mortalidad y la supervivencia. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica actualizada, empleando los recursos disponibles en la red Infomed sobre los nuevos enfoques terapéuticos farmacológicos de la insuficiencia cardiaca, tanto por disfunción sistólica, como por disfunción diastólica. En la literatura se evidencia como se han revolucionado las bases del abordaje, tratamiento médico y pronóstico, al complementar el manejo tradicional de esta entidad (diuréticos, digitálicos y potasio e inotrópicos, con la introducción de nuevos grupos farmacológicos, como los inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de la angiotensina II (IECA y los betabloqueadores (BB

  3. Clinical application of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis and left atrial thrombi

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Junzhu; Zhang Furong; Tao Qianmin; Cheng Guanchang; Zheng Liangrong; Zhu Jianhua


    Objective: To evaluate safety and effect of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty (PBMV) for patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis and left atrial thrombi. Methods: PBMV was performed in 27 patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis and left atrial thrombi. 19 cases of left atrial fresh thrombi revealed by trans-esophageal echocardiography (TEE) received warfarin orally for 3-6 months before PBMV. Results: PBMV was successful in all cases of mitral stenosis and left atrial thrombi. Left atrial fresh thrombi was completely resolved in 9 cases and became smaller chronic organized thrombi in 10 cases after warfarin anticoagulation treatment among 19 cases of left atrial fresh thrombi revealed by TEE. In 5 cases of left atrial chronic organized thrombi shown only transthoracic echocardiography and without anticoagulation treatment, one case had cerebral embolism. No complication occurred in other cases. Conclusions: The study showed that patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation should have routine TEE. PBMV for rheumatic mitral stenosis with left atrial thrombi after anticoagulation treatment is safe and effective

  4. Transcatheter Mitral Valve-in-Ring Implantation

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Tanner, RE


    Failed surgical mitral valve repair using an annuloplasty ring has traditionally been treated with surgical valve replacement or repair1. For patients at high risk for repeat open heart surgery, placement of a trans-catheter aortic valve (i.e., TAVI valve) within the mitral ring (i.e., Mitral-Valve-in-Ring, MViR) has emerged as a novel alternative treatment strategy2-5 . We describe our experience of a failed mitral valve repair that was successfully treated with a TAVI valve delivered via the trans-septal approach, and summarise the data relating to this emerging treatment strategy.

  5. Temporal relationship between onset of Graves' ophthalmopathy and onset of thyroidal Graves' disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, W. M.; Smit, T.; van der Gaag, R.; Koornneef, L.


    The temporal relationship between the onset of Graves' ophthalmopathy and the onset of thyroidal Graves' disease was evaluated in 125 consecutive patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy. Thyroidal Graves' disease--past or present--was clinically evident in 99 patients (79%): hyperthyroidism in 3 cases.

  6. Long-Term Results of Mitral Valve Repair

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    Francisco Diniz Affonso da Costa

    Full Text Available Abstract Introduction: Current guidelines state that patients with severe mitral regurgitation should be treated in reference centers with a high reparability rate, low mortality rate, and durable results. Objective: To analyze our global experience with the treatment of organic mitral regurgitation from various etiologies operated in a single center. Methods: We evaluated all surgically treated patients with organic mitral regurgitation from 2004-2017. Patients were evaluated clinically and by echocardiography every year. We determined early and late survival rates, valve related events and freedom from recurrent mitral regurgitation and tricuspid regurgitation. Valve failure was defined as any mitral regurgitation ≥ moderate degree or the need for reoperation for any reason. Results: Out of 133 patients with organic mitral regurgitation, 125 (93.9% were submitted to valve repair. Mean age was 57±15 years and 52 patients were males. The most common etiologies were degenerative disease (73 patients and rheumatic disease (34 patients. Early mortality was 2.4% and late survival was 84.3% at 10 years, which are similar to the age- and gender-matched general population. Only two patients developed severe mitral regurgitation, and both were reoperated (95.6% at 10 years. Freedom from mitral valve failure was 84.5% at 10 years, with no difference between degenerative and rheumatic valves. Overall, late ≥ moderate tricuspid regurgitation was present in 34% of the patients, being more common in the rheumatic ones. The use of tricuspid annuloplasty abolished this complication. Conclusion: We have demonstrated that mitral regurgitation due to organic mitral valve disease from various etiologies can be surgically treated with a high repair rate, low early mortality and long-term survival that are comparable to the matched general population. Concomitant treatment of atrial fibrillation and tricuspid valve may be important adjuncts to optimize long

  7. Insuficiencia renal aguda con necrosis tubular aguda secundaria a picadura masiva de abejas

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    Gustavo A. Aroca - Martínez


    Full Text Available Leñador de 46 años consulta al servicio de nefrología, de la Clínica Renal de la Costa en Barranquilla, con episodio de insuficiencia renal aguda 48 horas después de haber sufrido múltiples picaduras por abejas africanizadas. Durante su estancia hospitalaria presentó incremento de enzimas musculares (AST LDH, y de pruebas de función renal, motivo por el cual fue dializado en varias ocasiones. Con mejoría total, se decide egresar y manejar ambulatoriamente. Se concluye que el caso se trata de una insuficiencia renal por necrosis tubular aguda por rabdomiolisis debida a la picadura múltiple de abejas africanizadas.

  8. An Asymptomatic Patient with Severe Mitral Regurgitation

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    Blase A. Carabello, MD


    Full Text Available In primary mitral regurgitation there are anatomic abnormalities of the mitral valve causing backward flow, placing a hemodynamic burden on the left ventricle. If this burden is severe and prolonged, it leads to left ventricular damage, heart failure, and death. The preferred therapy is restoration of mitral competence through mitral valve repair, which is safer than mitral valve replacement. When repair is performed in a timely fashion, lifespan can be returned to that of a normal individual. Triggers for timely repair include the onset of symptoms and evidence of left ventricular dysfunction as determined by ejection fraction falling toward 60% and/or end-systolic dimension increasing toward 40 mm.

  9. A Waving Horn on the Big Mitral Annulus Calcification: Caseous Calcification of the Mitral Annulus with Abscess Formation

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    Li-Tan Yang


    Full Text Available Caseous calcification of the mitral annulus (CCMA is a rare variant of mitral annular calcification. It comprises a combination of calcium, fatty acids, and cholesterol, and is characterized by heterogeneity in echocardiographic images, with peripheral areas of calcification surrounding a central area of echolucency, resembling a periannular mass. Here, we describe a case of CCMA combined with a mitral annulus abscess, manifesting as a waving, horn-like structure. Although the image characteristics of the posterior mitral annulus suggested CCMA, additional findings warranted further work-up and studies.

  10. Posterior leaflet preservation during mitral valve replacement for rheumatic mitral stenosis. (United States)

    Djukić, P L; Obrenović-Kirćanski, B B; Vranes, M R; Kocica, M J; Mikić, A Dj; Velinović, M M; Kacar, S M; Kovacević, N S; Parapid, B J


    Mitral valve replacement with posterior leaflet preservation was shown beneficial for postoperative left vetricular (LV) performance in patients with mitral regurgitation. Some authors find it beneficial even for the long term LV function. We investigated a long term effect of this technique in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis. We studied 20 patents with mitral valve replacement due to rheumatic mitral stenosis, in the period from January 1988 to December 1989. In group A (10 patients) both leaflets and coresponding chordal excision was performed, while in group B (10 patients) the posterior leaflet was preserved. In all patients a Carbomedics valve was inserted. We compared clinical pre and postoperative status, as well as hemodynamic characteristics of the valve and left ventricle in both groups. Control echocardiographyc analysis included: maximal (PG) and mean (MG) gradients; effective valve area (AREA); telediastolic (TDV) and telesystolic (TSV) LV volume; stroke volume (SV); ejection fraction (EF); fractional shortening (FS) and segmental LV motion. The mean size of inserted valve was 26.6 in group A and 27.2 in group B. Hemodynamic data: PG (10.12 vs 11.1); MG (3.57 vs 3.87); AREA (2.35 vs 2.30); TDV 126.0 vs 114.5); TSV (42.2 vs 36.62); SV (83.7 vs 77.75); EF (63.66 vs 67.12); FS (32.66 vs 38.25). Diaphragmal segmental hypokinesis was evident in one patient from group A and in two patients from group B. In patients with rheumatic stenosis, posterior leaflet preservation did not have increased beneficial effect on left ventricular performance during long-term follow-up. An adequate posterior leaflet preservation does not change hemodynamic valvular characteristics even after long-term follow-up.

  11. The Outcome of Tricuspid Regurgitation after Mitral Balloon Valvutomy for Severe Mitral Stenosis

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    M Abbasnezhad


    Full Text Available Background: Severe mitral stenosis is occasionally associated with significant tricuspid regurgitation (TR and this association has an adverse impact on morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing mitral valve intervention. However, the effect of successful mitral balloon valvotomy (MBV on significant TR is not fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to investigate the course of TR after MBV in patients with severe mitral stenosis with TR.Methods: The present study was performed in Tabriz Madani heart center from March 2007 to February 2008. Among 110 patients with mitral stenosis who were candidates of MBV, 68 cases with more than mild TR were selected and the fate of TR after MBV and its predictors were evaluated. Results: Among 68 patients who were enrolled in this study, 58 individuals (85.3% were female with mean age of 36.85± 14.32 years. Before intervention, 48 patients (70.6% had severe TR and 20 (29.4% cases had moderate TR. After intervention, 14 patients suffered from mild TR, 22 from moderate TR and 32 patients from severe TR (P<0.05. There were significant changes in mitral valve area (MVA (from 0.82±0.22 to 1.70±0.21 cm2; P<0.0005 and pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP (from 53.00±12.04 to 34.91±11.26 cm2; P<0.0005 and right ventricle dimension (RVD varying from 2.97±0.64 to 2.20±0.58 cm; P<0.0005. This study showed significant relationship between MVA, RVD, and PASP as TR regression determinants. In 6-month follow up no patient needed mitral valve surgery or repeated MBV. There was no procedure related mortality and no death was seen in 6 months follow up in the study group. Significant decrease of symptoms was observed in almost all patients after intervention which persisted during follow up period. Conclusions:Significant number of patients with severe MS and moderate or severe TR showed TR regression following MBV which persisted during 6 months follow up. Severity of MS, PASP and RVD were most important

  12. Floppy mitral valve (FMV)/mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and the FMV/MVP syndrome: pathophysiologic mechanisms and pathogenesis of symptoms. (United States)

    Boudoulas, Konstantinos Dean; Boudoulas, Harisios


    Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) results from the systolic movement of a portion or segments of the mitral valve leaflets into the left atrium during left ventricular systole. It is well appreciated today that floppy mitral valve (FMV) is the central issue in the MVP and mitral valve regurgitation (MVR) story. The term FMV refers to the expansion of the area of the mitral valve leaflets with elongated chordae tendineae, chordae rupture and mitral annular dilation. FMV/MVP occurs in a heterogeneous group of patients with a wide spectrum of mitral valve involvement from mild to severe. Two types of symptoms can be defined in FMV/MVP patients. In one group of patients, symptoms are directly related to progressive MVR. In the other group, symptoms cannot be explained by the degree of MVR alone; activation of the autonomic nervous system has been implicated for the explanation of symptoms in this group of patients which is referred to as the FMV/MVP syndrome. In this brief review, the natural history, pathophysiologic mechanisms and management of patients with FMV/MVP/MVR and FMV/MVP syndrome are discussed. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  13. Conducción nerviosa en niños con insuficiencia renal crónica


    Dania Fuentes Martínez; Roberto Tomás Álvarez Fumero; Olga Noemí Levis; Carlos Santos Anzorandia; Ricardo Batista Moliner


    La polineuropatía urémica es la complicación neurológica más frecuente de la insuficiencia renal crónica, y son insuficientemente conocidos su prevalencia, síntomas y patrones neurofisiológicos de expresión en la población pediátrica. Es por ello que se estudiaron 23 pacientes en edades comprendidas entre 7 y 21 años, con insuficiencia renal crónica en sus diferentes grados y 23 niños supuestamente sanos, buscando la presencia de neuropatía periférica clínica o subclínica. Se realizó examen f...

  14. Mechanisms of valve competency after mitral valve annuloplasty for ischaemic mitral regurgitation using the Geoform ring: insights from three-dimensional echocardiography. (United States)

    Armen, Todd A; Vandse, Rashmi; Crestanello, Juan A; Raman, Subha V; Bickle, Katherine M; Nathan, Nadia S


    Left ventricular remodelling leads to functional mitral regurgitation resulting from annular dilatation, leaflet tethering, tenting, and decreased leaflet coaptation. Mitral valve annuloplasty restores valve competency, improving the patient's functional status and ventricular function. This study was designed to evaluate the mechanisms underlying mitral valve competency after the implantation of a Geoform annuloplasty ring using three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography. Seven patients (mean age of 65 years) with ischaemic mitral regurgitation underwent mitral valve annuloplasty with the Geoform ring and coronary artery bypass surgery. Pre- and post-operative 3D echocardiograms were performed. Following mitral annuloplasty, mitral regurgitation decreased from 3.4+/-0.2 to 0.9+/-0.3 (P-value<0.0001), mitral valve tenting volume from 13+/-1.7 to 3.2+/-0.3 mL (P-value<0.001), annulus area from 12.6+/-1.0 to 3.3+/-0.2 cm2 (P-value<0.0001), valve circumference from 13+/-0.5 to 7.3+/-0.3 cm (P-value<0.0001), septolateral distance from 2.1+/-0.1 to 1.4+/-0.06 cm (P-value<0.01) and intercommissural distance from 3.4+/-0.1 to 2.7+/-0.03 cm (P-value<0.03). There was significant decrease in the septolateral distance at the level of A2-P2 with respect to other regions. These geometric changes were associated with the improvement in the NYHA class from 3.1+/-0.3 to 1.3+/-0.3 (P-value<0.002). The mitral valve annuloplasty with the Geoform ring restores leaflet coaptation and eliminates mitral regurgitation by effectively modifying the mitral annular geometry.

  15. Soporte nutricional en la insuficiencia renal aguda

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    O. Cristina Olivos, Dra.


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA se presenta frecuentemente en distintas condiciones clínicas y es especialmente frecuente en unidades de cuidados intensivos. La presencia de IRA se considera como un factor de riesgo independiente de morbilidad y mortalidad hospitalaria. De ahí la importancia de evaluar los diversos factores determinantes de su evolución, entre los que cuenta la desnutrición calórico-proteica. El propósito de esta revisión es analizar la literatura más relevante hasta la actualidad en este tema.

  16. Experimental transapical endoscopic ventricular visualization and mitral repair. (United States)

    Ruttkay, Tamas; Czesla, Markus; Nagy, Henrietta; Götte, Julia; Baksa, Gabor; Patonay, Lajos; Doll, Nicolas; Galajda, Zoltan


    An increasing number of experimental beating heart animal studies describe simple transapical mitral valve repairs based on the direct endoscopic visualization of the left ventricle. The aim of our human cadaveric study was to develop a method for more complex transapical endoscopic procedures by on-pump heart operations. After preparation of 20 human fresh cadavers, a standard left anterolateral minithoracotomy was performed in the fifth intercostal space and the pericardium was entered. A rigid 0 degree endoscope and the instruments were introduced through a silicon apical port. To restore the natural form of the left heart, CO2 was insufflated. To test the mitral valve competence, the left ventricle was pressure-injected with saline after each step. After transecting the chords of the A2 segment of the anterior mitral leaflet before the experimental mitral valve repair, the tendinous chord was replaced using an especially designed clip chord. The second part of the experiment consisted of a segmental excision of the P2 segment of the posterior mitral leaflet followed by a standard valvuloplasty and suture annuloplasty. With the help of the described transapical endoscopic mitral valve repair technique, we gained direct visual information of the coaptation line of the mitral leaflets as well as the anatomy and function of the subvalvular apparatus. Using intracardiac imaging, we could perform successful transapical complex mitral repair in each case. The minimally invasive transapical endoscopic method has the potential to offer advantages for on-pump mitral valve repair procedures even in complex mitral valve repair cases. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  17. Alfabetización en salud en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca atendidos en atención primaria


    Rosalia Santesmases-Masana; Luis González-de Paz; Jordi Real; Alicia Borràs-Santos; Antoni Sisó-Almirall; Maria Dolors Navarro-Rubio


    Objetivos: Examinar el nivel de alfabetización en salud y los factores que la condicionan en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca visitados en atención primaria. Diseño: Estudio transversal multicéntrico. Emplazamiento: Diez centros de atención primaria del área metropolitana de Barcelona. Participantes: Pacientes con diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardiaca. Criterios de inclusión: visita al centro de salud en el último año, desplazarse al centro de manera autónoma y acceder a particip...

  18. Pathophysiology of Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation: New 3-Dimensional Imaging Insights. (United States)

    Antoine, Clemence; Mantovani, Francesca; Benfari, Giovanni; Mankad, Sunil V; Maalouf, Joseph F; Michelena, Hector I; Enriquez-Sarano, Maurice


    Despite its high prevalence, little is known about mechanisms of mitral regurgitation in degenerative mitral valve disease apart from the leaflet prolapse itself. Mitral valve is a complex structure, including mitral annulus, mitral leaflets, papillary muscles, chords, and left ventricular walls. All these structures are involved in physiological and pathological functioning of this valvuloventricular complex but up to now were difficult to analyze because of inherent limitations of 2-dimensional imaging. The advent of 3-dimensional echocardiography, computed tomography, and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging overcoming these limitations provides new insights into mechanistic analysis of degenerative mitral regurgitation. This review will detail the contribution of quantitative and qualitative dynamic analysis of mitral annulus and mitral leaflets by new imaging methods in the understanding of degenerative mitral regurgitation pathophysiology. © 2018 American Heart Association, Inc.

  19. Mitral valve surgery using right anterolateral thoracotomy: is the aortic cannulation a safety procedure? Cirurgia valvar mitral via toracotomia ântero-lateral direita: a canulação aórtica é segura?

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    Marco Antonio Vieira Guedes


    utilizada, possibilitando a ocorrência de complicações. OBJETIVO: Descrever a técnica e os resultados do tratamento da valva mitral via toracotomia ântero-lateral direita, utilizando a canulação aórtica para instalação da circulação extracorpórea. MÉTODOS: Entre 1983 e 2008, 100 pacientes consecutivos, com média de idade 35 13 anos, 96 (96% do sexo feminino, foram submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico da valva mitral no InCor-HC-FMUSP, através da toracotomia ântero-lateral direita associada à canulação aórtica. Destes, 80 (80% pacientes apresentavam etiologia reumática e 84 (84% classe funcional III ou IV. RESULTADOS: Foram realizadas 45 (45% comissurotomias, 38 (38% plásticas, sete (7% substituições da valva mitral, sete (7% re-comissurotomias e três (3% substituição de prótese mitral. Cirurgia conservadora foi realizada em 90 (90% dos pacientes. O tempo médio de CEC e pinçamento foi 57 27 min e 39 19 min, respectivamente. Não ocorreram óbitos hospitalares, reoperações por sangramento ou conversão para esternotomia. Complicações intraoperatórias foram relacionadas à dissecção cardíaca (5%, principalmente nas reoperações (3%. As principais complicações pós-operatórias foram relacionadas ao sistema pulmonar (11%, seguidas de fibrilação atrial (10%, porém sem repercussões sistêmicas graves. A média de internação hospitalar foi de 8 3 dias. O seguimento foi 6.038 pacientes/mês. A sobrevida atuarial e livre de reoperação foi de 98,0 ± 1,9% e 81,4 ± 7,8% em 180 meses, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização da toracotomia ântero-lateral direita associada a canulação aórtica na abordagem cirúrgica da valva mitral é uma técnica simples, reprodutível e segura.

  20. Insuficiencia arterial periférica en adultos jóvenes

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    José Félix Patiño


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia arterial periférica, que en un altísimo porcentaje de casos es secundaria a procesos  degenerativos especialmente arteriosclerosis, es tal vez uno de los hallazgos clínicos más frecuentes en la población adulta de edad avanzada. Sus efectos, que van desde la simple molestia de la isquemia leve en los casos benignos, hasta la necrosis y gangrena de los casos severos, resultan en incapacidad y serias alteraciones funcionales. Bien conocida es la relación que existe entre esta condición y la diabetes y el tabaco. Pero en tanto que la insuficiencia arterial con isquemia de las extremidades inferiores es tan común en los grupos de edad avanzada, es un cuadro muy poco frecuente en individuos jóvenes. En este informe se presentan cinco pacientes jóvenes con cuadros de isquemia severa de las extremidades inferiores con características especiales que los hacen interesantes y motivo de esta discusión.

  1. Mitral valve stenosis caused by abnormal pannus extension over the prosthetic ring and leaflets after Duran ring mitral annuloplasty. (United States)

    Yunoki, Junji; Minato, Naoki; Katayama, Yuji; Sato, Hisashi


    We treated a 61-year-old woman with mitral stenosis caused by pannus formation after Duran ring annuloplasty. Pannus overgrowth on the ring with extension onto both leaflets narrowed the mitral orifice and severely restricted the mobility of the valve leaflets. Mitral valve replacement with a St. Jude Medical mechanical heart valve prosthesis was successfully performed, and the postoperative course was uneventful. Patients undergoing Duran ring annuloplasty should be followed up with the consideration of possible mitral stenosis caused by pannus extension, as the cause for pannus formation remains unclear.

  2. Mitral Perivalvular Leak after Blunt Chest Trauma: A Rare Cause of Severe Subacute Mitral Regurgitation. (United States)

    Marchese, Nicola; Facciorusso, Antonio; Vigna, Carlo


    Blunt chest trauma is a very rare cause of valve disorder. Moreover, mitral valve involvement is less frequent than is aortic or tricuspid valve involvement, and the clinical course is usually acute. In the present report, we describe the case of a 49-year-old man with a perivalvular mitral injury that became clinically manifest one year after a violent, nonpenetrating chest injury. This case is atypical in regard to the valve involved (isolated mitral damage), the injury type (perivalvular leak in the absence of subvalvular abnormalities), and the clinical course (interval of one year between trauma and symptoms).

  3. Mitral valve surgery in the adult Marfan syndrome patient. (United States)

    Bhudia, Sunil K; Troughton, Richard; Lam, Buu-Khanh; Rajeswaran, Jeevanantham; Mills, William R; Gillinov, A Marc; Griffin, Brian P; Blackstone, Eugene H; Lytle, Bruce W; Svensson, Lars G


    Because mitral valve dysfunction in adults with Marfan syndrome is poorly characterized, this study compares mitral valve pathophysiology and morphology with that of myxomatous mitral disease, documents types of mitral valve operations, and assesses long-term survival and durability of mitral valve surgery in Marfan patients. From May 1975 to June 2000, 27 adults with Marfan syndrome underwent mitral valve surgery. Their valve pathophysiology and morphology was compared with that of 119 patients with myxomatous mitral disease undergoing surgery from September 1995 to March 1999. Survival and repair durability were assessed at follow-up. Compared with myxomatous disease patients, Marfan patients had less posterior leaflet prolapse (44% versus 70%, p = 0.01), more bileaflet (44% versus 28%, p = 0.09) and anterior leaflet prolapse (11% versus 3%, p = 0.07), and presented earlier for surgery (age 41 +/- 12 years versus 57 +/- 13, p Marfan patients had longer and thinner leaflets. Mitral valve repair was performed less frequently in Marfan (16 of 27, 59%) than myxomatous disease patients (112 of 119, 94%). There were no hospital deaths; at 10 years, survival was 80% and freedom from reoperation 96%, with only 1 reoperation among the 16 repairs. Mitral valve pathophysiology and morphology differ between Marfan and myxomatous mitral valve diseases. Valve repair in Marfan patients is durable and gives acceptable long-term results, even in adults who present with advanced mitral valve pathology. With increasing use of the modified David reimplantation operation and sparing of the aortic valve, mitral valve repair is a greater imperative, particularly since we have not had to reoperate on any Marfan patients with reimplantations.

  4. Effect of the mitral valve on diastolic flow patterns

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seo, Jung Hee; Vedula, Vijay; Mittal, Rajat; Abraham, Theodore; Dawoud, Fady; Luo, Hongchang; Lardo, Albert C.


    The leaflets of the mitral valve interact with the mitral jet and significantly impact diastolic flow patterns, but the effect of mitral valve morphology and kinematics on diastolic flow and its implications for left ventricular function have not been clearly delineated. In the present study, we employ computational hemodynamic simulations to understand the effect of mitral valve leaflets on diastolic flow. A computational model of the left ventricle is constructed based on a high-resolution contrast computed-tomography scan, and a physiological inspired model of the mitral valve leaflets is synthesized from morphological and echocardiographic data. Simulations are performed with a diode type valve model as well as the physiological mitral valve model in order to delineate the effect of mitral-valve leaflets on the intraventricular flow. The study suggests that a normal physiological mitral valve promotes the formation of a circulatory (or “looped”) flow pattern in the ventricle. The mitral valve leaflets also increase the strength of the apical flow, thereby enhancing apical washout and mixing of ventricular blood. The implications of these findings on ventricular function as well as ventricular flow models are discussed

  5. Mitral valve replacement in a 12 year old boy with Marfan syndrome and severe mitral regurgitation

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    Md. Alauddin


    Full Text Available A 12 year old boy with Marfan syndrome associated with severe mitral regurgitation underwent successful mitral valve replacement. Careful evaluation of the cardiovascular system and specific surgical intervention help long-term survival of  patients.

  6. Mitral valve prolapse and hyperthyroidism: effect of patient selection. (United States)

    Zullo, M A; Devereux, R B; Kramer-Fox, R; Lutas, E M; Brown, W T


    Patients with mitral valve prolapse and hyperthyroidism have common symptoms; the most outstanding symptom is palpitation. To determine whether or not common symptoms contributed to the reported association of these conditions, we evaluated 220 patients with symptomatic mitral valve prolapse and 216 first-degree relatives in 72 families; 65 relatives with mitral valve prolapse and 151 relatives without mitral valve prolapse, all greater than or equal to 16 years of age. Thirty subjects, aged 49 +/- 13 years (p less than 0.025 vs entire study group), had thyroid disease (23 subjects had definite thyroid disease, seven subjects had probable); 27 of 30 subjects with thyroid disease (90%) were female (p less than 0.005). The age- and sex-adjusted prevalence of hyperthyroidism was significantly higher in probands with mitral valve prolapse than in family members without mitral valve prolapse (3.5% vs 0%, p = 0.03), while an intermediate prevalence of hyperthyroidism (2.2%) was observed in family members with mitral valve prolapse. Thus, the prevalence of hyperthyroidism is increased among symptomatic patients with mitral valve prolapse as compared to family members without mitral valve prolapse, but the prevalence of thyroid conditions is similar among family members with or without this condition. These findings are explained by the effect of common symptoms on clinical detection of both mitral valve prolapse and hyperthyroidism.

  7. Long-term follow-up results of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty in mitral stenosis with severe pulmonary hypertension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Haibo; Jiang Shiliang; Dai Ruping; Huang Lianjun; Xu Zhongying; Zhao Shihua; Zheng Hong; Ling Jian; Xie Ruolan


    Objective: To assess long-term results (more than 5-year) after percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty (PBMV) on mitral stenosis (MS) with severe pulmonary hypertension. Methods: Thirty patients after PBMV underwent critical evaluations including echocardiography, chest film and clinical status throughout the follow-up period (6.4 +- 1.4 years). Results: Before and after PBMV and at follow-up, mean mitral valve areas were (1.19 +- 0.32) cm 2 vs (1.99 +- 0.45) cm 2 vs (1.44 +- 0.42) cm 2 respectively (P<0.01 respectively). Restenosis rate was 53.3% at the end of follow-up. There were twenty-eight (93.3%) patients who obtained at least I class (NYHA class) improvement in cardiac function shortly after PBMV. At the end of follow-up, twenty-two (73.3%) patients were still in class I or II without mitral re-operation or repeated valvuloplasty. Conclusions: Long-term follow-up results after PBMV in mitral stenosis with severe pulmonary hypertension was satisfied, and PBMV can be an excellent therapy to improve the clinical status of such patients

  8. Efectividad de la electromagnetoterapia en el tratamiento de la insuficiencia venosa crónica

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    María Onelia Díaz Rivadeneira


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio experimental prospectivo, con el objetivo de evaluar la efectividad de la electromagnetoterapia en pacientes con insuficiencia venosa crónica, atendidos en el Hospital Universitario “Manuel Ascunce Doménech” de Camagüey, en la etapa comprendida desde febrero hasta agosto de 2012. El universo estuvo constituido por 135 pacientes que acudieron al servicio de Angiología con insuficiencia venosa crónica y la muestra se formó con 42 pacientes mayores de 18 años diagnosticados, seleccionados según muestreo aleatorio simple. Se aplicó magnetoterapia en los puntos E36 (+, E41 (-, Vb34 (+, Vb39 (-, el tiempo de duración fue de quince minutos cada sesión, una vez al día durante quince sesiones. La totalidad de los pacientes presentaron pesadez, prurito y edema. Predominó la desaparición del prurito a partir de la quinta sesión de magnetoterapia; la pesadez, el edema y el dolor fueron disminuyendo en el transcurso del tratamiento. La calidad de vida al finalizar el tratamiento fue buena. No se encontraron reacciones adversas. El tratamiento con electromagnetoterapia fue efectivo en los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa crónica

  9. Death by suicide in Graves' disease and Graves' orbitopathy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ferløv-Schwensen, Charlotte; Brix, Thomas Heiberg; Hegedus, Laszlo


    BACKGROUND: Graves' disease is associated with excess morbidity and mortality, but little is known about unnatural manners of death and the potential relation with Graves' orbitopathy. Here we investigate the risk of unnatural death in Graves' patients with orbitopathy (GO) and without (GD), comp...... in the pathophysiological mechanisms of suicidal behavior. Beyond independent confirmation, reasons for this need to be explored in order to introduce preventive measures....... with GD, and 3,965 with GO were identified and matched for age and gender with four subjects from the background population. Manner of death was identified and hazard ratios (HR) for mortality due to unnatural deaths (accident, suicide, violence/homicide, and unknown) were calculated using Cox regression...... analyses, adjusted for pre-existing somatic and psychiatric morbidity. RESULTS: In Graves' disease overall there was an increased risk of death from unknown unnatural manners [HR: 2.01 (95% confidence interval: 1.17-3.45); P=0.012] and of suicide, although the latter difference was not with certainty...

  10. A neonate with mitral stenosis due to accessory mitral valve, ventricular septal defect, and patent ductus arteriosus: changes in echocardiographical findings during the neonatal period. (United States)

    Ito, Tadahiko; Okubo, Tadashi


    A female neonate with mitral stenosis due to accessory mitral valve with ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus is described. She was referred to our hospital because of neonatal asphyxia. Asphyxia was improved by ventilator support, but rapid deterioration of respiration with pulmonary congestion and hemorrhage appeared 8 days after birth. Echocardiography revealed an accessory mitral valve attached to the anterior mitral leaflet with a perimembranous ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus. Although there were no echocardiographical findings indicating mitral stenosis on admission, the mitral stenosis blood flow patterns were detected by color and pulsed Doppler examination performed on the eighth day after admission. Transaortic resection of accessory mitral valve tissue was performed with patch closure of the ventricular septal defect and ligation of the ductus arteriosus 35 days after birth. After operation, pulmonary congestion and hemorrhage were improved. Postoperative echocardiography showed complete resection of the accessory mitral valve and no mitral insufficiency. We concluded that the combination of the accessory mitral valve and left-to-right shunt due to ventricular septal defect or patent ducturs arteriosus might have led to a critical hemodynamic condition due to relative mitral stenosis in the neonatal period with the decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance.

  11. Promising results after percutaneous mitral valve repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ihlemann, Nikolaj; Franzen, Olaf; Jørgensen, Erik


    Mitral valve regurgitation (MR) is the secondmost frequent valve disease in Europe. Untreated MR causes considerable morbidity and mortality. In the elderly, as many as half of these patients are denied surgery because of an estimated high surgical risk. Percutaneous mitral valve repair with the ...... with the MitraClip system resembles the Alfieristitch where a clip is used to connect the tip of the mitral valve leaflets....

  12. Transaortic edge-to-edge mitral valve repair for moderate secondary/functional mitral regurgitation in patients undergoing aortic root/valve intervention. (United States)

    Choudhary, Shiv Kumar; Abraham, Atul; Bhoje, Amol; Gharde, Parag; Sahu, Manoj; Talwar, Sachin; Airan, Balram


    The present study evaluates the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of edge-to-edge repair for moderate secondary/functional mitral regurgitation in patients undergoing aortic valve/root interventions. Sixteen patients underwent transaortic edge-to-edge mitral valve repair. Mitral regurgitation was 2+ in 8 patients and 3+ in 6 patients. Two patients in whom cardiac arrest developed preoperatively had severe (4+) mitral regurgitation. Patients underwent operation for severe aortic regurgitation ± aortic root lesions. The mean left ventricular systolic and diastolic diameters were 51.5 ± 12.8 mm and 70.7 ± 10.7 mm, respectively. Left ventricular ejection fraction ranged from 20% to 60%. Primary surgical procedure included Bentall's ± hemiarch replacement in 10 patients, aortic valve replacement in 5 patients, and noncoronary sinus replacement with aortic valve repair in 1 patient. Severity of mitral regurgitation decreased to trivial or zero in 13 patients, 1+ in 2 patients, and 2+ in 1 patient. There were no gradients across the mitral valve in 9 patients, less than 5 mm Hg in 6 patients, and 9 mm Hg in 1 patient. There was no operative mortality. Follow-up ranged from 2 weeks to 54 months. Echocardiography showed trivial or no mitral regurgitation in 12 patients, 1+ in 2 patients, and 2+ in 2 patients. None of the patients had significant mitral stenosis. The mean left ventricular systolic and diastolic diameters decreased to 40.5 ± 10.3 mm and 58.7 ± 11.6 mm, respectively. Ejection fraction also improved slightly (22%-65%). Transaortic edge-to-edge mitral valve repair is a safe and effective technique to abolish secondary/functional mitral regurgitation. However, its impact on overall survival needs to be studied. Copyright © 2017 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Ekhokardiografi Endokardiosis Penyakit Katup Mitral Jantung Anjing (ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY OF ENDOCARDIOSIS MITRAL VALVE HEART DISEASE IN DOGS

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    Deni Noviana


    Full Text Available Endocardiosis is a disease commonly found in Pomeranian dog characterized by progressive myxomatousdegeneration of the atrio-ventricular valves especially in the mitral valve. The purpose of this study was todefine the diagnose and severeity of this disease on the Pomeranian by using brightness mode, motion mode,dan color flow Doppler echocardiography technique. Echocardiography was performed on 8 Pomeranianconsisting of 6 males and 2 females with age range of 2-14 years. Brightness mode echocardiography wasused to see the echotexture of endocardium, mitral valve, and the valve movement. The results showedendocardium thickening, along with chronic fibrosis and nodular thickening of the anterior and posteriormitral valve leaflet. Three out of seven cases showed prolapsed of the mitral valve. Motion modeechocardiography was performed in order to measure left ventricle internal dimension, myocardium thickness,fractional shortening, left atrial and aortic dimension. The results showed myocardium thickening, alongwith left atrial enlargement. Color flow Doppler echocardiography was used to confirm the mitral valveregurgitation. Three of seven cases showed the presence of regurgitation signed by turbulence color of theprolapsed mitral valve. Based on the degree of severity, scoring system used in this study, endocardiosis canbe divided into three types that are mild, moderate and severe.

  14. Aortic or Mitral Valve Replacement With the Biocor and Biocor Supra (United States)


    Aortic Valve Insufficiency; Aortic Valve Regurgitation; Aortic Valve Stenosis; Aortic Valve Incompetence; Mitral Valve Insufficiency; Mitral Valve Regurgitation; Mitral Valve Stenosis; Mitral Valve Incompetence

  15. Mitral valve prolapse in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis Tiroiditis de Hashimoto y prolapso de la válvula mitral

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    Federico Uribe Londoño


    Full Text Available The prevalence of mitral valve prolapse was determined en 67 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (TH, and in 48 healthy control individuals. Mitral valve prolapse was found in 14 of 67 (20.9% patients with TH and in none of the controls. The presence of mitral valve prolapse should be investigated whenever this diagnosed. Se investigó la prevalencia de prolapso de la válvula mitral por ecocardiografía modo M y bidimensional en 67 pacientes que cumplían como mínimo tres de los criterios de Fisher y asociados, para el diagnóstico clínico de tiroiditis de Hashimoto (TH y que fueron comprobados por biopsia por aspiración de la glándula tiroides, con aguja fina, leída según los criterios de Kline; se incluyeron como controles 48 individuos normales. Se encontraron 14 casos (20.9% de prolapso de la válvula mitral en los pacientes con TH y ninguno entre los controles. Desconocemos por qué en esta serle la frecuencia del prolapso de la válvula mitral en pacientes con TH fue solamente la mitad de la observada en otra serle (41%, a pesar de que se utilizaron procedimientos y criterios diagnósticos similares. Con base en los hallazgos se sugIere buscar el prolapso de la válvula mitral en todo paciente con TH.

  16. Defeito do anel fibroso mitral posterior com aneurisma de átrio esquerdo e insuficiência mitral: tratamento cirúrgico com sucesso Defect of the posterior mitral fibrous ring with left atrial aneurysm and mitral insufficiency: successful surgical treatment

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    Ronaldo Machado BUENO


    Full Text Available Aneurismas em átrio esquerdo são pouco comuns, podendo ocorrer na aurícula ou na parede do átrio esquerdo. Freqüentemente, são assintomáticos, podendo ocorrer arritmias, fenômenos tromboembólicos ou insuficiência cardíaca como complicação da sua evolução. Apresentamos paciente de 39 anos, do sexo feminino, com defeito do anel posterior da valva mitral levando a grande dilatação aneurismática da parede posterior do átrio esquerdo com insuficiência mitral. O diagnóstico foi feito pela radiografia de tórax (abaulamento de silhueta cardíaca esquerda e ecocardiograma (grande aneurisma do átrio esquerdo posteriormente à parede posterior do ventrículo esquerdo com insuficiência mitral. O estudo hemodinâmico sugeriu pseudo-aneurisma de ventrículo esquerdo. Submetida a tratamento cirúrgico com auxílio da circulação extracorpórea, realizou-se anuloplastia mitral e exclusão do aneurisma com reconstrução do assoalho do átrio esquerdo com retalho de pericárdio bovino. A paciente apresentou boa evolução pós-operatória, recebendo alta hospitalar no oitavo dia em boas condições clínicas.Atrial aneurysm is a rare condition and can be found on the atrial appendage or on the atrial wall. Most patients are asymptomatic, but arrhythmias, thromboembolism, and heart failure are common complications. We present a 39 years old female patient with posterior mitral ring defect causing a great aneurysm of the left posterior atrial wall with mitral insufficiency. The diagnosis was achieved by chest roentgenogram (marked prominence of the upper left heart border and echocardiography (great left atrial aneurysm behind the left posterior ventricular wall with mitral insufficiency. Left ventricular cineangiogram suggested the presence of a false aneurysm of the left ventricle. The patient subsequently underwent surgical treatment with cardiopulmonary bypass. Posterior mitral valve annuloplasty was performed with aneurysm exclusion

  17. Case Report: Giant Right Atrium in Rheumatic Mitral Disease

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    Deniz Demir


    Full Text Available Dilation and hypertrophy of the atria occur in patients with valvular heart disease especially in mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis or tricuspid abnormalities. Dilatation of the atriums which occurs slowly in time, becomes evident with ritim disturbances and embolic events. We report a case of an unusual giant right atrium in context of rheumatic mitral stenosis, mitral regurgitation, pulmonar hypertansion and severe tricuspid regurgitation in a 40-year-old man who underwent succesfull operations as mitral valve replacement, Maze-IV radiofrequency ablation, right atrium atrioplasty and De Vega anuloplasty. [J Contemp Med 2014; 4(2.000: 98-102

  18. Classification of the radiological morphology of the mitral valve

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spindola-Franco, H.; Bjork, L.; Adams, D.F.; Abrams, H.L.


    The morphology of the mitral valve apparatus was assessed on 100 normal left ventriculograms. Four distinct types of mitral valve were identified according to the position of the mitral fulcrum (the point of attachment of the leaflets to the annulus) and the configuration of the adjacent left ventricular wall (left ventricular fornix) during diastole. Types I and II closely simulated prolapse of the mitral valve (pseudoprolapse) in the right anterior oblique projection during the ejection period. Measurements showed that contraction of the ventricle failed to reduce the diameter of the mitral annulus in 26 per cent of normal left ventricles. (U.K.)

  19. Mitral-aortic annular enlargement: modification of Manouguian's technique

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    Costa Mario Gesteira


    Full Text Available We hereby present a technical modification for mitral-aortic annular enlargement. The mitral valve is replaced through the retro-septal approach, avoiding patches for left atrial roof closure. We report a mitral-aortic valve replacement in a patient whose original annuli would preclude adequate prostheses. The simultaneous annular enlargement may be necessary for avoiding patient-prosthesis mismatch and for reconstructing destroyed mitral and aortic annuli. The technique may minimize the risk of bleeding and of paravalvular leakage, using an approach well known to cardiac surgeons.

  20. Cine MR imaging in mitral valve prolapse; Study on mitral regurgitation and left atrial volume

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kumai, Toshihiko [Chiba Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    This study was undertaken to assess the ability of cine MR imaging to evaluate the direction, timing, and severity of mitral regurgitation in patients with mitral valve prolapse (MVP). The population of this study was 33 patients with MVP diagnosed by two-dimensional echocardiography and 10 patients with rheumatic mitral valve disease (MSR) for comparison. 7 patients with MVP and 5 with MSR had atrial fibrillation and/or history of congestive heart failure as complications. Mitral regurgitation was graded for severity by color Doppler flow imaging in all patients. Direction and size of systolic flow void in the left atrium were analyzed by contiguous multilevel cine MR images and the maximum volumes of flow void and left atrium were measured. Although flow void was found at the center of the left atrium in most of MSR, it was often directed along the postero-caudal atrial wall in anterior leaflet prolapse and along the anterocranial atrial wall in posterior leaflet prolapse. In MVP, the maximum volume of flow void was often seen in late systole. The maximum volume of flow void and that of left atrium were significantly larger in patients with atrial fibrillation and/or history of congestive heart failure. The length and volume of flow void were increased with clinical severity and degree of regurgitation determined by color Doppler flow imaging. Thus cine MR imaging provides a useful means for detection and semiquantitative evaluation of mitral regurgitation in subjects with MVP. (author).

  1. Features of mitral valve prolapse in young patients

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    M. A. Kuznetsova


    Full Text Available Due to the significant increase of complications in young patients with mitral valve prolapse detection of this disease is important. Aim. With the aim of studying the features of mitral valve prolapse 135 persons with mitral valve prolapse at the age of 18–25 years were examined. Methods and results. The features of mitral valve prolapsed were studied with echocardiography, electrocardiography, cardiointervalography. It was established that mitral valve prolapse (MVP in young age had different clinical picture. Patients with MVP 1 degree mainly had autonomic instability, and with 2 degree - mostly signs of connective tissue dysplasia. Conclusion. The presence of MVP is associated with abnormalities of the rhythm and conductivity: 1 degree - sinus tachycardia; the 2nd - sinus arrhythmia, signs of left ventricular hypertrophy and impaired repolarization of the myocardium.

  2. Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage due to Acute Mitral Valve Regurgitation

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    Creticus P. Marak


    Full Text Available Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH can be caused by several etiologies including vasculitis, drug exposure, anticoagulants, infections, mitral valve stenosis, and regurgitation. Chronic mitral valve regurgitation (MR has been well documented as an etiological factor for DAH, but there have been only a few cases which have reported acute mitral valve regurgitation as an etiology of DAH. Acute mitral valve regurgitation can be a life-threatening condition and often requires urgent intervention. In rare cases, acute mitral regurgitation may result in a regurgitant jet which is directed towards the right upper pulmonary vein and may specifically cause right-sided pulmonary edema and right-sided DAH. Surgical repair of the mitral valve results in rapid resolution of DAH. Acute MR should be considered as a possible etiology in patients presenting with unilateral pulmonary edema, hemoptysis, and DAH.

  3. Surgical treatment of functional mitral regurgitation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Braun, Jerry


    In this thesis the surgical options for treatment of functional mitral regurgitation (MR) are described. In functional MR, the mitral valve has a normal anatomy, which distinguishes this type of insufficiency from organic MR. Regurgitation in functional MR is related to an abnormal geometry of the

  4. Treatment of severe mitral regurgitation caused by lesions in both ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Mitral valve plasty (MVP) is preferred over mitral valve replacement (MVR) for mitral regurgitation in humans because of its favorable effect on quality of life. In small dogs, it is difficult to repair multiple lesions in both leaflets using MVP. Herein, we report a case of severe mitral regurgitation caused by multiple severe lesions ...

  5. Tricuspid Regurgitation Associated With Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation: Characterization, Evolution After Mitral Surgery, and Value of Tricuspid Repair. (United States)

    Navia, José L; Elgharably, Haytham; Javadikasgari, Hoda; Ibrahim, Ahmed; Koprivanac, Marijan; Lowry, Ashley M; Blackstone, Eugene H; Klein, Allan L; Gillinov, A Marc; Roselli, Eric E; Svensson, Lars G


    Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) often accompanies ischemic mitral regurgitation and is generally assumed to be a secondary consequence of altered hemodynamics of the left-sided regurgitation. We hypothesized that it may also be a direct consequence of right-sided ischemic disease. Therefore, our objectives were to (1) characterize the nature of this TR and (2) describe its time course after mitral valve surgery for ischemic mitral regurgitation, with or without concomitant tricuspid valve repair. From 2001 to 2011, 568 patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation underwent mitral valve surgery. They had varying degrees of TR and altered right-side heart morphology and function; 131 had concomitant tricuspid valve repair. Postoperatively, 1,395 echocardiograms were available to assess residual and recurrent TR. Greater severity of preoperative TR was accompanied by larger tricuspid valve diameter, greater leaflet tethering, worse right ventricular function, and higher right ventricular pressure (all p [trend] ≤ 0.002). Without tricuspid valve repair, 31% of patients with no preoperative TR had moderate or greater TR by 5 years, as did 62% with moderate TR. With tricuspid valve repair, 25% with moderate preoperative TR remained in that grade at 5 years, but 11% had severe TR. Tricuspid regurgitation accompanying ischemic mitral regurgitation is associated with right-side heart remodeling and dysfunction often mirroring that occurring in the left side of the heart-ischemic TR. Tricuspid valve repair is effective initially, but as with mitral valve repair, TR progressively returns. Therefore, when the severity of TR and right-sided remodeling reaches the point of irreversibility, it may be an indication to eliminate the TR by replacing the tricuspid valve. Copyright © 2017 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Graves' disease following subacute thyroiditis. (United States)

    Nakano, Yoshishige; Kurihara, Hideo; Sasaki, Jun


    Subacute thyroiditis is a painful, inflammatory disease frequently accompanied with fever. It is suspected to be a viral infectious disease, while Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease. Thus, there appears to be no etiological relationship between the two diseases. A total of 25,267 thyroid disease patients made their first visits to our thyroid clinic during a period of 24 years between 1985 and 2008. Among them, subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease accounted for 918 patients (3.6%) and 4,617 patients (18.2%), respectively. We have encountered 7 patients (one male and six female) with subacute thyroiditis followed by Graves' disease in this period (0.15% of the 4,617 patients with Graves' disease and 0.76% of the 918 patients with subacute thyroiditis). The age ranges were 40~66 years (mean 48.7 years) at the onset of subacute thyroiditis. The intervals between the onsets of subacute thyroiditis and Graves' disease were 1~8 months (mean 4.7 months). Because Graves' disease was preceded by subacute thyroiditis, the signs and symptoms of both diseases were evident together in the intervening period. The diagnosis of Graves' disease in those patients is always difficult because of atypical signs and symptoms and an unclear onset time. The causes of the Graves'disease that followed subacute thyroiditis are still unknown. However, the inflammatory nature of subacute thyroiditis may lead to the activation of the autoimmune response in susceptible subjects, resulting in the onset of Graves' disease. Graves' disease should be suspected when a high blood level of thyroid hormone persists after subacute thyroiditis.

  7. Plástica da valva mitral em pacientes com insuficiência mitral reumática: técnicas e resultados de 20 anos Mitral valve repair in rheumatic patients with mitral insuficiency: twenty years of techniques and results

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Maria Alberto Pomerantzeff


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A plástica da valva mitral em pacientes reumáticos permanece um desafio. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a técnica e os resultados da plástica da valva mitral em pacientes com insuficiência mitral reumática. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, 330 pacientes portadores de insuficiência mitral reumática submetidos à plástica da valva mitral no Instituto do Coração do HC-FMUSP, entre 1985 e 2005. A idade média foi de 26,9 ± 15,4 anos e 57,6% dos pacientes eram do sexo feminino. No pré-operatório, 39,5% dos pacientes estavam em classe funcional IV. As técnicas de plástica mais comumente utilizadas foram a anuloplastia posterior com tira de pericárdio bovino em 48,4% dos pacientes e a anuloplastia com anel de Carpentier em 22,6%. As técnicas associadas foram empregadas em 55,2% dos pacientes, sendo as mais comuns: encurtamento de cordas (20% e papilarotomias múltiplas (17,8%. Plástica da valva tricúspide (26,7% e substituição da valva aórtica (27,2% foram os procedimentos associados mais frequentes. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade hospitalar foi 0,9% (três pacientes, sendo dois deles crianças em atividade reumática. As taxas linearizadas de tromboembolismo, endocardite, reoperação e óbito tardio foram de 0,2%, 0,2%, 3,5% e 0,5% pacientes-ano, respectivamente. A sobrevida actuarial foi de 86,4 ± 6,6% em 20 anos. A curva livre de reoperação foi de 30,3 ± 11,1% em 20 anos. CONCLUSÕES: A plástica da valva mitral em pacientes reumáticos é uma técnica factível na correção da insuficiência mitral, com baixa mortalidade operatória.OBJECTIVE: Mitral valve repair in rheumatic patients is still a challenge. The purpose of this study is to analyze the results of mitral valve repair in rheumatic patients in the Heart Institute University of Sao Paulo Medical School. METHODS: Were analyzed retrospectively, between 1985 and 2005, 330 patients submitted to mitral valve repair in the Heart Institute of

  8. Genetics Home Reference: Graves disease (United States)

    ... Email Facebook Twitter Home Health Conditions Graves disease Graves disease Printable PDF Open All Close All Enable Javascript to view the expand/collapse boxes. Description Graves disease is a condition that affects the function of ...

  9. Contemporary Management of Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation: a Review. (United States)

    Sandoval, Yader; Sorajja, Paul; Harris, Kevin M


    Ischemic mitral regurgitation occurs relatively frequently in patients with coronary artery disease and is associated with an increased long term risk. The pathophysiology of ischemic mitral regurgitation is vexing, and poses both diagnostic and therapeutic challenges, leading to the need for a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach. The management is largely focused on medical therapy, and for those eligible, coronary revascularization and/or cardiac resynchronization therapy may be considered. In select patients, mitral valve surgery or catheter-based therapy may be undertaken with careful consideration of the underlying pathophysiology, surgical risk, and expected long-term outcomes. The appropriate evaluation of patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation involves a careful multidisciplinary approach that carefully considers symptomatology, the etiology and severity of the mitral regurgitation, as well as the assessment of comorbidities and operative risk to individualize the care of these patients. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  10. Mathematical multi-scale model of the cardiovascular system including mitral valve dynamics. Application to ischemic mitral insufficiency

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    Moonen Marie


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Valve dysfunction is a common cardiovascular pathology. Despite significant clinical research, there is little formal study of how valve dysfunction affects overall circulatory dynamics. Validated models would offer the ability to better understand these dynamics and thus optimize diagnosis, as well as surgical and other interventions. Methods A cardiovascular and circulatory system (CVS model has already been validated in silico, and in several animal model studies. It accounts for valve dynamics using Heaviside functions to simulate a physiologically accurate "open on pressure, close on flow" law. However, it does not consider real-time valve opening dynamics and therefore does not fully capture valve dysfunction, particularly where the dysfunction involves partial closure. This research describes an updated version of this previous closed-loop CVS model that includes the progressive opening of the mitral valve, and is defined over the full cardiac cycle. Results Simulations of the cardiovascular system with healthy mitral valve are performed, and, the global hemodynamic behaviour is studied compared with previously validated results. The error between resulting pressure-volume (PV loops of already validated CVS model and the new CVS model that includes the progressive opening of the mitral valve is assessed and remains within typical measurement error and variability. Simulations of ischemic mitral insufficiency are also performed. Pressure-Volume loops, transmitral flow evolution and mitral valve aperture area evolution follow reported measurements in shape, amplitude and trends. Conclusions The resulting cardiovascular system model including mitral valve dynamics provides a foundation for clinical validation and the study of valvular dysfunction in vivo. The overall models and results could readily be generalised to other cardiac valves.

  11. Creencias sobre la insuficiencia renal crónica entre expertos y profanos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Esperanza Vélez Vélez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar las creencias y representaciones sobre la insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC en pacientes, población general y expertos. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal que analiza una muestra de 120 participantes seleccionados por muestreo no probabilístico por cuotas. Se crearon cinco grupos de estudio en función de su nivel de interacción con la enfermedad. La herramienta utilizada fue el Cuestionario de Creencias Sobre la Enfermedad. Resultados: Identidad, Controlabilidad, Mutabilidad, Responsabilidad Personal y Azar no presentan diferencias significativas entre los grupos estudiados. El factor Causas muestra diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grupo de pacientes con universitarios de ciencias de la salud y expertos (p<0,001 y entre otros universitarios con universitarios ciencias de la salud y expertos (p<0.001. El factor Incapacidad muestra diferencias significativas entre pacientes, universitarios y población general (p<0,001 y entre expertos con otros universitarios y población general (p<0,001. Los pacientes ofrecen un menor número de síntomas asociados tanto a la IRC como a la hemodiálisis (HD. Y en cuanto a las causas, las de origen biológico y conductuales son las más consideradas por todos los grupos. Solo el grupo de pacientes en HD considera el azar factor causal de la enfermedad. Conclusiones: En oposición al modelo científico, pacientes y población general comparten la idea de que la IRC es curable, depende en gran medida del azar y de hábitos de conducta y es menos grave de lo que opinan expertos. La experiencia con la enfermedad aporta más información (no necesariamente conocimiento que es recordada en función de la utilidad para lograr un mayor bienestar o una mejora de los cuidados.

  12. Mitral Valve Surgery in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (United States)

    Hekmat, Manouchehr; Ghorbani, Mohsen; Ghaderi, Hamid; Majidi, Masoud; Beheshti, Mahmood


    Valvular heart disease is the common cardiac manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with a tendency for mitral valve regurgitation. In this study we report a case of mitral valve replacement for mitral stenosis caused by Libman-Sacks endocarditis in the setting of SLE. In addition, we provide a systematic review of the literature on mitral valve surgery in the presence of Libman-Sacks endocarditis because its challenge on surgical options continues. Surgical decision depends on structural involvement of mitral valve and presence of active lupus nephritis and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. Review of the literature has also shown that outcome is good in most SLE patients who have undergone valvular surgery, but association of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome with SLE has negative impact on the outcome. PMID:25401131

  13. Thyroid surgery for Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Liu, Zi Wei; Masterson, Liam; Fish, Brian; Jani, Piyush; Chatterjee, Krishna


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease caused by the production of auto-antibodies against the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor, which stimulates follicular cell production of thyroid hormone. It is the commonest cause of hyperthyroidism and may cause considerable morbidity with increased risk of cardiovascular and respiratory adverse events. Five per cent of people with Graves' disease develop moderate to severe Graves' ophthalmopathy. Thyroid surgery for Graves' disease commonly falls into one of three categories: 1) total thyroidectomy, which aims to achieve complete macroscopic removal of thyroid tissue; 2) bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy, in which bilateral thyroid remnants are left; and 3) unilateral total and contralateral subtotal thyroidectomy, or the Dunhill procedure. Recent American Thyroid Association guidelines on treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism emphasised the role of surgery as one of the first-line treatments. Total thyroidectomy removes target tissue for the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody. It controls hyperthyroidism at the cost of lifelong thyroxine replacement. Subtotal thyroidectomy leaves a thyroid remnant and may be less likely to lead to complications, however a higher rate of recurrent hyperthyroidism is expected and revision surgery would be challenging. The choice of the thyroidectomy technique is currently largely a matter of surgeon preference, and a systematic review of the evidence base is required to determine which option offers the best outcomes for patients. To assess the optimal surgical technique for Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. We searched the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE and PubMed, EMBASE,, and the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP). The date of the last search was June 2015 for all databases. We did not apply any language restrictions. Only randomised controlled trials (RCTs) involving participants with a diagnosis

  14. Clinical Implication of Transaortic Mitral Pannus Removal During Repeat Cardiac Surgery for Patients With Mechanical Mitral Valve. (United States)

    Park, Byungjoon; Sung, Kiick; Park, Pyo Won


    This study aimed to evaluate the safety and feasibility of transaortic mitral pannus removal (TMPR).Methods and Results:Between 2004 and 2016, 34 patients (median age, 57 years; 30 women) with rheumatic disease underwent pannus removal on the ventricular side of a mechanical mitral valve through the aortic valve during reoperation. The median time interval from the previous surgery was 14 years. TMPR was performed after removal of the mechanical aortic valve (n=21) or diseased native aortic valve (n=11). TMPR was performed in 2 patients through a normal aortic valve. The mitral transprosthetic mean pressure gradient (TMPG) was ≥5 mmHg in 11 patients, including 3 with prosthetic valve malfunction. Prophylactic TMPR was performed in 23 patients. There were no early deaths. Concomitant operations included 22 tricuspid valve surgeries (13 replacements, 15 repairs) and 32 aortic valve replacements (24 repeats, 8 primary). The mean gradient in patients who had mitral TMPG ≥5 mmHg was significantly decreased from 6.46±1.1 to 4.37±1.17 mmHg at discharge (Ppannus overgrowth in such valves.

  15. Resultados tardios da plastia mitral em pacientes reumáticos Late outcomes of mitral repair in rheumatic patients

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    Elaine Soraya Barbosa de Oliveira Severino


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Os resultados tardios da plastia mitral em pacientes reumáticos são controversos na literatura. OBJETIVO: Estudo observacional e prospectivo que avalia os resultados tardios e identifica os fatores associados à reoperação e à mortalidade em pacientes reumáticos submetidos à plastia da valva mitral. MÉTODOS: Incluídos somente os pacientes com valvopatia mitral reumática submetidos a plastia, com insuficiência tricúspide associada ou não. Excluídos os pacientes com outros procedimentos associados. Um total de 104 pacientes foi estudado. Sobrevida e reoperação foram avaliadas pela analise de Kaplan-Meier e regressão logística de Cox. RESULTADOS: O tempo de seguimento foi de 63 ± 39 meses (IC 95% 36 a 74 meses. A classe funcional III e IV estava presente em 65,4% dos pacientes no pré-operatório. Foram realizadas 33 plastias do anel posterior, 21 comissurotomias, 50 comissurotomias e plastias do anel posterior. Não houve mortalidade operatória e a tardia foi de três (2,8% pacientes. A reoperação tardia esteve associada à insuficiência mitral residual no pós-operatório (PINTRODUCTION AND AIMS: The long-term results after surgical repair of rheumatic mitral valve remain controversial in literature. Our aim was to determine the predictive factors which impact the long-term results after isolated rheumatic mitral valve repair and to evaluate the effect of those factors on reoperation and late mortality. METHODS: One hundred and four patients with rheumatic valve disease who had undergone mitral valve repair with or without tricuspid valve annuloplasty were included. All patients with associated procedures were excluded. The predictive variables for reoperation were assessed with Cox regression and Kaplan Meier survival curves. RESULTS: The mean follow-up time was 63 ± 39 months (CI 95% 36 to 74 months. The functional class III and IV was observed in 65.4% of all patients. The posterior ring annuloplasty was

  16. Balloon catheter dilatation for mitral stenosis and severe pulmonary hypertension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Manhong


    Objective: To determine the safety and efficacy of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty (PBMV) for patients with mitral stenosis and severe pulmonary hypertension, and to assess the changes in pulmonary systolic pressure during follow-up. Methods: Forty-two patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis and severe pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary systolic pressure > 75 mmHg) underwent PBMV using standard Inoue technique, and the changes in clinical functional status and echo Doppler pulmonary systolic pressure during follow-up were assessed. Results: PBMV was successful in 39 patients. Immediately after the procedure, mitral valve area increased from (0.83 +- 0.12) cm 2 to (1.75 +- 0.11) cm 2 , pulmonary systolic pressure decreased from (85 +- 7) mmHg to (61 +- 13) mmHg (all P < 0.001). Severe mitral regurgitation occurred in 3 patients, one of whom underwent mitral valve replacement. During follow-up (average 6 months), in 39 patients with successful PBMV, the clinical functional status was improved and pulmonary systolic pressure was further decreased despite unchanged mitral valve area. Conclusions: PBMV was safe and effective for patients with mitral stenosis and severe pulmonary hypertension. Clinical functional status was improved and pulmonary systolic pressure was continuously decreased during the short-term follow-up

  17. Hashimoto's thyroiditis following Graves' disease. (United States)

    Umar, Husaini; Muallima, Nur; Adam, John M F; Sanusi, Harsinen


    Both Graves' disease and chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) are autoimmune diseases of thyroid gland. Graves' disease is caused by stimulation of TSH receptor located on the thyroid gland by an antibody, which is known as TSH receptor antibody (TRAb). Furthermore, this may lead to hyperplasia and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. On the contrary, the cause of Hashimoto's thyroiditis is thought due to a TSH stimulation-blocking antibody (TSBAb) which blocks the action of TSH hormone and subsequently brings damage and atrophy to thyroid gland. Approximately 15-20% of patients with Graves' disease had been reported to have spontaneous hypothyroidism resulting from the chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease). Pathogenesis for chronic thyroiditis following anti-thyroid drug treatment in patients with Graves' disease remains unclear. It has been estimated that chronic thyroiditis or Hashimoto's disease, which occurs following the Graves' disease episode is due to extended immune response in Graves' disease. It includes the immune response to endogenous thyroid antigens, i.e. thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin, which may enhance lymphocyte infiltration and finally causes Hashimoto's thyroiditis. We report four cases of chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto's disease) in patients who have been previously diagnosed with Graves' hyperthyroidism. In three cases, Hashimoto's thyroiditis occurs in 7 to 25 years after the treatment of Grave's disease; while the other case has it only after few months of Grave's disease treatment. The diagnosis of Hashimoto's disease (chronic thyroiditis) was based on clinical manifestation, high TSHs level, positive thyroid peroxidase antibody and thyroglobulin antibody, and supported by positive results of fine needle aspiration biopsy. Moreover, the result of histopathological test has also confirmed the diagnosis in two cases. All cases have been successfully treated by levothyroxine treatment.

  18. Anatomical challenges for transcatheter mitral valve intervention

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    De Backer, Ole; Luk, Ngai H V; Søndergaard, Lars


    Following the success of transcatheter aortic and pulmonary valve implantation, there is a large interest in transcatheter mitral valve interventions to treat severe mitral regurgitation (MR). With the exception for the MitraClipTM (Abbott, Abbott Park, IL, USA) edge-to-edge leaflet plication...

  19. Combined percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty and left atrial appendage occlusion device implantation for rheumatic mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murdoch, Dale; McAulay, Laura; Walters, Darren L.


    Rheumatic heart disease is a common cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality worldwide, mostly in developing countries. Mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation often coexist, related to both structural and inflammatory changes of the mitral valve and left atrium. Both predispose to left atrial thrombus formation, commonly involving the left atrial appendage. Thromboembolism can occur, with devastating consequences. We report the case of a 62 year old woman with rheumatic heart disease resulting in mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation. Previous treatment with warfarin resulted in life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding and she refused further anticoagulant therapy. A combined procedure was performed, including percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty and left atrial appendage occlusion device implantation with the Atritech® Watchman® device. No thromboembolic or bleeding complications were encountered at one year follow-up. Long-term follow-up in a cohort of patients will be required to evaluate the safety and efficacy of this strategy

  20. Combined percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty and left atrial appendage occlusion device implantation for rheumatic mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Murdoch, Dale, E-mail: [The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane (Australia); The University of Queensland, Brisbane (Australia); McAulay, Laura [The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane (Australia); Walters, Darren L. [The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane (Australia); The University of Queensland, Brisbane (Australia)


    Rheumatic heart disease is a common cause of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality worldwide, mostly in developing countries. Mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation often coexist, related to both structural and inflammatory changes of the mitral valve and left atrium. Both predispose to left atrial thrombus formation, commonly involving the left atrial appendage. Thromboembolism can occur, with devastating consequences. We report the case of a 62 year old woman with rheumatic heart disease resulting in mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation. Previous treatment with warfarin resulted in life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding and she refused further anticoagulant therapy. A combined procedure was performed, including percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty and left atrial appendage occlusion device implantation with the Atritech® Watchman® device. No thromboembolic or bleeding complications were encountered at one year follow-up. Long-term follow-up in a cohort of patients will be required to evaluate the safety and efficacy of this strategy.

  1. Mitral stenosis due to pannus overgrowth after rigid ring annuloplasty. (United States)

    Oda, Takeshi; Kato, Seiya; Tayama, Eiki; Fukunaga, Shuji; Akashi, Hidetoshi; Aoyagi, Shigeaki


    Although mitral stenosis (MS) due to pannus overgrowth after mitral valve repair for rheumatic mitral regurgitation (MR) is not uncommon, it is extremely rare in relation to non-rheumatic mitral regurgitation. Whilst it has been suggested that the rigid annuloplasty ring induces pannus overgrowth in the same manner as the flexible ring, to date only in cases using the flexible ring has pannus formation been confirmed by a pathological examination after redo surgery. The case is described of a woman who had undergone mitral valve repair using a 28 mm rigid ring three years previously because of non-rheumatic MR, and subsequently suffered from MS due to pannus formation over the annuloplasty ring. To the present authors' knowledge, this is the first report of MS due to pannus formation after mitral valve repair using a rigid annuloplasty ring to treat non-rheumatic MR documented at reoperation.

  2. Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of Ruptured Mitral Chordae Tendineae. (United States)

    Toma, Milan; Bloodworth, Charles H; Pierce, Eric L; Einstein, Daniel R; Cochran, Richard P; Yoganathan, Ajit P; Kunzelman, Karyn S


    The chordal structure is a part of mitral valve geometry that has been commonly neglected or simplified in computational modeling due to its complexity. However, these simplifications cannot be used when investigating the roles of individual chordae tendineae in mitral valve closure. For the first time, advancements in imaging, computational techniques, and hardware technology make it possible to create models of the mitral valve without simplifications to its complex geometry, and to quickly run validated computer simulations that more realistically capture its function. Such simulations can then be used for a detailed analysis of chordae-related diseases. In this work, a comprehensive model of a subject-specific mitral valve with detailed chordal structure is used to analyze the distinct role played by individual chordae in closure of the mitral valve leaflets. Mitral closure was simulated for 51 possible chordal rupture points. Resultant regurgitant orifice area and strain change in the chordae at the papillary muscle tips were then calculated to examine the role of each ruptured chorda in the mitral valve closure. For certain subclassifications of chordae, regurgitant orifice area was found to trend positively with ruptured chordal diameter, and strain changes correlated negatively with regurgitant orifice area. Further advancements in clinical imaging modalities, coupled with the next generation of computational techniques will enable more physiologically realistic simulations.

  3. Mitral valve repair: an echocardiographic review: Part 2. (United States)

    Maslow, Andrew


    Echocardiographic imaging of the mitral valve before and immediately after repair is crucial to the immediate and long-term outcome. Prior to mitral valve repair, echocardiographic imaging helps determine the feasibility and method of repair. After the repair, echocardiographic imaging displays the new baseline anatomy, assesses function, and determines whether or not further management is necessary. Three-dimensional imaging has improved the assessment of the mitral valve and facilitates communication with the surgeon by providing the surgeon with an image that he/she might see upon opening up the atrium. Further advancements in imaging will continue to improve the understanding of the function and dysfunction of the mitral valve both before and after repair. This information will improve treatment options, timing of invasive therapies, and advancements of repair techniques to yield better short- and long-term patient outcomes. The purpose of this review was to connect the echocardiographic evaluation with the surgical procedure. Bridging the pre- and post-CPB imaging with the surgical procedure allows a greater understanding of mitral valve repair.

  4. Insuficiencia renal aguda inducida por mordedura de serpiente Bothrops

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    Gustavo A. Aroca Martínez


    Full Text Available Mujer de 58 años de edad, remitida a urgencias por presentar cuadro clínico de insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA secundaria a mordedura de serpiente (Bothrops Atrox. Ingresa hipotensa con elevación de azoados e hiperkalemia, ecografía renal dentro de parámetros normales. Se maneja terapia dialítica con lo cual presenta mejoría clínica. En este reporte se detallan aspectos del diagnóstico, manejo clínico y posibles mecanismos fisiopatológicos que explican el daño renal.

  5. The future of transcatheter mitral valve interventions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maisano, Francesco; Alfieri, Ottavio; Banai, Shmuel


    of transcatheter mitral valve interventions will be. The purpose of the present report is to review the current state-of-the-art of mitral valve intervention, and to identify the potential future scenarios, which might benefit most from the transcatheter repair and replacement devices under development....

  6. Transaortic Alfieri Edge-to-Edge Repair for Functional Mitral Regurgitation. (United States)

    Imasaka, Ken-Ichi; Tayama, Eiki; Morita, Shigeki; Toriya, Ryohei; Tomita, Yukihiro


    There is controversy about handling functional mitral regurgitation in patients undergoing aortic valve or proximal aortic operations. We describe a transaortic Alfieri edge-to-edge repair for functional mitral regurgitation that reduces operative excessive invasion and prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass time. Between May 2013 and December 2016, 10 patients underwent transaortic Alfieri edge-to-edge mitral repair. There were no operative deaths. The severity of mitral regurgitation immediately after the operation by transesophageal echocardiography was none or trivial in all patients. A transaortic Alfieri edge-to-edge repair for functional mitral regurgitation is a simple and safe approach. Copyright © 2018 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Hipermobilidade articular em pacientes com prolapso da valva mitral Hipermovilidad articular en pacientes con prolapso de la válvula mitral Joint hypermobility in patients with mitral valve prolapse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simone Cavenaghi


    Full Text Available Estudos sobre hipermobilidade têm despertado grande interesse, nas últimas décadas, por estarem associados a disfunções músculo-esqueléticas, bem como a anormalidades em vários sistemas orgânicos - como, por exemplo, o prolapso da valva mitral. Neste contexto, buscou-se agrupar e atualizar os conhecimentos da relação entre a hipermobilidade articular e o prolapso da valva mitral. Segundo a literatura, estudos mostram que alterações genéticas na composição do colágeno parecem ser a principal causa desta relação.Studies on hypermobility have aroused great interest in the last decades, as they are associated to musculoskeletal disorders, as well as abnormalities in several organic systems, such as the mitral valve prolapse. Therefore, in this study, data on the association between joint hypermobility and the mitral valve prolapse were investigated and reviewed. Studies in the literature have shown that genetic alterations in the collagen composition seem to be the main cause of this association.

  8. Mitral Valve Prolapse (United States)

    ... valve syndrome . What happens during MVP? Watch an animation of mitral valve prolapse When the heart pumps ( ... our brochures Popular Articles 1 Understanding Blood Pressure Readings 2 Sodium and Salt 3 Heart Attack Symptoms ...

  9. Mitral Valve Disease (United States)

    ... for mitral valve replacement—mechanical valves (metal) or biological valves (tissue). The principal advantage of mechanical valves ... small risk of stroke due to blood clotting. Biological valves usually are made from animal tissue. Biological ...

  10. Randomised trial of mitral valve repair with leaflet resection versus leaflet preservation on functional mitral stenosis (The CAMRA CardioLink-2 Trial). (United States)

    Chan, Vincent; Chu, Michael W A; Leong-Poi, Howard; Latter, David A; Hall, Judith; Thorpe, Kevin E; de Varennes, Benoit E; Quan, Adrian; Tsang, Wendy; Dhingra, Natasha; Yared, Kibar; Teoh, Hwee; Chu, F Victor; Chan, Kwan-Leung; Mesana, Thierry G; Connelly, Kim A; Ruel, Marc; Jüni, Peter; Mazer, C David; Verma, Subodh


    The gold-standard treatment of severe mitral regurgitation (MR) due to degenerative disease is valve repair, which is surgically performed with either a leaflet resection or leaflet preservation approach. Recent data suggest that functional mitral stenosis (MS) may occur following valve repair using a leaflet resection strategy, which adversely affects patient prognosis. A randomised comparison of these two approaches to mitral repair on functional MS has not been conducted. This is a prospective, multicentre randomised controlled trial designed to test the hypothesis that leaflet preservation leads to better preservation of mitral valve geometry, and therefore, will be superior to leaflet resection for the primary outcome of functional MS as assessed by 12-month mean mitral valve gradient at peak exercise. Eighty-eight patients with posterior leaflet prolapse will be randomised intraoperatively once deemed by the operating surgeon to feasibly undergo mitral repair using either a leaflet resection or leaflet preservation approach. Secondary end points include comparison of repair strategies with regard to mitral valve orifice area, leaflet coaptation height, 6 min walk test and a composite major adverse event end point consisting of recurrent MR ≥2+, death or hospital readmission for congestive heart failure within 12 months of surgery. Institutional ethics approval has been obtained from all enrolling sites. Overall, there remains clinical equipoise regarding the mitral valve repair strategy that is associated with the least likelihood of functional MS. This trial hopes to introduce high-quality evidence to help surgical decision making in this context. NCT02552771. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  11. Thyroid cancer in Graves' disease: is surgery the best treatment for Graves' disease? (United States)

    Tamatea, Jade A U; Tu'akoi, Kelson; Conaglen, John V; Elston, Marianne S; Meyer-Rochow, Goswin Y


    Graves' disease is a common cause of thyrotoxicosis. Treatment options include anti-thyroid medications or definitive therapy: thyroidectomy or radioactive iodine (I(131) ). Traditionally, I(131) has been the preferred definitive treatment for Graves' disease in New Zealand. Reports of concomitant thyroid cancer occurring in up to 17% of Graves' patients suggest surgery, if performed with low morbidity, may be the preferred option. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of thyroid cancer and surgical outcomes in a New Zealand cohort of patients undergoing thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. This study is a retrospective review of Waikato region patients undergoing thyroid surgery for Graves' disease during the 10-year period prior to 1 December 2011. A total of 833 patients underwent thyroid surgery. Of these, 117 were for Graves' disease. Total thyroidectomy was performed in 82, near-total in 33 and subtotal in 2 patients. Recurrent thyrotoxicosis developed in one subtotal patient requiring I(131) therapy. There were two cases of permanent hypoparathyroidism and one of permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. Eight patients (6.8%) had thyroid cancer detected, none of whom had overt nodal disease. Five were papillary microcarcinomas (one of which was multifocal), two were papillary carcinomas (11 mm and 15 mm) and one was a minimally invasive follicular carcinoma. Thyroid cancer was identified in approximately 7% of patients undergoing surgery for Graves' disease. A low complication rate (<2%) of permanent hypoparathyroidism and nerve injury (<1%) supports surgery being a safe alternative to I(131) especially for patients with young children, ophthalmopathy or compressive symptoms. © 2012 The Authors. ANZ Journal of Surgery © 2012 Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.

  12. A 29-Year-Old Harken Disk Mitral Valve (United States)

    Hsi, David H.; Ryan, Gerald F.; Taft, Janice; Arnone, Thomas J.


    An 81-year-old woman was evaluated for prosthetic mitral valve function. She had received a Harken disk mitral valve 29 years earlier due to severe mitral valve disease. This particular valve prosthesis is known for premature disk edge wear and erosion. The patient's 2-dimensional Doppler echocardiogram showed the distinctive appearance of a disk mitral valve prosthesis. Color Doppler in diastole showed a unique crown appearance, with initial flow acceleration around the disk followed by convergence to laminar flow in the left ventricle. Cineradiographic imaging revealed normal valve function and minimal disk erosion. We believe this to be the longest reported follow-up of a surviving patient with a rare Harken disk valve. We present images with unique echocardiographic and cineangiographic features. (Tex Heart Inst J 2003;30:319–21) PMID:14677746

  13. Late leaflet fracture and embolization of a Duromedics mitral prosthesis. (United States)

    Sudo, K; Sasagawa, N; Ide, H; Nunokawa, M; Fujiki, T; Tonari, K


    A case of leaflet fracture and embolization of a mitral prosthetic valve is described. A 54-year-old man had received mitral valve replacement with an Edwards-Duromedics 29M prosthetic valve, at 10 years ago. Emergency mitral valve replacement was performed because the patient had severe congestive left heart failure with severe acute mitral regurgitation caused by a fracture in one of the mitral valve leaflets. The leaflet, which was fractured into 2 pieces, was removed from the right common iliac artery at 3 months after valve replacement. Visual inspection revealed that the leaflet contained a midline fracture. The fracture originated within a cavitary erosion pit near the major radius of the leaflet. The patient recovered from acute renal failure, requiring hemodialysis for 80 days, and is currently without complaints. We have used a Duromedics mitral valve in 11 patients, from April 1987 to April 1988. No subsequent valve failure has occurred. The diagnosis, treatment and cause of a mechanical valve fracture are discussed.

  14. Role of Imaging Techniques in Percutaneous Treatment of Mitral Regurgitation. (United States)

    Li, Chi-Hion; Arzamendi, Dabit; Carreras, Francesc


    Mitral regurgitation is the most prevalent valvular heart disease in the United States and the second most prevalent in Europe. Patients with severe mitral regurgitation have a poor prognosis with medical therapy once they become symptomatic or develop signs of significant cardiac dysfunction. However, as many as half of these patients are inoperable because of advanced age, ventricular dysfunction, or other comorbidities. Studies have shown that surgery increases survival in patients with organic mitral regurgitation due to valve prolapse but has no clinical benefit in those with functional mitral regurgitation. In this scenario, percutaneous repair for mitral regurgitation in native valves provides alternative management of valvular heart disease in patients at high surgical risk. Percutaneous repair for mitral regurgitation is a growing field that relies heavily on imaging techniques to diagnose functional anatomy and guide repair procedures. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. Ventilación mecánica no invasiva y oxigenoterapia de alto flujo en el tratamiento de la insuficiencia respiratoria


    Molinero Herrero, Nuria


    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Enfermería (Zamora). Curso académico 2016/2017 [ES]La enfermedad obstructiva crónica (EPOC) está incluida en las enfermedades que pueden asociar a insuficiencia respiratoria. El tratamiento de soporte ventilatorio de elección es la ventilación mecánica no invasiva (VMNI) por las múltiples ventajas que ofrece. Actualmente se está desarrollando el uso de la oxigenoterapia de alto flujo (ONAF) en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria hipoxémica...

  16. Simple repair approach for mitral regurgitation in Barlow disease. (United States)

    Ben Zekry, Sagit; Spiegelstein, Dan; Sternik, Leonid; Lev, Innon; Kogan, Alexander; Kuperstein, Rafael; Raanani, Ehud


    Mitral valve repair for myxomatous Barlow disease is a challenging procedure requiring complex surgery with less than optimal results. The use of ring-only repair has been previously reported but never analyzed or followed-up. We investigated this simple valve repair approach for patients with Barlow disease and multisegment involvement causing mainly central jet. Of 572 patients who underwent mitral valve repair for mitral regurgitation at our medical center, 24 with Barlow disease (aged 47 ± 14 years; 46% male) underwent ring-only repair. Patients were characterized by severely enlarged mitral valve annulus, multisegment prolapse involving both leaflets, and demonstrated mainly a central wide regurgitant jet. Surgical technique included only the implantation of a large mitral annuloplasty ring. Early and late outcome results were compared with those of the remaining patients who underwent conventional mitral valve repair for degenerative disease (controls). All ring-only patients presented with moderate-severe/severe mitral regurgitation (vena contracta, 0.6 ± 0.1 cm; regurgitation volume, 52 ± 17 mL), with mainly a central jet and almost preserved ejection fraction (59% ± 6%). Cardiopulmonary bypass and crossclamp times were significantly shorter compared with controls (P Barlow disease patients with multisegment involvement and mainly central regurgitant jet is both simple and reproducible with excellent late outcomes. Copyright © 2015 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Repair for mitral stenosis due to pannus formation after Duran ring annuloplasty. (United States)

    Song, Seunghwan; Cho, Seong Ho; Yang, Ji-Hyuk; Park, Pyo Won


    Mitral stenosis after mitral repair with using an annuloplasty ring is not common and it is almost always due to pannus formation. Mitral valve replacement was required in most of the previous cases of pannus covering the mitral valve leaflet, which could not be stripped off without damaging the valve leaflets. In two cases, we removed the previous annuloplasty ring and pannus without leaflet injury, and we successfully repaired the mitral valve. During the follow-up of 4 months and 39 months respectively, we observed improvement of the patients' symptoms and good valvular function. Redo mitral repair may be a possible method for treating mitral stenosis due to pannus formation after ring annuloplasty. Copyright © 2010 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. The evaluation of mitral heart disease by angiocardiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Yong Chul


    Left ventriculography with RAO projection gives many information about the states of mitral apparatus and of left ventricular function. The knowledge about these are very important to determination of performance, time and method of cardiac surgery in mitral valvular heart diseases. 20 patients of mitral valvular heart disease were studied with left ventriculographies in RAO projection which were taken before open heart surgery at department of radiology, National Medical Center during 1976 to June 1980, Comparing with operative findings and pathologic specimens. The results are as follows; 1. Poor motilities and irregularities of mitral valves which were visible above the fulcrum, and irregularities and severe retraction of the fornix during left ventricular systolic phases on left ventriculographies were compatible to the stage III by Sellers' classification of mitral valvular stenosis on operative findings. Mild degree of irregularities and restriction with smooth fornix suggested the stage I. The findings between these two, the stage II. 2. MI group showed left ventricular dilation without hypertrophy, MS group, no significant effect on LV, Ao group, enlargement with hypertrophy. 3. In Ms and MI groups, ejection fraction were relatively well preserved until grade I-II of NYHA Classification. But grade III-IV revealed decreased ejection fraction. E. F. was below 0.55 in 86% of grade III-IV. In Ao group, grade IV showed well preservation of E. F. 4. The pattern of left ventricular contraction demonstrated hypokinetic synesis or asynesis in 44.4% of grade IV, but was normal in all cases below grade III. Hyperkinetic synesis was visible in all Ao group. 5. Left ventriculography is essential to evaluation of mitral valve apparatus and LV function in mitral heart diseases before cardiac surgery

  19. The evaluation of mitral heart disease by angiocardiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Yong Chul [National Medical Center, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Left ventriculography with RAO projection gives many information about the states of mitral apparatus and of left ventricular function. The knowledge about these are very important to determination of performance, time and method of cardiac surgery in mitral valvular heart diseases. 20 patients of mitral valvular heart disease were studied with left ventriculographies in RAO projection which were taken before open heart surgery at department of radiology, National Medical Center during 1976 to June 1980, Comparing with operative findings and pathologic specimens. The results are as follows; 1. Poor motilities and irregularities of mitral valves which were visible above the fulcrum, and irregularities and severe retraction of the fornix during left ventricular systolic phases on left ventriculographies were compatible to the stage III by Sellers' classification of mitral valvular stenosis on operative findings. Mild degree of irregularities and restriction with smooth fornix suggested the stage I. The findings between these two, the stage II. 2. MI group showed left ventricular dilation without hypertrophy, MS group, no significant effect on LV, Ao group, enlargement with hypertrophy. 3. In Ms and MI groups, ejection fraction were relatively well preserved until grade I-II of NYHA Classification. But grade III-IV revealed decreased ejection fraction. E. F. was below 0.55 in 86% of grade III-IV. In Ao group, grade IV showed well preservation of E. F. 4. The pattern of left ventricular contraction demonstrated hypokinetic synesis or asynesis in 44.4% of grade IV, but was normal in all cases below grade III. Hyperkinetic synesis was visible in all Ao group. 5. Left ventriculography is essential to evaluation of mitral valve apparatus and LV function in mitral heart diseases before cardiac surgery.

  20. Current Concepts in Graves' Disease (United States)

    Girgis, Christian M.; Champion, Bernard L.; Wall, Jack R.


    Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the developed world. It is caused by an immune defect in genetically susceptible individuals in whom the production of unique antibodies results in thyroid hormone excess and glandular hyperplasia. When unrecognized, Graves' disease impacts negatively on quality of life and poses serious risks of psychosis, tachyarrhythmia and cardiac failure. Beyond the thyroid, Graves' disease has diverse soft-tissue effects that reflect its systemic autoimmune nature. Thyroid eye disease is the most common of these manifestations and is important to recognise given its risk to vision and potential to deteriorate in response to radioactive iodine ablation. In this review we discuss the investigation and management of Graves' disease, the recent controversy regarding the hepatotoxicity of propylthiouracil and the emergence of novel small-molecule thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor ligands as potential targets in the treatment of Graves' disease. PMID:23148179

  1. Anuloplastia sem suporte para tratamento da insuficiência mitral reumática Non-supported mitral annuloplasty technique for treatment of rheumatic mitral insufficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renato A. K Kalil


    Full Text Available Desde 1974, temos empregado anuloplastia sem suporte para tratamento da insuficiência mitral de etiologia reumática em uma população predominantemente jovem. A avaliação dos resultados tardios forma a base deste relato. São 154 pacientes com insuficiência mitral isolada (sem estenose ou dupla lesão, sendo 55 (36% do sexo masculino e 99 (64% do feminino, idade média = 36 ± 16 (5 a 73 anos; as lesões associadas foram: 47 lesões aórticas, 21 tricuspídeas e 2 comunicações interatriais; a classe funcional pré-operatória foi I-II em 19% e III-IV em 81 % e o índice cardiotorácico 0,61 ± 0,10. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a uma anuloplastia similar à descrita por WOOLER et alii 21 que consiste na redução da porção mural do anel mitral obtida pela aplicação de dois pontos ancorados em feltros nas comissuras, sem comprometer a extensão de cúspide septal. Quando necessário, procedimentos adicionais sobre as cordas tendíneas foram realizados. Nenhum paciente recebeu suporte anular por anel ou barra posterior. A mortalidade precoce foi de 3 (1,9% pacientes: falência miocárdica (1 e embolia pulmonar (2. A mortalidade tardia foi de 9 (5,8%, falência miocárdica (3, septicemia (1, embolia pulmonar (1 e morte súbita (1 e causa desconhecida (3. Reoperações foram realizadas em 28 (18,2% casos, dos quais 2 (1,3% por disfunção de prótese aórtica. Sopro sistólico residual esteve presente em 48% dos casos. Complicações tardias: embolias sistêmicas 5,8% (1/3 como prótese aórtica, endocardite infecciosa 1,3% e embolia pulmonar 0,7%. Classe funcional pós-operatória (p. a. foi I - II em 84% e III - IV em 16%; índice cardiotorácico p. o. 0,58 ± 0,10. Probalidade atuarial de sobrevida tardia é estimada em 79,5 ± 5,3% aos 10 anos e 71,0 ± 7,4% aos 14 anos. Sobrevida sem eventos: 67,9 ± 8,9% aos 10 anos e 56,1 ± 11,7% aos 14 anos. A insuficiência mitral reumática pode ser tratada efetivamente por anuloplastia


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    L A Carmona-López


    Full Text Available Introducción: La Insuficiencia Venosa Crónica Periférica (IVCP es un cambio clínico que se produce como resultado de la dilatación patológica de las venas en los miembros inferiores, de la incompetencia de sus válvulas y de la hipertensión venosa resultante. Pudiera cursar dentro de la categoría de trastornos sistémicos que producen depresión y ansiedad, las cuales a su vez son alteraciones psiquiátricas relacionadas con toda la esfera cardiovascular. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de ansiedad, depresión y su relación con los rasgos de personalidad, en pacientes con Insuficiencia Venosa Crónica Periférica. Metodología: Se realizó un trabajo de tipo descriptivo, de corte transversal. Se utilizó la escala de Hamilton para ansiedad y depresión; la personalidad fue evaluada con el cuestionario Factorial de Personalidad 16 FP de Catell además de otras variables sociodemográficas. Resultados: Se evaluaron 30 pacientes; 93% (N=28 de sexo femenino, 7% (N=2 de sexo masculino diagnosticados. Con edades entre 25 y 74 años; encontrándose 36,7% (N=11 ansiedad severa, seguida de ansiedad menor en 33,3% (N=10. 50% de los pacientes no presentó depresión, y 50% se distribuyó de forma homogénea en leve, moderada y severa. Predominando personalidad que se le dificulta manejar las frustraciones, suelen ser nerviosos o ansiosos ante ciertas circunstancias, suspicaces, inteligentes y leales a nivel grupal. El rasgo de personalidad que predominó en el grupo de estudio es el de tipo ansioso. Conclusión: Los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa crónica periférica tienen inclinación a la ansiedad con dificultades para manejar la frustración. Palabras claves: Insuficiencia venosa, Ansiedad, Depresión, Personalidad

  3. Mitral repair and the robot: a revolutionary tool or marketing ploy? (United States)

    Ghoneim, Aly; Bouhout, Ismail; Makhdom, Fahd; Chu, Michael W A


    In this review, we discuss the current evidence supporting each minimally invasive mitral repair approach and their associated controversies. Current evidence demonstrates that minimally invasive mitral repair techniques yield similar mitral repair results to conventional sternotomy with the benefits of shorter hospital stay, quicker recovery, better cosmesis and improved patient satisfaction. Despite this, broad adoption of minimally invasive mitral repair is still not achieved. Two main approaches of minimally invasive mitral repair exist: endoscopic mini-thoracotomy and robotic-assisted approaches. Both minimally invasive approaches share many commonalities; however, most centres are strongly polarized to one approach over another creating controversy and debate about the most effective minimally invasive approach.

  4. Predisposing factors to development of mitral regurgitation and valve area

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    Kazemi Khaledi A


    Full Text Available Background: Percutaneous Transeptal Mitral Commisurotomy (PTMC has been used in treating mitral stenosis with variable success, its main complication being mitral incompetence. There is a need to define the subgroup of the patients who benefit mostly from the procedure. Methods: We studied 110 patients (age 17 to 60 years; mean 33.2 with mitral stenosis. PTMC was performed though femoral vein. All patients underwent echocardiographic evaluation, both before and after the procedure. Clinical, hemodynamic and echocardiographic data were gathered and used to predict the outcome. Results: PTMC was successful in all 110 patients in alleviating the stenosis (mean transmitral gradient before procedure was 17.1 mmHg; after procedure 4.4 mmHg. There was no mortality or major complication other than occurrence of mitral regurgitation in 9 cases. In this group only one patient subsequently needed a mitral valve replacement operation. The following parameters were found to have a significant correlation with the success rate of PTMC: lower age, shorter duration of illness, functional class III and IV, larger EF slope, smaller EPSS, smaller amplitude of valve motion, limitation of the posterior leaflet motion and negative history for open commisurotomy. The incidence of mitral regurgitation after procedure was found to be correlated with: atrial fibrillation rhythm before PTMC, lower age, longer duration of illness, more frequent relapse of rheumatic fever, functional class III and IV, less EF slope, limitation of the valve motion, larger left atrium, calcification of posterior leaflet and subvalvular extension. Conclusions: Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty is an effective and relatively safe procedure in the management of the mitral stenosis. With the proper selection of the patients with the favorable outcome parameters, the rate of complication can be reduced.

  5. Restrictive Mitral Annuloplasty Does Not Limit Exercise Capacity. (United States)

    Deja, Marek A; Żak, Aleksandra; Malinowski, Marcin; Pysz, Piotr; Gaszewska-Żurek, Ewa; Turski, Maciej; Janusiewicz, Piotr; Wita, Krystian; Chudek, Jerzy


    Restrictive mitral annuloplasty is the preferred method of treating secondary mitral regurgitation. The use of small annuloplasty rings to reduce the high recurrence rates may result in mitral stenosis. Thirty-six patients who underwent restrictive mitral annuloplasty with Carpentier-Edwards classic 26 size ring underwent exercise echocardiography and ergospirometry. Resting catecholamines and N-terminal pro brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels were measured. At the time of study, the median time from operation was 16.6 months (interquartile range, 8.5 to 43.3 months). Left ventricular end-systolic volume index (LVESVI) was 67 mL/m(2) (interquartile range, 25 to 92 mL/m(2)), and ejection fraction (EF) was 38.8% (interquartile range, 28.3% to 59.0%). Mitral gradients were higher at the leaflet tips than at the annular level. Continuous wave (CW) Doppler gradients at rest were 3.4 mmHg (interquartile range, 2.4 to 4.9 mmHg) mean and 9.5 mmHg (interquartile range, 7.0 to 14.7 mmHg) maximal. On exertion, they increased to 6.8 mmHg (interquartile range, 5.4 to 8.8 mmHg) (p = 0.001) and 19.7 mmHg (interquartile range, 12.8 to 23.3 mmHg) (p = 0.001), respectively. Maximal VO2 was 18.2 mL/kg/min (interquartile range, 16.3 to 21.5 mL/kg/min), VE/VCO2 slope was 31.1 (interquartile range, 26 to 34). Epinephrine level was 0.024 ng/mL (interquartile range, 0.0098 to 0.043 ng/mL), norepinephrine was 0.61 ng/mL (interquartile range, 0.41 to 0.95 ng/mL), and NT-proBNP was 303 pg/mL (interquartile range, 155 to 553 pg/mL). Maximal VO2 negatively correlated with resting norepinephrine level (r = -0.50, p = 0.003). VE/VCO2 slope positively correlated with NT-proBNP (r = 0.36, p = 0.004) and epinephrine (r = 0.36, p = 0.04) levels and with LV volumes (r = 0.51, p = 0.006) and was negatively correlated with LVEF (r = -0.52, p = 0.004). Neither maximal VO2 nor VE/VCO2 slope correlated with the highest mean (r = 0.24, p = 0.2, and r = -0.20, p = 0.3, respectively) and maximal (r

  6. Mitral Valve Prolapse (United States)

    Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) occurs when one of your heart's valves doesn't work properly. The flaps of the valve are "floppy" and ... to run in families. Most of the time, MVP doesn't cause any problems. Rarely, blood can ...

  7. Mitral valve prolapse - report of 3 cases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han, Moon Hee; Im, Chung Ki; Im, Dong Ran; Han, Man Chung; Lee, Young Woo; Seo, Jung Don


    Prolapse of mitral valve is characterized by its unique auscultatory, echocardiographic and angiographic findings and may be associated with various disease entities such as congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease and Marfan's syndrome etc. Authors report recent experience of 3 cases of prolapsed mitral valve, 2 cases associated with A.S.D. and 1 case with Marfan's syndrome.

  8. Auto-estima na forma inativa da oftalmopatia de Graves Inactive Graves' ophthalmopathy and self-esteem

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    Carlos Henrique de Toledo Magalhães


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a auto-estima dos pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves na fase inativa. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 30 pacientes portadores de oftalmopatia de Graves, eutireoideanos, na fase inativa, com idade variando entre 26 e 65 anos, média 43 ± 11,0 anos, denominado grupo estudo e 39 indivíduos que não apresentavam oftalmopatia de Graves, com idade variando entre 18 e 67 anos, média de 41 ± 13,4 anos, selecionados na população geral denominado grupo controle. Para avaliar a auto-estima foi utilizada a escala de auto-estima Rosenberg Unifesp-EPM aplicada por meio de entrevista. Os valores dos escores de auto-estima nos dois grupos estudados foram comparados pelo teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. O mesmo teste foi aplicado com objetivo de comparar os resultados obtidos no grupo oftalmopatia de Graves considerando a gravidade da doença. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada alteração com significância estatística na auto-estima dos pacientes com oftalmopatia de Graves (p=0,057. O grupo estudo apresentou, em média, valores inferiores de auto-estima, comparado ao grupo controle. Não houve diferença da auto-estima entre os pacientes dos subgrupos leve e moderado-grave (P=0,2710. CONCLUSÃO: A oftalmopatia de Graves na fase inativa não afetou a auto-estima dos pacientes, no grupo estudado.PURPOSE: To assess the self-esteem of Graves' ophthalmopathy patients in the inactive phase. METHODS: Thirty euthyroid patients were evaluated in the inactive phase of disease with age ranging from 26 to 65 years, average of 43 ± 11,0 years, called study group and 39 individuals without Graves' ophthalmopathy with age ranging from 18 to 67 years, average of 41 ± 13,4 years, selected from the general population called control group. To evaluate the self-esteem the Rosenberg UNIFESP/EPM self-esteem scale, applied by means of an interview, was utilized. The self-esteem scores in the two studied groups were compared by means of the non

  9. Mitral valve plasty for mitral regurgitation after blunt chest trauma. (United States)

    Kumagai, H; Hamanaka, Y; Hirai, S; Mitsui, N; Kobayashi, T


    A 21 year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of chest and back pain after blunt chest trauma. On admission, consciousness was clear and a physical examination showed labored breathing. Her vital signs were stable, but her breathing gradually worsened, and artificial respiration was started. The chest roentgenogram and a subsequent chest computed tomographic scans revealed contusions, hemothorax of the left lung and multiple rib fractures. A transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) revealed normal left ventricular wall motion and mild mitral regurgitation (MR). TTE was carried out repeatedly, and revealed gradually progressive MR and prolapse of the posterior medial leaflet, although there was no congestive heart failure. After her general condition had recovered, surgery was performed. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) revealed torn chordae at the posterior medial leaflet. The leaflet where the chorda was torn was cut and plicated, and posterior mitral annuloplasty was performed using a prosthetic ring. One month later following discharge, the MR had disappeared on TTE.

  10. Cine MR imaging in mitral valve prolapse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumai, Toshihiko


    This study was undertaken to assess the ability of cine MR imaging to evaluate the direction, timing, and severity of mitral regurgitation in patients with mitral valve prolapse (MVP). The population of this study was 33 patients with MVP diagnosed by two-dimensional echocardiography and 10 patients with rheumatic mitral valve disease (MSR) for comparison. 7 patients with MVP and 5 with MSR had atrial fibrillation and/or history of congestive heart failure as complications. Mitral regurgitation was graded for severity by color Doppler flow imaging in all patients. Direction and size of systolic flow void in the left atrium were analyzed by contiguous multilevel cine MR images and the maximum volumes of flow void and left atrium were measured. Although flow void was found at the center of the left atrium in most of MSR, it was often directed along the postero-caudal atrial wall in anterior leaflet prolapse and along the anterocranial atrial wall in posterior leaflet prolapse. In MVP, the maximum volume of flow void was often seen in late systole. The maximum volume of flow void and that of left atrium were significantly larger in patients with atrial fibrillation and/or history of congestive heart failure. The length and volume of flow void were increased with clinical severity and degree of regurgitation determined by color Doppler flow imaging. Thus cine MR imaging provides a useful means for detection and semiquantitative evaluation of mitral regurgitation in subjects with MVP. (author)

  11. Emergency mitral valve replacement and cesarean section in parturients: Two case reports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P S Nagaraja


    Full Text Available Cardiac surgery during pregnancy using cardiopulmonary bypass has a maternal mortality rate (MMR of about 3-15%. Cardiopulmonary bypass, in addition, alters placental perfusion, which can increase infant mortality. Here, we report two cases of parturients with severe mitral stenosis, who developed acute mitral regurgitation (MR after percutaneous transluminal mitral commissurotomy (PTMC due to anterior mitral leaflet tear. They were posted for emergency mitral valve replacement (MVR followed by cesarean section. Altering the routine cardiopulmonary bypass and anesthesia protocol resulted in a favorable maternal and fetal outcome.

  12. Left atrial isolation associated with mitral valve operations. (United States)

    Graffigna, A; Pagani, F; Minzioni, G; Salerno, J; Viganò, M


    Surgical isolation of the left atrium was performed for the treatment of chronic atrial fibrillation secondary to valvular disease in 100 patients who underwent mitral valve operations. From May 1989 to September 1991, 62 patients underwent mitral valve operations (group I); 19, mitral valve operations and DeVega tricuspid annuloplasty (group II); 15, mitral and aortic operations (group III); and 4, mitral and aortic operations and DeVega tricuspid annuloplasty (group IV). Left atrial isolation was performed, prolonging the usual left paraseptal atriotomy toward the left fibrous trigone anteriorly and the posteromedial commissure posteriorly. The incision was conducted a few millimeters apart from the mitral valve annulus, and cryolesions were placed at the edges to ensure complete electrophysiological isolation of the left atrium. Operative mortality accounted for 3 patients (3%). In 79 patients (81.4%) sinus rhythm recovered and persisted until discharge from the hospital. No differences were found between the groups (group I, 80.7%; group II, 68.5%; group III, 86.7%; group IV, 75%; p = not significant). Three late deaths (3.1%) were registered. Long-term results show persistence of sinus rhythm in 71% of group I, 61.2% of group II, 85.8% of group III, and 100% of group IV. The unique risk factor for late recurrence of atrial fibrillation was found to be preoperative atrial fibrillation longer than 6 months. Due to the satisfactory success rate in recovering sinus rhythm, we suggest performing left atrial isolation in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation undergoing valvular operations.

  13. Methods of estimation of mitral valve regurgitation for the cardiac surgeon

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    Baikoussis Nikolaos G


    Full Text Available Abstract Mitral valve regurgitation is a relatively common and important heart valve lesion in clinical practice and adequate assessment is fundamental to decision on management, repair or replacement. Disease localised to the posterior mitral valve leaflet or focal involvement of the anterior mitral valve leaflet is most amenable to mitral valve repair, whereas patients with extensive involvement of the anterior leaflet or incomplete closure of the valve are more suitable for valve replacement. Echocardiography is the recognized investigation of choice for heart valve disease evaluation and assessment. However, the technique is depended on operator experience and on patient's hemodynamic profile, and may not always give optimal diagnostic views of mitral valve dysfunction. Cardiac catheterization is related to common complications of an interventional procedure and needs a hemodynamic laboratory. Cardiac magnetic resonance (MRI seems to be a useful tool which gives details about mitral valve anatomy, precise point of valve damage, as well as the quantity of regurgitation. Finally, despite of its higher cost, cardiac MRI using cine images with optimized spatial and temporal resolution can also resolve mitral valve leaflet structural motion, and can reliably estimate the grade of regurgitation.

  14. Our First Experience on Percutaneous Transvenous Mitral Commissurotomy (PTMC: Case Report

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    Aziz Karabulut


    Full Text Available Rheumatic heart disease remains a significant healt problem especially in devaloping countries. In rheumatic heart disease, mitral valve is affected in nearly all cases; mitral stenosis is the most common lesion. Percutaneous Transvenous Mitral Commissurotomy (PTMC is an important tool in the treatment of rheumatic mitral stenosis. In this study, our first PTMC case is presented, and the PTMC indications and the comparison of patients underwent PTMC with those patients underwent surgical intervention is discussed with the literature.

  15. 261. Cirugía reparadora de la insuficiencia aórtica

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    E. Rey


    Conclusiones: Nuestra técnica de elección para la cirugía reparadora de la válvula aórtica es la plicatura central, siendo una técnica intuitiva y reproducible. En la insuficiencia aórtica asociada a aneurisma de raíz aórtica la técnica de elección es el remodeling de Yacoub con anillo Coroneo que da soporte anular y es una técnica duradera.

  16. Mitral valve prolapse - report of 3 cases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Han, Moon Hee; Im, Chung Ki; Im, Dong Ran; Han, Man Chung; Lee, Young Woo; Seo, Jung Don [Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Prolapse of mitral valve is characterized by its unique auscultatory, echocardiographic and angiographic findings and may be associated with various disease entities such as congenital heart disease, coronary heart disease and Marfan's syndrome etc. Authors report recent experience of 3 cases of prolapsed mitral valve, 2 cases associated with A.S.D. and 1 case with Marfan's syndrome.

  17. Insuficiencia venosa crónica en trabajadores sin factores de riesgo que permanecen horas prolongadas en bipedestación

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    Paula Astudillo

    Full Text Available La insuficiencia venosa crónica (IVC es una patología prevalente en la sociedad actual. Los problemas derivados de ella, son una causa importante de gasto económico y absentismo laboral. Las condiciones laborales actuales, como jornadas de larga duración, con largas horas en bipedestación, inadecuada carga de pesos y malas condiciones de humedad y temperatura, contribuyen al desarrollo de esta patología. En este trabajo se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la bibliografía existente en relación a la insuficiencia venosa crónica y el tiempo en bipedestación de las jornadas laborales. Para determinar el nivel de evidencia de los estudios evaluados, se han seguido los criterios del Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN. En particular, se ha concluido que existe una asociación significativamente positiva entre el tiempo prolongado en bipedestación y el riesgo de padecer insuficiencia venosa crónica. Sin embargo, la literatura actual no permite establecer un umbral que determine el número de horas considerado como bipedestación prolongada. Para poder valorar si la insuficiencia venosa crónica debería considerarse una enfermedad profesional, es necesario diseñar y llevar a cabo nuevos estudios de investigación en esta dirección. Estos estudios son necesarios para poder establecer evidencias de cara a concienciar a la sociedad y generar campañas de prevención y promoción de la salud que disminuyan los costes económicos y mejoren la calidad de vida de la población.

  18. Graves' disease presenting as bi-ventricular heart failure with severe pulmonary hypertension and pre-eclampsia in pregnancy--a case report and review of the literature. (United States)

    Sabah, Khandker Mohammad Nurus; Chowdhury, Abdul Wadud; Islam, Mohammad Shahidul; Cader, Fathima Aaysha; Kawser, Shamima; Hosen, Md Imam; Saleh, Mohammed Abaye Deen; Alam, Md Shariful; Chowdhury, Mohammad Monjurul Kader; Tabassum, Humayara


    Graves' disease, a well-known cause of hyperthyroidism, is an autoimmune disease with multi-system involvement. More prevalent among young women, it appears as an uncommon cardiovascular complication during pregnancy, posing a diagnostic challenge, largely owing to difficulty in detecting the complication, as a result of a low index of suspicion of Graves' disease presenting during pregnancy. Globally, cardiovascular disease is an important factor for pregnancy-related morbidity and mortality. Here, we report a case of Graves' disease detected for the first time in pregnancy, in a patient presenting with bi- ventricular heart failure, severe pulmonary hypertension and pre- eclampsia. Emphasis is placed on the spectrum of clinical presentations of Graves' disease, and the importance of considering this thyroid disorder as a possible aetiological factor for such a presentation in pregnancy. A 30-year-old Bangladeshi-Bengali woman, in her 28th week of pregnancy presented with severe systemic hypertension, bi-ventricular heart failure and severe pulmonary hypertension with a moderately enlarged thyroid gland. She improved following the administration of high dose intravenous diuretics, and delivered a premature female baby of low birth weight per vaginally, twenty four hours later. Pre-eclampsia was diagnosed on the basis of hypertension first detected in the third trimester, 3+ oedema and mild proteinuria. Electrocardiography revealed sinus tachycardia with incomplete right bundle branch block and echocardiography showed severe pulmonary hypertension with an estimated pulmonary arterial systolic pressure of 73 mm Hg, septal and anterior wall hypokinesia with an ejection fraction of 51%, grade I mitral and tricuspid regurgitation. Thyroid function tests revealed a biochemically hyperthyroid state and positive anti- thyroid peroxidase antibodies was found. (99m)Technetium pertechnetate thyroid scans demonstrated diffuse toxic goiter as evidenced by an enlarged thyroid

  19. [Mitral valvuloplasty with double balloon catheter. Analysis of 200 cases]. (United States)

    Gomes, N L; Esteves, C A; Braga, S L; Ramos, A I; Meneghelo, Z M; Mattos, L A; Pontes Júnior, S C; Arnoni, A S; Fontes, V F; Sousa, J E


    To study the immediate clinical, echocardiographic and hemodynamic results of 200 patients who underwent percutaneous mitral balloon valvotomy (PMV) with double balloon technique. Two hundred patients were submitted to PVM for treatment of congestive heart failure secondary to severe mitral stenosis, between August 1987 to July 1991. Their mean age was 35.2 years, and 86.5% were female patients: 81% of them was in functional class, New York Heart Association (NYHA) III or IV; 4% was in atrial fibrilation and 4% had previous surgical commissurotomy. PMV was successfully performed in 89% of the patients. The mitral valve area, by pressure half time method, increased from 0.91 +/- 0.27 to 2.10 +/- 0.47 cm2, p atrial septum could not be performed. Mitral regurgitation (MR) immediately after PMV appeared 1+ or more grade in 50 patients, increased in 8 patients and remained unchanged in 11 patients. Ten patients needed mitral valve replacement in the first 48h after PMV, for treatment of severe MR. PMV produces excellent immediate results and can be considered an alternative to surgery for the relief of mitral stenosis.

  20. Mitral Valve Replacement with a Pulmonary Autograft in an Infant

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    Yong Ho Jeong


    Full Text Available A 76-day-old infant weighing 3.4 kg was referred for surgical intervention for severe mitral valve stenoinsufficiency caused by leaflet fibrosis and calcification. He had experienced a cerebral infarction in the left middle cerebral artery territory, which was deemed attributable to an embolism of a calcified particle from the dysmorphic mitral valve. Because mitral valve replacement using a prosthetic valve was not feasible in this small baby, mitral valve replacement with a pulmonary autograft was performed. After a brief period of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO support, he was weaned from ECMO and was discharged home without further cardiovascular complications.

  1. Treatment of severe mitral regurgitation caused by lesions in both leaflets using multiple mitral valve plasty techniques in a small dog

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    Satoko Yokoyama


    Full Text Available Mitral valve plasty (MVP is preferred over mitral valve replacement (MVR for mitral regurgitation in humans because of its favorable effect on quality of life. In small dogs, it is difficult to repair multiple lesions in both leaflets using MVP. Herein, we report a case of severe mitral regurgitation caused by multiple severe lesions in the posterior leaflet (PL in a mixed Chihuahua. Initially, we had planned MVR with an artificial valve. However, MVP combined with artificial chordal reconstruction of both leaflets, semicircular suture annuloplasty, and valvuloplasty using a newly devised direct scallop suture for the PL was attempted in this dog. The dog recovered well and showed no adverse cardiac signs, surviving two major operations. The dog died 4 years and 10 months after the MVP due to non-cardiovascular disease. Our additional technique of using a direct scallop suture seemed useful for PL repair involving multiple scallops in a small dog.

  2. Is there a role for surgeons in transcatheter mitral valve procedures? (United States)

    Buch, Mamta H; Trento, Alfredo; Kar, Saibal


    The rapid advancement in transcatheter therapies seeks to provide less invasive options compared with conventional surgery in the treatment of acquired valvular heart disease. A number of transcatheter mitral valve devices using a variety of approaches for the treatment of mitral regurgitation are under development or in early clinical application. Although yet to be clearly defined, there is no doubt that transcatheter mitral valve procedures will have a significant role alongside conventional surgery. The question is: will surgeons, who have led the treatment of mitral valve disease for the past 30 years, have a role in these procedures? In order to answer this question, this review discusses key understanding of mitral valve anatomy, function and disorder required to perform transcatheter mitral valve interventions. It assesses the potential role of transcatheter therapies with particular reference to percutaneous edge-to-edge repair using the Mitraclip system (Abbott Vascular Devices, California, USA). The new era in collaboration between surgeons and cardiologists is discussed and the potential role of the surgeon in percutaneous mitral valve procedures is examined. Transcatheter mitral valve procedures demand increasing collaboration between cardiologists and surgeons in order to achieve optimal outcomes. Interventional cardiologists will require dedicated training in the specialized field of transcatheter interventions in acquired structural heart diseases. As the delivery of such therapies brings the interface between interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery ever closer, there is the potential for a niche area in cardiac surgery to develop comprising minimally invasive surgical and transcatheter skills.

  3. Optimal management of Graves orbitopathy: a multidisciplinary approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Soeters, M. R.; van Zeijl, C. J. J.; Boelen, A.; Kloos, R.; Saeed, P.; Vriesendorp, T. M.; Mourits, M. P.


    Graves' thyroid disease is a relatively common disorder in endocrinology and general internal medicine practice. Graves' hyperthyroidism is mediated by circulating stimulating autoantibodies. Up to 60% of patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism develop some form of Graves' orbitopathy. Immune

  4. A ventriculotomia apical esquerda para tratamento cirúrgico da estenose mitral congênita The surgical treatment of congenital mitral stenosis through a left ventriculotomy

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    Miguel Barbero-Marcial


    Full Text Available Entre junho de 1987 e outubro de 1990, nove pacientes consecutivos, portadores de estenose mitral congênita (EMC foram submetidos a correção cirúrgica. Sete tinham valva mitral em paráquedas e dois, outras formas complexas de estenoses. Em todos, a via de abordagem foi a ventriculotomia apical esquerda, sendo dividido, primeiramente, o músculo papilar; depois, as cordas e, finalmente, as cúspides. As lesões associadas foram corrigidas prévia ou simultaneamente. Todos os pacientes tiveram boa evolução imediata. Houve um óbito tardio não relacionado. O estudo ecocardiográfico seriado pós-operatório mostrou adequada função ventricular esquerda. Conclui-se que esta via é de escolha para tratar lesões estenóticas congênitas complexas da valva mitral.From June 1987 to October 1990, nine patients with congenital mitral stenosis (CMS underwent surgical correction through an apical left ventriculotomy. Seven patients had parachute mitral valve and two had other forms of CMS. The surgical treatment of the mitral valve apparatus starts from below: first the papillary muscle is split and the cordae are divided and fenestrated. Then, the commissurotomies were performed through the ventricles aspect of the mitral valve. Associated anomalies were corrected simultaneously. There was no in-hospital death and only one late death (nonrelated. The echocardiography showed non significant residual stenosis and normal global function of the left ventricle. In conclusion, the appical left ventriculotomy is a good approach for treatment of CMS.


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    D. A. Kuzhel


    Full Text Available The mitral valve prolapse (MVP is one of the most inconsistent diagnose. In the most cases patients with MVP have the good long-term prognosis, and therapy is aimed at reduction in psychovegetative dysfunction. Careful follow-up and timely cardiosurgical correction should be performed, if necessary, in patients with classical MPV. The choice method in these cases is the mitral valve plasty.

  6. Early outcome of minimally invasive mitral valve surgery

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    Shawky Fareed


    Conclusion: Right anterolateral mini-thoracotomy minimally invasive technique provides excellent exposure of the mitral valve, even with a small atrium and offers a better cosmetic lateral scar which is less prone to keloid formation. In addition, minimally invasive right anterolateral mini-thoracotomy is as safe as median sternotomy for mitral valve surgery, with fewer complications and postoperative pain, less ICU and hospital stay, fast recovery to work with no movement restriction after surgery. It should be used as an initial approach for mitral valve surgery. Furthermore, it was believed that less spreading of the incision, no interference with the diaphragm and less tissue dissection might improve outcomes, particularly respiratory function.

  7. A Genomics-Based Model for Prediction of Severe Bioprosthetic Mitral Valve Calcification. (United States)

    Ponasenko, Anastasia V; Khutornaya, Maria V; Kutikhin, Anton G; Rutkovskaya, Natalia V; Tsepokina, Anna V; Kondyukova, Natalia V; Yuzhalin, Arseniy E; Barbarash, Leonid S


    Severe bioprosthetic mitral valve calcification is a significant problem in cardiovascular surgery. Unfortunately, clinical markers did not demonstrate efficacy in prediction of severe bioprosthetic mitral valve calcification. Here, we examined whether a genomics-based approach is efficient in predicting the risk of severe bioprosthetic mitral valve calcification. A total of 124 consecutive Russian patients who underwent mitral valve replacement surgery were recruited. We investigated the associations of the inherited variation in innate immunity, lipid metabolism and calcium metabolism genes with severe bioprosthetic mitral valve calcification. Genotyping was conducted utilizing the TaqMan assay. Eight gene polymorphisms were significantly associated with severe bioprosthetic mitral valve calcification and were therefore included into stepwise logistic regression which identified male gender, the T/T genotype of the rs3775073 polymorphism within the TLR6 gene, the C/T genotype of the rs2229238 polymorphism within the IL6R gene, and the A/A genotype of the rs10455872 polymorphism within the LPA gene as independent predictors of severe bioprosthetic mitral valve calcification. The developed genomics-based model had fair predictive value with area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of 0.73. In conclusion, our genomics-based approach is efficient for the prediction of severe bioprosthetic mitral valve calcification.

  8. A simplified study of trans-mitral Doppler patterns

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    Thomas George


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Trans-mitral Doppler produces complex patterns with a great deal of variability. There are several confusing numerical measures and indices to study these patterns. However trans-mitral Doppler produces readymade data visualization by pattern generation which could be interpreted by pattern analysis. By following a systematic approach we could create an order and use this tool to study cardiac function. Presentation of the hypothesis In this new approach we eliminate the variables and apply pattern recognition as the main criterion of study. Proper terminologies are also devised to avoid confusion. In this way we can get some meaningful information. Testing the hypothesis Trans-mitral Doppler should be seen as patterns rather than the amplitude. The hypothesis can be proven by logical deduction, extrapolation and elimination of variables. Trans-mitral flow is also analyzed vis-à-vis the Starling's Law applied to the left atrium. Implications of the hypothesis Trans-mitral Doppler patterns are not just useful for evaluating diastolic function. They are also useful to evaluate systolic function. By following this schema we could get useful diagnostic information and therapeutic options using simple pattern recognition with minimal measurements. This simplified but practical approach will be useful in day to day clinical practice and help in understanding cardiac function better. This will also standardize research and improve communication.

  9. How to start a minimal access mitral valve program. (United States)

    Hunter, Steven


    The seven pillars of governance established by the National Health Service in the United Kingdom provide a useful framework for the process of introducing new procedures to a hospital. Drawing from local experience, the author present guidance for institutions considering establishing a minimal access mitral valve program. The seven pillars of governance apply to the practice of minimally invasive mitral valve surgery, based on the principle of patient-centred practice. The author delineate the benefits of minimally invasive mitral valve surgery in terms of: "clinical effectiveness", including reduced length of hospital stay, "risk management effectiveness", including conversion to sternotomy and aortic dissection, "patient experience" including improved cosmesis and quicker recovery, and the effectiveness of communication, resources and strategies in the implementation of minimally invasive mitral valve surgery. Finally, the author have identified seven learning curves experienced by surgeons involved in introducing a minimal access mitral valve program. The learning curves are defined as: techniques of mitral valve repair, Transoesophageal Echocardiography-guided cannulation, incisions, instruments, visualization, aortic occlusion and cardiopulmonary bypass strategies. From local experience, the author provide advice on how to reduce the learning curves, such as practising with the specialised instruments and visualization techniques during sternotomy cases. Underpinning the NHS pillars are the principles of systems awareness, teamwork, communication, ownership and leadership, all of which are paramount to performing any surgery but more so with minimal access surgery, as will be highlighted throughout this paper.

  10. Pulmonary venous flows reflect changes in left atrial hemodynamics during mitral balloon valvotomy. (United States)

    Yalçin, Fatih; El-Amrousy, Mahmoud; Müderrisoğlu, Haldun; Korkmaz, Mehmet; Flachskampf, Frank; Tuzcu, Murat; Garcia, Mario G; Thomas, James D


    Patients with mitral stenosis have usually blunted pulmonary venous (PV) flow, because of decreased mitral valve area and diastolic dysfunction. The authors compared changes in Doppler PV velocities by using transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) against hemodynamics parameters before and after mitral balloon valvotomy to observe relevance of PV velocities and endsystolic left atrial (LA) pressure-volume relationship. In 25 patients (aged 35 +/- 17 years) with mitral stenosis in sinus rhythm, changes in LA pressure and volumes were compared with PV velocities before and after valvotomy. Mitral valve area, mitral gradients, and deceleration time were obtained. Mitral valve area and mitral gradients changed from 1 +/- 0.2 cm2 and 14.6 +/- 5.4 mmHg to 1.9 +/- 0.3 cm2 and 6.3 +/- 1.7 mmHg, respectively (pLA pressure were correlated with changes in S/D (r=0.57, pLA pressure-volume relationship were also correlated with changes in S/D (r=0.52, pLA pressure-volume relationship decreased after mitral balloon valvotomy, as a result of a large decrease in pressure. PV systolic/diastolic (S/D) waves ratio reflects endsystolic LA pressure-volume relationship and may be used as another indicator of successful valvotomy.

  11. Intraoperative application of geometric three-dimensional mitral valve assessment package: a feasibility study. (United States)

    Mahmood, Feroze; Karthik, Swaminathan; Subramaniam, Balachundhar; Panzica, Peter J; Mitchell, John; Lerner, Adam B; Jervis, Karinne; Maslow, Andrew D


    To study the feasibility of using 3-dimensional (3D) echocardiography in the operating room for mitral valve repair or replacement surgery. To perform geometric analysis of the mitral valve before and after repair. Prospective observational study. Academic, tertiary care hospital. Consecutive patients scheduled for mitral valve surgery. Intraoperative reconstruction of 3D images of the mitral valve. One hundred and two patients had 3D analysis of their mitral valve. Successful image reconstruction was performed in 93 patients-8 patients had arrhythmias or a dilated mitral valve annulus resulting in significant artifacts. Time from acquisition to reconstruction and analysis was less than 5 minutes. Surgeon identification of mitral valve anatomy was 100% accurate. The study confirms the feasibility of performing intraoperative 3D reconstruction of the mitral valve. This data can be used for confirmation and communication of 2-dimensional data to the surgeons by obtaining a surgical view of the mitral valve. The incorporation of color-flow Doppler into these 3D images helps in identification of the commissural or perivalvular location of regurgitant orifice. With improvements in the processing power of the current generation of echocardiography equipment, it is possible to quickly acquire, reconstruct, and manipulate images to help with timely diagnosis and surgical planning.

  12. 149. Reparación valvular mitral en endocarditis

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    J. Rodríguez-Roda Stuart


    Conclusiones: Con la suficiente experiencia en reparación mitral, la reparación de la válvula mitral con endocarditis se puede realizar con una baja mortalidad quirúrgica además de aportar las ventajas de conservar la válvula nativa con una baja tasa de reoperación.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 4, 2003 ... Standard left and right heart catheterisation for mitral valve disease. Trans-septal left atrial .... pulmonary artery pressure (by tricuspid regurgitation jet velocity) greater .... and the mechanism of dilatation. Brit. Heart J. 1988;.

  14. Valva mitral heteróloga sem suporte: resultados clínicos a médio prazo Heterologous mitral stentless valve: mid-term clinical results

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    Mario O Vrandecic


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O uso da prótese mitral porcina sem suporte ("Stentless" propicia manutenção das características de fluxo e contratilidade do ventrículo esquerdo. No presente estudo, são analisados os resultados a médio prazo com o uso desse substituto valvar. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: No período de março de 1992 a dezembro de 1995, 108 pacientes foram submetidos a implante de valva mitral "Stentless". A idade variou de 11 a 65 anos (média 35,22 ± 14,98. A etiologia predominante foi a doença reumática (94 casos, seguida da disfunção de bioprótese mitral (6, degeneração mixomatosa (5, endocardite infecciosa (2 e lesão isquêmica (1. Vinte e seis (24,1% tinham estenose mitral, 24 (22,2% insuficiência mitral e 58 (53,7% dupla lesão. Operações cardíacas prévias haviam sido realizadas em 21,3% dos pacientes. Procedimentos associados foram necessários em 10 (9,3% casos. RESULTADOS: A mortalidade hospitalar foi de 6,5% (7 pacientes; em apenas 1 caso a endocardite precoce foi relacionada à valva. Dos 101 restantes, 3 foram reoperados, 2 devido a erro na medida da valva e 1 devido a deiscência da fixação ao músculo papilar. Com 2 pacientes perdidos no seguimento, 96 foram seguidos por 3,2 a 45 meses. No seguimento tardio ocorreram 6 óbitos devidos a: endocardite (1, infarto agudo do miocárdio (1, pancreatite (1, acidente vascular cerebral (1 e reoperações para retroca valvar (2. Foram reoperados tardiamente 12 pacientes, 8 devido a insuficiência mitral (1 óbito, 2 devido a diminuição da área valvar mitral e 2 a endocardite profética (1 óbito. Atualmente, 80 pacientes têm sido avaliados trimestralmente. Os estudos ecodopplercardiográficos têm mostrado 63 pacientes com valvas funcionalmente normais, 15 com insuficiência mitral discreta e estável e 2 com redução da área valvar. Com exceção destes 2 últimos pacientes, todos os outros têm mostrado melhora da função ventricular esquerda, com redução dos volumes

  15. Role of percutaneous mitral valve repair in the contemporary management of mitral regurgitation. (United States)

    Rana, Bushra S; Calvert, Patrick A; Punjabi, Prakash P; Hildick-Smith, David


    Percutaneous mitral valve (MV) repair has been performed in over 20,000 patients worldwide. As clinical experience in this technique grows indications for its use are being defined. Mitral regurgitation (MR) encompasses a complex heterogeneous group and its treatment is governed by determining a clear understanding of the underlying aetiology. Surgical MV repair remains the gold standard therapy for severe MR. However in select groups of high-risk surgical patients, a percutaneous approach to MV repair is establishing its role. This review gives an overview of the published data in percutaneous MV repair and its impact on the contemporary management of MR. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  16. Cardiomiopatía dilatada en un cachorro: Reporte de un caso


    Tarazona Ch, Sandra L; Gómez G, Leonardo F; Orozco Padilla, Sonia C


    En este reporte se expone el caso de una cachorra de raza Springer Spaniel que presentaba taquipnea, ascitis, intolerancia al ejercicio, leve cianosis y baja condición corporal. A la auscultación cardiaca se evidenció un soplo 5/6 mitral que irradiaba a ambos hemitórax. En la ecocardiografía se apreció una disminución de la función contráctil del ventrículo izquierdo, hipertrofia excéntrica del atrio y ventrículo izquierdo, e insuficiencia mitral. This is a case of a Springer spaniel puppy...

  17. Infective Endocarditis of the Aortic Valve with Anterior Mitral Valve Leaflet Aneurysm

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tomsic, Anton; Li, Wilson W. L.; van Paridon, Marieke; Bindraban, Navin R.; de Mol, Bas A. J. M.


    Mitral valve leaflet aneurysm is a rare and potentially devastating complication of aortic valve endocarditis. We report the case of a 48-year-old man who had endocarditis of the native aortic valve and a concomitant aneurysm of the anterior mitral valve leaflet. Severe mitral regurgitation occurred

  18. Insuficiencia ovárica prematura en mujeres infértiles atendidas en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza.

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    Adolfo Rechkemmer Prieto


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia y las manifestaciones clínicas de Insuficiencia Ovárica Prematura en las pacientes infértiles. Material y métodos: En un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, se revisaron las historias clínicas de las pacientes atendidas en el Consultorio de Infertilidad del Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza (HNAL, entre enero de 1989 y marzo de 1995. Resultados: Se encontró 27 pacientes con el citado diagnóstico, de un total de 1,855 pacientes que acudieron a consulta (1.45%. Todas tuvieron valores de FSH elevado y 25pacientes tuvieron niveles bajos de estradiol. Se observó hipotrofia de genitales externos y de vagina en el 11.11%, y de mamas en el 14.8%. Se realizó biopsia ovárica a 7 pacientes, en seis de ellas se observó ausencia de folículos. El diagnóstico más frecuente fue el de Insuficiencia Ovárica Prematura Idiomática. El tratamiento consistió en terapia hormonal de reemplazo con estrógenos/progestágenos secuenciales. En una paciente se indujo ovulación con menotropinas y se obtuvo gestación gemelar. Conclusiones: La insuficiencia ovárica prematura es poco frecuente en mujeres infértiles del HNAL, generalmente se presenta como amenorrea secundaria. La tercera parte presentó síntomas vasomotores. (Rev Med Hered 1995; 6: 115-120.

  19. Levosimendan: Nueva estrategia en el manejo de la falla cardíaca


    González-Chon,Octavio; García López,Sandra María del Carmen; Chacón Mercado,Marco Alejandro; Arias Sánchez,Eduardo Agustín; Vega Zapata,Reyna Estela


    La insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva se ha considerado como un grave problema de salud. De manera tradicional, la insuficiencia cardíaca ha sido manejada con diferentes fármacos, como son los diuréticos, digital, inotrópicos del tipo de las catecolaminas y no catecolaminas; sin embargo, el manejo de los mismos, también tienen efectos secundarios en donde se incluyen la génesis de las arritmias e incluso la muerte. Un nuevo grupo de drogas recientemente ha impactado en el manejo de los pacient...

  20. A heart team's perspective on interventional mitral valve repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Treede, Hendrik; Schirmer, Johannes; Rudolph, Volker


    Surgical mitral valve repair carries an elevated perioperative risk in the presence of severely reduced ventricular function and relevant comorbidities. We sought to assess the feasibility of catheter-based mitral valve repair using a clip-based percutaneous edge-to-edge repair system in selected...

  1. Valor de la resonancia magnética con realce tardío de gadolinio en el diagnóstico etiológico de la insuficiencia cardiaca con disfunción sistólica del ventrículo izquierdo


    Soriano Navarro, Carlos Joaquín


    La insuficiencia cardiaca constituye un problema de salud y de gestión de los recursos sanitarios de primer orden. Se estima que la prevalencia de insuficiencia cardiaca sintomática en la población general europea oscila entre el 0.4-2%. El diagnóstico preciso del síndrome de insuficiencia cardiaca por medios exclusivamente clínicos es dificultoso y muchas veces inadecuado sobre todo en mujeres, ancianos y obesos20. La insuficiencia cardiaca asociada a miocardiopatía dilatada idiopática o a m...

  2. Age and gender-related differences in mitral cells of olfactory bulb

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haq, I.H.; Tahir, M.


    To investigate the age and gender-related differences in mitral cells of the human cadaveric olfactory bulbs. Sixty olfactory bulbs, 30 each from male and female (age 20-76 years) human cadavers divided into six groups of age and gender-wise were collected from the mortuary of the King Edward Medical University, Lahore. Mitral cells were counted and their diameter was calculated from 10 micro m thick cresyl violet stained histological sections. Statistical analysis was done using ANOVA for age-related differences and independent t-test for gender-related differences. There was significant reduction in the number of mitral cells and diameter of their nuclei with age. There was significant decrease in the number of mitral cells in males, between groups I and II (p < 0.001); II and III (p < 0.001); and I and III (p < 0.001); statistically significant decrease also occurred in females, between groups IV and V (p < 0.001); V and VI (p < 0.001); and IV and VI (p < 0.001). In most cases, the distance between individual mitral cells was seen to be much greater than in younger group. In group VI, few mitral cells were observed in the cell layer. There was also significant decrease in the diameter of mitral cell nuclei in males, between groups I and III (p < 0.001); and II and III (p < 0.010); in females, between groups IV and VI (p < 0.001); and V and VI (p < 0.001). No gender-related differences were observed. The number of mitral cells and diameter of their nuclei decreased with advancing age. (author)

  3. Mitral valve surgery - open (United States)

    ... Taking warfarin (Coumadin) References Otto CM, Bonow RO. Valvular heart disease. In: Mann DL, Zipes DP, Libby P, Bonow ... A.M. Editorial team. Heart Surgery Read more Heart Valve Diseases Read more Mitral Valve Prolapse Read more A. ...

  4. Real-world experience of MitraClip for treatment of severe mitral regurgitation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chan, Pak Hei; She, Hoi Lam; Alegria-Barrero, Eduardo


     Percutaneous edge-to-edge mitral valve repair with the MitraClip(®) was shown to be a safe and feasible alternative compared to conventional surgical mitral valve repair. Herein is reported our experience on MitraClip(®) for high-risk surgical candidates with severe mitral regurgitation (MR)....

  5. Insuficiencia renal aguda obstructiva: Estudio de 42 pacientes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Caravia Pubillones


    Full Text Available Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 42 pacientes ingresados en el Servicio de Cuidados Intensivos del Instituto de Nefrología con el diagnóstico de insuficiencia renal aguda obstructiva (IRAO, con 1 ó 2 riñones funcionantes. Los pacientes estudiados estaban entre la 5ta y la 7ma década de la vida, con una mayor incidencia en el sexo masculino. La causa más frecuente de IRAO fue la litiasis renal (47,62 %, seguida por las enfermedades tumorales que infiltraban los uréteres (28,57 %. Se empleó tratamiento médico en 9 pacientes y el resto (33 fueron sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico. Las principales complicaciones fueron sépticas con un franco predominio de las infecciones del tractus urinario (38,5 %. Hubo 3 fallecidos, 2 de ellos por complicaciones cardiovasculares. Del total de insuficiencias renales agudas que se atendieron en nuestro Centro, el 10,6 % correspondió a IRAO. La efectividad del tratamiento quirúrgico empleado fue del 94,4 % de curación en los pacientes atendidosMedical records of 42 patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Institute of Nephrology diagnosed as having acute obstructive renal failure with 1 or 2 kidneys functioning, were revised. Patients studied ware at the 5th and 7th decade of life with a greater incidence in males. The most frequent cause of acute obstructive renal failure was renal lithiasis (47.62 %, followed by tumor diseases which were infiltrating the ureters (28.57 %. Medical treatment was employed in 9 patients and the remaining (33 were submitted to surgical treatment. The main complications were septic with predominance of urinary tract infections (38.5 %. Three patients died, 2 of them as a result of cardiovascular complications. Of the total number of cases presenting with acute renal failure and treated in our center, 10.6 % had an acute obstructive renal failure. The effectiveness of the surgical treatment performed was 94.4 % of healing in patients treated for this

  6. En face view of the mitral valve: definition and acquisition. (United States)

    Mahmood, Feroze; Warraich, Haider Javed; Shahul, Sajid; Qazi, Aisha; Swaminathan, Madhav; Mackensen, G Burkhard; Panzica, Peter; Maslow, Andrew


    A 3-dimensional echocardiographic view of the mitral valve, called the "en face" or "surgical view," presents a view of the mitral valve similar to that seen by the surgeon from a left atrial perspective. Although the anatomical landmarks of this view are well defined, no comprehensive echocardiographic definition has been presented. After reviewing the literature, we provide a definition of the left atrial and left ventricular en face views of the mitral valve. Techniques used to acquire this view are also discussed.

  7. Energy dynamics of the intraventricular vortex after mitral valve surgery. (United States)

    Nakashima, Kouki; Itatani, Keiichi; Kitamura, Tadashi; Oka, Norihiko; Horai, Tetsuya; Miyazaki, Shohei; Nie, Masaki; Miyaji, Kagami


    Mitral valve morphology after mitral valve surgery affects postoperative intraventricular flow patterns and long-term cardiac performance. We visualized ventricular flow by echocardiography vector flow mapping (VFM) to reveal the impact of different mitral valve procedures. Eleven cases of mechanical mitral valve replacement (nine in the anti-anatomical and two in the anatomical position), three bioprosthetic mitral valve replacements, and four mitral valve repairs were evaluated. The mean age at the procedure was 57.4 ± 17.8 year, and the echocardiography VFM in the apical long-axis view was performed 119.9 ± 126.7 months later. Flow energy loss (EL), kinetic pressure (KP), and the flow energy efficiency ratio (EL/KP) were measured. The cases with MVR in the anatomical position and with valve repair had normal vortex directionality ("Clockwise"; N = 6), whereas those with MVR in the anti-anatomical position and with a bioprosthetic mitral valve had the vortex in the opposite direction ("Counterclockwise"; N = 12). During diastole, vortex direction had no effect on EL ("Clockwise": 0.080 ± 0.025 W/m; "Counterclockwise": 0.083 ± 0.048 W/m; P = 0.31) or KP ("Clockwise": 0.117 ± 0.021 N; "Counterclockwise": 0.099 ± 0.057 N; P = 0.023). However, during systole, the EL/KP ratio was significantly higher in the "Counterclockwise" vortex than that in the "Clockwise" vortex (1.056 ± 0.463 vs. 0.617 ± 0.158; P = 0.009). MVP and MVR with a mechanical valve in the anatomical position preserve the physiological vortex, whereas MVR with a mechanical valve in the anti-anatomical position and a bioprosthetic mitral valve generate inefficient vortex flow patterns, resulting in a potential increase in excessive cardiac workload.

  8. Designing innovative retractors and devices to facilitate mitral valve repair surgery


    Okamoto, Kazuma; Yozu, Ryohei


    Various devices have been developed to facilitate mitral valve surgery, including those that improve mitral valve exposure and assist surgeons with associated procedures. Choosing appropriate supporting devices when performing minimally invasive mitral valve surgery (MIMVS) through a minithoracotomy with endoscopic assistance is critical. Depending on the surgeon’s preference, trans-thoracic or trans-working-port left atrial retractors can be utilized. Although the trans-thoracic retractors p...

  9. Assessment of mitral apparatus in patients with acute inferoposterior myocardial infarction and ischaemic mitral regurgitation with two-dimensional echocardiography from anatomically correct imaging planes. (United States)

    Mėlinytė, Karolina; Valuckiene, Živile; Jurkevičius, Renaldas


    Ischaemic mitral regurgitation (IMR) is associated with adverse prognosis after myocardial infarction (MI) as a result of left ventricular remodelling and geometric deformation of the mitral apparatus (MA). The aim of this study was to assess MA from anatomically correct imaging planes in acute inferoposterior MI and IMR. Ninety-three patients with no structural cardiac valve abnormalities and the first acute inferoposterior MI were prospectively enrolled into the study. Two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography for MA assessment was performed within 48 h of presentation after reperfusion therapy. Based on the degree of mitral regurgitation (MR), patients were divided into either a no significant MR (NMR) group (n = 52 with no or mild, grade 0-I MR) or an IMR group (n = 41 with grade ≥ 2 MR). The control group consisted of 45 healthy individuals. Ischaemic MR was related with dilatation of the left ventricle chambers, decrease in ejection fraction, increase in mitral annulus diameter and area, and changes in subvalvular apparatus when compared with the NMR group or healthy individuals. Ischaemic MR in acute inferoposterior MI is related with worse lesions in MA geometry that cause insufficiency of mitral valve function.

  10. Impact of papillary muscle infarction on ischemic mitral regurgitation assessed by magnetic resonance imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bretschneider, Christiane [Klinikum Frankfurt Hochst GmbH, Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Radiology; Heinrich, Hannah-Klara; Kramer, Ulrich; Nikolaou, Konstantin; Klumpp, Bernhard [Universitaetsklinikum Tuebingen, Tuebingen (Germany). Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology; Seeger, Achim; Miller, Stephan [Radiologiepraxis Tuebingen, Tuebingen (Germany); Burgstahler, Christof [Universitaetsklinikum Tuebingen, Tuebingen (Germany). Sports Medicine; Gawaz, Meinrad [Universitaetsklinikum Tuebingen, Tuebingen (Germany). Cardiology


    Objective Ischemic mitral regurgitation is a predictor of heart failure resulting in increased mortality in patients with chronic myocardial infarction. It is uncertain whether the presence of papillary muscle (PM) infarction contributes to the development of mitral regurgitation in patients with chronic myocardial infarction (MI). The aim of the present study was to assess the correlation of PM infarction depicted by MRI with mitral regurgitation and left ventricular function. 48 patients with chronic MI and recent MRI and echocardiography were retrospectively included. The location and extent of MI depicted by MRI were correlated with left ventricular function assessed by MRI and mitral regurgitation assessed by echocardiography. The presence, location and extent of PM infarction depicted by late gadolinium enhancement (LGE-) MRI were correlated with functional parameters and compared with patients with chronic MI but no PM involvement. PM infarction was found in 11 of 48 patients (23 %) using LGE-MRI. 8/11 patients (73 %) with PM infarction and 22/37 patients (59 %) without PM involvement in MI had ischemic mitral regurgitation. There was no significant difference between location, extent of MI and presence of mitral regurgitation between patients with and without PM involvement in myocardial infarction. In 4/4 patients with complete and in 4/7 patients with partial PM infarction, mitral regurgitation was present. The normalized mean left ventricular end-diastolic volume was increased in patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation. The presence of PM infarction does not correlate with ischemic mitral regurgitation. In patients with complete PM infarction and consequent discontinuity of viable tissue in the PM-chorda-mitral valve complex, the probability of developing ischemic mitral regurgitation seems to be increased. However, the severity of mitral regurgitation is not increased compared to patients with partial or no PM infarction.

  11. Surgical treatment of congenital mitral stenosis: medium-term results

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Atik Fernando A.


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: For a cohort of patients with congenital mitral stenosis (CMS, to determine: patient outcomes, predictors of valve repairability and predictors of durability of valve repair. METHODS: From 1989 and 2002, 23 patients underwent surgical treatment of CMS, excluding those with common atrioventricular canal, and univentricular forms. The median age at operation was 15.5 months (range 2-204, and the median body weight was 11 Kg (range 4.5-51.6. Seventeen patients (73.9% had associated anomalies, including Shone's complex in nine (39.1% and pulmonary hypertension in 14 (60.9%. Mitral stenosis was severe in 14 patients (60.9% and moderate in the remaining (median trans-mitral gradient of 16 mmHg, range 8.5-32. Mitral valve repair was performed in 18 patients (78.3%, and valve replacement in five (21.7%. Repair techniques included papillary muscle splitting (n=10, excision of supravalvular ring (n=9 and commissurotomy (n=8. Twelve patients (52.2% required associated procedures. RESULTS: There were no early and late deaths at a mean follow-up of 58.5 ± 46.7 months (range 1-156. Mean hospital stay was 12.7 ± 8.2 days. There were no significant factors associated with unsuccessful valve repair. Actuarial freedom from reoperation at five years was 67.1% (CI 95%: 56.8% to 77.4%. The mitral valve repair group required reoperation in eight patients (44.4% (two early and six late, as opposed to one (20% in the replacement group. The presence of preoperative pulmonary hypertension was significantly related (p<0.005 to higher reoperation rates. All but two the followed patients are presently in functional class I and the echocardiography has shown less than 2+ mitral stenosis and/or regurgitation. CONCLUSION: Reoperations were the most important cause of morbidity at the medium-term follow-up of CMS. Preoperative pulmonary hypertension may predict the need for reoperation after mitral valve repair, which is the procedure of choice in CMS.

  12. Grave's disease 1835-2002. (United States)

    Weetman, A P


    This brief review describes the history of Graves' disease, starting with the original descriptions by Parry, Graves and von Basedow. The true aetiology of the disorder was uncovered in the 1950s and 1960s, based on the search for a novel thyroid stimulator which turned out to be an immunoglobulin G autoantibody. Assays for these thyroid stimulatory antibodies have been continually refined and their epitopes on the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor are increasingly well characterized. We also understand far more about the genetic and environmental susceptibility factors that predispose to disease, and even thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy has now been better defined as primarily a T-cell-mediated disease resulting from cytokine stimulation of orbital fibroblasts. These advances should improve treatment options for Graves' disease in the foreseeable future.

  13. Preoperative Three-Dimensional Valve Analysis Predicts Recurrent Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation After Mitral Annuloplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bouma, Wobbe; Lai, Eric K.; Levack, Melissa M.; Shang, Eric K.; Pouch, Alison M.; Eperjesi, Thomas J.; Plappert, Theodore J.; Yushkevich, Paul A.; Mariani, Massimo A.; Khabbaz, Kamal R.; Gleason, Thomas G.; Mahmood, Feroze; Acker, Michael A.; Woo, Y. Joseph; Cheung, Albert T.; Jackson, Benjamin M.; Gorman, Joseph H.; Gorman, Robert C.

    Background. Valve repair for ischemic mitral regurgitation (IMR) with undersized annuloplasty rings is characterized by high IMR recurrence rates. Patient-specific preoperative imaging-based risk stratification for recurrent IMR would optimize results. We sought to determine if prerepair

  14. Immediate, intermediate and long term clinical outcomes of percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Satya Narayana Murthy Jayanthi Sriram


    Conclusions: MV score, Mitral valve area, mitral gradient and pulmonary artery pressures appeared to influence the outcome of PTMC. A clear-cut prospective assessment of individual components of the mitral valve apparatus using 3-D echocardiographic images may provide a more precise prediction of the PTMC outcome based on its morphological abnormalities.

  15. Formación continuada: Vivir con insuficiencia renal crónica


    Andreu Periz, Lola; Force Sanmartín, Enriqueta


    Actualmente existen en España 27.000 enfermos afectados de insuficiencia renal crónica que requieren tratamiento sustitutivo de la función renal o que han sido trasplantados. Las terapias básicas sustitutivas de la función renal son la hemodiálisis y la diálisis peritoneal. Ambas son generalmente bien toleradas y aunque no exentas de complicaciones, permiten a los pacientes alcanzar una aceptable rehabilitación y calidad de vida. El trasplante renal es, teóricamente, la solución ideal, aunque...

  16. Percutaneous transfemoral-transseptal implantation of a second-generation CardiAQ™ mitral valve bioprosthesis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ussia, Gian Paolo; Quadri, Arshad; Cammalleri, Valeria


    echocardiography and fluoroscopy were utilised for device positioning and deployment. The mitral valve prosthesis was implanted with mild mitral regurgitation. The postoperative course was uneventful and at 30-day follow-up the patient is in NYHA Class I, with good function of the mitral valve bioprosthesis....... CONCLUSIONS: This procedure shows that percutaneous transfemoral transcatheter mitral valve implantation is feasible, safe and successful. Further experience is needed to render this procedure clinically available....

  17. Small valve area index: its influence on early mortality after mitral valve replacement

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Yazdanbakhsh, A. P.; van den Brink, R. B.; Dekker, Egbert; de Mol, B. A.


    OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that mitral valve prosthesis-patient mismatch increases postoperative mortality. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effect of mitral valve prosthesis-patient mismatch on survival in a cohort of consecutive patients after mitral valve replacement with a mechanical prosthesis

  18. Follow up of Graves' Opthalmopathy after radioiodine therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miah, M.S.R.; Paul, A. K.; Rahman, H.A.


    Graves' ophthalmopathy may first appear or worsen during or after treatment for hyperthyroidism. We followed up 158 Graves' hyperthyroid patients treated with radioiodine of which 49 had Grave's' ophthalmopathy during presentation in Nuclear Medicine Centre, Khulna during the period from 1995 to 2000. The aim of our study is to see the effect of radioiodine in Graves' ophthalmopathy. All the patients received radioiodine at fixed dose regime ranged from 7 mCi to 12 mCi. The duration of follow up was at least 12 months Graves' ophthalmopathy patients, 4 (4/49 i.e., 8.2%) showed exaggeration of ophthalmopathy and the rest (45/49 i.e., 91.8%) remained unchanged. None of ophthalmopathy developed among any of Graves' hyperthyroid or disappeared after radioiodine treatment during follow up period. From the study we concluded that eye changes in Graves' hyperthyroidism remain unchanged or exaggerated after radioiodine therapy and needs ophthalmologist care.(author)

  19. Mitral valve prolapse in Zaria: clinical and echocardiographic features

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) symptomatology and presentation are said to be of questionable significance. Method: A prospective study of 10 patients with mitral valve prolapse seen at Ahmadu Bello University Hospital in two years. Results: There were six females and four males. Their ages ranged from 5 to ...

  20. Myocardial Infarction Alters Adaptation of the Tethered Mitral Valve

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dal-Bianco, Jacob P; Aikawa, Elena; Bischoff, Joyce; Guerrero, J Luis; Hjortnaes, Jesper; Beaudoin, Jonathan; Szymanski, Catherine; Bartko, Philipp E; Seybolt, Margo M; Handschumacher, Mark D; Sullivan, Suzanne; Garcia, Michael L; Mauskapf, Adam; Titus, James S; Wylie-Sears, Jill; Irvin, Whitney S; Chaput, Miguel; Messas, Emmanuel; Hagège, Albert A; Carpentier, Alain; Levine, Robert A


    BACKGROUND: In patients with myocardial infarction (MI), leaflet tethering by displaced papillary muscles induces mitral regurgitation (MR), which doubles mortality. Mitral valves (MVs) are larger in such patients but fibrosis sets in counterproductively. The investigators previously reported that

  1. Matrix Metalloproteinase Polymorphisms in Patients with Floppy Mitral Valve/Mitral Valve Prolapse (FMV/MVP) and FMV/MVP Syndrome. (United States)

    Lima, Sarah M; Pitsis, Antonios A; Kelpis, Timotheos G; Shahin, Mohamed H; Langaee, Taimour Y; Cavallari, Larisa H; Theofilogiannakos, Efstratios K; Boudoulas, Harisios; Boudoulas, Konstantinos Dean

    It has been suggested that collagen abnormalities of the mitral valve are present in patients with floppy mitral valve (FMV)/mitral valve prolapse (MVP). Genetic factors determining collagen synthesis and degradation have not been well defined in these patients. This study was undertaken to determine whether selective polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2) or transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ), with known or putative effects on collagen turnover, are more frequent in FMV/MVP. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in select genes related to collagen turnover, including MMP2 rs2285053, MMP2 rs243865, TGFβ1 rs1800469, and TGFβ2 rs900, were determined in 98 patients with FMV/MVP who had severe mitral regurgitation and compared to 99 controls. MMP2 rs243865 was the only SNP significantly associated with FMV/MVP as compared to the control (odds ratio 2.07, 95% CI 1.23-3.50, p = 0.006). MMP2 rs228503 was the only SNP significantly associated with the FMV/MVP syndrome as compared to patients with FMV/MVP without the syndrome (odds ratio 2.41, 95% CI 1.08-5.40, p = 0.032). The frequency of certain MMP2 polymorphisms is higher in patients with the FMV/MVP syndrome and patients with FMV/MVP without the syndrome. The data suggest that a genetic predisposition that alters collagen turnover may play a role in the pathogenesis and development of FMV/MVP. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  2. Valor pronóstico del perfil lipídico en insuficiencia cardiaca y su relación con marcadores inflamatorios y nutricionales


    Salamanca Bautista, María del Prado


    Introducción: Los lípidos, además de ser un factor de riesgo cardiovascular, podrían jugar también un papel como marcador pronóstico de insuficiencia cardiaca.Objetivos: Valorar si los niveles de colesterol y otros parámetros lipiditos son predictores de mala evolución en insuficiencia cardiaca y su relación con otros marcadores pronósticos y la situación inflamatoria y nutricional.Material y méto dos: Se recogieron 110 pacientes consecutivos hospitalizados por IC y se les determino un perfil...

  3. Determination of correlation between backflow volume and mitral valve leaflet young modulus from two dimensional echocardiogram images (United States)

    Jong, Rudiyanto P.; Osman, Kahar; Adib, M. Azrul Hisham M.


    Mitral valve prolapse without proper monitoring might lead to a severe mitral valve failure which eventually leads to a sudden death. Additional information on the mitral valve leaflet condition against the backflow volume would be an added advantage to the medical practitioner for their decision on the patients' treatment. A study on two dimensional echocardiography images has been conducted and the correlations between the backflow volume of the mitral regurgitation and mitral valve leaflet Young modulus have been obtained. Echocardiogram images were analyzed on the aspect of backflow volume percentage and mitral valve leaflet dimensions on different rates of backflow volume. Young modulus values for the mitral valve leaflet were obtained by using the principle of elastic deflection and deformation on the mitral valve leaflet. The results show that the backflow volume increased with the decrease of the mitral valve leaflet Young modulus which also indicate the condition of the mitral valve leaflet approaching failure at high backflow volumes. Mitral valve leaflet Young modulus values obtained in this study agreed with the healthy mitral valve leaflet Young modulus from the literature. This is an initial overview of the trend on the prediction of the behaviour between the fluid and the structure of the blood and the mitral valve which is extendable to a larger system of prediction on the mitral valve leaflet condition based on the available echocardiogram images.

  4. Evaluation of mitral regurgitation by cine magnetic resonance imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Shiro; Kishi, Naohiro; Kumai, Toshihiko


    Valvular regurgitation can be detected as a region of signal loss ('flow void') by cardiac cine magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Cine MR images of 36 patients with mitral regurgitation caused by mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and non-MVP were evaluated and compared with color Doppler flow images. The direction, distance, area and timing of flow void were detected in all patients in several different planes at mitral level with a 0.5 Tesla superconducting magnet by an ECG-gated fast field echo technique. In 23 of the 36 patients contiguous multiple transaxial images were also obtained to calculate the volumes of flow void and the left atrium. The direction of flow void tended to deviate to the opposite side within the left atrium in MVP. The frame showing maximal area of flow void was demonstrated in mid-systole in 24 of the 36 patients (67%). The distance, area and volume of flow void were concordant with the grade from color Doppler flow images. The volumes of flow void and the left atrium correlated (n=19, r=0.74, p<0.05) in MVP. In conclusion, cine MR images in several different planes or contiguous multiple slices are useful in determining spatial orientation and the extent and timing of mitral regurgitation noninvasively. Furthermore, calculation of the volume of flow void enables the assessment of the semiquantitation of mitral regurgitation. (author)

  5. [Thyroid cancer in patients with Grave's Disease]. (United States)

    Mssrouri, R; Benamr, S; Essadel, A; Mdaghri, J; Mohammadine, El H; Lahlou, M-K; Taghy, A; Belmahi, A; Chad, B


    To evaluate the incidence of thyroid carcinoma in patients operated on for Graves' disease, to identify criteria which may predict malignancy, and to develop a practical approach to determine the extensiveness of thyroidectomy. Retrospective study of all patients who underwent thyroidectomy for Graves' disease between 1995 and 2005. 547 patients underwent subtotal thyroidectomy for Graves' disease during this period. Post-operative pathology examination revealed six cases of thyroid cancer (1.1%). All six cases had differentiated thyroid carcinoma (papillary carcinoma in 3 cases, follicular carcinoma in 2 cases and papillo-follicular carcinoma in 1 case). The indication for initial thyroidectomy was a palpable thyroid nodule in 3 cases (50%), failure of medical treatment for Grave's disease in 2 cases (33%), and signs of goiter compression in 1 case (17%). Five patients underwent re-operative total thyroidectomy. This study shows that while malignancy in Grave's disease is uncommon, the presence of thyroid nodule(s) in patients with Grave's disease may be considered as an indication for radical surgery. The most adequate radical surgery in this situation is to perform a total thyroidectomy.

  6. Mitral regurgitation: anatomy is destiny. (United States)

    Athanasuleas, Constantine L; Stanley, Alfred W H; Buckberg, Gerald D


    Mitral regurgitation (MR) occurs when any of the valve and ventricular mitral apparatus components are disturbed. As MR progresses, left ventricular remodelling occurs, ultimately causing heart failure when the enlarging left ventricle (LV) loses its conical shape and becomes globular. Heart failure and lethal ventricular arrhythmias may develop if the left ventricular end-systolic volume index exceeds 55 ml/m2. These adverse changes persist despite satisfactory correction of the annular component of MR. Our goal was to describe this process and summarize evolving interventions that reduce the volume of the left ventricle and rebuild its elliptical shape. This 'valve/ventricle' approach addresses the spherical ventricular culprit and offsets the limits of treating MR by correcting only its annular component.

  7. Piezogenic pedal papules with mitral valve prolapse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cihan Altin


    Full Text Available Piezogenic pedal papules (PPP are herniations of subcutaneous adipose tissue into the dermis. PPP are skin-colored to yellowish papules and nodules on lateral surfaces of feet that typically become apparent when the patient stands flat on his/her feet. Some connective tissue diseases and syndromes have been reported in association with PPP. Mitral valve prolapse (MVP is a myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve, characterized by the displacement of an abnormally thickened mitral valve leaflet into the left atrium during systole. MVP may be isolated or part of a heritable connective tissue disorder. PPP, which is generally considered as an isolated lesion, might be also a predictor of some cardiac diseases associated with connective tissue abnormalities such as MVP. A detailed systemic investigation including cardiac examination should be done in patients with PPP. Since in the literature, there are no case reports of association of PPP with MVP, we report these cases.

  8. Myectomy and LA-to-LV Conduit for Severe Calcific Mitral Stenosis and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. (United States)

    Meghji, Zahara; Nguyen, Anita; Geske, Jeffrey B; Schaff, Hartzell V


    Severe calcific mitral valve stenosis can rarely occur concomitantly with obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In these patients, surgical decalcification of the stenotic mitral valve followed by mitral valve replacement carries significant operative risk and may result in paravalvular leakage, atrioventricular groove disruption, and excessive bleeding. We report the first 2 cases of obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with severe calcific mitral valve stenosis successfully treated with concomitant transaortic septal myectomy and bypass of the stenotic mitral valve using a valved left atrium to left ventricular conduit. Copyright © 2018 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Nursing Casuistry in Heart Surgery : Plastic Mitral Valve


    Břízová, Pavla


    Topic of this thesis is " Mitral Valvuloplasty". The thesis has been divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part begins with the classification of heart diseases. Main topic of this thesis is mitral insufficiency - its etiology and pathogenesis, clinical picture, therapy, the possibility of prosthetic valves and post surgery complications. Theoretical part also contains information about the preoperative and post-operative care at cardiac surgery department. The practic...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Musso CG


    Full Text Available RESUMEN:La insuficiencia renal aguda es un sindrome que característicamente cursa con niveles plasmáticos elevados de urea y creatinina. Sin embargo, hay situaciones clínicas en las cuales este sindrome puede cursar con un incremento de la creatininemia sin presentar elevación de la uremia.En este reporte presentamos un caso clínico de una insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal secundaria a una pielonefritis aguda en un paciente con riñón único. El paciente presentaba una elevada excreción fraccional de urea lo cual podía explicar su uremia normal pese a estar cursando una caída del filtrado gomerular. Dicha excreción de urea elevada fue interpretada como secundaria a una diabetes insipida nefrogénica y una alteración en el recirculado intra-renal de la urea ambos producto de la pielonefritis aguda. Concluimos que la pielonefritis aguda en un paciente mono-reno puede presentarse con un patrón de insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal. SUMMARYAcute renal failure is a syndrome that usually runs with an increase in creatinine and urea plasma levels. However, there are clinical situations in which this syndrome may run with an increase in plasma creatinine keeping normal the urea one.In this report we present a case of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea level secondary to an acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient. The patient had an increased fractional excretion of urea which could explain the normal plasma urea levels found despite of his reduced glomerular filtration. This increased urea excretion state was interpreted as a consequence of the nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and alteration of the intra-renal urea reciclying process that the acute pyelonephritis induced. In conclusion: Acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient can appear as a pattern of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea levels.


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    Musso CG


    Full Text Available RESUMENLa insuficiencia renal aguda es un sindrome que característicamente cursa con niveles plasmáticos elevados de urea y creatinina. Sin embargo, hay situaciones clínicas en las cuales este sindrome puede cursar con un incremento de la creatininemia sin presentar elevación de la uremia. En este reporte presentamos un caso clínico de una insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal secundaria a una pielonefritis aguda en un paciente con riñón único. El paciente presentaba una elevada excreción fraccional de urea lo cual podía explicar su uremia normal pese a estar cursando una caída del filtrado gomerular. Dicha excreción de urea elevada fue interpretada como secundaria a una diabetes insipida nefrogénica y una alteración en el recirculado intra-renal de la urea ambos producto de la pielonefritis aguda. Concluimos que la pielonefritis aguda en un paciente mono-reno puede presentarse con un patrón de insuficiencia renal aguda con uremia normal.SUMMARYAcute renal failure is a syndrome that usually runs with an increase in creatinine and urea plasma levels. However, there are clinical situations in which this syndrome may run with an increase in plasma creatinine keeping normal the urea one. In this report we present a case of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea level secondary to an acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient. The patient had an increased fractional excretion of urea which could explain the normal plasma urea levels found despite of his reduced glomerular filtration. This increased urea excretion state was interpreted as a consequence of the nephrogenic diabetes insipidus and alteration of the intra-renal urea reciclying process that the acute pyelonephritis induced. In conclusion: Acute pyelonephritis in a single kidney patient can appear as a pattern of acute renal failure with normal plasma urea levels.

  12. Impact of bileaflet mitral valve prolapse on quantification of mitral regurgitation with cardiac magnetic resonance: a single-center study. (United States)

    Vincenti, Gabriella; Masci, Pier Giorgio; Rutz, Tobias; De Blois, Jonathan; Prša, Milan; Jeanrenaud, Xavier; Schwitter, Juerg; Monney, Pierre


    To quantify mitral regurgitation (MR) with CMR, the regurgitant volume can be calculated as the difference between the left ventricular (LV) stroke volume (SV) measured with the Simpson's method and the reference SV, i.e. the right ventricular SV (RVSV) in patients without tricuspid regurgitation. However, for patients with prominent mitral valve prolapse (MVP), the Simpson's method may underestimate the LV end-systolic volume (LVESV) as it only considers the volume located between the apex and the mitral annulus, and neglects the ventricular volume that is displaced into the left atrium but contained within the prolapsed mitral leaflets at end systole. This may lead to an underestimation of LVESV, and resulting an over-estimation of LVSV, and an over-estimation of mitral regurgitation. The aim of the present study was to assess the impact of prominent MVP on MR quantification by CMR. In patients with MVP (and no more than trace tricuspid regurgitation) MR was quantified by calculating the regurgitant volume as the difference between LVSV and RVSV. LVSV uncorr was calculated conventionally as LV end-diastolic (LVEDV) minus LVESV. A corrected LVESV corr was calculated as the LVESV plus the prolapsed volume, i.e. the volume between the mitral annulus and the prolapsing mitral leaflets. The 2 methods were compared with respect to the MR grading. MR grades were defined as absent or trace, mild (5-29% regurgitant fraction (RF)), moderate (30-49% RF), or severe (≥50% RF). In 35 patients (44.0 ± 23.0y, 14 males, 20 patients with MR) the prolapsed volume was 16.5 ± 8.7 ml. The 2 methods were concordant in only 12 (34%) patients, as the uncorrected method indicated a 1-grade higher MR severity in 23 (66%) patients. For the uncorrected/corrected method, the distribution of the MR grades as absent-trace (0 vs 11, respectively), mild (20 vs 18, respectively), moderate (11 vs 5, respectively), and severe (4 vs 1, respectively) was significantly different (p

  13. Dendritic branching of olfactory bulb mitral and tufted cells: regulation by TrkB.

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    Fumiaki Imamura


    Full Text Available Projection neurons of mammalian olfactory bulb (OB, mitral and tufted cells, have dendrites whose morphologies are specifically differentiated for efficient odor information processing. The apical dendrite extends radially and arborizes in single glomerulus where it receives primary input from olfactory sensory neurons that express the same odor receptor. The lateral dendrites extend horizontally in the external plexiform layer and make reciprocal dendrodendritic synapses with granule cells, which moderate mitral/tufted cell activity. The molecular mechanisms regulating dendritic development of mitral/tufted cells is one of the unsolved important problems in the olfactory system. Here, we focused on TrkB receptors to test the hypothesis that neurotrophin-mediate mechanisms contributed to dendritic differentiation of OB mitral/tufted cells.With immunohistochemical analysis, we found that the TrkB neurotrophin receptor is expressed by both apical and lateral dendrites of mitral/tufted cells and that expression is evident during the early postnatal days when these dendrites exhibit their most robust growth and differentiation. To examine the effect of TrkB activation on mitral/tufted cell dendritic development, we cultured OB neurons. When BDNF or NT4 were introduced into the cultures, there was a significant increase in the number of primary neurites and branching points among the mitral/tufted cells. Moreover, BDNF facilitated filopodial extension along the neurites of mitral/tufted cells.In this report, we show for the first time that TrkB activation stimulates the dendritic branching of mitral/tufted cells in developing OB. This suggests that arborization of the apical dendrite in a glomerulus is under the tight regulation of TrkB activation.

  14. Notes on Glasinac: The chronology of princely graves

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    Vasić Rastko


    Full Text Available Princely graves of the Iron Age represent a particular phenomenon in archaeology, which is constantly the subject of interest. They are usually dated to the end of the 6th and the beginning of the 5th century. The author discusses the chronology of princely graves in the Central Balkans and analyses their appearance in each part of this territory: on the Glasinac plateau, in Serbia, Kosovo and Metohija, Montenegro, North Albania and Nordwest Bulgaria. He concludes that they date from the middle of the 7th to the middle of the 4th century, depending on the cultural and socio-economic situation in the respective area. In the middle of the 7th century princely graves in the true sense of the word were known only on the Glasinac plateau, in the Ilijak necropolis. At the end of the 7th and in the beginning of the 6th century they still appear on Glasinac, though in greater number and in various parts of the plateau. In northwest Bulgaria a grave dating to the second half of the 7th century was found, which would, according to grave goods, correspond to the Glasinac princely graves. On the other hand, there are no princely graves in Serbia and north Albania from that time but some outstanding warrior graves are known, belonging possibly to the chiefs of smaller warlike bands, whose power was limited. Princely graves from Arareva gromila on Glasinac, Pilatovići by Požega and Lisijevo Polje by Berane date to the beginning of the second half of the 6th century, and according to their characteristics represent princes, whose power and wealth were considerable and known to the neighbours. Culmination of the rise of the princes in this region was demonstrated by the graves from Novi Pazar, Atenica, and Pećka banja, which date to the end of the 6th and the first quarter of the 5th century. Some decades later there are several rich graves, e.g. the recently discovered grave from Velika Krsna, which could belong to a prince, but can not be compared with the

  15. Long-axis fractional shortening and mitral annulus motion in dogs

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    Marlos Gonçalves Sousa


    Full Text Available Ventricular systolic dynamics involves the contraction of transverse and longitudinal myocardial fibers. Unfortunately, only the activity of the transverse myocardial fibers is foreseen by the standard systolic echocardiographic parameters. Although strain and strain rate have been used to assess the radial, circumferential and longitudinal planes of cardiac contraction, such analysis requires advanced equipment which is not always available in veterinary medicine. On the contrary, some unusual parameters may be recorded via standard methodology, allowing for the specific evaluation of left ventricular longitudinal contractility. In this study, the longitudinal contractile activity was evaluated using the long-axis fractional shortening and the mitral annulus motion, which were compared with several standard echocardiographic parameters in 14 beagles, including seven with asymptomatic mitral valve disease. The long-axis fractional shortening was positively correlated with both the mitral annulus motion and the end-diastolic left-ventricular diameter. Also, a significant correlation was found to exist between the mitral annulus motion and the left-ventricular end-diastolic diameter, which is likely supportive of its preload dependency. Even though no difference was documented in either mitral annulus motion or long-axis fractional shortening between healthy dogs and dogs with mitral valve disease, the latter only included animals with minimal cardiac remodeling, with no overt compromise of systolic function. Since it is possible to obtain these two parameters with any echocardiographic equipment, their inclusion in the routine exam would probably add information regarding the activity of the longitudinal myocardial fibers, whose functional deterioration supposedly occurs prior to the impairment of transverse fibers.

  16. Exercise pulmonary hypertension in asymptomatic degenerative mitral regurgitation. (United States)

    Magne, Julien; Lancellotti, Patrizio; Piérard, Luc A


    Current guidelines recommend mitral valve surgery for asymptomatic patients with severe degenerative mitral regurgitation and preserved left ventricular systolic function when exercise pulmonary hypertension (PHT) is present. However, the determinants of exercise PHT have not been evaluated. The aim of this study was to identify the echocardiographic predictors of exercise PHT and the impact on symptoms. Comprehensive resting and exercise transthoracic echocardiography was performed in 78 consecutive patients (age, 61+/-13 years; 56% men) with at least moderate degenerative mitral regurgitation (effective regurgitant orifice area =43+/-20 mm(2); regurgitant volume =71+/-27 mL). Exercise PHT was defined as a systolic pulmonary arterial pressure (SPAP) >60 mm Hg. Exercise PHT was present in 46% patients. In multivariable analysis, exercise effective regurgitant orifice was an independent determinant of exercise SPAP (Pexercise PHT (P=0.002). Resting PHT and exercise PHT were associated with markedly reduced 2-year symptom-free survival (36+/-14% versus 59+/-7%, P=0.04; 35+/-8% versus 75+/-7%, Pexercise PHT was identified as an independent predictor of the occurrence of symptoms (hazard ratio=3.4; P=0.002). Receiver-operating characteristics curves revealed that exercise PHT (SPAP >56 mm Hg) was more accurate than resting PHT (SPAP >36 mm Hg) in predicting the occurrence of symptoms during follow-up (P=0.032). Exercise PHT is frequent in patients with asymptomatic degenerative mitral regurgitation. Exercise mitral regurgitation severity is a strong independent predictor of both exercise SPAP and exercise PHT. Exercise PHT is associated with markedly low 2-year symptom-free survival, emphasizing the use of exercise echocardiography. An exercise SPAP >56 mm Hg accurately predicts the occurrence of symptoms.

  17. Effect of 131I therapy on outcomes of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Renfei; Tan Jian; Zhang Guizhi; Yin Liang


    Objective: To analyze the correlation between the therapeutic effect of Graves' hyperthyroidism and the outcomes of Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy, and to explore the effect of 131 I treatment on turnout of Graves' ophthalmopathy. Methods: Six hundreds and fifty-two patients of Graves' disease accompanied with Graves' ophthalmopathy, received one-time 131 I treatment according to routine procedure. We recorded exophthalmometer readings, the signs and symptoms of eyes before therapy. Regular follow-up and appraisal of curative effect were carried out. Results: At least six months after 131 I therapy, the effective rate of Graves' hyperthyroidism and Graves' ophthalmopathy were 94.3% and 73.3% respectively. The total effective rate of hyperthyroidism with ophthalmopathy was 71.2%. There was a significant correlation between the prognosis of Graves' ophthalmopathy and therapeutic efficacy of hyperthyroidism (r=0.302, P 131 I therapy (χ 2 =0.296, P>0.05). Conclusions: The key to treat Graves' ophthalmopathy is the cure of Graves' hyperthyroidism through 131 I therapy. The timely diagnosis and replacement treatment of hypothyroidism can effectively avoid the aggravation of Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy. (authors)

  18. Association of Tricuspid Regurgitation and Severity of Mitral Stenosis in Patients with Rheumatic Heart Disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmed, R.; Kazmi, N.; Naz, F.; Malik, S.; Gillani, S.


    Background: Rheumatic heart disease is a common ailment in Pakistan and Mitral stenosis is its flag bearer Severity of mitral stenosis is the key factor in deciding for mitral valve surgery. Methods: This case series study was conducted at Ayub Teaching Hospital .Cases of Rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis were diagnosed clinically. 2D echocardiography was used to find severity of mitral stenosis. Data was entered into SPSS-17.0 and results were recorded and analysed. Pearsons two tailed correlation was used to find the correlation between presence of tricuspid regurgitation in patients with severe mitral stenosis, p was <0.05. Results: A total 35 patients with pure mitral stenosis were included in study, out of which 8 were male and 27 were females. Mean age in males was 34.5±15.85 years while in females it was 31±8 years. Twenty-two out of 35 (62.86 percent) patients had tricuspid regurgitation while 13 out 35 (37.14 percent) had no tricuspid regurgitation. Mean (MVA) mitral valve area in patients with tricuspid regurgitation was 0.84±0.3 cm/sup 2/ while mean (MVA) mitral valve area in patients without tricuspid regurgitation was 1.83±0.7 cm/sup 2/. Mean left atrial (L.A) size was 45.23±1.5mm/sup 2/ in patients with tricuspid regurgitation, while it was 44.13±6.14mm/sup 2/ in patients without tricuspid regurgitation. Mean RSVP was 57.5mmHg in patients with tricuspid regurgitation while RSVP could not be calculated in patients without tricuspid regurgitation. Conclusions: It was concluded that tricuspid regurgitation was strongly associated with severe mitral stenosis as almost all patients with severe mitral stenosis had tricuspid regurgitation and none of the patients with mild mitral stenosis had tricuspid regurgitation. (author)

  19. Práctica 7. Fisioterapia en la insuficiencia venosa de miembros inferiores


    Cebrià Iranzo, M. Àngels


    La fisioterapia en la insuficiencia venosa y sus complicaciones (trombosis venosa), sustenta su aplicación en la estimulación de los mecanismos favorecedores del retorno venoso. Entre las medidas favorecedoras del retorno venoso encontramos: el postural en declive, la respiración abdomino-diafragmática y torácica, el masaje deplectivo, la presoterapia neumática, las medidas de contención-compresión y la cinesiterapia. La fisioteràpia en la insuficiència venosa i les seues complicacions (tr...

  20. [Serum glycosaminoglycans in Graves' disease patients]. (United States)

    Winsz-Szczotka, Katarzyna B; Olczyk, Krystyna Z; Koźma, Ewa M; Komosińska-Vassev, Katarzyna B; Wisowski, Grzegorz R; Marcisz, Czesław


    The aim of the study was to determine the blood serum sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and hyaluronic acid (HA) concentration of Graves' disease patients before treatment and after attainment of the euthyroid state. The study was carried out on the blood serum obtained from 17 patients with newly recognised Graves' disease and from the same patients after attainment of the euthyroid state. Graves' patients had not any clinical symptoms neither of ophthalmopathy nor pretibial myxedema. GAGs were isolated from the blood serum by the multistage extraction and purification using papaine hydrolysis, alkali elimination, as well as cetylpyridium chloride binding. Total amount of GAGs was quantified by the hexuronic acids assay. HA content in obtained GAGs sample was evaluated by the ELISA method. Increased serum concentration of sulfated GAGs in non-treated Graves' disease patients was found. Similarly, serum HA level in untreated patients was significantly elevated. The attainment of euthyroid state was accompanied by the decreased serum sulfated GAGs level and by normalization of serum HA concentration. In conclusion, the results obtained demonstrate that the alterations of GAGs metabolism connected with Graves' disease can lead to systemic changes of the extracellular matrix properties.

  1. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome complicated by Grave's disease. (United States)

    Takahashi, Ayumi; Tamura, Atsushi; Ishikawa, Osamu


    The report describes a woman with primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome complicated with Grave's disease. Developing symptoms included a small cutaneous nodule on her finger and subsequently ecchymotic purpura on the cheeks, ears, buttocks and lower legs. Histological examinations showed thrombosed vessels in the dermis without or with hemorrhage, respectively. Laboratory investigation revealed positive lupus anticoagulant and immunogenic hyperthyroidism due to Grave's disease. There is a close relationship between the cutaneous manifestation of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and the activities of Grave's disease and a possible link of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome with Grave's disease was suggested both by the etiology of the disease as well as the disease activity.

  2. Evolution of Mitral Valve Prolapse: Insights From the Framingham Heart Study. (United States)

    Delling, Francesca N; Rong, Jian; Larson, Martin G; Lehman, Birgitta; Fuller, Deborah; Osypiuk, Ewa; Stantchev, Plamen; Hackman, Brianne; Manning, Warren J; Benjamin, Emelia J; Levine, Robert A; Vasan, Ramachandran S


    Longitudinal studies of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) progression among unselected individuals in the community, including those with nondiagnostic MVP morphologies (NDMs), are lacking. We measured longitudinal changes in annular diameter, leaflet displacement, thickness, anterior/posterior leaflet projections onto the annulus, coaptation height, and mitral regurgitation jet height in 261 Framingham Offspring participants at examination 5 who had available follow-up imaging 3 to 16 years later. Study participants included MVP (n=63); NDMs, minimal systolic displacement (n=50) and the abnormal anterior coaptation phenotype (n=10, with coaptation height >40% of the annulus similar to posterior MVP); plus 138 healthy referents without MVP or NDMs. At follow-up, individuals with MVP (52% women, 57±11 years) had greater increases of leaflet displacement, thickness, and jet height than referents (all PMVP (17%) had moderate or more severe mitral regurgitation (jet height ≥5 mm) and 5 others (8%) underwent mitral valve repair. Of the individuals with NDM, 8 (80%) participants with abnormal anterior coaptation progressed to posterior MVP; 17 (34%) subjects with minimal systolic displacement were reclassified as either posterior MVP (12) or abnormal anterior coaptation (5). In comparison with the 33 participants with minimal systolic displacement who did not progress, the 17 who progressed had greater leaflet displacement, thickness, coaptation height, and mitral regurgitation jet height (all PMVP, highlighting the clinical significance of mild MVP expression. MVP progresses to significant mitral regurgitation over a period of 3 to 16 years in one-fourth of individuals in the community. Changes in mitral leaflet morphology are associated with both NDM and MVP progression. © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.

  3. Usefulness of radionuclide angiocardiography in predicting stenotic mitral orifice area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burns, R.J.; Armitage, D.L.; Fountas, P.N.; Tremblay, P.C.; Druck, M.N.


    Fifteen patients with pure mitral stenosis (MS) underwent high-temporal-resolution radionuclide angiocardiography for calculation of the ratio of peak left ventricular (LV) filling rate divided by mean LV filling rate (filling ratio). Whereas LV filling normally occurs in 3 phases, in MS it is more uniform. Thus, in 13 patients the filling ratio was below the normal range of 2.21 to 2.88 (p less than 0.001). In 11 patients in atrial fibrillation, filling ratio divided by mean cardiac cycle length and by LV ejection fraction provided good correlation (r = 0.85) with modified Gorlin formula derived mitral area and excellent correlation with echocardiographic mitral area (r = 0.95). Significant MS can be detected using radionuclide angiocardiography to calculate filling ratio. In the absence of the confounding influence of atrial systole calculation of 0.14 (filling ratio divided by cardiac cycle length divided by LV ejection fraction) + 0.40 cm2 enables accurate prediction of mitral area (+/- 4%). Our data support the contention that the modified Gorlin formula, based on steady-state hemodynamics, provides less certain estimates of mitral area for patients with MS and atrial fibrillation, in whom echocardiography and radionuclide angiocardiography may be more accurate

  4. Mitral valve repair with adjustable ring annuloplasty. (United States)

    Andreas, Martin; Haberl, Thomas; Paul Werner, Paul Werner; Guri, Jani; Kocher, Alfred; Hamza, Ouafa; Podesser, Bruno; Laufer, Guenther


    We demonstrate the technical aspects of a novel adjustable mitral ring. This new ring was implanted in a female landrace pig, for training and educational purposes. It can be adjusted independently in the P1, P2 and P3 segments, if required, to treat  recurrent mitral regurgitation, and this is a key difference to comparable devices. The first-in-man implantation is anticipated in the near future. © The Author 2016. Published by MMCTS on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  5. Left atrial myxoma, ruptured chordae tendinae causing mitral regurgitation and coronary artery disease

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    Bhupesh Kumar


    Full Text Available Mitral regurgitation is uncommon with left atrial myxoma. The echocardiographic assessment of presence of mitral regurgitation and its severity are impaired by the presence of left atrial myxoma. We describe an uncommon association of left atrial myxoma with coronary artery disease and mitral regurgitation. MR was reported as mild on pre-operative transthoracic echocardiography but found to be severe due to ruptured chordae tendinae during intra-operative transesophageal echocardiography, which lead to change in the surgical plan to mitral valve replacement in addition to excision of myxoma.

  6. Graves' disease and Thyroid anaplasic carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guerrero E, Helena; Quintero A, Flor Maria; Carmona C, Antonio


    A case of a 34 year-old patient is presented, who was diagnosed with Graves' disease and developed a thyroid anaplastic carcinoma from a clinically detected nodular mass. The incidence of thyroid cancer associated with Graves' disease is revisited

  7. Efectos del entrenamiento interválico en personas con insuficiencia cardiaca


    Rollán Díaz, Ibai


    El objetivo de esta revisión es conocer en profundidad la patología de la insuficiencia cardiaca (IC), así como el tratamiento de la misma a través del entrenamiento aeróbico interválico de alta intensidad (HIIT). La IC se define como el estado fisiopatológico y clínico en el cual el corazón es incapaz de aportar sangre de acuerdo a los requerimientos metabólicos periféricos o que lo hace con presiones de llenado elevadas (Jalil, 2012). Resulta de especial relevancia el tratamiento de dicha ...

  8. Mitral Valve Structure in Addition to Myocardial Viability Determines the Outcome of Functional Mitral Regurgitation After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. (United States)

    Yoshida, Shohei; Fukushima, Satsuki; Miyagawa, Shigeru; Nakamura, Teruya; Yoshikawa, Yasushi; Hata, Hiroki; Saito, Shunsuke; Yoshioka, Daisuke; Domae, Keitaro; Kashiyama, Noriyuki; Yamamoto, Kouji; Shintani, Ayumi; Nakatani, Satoshi; Toda, Koichi; Sawa, Yoshiki


    Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) reduces functional mitral regurgitation (MR) associated with ischemic heart disease, although the predictive factors or mechanisms of reversibility of functional MR after CABG are not fully understood.We investigated whether mitral valve structure is associated with the outcome of functional MR after CABG.Methods and Results:From a consecutive series of 98 patients with mild-moderate functional MR preoperatively who underwent isolated CABG, we enrolled 66 patients who were followed up for >1 year postoperatively using echocardiography. The degree of MR was reduced in 34 patients (52%) postoperatively, in association with a lower rate of in-hospital treatment for cardiac failure in the long term, compared with the 32 patients (48%) with residual MR postoperatively. The patients with reduced MR postoperatively had longer estimated coaptation length and more anteriorly or centrally directed MR jets than those without reduced MR. On statistical analysis, the addition of estimated coaptation length and jet direction to the reported predictors (ejection fraction, left ventricular end-diastolic dimension, and tenting height) more accurately predicted changes in post-CABG MR than the reported 3 factors alone. Residual MR was associated with the emergence of congestive heart failure in the long term after CABG. A specific mitral valve structure, such as large mitral leaflet size or predominant tethering of the posterior leaflet, was a predictive factor for the reversibility of post-CABG functional MR.

  9. Surgery for rheumatic mitral valve disease in sub-saharan African ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    However, controversies exist on the choice between valve repair or prosthetic valve replacement. Although the advantages of mitral valve repair over prosthetic valve replacement in degenerative mitral disease are well established, this has not been the case for rheumatic lesions, where the use of prosthetic valves, ...

  10. Mitral valve repair or replacement in hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy: a prospective randomized study. (United States)

    Bogachev-Prokophiev, Alexander; Afanasyev, Alexander; Zheleznev, Sergey; Fomenko, Michael; Sharifulin, Ravil; Kretov, Eugenie; Karaskov, Alexander


    The optimal surgical strategy for concomitant mitral valve intervention during myectomy remains controversial. The purpose of this study was to compare the results of mitral valve replacement versus repair in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and severe mitral regurgitation. Between 2010 and 2013, a total of 88 patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and severe mitral regurgitation were randomly assigned to undergo either mitral valve replacement or repair in addition to extended myectomy. Three patients from the repair group were switched to mitral valve replacement after repair failure. There was 1 early death (2.4%) in the replacement group. The resting left ventricular outflow tract gradient was reduced from 89.1 ± 20.4 to 18.3 ± 5.7 mmHg (P replacement and repair groups, respectively; there was no significant difference between the groups (P = 0.458). At 2-year follow-up, overall survival was 87.2 ± 4.9% and 96.7 ± 3.3% (P = 0.034); freedom from sudden cardiac death was 95.6 ± 3.1% and 96.7 ± 3.3% (P = 0.615); and freedom from thromboembolic events was 91.2 ± 4.2% and 100%, respectively (P = 0.026). Both mitral valve repair and valve replacement in addition to extended myectomy are effective methods of surgical treatment in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy who have severe mitral regurgitation. The benefits of mitral valve repair are better overall survival and a lower rate of thromboembolic events. NCT02054221. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  11. Neumonía aguda de la comunidad y hemorragia pulmonar por leptospirosis en el área metropolitana Buenos Aires

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    Alfredo Seijo


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo es comunicar los hallazgos epidemiológicos, clínicos y de diagnóstico de la neumonía y hemorragia pulmonar por leptospirosis, en el período enero 2007 a octubre 2009. Un 64% (20/31 de pacientes con diagnóstico de leptospirosis tuvieron neumonía. Quince de ellos (75% presentaron neumonía grave, de los cuales siete (35% desarrollaron hemorragia pulmonar. En diez enfermos (32% el motivo de consulta e inicio del cuadro clínico fue una gastroenteritis secretoria con fiebre y dolor abdominal. La ictericia sólo se manifestó en once pacientes (35%. La técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR fue útil para el diagnóstico en muestra obtenida post mortem. De un hemocultivo se aisló una cepa clasificada dentro del serogrupo canicola. Se clasificaron las neumonías en tres tipos: neumonías de curso no grave con escasa repercusión general; neumonías graves asociadas a formas clínicas sistémicas con ictericia, insuficiencia renal, trombocitopenia y hemorragia pulmonar; también de curso grave, no asociada a ictericia, insuficiencia renal o trombocitopenia grave. El tratamiento antibiótico iniciado en los primeros días de enfermedad (promedio 3.2 días no tuvo influencia en la evolución de las neumonías graves. Se plantea además considerar tres formas clínicas de leptospirosis: anictérica, ictérica (con sus variantes evolutivas y hemorragia pulmonar.

  12. Adult patent ductus arteriosus: successful surgery with mitral valvuloplasty. (United States)

    Hobo, Kyoko; Hanayama, Naoji; Umezu, Kentaro; Shimada, Naohiro; Toyama, Akihiko; Takazawa, Arihumi


    The development of left ventricular dysfunction is a serious complication of longstanding patent ductus arteriosus. An 80-year-old woman who underwent patent ductus arteriosus ligation 13 years previously developed congestive heart failure and mitral regurgitation. She underwent surgical repair with transpulmonary ductus closure and mitral valve annuloplasty under cardiopulmonary bypass. She made a full recovery with improved left ventricular function.

  13. Results of beating heart mitral valve surgery via the trans-septal approach Resultados da abordagem transeptal para a valva mitral com coração batendo

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    Tomas A Salerno


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Mitral valve surgery can be performed through the trans-atrial or the trans-septal approach. Although the trans-atrial is the preferred method, the trans-septal approach has also been used recently and has a particular value in beating-heart mitral valve surgery. Herein we report our experience with beating-heart mitral valve surgery via trans-septal approach, and discuss its advantages and pitfalls. METHODS: Between 2000 and 2007, 214 consecutive patients were operated upon utilizing beating heart technique for mitral valve surgery. The operation was performed via transseptal approach with the aorta unclamped, the heart beating, with normal electrocardiogram and in sinus rhythm. RESULTS: Mean age was 56.03 ± 13.93 years (range: 19-86 years; median: 56 years. There were 131 (61.2% males and 83 (38.8% females. Of the prostheses used, 108 (50.5% were biological, and 39 (18.2% were mechanical. Mitral repairs were performed in 67 (31.3% patients. Mean hospital stay was 17.4 ± 20.0 days (range: 3-135 days; median: 11 days. Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP utilization was required in 12 (5.6% of 214 patients. One-month mortality was 7.4%, and re-operation for bleeding was needed in 15 (7% patients. CONCLUSIONS: Beating-heart mitral valve surgery is an option for myocardial protection in patients undergoing mitral valve surgery. This technique is facilitated by the trans-septal approach due to reduced aortic insufficiency and improved visualization of the mitral apparatus.OBJETIVO: A cirurgia da valva mitral pode ser feita via transatrial ou transeptal. Embora a transatrial seja a preferida, a via transeptal tem sido utilizada mais recentemente e tido um grande valor nas operações com o coração batendo. Mostramos a nossa experiência na cirurgia da valva mitral via transeptal com coração batendo e discutimos seus benefícios e problemas. MÉTODOS: Entre 2000 e 2007, 214 pacientes consecutivos foram operados com o coração batendo. A

  14. Outcome of very long-term treatment with antithyroid drugs in Graves' hyperthyroidism associated with Graves' orbitopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elbers, Laura; Mourits, Maarten; Wiersinga, Wilmar


    It is still debated which treatment modality for Graves' hyperthyroidism (GH) is most appropriate when Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is present. The preference in our center has been always to continue antithyroid drugs for GH (as the block-and-replace [B-R] regimen) until all medical and/or surgical

  15. Postoperative hypocalcemia after thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. (United States)

    Pesce, Catherine E; Shiue, Zita; Tsai, Hua-Ling; Umbricht, Christopher B; Tufano, Ralph P; Dackiw, Alan P B; Kowalski, Jeanne; Zeiger, Martha A


    It is believed that patients who undergo thyroidectomy for Graves' disease are more likely to experience postoperative hypocalcemia than patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for other indications. However, no study has directly compared these two groups of patients. The aim of this study was to determine whether there was an increased incidence or severity of postoperative hypocalcemia in patients who underwent thyroidectomy for Graves' disease. An institutional review board-approved database was created of all patients who underwent thyroidectomy from 1998 to 2009 at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. There were a total of 68 patients with Graves' disease who underwent surgery. Fifty-five patients who underwent total thyroidectomy were randomly selected and served as control subjects. An analysis was conducted that examined potential covariates for postoperative hypocalcemia, including age, gender, ethnicity, preoperative alkaline phosphatase level, size of goiter, whether parathyroid tissue or glands were present in the specimen, and the reason the patient underwent surgery. Specific outcomes examined were calcium levels on postoperative day 1, whether or not patients experienced symptoms of hypocalcemia, whether or not Rocaltrol was required, the number of calcium tablets prescribed upon discharge, whether or not postoperative tetany occurred, and calcium levels 1 month after discharge. Each outcome was analyzed using a logistic regression. Graves' disease patients had a significantly (p-value Graves' disease and no patient in the control group were readmitted with tetany (p = 0.033). There was a trend, though not significant, toward patients with Graves' disease having a higher prevalence of hypocalcemia the day after thyroidectomy and 1 month later. Patients with Graves' disease are more likely to require increased dosages of calcium as well as experience tetany postoperatively than patients undergoing total thyroidectomy for other indications. This suggests that

  16. The prevention and management of complications during and immediately after percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang Shiliang; Huang Lianjun; Xu Zhongying; Zhao Shihua; Zheng Hong; Ling Jian; Xie Ruolan; Dai Ruping


    Objective: To approach the cause and treatment of complication during and immediately after percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty. Methods: One thousand three hundred and eleven patients with mitral stenosis were treated by percutaneous transseptal balloon mitral valvuloplasty. Among them, 42 patients with complications were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The overall complications rate was 3.2% (42/1311) including atrial fibrillation 0.8% (10/1311), acute pericardial tamponade 0.31% (4/1311), severe mitral insufficiency 0.46% (6/1311), femoral arterial venous fistula 0.69% (9/1311), acute pulmonary edema and iatrogenic atrial septal defect 0.23% (3/1311), respectively. Coronary air embolism, arterial thrombosis and transient cerebrovascular accident was 0.15% (2/1311) for every other one. Balloon rupture was 0.08%(1/1311). Conclusions: The complications of percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty rarely occur. It is a safe and efficient nonsurgical method for treating rheumatic mitral stenosis

  17. Thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease: A meta-analysis. (United States)

    Staniforth, Joy U L; Erdirimanne, Senarath; Eslick, Guy D


    The incidence of thyroid carcinoma is increasing worldwide. Graves' disease is the most common hyperthyroid disease. Studies have suggested an increased risk of thyroid malignancy in Graves' disease: there has not yet been a meta-analysis to allow quantitative comparison. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk of thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease, and to gather information on the histological subtypes of carcinoma and the co-existence of thyroid nodules. Several databases and article reference lists were searched. Inclusion criteria included appropriate diagnostic criteria for thyroid conditions and a diagnoses of carcinoma based on histology. 33 studies were selected, all reporting on surgically-resected specimens. The event rate of thyroid carcinoma in Graves' disease was 0.07 (95% CI 0.04 to 0.12). There was no data to allow comparison with patients without hyperthyroid diseases. There was no increase in the odds of developing carcinoma in Graves' disease compared to toxic multinodular goitre and toxic uninodular goitre. 88% of thyroid carcinomas in Graves' disease were papillary, with solitary papillary micro-carcinoma (diameter 10 mm or less) comprising 23% of all detected thyroid carcinomas. Patients with Graves' disease and co-existing thyroid nodules were almost 5 times more likely to be diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma than those without nodules. Thyroid malignancy in Graves' disease requiring surgical treatment should be considered as likely as in other hyperthyroid diseases needing surgical treatment. Clinicians should consider screening selected patients with Graves' disease for nodules whilst being aware of potentially over-diagnosing papillary micro-carcinoma. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. PREGO (presentation of Graves' orbitopathy) study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perros, Petros; Žarković, Miloš; Azzolini, Claudio


    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The epidemiology of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) may be changing. The aim of the study was to identify trends in presentation of GO to tertiary centres and initial management over time. METHODS: Prospective observational study of European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres...

  19. Predictive score for the development or progression of Graves' orbitopathy in patients with newly diagnosed Graves' hyperthyroidism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar; Žarković, Miloš; Bartalena, Luigi


    OBJECTIVE: To construct a predictive score for the development or progression of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) in Graves' hyperthyroidism (GH). DESIGN: Prospective observational study in patients with newly diagnosed GH, treated with antithyroid drugs (ATD) for 18 months at ten participating centers f...

  20. Staphylococcus caprae native mitral valve infective endocarditis. (United States)

    Kwok, T'ng Choong; Poyner, Jennifer; Olson, Ewan; Henriksen, Peter; Koch, Oliver


    Staphylococcus caprae is a rare cause of infective endocarditis. Here, we report a case involving the native mitral valve in the absence of an implantable cardiac electronic device. A 76-year-old man presented with a 2 week history of confusion and pyrexia. His past medical history included an open reduction and internal fixation of a humeral fracture 17 years previously, which remained non-united despite further revision 4 years later. There was no history of immunocompromise or farm-animal contact. Two sets of blood culture bottles, more than 12 h apart, were positive for S. caprae . Trans-thoracic echocardiography revealed a 1×1.2 cm vegetation on the mitral valve, with moderate mitral regurgitation. Due to ongoing confusion, he had a magnetic resonance imaging brain scan, which showed a subacute small vessel infarct consistent with a thromboembolic source. A humeral SPECT-CT (single-photon emission computerized tomography-computerized tomography) scan showed no clear evidence of acute osteomyelitis. Surgical vegetectomy and mitral-valve repair were considered to reduce the risk of further systemic embolism and progressive valve infection. However, the potential risks of surgery to this patient led to a decision to pursue a cure with antibiotic therapy alone. He remained well 3 months after discharge, with repeat echocardiography demonstrating a reduction in the size of the vegetation (0.9 cm). Management of this infection was challenging due to its rarity and its unclear progression, complicated by the dilemma surrounding surgical intervention in a patient with a complex medical background.

  1. Robotic Mitral Valve Repair: The Learning Curve. (United States)

    Goodman, Avi; Koprivanac, Marijan; Kelava, Marta; Mick, Stephanie L; Gillinov, A Marc; Rajeswaran, Jeevanantham; Brzezinski, Anna; Blackstone, Eugene H; Mihaljevic, Tomislav

    Adoption of robotic mitral valve surgery has been slow, likely in part because of its perceived technical complexity and a poorly understood learning curve. We sought to correlate changes in technical performance and outcome with surgeon experience in the "learning curve" part of our series. From 2006 to 2011, two surgeons undertook robotically assisted mitral valve repair in 458 patients (intent-to-treat); 404 procedures were completed entirely robotically (as-treated). Learning curves were constructed by modeling surgical sequence number semiparametrically with flexible penalized spline smoothing best-fit curves. Operative efficiency, reflecting technical performance, improved for (1) operating room time for case 1 to cases 200 (early experience) and 400 (later experience), from 414 to 364 to 321 minutes (12% and 22% decrease, respectively), (2) cardiopulmonary bypass time, from 148 to 102 to 91 minutes (31% and 39% decrease), and (3) myocardial ischemic time, from 119 to 75 to 68 minutes (37% and 43% decrease). Composite postoperative complications, reflecting safety, decreased from 17% to 6% to 2% (63% and 85% decrease). Intensive care unit stay decreased from 32 to 28 to 24 hours (13% and 25% decrease). Postoperative stay fell from 5.2 to 4.5 to 3.8 days (13% and 27% decrease). There were no in-hospital deaths. Predischarge mitral regurgitation of less than 2+, reflecting effectiveness, was achieved in 395 (97.8%), without correlation to experience; return-to-work times did not change substantially with experience. Technical efficiency of robotic mitral valve repair improves with experience and permits its safe and effective conduct.

  2. Association of altered collagen content and lysyl oxidase expression in degenerative mitral valve disease. (United States)

    Purushothaman, K-Raman; Purushothaman, Meerarani; Turnbull, Irene C; Adams, David H; Anyanwu, Anelechi; Krishnan, Prakash; Kini, Annapoorna; Sharma, Samin K; O'Connor, William N; Moreno, Pedro R

    Collagen cross-linking is mediated by lysyl oxidase (LOX) enzyme in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of mitral valve leaflets. Alterations in collagen content and LOX protein expression in the ECM of degenerative mitral valve may enhance leaflet expansion and disease severity. Twenty posterior degenerative mitral valve leaflets from patients with severe mitral regurgitation were obtained at surgery. Five normal posterior mitral valve leaflets procured during autopsy served as controls. Valvular interstitial cells (VICs) density was quantified by immunohistochemistry, collagen Types I and III by picro-sirius red staining and immunohistochemistry, and proteoglycans by alcian blue staining. Protein expression of LOX and its mediator TGFβ1 were quantified by immunofluorescence and gene expression by PCR. VIC density was increased, structural Type I collagen density was reduced, while reparative Type III collagen and proteoglycan densities were increased (PDegenerative Mitral Valve Disease may be secondary to alterations in LOX protein expression, contributing to disorganization of ECM and disease severity. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Paciente quirúrgico con insuficiencia renal crónica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Enrique Trujillo Salgado


    Full Text Available Se realiza una concisa revisión de los principales aspectos clínicos del paciente con insuficiencia renal crónica en relación con la cirugía y la anestesia, y se recorren tópicos vinculados al riesgo quirúrgico y la farmacología de las drogas anestésicas. Se ofrecen puntos de vista para discutir, entre las tendencias de la práctica especializada actualIt is made a detailed review of the main clinical aspects connected with surgery and anesthesia in patients suffering from chronic renal failure. Some topics dealing with surgical risk and pharmacology of the anesthetics are also approached. Different points of view about the trends of the present specialized practice are included to be discussed

  4. Paciente quirúrgico con insuficiencia renal crónica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Enrique Trujillo Salgado


    Full Text Available Se realiza una concisa revisión de los principales aspectos clínicos del paciente con insuficiencia renal crónica en relación con la cirugía y la anestesia, y se recorren tópicos vinculados al riesgo quirúrgico y la farmacología de las drogas anestésicas. Se ofrecen puntos de vista para discutir, entre las tendencias de la práctica especializada actualAn accurate review of the amin clinical aspects of the patient presenting with chronic kidney failure is made in relation to surgery and anesthesia placing emphasis on the topics related to surgical risk and pharmacology of anesthesic drugs. Different points of view to be discussed among the trends of the current specialized practice are also provided

  5. Doença crônica da valva mitral em cães: avaliação clínica funcional e mensuração ecocardiográfica da valva mitral Chronic mitral valvular disease in dogs: assessment of functional clinical stage and echocardiographic measurement of the mitral valve

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    R.A.L. Muzzi


    Full Text Available Foram descritos os achados do exame físico em cães com degeneração mixomatosa crônica da valva mitral e mensurado o comprimento e a espessura das cúspides da valva mitral pelo exame ecocardiográfico. Utilizaram-se 81 cães de diferentes raças de pequeno a médio porte, com idade de 11,12± 2,51 anos e peso de 6,24kg± 3,19, dos quais 20 eram clinicamente normais (grupo-controle e 61 apresentavam evidências clínicas de cardiopatia. Os animais foram distribuídos em três classes distintas segundo a insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (grupos I, II e III, de acordo com os dados do histórico e dos sinais clínicos apresentados. Ao exame ecocardiográfico, avaliaram-se as medidas das cúspides da valva mitral, que não apresentaram diferença entre os cães do grupo I e II, embora estivessem anormais se comparadas às dos cães do grupo-controle. Nos animais do grupo III, as medidas das valvas avaliadas foram maiores que as dos cães dos grupos I e II. Foram observados nódulos com formato arredondado e, nos cães do grupo III, as cúspides estavam bastante alongadas e espessadas.Physical and echocardiographic aspects were studied in dogs with chronic mitral valvular disease. The length and thickness of the mitral valve leaflets were echocardiographically measured. Eighty-one dogs of small-medium breeds (mean of 6.24kg± 3.19, older than six years (11.12± 2.51 years were used. Twenty were clinically normal dogs (control group and 61 presented myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve. The diseased dogs were categorized into three classes of congestive heart failure (I, II, and III groups according to the information on clinical manifestations. On the echocardiographic exam, the measurements of the mitral valve leaflets were evaluated and no diferences between dogs of groups I and II were found, though they were abnormal if compared with control group animals. Group III dogs presented measurements higher than those of animals of groups

  6. Epidemiology and prevention of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar M.; Bartalena, Luigi


    Graves' ophthalmopathy is clinically relevant in approximately 50% of patients with Graves' disease, severe forms affecting 3%-5% of patients. Two age peaks of incidence are observed in the fifth and seventh decades of life, with slight differences between women and men. The disease is more frequent

  7. The 2016 European Thyroid Association/European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy Guidelines for the Management of Graves' Orbitopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bartalena, Luigi; Baldeschi, Lelio; Boboridis, Kostas; Eckstein, Anja; Kahaly, George J.; Marcocci, Claudio; Perros, Petros; Salvi, Mario; Wiersinga, Wilmar M.; Adamidou, Fotini; Anagnostis, Panagiotis; Ayvaz, Goksun; Azzolini, Claudio; Boschi, Antonella; Bournaud, Claire; Clarke, Lucy; Currò, Nicola; Daumerie, Chantal; Dayan, Colin; Fuhrer, Dagmar; Konuk, Onur; Marinò, Michele; Morris, Daniel; Nardi, Marco; Pearce, Simon; Pitz, Susanne; Rudovsky, Gottfried; Vannucchi, Guia; Vardanian, Christine; von Arx, Georg


    Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is the main extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves' disease, though severe forms are rare. Management of GO is often suboptimal, largely because available treatments do not target pathogenic mech anisms of the disease. Treatment should rely on a thorough assessment of the

  8. Late thrombosis of a mitral bioprosthetic valve with associated massive left atrial thrombus

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    Preetham R Muskula


    Full Text Available An 84-year-old man presented 5 years after bioprosthetic mitral valve replacement with three months of worsening dyspnea on exertion. A new mitral stenosis murmur was noted on physical examination, and an electrocardiogram revealed newly recognized atrial fibrillation. Severe mitral stenosis (mean gradient = 13 mmHg was confirmed by transthoracic echocardiography. Transesophageal echocardiography revealed markedly thickened mitral bioprosthetic leaflets with limited mobility, and a massive left atrial thrombus (>4 cm in diameter (Fig. 1A, B, C, D and Videos 1, 2, 3 and 4. Intravenous heparin was initiated, and 5 days later, he was taken to the operating room for planned redo mitral valve replacement and left atrial thrombus extraction. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography revealed near-complete resolution of the bioprosthetic leaflet thickening, and a mean mitral gradient of only 3 mmHg (Fig. 2A, B, C and Videos 5, 6 and 7. The patient underwent resection of the massive left atrial thrombus (Fig. 2D but did not require redo mitral valve replacement. He was initiated on heparin (and transitioned to warfarin early in the post-operative period, with complete resolution of dyspnea on exertion at 3-month follow-up. Bioprosthetic valve thrombosis is increasingly recognized as a cause of early prosthetic valve dysfunction (1, 2. This case illustrates that bioprosthetic valve thrombosis may occur years after valve replacement; therefore, any deterioration in a patient’s clinical status (new-onset dyspnea, heart failure or atrial fibrillation warrants a thorough evaluation of the bioprosthetic valve with transesophageal echocardiography. In this case, initiation of anticoagulation obviated the need for redo mitral valve replacement.

  9. Graves' Disease (United States)

    ... 2011 survey of clinical practice patterns in the management of Graves' disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2012 Dec;97( ... 30 a.m. to 5 p.m. eastern time, M-F Follow Us NIH… Turning Discovery Into ... Disease Urologic Diseases Endocrine Diseases Diet & Nutrition ...

  10. Anatomical features of acute mitral valve repair dysfunction: Additional value of three-dimensional echocardiography. (United States)

    Derkx, Salomé; Nguyen, Virginia; Cimadevilla, Claire; Verdonk, Constance; Lepage, Laurent; Raffoul, Richard; Nataf, Patrick; Vahanian, Alec; Messika-Zeitoun, David


    Recurrence of mitral regurgitation after mitral valve repair is correlated with unfavourable left ventricular remodelling and poor outcome. This pictorial review describes the echocardiographic features of three types of acute mitral valve repair dysfunction, and the additional value of three-dimensional echocardiography. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  11. Mouse Models of Graves' Disease


    Nagayama, Yuji


    Graves' disease is characterized by overstimulation of the thyroid gland with agonistic autoantibodies against the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor, leading to hyperthyroidism and diffuse hyperplasia of the thyroid gland. Our and other laboratories have recently established several animal models of Graves' hyperthyroidism with novel immunization approaches, i.e., in vivo expression of the TSH receptor by injection of syngeneic living cells co-expressing the TSH receptor and major histocompatibility...

  12. ANP and BNP plasma levels in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis after percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty

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    Łukasz Mazurkiewicz


    Full Text Available Introduction: Atrial (ANP and B-type (BNP natriuretic peptides are hormones secreted by the heart as a response to volume expansion and pressure overload. Aim: To assess the changes of ANP and BNP after percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty (PBMV and to investigate factors associated with endpoints. Material and methods: The study included 96 patients (90.7% females, age 51.6 ±12.2 years with rheumatic mitral valve stenosis (mitral valve area (MVA 1.18 (1.01–1.33 cm2, mean mitral gradient (MMG 8.2 (7.1–9.2 mm Hg, NYHA 2.09 (1.9–2.5. Patients were followed up for 29.1 months for the search of endpoints. Results : The PBMV was successful in all cases. After the procedure MVA increased (1.18–1.78 cm2, p < 0.01 and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP decreased (29.8–21.8 mm Hg, p < 0.01. Concentration of ANP significantly rose 30 min after the PBMV (79.2 vs. 134.2 pg/ml, p = 0.012 and dropped significantly after 24 h (134.2 vs. 70.4 pg/ml, p = 0.01. Furthermore, after 36 months concentration of ANP did not differ from the baseline value (p = NS. BNP concentration at day 1 was lower than at baseline (94.5 vs. 80.2 pg/ml, p = 0.032. Moreover, during the follow-up period BNP continued to fall at all time points. In univariate analysis parameters associated with endpoint occurrence were baseline PAP (p = 0.023, baseline PCWP (p = 0.022, baseline NYHA (p = 0.041 and increase in 6-minute walk test (6MWT (p = 0.043. In multivariate analysis the only factor associated with endpoint occurrence was baseline NYHA (HR = 1.52, 95% CI: –1.3–1.91, p = 0.022. Conclusions : Patients with MS had increased levels of both BNP and ANP. Baseline NYHA class was found to be associated with outcomes after the procedure.

  13. Long-term survival of two dogs after mitral valve plasty

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    Isamu Kanemoto


    Full Text Available Two small 9-year-old dogs received mitral valve plasty (MVP for severe mitral regurgitation that could not be controlled via drug administration. MVP consisted of chordal reconstruction using expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE sutures and semicircular suture annuloplasty using polypropylene sutures. In both cases, the clinical signs dramatically improved after MVP, although postoperative echocardiography revealed slight residual mitral regurgitant flow. Both dogs survived for several years after MVP without any signs of cardiac distress; one dog survived for 9 years and 1 month, and the other dog survived for 7 years and 10 months. These findings highlight the durability of ePTFE sutures as artificial chordae and the excellence of semicircular suture annuloplasty in small dogs.

  14. TSHR intronic polymorphisms (rs179247 and rs12885526) and their role in the susceptibility of the Brazilian population to Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Bufalo, N E; Dos Santos, R B; Marcello, M A; Piai, R P; Secolin, R; Romaldini, J H; Ward, L S


    Intronic thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor polymorphisms have been associated with the risk for both Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy, but results have been inconsistent among different populations. We aimed to investigate the influence of thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor intronic polymorphisms in a large well-characterized population of GD patients. We studied 279 Graves' disease patients (231 females and 48 males, 39.80 ± 11.69 years old), including 144 with Graves' ophthalmopathy, matched to 296 healthy control individuals. Thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor genotypes of rs179247 and rs12885526 were determined by Real Time PCR TaqMan(®) SNP Genotyping. A multivariate analysis showed that the inheritance of the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor AA genotype for rs179247 increased the risk for Graves' disease (OR = 2.821; 95 % CI 1.595-4.990; p = 0.0004), whereas the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor GG genotype for rs12885526 increased the risk for Graves' ophthalmopathy (OR = 2.940; 95 % CI 1.320-6.548; p = 0.0083). Individuals with Graves' ophthalmopathy also presented lower mean thyrotropin receptor antibodies levels (96.3 ± 143.9 U/L) than individuals without Graves' ophthalmopathy (98.3 ± 201.9 U/L). We did not find any association between the investigated polymorphisms and patients clinical features or outcome. We demonstrate that thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor intronic polymorphisms are associated with the susceptibility to Graves' disease and Graves' ophthalmopathy in the Brazilian population, but do not appear to influence the disease course.

  15. Calculation of Mitral Valve Area in Mitral Stenosis: Comparison of Continuity Equation and Pressure Half Time With Two-Dimensional Planimetry in Patients With and Without Associated Aortic or Mitral Regurgitation or Atrial Fibrillation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roya Sattarzadeh


    Full Text Available Accurate measurement of Mitral Valve Area (MVA is essential to determining the Mitral Stenosis (MS severity and to achieving the best management strategies for this disease. The goal of the present study is to compare mitral valve area (MVA measurement by Continuity Equation (CE and Pressure Half-Time (PHT methods with that of 2D-Planimetry (PL in patients with moderate to severe mitral stenosis (MS. This comparison also was performed in subgroups of patients with significant Aortic Insufficiency (AI, Mitral Regurgitation (MR and Atrial Fibrillation (AF. We studied 70 patients with moderate to severe MS who were referred to echocardiography clinic. MVA was determined by PL, CE and PHT methods. The agreement and correlations between MVA’s obtained from various methods were determined by kappa index, Bland-Altman analysis, and linear regression analysis. The mean values for MVA calculated by CE was 0.81 cm (±0.27 and showed good correlation with those calculated by PL (0.95 cm, ±0.26 in whole population (r=0.771, P<0.001 and MR subgroup (r=0.763, P<0.001 and normal sinus rhythm and normal valve subgroups (r=0.858, P<0.001 and r=0.867, P<0.001, respectively. But CE methods didn’t show any correlation in AF and AI subgroups. MVA measured by PHT had a good correlation with that measured by PL in whole population (r=0.770, P<0.001 and also in NSR (r=0.814, P<0.001 and normal valve subgroup (r=0.781, P<0.001. Subgroup with significant AI and those with significant MR showed moderate correlation (r=0.625, P=0.017 and r=0.595, P=0.041, respectively. Bland Altman Analysis showed that CE would estimate MVA smaller in comparison with PL in the whole population and all subgroups and PHT would estimate MVA larger in comparison with PL in the whole population and all subgroups. The mean bias for CE and PHT are 0.14 cm and -0.06 cm respectively. In patients with moderate to severe mitral stenosis, in the absence of concomitant AF, AI or MR, the accuracy

  16. Mitral Valve Stenosis in Pregnancy and Its Effects on Maternal and Fetal Outcomes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    İlker Gül


    Full Text Available Objective: Our aim is to determine the effect of mitral valvular disease on pregnancy follow up parameters and newborns. Material and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the pregnant patients those were hospitalized because of mild-moderate mitral valve stenosis (n=16 between January 1998 and January 2011 in our center. Echocardiography was performed with regular intervals and the datas were recorded. Gestational age of delivery, type of delivery, general condition of newborn due to APGAR system were assessed. Values were compared with those of controls without any cardiac disease (n=16. Results: Mean mitral valve area, average mitral gradient and systemic pulmonary artery pressure were established 1.44+0.45 cm2, 5.2+1.5 mmHg ve 23+4.8 mmHg respectively in patients with mitral stenosis. Mean gestational age of delivery was 36.2±1.4 weeks (p=0.001 and mean fetal weight was 2646±431.1 g (p=0.016 in patients with mitral valve stenosis. These values were 38.7±2.12 weeks and 3056±212.13 gram respectively in control group. No significant difference was observed in terms of 1. and 5. APGAR scoring system among two groups. Conclusion: To optimize pregnancy outcomes, accurate diagnosis of the etiology, severity of valve disease and preconception evaluation are the main factors. Obstetrician should be careful in terms of intrauterine growth retardation and preterm delivery during pregnancy in patients with mitral valve stenosis.

  17. Infective endocarditis following transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair: A systematic review. (United States)

    Asmarats, Lluis; Rodriguez-Gabella, Tania; Chamandi, Chekrallah; Bernier, Mathieu; Beaudoin, Jonathan; O'Connor, Kim; Dumont, Eric; Dagenais, François; Paradis, Jean-Michel; Rodés-Cabau, Josep


    To assess the clinical characteristics, management, and outcomes of patients diagnosed with infective endocarditis (IE) after edge-to-edge mitral valve repair with the MitraClip device. Transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair has emerged as an alternative to surgery in high-risk patients. However, few data exist on IE following transcatheter mitral procedures. Four electronic databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, Embase, and Cochrane Library) were searched for original published studies on IE after edge-to-edge transcatheter mitral valve repair from 2003 to 2017. A total of 10 publications describing 12 patients with definitive IE (median age 76 years, 55% men) were found. The mean logistic EuroSCORE/EuroSCORE II were 41% and 45%, respectively. The IE episode occurred early (within 12 months post-procedure) in nine patients (75%; within the first month in five patients). Staphylococcus aureus was the most frequent (60%) causal microorganism, and severe mitral regurgitation was present in all cases but one. Surgical mitral valve replacement (SMVR) was performed in most (67%) patients, and the mortality associated with the IE episode was high (42%). IE following transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair is a rare but life-threatening complication, usually necessitating SMVR despite the high-risk profile of the patients. These results highlight the importance of adequate preventive measures and a prompt diagnosis and treatment of this serious complication. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs - an update and perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksandra Domanjko Petrič


    Full Text Available Myxomatous mitral valve disease is a common cause of congestive heart failure in geriatric dogs. Many studies have been done in terms of epidemiology, pathology, associated neurohormonal changes in the disease progression, prognostic factors, and survival and treatment modalities. The presented paper presents a review of some of the studies in the mitral valve disease story.

  19. Pannus overgrowth after mitral valve replacement with a Carpentier-Edwards pericardial bioprosthesis. (United States)

    Oda, Takeshi; Kato, Seiya; Tayama, Eiki; Fukunaga, Shuji; Akashi, Hidetoshi; Aoyagi, Shigeaki


    A Carpentier-Edwards pericardial (CEP) bioprosthesis was explanted from an 81-year-old woman due to nonstructural dysfunction 9 years after mitral valve replacement. The nonstructural dysfunction produced severe regurgitation in the mitral position. During the surgery, excessive pannus overgrowth was seen on the left ventricular side of the CEP bioprosthesis. Pannus overgrowth was prominent on one leaflet. That leaflet was stiff and shortened due to the excessive overgrowth of pannus. In this patient, the distortion of one leaflet was the main reason for transvalvular leakage of the CEP bioprosthesis in the mitral position. A new CEP bioprosthesis was implanted in the mitral position. Pathological analysis revealed fibrotic pannus with a small amount of cellular material over the leaflets of the resected CEP valve. This change was marked on the distorted leaflet.

  20. Idiopathic mitral valve disease in a patient presenting with Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome. (United States)

    Antevil, Jared; Umakanthan, Ramanan; Leacche, Marzia; Brewer, Zachary; Solenkova, Natalia; Byrne, John G; Greelish, James P


    A 33-year-old, previously healthy male presented with respiratory distress and underwent intubation. A physical examination revealed a holosystolic murmur and pupillary abnormalities. Echocardiography revealed a flail anterior mitral valve leaflet with ruptured chordae and severe mitral regurgitation. The patient underwent urgent mitral valve replacement and tolerated the procedure well. The mitral valve leaflet was myxomatous and calcified -- an unusual find in such a patient. An ophthalmology consultation was obtained and the patient diagnosed with Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, a disorder of the anterior ocular chamber that has been associated with cardiac malformations. The present case report adds to the body of literature which suggests a correlation between Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome and valvular abnormalities. Hence, it is believed prudent that patients with Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome should undergo echocardiographic screenings for valvular abnormalities.

  1. A Case of Mitral Valve Tophus in a Patient with Severe Gout Tophaceous Arthritis

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    Atooshe Rohani


    Full Text Available A few cases of cardiac valve tophi have been reported in literature. In this case report, the echocardiographic characteristics of the hyperechoic mass in the posterior leaflet mitral valve, intact mitral valve ring, and the occurrence of severe tophaceous gout arthritis suggested the diagnosis of a gout tophus on the mitral valve.

  2. Apical ballooning syndrome complicated by acute severe mitral regurgitation with left ventricular outflow obstruction – Case report

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    Celermajer David S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Apical ballooning syndrome (or Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a syndrome of transient left ventricular apical ballooning. Although first described in Japanese patients, it is now well reported in the Caucasian population. The syndrome mimicks an acute myocardial infarction but is characterised by the absence of obstructive coronary disease. We describe a serious and poorly understood complication of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Case Presentation We present the case of a 65 year-old lady referred to us from a rural hospital where she was treated with thrombolytic therapy for a presumed acute anterior myocardial infarction. Four hours after thrombolysis she developed acute pulmonary oedema and a new systolic murmur. It was presumed she had acute mitral regurgitation secondary to a ruptured papillary muscle, ischaemic dysfunction or an acute ventricular septal defect. Echocardiogram revealed severe mitral regurgitation, left ventricular apical ballooning, and systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve with significant left ventricular outflow tract gradient (60–70 mmHg. Coronary angiography revealed no obstructive coronary lesions. She had an intra-aortic balloon pump inserted with no improvement in her parlous haemodynamic state. We elected to replace her mitral valve to correct the outflow tract gradient and mitral regurgitation. Intra-operatively the mitral valve was mildly myxomatous but there were no structural abnormalities. She had a mechanical mitral valve replacement with a 29 mm St Jude valve. Post-operatively, her left ventricular outflow obstruction resolved and ventricular function returned to normal over the subsequent 10 days. She recovered well. Conclusion This case represents a serious and poorly understood association of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy with acute pulmonary oedema, severe mitral regurgitaton and systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve with significant left ventricular outflow tract obstruction. The

  3. Three-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of the repaired mitral valve. (United States)

    Maslow, Andrew; Mahmood, Feroze; Poppas, Athena; Singh, Arun


    This study examined the geometric changes of the mitral valve (MV) after repair using conventional and three-dimensional echocardiography. Prospective evaluation of consecutive patients undergoing mitral valve repair. Tertiary care university hospital. Fifty consecutive patients scheduled for elective repair of the mitral valve for regurgitant disease. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography. Assessments of valve area (MVA) were performed using two-dimensional planimetry (2D-Plan), pressure half-time (PHT), and three-dimensional planimetry (3D-Plan). In addition, the direction of ventricular inflow was assessed from the three-dimensional imaging. Good correlations (r = 0.83) and agreement (-0.08 +/- 0.43 cm(2)) were seen between the MVA measured with 3D-Plan and PHT, and were better than either compared to 2D-Plan. MVAs were smaller after repair of functional disease repaired with an annuloplasty ring. After repair, ventricular inflow was directed toward the lateral ventricular wall. Subgroup analysis showed that the change in inflow angle was not different after repair of functional disease (168 to 171 degrees) as compared to those presenting with degenerative disease (168 to 148 degrees; p<0.0001). Three-dimensional imaging provides caregivers with a unique ability to assess changes in valve function after mitral valve repair. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Regional pulmonary edema caused by acute mitral insufficiency after rupture of chordae tendinae with prolaps of the posterior mitral valve

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauser, M.; Wiedemer, B.; Fleischmann, D.; Billmann, P.; Ennker, J.


    An unilateral or predominantly lobar pulmonary edema is an unusual clinical or radiological finding, often misdiagnosed as one of the more common causes of focal lung disease. We report 2 cases of a regional pulmonary edema caused by the acute onset of a severe mitral insufficiency after the rupture of chordae tendinae resulting in a prolaps of the posterior mitral leaflet. In both cases the regional pulmonary edema was initially misdiagnosed as a pneumonic infiltration, which delayed the cardiological diagnostical procedures and the surgical intervention. The mechanism of the regional edema is an excentric regurgitation jet into the left atrium, which is usually directed to the orifice of the right upper lobe pulmonary vein which increases the hydrostatic vascular pressure in the corresponding lung segment. For the confirmation of the diagnosis, transesophageal echogradiographye is helpful in documenting the direction of the regurgitant flow and detecting differential gradients between the right and left pulmonary venous systems. The pulmonary infiltrations, which persisted for several weeks, dissappeared within a few days after surgical mitral-valve-reconstruction in both cases. (orig.) [de

  5. Nodular Graves' disease with medullary thyroid cancer. (United States)

    Khan, Shoukat Hussain; Rather, Tanveer Ahmed; Makhdoomi, Rumana; Malik, Dharmender


    Co-existence of thyroid nodules with Graves' disease has been reported in various studies. 10-15% of such nodules harbor thyroid cancer with papillary thyroid cancer being the commonest. Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) in nodules associated with Graves' disease is rare. On literature survey, we came across 11 such cases reported so far. We report a 62-year-old female with Graves' disease who also had a thyroid nodule that on fine-needle aspiration cytology and the subsequent postthyroidectomy histopathological examination was reported to be MTC.

  6. Pulmonary edema due to mitral stenosis in pregnancy: A Case Report

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    Handan Güleç


    Full Text Available Mitral stenosis is a valvular heart disease, that is the most troublesome during pregnancy and birth process. Plasma volume increases due to sodium and water retention during pregnancy and in the second trimester of pregnancy it reaches the maximum level. In the first trimester of pregnancy, normal cardiac output increases by 30 to 40% and this condition causes significant hemodynamic changes in patients with mitral stenosis. Pulmonary edema occurs rapidly with high left atrial pressure due to increased preload. İt is noted that acute pulmonary edema is the primary cause of maternal mortality in pregnant women with mitral stenosis. Clinical signs are becoming evident, especially after the twelfth week. Despite the best conservative treatment, maternal and infant mortality can be seen.In this case, we present pulmonary edema due to mitral stenosis dianosed following dyspne in a 19 years old pregnant woman at the 29th week of her first pregnancy.

  7. The serpentine mitral valve and cerebral embolism

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    Ker James


    Full Text Available Abstract Valvular strands, well-delineated filiform masses, attached to cardiac valve edges are associated with cerebral embolism and stroke. Strokes, caused by emboli from valvular strands, tend to occur among younger persons. In this case report a valvular strand, giving a peculiar serpentine appearance to the mitral valve is described. This mitral valvular strand was the only explanation for an episode of cerebral embolism, presenting with a transient right sided hemiparesis. It is proposed that a randomized study involving combined treatment with aspirin and clopidogrel is warranted in young patients with valvular strands, presenting with a first episode of cerebral embolism.

  8. Defect in mitochondrial functions in damaged human mitral valve


    Shinde, Santosh; Kumar, Pawan; Mishra, Kaushala; Patil, Neela


    Mitochondrial diseases are a heterogeneous group of disorders in which a primary mitochondrial dysfunction is proven by morphological, biochemical, and genetic examinations. The mitral valve has important function in the regulation of blood flow from one chamber to another. Often, the mitral valve becomes abnormal with age, in Rheumatic fever or it is abnormal from birth (Congenital) or it can be destroyed by infection i.e. bacterial endocarditis and needs replacement. Myocardial function dep...

  9. How to start a minimal access mitral valve program


    Hunter, Steven


    The seven pillars of governance established by the National Health Service in the United Kingdom provide a useful framework for the process of introducing new procedures to a hospital. Drawing from local experience, the author present guidance for institutions considering establishing a minimal access mitral valve program. The seven pillars of governance apply to the practice of minimally invasive mitral valve surgery, based on the principle of patient-centred practice. The author delineate t...

  10. Aneurisma infectado de artéria braquial após endocardite infecciosa de valva mitral Infected aneurysm of brachial artery after mitral valve infective endocarditis

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    Heraldo Guedis Lobo Filho


    Full Text Available Apresentamos um caso de aneurisma infectado de artéria braquial em paciente com endocardite infecciosa por Streptococcus bovis. Homem de 49 anos de idade se apresentou com febre, dispnéia e sopro regurgitativo em foco mitral com irradiação para axila. O ecocardiograma demonstrou vegetação em valva mitral nativa. Após troca valvar mitral com implante de prótese biológica, observou-se massa pulsátil de cinco centímetros de diâmetro em fossa antecubital direita. Foi feito o diagnóstico de aneurisma infectado de artéria braquial, e o tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado com sucesso. O objetivo desse relato de caso é apresentar uma complicação pouco comum após endocardite infecciosa.We present a case of brachial artery infected aneurysm in a patient with infective endocarditis caused by Streptococcus bovis. A 49-year-old man presented with fever dyspnea and a pansystolic murmur with irradiation to axilla. The echocardiogram revealed vegetation in native mitral valve. After mitral valve replacement with bioprosthesis, it was observed pulsatile mass of five centimeters in diameter at antecubital fossa of right upper limb. It was made the diagnosis of infected aneurysm of the brachial artery, and the surgery was performed successfully. The aim of this case report is to show a rare complication after infective endocarditis.

  11. Insuficiencia dinámica, crecimiento y desempleo en México, 1974-2012


    Blanca L. Avendaño Vargas; Ignacio Perrotini Hernández


    El artículo presenta una reformulación de la hipótesis de insuficiencia dinámica de Prebisch (1970), analiza la teoría dinámica de Harrod (1939), la ley Kaldor-Verdoorn (Kaldor, 1966; 1967) y la teoría del crecimiento endógeno de Thirlwall (1969; 2000). A posterioriestudiamos los determinantes del crecimiento económico y del desempleo en México durante el periodo 1974-2012. Con base en el análisis empírico, sostenemos que una baja tasa de acumulación genera una reducida absorción de empleo, u...

  12. Surgical Management of Mitral Regurgitation in Patients with Marfan Syndrome during Infancy and Early Childhood

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    Eung Re Kim


    Full Text Available Background: Mitral regurgitation is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular morbidity in pediatric patients with Marfan syndrome. The purpose of this study was to contribute to determining the appropriate surgical strategy for these patients. Methods: From January 1992 to May 2013, six patients with Marfan syndrome underwent surgery for mitral regurgitation in infancy or early childhood. Results: The median age at the time of surgery was 47 months (range, 3 to 140 months and the median follow-up period was 3.6 years (range, 1.3 to 15.5 years. Mitral valve repair was performed in two patients and four patients underwent mitral valve replacement with a mechanical prosthesis. There was one reoperation requiring valve replacement for aggravated mitral regurgitation two months after repair. The four patients who underwent mitral valve replacement did not experience any complications related to the prosthetic valve. One late death occurred due to progressive emphysema and tricuspid regurgitation. Conclusion: Although repair can be an option for some patients, it may not be durable in infantile-onset Marfan syndrome patients who require surgical management during infancy or childhood. Mitral valve replacement is a feasible treatment option for these patients.

  13. Minimally invasive mitral valve repair in osteogenesis imperfecta. (United States)

    Tagliasacchi, Isabella; Martinelli, Luigi; Bardaro, Leopoldo; Chierchia, Sergio


    Osteogenesis imperfecta is a disorder of the connective tissue that affects several structures including heart valves. However, cardiac surgery is associated with high mortality and morbidity rates. In a 48-year-old man with osteogenesis imperfecta and mitral valve prolapse, we performed the first successful mitral valve repair by right anterior mini-thoracotomy. At the 1-year follow-up, he was asymptomatic and echocardiography confirmed the initial success. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  14. Infección invasiva por Streptococcus pneumoniae: reporte de caso de un paciente con síndrome de Austrian

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    Daniel Echeverri


    Full Text Available Descrito inicialmente en 1957 por Robert Austrian, el síndrome que lleva su nombre se define como la tríada de neumonía, endocarditis y meningitis secundarias a una infección invasiva por Streptococcus pneumoniae. Desde entonces, y debido a su infrecuencia, se han reportado muy pocos casos en la literatura científica. A continuación se presenta el caso de un paciente de 61 años de edad con un cuadro inicial de meningitis bacteriana por S. pneumoniae, acompañado de neumonía bacteriana e insuficiencia mitral grave asociada a cuatro vegetaciones sobre la cara auricular de la valva posterior, con ruptura y prolapso de su festón central posterior. Se aisló S. pneumoniae, serotipo 18C, en líquido cefalorraquídeo y en dos hemocultivos. El paciente recibió antibióticos de amplio espectro y fue sometido a reemplazo valvular temprano con un resultado clínico satisfactorio. El principal factor pronóstico de esta condición lo determina el daño valvular subsecuente, sobre todo en pacientes con compromiso de la válvula aórtica, por lo que es necesario identificar tempranamente la extensión del compromiso valvular y definir oportunamente el tratamiento quirúrgico y antibiótico del paciente. En casos menos frecuentes, en los que solo hay compromiso de la válvula mitral, la evolución clínica es menos aguda y, por lo general, el tratamiento antibiótico dirigido y las medidas de soporte avanzado suelen ser suficientes para su control.

  15. [Association Budd Chiari syndrome, antiphospholipid syndrome and Grave's disease]. (United States)

    Mouelhi, Leila; Chaieb, Mouna; Debbeche, Radhouane; Salem, Mohamed; Sfar, Imene; Trabelsi, Sinda; Gorgi, Yosr; Najjar, Taoufik


    Antiphospholipid syndrome is revealed by Budd Chiari syndrome in 5% of the cases. Antiphospholipid syndrome is characterized by venous or arterial thrombosis, foetal loss and positivity of antiphospholipid antibodies, namely lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin antibodies and anti-beta2-glycoprotein I. Anticardiolipin antibodies was reported in auto-immune thyroid disorders, particularly in Grave's disease. Antiphospholipid syndrome associated to Grave's disease was reported in only three cases. To describe a case report of association of Grave's disease and antiphospholipid syndrome. We report the first case of Grave's disease associated with antiphospholipid syndrome, revealed by Budd Chiari syndrome. Our observation is particular by the fact that it is about a patient presenting a Grave's disease associated with antiphospholipid syndrome revealed by Budd Chiari syndrome. This triple association has never been reported in literature. Although association between antiphospholipid syndrome and Grave's disease was previously described, further studies evaluating the coexistence of these two affections in the same patient would be useful.

  16. Left ventricular remodelling in chronic primary mitral regurgitation: implications for medical therapy. (United States)

    McCutcheon, Keir; Manga, Pravin

    Surgical repair or replacement of the mitral valve is currently the only recommended therapy for severe primary mitral regurgitation. The chronic elevation of wall stress caused by the resulting volume overload leads to structural remodelling of the muscular, vascular and extracellular matrix components of the myocardium. These changes are initially compensatory but in the long term have detrimental effects, which ultimately result in heart failure. Understanding the changes that occur in the myocardium due to volume overload at the molecular and cellular level may lead to medical interventions, which potentially could delay or prevent the adverse left ventricular remodelling associated with primary mitral regurgitation. The pathophysiological changes involved in left ventricular remodelling in response to chronic primary mitral regurgitation and the evidence for potential medical therapy, in particular beta-adrenergic blockers, are the focus of this review.

  17. Caseous mitral annular calcification mimicking a lung tumor on chest X-ray

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    Philip Dingli


    Full Text Available Mitral annular calcification (MAC is a common condition of the mitral valve apparatus. A case involving caseous calcification, a rare variant of MAC is presented. This variant which has a benign course can present as an intracardiac mass and needs to be differentiated from more sinister causes of calcified cardiac masses such as tumor, abscess, and infective vegetation. Often, this requires multimodality imaging with echocardiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Features of caseous calcification of the mitral valve on these imaging modalities are reviewed as the associations and clinical features.

  18. Effect of abnormal thyroid function on the severity of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prummel, M. F.; Wiersinga, W. M.; Mourits, M. P.; Koornneef, L.; Berghout, A.; van der Gaag, R.


    Many clinicians have the impression that treatment of thyroid dysfunction ameliorates ophthalmopathy in Graves' disease. The aim of our study was to relate thyroid function to the severity of Graves' ophthalmopathy. We studied 90 patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy and Graves' hyperthyroidism in

  19. Cardiomiopatía hipertrófica: experiencia de 5 años

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    Fabián Dávila


    Conclusiones: La prevalencia de la cardiomiopatía hipertrófica en el período 2009-2013 fue del 2,35%, relacionado principalmente con la insuficiencia mitral y tenían antecedente de dolor torácico, la prevalencia de la fibrilación auricular en pacientes con cardiomiopatía hipertrófica en el presente estudio fue del 22,7% y la de enfermedad coronaria del 18%.

  20. Ultrasonographic Features of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Patients with Graves' Disease (United States)

    Chung, Jin Ook; Cho, Dong Hyeok; Chung, Dong Jin


    Background/Aims To characterize ultrasonographic findings in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) combined with Graves' disease. Methods Medical records and ultrasonographic findings of 1,013 patients with Graves' disease and 3,380 patients without Graves' disease were analyzed retrospectively. A diagnosis of PTC was based on a pathologic examination. Results The frequency of hypoechogenicity was lower in patients with PTC and Graves' disease than in patients with PTC alone (p Graves' disease was significantly higher than in those with PTC alone (p Graves' disease was characterized by more ill-defined borders and less frequency of overall calcification, punctate calcification, and heterogeneous echogenicity, although the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions Our results suggest that patients with Graves' disease more frequently have atypical PTC findings on ultrasonography. PMID:20195406

  1. Valvuloplastia mitral percutánea de emergencia en un paciente con edema pulmonar refractario

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    Alejandra I. de Zubiría


    Full Text Available La estenosis mitral usualmente es causada por fiebre reumática. A pesar de ser una patología poco frecuente en los países desarrollados, es prevalente en los países en vía de desarrollo, donde aproximadamente dos tercios de la población mundial vive, haciendo de esta condición, una enfermedad valvular común. Es importante considerar la estenosis mitral en el diagnóstico diferencial de los pacientes con edema agudo de pulmón cardiogénico refractario y la valvuloplastia mitral percutánea de emergencia como el tratamiento definitivo. Se presenta el caso de un paciente femenino de 21 años, con edema agudo de pulmón cardiogénico refractario, secundario a estenosis mitral muy severa de origen reumático, tratado con valvuloplastia percutánea con balón de urgencia. Se realiza una revisión sobre la estenosis mitral y se examina el tratamiento con especial énfasis en los casos publicados en la literatura de valvuloplastia mitral percutánea de emergencia.

  2. The Eye/Brain Radioactivity Ratio for Assessment of Graves Ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, B. W.; Sung, S. K.; Suh, K. S.; Park, W.; Choi, D. J.; Kim, J. S.


    In Graves' disease, changes in orbital tissue and structure are caused by inflammatory infiltration, which induces increase of capillary permeability and breakdown of blood-tissue barriers. Using the uptake of 99m Tc-DTPA in inflammatory lesion, Eye/Brain radioactivity ratios in brain scintigraphy were evaluated in 15 normal controls and 40 Graves' patients. The results were as follows; 1) Eye/Brain radioactivity ratio was significantly higher in Graves' ophthalmopathy group than in control group (p 99m Tc-DTPA brain scintigraphy may be useful to determine the activity of Graves' ophthalmopathy and whether treatment of Graves' ophthalmopathy is necessary or not.

  3. Primary Mitral Valve Regurgitation Outcome in Patients With Severe Aortic Stenosis 1 Year After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Echocardiographic Evaluation. (United States)

    Florentino, Thiago Marinho; Bihan, David Le; Abizaid, Alexandre Antonio Cunha; Cedro, Alexandre Vianna; Corrêa, Amably Pessoa; Santos, Alexandre Roginski Mendes Dos; Souza, Alexandre Costa; Bignoto, Tiago Costa; Sousa, José Eduardo Moraes Rego; Sousa, Amanda Guerra de Moraes Rego


    Mitral valve regurgitation (MR), present in up to 74% of the patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS), can be a negative prognostic factor when moderate or severe. The outcome of MR after percutaneous transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) and predictors associated with that outcome have not been well established in the literature. To assess the outcome of primary MR in patients submitted to TAVI and to identify associated factors. Observational study of patients with symptomatic severe AS submitted to TAVI from January 2009 to April 2015 at two specialized centers. Echocardiographic outcome was assessed with data collected before and 1 year after TAVI. Of the 91 patients with MR submitted to TAVI and followed up for at least 12 months, 67 (73.6%) had minimum/mild MR before the procedure and 24 (26.4%) had moderate/severe MR. Of those with minimum/mild MR, 62 (92.5%) had no change in the MR grade (p literatura. Avaliar a evolução da IM primária em pacientes submetidos ao TAVI e identificar fatores associados a essa evolução. Realizou-se um estudo observacional em pacientes com EA grave sintomática, submetidos ao TAVI no período de janeiro de 2009 a abril de 2015 em dois centros especializados. Foram avaliados desfechos ecocardiográficos com dados antes e 1 ano após a intervenção. Dos 91 pacientes com IM que realizaram TAVI e tinham acompanhamento de pelo menos 12 meses, 67 (73,6%) apresentavam IM mínima ou discreta antes da realização do procedimento e 24 (26,4%), IM moderada ou grave. Entre os com IM mínima ou discreta, 62 (92,5%) não apresentaram mudança no grau de refluxo (p < 0,001) e 5 (7,5%) tiveram piora. Entre os com IM moderada ou grave, 8 (33,3%) permaneceram na mesma classe e 16 (66,7%) tiveram melhora (p = 0,076). Pacientes com IM moderada ou grave que melhoraram o grau de insuficiência apresentavam menores valores de EuroSCORE II (p = 0,023) e STS morbidade (p = 0,027), quando comparados aos que continuaram na mesma classe

  4. Enhanced thyroid iodine metabolism in patients with triiodothyronine-predominant Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takamatsu, J.; Hosoya, T.; Naito, N.


    Some patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease have increased serum T3 and normal or even low serum T4 levels during treatment with antithyroid drugs. These patients with elevated serum T3 to T4 ratios rarely have a remission of their hyperthyroidism. The aim of this study was to investigate thyroid iodine metabolism in such patients, whom we termed T3-predominant Graves' disease. Mean thyroid radioactive iodine uptake was 51.0 +/- 18.1% ( +/- SD) at 3 h, and it decreased to 38.9 +/- 20.1% at 24 h in 31 patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease during treatment. It was 20.0 +/- 11.4% at 3 h and increased to 31.9 +/- 16.0% at 24 h in 17 other patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease who had normal serum T3 and T4 levels and a normal serum T3 to T4 ratio during treatment (control Graves' disease). The activity of serum TSH receptor antibodies was significantly higher in the patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in control Graves' disease patients. From in vitro studies of thyroid tissue obtained at surgery, both thyroglobulin content and iodine content in thyroglobulin were significantly lower in patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in the control Graves' disease patients. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) activity determined by a guaiacol assay was 0.411 +/- 0.212 g.u./mg protein in the T3-predominant Graves' disease patients, significantly higher than that in the control Graves' disease patients. Serum TPO autoantibody levels determined by immunoprecipitation also were greater in T3-predominant Graves' disease patients than in control Graves' disease patients. Binding of this antibody to TPO slightly inhibited the enzyme activity of TPO, but this effect of the antibody was similar in the two groups of patients

  5. Hipotiroidismo, miocardiopatía dilatada y síndrome nefrótico durante el embarazo

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    Ariel K. Saad


    Full Text Available El hipotiroidismo en el embarazo es infrecuente, pero cuando ocurre suele asociarse con complicaciones maternas y fetales. Se presenta el caso de una mujer joven sin antecedentes de enfermedad cardiovascular que consulta por ortopnea, dolor torácico y edema de miembros inferiores. Los exámenes pusieron en evidencia la existencia de insuficiencia cardíaca, hipotiroidismo, síndrome nefrótico e insuficiencia renal. El eco-Doppler mostró dilatación de las cuatro cavidades cardíacas con deterioro grave de la función sistólica. El tratamiento con levotiroxina por vía intravenosa mejoró el cuadro clínico y los parámetros de laboratorio. Se analizan los efectos de la hormona tiroidea sobre el aparato cardiovascular y se comentan los mecanismos fisiopatológicos de la insuficiencia cardíaca en el embarazo.

  6. Malformación arterio-venosa cerebral causante de insuficiencia cardiaca congestiva en un neonato Cerebral arteriovenous malformation as a cause of congestive heart failure in a newborn


    R. Fernández Montes; S. Bueno Pardo; M. Montes Granda; S. Lareu Vidal; M. González Sánchez; G. Solís Sánchez


    La malformación arterio-venosa de la vena de Galeno representa una anomalía congénita vascular muy infrecuente. Esta patología se presenta de forma preferente en el periodo neonatal pudiendo causar una importante morbi-mortalidad. La forma de presentación clínica es muy variable, siendo la asociación de soplo craneal e insuficiencia cardiaca la forma de presentación más frecuente en el periodo neonatal. El grado de insuficiencia cardiaca asociada constituye el principal factor pronóstico y co...

  7. Death by Suicide in Graves' Disease and Graves' Orbitopathy: A Nationwide Danish Register Study. (United States)

    Ferløv-Schwensen, Charlotte; Brix, Thomas Heiberg; Hegedüs, Laszlo


    Graves' disease (GD) is associated with excess morbidity and mortality, but little is known about unnatural manners of death and the potential relation with Graves' orbitopathy (GO). This study investigated the risk of unnatural death in Graves' patients with and without orbitopathy compared to matched control populations. This was a cohort study covering all adult Danes (≥18 years) diagnosed with GD or GO during 1995-2012. Median follow-up time was 7.9 years (range 0-17.5 years). Utilizing the Danish Register of Causes of Death and the Danish National Patient Registry, 28,461 subjects with GD and 3965 with GO were identified and matched for age and sex with four subjects from the background population. The manner of death was identified, and hazard ratios (HR) for mortality due to unnatural deaths (accident, suicide, violence/homicide, and unknown) were calculated using Cox regression analyses, adjusted for pre-existing somatic and psychiatric morbidity. In Graves' disease overall (GD + GO), there was an increased risk of death from unknown unnatural manners (HR = 2.01 [confidence interval (CI) 1.17-3.45], p = 0.012) and of suicide, although the latter difference was not with certainty statistically significant (HR = 1.43 [CI 1.00-2.04], p = 0.053). There was no significant difference in risk of death from suicide in GD subjects compared to their controls (HR = 1.27 [CI 0.85-1.89], p = 0.253). However, GO patients had a significantly higher risk of death from suicide (HR = 2.71 [CI 1.16-6.32], p = 0.022). Mortality by suicide was increased in Graves' disease overall, most significantly in patients with GO, also after adjustment for pre-existing somatic and psychiatric disease. These findings indicate that GD and GO may have a significant role in the pathophysiological mechanisms of suicidal behavior. Beyond independent confirmation, reasons for this need to be explored in order to introduce preventive measures.

  8. A Double Whammy: Severe Aortic Stenosis and Cocaine Overwhelm the Mitral Valve. (United States)

    Maini, Rohit; Lim, Jonathan; Liu, Jing; Birnbaum, Itamar; Mirza, Farooq; Lakkis, Nasser; Hamzeh, Ihab


    A 50-year-old man presented with acute onset dyspnea following cocaine use. He had severe aortic stenosis (AS), mild mitral regurgitation (MR) due to mitral valve prolapse, and no coronary artery disease on recent coronary angiography. He was in acute heart failure with signs of impending cardiogenic shock. Urgent bedside echocardiography revealed hyperdynamic left ventricular systolic function with acute severe MR from a ruptured chordae tendineae. The acute cocaine-induced spike of his already elevated left ventricular systolic pressure from severe AS likely precipitated chordal rupture of his vulnerable mitral valve. This patient underwent emergent mitral and aortic valve replacements. Although cocaine use has been associated with a myriad of cardiovascular complications, acute MR due to chordal rupture has not, to our knowledge, been previously reported in this setting. Prompt diagnosis with echocardiography and surgical intervention are of paramount importance in the management of acute MR.

  9. Treatment with pioglitazone induced significant, reversible mitral regurgitation. (United States)

    Dorkhan, Mozhgan; Dencker, Magnus; Frid, Anders


    There has in recent years been great concern about possible cardiac side effects of thiazolidinediones (TZDs). We present a case-report of a 60 year-old male who developed significant mitral regurgitation during six months treatment with pioglitazone in parallel with laboratory indications of fluid retention. Echocardiography six months after discontinuation of medication showed regression of mitral regurgitation and the laboratory parameters were also normalized. It is noteworthy that six months treatment with pioglitazone could induce significant valve dysfunction, which was reversible, and this underlines the importance of carefully monitoring patients when placing them on treatment with TZDs.

  10. Treatment with pioglitazone induced significant, reversible mitral regurgitation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frid Anders


    Full Text Available Abstract There has in recent years been great concern about possible cardiac side effects of thiazolidinediones (TZDs. We present a case-report of a 60 year-old male who developed significant mitral regurgitation during six months treatment with pioglitazone in parallel with laboratory indications of fluid retention. Echocardiography six months after discontinuation of medication showed regression of mitral regurgitation and the laboratory parameters were also normalized. It is noteworthy that six months treatment with pioglitazone could induce significant valve dysfunction, which was reversible, and this underlines the importance of carefully monitoring patients when placing them on treatment with TZDs.

  11. Anterior mitral valve aneurysm: a rare sequelae of aortic valve endocarditis

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    Rajesh Janardhanan


    Full Text Available In intravenous drug abusers, infective endocarditis usually involves right-sided valves, with Staphylococcus aureus being the most common etiologic agent. We present a patient who is an intravenous drug abuser with left-sided (aortic valve endocarditis caused by Enterococcus faecalis who subsequently developed an anterior mitral valve aneurysm, which is an exceedingly rare complication. A systematic literature search was conducted which identified only five reported cases in the literature of mitral valve aneurysmal rupture in the setting of E. faecalis endocarditis. Real-time 3D-transesophageal echocardiography was critical in making an accurate diagnosis leading to timely intervention. Learning objectives: • Early recognition of a mitral valve aneurysm (MVA is important because it may rupture and produce catastrophic mitral regurgitation (MR in an already seriously ill patient requiring emergency surgery, or it may be overlooked at the time of aortic valve replacement (AVR. • Real-time 3D-transesophageal echocardiography (RT-3DTEE is much more advanced and accurate than transthoracic echocardiography for the diagnosis and management of MVA.

  12. Anterior mitral valve aneurysm: a rare sequelae of aortic valve endocarditis. (United States)

    Janardhanan, Rajesh; Kamal, Muhammad Umar; Riaz, Irbaz Bin; Smith, M Cristy


    SummaryIn intravenous drug abusers, infective endocarditis usually involves right-sided valves, with Staphylococcus aureus being the most common etiologic agent. We present a patient who is an intravenous drug abuser with left-sided (aortic valve) endocarditis caused by Enterococcus faecalis who subsequently developed an anterior mitral valve aneurysm, which is an exceedingly rare complication. A systematic literature search was conducted which identified only five reported cases in the literature of mitral valve aneurysmal rupture in the setting of E. faecalis endocarditis. Real-time 3D-transesophageal echocardiography was critical in making an accurate diagnosis leading to timely intervention. Early recognition of a mitral valve aneurysm (MVA) is important because it may rupture and produce catastrophic mitral regurgitation (MR) in an already seriously ill patient requiring emergency surgery, or it may be overlooked at the time of aortic valve replacement (AVR).Real-time 3D-transesophageal echocardiography (RT-3DTEE) is much more advanced and accurate than transthoracic echocardiography for the diagnosis and management of MVA. © 2016 The authors.

  13. A new surgical approach for treating dilated cardiomyopathy with mitral regurgitation

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    Buffolo Enio


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the early outcome of mitral valve prostheses implantation and left ventricular remodeling in 23 patients with end-stage cardiomyopathy and secondary mitral regurgitation (NYHA class III and IV. METHODS: Mitral valvular prosthesis implantation with preservation of papillary muscles and chordae tendinae, and plasty of anteriun cuspid for remodeling of the left ventricle. RESULTS: The surgery was performed in 23 patients, preoperative ejection fraction (echocardiography varied from 13% to 44% (median: 30%. In 13 patients associated procedures were performed: myocardial revascularization (9, left ventricle plicature repair (3 and aortic prosthese implantation (1. Early deaths (2 occurred on the 4th PO day (cardiogenic shock and on the 20th PO day (upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and a late death in the second month PO (ventricular arrhythmia. Improvement occurred in NYHA class in 82.6% of the patients (P<0.0001, with a survival rate of 86.9% (mean of 8.9 months of follow-up. CONCLUSION: This technique offers a promising therapeutic alternative for the treatment of patients in refractory heart failure with cardiomyopathy and secondary mitral regurgitation.

  14. Evolução tardia da comissurotomia mitral em pacientes reumáticos com baixo escore ecocardiográfico Long-term evolution of mitral commissurotomy in rheumatic patients with low echocardiographic score

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciano Rapold Souza


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Os bons resultados da comissurotomia mitral a céu aberto são bem conhecidos e existe a hipótese de que se poderiam obter melhores resultados em pacientes selecionados pelo escore ecocardiográfico. OBJETIVO: Analisar os resultados tardios da comissurotomia mitral em pacientes selecionados pelo escore ecocardiográfico e identificar variáveis com influência nesses resultados. MÉTODOS: De janeiro de 1990 a agosto de 1994, 50 pacientes com estenose mitral reumática foram submetidos à comissurotomia mitral a céu aberto no Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram incluídos pacientes com idade INTRODUCTION: The good results of open mitral commissurotomy are well known and there is a hypothesis that it could provide better results in patients selected by echocardiographic score. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to analyze the late results with open mitral commissurotomy in patients selected by score and to identify variables influencing these results. METHODS: From January 1990 to August 1994, 50 patients were submitted to open mitral commissurotomy due to rheumatic mitral stenosis in Heart Institute of University of Sao Paulo Medical School. Patients with age < 60 years, in functional class II, III or IV (New York Heart Association and echocardiographic score 9 were included. The mean age was 32.7 ± 8.3 years and 41 patients (82% were female. The functional class was II in three patients (6%, III in 46 (92% and IV in one (2%. Forty six patients (92% were in sinus rhythm and four (8% were in atrial fibrillation. The mean mitral valve area was 0.9 ± 0.2 cm². RESULTS: There was no hospital mortality. There were two late deaths, one related to valve disease. Actuarial survival was 95.5 ± 3.1 %, freedom from reoperation was 62.3 ± 11,8% and freedom from tromboembolism was 88,2 ± 5,0% in 18 years. There was no endocarditis. The grade of the

  15. Significance of changes of serum FT3, FT4, s-TSH, TGA, TPO-Ab levels in patients with non-Graves' hyperthyroidism and Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Lindi; Xu Changde; Xu Huogen; Wang Wei; Zhang Jie; Nie Shufen; Gu Zhenqi; Zeng Jihua


    Objective: To investigate the clinical significance of the changes of thyroid-related hormones (FT 3 , FT 4 , s-TSH, TGA, TPO-Ab) levels in patients with Graves' and non-Graves' hyperthyroidism. Methods: Serum FT 3 , FT 4 , TGA, TPO-Ab (with RIA) and s-TSH (with IRMA) were determined in 43 patients with non-Graves' hyperthyroidism, 29 patients with Graves' disease and 40 controls. Results: In both groups of hyperthyroid patients, the serum levels of FT 3 (15.01 ± 11.01 pg/ml in the non - Graves' group and 15.23 ± 9.57pg/ml in the Graves' group), FT 4 (38.30 ± 19.82, 38.87 ± 17.39pg/ml), TGA(33.89 ± 22. 43%, 49.72 ± 20.55% ) and TPO-Ab (1319.24 ± 1037.78, 2023.24 ± 621.00IU/ml) were significantly higher than those (FT 3 , 6.76 ± 2.01pg/ml, FT 4 16.16 ± 2.58pg/ml, TGA 6.76 ± 2.01%, TPO-Ab 0.01 ± 0.01IU/ml) in the controls (all P 3 , FT 4 and s-TSH levels in both groups were not significantly different from each other. Conclusion: In this study, serum TGA and TPO -Ab levels were lower in patients with non-Graves' hyperthyroidism than those in patients with Graves' disease. (authors)

  16. Análisis in vivo de la vasculopatía arterial pulmonar mediante ultrasonido intravascular (IVUS) en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria crónica evaluados para trasplante pulmonar


    Acosta Vélez, Juan Gabriel


    El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el remodelado estructural y funcional de las arterias pulmonares asociado a insuficiencia respiratoria crónica severa, mediante ecografía intravascular (IVUS). Se incluyeron 80 pacientes en estudio pretrasplante pulmonar a los que se les realizó cateterismo cardiaco derecho e IVUS de una arteria pulmonar de mediano calibre. A través del IVUS se determinó el módulo elástico, pulsatilidad y porcentaje de fibrosis arterial. La insuficiencia respiratoria crónica...

  17. Graves' Disease that Developed Shortly after Surgery for Thyroid Cancer. (United States)

    Yu, Hea Min; Park, Soon Hyun; Lee, Jae Min; Park, Kang Seo


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that may present with various clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism. Patients with Graves' disease have a greater number of thyroid nodules and a higher incidence of thyroid cancer compared with patients with normal thyroid activity. However, cases in which patients are diagnosed with recurrence of Graves' disease shortly after partial thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer are very rare. Here we report a case of hyperthyroid Graves' disease that occurred after partial thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer. In this case, the patient developed hyperthyroidism 9 months after right hemithyroidectomy, and antithyroglobulin autoantibody and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor stimulating autoantibody were positive. Therefore, we diagnosed Graves' disease on the basis of the laboratory test results and thyroid ultrasonography findings. The patient was treated with and maintained on antithyroid drugs. The mechanism of the recurrence of Graves' disease in this patient is still unclear. The mechanism may have been the improper response of the immune system after partial thyroidectomy. To precisely determine the mechanisms in Graves' disease after partial thyroidectomy, further studies based on a greater number of cases are needed.

  18. The role of visual and direct force feedback in robotics-assisted mitral valve annuloplasty. (United States)

    Currie, Maria E; Talasaz, Ali; Rayman, Reiza; Chu, Michael W A; Kiaii, Bob; Peters, Terry; Trejos, Ana Luisa; Patel, Rajni


    The objective of this work was to determine the effect of both direct force feedback and visual force feedback on the amount of force applied to mitral valve tissue during ex vivo robotics-assisted mitral valve annuloplasty. A force feedback-enabled master-slave surgical system was developed to provide both visual and direct force feedback during robotics-assisted cardiac surgery. This system measured the amount of force applied by novice and expert surgeons to cardiac tissue during ex vivo mitral valve annuloplasty repair. The addition of visual (2.16 ± 1.67), direct (1.62 ± 0.86), or both visual and direct force feedback (2.15 ± 1.08) resulted in lower mean maximum force applied to mitral valve tissue while suturing compared with no force feedback (3.34 ± 1.93 N; P forces on cardiac tissue during robotics-assisted mitral valve annuloplasty suturing, force feedback may be required. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  19. Percutaneous Repair of Postoperative Mitral Regurgitation After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implant. (United States)

    Cork, David P; Adamson, Robert; Gollapudi, Raghava; Dembitsky, Walter; Jaski, Brian


    Mitral regurgitation commonly improves after implantation of a left ventricular assist device without concomitant valvular repair owing to the mechanical unloading of the left ventricle. However, the development (or persistence) of significant mitral regurgitation after implantation of a left ventricular assist device is associated with adverse clinical events. We present a case of a left ventricular assist device patient who successfully underwent a percutaneous MitraClip procedure for repair of persistent late postoperative mitral insufficiency with demonstrable clinical and hemodynamic improvement. Copyright © 2018 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Graves' disease: thyroid function and immunologic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gossage, A.A.; Crawley, J.C.; Copping, S.; Hinge, D.; Himsworth, R.L.


    Patients with Graves' disease were studied for two years during and after a twelve-month course of treatment. Disease activity was determined by repeated measurements of thyroidal uptake of [/sup 99m/Tc]pertechnetate during tri-iodothyronine administration. These in-vivo measurements of thyroid stimulation were compared with the results of in-vitro assays of Graves, immunoglobulin (TSH binding inhibitory activity--TBIA). There was no correlation between the thyroid uptake and TBIA on diagnosis. Pertechnetate uptake and TBIA both declined during the twelve months of antithyroid therapy. TBIA was detectable in sera from 19 of the 27 patients at diagnosis; in 11 of these 19 patients there was a good correlation (p less than 0.05) throughout the course of their disease between the laboratory assay of the Graves, immunoglobulin and the thyroid uptake. Probability of recurrence can be assessed but sustained remission of Graves' disease after treatment cannot be predicted from either measurement alone or in combination

  1. Graves' disease: thyroid function and immunologic activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gossage, A.A.R.; Crawley, J.C.W.; Copping, S.; Hinge, D.; Himsworth, R.L.


    Patients with Graves' disease were studied for two years during and after a twelve-month course of treatment. Disease activity was determined by repeated measurements of thyroidal uptake of [ 9 -9μTc]pertechnetate during tri-iodothyronine administration. These in-vivo measurements of thyroid stimulation were compared with the results of in-vitro assays of Graves, immunoglobulin (TSH binding inhibitory activity - TBIA). There was no correlation between the thyroid uptake and TBIA on diagnosis. Pertechnetate uptake and TBIA both declined during the twelve months of antithyroid therapy. TBIA was detectable in sera from 19 of the 27 patients at diagnosis; in 11 of these 19 patients there was a good correlation (p<0.05) throughout the course of their disease between the laboratory assay of the Graves, immunoglobulin and the thyroid uptake. Probability of recurrence can be assessed but sustained remission of Graves' disease after treatment cannot be predicted from either measurement alone or in combination

  2. Mitral valve repair in a rheumatic population: an experience at AFIC/NIHD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmad, M.; Janjuja, A.M.; Iqbal, M.A.


    Objective: To analyze the outcome of mitral valve repair in rheumatic heart disease. Study Design: Retrospective analytical. Place and Duration of Study: Armed forces institute of cardiology/National institute of heart diseases Rawalpindi from Jan 2011 to June 2013. Material and Methods: In this retrospective study of 28 patients (15 females). The mean age was 20.2 +- 11.2 years (range, 11 to 55 years). The cause of mitral regurgitation was rheumatic in all patients, with no congenital myxomatous, infective or ischemic cases. About 68 percent patients were in New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class III or IV. In all the cases posterior ring annuloplasty was done with flexible C- Shape rings with size ranging from 20 to 26 mm. Repairs included anterior leaflet repair with cusp shortening and resuspension (n=17), posterior leaflet repair with quardranguloplasty and transpositioning (n=6), commissuroplasty (n=2) and mixed anterior posterior leaflet repair (n=3). Results: There was no operative mortality. Follow-up was carried out for 10 months. The trivial mitral regurgitation was found in 3 cases (10.7 percent). Four (14.2 percent) patients required mitral valve replacement due to valve dysfunction. Conclusion: Mitral valve repair in rheumatic patients, with current techniques, can effectively correct functional and hemodynamic abnormalities with satisfactory results. (author)

  3. Implicaciones del endotelio en la insuficiencia cardiaca

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    Beatriz Wills Sanín


    Full Text Available El papel del endotelio en la insuficiencia cardíaca (IC ha sido el centro de intensa investigación, puesto que tiene importantes implicaciones sistémicas expresadas en su efecto vasomotor, hemostático e inflamatorio. Existen diferencias individuales en el patrón de la disfunción endotelial de acuerdo a la etiología y severidad de la IC. La disfunción endotelial tiene un importante valor pronóstico en la IC y, aunque aún necesitamos conocer más aspectos de relevancia clínica, es evidente que esta condición se relaciona con desenlaces negativos en estos pacientes. Estamos a la espera de nuevos agentes farmacéuticos dirigidos específicamente al endotelio vascular. En esta revisión, nuestro objetivo es ofrecer un análisis crítico y contemporáneo de la evidencia disponible sobre las consecuencias patológicas y pronóstico de las anomalías endoteliales que definen el inicio, la historia natural y, en última instancia, los desenlaces en la IC.

  4. Hyperparathyroidism after radioactive iodine therapy for Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esselstyn, C.B. Jr.; Schumacher, O.P.; Eversman, J.; Sheeler, L.; Levy, W.J.


    The association of external ionizing radiation to the head and neck and the subsequent development of hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands has been documented in recent years. This also has been demonstrated experimentally in animals. Despite the numbers of patients with Graves disease who have been treated with radioactive iodine, there are no reports in the literature of parathyroid surgery for hyperparathyroidism secondary to earlier treatment with radioactive iodine for Graves disease. This report describes the operative and pathologic findings in four patients with hyperparathyroidism. These patients had previously been treated with radioactive iodine for Graves disease. The pathologic findings at surgery included in three cases a single enlarged hyperplastic gland consistent with a parathyroid adenoma. One patient had hyperplasia of all four glands. The two largest glands and halves of the two remaining glands were removed. In a long-term follow-up of children and adolescents treated with radioactive iodine for Graves disease, Levy and Schumacher found calcium elevations in 10 of 159 patients. The increased incidence of hyperparathyroidism following radioactive iodine treatment for Graves disease in children and adolescents would seem several times higher than normal. Whether adults who have radioactive iodine treatment for Graves disease have a similar increase incidence is not known. Meanwhile it would seem reasonable to suggest that patients whose hyperthyroidism is treated with radioactive iodine should have their serum calcium levels determined at 5-year intervals

  5. Graves' disease: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges (multimedia activity). (United States)

    Kahaly, George J; Grebe, Stefan K G; Lupo, Mark A; McDonald, Nicole; Sipos, Jennifer A


    Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism in the United States. Graves' disease occurs more often in women with a female:male ratio of 5:1 and a population prevalence of 1% to 2%. A genetic determinant to the susceptibility to Graves' disease is suspected because of familial clustering of the disease, a high sibling recurrence risk, the familial occurrence of thyroid autoantibodies, and the 30% concordance in disease status between identical twins. Graves' disease is an autoimmune thyroid disorder characterized by the infiltration of immune effector cells and thyroid antigen-specific T cells into the thyroid and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor expressing tissues, with the production of autoantibodies to well-defined thyroidal antigens, such as thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin, and the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor. The thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor is central to the regulation of thyroid growth and function. Stimulatory autoantibodies in Graves' disease activate the thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor leading to thyroid hyperplasia and unregulated thyroid hormone production and secretion. Below-normal levels of baseline serum thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor, normal to elevated serum levels of T4, elevated serum levels of T3 and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor autoantibodies, and a diffusely enlarged, heterogeneous, hypervascular (increased Doppler flow) thyroid gland confirm diagnosis of Graves' disease (available at: This Resource Center is also available through the website of The American Journal of Medicine ( Click on the “Thyroid/Graves' Disease” link in the “Resource Centers” section, found on the right side of the Journal homepage. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Changes in Left Ventricular Morphology and Function After Mitral Valve Surgery (United States)

    Shafii, Alexis E.; Gillinov, A. Marc; Mihaljevic, Tomislav; Stewart, William; Batizy, Lillian H.; Blackstone, Eugene H.


    Degenerative mitral valve disease is the leading cause of mitral regurgitation in North America. Surgical intervention has hinged on symptoms and ventricular changes that develop as compensatory ventricular remodeling takes place. In this study, we sought to characterize the temporal response of left ventricular (LV) morphology and function to mitral valve surgery for degenerative disease, and identify preoperative factors that influence reverse remodeling. From 1986–2007, 2,778 patients with isolated degenerative mitral valve disease underwent valve repair (n=2,607/94%) or replacement (n=171/6%) and had at least 1 postoperative transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE); 5,336 TTEs were available for analysis. Multivariable longitudinal repeated-measures analysis was performed to identify factors associated with reverse remodeling. LV dimensions decreased in the first year after surgery (end-diastolic from 5.7±0.80 to 4.9±1.4 cm; end-systolic from 3.4±0.71 to 3.1±1.4 cm). LV mass index decreased from 139±44 to 112±73 g·m−2. Reduction of LV hypertrophy was less pronounced in patients with greater preoperative left heart enlargement (P.2). In conclusion, a positive response toward normalization of LV morphology and function after mitral valve surgery is greatest in the first year. The best response occurs when surgery is performed before left heart dilatation, LV hypertrophy, or LV dysfunction develop. PMID:22534055

  7. Subacute Staphylococcus epidermidis Bacterial Endocarditis Complicated by Mitral-Aortic Intervalvular Fibrosa Pseudoaneurysm

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    Diane Elegino-Steffens


    Full Text Available The patient is a 75-year-old man with a history significant for hypertension and congestive heart failure who underwent a bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement secondary to acute onset of aortic insufficiency. Cultures of the native valve were positive for Staphylococcus epidermidis sensitive to nafcillin and intravenous cefazolin was initiated. On postoperative day 24, he developed acute decompensated heart failure. A transesophageal echocardiogram demonstrated a structurally abnormal mitral valve with severe regurgitation, anterior and posterior leaflet vegetations, and scallop prolapse. There was also evidence of a mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa pseudoaneurysm (P-MAIF with systolic expansion and flow within the aneurysm. Antibiotic treatment was changed from cefazolin to vancomycin for presumed development of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus. He subsequently underwent a bioprosthetic mitral valve replacement and has restoration of health without sequella. This case highlights the development of a P-MAIF as a rare complication of both aortic or mitral valve replacement and infective endocarditis.

  8. Perioperative management of patient with Bombay blood group undergoing mitral valve replacement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shio Priye


    Full Text Available Bombay red blood cell phenotype is an extremely rare blood type for which patients can receive only autologous or Bombay phenotype red blood cells. We report a case of stenotic mitral valve with Bombay phenotype who underwent minimal invasive right lateral thoracotomy for the replacement of the mitral valve. A male patient from Bangladesh presented to the hospital with New York Heart Association III symptoms. His medical evaluation revealed severe mitral valve stenosis and mild aortic valve regurgitation. The patient received erythropoietin, intravenous iron succinate and folic acid tablets. Autologous blood transfusion was carried out. The mitral valve was replaced with a prosthetic valve successfully. After weaning off from cardiopulmonary bypass, heparinisation was corrected with protamine. Post-operatively, the patient received autologous red blood cells. The patient recovered after 1-day of inotropic support with adrenaline and milrinone, and diuretics and was discharged on the 5 th post-operative day.

  9. R-R interval variations influence the degree of mitral regurgitation in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reimann, M. J.; Moller, J. E.; Haggstrom, J.


    of congestive heart failure due to MMVD. The severity of MR was evaluated in apical four-chamber view using colour Doppler flow mapping (maximum % of the left atrium area) and colour Doppler M-mode (duration in ms). The influence of the ratio between present and preceding R-R interval on MR severity......Mitral regurgitation (MR) due to myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) is a frequent finding in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (CKCSs). Sinus arrhythmia and atrial premature complexes leading to R-R interval variations occur in dogs. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether the duration...... of the RR interval immediately influences the degree of MR assessed by echocardiography in dogs. Clinical examination including echocardiography was performed in 103 privately-owned dogs: 16 control Beagles, 70 CKCSs with different degree of MR and 17 dogs of different breeds with clinical signs...

  10. Resolution of Graves' disease after renal transplantation. (United States)

    Lee, Yvonne; Butani, Lavjay; Glaser, Nicole; Nguyen, Stephanie


    We report a case of an adolescent boy with Down's syndrome and ESRD on hemodialysis who developed mild Graves' disease that was not amenable to radioablation, surgery, or ATDs. After 14 months of observation without resolution of Graves' disease, he successfully received a DDRT with a steroid minimization protocol. Thymoglobulin and a three-day course of steroids were used for induction and he was started on tacrolimus, MMF, and pravastatin for maintenance transplant immunosuppression. One month after transplantation, all biochemical markers and antibody profiling for Graves' disease had resolved and remain normal one yr later. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Transjugular balloon mitral valvotomy in a patient with severe kyphoscoliosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    George Joseph


    Full Text Available Balloon mitral valvotomy (BMV performed by the conventional transfemoral approach can be difficult or even impossible in the presence of structural impediments such as severe kyphoscoliosis, gross cardiac anatomic distortion and inferior vena caval anomalies. A 25-year-old woman with severe thoracolumbar kyphoscoliosis due to poliomyelitis presented with symptomatic rheumatic mitral valve stenosis. After the failure of transfemoral BMV, the procedure was attempted from the right jugular access, using a modified septal puncture technique. The left atrium was entered from the jugular access and the mitral valve was crossed and dilated successfully using over the wire balloon technique. Transjugular BMV is an effective alternative in patients with kyphoscoliotic spine that preclude transfemoral approach. The detailed technique used for the procedure, its advantages as well as the other percutaneous treatment options are also discussed.

  12. Percutaneous interventional mitral regurgitation treatment using the Mitra-Clip system

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boekstegers, P; Hausleiter, J; Baldus, S


    The interventional treatment of mitral valve regurgitation by the MitraClip procedure has grown rapidly in Germany and Europe during the past years. The MitraClip procedure has the potential to treat high-risk patients with secondary mitral valve regurgitation and poor left ventricular function....... Furthermore, patients with primary mitral valve regurgitation may be treated successfully by the MitraClip procedure in case of high surgical risk or in very old patients. At the same time it has been emphasised that the MitraClip interventional treatment is still at an early stage of clinical development....... The largest clinical experience with the MitraClip procedure so far is probably present in some German cardiovascular centers, which here summarise their recommendations on the current indications and procedural steps of the MitraClip treatment. These recommendations of the AGIK and ALKK may present a basis...

  13. The Ross II procedure: pulmonary autograft in the mitral position. (United States)

    Athanasiou, Thanos; Cherian, Ashok; Ross, Donald


    The surgical management of mitral valve disease in women of childbearing age, young patients, and children with congenital mitral valve defects is made difficult by the prospect of lifelong anticoagulation. We suggest the use of a pulmonary autograft in the mitral position (Ross II procedure) as an alternative surgical technique. We present a review of the literature, historical perspectives, indications, selection criteria, and surgical technique for the Ross II procedure. Our literature search identified 14 studies that reported results from the Ross II operation. Performed in 103 patients, the overall in-hospital mortality was 7 (6.7%), with a late mortality of 10 (9%). Although further research is needed, current evidence suggests the Ross II operation is a valuable alternative in low-risk young patients where valve durability and the complication rate from other procedures is unsatisfactory and anticoagulation not ideal.

  14. Graves disease hyperthyroidism and glycometabolism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Qiting; Zhao Deshan


    The Patients with Graves disease hyperthyroidism are often accompanied by disorder of glycometabolism. β-cell dysfunction and insulin resistance play a main role in this disease, while the immune and genetic factors are also relevant with the disease. The blood glycose level can become normal gradually with the recovery of thyroid hormone after 131 I and antithyroid drug treatment. Therefore, the blood glycose level could be improved and complications could be prevented by early treatment in the patients with Graves disease hyperthyroidism accompanied with glycometabolism disorder is helpful for improving the blood glycose level. (authors)

  15. Microchimerism in Graves' Disease (United States)

    Galofré, Juan C.


    Microchimerism is the presence of cells from one individual in another genetically distinct individual. Pregnancy is the main cause of natural microchimerism through transplacental bidirectional cell trafficking between mother and fetus. The consequences of pregnancy-related microchimerism are under active investigation. However, many authors have suggested a close relationship linking fetal microchimerism and the development of autoimmune diseases. It has been more than ten years now since the demonstration of the presence of a significant high number of fetal microchimeric cells residing in thyroid glands from operated patients with Graves' disease. This intrathyroidal fetal microchimerism is an attractive candidate mechanism for the modulation of Graves' disease in pregnancy and the postpartum period. PMID:22577597

  16. Effect of gender on echocardiographic outcomes of patients presenting with mitral stenosis at a tertiary care hospital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saeed, M.; Haq, I.U.


    To assess the gender-based differences in the echocardiographic outcomes of patients with mitral stenosis presenting at a tertiary care hospital and the clinical implications of such differences. Methods: A total of 90 echocardiographs of both men and women (aged=15 years) having mitral valve area (MVA) less than 4 cm/sup 2/ were assessed. In addition to MVA, pressure half time and left atrial diameter (LAD) of the patients was also recorded. Other co-existing valvular lesions were also assessed in addition to mitral stenosis. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS-17. Results: A higher prevalence of mitral stenosis (MS) was found in women than men (76.66% vs 24.44%). Men were having more severe mitral stenosis as compared to women (MVA=1.19 cm/sup 2/ vs 1.32 cm/sup 2/). This also resulted in significantly higher left atrial dilatation in males as compared to women (45.09 vs 41.75, p=0.0422). Most of the patients had other coexisting valvular lesions and isolated MS was rare. However, men had a predominance of aortic stenosis along with mitral stenosis (27% vs 4%, p=0.0059) whereas women had a higher prevalence of mitral regurgitation along with mitral stenosis than the men (65% vs 36%, p=0.0258). Conclusion: There were certain significant differences in echocardiographic outcomes of patients based upon their gender. A gender-specific management approach towards the patients with mitral stenosis is essential to have better outcome. (author)

  17. Unsupported valvuloplasty in children with congenital mitral valve anomalies. Late clinical results

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorier Gabriel


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To analyze late clinical evolution after surgical treatment of children, with reparative and reconstructive techniques without annular support. METHODS: We evaluated 21 patients operated upon between 1975 and 1998. Age 4.67±3.44 years; 47.6% girls; mitral insufficiency 57.1% (12 cases, stenosis 28.6% (6 cases, and double lesion 14.3% (3 cases. The perfusion 43.10±9.50min, and ischemia time were 29.40±10.50min. The average clinical follow-up in mitral insufficiency was 41.52±53.61 months. In the stenosis group (4 patients was 46.39±32.02 months, and in the double lesion group (3 patients, 39.41±37.5 months. The echocardiographic follow-up was in mitral insufficiency 37.17±39.51 months, stenosis 42.61±30.59 months, and in the double lesion 39.41±37.51 months. RESULTS: Operative mortality was 9.5% (2 cases. No late deaths occurred. In the group with mitral insufficiency, 10 (83.3% patients were asymptomatic (p=0.04. The majorit y with mild reflux (p=0.002. In the follow-up of the stenosis group, all were in functional class I (NYHA; and the mean transvalve gradient varied between 8 and 12mmHg, average of 10.7mmHg. In the double lesion group, 1 patient was reoperated at 43 months. No endocarditis or thromboembolism were reported. CONCLUSION: Mitral stenosis repair has worse late results, related to the valve abnormalities and associated lesions. The correction of mitral insufficiency without annular support showed good long-term results.

  18. Graves' Disease that Developed Shortly after Surgery for Thyroid Cancer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hea Min Yu


    Full Text Available Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that may present with various clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism. Patients with Graves' disease have a greater number of thyroid nodules and a higher incidence of thyroid cancer compared with patients with normal thyroid activity. However, cases in which patients are diagnosed with recurrence of Graves' disease shortly after partial thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer are very rare. Here we report a case of hyperthyroid Graves' disease that occurred after partial thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer. In this case, the patient developed hyperthyroidism 9 months after right hemithyroidectomy, and antithyroglobulin autoantibody and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor stimulating autoantibody were positive. Therefore, we diagnosed Graves' disease on the basis of the laboratory test results and thyroid ultrasonography findings. The patient was treated with and maintained on antithyroid drugs. The mechanism of the recurrence of Graves' disease in this patient is still unclear. The mechanism may have been the improper response of the immune system after partial thyroidectomy. To precisely determine the mechanisms in Graves' disease after partial thyroidectomy, further studies based on a greater number of cases are needed.

  19. An unusual presentation of ischaemic mitral regurgitation as P2 prolapse. (United States)

    Thompson, David S; Punjabi, Prakash P


    A 54-year-old gentleman presented with pulmonary oedema secondary to anterolateral papillary muscle (PPM) rupture and acute mitral regurgitation subsequent to myocardial ischaemia (MI). Angiography revealed complete occlusion of the first obtuse marginal (OM1) branch of the circumflex coronary artery and a 70% occlusion of the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery. Operatively, unusual anatomy was noted; an accessory head was attached superiorly to the anterior lateral PPM. This gave rise to chordae that were subsequently attached to the posterior second (P2) scallop. Additionally, the P2 scallop was deficient in chordae from the posteromedial PPM, thus, loss of this accessory head led to severe mitral regurgitation. We review the PPM anatomy and pathological context of PPM rupture and ischaemic mitral regurgitation.

  20. Synergistic Utility of Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain in Asymptomatic Patients With Significant Primary Mitral Regurgitation and Preserved Systolic Function Undergoing Mitral Valve Surgery. (United States)

    Alashi, Alaa; Mentias, Amgad; Patel, Krishna; Gillinov, A Marc; Sabik, Joseph F; Popović, Zoran B; Mihaljevic, Tomislav; Suri, Rakesh M; Rodriguez, L Leonardo; Svensson, Lars G; Griffin, Brian P; Desai, Milind Y


    In asymptomatic patients with ≥3+ mitral regurgitation and preserved left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction who underwent mitral valve surgery, we sought to discover whether baseline LV global longitudinal strain (LV-GLS) and brain natriuretic peptide provided incremental prognostic utility. Four hundred and forty-eight asymptomatic patients (61±12 years and 69% men) with ≥3+ primary mitral regurgitation and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction, who underwent mitral valve surgery (92% repair) at our center between 2005 and 2008, were studied. Baseline clinical and echocardiographic data (including LV-GLS using Velocity Vector Imaging, Siemens, PA) were recorded. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons score was calculated. The primary outcome was death. Mean Society of Thoracic Surgeons score, left ventricular ejection fraction, mitral effective regurgitant orifice, indexed LV end-diastolic volume, and right ventricular systolic pressure were 4±1%, 62±3%, 0.55±0.2 cm(2), 58±13 cc/m(2), and 37±15 mm Hg, respectively. Forty-five percent of patients had flail. Median log-transformed BNP and LV-GLS were 4.04 (absolute brain natriuretic peptide: 60 pg/dL) and -20.7%. At 7.7±2 years, death occurred in 41 patients (9%; 0% at 30 days). On Cox analysis, a higher Society of Thoracic Surgeons score (hazard ratio 1.55), higher baseline right ventricular systolic pressure (hazard ratio 1.11), more abnormal LV-GLS (hazard ratio 1.17), and higher median log-transformed BNP (hazard ratio 2.26) were associated with worse longer-term survival (all Pright ventricular systolic pressure) provided incremental prognostic utility (χ(2) for longer-term mortality increased from 31-47 to 61; Pleft ventricular ejection fraction who underwent mitral valve surgery, brain natriuretic peptide and LV-GLS provided synergistic risk stratification, independent of established factors. © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.

  1. Neonatal Graves' Disease with Maternal Hypothyroidism. (United States)

    Akangire, Gangaram; Cuna, Alain; Lachica, Charisse; Fischer, Ryan; Raman, Sripriya; Sampath, Venkatesh


    Neonatal Graves' disease presenting as conjugated hyperbilirubinemia is a diagnostic challenge because the differential includes a gamut of liver and systemic diseases. We present a unique case of neonatal Graves' disease in a premature infant with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia born to a mother with hypothyroidism during pregnancy and remote history of Graves' disease. Infant was treated with a combination of methimazole, propranolol, and potassium iodide for 4 weeks. Thyroid function improved after 8 weeks of treatment with full recovery of thyroid function, disappearance of thyroid-stimulating antibodies, and resolution of failure to thrive and conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. This case provides several clinical vignettes as it is a rare, severe, presentation of an uncommon neonatal disease, signs, symptoms, and clinical history presented a diagnostic challenge for neonatologists and endocrinologists, normal newborn screen was misleading, and yet timely treatment led to a full recovery.

  2. [Neonatal hyperthyroidism and maternal Graves disease]. (United States)

    Ben Ameur, K; Chioukh, F Z; Marmouch, H; Ben Hamida, H; Bizid, M; Monastiri, K


    The onset of Graves disease during pregnancy exposes the neonate to the risk of hyperthyroidism. The newborn must be monitored and treatment modalities known to ensure early treatment of the newborn. We report on the case of an infant born at term of a mother with Graves disease discovered during pregnancy. He was asymptomatic during the first days of life, before declaring the disease. Neonatal hyperthyroidism was confirmed by hormonal assays. Hyperthyroidism was treated with antithyroid drugs and propranolol with a satisfactory clinical and biological course. Neonatal hyperthyroidism should be systematically sought in infants born to a mother with Graves disease. The absence of clinical signs during the first days of life does not exclude the diagnosis. The duration of monitoring should be decided according to the results of the first hormonal balance tests. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  3. Surgical Treatment of Posterior Mitral Valve Prolapse: Towards 100% Repair. (United States)

    Correia, Pedro M; Coutinho, Gonçalo F; Branco, Carlos; Garcia, Ana; Antunes, Manuel J


    The study aim was to evaluate the immediate and long-term results of surgical treatment of isolated posterior mitral valve leaflet prolapse (PLP), focusing on survival and freedom from recurrent mitral regurgitation (MR). Between January 1998 and December 2012, a total of 492 consecutive patients (375 males, 117 females; mean age 61.8 ± 12.1 years; range: 13-86 years) with isolated PLP [304 (61.8%) with myxomatous degeneration; 188 (38.2%) with fibroelastic deficiency] were treated at the authors' institution. Of these patients, 202 (41.1%) were in NYHA class III-IV, and atrial fibrillation was present in 104 (21.1%). Mitral valve repair was achieved in 484 patients (98.4%), resection was performed in 419 (85.2%), and prosthetic ring annuloplasty was used in 436 (88.6%). Concomitant procedures were performed in 153 patients (31.1%), including tricuspid valve repair in 50 (10.2%), aortic valve surgery in 34 (6.9%), and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in 64 (13%). The hospital mortality rate was 0.2%, and the mean follow up was 7.1 ± 3.9 years. There were 71 late deaths (14.4%), and overall survival at five, 10 and 15 years was 91.7 ± 1.3%, 82.1 ± 2.3% and 64.7 ± 6.1%, respectively. There was no significant difference in long-term survival compared with the age- and gender-matched general population (p = 0.146). Multivariate Cox-proportional hazard analysis showed older age (HR 1.03 per annum), left ventricular dysfunction (HR 2.44), atrial fibrillation (HR 1.96), left ventricular end-diastolic dimension (HR 1.05 per mm) and non-use of prosthetic ring (HR 3.03) as significant predictors of late mortality. Recurrence of moderate or severe MR occurred in 31 patients, six of whom underwent mitral valve reoperation. Predictors of late recurrence of MR were fibroelastic deficiency (HR 2.38), mitral calcification (HR 5.26), posterior leaflet plication (HR 3.58), absence of complete ring annuloplasty (HR 3.84) and systolic pulmonary artery pressure at discharge

  4. Psychiatric manifestations of Graves' hyperthyroidism: pathophysiology and treatment options. (United States)

    Bunevicius, Robertas; Prange, Arthur J


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. Other symptoms associated with the disease are goitre, ophthalmopathy, and psychiatric manifestations such as mood and anxiety disorders and, sometimes, cognitive dysfunction. Graves' hyperthyroidism may result in these latter manifestations via the induction of hyperactivity of the adrenergic nervous system. This review addresses the psychiatric presentations, and their pathophysiology and treatment, in patients with hyperthyroidism, based on literature identified by a PubMed/MEDLINE database search. Although the focus is on mental symptoms associated with Graves' disease, it is not always clear from the literature whether patients had Graves' disease: in some studies, the patients were thought to have Graves' disease based on clinical findings such as diffuse goitre or ophthalmopathy or on measurements of thyroid antibodies in serum; however, in other studies, no distinction was made between Graves' hyperthyroidism and hyperthyroidism from other causes. Antithyroid drugs combined with beta-adrenoceptor antagonists are the treatments of choice for hyperthyroidism, as well as for the psychiatric disorders and mental symptoms caused by hyperthyroidism. A substantial proportion of patients have an altered mental state even after successful treatment of hyperthyroidism, suggesting that mechanisms other than hyperthyroidism, including the Graves' autoimmune process per se and ophthalmopathy, may also be involved. When psychiatric disorders remain after restoration of euthyroidism and after treatment with beta-adrenoceptor antagonists, specific treatment for the psychiatric symptoms, especially psychotropic drugs, may be needed.

  5. The Role of Oxidative Stress on the Pathogenesis of Graves' Disease

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    Miloš Žarković


    Full Text Available Graves' disease is a most common cause of hyperthyroidism. It is an autoimmune disease, and autoimmune process induces an inflammatory reaction, and reactive oxygen species (ROSs are among its products. When balance between oxidants and antioxidants is disturbed, in favour of the oxidants it is termed “oxidative stress” (OS. Increased OS characterizes Graves' disease. It seems that the level of OS is increased in subjects with Graves' ophthalmopathy compared to the other subjects with Graves' disease. Among the other factors, OS is involved in proliferation of orbital fibroblasts. Polymorphism of the 8-oxoG DNA N-glycosylase 1 (hOGG1 involved in repair of the oxidative damaged DNA increases in the risk for developing Grave's disease. Treatment with glucocorticoids reduces levels of OS markers. A recent large clinical trial evaluated effect of selenium on mild Graves' ophthalmopathy. Selenium treatment was associated with an improved quality of life and less eye involvement and slowed the progression of Graves' orbitopathy, compared to placebo.

  6. Hickam's dictum: Myasthenia Gravis presenting concurrently with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Sehgal, Shekhar; Rebello, Roshan; Wolmarans, Louise; Elston, Marianne


    We present two patients with Graves' disease and concurrent myasthenia gravis. The impact of the dual diagnosis on the clinical course and the potential for a delayed diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is discussed. Patient 1, a 28-year-old man was diagnosed with Graves' disease following his second respiratory arrest. His history was strongly suggestive of a second pathology. Patient 2, a 66-year-old Cantonese woman with established Graves' disease presented with thionamide-related neutropaenia. Examination revealed bilateral ptosis and right lateral rectus palsy. Both patients had thyrotoxicosis secondary to Graves' disease with concurrent myasthenia gravis. Although neuromuscular weakness is common in Graves' disease, coexisting myasthenia gravis (MG) is rare and can cause profound morbidity. Ocular signs in both diseases may cause diagnostic confusion although ptosis suggests coexisting MG. In both cases, the thyrotoxicosis delayed the diagnosis of MG. © BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  7. Vitamin D and Graves' disease: a meta-analysis update. (United States)

    Xu, Mei-Yan; Cao, Bing; Yin, Jian; Wang, Dong-Fang; Chen, Kai-Li; Lu, Qing-Bin


    The association between vitamin D levels and Graves' disease is not well studied. This update review aims to further analyze the relationship in order to provide an actual view of estimating the risk. We searched for the publications on vitamin D and Graves' disease in English or Chinese on PubMed, EMBASE, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, China Biology Medical and Wanfang databases. The standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated for the vitamin D levels. Pooled odds ratio (OR) and 95% CI were calculated for vitamin D deficiency. We also performed sensitivity analysis and meta-regression. Combining effect sizes from 26 studies for Graves' disease as an outcome found a pooled effect of SMD = -0.77 (95% CI: -1.12, -0.42; p Graves' disease were more likely to be deficient in vitamin D compared to the controls (OR = 2.24, 95% CI: 1.31, 3.81) with a high heterogeneity (I2 = 84.1%, p Graves' disease.

  8. Preoperative planning with three-dimensional reconstruction of patient's anatomy, rapid prototyping and simulation for endoscopic mitral valve repair. (United States)

    Sardari Nia, Peyman; Heuts, Samuel; Daemen, Jean; Luyten, Peter; Vainer, Jindrich; Hoorntje, Jan; Cheriex, Emile; Maessen, Jos


    Mitral valve repair performed by an experienced surgeon is superior to mitral valve replacement for degenerative mitral valve disease; however, many surgeons are still deterred from adapting this procedure because of a steep learning curve. Simulation-based training and planning could improve the surgical performance and reduce the learning curve. The aim of this study was to develop a patient-specific simulation for mitral valve repair and provide a proof of concept of personalized medicine in a patient prospectively planned for mitral valve surgery. A 65-year old male with severe symptomatic mitral valve regurgitation was referred to our mitral valve heart team. On the basis of three-dimensional (3D) transoesophageal echocardiography and computed tomography, 3D reconstructions of the patient's anatomy were constructed. By navigating through these reconstructions, the repair options and surgical access were chosen (minimally invasive repair). Using rapid prototyping and negative mould fabrication, we developed a process to cast a patient-specific mitral valve silicone replica for preoperative repair in a high-fidelity simulator. Mitral valve and negative mould were printed in systole to capture the pathology when the valve closes. A patient-specific mitral valve silicone replica was casted and mounted in the simulator. All repair techniques could be performed in the simulator to choose the best repair strategy. As the valve was printed in systole, no special testing other than adjusting the coaptation area was required. Subsequently, the patient was operated, mitral valve pathology was validated and repair was successfully done as in the simulation. The patient-specific simulation and planning could be applied for surgical training, starting the (minimally invasive) mitral valve repair programme, planning of complex cases and the evaluation of new interventional techniques. The personalized medicine could be a possible pathway towards enhancing reproducibility

  9. Eficacia de las fórmulas MDRD-abreviada y Cockcroft-Gault para la detección de insuficiencia renal crónica en la atención primaria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto López Labrada


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio comparativo y prospectivo de tipo cohortes, que incluyó a 1038 pacientes, atendidos en el consultorio médico No. 5 de la Policlínica Universitaria "Joel Benítez Borges" de Cauto Cristo, provincia de Granma, desde abril del 2011 hasta noviembre del 2012, a fin de determinar la eficacia de las fórmulas MDRD-abreviada, Cockcroft-Gault y Cockcroft-Gault corregida para la detección de insuficiencia renal crónica en los afectados con creatinina sérica normal. Se comparó el grupo de pacientes con creatinina sérica normal según filtrado glomerular normal o disminuido. La prevalencia de insuficiencia renal crónica fue de 11,9, 10,9 y 11,0 % para las fórmulas MDRD-abreviada, Cockcroft-Gault y Cockcroft-Gault corregida, respectivamente. Se demostró la sencillez y eficacia de la fórmula MDRD-abreviada en el cribaje de la insuficiencia renal crónica, fundamentalmente en mujeres añosas e hipertensas.

  10. Unusual Giant Right Atrium in Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis and Tricuspid Insufficiency

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    Jean Baptiste Anzouan-Kacou


    Full Text Available Dilation and hypertrophy of the atria occur in patients with valvular heart disease especially in mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis or tricuspid abnormalities. In sub-saharan Africa, rheumatic fever is still the leading cause of valvular heart disease. We report a case of an unusual giant right atrium in context of rheumatic stenosis and severe tricuspid regurgitation in a 58-year-old woman.

  11. Thymic hyperplasia in a patient with Grave's disease. (United States)

    Hamzaoui, Amira A; Klii, Rim R; Salem, Randa R; Kochtali, Ines I; Golli, Mondher M; Mahjoub, Silvia S


    Hyperplastic changes of the thymus may be found in patients with Graves' disease. However, this rarely presents as an anterior mediastinal mass, particularly among adults. In this report, we describe a 46-year old woman with Graves' disease and thymic hyperplasia.

  12. Heart rate, heart rate variability, and arrhythmias in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Caroline Elisabeth; Falk, Bo Torkel; Zois, Nora Elisabeth


    Autonomic modulation of heart rhythm is thought to influence the pathophysiology of myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD).......Autonomic modulation of heart rhythm is thought to influence the pathophysiology of myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD)....

  13. Structural valve deterioration in a starr-edwards mitral caged-disk valve prosthesis. (United States)

    Aoyagi, Shigeaki; Tayama, Kei-Ichiro; Okazaki, Teiji; Shintani, Yusuke; Kono, Michitaka; Wada, Kumiko; Kosuga, Ken-Ichi; Mori, Ryusuke; Tanaka, Hiroyuki


    The durability of the Starr-Edwards (SE) mitral caged-disk valve, model 6520, is not clearly known, and structural valve deterioration in the SE disk valve is very rare. Replacement of the SE mitral disk valve was performed in 7 patients 23-40 years after implantation. Macroscopic examination of the removed disk valves showed no structural abnormalities in 3 patients, in whom the disk valves were removed at valves excised >36 years after implantation in 4 patients. Disk fracture, a longitudinal split in the disk along its circumference at the site of incorporation of the titanium ring, was detected in the valves removed 36 and 40 years after implantation, respectively, and many cracks were also observed on the outflow aspect of the disk removed 40 years after implantation. Disk fracture and localized disk wear were found in the SE mitral disk valves implanted >36 years previously. The present results suggest that SE mitral caged-disk valves implanted >20 years previously should be carefully followed up, and that those implanted >30 years previously should be electively replaced with modern prosthetic valves

  14. Minimally invasive redo mitral valve surgery without aortic crossclamp. (United States)

    Milani, Rodrigo; Brofman, Paulo Roberto Slud; Oliveira, Sergio; Patrial Neto, Luiz; Rosa, Matheus; Lima, Victor Hugo; Binder, Luis Fernando; Sanches, Aline


    Reoperations of the mitral valve have a higher rate of complications when compared with the first surgery. With the field of video-assisted techniques for the first surgery of mitral valve became routine, reoperation cases began to arouse interest for this less invasive procedures. To assess the results and the technical difficulties in 10 patients undergoing minimally invasive redo mitral valve surgery. Cardiopulmonary bypass was installed through a cannula placed in the femoral vessels and right internal jugular vein, conducted in 28 degrees of temperature in ventricular fibrillation. A right lateral thoracotomy with 5 to 6 cm in the third or fourth intercostal space was done, pericardium was displaced only at the point of atriotomy. The aorta was not clamped. Ten patients with mean age of 56.9 ± 10.5 years, four were in atrial fibrilation rhythm and six in sinusal. Average time between first operation and reoperations was 11 ± 3.43 years. The mean EuroSCORE group was 8.3 ± 1.82. The mean ventricular fibrillation and cardiopulmonary bypass was respectively 70.9 ± 17.66 min and 109.4 ± 25.37 min. The average length of stay was 7.6 ± 1.5 days. There were no deaths in this series. Mitral valve reoperation can be performed through less invasive techniques with good immediate results, low morbidity and mortality. However, this type of surgery requires a longer duration of cardiopulmonary bypass, especially in cases where the patient already has prosthesis. The presence of a minimal aortic insufficiency also makes this procedure technically more challenging.

  15. The clinical value of serum thyrotrophin receptor antibody level in patients with Graves ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Chaodian; Shi Yuhong; Yan Bing


    Objective: To explore the value of serum thyrotrophin receptor antibody (TRAb) on the pathological mechanism of Graves ophthalmopathy. Methods: Two hundred and nineteen newly diagnosed Graves disease patients who were divided into Graves ophthalmopathy group (n=121) and without Graves ophthalmopathy group (n=98) were tested serum concentration with thyroid function, thyroperoxidase antibodies (TPOAb), thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb) and TRAb. According to the consensus statement of the European Group on Graves ophthalmopathy, clinical activity score (CAS) and severity evaluation were carried out on Graves ophthalmopathy patients. Results: There was no significant difference in serum concentration of free thyroxine (FT 4 ), free triiodothyronine (FT 3 ), TPOAb and TRAb between the Graves ophthalmopathy group and the without Graves ophthalmopathy group. Serum concentration of TRAb was not correlated with the severity and CAS of Graves ophthalmopathy. Conclusions: The CAS and the severity of Graves ophthalmopathy were irrelevant to the serum concentration of TRAb. Therefore, the correlation between TRAb and Graves ophthalmopathy still needs further study. (authors)

  16. Thymic hyperplasia in a patient with Grave's disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamzaoui Amira A


    Full Text Available Abstract Hyperplastic changes of the thymus may be found in patients with Graves' disease. However, this rarely presents as an anterior mediastinal mass, particularly among adults. In this report, we describe a 46-year old woman with Graves' disease and thymic hyperplasia.

  17. Standardization of 131I therapy for Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Jianlin; Li Yuying; Gao Liuyan; Tang Xiuping; Hu Hongyong


    Objective: To establish the normative and standard measures, to ensure medical safety and quality of care of the patients with Graves disease treated by 131 I therapy. Methods: Formulating and strictly implementing the medical organizational and technical measures of 131 I therapy for Graves disease and regular follow-up. Results: Receiving 131 I treatment of 104 patients, follow-up 6-36 months, no adverse events, the cure rate of 59.6%, the efficient rate is 99.9%. Conclusion: It is important guarantee for the medical quality and safety to standardize the 131 I therapy of Graves disease. (authors)

  18. Plastia da valva mitral com a técnica do "Duplo Teflon": resultados de 10 anos Mitral valve repair with "Double Teflon" technique: 10-year results

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    Carlos Manuel de Almeida Brandão


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os resultados clínicos tardios da plástica da valva mitral com a técnica do "Duplo Teflon". MÉTODOS: A plástica de "Duplo Teflon" consiste em técnica de reparo mitral com ressecção quadrangular da cúspide posterior, anuloplastia segmentar com plicatura do anel com de fios com "pledgets" sobre uma tira de Teflon, e sutura borda a borda da cúspide. Entre abril de 1994 e dezembro de 2003, 133 pacientes com diagnóstico de insuficiência mitral degenerativa com alongamento ou rotura de cordas da cúspide posterior foram submetidos à plástica com esta técnica. A idade média foi de 60,4 anos e 60,9% eram do sexo feminino. Quanto à avaliação clínica no pré-operatório, 29,3% dos pacientes estavam em classe funcional IV, 55,7% em classe III e 15,0% em classe II. Técnicas associadas de plástica mitral foram utilizadas em 15,2% dos pacientes, sendo a mais comum o encurtamento de cordas. Vinte e seis (19,5% pacientes foram submetidos a operações associadas. RESULTADOS: Houve um (0,75% óbito hospitalar. No período pós-operatório tardio, 95,5% dos sobreviventes estavam em classe funcional I. As taxas linearizadas de tromboembolismo, reoperação e óbito foram 0,9%, 0,3% e 0,6% pacientes/ano, respectivamente. A sobrevida atuarial em 10 anos foi de 94,1% ± 3,6%. As sobrevidas atuariais livre de tromboembolismo e reoperação foram de 97,3 ± 1,5% e 99,2 ± 0,8%, respectivamente. Não houve casos de endocardite ou hemólise. CONCLUSÃO: A plástica da valva mitral com a técnica do "Duplo Teflon" apresenta baixa morbi-mortalidade e boa evolução clínica tardia.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this paper is to present the late clinical results of mitral valve repair with the "Double Teflon" technique. METHODS: "Double Teflon" technique consists of a quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet, annulus plication with "pledgetted" stitches over a Teflon patch, and leaflet suture. Between

  19. Septic Cerebral Embolisation in Fulminant Mitral Valve Infective Endocarditis

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    Gemina Doolub


    Full Text Available A 37-year-old male with known intravenous drug use was admitted with an acute onset of worsening confusion and speech impairment. His vitals and biochemical profile demonstrated severe sepsis, with a brain CT showing several lesions suspicious for cerebral emboli. He then went on to have a bedside transthoracic echocardiogram that was positive for vegetation on the mitral valve, with associated severe mitral regurgitation. Unfortunately, before he was stable enough to be transferred for valve surgery, he suffered an episode of acute pulmonary oedema requiring intubation and ventilation on intensive care unit.

  20. Correction of moderate secondary mitral regurgitation due to aortic valve disease: immediate results

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    В. М. Назаров


    Full Text Available To evaluate the impact of surgical strategy in concomitant mitral valve surgery or isolated aortic valve replacement (AVR in patients with moderate secondary mitral regurgitation (MR, 1 574 patients underwent AVR over a period from January 2003 to December 2011. 241 patients had secondary MR 2+ and constituted the study population. Patients were stratified into two groups, those without concomitant mitral valve surgery (Group A, n = 113 and with it (Group B, n = 128. It was found out that AVR plastic correction of MI reduces its recurrence during short-term follow-up but increases the intervention time leading to an insignificant rise in lethality. In patients with aortic stenosis the age exceeding 70 years and the presence of atrial fibrillation are found to be the most significant predictors of preservation of residual mitral regurgitation in the early postoperative period, while more indicative for patients with aortic insufficiency is the presence of tricuspid regurgitation grade 2 or higher.

  1. Early results of robotically assisted mitral valve surgery: Analysis of the first 1000 cases. (United States)

    Gillinov, A Marc; Mihaljevic, Tomislav; Javadikasgari, Hoda; Suri, Rakesh M; Mick, Stephanie L; Navia, José L; Desai, Milind Y; Bonatti, Johannes; Khosravi, Mitra; Idrees, Jay J; Lowry, Ashley M; Blackstone, Eugene H; Svensson, Lars G


    The study objective was to assess the technical and process improvement and clinical outcomes of robotic mitral valve surgery by examining the first 1000 cases performed in a tertiary care center. We reviewed the first 1000 patients (mean age, 56 ± 10 years) undergoing robotic primary mitral valve surgery, including concomitant procedures (n = 185), from January 2006 to November 2013. Mitral valve disease cause was degenerative (n = 960, 96%), endocarditis (n = 26, 2.6%), rheumatic (n = 10, 1.0%), ischemic (n = 3, 0.3%), and fibroelastoma (n = 1, 0.1%). All procedures were performed via right chest access with femoral perfusion for cardiopulmonary bypass. Mitral valve repair was attempted in 997 patients (2 planned replacements and 1 resection of fibroelastoma), 992 (99.5%) of whom underwent valve repair, and 5 (0.5%) of whom underwent valve replacement. Intraoperative postrepair echocardiography showed that 99.7% of patients receiving repair (989/992) left the operating room with no or mild mitral regurgitation, and predischarge echocardiography showed that mitral regurgitation remained mild or less in 97.9% of patients (915/935). There was 1 hospital death (0.1%), and 14 patients (1.4%) experienced a stroke; stroke risk declined from 2% in the first 500 patients to 0.8% in the second 500 patients. Over the course of the experience, myocardial ischemic and cardiopulmonary bypass times (P < .0001), transfusion (P = .003), and intensive care unit and postoperative lengths of stay (P < .05) decreased. Robotic mitral valve surgery is associated with a high likelihood of valve repair and low operative mortality and morbidity. The combination of algorithm-driven patient selection and increased experience enhanced clinical outcomes and procedural efficiency. Copyright © 2017 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Mitral Valve Prolapse: Multimodality Imaging and Genetic Insights. (United States)

    Parwani, Purvi; Avierinos, Jean-Francois; Levine, Robert A; Delling, Francesca N

    Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a common heritable valvulopathy affecting approximately 2.4% of the population. It is the most important cause of primary mitral regurgitation (MR) requiring surgery. MVP is characterized by fibromyxomatous changes and displacement of one or both mitral leaflets into the left atrium. Echocardiography represents the primary diagnostic modality for assessment of MVP. Accurate quantitation of ventricular volumes and function for surgical planning in asymptomatic severe MR can be provided with both echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance. In addition, assessment of myocardial fibrosis using late gadolinium enhancement and T1 mapping allows better understanding of the impact of MVP on the myocardium. Imaging in MVP is important not only for diagnostic and prognostic purposes, but is also essential for detailed phenotyping in genetic studies. Genotype-phenotype studies in MVP pedigrees have allowed the identification of milder, non-diagnostic MVP morphologies by echocardiography. Such morphologies represent early expression of MVP in gene carriers. This review focuses on multimodality imaging and the phenotypic spectrum of MVP. Moreover, the review details the recent genetic discoveries that have increased our understanding of the pathophysiology of MVP, with clues to mechanisms and therapy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Enhanced thyroid iodine metabolism in patients with triiodothyronine-predominant Graves' disease

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takamatsu, J.; Hosoya, T.; Naito, N.; Yoshimura, H.; Kohno, Y.; Tarutani, O.; Kuma, K.; Sakane, S.; Takeda, K.; Mozai, T.


    Some patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease have increased serum T3 and normal or even low serum T4 levels during treatment with antithyroid drugs. These patients with elevated serum T3 to T4 ratios rarely have a remission of their hyperthyroidism. The aim of this study was to investigate thyroid iodine metabolism in such patients, whom we termed T3-predominant Graves' disease. Mean thyroid radioactive iodine uptake was 51.0 +/- 18.1% ( +/- SD) at 3 h, and it decreased to 38.9 +/- 20.1% at 24 h in 31 patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease during treatment. It was 20.0 +/- 11.4% at 3 h and increased to 31.9 +/- 16.0% at 24 h in 17 other patients with hyperthyroid Graves' disease who had normal serum T3 and T4 levels and a normal serum T3 to T4 ratio during treatment (control Graves' disease). The activity of serum TSH receptor antibodies was significantly higher in the patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in control Graves' disease patients. From in vitro studies of thyroid tissue obtained at surgery, both thyroglobulin content and iodine content in thyroglobulin were significantly lower in patients with T3-predominant Graves' disease than in the control Graves' disease patients. Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) activity determined by a guaiacol assay was 0.411 +/- 0.212 g.u./mg protein in the T3-predominant Graves' disease patients, significantly higher than that in the control Graves' disease patients. Serum TPO autoantibody levels determined by immunoprecipitation also were greater in T3-predominant Graves' disease patients than in control Graves' disease patients. Binding of this antibody to TPO slightly inhibited the enzyme activity of TPO, but this effect of the antibody was similar in the two groups of patients.

  4. Graves' disease in Albanian children. (United States)

    Gjikopulli, A; Tomori, Sonila; Kollçaku, L; Hoxha, P; Grimci, Lindita; Ylli, Zamira


    Graves' disease (GD) accounts for 10-15% of thyroid disorders in patients less than 18 years of age. It is the most common cause of thyrotoxicosis in children and accounts for at least 95% of cases in children. Pediatric Treatment of Graves' disease consists of anti-thyroid drugs, radioactive iodide and thyroidectomy but the optimal treatment of GD in children is still controversial. To review treatment outcome of pediatric Graves' disease in Albania. Descriptive review of 15 children with Graves' disease, diagnosed from Jan.2007 to Dec. 2013, at the Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Centre "Mother Teresa", Albania was performed. All patients, mean age 10.56 ± 3.37 years, (range 2.02-16.09 years) were presented with goiter and increased serum FT4, mean 39.80 ± 16.02 ng/mL, (range 21.0-74.70 ng/mL), serum FT3, mean 12.98 ± 3.45 pg/mL, (range 6.90 -17.90 pg/mL) and suppressed TSH levels, mean 0.02 ± 0.01 mUI/L, (range 0.01-0.05 mUI/L). Anti TSH Receptor were positive in 100% of patients mean value 6.51 ± 3.61 UI/mL (range 1.63 - 14.10 UI/mL). Anti-thyroglobulin and Anti-TPO antibodies were positive in 60% and 46.6% respectively. Clinical course of 15 patients after treatment with anti-thyroid drugs mainly MMI for 3.19 ± 1.48 (range 0.60 - 6.20) years is as follows: seven (46.66%) underwent remission, five out of seven (71.41%) who underwent remission, relapsed. Three of them (20%) were treated with I(131), and two (13.3%) underwent to total thyroidectomy. MMI was the most common first line therapy in the presented patients with Graves' disease. Remission rate was 46.66% after an average 1.48 ± 0.71 years (range 0.60 - 2.70 years) of treatment with anti-thyroid drugs. Remission period was 2.70 ± 0.36 years (2.1 - 3.1 years) Relapse occurred in 71.41% of patient. I(131) and thyroidectomy were used as second line therapy in the present study.

  5. Development of Graves' ophthalmopathy and uveitis after radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease in a patient with HTLA-I associated myelopathy (HAM)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ozawa, Yasunori; Migita, Masayoshi; Watanabe, Tomoji; Okuda, Itsuko; Takeshita, Akira; Takagi, Akio; Shishiba, Yoshimasa


    HTLV-I carriers or patients with HTLV-I associated myelopathy (HAM) are prone to immune-mediated inflammatory disorders. We present a 44-year-old female with HAM who developed Graves' disease. She developed severe Graves' ophthalmopathy shortly after 131 I therapy, concurrently with a remarkable increase in TSH-receptor antibody titer. Ophthalmopathy was aggravated in spite of prednisolone therapy and euthyroidism being maintained by thyroxine replacement. Uveitis also developed after 131 I therapy and iridocyclitis finally required trabeculotomy. This case suggests that HAM patients may have a higher risk of immune-mediated Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy.(author)

  6. Live 3D TEE demonstrates and guides the management of prosthetic mitral valve obstruction. (United States)

    Chahal, Mangeet; Pandya, Utpal; Adlakha, Satjit; Khouri, Samer J


    A 43-year-old woman, with a remote history of rheumatic mitral stenosis and a St. Jude prosthetic mitral valve replacement, presented with shortness of breath and palpitations, shortly after a long flight. On admission, atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response was noted in the setting of a long history of noncompliance with her anticoagulation. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) demonstrated multiple laminated thrombi in the left atrial appendage. Live three-dimensional (3D) TEE confirmed this diagnosis and demonstrated an immobile posterior leaflet of the mitral prosthesis, which had direct implications in her management. She successfully underwent surgery for mitral valve replacement, left atrial appendage ligation, and a Maze procedure on the following day. The multiple thrombi within the atrial appendage were confirmed intraoperatively and pannus formation was determined to be the etiology of the leaflet immobility. © 2011, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Echocardiographic findings and joint hypermobility: patients with mitral valve prolapse vs. healthy controls

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moradmand S


    Full Text Available "nBackground: Mitral valve prolapse is a relatively common valvular abnormality in most communities and joint hypermobility (JHM is also seen in many healthy people as well as in certain clinical disorders, such as Marfan syndrome. The present study was designed to investigate the association between joint hypermobility and mitral valve prolapse (MVP in an Iranian population sample. "nMethods: Fifty-seven patients with nonrheumatic and isolated mitral anterior leaflet prolapse (24 men and 33 women, mean age 23.5 +/-2.3 and 51 healthy subjects (20 men and 31 women, mean age 22.9+/-2.3 were studied. The presence of JHM was evaluated according to the Carter-Wilkinson & Beighton criteria. Echocardiographic examination was performed in all subjects and the correlation between the echocardiographic features of the mitral valve and the hypermobility score were investigated. "nResults: The frequency of JHM in patients with MVP was found to be significantly higher than that of controls (26.3% vs. 7.8%, with mean JHM scores of 3.1+/-2.2 and 1.9+/-1.7, respectively. The patients in the MVP group had significantly increased the anterior mitral leaflet thickness (AMLT, 3.4+/-0.4 mm vs. 3.0+/-0.3 mm; p<0.0005 and maximal leaflet displacement (MLD, 2.4+/-0.3 mm vs. 1.5+/-0.2 mm; p<0.0005 compared to the controls. "nConclusions: We detect a statistically significant relationship between isolated MVP and joint hypermobility as well as between the severity of JHM and echocardiographic features of the mitral leaflets. These results suggest a common etiology for MVP and JHM, which should be investigated in future well-conducted studies.

  8. [Diagnostic difficulties in Grave's orbitopathy--case report]. (United States)

    Jedrzejowski, Maciej; Grzesiuk, Wiesław; Szwejda, Elzbieta; Bar-Andziak, Ewa


    Graves' orbitopathy is caused by intraorbital inflammatory reaction due to autoimmune thyroid disease. In most cases the diagnosis is based on the coexistence of typical eye signs and hyperthyroidism symptoms. In presented case, the absence of thyroid dysfunction implicated performance of differential diagnosis. Among many available diagnostic tools nuclear magnetic resonance seems to be the most accurate in confirmation of diagnosis of Graves' orbitopathy.

  9. Hemodynamic aspects of mitral regurgitation assessed by generalized phase-contrast MRI


    Dyverfeldt, Petter; Escobar Kvitting, John-Peder; Carlhäll, Carl Johan; Boano, Gabriella; Sigfridsson, Andreas; Hermansson, Ulf; Bolger, Ann F.; Engvall, Jan; Ebbers, Tino


    Purpose: Mitral regurgitation creates a high velocity jet into the left atrium (LA), contributing both volume andpressure; we hypothesized that the severity of regurgitation would be reflected in the degree of LA flowdistortion. Material and Methods: Three-dimensional cine PC-MRI was applied to determine LA flow patterns andturbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in seven subjects (five patients with posterior mitral leaflet prolapse, two normalsubjects). In addition, the regurgitant volume and the ti...

  10. Ex Vivo Methods for Informing Computational Models of the Mitral Valve


    Bloodworth, Charles H.; Pierce, Eric L.; Easley, Thomas F.; Drach, Andrew; Khalighi, Amir H.; Toma, Milan; Jensen, Morten O.; Sacks, Michael S.; Yoganathan, Ajit P.


    Computational modeling of the mitral valve (MV) has potential applications for determining optimal MV repair techniques and risk of recurrent mitral regurgitation. Two key concerns for informing these models are (1) sensitivity of model performance to the accuracy of the input geometry, and, (2) acquisition of comprehensive data sets against which the simulation can be validated across clinically relevant geometries. Addressing the first concern, ex vivo micro-computed tomography (microCT) wa...

  11. Dopaminergic modulation of mitral cell activity in the frog olfactory bulb: a combined radioligand binding-electrophysiological study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duchamp, A.; Moyse, E.; Delaleu, J.-C.; Coronas, V.; Duchamp-Viret, P.


    Dopamine content in the amphibian olfactory bulb is supplied by interneurons scattered among mitral cells in the external plexiform/mitral cell layer. In mammals, dopamine has been found to be involved in various aspects of bulbar information processing by influencing mitral cell odour responsiveness. Dopamine action in the bulb depends directly on the localization of its receptor targets, found to be mainly of the D 2 type in mammals. The present study assessed, in the frog, both the anatomical localization of D 2 -like, radioligand-labelled receptors of dopamine and the in vivo action of dopamine on unitary mitral cell activity in response to odours delivered over a wide range of concentrations. The [ 125 I]iodosulpride-labelled D 2 binding sites were visualized on frozen sagittal sections of frog brains by film radioautography. The sites were found to be restricted to the external plexiform/mitral cell layer; other layers of the olfactory bulb were devoid of specific labelling. Electrophysiological recordings of mitral unit activity revealed that dopamine or its agonist apomorphine induced a drastic reduction of spontaneous firing rate of mitral cells in most cases without altering odour intensity coding properties of these cells. Moreover, pre-treatment with the D 2 antagonist eticlopride blocked the dopamine-induced reduction of mitral cell spontaneous activity.In the frog olfactory bulb, both anatomical localization of D 2 -like receptors and functional data on dopamine involvement in information processing differ from those reported in mammals. This suggests a phylogenetic evolution of dopamine action in the olfactory bulb. In the frog, anatomical data perfectly corroborate electrophysiological results, together strongly suggesting a direct action of dopamine on mitral cells. In a physiologically operating system, such an action would result in a global improvement of signal-to-noise ratio. (Copyright (c) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. All rights

  12. Graves disease with ophthalmopathy following radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacobson, D.R.; Fleming, B.J.


    The number of patients achieving long-term survival following neck irradiation for Hodgkin's disease and other malignancies is increasing. Paralleling this increase in survivors is the development of late complications of the therapy itself. Eleven patients have previously been reported who developed Graves ophthalmopathy 18 months to seven years after receiving neck radiotherapy for nonthyroidal malignancies. The seven patients who had HLA typing were all HLA-B8 negative, despite the reported association of the HLA-B8 antigen with Graves disease. A patient who is HLA-B8 positive who developed Graves ophthalmopathy and hyperthyroidism nine years after receiving mantle radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease is reported. It is recommended that Graves disease be included among the thyroid diseases that receive consideration during follow-up of patients who have received mantle radiotherapy

  13. Diagnosis of Grave's disease with pulmonary hypertension on chest CT. (United States)

    Lee, Hwa Yeon; Yoo, Seung Min; Kim, Hye Rin; Chun, Eun Ju; White, Charles S

    To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of chest CT findings to diagnose Grave's disease in pulmonary hypertension. We retrospectively evaluated chest CT and the medical records of 13 patients with Grave's disease with (n=6) or without pulmonary hypertension (n=7) and in 17 control patients. Presence of iso-attenuation of diffusely enlarged thyroid glands compared with adjacent neck muscle on non-enhanced CT as a diagnostic clue of Grave's disease, and assessment of pulmonary hypertension on CT has high diagnostic accuracy. Chest CT has the potential to diagnose Grave's disease with pulmonary hypertension in the absence of other information. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Graves' disease with special reference to radiation therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seegenschmidt, M. H.; Heyd, R.; Esser, J.; Mould, R.F.


    Graves' disease, although not malignant, nevertheless can lead to serious events such as permanent loss of vision if it remains untreated. This review article describes the clinical symptoms of the disease, includes a commentary on the Graves' disease subgroup of thyroid-associated orbitipathy (TAO), and defines clinical activity scoring systems which grade the severity of the disease in patients (clinical activity, NOSPECS and LEMO scoring ). An review of radiotherapy in the 1980s is followed by a summary of the 2003 German national survey on radiotherapy for Graves' disease. Radiation therapy technique is then described and discussed. Case histories are from the Alfred Krupp Hospital in Essen. (author)

  15. Højfolkets Grave

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    For the special exhibition 'Højfolkets Grave - Oak Coffins from Borum Eshøj' on Moesgaard Museum in 2007: The development of 3D graphics which was displayed on a big screen in the exhibition. The animation shows - in a very stylistic way - the design principles behind the construction of Bronze Age...

  16. Estudo do padrão respiratório e movimento toracoabdominal em valvopatia mitral

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Satiko Shimada Franco


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: pacientes com valvopatia mitral podem evoluir com congestão pulmonar, que aumenta o trabalho dos músculos respiratórios; essa sobrecarga pode alterar o padrão respiratório com predomínio do deslocamento torácico ou presença de movimentos paradoxais. OBJETIVO: a estudar o padrão respiratório e movimento toracoabdominal (MTA em pacientes com doença mitral b estudar o efeito do posicionamento nos parâmetros respiratórios c correlacionar hipertensão pulmonar com presença de incoordenação do MTA. MÉTODOS: o padrão respiratório e o MTA de pacientes com doença mitral foram avaliados por pletismografia respiratória por indutância, nas posições dorsal e sentada, durante dois minutos de respiração tranquila. Analisou-se volume corrente (Vc e tempos respiratórios e as variáveis do MTA. RESULTADOS: de 65 pacientes incluídos, 10 foram retirados, 29 participaram do grupo estenose mitral e 26 do grupo insuficiência mitral. O Vc, a ventilação pulmonar e o fluxo inspiratório médio aumentaram significantemente na posição sentada, sem diferenças entre os grupos. O MTA manteve-se coordenado entre os grupos e as posições; no entanto, cinco pacientes na posição dorsal apresentaram incoordenação (três no grupo estenose mitral; dois no grupo insuficiência mitral com correlação significante com valores de pressão de artéria pulmonar (r = 0,992, p = 0,007. CONCLUSÃO: o padrão respiratório e o MTA não apresentam diferenças entre pacientes com estenose ou insuficiência mitral. A posição sentada aumenta o Vc sem alterar os tempos respiratórios. A presença de incoordenação toracoabdominal na posição dorsal esteve associação à hipertensão pulmonar.

  17. Guidelines for the treatment of childhood-onset Graves' disease in Japan, 2016. (United States)

    Minamitani, Kanshi; Sato, Hirokazu; Ohye, Hidemi; Harada, Shohei; Arisaka, Osamu


    Purpose behind developing these guidelines: Over one decade ago, the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug, 2006" (Japan Thyroid Association (JTA)) were published as the standard drug therapy protocol for Graves' disease. The "Guidelines for the Treatment of Childhood-Onset Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug in Japan, 2008" were published to provide guidance on the treatment of pediatric patients. Based on new evidence, a revised version of the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug, 2006" (JTA) was published in 2011, combined with the "Handbook of Radioiodine Therapy for Graves' Disease 2007" (JTA). Subsequently, newer findings on pediatric Graves' disease have been reported. Propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced serious hepatopathy is an important problem in pediatric patients. The American Thyroid Association's guidelines suggest that, in principle, physicians must not administer PTU to children. On the other hand, the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug, 2011" (JTA) state that radioiodine therapy is no longer considered a "fundamental contraindication" in children. Therefore, the "Guidelines for the Treatment of Childhood-Onset Graves' Disease with Antithyroid Drug in Japan, 2008" required revision.

  18. Premature hair greying may predict reduced bone mineral density in Graves' disease.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Leary, A C


    BACKGROUND: Premature hair greying has been associated with low bone mineral density (BMD), and it may be more frequent in Graves\\' disease. AIMS: To determine whether premature greying is associated with reduced BMD in women with Graves\\' disease and in control women, and to examine whether premature greying is more common in Graves\\' disease. METHODS: Premature greying (> 50% grey by 40 years) and BMD were determined in 44 women with a history of Graves\\' disease and 133 female controls referred for routine BMD measurement. Exclusion criteria included diseases or drugs known to affect BMD. RESULTS: Mean Z and T scores at the lumbar spine were significantly lower (P < 0.04) in subjects with premature greying than in those not prematurely grey among women with Graves\\' disease, but not among control women. Multiple regression confirmed this difference between Graves\\' and control women (P = 0.041). There were no differences at other measurement sites. Of Graves\\' patients, 36% were prematurely grey compared with 25% of control women (P = 0.14). CONCLUSION: Premature greying may be a weak marker for reduced BMD in women with a history of Graves\\' disease, but it is not a marker in normal women.

  19. [Indication for mitral valve interventions: Development of a quality indicator for external hospital quality assurance]. (United States)

    Köster, Christina; Schorbach, Lena; Wrede, Stephanie; Meyer, Sven; Kazmaier, Tonia; Szecsenyi, Joachim


    The indication for a mitral valve intervention is an important patient-relevant parameter for the assessment of process quality and the comparison of healthcare providers. In this article, we describe the development of a corresponding quality indicator for an external hospital quality assurance (QA) procedure in Germany. An expert panel was set up by the aQua Institute to assist with the development of a QA procedure for mitral valve interventions and the associated quality indicators. In a comprehensive, systematic literature and evidence research, the American and European guidelines were identified as the best evidence available. Especially the more current American guideline formed the basis on which a quality indicator dealing with the correct indication for a mitral valve intervention was developed. The developed quality indicator assesses the proportion of patients for whom an indication for a mitral valve intervention was determined in compliance with guideline recommendations. The indicator differentiates between surgical and catheter-based procedures. To determine whether or not the indication was correct, different medical parameters are included, such as, for example, type of mitral valve defect, etiology of the disease, severity of symptoms, valve morphology (e. g., mitral valve area), valve hemodynamics and comorbidity, which healthcare providers have to document. The documentation for the developed quality indicator is considerable. Nonetheless, its relevance is undeniable because it allows the user to determine whether a surgical or catheter-based mitral valve intervention was necessary and performed according to guideline recommendations. In the first year of its implementation, this indicator should be evaluated for further improvement and simplification of assessment. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier GmbH.

  20. Factores asociados a insuficiencia renal postoperatoria en cirugía de revascularización miocárdica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Albert F. Guerrero B.


    Conclusiones: En quienes se realizó revascularización miocárdica los factores asociados a la presentación de insuficiencia renal postoperatoria fueron comorbilidades que se relacionaron con daño renal progresivo dentro y fuera del contexto de la cirugía. Esto implica que las estrategias para minimizar este evento estarán enfocadas a identificar de manera oportuna a estos pacientes y proporcionarles nefroprotección adecuada.

  1. Prediction of the ischemic origin of functional mitral regurgitation in patients with systolic heart failure through posterior mitral leaflet angle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fereshteh Ghaderi


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Differentiating ischemic from non-ischemic functional mitral regurgitation‎ (FMR in patients with cardiomyopathy is important in terms of the therapeutic decision-making and prognosis, but might be clinically challenging. In this study, the deformation of mitral valve (MV indices in the prediction of the etiology of FMR was assessed using 2D transthoracic and tissue Doppler echocardiography.METHODS: This case-control study was conducted from April 2015 to January 2016 in Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad, Iran. The participants consisted of 40 patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM and 22 with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM who referred to the heart failure clinic. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed using the conventional 2D and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI. MV tenting area (TA, coaptation distance (CD, anterior and posterior mitral leaflet angles (AMLA and PMLA, and regional systolic myocardial velocity (Sm were measured.RESULTS: There were no significant differences in echocardiographic indices between the two groups, besides Sm and PMLA which were significantly lower and higher, respectively, in ICM subjects in comparison with DCM patients (P = 0.002. PMLA ≥ 40 degrees and Sm ≤ 4 cm/second have a relatively high value for discriminating the ischemic from non-ischemic origin of functional MR in subjects with systolic heart failure (sensitivity: 80.0% and 70.0%, specificity: 73.0% and 77.3%; P = 0.001 and P < 0.001; respectively. Multivariable logistic regression identified PMLA and anterior Sm as major determinants for ischemic MR {Odds ratio (OR [95% confidence interval (CI] = 0.89 (0.82-0.96, P = 0.003, OR (95% CI = 0.29 (0.14-0.60, P = 0.001, respectively}.CONCLUSION: The present study showed that PMLA and Sm had an independent significant association with the mechanism of FMR. These findings are suggestive of the predictive role of mitral deformation echocardiographic indices in the determination of the

  2. Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy in a patient with situs inversus and dextrocardia: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aliakbar Tavassoli


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Dextrocardia situs inversus refers to the heart being a mirror image situated on the right side of the body. Distorted cardiac anatomy provides technical difficulties during fluoroscopy‐guided transcatheter procedures. This is even more difficult in the case with percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC. Mitral valvuloplasty is a minimally invasive therapeutic procedure to correct an uncomplicated mitral stenosis by dilating the valve using a balloon. Here, we describe a case of a 25 years-old male with situs inversus and dextrocardia. CASE REPORT: A 25 years-old man, having situs inversus and suffering from mitral stenosis was referred to hospital for PTMC. His initial examination findings were unremarkable and an electrocardiographic (ECG, trans-esophageal and transthoracic echocardiographic evaluation were performed. Mitral valve (MV was dome shape and severely stenotic with mild mitral regurgitation (MR. Left ventricular ejection Fraction (LVEF was about 40%, Femoral arterial and venous punctures were made on the left side; the left femoral artery and vein were cannulated with a 5F arterial and 6F venous sheaths, respectively. Then special maneuvers were done to solve the mitral valve stenosis. At the end of the procedure, no MR was documented by checking LV angiogram and there were no signs of mitral stenosis (MS. DISCUSSION: Mirror‐image dextrocardia, as in our case, has been estimated to occur with a prevalence of 1:10,000. However, there are only a few case reports in the literature on PTMC in similar settings. This might be due to the fact that many of these patients undergo surgical commissurotomy due to the technical difficulties involved in a percutaneous procedure in general. Trans-septal catheterization is considered a technical challenge in anatomically malpositioned hearts, as it is fraught with a higher risk of cardiac perforation. Despite the challenging anatomy, PTMC has been demonstrated to be a

  3. Predictive factors of thyroid cancer in patients with Graves' disease. (United States)

    Ren, Meng; Wu, Mu Chao; Shang, Chang Zhen; Wang, Xiao Yi; Zhang, Jing Lu; Cheng, Hua; Xu, Ming Tong; Yan, Li


    The best preoperative examination in Graves' disease with thyroid cancer still remains uncertain. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the prevalence of thyroid cancer in Graves' disease patients, and to identify the predictive factors and ultrasonographic features of thyroid cancer that may aid the preoperative diagnosis in Graves' disease. This retrospective study included 423 patients with Graves' disease who underwent surgical treatment from 2002 to 2012 at our institution. The clinical features and ultrasonographic findings of thyroid nodules were recorded. The diagnosis of thyroid cancer was determined according to the pathological results. Thyroid cancer was discovered in 58 of the 423 (13.7 %) surgically treated Graves' disease patients; 46 of those 58 patients had thyroid nodules, and the other 12 patients were diagnosed with incidentally discovered thyroid carcinomas without thyroid nodules. Among the 58 patients with thyroid cancer, papillary microcarcinomas were discovered in 50 patients, and multifocality and lymph node involvement were detected in the other 8 patients. Multivariate regression analysis showed younger age was the only significant factor predictive of metastatic thyroid cancer. Ultrasonographic findings of calcification and intranodular blood flow in thyroid nodules indicate that they are more likely to harbor thyroid cancers. Because the influencing factor of metastatic thyroid cancers in Graves' disease is young age, every suspicious nodule in Graves' disease patients should be evaluated and treated carefully, especially in younger patients because of the potential for metastasis.

  4. Mitral valve repair. Quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet in patients with myxomatous degeneration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Maria Alberto Pomerantzeff


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE - To analyze the immediate and late results of mitral valve repair with quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet without the use of a prosthetic ring annuloplasty. METHODS - Using this technique, 118 patients with mitral valve prolapse who underwent mitral repair from January '84 through December '96 were studied. Age ranged from 30 to 86 (mean = 59.1±11.8 years and 62.7% were males. An associated surgery was performed in 22% of the patients, and coronary artery bypass graft was the most frequently performed surgery (15 patients - 12.7%. In 20 (16.9% patients other associated techniques of mitral valve repair were used and shortening of elongated chordae tendineae was the most frequent one (6 patients. RESULTS - Immediate mortality was 0.9% (one patient. Long-term rates for thromboembolism, endocarditis, re-operation and death in the late postoperative period were 0.4%, 0.4%, 1.7% and 2.2% patients/year, respectively. The actuarial curve of survival was 83.8±8.6% over 12 years; survival free from re-operation was 91.8±4.3%, free from endocarditis was 99.2±0.8% and free from thromboembolism was 99.2±0.8%. In the late postoperative period, 93.8% of the patients were in functional class 1 (NYHA, with a complete follow-up in 89.7% of the patients. CONCLUSION - Patients with mitral valve prolapse who undergo mitral valve repair using this technique have a satisfactory prognosis over 12 years.

  5. The papillary muscles as shock absorbers of the mitral valve complex. An experimental study. (United States)

    Joudinaud, Thomas M; Kegel, Corrine L; Flecher, Erwan M; Weber, Patricia A; Lansac, Emmanuel; Hvass, Ulrich; Duran, Carlos M G


    Although it is known that the papillary muscles ensure the continuity between the left ventricle (LV) and the mitral apparatus, their precise mechanism needs further study. We hypothesize that the papillary muscles function as shock absorbers to maintain a constant distance between their tips and the mitral annulus during the entire cardiac cycle. Sonomicrometry crystals were implanted in five sheep in the mitral annulus at the trigones (T1 and T2), mid anterior annulus (AA) mid posterior annulus (PA), base of the posterior lateral scallops (P1 and P2), tips of papillary muscles (M1 and M2), and LV apex. LV and aortic pressures were simultaneously recorded and used to define the different phases of the cardiac cycle. No significant distance changes were found during the cardiac cycle between each papillary muscle tip and their corresponding mitral hemi-annulus: M1-T1, (3.5+/-2%); M1-P1 (5+/-2%); M1-PA (5+/-3%); M2-T2 (2.7+/-2%); M2-P2 (6.1+/-3%); and M2-AA (4.2+/-3%); (p>0.05, ANOVA). Significant changes were observed in distances between each papillary muscle tip and the contralateral hemi-mitral annulus: M1-T2 (1.7+/-3%); M1-P2 (23+/-6%); M1-AA (6+/-3%); M2-T1 (8+/-3%); M2-P1 (10.5+/-6%); and M2-PA (12.6+/-8%); (pshock absorbers to maintain the basic mitral valve geometry constant during the cardiac cycle.

  6. Model-driven physiological assessment of the mitral valve from 4D TEE (United States)

    Voigt, Ingmar; Ionasec, Razvan Ioan; Georgescu, Bogdan; Houle, Helene; Huber, Martin; Hornegger, Joachim; Comaniciu, Dorin


    Disorders of the mitral valve are second most frequent, cumulating 14 percent of total number of deaths caused by Valvular Heart Disease each year in the United States and require elaborate clinical management. Visual and quantitative evaluation of the valve is an important step in the clinical workflow according to experts as knowledge about mitral morphology and dynamics is crucial for interventional planning. Traditionally this involves examination and metric analysis of 2D images comprising potential errors being intrinsic to the method. Recent commercial solutions are limited to specific anatomic components, pathologies and a single phase of cardiac 4D acquisitions only. This paper introduces a novel approach for morphological and functional quantification of the mitral valve based on a 4D model estimated from ultrasound data. A physiological model of the mitral valve, covering the complete anatomy and eventual shape variations, is generated utilizing parametric spline surfaces constrained by topological and geometrical prior knowledge. The 4D model's parameters are estimated for each patient using the latest discriminative learning and incremental searching techniques. Precise evaluation of the anatomy using model-based dynamic measurements and advanced visualization are enabled through the proposed approach in a reliable, repeatable and reproducible manner. The efficiency and accuracy of the method is demonstrated through experiments and an initial validation based on clinical research results. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time such a patient specific 4D mitral valve model is proposed, covering all of the relevant anatomies and enabling to model the common pathologies at once.

  7. Evaluation of effective regurgitant orifice area of mitral valvular regurgitation by multislice cardiac computed tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vural, M.; Ucar, O.; Celebi, O.O.; Cicekcioglu, H.; Durmaz, H.A.; Selvi, N.A.; Koparal, S.; Aydogdu, S.


    The purpose of our study was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of multislice computed tomography (MSCT) for the identification and quantification of mitral valve regurgitation in comparison with transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). Twenty-six patients (15 females, 11 males with a mean age of 44.6±14.1 years) who were in follow-up with the diagnosis of mitral regurgitation and those who were referred for MSCT were enrolled. MSCT results were compared with TTE measurements. The mean effective mitral regurgitant orifice area at MSCT was 23.1±13.0 mm 2 and at echocardiography was 24.4±16.0mm 2 . Bland-Altman analysis showed good agreement between the two imaging methods. MSCT provides reliable and good results for the evaluation of mitral regurgitation. (author)

  8. Subvalvular pannus and thrombosis in a mitral valve prosthesis. (United States)

    Kim, Gun Ha; Yang, Dong Hyun; Kang, Joon-Won; Kim, Dae-Hee; Jung, Sung-Ho; Lim, Tae-Hwan


    A 69-year-old female underwent cardiac CT to evaluate prosthetic valve (PHV) dysfunction detected on echocardiography. A CT coronal and en face views of the mitral annular plane showed a low-density, mass-like lesion on the left atrial side of the PHV and a high-density, plate-like lesion on the left ventricular side of PHV. A repeat of the mitral valve replacement was performed, and preoperative CT findings of both the thrombus on the left atrial side and pannus formation on the LV side were confirmed in the operative findings. Copyright © 2016 Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Complete Transversal Disc Fracture in a Björk-Shiley Delrin Mitral Valve Prosthesis 43 Years After Implantation. (United States)

    González-Santos, Jose María; Arnáiz-García, María Elena; Dalmau-Sorlí, María José; Sastre-Rincón, Jose Alfonso; Hernández-Hernández, Jesús; Pérez-Losada, María Elena; Sagredo-Meneses, Víctor; López-Rodríguez, Javier


    A patient who underwent previous implantation of a mitral valve replacement with a Björk-Shiley Delrin (BSD) mitral valve prosthesis during infancy was admitted to our institution 43 years later after an episode of syncope and cardiac arrest. Under extreme hemodynamic instability, a mitral valve prosthetic dysfunction causing massive mitral regurgitation was identified. The patient underwent an emergent cardiac operation, and a complete disc fracture with partial disc migration was found. Exceptional cases of mechanical prosthetic heart valve fracture exist. We report the first case of complete transversal disc rupture of a BSD mitral valve prosthesis after the longest period of implantation ever reported in that position. Copyright © 2016 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Immunoreactive 'TSH' in urinary concentrates of Graves' disease patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Herle, A.; Orgiazzi, J.; Greipel, M.A.; Slucher, J.A.; Honbo, K.S.; Hopital de l'Antiquaille, 69 - Lyon


    A double antibody radioimmunoassay was used to analyse immunoreactive thyrotrophin in urinary concentrates from fourteen patients with hyperthyroidism due to Graves' disease, in three subjects with primary hypothyroidism, and in six normal subjects. Immunoreactive thyrotrophin was detectable in eleven subjects with Graves' disease, in one subject with primary hypothyroidism, and in four normal subjects. The mean urinary thyrotrophin concentration was significantly higher in Graves' disease (492+-99.9μU/24h(SEM)(n=11)) than in normal subjects (177+-26.4μU/24h(SEM)(n=4)(P [de

  11. Incremental benefit of 3D transesophageal echocardiography: a case of a mass overlying a prosthetic mitral valve. (United States)

    Tauras, James M; Zhang, Zhihang; Taub, Cynthia C


    A young woman with a mechanical mitral valve and prosthetic mitral stenosis underwent multiple imaging modalities (including transthoracic ECHO, fluoroscopy, and two-dimensional transesophageal ECHO) to determine the cause of her stenosis. Only three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography demonstrated the full size and extent of an obstructing mass on the strut and sewing ring of the prosthetic mitral valve. © 2011, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Rituximab in relapsing Graves' disease, a phase II study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heemstra, Karen A.; Toes, Rene E.; Sepers, Jan; Pereira, Alberto M.; Corssmit, Eleonora P.; Huizinga, Tom W. J.; Romijn, Johannes A.; Smit, Johannes W.


    Conventional therapies for Graves' disease, consisting of medical therapy or radioiodine are unsatisfactory, because of limited efficacy and adverse events. Interventions aimed at the underlying autoimmune pathogenesis of Graves' disease may be worthwhile to explore. We therefore performed a

  13. Graves' Disease Pharmacotherapy in Women of Reproductive Age. (United States)

    Prunty, Jeremy J; Heise, Crystal D; Chaffin, David G


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder in which inappropriate stimulation of the thyroid gland results in unregulated secretion of thyroid hormones resulting in hyperthyroidism. Graves' disease is the most common cause of autoimmune hyperthyroidism during pregnancy. Treatment options for Graves' disease include thioamide therapy, partial or total thyroidectomy, and radioactive iodine. In this article, we review guideline recommendations for Graves' disease treatment in women of reproductive age including the recent guideline from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Controversy regarding appropriate thioamide therapy before, during, and after pregnancy is reviewed. Surgical and radioactive iodine therapy considerations in this patient population are also reviewed. In patients who may find themselves pregnant during therapy or develop Graves' disease during their pregnancy, consideration should be given to the most appropriate treatment course for the mother and fetus. Thioamide therapy should be used with either propylthiouracil or methimazole at appropriate doses that target the upper range of normal to slightly hyperthyroid to avoid creating hypothyroidism in the fetus. Consideration should also be given to the adverse effects of thioamide, such as agranulocytosis and hepatotoxicity, with appropriate patient consultation regarding signs and symptoms. Individuals who wish to breastfeed their infants while taking thioamide should receive the lowest effective dose. Surgery should be reserved for extreme cases and limited to the second trimester, if possible. Radioactive iodine therapy may be used in nonpregnant individuals, with limited harm to future fertility. Radioactive iodine therapy should be withheld in pregnant women and those who are actively breastfeeding. Clinicians should keep abreast of developments in clinical trials and evidence-based recommendations regarding Graves' disease in reproductive-age women for any changes in evidence

  14. Transcatheter mitral valve implantation via transapical approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sondergaard, Lars; Brooks, Matthew; Ihlemann, Nikolaj


    bypass surgery (n = 2), severe pulmonary hypertension (n = 1) and moderate to severe chronic renal failure (n = 3). A CardiAQ mitral valve was implanted using fluoroscopy and transoesophageal (TEE) guidance via a standard transapical approach. RESULTS: Accurate prosthesis positioning and deployment...

  15. [Rituximab: a new therapeutic alternative in Grave's disease]. (United States)

    Tello-Winniczuk, Nina; Díaz-Jouanen, Efraín


    Graves' disease is the most frequent cause of hyperthyroidism, affecting mainly young aged women, with an etiology of autoimmune basis. One of its manifestations, Graves' ophthalmopathy whose pathophysiology is unknown, represents one of the greatest therapeutic challenges in these patients, because they require aggressive treatment with steroids and multiple subsequent reconstructive surgeries in certain cases. It also represents a high burden to the health system. Drugs targeting B cells have been very effective for many autoimmune diseases. Rituximab is a murine humanized monoclonal antibody against CD20 + cells currently being studied in various autoimmune diseases including Graves' disease. The objective of this paper is to expose possible mechanisms by which rituximab could act in both hyperthyroidism and ophthalmopathy of Graves' disease, as well as the experience with its use acquired so far. The employment of rituximab in recently diagnosed patients or with mild ophthalmopathy is questionable with the evidence available today however, we think that it may have a role in refractory cases or those who have a contraindication for steroid use.

  16. Management of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wiersinga, Wilmar M.


    Management of Graves' ophthalmopathy is preferably done in a multidisciplinary setting. Smoking is associated with worse disease outcome. (131)I therapy for hyperthyroidism can also worsen ophthalmopathy, especially if administered during active disease or to patients who smoke or have severe


    Ito, Toshiaki


    In mitral valve repair via a minimally invasive approach, resection of the leaflet is technically demanding compared with that in the standard approach. For resection and suture repair of the posterior leaflet, premarking of incision lines is recommended for precise resection. As an alternative to resection and suture, the leaflet-folding technique is also recommended. For correction of prolapse of the anterior leaflet, neochordae placement with the loop technique is easy to perform. Premeasurement with transesophageal echocardiography or intraoperative measurement using a replica of artificial chordae is useful to determine the appropriate length of the loops. Fine-tuning of the length of neochordae is possible by adding a secondary fixation point on the leaflet if the loop is too long. If the loop is too short, a CV5 Gore-Tex suture can be passed through the loop and loosely tied several times to stack the knots, with subsequent fixation to the edge of the leaflet. Finally, skill in the mitral valve replacement technique is necessary as a back-up for surgeons who perform minimally invasive mitral valve repair.

  18. Assessment of Mitral Valve Stenosis by Simplifying Proximal Isovelocity Surface Area in Iraqi Patients by Transthoracic Echocardiography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ghazi F. Haji


    Full Text Available Background: Mitral Stenosis refers to narrowing of the mitral valve orifice, resulting in impairment of filling of the left ventricle in diastole. Proximal isovelocity surface area measurement, also known as the flow convergence method, can be used in transthoracic echocardiography to estimate the area of an orifice through which blood flows. Objectives: To compare simple PISA equation, created by combined fixing the angle to 1000 and the Val to 33 cm/s, with mitral valve area measured by pressure half time and planimetry which was taken as reference method. Patients and Methods: A cross sectional prospective study was conducted in multi teaching centers. Total 104 patients were enrolled in this study from which 41 were excluded from the study. Transthoracic echocardiographic examination was used to analyze parameters selected by M-mode, 2D, and pulse doppler. Results: The patients enrolled in this study were with a mean age of 45.4 ± 7.1 years and 23.8% of them within the age group 30-39 years and the remaining 76.2% were >40 years. Female patients were the dominant represented 73.0% while males were 7.0% of the studied group (female: male ratio was 3:1; 61.9% were in sinus rhythm and 38.1% in atrial fibrillation. About 58.7% of the patients had Wilkin’s score less than 8, the mean mitral valve area according to planimetry method was 1.14 ± 0.32 cm2 and it was 1.12 ± 0.28 cm2 by PISA while the mean mitral valve area by pressure half time method was 1.19 ± 0.30 cm2 . The agreement between PISA and planimetry revealed that PISA had good agreement with planimetry in diagnosis of mitral stenosis, (kappa=0.835, P<0.001. On the other hand, there was a fair significant agreement between pressure half time and planimetry. Conclusion: PISA method can effectively predict mitral valve area and severity of mitral stenosis by the equation: mitral valve area = 115 × r2 /Vmax, provided that aliasing velocity is fixed at 33 cm/s, with the advantage of

  19. Enhancement of soluble CD28 levels in the serum of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Sun, Zhongwen; Yi, Lixian; Tao, Hong; Huang, Jingfang; Jin, Zhenghong; Xiao, Yang; Feng, Caiyun; Sun, Jing


    Graves' disease is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland mediated by T cells. CD28, a member of costimulatory molecules, plays a pivotal role in regulating T-cell responses. Plasma-soluble CD28 is one form of CD28 in peripheral blood. To investigate the concentrations of soluble CD28 in patients with Graves' disease, we used a sensitive dual monoclonal antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the soluble form of CD28. Our results suggested that mean concentrations of soluble CD28 in plasma of patients with Graves' disease were 1.79 ±1.52 ng/ml, and levels of soluble CD28 in healthy subjects were only 0.83 ±1.35 ng/ml. Concentrations of soluble CD28 detected in patients with Graves' disease were significantly higher than those of healthy subjects (p Graves' disease. Therefore, aberrant elevation of plasma-soluble CD28 in patients with Graves' disease may reflect the dysregulation of immune system, and may serve as a useful biomarker in Graves' disease diagnosis.

  20. Mitral valve reconstruction in Barlow disease: long-term echographic results and implications for surgical management. (United States)

    Jouan, Jérôme; Berrebi, Alain; Chauvaud, Sylvain; Menasché, Philippe; Carpentier, Alain; Fabiani, Jean-Noël


    Owing to the complexity of the underlying lesions, Barlow disease remains a challenge for surgeons performing mitral valve repair. We aimed to assess whether our most recent results involving several surgeons were comparable with those of a previous experience in which mitral valve repair was performed by a more limited group of surgeons. From September 2000 to January 2007, 200 patients with Barlow disease (135 men and 65 women; mean age, 56 ± 13 years) were referred to our institution for surgical treatment of their mitral regurgitation. We retrospectively analysed the mitral lesions characteristics, the surgical techniques used, and clinical outcomes. Follow-up echocardiograms were biannually reviewed. Lesions comprised annular dilatation, excess tissue, and leaflet prolapse in all cases. The most frequent prolapsed segments were P2 (88.5%; n = 177) and A2 (55.5%; n = 111). Annular calcifications and restrictive valvular motion were associated in 20% (n = 40). Repair was feasible in 94.7% (n = 179/189) of non-redo interventions. Immediate postoperative echocardiography showed residual mitral regurgitation greater than 1+ in 6 cases; these patients were all reoperated on within the next months. Operative mortality was 1.5% (n = 3). Mean follow-up was 77.5 ± 25.6 months. At 8 years postoperatively, overall survival was 88.6% ± 3.1%, freedom from reintervention was 95.3% ± 1.7%, and freedom from late recurrent moderate mitral regurgitation (>2+) was 90.2% ± 3.1% Provided that the fundamental principles of mitral valve reconstruction are respected, the surgical techniques are highly reproducible with good long-term results, similar to those published during the pioneering phase of this surgery. Copyright © 2012 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Autotransplante de cordas tendíneas: nova técnica para o tratamento cirúrgico da insuficiência mitral por rotura de cordas tendíneas da cúspide anterior Allotransplantation of chordae tendineae: new technique for the surgical approach of mitral insufficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Gregori Jr


    Full Text Available Uma das causas mais freqüentes de prolapso valvar mitral, com conseqüente regurgitação, é a rotura de cordas tendíneas. Várias técnicas têm sido empregadas em tal situação. Entretanto, a substituição valvar mitral tem sido o procedimento mais utilizado. E apresentada uma nova técnica cirúrgica empregada em 4 pacientes com insuficiência valvar mitral severa devido a rotura de cordas tendíneas da cúspide anterior da valva mitral. Um autotransplante de cordas da valva tricúspide para a valva mitral é realizado. Em 2 casos, um retalho é retirado da cúspide anterior da valva tricúspide com cordas tendíneas e parte do músculo papilar correspondente. Nos outros 2 casos a cúspide posterior da valva tricúspide foi retirada, inteiramente, com cordas e músculo papilar. Na primeira variante técnica, a cúspide anterior da valva tricúspide foi reparada e, na segunda, através, da plicatura do anel, a valva tricúspide foi transformada em bicúspide. A peça retirada é transplantada para a valva mitral, sendo suturada a cúspide doadora com a cúspide anterior da valva mitral e o músculo papilar doador com o topo do músculo papilar posterior da valva mitral em 3 casos e com o músculo papilar anterior e 1 caso. Os 4 pacientes foram reestudados clínica e laboratorialmente aos 15, 11, 2 e 1 mês de pós-operatório, respectivamente, com execelente evolução. Apesar da limitada experiência, acreditamos ser esta nova técnica uma boa alternativa para o tratamento cirúrgico da insuficiência mitral por rotura de cordas tendíneas da cúspide anterior.One of the most frequent causes of mitral valve prolapse is rupture of the chordae tendineae. Several techniques have been used to correct severe mitral regurgitation. However, mitral valve replacement is the principal surgical approach to it. We describe a technique used in four patients with marked mitral regurgitation due to ruptured chordae tendineae of the anterior leaflet. We

  2. Minimal access surgery for mitral valve endocarditis. (United States)

    Barbero, Cristina; Marchetto, Giovanni; Ricci, Davide; Mancuso, Samuel; Boffini, Massimo; Cecchi, Enrico; De Rosa, Francesco Giuseppe; Rinaldi, Mauro


    Minimal access mitral valve surgery (MVS) has already proved to be feasible and effective with low perioperative mortality and excellent long-term outcomes. However, experience in more complex valve diseases such as infective endocarditis (IE) still remains limited. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate early and long-term results of minimal access MVS for IE. Data were entered into a dedicated database. Analysis was performed retrospectively for the 8-year period between January 2007 and April 2015. During the study period, 35 consecutive patients underwent minimal access MVS for IE at our department. Twenty-four had diagnosis of native MV endocarditis (68.6%) and 11 of mitral prosthesis endocarditis (31.4%).Thirty patients underwent early MVS (85.7%), and 5 patients were operated after the completion of antibiotic treatment (14.3%). Seven patients underwent MV repair (20%), 17 patients underwent MV replacement (48.6%), and 11 patients underwent mitral prosthesis replacement (31.4%). Thirty-day mortality was 11.4% (4 patients). No neurological or vascular complications were reported. One patient underwent reoperation for prosthesis IE relapse after 37 days. Overall actuarial survival rate at 1 and 5 years was 83%; freedom from MV reoperation and/or recurrence of IE at 1 and 5 years was 97%. Minimally invasive MVS for IE is feasible and associated with good early and long-term results. Preoperative accurate patient selection and transoesophageal echocardiography evaluation is mandatory for surgical planning. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  3. Incidence of mitral valve prolapse in one hundred clinically stable newborn baby girls: an echocardiographic study. (United States)

    Chandraratna, P A; Vlahovich, G; Kong, Y; Wilson, D


    Clinical and echocardiographic examinations were performed on 100 clinically stable, newborn baby girls. Mitral valve prolapse was noted on the echocardiograms of seven babies. Three subjects had systolic clicks, two of whom had systolic murmurs following the click. The four other babies who had echocardiographic evidence of mitral valve prolapse had no abnormal auscultatory signs. Of the 93 babies without evidence of mitral prolapse, 91 had normal echocardiograms and auscultatory features; one was noted to have a murmur consistent with a ventricular septal defect, and another had an eccentric aortic valve on the echocardiogram which was suggestive of a bicuspid aortic valve. Serial studies on our group of subjects will yield useful information regarding the natural history of mitral valve prolapse.

  4. The Relationship between Left Atrial Mechanical Function and Functional Capacity in Mitral Stenosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mücahit Yetim


    Full Text Available Aim: In this study, left atrial functions of patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis and sinus rhythm, which was determined by transthorasic echocardiography, was compared with those of healhty subjects and the association of left atrial functions with functional capacity was investigated in subgroup analyses.   Material and methods: 32 patients with isolated rheumatic mitral stenosis (median age was 39.1±11  (group 1 and 20 patients in the control group ( median age was 37±8,2 (group 2 were enrolled to study. The average mitral valve area of patients was 1.1±0,3 cm2. When patients were divided according to New York Heart Association (NYHA classification ; 16 patients were NYHA 2 (Grup A and 16 patients were NYHA 3 (Grup B. There were not any asymptomatic patients and no patients were NYHA 4. Left atrium diameters, left atrium volume, left atrium fractional area change and left atrium ejection fractions  of patients in these groups were calculated.   Results: The demographic characteristics of patients is shown in table 1. Left atrium ejection fraction (LAEF and left atrium fractional area change (LAFAC that were determined echocardiographycally were significantly lower in patients with mitral stenosis (32 ± 5, 44 ± 3; p<0.001- 25 ± 11, 32 ± 6; p< 0.02.  When patients were divided according to New York Heart Association (NYHA classification ; 16 patients were NYHA 2 (Grup A and 16 patients were NYHA 3 (Grup B. There were not any asymptomatic patients and no patients were NYHA 4. The clinical and echocardiographic data of patients are shown in table 2. Despite of similar mitral valve area and average mitral gradient ,systolic pulmonary artery pressure was found to be higher in symptomatic group. But there was no difference between left atrial functions of the two groups.   Discussion: In this study we have shown that left atrial functions determined echocardiographically  can decline in patients with mitral stenosis but the

  5. Valve Repair Is Superior to Replacement in Most Patients With Coexisting Degenerative Mitral Valve and Coronary Artery Diseases. (United States)

    Javadikasgari, Hoda; Gillinov, A Marc; Idrees, Jay J; Mihaljevic, Tomislav; Suri, Rakesh M; Raza, Sajjad; Houghtaling, Penny L; Svensson, Lars G; Navia, José L; Mick, Stephanie L; Desai, Milind Y; Sabik, Joseph F; Blackstone, Eugene H


    For mitral regurgitation (MR) from degenerative mitral disease in patients with coexisting coronary artery disease, the appropriate surgical strategy remains controversial. From 1985 to 2011, 1,071 adults (age 70 ± 9.3 years, 77% men) underwent combined coronary artery bypass grafting and either mitral valve repair (n = 872, 81%) or replacement (n=199, 19%) for degenerative MR. Propensity matching (177 patient pairs, 89% of possible matches) was used to compare early outcomes and time-related recurrence of MR after mitral valve repair, mitral valve reoperation, and mortality. Risk factors for death were identified with multivariable, multiphase hazard-function analysis. Patients undergoing valve replacement were older, with more valve calcification and a higher prevalence of preoperative atrial fibrillation and heart failure (all p < .0001). Among matched pairs, mitral replacement versus repair was associated with higher hospital mortality (5.0% vs 1.0%, p = .0001) and more postoperative renal failure (7.0% vs 3.2%, p = .01), reexplorations for bleeding (6.0% vs 3.1%, p = .05), and respiratory failure (14% vs 4.7%, p < .0001). Of matched patients undergoing repair, 18% had MR above 3+ by 5 years. Mitral valve durability was similar between matched groups, but survival at 15 years was 18% after replacement versus 52% after repair. Nomograms from the multivariable equation revealed that in 94% of cases, 10-year survival was calculated to be higher after repair than after replacement. In patients with coexisting degenerative mitral valve and coronary artery diseases, mitral valve repair is expected to confer a long-term survival advantage over replacement despite some recurrence of MR. When feasible, it is the procedure of choice for these patients. Copyright © 2017 The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Epidemiological survey of graves' disease in Tianjin area

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Shuo; Fang Peihua; Lai Zemin; Chen Bingzhong; Lu Tizhang; Zhou Yinbao; Tan Jian; Ni Xiaoyan


    Objective: To study the incidence of Graves' disease and associated factors. Methods: From 1997.4 to 1999.12, by using cluster and stratified sampling, total of 31530 people aged 6 years and over were surveyed epidemiologically for Graves' disease in five districts and one county of Tianjin area where the study subjects had been resided for at least one year. The researching team consisted of endocrinologists, epidemiologists and technicians and was divided into three branches, they served as investigators, professional experts and technicians, respectively. The serum thyroid hormones, thyroid antibodies, iodine in table salt, urine iodine and B-US were examined for the suspected cases, the final diagnoses were concluded by the professional experts. Results: Eighty-nine patients with Graves' disease were confirmed, 26 (0.166%) of them were males and 63(0.397%) of them were females, the total incidence was 0.282%. The incidence significantly associated with sex (female higher than male, P<0.001), age (50-60 group for male and 30-40 group for female higher than others, P<0.001) and family history (the patients with vs without family history, P<0.001). The survey showed an ascending trend of incidence of Graves' disease, along with decreasing of goiter rate and increasing of iodine contents in table salt and in urine. Further research work should be pursued. Conclusion: This study may provide some theoretical basis for prevention and treatment of Graves' disease

  7. Percutaneous mitral valve edge-to-edge repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nickenig, Georg; Estevez-Loureiro, Rodrigo; Franzen, Olaf


    BACKGROUND: The use of transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVR) has gained widespread acceptance in Europe, but data on immediate success, safety, and long-term echocardiographic follow-up in real-world patients are still limited. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this multinational registry is to present a...

  8. Degenerative processes in bioprosthetic mitral valves in juvenile pigs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedersen Torben B


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Glutaraldehyde-treated bioprosthetic heart valves are commonly used for replacement of diseased heart valves. However, calcification and wear limit their durability, and the development of new and improved bioprosthetic valve designs is needed and must be evaluated in a reliable animal model. We studied glutaraldehyde-treated valves 6 months after implantation to evaluate bioprosthetic valve complications in the mitral position in juvenile pigs. Materials The study material comprised eight, 5-month old, 60-kg pigs. All pigs received a size 27, glutaraldehyde-treated, stented, Carpentier-Edwards S.A.V. mitral valve prosthesis. After six months, echocardiography was performed, and the valves explanted for gross examination, high resolution X-ray, and histological evaluation. Results Five pigs survived the follow-up period. Preexplant echocardiography revealed a median peak and mean velocity of 1.61 m/s (range: 1.17-2.00 and 1.20 (SD = ±0.25, respectively, and a median peak and mean pressure difference of 10.42 mmHg (range: 5.83-16.55 and 6.51 mmHg (SD = ±2.57, respectively. Gross examination showed minor thrombotic depositions at two commissures in two valves and at all three commissures in three valves. High resolution X-ray imaging revealed different degrees of calcification in all explanted valves, primarily in the commissural and belly areas. In all valves, histological evaluation demonstrated various degrees of fibrous sheath formation, limited immunological infiltration, and no overgrowth of host endothelium. Conclusions Bioprosthetic glutaraldehyde-treated mitral valves can be implanted into the mitral position in pigs and function after 6 months. Echocardiographic data, calcification, and histological examinations were comparable to results obtained in sheep models and human demonstrating the suitability of the porcine model.

  9. [Minor strut fracture of the Björk-Shiley mitral valve]. (United States)

    Sugita, T; Yasuda, R; Watarida, S; Onoe, M; Tabata, R; Mori, A


    In May, 1982, a 49-year-old man underwent mitral valve replacement (MVR) in our hospital with a 31 mm Björk-Shiley prosthesis for mitral regurgitation. He had been doing well until his episode of palpitation and dyspnea of sudden onset, and was transferred to our ICU with severe cardiogenic shock in Aug, 1986. Chest X-ray film revealed pulmonary edema and breakage of the valve with migration of the disc and the minor strut of the prosthesis. He was operated upon 5 hours after the onset of his complaints. The minor strut was removed from the left upper pulmonary vein and mitral valve re-replacement was done with a 29 mm Björk-Shiley Monostrut valve. The disc which had dislocated into the abdominal aorta was also recovered on the twenty-third post operative day. His postoperative course was uneventful. Immediate diagnosis and subsequent re-operation is absolute indication for rescue from acute cardiac failure due to mechanical failure of any prosthetic valve.

  10. Recurrent acute pulmonary oedema after aortic and mitral valve surgery due to trachea malacia and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sankatsing, S. U. C.; Hanselaar, W. E. J. J.; van Steenwijk, R. P.; Van der Sloot, J. A. P.; Broekhuis, E.; Kok, W. E. M.


    In this report we describe a patient with recurrent episodes of acute pulmonary oedema after aortic and mitral valve surgery. The first episode of pulmonary oedema was caused by mitral valve dysfunction. The second episode of pulmonary oedema was not clearly associated with a mitral valve problem,

  11. Changes of hepatofibrosis markers in Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Feihua; Xu Haifeng; Zhou Runsuo; Gao Feng; Wang Lei


    Objective: To study the changes of hepatofibrosis markers (IV-C, PC III, HA, LN) in Graves' disease. Methods: Serum levels of hepatofibrosis were measured with RIA in 40 patients with Graves' disease (CD) before any treatment and 35 patients with Graves' disease after successful anti-thyroid drug therapy as well as in 30 controls. Results: The serum IV-C and PC III levels in GD patients were significant higher than those in controls before treatment (P<0.01). After successful treatment, the IV-C, PC III levels dropped markedly (vs before treatment, P<0.01). However, there were no significant differences among the serum HA, LN levels in all the subjects tested. Conclusion: Serum levels of IV-C and PC III increased markedly with hyperthyroidim. When IV-C and PC III levels were taken for assessment of degree of hepatofibeosis, GD must be ruled out first. (authors)

  12. The value of preoperative 3-dimensional over 2-dimensional valve analysis in predicting recurrent ischemic mitral regurgitation after mitral annuloplasty

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijdh-den Hamer, Inez J.; Bouma, Wobbe; Lai, Eric K.; Levack, Melissa M.; Shang, Eric K.; Pouch, Alison M.; Eperjesi, Thomas J.; Plappert, Theodore J.; Yushkevich, Paul A.; Hung, Judy; Mariani, Massimo A.; Khabbaz, Kamal R.; Gleason, Thomas G.; Mahmood, Feroze; Acker, Michael A.; Woo, Y. Joseph; Cheung, Albert T.; Gillespie, Matthew J.; Jackson, Benjamin M.; Gorman, Joseph H.; Gorman, Robert C.

    Objectives: Repair for ischemic mitral regurgitation with undersized annuloplasty is characterized by high recurrence rates. We sought to determine the value of pre-repair 3-dimensional echocardiography over 2-dimensional echocardiography in predicting recurrence at 6 months. Methods: Intraoperative

  13. Grave's Disease and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis—An Unusual and Challenging Association


    Shetty, Shiran; Rajasekaran, Senthilkumar; Venkatakrishnan, Leela


    Jaundice in Grave's diseases is uncommon, but when it does occur, complication of thyrotoxicosis (heart failure/infection) or intrinsic liver disease should be considered. Grave's disease can cause asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and rarely acute liver failure. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases like autoimmune hepatitis, or primary biliary cirrhosis. The cause of jaundice in Grave's disease is multifactorial.

  14. Grave's Disease and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis-An Unusual and Challenging Association. (United States)

    Shetty, Shiran; Rajasekaran, Senthilkumar; Venkatakrishnan, Leela


    Jaundice in Grave's diseases is uncommon, but when it does occur, complication of thyrotoxicosis (heart failure/infection) or intrinsic liver disease should be considered. Grave's disease can cause asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and rarely acute liver failure. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases like autoimmune hepatitis, or primary biliary cirrhosis. The cause of jaundice in Grave's disease is multifactorial.

  15. Early beneficial effect of preservation of papillo-annular continuity in mitral valve replacement on left ventricular function. (United States)

    Dilip, D; Chandra, A; Rajashekhar, D; Padmanabhan, M


    Impairment of left ventricular (LV) function after mitral valve replacement (MVR) has been the most important factor to determine morbidity and mortality. With this in mind, LV performance in the postoperative period was assessed with and without preservation of papillo-annular continuity in MVR. Between March 1994 and August 1998, a total of 383 valve prostheses (202 MVR, 65 AVR, 58 MVR+AVR) were implanted in 325 patients, 177 of whom underwent MVR with Starr Edwards ball cage prostheses (the study group). Of these 177 patients, 105 had MVR with preservation of the posterior mitral leaflet (group I), and 72 had conventional MVR (group II). Predominant lesions were mitral stenosis in 81, mitral regurgitation in 42, and mixed mitral lesion (MS/MR) in 54. Concomitant tricuspid valve annuloplasty was performed in 13, and atrial septal defect repair in five. Sixteen patients underwent MVR for mitral restenosis. In-vivo performance of the prostheses and LV function was evaluated by M-mode and Doppler echocardiography. At 3-6 months clinical improvement was seen in NYHA class, with reduction in cardiothoracic ratio among patients with preserved papillo-annular continuity, irrespective of lesion type. Significant reductions (p versus 44.64 +/- 8.54 postop.; p versus 41.21 +/- 7.16 postop.; p versus 28.81 +/- 5.79 postop.; p versus 64.47 +/- 7.93; p <0.05). Further analysis of data in group I patients showed significant reductions in left atrial dimensions, LVESD and peak gradient, along with improved ejection fraction compared with conventional (group II) patients. Deterioration in LV function in patients undergoing conventional MVR indicates chordal resection as a putative mechanism. This study supports the concept that maintenance of continuity between the mitral annulus and papillary muscles has a beneficial effect on postoperative LV function, and is particularly important in patients with mitral stenosis with depressed preoperative LV systolic function.

  16. El estrés oxidativo en la insuficiencia renal asociada con hipertensión


    Heredia Ruiz, Danay; Fernández Caraballo, Douglas; Alfonso Rodríguez, Jesús; Ballesteros Hernández, Marianela


    En los últimos años, junto con los factores que podríamos llamar “clásicos” en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad renal (dígase anemia, hipertensión y diabetes), se considera que el estrés oxidativo sería otro factor a tener en cuenta en la patogénesis de la insuficiencia renal crónica progresiva. De hecho, el estrés oxidativo se ha señalado como un importante mediador patológico en muchas y muy diversas situaciones clínicas como la carcinogénesis, la arterioesclerosis, las enfermedades cardiova...

  17. Mitral valve m-mode echo in complete heart block with atrial tachycardia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kalathingathodika Sajeer


    Full Text Available We report a 48-year-old man who presented with history of syncope. Electrocardiogram on admission showed infrahisian complete heart block with a ventricular rate of 36 beats per min with wide QRS junctional escape and atrial rate was 188 beats per min. Transthoracic echocardiogram showed fine vibratory movement of both mitral leaflet tips. M-mode evaluation of mitral leaflets showed multiple ′a′ waves corresponding to atrial tachycardia rate.

  18. Increased amount of atrial fibrosis in patients with atrial fibrillation secondary to mitral valve disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geuzebroek, Guillaume S. C.; van Amersfoorth, Shirley C. M.; Hoogendijk, Mark G.; Kelder, Johannes C.; van Hemel, Norbert M.; de Bakker, Jacques M. T.; Coronel, Ruben


    Objective: Atrial fibrosis is related to atrial fibrillation but may differ in patients with mitral valve disease or lone atrial fibrillation. Therefore, we studied atrial fibrosis in patients with atrial fibrillation + mitral valve disease or with lone atrial fibrillation and compared it with

  19. Serotonin concentrations in platelets, plasma, mitral valve leaflet, and left ventricular myocardial tissue in dogs with myxomatous mitral valve disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cremer, Signe Emilie; Singletary, G.E.; Olsen, Lisbeth Høier


    HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES: Altered serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5HT) signaling is postulated in development and progression of canine myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD). Little is known regarding platelet, plasma, valvular, or myocardial 5HT concentration ([5HT]) in affected dogs. We quantifie...

  20. Smoking and other lifestyle factors and the risk of Graves' hyperthyroidism. (United States)

    Holm, Ingrid A; Manson, Joann E; Michels, Karin B; Alexander, Erik K; Willett, Walter C; Utiger, Robert D


    Hyperthyroidism caused by Graves' disease is common in women, yet little is known about risk factors for the disease. We sought to determine whether lifestyle factors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity level, and body mass index, are risk factors for Graves' hyperthyroidism. This analysis was conducted using data from the Nurses' Health Study II, among 115109 women aged 25 to 42 at entry. Incident reports of women with Graves' hyperthyroidism, confirmed to have the disorder, were included. During 1 328 270 person-years of follow-up, incident diagnoses of Graves' hyperthyroidism were confirmed in 543 women; the 12-year incidence was 4.6 per 1000 women. Cigarette smoking was a predictor of Graves' hyperthyroidism. The hazard ratio among current smokers was 1.93 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.54-2.43), and among past smokers it was 1.27 (95% CI, 1.03-1.56), after adjusting for recent pregnancy, parity, and other variables. Among current smokers, the hazard ratio increased with the intensity of smoking and was 2.63 (95% CI, 1.71-4.04) among women who smoked 25 or more cigarettes daily. Obesity was associated with a decreased risk of Graves' hyperthyroidism. The hazard ratio for the disorder among women with a body mass index of 30 kg/m(2) or higher was 0.68 (95% CI, 0.49-0.92). Alcohol intake and physical activity level were not associated with risk of Graves' hyperthyroidism. Smoking is a risk factor for Graves' hyperthyroidism in women. Obesity may be associated with a reduced risk, although weight loss as the first manifestation of hyperthyroidism cannot be excluded.

  1. Primary biliary cirrhosis associated with Graves' disease in a male patient. (United States)

    Suzuki, Yuji; Ishida, Kazuyuki; Takahashi, Hiroshi; Koeda, Norihiko; Kakisaka, Keisuke; Miyamoto, Yasuhiro; Suzuki, Akiko; Takikawa, Yasuhiro


    Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), which predominantly affects women, has been associated with various autoimmune diseases. Although hypothyroidism accompanying PBC is well documented, the concomitance of PBC and hyperthyroidism is rare. Herein, we report the case of a 62-year-old man who was diagnosed with PBC several years after the development of Graves' disease. This is the first case of a male patient developing PBC with Graves' disease. Both serum alanine aminotransferase levels and serum thyroid hormone levels were normalized after the administration of thiamazole for Graves' disease. However, the cholestatic liver enzyme abnormalities continued, indicating that the PBC was actualized by the administration of thiamazole. After starting ursodeoxycholic acid treatment, cholestatic liver enzyme abnormalities improved. Taken together, when a cholestatic pattern of liver enzymes is observed during follow-up for Graves' disease, an association between Graves' disease and PBC should be considered as a differential diagnosis.

  2. Evaluación de la recuperación de la clase funcional y modificación de los parámetros ecocadiográficos y la morbimortalidad en pacientes con cardiopatía valvular mitral intervenidos en el Hospital San Ignacio

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giovanny Ríos D


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir los resultados funcionales y la morbimortalidad en pacientes con cardiopatía valvular mitral que fueron llevados a cirugía en el Hospital San Ignacio entre los anos 2005 a 2009. Métodos: se revisó el registro quirúrgico del servicio de Cirugía Cardiovascular del Hospital San Ignacio durante los anos descritos. A partir de éste se obtuvo información de los documentos de identidad de cada uno de los pacientes para acceder a la información de las historias clínicas. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de pacientes atendidos en el Hospital, durante el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2005 a octubre de 2009, con diagnóstico de cardiopatía valvular mitral al ingreso. A partir de esta documentación y de los datos del seguimiento se obtuvo la estadística. Resultados y conclusiones: la enfermedad valvular cardíaca es una patología frecuente, compleja, que demanda normas claras de evaluación y seguimiento, además de criterios adecuados para llevar al paciente a cirugía en el momento más oportuno, seleccionar el tipo de prótesis que mejor se ajuste a la edad y sopesar el riesgo del manejo anticoagulante tal como lo predicen los estudios internacionales. La edad promedio de los pacientes intervenidos en el Hospital San Ignacio está alrededor de los 60,4 anos. Las mujeres son la población más afectada por valvulopatía mitral. El mayor porcentaje de los pacientes atendidos proviene de Bogotá. La patología mitral más intervenida es la insuficiencia mitral en 74% de los casos. El manejo más frecuente es el cambio valvular mitral, con 58% de los casos, y de éstos con válvula mecánica en 55,5% de los casos. Las prótesis más utilizadas son las mecánicas y de éstas prevalecen las prótesis ONX en 59,8% sobre las mecánicas. Posterior a la cirugía es notable el cambio en la clase funcional I a II en la mayoría de los pacientes. La mejoría de la clínica no se ve representada en un cambio ecocardiogr

  3. Changes in Mitral Annular Geometry after Aortic Valve Replacement: A Three-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiographic Study (United States)

    Mahmood, Feroze; Warraich, Haider J.; Gorman, Joseph H.; Gorman, Robert C.; Chen, Tzong-Huei; Panzica, Peter; Maslow, Andrew; Khabbaz, Kamal


    Background and aim of the study Intraoperative real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (RT-3D TEE) was used to examine the geometric changes that occur in the mitral annulus immediately after aortic valve replacement (AVR). Methods A total of 35 patients undergoing elective surgical AVR under cardiopulmonary bypass was enrolled in the study. Intraoperative RT-3D TEE was used prospectively to acquire volumetric echocardiographic datasets immediately before and after AVR. The 3D echocardiographic data were analyzed offline using TomTec® Mitral Valve Assessment software to assess changes in specific mitral annular geometric parameters. Results Datasets were successfully acquired and analyzed for all patients. A significant reduction was noted in the mitral annular area (-16.3%, p <0.001), circumference (-8.9% p <0.001) and the anteroposterior (-6.3%, p = 0.019) and anterolateral-posteromedial (-10.5%, p <0.001) diameters. A greater reduction was noted in the anterior annulus length compared to the posterior annulus length (10.5% versus 62%, p <0.05) after AVR. No significant change was seen in the non-planarity angle, coaptation depth, and closure line length. During the period of data acquisition before and after AVR, no significant change was noted in the central venous pressure or left ventricular end-diastolic diameter. Conclusion The mitral annulus undergoes significant geometric changes immediately after AVR Notably, a 16.3% reduction was observed in the mitral annular area. The anterior annulus underwent a greater reduction in length compared to the posterior annulus, which suggested the existence of a mechanical compression by the prosthetic valve. PMID:23409347

  4. Intraoperative assessment of mitral valve area after mitral valve repair: comparison of different methods. (United States)

    Maslow, Andrew; Gemignani, Anthony; Singh, Arun; Mahmood, Feroze; Poppas, Athena


    In the present study, 3 different methods to measure the mitral valve area (MVA) after mitral valve repair (MVRep) were studied. Data obtained immediately after repair were compared with postoperative data. The objective was to determine the feasibility and correlation between intraoperative and postoperative MVA data. A prospective study. A tertiary care medical center. Twenty-five elective adult surgical patients scheduled for MVRep. Echocardiographic data included MVAs obtained using the pressure half-time (PHT), 2-dimensional planimetry (2D-PLAN), and the continuity equation (CE). These data were obtained immediately after cardiopulmonary bypass and were compared with data obtained before hospital discharge (transthoracic echocardiogram 1) and 6 to 12 months after surgery (transthoracic echocardiogram 2). Intraoperative care was guided by hemodynamic goals designed to optimize cardiac function. The data show good agreement and correlation between MVA obtained with PHT and 2D-PLAN within and between each time period. MVA data obtained with the CE in the postoperative period were lower than and did not correlate or agree as well with other MVA data. The MVA recorded immediately after valve repair, using PHT, correlated and agreed with MVA data obtained in the postoperative period. These results contrast with previously published data and could highlight the impact of hemodynamic function during the assessment of MVA. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Grave's Disease and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis—An Unusual and Challenging Association (United States)

    Shetty, Shiran; Rajasekaran, Senthilkumar; Venkatakrishnan, Leela


    Jaundice in Grave's diseases is uncommon, but when it does occur, complication of thyrotoxicosis (heart failure/infection) or intrinsic liver disease should be considered. Grave's disease can cause asymptomatic elevation of liver enzymes, jaundice and rarely acute liver failure. It is associated with other autoimmune diseases like autoimmune hepatitis, or primary biliary cirrhosis. The cause of jaundice in Grave's disease is multifactorial. PMID:25755537

  6. Polución por material particulado fino (PM 2,5) incrementa las hospitalizaciones por insuficiencia cardiaca


    Castro, Pablo; Vera, Jeanette; Cifuentes, Luis; Wellenius, Gregory; Verdejo, Hugo; Sepúlveda, Luis; Vukasovic, José Luis; Llevaneras, Silvana


    Antecedentes: Estudios recientes han reportado una asociación entre la contaminación ambiental por material particulado (PM) y el riesgo de hospitalizaciones de pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (IC). La región metropolitana de nuestro país constituye un área geográfica en la cual la contaminación es especialmente relevante, asociándose a incrementos periódicos en la morbimortalidad por causa respiratoria. Sin embargo el efecto de la polución por PM en la morbilidad de pacientes con IC no ...


    Vincent, P J; Garg, M K; Singh, Y; Bhalla, V P; Datta, S


    Treatment options for Grave's disease include radio-iodine ablation, which is the standard treatment in the USA, antithyroid drug therapy, which is popular in Japan, and surgery, which is commonly employed in Europe and India. There are very few reports about the outcome of surgery in Grave's disease in the Indian setting. Surgery for Grave's disease is an attractive option in under developed countries to cut short prolonged drug treatment, costly follow up and avoid the need for radio-isotope facilities for 1311 ablation. Aim of the present study was to assess the result of subtotal thyroidectomy in 32 cases of Grave's Disease referred for surgery by the endocrinologist in a teaching hospital. Patients were prepared for surgery with Lugol's iodine and propranalol. Subtotal thyroidectomy was performed by a standard technique, which included dissection and exposure of recurrent laryngeal nerves and parathyroid glands. Actual estimation of weight of the remnant gland was not part of the study. Duration of follow up ranged from 6 months to 4 years. 13 of 32 cases were males. Age ranged from 20 to 57 years. There was 1 death in the immediate post-operative period. There were no cases of permanent hypoparathyroidism or recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. 1 patient developed temporary hypoparathyroidism. 1 patient developed recurrence of hyperthyroidism and 3 cases developed hypothyroidism all within 2 years of surgery. The study has demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of surgery for Grave's Disease in comparison to the reported high incidence of hypothyroidism following radio-iodine therapy and high recurrence rate after anti thyroid drug therapy.

  8. Cardiac Computed Tomography versus Echocardiography in the Assessment of Stenotic Rheumatic Mitral Valve. (United States)

    Unal Aksu, Hale; Gorgulu, Sevket; Diker, Mustafa; Celik, Omer; Aksu, Huseyin; Ozturk, Derya; Kırıs, Adem; Kalkan, Ali Kemal; Erturk, Mehmet; Bakır, İhsan


    There are different clinical cardiac applications of dual source computed tomography (DSCT). Here, we aimed to compare the DSCT with the transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) for evaluating the Wilkins score and planimetric mitral valve area (MVA) of a rheumatic stenotic mitral valve. We prospectively evaluated mitral valvular structure and function in 31 patients with known mitral stenosis undergoing electrocardiogram-gated, second-generation DSCT, in our heart center for different indications. Mitral valve was evaluated using Wilkins score, and also, the planimetric MVA was assessed. We found a significant difference between MVAs determined by DSCT (average 1.42 ± 0.44 cm2) and MVAs determined by TTE (average 1.35 ± 0.43 cm2 ; difference 0.07 ± 0.16 cm2; P = 0.018). Linear regression analysis revealed a good correlation between the two techniques (r = 0.934; P < 0.0001). The limits of agreement for DSCT and TTE in the Bland-Altman analysis were ±0.31 cm2 . DSCT using TTE as the reference enabled good discrimination between mild and moderate-to-severe stenosis and had an area under the ROC curve of 0.967 (CI 0.912-1.023; P < 0.0001). Wilkins scores obtained by DSCT (7.51 ± 1.17, range 5-10) and TTE (8.16 ± 1.27, range 6-10) had a moderate correlation (r = 0.686; P < 0.0001). We found that planimetric MVA measurements assessed by DSCT were closely correlated with MVA calculations by TTE. The moderate correlation was observed for the Wilkins score. © 2015, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  9. Prevention of Graves' ophthalmopathy. (United States)

    Bartalena, Luigi


    Smoking is the most important risk factor for the occurrence/progression of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO), as well as for its lower/slower response to immunosuppression. Accordingly, refrain from smoking should be urged, both as primary prevention (removal of risk factors in Graves' patients without GO), secondary prevention (early detection and treatment of asymptomatic/very mild GO) and tertiary prevention (reduction of complications/disability of overt GO). A 6-month course of 200 μg/day sodium selenite can prevent progression of mild GO to more severe GO and is, therefore, a form of secondary prevention and, probably, primary prevention. Correction of thyroid dysfunction and stable maintenance of euthyroidism are important preventive measures. The optimal treatment for hyperthyroidism in patients with GO is uncertain, because evidence demonstrating the superiority of antithyroid drugs over thyroid ablation (radioiodine, thyroidectomy, or both) is lacking. If radioiodine is used, low-dose steroid prophylaxis is recommended, particularly in smokers, to prevent radioiodine-associated GO progression. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 affect the severity of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Di Cerbo, Alfredo; Pezzuto, Federica; Di Cerbo, Alessandro


    Graves' disease, the most common form of hyperthyroidism in iodine-replete countries, is associated with the presence of immunoglobulins G (IgGs) that are responsible for thyroid growth and hyperfunction. In this article, we report the unusual case of a patient with acromegaly and a severe form of Graves' disease. Here, we address the issue concerning the role of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) in influencing thyroid function. Severity of Graves' disease is exacerbated by coexistent acromegaly and both activity indexes and symptoms and signs of Graves' disease improve after the surgical remission of acromegaly. We also discuss by which signaling pathways GH and IGF1 may play an integrating role in regulating the function of the immune system in Graves' disease and synergize the stimulatory activity of Graves' IgGs. Clinical observations have demonstrated an increased prevalence of euthyroid and hyperthyroid goiters in patients with acromegaly.The coexistence of acromegaly and Graves' disease is a very unusual event, the prevalence being Graves' disease associated with acromegaly and show that surgical remission of acromegaly leads to a better control of symptoms of Graves' disease.

  11. Total thyroidectomy: is morbidity higher for Graves' disease than nontoxic goiter? (United States)

    Welch, Kellen C; McHenry, Christopher R


    Total thyroidectomy for treatment of Graves' disease is controversial and much of the debate centers on the concern for complications. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morbidity of total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease and determine if it is different than for patients with nontoxic nodular goiter. The rates of life threatening neck hematoma, recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury, transient hypocalcemia, and hypoparathyroidism were determined for consecutive patients with Graves' disease treated with total thyroidectomy from 1996 to 2010. Results were compared with patients who underwent total thyroidectomy for nontoxic nodular goiter during the same period, matched for the weight of the excised thyroid gland. Total thyroidectomy was performed in 111 patients with Graves' disease (group I) and 283 patients with nontoxic nodular goiter (group II). Parathyroid autotransplantation was performed in 31(28%) patients in group I and 98 (35%) patients in group II (P = NS). Comparative analysis of morbidity revealed no significant difference in neck hematoma, 0(0%) (I) versus 3(1%) (II); permanent RLN injury, 0(0%) (I) versus 2(1%) (II); and permanent hypoparathyroidism in 1(1%) (I) versus 1 (0.4%) (II) (P = NS). Transient hypocalcemia was more common in patients with Graves' disease, 80(72%) (I) versus 170 (60%) (II) (P Graves' disease; only transient hypocalcemia occurred more often than in patients with nodular goiter. Total thyroidectomy should be presented as a therapeutic option for all patients with Graves' disease. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Correção da origem anômala de artéria coronária esquerda com insuficiência mitral e hemólise mecânica Correction of anomalous origin of left coronary artery with mitral insufficiency and mechanical hemolisys

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Alberto Caliani


    Full Text Available Criança do sexo feminino, 2 meses de idade, apresentando quadro clínico de insuficiência cardíaca e sopro. Durante a investigação, foi realizado ecocardiograma e estudo cineangiocardiográfico que evidenciaram origem anômala da artéria coronária esquerda do tronco pulmonar e insuficiência mitral importante demonstrada ao doppler. A paciente foi submetida a tratamento cirúrgico com auxílio de circulação extracorpórea, que consistiu no reimplante da artéria coronária esquerda na aorta, associado à anuloplastia da valva mitral. No pós-operatório tardio, houve importante hemólise mecânica ocasionada pela plastia mitral. A paciente foi reoperada para remoção de retalho de pericárdio bovino. O ecocardiograma pós-operatório mostra insuficiência mitral leve e o paciente apresenta-se em classe funcional I (NYHA.A 2 months-old girl, presenting with heart failure and murmur was investigated using echocardiography and cardiac cathetherization revealing an anomalous left coronary artery origin from the pulmonary trunk and massive mitral regurgitation. The patient was submitted to surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass: the anomalous coronary was implanted in the aorta and the mitral valve repaired by annuloplasty. In the postoperative period the patient had important mechanical hemolysis caused by mitral annuloplasty. The patient underwent a second intervention to remove a piece of bovin pericardium. A postoperative echocardiogram revealed mild mitral insufficiency and the patient is free of symptoms.

  13. Simultaneous induction of Graves' hyperthyroidism and Graves' ophthalmopathy by TSHR genetic immunization in BALB/c mice.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nan Xia

    Full Text Available Graves' disease is the most common form of autoimmune thyroid disorder, characterized by hyperthyroidism due to circulating autoantibodies. To address the pathological features and establish a therapeutic approach of this disease, an animal model carrying the phenotype of Graves' disease (GD in concert with Graves' Ophthalmopathy (GO will be very important. However, there are no ideal animal models that are currently available. The aim of the present study is to establish an animal model of GD and GO disease, and its pathological features were further characterized.A recombinant plasmid pcDNA3.1- T289 was constructed by inserting the TSHR A-subunit gene into the expression vector pcDNA3.1, and genetic immunization was successfully performed by intramuscular injection of the plasmid pcDNA3.1-T289 on female 8-week-old BALB/c mice. Each injection was immediately followed by in vivo electroporation using ECM830 square wave electroporator. Morphological changes of the eyes were examined using 7.0T MRI scanner. Levels of serum T4 and TSHR antibodies (TRAb were assessed by ELISA. The pathological changes of the thyroid and orbital tissues were examined by histological staining such as H&E staining and Alcian blue staining.More than 90% of the immunized mice spontaneously developed goiter, and about 80% of the immunized mice manifested increased serum T4 and TRAb levels, combined with hypertrophy and hyperplasia of thyroid follicles. A significantly increased synthesis of hyaluronic acid was detected in in the immunized mice compared with the control groups.We have successfully established an animal model manifesting Graves' hyperthyroidism and ophthalmopathy, which provides a useful tool for future study of the pathological features and the development of novel therapies of the diseases.

  14. Monophasic Synovial Sarcoma Presenting as Mitral Valve Obstruction (United States)

    Chokesuwattanaskul, Warangkana; Terrell, Jason; Jenkins, Leigh Ann


    We report the case of a 26-year-old man who experienced progressive left-sided chest pain and 2 episodes of near-syncope. Studies revealed a 15-cm mass in the upper left lung, a 10-cm mass in the medial base of the left lung, and a 5-cm left atrial mass that involved the left lung, infiltrated the left pulmonary vein, and prolapsed into the mitral valve, causing intermittent obstruction. The patient underwent surgical excision of the left atrial tumor. Pathologic evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of monophasic synovial sarcoma. To our knowledge, this is only the 3rd report of left atrial invasion and resultant mitral valve obstruction from a synovial sarcoma that infiltrated the pulmonary vein. We believe that this is the 1st documented case of a metastatic left atrial synovial sarcoma in monophasic form. PMID:20844626

  15. Learning curve analysis of mitral valve repair using telemanipulative technology. (United States)

    Charland, Patrick J; Robbins, Tom; Rodriguez, Evilio; Nifong, Wiley L; Chitwood, Randolph W


    To determine if the time required to perform mitral valve repairs using telemanipulation technology decreases with experience and how that decrease is influenced by patient and procedure variables. A single-center retrospective review was conducted using perioperative and outcomes data collected contemporaneously on 458 mitral valve repair surgeries using telemanipulative technology. A regression model was constructed to assess learning with this technology and predict total robot time using multiple predictive variables. Statistical analysis was used to determine if models were significantly useful, to rule out correlation between predictor variables, and to identify terms that did not contribute to the prediction of total robot time. We found a statistically significant learning curve (P learning percentage∗ derived from total robot times† for the first 458 recorded cases of mitral valve repair using telemanipulative technology is 95% (R(2) = .40). More than one third of the variability in total robot time can be explained through our model using the following variables: type of repair (chordal procedures, ablations, and leaflet resections), band size, use of clips alone in band implantation, and the presence of a fellow at bedside (P Learning in mitral valve repair surgery using telemanipulative technology occurs at the East Carolina Heart Institute according to a logarithmic curve, with a learning percentage of 95%. From our regression output, we can make an approximate prediction of total robot time using an additive model. These metrics can be used by programs for benchmarking to manage the implementation of this new technology, as well as for capacity planning, scheduling, and capital budget analysis. Copyright © 2011 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  16. Mitral valve-sparing procedures and prosthetic heart valve failure: A case report (United States)

    Khan, Nasir A; Butany, Jagdish; Leong, Shaun W; Rao, Vivek; Cusimano, Robert J; Ross, Heather J


    Prosthetic heart valve dysfunction due to thrombus or pannus formation can be a life-threatening complication. The present report describes a 47-year-old woman who developed valvular cardiomyopathy after chorda-sparing mitral valve replacement, and subsequently underwent heart transplantation for progressive heart failure. The explanted mitral valve prosthesis showed significant thrombus and pannus leading to reduced leaflet mobility and valvular stenosis. The present report illustrates the role of the subvalvular apparatus and pannus in prosthesis dysfunction. PMID:19279993

  17. Graves, Ancestors and Cement in Land disputes in Acholi and Ikland, Uganda

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Meinert, Lotte; Willerslev, Rane; Seebach, Sophie Hooge


    graves are made concrete and increasingly cemented indices of belonging in wrangles over land. Belonging is often justified through the presence of ancestor graves on land. The cementing of graves turns them into more concrete and durable proofs of ownership, and the reburial of relatives to disputed......The paper explores the roles of graves, ancestors and concrete pillars in disputes over land across different land-systems, -conflicts, and territory making in northern Uganda by comparing extended cases between Acholi in Gulu district and Ik in Kaabong district . In the post-conflict Acholi region...

  18. Pretibial myxedema without ophthalmopathy: an initial presentation of Graves' disease. (United States)

    Lohiya, Sheela; Lohiya, Vipin; Stahl, Elizabeth J


    To report a rare case of Graves' disease without ophthalmopathy presenting with pretibial myxedema (PM) as an initial presentation. We present the clinical history, physical findings, laboratory studies and biopsy data of a 62-year-old man with a history of uncontrolled type 2 diabetes (DM2) presenting with arm and leg skin lesions in the absence of other physical findings. Histopathology confirmed PM. Graves' disease and its association with PM without Graves' ophthalmopathy and the pertinent literature are reviewed. A 60-year-old man with a history of uncontrolled DM2 presented for glycemic management. He described symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and fatigue for the last 5 to 6 months. He described diffuse chest pain, occasionally associated with palpitations, and a 50-pound weight loss. He also complained of severe itching and burning of his arms and legs for the past several months. Subsequent thyroid studies revealed hyperthyroidism suggestive of Graves' disease. In the interim, he was hospitalized for atrial flutter and was cardioverted. After being started on methimazole, his symptoms abated. His skin lesions were biopsied, and the leg biopsy was consistent with PM. He however had no lid lag or proptosis characteristic of Graves' disease. He subsequently underwent radioiodine ablation. His hyperglycemia was better control led after treatment of his hyperthyroidism. PM is an autoimmune manifestation of Graves' disease. Almost all cases of thyroid dermopathy are associated with relatively severe ophthalmopathy. Usually ophthalmopathy appears first and dermopathy much later. However, this case represents a rare initial presentation of Graves' disease with PM without ophthalmologic symptoms or findings. Hyperthyroidism is typically associated with worsening glycemic control and increased insulin requirements. In patients with diabetes having hyperthyroidism, deterioration in glycemic control should be anticipated and treatment should be adjusted accordingly

  19. Pancytopenia in a Patient with Grave's Disease. (United States)

    Loh, Huai Heng; Tan, Florence


    Pancytopenia can rarely complicate Grave's disease. It can be due to uncontrolled thyrotoxicosis or as a result of rare side effect of antithyroid medication. Pernicious anemia leading to Vitamin B12 deficiency is another rare associated cause. We report a case of a patient with Grave's disease and undiagnosed pernicious anemia whom was assumed to have antithyroid drug induced pancytopenia. Failure to recognize this rare association of pernicious anemia as a cause of pancytopenia had resulted in delay in treatment and neurological complication in our patient.

  20. A 29-year-old Harken disk mitral valve: long-term follow-up by echocardiographic and cineradiographic imaging. (United States)

    Hsi, David H; Ryan, Gerald F; Taft, Janice; Arnone, Thomas J


    An 81-year-old woman was evaluated for prosthetic mitral valve function. She had received a Harken disk mitral valve 29 years earlier due to severe mitral valve disease. This particular valve prosthesis is known for premature disk edge wear and erosion. The patients 2-dimensional Doppler echocardiogram showed the distinctive appearance of a disk mitral valve prosthesis. Color Doppler in diastole showed a unique crown appearance, with initial flow acceleration around the disk followed by convergence to laminar flow in the left ventricle. Cineradiographic imaging revealed normal valve function and minimal disk erosion. We believe this to be the longest reported follow-up of a surviving patient with a rare Harken disk valve. We present images with unique echocardiographic and cineangiographic features.

  1. Development of Graves' ophthalmopathy and uveitis after radioiodine therapy for Graves' disease in a patient with HTLA-I associated myelopathy (HAM)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ozawa, Yasunori; Migita, Masayoshi; Watanabe, Tomoji; Okuda, Itsuko; Takeshita, Akira; Takagi, Akio; Shishiba, Yoshimasa (Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo (Japan))


    HTLV-I carriers or patients with HTLV-I associated myelopathy (HAM) are prone to immune-mediated inflammatory disorders. We present a 44-year-old female with HAM who developed Graves' disease. She developed severe Graves' ophthalmopathy shortly after [sup 131]I therapy, concurrently with a remarkable increase in TSH-receptor antibody titer. Ophthalmopathy was aggravated in spite of prednisolone therapy and euthyroidism being maintained by thyroxine replacement. Uveitis also developed after [sup 131]I therapy and iridocyclitis finally required trabeculotomy. This case suggests that HAM patients may have a higher risk of immune-mediated Graves' ophthalmopathy after [sup 131]I therapy.(author).

  2. Genetic susceptibility to Grave's disease. (United States)

    Li, Hong; Chen, Qiuying


    The variety of clinical presentations of eye changes in patients with Graves' disease (GD) suggests that complex interactions between genetic, environmental, endogenous and local factors influence the severity of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO). It is thought that the development of GO might be influenced by genetic factors and environmental factors, such as cigarette smoking. At present, however, the role of genetic factors in the development of GO is not known. On the basis of studies with candidate genes and other genetic approaches, several susceptibility loci in GO have been proposed, including immunological genes, human leukocyte antigen (HLA), cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4), regulatory T-cell genes and thyroid-specific genes. This review gives a brief overview of the current range of major susceptibility genes found for GD.

  3. Development of Graves' disease following radiation therapy in Hodgkin's disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loeffler, J.S.; Tarbell, N.J.; Garber, J.R.; Mauch, P.


    Radiation-related thyroid dysfunction is a common occurrence in patients with Hodgkin's disease treated with mantle field radiation. Although chemical and clinical hypothyroidism are most commonly seen, Graves' disease has also been described. We have examined the records of 437 surgically staged patients who received mantle field irradiation between April 1969 and December 1980 to ascertain the frequency of manifestations of Graves' disease. Within this group, seven patients developed hyperthyroidism accompanied by ophthalmic findings typical of those seen in Graves' disease. The actuarial risk of developing Graves' disease at 10 years following mantle irradiation for Hodgkin's disease was 3.3% in female patients and 1% in male patients in this study. The observed/expected ratios were 5.9 and 5.1 for female and male patients, respectively. This observed risk significantly exceeded that seen in the general population

  4. Mitral valve annuloplasty with a bovine pericardial strip - 18-year results Anuloplastia mitral com tira de pericárdio bovino resultados de 18 anos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Maria Alberto Pomerantzeff


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: Prosthetic annuloplasty rings are currently used in mitral reconstruction. Posterior annuloplasty with a bovine pericardial strip is a technique largely used in the Heart Institute of University of São Paulo Medical School. The purpose of the study was to analyze the late results of mitral valve repair with posterior annuloplasty using a bovine pericardial strip. METHODS: Between January 1984 and December 2002, 273 patients underwent mitral valve repair with posterior pericardial annuloplasty in the Heart Institute of University of São Paulo Medical School. One hundred and forty four (52.7% were women and ages ranged between 1 and 76 years (38.3 ± 21.1. Rheumatic fever was present in 52.0% of the patients. Associated techniques were employed in 26.0% of the patients, and the most frequent was chordal shortening (9.2%. RESULTS: Hospital mortality was 3.3% (9 patients, with the major cause being low cardiac output (6 patients. Actuarial survival was 55.1% ± 16.8% in 18 years. During the 18-year follow-up: patients were free from the following: reoperation (59.1% ±± 13.9%, (percent +/- Standard Error, thromboembolism (97.4% ± 2.3%, hemolysis (99.2% ± 0.2%, and endocarditis (99.6% ± 1.0%. In the late follow-up period, 83.9% were classified as New York Heart Association functional class I. CONCLUSIONS: Late results with mitral valve repair with posterior annuloplasty using a bovine pericardial strip were satisfactory. The technique is feasible, reproducible, and cost effective.OBJETIVO: Anéis protéticos para anuloplastia são usados nas plásticas da valva mitral de forma rotineira. A anuloplastia posterior com tira de pericárdio bovino é uma técnica largamente utilizada no Instituto do Coração - HC - FMUSP. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os resultados tardios da plástica da valva mitral com a utilização desta técnica na nossa instituição. MÉTODOS: Entre janeiro de 1984 e dezembro de 2002, 273 pacientes foram

  5. Persistent hyperthyroidism and de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy after total thyroidectomy. (United States)

    Tay, Wei Lin; Loh, Wann Jia; Lee, Lianne Ai Ling; Chng, Chiaw Ling


    We report a patient with Graves' disease who remained persistently hyperthyroid after a total thyroidectomy and also developed de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy 5 months after surgery. She was subsequently found to have a mature cystic teratoma containing struma ovarii after undergoing a total hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy for an incidental ovarian lesion. It is important to investigate for other causes of primary hyperthyroidism when thyrotoxicosis persists after total thyroidectomy.TSH receptor antibody may persist after total thyroidectomy and may potentially contribute to the development of de novo Graves' ophthalmopathy.

  6. Examination of mitral regurgitation with a goat heart model for the development of intelligent artificial papillary muscle. (United States)

    Shiraishi, Y; Yambe, T; Yoshizawa, M; Hashimoto, H; Yamada, A; Miura, H; Hashem, M; Kitano, T; Shiga, T; Homma, D


    Annuloplasty for functional mitral or tricuspid regurgitation has been made for surgical restoration of valvular diseases. However, these major techniques may sometimes be ineffective because of chamber dilation and valve tethering. We have been developing a sophisticated intelligent artificial papillary muscle (PM) by using an anisotropic shape memory alloy fiber for an alternative surgical reconstruction of the continuity of the mitral structural apparatus and the left ventricular myocardium. This study exhibited the mitral regurgitation with regard to the reduction in the PM tension quantitatively with an originally developed ventricular simulator using isolated goat hearts for the sophisticated artificial PM. Aortic and mitral valves with left ventricular free wall portions of isolated goat hearts (n=9) were secured on the elastic plastic membrane and statically pressurized, which led to valvular leaflet-papillary muscle positional change and central mitral regurgitation. PMs were connected to the load cell, and the relationship between the tension of regurgitation and PM tension were measured. Then we connected the left ventricular specimen model to our hydraulic ventricular simulator and achieved hemodynamic simulation with the controlled tension of PMs.

  7. Applied anatomy of thyroid arteries for interventional embolization of Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding Zhongxiang; Zhao Wei; Hou Jialin; Xiang Shutian; Li Liyuan; Zou Zhirong; Li Xingguo; Song Dianping; Yuan Jianhua


    Objective: To explore the anatomy and imaging manifestations of thyroid arteries for improving the efficiency and lowering the complication in interventional embolization of Graves' disease. Methods: Thyroid arteries were investigated, including 16 adult cadavers (Cadaver group), 8 non-thyropathic patients (Normal group)and 17 Graves patients (Graves group). The inner diameters of the trunk and supplying branches of thyroid artery, the angles between the origination of branches and the beginning of the trunk, and the angles between the trunk of thyroid artery and carotid or subclavian artery were measured. In addition, data of the three groups were statistically analyzed. Results: Many non-thyroid arterial branches arose from thyroid artery, with no statistical difference in their indexes between Cadaver group and Normal group. The thyroid arteries showed much longer, obviously wider in diameter, and larger angles between the trunk of thyroid artery and carotid artery in Graves group than those of Cadaver group and Normal group; outcoming with significant statistical differences; and furthermore, with increase of interglandular branches and dangerous internal and external anastomoses. Conclusions: The specific thyroid arterial changes of Graves' disease are helpful for the interventional embolization. Non-thyroid branches and dangerous anastomoses should not be embolized as far as possible, for decreasing the complications of the interventional procedure for Graves' disease. (authors)



    David Šuran; Vojko Kanič; Tatjana Golob Gulič; Husam Franjo Naji; Robert Lipovec


    Background Prosthetic heart valve thrombosis (PHVT) represents a dangerous postoperative complication following prosthetic heart valve replacement. Incidence varies according to different data from 0.5–4 % per year following mitral or aortic valve replacement in spite of adequate oral anticoagulation with coumarins. Case report We are presenting a case of prosthetic mitral valve thrombosis as a result of 6-month lowmolecular-weight heparin (LMWH) (nadroparine) treatment failure. Our pat...

  9. Initial experience of percutaneous treatment of mitral regurgitation with MitraClip® therapy in Spain. (United States)

    Carrasco-Chinchilla, Fernando; Arzamendi, Dabit; Romero, Miguel; Gimeno de Carlos, Federico; Alonso-Briales, Juan Horacio; Li, Chi-Hion; Mesa, Maria Dolores; Arnold, Roman; Serrador Frutos, Ana María; Pan, Manuel; Roig, Eulalia; Rodríguez-Bailón, Isabel; de la Fuente Galán, Luis; Hernández, José María; Serra, Antonio; Suárez de Lezo, José


    Symptomatic mitral regurgitation has an unfavorable prognosis unless treated by surgery. However, the European registry of valvular heart disease reports that 49% of patients with this condition do not undergo surgery. Percutaneous treatment of mitral regurgitation with MitraClip® has been proved a safe, efficient adjunct to medical treatment in patients with this profile. The objective of the present study is to describe initial experience of MitraClip® therapy in Spain. Retrospective observational study including all patients treated between November 2011 and July 2013 at the 4 Spanish hospitals recording the highest numbers of implantations. A total of 62 patients (77.4% men) were treated, mainly for restrictive functional mitral regurgitation (85.4%) of grade III (37%) or grade IV (63%), mean (standard deviation) ejection fraction 36% (14%), and New York Heart Association functional class III (37%) or IV (63%). Device implantation was successful in 98% of the patients. At 1 year, 81.2% had mitral regurgitation ≤ 2 and 90.9% were in New York Heart Association functional class ≤ II. One periprocedural death occurred (sepsis at 20 days post-implantation) and another 3 patients died during follow-up (mean, 9.1 months). Two patients needed a second implantation due to partial dehiscence of the first device and 2 others underwent heart transplantation. In Spain, MitraClip® therapy has principally been aimed at patients with functional mitral regurgitation, significant systolic ventricular dysfunction, and high surgical risk. It is considered a safe alternative treatment, which can reduce mitral regurgitation and improve functional capacity. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  10. Serum immunoglobulin G4 levels and Graves' disease phenotype. (United States)

    Martin, Carmen Sorina; Sirbu, Anca Elena; Betivoiu, Minodora Andreea; Florea, Suzana; Barbu, Carmen Gabriela; Fica, Simona Vasilica


    We investigated, at diagnosis, the relationship between serum immunoglobulin G4 levels and the main characteristics of Graves' disease: hyperthyroidism severity, goiter size, presence of active Graves' ophthalmopathy, antithyroid antibodies status, and titer. This prospective study included 80 newly diagnosed Graves' disease patients. The main parameters measured at diagnosis: thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine, total triiodothyronine, thyroglobulin, antithyroid peroxidase antibodies, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibodies, immunoglobulin G4. In Graves' disease patients, serum immunoglobulin G4 levels were higher than in general population (p = 0.028) and higher in men compared to women (p = 0.002). Only one female patient with intense hypoechoic goiter, high anti-thyroglobulin antibody, and antithyroid peroxidase antibody titers had an elevated serum immunoglobulin G4 level at diagnosis. Patients with immunoglobulin G4 levels above the 75th percentile (>237.52 mg/dl, N = 20) were younger at Graves' ophthalmopathy onset (p 286.28 mg/dl, N = 8) had lower total triiodothyronine values (p = 0.001) than patients with IgG below the 90th percentile. No significant correlations were found between smoking status (p = 0.58), goiter size (p = 0.50), the presence of ophthalmopathy (p = 0.42) or thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody titers (p = 0.45) and the mean value of immunoglobulin G4 levels at diagnosis. Our data suggest that Graves' disease patients with elevated immunoglobulin G4 levels at diagnosis have a phenotype characterized by higher anti-thyroglobulin antibody and antithyroid peroxidase antibody titers, less severe T3 hyperthyroidism, younger age at ophthalmopathy onset and require a shorter duration of the first methimazole treatment cycle.

  11. Clinical significance of determination of serum TRAb levels in patients with relapsing graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Chunlei; Zhou Jiaqiang; Li Wenpeng


    Objective: To explore the clinical significance of changes of serum TRAb levels in patients with relapsing Graves' disease. Methods: Serum TRAb (with RRA) and several other thyroid-related hormones (TT 4 , TT 3 , TSH, FT 3 , with CLIA) were determined in the following subjects: 1. 25 cases of relapsing Graves' disease after previous successful treatment; 2. 18 cases of recently diagnosed Graves' disease; 3. 31 cases of successfully treated Graves' disease; 4. 15 cases of simple goiter; 5. 10 cases of nodular goiter; 6. 18 cases of hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto disease. Results: Positive rate of TRAb was 76.00% in patients with relapsing Graves' disease and 77.78% in recently diagnosed Graves' disease cases, both being significantly higher than that in all the other sets of patients studied (P<0.01). Conclusion: Determination of serum TRAb levels was helpful for the diagnosis of relapse in Graves' disease

  12. Reversal of severe mitral regurgitation by device closure of a large patent ductus arteriosus in a premature infant. (United States)

    Kheiwa, Ahmed; Ross, Robert D; Kobayashi, Daisuke


    We report a critically ill premature infant with severe mitral valve regurgitation associated with pulmonary hypertension and a severely dilated left atrium from a large patent ductus arteriosus. The mitral valve regurgitation improved significantly with normalisation of left atrial size 4 weeks after percutaneous closure of the patent ductus arteriosus. This case highlights the potential reversibility of severe mitral valve regurgitation with treatment of an underlying cardiac shunt.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    dyspnoea became severe and sweating occurred. The face, feet ... right ventricular predominance and a'mitral P wave. An X-ray showed ... The anterior cusp was long and mobile and the posterior cusp was short and ... There was no ankle oedema. .... treated with large doses of antibiotics and recovery occurred in about 48 ...

  14. Postoperative Outcomes in Graves' Disease Patients: Results from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database. (United States)

    Rubio, Gustavo A; Koru-Sengul, Tulay; Vaghaiwalla, Tanaz M; Parikh, Punam P; Farra, Josefina C; Lew, John I


    Current surgical indications for Graves' disease include intractability to medical and/or radioablative therapy, compressive symptoms, and worsening ophthalmopathy. Total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease may be technically challenging and lead to untoward perioperative outcomes. This study examines outcomes in patients with Graves' disease who underwent total thyroidectomy and assesses its safety for this patient population. A retrospective cross-sectional analysis was performed using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample database from 2006 to 2011. Total thyroidectomy performed in patients with Graves' disease, benign multinodular goiter (MNG), and thyroid cancer was identified. Demographic factors, comorbidities, and postoperative complications were evaluated. Chi-square, one-way analysis of variance, and risk-adjusted multivariable logistic regression were performed. Of 215,068 patients who underwent total thyroidectomy during the study period, 11,205 (5.2%) had Graves' disease, 110,124 (51.2%) MNG, and 93,739 (43.6%) thyroid malignancy. Patients with Graves' disease were younger than MNG and thyroid cancer patients (M age  = 42.8 years vs. 55.5 and 51.0 years; p Graves' disease group included a higher proportion of women (p Graves' disease was independently associated with a higher risk of vocal-cord paralysis (odds ratio [OR] = 1.36 [confidence interval (CI) 1.08-1.69]), tracheostomy (OR = 1.35 [CI 1.1-1.67]), postoperative hypocalcemia (OR = 1.65 [CI 1.54-1.77]), and hematoma requiring reoperation (OR = 2.79 [CI 2.16-3.62]) compared to MNG patients. High-volume centers for total thyroidectomy were independently associated with lower risk of postoperative complications, including in patients with Graves' disease. Despite low overall morbidity following total thyroidectomy, Graves' disease patients are at increased risk of postoperative complications, including bleeding, vocal-cord paralysis, tracheostomy, and hypocalcemia. These risks appear

  15. Rupture of Sinus of Valsalva Aneurysm Associated with Left Ventricular Noncompaction and Mitral Valve Prolapse

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sinan Aydoğdu


    Full Text Available We report a 27-year-old patient with ruptured sinus Valsalva aneurysm (SVA, left ventricular noncompaction and mitral valve prolapse. Whether the coexistence of ruptured SVA, left ventricular noncompaction and mitral valve prolapse is coincidental or due to a defect in a common developmental pathway requires further research.

  16. Surgical correction of mitral valve prolapse : a cure for recurrent ventricular tachycardia in Marfan syndrome? (United States)

    Beroukhim, Rebecca S; Reed, John H; Schaffer, Michael S; Yetman, Anji T


    We describe the case of a 3-year-old child with neonatal Marfan syndrome complicated by mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation, marked aortic root dilatation, and ventricular tachycardia. The patient had resolution of ventricular tachycardia following surgical intervention consisting of a valve-sparing aortic root replacement and mitral valve annuloplasty.

  17. Characteristics of patients with graves disease and intrathyroid hypovascularity compared to painless thyroiditis. (United States)

    Uchida, Toyoyoshi; Shigihara, Nayumi; Takeno, Kageumi; Komiya, Koji; Goto, Hiromasa; Abe, Hiroko; Sato, Junko; Honda, Akira; Fujitani, Yoshio; Watada, Hirotaka


    The purpose of this study was to assess the frequency and sonographic and laboratory characteristics of Graves disease with intrathyroid hypovascularity in Japanese patients and to compare these characteristics in patients with painless thyroiditis. A total of 194 consecutive patients with Graves disease and 21 patients with painless thyroiditis were enrolled. The patients underwent thyroid volume measurement, mean superior thyroid artery peak systolic velocity (PSV) measurement, power Doppler sonography, and proper blood testing to discriminate between Graves disease and painless thyroiditis. Based on the power Doppler sonographic findings, they were divided into 4 groups: from pattern 0 (most hypovascular thyroid) to pattern III (most hypervascular thyroid). Comparisons of multiple thyroid parameters were made among the groups. The prevalence of Graves disease with pattern 0 (n = 27) was 13.9% among the patients with Graves disease. The sonographic and laboratory data for patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 were compared to those of the 21 patients with painless thyroiditis, which typically shows intrathyroid hypovascularity. Free triiodothyronine and thyroxine levels and the superior thyroid artery PSV were significantly lower in patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 than those with patterns I, II, and III (P thyroid volume and thyrotropin receptor antibody level were significantly lower in patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 than those with pattern III. In the comparison between patients with Graves disease and pattern 0 and those with painless thyroiditis and pattern 0, apart from thyrotropin receptor antibody, only the superior thyroid artery PSV was different. Although the clinical features of patients with Graves disease and intrathyroid hypovascularity were similar to those patients with painless thyroiditis, the superior thyroid artery PSV showed a moderate ability to discriminate these patients. © 2014 by the American Institute of

  18. Radiation retinopathy after orbital irradiation for Graves' ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinyoun, J.L.; Kalina, R.E.; Brower, S.A.; Mills, R.P.; Johnson, R.H.


    Recent reports indicate that orbital irradiation for Graves' ophthalmopathy is sometimes beneficial, particularly for dysthyroid optic neuropathy, and is not associated with serious complications. We are aware, however, of four patients who were found to have radiation retinopathy after orbital irradiation for Grave's ophthalmopathy. All four patients have decreased central acuity, and three of the four are legally blind in one or both eyes. Computer reconstruction of the dosimetry, based on computed tomography and beam profiles, shows that errors in dosage calculations and radiotherapy technique probably account for the radiation retinopathy in three of the four patients. Radiotherapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy should be administered only by competent radiotherapists who are experienced in the treatment of this disease. Similar errors in dosage calculations and treatment techniques may account for other reports of radiation retinopathy after reportedly safe dosages

  19. Evaluation of cardiac morphology and function in mitral stenosis using CT

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ohnishi, Masaki [Chiba Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate cardiac morphology and function in patients with mitral stenosis (MS). The subjects consisted of 96 patients (23 males and 73 females) with MS who underwent plain and contrast-enhanced CT. Follow-up examinations were performed at least twice in 42 patients, including 18 who were examined before and after surgery. The volume of each cardiac chamber was calculated by Simpson's rule and was divided by body surface area (BSA). The average left atrial (LA) volume was 171[+-]80 cm[sup 3]/m[sup 2] BSA in the 96 MS patients, and 46[+-]10 cm[sup 3]/m[sup 2] BSA in normal control subjects. Atrial fibrillation (Af) was present in 61 patients (64%), and left atrial thrombi were detected in 15 (25%) of them. LA volume increased by 16% in 24 patients without surgery during a mean follow-up period of 4.1 years. The LA tended to enlarge more in the patients with a smaller mitral valve area, a larger LA volume at the first examination, or Af. In 18 patients, after open surgery or percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy, pulmonary CT values decreased significantly as a result of the improvement of pulmonary congestion. LA and RA volume decreased significantly and LV volume increased after surgery. It was concluded that CT was useful for evaluating cardiac function and morphological changes, not only by detecting mitral valve calcification and LA thrombi but also by measuring cardiac volume and pulmonary CT values. (author).

  20. Mitral valve perforation appearing years after radiofrequency ablation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fisch-Thomsen, Marie; Jensen, Jesper K; Egeblad, Henrik


    The case is reported of a young adult with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome who, three years after a complicated radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation procedure, developed dyspnea on exertion. Echocardiography revealed severe mitral valve regurgitation caused by a perforation of the posterior...

  1. Mitochondrial apoptotic pathway activation in the atria of heart failure patients due to mitral and tricuspid regurgitation. (United States)

    Chang, Jen-Ping; Chen, Mien-Cheng; Liu, Wen-Hao; Lin, Yu-Sheng; Huang, Yao-Kuang; Pan, Kuo-Li; Ho, Wan-Chun; Fang, Chih-Yuan; Chen, Chien-Jen; Chen, Huang-Chung


    Apoptosis occurs in atrial cardiomyocytes in mitral and tricuspid valve disease. The purpose of this study was to examine the respective roles of the mitochondrial and tumor necrosis factor-α receptor associated death domain (TRADD)-mediated death receptor pathways for apoptosis in the atrial cardiomyocytes of heart failure patients due to severe mitral and moderate-to-severe tricuspid regurgitation. This study comprised eighteen patients (7 patients with persistent atrial fibrillation and 11 in sinus rhythm). Atrial appendage tissues were obtained during surgery. Three purchased normal human left atrial tissues served as normal controls. Moderately-to-severely myolytic cardiomyocytes comprised 59.7±22.1% of the cardiomyocytes in the right atria and 52.4±12.9% of the cardiomyocytes in the left atria of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation patients with atrial fibrillation group and comprised 58.4±24.8% of the cardiomyocytes in the right atria of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation patients with sinus rhythm. In contrast, no myolysis was observed in the normal human adult left atrial tissue samples. Immunohistochemical analysis showed expression of cleaved caspase-9, an effector of the mitochondrial pathways, in the majority of right atrial cardiomyocytes (87.3±10.0%) of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation patients with sinus rhythm, and right atrial cardiomyocytes (90.6±31.4%) and left atrial cardiomyocytes (70.7±22.0%) of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation patients with atrial fibrillation. In contrast, only 5.7% of cardiomyocytes of the normal left atrial tissues showed strongly positive expression of cleaved caspase-9. Of note, none of the atrial cardiomyocytes in right atrial tissue in sinus rhythm and in the fibrillating right and left atria of mitral and tricuspid regurgitation patients, and in the normal human adult left atrial tissue samples showed cleaved caspase-8 expression, which is a downstream effector of TRADD of the death receptor pathway

  2. La insuficiencia de las disposiciones del pensamiento para cubrir la brecha entre pensamiento crítico y acción crítica


    Murcia Bermúdez, Claudia Carolina


    En este artículo se evalúan las disposiciones del pensamiento crítico; se demuestra la circularidad de sus enunciados y, consecuencia de ello, su insuficiencia para cubrir la brecha que va de las habilidades del pensamiento crítico a la acción crítica.

  3. Mitral restenosis in the early postoperative period of a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. (United States)

    Pomerantzeff, P M; Corrêa, J D; Brandão, C M; de Assis, R V; Jatene, A D


    A forty-eight year old woman, who had undergone mitral comissurotomy and subsequently developed early restenosis, presented with major comissural fusion and verrucous lesions on the cuspid edges of the mitral valve, with normal subvalvar apparatus. Patient did well for the first six months after surgery when she began to present dyspnea on light exertion. A clinical diagnosis of restenosis was made, which was confirmed by an echocardiogram and cardiac catheterization. She underwent surgery, and a stenotic mitral valve with verrucous lesions suggesting Libman-Sacks' endocarditis was found. Because the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) had not been confirmed at that time, a bovine pericardium bioprosthesis (FISICS-INCOR) was implanted. The patient did well in the late follow-up and is now in NYHA Class I.

  4. Spatiotemporal Segmentation and Modeling of the Mitral Valve in Real-Time 3D Echocardiographic Images. (United States)

    Pouch, Alison M; Aly, Ahmed H; Lai, Eric K; Yushkevich, Natalie; Stoffers, Rutger H; Gorman, Joseph H; Cheung, Albert T; Gorman, Joseph H; Gorman, Robert C; Yushkevich, Paul A


    Transesophageal echocardiography is the primary imaging modality for preoperative assessment of mitral valves with ischemic mitral regurgitation (IMR). While there are well known echocardiographic insights into the 3D morphology of mitral valves with IMR, such as annular dilation and leaflet tethering, less is understood about how quantification of valve dynamics can inform surgical treatment of IMR or predict short-term recurrence of the disease. As a step towards filling this knowledge gap, we present a novel framework for 4D segmentation and geometric modeling of the mitral valve in real-time 3D echocardiography (rt-3DE). The framework integrates multi-atlas label fusion and template-based medial modeling to generate quantitatively descriptive models of valve dynamics. The novelty of this work is that temporal consistency in the rt-3DE segmentations is enforced during both the segmentation and modeling stages with the use of groupwise label fusion and Kalman filtering. The algorithm is evaluated on rt-3DE data series from 10 patients: five with normal mitral valve morphology and five with severe IMR. In these 10 data series that total 207 individual 3DE images, each 3DE segmentation is validated against manual tracing and temporal consistency between segmentations is demonstrated. The ultimate goal is to generate accurate and consistent representations of valve dynamics that can both visually and quantitatively provide insight into normal and pathological valve function.

  5. Nova técnica de transferência de cordas para sustentação das cúspides da valva mitral, após abertura completa de suas comissuras New technique for transference of chordae tendinae following mitral commissurotomy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Alberto Caliani


    Full Text Available Desde 1983, 40 pacientes consecutivos, portadores de estenose mitral com alterações subvalvares, tais como: fusão e encurtamento das cordas, associadas a sinéquia dos músculos papilares, foram submetidos a comissurotomia mitral a "céu aberto". Com o intuito de ganhar área efetiva maior de abertura da valva mitral (sem restrições, as comissuras foram abertas, amplamente, às vezes não respeitando as cordas que sustentam as cúspides. A insuficiência mitral provocada, em 4 casos, como conseqüência, foi corrigida mediante a transferência de 2 a 6 cordas, ao nível da borda livre da cúspide anterior, ou posterior, da valva, na região das comissuras. A presença de uma regurgitação central por falha na coaptação das cúspides valvares, foi tratada, em 12 casos, com o implante de anel profético de Carpentier. As anomalias do aparelho subvalvar foram abordadas pelas técnicas convencionais: desbridamento, ressecção e abertura dos músculos papilares. Dos 38 sobreviventes, 32 não apresentam sopro de regurgitação mitral e os 6 restantes, apenas sopro sistólico de +/+ +. A avaliação pós-operatória, mediante ecocardiografia bidemensional, demonstrou abertura valvar satisfatória e ausência de estenose residual. Os pacientes que apresentam sopro sistólico mitral residual foram estudados com Doppler, concluindo que se trata de regurgitação bem localizada e sem repercussão hemodinâmica. Esta nova técnica operatória pode ser "extensível" ao tratamento do prolapso da valva mitral.Since 1983, 40 consecutive patients with mitral stenosis and significant disease of the subvalvular apparatus underwent open heart mitral commissurotomy. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of an unrestricted dilatation of the two commissures followed by repair of the subsequent mitral regurgitation. The mitral regurgitation created by this procedure in 24 cases was corrected by transferring 2 to 6 chordae tendinae to the free border

  6. Thyrotoxic Graves' disease with normal thyroidal technetium-99m pertechnetate uptake

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ikekubo, Katsuji; Hino, Megumu; Ito, Hidetomi; Koh, Toshikiyo; Ishihara, Takashi; Kurahachi, Hiroyuki (Kobe City General Hospital (Japan)); Kasagi, Kanji; Hidaka, Akinari; Mori, Toru


    We saw 24 thyrotoxic Graves' patients with normal thyroidal uptake of technetium-99m pertechnetate ({sup 99m}Tc) out of 201 untreated thyrotoxic Graves' patients seen over 4 years. The clinical and laboratory findings for these patients were studied and analyzed. Thyroid uptake and scintigraphic examinations by means of {sup 99m}Tc, TBII and TSab activity measurement clearly distinguished these patients from other thyrotoxic disorders (destruction-induced thyrotoxicosis and autonomously functioning thyroid lesions). Different from other disorders, these patients had not lower but normal thyroid uptake and also showed diffuse and discrete trapping into the enlarged glands. These patients had significantly smaller goiters, a lower serum thyroid hormone level, and lower TBII and TSab activity, when compared with other high {sup 99m}Tc uptake groups with Graves' disease, and their condition could be easily controlled with small amounts of antithyroid drugs. Our study indicates that thyrotoxic Graves' disease with normal {sup 99m}Tc uptake exists and {sup 99m}Tc uptake study and TBII activity measurement is very useful for the diagnosis. The normal {sup 99m}Tc uptake thyrotoxic Graves' patient might be early stage patients with general Graves' disease and their early discrimination from general Graves' patients is very advantageous for treatment and prognosis. (author).

  7. The observation on plasma endothelin levels in patients with graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hao Xiaojun; Liu Changshan; Yang Lianrong; Zhang Qiliang; Wang Honggang; Liu Xudong


    Observing the plasma endothelin levels in patients with Graves' disease to probe its clinical significance, plasma endothelin levels were measured in 55 cases of Graves' disease before and after treatment respectively, and these were compared with that of 23 health subjects. Results: plasma endothelin levels in patients with Graves' disease significantly increase, compared with heath subjects (150.4 +- 29.31 ng/L vs 42.80 +- 7.58 ng/L, P < 0.01); post-treatment endothelin levels apparently decrease (97.61 +- 15.99 ng/L vs 150.4 +- 29.31 ng/L, P < 0.01). Plasma endothelin levels in patients with Graves' disease significantly increase, and after treatment the endothelin levels decrease following decreasing of thyroid hormone level and high hemodynamics


    Kistan, D; Booysen, M; Alexander, G; Madiba, T E


    Mitral valve replacement is the procedure of choice in patients with severe mitral valve disease. However, these patients are surviving longer and are thus at an increased risk of prosthesis failure or valve-related complications. Study setting: Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital, a tertiary referral Hospital in Durban. Study population: All patients undergoing redo mechanical mitral valve replacement surgery between January 2005 and December 2014. Study design: Retrospective analysis of patients undergoing redo mitral valve replacement. Patients were identified from theatre record books, their files were electronically accessed and pertinent information extracted onto a data capture sheet. Information documented included demographics, duration to failure, INR, Albumin, HIV status, clinical findings and outcome. The data was stored on an Excel datasheet. Fifty-eight patients were documented (mean age 32 ± 15.81 years; M:F 1:3). Ten patients (17%) were HIV positive (median CD4 count 478). Mean duration between first surgery and redo was 8.8 years. Thirty-five patients (60%) had no co-morbidities. Presenting features at redo surgery were congestive cardiac failure (27), chest pain (11) and palpitations (17). Mean preoperative Ejection Fraction was 51.65 %. Twenty-nine patients (55%) had emergency redo surgery. Twenty-two patients (75%) had acute prosthetic valve thrombosis. Thirty-two patients had tricuspid regurgitation. Original pathology was documented in 23 patients (40%) as Rheumatic valve disease. Prosthetic valve thrombosis was documented in 31 patients (54%). The most commonly used valve was the On-X. Mean presenting INR was 1.96 + 1.2 and mean presenting serum albumin was 36.7 + 7.8 g/l. Forty-one patients (71%) were found to be compliant to Warfarin therapy prior to redo surgery. Mean ICU stay was 6 +9 days. Two patients died postoperatively. Mean followup was 32 + 26.6 months. Twelve patients (20.7%) developed postoperative complications. Patients

  9. Thyroid Ultrasonography in Differentiation between Graves' Disease and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. (United States)

    Pishdad, P; Pishdad, G R; Tavanaa, S; Pishdad, R; Jalli, R


    Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis are the most common causes of hyper and hypothyroidism, respectively. Differentiation of these 2 diseases, if the patient is euthyroid, may sometimes be extremely difficult on the basis of clinical and laboratory findings. The purpose of this study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity of gray scale sonography in differentiation of Graves' disease from Hashimoto's thyroiditis. This study included 149 patients divided into three groups, patients with Graves' disease (34 patients, mean age = 36.8 ± 10.17 years), Patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (62 patients, mean age = 33.4 ± 12.16 years) and control group (53 healthy people, mean age = 34.74 ± 16.87 years). Members of all groups were referred to a single radiologist for thyroid sonography for evaluation of thyroid echogenicity pattern. A total of 117 women and 32 men were examined by sonography. The most common sonographic pattern in Hashimoto and Graves' was homogenous hypo-echogenicity which was observed in 45.2% and 47.1% of cases, respectively. Peripheral hypo-echogenicity pattern was seen in 40.3% of Hashimoto's group with 100% specificity and 40.3% sensitivity. Central-hypoechogenic pattern was observed in 17.6% of Graves' group with 100% and 17.6% specificity and sensitivity, respectively. Our findings indicate that sonography has high specificity but low sensitivity in the diagnosis of either Graves' disease or Hashimoto's thyroiditis. It is therefore not possible to differentiate between these two diseases using sonography alone. Confirmation by laboratory data is also needed.

  10. Hypocalcaemia after total thyroidectomy for Graves' disease and for benign atoxic multinodular goitre. (United States)

    Hallgrimsson, Páll; Nordenström, E; Bergenfelz, A; Almquist, M


    Postoperative hypocalcaemia has been reported to be more common after total thyroidectomy (TT) for Graves' disease than after TT for benign atoxic multinodular goitre (MNG). The reasons for this potential association are not clear. In the present study, the frequency and risk factors of hypocalcaemia after TT for Graves' vs MNG were compared. Between January 1999 and October 2009, patients with first-time surgery for Graves' disease or MNG treated with a TT were included in the study. Postoperative hypocalcaemia was defined by symptoms, calcium levels and treatment with calcium and/or vitamin D analogues during postoperative hospital stay, at discharge, and at the 6-week and 6-month follow-ups. Outcomes were compared with Mann-Whitney, chi(2) and Fishers' exact test where appropriate and by multivariable logistic regression analysis. There were 128 patients with Graves' disease and 81 patients with MNG. Patients with Graves' disease were younger than patients with MNG (median age, 35 vs 51 years, p Graves' disease (p Graves' disease, there was no difference in the overall frequency of biochemical hypocalcaemia, low levels of PTH and/or treatment with calcium and vitamin D.

  11. Simple versus complex degenerative mitral valve disease. (United States)

    Javadikasgari, Hoda; Mihaljevic, Tomislav; Suri, Rakesh M; Svensson, Lars G; Navia, Jose L; Wang, Robert Z; Tappuni, Bassman; Lowry, Ashley M; McCurry, Kenneth R; Blackstone, Eugene H; Desai, Milind Y; Mick, Stephanie L; Gillinov, A Marc


    At a center where surgeons favor mitral valve (MV) repair for all subsets of leaflet prolapse, we compared results of patients undergoing repair for simple versus complex degenerative MV disease. From January 1985 to January 2016, 6153 patients underwent primary isolated MV repair for degenerative disease, 3101 patients underwent primary isolated MV repair for simple disease (posterior prolapse), and 3052 patients underwent primary isolated MV repair for complex disease (anterior or bileaflet prolapse), based on preoperative echocardiographic images. Logistic regression analysis was used to generate propensity scores for risk-adjusted comparisons (n = 2065 matched pairs). Durability was assessed by longitudinal recurrence of mitral regurgitation and reoperation. Compared with patients with simple disease, those undergoing repair of complex pathology were more likely to be younger and female (both P values < .0001) but with similar symptoms (P = .3). The most common repair technique was ring/band annuloplasty (3055/99% simple vs 3000/98% complex; P = .5), followed by leaflet resection (2802/90% simple vs 2249/74% complex; P < .0001). Among propensity-matched patients, recurrence of severe mitral regurgitation 10 years after repair was 6.2% for simple pathology versus 11% for complex pathology (P = .007), reoperation at 18 years was 6.3% for simple pathology versus 11% for complex pathology, and 20-year survival was 62% for simple pathology versus 61% for complex pathology (P = .6). Early surgical intervention has become more common in patients with degenerative MV disease, regardless of valve prolapse complexity or symptom status. Valve repair was associated with similarly low operative risk and time-related survival but less durability in complex disease. Lifelong annual echocardiographic surveillance after MV repair is recommended, particularly in patients with complex disease. Copyright © 2018 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery

  12. Magnetic Ghosts: Mineral Magnetic Measurements On Roman and Anglo-saxon Graves (United States)

    Linford, N.

    The location of inhumations, in the absence of ferrous grave goods, often presents a considerable challenge to archaeological geophysics given the small physical size of the features and the slight contrast between the fill of the grave and the surround- ing subsoil. Even during excavation, the identification of graves may be complicated where site conditions do not favour the preservation of human skeletal remains and often only a subtle soil stain is likely to survive. A recent initiative in the United King- dom has seen the formation of the Buried Organic Matter Decomposition Integrated with Elemental Status (BODIES) research group, to examine the decomposition of organic artefacts in ancient graves with respect to localised changes in pH, redox po- tential and nutrient status. This paper presents initial results from a limited mineral magnetic study of two grave sites in an attempt to ascertain whether the decomposi- tion of organic remains may lead to a detectable magnetic signature within the soil. Results from a series of isothermal, hysteresis and magneto-thermal experiments will be presented together with surface magnetometer and topsoil susceptibility surveys.

  13. A novel left heart simulator for the multi-modality characterization of native mitral valve geometry and fluid mechanics. (United States)

    Rabbah, Jean-Pierre; Saikrishnan, Neelakantan; Yoganathan, Ajit P


    Numerical models of the mitral valve have been used to elucidate mitral valve function and mechanics. These models have evolved from simple two-dimensional approximations to complex three-dimensional fully coupled fluid structure interaction models. However, to date these models lack direct one-to-one experimental validation. As computational solvers vary considerably, experimental benchmark data are critically important to ensure model accuracy. In this study, a novel left heart simulator was designed specifically for the validation of numerical mitral valve models. Several distinct experimental techniques were collectively performed to resolve mitral valve geometry and hemodynamics. In particular, micro-computed tomography was used to obtain accurate and high-resolution (39 μm voxel) native valvular anatomy, which included the mitral leaflets, chordae tendinae, and papillary muscles. Three-dimensional echocardiography was used to obtain systolic leaflet geometry. Stereoscopic digital particle image velocimetry provided all three components of fluid velocity through the mitral valve, resolved every 25 ms in the cardiac cycle. A strong central filling jet (V ~ 0.6 m/s) was observed during peak systole with minimal out-of-plane velocities. In addition, physiologic hemodynamic boundary conditions were defined and all data were synchronously acquired through a central trigger. Finally, the simulator is a precisely controlled environment, in which flow conditions and geometry can be systematically prescribed and resultant valvular function and hemodynamics assessed. Thus, this work represents the first comprehensive database of high fidelity experimental data, critical for extensive validation of mitral valve fluid structure interaction simulations.

  14. Concomitant Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, presenting as primary hypothyroidism.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Cronin, C C


    Hypothyroidism in patients with Graves\\' disease is usually the result of ablative treatment. We describe a 58 year old man with Graves\\' ophthalmopathy and pre-tibial myxoedema, who presented with spontaneous primary hypothyroidism. Circulating TSH receptor antibody activity was increased, while thyroid microsomal antibody was detectable in titres greater than one in one hundred thousand. It is likely that the TSH receptor antibody of Graves\\' disease was ineffective in stimulating hyperthyroidism because of concomitant thyroid destruction due to Hashimoto\\'s disease. Alternatively, primary hypothyroidism could have resulted from the effects of a circulating TSH receptor blocking antibody.

  15. Grave's disease associated with immunoglobulin A nephropathy: A rare association. (United States)

    Khan, I; Bhat, R A; Khan, I; Hameed, I


    Immunoglobulin A (Ig A) nephropathy is the most common form of primary glomerulonephritis. The association of Ig A nephropathy with Grave's disease has not been reported so far. We report a case of 20-year-old female with Grave's disease who presented with edema, facial puffiness, and decreased urine output. She was found to be hypertensive with renal failure and nephrotic range proteinuria. Renal biopsy revealed features of Ig A nephropathy. The patient was treated with oral corticosteroids (1 mg/kg/day). To our knowledge, this is the first case showing association of Grave's disease with Ig A nephropathy.

  16. Infective endocarditis causing mitral valve stenosis - a rare but deadly complication: a case report. (United States)

    Hart, Michael A; Shroff, Gautam R


    Infective endocarditis rarely causes mitral valve stenosis. When present, it has the potential to cause severe hemodynamic decompensation and death. There are only 15 reported cases in the literature of mitral prosthetic valve bacterial endocarditis causing stenosis by obstruction. This case is even more unusual due to the mechanism by which functional mitral stenosis occurred. We report a case of a 23-year-old white woman with a history of intravenous drug abuse who presented with acute heart failure. Transthoracic echocardiography failed to show valvular vegetation, but high clinical suspicion led to transesophageal imaging that demonstrated infiltrative prosthetic valve endocarditis causing severe mitral stenosis. Despite extensive efforts from a multidisciplinary team, she died as a result of her critical illness. The discussion of this case highlights endocarditis physiology, the notable absence of stenosis in modified Duke criteria, and the utility of transesophageal echocardiography in clinching a diagnosis. It advances our knowledge of how endocarditis manifests, and serves as a valuable lesson for clinicians treating similar patients who present with stenosis but no regurgitation on transthoracic imaging, as a decision to forego a transesophageal echocardiography could cause this serious complication of endocarditis to be missed.

  17. Resultados do tratamento da pancreatite aguda grave

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franz Robert Apodaca-Torrez

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados do Protocolo de Atendimento de pacientes com diagnóstico de pancreatite aguda grave. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, consecutivamente, a partir de janeiro de 2002, idade, sexo, etiologia, tempo de internação, tipo de tratamento e mortalidade de 37 pacientes portadores de pancreatite aguda grave. RESULTADOS: A idade dos pacientes variou de 20 a 88 anos (média de 50 anos; 27% foram do sexo feminino e 73% do masculino. O tempo médio global de internação foi 47 dias. Treze pacientes foram tratados cirurgicamente; a média de operações realizadas foi duas por paciente. Ocorreram seis óbitos dentre os pacientes submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico (46% e dois óbitos no grupo submetido somente ao tratamento clínico (8,3%. A mortalidade global foi 21% CONCLUSÃO: Após a modificação na forma de abordagem dos pacientes com pancreatite aguda grave, houve diminuição da mortalidade e uma tendência para a conduta expectante.

  18. Grave Tending: With Mom at the Cemetery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolyn Ellis


    Full Text Available This autoethnographic story shows the process of tending the graves of family members. In the past, the author reluctantly accompanied her mother on her visits to the family cemetery. Once there, she took on the role of distant observer as her mother took care of the family cemetery plots. When her mother becomes disabled, the author begins to arrange the flowers on the graves. Doing so leads her to examine the meaning of visiting the cemetery, feel and connect with her losses, and consider the customs she wants to be part of her own death. When her mother dies, the next generation of women in the family—the author, her sister, and sister-in-law—take on the role of tending the graves, connected in their love and respect for their mother and their feelings of family and family responsibility. This story examines the meanings of family rituals around death and how they are passed from generation to generation. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0302285

  19. Haemodynamic improvement of older, previously replaced mechanical mitral valves by removal of the subvalvular pannus in redo cardiac surgery. (United States)

    Kim, Jong Hun; Kim, Tae Youn; Choi, Jong Bum; Kuh, Ja Hong


    Patients requiring redo cardiac surgery for diseased heart valves other than mitral valves may show increased pressure gradients and reduced valve areas of previously placed mechanical mitral valves due to subvalvular pannus formation. We treated four women who had mechanical mitral valves inserted greater than or equal to 20 years earlier and who presented with circular pannus that protruded into the lower margin of the valve ring but did not impede leaflet motion. Pannus removal improved the haemodynamic function of the mitral valve. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.

  20. Thyroid Follicular Carcinoma in a Fourteen-year-old Girl with Graves' Disease. (United States)

    Kojima-Ishii, Kanako; Ihara, Kenji; Ohkubo, Kazuhiro; Matsuo, Terumichi; Toda, Naoko; Yamashita, Hiroyuki; Kono, Shinji; Hara, Toshiro


    Here we present the case of a 14-yr-old girl who developed thyroid follicular carcinoma accompanied by Graves' disease. She was diagnosed with Graves' disease at 10 yr of age and soon achieved a euthyroid state after starting treatment. When she was 13 yr of age, her hyperthyroidism and goiter worsened despite medical therapy. Multiple nodules were found in her enlarged thyroid gland by ultrasonography. Her serum Tg level seemed within the normal range. She underwent near-total thyroidectomy for control of thyroid function. Histopathological study demonstrated that multiple oxyphilic follicular neoplasms were surrounded by the thyroid tissue compatible with Graves' disease. Capsular invasion was identified in one of the nodules, and thus the histological diagnosis was minimally invasive follicular carcinoma. She did not have signs suggesting metastasis, and has had no relapse for 18 mo after the operation. Although some previous studies showed a high prevalence of thyroid cancer with an aggressive nature in adult patients with Graves' disease, few reports about thyroid cancer accompanied by Graves' disease are available in children. The present case, however, suggests that careful investigation is needed when we detect thyroid nodules or progressive thyroid enlargement, especially in children with Graves' disease.

  1. Transcatheter, valve-in-valve transapical aortic and mitral valve implantation, in a high risk patient with aortic and mitral prosthetic valve stenoses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harish Ramakrishna


    Full Text Available Transcatheter valve implantation continues to grow worldwide and has been used principally for the nonsurgical management of native aortic valvular disease-as a potentially less invasive method of valve replacement in high-risk and inoperable patients with severe aortic valve stenosis. Given the burden of valvular heart disease in the general population and the increasing numbers of patients who have had previous valve operations, we are now seeing a growing number of high-risk patients presenting with prosthetic valve stenosis, who are not potential surgical candidates. For this high-risk subset transcatheter valve delivery may be the only option. Here, we present an inoperable patient with severe, prosthetic valve aortic and mitral stenosis who was successfully treated with a trans catheter based approach, with a valve-in-valve implantation procedure of both aortic and mitral valves.

  2. Mitral Annulus Myxoma Extending into Left Atrium and Left Ventricle with Severe Mitral Regurgitation as a Pre-Operative Finding, a Rarity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hamza Abdur Rahim Khan


    Full Text Available Cardiac tumors constitute 0.2% of all tumors. Primary cardiac tumors occur infrequently with an incidence of 0.0017-0.19% as shown by autopsies performed in non-selected populations. Among these tumors, cardiac myxomas are most commonly encountered, with left atrial myxomas being more prevalent than right atrial ones. The classic triad of symptoms, of which at least one is present in a patient with atrial myxoma, are obstructive traits including dyspnea and syncope, constitutional symptoms such as fever and anorexia, and thromboembolic events. Surgical resection confers almost definitive treatment with recurrence rates being as low as 3%. A 50-year-old woman referred to the Emergency Unit with a sudden episode of chest heaviness and shortness of breath. There was no significant physical examination finding and all routine lab investigations were normal. She underwent an angiography that revealed tight left anterior descending artery stenosis. An angioplasty was also performed, but she had an episode of presyncope immediately. Then, echocardiogram was performed that showed a large left atrial myxoma causing severe mitral regurgitation. Thus, urgent open heart surgery was planned. The myxoma was identified and excised, the mitral annulus resolved, and normal flow was restored. The patient was then discharged home and followed up for 2 months with no complaints. In the current study, we reported a rare case where mitral regurgitation was caused by a left atrial myxoma. Our report highlighted the diverse clinical spectrum of myxoma and emphasized the need for early echocardiographic diagnosis to aid in identification of myxoma followed by early surgical intervention.

  3. Significance of changes of serum TPOAb and TRAb levels in patients with Graves' disease (GD)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Zhongshu Xu Ruiji; Wang Guohong


    Objective: To investigate the significance of changes of serum TPOAb and TRAb levels in patients with Graves' dis- ease (GD). Methods: Serum TPOAb (with RIA) and TRAb (with RRA) levels were determined in 27 patients with Graves' disease, before treatment 10 patients with Graves' disease clinically cured and 35 controls. Results: The serum levels and positive rates of TPOAb and TRAb in patients with Graves' disease before treatment were significantly higher than those in the patients with Graves' disease clinically cured and controls (P<0.01). Conclusion: TPOAb and TRAb were involved in the pathogenesis of Graves' dis- ease and could be used as diagnostic and treatment indicators. (authors)

  4. Biologiske behandlingsmuligheder ved Graves' oftalmopati

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    El Fassi, Daniel; Nielsen, Claus Henrik; Hegedüs, Laszlo


    The current medical treatment options for Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO) are unsatisfactory. Recent treatment of GO patients with the B-lymphocyte depleting monoclonal antibody rituximab or with the anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha agents etanercept and infliximab has shown promising results. We...

  5. Study progress on free radicals and graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Ruiguo; Jin Jianhua


    Free radical-mediated oxidative injury has been closely implicated in the occurrence and development of many diseases. Graves disease was also accompanied by changes of the free radicals, especially for reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen, et al, and the oxidative stress can cause a certain degree of injury on the thyroid and other human important organs. Antithyroid drug and 131 I treatment of Graves disease, the oxidative and antioxidative parameters can also be changed. (authors)

  6. Initial experience with percutaneous edge-to-edge transcatheter mitral valve repair in a tertiary medical center in Taiwan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ching-Wei Lee


    Full Text Available Background: The transcatheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repair, using MitraClip, has been a safe and effective treatment for severe mitral regurgitation (SMR in the westerners. However, the therapeutic results of the MitralClip in Taiwan remained elucidated. Methods: Patients with symptomatic SMR were evaluated by the heart team. For those with high or prohibitive surgical risks, transcatheter mitral valve repair was performed in hybrid operation room. During procedure, continuous hemodynamic monitoring was conducted. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE, blood tests, and six-minute walk test (6MWT were performed before and 1-month after surgery. Results: A total of 20 patients (73.4 ± 11.1 years, 85% male with a mean Euroscore II of 13.2 ± 17.7% and a mean STS score of 8.7 ± 9.0% for mortality were enrolled. After a mean procedural time of 239 ± 95 min, an average of 1.8 ± 0.7 clips were used in each procedure. The procedural successful rate was 95% to achieve mild residual mitral regurgitation. Cardiac output was increased from 3.6 ± 0.9 to 4.6 ± 1.4 (p = 0.008 and V-wave of left atrial pressure declined from 24.4 ± 9.8 to 19.3 ± 7.1 (p = 0.030 immediately during the index procedure. There was no peri-procedural death, myocardial infarction, stroke or any events requiring emergent cardiac surgery. All patients experienced significant improvement in heart failure symptoms. The 6-min walk distance increased from 219.6 ± 118.4 m to 279.1 ± 111.6 (p = 0.04 at 1 month. The echocardiogram further showed significant improvements of mitral regurgitation, pulmonary artery systolic pressure, and the left ventricular end-diastolic volume. Conclusion: Trans-catheter edge-to-edge mitral valve repairs are safe and effective in Asians with symptomatic SMR, regarding the improvements of clinical symptoms and exercise capacities. MitraClips is also associated with reverse remodeling of pulmonary hypertension and left

  7. Transient hypothyroidism after 131I treatment of Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jianfeng; Fang Yi; Zhang Xiuli; Ye Genyao; Xing Jialiu; Zhang Youren


    Objective: To evaluate the results of the transient hypothyroidism after 131 I treatment of Graves disease. Methods: A total of 32 transient hypothyroidism patients treated with 131 I for Graves disease were studied and followed up. Results: Transient hypothyroidism occurred within 2-6 months after 131 I treatment and 19 patients were symptomatic. At diagnosis of transient hypothyroidism, T 3 and T 4 levels were decreased had normal, TSH levels were increased, normal or low. Follow-up examination found that 20 patients were normal and 12 patients had relapse of hyperthyroidism. Conclusions: Therapy of Graves disease with low doses of 131 I causes a high incidence of transient hypothyroidism. After recovery of transient hypothyroidism, some patients have relapse of hyperthyroidism

  8. 131I-therapy of graves' disease and non-immunogenic thyrotoxicosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoeschel, M.; Heinze, H.G.


    From 1977 to 1982, 315 patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis with diffuse and/or nodular goitre or Graves' disease were treated with 131 I. In 246 patients, the results of treatment after 7 months to 5 1/2 years could be evaluated. After a single treatment with 131 I, 72% of the patients with hyperthyroid nodular goitre and 61% of those with diffuse goitre, but only 36% of the patients with Graves' disease showed normal thyroid function. By repeated 131 I treatments - as many as 5 for those with Graves' disease - normal thyroid function could be achieved in nearly all patients examined. Patients with immune thyrotoxicosis, type Graves' disease, showed a high resistance to therapy. A dependence was found between the results of these treatments and previous antithyroidal drug therapy or surgery. The rate of hypothyroidism varied between 4 and 15%. The highest rate of hypothyroidism was observed in operated patients with persistent or recurring thyrotoxicosis. (orig.) [de

  9. Graves hyperthyroidism and pregnancy: a clinical update. (United States)

    Patil-Sisodia, Komal; Mestman, Jorge H


    To provide a clinical update on Graves' hyperthyroidism and pregnancy with a focus on treatment with antithyroid drugs. We searched the English-language literature for studies published between 1929 and 2009 related to management of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy. In this review, we discuss differential diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, management, importance of early diagnosis, and importance of achieving proper control to avoid maternal and fetal complications. Diagnosing hyperthyroidism during pregnancy can be challenging because many of the signs and symptoms are similar to normal physiologic changes that occur in pregnancy. Patients with Graves disease require prompt treatment with antithyroid drugs and should undergo frequent monitoring for signs of fetal and maternal hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Rates of maternal and perinatal complications are directly related to control of hyperthyroidism in the mother. Thyroid receptor antibodies should be assessed in all women with hyperthyroidism to help predict and reduce the risk of fetal or neonatal hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. The maternal thyroxine level should be kept in the upper third of the reference range or just above normal, using the lowest possible antithyroid drug dosage. Hyperthyroidism may recur in the postpartum period as Graves disease or postpartum thyroiditis; thus, it is prudent to evaluate thyroid function 6 weeks after delivery. Preconception counseling, a multidisciplinary approach to care, and patient education regarding potential maternal and fetal complications that can occur with different types of treatment are important. Preconception counseling and a multifaceted approach to care by the endocrinologist and the obstetric team are imperative for a successful pregnancy in women with Graves hyperthyroidism.

  10. La insuficiencia de las disposiciones del pensamiento para cubrir la brecha del pensamiento crítico a la acción crítica


    Murcia Bermúdez, Claudia Carolina


    En esta tesis se evalúan las disposiciones del pensamiento crítico; se demuestra la circularidad de sus enunciados y, consecuencia de ello, su insuficiencia para cubrir la brecha que va de las habilidades del pensamiento crítico a la acción crítica.

  11. Fracture of Colvin-Galloway-Future band in a patient with mitral valve annuloplasty. (United States)

    Bauer, S; Rosendahl, U; Pietrowski, D; Ennker, J


    Annuloplasty with various annuloplasty ring systems is a fundamental part of mitral valve repair and has been frequently performed since its introduction by Carpentier in 1969. Due to the different advantages or disadvantages of each system, some controversies exist regarding the best type of ring annuloplasty support. Here we describe, for the first time, the case of a female patient in which a fracture of a semi-rigid open annuloplasty ring occurred, leading to annular deformation and mitral regurgitation.

  12. PREGO (presentation of Graves' orbitopathy) study: changes in referral patterns to European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres over the period from 2000 to 2012

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Perros, Petros; Žarković, Miloš; Azzolini, Claudio; Ayvaz, Göksun; Baldeschi, Lelio; Bartalena, Luigi; Boschi, Antonella; Bournaud, Claire; Brix, Thomas Heiberg; Covelli, Danila; Ćirić, Slavica; Daumerie, Chantal; Eckstein, Anja; Fichter, Nicole; Führer, Dagmar; Hegedüs, Laszlo; Kahaly, George J.; Konuk, Onur; Lareida, Jürg; Lazarus, John; Leo, Marenza; Mathiopoulou, Lemonia; Menconi, Francesca; Morris, Daniel; Okosieme, Onyebuchi; Orgiazzi, Jaques; Pitz, Susanne; Salvi, Mario; Vardanian-Vartin, Cristina; Wiersinga, Wilmar; Bernard, Martine; Clarke, Lucy; Currò, Nicola; Dayan, Colin; Dickinson, Jane; Knežević, Miroslav; Lane, Carol; Marcocci, Claudio; Marinò, Michele; Möller, Lars; Nardi, Marco; Neoh, Christopher; Pearce, Simon; von Arx, George; Törüner, Fosun Baloş


    The epidemiology of Graves' orbitopathy (GO) may be changing. The aim of the study was to identify trends in presentation of GO to tertiary centres and initial management over time. Prospective observational study of European Group On Graves' Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) centres. All new referrals with a

  13. Ecodopplercardiografia transesofágica intra-operatória: utilidade na cirurgia da valva mitral The usefulness of intraoperative transesofageal echocardiography for mitral valve surgery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Álvaro Villela de Moraes


    Full Text Available A ecodopplercardiografia ocupa posição de destaque no diagnóstico das valvopatias, pois fornece dados sobre a anatomia valvar, a área estenótica, os gradientes pressóricos e o grau da regurgitação. Seu uso na cirurgia cardíaca, com a abordagem epicárdica, é bastante conhecido. O advento da abordagem transesofágica, por não interferir no campo operatório, facilitou a sua utilização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a utilidade da ETE nacirurgiada valva mitral. De julho de 1991 a janeiro de 1992, aecodopplercardiografia transesofágica (ETE monitorizou 198 cirurgias, das quais 65 foram sobre a valva mitral (VM. A idade variou de 8 a 62 anos e 42 pacientes eram do sexo feminino. A comissurotomia e papilarotomia (CP foi o procedimento mais freqüente em 28 pacientes (pts, seguido do implante de bioprótese (BP em 24 e da plastia (PL em 19. A ETE pré-operatória confirmou o diagnóstico da lesão mitral em todos os pts, tendo acrescentado informações quanto ao grau e direção da insuficiência mitral (IM em 8 dos 28 pts submetidos a CP. Modificou a orientação da abordagem da valva tricúspide em 9 oportunidades (3 por diagnosticar lesões não detectadas e 6 por evitar a abordagem desnecessária por melhor avaliação da lesão. Quanto aos pts submetidos a implante de BP, 6 já tinham próteses disfuncionantes, em 12 pts a BP foi implantada de imediato por decisão do cirurgião e, em 6 pts, a BP foi implantada após a detecção da presença de IM importante pós-correção. Quanto ao pts submetidos a PL, 12 tinham prolapso, 6 tinham insuficiência coronária e 1 era pós-operatório tardio de correção de defeito do septo atrioventricular. Em apenas 1 pt foi necessária nova CEC para nova plastia. A avaliação da tM pós CEC evidenciou 7 pts (10% com IM importante, sendo necessária nova CEC, e mostrou IM leve em 15 pts, moderada em 8 e importante em 1 onde não foi realizada nova CEC. A ETE é um método de grande

  14. Mitral restenosis in the early postoperative period of a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pomerantzeff Pablo Maria Alberto


    Full Text Available A forty eight year old woman, who had undergone mitral comissurotomy and subsequently developed early restenosis, presented with major comissural fusion and verrucous lesions on the cuspid edges of the mitral valve, with normal subvalvar apparatus. Patient did well for the first six months after surgery when she began to present dyspnea on light exertion. A clinical diagnosis of restenosis was made, which was confirmed by an echocardiogram and cardiac catheterization. She underwent surgery, and a stenotic mitral valve with verrucous lesions suggesting Libman-Sacks' endocarditis was found. Because the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE had not been confirmed at that time, a bovine pericardium bioprosthesis (FISICS-INCOR was implanted. The patient did well in the late follow-up and is now in NYHA Class I .

  15. Impact of the learning curve on outcome after transcatheter mitral valve repair

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ledwoch, Jakob; Franke, Jennifer; Baldus, Stephan


    AIMS: This analysis from the German Mitral Valve Registry investigates the impact of the learning curve with the MitraClip(®) technique on procedural success and complications. METHODS AND RESULTS: Consecutive patients treated since 2009 in centers that performed more than 50 transcatheter mitral...... not decrease over time. CONCLUSION: A learning curve using the MitraClip(®) device does not appear to significantly affect acute MR reduction, hospital and 30-day mortality. Most likely, the proctor system leads to already high initial procedure success and relatively short procedure time....

  16. 77 FR 39406 - Safety Zone; Tom Graves Memorial Fireworks, Port Bay, Wolcott, NY (United States)


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; Tom Graves Memorial Fireworks, Port Bay, Wolcott, NY AGENCY: Coast Guard, DHS. ACTION..., NY. This safety zone is intended to restrict vessels from a portion of Port Bay during the Tom Graves... necessary to ensure the safety of spectators and vessels during the Tom Graves Memorial Fireworks. This zone...

  17. Complete Atrioventricular Block Complicating Mitral Infective Endocarditis Caused by Streptococcus Agalactiae. (United States)

    Arai, Masaru; Nagashima, Koichi; Kato, Mahoto; Akutsu, Naotaka; Hayase, Misa; Ogura, Kanako; Iwasawa, Yukino; Aizawa, Yoshihiro; Saito, Yuki; Okumura, Yasuo; Nishimaki, Haruna; Masuda, Shinobu; Hirayama, Astushi


    BACKGROUND Infective endocarditis (IE) involving the mitral valve can but rarely lead to complete atrioventricular block (CAVB). CASE REPORT A 74-year-old man with a history of infective endocarditis caused by Streptococcus gordonii (S. gordonii) presented to our emergency room with fever and loss of appetite, which had lasted for 5 days. On admission, results of serologic tests pointed to severe infection. Electrocardiography showed normal sinus rhythm with first-degree atrioventricular block and incomplete right bundle branch block, and transthoracic echocardiography and transesophageal echocardiography revealed severe mitral regurgitation caused by posterior leaflet perforation and 2 vegetations (5 mm and 6 mm) on the tricuspid valve. The patient was initially treated with ceftriaxone and gentamycin because blood and cutaneous ulcer cultures yielded S. agalactiae. On hospital day 2, however, sudden CAVB requiring transvenous pacing occurred, and the patient's heart failure and infection worsened. Although an emergent surgery is strongly recommended, even in patients with uncontrolled heart failure or infection, surgery was not performed because of the Child-Pugh class B liver cirrhosis. Despite intensive therapy, the patient's condition further deteriorated, and he died on hospital day 16. On postmortem examination, a 2×1-cm vegetation was seen on the perforated posterior mitral leaflet, and the infection had extended to the interventricular septum. Histologic examination revealed extensive necrosis of the AV node. CONCLUSIONS This rare case of CAVB resulting from S. agalactiae IE points to the fact that in monitoring patients with IE involving the mitral valve, clinicians should be aware of the potential for perivalvular extension of the infection, which can lead to fatal heart block.

  18. Análisis del nivel de alfabetización en salud, en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica en hemodiálisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Raquel Pelayo Alonso

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción: La alfabetización en salud tiene un impacto significativo sobre la salud individual, más aún en pacientes de edad avanzada, enfermos crónicos o pacientes polimedicados, características que están presentes en el paciente en tratamiento con hemodiálisis. Un bajo nivel de alfabetización en salud se asocia peores resultados en salud. Objetivo: Valorar el nivel de alfabetización en salud en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica en tratamiento con hemodiálisis y compararla con la población general y otra patología crónica (insuficiencia cardíaca. Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo en 37 pacientes sometidos a hemodiálisis crónica. Para valorar el nivel de alfabetización en salud se utilizó el cuestionario Health Literacy Survey-European Union (HLS-EU-Q. Resultados: El promedio del índice general de alfabetización fue de 26,4±7,32 puntos. Más del 83% de la muestra presentó un nivel de alfabetización inadecuado o problemático. Nuestra población presentó peores niveles de alfabetización comparados con pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca (inadecuado o problemático 83,8% vs 79,6%, p: NS y con la población general (inadecuado o problemático 88,8% vs 58,3%, p<0,002. Conclusiones: Los datos conseguidos reflejan un nivel de alfabetización problemática o inadecuada, lo que indica que los pacientes a los que atendemos tienen dificultades para interpretar y aplicar los mensajes educativos de los profesionales sanitarios.

  19. Personalised immunomodulating treatments for Graves' disease: fact or fiction? (United States)

    Struja, Tristan Mirko; Kutz, Alexander; Fischli, Stefan; Meier, Christian; Müller, Beat; Schütz, Philipp


    Although Graves' disease has been recognised for more than 100 years, its physiopathological mechanisms are incompletely understood. Treatment strategies today mainly focus on suppression of thyroid hormone production by use of antithyroid drugs or radio-iodine, but neglect the underlying immunological mechanisms. Although Graves' disease is often seen as a prototype for an autoimmune mechanism, it is more likely to be a heterogeneous syndrome showing characteristics of both autoimmunity and immunodeficiency. The interplay of these two mechanisms may well characterise the physiopathology of this disease and its complications. Immunodeficiency may be either genetically determined or secondarily acquired. Various triggering events lead to autoimmunity with stimulation of the thyroid gland resulting in the clinical syndrome of hyperthyroidism. Also, relapse risk differs from patient to patient and can be estimated from clinical parameters incorporated into the Graves' Recurrent Events After Therapy (GREAT) score. Accurate risk stratification may help to distinguish high-risk patients for whom a more definitive treatment approach should be used from others where there is a high probability that the disease will recover with medical treatment alone. Several smaller trials having found positive effects of immunosuppressive drugs on recurrence risk in Graves' disease; therefoore, there is great potential in the use of novel immunomodulating drugs in addition to the currently used antithyroid drugs for the successful treatment of this condition. Further in-depth exploration of susceptibility, triggering factors and immunological mechanisms has the potential to improve treatment of Graves' disease, with more personalised, risk-adapted treatment strategies based on the different physiopathological concepts of this heterogeneous condition.


    Garófoli, Adrián; Montoya, Paola; Elías, Carlos; Benzo, Roberto


    El Mal Agudo de Montaña (MAM) es un conjunto de síntomas inespecíficos padecidos por sujetos que ascienden rápidamente desde baja a alta altura sin adecuada aclimatación. Usualmente es autolimitado, pero las formas graves (edema pulmonar y cerebral) pueden causar la muerte. La hipoxemia exagerada en reposo está relacionada con el desarrollo de MAM pero su valor predictivo es limitado. Dado que el ejercicio en altura se acompaña de mayor hipoxemia y síntomas, postulamos el valor predictivo de un simple test de ejercicio para pronosticar MAM grave. Se estudió el valor predictivo de la saturación de oxígeno en reposo y ejercicio submáximo a 2 700m y 4 300m en 63 sujetos que ascendían al cerro Aconcagua (6 962m). Se consideró desaturación de oxígeno con ejercicio a una disminución >=5% respecto al reposo. Se utilizó la escala de Lake-Louise para establecer la presencia de MAM grave. 6 sujetos presentaron MAM grave (9.5%) y requirieron evacuación. La saturación de oxígeno en reposo a 2 700m no fue significativa para clasificar sujetos que luego desarrollaron MAM grave. Por el contrario, la asociación de desaturación durante el ejercicio a 2 700m más la saturación inapropiada en reposo a 4 300m fue significativa para clasificar a los sujetos que desarrollaron MAM grave con un valor predictivo positivo de 80% y un valor predictivo negativo del 97%. Nuestros resultados son relevantes para el montañismo y sugieren la adición de un simple test de ejercicio en la predicción del MAM grave. PMID:20228017