
Sample records for innovation enjeux industriels

  1. Compréhension des mécanismes de séchage dans les matériaux de construction : cas du plâtre


    SECK, Mamadou Diaga


    Les enjeux liés aux problématiques de développement durable encouragent de plus en plus d'industriels, dans le secteur du bâtiment, à se lancer dans une politique de réduction de la consommation énergétique de leurs procédés industriels. C'est dans ce cadre qu'est menée cette étude, où nous nous intéressons au cas particulier de la fabrication des plaques de plâtre, qui de par les qualités qu'elles présentent liées à leur caractère pratique et rapide à poser (temps pour le neuf que la rénovat...

  2. Les systèmes alimentaires alternatifs face aux enjeux sanitaires


    Touzard, Jean-Marc


    L’objet de la communication est de montrer comment la coexistence et la combinaison d’une diversité de système alimentaires est un trait de la globalisation et joue sur les enjeux, les pratiques, et les régulations sanitaires.

  3. impacts des rejets industriels sur les eaux souterraines

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    pollution et sont nombreuses, notamment les usines sidérurgiques, métalliques et pétrochimiques. Leurs rejets ont des effets néfastes sur les eaux de la région. Actuellement, les effluents industriels situés dans la région de Berrahal, contiennent d'importantes quantités de produits chimiques organiques et inorganiques et ...

  4. Odyssée internet enjeux sociaux

    CERN Document Server

    Lajoie, Jacques


    Quels sont les véritables enjeux d'Internet? Comment évaluer l'importance de l'accessibilité au savoir technique? Internet amplifie-t-il les fractures sociales ou constitue-t-il un espace public plus transparent, plus universel? Pour répondre à ces questions, les auteurs analysent les pratiques de communication, de socialisation et d'exploration associées à Internet. Ils étudient certaines expériences innovatrices autour d'usages créatifs et proposent des réflexions vives et parfois controversées sur la nature et la culture d'Internet.

  5. Jeux et enjeux autour de l'insertion professionnelle des jeunes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    S'inscrivant dans une certaine logique d'action, ces stratégies sont développées autant sur les plans physique, que métaphysique. Mots clés : Jeux, enjeux, insertion professionnelle. Graduates of higher education in general, and those of professional schools of the Université Abomey-Calavi (UAC) in particular, are facing ...

  6. Comparer les productions législatives: enjeux et méthodes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brouard, S.; Wilkerson, J.; Baumgartner, F.R.; Timmermans, A.; Bevan, S.; Breeman, G.E.; Breunig, C.; Chaqués, L.; Green-Pedersen, C.; Jennings, W.; John, P.


    Sur quels enjeux politiques les parlements légifèrent-ils ? Cette interrogation d’apparence anodine n’a que rarement fait l’objet d’une attention soutenue, particulièrement dans une perspective comparée. Pourtant la production des lois constitue l’un des éléments structurants d’une communauté

  7. « Questions de Sciences, Enjeux Citoyens » : à la recherche de l’expression citoyenne


    Blémus, Nicolas


    Mis en place en Île-de-France en 2009, le dispositif « Questions de Sciences, Enjeux Citoyens » permet à la population, toutes catégories sociales confondues, de débattre sur les enjeux de société liés à la recherche et à la technologie : le responsable du projet revient sur la méthodologie et les protocoles développés, les savoir-faire mobilisés et dresse un premier bilan de l’opération. Set up in the ‘Île de France’ (Paris region) in 2009, the programme Questions on Sciences, Citizen sta...

  8. Nouvelles approches ergonomiques de la cartographie des risques industriels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Éliane Propeck-Zimmermann


    Full Text Available Les cartes actuelles présentent des insuffisances pour une gestion territoriale des risques industriels. En redéfinissant le concept de «situation à risques» et en l'implémentant dans un SIG, on peut disposer à la demande d'informations riches et variées: cartes analytiques, de synthèse, typologies, requêtes spatiales diverses. Les recherches en cours visent à développer une interface ergonomique pour faciliter la concertation entre différents acteurs.

  9. Industrial gases. Special issue; Industriele gassen. Thema

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Boer, A.; Voermans, F. (ed.)


    In three articles attention is paid to the use of synthesis gas in the Netherlands. In the first article the growing market for synthesis gas is discussed, in the second article it is argued that the energy efficiency of the production of nitrogen can be improved, and the third article is about cooling an ice track by means of carbon dioxide. [Dutch] In 3 artikelen wordt aandacht besteed aan het gebruik van industriele gassen. In het eerste artikel wordt de sterk groeiende markt voor synthese gas besproken, in het tweede artikel wordt aangegeven hoe de efficiency van stikstofproduktie kan worden verbeterd, en het derde artikele gaat in op het gebruik van kooldioxide in de koeling van een ijsbaan.

  10. Conversations cruciales des outils pour s'exprimer quand les enjeux sont de taille

    CERN Document Server

    Patterson, Kerry; McMillan, Ron; Switzler, Al; Covey, Stephen R


    Quand on parle de " conversations cruciales ", il nous vient spontanément des images de présidents, d'empereurs et de Premiers ministres assis autour d'une table massive en train de débattre de l'avenir du monde. Les conversations dont parle cet ouvrage ne sont pas moins cruciales, nous concernent tous et peuvent survenir à n'importe quel moment dans notre vie quotidienne. Une discussion houleuse avec le patron, une dispute violente avec un collègue ou un client, un mot de trop adressé à notre conjoint, etc. Une conversation devient cruciale quand : les opinions en jeu sont opposées ; les enjeux sont importants ; les émotions sont fortes. Ce livre vous aide à vous exprimer habilement quand les enjeux sont de taille. Il vous explique comment atteindre le but que vous vous êtes fixé en usant des meilleures techniques et en ouvrant le chemin du dialogue. Il vous fournit les outils pour gérer les conversations les plus difficiles et les plus importantes de votre vie.

  11. Libéralisation du commerce des biens et services TIC : enjeux et ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Libéralisation du commerce des biens et services TIC : enjeux et implications pour la mise en oeuvre de politiques publiques en Afrique de l'Ouest. En Afrique de l'Ouest, les entreprises du secteur privé des technologies d'information et de la communication (TIC) ont démontré leur capacité à créer des emplois et à stimuler ...

  12. Elaboration et Suivi des Budgets de Marketing Industriel: le Système ADVISOR


    Choffray, Jean-Marie; Delabre, Gilles


    Cet article revoit les problèmes posés par l'élaboration et le suivi des budgets de marketing dans un environnement industriel. Il présente le système ADVISOR pour lequel nous avons développé un programme interactif adapté aux besoins des entreprises Françaises.

  13. Donner un sens au nom du festival de la ville Les enjeux de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    L'objet de ce papier est d'analyser, à partir de l'observation d'un festival local, les enjeux multiples de la reconstruction des liens d'appartenance pour des populations rurales, qui se trouvent engagées - du fait de leur urbanisation récente- dans un processus de réorganisation et de renégociation de ces liens et des ...

  14. DESIGNOR: une méthode nouvelle d'aide à la conception des produits industriels


    Choffray, Jean-Marie


    Cet article présente une méthode nouvelle, appelée DESIGNOR, d'aide à la décision marketing. Son objectif est d'accroître la créativité au cours du processus de développement d'un nouveau produit industriel et de réduire les risques d'échec commercial.

  15. La colonisation de l’expérience politique

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    Marin Ledun


    Full Text Available En prenant pour objet les projets expérimentaux publics ou industriels en matière de TIC, dans ou à la marge de la sphère politique française, dès la fin des années soixante, cette recherche analyse, du point de vue des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, les enjeux liés à l’extension du dispositif des TIC dans les activités politiques et à la redéfinition de la place du sujet politique dans les procédures démocratiques.

  16. Donner un sens au nom du festival de la ville1 Les enjeux de la ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    monopolise, ces enjeux concernent le contrôle étroit de la vie politique locale. ... à ces sociétés, selon laquelle les liens d'appartenance ne peuvent être conçus ... leur gestion politico culturelle, selon des modalités relatives au processus d' ... La commission était composée du Délégué, du Président de la Municipalité, du.

  17. L’écologie industrielle : quand l’écosystème industriel devient un vecteur du développement durable

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arnaud Diemer


    Full Text Available L’écologie industrielle, définie par Robert Frosch (1995 comme « l’ensemble des pratiques destinées à réduire la pollution industrielle », nous amène à penser que l’écosystème industriel peut être un véritable vecteur du développement durable. L’ingénierie écologique et l’écotechnologie recommandent aux industriels de procéder à un ensemble d’opérations de rationalisation de la production (optimisation des consommations énergétiques et matérielles, minimisation des déchets à la source,réutilisation des rejets pour servir de matières premières à d’autres processus de production. Les symbioses industrielles et les parcs éco-industriels sont généralement présentés comme des modèles de rationalisation industrielle et des illustrations tangibles du développement durable.Industrial ecology is defined by Robert Frosch (1995 as practices intended to reduce industrial pollution. That leads us to think industrial ecosystem as a vector of sustainable development.Ecological engineering and ecotechnology recommend managers to rationalize the production process (optimization of material consumptions, minimization of bads…. Industrial symbiosis and industrial parks are generally presented as models of industrial rationalization and tangible illustrations of the sustainable development.

  18. Vi behøver innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    McAloone, Tim C.


    -Produktion og Maskiner. Innovation og bæredygtighed er to områder som vi i Skandinavien giver meget stor opmærksomhed for at kunne vedligeholde vores globale konkurrencekraft og stærke velfærdssamfund. Gennem årene har mange brancher bidraget til skabelsen af vidensbaserede innovationer, og det faktum, at de......Analyse: Vi behøver innovation En ny miljøbølge ruller, og danske virksomheder bør ride med Af Tim McAloone, fredag 02. feb 2007 kl. 04:50 Tim McAloone Lektor og ph.d. ved Institut for mekanik, energi og konstruktion ved DTU. Tim McAloone skriver fremover jævnligt kommentarer i Ingeniøren...... skandinaviske lande er relativt små, har ledt til en interessant evne til at etablere og derefter samarbejde inden for tætte netværk, som strækker sig over både faglige og geografiske grænser. Samtidig har vi set miljøhensyn vinde og tabe samfundsmæssig og industriel opmærksomhed på en nærmest periodisk basis...

  19. Reduction of emissions and geological storage of CO{sub 2}. Innovation an industrial stakes; Reduction des emissions et stockage geologique du CO{sub 2}. Innovation et enjeux industriels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mandil, C.; Podkanski, J.; Socolow, R.; Dron, D.; Reiner, D.; Horrocks, P.; Fernandez Ruiz, P.; Dechamps, P.; Stromberg, L.; Wright, I.; Gazeau, J.C.; Wiederkehr, P.; Morcheoine, A.; Vesseron, P.; Feron, P.; Feraud, A.; Torp, N.T.; Christensen, N.P.; Le Thiez, P.; Czernichowski, I.; Hartman, J.; Roulet, C.; Roberts, J.; Zakkour, P.; Von Goerne, G.; Armand, R.; Allinson, G.; Segalen, L.; Gires, J.M.; Metz, B.; Brillet, B


    transport systems by P. Wiederkehr (EST International), The prospects for reducing CO{sub 2} emissions in the transport sector (cars and aviation) by A. Morcheoine (ADEME), The contribution of biofuels and alternative fuels to reducing CO{sub 2} emissions in the transport sector by I. Drescher (Volkswagen AG). Session III - Technological progress in the capture and geological storage of CO{sub 2}: European projects on CO{sub 2} capture and storage by P. Dechamps (European Commission, Research Energy Conversion and Transport); Capture of CO{sub 2}: Innovative CO{sub 2} capture concepts by P. Feron (TNO), Capture of CO{sub 2} in pre- and oxy-combustion by A. Feraud, N. Otter (Alstom); Geological storage of CO{sub 2}: Geological storage capacity by N.P. Christensen (GEUS), Feedback from industrial CO{sub 2} storage projects by T. Torp (Statoil), The main avenues of current research by P. Le Thiez (IFP) and I. Czernichowski (BRGM), Long-term industrial experience with underground gas storage by J. Hartman (GDF). Session IV - Regulatory, economic and financial aspects. Legal and regulatory framework for capture and geological storage: UK's perspective on the regulatory framework for CO{sub 2} storage by J. Roberts (DEFRA-UK), Monitoring and reporting of CCS in the European Union Emission Trading Scheme by P. Zakkour (ERM), Social need and public questions and perceptions by G. von Goerne (Greenpeace); Economic and financial impact: The costs of CCS by G. Allinson (CO{sub 2}-CRC), The characteristics of CO{sub 2} markets: players, volumes exchanged, and term and spot transaction prices by L. Segalen (European Carbon Fund), CO{sub 2} management by J.M. Gires (Total), The forthcoming IPCC special report on carbon dioxide capture and storage by B. Metz (IPCC Working Group III). Closing Address by Bernard Brillet, Ministry for Higher Education and Research. (J.S.)

  20. Generative Fertigung im Maschinenbau - industrieller 3D-Druck auf dem Weg in die Serienproduktion


    Müller, Bernhard


    3D-Druck ist aktuell medial omnipräsent, sein Potential für echte industrielle Anwendungen, v. a. im Maschinenbauumfeld, wird kontrovers diskutiert. Der Vortrag gibt einen fundierten Einblick in den Stand der Technik zum industriellen 3D-Druck (Generative Fertigung , Additive Manufacturing) und zeigt spezifische Potentiale mit industrieller Relevanz auf. Dabei werden ebenso Praxisbeispiele aus heutiger Anwendung in der Industrie gezeigt als auch Zukunftsszenarien für potentielle Anwendungen e...

  1. Et arkitektonisk anliggende

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dahl, Torben


    En satsning på industriel innovation må tage udgangspunkt i at etablere samarbejde mellem byggeriets parter, og projekteringen bør medtænke de kvalitative tilskud, som en avanceret industriel produktion tilbyder. Det kræver forståelse og udnyttelse af de teknologiske potentialer, der ligger i...... industriel produktion fra udvikling af komponenter over åbne systemer og byggeriets processer til det endelige værk....

  2. Draught control by means of industrial air curtains. Background information on the design of industrial air curtains; Tochtbestrijding met industriele luchtgordijnen. Achtergronden bij ontwerp van industriele luchtgrodijnen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cremers, B. [Biddle, Kootstertille (Netherlands); Traversar, R. [TNO Milieu, Energie en Procesinnovatie TNO-MEP, Apeldoorn (Netherlands)


    In industrial buildings a balanced ventilation is not common property. Due to increasing differences in pressure across the front much cold outside air enters the building, resulting in poor comfort near the door. A good air curtain can heat up large amounts of incoming cold outside air in such a way that energy saving is optimal and comfort remains high. (mk) [Dutch] Bij industriele gebouwen is gebalanceerde ventilatie geen gemeengoed. Door oplopende drukverschillen over de gevel komt veel koude buitenlucht naar binnen en is het comfort vlak achter de deur erg laag. Een goed luchtgordijn kan grote hoeveelheden binnenkomende koude buitenlucht zodanig opwarmen dat de energiebesparing optimaal is en het comfort hoog blijft.

  3. Innovations en vaccinologie: enjeux et perspectives pour l’Afrique (United States)

    Diop, Doudou; Sanicas, Melvin


    La vaccination est incontestablement l’une des interventions de santé publique les plus efficaces et les plus rentables qui soient. Les vaccins continuent de révolutionner notre capacité à prévenir les maladies et à améliorer la santé. Avec toutes les avancées technologiques, nous sommes en mesure d’étendre les avantages des vaccins à plus de gens et de fournir une meilleure protection contre les maladies infectieuses mortelles. Toutefois, avec le développement incessant de nouvelles souches microbiennes à travers le monde, la recherche en vaccinologie se doit d’innover continuellement. D’énormes progrès ont été réalisés pour améliorer la couverture vaccinale et introduire de nouveaux vaccins en Afrique. De nouveaux types de vaccins associés à des outils de vectorisation, d’administration et de délivrance spécifiques mais aussi des adjuvants susceptibles de moduler finement la réponse immunitaire sont attendus dans le futur. En Afrique, il est nécessaire de développer une approche régionale afin de répondre efficacement aux nombreux défis. Une meilleure information, la formation des personnels de santé en vaccinologie et des recherches bien ciblées sont les clés des futurs accomplissements dans le domaine. PMID:28690749

  4. Quand préoccupations environnementales et enjeux professionnels s'entrecroisent : le cas des entreprises participant aux essais de voitures électriques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pierre Magali


    Full Text Available Des expérimentations visant à promouvoir le déploiement du véhicule électrique se sont fait jour dans le cadre de projets démonstrateurs, depuis quelques années. Elles ont en commun de proposer à des salariés d'utiliser ces voitures dans des conditions très similaires au futur proche. Ce texte vise à la fois à mettre en avant les raisons que les différentes parties prenantes – qu'il s'agisse des directions en charge des achats ou du développement durable, des gestionnaires de flotte, des utilisateurs finaux, etc. – ont de s'inscrire dans ces expérimentations, et à expliciter la prédominance des enjeux professionnels, qui continuent de déterminer le rapport à cette voiture. En effet, les registres professionnels (enjeux de reconnaissance, d'exemplarité et personnels se combinent dans l'adoption de cette technologie de mobilité durable, que la préoccupation environnementale ne suffit pas à expliquer.

  5. Les enjeux éthiques de l’élaboration des politiques publiques favorables à la santé : réflexion et illustration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danielle Blondeau


    Full Text Available Au Québec, en vertu de la Loi sur la santé publique (L.R.Q. chapitre S-2.2, 2001, article 54, le ministre de la Santé a un droit de regard sur les mesures prévues par les autres ministères dans leurs lois et règlements qui pourraient avoir un impact significatif sur la santé de la population. Ainsi, les acteurs de santé publique du palier central ont cherché à soutenir la mise en oeuvre de cet article, de manière à favoriser l’adoption de politiques publiques favorables à la santé. Ce texte examine les enjeux éthiques liés à l’élaboration de telles politiques. Après avoir exposé les tensions entre bien individuel et bien commun ainsi que les valeurs de justice sociale, responsabilité et démocratie qui y sont reliées, nous illustrerons les enjeux éthiques à travers l’exemple du cinémomètre photographique comme mesure visant à augmenter la sécurité routière.

  6. Les Parcs Industriels Fournisseurs ou le choix de la proximité géographique


    Sonia Adam-Ledunois; Jérôme Guédon; Sophie Renault


    International audience; La proximité géographique est régulièrement présentée comme le remède à de nombreux maux, la solution à des relations distendues voire rompues, et cela tant sur un plan social qu'économique. Nombre de décisions ou démarches, civiles, politiques ou stratégiques, placent ainsi la proximité au cœur des dispositifs envisagés (emplois de proximité, police de proximité, fête des voisins, pôle de compétitivité, systèmes de production localisés, districts industriels, etc.). L...

  7. Capture and geological storage of CO{sub 2}. Innovation, industrial stakes and realizations; Captage et stockage geologique du CO{sub 2}. Innovation, enjeux industriels et realisations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lavergne, R.; Podkanski, J.; Rohner, H.; Otter, N.; Swift, J.; Dance, T.; Vesseron, Ph.; Reich, J.P.; Reynen, B.; Wright, L.; Marliave, L. de; Stromberg, L.; Aimard, N.; Wendel, H.; Erdol, E.; Dino, R.; Renzenbrink, W.; Birat, J.P.; Czernichowski-Lauriol, I.; Christensen, N.P.; Le Thiez, P.; Paelinck, Ph.; David, M.; Pappalardo, M.; Moisan, F.; Marston, Ph.; Law, M.; Zakkour, P.; Singer, St.; Philippe, Th.; Philippe, Th


    The awareness of the international community and the convergence of scientific data about the global warming confirm the urgency of implementing greenhouse gases abatement technologies at the world scale. The growth of world energy demand will not allow to rapidly get rid of the use of fossil fuels which are the main sources of greenhouse gases. Therefore, the capture and disposal of CO{sub 2} is a promising way to conciliate the use of fossil fuels and the abatement of pollutants responsible for the global warming. The economical and industrial stakes of this technique are enormous. In front of the success of a first international colloquium on this topic held in Paris in 2005, the IFP, the BRGM and the Ademe have jointly organized a second colloquium in October 2007, in particular to present the first experience feedbacks of several pilot experiments all over the world. This document gathers the transparencies of 27 presentations given at this colloquium and dealing with: the 4. IPCC report on the stakes of CO{sub 2} capture and storage; the factor 4: how to organize the French economy transition from now to 2050; the technology perspectives, scenarios and strategies up to 2050; the European technological platform on 'zero-emission thermal plants'; the CO{sub 2} capture and storage road-map in the USA; research, development and implementation of CO{sub 2} capture and storage in Australia; the Canadian experience; ten years of CO{sub 2} capture and storage in Norway; the In Salah operations (Algeria); CO{sub 2} capture and storage: from vision to realisation; the oxi-combustion and storage pilot unit of Lacq (France); the Altmark gas field (Germany): analysis of CO{sub 2} capture and storage potentialities in the framework of a gas assisted recovery project; oil assisted recovery and CO{sub 2} related storage activities in Brazil: the Buracica and Miranga fields experience; carbon capture and storage, an option for coal power generation; steel-making industries and their CO{sub 2} capture and storage needs: the ULCOS program; CO{sub 2} capture technologies: road-maps and potential cost abatement; membranes: oxygen production and hydrogen separation; CO2GeoNet: integration of European research for the establishment of confidence in CO{sub 2} geologic storage; CO2SINK, CO{sub 2} geologic storage test at the European pilot site of Ketzin (Germany); storage in aquifers for European industrial projects: AQUA CO2; the US approach: US standards for the qualification of a CO{sub 2} storage in agreement with federal and state regulations; legal and regulatory aspects; societal acceptation; CO{sub 2} capture, geologic storage and carbon market; economic aspects of CO{sub 2} capture and storage; an experience of implementation of 'clean development mechanisms' in an industrial strategy; closing talk. (J.S.)

  8. Capture and geological storage of CO{sub 2}. Innovation, industrial stakes and realizations; Captage et stockage geologique du CO{sub 2}. Innovation, enjeux industriels et realisations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lavergne, R; Podkanski, J; Rohner, H; Otter, N; Swift, J; Dance, T; Vesseron, Ph; Reich, J P; Reynen, B; Wright, L; Marliave, L de; Stromberg, L; Aimard, N; Wendel, H; Erdol, E; Dino, R; Renzenbrink, W; Birat, J P; Czernichowski-Lauriol, I; Christensen, N P; Le Thiez, P; Paelinck, Ph; David, M; Pappalardo, M; Moisan, F; Marston, Ph; Law, M; Zakkour, P; Singer, St; Philippe, Th; Philippe, Th


    The awareness of the international community and the convergence of scientific data about the global warming confirm the urgency of implementing greenhouse gases abatement technologies at the world scale. The growth of world energy demand will not allow to rapidly get rid of the use of fossil fuels which are the main sources of greenhouse gases. Therefore, the capture and disposal of CO{sub 2} is a promising way to conciliate the use of fossil fuels and the abatement of pollutants responsible for the global warming. The economical and industrial stakes of this technique are enormous. In front of the success of a first international colloquium on this topic held in Paris in 2005, the IFP, the BRGM and the Ademe have jointly organized a second colloquium in October 2007, in particular to present the first experience feedbacks of several pilot experiments all over the world. This document gathers the transparencies of 27 presentations given at this colloquium and dealing with: the 4. IPCC report on the stakes of CO{sub 2} capture and storage; the factor 4: how to organize the French economy transition from now to 2050; the technology perspectives, scenarios and strategies up to 2050; the European technological platform on 'zero-emission thermal plants'; the CO{sub 2} capture and storage road-map in the USA; research, development and implementation of CO{sub 2} capture and storage in Australia; the Canadian experience; ten years of CO{sub 2} capture and storage in Norway; the In Salah operations (Algeria); CO{sub 2} capture and storage: from vision to realisation; the oxi-combustion and storage pilot unit of Lacq (France); the Altmark gas field (Germany): analysis of CO{sub 2} capture and storage potentialities in the framework of a gas assisted recovery project; oil assisted recovery and CO{sub 2} related storage activities in Brazil: the Buracica and Miranga fields experience; carbon capture and storage, an option for coal power generation; steel-making industries and their CO{sub 2} capture and storage needs: the ULCOS program; CO{sub 2} capture technologies: road-maps and potential cost abatement; membranes: oxygen production and hydrogen separation; CO2GeoNet: integration of European research for the establishment of confidence in CO{sub 2} geologic storage; CO2SINK, CO{sub 2} geologic storage test at the European pilot site of Ketzin (Germany); storage in aquifers for European industrial projects: AQUA CO2; the US approach: US standards for the qualification of a CO{sub 2} storage in agreement with federal and state regulations; legal and regulatory aspects; societal acceptation; CO{sub 2} capture, geologic storage and carbon market; economic aspects of CO{sub 2} capture and storage; an experience of implementation of 'clean development mechanisms' in an industrial strategy; closing talk. (J.S.)

  9. « Se sentir vivant » : quels enjeux d’éducation biologique ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Coquidé Maryline


    Full Text Available Avec un point de vue didactique, je discute des enjeux d’éducation biologique de « se sentir vivant ». Je distingue des perspectives d’enseignement de la biologie avec ceux d’éducation biologique, en reprenant ce que nos collègues allemands désignent par le concept Bildung. Je centre ensuite ma réflexion sur le corps et l’expérience vécue, la perception et la signification, en privilégiant un point de vue phénoménologique. Cette analyse est mise à l’épreuve selon trois approches du vivant: le vivant comme réduction, comme extension puis comme relations.

  10. Sociologie du travail et critique du temps industriel The Sociology of Labor and a critical vision of industrial Time

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    Jens Thoemmes


    Full Text Available La sociologie du travail a développé un point de vue particulier sur l'analyse des temporalités sociales. L'objectif de cet article est de montrer l'élaboration progressive d'une critique d'un temps industriel unique et unifiant. Cette critique s'appuie sur trois éléments : la multiplicité des temporalités de l’activité professionnelle, le caractère déstructurant du travail industriel et l'émergence d'un temps des loisirs. Ce point de vue a été élaboré par la sociologie du travail en France après 1945, notamment par Georges Friedmann, Pierre Naville et William Grossin.  Avant d’aborder cette période nous voudrions  interroger le moment de la fondation de la sociologie. En mobilisant des travaux peu connus de Max Weber sur le travail, nous verrons en quoi il est un précurseur de l’analyse des attitudes diversifiées des individus et des collectifs à l’égard du temps. Cette perspective lie, dès les premières enquêtes sociologiques, le travail industriel à une interrogation sur les temporalités.The sociology of work and labor developed a particular viewpoint on the analysis of social times. The objective of this article is to show how a criticism of a unique and unifying industrial time progressively grew up. Such criticism leans on three elements: the multiplicity of social times linked to the occupational activity, the disintegrating nature of work in the manufacturing process and the emergence of leisure-time. This point of view was elaborated by the sociology of work in France after 1945, notably by Georges Friedmann, Pierre Naville and William Grossin. Before approaching this period we question the moment of the foundation of sociology. By mobilizing little known research by Max Weber on the manufacturing process, we shall see in what way he was a precursor of the analysis of diversified attitudes regarding time by individuals and groups.

  11. Des alliances d’action pour faire des enjeux sociétaux une source d’innovation, de création et de transformation

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    Philippe Lemoine


    Full Text Available Les rapports entre l’économie et les autres sphères de la société sont en train de se transformer, et avec eux, les expressions de la solidarité et les modèles d’engagement. Parmi eux, les alliances entre acteurs hétérogènes (entreprises, ONG et « social business », pouvoirs publics, acteurs de l’Internet, etc. permettent de s’attaquer aux grands enjeux de ce monde avec davantage de justesse et d’efficacité. En agrégeant des acteurs aux logiques différentes dans une dynamique de co-création, les alliances ouvrent de nouveaux horizons de développement. Avec la Clinton Global Initiative, Bill Clinton s’est donné comme objectif d’encourager les alliances sur des actions généreuses qui soient efficaces et mesurables. Si la dynamique fonctionne dans le monde anglo-saxon, elle peine à s’installer en Europe. Pourtant les acteurs européens disposent de nombreux atouts pour s’engager dans de nouvelles alliances transformatrices de notre monde et auraient tout intérêt, pour ce faire, à se fédérer. Plusieurs membres européens de la Clinton Global Initiative ont ainsi lancé le réseau « The European Network » pour amorcer un mouvement en Europe et donner une ambition européenne à l’engagement sociétal. Cet article décrit les singularités des alliances avant de présenter la structuration de l’action européenne en relation avec la Clinton Global Initiative.

  12. Les TIC au coeur des pédagogies universitaires diversité des enjeux pédagogiques et administratifs

    CERN Document Server

    Karsenti, Thierry


    Cet ouvrage illustre en quoi les TIC jouent un rôle si important en pédagogie universitaire et pourquoi ce virage technologique est devenu incontournable. Les auteurs font une place tant aux expériences qu'aux théories sur l'intégration des TIC. Il est question de la diversité des formes de recours aux TIC, des enjeux de leur intégration en milieu universitaire, des défis sociaux sous-jacents à cette incursion technologique, des cours sur le Web, de l'apprentissage collaboratif, de la supervision des stagiaires et de la réforme scolaire.

  13. Sport et éthique: enjeux et outils pour le marketing sportif - Sport and ethics: stakes and tools for marketing of sport


    Emmanuel Bayle; Samuel Mercier


    (VF)Dans un contexte général d’une demande sociétale d’éthique, d’appel à la responsabilité sociale des entreprises et face aux attaques (dopage, violences, corruption…) que connaît aujourd’hui le mythe de l’éthique sportive, comment les organisations présentes dans le secteur du sport adaptent-elles leurs stratégies marketing ? Cet article propose une typologie des enjeux stratégiques de l’instrumentalisation de l’éthique sportive selon quatre types d’organisations. A partir de ce cadre conc...

  14. La question de la nationalité des sportifs camerounais : enjeux et défis à l'aune de la globalisation

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    Engamba Philomène Alene


    Cette étude permettra d'analyser les enjeux et les implications de la ruse de l'Etat camerounais, en vue de gérer un conflit entre logiques juridiques et symboliques stato-nationales, et logiques de gain liées à la construction de la carrière internationale des sportifs. Mais également cette réflexion s'ouvre sur la nécessité de l'urgence d'une refondation du code de la nationalité camerounaise.

  15. Les plantes génétiquement modifiées en Afrique : enjeux et recherches

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    De Lattre-Gasquet Marie


    Full Text Available En ce qui concerne la politique sur plantes génétiquement modifiées, l’Afrique est un terrain de luttes d’influence et de débats. Les enjeux sont à la fois économiques, politiques et écologiques. Dans cet article, nous montrons que les biotechnologies végétales sont l’une des techniques, à combiner avec d’autres, qui pourraient permettre d’assurer la sécurité alimentaire et sanitaire de l’Afrique, et que les risques qu’entraîneront l’utilisation de cette technique doivent être soigneusement analysés. Nous présenterons ensuite la position des différents pays africains vis-à-vis des conventions internationales (propriété intellectuelle, biosécurité et commerce et nous caractériserons leurs politiques nationales et de recherche vis-à-vis des OGM.

  16. Innover en illustration jeunesse : les focalisations

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    Anne Guibert-Lassalle


    Full Text Available L’activité éditoriale pour la jeunesse est caractérisée en France depuis 1990 par une très forte multiplication du nombre d’acteurs et un accroissement constant du nombre de publications. L’innovation est considérée comme la principale voie de survie. Ces enjeux culturels et économiques contribuent à promouvoir l’originalité de l’illustration. Pourtant le succès commercial ne couronne pas toujours les inventions graphiques. Une enquête sur l’émergence, dans les années 2000, d’une tendance porteuse, fondée sur un usage nouveau des focalisations, révèle le caractère intuitif, étroitement daté et collaboratif, de l’innovation en illustration pour la jeunesse.Innovating in illustration for the youth: the focalisationsSince 1990, publishing for the youth in France is a sector of activity where the number of actors and items produced has been constantly increased. Innovation is considered as the main way for survival. These cultural and economical stakes tend to promote originality in illustration. Since, commercial profit does not always reward graphic inventiveness. A sociological enquiry upon the emerging in the 2000’ of a successful trend, based on a fresh use of focalisations, reveals how intuitive, strictly dated and joint can be innovating in illustration for the youth.La innovación en las revistas ilustradas para jóvenes. La focalizaciónLa actividad editorial para la juventud se ha caracterizado en Francia desde 1990 por un fuerte aumento de agentes y por un crecimiento constante del número de publicaciones. La innovación es la vía esencial para sobrevivir. Las apuestas culturales y económicas contribuyen a promover la originalidad de las ilustraciones. Sin embargo el éxito comercial no siempre subraya la originalidad de estas. A principios de este siglo, una encuesta acerca de la emergencia de una tendencia prometedora, basada en una manera diferente de efectuar las focalizaciones, ha revelado el

  17. Enjeux des politiques industrielles basées sur les clusters d'innovation: cas des pôles de compétitivité


    Iritié, B. G. Jean-Jacques


    In this paper, we analyze the issues of innovation clusters-based industrial policy through the economic issues of three industrial dynamics, i. e. R and D (or innovation), location of innovation activities and technology cooperation. It appears that the key elements that justify these new policies are the production and sharing of knowledge, sharing of indivisibility and economic growth. Then, we focuse on the french poles of competitiveness.

  18. Fabrice Flipo, 2007, Justice, nature et liberté. Les enjeux de la crise écologique. Lyon, Parangon/Vs, 311 p.

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    Jérôme Ballet


    Full Text Available Le livre de Fabrice Flipo est une invitation à la réflexion autour des débats écologiques actuels. Il s’agit d’un ouvrage ambitieux. Il présente l’émergence de la crise écologique et en discute de nombreux enjeux d’un point de vue éthique, tout en utilisant des références provenant de différentes disciplines pour éclairer son propos. Si le livre est assez agréable à lire, ce n’est pas en raison des raccourcis médiatiques qu’il aurait pu prendre, l’auteur menant au contraire sa réflexion avec ...

  19. Corpus web 2.0 : quelques enjeux méthodologiques et épistémologiques

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    Sabrina Bevilacqua


    Full Text Available Nombre de défis d’ordre méthodologique et épistémologique s’imposent aujourd’hui à la recherche scientifique orientée vers le travail sur des corpus numériques. Certes, chaque plateforme virtuelle présente une écologie spécifique (Paveau, 2013a, 2013b qui oriente un rapprochement différent tant de l’objet que du corpus. Ainsi, l’environnement Facebook (FBK, une surface essentiellement multiforme suggère un regard qui puisse saisir son hétérogénéité sémiotique et énonciative. Dans ce travail, nous visons, d’abord, une redéfinition de la notion de corpus comme « matrice du sens » (Mayaffre, 2011 : 11 permettant de focaliser les enjeux scientifiques que la conception des corpus numériques issus du Web 2.0, notamment, de FBK, entraîne; ensuite, la description de certains concepts méthodologiques et épistémologiques fondamentaux — linéarité, technodiscours, sérialité, réticularité — aidant à l’élaboration ainsi qu’à la gestion de corpus FBK.

  20. Du texte littéraire à la lecture littéraire : les enjeux d'un déplacement en classe de FLE/S


    Collès, Luc; Dufays, Jean-Louis


    L’article analyse les moyens et les enjeux de deux approches complémentaires de la littérature en classe de FLE/S. Dans un premier temps, la lecture des textes littéraires est envisagée dans une approche pragmatique, qui vise à faire passer les apprenants du discours usuel au discours littéraire dans un même geste. Cette approche est elle-même intégrée dans la perspective actionnelle définie par le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (2001), dont l’objectif est la formation d’...

  1. Evaluation et cartographie de la vulnérabilité à la pollution des eaux ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    La ville de Guelma a connue un développement industriel, agricole et urbain ...... Thèse de Doctorat en hydrogéologie . ... DRASTIC et SYNTACS:Cas de la ville de M'bahiakro, Centre de la Côte d'Ivoire, International Journal of Innovation and.

  2. De Tchernobyl en tchernobyls

    CERN Document Server

    Charpak, Georges; Journé, Venance


    Nous ne sommes pas à l'abri de nouveaux tchernobyls. L'humanité va s'enrichir de milliards d'individus dans les décennies à venir. L'énergie nucléaire est donc plus que jamais indispensable. Mais l'accident de Tchernobyl aura fait des dizaines de milliers de morts. Ce livre permet de comprendre les enjeux du nucléaire civil, mais aussi militaire, nécessairement imbriqués. A l'heure du terrorisme, la prolifération des armes nucléaires et des matériaux qui servent à fabriquer des bombes, séquelle de la guerre froide, constitue plus que jamais une menace pour notre survie. Des décisions courageuses de la part des responsables politiques, militaires et industriels s'imposent pour la sécurité internationale et la paix. Un message d'espoir et de raison qui offre à chacun les données nécessaires pour se forger ses propres opinions et participer au débat.

  3. Les enjeux futurs de la Qualité des fruits et légumes : quel positionnement à la croisée de l’environnement et de la nutrition ?


    Padillla, Martine


    L’engagement des professionnels dans le développement durable suppose que tout produit ou service réponde notamment à des enjeux liés à l’environnement et à la nutrition. Ainsi qualité environnementale et qualité nutritionnelle, s'affichent comme des éléments de démarcation et offrent une valeur ajoutée sur un marché très concurrentiel. Nous centrons ici la réflexion sur la relation entre l’environnement et la nutrition à trois niveaux. (i) Au niveau de l’assiette, en quoi nos choix alimentai...

  4. Résultats de recherche | Page 20 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Dans la zone industrielle de Pratapura (située à Tikamgarh, dans la région de Bundelkhand, État du Madhya ... pendant plus de 35 ans des déchets domestiques et industriels produits dans l'agglomération de Dakar au Sénégal. ... Innovation.

  5. Ny industrialisering - et bedre produktmarked

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beim, Anne


    for byggeriet med titlerne: 1. Bygherren som forandringsagent. 2. Tæt samarbejde i byggedelen. 3. Ny industrialisering. 4. Byg med kommunikation og innovation. Dette debathæfte er nummer tre i rækken og omhandler byggeriets industridel og mulighederne for at fremme en succesfuld industriel produktion....

  6. Science et littérature : mélange des genres


    Lissalde, Claire


    Cet article expose les démarches et les enjeux de l’organisation de l’exposition Science/Fiction, voyage au cœur du vivant par l’INSERM. Il souligne également l’innovation proposée par une médiation qui utilise le mélange des genres littéraires et scientifiques pour atteindre son public.

  7. Innovations et métallurgies en Méditerranée occidentale (XIIIe–XVe siècles

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    Verna, Catherine


    Full Text Available After a definition of technical innovation in the Middle Ages and it’s relationship to industry, this paper explores it’s characteristics in the fi eld of iron and silver (silver-bearing lead and copper metallurgy from the 13th to the 15th centuries in the western Mediterranean area. The exploration opens with a synthesis of the circulation of iron and steel products, with special care taken over the definition of their respective qualities, in particular the distinction between iron and steel; the exploration continues with an introduction to specific technical territories related to industrial “districts”, which allows the author to present the study of the circulation of technical knowledge. The paper concludes with a study of notables (Catalan in particular as rural entrepreneurs who invested in the technical innovation of their time.[fr] Après avoir défi ni l’innovation technique au Moyen Âge et ses rapports à l’industrie, cet article en étudie les caractéristiques dans les domaines de la métallurgie du fer et de l’argent (plomb et cuivre argentifères du XIIIe au XVe siècle, en Méditerranée occidentale. Cet examen s’ouvre par un tableau de la circulation des produits sidérurgiques, attentif à la définition de leurs qualités respectives, en particulier à la distinction fer-acier; il se poursuit par la présentation des territoires techniques spécifiques associés à des districts industriels, ce qui permet à l’auteur d’aborder l’étude des circulations des savoirs techniques. L’article se conclut par une étude des notables (en particulier catalans, entrepreneurs ruraux, qui ont investi dans l’innovation technique.

  8. Les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques dans l'environnement : la réhabilitation des anciens sites industriels The Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Environment : the Former Industrial Sites Remediation

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    Costes J. M.


    Full Text Available Les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques ou HAP peuvent être d'origine naturelle mais ils proviennent principalement des processus de pyrolyse. On peut les retrouver dans les sols de certains anciens sites industriels. Cela peut être le cas des sites d'anciennes usines à gaz. Même si aucune conséquence sur la santé humaine n'a été signalée et même si les risques paraissent virtuels, le principe de précaution rend nécessaire de s'occuper des risques liés à ces anciens sites industriels. Gaz de France, propriétaire de 467 sites d'anciennes usines à gaz assume l'héritage industriel dans le cadre d'un protocole signé avec le ministère de l'Environnement. Après une étude des sols, une évaluation des risques est réalisée. En fonction des résultats de cette évaluation des risques et de l'usage du site (actuel et prévu, des solutions de traitement peuvent être mises en Suvre. Parmi les techniques applicables aux sols pollués par des HAP, un intérêt particulier s'est porté sur les traitements biologiques, en pleine évolution, qui offrent une solution économique bien adaptée au traitement de grands volumes de sols souillés par une pollution organique moyennement concentrée. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs can be found under natural conditions but they can be produced by pyrolysis processes. They can be found in former industrial sites subsoil, especially on Manufactured Gas Plant sites (MGP sites. Gaz de France has inherited the patrimony of former French gas companies on nationalisation in 1946; consequently, Gaz De France is still the owner of 467 of manufactured gas plants. Even if no impact on human health has been detected and even if the risks seem to be virtual, Gaz de France has to prevent any environmental consequence due to the possible presence of residues in the subsoil of the sites: a protocol has been signed with the French Ministry of Environment. Following the investigations on the site, a

  9. Le néo-corporatisme réinterpellé : analyse comparée de deux politiques d'accès à l'emploi, l'apprentissage industriel en Belgique et le contrat de qualification "jeunes" en France


    Levêque, Audrey


    The comparative study of the "apprentissage industriel" in French speaking Belgium and of the "contrat de qualification jeunes" in France shows the maintenance of the neo corporatist model of social State. The analysis of the emergence and of the implementation of these two employment public policies for low qualified young permit to understand how they are appropriated on the ground, especially in the metallurgy sector. If these policies are intended for those low qualified young, the implem...

  10. Materials flow management in the metal industry. Design and techno-economical analysis of industriyl recycling concepts; Stoffstrommanagement in der Metallindustrie. Zur Gestaltung und techno-oekonomischen Bewertung industrieller Recyclingkonzepte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haehre, S.


    Materials flow management is an attempt to cope with excessive consumption of resources and with the large-scale release of pollutants, both of which are hazards of our industrialised society. It is necessary to analyse materials and energy flow along interconnected product and process chains to develop suitable concepts, e.g. for innovative environmental protection and recycling measures. A planning instrument is designed for this purpose which is based on a combination of flowsheeting models common in chemical process engineering and material flow networks based on Petri nets. Its application enables computer-assisted design and techno-economic evaluation of industrial recycling concepts, so that decision makers in enterprises and administrations will be given a tool for in-house and external material flow management. In the implementation stage, the flowsheeting system 'Aspen Plus' and the eco-banancing tool 'Umberto' were used, and exemplary problems of material flow management in the steel and zinc industry were investigated. [German] Zur Ueberwindung negativer Umwelteinfluesse der Industriegesellschaft, die inbesondere aus dem Ressourcenverbrauch und der Freisetzung grosser Schadstoffmengen resultieren, werden Massnahmen im Sinne des Stoffstrommanagements gefordert. Die Entwicklung geeigneter Konzepte, etwa zum Einsatz innovativer Umweltschutz- und Recyclingmassnahmen, macht die Analyse von Stoff- und Energiestroemen entlang vernetzter Produkt- und Prozessketten erforderlich. Hierfuer wird ein Planungsinstrument konzipiert, das auf einer Kombination verfahrenstechnischer Flowsheeting-Modelle und Petri-Netz-basierter Stoffstromnetze beruht. Sein Einsatz ermoeglicht computergestuetzt die Gestaltung und techno-oekonomische Bewertung industrieller Recyclingkonzepte, so dass Entscheidungstraeger in Unternehmen und Behoerden ein Hilfsmittel zum betrieblichen und betriebsuebergreifenden Stoffstrommanagement erhalten. Bei der Implementierung

  11. Églises et temples en bassins industriels : Belfort-Héricourt-Montbéliard (Franche-Comté (1944-2008

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    Yves-Claude Lequin


    Full Text Available Si l’on en juge par l’exemple de Belfort-Montbéliard, nombreux furent les lieux de culte - catholiques et luthériens - construits dans les bassins industriels français entre 1950 et 1968. Étapes : églises modernes « en majesté » vers 1950, églises sobres aux formes arrondies dans les ZUP vers 1960, préfabriqués après 1964, quasi arrêt en 1968, reconversion du bâti à partir de 1990. Raisons de cet essor puissant et du rapide déclin : les tensions sociales et les évolutions mentales des paroissiens.From the example of Belfort-Montbéliard, a fair number of places of worship - Catholic and Lutheran - were built in French industrial basins between 1950 and 1968. Stages: modern “in majesty” churches around 1950, sober buildings with curved shapes in priority development areas around 1960, prefabricated buildings after 1964, hardly any construction in 1968, conversion of buildings as from 1990. Reasons for this marked growth and for the swift decline: social tensions and evolution of parishioners ‘minds.

  12. La montagne, lieu de développement industriel : l’exemple du Languedoc-Roussillon

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    Full Text Available Michel WieninRiches en énergie (rivières, bois, puis houille, en matières premières minérales et en produits d’élevage, les régions de montagne ont développé tôt une industrie qui profite de l’essor des transports au XIXe siècle. Loin des grands bassins miniers, les vallées se transforment en une succession de bourgs industriels, accédant beaucoup plus vite à la modernité que les plaines restées agricoles ou que les villages d’altitude, à l’écart du progrès. Délimité par le Massif Central et les Pyrénées, le Languedoc-Roussillon présente une plaine évoluant vers une quasi-monoculture de la vigne et des vallées de montagne qui se tournent vers l’industrie textile et métallurgique.France’s mountain regions, which are rich in varied sources of energy (rivers, woods, then coal, in mineral resources and in products derived from livestock rearing, developed industries at an early date, benefiting from the development of new transport networks during the 19th century. Far from the major mining basins, the mountain valleys were transformed into a succession of industrial villages, reaching modernity more rapidly than the plains, still devoted to agriculture, or the villages high in the mountains and isolated from such progress. Bordered by the Massif Central and the Pyrenees, the region of Languedoc-Roussillon comprises a plain which evolved towards a mono-activity of wine production and the mountain valleys which witnessed the development of textile and metallurgical industries.

  13. Le néo-corporatisme réinterpellé : analyse comparée de deux politiques d'accès à l'emploi, l'apprentissage industriel en Belgique et le contrat de qualification "jeunes" en France


    Levêque, Audrey


    L'étude comparative de l'apprentissage industriel en Belgique francophone et du contrat de qualification "jeunes" en France permet de réinterpeller le modèle néo-corporatiste d'Etat social. L'analyse de l'émergence et de la mise en oeuvre de ces deux politiques publiques d'accès à l'emploi pour les jeunes peu qualifiés permet de comprendre comment elles sont réappropriées par les acteurs de terrain et ce, plus particulièrement dans la branche de la métallurgie. Si ces politiques s'adressent t...

  14. Open innovations, innovation communities and firm's innovative activities

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    Getejanc Vesna


    Full Text Available The open innovation paradigm emphasizes the fact that firms can improve their performance by opening their business models and reduce their R&D costs by effective incorporation of external knowledge. In other words, companies are able to capture value through knowledge that exists outside the boundaries of their organization. The shift from closed to open model of innovation has imposed the necessity to adopt more open approach to innovation within traditional academic view of business strategy. The adoption of this innovative approach is emphasized even more, by the necessity for stronger connection and cooperation among the participants of the innovation process. Free will and collaboration are the main characteristics of open source software, which is recognized in literature as the role model of open innovation and is a rapidly growing method of technology development. Furthermore, innovative communities represent a great opportunity for improvement of the companies' innovation activities, since they have become an important source for identifying the needs and problems of the users. Their development has been fostered by information technologies and recent social changes in user behavior. Recognizing and better understanding the motivation of the members of the innovation communities that guide them to participate in the process of idea generation, can have significant influence on their incorporation within the innovation process. Equally important is to define the incentives that are suited for stimulating and fostering innovative user activities. Taking this topic in consideration, the purpose of this article is to address the following questions: In what way does the collaboration in open source software projects have positive effect on companies' innovation performance? What are the innovation communities and how can companies establish successful interaction with them? Why does the interaction with innovation communities lead to

  15. CO{sub 2} emissions abatement and geologic sequestration - industrial innovations and stakes - status of researches in progress; Reduction des emissions et stockage geologique du CO{sub 2} - innovation et enjeux industriels - le point des recherches en cours

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This colloquium was jointly organized by the French institute of petroleum (IFP), the French agency of environmental and energy mastery (Ademe) and the geological and mining research office (BRGM). This press kit makes a status of the advances made in CO{sub 2} emissions abatement and geological sequestration: technological advances of CO{sub 2} capture and sequestration, geological reservoir dimensioning with respect to the problem scale, duration of such an interim solution, CO{sub 2} emissions abatement potentialities of geological sequestration, regulatory, economical and financial implications, international stakes of greenhouse gas emissions. This press kit comprises a press release about the IFP-Ademe-BRGM colloquium, a slide presentation about CO{sub 2} abatement and sequestration, and four papers: a joint IFP-Ademe-BRGM press conference, IFP's answers to CO{sub 2} emissions abatement, Ademe's actions in CO{sub 2} abatement and sequestration, and BRGM's experience in CO{sub 2} sequestration and climatic change expertise. (J.S.)

  16. Se démarquer dans l’industrie du bien-être. Transnationalisme, innovation et indianité Standing out in the wellness industry. Transnationalism, innovation and indianness

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    Laurent Pordié


    Full Text Available L’industrie du bien-être se caractérise à la fois par un fort potentiel d’innovation dans le domaine thérapeutique et par une prétention à l’ancienneté de ces nouvelles thérapies. Cet article propose d’analyser ce paradoxe en étudiant les logiques à l’œuvre dans la construction d’une marque identifiant et distinguant Mango Spa, une chaîne indienne de centres de soins et de remise en forme. Il s’intéresse aux sens et aux implications de l’innovation thérapeutique dans le cas d’une firme qui revendique l’authenticité de ses traitements tout en puisant dans des ressources d’influences multiples afin de s’adapter à une clientèle cosmopolite. Ces services et ces produits fondent leur légitimité sur la tradition ayurvédique, mais ils doivent toutefois la défier afin d’acquérir leur propre visibilité. C’est ainsi que Mango Spa se démarque de ses concurrents. De nouvelles thérapies « indiennes » sont créées en mobilisant clients internationaux, thérapeutes de cultures disparates et industriels établis hors de l’Inde. La marque est produite au travers d’un faisceau complexe de relations transnationales. En examinant les forces globales et le caractère multidimensionnel de la production d’une marque indienne, cet article renseigne plus généralement sur la circulation et la transformation des idées, des objets et des pratiques.The wellness industry is characterized by both a high innovation potential in the therapeutic field and a claim to the antiquity of these new therapies. This article aims to analyze this paradox by studying the logic at work in the construction of a brand identifying and distinguishing Mango Spa, an Indian chain of health and fitness centers. Particularly interesting are the meanings and implications of therapeutic innovation in the case of a firm claiming the authenticity of its treatments while drawing on multiples resources and influences to adapt them to a

  17. L’interdisciplinarité en partage : collaborer pour innover. Le projet «dessins de Dieu»


    Darbellay, Frédéric; Vinck, Dominique; Cocco, Christelle; Dessart, Grégory; Dandarova, Zhargalma; Brandt, Pierre-Yves


    Cette contribution révèle le double enjeu de la recherche interdisciplinaire qui réside de manière complémentaire dans l’avancement du dialogue entre les disciplines et dans la co- production de nouvelles méthodes et techniques d’analyse. Au travers d’une méta-analyse d’un projet de recherche interdisciplinaire et multiculturel sur les représentations que les enfants se font d’agents surnaturels (i.e. des figures de «dieux»), nous étudions les enjeux épistémologiques et méthodolog...

  18. Medical innovation laws: an unnecessary innovation. (United States)

    Richards, Bernadette


    Objective This paper aims to demonstrate that any suggestion that there is a need for specific innovation laws is flawed. Innovation is central to good medical practice and is adequately supported by current law. Methods The paper reviews the nature of medical innovation and outlines recent attempts in the UK to introduce specific laws aimed at 'encouraging' and 'supporting' innovation. The current legal framework is outlined and the role of the law in relation to medical innovation explored. Results The analysis demonstrates the cyclic relationship between medical advancement and the law and concludes that there is no requirement for specific innovation laws. Conclusions The law not only supports innovation and development in medical treatment but encourages it as central to a functioning medical system. There is no need to introduce specific laws aimed at medical innovation; to do so represents an unnecessary legal innovation and serves to complicate matters. What is known about the topic? Over recent months, there has been a great deal of discussion surrounding the law in the context of medical innovation. This was driven by the attempts in the UK to introduce specific laws in the Medical Innovation Bill. The general subject matter - negligence and the expected standard of care in the provision of treatment - is very well understood, but not in cases where the treatment can be described as innovative. The general rhetoric in both the UK and Australia around the Medical Innovation Bill demonstrates a lack of understanding of the position of the law with regards to innovative treatment. What does this paper add? This paper adds clarity to the debate. It presents the law and explains the manner in which the law can operate around innovative treatment. The paper asserts that medical innovation is both supported and encouraged by existing legal principles. What are the implications for practitioners? The paper presents an argument that can guide the policy position

  19. Industrialized Innovation: The Connection of Science & Technology Innovation with Industrial Innovation

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Yinxing Hong; Yao Lu; Jianghuai Zheng


    In light of the relationship and the current disconnection between science & technology (S&T) innovation and industrial innovation in China,it is necessary to put forward and emphasize the concept of industrialized innovation.Industrialized innovation is the bridge and intermediation between S&T innovation and industrial innovation,which is not only a concept,but also a mechanism and combination force.There are two ways to achieve industrialized innovation:through industry-university-research coordination and through technology entrepreneurship.The meaning of industry-university-research coordination is not about coordination among industry,university and research sectors in an institutional sense;rather it is about the coordination of the functions of cultivation and development in new industries,new technologies,and new talents of industrialized innovation.The incentive mechanism for industrialized innovation should motivate not only innovation but also coordination.Technology entrepreneurship is the industrialization of new technology through business start-ups,which occurs beyond the stage of incubation and development of new technology.The capital of technology entrepreneurship is the set consisting of knowledge capital manifested through technological innovation,human capital manifested through entrepreneurs,and physical capital in the form of venture capital.While physical capital is indispensable,knowledge capital and human capital play the decisive role in technology entrepreneurship.The industrialization of technological innovation involves two requirements:one is to enable the new technology industry to achieve a large scale rapidly,and the other is to fully realize the potential value of the new technology.Both requirements are reliant on effective innovation in business models.

  20. Where are All the Female Innovators? Nurses as Innovators in a Public Sector Innovation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Johanna Nählinder


    Full Text Available The field of innovation does not see the innovator and is therefore gender-blind. Still, there is an implicit understanding of who is innovative, and this understanding includes gender and profession of the innovator. The female nurse is not seen as innovative and few innovation policies target her. The lack of innovativeness is due to many factors and two of these are tested empirically in this article: that women work in professions which are not associated with innovation and that women lack confidence to carry out innovative work. The empirical investigation presents evidence in line with both hypothesis and also notes that men and women ends their innovative efforts for different reasons. Therefore, innovation policy targeting these groups mobilises otherwise dormant potential innovators.

  1. Innovation af innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harste, Gorm


    , at innovation af innovationen forsøges gennemført på en måde, hvor tiden kræves at forholde sig til sin egen tidslighed i form af fremtid, nutid, fortid og ikke mindst i form af samtidighed. I tiden skal vi iagttage, hvordan vi iagttager tiden. Vi dobbelt-koder tiden på samme måde, som forskning forsker i...... organisationssystemerne. De to typer systemer kan noget helt bestemt med fænomenet tid. De kan synkronisere. Analyseres organisationssystemer ser vi, imidlertid at innovation kræver ro. Stærkt innovative systemer er militærsystemet og kunstsystemet, der også inddrages, og hvor vi ser paradokset mellem innovation og...... involution. Tid er med et medium og ikke et lufttomt rum. Tid er end ikke en gasart, men udgør et solidt fluidum, som samfundet bader i og flyder i, konstant i bevægelse. Reformer forudsætter former, og innovation forudsætter involution. Kun sådan muliggøres evolution....

  2. Underground seasonal storage of industrial waste heat; Saisonale Speicherung industrieller Abwaerme im Untergrund

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reuss, M.; Mueller, J. [Bayerische Landesanstalt fuer Landtechnik, TU Muenchen-Weihenstephan, Freising (Germany)


    The thermal efficiency of subject systems, especially at higher temperatures is influenced by heat and humidity transport underground. Thermal conductivity and specific thermal capacity depend on the humidity content of the soil. A simulation model was developed that describes the coupled heat and humidity transport in the temperature range up to 90 C. This model will be validated in laboratory and field tests and then be used for designing and analysing underground stores. Pilot plants for the storage of industrial waste heat were designed and planned on the basis of this simulation. In both cases these are cogeneration plants whose waste heat was to be used for space heating and as process energy. Both plants have a very high demand of electric energy which is mostly supplied by the cogeneration plant. The waste heat is put into the store during the summer. In the winter heat is supplied by both the store and the cogeneration plant. In both cases the store has a volume of approx. 15,000 cubic metres with 140 and 210 pits located in a depth of 30 and 40 metres. The plants are used to carry out extensive measurements for the validation of simulation models. (orig.) [Deutsch] Die thermische Leistungsfaehigkeit solcher Systeme wird insbesondere im hoeheren Temperaturbereich durch den Waerme- und Feuchtetransport im Untergrund beeinflusst. Sowohl die Waermeleitfaehigkeit als auch die spezifische Waermekapazitaet sind vom Feuchtegehalt des Bodens abhaengig. Es wurde ein Simulationsmodell entwickelt, das den gekoppelten Waerme- und Feuchtetransport im Temperaturbereich bis 90 C beschreibt. Dieses Modell wird an Labor- und Feldexperimenten validiert und dient dann zur Auslegung und Analyse von Erdwaermesonden-Speichern. Basierend auf diesen theoretischen Grundlagenarbeiten wurden Pilotanlagen zur saisonalen Speicherung industrieller Abwaerme ausgelegt und geplant. In beiden Faellen handelt es sich um Kraft/Waermekopplungsanlagen, deren Abwaerme zur Gebaeudeheizung und

  3. Le Kivu dans la guerre : acteurs et enjeux

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roland Pourtier


    Full Text Available La guerre en RDC témoigne du réveil d’une guerre qui couvait depuis des années. Au-delà des réactions émotionnelles que suscitent les images, toujours recommencées, des victimes civiles fuyant les zones de combat, les pillages et les viols perpétrés par toutes les forces armées impliquées dans le conflit ou celles du recrutement forcé d’enfants soldats, se posent des questions de fond. Quels sont les acteurs d’un conflit dont la durée et les rebondissements après chaque phase d’accalmie signifient qu’il est l’expression de tensions structurelles ? Enchâssé dans l’entité géopolitique des Grands Lacs, le Kivu est partie prenante, d’un système régional de conflits. La guerre qui s’y déroule constitue une sérieuse entrave à la reconstruction de la RDC, et une menace pour la stabilité de toute la région : aujourd’hui plus que jamais le Kivu est la poudrière de l’Afrique Centrale. Cet article est un état des lieux et des enjeux d’un conflit ancien qui connaît depuis janvier 2009 une certaine accalmie, mais pour combien de temps ? Quels en sont les acteurs internes ? Quelles sont les forces externes qui interfèrent dans un conflit nourri de facteurs aggravants qui participent à la fois de la dialectique ethnique, des intérêts économiques contradictoires et d’une situation démographique caractérisée par des densités élevées.Once again, it’s war time in Kivu. In spite of the United Nation’s mission (MONUC that tries to put an end to the turmoil in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, an other conflict has popped up in the heart of the African continent. In this region thousands of people have been killed and millions of others removed from their birthplace by the permanent troubles that have prevailed since the burst of violence occurred in the Great lakes regions in 1994. In the mean time, the FAR, leaded by Paul Kagame has won the civil war in Rwanda, and the core

  4. Modeling and experimental study of heat transfer in innovate building components for industrial production; Modelisation et etude experimentale des echanges de chaleur dans des composants innovants de batiment industriels

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lacena-Neildez, A.


    The main objective of the thesis is the study of a new roof thermal behaviour with the thermal transfer by radiation and convection in order to propose an alternative to the mechanical air-conditioning in the overseas islands, and to determine the way of improving the energy performance. Two fundamental results were obtained. First, the coating has a great importance in relation with the radiative properties. Secondly, air channel geometries can complete insufficient coatings in their cooling purpose. In this thesis, both experimental and modelling analyses were carried out. A solar simulator was used for the experiment to carry out a comparative study of prototypes. A performance indicator was defined; it is the eliminated flux, because the temperature is not sufficient to describe the heat exchange. At the same time, the radiative properties of coatings were measured and a characterisation of paints allows to start a new research of innovative infrared reflective paints. A mono-dimensional model was developed describing thermal exchanges in an air channel component. A sensibility study was carried out which allows to determine the main parameters. The experimental study validated the model in rear flux, more realistic than stagnation. Finally, the feasibility of this new steel component was concluded by a technical-economical study. (author)

  5. Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Janni; Yaganeh, Suzanne; Bloch Rasmussen, Leif


    This paper contributes to a theoretical discussion of creation of innovation with participants in, or outside, organisations. We address the creation of innovation with a complex theoretical understanding drawing on the Scandinavian and the Participatory Design tradition introducing two approaches...... to the processes of innovation. We ask if innovation can be initiated and enhanced looking at two collaborative approaches; participatory innovation (PIN) and cooperative innovation (COIN). We invite to dialogue and reflections on PIN’s conflict and creative frictions on one side and COIN’s complexity......, complementarity in diversity and the didactic scaffolding of the innovation process on the other side. Our contribution focuses on the methods and practices for facilitation of co-creating activities between different groups leading to cooperation, and innovation in thinking....

  6. From Innovation Community to Community Innovation User-initiated Innovation in Wireless Leiden

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Oost, Elizabeth C.J.; Verhaegh, Stefan; Oudshoorn, Nelly E.J.


    The role of users in innovation processes has gained increasing attention in innovation studies, technology studies, and media studies. Scholars have identified users and use practices as a source of innovation. So far, however, little insight has been generated in innovation processes in which

  7. Sustainable Innovation: A Competitive Advantage for Innovation Ecosystems


    Oksanen, Kaisa; Hautamäki, Antti


    In this article, we elaborate the emerging concept of sustainable innovation and analyze the relevance of innovation as a means to solve wicked problems and enhancing sustainable well-being. We also examine the changing conditions for innovation creation: building global knowledge hubs and local innovation ecosystems. As a result, the drivers of innovation and opportunities to utilize the untapped innovation potential of people outside traditional innovation contexts are expand...

  8. Globaliserede byrum

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reeh, Henrik


    Arkitektur, globalisering, byteori, bykultur, Islands Brygge, samtidskunst, udstillingssteder, gentrification, industriel arkitektur......Arkitektur, globalisering, byteori, bykultur, Islands Brygge, samtidskunst, udstillingssteder, gentrification, industriel arkitektur...

  9. Group Innovation Ability of Agricultural Technological Innovation Strategic Alliance

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Chishun; MA; Jintian; YU


    Agricultural technological innovation strategic alliance, as an important form of strategic alliance, has steadily strengthened the collaborative management among organizations and raised competitive power with the backing of improved group innovation ability. This article studies innovation ability from individual innovation ability to the group innovation ability. Firstly, basic connotation of group innovation ability is to be concluded through the comparison of individual and group innovation ability. Secondly, evaluation index system is to be established based on the influencing factors of the group innovation ability of agricultural technological innovation strategic alliance and evaluation is based on three dimensions, namely organization technological innovation ability, alliance collaborative innovation ability as well as innovation environment. Furthermore, basic methods for promoting the group innovation ability of alliance are to be proposed.

  10. Open innovation with an effective open innovation team.


    Vanvoorden, Jonas


    This master's thesis explores how open innovation teams can successfully support open innovation inside of an organisation. Open innovation is a paradigm introduced by Henry Chesbrough (2003) a decade ago. It expands the innovation potential of organisations by opening them up to new ways of working with external partners. To implement open innovation, many companies rely on a small group of managers named open innovation teams. Although open innovation teams can potentially be vital for impl...



    Ruffino, Paolo


    FRENCH L’exposition IconoMania questionne l’image d’aujourd’hui, ses formes et ses symboliques, à travers le champ expérimental des nouvelles technologies. Dans cette relation « art et science », l’exposition s’intéresse aux problématiques de transformation (innovation et information), de transmission (communication et médias), et de représentation (sociale individuelle et collective). Près de seize oeuvres seront exposées sous la verrière d'un ancien bâtiment industriel du XIXème au co...

  12. Innovation Processes and Entrepreneurial Culture for Radical Innovations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ľubica Knošková


    Full Text Available To survive and prosper, the organizations need to embed the processes and mechanisms to discover major technology and consumer trends and respond to them through new growth areas. Based on profound literature review providing insight into organizational factors that affect firms’ ability to manage innovation this paper asks which innovation processes and entrepreneurial culture support radical innovations. The aim of the paper is to specify the company behaviour that leads to innovative outputs with high level of novelty in country specific context of Slovakia. We conducted two-stage empirical research in 2009 and 2014 mapping companies’ approach to innovation management during the last 10 years. After surveying 102 firms in the first stage and 287 firms in the second stage we derive success factors for radical innovations. The findings demonstrate growing importance of corporate strategic orientation, highly developed innovation processes and parallel mechanisms for radical innovation, ability to manage internally and externally open innovation and support entrepreneurial culture. This study makes unique contribution to the understanding of innovation processes, organizational factors, and their significance and dynamics. It should attract managerial attention to recognize the importance of innovation management factors for building firm’s innovation competency.



    Zeng Wu; Tian Zhilong


    With the method of duopoly game theory, the effect of firms’ innovation ability on the choice between product and process innovation is studied. The concept of cost coefficient of product innovation is introduced, and the criterion equation for the innovation type is derived. The following conclusions are made: the more the product innovation ability, the more the possibility for the firms to carry out the product innovation in both the Bertrand and the Cournot competitions. Wi...

  14. Workplace innovation, social innovation and social quality

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oeij, P.R.A.; Dhondt, S.; Korver, T.


    Social innovation is becoming a core value of the EU flagship initiative Innovation Union, but it is not clearly demarcated as it covers a wide field of topics. To understand social innovation within European policymaking a brief outline is given of EC policy developments on innovation and on

  15. Innovation (United States)

    EPA frames innovation as critical to the protection of human health and the environment through initiatives such as sustainable practices, innovative research, prize competitions, innovation awards, partnerships, and community activities.

  16. Caractéristiques sociodémographiques des éleveurs de porcs (Sus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Agriculture. Urbaine en Afrique Francophone : Enjeux, Concepts et Méthodes, Smith. OB, Moustier P, Mougeot LJA, Abdou F. (éds). Cirad-Crdi ; 115-142. Ali L, Van-Den-Bossche P, Thys E. 2003. Enjeux et contraintes de l'élevage urbain et périurbain ...

  17. Innovative learning for innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr.Ir. Hay Geraedts


    Introduction Innovation is crucial for companies who have to react to constantly changing markets. Several national and European research institutes stress the importance of developing innovation for small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). This was a trigger to design a minor on strategic

  18. Branching innovation, recombinant innovation, and endogenous technological transitions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frenken, K.; Izquierdo, L.; Zeppini, P.


    We propose a model of technological transitions based on two different types of innovations. Branching innovations refer to technological improvements along a particular path, while recombinant innovations represent fusions of multiple paths. Recombinant innovations create "short-cuts" which reduce

  19. Strengthening regional innovation through network-based innovation brokering


    Svare, Helge; Gausdal, Anne Haugen


    The primary objective of this paper is to demonstrate how regional innovation system theory may be translated into manageable micro-level methods with the potential for strengthening the productive dynamics of a regional innovation system. The paper meets this objective by presenting network-based innovation brokering (NBIB), a practical method designed using insights from regional innovation system theory and trust theory. Five cases from two Norwegian regional innovation networks show that ...

  20. Internal Determinants of Product Innovation and Management Innovation


    Harder, Mie


    This paper adopts a behavioral theory of the firm perspective in order to compare the antecedents of two types of innovation: Management innovation refers to the adoption of new management practices or organizational structures, whereas product innovation refers to the introduction of new products or services on the market. The study further distinguishes between two categories of innovation within each type: new to the firm and new to the industry innovations. The findings indica...

  1. Workplace innovation and social innovation : an introduction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jürgen Howaldt; Dr. Ben Fruytier; Peter R.A. Oeij; Steven Dhondt


    This is the introduction to the special issue of World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (WREMSD) dedicated to workplace innovation and social innovation related to work and organisation. As technological and business model innovations alone are not sufficient to

  2. Workplace innovation and social innovation: an introduction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Howaldt, J.; Oeij, P.R.A.; Dhondt, S.; Fruytier, B.


    This is the introduction to this special issue of World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (WREMSD) dedicated to workplace innovation and social innovation related to work and organisation. As technological and business model innovations alone are not sufficient to

  3. World-First Innovations in an Open Innovation Context


    Hochleitner, Franciane Paz; Arbussà i Reixach, Anna; Coenders, Germà


    This study contributes to the current literature on open innovation by analysing the effects of open innovation activities on the introduction of new-to-the-world innovations versus imitation. We base our analysis on data provided by the Eurostat Community Innovation Survey (CIS) carried out in Germany in 2012, which for the first time made a distinction between world-first innovation and imitation. We use both logit models and CHAID trees. The results of both analyses show that traditional i...

  4. Open Innovation Practices and their Effect on Innovation Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ebersberger, Bernd; Bloch, Carter Walter; Herstad, Sverre


    This paper develops an indicator framework for examining open innovation practices and their impact on performance. The analysis, which is based on Community Innovation Survey (CIS) data for Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Norway, yields a number of interesting results. First, we find that open inn...... for innovative performance, stressing that open innovation is not a substitute for internal knowledge building.......This paper develops an indicator framework for examining open innovation practices and their impact on performance. The analysis, which is based on Community Innovation Survey (CIS) data for Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Norway, yields a number of interesting results. First, we find that open...... innovation practices have a strong impact on innovation performance. Second, results suggest that that broad-based approaches yield the strongest impacts, and that the collective of open innovation strategies appear more important than individual practices. Third, intramural investments are still important...

  5. Innovating beyond Technology : Studies on how management innovation, co-creation and business model innovation contribute to firms' (innovation) performance

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    C.V. Heij (Kevin)


    textabstractInnovation is generally considered to be a cornerstone of organizational survival in many of today’s dynamic and competitive markets. This dissertation goes beyond the dominant focus on technological innovation in innovation studies by examining how and under which conditions several

  6. Policy Innovation in Innovation Policy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borras, Susana

    During the past two decades Europe has experienced important changes and transformations in the way in which governments approach the issue of science, technology and innovation, and their relation to economic growth and competitiveness. This has to do with the European Union level as well...... as with national and sub-national governments in Europe, all of them introducing interesting novelties in their innovation policy. These changes refer to different aspects of policy, mainly the content of policy initiatives towards science, technology and innovation; the instruments governments are using...... at the EU level, and mentions similar trends taking place at national and sub-national levels. The questions that guide the contents here are essentially three, namely, what are the main traits of innovation policies in Europe since the 1990s and how have the EU and different national governments approached...

  7. Les « faux » mariages homosexuels de Sidi Ali au Maroc : enjeux d’un scandale médiatique

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Florence Bergeaud-Blackler


    Full Text Available Les affaires de « mariages homosexuels » à Ksar el Kebir puis à Sidi Ali ont fait grand bruit dans la presse marocaine. Au-delà de l’émotion soulevée par le scandaleux amalgame entre l’institution respectée du mariage et une forme illégale de sexualité, elle a mis en évidence une transformation du traitement public de la question homosexuelle. Le changement de ton de la presse reflète-t-il celui de l’attitude de la société marocaine vis-à-vis de l’homosexualité ? Assiste-t-on à l’émergence d’une communauté homosexuelle militant pour la défense de ses droits ? Les « mariages » de Ksar el Kebir et de Sidi Ali constituent-ils des démonstrations visant à briser le tabou de l’homosexualité par l’émergence d’une « fierté » homosexuelle ? D’enquêtes menées à Sidi Ali, Fez et Casablanca, nous concluons que la médiatisation autour des affaires de mariages d’homosexuels a été un instrument d’une stratégie d’un « retour de la morale » aux relents nationalistes consécutive à la période d’establishement du roi Mohamed VI. L’article s’attache à montrer les enjeux locaux et nationaux d’une fausse chasse aux sorcières dans un pays où les conditions d’un débat sur la dépénalisation de l’homosexualité ne semblent pas encore réalisées.

  8. BadButik A/S

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jørgen; Bertelsen, Niels Haldor

    Rapporten omhandler udviklingen af et helt nyt forretningskoncept for levering af badeværelser. Konceptet omfatter både den tekniske og forretningsmæssige udvikling og har fokus på industriel udvikling af arbejdet på byggepladsen og i designarbejdet. Resultatet af projektet kan ses som svar på...... spørgsmålet: Hvordan ser denne virksomhed ud, og hvordan kan den udvikles? Rapporten henvender sig især til udviklingsorienterede boligorganisationer og virksomheder. Projektet er gennemført med støtte fra Nordic Innovation Centre, der i 2005 besluttede at støtte udviklingsprojekter, der specifikt tog...

  9. Innovation through accelerators: A case for open innovation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lerato E. Mohalajeng


    Full Text Available Background: Open innovation is becoming a progressive business practice in Southern Africa because it plays a significant role in economic development through promoting the commercialisation of new ideas. The challenge is that while the benefits of open innovation are widely spoken about, not much is understood about the challenges and successes of open innovation accelerators (OIAs in taking ideas to market. Aim: The purpose of this research was to investigate an OIA in South Africa for taking ideas to market. Setting: The Innovation Hub is a science park in Pretoria, South Africa, using open innovation to stimulate entrepreneurship in South Africa. Through The Innovation Hub Open IX, a webbased platform, an opportunity to investigate the bridging from invention to commercialisation is presented. Methods: A qualitative research method using semi-structured, in-depth interviews was applied to collect data. Five key stakeholders of the OIA were interviewed. Results: The findings suggest that stakeholder buy-in is essential for commercialisation through OIAs in South Africa. By involving stakeholders in the initial phases of the open innovation process, the likelihood of a solution being incorporated and fitted into the organisation’s business strategy is increased. Conclusion: The insight gained from this research suggests policymakers, research institutions and commercial businesses ought to explore various innovations across industries relevant to their open innovation proficiencies. This research makes a significant contribution to an indepth understanding of what is needed to bridge the gap from invention to successful commercialisation through open innovation.

  10. Innovation Policy Development and the Emergence of New Innovation Paradigms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tanev, Stoyan; Knudsen, Mette Præst; Bisgaard, Tanja


    The objective of the present article is to discuss innovation policy issues related to three emerging innovation paradigms: user-driven innovation, open innovation, and value cocreation. It provides a summary of insights based on innovation policy practices and challenges in Denmark. The choice...... of Danish innovation policy practices is not accidental. In 2008 Denmark implemented 40 different national innovation programs by allocating about 400 million euros. Since the three emerging paradigms have become globally relevant, the discussion of Danish policy development challenges and practices...... is expected to be insightful for innovation experts from other developed countries that are currently dealing with the adoption of these paradigms....

  11. Innovation Types and Talent Management for Innovation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan A. Marin-Garcia


    Full Text Available Companies need to become innovative and in order to do so, they must learn how to be able to manage the talent of their workforce In this working paper we have reviewed the literature concerning the concept of innovation as a key for the challenge for change in companies to establish a synthesis and a classification of the types of innovation required. We propose a number of competencies needed by the different staff members (support, technicians, managers, etc as well, so that they can succeed in being innovative in different ways.

  12. Mindful innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Olsen, Poul Bitsch


    Mindful innovation is an approach to innovation that pays attention to people's experience in an organization rather than to formal organization or social role.......Mindful innovation is an approach to innovation that pays attention to people's experience in an organization rather than to formal organization or social role....

  13. Applying open source innovation approaches in developing business innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Annabeth; Lindgren, Peter


    and managed effectively in developing business model innovation. The aim of this paper is therefore to close this research gap and to provide new knowledge within the research field of OI and OI applications. Thus, in the present study we explore the facilitation and management of open source innovation...... in developing business model innovation in the context of an international OI contest across five international case companies. The findings reveal six categories of key antecedents in effective facilitation and management of OI in developing business model innovation.......More and more companies are pursuing continuous innovation through different types of open source innovation and across different partners. The growing interest in open innovation (OI) originates both from the academic community as well as amongst practitioners motivating further investigation...

  14. Orchestrating innovation


    Berkers, F.T.H.M.; Klein Woolthuis, R.J.A.; Boer, J. de


    Orchestrating Innovation increases the probability of success, minimizing the probability of failure of technological innovations by creating sustained societal and economic value. Orchestrating innovation propagates to take into account and actively involve all relevant stakeholders of the (future) ecosystem in which the innovation will, can or has to be adopted.

  15. Managing innovation complexity: About the co-existence of innovation types


    Pohlmann, Philipp Adrian


    The purpose of this study is to contribute to the changing innovation management literature by providing an overview of different innovation types and organizational complexity factors. Aiming at a better understanding of effective innovation management, innovation and complexity are related to the formulation of an innovation strategy and interaction between different innovation types is further explored. The chosen approach in this study is to review the existing literature on different inn...

  16. Framing Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haase, Louise Møller; Laursen, Linda Nhu


    Designing a remarkable product innovation is a difficult challenge, which businesses today continuously are striving to tackle. This challenge is particularly present in the early phase of innovation, where the main product concept and frames of the innovation is determined. As a main challenge...... in the early phase is the reasoning process; innovation team are faced with open- ended ill-defines problems, where they need to make decisions about an unknown future having only incomplete, ambiguous and contradicting insights available. We study the reasoning of experts, how they frame to make sense of all...... the insights and create a basis for decision making in relation to a new project. Based on case studies of five innovative products from various industries, we suggest a Product Reasoning Model for understanding reasoning and envisioning of new product innovations in the early phases of innovation....

  17. Stepwise innovation adoption : a neglected concept in innovation research

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Huizingh, K.R.E.; Brand, M.J.


    Most innovation researchers tend to consider innovation adoption as a binary process, implying that companies have either adopted an innovation or not. In this paper we focus on e-commerce as an innovation that can be adopted stepwise. We distinguish between two levels of e-commerce, basic and

  18. Technological Innovation, R & D Activities and Innovation System Between Organizations

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    Jonas Pedro Fabris


    Full Text Available This theoretical paper aimed to explicit, through the rescue of theoretical assumptions, the innovation, the innovation system, and the research and development (R & D activities. The innovation, especially technological innovation, is now seen as essential in differentiation strategies, competitiveness and growth in a greater number of businesses. Innovation is not only the result of financial investments by companies. For it to exist, it is necessary the existence of innovative capacity that should be present at all stages of the innovation process, and a favorable institutional environment and, increasingly, of specific incentive policies. That is, there are internal and external factors to companies and other institutions involved in the process. Innovation systems were discovered to resolve the variations in the degree of competitiveness of different economies and, above all, in relation to the technological performance and the ability to innovate these economies face the growing importance of international markets for high-tech products. Thus, it was found that successful innovators are not successful just because of their personal qualities and actions but as a result of their interaction with research and innovation systems that inhabit the quality of such systems.

  19. Farmaceutische industrie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ros JPM; van der Poel P; Etman EJ; Montfoort JA; LAE


    Dit rapport over de farmaceutische industrie is gepubliceerd binnen het Samenwerkingsproject Procesbeschrijvingen Industrie Nederland (SPIN). In het kader van dit project is informatie verzameld over industriele bedrijven of industriele processen ter ondersteuning van het overheidsbeleid op het

  20. Social Innovation Europe: Country Summary: Poland. Social Innovation in Poland


    Klimczuk, Andrzej


    The history of social innovation in country, challenges being addressed by social innovation. the key actors, who is promoting social innovation. A few of the key projects that illustrate social innovation.

  1. Innovation and Safety. A prestudy; Innovation och saekerhet. En foerstudie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rollenhagen, Carl; Hansson, Sven Ove; Hortberg, Johan; Jakobsson, Fredrik; Zhau, Victoria Jing; Mojeri, Sara


    The project summarized in this report was initiated to explore relations between innovation and safety. The first two sections of the report discuss some previously conducted research and give a general background to the subject. It is concluded that safety research and innovation research, by and large, has developed as separate academic disciplines. The concepts of 'innovative safety culture' and 'safe innovation cultures' are suggested as two concepts that can be used to integrate research: innovative safety cultures depart from safety culture research but attempts to introduce an innovative dimension with the aim to create adaptive and innovative safety cultures that efficiently can handle risks arising from existing innovations. Safe innovation cultures have focus on innovation itself, but with the ambition to introduce concepts and methods from safety research in the innovative processes. Three subprojects conducted in the context of the present research are summarized. The first project examines how an existing organization (e.g. SKB - Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management) attempts to integrate both innovative activities and operative activities in the same organisation. Interviews with key personnel explored different views about how innovative and safety work coexists in the organisation. The second project focuses on how major retrofit projects of a nuclear power plant is managed in parallel to operative activities (e.g. operating the plant on an everyday basis). By means of an innovative technique (e.g. system groups) seminars were held to suggest improvements in the technical change process. The third project conducted a risk analysis of a major organisational change (e.g. control centres for energy distribution). Experiences from the three projects are finally discussed in terms of similarities and differences associated with the cultures for innovation and safety. Suggestions for further research are made

  2. How to Develop Innovators? Innovation Education for the Gifted (United States)

    Shavinina, Larisa


    Many people correctly believe that a majority of innovators come from the population of gifted and talented children. If we want to develop innovative abilities of the gifted, then a special, new direction in gifted education is needed: innovation education. This article introduces innovation education, which refers to a wide range of educational…

  3. Produktie van pigmenten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Etman EJ; Duesmann HB; Eijssen PHM; LAE


    Dit rapport over de produktie van pigmenten is gepubliceerd binnen het Samenwerkingsproject Procesbeschrijvingen Industrie Nederland (SPIN). In het kader van dit project is informatie verzameld over industriele bedrijven of industriele processen ter ondersteuning van het overheidsbeleid op het

  4. Innovative didaktik

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Birthe

    Innovative didaktik. This deals with innovative didaktik from at methodological point of view in three ways - how to define the concept, how to develop it and how analyse it. Issues analysed: How to create innovative students? How to create innovative learning envoriments? These are core question...... in "Projekt Innovativ didaktik". The hidden curriculum is to inspire students to develop entreprenuership and creativty....

  5. Participatory Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buur, Jacob; Matthews, Ben


    An increasing number of corporations engage with users in co-innovation of products and services. But there are a number of competing perspectives on how best to integrate these understandings into existing corporate innovation development processes. This paper maps out three of the dominant appr...... the challenges such an approach sets to innovation management, and discuss research directions we see as fundamental to the development of the field of user-driven innovation. Udgivelsesdato: September......An increasing number of corporations engage with users in co-innovation of products and services. But there are a number of competing perspectives on how best to integrate these understandings into existing corporate innovation development processes. This paper maps out three of the dominant...... approaches, compares them in terms of goals, methods and basic philosophy, and shows how they may beneficially enrich one another. We will present an industrial innovation case that has been instrumental to the development of what we have termed ‘Participatory Innovation’. Based on this we will list...

  6. Internal Determinants of Product Innovation and Management Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harder, Mie

    This paper adopts a behavioral theory of the firm perspective in order to compare the antecedents of two types of innovation: Management innovation refers to the adoption of new management practices or organizational structures, whereas product innovation refers to the introduction of new product...

  7. Innovation process and innovativeness of facility management organizations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mudrak, T.; Wagenberg, van A.F.; Wubben, E.F.M.


    Purpose - The innovation patterns and processes in facility management (FM) organizations are crucial for the development of FM as a discipline, but they are not yet fully explored and understood. This paper aims to clarify FM innovation from the perspective of innovation processes and the

  8. Informal Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartmann, Mia Rosa Koss; Hartmann, Rasmus Koss

    Informal innovation, defined as the development and putting-into-use of novel solutions by non-R&D employees without prior formal approval from or subsequent revealing to superiors, has been recurrently observed in organizational research. But even as it is increasingly recognized that R&D is not......Informal innovation, defined as the development and putting-into-use of novel solutions by non-R&D employees without prior formal approval from or subsequent revealing to superiors, has been recurrently observed in organizational research. But even as it is increasingly recognized that R......&D is not the only plausible source of innovation inside organizations, informal innovation has yet to be systematically explored or theorized. We propose a theory of informal innovation based on analyses of prior literature and mixed-method, multi-site studies of innovation at the working level of two extreme......-case organizations. We propose that informal innovation occurs as 1) employees personally experience problems that they believe are not recognized or prioritized by superiors; 2) some employees are able to develop solutions, essentially at no cost; 3) innovators face no benefits from revealing to superiors, but can...

  9. Speeding Up Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Flemming; Mattsson, Jan


    Minimisation of time-to-market strategies can provide companies with a competitive advantage in dynamic and competitive environments. Using parallel innovation processes has been emphasised as one strategy to speed up innovation processes and consequently minimise the time-to-market of innovations....... Much innovation today takes place in open structures in which networks play an important role. However, little is known about how innovation networks can facilitate parallel innovation processes. This paper discusses how innovation network structures develop and support exploration and exploitation...... of the network facilitate the parallel innovation process but also how such processes place new requirements on such networks and their management....

  10. Du Pont de Nemours

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ros JPM; LAE


    Dit rapport over Du Pont de Nemours (produktie van o.a. chemische stoffen) is gepubliceerd binnen het Samenwerkingsproject Procesbeschrijvingen Industrie Nederland (SPIN). In het kader van dit project is informatie verzameld over industriele bedrijven of industriele processen ter ondersteuning

  11. Innovative Work Behavior

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pihl-Thingvad, Signe; Klausen, Kurt Klaudi

    work behaviour of the employees in a particular empirical setting. Innovative work behaviour has become an important concept in the literature on innovation. Theories on managing change and innovation in public service organizations would suggest that managers have several possibilities when ensuring...... the implementation of innovation. There is, however, still a gap (both empirical and theoretical) in the literature on how managers can contribute to and strengthen the employees’ innovative work behaviour in public service organizations. Therefore, we focus on the following research questions. Which management...... strategies are public managers using in order to create more innovative work behaviour? How do public managers create an innovative climate in the organization which affects the innovative work behaviour positively? In this paper we examine the implementation of innovation in a large Danish municipality...

  12. Innovation, what innovation? A comparison between product, process and organizational innovaton

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Boer, Harm; Boer, H.; During, W.E.


    This article compares and contrasts three types of innovations, namely, product innovation, process innovation and organisational innovation. From similarities and differences between these three types, implications for the theory and practice of innovation management are inferred. Most of these

  13. Online Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vujovic, Sladjana; Ulhøi, John Parm


      Purpose - The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of online networking during the innovation process, including its role(s) in communication, cooperation and coordination. The paper neither implicitly assumes that online computer-based networking is a prerequisite for the innovation...... process nor denies the possibility that innovation can emerge and successfully survive without it. It merely presupposes that, in cases of innovation where information and communication technologies play a substantial role, non-proprietarity may offer an interesting alternative to innovations based...... on proprietary knowledge. Design/methodology/approach - The paper borrows from the theory of communities-of-practice, which takes into account social relations, contacts, and the transfer and incorporation of knowledge. Open source innovation is not the exclusive preserve of computer nerds, but also has...

  14. Ocean Data Assimilation Systems for GODAE (United States)


    Scientist, Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifique I Laboratoire des Ecoulements Geophysiques et Industriels (CNRS/LECI), Grenoble, France. Ichiro... Geophysiques et Industriels, Grenoble, France. Anthony Weaver is Senior Researcher, Centre Europeen de Recherche et de Formation Avancee en Calcul Scientifique

  15. Managing Innovation Probabilities: Core-driven vs. Bottleneck-removing Innovations


    Tsutomu Harada


    This paper provides a simplified framework of focusing devices that generate different patterns of innovation, i.e., core-driven and bottleneck-removing innovations, and discusses the managerial implications. We show that core-driven innovation should be undertaken when technology components are independent (independent technology system), while bottleneck-removing innovation should be pursued when they are interdependent (interdependent technology system). Different types of focusing device ...

  16. Nuclear innovation in Saskatchewan: innovation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alexander, N.


    This paper describes nuclear innovation in Saskatchewan. The first stage is the Canadian Institute for Science and Innovation Policy (CSIP) and how you have a successful discussion about a technically complex issue, understand what information people need in order to have an informed discussion, understand how to convey that information to those people in a constructive way.

  17. Orchestrating innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Berkers, F.T.H.M.; Klein Woolthuis, R.J.A.; Boer, J. de


    Orchestrating Innovation increases the probability of success, minimizing the probability of failure of technological innovations by creating sustained societal and economic value. Orchestrating innovation propagates to take into account and actively involve all relevant stakeholders of the (future)

  18. Framing Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haase, Louise Møller; Laursen, Linda Nhu


    Designing a remarkable product innovation is a difficult challenge, which businesses today continuously are striving to tackle. This challenge is particularly present in the early phase of innovation, where the main product concept and frames of the innovation is determined. As a main challenge...... in the early phase is the reasoning process; innovation team are faced with open-ended ill-defines problems, where they need to make decisions about an unknown future having only incomplete, ambiguous and contradicting insights available. We study the reasoning of experts, how they frame to make sense of all...... the insights and create a basis for decision making in relation to a new project. Based on case studies of five innovative products from various industries, we suggest a Product Reasoning Model for understanding reasoning and envisioning of new product innovations in the early phases...

  19. Sensitive innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søndergaard, Katia Dupret

    Present paper discusses sources of innovation as heterogenic and at times intangible processes. Arguing for heterogeneity and intangibility as sources of innovation originates from a theoretical reading in STS and ANT studies (e.g. Callon 1986, Latour 1996, Mol 2002, Pols 2005) and from field work...... in the area of mental health (Dupret Søndergaard 2009, 2010). The concept of sensitive innovation is developed to capture and conceptualise exactly those heterogenic and intangible processes. Sensitive innovation is therefore primarily a way to understand innovative sources that can be......, but are not necessarily, recognized and acknowledged as such in the outer organisational culture or by management. The added value that qualifies these processes to be defined as “innovative” are thus argued for along different lines than in more traditional innovation studies (e.g. studies that build on the classic...

  20. Une espérance post-critique ? Enjeux critiques de la conception ricœurienne de l'imaginaire social

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    Full Text Available RésuméLa fondation anthropologique de la fonction critique – socialement endossée par l’imaginaire utopique – et son lien dynamique avec la tâche intégrative de l’idéologie permettent à Ricœur de repenser sur le plan socio-politique la double nécessité du soupçon et de l’espérance. En reliant l’analyse de la structure contradictoire et analogisante de l’imaginaire social aux perspectives antérieurement développées sur “la liberté selon l’espérance,” notre propos vise à expliciter ses enjeux émancipateurs. Les apories auxquelles les médiations symboliques contraignent l’agir doivent nourrir la double nécessité d’un “devoir de vigilance” et d’une “timide espérance”: telle est à la fois la difficulté irréductible et la force critique de l’analyse ricœurienne de l’imagination socialisante.Mots-clés: imaginaire social, critique, idéologie, utopie, espérance.AbstractThe anthropological foundation of the critical function—endorsed by the utopian imaginary—and its dynamic relation with the integrative task of ideology allow Ricœur to rethink, at a social and political level, the necessity of both suspicion and hope. Linking Ricœur’s analysis of the contradictory and analogizing structure of the social imaginary to perspectives on “freedom in the light of hope,” which were developed earlier, it is my intention to make explicit certain emancipatory issues. The aporiae to which symbolic mediations constrict acting must provide for the necessity of both an “obligation for vigilance” and a “tentative hope.” Such is the irreducible difficulty but also the critical force of Ricœur’s analysis of the socializing imagination.Keywords: Social Imaginary, Criticism, Ideology, Utopia, Hope.

  1. Open Innovation or Innovation in the Open? An Exploration of the Strategy–Innovation Link in Five Scale-Intensive Services


    Breunig, Karl Joachim; Aas, Tor Helge; Hydle, Katja Maria


    This chapter explores the strategy–innovation link in open service innovations. The increased attention to the role of the firm's external environment on innovation has important implications for strategy. However, our literature review reveals that the strategy–innovation link is ambiguously treated in extant theory, especially with respect to open- and service-innovations. Therefore, we inductively explore innovation practices in five large scale-intensive service firms to establish the lin...

  2. Business Process Innovation using the Process Innovation Laboratory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Charles

    for practical applications has not been identified. The aim of this paper is to establish a conceptual framework for business process innovation in the supply chain based on advanced enterprise systems. The main approach to business process innovation in this context is to create a new methodology for exploring...... process models and patterns of applications. The paper thus presents a new concept for business process innovation called the process innovation laboratory a.k.a. the ?-Lab. The ?-Lab is a comprehensive framework for BPI using advanced enterprise systems. The ?-Lab is a collaborative workspace...... for experimenting with process models and an explorative approach to study integrated modeling in a controlled environment. The ?-Lab facilitates innovation by using an integrated action learning approach to process modeling including contemporary technological, organizational and business perspectives....

  3. Innovative financing for health: what is truly innovative? (United States)

    Atun, Rifat; Knaul, Felicia Marie; Akachi, Yoko; Frenk, Julio


    Development assistance for health has increased every year between 2000 and 2010, particularly for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, to reach US$26·66 billion in 2010. The continued global economic crisis means that increased external financing from traditional donors is unlikely in the near term. Hence, new funding has to be sought from innovative financing sources to sustain the gains made in global health, to achieve the health Millennium Development Goals, and to address the emerging burden from non-communicable diseases. We use the value chain approach to conceptualise innovative financing. With this framework, we identify three integrated innovative financing mechanisms-GAVI, Global Fund, and UNITAID-that have reached a global scale. These three financing mechanisms have innovated along each step of the innovative finance value chain-namely resource mobilisation, pooling, channelling, resource allocation, and implementation-and integrated these steps to channel large amounts of funding rapidly to low-income and middle-income countries to address HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and vaccine-preventable diseases. However, resources mobilised from international innovative financing sources are relatively modest compared with donor assistance from traditional sources. Instead, the real innovation has been establishment of new organisational forms as integrated financing mechanisms that link elements of the financing value chain to more effectively and efficiently mobilise, pool, allocate, and channel financial resources to low-income and middle-income countries and to create incentives to improve implementation and performance of national programmes. These mechanisms provide platforms for health funding in the future, especially as efforts to grow innovative financing have faltered. The lessons learnt from these mechanisms can be used to develop and expand innovative financing from international sources to address health needs in low-income and middle

  4. Relationship between innovation capability, innovation type, and firm performance

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    R.P. Jayani Rajapathirana


    Full Text Available Insurers are well versed in the litany of challenging conditions facing the sector. These challenges are economic, political, regulatory, legal, social, and technological. As a result of those pressures, the industry is experiencing increasing competition, muted growth, and an excess of capital. The increased connectivity among household and workplace devices, the development of autonomous vehicle and the rising threat of cyber attacks are transforming the way people live and risk they need to mitigate with insurance products. Insurers need to adopt their business models address the changes which can be threatening to the growth of the industry (Deloitte, 2017. Innovation is widely regarded as pinnacle success factor in highly competitive and global economy. An innovation perspective draws a clear picture of future opportunities that lie ahead. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship among innovations capability, innovation type and on the different aspect of firm performance including innovation, market and financial performance based on an empirical study covering insurance industry in Sri Lanka. The research framework developed in this study was tested 379 senior managers of insurance companies. The empirical verification of assumption of this model has given evidence to confirm the relationship between innovation capabilities; innovation efforts and firm performance are significant and strong. The results of this study could lead effective management of innovation capability which helps to deliver more effective innovations outcomes to generate better performance and it would be benefits for management of the insurance companies.

  5. Finland: Innovation Policy Tools under National Innovation System Crisis

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    Daria A. Vorobeva


    Full Text Available Purpose: the for a long time Finland’s national innovation system (NIS had been being one of the most successful and effective in the world. But some years ago the situation changed: Finland’s NIS run into system crisis. And today Finnish government tries to work out anticrisis innovation policy. So the purpose of this article is to show up the innovation policy instruments which are able put an end to the crisis and to determine conditions of their successful use. Methods: the article is based on the national innovation systems concept and government policy-mix aimed at the NIS development. Results: the authors show up how Finnish government looks for optimal policy-mix to overcome the crisis, demonstrate in details complementary components of the relevant innovation policy, describe conditions for their success and effectiveness to consider whether they are useful in other countries. Conclusions and Relevance: to overcome the NIS crisis the Finnish government uses such instruments as strategic programs of socio-economic development with targets which can’t be achieved without adequate high technology and innovative development complemented by incentives to make business innovate actively. The conditions of such policy success are: 1 such feature of Finnish society as all stakeholders of economic development consensus on one issue: the main factor of development are innovations; 2 anticrisis stage of Finnish innovative policy is based previously accumulated knowledge and know-how. 

  6. Knowledge Base, Exporting Activities, Innovation Openness and Innovation Performance


    Spyros Arvanitis; Areti Gkypali; Kostas Tsekouras


    In this paper we demonstrate the complexity that regulates the innovation-exports nexus. In particular we argue that innovation and exports should be treated as latent variables in order to account for as many facets possible thus, accounting for multifaceted heterogeneity. In this context, the role of innovation openness ought to be highlighted within a unified framework, as it is considered an additional activity of firms’ knowledge creation strategy. In this line, innovation and exporting ...


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    Tretyak A.M.


    Full Text Available Transformation processes that take place at the present stage in Ukraine's economy, connected with the formation of innovative development model, which is directly based on obtaining of the new scientific results and their technological implementation in production, зproviding a real GDP increase is mainly due to the production and sale of high technology products. It is characterized by the presence of government policy and legislation designed to stimulate of innovation processes, the prevalence of intellectual nature of work on industrial and integrated technologies. Therefore, in performing the tasks to ensure the dynamic development of the economy's primary role is played by innovation and innovation activities. Innovative economy (knowledge economy, intellectual economy – type of economy based on innovation stream, on constant technological improvement, in manufacturing and exporting of high technology products with a high added value and themselves technologies. It is assumed that this is mainly income creates intelligence of innovators and scientists, information sphere, rather than material production (industrial economy and not the concentration of finance (capital. Innovative Economy includes six main components: education; science; human capital, including high quality of life and highly qualified specialists; innovation systemthat includes legislative framework and material components of the innovation system (technology transfer centers, business incubators, technology parks, technopolises, innovation centers, clusters, territory of development of high technology venture business etc.; innovative industry that implements innovations; favorable environment of functioning of scientific and educational system, work and life of innovators. The number of major components of an effective innovation economy in land management can be reduced to four: high-quality scientific and educational system in the broad definition; effective

  8. Innovation Production Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tamam N. Guseinova


    Full Text Available The article is dedicated to the study of the models of production of innovations at enterprise and state levels. The shift towards a new technology wave induces a change in systems of division of labour as well as establishment of new forms of cooperation that are reflected both in theory and practice of innovation policy and management. Within the scope of the research question we have studied different generation of innovation process, starting with simple linear models - "technology push" and "market pull" - and ending with a complex integrated model of open innovations. There are two organizational models of innovation production at the enterprise level: start-ups in the early stages of their development and ambidextrous organizations. The former are prone to linear models of innovation process, while the latter create innovation within more sophisticated inclusive processes. Companies that effectuate reciprocal ambidexterity stand out from all the rest, since together with start-ups, research and development centres, elements of innovation infrastructure and other economic agents operating in the same value chain they constitute the core of most advanced forms of national innovation systems, namely Triple Helix and Quadruple Helix systems. National innovation systems - models of innovation production at the state level - evolve into systems with a more profound division of labour that enable "line production" of innovations. These tendencies are closely related to the advent and development of the concept of serial entrepreneurship that transforms entrepreneurship into a new type of profession. International experience proves this concept to be efficient in various parts of the world. Nevertheless, the use of above mentioned models and concepts in national innovation system should be justified by socioeconomic conditions of economic regions, since they determine the efficiency of implementation of certain innovation processes and

  9. Political innovations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Eva


    are mainly interested in assessing and promoting innovations in public service delivery, but have paid little or no attention to the need for innovations in polity, politics and policy. This article develops a research agenda for studying innovations in political institutions, in the political process...... and in policy outputs. It proposes a number of research themes related to political innovations that call for scholarly attention, and identifies push and pull factors influencing the likelihood that these themes will be addressed in future research....

  10. Optimistaion énergétique d'un ensemble industriel Energy Optimization of an Industrial Installation

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    Raimbault C.


    Full Text Available Cet article porte sur la mise au point d'une méthode d'optimisation du système de production d'utilités d'un ensemble industriel et l'étude de dispositifs destinés à économiser l'énergie. Le programme d'optimisation fait appel à la programmation linéaire. Un programme générateur de matrice et un programme de traduction des résultats ont été mis au point. On dispose ainsi d'un programme d'optimisation adapté à tout système de production d'utilités. Différents dispositifs permettant d'économiser l'énergie ont été étudiés. L'étude a porté, d'une part, sur des dispositifs classiques tels que les dispositifs de récupération de chaleur sur les fumées et, d'autre part, sur des dispositifs nouveaux. Des solutions nouvelles ont été recherchées dans deux domaines qui sont apparus essentiels : production combinée de travail et de chaleur et valorisation de calories à bas niveau. Enfin la méthode d'optimisation a été appliquée au cas d'une raffinerie réelle dont l'étude avait été effectuée récemment. L'optimisation sur une base économique a permis de dégager une économie de 9,3 % sur la consommation d'énergie, mais a surtout démontré les larges possibilités de la méthode dans son application à un cas concret. This article describes the development of a method for optimizing utilities production systems for on industrial installation and the study of energy-saving systems. The optimization program makes use of linear programming. A matrix-generating program and a result-translating program were developed. The result is an optimization program suited for any utilities production system. Different energy-saving systems were examined, including conventional systems such as heat-recovery devices as well as new systems. New solutions were sought for in two fields which appear essential, i. e. the combined production of work and heat and the valorization of low-level calories. The optimization method was

  11. Incremental Innovation and Competitive Pressure in the Presence of Discrete Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ghosh, Arghya; Kato, Takao; Morita, Hodaka


    Technical progress consists of improvements made upon the existing technology (incremental innovation) and innovative activities aiming at entirely new technology (discrete innovation). Incremental innovation is often of limited relevance to the new technology invented by successful discrete...

  12. Collaborative innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Torfing, Jacob; Sørensen, Eva; Hartley, Jean


    , which emphasizes market competition; the neo-Weberian state, which emphasizes organizational entrepreneurship; and collaborative governance, which emphasizes multiactor engagement across organizations in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. The authors conclude that the choice of strategies......-driven private sector is more innovative than the public sector by showing that both sectors have a number of drivers of as well as barriers to innovation, some of which are similar, while others are sector specific. The article then systematically analyzes three strategies for innovation: New Public Management......There are growing pressures for the public sector to be more innovative but considerable disagreement about how to achieve it. This article uses institutional and organizational analysis to compare three major public innovation strategies. The article confronts the myth that the market...

  13. Accidental Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Austin, Robert D.; Devin, Lee; Sullivan, Erin E.


    Historical accounts of human achievement suggest that accidents can play an important role in innovation. In this paper, we seek to contribute to an understanding of how digital systems might support valuable unpredictability in innovation processes by examining how innovators who obtain value from...... they incorporate accidents into their deliberate processes and arranged surroundings. By comparing makers working in varied conditions, we identify specific factors (e.g., technologies, characteristics of technologies) that appear to support accidental innovation. We show that makers in certain specified...... conditions not only remain open to accident but also intentionally design their processes and surroundings to invite and exploit valuable accidents. Based on these findings, we offer advice for the design of digital systems to support innovation processes that can access valuable unpredictability....

  14. Workplace innovation as an important driver of social innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Oeij, P.R.A.; Dhondt, S.; Pot, F.; Totterdill, P.


    The project SI-DRIVE “Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change” includes a specific practice field within the policy domain of Employment, namely Workplace Innovation. Workplace Innovation can be positioned at the level of organisations and companies, where it has a significant effect on

  15. Accelerating Innovation Through Coopetition: The Innovation Learning Network Experience. (United States)

    McCarthy, Chris; Ford Carleton, Penny; Krumpholz, Elizabeth; Chow, Marilyn P

    Coopetition, the simultaneous pursuit of cooperation and competition, is a growing force in the innovation landscape. For some organizations, the primary mode of innovation continues to be deeply secretive and highly competitive, but for others, a new style of shared challenges, shared purpose, and shared development has become a superior, more efficient way of working to accelerate innovation capabilities and capacity. Over the last 2 decades, the literature base devoted to coopetition has gradually expanded. However, the field is still in its infancy. The majority of coopetition research is qualitative, primarily consisting of case studies. Few studies have addressed the nonprofit sector or service industries such as health care. The authors believe that this article may offer a unique perspective on coopetition in the context of a US-based national health care learning alliance designed to accelerate innovation, the Innovation Learning Network or ILN. The mission of the ILN is to "Share the joy and pain of innovation," accelerating innovation by sharing solutions, teaching techniques, and cultivating friendships. These 3 pillars (sharing, teaching, and cultivating) form the foundation for coopetition within the ILN. Through the lens of coopetition, we examine the experience of the ILN over the last 10 years and provide case examples that illustrate the benefits and challenges of coopetition in accelerating innovation in health care.

  16. National innovation system as a focus of state in-novation policy

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    Olexandr Fedirko


    Full Text Available The article offers a systematic review of tools and mechanisms utilised by developed countries (United States, Japan, EU to pursue their innovation policies, and classifies methods which support innovation and ways that help to strengthen the innovation capacity. It describes the evolution of research and development (R&D policy in other countries. The article examines arguments in support of a trend in the innovation policy which promotes the development of national innovation systems. It reviews the substance and components of the national innovation system. It also explores the trends of R&D cooperation. The article outlines the variety of domestic tools which regulate innovation in EU countries (framework programs, the European Research Area Initiative.

  17. How do innovators stay innovative? A longitudinal case analysis


    Tuzovic, Sven; Wirtz, Jochen; Heracleous, Loizos Th.


    Purpose – How can some companies be the innovation leader in their industry over prolonged periods of time, while others cannot? The purpose of this study is to understand a firm’s capability to be a successful serial innovator and to generate a constant stream of industry-leading innovations.\\ud \\ud Design/Methodology/Approach – The paper uses a longitudinal case study approach to gain an understanding of what and how Singapore Airlines (SIA) sustained service innovation for over 30 years. T...

  18. Innovation hubs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    O´Hara, J.; Hansen, Poul H. Kyvsgård; Turner, N.


    "Whilst ‘incremental innovation' is an imperative for the short-to-medium term success of a company, there is also a need for companies to engage in innovation activity that goes beyond the incremental in order to guarantee long-term success. However, such ‘radical innovation' (RI) poses new chal...

  19. Purchasing and Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hanghøj, Astrid; Mols, Niels Peter


    In this paper we develop a number of hypotheses relating four purchasing capabilities to two measures of purchasings contribution to innovation. The hypotheses are tested with data collected through a websurvey completed by 321 purchasing professionals in Danish production companies. Our results...... show that integrative, relational, innovative,and intelligence capabilities are positively related to innovation. However, relational capabilities are not found to have significant effect on purchasings contribution to supply and practice innovation, i.e. new markets, new suppliers, and new purchasing...... practices. The relationship between intelligence capabilities and purchasings contribution to product and production innovations depends on the level of innovation capabilities....

  20. L’instabilité organisationnelle des districts industriels. Dynamiques des transformations internes d’un village de métier au nord du Viêt Nam The Organizational Instability of Industrial Districts: Dynamic Internal Transformations of a Craft Village in Northern Vietnam

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nguyen Quy Nghi


    Full Text Available Le village de métier est un sujet d’étude attractif, mais rarement traité comme une forme d’agglomération industrielle ou abordé sous l’angle de la sociologie industrielle. Le développement actuel des villages de métier montre bien la présence intensive des entreprises de tailles variées et l’implication d’autres acteurs en dehors du milieu de production (par exemple les autorités locales, le milieu de l’éducation. L’introduction d’acteurs nouveaux implique le changement des relations existantes, contribuant ainsi à la mise en place d’une nouvelle configuration. L’objectif de cet article est de montrer que l’organisation des villages de métier, qui est conçue comme un type de district industriel, est marquée par l’instabilité ou le changement permanent de la configuration générale, mais aussi par une transformation interne des acteurs au sein du district. À travers une étude de cas à Bát Tràng – un centre de production céramique au nord du Viêt Nam – cet article a pour objectif de montrer comment des entreprises familiales se réorganisent en structure plus formalisée, comment elles mobilisent du capital social pour régler leurs difficultés et les stratégies d’innovation qu’elles développent.Craft village is an attractive research subject, however it is rarely treated as a form of industrial agglomeration or studied from industrial sociology perspective. The current development of craft villages demonstrates the intensive presence of entreprises of all sizes and involvement of non productive actors (e.g. local authorities, education sector. The introduction of new actors therefore implies a change of existing relationships, contributing to the formulation of new configuration. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that the organization of craft villages, as a type of industrial district, is marked by instability or permanent change in the overall configuration, but also by

  1. Convergent innovation for sustainable economic growth and affordable universal health care: innovating the way we innovate. (United States)

    Dubé, Laurette; Jha, Srivardhini; Faber, Aida; Struben, Jeroen; London, Ted; Mohapatra, Archisman; Drager, Nick; Lannon, Chris; Joshi, P K; McDermott, John


    This paper introduces convergent innovation (CI) as a form of meta-innovation-an innovation in the way we innovate. CI integrates human and economic development outcomes, through behavioral and ecosystem transformation at scale, for sustainable prosperity and affordable universal health care within a whole-of-society paradigm. To this end, CI combines technological and social innovation (including organizational, social process, financial, and institutional), with a special focus on the most underserved populations. CI takes a modular approach that convenes around roadmaps for real world change-a portfolio of loosely coupled complementary partners from the business community, civil society, and the public sector. Roadmaps serve as collaborative platforms for focused, achievable, and time-bound projects to provide scalable, sustainable, and resilient solutions to complex challenges, with benefits both to participating partners and to society. In this paper, we first briefly review the literature on technological innovation that sets the foundations of CI and motivates its feasibility. We then describe CI, its building blocks, and enabling conditions for deployment and scaling up, illustrating its operational forms through examples of existing CI-sensitive innovation. © 2014 The New York Academy of Sciences.

  2. Supplier Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søberg, Peder Veng; Notman, Dorian Mark; Wæhrens, Brian Vejrum


    The prevailing research in supplier innovation has been conceptual or based on small data sets. The analysis of a large data set gives a clearer perspective on the actual type and degree of involvement of suppliers in the customer’s innovation process. The supplier perspective of the research...... counterbalances the customer bias that exists in the prevailing literature in this area. Similarly, the issue of the benefit of supplier involvement in the innovation/NPD process can be better understood. Manufacturing suppliers benefit financially from their involvement in the innovation/NPD process of their key...

  3. Reputation for technological innovation: Does it actually cohere with innovative activity?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patrick J. Höflinger


    Full Text Available Firms strategically promote, foster and pursue a reputation for technological innovation. Yet, present research did not examine whether such perception actually coheres with innovative activity itself. Previous studies in this field often relied solely on tangible products/product introductions, hence we apply multiple proxies based on a firm's intangible innovative performance to examine the influences on reputation for technological innovation. Using patent, financial and consumer data our Poisson regression analyzes 65 international firms which have been nominated by 231 consumers. We apply time-series and likewise cross-sectional data for our interdisciplinary analysis. Our findings demonstrate that innovative performance (citation intensity is linked to reputation for technological innovation. Counter-intuitively, our results provide evidence that marketing intensity negatively influences a reputation for technological innovation. From the results, we conclude that innovative performance may be associated with a reputation for technological innovation. Actual technological advancement attracts attention from consumers that cannot be purchased with greater marketing investments. This implies that consumers appreciate the costly and uncertain R&D efforts and value those firms that constantly offer innovation. As a theoretical implication, the consideration of intangible inputs for reputation research is an important contribution for a holistic understanding. The results represent essential strategic information for innovation and marketing functions, where both divisions need to align their activities and investments.

  4. Innovationsledelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    I efteråret 2005 brugte 24 mennesker, 24 uger, med deadline hver d. 24. i måneden, på at skrive 24 bidrag om innovationsledelse på dansk. Denne side giver dig adgang til bogen - eller "webbogen Innovationsledelse” – en open source bog fra Center for Industriel Produktion. Webbogen adresserer et...... varmt emne og indeholder bidrag skrevet af såvel forskere som erfarne ”innovationshåndværkere” fra industri og service om emner af betydning for innovation af bl.a. produkter og forretningsprocesser. Bogen er et led i vores formidling til praktikere, studerende, kollegaer og andre, der interesserer sig...

  5. Measuring Consumer Innovativeness: Identifying Innovators among Consumers of Modern Technologies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jana Filová


    Full Text Available The methods currently used in innovation marketing research are focused on the late phases of the innovation process and are usually methodologically complex. This limits their practical impact. The presented work aims to create a simple self-report scale applicable in the initial and late phases of the innovation process, highly modular and suitable for a wide range of research. The main battery of questions was inspired by the adopter categorization by Rogers. The questions determine both (1 general characteristics of innovation adopters and (2 their relationship to a specific innovation. The scale was tested during robust longitudinal online research, thematically focused on users of modern technologies. A representative sample of 4,000 Internet users in the Czech Republic took part in the survey from 2013 to 2015. The result is a new self-report scale measuring consumer innovativeness applicable for prototyping, strategic decisions and effective communication of innovations to consumers.

  6. Brugerdreven innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Helms, Niels Henrik; Larsen, Lasse Juel


    På et generelt plan er vores afsæt et opgør med traditionelle modeller for kreativitet og innovation. Artiklen mener, at brugerdreven innovation ikke bare en god idé, men en beskrivelse af, hvordan innovation finder sted. Vores afsæt er interaktionsdesign, hvor vi bygger på den antagelse...

  7. Bridgework ahead! Innovation ecosystems vis-à-vis responsible innovation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foley, Rider; Wiek, Arnim


    Public funding agencies largely support academic research as an effort to stimulate future product commercialization and foster broader societal benefits. Yet, translating research nurtured in academic settings into such outcomes is complex and demands functional interactions between government, academic, and industry, i.e., “triple helix,” organizations within an innovation ecosystem. This article argues that in the spirit of responsible innovation, research funding should build bridges that extend beyond the triple helix stakeholders to connect to peripheral organizations. To support that argument, evidence from agent network analysis gathered from two case studies reveals strong and weak connections, as well as gaps within innovation ecosystems in Switzerland and metropolitan Phoenix, USA. This article offers insights on how innovation ecosystems are aligned or misaligned with responsible innovation.

  8. Bridgework ahead! Innovation ecosystems vis-à-vis responsible innovation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Foley, Rider, E-mail: [University of Virginia, Engineering and Society, School of Engineering and Applied Science (United States); Wiek, Arnim [Arizona State University, Center for Nanotechnology in Society, Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes (United States)


    Public funding agencies largely support academic research as an effort to stimulate future product commercialization and foster broader societal benefits. Yet, translating research nurtured in academic settings into such outcomes is complex and demands functional interactions between government, academic, and industry, i.e., “triple helix,” organizations within an innovation ecosystem. This article argues that in the spirit of responsible innovation, research funding should build bridges that extend beyond the triple helix stakeholders to connect to peripheral organizations. To support that argument, evidence from agent network analysis gathered from two case studies reveals strong and weak connections, as well as gaps within innovation ecosystems in Switzerland and metropolitan Phoenix, USA. This article offers insights on how innovation ecosystems are aligned or misaligned with responsible innovation.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thuesen, Christian Langhoff; Koch, Christian


    By adopting a theoretical framework from strategic niche management research (SNM) this paper presents an analysis of the innovation system of the Danish Construction industry. Theories within SNM look upon innovation in a sector as a socio-technical phenomenon and identifies three levels of socio......-technical interaction within which sectorial innovation can be explained. The analysis shows a multifaceted landscape of innovation around an existing regime, built in the existing ways of working and developing over generations. The regime is challenged from various niches and the sociotechnical landscape through...... trends as globalization. Three niches (Lean Construction, BIM and System Deliveries) are subject to a detailed analysis showing partly incompatible rationales and various degrees of innovation potential. The paper further discusses how existing policymaking operates in a number of tensions one being...

  10. Innovation and efficiency

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haustein, H D; Maier, H


    Innovation, the process of creation, development, use, and diffusion of a new product or process for new or already-identified needs, has become a topic of concern for both developed and developing countries. Although the causes and motivations for the concern differ widely from country to country, the development of effective innovation policies is a universal problem. The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) has been concerned with this problem for several years. The main purpose of an innovation is to improve the efficiency of the production unit that adopts the innovation, in comparison with the efficiency of the entire production system. To grasp the nature of the innovation process, its impact on the economic performance of the country, and to identify the appropriate managerial actions to shape and stimulate the innovation process, five different stages through which the innovation process usually runs are outlined. The IIASA has been concerned with supplanting the former approach of spontaneous innovation with a systems analysis approach to help implement new forms of social, innovative learning to be beneficial to mankind. 7 references, 2 figures, 1 table. (SAC)

  11. Aligning for Innovation - Alignment Strategy to Drive Innovation (United States)

    Johnson, Hurel; Teltschik, David; Bussey, Horace, Jr.; Moy, James


    With the sudden need for innovation that will help the country achieve its long-term space exploration objectives, the question of whether NASA is aligned effectively to drive the innovation that it so desperately needs to take space exploration to the next level should be entertained. Authors such as Robert Kaplan and David North have noted that companies that use a formal system for implementing strategy consistently outperform their peers. They have outlined a six-stage management systems model for implementing strategy, which includes the aligning of the organization towards its objectives. This involves the alignment of the organization from the top down. This presentation will explore the impacts of existing U.S. industrial policy on technological innovation; assess the current NASA organizational alignment and its impacts on driving technological innovation; and finally suggest an alternative approach that may drive the innovation needed to take the world to the next level of space exploration, with NASA truly leading the way.

  12. Innovation through developing consumers’ community. Part I: Innovation in action (United States)

    Gălăţanu (Avram, E.; Avasilcăi, S.


    Technological changes and need for innovation represents the main concerns for organizational growth and profitability. However the main priority is still about achieving high performance through product development and consumers' engagement activities. As implementation of open innovation applications increased and value co — creation became well known and major process, companies were engaged into value co — innovation activities. From this point of view the need for joint efforts with consumers in product development arose. Thus the primary condition for an organization to be consumer centric is to define clear the vision and mission which reflects the common efforts for co — creation and diffusion of innovation. As Research & Development processes evolved and interest for innovative concepts and products arose, companies started to implement the specific instruments for consumers' attraction and engagement into design and product development. The digitalized innovation became the main source for establishing the direct communication with the consumers. In order to achieve organization growth, profitability and recognition, the companies should be aware of the innovation importance and the need for internal change. From this point of view, there is necessary to assess the organizational structures, to implement new policies and to establish strategic targets. Basically it is justified the need for platform occurrence and development. Based on case study of BMW Group, recognised leader in automotive industry for innovative concepts, there will be analysed main features within organizational context which promotes the innovation implementation. There will be provided the review of the BMW Group experience of innovation activities, main consumers' engagement strategies, the values which promote the consumer — centric product development, new opportunities assessment, major policies and concerns. The foreseen result is to understand how companies are

  13. Designing collaborative policy innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Agger, Annika; Sørensen, Eva


    Recent approaches to enhancing public innovation suffer from two shortcomings: They overemphasize competition as a driver of innovation and overlook the fact that public sector innovation involves policy innovation as well as service innovation. Drawing on governance research and innovation theory......, the chapter investigates the extent to which and how collaboration between politicians and relevant stakeholders can spur the formulation, implementation and diffusion of new innovative policies. A case study of a process of collaborative policy innovation in a Danish municipality shows that collaborative...... policy arenas do contribute to policy innovation but also that the degree to which they do so depends on the institutional design of these arenas....

  14. Match your innovation strategy to your innovation ecosystem. (United States)

    Adner, Ron


    High-definition televisions should, by now, be a huge success. Philips, Sony, and Thompson invested billions of dollars to develop TV sets with astonishing picture quality. From a technology perspective, they've succeeded: Console manufacturers have been ready for the mass market since the early 1990s. Yet the category has been an unmitigated failure, not because of deficiencies, but because critical complements such as studio production equipment were not developed or adopted in time. Under-performing complements have left console producers in the position of offering a Ferrari in a world without gasoline or highways--an admirable engineering feat, but not one that creates value for customers. The HDTV story exemplifies the promise and peril of innovation ecosystems--the collaborative arrangements through which firms combine their individual offers into a coherent, customer-facing solution. When they work, innovation ecosystems allow companies to create value that no one firm could have created alone. The benefits of these systems are real. But for many organizations the attempt at ecosystem innovation has been a costly failure. This is because, along with new opportunities, innovation ecosystems also present a new set of risks that can brutally derail a firm's best efforts. Innovation ecosystems are characterized by three fundamental types of risk: initiative risks--the familiar uncertainties of managing a project; interdependence risks--the uncertainties of coordinating with complementary innovators; and integration risks--the uncertainties presented by the adoption process across the value chain. Firms that assess ecosystem risks holistically and systematically will be able to establish more realistic expectations, develop a more refined set of environmental contingencies, and arrive at a more robust innovation strategy. Collectively, these actions will lead to more effective implementation and more profitable innovation.

  15. User Innovation Management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kanstrup, Anne Marie; Bertelsen, Pernille

    User Innovation Management (UIM) is a method for fo-opereation with users in innovation projects. The UIM method emphasizes the practice of a participatorty attitude.......User Innovation Management (UIM) is a method for fo-opereation with users in innovation projects. The UIM method emphasizes the practice of a participatorty attitude....

  16. Logistic innovations in transport

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirosław Antonowicz


    Full Text Available Introduction: The article discusses the issue of logistic innovations in transport. The essentials of logistic innovations in transport together with some examples of specific innovations are presented. The role of the client's needs in transport innovations is indicated. The most vital postulates affecting the innovativeness of shipping companies and derived from the author's experience as well as scholarly publications, are time, safety, reliability as well as comprehensiveness of service offer. Following the analysis of the issue, and on the grounds of Kaizen's and Lean's method, the concept of continuous innovations is suggested as very useful for the development of transport. The potential of clusters as the source of logistic innovations in transport is emphasised. Methods: The discussion of the issue was preceded by the author's analysis of written sources on innovativeness, the evaluation of ratings of innovativeness as well as the analysis of rewarded innovative solutions in transport subsequent to the businesses participation in the programme of innovative solutions in transport. The role of innovation practical business operations is argued following the analysis of some strategic documents such as: 2011 White Paper and the Strategy for the Development of Transport by 2020 adopted by the Polish government in 2013. Aim: The aim of the article is to present the role and significance of the issue of logistic innovations in transport and to cite instances of practical solutions implemented by shipping companies, the solutions which resulted in measurable effects. Following the author's observation of the instances of innovative solutions as well as his analysis of the ratings of innovativeness, the article aims to present the conclusions as for the specific kinds of activities which are indispensable to foster innovativeness in transport. Conclusions: The conclusions derived from the author's analyses and observations show that logistic

  17. Innovation environments and innovation capacity in the public sector

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lewis, Jenny; Ricard, Lykke Margot; Klijn, Erik-Hans

    Social innovation in the public sector has become an important focus for governments around the world over the last decade, as they try to solve intractable policy problems. The pressure on governments to do more with less in response to shrinking budgets and expanding community expectations...... and obligations has increased attention on how the public sector manages change and innovation. This heightened focus has created a need to understand the social innovation capacity of public sector environments. Work package 1of the LIPSE project on social innovation, examined this for four municipalities...

  18. Hospital innovation portfolios: Key determinants of size and innovativeness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schultz, Carsten; Zippel-Schultz, Bettina; Salomo, Søren


    and reward systems) organizational mechanisms. Methodology: To develop hypotheses, we integrated the innovation management literature into the hospital context. Detailed information about the innovation portfolio of 87 German hospitals was generated and combined with multirespondent survey data using ratings....... Reward systems did not have direct effects on the composition of innovation portfolios. However, they adjusted bottom-up employee and top-down strategic initiatives to match with the existing organization, thereby decreasing the degree of innovativeness and enforcing exploitation. Practice Implications......: Hospitals should intertwine employee encouragement, analytical approaches, and formal reward systems depending on organizational goals....

  19. Triggering system innovation in agricultural innovation systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Turner, James A.; Williams, Tracy; Nicholas, Graeme; Foote, Jeff; Rijswijk, Kelly; Barnard, Tim; Beechener, Sam; Horita, Akiko


    This article describes a process for stimulating engagement among change agents to develop a shared understanding of systemic problems in the agricultural innovation system (AIS), challenge prevalent institutional logics and identify actions they might undertake to stimulate system innovation.

  20. Innovation in Organizations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir-Codrin Ionescu


    Full Text Available Innovation is an integrating part of the re-vitalization plan of EU economy and it is one of the seven initiatives comprised in the 2020 Europe Strategy. The European Union supports through active policies the creative-innovative processes, as illustrated by the Cohesion Policy Program for 2007-2013 and by the ”Horizon 2020” Program for Research and Innovation. The present paper presents, from an organizational perspective, relevant aspects related to the question of innovation and innovation management, while pointing out the most important internal and external factors that favour the introduction of innovation into the sphere of processes that are run by organizations, as well as into the sphere of products and services provided by organizations. At the same time, the paper briefly presents the essential attributes of organizations which obtain competitive sustainable advantages through innovation.

  1. Teams as innovative systems: multilevel motivational antecedents of innovation in R&D teams. (United States)

    Chen, Gilad; Farh, Jiing-Lih; Campbell-Bush, Elizabeth M; Wu, Zhiming; Wu, Xin


    Integrating theories of proactive motivation, team innovation climate, and motivation in teams, we developed and tested a multilevel model of motivators of innovative performance in teams. Analyses of multisource data from 428 members of 95 research and development (R&D) teams across 33 Chinese firms indicated that team-level support for innovation climate captured motivational mechanisms that mediated between transformational leadership and team innovative performance, whereas members' motivational states (role-breadth self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation) mediated between proactive personality and individual innovative performance. Furthermore, individual motivational states and team support for innovation climate uniquely promoted individual innovative performance, and, in turn, individual innovative performance linked team support for innovation climate to team innovative performance. (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved.

  2. Responsive Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Carsten

    Although the importance of stakeholder networks has been recognized in recent years, a non-teleological model that incorporates their collective sensing into innovation processes has so far not been developed. Hence, this paper argues that traditional linear and sequential innovation models...... are insufficient in hypercompetitive environments. Instead, it is proposed that companies should ground their innovation processes in the collective sensing of frontline-employees and customers that operate around the organizational periphery. This frames the concept of responsive innovation, where key...... stakeholders engaged in the organization’s ongoing business activities collectively identify issues that central managers subsequently can resolve....

  3. Approaching Service Innovation Patterns


    Andrea NAGY


    The present paper aims at analyzing the types of innovation in the field of services. First, the concept of innovation is defined and second, field literature is reviewed from the perspective of service innovation. The main types of innovation are identified based on several attempts at defining innovation, the most notable being Schumpeter’s. Thus, it is possible to approach concepts such as product and process innovation, incremental and radical innovation. Another aim has been to regard se...

  4. Balanced Innovation Management

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    King, David R


    The Department of Defense has demonstrated success in managing innovation. The military's approach to innovation management extends beyond traditional distinctions between internal and external innovation modes...

  5. Innovation and Cooperation in the Basque Country’s Regional Innovation System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Beatriz Otero


    Full Text Available This study analyses the relation between innovation in industrial SMEs and cooperation with key players in the field of innovation in the context of an innovation system set up in the Basque Country. The empirical information used in the study is from samples of microdata taken from the Company Innovation Survey 2008 regarding 650 industrial SMEs in the Basque Country, and from 12 interviews conducted with important operators in the Regional Innovation System. The study demonstrates a positive relation between government policies on technology, the innovation carried out by companies, cooperation between the different participants and the subsidies that they receive

  6. Measuring Manufacturing Innovativeness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Blichfeldt, Henrik; Knudsen, Mette Præst


    Globalization and customization increases the pressure on manufacturing companies, and the ability to provide innovativeness is a potential source of competitive advantage. This paper positions the manufacturing entity in the innovation process, and investigates the relation between innovation vers...... technology and organizational concepts. Based on Danish survey data from the European Manufacturing Survey (EMS-2015) this paper finds that there is a relation between innovative companies, and their level of technology and use of organizational concepts. Technology and organizational concepts act...... as manufacturing levers to support the manufacturing and production system to provide innovativeness. The managerial implication lies in building manufacturing capabilities to support the innovative process, by standardization, optimization and creating stability in combination with automation and advanced...

  7. Frugal innovation process

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hossain, Mokter; Levänen, Jarkko; Lindeman, Sara


    and another developed by an individual from the Gujarat, India. Using effectuation theory we find that there are some distinct differences between two categories regarding finance, access to science and technology, the motivation of innovators, options they have, actions they take, etc....... processes. Second, we show how individuals have very different understandings of frugal innovations as well as capacities and resources needed for the development of frugal innovations. Two prominent frugal innovation cases are used in this study. One innovation was developed by individuals from the USA...

  8. Innovators. (United States)

    NEA Today, 2001


    Describes various innovations that have been developed to enhance education. These innovations include: helping educators help at-risk students succeed; promoting high school journalism; ensuring quality online learning experiences; developing a student performing group that uses theater to address social issues; and having students design their…

  9. Enjeux communicationnels du Web 2.0 pour les Relations Publiques/Professional and organisational issues of Web 2.0 Public Relations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francine Charest


    Full Text Available The Web 2.0, which includes Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other social medias, is considered as to be one of the strongest communication tools of the early 21st century. TheWeb evolutionhas changed deeply the way Public relations agents operate. In 2009, Charest and Bédard have shown that the Web 2.0 was in fact a reclaim by the internet users of the Web as it was first imagined by Tim Berners-Lee in November 1993 : a tool to exchange and share information. The Web first generation has instead been used by the administrators for dissemination and promotion. Today, in order to appropriate themselves these new medias, PR agents have to findnew business models, even new ways to communicate.RésuméLe Web 2.0, regroupant les Facebook, Twitter, YouTube et autres médias sociaux, est considéré comme l’un des plus puissants outils de communication, en ce début de XX1 siècle. C’est sous l’angle de mutations qu’il induit sur les pratiques des professionnels en relations publiques, qu’il nous intéresse d’étudier les enjeux de l’évolution des usages du Web 2.0. Charest et Bédard ont montré en 2009 que le Web 2.0 était la revanche des internautes qui tentent de se réapproprier le Web tel qu’il avait été conçu par Tim Berners-Lee en novembre 1993, soit comme un outil d’échange et de partage d’information. Il a été clairement montré que la première générationde Web a plutôt été utilisée par les gestionnaires à des fins de diffusion et de promotion. L’appropriation de ces nouveaux médias par les relationnistes passe nécessairement par de nouveaux modèles d’affaires, voire de nouvelles façons de communiquer.

  10. Balancing Absorptive Capacity and Inbound Open Innovation for Sustained Innovative Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bongsun, Kim; Kim, Eonsoo; Foss, Nicolai Juul


    How can a firm develop new ideas and turn them into profitable innovations on a sustained basis? We address this fundamental issue in a novel way by developing an integrative framework of absorptive capacity (AC) and inbound open innovation that is rooted in the attention-based view of the firm. We...... specifically address why a balance between open and closed innovation is important from the perspective of absorptive capacity, and show how it may be brought about. Pursuing either open or closed inbound innovation alone may result in an imbalance between potential AC and realized AC as well as inward......-looking AC and outward-looking AC, which will hinder innovative performance.We argue that practicing open and closed inbound innovation repeatedly and alternately by switching organizational attentions, and thus developing the associated AC, can facilitate balancing absorptive capacity and lead to innovative...

  11. Producing Innovations : Determinants of Innovativity and Efficiency

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bos, J.W.B.; van Lamoen, R.C.R.; Sanders, M.W.J.L.


    In this chapter, we investigate the knowledge production function, using the Community Innovation Survey, an unbalanced firm-level panel data set collected in the Netherlands between 1994 and 2004. This database allows us to span the entire innovation process from initial resources committed (R&D

  12. Market Orientation, Innovativeness, Product Innovation, and Performance in Small Firms

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verhees, F.J.H.M.; Meulenberg, M.T.G.


    Most research on market orientation, innovation and performance is related to big enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In this study a model is developed to investigate the combined effect of market orientation and innovativeness on product innovation and company performance,

  13. Organising for innovation in regional innovation systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brink, Tove


    The research in this paper reveals how organising the innovation ecosystem can enable the achievement of the aim for innovation and competiveness. The research was conducted from June 2014 to May 2015 using a qualitative deductive approach among operation & maintenance (O&M) actors in offshore wind...

  14. Time to Innovate: Reflections and Recommendations on Time Management for Innovation Managers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert J. Crawhall


    Full Text Available Effective time management is a critical success factor for most projects; however, it is particularly challenging for projects involving substantial innovation. For most projects, time (i.e., the schedule becomes a management "red flag" that signals when something goes wrong or gets out of control. The challenge for projects involving significant innovation is that one or more critical activities may be of an unknown duration or involve factors outside the normal design process and require "red flagging" from the outset. Managers of innovation projects have to distinguish between those activities or work packets that are a part of “business as usual” and those that involve innovation. They must identify and quantify the schedule risks and develop strategies to mitigate them. For example, one strategy to manage time-related risk is to decouple the innovation value as perceived by the customer (innovation output from the technology innovation that is needed to deliver the product value in a cost-effective manner (innovation input. This strategy should take into account the likely consequences of longer-than-anticipated innovation time. Two common risks associated with poor time management for innovation are running out of financial runway to reach sustainable revenue and missing a critical market window. In this article, the author reflects on almost 30 years of experience in the Canadian innovation system across several industry sectors and provides some practical recommendations on time management for innovation managers.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elaine da Silva


    Full Text Available Introduction: Emphasizes the role of innovation in the Information and Knowledge Society as a favorable element of developing regional, national and global levels. Objective: The aim is reflect about the coming of innovation in the context of production systems and their respective role for the development of society. Methodology: The research sets up a qualitative approach to literature and exploratory nature. Results: As from selected literature review, presents conceptual aspects of innovation in the context of production systems and analyzes its contribution to the national innovation system and the role of organizational culture focused on innovation. Conclusions: Think about innovation from the systemic approach, based on the interaction of the different relevant agents to influence and contribute to the generation of innovation is fundamental in the current conjuncture, characterized by the agility of the transformations in social, economic, political and technological contexts.

  16. Customer Innovation Process Leadership

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindgren, Peter; Jørgensen, Jacob Høj; Goduscheit, René Chester


    Innovation leadership has traditionally been focused on leading the companies' product development fast, cost effectively and with an optimal performance driven by technological inventions or by customers´ needs. To improve the efficiency of the product development process focus has been on diffe......Innovation leadership has traditionally been focused on leading the companies' product development fast, cost effectively and with an optimal performance driven by technological inventions or by customers´ needs. To improve the efficiency of the product development process focus has been...... on different types of organisational setup to the product development model and process. The globalization and enhanced competitive markets are however changing the innovation game and the challenge to innovation leadership Excellent product development innovation and leadership seems not any longer to enough...... another outlook to future innovation leadership - Customer Innovation Process Leadership - CIP-leadership. CIP-leadership moves the company's innovation process closer to the customer innovation process and discusses how companies can be involved and innovate in customers' future needs and lead...

  17. National Innovation System and Disruptive Innovations in Synthetic Rubber and Tire Technology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ray R. Gehani


    Full Text Available The current models of National Innovation Systems (NIS are based on interactions and learning across three institutions: government, university and industry. This empirical study of the evolution of innovations in rubber and tire technologies such as the collaborative innovative suppliers (of raw materials and human capital and disruptive rival innovators to the traditional tri-helical model of National Innovation System. This was empirically examined for the evolution of rubber and tire technology and the rise and decline of its innovative region: the Rubber Capital of the World in Akron, Ohio.

  18. Service Innovation and Management Innovation: The Role of Service Tangibility

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alexiev, A.S.; Janssen, Matthijs; den Hertog, P.


    Although we have some knowledge about how different types of innovation can be combined together to improve firm performance, there is little research about the relationships that innovation types may have among them. In this paper, we examine how service innovation is related to organizational

  19. Inside Real Innovation (United States)


    investors, innovators and people in corporations , universities and government. This breakthrough book gives a ground-floor view of the innovation...investors, innovators and people in corporations , universities and government. INSIDE REAL INNOVATION - How the Right Approach Can Move Ideas from phenomenon, pioneered by Starbucks and others, was based not on selling coffee but on giving the patrons a congenial setting.) At any rate

  20. Innovation at DARPA (United States)


    Distribution Statement A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited Innovation at DARPA July 2016 1 Distribution...Statement A: Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited Innovation at DARPA A Long History of Innovation DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research...guided work that has “changed the world"—a phrase frequently heard at DARPA to ensure a focus on transformative innovation as opposed to incremental

  1. Global Innovation Systems—A conceptual framework for innovation dynamics in transnational contexts

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Binz, Christian; Truffer, Bernhard|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/6603148005


    This paper proposes a framework for the analysis of technological innovation processes in transnational contexts. By drawing on existing innovation system concepts and recent elaborations on the globalization of innovation, we develop a multi-scalar conceptualization of innovation systems. Two key

  2. La qualité des plages au cœur des enjeux de développement : La situation des îles de l’océan Indien

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    Virginie Duvat


    Full Text Available La qualité des plages s’inscrit au cœur des enjeux de développement des petites îles tropicales en raison d’une part, de la place qu’elle occupe dans les stratégies de promotion touristique, et d’autre part, de l’importance que prend le littoral dans les pratiques récréatives et touristiques émergentes des populations locales. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cet article est de présenter les résultats d’une évaluation réalisée dans différentes îles des archipels des Seychelles et des Mascareignes, et de mettre en évidence la relation qui existe entre la qualité des plages, leurs attributs naturels et les politiques d’aménagement et de gestion des acteurs publics et privés.Today, the quality of the tropical beaches is closely linked to development challenges for two main reasons. At first, because sandy beaches play an important role in tourism development policies, and secondly because of the emergence of the touristic and recreative activities of the local communities. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to expose the results of an assessment which was done in the Seychelles and Mascarene islands and to highlight the relationship which can be observed between beach quality, natural assets and the strategies of public and private actors.

  3. International Innovation Cooperation with a View to Innovative Development

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    Kramarenko Ruslan M.


    Full Text Available Currently the process of globalization in the field of scientific, technical and industrial activity continues to grow. Countries conclude bilateral and multilateral agreements to facilitate cooperation in scientific research and co-financing of capital-intensive innovation projects. Combining competitive advantages of companies is motivated by the government’s policy with respect to attracting foreign direct investments and entering new markets. Despite some discomfort of countries of the world caused by the outflow of knowledge abroad and disturbance of the equilibrium of the trade balance, most of the countries of the OECD have scientific and economic benefits from these transactions. The processes associated with innovations are constantly in the focus of attention of local and foreign experts and are reflected in their works. The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of international integration interaction of countries of the world on innovative development. The forms of internationalization of innovation activities have been analyzed. The main vector of the modern global competition based on scientific and technological achievements and innovations has been determined. The main directions of the internationalization of innovation activities have been revealed and justified

  4. Innovation patterns in sustainable tourism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjalager, Anne Mette


    to the environment. The following types of innovation can be distinguished: product innovations, classical process innovations, process innovations in information handling, management innovations and institutional innovations. The article concludes that innovations are predominantly launched as part of defensive...

  5. Responsible innovation

    CERN Document Server

    De Woot, Philippe


    Economic development is rooted in disruption, not in equilibrium. And a powerful engine of economic development is innovation; but is this innovation always for the common good? The dark side of the extraordinary dynamism of innovation lies precisely in its destructive power. If simply left to market forces, it could lead to social chaos and great human suffering. To face the challenges of our time, we must create the proper climate and culture to develop strong entrepreneurial drive. But, more than ever, we must give this entrepreneurial drive its ethical and societal dimensions. Responsible innovation means a more voluntary orientation towards the great problems of the 21st century, e.g. depletion of the planet's resources, rising inequality, and new scientific developments potentially threatening freedom, democracy and human integrity. We need to transform our ceaseless creativity into real progress for humankind. In this respect, the rapid development of social innovation opens the door for new methods an...

  6. Everyday-Oriented Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Munnecke, Max

    The exploration of radical innovation has long been regarded as fundamental to business growth. In the 21st century, modern organisations increasingly seek to combine business innovation with the broader goal to confront social and environmental challenges. Vision projects are related phenomena...... which explore and map radical innovation opportunities within everyday activities. The aim of a vision project is to produce an innovation map that can empower an organisation to navigate between potential innovation opportunities and pro‐actively confront modern challenges for the benefit of people......, business, and society. The study addresses the concern that vision projects do not produce sufficient navigational innovation maps, and seeks to improve their quality by modelling a new methodological framework. The study was conducted as a series of four research cycles which modelled and experimented...

  7. Determinants, obstacles, sources and cooperation to innovation in Portuguese firms, using community innovation survey (United States)

    Correia, Aldina; Braga, Alexandra; Braga, Vitor


    Innovation is a topic of interest for the management researchers, confirmed by the creation of a Community Innovation Survey, which is an harmonised tool designed to provide information about Innovation in European Union enterprises. In this study, we use factorial analysis to identify the determinants and obstacles to innovation in Portuguese firms. The sources of innovation and cooperation to innovation are also analysed, using crossed information. For the determinants of innovation six factors were identified: Production costs and impacts to health and environment, Process and product innovation, Organizational innovation, Institutional sources of information, Others sources of information and Market sources of information. Obstacles to innovation were clustered into three groups: Knowledge and market factors, Cost factors and Reasons not to innovate. The main sources of innovation identified, in this study, are Suppliers and Clients, located in Portugal and in Europe. Cooperation partners are also majority Clients and Suppliers, in addition to other enterprises in the same group.

  8. Something new every day: defining innovation and innovativeness in drug therapy. (United States)

    Aronson, Jeffrey K


    The word "innovation" comes from the Latin noun innovatio, derived from the verb innovare, to introduce [something] new. It can refer either to the act of introducing something new or to the thing itself that is introduced. In terms of commerce, it is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as "the action of introducing a new product into the market; a product newly brought on to the market," a definition that illustrates both aspects of the word's meaning. "Innovativeness" is the property of being an innovation. Here I identify several different types of innovativeness in drug therapy, including structural, pharmacological or pharmacodynamic, pharmaceutical, and pharmacokinetic innovativeness, and I stress the over-riding importance of clinical innovativeness, which should result in a better benefit to harm balance at an affordable cost.

  9. Public sector innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wegener, Charlotte


    This paper explores the value dimension of public innovation in the light of practitioners’ values and asks why there seems to be a clash between innovation imperatives and workplace practices in the public sector. The paper contributes to the research on public innovation from a practice...... perspective by providing evidence from an ethnographic field study on innovation in social and health care studies in Denmark. These studies are part of the vocational education and training (VET) system, which combines coursework at a college and internship in the elder care sector. The study is thus cross...... initiate innovations grounded in their values. The main point put forward is that the value dimension of public innovation must be understood not only in terms of value creation (economic or non-economic), which frontline practitioners are required to contribute to, but also as value-based practices...

  10. Effects of R&D Cooperation to Innovation Performance in Open Innovation Environment

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    Gao Liang


    Full Text Available Dynamic nonlinear characteristics of internal and external environment in modern organization shows up increasingly, which make innovative research breakthrough organizational boundaries and present a pattern of open mode, the traditional mode of innovation is facing huge challenges like increasing innovation cycle, huge R&D input and inefficient knowledge transfer. And cooperation with external organizations to implement R&D is definitely a possibility to solve the open innovation environment challenge. Since organizations often have multiple dimensions of cooperation with different types of organization for research and development for the influence of organizational innovation performance or for exploring cooperation at the same time in different areas, and in different types of institutions. This paper studied the innovation performance of relevant government agencies except such innovation organization as enterprises, universities, and research institutions for the first time. This paper tracked on a survey of China's national engineering technology research center in related situation from 2002 to 2011 and collected related data to research and development cooperation and innovation performance for empirical research. Study found that universities have advantages in richness, in knowledge itself and knowledge accessible extent, cooperation with university in R&D is the best choice to promote the innovation performance of the organization. While cooperating with domestic universities and domestic enterprises to carry out research and development has bad effect in organizational innovation performance; while cooperation with domestic institutions and foreign institutions in the research and development plays a positive role in promoting innovation.

  11. Organizing Systemic Innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    F.P.H. Jaspers (Ferdinand)


    textabstractSystemic innovation refers to product development activities that involve the change of multiple interdependent components. Unlike autonomous innovation, which refers to components that change independently, systemic innovation is for many firms the norm rather than the exception. This

  12. Innovation without Design?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pinheiro-Croisel, Rebecca; Hernes, Tor


    This paper explores innovation and social behaviourist theory in relation to sustainable urban projects in the highly institutionalized public sector (towns). Using empirical data from France, we examine the dynamics of a design process in which unexpected practices generated innovative urban...... into a movement of collective action, which presupposed the acquisition of a new identity. Ultimately, our objective is to combine social behaviourist theory and innovation theory and to facilitate innovative design in urban projects....

  13. Integration of industrial risk in regional policy management. Possibilities of evaluation; L'integration du risque industriel dans les politiques de gestion territoriales. Possibilites d'evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hubert, Philippe; Pages, Pierre


    Since the responsibility for risk management depends more and more on regional factors, evaluation methods and management regulations are not developed enough. This study start from the fact that an important methods exist for evaluation transport of dangerous materials in cities, risk analysis and emergency plans related to classified installations, management of quality of water, 'chronic' industrial risks at local and regional level, probabilistic estimation for industrial plants. The objective is in fact to show what risk analysis could bring to the municipality, the city or the region. [French] Alors que la responsabilite de la maitrise du risque repose de plus en plus sur les collectivites territoriales, soit dans la mouvance naturelle de la decentralisation, soit par des textes specifiques, les moyens d'evaluation et les regles de gestion sont encore tres peu developpes. Cette etude part du fait qu'un materiel important existe cependant: evaluations sur le transport des matieres dangereuses dans les villes, etudes de danger et plans d'intervention associes a la legislation sur les installations classees, gestion de la qualite de l'eau par les agences de bassin, bilans des risques industriels 'chroniques' a l'echelle locale ou regionale, evaluations probabilistes sur des objets industriels. L'objet est donc de montrer ce que peuvent apporter ces analyses dans l'evaluation du risque accidentel dans la collectivite, la ville ou, a cause des implications des strategies de prevention, le departement ou la region. L'heterogeneite de la qualite et de la quantite des resultats que l'on peut attendre en fonction des divers types de risques et de consequences est d'abord mise en valeur. Malgre leurs incertitudes, des modeles existent qui permettent de calculer les victimes d'accidents industriels 'types'. Pour les installations classees et les transports de matieres dangereuses, le calcul du risque est loin d'etre systematique, mais il est pratique. Un second domaine

  14. Innovative capability and financing constraints for innovation: More money, more innovation?


    Hottenrott, Hanna; Peters, Bettina


    This study presents a novel empirical approach to identify financing constraints for innovation based on the idea of an ideal test as suggested by Hall (2008). Firms were offered a hypothetical payment and were asked to choose between alternatives of use. If they choose additional innovation projects they must have had some unexploited investment opportunities that were not profitable using more costly external finance. That is, these firms have been financially constrained. We attribute cons...

  15. Innovation and Entrepreneurship | NREL (United States)

    Innovation and Entrepreneurship Innovation and Entrepreneurship Connect Contact us for more Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center helps connect emerging clean energy businesses with the financial , and pilot opportunities. Read more Events Innovation and entrepreneurship events like the upcoming

  16. Financing Innovation


    William R. Kerr; Ramana Nanda


    We review the recent literature on the financing of innovation, inclusive of large companies and new startups. This research strand has been very active over the past five years, generating important new findings, questioning some long-held beliefs, and creating its own puzzles. Our review outlines the growing body of work that documents a role for debt financing related to innovation. We highlight the new literature on learning and experimentation across multi-stage innovation projects and h...

  17. Technology Innovation (United States)

    EPA produces innovative technologies and facilitates their creation in line with the Agency mission to create products such as the stormwater calculator, remote sensing, innovation clusters, and low-cost air sensors.

  18. Innovating for sustainability

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    The theme of the articles is innovating for sustainability. Empirically the articles shows how enterprises makes environmental innovations related to their processes and products within the organic dairy industry, the fish processing industry and the car industry.......The theme of the articles is innovating for sustainability. Empirically the articles shows how enterprises makes environmental innovations related to their processes and products within the organic dairy industry, the fish processing industry and the car industry....

  19. Innovations in urban agriculture

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schans, van der J.W.; Renting, Henk; Veenhuizen, Van René


    This issuehighlights innovations in urban agriculture. Innovation and the various forms of innovations are of particular importance because urban agriculture is adapted to specific urban challenges and opportunities. Innovation is taking place continuously, exploring the multiple fundions of urban

  20. Combined Innovation Policy: Linking Scientific and Practical Knowledge in Innovation Systems


    Isaksen, Arne; Nilsson, Magnus


    New research indicates that firms combining the science-based STI (Science, Technology, Innovation) and the experience-based DUI (Doing, Using, Interacting) modes of innovation are more efficient when it comes to improving innovation capacity and competitiveness. With regard to innovation policy, the STI mode calls for a supply driven policy, typically aimed to commercialise research results. The DUI mode suggests a demand driven policy approach, such as supporting the development of new prod...

  1. Realizing innovative public waterworks: Aligning administrative capacities in collaborative innovation processes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    S. Grotenbreg (Sanne); M.W. van Buuren (Arwin)


    textabstractThe importance of government support for innovation is widely acknowledged, but the way governments support innovation is changing. We discern three trends: local innovation policies are gaining importance; governments increasingly choose a bottom-up, tailor-made approach to support

  2. Adoption of Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This edited volume brings together academics from both innovation and marketing fields to explore the additional value for companies that can be generated with the innovations in marketing and the marketing of innovations. If ideas need to reach the marketplace, then marketing strategies, concept...

  3. Innovate or Die.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jagersma, P.K.


    Concentrates on innovation as an under-exploited path to success in the business community, though reckons becoming innovative is not easy. Suggests innovative companies have a number of common characteristics, which are ten strategies to be implemented to create success, these are listed in full.

  4. L'intervention sous-marine : situation actuelle et perspectives d'avenir Underwater Operations and Techniques: Current Situation and Future Outlook

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bertrand A. R. V.


    Full Text Available A l'occasion de la Conférence Internationale de Paris sur la Pénétration sous-marine(6-8 décembre 1982, cet article fait le point sur les différents moyens d'intervention sous-marine disponibles à ce jour (plongeurs, engins télécommandés, sous-marins à pression atmosphérique et sur un certain nombre de problèmes technologiques communs (matériaux, télémanipulation, navigation, sources d'énergie. Ce domaine est encore en pleine évolution et fait appel aux récentes innovations technologiques. Bien que les engins télécommandés semblent avoir actuellement la faveur des industriels, les autres moyens restent d'avenir prometteur, la complémentarité devant remplacer dans le futur la concurrence La résurrection de l'Argyronète qui doit devenir en 1985 un banc d'essais des nouvelles techniques est le témoignage de l'activité de ce secteur industriel. This article is based on the International Symposium in Paris on Underwater Operations and Techniques 6-9 December 1982. It reviews the different methods now available for underwater operations (divers, remote-controlled vehicles, atmospheric-pressure submarines and various technological problems common to all of them (materials, remote manipulation, navigating, power sources. This field is evolving rapidly and makes use of the most recent technological innovations. Although remote-controlled vehicles now seem to be favored by industrialists, the other methods still have a promising future, and the complementariness of these methods can be expected to replace rivalry among them. The resurrection of the Argyronète project, which should become a test bench for new techniques in 1985, is a good illustration of the activity going on in this industrial sector.

  5. Disruptive innovation in health care delivery: a framework for business-model innovation. (United States)

    Hwang, Jason; Christensen, Clayton M


    Disruptive innovation has brought affordability and convenience to customers in a variety of industries. However, health care remains expensive and inaccessible to many because of the lack of business-model innovation. This paper explains the theory of disruptive innovation and describes how disruptive technologies must be matched with innovative business models. The authors present a framework for categorizing and developing business models in health care, followed by a discussion of some of the reasons why disruptive innovation in health care delivery has been slow.

  6. Innovation and collective entrepreneurship

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spear, Roger


    different perspectives on innovation and social innovation and the dynamic interaction through collective entrepreneurship in the the social and solidarity economy; bringing out process and outcome dimensions of innovation. And it will develop an understanding of the drivers and barriers to innovation...

  7. Managing Innovation in Academic Libraries. (United States)

    Drake, Miriam A.


    Explores key issues related to innovation in academic libraries--performance gaps, incentives to innovate, nature of innovation, barriers and constraints, impact of innovation, and implementation of innovative strategies--and concludes that innovation requires a conducive climate, capital investment, and a leadership that is enthusiastic and…

  8. Innovation Pilot – to Improve Innovation Competences of Engineering Students

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Løje, Hanne; Grex, Sara


    In the future, there will be increasing demands for skilled and well-educated engineers who are capable of developing new solutions through innovation and can work in multidisciplinary teams. Therefore the universities are developing innovation and entrepreneurship programs to improve...... the innovation competences of the engineering students to meet this demand. In this paper, we will discuss how to improve innovation competences of engineering students and describe how it is done in a newly developed course at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The aim of the course is to strengthened...... innovation skills in addition to personal and interpersonal skills. This is done in close collaboration with companies. The outline for the course is that the students work in multidisciplinary teams with specific challenges offered by the companies. The main findings so far show the importance of the use...

  9. Science Innovation (United States)

    EPA provides innovative research activities that help transform the protection of human health and the environment with high-risk, high-reward Pathfinder Innovation Projects, the P3 student competition, and low-cost air monitoring.

  10. Complementarity between innovation knowledge sources: Does the innovation performance measure matter?

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    Ana Mª Serrano-Bedia


    Full Text Available We analyse complementarity between different knowledge sources (internal, external and/or cooperation employing a wide range of innovation performance measures (product, process, organizational, and commercial. The empirical study uses 2014 Spanish CIS data and studies complementarities by performing conditional complementarity/substitutability tests. The results show evidence of conditional complementarity in product innovation performance between external and internal knowledge sources in absence of cooperation and of conditional substitute relationship between external and cooperation knowledge sources in presence of internal source. In product and process innovation performance we found a conditional substitute relationship between internal and cooperation sources when external source is used and not used, respectively. This relationship turns to conditional complementarity in organisational innovation in absence of external knowledge source. Therefore, when designing innovation strategy, managers must consider their objectives on a priority basis, since not all the strategies have the same effects on innovation performance.

  11. Marketing Innovations in Croatia

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    Ljiljana Božić


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to analyze the introduction of marketing innovations by companies in Croatia. This study provides an insight into the innovativeness with regard to the introduction of marketing innovations. It explores the presence of marketing innovations in general and the introduction of four types of marketing innovation (significant changes to the aesthetic design or packaging, new media or techniques for product promotion, new methods for product placement or sales channels and new methods of pricing goods or services. The changes in all four elements of the marketing mix are described. The paper also explores the extent to which the introduction of marketing innovation is related to the companies that introduce other types of innovations.


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thuesen, Christian Langhoff; Koch, Christian


    By adopting a theoretical framework from strategic niche management research (SNM) this paper presents an analysis of the innovation system of the Danish Construction industry. The analysis shows a multifaceted landscape of innovation around an existing regime, built around existing ways of working...... and developed over generations. The regime is challenged from various niches and the socio-technical landscape through trends as globalization. Three niches (Lean Construction, BIM and System Deliveries) are subject to a detailed analysis showing partly incompatible rationales and various degrees of innovation...... potential. The paper further discusses how existing policymaking operates in a number of tensions one being between government and governance. Based on the concepts from SNM the paper introduces an innovation map in order to support the development of meta-governance policymaking. By mapping some...

  13. Offshoring of Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Haakonsson, Stine


    This chapter is an investigation into the internationalization of innovation in the Danish food-related biotech industry. The process of the internationalization of innovation in food and ingredients into new markets has followed a similar path: first, the companies enter new markets with their p......This chapter is an investigation into the internationalization of innovation in the Danish food-related biotech industry. The process of the internationalization of innovation in food and ingredients into new markets has followed a similar path: first, the companies enter new markets...

  14. Adding to The Innovation Taxonomy

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    Bengt-Arne Vedin


    Full Text Available Innovation might be described in a number of categories: radical, disruptive, incremental, or, by type, product, process, and service innovation. Social and conceptual innovations are decidedly more abstract. In recent years, open and also frugal innovation have been defined. This essay suggests and contemplates four additional concepts. Mesovation is in between radical and incremental innovation. Exovation stands for systematic ways to reduce barriers to innovation. Metovations are novel methods or systems affecting conditions for innovation. Lastly, ynnovation would be cultural innovation.

  15. The Innovating Self

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hellström, Tomas; Hellström, Christina; Berglund, Henrik


    This paper explores the relevance of the concept of self in the process of independent technological innovation. In‐depth interviews were conducted with technological innovators from start‐up firms in IT, biotech and advanced services concerning the subjective and social forms of engagement...... in the innovation process. Emerging factors in the interview data revealed aspects pertaining to the innovator’s reflexive self‐conception, innovator ego‐involvement in the venture, forms of commitment and control, personal and social stakes, and various self‐oriented cognitive strategies. It is argued...... that the self‐concept allows the innovator to come into view as a social and subjective being who is involved in reflexive activities such as dynamic role‐taking, “is” vs “ought” reflections and social negotiations....

  16. Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Institutions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stam, E.; Nooteboom, B.


    This paper discusses the nature of entrepreneurship and its relation to innovation along a cycle in which exploration and exploration follow upon each other. We place the roles of entrepreneurship in innovation policy within this cycle of innovation. Different types of innovation along the cycle of

  17. Innovation at the end of the life cycle : discontinuous innovation strategies by incumbents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kishna, M.; Negro, S.O.; Alkemade, F.; Hekkert, M.


    This paper focuses on the strategies of incumbents that seek to develop discontinuous innovations within the boundaries of a mature innovation system. Mature innovation systems do not provide support for these discontinuous innovations. This article focuses on exploring why incumbents in these

  18. Innovation Leadership in Danish SMEs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Abdullah, Maizura Ailin; Lindgren, Peter


    to reflect upon today's developments in innovation.  For this, we propose SMEs to "lead" innovation, i.e. innovation leadership, in order to succeed in today's volatile business environment.  Innovation leadership is a strategic way of thinking and practice innovation that is applicable to all organizations......, but especially in SMEs. This is because SMEs are flexible, lightly-structured and thus can adapt to the requirements of the innovation leadership model. Unfortunately SMEs also lack multiple resources that are needed in order to lead innovation. This paper discusses the potential of innovation leadership in SMEs...

  19. How innovation drivers, networking and leadership shape public sector innovation capacity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lewis, Jenny M; Ricard, Lykke Margot; Klijn, Erik Hans


    The need to understand innovation in public sector environments is growing. There is also a need to build theory, test it empirically and compare across jurisdictions. This article aims to understand the factors that have an impact on innovation capacity. It examines the self-rated innovation cap...

  20. Cross-border innovation cooperation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjaltadóttir, Rannveig Edda; Makkonen, Teemu; Sørensen, Nils Karl


    Finding a suitable partner is paramount for the success of innovation cooperation. Thus, this paper sets out to analyse the determinants of cross-border innovation cooperation in Denmark by focusing on partner selection. The aim of the article is to investigate determinants of partner selection...... by taking the location of the partners into account. In particular, the discussion is tied to the notion of varying knowledge bases firms utilize in their innovation creation processes. Firm level data from the 2010 Community Innovation Survey in Denmark was utilized to analyse cross-border innovation...... of innovativeness increase the likelihood of cross-border innovation cooperation. Accordingly, geographical proximity to international borders is found to have a significant, positive effect on selecting partners within the European Union. The multivariate probit model shows that the decision of choosing a domestic...

  1. Dynamic capabilities and innovation capabilities: The case of the ‘Innovation Clinic’

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fred Strønen


    Full Text Available In this explorative study, we investigate the relationship between dynamic capabilities and innovation capabilities. Dynamic capabilities are at the core of strategic management in terms of how firms can ensure adaptation to changing environments over time. Our paper follows two paths of argumentation. First, we review and discuss some major contributions to the theories on ordinary capabilities, dynamic capabilities, and innovation capabilities. We seek to identify different understandings of the concepts in question, in order to clarify the distinctions and relationships between dynamic capabilities and innovation capabilities. Second, we present a case study of the ’Innovation Clinic’ at a major university hospital, including four innovation projects. We use this case study to explore and discuss how dynamic capabilities can be extended, as well as to what extent innovation capabilities can be said to be dynamic. In our conclusion, we discuss the conditions for nurturing ‘dynamic innovation capabilities’ in organizations.

  2. Education and Social Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Palle

    The working paper is an attempt to structure the issue of education and social innovation and indicate topics that can be investigated further. Three aspects are outlined, the contribution of social innovation in educational provision, the educative dimension of social innovation and the issue...... of education for social innovation....


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    Gabriela Lucia SIPOS


    Full Text Available Innovation represents a widely debated topic in the context of current economy, being an opportunity to achieve corporate competitiveness within an environment of uncertainty. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of different innovation types on the innovative performance in the case of 31 European countries, using the simple and the multiple linear regressions across countries. In this regard we have considered different types of innovation, such as product, process, marketing and organizational innovation, while the innovative performance was synthetically expressed by Summary Innovation Index 2013.The main result of our study is that in order to achieve high innovative performance it is necessarily to implement product and process innovation simultaneously with organizational and marketing innovation. Thus, the findings of this paper can represent a guidance for companies to identify the most appropriate types of innovation that have the greatest influence on achieving high innovative performance.

  4. Les enjeux liés à l’intégration de l’approche BIM de modélisation des données du bâtiment à l’enseignement universitaire : cas d’une école d’ingénierie

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    Conrad Boton


    Full Text Available Le succès grandissant de l’approche de modélisation des données du bâtiment (BIM change le paradigme de fonctionnement de l’industrie de la construction et les universités sont confrontées à des défis importants dans leurs efforts pour introduire l’approche BIM dans l’enseignement. Plusieurs travaux ont étudié la question, mais chaque étude en a abordé des aspects spécifiques. Ainsi, il n’existe pas de cadre global fournissant des lignes directrices pratiques et neutres. Le cadre proposé dans cet article établit sept grands défis : les compétences à acquérir, l’approche pédagogique, les méthodes d’évaluation, l’environnement technologique, les partenariats industriels, l’approche de mise en œuvre et le calendrier. L’étude du cas d’une université d’ingénierie canadienne est également proposée.

  5. Korrosion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    forbindelse har vi indgået et samarbejde med Dansk Elektrokemisk Forening for at sammensætte et program, som belyser forskningsaspekter, teknologiaspekter og den industrielle anvendelse af korrosions mekanismer, havarier og beskyttelse. Traditionen tro viser bidragene i denne årbog en symbiose af...... grundlæggende forskning, anvendt forskning og industriel udvikling. Det er denne symbiose der gør materialevidenskab og –teknologi til en enestående tværfaglig disciplin og DMS vintermødene til en unik årlig begivenhed. Bidragyderne takkes for deres anstrengelser, som jeg forventer vil bidrage til vores...... forståelse af metalliske materialer og vil give os inspiration til fremtidig forskning, udvikling og innovation....

  6. Evolution of an Innovation Network in Tourism: Towards Sectoral Innovation Eco-System

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    Metka Stare


    Full Text Available Networks broaden the space for sourcing knowledge and skills for innovation in tourism beyond traditional actors and provide the framework for interactions, cooperation and knowledge sharing among them. The research focuses on complex relationships between the actors linked via web platform in generating ideas and implementing innovation in tourism. It assesses the dynamics of web platform evolution towards sectoral innovation eco-system in tourism. Applying case study methodology and unique data set we analyse the Bank of Tourism Potentials in Slovenia (BTPS, a web platform for the promotion of innovation in tourism. BTPS is considered an organizational innovation that leverages innovation in tourism and results in a number of new services, processes and business models. The originality of the paper derives from an in-depth analysis of actors’ networking, collaboration and mutual learning in implementing innovation. The characteristics of interactions between actors translate into the emerging patterns of BTPS development and suggest that the web platform is assuming the characteristics of the innovation eco-system in tourism that can be transferred to other environments as well. Finally, areas of future research are proposed.

  7. Learning to Innovate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mei, Maggie; Laursen, Keld; Atuahene-Gima, Kwaku

    and balance) affect firms? incremental and radical innovation capabilities. Based on organizational learning theory and the dominant logic literature, we develop the theoretical arguments that the synergy of ambidexterity drives incremental innovation capability and the balance dimension of ambidexterity...... influences radical innovation capability. We conjecture that also there is an interaction effect between synergy and balance on both radical and incremental innovation capabilities. We base our empirical analysis on a survey of a wide range of high-tech firms in China. We find broad support for our...... theoretical arguments....

  8. Learning to Innovate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mei, Maggie

    the relationship between organizational learning and innovation creation in an organizational context. Taking a nuanced view of organizational learning, the dissertation investigates how three different organizational learning processes could affect innovation creation at the firm level and project level...... to the understanding of managing organizational learning for innovation creation at firms. The three studies in this dissertation show how three prominent organizational learning processes impact on firms’ innovation performance. Furthermore, the studies in this dissertation emphasize that there are limitation...... and boundary conditions for different organizational learning processes....

  9. Innovative development and factors affecting the innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Bulgaria

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    Sotirova Asya Olegova


    Full Text Available Innovations are a necessity, innovations are a factor, innovations are the moving force of the companies in the 21st century. Every modern manager should recognize the role of innovations for the existence of the enterprises and to aim at innovative development. The novelties in various areas are to be followed up. It is necessary to look for the options and to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of innovations. The major objective of this article is to establish the state of innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Bulgaria and to identify the factors exercising the largest influence on their innovative development. The major results to be achieved are the establishment of the basic internal and external factors that support innovations, the deduction of the major problems occurring during the innovation process and the establishment of some directives to activation. The major methods of study used in this work are statistical methods for evaluation, method of analysis and synthesis, method of comparison. Information of literature sources has been studied and systematized within the process of research, as well as analytical reports of Bulgaria and the European Union, and results from an inquiry held are used, as well as statistical data of the National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria.

  10. Sustainable Brand-Based Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nedergaard, Nicky; Gyrd-Jones, Richard


    The role of the corporate brand as a strategic resource in orienting innovation projects has only been cursorily addressed in the literature. As innovation is a key driver of brand growth, this article discusses how corporate brands can contribute to both guiding and driving such innovation....... On the basis of this framework, a conceptual model is elaborated integrating the three key management imperatives of: (i) orienting innovation and investments around the brand (brand orientation); (ii) thinking on a human scale to generate unique customer insights (intuitive customer orientation); and (iii....... Implications for brand leadership in innovation management and avenues for further research into the brand–innovation interface are discussed....

  11. China's Innovation Paradox (United States)

    Chan, Jeremy


    China aims to become an innovation-led nation by 2020, but its leadership is generally sceptical--and oftentimes hostile--to the market forces, open exchange of ideas, and creative destruction that have unlocked innovation in other countries. Instead, Beijing hopes to promote innovation in China through a massive expansion in higher education,…

  12. Using the Domain Specific Innovativeness Scale To Identify Innovative Internet Consumers. (United States)

    Goldsmith, Ronald E.


    The Domain Specific Innovativeness Scale was included in a survey of student consumers to measure how innovative participants were with regard to buying online. Data analyses confirmed hypotheses that an innovative predisposition toward online buying would be associated positively with more hours of Internet use, greater Internet purchasing,…

  13. Trends in innovation management development

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    Krstić Milan


    Full Text Available In the background of technological progress generations of innovation can be found. Each of them is implemented as a process in which the idea of a change is born, and only after that the change is commercialized, this leading to its adoption by a wider range of users. Therefore, innovation management is organized as a set of management activities which results in innovation, thus gaining its importance. This paper briefly presents conducted theoretical desktop research, in order to determine the character of the innovative management development. The results suggest three key stages in the development of innovation management, namely: Management of individual technological innovation, Portfolio Innovation Management and Total Innovation management. The latest findings in the field of innovation management indicate that it is necessary to revise the concept of innovation in terms of its perception as an ecosystem. The paper points out the possible ways of further research in innovation management.

  14. Design & Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Boelskifte, Per; Jørgensen, Ulrik


    The new design and innovation programme at DTU is challenging some of the standard concepts dominating most engineering educations. The programme, its background, context and basic educational ideas are presented and discussed in this paper. To build competences that match the need for innovative...... and design oriented engineers in industry and society has turned out to challenge a number of the standard – and often taken for granted – concepts in engineering education still dominated world wide by rather strict norms and concepts of learning that do not challenge the students creativity and innovative...

  15. Participatory Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buur, Jacob; Matthews, Ben

    In this paper we discuss the potential for Participatory Design (PD) to make a fundamental contribution to the business-oriented field of user-driven innovation, taking note of where we find PD can best benefit from interaction with this other field. We examine some of the challenges that must...... be addressed if PD is to contribute to innovation processes in companies. We conclude by presenting a research agenda comprising of six promising topics to shape a new discipline of Participatory Innovation....

  16. Bottom-linked innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Catharina Juul


    hitherto been paid little explicit attention, namely collaboration between middle managers and employees in innovation processes. In contrast to most studies, middle managers and employees are here both subjects of explicit investigation. The collaboration processes explored in this article are termed...... ‘bottom-linked innovation’. The empirical analysis is based on an in-depth qualitative study of bottom-linked innovation in a public frontline institution in Denmark. By combining research on employee-driven innovation and middle management, the article offers new insights into such collaborative......Employee-driven innovation is gaining ground as a strategy for developing sustainable organisations in the public and private sector. This type of innovation is characterised by active employee participation, and the bottom-up perspective is often emphasised. This article explores an issue that has...

  17. Pragmatic Software Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aaen, Ivan; Jensen, Rikke Hagensby


    We understand software innovation as concerned with introducing innovation into the development of software intensive systems, i.e. systems in which software development and/or integration are dominant considerations. Innovation is key in almost any strategy for competitiveness in existing markets......, for creating new markets, or for curbing rising public expenses, and software intensive systems are core elements in most such strategies. Software innovation therefore is vital for about every sector of the economy. Changes in software technologies over the last decades have opened up for experimentation......, learning, and flexibility in ongoing software projects, but how can this change be used to facilitate software innovation? How can a team systematically identify and pursue opportunities to create added value in ongoing projects? In this paper, we describe Deweyan pragmatism as the philosophical foundation...

  18. Innovation Across the Supply Chain

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Druehl, Cheryl; Carrillo, Janice; Hsuan, Juliana

    Innovation is an integral part of every firm’s ongoing operations. Beyond product innovation, supply chain innovations offer a unique source of competitive advantage. We synthesize recent research on innovation in the supply chain, specifically, innovative supply chain processes...

  19. Effects of R&D Cooperation to Innovation Performance in Open Innovation Environment


    Gao Liang


    Dynamic nonlinear characteristics of internal and external environment in modern organization shows up increasingly, which make innovative research breakthrough organizational boundaries and present a pattern of open mode, the traditional mode of innovation is facing huge challenges like increasing innovation cycle, huge R&D input and inefficient knowledge transfer. And cooperation with external organizations to implement R&D is definitely a possibility to solve the open innovation environmen...

  20. Staging Collaborative Innovation Processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedersen, Signe; Clausen, Christian

    Organisations are currently challenged by demands for increased collaborative innovation internally as well as with external and new entities - e.g. across the value chain. The authors seek to develop new approaches to managing collaborative innovative processes in the context of open innovation ...... the diverse matters of concern into a coherent product or service concept, and 2) in the same process move these diverse holders of the matters of concern into a translated actor network which carry or support the concept.......Organisations are currently challenged by demands for increased collaborative innovation internally as well as with external and new entities - e.g. across the value chain. The authors seek to develop new approaches to managing collaborative innovative processes in the context of open innovation...... and public private innovation partnerships. Based on a case study of a collaborative design process in a large electronics company the paper points to the key importance of staging and navigation of collaborative innovation process. Staging and navigation is presented as a combined activity: 1) to translate...

  1. Open innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bogers, Marcel; Chesbrough, Henry; Moedas, Carlos


    Open innovation is now a widely used concept in academia, business, and policy making. This article describes the state of open innovation at the intersection of research, practice, and policy. It discusses some key trends (e.g., digital transformation), challenges (e.g., uncertainty...

  2. Innovators' vs Non-innovators' perceptions of corruption in European post-transition economies

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    Valerija Botrić


    Full Text Available Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse whether innovators perceive corruption to be systematically more important than non-innovators across different post-transition EU countries. Design/methodology/approach –We use the Business Environment Survey (BEEPS V data. The sample consists of 3,716 firms from the post-transition EU members (Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Estonia. We first estimate simple matching model, specifically, average treatment effect of the treated (ATT framework. In order to explore the determinants of the innovation activity of the firms in the analysed countries, conditional on the fact that they consider the corruption to be important obstacle for their business activity, we employ the Heckman probit procedure. Findings – The results imply that there is a link between innovation activity of the firms, perceptions of corruption and the evaluation of innovation enabling specificities in the analysed countries. Research limitations/implications – Although the results confirm that in most of the analysed countries innovative firms perceive corruption to be major impediment for their business activity, based on this analysis we cannot argue that innovation activity would be higher if corruption perceptions were lower in the analysed countries. Originality/value – The results suggest that, in order to boost innovation, not only traditional innovation-supporting policy measures should be considered, but also wider spectrum of activities oriented towards business climate improvement.

  3. Innovational Leadership in School Management

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    Mahmut Sagir


    Full Text Available This study aimed at examining school administrators’ innovational leadership behaviors and the level of practicing these behaviors. The study was designed using the descriptive model since it aimed to identify school administrators’ innovative behaviors and approaches in school management. School Management Innovational Leadership Scale (SMILES developed (2016 by the researcher was used in the study as the data collection instrument. Data was collected from 111 school administrators and 346 teachers during the 2015-2016 academic teaching year. According to the research results, school administrators’ innovational leadership behaviors are collected under three factors; "Encouraging Innovation", "Pursuing Innovation", and "Implementing Innovation".It was found that school administrators mostly show the innovational leadership behaviors expressed in the three factors and in the total scale. It was expressed in the study that compared to females; males believe that school administrators show more innovational leadership behaviors. Also, compared to participants with graduate degrees, participants with undergraduate degrees believe that school administrators show more innovational leadership behaviors. At the same time, compared to teachers, school administrators believe that they show more innovational leadership behaviors.

  4. Innovation in nuclear technology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertel, E.


    Innovation has been a driving force for the success of nuclear energy and remains essential for its future. For the continued safe and economically effective operation and maintenance of existing nuclear systems, and to meet the goals set out by projects aiming at designing and implementing advanced systems for the future, efficient innovation systems are needed. Consequently, analysing innovation systems is essential to understand their characteristics and enhance their performance in the nuclear sector. Lessons learnt from innovation programmes that have already been completed can help enhance the effectiveness of future programmes. The analysis of past experience provides a means for identifying causes of failure as well as best practices. Although national and local conditions are important factors, the main drivers for the success of innovative endeavors are common to all countries. Cooperation and coordination among the various actors are major elements promoting success. All interested stakeholders, including research organisations, industrial actors, regulators and civil society, have a role to play in supporting the success of innovation, but governments are an essential trigger, especially for projects with long durations and very ambitious objectives. Governments have a major role to play in promoting innovation because they are responsible for the overall national energy policy which sets the stage for the eventual deployment of innovative products and processes. Moreover, only governments can create the stable legal and regulatory framework favourable to the undertaking and successful completion of innovation programmes. International organisations such as the NEA may help enhance the effectiveness of national policies and innovation programmes by providing a forum for exchanging information, facilitating multilateral collaboration and joint endeavors, and offering technical support for the management of innovative programmes

  5. Revolution of Innovation Management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    This edited volume explores how the rapid development of business model innovation changes innovation management at an international level. It discusses the next phases in its development, and the impact that this could have on the field. The authors identify and examine recent trends which have...... the potential to disrupt the traditional way of managing innovation, notably in terms of creativity, product development, and process change. In line with the constant globalization of innovation, the second volume of Revolution of Innovation Management offers a variety of international perspective...

  6. Revolution of Innovation Management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Viardot, Eric

    This edited collection explores how digitalization is changing the management of innovation, and the subsequent implications for the next phases in its development. The authors identify and examine relevant phenomena which are related to the ongoing digital breakthrough in the context of innovation...... management such as user innovation, crowd sourcing and crowd funding, as well as social media. In line with the constant globalization of innovation, the first volume of Revolution of Innovation Management offers a variety of international perspectives on these topics with illustrations and analysis coming...

  7. Revolution of Innovation Management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    management such as user innovation, crowd sourcing and crowd funding, as well as social media. In line with the constant globalization of innovation, the first volume of Revolution of Innovation Management offers a variety of international perspectives on these topics with illustrations and analysis coming......This edited collection explores how digitalization is changing the management of innovation, and the subsequent implications for the next phases in its development. The authors identify and examine relevant phenomena which are related to the ongoing digital breakthrough in the context of innovation...

  8. New frontiers in open innovation

    CERN Document Server

    Vanhaverbeke, Wim; West, Joel


    Companies have to innovate to stay competitive, and they have to collaborate with other organizations to innovate effectively. Although the benefits of "open innovation" have been described in detail before, mechanisms underlying how companies can be successful "open innovators" have not be understood well. A growing community of innovation management researchers started to develop different frameworks to understand open innovation in a more systematic way. This book provides a thorough examination of research conducted to date on open innovation, as well as a comprehensive overview of what will be the most important, most promising and most relevant research topics in this area during the next decade. "Open Innovation: Researching a new paradigm" (OUP 2006) was the first initiative to bring open innovation closer to the academic community. Open innovation research has since then been growing in an exponential way and research has evolved in different and unexpected directions. As the research field is growin...

  9. Innovation process

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kolodovski, A.


    Purpose of this report: This report was prepared for RISO team involved in design of the innovation system Report provides innovation methodology to establish common understanding of the process concepts and related terminology The report does not includeRISO- or Denmark-specific cultural, econom...

  10. Utilisation des antibiotiques et profil de résistance des souches de ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    sanitaire des élevages avicoles (OMS/FAO,. 2002 ; Chahed, 2007). Considérées le plus souvent comme des .... base du type d'exploitation : la première de type semi-industriel et la seconde de type traditionnel. Les ... industriel sur les antibiotiques enregistrés était de 100% et largement supérieure à celui observé chez les ...

  11. AS_599_A4 OK

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Résumé. L'Algérie a mis en place un réseau industriel dense, concentrant des secteurs polluants et gros ... Mots-clés : métaux lourds, rejet liquide, déchets industriels, pollution, environnement, oued Meboudja, ... Pour évaluer les concentrations en éléments traces métalliques (ETM) dans les eaux de l'oued Meboudja.

  12. Proposal of system for work with innovative ideas, opportunities and innovations in the company

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Viliam Lendel


    Full Text Available The paper is based on a detailed analysis of literature and conducted research to create a system for work with innovative ideas, opportunities and innovations in company. This paper reports the main results of the research that authors conducted on a sample of 318 respondents. Main purpose of the research was to identify the key elements of the use of innovation in marketing management system for work with innovation, opportunities, knowledge and application of lateral thinking. This paper deals with the identification of the main preconditions for successful use of the proposed system for work with innovative ideas, opportunities and innovations in business. Attention is also paid to the identification of the most common problems in the use of innovation and innovative ideas in business. The paper presents a series of recommendations to minimize the described problems and serves valuable tool for marketing manager for the efficient use of labour with innovative ideas, opportunities, innovation and expertise in the company. Following methods were used for research: comparative method of qualitative evaluation method, the method of structured and structured interviews, observation method, the method of document analysis (method of content analysis and questionnaire method.

  13. Innovation as a distributed, collaborative process of knowledge generation: open, networked innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Sloep, Peter


    Sloep, P. B. (2009). Innovation as a distributed, collaborative process of knowledge generation: open, networked innovation. In V. Hornung-Prähauser & M. Luckmann (Eds.), Kreativität und Innovationskompetenz im digitalen Netz - Creativity and Innovation Competencies in the Web, Sammlung von

  14. Beyond product innovation; improving innovation policy support for SMEs in traditional industries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wintjes, R.J.M.; Douglas, D.; Fairburn, J.; Hollanders, H.J.G.M.; Pugh, G.


    Innovation support measures in the EU are mostly designed to support product innovation in R&D intensive sectors. To increase the still considerable contribution to regional employment and competitiveness from SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries a broader innovation (policy) mix is more

  15. Social innovation research: a new stage in innovation analysis?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jessop, Bob; Moulaert, Frank; Hulgård, Lars


    Social innovation is a la mode. The significance that various mainstream strategy and policy documents accord to social innovation varies greatly. Nonetheless, one commonality stands out: they interpret it in economic, indeed often in narrowly market-economic, terms. In this chapter we challenge...

  16. How does Innovative Potential and Collaborative Capacity Contribute to a Firms Innovativeness

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rai, Sudhanshu

    In this paper I ask the basic question highlighted in the title, how does innovative potential and collaborative capacity contribute to a firm’s innovativeness? To address this central question I draw on innovative potential and collaborative capacity as a dynamic notion evaluates the data from...... India. This paper tries to create a framework creating a sustainable environment for ICT Innovation. To do that I argue that innovative potential and collaborative capacity provide a constellation of inputs to the firm to address both internal and external challenges. For instance while innovative...... potential works at a project or an individual level while collaborative capacity is seen to work at a firm or perhaps at the inter firm level. This does not mean IP acts only at the locus stated. I conjecture that IP/CC interact with each other at defferent levels, where each takes turn in driving...

  17. Innovation in Your Community (United States)

    EPA has many innovation programs that can help the public bring innovative solutions to their local areas by reducing waste, engaging students to contribute innovative ideas, and helping businesses implement sustainable practices.

  18. Innovation Policy in European Union

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    Marta-Christina Suciu


    Full Text Available The innovation policies aim to analyze priority factors shaping innovative performance and to reflect the increasing appreciation of the economic and social importance of innovation. This paper is commissioned to examine topics of current interest or concern to innovation policy-makers in Europe. Based on literature and the framework of the European Action Plan for Innovation, this paper investigates different levels and fields of European innovational systems and practices.

  19. Coastal Innovation Imperative

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    Bruce C. Glavovic


    Full Text Available This is the second of two articles that explores the coastal innovation paradox and imperative. Paradoxically, innovation is necessary to escape the vulnerability trap created by past innovations that have degraded coastal ecosystems and imperil coastal livelihoods. The innovation imperative is to reframe and underpin business and technology with coherent governance innovations that lead to social transformation for coastal sustainability. How might coastal management help to facilitate this transition? It is argued that coastal management needs to be reconceptualised as a transformative practice of deliberative coastal governance. A foundation comprising four deliberative or process outcomes is posited. The point of departure is to build human and social capital through issue learning and improved democratic attitudes and skills. Attention then shifts to facilitating community-oriented action and improving institutional capacity and decision-making. Together, these endeavours enable improved community problem-solving. The ultimate process goal is to build more collaborative communities. Instituting transformative deliberative coastal governance will help to stimulate innovations that chart new sustainability pathways and help to resolve the coastal problems. This framework could be adapted and applied in other geographical settings.

  20. Evaluation of innovation processes

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    Jakub Tabas


    Full Text Available In present, innovations are spoken as an engine of the world economy because the innovations are transforming not only business entities but the whole industries. The innovations have become a necessity for business entities in order to survive on floating challenging markets. This way, innovations are driving force of companies’ performance. The problem which arises here is a question of measurement innovation’s effect on the financial performance of company or selection between two or more possible variants of innovation’s realization. Various authors which are focused on innovations processes are divided into two groups in their attitudes towards the question of influence of innovations on financial performance of companies. One group of the authors present the idea that any reliable measurement is not possible or efficient. The second group of authors present some methods theoretically applicable on this measurement but they base their approaches mostly on the methods of measurement of investments effectiveness or they suggest employment of indicators or ratios which wouldn’t be clearly connected with the outcome of innovation process. The aim of submitted article is to compare different approaches to evaluation of the innovation processes. The authors compare various approaches here and by use of analysis and synthesis, they determine their own method how to measure outcome of innovation process.

  1. Mapping your innovation strategy. (United States)

    Anthony, Scott D; Eyring, Matt; Gibson, Lib


    In the complex sport of American football, teams rely on playbooks as thick as the Manhattan phone directory. But when it comes to creating innovative growth businesses-which is at least as complicated as professional football--most companies have not developed detailed game plans. Indeed, many managers have concluded that a fog enshrouds the world of innovation, obscuring high-potential opportunities. The authors believe that companies can penetrate that fog by developing growth strategies based on disruptive innovations, as defined by Clayton Christensen. Such innovations conform to a pattern: They offer an entirely new solution; they perform adequately along traditional dimensions and much better along other dimensions that matter more to target customers; and they are not initially appealing to powerful incumbents. Companies can develop customized checklists, or playbooks, by combining this basic pattern with analysis of major innovations in their markets. The key early on is to focus not on detailed financial estimates--which will always guide companies toward the markets most hostile to disruptive innovations--but on how well the innovation fits the pattern of success. It's also crucial to encourage flexibility: Companies must be willing to kill projects that are going nowhere, exempt innovations from standard development processes, and avoid burdening project teams with extra financing, which can keep them heading in the wrong direction. Companies can create competitive advantage by becoming champions at defining the pattern of successful innovations and executing against it. But as that pattern becomes obvious--and others emerge-building a sustainable advantage on innovation competencies will again prove elusive.

  2. Bureaucrats as Innovators? Statistical Analysis on Innovative Capacity within the Hungarian Central Civil Service

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    Marton GELLÉN


    Full Text Available What makes a public administration innovative if it is strongly legalistic and profoundly bureaucratic? Are there innovators in such a setting who would be able to elaborate strategies in accordance with public demands? If yes, who are the innovators and what are they like? Are they among the leaders? The article offers an answer to these questions based on an empirical research conducted in Hungary where public administration is not only legalistic but has a strong culture of topdown domination. The current study targets the key element of innovativeness namely: managerial and cultural prerequisites of innovation within central public administration. The empirical research was carried out in the Hungarian central civil service. The article also discusses whether such an environment would have an impact on innovations. According to the fi ndings of the article, certain prerequisites of an innovative environment exist in the given strictly hierarchic, traditionally stiff setting; however, traits of innovativeness can be identifi ed in innovators who are genuine bureaucrats at the same time.

  3. Making Collaborative Innovation Accountable

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Eva

    The public sector is increasingly expected to be innovative, but the prize for a more innovative public sector might be that it becomes difficult to hold public authorities to account for their actions. The article explores the tensions between innovative and accountable governance, describes...... the foundation for these tensions in different accountability models, and suggest directions to take in analyzing the accountability of collaborative innovation processes....

  4. Assessment of the innovative quality of agomelatine through the Innovation Assessment Algorithm

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    Liliana Civalleri


    Full Text Available Aim: the aim of this study was to assess the innovative quality of a medicine based on agomelatine, authorized by the European Commission through a centralized procedure on 19th February 2009 and distributed in Italy under the brands Valdoxan® and Thymanax®.Methodology: the degree of innovation of agomelatine was determined through the Innovation Assessment Algorithm (IAA, which considers the innovative quality of a medicine as a combination of multiple properties. The algorithm may be represented as a decision tree, with each branch corresponding to a property connected with innovation and having a fixed numerical value. The sum of these values establishes the degree of innovation of the medicine. The IAA is articulated in two phases: the first assesses the efficacy of the drug based on the clinical trials presented in support of the registration application (IAA-efficacy; the second reconsiders the degree of innovation on the basis of the efficacy and safety data resulting from clinical practice once the drug has been placed on the market (IAA-effectiveness.Results and conclusions: the score obtained for agomelatine was 592.73 in the efficacy phase and 291.3 in the effectiveness phase. The total score for the two phases was 884, which is equivalent to a good degree of innovation for the molecule

  5. Business Model Innovation Leadership

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindgren, Peter; Rasmussen, Ole Horn


    Leading business model (BM) strategizing through “the field of innovation” has not yet been covered in business model and innovation leadership literature. This is a bit peculiar considering that there has been an increased focus on BM innovation (BMI) by academics and industry since 2011......”. This emphasizes the importance of questioning. How is BM innovation leadership (BMIL) carried out in companies related to various BM(s) and BMI tasks and throughout their business model innovation process? And, how can innovation leadership be related to BMI? A framework model for BMIL based on case research...

  6. Innovation and Safety. A prestudy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rollenhagen, Carl; Hansson, Sven Ove; Hortberg, Johan; Jakobsson, Fredrik; Zhau, Victoria Jing; Mojeri, Sara


    The project summarized in this report was initiated to explore relations between innovation and safety. The first two sections of the report discuss some previously conducted research and give a general background to the subject. It is concluded that safety research and innovation research, by and large, has developed as separate academic disciplines. The concepts of 'innovative safety culture' and 'safe innovation cultures' are suggested as two concepts that can be used to integrate research: innovative safety cultures depart from safety culture research but attempts to introduce an innovative dimension with the aim to create adaptive and innovative safety cultures that efficiently can handle risks arising from existing innovations. Safe innovation cultures have focus on innovation itself, but with the ambition to introduce concepts and methods from safety research in the innovative processes. Three subprojects conducted in the context of the present research are summarized. The first project examines how an existing organization (e.g. SKB - Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management) attempts to integrate both innovative activities and operative activities in the same organisation. Interviews with key personnel explored different views about how innovative and safety work coexists in the organisation. The second project focuses on how major retrofit projects of a nuclear power plant is managed in parallel to operative activities (e.g. operating the plant on an everyday basis). By means of an innovative technique (e.g. system groups) seminars were held to suggest improvements in the technical change process. The third project conducted a risk analysis of a major organisational change (e.g. control centres for energy distribution). Experiences from the three projects are finally discussed in terms of similarities and differences associated with the cultures for innovation and safety. Suggestions for further research are made

  7. PII- Potential Innovation Index: a Tool to Benchmark Innovation Capabilities in International Context

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    Daniel Galvez


    Full Text Available Benchmarking has become a useful tool for companies, enabling better decision-making and improvement of internal practices towards world-class performance. Nevertheless, concerning SMEs’ innovation capabilities from traditional sectors, benchmarking applications have been scarce. This article uses a predefined metric named the “Potential Innovation Index (PII”, based on internal practices of the firms to compare innovation capabilities of two groups of similar SMEs from 2 different geographical, cultural and social contexts. Results were used to analyze similarities and differences, strengths and weaknesses of the groups. Obtained results confirm the difficulties to innovate of this type firms, no matters the sector or country, as over 55% of the companies studied were evaluated as having a low innovative performance. However, regarding the index’s constitutive practices, significant differences were found. Which leads to infer that innovation support strategies to enhance innovation must be adapted to the local context and culture.

  8. Innovation quality in knowledge cities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Makkonen, Teemu; Inkinen, Tommi


    Innovation awards have for long attracted policy makers as a method for innovation promotion. Still, academic research on innovation awards has thus far received little attention. In particular, empirical studies on the motives to enter award competitions and the realized impacts of winning an in...... for innovation promotion, alongside innovation inducement policies including tax reductions and direct funding, as they produce significant positive effects for the award winning companies, and an additional indicator of innovation quality in the context of knowledge cities....

  9. Bois-Noirs ore. Recovery of uranium of solutions from acid treatment. Results of industrial tests at the Gueugnon plant; Minerai des Bois-Noirs. Recuperation de l'uranium des solutions d'attaques acides. Resultats des essais industriels effectues a l'usine de Gueugnon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Le Bris, J


    Industrial-scale tests are reported of the efficiency of two recovery processes for the separation of uranium from sulfuric acid pickling solutions used on ore from Bois-Noirs, at the Gueugnon works. The final stage of each process is sodium uranate. The earlier part of the report deals with tests of the separation of uranium from foreign metals by fractional precipitation. The second part deals with the separation of uranium from these metals by carbonation of the solutions. (author) [French] Le present rapport concerne les essais industriels de deux procedes de recuperation de l'uranium de solutions d'attaque sulfurique du minerai des Bois-Noirs a l'usine de Gueugnon. Le stade final pour ces deux procedes etant l'uranate de sodium, une premiere partie est consacree aux essais de separation de l'uranium des metaux etrangers par precipitation fractionnee; une deuxieme partie est consacree aux essais de separation de l'uranium des metaux etrangers par carbonatation des solutions d'attaque du minerai. (auteur)

  10. Sustaining Innovative Success: A Case Study on Consumer-Centric Innovation in the ICT Industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Minkyung Choy


    Full Text Available The phenomenon of innovation growing rapidly and having a shorter lifespan is a structural change due to the development of ICT (Information and Communications Technology, diverse investment methods, and reduced pattern of innovation adoption. For ICT companies to survive and maintain their success in this ever-changing environment, they need to succeed in fulfilling both productivity and accuracy of innovation. To sustain their innovative success, ICT companies should consistently maintain the direction of innovation towards consumers. The present study analyzes various cases of ICT companies which succeeded or failed to maintain their prior innovative success, and suggests consumer-centric innovation as a solution. To create consumer-centric innovations, companies have to (1 predict the dynamically evolving demand of consumers and continuously transform; (2 proactively employ observation method and big data analysis to discover hidden demands; and (3 identify hassles such as wastes, inconveniences, and anxieties, and put effort in solving these hassles.

  11. Reconsidering Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vaaben, Nana Katrine

    Innovation og reformer er på dagsordenen allevegne, ikke mindst i politiske forsøg på at reorganisere den offentlige sektor for at få velfærdssamfundet til at kunne overleve økonomisk tumult og dystre fremtidsprognoser. Dette papir undersøger, hvordan klassiske antropologiske teorier og debatter om...... forandring og myter kan hjælpe os med at genoverveje teoretiske forståelser af innovation i organisatoriske studier. I særlig grad sættes der fokus på de implikationer som vores "innovationsmyte" kan have for offentligt ansatte og værdsættelsen af deres arbejde. Analysens argument er, at innovation ikke skal...

  12. Cooperation for Innovation in Services

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pyka, Andreas; Schön, Benjamin; Windrum, Paul

    the development in service industries include the increasing modularization of services, the increasing importance of the introduction of novelties as well as new organizational forms for the division of labour between private and public actors in service innovation processes. In economics research so far...... is strongly biased towards innovation in manufacturing, only a few attempts exist to develop a self-contained economic theory of innovation for the service industries. The same can be said on economic research on the organization of innovation processes in the service industries. In public sector economics......PPin-Project places collaboration between public and private actors in service innovation processes central. To do this we develop in this working package a theory of public-private service innovation networks. For this purpose the literature on innovation processes and innovation networks is surveyed...

  13. Creativity and group innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijstad, B.A.; de Dreu, C.K.W.


    Comments on M. West's article regarding the validity of an integrative model of creativity and innovation implementation in work groups. Variables affecting the level of team innovation; Relationship between predictors and team innovation; Promotion of constructive conflict.

  14. Innovative technology summary report: Innovative grouting and retrieval

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Innovative grouting and retrieval (IGR) technology provides an innovative and cost-effective approach for full-pit and hot-spot retrieval of buried transuranic (TRU) waste sites and in situ disposal of buried waste with improved confinement. Innovative grouting technology: minimizes spreading of contamination by agglomerating the soil particles containing plutonium/americium particulates into nonaerosolizable particles; minimizes worker risks and exposure; is more effective in controlling the spread of contamination than common mining practices such as directed air flow, misting, and fixant sprays; eliminates further treatment because the grouted, rubberized waste is ready for shipment to the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP); reduces capital expenditures, operating costs, and containment structure requirements; and is an estimated five times faster than the baseline technology of removal, packaging, and storage

  15. Revolution of Innovation Management

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brem, Alexander; Viardot, Eric


    What a change in the last three years in the realm of innovation Management! Three years ago, we concluded our book about “Evolution of Innovation Management” (Brem and Viardot 2013) by underlining some essential trends in the management of innovation. Most specifically, we stressed the importance...... of ambidexterity, which we defined as the ability of companies to realize exploration and exploitation simultaneously in their innovation management process. Some contributions in the book also emphasized the necessity to adopt a more collaborative process with external stakeholders and to move to more “open...... innovation” (Brau et al. 2013). Other authors underscored the burgeoning importance of platforms (Gawer 2014) and the nurturing of an innovation ecosystem (Thomas and Wind 2013) that federates and coordinates constitutive agents who can innovate and compete. The book had also singled out some key...

  16. Logistics Innovation Process Revisited

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gammelgaard, Britta; Su, Shong-Iee Ivan; Yang, Su-Lan


    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to learn more about logistics innovation processes and their implications for the focal organization as well as the supply chain, especially suppliers. Design/methodology/approach – The empirical basis of the study is a longitudinal action research project...... that was triggered by the practical needs of new ways of handling material flows of a hospital. This approach made it possible to revisit theory on logistics innovation process. Findings – Apart from the tangible benefits reported to the case hospital, five findings can be extracted from this study: the logistics...... innovation process model may include not just customers but also suppliers; logistics innovation in buyer-supplier relations may serve as an alternative to outsourcing; logistics innovation processes are dynamic and may improve supplier partnerships; logistics innovations in the supply chain are as dependent...

  17. Organising to Enable Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brink, Tove


    The purpose of this conceptual paper is to reveal how organising can enable innovation across organisational layers and organisational units. This approach calls for a cross-disciplinary literature review. The aim is to provide an integrated understanding of innovation in an organisational approach....... The findings reveal a continous organising process between individual/ team creativity and organisational structures/control to enable innovation at firm level. Organising provides a dynamic approach and contains the integrated reconstruction of creativity, structures and boundaries for enhanced balance...... of explorative and exploitative learning in uncertain environments. Shedding light on the cross-disciplinary theories to organise innovation provides a contribution at the firm level to enable innovation....

  18. Job Stressors, Organizational Innovation Climate, and Employees' Innovative Behavior (United States)

    Ren, Feifei; Zhang, Jinghuan


    This study attempted to examine the influence of job stressors and organizational innovation climate on employees' innovative behavior. Data were obtained from 282 employees in 4 cities of China. Results indicated that the nature of stressors matters in predicting employees' idea generation. Specifically, stressors that employees tend to appraise…

  19. The innovator's DNA. (United States)

    Dyer, Jeffrey H; Gregersen, Hal B; Christensen, Clayton M


    "How do I find innovative people for my organization? And how can I become more innovative myself?" These are questions that stump most senior executives, who know that the ability to innovate is the "secret sauce" of business success. Perhaps for this reason most of us stand in awe of the work of visionary entrepreneurs such as Apple's Steve Jobs, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, eBay's Pierre Omidyar, and P&G's A.G. Lafley. How do these individuals come up with groundbreaking new ideas? In this article, Dyer, of Brigham Young University; Gregersen, of Insead; and Christensen, of Harvard Business School, reveal how innovative entrepreneurs differ from typical executives. Their study demonstrates that five "discovery skills" distinguish the most creative executives: Associating helps them discover new directions by making connections among seemingly unrelated questions, problems, or ideas. Questioning allows innovators to break out of the status quo and consider new ideas. Through observing, innovators carefully and consistently look out for small behavioral details--in the activities of customers, suppliers, and other companies -to gain insights about new ways of doing things. In experimenting, they relentlessly try on new experiences and explore the world. And through networking with diverse individuals from an array of backgrounds, they gain radically different perspectives.

  20. Syndicate Innovation Venturing: Translating Academic Innovations into Commercial Successes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alain A. Vertès


    Full Text Available Innovations that initiate new technology cycles, i.e., radical innovations, bring tremendous value to Society and build for the companies that deploy them sustainable competitive advantages. However, large firms have typically been relatively inefficient at accessing from academia or technology start-ups such technological leaps. Indeed, most multiyear and multimillion dollar academia-industry partnerships have historically not resulted in any acceleration of the rate of deployment of game-changing innovations, which empirically proceeds in 25 year cycles, such as for example the expansion of the scope of the pharmaceutical industry from small molecules to biologics, or, projecting into the future, to siRNA or therapeutic stem cell technologies. Syndicated innovation venturing is a new strategic partnering concept described here that brings together actors from different economic segments in a non zero-sum game as a means to facilitate seed-funding, with the aim to de-risk technologies while reducing initial financial exposures. A case study in the pharmaceutical industry suggests that alleviating this hurdle may provide an appropriate environment to improve the dynamics of academic technology transfer to the commercial phase. By contributing to the de-risking of the creation of novel biotechnology businesses, this novel mechanism could help speed up the commercialization of emerging technologies on a large scale. At a time when knowledge-based firms such as pharmaceutical companies attempt to revisit their innovation models to advance science, in spite of an environment of increasing risk-aversion, such responses could tilt the balance in favor of disruptive products and sustained corporate financial performance by removing common barriers to radical innovation deployment.

  1. Managing Innovation. (United States)

    White, Ronald V.

    The management of innovation in instruction in English as a second language can benefit from the experience and techniques of management in the world of commerce as well as from theories and procedures in education. A systematic approach to the management of innovation emphasizes the importance of clearly defined objectives, evaluation that…

  2. Innovation in a complex environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    René Pellissier


    Objectives: The study objectives were, firstly, to establish the determinants for complexity and how these can be addressed from a design point of view in order to ensure innovation success and, secondly, to determine how this changes innovation forms and applications. Method: Two approaches were offered to deal with a complex environment – one allowing for complexity for organisational innovation and the other introducing reductionism to minimise complexity. These approaches were examined in a qualitative study involving case studies, open-ended interviews and content analysis between seven developing economy (South African organisations and seven developed economy (US organisations. Results: This study presented a proposed framework for (organisational innovation in a complex environment versus a framework that minimises complexity. The comparative organisational analysis demonstrated the importance of initiating organisational innovation to address internal and external complexity, with the focus being on the leadership actions, their selected operating models and resultant organisational innovations designs, rather than on technological innovations. Conclusion: This study cautioned the preference for technological innovation within organisations and suggested alternative innovation forms (such as organisational and management innovation be used to remain competitive in a complex environment.

  3. Green Process Innovation and Innovation Benefit: The Mediating Effect of Firm Image

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    Yuan Ma


    Full Text Available By evaluating green process innovation and its innovator’s benefit including short- and long-term dimensions, we first analyzed the relationship between green process innovation and its benefits. Second, we set up a regression model to test the hypotheses using 267 survey data from coal mining firms in China. Finally, we verified the positive relationship between green process innovation and its long-term benefit, and the non-significant relationship between green process innovation and its short-term benefit, and the mediating effect played by firm image in the long run.

  4. Conceptualizing innovation capabilities: A contingency perspective

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    Tor Helge Aas


    Full Text Available Empirical research has confirmed that a positive relationship exists between the implementation of innovation activities and the future performance of organizations. Firms utilize resources and capabilities to develop innovations in the form of new products, services or processes. Some firms prove to be better at reproducing innovation success than others, and the capacity to do so is referred to as innovation capability. However, the term innovation capability is ambiguously treated in extant literature. There are several different definitions of the concept and the distinction between innovation capabilities and other types of capabilities, such as dynamic capabilities, is neither explicitly stated, nor is the relationship between the concept and other resource- and capability-based concepts within strategy theory established. Although innovation is increasingly identified as crucial for a firm’s sustainable competitiveness in contemporary volatile and complex markets, the strategy-innovation link is underdeveloped in extant research. To overcome this challenge this paper raises the following research question: What type of innovation capabilities are required to innovate successfully? Due to the status of the extant research, we chose a conceptual research design to answer our research question and the paper contributes with a conceptual framework to discuss what innovation capabilities firms need to reproduce innovation success. Based on careful examination of current literature on innovation capability specifically, and the strategy-innovation link in general, we suggest that innovation capability must be viewed along two dimensions – innovation novelty and market characteristics. This framework enables the identification of four different contexts for innovation capabilities in a two-bytwo matrix. We discuss the types of innovation capabilities necessary within the four different contexts. This novel framework contributes to the

  5. Exploring Danish Innovative Manufacturing Performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perunovic, Zoran; Christiansen, Thomas Bøhm


    The paper explores several dimensions of Danish industry’s innovative performance with respect to the paradigm of the fifth generation innovation model that was suggested by Rothwell [Int. Market. Rev. 11 (1994) 7]. These dimensions include a general status of innovativeness in Danish companies...... manufacturing companies demonstrate an innovative performance close to the fourth generation of innovation, which is slightly different than it is perceived publicly....

  6. Recombinant Innovation and Endogenous Transitions


    Koen Frenken; Luis R. Izquierdo; Paolo Zeppini


    We propose a model of technological transitions based on two different types of innovations. Branching innovations refer to technological improvements along a particular path, while recombinant innovations represent fusions of multiple paths. Recombinant innovations create “short-cuts” which reduce switching costs allowing agents to escape a technological lock-in. As a result, recombinant innovations speed up technological progress allowing transitions that are impossible with only branching ...

  7. Business Model Innovation


    Dodgson, Mark; Gann, David; Phillips, Nelson; Massa, Lorenzo; Tucci, Christopher


    The chapter offers a broad review of the literature at the nexus between Business Models and innovation studies, and examines the notion of Business Model Innovation in three different situations: Business Model Design in newly formed organizations, Business Model Reconfiguration in incumbent firms, and Business Model Innovation in the broad context of sustainability. Tools and perspectives to make sense of Business Models and support managers and entrepreneurs in dealing with Business Model ...

  8. [Medical doctors driving technological innovation: questions about and innovation management approaches to incentive structures for lead users]. (United States)

    Bohnet-Joschko, Sabine; Kientzler, Fionn


    Management science defines user-generated innovations as open innovation and lead user innovation. The medical technology industry finds user-generated innovations profitable and even indispensable. Innovative medical doctors as lead users need medical technology innovations in order to improve patient care. Their motivation to innovate is mostly intrinsic. But innovations may also involve extrinsic motivators such as gain in reputation or monetary incentives. Medical doctors' innovative activities often take place in hospitals and are thus embedded into the hospital's organisational setting. Hospitals find it difficult to gain short-term profits from in-house generated innovations and sometimes hesitate to support them. Strategic investment in medical doctors' innovative activities may be profitable for hospitals in the long run if innovations provide first-mover competitive advantages. Industry co-operations with innovative medical doctors offer chances but also bear potential risks. Innovative ideas generated by expert users may result in even higher complexity of medical devices; this could cause mistakes when applied by less specialised users and thus affect patient safety. Innovations that yield benefits for patients, medical doctors, hospitals and the medical technology industry can be advanced by offering adequate support for knowledge transfer and co-operation models.

  9. Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurial Development | Iyayi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper aimed at a theoretical exposition of the influence of corporate innovation on entrepreneurial development. To achieve this purpose a review of extant literature on innovation and creativity, concept of corporate innovation process of corporate innovation, approaches to corporate innovation, corporate innovation ...

  10. The Contribution of Innovation Strategy Development and Implementation in Active Facilitation of Pharmaceutical Front End Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Annabeth


    Front end innovation (FEI) represents the first building blocks of product development, but is often regarded as a weak link in innovation literature. Various theorists emphasize that a firm’s innovation can benefit substantially by improving the front end of innovation process (Reinertsen, 1999,......-oriented longitudinal case study of a Danish pharmaceutical company. The findings and key learnings from the study are presented as propositions of how innovation strategies can be applied to actively facilitate FEI and with measurable results.......Front end innovation (FEI) represents the first building blocks of product development, but is often regarded as a weak link in innovation literature. Various theorists emphasize that a firm’s innovation can benefit substantially by improving the front end of innovation process (Reinertsen, 1999...

  11. Innovation in a complex environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    René Pellissier


    Full Text Available Background: As our world becomes more global and competitive yet less predictable, the focus seems to be increasingly on looking to innovation activities to remain competitive. Although there is little doubt that a nation’s competitiveness is embedded in its innovativeness, the complex environment should not be ignored. Complexity is not accounted for in balance sheets or reported in reports; it becomes entrenched in every activity in the organisation. Innovation takes many forms and comes in different shapes.Objectives: The study objectives were, firstly, to establish the determinants for complexity and how these can be addressed from a design point of view in order to ensure innovation success and, secondly, to determine how this changes innovation forms and applications.Method: Two approaches were offered to deal with a complex environment – one allowing for complexity for organisational innovation and the other introducing reductionism to minimise complexity. These approaches were examined in a qualitative study involving case studies, open-ended interviews and content analysis between seven developing economy (South African organisations and seven developed economy (US organisations.Results: This study presented a proposed framework for (organisational innovation in a complex environment versus a framework that minimises complexity. The comparative organisational analysis demonstrated the importance of initiating organisational innovation to address internal and external complexity, with the focus being on the leadership actions, their selected operating models and resultant organisational innovations designs, rather than on technological innovations.Conclusion: This study cautioned the preference for technological innovation within organisations and suggested alternative innovation forms (such as organisational and management innovation be used to remain competitive in a complex environment. 

  12. Strategy of technical innovation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Ga Jong


    This book deals with policy of scientific technique and technical innovation such as research for development and types of technical innovation, historical development and process of technical innovation, economic growth, technology change and investment for research and development, structure and form of technical transfer with the meaning process, from, structure and theory, economic growth and investment of research and development with experiential analysis and case study on strategy of technical innovation in electron and fine chemical industry.

  13. The innovation value chain. (United States)

    Hansen, Morten T; Birkinshaw, Julian


    The challenges of coming up with fresh ideas and realizing profits from them are different for every company. One firm may excel at finding good ideas but may have weak systems for bringing them to market. Another organization may have a terrific process for funding and rolling out new products and services but a shortage of concepts to develop. In this article, Hansen and Birkinshaw caution executives against using the latest and greatest innovation approaches and tools without understanding the unique deficiencies in their companies' innovation systems. They offer a framework for evaluating innovation performance: the innovation value chain. It comprises the three main phases of innovation (idea generation, conversion, and diffusion) as well as the critical activities performed during those phases (looking for ideas inside your unit; looking for them in other units; looking for them externally; selecting ideas; funding them; and promoting and spreading ideas companywide). Using this framework, managers get an end-to-end view of their innovation efforts. They can pinpoint their weakest links and tailor innovation best practices appropriately to strengthen those links. Companies typically succumb to one of three broad "weakest-link" scenarios. They are idea poor, conversion poor, or diffusion poor. The article looks at the ways smart companies - including Intuit, P&G, Sara Lee, Shell, and Siemens- modify the best innovation practices and apply them to address those organizations' individual needs and flaws. The authors warn that adopting the chain-based view of innovation requires new measures of what can be delivered by each link in the chain. The approach also entails new roles for employees "external scouts" and "internal evangelists," for example. Indeed, in their search for new hires, companies should seek out those candidates who can help address particular weaknesses in the innovation value chain.

  14. Distinctive Innovation Capabilities of Argentine Software Companies with High Innovation Results and Impacts


    María Isabel Camio; María del Carmen Romero; María Belén Álvarez; Alfredo José Rébori


    The software sector is of growing importance and, due to its degree of dynamism, the identification of capabilities for innovation is vital. This study identifies capabilities variables that distinguish Argentine software companies with high innovation results and high innovation impacts from those with lesser results and impacts. It is applied to a sample of 103 companies, a measurement model and the component variables of an innovation degree index for software companies (INIs) formulated i...

  15. Innovation Dialectics: An Extended Process Perspective on Innovation in Services

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nardelli, Giulia


    Services are characterised by the involvement of customers and other interest groups in the innovation process. The aim of this study is to understand how and why, in the service context, tensions and potential conflicts between heterogeneous interest groups unfold during processes of innovation....... The empirical field in which the investigation was set is facility services, a type of business-to-business support services. The findings were extracted from a longitudinal, in-depth case study of a Danish, multi-national organisation over 13 years, complemented with an explorative study in the Danish facility...... service context. The findings suggest that tensions and conflicts between heterogeneous interest groups are an intrinsic element of innovation processes in services, and that emphasising them might actually support a clearer understanding of processes of innovation in services. The outcome of the analysis...

  16. Interorganizational Innovation in Systemic Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Seemann, Janne; Dinesen, Birthe; Gustafsson, Jeppe


    patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to avoid readmission, perform self monitoring and to maintain rehabilitation in their homes. The aim of the paper is to identify, analyze and discuss innovation dynamics in the COPD network and on a preliminary basis to identify implications...... for managing innovations in systemic networks. The main argument of this paper is that innovation dynamics in systemic networks should be understood as a complex interplay of four logics: 1) Fragmented innovation, 2) Interface innovation, 3) Competing innovation, 4) Co-innovation. The findings indicate...... that linear n-stage models by reducing complexity and flux end up focusing only on the surface of the network and are thus unable to grasp important aspects of network dynamics. The paper suggests that there is a need for a more dynamic innovation model able to grasp the whole picture of dynamics in systemic...

  17. Business Models for Open Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saebi, Tina; Foss, Nicolai Juul

    Research on open innovation suggests that companies benefit differentially from adopting open innovation strategies; however, it is unclear why this is so. One possible explanation is that companies’ business models are not attuned to open strategies. Accordingly, we propose a contingency model o...... to the open innovation literature by specifying the conditions under which business models are conducive to the success of open innovation strategies.......Research on open innovation suggests that companies benefit differentially from adopting open innovation strategies; however, it is unclear why this is so. One possible explanation is that companies’ business models are not attuned to open strategies. Accordingly, we propose a contingency model...... of open business models by systematically linking open innovation strategies to core business model dimensions, notably the content, structure, governance of transactions. We further illustrate a continuum of open innovativeness, differentiating between four types of open business models. We contribute...

  18. Business Models for Open Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saebi, Tina; Foss, Nicolai J.


    Research on open innovation suggests that companies benefit differentially from adopting open innovation strategies; however, it is unclear why this is so. One possible explanation is that companies' business models are not attuned to open strategies. Accordingly, we propose a contingency model o...... to the open innovation literature by specifying the conditions under which business models are conducive to the success of open innovation strategies.......Research on open innovation suggests that companies benefit differentially from adopting open innovation strategies; however, it is unclear why this is so. One possible explanation is that companies' business models are not attuned to open strategies. Accordingly, we propose a contingency model...... of open business models by systematically linking open innovation strategies to core business model dimensions, notably the content, structure, governance of transactions. We further illustrate a continuum of open innovativeness, differentiating between four types of open business models. We contribute...

  19. Innovation policies for tourism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjalager, Anne-Mette


    The nature, extent, and implications of innovation in tourism are increasingly investigated in academic research, but the policies that affect these transformations in the industry and at tourism destinations are not equally well conceptualised theoretically or analysed empirically. The purpose...... of this article is, in an analysis of the literature, to interpret the rationale behind innovation policy, and to explain the persisting challenges related to acquisition of an informed foundation for policies based upon quantitative and qualitative inquiries. Observed in a historical perspective, innovation...... framework of policy instruments for innovation in tourism. New generations of policies instigate a mainstreaming of the innovation agenda in ways that proceed beyond the traditional policy concepts....

  20. The innovative behaviour of tourism firms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sundbo, Jon; Orfila-Sintes, Francina; Sørensen, Flemming


    Tourism firms operate in a competitive sector where innovating is often a condition for survival. This article presents a theoretical framework for understanding tourist firms’ innovative behaviour and innovation systems in tourism. The innovativeness of tourism firms and its determinants...... systems. The article suggests that large size, professionalism, but also entrepreneurship among small tourism firms are important determinants of innovation. Varied innovation networks are another determinant as are supportive innovation systems. These determinants favour Spanish firms, which are more...... are investigated by analysing quantitative as well as qualitative data comparing Spain and Denmark. A taxonomy of tourism firms is suggested and the firms’ characteristics which influence their innovativeness are presented. Additionally, the role of innovation networks is discussed, as is the role of innovation...

  1. Process innovation laboratory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller, Charles


    to create a new methodology for developing and exploring process models and applications. The paper outlines the process innovation laboratory as a new approach to BPI. The process innovation laboratory is a comprehensive framework and a collaborative workspace for experimenting with process models....... The process innovation laboratory facilitates innovation by using an integrated action learning approach to process modelling in a controlled environment. The study is based on design science and the paper also discusses the implications to EIS research and practice......Most organizations today are required not only to operate effective business processes but also to allow for changing business conditions at an increasing rate. Today nearly every business relies on their enterprise information systems (EIS) for process integration and future generations of EIS...

  2. Business Model Innovation Leadership

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lindgren, Peter


    When SME´s practice business model (BM) innovation (BMI), leading strategically BMs through the innovation process can be the difference between success and failure to a BM. Business Model Innovation Leadership (BMIL) is however extremely complex to carry out especially to small and medium size...

  3. Summary of innovation models on a company level – creating a framework for an innovation model that will increase a company’s innovation activity


    Stefanovska Ceravolo, Ljubica; Polenakovik, Radmil; Dzidrov, Misko


    There are six known and generally accepted generations of innovation models. Innovation models transform from simple, linear models, to integrated and networking models that are dynamic and interactive. Each generation of innovation models is presented in this paper with their characteristics as well as drawbacks. The main goal of this paper is to show the transformation path of innovation models and create a framework for a new innovation model on a company level, that could be used by compa...

  4. Innovation and employment


    Vivarelli, Marco


    Studies find that technological change has contributed 
to the decline in manufacturing and to persistent unemployment in many advanced economies. While 
process innovation can be job-destroying, product innovation can imply the emergence of new firms, new sectors, and thus new jobs. But even for process innovation, the final impact on labor demand is shaped by market mechanisms that can compensate for the direct job-destroying impact if market and institutional rigidities do not impede them....

  5. 75 FR 59685 - Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship; the National Advisory Council on Innovation and... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship; the National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship AGENCY: Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, U.S. Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice of an open meeting...

  6. A Study of Consumer Innovativeness and Motivations behind Adoption of Innovation


    Rashid Saeed; Hashim Zameer; Idrees Awan; Imdad Ullah


    The purpose of this article is to study consumer innovativeness and to explore various consumer motivations behind adoption of innovation. Consumers may have different motivations behind adoption of an innovation. Most of the researchers researched different categories of consumer needs which are categorized into three or four main groups: (1) functional needs, the motivations to get functional benefits from the new product and to create more utility, (2) hedonic needs, the motivations to hav...

  7. How do new innovation paradigms challenge current innovation policy perspectives

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knudsen, Mette Præst; Tanev, Stoyan; Bisgaard, Tanja


    Successful firms today are forced to deal with new competitive realities by being globally present, innovatively resourceful and internationally competitive on multiple markets across the world. The new competitive realities challenge firms to open their innovation processes by adopting new...

  8. Bureaucracy and Innovation Revisited

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartmann, Mia Koss; Koss Hartmann, Rasmus

    , but by problematizing the relationship directly. Inspired by prior ethnographic studies of coercive bureaucracies and theories of secrecy and hiding behavior, we propose that coercive bureaucracies do not necessarily impede innovation, but rather create the appearance of doing so. Coercive bureaucracies create......, supplemented by innovation histories, surveys and expert evaluations. This argument implies that future research examines more deeply the organizational processes and practices by which innovation might occur even in coercive bureaucracies. Further, it encourages innovation research methods that rely less...

  9. Entre culture générale et enjeux des métiers d'ingénieur : la diversité des enseignements en sciences humaines et sociales à l'École Centrale de Lyon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hourcade Nicolas


    Full Text Available Ce texte analyse le développement d'enseignements en sciences humaines et sociales à l'École Centrale de Lyon, établissement formant des ingénieurs généralistes. Très limités au milieu des années 1990, les cours de SHS constituent aujourd'hui un aspect significatif de la formation. La première spécificité de cette offre pédagogique est de comprendre un nombre relativement important de cours obligatoires, complétés par des activités optionnelles. Sa seconde particularité est de traiter de thématiques générales à côté de contenus classiques liés aux enjeux des métiers d'ingénieur. Sa troisième caractéristique est de s'appuyer sur une implication de l'équipe SHS dans les activités professionnalisantes, tout en les séparant des enseignements disciplinaires. Enfin, l'inscription des SHS à l'ECL s'effectue plus par l'enseignement que par la recherche, chaque membre de l'équipe étant rattaché à un laboratoire extérieur différent.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Domingos Antonio Giroletti


    Full Text Available This article attempts to discuss the Brazilian development in the second decade of the XXI century, its main challenges and bow to overcome them. It is discussed the relationship between education and innovation as well as its linkage with the development process. It departs from the analysis of the world scenario after the economist crisis of 2008 and the implications for Brazil’s economy. The relationship between education and innovation is examined and special attention is given to the role of the educational system and how it can contribute to prepare more innovative people, better adjusted to the present time and to the changes that we are living. Another focus of analysis refers to the need to increase a culture of innovation among us, adopting proper strategies to improve it and to surpass some resistances against its improvement, especially among university students and professors due to the confusion between innovation and globalization and globalization and capitalistic exploration. Finally, it will be necessary to transform globalization as an economic process into a project of civilization.

  11. Iberdrola's Innovation Network

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tejedor-Escobar, E.; Martinez-Cid, P. M.


    Iberdrola's Innovation Network was created as a place where the company shares and promotes ideas and projects with its technological partners. The network consists of multiple nodes each one with its specific scope where the company exposes its vision and strategy related to the node's thematic. It also enables a interchange of opinions, know-how and resources in order to develop R and D projects that solve Iberdrola's needs. Based on the concept of Open Innovation, the network is open for anybody that wants to join and that has interest in the diverse matters treated in the nodes. The Innovation Network is targeted to manufacturers/providers, universities, technological centers and associations. The Innovation Network offers to its member the acquisitions of relevant information and know-how, as well as the possibility of participating in the projects that are generated. Iberdrola's strong commitment with Innovation, together with its definitive internationalization process, make that the available resources provided by Iberdrola itself, as well as the interest areas and the project are very important for any stake holder in the sector. (Author) 4 refs

  12. Crowd innovation : The role of uncertainty for opening up the innovation process in the public sector


    Collm, Alexandra; Schedler, Kuno


    Innovations are complex processes that can be created internally, caused externally or generated collectively with stakeholders. Integrating crowdsourcing and open innovation and supported by Web 2.0 technologies, a new innovation practice, crowd innovation, has emerged. In this paper, we illustrate empirically the practice of crowd innovation and discuss institutional obstacles, which exist for implementing crowd innovation in the public sector. Referring to the normative mode of publicness ...

  13. Employee-Driven Innovation (EDI)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kesting, Peter; Ulhøi, John Parm

      The responsibility to be innovative and think of useful ideas and the privilege of making decisions in processes of innovation are typically restricted to specifically assigned R&D functions and/or upper echelon managers. Given the importance of innovation to most organizations, it may seem...

  14. Strategy of technology and innovation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Yeon Min


    This book introduces strategy of technology and innovation which includes design and development of strategy of technology, performance of strategy of technology and building and practice of strategy of development. The contents of this book are form of industrial innovation, act in strategy, advantage of technical innovation, new perspective of studying and innovation, alliance with competitor, cost of transmission and innovation, learning cycle of new product and power of consistency of product.

  15. 75 FR 71670 - Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship; the National Advisory Council on Innovation and... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship; the National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship AGENCY: Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, U.S. Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice of an open...

  16. 75 FR 51438 - Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship; The National Advisory Council on Innovation and... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship; The National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship AGENCY: Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, U.S. Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice of an open...

  17. Effectiveness of innovation leadership styles: a manager's influence on ecological innovation in construction projects


    Bossink, B.A.G.


    This article presents four basic innovation leadership styles: charismatic, instrumental, strategic and interactive innovation leadership. The leadership styles and their characteristics relate to process and product innovations in construction projects. A theoretical framework - which synthesizes these relations enables explorative research into the effects of leadership on organizational innovativeness. Four case studies, observing the same manager in four comparable projects, explore the e...

  18. China's indigenous innovation approach: the emergence of Chinese innovation theory?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vinig, T.; Bossink, B.A.G.


    Theory-driven and theory-based studies on innovation in China are relatively scarce. Most innovation studies about Chinese business are based on Chinese policy and government programmes and their results. This special issue of Technology Analysis and Strategic Management explores China's indigenous

  19. A Typology of Reverse Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    von Zedtwitz, Max; Corsi, Simone; Søberg, Peder Veng


    secondary market introduction, this study expands the espoused definition of reverse innovation beyond its market-introduction focus with reversals in the flow of innovation in the ideation and product development phases. Recognizing that each phase can take place in different geographical locations...... taking place in an emerging country. This analytical framework allows recasting of current research at the intersection between innovation and international business. Of the 10 reverse innovation flows, six are new and have not been covered in the literature to date. The study addresses questions......’s portfolio of global innovation competence and capability. The implications for management are concerned with internal and external resistance to reverse innovation. Most significantly, while greater recognition and power of innovation in formerly subordinate organizational units is inconvenient to some...

  20. Innovation and de facto standardization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brem, Alexander; Nylund, Petra; Schuster, Gerd


    investigate how the existence of a dominant design affects subsequent innovation in an industry. In particular, we study the influence on innovative performance, radical innovation, and process innovation. Analyzing longitudinal, cross-sectional patent data for more than 2.6 million patents filed from 1978...... to 2013, we find support for our hypotheses that an industry's innovative performance and degree of radical innovation are negatively influenced by dominant design in that industry, and that process innovation is fostered by the occurrence of a dominant design. We discuss the findings in the light...... of the increasing speed of technological development and standardization. Additionally, results from a sensitivity analysis for different threshold values of dominant design call for adjusting a binary definition of dominant design with different threshold values depending on the effects under study....

  1. Open Innovation and Stakeholder Engagement

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert Wayne Gould


    Full Text Available The paradox of open innovation lies in the conflict between the practical desire to reap the benefits of open innovation and concern over the risk that others will misappropriate those benefits. Stakeholder theory and recent developments in value creation through stakeholder engagement can assist with reconciliation of this inherent structural risk. The limitations of existing open innovation typologies are identified, and a process-based model of open innovation is proposed. The model is then expanded to include stakeholder engagement. When integrated with stakeholder engagement, open innovation processes can be understood to generate benefits beyond the acquisition of specific information sought from external experts. The addition of stakeholder engagement to the open innovation model allows for greater understanding and easier acceptance of the risks inherent in the open innovation process.

  2. Leveraging External Sources of Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    West, Joel; Bogers, Marcel


    , it suggests a four-phase model in which a linear process—(1) obtaining, (2) integrating, and (3) commercializing external innovations—is combined with (4) interaction between the firm and its collaborators. This model is used to classify papers taken from the top 25 innovation journals, complemented by highly...... cited work beyond those journals. A review of 291 open innovation-related publications from these sources shows that the majority of these articles indeed address elements of this inbound open innovation process model. Specifically, it finds that researchers have front-loaded their examination...... external innovations create value rather than how firms capture value from those innovations. Finally, the interaction phase considers both feedback for the linear process and reciprocal innovation processes such as cocreation, network collaboration, and community innovation. This review and synthesis...

  3. Essence: Facilitating Software Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aaen, Ivan


      This paper suggests ways to facilitate creativity and innovation in software development. The paper applies four perspectives – Product, Project, Process, and People –to identify an outlook for software innovation. The paper then describes a new facility–Software Innovation Research Lab (SIRL......) – and a new method concept for software innovation – Essence – based on views, modes, and team roles. Finally, the paper reports from an early experiment using SIRL and Essence and identifies further research....

  4. Neighbourhood System of Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Muchie, Mammo; Kraemer-Mbula, Erika


    The innovation systems literature has provided a useful framework to analyse the linkages of firms and other organisations with both domestic and foreign actors. Although the concept of innovation systems was originally developed at the national level (Freeman, 1982; Nelson & Winter, 1982; Lundvall......, 1985; Nelson, 1988, etc), the literature has expanded rapidly over the years. Since its origins innovation systems have been defined at different levels. National, regional, local, sectoral and technological systems of innovation now constituted alternative units of analysis to better understand...

  5. Public Procurement and Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rolfstam, Max

    be understood as a special case of innovation, where social processes – and consequently the institutions governing these social processes – need to be considered. This book contributes to our understanding with a detailed institutional analysis of the public procurement of innovation.......Max Rolfstam examines the increasing emphasis on public procurement as a means to stimulate innovation and the theoretical implications of this policy development. While ‘regular’ public procurement may be regarded as the outcome of anonymous market processes, public procurement of innovation must...

  6. The differentiated impacts of organizational innovation practices on technological innovation persistence


    Le Bas , Christian; Mothe , Caroline; Nguyen-Thi , Thuc Uyen


    International audience; Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to test the major determinants of technological (product and process) innovation persistence and provides evidence of the significant role of organizational innovation. Design/methodology/approach – Data came from two waves of the Luxembourg Community Innovation Survey (CIS): CIS2006 for 2004-2006 and CIS2008 for 2006-2008. The longitudinal data set resulted in a final sample of 287 firms. A multinomial probit model estimates the ...

  7. Strategic aspects of innovation management

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Baruk Jerzy


    Full Text Available Innovations are regarded as the main factor for the development of organizations, regions and whole economies. In practice the innovativeness of economic entities is limited by many factors of internal and external origin. Among the internal factors there are factors associated with management itself focusing the attention of managers on the current problems, limited utilization of modern methods of management, especially strategic management and innovation management. In this publication the emphasis was put on the discussion of the essence of strategic approach to innovation management; the essence of strategic innovations and their role in the development of organizations; three model solutions were proposed, they facilitate: rationalization of decision-making processes for the selection of the strategy of innovative activity; making rational decisions with regard to the moments for the implementation of strategic and facilitating innovations; making rational decisions based on the cycle of strategic innovation in the horizontal and vertical system. Thus, the goal of this publication is to propose a strategic approach to innovation management based not on an intuitive approach, but on a rational approach using chosen model solutions.

  8. Distinctive Innovation Capabilities of Argentine Software Companies with High Innovation Results and Impacts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Isabel Camio


    Full Text Available The software sector is of growing importance and, due to its degree of dynamism, the identification of capabilities for innovation is vital. This study identifies capabilities variables that distinguish Argentine software companies with high innovation results and high innovation impacts from those with lesser results and impacts. It is applied to a sample of 103 companies, a measurement model and the component variables of an innovation degree index for software companies (INIs formulated in previous studies. A Principal Component Analysis and a biplot are conducted. In the analysis of results and impacts, 100% of the variability within the first two components is explained, which shows the high correlation between variables. From the biplots, it appears that companies with high results have higher degrees in the variables of motivation, strategy, leadership and internal determinants; and those with high impacts present higher degrees of structure, strategy, leadership, free software and innovation activities. The findings add elements to the theory of capabilities for innovation in the software sector and allow us to consider the relative importance of different capabilities variables in the generation of innovation results and impacts.

  9. New ways of organizing innovation work

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grex, Sara; Møller, Niels


    There is an intensified focus in innovation and companies ability to create innovation. In many companies these activities are organized by projects, but studies show this innovation is stifled in this structure. In this paper we argue that there is a need for developing alternative ways of organ......There is an intensified focus in innovation and companies ability to create innovation. In many companies these activities are organized by projects, but studies show this innovation is stifled in this structure. In this paper we argue that there is a need for developing alternative ways...... of organizing innovative activities in project-based settings. We propose the Contextual Design method as a way of both studying innovation work processes and an approach to redesign the innovation work organization. We find that the method can contribute to a better understanding of the innovation work...

  10. Collaborative Policy Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørensen, Eva; Boch Waldorff, Susanne


    Governments all over the Western world currently face wicked problems that call for policy innovation. A new strand of research in public innovation points to collaboration between public authorities and relevant and affected stakeholders as an important driver of public innovation. A case study...... of collaborative policy innovation in the area of mental health care in Denmark indicates that collaboration can contribute to qualify the politicians’ understanding of wicked policy problems, and to fostering new creative policy solutions. The study also shows, however, that the new problem understandings...... and policy ideas produced in collaborative governance arenas are not diffused to the formal political institutions of representative democracy because the participating politicians only to a limited extent function as boundary spanners between the collaborative governance arena and the decision making arenas...

  11. Socio-Ecological Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Edgeman, Rick; Eskildsen, Jacob Kjær

    Socio‐Ecological Innovation or SEI is innovation resulting from strategic integration of sustainable innovation and innovation for sustainability. In particular SEI is regarded as critical to organizations intent on progressing toward Sustainable Enterprise Excellence (SEE) and, indeed, progressing......, how developed or mature it is, and how future SEI strategy and results can be improved. As an aid to these efforts, non‐prescriptive approaches to SEI are discussed, maturity scale assessment for SEI is developed and discussed, and a simple assessment report that combines graphic and narrative...... feedback is presented. The assessment report is referred to as a SEI News Report and is intended not only to provide feedback to the organization concerning its present SEI performance, but also to deliver significant foresight that will inform future SEI efforts, strengthening the likelihood...

  12. Bridging regional innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Teis


    to assess the progress of integration in the regions, as well as the effect of cross-border innovation policies. Consequently, important questions are left unanswered, including the central research question of this paper: does the sudden removal of significant physical barriers directly impacts......The topics of regional innovation systems (RIS) and cross-border regions attract increasing attention, but few studies combine the themes. Further, the existing empirical studies of cross-border innovation and knowledge creation analyse one case at one point in time, thus, making it difficult...... collaboration activity in cross-border innovation systems? This paper examines regional integration in the Oresund Region over time. It deals with a specific part of the RIS, as it analyses research collaboration between actors from the Danish and Swedish sides, with a specific emphasis on the biotech industry...

  13. Adult Learning in Innovative Organisations (United States)

    Sutherland Olsen, Dorothy


    The relationship between learning and innovation has been a central theme in studies of innovation (Fagerberg et al., 2005, Borras & Edquist, 2014, Lundvall & Johnsen, 1994). Studies of the workplace have also claimed a relationship between skills or training and a firm's ability to innovate (Toner, 2011). Recent studies of innovation in…

  14. Work(er)-Driven Innovation (United States)

    Smith, Raymond


    Purpose: The focus on innovation as a foundational element of enhanced organisational performance has led to the promoting and valuing of greater levels of employee participation in innovation processes. An emergent concept of employee-driven innovation could be argued to have hindered understandings of the creative and transformative nature of…

  15. Everyday Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lippke, Lena; Wegener, Charlotte


    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore how vocational teachers’ everyday practices can constitute innovative learning spaces that help students to experience engagement and commitment towards education and thus increase their possibilities for completing their studies despite notable...... difficulties. Design/methodology/approach – Based on two ethnographic field studies, we analyse vocational teaching situations in which teachers and students engage in daily remaking of the vocational educational training practice. It is argued that these everyday situations can be understood as innovative....... Practical implications – Based on the analysis, we argue that students’ engagement in education can be enhanced by transforming the educational settings on various parameters such as buildings, artefacts, emotions and experiences. Thus, innovation should be recognised as emerging everyday activities...

  16. Main Directions of Assessment of Innovation Development and Management of Innovations at Enterprises

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Harafonova Olha I.


    Full Text Available The priority activity at an enterprise always is introduction of innovations, but organisation of introduction of innovations is not identified specifically. Under these conditions one of the main components of survival and development of domestic subjects of entrepreneurial activity is the capability to propose, develop, produce, market and promote goods with new consumer properties, which are oriented at satisfaction of existing consumer needs. Many factors influence successful realisation of innovations at an enterprise, including scientific and technical potential, production and technical base, main types of resources, large investments and the relevant management system. That is why there is a problem of correct correlation and use of these factors and also close interrelation through the system of management between innovation, production and marketing activity of the firm, which lead to a positive result of realisation of the innovation strategy. The article offers main directions of innovation development of enterprise organisation under modern conditions.

  17. Pathfinder Innovation Projects (United States)

    The Pathfinder program supports high-risk, high-reward research ideas with funding and staff time. The goal is to feed a culture of innovation in the Agency and integrate innovative ideas in EPA research programs.

  18. Diversity and Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østergaard, Christian Richter; Timmermans, Bram; Kristinsson, Kári


    Denne metoderapport udgør og beskriver den kvantitative analyse, som er grundlaget for kapitel 6 og appendiks 2 i Forsknings- og Innovationsstyrelsens rapport om Innovation og mangfoldighed - Ny viden og erfaringer med medarbejderdreven innovation...

  19. How Can Innovative Learning Environments Promote the Diffusion of Innovation? (United States)

    Osborne, Mark


    Schools implementing innovative learning environments (ILEs) face many challenges, including the need to discard previously cherished practices and behaviours, adjust mindsets, and invent successful new ways of operating. Leaders can support these processes by implementing structures that: i) support ongoing, distributed, participatory innovation;…

  20. Classification of innovations: approaches and consequences

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jakub Tabas


    Full Text Available Currently, innovations are perceived as a life blood of businesses. The inevitable fact is that even if the innovations have a potential to transform the companies or all the industries, the innovations are high risky. Even though, the second fact is that in order to companies’ development and their survival on the markets, the innovations have become the necessity. In the theory, it is rather difficult to find a comprehensive definition of innovation, and to settle down a general definition of innovation becomes more and more difficult with the growing number of domains where the innovations, or possible innovations start to appear in a form of added value to something that already exist. Definition of innovation has come through a long process of development; from early definition of Schumpeter who has connected innovation especially with changes in products or production processes, to recent definitions based on the added value for a society. One of possible approaches to define the content of innovation is to base the definition on classification of innovation. In the article, the authors provide the analysis of existing classifications of innovations in order to find, respectively in order to define the general content of innovation that would confirm (or reject their definition of innovation derived in the frame of their previous work where they state that innovation is a change that leads to gaining profit for an individual, for business entity, or for society, while the profit is not only the accounting one, but it is the economic profit.The article is based especially on the secondary research while the authors employ the method of analysis with the aim to confront various classification-based definitions of innovation. Then the methods used are especially comparison, analysis and synthesis.

  1. Korrosion-mekanismer, havarier, beskyttelse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    . In den forbindelse har vi indgået et samarbejde med Dansk Elektrokemisk Forening for at sammensætte et program, som belyser forskningsaspekter, teknologiaspekter og den industrielle anvendelse af korrosions mekanismer, havarier og beskyttelse. Traditionen tro viser bidragene i denne årbog en symbiose af...... grundlæggende forskning, anvendt forskning og industriel udvikling. Det er denne symbiose der gør materialevidenskab og –teknologi til en enestående tværfaglig disciplin og DMS vintermødene til en unik årlig begivenhed. Bidragyderne takkes for deres anstrengelser, som jeg forventer vil bidrage til vores...... forståelse af metalliske materialer og vil give os inspiration til fremtidig forskning, udvikling og innovation. Marcel A.J. Somers...

  2. Drivers for Welfare Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wegener, Charlotte


    Innovation has become a key goal towards which teaching and workplace learning needs to be directed. Now perceived as germane and even necessary in almost all kinds of welfare work, the innovation potential in everyday practices and ways of allowing for employer creativity have become a highly...... on the empirical material, the paper proposes a ‘driver’ model for context sensitive research of innovation in welfare workplaces. The model involves three elements which can be regarded as drivers for innovation: i) craft (i.e. professional skills and knowledge), ii) levers (i.e. experiments and adjustment...

  3. Organisations in Innovation Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Borrás, Susana

    Organisations are crucial elements in an innovation system. Yet, their role is so ubiquitous that it is difficult to grasp and to examine from the perspective of public policy. Besides, links between the literature at firm and system levels on the one hand, and public policy and governance studies......, it distinguishes between different types of organisations in the innovation system, a crucial topic in understanding innovation dynamics and blurring borders. Secondly, it identifies the organisation-related bottlenecks in the innovation system, and examines the policy instruments to solve them. Thirdly...

  4. The Dynamics of Innovation Influents

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reijonen, Satu; Pinheiro-Croisel, Rebecca

    Despite a growing interest, sustainable energy innovations encounter difficulties in attaining market success. This paper investigates the role of contracts, a hitherto understudied innovation influent, in generating more conducive conditions for sustainable energy innovations in building projects...... of the project and the ways in which the benefits and costs are calculated and thereby create a strong entanglement of the sustainable energy innovation and the design project. Furthermore, the dynamics lead to favouring of uptake of existing innovations rather than generating completely novel solutions...

  5. Social innovation and deliberative democracy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hulgård, Lars; Eschweiler, Jennifer

    In much current literature on social entrepreneurship the entire focus is on the innovation and on the social value (the outcome) generated by the innovation. Social innovation is defined as “new and better ways to create social value” (Dees, 1998; 2002), or “social entrepreneurship seeks tipping...... points for innovation and change” (Light, 2008). In contrast to definitions that tentatively put the entire focus on the social value or end result without observing the process, Mair argues that the nature of social entrepreneurship “cannot be discussed without taking into consideration the complex set...... of institutional, social, economic and political factors” that make up the context of the social innovation (Mair, 2010: 26). Social innovation in its essence is a multidisciplinary phenomenon. Processes, practices and perceptions of social innovation tend to challenge not only the perception of state, market...

  6. [Review on enterprises'eco-innovation]. (United States)

    Liao, Zhong Ju; Huang, Chao


    Eco-innovation is an important way to realize sustainable development. It has the dual positive externality of "knowledge spillover" and "environmental spillover", which has attracted much attention from theory and practice. In order to systematically grasp the current situation of eco-innovation, this study collected the relevant foreign literatures on eco-innovation in the past ten years, and made a systematic review of the definition, characteristics and dimensions of eco-innovation. Focusing on the theory of institutional theory, stakeholder theory and resource-based view, this paper explored the antecedents of eco-innovation. Then, this paper also demonstrated the positive and negative effects of eco-innovation on corporate financial performance, and the meditating and moderating mechanisms between eco-innovation and financial performance. Finally, based on the limitations of existing research, the future research direction was put forward.

  7. International trade, market risk, and multinational corporations


    Su, Qi


    In dieser Arbeit werden in vier Kapiteln vier Themen der Weltwirtschaft behandelt: (1) Weshalb konzentrieren sich intra-industrieller Handel und intra-industrielle Investitionen auf Industrieländer? (2) Wieso ist es für ein multinationales Unternehmen wichtig, dauerhaft Technologieführer zu sein? (3) Weshalb sind multinationale Unternehmen in Bezug auf risikoaverses Verhalten erfolgreicher? (4) Weshalb ist freie Faktormobilität nicht ausreichend, um eine Produktionskonvergenz zwischen Industr...

  8. Enabling Open Innovation: Lessons from Haier

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Arie Y.Lewin; Liisa V(a)likangas; Jin Chen


    Open innovation has become a dominant innovation paradigm.However,the actual adoption of open innovation organizational designs and practices remains elusive,and ongoing examples of large companies practicing open innovation in mature industries or beyond R&D activities are rare.Despite the continuing interest in open innovation and the surging research on the topic,not much is documented about how,in particular,large companies interpret and implement open innovation or develop and sustain an innovation-enabling culture.This paper reports on a study of Haier's adoption of six radical innovations as it implements an open innovation organization over a period of seven years.The study is unique in that the cases reveal how open innovation is enabled by the socially enabling mechanisms developed under Chairman Ruimin Zhang's leadership.These varied enabling mechanisms open the organization to serendipity at every level,from the bottom up to suppliers.Most importantly,the mechanisms imprint and sustain an open innovation culture recognized as important-yet often left unarticulated in terms of how it is practiced-in the prior literature.The paper contributes to and highlights the centrality of socially enabling mechanisms underlying an organization's innovation absorptive capacity.

  9. Innovative work behaviour: Investigating the nature and facilitation of vocational teachers‘ contributions to innovation development


    Messmann, Gerhard


    The goal of this thesis was to contribute to an understanding of the nature and facilitation of vocational teachers’ innovative work behaviour as a key element for the development of innovations in vocational colleges. Innovative work behaviour encompasses all physical and cognitive work activities employees carry out in their work context, either solitarily or in a social setting, to accomplish a set of tasks required for the development of an innovation. Innovations are new and potentially ...

  10. The Influence of Relational Capital on Product Innovation Performance at Innovative SMEs


    Dorrego, Pedro Figueroa; Costa, Ricardo; Fernández, Carlos Fernández-Jardon


    The authors build on the intellectual capital and new product development perspectives to study the influence of relational capital on product innovation performance. An empirical research was conducted, using a questionnaire administered to Portuguese innovative SMEs. The results suggest that relational capital does have a positive effect on product innovation performance. In particular, ”Vertical relationships” stands out as the main relational capital element significantly affecting produ...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. D. Yurasov


    Full Text Available The article is written by postgraduate students of the Sociological Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University on the results of a general discussion of the possibilities of innovative development through the prism of related fields of knowledge. It reflects the urgency of studying the processes taking place in various institutions of society and causing innovative development. The publication discusses the features of the functioning and interaction between the social institutions of business and education in the context of innovative processes occurring in Russia (low conversion fundamental knowledge in innovation, the inability of young people to engage in science, the specialists outflow from the country, maintaining a balance between traditions and innovations in education, closure of complex industries, and others. The analysis of existing theories and examples of successful interaction between education and business organized to obtain innovative developments are presented (MSU Science Park and others.The data on innovative business models implemented in the countries of the world (Russia, China, Singapore, the United States and the features of their implementation (the possibility of start-up visas, the problems of protecting the rights of entrepreneurs and investors, the time of launching the project and the idea before production, empirical data on the outflow of specialists From Russia, which is considered as one of the consequences of the lack of innovative production in Russia. The authors proposed the possible directions of the organization of education and innovative business, based on the successful experience of foreign countries. The article considers marketing mechanisms as a way of communication between education, business and government institutions in the creation and implementation of innovative developments in Russia, the peculiarities of marketing in the innovative context, in particular, the key role of

  12. Managing collaborative innovation networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stevens, Vidar; Agger, Annika


    Collaborative innovation networks are increasingly used as vehicles for fostering innovative policy solutions. However, scholars have noted that the extent to which collaborative networks can actually contribute to the development of innovative policy solutions depends on how they are managed...... a Flemish administrative network to develop a radical new Spatial Planning Policy Plan. This study shows that the best way to manage collaborative innovation networks is not to press directly for results, but take the time to invest in relationship-building and together agree on a planning and clear process...... steps. Such a management approach allows actors to get to know each other and from thereon expand, with more background and appreciation for the others’ goals, behaviors, and intentions, their group activities concerning the formulation of a radical and innovative policy plan....

  13. Strategizing on innovation systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jofre, Sergio

    developments enabling proper policy actions. The concept of innovation systems assumes that flows of technology and information among people, companies and institutions are crucial to the innovative process. At national level, innovation and technical development are the result of a complex set of interactions......This paper explores the strategic context of the implementation of the European Institute of Technology (EIT) from the perspective of National Innovation Systems (NIS) and the Triple Helix of University-Government-Industry relationship. The analytical framework is given by a comparative study...... implemented several action plans and programmes aiming at improving its technological and non-technological innovation capability, its performance in the global context is yet week, particularly if compared to rival economies such as Japan and the US (EC, 2008a). A recent initiative to foster Europe...

  14. Innovation in City Governments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lewis, Jenny M; Ricard, Lykke Margot; Klijn, Erik Hans

    Innovation has become an important focus for governments around the world over the last decade, with greater pressure on governments to do more with less, and expanding community expectations. Some are now calling this ‘social innovation’ – innovation that is related to creating new services...... that have value for stakeholders (such as citizens) in terms of the social and political outcomes they produce. Innovation in City Governments: Structures, Networks, and Leadership establishes an analytical framework of innovation capacity based on three dimensions: Structure - national governance...... project in Copenhagen, Barcelona and Rotterdam. The book provides major new insights on how structures, networks and leadership in city governments shape the social innovation capacity of cities. It provides ground-breaking analyses of how governance structures and local socio-economic challenges...

  15. In search of Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lex, Simon Westergaard


    This essay explores innovation as a socially and culturally embedded practice, coming to life in correlation between structural organizational conventions and entrepreneurial performances. With an empirical departure, it describes a rational understanding of creation, and it identifies innovation...... as a retrospective concept that entails a “re-development” process from the final product to the initial idea. Furthermore, it (re)locates innovation “in the (organizational) box”, and discusses the prototype as an enchanting artifact that entraps and transmits an innovative sensation. The essay concludes...... that innovation, although put forward as a strategic vision of a prosperous future, rather seems to serve as an inducted fundamental, a working imperative, from which employees are to manage and negotiate their everyday work. The essay emerges from ethnographic fieldwork that is consciously organized...

  16. How Chinese firms employ open innovation to strengthen their innovative performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wang, Yuandi; Roijakkers, Nadine; Vanhaverbeke, Wim


    China became the second-largest economy behind the USA in 2010. While there is quite some macroeconomic research documenting the technological catching-up of China as a nation, there is only little research studying how individual Chinese firms are catching up. This paper draws on the open...... innovation perspective to explore how Chinese firms improve their innovative performance. Our empirical analysis is based on a sample of 91 native Chinese firms in high-tech industries. The results indicate that Chinese firms widely implement an open innovation approach to strengthen their innovative...... performance. These firms use: 1 technology in-licensing agreements to obtain access to technologies 2 long-term alliances with foreign partners to access state-of-the-art technologies 3 collaboration with local universities and R&D institutes to broaden their technological strengths 4 collaboration...

  17. Innovating Education and Educating for Innovation: The Power of Digital Technologies and Skills (United States)

    OECD Publishing, 2016


    OECD's Innovation Strategy calls upon all sectors in the economy and society to innovate in order to foster productivity, growth and well-being. Education systems are critically important for innovation through the development of skills that nurture new ideas and technologies. However, whereas digital technologies are profoundly changing the way…

  18. Transformative social innovation and (dis)empowerment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Avelino, Flor; Wittmayer, Julia; Pel, Bonno


    This article responds to increasing public and academic discourses on social innovation, which often rest on the assumption that social innovation can drive societal change and empower actors to deal with societal challenges and a retreating welfare state. In order to scrutinise this assumption......, this article proposes a set of concepts to study the dynamics of transformative social innovation and underlying processes of multi-actor (dis)empowerment. First, the concept of transformative social innovation is unpacked by proposing four foundational concepts to help distinguish between different pertinent...... ‘shades’ of change and innovation: 1) social innovation, (2) system innovation, (3) game-changers, and (4) narratives of change. These concepts, invoking insights from transitions studies and social innovations literature, are used to construct a conceptual account of how transformative social innovation...

  19. Problems of regional innovation strategy forming

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. M. Golova


    Full Text Available The author considered problems and contradictions of modern innovation policy in Russia. It is shown, that at present time regions are removed from management of science-technical complex and spatial priorities are not produced. It is a serious factor of risk for conservation perspectives of innovation development for Russia. With taking into account of world experience main districts of rise effects regional police were formulated. It is underlined, that creation conditions for transformation of regional authorities in active subjects of innovation policy is necessary condition for building vital innovation system. It is shown, that state innovation policy must be constructed at combination of next principles: a support science-technical potential of regions — generators of innovation and creation conditions for its realization; b using of innovations for evening-out disproportions of social-economic development between regions; c widening powers and financial possibilities of regions at management of innovation climate. Methodical approaches for making effective mechanisms of management of innovation processes of territory are opened. Typology of Russian regions with high and middle degree of innovation climate is proposed, which takes level of science and innovation potential of territory and also degree of comfort of social-economic conditions for development of innovation activity are offered. Peculiarities of innovation strategy for different types of regions are defined. This typology may be used for substantiation spatial priorities of innovation strategy of Russia.

  20. Innovation: the classic traps. (United States)

    Kanter, Rosabeth Moss


    Never a fad, but always in or out of fashion, innovation gets rediscovered as a growth enabler every half dozen years. Too often, though, grand declarations about innovation are followed by mediocre execution that produces anemic results, and innovation groups are quietly disbanded in cost-cutting drives. Each managerial generation embarks on the same enthusiastic quest for the next new thing. And each generation faces the same vexing challenges- most of which stem from the tensions between protecting existing revenue streams critical to current success and supporting new concepts that may be crucial to future success. In this article, Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter reflects on the four major waves of innovation enthusiasm she's observed over the past 25 years. She describes the classic mistakes companies make in innovation strategy, process, structure, and skills assessment, illustrating her points with a plethora of real-world examples--including AT&T Worldnet, Timberland, and Ocean Spray. A typical strategic blunder is when managers set their hurdles too high or limit the scope of their innovation efforts. Quaker Oats, for instance, was so busy in the 1990s making minor tweaks to its product formulas that it missed larger opportunities in distribution. A common process mistake is when managers strangle innovation efforts with the same rigid planning, budgeting, and reviewing approaches they use in their existing businesses--thereby discouraging people from adapting as circumstances warrant. Companies must be careful how they structure fledgling entities alongside existing ones, Kanter says, to avoid a clash of cultures and agendas--which Arrow Electronics experienced in its attempts to create an online venture. Finally, companies commonly undervalue and underinvest in the human side of innovation--for instance, promoting individuals out of innovation teams long before their efforts can pay off. Kanter offers practical advice for avoiding

  1. Innovation and Outdoor Education (United States)

    Beames, Simon


    Within our fast-paced, fluid society, it is arguable that outdoor education needs to be innovative to play a useful role in young people's overall educational enterprise. A critical view, however, would suggest that we must beware of accepting technological innovation for its own sake. Innovations (or improvements) in education can take the form…

  2. OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maguire, Karen; Marsan, Giulia Ajmone; Nauwelaers, Claire

    This book examines regional innovation in central and southern Denmark, looking at its role in the economy, its governance and policy context and regional strategies for innovation driven growth.......This book examines regional innovation in central and southern Denmark, looking at its role in the economy, its governance and policy context and regional strategies for innovation driven growth....

  3. The World of the [open] innovator

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maaike Kleinsmann; Janneke Sluijs; Rianne Valkenburg


    "The World of the [open] innovator" described the background of the revolution we are in in innovation and what the consequences are for innovation, changing towards design driven open innovation. We reframed innovation to meet new needs and values of companies and organizations in our work field.

  4. Leadership Innovations (United States)


    leadership " and " leadership in innovation." 3 THEORY , AS AN INSTRUMENT OF ANALYSIS FOR INNOVATION IN LEADERSHIP There are many...attributes of a leader.𔃺 Attempts to define leadership usually contrast it with "followship", management ," or sometimes - with ’beadship."’" These...plausible theory . - . . . -. - -- Nevertheless, some authors consider, and I agree, that there is no true leadership theory because existing

  5. Subsidizing Media Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kammer, Aske; Hobel, Emil

    When the Danish Parliament revised the media-subsidy framework in 2013/2014, one of the new initiatives was the introduction of a pool of funding earmarked to establishing and developing new news media – the so-called “innovation fund”. So, as the news industry struggles to keep journalism a viable...... and economically sustainable activity, the institutionalization of financial support for media innovation constitute one way for policy makers to bring (parts of) the journalistic environment up-to-date with the digital age, thereby improving the conditions for an informed citizenry in the future (Kammer...... scrutinizes the practical administration of the innovation fund in the first two years of its existence, analyzing all applications for innovation subsidies in 2014 and 2015 as well as all acceptance and rejection letters. With this empirical material and a combination of quantitative and qualitative...

  6. Play. Learn. Innovate

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sproedt, Henrik

    study were to better understand the theoretical foundations and practical implications of complex social interaction in organizational innovation settings. As I did not find any existing models or hypotheses that I was interested in testing I set out to discover how I could grasp complex social...... evidence that play and games could be interesting perspectives to take in order to understand complex social interaction. I come to the conclusion that – in innovation settings – the social dynamics that affect the process are essentially about transformation of knowledge across boundaries. I propose......„Play. Learn. Innovate. – Grasping the Social Dynamics of Participatory Innovation“ the title of this thesis describes how the complex interplay of unexpected events led to some burning questions and eventually to this thesis, which one could call an innovation*1*. During several years...

  7. Patterns of Frugal Innovation in Healthcare

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hareem Arshad


    Full Text Available Frugal innovations have the potential to offer simple and cost-effective solutions to the healthcare challenges of the world. However, despite the potential for frugal innovations in healthcare, this context has been rarely studied. The objective of this article is to shed some light on patterns of frugal innovations in healthcare and thereby contribute to the literature. With this aim, we conducted a comprehensive literature review and searched for innovations that were labelled as frugal and were related to healthcare. This led us to a sample of 50 frugal innovations in the healthcare sector. For each of the 50 selected examples, we examined various characteristics of the innovation, such as the country of origin, first launch market, type of innovator, type of innovation, type of care, and geographic diffusion. Our findings show that most of the frugal innovations originated in the United States, followed by India. The most frequent first launch market was India. In terms of types of innovators, academia seemed to be the strongest driver. Most frugal innovations are product innovations in the fields of neonatology and general practice. In this article, we expand on these findings and examine the relationships between individual variables to reveal further insights. Finally, we offer conclusions, an outlook for frugal innovation in the healthcare sector, and future research questions.

  8. An investigation of innovation processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kavin, Lone; Narasimhan, Ram


    This paper focuses on how the innovation-fostering practices of firms are influenced by industry clock-speed. Industry clock-speed influences investments in product and technology development, strategic priorities and innovation processes, and how a firm engages with its supply network to leverag...... integration and absorptive capacity. Our study informs both theory and practice of innovation-fostering practices in industries that differ in clock-speeds.......This paper focuses on how the innovation-fostering practices of firms are influenced by industry clock-speed. Industry clock-speed influences investments in product and technology development, strategic priorities and innovation processes, and how a firm engages with its supply network to leverage...... supplier knowledge and unique competencies. However, the literature suffers from insufficient discussion concerning how differences in industry clock-speed affect innovation-fostering practices and innovation performance of firms. We address this unexplored issue in this paper by means of a comparative...

  9. Service co-innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Henten, Anders; Sundbo, Jon; Sundbo, Donna

    of studies of the degree of satisfaction of the users with the services in the service encounters and studies that examine service innovation processes. The paper is based on research conducted in 21 service delivery situations in as many service companies. Drivers of and barriers to encounterbased service......This paper examines the factors affecting the innovativeness of service encounters. The assumption is that a considerable share of innovations in service industries is initiated in the service encounters. The theoretical foundation of this paper builds on a combination of research tradition...

  10. Projekt i innovation


    Rasmussen, Dorte Sams Marstrand


    AbstraktProjektet ”Projekt i innovation”, tager afsæt i et HR-ledelsesperspektiv i organisationen Google, hvor det undersøges, hvordan innovation udspiller sig i praksis, hvilket sker gennem i en komparativ analyse, med en ansat medarbejder i organisationen. Projektet har til formål at undersøge, om der i organisationen eksisterer særlig tilgange til arbejdet, når det handler om at skabe innovation, og hvad der kræves af individet i ansættelsen. Da innovation kan opleves som et abstrakt begre...

  11. National Strategies for Technological Innovation (United States)

    Rossini, Frederick; Bozeman, Barry


    Considers the implications of the technological innovation literature for possible national strategies for innovation. Sketches highly generalized innovation strategies for nations at various levels of technological development. (Author/IRT)

  12. Towards a synergic innovation management model: the interplay of market, technology, and management innovations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonard Tchuta


    Full Text Available This paper outlines a model of firm innovation management known as the synergic innovation management model. Building on the theory of dynamic capabilities and core competence, the paper suggest three capabilities of firms namely market, technology, management capabilities that drive firms’ innovations. The combination of these three capabilities creates a unique configuration for a firm known as the firm’s core competence that informs the firm's strategic decisions. The synergic innovation management model guides firm in the simultaneous exploration of market, technology, and management innovations required for sustainable business. The paper concludes with limitations of the model and suggestions for further research.

  13. The Ethical Dimension of Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nogueira, Leticia Antunes; Nogueira, Tadeu Fernando


    The view of innovation as a positive concept has been deeply rooted in business and academic cultures ever since Schumpeter coined the concept of creative destruction. Even though there is a large body of literature on innovation studies, limited attention has been given to its ethical dimension....... In this chapter, the ethical implications of innovations are illustrated with a case study of “destructive creation” in the food industry, and upon which an argumentative analysis is conducted. The main message of this chapter is that innovations have inherent ethical dimensions and that quality innovations...

  14. Innovation in Health Care Delivery. (United States)

    Sharan, Alok D; Schroeder, Gregory D; West, Michael E; Vaccaro, Alexander R


    As reimbursement transitions from a volume-based to a value-based system, innovation in health care delivery will be needed. The process of innovation begins with framing the problem that needs to be solved along with the strategic vision that has to be achieved. Similar to scientific testing, a hypothesis is generated for a new solution to a problem. Innovation requires conducting a disciplined form of experimentation and then learning from the process. This manuscript will discuss the different types of innovation, and the key steps necessary for successful innovation in the health care field.

  15. Product Innovations in Emerging Economies

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Xiao, Xiao; Sarker, Saonee; Rai, Sudhanshu


    , such as countries that are not considered “developed.” This study aims at examining how firms innovate in emerging economies. Specifically, we focus on the role of collaborative capacity in product innovations. Primary data collected from an ICT project in India has been used to test the relevant hypotheses......Studies on enterprise innovations have established the relationships between a number of determinants and enterprise innovativeness. However, such studies in general have been conducted in developed economies. Recent literature has called for broadening innovation-related research to other contexts...

  16. The myths of innovation

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Berkun, Scott


    ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapter 2 We understand the history of innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Chapter 3 There is a method for innovation...

  17. Addressing barriers to eco-innovation: Exploring the finance mobilisation functions of institutional innovation intermediaries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Polzin, Friedemann; Flotow, von Paschen; Klerkx, L.W.A.


    This research article explores the role of institutional innovation intermediaries in accelerating the commercialisation of (clean) technologies. Drawing on the finance and innovation intermediaries literatures, we show that financial barriers to eco-innovation can be partly overcome by particular

  18. Business models for open innovation: Matching heterogeneous open innovation strategies with business model dimensions


    Saebi, Tina; Foss, Nicolai Juul


    -This is the author's version of the article:"Business models for open innovation: Matching heterogeneous open innovation strategies with business model dimensions", European Management Journal, Volume 33, Issue 3, June 2015, Pages 201–213 Research on open innovation suggests that companies benefit differentially from adopting open innovation strategies; however, it is unclear why this is so. One possible explanation is that companies' business models are not attuned to open strategies. Ac...





    This studypresents a review of innovation models and by taking consideration andexamining these models it is aimed to understand whether the model based onopen innovation is a better choice among all the other models. Fororganizations, innovation models generally demonstrate how to work in aninnovative point of view. Companies of today’s business life are striving todevelop their capabilities and their activities to become innovative companies.Many of the organizations try to find the most su...

  20. Management Innovation Capabilities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harder, Mie

    Management innovation is the implementation of a new management practice, process, technique or structure that significantly alters the way the work of management is performed. This paper presents a typology categorizing management innovation along two dimensions; radicalness and complexity. Then...

  1. Ports and innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Taneja, P.; Vellinga, T.; Van Schuylenburg, M.


    A volatile environment, dynamic markets, and challenges created by new environmental and social consideration demand innovative solutions. Innovation is the implementation of ideas to create value. It promises ports resilience into the future. In this paper we trace some recent successful

  2. Social Shaping of Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buur, Jacob; Mack, Alexandra

    - in particular in a large corporation? This workshop explores how innovation is socially shaped in organizations. Based on our experiences with practices around innovation and collaboration, we start from three proposition about the social shaping of innovation: • Ideas don't thrive as text (i.e. we need...... to consider other media) • Ideas need socialization (ideas are linked to people, we need to be careful about how we support the social innovation context) • Ideas are local (ideas spring out of a local contingency, we need to take care in how we like them to travel)....

  3. Innovation in practice, dialogue

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Reinhard, CarrieLynn D.

    Presentation at the March 19, 2010 project meeting for the Virtual Worlds Research Group.  This presentation is the first report of research conducted in June, 2009, in how the Danish firm Innovation Lab makes sense of innovation as it relates to virtual world technologies.  The method used in th...... in this study was the focus group, modified using Dervin's Sense-Making Methodology.  This presentation focuses on how the members of Innovation Lab defined what is innovation, with discussion on whether or not having a unified definition within the organization makes the most sense....

  4. Successful innovation by motivation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petra Koudelková


    Full Text Available Innovation is one of the most important factors for business growth. Human capital plays a significant role in the successful process of innovation. This article deals with employee motivation in the innovation process and the main scientific aim of this study is to present results of research that was undertaken in the Czech Republic at the beginning of 2013. Questionnaires were used for the survey and statistical analyses such as Chi square test or Hierarchical cluster analysis were used for data processing. This study also provides a theoretical and practical overview of business innovation in the Czech Republic.


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    Jane Morley


    Full Text Available Many in the justice system know that fundamental change is needed but few know the best way to do it.  Previous attempts using strategic planning approaches have not achieved meaningful change.  Something different is needed.  The BC Family Justice Innovation Lab (the Lab is experimenting with a different approach drawing on complexity science, the experience of other jurisdictions and disciplines and incorporating human-centred design as a way of focusing on the well-being of families going through the transition of separation and divorce.  This article is the story of the first few years of the Lab’s life.  It has been a fascinating and challenging path so far, and it remains to be seen whether it will ultimately succeed. The story is offered so that others with similar ambitions can learn from the Lab’s experience – its successes and its failures.  It is the nature and strength of stories that the reader will take from them what they will. For the authors, one overriding theme that emerges from this story is that transforming a complex social system, such as the family justice system in British Columbia, requires embracing the complexity of paradox and refusing to be defeated by the tension of opposites and a multitude of wicked, unanswerable questions.    Bon nombre d’intervenants du système de justice savent qu’un changement fondamental s’impose, mais peu connaissent la meilleure façon de le réaliser. Dans le passé, l’utilisation d’approches de planification stratégique n’a pas donné les résultats escomptés. Une approche différente est nécessaire. S’inspirant de l’expérience vécue dans d’autres ressorts et d’autres disciplines, le BC Family Justice Innovation Lab (le Lab expérimente actuellement une approche différente fondée sur la science de la complexité, et s’efforce d’intégrer une conception axée sur la personne afin de mettre de l’avant le bien-être des familles

  6. An assessment of EU-funded research projects: innovators and their innovative potential

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nepelski, D.; Pesole, A.; Van Roy, V.; O’Neill, E.


    The European Commission's Framework Programme constitutes an important share in R&D expenditures in Europe. A number of FP7 projects certainly produce cutting-edge technologies and a significant percentage of these technologies could be commercialized. However, there is a general feeling that not all these technologies and innovations with commercial potential reach the market. The question is why? The Innovation Radar (IR) is a support initiative that focuses on the identification of high-potential innovations in the ICT FP7 projects and the key organization in delivering these innovations to the market. The current paper documents the details of the IR methodology and the results of its first application. (Author)

  7. Demand-pull and environmental innovations: Estimating the effects of innovative public procurement. (United States)

    Ghisetti, Claudia


    This paper contributes to the emerging literature on the adoption of environmental innovation, by investigating the so far unexplored role of governmental demand in stimulating 'greener' production choices. Specifically, the role of innovative public procurement in driving the adoption and diffusion of sustainable manufacturing technologies is analysed. Results, based on firm-level data in the 28 Member States of the European Union, Switzerland and the USA, are obtained through non-parametric matching techniques. Those outline the crucial role of innovative public procurement in the uptake of environmental innovations. This confirms the relevance of such policy instrument in allowing countries to achieve a decarbonised and sustainable growth path which is compatible with competitiveness goals.

  8. Innovation for Sustainable Tourism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carlsen, Jack; Edwards, D; Forde, P

    Innovation is the key to responding to the future challenges that confront all sectors of society and the economy, and especially in tourism. Within tourism, there are numerous corporations and destinations around the world that are responding to the ecological, social and economic challenges...... for an integrated overview of the drivers, barriers, processes and networks for innovation. The cases have been prepared for use in research and teaching of innovation, and the analysis and case notes are both designed to facilitate discussion and further investigation of innovation, not only in tourism......, but in other economic sectors as well. Being an online publication, it is expected that updates in successive editions of this first book will add further to the description and analysis of innovation for sustainable tourism and hence provide a resource for those seeking to enhance the teaching, research...

  9. Arbejde, innovation og projekter

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grex, Sara

    studies indicate that project management is not the best way to manage and support innovative work. Hence there was a need for looking further in to this in preparation for developing ways of organizing that can overcome problems within the project frame and contributing to support the process....... The objective of the project is to investigate the organizational possibilities for developing ways of organizing so that innovative processes in project-oriented companies can be supported. The problem is answered through a literature review of theories within innovation, project management, and project...... organizing and two qualitative studies. One study is a multiple case study based on qualitative interviews in four different companies focusing on problems and challenges that participants in innovative processes experience in relation to the way innovative work is organized in projects. The other study...


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    Moises Andrade Coelho


    Full Text Available This study aims to evaluate the implementation of an open innovation project in a public institution in the state of Amazonas. The theoretical and empirical background deals with science, technology and innovation indicators and open innovation. The study is characterized as a qualitative and descriptive research, with the case study as a methodological procedure. The delimitation of the universe was composed by a public institution in the area of science, technology and innovation (ST&I. In the case study, it was used an approach as tool to assess the implementation of open innovation projects. The results are shown several stages of open innovation project analyzed.  The study demonstrates the implications of open innovation project adoption to the strengthening of external networks and the maturing of the internal environment. The relevance of the study is based on the evaluation of an open innovation project in a public institution in order to foster the transition from traditional innovation processes to open innovation processes.

  11. Agriculture et changement climatique: enjeux et solutions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mergeai, G.


    projects in order to identify and promote appropriate farming practices and create conditions that will help them become more widespread. With this in mind, we welcome the Montpellier Declaration initiative (, which was developed at the Third Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture (Climate Smart Agriculture 2015 that was held in this city on 16-18 March 2015. At this event, over 600 research scientists and 150 stakeholders/policy makers - from 75 countries and 5 continents – confirmed that climate smart agriculture has become a benchmark, which creates synergies and may lead to innovative and global solutions at local, regional and international level. The participants also confirmed that climate smart solutions exist and could become a reality if the conditions and public policies lend themselves to these solutions. We encourage all readers of Tropicultura to learn more about the work completed at this conference, in order to understand issues linked to climate change and identify sources of inspiration, so that we can overcome the constraints that it imposes.

  12. Managing Innovation Paradox in the Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem: A Case Study of Ambidextrous Capability in a Focal Firm

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Delin Zeng


    Full Text Available To achieve sustainable development, focal firms should balance two paradoxical kinds of innovation activities: exploitative and exploratory ones. Published works found that ambidexterity is an effective way to resolve paradoxical tensions, but few in-depth studies have been conducted to explore the innovation paradox of focal firms in the innovation ecosystem from an ambidextrous capability perspective. This paper takes China Spacesat Co., Ltd. as the case to study focal firms’ management of innovation paradoxes in the sustainable innovation ecosystem and finds that: (1 Sustainable innovation is an ecosystem in which focal firms’ internal functional departments, including the product department, technical center, and Makers’ groups, cooperate with external organizations, including component suppliers, scientific research institutes, and government departments, closely and complementarily; (2 In the exploitative and exploratory innovations of complex products, focal firms in the sustainable innovation ecosystem mainly confront three paradoxes: profit drive vs. breakthroughs in the strategic intent of sustainable innovation of the profit-driven model, tight vs. loose coupling of sustainable innovation, and sustainable innovation driven by discipline vs. that by passion; (3 Focal firms in the innovation ecosystem resolve these three innovation paradoxes with structural, contextual, and coordinated ambidextrous capabilities, and build innovation paradox management mechanisms with three steps in sequence, namely by establishing dual sustainable strategic innovation units, strengthening sustainable organizational ties between the internal and external, while co-creating and sharing innovation values, and, finally, promoting the formation and development of their sustainable innovation ecosystem. This paper complements and enriches the innovation ecosystem and ambidextrous capability theory, providing significant practical guidance to the


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    M. S. Reshetnikova


    Full Text Available Among main strategic goals of China in the second half of XX century was the creation of a superpower with an efficient economy, which occupies a leading position in the world. Modernization of the country was inextricably linked to the formation of its own self-sustaining innovation system. Using the experience of recognized innovation leaders such as the Soviet Union, France and the United States, China has transformed the elements of its innovation strategy, adjusting it to the circumstances of global innovative activity. The result of government policy was the creation of one of the world's largest national innovation system (NIS. Today China's NIS is a complex set of both public and private institutions, which are closely interrelated. Their joint activities focus on the creation, use and improvement of new and high technologies. The current NIS combines the features of both the administrative-command and market systems and components, folding under the influence of the major trends of global economy, especially the internationalization of innovation activities. Analysis of innovative development strategy pursued by China, allowed to define a distinct periodization that was influenced by the changes taking place in the global economy. The main steps of China's NIS development are the following: formation of incremental type innovation system, upgrading the innovation system, the shift from the strategy of "market in exchange for technology" to "interaction and integration into the world market" and the creation of its own high-tech products. The uniqueness of the political system and structure of economy impact on the state strategy in R&D and NIS, forming both the strengths and weaknesses. The analysis of China's government strategy of innovative development shows that it is significantly and deliberately worked on extensive scientific development indicators. However, this strategy did not lead to a breakthrough in basic research and the

  14. Containers, facilitators, innovators?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Makkonen, Teemu; Merisalo, Maria; Inkinen, Tommi


    : are they containers, facilitators or innovators? This is investigated here through empirical material derived from 27 interviews with top departmental management in three Finnish cities (Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa). The results show that local city governments (LCGs) consider cities as facilitators of innovation...

  15. Dis-locating innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barba Latta, Iulian I.V.


    This dissertation dwells on an experimental approach to the emergence of alternative innovations, interrogated through their spatiotemporal and material conditions. Proceeding from the more recent spate of contributions that grant recognition to innovation processes as a common

  16. Value innovations in accordance to Apple


    Mertl, Jiří


    This bachelor's thesis is aimed at comparison of value management way of innovations and innovations according to Apple. At the first part there are analyzed theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of both of ways. Key theme for value innovation is value for customer, which is analyzed from both points of view value management and Apple. Except of product innovations there are mentioned for example marketing innovations or process innovations. In last part of the thesis there are demons...

  17. Understanding public sector innovations: the role of leadership activities for a climate for innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dorsman, S.J.; Tummers, L.G.; Thaens, M.


    Innovations are considered to be crucial for the success of public organizations. However, it is not a foregone conclusion that public organizations are innovative. This study is based on the leadership and innovation literature to consider whether team level leadership activities could be

  18. Employee-driven Innovation in Welfare Services

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas Wihlman


    Full Text Available There is a growing interest in both employee-driven innovation (EDI and innovation in welfare services, but a lack of empirical studies addressing innovation from the employee perspective. Accordingly, this study was designed to contribute with well-grounded empirical knowledge, aiming to explore the barriers to and opportunities for participation in innovation experienced by employees of the Swedish welfare services. In order to reach the aim, a qualitative thematic analysis of 27 semi-structured interviews with employees in four municipalities was performed. The study identified three main themes, with a great impact on the innovative performance of the studied organizations: support, including leadership and innovation processes; development, including creativity and learning; and organizational culture, which includes attitudes and communication, all essential ingredients in EDI. Experienced barriers for innovation were unclear or non-existing innovation processes with ambiguous goals, insufficient learning, and deficient organizational slack, thus creating a tension between day-to-day work and innovation and hindering reflection and exploration. Attitudes of colleagues and lack of communication were also barriers to implementing innovation, suggesting the need for better management support for a communicative and open culture. Opportunities were found, including commitment to innovation and willingness to try new ideas, but the employees must be given the mandate and sufficient time to develop the potential that emerges from continuous learning, time for reflection, and user dialogue. The conclusion was that incremental innovations existed, but the full potential of these did not benefit the entire organization due to inadequate communication and lack of innovation processes. The study improves our understanding of how employees regard their involvement in innovation. It also discusses how to make better use of employees’ resources in

  19. Systemic problems hampering innovation in the New Zealand agricultural innovation system

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Turner, J.A.; Rijswijk, K.; Williams, T.; Klerkx, L.W.A.; Barnard, T.


    This study identifies systemic problems in the New Zealand Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) that affect the ability of participants in the agricultural sectors to co-develop technologies. We integrate structural and functional streams of innovation system enquiry, gathering data through 30

  20. Synergetic Basis of Innovation Marketing


    Melnyk, L; Dehtyarova, I


    Issues of synergetic effects of innovation marketing are considered in the article. It shows sources of synergetic effects of innovation marketing, types of synergism, synergetic effects of marketing innovations, as well as evaluation methods.

  1. The impact of methodology in innovation measurement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wilhelmsen, L.; Bugge, M.; Solberg, E.


    Innovation surveys and rankings such as the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) and Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) have developed into influential diagnostic tools that are often used to categorize countries according to their innovation performance and to legitimise innovation policies. Although a number of ongoing processes are seeking to improve existing frameworks for measuring innovation, there are large methodological differences across countries in the way innovation is measured. This causes great uncertainty regarding a) the coherence between data from innovation surveys, b) actual innovativeness of the economy, and c) the validity of research based on innovation data. Against this background we explore empirically how different survey methods for measuring innovation affect reported innovation performance. The analysis is based on a statistical exercise comparing the results from three different methodological versions of the same survey for measuring innovation in the business enterprise sector in Norway. We find striking differences in reported innovation performance depending on how the surveys are carried out methodologically. The paper concludes that reported innovation performance is highly sensitive to and strongly conditioned by methodological context. This represents a need for increased caution and awareness around data collection and research based on innovation data, and not least in terms of aggregation of data and cross-country comparison. (Author)

  2. Managing Human Resource Learning for Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Peter

    Managing human resource learning for innovation develops a systemic understanding of building innovative capabilities. Building innovative capabilities require active creation, coordination and absorption of useful knowledge and thus a cohesive management approach to learning. Often learning...... in organizations and work is approached without considerations on how to integrate it in the management of human resources. The book investigates the empirical conditions for managing human resources learning for innovation. With focus on innovative performance the importance of modes of innovation, clues...

  3. Internal Antecedents of Management Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harder, Mie

    Management innovation is the introduction of new management practices that significantly alter the way the work of management is performed. Building on behavioral theory of the firm, this paper explores the effect of firms’ diagnostic capability and implementation capability on the likelihood...... of adopting new‐to‐thefirm and new‐to‐the‐industry management innovations. The paper finds that formalized activities directed at developing and implementing management innovations as well as CEO novelty increases the likelihood of innovating in both categories. Also, top management team (TMT) diversity...... increases the likelihood of adopting new‐to‐the‐industry innovations. The paper does not find a direct effect of performance decline on the likelihood of implementing management innovation, but two variables, TMT diversity and previous experience, positively moderate the relationship between performance...

  4. Directed Innovation of Business Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stelian Brad


    Full Text Available Business model innovation is an important issue to keep business competitive and increase company’s profits. Due to many market attractors, identification of appropriate paths of business model evolution is a painful and risky process. To improve decision’s effectiveness in this process, an architectural construct of analysis and conceptualization for business model innovation that combines directed evolution and blue ocean concepts is proposed in this paper under the name of directed innovation. It displays the key points where innovations would happen to direct adaptation of the business model towards sustainable competitiveness. Formulation of mature solutions is supported by inventive problem solving tools. The significance of the directed innovation approach is demonstrated in a case study dealing with business model innovation of a software company.

  5. Revelation and Innovation of Value

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saghaug, Kristin Margrethe

    Kristin F. Saghaug’s Phd thesis investigates the interaction of revelatory theology, artistic creativity and small business owners in a business model innovation context. This project challenges mainstream business management’s concept of value and adds to the understanding of the innovation...... process through a pioneering conversation across different specialized domains. How can philosophical theology, namely, Paul Tillich’s theory of revelation, contribute to productive reflection on the innovation of value among small business owners in a business model innovation context? Empirical findings...... show that many of the business owners in this study try to balance between their personal values and economic values. A further investigation into this results in a model of innovation of value from a theological perspective in respect to business model innovation. It is the very understanding...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelly Cristina Benetti Tonani Tosta


    Full Text Available Universities as generators and diffusers of knowledge are innovation agents when they interact with the environment. The role of the university in support of innovation also depends on the regional context, what means that not all universities need to adopt the same behavior in terms of support to innovation policy. This way it is necessary to study further the relationship between the university and society to promote deeper understanding of each one’s role in this relationship in order to produce innovation. A systematic review of the literature and a documental research were carried out with the purpose of knowing better the area and checking if this perception. Thus, this paper aims to deepen this analysis by conducting a systematic review performed based on the seven basic steps proposed by Jackson et al (2004. Based on this discussion, there were raised documents that describe the functioning of the Brazilian National System of Innovation and from the interface between the results of the systematic review and document analysis, it was designed the role of the university in this system. There were also identified the catalysts factors of innovation that point to the results of academic research that impact on economic development. It is suggested that this paper be followed by empirical research that can demonstrate practical results of the role of universities in innovation.

  7. Scenarios and innovative systems; Scenarii et systemes innovants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The purpose of this workshop is to present to the GEDEON community the scenarios for the deployment of innovative nuclear solutions. Both steady state situations and possible transitions from the present to new reactors and fuel cycles are considered. Innovative systems that satisfy improved natural resource utilization and waste minimization criteria will be described as well as the R and D orientations of various partners. This document brings together the transparencies of 17 communications given at this workshop: general policy for transmutation and partitioning; Amster: a molten salt reactor (MSR) concept; MSR capabilities; potentials and capabilities of accelerator driven systems (ADS); ADS demonstrator interest as an experimental facility; innovative systems: gas coolant technologies; Pu management in EPR; scenarios with thorium fuel; scenarios at the equilibrium state; scenarios for transition; partitioning and specific conditioning; management of separated radio-toxic elements; European programs; DOE/AAA (Advanced Accelerator Applications) program; OECD scenario studies; CEA research programs and orientations; partitioning and transmutation: an industrial point of view. (J.S.)

  8. A Schumpeterian perspective on service innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drejer, Ina

    Decades after services outdistanced manufacturing from an employment perspective, manufacturing has continued to dominate economic analyses, including innovation studies. As a reaction to this a new strand of service innovation studies has emerged within the last decade. These studies do not aim...... to compare innovation in services directly with innovation in manufacturing, rather they aim a studying distinctive features of service innovation. This has among other things resulted in the development of new, service-specific innovation concepts. However, as this paper seeks to demonstrate, these concepts...... imply a merging of actual innovation with activities such as learning and codification of knowledge. Whereas learning and codification of knowledge are closely related to innovation, the inclusion of activities that e.g. require or result in learning, but neither result in new products, processes...


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    A. Shegda


    Full Text Available This article is devoted to the highly topical issue of modern publishing business as innovation management. introduction of technological innovation, measured as a promising strategy for the development of a constructive industry. The paper deals with main problems in managing of publishing companies. The reference consider of innovation management tools. In the article are exams the problems of books trend decline which require publishers introducing innovative methods of production and distribution. It was found that while the tools can be used. The process of innovation management with the following basic tools like as marketing innovation bench marketing, franchising, engineering innovation. It was found that while the tools can be used. So, the aim of the article is to analyze the modern tools of innovation management in the publishing field.

  10. Designers as Determinant for Aesthetic Innovations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fjællegaard, Cecilie Bryld; Beukel, Karin; Alkærsig, Lars


    The innovation literature states that scientists are core ingredients in creating technological innovations. This paper investigates whether the hiring of a designer generates aesthetic innovations by a firm. Further we investigate what the level of design knowledge of the receiving firm means...... for the firms? absorptive capacity, in terms of turning the hiring of the designer into aesthetic innovations. We explore a unique dataset containing information on firms, their hiring of designers and aesthetic innovations measured by design applications (design patents). Our findings show that hiring...... a designer does increase firms? likelihood of producing aesthetic innovations. Secondly, firms with prior experience of aesthetic innovations are more likely to apply for design registrations. Thirdly, there is a positive moderating effect of firms with prior experience of generating aesthetic innovations...

  11. Innovation in government : workforce practices. (United States)


    A review of the literature on innovation within government provides detailed case studies on innovative practices adopted by transportation agencies across the U.S. These case studies focus on operational innovations adopted by transportation agencie...

  12. [Innovation in research]. (United States)

    Zárate, Eduardo


    We briefly revise the economic resources that the State allocated between the years 2000 and 2005, and their relationship with the production of research projects. In face of the few fiscal resources, innovations are proposed to the traditional research model, sustained in producing new products. Assuming it is possible to perform innovations in the process of producing a service or a product, which implies modifying the regional and national policies, driving the model proposed by P. Drucker of producing innovations with technology with T in capital letters, would on turn generate patents and social and economic profitability.

  13. Managing Innovation Networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Awate, Snehal Suyash; Møller Larsen, Marcus; Mudambi, Ram

    In this article, we treat innovation as a multidimensional construct spanning people, technologies, and geographies. We study how these dimensions interact and impact firms' inventor networks and the ultimate innovation performance. We identify five distinct planes in which inventor networks reside....... Specifically, we distinguish between the types of ties that are possible between any two inventor nodes with respect to (i) co-located inventors; (ii) technology cohort; (iii) co-located technology cohort; (iv) distant co-inventors; and (v) co-located coinventors. We build a simple, yet parsimonious model...... distribution of ties deteriorates rather than enhances innovation performance....

  14. Interaction for Innovation: Comparing Norwegian Regions

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    Marina Solesvik


    Full Text Available Building upon insights from earlier investigations of innovation collaboration from a regional perspective as well as the triple helix perspective, local/regional innovation systems and open innovation approaches, this study explores whether cooperation between firms, universities and government increases the intensity of innovation equally for the capital city and peripheral regions. We investigate whether firms located in the capital region benefit more from public support, cooperation with universities, and cooperation with different stakeholders than firms located in peripheral regions. Using logistic binary regressions, we find that capital region firms are generally not more innovative than those located elsewhere. We also find no effect on innovation from cooperation with universities, although public support is related to engagement in product and process innovations. Our results warn against simple applications of triple helix and open innovation approaches, as many forms of collaboration seem to have little impact on innovation, regardless of regional context.

  15. Open innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    West, Joel; Bogers, Marcel


    Interest in open innovation (OI) as a field of research has grown exponentially since the phrase was coined by Chesbrough in his 2003 book, with numerous articles, special issues, books, and conference sessions. Various reviews of the literature have summarized prior work, offered new frameworks......, and identified opportunities for future research. Here we summarize these opportunities, which include more research on outbound OI, the role of open innovation in services, and network forms of collaboration such as consortia, communities, ecosystems, and platforms. Research should also examine the use of OI...... by small, new, and not-for-profit organizations, as well as the linkage of individual actions and motivations to open innovation. Other opportunities include better measuring the costs, benefits, antecedents, mediators and moderators of the effects of OI on performance, and understanding why and how OI...

  16. Innovating Without Information Constraints: Organizations, Communities, and Innovation When Information Costs Approach Zero


    Elizabeth J. Altman; Frank Nagle; Michael L. Tushman


    Innovation traditionally takes place within an organization's boundaries and with selected partners. This Chandlerian approach is rooted in transaction costs, organizational boundaries, and information challenges. Information processing, storage, and communication costs have been an important constraint on innovation and a reason why innovation takes place inside the organization. However, exponential technological progress is dramatically decreasing information constraints, and in many conte...

  17. Technical innovation and management

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yoon, Yang Cheol


    This book gives explanations of the conception of technical innovation, development plan in Korea, connection between technology and a growth factor in national income, problem of technical innovation in developing country, analysis on cooperation between a developed country and a developing country, evaluation and strategy of technical development in Korea, technical innovation of industry, management of technical industry, analysis of special condition in Korea.

  18. Technical innovation and management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoon, Yang Cheol


    This book gives explanations of the conception of technical innovation, development plan in Korea, connection between technology and a growth factor in national income, problem of technical innovation in developing country, analysis on cooperation between a developed country and a developing country, evaluation and strategy of technical development in Korea, technical innovation of industry, management of technical industry, analysis of special condition in Korea.

  19. Innovation in Family Firms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Filser, Matthias; Brem, Alexander; Gast, Johanna


    , organizational culture and behaviour, resources, and innovation and strategy. Second, based on a thorough literature review the major research avenues are reflected. The comparison of the results of both analyses showed the following areas for future research on family firm innovation: members‘ individual human...... capital and their leadership behaviour, openness to externals, cross-country comparisons, and finally the family‘s functional integrity on innovation performance....


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    Daniel Badulescu


    Full Text Available Entrepreneurship is considered an essential element for the development and prosperity of contemporary economies. The already known traits: creating jobs, boosting growth, revenues to the state budget, are supplemented by vitality and adaptability, and not least, a capacity for innovation. Thus, innovation became one of the most important factors in the companies’ activity. However, innovation doesn’t only mean new products and services. It is closely related to the capacity of entrepreneurs and managers to apply new business models, embedding an organizational culture capable to identify how new ideas could be converted into value for business and society. Innovation supports the efforts of ambitious entrepreneurs to pursue their objectives and stimulate other potential entrepreneurs to enter into businesses. Innovation generates, directly and indirectly, positive effects not only within a company but also within the national economy, as a whole. Despite this empirical evidence, the link between entrepreneurship and innovation is difficult to describe, to introduce it in strong theoretical models, in order to substantiate viable political programs. First, only a relatively small part of entrepreneurs really innovate. Secondly, researchers reveal deep, but subtle, ties between the entrepreneurs’ profile, availability for innovation and effects on states’ competitiveness and prosperity. Finally, the number (or proportion of entrepreneurs isn’t the most relevant, but their availability to innovate, the type of innovation chosen and, especially, how entrepreneurial organizations stimulate innovative initiatives among their employees (intrapreneurship. From this point of view, Romania's situation is difficult and challenging. The importance and size of the sector, entrepreneurial motivations, or the share of early stage innovative entrepreneurs indicate an average position at a global or European Union (EU level. However, Romania is a

  1. Innovation Happens in Systems: Implications for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy


    Holbrook, J.A.


    This report addresses the regional systems of innovation in Canada, and looks at the ways that policy instruments play a role in the process. Recommendations are made to encourage the development of policies that foster the development of innovation clusters in Canada.

  2. Exploring the dynamics of water innovation: Foundations for water innovation studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wehn, U.; Montalvo, C.


    The urgent need for innovation to address multifaceted and intertwined water-related challenges is becoming increasingly clear, acknowledged and responded to with cumulating sources and amounts of funding. Nevertheless, the water sector has been claimed to be less innovative than other sectors. This

  3. Implications from innovativeness typology on innovation performance measurement : A bibliometric analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Moeller, K.; Steinman, J.C.; Calabretta, G.


    This research contributes to the ongoing since decades existing discussion on research in innovativeness, a term which in the past has been closely related to innovation measurement. Using bibliometric techniques like citation and co-citation analysis combined with factor analysis, cluster analysis

  4. Innovation



    Présenté par FutuRIS, plate-forme prospective sur la recherche, l’innovation et la société animée par l’Association Nationale de la Recherche et de la Technologie, ce volume livre un panorama du système français de recherche et d’innovation dans son environnement européen. Sont abordés dans une première partie les champs décisionnels concernés, les politiques nationales menées en matière de R&D, les relations entre enseignement supérieur et recherche et l’Espace européen de la recherche à l’h...

  5. Cognitive style and consumer innovativeness


    Foxall, Gordon R.; Haskins, Christopher


    The identification of consumer innovators offers marketing managers the opportunity to tailor new products to the buyers who initiate the diffusion of innovations. Progress has been made in identifying such consumers in economic and social terms, but there are advantages of cost and convenience in isolating the personality profiles of innovators, especially during prelaunch product testing. But innovative consumers' distinctive personality traits have proved elusive. This paper reports an inv...

  6. Innovating innovation Policy. Rethinking green innovation policy in evolutionary perspective

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Arentsen, Maarten J.; Dinica, V.; Marquart, N.E.


    Advanced environmental standards such as sustainability require substantial improvements in the environmental performances of present technologies. Governments are faced with the challenge to design green innovation policies able to support producers and users of technologies to comply with such

  7. Une théorie pour penser les industries culturelles et informationnelles ?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pierre Mœglin


    Full Text Available Cet article traite de la naissance et du développement de la théorie des industries culturelles et informationnelles. Il procède des deux questions suivantes : pourquoi une théorie unifiée, plutôt que la juxtaposition de toutes les théorisations ayant accompagné les étapes successives de l’histoire de ces industries et le développement de chacun de leurs secteurs ? Pourquoi une théorie originale, au lieu des approches industrielles proposées, par exemple, par l’économie ou la sociologie ? À ces questions la réponse est, d’une part, que la diversité des appréciations sur les enjeux des industries culturelles et informationnelles et leurs contradictions, d’un auteur à l’auteur, illustre la dimension dialectique du développement des industries culturelles et informationnelles elles-mêmes. D’autre part, la singularité de ces industries justifie le recours à un modèle d’analyse différent du modèle industriel standard.This paper deals with the birth and development of the cultural and informational industries theory. It arises from two questions. First, why one unified theory, rather than juxtaposing the different attempts to understand these industries step by step and sector by sector ? Second, why a specific theory, instead of borrowing from economy or sociology, for instance ? The answer is on the one hand that the contradictions among researchers about the issues of the cultural and informational industries demonstrate in themselves the dialectical nature of their development ; on the other hand, that the specificity of these industries requires an analysis model quite different from the standard model.

  8. The Innovation Butterfly Managing Emergent Opportunities and Risks During Distributed Innovation

    CERN Document Server

    Anderson Jr , Edward G


    Product and service innovations are the result of mutually interacting creative and coordination tasks within a system that has to balance technical decisions, marketplace taste, personnel management, and stakeholder commitment. The constituent elements of such systems are often scattered across multiple firms and across the globe and constitute a complex system consisting of many interacting parts. In the spirit of the "butterfly effect", metaphorically describing the sensitivity to initials conditions of chaotic systems, this book builds an argument that "innovation butterflies" can, in the short term, take up significant amounts of effort and sap efficiencies within individual innovation projects. Such "innovation butterflies" can be prompted by external forces such as government legislation or unexpected spikes in the price of basic goods (such as oil), unexpected shifts in market tastes, or from a company manager’s decisions or those of its competitors. Even the smallest change, the smallest disruption...

  9. Innovation Across the Federal Government (United States)

    Innovation happens at EPA, but it also takes place at many other government agencies including NASA, DARPA, HHS, OPM, and USGS through projects such as SBIR, innovation labs, innovation offices, and high-risk, high-reward scientific research.

  10. Innovation and creativity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Appel - Meulenbroek, Rianne; Nardelli, Giulia; Jensen, P.A.; van der Voordt, T.


    This chapter outlines how dedicated FM and CREM practices in workplace management may contribute to the added value of FM and CREM by sustaining innovation across all the layers of the served organisation. The chapter presents the core benefits and costs of interventions for the innovation and

  11. National Innovation Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundvall, Bengt-Åke


    The term national system of innovation has been around for more than 20 years and today it has become widely spread among policy makers as well as among scholars all over the world. This paper takes stock and looks ahead from a somewhat personal point of view. It also gives some insight into how...... and why the concept came about. The paper argues that a key to progress is to get a better understanding of knowledge and learning as the basis for innovation and to understand how difference modes of innovation complement each other and find support in the specific national context. A core...... of the innovation system is defined and it is illustrated that it is necessary both to understand micro-behaviour in the core and understand "the wider setting" within which the core operates. Concepts used in organization theory referring to fit and misfit may be used to enrich the understanding of the performance...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kornélia Lazányi


    Full Text Available Innovations and constant change are inevitable parts of our everyday lives. It is not only because advanced technologies are more effective, but mostly because in the 21st century more and more realise that scarce resources – among them the safe and clean environment as such - necessitate a paradigm change and intense innovation. This revolution is easily trackable in the organisational and (supranational policies. However, innovation, and its necessary prerequisites are seldom investigated from the individuals’ point of view. It is easy to understand that inter-organisational trust is inevitable on both the consumers’ and the providers’ (innovators’ side, however, it has to be made clear that an innovative organisation has to create a trusting environment within the company, in order to foster collaboration, the generation of new ideas, creativity and finally innovation. The present paper endeavours to call attention to the notion of trust and its antecedents and consequences in relation to innovations. The aim is to provide assistance in understanding how to develop trust in each other and hence foster further innovations and development.

  13. Towards a bioethics of innovation. (United States)

    Lipworth, Wendy; Axler, Renata


    In recent years, it has become almost axiomatic that biomedical research and clinical practice should be 'innovative'-that is, that they should be always evolving and directed towards the production, translation and implementation of new technologies and practices. While this drive towards innovation in biomedicine might be beneficial, it also raises serious moral, legal, economic and sociopolitical questions that require further scrutiny. In this article, we argue that biomedical innovation needs to be accompanied by a dedicated 'bioethics of innovation' that attends systematically to the goals, process and outcomes of biomedical innovation as objects of critical inquiry. Using the example of personalised or precision medicine, we then suggest a preliminary framework for a bioethics of innovation, based on the research policy initiative of 'Responsible Innovation'. We invite and encourage critiques of this framework and hope that this will provoke a challenging and enriching new bioethical discourse. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  14. Innovating through collaborative business models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gjerding, Allan Næs; Kringelum, Louise Tina Brøns

    The present paper presents a novel generalization of business model innovation as an activity taking place across a development and an extension zone, where business model innovation occurs as minor, medium and major changes within both zones. The model explains the process of creating new activi......, and that there exists a dialec-tical relationship between sources of selection and sources of survival, which tend to re-inforce one another. This constitutes a new aspect of business model innovation.......The present paper presents a novel generalization of business model innovation as an activity taking place across a development and an extension zone, where business model innovation occurs as minor, medium and major changes within both zones. The model explains the process of creating new activity......-ered as a coherent system. The generalization is explicated in terms of different domi-nant market logics in which collaborative efforts can be positioned. Underlying this presentation, the paper argues that business model innovation involves uncertainty to the degree that innovation is based on cooperative efforts...

  15. Supporting FEI through innovation strategy implementation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aagaard, Annabeth

    the ‘predictability’ of the discovery process/FEI ought to be an immediate priority area of investment for Pharma (Duyck, 2003). This paper explores how pharmaceutical front end innovation can be actively supported through the development and implementation of an innovation strategy. The empirical field......-year Ph.D. study the process of identifying, developing and integrating a targeted innovation corporate strategy and divisional action plans is examined and effects and results are evaluated and measured. The findings and key learnings from the study are presented as propositions of how innovation......, Steven & Burly, 2003, and Vernorn et al., 2008) and that innovation strategies play a central role in optimization of innovation (Clark & Wheelwright, 1995; Cottam et al., 2001; Morgan & Berthon, 2008). Cottam et al. (2001) stress that in order to maximize the benefits of previous innovations innovative...

  16. Innovation in the fuel cycle industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lamorlette, Guy


    The fuel cycle industry will have to adapt to the production of new fuel and in the same time will have to improve its performance. Innovation will be a key factor of success. Innovation must be driven by the needs of the fuel cycle industry to achieve. The fuel cycle requirement of tomorrow, Innovative processes for mining high grade uranium, Innovative enrichment process, Sorting the pellets at Melox plant, Innovation in action, and Innovative waste management in la Hague are presented. A number of innovative solutions are already implemented and are in action on industrial facilities. As problems are becoming more and more tough to address, international cooperation will be required. The fuel cycle industry, as a part of the nuclear power industry, is committed to seek improvements through performance upgrade and innovation. (Cho. G. S.). 10 refs., 4 figs

  17. Building a culture of innovation a practical framework for placing innovation at the core of your business

    CERN Document Server

    Beswick, Cris; Geraghty, Jo


    Being a truly innovative company is more than the dreaming up of new products and services by external consultants and internal taskforces. Staying one step ahead of the competition requires you to embed innovation into your organizational culture. Innovation needs to be embodied in everything that gets done by everyone who works there. By changing your organizational culture to one that supports innovation, you will remove the barriers that stop you responding quickly and agilely to changing market conditions and opportunities for growth. Building a Culture of Innovation presents a practical framework that you can follow to design and embed a culture of innovation in your business.The six-step Innovation Culture Change Framework offers a structured process to make change stick, from assessing your organization's innovation-readiness to leading a managed change process that will foster innovation at each level. It includes case studies from international organizations which have shifted their focus to an inno...

  18. What innovation managers really do

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Maier, Maximilian A.; Brem, Alexander


    Over the last fifteen years companies tended to formalise their innovation management activities and to establish formal jobs like the innovation officer, the network manager or the innovation manager. Knowledge of the informal role profiles of these formal roles is still rare. HR and R&D Managers...... do not know which informal role profile might suit them best, thus having difficulties to assign the best candidates for jobs in innovation management. Researchers cannot help to resolve the problem. Our research answers the question what innovation managers really do, by analysing their tasks......, skills and traits, theoretically based on informal role theories. Furthermore, we will analyse how these characteristics change with company size. To provide answers to our research questions we choose a multiple-case study approach. We found, among others, that innovation managers fulfil the role...

  19. "The Killing Fields" of Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ingerslev, Karen


    to clustering of ideas, a design strategy which seemed to kill unique ideas. The reframing of innovation as a radical endeavor killed learning from others for being not innovative. The findings of this paper supplement theories of deliberate killing of ideas by suggesting framing, design and facilitation......This paper points to seemingly contradicted processes of framing innovation, idea generation and killing ideas. It reports from a yearlong innovation project, where health care professionals explored problems and tested ideas for solutions, regarding a future downsizing of the case hospital....... Theories in various ways describe the opening and closing phases of innovation. Exploration and idea generation opens a field of interest, which is then closed by making choices of ideas to further explore in the next opening phase. These choices deliberately kill a lot of ideas. In the innovation project...

  20. Innovation indicators: a survey of innovative activities in the international food processed industry

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    Vinicius Cardoso de Barros Fornari


    Full Text Available This paper seeks to combine traditional methods of measuring intensity with other alternative indicators to examine the dispersion of innovation activities in different industries and countries. The hypothesis that underlies the study lies in the fact that in the Food Processed Industry (IAP the traditional methods are insufficient to detect the core of the innovation process. As method, we analyzed patent data extracted from the twenty-five largest food processed companies in the world and suggested different indicators developed from the Pesquisa de Inovação Tecnológica (PINTEC, 2010 – for Brazilian companies – and the Community Innovation Survey (CIS, 2009 – for European Union companies. The results allowed us to establish relationships in three dimensions: (i the complexity of the innovative effort of the IAP; (ii the efforts to innovation in different countries are distinct and; (iii there is heterogeneity in country performance.

  1. Implications of Frugal Innovations on Sustainable Development: Evaluating Water and Energy Innovations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jarkko Levänen


    Full Text Available Frugal innovations are often associated with sustainable development. These connections, however, are based on anecdotal assumptions rather than empirical evidence. This article evaluates the sustainability of four frugal innovations from water and energy sectors. For the purposes of the evaluation, a set of indicators was developed. Indicators are drawn from sustainable development goals by the United Nations and they encompass central dimensions of sustainability: ecological, social and economic. In this article, frugal innovations are compared to solutions that are currently used in similar low-income contexts. Studied frugal innovations were found more sustainable in terms of energy production and water purification capacity than the existing solutions. In terms of social sustainability, larger differences between innovations were found. For example, business models of frugal energy solutions focus on capacity building and the inclusion of marginalized low-income people, whereas business models of water purification solutions focus on more traditional corporate social responsibility activities, such as marketing awareness campaigns and cooperation with non-governmental organizations. Three major sustainability challenges for frugal innovators were identified: (1 the proper integration of material efficiency into product or service systems; (2 the patient promotion of inclusive employment; and (3 the promotion of inclusive and sustainable local industrialization. The article concludes that despite indisputable similarities between frugality and sustainability, it is problematic to equate the two conceptually.

  2. Innovation field orientation and its effect on innovativeness and firm performance

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salomo, Søren; Talke, Katrin; Strecker, Nanja


    field orientation is a phenomenon that prevails in practice. In addition, all defining aspects of this orientation have either direct or indirect effects on firm performance. Hence, those firms that deliberately specify and manage innovation fields have a more innovative product portfolio and are more...

  3. Convergent Validity of Four Innovativeness Scales. (United States)

    Goldsmith, Ronald E.


    Four scales of innovativeness were administered to two samples of undergraduate students: the Open Processing Scale, Innovativeness Scale, innovation subscale of the Jackson Personality Inventory, and Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory. Intercorrelations indicated the scales generally exhibited convergent validity. (GDC)

  4. Recombinant innovation and endogenous technological transitions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Frenken, K.; Izquierdo, L.R.; Zeppini, P.


    We propose a model of technological transitions based on two different types of innovations. Branching innovations refer to technological improvements along a particular path, while recombinant innovations represent fusions of multiple paths. Recombinant innovations create "short-cuts" which reduce

  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    , and mindsets. Focusing on ubiquitous learning and transcending the borders of formal, informal, and non-formal learning, the book presents theoretical models and case studies of initiatives, practices, and projects on how innovative pedagogies and ICT could support the development of innovation......-of-the-art in innovation and entrepreneurship in education as seen through the latest academic studies and business currents.......This book explores the concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship through multiple lenses in the context of education. Mixing equal parts of theory and practice, this volume takes a closer look on how innovation and entrepreneurship are approached around the globe as disciplines, methods...

  6. Partner Selection for Open Innovation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Z. Solesvik


    Full Text Available In this article, we consider open innovation from the perspectives of: i causation and effectuation, and ii social networking. Our empirical evidence consists of a case study of a late-stage open-innovation project aimed at creating a hybrid ship that uses liquid natural gas and hydrogen as power sources. The results show that the effectuation approach is preferable to open innovation when the initiator of open innovation aims to keep sensitive information inside the closed group, when the initiator has established an effective team of representatives from other firms from earlier innovation projects, and when the participants are geographically close.

  7. The Multiple Facets of Regional Innovation


    Matthias Siller; Christoph Hauser; Janette Walde; Gottfried Tappeiner


    Measuring innovation activities involves critical decisions in selecting appropriate indicators and levels of observation. The present article contributes to the literature on this subject by addressing innovation measurement on the regional level. The dimensionality of regional innovation is examined by applying a principal component analysis on seven innovation output indicators in European regions from the Community Innovation Survey and two traditional indicators, i.e. patent applications...





    Business competitiveness and sustainability depends on the effective management of innovation. To be effective, innovation needs to take place within every area of an organisation and by association within organisational networks that include key suppliers, customers and other strategic partners. Distributed innovation management is the process of managing innovation both within and across networks of organisations that have come together to co-design, co-produce and co-service the needs of c...

  9. Uddannelse og social innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Palle


    Social innovation handler om at udvikle af innovative svar på samfundsmæssige behov, som ikke i tilstrækkeligt omfang dækkes af eksisterende former for privat eller offentlig service. Der er oftest tale om svar, som udvikles af ikke-kommercielle organisationer og aktører gennem kreative processer...... med et væsentligt element af initiativ ”nedefra”. Uddannelse er et af de områder, hvor social innovation både historisk og aktuelt har haft betydning. Historisk er der gennem sociale innovationsprocesser blevet udkrystalliseret former for uddannelse, som har imødekommet væsentlige behov for oplysning...... og kompetence, og som på nogle områder har opnået lang levetid. Fremkomsten og udbredelsen af folkehøjskoler er et centralt eksempel. Ligesom anden innovation sker social innovation inden for rammerne et kompleks af strukturer og institutioner, som kan kaldes et national innovationssystem. Artiklen...

  10. Intellectual Property and Innovation

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Francis Gurry has led WIPO as Director General since 1st October, 2008. He was reappointed in May 2014 for a second six-year term, which runs until September 2020. Under his leadership, WIPO is addressing major challenges. These include managing the stress on the international patent and copyright systems produced by rapid technological change, by globalisation and increased demand; reducing the knowledge gap between developed and developing countries; and ensuring that the intellectual property (IP) system serves its fundamental purpose of encouraging creativity and innovation in all countries. Every year, WIPO publishes the Global Innovation Index (GII), which provides detailed metrics about the innovation performance of countries and economies around the world. The 2016 edition highlighted CERN as an example of successful, regional innovation initiatives. In this seminar Mr. Gurry will share his knowledge and views on the role of IP in innovation. You can read a message from Mr. Gurry here : http://...

  11. Velfærds Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjeldsen, Lars Peter; Asmussen, Jørgen Bering

    I notatet DANMARK LØSNINGERNES LAND1 understreger regeringen vigtigheden af, at der sættes fokus på innovation. Sat lidt på spidsen er budskabet, at der skal satses på såvel innovation i virksomheder som i uddannelse, og at succes er ligefrem proportional med vidensinstitutionernes evne til...... samarbejde med det offentlige og virksomhederne. Det er ligeledes væsentligt at bemærke, at regeringen refererer til OECD’s Oslo-manuals definition af innovation, hvor innovation ”indebærer implementering af et nyt eller væsentligt forbedret produkt (vare eller tjenesteydelse), proces, markedsføringsmetode...... eller en væsentlig organisatorisk ændring”. Som læseren vil kunne iagttage i antologiens bidrag, lever rigtig mange af projekternes innovation op til denne definition. ANTOLOGIEN indledes med en artikel, der præsenterer og diskuterer forskellige tilgange til forståelsen af begrebet velfærdsinnovation....

  12. On regional innovator networks as hubs for innovative ventures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cantner, Uwe; Wolf, Tina


    this approach to the regional innovator network, promoting region-specific knowledge spillovers. Two data bases are applied. First, patent data delivers the innovator network for Thuringia. The second data base contains firm specific information on innovative ventures founded in Thuringia in the period between......At least since Schumpeter published his work ‘The Theory of Economic Development’ (1912), a wide body of literature has focused on the evolutionary process behind firm growth and survival. Recently a growing interest is devoted to the variable ‘location’ as a critical factor, shaping firm...... performance. However, less attention has been paid to the region-specific characteristics that may play a relevant role in determining the growth and survival of a firm. Some works see university-based knowledge spillovers as one such factor (Audretsch and Lehmann 2005, Cassia et al. 2009). This paper extends...

  13. Explaining Management Innovation Pervasiveness


    Harder, Mie


    Management innovation is the introduction of new management practices, processes, techniques or organizational structures that significantly alter the way the work of management is performed. This paper examines a particular characteristic of management innovation: i.e. pervasiveness. Based on the behavioral theory of the firm, the determinants of firms’ adoption of pervasive management innovations are explored. I find that performance shortfalls have a direct positive effect on t...

  14. Innovation policies for tourism

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hjalager, Anne-Mette


    The nature, extent, and implications of innovation in tourism are increasingly investigated in academic research, but the policies that affect these transformations in the industry and at tourism destinations are not equally well conceptualised theoretically or analysed empirically. The purpose...... framework of policy instruments for innovation in tourism. New generations of policies instigate a mainstreaming of the innovation agenda in ways that proceed beyond the traditional policy concepts....

  15. Organizational Downsizing and Innovation


    Richtnér, Anders; Åhlström, Pär


    Companies implementing a downsizing strategy aiming at increasing cost efficiency and operational effectiveness may face the fact that their innovative ability is hampered. In this paper, we develop a model of the mechanisms through which organizational downsizing affects innovation. We use existing theory to develop propositions regarding the details of how and why organizational downsizing affects innovation. Our model contains three components: a) the organization’s stock of knowledge, b) ...

  16. Innovation as Consumption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hienerth, Christoph; von Hippel, Eric; Jensen, Morten Berg

    In this paper we report upon a first empirical exploration of the relative efficiency of innovation development by product users vs. product producers. In a study of over 50 years of product innovation in the whitewater kayaking field, we find users in aggregate were approximately 3X more efficie...

  17. Nuove strategie di disseminazione e figure emergenti: gli innovation brokers + Beyond dissemination of research findings: innovation brokers as emerging figures in stimulating agricultural innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klerkx, L.W.A.


    More and more it is recognised that innovation cannot be explained by a linear approach to innovation in which public sector agricultural research and extension delivers new technology in a pipeline configuration through a dissemination approach, but calls for systems approach in which innovation is

  18. Innovation and the Development Agenda

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    What are the implications of innovation systems and innovation practices thinking ..... food security, taxation and mobilisation of domestic resources, anti-bribery, and ... Using the principles arising from the OECD Innovation Strategy and applying ... (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam).

  19. Danish User-Centered Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jeppesen, Lars Bo


    Danish User-centered Innovation Lab (DUCI lab) is a collaboration between faculty at Copenhagen Business School, Aarhus School of Business and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, based at Copenhagen Business School. DUCI lab is a unique effort to understand the issues involved in user innovation...... processes, with particular emphasis on managing user driven innovation. The project takes advantage of CBS location in Denmark. Denmark has been at the forefront in creating policies that favor user driven innovation. CBS's location at the heart of one of the world's most vibrant user driven regions...... companies and on how such practices can be diffused broadly for the benefit of start-ups, SME's and other types of organizations....

  20. Working Paper. Innovation and Collective Entrepreneurship

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Spear, Roger

    perspectives on innovation and social innovation and the dynamic interaction through collective entrepreneurship in the the social and solidarity economy; bringing out process and outcome dimensions of innovation. And it will develop an understanding of the drivers and barriers to innovation, including...

  1. Social Innovation of Work and Employment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pot, F.D.; Dhondt, S.; Oeij, P.; Franz, H.-W.; Hochgerner, J.; Howaldt, J.


    Social innovation of work and employment are prerequisites to achieve the EU2020 objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It covers labour market innovation on societal level and workplace innovation on organisational level. This paper focuses on the latter. Workplace innovations are

  2. Understanding the innovation adoption process of construction clients, Clients driving Innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hartmann, Andreas; Dewulf, Geert P.M.R.; Reymen, Isabelle; Adams, L.; Guest, K.


    Although the role of clients in stimulating construction innovation seems to be controversial, little has been known about their innovation adoption behaviour. This paper presents first results of an ongoing research project the aim of which is to shed more light on the adoption processes of

  3. How innovation drivers, networking and leadership shape public sector innovation capacity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.M. Lewis (Jenny M.); L.M. Ricard (Lykke Margot); E-H. Klijn (Erik-Hans)


    textabstractThe need to understand innovation in public sector environments is growing. There is also a need to build theory, test it empirically and compare across jurisdictions. This article aims to understand the factors that have an impact on innovation capacity. It examines the self-rated

  4. Data-Driven Diffusion Of Innovations: Successes And Challenges In 3 Large-Scale Innovative Delivery Models. (United States)

    Dorr, David A; Cohen, Deborah J; Adler-Milstein, Julia


    Failed diffusion of innovations may be linked to an inability to use and apply data, information, and knowledge to change perceptions of current practice and motivate change. Using qualitative and quantitative data from three large-scale health care delivery innovations-accountable care organizations, advanced primary care practice, and EvidenceNOW-we assessed where data-driven innovation is occurring and where challenges lie. We found that implementation of some technological components of innovation (for example, electronic health records) has occurred among health care organizations, but core functions needed to use data to drive innovation are lacking. Deficits include the inability to extract and aggregate data from the records; gaps in sharing data; and challenges in adopting advanced data functions, particularly those related to timely reporting of performance data. The unexpectedly high costs and burden incurred during implementation of the innovations have limited organizations' ability to address these and other deficits. Solutions that could help speed progress in data-driven innovation include facilitating peer-to-peer technical assistance, providing tailored feedback reports to providers from data aggregators, and using practice facilitators skilled in using data technology for quality improvement to help practices transform. Policy efforts that promote these solutions may enable more rapid uptake of and successful participation in innovative delivery system reforms.

  5. Conceptual model innovation management: market orientation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.Ya. Maljuta


    Full Text Available The article highlights issues that determine the beginning of the innovation process. Determined that until recently in Ukraine at all levels of innovation management (regional, sectoral, institutional dominated grocery orientation innovation that focus on production innovation and found that the transition to a market economy, the restructuring of production and complexity of social needs led to the strengthening of the consumer. It is proved that innovation itself – not the ultimate goal, but only a means of satisfying consumer needs. It proved that changing production conditions, complications of social needs and the need to improve the competitiveness of innovations require finding new forms of innovation. In this regard, proposed to allocate such basic scheme (model of innovation in small businesses, individual entrepreneurs, venture capital firms, eksplerents, patients, violents and commutants, spin-offs and spin-out company, network (or shell company and a network of small businesses.

  6. Human Resource Management Practices and Innovation


    Laursen, Keld; Foss, Nicolai J.


    We survey, organize, and discuss the literature on the role of organizational practices for explaining innovation outcomes. We discuss how individual practices influence innovation, and how the clustering of specific practices matters for innovation outcomes. Relatedly, we discuss various possible mediators of the HRM/innovation link, such as knowledge sharing, social capital and network effects. We argue that the causal mechanisms underlying the HRM/innovation links are still ...

  7. How to Educate Innovation Journalists? Experiences of Innovation Journalism Education in Finland 2004-2010 (United States)

    Lassila-Merisalo, Maria; Uskali, Turo


    Finland has been among the very first nations to apply for practice theories of innovation journalism--journalism covering innovations. This essay is based on deep interviews since 2004 of all former Finnish innovation journalism fellows (N = 9), and two surveys of undergraduate journalism students (N = 16) who took part in the world's first…

  8. Organizing Open Innovation for Sustainability

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ingenbleek, P.T.M.; Backus, G.B.C.


    Literature on open innovation has thus far predominantly focused on high technology contexts. Once an industry reaches the limits of a closed innovation model, open innovation may, however, also promise opportunities for sustainable development in a low-tech environment. Because in low-tech

  9. Innovation strategies and competitive advantage


    Gërguri, Shqipe; Rexhepi, Gadaf; Ramadani, Veland


    Companies today operate in a very dynamic, uncertain and competitive environment. They compete in "nicety" that are so small but so important. Companies are trying to achieve competitive advantage in order to help them obtain a better and a stable position in the marketplace. The best way for companies to achieve a competitive advantage is through innovation. This paper addresses the meaning of innovation what does innovation present, types of innovation specifically discussing the right way ...

  10. Innovation Management in Swedish Municipalities


    Wihlman, Thomas; Hoppe, Magnus; Wihlman, Ulla; Sandmark, Hélène


    Research on public sector innovation is still limited, and increased knowledge of innovation processes is needed. This article is a based on a study of the implementation of innovation policies in Swedish municipalities, and gives a first-hand, empirical view of some of the complexities of innovation in the public sector. The study took place in four municipalities in central Sweden. The municipalities varied in size and organisational forms. Interviews and policy documents were used for data...

  11. Identifying innovation in surveys of services

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Drejer, Ina


    divide between manufacturing and services. The present paper demonstrates that Schumpeter?s original innovation concept is indeed broad enough to encompass services and manufacturing, and that a more direct reference to Schumpeter, in particular innovation as a contrast to activities based on routine......In order to compensate for decades of neglect of services in innovation studies, a strand of literature has emerged, which emphasises alleged distinctive features of service innovation. These studies apply innovation concepts developed especially for services, thereby contributing to the existing...... systems, in service oriented studies would add a needed theoretical and conceptual strengthening to service innovation studies....

  12. Innovativeness as an emergent property: a new alignment of comparative and experimental research on animal innovation. (United States)

    Griffin, Andrea S


    Innovation and creativity are key defining features of human societies. As we face the global challenges of the twenty-first century, they are also facets upon which we must become increasingly reliant. But what makes Homo sapiens so innovative and where does our high innovation propensity come from? Comparative research on innovativeness in non-human animals allows us to peer back through evolutionary time and investigate the ecological factors that drove the evolution of innovativeness, whereas experimental research identifies and manipulates underpinning creative processes. In commenting on the present theme issue, I highlight the controversies that have typified this research field and show how a paradigmatic shift in our thinking about innovativeness will contribute to resolving these tensions. In the past decade, innovativeness has been considered by many as a trait, a direct product of cognition, and a direct target of selection. The evidence I review here suggests that innovativeness will be hereon viewed as one component, or even an emergent property of a larger array of traits, which have evolved to deal with environmental variation. I illustrate how research should capitalize on taxonomic diversity to unravel the full range of psychological processes that underpin innovativeness in non-human animals. © 2016 The Author(s).

  13. Reverse innovation in maternal health. (United States)

    Firoz, Tabassum; Makanga, Prestige Tatenda; Nathan, Hannah L; Payne, Beth; Magee, Laura A


    Reverse innovation, defined as the flow of ideas from low- to high-income settings, is gaining traction in healthcare. With an increasing focus on value, investing in low-cost but effective and innovative solutions can be of mutual benefit to both high- and low-income countries. Reverse innovation has a role in addressing maternal health challenges in high-income countries by harnessing these innovative solutions for vulnerable populations especially in rural and remote regions. In this paper, we present three examples of 'reverse innovation' for maternal health: a low-cost, easy-to-use blood pressure device (CRADLE), a diagnostic algorithm (mini PIERS) and accompanying mobile app (PIERS on the Move), and a novel method for mapping maternal outcomes (MOM).

  14. Customer Integration during Innovation Development

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pedrosa, Alex


    of companies’ growing interest in effectively collaborating with customers, research has investigated the importance of firm–customer interaction during innovation development. However, despite valuable insights into the performance-enhancing effects of customer integration, research has thus far overlooked......To stay viable, companies need to increase their innovation development investments over time. However, successful innovation development also cannot happen without customers, and thus companies seek opportunities to enhance their knowledge of current and future customer needs. As a result...... the activities companies should engage in when integrating customers during innovation development. Thus, this study investigates how and when customer-oriented companies engage in customer interaction during innovation development. Using a multiple case study design, this study examines four substantive cases...

  15. Determinants for Failure and Success of Innovation Projects: The Road to Sustainable Educational Innovation (United States)

    Kirschner, P. A.; Hendricks, M.; Paas, F.; Wopereis, I.; Cordewener, B.


    Robert Burns wrote: "The best laid schemes of Mice and Men oft go awry". This could be considered the motto of most educational innovation. The question that arises is not so much why some innovations fail (although this is very important question), but rather why other innovations succeed? This study investigated the success factors of…

  16. ICT Innovation in Contemporary India

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rai, Sudhanshu; Chatterjee, Sutirtha; Sarker, Suprateek


    The paper we present here discusses ICT innovation in India using a narrative framework. We argue that ICT innovation has not really been a subject matter sufficiently researched in information systems from the perspective of innovation in developing countries. We use a grounded theory inspired...

  17. ICT Innovation in Contemporary India

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rai, Sudhanshu; Chatterjee, Sutirtha; Sarker, Suprateek


    This paper discusses ICT innovation in India using a narrative framework. We argue that ICT innovation has not been a subject sufficiently researched in information systems from the perspective of innovation in developing countries. We use a grounded theory inspired approach. There are three...

  18. Innovation and the policy environment

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Baker, Derek; Hamann, Karen

    for innovation, they were able to list and describe their innovation processes and outcomes. Firms expressed some dissatisfaction with innovation policy, and were able to make a number of recommendations for change. Notably, this included its linkage to an overall strategy that emphasises international...

  19. The Brazilian sugarcane innovation system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tosi Furtado, Andre; Gaya Scandiffio, Mirna Ivonne; Barbosa Cortez, Luis Augusto


    Ethanol has recently been of great interest worldwide because it is a viable economic alternative to petroleum products and it is a renewable source of energy that mitigates the emission of greenhouse gases. Brazilian bioethanol from sugarcane is the most successful case at the world level because of its low cost and low level of greenhouse gas emissions. Brazil's success with sugarcane cannot be understood as based solely on a natural comparative advantage, but as a result of efforts that culminated in a positive trajectory of technological learning, relying mostly on incremental innovations. The purpose of this article is to analyze the key aspects of the innovation system built around the Brazilian sugarcane industry. It is based on the national innovation systems approach according to which innovation results from the interaction of different institutional actors. Institutional arrangements are analyzed as the basis for the innovative process, in particular R and D and the innovation policies and strategies of the main players in the sugarcane sector, including sugar and ethanol mills, industrial goods suppliers, public and private research institutions, and governmental agencies. - Research Highlights: → The Brazilian success in bioethanol is due to the sugarcane innovation system. → Private funds for R and D became central after IAA closure. → Nowadays Brazilian innovation system is transforming to keep its leadership. → Public funds for research in the second generation bioethanol.

  20. Successful Innovations in Educational Leadership Preparation (United States)

    Gordon, Stephen P.; Oliver, John; Solis, Rachel


    The purpose of this study was to identify and describe successful innovations in educational leadership preparation programs. Professors of educational leadership from across the nation nominated innovations of 12 programs. Based on review of descriptions of the innovations provided by nominees, further documentation on the innovations was…

  1. Inbound Open Innovation in Financial Services

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrey Martovoy


    Full Text Available In the existing literature on innovation, financial services firms are attributed with a dependence on external knowledge inputs. Meanwhile, relative importance of sources of knowledge for innovation, modes of knowledge inflow, cooperation partners, advantages and disadvantages of cooperation for innovation remain underexplored. This study has unveiled that the most important internal sources of knowledge for innovation in financial services are frontline employees, new service development teams, bank executives, and backstage staff. Highly valuable modes of knowledge inflow for innovation are human resource development, purchase of equipment, and informal personal interactions. Financial services firms benefit from cooperation for innovation with external partners in the following aspects: increase in customer satisfaction, developed new skills of employees, new technologies, access to knowledge and expertise, decreased costs, and finding a new approach to solve a problem. Costs associated with external cooperation for innovation remain the most influential disadvantage of this mode of inbound open innovation.

  2. Barriers to Open Innovation: Case China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irina Savitskaya


    Full Text Available The notion of open innovation suggests that firms can boost their innovative performance by both acquiring knowledge from outside the company and deploying external paths to market for commercialization of non-core technologies. As innovations emerge increasingly from interorganisational cooperation, the background for such cooperation can also have an impact on the involvement of companies into open innovation processes. Thereby this paper proposes to analyze the barriers towards open innovation from three different aspects, such as internal firms’ environment, institutional factors or innovation system and cultural background. Our findings indicate that economic systems and institutions (in particular the protection of IPRs may have large effects on the behavior of firms with respect to their engagement in open innovation practices. On the other hand, our results also suggest that the importance of appropriability regime may differ in the buy and sell sides of knowledge, and finally we demonstrate the influence of peculiarities of national cultures upon the adoption of certain elements of open innovation model.

  3. Au fil du temps. Une infrastructure évolutive dans un espace vert préservé à Fribourg


    Ruffieux, Jessica


    La prise de conscience des enjeux environnementaux et l'accélération continue des changements sociétaux questionnent les modalités actuelles de production du bâti. Avec le développement des technologies, notre espace est devenu de plus en plus virtuel, nous faisant perdre le lien avec notre environnement direct; nous vivons la majorité du temps à l'intérieur, que ce soit pour nous déplacer, habiter ou travailler. Pour répondre à ces enjeux, le projet Au fil du temps propose une infrastructure...

  4. De l’acceptabilité sociale au développement local résilient


    Raufflet, Emmanuel


    Au cours des dernières années, les enjeux liés à l’acceptabilité sociale des activités économiques, en particulier dans le secteur extractif, se sont imposées comme des enjeux significatifs tant pour les entreprises, en tant qu’investisseurs directs et opérateurs des projets que pour les pouvoirs publics, comme promoteurs de projets de développement économique local et régional. Notre argument principal est que le mode de pensée vers le développement local résilient devrait remplacer celui pr...

  5. Interview de Simon Chignard

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matthieu Noucher


    Full Text Available Simon Chignard est l’auteur de « L’open data, comprendre l’ouverture des données publiques » (FYP éditions, mars 2012. Dans ce livre il propose des repères pour replacer l’open data dans le contexte français et comprendre les enjeux et les limites de l’ouverture des données publiques. Il a participé dès 2010 à l’animation de l’ouverture des données publiques de Rennes Métropole, territoire pionnier en France. Consultant et formateur indépendant, il est à titre bénévole président de l’association Bug (innovation sociale et numérique et vice-président de la Cantine numérique rennaise. Il anime le blog :

  6. Educational Innovation, Quality, and Effects : An Exploration of Innovations and Their Effects in Secondary Education

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hofman, Roelande H.; de Boom, Jan; Meeuwisse, Marieke; Hofman, W


    Despite the extensive literature on educational innovations, there is only limited empirical research available into the impact of innovations on student achievement. In this article, the following research questions will be answered: What form do innovations in secondary education take, are there

  7. Antecedents and Consequences of Business Model Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Waldner, Florian; Poetz, Marion; Grimpe, Christoph


    evidence seems to be confined to firm-level antecedents and pays little attention to the impact of industry structure. This study investigates how different stages of an industry’s life cycle and levels of industry competition affect firms’ business model innovation, and how such innovation translates...... into innovation performance. Based on a cross-industry sample of 1,242 Austrian firms, we introduce a unique measure for the degree of innovation in a firm’s business model. The results indicate that the degree of business model innovation is highest toward the beginning of an industry life cycle, that is......What makes firms innovate their business models? Why do they engage in innovating how they create, deliver, and capture value? And how does such innovation translate into innovation performance? Despite the importance of business model innovation for achieving competitive advantage, existing...

  8. Social Innovation : Driving Forces of Social Innovation in MNC


    Tam, Hoising; Osadcha, Liudmyla


    Multinational Corporations (MNCs) currently face not only a dynamic business environment and challenging profit target, but also increased expectations from the public to take responsibility for addressing social, economic, and environmental issues. There is a tendency that the leading companies in the global market, especially MNCs, put more effort to the Social Innovation (SI). This study is to investigate what drives the MNCs to be involved in social innovation. In order to find out the re...

  9. Canadian cardiac surgeons' perspectives on biomedical innovation. (United States)

    Snyman, Gretchen; Tucker, Joseph E L; Cimini, Massimo; Narine, Kishan; Fedak, Paul W M


    Barriers to successful innovation can be identified and potentially addressed by exploring the perspectives of key stakeholders in the innovation process. Cardiac surgeons in Canada were surveyed for personal perspectives on biomedical innovation. Quantitative data was obtained by questionnaire and qualitative data via interviews with selected survey participants. Surgeons were asked to self-identify into 1 of 3 categories: "innovator," "early adopter," or "late adopter," and data were compared between groups. Most surgeons viewed innovation favourably and this effect was consistent irrespective of perceived level of innovativeness. Key barriers to the innovation pathway were identified: (1) support from colleagues and institutions; (2) Canada's health system; (3) sufficient investment capital; and (4) the culture of innovation within the local environment. Knowledge of the innovation process was perceived differently based on self-reported innovativeness. The majority of surgeons did not perceive themselves as having the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively translate innovative ideas to clinical practice. In general, responses indicate support for implementation of leadership and training programs focusing on the innovation process in an effort to prepare surgeons and enhance their ability to successfully innovate and translate new therapies. The perspectives of cardiac surgeons provide an intriguing portal into the challenges and opportunities for healthcare innovation in Canada. Copyright © 2012 Canadian Cardiovascular Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. The Yin and Yang of Innovation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Kristina Vaarst

    Innovation researchers tend to rely on patent data to map innovative activities, even though we are well aware that patent records is an incomplete measure for innovation. In this paper we analyze if highly innovative firms’ positions in global value chains affect their incentives to patent and p...

  11. Innovation Motivation and Artistic Creativity (United States)

    Joy, Stephen P.


    Innovation motivation is a social learning model of originality comprising two variables: the need to be different and innovation expectancy. This study examined their contribution to artistic creativity in a sample of undergraduates. Participants completed measures of both innovation motivation variables as well as intelligence, adjustment, and…

  12. Innovation and network collaboration

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kesting, Peter; Müller, Sabine; Jørgensen, Frances


    Research suggests that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can benefit from network collaboration by enhancing opportunities for innovation. Managing the necessary collaboration to benefit from network participation may however be particularly challenging for SMEs due to their size...... and their inherent shortage of resources. In this paper, we propose that human resource management (HRM) practices may provide a means by which SMEs can increase their innovation capacity through network collaboration. Following a brief presentation of the relevant literature on networks, and innovation in networks...... in particular, and HRM, we analyse and evaluate the potential applicability of existing models for supporting innovation in SMEs participating in networks. Finally, we propose several lines of inquiry arising from our analysis that provide directions for future research....

  13. Towards the Innovation Function

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Antônio Zawislak


    Full Text Available This paper explores the main elements that influence innovation and the relationships among them. It is pointed out that innovation results from an entrepreneurial action inside an established institutional context, sustained by resources, abilities and competences and with the support of the necessary financial capital. Therefore, it is proposed that innovation is a function (just as the microeconomic production function composed of entrepreneurship, institutions, capabilities and capital. Each one of these elements is explored individually, so that later the relationships among them can be analyzed. It is still suggested that the size of the firm is a moderator in the relationship between these elements and innovation. The study’s contribution it is the development of a conceptual model.

  14. The dynamics of social innovation. (United States)

    Young, H Peyton


    Social norms and institutions are mechanisms that facilitate coordination between individuals. A social innovation is a novel mechanism that increases the welfare of the individuals who adopt it compared with the status quo. We model the dynamics of social innovation as a coordination game played on a network. Individuals experiment with a novel strategy that would increase their payoffs provided that it is also adopted by their neighbors. The rate at which a social innovation spreads depends on three factors: the topology of the network and in particular the extent to which agents interact in small local clusters, the payoff gain of the innovation relative to the status quo, and the amount of noise in the best response process. The analysis shows that local clustering greatly enhances the speed with which social innovations spread. It also suggests that the welfare gains from innovation are more likely to occur in large jumps than in a series of small incremental improvements.

  15. IT-Enabled Knowledge Creation for Open Innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Eseryel, U. Yeliz


    Open innovation is increasingly important for researchers and practitioners alike. Open innovation is closely linked to knowledge creation in that, with open innovation, knowledge inflows and outflows are exploited for innovation. In the information systems field, open innovation has been closely

  16. How top management team diversity affects innovativeness and performance via the strategic choice to focus on innovation fields

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Talke, Katrin; Salomo, Søren; Rost, Katja


    Past innovation research has largely neglected potential effects of corporate governance issues on strategic choices, and thereby on innovation management outcomes. The theory of upper echelon implies that strategic choices result from idiosyncrasies of top management teams (TMT). Building...... show that TMT diversity has a strong impact on the strategic choice of firms to focus on innovation fields. Such focus then drives new product portfolio innovativeness and firm performance. As corporate governance arrangements thus seem relevant in the context of innovation management, we can derive...... on this theory, we hypothesize that TMT diversity enhances firm performance by facilitating an innovation strategy that increases the firm's new product portfolio innovativeness. Our findings support the relevance of considering a corporate governance view for explaining innovation outcomes. Empirically, we can...

  17. Labor Laws and Innovation


    Viral V. Acharya; Ramin P. Baghai; Krishnamurthy V. Subramanian


    Can stringent labor laws be efficient? Possibly, if they provide firms with a commitment device to not punish short-run failures and thereby incentivize the pursuit of value-maximizing innovative activities. In this paper, we provide empirical evidence that strong labor laws indeed appear to have an ex ante positive incentive effect by encouraging the innovative pursuits of firms and their employees. Using patents and citations as proxies for innovation and a time-varying index of labor laws,...

  18. Open innovation competence : towards a competence profile for inter-organizational collaboration innovation teams


    Chatenier, du, E.


    Global competition and specialisation have resulted in an innovation trend called ‘open innovation’, in which companies develop new products, services or markets collaboratively, by using each others’ know-how, technology, licenses, brands or market channels. A complex form of open innovation is pooled R&D or co-development in strategic partnerships, i.e., open innovation teams. These partnerships embody mutual working relationships between two or more parties aimed at creating and delive...

  19. Combining the technological innovation systems framework with the entrepreneurs’ perspective on innovation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Planko, Julia; Cramer, Jacqueline; Hekkert, Marko P.; Chappin, Maryse M H


    For their technological sustainability innovations to become successful, entrepreneurs can strategically shape the technological field in which they are involved. The technological innovation systems (TISs) literature has generated valuable insights into the processes which need to be stimulated for

  20. Persistence of innovation in unstable environments

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Suarez, Diana Valeria


    of the environment impact on the type of profitable innovations, and past innovations might not be suitable for the new environment. As a result, firm's innovative behavior might change, which means that the firm's set of decisions about engaging in the seek for innovations or not and, if so, the set of investments...... during 1998-2006, which coincides with a period of macroeconomic instability. Results suggest that persistence has to be analyzed in terms of a dynamic firm's innovative behavior - regardless of its results - and how it allows the firm to accumulate competences and resources, which increases the odds...... of successfully responding to changes in the environment and continuing to innovate....