
Sample records for innai kansen boshi

  1. Role of ventilation systems in the prevention of hospital infection; Innai kansen boshi ni okeru kanki system no yakuwari

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ayliffe, G.


    This paper investigates and considers the actual state of hospital infection. The 80% or more of surgical wound infection is self-infection, for which the factor is the microorganisms that exist in a surgical wound at the completion of an operation. Airborne infection is generally due to staphylococcus aureus. There rarely is a bacteria carrier, and the germ is dispersed from him in some instances. Staphylococcus epidermis sticks to prosthesis, propagates and causes wound infection in rare occasions. Clostridium perfringens and escherichia coli also sometimes cause self-infection from wound. An ordinary plenum ventilation system is less effective for the prevention of wound infection. A remarkable example for reduction in infection is the employment of an ultra clean air system in joint replacement operations, showing reduction in joint septicemic infection from 1.5 to 0.3%. A vertical air flow system may be effectively employed in an operation room for the purpose of improving the air stream. No interrelation exists between the total number of indoor bacteria and infection without staphylococcus aureus. A person infected by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus has to be isolated into a unit. 13 refs., 1 fig., 1 tab.

  2. Technologieverkenning Nationale Veiligheid : Een verkenning van kansen en dreigingen van technologische ontwikkelingen voor de nationale veiligheid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vliet, P.J. van; Mennen, M.G.


    In opdracht van de NCTV als voorzitter van de Stuurgroep Nationale Veiligheid heeft TNO, partner in het Analistennetwerk Nationale Veiligheid, een verkenning uitgevoerd naar de kansen en dreigingen van technologische ontwikkelingen voor de nationale veiligheid in de komende vijf jaar. Deze studie is

  3. Sustainable comfort services. The impact of a combination of comfort and environment; Duurzame gemaksdiensten. Combinatie van gemak en milieu biedt kansen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Keizer, I.; Van Swigchem, J.


    The aim of the study on the title subject is to determine the environmental impact of so-called sustainable and environment-friendly comfort services which are offered to individual consumers from a central point. The comfort services discussed in this report are a laundry service, delivery or messenger service, and a meal service or domestic caterer. [Dutch] Mensen die werk en prive(of zorg) combineren, leiden een druk bestaan, waardoor de behoefte bestaat om bijvoorbeeld huishoudelijke taken efficient in te richten. Verhoging van gemak en comfort gaat echter vaak gepaard met een toename van de milieudruk: meer apparatuur, dus hogere energieverbruik, en meer behoefte aan mobiliteit. Voor het Ministerie van VROM ligt de uitdaging in het zoeken naar kansen die zowel gemak opleveren als winst voor het milieu. en mogelijk concept hiervoor wordt gezien in zogenaamde 'duurzame gemaksdiensten', zoals een was-, boodschappen- en een maaltijdservice, die aangeboden worden op een centraal punt: het dienstenknooppunt. Elk van deze services blijkt kansen te bieden, varierend van reducties in energiegebruik (max. 36% per huishouden per jaar) tot een (forse) reductie van het aantal gereden autokilometers. oordat deze kansen echter optimaal benut kunnen worden, is een aantal aspecten van belang om verder te onderzoeken: de werkelijke vraag naar duurzame gemaksdiensten vanuit de consument, de locatie van het dienstenknooppunt en het vervoer op en rondom het knooppunt.

  4. Chances for a circular economy in the Netherlands; Kansen voor de circulaire economie in Nederland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bastein, T.; Roelofs, E.; Rietveld, E.; Hoogendoorn, A.


    The concept of circular economy is an economic and industrial system that focuses on the reusability of products and raw materials, reduces value destruction in the overall system and aims at value creation within each tier of the system. In this report the (economic) opportunities are quantified as much as possible, and impacts on employment and the environmental are addressed. The study focuses specifically on the Dutch economy. The analysis starts by means of two detailed case studies: the use of biomass wastes and the circular economy that may arise in the metal-electronics industry [Dutch] Het begrip 'circulaire economie' is een economisch en industrieel systeem dat zich richt op de herbruikbaarheid van producten en grondstoffen, waarde vernietiging in het totale systeem minimaliseert en waarde creatie in iedere schakel van het systeem nastreeft. In dit rapport worden de (economische) kansen zoveel mogelijk gekwantificeerd, waarbij effecten op werkgelegenheid en milieudruk aan bod komen. De studie richt zich nadrukkelijk op de gehele Nederlandse economie. De analyse start aan de hand van twee gedetailleerde case studies: de benutting van reststromen uit biomassa en de circulaire economie die kan ontstaan t.b.v. producten uit de metaalelektro-sector.

  5. Greening and earning. Searching for chances for the Dutch economy; Vergroenen en verdienen. Op zoek naar kansen voor de Nederlandse economie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanemaaijer, A.; Manders, T.; Raspe, O.; Van den Berge, M.; Brandes, L.; Van der Esch, S.; Notenboom, J.; Reudink, M.


    This Signals Report focuses on the interface between greening and competitiveness, especially with regard to the chances that are offered by greening. It describes how the Netherlands is doing, how we are doing compared to other countries. It also identifies bottlenecks and barriers that companies encounter in realizing their ambition to become greener, and the report looks across the border to learn from other countries. Based on this analysis, the report outlines opportunities for policy signals to facilitate the transition to a green, innovative and competitive Dutch economy [Dutch] Dit Signalenrapport richt zich op het raakvlak tussen vergroening en concurrentiekracht en vooral op de kansen die vergroening biedt. Het beschrijft hoe Nederland ervoor staat, hoe we het doen ten opzichte van andere landen, het inventariseert knelpunten en barrieres waar bedrijven tegenaan lopen bij het realiseren van hun ambitie om te vergroenen, en het kijkt over de grens om te leren van andere landen. Op basis van deze analyse schetst dit signalenrapport mogelijkheden voor beleid om de overgang naar een groene, innovatieve en concurrerende Nederlandse economie te bevorderen.

  6. The Swiss Energy Sector. Innovation landscape and chances for the Netherlands; De Zwitserse energiesector. Innovatielandschap en kansen voor Nederland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Ewijk, S. [Innovatie Attache Netwerk, Ambassad Berlijn, Berlin (Netherlands)


    An overview is given of innovation in the Swiss energy sector and the following research question will be answered: what are the characteristics of the Swiss innovation landscape in the energy sector and what opportunities are there for the Dutch energy sector? The emphasis is on themes that occur in the Dutch top sector policy, such as natural gas and energy conservation. The aim is to encourage cooperation between the Netherlands and Switzerland in the field of energy and provide inspiration for investment, policy solutions and markets in the field of energy. Each chapter contains references to Swiss authorities for more information and further steps [Dutch] Een overzicht wordt gegeven van innovatie in de Zwitserse energiesector en probeert de volgende onderzoeksvraag te beantwoorden: wat zijn de kenmerken van het Zwitserse innovatielandschap in de energiesector en welke kansen zijn er voor de Nederlandse energiesector? De nadruk ligt daarbij op thema's die ook in het Nederlandse topsectorbeleid voorkomen, zoals aardgas en energiebesparing. Het doel is om de samenwerking tussen Nederland en Zwitserland op energiegebied te stimuleren en informatie te bieden als inspiratie voor investeringen, beleidsoplossingen en afzetmarkten op energiegebied. Ieder hoofdstuk bevat verwijzingen naar Zwitserse instanties voor meer informatie en verdere stappen.

  7. Onderzoek naar leverbot deel 1: Instrument voor bedrijfsanalyse op risicofacturen leverbotbestrijding

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verwer, Cynthia; Verkaik, Jan; Neijenhuis, Francesca


    risico’s & kansen Een in Nederland afgekeurde lever met vergrote galgangen met aanwijzingen voor ontsteking. Leverbotbestrijding Instrument voor bedrijfsanalyse op risicofactoren risico’s & kansen

  8. Concrete. Connecting Creative Technologists

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bakker, T.P.; Huijboom, N.M.; Koops, R.; Kotterink, B.; Nieuwenhuis, O.A.; Seiffert, L.; Siem, R.; Zee, F.A. van der


    Kruisbestuiving tussen de creatieve en high-tech sector biedt enorme kansen, bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van Smart Industry. Desondanks blijven deze kansen in de praktijk vaak onderbenut. In het project 'CONCRETE' heeft TNO op basis van een aantal case studies onderzocht welke succesfactoren tot een

  9. Sustainable innovation in the building sector. An analysis of chances and constraints; Duurzame innovatie in de bouwsector. Een analyse van kansen en belemmeringen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suurs, R. [TNO, Delft (Netherlands); Van Niekerk, E.; Van Barreveld, C. [3D BluePrint, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Urlings, M. [LSWA architecten, Oirschot (Netherlands)


    Building Brains has been set up by TNO as a cooperative and started September 21, 2009. The aim of the project was to answer the question how the energy consumption in the Netherlands can be reduced by 50% up to 2030 or how the built environment can be made energy-neutral. This issue of the magazine is dedicated to Building Brains project. The building construction sector is in need for sustainable innovation. This transition process calls for new organisational forms, new regulations, shifting markets, etc. To establish this, firms and governments should join forces to set up a network that stimulates and fosters sustainable innovation, an Innovation System. This is the only way to successfully support sustainable innovations in the construction sector. An Innovation System Analysis of the development of 'Building Information Systems' provides insights in the actual opportunities and threats offered by innovation in current building practice. [Dutch] Building Brains is een door TNO opgezet samenwerkingsproject dat op 21 september 2009 van start ging. Het doel van het project is antwoord te geven op de vraag hoe tot 2030 het energiegebruik in Nederland kan worden gehalveerd of hoe de gebouwde omgeving energieneutraal kan worden gemaakt. Deze aflevering van het tijdschrift TVVL is vrijwel geheel gewijd aan het Building Brains project. Onder druk van een veranderende wereld en forse economische terugval, neemt de roep om duurzame innovatie in de bouwsector toe. Dit vraagt om nieuwe organisatiestructuren, aangepaste regelgeving, opkomende markten, etc. Bedrijven en overheden zullen samen een netwerk moeten opbouwen dat duurzame innovatie faciliteert en versnelt. Alleen zo krijgen opkomende innovaties de kans om de bouwsector ingrijpend te veranderen. Een 'lnnovatie Systeem Analyse' (lSA) van de Nederlandse ontwikkelingen op het gebied van Bouw Informatie Modellen (BIM) geeft inzicht in de kansen en belemmeringen.

  10. More with thermal energy storage. Report 11. Area-oriented groundwater control. Fitting of thermal energy storage in area-oriented groundwater control. Chances and points of attention. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 11. Gebiedsgericht grond-waterbeheer. Inpassing van bodemenergie in gebiedsgrondwaterbeheer. Kansen en aandachtspunten. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Henssen, M. [Bioclear, Groningen (Netherlands); Hartog, N. [Deltares, Delft (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. In this report the following two questions are posed with regard to the use of thermal energy storage systems in contaminated areas:(1) is it realistic to expect that thermal energy storage systems can contribute to a substantial improvement of groundwater in large-scale contaminated areas?; and (2) is a thermal energy systems an option to control the burden of pollution? And which combinations with other underground or aboveground applications are possible for thermal energy storage? [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water

  11. The Effects of climatic change in the Netherlands, 2012; Effecten van klimaatverandering in Nederland, 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Minnen, J.; Ligtvoet, W. (eds.)


    This study is an update of the 2005 study: how is the situation at present with respect to the climate in the Netherlands, which effects are now more or less perceptible, are there new insights into the opportunities and risks of climate change, and to what extent are these future opportunities and risks embedded in the various policy issues? [Dutch] Deze studie is een actualisering van de studie uit 2005: hoe is het op dit moment gesteld met de klimaatverandering in Nederland, welke effecten daarvan zijn nu meer of minder waarneembaar, zijn er nieuwe inzichten in de kansen en risico's van klimaatverandering, en in hoeverre zijn deze toekomstige kansen en risico's in de verschillende beleidsdossiers verankerd?.

  12. Stadslandbouw in kantoorpanden: Optie of utopie?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spruijt, J.; Jansma, J.E.; Vermeulen, T.; Haan, de J.J.; Sukkel, W.


    In potentie zou stadslandbouw leegstaande kantoorgebouwen een nieuwe bestemming kunnen geven. Op papier zijn er volop kansen: veel leegstand, productieruimte dicht bij stedelijke afzetmarkt, maatschappelijke belangstelling voor lokale producten en beschikbaarheid van geavanceerde teelttechnieken

  13. Gamification in burgerparticipatie en burgerkracht

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Raymond Dongelen; Sanne Gaastra


    Gamification is een concept dat inmiddels grote populariteit geniet en wijdverbreid wordt toegepast. In dit whitepaper onderzoeken we de mogelijkheden van gamification in burgerparticipatie. Welke kansen biedt gamification de overheidssector? Wat zijn valkuilen en risico’s? En vooral: hoe ga je

  14. De Unie congresnota : een andere blik op mens en samenleving : blikopener : leven en werken in een netwerksamenleving

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dalen, E.J. van; Dirk, H.; Kruse, L.; Teuwen, J.


    De tijd van heldere organisatiestructuren is nog niet zo lang geleden. Taken waren afgebakend, kansen en bedreigingen behoorlijk goed in te schatten. In hoog tempo echter veranderen de samenleving, organisaties, markten en individuele wensen en verwachtingen. Typerende kenmerken zijn complexiteit en

  15. Subtiele verleiders inzetten voor studiesucces : Nudging the student

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J.M. Kreeft; I. van den Donker; dr. A.F. de Wild; D. van der Waal


    Subtiele prikkels in de omgeving van mensen zijn in staat om hun gedrag voorspelbaar te veranderen. Dit gegeven, bekend vanuit de psychologie en sociologie, biedt kansen voor het hoger onderwijs. Subtiele interventies (nudges) in het onderwijsproces leiden studenten namelijk onbewust tot

  16. Wetenschappelijk onderzoek facility management in Nederland : Nederlandse facility mangagers hebben behoefte aan verdere automatisering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vogel, W.M.; Wagenberg, van A.F.G.M.


    Een nieuw vakgebied dat serieus genomen wil worden, heeft behoefte aan gedegen, marktgericht onderzoek. Om een beeld te krijgen van de huidige situatie, kansen en knelpunten, en de mogelijke toekomstige ontwikkelingen vraagt het werkveld ondersteuning aan de wetenschap. De wetenschap kan

  17. Sjakie en de nieuwe sociale zekerheid : levensloop van de beroepsbevolking in een rollenspel

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Steentjes, A.; Nossent, S.; Hark, T. ter


    In dit artikel wordt het voorgestelde nieuwe stelsel van sociale zekerheid (levensloopregeling) onderworpen aan een fictieve praktijktoets. Centraal stond hierbij de vraag: wat zijn de kansen en gevolgen van dit nieuwe stelsel voor Sjakie, een vmbo-leerling autotechniek die uitgroeit tot een

  18. Essays on Neural Network Sampling Methods and Instrumental Variables

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    L.F. Hoogerheide (Lennart)


    textabstractDe laatste decennia zijn voor allerlei economische processen complexe modellen afgeleid, zoals voor de groei van het Bruto Binnenlands Product (BBP). In deze modellen zijn in sommige gevallen geavanceerde methoden nodig om kansen te berekenen, bijvoorbeeld de kans op een naderende

  19. NL Kids online

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jos de Haan


    In Nederland, maar ook elders, verkennen jongeren intensief de mogelijkheden van internet. Deze verkenning begint overal op steeds jongere leeftijd. Jongeren krijgen te maken met zowel de positieve als de negatieve kanten van internet. Dit rapport bestudeert de aangeboden kansen en risico's van

  20. What nature offers man. Eco system services in the Netherlands; Wat natuur de mens biedt. Ecosysteemdiensten in Nederland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Oostenbrugge, R.; Melman, T.C.P.; Alkemade, J.R.M.; Bredenoord, H.W.B.; Van Egmond, P.M.; Van der Heide, C.M.; De Knegt, B.


    Nature renders many services to mankind in an almost imperceptible way. For example, the dunes protect our country from flooding and forests store CO2. In the Netherlands, there are various opportunities to utilize these services rendered by nature, the so-called eco system services. This leaflet aims to incentivize and deepen the discussion on eco system services and the opportunities they provide. In addition, it also offers starting points for policy. [Dutch] De natuur levert op een haast onmerkbare manier allerlei diensten aan de mens. Zo beschermen duinen ons land bijvoorbeeld tegen overstromingen en slaan bossen CO2 op. In Nederland zijn er diverse kansen om deze door de natuur geleverde diensten, of wel ecosysteemdiensten, te benutten. Deze brochure dient om de discussie over ecosysteemdiensten, en de kansen die zij bieden, te stimuleren en te verdiepen. Daarnaast biedt ze ook enkele aanknopingspunten voor het beleid.

  1. Bouwlogistieke innovaties weerbarstig te implementeren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Ludema, M.W.; Vries, A.M.R.


    Toelevering van bouwmaterialen aan bouwprojecten is complex en verregaande gesegregeerd. De bouwsector staat voor een kans te innoveren op het vlak van de bouwlogistiek. In het verleden is ervaring opgedaan met ‘best-practices’ die voldoende kansen bieden de noodzakelijk innovatie door te voeren.

  2. Sport Toekomstverkenning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Marieke van Bakel; Ine Pulles; Annet Tiessen-Raaphorst; Frank den Hertog; Robert Vonk; Casper Schoemaker


    Deze publicatie verschijnt enkel digitaal op Welke maatschappelijke veranderingen beïnvloeden de sport in Nederland? Waar gaat het heen met de sport tussen nu en 2040? Welke kansen, maar ook keuzes biedt dit voor de sportsector en het sportbeleid? Deze vragen

  3. Workshop nieuwe kansen voor eiwit

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Peet, van der G.F.V.; Kamp, J.A.L.M.


    The Ministry of EL&I has asked Wageningen UR to organize a workshop giving the State of the Art of the research on 'new proteins' and results in an agenda for new research. The most perspective mentioned business cases are: 1. Biorefinery, 2. Insects, 3. Dried legumes (beans) and 4. Cultivation

  4. Vezelvlassector in opmars; Een analyse van de belangrijkste knelpunten en oplossingsrichtingen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stokkers, R.; Janssens, S.R.M.; Waal, van der B.H.C.


    Onderzoek naar de concurrentiepositie van de Nederlandse vlassector ten opzichte van België en Frankrijk. Met behulp van een SWOT-analyse worden de sterke en zwakke punten van en de kansen en bedreigingen voor de Nederlandse vlasteelt en -verwerking in kaart gebracht. Door de middel van een

  5. Sensor city Assen. Vlotter en slimmer reizen in de stad

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burgmeijer, J.W.


    Filemeldingen zijn nuttig, maar niet als je al in de file staat. Een experiment in de gemeente Assen, met TNO als consortiumleider, toont aan dat je met gebruik van sensortechnologie reizigers individueel en actueel reisadvies kunt geven en verkeersstromen beter kunt regelen. Dat biedt nieuwe kansen

  6. My first older student: investigating the specific requirements of teaching music to elderly people

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dons, Karolien


    Muziekles geven aan ouderen is een vak apart. Een vak, dat kansen biedt voor de professionele muziekdocent. Er bestaan nog vele vragen over het op een effectieve manier muziekles geven aan ouderen en over de marktbenadering daarvan. Daarnaast is de literatuur over het onderwerp erg beperkt. Deze

  7. Slim bewegen tussen haven en stad

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Duin, Ron


    Wat moet de havenstad Rotterdam gaan doen met alle toekomstige kansen en bedreigingen? Welke disruptieve veranderingen zijn bij uitstek geschikt voor de haven- en stadsontwikkeling en welke ontwikkelingen zien wij op ons afkomen? Op welke manier kunnen we daar op inspelen met het onderzoek en het

  8. Het nieuwe Jeruzalem komt uit de hemel : christelijke religie en seculiere utopie

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verkerk, M.J.


    Nu de ChristenUnie meeregeert zien sommige christenen nieuwe kansen om orde op zaken te stellen op ethisch gebied. Maarten Verkerk wijst aan de hand van het werk van Francis Bacon en van de regering Bush op het grote gevaar om hoge doelen te stellen aan een machtspositie.

  9. Crisiskansen: 'poweren' en 'puzzelen' onder hoge druk

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Warner, J.F.


    Crisis als kans? – Het Chinese karakter voor ‘crisis’ staat voor ongeluk, maar ook voor kansen. Een crisis kan destructief zijn maar ook constructief, in de zin dat ze positieve ontwikkelingen kan bevorderen. ‘Never waste a good crisis’, zei Hillary Clinton: de huidige economische crisis zou heel

  10. Goede praktijken tillen arbocatalogus naar hoger plan: or maakt ambities op het gebied van veilig en gezond werken waar!

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Abspoel, M.; Michel, F.P.


    De geïnterviewden Marien Abspoel en Fenny Michel zijn beiden adviseur/onderzoeken bij TNO in Hoofddorp. De oude arbowet was onderwerp van veel kritiek omdat de regels die erin stonden niet aansloten bij de praktijk. De vernieuwde arbowet biedt op dat gebied wel kansen. bedrijven kunnen binnen hun

  11. Cloud security in vogelvlucht

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pieters, Wolter


    Cloud computing is dé hype in IT op het moment, en hoewel veel aspecten niet nieuw zijn, leidt het concept wel tot de noodzaak voor nieuwe vormen van beveiliging. Het idee van cloud computing biedt echter ook juist kansen om hierover na te denken: wat is de rol van informatiebeveiliging in een

  12. Kansen GPS en precisielandbouw voor loonwerker.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Goense, D.


    De auteur beschrijft dat de technologische ontwikkeling een aanzet vormde voor de precisielandbouw. De grote fabrikanten van landbouwwerktuigen werken aan precisiewerktuigen en in verschillende landen worden deze technieken al toegepast

  13. Electric transport in the Netherlands. Highlights 2012; Elektrisch vervoer in Nederland. Highlights 2012

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Businesses, social and educational institutions and governmental institutes work together to accelerate electric transport and to discover and exploit economic opportunities. In 2012, many activities were carried out and results achieved, of which the highlights are presented in this brochure [Dutch] Bedrijfsleven, maatschappelijke- en kennisinstellingen en overheden werken samen aan versnelling van elektrisch vervoer en het ontdekken en benutten van economische kansen. In 2012 werden veel activiteiten uitgevoerd en resultaten geboekt, waarvan in deze brochure verslag wordt gedaan.

  14. Kansen voor het e-book in het onderwijs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mofers, Frans


    Deze presentatie gaat over E-book-thema media en ICT. De vragen die aan de orde komen zijn: waarom zijn e-books interessant voor een onderwijsinstelling? -innovatie: vervangen papieren materiaal: boeken, readers etc. Transformatie nieuwe (onverwachte) gebruiksmogelijkheden. Conclusies: - e-book

  15. AgroSun. Outline of the prospect of solar PV as a structural chance for the agricultural sector [in the Netherlands]. Phase 1. Inventory, cost effectiveness and benchmark; AgroSun. Verkenning van de kansrijkheid van zon PV als structurele kans voor de agrarische sector. Fase 1. Inventarisatie, rentabiliteit en benchmark

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lemmens, P. [Arvalis Projecten, Roermond (Netherlands); Buiter, W. [ZLTO Advies, Den Bosch (Netherlands); Veefkind, W. [Projecten LTO Noord, Zwolle (Netherlands)


    An overview is given of the opportunities of solar PV for the agricultural sector. Attention is paid to the technology, the market, technical indicators, economic aspects of solar panels, policy frameworks and subsidies, practical applications, future prospects, and alternative financing. Also conclusions and recommendations are given for the follow-up phase [Dutch] Dit rapport inventariseert de kansen die zon-pv biedt aan de agrarische sector. Achtereenvolgens: de technologie, de markt, technische kengetallen, economische aspecten van zonnepanelen, beleidsmatige kaders en subsidieregelingen, praktijktoepassingen, het toekomstperspectief en alternatieve financiering. Met conclusies en aanbevelingen voor een vervolgfase.

  16. ESCo. How to deal with that?; ESCo. Hoe pak je dat aan?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stooker, J.; Meerbach, R.A.C.; Seijsener, P.W. [Strukton Worksphere, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    An Energy Service Company (ESCo) is a form of collaboration with high expectations. What does this new form of contract requires from the contractor and client? Where are the opportunities, what are the risks? And what does it take to make a success of an ESCo? [Dutch] Een Energy Service Company (ESCo) is een samenwerkingsvorm waar veel van wordt verwacht. Wat vraagt deze nieuwe contractvorm van opdrachtnemer en opdrachtgever? Waar liggen de kansen, wat zijn de risico's? En wat is er nodig om van een ESCo een succes te maken?.

  17. Nieuwe Ronde, Nieuwe Kansen: Ontwikkeling in Management Accounting & Control

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.N.A.M. Boons (Arnick)


    textabstractArnick Boons (1957) is part time Professor in Management Accounting & Control at RSM Erasmus University. He obtained a PhD in financial management at Erasmus University Rotterdam (2000). At the same time he joined Deloitte as a consultant on financial management issues. His

  18. Economische evaluatie van preventie - Kansen voor het Nederlandse volksgezondheidsbeleid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vijgen SMC; Busch MCM; Wit GA de; Zoest F van; Schuit AJ; VTV; PZO


    It is widely argued that cost-effectiveness should play a role in health care priority setting. In this report, ten preventive interventions are identified, with a favourable cost-benefit ratio. These interventions are not yet systematically provided in the Netherlands. It is expected that these

  19. Toeristenbelasting en deeleconomie: kansen en bedreigingen voor Nederlandse gemeenten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A.W. Schep (Arjen)


    textabstractDe komst van het fenomeen vakantieverhuur via websites en apps als die van Airbnb heeft een grote vlucht genomen. Alleen al in Amsterdam verbleven 575.000 toeristen bij particulieren die hun woning, kamer of appartement via Airbnb hadden aangeboden. Dit heeft niet alleen positieve

  20. Manual licensing procedure co-fermentation of manure. Guideline for the initiator; Handboek vergunningverlening co-vergisting van mest. Wegwijzer voor de initiatiefnemer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This manual helps licensers assess the opportunities and possible bottlenecks in applying for a license for a co-digester. The manual contains elaborate information on the safety of the co-digester, the influence on the environment, the smell, the noise and the transport movements. Moreover, the licensing procedure is explained [Dutch] Dit handboek helpt vergunningverleners bij het inschatten van de kansen en mogelijke knelpunten bij de aanvraag voor een co-vergister. Het handboek bevat uitgebreide informatie over de veiligheid van de co-vergister, de invloed op de omgeving, de geur, het geluid en transportbewegingen. Daarnaast komt de procedure rond de vergunningverlening aan bod.

  1. The energetic society. Searching for a steering philosophy for a clean economy; De energieke samenleving. Op zoek naar een sturingsfilosofie voor een schone economie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hajer, M.


    The creativity and innovation powers of citizens and businesses in the Dutch society offer opportunities for 'green growth'. Deployment of this energetic society requires adjustment in thinking and actions of the Dutch government. This signal report offers tools for the government's new role. [Dutch] De in de maatschappij aanwezige creativiteit en innovatiekracht van burgers en bedrijven biedt kansen voor 'groene groei'. Het inzetten van deze energieke samenleving vraagt een aanpassing in het denken en doen van de Rijksoverheid. In dit signalenrapport worden handvatten gegeven voor die nieuwe rol van de overheid.

  2. Offshore wind options for 2013; Offshore wind kansen voor 2013

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van der Meij-Kranendonk, J.


    In the USA researchers and companies are busy to the make knowledge and experiences gained elsewhere in the world suitable for the American market and to increase new knowledge in their own country. A brief overview is given of the activities in the US with regard to offshore wind energy [Dutch] Amerikaanse onderzoekers en bedrijven zijn druk bezig om de kennis en ervaring die opgedaan is elders in de wereld geschikt te maken voor de Amerikaanse markt en om nieuwe kennis op te doen in eigen land.

  3. Innovation. Chances for sustainable development; Innovatie. Kansen voor duurzame ontwikkeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weterings, R. [TNO Milieu, Energie en Procesinnovatie TNO-MEP, Apeldoorn (Netherlands)


    Technological innovation can play an important part in the process of sustainable development, but only when innovation is more than developing new high-tech solutions. Applying new innovative technology must result in positive environmental effects. [Dutch] Technologische innovatie kan een sleutelrol spelen in het streven naar duurzame ontwikkeling. Maar dan moet innovatie wel meer zijn dan alleen ontwikkelen van nieuwe 'high tech' oplossingen. Juist in de toepassing van nieuwe technologie in de praktijk blijkt namelijk of innovatie al of geen milieusucces oplevert.

  4. Towards a future-proof energy system for the Netherlands; Naar een toekomstbestendig energiesysteem voor Nederland

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weterings, R.; Van Harmelen, T.; Gjaltema, J.; Jongeneel, S.; Manshanden, W.; Poliakov, E. [TNO Behavioural and Societal Sciences, Delft (Netherlands); Faaij, A.; Van den Broek, M.; Dengerink, J. [Copernicus Instituut, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht (Netherlands); Londo, M.; Schoots, K. [ECN Beleidsstudies, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    The analysis performed has two goals: (1) mapping of the most important opportunities and threats of the transition to a sustainable energy supply for the economy and society of the Netherlands, and (2) identify where significant gaps are in the knowledge that is required for a transition to a future-proof energy system for Netherlands [Dutch] De uitgevoerde analyse heeft twee doelen: (1) In beeld brengen van de belangrijkste kansen en bedreigingen van de transitie naar een duurzame energievoorziening voor economie en samenleving van Nederland; en (2) Nagaan waar belangrijke lacunes liggen in de benodigde kennis voor een transitie naar een toekomstbestendig energiesysteem in Nederland.

  5. Master case energy in the water chain; Mastercase energie in de waterketen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sukkar, R.; Kluck, J.; Blom, J.; Averesch, J.


    This document discusses the options for reducing the amount of operational energy and for recovery of (thermal and chemical) energy from the water chain. Particularly the extraction of heat from waste water (recovery of thermal energy) is a promising option. The case of the water chain of Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, has been examined [Dutch] De resultaten van een studie naar de mogelijkheden voor het reduceren van de hoeveelheid operationele energie, en voor het terugwinnen van (thermische en chemische) energie uit de waterketen, worden besproken. Vooral het winnen van warmte uit afvalwater (terugwinnen thermische energie) biedt grote kansen. Als casus is de waterketen van Leeuwarden onderzocht.

  6. The Vision on Wind. Space for Wind Turbines in Amsterdam, Netherlands; De Windvisie. Ruimte voor windmolens in Amsterdam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Godschalk, M.; Jacobs, S.; Van der Linden, K.; Plomp, M.; Rijntjes, R.; Ruiter, R.; Ydema, G.; Zonderland, H.


    With drafting the 'Wind Vision' the city of Amsterdam takes the initiative to realize more windmills in Amsterdam. Amsterdam aims for an efficient, sustainable energy, which will also benefit the Amsterdam population economically. The 'Wind Vision' shows that there are enough opportunities to supply one third of the households in Amsterdam with renewable electricity [Dutch] Met de Windvisie neemt Amsterdam het initiatief om meer windmolens in Amsterdam te realiseren. Amsterdam streeft naar een efficiente, duurzame energieopwekking, waar Amsterdammers ook economisch van kunnen profiteren. De Windvisie laat zien dat er op dit moment in de stad kansen zijn om genoeg windmolens te realiseren om een derde van de Amsterdamse huishoudens van duurzaam opgewekte elektriciteit te voorzien.

  7. Kansen voor regionale innovatieprojecten, verkenning voor de vollegrondsgroentesector in Zuidoost Nederland

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haan, de J.J.; Verhoeven, J.T.W.; Wolf, de P.L.


    The Dutch province of Limburg has asked Wageningen UR to develop an initial knowledge- and innovation agenda for the outdoor vegetable production sector, including three concrete project ideas for the POP3 framework. Besides this, Wageningen UR was asked to evaluate three innovation projects with

  8. Tracking and trailing. A travel guide for the energy transition; Spoorzoeken en wegbereiden. Een reisgids voor de energietransitie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hekkenberg, M.; Londo, M. [ECN Beleidsstudies, Petten (Netherlands)


    Our energy system, which is one of the pillars of the Dutch society, will probably be subjected to drastic changes in the coming decades. It will become a difficult and painful process at times. Policy makers have the task of directing these changes with a clear view on opportunities and threats. This guide aims to offer Dutch policy makers some strategic insights and tools. [Dutch] Onze energiehuishouding, 1 van de pijlers van de Nederlandse samenleving, zal de komende decennia drastische veranderingen ondergaan. Dat zal een bij tijd en wijle moeizaam en pijnlijk proces worden. Aan beleidsmakers de taak die veranderingen te regisseren met een helder oog voor kansen en bedreigingen. Deze gids beoogt Nederlandse beleidsmakers voor die taak enkele strategische inzichten en handvatten te bieden.

  9. Special on the Bio-based Economy. Making money with a green economy; Special Biobased Economy. Geld verdienen met een groene economie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Waterval, R. (ed.)


    Bio-based is booming. Increasingly more businesses see a healthy business case in products that are not made with fossil raw materials, but with biomass. But where are the opportunities for the Netherlands? And which roles can the government, trade and industry and science play? This PM special contains interviews with and experiences of pioneering entrepreneurs and agricultural attaches in the Netherlands and abroad [Dutch] Biobased is booming. Steeds meer bedrijven zien een gezonde businesscase in producten die niet gemaakt zijn met fossiele grondstoffen maar met biomassa. Waar liggen de kansen voor Nederland? En welke rol is daarbij weggelegd voor de overheid, het bedrijfsleven en de wetenschap? In deze PM-special onder meer interviews met en ervaringen van pionerende entrepreneurs en landbouwattaches in binnen- en buitenland.

  10. Kansen voor beschermde tuinbouw in Saoedi-Arabie en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wijnands, J.H.M.; Maaswinkel, R.H.M.


    Beschermde tuinbouw heeft potentie in de Golfstaten. De overheden streven naar diversificatie van de economie om in de toekomst minder afhankelijk van olie-inkomsten te zijn. De huidige situatie van de keten van beschermde teelten wordt geanalyseerd met Porters diamant. Ontwikkelingsstrategieën voor

  11. Ondernemerschap in de rechtspleging : Over de kansen van een Netherlands Commercial Court

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bauw, E.|info:eu-repo/dai/nl/101192320


    De beslechting van internationale handelsgeschillen wordt steeds meer een onderdeel van ‘The Global Marketplace’. De laatste jaren snoepen in deze zaken gespecialiseerde ‘commercial courts’ marktaandeel af van de ‘gewone’ civiele rechter. Met het initiatief tot de oprichting van een Netherlands

  12. Ondernemerschap in de rechtspleging : Over de kansen van een Netherlands Commercial Court


    Bauw, E.


    De beslechting van internationale handelsgeschillen wordt steeds meer een onderdeel van ‘The Global Marketplace’. De laatste jaren snoepen in deze zaken gespecialiseerde ‘commercial courts’ marktaandeel af van de ‘gewone’ civiele rechter. Met het initiatief tot de oprichting van een Netherlands Commercial Court, met gespecialiseerde rechters en Engels als procestaal, tracht de Nederlandse rechtspraak aan deze ontwikkeling enig tegenspel te bieden. Zal dit initiatief stand kunnen houden in het...

  13. Grond voor gelijkheid : gelijke kansen op werken bij gronduitgifte door de overheid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heijnsbroek, P


    This thesis aims to answer whether Dutch law contains an obligation for the Dutch government to – in principle – provide equal opportunities in land allocation agreements. On the basis of the principle of equality – including formal and substantive equal treatment by the government and equality

  14. Kansen voor conflictbemiddeling : Verslag van een onderzoek naar de toepassingsmogelijkheden van conflictbemiddeling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Geveke, Henk; Plant, Ernelies; Thieme, Marianneke; Verberk, Marielle


    In opdracht van het Platform ADR, een klankbordgroep en denktank op het gebied van alternatieve geschilbeslechting, is onderzoek verricht naar de toepasbaarheid van een specifieke vorm van Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): conflictbemiddeling (mediation). De onderzoeksopdracht was als volgt: het

  15. 73 Industrial symbiosis software: software and method to facilitate industrial symbiosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Immanuel Geesing


    Full Text Available Bedrijven gaan tegenwoordig vooral lineair om met hun materialen. Grondstoffen komen binnen, worden verwerkt tot producten en hun afval wordt afgevoerd. Binnen één bedrijf ziet dit er logisch uit, maar in een systeem van meerdere bedrijven is te zien dat dit efficiënter kan. Als het afval van een bedrijf gebruikt zou worden als grondstof door een ander bedrijf, ontstaat er industriële symbiose. Daardoor worden er minder grondstoffen verbruikt en worden bruikbare restmaterialen niet verspild. Om bedrijven te helpen bij het zoeken naar partners voor zulke uitwisselingen, is de software InduSym ontwikkeld. Met de software kunnen bedrijven hun grondstoffen en restmateriaal invoeren in een database. Een algoritme doorzoekt deze database en presenteert in een rapport de kansen om te komen tot een symbiotische uitwisseling van reststromen.

  16. Roadmap Waste Water Chain [up to 2030]. Vision; Routekaart Afvalwaterketen [tot 2030]. Visiebrochure

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roemgens, B.; Kruizinga, E. [DNV, Bilthoven (Netherlands)


    Included in this view brochure are directions how municipalities and water boards can contribute to a sustainable society by converting waste into clean raw materials, energy and clean water. In the Roadmap innovative ideas are elaborated for the built environment, the industrial area, the land-based industries and rural areas, where opportunities are for (re-)use of wastewater and raw materials [Dutch] In deze visiebrochure zijn richtingen opgenomen hoe gemeenten en waterschappen in 2030 een bijdrage willen leveren aan de verduurzaming van de samenleving door afval om te zetten in schone grondstoffen en energie en schoon water. In de Routekaart worden arrangementen uitgewerkt voor de bebouwde omgeving, het industrieel gebied, de grondgebonden industrie en het landelijk gebied waarin een mogelijke uitwerking wordt gegeven van de kansen die liggen in het (her-)gebruik van afvalwater en haar grondstoffen.

  17. Roadmap Textile 2030; Routekaart Textiel 2030

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wintermans, J. [MODINT, Zeist (Netherlands); Van den Berg, F. [BECO, Rotterdam (Netherlands); Van Hooijdonk, G. [The Bridge, Amersfoort (Netherlands); Luiken, A. [Alcon Advies, Wierden (Netherlands); Brinks, G. [BMA Techne, Almelo (Netherlands); Op den Brouw, H. [Agentschap NL, Den Haag (Netherlands)


    For the Roadmap Textile the future market demand was chosen as a starting point Trends in the following five sectors are depicted: Care, Construction, Mobility, Sports and Entertainment, Safety. Opportunities are defined and translated into development targets. Based on 'technological readiness levels' and perceived market opportunities, five new or innovative product market combinations (PMCs) are assigned and calculated for potential savings in energy and raw materials [Dutch] Voor de Routekaart Textiel is de toekomstige marktvraag als vertrekpunt gekozen. Trends in de volgende vijf sectoren zijn in beeld gebracht: Zorg, Bouw, Mobiliteit, Sport en ontspanning, Veiligheid. Vanuit deze trends zijn kansen gedefinieerd, die vervolgens zijn doorvertaald naar ontwikkelingsdoelen. Op basis van de bijbehorende 'technological readiness levels' en de gepercipieerde marktkansen, zijn een vijftal nieuwe dan wel vernieuwende product markt combinaties (pmc's) benoemd en doorgerekend op besparingspotentieel in energie en grondstoffen.

  18. Options for shallow geothermal energy for horticulture; Kansen voor Ondiepe Geothermie voor de glastuinbouw

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hellebrand, K. [IF-Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands); Post, R.J. [DLV glas en energie, Naaldwijk (Netherlands); In ' t Groen, B. [KEMA, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    Geothermal energy is too expensive to serve as energy supply for most horticultural entrepreneurs. Therefore, research has been carried out into options to use heat from more shallow layers (shallow geothermal energy). Unlike shallow geothermal energy deep geothermal energy can be applied on a smaller scale, possibly also for individual growers. It can be applied in combination with an existing heating system, but with a more sustainable outcome. Because drilling is done in shallow layers, drilling costs and financial risks are lower [Dutch] Geothermie is voor de meeste tuinbouwondernemers teduur om als energievoorziening te dienen. Daarom is onderzoek gedaan naar mogelijkheden om warmte te gebruiken uit ondiepere lagen (ondiepe geothermie). In tegenstelling tot diepe geothermie is ondiepe geothermie op kleinere schaal toepasbaar, mogelijk ook voor individuele kwekers. Het kan in combinatie met de bestaande verwarmingsinstallatie worden ingezet maar met een duurzamer resultaat. Omdat ondieper wordt geboord zijn de boorkosten en de financiele risico's lager.

  19. Slagkracht is nodig om Nederland te beschermen en economische kansen voor cybersecurity te verzilveren

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Zielstra, A.


    Digitale bedrijvigheid zorgde de afgelopen 25 jaar voor ruim een derde van alle economische groei. Meer dan 5 procent van ons bnp verdienen we met ICT. Nederland heeft een toppositie in de wereld als het gaat om de digitale economie. Maar het is niet vanzelfsprekend dat we die behouden. Volgens

  20. Een verkenning naar toepassing van drones in landbouw en natuur : drijfveren, kansen en consequenties

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wal, van der Tamme; Meijer, Marcel; Rip, Frans I.


    Dit rapport is een nadere uitwerking van het rapport van WODC (Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatie Centrum van het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie) uit begin 2015 naar het gebruik van drones. Deze uitwerking, gemaakt in opdracht van het ministerie van Economische Zaken, is gericht op

  1. 1+1=3 De kansen van samenwerking tussen wetenschap en praktijk bij HR analytics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Charissa Freese; Sjoerd van den Heuvel


    Wanneer we over HRM en technologie spreken, kunnen we niet meer heen om HR analytics. Gefaciliteerd door de alsmaar groeiende hoeveelheid beschikbare data, oftewel Big Data, proberen organisaties momenteel volop waardevolle inzichten uit de bijna oneindige hoeveelheid data te genereren. Samenwerking

  2. Towards a larger impact of energy saving projects by means of stakeholder analysis and management; Naar een grotere impact van energiebesparingsprojecten door middel van stakeholderanalyse en -management

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Kool, S.A.M. [Praktijkonderzoek Plant en Omgeving PPO, Bloembollen, Boomkwekerij en Fruit, Lisse (Netherlands)


    The energy efficiency advice offered by advisors and suppliers with regard to storage of flower bulbs frequently deviates from advice based on independent research. This leads to much obscurity in practice and does not contribute to realizing the energy efficiency objectives of the sector. That is why a stakeholder analysis was conducted and interviews were held to map who the stakeholders are and what their interests and attitudes are. Moreover, opportunities and bottlenecks have been identified with regard to realizing further energy efficiency [Dutch] De energiebesparingsadviezen die adviseurs en toeleveranciers hanteren voor de bewaring van bloembollen wijken regelmatig af van de adviezen op basis van onafhankelijk onderzoek. Dit leidt tot veel onduidelijkheid in de praktijk en draagt niet bij aan het realiseren van de energiebesparingsdoelstellingen van de sector. Daarom is door middel van stakeholderanalyse en interviews in beeld gebracht wie de belanghebbenden zijn en wat hun houding en belangen zijn. Ook zijn kansen en knelpunten benoemd om tot meer energiebesparing te komen.

  3. Air conditioning cool contribution to global warming?; Airconditioning koele bijdrage aan global warming?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oudshoff, B.


    Similar to the Netherlands, the percentage of buildings with air-conditioning is growing steadily in the United Stated (US). This makes it an interesting area for energy saving. New technological developments offer opportunities to drastically reduce energy use for cooling. The best option is obviously to no longer deploy mechanical cooling but this is not a realistic option for warmer areas. This article addresses new technologies and several newly established companies in California and Colorado that target this market. [Dutch] In de Verenigde Staten (VS) groeit het percentage van gebouwen met airconditioning, net als in Nederland, de laatste jaren gestaag door. Hiermee is het een interessant gebied voor mogelijke energiebesparing. Nieuwe technologische ontwikkelingen bieden kansen om het energiegebruik voor koeling drastisch te verminderen. De beste oplossing is uiteraard geen mechanische koeling meer toe te passen maar voor warmere gebieden is die optie niet reeel. In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op nieuwe technologie en enkele startende bedrijven in Californie en Colorado die zich op deze markt richten.

  4. More with thermal energy storage. Report 7. Interference. Effects of thermal energy storage systems on the environment. Modelling of large-scale implementation in urban areas. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 7. Interferentie. Effecten van bodemenergiesystemen op hun omgeving. Modellering grootschalige inpassing in stedelijke gebieden. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Oostrom, N.; Bakr, M. [Deltares, Delft (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. The objective of this report is to gain insight in the mutual influencing of heat and cold storage systems in areas where several such systems occur close to each other. This insight might contribute to a policy and/or model approach to interference [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water- en energieketen?; (3) Is het mogelijk om meerdere doelstellingen tegelijk te verwezenlijken door slimme combinaties te maken? Het project is ingericht met verschillende werkpakketten. In werkpakket 2 worden de effecten van individuele en

  5. More with thermal energy storage. Report 12. Combination with the water chain. New applications of thermal energy storage in combination concepts in the water chain. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 12. Combinatie met de waterketen. Nieuwe toepassingen van bodemenergie bij combinatieconcepten in de waterketen. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Woning, M.; Van Oostrom, N. [Deltares, Delft (Netherlands); Kleinlugtenbelt, R. [IF Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. This report presents the activities carried out in WP4 with results of both the inventory phase and the feasibility phase. After the introduction of WP4, outlining the framework and the aim, follows a survey of heat and cold storage combinations and elaborations of 3 combination concepts [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water- en energieketen?; (3) Is het mogelijk om meerdere doelstellingen tegelijk te verwezenlijken door slimme combinaties te maken? Het project is ingericht met verschillende werkpakketten. In werkpakket 2

  6. More with thermal energy storage. Report 2. Literature survey. Overview of knowledge and research questions with regard to thermal energy storage. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 2. Literatuuronderzoek. Overzicht van kennis en onderzoeksvragen rondom bodemenergie. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lieten, S.; De Vries, E. [Bioclear, Groningen (Netherlands); Van Baaren, E.; Bakr, M.; Oude Essink, G.; Hartog, N.; Meinderstma, W.; Van Nieuwkerk, E.; Van Oostrom, N.; Woning, M. [Deltares, Delft (Netherlands); Drijver, B.; Krajenbrink, H.; Mathijssen, H.; Wennekes, R. [IF Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. The aim of this literature survey is to search for knowledge that is available worldwide on the effects of heat and cold storage and the possibilities to combine this technology with controlling contaminants in soil and groundwater [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water- en energieketen?; (3) Is het mogelijk om meerdere doelstellingen tegelijk te verwezenlijken door slimme combinaties te maken? Het project is ingericht met verschillende werkpakketten. In werkpakket 2 worden de effecten van individuele en collectieve

  7. More with thermal energy storage. Report 1. Coupling with policy. Coupling of research results MMB with policy aspects. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 1. Koppeling met beleid. Koppeling onderzoeksresultaten MMB met beleidsaspecten. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luitwieler, M. [Bioclear, Groningen (Netherlands); Van Beek, D.; De Boer, S.; Koenders, M. [IF Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. This final report provides (a) an overview of the activities that have taken place in the context of work package 1, (b) the results of the other work packages in the light of four policy frameworks, and (c) a view on future policy [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water- en energieketen?; (3) Is het mogelijk om meerdere doelstellingen tegelijk te verwezenlijken door slimme combinaties te maken? Het project is ingericht met verschillende werkpakketten. In werkpakket 2 worden de effecten van individuele en collectieve

  8. More with thermal energy storage. Report 10. Options for a combination of heat and cold storage with soil sanitation. Overview of techniques and new options. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 10. Mogelijkheden voor combinatie van KWO met bodem-sanering. Overzicht van technieken en nieuwe mogelijkheden. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Vries, E. [Bioclear, Groningen (Netherlands); Hoekstra, N. [Deltares, Delft (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. In this report, an overview is given of available methods and systems for soil remediation. Next, potential combinations of thermal energy storage systems and sanitation systems are assessed taking into account the following criteria: energy efficiency, achieving the remediation target, cost efficiency, lifetime [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water- en energieketen?; (3) Is het mogelijk om meerdere doelstellingen tegelijk te verwezenlijken door slimme combinaties te maken? Het project is ingericht met verschillende

  9. Preventive measures of water pollution in China; Chugoku ni okeru suishitsu odaku boshi taisaku

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Qian, Y.; Huang, X.


    This paper describes the progress and the major results of research and development on technologies and measures to prevent water pollution in China. Tests and researches have been performed on an upward anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB), a vertical baffled anaerobic sludge blanket, two-phase anaerobic digestion, and an anaerobic fluidized bed. When anaerobically digested sludge and aerobic active sludge are inoculated in the UASB, particle-shaped sludge was formed well in both sludges. This technology has begun to be used in breweries and citric acid factories. With anaerobic treatment of waste water containing sulfate, the sulfate was recovered as sulfur by using the first and second phases. Research and development is being progressed on the oxidation ditch technology as an improved version of the active sludge method. In a pilot test of a soil treatment system and a stabilization pond treatment system as alternative technology for the active sludge method, the BOD in the treated water was found 2.5 mg{times}1/l. Attentions are drawn on primary treatment, a living organism contact oxidation method, and a continuous filtration treatment process as technologies to turn polluted water into resources. 6 refs., 1 tab.

  10. Review on development of biofouling control `97; Seibutsu fuchaku boshi taisaku no shinpo `97

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawabe, A. [Kurita Water Industries Ltd., Tokyo (Japan)


    Some recent information is presented about the adhesion of organisms to marine structures. A biocoating is a community of microorganisms adhering to the surface of an object, composed of a matrix of exocrines and what it carries, which are suspended matters originating in the seawater and organic particles originating in the organisms. As a biotechnological measure for preventing the adhesion of large organisms, there is the use of synthetic repellents. New chemicals, however, have to clear the law requesting a review and approval of the authorities concerned before they can be put to use. Furthermore, their cost if high will give rise to another difficult problem. There are two chemical methods against them, one the injection of chemicals aiming at all larvae on the adherence stage and the other the execution of electrolysis for the formation of repellent chemicals in the seawater. In case a thick chemical concentration is mandatory for a good result, chemicals may be allowed to melt out of the coating or surface electrolysis may be caused by use of a conductive coating. Available for providing the object with an organism-rejecting surface are functional materials such as silicone, chlorine generating electrodes, and repellent-containing carriers. Also mentioned in this report are electrochemical methods, use of copper alloys or zinc, and application of silicone-based coatings. 129 refs., 16 figs, 8 tabs.

  11. Ontwikkelingen in Foodservice : online en beleving creëren nieuwe kansen voor toeleveranciers van agf

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Splinter, G.M.; Haaster-de Winter, van M.A.


    Het voedsellandschap is in beweging. Een ontwikkeling met grote gevolgen voor “vers” en haar toeleveranciers. Voedsel is op steeds meer (verschillende) plaatsen te koop en wordt aangeboden door verschillende aanbieders. GroentenFruit Huis wil de groenten- en fruitsector versterken en de positie van

  12. Onderzoek naar leverbot deel II: Vang slak in plaats van bot: Leverbotbestrijding risico’s & kansen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Verkaik, J.C.; Neijenhuis, F.; Verwer, Cynthia


    Slakken in de zomer wegfrezen uit de greppels minimaliseert de kans op leverbot. In combinatie met opstallen voor opname van besmetting kan zomerfrezen leverbot zelfs voorkomen. De kans op leverbot neemt eveneens aanzienlijk af door runderen evasief te weiden. Botten vangen (en doden) door het vee

  13. Biofuels in Central America; Biobrandstoffen in Midden-Amerika

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanders, E.


    This report presents the results of an analysis of the biofuel markets in El Salvador, Panama, Costa Rica and Honduras. The aim of this report is to provide insight in the current situation and the expected developments in these markets and thus to provide investors with an image of the opportunities that could be present in this sector. An attempt has been made to provide a clear overview of this sector in the countries concerned. Due to a lack of data this has not been fully accomplished in some cases. [mk]. [Dutch] De resultaten van een analyse van de bio-brandstoffenmarkten in El Salvador, Panama, Costa Rica en Honduras worden gepresenteerd. Het doel van het rapport is inzicht te geven in de stand van zaken en de te verwachten ontwikkelingen op deze markten om zo investeerders een beeld te geven in kansen die in deze sector eventueel aanwezig zijn. Getracht is een zo overzichtelijk mogelijk beeld te geven van deze sector in de betreffende landen. Afwezigheid van data heeft er toe geleid dat dit in sommige gevallen niet helemaal is gelukt.

  14. Parity as a factor affecting the white-coat effect in pregnant women: the BOSHI study. (United States)

    Ishikuro, Mami; Obara, Taku; Metoki, Hirohito; Ohkubo, Takayoshi; Iwama, Noriyuki; Katagiri, Mikiko; Nishigori, Hidekazu; Narikawa, Yoko; Yagihashi, Katsuyo; Kikuya, Masahiro; Yaegashi, Nobuo; Hoshi, Kazuhiko; Suzuki, Masakuni; Kuriyama, Shinichi; Imai, Yutaka


    Parity has previously been reported to affect the difference in blood pressure (BP) measured in the office and at home, also known as the white-coat effect, during pregnancy. The objective of this study was to identify possible factors that cause the white-coat effect during pregnancy, focusing on parity. In total, 530 pregnant women (31.3±4.7 years old) who delivered at a maternal clinic were eligible for the study. The association between parity and the white-coat effect (clinic BP compared with home BP) was investigated for each trimester of pregnancy by multivariate analysis of covariance adjusted for age, body mass index, family history of hypertension and smoking habits. The magnitudes of the white-coat effect for systolic BP in the first, second and third trimesters were 4.1±9.8, 3.4±7.1 and 1.8±6.0 mm Hg, respectively and those for diastolic BP were 3.8±7.4, 1.6±5.8 and 2.4±4.9 mm Hg, respectively. Parity was significantly and negatively associated with the white-coat effect for systolic BP in the first trimester of pregnancy (nulliparous women: 5.07±0.61 mm Hg and multiparous women: 2.78±0.74 mm Hg, P=0.02) as well as for diastolic BP in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Age, body mass index, family history of hypertension and smoking were not significantly associated with the white-coat effect in any trimester of pregnancy. Parity may have an influence on the white-coat effect in pregnancy; however, the observed effect, on average 1-2 mm Hg, was small.

  15. Kyoto protocol and related issues; Chikyu ondanka boshi Kyoto kaigi (COP3) to sono kadai

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ninomiya, Y. [Global Industrial Social Progress Research Institute, Tokyo (Japan)


    The Third Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP3) will be held in Kyoto in December 1997. Described herein are the current status and issues of the convention. USA and Japan, which hold important keys to set up the abatement target, have issued no proposals concretely at the current AGBM (Ad-hoc Group Berlin Mandate) 7, and the conference for the concrete targets will be decided in the next AGBM 8 to be held in October. The final target will be set by the ministerial segment of COP3, because the negotiations for the treaty are political in nature. USA proposes reduction at a uniform, realistic rate, and Japan proposes reduction at a uniform rate or setting up the emission target per capita, each being different from reduction at a much higher uniform rate proposed by EU. Within EU, however, 10% out of 15% reduction rate it proposes is agreed by the member countries, and the remaining rate of % may not be agreed. It is necessary for the advanced parties to set up realistic and legally binding solutions, including ratification by USA, which can persuade the developing countries. tab.1

  16. Options for shallow geothermal energy for horticulture. Annexes; Kansen voor Ondiepe Geothermie voor de glastuinbouw. Bijlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hellebrand, K. [IF-Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands); Post, R.J. [DLV glas en energie, Naaldwijk (Netherlands); In ' t Groen, B. [KEMA, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    Geothermal energy is too expensive to serve as energy supply for most horticultural entrepreneurs. Therefore, research has been carried out into options to use heat from more shallow layers (shallow geothermal energy). Unlike shallow geothermal energy deep geothermal energy can be applied on a smaller scale, possibly also for individual growers. It can be applied in combination with an existing heating system, but with a more sustainable outcome. Because drilling is done in shallow layers, drilling costs and financial risks are lower. This report comprises the annexes (A) Geologic Framework, and (B) Maps of the Netherlands (depth, thickness of sand layers, temperature and shallow geothermal energy potential [Dutch] Geothermie is voor de meeste tuinbouwondernemers teduur om als energievoorziening te dienen. Daarom is onderzoek gedaan naar mogelijkheden om warmte te gebruiken uit ondiepere lagen (ondiepe geothermie). In tegenstelling tot diepe geothermie is ondiepe geothermie op kleinere schaal toepasbaar, mogelijk ook voor individuele kwekers. Het kan in combinatie met de bestaande verwarmingsinstallatie worden ingezet maar met een duurzamer resultaat. Omdat ondieper wordt geboord zijn de boorkosten en de financiele risico's lager. Dit rapport bevat de bijlagen: (A) Geologisch kader, en (B) B Kaarten Nederland (diepte, zandlaagdikte, temperatuur en ondiepe geothermie (OGT) potentie.

  17. More with thermal energy storage. Report 3-4. Effects on the underground. Effects of thermal energy storage systems on geochemistry and biology in practice. Result of measurements at pilot locations and laboratory tests. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 3-4. Effecten op de ondergrond. Effecten van bodemenergiesystemen op de geochemie en biologie in de praktijk. Resultaat metingen op pilotlocaties en labtesten. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dinkla, I.; Lieten, S. [Bioclear, Groningen (Netherlands); Hartog, N. [Deltares, Delft (Netherlands); Drijver, B. [IF Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. The aim of this literature survey is to search for knowledge that is available worldwide on the effects of heat and cold storage and the possibilities to combine this technology with controlling contaminants in soil and groundwater [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water- en energieketen?; (3) Is het mogelijk om meerdere doelstellingen tegelijk te verwezenlijken door slimme combinaties te maken? Het project is ingericht met verschillende werkpakketten. In werkpakket 2 worden de effecten van individuele en collectieve

  18. More with thermal energy storage. Report 5. Modelling systems. Effects of thermal energy storage systems on the environment. Modelling individual projects. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 5. Modellering systemen. Effecten van bodemenergiesystemen op hun omgeving. Modellering individuele projecten. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Drijver, B.; De Jonge, H. [IF Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. This report describes the results of the modeling of three existing thermal energy storage projects in the framework of the MMB project. The aim of the modeling of these projects is to gain insight in the reliability of the predicted hydrological and thermal effects, the causes of any deviations and improvements that are possible to improve the reliability of the predictions [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water- en energieketen?; (3) Is het mogelijk om meerdere doelstellingen tegelijk te verwezenlijken door slimme

  19. Risicoprofielen en het opsporen van fraude bij een Wwb-uitkering

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N.F. Reelick


    De laatste jaren is er binnen sociale diensten in Nederland veel aandacht geweest voor een strikt handhavingsbeleid ten aanzien van bijstandsuitkering. Het hanteren van een risicoprofiel is hierbij een veel gebruikte methode. Een risicoprofiel is opgebouwd uit factoren waarvan wordt verwacht dat zij voorspellen of een uitkeringsgerechtigde zich in zal laten met fraude. Bij Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SoZaWe in Rotterdam is onderzoek gedaan in hoeverre gegevens die zijn opgeslagen in de bestanden van de dienst in relatie staan met fraude. Daarnaast is een onderzoek gedaan in hoeverre factoren die vanuit een theoretisch standpunt in relatie met fraude zouden kunnen staan tot een verbetering van een risicoprofiel kunnen leiden. Uit de beide onderzoeken blijkt dat de gegevens uit de bestanden van SoZaWe een geringe voorspellende waarde hebben. Deze kan iets verbeterd worden door er factoren aan toe te voegen als de attitude van de klant tegenover fraude en beoordeling van de kansen om gecontroleerd te worden en gepakt te worden voor fraude. Het gebruik van risicoprofielen, waarbij alleen van gegevens uit de bestanden van de Sociale Diensten wordt uitgegegaan moet met de grootst mogelijke terughoudendheid gebeuren.

  20. Concentrated Solar Power as part of the European energy supply. The realization of large-scale solar power plants. Options, constraints and recommendations; Concentrated Solar Power als onderdeel van de Europese energievoorziening. De realisatie van grootschalige zonnecentrales. Mogelijkheden, obstakels en advies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouwmans, I.; Carton, L.J.; Dijkema, G.P.J.; Stikkelman, R.M.; De Vries, L.J. [Energy and Industry Group, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, Delft (Netherlands)


    Next to solar cells and solar collectors for decentralized power generation Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology is available and proven for large-scale application of solar energy. However, after 20 years of demonstration projects and semi-commercial installations, CSP is still not widely used. In this quick-scan an overview is given of strong and weak points of CSP, as well as its' options and constraints with regard to a sustainable energy supply, focusing on technical, economical and administrative constraints and chances in Europe and European Union member states. [Dutch] Naast zonnecellen en zonnecollectoren voor decentrale opwekking is er een technologie die geschikt is voor grootschalige ontsluiting van de zon: Concentrated Solar Power, kortweg CSP. Bewezen in een aantal demonstratie- en pre-commerciele installaties blijft toepassing van deze technologie ook na 20 jaar beperkt. Daarom staat in deze notitie, die het resultaat is van een quickscan, de volgende vraag centraal: Wat zijn de sterktes, zwaktes, mogelijkheden en barrieres van CSP-technologie als onderdeel van een duurzame energievoorziening en welke technisch-economische en bestuurlijke barrieres en kansen zijn er voor Europa en de lidstaten van de EU?.

  1. Wat is het onderwerp op een foto? Kansen en problemen bij het opzetten van een eigen fotodatabase

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kleppe, Martijn


    abstractMartijn Kleppe What is this a picture of? Possibilities and problems when creating a photo database Creating a photo database for research purposes offers many opportunities: find specific photos within a large set of images, link photos to other relevant pictures within the database or find

  2. VAMIL and EIA regulations. Options for the installer/advisor; VAMIL- en EIA-regeling. Kansen voor installateur/adviseur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wondergem, J. [Wondergem Intermedium, (Netherlands)


    The new title financial incentives regulations of the Dutch government are outlined. VAMIL and EIA came into effect January 1, 1997. The regulations offer the tax payer a number of financial advantages when investments are made for energy saving capital goods. Also for installers and advisors the regulations offer new chances to realize energy saving measures in maintenance, replacement or extension of existing installations. In this article attention is paid to the practical possibilities of the VAMIL and EIA regulations for the installation sector. 2 tabs.

  3. Kansen voor vrouwelijk talent : over carrières en barrières van vrouwen bij Wageningen UR

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lebbink, S.; Steuten, C.; Neefjes, M.


    Dit rapport inventariseert de situatie van de doorstroming van vrouwelijke wetenschappers aan Wageningen UR. Zo blijkt er binnen Wageningen University een dik glazen plafond te bestaan, te meten aan de doorstroom van de ene functieschaal naar de volgende. In dit rapport beschrijven we een aantal

  4. More with thermal energy storage. Report 8. Autonomous heating. Autonomous development of ground temperature. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 8. Autonome opwarming. Autonome ontwikkeling bodemtemperatuur. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Drijver, B. [IF Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. This report contains an analysis of the thermal impact of climate change and urbanization on the soil temperature. Attention is paid to the autonomous heating of the subsurface that occurred since 1900 and that still may be expected up to 2040. A distinction is made between rural areas, where only the climate change plays a role, and urban areas, where the UHI effect (Urban Heat Island) is of importance [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water- en energieketen?; (3) Is het mogelijk om meerdere doelstellingen tegelijk te

  5. The Agrocentre. A sustainable pig cluster; Het Agrocentrum. Een duurzaam varkenscluster

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Wilt, J.G. [InnovatieNetwerk, Utrecht (Netherlands); Noorduyn, L. [De Schrijfster, Bennekom (Netherlands)


    To what extent does the continuous process of upscaling in pig farming present opportunities to take sustainability to a new level? To answer this question, several pig farmers, assisted by InnovationNetwork, have devised a concept for a sustainable pig cluster which they have dubbed Agrocentre. Various studies have shown that the Agrocentre can grow into an animal- and environment-friendly form of pig farming that blends in well with the countryside whilst also being economically viable. An Agrocentre is a type of Agropark where pig farming is clustered with an agro-power station and an abattoir. Another characteristic is that direct connections with other sectors make it possible to largely close energy, CO2, mineral and water cycles. The Agrocentre accommodates all categories of pigs, ranging from sows and piglets to meat pigs. A scale of about 80,000 to 100,000 pigs is necessary to make the abattoir economically viable. The on-site abattoir prevents the stressful transportation of live animals. The meat is processed elsewhere. The power station runs on the manure from the farm's own pigs and supplies all energy required for the pig farm, while any residual heat and electricity is supplied to nearby greenhouse growers or fish farms. The pig feed is mainly sourced from surrounding arable farms which, in turn, procure the manure product from the agro-power station [Dutch] In hoeverre biedt de voortgaande schaalvergroting in de varkenshouderij kansen voor een duurzaamheidssprong? Met deze vraagstelling hebben enkele varkenshouders met ondersteuning vanuit InnovatieNetwerk een ontwerp gemaakt voor een duurzaam varkenscluster, dat ze 'Agrocentrum' hebben genoemd. Uit verschillende studies is gebleken dat het Agrocentrum kan uitgroeien tot een welzijns- en milieuvriendelijke vorm van varkenshouderij die goed in het landschap past en die ook economisch kansen biedt. Een Agrocentrum is een specifieke vorm van een Agropark waar varkenshouderij is

  6. More with thermal energy storage. Report 6. High temperature storage. Overview of knowledge and results of measurements with regard to high temperature storage systems. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 6. Hogetemperatuuropslag. Kennisoverzicht en praktijkmetingen rondom hogetemperatuuropslagsystemen. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Drijver, B. [IF Technology, Arnhem (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. This report includes the results of research in the field of high temperature heat storage. Residual heat, which comes available in the summer can be used for heating purposes in the winter. To realize that heat can be stored temporarily. It appears that the subsurface can be used, which has resulted in a strong growth of heat and cold storage systems [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen ten aanzien van open systemen. De belangrijkste vragen waarop het onderzoeksprogramma MMB antwoord geeft zijn: (1) Welke effecten (hydrologisch, thermisch, microbiologisch en chemisch) treden op in het bodemsysteem bij toepassing van bodemenergie?; (2) Welke technische mogelijkheden zijn er voor het duurzaam inpassen van bodem-energie in de water- en energieketen?; (3) Is het mogelijk om meerdere doelstellingen tegelijk te verwezenlijken door slimme combinaties te maken? Het

  7. Preventieve Wellness, ook in Nederland : Een onderzoek naar trends, kansen en uitdagingen op het gebied van preventieve wellness

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    dr. Angelique Lombarts


    De vraag naar nieuwe innovatieve wellnessproducten was in 2010 de aanleiding tot het onderzoek waarvan u hier het eindresultaat voor u heeft. Docente en research fellow Roos Gerritsma van de minor Sports, Wellness & Lifestyle had vele afstudeeronderzoeken en stages begeleid en was mede daardoor goed

  8. Kansen en uitdagingen voor open online onderwijs en implicaties voor de organisatorische inrichting van Nederlandse hoger onderwijs instellingen

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schophuizen, Martine; Kreijns, Karel; Stoyanov, Slavi; Kalz, Marco


    The global attention for open online education (OOE) caused a situation in which higher education institutions (HEIs) reconsider the way they deliver education to the population. With a funding policy, the Dutch Government aims to stimulate OOE in HEIs. The goal is to create more expedient,

  9. Novel Protein Foods in catering. Outline of the options project plan; Novel Protein Foods in catering. Verkenning van de mogelijkheden projectplan

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Londo, H.M.; De Kuijer, O.C.H. [KDO Advies, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    The aim of the project on the title subject is to develop and introduce new product concepts on the basis of Novel Protein Foods (NPF) in the catering sector. An overview is given of the chances, relevant parties and future images with respect to products, market, technology, environmental impacts and energy conservation. [Dutch] In het project duurzame voedselketens en energiebesparing (DKE) zijn Novem en Stichting Agro Keten Kennis (AKK) op zoek naar mogelijkheden om de milieu- en energiebelasting binnen de sector voeden te verkleinen. Een aantal projectideeen is hier inmiddels voor geselecteerd, varierend van optimalisaties in bestaande voedselketens tot ideeen voor nieuwe ketens. Een interessante keten in dit kader is Novel Protein Foods (NPF) in de catering. NPF worden momenteel vooral als (vlees)alternatief geconsumeerd en via de normale retail-kanalen afgezet. Aangezien de gemiddelde Nederlander bijna 40% van zijn maaltijden 'buiten de deur' consumeert, heeft de introductie van NPF in een cateringketen perspectief. Een verkenning is uitgevoerd van de kansen van deze nieuwe keten, de te betrekken partijen en de mogelijke toekomstbeelden in termen van producten, markt, technologie, milieu- en energie-effecten. De verkenning bestond uit een aantal verkennende gesprekken met partijen in de keten, een brainstormbijeenkomst met geinteresseerde partijen, een gezamenlijke presentatie en berekeningen aan het potentieel aan energiebesparing.

  10. Structural Vision on the Future of the Afsluitdijk; Structuurvisie Toekomst Afsluitdijk

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    With this structural vision, the Dutch Cabinet is taking its responsibility with regard to water safety and is also able to link up to other themes and to develop the area in a broader context. The structural vision sketches opportunities that are spatially relevant for the Afsluitdijk (IJsselmeer Dam). The Dutch government, local authorities, knowledge institutes and market parties together show in their vision on the Afsluitdijk how the Netherlands will be dealing with significant challenges in the coming decades: the consequences of climate change, sustainable energy supply and preserving and strengthening biodiversity in an appealing landscape. This approach contributes to safety, prosperity and well-being. [Dutch] Het kabinet neemt met deze structuurvisie zijn verantwoordelijkheid voor de waterveiligheid en ziet daarnaast kansen om verbindingen te leggen met andere thema's en om het gebied ook in bredere zin te ontwikkelen. De structuurvisie schets daartoe mogelijkheden voor zover die in ruimtelijk opzicht direct verband houden met de Afsluitdijk. Het rijk, decentrale overheden, kennisinstellingen en marktpartijen laten op de Afsluitdijk samen zien hoe Nederland omgaat met grote uitdagingen van de komende decennia: de gevolgen van klimaatverandering, duurzame energievoorziening en het in stand houden en versterken van biodiversiteit in een aantrekkelijk landschap. Deze aanpak draagt bij aan veiligheid, welvaart en welzijn.

  11. Between mountains of gold and green business. System analysis of a bio-based economy; Tussen gouden bergen en groene business. Systeemverkenning van een bio-based economie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weterings, R.; Roelofs, E.; Suurs, R.; Van der Zee, F.


    The study shows it is possible for the Dutch industry to expand its strong knowledge position to a forceful international competitive position by aiming innovations towards the realization of a biobased economy. The main conclusions of this report are that the biobased economy offers big opportunities for sustainable economic development in the Netherlands and in Europe, but there is no guarantee of success. At a European level a stable and inviting investment climate necessary for biobased economic activity is lacking. In the Netherlands there is a need for a proactive innovation policy to substantially accelerate the development of promising business cases [Dutch] Deze verkenning vertrekt vanuit trends en ontwikkelingen in de wereld en kijkt vervolgens naar de consequenties voor Europa en Nederland. Dit 'van buiten naar binnen' perspectief contrasteert met veel andere analyses die doorgaans vertrekken vanuit de kansen voor bio-based processen en producten en vooral ingaan op de 'gewenste' maatschappelijke context. Gekeken is enerzijds naar globale maatschappelijke trends en anderzijds naar specifieke sleutelactiviteiten binnen het Nederlandse innovatiesysteem. De verkenning gaat met deze benadering niet alleen in op de mondiale en Europese context, maar analyseert ook op systematische wijze de sterkten en zwakten binnen het Nederlandse innovatiesysteem.

  12. Development of micro solar charger with blocking relay; Gyakuryu boshi relay wo oyoshita kogata solar judenki no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nanno, I.; Matsushita, Y. Oka, S. [Omron Corp., Kyoto (Japan)


    Heavy-current tiny-scale solar charger is tentatively built, equipped with a function of preventing overcharge and countercurrent in case of charging storage batteries using solar cells. Incorporated into this solar charger are a countercurrent prevention relay system, a low loss current detection system, and a MOSFET parallel connection, which allow the solar charger to be designed small in size in the presence of an increase in heat due to circuit loss. In the countercurrent prevention relay system, the countercurrent prevention diode is bypassed by MOSFETs when too large a current is generated. In the low loss current detection system, currents are detected by use of the ON resistance of the MOSFETs for the prevention of overcharge. In the MOSFET parallel connection, MOSFETs are connected in parallel for a decrease in the ON resistance. The tentatively built charger is then subjected to a performance evaluation test outside the building, and the test is carried out by measuring the temperatures of the MOSFETs and the air. As the result, it is found that the temperature of MOSFET junction of the 12A tiny-size solar charger is approximately 42.5 degC at the highest, low enough to clear the requirements. 4 refs., 7 figs., 4 tabs.

  13. Database marketing for energy conservation. Practice-oriented study; Databasemarketing voor energiebesparing. Praktijk gericht onderzoek

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burghouts, H. [Energie Netwerk EN, Bilthoven (Netherlands); De Kleijn, B.; Van Leerdam, W. [Tangram Advies en Onderzoek, Zeist (Netherlands)


    In the 'Block by Block' project 13 local energy saving projects are supported in the development of concepts to realize large-scale energetic improvements of existing houses. In these projects the consortia develop strategies which are applied in the market. In addition, a number of projects is awarded with a so-called 'Green Deal' (agreements between governmental, public and private parties in the Netherlands). Part of the support is a knowledge and learning process. As part of the learning process a practice-oriented research has been carried out into the possibilities of database marketing (DBM) for energy conservation. The research focuses on the opportunities for DBM for energy savings and promising product-market combinations. The question is: can DBM contribute to improving the effectiveness of the 'Block by Block' projects? [Dutch] In het project 'Blok voor Blok' worden 13 lokale energiebesparingsprojecten gesteund bij de ontwikkeling van concepten ten behoeve van de grootschalige energetische verbetering van bestaande woningen. In deze projecten worden door de gevormde consortia strategieen ontwikkeld en uitgevoerd in de markt. Daarnaast is een aantal projecten gehonoreerd met een 'Green deal'. Onderdeel van de ondersteuning is een kennis- en leertraject. In het kader van het leertraject is een praktijk gericht onderzoek gedaan naar de mogelijkheden van databasemarketing (DBM) voor energiebesparing. Het onderzoek richt zich op de kansen voor DBM voor energiebesparing en kansrijke productmarktcombinaties. De vraag is: kan DBM bijdragen aan verbetering van de effectiviteit van projecten 'Blok voor Blok'?.

  14. Towards a sustainable agriculture in 2030. An essay on transition; Naar een duurzame landbouw in 2030. Een essay over transitie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hees, E.M.; Van der Weijden, W.J.; Hin, C.J.A.


    Sustainable development of the agricultural sector in the Netherlands is high on the list of priorities in the environmental policy of the Netherlands. In this report special attention is paid to sustainability indicators which can be used in the transition of a Dutch National Environmental Balance towards a Dutch National Sustainability Balance. The report consists of three parts: (1) an essay in the form of an imaginary review from the year 2030 back to the transition process of the agricultural sector from the year 2000 onwards; (2) 14 texts on proposals for economical, socio-cultural and ecological indicators; and (3) four maps which present chances for offering 'green' services in Dutch agricultural areas. [Dutch] Een van de sectoren waar duurzame ontwikkeling hard nodig is, is de landbouw. Het 4e Nationaal Miliebeleidsplan (NMP4) noernt de landbouw naast de energiesector en biodiversiteit als een prioritaire sector. In dit rapport is een visie neergelegdeen met speciale aandacht voor duurzaamheidindicatoren. Die indicatoren zouden bouwstenen kunnen zijn voor de voorgenomen overgang van een Nationale Milieubalans naar een Nationale Duurzaamheidsbalans. Dit rapport bestaat uit drie uiteenlopende delen: een essay in de vorm van een denkbeeldige terugblik vanuit het jaar 2030 naar het transitieproces dat de landbouw vanaf 2000 heeft doorgemaakt; een 14-tal tekstuele bijIagen, met onder meer voorstellen voor te hanteren economische, sociaal-culturele en ecologische indicatoren; en een viertal kaart-bijlagen waarop staat aangegeven waar in het Nederlandse landbouwareaal kansen liggen voor groene diensten.

  15. More with thermal energy storage. Report 9. Effects on sanitation. Effects of thermal energy storage systems with regard to soil sanitation. Result of measurements at pilot locations and laboratory tests. Final report; Meer met bodemenergie. Rapport 9. Effecten op sanering. Effecten van bodemenergiesystemen bij inzet bodemsanering. Resultaat metingen op pilotlocaties en in labtesten. Eindrapport

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dinkla, I.; Lieten, S.; De Vries, E. [Bioclear, Groningen (Netherlands); Hartog, N.; Hoekstra, N. [Deltares, Delft (Netherlands)


    The project More With Thermal Energy Storage (MMB, abbreviated in Dutch) focuses on knowledge gaps and potential opportunities regarding open systems. The main questions to be answered are: (1) What effects (hydrological, thermal, microbiological and chemical) occur in the soil system by application of thermal energy storage; (2) Which technical options are available for a sustainable integration of thermal energy storage in the water and energy chain?; (3) Is it possible to achieve multiple objectives by using smart combinations? The project is organized in different work packages. In work package 2, the effects of individual and collective thermal energy storage storage systems on subsoils and the environment are determined. In work package 3 the opportunities for thermal energy storage and soil remediation are examined, while in work package 4 the focus is on new sustainable combinations of heat and cold storage. Work package 1 is the umbrella part where communication and policy of and participation in MMB are the main subjects. This report describes the interpretation of possible effects of heat and cold storage on soil contaminants: (1) What effect does the temperature have on biodegradation of contaminants, redox conditions, chemical equilibria and adsorption/desorption of contaminants; (2) What is the effect of the circulating water on contamination?; (3) What is the impact of pollution on the thermal energy storage?; (4) What is the risk of uncontrollable distribution of pollutants using thermal storage and how can it be prevented?; (5) Does thermal energy storage result in an increased risk of accumulation of toxic intermediates compared to natural degradation without thermal energy storage?; (6) What are the positive effects on the remediation period do the aboveground mixing of pollutants, fuel and nutrients have on the remediation efficiency? [Dutch] Het project Meer Met Bodemenergie (MMB) richt zich op het invullen van kennisleemtes en mogelijke kansen

  16. Database marketing for energy conservation. Practice-oriented study; Databasemarketing voor energiebesparing. Praktijk gericht onderzoek

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burghouts, H. [Energie Netwerk EN, Bilthoven (Netherlands); De Kleijn, B.; Van Leerdam, W. [Tangram Advies en Onderzoek, Zeist (Netherlands)


    In the 'Block by Block' project 13 local energy saving projects are supported in the development of concepts to realize large-scale energetic improvements of existing houses. In these projects the consortia develop strategies which are applied in the market. In addition, a number of projects is awarded with a so-called 'Green Deal' (agreements between governmental, public and private parties in the Netherlands). Part of the support is a knowledge and learning process. As part of the learning process a practice-oriented research has been carried out into the possibilities of database marketing (DBM) for energy conservation. The research focuses on the opportunities for DBM for energy savings and promising product-market combinations. The question is: can DBM contribute to improving the effectiveness of the 'Block by Block' projects? [Dutch] In het project 'Blok voor Blok' worden 13 lokale energiebesparingsprojecten gesteund bij de ontwikkeling van concepten ten behoeve van de grootschalige energetische verbetering van bestaande woningen. In deze projecten worden door de gevormde consortia strategieen ontwikkeld en uitgevoerd in de markt. Daarnaast is een aantal projecten gehonoreerd met een 'Green deal'. Onderdeel van de ondersteuning is een kennis- en leertraject. In het kader van het leertraject is een praktijk gericht onderzoek gedaan naar de mogelijkheden van databasemarketing (DBM) voor energiebesparing. Het onderzoek richt zich op de kansen voor DBM voor energiebesparing en kansrijke productmarktcombinaties. De vraag is: kan DBM bijdragen aan verbetering van de effectiviteit van projecten 'Blok voor Blok'?.

  17. Fiscal 1998 report on international joint research project for preventing global warming; 1998 nendo chikyu ondanka boshi kokusai kyodo kenkyu jigyo hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Japanese researchers were dispatched to research institutes abroad for conducting joint studies on nine subjects for which such efforts would work effectively. The researchers were sent to various research institutes in the U.S., Britain, Germany, and others. The nine subjects were (1) the application of the most up-to-date welding and bonding technologies to liquid hydrogen storage/transportation containers, (2) development of low-temperature high-activity metal catalysts for energy conservation processes, (3) study of CO2 emission behavior using a large-scale simulator of deep sea circumstances, (4) study of condensation control for steam and chemical species in the global atmosphere, (5) numerical analysis of semiconductor crystal growth for ultralow loss power device, (6) development of sulfur-rich hydrocarbon gasification technology using a metal melting furnace, (7) assessment of techniques for evaluating origins of environmental pollution gas, geothermal gas, and soil gas using multiple isotopes, (8) analysis of behavior of the steam circulation type turbine system, and (9) the embodiment of a large premixed compression ignition engine. (NEDO)

  18. Research on improvement of indoor air quality and prevention of fungi; Shitsunai kuki kankyo no kaizen to kabi boshi ni kansuru kenkyu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tanaka, Tatsuaki [Ochanomizu University, Tokyo (Japan). Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences


    An epidemiological survey survey was performed to elucidate the fungal flora of a dwelling house. The measurements were carried out in an apartment in Yokohama from Jul. 1996 to Dec. 1997. Fungi were isolated from 106 sampling points (the surface of the walls, floors, etc.) with sterile stamps. It was proved that Cladsporium, Penicillium, Eurotium, and Yeasts showed characteristic distribution. Especially Cladsporium was not isolated from the spring to the summer, but increased in the autumn. In addition to the survey, experiments on fungal growth temperature (13, 20, 25, 30, 36, 42 degree C) and water activity (A w 0.75{approx}0.97) were carried out. Cladsporium grew well in 13, 20, 25 and 30 degree C, but didn't grow in 36 and 42 degree C. In addition, the growth activity of Cladsporium was down below Aw 0.91. Eurotium was isolated from under Tatami, where it has an unchanging temperature and relative humidity. Yeasts preferred very high humidity. It was concluded that environmental factors such as temperature and relative humidity related to the growth of fungi. (author)

  19. Measures to prevent global warming, and NEDO's energy-saving model projects; Chikyu ondanka boshi taisaku to NEDO sho energy model jigyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Described herein are United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the world AIJ (Activities Implemented Jointly) projects, and the Japan's measures and NEDO's energy-saving model projects therefor. NEDO has been inviting the public to join the contests for the projects to be implemented as part of the AIJ Japan program for the first time since April 1996. A total of 11 projects were adopted in July, including the model project for recovering heat from red-hot coke with inert gas, to be implemented by NEDO in China. After the first invitation, an individual proposal will be accepted and examined for which no time limit is set. The NEDO's model projects approved so far include demonstration studies on facilities for effective utilization of paper-making sludge, waste heat recovery at steel furnaces, energy-saving at electric furnaces for alloys, effective utilization of waste heat at garbage incinerators, and power saving at cement kilns. (NEDO)

  20. Measures to prevent oil pollution in oceans, and their preservation effect; Kaiyo no abura osen no boshi taisaku to hozen koka ni tsuite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shinoda, T; Fukuchi, N; Fujii, H [Kyushu University, Fukuoka (Japan). Faculty of Engineering; Sato, S


    It was intended to confirm, based on various problems surrounding oil flow-out accidents, that oil fences whose use is first considered when an oil flow-out accident occurs cause oil leakage due to oil pass-through phenomenon as the largest defect in performance of oil fences. Therefore, oil fence performance was analyzed by using a simulation. Furthermore, several types of diffusion prevention and avoidance measures, and combinations thereof were evaluated by using multi-criteria analysis. It was also elucidated how recognitions on the importance of methods to prevent oil pollution differ depending on standpoints. Difference in oil flow-out prevention performance of oil fences due to variation in tidal currents was made clear by combining a diffusion simulation using the finite element method with the prevention performance of oil fences relative to the tidal currents. In areas with no good hydrographic conditions where pollution spreads rapidly, it is necessary to suppress oil diffusion by extending oil fences double or triple, and using gelling agents. 4 refs., 8 figs.

  1. Prevention of the growth of algae and protests in water treated with a calcinated sand; Ceramics seihin ni yoru suisochu no soruinado no hassei boshi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Watanabe, K.; Kakita, Y. [Fukuoka University, Fukuoka (Japan). Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science; Tanaka, A.; Yamasaki, K.; Masamoto, H.; Nakahara, S. [Fukuoka University, Fukuoka (Japan). Faculty of Engineering; Egashira, K. [Kyudenko Corp., Fukuoka (Japan)


    A commercial calcinated sand, Cleansand-205 (abbr. Kls-205 : a silica sand coated by a special procedure with a mixture of the oxides of Si, Al, Ti, and Ag), was tested for its ability to inhibit the growth of algae in a laboratory (batch-system) experiment. The growth of algae in water taken from a domestic gold fish basin was inhibited almost completely by about 5% (w/v) of Kls-205, under the conditions where fairly amounts of both nitrogen and phosphorus were present. However, Kls-205 (5%) showed little inhibition on algae which had already abundantly grown, and did not suppress further growth. The abilities of Kls-205 to adsorb nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon dioxide required for the growth and photosynthesis of algae were weak. The amounts of beta- and gamma-radiation and harmful heavy metal ions were the same levels as those from non-treated natural water. The dissolution of any antialgal substances and the generation of active oxygens were not observed. The possible role of Ag and/or its oxide with oligodynamie in inhibiting the growth of algae by Kls-205 was discussed. 15 refs., 4 figs., 2 tabs.

  2. Maritime innovations in the Netherlands. World leader in niches; Maritieme innovaties in Nederland. Wereldleider in niches

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Verdonk, A.; Goetheer, A. [SenterNovem, Den Haag (Netherlands)


    According to foreign experts, the Netherlands are one of the world's leading regions in the field of maritime industry. They hold a large market share in the production of specialized vessels such as small container ships, picket ships, (large) yachts and dredgers. The Netherlands hold a global position in (constructing) pipelines at sea, heavy transport, dredging and environmental technique. Moreover large Dutch players are involved in the transport, storage and transshipment of LNG at sea. In addition, the Dutch maritime knowledge infrastructure, e.g. of MARIN and the Technical University of Delft, is leading worldwide. Many innovations in the Dutch manufacturing industry focus on reducing resistance, efficiency and sustainability. The offshore holds opportunities for developing technology aimed at operating under extreme circumstances. There are technological challenges involved in extracting oil and gas in deep sea (> 200 meters) and in Arctic conditions, but also for dealing with extreme waves. New developments in offshore include the rise of LNG and wind parks at sea. [Dutch] Volgens buitenlandse experts behoort Nederland tot de leidende regio's in de wereld op het gebied van de maritieme industrie. Voor de productie van gespecialiseerde schepen, zoals kleine containerschepen, patrouilleschepen, (grote) jachten en baggerschepen hebben Nederlandse spelers een fors marktaandeel. In de offshore heeft Nederland een wereldpositie in (het leggen van) pijpleidingen op zee, zwaar transport, baggeren en milieutechniek. Ook bij het vervoeren, op- en overslaan van LNG op zee zijn grote Nederlandse spelers betrokken. Tevens is de Nederlandse maritieme kennisinfrastructuur met onder andere MARIN en de TU Delft leidend in de wereld. Veel innovaties in de maritieme maakindustrie focussen zich op weerstandvermindering, efficiency en duurzaamheid. In de offshore liggen kansen om technologie te ontwikkelen om te kunnen opereren onder extreme omstandigheden. Zo zijn

  3. FY 2000 report on the survey on the global warming prevention measures in the U.S.; 2000 nendo Beikoku ni okeru ondanka boshi taisaku no gaiyo ni tsuite hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The results of the overseas survey were summed up mostly of global warming prevention measures taken by the U.S. government and those by private companies. At COP3 in 1997, the U.S. gave a pledge internationally that they would reduce greenhouse effect gas emissions during 2008-2012 7% below from that in 1990. But the U.S. government seems hesitating to take concrete measures in regions. Hesitating, however, they are publicly making it a target to find how to eliminate a risk of global warming which is now a global problem in cooperation with other countries and international organizations. Concretely, programs are as follows: ranking of the energy consumption amount of household electric appliances, housing loan programs taking energy efficiency into account, preferential taxing system, incentive money system in case of using the substituting energy transportation program, waste management program, commendation of men of achievements and prize-winning, etc. (NEDO)

  4. Reference values and associated factors for Japanese newborns' blood pressure and pulse rate: the babies' and their parents' longitudinal observation in Suzuki Memorial Hospital on intrauterine period (BOSHI) study. (United States)

    Satoh, Michihiro; Inoue, Ryusuke; Tada, Hideko; Hosaka, Miki; Metoki, Hirohito; Asayama, Kei; Murakami, Takahisa; Mano, Nariyasu; Ohkubo, Takayoshi; Yagihashi, Katsuyo; Hoshi, Kazuhiko; Suzuki, Masakuni; Imai, Yutaka


    Currently, normative means and ranges of blood pressure (BP) and pulse rates in Japanese newborns are not available. The objective of the present study was to estimate BP, pulse rate, and their distribution among Japanese newborns. Using oscillometric devices, arm or calf BP and pulse rate levels were obtained from 3148 infants born between 2007 and 2014, consecutively at Suzuki Memorial Hospital, Iwanuma, Japan. Of those, data from 2628 full-term, singleton newborns with BP measured on day 3 after birth were analyzed. Arm SBP/DBP and pulse rate in the reference group (n = 2628) were 70.5 ± 7.4/44.3 ± 6.7 mmHg and 117.3 ± 16.6 bpm, respectively. The 5-95th percentiles were 58-83 mmHg for SBP, 35-57 mmHg for DBP, and 91-145 bpm for pulse rate. Similar values were obtained from calf measurements. In multiple regression analysis, birth weight and spontaneous cephalic delivery were positively and light/deep sleep was inversely associated with higher arm SBP/DBP (P ≤ 0.04), whereas sex, Apgar score, gestational age, and mother's age did not significantly affect BP levels (P ≥ 0.06). Male sex, gestational age, spontaneous cephalic delivery, and light/deep sleep were inversely associated with higher pulse rate (P ≤ 0.02). The present study is the first to show the distributions of Asian newborns' BP levels and pulse rate. The assessment of newborns' BP levels and pulse rate should consider birth weight, gestational age after birth, and actual condition at BP measurement.

  5. How environment friendly is sustainable building? The quantification of the environmental burden of houses; Hoe milieuvriendelijk is duurzaam bouwen? De milieubelasting van woningen gekwantificeerd

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Klunder, G.


    The aim of the study on the title subject is to identify developments, strategies, chances and bottlenecks with respect to sustainable construction of houses as an integrated part of an ecological city. The main subject of the study is to determine and assess options to reduce the environmental burden of dwellings, focusing on building materials, energy consumption and use of water. [Dutch] Het DIOC-DGO (Delfts Interfacultair Onderzoekscentrum Duurzaam Gebouwde omgeving) van de Technische Universiteit Delft verricht onderzoek naar een duurzame en leefbare omgeving. De doelstelling van het onderzoek is: het identificeren van ontwikkelingen, strategieen, kansen en knelpunten met betrekking tot duurzame nieuwbouw van woningen als integraal onderdeel van een ecologische stad. De probleemstelling luidt: hoe kan de milieubelasting van woningen substantieel worden verminderd? De stand van zaken anno 2002 is dat 30 procent van de woningen duurzaam wordt gebouwd. In de Voorbeeldprojecten duurzaam en energiezuinig bouwen worden bijna standaard rogips of natuurgips, beton met puingranulaat, naadafdichting met PE of EPDM en oplosmiddelarme verf toegepast. Uit de milieuanalyse blijkt dat de milieubelasting in de pas loopt met de grootte van de woning. De fundering, gevels en binnenwanden en vloeren zijn verantwoordelijk voor 80 tot 90 procent van de materiaalstroom. Verwacht wordt dat in de komende decennia de bestaande materialen verder worden geoptimaliseerd en ontwikkeld. Er worden vooruitstrevende ontwikkelingen voorzien in bouwtechnieken. Energiegebruik kan in drie stappen verminderd worden: het voorkomen van onnodig gebruik, het gebruik van eindeloze bronnen en het verstandige gebruik van eindige bronnen, dat wil zeggen schoon en met een hoog rendement. Enkele conclusies zijn: de milieubelasting van watergebruik speelt een ondergeschikte rol, innovaties in materialen en bouwtechnieken blijven sterk achter bij innovaties in installaties. Aanbevolen wordt: de overheid moet

  6. More chemistry between green and growth. The opportunities and dilemmas of a bio-based economy; Meer chemie tussen groen en groei. De kansen en dilemma's van een biobased economy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A bio-based economy is one in which enterprises manufacture non-food products from biomass. Such products include fuel for the transport industry, chemicals, materials, and energy. Biomass is the biological material of living or recently living organisms, either animal or vegetable. With technology becoming more sophisticated, it is growing easier to turn plants, trees, crops, and residual animal waste into biomass. Waste and waste streams are increasingly being used as input in production processes, thereby gaining an economic value of their own. They are giving rise to new, sustainable products with considerable added value that replace products based on non-renewable materials. New bio-based products may offer the Netherlands new economic opportunities. The Dutch can already boast a number of distinct advantages in that respect, thanks to the sophistication of their industrial sector, agro-industry, chemicals and energy industries, and transport and logistics sector - all key sectors in a bio-based economy. However, the growing world population and increasing level of prosperity worldwide, and the environmental and climate problems associated with such growth, are adding to the complexity of policy-making aimed at developing a bio-based economy. The shift from fossil-based to bio-based materials must be part of a comprehensive policy aimed at achieving a sustainable economy. [Dutch] In dit advies gaat de SER in op mogelijkheden en knelpunten van de biobased economy. In een biobased economy dienen plantaardige en dierlijke biomassa (zoals gewassen, planten, snijafval, mest) als groene grondstoffen om non-food producten mee te maken (denk aan cosmetica, bioplastics, brandstoffen). De SER vindt dat de rijksoverheid stevig moet inzetten op een biobased economy met meer gesloten kringlopen. Dit draagt immers bij aan economische groei en aan een meer duurzame economie (gesloten kringlopen, gunstige arbeidsomstandigheden)

  7. FY 2000 report on the survey on global warming prevention measures in main E.U. countries; 2000 nendo EU shuyokoku ni okeru ondanka boshi taisaku no gaiyo ni tsuite hokokusho

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report dealt with the background of energy policies in E.U. countries and energy plans. At COP3, E.U. countries internationally gave a pledge that they will reduce the emission of greenhouse effect gas 8% from that as of 1990 during 2008-2012, which is stricter than those given by Japan and the U.S. Actually, the European Commission made public 'Toward the European Climate Change Programme' and 'Green Paper on Emissions Trading in the E.U.' These are correspondent to E.U.' global warming preventive strategy which is called the twin track approach by the European Commission. The former is a frame for coordinating individual reduction measures taken under the responsibility of member countries as the whole E.U. As to the latter, for the specified sectors from energy supply sectors to large energy consumption industries, it was planned to be started in 2005. And, the basic policy on the trade and concrete subjects/problems on the trading system were arranged. (NEDO)

  8. FY 2000 report on the survey on global warming prevention measures in main E.U. countries; 2000 nendo EU shuyokoku ni okeru ondanka boshi taisaku no gaiyo ni tsuite hokokusho

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    This report dealt with the background of energy policies in E.U. countries and energy plans. At COP3, E.U. countries internationally gave a pledge that they will reduce the emission of greenhouse effect gas 8% from that as of 1990 during 2008-2012, which is stricter than those given by Japan and the U.S. Actually, the European Commission made public 'Toward the European Climate Change Programme' and 'Green Paper on Emissions Trading in the E.U.' These are correspondent to E.U.' global warming preventive strategy which is called the twin track approach by the European Commission. The former is a frame for coordinating individual reduction measures taken under the responsibility of member countries as the whole E.U. As to the latter, for the specified sectors from energy supply sectors to large energy consumption industries, it was planned to be started in 2005. And, the basic policy on the trade and concrete subjects/problems on the trading system were arranged. (NEDO)

  9. Socio-economic opportunities of the biobased economy in the south-west of the Netherlands. Estimated employment impact in 2020; Sociaaleconomische kansen van de biobased economy in Zuidwest-Nederland. Inschatting werkgelegenheidseffecten in 2020

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van Lieshout, M.; Warringa, G.; Bergsma, G.; Croezen, H.


    This study, commissioned by the Socio-Economic Councils (SER) of the Dutch provinces of Zeeland and Brabant, was carried out in collaboration with a supervisory committee comprising numerous stakeholders in the biobased economy in the south-west of the Netherlands. The motto was 'agro meets chemistry'. Given that it was clear from the outset that the volume of locally available biomass is insufficient for large-scale power generation without inducing serious competition with food production, it was opted to restrict the scope of the 'biobased economy' to production of biobased chemicals and innovative materials. Because of the study's limited scope and duration, gross employment effects were also calculated for Zeeland and West Brabant only. To this end, three factors critical for the growth of the biobased economy and thus for potential employment effects were analysed: the price of fossil feedstocks, the availability of biomass for chemical industry applications, and the availability of capital for investing in innovative biobased processes. To cover the full range of possible developments in the biobased economy, two scenarios were developed: high and low, with in each case employment effects being estimated on the basis of a biomass flow analysis and employment indices [Dutch] Deze studie is uitgevoerd in opdracht van de SER Zeeland en de SER Brabant, in samenwerking met een begeleidingscommissie met brede vertegenwoordiging van stakeholders van de biobased economy in Zuidwest Nederland. De insteek was 'agro meets chemistry'. Aangezien bij aanvang vast stond dat de lokaal beschikbare biomassa onvoldoende is voor grootschalige energieopwekking, zonder ernstige concurrentie met voedselproductie te veroorzaken, is er voor gekozen om de biobased economy te beperken tot de productie van biobased chemie en innovatieve materialen. Verder is gezien de beperkte omvang en doorlooptijd van de studie besloten om brutowerkgelegenheidseffecten in Zeeland en West-Brabant te bepalen. Hierbij zijn drie kritische factoren voor de groei van de biobased economy en dus van de mogelijke werkgelegenheidseffecten bepaald: Prijs van fossiele grondstoffen, beschikbaarheid van biomassa voor toepassingen in de chemie en de beschikbaarheid van kapitaal voor investering in innovatieve biobased processen. Om het hele gamma aan mogelijk ontwikkelingen van de biobased economy te kunnen beslaan zijn twee scenario's ontwikkeld: een hoog en een laag scenario. Hiervoor zijn op basis van een biomassastromen-analyse gekoppeld aan kentallen voor werkgelegenheid inschattingen van de werkgelegenheid voor beide scenario's gemaakt.

  10. Facilitating access to sports for people in poverty? A study on local social sports policy

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    Hanne Vandermeerschen


    Full Text Available SAMENVATTING Mensen in armoede toegang bieden tot sport? Een studie naar lokaal sociaal sportbeleid Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat armoede een impact heeft op de kansen voor sportdeelname. Mensen in armoede participeren minder in sport in vergelijking met mensen die gemakkelijk(er rondkomen. Op Vlaams beleidsniveau werden initiatieven genomen om lokale besturen aan te moedigen tot het promoten en faciliteren van sportdeelname voor mensen in armoede. Het is echter nog onduidelijk in welke mate dit ingang vond op lokaal niveau. In deze studie wordt onderzocht in welke mate lokale sportdiensten momenteel initiatieven nemen om sportdeelname bij mensen in armoede te faciliteren, met welke moeilijkheden sportdiensten worden geconfronteerd om dit doel te bereiken, en in welke mate lokaal sociaal sportbeleid tot stand komt door middel van samenwerkingsverbanden tussen de sportsector enerzijds, en de sociale sector anderzijds. De data zijn afkomstig van het Vlaamse Sportdiensten Panel (2014. De resultaten geven onder meer aan dat de publieke sportsector en de sociale sector nog in grote mate twee “gescheiden” werelden zijn. Het blijkt een uitdaging om de afstand tussen beiden te overbruggen. Aanbevelingen voor verder onderzoek en voor de ontwikkeling van een sociaal sportbeleid worden aangereikt. ABSTRACTFacilitating access to sports for people in poverty? A study on local social sports policy Research has shown that living in poverty affects the opportunities for engaging in practicing sports. People in poverty participate less in sports than people who have no (or fewer difficulties making ends meet. At the Flemish policy level, initiatives have been undertaken to ensure that more local sports authorities promote and facilitate participation in sports for people in poverty. However, it remains unclear how these concerns are being translated at the local level. In this study, we investigate the extent to which local sports authorities are currently

  11. Investigations in relation with prevention of global warming in fiscal 2000. Structuring of strategies related to emission trading; 2000 nendo chikyu ondanka boshi kanren chosa hokokusho. Haishutsuryo torihiki ni kakawaru senryaku kochiku

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Investigations in relation with the greenhouse effect gas emission trading system have been performed on introduction and discussion of the system in major countries in order to discuss basically the emission trading system in Japan. The EU has been advancing the discussion with the introduction thereof to start in 2005 kept in mind, whereas the points of issue for the system designing include the followings: what roles should be taken by the EU and membership countries, consistency between the membership countries with regard to the participating organizations, and the scheme for initial allocation. In Denmark, the emission trading system has been introduced in January 2001 between the electric power companies. The objects of the allocation are only the eight power generation companies, making the management of emission right retaining quantities by the government simple. The United Kingdom has a schedule of introducing the emission trading system in April 2001, but the trading itself will start in 2002. Management of the trading scheme, and acceptability of banking after 2008 are the main points of issue. In the fundamental discussions on designing the emission trading system in Japan, discussion items were extracted, and the points of issue were put into order. (NEDO)

  12. Achievement report on development of global warming prevention related technologies in fiscal 1998. Development of HFC-23 destruction technology; 1998 nendo chikyu ondanka boshi kanren gijutsu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. HFC-23 hakai gijutsu no kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    HFC-23 is produced as a by-product during HCFC-22 manufacturing (produced at by-production rate of about 2%, whereas the reaction control has limitation in reducing the production). This is one of the substances subjected to the greenhouse effect gas reduction in the climate change framework treaty. This paper describes the achievements in 1998 on developing the HFC-23 destruction technology. High-temperature pyrolysis decomposes the substance into HF and CO2, which are given absorption treatment by water and alkali to make them harmless, and are recovered finally as calcium fluoride. An equipment having the treatment capability of 195 kg/h was constructed. Design was made on a facility capable of treating fluorine containing waste water at 3 t/h at maximum. Utilities consumed in a factory (industrial water, acids for neutralization, and alkali) are used effectively to identify the effect of reducing the treatment cost. Discussions were given from the safety aspect on facilities to prevent leakage of fluorine containing waste water being a harmful substance. Fabrication was executed on a full-size treatment testing equipment that can utilize the utilities in the factory effectively, and trial equipment operation was performed to arrange the system prepared toward the future tests and researches. (NEDO)

  13. Fiscal 2000 research cooperation project on the research cooperation on practical application of wastewater treatment technologies for global warming prevention; 2000 nendo chikyu ondanka boshi haisui shori gijutsu no jitsuyoka ni kansuru kenkyu kyoryoku jigyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A verification plant operation study is conducted in cooperation with Thailand over wastewater treatment technologies for effectively decomposing and removing organic matters contained in foods plant wastewater and for recovering methane gas therefrom. The effort aims to transfer to Thailand anaerobic wastewater treatment technologies for recovering methane gas. For the 3-year research that began in fiscal 1998, a verification plant was installed at Cho Heng Rice Vermicell Factory Co., Ltd., located 30 kilometers west of Bangkok City. In the first half of verification plant related operation studies for fiscal 2000, the plant was kept in operation for the determination of the optimum operating conditions, and operation/maintenance technologies were transferred to Thailand. In the second half, plant operation was studied for by-passing the ultimate sedimentation tank of the factory. The results of activities are summarized into seven chapters of (1) outline of research cooperation project implementation, (2) outline of project implementation in fiscal 2000, (3) verification plant operation study, (4) automatic monitoring system construction, (5) technology disseminating activities, (6) study of support in Japan, and (7) subjects for future discussion. (NEDO)

  14. Research cooperation project in fiscal 1998. Research cooperation related to putting waste water treatment technologies into practical use to prevent global warming; 1998 nendo chikyu ondanka boshi haisui shori gijutsu no jitsuyoka ni kansuru kenkyu kyoryoku

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Joint research with Thailand has been performed by using a demonstration plant on decomposition and removal of organic substances contained in waste water generated from foodstuff factories, and on recovery of methane gas being the greenhouse effect gas. This paper summarizes the achievements in fiscal 1998. In order to advance smoothly the adequate design and demonstration operation of the demonstration plant, investigations were performed on the water using conditions in the CHO HENG rice powder manufacturing factory, and on the waste water generating sources, and the latest waste water data. Visits and investigations were also given on business entities in Thailand as to their design capability, quality control, delivery time control and maintenance capability. In designing the demonstration plant, the basic process combining the anaerobic treatment and aerobic treatment was adopted, and the detailed design was made according to the results of operation of the pilot plant in the past. This fiscal year has performed civil engineering construction composed mainly of RC structures, and fabrication and installation of devices and facilities ancillary to different structures. Devices were fabricated in Thailand whenever possible, with some parts being imported from Japan. (NEDO)

  15. Research cooperation project in fiscal 1999. Research cooperation related to putting waste water treatment technologies into practical use to prevent global warming; 1999 nendo chikyu ondanka boshi haisui shori gijutsu no jitsuyoka ni kansuru kenkyu kyoryoku

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    Joint research with Thailand has been performed by using a demonstration plant on decomposition and removal of organic substances contained in waste water generated from foodstuff factories, and on recovery of methane gas being the greenhouse effect gas. This paper summarizes the achievements in fiscal 1999. Performed in the former half of this fiscal year were fabrication of part of the devices used in the anaerobic treatment process, civil engineering construction of storage tanks and buildings for the aerobic treatment process, importation and fabrication of devices, installation of the entire facility, piping construction, and electric instrumentation construction. The construction to build the demonstration plant has been completed. Performed in the latter half of the year are the water operation, granule filling into each UASB reactor, charging activated sludge into the aerobic facilities, the trial operation 1 using the actual waste water (precipitation test) and the trial operation 2 (through flowing of actual liquid). The operation research is still in continuation. On the other hand, in the assistance research in the country, discussions were given on the granule activity evaluating and testing method, influence of granules on temperatures, water flowing test for restoration of activity of the granules stored under elevated temperatures and for an extended period of time, and properties of the transported granules. (NEDO)

  16. Achievement report for 1st phase (fiscal 1974-80) Sunshine Program research and development - Hydrogen energy. Research on prevention of disaster of hydrogen explosion; 1974-1980 nendo suiso no bakuhatsu saigai boshi no kenkyu seika hokokusho

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    The research aims to develop technologies for predicting and preventing the danger of accidental ignition and explosion of gaseous or liquid hydrogen during the process of production, storage, transportation, or application. As for the ignition of high-pressure hydrogen upon its outburst, experiments are conducted and findings are obtained that an outburst alone is not a cause of ignition and that ignition occurs when the hydrogen is charged with static electricity. As for the limits of explosion at low temperatures due to liquid hydrogen outburst, it is shown by experiments that the scope of explosion is narrowed at both upper and lower limits and that the pressure created by explosion upon ignition is greater when the temperature is lower. In the presence of air if any mixing into liquid hydrogen upon its introduction into an explosion testing container, the explosion is tremendous. As for metallic hydrides for the storage of hydrogen, tests are conducted and the results show that it is probable that every one of such hydrides ignites when exposed to temperatures beyond a certain level in the air. It is also found that metallic hydrides pulverizing after repeated hydrogen absorption and adsorption are more dangerous when grains are finer because finer grains result in a more intense explosion. (NED)

  17. Achievement report on development of global warming prevention related technologies in fiscal 1998. Development of environment harmonizing type dye finishing technology; 1998 nendo chikyu ondanka boshi kanren gijutsu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Kankyo chowagata senshoku seiri gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The dye finishing operation in the textile industry places heavy load on the global environment. This paper describes the achievements in fiscal 1998 on development of process to eliminate the load. Low-temperature plasma treatment was introduced into the desizing and refining process to develop a continuous treatment process using no water and chemicals. Quality equivalent to that produced by conventional methods was obtained by applying an appropriate plasma treatment condition. The energy saving rate was presented by reduction by 84.3% converted into steam. Conventional dye finishing operation uses three to six times as much water as the cloth weight. The developed air flow treatment device reduced the water ratio to less than one. This is 86.0% reduction of energy consumption converted to steam. In removing pectic substance in cotton refining, no water, chemicals and steam were used, but were substituted by enzyme for continuous treatment. Good finishing result was obtained by performing bleaching and dying. Enzyme cost is an issue, but the cost would decrease if it is used in large quantity. A two-dimensional colorimeter (measures cloth color with high clarity and reproducibility) and an automatic dye preparing device (with high volume measuring performance) were developed. If the cost required for re-coloring under the present inspection method is converted into energy, it corresponds to 81.6% reduction. (NEDO)

  18. Next Generation of Greenhouse Cultivation for vegetable propagation; Het Nieuwe Telen voor groente-opkweek

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kromdijk, W.; De Gelder, A. [Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw, Wageningen (Netherlands)


    'Het Nieuwe Telen voor groente-opkweek' is door middel van gesprekken met 10 opkweekbedrijven, een workshop en literatuurstudie in kaart gebracht waar de kansen en knelpunten liggen. Uit de gesprekken blijkt dat de kwekers het meest verwachten van energiebesparing middels: meer en scherper schermen, temperatuurintegratie, geforceerd ventileren. Uit de workshop kwam hierbij naar voren dat met name de horizontale temperatuurverdeling als grootste prioriteit moet worden gezien. Als deze meer uniform kan worden, moet het mogelijk zijn om gelijktijdig een energiebesparing te realiseren en de uniformiteit van het product te verbeteren. De piek van de groente-opkweek ligt duidelijk in de maanden oktober t/m februari. Buiten deze maanden om worden de afdelingen zo veel mogelijk volgezet met andere producten. De keuzes die hierbij gemaakt worden, kunnen wel behoorlijk verschillen. Met name of er wordt gekozen voor gewassen met weinig warmtevraag (koude groente) of aanzienlijke warmtevraag (potplanten) zorgt voor een zeer verschillende energiebehoefte gedurende de rest van het jaar en kan bepalend zijn voor de haalbaarheid van investeringen in energiebesparing.

  19. Sociale netwerken bij Eigen Kracht-conferenties

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    Nathalie Groot


    een EK-c is de cirkel van betrokkenen zo groot mogelijk te maken, vooral door het mobiliseren van extra krachten die met nieuwe inzichten komen. Er is echter weinig bekend over de samenstelling van het sociale netwerk tijdens een EK-c. In dit artikel beargumenteren we aan de hand van dossieronderzoek naar 47 cases in de Amsterdamse jeugdzorg dat er vijf typen sociale netwerken binnen EK-c’s zijn te onderscheiden: het familienetwerk, het vriendennetwerk, het gezinsnetwerk, het gemengde netwerk en het professionele netwerk. Ondanks dat elk van deze netwerken unieke kansen biedt, is met behulp van Granovetters theorie over “strong ties” en “weak ties” aannemelijk te maken dat het gemengde netwerk het meeste kans biedt op het realiseren van sociaal kapitaal. Met deze kennis kunnen Eigen Kracht-coördinatoren sensitief worden voor welke strong en weak ties worden uitgenodigd voor de conferentie.

  20. The development of electric-powered vehicles. Does China cause an acceleration?; De ontwikkeling van elektrische auto's. Zorgt China voor een stroomversnelling?

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    De Kleine, M.


    gericht. Veel autofabrikanten besteden aandacht aan de ontwikkeling van elektrische voertuigen, maar allen blijven zich vooral richten op conventionele aandrijftechnieken. Interessante fabrikanten zijn DongFeng, BAIC / Foton en BYD. Batterijfabrikanten zien ook kansen in elektrische voertuigen. Vele zijn bezig met de ontwikkeling van grote batterijen. Daaronder zijn vooral BAK, BYD en Tianjin Lishen interessant. Op het gebied van standaardisatie zijn meerdere initiatieven zichtbaar, zowel op nationaal als internationaal niveau. Op steeds meer plekken worden oplaadfaciliteiten geplaatst. Ondanks alle ambities en initiatieven is het nog maar de vraag of China voor een revolutie zorgt. De aanwezige technische kennis kent zijn grenzen. Investeringen en samenwerking zijn beperkt. De bestaande elektrische infrastructuur houdt bovendien grootschalige invoering van elektrische auto's tegen. China zal een rol spelen in de ontwikkeling van elektrische auto's, maar waarschijnlijk niet voor een enorme stroomversnelling zorgen.

  1. Report on achievements in research and development in Sunshine Project - Hydrogen energy. Studies on prevention of hydrogen explosion disasters (Fiscal 1974 through fiscal 1983); 1974 - 1983 nendo suiso no bakuhatsu saigai boshi no kenkyu seika hokokusho. Suiso energy

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    Experimental studies have been performed on prevention of hydrogen explosion disasters in attempting practical use of hydrogen energy. Regarding the prevention of disasters caused by high-pressure hydrogen, elucidation was made on causes of the fire, and estimation expression was introduced on size of fire caused by ignition. Measurements were also made on explosion limit and explosion pressure of low-temperature hydrogen gas. Furthermore, a flame arrester for hydrogen was developed. In studies on prevention of explosion of liquefied hydrogen, investigations were given on physical and chemical natures of a system mixed with air and oxygen, and on explosion causing sensitivity against impact to have elucidate danger of impurities in liquefied hydrogen. An experiment verified the effectiveness of carbon dioxide or powder extinguishing agent in the case of liquefied hydrogen fire. With regard to metal hydrides, elucidation was given on their ignitability in atmosphere and danger of dust explosion. In addition, it was made clear that containers may break down due to rise in internal pressure as a result of temperature rise, whereas safety valves were discussed, and models were decided. (NEDO)

  2. Fiscal 1996 comprehensive report on R and D on advanced chemical processing technology; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu sokatsu hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu / sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    R and D was conducted on technology for composite thin film formation such as laser MOCVD, for thin film lamination, and for synthesis reaction and characterization in compounded fields where temperature/pressure/magnetic field/electrical field, etc., are compounded, for the purpose of creating materials with functions newly added or reinforced by regulating compositions and structures through atomic/molecular orders. The R and D was conducted on 24 themes, which were rearranged into four categories. Examples of the themes are as follows; development of super hard permanent magnets by crystallization process control of Nd-Fe-B amorphous alloys, as for structural control technology; research on high functional thin film sensors (PbLaTiO{sub 3}) using laser MOCVD, and research on ultra thin film by multi-ion-beam sputtering with ion/photo irradiation, as for thin film technology; R and D on highly ordered structure control technology in electrode surface compounded reaction fields, as for compounded fields; and, research on diagnostic technique for compounded reaction fields by laser-ionization method, as for supporting technologies. (NEDO)

  3. Achievement report for fiscal 1998. Research and development of synergy ceramics (Research and development of anti-corrosion technologies for oil production system); 1998 nendo seika hokokusho. Shinaji ceramics no kenkyu kaihatsu (sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kenkyu kaihatsu)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    A computer simulation-aided designing technology is completed to help develop synergy ceramics which are complicated in phase constitution and material structure. A program, which simulates sintering and particle growth for multiple solid-state and solid-state/liquid-phase systems, has been built assuming the form of an integrated micro/nano level simulation technology based on the Monte Carlo method. The new program applies to systems consisting of more than three different phases, and deals in a uniform way with the designing of various textures formable by transfer of matters in solid-state particle growth, Ostwalt ripening, solid-state sintering, liquid-phase sintering, and additive reaction. The Monte Carlo method-assisted program is applied to systems based on AlN, Si{sub 3}N{sub 4}, and Al{sub 2}O{sub 3}, and a good result is achieved in each case. The molecular dynamic method is mainly used in atom level simulation for application to ZrO{sub 2}-Y{sub 2}O{sub 3} and Si-C-N, and a good result is achieved in each case. (NEDO)

  4. Report on achievements in fiscal 1999. Research and development of synergy ceramics (research and development of technologies to prevent corrosion in petroleum production systems); 1999 nendo synergy ceramics no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kenkyu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This research and development has been performed on the following themes: 1. Material realizing technology, and advanced evaluation and design technology (1-(1) ultra precision materials, 1-(2) high-temperature energy materials, 1-(3) basic member design technology, 1-(4) materials having function to detect stresses and micro destruction, 1-(5) porous materials to control gas hole patterns, and 1-(6) materials having self-restoring/self-lubricating function); 2. Application technology (2-(1) materials having substance and light selecting function, 2-(2) high wear resistant and easy-to-process materials, 2-(3) high-performance resistance materials for electric power devices, and 2-(4) flexible sliding materials); 3. Formation of common base technologies. 4. Report on achievements in countries making joint researches. In Item 1-(1), micro destruction mechanisms were analyzed, and the directionality of material structure control was clarified. In Item 1-(2), controlled closing holes were introduced. In Item 1-(3), polycrystalline alumina, polycrystalline zirconia, and zirconia particle dispersed alumina were evaluated microscopically and macroscopically. In Item (4), Y-TZP/Ni nano-compound materials were fabricated successfully. In Item 1-(5), destruction behavior of porous ceramics was studied. In Item 1-(6), characteristics were investigated on Fe(Al)Al2O3 which was fabricated on the trial basis. (NEDO)

  5. Fiscal 1996 comprehensive report on R and D on advanced chemical processing technology; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu sokatsu hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu / sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    R and D was conducted on technology for composite thin film formation such as laser MOCVD, for thin film lamination, and for synthesis reaction and characterization in compounded fields where temperature/pressure/magnetic field/electrical field, etc., are compounded, for the purpose of creating materials with functions newly added or reinforced by regulating compositions and structures through atomic/molecular orders. The R and D was conducted on 24 themes, which were rearranged into four categories. Examples of the themes are as follows; development of super hard permanent magnets by crystallization process control of Nd-Fe-B amorphous alloys, as for structural control technology; research on high functional thin film sensors (PbLaTiO{sub 3}) using laser MOCVD, and research on ultra thin film by multi-ion-beam sputtering with ion/photo irradiation, as for thin film technology; R and D on highly ordered structure control technology in electrode surface compounded reaction fields, as for compounded fields; and, research on diagnostic technique for compounded reaction fields by laser-ionization method, as for supporting technologies. (NEDO)

  6. Technology to prevent deposition of marine organisms by means of electrically conductive coating. Discussions on current and potential distribution by using experiments; Doden tomaku ni yoru kaiyo seibutsu fuchaku boshi gijutsu. Denryu den`i bunpu ni kansuru jikken ni yoru kento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Usami, M; Masaki, T [Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Tokyo (Japan); Ueda, K


    Steel structures in sea water and surface of hulls are deposited with such marine organisms as microorganisms, algae and shellfish. The deposition causes a large problem such as occurrence of abnormal local corrosion in the structures, and increase in cruising resistance in ocean vessels. The present study has introduced a simplified equation of estimation for current and potential distribution in parts coated with an electrically conductive film, and verified its reasonability by an experiment. The equation of estimation was introduced by following a model of current flow in the electrically conductive coating. The experiment has the conductive coating applied to the interior of a concrete water tank with a length of 10.8 m, a width of 5 m and a depth of 3 m to measure potential at different locations. The conductive coating was energized from copper foils attached on each applied face, whereas the current was applied to two faces between the conductive films as a pair among the four coating applied faces to measure potential in each location. A simulated calculation revealed that the potential range in the depth direction is made smaller if specific resistance of the conductive film is decreased, and made greater if increased. Effectiveness of the equation of estimation was verified by an experiment. This method has provided a prospect of achieving optimization of the specification for application of the conductive film. 2 refs., 7 figs.

  7. Construction of a long-distance, sharply curved underground sewerage system by the pit/drift continuous shielding method. Construction of the Arakawa trunk line by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government; Juo renzoku shield koho ni yoru chokyori kyukyokusen seko. Tokyoto gesuidokyoku Arakawa kansen koji

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagashima, Y.; Okai, F.; Akasaka, J.


    The problems encountered in construction of sewarage systems in urban areas are reduced pitting sites, and construction of deeper, longer-distance and more sharply curved systems, resulting from overpopulation both on and under the ground. The Arakawa trunk line, constructed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, is to connect the existing Mikawashima sewage plant to Higashioku Sewage Purification Center now under construction, 2400m in total length, 40m as pit depth and 15m in the minimum curvature R, and needs shielding works for segment external forms of 4700mm. The construction method employed is the pit/drift continuous shielding method, which allows continuous works from a pit to drift by a single shielding machine. The machine is equipped with a spherical body holding a drift shielding machine built in a pit shielding machine, to excavate a pit to a given depth, and then a drift after turning the spherical body by 90deg. Each pit is equipped with a lift and each drift with an adequate system to move the segments. Bag-equipped segments are used for sharp curves. The pit/drift shielding method has been already applied to 5 cases, including the Arakawa trunk line construction, centered by those for sewarage systems. 1 ref., 6 figs.

  8. FY 2000 report on the basic survey to promote Joint Implementation, etc. Prevention of emissions of gasoline vapor from oil depots in Indonesia; 2000 nendo kyodo jisshi nado suishin kiso chosa hokokusho. Indonesia sekiyu kichi nado kara no gasoline joki hoshutsu no boshi

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    A field survey was conducted of oil shipment depots in Java and Bali islands owned by Indonesia's state-run oil company to study measures for reduction in greenhouse effect gas emissions. Studies were made on the grasp of the amount of the hydrocarbon vapor emitted into the air, the amount of the gasoline recovered in case of adopting the vapor emission preventive technology, equipment cost/operational cost, etc. Concretely, the following three were studied: change of the gasoline storage tank to the inner floating roof type, and prevention of evaporation loss at the time of receiving and breathing loss caused by temperature changes; replacement with the vapor recovery type loading arm to recover gasoline vapor generated at the time of shipment/filling, and installation of the vapor recovery unit to recover vapor as gasoline; vapor balance system to recover in underground tank the gasoline vapor generated at the time of filling gasoline at gas station. As a result of the study, the recovered gasoline amount was 66,393 Kl/y and the CO2 reduction amount was 14,474 t/y at oil shipment depots and approximately 650 gasoline stations in Jakarta and Surabaya. (NEDO)

  9. Development of automatic air intake door control system for exhaust gas. Prevention of contaminated air by controlling A/C air intake door; Haiki gas taio auto naigaiki system no kaihatsu. Eakon suikomiguchi seigyo ni yoru haiki gas no shashitsunai eno shinnyu boshi

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    Honda, Y; Samukawa, K [Denso Corp., Aichi (Japan)


    Thermal comfort in the cabin of vehicle is upgraded by developing the climate control system Passengers must control the intake door of air conditioner to reduce entering Exhaust Gas into the cabin. This paper is concerned with development the automatic intake door control system to acquire high comfort performance of passengers. 8 figs., 1 tab.

  10. Close to the wind. A European strategy for the (top)sectors in the Netherlands; Scherp aan de wind. Handvat voor een Europese strategie voor Nederlandse (top)sectoren

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    ) Strengthen Europe's position in the global arena; (2) Use European resources strategically as leverage for national policy; (3) Align with European societal priorities; (4) Develop a strategic plan for employing European and Dutch policy in each priority area; and (5) Develop the basic principles of the strategic plan for each individual policy and implement them consistently. [Dutch] De centrale rol van onderzoek en innovatie in de nieuwe Europese strategie biedt grote kansen voor Nederland. Het vergt wel een aantal aanpassingen in het overheidsbeleid: Nederland moet voluit gaan bijdragen aan het versterken van de Europese positie. Maar Nederland moet tegelijkertijd aan de eigen positie denken. Dat kan door 'scherp aan de wind' te gaan varen en strategischer met Europees beleid om te gaan. De raad doet een aantal aanbevelingen om nog effectiever met Europees beleid om te gaan en om de aansluiting te verbeteren, onder andere: Benut de Europese Structuurfondsen maximaal om Nederlandse topregio's als Eindhoven en Wageningen verder te ontwikkelen; Zet een co-financieringsfonds op om (bedrijfs)deelname aan Europese programma's in de toekomst te garanderen en te stimuleren; Zet de programma's van het ERC en NWO meer complementair in, om zo dubbelingen in het onderzoek te voorkomen.

  11. Report on the Sunshine Project in fiscal 1988 in research of coal liquefying technologies. Studies on direct hydrogenation liquefying reaction mechanism and prevention of carbonization; 1989 nendo sekitan no ekika gijutsu ni kansuru kenkyu hokokusho. Chokusetsu suiten ekika hanno kiko to tanka boshi no kenkyu

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    This paper reports the research of coal liquefying technologies in the Sunshine Project in fiscal 1988. The research was performed with importance placed on the fundamentals of coal liquefaction and high value added compounds. Production of n-paraffin in the liquefying reaction occurs from reduction of acidic ester, and this ester structure contributes to cross-linking of aromatic rings. Most of the aromatic rings in coal has long side chains. A hypothesis was assumed that these chains have been produced from reaction of lignin in plants with fatty acid or alcohol. The hypothesis was verified from a synthesizing reaction by model substances. This could be said an initial reaction model for coalification. In order to verify de-alkylating reaction of the liquefied oil, model substances were used to investigate the products. Benzene having long alkyl side chains have the alkyl group dissociated, and on the other hand cyclization progressed producing naphthalene. Melting performance during coking is attributed to a great amount of solvent soluble low molecular constituents contained in coal. These constituents are contained in close contact in a net-like structure, which is loosened only by heating extraction, and extracted. They have no hydrogen donating performance. (NEDO)

  12. Fiscal 1996 survey report on overseas technology concerning R and D on advanced chemical processing technology; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu kaigai gijutsu chosa hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu / sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

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    R and D was conducted on technologies for ultra high purity separation/processing, ultra fine particle crystal control, and high functional organic material synthesis and support. The results were classified into four categories and, on the basis of the results, the researchers paid a visit to and had a conference with related organizations overseas, for the purpose of exchanging opinions with European and American specialists and extracting evaluation and problems of the results. On laser CVD/organic thin film technology, eight institutions including University College London were visited by the researchers, with opinions exchanged on eight subjects such as studies on synthesis of high functional metallic thin film using the laser MOCVD method. On new materials/processing technology, seven institutions including MIT were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of four researches such as preparation of Pb-based ferroelectric thin film using multi-ion-beam sputtering method. On micro-structure characterization technology, six institutions including MIT were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of nine studies such as micro-structure characterization by transmission electron microscopy. On ion CVD/ion implantation technology, five institutions including The University of Salford were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of seven researches such as creation and utilization of ultra-high vacuum. (NEDO)

  13. Fiscal 1996 survey report on overseas technology concerning R and D on advanced chemical processing technology; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu kaigai gijutsu chosa hokokusho. Kokoritsu hatsuden'yo buzai sosei gijutsu kaihatsu / sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

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    R and D was conducted on technologies for ultra high purity separation/processing, ultra fine particle crystal control, and high functional organic material synthesis and support. The results were classified into four categories and, on the basis of the results, the researchers paid a visit to and had a conference with related organizations overseas, for the purpose of exchanging opinions with European and American specialists and extracting evaluation and problems of the results. On laser CVD/organic thin film technology, eight institutions including University College London were visited by the researchers, with opinions exchanged on eight subjects such as studies on synthesis of high functional metallic thin film using the laser MOCVD method. On new materials/processing technology, seven institutions including MIT were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of four researches such as preparation of Pb-based ferroelectric thin film using multi-ion-beam sputtering method. On micro-structure characterization technology, six institutions including MIT were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of nine studies such as micro-structure characterization by transmission electron microscopy. On ion CVD/ion implantation technology, five institutions including The University of Salford were visited, with opinions exchanged on the results of seven researches such as creation and utilization of ultra-high vacuum. (NEDO)

  14. Onderzoek en/in methodiekontwikkeling, een veelstemmig proces

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    Hilde Vlaeminck


    worden vaak aangezocht (eerder dan academische onderzoekers voor dergelijke opdrachten omwille van hun specifieke kennis van en nabijheid met het sociaal werkveld. De gecombineerde rol – docent-supervisor én onderzoeker én ontwikkelaar – creëert kansen maar evoceert ook spanningsvelden. Als docent bewaakt hij/zij de vier niveaus van het concept “methodiek” met een sterke nadruk op het technisch-instrumenteel, het persoonlijk, het ethisch en het theoretisch niveau. Als supervisor is hij vertrouwd met de dagelijkse praktijk veelal in de vorm van casuïstiek. Als onderzoeker moet hij onafhankelijk en kritisch vanuit een metapositie kijken naar handelingspraktijken en hun onderliggende theorieën en assumpties uitdagen. Als methodiekontwikkelaar ontwikkelt hij producten die het handelen systematiseren, funderen en concreet ondersteunen, onder meer door het formuleren van krijtlijnen en vuistregels. Een recent methodiekontwikkelingsproject in de thuiszorg in Vlaanderen – gebruikt als casus in dit artikel – staat stil bij de methodologische keuzes van een onderzoekersduo (hogeschooldocent/ praktijkonderzoeker en academische onderzoeker tijdens diverse fasen van methodiekontwikkeling. Bovendien laat deze casus zien dat er méér actoren een rol (kunnen spelen dan het duo lector en onderzoeker. Er zijn de praktijkwerkers (als mede-methodiekontwerpers, de gebruikers (cliënten, het methodiekondersteunend management, de regulerende en subsidiërende overheid maar ook de verwijzers. Methodiekontwikkeling is een veelstemmig verhaal. Sommigen noemen dit co-creatie.

  15. Hydrogen-powered road vehicles. Positive and negative health effects of new fuel; Waterstof in het wegverkeer. Voor- en nadelen voor de gezondheid van een nieuwe vorm van brandstof

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    environmental factors and public health. [Dutch] De afhankelijkheid van fossiele brandstoffen - met zijn politieke, maatschappelijke en milieunadelen - zorgt ervoor dat alternatieve energiebronnen volop in de belangstelling staan. Het gebruik van waterstof wordt als een veelbelovende optie gezien, in het bijzonder voor het wegverkeer. Volgens een toekomstvisie van het Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN) zou in 2050 ruim de helft van de auto's in Nederland op waterstof kunnen rijden. Vooropgesteld dat de waterstof wordt geproduceerd uit duurzame energiebronnen, zou daarmee ook de emissie van kooldioxide aan banden worden gelegd. Zowel in de Verenigde Staten, Japan en Europa worden door overheden en het bedrijfsleven dan ook grote bedragen geinvesteerd in de ontwikkeling van de benodigde technologie, die over enkele decennia een op waterstof gebaseerde economie mogelijk moet maken. Overschakeling naar waterstof als energievoorziening voor het wegverkeer zou ingrijpende gevolgen hebben voor de samenleving. Zoals bij elke nieuwe technologie het geval is, biedt dat kansen, maar zijn er onvermijdelijk ook nadelen. In het geval van waterstof zijn sommige van die nadelen bekend, en tot op zekere hoogte beheersbaar. Andere zullen echter pas na introductie en toepassing aan het licht komen. Dit inzicht, gevoegd bij het maatschappelijke belang van een eventuele omschakeling op waterstof, was voor de Gezondheidsraad aanleiding om nu alvast in te gaan op de voor- en nadelen die waterstof als nieuwe energievorm kan hebben voor de volksgezondheid. Juist in deze fase is het van belang om een beeld te krijgen van de mogelijke gezondheidseffecten, te weten waar de lacunes in de kennis zitten, en aan te geven wat de beste manier is om daar mee om te gaan.

  16. FY 2000 report on the basic survey to promote Joint Implementation, etc. Survey for prevention of pollution by caustic soda in the mercury process and for heightening of efficiency; 2000 nendo kyodo jisshi nado suishin kiso chosa hokokusho. Suiginho kasei soda kogai boshi koritsu kojo chosa

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    In relation to facilities of Azerchimia, state concern, in Sumgait City, Azerbaijan, an investigational study was conducted of the project for energy conservation and greenhouse effect gas emission reduction by converting the caustic soda plant from the mercury process to the ion exchange process. The facilities of Azerchimia are badly superannuated and consume much more electric power than those in the newest technology. Moreover, the soil pollution by the plant using the mercury process is becoming a big problem. By carrying out this project, energy conservation can be achieved by reducing the amount of purchased power from thermal power plants outside. As a result of the study, the amount of the fuel used at the power plant was reduced to 40,700 toe/y. And, the amount of greenhouse effect gas emission was reduced to 131,000 t-CO2/y. In the study of the profitability, the internal earning rate of investment after tax was 8.6% and the internal earning rate of fund was 40% in the case of soft loans. In the case of commercial loans, however, they were 8.6% and 9.4%, respectively, which indicated that the materialization of the project was low. (NEDO)

  17. FY 1993 report on the results of the R and D of advanced function creation processing technology. Development of technology for corrosion prevention of the petroleum production system; 1993 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

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    In the study of a corrosion resistant high sensitivity gas sensor, the following two technologies are needed: decrease in impurities of materials for super-higher purity, and formation of films with physically high quality such as orientation and homogeneity. Experiments were made on laser excitation separation refining, CVD, laser ablation, super-high vacuum, etc. For the stabilized formation of high-adhesion thin/thick films, studies were carried out of the surface activation for processing substrate surface before film formation, interface counter diffusion in thin film formation process, and the technology for combination of these. The higher-order structure control of materials was attempted using the reaction field combined with the photochemical reaction by the high grade photon field, based on the molecular beam vapor-deposition technology under super-high vacuum. In the synthesis of materials by the photon combined reaction field, studies were made of the design/process of a dynamic device which reacts like pulse the photon/high pressure/strong magnetic field on carbonaceous materials and a static combined reaction field device by the stationary high pressure field. A study was commenced of a synthesis method in relation to fullerene with a new structure which has unique characteristics. (NEDO)

  18. FY 1996 report on the results of the R and D of advanced function creation processing technology. Development of technology for corrosion prevention of the petroleum production system; 1996 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

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    Ti-Ni micro particle composite thick films could be synthesized using pulse evaporation type/magnetic field closed type evaporation source for both high hardness and high toughness. Corrosion resistant gradient composition thick films were obtained which change in composition from Ni to CrSi2 by on-substrate collision/serial sintering technology by micro particles produced by hybrid-plasma. The following were conducted: synthesis of micro particles by laser induction vapor phase reaction, formation of collision of airsol particles, and development of the continuous creation process of nano structure advanced materials by continuous combination of microwave sintering. As the higher-order structure control technology in the molecular beam complex reaction field, studies were made of photochemical reaction, effects of magnetic field on other-molecular reaction, and functional control technology. The molecular/higher-order structure control by photochemical reaction was an important factor for sensor function improvement of the formed thin film. Photon/pressure complex reaction field device was developed and an experiment was made on the material synthesis. The diamond/cBN solid solution synthesis, etc. were conducted and the hardness next to diamond was obtained. (NEDO)

  19. FY 2000 research cooperation project on the research cooperation for the commercialization of the waste water treatment technology for global warming prevention. Final report on subsidy work; NEDO kenkyu kyoryoku jigyo. Chikyu ondanka boshi haisui shori gijutsu no jitsuyoka ni kansuru kenkyu kyoryoku jose gyomu (Saishu hokokusho)

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    As to the commercialization of the waste water treatment technology for food plant, the research cooperation with Thailand was carried out from FY 1998 to FY 2000, and the results were summed up. In this project, the R and D were made for the following purposes: treatment of organic matters in waste water for reduction in water pollutants, recovery of the methane gas emitted in the atmosphere for the effective use, reduction in sludge generation in the anaerobic + aerobic treatment system, simplification of operation/maintenance of the system, reduction in running cost. In FY 1998, conducted were the design of the total process and the manufacture/construction of a part of the anaerobic treatment process. In FY 1999, conducted was the manufacture/construction of the total process including the aerobic treatment process. After the completion of the construction work, operational study was made. In FY 2000, the demonstrative operation was conducted at the demonstrative plant, and the technology transfer was made in terms of analysis of operational data, maintenance of equipment, operational management, etc. Further, the technical explanatory meeting such as seminar was held as activities for the spread of this technology. (NEDO)

  20. FY 1991 Report on the results of the research and development of the processing technologies for creating advanced functions. Development of the technologies for preventing corrosion of oil production systems; 1991 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

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    The research and development project has been started to develop the technologies for superhigh-purity separation/processing; controlling ultrafine crystal particles, including creating composites by the aid of a plasma laser; synthesizing highly functional organic materials; and supporting these technologies, for creating functions, e.g., advanced sensing functions, highly functional electromagnetic characteristics, and corrosion resistance, heat resistance and high strength. The R and D program for the technologies for superhigh-purity separation/processing covers development of highly corrosion-resistant, high-sensitivity gas sensors and highly functional thin oxide film sensors. The R and D program for controlling ultrafine crystal particles covers the researches on the technologies for creating inclined structures by the ion composite vapor-phase process, and the technologies for producing composites by the aid of a plasma laser. The R and D program for the organic material synthesis technologies includes researches on the technologies for controlling higher structures in a molecular beam composite reaction field, and on the technologies for synthesizing materials in a photon composite reaction field and in an interfacial composite reaction field. The R and D program for the supporting technologies includes the researches on the technologies for diagnosing a composite reaction field by the laser-aided ionization method. In the FY 1991, which is essentially the first year for the project, the efforts are directed to designs and construction of the required facilities, and preliminary tests. (NEDO)

  1. Report on a survey in fiscal 1999. The survey on structuring institutions for energy environment policies. Part 2. Collection of information about policies in major countries for prevention of global warming; 1999 nendo energy kankyo seisaku no seido kochiku ni kansuru chosa. 2. Kakkoku ondanka boshi seisaku johoshu

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    The present survey is intended to collect and put in order the literatures and items of information related to: the current status and future directionality in the policies in advanced nations related to achieving the targets of the Kyoto Protocol, and trends of improving national institutions to respond to the Kyoto mechanisms, and the background of the conceptions thereof (including the conceptions on designing the international institutions). The survey gives considerations at the same time on possibilities of realization of the policies being implement and/or discussed. The report consists of two parts. Part 1 puts in order the trends until the most recent date in the summary of warming prevention policies in the major European and North American countries, placing the importance on the policies and measures that use economic methods (environment taxation system, national discharge quantity transaction, voluntary action plans and agreements). Part 2 (the present paper) introduces the contents of the major literatures and administrative materials in the policy trends in each nation, and puts in order the basic items of information that are considered useful for performing in the future the surveys related to the subject areas. (NEDO)

  2. Report on a survey in fiscal 1999. Survey on structuring an institution for energy and environmental policies (part 1: trends in policies for preventing global warming in some countries); 1999 nendo energy kankyo seisaku no seido kochiku ni kansuru chosa hokokusho. 1. Kakkoku ondanka boshi seisaku no doko

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    This survey reviews the following matters: the current status and future directionality in policies related to achieving the targets in the Kyoto Protocol in advanced countries, trends of improving national institutions to correspond with the Kyoto mechanisms, the background of the conceptions thereon, and policies under implementation and discussion. The report consists of Part 1 and Part 2. First, Part 1 reviews the trends to the most recent date in the summary of warming prevention policies in the major European and North American countries (nine countries composed of Denmark, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Britain, Canada and the U.S.A.), placing the importance on the policies and measures that use economic methods (environment taxation system, national discharge quantity transaction, voluntary action plans and agreements). Approaches taken by the countries in relation with the Kyoto mechanisms include the Activities Implemented Jointly (AIJ) being a trial approach for the Joint Implementation (JI). Part 2 introduces major literatures concerning policy trends in each country and the contents of administrative information, and puts into order the basic items of information considered useful in performing surveys related to subject areas in the future. (NEDO)

  3. Achievement report on industrial science and technology research and development in fiscal 2000. Research and development of synergy ceramics (Research and development of technology to prevent corrosion in petroleum production systems); 2000 nendo sangyo kagaku gijutsu kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Synergy ceramics no kenkyu kaihatsu (sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kenkyu kaihatsu)

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    Achievements in fiscal 2000 were put into order for research and development of synergy ceramics aimed at completion of high temperature energy materials and ultra-precision materials. Activities were taken in the following four areas: 1) materialization technologies and advanced assessment and design technologies, 2) application technologies, 3) common basic technologies, and 4) assessment on composite function manifestation process. In Item 1), discussions were given on ultra-precision materials, high temperature energy materials, member designing basic technologies, materials to detect stress and microfine destruction, pore pattern controlling porous materials, and self-restoration and self-lubrication functioning materials. In Item 2), discussions were given on material and light selection functioning materials, high abrasion resistant and easy-to-process materials, high performance resistance materials for electric power devices, and flexible sliding materials. In the material and light selection functioning materials, their material selecting function was manifested by controlling micro pores through xerogelation on inorganic and organic hybrids. In the assessment of the composite function manifesting process, the wet type forming process was assessed, that uses microfine powder for model parts assuming cut members. (NEDO)

  4. Technology for semi-endless use of lubricating oil, no waste oil, improvement of reliability and keeping high thermal efficiency in engines; Jinzo kino seijo gijutsu ni yoru engine oil no han`eikyu shiyo to haiyu zero, oyobi shinraisei kojo to netsukoritsu teika no boshi (joyosha ni yoru shiken oyobi truck ni okeru jitsuyoka)

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    Azuma, T [Teikyo University, Tokyo (Japan); Sumimoto, M; Kimura, I


    The authors have developed a new technology which enables it to use lubricating oil almost forever without any waste oil, only compensating lost oil and additives. The system has been working well in many marine and co-generation diesel engines. These engines have been also free from most of engine troubles. This paper reports the test results made on a car and some trucks. Besides above mentioned advantages, the results show that high thermal efficiency has been kept for more than ten years in the car tested and that the exhaust gas brake is much improved in the trucks. 8 refs., 4 figs.

  5. Research and development project for large industrial technologies in fiscal 1992. Achievement report on research and development of an advanced function creating and processing technology (Development of a technology to prevent corrosion in petroleum production systems); 1992 nendo senshin kino soshutsu kako gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kaihatsu

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    In order to enhance durability and safety of members used in ocean bottom petroleum collecting systems, researches were made to create materials having excellent corrosion resistance, strength and heat resistance. In the research of a gas sensor to measure nature of drilled mud water, high corrosion resistance and sensitivity improvement in an infrared gas sensor was attempted through research and development of a high-purity and high-quality film forming technology. In the research of an inclination structure creating technology, researches were made on an interface control technology to enhance adhesion of substrates with ultra fine particle complexes. Developmental research was performed on materials by synthesizing the ultra fine particle complex and by injecting ions into the surface layer. In developing thick ceramics film or bulk having high functions, researches were carried out on a synthesizing technology using compound plasma, and a synthesizing technology using compound laser. In synthesizing high-function organic materials, researches were performed on a high-order structure control technology using the molecular beam compound reaction field, and on a material synthesizing technology using the photon compound reaction field and the interface compound reaction field. A compound reaction field diagnosis technology using the laser ionizing process was studied as a supporting technology. (NEDO)

  6. Fiscal 1997 report on the results of the R and D of industrial scientific technology. R and D of synergistic ceramics (R and D of corrosion prevention technology for the petroleum production system); 1997 nendo sangyo kagaku gijutsu kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Synergy ceramics no kenkyu kaihatsu (sekiyu seisan system fushoku boshi gijutsu kenkyu kaihatsu)

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    To heighten durability and safety of materials/parts for undersea oil drilling, the development of ceramic base materials was made by developing function harmony type process technology which harmonizes on a high grade contrary characteristics and various functions. The paper summed up the fiscal 1997 results. In the design of system formation, computational simulation technology was developed to the composite process and the diploid system. The development of multifunction simultaneous manifestation materials was trially made by the higher nano structure process. A study was made of control of microstructures of porous materials and matrix filling by the gas phase precipitation control. Proposed were selective control of grain growth from species crystals and the columnar particle orientation laminated structure of simultaneous manifestation of strength and toughness. By composite precipitation reaction control, studied were simultaneous dispersion of whisker and increase in density of matrixes, and harmonization with long fibers. Silicon nitride was trially made with low lubrication/friction coefficients and high strength. A simulation method for crack progress behavior evaluation was developed using a testing notched specimen heterogeneous microstructures. Analyses were made of brittle fracture mechanics and reliability evaluation. 273 refs., 344 figs., 29 tabs.

  7. FY 2000 research cooperation project on the comprehensive research cooperation for environmental technology. Research cooperation for technology for prevention of the water pollution caused by plant waste water in Vietnam; 2000 nendo kenkyu kyoryoku jigyo. Kankyo gijutsu sogo kenkyu kyoryoku (Betonamu koku kojo haisui ni yoru suishitsu osen boshi taisaku gijutsu ni kansuru kenkyu hokoku)

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    For the purpose of increasing the research capability of the Center for Consultancy, Training and Technology Transfer in Vietnam, research cooperation for prevention of water pollution was given for plants of the local industry located in the suburbs of Hanoi city. In the survey of the actual state of the water pollution in the industrial area in the suburbs of Hanoi city, the following was found out: In the area, approximately 110 companies of the production industry such as livestock feed, papermaking, dyeing, brewing, construction materials, etc. are in operation and are discharging the untreated waste water into rivers and waterways because waste water treatment facilities are not prepared yet. In this research cooperation, the following were carried out: detailed survey of specified plants and proposal for improvement, training of Vietnamese researchers/engineers in charge of water pollution prevention technology, invitation to/training at Japan of Vietnamese managers/researchers, seminar to be held on the site, equipment to be given that is needed to measure water quality. The equipment to be given is a portable multi-item water quality meter and analytical equipment such as spectrometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer and gas chromatograph. (NEDO)

  8. A clean slate. For a future of possibilities; Schonelei. Voor een toekomst van mogelijkheden

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    Luttik, P.; Boosten, G. [Stichting DoTank, Bussum (Netherlands); Smit, H.; Tersteeg, J. [WING Proces Consultancy, Wageningen UR, Wageningen (Netherlands)


    a situation must be created that is aimed at renewal and innovation. A stimulating environment with guarantees for result driven investments, instead of a system of subsidies that is incomprehensible. We also have to look for new co-operation partners, not based on contracts and demands for specific results, but based on transparency, trust and shared ambitions. Everything has to be directed at the creation of new values. At this moment in time a number of results of the Clean Slate project are being elaborated. [Dutch] De landbouw staat in Nederland onder druk. Ondanks de inspanningen van velen om de agrarische sector in Nederland te laten floreren, is het niet ondenkbaar dat op een termijn van 30-50 jaar (delen van de) landbouw uit (delen van) Nederland zijn verdwenen. Het nadenken over de consequenties van deze ontwikkeling is zeker in agrarische kringen nog taboe. Dit belemmert niet alleen het zicht op nieuwe kansen die door het verdwijnen van landbouw ontstaan, het blokkeert ook de bewustwording ten aanzien van het kostbare dat dan verloren gaat. Het project 'Schonelei' concentreert zich op de kansenkant. Uitgangspunt is een viertal extreme scenario's voor het verdwijnen van de grondgebonden landbouw uit ons land. Die scenario's dienden als inspiratie voor de ontwikkeling van nieuwe concepten of aanzetten daartoe. Dat heeft een rijke oogst opgeleverd. Een negental concepten wordt in het rapport verder uitgewerkt, namelijk: Zeelandbouw (landbouw in zee); Bioport (Nederland niet meer als draaischijf voor fossiele energie, maar voor biomassa); Vraaggestuurde microketens (in tegenstelling tot aanbodgerichte bulkketens); Lokale autonomie (in plaats van centrale voorzieningen); Overbruggend eten (eten als manier om mensen nader tot elkaar te brengen); Nature at your fingertips (natuur aantrekkelijker maken door haar deels te virtualiseren); Waardevol sterven (over een nieuwe beleving van de laatste levensfase); Waardegedreven financiele

  9. Achievement report for fiscal 2000 on project to develop technology related to new recycled products. Research and development of cover soil replacement process utilizing waste magazine papers for final disposal facility and soil flow-out prevention process; 2000 nendo zasshi koshi wo riyoshita saishu shobunjo muke fukudo daitai koho oyobi dojo ryushutsu boshi koho no kenkyu kaihatsu seika hokokusho (kokaiyo)

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    Research and development has been made on a cover soil replacement process utilizing waste papers for final disposal facility and a soil flow-out prevention process. This paper summarizes the achievements in fiscal 2000. In evaluating waste paper fibers and waste paper binder films, the safety level was assumed sufficiently high if the fibers are used for the cover soil replacement process for final disposal facility. However, films may have a possibility of destruction if force is applied by such as heavy machines running on the films, hence it must be avoided. According to the on-site scattering test using unattended mixed slurry spraying machine capable of being remotely controlled, the coverage was found good, and scattering of incineration residues can be prevented completely. With regard to monitoring of hydrogen sulfide gas, a system having a hydrogen sulfide sensor and GPS mounted on a slurry spraying machine capable of remote control operation was completed, and its usefulness was verified. By using a wastes disposal facility simulating device, investigations were performed on effects on seepage water and wastes when the cover soil replacing material utilizing waste papers is used, and on changes in the properties of the cover soil replacing material. (NEDO)

  10. Achievement report for fiscal 1998 on area consortium research and development business. Area consortium for venture business development by building base for small business (abuse double protected next generation card system based on steganography); 1998 nendo venture kigyo ikuseigata chiiki consortium kenkyu kaihatsu (chusho kigyo sozo kibangata). Steganography gijutsu wo riyoshita jisedaigata fusei shiyo taju boshi guard system no kenkyu kaihatsu

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    A card system is developed using BPCS (Business Planning and Control System) steganography, with electronic data imbedded in the card. Under the system, the visual recognition of the user and the mechanical verification of the card are carried out simultaneously, with the card rejecting any abuse. In fiscal 1998, a system was built by way of trial, constituted of technologies of encoding, decoding, and packaging data into an IC (integrated circuit) card. A photograph of the user's face is attached to the card, the card carries an 8KB IC memory device, and the device stores data of the photograph of the user's face etc. A password has to be inputted before any data may be taken out. A customized key is required to display the imbedded personal data and, for the restoration of the key data, the personal key known only to the owner and the company key that is kept by the card managing company need to be collated with each other. Multiple checking is available for the prevention of abuse, which include the collation of face photographs, collation with display by inputting the password, and request for the customized key to confirm the presence of authority to read the imbedded personal data. (NEDO)

  11. Fundamental cooperation project in fiscal 2000 for improving international energy consumption efficiency. Investigations in relation with prevention of global warming (analytical comparison centering around cost effectiveness related to greenhouse effect gas (GHG) reduction in overseas countries); 2000 nendo kokusai energy shohi koritsu ka chosa nado kyoryoku kiso jigyo - chikyu ondanka boshi kanren chosa hokokusho. Kaigai deno GHG sakugen ni kansuru hiyo tai koka wo chushin to shita bunseki hikaku

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In order to provide discussion materials for measures to achieve the GHG emission reduction target, investigations and discussions have been made on the following subjects: cost effectiveness of reducing GHG emission by target countries and target technologies, use of maps and databases on the possible reduction quantity of GHG emission, the targeted countries and business categories. Regarding the target countries, investigations were made on the general situation of the energy consumption efficiency, difference between their energy consumption efficiency by industries and that in Japan, and the GHG emission quantities by sectors. As a result, 31 counties hopeful in reducing CO2 emission were selected. With regard to technologies to reduce CO2 emission, technologies having been practically used and proliferated in Japan were used as the base, whereas 43 technologies were systematized for such departments as industries, business operations, households, and transportation. According to a trial calculation on the effect of CO2 emission reduction, if the 43 technologies are applied to the 31 target countries, CO2 emission reduction of 698 million tons as a whole would be possible, for which the required expense was calculated as 114.4 trillion yen. In evaluating the CO2 emission reducing technologies, the cost effectiveness of each technology was evaluated by cost per GHG emission reduction of 1t-CO2. (NEDO)

  12. Report on investigations in fiscal 2000 on the global warming prevention related investigations in cooperative fundamental project of investigating improvement in international energy consumption efficiency. Analysis and comparison centering on cost effectiveness in relation with greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction in Japan; 2000 nendo kokusai energy shohi koritsuka chosanado kyoryoku kiso jigyo chikyu ondanka boshi kanren chosa hokokusho. Kokunai deno GHG sakyugen ni kansuru hiyo tai koka wo chushin to shita bunseki hikaku

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    The present investigative research is intended to grasp the whole image of cost effectiveness of the energy saving and new energy technologies to suppress and reduce CO2 emission in Japan. Furthermore, the research considers the cost effectiveness and discusses the efficiency and the directionality of reducing CO2 emission from an estimation of the social introduction cost of individual technologies and quantity of CO2 emission reduction. These activities are intended to provide the fundamental items of information when discussing the measures to achieve the emission reduction target imposed on Japan. The research divides the whole aspect into energy conversion, industrial, consumer and transportation departments for discussion, and calculates the technological items that can be introduced by 2010 and the quantity of the introduction thereof, as well as the effect of reducing CO2 emission. Calculations are also performed on 27 elementary technologies in total and the CO2 emission reducing effect, assuming technological possibilities. Subsequently, analyses are carried out from the viewpoint of cost effectiveness by departments. It is shown that the average cost effectiveness is distributed in the range from 108,000 yen/ton to 1,129,000 yen/ton. Scenarios of reducing CO2 emission are discussed from the analyses of the cost effectiveness. (NEDO)

  13. FY 2000 report on the results of the technology development of energy use reduction of machine tools, etc. Technology development of environmental load reduction related to water soluble lubricating oil, etc. (R and D of low energy coolant degradation prevention technology and waste liquid processing technology); 2000 nendo energy shiyo gorika kosaku kikai nado gijutsu kaihatsu seika hokokusho. Suiyosei junkatsuyu ni kakawaru kankyo fuka teigen nado gijutsu kanri (tei energy coolant fuhai boshi gijutsu oyobi haieki shori gijutsu no kenkyu kaihatsu)

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    The R and D were carried out on a system by which the long life of coolant of machine tools can be achieved and a system to process waste efficiently, economically and with less environmental loads, and the FY 2000 results were summed up. In the R and D of a system to prevent degradation of low energy coolant, measurement was made of effects of the degradation prevention system at a laboratory level, and it was found out that propagation of bacteria causing the degradation can be prevented with pH kept high. Further, it was admitted that the alkali effect on metal formability was not very much. As to the coolant processing, in the present situation, most of the coolant is taken back by industrial waste processing dealers. So, the development of the low energy waste liquid processing system is earnestly desired. In the R and D of the low energy waste liquid processing system, test on characteristics evaluation was conducted about each method of systems. Subjects to be improved/solved were extracted such as the point that volatile organic matters are included in condensed water after evaporation of waste liquid and there seems to be a possibility of needing the secondary processing. (NEDO)

  14. Effects of biomass chains on land use and soil quality in the Netherlands. Development and application of a framework for testing; Effecten van biomassaketens op landgebruik en bodemkwaliteit in Nederland. Ontwikkeling en toepassing van een toetsingskader

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hanegraaf, M.C.; Moolenaar, S.W.; Elbersen, H.W.; Annevelink, E. [Nutrienten Management Instituut NMI, Oosterbeek (Netherlands)


    toenemende bioenergievraag op wereldschaalniveau onafwendbaar. De vrees bestaat dat de stijgende vraag naar biomassa voor bio-energie leidt tot extra druk op de bodem en daarmee tot een achteruitgang van de bodemkwaliteit bij onzorgvuldig beheer. De Technische commissie bodembescherming heeft daarom een studie laten uitvoeren naar de mogelijke positieve en negatieve effecten van bio-energie op landgebruik en bodemkwaliteit in Nederland. Voor de productie van energie uit biomassa is een aantal hoofdroutes beschikbaar (elektriciteit, warmte en transportbrandstoffen). Bovendien kunnen verschillende organische stofbronnen (energiegewassen, bijproducten en geimporteerde biomassa) worden gebruikt. Uit een beschrijving van de ontwikkeling van de ketens en de bijbehorende biomassavraag blijkt dat die ontwikkeling vooral bepaald wordt door de technologische mogelijkheden en het aanbod van biomassa. In de bio-energiesector is een duurzaamheidsdiscussie gaande, die aan het thema 'bodem' beperkt aandacht besteedt. Een toetsingskader is opgesteld om de effecten van bio-energie op landgebruik en bodemkwaliteit te beoordelen. Basis voor het toetsingskader zijn een denkmodel 'duurzaamheid bio-energie' en een overzicht van bruikbare indicatoren voor bodemkwaliteit (zoals landgebruik/landschap, biodiversiteit, organische stof, nutrientenvoorziening, mineralenoverschot, bodemstructuur, bioremediatie en bodemverontreiniging). De illustratie brengt de onderzoeksvraag in beeld zoals die in deze studie is opgevat. In deze studie is de onderzoeksvraag uitgewerkt als organische stofbalans op perceels- en regionaal schaalniveau. Het gebruik van het toetsingskader is geillustreerd voor de ketens 'groene elektriciteit' en 'biotransportbrandstoffen'. Daarbij is een kwalitatieve beschouwing gegeven voor de indicatoren organische stof, mineralen en landgebruik. Uit deze eerste uitwerking van het toetsingskader is geconcludeerd dat bio-energie kansen biedt op een