
Sample records for inmune humoral por

  1. Visión panorámica del sistema inmune


    Paola, Toche P.


    El sistema inmune media numerosas patologías, por lo que es importante conocer su estructura y funcionamiento. Se clasifica en innato y adquirido. El sistema inmune innato brinda una temprana e inespecífica respuesta contra los microorganismos. El sistema inmune adquirido humoral y celular nos brinda una respuesta específica para diferentes moléculas, posee memoria frente a los antígenos y diversidad para reaccionar a una gran variedad de antígenos.

  2. Visión panorámica del sistema inmune

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    Toche P. Paola, Dra.


    Full Text Available El sistema inmune media numerosas patologías, por lo que es importante conocer su estructura y funcionamiento. Se clasifica en innato y adquirido. El sistema inmune innato brinda una temprana e inespecífica respuesta contra los microorganismos. El sistema inmune adquirido humoral y celular nos brinda una respuesta específica para diferentes moléculas, posee memoria frente a los antígenos y diversidad para reaccionar a una gran variedad de antígenos.

  3. Aspectos de la respuesta inmune innata en las infecciones intramamarias causadas por Staphylococcus aureus en bovinos

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    Elizabet A.L Pereyra


    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus es el principal agente causante de mastitis bovina en Argentina y en el mundo. Esta bacteria ocasiona infecciones crónicas que generan importantes pérdidas a los productores y la industria lechera. El objetivo de este artículo es caracterizar los mecanismos que intervienen en la infección causada por S. aureus en la glándula mamaria bovina, evaluando dos aspectos diferentes del proceso infeccioso: por un lado, lo vinculado con la respuesta inmune innata por parte del hospedador, y por otro, la capacidad de la bacteria para evadir el sistema inmune e interactuar con diferentes tipos celulares. La exploración de la interacción de S. aureus con el sistema inmune de la glándula mamaria bovina permitirá identificar blancos para delinear nuevas alternativas preventivas o curativas, que contribuyan a evitar o eliminar las infecciones causadas por este organismo.

  4. Por un humor ético

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    Victor Paramo Valero


    Full Text Available Ética del humor es una obra original, abundantemente documentada, de contenido científico y filosófico, que aborda un problema de gran importancia en los actuales estudios de éticas aplicadas. La ética del humor es una nueva ética aplicada que pretende comprender el fenómeno del humor a la luz de sus implicaciones éticas. Como señala el autor, Juan Carlos Siurana, reputado experto en el ámbito de la filosofía práctica, el interés por el humor es un interés por la ética. En la obra no presenta una nueva teoría filosófica del humor –las cuales se han venido sucediendo, al menos, desde los Diálogos de Platón–, sino una nueva teoría ética, que toma al humor como objeto principal de análisis. Por tanto, la finalidad es realizar una aportación dentro del ámbito de la ética. Para ello se nutre de distintos estudios psicológicos, biológicos, fisiológicos y neurológicos sobre el humor, así como de clásicas obras de filosofía que han abordado esta cuestión.

  5. Análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de la respuesta inmune humoral A Plasmodium falciparum en personas protegidas y no protegidas

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    Martha Lucía Moreno


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se buscaron diferencias en los patrones de reconocimiento de proteínas de Plasmodium falciparum por anticuerpos de pacientes con distintos grados de inmunidad protectiva. Evaluamos 50 sueros provenientes de un área hiperendémica, de personas que mostraron un grado de protección, 50 sueros de personas no protegidas que sufrían infecciones activas y 30 sueros de personas que nunca tuvieron malaria. Los anticuerpos se estudiaron por los métodos de inmunoprecipitación y de inmunotransferencia, y se buscó presencia o ausencia de cada banda en alguno de los grupos. Se encontró un nivel de anticuerpos más alto y un patrón de reconocimiento más complejo en los sueros de personas no protegidas. Sólo un anticuerpo, que reconoce una proteína de 99 kDa, y que fue encontrado en el 40% de las personas protegidas parece tener alguna relación (aunque débil con protección. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la respuesta inmune humoral es más un indicativo de una infección reciente que de un estado de protección.

  6. Participación de la prolactina en la respuesta inmune


    Blanco-Favela, Francisco; Legorreta-Haquet, María Victoria; Huerta-Villalobos, Yunuen Rocío; Chávez-Rueda, Karina; Montoya-Díaz, Eduardo; Chávez-Sánchez, Luis; Zenteno-Galindo, Edgar


    Existen evidencias de la relación entre el sistema inmune y el endocrino vía múltiples factores de comunicación, como citocinas, neuropéptidos, neurotransmisores y hormonas. Se ha demostrado la participación de la hormona prolactina en la respuesta inmune innata y adaptativa. Además de ser producida por la glándula pituitaria, también es producida y secretada por las células del sistema inmunológico. El objetivo de esta revisión fue puntualizar acerca de la participación de la prolactina secr...

  7. immune response in human leishmania infections Respuesta inmune en infecciones humanas por Leishmania spp

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    Sara María Robledo Restrepo


    Full Text Available This review summarizes relevant information about the immune response triggered during leishmaniosis, a disease of great importance from the epidemiological point of view, since it is endemic in Colombia and other countries. We emphasize on human leishmaniosis; nevertheless, some important findings in the murine model are also mentioned. This information allows to conclude that Leishmania infection is a complex and coordinated process, which includes adhesion and entrance of the parasite into the host cells and its survival inside them. Events that mediate the infection process may influence its result in terms of elimination of the parasite or development of the disease, through induction or not of an effective specific immune response which involves host cell activation and parasite destruction. La presente revisión tiene como objetivo resumir la información más relevante acerca de la respuesta inmune que se desencadena durante la leishmaniosis, una enfermedad de gran importancia desde el punto de vista epidemiológico dado que es endémica en Colombia y otros países. Aunque la respuesta inmune en la leishmaniosis es un tema que se ha estudiado ampliamente en las infecciones por especies de Leishmania del Viejo Mundo, particularmente Leishmania major y Leishmania donovani y en el modelo murino, la presente revisión hace énfasis en la leishmaniosis humana. Algunos hallazgos importantes en el modelo murino también se mencionan. La información contenida en la revisión, en su mayoría, proviene de publicaciones derivadas de investigaciones, las cuales se seleccionaron con base en la calidad del trabajo realizado y en los aportes de sus resultados en el avance del conocimiento sobre las infecciones en humanos. La síntesis de la información seleccionada nos permite concluir que la infección por Leishmania es un proceso complejo y coordinado que incluye la adherencia y entrada del parásito a la célula hospedera y su posterior

  8. Protagonismo del sistema inmune en el microambiente de los tumores malignos de la mama


    Arango Prado, María del Carmen; Rodríguez-Padilla, Cristina


    Los avances recientes en la comprensión de los mecanismos génicos y moleculares del cáncer de mama han revelado que el sistema inmune protagoniza los eventos responsables del desarrollo y la progresión del tumor. Las células de la respuesta inmune innata y adaptativa, así como diversos mediadores solubles liberados por ellas, pueden establecer una respuesta antitumoral protectora o, por el contrario, inducir eventos de inflamación crónica que favorezcan la promoción y progresión de esta enfer...

  9. Conceptos básicos sobre la interacción del sistema inmune y los hongos causales de micosis sistémicas The immune system and fungal pathogenesis

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    Mary I. Gil Bustamante


    Full Text Available El curso de las infecciones micóticas lo determina principalmente la interacción del agente con los diferentes mecanismos de defensa naturales y específicos del hospedero. Las defensas naturales pueden ser físicas, químicas y celulares. Los factores que predisponen a la invasión micótica se reconocen tanto en los hongos como en el hospedero y les corresponde enfrentar la primera línea de defensa; de ello resulta que se establezca o no el proceso infeccioso; en algunas ocasiones esta primera respuesta es suficiente para limitar la infección pero existen hongos cuyo poder patógeno activa la producción de sustancias que dañan los tejidos o de componentes que inhiben las funciones de la fagocitosis, por lo cual el sistema inmune cuenta con una segunda línea de defensa: La inmunidad mediada por células. En la actualidad los estudios experimentales de la respuesta inmune a la infección micótica utilizan las citoquinas como herramienta para el diagnóstico y control de algunas micosis por considerarlas como las principales sustancias reguladoras del proceso inmune. Natural host resistance mechanisms against most mycotic agents act in a coordinated manner to prevent the proliferation of agents. The cooperative process betwen first line defenses and cell mediated immunity elicits production of substances that can increase the activity of phagocytic cells or mechanisms for killing fungi. Immunological factors that prevent establishement of fungal infections include: physical, mechanical and chemical barriers, cellular resistance mechanisms, humoral immunity and cell mediated immunity.

  10. Caracterización de las respuestas inmunocelular y humoral en pacientes con virus del papiloma humano Characterization of humoral and cellular immune responses in patients with human papilloma virus

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    María del Carmen Clares Pochet


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 30 féminas con infección por el virus del papiloma humano, atendidas en la consulta de Inmunología del Policlínico de Especialidades perteneciente al Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, desde junio del 2009 hasta igual mes del 2010, a fin de caracterizarlas según la respuesta inmunitaria. Para evaluar la respuesta inmune celular y humoral se empleó el test de rosetas y la cuantificación de inmunoglobulinas, respectivamente. En la serie prevaleció la infección por el virus antes mencionado en las mujeres de 25-35 años (40,0 %, en especial las procedentes de la zona urbana y se evidenció una disminución de la respuesta celular significativa con relación a la humoral.A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in 30 females infected with the human papilloma virus, attended in the office of Immunology of the Specialty Polyclinic belonging to "Saturnino Lora" Provincial Clinical Surgical Teaching Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from June 2009 to June 2010, in order to characterize them according to immune response. To evaluate the humoral and cellular immune response rosetting assay and quantification of immunoglobulines were used respectively. Women between 25-36 years of age (40 % infected with this virus, especially those coming from urban areas, prevailed in the series, and a significant decrease of the cellular response as compared to the humoral response was evidenced.

  11. La respuesta inmune antiviral


    Sánchez de la Rosa, Rainel; Sánchez de la Rosa, Ernesto; Rodríguez Hernández, Néstor


    Se expone que los virus son parásitos intracelulares obligados, puesto que no tienen metabolismo propio; esto obliga al sistema inmune a poner en marcha sus mecanismos más especializados para reconocer y eliminar, tanto a los virus libres, como a las células infectadas. Se señala que las células presentadoras de antígenos, los linfocitos B y los T unidos al complejo mayor de histocompatibilidad, forman parte de la organización de la respuesta inmune antiviral; la inducción de esta respuesta c...

  12. Psiconeuroinmunología: Conexiones entre sistema nervioso y sistema inmune

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    García López, Luis Joaquín


    Full Text Available La psiconeuroinmunología es una nueva parcela de la ciencia que apenas lleva tres décadas, pero que en los últimos años ha sido objeto de una enorme atención por diversos grupos de investigación. El articulo pretende exponer brevemente cómo están organizados los sistemas inmune y neuroendocrino, para después presentar los hallazgos que hasta el momento intentan dar explicación de las relaciones entre ambos con el sistema nervioso, así como las influencias de unos sobre otros, más concretamente expresar la relación entre los tres sistemas responsables de la defensa del organismo y, más ampliamente, de su mantenimiento homeostático. Cuando se trata de amenazas, el sistema nervioso central tiene que decidir qué sistema se pone en marcha, el sistema de estrés como energía para el ataque o la huida (un animal que nos quiere atacar, el sistema inmune para neutralizar el antígeno (un virus que nos quiere atacar o ambos (la energía es necesaria también para el sistema inmune. Como parece ser que en muchas ocasiones la depresión aparece tras los esfuerzos infructuosos de puesta en marcha de estrategias de afrontamiento, también hemos repasado sucintamente algunas investigaciones que relacionan al sistema inmune con la depresión, así como con los trastornos del sueño. Se finaliza con las aportaciones que la psicología puede ofrecer a nivel terapéutico.

  13. Inmunosenescencia: efectos de la edad sobre el sistema inmune


    Saavedra Hernández, Danay; García Verdecia, Beatriz


    El proceso de envejecimiento provoca cambios en el sistema inmune que afectan su funcionamiento y desarrollo. Estos cambios pueden manifestarse desde la linfopoyesis hasta la respuesta que orquesta el sistema inmune frente a determinada enfermedad o agente infeccioso. Ambas ramas de la inmunidad, innata y adaptativa, se afectan en este proceso, lo que genera un impacto negativo en la respuesta inmune de los ancianos y los predispone a padecer enfermedades infecciosas, cáncer, autoinmunidad y ...

  14. Inmunología tumoral y neoplasias del sistema inmune


    Sen Fernández, María Luz de la; Sempere Ortells, José Miguel; Marco, Francisco M.; Vázquez Araujo, Begoña


    Inmunología tumoral: vigilancia inmunológica, antígenos tumorales, respuesta inmune antitumoral, escape tumoral. Inmunología y diagnóstico. Inmunoterapia. Neoplasias del sistema inmune: leucemias y linfomas.

  15. Humoral immune alterations caused by lead: studies on an adult toad model Alteraciones inmunes humorales causadas por plomo: estudios en un modelo de sapo adulto

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    Carolina E. Rosenberg


    Full Text Available There is evidence that environmental metal levels affect the immune function. In the particular case of the impact of heavy metals, information available suggests that the immune system is a target for low-dose Pb exposure. Among vertebrates it was shown that amphibians are capable of forming antibodies against a variety of antigens, causing several responses such as anaphylactic response and rejecting grafts. In this study, the production of antibodies was assessed against sheep red blood cells (SRBC in the anuran Bufo arenarum after six weekly injections of sublethal doses of lead (50, as lead acetate. Natural antibodies (natural heteroagglutinins were also quantified against SRBC. Both assessments were carried out employing an ELISA method developed to this end, measuring absorbance (A. For natural anti-SRBC antibodies in both control (C and Pb treated (T toads, there was a non significant tendency to increase the initial absorbances (C initial: 0.69±0.39 A; T initial: 0.54±0.30 A, relative to those registered at the end of the experiments (C final: 0.89±0.49 A; T final: 0.76±0.31A; the T/C ratios also did not show changes. The only significant difference was found between initial and final samples from lead-treated toads (pExiste evidencia de que los niveles de metal ambientales afectan la función inmune. En el caso particular del impacto de metales pesados, la información disponible sugiere que el sistema inmune es un blanco para la exposición a bajas dosis de Pb. Entre los vertebrados, se ha mostrado que los anfibios son capaces de formar anticuerpos contra una variedad de antígenos, que causan diversas respuestas, tales como respuesta anafiláctica y rechazo de injertos. En este estudio, la producción de anticuerpos fue evaluada contra eritrocitos de oveja (EO en el anuro Bufo arenarum, luego de seis inyecciones semanales de dosis subletales de plomo (50, como acetato de Pb. Los anticuerpos naturales

  16. Ejercicio y sistema inmune Exercise and the immune system

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    Pablo Javier Patiño Grajales


    Full Text Available Se ha demostrado que el ejercicio hecho a diferentes intensidades cumple una función moduladora sobre diversos sistemas, y que su acción sobre la respuesta inmune es de gran importancia. Por lo tanto, es necesario esclarecer si estos cambios constituyen efectos benéficos o perjudiciales en cuanto a las adaptaciones del hospedero frente a diversos agentes patógenos. El estudio de estos cambios inducidos por el estrés físico puede tener un impacto grande en la comprensión y prevención de algunas enfermedades que involucran la respuesta del sistema inmune como las alergias, las infecciones, las inmunodeficiencias y el cáncer. En este artículo se presenta una revisión actualizada de la información existente al respecto, con el propósito de aportar elementos que ayuden a comprender este fenómeno biológico, así como sus implicaciones para la salud humana. Se han estudiado varios parámetros de la respuesta inmune durante el ejercicio físico, entre ellos su relación con la respuesta hormonal al estrés y el comportamiento de las diferentes hormonas de acuerdo con la intensidad de aquél. También se han evaluado los cambios en las poblaciones de células sanguíneas (linfocitos, monocitos y neutrófilos así como el comportamiento de las citoquinas y la síntesis de inmunoglobulinas específicas. Todo esto ha permitido establecer una relación entre los sistemas inmune y neuroendocrino, la cual explicaría en It has been demonstrated that physical exercise, carried out at diverse intensities, modulates the function of different human body systems, and that it plays a major role in the immune response. Therefore, it is necessary to find out if these changes have benefic or harmful effects on the host adaptation against several pathogenic agents. The study of these physical-stress-induced changes might have a great impact on the comprehension and prevention of some diseases that involve activation of the immune system such as allergies

  17. Regulación neuroendocrina del sistema inmune


    Caballero Hernández, Diana; Tamez Guerra, Reyes S.; Rodríguez Padilla, Cristina; Tamez Guerra, Patricia; Weber, Richard J.; Gómez Flores, Ricardo


    El sistema inmune recibe señales del sistema nervioso central (cerebro) vía el sistema nervioso autónomo y el sistema endocrino. El sistema inmune, a su vez, envía información al cerebro vía citocinas. Este sistema de retroalimentación es vital para el funcionamiento adecuado del organismo en situaciones normales, y en aquellas en las que la homeostasis se ve perturbada, como en casos de estrés, consumo de drogas (terapéuticas o de abuso), enfermedades infecciosas y...

  18. Aplicaciones terapéuticas de las inmunoglobulinas humanas en Pediatría

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    Amauri Lázaro Noda Albelo

    Full Text Available En la actualidad existen diversos productos farmacéuticos constituidos por inmunoglobulinas (fundamentalmente IgG, purificadas por diversos métodos, lo que implica que pueden ser administradas por diversas vías (intramuscular, intravenosa y subcutánea. Estos productos tienen un amplio espectro de indicaciones en diversas enfermedades. Las inmunoglobulinas son los efectores finales de la respuesta inmune humoral, por lo que sus indicaciones fundamentales incluyen la terapia de reemplazo en enfermedades que cursan con déficit en la producción de anticuerpos, las situaciones en que se necesita de manera inmediata la presencia de anticuerpos neutralizantes, como en las terapias posexposición, y en enfermedades que cursan con disrregulación de la respuesta inmune.


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    Nubia Estela Matta Camacho


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Es común encontrar en los libros de inmunología o de genética un capítulo con el título de “sistema inmune y genética”, sin embargo su asociación se centra en cómo la generación de anticuerpos rompió el paradigma “un gen, una proteína”, pues en el caso de la producción de anticuerpos, un gen produce millones de proteínas. El sistema inmune tiene muchos vínculos con la genética y la herencia; esta asociación se da porque cualquier sustancia o compuesto que produzca un organismo, es un antígeno potencial cuando es reconocido como extraño por el sistema inmune de otro organismo, sea este de la misma o de diferente especie. La producción de proteínas que potencialmente pueden ser antigénicas están ligadas al genotipo del individuo. La capacidad de responder y el tipo e intensidad de respuesta a los antígenos también ha sido demostrado que está correlacionado con el genotipo del individuo en cuestión, así como deficiencias en las respuestas inmunes pueden estar asociadas con mutaciones o polimorfismos genéticos que resultan en la susceptibilidad a enfermedades infecciosas. Este artículo se busca presentar ejemplos de la relación del sistema inmune y la genética, en la misma dirección de la conferencia ofrecida para la cátedra de Sede “Todo lo que usted quiere saber de genética y nunca se atrevió a preguntar”. Palabras claves: HLA, respuesta inmune, grupos sanguíneos, antígenos. ABSTRACT It is common to find in immunology or genetic books a chapter entitled “immune system and genetics”; this association focuses on how the generation of antibodies broke the paradigm “one gene, one protein”, since in this case one gene generates millions of proteins. However, the immune system has many more links to genetics and heredity. For example, any substance or compound that an organism produces is a potential antigen, when it is recognized as foreign by the immune system of another organism from

  20. Descolamento ciliocoroidal e hipotonia causados por supressores do humor aquoso: síndrome da supersensibilidade aos supressores do humor aquoso


    Silva,Maria Rosa Bet de Moraes; Jorge,Edson Nacib; Schellini,Silvana Artioli


    Os autores descrevem um caso de hipotonia e descolamento ciliocoroidal que ocorreu com administração de drogas supressoras do humor aquoso (timolol e acetazolamida) em paciente que havia sido submetido à trabeculectomia (3 meses antes). Por ser o 6° ou o 7° caso descrito na literatura, chamam atenção para esta rara "síndrome" que inclui a supersensibilidade do corpo ciliar aos supressores do HA, como causa de hipotonia e descolamento ciliocoroidal tardios em pacientes submetidos à cir...

  1. Neutropenia Inmune - Aloinmune neonatal: IgG sérica reactiva y fenotipo específico de los neutrófilos evaluados por citometría de flujo Autoimmune-alloimmune neonatal neutropenia: Serum reactive IgG and neutrophil-specific phenotype detected by flow cytometry

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    Norma E. Riera


    Full Text Available La neutropenia inmune se diagnostica por la presencia de auto o aloanticuerpos reactivos con los neutrófilos. La neutropenia aloinmune neonatal es consecuencia de la sensibilización materna a los antígenos específicos de los neutrófilos paternos que afectan al neonato al atravesar la barrera placentaria. Se presentan 4 casos de niños, 2 de ellos hermanos consanguíneos con doble vínculo. Se estudiaron los sueros de los pacientes y sus padres. Por citometría de flujo se establecen los valores de referencia de la IgG sérica reactiva con los neutrófilos en voluntarios sanos, para 3 diluciones (1/2, 1/5 y 1/20 en reacción autóloga (suero y células de un mismo individuo y heteróloga (suero y células de diferentes individuos. Los resultados se expresan por un índice definido como el cociente entre la mediana de la intensidad de fluorescencia media del suero incógnita y la de un suero utilizado como referencia. Por leucoaglutinación se evaluó la dilución del suero 1/20. Se determinó el nivel de complejos inmunes circulantes. Se determinó el fenotipo, para los epitopes HNA-1a, HNA-1b y HNA-2a. En los 4 niños se encontró IgG reactiva y/o factores aglutinantes; 2/3 sueros maternos fueron reactivos con los neutrófilos del cónyuge y de los hijos. Los complejos inmunes circulantes fueron positivos en 2/4 sueros negativos en 3/3 sueros maternos. Se encontró incompatibilidad materno-infantil en los 4 casos. Las 3 madres tenían igual fenotipo: homocigotos NA1/NA1, NB1+. En síntesis, se presenta el hallazgo de 4 casos con neutropenia inmune: 3/4 auto-inmune, 1/3 se asocia a complejos inmunes circulantes y 1/4 con neutropenia neonatal aloinmune.Auto or alloantibodies reactive with neutrophils define immune neutropenia. Alloimmune neonatal neutropenia is caused by maternal sensitization to paternal neutrophil antigens, resulting in IgG antibodies that are transferred to the fetus through the placenta. We present the studies in 4

  2. Portadores de Neisseria meningitidis, caracterización de las cepas aisladas y respuesta inmune basal a VA-MENGOC-BC

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    María J. Valdés


    Full Text Available Con el propósito de conocer la prevalencia de portadores de Neisseria meningitidis en un grupo de adolescentes, los marcadores epidemiológicos de las cepas aisladas, así como los factores de riesgo asociados con el estado de portador y la respuesta inmune basal a VA-MENGOC-BC , se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo de portadores en 189 estudiantes de 12-19 años de un politécnico de Ciego de Ávila, siguiendo las Normas Bioéticas establecidas. A los estudiantes se les realizó un exudado faríngeo y una extracción de sangre para la obtención de suero, así como una encuesta relacionada con aspectos de la investigación. La identificación de N. meningitidis se hizo por el sistema API NH (bioMérieux. Los serosubtipos e inmunotipos se clasificaron por ELISA de células enteras con anticuerpos monoclonales y la respuesta inmune basal se detectó por el Ensayo Bactericida del Suero. Se determinó la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana de las cepas frente a la penicilina, cloranfenicol, rifampicina, sulfadiacina sódica, ceftriaxona y ciprofloxacina. La prevalencia de portadores de N. meningitidis fue del 17%. Predominaron las cepas no agrupables (84,7%, seguidas por los serogrupos B (12,5% y Z (3,1%, destacándose la ausencia del C. Prevaleció el fenotipo NA:NT:P1.NST:L3,7,9 (12,5%, las cepas resistentes a la sulfadiacina (78,2% y sensibles a penicilina (81,3%, aunque el 18,7% mostró sensibilidad intermedia a este fármaco. Al resto de los antimicrobianos todas fueron sensibles. Se constató una respuesta inmune de memoria a la vacuna antimeningocócica (VAMENGOC-BC®, 12 años después de su aplicación, con títulos bactericidas anti C y B de 25 y 42%, respectivamente, resultados que pudieran estar influenciados por la inmunización sistemática que se realiza en Cuba con esta vacuna desde 1991.

  3. La respuesta inmune antiviral

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    Rainel Sánchez de la Rosa


    Full Text Available Se expone que los virus son parásitos intracelulares obligados, puesto que no tienen metabolismo propio; esto obliga al sistema inmune a poner en marcha sus mecanismos más especializados para reconocer y eliminar, tanto a los virus libres, como a las células infectadas. Se señala que las células presentadoras de antígenos, los linfocitos B y los T unidos al complejo mayor de histocompatibilidad, forman parte de la organización de la respuesta inmune antiviral; la inducción de esta respuesta con proteínas, péptidos y ADN desnudo, son alternativas actuales tanto en la prevención como en el tratamiento de las infecciones viralesIt is explained that viruses are compulsory intracellular parasites, since they don't have their own metabolism, which makes the immune system to start its mest specialized mechanisms to recognize and eliminate the free viruses and the infected cells. It is stated that the cells presenting antigens, and the B and T lymphocytes together with the major histocompatibility complex, are part of the organization of the immune antiviral response. The induction of this response with proteins, peptides and naked DNA are the present alternatives for the prevention and treatment of viral infections

  4. Humor en línea. Línea del humor

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    Dra. Mirta Clara Echevarría


    Full Text Available La autora indaga el humor propuesto por el diario ‘InterVoz’ (Córdoba, Argentina. El medio publica el "típico humor cordobés". Historietas, chistes y relatos representan la vida urbana cotidiana, confluencia de lo popular y lo masivo, a través de la inclusión de usos lingüísticos, costumbres, personajes típicos y personajes públicos, sobre todo políticos. Estos textos, en algunos casos, reproducen lo publicado en papel; sin embargo, son manifestaciones diferentes. En este discurso emergente, estudia las condiciones de producción, circulación y consumo desde varias vertientes. Subraya la autora la relación del humor con el resto del diario por: la fuerte relación intertextual con la información y el diseño hipertextual. Destaca tópicas y retórica del humor como parte de una política discursiva centrada en lo regional, con el objeto de construir un discurso identitario de clara apelación a "los cordobeses en el mundo". El humor de ‘InterVoz’ (el diario en su totalidad, en el marco de la globalización, se manifiesta como una otra voz, sin llegar a establecerse como contradiscurso. Este periódico –como tantos en la red– subraya las marcas de lo local para permanecer en lo global.

  5. Tratamiento con altas dosis de corticoides de Púrpura Trombocitopénica Inmune en paciente con Diabetes Mellitus y Obesidad Mórbida, un desafio metabólico


    Juan Pedro Andreu Cuello; Juan Pablo Gatica Araneda; Patricio Alfaro-Toloza; Romina Olmos-de-Aguilera


    El manejo de la púrpura trombocitopénica inmune con altas dosis de corticoides en pacientes con diabetes mellitus y obesidad mórbida no está definido. Mujer de 64 años con obesidad mórbida, diabetes mellitus 2 y púrpura trombocitopénico inmune presenta trombocitopenia severa de 2 000 plaquetas asociada a equimosis extensas en ambas extremidades inferiores y glicemia descompensada. Se inició tratamiento con Metilprednisolona 500mg por tres días y luego Prednisona 60mg/día, al quinto día se aum...

  6. Papel de las células nkt invariantes en la respuesta inmune anti-viral


    Román, Alejandro; Rugeles, María Teresa; Montoya, Carlos Julio


    Las células T asesinas naturales con receptor de células T invariante y restringidas por la molécula CD1d (iNKT) son un subgrupo de linfocitos con potente actividad inmunorreguladora; su respuesta casi inmediata y la capacidad de producir citoquinas tanto Th1 como Th2 son factores determinantes en el desarrollo de la respuesta inmune innata y adaptativa. El papel fisiológico de las células iNKT se ha documentado ampliamente en la respuesta anti-tumoral, el desarrollo de la tolerancia en los ó...


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    Full Text Available RESUMEN Los peces poseen un sistema inmune con muchas de las células y sustancias humorales presentes en vertebrados superiores, pero cuentan también con componentes y funciones especiales, como los centros melanomacrófagos y la capacidad fagocítica de los enterocitos por citar solo algunas de ellas, que difieren profundamente con sus similares en otras especies y que aún hoy son pobremente comprendidas. Sumado a esto, el ambiente acuático y más, el ambiente acuático productivo, es de por si complejo de manera que las posibilidades de las interacciones biológicas son enormes y los procesos difícilmente predecibles. La vacunación es tal vez una de las herramientas más importantes para el control de enfermedades bacterianas en peces, no solo por su potencial preventivo y correctivo sino también por sus bondades con el ambiente y con la salud pública que contrastan notoriamente con los tratamientos antibióticos. El éxito de las vacunas en especies piscícolas depende en buena medida del conocimiento adecuado del sistema inmunológico de los peces, de las interacciones hospedero-ambiente-patógeno, así como de las particularidades de los sistemas productivos. Con todo, la vacunación en ambientes acuáticos se enfrenta a un sinnúmero de dificultades que deben ser abordadas antes que con un enfoque unilateral farmacológico, con una aproximación integral en la que se incluye el uso de herramientas epidemiológicas, clínicas, patológicas, microbiológicas, etc. Palabras clave: vacunación, peces, inmunidad de peces, enfermedades infecciosas en peces.

  8. Mecanismos de procesamiento y presentación de antígeno en el sistema inmune

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    Jean Paul Vernot


    Full Text Available El sistema inmune muestra una gran versatilidad para reconocer y responder a una gran cantidad de macromoléculas extrañas o antígenos (Ag, eliminándolos y evitando a la vez reaccionar con constituyentes propios (1. Esto se realiza por la colaboración de linfocitos B (LB y de linfocitos T (LT que expresan un conjunto diferente de receptores. Aunque el receptor del LB (Inmunoglobulina y el del LT (TCR son similares en algunos aspectos y son codificados por secuencias de la misma familia de genes (2, difieren en la manera como reconocen el Ag. Mientras los LB reaccionan con el Ag en forma nativa, los LT son incapaces de discriminar entre la forma nativa y la denaturada (3.

  9. La microbiota intestinal en el desarrollo del sistema inmune del recién nacido

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    Deyanira La Rosa Hernández

    Full Text Available La microbiota intestinal comprende al conjunto de microorganismos comensales que cohabitan en simbiosis con el individuo. Su programación intraútero y colonización ulterior son factores determinantes en la maduración del sistema inmune. Para enriquecer nuestros conocimientos sobre el efecto de la microbiota intestinal en la maduración del sistema inmune en el niño, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica tras consultar las bases de datos Google, Medline y el Localizador de Información de Salud de Infomed, con la utilización de descriptores como microbiota intestinal, sistema inmune, gut microbiota.

  10. Efecto de la inulina y del ácido fúlvico en la supervivencia, crecimiento, sistema inmune y prevalencia de WSSV en Litopenaeus vannamei

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    Anayeli Gutiérrez-Dagnino


    Full Text Available Se estudió el efecto del prebiótico inulina y ácido fúlvico, adicionados en el alimento, sobre el crecimiento, supervivencia, prevalencia de WSSV y sistema inmune de Litopenaeus vannamei. Para esto, se realizó un bioensayo, con tratamientos por triplicado, donde se probaron diferentes concentraciones de los aditivos. Se hizo un análisis de WSSV en organismos infectados con una carga viral relativamente alta utilizando la PCR sencilla y anidada. Al final del bioensayo se extrajo la hemolinfa y se estudió el sistema inmune en hemocitos a nivel bioquímico y genético (PCR cuantitativo. El peso final fue similar en todos los tratamientos y la supervivencia estuvo entre 66,7% y 93,3%. La prevalencia de WSSV disminuyó un 13% respecto al control. El número de hemocitos, la actividad de la fenoloxidasa y la concentración de anión superóxido fueron similares en todos los tratamientos. Los aditivos modularon la expresión de los genes transglutaminasa, superóxido dismutasa y profenoloxidasa, pero no la del receptor Toll. Los aditivos no afectan negativamente el crecimiento y protegen al camarón contra WSSV en organismos infectados con una carga viral relativamente alta. No se observó efecto de los aditivos en los efectores del sistema inmune estudiados a nivel bioquímico pero si modularon la expresión de algunos genes relacionados con el sistema inmune en L. vannamei.

  11. Papel del factor de bloqueo inducido por Progesterona (PIBF en embarazo y cáncer

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    Araceli Gutiérrez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available El factor de bloqueo inducido por progesterona (PIBF es una proteína inmunomoduladora por medio de la cual la progesterona ejerce varios de sus efectos inmunológicos en diferentes células de alta proliferación, que incluyen desde células embrionarias hasta células tumorales. El PIBF ocasiona un incremento en la síntesis de anticuerpos asimétricos y de citocinas tipo Th2 como las interleucinas (IL 4, 6 y 10, así como una disminución en la actividad citotóxica de las células NK y en la producción de citocinas tipo Th1, como el factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNFα e IL-12. Lo anterior provoca una reducción en la relación Th1/Th2 que es característica del embarazo sano, lo que tiene como consecuencia un aumento en la inmunidad humoral y una disminución en la inmunidad celular. Estos mecanismos inmunomoduladores tienen como resultado una evasión del sistema inmune de la madre por parte del feto para que el embarazo llegue a término. De manera interesante, diversos estudios sugieren que estos mismos mecanismos son utilizados por las células cancerosas para facilitar la progresión de tumores que presentan sobre-expresión del PIBF.

  12. La caroca andaluza o el ingenio humorístico acotado por el decoro. Lectura etnohistórica

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    José Antonio González Alcantud


    Full Text Available Los pliegos de cordel y las carocas constituyeron una característica exposición de humor popular en la Andalucía del siglo XIX (España. Su eficacia simbólica se generalizó al convertirse en eco de noticias de sucesos contemporáneos, en las narraciones históricas o en mitografías religiosas. Este texto muestra una etnografía histórica de estos elementos como vehículo satírico del debate político, religioso y social, y revive la manera en que se utilizan actualmente. Desde su popularización hasta el momento actual, pasando por su prohibición en épocas de dictadura, se han convertido en un elemento que oscila entre el decoro y el humor negro andaluz, conocido popularmente con el nombre de “malafollá”.

  13. Descolamento ciliocoroidal e hipotonia causados por supressores do humor aquoso: síndrome da supersensibilidade aos supressores do humor aquoso Ciliochoroidal detachment and hypotony following pharmacologic aqueous supressant: therapy supersensitivity syndrome secondary to aqueous humor supressants


    Maria Rosa Bet de Moraes Silva; Edson Nacib Jorge; Silvana Artioli Schellini


    Os autores descrevem um caso de hipotonia e descolamento ciliocoroidal que ocorreu com administração de drogas supressoras do humor aquoso (timolol e acetazolamida) em paciente que havia sido submetido à trabeculectomia (3 meses antes). Por ser o 6° ou o 7° caso descrito na literatura, chamam atenção para esta rara "síndrome" que inclui a supersensibilidade do corpo ciliar aos supressores do HA, como causa de hipotonia e descolamento ciliocoroidal tardios em pacientes submetidos à cir...


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    Ángel Concepción


    Full Text Available El estudio del sistema inmune normal y los efectos histopatológicos provocados por sus alteraciones, son de la mayor importancia tanto desde el punto de vista investigativo, como para una adecuada preparación del médico integral que se necesita formar en este campo. Tomando en consideración estos antecedentes fue utilizado en el presente trabajo, muestras de mastocitos peritoneales teñidas con azul de toluidina y cortes de corazón, pulmón y tiroides, incluidas en parafina y teñidas con hematoxilina-eosina. Posteriormente fueron fotografiadas a través de un microscopio óptico y procesadas, mediante un programa de foto edición. Se comparan patologías de origen inmunológico, como las características de los mastocitos desgranulados y sin desgranular, corazón normal y con carditis, pulmón normal con la de asma a nivel alveolar y tiroides normal, con tiroiditis. El objetivo del trabajo consiste en comparar un grupo de imágenes que muestran las características normales de diversos órganos, comparándolas con las imágenes de patologías de origen inmunológico que las afectan, por lo que además del resultado investigativo, posee valor docente.

  15. La grata dominación del humor publicitario

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    Lic. Elena del Carmen Pérez


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo se propone dar cuenta de las estrategias con que el humor hace emerger, en el contexto general de los discursos, aquellos fragmentos omitidos por el decir oficial. Por su naturaleza de articulador ideológico, el texto publicitario (como todo texto remite a lo ya dicho en un estado dado de sociedad. En este sentido, resulta interesante observar qué fragmentos del discurso social recoge la publicidad humorística, con qué retórica los hace risibles y quiénes son aquellos sobre los que recae la risa. Se comentan avisos que son emitidos actualmente por canales de cable o aire en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina.

  16. El humor político en la Web, un discurso de resistencia

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    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el proceso metodológico desarrollado en la propuesta monográfica titulada El humor. Un discurso de resistencia política: análisis crítico multimodal, tesis de la Maestría en Lingüística de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Trabajo que surge del interés por ver cómo, por medio del discurso humorístico, se construye un discurso de resistencia a los discursos hegemónicos, identificando las estrategias discursivas que utiliza el humor para la construcción de un discurso político de resistencia; también, a través del análisis de videos humorísticos de corte político: productos multimodales mediatizados desde la Web en el portal YouTube. El corpus seleccionado fue la serie animada El Pequeño Tirano creada por Santiago Rocha, Simón Wilches y Santiago Rivas en el año 2008, que tematiza alrededor del mandato presidencial de Álvaro Uribe Vélez. Serie animada representativa del fenómeno del humor político en Colombia, de su significado y sus implicaciones en la vida social y cultural del país.

  17. Sistema inmune y genética: un abordaje diferente a la diversidad de anticuerpos.


    Matta Camacho, Nubia Estela


    RESUMEN Es común encontrar en los libros de inmunología o de genética un capítulo con el título de “sistema inmune y genética”, sin embargo su asociación se centra en cómo la generación de anticuerpos rompió el paradigma “un gen, una proteína”, pues en el caso de la producción de anticuerpos, un gen produce millones de proteínas. El sistema inmune tiene muchos vínculos con la genética y la herencia; esta asociación se da porque cualquier sustancia o compuesto que produzca un organi...

  18. Gestionando con humor: un paso más hacia un liderazgo de excelencia

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    Franco Lotito Catino


    Full Text Available En toda investigación que se lleva a cabo en torno a la incidencia del humor en la gestión y administración de una empresa, los autores destacan la relevancia de este factor en los buenos resultados que obtienen aquellas empresas, cuyos líderes están en condiciones de darle un espacio y uso apropiado al humor, razón por la cual, el objetivo principal de este artículo apuntará a destacar la relevancia de este elemento en la organizaciones, avalado por el grato ambiente laboral que prima en dichas empresas, así como por las observaciones y experiencias del autor del artículo, cuyas conclusiones demuestran que el buen humor no sólo “produce” más, sino que también mantiene más sanos y contentos a los trabajadores al bajar los niveles de estrés. In every research conducted on the use of humor in the management of a company, authors emphasize the importance of this factor in the good results obtained. This article aims to highlight the importance of humor in the organizations resulting in a pleasant working atmosphere. The author’s observation and experiences are also included. Conclusions show that humor not only results in higher e ciency but also in happier and healthier workers by lowering stress levels.

  19. Análisis de la coestimulación en la respuesta inmune de pacientes con síndrome de hiperinmunoglobulinemia E con infecciones recurrentes

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    Pablo Patiño


    Full Text Available El síndrome de hiperinmunoglobulinemia E con infecciones
    recurrentes (SHIEIR es un trastorno multisistémico que afecta la dentición, el esqueleto, el tejido conectivo y el sistema inmune. Se caracteriza por niveles séricos extremadamente elevados de inmunoglobulina E, eczema de aparición temprana, eosinofilia, infecciones cutáneas a repetición y neumonías con formación de neumatoceles. Los linfocitos T de estos pacientes no se activan cuando son estimulados con antígenos específicos, pero responden adecuadamente al reto con mitógenos; postulamos, por tanto, que el defecto en la activación linfocitaria pudiera deberse a una alteración en las moléculas coestimuladoras.

  20. Making humor together: phenomenology and interracial humor

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    Michael D. Barber


    Full Text Available This paper explains humor through phenomenological concepts and methods. The three major theories of humor: Superiority, Relief, and Incongruity depend on the thwarting of intentional expectations. Since one experiences an incongruity between what is intended and what is actually experienced, the incongruity theory affords the best explanation, but intentionality remains fundamental for all theories. Theorists of humor rightly insist that the enjoyment of humorous incongruity completes the definition of humor, but such enjoyment also depends on a special epoché, usually elicited by the cues of an interlocutor who invites the listener to leap together into the humorous finite province of meaning. In this province, actions and statements, hurtful in everyday life, such as a pie thrown at someone who ducks as the pie hits another, produce laughter. This comic epoché resembles the phenomenological epoché in its distancing from everyday life, and, like the phenomenological epoché, it opens everyday experience to reflection. Although one often experiences and enjoys humor alone, humor is thoroughly intersubjective and more frequently occurs when two persons participate in the humorous epoché together. The opportunities for making humor together are enhanced to the extent the partners differ in their expectations and responses to situations. Those differences, including bodily differences, often result from the complex intersubjective networks, including culture. As in the case of a seemingly solitary activity like reflection, which one learns from others and exercises on one’s own autonomously, one internalizes others’ styles of humor and discovers such internalization through reflection on one’s «because motives». On the basis of these features – intentionality, epoché, and intersubjectivity, the paper concludes by briefly examining an example of interracial humor. Despite the racist character of much interracial humor, the example

  1. Universalidad y variabilidad cultural de la risa y el humor

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    Eduardo Jáuregui


    Full Text Available La risa es un fenómeno aparentemente universal, pero el humor que la provoca muestra una variabilidad casi infinita. Este artículo trata de distinguir entre los aspectos universales de la risa y los que son culturalmente variables. Define la risa como una emoción básica del ser humano, provocada por un estímulo cognitivo que depende de definiciones sociales de la situación, lo cual explica al menos en parte su aparente heterogeneidad. Otros aspectos que también pueden variar son las normas y costumbres relativas a la expresión de la risa y del humor, los géneros humorísticos, las instituciones del humor y las definiciones culturales de la risa misma.

  2. Lésbicas sem humor

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    Don Kullick


    Full Text Available Este artigo examina a construção social e cultural de um estereótipo sobre lésbicas, baseado na percepção de que elas não possuem senso de humor. Analisa-se como lésbicas são retratadas por comediantes, programas de TV,  quadrinhos e na literatura, e compara essas representações a outros  estereótipos, como aqueles relacionados a alemães e gays extravagantes. Ao investigar as relações entre masculinidade, feminilidade e falta de humor, demonstra-se que considerar lésbicas como incompatíveis com o riso e a graça significa caracterizá-las como destituídas de humanidade. The article Humorless lesbians examines the social and cultural construction of a lesbian stereotype, based on the perception that they lack sense of humor. It is analyzed how lesbians are portrayed by comedians, TV shows, comic strips, and in literature. These representations are compared to other stereotypes such as those related to Germans and campy gays. By investigating the relations between masculinity, femininity and humorlessness, it is demonstrated that considering lesbians as incompatible with laughter and fun means to depicting them as deprived of humanity.

  3. Determinación por cromatografía de gases, el valor del cociente: etanol en humor vitreo/sangre en cadáveres necropsiados de la Morgue del Cusco.


    Costilla Garcia, Edgard Luis; Mejía Sutti, Annie Magali


    Con el objetivo de determinar el valor del cociente etanol en humor vítreo y sangre en cádaveres necropsiados en la Morgue del Cusco, se realizó un estudio transversal, postmorten, estableciendo la cantidad de etanol y su correlación. El estudio incluyó 45 cadáveres a los que se les tomó las muestras que se almacenaron a 4ºC y se procesaron por cromatografía de gases. El coeficiente de correlación de etanol fue de 0.990, demostrando muy buena correlación. El cociente etanol en humor vítreo/sa...

  4. O humor na literatura infantil: um estudo sobre leitura e apropriação de recursos humorísticos por crianças dos anos iniciais

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    Iara Tatiana Bonin


    Full Text Available O trabalho baseia-se na articulação entre o campo da literatura infantil e os estudos sobre humor e  investiga as formas como alunos  dos anos iniciais se apropriam de alguns recursos humorísticos em sua própria produção textual e imagética, após a realização de atividade com uma obra de literatura infantil (“Os chifres de Filomena”, de David Small que  incorpora elementos de humor.  No estudo, aborda-se a questão do humor na literatura infantil, caracteriza-se a obra escolhida,  descreve-se o trabalho realizado e interpreta-se a produção dos alunos, identificando-se, nela, a recriação de algumas estratégias de humor. Especula-se que tanto o caráter desafiador das atividades propostas quanto as características da obra, com seu final aberto, podem ter proporcionado a  grande variedade de cenários, tramas e desfechos constatada nas produções das crianças.

  5. Papel de las células dendríticas en la infección por HIV y HCV The role of dendritic cells in the infection by HIV and HCV

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    Liliana Belmonte


    Full Text Available Las células dendríticas son las principales células presentadoras de antígenos para el montaje de la respuesta inmune. Por lo tanto es importante estudiar de qué manera intervienen en el equilibrio que el sistema inmune desarrolla frente a infecciones virales persistentes como la infección por el HIV o el HCV. En esta revisión se presentan en primer término generalidades sobre las diferentes clases de células dendríticas, las características fenotípicas y funcionales que las definen y los receptores que pueden estar involucrados en la infección viral. Luego se analiza su participación en los mecanismos de defensa o facilitadores de la infección por estos virus. Es importante tener en cuenta estos conocimientos para poder diseñar adecuadas estrategias de vacunación o protección y para intentar la reconstrucción funcional del sistema inmune impidiendo la subversión de los mecanismos inmunes de defensa causada por la infección con el HIV y el HCV.Dendritic cells are most important as antigen presenting cells during the induction of an effective immune response. Therefore, it is important to study their role during the generation of persistent or chronic viral infections, such as HIV or HCV infection. In this review we shall describe the phenotypic and functional characteristics of the different classes of dendritic cells and of their membrane receptors. Their participation in defence or facilitation mechanisms involved in the immune response against these viruses will be discussed. It is important to take this knowledge into account when trying to design therapeutic strategies for protection or reconstruction of the immune system that may be altered as a consequence of infection with HIV or HCV.

  6. Acción adyuvante de esporas de Bacillus subtilis por vía mucosa

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    Fabiana Tub-Chafer


    Full Text Available Las esporas de Bacillus subtilis, generalmente reconocidas como seguras, han recibido una creciente atención en aplicaciones biotecnológicas en formulaciones vacunales, sobre todo como adyuvantes. Este trabajo presenta una revisión actualizada de la acción adyuvante de las esporas de B. subtilis y conjuntamente se expone nuestra experiencia por vía oral (o.r e intranasal (i.n como adyuvante frente antígenos modelos ovoalbúmina (Ova y toxoide tetánico (TT. Se realizó una revisión documental sobre B. subtilis, adyuvante, vacuna y vía mucosal en MEDLINE a través de PubMed; también se revisaron las bases de datos SciELO y LILACS. Para la exploración de la capacidad adyuvante se trabajó con esporas de B. subtilis (cepa RG 4365. Se inmunizaron ratones Balb/c por vía mucosal con esporas coadministradas con los antígenos modelos, y se midió las respuesta de anticuerpos específicos en suero, saliva y heces por método de ELISA. La revisión realizada evidenció la existencia de varios trabajos que utilizan las esporas de B. subtilis por diferentes metodologías y vías de administración como adyuvante, siendo la expresión de antígenos recombinantes la más utilizada, así como la vía o.r entre la aplicación mucosa. En nuestro trabajo se obtuvo un aumento de la respuesta sérica de IgG, subclases IgG1 e IgG2a y de IgA específicos en saliva y heces en los grupos inmunizados con esporas coadministradas con Ova y con TT por ambas vías, significativamente superior a los grupos controles (p<0,05. Estos datos sugieren que las esporas son eficientes adyuvantes pues aumentan la respuesta inmune humoral sistémica y mucosal y resalta su potencial clínico en futuras vacunas mucosales.

  7. Humor. (United States)

    Woodbury-Fariña, Michel A; Antongiorgi, Joalex L


    Humor has not been taken as seriously as it should be. Humor has many positive effects in the daily lives of patients and clinicians need to take advantage of these. Many indices of stress are attenuated and this serves to improve the therapeutic alliance. Freudian, rational emotive therapy, and kleinian views are presented, as well as examples of how to use playful therapy. In addition, advice on how to develop humor is given. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. To Be or Not To Be Humorous? Cross Cultural Perspectives on Humor. (United States)

    Yue, Xiaodong; Jiang, Feng; Lu, Su; Hiranandani, Neelam


    Humor seems to manifest differently in Western and Eastern cultures, although little is known about how culture shapes humor perceptions. The authors suggest that Westerners regard humor as a common and positive disposition; the Chinese regard humor as a special disposition particular to humorists, with controversial aspects. In Study 1, Hong Kong participants primed with Western culture evaluate humor more positively than they do when primed with Chinese culture. In Study 2a, Canadians evaluate humor as being more important in comparison with Chinese participants. In Study 2b, Canadians expect ordinary people to possess humor, while Chinese expect specialized comedians to be humorous. The implications and limitations are discussed.

  9. El rol del lóbulo central en la percepción del humor


    Margallo Iribarnegaray, Marta


    Trabajo Fin de Grado Curso 2015-2016 [ES]El humor ha sido fuente de interés y objeto de estudios desde hace más de dos siglos, siendo abordado por diversas áreas de estudios como la Filosofía clásica, la Filología, y posteriormente la Psicología. Es un constructo complejo y sus bases neurofuncionales no están no están claramente establecidas. La teoría más aceptada y utilizada dentro de la comunidad científica es el de detección-resolución de incongruencias del humor enunciado por Suls en ...

  10. Evasión molecular de la activación del macrófago bovino por Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis

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    René Ramírez G.


    Full Text Available El Mycobacterium avium subespecie paratuberculosis (MAP es el agente causal de una enfermedad granulomatosica crónica, que afecta el tracto gastrointestinal de rumiantes domesticos y salvajes, conocida como la enfermedad de Johne o paratuberculosis. MAP es un microorganismo de crecimiento lento en cultivo, no obstante sobrevive in vivo en células fagocíticas mononucleares de los rumiantes, bajo condiciones de susceptibilidad individual, virulencia de la cepa infectante y estado inmune del individuo afectado. Una vez MAP es fagocitado por el macrófago bovino, tanto el macrófago como MAP activan: el uno para tratar de destruir a MAP y luego sufrir apoptosis y el otro para evadir su destrucción dentro del fagolisosoma del macrófago. El balance de dicha confrontación molecular determina el curso inicial de la infección hacia la eliminación eficiente del microorganismo o hacia el establecimiento de la infección, que culminará en los estadios III (clínico intermitente y IV (clínica terminal de la enfermedad de Johne. En la presente revisión se discuten los diferentes mecanismos moleculares por los cuales MAP evade la respuesta inmune, con énfasis en su comportamiento dentro de la vacuola fagocítica y como el agente establece mecanismos de sobrevivencia intracelular y altera la activación de los macrófagos del hospedero y de la respuesta inmune específica.

  11. Personality, Humor Styles and Happiness: Happy People Have Positive Humor Styles (United States)

    Ford, Thomas E.; Lappi, Shaun K.; Holden, Christopher J.


    The present study examined the relationships between four personality traits, humor styles, and happiness. Replicating previous research, happiness was positively correlated with four personality traits: extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism. Further, happiness positively related to self-enhancing and affiliative humor styles; it related negatively to self-defeating and aggressive humor styles. Thus, happy people habitually engage in positive uses of humor and avoid engaging in negative uses of humor in daily life. We also found support for our hypothesis. People high in extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism are happier because they engage in positive humor in daily life. PMID:27547251

  12. Personality, Humor Styles and Happiness: Happy People Have Positive Humor Styles

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    Thomas E. Ford


    Full Text Available The present study examined the relationships between four personality traits, humor styles, and happiness. Replicating previous research, happiness was positively correlated with four personality traits: extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism. Further, happiness positively related to self-enhancing and affiliative humor styles; it related negatively to self-defeating and aggressive humor styles. Thus, happy people habitually engage in positive uses of humor and avoid engaging in negative uses of humor in daily life. We also found support for our hypothesis. People high in extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism are happier because they engage in positive humor in daily life.

  13. Personality, Humor Styles and Happiness: Happy People Have Positive Humor Styles. (United States)

    Ford, Thomas E; Lappi, Shaun K; Holden, Christopher J


    The present study examined the relationships between four personality traits, humor styles, and happiness. Replicating previous research, happiness was positively correlated with four personality traits: extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism. Further, happiness positively related to self-enhancing and affiliative humor styles; it related negatively to self-defeating and aggressive humor styles. Thus, happy people habitually engage in positive uses of humor and avoid engaging in negative uses of humor in daily life. We also found support for our hypothesis. People high in extraversion, locus of control, self-esteem, and optimism are happier because they engage in positive humor in daily life.

  14. Factores de virulencia de Staphylococcus aureus asociados con infecciones mamarias en bovinos: relevancia y rol como agentes inmunógenos

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    Cecilia M Camussone

    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus es el microorganismo causante de mastitis bovina más prevalente en Argentina y en el mundo. La falta de efectividad frente a este organismo de los métodos tradicionales de control, basados en la higiene y la terapia antibiótica, ha conducido a la búsqueda de alternativas para prevenir la enfermedad. Una de ellas es la manipulación de los mecanismos defensivos del huésped mediante vacunación. La identificación de los factores de virulencia que estimulan las defensas del huésped es fundamental para el desarrollo racional de inmunógenos.S. aureus posee múltiples factores de virulencia que interactúan con el huésped en distintas etapas de la infección mamaria; algunos de ellos han mostrado capacidad de generar una respuesta inmune benéfica para el huésped. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar conceptos de estructura, función y utilización como inmunógenos de los factores de virulencia de S. aureus considerados como más relevantes en las principales etapas de la infección intramamaria.

  15. ¿El sentido del humor, tiene sentido en el aula? / Does Sense of the Humor Make Sense in the Classroom?

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    Freddy Antonio González Ynfante


    Full Text Available Recibido 09 de junio de 2011 • Aceptado 24 de octubre de 2011 • Corregido 27 de setiembre de 2011 Resumen. El presente ensayo tiene como finalidad reflexionar sobre la importancia del humor pedagógico como estrategia de enseñanza aprendizaje en el aula; esto, tomando en cuenta la problemática de desmotivación y aburrimiento que sucede normalmente en la clase. Para plantear si “el enseñar contento y el aprender con alegría” pueden aumentar la eficacia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se abordará cómo, a pesar de las múltiples ventajas que puede aportar el humor en las aulas, se omite su empleo por la existencia de ciertos prejuicios y temores. La idea no es que los docentes hagan el papel de comediantes o payasos, sino la de mediar y acercar la clase de manera pedagógica y didáctica a través del uso del humor, y sobre esto reflexionaba Platón (1992, cuando planteaba que muchas veces ayudaba una broma, en donde la seriedad oponía resistencia. Abstract. This paper studies the importance of humor as a teaching strategy in the classroom, considering the usual lack of motivation and boredom. To analyze whether the “happy teaching and happy learning” may increase effectiveness in the teaching-learning process, the author will discuss how, despite the many benefits it may bring, humor is not used in the classroom due to prejudices and fears. The idea is not for teachers to play the role of a comedian or a clown, but to intervene and get closer to the group with a teaching, didactic purpose through humor. Plato (1992 thought about this; he used to say that sometimes a joke may help, where seriousness put up resistance.

  16. Neuropsychology of humor: an introduction. Part II. Humor and the brain. (United States)

    Derouesné, Christian


    Impairment of the perception or comprehension of humor is observed in patients with focal brain lesions in both hemispheres, but mainly in the right frontal lobe. Studies by functional magnetic resonance imaging in healthy subjects show that humor is associated with activation of two main neural systems in both hemispheres. The detection and resolution of incongruity, cognitive groundings of humor, are associated with activation of the medial prefrontal and temporoparietal cortex, and the humor appreciation with activation of the orbito-frontal and insular cortex, amygdala and the brain reward system. However, activation of these areas is not humor-specific and can be observed in various cognitive or emotional processes. Event-related potential studies confirm the involvement of both hemispheres in humor processing, and suggest that left prefrontal area is associated with joke comprehension and right prefrontal area with the resolution stage. Humor thus appears to be a complex and dynamic functional process involving, on one hand, two specialized but not specific neural systems linked to humor apprehension and appreciation, and, on the other hand, multiple interconnected functional brain networks including neural patterns underlying the moral framework and belief system, acquired by conditioning or imitation during the cognitive development and social interactions of the individual, and more distributed systems associated with the analysis of the current context of humor occurrence. Disturbances of the sense of humor could then result from focal brain alterations localized in one or two of the specialized areas underlying the comprehension or appreciation of humor, or from perturbations of the network interconnectivity in non-focal brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease or schizophrenia.

  17. The Dark Side of Humor: DSM-5 Pathological Personality Traits and Humor Styles. (United States)

    Zeigler-Hill, Virgil; McCabe, Gillian A; Vrabel, Jennifer K


    Basic personality traits (e.g., extraversion) have been found to be associated with the humor styles that individuals employ. In the present study, we were interested in determining whether pathological personality traits were also associated with humor styles. We examined the associations between the pathological personality traits captured by the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 (PID-5) and humor styles in a sample of college students (N = 594). Negative affectivity and detachment were negatively associated with the affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles. Antagonism was positively associated with the aggressive humor style but negatively associated with the affiliative humor style. Disinhibition was positively associated with the aggressive humor style, whereas disinhibition and psychoticism were both positively associated with the self-defeating humor style. Discussion focuses on the implications of these findings and how they can expand our understanding of the connections between the darker aspects of personality and humor.

  18. El humor desde las ciencias sociales. El humor como herramienta resistencia en movimientos sociales; El caso del 15M.

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    Isabel Casado Muñoz


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, el humor está empezando a expandirse con una gran rapidez en sus aplicaciones, ha entrado en el mundo empresarial y educativo como estrategia para armonizar conflictos y crear sentimiento de grupo y en el nivel clínico y terapéutico (2008, Rod Martin. Estas aplicaciones recortarían el plano social del humor, al relegarlo a espacios privados o cerrados, lo que contrastaría con la concepción de la risa popular o colectiva en lugares públicos y abiertos, lo cual Bajtin ( Bakhtin en 1940 ya exponía en su obra sobre el carnaval renacentista. El humor es una emoción pero también un proceso social, estaría presente en protestas sociales no únicamente como herramienta a través de la que trasmitir un discurso de forma eficaz, sino que tendría un uso político, actuando en la práctica como un hecho performativo que implicaría una actitud de resistencia política en concordancia con el discurso emitido por el 15M.

  19. Histopatologia da leishmaniose tegumentar por Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis. 2. Resposta humoral tissular

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    Albino Verçosa de Magalhães


    Full Text Available Os A.A. analisaram a resposta humoral nas lesões de 90 pacientes de Leishmaniose Tegumentar — causada por Leishmania braziliensis brasiliensis —, utilizando o método da imunoperoxidase para identificar nos tecidos a presença de IgA, IgG, IgM, fração C3 do complemento e fibrina. Constataram a presença de IgA, IgC e IgM nos plasmócitos tissulares, com predomínio de IgG. Admitiram aue a passagem dessas imunoglobulinas para os tecidos possibilitando a opsonização do parasites e/ou de seus antígenos, permitiria a ocorrência de fenômenos necróticos que representam um dos mecanismos eficazes de redução da carga parasitária. Efetivamente, nas áreas de necrose e nas paredes dos vasos inflamados identificaram depósito de imunoglobulinas, fração C3 do complemento e fibrina — elementos do hospedeiro que fazem parte dos imunocomplexos. Interpretaram essa necrose tissular como o resultado da ação de imunocomplexos na região de equivalência ou com discreto excesso de antígenos ítipos ABTHTJS. A presença de antígenos parasitários, expressos nas membranas dos macrófagos quando em contato com imunoglobulinas tissulares, na fase inicial da lesão, possibilitaria a instalação de uma reação antígeno-anticorpo, a qual explicaria o aparecimento da necrose na Leishmaniose Tegumentar.

  20. The Dark Side of Humor: DSM-5 Pathological Personality Traits and Humor Styles

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    Virgil Zeigler-Hill


    Full Text Available Basic personality traits (e.g., extraversion have been found to be associated with the humor styles that individuals employ. In the present study, we were interested in determining whether pathological personality traits were also associated with humor styles. We examined the associations between the pathological personality traits captured by the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 (PID-5 and humor styles in a sample of college students (N = 594. Negative affectivity and detachment were negatively associated with the affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles. Antagonism was positively associated with the aggressive humor style but negatively associated with the affiliative humor style. Disinhibition was positively associated with the aggressive humor style, whereas disinhibition and psychoticism were both positively associated with the self-defeating humor style. Discussion focuses on the implications of these findings and how they can expand our understanding of the connections between the darker aspects of personality and humor.

  1. Receptores tipo Toll, patogénesis y respuesta inmune a Helicobacter pylori Toll-like receptors, pathogenesis and immune response to Helicobacter pylori

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    Norma Angélica Sánchez-Zauco


    Full Text Available Helicobacter pylori coloniza el epitelio gástrico y la mayoría de las personas infectadas es asintomática, de 10 al 20% desarrolla gastritis atrófica, úlcera péptica, y menos de 3% genera cáncer gástrico. Estas patologías están determinadas por la relación entre los factores de virulencia de la bacteria y los factores del hospedero como predisposición genética y respuesta inmune. La inmunidad innata, representada principalmente por los receptores tipo Toll y tipo Nod, reconocen a sus ligandos específicos y activan factores de transcripción como NF-kB, AP-1, CREB-1, induciendo la producción de citocinas inflamatorias como IL-8, IL-12, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-18 y TNF-α, e IL-10. La inflamación crónica favorece los cambios de morfología gástrica, evita la apoptosis y favorece la angiogénesis, ocasionando lesiones neoplásicas y cáncer. El objetivo de esta revisión es analizar los mecanismos propuestos a la fecha de la respuesta inmune innata y adaptativa, involucrados en la infección por H. pylori, y se puntualiza en los mecanismos de eliminación o persistencia de la infección.Helicobacter pylori colonize the gastric epithelial, most infected people are asymptomatic, 10 to 20% develop atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcer and less than 3% gastric cancer. These diseases are determined by the relationship between virulence factors of bacteria, host factors such as, genetic predisposition, and immune response. The innate immune response mainly represented by Toll-like receptors and Nod-like receptors that recognize their specific ligands, activate transcription factors as NF-kB, AP-1, CREB-1, inducing production of inflammatory cytokines such as IL -8, IL-12, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-18, TNF-α and IL-10. Chronic inflammation promotes gastric morphological changes, prevents apoptosis and allows angiogenesis generating neoplasic lesions and cancer. The aim of this review is to analyze the mechanisms proposed to date of the innate and adaptative

  2. The Relational Humor Inventory: Functions of Humor in Close Relationships. (United States)

    DeKoning, E.; Weiss, R. L.


    This study describes the development of a self-report measure of functional humor in relationships. People were asked to report on their own and their partner's use of humor in the marriage. The Relational Humor Inventory proved to be a useful instrument for tapping important positive and negative relationship behaviors. (Contains 30 references, 4…

  3. La respuesta a patrones fúngicos por las células dentríticas: Biosíntesis de mediadores lipídicos, cambios en la expresión génica y formación de exosomas


    Emilov Mentov, Teodor


    Los seres vivos son producto de la evolución por selección natural1. Durante este proceso han desarrollado adaptaciones que les permiten protegerse de la agresión. Los organismos pluricelulares complejos, tanto animales como plantas, disponen de un sistema de defensa contra patógenos que incluye dos tipos de sistema inmunitario: el sistema inmune innato y el sistema inmune adaptativo. La inmunidad innata incluye defensas de tipo barrera como piel y mucosas, y células de varias estirpes, mielo...

  4. Factores de riesgo inmunoepidemiológicos en niños con infecciones respiratorias recurrentes

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    Mayra Pérez Sánchez


    Full Text Available Introducción: las infecciones respiratorias recurrentes que se presentan en edades tempranas tienen una elevada morbilidad y existen numerosos factores que contribuyen a su desarrollo. Objetivo: identificar los factores de riesgo inmunoepidemiológicos que contribuyeron a la aparición de las infecciones respiratorias recurrentes. Métodos: estudio observacional descriptivo longitudinal retrospectivo en un grupo de niños procedentes de Ciudad de la Habana y La Habana que ingresaron por infecciones respiratorias recurrentes y que asistieron a la consulta de inmunología en el período comprendido de enero de 2005 a diciembre de 2007 en el Hospital Maternoinfantil "Ángel Arturo Aballí". Resultados: la edad preescolar, el sexo masculino, la lactancia materna no efectiva, la alergia, el bajo peso al nacer, el humo de tabaco en el ambiente, la asistencia a círculos infantiles y el hacinamiento fueron los factores de riesgo más frecuentes. Los trastornos de la respuesta inmune mayormente encontrados fueron el defecto inmune celular, el defecto inmune humoral y el trastorno fagocítico. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgo inmunoepidemiológicos encontrados en la muestra de estudio fueron: la edad comprendida entre los 1 a 5 años con predominio del sexo masculino, la lactancia materna no efectiva, la alergia, el bajo peso al nacer, el humo de tabaco en el ambiente, el hacinamiento y la asistencia a los círculos infantiles. Estos se acompañan de defectos de la respuesta inmune con predominio de la rama celular.

  5. Uma tipologia do discurso de humor (o politico do humor e o humor politico)


    Perotti, Ivane Laurete


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão Propõe-se uma leitura de textos humorísticos sob a ótica da Análise do Discurso, recortando-se "tipos" de humor e propondo uma leitura das características do humor político. Tematizam-se questões basilares da Análise do Discurso que estruturam teoricamente o trabalho, expondo reflexões sobre o riso e o risível, e os diferentes processos possivelmente causadores do riso. Discute-se a possibili...

  6. Descolamento ciliocoroidal e hipotonia causados por supressores do humor aquoso: síndrome da supersensibilidade aos supressores do humor aquoso Ciliochoroidal detachment and hypotony following pharmacologic aqueous supressant: therapy supersensitivity syndrome secondary to aqueous humor supressants

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    Maria Rosa Bet de Moraes Silva


    Full Text Available Os autores descrevem um caso de hipotonia e descolamento ciliocoroidal que ocorreu com administração de drogas supressoras do humor aquoso (timolol e acetazolamida em paciente que havia sido submetido à trabeculectomia (3 meses antes. Por ser o 6° ou o 7° caso descrito na literatura, chamam atenção para esta rara "síndrome" que inclui a supersensibilidade do corpo ciliar aos supressores do HA, como causa de hipotonia e descolamento ciliocoroidal tardios em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia filtrante. Apresentam também um resumo dos casos encontrados na literatura.The authors describe a case of hypotony and ciliochoroidal detachment following aqueous supressant therapy (timolol and acetazolamide in filtered patients (3 months before. As this case is the 6th or the 7th case described in the literature, the authors call attention to this rare "syndrome" that includes the ciliary body supersensitivity secondary to pharmacologic aqueous supressant as cause of hypotony and ciliochoroidal detachment in previously filtered patients. The authors also summmarize the literature cases.


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un modelo dinámico de la respuesta inmune humoral de aves para la producción de anticuerpos específi cos. Los anticuerpos son fundamentales para la investigación, diagnóstico y tratamiento de diversas enfermedades. Se ha reconocido que los anticuerpos obtenidos de aves de corral son una opción efi ciente para aplicaciones en medicina y biología. Por tanto, un modelo que represente la dinámica de este proceso resulta de gran utilidad. El modelo está compuesto de siete ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias, no lineales, con coefi cientes constantes y representa las principales poblaciones celulares y moleculares de la respuesta inmune de las aves. Los parámetros se obtuvieron a partir de datos reportados en el área de inmunología aviar y mamífera. Las respuestas obtenidas "in silico" en términos de la concentración de anticuerpos se presentan y se comparan contra la cinética reportada.

  8. Effects of Humor Production, Humor Receptivity, and Physical Attractiveness on Partner Desirability

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    Michelle Tornquist


    Full Text Available This study examined women’s and men’s preferences for humor production and humor receptivity in long-term and short-term relationships, and how these factors interact with physical attractiveness to influence desirability. Undergraduates viewed photographs of the opposite sex individuals who were high or low in physical attractiveness, along with vignettes varying in humor production and receptivity. Participants rated physical attractiveness and desirability for long-term and short-term relationships. The main findings were that individuals desired partners who were high in humor production and receptivity, though the effects were particularly pronounced for women judging long-term relationships. Moreover, humor production was more important than receptivity for women’s ratings of male desirability. Notably, we also found that ratings of physical attractiveness were influenced by the humor conditions. These results are discussed in terms of the fitness indicator, interest indicator, and encryption hypotheses of the evolutionary functions of humor.

  9. Humor in leader-follower relationships : Humor styles, similarity and relationship quality.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wisse, Barbara; Rietzschel, Eric


    The present study focuses on how humor may affect the quality of the relationship between leader and follower (LMX). More specifically, we examined the impact of follower self-reported humor style and leader self-reported humor style on the extent to which followers perceived their relationship with

  10. Condições para uma análise do discurso humorístico

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    Rony Petterson Gomes do Vale


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir algumas problemáticas relacionadas à análise do discurso humorístico, como, por exemplo, a metodologia necessária, os critérios para seleção dos corpora e a natureza do objeto. Diante disso, buscamos delinear, a partir da relação entre discurso e riso, um quadro problematológico no qual confrontamos certas perspectivas da Análise do Discurso com teorias e trabalhos que se voltam para o estudo do riso, do cômico, do humor... E, assim, apontar caminhos que procurem ver o discurso humorístico numa perspectiva linguageira, colocando em foco o papel tanto do humorista quanto o do ‘sujeito analista’.

  11. Humor, helt seriøst

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundquist, Lita Sander


    Adfærd. Har humor grænser? Dansk humor har i hvert fald. Hvor humor typisk bruges til at glatte ud med, har det ofte den stik modsatte virkning, viser studie.......Adfærd. Har humor grænser? Dansk humor har i hvert fald. Hvor humor typisk bruges til at glatte ud med, har det ofte den stik modsatte virkning, viser studie....

  12. Enfermedad de Graves: Presentación tardía de síndrome de reconstitución inmune en VIH/SIDA.: Reporte de casos y revisión de la literatura.

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    Miguel Eduardo Pinto Valdivia


    Full Text Available Se reportan dos casos de enfermedad de Graves relacionados con sindrome de Reconstitución Inmune en dos pacientes infectados con VIH luego de iniciar la terapia antiretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de los pacientes y se hizo una revisión bibliográfica. Dos pacientes con historia de infección por VIH desarrollaron pérdida de peso, taquicardia, tremor en la manos y diarrea, luego de 30 y 48 meses después de iniciado tratamiento TARGA con zidovudina, lamivudina y atazanavir. Al momento de desarrollar este problema su conteo de células CD4 estaba en rangos de normalidad y su carga viral estaba en niveles indetectables. En el examen Físico se detectó un aumento de volumen de la glándula tiroides. Los niveles de tirotropina estaban suprimidos y los niveles de tiroxina libre elevados; se detectó niveles positivos de anticuerpos anti-TPO. Ambos pacientes mejoraron con el tratamiento metimazol y atenolol. La enfermedad de Graves ha sido reportada como complicación inusual en pacientes VIH como reconstitución Inmune luego del inicio de TARGA. Estos dos pacientes muestran un cuadro compatible.

  13. Depresión (humor deprimido en los mayores residentes en la comunidad Depression (depressed humor among the elderly residents in the community

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    Mª. Gorete Reis


    Full Text Available Los mayores están sujetos a riesgos acrecentados por el poco compromiso con la vida, el aislamiento, la precariedad de recursos y la enfermedad, entre otros. Hoy, la depresión es considerada la perturbación mental con mayor crecimiento, repercutiendo en los cambios en el estilo de vida y en la salud. Nos cuestionamos sobre el estado de humor deprimido de los mayores que viven en la comunidad. El objetivo es evaluar la depresión e identificar los factores relacionados con ella. Estudio descriptivo correlacional. Conclusión: Hay un número elevado de personas con humor deprimido. Ser mujer y estar enferma revela relaciones con la depresión, así como tener limitaciones para ejecutar las actividades.Old people are submit to risk factors that increase from life disengagement; loneliness, decrease in income and in resources and also from diseases, among others. Today depression is considered a mental disturb in a growing process which affects life style and health. That's why we questioned old people living in community, about depressed humor. The aim of this study is to evaluate depression's level nd associate factors. It's a descriptive, correlate study. Conclusions: There are a great number of people with depressed humor and, be woman, have diseabilities are factors relate to depression.

  14. Self-Deprecating Humor Versus Other-Deprecating Humor in Health Messages (United States)



    Humor is sometimes employed in health messages. However, little is known about contingencies under which different types of humor may or may not be effective. This experiment crossed humorous vs. non-humorous and self- vs. other-deprecating messages about binge drinking, and tested how differences in personal investment in alcohol use moderates the effects of such messages on college binge drinkers. Results showed significant three-way interaction effects on subjective norms and behavioral intentions largely consistent with hypotheses. Assessment of significant differences in the interactions indicated that for binge drinkers who weren’t high in personal investment in alcohol use, other-deprecating humor tended to reduce their perceived subjective norms about the acceptability of binge drinking behavior and their behavioral intentions. The effect of the experimental manipulation on subjective norms among these binge drinkers was shown to mediate the effect on intentions to binge drink in the future. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed. PMID:26020507

  15. Análisis de la coestimulación en la respuesta inmune de pacientes con síndrome de hiperinmunoglobulinemia E con infecciones recurrentes

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    Pablo Javier Patiño Grajales


    Full Text Available

    El síndrome de hiperinmunoglobulinemia E con infecciones recurrentes (SHIEIR es una inmunodeficiencia primaria caracterizada por niveles séricos extremadamente elevados de inmunoglobulina E, eczema de aparición temprana, eosinofilia, infecciones a repetición de la piel y neumonías con formación de neumatoceles (1. El análisis reciente de 30 pacientes y 70 de sus familiares ha permitido redefinirlo como un desorden multisistémico que afecta la dentición, el esqueleto, el tejido conectivo y el sistema inmune; se ha sugerido que se hereda como un rasgo autonómico dominante con expresividad variable (2.

    Las anormalidades inmunológicas en este síndrome incluyen alteraciones del funcionamiento de los linfocitos T y B, al igual que las células fagocíticas. Pese a que dichos defectos no se han logrado documentar consistentemente en todos los pacientes, sí se ha observado de manera persistente una incapacidad de los linfocitos T para activarse, in vivo e in vitro, cuando son estimulados con antígenos específicos, aunque mantienen intacta su capacidad de respuesta a mitógenos. Este fenómeno, aunado a una marcada susceptibilidad de los individuos afectados por adquirir infecciones que comprometen preferencialmente algunos órganos y sistemas (piel y aparato respiratorio y cuyos agentes etiológicos son muy característicos (especialmente el Staphylococcus aureus, nos llevaron a proponer que el defecto en la respuesta inmune en dichos sitios anatómicos y contra microorganismos específicos puede deberse a alguna alteración en las moléculas accesorias que se expresan tanto en los linfocitos T como en las células presentadoras de antígenos.

    Por lo anterior nos proponemos evaluar la actividad de las mol

  16. Flow of Aqueous Humor (United States)

    ... Home Flow of Aqueous Humor Flow of Aqueous Humor Most, but not all, forms of glaucoma are ... remains normal when some of the fluid (aqueous humor) produced by the eye's ciliary body flows out ...

  17. Effects of Classroom Humor Climate and Acceptance of Humor Messages on Adolescents' Expressions of Humor (United States)

    Chiang, Yi-Chen; Lee, Chun-Yang; Wang, Hong-Huei


    Background: To adapt to dramatic changes from physical growth, physical development and the increasing demand of significant others, humor has been found to be an effective coping strategy. However, previous studies have found that adolescents start to express their humor styles with aggressive components which causes negative consequences, such…

  18. Memória, humor e emoção Memoria, humor y emoción Memory, mood and emotion

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    Giovanni Kuckartz Pergher


    Full Text Available O número de estudos que visam compreender as interações entre processos cognitivos e afetivos vem aumentando nos últimos anos, principalmente em função das suas inúmeras implicações práticas, com destaque para a psicoterapia e a área forense. O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar algumas das possíveis interações entre processos afetivos e a memória. Inicialmente são assumidas definições para os termos emoção, humor e afeto. Depois, são abordadas as relações entre humor, emoção e memória, descrevendo-se os principais fenômenos investigados nessas áreas. Para cada fenômeno descrito, são expostos fundamentos empíricos e teorias explicativas. Ao final, são discutidas limitações e implicações dos estudos sobre as relações entre humor, emoção e memória, apontando-se para a necessidade de um maior consenso entre os pesquisadores da área.El número de estudios que visan comprender las interacciones entre procesos cognitivos y afectivos viene aumentando en los últimos años, principalmente en función de sus incontables implicaciones prácticas, con destaque para la psicoterapia y el área forense. El presente artículo tiene por objetivo presentar algunas de las posibles interacciones entre procesos afectivos y la memoria. Inicialmente se asumen definiciones para los términos emoción, humor y afecto y para los sistemas de memoria. Enseguida, se abordan los fenómenos de la memoria congruente con el humor, memoria dependiente del humor, memorias autobiográficas súper generalizadas y del impacto de la emoción/estrés sobre los sistemas de memoria semántica y autobiográfica. También se exponen algunos hallazgos experimentales y teorías explicativas de tales fenómenos. Al final, se discuten implicaciones de las investigaciones en el área de emoción vs. cognición.The number of studies that aim to understand the interactions between the cognitive and affective processes has been increasing over

  19. Humor modeling in the interface

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus; Cockton, G.; Stock, O.; Korhonen, P.; Dix, A.; Bergman, E.; Bjork, S.; Morkes, J.; Collings, P.; Dey, A.; Draper, S.; Guliksen, J.; Keinonen, T.; Lazar, J.; Lund, A.; Malich, R.; Nakakoji, K.; Nigay, L.; Prates Oliveira, R.; Rieman, J.; Snyder, C.


    Humor is a multi-disciplinary field of research. People have been working on humor in many fields of research, such as psychology, philosophy and linguistics, sociology and literature. Especially in the context of computer science (or Artificial Intelligence) humor research aims at modeling humor in

  20. Implicaturas e a violação das máximas conversacionais: uma análise do humor em tirinhas

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    Luciana Braga Carneiro Leão


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar como o humor pode ser construído a partir de uma perspectiva pragmática. Mais particularmente, buscaremos analisar como essa construção se dá através de implicaturas e violações das máximas conversacionais, elementos esses da Pragmática Conversacional de Grice (1957; 1975. Para tal, utilizaremos como corpus de análise quatro tirinhas de humor de diferentes autorias. São elas duas tirinhas do Garfield – personagem criada pelo americano Jon Davies, no final da década de 70 e publicada até os dias atuais –, uma de humor meme – de autoria desconhecida por ser um estilo de tirinha que tem como característica o fato de que pode ser produzida por qualquer internauta e divulgada na rede – e uma da Mafalda – personagem criada pelo argentino Quino e publicada originalmente entre os anos de 1964 e 1973.

  1. Equivalência e avaliação da necessidade de sorologia de controle entre esquemas de pré-exposição à raiva humana Equivalencia y evaluación de la necesidad de serología de control entre esquemas de pre-exposición a la rabia humana Equivalence between pre-exposure schemes for human rabies and evaluation of the need for serological monitoring

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    Ricardo Siqueira Cunha


    respuesta inmune humoral del esquema de pre-exposición de la rabia humana realizado por las vías intramuscular e intradérmica y la necesidad de serología de control. MÉTODOS: Estudio de intervención controlado y aleatorio, realizado en Sao Paulo, Sureste de Brasil, en 2004-2005. Fueron reclutados 149 voluntarios, de los cuales 127 (65 intradérmica y 62 intramuscular completaron el esquema de vacunación y realizaron evaluación de la respuesta inmune humoral 10, 90 y 180 días posterior al término de la vacunación. Fueron considerados dos resultados para la comparación entre las dos vías de aplicación: el promedio geométrico del título de anticuerpos neutralizantes y la proporción de individuos con títulos satisfactorios (> 0,5 UI/mL en cada momento de la evaluación. Fue analizada la asociación de la respuesta humoral con datos antropométricos y demográficos por medio de prueba de medias y chi-cuadrado con corrección de Yates. Posterior a la conclusión del esquema fueron realizadas la comparación de la proporción de seropositivos por la prueba de Kruskall Wallis y la comparación de los títulos promedios por análisis de varianza. RESULTADOS: Los títulos promedios de anticuerpos fueron mayores en los individuos que recibieron las vacunas por vía intramuscular. El porcentaje de voluntarios con títulos satisfactorios (> 0,5 UI/mL disminuyó con el tiempo en ambos grupos, sin embargo, en el grupo que recibió vacuna por vía intradérmica la proporción de títulos satisfactorios en el día 180 varió de 20% a 25%, mientras que por la vía intramuscular varió de 63% a 65%. No se observó asociación de la respuesta inmune humoral con las variables demográficas o antropométricas. CONCLUSIONES: La serología posterior a la tercera dosis puede ser considerada innecesaria en individuos bajo control con respecto a la exposición, una vez que 97% y 100% de los voluntarios vacunados, respectivamente por vía intradérmica y por la vía intramuscular

  2. Building Resilience through Humor. (United States)

    Berg, Debra Vande; Van Brockern, Steve


    Research on resilience suggests that a sense of humor helps to stress-proof children in conflict. Reports on a workshop for educators and youth workers convened to explore ways humor is being used to foster positive development and resilience with troubled youth. Describes applications of humor front-line professionals report as useful in their…

  3. Citomegalovirus: de la primoinfección a la retinitis

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    Omer Rodríguez Martínez

    Full Text Available Una vez sucedida la primoinfección, el citomegalovirus se establece latente en las células mieloides progenitoras, y la reactivación viral intermitente procedente de macrófagos activados o células dendríticas es controlada por una fuerte respuesta viral específica de células CD4 y CD8. La retinitis por citomegalovirus está caracterizada por una necrosis retinal como consecuencia de efectos citopáticos virales que ocurre en pacientes en quienes la función de células T está comprometida, como resultado de trasplantes de órganos, SIDA o tratamiento inmunosupresor. El diagnóstico de retinitis por citomegalovirus puede ser confirmado por amplificación del ADN viral en muestras de humor acuoso. El tratamiento de la retinitis por citomegalovirus se basa en la actualidad en la reconstitución del sistema inmune con la terapia TARGA y combinado a una terapia anticitomegalovirus (ganciclovir, foscarnet, cidofovir y valganciclovir. El citomegalovirus está también implicado en dos formas de enfermedad del segmento anterior en adultos inmunocompetentes llamado uveítis anterior por citomegalovirus y queratitis endotelial por citomegalovirus.

  4. Estados de humor de velejadores durante o Pré-Panamericano Mood states sail athletes during the Pre-Panamerican

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    Ricardo Brandt


    Full Text Available O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar os estados de humor de velejadores após regatas do Pré-Panamericana de Vela, bem como fatores associados. A amostra foi composta por 18 atletas de ambos os sexos, que foram avaliados por meio da Escala de Humor de Brunel. Os atletas apresentaram elevada tensão e fadiga, associadas a altos níveis de vigor. Homens apresentaram maior vigor e fadiga, e menor tensão, depressão e raiva do que as mulheres, porém sem diferenças estatísticamente significativas. Quanto à classe, velejadores de classes individuais apresentaram maior tensão, depressão e confusão do que os de classes com dois tripulantes, porém sem diferenças estatísticamente significativas. Os estados de humor apresentados pelos atletas após regatas do Pré-Panamericano de Vela podem ser considerados diferente do ideal para o rendimento esportivo, porém ainda existe pouco domínio teórico dos estados de humor de velejadores para análises mais aprofundadas.The purpose of this research was to evaluate de mood states after regattas of sail during Pre-Panamerican, as well associated factors. Sample was composed by 18 athletes of both sexes that were evaluated by the Brunel Mood Scale. The athletes presented high tension and fatigue, associated with high levels of vigor. The men present higher vigor and fatigue, and low tension, depression and angry than the women, but the differences were no significant. About the class, the athletes of individual classes showed high tension, depression and confusion than the ones of the classes with two athletes, but there were no significant differences. The mood states presented by the athletes after the regattas of sail of the Pre-Panamerican can be considered different from the ideal to sporting performance, but already there is a little bit theory about the mood states of sail athletes to do a deep analysis.

  5. Effects of Humor Production, Humor Receptivity, and Physical Attractiveness on Partner Desirability


    Michelle Tornquist; Dan Chiappe


    This study examined women’s and men’s preferences for humor production and humor receptivity in long-term and short-term relationships, and how these factors interact with physical attractiveness to influence desirability. Undergraduates viewed photographs of the opposite sex individuals who were high or low in physical attractiveness, along with vignettes varying in humor production and receptivity. Participants rated physical attractiveness and desirability for long-term and short-term rela...

  6. La realidad al cuadrado : Representaciones sobre lo político en el humor gráfico del diario Clarín (1973-1983)


    Levín, Florencia Paula


    En esta investigación se intenta bordear a partir del análisis sistemático de las representaciones sobre lo político construidas por el humor gráfico del diario Clarín, que por entonces ya era el matutino de mayor tirada a nivel nacional. Dado el amplio margen de inespecificidad y ambigüedad del término, es importante aclarar que cuando me refiero al "humor gráfico" del diario Clarín estoy aludiendo conjuntamente a los "cartoon" de Landrú publ...

  7. The Serious Business of Humor : A qualitative study of humor as a management tool


    N Schönfeldt, Sara; Miznikova, Jelena


    This research was initiated due to the novelty of the topic. Humor is a common phenomenon in the daily interaction of many people; however this study is particularly interested in humor as used by managers. As a preconception to the study it was assumed that appropriately used humor results in benefits for a leader, thus we wish to explore how managers in Swedish organizations reason about if and how humor can be used as a management tool. For this purpose we employed qualitative research wit...

  8. Humor as a Mental Fitness Indicator

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    Daniel P. Howrigan


    Full Text Available To explain the pervasive role of humor in human social interaction and among mating partner preferences, Miller (2000a proposed that intentional humor evolved as an indicator of intelligence. To test this, we looked at the relationships among rater-judged humor, general intelligence, and the Big Five personality traits in a sample of 185 college-age students (115 women, 70 men. General intelligence positively predicted rater-judged humor, independent of the Big Five personality traits. Extraversion also predicted rater-judged humor, although to a lesser extent than general intelligence. General intelligence did not interact with the sex of the participant in predicting rating scores on the humor production tasks. The current study lends support to the prediction that effective humor production acts as an honest indicator of intelligence in humans. In addition, extraversion, and to a lesser extent, openness, may reflect motivational traits that encourage humor production.

  9. Respons imun humoral pada pulpitis (Humoral immune response on pulpitis

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    Trijoedani Widodo


    Full Text Available Pulpitis is an inflammation process on dental pulp tissue, and usually as the continuous of caries. The microorganism in the caries is a potential immunogenic triggering the immune respons, both humoral and celluler immune responses. The aim of this research is to explain the humoral immune response changes in the dental pulp tissues of pulpitis. This research was done on three group samples: Irreversible pulpitis, Reversible pulpitis and sound teeth as the control group. The result showed that there were three pulpitis immunopathologic patterns: the sound teeth immunopathologic pattern showing a low humoral immune response, in a low level of IgG, IgA and IgM, the reversible pulpitis pattern showing that in a higher humoral immune response, IgG and IgA decreased but IgM increased, the irreversible pulpitis pattern showing that IgG and IgM increased, but it couldn't be repaired although it has highly immunity, and it showed an unusually low level of IgA. This low level of IgA meant that irreversible pulpitis had a low mucosal immunity.

  10. Who Benefits From Humor-Based Positive Psychology Interventions? The Moderating Effects of Personality Traits and Sense of Humor. (United States)

    Wellenzohn, Sara; Proyer, René T; Ruch, Willibald


    The evidence for the effectiveness of humor-based positive psychology interventions (PPIs; i.e., interventions aimed at enhancing happiness and lowering depressive symptoms) is steadily increasing. However, little is known about who benefits most from them. We aim at narrowing this gap by examining whether personality traits and sense of humor moderate the long-term effects of humor-based interventions on happiness and depressive symptoms. We conducted two placebo-controlled online-intervention studies testing for moderation effects. In Study 1 ( N = 104) we tested for moderation effects of basic personality traits (i.e., psychoticism, extraversion, and neuroticism) in the three funny things intervention, a humor-based PPI. In Study 2 ( N = 632) we tested for moderation effects of the sense of humor in five different humor-based interventions. Happiness and depressive symptoms were assessed before and after the intervention, as well as after 1, 3, and 6 months. In Study 2, we assessed sense of humor before and 1 month after the intervention to investigate if changes in sense of humor go along with changes in happiness and depressive symptoms. We found moderating effects only for extraversion. Extraverts benefitted more from the three funny things intervention than introverts. For neuroticism and psychoticism no moderation effects were found. For sense of humor, no moderating effects were found for the effectiveness of the five humor-based interventions tested in Study 2. However, changes in sense of humor from pretest to the 1-month follow-up predicted changes in happiness and depressive symptoms. Taking a closer look, the playful attitude- and sense of humor-subscales predicted changes in happiness and depression for up to 6 months. Overall, moderating effects for personality (i.e., extraversion) were found, but none for sense of humor at baseline. However, increases in sense of humor during and after the intervention were associated with the interventions

  11. Caracterización de las células T reguladoras por citometría de flujo: estado del arte y controversias

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    Carlos J. Montoya


    Full Text Available La habilidad para mantener el equilibrio entre la activación y la inhibición de la respuesta inmune es un requisito necesario para evitar el desarrollo de procesos inmunopatológicos. Esto se logra gracias a la existencia de mecanismos efectores que permiten la eliminación de agentes extraños al organismo y a la presencia de un sistema regulador que limita las respuestas efectoras y mantiene la tolerancia de los antígenos propios.Entre los mecanismos reguladores se destaca la función ejercida por los linfocitos T (LT CD4+, en particular, por la subpoblación de LT reguladores naturales (nTreg. La caracterización fenotípica y funcional de estas células es compleja, por la ausencia de un marcador que permita su identificación específica por citometría de flujo, herramienta que ha hecho posible la caracterización de la gran mayoría de células del sistema inmune.Actualmente, se propone que el uso combinado de anticuerpos monoclonales que permitan la identificación de LT CD4+/CD25alto/Foxp3+/CD127bajo/- es la alternativa más específica para determinar la frecuencia de estas células. Para estudios funcionales se requiere eliminar, de la combinación anterior; la detección de FoxP3 por ser una molécula intracelular cuya detección requiere la permeabilización celular. Una vez están purificadas las nTreg, la actividad funcional se evalúa por diferentes métodos que, en su mayoría, miden el efecto que tienen sobre la función de los LT efectores.

  12. Toxicidad de VA-DIFTET® por administración a dosis repetida en ratones

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    Pablo González


    Full Text Available Una vez estudiada la toxicidad de la vacuna VA-DIFTET® (vacuna antidiftérica antitetánica por administración a dosis única en dos especies de animales, se impone la evaluación a dosis repetida, teniendo en cuenta que el esquema de inmunización en humanos prevé la aplicación de tres dosis cuando el componente pertusis de la DPT está contraindicado. Se emplearon 210 ratones OF-1 de ambos sexos. Los grupos experimentales fueron similares a los de la prueba a dosis única con la vacuna dúplex, anatoxina diftérica, anatoxina tetánica, adyuvante, tiomersal, solución salina fisiológica y un grupo control no tratado. Un grupo de hembras y otro de machos fue asignado aleatoriamente a cada tratamiento y para recibir 1, 2 ó 3 dosis por vía intramuscular. Tras cada aplicación se evaluó la aparición de síntomas clínicos, el incremento de peso, el consumo de agua y alimento y la dinámica de la respuesta inmune contra las anatoxinas tetánica y diftérica, específicamente de tipo IgG, mediante ELISA indirecto. Al término de las observaciones los animales fueron sacrificados y se realizaron estudios anatomopatológicos. Además, durante el sacrificio se evaluó el índice relativo de bazo y timo, así como la relación bazo/timo. No se comprobaron alteraciones que evidenciaran toxicidad por parte de la vacuna y sus componentes. Asimismo, se demostró una marcada respuesta inmune en los grupos vacunales e inoculados con las anatoxinas. Se considera que los resultados de la prueba fueron satisfactorios.

  13. Affective Style, Humor Styles and Happiness

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    Thomas E. Ford


    Full Text Available The present study examined the relationships between dispositional approach and avoidance motives, humor styles, and happiness. In keeping with previous research, approach motives and the two positive humor styles (self-enhancing and affiliative positively correlated with happiness, whereas avoidance motives and the two negative humor styles (self-defeating and aggressive negatively correlated with happiness. Also, we found support for three new hypotheses. First, approach motives correlated positively with self-enhancing and affiliative humor styles. Second, avoidance motives correlated positively with self-defeating humor style, and third, the positive relationship between approach motives and happiness was mediated by self-enhancing humor style.

  14. Humor and Healing in College Counseling (United States)

    Thomas, Barbara J.; Roehrig, James P.; Yang, Peggy H.


    Humor is an often neglected but potentially powerful tool in college counseling center interventions. In this article we review potential benefits and hazards of using humor in a college mental health setting along with perspectives on humor's mechanism of action and distinctions between types of humor. Therapist and client-specific…

  15. Humor and Embodied Conversational Agents

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus

    This report surveys the role of humor in human-to-human interaction and the possible role of humor in human-computer interaction. The aim is to see whether it is useful for embodied conversational agents to integrate humor capabilities in their internal model of intelligence, emotions and

  16. Investigating the Effect of Humor Communication Skills Training on Pro-Social and Anti-Social Humor Styles, Cognitive Learning, Self-Efficacy, Motivation, and Humor Use (United States)

    Vela, Lori E.


    Humor is an important aspect of interpersonal interactions as it is linked to the development and maintenance of relationships (Merolla, 2006). The purpose of this dissertation was to test the effect of a humor communication skills training program on the ability to minimize anti-social humor (i.e., aggressive, self-defeating) and enhance…

  17. Linguistic Features of Humor in Academic Writing

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    Stephen Skalicky


    Full Text Available A corpus of 313 freshman college essays was analyzed in order to better understand the forms and functions of humor in academic writing. Human ratings of humor and wordplay were statistically aggregated using Factor Analysis to provide an overall Humor component score for each essay in the corpus. In addition, the essays were also scored for overall writing quality by human raters, which correlated (r = .195 with the humor component score. Correlations between the humor component scores and linguistic features were examined. To investigate the potential for linguistic features to predict the Humor component scores, regression analysis identified four linguistic indices that accounted for approximately 17.5% of the variance in humor scores. These indices were related to text descriptiveness (i.e., more adjective and adverb use, lower cohesion (i.e., less paragraph-to-paragraph similarity, and lexical sophistication (lower word frequency. The findings suggest that humor can be partially predicted by linguistic features in the text. Furthermore, there was a small but significant correlation between the humor and essay quality scores, suggesting a positive relation between humor and writing quality. Keywords: humor, academic writing, text analysis, essay score, human rating

  18. Humor in Children's Picture Books (United States)

    Serafini, Frank; Coles, Richard


    Humorous literature for children has been around since Randolph Caldecott first started writing and illustrating picturebooks. In the article, the authors try to understand what makes picturebooks funny and discuss ways to use humor in the classroom. Many examples of humorous picturebooks are cited to provide teachers with resources for their…

  19. The Effect of Context (Humorous vs. Non-humorous on Vocabulary Acquisition and Retention of Iranian EFL Learners

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    Mohsen Ghaffari


    Full Text Available For almost four decades, ESL/EFL scholars have been trying to find which learning type, contextualized vs. decontextualized, leads to better vocabulary acquisition and retention. In an attempt to solve this problem, this study tried to examine the possible effectiveness of using humorous context on vocabulary acquisition and retention. Another issue that was undertaken in the present study was comparing the efficiency of contextualized and decontextualized vocabulary learning and retention. For this purpose, 58 Iranian EFL learners were categorized into 3 groups: a humorous, b non-humorous, and c decontextualized. The findings were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test. As the results revealed, the participants in decontextualized group outperformed the participants in both humorous and non-humorous groups. However, it should be noted that the performance of humorous group was significantly better than the performance of non-humorous group.

  20. Humoral response of paracoccidioidomycosis sera in hamsters with different Venezuelan isolates

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    Lilian M Spencer


    Full Text Available Humoral response of paracoccidioidomycosis sera in hamsters with different Venezuelan isolates. Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM is a progressive systemic mycosis caused by the fungus Paraccocidioides brasiliensis (Pb, endemic to Venezuela and Latin America. In this study, eight different Venezuelan isolates obtained from patients with PCM, were inoculated intraperitoneally in Syrian hamsters (Cricetus auratus and studied by immune-serum. Each strain was collected by gently scraping the surface of the culture medium (Sabouraud Dextrose Agar and suspended in 3ml of 0.15 M phosphate-buffered saline. The antigen obtained was called Paraccocidioides brasiliensis Crude Antigen (CAP. Immunoblotting results showed that the immune-sera from hamsters recognized at least 3 bands: one over 200 kDa, and two of 80 and 15-20 kDa. This study suggests that IgG anti-CAP can reveal a significant variability in the eight Venezuelan isolates. Sera from 88 infected hamsters were evaluated by ELISA with eight different CAPs and Western blot with CAP 37383. ELISA results showed that, the antigen of the virulent isolate 37383 had the highest percentage (38% of positivity, while the non-virulent isolate 1458 had the lowest one (13.6%. Furthermore, scanning densitometry revealed that the isolate 37383 had less bands than the non-virulent isolates. These results suggest that the ELISA test with CAP 37383 can detect circulating antibodies, and that this virulent isolate may be useful for the diagnosis of PCM, and to monitor disease responses to treatments. Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (3: 505-513. Epub 2009 September 30.La Paracoccidioidomicosis (PCM, es una micosis sistémica causada por el hongo Paraccocidioides brasiliensis (Pb, endémica en Venezuela y Latino América. En este estudio ocho diferentes aislados venezolanos, obtenidos de pacientes con PCM, fueron inoculados intraperitonealmente en hámsteres y fueron estudiados por ELISA e inmunoblotting. Los antígenos obtenidos de P

  1. The Relationship Between Humor Styles and Forgiveness. (United States)

    Hampes, William


    Research has shown that a factor in a victim's forgiveness of an offender is the victim's ability to make more positive, or at least less negative, attributions of the offender's behavior and that perspective-taking can be a factor in facilitating that process. Self-enhancing humor has been found to be positively correlated with perspective-taking empathy and aggressive humor found to be negatively correlated with perspective-taking empathy. Therefore it was predicted that self-enhancing humor would be positively correlated with forgiveness and aggressive humor negatively correlated with forgiveness. The Humor Styles Questionnaire, the Absence of Negative and Presence of Positive subscales of the Forgiveness Scale, and the Forgiveness Likelihood Scale were administered to 112 college undergraduates. Self-enhancing humor was significantly and positively correlated with all of the forgiveness measures, aggressive humor and self-defeating humor were significantly and negatively correlated with some of the forgiveness measures and affiliative humor was not significantly correlated with any of the forgiveness measures. The results were interpreted in terms of previous findings for humor styles, perspective-taking empathy, depression, self-esteem and anxiety. Future research involving the extent to which other personality variables, such as perspective-taking empathy, mediate the relationship between self-enhancing humor and forgiveness was suggested.

  2. The Relationship Between Humor Styles and Forgiveness

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    William Hampes


    Full Text Available Research has shown that a factor in a victim’s forgiveness of an offender is the victim’s ability to make more positive, or at least less negative, attributions of the offender’s behavior and that perspective-taking can be a factor in facilitating that process. Self-enhancing humor has been found to be positively correlated with perspective-taking empathy and aggressive humor found to be negatively correlated with perspective-taking empathy. Therefore it was predicted that self-enhancing humor would be positively correlated with forgiveness and aggressive humor negatively correlated with forgiveness. The Humor Styles Questionnaire, the Absence of Negative and Presence of Positive subscales of the Forgiveness Scale, and the Forgiveness Likelihood Scale were administered to 112 college undergraduates. Self-enhancing humor was significantly and positively correlated with all of the forgiveness measures, aggressive humor and self-defeating humor were significantly and negatively correlated with some of the forgiveness measures and affiliative humor was not significantly correlated with any of the forgiveness measures. The results were interpreted in terms of previous findings for humor styles, perspective-taking empathy, depression, self-esteem and anxiety. Future research involving the extent to which other personality variables, such as perspective-taking empathy, mediate the relationship between self-enhancing humor and forgiveness was suggested.

  3. Adaptação e validação da Escala de Senso de Humor Situacional Adaptación y validez de la Escala de Sentido del Humor Situacional Adaptation and validation of the Situational Humor Response Questionaire

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    Adriana Benevides Soares


    Full Text Available O estudo visou desenvolver uma versão em português brasileiro do Situational Humor Response Questionaire (SHRQ, com adaptação transcultural e avaliação das medidas psicométricas em amostra brasileira. O instrumento em português de Portugal foi vertido para o português brasileiro passando pelas etapas de adaptação semântica, comparação das versões, validade de face e de conteúdo. O instrumento foi aplicado a 621 sujeitos. Foi feita extração de fatores com rotação oblíqua, análise das cargas fatoriais e consistência interna. Foram apontados três fatores: humor com amigos e colegas (α=0,70; influências sobre o humor (α=0,70; e humor em situações adversas (α =0,55. A consistência interna sugere que para o contexto brasileiro podem ser aperfeiçoados os itens de forma a aumentar o grau de precisão do fator. Contudo, o instrumento apresenta consistência interna aceitável.El estudio visó desarrollar una versión en portugués brasileño del Situational Humor Response Questionaire (SHRQ, con adaptación transcultural y evaluación de las medidas psicométricas en muestra brasileña. El instrumento en portugués de Portugal fue traducido para el portugués brasileño pasando por las etapas de adaptación semántica, comparación de las versiones, validez facial y de contenido. El instrumento fue aplicado en 621 sujetos. Fue hecha la extracción de factores con rotación oblicua, análisis de las cargas factoriales y consistencia interna. Fueron apuntados tres factores: humor con amigos y compañeros (α=0,70; influencias sobre el humor (α=0,70; y humor en situaciones adversas (α=0,55. La consistencia interna sugiere que para el contexto brasileño pueden ser perfeccionados los ítems para aumentar el grado de precisión del factor. Sin embargo, el instrumento presenta consistencia interna aceptable.This study aimed to develop a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Situational Humor Response Questionnaire (SHRQ, with

  4. Comparative evaluation of aqueous humor viscosity. (United States)

    Davis, Kyshia; Carter, Renee; Tully, Thomas; Negulescu, Ioan; Storey, Eric


    To evaluate aqueous humor viscosity in the raptor, dog, cat, and horse, with a primary focus on the barred owl (Strix varia). Twenty-six raptors, ten dogs, three cats, and one horse. Animals were euthanized for reasons unrelated to this study. Immediately, after horizontal and vertical corneal dimensions were measured, and anterior chamber paracentesis was performed to quantify anterior chamber volume and obtain aqueous humor samples for viscosity analysis. Dynamic aqueous humor viscosity was measured using a dynamic shear rheometer (AR 1000 TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA) at 20 °C. Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, unpaired t-tests, and Tukey's test to evaluate the mean ± standard deviation for corneal diameter, anterior chamber volume, and aqueous humor viscosity amongst groups and calculation of Spearman's coefficient for correlation analyses. The mean aqueous humor viscosity in the barred owl was 14.1 centipoise (cP) ± 9, cat 4.4 cP ± 0.2, and dog 2.9 cP ± 1.3. The aqueous humor viscosity for the horse was 1 cP. Of the animals evaluated in this study, the raptor aqueous humor was the most viscous. The aqueous humor of the barred owl is significantly more viscous than the dog (P humor viscosity of the raptor, dog, cat, and horse can be successfully determined using a dynamic shear rheometer. © 2014 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.

  5. Cognitive Distortions, Humor Styles, and Depression. (United States)

    Rnic, Katerina; Dozois, David J A; Martin, Rod A


    Cognitive distortions are negative biases in thinking that are theorized to represent vulnerability factors for depression and dysphoria. Despite the emphasis placed on cognitive distortions in the context of cognitive behavioural theory and practice, a paucity of research has examined the mechanisms through which they impact depressive symptomatology. Both adaptive and maladaptive styles of humor represent coping strategies that may mediate the relation between cognitive distortions and depressive symptoms. The current study examined the correlations between the frequency and impact of cognitive distortions across both social and achievement-related contexts and types of humor. Cognitive distortions were associated with reduced use of adaptive Affiliative and Self-Enhancing humor styles and increased use of maladaptive Aggressive and Self-Defeating humor. Reduced use of Self-Enhancing humor mediated the relationship between most types of cognitive distortions and depressed mood, indicating that distorted negative thinking may interfere with an individual's ability to adopt a humorous and cheerful outlook on life (i.e., use Self-Enhancing humor) as a way of regulating emotions and coping with stress, thereby resulting in elevated depressive symptoms. Similarly, Self-Defeating humor mediated the association of the social impact of cognitive distortions with depression, such that this humor style may be used as a coping strategy for dealing with distorted thinking that ultimately backfires and results in increased dysphoria.

  6. Using Humor in Physical Education (United States)

    Barney, David; Christenson, Robert


    Humor can be extremely beneficial in everyday life, whether giving or receiving it. It can be used to lighten the mood, give encouragement, or make corrections. Humor in physical education is no exception. Physical educators can use humor as a teaching tool and to create an environment for students to acquire the knowledge to practice a lifetime…

  7. Psychometric Comparisons of Benevolent and Corrective Humor across 22 Countries: The Virtue Gap in Humor Goes International. (United States)

    Heintz, Sonja; Ruch, Willibald; Platt, Tracey; Pang, Dandan; Carretero-Dios, Hugo; Dionigi, Alberto; Argüello Gutiérrez, Catalina; Brdar, Ingrid; Brzozowska, Dorota; Chen, Hsueh-Chih; Chłopicki, Władysław; Collins, Matthew; Ďurka, Róbert; Yahfoufi, Najwa Y El; Quiroga-Garza, Angélica; Isler, Robert B; Mendiburo-Seguel, Andrés; Ramis, TamilSelvan; Saglam, Betül; Shcherbakova, Olga V; Singh, Kamlesh; Stokenberga, Ieva; Wong, Peter S O; Torres-Marín, Jorge


    Recently, two forms of virtue-related humor, benevolent and corrective, have been introduced. Benevolent humor treats human weaknesses and wrongdoings benevolently, while corrective humor aims at correcting and bettering them. Twelve marker items for benevolent and corrective humor (the BenCor) were developed, and it was demonstrated that they fill the gap between humor as temperament and virtue. The present study investigates responses to the BenCor from 25 samples in 22 countries (overall N = 7,226). The psychometric properties of the BenCor were found to be sufficient in most of the samples, including internal consistency, unidimensionality, and factorial validity. Importantly, benevolent and corrective humor were clearly established as two positively related, yet distinct dimensions of virtue-related humor. Metric measurement invariance was supported across the 25 samples, and scalar invariance was supported across six age groups (from 18 to 50+ years) and across gender. Comparisons of samples within and between four countries (Malaysia, Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK) showed that the item profiles were more similar within than between countries, though some evidence for regional differences was also found. This study thus supported, for the first time, the suitability of the 12 marker items of benevolent and corrective humor in different countries, enabling a cumulative cross-cultural research and eventually applications of humor aiming at the good.

  8. Psychometric Comparisons of Benevolent and Corrective Humor across 22 Countries: The Virtue Gap in Humor Goes International

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    Sonja Heintz


    Full Text Available Recently, two forms of virtue-related humor, benevolent and corrective, have been introduced. Benevolent humor treats human weaknesses and wrongdoings benevolently, while corrective humor aims at correcting and bettering them. Twelve marker items for benevolent and corrective humor (the BenCor were developed, and it was demonstrated that they fill the gap between humor as temperament and virtue. The present study investigates responses to the BenCor from 25 samples in 22 countries (overall N = 7,226. The psychometric properties of the BenCor were found to be sufficient in most of the samples, including internal consistency, unidimensionality, and factorial validity. Importantly, benevolent and corrective humor were clearly established as two positively related, yet distinct dimensions of virtue-related humor. Metric measurement invariance was supported across the 25 samples, and scalar invariance was supported across six age groups (from 18 to 50+ years and across gender. Comparisons of samples within and between four countries (Malaysia, Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK showed that the item profiles were more similar within than between countries, though some evidence for regional differences was also found. This study thus supported, for the first time, the suitability of the 12 marker items of benevolent and corrective humor in different countries, enabling a cumulative cross-cultural research and eventually applications of humor aiming at the good.

  9. “Circulación de memes en WhatsApp: ambivalencias del humor desde la perspectiva de género”

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    Esmeralda Ballesteros Doncel


    Full Text Available La aplicación WhatsApp se ha convertido en todo un fenómeno social. Todo el mundo se relaciona por WhatsApp, enviando mensajes multimedia y, en ocasiones, memes. Piezas verbo-visuales surgidas en la cultura digital y que pretenden la risa de sus receptores. Este artículo explora un repertorio de memes capturados durante seis meses en un grupo de WhatsApp, formado por mujeres asalariadas con edades comprendidas entre 50 y 55 años. El análisis comienza con una caracterización de la gramática del meme tipo para, a continuación, examinar las temáticas e interpretar el sentido de los contenidos humorísticos distribuidos. Los resultados sugieren que el humor es algo más que divertimento y que la risa también está mediada por la estructura social, desprendiendo destellos de una cultura que mantiene sesgos de género, orientados indistintamente a mujeres y hombres.

  10. Instructional scientific humor in the secondary classroom (United States)

    Wizner, Francine

    This study is an examination of the manner in which educators employ scientific content humor and how that humor is perceived by their students. Content humor is a useful strategy in drawing the attention of students and improving their receptivity toward scientific information. It is also a useful tool in combating the growing distractions of the electronic classroom. Previous studies have found that humor has a positive effect on knowledge, memory, and understanding. However, few studies have been conducted below the undergraduate level and mainly quantitative measures of student recall have been used to measure learning. This study employed multiple data sources to determine how two secondary biology teachers used humor in order to explain scientific concepts and how their students perceived their teachers' use of scientific instructional humor. Evidence of student humor reception was collected from four students in each of the two classes. All of the scientific instructional humor used in the studied classrooms was cognitive in nature, varying among factual, procedural, conceptual, and metacognitive knowledge. Teachers tended to use dialogic forms of humor. Their scientific humor reflected everyday experiences, presented queries, poked fun at authority, and asked students to search out new perspectives and perform thought experiments. Teachers were the primary actors in performing the humorous events. The events were sometimes physical exaggerations of words or drawings, and they occurred for the purpose of establishing rapport or having students make connections between scientific concepts and prior knowledge. Student perceptions were that teachers did employ humor toward instructional objectives that helped their learning. Helping students become critical thinkers is a trademark of science teachers. Science teachers who take the risk of adopting some attributes of comedians may earn the reward of imparting behaviors on their students like critical thinking


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    Gusti Nyoman Ayu Sukerti


    Full Text Available The study reported in this paper aims to analyze the possible strategies used in the subtitling of the first five episodes (season 1 of Friends to render the episodes’ humorous dialogues. It examines the subtitler’s strategies in preserving both the semantic and humorous genes of laughter intended by the original humor. The analysis takes into account the internal and external structures of humors both in the target and source language. Choosing a subtitling strategy involves a decisionmaking process where the internal and external factors come into play and, therefore, rendering humors in a contextually bound medium, such as subtitling, does not necessarily work in the TL environment in a consistent manner. The inconsistency highlights the fact that humors, even those considered universal, are not digested in the same manner across cultures.

  12. Computational Humor 2012 : extended abstacts of the (3rd international) Workshop on computational Humor


    Nijholt, Antinus; Unknown, [Unknown


    Like its predecessors in 1996 (University of Twente, the Netherlands) and 2002 (ITC-irst, Trento, Italy), this Third International Workshop on Computational Humor (IWCH 2012) focusses on the possibility to find algorithms that allow understanding and generation of humor. There is the general aim of modeling humor, and if we can do that, it will provide us with lots of information about our cognitive abilities in general, such as reasoning, remembering, understanding situations, and understand...

  13. El humor y la guerra. Tiras cómicas y cartoons en el diario Clarín durante el conflicto por las Malvinas

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    Florencia Paula Levín


    Full Text Available El año 1982 se inicia en la Argentina en medio de una importante crisis del régimen militar que impulsó a los militares a utilizar el viejo conflicto con Gran Bretaña por las islas Malvinas como un vehículo para movilizar el consenso de la sociedad acallando el creciente descontento que ya se comenzaba a expresar incluso en masivas manifestaciones públicas. En este artículo se abordará el comportamiento del humor gráfico del diario Clarín (entonces el matutino de mayor tirada a nivel nacional y expresión del sentido común de las clases medias en el contexto del conflicto con Gran Bretaña con el objetivo de demostrar que el mismo fue un vehículo que sirvió tanto para expresar, desde la particular óptica y reglas del género, los principales tópicos del discurso oficial y participar de la euforia nacionalista desatada por la “recuperación” de las islas como para habilitar, en lo márgenes de ese espacio, la emergencia de otras ópticas, minoritarias y relativamente marginales, que abrieron un espacio para el distanciamiento crítico del gobierno militar.

  14. Humor style similarity and difference in friendship dyads. (United States)

    Hunter, Simon C; Fox, Claire L; Jones, Siân E


    This study assessed the concurrent and prospective (fall to spring) associations between four different humor styles to assess the degree to which stable friendships are characterized by similarity, and to assess whether best friends' humor styles influence each other's later use of humor. Participants were aged 11-13 years, with 87 stable, reciprocal best friend dyads. Self-report assessments of humor styles were completed on both occasions. Results indicated that there was no initial similarity in dyads' levels of humor. However, dyads' use of humor that enhances interpersonal relationships (Affiliative humor) became positively correlated by spring. Additionally, young people's use of this humor style was positively associated with their best friend's later use of the same. No such effects were present for humor which was aggressive, denigrating toward the self, or used to enhance the self. These results have clear implications for theories of humor style development, highlighting an important role for Affiliative humor within stable friendship dyads. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  15. ¿Qué conocimientos movilizan un grupo de futuros docentes para elaborar el modelo de infección por tuberculosis?

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    Virginia Aznar Cuadrado


    Full Text Available Este trabajo pretende hacer una aportación original a la investigación sobre la práctica de modelización en temas de salud dentro del ámbito de la formación inicial del profesorado de primaria. Se presentan algunos resultados de una propuesta didáctica sobre la tuberculosis (TB, que utiliza un enfoque del aprendizaje de ciencias basado en la práctica científica de la modelización. Se utiliza como contexto para el diseño de las tareas el episodio de contagio por TB sufrido por los participantes (N=61. Las preguntas de investigación son: a ¿qué conocimientos movilizan los futuros docentes para explicar el modelo de infección por TB?, b ¿en qué medida los conocimientos que movilizan varían tras la construcción del modelo de infección de TB? Los conocimientos que movilizan para la elaboración del modelo de infección se distribuyen en tres categorías: científicos, basados en la experiencia y tomados de los medios. Estos últimos desempeñan un papel importante para explicar la fase de respuesta inmune. Algunos de los significados que construyen en torno a nociones como vacuna, respuesta inmune y linfocitos varían a lo largo de la modelización, logrando aproximarse a los científicos, lo que pone de relieve la importancia de promover tareas de este tipo para la formación en temas de salud.

  16. A tradução do humor em The Big Bang Theory por legendadores virtuais: aspectos linguísticos-culturais

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    Mariane Oliveira Caetano


    Full Text Available Nowadays, the tasks of translation, subtitle and dubbing professionals are frequently required and also considered fundamental due to the television industry development and its great significance. Concerning this aspect, this research aims to analyze previously selected subtitles fragments, which involve humor, from the sitcom The Big Bang Theory – usually related to cultural-linguistic aspects – which present challenges to the translator. The analyses of these excerpts were made from a qualitative approach, considering the profile of the virtual subtitlers, ABNT norms to subtitle genre and the theories applied to humor translation. It was possible to conclude, through the analyses of the subtitles, that due to the lack of accurate referents between the languages and also the specificities of the subtitle genre, humor was sometimes reconstructed in the target language. In this way, it is considered unjustifiable to focus on the concept of fidelity related to linguistics when it comes to a subtitle translation.

  17. Humor in systemic lupus erythematosus. (United States)

    Moura, Cristiano S; Li, Rui; Lawrie, Sarah; Bar-Or, Amit; Clarke, Ann E; Da Costa, Deborah; Banerjee, Devi; Bernatsky, Sasha; Lee, Jennifer L; Pineau, Christian A


    Humor has neurophysiological effects influencing the release of cortisol, which may have a direct impact on the immune system. Laughter is associated with a decreased production of inflammatory cytokines both in the general population and in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Our objective was to explore the effects of humor on serum cytokines [particularly interleukin-6 (IL-6)] and cortisol levels in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), after a standard intervention (120 min of visual comedy). We enrolled 58 females with SLE from consecutive patients assessed in the Montreal General Hospital lupus clinic. The subjects who consented to participate were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to the intervention (watching 120 min of comedy) or control group (watching a 120 min documentary). Measurements of cytokine and serum cortisol levels as well as 24-h urine cortisol were taken before, during, and after the interventions. We compared serum cytokine levels and serum and 24-h urine cortisol levels in the humor and control groups and performed regression analyses of these outcomes, adjusting for demographics and the current use of prednisone. There were no significant differences between the control and humor groups in demographics or clinical variables. Baseline serum levels of IL-6, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and B-cell activating factor were also similar in both groups. There was no evidence of a humor effect in terms of decreasing cytokine levels, although there was some suggestion of lowered cortisol secretion in the humor group based the 24-h urinary cortisol levels in a subgroup. In contrast to what has been published for RA, we saw no clear effects of humor in altering cytokine levels in SLE, although interesting trends were seen for lower cortisol levels after humor intervention compared with the control group.

  18. Humor in the Classroom: The Effects of Integrated Humor on Student Learning (United States)

    Bolkan, San; Griffin, Darrin J.; Goodboy, Alan K.


    This study was conducted to examine the impact of integrated humor on direct measures of students' ability to retain and transfer information from educational lessons. In two experiments, participants were randomly exposed to either a lesson with humorous examples or standard examples and were subsequently asked to take tests on the material. Data…

  19. Respons imun humoral pada pulpitis (Humoral immune response on pulpitis)


    Widodo, Trijoedani


    Pulpitis is an inflammation process on dental pulp tissue, and usually as the continuous of caries. The microorganism in the caries is a potential immunogenic triggering the immune respons, both humoral and celluler immune responses. The aim of this research is to explain the humoral immune response changes in the dental pulp tissues of pulpitis. This research was done on three group samples: Irreversible pulpitis, Reversible pulpitis and sound teeth as the control group. The result showed th...

  20. The First Joke: Exploring the Evolutionary Origins of Humor

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    Joseph Polimeni


    Full Text Available Humor is a complex cognitive function which often leads to laughter. Contemporary humor theorists have begun to formulate hypotheses outlining the possible innate cognitive structures underlying humor. Humor's conspicuous presence in the behavioral repertoire of humankind invites adaptive explanations. This article explores the possible adaptive features of humor and ponders its evolutionary path through hominid history. Current humor theories and previous evolutionary ideas on humor are reviewed. In addition, scientific fields germane to the evolutionary study of humor are examined: animal models, genetics, children's humor, humor in pathological conditions, neurobiology, humor in traditional societies and cognitive archeology. Candidate selection pressures and associated evolutionary mechanisms are considered. The authors conclude that several evolutionary-related topics such as the origins of language, cognition underlying spiritual feelings, hominid group size, and primate teasing could have special relevance to the origins of humor.

  1. [The Use of Humor in Psychotherapy: a View]. (United States)

    Chaloult, Guillaume; Blondeau, Claude

    The goal of this article is to expose different aspects of the use of humor in therapy. We hope that it will stimulate reflection and guide the clinician toward appropriate use of humorous interventions. Historical highlights of the topic will be presented. Then a practical definition of therapeutic humor and the main theories about humor will be reviewed. We will also discuss the probable mechanisms of action explaining the efficacy of humor in psychotherapy, as well as potential risks and benefits of its use. We will try to determine different factors influencing the patient's receptivity to humor. Subsequently, a classification of humor will be proposed, followed by a description of selected types of humor often used in therapy, with clinical cases as examples.

  2. Preface to Computational Humor 2012


    Unknown, [Unknown; Nijholt, Antinus; Nijholt, A.


    Like its predecessors in 1996 (University of Twente, the Netherlands) and 2002 (ITC-irst, Trento, Italy), this Third International Workshop on Computational Humor (IWCH 2012) focusses on the possibility to find algorithms that allow understanding and generation of humor. There is the general aim of modeling humor, and if we can do that, it will provide us with lots of information about our cognitive abilities in general, such as reasoning, remembering, understanding situations, and understand...

  3. Humor in Autism and Asperger Syndrome (United States)

    Lyons, Viktoria; Fitzgerald, Michael


    Research has shown that individuals with autism and Asperger syndrome are impaired in humor appreciation, although anecdotal and parental reports provide some evidence to the contrary. This paper reviews the cognitive and affective processes involved in humor and recent neurological findings. It examines humor expression and understanding in…

  4. El humor en la publicidad gráfica de la Dirección General de Tráfico en España (1960-2009

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    MA Nicolás Ojeda


    Full Text Available Introducción: El objeto de esta investigación es analizar el humor como modalidad semántica en las campañas publicitarias de la Dirección General de Tráfico de España (DGT e identificar las emociones expresadas en los anuncios que utilizan este recurso. Metodología: Una aproximación metodológica interdisciplinar recoge las investigaciones antecedentes para comprender el estudio del humor como recurso para la elaboración del contenido y la forma de los mensajes publicitarios. Una revisión histórica de la publicidad gráfica de esta institución permite conocer cuándo y cómo el humor ha contribuido a codificar los mensajes publicitarios de la DGT. El universo estudiado está formado por toda la publicidad gráfica de la institución desde el año 1959 al 2009, un total de 246 anuncios. Resultados y conclusiones: Los resultados validan y clasifican la presencia del humor como recurso semántico por décadas estudiadas. A su vez, identifican los objetivos de comunicación de los anuncios analizados y los relaciona con el recurso humorístico utilizado, con los tipos de emociones proyectadas y con el mensaje de cada anuncio.

  5. Esos negros paraos: humor, gufeo y subversión en la poesía niuyorriqueña


    Alejo López


    El humor ocupa un lugar central en la poética desplegada por los poetas de la diáspora puertorriqueña en los Estados Unidos. El humor irreverente e impertinente (bautizado con el neologismo spanglish el gufeo1) de poetas como Víctor Hernández Cruz, Pedro Pietri o Tato Laviera exhibe la potencia desbordante de este humorismo de raíz afro-antillana que atraviesa la tradición poética niuyorriqueña, al tiempo que se revela como uno de los instrumentos más eficaces en la política cultural contra-d...

  6. [Positive aspects of old ages - humor of seniors]. (United States)

    Mareš, Jiří


    This survey study has five parts. In the first part two conceptual approaches to humor are characterized. One considers "the comic" to be an umbrella concept, and humor is only one of its rather positive forms. The other comes out from the umbrella concept "humor", and distinguishes between various forms of humor including the negative ones. Three main theories of humor are presented: theory of superiority, theory of incongruity, and a relief theory. The second part introduces humor in the elderly and draws the attention to the fact that we know relatively little about humor in old age because most research has been carried out in children, adolescents or adults in productive age. The third part of the study describes the process of diagnostics of humor in the elderly. For example, within the qualitative methods, in-depth interviews with seniors or analyses of their diary entries are used. Within quantitative methods, questionnaires are used, and this study presents the survey of seven most frequent ones applied in the studies of humor in the elderly. In the context of mixed methods, understanding of humor in young and seniors, or understanding of humor in relatively healthy seniors and seniors after stroke are compared. The fourth part of the study presents the Gelkopfs model on relationship between humor, treatment and cure of patients. The fifth part of the study demonstrates the options how to use humor to improve the mental state of the elderly (by means of individual or group interventions).

  7. Humorous Relations: Attentiveness, Pleasure and Risk (United States)

    Mayo, Cris


    This article focuses on the structures of humor and joke telling that require particular kinds of attentiveness and particular relationships between speaker and audience, or more specifically, between classmates. First, I will analyze the pedagogical and relational preconditions that are necessary for humor to work. If humor is to work well, the…

  8. Children's Understanding of Self-Focused Humor Styles. (United States)

    James, Lucy Amelia; Fox, Claire Louise


    It has been proposed that four main styles of humor exist, two which are thought to be adaptive (affiliative, self-enhancing) and two which are thought to be maladaptive (aggressive, self-defeating). Whilst the existence of these four humor styles has been supported in older children, it is suggested that for younger children, self-enhancing and self-defeating humor may develop at a later point. To investigate this further, the current research involved five semi-structured paired interviews with children aged eight to eleven years to explore the use and understanding of self-enhancing and self-defeating humor in this age group. Findings indicated that use of both self-enhancing and self-defeating humor were apparent in some children, but not all. It therefore seems appropriate that attempts to investigate humor in this age group should aim to include all four styles of humor. The current research also demonstrated the value of paired interviews when carrying out this sort of research with children.

  9. Humor styles moderate borderline personality traits and suicide ideation. (United States)

    Meyer, Neil A; Helle, Ashley C; Tucker, Raymond P; Lengel, Gregory J; DeShong, Hilary L; Wingate, LaRicka R; Mullins-Sweatt, Stephanie N


    The way individuals use humor to interact interpersonally has been associated with general personality, depression, and suicidality. Certain humor styles may moderate the risk for suicide ideation (SI) in individuals who are high in specific risk factors (e.g., thwarted belongingness, perceived burdensomeness). Previous research suggests a relationship between humor styles and borderline personality disorder (BPD) and an increased risk of suicidality and suicide completion in individuals with BPD. Participants (n =176) completed measures of BPD traits, SI, and humor styles. It was hypothesized that BPD traits would be positively correlated with negative humor styles and negatively correlated with positive humor styles, and that humor styles would significantly moderate BPD traits and SI. Results showed that BPD traits were negatively correlated with self-enhancing humor styles and positively correlated with self-defeating humor styles, but that they were not significantly correlated with affiliative or aggressive humor styles. Bootstrapping analyses demonstrated that the affiliative, self-enhancing, and self-defeating humor styles significantly moderated BPD traits and SI, while the aggressive humor style did not. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Horror, humor e sexo no cinema de bordas

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    Bernardette Lyra


    Full Text Available Por suas características, modos, técnicas e procedimentos, certos filmes de ficção se enquadram naquilo que chamo de cinema de bordas. O cinema de bordas se faz sobre fragmentos reciclados de gêneros, subgêneros e espécies, sem que, no entanto, nenhum dentre os modelos usados se apresente determinante. Tal reciclagem genérica tem por conseqüência a ausência da novidade e da originalidade, em favor da continuidade e da repetição daquilo já anteriormente conhecido. Nesse sentido, o cinema de bordas comumente recorre a formas que materializam a ação e o sentimento, utilizados tanto por alguns gêneros cinematográficos como pela literatura popular ou literatura de massa. Este trabalho enfoca, em especial, a produção com as formas do horror, do humor e do sexo, quase sempre excluídas do discurso das instituições que consagram uma centralidade canônica. O resultado específico é uma mistura que se alimenta das bordas compostas por diferentes instâncias culturais que vai do estrato mais erudito ao mais popular e vice-versa.

  11. ¿Y dónde está la gracia? El humor en el aula de ELE

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    Esther Linares Bernabeu


    Full Text Available Resumen: El presente trabajo muestra el fenómeno pragmático del humor como un instrumento idóneo para suscitar la reflexión sobre el uso y funciones del lenguaje en los estudiantes de ELE.  Una vez expuestas las referencias al humor verbal y a la ironía por parte del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia y el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes, ofreceremos una propuesta didáctica cuyo objetivo es la activación y desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa. Muestras humorísticas como el monólogo pueden contribuir a mejorar las destrezas lingüísticas y pragmáticas en ELE desde niveles iniciales. Palabras clave: Humor, Competencia metapragmática, ELE, Propuesta didáctica.   Abstract: This paper shows the pragmatic phenomenon, humour, as an ideal tool to promote students’ awareness of the uses and functions of the language. After having presented verbal humour and irony within the Common European Framework of Reference and the Curricular Plan of the Instituto Cervantes, we will offer a didactic proposal focused on the activation and development of the communicative competence. Humorous samples such as Stand-Up may enhance linguistic and pragmatic skills in Spanish as FL from novice levels. Key words: Humour, Metapragmatic competence, Spanish as a Foreign Language, Didactic Proposal.

  12. Humor, Philosophy and Education (United States)

    Morreall, John


    This article begins by examining the bad reputation humor traditionally had in philosophy and education. Two of the main charges against humor--that it is hostile and irresponsible--are linked to the Superiority Theory. That theory is critiqued and two other theories of laughter are presented--the Relief Theory and the Incongruity Theory. In the…

  13. Effectiveness of humor training among adolescents with autism. (United States)

    Wu, Ching-Lin; Liu, Ya-Ru; Kuo, Ching-Chih; Chen, Hsueh-Chih; Chang, Yu-Lin


    Humor training has been applied to educational and clinical cases and has been found to be effective, but humor training for individuals with autism is relatively rare. The present study proposed a humor-knowledge and humor-skill training workshop to enhance the humor comprehension and appreciation of individuals with autism and examined the effects of the training. Participants were 20 adolescents with autism and average intelligence (above 70 in WAIS-III). They were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Both questionnaire of joke comprehension and appreciation and a humor style questionnaire were used as instruments. The results supported the effectiveness of the 15-h training. The comprehension and appreciation of nonsense humor were significantly increased in the experimental group in comparison with the control group, although the incongruity-resolution jokes remained difficult to comprehend. The tendency to use affiliative humor was greater among individuals with autism in the experimental group, suggesting that the appreciation of humor can be learned. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Towards Humor Modelling and Facilitation in Smart Environments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus; Gu Ji, Y.; Choi, S.

    We know about word play, verbal jokes, and about humor that appears spontaneously in conversations. This humor is studied in computational linguistics, together with issues such as verbal incongruities, ambiguities, irony and sarcasm. These appearances of humor are also part of computational humor

  15. The German Version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties and Overlap With Other Styles of Humor. (United States)

    Ruch, Willibald; Heintz, Sonja


    The Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ; Martin et al., 2003) is one of the most frequently used questionnaires in humor research and has been adapted to several languages. The HSQ measures four humor styles (affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating), which should be adaptive or potentially maladaptive to psychosocial well-being. The present study analyzes the internal consistency, factorial validity, and factorial invariance of the HSQ on the basis of several German-speaking samples combined (total N = 1,101). Separate analyses were conducted for gender (male/female), age groups (16-24, 25-35, >36 years old), and countries (Germany/Switzerland). Internal consistencies were good for the overall sample and the demographic subgroups (.80-.89), with lower values obtained for the aggressive scale (.66-.73). Principal components and confirmatory factor analyses mostly supported the four-factor structure of the HSQ. Weak factorial invariance was found across gender and age groups, while strong factorial invariance was supported across countries. Two subsamples also provided self-ratings on ten styles of humorous conduct (n = 344) and of eight comic styles (n = 285). The four HSQ scales showed small to large correlations to the styles of humorous conduct (-.54 to .65) and small to medium correlations to the comic styles (-.27 to .42). The HSQ shared on average 27.5-35.0% of the variance with the styles of humorous conduct and 13.0-15.0% of the variance with the comic styles. Thus-despite similar labels-these styles of humorous conduct and comic styles differed from the HSQ humor styles.

  16. Med humor som våben – sproglig humor som bindeled mellem kognition og emotion

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    Thomas Raab


    Full Text Available The attempt to establish a coherence between the cognitive description of language and thought and the neurobiological description of the human brain is often limited by lacking knowledge concerning the interplay between cognition and emotion – both necessary elements in understanding the way the brain works. Verbal humor is a convenient research object in this regard, as it consists (primarily in cognitive mechanisms, eliciting an emotional response – laughter. In this article, a review of the history of humor research is compared to a selection of studies (lesion-studies, ERP and fMRI on the relationship between humor, language and the brain, as an attempt to show how a broadly based theory of humor can help us to understand the relationship between cognition and emotion.

  17. Med humor som våben – sproglig humor som bindeled mellem kognition og emotion

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    Thomas Raab


    Full Text Available The attempt to establish a coherence between the cognitive description of language and thought and the neurobiological description of the human brain is often limited by lacking knowledge concerning the interplay between cognition and emotion – both necessary elements in understanding the way the brain works. Verbal humor is a convenient research object in this regard, as it consists (primarily in cognitive mechanisms, eliciting an emotional response – laughter. In this article, a review of the history of humor research is compared to a selection of studies (lesion-studies, ERP and fMRI on the relationship between humor, language and the brain, as an attempt to show how a broadly based theory of humor can help us to understand the relationship between cognition and emotion.

  18. Computational Humor 2012 : extended abstacts of the (3rd international) Workshop on computational Humor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus; Unknown, [Unknown


    Like its predecessors in 1996 (University of Twente, the Netherlands) and 2002 (ITC-irst, Trento, Italy), this Third International Workshop on Computational Humor (IWCH 2012) focusses on the possibility to find algorithms that allow understanding and generation of humor. There is the general aim of

  19. Humor in psychiatric healing. (United States)

    Saper, B


    The oft-quoted aphorism that "laughter is the best medicine" is examined. Specifically, three big drops in the shower of claims regarding the benefits of humor in treating physical and mental disorders are evaluated. First, studies of the effects of mirth and laughter on the physiology of the body reveal both good and bad news. The meager evidence of the salutary effects of positive emotions on the cardiovascular, respiratory, immune and neuroendocrine systems, though apparently supportable on more or less scientific, rational and subjective grounds, needs much better verification from more extensive, replicable, and empirical research. Second, despite numerous claims, in the context of behavioral or psychosomatic medicine, that a joyful, optimistic, or humorous attitude can render a salubrious effect, almost to the extent of preventing illness and curing physical disease, the jury is still out and issuing dire warnings regarding too ready acceptance of this largely anecdotal evidence. Much careful "clinical trial" research needs to be mounted to determine the conditions under which humor works best, if at all. The type of patient, the kind of humor, the type and severity of illness, the psychosocial contexts-all of these factors should be considered. Third, the infusion of humor into psychotherapy is great news for some therapists and awful news for others. A number of more balanced approaches point up the probability that when mirth is incorporated into therapy judiciously, appropriately, and meaningfully it can be of value.

  20. Risky business: When humor increases and decreases status. (United States)

    Bitterly, T Bradford; Brooks, Alison Wood; Schweitzer, Maurice E


    Across 8 experiments, we demonstrate that humor can influence status, but attempting to use humor is risky. The successful use of humor can increase status in both new and existing relationships, but unsuccessful humor attempts (e.g., inappropriate jokes) can harm status. The relationship between the successful use of humor and status is mediated by perceptions of confidence and competence. The successful use of humor signals confidence and competence, which in turn increases the joke teller's status. Interestingly, telling both appropriate and inappropriate jokes, regardless of the outcome, signals confidence. Although signaling confidence typically increases status and power, telling inappropriate jokes signals low competence and the combined effect of high confidence and low competence harms status. Rather than conceptualizing humor as a frivolous or ancillary behavior, we argue that humor plays a fundamental role in shaping interpersonal perceptions and hierarchies within groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  1. Sense of Humor, Stable Affect, and Psychological Well-Being

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    Arnie Cann


    Full Text Available A good sense of humor has been implicated as a quality that could contribute to psychological well-being. The mechanisms through which sense of humor might operate include helping to reappraise threats, serving as a character strength, or facilitating happiness. The current research attempts to integrate these possibilities by examining whether a good sense of humor might operate globally by helping to maintain a more stable positive affect. Stable positive affect has been shown to facilitate more effective problem solving and to build resilience. However, not all humor is adaptive humor, so we also examine the roles that different styles of humor use might play. Individual differences in humor styles were used to predict stable levels of affect. Then, in a longitudinal design, humor styles and stable affect were used to predict subsequent resilience and psychological health. The results indicated that stable affect was related to resilience and psychological well-being, and that a sense of humor that involves self-enhancing humor, humor based on maintaining a humorous perspective about one’s experiences, was positively related to stable positive affect, negatively related to stable negative affect, and was mediated through stable affect in influencing resilience, well-being and distress. Thus, while a good sense of humor can lead to greater resilience and better psychological health, the current results, focusing on stable affect, find only self-enhancing humor provides reliable benefits.

  2. Humor and creativity in psychotherapy

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    Javier Martín Camacho


    Full Text Available In the current article principal theories on humor are analyzed, relating them to different conceptions of creativity. Finally, some indications for the use of humor in psychotherapy are introduced, highlighting their positive and negative aspects. 

  3. Neurobiologia do transtorno de humor bipolar e tomada de decisão na abordagem psicofarmacológica

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    Machado-Vieira Rodrigo


    Full Text Available O Transtorno do Humor Bipolar (THB caracteriza-se por oscilações do humor que causam prejuízos significativos no âmbito biopsicossocial. O interesse da comunidade científica por este transtorno vem aumentando nos últimos cinco anos em função de sua crescente prevalência associada ao refinamento diagnóstico, à ampliação do arsenal terapêutico e ao conhecimento dos avanços nas pesquisas da neurobiologia do transtorno. A presente revisão aborda questões diagnosticas e terapêuticas aplicadas à neurobiologia dos THB, relacionando-as diretamente à terapêutica dos quadros de mania, hipomania, estados mistos, depressão bipolar e ciclagem rápida, da infância à idade adulta. São revisados criticamente importantes estudos realizados com diferentes fármacos potencialmente eficazes como estabilizadores do humor, nos diversos subdiagnósticos do THB. São analisados fármacos, tais como o lítio, anticonvulsivantes, antipsicóticos, benzodiazepínicos, bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio e hormônio tireoideo, bem como as possíveis bases biológicas para seus efeitos terapêuticos. Em síntese, este trabalho aborda os avanços da psicofarmacologia cuja eficácia é comprovada nos subtipos do THB, procurando relacioná-los com a neurobiologia deste transtorno.

  4. A representação do homossexual no discurso humorístico: uma análise do Canal “Porta dos Fundos”

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    Nilton César Ferreira


    Full Text Available O presente artigo objetiva analisar os efeitos de sentidos do discurso humorístico acerca da homossexualidade masculina e da chamada “proposta de cura gay” apresentada por um segmento conservador do cristianismo brasileiro. A metodologia adotada foi a Análise do Discurso de orientação francesa. O trabalho está organizado da seguinte maneira: primeiro, examinamos a relação entre o discurso, o humor e as piadas; em seguida, apresentamos uma breve contextualização sobre a homossexualidade enquanto categoria; e, por fim, analisamos um corpus de um esquete publicado pelo canal “Porta dos Fundos”, cujo título é “Cura”. É possível depreender da análise que os temas acerca do humor constituem-se em veículos de produção e reprodução de ideologias e que o discurso em estudo apresenta um contraponto em relação aos dizeres que mobilizam as práticas não heterossexuais como contingente e moralmente condenáveis. Observamos, inclusive, que as falas enunciadas pelas personagens na produção humorística contrapõem os discursos religioso, médico e patriarcal, permitindo uma reflexão a respeito das cristalizações sobre o que é ser gay.

  5. Exploring the Relationship between Humor and Aesthetic Experience (United States)

    Gordon, Mordechai


    The connection between humor and aesthetic experience has already been recognized by several thinkers and aesthetic educators. For instance, humor theorist John Morreall writes that "humor is best understood as itself a kind of aesthetic experience, equal in value at least to any other kind of aesthetic experience." For Morreall, both humor and…

  6. Benefits of humor in reduction of threat-induced anxiety. (United States)

    Yovetich, N A; Dale, J A; Hudak, M A


    The benefits of humor in reducing anxiety were investigated in a laboratory study, in which subjects were falsely led to believe that they would receive a shock in 12 min. Participants were 53 undergraduate students with either high or low sense of humor as measured by the Situational Humor Response Questionnaire of Martin and Lefcourt (1984). During the anticipatory period, subjects listened to either a humorous tape, a nonhumorous tape, or no tape. Dependent variables were repeated measures of self-reported anxiety, heart rate, and zygomatic facial activity. Anxiety increased over the anticipatory period, as predicted. A significant interaction between condition and time indicated that subjects from the humor condition consistently rated themselves as less anxious and reported less increase in stress as the shock approached. A three-way interaction concentrating on the final 3 min. indicated a tendency for subjects with low sense of humor to have higher heart rates in the no-tape condition than in the humorous or nonhumorous tape conditions. Analysis for zygomatic activity indicated more smiling by subjects with high sense of humor and by subjects in the humor condition. Also, the humorous tape elicited more smiling by subjects with high sense of humor.

  7. Evaluación de los cebadores TS3 e ITS4 para la detección de infecciones por Candida spp. en muestras de flujo vaginal y humor acuoso Evaluation of ITS3 and ITS4 primers for detection of Candida spp. Candida spp. infections from vaginal samples and aqueous humor

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    Juan Felipe Ramirez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. Los métodos convencionales para a identificación de levaduras del género Candida requieren mucho tiempo, necesitan cantidad importante de la muestra y, en muchos casos, es necesario realizar cultivo. Objetivos. Evaluar un par de cebadores para la identificación de levaduras del género Candida y demostrar su potencial aplicación para el diagnóstico de infecciones intraoculares. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizaron 17 cepas de referencia, 29 aislamientos clínicos de flujo vaginal, 7 muestras de humor acuoso y una de humor vítreo. Evaluamos tres métodos para el rompimiento de la pared celular: congelación descongelación, sonicación, y la enzima liticasa. Para la purificación del ácido nucleico, se utilizó en los tres casos el estuche comercial Wizard Genomics; en la reacción de PCR, el estuche comercial Go Taq Green Master Mix y los iniciadores ITS3 e ITS4 a una concentración de 0,5 µM. Resultados. De los tres métodos el que mejor resultados ofreció fue el uso de enzima liticasa más el estuche comercial. Con los iniciadores ITS3 e ITS4 fue posible identificar las levaduras únicamente a nivel de género y no se presentó reacción cruzada con otros microorganismos comúnmente encontrados en diferentes muestras de tejido humano. La sensibilidad fue de 100 fg. Se lograron identificar por PCR todos los aislamientos a partir de flujo vaginal y de una muestra de humor acuso. Para las demás muestras de humor acuoso el diagnóstico fue para otros agentes causales, entre ellos, Toxoplasma sp. Conclusión. Consideramos que ésta es una metodología adecuada, la cual permite identificar levaduras del género Candida con gran sensibilidad y reproducibilidad.Background. Conventional methods for Candida identification are time consuming, require high amounts of the sample and in several cases the culture is mandatory. Aims. To evaluate two primers for the identification of Candida and to demonstrate their application for

  8. Produção gráfica humorística, imprensa esportiva e estereótipo: as narrativas de Maciota, na revista Placar

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    Ana Cristina Carmelino

    Full Text Available Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar traços estereotípicos associados à identidade brasileira, a partir de produções gráficas de humor publicadas na imprensa esportiva brasileira. Criadas por Paulo Paiva e publicadas na revista esportiva Placar, as narrativas do personagem Maciota foram pouco estudadas no país. As histórias ficcionais apresentam situações vividas por um antiatleta no contexto do futebol. Considera-se que certos traços estereotípicos tanto podem auxiliar na produção do humor e na consolidação do antiatleta quanto podem reforçar a construção de uma das identidades brasileiras: a malandragem. Dada a natureza do estudo, a fundamentação teórica estabelece um diálogo interdisciplinar entre as áreas da imprensa esportiva, do humor gráfico e da análise do discurso. O corpus de análise compreende 140 histórias sobre o personagem, publicadas na revista Placar de 1980 a 1983.

  9. Effectiveness of humor advertising on advertising success


    S, venkatesh; N, senthilkumar


    In global advertising ‘humor’ is the most effective emotion used in advertising compared to other emotional appeals. Advertisers and researchers more interested in Humor in advertising for more than 100 years. But there is no review paper for Impact of humor in advertising till twenty two years of time, in between period there was lot of research outcomes published about humor in advertising. The purpose of this paper to get detailed review about Impact of humor in advertising for 40 years an...

  10. LOL Teacher! Using Humor to Enhance Student Learning (United States)

    Terrell, Shelly


    Laughing with students can help them connect on a deeper level with the teacher and the learning. This article offers the following four strategies to incorporate humor into teaching: (1) Integrate humorous bits to boost engagement; (2) Choose humorous materials; (3) Create interest with humorous web tools and apps; and (4) Teach with silly…

  11. Humor as Wisdom for Reframing Life. (United States)

    Lee, Sang Uk


    Human beings inevitably experience anxiety but attempt to avoid facing it through various forms of self-deception. This avoidance can lead to pathological symptoms. Young and middle-aged adults may be especially susceptible to suffering from anxiety because they are often single-mindedly pursuing means of achieving security. For these and others who fail to embrace life with warm enthusiasm, humor can serve to alleviate stress. This article views humor as a characteristic disposition of older adults-their humor signifying a sense of integrity and wisdom that often accompanies the aging process. Humor binds together feelings of despair and joy and contributes to a faithful reframing of faith and life. This article proposes that individuals acquire humor by perceiving the world as if on a journey to an exotic new place, seeing with new eyes even the most mundane of everyday objects and events. This capacity to perceive beauty in the ordinary world reflects a wisdom of older adults potentially available even to the young.

  12. Humor gráfico y comprensión de deseos

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    Mónica Roncancio Moreno


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como propósito documentar la comprensión de los deseos a partir de dos aproximaciones: situaciones que utilizan el humor gráfico y situaciones clásicas de preferencias con niños entre 2.8 y 3 años. Se trabaja con el método microgenético combinado con un estudio en series de tiempo durante 10 sesiones de aplicación (dos meses y medio. Se realizan dos tipos de análisis, uno intragrupo y uno intraindividual que permite capturar los diversos caminos por los cuales transitan los niños al enfrentarse a las tareas. Los resultados arrojan la identificación de tres tendencias en los desempeños: estable, descendente y ascendente. Igualmente, se pone en evidencia la importancia de trabajar otras vías para el estudio de los procesos cognitivos en términos metodológicos y se confirma el humor gráfico como alternativa para el estudio de los estados mentales.

  13. Preface to Computational Humor 2012

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Unknown, [Unknown; Nijholt, Antinus; Nijholt, A.


    Like its predecessors in 1996 (University of Twente, the Netherlands) and 2002 (ITC-irst, Trento, Italy), this Third International Workshop on Computational Humor (IWCH 2012) focusses on the possibility to find algorithms that allow understanding and generation of humor. There is the general aim of

  14. “Olhar o mar como anfíbio”: humor e política em Luiz Rettamozo

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    Everton de Oliveira Moraes


    Full Text Available O artista gaúcho Luiz Carlos Rettamozo atuou intensamente na cena cultural curitibana da década de 1970. Da capital paranaense, Rettamozo buscou participar de uma movimentação que ocorria no Brasil naquele momento, isto é, aquela de um conjunto de poetas, músicos e artistas plásticos que Eduardo Viveiros de Castro sintetizou ao chamar de “tropical-concreta”. Tal movimentação foi vivenciada por uma geração que tinha no humor, entendido de forma ampla, como poética e não apenas como atitude cômica, um modo privilegiado de atuação, uma espécie de “arte das artes”, que permitia jogar com os paradoxos, ambiguidades e avessos da sociedade brasileira. O que interessa apontar neste artigo, por meio da análise da temporalidade própria de alguns dos cartuns e experimentações visuais de Rettamozo, é precisamente o modo como o artista buscou investir no humor não apenas como forma de contestação política à ditadura militar, então instalada no país, mas também como modo de desativar os dispositivos de poder postos para funcionar tanto pelo Estado como pelo mercado, que perpassavam a vida cotidiana brasileira, produzindo um clima de “sufoco”.   Palavras-chave: Rettamozo; Humor; Tempo; Política.

  15. Del texto literario a la imagen cinematográfica: humor y terror en La torre de los siete jorobados

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    Mohamed Ben Slama


    Full Text Available El presente ensayo estudia dos posturas diferentes a la hora de afrontar el reto de combinar lo humorístico y lo terrorífico en una misma obra: la literaria y la cinematográfica. En La torre de los siete jorobados, tanto el escritor, Emilio Carrere, como el director de cine, Edgar Neville, no renuncian a sus armas al tratar de transmitir a sus respectivos receptores dos sensaciones tan opuestas como son el terror y el humor. Sin embargo, sus enfoques a la hora de combinar estos dos elementos son diferentes: si en la novela el humor está al servicio del terror, en la película se produce un intercambio de papeles: el terror es el que está al servicio del humor. Así pues, el objetivo principal de este estudio es demostrar que la adaptación cinematográfica puede conservar perfectamente el espíritu de la obra original sin, por ello, tener que ser una simple réplica. En esto consiste la labor del cineasta.

  16. Respuesta inmune de células T en leishmaniosis cutánea immune response of T cells in cutaneous leishmaniosis

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    Pablo Javier Patiño Grajales


    Full Text Available El papel de las sub poblaciones de células TCD4+, Th1 y Th2, ha sido bien estudiado en la infección por Leishmania major en el modelo murino experimental. Las cepas singénicas de ratones que desarrollan el fenotipo Th1 (células que secretan principalmente IL-2, IFN-y y TNF-!3 son resistentes a la infección por este protozoo. En contraste, las que desarrollan el fenotipo Th2 (células que secretan principalmente IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10 e IL-13 son susceptibles a ella. Los estudios recientes indican que la IL-4 es una señal esencial en la estimulación primaria y maduración de las células Th2, mientras que IL-12 permite la maduración de las células Th1. Adicionalmente, IL.4 e IFN-y ejercen efectos reguladores opuestos sobre las células Th1 y Th2 respectivamente. Por otra parte, varios estudios han establecido claramente que la subpoblación de linfocitos TCD8+ también contribuye a la resolución de la enfermedad y la resistencia contra la reinfección en leishmaniosis cutánea. En los humanos, aunque la respuesta inmune dirigida contra el parásito es menos polarizada que en el ratón, se ha evidenciado una clara tendencia hacia la producción del fenotipo Th1 en las formas menos severas de la enfermedad. La identificación de subpoblaciones de células T humanas que se correlacionen con susceptibilidad o resistencia a la infección podría ayudar al desarrollo de ensayos in vitro para identificar antígenos de Leishmania que estimulen una respuesta inmune protectora y que puedan evaluarse como candidatos en el desarrollo de una vacuna capaz de controlar la infección. The role of TCD4+ cell subsets, Th1 and Th2, has been studied in the infection by Leishmania major in the murine model. The development of the Th1 phenotype in inbred strains of mice (cells that mainly secrete IL.2, IFN.y and TNF.13 are associated with resistance to L. major infection. In contrast, Th2 phenotype (cells that mainly secrete IL.4, IL.5, IL.6, IL.10 and IL

  17. The Neural Correlates of Humor Creativity


    Amir, Ori; Biederman, Irving


    Unlike passive humor appreciation, the neural correlates of real-time humor creation have been unexplored. As a case study for creativity, humor generation uniquely affords a reliable assessment of a creative product’s quality with a clear and relatively rapid beginning and end, rendering it amenable to neuroimaging that has the potential for reflecting individual differences in expertise. Professional and amateur “improv” comedians and controls viewed New Yorker cartoon drawings while being ...

  18. Humor styles and symbolic boundaries

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kuipers, G.


    Humor is strongly related to group boundaries. Jokes and other humorous utterances often draw on implicit references and inside knowledge; they tend to refer to sensitive topics which may offend people; and they ideally incite laughter, one of the strongest markers of social solidarity and emotional

  19. Strategically Funny: Romantic Motives Affect Humor Style in Relationship Initiation. (United States)

    DiDonato, Theresa E; Jakubiak, Brittany K


    Not all humor is the same, yet little is known about the appeal of specific humor styles in romantic initiation. The current experimental study addresses this gap by investigating how romantic motives (short-term or long-term) affect individuals' anticipated use of, and response to, positive humor and negative humor. Heterosexual participants (n = 224) imagined the pursuit of either a desired short-term or long-term relationship, indicated the extent to which they would produce positive and negative humor, and reported how their own interest would change in response to the imaginary target's use of positive or negative humor. Results revealed that individuals are strategic in their humor production as a function of relational motives. Individuals produced positive humor in both contexts but limited their use of negative humor when pursuing a long-term relationship. The target's positive humor increased individuals' attraction, especially women's, and although negative humor boosted attraction, it did not boost attraction more for short-term than long-term relationships. Findings extend a trait-indicator model of humor and their implications are discussed in light of other theoretical perspectives.

  20. Can the use of humor in psychotherapy be taught? (United States)

    Valentine, Lisa; Gabbard, Glen O


    Despite an abundance of literature detailing the potential benefits of the use of humor in therapy, humor is rarely taught to psychiatric residents as a method of therapeutic intervention. This communication attempts to explain how current understanding of attachment theory and neuroscience may assist psychiatric faculty and supervisors in their teaching of humorous therapeutic interventions. This article reviews and synthesizes the extant literature on the use of humor, as well as recent work in neuroscience, attachment theory, and mentalization. Humor can be conceptualized as an instance of implicit relational knowing and may thus contribute significantly to the therapeutic action of psychotherapy as a subcategory of "moments of meeting" between therapist and patient. However, training residents to use humor in psychotherapy requires more individualized attention in supervision and classroom seminars. Factors such as individual proclivities for humorous repartee, mentalizing capacity, and an authentic interest in adding humor to the session may be necessary to incorporate spontaneous humor into one's technique. New findings from the areas of attachment theory, neuroscience, and right-hemisphere learning are providing potential opportunities for sophisticated teaching of the use of humor in psychotherapy.

  1. Humor During Clinical Practice: Analysis of Recorded Clinical Encounters. (United States)

    Phillips, Kari A; Singh Ospina, Naykky; Rodriguez-Gutierrez, Rene; Castaneda-Guarderas, Ana; Gionfriddo, Michael R; Branda, Megan; Montori, Victor


    Little is known about humor's use in clinical encounters, despite its many potential benefits. We aimed to describe humor during clinical encounters. We analyzed 112 recorded clinical encounters. Two reviewers working independently identified instances of humor, as well as information surrounding the logistics of its use. Of the 112 encounters, 66 (59%) contained 131 instances of humor. Humor was similarly frequent in primary care (36/61, 59%) and in specialty care (30/51, 59%), was more common in gender-concordant interactions (43/63, 68%), and was most common during counseling (81/112, 62%). Patients and clinicians introduced humor similarly (63 vs 66 instances). Typically, humor was about the patient's medical condition (40/131, 31%). Humor is used commonly during counseling to discuss the patient's medical condition and to relate to general life events bringing warmth to the medical encounter. The timing and topic of humor and its use by all parties suggests humor plays a role in the social connection between patients and physicians and allows easier discussion of difficult topics. Further research is necessary to establish its impact on clinicians, patients, and outcomes. © Copyright 2018 by the American Board of Family Medicine.

  2. Children’s Understanding of Self-Focused Humor Styles (United States)

    James, Lucy Amelia; Fox, Claire Louise


    It has been proposed that four main styles of humor exist, two which are thought to be adaptive (affiliative, self-enhancing) and two which are thought to be maladaptive (aggressive, self-defeating). Whilst the existence of these four humor styles has been supported in older children, it is suggested that for younger children, self-enhancing and self-defeating humor may develop at a later point. To investigate this further, the current research involved five semi-structured paired interviews with children aged eight to eleven years to explore the use and understanding of self-enhancing and self-defeating humor in this age group. Findings indicated that use of both self-enhancing and self-defeating humor were apparent in some children, but not all. It therefore seems appropriate that attempts to investigate humor in this age group should aim to include all four styles of humor. The current research also demonstrated the value of paired interviews when carrying out this sort of research with children. PMID:27547258

  3. Linguistic Features of Humor in Academic Writing (United States)

    Skalicky, Stephen; Berger, Cynthia M.; Crossley, Scott A.; McNamara, Danielle S.


    A corpus of 313 freshman college essays was analyzed in order to better understand the forms and functions of humor in academic writing. Human ratings of humor and wordplay were statistically aggregated using Factor Analysis to provide an overall "Humor" component score for each essay in the corpus. In addition, the essays were also…

  4. Hepatitis inmune temprana en el curso del síndrome de Sjögren en pediatría


    Baar Z., Alejandro; Harris D., Paul; Talesnik G., Eduardo; Duarte G. de C., Ignacio


    La hepatitis inmune corresponde a una enfermedad necroinflamatoria del hígado, de causa desconocida, asociada a la presencia de autoanticuerpos circulantes. Puede presentarse aisladamente, o en asociación a otras enfermedades autoinmunes. Entre estas, destaca el síndrome de Sjögren, que compromete preferentemente a las glándulas salivales, aunque puede afectar a cualquier segmento del tubo digestivo, especialmente el hígado. Reportamos el caso de una niña de 12 años de edad, portadora de Sínd...

  5. Strategically Funny: Romantic Motives Affect Humor Style in Relationship Initiation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Theresa E. DiDonato


    Full Text Available Not all humor is the same, yet little is known about the appeal of specific humor styles in romantic initiation. The current experimental study addresses this gap by investigating how romantic motives (short-term or long-term affect individuals’ anticipated use of, and response to, positive humor and negative humor. Heterosexual participants (n = 224 imagined the pursuit of either a desired short-term or long-term relationship, indicated the extent to which they would produce positive and negative humor, and reported how their own interest would change in response to the imaginary target’s use of positive or negative humor. Results revealed that individuals are strategic in their humor production as a function of relational motives. Individuals produced positive humor in both contexts but limited their use of negative humor when pursuing a long-term relationship. The target’s positive humor increased individuals’ attraction, especially women’s, and although negative humor boosted attraction, it did not boost attraction more for short-term than long-term relationships. Findings extend a trait-indicator model of humor and their implications are discussed in light of other theoretical perspectives.

  6. An Explanation of the Relationship between Instructor Humor and Student Learning: Instructional Humor Processing Theory (United States)

    Wanzer, Melissa B.; Frymier, Ann B.; Irwin, Jeffrey


    This paper proposes the Instructional Humor Processing Theory (IHPT), a theory that incorporates elements of incongruity-resolution theory, disposition theory, and the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) of persuasion. IHPT is proposed and offered as an explanation for why some types of instructor-generated humor result in increased student…

  7. Identificación de proteínas que interaccionan con CypA, CypB y FKBP12 y su implicación en la toxicidad renal producida por los inmunosupresores CsA y FK506


    Suñé Rodríguez, Guillermo


    La Ciclosporina A (CsA) es un fármaco inmunosupresor que ha supuesto una revolución en el trasplante de órganos. A pesar de sus propiedades anti-inflamatorias, su uso se ha visto limitado por los efectos tóxicos que causa en algunos pacientes. La CsA inhibe la trascripción de genes involucrados en el sistema inmune. Se cree que esta inhibición es la causante de los efectos tóxicos producidos por el fármaco. El modo de acción de CsA está mediado por la unión de sus principales receptores intra...

  8. Humor and laughter in patients with cerebellar degeneration. (United States)

    Frank, B; Propson, B; Göricke, S; Jacobi, H; Wild, B; Timmann, D


    Humor is a complex behavior which includes cognitive, affective and motor responses. Based on observations of affective changes in patients with cerebellar lesions, the cerebellum may support cerebral and brainstem areas involved in understanding and appreciation of humorous stimuli and expression of laughter. The aim of the present study was to examine if humor appreciation, perception of humorous stimuli, and the succeeding facial reaction differ between patients with cerebellar degeneration and healthy controls. Twenty-three adults with pure cerebellar degeneration were compared with 23 age-, gender-, and education-matched healthy control subjects. No significant difference in humor appreciation and perception of humorous stimuli could be found between groups using the 3 Witz-Dimensionen Test, a validated test asking for funniness and aversiveness of jokes and cartoons. Furthermore, while observing jokes, humorous cartoons, and video sketches, facial expressions of subjects were videotaped and afterwards analysed using the Facial Action Coding System. Using depression as a covariate, the number, and to a lesser degree, the duration of facial expressions during laughter were reduced in cerebellar patients compared to healthy controls. In sum, appreciation of humor appears to be largely preserved in patients with chronic cerebellar degeneration. Cerebellar circuits may contribute to the expression of laughter. Findings add to the literature that non-motor disorders in patients with chronic cerebellar disease are generally mild, but do not exclude that more marked disorders may show up in acute cerebellar disease and/or in more specific tests of humor appreciation.

  9. [Humor in Medicine - The Art of Leaping Over the Shadows]. (United States)

    Wild, Barbara


    Humor and laughter are integral parts of human life and communication - and so of course they occur in medical contacts.Humor is defined as a personality based cognitive emotional style of processing situations, characterized by the ability to find positive aspects even in negative situations, and the ability to communicate this point of view to others and to cheer them up. Humor can support healing processes and coping with illness. Humor and jokes reduce anxiety and stress (for patients and doctors). Humorous people have a more realistic, flexible and less fearful behaviour. Humor helps to overcome negative experience. Humor can help the patient to gain new views towards the disease and a healthy distance towards occurring symptoms. Humor improves the relationship between patient and doctor. But beware: jokes can also be used to express fears, aggression or shame. Therefore it is worthwhile to listen carefully to what patients want to express. Humor reduces the risk of burnout. In contact with patients, it is important to give their humor room, to use it and respond to it, more than making jokes. Humor can be trained. Humor training and creation of a humorous atmosphere in health care facilities should also be supported by health insurance funds, institutions' sponsors and public authorities. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  10. ¿Con humor se explica y se aprende una lengua mejor?

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    Ricard Morant


    Full Text Available Normal 0 21 false false false ES X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Tabla normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:10.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:115%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} En el siguiente artículo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre la importancia del humor como estrategia didáctica. Para plantear si “el enseñar contento y el aprender con alegría” pueden aumentar la eficacia en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje presentaremos en el primer apartado las ideas de partida, mostraremos cómo a pesar de las múltiples ventajas que puede aportar el humor a las aulas, se omite su empleo por la existencia de ciertos prejuicios y temores. Seguidamente, y a modo de ejemplo, expondremos, un tema, el tabú lingüístico, en clave de humor con el propósito de acabar planteando si el género humorístico beneficia o perjudica la práctica docente al hablar sobre una lengua o al tratar de enseñarla.

  11. Changes to the Aqueous Humor Proteome during Glaucoma. (United States)

    Kaeslin, Martha Andrea; Killer, Hanspeter Ezriel; Fuhrer, Cyril Adrian; Zeleny, Nauke; Huber, Andreas Robert; Neutzner, Albert


    To investigate the aqueous humor proteome in patients with glaucoma and a control group. Aqueous humor was obtained from five human donors diagnosed with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and five age- and sex-matched controls undergoing cataract surgery. Quantitative proteome analysis of the aqueous humor by hyper reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (HRM-MS) based on SWATH technology was performed. Expression levels of 87 proteins were found to be different between glaucomatous and control aqueous humor. Of the 87 proteins, 34 were significantly upregulated, whereas 53 proteins were downregulated in the aqueous humor from glaucoma patients compared to controls. Differentially expressed proteins were found to be involved in cholesterol-related, inflammatory, metabolic, antioxidant as well as proteolysis-related processes. Glaucoma leads to profound changes to the aqueous humor proteome consistent with an altered metabolic state, an inflammatory response and impaired antioxidant defense.

  12. Designed and Accidental Humor in the Smart Digital Wild

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Anton; Ruiz Miyares, L.

    Humor can be designed and canned, for example as it appears in videogames, sitcoms or amusement parks. We often have humor professionals that have responsibility for this inclusion of humor. Humor can be designed for a particular occasion, for example in an April prank. However, in real life we

  13. Antígenos leucocitarios humanos y su asociación con resistencia/susceptibilidad a la infección por el VIH-1 = Human leukocyte antigens associated to resistance/susceptibility to HIV infection

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rugeles López, María Teresa


    Full Text Available El curso clínico de la infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana tipo 1 es un proceso variable y complejo que depende de componentes virales y del hospedero. En la mayoría de los individuos infectados, la respuesta inmune generada en las fases iniciales de la infección logra controlar la replicación viral por mecanismos efectores innatos, de anticuerpos neutralizantes específicos y particularmente de la actividad de los linfocitos T CD8+ (LT CD8+. A pesar de generarse una respuesta inmune específica, esta se vuelve ineficaz en las etapas crónicas de la infección debido a cambios en los péptidos virales blanco, los cuales conducen a una pérdida del reconocimiento del antígeno presentado; dichos cambios son dados por la baja fidelidad de la transcriptasa reversa y la selección de cuasi-especies por la presión inmunológica. Durante la activación de los LT CD8+ es importante la señal ejercida por el péptido viral, el cual se presenta en el contexto de una molécula del complejo mayor de histocompatibilidad clase I (CMH-I. Estudios de correlación entre el CMH-I y la resistencia/susceptibilidad (R/S al VIH se han centrado en cuatro aspectos: 1 la expresión de alelos específicos; 2 el grado de homocigocidad/heterocigocidad; 3 la exposición a diversos aloantígenos; 4 la relación con receptores KIR. En esta revisión se aborda el fenómeno de resistencia/susceptibilidad a la infección por el VIH-I relacionado con el CMH-I, cuyo entendimiento favorecerá el desarrollo de herramientas novedosas de intervención terapéutica.

  14. A Pragmatic Study of Humor (United States)

    Ibraheem, Sura Dhiaa; Abbas, Nawal Fadhil


    Linguistically speaking, the concept of humor, which seems to be vast for people, has specific dimensions by which it is generated including: puns, irony, sarcasm, wittiness, and contrastive utterances in relation to the speakers of those utterances. It is about how the extra linguistics elements dominate the situation and the delivery of humor.…

  15. Differential effects of self-esteem and interpersonal competence on humor styles (United States)

    McCosker, Bernadette; Moran, Carmen C


    Background In contrast with an early implicit “facilitative hypothesis” of humor, a revised specificity hypothesis predicts that the benefits of humor depend on the specific style of humor used. Information on predictors of these humor styles in turn enhances the ability to predict the effect on well-being. Methods We examined the relationships between interpersonal competence, self-esteem, and different styles of humor, while also examining the contributions of age and gender. Participants (n = 201) aged 18–63 years completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory, the Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire, and the Humor Styles Questionnaire, and gave demographic information. Results High self-esteem was associated with higher use of affiliative, aggressive, and self-enhancing humor styles, but lower use of self-defeating humor. High interpersonal competence predicted greater use of affiliative humor, whereas low interpersonal competence predicted greater use of aggressive humor. Further analyses showed that initiation competence predicted affiliative humor (positively) but both initiation competence (positively) and conflict management competence (negatively) predicted aggressive humor. Conclusion The findings that both self-esteem and initiation competence contribute to use of aggressive humor add to knowledge of who is likely to use this potentially harmful humor style. We conclude that a readiness to initiate humorous interactions is not on its own a general and positive attribute contributing to “good” humor. PMID:23180973

  16. Spass Verstehen, Zur Pragmatik von konversationellem Humor

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekmann, Bjørn


    Spøg, Humor, Komik, Ironi, Kommunikationsteori, Hermeneutik, Gruppedynamik, Logik, Tekstlingvistik......Spøg, Humor, Komik, Ironi, Kommunikationsteori, Hermeneutik, Gruppedynamik, Logik, Tekstlingvistik...

  17. Angustia y humor en Papelucho de Marcela Paz




    Los estudios clásicos sobre el humor identifican una interrelación estrecha entre humor y angustia. En la serie narrativa Papelucho, esta interacción es constante en la trama de las distintas novelas. Este trabajo describe la interacción entre humor y angustia que se da en la obra y reflexiona sobre su sentido. Se concluye que la serie propone el humor como estrategia para enfrentar los hechos angustiantes ineludibles en la vida.

  18. Changes to the Aqueous Humor Proteome during Glaucoma.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martha Andrea Kaeslin

    Full Text Available To investigate the aqueous humor proteome in patients with glaucoma and a control group.Aqueous humor was obtained from five human donors diagnosed with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG and five age- and sex-matched controls undergoing cataract surgery. Quantitative proteome analysis of the aqueous humor by hyper reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (HRM-MS based on SWATH technology was performed.Expression levels of 87 proteins were found to be different between glaucomatous and control aqueous humor. Of the 87 proteins, 34 were significantly upregulated, whereas 53 proteins were downregulated in the aqueous humor from glaucoma patients compared to controls. Differentially expressed proteins were found to be involved in cholesterol-related, inflammatory, metabolic, antioxidant as well as proteolysis-related processes.Glaucoma leads to profound changes to the aqueous humor proteome consistent with an altered metabolic state, an inflammatory response and impaired antioxidant defense.

  19. Humor er en alvorlig sag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Søltoft, Pia


    I modsætning til ironi er humor for Kierkegaard fællesskabsgivende – ironikeren hævder sig selv, men humoristen har sympati med den, man ler med. Humor er hos Kierkegaard udtryk for, at humoristen forliger sig med tilværelsen og dens luner, og dermed grænser humoren hos Kierkegaard op til det...

  20. El humor en los servicios hospitalarios

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    Aguinaga Benítez Óscar William


    Full Text Available

    El humor es un fenómeno demasiado complejo para ser explicado fácilmente, sin embargo la risa, es una de las formas más admirables del comportamiento humano. El humor forma parte de nuestra vida cotidiana y todos tenemos de él, ya desde nuestra más tierna infancia un conocimiento intuitivo. Muchos saben que el humor mejora las relaciones humanas, puede favorecer una cierta distensión y facilita el bienestar de todos los miembros de una empresa, dirigentes, empleados y obreros. Muchos esperan encontrar en él la forma de resolver los conflictos y de reducir la agresividad. Allí donde se encuentren hombres, existe el humor, comprenderlo mejor y utilizarlo más libremente y en el momento oportuno, puede ayudarnos a hacer nuestra vida más agradable.

  1. Differential effects of self-esteem and interpersonal competence on humor styles

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    McCosker B


    Full Text Available Bernadette McCosker, Carmen C MoranSchool of Psychology, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, AustraliaBackground: In contrast with an early implicit “facilitative hypothesis” of humor, a revised specificity hypothesis predicts that the benefits of humor depend on the specific style of humor used. Information on predictors of these humor styles in turn enhances the ability to predict the effect on well-being.Methods: We examined the relationships between interpersonal competence, self-esteem, and different styles of humor, while also examining the contributions of age and gender. Participants (n = 201 aged 18–63 years completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Inventory, the Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire, and the Humor Styles Questionnaire, and gave demographic information.Results: High self-esteem was associated with higher use of affiliative, aggressive, and self-enhancing humor styles, but lower use of self-defeating humor. High interpersonal competence predicted greater use of affiliative humor, whereas low interpersonal competence predicted greater use of aggressive humor. Further analyses showed that initiation competence predicted affiliative humor (positively but both initiation competence (positively and conflict management competence (negatively predicted aggressive humor.Conclusion: The findings that both self-esteem and initiation competence contribute to use of aggressive humor add to knowledge of who is likely to use this potentially harmful humor style. We conclude that a readiness to initiate humorous interactions is not on its own a general and positive attribute contributing to “good” humor.Keywords: self-esteem, interpersonal competence, humor styles, differential effects

  2. Appreciation of humor is decreased among patients with Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Thaler, Avner; Posen, Jennie; Giladi, Nir; Manor, Yael; Mayanz, Connie; Mirelman, Anat; Gurevich, Tanya


    To test whether appreciation of humor might be a non-motor function affected by Parkinson's disease (PD). Thirty-nine PD patients and 38 healthy controls participated in this study. Appreciation of humor and effect of the presentation method utilized were assessed. Sense of humor was evaluated by the sense of humor questionnaire (SHQ-6). Humor appreciation was tested using three methods of presentation: videos, audio sketches and pictorial cartoons, each portraying both obvious and non-obvious humor content. Depression, anxiety, cognition, disease severity and quality of life were measured by standardized questionnaires and correlated with humor outcomes. Patients with PD rated humor content lower than controls on every method of presentation as well as on the SHQ-6 (p = 0.004). The greatest between-group difference was noted when the material was presented visually via pictorial cartoons (p < 0.0001). In addition, obvious humor content was rated higher than non-obvious content by the PD group in all three presentation methods (p < 0.05). The degree of depression and anxiety did not influence these results. Patients with PD have a decreased sense of humor compared to healthy controls. Utilizing audio methods of presentation and humor in an obvious mode appears to be the preferred approach for eliciting responses to humor in a PD population. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Sonografía de bazo y timo como elemento evaluador de la respuesta inmune en niños con infecciones recurrentes

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    Jesús Rabaza


    Full Text Available El bazo es un órgano linfoide secundario. Dentro de sus funciones encontramos la formación de anticuerpos de clase IgM e IgG, fundamentalmente, y la fagocitosis de bacterias encapsuladas. Nos propusimos mensurar las dimensiones del bazo en niños con infecciones recurrentes, con el propósito de describirlas como marcador diagnóstico y explorar la probable relación existente entre las características tímicas y las dimensiones del bazo. Se estudiaron 81 pacientes que acudieron a la consulta de inmunología del hospital materno infantil "Dr. Ángel Arturo Aballí Arellano" por infecciones recurrentes, en las edades entre 8 meses y 9 años. Se excluyeron todos los niños con valor nutricional menor del tercer percentil, los que habían consumido esteroides en los 45 días anteriores, así como diversas enfermedades agudas y crónicas que cursan con aumento o disminución del volumen del bazo. Las áreas tímica y esplénica fueron medidas por ecografía mediastinal y abdominal. La longitud, el índice esplénico y el peso fueron menores en los pacientes con infecciones recurrentes, siendo este hallazgo significativo para el grupo de 12 a 23 meses de edad. El peso y el índice esplénico fueron menores en niños con depleción del área tímica. Todo parece indicar que la evaluación sonográfica del bazo es muy importante en los pacientes comprendidos entre 1 y 2 años de edad y en aquellos que presentan depleción del área tímica, pacientes estos que por encontrarse en edades donde se administran las vacunas programadas en el Esquema Cubano de Inmunización y tener afectado un órgano central de la respuesta inmune podrían presentar una respuesta deficitaria y requerir esquemas especiales.

  4. Angustia y humor en Papelucho de Marcela Paz

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    Full Text Available Los estudios clásicos sobre el humor identifican una interrelación estrecha entre humor y angustia. En la serie narrativa Papelucho, esta interacción es constante en la trama de las distintas novelas. Este trabajo describe la interacción entre humor y angustia que se da en la obra y reflexiona sobre su sentido. Se concluye que la serie propone el humor como estrategia para enfrentar los hechos angustiantes ineludibles en la vida.

  5. Humor in Human-Computer Interaction : A Short Survey

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Anton; Niculescu, Andreea; Valitutti, Alessandro; Banchs, Rafael E.; Joshi, Anirudha; Balkrishan, Devanuj K.; Dalvi, Girish; Winckler, Marco


    This paper is a short survey on humor in human-computer interaction. It describes how humor is designed and interacted with in social media, virtual agents, social robots and smart environments. Benefits and future use of humor in interactions with artificial entities are discussed based on

  6. Humor Styles and Leadership Styles: Community College Presidents (United States)

    Carrica, Jennifer L.


    The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between leadership styles (transformational, transactional, laissez-faire) and humor styles (affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, self-defeating) of community college presidents. Research has shown that humor and leadership styles are related and that humor may enhance interpersonal…

  7. Adult Playfulness, Humor Styles, and Subjective Happiness. (United States)

    Yue, Xiao D; Leung, Chun-Lok; Hiranandani, Neelam A


    Playfulness has been referred to as a disposition that involves reframing a situation to amuse others and to make the situation more stimulating and enjoyable. It may serve to shift one's perspective when dealing with environmental threats. Despite all the benefits of playfulness towards psychological well-being, it remains a largely understudied subject in psychology, particularly in Chinese societies. Hence, this study examined the association between adult playfulness, humor styles, and subjective happiness among a sample of 166 university students in Hong Kong and 159 students in Guangzhou, who completed a self-administered questionnaire, including the Short Measure for Adult Playfulness, the Chinese Humor Styles Questionnaire, and the Subjective Happiness Scale. Results showed that adult playfulness was positively correlated with affiliative humor, self-enhancing humor, and subjective happiness in both Hong Kong and Guangzhou samples. By its implication, highly playful Chinese students preferred using affiliative and self-enhancing humor to amuse themselves and others. © The Author(s) 2016.

  8. Humor in intimate relationships Ties among sense of humor, similarity in humor and relationship quality

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Barelds, D.P.H.; Barelds-Dijkstra, P.


    The present study examined relations between different aspects of humor and relationship quality Participants 114 married or cohabiting heterosexual couples from the general community with a mean relationship length of 22 years completed a number of measures assessing these two themes We expected

  9. Mathematics and Humor: John Allen Paulos and the Numeracy Crusade

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    Paul H. Grawe


    Full Text Available John Allen Paulos at minimum gave the Numeracy movement a name through his book Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences. What may not be so obvious was Paulos’ strong interest in the relationship between mathematics and mathematicians on the one hand and humor and stand-up-comedian joke structures on the other. Innumeracy itself could be seen as a typically mathematical Gotcha joke on American culture generally. In this perspective, a Minnesotan acculturated to Minnesota-Nice Humor of Self-Immolation Proclivities (SImP looks at the more raw-boned, take-no-prisoners humor style Paulos outlined in Mathematics and Humor and implemented in Innumeracy. Despite the difference in humor styles, there is much to applaud in Paulos’ analysis of the relationship between certain types of humor and professional interests of mathematicians in Mathematics and Humor. Much humor relies on the sense of incongruity which Paulos’ claims to be central to all humor and key to mathematical reductio ad absurdum. Mathematics is rightfully famous for a sense of combinatorial playfulness in its most elegant proofs, as humor often relies on clashing combinations of word play. And a great range of mathematical lore is best understood within a concept of a sudden drop from one sense of certainty to another (essentially a Gotcha on the audience. Innumeracy repeatedly exemplifies Gotchas on the great unwashed and unmathematical majority. Extensive empirical evidence over the last quarter century allows us to synthesize these Paulos observations into the idea that inculcated mathematical humor has strong propensities to complex Intellectual, Advocate, and Crusader humor forms. However, the Paulos humors do not include the Sympathetic Pain humor form, the inclusion of which may increase teaching effectiveness.

  10. Humor Assessment and Interventions in Palliative Care: A Systematic Review

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    Lisa M. Linge-Dahl


    Full Text Available Background: The central goal of palliative care is to optimize the quality of life of patients suffering from life-limiting illnesses, which includes psychosocial and spiritual wellbeing. Research has demonstrated positive correlations between humor and laughter with life satisfaction and other aspects of wellbeing, and physiological symptoms can be improved by humorous stimuli.Objectives: The aim of this review is to evaluate humor interventions and assessments that have been applied in palliative care and to derive implications for future research.Methods: A systematic review of four databases identified 13 included studies. Criteria for inclusion were peer-reviewed English-language studies on humor interventions or assessments in a palliative care context.Results: Two studies on humor interventions and 11 studies on humor assessment were included in the systematic review. Most of these studies were about the patients' perspective on humor in palliative care. Findings showed that humor had a positive effect on patients, their relatives, and professional caregivers. Humor was widely perceived as appropriate and seen as beneficial to care in all studies.Conclusions: Even though humor interventions seem to be potentially useful in palliative care, descriptions evaluating their use are scarce. Overall, research on humor assessment and interventions in palliative care has remained limited in terms of quantity and quality. More research activities are needed to build a solid empirical foundation for implementing humor and laughter as part of regular palliative care activities.

  11. The Neural Correlates of Humor Creativity. (United States)

    Amir, Ori; Biederman, Irving


    Unlike passive humor appreciation, the neural correlates of real-time humor creation have been unexplored. As a case study for creativity, humor generation uniquely affords a reliable assessment of a creative product's quality with a clear and relatively rapid beginning and end, rendering it amenable to neuroimaging that has the potential for reflecting individual differences in expertise. Professional and amateur "improv" comedians and controls viewed New Yorker cartoon drawings while being scanned. For each drawing, they were instructed to generate either a humorous or a mundane caption. Greater comedic experience was associated with decreased activation in the striatum and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), but increased activation in temporal association regions (TMP). Less experienced comedians manifested greater activation of mPFC, reflecting their deliberate search through TMP association space. Professionals, by contrast, tend to reap the fruits of their spontaneous associations with reduced reliance on top-down guided search.

  12. Humor and Anxiety: Effects on Class Test Performance. (United States)

    Townsend, Michael A. R.; Mahoney, Peggy


    Measures of anxiety and achievement were obtained on a sample of undergraduate students. Highly anxious students had lower achievement on humorous tests. Students with low anxiety had higher achievement on humorous tests. Results indicate that humor is not a positive factor in reducing high anxiety associated with academic evaluations. (Author)

  13. Humor in Context: Fire Service and Joking Culture (United States)

    Moran, Larry; Roth, Gene


    Although theorizing about humor has occurred for several decades, scant research exists that examines humor in the broad context of human resource development. Humor exists in workplaces and it is historicized in the professional and organizational contexts of workers. This paper explores aspects of a joking culture within the specific work…

  14. Relación entre los niveles circulantes del factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina tipo I (IGF-I) y la expresión diferencial de genes relacionados con migración en células linfoides / Relatioship between circulating levels of insulin-like growth factor-I and differential expression of genes related to lymphoid cell migration


    Cuervo Escobar, Sergio Andrei


    A partir de investigaciones realizadas en los últimos años, se ha hecho evidente la comunicación bidireccional entre los sistemas inmune y endocrino. Existe un gran cuerpo de evidencia que sugiere que el eje conformado por la hormona de crecimiento (GH) y el factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina tipo I (IGF-I) tiene un papel importante en la funcionalidad del sistema inmune. Los efectos de estas hormonas sobre los diferentes tipos celulares y tejidos pueden darse por meca...

  15. Efeitos de humor no poema VIII de Catulo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Sérgio Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available Neste artigo apresenta-se uma contribuição ao estudo dos efeitos de humor no poema VIII de Catulo; de fato, além do metro dessa composição e de outros elementos criadores de distanciamento irônico que os estudiosos têm apontado, um outro aspecto de sua forma, ainda pouco percebido, guia a leitura para essa interpretação: o jogo, a maneira de anagrama imperfeito (o “hipograma”, ou, mais precisamente, “criptograma”, de Saussure, com os sons do nome da amada, aparentemente calado. E mais uma das maneiras com que o poeta elabora a jocosa diferença entre o que se diz e o que, sentido e reprimido, deixa-se, porém, transparecer.

  16. "A Nigger Joke":Black Humor in Toni Morrison's Sula

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    #%With irony at its core, black humor is a weapon for the powerless to fight against those in power. In Sula, Morrison ex-ploits irony to reveal the oppression that racism and sexism impose upon the black people. This paper mainly intends to explore the black humor in Sula from verbal humor, ridiculous events and distorted characters, and analyze the function of black humor.

  17. Humor Style and Motor Skills: Understanding Vulnerability to Bullying

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    Stephanie Plenty


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to examine the role of humor style and motor skills in vulnerability to bullying. 729 adults responded to the Humor Style Questionnaire (HSQ and items retrospectively addressing their motor skills and bullying experiences during childhood. Consistent with recent research, poorer motor skills were associated with a greater extent of having been bullied. An association between stronger motor skills and affiliative humor was found, lending support to a shared biological basis theory underlying social and motor competency processes. Most importantly, being bullied was associated with higher self-defeating humor and lower affiliative humor. This supports earlier theoretical work by Klein and Kuiper (2006 and highlights the role that humor styles play in social interactions that can promote positive peer acceptance and wellbeing.

  18. The Neural Correlates of Humor Creativity

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    Ori Amir


    Full Text Available Unlike passive humor appreciation, the neural correlates of real-time humor creation have been unexplored. As a case study for creativity, humor generation uniquely affords a reliable assessment of a creative product’s quality with a clear and relatively rapid beginning and end, rendering it amenable to neuroimaging that has the potential for reflecting individual differences in expertise. Professional and amateur improv comedians and controls viewed New Yorker cartoon drawings while being scanned. For each drawing, they were instructed to generate either a humorous or a mundane caption. Greater comedic experience was associated with decreased activation in the striatum and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC, but increased activation in temporal association regions (TMP. Less experienced comedians manifested greater activation of mPFC, reflecting their deliberate search through TMP association space. Professionals, by contrast, tend to reap the fruits of their spontaneous associations with reduced reliance on top-down guided search.

  19. The Neural Correlates of Humor Creativity (United States)

    Amir, Ori; Biederman, Irving


    Unlike passive humor appreciation, the neural correlates of real-time humor creation have been unexplored. As a case study for creativity, humor generation uniquely affords a reliable assessment of a creative product’s quality with a clear and relatively rapid beginning and end, rendering it amenable to neuroimaging that has the potential for reflecting individual differences in expertise. Professional and amateur “improv” comedians and controls viewed New Yorker cartoon drawings while being scanned. For each drawing, they were instructed to generate either a humorous or a mundane caption. Greater comedic experience was associated with decreased activation in the striatum and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), but increased activation in temporal association regions (TMP). Less experienced comedians manifested greater activation of mPFC, reflecting their deliberate search through TMP association space. Professionals, by contrast, tend to reap the fruits of their spontaneous associations with reduced reliance on top-down guided search. PMID:27932965

  20. Sense of humor at work: assessment and associations with health

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Doosje, S.


    This dissertation is about health-related sense of humor measurement and associations between a sense of humor and health. Two sense of humor measures were developed, the QOHC and the HCL. The QOHC measures four humorous coping styles, aimed at acquiring positive affective states: antecedent-focused

  1. Ozonoterapia coadyuva al tratamiento antirretroviral del SIDA. Caso clínico

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    Esteban Waliszewski Zamorano


    Full Text Available El ozono, se aplica en el tratamiento médico debido a sus propiedades como modulador inmune, antiséptico, por promover la angiogénesis, favorecer la formación de colágeno, liberación de citosinas y factores de crecimiento, regulación de hormonas endocrinas y desencadenar la formación de antioxidantes por el propio organismo, así como por inactivar virus. El VIH, es un virus que ataca principalmente el sistema inmune del humano dejándolo vulnerable ante muchos tipos de infecciones. A un paciente masculino de 23 años de edad con el cuadro clínico del Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida, se aplicó 120 µg de ozono cada tercer día en 18 ocasiones como la ozonoterapia, alternando la autohemoterapia y aplicación ozono por vía rectal. Al terminar el tratamiento, los análisis clínicos comparativos antes y después del tratamiento revelaron, que la ozonoterapia coadyuvó al tratamiento antirretroviral (TAR aplicado por el Sector Salud, logrando significativa mejoría en la cuenta viral y la respuesta inmune.

  2. Research on the Role of Humor in Well-Being and Health

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    Arnie Cann


    Full Text Available In this interview, Dr. Arnie Cann discusses his research and views on the ubiquitous role of humor in psychological health and well-being. The interview begins with Professor Cann recounting how he originally became interested in studying humor. He then reflects on the main findings associated with the wide variety of humor-related studies he has conducted over the years. In doing so, Dr. Cann provides suggestions and ideas for further research investigating the role of humor in health and well-being. Specific topic areas discussed include the use of humor in the workplace and other social domains, personality approaches to humor, humor and interpersonal processes, humor and psychopathology, and humor’s role in dealing with stress and well-being. One of the prominent themes in this interview is the clear recognition of sense of humor as a multi-dimensional construct that includes various components that may either be beneficial or detrimental to well-being. A further important theme is the major distinction between humor as an inherent personality construct versus humor that results from exposure to stimuli (e.g., a comedy film. Comments are also provided by Dr. Cann on how the positive affect stemming from humor may be of particular benefit to the individual. Also discussed is the recent move to more fully integrate contemporary humor research with positive psychology approaches. The interview concludes with Dr. Cann providing several recommendations regarding future theorizing and research on the role of humor in psychological well-being.


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    Pilar Gómez-Ruiz


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la dinámica de la respuesta humoral específica y la frecuencia de variantes del virus del PRRS en tres granjas con diferentes estrategias de control. Treinta cerdos en cada granja fueron estudiados. Los animales se muestrearon y los sueros se procesaron mediante ELISA y RT-PCR in tiempo real usando tecnología Sybr Green para detectar las variantes del virus del PRRS. La media de los valores de S/P, RT-PCR y temperatura de desnaturalización se compararon a los 21, 49, 77,105 y 160 días de edad. Los cerdos de las granja A fueron positivos a la prueba de ELISA en todas las edades; en la granja B los cerdos fueron positivos a los 77, 105 y 160 días de edad, y los cerdos de la granja C fueron positivos a los 105 y 160 días de edad. Las temperaturas de desnaturalización, mostraron cuatro diferentes tiempos de desnaturalización en cada granja, correspondiendo a cuatro tipos de virus: virus vacunal, inóculo y dos tipos silvestres de virus. En conclusión, las diferentes estrategias utilizadas en las granjas indujeron una respuesta inmune en la mayoría de los animales. En la granja A se obtuvieron las medias más altas de S/P. Las estrategias de control no evitaron la presencia de variantes del virus del PRRS por lo que pudieran representar un riesgo para la población animal.

  4. Humor and Competence in School-aged Children. (United States)

    Masten, Ann S.


    Measures humor appreciation (including mirth, subjective ratings, and response sets), comprehension, and production in children between the ages of 10 and 14. Relates humor to several areas of competence manifested at school. (HOD)

  5. Cultures of (Un)happiness: Teaching, Schooling, and Light and Dark Humor (United States)

    Bullough, Robert V., Jr.


    The author explores humor during a time of increasingly hostile accountability measures directed toward educators. Drawing on incongruity and other theories of humor, he explores both "light" and "dark" humor and some aspects of the educational potential and power of humor. Noting how humor is related to creativity and problem management, the…

  6. [Humor at Work Questionnaire - Polish adaptation of Humor Climate Questionnaire (HCQ)]. (United States)

    Stańczak, Aleksander; Drabek, Marcin


    The aim of the paper is to present the Polish adaptation of the Humor Climate Questionnaire (HCQ), designed to measure humor as organizational climate feature. The authors employed back-translation and independent judges method to choose the best version of the translated items. The psychometric properties of HCQ were estimated on the basis of 2 samples: the basic group of employees (N = 217) and the group of employees who had completed the survey twice (N = 55). The results of statistical analyses proved that HCQ is a reliable tool. Explorative Factor Analysis supported the 4-factor structure of the original method's theoretical model. The validity of the subscales is high, Cronbach's α varied from 0.8 to 0.9. The directions and values of intercorrelations between subscales were similar to those of the English version. The Humor Climate Questionnaire is a relatively time-stable tool (r = 0.44-0.74). Polish adaptation is reliable and applicable for cross-sectional studies. The obtained results are comparable to the characteristics of the original version. However, the results of factor analysis show that the data do not fully fit the theoretical model. Med Pr 2018;69(2):143-152. This work is available in Open Access model and licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0 PL license.

  7. Humor drawings evoked temporal and spectral EEG processes (United States)

    Kuo, Hsien-Chu; Chuang, Shang-Wen


    Abstract The study aimed to explore the humor processing elicited through the manipulation of artistic drawings. Using the Comprehension–Elaboration Theory of humor as the main research background, the experiment manipulated the head portraits of celebrities based on the independent variables of facial deformation (large/small) and addition of affective features (positive/negative). A 64-channel electroencephalography was recorded in 30 participants while viewing the incongruous drawings of celebrities. The electroencephalography temporal and spectral responses were measured during the three stages of humor which included incongruity detection, incongruity comprehension and elaboration of humor. Analysis of event-related potentials indicated that for humorous vs non-humorous drawings, facial deformation and the addition of affective features significantly affected the degree of humor elicited, specifically: large > small deformation; negative > positive affective features. The N170, N270, N400, N600-800 and N900-1200 components showed significant differences, particularly in the right prefrontal and frontal regions. Analysis of event-related spectral perturbation showed significant differences in the theta band evoked in the anterior cingulate cortex, parietal region and posterior cingulate cortex; and in the alpha and beta bands in the motor areas. These regions are involved in emotional processing, memory retrieval, and laughter and feelings of amusement induced by elaboration of the situation. PMID:28402573

  8. Humor drawings evoked temporal and spectral EEG processes. (United States)

    Wang, Regina W Y; Kuo, Hsien-Chu; Chuang, Shang-Wen


    The study aimed to explore the humor processing elicited through the manipulation of artistic drawings. Using the Comprehension-Elaboration Theory of humor as the main research background, the experiment manipulated the head portraits of celebrities based on the independent variables of facial deformation (large/small) and addition of affective features (positive/negative). A 64-channel electroencephalography was recorded in 30 participants while viewing the incongruous drawings of celebrities. The electroencephalography temporal and spectral responses were measured during the three stages of humor which included incongruity detection, incongruity comprehension and elaboration of humor. Analysis of event-related potentials indicated that for humorous vs non-humorous drawings, facial deformation and the addition of affective features significantly affected the degree of humor elicited, specifically: large > small deformation; negative > positive affective features. The N170, N270, N400, N600-800 and N900-1200 components showed significant differences, particularly in the right prefrontal and frontal regions. Analysis of event-related spectral perturbation showed significant differences in the theta band evoked in the anterior cingulate cortex, parietal region and posterior cingulate cortex; and in the alpha and beta bands in the motor areas. These regions are involved in emotional processing, memory retrieval, and laughter and feelings of amusement induced by elaboration of the situation. © The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press.

  9. Purificación de dos proteínas de Leishmania Viannia panamensis y su utilización en el diagnóstico de casos de leishmaniosis cutánea de larga evolución y difícil diagnóstico parasitológico

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    Sonia Agudelo


    Full Text Available

    La respuesta inmune humoral inducida por Leishmania spp, se inicia desde la etapa temprana de la infección y se mantiene hasta cuando la mayoría de los parásitos son eliminados. Los isotipos, subclases y niveles de anticuerpos que evalúan esta respuesta dependen en gran medida de la forma clínica y el estado de evolución de la enfermedad. En casos de lesiones mucosas o cutáneas de larga evolución donde la posibilidad de encontrar parásitos es baja, toma gran importancia evaluar esta respuesta humoral. Sin embargo, las técnicas serológicas existentes para detectar anticuerpos antileishmania presentan baja sensibilidad y alta reacción cruzada con parásitos de Trypanosoma cruzi, surgiendo, como una alternativa para mejorar estas pruebas, el uso de antígenos proteicos purificados (1,2. Teniendo como base los resultados obtenidos por Agudelo y col (3, quienes demostraron que las fracciones proteicas de 36 y 50 kDa de Leishmania Viannia panamensis son altamente sensibles y
    100% específicas de Leishmania, nos proponemos purificar estas proteínas a fin de utilizarlas para mejorar la sensibilidad y especificidad de pruebas serológicas que sean económicas y de ejecución práctica en zonas endémicas de leishmaniosis.


  10. Regional distribution of phospholipids in porcine vitreous humor. (United States)

    Schnepf, Abigail; Yappert, Marta Cecilia; Borchman, Douglas


    This project explores the regional phospholipid distribution in porcine vitreous humor, retina, and lens. Matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry has been used previously to image lipids, proteins, and other metabolites in retinas and lenses. However, the regional composition of phospholipids in vitreous humors is not known. To address this issue, we have applied this mass spectral method to explore the regional phospholipid distribution in porcine vitreous humor both ex-situ and in-vitro. To establish the possible source(s) of phospholipids in the vitreous humor, compositional studies of the lens and retina were also pursued. Due to the overall low levels of phospholipids in vitreous humor, it was necessary to optimize the experimental approaches for ex-situ and in-vitro studies. The sensitivity observed in the spectra of methanol extracts from the lens and retina was higher than that for methanol:chloroform extracts, but the compositional trends were the same. A fourfold improvement in sensitivity was observed in the analysis of vitreous humor extracts obtained with the Bligh and Dyer protocol relative to the other two extraction methods. For ex-situ studies, the 'stamp method' with para-nitroaniline as the matrix was chosen. Throughout the vitreous humor, phosphatidylcholines were the most abundant phospholipids. In-vitro results showed higher relative levels of phospholipids compared to the 'stamp' method. However, more details in the regional phospholipid distribution were provided by the ex-situ approach. Both in-vitro and ex-situ results indicated higher levels of phospholipids in the posterior vitreous region, followed by the anterior and central regions. The posterior region contained more unsaturated species whereas more saturated phospholipids were detected in the anterior region. The observed trends suggest that the phospholipids detected in the posterior vitreous humor migrate from the retina and associated vasculature while those present in

  11. Burnout and Humor Usage among Community College Nursing Faculty Members. (United States)

    Talbot, Laura A.


    Assesses the correlation of burnout among community college nursing faculty members and their use of humor to mediate academic stress related to burnout. Differences in burnout between high versus low humor usage respondents showed a higher sense of personal accomplishment with high humor usage. Of those with low humor usage, workload was related…

  12. Exploratory Theoretical Tests of the Instructor Humor-Student Learning Link (United States)

    Bolkan, San; Goodboy, Alan K.


    Instructors' use of humor is generally a positive influence on student outcomes. However, examinations of humor have found that specific types of messages may not impact, or may even reverse, its positive effect. Instructional humor processing theory (IHPT) has been used to explain how humor impacts student learning. The current study sought to…

  13. Decoding Humor Experiences from Brain Activity of People Viewing Comedy Movies (United States)

    Sawahata, Yasuhito; Komine, Kazuteru; Morita, Toshiya; Hiruma, Nobuyuki


    Humans naturally have a sense of humor. Experiencing humor not only encourages social interactions, but also produces positive physiological effects on the human body, such as lowering blood pressure. Recent neuro-imaging studies have shown evidence for distinct mental state changes at work in people experiencing humor. However, the temporal characteristics of these changes remain elusive. In this paper, we objectively measured humor-related mental states from single-trial functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data obtained while subjects viewed comedy TV programs. Measured fMRI data were labeled on the basis of the lag before or after the viewer’s perception of humor (humor onset) determined by the viewer-reported humor experiences during the fMRI scans. We trained multiple binary classifiers, or decoders, to distinguish between fMRI data obtained at each lag from ones obtained during a neutral state in which subjects were not experiencing humor. As a result, in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the right temporal area, the decoders showed significant classification accuracies even at two seconds ahead of the humor onsets. Furthermore, given a time series of fMRI data obtained during movie viewing, we found that the decoders with significant performance were also able to predict the upcoming humor events on a volume-by-volume basis. Taking into account the hemodynamic delay, our results suggest that the upcoming humor events are encoded in specific brain areas up to about five seconds before the awareness of experiencing humor. Our results provide evidence that there exists a mental state lasting for a few seconds before actual humor perception, as if a viewer is expecting the future humorous events. PMID:24324656

  14. Humor styles and personality: A meta-analysis of the relation between humor styles and the Big Five personality traits. (United States)

    Mendiburo-Seguel, Andrés; Páez, Darío; Martínez-Sánchez, Francisco


    This research summarizes the knowledge generated in social psychology and positive psychology about the relationship between humor styles, personality and wellbeing. Specifically, a meta-analysis was performed with the results of 15 studies on humor styles measured by the Humor Styles Questionnaire (Martin, Puhlik-Doris, Larsen, Gray & Weir, 2003) in correlation with the personality traits measured by the Big Five Personality model (measured with different scales). Following the steps presented by Rosenthal (1991) for meta-analysis in the case of correlational research, we calculated the total mean r as an indicator of effect size. Results show that affiliative humor has a strong and homogeneous relation to neuroticism and extraversion. The homogeneity and heterogeneity found between variables and possible explanations are discussed in the conclusion. © 2015 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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    Full Text Available Effects of humor in advertisement published in Colombia were investigated in regards to brands,advertisement, purchase intention, recall and recognition.A simultaneous Classical Conditioning procedure was carried out, using Incongruous, Hostile and Allusivehumor associated to three brands. The procedure was applied to 30 university students. Results revealedthat the three kinds of humor work as unconditioning stimulus, generating positive attitudes towardsadvertisement and brand. Humor influences the purchase intention and recognition, but not the remembranceof brand when compared to neutral advertisement. Incongrous and Hostile Humor generate recognitionand positive attitude towards advertisement and brand. Allusions have a greater effect on purchaseintention than the other ones. Results corroborate the effectiveness of humor as an advertisement tool.

  16. Sonoras Cenas Escolares: histórias sobre educação, rádio e humor

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    Maria Angela Borges Salvadori


    Full Text Available Este artigo, escrito a partir do levantamento de registros sonoros e fontes impressas das décadas de 1930, 1940 e 1950, interroga sobre o sucesso de antigos programas radiofônicos de humor centrados em temáticas escolares, geralmente constituídos por diálogos entre um professor e seus alunos. Procura, neste sentido, analisar as tensões presentes entre conhecimento escolar, educação formal e programação das emissoras em um período no qual o rádio, antes saudado como veículo de educação nacional, foi tomado por aspectos comerciais e populares. Neste percurso, dialoga particularmente com os conceitos de linguagem e costume, construídos respectivamente por Mikhail Bakhtin e E. P. Thompson.

  17. Disfunción tiroidea en adultos infectados por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana

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    Erika Abelleira


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con infección por el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV tienen una mayor prevalencia de disfunción tiroidea cuando se los compara con la población general. Las manifestaciones más frecuentemente observadas son: el síndrome del eutiroideo enfermo, la enfermedad de Graves y el hipotiroidismo subclínico. La relación entre el uso de la terapia antirretroviral y el incremento en la prevalencia de alteraciones tiroideas fue demostrada en varias series de pacientes. La enfermedad de Graves se reconoce claramente como una consecuencia del síndrome de restitución inmune. Además, existen estudios que sugieren una relación entre hipotiroidismo y el uso de inhibidores nucleósidos de la transcriptasa reversa, en particular estavudina y el inhibidor no nucleósido de la transcriptasa reversa efavirenz. Nuevos estudios podrán aportar evidencia adicional sobre la necesidad de evaluaciones rutinarias de la función tiroidea en pacientes infectados por HIV.

  18. Factores de riesgo inmunoepidemiológicos en niños con infecciones respiratorias recurrentes Immunoepidemiologic risk factors in children presenting with recurrent respiratory infections

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    Mayra Pérez Sánchez


    Full Text Available Introducción: las infecciones respiratorias recurrentes que se presentan en edades tempranas tienen una elevada morbilidad y existen numerosos factores que contribuyen a su desarrollo. Objetivo: identificar los factores de riesgo inmunoepidemiológicos que contribuyeron a la aparición de las infecciones respiratorias recurrentes. Métodos: estudio observacional descriptivo longitudinal retrospectivo en un grupo de niños procedentes de Ciudad de la Habana y La Habana que ingresaron por infecciones respiratorias recurrentes y que asistieron a la consulta de inmunología en el período comprendido de enero de 2005 a diciembre de 2007 en el Hospital Maternoinfantil "Ángel Arturo Aballí". Resultados: la edad preescolar, el sexo masculino, la lactancia materna no efectiva, la alergia, el bajo peso al nacer, el humo de tabaco en el ambiente, la asistencia a círculos infantiles y el hacinamiento fueron los factores de riesgo más frecuentes. Los trastornos de la respuesta inmune mayormente encontrados fueron el defecto inmune celular, el defecto inmune humoral y el trastorno fagocítico. Conclusiones: los factores de riesgo inmunoepidemiológicos encontrados en la muestra de estudio fueron: la edad comprendida entre los 1 a 5 años con predominio del sexo masculino, la lactancia materna no efectiva, la alergia, el bajo peso al nacer, el humo de tabaco en el ambiente, el hacinamiento y la asistencia a los círculos infantiles. Estos se acompañan de defectos de la respuesta inmune con predominio de la rama celular.Introduction: the recurrent respiratory infection appearing at early ages have a high morbidity and there are many risk factors contributing to its development. Objective: to identify the immunoepidemiologic risk factors contributing to appearance of recurrent respiratory infections. Methods: a retrospective, longitudinal, descriptive and observational study was conducted in a group of children from Ciudad de La Habana y La Habana

  19. Humor: Power Conveying Social Structures Inside Forensic Mental Health Nursing. (United States)

    Gildberg, Frederik A; Paaske, Kristian J; Rasmussen, Vivian L; Nissen, Ricko D; Bradley, Stephen K; Hounsgaard, Lise


    According to research literature, humor inside the staff-patient interaction seems to be significant in the area of forensic mental healthcare. However, existing literature on the subject is limited. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the characteristics of the use humor by forensic mental health staff members in interactions with forensic mental health inpatients. The study included 32 forensic mental health staff members, used 307 hours of participant observations, 48 informal interviews, and seven formal semistructured interviews. Outcomes identify four themes concerning the conveyance of power to, from, and between forensic mental health staff and patients as they interact: (a) "the informal use: the human-to-human approach," characterized by an informal use of humor and without any reference to mental health issues; (b) the "formal use of humor: the staff-patient approach," characterized as formal with a view on the patient as mentally ill, unable to understand humor, and with the aim of using humor to prevent conflicts or negative behavior; (c) "protest against requested care: the human-patient approach," characterized by the use of humor as a protest against requested care; and the use of (d) "inadequacy humor: the staff-human approach," characterized by the use of inadequacy-humor referring to, for example, patients' physical features. Recommendations and clinical implications are discussed.

  20. Inmunodeficiencias humorales: Un estudio en tres Centros de Inmunología Clínica de adultos en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

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    Diego S. Fernández Romero


    Full Text Available Las inmunodeficiencias humorales (IDH comprenden a un grupo de enfermedades caracterizadas por la imposibilidad de desarrollar una respuesta inmune efectiva mediada por anticuerpos. Estos pacientes presentan infecciones, principalmente por bacterias extracelulares capsuladas, del tracto respiratorio. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue describir las características clínicas de una población de 128 pacientes derivados con sospecha o diagnóstico de IDH a tres centros para inmunodeficiencias de adultos, asistidos entre junio de 2004 y diciembre de 2009. Tres (2.3% consultaron por infecciones recurrentes en una sola oportunidad sin datos suficientes para su adecuada clasificación y fueron excluidos del estudio. De los 125 pacientes restantes, en 21 (16.8% se descartó IDH, en 8 (6.4% se diagnosticó inmunodeficiencia humoral secundaria (IDHS y en 96 (76.8% inmunodeficiencia humoral primaria (IDHP. Las causas de IDHS fueron: en un caso enfermedad renal, en uno uso de fenitoína, dos casos: gammapatía monoclonal y en 4 linfoma B. Las causas de las 96 IDHP fueron: 57 inmunodeficiencia común variable, 12 agammaglobulinemia ligada al cromosoma X, 10 deficiencia selectiva de IgA, 7 deficiencia de IgG1, 3 síndrome hiper-IgM, 3 deficiencia de IgM, 2 síndrome linfoproliferativo ligado al cromosoma X, un síndrome de Good y una deficiencia funcional de anticuerpos. Sesenta y siete pacientes estaban en seguimiento en el momento de la finalización del estudio, 25 de ellos estaban en seguimiento al iniciarse el estudio. De los 58 pacientes en seguimiento con indicación de tratamiento sustitutivo con gammaglobulina, 54 se encontraban en tratamiento al finalizar el estudio. En cuatro pacientes no se pudo confirmar el diagnóstico de IDHP.

  1. Situaciones clínicas importantes en niños infectados por el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH Important clinical situations in pediatric hiv infection

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    Carlos Aguirre Muñoz


    Full Text Available La infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH en los niños se comporta en forma diferente a la infección en adultos, no sólo por sus manifestaciones clínicas sino por la forma de hacer el diagnóstico y el tratamiento. Los niños tienen un sistema inmune en desarrollo y no poseen inmunidad previa para la mayoría de los agentes infecciosos, a diferencia de los pacientes adultos, cuyo sistema inmune ya es competente. Por lo tanto, las infecciones oportunistas de los adultos generalmente corresponden a reactivaciones, mientras que las de los niños usualmente son el resultado de infecciones primarias. El examen físico del neonato infectado por el VIH-1 puede ser normal pero, a medida que avanza la infección, van apareciendo manifestaciones clínicas que sugieren un compromiso inmunológico. Los hallazgos más frecuentes en los niños, a diferencia de los adultos, son: infecciones bacterianas recurrentes, edema parotídeo crónico, neumonía intersticial linfoide y deterioro neurológico prematuro. Ciertos sistemas, como el respiratorio y el nervioso central, son atacados con frecuencia y gravedad y enfermedades como la tuberculosis revisten características especiales en los niños infectados por el VIH-1. Presentation of HIV infection in children differs from than in adults: there are different clinical manifestations and, therefore, diagnosis and treatment have their own particularities. Unlike adults, children have a developing immune system without previous immunity for many infectious agents; consequently, opportunistic infections in children correspond to primary infections while those in adults usually result from reactivations. Physical examination in HIV-infected newborns is usually normal, but as the infection progresses clinical manifestations of immunological incompetence appear. In contrast to adults, the most frequent findings in children are recurrent bacterial infections, parotid chronic edema, lymphoid

  2. Ageing and the humoral immune response in mice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blankwater, M.J.


    The study presented in this thesis is concerned with changes in the humoral immune system as a function of age in different inbred mouse strains. Their capacity to develop humoral immune responses to experimentally given thymus-dependent and thymus-independent antigens under various conditions is compared. Furthermore, experiments employing thymus transplantation and thymic humoral factors which are directed at the restoration of the diminished T cell functions in old age are reported. (Auth.)

  3. Comunicación bidireccional entre el sistema inmune y neuroendocrino a través de la hormona de crecimiento, prolactina y hepcidina

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    Cruz Enríquez V.


    Full Text Available Se ha planteado que la hormona de crecimiento (GH y la Prolactina (PRL pueden intervenir en procesos infecciosos como inmunomoduladores vía receptores específicos; revelando una conexión entre el sistema inmune y el sistema endocrino en los tejidos, donde actúan como citoquinas a través de diferentes rutas de señalización. Igualmente, la hepcidina (HAMP, hormona producida en los hepatocitos como respuesta al exceso de hierro y a estímulos inflamatorios, es considerada un enlace entre el metabolismo del mineral, la defensa del hospedero y los procesos inflamatorios, debido a su capacidad de privar del hierro a los microorganismos. Se sugiere que en un proceso infeccioso, la síntesis, secreción y regulación de GH ocurre a través de la producción de citoquinas como factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-α e interleuquina-1 beta (IL-1β, las cuales actúan en el hipotálamo, estimulando la liberación ya sea de la hormona liberadora de somatotropina o de somatostatina; por otro lado, se ha reportado que células linfoides, incluyendo linfocitos T y B y células dendríticas, producen GH, PRL biológicamente activa con propiedades inmunoreguladoras.

  4. Pragmatics Analysis In Humorous Text In Reader’s Digest Magazine


    Agustina, Sri


    Skripsi yang berjudul Pragmatic Analysis in Humorous Text in Reader’s Digest Magazine, menganalisis konteks dari humor yang berbentuk dialog dan bagaimana humor tersebut diinterpretasikan; yang terdapat di dalam teks humor di dalam majalah Reader’s Digest edisi Agustus, September, Oktober, November dan Desember 2010. Analisis ini menggunakan teori Yule tahun 1996 yang mengatakan bahwa beberapa fokus kajian pragmatik adalah mengkaji makna penutur di dalam konteks tertentu dan bagaimana konteks...

  5. Higher Education Lecturing and Humor: From Perspectives to Strategies (United States)

    Nasiri, Fuzhan; Mafakheri, Fereshteh


    This article will review the issues surrounding the use of humor as an informal teaching method in higher education lecturing. The impact and usefulness of humor, from both a teacher's and a student's perspective, will be investigated. The aim is to classify the challenges and limitations of using humor in classrooms and to investigate and…

  6. Sex differences in preferences for humor: a replication, modification, and extension. (United States)

    Hone, Liana S E; Hurwitz, William; Lieberman, Debra


    Evolutionary-minded scientists have proposed that humor is a sexually selected trait in men that signals mate quality. Indeed, women tend to prefer men who make them laugh and men tend to prefer women who laugh at their jokes. However, it is unclear how robust this pattern is. Here we report a replication of one of the first studies (Bressler, Martin, and Balshine, 2006) to examine the sex differences in preferences for humor receptivity versus humor production. We replicate Bressler et al.'s (2006) findings that men prefer women who are receptive to their humor whereas women prefer men who produce humor. These findings held even after we modified Bressler et al.'s questionnaire for better conceptual validity. Furthermore, using a separate measure designed to assess trade-offs, we found that men viewed humor receptivity as a necessity and humor production as a luxury when they were asked to create an ideal long-term partner. For women, it was just the opposite. These results bolster the claim that sexual selection has shaped sex differences regarding preferences for a prospective mate's sense of humor and that what one means by "sense of humor" can vary.

  7. Expression of cytokines in aqueous humor from fungal keratitis patients. (United States)

    Zhang, Yingnan; Liang, Qingfeng; Liu, Yang; Pan, Zhiqiang; Baudouin, Christophe; Labbé, Antoine; Lu, Qingxian


    Although a series of reports on corneal fungal infection have been published, studies on pathogenic mechanisms and inflammation-associated cytokines remain limited. In this study, aqueous humor samples from fungal keratitis patients were collected to examine cytokine patterns and cellular profile for the pathogenesis of fungal keratitis. The aqueous humor samples were collected from ten patients with advanced stage fungal keratitis. Eight aqueous humor samples from patients with keratoconus or corneal dystrophy were taken as control. Approximately 100 μl to 300 μl of aqueous humor in each case were obtained for examination. The aqueous humor samples were centrifuged and the cells were stained and examined under optical microscope. Bacterial and fungal cultures were performed on the aqueous humor and corneal buttons of all patients. Cytokines related to inflammation including IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α, and IFN-γ were examined using multiplex bead-based Luminex liquid protein array systems. Fungus infection was confirmed in these ten patients by smear stains and/or fungal cultures. Bacterial and fungal cultures revealed negative results in all aqueous humor specimens. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes were the predominant infiltrating cells in the aqueous humor of fungal keratitis. At the advanced stages of fungal keratitis, the levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and IFN-γ in the aqueous humor were significantly increased when compared with control (phumor was associated with fungal keratitis.

  8. Those Who Laugh Are Defenseless: How Humor Breaks Resistance to Influence (United States)

    Strick, Madelijn; Holland, Rob W.; van Baaren, Rick B.; van Knippenberg, Ad


    Three experiments illustrate that humor in advertisements prevents the development of negative brand associations due to resistance. Previous research on humor in advertising suggested that humor can counter negative responses during ad processing, but less is known about the effect of humor on the development of negative brand associations in…

  9. Truly Funny: Humor, Irony, and Satire as Moral Criticism (United States)

    Dadlez, E. M.


    The occasional role of humor as a vehicle for moral criticism is investigated. I begin by distinguishing between this particular role and the other kinds of ways in which humor and amusement might be regarded through a moral lens, consider historical approaches to humor that corroborate the kind of role for it on which my investigation focuses,…

  10. Humor and Laughter may Influence Health. I. History and Background

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    Mary Payne Bennett


    Full Text Available Articles in both the lay and professional literature have extolled the virtues of humor, many giving the impression that the health benefits of humor are well documented by the scientific and medical community. The concept that humor or laughter can be therapeutic goes back to biblical times and this belief has received varying levels of support from the scientific community at different points in its history. Current research indicates that using humor is well accepted by the public and is frequently used as a coping mechanism. However, the scientific evidence of the benefits of using humor on various health related outcomes still leaves many questions unanswered.

  11. Humor Styles and the Intolerance of Uncertainty Model of Generalized Anxiety

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    Nicholas A. Kuiper


    Full Text Available Past research suggests that sense of humor may play a role in anxiety. The present study builds upon this work by exploring how individual differences in various humor styles, such as affiliative, self-enhancing, and self-defeating humor, may fit within a contemporary research model of anxiety. In this model, intolerance of uncertainty is a fundamental personality characteristic that heightens excessive worry, thus increasing anxiety. We further propose that greater intolerance of uncertainty may also suppress the use of adaptive humor (affiliate and self-enhancing, and foster the increased use of maladaptive self-defeating humor. Initial correlational analyses provide empirical support for these proposals. In addition, we found that excessive worry and affiliative humor both served as significant mediators. In particular, heightened intolerance of uncertainty lead to both excessive worry and a reduction in affiliative humor use, which, in turn, increased anxiety. We also explored potential humor mediating effects for each of the individual worry content domains in this model. These analyses confirmed the importance of affiliative humor as a mediator for worry pertaining to a wide range of content domains (e.g., relationships, lack of confidence, the future and work. These findings were then discussed in terms of a combined model that considers how humor styles may impact the social sharing of positive and negative emotions.

  12. Humor étnico y discriminación en La paisana Jacinta

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    Heros Susana de los


    Full Text Available Los textos televisivos interpretan y analizan la realidad circundante e influyen en la visión que la audiencia tiene del mundo (Harwood y Giles, 1992, p. 409; Mintz, 1985. Es más, los programas cómicos basados en la burla y el sarcasmo hacia grupos étnicos minoritarios refuerzan estereotipos negativos y promueven la discriminación cultural (Billig, 2005. En este artículo se estudia el humor étnico en La paisana Jacinta (1999–2015. Esta serie peruana ha sido acusada de racista por diversas personas y grupos, entre ellos, la excongresista indígena Hilaria Supa, LUNDU (Centro de Estudios y Promoción Afroperuanos y CHIRAPAQ (Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú. Primero, se analizan las estrategias pragmático-lingüísticas empleadas en la construcción del humor étnico en una selección de diálogos y monólogos de Jacinta, el personaje principal de la serie. Para ello, se utiliza la Teoría General del Humor Verbal (Attardo y Raskin, 1991; Attardo 2001; Attardo, Hempelmann y Maio, 2002; Attardo, 2008. Asimismo, dado que todo texto es multimodal, se tiene también en cuenta cómo imágenes, gestos, y elementos musicales y prosódicos en la serie contribuyen en la producción de la comicidad (Kress 2010, 2012. Finalmente, a partir de estos resultados, se examina el contenido cómico del programa desde una perspectiva crítica (Billig, 2005 para determinar si este es discriminatorio.

  13. Rumination, Suicidal Ideation, and the Mediating Effect of Self-Defeating Humor

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    Raymond P. Tucker


    Full Text Available Research has demonstrated that a self-defeating humor style is related to indicators of psychopathology and interpersonal dysfunction, including depression, anxiety, loneliness, thwarted belongingness, and perceived burdensomeness. The current study continued this investigation by examining how self-defeating humor is related to suicidal ideation and a ruminative response style. Analyses indicated that a self-defeating humor style was positively associated to rumination, brooding, reflection, and suicidal ideation. Results of bootstrapping analyses indicated that self-defeating humor mediated the relationship between rumination and suicidal ideation. This same effect was seen for both brooding and reflection individually. Results indicate that self-defeating humor may serve as an interpersonal means of ruminating as this humor style involves consistent focus on perceived flaws and weaknesses. The assessment of this humor style may provide additional information about the maintenance of suicidal thinking.

  14. Humor, laughter, learning, and health! A brief review. (United States)

    Savage, Brandon M; Lujan, Heidi L; Thipparthi, Raghavendar R; DiCarlo, Stephen E


    Human emotions, such as anxiety, depression, fear, joy, and laughter, profoundly affect psychological and physiological processes. These emotions form a set of basic, evolved functions that are shared by all humans. Laughter is part of a universal language of basic emotions that all humans recognize. Health care providers and educators may utilize the power of laughter to improve health and enhance teaching and learning. This is an important consideration because teaching is not just about content: it is also about forming relationships and strengthening human connections. In this context, when used effectively, humor is documented to build relationships and enhance performance. Specifically, humor improves student performance by attracting and sustaining attention, reducing anxiety, enhancing participation, and increasing motivation. Moreover, humor stimulates multiple physiological systems that decrease levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol and epinephrine, and increase the activation of the mesolimbic dopaminergic reward system. To achieve these benefits, it is important to use humor that is relevant to the course content and not disparaging toward others. Self-effacing humor illustrates to students that the teacher is comfortable making mistakes and sharing these experiences with the classroom. In this brief review, we discuss the history and relationship between humor, laughing, learning, and health with an emphasis on the powerful, universal language of laughter. Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society.

  15. Sociolinguistics features of humor in american linguoculture ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In this article we study the characteristics of the language of representation and perception of American humour, its linguistic and cultural features in humorous texts of American comics from the American linguistic culture. The material for research is the humorous texts and fragments of the performances of American ...

  16. Laughing at the Looking Glass: Does Humor Style Serve as an Interpersonal Signal?

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    Virgil Zeigler-Hill


    Full Text Available Objective: The provision of information appears to be an important feature of humor. The present studies examined whether humor serves as an interpersonal signal such that an individual's style of humor is associated with how the individual is perceived by others. Method: We examined this issue across two studies. In Study 1, undergraduate participants (257 targets were rated more positively by their friends and family members (1194 perceivers when they possessed more benign humor styles. In Study 2, 1190 community participants rated the romantic desirability of targets ostensibly possessing different humor styles. Results: Across both studies, our results were consistent with the possibility that humor serves as a signal. More specifically, individuals with benign humor styles (affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles were evaluated more positively than those targets with injurious humor styles (aggressive and self-defeating humor styles. Conclusion: These findings are discussed in terms of the role that humor may play in interpersonal perception and relationships.

  17. Mecanismos de humor verbal en Twitter

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    María Simarro Vázquez


    Full Text Available The present article aims to characterize samples of verbal humor published on the social network Twitter. To do so, an analysis of 81 humorous texts published under the hashtag #otegi during 1 March 2016, on which date Arnaldo Otegi was released from prison after six years, was carried out. A pragmatic study of the tweets was performed, opting for the General Theory of Verbal Humor as a basis. The examination conducted reveals that the manner of presentation of opposing scripts, the logical mechanisms availed of to resolve this kind of incongruity, the special narrative strategies selected and the linguistic choices made are determined at all times by the circumstances in which the texts are presented and the upper limit constraint of 140 characters per Twitter publication.

  18. Caracterización de las alteraciones de los monocitos en las diferentes formas clínicas de la tuberculosis

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    Mauricio Rojas


    Full Text Available En el ámbito mundial, la tuberculosis (TB es la enfermedad
    infecciosa asociada con la mayor mortalidad; es causada por
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB. Los monocitos/macrófagos juegan un papel fundamental en la respuesta inmune antimicobacteriana: ellos pueden controlar la infección inicial mediante la respuesta innata, desencadenan la respuesta inmune adquirida por medio de la presentación de antígenos micobacterianos a las células T, y adquieren capacidades microbicidas como consecuencia de la activación mediada por las células T. Se sabe que una minoría de individuos infectados (5-10% desarrolla TB y que los pacientes con TB presentan alteraciones en su respuesta inmune específica, las cuales pueden variar dependiendo de la extensión de la infección, y que pueden incluir tanto las funciones de los monocito/macrófagos  presentación antigénica y apoptosis y de las células T (producción de citoquinas proinflamatorias o antiinflamatorias (1.

  19. Humor: A Therapeutic Intervention for Child Counseling (United States)

    Berg, Rachelle G.; Parr, Gerald; Bradley, Loretta J.; Berry, Jeremy J.


    Counselors utilize many strategies, techniques, and tools when building a therapeutic alliance or addressing children's issues. Due to the serious nature of discussing problems or perhaps because of the fear of seeming insensitive, counselors often overlook humor as a means to enhance therapy. Whether deliberate or spontaneous, humor can add…

  20. Humor: a pedagogical tool to promote learning. (United States)

    Chabeli, M


    It has become critical that learners are exposed to varied methods of teaching and assessment that will promote critical thinking of learners. Humor creates a relaxed atmosphere where learning can be enhanced and appreciated. When learners are relaxed, thinking becomes eminent. Authoritative and tense environment hinders thinking. This paper seeks to explore the perceptions of nurse teacher learners regarding the use of humor as a pedagogical tool to promote learning. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design was employed (Burns & Grove, 2001:61; Mouton, 1996:103). 130 naive sketches were collected from nurse teacher learners who volunteered to take part in the study (Giorgi in_Omery, 1983:52) Follow up interviews were conducted to verify the findings. A qualitative, open-coding method of content analysis was done Tesch (in Creswell, 1994:155). Measures to ensure trustworthiness of the study were taken in accordance with the protocol of (Lincoln & Guba, 1985:290-326). The findings of the study will assist the nurse educators to create a positive, affective, psychological and social learning environment through the use of humor in a positive manner. Nurse educators will appreciate the fact that integration of humor to the learning content will promote the learners' critical thinking and emotional intelligence. Negative humor has a negative impact on learning. Learner nurses who become critical thinkers will be able to be analytical and solve problems amicably in practice.

  1. Playing with Expectations: A Contextual View of Humor Development (United States)

    Airenti, Gabriella


    In the developmental literature, the idea has been proposed that young children do not understand the specificity of non-literal communicative acts. In this article, I focus on young children’s ability to produce and understand different forms of humor. I explore the acquisition of the communicative contexts that enable children to engage in humorous interactions before they possess the capacity to analyze them in the terms afforded by a full-fledged theory of mind. I suggest that different forms of humor share several basic features and that we can construct a continuum from simple to sophisticated forms. In particular, I focus on teasing, a form of humor already present in preverbal infants that is also considered a typical feature of irony. I argue that all forms of humor can be regarded as a type of interaction that I propose to call “playing with expectations.” PMID:27703438

  2. Laughter, Humor and Pain Perception in Children: A Pilot Study

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    Margaret Stuber


    Full Text Available Although there are many clinical programs designed to bring humor into pediatric hospitals, there has been very little research with children or adolescents concerning the specific utility of humor for children undergoing stressful or painful procedures. Rx Laughter™, a non-profit organization interested in the use of humor for healing, collaborated with UCLA to collect preliminary data on a sample of 18 children aged 7–16 years. Participants watched humorous video-tapes before, during and after a standardized pain task that involved placing a hand in cold water. Pain appraisal (ratings of pain severity and pain tolerance (submersion time were recorded and examined in relation to humor indicators (number of laughs/smiles during each video and child ratings of how funny the video was. Whereas humor indicators were not significantly associated with pain appraisal or tolerance, the group demonstrated significantly greater pain tolerance while viewing funny videos than when viewing the videos immediately before or after the cold-water task. The results suggest that humorous distraction is useful to help children and adolescents tolerate painful procedures. Further study is indicated to explore the specific mechanism of this benefit.

  3. Longitudinal Associations Between Humor Styles and Psychosocial Adjustment in Adolescence. (United States)

    Fox, Claire Louise; Hunter, Simon Christopher; Jones, Siân Emily


    This study assessed the concurrent and prospective associations between psychosocial adjustment and four humor styles, two of which are adaptive (affiliative, self-enhancing) and two maladaptive (aggressive, self-defeating). Participants were 1,234 adolescents (52% female) aged 11-13 years, drawn from six secondary schools in England. Self-reports of psychosocial adjustment (loneliness, depressive symptomatology, and self-esteem) and humor styles were collected at two time points (fall and summer). In cross-lagged panel analyses, self-defeating humor was associated with an increase in both depressive symptoms and loneliness, and with a decrease in self-esteem. In addition, depressive symptoms predicted an increase in the use of self-defeating humor over time, indicating that these may represent a problematic spiral of thoughts and behaviors. Self-esteem was associated with an increase in the use of affiliative humor over the school year but not vice-versa. These results inform our understanding of the ways in which humor is associated with psychosocial adjustment in adolescence.

  4. Longitudinal Associations Between Humor Styles and Psychosocial Adjustment in Adolescence

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    Claire Louise Fox


    Full Text Available This study assessed the concurrent and prospective associations between psychosocial adjustment and four humor styles, two of which are adaptive (affiliative, self-enhancing and two maladaptive (aggressive, self-defeating. Participants were 1,234 adolescents (52% female aged 11-13 years, drawn from six secondary schools in England. Self-reports of psychosocial adjustment (loneliness, depressive symptomatology, and self-esteem and humor styles were collected at two time points (fall and summer. In cross-lagged panel analyses, self-defeating humor was associated with an increase in both depressive symptoms and loneliness, and with a decrease in self-esteem. In addition, depressive symptoms predicted an increase in the use of self-defeating humor over time, indicating that these may represent a problematic spiral of thoughts and behaviors. Self-esteem was associated with an increase in the use of affiliative humor over the school year but not vice-versa. These results inform our understanding of the ways in which humor is associated with psychosocial adjustment in adolescence.

  5. Forms, functions, and foibles of humor used in AIDS service organizations. (United States)

    Kosenko, Kami A; Rintamaki, Lance S


    Research has indicated that HIV service providers commonly use humor to cope with work-related stress; however, little is known about the forms and functions of humor used by these professionals. In this study, 25 HIV service providers from five AIDS service organizations were interviewed about their use of humor. Participants described five primary types of humor as prevalent within AIDS service organizations and noted that humor served a variety of functions, which were either adaptive or maladaptive. Adaptive functions included boosting morale and reducing tension, whereas maladaptive functions ranged from masking emotions to alienating certain groups. Results emphasized the importance of context in the study of humor use and the need for continued investigations of the stress and coping of HIV service providers.


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    Gabrielė Vaitulionytė


    Full Text Available The article discusses how humor could enrich social work practice and guideline social workers. Social work field is not that traditionally relates with humor. While social work scholars argue that social work field is full of contradictions and humor is relevant tool to express those contradictions and paradoxes. In micro level practice Gitterman (2003 suggests humor could be a creative tool that “must be used differently based on client background, level of functioning, and specific situation”. Article presents results of qualitative study. The analysis of social workers’ professional experiences is based on social constructionism perspective with the aim to explain how humor is used in everyday practice and how use of purposive humor could be helpful in social work intervention. Episodic interviews with six social workers working in intercultural social work field were conducted. Transcripts of interviews were analyzed through conceptualization, developing story and maximizing aims of the study. Anonymity and confidentiality was considered. The results of analysis demonstrate that humor is unique experience in the sociocultural context. Discursive categories explain the purpose of humor for practice, circumstances and conditions for using that determine how the use of humor could contribute to the success of a social worker-client interaction. Using humor is considered as professional competence, which suggests that “having a good sense of humor” and appropriate use of humor with ability to demonstrate empathy and honesty in social worker-client interaction is an important part of social worker competence. Humor as a professional competence contained understanding of the humorous taboo. During analysis were explored how using humor and cultural stories of clients create mezzo level strategies for professional social work practice. Keywords: humor in social work practice, social work process, humor taboo.

  7. Humor and laughter in persons with cognitive impairment and their caregivers. (United States)

    Liptak, Amy; Tate, Judith; Flatt, Jason; Oakley, Mary Ann; Lingler, Jennifer


    The purpose of this study was to describe humor and laughter in persons with cognitive impairment (PWCI) and caregivers who were recalling a shared experience in a focus group. Twenty participants attended an Art Engagement Activity at the Andy Warhol Art Museum, which included a guided tour and an art project. All PWCI had medically diagnosed cognitive disorders and all caregiver participants did not. Four focus groups were conducted and transcripts of audio-recorded sessions were transferred to a qualitative software program. Words, phrases, and episodes of humor and laughter were used to construct codes, which were refined during group analysis using constant comparison. Humor and laughter were present in all four focus groups. Emerging themes of humor included silliness, sarcasm, and commenting about hardships of dementia. Laughter was identified in segments with and without humor. Some PWCI were unable to follow social cues. Humor and laughter played a role in creating a safe social environment. PWCI were able to engage in humor during social interactions, yet some had difficulty recognizing social cues. Further study may reveal roles of humor and laughter in adaptation to cognitive decline and holistic interventions for improved quality of life.

  8. Sex Differences in Preferences for Humor: A Replication, Modification, and Extension

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    Liana S. E. Hone


    Full Text Available Evolutionary-minded scientists have proposed that humor is a sexually selected trait in men that signals mate quality. Indeed, women tend to prefer men who make them laugh and men tend to prefer women who laugh at their jokes. However, it is unclear how robust this pattern is. Here we report a replication of one of the first studies (Bressler, Martin, and Balshine, 2006 to examine the sex differences in preferences for humor receptivity versus humor production. We replicate Bressler et al.'s (2006 findings that men prefer women who are receptive to their humor whereas women prefer men who produce humor. These findings held even after we modified Bressler et al.'s questionnaire for better conceptual validity. Furthermore, using a separate measure designed to assess trade-offs, we found that men viewed humor receptivity as a necessity and humor production as a luxury when they were asked to create an ideal long-term partner. For women, it was just the opposite. These results bolster the claim that sexual selection has shaped sex differences regarding preferences for a prospective mate's sense of humor and that what one means by “sense of humor” can vary.

  9. [Preoperatively administered flomoxef sodium concentration in aqueous humor]. (United States)

    Miyamoto, Mariko; Watanabe, Yoichiro; Mizuki, Nobuhisa


    We intravenously administered flomoxef sodium (FMOX) 0.5-3.5 hours before cataract surgery and measured the concentration of the agent in the aqueous humor to investigate its penetration into the aqueous humor and its efficacy in the prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis. 56 patients who underwent cataract surgery were enrolled in this study. They received 1 g FMOX via a 20-minute intravenous drip beginning 0.5-3.5 hours before the operation. Aqueous humor was aspirated from the anterior chamber and assayed for FMOX concentration using high-performance liquid chromatography. The mean intraoperative FMOX concentrations in the patients' aqueous humor were 0.79 +/- 0.24 microg/ml (administered 3.5 hours before surgery)--1.47 0.79 microg/ml (administered 1.5 hours before surgery). These concentrations administered 0.5-3.0 hours before surgery sufficiently exceeded the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) 90 values against Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Propionibacterium acnes, but did not achieve the MIC90 values against Enterococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The FMOX concentrations in the aqueous humor sampling were adequate to kill bacteria in vitro. This drug may be efficacious in the prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis in patients undergoing cataract surgery.

  10. Inmunidad humoral y trasplante renal posibilidades terapéuticas

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    P. Jacqueline Pefaur, Dra.


    Por otra parte y basado en el exitoso tratamiento del RAH, se ha planteado mejorar las expectativas de llegar a realizar un trasplante a los pacientes sensibilizados. Esto es posible conseguir aplicando protocolos de desensibilización que se basan en la utilización de las mismas drogas para tratar RAH, consiguiendo ampliar las posibilidades de trasplante. El éxito de éstas es relativo al tipo de protocolos y a la intensidad de la sensibilización. La sobrevida del injerto en esta situación es plausible en la gran mayoría de los casos, sin embargo existe riesgo de presentar rechazo agudo humoral, y más complejo aún es el hecho que la sobrevida a largo plazo de los injertos sigue siendo todavía desconocida.

  11. Humor comprehension and appreciation: an FMRI study. (United States)

    Bartolo, Angela; Benuzzi, Francesca; Nocetti, Luca; Baraldi, Patrizia; Nichelli, Paolo


    Humor is a unique ability in human beings. Suls [A two-stage model for the appreciation of jokes and cartoons. In P. E. Goldstein & J. H. McGhee (Eds.), The psychology of humour. Theoretical perspectives and empirical issues. New York: Academic Press, 1972, pp. 81-100] proposed a two-stage model of humor: detection and resolution of incongruity. Incongruity is generated when a prediction is not confirmed in the final part of a story. To comprehend humor, it is necessary to revisit the story, transforming an incongruous situation into a funny, congruous one. Patient and neuroimaging studies carried out until now lead to different outcomes. In particular, patient studies found that right brain-lesion patients have difficulties in humor comprehension, whereas neuroimaging studies suggested a major involvement of the left hemisphere in both humor detection and comprehension. To prevent activation of the left hemisphere due to language processing, we devised a nonverbal task comprising cartoon pairs. Our findings demonstrate activation of both the left and the right hemispheres when comparing funny versus nonfunny cartoons. In particular, we found activation of the right inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47), the left superior temporal gyrus (BA 38), the left middle temporal gyrus (BA 21), and the left cerebellum. These areas were also activated in a nonverbal task exploring attribution of intention [Brunet, E., Sarfati, Y., Hardy-Bayle, M. C., & Decety, J. A PET investigation of the attribution of intentions with a nonverbal task. Neuroimage, 11, 157-166, 2000]. We hypothesize that the resolution of incongruity might occur through a process of intention attribution. We also asked subjects to rate the funniness of each cartoon pair. A parametric analysis showed that the left amygdala was activated in relation to subjective amusement. We hypothesize that the amygdala plays a key role in giving humor an emotional dimension.

  12. The Use of Humor in Palliative Care: A Systematic Literature Review. (United States)

    Pinna, Miguel Ángel Cuervo; Mahtani-Chugani, Vinita; Sánchez Correas, Miguel Ángel; Sanz Rubiales, Alvaro


    Humor has its own place in the context of medicine. Nevertheless, its acceptance by terminal stage patients and health-care professionals has not been studied in depth and is not free from controversy. To understand the significance, appropriateness, and pertinence of the use of humor in palliative care and to analyze its applicability. A narrative systematic review was undertaken and included in PROSPERO. Online searches were carried out on PUBMED, PSYCINFO, EBSCO (CINHAL), EMBASE, SCIELO, SCOPUS, TESEO, WEB of SCIENCE, and COCHRANE between their launch date and December 31, 2015, complemented with manual searches with queries to experts. A total of 156 studies were identified, which were then filtered in pairs by means of an established hierarchy, selecting studies that discussed the use of humor specifically in palliative care from all perspectives and designs, and finally published in Spanish, English, French, or Portuguese. Critical reading of all the selected studies took place, with no exclusions due to quality evaluation. Thirty-four studies were included. Five main topics were identified: (1) definition of humor, (2) use and functions of humor in palliative care, (3) how to use humor, (4) when not to use humor, and (5) humor before and after the diagnosis of terminal illness. Humor plays an unquestionable role in palliative care, but its use needs training and appropriate use.

  13. Tragedia, comedia y humor en el psicoanálisis

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    Carmen Elisa Escobar María


    Full Text Available A partir de la afirmación de S. Critchley de que el psicoanálisis es la prolongación, profundización y complicación de lo que él llama paradigma trágico-heroico, se trata de precisar que lo trágico es lo que hace inseparables la teoría y la experiencia psicoanalítica de la risa y los fenómenos ligados a ella. Esto, en general, ha sido insuficientemente indagado. Siguiendo estos argumentos, se presentan algunas observaciones en torno a esa especie de exhortación “volver a las cosas mismas”, tan afín al método freudiano, al “uso” de lo trágico-heroico en Lacan, al concepto de Cosa y al aporte de Freud al humor. Por otra parte, y en completa relación con lo anterior, se destacan algunos señalamientos lacanianos que ubican al “cuerpo” como central en la experiencia de lo cómico. Y por último, se examina la contraposición Bergson - Freud - Lacan en torno a la risa, lo mecánico y el lenguaje.

  14. Playing with expectations: a contextual view of humor development

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    Gabriella Airenti


    Full Text Available In the developmental literature it has been advanced that young children would not understand the specificity of nonliteral communicative acts. In this article I shall focus on young children’s ability to produce and understand different forms of humor. I shall explore children’s acquisition of the communicative contexts that constitute the background enabling them to perform humorous interactions before being able to analyze them in the terms allowed by a full fledged ToM. I consider that different forms of humor share a number of basic features and that we can draw a continuum from simple forms to sophisticated ones. In particular I shall focus on teasing, a form of humor already present in preverbal infants but also considered as a typical feature of irony. I shall argue that all forms of humor can be described in the terms of a kind of interaction that I propose to call playing with expectations.

  15. Three Decades Investigating Humor and Laughter: An Interview With Professor Rod Martin. (United States)

    Martin, Rod; Kuiper, Nicholas A


    Since the start of the 21st century, the investigation of various psychological aspects of humor and laughter has become an increasingly prominent topic of research. This growth can be attributed, in no small part, to the pioneering and creative work on humor and laughter conducted by Professor Rod Martin. Dr. Martin's research interests in humor and laughter began in the early 1980s and continued throughout his 32 year long career as a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Western Ontario. During this time, Dr. Martin published numerous scholarly articles, chapters, and books on psychological aspects of humor and laughter. Professor Martin has just retired in July 2016, and in the present interview he recounts a number of research highlights of his illustrious career. Dr. Martin's earliest influential work, conducted while he was still in graduate school, stemmed from an individual difference perspective that focused on the beneficial effects of sense of humor on psychological well-being. This research focus remained evident in many of Professor Martin's subsequent investigations, but became increasingly refined as he developed several measures of different components of sense of humor, including both adaptive and maladaptive humor styles. In this interview, Dr. Martin describes the conceptualization, development and use of the Humor Styles Questionnaire, along with suggestions for future research and development. In doing so, he also discusses the three main components of humor (i.e., cognitive, emotional and interpersonal), as well as the distinctions and similarities between humor and laughter. Further highlights of this interview include Professor Martin's comments on such diverse issues as the genetic versus environmental loadings for sense of humor, the multifaceted nature of the construct of humor, and the possible limitations of teaching individuals to use humor in a beneficial manner to cope with stress and enhance their social and

  16. Perspectivas para el desarrollo de vacunas e inmunoterapia contra cáncer cervicouterino

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    Full Text Available El cáncer cervicouterino representa un grave problema de salud pública, debido a la asociación de la neoplasia con el virus del papiloma humano; actualmente se realizan estudios usando estrategias dirigidas a combatir este patógeno, mediante vacunas, que podrían ser de gran utilidad para el control de la progresión de la enfermedad. El estudio tanto de la inmunología humoral como celular ha servido para el desarrollo de vacunas. Así, la utilización de partículas virales sintéticas para el estudio de anticuerpos neutralizantes y el uso de proteínas tempranas virales, entre otras, para la inducción de inmunidad mediada por células, han sido la pauta para realizar estudios que dirijan la respuesta inmune para prevenir la infección celular tanto hacia células infectadas no transformadas como hacia células transformadas viralmente con resultados favorables.

  17. Using Humor in Treatment of Substance Use Disorders: Worthy of Further Investigation. (United States)

    Canha, Benjamin


    Throughout the literature, humor has demonstrated positive effects on memory and learning, as well as physiological and psychological well being. Research has described improvements in communication and trust through the use of humor in the nurse-patient relationship. The utilization of humor with certain populations, including those with anxiety disorders, cancer patients and mood disorders has also been widely described in the literature but little research has been conducted with humor use in patients' recovery from substance use disorders. This population might benefit from the thoughtful applications of humor to promote laughter and mirth as well as learning recovery principles. A review of the humor theories, theoretical processes and humor styles are discussed for their use in individuals with substance use disorders, in particularly for early recovery engagement in 12 step programs and other recover support social networks. The application of humor in efforts to support recovery with substance use disorder patients is worth investigating further.

  18. Humor Use Moderates the Relation of Stressful Life Events With Psychological Distress. (United States)

    Fritz, Heidi L; Russek, Leslie N; Dillon, Melissa M


    Three studies examined humor and adjustment to stressful events. In Study 1, patients with fibromyalgia syndrome ( N = 22) reported on mental and physical adjustment, social interaction, and reappraisal of their illness. Dispositional humor was associated with reduced distress and fewer physical symptoms. Study 2 ( N = 109) examined undergraduates' reports of stressful events. Dispositional, self-enhancing, affiliative, and self-defeating humor showed direct effects on distress, which were mediated by social interaction and reappraisal. Moreover, dispositional and aggressive humor showed stress-buffering effects. Study 3 ( N = 105) examined undergraduates' adjustment to the September 11, 2001, attacks at 1 and 3 months postattack. At T1, affiliative humor showed a stress-buffering effect on distress. Social interaction mediated the relation of self-enhancing humor with reduced T1 distress, and mediated relations of aggressive and self-defeating humor with greater distress. Relations of T1 dispositional and self-defeating humor to changes in T2 distress were mediated by reappraisal.

  19. American Learners' Comprehension of Russian Textual Humor (United States)

    Shardakova, Maria


    Over the past decade, second language (L2) humor has attracted scholarly attention as both a means and a goal of L2 development. Much of this research, however, has focused on oral communication, whereas virtually no studies address humor as an aspect of reading comprehension. This exploratory study combines these two areas of inquiry, examining…

  20. Use and Non-Use of Humor in Academic ESL Classrooms (United States)

    Ziyaeemehr, Ali; Kumar, Vijay; Abdullah, Mohd S. Faiz


    A substantial body of research emphasizes the importance of humor in teaching/learning processes; however, research on the reasons for non-use of humor in academic contexts has enjoyed scant attention. Addressing this gap, this study examines the reasons for instructors' humor avoidance taking into account student perceived benefits of using humor…

  1. Humor appreciation of captionless cartoons in obsessive-compulsive disorder (United States)


    Background It seems that the core neural regions and cognitive processes implicated in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) pathophysiology may overlap with those involved in humor appreciation. However, to date, there have been no studies that have explored humor appreciation in OCD. The purpose of the present work was to investigate humor appreciation in a group of patients with OCD. Methods We examined 25 patients with OCD and 25 healthy controls, matched by age, education, and gender. We administered Penn's Humor Appreciation Test (PHAT), a computerized test comprising captionless cartoons by Mordillo. Each set of stimuli consisted of two almost identical drawings, one of which was funny due to the alteration of a detail in the cartoon, whereas the other was not funny. Severity of psychopathology was evaluated with the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). Results No significant effect for group, gender or group × gender interaction was found on the PHAT scores. In OCD patients, humor appreciation was not significantly associated with age of onset, duration of illness, and obsessions, but correlated significantly with compulsions. Conclusions Humor appreciation, based on captionless cartoons in OCD, does not seem to be deficient compared to healthy subjects but may be related to illness characteristics. PMID:22103926

  2. Anomalous hypothalamic responses to humor in cataplexy.

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    Allan L Reiss


    Full Text Available Cataplexy is observed in a subset of patients with narcolepsy and affects approximately 1 in 2,000 persons. Cataplexy is most often triggered by strong emotions such as laughter, which can result in transient, yet debilitating, muscle atonia. The objective of this study was to examine the neural systems underlying humor processing in individuals with cataplexy.While undergoing functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI, we showed ten narcolepsy-cataplexy patients and ten healthy controls humorous cartoons. In addition, we examined the brain activity of one subject while in a full-blown cataplectic attack. Behavioral results showed that participants with cataplexy rated significantly fewer humorous cartoons as funny compared to controls. Concurrent fMRI showed that patients, when compared to controls and in the absence of overt cataplexy symptoms, showed pronounced activity in the emotional network including the ventral striatum and hypothalamus while viewing humorous versus non-humorous cartoons. Increased activity was also observed in the right inferior frontal gyri--a core component of the inhibitory circuitry. In comparison, the one subject who experienced a cataplectic attack showed dramatic reductions in hypothalamic activity.These findings suggest an overdrive of the emotional circuitry and possible compensatory suppression by cortical inhibitory regions in cataplexy. Moreover, during cataplectic attacks, the hypothalamus is characterized by a marked decrease in activity similar to that observed during sleep. One possible explanation for these findings is an initial overdrive and compensatory shutdown of the hypothalamus resulting in full cataplectic symptoms.


    Yue, Xiao Dong; Hui, Anna Na


    Humor is found to be an essential element of creative thinking in Western culture. In Eastern culture, however, the relationship between creativity and humor is ambivalent. This study examined the relationship among humor styles, creative personality traits, and creative thinking abilities. A sample of 118 Chinese undergraduates in Hong Kong was recruited to complete the Humor Styles Questionnaire, the three Creative Personality subscales of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory-2 (CPAI-2), and the Verbal Test of the Wallach-Kogan Creativity Tests. Results show that humor styles are uncorrelated with creative thinking abilities of flexibility, fluency, and originality, but affiliative humor and aggressive humor are correlated with creative personality traits of novelty and diversity. A hierarchical multiple regression shows that both humor styles and creative personality traits of novelty and diversity account for non-significant variance on creative thinking abilities. These findings largely support a hypothesized non-association between humor styles and creative measures. They also pose a sharp contrast to findings obtained in the West, in which humor styles are typically correlated with both creative thinking abilities and creative personality traits.

  4. Are Humor Styles of People With Dementia Linked to Greater Purpose in Life? (United States)

    Mak, Wingyun; Sörensen, Silvia


    Little is known about humor and purpose in life in people with dementia. Although having a sense of humor is typically associated with positive psychological outcomes, recent evidence suggests that outcomes may vary depending on whether the humor being used is adaptive versus maladaptive. The goal of this study was to determine whether humor styles are predictive of purpose in life in people with dementia. Questionnaires were verbally administered to people with mild-to-moderate dementia to measure humor styles and purpose in life. Adaptive humor styles were associated with purpose in life whereas maladaptive humor styles were not. Having a sense of humor in dementia may be associated with a stronger sense of purpose in life, but it depends on the type of humor used. Results are discussed in the context of understanding the role of humor in the daily lives of people with dementia and implications for care. © The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  5. The Humorous Function of English Euphemism

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    As a universal linguistic phenomenon in human society, euphemism is widely used in all social classes and fields. It is an important means to coordinate interpersonal relationship. This research discusses some fundamental knowledge of euphemism. It aims to analyze the humorous function of English euphemism in social interaction, advertisement and expressing professions. Through the analysis of the humorous function of English euphemism, it helps people to reduce mistake, improve the effect of communication and enhance mutual understanding.

  6. Humor and laughter in persons with cognitive impairment and their caregivers (United States)

    Liptak, Amy; Tate, Judith; Flatt, Jason; Oakley, Mary Ann; Lingler, Jennifer


    Purpose The purpose of this study was to describe humor and laughter in persons with cognitive impairment (PWCI) and caregivers who were recalling a shared experience in a focus group. Design Twenty participants attended an Art Engagement Activity at the Andy Warhol Art Museum, which included a guided tour and an art project. All PWCI had medically diagnosed cognitive disorders and all caregiver participants did not. Four focus groups were conducted and transcripts of audio-recorded sessions were transferred to a qualitative software program. Methods Words, phrases and episodes of humor and laughter were used to construct codes, which were refined during group analysis using constant comparison. Findings Humor and laughter were present in all four focus groups. Emerging themes of humor included silliness, sarcasm and commenting about hardships of dementia. Laughter was identified in segments with and without humor. Some PWCI were unable to follow social cues. Conclusions Humor and laughter played a role in creating a safe social environment. PWCI were able to engage in humor during social interactions, yet some had difficulty recognizing social cues. Further study may reveal roles of humor and laughter in adaptation to cognitive decline and holistic interventions for improved quality of life. PMID:23926217

  7. Use of Synthetic Peptides and Anti-Idiotypes for Controlling Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections (United States)


    example, studies by others have suggested that Iy-I. isolates which readily form syncytia in vitro may be associated with a more rapid rate of disease ...isolates which readily form syncytia in vitro may be associated with a more rapid rate of disease progression in vivo. Using fluorescent intracellular...will be useful reagents in testing sara for neutralizing activity in vitro. 0. Longitudinal analysis of the humoral inmune response to RIV-I gPi60

  8. Papel de los anticuerpos en la protección contra micobacterium tuberculosis

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    Nesty Olivares


    Full Text Available Convencionalmente se asume que la defensa del hospedero contra Mycobacterium tuberculosis se basa en los mecanismos de inmunidad celular exclusivamente y se descarta el papel de los anticuerpos en la protección. En este trabajo se analizan evidencias recientes que retan este dogma y sugieren la importancia de considerar la manipulación de la respuesta inmune humoral como una alternativa en la investigación de vacunas contra la tuberculosis.

  9. Flomoxef sodium and levofloxacin concentrations in aqueous humor. (United States)

    Mizuki, Nobuhisa; Watanabe, Yoichiro; Miyamoto, Mariko; Iijima, Yasuhito; Takiyama, Naoaki; Ito, Yoshiki; Ito, Norihiko; Nishida, Tomomi; Iwata, Shinko; Endo, Yoko; Ito, Daizo


    We intravenously administered flomoxef sodium (FMOX) 120 minutes before cataract surgery, topically administered levofloxacin (LVFX) into the eyes four times at 30-minute intervals before surgery, and measured the aqueous humor concentrations of these agents to investigate their penetration into the aqueous humor and their efficacy in the prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis. Sixty-eight patients who underwent cataract surgery at the Department of Ophthalmology, Yokohama City University School of Medicine, or its affiliate, Kanazawa Hospital, Yokohama, were enrolled in this study. They received one or both of the following: 1.0 g FMOX via a 20-minute intravenous drip and LVFX ophthalmic solution applied four times at 30-minute intervals, both beginning two hours before the operation. Aqueous humor was aspirated from the anterior chamber and assayed for FMOX and LVFX concentrations using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The mean intraoperative FMOX and LVFX concentrations in the patients' aqueous humor were 1.21 +/- 0.63 microg/ml and 0.69 +/- 0.47 microg/ml, respectively. These concentrations sufficiently exceeded the MIC90 values against Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus, and Propionibacterium acnes. The FMOX and LVFX concentrations in the aqueous humor sampling were adequate to kill bacteria in vitro. These drugs may have efficacy in the prevention of postoperative endophthalmitis in patients undergoing cataract surgery.

  10. Feasibility of a Humor Training to Promote Humor and Decrease Stress in a Subclinical Sample: A Single-Arm Pilot Study

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    Nektaria Tagalidou


    Full Text Available The present study investigates the feasibility of a humor training for a subclinical sample suffering from increased stress, depressiveness, or anxiety. Based on diagnostic interviews, 35 people were invited to participate in a 7-week humor training. Evaluation measures were filled in prior training, after training, and at a 1-month follow-up including humor related outcomes (coping humor and cheerfulness and mental health-related outcomes (perceived stress, depressiveness, anxiety, and well-being. Outcomes were analyzed using repeated-measures ANOVAs. Within-group comparisons of intention-to-treat analysis showed main effects of time with large effect sizes on all outcomes. Post hoc tests showed medium to large effect sizes on all outcomes from pre to post and results remained stable until follow-up. Satisfaction with the training was high, attrition rate low (17.1%, and participants would highly recommend the training. Summarizing the results, the pilot study showed promising effects for people suffering from subclinical symptoms. All outcomes were positively influenced and showed stability over time. Humor trainings could be integrated more into mental health care as an innovative program to reduce stress whilst promoting also positive emotions. However, as this study was a single-arm pilot study, further research (including also randomized controlled trials is still needed to evaluate the effects more profoundly.

  11. Aqueous humor ferritin in hereditary hyperferritinemia cataract syndrome. (United States)

    Lenzhofer, Markus; Schroedl, Falk; Trost, Andrea; Kaser-Eichberger, Alexandra; Wiedemann, Helmut; Strohmaier, Clemens; Hohensinn, Melchior; Strasser, Michael; Muckenthaler, Martina U; Grabner, Guenther; Aigner, Elmar; Reitsamer, Herbert A


    Hereditary hyperferritinemia cataract syndrome (HHCS) is a rare autosomal dominant hereditary disease, characterized by hyperferritinemia but with absence of body iron excess and early onset of bilateral cataracts. Although 5- to 20-fold increased serum ferritin concentrations have been reported in HHCS patients, data of ferritin levels in aqueous humor have not been obtained. We therefore aimed to investigate the ferritin levels in aqueous humor and serum and further present histological and ultrastructural data of the lens. During cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation, aqueous humor and lens aspirate of a 37-year-old HHCS patient were obtained from both eyes. Ferritin levels in serum and aqueous humor were quantitatively analyzed via immunoassays in the HHCS patient and healthy control subjects (n = 6). Lens aspirate in HHCS was analyzed histologically and at the ultrastructural level. Further, genetic mutation screening by polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing in blood was performed. Serum ferritin levels in the control group were 142.2 ± 38.7 μg/L, whereas in the HHCS patient, this parameter was excessively increased (1086 μg/L). Analysis of ferritin in aqueous humor revealed 6.4 ± 3.8 μg/L in normal control subjects and 146.3 μg/L (OD) and 160.4 μg/L (OS) in the HHCS patient. DNA analysis detected a C>A mutation on position +18, a T>G mutation on position +22, a T>C mutation on position +24, and a T>G polymorphism on position +26 in the iron-responsive element of the light-chain ferritin (L-ferritin) gene. In the HHCS patient, a 23-fold (OD) to 25-fold (OS) increased aqueous humor ferritin level was detected. Therefore, the formation of bilateral cataract in HHCS is most likely a result of elevated aqueous humor ferritin. In addition, a novel mutation in this rare disease in the iron-responsive element of L-ferritin gene is reported.

  12. Virtuous laughter: we should teach medical learners the art of humor. (United States)

    Oczkowski, Simon


    There is increasing recognition of the stress and burnout suffered by critical care workers. Physicians have a responsibility to teach learners the skills required not only to treat patients, but to cope with the demands of a stressful profession. Humor has been neglected as a strategy to help learners develop into virtuous and resilient physicians. Humor can be used to reduce stress, address fears, and to create effective health care teams. However, there are forms of humor which can be hurtful or discriminatory. In order to maximize the benefits of humor and to reduce its harms, we need to teach and model the effective and virtuous use of humor in the intensive care unit.

  13. Respuesta inmune y expresión de genes en el camarón blanco (Litopenaeus vannamei) inducida por inmunoestimulantes microbianos


    Moreno Herrera, Jesús Tomás


    En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto inmunoestimulante de bacterias ácido lácticas y levaduras muertas por calor en Litopenaeus vannamei, cultivado en el laboratorio. La mezcla inmunoestimulante (MI) en polvo se adicionó en el alimento. Se realizó un bioensayo de 26 días en tinas de plástico con 80 L de agua de mar filtrada, aireación constante y 10 organismos por tina. La alimentación se realizó dos veces al día, la limpieza diariamente y la determinación de parámetros fisicoquímicos cada 3 d...

  14. Stand Up Comics: Instructional Humor and Student Engagment (United States)

    Wortley, Amy; Dotson, Elizabeth


    This paper examines the use of instructional humor in higher education settings and makes connections between the levels of student achievement in academics and the influence of appropriate instructional humor. The work of prominent researchers such as Wanzer, Frymier, and Irwin (2010), and Segrist & Hupp (2015), who postulate that…

  15. A Computational Model of Linguistic Humor in Puns (United States)

    Kao, Justine T.; Levy, Roger; Goodman, Noah D.


    Humor plays an essential role in human interactions. Precisely what makes something funny, however, remains elusive. While research on natural language understanding has made significant advancements in recent years, there has been little direct integration of humor research with computational models of language understanding. In this paper, we…

  16. Impact of Humor Advertising in Radio and Print Advertising - A Review


    S, venkatesh; N, senthilkumar


    The use of humour in advertising is the effective way of communication in any emotion to sell the products. Humor increase attention and attract more consumers so it became an effective advertising in any medium of advertising. Researchers and Advertisers more interested towards humor advertising more than century, but no review paper regarding impact of humor in radio and print advertising are published. Aim of this paper to get detailed review on impact of humor in radio and print advertisi...


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    Paula Diniz Galera


    Full Text Available

    Flunixin meglumine effects, over aqueous humor proteins of eyes on dogs who were submitted to paracentesis of the anterior chamber, were evaluated. To ten adult dogs clinically healthy were given a subconjunctival shot with flunixin meglumine (1.1mg/Kg on the right eye and sterilized saline solution 0.9% on the left eye, with the same volume. After general anesthesia, were submitted to two paracentesis of the both eyes to collect 0.2mL of first and second aqueous. The samples were submitted to Bradford test, wich proteins concentrations were  15.98mg/dL ± 4.48 e 11.46mg/dL ± 2.72 for the right and the left eyes, respectively, on the first paracentesis and 119.8mg/dL ± 6.74 e 120.63mg/dL ± 22.4 for the right and the left eyes, on the second paracentesis. There was no significant statistically differences between the protein values of the treated eyes in comparison with the control one. When compared, the proteins concentrations between the first and second paracentesis of the right and left eyes, statistic differences were found between these two moments (p<0.001. SDS-PAGE showed differences in the protein patterns of aqueous humor in result of the paracentesis.

    KEY WORDS: Aqueous humor, eye, flunixin meglumine, paracentesis, proteíns.

    Avaliaram-se os efeitos da flunixina meglumina, pela via subconjuntival, sobre as proteínas do humor aquoso de olhos de cães submetidos à paracentese da câmara anterior. Dez animais adultos, clinicamente sadios, receberam, por aplicação subconjuntival, flunixina meglumina (1,1mg/kg no olho direito e solução salina estéril a 0,9% no olho esquerdo, em igual volume. Mediante anestesia geral, foram submetidos a duas paracenteses de ambos os olhos para coleta de 0,2mL de aquoso primário e secundário, respectivamente. As amostras foram submetidas ao Teste de Bradford, cujas concentrações proteicas (média e desvio-padrão obtidas foram de 15

  18. Soft tissue abscess and lymphadenitis due to Mycobacterium avium Complex as an expression of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome after a second scheme of highly active antiretroviral therapy Linfadenitis y absceso subcutáneo por Complejo Mycobacterium avium como manifestación de síndrome inflamatorio de reconstitución inmune luego de un segundo esquema de terapia antirretroviral de gran actividad

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    Marcelo Corti


    Full Text Available Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS is an atypical and unexpected reaction related to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infected patients. IRIS includes an atypical response to an opportunistic pathogen (generally Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium avium complex, cytomegalovirus and herpes varicella-zoster, in patients responding to HAART with a reduction of plasma viral load and evidence of immune restoration based on increase of CD4+ T-cell count. We reported a case of a patient with AIDS which, after a first failure of HAART, developed a subcutaneous abscess and supraclavicular lymphadenitis as an expression of IRIS due to Mycobacterium avium complex after starting a second scheme of HAART.El síndrome inflamatorio de reconstitución inmune (SIRI es una reacción atípica e inesperada relacionada con el tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA en pacientes infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH. El SIRI representa una respuesta inflamatoria frente a un patógeno oportunista (generalmente Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Complejo Mycobacterium avium, citomegalovirus y herpes varicela-zóster en pacientes que responden a la TARGA con una marcada reducción de la carga viral en plasma y evidencia de una recuperación inmunológica expresada por el incremento de los niveles de linfocitos T CD4+. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida que desarrolló un absceso subcutáneo en muslo derecho y una adenitis supraclavicular izquierda como manifestación de SIRI por Complejo Mycobacterium avium luego del inicio de un segundo esquema de TARGA.

  19. Trait humor and longevity: do comics have the last laugh? (United States)

    Rotton, J


    Four sets of biographical data were analyzed in order to test the hypothesis that the ability to generate humor is associated with longevity. Although steps were taken to ensure that tests had high levels of statistical power, analyses provided very little support for the idea that individuals with a well-developed sense of humor live longer than serious writers and other entertainers. In addition, a subsidiary analysis revealed that those in the business of entertaining others died at an earlier age than those in other lines of endeavor. These findings suggest that researchers should turn their attention from trait humor to the effects of humorous material.

  20. Estandarización de ensayos inmunoenzimáticos (ELISA para la cuantificación de anticuerpos IgG inducidos por una vacuna de vesículas de membrana externa de los serogrupos A y W135 de Neisseria meningitidis

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    Aleida Mandiarote


    Full Text Available La enfermedad meningocócica es una afección invasiva, de amplia incidencia mundial, cuyo agente causal es la bacteria gramnegativa Neisseria meningitidis . Existen vacunas polisacarídicas sin conjugar o conjugadas, contra cuatro de los cinco serogrupos responsables del 95% de los casos en el mundo. Para el serogrupo B, cuyo polisacárido es pobremente inmunogénico, se han evaluado varios candidatos vacunales producidos a base de vesículas de membrana externa. La determinación de la actividad bactericida y la cuantificación de IgG por ELISA han sido los métodos más utilizados en la medición de la respuesta inmune generada por vacunas contra la meningitis meningocócica. El segundo de estos métodos es utilizado en el Instituto Finlay como ensayo de inmunogenicidad para la liberación de lotes de VA-MENGOC-BC®. Como parte de una colaboración con investigadores noruegos, se trabaja en la obtención de un candidato vacunal contra los serogrupos A y W135 , basado en vesículas de membrana externa. En el presente trabajo se describe la estandarización de un ELISA para ser utilizado en la evaluación de la respuesta inmune del candidato vacunal bivalente.

  1. Direct current stimulation of the left temporoparietal junction modulates dynamic humor appreciation. (United States)

    Slaby, Isabella; Holmes, Amanda; Moran, Joseph M; Eddy, Marianna D; Mahoney, Caroline R; Taylor, Holly A; Brunyé, Tad T


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of transcranial direct current stimulation targeting the left temporoparietal junction (TPJ) on humor appreciation during a dynamic video rating task. In a within-participants design, we targeted the left TPJ with anodal, cathodal, or no transcranial direct current stimulation, centered at electrode site C3 using a 4×1 targeted stimulation montage. During stimulation, participants dynamically rated a series of six stand-up comedy videos for perceived humor. We measured event-related (time-locked to crowd laughter) modulation of humor ratings as a function of stimulation condition. Results showed decreases in rated humor during anodal (vs. cathodal or none) stimulation; this pattern was evident for the majority of videos and was only partially predicted by individual differences in humor style. We discuss the possibility that upregulation of neural circuits involved in the theory of mind and empathizing with others may reduce appreciation of aggressive humor. In conclusion, the present data show that neuromodulation of the TPJ can alter the mental processes underlying humor appreciation, suggesting critical involvement of this cortical region in detecting, comprehending, and appreciating humor.

  2. Pastoral Perspectives of Humor's Use in Ministry Contexts (United States)

    Young, Jonathan W.


    Results from a qualitative component of a mixed-methods research design are reported regarding the use of humor in pastoral ministry. Thirteen Southern Baptist (SB) pastors were interviewed, from a total of 37 exemplars identified in the quantitative component of the study, regarding their perspectives toward humor in ministry. Results overall…

  3. [Detection of leptospira by culture of vitreous humor and detection of antibodies against leptospira in vitreous humor and serum of 225 horses with equine recurrent uveitis]. (United States)

    Dorrego-Keiter, Elisa; Tóth, József; Dikker, Lieke; Sielhorst, Jutta; Schusser, Gerald Fritz


    In the ongoing discussion regarding the aetiopathogenesis of equine recurrent uveitis (ERU) it was the aim of the present study to elucidate the relationship of leptospira infection and ERU. In a population of 225 horses leptospira were examined in vitreous humor by culture and leptospira antibody were detected in vitreous humor and serum samples. Preoperative serum samples were collected from 221/225 ERU patients of different age, gender and breed. Undiluted vitreous humor was aseptically taken from 198/225 patients that underwent pars plana vitrectomy at the beginning of surgery and from 27/225 patients' eyeball after enucleation: Serum and vitreous humor were tested for specific leptospiral antibodies by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Furthermore, vitreous humor was examined by culture. 20 patients which were euthanized due to a live-threatening disease other than ERU served as a control group. A total of 127/221 (57.5%) horses had serum antibodies (≥ 1:100). Most frequently antibodies against L. interrogans serovar Grippotyphosa were detected (79/127), followed by L. interrogans serovar lcterohaemorrhagiae (34/127) and L. interrogans serovar Bratislava (29/127). Only 79/225 horses (35.1%) had leptospiral antibodies in vitreous humor, in which L. interrogans serovar Grippotyphosa (67/79) was identified most frequently followed by L. interrogans serovar Pomona (18/79) and L. interrogans serovar lcterohaemorrhagiae (8/79) which was identified as single or multiple reaction. Isolation of leptospira from vitreous humor was positive in 34/212 horses (16%). 10/20 control horses had a positive antibody titer against leptospira in serum and 2/20 horses in vitreous humor, whereas there was no leptospira detected in culture. The result of 84% negative cultures from vitreous humor of 212 ERU patients is decisive for the diagnosis and therapy of ERU.

  4. Humor in the eye tracker: attention capture and distraction from context cues. (United States)

    Strick, Madelijn; Holland, Rob W; Van Baaren, Rick; Van Knippenberg, Ad


    The humor effect refers to a robust finding in memory research that humorous information is easily recalled, at the expense of recall of nonhumorous information that was encoded in close temporal proximity. Previous research suggests that memory retrieval processes underlie this effect. That is, free recall is biased toward humorous information, which interferes with the retrieval of nonhumorous information. The present research tested an additional explanation that has not been specifically addressed before: Humor receives enhanced attention during information encoding, which decreases attention for context information. Participants observed humorous, nonhumorous positive, and nonhumorous neutral texts paired with novel consumer brands, while their eye movements were recorded using eye-tracker technology. The results confirmed that humor receives prolonged attention relative to both positive and neutral nonhumorous information. This enhanced attention correlated with impaired brand recognition.

  5. Vacunas terapéuticas recombinantes contra el cáncer del cuello uterino

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    Full Text Available Durante el desarrollo del cáncer cervicouterino se inducen mecanismos para evadir el sistema inmune, como son la disminución de la expresión de moléculas de antígeno mayor de histocompatibilidad I y la secreción de citocinas por las células tumorales. Como consecuencia de ello, la estimulación de linfocitos T citotóxicos (LTC y cooperadores (TC, de células asesinas naturales (AN y macrófagos es muy deficiente. Para inducir una respuesta inmune efectiva contra el tumor, se requiere la estimulación simultánea de múltiples componentes del sistema inmune: por vía sistémica la estimulación de LTC y TC contra epítopos del virus del papiloma humano, y en un nivel local, la inducción de la secreción de citocinas por el tumor, para aumentar el procesamiento y la presentación de blancos tumorales, así como la estimulación de los linfocitos, AN y macrófagos que infiltran el tumor.

  6. Humor as a Communication Strategy in Provider-Patient Communication in a Chronic Care Setting. (United States)

    Schöpf, Andrea C; Martin, Gillian S; Keating, Mary A


    Humor is a potential communication strategy to accomplish various and potentially conflicting consultation goals. We investigated humor use and its reception in diabetes consultations by analyzing how and why humor emerges and its impact on the interaction. We did this by using an interactional sociolinguistics approach. We recorded 50 consultations in an Irish diabetes setting. Analysis of the humor events drew on framework analysis and on concepts from Conversation Analysis and pragmatics. The study also comprised interviews using tape-assisted recall. We identified 10 humor functions and two umbrella functions. A key finding is that most humor is relationship-protecting humor initiated by patients, that is, they voice serious messages and deal with emotional issues through humor. Our findings imply that patients' and providers' awareness of indirect communication strategies needs to be increased. We also recommend that researchers employ varied methods to adequately capture the interactive nature of humor.

  7. The Humor in Horror. (United States)

    Kies, Cosette


    Discussion of horror fiction for teenagers focuses on the element of humor. Topics include parodies, plots, the element of mystery, cover art, end-of-chapter cliffhangers, and formula books. An annotated list of 10 pertinent titles is included. (LRW)

  8. Niveles de anticuerpos bactericidas frente a meningococo C tras la vacunación de niños de 2 a 6 años de edad en Andalucía


    Elena Delgado Torralbo; Julio Vázquez Moreno; Javier García León; Jesús González Enríquez; Ferrán Martínez Navarro; Sonsoles Berrón Morato; José María Mayoral Cortés; Mª. Angeles Rubin Gómez; Camila Méndez Martínez; Margarita Cortés Majó; Mónica Chaves Caballero; Mª Luisa Bernal González


    FUNDAMENTO: En 1997 el 18,5% de los casos de Enfermedad Meningocócica por serogrupo C en Andalucía fueron niños de 2 a 4 años de edad; edades donde respuesta inmune inicial y duración de la vacuna antimeningocócica de polisacárido capsular A+C, es menor que en edades superiores. Se diseñó una investigación para medir la respuesta inmune producida por esta vacuna, en niños de 2 a 6 años de edad, y compararla con la inmunidad natural presente en niños no vacunados. MÉTODOS: I.- Doble estudio de...

  9. The Views of Turkish Teachers on the Use of Humor in Secondary Schools (United States)

    Kilic, Yasin


    Humor is the type of expression and writing representing the humorous aspect of life by adorning with jokes and wit. The main objective of humor is to criticize, ironize, and correct the flaws and hideousness in life. Humor develops the sensitivity, the empathizing ability and social facts' multidimensional perception of individuals. Humor…

  10. The Use of Humor as a Teaching Strategy in Nursing Education (United States)

    Lukehart, Dennis E.


    The purpose of this research study was to determine the use of humor as a teaching strategy among a sample of nurse educators employed by community colleges and universities in Northern and Central California nursing programs. The study also identified the types of humor used, how humor is used in the classroom, and nurse educators' perceptions of…

  11. Multiple sclerosis test or the 4 humors: cerebrospinal fluid serum, tears and saliva; Esclerosis multiple test de los 4 humores: liquido cefalorraquideo, suero, lagrimas y saliva

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oehninger Gatti, C; Buzo Del Puerto, R; Chouza Antelo, C; Scotti Bianchi, C; Cibils, D; Alcantara Pelaez, J; Gomez, A; Heuguerot Oliveira, C


    4 were studied biological fluids easily accessible to the immune exploration (cerebrospinal fluid, serum, tears and saliva) in 25 patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) during a push clinical disease. The level of interleukin-2 receptor soluble (RsIL-2) was significantly increased by at least 3 of these 4 fluids, compared with normal controls. The sensitivity and specificity of its determination for the diagnosis of the condition was higher than other immunochemical parameters, oligoclonal distribution (OD) of immunoglobulin (Ig) light chain imbalance-and-evoked electrophysiological studies. This method is used to establish a more accurate diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis as well as to monitor its biological activity with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) (Author) [Spanish] Se estudiaron 4 fluidos biologicos de facil acceso a la exploracion inmune (liquido cefalorraquideo, suero, lagrimas y saliva) en 25 pacientes con Esclerosis Multiple (EM) obtenidos durante un empuje clinico de la enfermedad. El nivel del receptor de Interleukina-2 soluble (RsIL-2) se encontro significativamente aumentado en por lo menos 3 de estos 4 fluidos, en comparacion con el de los controles normales. La sensibilidad y especificidad de su determinacion para el diagnostico de la afeccion, fue mayor que la de otros parametros inmunoquimicos - distribucion oligoclonal (DO) de inmunoglobulinas (Ig), disbalance de cadenas livianas - y estudios electrofisiologicos -potenciales evocados-. Este metodo es utilizado para establecer un diagnostico mas certero de la Esclerosis Multiple asi como tambien para monitorizar su actividad biologica junto con la resonancia magnetica nuclear (RMN)(Author)

  12. [The effect of humor in the workplace on mental/physical health and self-evaluation of job performance]. (United States)

    Maruyama, Junichi; Fuji, Kei


    In this study we aimed to examine the contents of humor in the Japanese workplace and to understand the effects of humor on mental/physical health and self-evaluation of job performance. Japanese workers (N = 436) responded to questionnaires addressing workplace humor, feelings about workplace, workplace communication, mental/physical health, and perceived job performance. An exploratory factor analysis indicated that there are five types of workplace humor: norm-violating humor, experience-sharing humor workplace-enjoying humor, people-recalling humor, and outside-mocking humor. A covariance structural analysis showed that norm-violating humor and workplace-enjoying humor decreased mental and physical health by promoting both negative feelings in the workplace and self-disclosure about the negative side of work. Results also revealed that experience-sharing humor, people-recalling humor, and outside-mocking humor had a positive effect on the self-evaluation of job performance as well as mental and physical health, by promoting both positive feelings and mutual communication in the workplace. Results suggest that humor in the workplace has various influences on workers depending on the type of workplace humor.

  13. Arma del contrapoder: Humor político y medios


    César Ulloa Tapia


    El humor político en los medios de comunicación tiene enorme acogida en las audiencias ya que logra lo que pueden editoriales, análisis académicos y demás espacios de opinión. Es la mejor manera de denunciar, advertir, sancionar e incluso develar lo que hace o deja de hacer el poder político. El humor político está considerado como contrapoder. El periodismo que usa el humor es eficaz, tanto en el mensaje como en su efecto, pues describe las situaciones y recurre a comparaciones y símiles....

  14. Does Humor Explain Why Relationally Aggressive Adolescents Are Popular? (United States)

    Bowker, Julie C.; Etkin, Rebecca G.


    The association between relational aggression and popularity during early adolescence is well established. Yet, little is known about why, exactly, relationally aggressive young adolescents are able to achieve and maintain high popular status among peers. The present study investigated the mediating role of humor in the association between relational aggression and popularity during early adolescence. Also considered was whether the association between relational aggression and humor varies according to adolescents’ gender and their friends’ levels of relational aggression. Participants were 265 sixth-grade students (48% female; 41% racial/ethnic minority; Mage = 12.04 years) who completed peer nomination and friendship measures in their classrooms at two time points (Wave 1: February; Wave 2: May). The results indicated that Wave 1 relational aggression was related to Wave 1 and 2 popularity indirectly through Wave 1 humor, after accounting for the effects of Wave 1 physical aggression, ethnicity, and gender. Additional analyses showed that relational aggression and humor were related significantly only for boys and for young adolescents with highly relationally aggressive friends. The results support the need for further research on humor and aggression during early adolescence and other mechanisms by which relationally aggressive youth achieve high popular status. PMID:24136377

  15. Humor in print health advertisements: enhanced attention, privileged recognition, and persuasiveness of preventive messages. (United States)

    Blanc, Nathalie; Brigaud, Emmanuelle


    This study tested the effect of humor in one particular type of print advertisement: the preventive health ads for three topics (alcohol, tobacco, obesity). Previous research using commercial ads demonstrated that individuals' attention is spontaneously attracted by humor, leading to a memory advantage for humorous information over nonhumorous information. Two experiments investigated whether the positive effect of humor can occur with preventive health ads. In Experiment 1, participants observed humorous and nonhumorous health ads while their viewing times were recorded. In Experiment 2, to compare humorous and nonhumorous ads, the memory of health messages was assessed through a recognition task and a convincing score was collected. The results confirmed that, compared to nonhumorous health ads, those using humor received prolonged attention, were judged more convincing, and their messages were better recognized. Overall, these findings suggest that humor can be of use in preventive health communication.

  16. Multilingual Manipulation and Humor in "I Love Lucy" (United States)

    Kirschen, Bryan


    "I Love Lucy" is considered to have been one of the most humorous television programs in the United States as early as the 1950s. This paper explores the use of language by the protagonists, Lucy and Ricky Ricardo, in order to understand the source of the program's humor. Linguistic analysis of the Ricardos' speech is applied,…

  17. Produção de óxido nítrico e interferon – gama por células mononucleares do sangue periférico de bovinos infestados por Boophilus microplus


    Pardini, Marina Marques


    As infestações por carrapatos em bovinos reduzem a produtividade do gado de corte e leiteiro causando grandes perdas econômicas à pecuária. Os prejuízos acarretam desde debilidade física e transmissão de doenças ao rebanho, como anaplasmose e babesiose, até a morte dos indivíduos mais vulneráveis. Os carrapatos permanecem por longos períodos fixados em seus hospedeiros sendo expostos ao sistema de defesa do bovino, o que provoca inflamação e ativa elementos da resposta imune humoral e celular...

  18. Humoral and cellular immune responses to modified hepatitis B ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    These findings indicate that the vaccine induced both a humoral and cellular ... Keywords: Hepatitis B virus, Plasmid DNA, Vaccine, Spleen cytokines, Humoral and cellular immune responses ... produced in mice. ... were performed and HBsAg specific IgM and IgG ..... and protection elicited against Plasmodium berghei.


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    Truly Almendo Pasaribu


    Full Text Available Gender-related humors have their own way of being funny; and this research aims to find out how and why they are funny. For this purpose, both researchers have collected 50 gender cyber humors and analyzed them, first, to decode how their logical mechanism relates to specific linguistic features, and secondly, to uncover how gender stereotyping contributes to the comical effects. The twisting of logic and linguistic ambiguity is analyzed formally using Attardos (2001 General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH and supported by gender studies. The findings reveal that the logical mechanism consists of elements of incongruities, and gender stereotyping presents negative stereotypical images. The analysis further shows that some gender stereotypical images ridicule traditional roles of man and woman while others make fun of non-traditional representations. This shift from women only to both men and women as targets of gender humors has been an impact of effective feminist movements.

  20. Using Psychophysiological Measures to Examine the Temporal Profile of Verbal Humor Elicitation.

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    Chris M Fiacconi

    Full Text Available Despite its pervasiveness in popular culture, there remains much to be learned about the psychological and physiological processes that underlie our experience of humor. In the present study, we examined the temporal profile of verbal humor elicitation using psychophysiological measures of heart rate (HR and facial electromyography (EMG. Consistent with recent prior research on cardiovascular changes to perceived humor, we found that HR acceleration was greater for jokes relative to non-jokes, and was positively related to the level of perceived humor elicited by these jokes. In addition, activity recorded from the zygomaticus major muscle that controls smiling was found to be greater for jokes relative to non-jokes. To link these physiological changes to the psychological processes that govern humor comprehension, we took the initial inflection point of the zygomatic EMG response as a marker for the onset of humor comprehension, and used this marker to probe the pattern of cardiovascular activity at this time-point. We estimated the onset of the humor response to occur during the initial HR deceleration phase, and found that jokes relative to non-jokes elicited a decreased HR response at this time-point. This result questions the previously forwarded notion that the psychological "moment of insight" that signals the start of the humor response is always associated with heightened cardiovascular activity. This discrepancy is discussed in relation to possible differences in the cognitive processes required to comprehend different forms of humor. At a broader level, our results also demonstrate the advantages of combining different psychophysiological measures to examine psychological phenomena, and illustrate how one such measure can constrain the interpretation of others.

  1. Using Psychophysiological Measures to Examine the Temporal Profile of Verbal Humor Elicitation. (United States)

    Fiacconi, Chris M; Owen, Adrian M


    Despite its pervasiveness in popular culture, there remains much to be learned about the psychological and physiological processes that underlie our experience of humor. In the present study, we examined the temporal profile of verbal humor elicitation using psychophysiological measures of heart rate (HR) and facial electromyography (EMG). Consistent with recent prior research on cardiovascular changes to perceived humor, we found that HR acceleration was greater for jokes relative to non-jokes, and was positively related to the level of perceived humor elicited by these jokes. In addition, activity recorded from the zygomaticus major muscle that controls smiling was found to be greater for jokes relative to non-jokes. To link these physiological changes to the psychological processes that govern humor comprehension, we took the initial inflection point of the zygomatic EMG response as a marker for the onset of humor comprehension, and used this marker to probe the pattern of cardiovascular activity at this time-point. We estimated the onset of the humor response to occur during the initial HR deceleration phase, and found that jokes relative to non-jokes elicited a decreased HR response at this time-point. This result questions the previously forwarded notion that the psychological "moment of insight" that signals the start of the humor response is always associated with heightened cardiovascular activity. This discrepancy is discussed in relation to possible differences in the cognitive processes required to comprehend different forms of humor. At a broader level, our results also demonstrate the advantages of combining different psychophysiological measures to examine psychological phenomena, and illustrate how one such measure can constrain the interpretation of others.

  2. Humor in the teaching of writing: A microethnographic approach

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    Christian F. Hempelmann


    Full Text Available This paper presents the content of a critical thinking and writing course, along with similar courses derived from it, designed around the topic of humor and culminating in a microethnographic investigation of humor in students’ lives. The aims of the paper are threefold: to offer a general rationale for using humor in the writing classroom; to illustrate different types of potentials and dangers of such an approach; and to suggest extensions of the findings to the second-language writing classroom. The paper offers texts, writing prompts, and activities for instructors teaching classes that focus on the writing process in a first or second language.

  3. Abordaje inmunológico del síndrome por deleción 22q11

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    Estefanía Vásquez-Echeverri

    Full Text Available El síndrome por deleción 22q11 (SD22q11 es el síndrome por deleción cromosómica más frecuente en humanos y se caracteriza por la tríada clínica que incluye cardiopatía congénita, hipocalcemia e inmunodeficiencia primaria. El 85-90% de los pacientes tienen microdeleciones en el cromosoma 22q11.2. Tomando como punto cardinal la cardiopatía congénita, se diseñó una estrategia para tamización y diagnóstico de SD22q11 con énfasis en la evaluación inmune. Es imprescindible realizar una historia clínica detallada y, posteriormente, un análisis cuantitativo y funcional de las subpoblaciones de linfocitos en sangre periférica para clasificarlo en SD22q11 completo (<1% o parcial (95-99% e instaurar las pautas de tratamiento en aspectos como: aislamiento del paciente, vacunación, profilaxis contra microorganismos oportunistas, uso de productos sanguíneos irradiados y reconstitución inmunológica. Sin embargo, el abordaje del paciente debe ser multidisciplinario para detectar y prevenir complicaciones a largo plazo que pueden ser graves, especialmente en los pacientes con SD22q11 completo.

  4. Depresión y neuroplasticidad: Interacción de los sistemas nervioso, endocrino e inmune Depression and neuroplasticity: Interaction of nervous, endocrine and immune systems

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    Paola Cassano


    Full Text Available La depresión clínica es una enfermedad física y psíquica que presenta bases neuropatológicas, sin embargo aún no se tiene un conocimiento exacto del origen o causas de esta enfermedad. Se conoce que existe un componente genético, aunque el componente ambiental en el desarrollo de la depresión es innegable. El estrés juega un rol esencial en el desencadenamiento de la depresión. La interacción y respuesta del sistema endocrino, inmune y nervioso se encuentran afectadas en este desorden. La observación de los efectos de los antidepresivos sobre la neurotransmisión monoaminérgica ha llevado hace muchos años a la hipótesis de las monoaminas de la depresión. Sin embargo, esta hipótesis ya no puede explicar muchos de los efectos de las drogas antidepresivas. La nueva hipótesis para explicar los efectos de los antidepresivos es la de neuroplasticidad neuronal. Esta hipótesis propone que los cambios que esas drogas producen sobre diversos sistemas, entre ellos el sistema nervioso, el inmune y el endocrino, son capaces de inducir cambios neuroadaptativos en el cerebro. La neuroplasticidad ha sido definida como la habilidad del cerebro para reorganizarse a sí mismo y formar nuevas conexiones neuronales a lo largo de la vida. Se propone que el mecanismo por el cual los antidepresivos logran sus efectos es mediante la neuroplasticidad.Clinical depression is a physical and psychic disease that has neuropathological basis, although the clear understanding of its ethiopathology is still missing. There is evidence of a genetic component in depression, however, the participation of environment is crucial. Stress plays an essential role in the onset of depression. The interaction and the response of the endocrine system with the immune and nervous system are altered in depression. The observation of the effect of antidepressants on monoaminergic transmitters leads to the hypothesis of monoamines. However this hypothesis cannot explain many of

  5. Humor, Loneliness and Interpersonal Communication: A Quantitative Study of Romanian Older Adults

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    Ioana Schiau


    Full Text Available This quantitative study examines the correlations between humor, loneliness, gender and aging by presenting the results from a sample of eighty-three older Romanian adults, aged sixty and above. The first section of the paper is a comprehensive review of the social-psychological literature on aging, gender and humor. The second section assesses the findings generated from a study that uses the Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale (Thorson & Powell, 1993 and the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults – short version, (diTomaso, Brannen & Best, 2004. Building on Robert Weiss’s (1973 reflections on the differences between feelings of loneliness because of social isolation or emotional isolation, the research findings nuance –and in some cases challenge several assumptions on gender, age, and emotional and social loneliness. The findings also point to the correlation between feelings of social loneliness and the use of humor in interpersonal communications. The data collected suggests that while Romanian men may value the use of humor more than women when self-reporting, that older Romanian women tend to use humor in interpersonal situations and that there is a significant correlation between the use of this type of humor and a reduced sense of social loneliness.

  6. Differential expression of proteome in aqueous humor in patients with and without glaucoma. (United States)

    Salamanca, D; Gómez-Chaparro, J L; Hidalgo, A; Labella, F


    To determine quantitative and qualitative differences of aqueous humor proteome in patients with and without glaucoma. Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of 12 patients (8 men; 4 women) with and without glaucoma. There are 3 groups of minority proteins with serum equimolar contribution of each of the patients. Specimens were obtained during cataract surgery from patients without glaucoma (performed with retrobulbar anaesthesia [cataract retrobulbar patient -CRP-;n=4] or topical [cataract topical patient -CTP-; n=4]), or from patients with glaucoma (performed with retrobulbar anaesthesia [glaucoma retrobulbar patient -GRP-; n=4]). The humor proteome samples were frozen at -80°C until processing by trypsin digestion to obtain tryptic peptides, and then performing liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to obtain the proteome and its differential expression between groups. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS v.17 program. The study included 12 patients, aged (mean±standard deviation) 74.50±9.53 years. Concentrations obtained: 0.48±0.25μg/μl for CRP, 0.28±0.04μg/μl for CTP, and 0.35±0.16μg/μl for GRP. A total of 309 proteins were identified, of which 205, 210, and 182 were in CRP, CTP, and GRP, respectively. A total of 114 proteins were common to all three groups, 50 were exclusive to CRP, 58 to CTP, and 27 to GRP. In this pilot study, a quantitative difference was found in the protein expression of humor among patients with glaucoma, there being 27 proteins unique to patients with glaucomatous disease. Copyright © 2018 Sociedad Española de Oftalmología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. The value of humor in psycotherapy

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    Liliana Chazenbalk


    Full Text Available The main point of this work is to show how humor—when is used properly- has a positive effect on the patient ant the therapist’s self improving their alliance, supervision and team meetings. It’s also good for profesionals to include humor, recreation and rest in their job routines, because these ingredients let them be more effective in psychoterapy. The vast majority of psychological theories agree on its importance. The Cognitive Psychology believes that humor helps the patient evaluate reality in a different way, stops disfunctional thoughts, lets the expression of negative emotions and finds more adaptative patterns. 

  8. Infant humor perception from 3- to 6-months and attachment at one year. (United States)

    Mireault, Gina; Sparrow, John; Poutre, Merlin; Perdue, Brittany; Macke, Laura


    Infancy is a critical time for the development of secure attachment, which is facilitated by emotionally synchronous interactions with parents. Humor development, which includes shared laughter and joint attention to an event, emerges concurrently with attachment, but little is known regarding the relationship, if any, between humor development and attachment in the first year. Thirty 3-month-old infants were videoed at home each month until they were 6-months old while their parents attempted to amuse them. Frequency of infants' smiles and laughs served as a measure of "state humor", and the smiling/laughing subscale of the Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised served as a measure of "trait humor". State and trait humor were not correlated. Lower trait humor as 6 months predicted higher attachment security on the Attachment Q-sort at 12-months (r=.46), suggesting that less good-humored infants elicit greater parental engagement, which works to the benefit of attachment, or vice versa. Future studies should examine the importance of smiling and laughter as they relate to other developmental phenomena in the first year. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  9. Laughter, Humor, and Cancer: Delicate Moments and Poignant Interactional Circumstances. (United States)

    Beach, Wayne A; Prickett, Erin


    Conversation analysis is employed to examine transcribed excerpts drawn from a subsample of 75 naturally occurring and video recorded interviews between cancer patients and 30 doctors. Close examination is provided of how cancer patients initiate, and doctors respond, to laughter and humor during oncology interviews. Interactions demonstrate that communication about the disease "cancer" shares qualities similar to other medical areas (e.g., primary care): the tendency for patients to initiate laughter or humor to address troubling and challenging circumstances; and that during moments when patients address personal matters, doctors are not invited and do not reciprocate with shared laughter and humor. Prominent in talk about cancer are various precarious circumstances, awkward and delicate moments mirroring the lived experiences of cancer patients (e.g., when patients attempt to minimize fears, justify that they are well when threatened with sickness, claim normality in the midst of chronic conditions, and take stances that weight loss and gain are not problematic). These examples provide a compelling case that routine cancer care involves many poignant situations managed through laughter and humor. Implications are raised for how quality care might be improved through grounded understandings of laughter, humor, and cancer.

  10. Measurement approaches to the sense of humor: Introduction and overview


    Ruch, Willibald


    There has been a renaissance of research interest in the "sense of humor" in recent years, partly äs an attempt to define the concept but more strenuously to provide Instruments for its measurement. A quick count of recent publications shows an average of two to three new sense of humor- instruments per year — or one every four to six months. This intensity of research is unparalleled in the history of humor research and contrasts sharply with 25 years ago when the renewal of interest in hum...



    Camelia Gradinaru


    This paper investigates the concepts of humor and violence and their complex relationships contextualised in the advertising domain. Thus, the main theories of humor and the most important elements from media violence paradigms are critically pointed out. The effects of comedic violence in advertising may be positive (great involvement with the ad message, retention of brand information, higher pass-along probability), and also negative (offending the audience, desensitization, damaging the r...

  12. Is an Ideal Sense of Humor Gendered? A Cross-National Study. (United States)

    Tosun, Sümeyra; Faghihi, Nafiseh; Vaid, Jyotsna


    To explore lay conceptions of characteristics of an ideal sense of humor as embodied in a known individual, our study examined elicited written narratives by male and female participants from three different countries of origin: United States, Iran, and Turkey. As reported in an earlier previous study with United States-based participants (Crawford and Gressley, 1991), our study also found that the embodiment of an ideal sense of humor was predominantly a male figure. This effect was more pronounced for male than for female participants but did not differ by country. Relative mention of specific humor characteristics differed by participant gender and by country of origin. Whereas all groups mentioned creativity most often as a component of an ideal sense of humor, this attribute was mentioned significantly more often by Americans than by the other two groups; hostility/sarcasm was also mentioned significantly more often by Americans than Turkish participants who mentioned it more often than Iranian participants. Caring was mentioned significantly more often by Americans and Iranians than by Turkish participants. These findings show a shared pattern of humor characteristics by gender but group differences in the relative prominence given to specific humor characteristics. Further work is needed to corroborate the group differences observed and to pinpoint their source.

  13. La célula de langerhans.

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    Ladys Sarmiento


    Full Text Available La célula de Langerhans es una presentadora de antígenos profesional que juega un papel clave en el inicio y en la regulación de la respuesta inmune. Se localiza en la epidermis y en otros epitelios estratificados desde donde emigra a los órganos linfoides secundarios para presentar a los linfocitos T aquellos antígenos que penetran por la piel e iniciar la respuesta inmune específica. Presentamos una serie de imágenes de microscopía de luz y electrónica de estas células tal y como se encuentran en la epidermis y su morfología después de emigrar al medio de cultivo. Se reseñan algunos factores que inducen su migración, así como los usos terapéuticos potenciales como moduladoras de la respuesta inmune, ya sea para generarla, como en el caso del tratamiento del melanoma; aumentarla, en infecciones causadas por microorganismos intracelulares, o evitarla para el tratamiento de alergias.

  14. Is Laughing at the Expense of Victims and Offenders a Red Flag? Humor and Secondary Traumatic Stress. (United States)

    Craun, Sarah W; Bourke, Michael L


    Those who work with human trauma often use humor to handle job stressors. Research has demonstrated that lighthearted humor is related to lower secondary traumatic stress scores, while gallows humor has the inverse relationship. This work explores how three types of humor relate to secondary traumatic stress: (a) humor at the expense of victims, (b) humor at the expense of offenders, and (c) humor containing sexual innuendo. Internet crimes against children taskforce personnel completed questionnaires about secondary traumatic stress and coping techniques. Humor at the expense of victims was rarely used, but when it was, it was indicative of higher secondary traumatic stress. There were no relationships between secondary traumatic stress and the use of humor at the expense of offenders or humor containing sexual innuendo.

  15. Humorous Names in the Light of Incongruity Theory

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    Mariusz Rutkowski


    Full Text Available The article addresses the humorous function of proper names in the light of incongruity theory. It aims at proving that, although names are often defined as pragmatically “transparent,” they may possess some humorous value due to semantic and pragmatic shifts resulting from the disturbance of ordinary patterns of proper names identification and interpretation. After a brief introduction, the author discusses different variants of incongruity theory as resented in the works by Victor Raskin and Thomas C. Veatch as well as their possible application to the study of humorous names. The second part of the paper provides an analysis of the humorous effects of proper names which includes anthroponyms, toponyms, trade names, football team names and names in literature. The first section of this part concentrates on names in which humour is unintentional and seems to be induced by the context, while the second section focuses on names which are intentionally humourous, i.e. supposed to amuse from the moment of their creation. The author argues that the incongruity theory can provide a useful framework for the study of the different mechanisms responsible of the semantic shifts which determine the variation of pragmatic values of proper names.

  16. Validação da escala de humor de Brunel para programa de reabilitação cardiovascular

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    Sabrina Weiss Sties


    Full Text Available INTRODUÇÃO: Os programas de reabilitação cardiopulmonar e metabólica (RCPM vêm adotando protocolos de treinamento físico que valorizam o volume e a alta intensidade, sendo possível o aparecimento da síndrome do excesso de treinamento (SET. Neste contexto, o uso sistemático de instrumentos para investigação do estado de humor pode auxiliar na detecção precoce da SET. OBJETIVO: Validar a escala de Humor de Brunel (BRUMS em participantes de RCPM. MÉTODOS: Fizeram parte do estudo 247 indivíduos, com média de idade de 63,3±10,5 anos, participantes há pelo menos três meses de programa de RCPM. A análise descritiva foi apresentada em média, desvio padrão e distribuição de frequência. Para avaliar a validade de construto foi utilizada a análise fatorial confirmatória. Para verificar a adequação dos dados foi utilizado o índice de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO. Para interpretação da matriz, foi aplicado o método de extração dos componentes principais, por meio do método varimax. A consistência foi avaliada por meio do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. RESULTADOS: Todas as questões do BRUMS obtiveram médias superiores a nove, demonstrando que as questões do instrumento foram julgadas muito claras pelos participantes. Foi verificado que 83,3% das questões relacionaram-se corretamente com seus respectivos domínios. No que se refere à análise de consistência interna, todos os domínios apresentaram valor acima de 0,6. CONCLUSÃO: A Escala de Humor de Brunel é válida para pacientes que participam de programa de reabilitação cardiopulmonar e metabólica.

  17. Using humor in systematic desensitization to reduce fear. (United States)

    Ventis, W L; Higbee, G; Murdock, S A


    Effectiveness of systematic desensitization for fear reduction, using humorous hierarchy scenes without relaxation, was tested. Participants were 40 students highly fearful of spiders. Using a 24-item behavioral approach test with an American tarantula, participants were matched on fear level and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups: (a) systematic desensitization, (b) humor desensitization, and (c) untreated controls. Each participant was seen for 6 sessions, including pretest and posttest. Analyses of covariance of posttest scores revealed that the 2 treatment groups showed greater reduction in fear than the controls on 3 measures but did not differ from each other. Therefore, humor in systematic desensitization reduced fear as effectively as more traditional desensitization. This finding may have therapeutic applications; however, it may also be applicable in advertising to desensitize fear of a dangerous product, such as cigarettes.

  18. Escala clínica para prever a adesão ao tratamento: transtorno bipolar do humor


    Marchi, Renato


    O Transtorno Bipolar do Humor (TBH) está associado a altas taxas de desajustes psicossociais e familiares, mortalidade e prejuízos econômicos. O tratamento visa o controle de episódios agudos e prevenção de novos episódios. As taxas de não - adesão ao tratamento são altas em TBH. Este trabalho teve por objetivo elaborar e validar uma escala de avaliação clinica , capaz de indicar a probabilidade de adesão ao tratamento medico clinico dos pacientes bipolares de ambos os gêneros. O procedimento...


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    Freddy Antonio González Ynfante


    Full Text Available At present, the humor has become an indispensable tool in the practice of leadership or management processes, because it constitutes a factor and at the same time an element of the institutional climate; forming a dynamic of everyday life of the same and bringing great benefits if it is properly applied. The concern to carry out this research essay lies in knowing if the humor is part of the environment of the educational institution and is seen as the same within it.RESUMENEn la actualidad el humor se ha convertido en una herramienta imprescindible en las prácticas de dirección o procesos gerenciales, debido a que constituye un factor y a la vez un elemento del clima institucional; formando una dinámica cotidiana de la misma y trayendo grandes beneficios si es bien aplicado. La inquietud para llevar a cabo esta investigación tipo ensayo radica en conocer si el humor forma parte del ambiente de la institución educativa y como es visto el mismo dentro de ella.

  20. The role of the amygdala in incongruity resolution: the case of humor comprehension. (United States)

    Nakamura, Tagiru; Matsui, Tomoko; Utsumi, Akira; Yamazaki, Mika; Makita, Kai; Harada, Tokiko; Tanabe, Hiroki C; Sadato, Norihiro


    A dominant theory of humor comprehension suggests that people understand humor by first perceiving some incongruity in an expression and then resolving it. This is called "the incongruity-resolution theory." Experimental studies have investigated the neural basis of humor comprehension, and multiple neural substrates have been proposed; however, the specific substrate for incongruity resolution is still unknown. The reason may be that the resolution phase, despite its importance in humor comprehension, has not been successfully distinguished from the perception phase because both phases occur almost simultaneously. To reveal the substrate, we conducted a functional magnetic resonance study using 51 healthy participants. We used a humor-producing frame of "Given A, I'd say B, because C" so as to focus on the resolution phase independently by suspending humor processing just after the perception phase. This frame allowed us to separate the two phases. Based on our results, incongruity resolution evoked positive emotion and activated the left amygdala, which is known to be related to positive emotion. On the basis of these findings, we argue that the amygdala plays an important role in humor comprehension, considering its functional role in emotional evaluation, particularly the relevance detection for incoming stimuli.

  1. Inmunomodulación ejercida por los ácidos grasos de la dieta en animales de experimentación y humanos

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    Alvarez de Cienfuegos López, G.


    Full Text Available Several studies have reported that fatty acids act as modulatory agents of immune response of experimental animals and humans. In this paper, we do and overview of the performed studies by using of unsaturated fatty acids and their influence on several immunitary parameters in studies carried out in vitro as well as ex vivo. It has been shown that unsaturated fatty acids are involved in the reduction of lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine production and natural killer cell activity. On the other hand, in this article we have reviewed the mechanisms by which fatty acids modulate the immune response: I membrane fluidity alteration; II production of lipid peroxides; III eicosanoid production; IV gene expression modulation.Una gran cantidad de estudios han puesto de manifiesto la acción de los ácidos grasos como agentes moduladores de la respuesta inmune de animales y humanos. En este artículo hacemos una revisión de los estudios llevados a cabo tanto en experiencias realizadas en cultivos in vitro como en ensayos ex vivo, los cuales demuestran que los ácidos grasos, generalmente de naturaleza insaturada participan en la modulación de una gran cantidad de parámetros que forman parte de la respuesta inmune. Se ha demostrado que los ácidos grasos insaturados, están implicados en la reducción de la linfoproliferación, producción de citoquinas, actividad de las células natural killer, etc. Por otra parte, en este artículo tratamos de dilucidar cual es el mecanismo por el que los ácidos grasos ejercen esta acción: I alteración de la fluidez de la membrana plasmática; II Formación de peróxidos lipídicos; III Producción de eicosanoides; IV Modulación de la expresión de genes.

  2. Sex differences in humor processing: An event-related potential study. (United States)

    Chang, Yi-Tzu; Ku, Li-Chuan; Chen, Hsueh-Chih


    Numerous behavioral studies and a handful of functional neuroimaging studies have reported sex differences in humor. However, no study to date has examined differences in the time-course of brain activity during multistage humor processing between the sexes. The purpose of this study was to compare real-time dynamics related to humor processing between women and men, with reference to a proposed three-stage model (involving incongruity detection, incongruity resolution, and elaboration stages). Forty undergraduate students (20 women) underwent event-related potential recording while subjectively rating 30 question-answer-type jokes and 30 question-answer-type statements in a random order. Sex differences were revealed by analyses of the mean amplitudes of difference waves during a specific time window between 1000 and 1300 ms poststimulus onset (P1000-1300). This indicates that women recruited more mental resources to integrate cognitive and emotional components at this late stage. In contrast, men recruited more automated processes during the transition from the cognitive operations of the incongruity resolution stage to the emotional response of the humor elaboration stage. Our results suggest that sex differences in humor processing lie in differences in the integration of cognitive and emotional components, which are closely linked and interact reciprocally, particularly in women. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Experimentally Manipulating Items Informs on the (Limited Construct and Criterion Validity of the Humor Styles Questionnaire

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    Willibald Ruch


    Full Text Available How strongly does humor (i.e., the construct-relevant content in the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ; Martin et al., 2003 determine the responses to this measure (i.e., construct validity? Also, how much does humor influence the relationships of the four HSQ scales, namely affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating, with personality traits and subjective well-being (i.e., criterion validity? The present paper answers these two questions by experimentally manipulating the 32 items of the HSQ to only (or mostly contain humor (i.e., construct-relevant content or to substitute the humor content with non-humorous alternatives (i.e., only assessing construct-irrelevant context. Study 1 (N = 187 showed that the HSQ affiliative scale was mainly determined by humor, self-enhancing and aggressive were determined by both humor and non-humorous context, and self-defeating was primarily determined by the context. This suggests that humor is not the primary source of the variance in three of the HQS scales, thereby limiting their construct validity. Study 2 (N = 261 showed that the relationships of the HSQ scales to the Big Five personality traits and subjective well-being (positive affect, negative affect, and life satisfaction were consistently reduced (personality or vanished (subjective well-being when the non-humorous contexts in the HSQ items were controlled for. For the HSQ self-defeating scale, the pattern of relationships to personality was also altered, supporting an positive rather than a negative view of the humor in this humor style. The present findings thus call for a reevaluation of the role that humor plays in the HSQ (construct validity and in the relationships to personality and well-being (criterion validity.

  4. Experimentally Manipulating Items Informs on the (Limited) Construct and Criterion Validity of the Humor Styles Questionnaire. (United States)

    Ruch, Willibald; Heintz, Sonja


    How strongly does humor (i.e., the construct-relevant content) in the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ; Martin et al., 2003) determine the responses to this measure (i.e., construct validity)? Also, how much does humor influence the relationships of the four HSQ scales, namely affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating, with personality traits and subjective well-being (i.e., criterion validity)? The present paper answers these two questions by experimentally manipulating the 32 items of the HSQ to only (or mostly) contain humor (i.e., construct-relevant content) or to substitute the humor content with non-humorous alternatives (i.e., only assessing construct-irrelevant context). Study 1 ( N = 187) showed that the HSQ affiliative scale was mainly determined by humor, self-enhancing and aggressive were determined by both humor and non-humorous context, and self-defeating was primarily determined by the context. This suggests that humor is not the primary source of the variance in three of the HQS scales, thereby limiting their construct validity. Study 2 ( N = 261) showed that the relationships of the HSQ scales to the Big Five personality traits and subjective well-being (positive affect, negative affect, and life satisfaction) were consistently reduced (personality) or vanished (subjective well-being) when the non-humorous contexts in the HSQ items were controlled for. For the HSQ self-defeating scale, the pattern of relationships to personality was also altered, supporting an positive rather than a negative view of the humor in this humor style. The present findings thus call for a reevaluation of the role that humor plays in the HSQ (construct validity) and in the relationships to personality and well-being (criterion validity).

  5. Increased Aqueous Humor CD4+/CD8+ Lymphocyte Ratio in Sarcoid Uveitis. (United States)

    Dave, Namita; Chevour, Priyanka; Mahendradas, Padmamalini; Venkatesh, Anitha; Kawali, Ankush; Shetty, Rohit; Ghosh, Arkasubhra; Sethu, Swaminathan


    To determine aqueous humor CD4+/CD8+ T-lymphocyte ratio changes in sarcoid and non-sarcoid uveitis with anterior chamber involvement. The case-control study includes 61 patients with either anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis with anterior spill, or panuveitis. A total of 21 of them were categorized as sarcoid uveitis and 40 as non-sarcoid uveitis according to diagnostic criteria. CD4+/CD8+ ratio in the aqueous humor was determined using flow cytometry. Significantly higher CD4+/CD8+ ratio in the aqueous humor was observed in patients with sarcoid uveitis (6.3 ± 1.4; mean ± SEM) compared to non-sarcoid uveitis (1.6 ± 0.1; mean ± SEM). Whole blood CD4+/CD8+ ratio was not elevated in subjects with sarcoid and non-sarcoid uveitis. Aqueous humor CD4+/CD8+ ratio >3.5 was observed to be associated with sarcoid uveitis (OR 38, 95% CI 7.0-205.2). Increased aqueous humor CD4+/CD8+ ratio in sarcoid uveitis. Immunophenotyping of localized lymphocytosis in aqueous humor could be utilized as an additional confirmatory marker for ocular sarcoidosis.

  6. If I don't laugh, I'll cry: Exploring humor coping in breast cancer. (United States)

    Melton, Laura M


    This study examined the relationship among humor coping, optimism, neuroticism, and depression in a sample of breast cancer survivors and matched control participants. Breast cancer survivors reported marginally lower levels of depression than the controls. In both groups, humor coping was not related to depression, optimism, or neuroticism, but depression was correlated negatively with optimism and positively with neuroticism. In the breast cancer group, humor coping was correlated with the coping subscales of self-distraction, positive reframing, planning, and active coping. In the control group, humor coping was correlated with the coping sub-scales of self-distraction, positive reframing, planning, venting, and using instrumental support. These results suggest either that humor coping is not a stable variable or that whether humor is a positive or negative coping technique depends partly on the population under study.

  7. Does humor in radio advertising affect recognition of novel product brand names? (United States)

    Berg, E M; Lippman, L G


    The authors proposed that item selection during shopping is based on brand name recognition rather than recall. College students rated advertisements and news stories of a simulated radio program for level of amusement (orienting activity) before participating in a surprise recognition test. Humor level of the advertisements was varied systematically, and content was controlled. According to signal detection analysis, humor did not affect the strength of recognition memory for brand names (nonsense units). However, brand names and product types were significantly more likely to be associated when appearing in humorous advertisements than in nonhumorous advertisements. The results are compared with prior findings concerning humor and recall.

  8. Friendship, Intimacy and Humor (United States)

    Gordon, Mordechai


    A review of the literature in philosophy in the past 20 years indicates that relatively little has been written on the connection between friendship, intimacy and humor. This article is intended to begin to address the neglect of this topic among philosophers by focusing on some interesting aspects of the relationship between friendship, intimacy…

  9. The Humor Continuum: From Text to Smart Environments (Keynote Paper)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus

    Humor is important in our daily life, whether our activities are at home, at work, or in public spaces, for example during sports or other recreational and entertainment activities. Until now, computational humor, the research area that investigates rules and algorithms to understand and to generate

  10. Reconsidering language teaching through a focus on humor

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    Nancy Bell


    Full Text Available Formal language education is often predicated on a series of modernist fictions that greatly simplify the nature of language and the process of communication. Acts of linguistic creativity involving humor and language play are frequently either ignored or considered deviant. In this paper, we contribute to ongoing efforts to re-conceptualize language education in ways that make use of more robust (and less modernist theories of language and communication. We revisit calls for more pedagogical focus on humor and language play and illustrate how more attention to these types of language might help us to move away from some of the classroom fictions that currently constrain teachers and learners alike. Specifically, we present recent conceptions of language and of communication, and discuss how, in light of these, humor and language play can be used to increase learners’ metalinguistic awareness and expand their communicative/interpretive repertoires.

  11. Humor: The "Witting" Edge in Business. (United States)

    Scriven, Jolene; Hefferin, Linda


    Humor contributes to teamwork, creative problem solving, mental flexibility, and risk taking in the workplace. As a classroom tool, it increases student attentiveness and retention of information. (SK)

  12. The influence of humor styles in coping strategies in Entre Ríos

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    Pablo Roberto Lillo


    Full Text Available Over the last years there has been a growing interest in the study of the resources that people use from face to a problem. The interest in the study of the characteristics related to the humor has gone in increase, especially for the influence of the development of a new concept in psychology that derives in the call positive psychology (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, 2000; Zinder and McCullog 2000, in Martin, Puhlik-Doris, Larsen, Gray, Weir, 2003 which is centered in adaptive strengths such as optimism, faith, courage, as well as humor (Martin 2003, quoted in Martin et al., 2003. Sense of humor has been considered as an unidimensional construct (Omar, 1995 and the consequencies has been some errors in the assesment, as a result of a problem of validity. The present study seeks to introduce certain aspects that have not been considered in the past, so much the potential beneficial effects, as the deleterious forms of the sense of humor as for the psychological well-being. Four dimensions of the sense of humor were assesed (Martin, Puhlik-Doris, Larsen, Gray, Weir, 2003, version Lillo, 2006 relating to the uses or functions in everyday life and the ways of people cope (Fridenberg and Lewis, 1991, version Richaud de Minzi. 2003. They were also significant relationships among styles of humor and ways of coping that could explain the importance of the construct sense of humor, as an important resource to be used. Although it is necessary to highlight that it is not sought to embrace all the components of the sense of humor, but rather it is focused in the interpersonal functions and intrapsíquicas that adolescents use in daily life. These functions are considered most relevant to the well-being. Measuring these aspects of the humor, it is expected that they can explain a greater proportion of the variance as for the ways of people cope. 

  13. Aplicabilidade do Brums: estados de humor em atletas de voleibol e tênis no alto rendimento

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    Tatiana Marcela Rotta


    Full Text Available Introdução: Os estados de humor são indicadores que auxiliam sobremaneira o rendimento e a prevenção da saúde do atleta. Objetivo: Analisar a aplicabilidade do instrumento BRUMS na avaliação do perfil de estados de humor em atletas de alto rendimento do sexo masculino, de voleibol n=59 e tênis n=69. Métodos: comparar as variáveis independentes: modalidade esportiva (voleibol e tênis; tempo de prática no alto rendimento (até 2 anos; mais de 2 anos e categorias de idade (jovens e adultos com as variáveis dependente do perfil de humor (tensão, depressão, raiva, vigor, fadiga e confusão mental. O estudo causal-comparativo, utilizou, para coleta de dados, o instrumento BRUMS, validado no Brasil, com participação das autoras desse estudo. Resultados: Ao executar a MANOVA, foram verificadas diferenças entre as modalidades (F=4,289/ p=0,001; Hotellings's Trace = 0,216 e tempo de prática (F=5,845/ p<0,001; Hotelling's Trace = 0,295 no vigor. A modalidade versus tempo de prática apresentou significância na interação das duas variáveis (p=0,003, em torno de 7% da variância. Também na variável tensão p=0,05 (voleibol vs. tempo de prática, na variável raiva p=0,001 (voleibol vs. categoria de idade. No tênis, a depressão p=0,001, raiva p=0,04 e confusão mental p< 0,02 com médias maiores em adultos e mais experientes. Conclusão: A modalidade foi responsável por 11% da alteração no perfil de humor (p=0,001.

  14. Relationship of Humor Sense with Quality of Life in Cancer Patients

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    z Nikmanesh


    Conclusion: In refer to role of Sense of humor in quality of life in cancer patients, it is suggested that necessary interventions be applied by using humor for promoting quality of life in cancer patients.

  15. Stimulus Characteristics Affect Humor Processing in Individuals with Asperger Syndrome (United States)

    Samson, Andrea C.; Hegenloh, Michael


    The present paper aims to investigate whether individuals with Asperger syndrome (AS) show global humor processing deficits or whether humor comprehension and appreciation depends on stimulus characteristics. Non-verbal visual puns, semantic and Theory of Mind cartoons were rated on comprehension, funniness and the punchlines were explained. AS…

  16. Ridiculed death and the dead: Black humor on the epitaphs and epigrams of the ancient Greece

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    Stevanović Lađa


    Full Text Available Theories about black humor usually regard that it as a contemporary phenomenon and a culmination of the literary modernism and beginning of post-modernism. My intent in this paper is to refute the thesis that the black humor is a modern invention. I am going to prove its existence still in Greek antiquity, quoting and analyzing humorous epitaphs and black humor epigrams. Putting in relation black humor with the joy and humor in religious (fertility and funeral rituals, I am also going to set a question about the attitude to death and life inherent for this kind of humor, arguing that its origin should be searched in the folk tradition.

  17. The Humor Styles Questionnaire in Italy: Psychometric Properties and Relationships With Psychological Well-Being

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    Saulo Sirigatti


    Full Text Available This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ and the relation between humor and psychological well-being within the context of Italy. A total of 293 (178 females, 115 males Italian high school and undergraduate university students – whose ages ranged from 14 to 25 years – completed the Italian versions of the HSQ and the Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being scales (RPWB. The HSQ scale reliabilities were generally acceptable, and intercorrelations among the scales were rather low; the confirmatory factor analysis supported the four-factor structure. Males reported significantly more use of Aggressive humor than did females; no differences were found between adolescents and young adults in the use of humor styles. Affiliative and Self-enhancing humor styles were positively associated with the six dimensions of the RPWB, whereas Self-defeating humor was negatively correlated with the RPWB scales. SEM analysis showed a significant and positive relationship between humor as measured by the HSQ and psychological well-being as assessed by the RPWB. Overall, the findings supported the theoretical structure and usefulness of the HSQ in an Italian context and the differential role of humor components in the various dimensions of psychological well-being.

  18. The Relationship of Self Esteem and Humor Styles in First Class Medical Students: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Soner Cakmak


    Material and Methods: Two hundred three medical students (107 males, 96 females were included this study. Self-esteem was measured with the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale and humor style was measured with Humor Styles Questionnaire. Results: The rate of students who have mild or high self-esteem levels was 89.7%. In Humor Styles Questionnaire, the average scores of affiliative and self-enhancing humor were significantly higher than the average scores of aggressive and self-defeating humor. Male students were using humor, especially aggressive and self-defeating humor styles more commonly than female students. A positive correlation was found between self-esteem and affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles. Conclusion: The present study revealed a positive correlation between self-esteem and positive humor styles. There is a need to develop educational models that would bolster self-esteem and positive humor in medical students. [Cukurova Med J 2015; 40(4.000: 782-793

  19. The Relationship between Instructor Humor Orientation and Students' Report on Second Language Learning (United States)

    Ziyaeemehr, Ali; Kumar, Vijay


    Humor is an integral component of any language and therefore has an impact on the way languages are acquired/learned. Numerous studies have investigated the role of instructor humor in teaching/learning processes; however, there is little empirical research on the relationship between instructor humor and learning of a second language. This paper…

  20. Hope, Laughter, and Humor in Residents and Staff at an Assisted Living Facility. (United States)

    Westburg, Nancy G.


    Assesses and compares hope levels and laughter and humor experiences of 24 elderly residents and 21 staff at an assisted living facility. Residents and staff reported numerous benefits from humor and laughing, but differences arose between the two groups about the source and frequency of humor and laughter. Implications for mental health…

  1. Humor in Literature about Children with Disability: What Are We Seeing in Literature? (United States)

    McGrail, Ewa; Rieger, Alicja


    This article explores instances of humor in literature as it relates to children with disabilities and offers ways to help children and adolescents build an authentic understanding of disability and disability humor. The prevalent message in the books reviewed is that children with disability not only appreciate humor but also can produce various…

  2. [Research Progress of Vitreous Humor Detection Technique on Estimation of Postmortem Interval]. (United States)

    Duan, W C; Lan, L M; Guo, Y D; Zha, L; Yan, J; Ding, Y J; Cai, J F


    Estimation of postmortem interval (PMI) plays a crucial role in forensic study and identification work. Because of the unique anatomy location, vitreous humor is considered to be used for estima- ting PMI, which has aroused interest among scholars, and some researches have been carried out. The detection techniques of vitreous humor are constantly developed and improved which have been gradually applied in forensic science, meanwhile, the study of PMI estimation using vitreous humor is updated rapidly. This paper reviews various techniques and instruments applied to vitreous humor detection, such as ion selective electrode, capillary ion analysis, spectroscopy, chromatography, nano-sensing technology, automatic biochemical analyser, flow cytometer, etc., as well as the related research progress on PMI estimation in recent years. In order to provide a research direction for scholars and promote a more accurate and efficient application in PMI estimation by vitreous humor analysis, some inner problems are also analysed in this paper. Copyright© by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.

  3. Aqueous Humor Antimicrobial Activity: In Vitro Analysis after Topical 0.5% Chloramphenicol Application. (United States)

    Cagini, Carlo; Dragoni, Annalisa; Orsolini, Giampaolo; Fiore, Tito; Beccasio, Alfredo; Spadea, Leopoldo; Moretti, Amedeo; Mencacci, Antonella


    To assess aqueous humor antimicrobial activity in vitro after topical 0.5% chloramphenicol application. This investigation included 63 eyes from 65 cataract surgery patients. The study group of 48 eyes received preoperatively four topical applications of 0.5% chloramphenicol. The control group of 15 eyes was given no topical applications. Aqueous humor samples were collected for in vitro antimicrobial analysis using Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Pasteurella multocida organisms by means of disk diffusion test. No inhibition halo was observed around all aqueous humor samples from all chloramphenicol-treated patients, irrespective of the sample quantity added to the paper disks, with no significant difference from aqueous humor from untreated control patients. Aqueous humor displayed no bactericidal effect against any of the microorganisms evaluated after topical 0.5% chloramphenicol application.

  4. Personality modulates amygdala and insula connectivity during humor appreciation: An event-related fMRI study. (United States)

    Berger, Philipp; Bitsch, Florian; Nagels, Arne; Straube, Benjamin; Falkenberg, Irina


    Previous research and theory implicate that personality traits, such as extraversion and neuroticism, influence the processing of humor, as indicated by alterations in the activation of fronto-temporal and mesocorticolimbic brain regions during humor processing. In the current study, we sought to complement these findings by testing whether inter-individual differences in functional connectivity of humor-related brain regions are modulated by stable personality characteristics during humor processing. Using fMRI techniques, we studied 19 healthy subjects during the processing of standardized humorous and neutral cartoons. In order to isolate the specific effects of humor appreciation, subjective funniness ratings, collected during the scanning procedure, were implemented in the analysis as parametric modulation. Two distinct clusters in the right amygdala and the left insula were identified. Seed-to-voxel connectivity analysis investigating the effects of personality on inter-individual differences in functional connectivity revealed that amygdala and insula connectivity with brain areas previously related to humor comprehension (e.g. middle temporal gyrus) and appreciation (e.g. caudate nucleus) were significantly modulated by personality dimensions. These results underscore the sensitivity of humor processing to moderating influences, such as personality, and call attention to the importance of brain connectivity measures for the investigation of inter-individual differences in the processing of humor.

  5. Humor adds the creative touch to CQI teams. (United States)

    Balzer, J W


    The health care industry is looking to continuous quality improvement as a process to both improve patient care and promote cost effectiveness. Interdisciplinary teams are learning to work together and to use data-driven problem solving. Humor adds a creative and welcome touch to the process that makes it easier and more fun to work in teams. The team leader or facilitator who uses humor along the journey sanctions the risk-taking behavior that accompanies creative solutions to tough problems.

  6. Nitric oxide levels of aqueous humor after photorefractive keratectomy. (United States)

    Adiguzel, U; Bilgihan, K; Ozdek, S C; Sancak, B; Hasanreisoglu, B


    To measure the nitric oxide (NO) levels of aqueous humor in rabbits after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) and to evaluate the alterations of NO levels according to the PRK surgery steps, ablation depth, and time. Fifty eyes of 25 New Zealand white rabbits were included in the study. One eye was later randomly excluded from the study in order to equalize the number of eyes in groups. Eyes were divided into seven groups, each comprising seven eyes: unwounded control (Group 1), epithelial scrape (Group 2; aqueous humor samples taken at the 4th hour), superficial PRK (Group 3; samples taken at the 4th hour), deep PRK (Group 4; samples taken at the 4th hour), epithelial scrape (Group 5; samples taken at the 24th hour), superficial PRK (Group 6; samples taken at the 24th hour), and deep PRK (Group 7; samples taken at the 24th hour). The corneal epithelium was mechanically removed in surgical groups. The authors performed superficial corneal ablation (59 microm) in Groups 3 and 6 and deep corneal ablation (99 microm) in Groups 4 and 7. Aqueous humor samples were taken at the 4th hour (Groups 2-4) or 24th hour (Groups 5-7) after corneal surgeries. NO measurements were performed indirectly by using the Griess reaction with a spectrophotometer. Aqueous humor NO levels 4 hours after corneal surgery were statistically significantly lower than the control group (p0.05). At the 24th hour, the deep PRK group had significantly lower NO levels than both the control group and Groups 5 and 6 (p0.05) but remained stable at lower levels in deep PRK groups (p<0.05). Corneal surgery caused low NO levels in aqueous humor 4 hours after surgery. However, 24 hours after surgery, NO levels normalized following epithelial scrape and superficial PRK and were stable at lower levels in the deep PRK group. Complications of deep PRK application are possibly induced by low NO existence in the aqueous humor.

  7. La retroalimentación facial y su efecto en la evaluación de publicidad de humor


    Rojas Restrepo, Sylvana


    La hipótesis de retroalimentación facial planteada por Tomkins en 1962 sustenta que la activación de algunos músculos faciales envía información sensorial al cerebro y se induce entonces una experiencia emocional en el sujeto. Partiendo de dicha teoría y de investigaciones que la sustentan, el presente estudio se propuso confirmar el efecto de la emoción inducida a través de la retroalimentación facial sobre la evaluación de cinco tipos de humor en publicidad. Para ello se realizó un exp...

  8. Fundamentos bioquímicos de la inmunotoxicología de los opiáceos

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    Guillermo Orlando Narváez Quintero


    Full Text Available Se ha descubierto que la morfina, anteriormente conocida como una sustancia de origen vegetal extraída de la amapola, es sintetizada también por el cuerpo humano y hace parte del sistema opioide endógeno. La morfina endógena está involucrada en la regulación negativa del sistema inmune, regresándolo a sus condiciones basales luego de haber sido activado. Las investigaciones experimentales preclínicas y clínicas han mostrado que la administración de morfina conduce a efectos inmunosupresores, inhibiendo la actividad de las células asesinas naturales, la proliferación linfocitaria y la capacidad fagocítica de los polimorfonucleares y monocitos. Adicionalmente esta sustancia altera el patrón de síntesis, secreción y actividad paracrina de citocinas, favoreciendo así la respuesta inmune mediada por anticuerpos (Th2-dependiente e inhibiendo la respuesta inmune mediada por células (Th1-dependiente. Estos efectos son suprimidos por la naloxona, un antagonista de los receptores m. Al parecer la morfina actúa a través de una nueva variante del receptor m de péptidos opioides denominado m3, presente en la superficie de las células inmunocíticas. Llama la atención la similitud entre los efectos inmunotóxicos generados en adictos al opio, VIH negativos, con aquellos observados en pacientes no drogadictos VIH positivos que progresan hacia sida.

  9. The strategic use of humor in political discourse of Silvio Berlusconi

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    Kamila Miłkowska-Samul


    Full Text Available The aim of this article is to illustrate some of the mechanisms existing in political discourse which employ emotions and humor as a persuasive means. The study is based on authentic texts produced by Silvio Berlusconi. The importance of emotions and humor in political speech is viewed in the light of changes taking place in public communication due to the development of mass media and Internet, leading to, among others, ever more frequent use of the comical aspect of communication as a method of gaining and maintaining political power. That is why the use of emotions and humor in Berlusconi’s speech is analyzed as a strategic choice and a powerful instrument of political struggle. The article highlights the role of emotions and humor in creating a positive self-image of the politician.

  10. Humor, laughter, and the cerebellum: insights from patients with acute cerebellar stroke. (United States)

    Frank, B; Andrzejewski, K; Göricke, S; Wondzinski, E; Siebler, M; Wild, B; Timmann, D


    Extent of cerebellar involvement in cognition and emotion is still a topic of ongoing research. In particular, the cerebellar role in humor processing and control of laughter is not well known. A hypermetric dysregulation of affective behavior has been assumed in cerebellar damage. Thus, we aimed at investigating humor comprehension and appreciation as well as the expression of laughter in 21 patients in the acute or subacute state after stroke restricted to the cerebellum, and in the same number of matched healthy control subjects. Patients with acute and subacute cerebellar damage showed preserved comprehension and appreciation of humor using a validated humor test evaluating comprehension, funniness and aversiveness of cartoons ("3WD Humor Test"). Additionally, there was no difference when compared to healthy controls in the number and intensity of facial reactions and laughter while observing jokes, humorous cartoons, or video sketches measured by the Facial Action Coding System. However, as depression scores were significantly increased in patients with cerebellar stroke, a concealing effect of accompanying depression cannot be excluded. Current findings add to descriptions in the literature that cognitive or affective disorders in patients with lesions restricted to the cerebellum, even in the acute state after damage, are frequently mild and might only be present in more sensitive or specific tests.

  11. That's not funny! - But it should be: effects of humorous emotion regulation on emotional experience and memory. (United States)

    Kugler, Lisa; Kuhbandner, Christof


    Previous research has shown that humorous reappraisal can reduce elicited negative emotions, suggesting that humor may be a functional strategy to cope with emotionally negative situations. However, the effect of humorous reappraisal on later memory about the emotion-eliciting situation is currently unknown, although this is crucial for more adaptive responding in future situations. To address this issue, we examined the effects of humorous reappraisal on both emotional experience and memory, compared to non-humorous rational reappraisal and a non-reappraisal control condition. Replicating previous findings, humorous reappraisal reduced evoked negative valence and arousal levels very effectively, and the down-regulation of experienced negative emotions was even more pronounced after humorous compared to rational reappraisal. Regarding later memory for emotion-eliciting stimuli, both humorous and rational reappraisal reduced free recall, but recognition memory was unaffected, with memory strength being stronger after humorous than after rational reappraisal. These results indicate that humor seems to be indeed an optimal strategy to cope with negative situations because humor can help us to feel better when confronted with negative stimuli, but still allows us to retrieve stimulus information later when afforded to do so by the presence of appropriate contextual features.


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    Camelia Gradinaru


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the concepts of humor and violence and their complex relationships contextualised in the advertising domain. Thus, the main theories of humor and the most important elements from media violence paradigms are critically pointed out. The effects of comedic violence in advertising may be positive (great involvement with the ad message, retention of brand information, higher pass-along probability, and also negative (offending the audience, desensitization, damaging the reputation and the brand equity. A lot of factors change the perception of comedic violent ads (gender, social norm beliefs etc., so that a multidimensional analysis of consumer perceptions is needed if we want to draw a more accurate picture of this phenomenon. The analysis of the specific ad that I developed in the second part of this paper showed clearly the interplay between perceived humor and perceived violence and also the relevance of the cultural background in its interpretation.

  13. Using the Pecha Kucha Speech to Analyze and Train Humor Skills (United States)

    Waisanen, Don


    Courses: Public speaking; communication courses requiring speeches. Objective: Students will learn how to apply humor principles to speeches through a slideshow method supportive of this goal, and to become more discerning about the possibilities and pitfalls of humorous communication.

  14. Cannabis e humor Cannabis and mood

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    Rafael Faria Sanches


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as relações entre o uso agudo e crônico de cannabis e alterações do humor. MÉTODO: Os artigos foram selecionados por meio de busca eletrônica no indexador PubMed. Capítulos de livros e as listas de referências dos artigos selecionados também foram revisados. RESULTADOS: Observam-se elevados índices de comorbidade entre abuso/dependência de cannabis e transtornos afetivos em estudos transversais e em amostras clínicas. Estudos longitudinais indicam que, em longo prazo, o uso mais intenso de cannabis está relacionado com um risco maior de desenvolvimento de doença bipolar e, talvez, depressão maior em indivíduos inicialmente sem quadros afetivos; porém, os mesmos não encontraram maior risco de uso de cannabis entre aqueles com mania ou depressão sem esta comorbidade. Outra importante observação é que o uso de substâncias psicoativas em bipolares pode estar associado a uma série de características negativas, como dificuldade na recuperação dos sintomas afetivos, maior número de internações, piora na adesão ao tratamento, risco aumentado de suicídio, agressividade e a uma pobre resposta ao lítio. Tratamentos psicossociais e farmacológicos são indicados para o manejo da comorbidade entre cannabis e transtornos afetivos. CONCLUSÃO: As relações entre o uso de cannabis e alterações do humor são observadas tanto epidemiologicamente quanto nos contextos clínicos.OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the relationship between acute and chronic use of cannabis and mood changes. METHOD: Articles were selected by electronic search in PubMed. Chapters in books and reference lists of selected articles were also reviewed. As the research did not involve humans, there was no evaluation by a Research Ethics Committee. RESULTS: High rates of comorbidity between use/abuse/dependence of cannabis and affective disorders in longitudinal studies and in clinical samples were observed. Longitudinal studies indicate that, in long

  15. He Who Laughs First: The Importance of Humor to Young Children. (United States)

    Krogh, Suzanne


    Reviews current theories of humor development, discusses the interaction of humor with other developmental areas (including cognitive development, personality development, creativity, and moral development), and suggests ways in which research can be applied in the early childhood classroom. (Author/DST)


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    Enie Hendrajati


    Full Text Available Speech humor in MTGW program is assumed as a "good practice" of pragmatic strategy to entertain, inspire and motivate audience. The focus and objective of this study is to get a description of the pragmatic strategy of harmonizing word choice, sentence, and humorous language in MTGW program. How pragmatic strategies have implications for the use of words, sentences, and language styles so that the audience feel entertained and laughed. This research uses desciptive qualitative approach. Data in the form of humorous languages is collected by listening and recording. The method of analysis is padan and agih. The word data, sentence, and style of the humorous language are linked and compared to other words, sentences, and language styles in terms of humorous sense between sentences produced and comparator sentences. As a result, the pragmatic strategy MT uses in the MTGW program on Metro TV is to harmonize between lingual units of words, sentences, and language styles with humor and courtesy. MT uses a locusive and illocusive strategy with humorous tones and politeness in choosing, organizing and producing every word, sentence, and style of humor. Through the choice of words, sentences, and language style, the MT uses pragmatic strategies in conveying his message as a motivator and the perlocutionary effect is that the audience becomes interested or entertained.

  17. Humor Appreciation Involves Parametric and Synchronized Activity in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus. (United States)

    Iidaka, Tetsuya


    Humor perception is a ubiquitous phenomenon in human societies. In theories of humor perception, three factors, non-seriousness, social context, and incongruity, have been implicated in humor. In another theory, however, elaboration and reinterpretation of contexts are considered to play a role in eliciting humor. Although the neural correlates of humor appreciation have been investigated using neuroimaging methods, only a few studies have conducted such experiments under natural conditions. In the present study, two functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments, using a comedy movie as a stimulus, were conducted to investigate the neural correlates of humor under natural conditions. The subjects' brain activity was measured while watching and enjoying a movie. In experiment 1, a parametric analysis showed that the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) and hippocampus/amygdala had a positive relationship with the subjective rating of funniness. In experiment 2, intersubject correlation was analyzed to investigate synchronized activity across all participants. Signal synchronization that paralleled increased funniness ratings was observed in the MPFC and hippocampus. Thus, it appears that both parametric and synchronized activity in the MPFC and hippocampus are important during humor appreciation. The present study has revealed the brain regions that are predominantly involved in humor sensation under natural condition. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  18. Humors Effect on Short-term Memory in Healthy and Diabetic Older Adults. (United States)

    Bains, Gurinder Singh; Berk, Lee S; Lohman, Everett; Daher, Noha; Petrofsky, Jerrold; Schwab, Ernie; Deshpande, Pooja


    With aging, the detrimental effects of stress can impair a person's ability to learn and sustain memory. Humor and its associated mirthful laughter can reduce stress by decreasing the hormone cortisol. Chronic release of cortisol can damage hippocampal neurons, leading to impairment of learning and memory. Objectives • The study intended to examine the effect of watching a humor video on short-term memory in older adults. Design • The research team designed a randomized, controlled trial. The study took place at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, CA, USA. The study included 30 participants: 20 normal, healthy, older adults-11 males and 9 females-and 10 older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)-6 males and 4 females. The study included 2 intervention groups of older adults who viewed humorous videos, a healthy group (humor group), aged 69.9 ± 3.7 y, and the diabetic group, aged 67.1 ± 3.8 y. Each participant selected 1 of 2 humorous videos that were 20 min in length, either a Red Skeleton comedy or a montage of America's Funniest Home Videos. The control group, aged 68.7 ± 5.5 y, did not watch a humor video and sat in quiescence. A standardized, neuropsychological, memory-assessment tool, the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), was used to assess the following abilities: (1) learning, (2) recall, and (3) visual recognition. The testing occurred twice, once before (RAVLT1) and once after (RAVLT2) the humorous video for the humor and diabetic groups, and once before (RAVLT1) and once after (RAVLT2) the period of quiescence for the control group. At 5 time points, measurements of salivary cortisol were also obtained. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to measure significance of the data based on the 3 groups. In the humor, diabetic, and control groups, (1) learning ability improved by 38.5%, 33.4%, and 24.0%, respectively (P = .025); (2) delayed recall improved by 43.6%, 48.1%, and 20.3%, respectively (P = .064); and (3) visual recognition

  19. The evolution of humor from male aggression

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    Shuster S


    Full Text Available Sam ShusterNewcastle University, Newcastle Upon Type, NE1 7RU, UKAbstract: The response to seeing a man riding a unicycle was reported to be consistently related to the viewer's sex and stage of physical development. To see if this observation was universal, observations of responses were collected from 23 male and 9 female unicyclists aged 15–69 years, with 2–40 years cycling experience across four continents. With two exceptions among men, the findings were the same as those originally reported: children showed interest and curiosity, young girls showed little interest, while adult women showed a kindly, concerned, praising response. By contrast, boys showed physical aggression, which became more verbal, merging in the later teens to the snide, aggressive, stereotyped humorous response shown by adult males, which became less frequent in elderly men. The universality of the response across different individuals, environments, and dates of observation suggests an endogenous mechanism, and the association with masculine development relates this to androgen. The theoretical consequences are discussed. It is concluded that humor develops from aggression in males and is evolutionarily related to sexual selection.Keywords: humor evolution, male aggressive behavior

  20. Examining Teachers' Motivation Level According to School Principals' Humor Styles (United States)

    Recepoglu, Ergun; Kilinc, Ali Cagatay; Cepni, Osman


    The purpose of this research is to examine the motivation level of teachers according to school principals' humor styles. The humor styles survey and job motivation scale were used to gather data from 305 randomly selected teachers employed in primary schools in Karabuk. Results indicated that 141 of the teachers claimed school principal had…

  1. Periodismo Iconográfico (V). Dibujo satírico, dibujo humorístico, chiste gráfico y caricatura


    Dr. Carlos Abreu


    En el campo del periodismo iconográfico existe una rica terminología, la cual no siempre se emplea correctamente. Por ejemplo, para algunos autores dibujo satírico, dibujo humorístico, dibujo político, chiste gráfico y caricatura parecieran ser sinónimos. Para otros, constituyen formas expresivas distintas. En esta quinta entrega, el doctor Carlos Abreu fija posición sobre el asunto, no sin antes cuestionar la falta de fundamentación teórica y ambigüedad que subyace en algunas de las explicac...

  2. Does Sense of the Humor Make Sense in the Classroom?

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    Freddy Antonio González-Ynfante


    Full Text Available This paper studies the importance of humor as a teaching strategy in the classroom, considering the usual lack of motivation and boredom. To analyze whether the “happy teaching and happy learning” may increase effectiveness in the teaching-learning process, the author will discuss how, despite the many benefits it may bring, humor is not used in the classroom due to prejudices and fears. The idea is not for teachers to play the role of a comedian or a clown, but to intervene and get closer to the group with a teaching, didactic purpose through humor. Plato (1992 thought about this; he used to say that sometimes a joke may help, where seriousness put up resistance.

  3. The Use of Humor in Serious Mental Illness: A Review

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    Marc Gelkopf


    Full Text Available There is now a relatively good understanding of the broad range of direct and indirect effects of humor and laughter on perceptions, attitudes, judgments and emotions, which can potentially benefit the physical and psychological state. This article presents a review and discussion of the use of humor and laughter in treating people with serious mental illness, distinguishing between clinical papers on individual and group psychotherapy, and empirical research reports describing humor and laughter interventions. In spite of the exponential growth of the field over the last 30 years, I conclude that empirical studies are still lacking, the studies that do exist have major methodological shortcomings, and the field is in dire need of further investigation.

  4. Effects of Humor on Teacher Stress, Affect, and Job Satisfaction (United States)

    Shirley, Jacqueline Dena


    Teachers are at high risk for stress, negative emotion, and job dissatisfaction, which has been linked with health problems and early attrition. Humor has been found to relieve various forms of stress. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding humor effects on teacher stress and its related consequences. The purpose of this quantitative,…

  5. Is There a Place for Humor in Hospice Palliative Care? Volunteers Say "Yes"! (United States)

    Claxton-Oldfield, Stephen; Bhatt, Anamika


    A survey was conducted to examine the frequency, acceptability, and functions of humor between hospice palliative care volunteers and their patients, from the volunteers' perspective. Thirty-two volunteers completed the survey, which was developed for this study. The results revealed that most patients and volunteers initiated humor either "often" or "sometimes" in their interactions. Over half of the volunteers considered humor to be either "very important" or "extremely important" in their interactions with patients (42% and 13%, respectively), with the patient being the determining factor as to whether and when it is appropriate or not (ie, volunteers take their lead from their patients). Volunteers mentioned a number of functions that humor serves within their patient interactions (eg, to relieve tension, to foster relationships/connections, and to distract). Laughter and humor fulfills one of the main goals of hospice palliative care, namely, improving patients' overall quality of life.

  6. Levels of aqueous humor trace elements in patients with open-angle glaucoma. (United States)

    Hohberger, Bettina; Chaudhri, M Anwar; Michalke, Bernhard; Lucio, Marianna; Nowomiejska, Katarzyna; Schlötzer-Schrehardt, Ursula; Grieb, Pawel; Rejdak, Robert; Jünemann, Anselm G M


    Trace elements might play a role in the complex multifactorial pathogenesis of open-angle glaucoma. The aim of this study was to analyze concentrations of trace elements in aqueous humor samples of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma (PEXG). Thirty-three aqueous humor samples were obtained from patients undergoing cataract surgery: 12 patients with POAG (age 65.3±10.50, female 8, male 4), 10 patients with PEXG (age 65.9±11.27, female 6, male 4) and 11 patients without glaucoma (age 69.5±13.70, female 7, male 4) serving as controls. Aqueous humor levels of cadmium, iron, manganese, cobalt, copper and zinc were measured by Flow-Injection-Inductively-Coupled-Plasma-Mass-Spectrometry (FI-ICP-MS). From the statistical evaluation, we observed that patients with POAG had significantly higher aqueous humor levels of zinc (p=0.006) compared to controls. Increased aqueous humor levels of zinc were also observed in patients with PEXG in relation to control (p=0.0006). For iron we observed a significantly reduction in PEXG compared to control (p=0.002) and a significant difference between POAG and PEXG (p=0.0091). No significant differences were observed in aqueous humor levels of manganese, cobalt, copper, cadmium between glaucoma and control patients. No differences were seen for iron (POAG vs. controls). Analysis of trace element ratios was added. Significant differences in aqueous humor levels of zinc and iron between glaucoma and control patients support the hypothesis that these trace elements are involved in the pathogenesis of open-angle glaucoma. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  7. Depresión y neuroplasticidad: Interacción de los sistemas nervioso, endocrino e inmune Depression and neuroplasticity: Interaction of nervous, endocrine and immune systems


    Paola Cassano; Pablo Argibay


    La depresión clínica es una enfermedad física y psíquica que presenta bases neuropatológicas, sin embargo aún no se tiene un conocimiento exacto del origen o causas de esta enfermedad. Se conoce que existe un componente genético, aunque el componente ambiental en el desarrollo de la depresión es innegable. El estrés juega un rol esencial en el desencadenamiento de la depresión. La interacción y respuesta del sistema endocrino, inmune y nervioso se encuentran afectadas en este desorden. La obs...

  8. Listeriosis cerebral en el modelo murino : patogénesis y prevención


    Frande Cabanes, Elisabet


    RESUMEN: La microglía, células inmunes innatas del cerebro, juega un papel central en la listeriosis cerebral. En este trabajo se muestra como la microglía controla la infección por Listeria de manera diferente que los macrófagos. La infección de cultivos primarios microgliales y de líneas celulares murinas con Listeria dio lugar a dos patrones de expresión de genes implicados en la respuesta inmune en macrófagos. Mientras que el gen bacteriano hly parece ser responsable de ambos patrones tra...

  9. Pathogenesis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome: evaluation of the expression of cytokines and apoptosis phenomena in lymphoid organs and their role in the immune response


    Barranco Cabezudo, Inmaculada


    El Síndrome Reproductivo y Respiratorio Porcino (PRRS, del inglés Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome) es una enfermedad vírica caracterizada por inducir una respuesta inmune errática en el hospedador y es considerada como una de las enfermedades más importantes en la industria del porcino debido a las importantes pérdidas económicas que provoca. A pesar de que varios estudios se han realizado con el objetivo de elucidar la respuesta inmune provocada frente al virus del PRRS (PRRSV,...

  10. Humor techniques: from real world and game environments to smart environments

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus; Streitz, Norbert; Markopoulos, Panos

    In this paper we explore how future smart environments can be given a sense of humor. Humor requires smartness. Entering witty remarks in a conversation requires understanding of the conversation, the conversational partner, the context and the history of the conversation. We can try to model


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    Raphaela Reis Conceição Castro Silva


    Full Text Available Humor é um elemento importante da interação humana; portanto, tem um impacto sobre grupos de trabalho. Este trabalho é produto de uma reflexão sobre o humor e tem como objetivo analisar seu surgimento em espaços organizacionais. O olhar cuidadoso durante o estudo, configurado pelas observações registradas no Diário de Campo e pelas entrevistas realizadas, possibilitou o entendimento sobre o papel do humor nos espaços organizacionais. Dessa forma, a pesquisa evidencia que o humor não se limita à diversão, mas atua também como recurso de mediação do processo de interação, facilitando a coesão do grupo e promovendo o enfrentamento do estresse.

  12. Learning to Laugh at Ourselves: Humor, Self-Transcendence, and the Cultivation of Moral Virtues (United States)

    Gordon, Mordechai


    In this essay Mordechai Gordon begins to address the neglect of humor among philosophers of education by focusing on some interesting connections between humor, self-transcendence, and the development of moral virtues. More specifically, he explores the kind of humor that makes fun of oneself and how it can affect educational encounters. Gordon…

  13. Bimatoprost Effects on Aqueous Humor Dynamics in Monkeys

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    David F. Woodward


    Full Text Available The effects of bimatoprost on aqueous humor dynamics were quantified in monkey eyes. Uveoscleral outflow was measured by the anterior chamber perfusion method, using FITC-dextran. Total outflow facility was determined by the two-level constant pressure method. Aqueous flow was measured with a scanning ocular fluorophotometer. Uveoscleral outflow was 0.96±0.19 L min−1 in vehicle-treated eyes and 1.37±0.27 L min−1 (=6; <.05 in eyes that received bimatoprost 0.01% b.i.d. × 5 days. Bimatoprost had no effect on total outflow facility, which was 0.42±0.05 L min−1 at baseline and 0.42±0.04 L min−1 after bimatoprost treatment. Bimatoprost had no significant effect on aqueous humor flow. This study demonstrates that bimatoprost increases uveoscleral outflow but not total outflow facility or aqueous humor flow, indicating that it lowers intraocular pressure in ocular normotensive monkeys by a mechanism that exclusively involves uveoscleral outflow.

  14. Oral genres of humor : On the dialectic of genre knowledge and creative authoring


    Kotthoff, Helga


    The article discusses humorous conversational activities (e.g. jokes, teasing, joint fantasizing) in the context of genre theory. The high degree of creativity, emergent construction and artistry typical of humor call for a flexible concept of genre which makes sense of modifications and transgressions in communicative processes. Some forms of conversational humor are generic, for example, standardized jokes, joint fantasizing or teasing. Other forms exploit our knowledge of serious genres an...

  15. Statistics? You Must Be Joking: The Application and Evaluation of Humor when Teaching Statistics (United States)

    Neumann, David L.; Hood, Michelle; Neumann, Michelle M.


    Humor has been promoted as a teaching tool that enhances student engagement and learning. The present report traces the pathway from research to practice by reflecting upon various ways to incorporate humor into the face-to-face teaching of statistics. The use of humor in an introductory university statistics course was evaluated via interviews…

  16. Humor and Comparatives in Ads for High- and Low-Involvement Products. (United States)

    Wu, Bob T. W.; And Others


    Investigates the effectiveness of humor in advertising, comparative advertising, and consumer involvement with the product. Finds that humorous ads are more eye catching but less impressive and less sufficient in information than nonhumorous ads. Finds the performance of comparative ads is generally negative and especially so in the high…

  17. Getting the Joke: Insight during Humor Comprehension - Evidence from an fMRI Study. (United States)

    Tian, Fang; Hou, Yuling; Zhu, Wenfeng; Dietrich, Arne; Zhang, Qinglin; Yang, Wenjing; Chen, Qunlin; Sun, Jiangzhou; Jiang, Qiu; Cao, Guikang


    As a high-level cognitive activity, humor comprehension requires incongruity detection and incongruity resolution, which then elicits an insight moment. The purpose of the study was to explore the neural basis of humor comprehension, particularly the moment of insight, by using both characters and language-free cartoons in a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. The results showed that insight involving jokes elicited greater activation in language and semantic-related brain regions as well as a variety of additional regions, such as the superior frontal gyrus (SFG), the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), the middle temporal gyrus (MTG), the superior temporal gyrus (STG), the temporoparietal junctions (TPJ), the hippocampus and visual areas. These findings indicate that the MTG might play a role in incongruity detection, while the SFG, IFG and the TPJ might be involved in incongruity detection. The passive insight event elicited by jokes appears to be mediated by a limited number of brain areas. Our study showed that the brain regions associated with humor comprehension were not affected by the type of stimuli and that humor and insight shared common brain areas. These results indicate that one experiences a feeling of insight during humor comprehension, which contributes to the understanding of humor comprehension.

  18. The power of humor and play as nursing interventions for a child with cancer: a case report. (United States)

    Frankenfield, P K


    Many benefits of humor and play have been documented in the literature. The purpose of this Case Report was to assess the benefits of humor and play with a 5-year-old retinoblastoma patient in an ambulatory care setting. The use of humor in the forms of tickling, joke-telling, play on words, funny movies, silly stickers, and medical play was found to be helpful in decreasing the anxiety of a pediatric oncology patient during insertion of his Infusaport needle. This article reviews the benefits of humor and play and provides a brief discussion of the developmental aspects of humor and play theory. Implications for further nursing research in the area of humor interventions are also discussed. The promotion of appropriate humor and play use by all health care professionals is encouraged.

  19. A Review of Humor for Computer Games: Play, Laugh and More (United States)

    Dormann, Claire; Biddle, Robert


    Computer games are now becoming ways to communicate, teach, and influence attitudes and behavior. In this article, we address the role of humor in computer games, especially in support of serious purposes. We begin with a review of the main theories of humor, including superiority, incongruity, and relief. These theories and their…

  20. All Kidding Aside: Humor Increases Learning at Knowledge and Comprehension Levels (United States)

    Hackathorn, Jana; Garczynski, Amy M.; Blankmeyer, Katheryn; Tennial, Rachel D.; Solomon, Erin D.


    It has been argued that humor is beneficial in the classroom because it increases social bonding between instructor and student, salience of information, and ultimately recall and retention. The current study sought to add to the literature by empirically testing some assumptions about humor as a pedagogical tool. Specifically, we predicted that…

  1. Jeff Foxworthy’s Redneck Humor and the Boundaries of Middle-Class American Whiteness

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. David Thomas


    Full Text Available Recent studies examine the use of rhetorical boundaries to produce intra-racial othering within whiteness. I expand this project by exploring the textual and social codes in Jeff Foxworthy humor that demarcate the boundaries between the redneck and the non-redneck. Such boundaries are complex, porous fault-lines that use symbolic pollution embedded in humor to stigmatize White outsiders. Social codes referencing symbolic pollution establish boundaries to define and insulate a normative, mainstream White identity from the intra-racial threat of redneck identity. This project provides a novel addition to whiteness studies by taking redneck humor analytically seriously and concludes by drawing comparisons between codes found in Foxworthy humor and those levied against rural Whites during the eugenics era.

  2. Early and late humoral rejection: a clinicopathologic entity in two times. (United States)

    Péfaur, J; Díaz, P; Panace, R; Salinas, P; Fiabane, A; Quinteros, N; Chea, R; Naranjo, E; Wurgaft, A; Beltran, E; Elgueta, S; Wegmann, M E; Gajardo, J G; Contreras, L


    Humoral rejection is an important cause of early and late graft loss. The late variant is difficult to diagnose and treat. There is a close correlation between sclerosing nephropathy and anti-HLA antibodies. We analyzed 113 renal allograft recipients between August 2004 and April 2007. Acute humoral rejection was defined as acute graft dysfunction in presence of donor-specific antibodies (DSA) detected by flow panel reactive antibodies (PRA) and/or C4d positive pericapilary tubules (PTC) detected histopathologically by immunofluorescent or immunoperoxidase at less than 3 months postransplantation. Late humoral rejection was defined as dysfunction occurring after 3 months postransplantation with histopathologic glomerulopathy or vasculopathy and positive C4d PTC. We included all patients who were diagnosed with early or late graft dysfunction and underwent biopsy, all of which were examined for C4d. Four patients had acute humoral rejection treated with IVIG or plasmapheresis. The patient and graft survivals were 100% and serum creatinine averaged 1.7 mg/dL. Three recipients experienced late humoral rejection at 3 to 10 years posttransplantation All received high-dose IVIG; one also was treated with thymoglobulin. Immunosuppression was switched to tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and steroids. Only one patient recovered renal function; the others returned to dialysis. Among seven patients only one had an actual PRA (>20%) and three showed 10% to 20%. However, six had a positive historical PRA of 10% to 50%. In conclusion, Recognition of acute humoral rejection has contributed to graft rescue by controlling alloantibody production through new specific immunosuppressive therapies in contrast with the clinical response to acute therapy, treatment of a chronic entity has shown poor outcomes, probably because antibody mediated chronic graft damage is already present when the late diagnosis is established by biopsy.

  3. Humorous Videos and Idiom Achievement: Some Pedagogical Considerations for EFL Learners (United States)

    Neissari, Malihe; Ashraf, Hamid; Ghorbani, Mohammad Reza


    Employing a quasi-experimental design, this study examined the efficacy of humorous idiom video clips on the achievement of Iranian undergraduate students studying English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Forty humorous video clips from the English Idiom Series called "The Teacher" from the BBC website were used to teach 120 idioms to 61…

  4. Between two worlds medical student perceptions of humor and slang in the hospital setting. (United States)

    Parsons, G N; Kinsman, S B; Bosk, C L; Sankar, P; Ubel, P A


    Residents frequently use humor and slang at the expense of patients on the clinical wards. We studied how medical students react to and interpret the "appropriateness" of derogatory and cynical humor and slang in a clinical setting. Semistructured, in-depth interviews. Informal meeting spaces. Thirty-three medical students. Qualitative content analysis of interview transcriptions. Students' descriptions of the humorous stories and their responses reveal that students are able to take the perspective of both outsiders and insiders in the medical culture. Students' responses to these stories show that they can identify the outsider's perspective both by seeing themselves in the outsider's role and by identifying with patients. Students can also see the insider's perspective, in that they identify with residents' frustrations and disappointments and therefore try to explain why residents use this kind of humor. Their participation in the humor and slang--often with reservations--further reveals their ability to identify with the perspective of an insider. Medical students describe a number of conflicting reactions to hospital humor that may enhance and exacerbate tensions that are already an inevitable part of training for many students. This phenomenon requires greater attention by medical educators.

  5. Bilingual Humor, Authentic Aunties, and the Transnational Vernacular at Gezi Park

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    Perin Gurel


    Full Text Available Mass-mediated American culture and the English language became raw materials for vernacular protest humor alongside images of headscarf-wearing middle-aged “aunties” during antigovernment protests in Turkey in the summer of 2013. Focusing on posts shared on Facebook and Twitter by Turkish protestors and their supporters in the first two months of the protests, this article studies the complex linguistic and visual humor that developed around Gezi Park and relates it to the identity politics mobilized during the resistance. Exploring how the protestors projected themselves as both cosmopolitan (through the use of American mass culture and the English language and locally rooted (through the use of auntie humor, the essay delineates how “America” can function in local Middle Eastern politics even in the absence of actual US intervention on the ground. Humor at Gezi demonstrates how closely analyzing transculturated vernacular communication can help us modify Western-derived academic theories about culture and power, making the case for incorporating the study of folklore into transnational American Studies.

  6. Infant Humor Perception from 3- to 6-months and Attachment at One Year (United States)

    Mireault, Gina; Sparrow, John; Poutre, Merlin; Perdue, Brittany; Macke, Laura


    Infancy is a critical time for the development of secure attachment, which is facilitated by emotionally synchronous interactions with parents. Humor development, which includes shared laughter and joint attention to an event, emerges concurrently with attachment, but little is known regarding the relationship, if any, between humor development and attachment in the first year. Thirty 3-month-old infants were videoed at home each month until they were 6-months old while their parents attempted to amuse them. Frequency of infants’ smiles and laughs served as a measure of “state humor”, and the smiling/laughing subscale of the Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised served as a measure of “trait humor”. State and trait humor were not correlated. Lower trait humor as 6 months predicted higher attachment security on the Attachment Q-sort at 12-months (r=. 46), suggesting that less good-humored infants elicit greater parental engagement, which works to the benefit of attachment, or vice versa. Future studies should examine the importance of smiling and laughter as they relate to other developmental phenomena in the first year. PMID:22982281

  7. That’s not funny! – But it should be: effects of humorous emotion regulation on emotional experience and memory (United States)

    Kugler, Lisa; Kuhbandner, Christof


    Previous research has shown that humorous reappraisal can reduce elicited negative emotions, suggesting that humor may be a functional strategy to cope with emotionally negative situations. However, the effect of humorous reappraisal on later memory about the emotion-eliciting situation is currently unknown, although this is crucial for more adaptive responding in future situations. To address this issue, we examined the effects of humorous reappraisal on both emotional experience and memory, compared to non-humorous rational reappraisal and a non-reappraisal control condition. Replicating previous findings, humorous reappraisal reduced evoked negative valence and arousal levels very effectively, and the down-regulation of experienced negative emotions was even more pronounced after humorous compared to rational reappraisal. Regarding later memory for emotion-eliciting stimuli, both humorous and rational reappraisal reduced free recall, but recognition memory was unaffected, with memory strength being stronger after humorous than after rational reappraisal. These results indicate that humor seems to be indeed an optimal strategy to cope with negative situations because humor can help us to feel better when confronted with negative stimuli, but still allows us to retrieve stimulus information later when afforded to do so by the presence of appropriate contextual features. PMID:26379608

  8. Humor Styles and Their Relationship to Well-Being among the Gifted (United States)

    Dijkstra, Pieternel; Barelds, Dick; Ronner, Sieuwke; Nauta, Arnolda


    The present study examined the extent to which a sample of 202 gifted individuals (members of Mensa) engaged in four humor styles and the extent to which these humor styles were related to their well-being. These results were compared to a comparative population sample (n = 265). Results showed that gifted individuals most often used positive…

  9. Laughing off the Stereotypes: Age and Aging in Seniors' Online Sex-Related Humor. (United States)

    Nimrod, Galit; Berdychevsky, Liza


    Focusing on sex, the most salient topic featured in ageist jokes, this study aims at exploring the extent to which seniors' own humor reflects common ageist stereotypes or rather echoes contemporary consumer society representations of seniors' sexuality. The study was based on a quantitative content analysis of 300 humorous sex-related messages posted during one full year by members of 14 leading online communities for seniors. Findings indicated that whereas the portrayal of older adults in humor typically relied on negative ageist stereotypes, their representation in seniors' online sex-related humor depended on the social identity of the butt of this humor. If it was an in-group member (oneself, another community member, or the community as a whole), the portrayal was rather positive, but when the butt belonged to the out-group (older adults in general), the depiction was far more ageist. Nonetheless, the representation of older butts of humor was generally more positive than that of the younger ones. These findings suggest that seniors tend to identify with current cultural representations of sexuality in later life and use sex-related humor as a personal means of resisting ageism. They apply two principal strategies: Distancing-reproducing certain ageist stereotypes by ascribing them to other older adults, but less so to their own group and even less than that to themselves-and equalizing older and younger individuals, even according the former an advantage regarding sexuality. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Gerontological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  10. Entextualized Humor in the Formation of Scientist Identities among U.S. Undergraduates (United States)

    Bucholtz, Mary; Skapoulli, Elena; Barnwell, Brendan; Lee, Jung-Eun Janie


    Studies of the socialization of novices into scientific cultures typically emphasize official knowledge-making activities. However, scientific socialization is also accomplished informally through humor. As entextualized humor, formulaic jokes enable U.S. undergraduate students in science to claim scientist identities both through a displayed…

  11. Valor diagnóstico del magnesio en humor vítreo en cinco establecimientos con brotes de tetania hipomagnesémica


    Mattioli, Guillermo Alberto; Tittarelli, Claudia Marcela; Giuliodori, Mauricio Javier; Costa, Enrique F.


    El diagnóstico post-mortem de la tetania hipomagnesémica resulta difícil por la rápida contaminación del plasma y la falta de lesiones a la necropsia. Varios trabajos han evaluado la utilidad de la concentración de Mg en el humor vítreo, pero con resultados contradictorios. Debido a que estos trabajos se realizaron en animales sanos sacrificados para faena, se decidió evaluar esta metodología en casos clínicos, empleando como indicador de la hipomagnesemia antemortem (< 1,80 mg/dl) concentrac...

  12. Was That Levity or Livor Mortis? Crime Scene Investigators' Perspectives on Humor and Work (United States)

    Vivona, Brian D.


    Humor is common and purposeful in most work settings. Although researchers have examined humor and joking behavior in various work settings, minimal research has been done on humor applications in the field of crime scene investigation. The crime scene investigator encounters death, trauma, and tragedy in a more intimate manner than any other…

  13. Serum and Aqueous Humor Levels of Fetuin-A in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome. (United States)

    Yuksel, Nilay; Takmaz, Tamer; Ozel Turkcu, Ummuhani; Ergin, Merve; Altinkaynak, Hasan; Bilgihan, Ayse


    To evaluate serum and aqueous humor levels of fetuin-A in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PEXS) in comparison with those of age- and sex-matched healthy subjects. This prospective study included 25 patients with PEXS and 25 control subjects who were undergoing cataract surgery without any systemic or ocular disease. Aqueous humor and serum fetuin-A levels were measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. The mean age of the PEXS group (14 males, 11 females, n = 25) was 57.7 ± 6.9 years, and the control group (13 males, 12 females, n = 25) was 58.1 ± 5.7 years. There was no difference between the groups in terms of age (p = 0.77) and sex (p = 0.83). The mean serum fetuin-A level of the PEXS group did not differ from that of the control group (p = 0.53). The mean aqueous humor level of the PEXS group was significantly higher than that of the control group (p = 0.032). There were no significant correlations between aqueous humor and serum fetuin-A levels among patients with PEXS and control group (p > 0.05). Increased levels of fetuin-A in aqueous humor of patients with PEXS may show the local effect of fetuin-A on the anterior segment. With considering the wide range of possible biological functions of fetuin-A in the pathogenesis of PEXS, further studies are needed to clarify the clinical relevance of these findings.

  14. The effectiveness of humor in persuasion: the case of business ethics training. (United States)

    Lyttle, J


    In this study, persuasion theory was used to develop the following predictions about use of humor in persuasive messages for business ethics training: (a) cartoon drawings will enhance persuasion by creating liking for the source, (b) ironic wisecracks will enhance persuasion by serving as a distraction from counterarguments, and (c) self-effacing humor will enhance persuasion by improving source credibility. Canadian business students (N = 148) participated in 1 of 4 versions of "The Ethics Challenge," a training exercise used by the Lockheed Martin Corporation. Three versions were modified by adding or removing cartoon drawings (of cartoon characters Dilbert and Dogbert) and humorous responses (Dogbert's wisecracks). Removing the cartoon drawings had little effect on persuasiveness. Removing ironic wisecracks had more effect, and interfering with the self-effacing combination of cartoons and wisecracks had the strongest effect. The results suggest that researchers should ground their predictions in existing theory and that practitioners should differentiate among humor types.

  15. Women Gossip and Men Brag: Perceived Gender Differences in the Use of Humor by Romanian Older Women

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    Ioana Schiau


    Full Text Available The present study investigates perceived gender differences in the producion and social use of humor in the interpersonal communication of Romanian older women, aged 60 and above. The study is a qualitative investigation, based on semi-structured interviews. The aim was to understand the perceptions and motivations that women have when using humor in social interactions, and to explore the functions that humor serves in their day-to-day communication. A previous quantitative investigation found statistically significant gender differences between Romanian older men and women on a sense of humor scale, and suggested that the use of humor in interpersonal communication had stronger social benefits for women (Schiau, 2016a. Drawing on these findings, and keeping in mind other studies that discuss the different use of humor by men and women, this study aims to investigate specific gender differences in the production of humor, as perceived by the participants.

  16. That’s Not Funny! – But It Should Be: Effects of Humorous Emotion Regulation on Emotional Experience and Memory

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    Lisa eKugler


    Full Text Available Previous research has shown that humorous reappraisal can reduce elicited negative emotions, suggesting that humor may be a functional strategy to cope with emotionally negative situations. However, the effect of humorous reappraisal on later memory about the emotion-eliciting situation is currently unknown, although this is crucial for more adaptive responding in future situations. To address this issue, we examined the effects of humorous reappraisal on both emotional experience and memory, compared to non-humorous rational reappraisal and a non-reappraisal control condition. Replicating previous findings, humorous reappraisal reduced evoked negative valence and arousal levels very effectively, and the down-regulation of experienced negative emotions was even more pronounced after humorous compared to rational reappraisal. Regarding later memory for emotion-eliciting stimuli, both humorous and rational reappraisal reduced free recall, but recognition memory was unaffected, with memory strength being stronger after humorous than after rational reappraisal. These results indicate that humor seems to be indeed an optimal strategy to cope with negative situations because humor can help us to feel better when confronted with negative stimuli, but still allows us to retrieve stimulus information later when afforded to do so by the presence of appropriate contextual features.

  17. A Spoonful of Humor Makes the Math Go Down. (United States)

    Penland, C.


    As a mature science, geophysics often employs abstract mathematical ideas in the development of methods to query the physical system. Since abstract mathematics is not usually part of the traditional meteorological education, it is sometimes necessary to communicate these ideas in a manner that not only explains but also demystifies them. Humor is an ideal tool for allowing an audience to develop a degree of comfort with unfamiliar concepts. I will give several examples where abstract ideas are made concrete in the context of stochastic climate modeling by use of humorous presentations.

  18. El humor gráfico en la prensa sefardí: el caso de las portadas de El Ĵuguetón de Constantinopla

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    García Moreno, Aitor


    Full Text Available This article focuses on the critical edition, description and analysis of 53 covers of the humorous newspaper El Ĵuguetón of Constantinople. They are characterized by the rare use of graphic humour in contemporary Sephardic press. Both images (photographs, cartoons, etc. and surrounding texts contain invaluable information about the daily life of Sephardic communities in Turkey during the interwar period. In addition, they chronicle the process of westernization, modernization and secularization of the Sephardic Jews of Turkey and the Balkans.El presente trabajo se dedica a la edición, descripción y análisis de un corpus de 53 portadas del periódico humorístico El Ĵuguetón de Constantinopla, caracterizadas por el recurso al humor gráfico, hecho casi único en la prensa sefardí del momento. Tanto las imágenes (fotografías, caricaturas, etc. como los textos que las acompañan están llenos de valiosísima información sobre la vida diaria de la comunidad sefardí de Turquía en el período de entreguerras, y nos muestran de primera mano el proceso de occidentalización, modernización y secularización de los sefardíes de Turquía y los Balcanes.

  19. Humor Ability Reveals Intelligence, Predicts Mating Success, and Is Higher in Males (United States)

    Greengross, Gil; Miller, Geoffrey


    A good sense of humor is sexually attractive, perhaps because it reveals intelligence, creativity, and other "good genes" or "good parent" traits. If so, intelligence should predict humor production ability, which in turn should predict mating success. In this study, 400 university students (200 men and 200 women) completed…

  20. Aqueous humor tyrosinase activity is indicative of iris melanocyte toxicity. (United States)

    Mahanty, Sarmistha; Kawali, Ankush A; Dakappa, Shruthi Shirur; Mahendradas, Padmamalini; Kurian, Mathew; Kharbanda, Varun; Shetty, Rohit; Setty, Subba Rao Gangi


    Antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones (FQLs) are commonly used to treat ocular infections but are also known to cause dermal melanocyte toxicity. The release of dispersed pigments from the iris into the aqueous humor has been considered a possible ocular side effect of the systemic administration of FQLs such as Moxifloxacin, and this condition is known as bilateral acute iris transillumination (BAIT). Bilateral acute depigmentation of iris (BADI) is a similar condition, with iris pigment released into the aqueous, but it has not been reported as a side effect of FQL. Iris pigments are synthesized by the melanogenic enzyme tyrosinase (TYR) and can be detected but not quantified by using slit-lamp biomicroscopy. The correlation between dispersed pigments in the aqueous and the extent of melanocyte toxicity due to topical antibiotics in vivo is not well studied. Here, we aimed to study the effect of topical FQLs on iris tissue, the pigment release in the aqueous humor and the development of clinically evident iris atrophic changes. We evaluated this process by measuring the activity of TYR in the aqueous humor of 82 healthy eyes undergoing cataract surgery following topical application of FQLs such as Moxifloxacin (27 eyes, preservative-free) or Ciprofloxacin (29 eyes, with preservative) or the application of non-FQL Tobramycin (26 eyes, with preservative) as a control. In addition, the patients were questioned and examined for ocular side effects in pre- and post-operative periods. Our data showed a significantly higher mean TYR activity in the aqueous humor of Ciprofloxacin-treated eyes compared to Moxifloxacin- (preservative free, p iris melanocytes. However, the reduced TYR activity in the aqueous of Moxifloxacin-treated eyes was possibly due to the presence of a higher drug concentration, which inhibits TYR activity. Consistently, immunoblotting analysis of the aqueous humor from both Ciprofloxacin- and Moxifloxacin-treated eyes showed the presence of soluble

  1. Dark Humor in Sula%《秀拉》与黑色幽默

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



    Dark humor is defined as a stylistic feature with irony at its core. The weapon for the powerless, dark humor always targets those in power. In Sula, Toni Morrison employs irony to satirize African American stereotypes established by racism and sexism. To survive, African Americans ann themselves with humor. Humor implies hope. The (dark) humor in Sula brings spiritual comfort to the victims of racism and sexism, strengthens the Bottom, the black community, challenges the grand narrative of the U.S. history, and proves an essential component of American humor.%黑色幽默是一种文体,反讽是其常用的技巧。黑色幽默是草根的武器,权势是黑色幽默的靶子。在《秀拉》中,莫里森采用反讽,嘲讽种族主义者设定的美国黑人刻板形象,条分缕析地抨击种族歧视和性别歧视。哪里有幽默,哪里就有希望。幽默不但令黑人取得了精神上的胜利,而且挑战美国官方历史的宏大叙事,更为美国幽默增添了多元视角。

  2. Humor in advertising: a review on use of television radio and print advertising media


    S, venkatesh; N, senthilkumar


    Television advertising is a most common commercial activity used in advertising medium. Humor in advertising contains an important aspect on changing attitude of the consumer, improves buying behavior and creates new patterns for buying any goods and services. Humor in television advertising is the effective and convenient way to attract the any consumers because they are emotional based content and makes the consumer to special for satisfaction. Compared to all emotions humor advertising is ...

  3. Neosporosis bovina: conceptos generales, inmunidad y perspectivas para la vacunación Bovine neosporosis: general concepts, immunity and perspectives for vaccination

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    D.P. Moore


    Full Text Available Neospora caninum es agente causal de aborto en bovinos de regiones ganaderas de todo el mundo. Su ciclo de vida es heteroxeno siendo el perro (Canis familiaris y el coyote (Canis latrans los hospedadores definitivos reconocidos hasta el presente. La infección transplacentaria es un eficiente mecanismo de transmisión de la enfermedad pero existe evidencia que demuestra la transmisión postnatal en los bovinos. Debido a las pérdidas económicas que causa la neosporosis, diversas técnicas diagnósticas han sido desarrolladas. La fisiopatología del aborto causado por N. caninum no ha sido completamente esclarecida. La modulación del sistema inmune por efecto de la preñez ocasiona un período de susceptibilidad al aborto por N. caninum. Aunque la resistencia al parásito ha sido asociada con una respuesta de linfocitos T tipo 1, dicha respuesta inmune es incompatible con una preñez exitosa. Sin embargo, los mecanismos inmunes presentes en animales crónicamente infectados protegen del aborto ante una segunda exposición al protozoo. La comprensión de esa respuesta inmune adquirida constituye un desafío para el desarrollo de inmunógenos. Este trabajo menciona conceptos generales de la neosporosis bovina haciendo énfasis en los mecanismos inmunes y las perspectivas para la vacunación.Neospora caninum causes abortions in cattle worldwide. The Neospora-cycle of life is heteroxenous. Dogs (Canis familiaris and coyotes (Canis latrans are the definitive hosts known at present. Although, transplacental infection is an efficiently mode of transmission in cattle; there are also experimental and field data that prove horizontal transmission. Several techniques are available for diagnosis since neosporosis is recognized as a disease that causes economic losses in cattle. The mechanisms that produce the abortion are not completely understood. The immunomodulation observed during the pregnancy, is associated with a susceptible period where Neospora

  4. Developing Pre-Service English Language Teachers' Comprehension of Texts with Humorous Elements (United States)

    Yangin Ersanli, Ceylan; Çakir, Abdulvahit


    Humour is a universal phenomenon and has been studied in many fields of research such as literature, linguistics, psychology, sociology and philosophy. Humour is often expressed through language and it is little wonder that failure to understand humorous language causes breakdowns in communication. What is humorous might be culturally defined, and…

  5. It's in the way that you use it: attachment and the dyadic nature of humor during conflict negotiation in romantic couples. (United States)

    Winterheld, Heike A; Simpson, Jeffry A; Oriña, M Minda


    In a behavioral observation study with dating couples, we examined (a) how attachment orientations predict humor use and (b) how people respond to their partners' use of humor. Couples were videotaped while trying to resolve a relationship conflict. Each discussion was rated on several theoretically relevant dimensions. Highly avoidant individuals used more aggressive humor and less affiliative humor during their discussions, whereas highly anxious individuals used more self-defeating humor. Individuals also tailored their humor use to partners who were highly anxious and distressed. Aggressive humor was received more negatively by partners who sought more care. Affiliative humor was favorably received, especially when partners were more distressed, whereas self-defeating humor elicited negative responses from highly distressed partners. Both highly anxious and avoidant individuals reacted unfavorably when they were the recipients of the humor styles they used most often. The implications of these results for our understanding of relationships and humor are discussed.

  6. Manifestaciones oftalmológicas por virus de Epstein-Barr

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    Adrianne MayulySuñetÁlvarez

    Full Text Available Se trata de un paciente masculino de 26 años que acude por disminución brusca de la visión del ojo derecho. Seingresó como una uveítis posterior dada por exudación extensa en área macular del ojo derecho, acompañada de edema del disco óptico, vasculitis aledaña a la lesión y hemorragias dispersas en llama en el polo posterior. La etiología era controversial y, el tratamiento más apropiado era debatible, por lo que se le realizaron estudios como retinografías seriadas, angiografías fluoresceínicas y reacción en cadena de polimerasa a una muestra del humor acuoso, que confirmó la etiología viral; lo que resultó en una agudeza visual final de 0,1. Posterior a 6 meses del cuadro inicial, el paciente presentó queratitis intraestromal en forma numular -que recurre ante episodios de stress-, para desaparecer luego de terapia tópica con antiinflamatorios no esteroideos y esteroideos.La baja incidencia de casos reportados con uveítis posterior por virus de Epstein Barr resulta de un pobre conocimiento de la presentación de la enfermedad, por tanto un retraso en la instauración del tratamiento. En estos casos la prueba de oro es la reacción de cadena de polimerasa.

  7. Representaciones humorísticas en el principal diario argentino ante el "resurgimiento" sindical Humorous representation in Argentina´s leading newspaper in view of the "resurgence" of the union actor

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    Vanesa Coscia


    Full Text Available En este artículo nos proponemos analizar el funcionamiento del humor gráfico cuando se lo incluye en las coberturas periodísticas que abordan los temas de conflictividad sindical en el período 2004-2007. Esta época, bajo el gobierno de Néstor Kirchner, coincidió con un "resurgimiento" del actor sindical en la escena política nacional, a partir de la dinamización de la negociación colectiva, aumento de puestos laborales, incremento de luchas por aumentos salariales y acuerdos tripartitos entre las principales organizaciones sindicales y empresariales. El estudio se concentra en el caso de Clarín, teniendo en cuenta el lugar de privilegio que, en tanto actor político y económico, tiene este medio en la escena nacional. Este diario forma parte y se constituye en piedra angular del holding empresarial de nombre homónimo Grupo Clarin, principal grupo multimedial nacional con control de diarios y revistas, licencias de televisión, Internet, emisoras radiales y productoras, entre otras. La idea de analizar las representaciones mediáticas sobre la temática sindical focalizando, en este caso, en el funcionamiento del humor (análisis de chistes y caricaturas surge de la sospecha de que el humor gráfico político funciona, como señala Mazzei (1997:88 como un recurso ante el cual "el receptor relaja su guardia y acepta -risueñamente- muchas de las premisas implícitas en el mensaje de la nota". La pregunta que guía este estudio es, entonces, cómo el humor funciona modalizando o potenciando las narrativas mediáticas, construyendo y fortaleciendo ciertas nociones del sentido común en torno a cuestiones históricas del sindicalismo nacional.The aim of the following article is to analyse the purpose of graphic humour when used in political journalism for the coverage of conflicts related to trade unions in the period 2004-2007. During Kirchner's government trade unions became a central political and social actor favoured by collective

  8. Vitreous Humor Changes Expression of Iron-Handling Proteins in Lens Epithelial Cells (United States)

    Goralska, Malgorzata; Fleisher, Lloyd N.; McGahan, M. Christine


    Purpose In humans, vitrectomy is associated with development of nuclear cataracts. Iron catalyzes free radical formation causing oxidative damage, which is implicated in cataract formation. This study was designed to determine if vitreous humor, which can initiate differentiation of lens epithelial cells, would have an effect on iron-handling proteins. Methods Cultured canine lens epithelial cells were treated with collected canine vitreous humor. Lysates of treated and control cells were separated by SDS-PAGE. Ferritin H- and L-chains, transferrin receptor 1, and aquaporin 0 were immunodetected and quantitated with specific antibodies. Morphologic changes in treated cells were assessed. Results Treatment of lens epithelial cells with a 33% (vol/vol) solution of vitreous humor changed the morphology of lens cells and induced expression of aquaporin 0, a marker of fiber cell differentiation that was undetectable in control cells. Treatment did not modify the size of iron-handling proteins but significantly increased content of ferritin from 2.9- to 8.8-fold over control and decreased levels of transferrin receptor by 37% to 59%. Conclusions Vitreous humor may significantly limit iron uptake by transferrin/transferrin receptor pathway, and by increasing ferritin levels could profoundly increase the iron-storage capacity of ferritin in lens cells. Vitreous humor may play a significant protective role against iron-catalyzed oxidative damage of lens epithelial cells and therefore in the formation of cataracts. PMID:28245299

  9. Patrón de immunoblotting y niveles de anticuerpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii en suero y humor acuoso de pacientes con lesiones de toxoplasmosis ocular

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    Morella Bouchard Pereira


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar en muestras de suero y humor acuoso los niveles de anticuerpos anti-toxoplasma a través del Coeficiente de Goldmann y Witmer (CGW y el patrón de reconocimiento antigénico a través del immunoblotting (IB, en pacientes con serología positiva con y sin lesiones de toxoplasmosis ocular. Se recogieron simultáneamente muestras de suero y humor acuoso de 26 pacientes: un grupo de casos que poseían lesiones retinales de toxoplasmosis ocular en fase activa e inactiva (n=17 y un grupo control que requería cirugía ocular por presencia de cataratas (n=9. Las determinación de IgM e IgG específicas se realizó por ELISA de inmunocaptura e indirecto, respectivamente. Se utilizó la inmunodifusión radial para la cuantificación de la IgG total. El CGW resultó >2, indicativo de producción local de anticuerpos específicos en 12/17 de los casos, mientras que en los controles no se observó, esto evidenció una sensibilidad del 71% y una especificidad de 100%. En IB, la aparición de bandas diferentes en humor acuoso, indicativo de producción local de anticuerpos específicos se observaron en 11/17 de los casos y 1/9 de los controles, reflejando una sensibilidad de 65% y una especificidad de 89%. Al considerar las dos pruebas la sensibilidad se incrementó a un 73%, pero la especificidad disminuyó a 89%. En conclusión el IB es útil como prueba confirmatoria para diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis ocular, pero sólo como un complemento del coeficiente de GW especialmente en pacientes con lesiones atípicas donde el diagnóstico clínico es difícil. Aqueous humor and serum immunoblotting profiles and anti–toxoplasma gondii antibodies in patients with toxoplasmosis-induced retinal lesions Abstract The purpose of this study was to analize the anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies levels in serum and aqueous humor samples in patients with ocular toxoplasmosis by using Goldman and Witmer Coefficient (GWC and the

  10. Laugh Away the Fat? Therapeutic Humor in the Control of Stress-induced Emotional Eating

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    Elizabeth S. Bast


    Full Text Available This review explores the potential overlap between the fields of nutrition and therapeutic humor, together with the role of humor as a possible tool for aiding those in whom emotions, particularly negative ones, trigger eating as a means to improve mood. We review emotional eating, obesity, and the hypothesized mechanisms of emotional eating. We then review the field of therapeutic humor and its ability to de-stress individuals, possibly through endorphin and opioid systems, both of which are also involved in eating behavior. Finally, we present a novel hypothesis that people may be trained to use humor as a “food substitute” at best, or to blunt hunger stimuli, to achieve similar advantages, without the side effect of weight gain.

  11. Laugh Away the Fat? Therapeutic Humor in the Control of Stress-induced Emotional Eating (United States)

    Bast, Elizabeth S.; Berry, Elliot M.


    This review explores the potential overlap between the fields of nutrition and therapeutic humor, together with the role of humor as a possible tool for aiding those in whom emotions, particularly negative ones, trigger eating as a means to improve mood. We review emotional eating, obesity, and the hypothesized mechanisms of emotional eating. We then review the field of therapeutic humor and its ability to de-stress individuals, possibly through endorphin and opioid systems, both of which are also involved in eating behavior. Finally, we present a novel hypothesis that people may be trained to use humor as a “food substitute” at best, or to blunt hunger stimuli, to achieve similar advantages, without the side effect of weight gain. PMID:24498514

  12. Semblanzas deportivas: humor, deporte y terror en Fontanarrosa

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    Cristian Palacios


    Full Text Available Este artículo analiza el uso del humor negro del caricaturista Fontanarrosa en su serie Semblanzas Deportivas, definiendo, a la vez que deslindando, lo humorístico y lo cómico. Se aborda también el lugar que ocupa la obra de Fontanarrosa en la cultura popular, en donde destacan sobre todo temas deportivos como: fútbol, boxeo, atletismo y lucha libre. Se observa el uso de la literatura borgeana en Fontanarrosa y cómo, a partir de la exageración en imágenes de los rasgos de sus personajes, se consigue elaborar una crítica sin que sea necesario recurrir a la abierta oposición.

  13. [Application of Mixed-effect Model in PMI Estimation by Vitreous Humor]. (United States)

    Yang, M Z; Li, H J; Zhang, T Y; Ding, Z J; Wu, S F; Qiu, X G; Liu, Q


    To test the changes of the potassium (K⁺) and magnesium (Mg²⁺) concentrations in vitreous humor of rabbits along with postmortem interval (PMI) under different temperatures, and explore the feasibility of PMI estimation using mixed-effect model. After sacrifice, rabbit carcasses were preserved at 5 ℃, 15 ℃, 25 ℃ and 35 ℃, and 80-100 μL of vitreous humor was collected by the double-eye alternating micro-sampling method at every 12 h. The concentrations of K⁺ and Mg²⁺ in vitreous humor were measured by a biochemical-immune analyser. The mixed-effect model was used to perform analysis and fitting, and established the equations for PMI estimation. The data detected from the samples that were stoned at 10 ℃, 20 ℃ and 30 ℃ with 20, 40 and 65 h were used to validate the equations of PMI estimation. The concentrations of K⁺ and Mg²⁺ [f( x , y )] in vitreous humor of rabbits under different temperature increased along with PMI ( x ). The relative equations of K⁺ and Mg²⁺ concentration with PMI and temperature under 5 ℃~35 ℃ were f K⁺ ( x , y )=3.413 0+0.309 2 x +0.337 6 y +0.010 83 xy -0.002 47 x ² ( P PMI estimation by K⁺ and Mg²⁺ was in 10 h when PMI was between 0 to 40 h, and the time of deviation was in 21 h when PMI was between 40 to 65 h. the ambient temperature range of 5 ℃-35 ℃, the mixed-effect model based on temperature and vitreous humor substance concentrations can provide a new method for the practical application of vitreous humor chemicals for PMI estimation. Copyright© by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine.

  14. Humor, Laughter & Happiness in the Daily Lives of Recently Bereaved Spouses (United States)

    Lund, Dale A.; Utz, Rebecca; Caserta, Michael S.; de Vries, Brian


    The positive psychology movement has created more interest in examining the potential value of experiencing positive emotions (e.g. humor, laughter and happiness) during the course of bereavement. This study of 292 recently widowed (5-24 weeks) men (39%) and women (61%) age 50 and over examined both the perceived importance of and actual experience of having positive emotions in their daily lives and how they might impact bereavement adjustments. We found that most of the bereaved spouses rated humor and happiness as being very important in their daily lives and that they were also experiencing these emotions at higher levels than expected. Experiencing humor, laughter and happiness was strongly associated with favorable bereavement adjustments (lower grief and depression) regardless of the extent to which the bereaved person valued having these positive emotions. PMID:19227000

  15. Economics with a Sense of Humor. (United States)

    Keenan, Diane


    In this humorous dialogue that can be read and acted out as a play in high school economics classes, Karl Marx, a spokesman for communism, and Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, debate (1) whether an economy should produce designer jeans and (2) who should own McDonald's restaurant. (RM)


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    Ioana Schiau


    Full Text Available The current study explores social and emotional loneliness, social interactions and humor in a sample of Romanian students, departing from the Schiau 2016 study that found the production and social use of humor to be correlated to a reduced social loneliness in a sample of Romanian older adults. Studies indicate that loneliness can be experienced at any age, and that humor can act as a coping mechanism with life’s difficulties, triggering positive emotions. The current study replicates findings in the literature, indicating that younger adults experience less loneliness than older adults, and use more humor than older adults. Young women in the sample had a significantly more positive attitude towards humor than the men. This study has useful implications for a number of fields, including the economic and marketing sectors. The current student population represents a growing market, and studies indicate that the use of humor by service providers may intervene with any negative feelings that could cause clients to withdraw their engagement and cooperation in the service endeavor (Locke, 1996. Therefore, we argue that, for the retail and service sector, it is important to understand the different approach towards humor by the different age and gender groups discussed in this study.

  17. "Last Professor Standing!": Powerpoint Enables All Faculty to Use Humor in Teaching (United States)

    Berk, Ronald A.


    There are two major global educational trends that have changed the form and execution of humor in the classroom and in professional conferences: (1) the burgeoning instructional technology, especially PowerPoint, which can provide a vehicle for several forms of low risk humor anyone can present; and (2) the diversity of classroom demographics,…

  18. The Potency of Humor and Instructional Self-Efficacy on Art Teacher Stress (United States)

    Evans-Palmer, Teri


    This quantitative study was sparked by a keen interest in art teachers who practice humor in challenging school environments. Stressors unique to art education can cause teachers to lose heart in such a way that their ability to perform is compromised. To teach effectively, teachers must maintain resilience to cope with stress. Pedagogical humor,…

  19. The Role of Humor in Learning Physics: A Study of Undergraduate Students (United States)

    Berge, Maria


    We all know that they do it, but what do students laugh "about" when learning science together? Although research has shown that students do use humor when they learn science, the role of humor in science education has received little attention. In this study, undergraduate students' laughter during collaborative work in physics has been…

  20. Evaluación de la inmunogenicidad y la capacidad protectora homóloga de un candidato vacunal tetravalente de Leptospira, para uso veterinario

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    Yaritza Cuba-Romero


    Full Text Available La inmunogenicidad es un parámetro importante en estudios de inmunógenos. En la leptospirosis la respuesta inmune humoral es vital para la resistencia a la infección, de ahí que este trabajo se haya propuesto evaluar la inmunogenicidad y la capacidad protectora homóloga de un candidato tetravalente que incluye al serogrupo Ballum en su formulación. Se trabajó con la cepa 245-12 clasificada como L. borgpetersenii serovar Ballum, aislada a partir de un caso confirmado de leptospirosis. Con esta cepa previamente caracterizada desde el punto de vista de su virulencia, se formularon 5 lotes de una preparación vacunal tetravalente, la cual contiene además las cepas Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae y Pomona contenidas en la vacuna Polivalente-Leptospira, de uso veterinario. Se evaluó la inmunogenicidad de esta preparación, mediante microaglutinación y la capacidad de protección homóloga en hámster sirio dorado, frente al reto con 100 DL50. Los animales se inmunizaron con dos dosis de la vacuna (0,1mL con un intervalo de 15 días, el reto se llevó a cabo a los 14 días de concluido el esquema de inmunización. Los resultados obtenidos se compararon con los de la vacuna Polivalente-Leptospira. Todos los lotes de preparación tetravalente formulados cumplieron satisfactoriamente con los controles de calidad. Los lotes formulados en este estudio mostraron una significativa inmunogenicidad y capacidad de protección homologa frente al serogrupo Ballum, y lograron eliminar el estado de portador en los animales inmunizados. El presente trabajo, por primera vez, sienta las bases para formulaciones vacunales novedosas, en animales, conteniendo el serogrupo Ballum.

  1. Fluorophotometric determination of aqueous humor flow rates in red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis). (United States)

    Jones, Michael P; Ward, Daniel A


    To determine aqueous humor flow rate (AHFR) in an avian species by use of anterior segment fluorophotometry. 9 healthy red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis; 4 males and 5 females) that ranged from 8 months to 8 years of age. A protocol was developed for fluorophotometric determination of AHFR. Topical administration of 10% fluorescein was used to load the corneas, and corneal and aqueous humor fluorescein concentrations were measured approximately 5, 6.5, and 8 hours later. Concentration-versus-time plots were generated, and slopes and cornea-to-aqueous humor concentration ratios from these plots were used to manually calculate flow rates. Mean ± SD AHFRs for the right eye, left eye, and both eyes were 3.17 ± 1.36 μL/min (range, 1.67 to 6.21 μL/min), 2.86 ± 0.88 μL/min (range, 2.04 to 4.30 μL/min), and 2.90 ± 0.90 μL/min (range, 1.67 to 4.42 μL/min), respectively. The AHFRs were similar for right and left eyes. These flow rates represented a mean aqueous humor transfer coefficient of 0.0082/min, which is similar to that of mammalian species. The AHFR in red-tailed hawks was similar to that of most mammalian species, and the fractional egress was almost identical to that of other species. This information will allow a greater understanding of aqueous humor flow in avian eyes, which is crucial when evaluating diseases that affect avian eyes as well as medications that alter aqueous humor flow.

  2. Utility of angiotensin-converting enzyme activity in aqueous humor in the diagnosis of ocular sarcoidosis. (United States)

    Mihailovic-Vucinic, Violeta; Popevic, Ljubica; Popevic, Spasoje; Stjepanovic, Mihailo; Aleksic, Andjelka; Stanojevic-Paovic, Anka


    Many studies include elevated activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in serum in sarcoidosis and in ocular sarcoidosis as well, but there are only a few analyzing ACE activities in aqueous humor. The aim of this study is to illuminate the diagnostic value of ACE in aqueous humor in patients with ocular sarcoidosis. We analyzed twenty patients with ocular sarcoidosis and 18 patients with nonocular involvement. All patients have biopsy-positive sarcoidosis of the lungs and/or mediastinal lymph nodes. Blood samples for ACE serum levels were obtained from all patients. Aqueous humor samples were taken by paracentesis with a 25-gauge needle in local anesthesia. With appropriate statistical tests, we compared ACE activity in serum and aqueous humor in patients with and without ocular sarcoidosis. The majority of our patients with ocular sarcoidosis were female (12/20), also in the group with systemic sarcoidosis and without ocular involvement (12/6). Mean age of the whole analyzed group of sarcoidosis patients was 45 ± 6 years. There is no statistically significant difference in ACE activity in serum between two groups of patients (with and without ocular sarcoidosis). There is statistically significant difference in ACE activity in aqueous humor among patients with ocular and nonocular sarcoidosis. ACE activity in aqueous humor is significantly higher in patients with ocular sarcoidosis. Increased ACE activity in aqueous humor can point to a diagnosis of ocular sarcoidosis, without the need for ocular biopsy.

  3. The Attitudes of University Faculty toward Humor as a Pedagogical Tool: Can We Take a Joke? (United States)

    Huss, John; Eastep, Shannon


    Faculty members in a College of Education responded to a mixed methods questionnaire regarding their attitudes toward the use of humor as a pedagogical tool. Quantitative data and coding of open response questions revealed that instructors overall considered humor to be an integral part of their teaching plan and that humor relaxes students,…


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    Farah Firgia Lutfi


    Full Text Available Surfing humor on internet has got a lot of negative responses although the doers claim that it is fun. This research is focusing on the humor which is using English as the main language. However, previous researches have confirmed that there are witty and social sides of humor. Those two sides are important foundations to learn English further. The present paper aims to spot beneficial effects of self -humor exposure from Internet towards English competence and cross cultural understanding of students in English Department of Semarang State University. The way to ‗get‘ a humor content is divided into two, humor comprehension and humor perception. Humor comprehension has cognitive benefits that increase English competence. Humor appreciation has sociological benefits to increase cross cultural understanding. Thus, we are comparing English ability and social behavior of students with different intensity of self-humor exposure. Data were collected through interview. Students with high intensity and interest to self-humor exposure showed relatively higher English competence and tolerance to different ideas. The explanation will give broader idea of how learning English through humor brings positive values. Further research about the effects of humor in studying English is needed.

  5. On the Effects of Teacher’s Sense of Humor on Iranian’s EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability

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    Fateme Ghanei Motlagh


    Full Text Available Teacher’s sense of humor is like a miracle in creating effective teaching and learning environments where there is no place for stress and anxiety but instead intrinsic motivation is enhanced. The present study aims mainly, to explore the effects of teachers’ sense of humor of EFL intermediate learners' reading comprehension ability. Having administered a test of reading proficiency, 58 learners are selected and assigned into control and experimental groups. Also two English language teachers, based on TOEFL and Humor Questionnaire, are selected to teach these learners. The process of teaching and the materials were the same for both groups. But participants in humor class were taught in a well-defined humorous environment managed by the teacher. Considering the control group, the process of teaching reading texts was conducted in a normal manner. To measure the relationship between EFL teachers’ sense of humor and EFL learners' intrinsic motivation in reading comprehension ability, an Intrinsic Motivation in Reading Questionnaire (IMERQ including reading curiosity, is given to experimental participants both at the outset and at the end of the course. Finally based on the data, it was found that teachers’ sense of humor was effective in improving learners' reading comprehension ability and enhancing intrinsic motivation. The findings can also provide pedagogical implications for considering teachers’ sense of humor as an intrinsically motivating learning tool.

  6. Relationships between Humor Styles and Family Functioning in Parents of Children with Disabilities (United States)

    Rieger, Alicja; McGrail, J. Patrick


    The humor styles and family functioning of parents of children with disabilities are understudied subjects. This study seeks to shed quantitative light on these areas. Seventy-two parents of children with disabilities completed the "Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales" (FACES IV) and the "Humor Styles…

  7. Hippocrates' humoral pathology in nowaday's reflections. (United States)

    Bujalkova, M; Straka, S; Jureckova, A


    Ancient medicine integrated three components: experience (empirical observation), religion/magic and speculations of natural philosophers. The Greek medicine out-achieved medicine of other ancient nations in starting to investigate the true causes of health and diseases and thus laying foundations for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. Hippocrates, the most famous physician of the ancient times, made a synthesis of existing philosophical opinions from the point of view of a physician. His 58 writings were preserved in the collection "Corpus Hippocraticum". The most relevant writing in it--"Peri fyseos anthropu" (On the nature of man)--is ascribed to Hippocrates' son-in-law Polybos to whom we are grateful for the ancient humoral-pathological theory. In explaining human organism and its processes the author integrated ancient teachings on 4 basic humors (humoral theory), elements and qualities with observations of manifestations of health and disease. Normal condition (health) was defined as balance between the body fluids (eukrasia) and external environment. If this balance is disturbed, the result is dyskrasia, i.e. disease studied by pathology. According to Hippocrates disease causes can be understood only through empirical study. A man has a power to overcome disease, but to achieve it the right diet is necessary to keep harmony in body fluids of an organism. The role of a physician was just to support the nature. "Prognosis", another writing included in "Corpus Hippocraticum", reflects Hippocrates' understanding of prognosis as a necessary development of diagnosis based on past knowledge (anamnesis) and present observation. Ideas of Hippocrates and his medical school are still valuable and inspiring especially for today's very sophisticated medicine--concept of fighting diseases by natural means: maintaining healthy lifestyle and harmony within the organism, or an effort for perfect understanding of human creature and for humanization of medicine. (Fig. 3

  8. Humor Climate of the Primary Schools (United States)

    Sahin, Ahmet


    The aim of this study is to determine the opinions primary school administrators and teachers on humor climates in primary schools. The study was modeled as a convergent parallel design, one of the mixed methods. The data gathered from 253 administrator questionnaires, and 651 teacher questionnaires was evaluated for the quantitative part of the…

  9. Humor as Camouflage of Televised Violence. (United States)

    Potter, W. James; Warren, Ron


    Contributes to research on schema theory and media effects by examining how violence is portrayed in comedy programs. Finds a high rate of violence (especially verbal forms) on comedy programs; and the combination of humor, minor acts of violence, and program context tend to trivialize its presence. Suggests that viewers' schema for comedy uses…

  10. Antioxidant status of dog aqueous humor after extracapsular lens extraction

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    Barros P.S.M.


    Full Text Available We determined the antioxidant status of the aqueous humor after extracapsular lens extraction in 14 mongrel dogs weighing about 10 kg. The animals were examined by slit lamp biomicroscopy, applanation tonometry and indirect ophthalmoscopy. One eye was submitted to conventional extracapsular lens extraction and the other was used as control. Samples of aqueous humor were obtained by anterior chamber paracentesis before and at days 1, 2, 3, 7 and 15 after surgery. Total antioxidant status was determined as the capacity of aqueous humor to inhibit free radical generation by 2,2-azobis(2-amidopropane chlorine. Ascorbic acid concentration was measured by HPLC with UV detection. Protein content was determined with the biuret reagent. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA followed by the Tukey-Kramer test. Protein concentration increased from 0.61 to 22 mg/ml 24 h after surgery. These levels were maintained and returned to normal at day 7. Total antioxidant capacity was reduced from 50 to about 30 min until day 3 and at day 7 it was equal to control. Ascorbic acid levels were reduced from 252 to about 110 µM and then returned to control values at day 15. Considering the importance of ascorbic acid concentration in aqueous humor for the maintenance of the antioxidant status of the anterior segment of the eye, the decrease of antioxidant defenses suggests that the surgical procedures promote an oxidative stress condition in the eye.

  11. Very Good Medicine: Indigenous Humor and Laughter (United States)

    Mala, Cynthia Lindquist


    Humor is not only instinctive and a basic human need, but it also is very good medicine. Laughter boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones, and is linked to healthy functioning organs. [This article was written with Mylo Redwater Smith.

  12. Microbiological assay of ampicillin in serum and aqueous humor of patients given ampicillin-sulbactam injection

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    Madhavan Hajib


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to determine the bacterial growth inhibitory activities of ampicillin in aqueous humor and serum of patients administered ampicillin-sulbactam combination intramuscularly prior to cataract surgery. 43 patients received a combination of both antibiotics intramuscularly at varying periods (60-140 minutes prior to surgery. Aqueous humor and venous blood were collected at the beginning of the surgery. For microbiological assay, spores of Bacillus subtilis were incorporated in the agar. The test sample and the standard solutions (calibrators of ampicillin and ampicillin-sulbactam combination were placed in 3 mm wells in the agar. The diameter zones of growth inhibitory activities of ampicillin of the calibrators and the test samples measured in mm were extrapolated to the standard curve and were recorded as ampicillin activity in (μg/ml. The results of the assay were placed in 5 groups according to the time intervals between injection and collection of serum and aqueous humor (≤70, 75, 80, 90, >90 minutes. Ampicillin activities in sera and aqueous humor of group 5 (>90 minutes were significantly higher than the others (p<0.001. The ratio of ampicillin activities of sera and aqueous humor in group 5 patients was significantly lower indicating higher concentration of ampicillin activity in aqueous humor during this period. Bacterial growth inhibitory activities of ampicillin-sulbactam combination were adequate in aqueous humor of all patients with highest activity being 90 minutes after intramuscular administration indicating the potential usefulness of this antibiotic combination as chemoprophylaxis prior to cataract surgery.

  13. T cell-derived Lymphotoxin is Essential for anti-HSV-1 Humoral Immune Response. (United States)

    Yang, Kaiting; Liang, Yong; Sun, Zhichen; Xue, Diyuan; Xu, Hairong; Zhu, Mingzhao; Fu, Yang-Xin; Peng, Hua


    B cell-derived lymphotoxin (LT) is required for the development of follicular dendritic cell clusters for the formation of primary and secondary lymphoid follicles, but the role of T cell-derived LT in antibody response has not been well demonstrated. We observed that lymphotoxin-β-receptor (LTβR) signaling is essential for optimal humoral immune response and protection against an acute HSV-1 infection. Blocking the LTβR pathway caused poor maintenance of germinal center B (GC-B) cells and follicular helper T (Tfh) cells. Using bone marrow chimeric mice and adoptive transplantation, we determined that T cell-derived LT played an indispensable role in the humoral immune response to HSV-1. Up-regulation of IFNγ by the LTβR-Ig blockade impairs the sustainability of Tfh-like cells, thus leading to an impaired humoral immune response. Our findings have identified a novel role of T cell-derived LT in the humoral immune response against HSV-1 infection. IMPORTANCE Immunocompromised people are susceptible for HSV-1 infection and lethal recurrence, which could be inhibited by anti-HSV-1 humoral immune response in the host. This study sought to explore the role of T cell-derived LT in the anti-HSV-1 humoral immune response using LT-LTβR signaling deficient mice and the LTβR-Ig blockade. The data indicate that the T cell-derived LT may play an essential role in sustaining Tfh-like cells and ensure Tfh-like cells' migration into primary or secondary follicles for further maturation. This study provides insights for vaccine development against infectious diseases. Copyright © 2018 American Society for Microbiology.

  14. Don't Tease Me, I'm Working: Examining Humor in a Midwestern Organization Using Ethnography of Communication (United States)

    Ojha, Ajay K.; Holmes, Tammy L.


    Within organizations, the communicative phenomenon of humor is commonplace. Humorous talk is just as important and frequent to regular discourse that takes place between organizational members. In this inquiry we examine humor as a particular way of communicating between members of a small Midwestern United States organization. Specifically, we…

  15. Experimental sepsis impairs humoral memory in mice.

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    Christian Pötschke

    Full Text Available Patients with sepsis are often immune suppressed, and experimental mouse models of sepsis also display this feature. However, acute sepsis in mice is also characterized by a generalized B cell activation and plasma cell differentiation, resulting in a marked increase in serum antibody concentration. Its effects on humoral memory are not clearly defined. We measured the effects of experimental sepsis on long-term immunological memory for a defined antigen: we induced colon ascendens stent peritonitis (CASP 8 weeks after 2 rounds of immunization with ovalbumin. Four weeks later, the antigen-specific bone marrow plasma cell count had doubled in immunized non-septic animals, but remained unchanged in immunized septic animals. Sepsis also caused a decrease in antigen-specific serum antibody concentration. We conclude that sepsis weakens humoral memory by impeding the antigen-specific plasma cell pool's development, which is not complete 8 weeks after secondary immunization.

  16. O humor entre os povos Jê: cotidiano e ritual


    Dias, Lucília da Glória Alves


    O objetivo do presente trabalho é refletir sobre o riso e o humor na experiência das sociedades indígenas jê, Brasil Central. Com base na análise da etnografia sobre povos jê produzida entre as décadas de 1970 e 2010, a presença do humor é tratada aqui em dois contextos específicos: as relações interpessoais chamadas pela antropologia clássica de “relações jocosas” e a presença em rituais de figuras cômicas ou “palhaços”. O primeiro conjunto é abordado principalmente da perspectiva da “conviv...

  17. [Neuropsychology of humor: an introduction Part 1. Psychological data]. (United States)

    Derouesné, Christian


    Humor is, from a psychological point of view, a complex process involving cognitive, affective, interspersonal and social elements in a interpersonal context. Its cognitive core is based on the perception of incongruity between two related inconsistent or contradictory mental representations. The total or partial resolution of incongruity in a playful frame is associated with a specific positive emotion, which characteristics and intensity are determined by the structure of the humoristic stimulus more than its content, and the personal and social contexts. Main theories of humor are reviewed as well as its development, its cognitive and affective correlates, and the influence of genre, age and personality.

  18. "Everyone's a Comedian." No Really, They Are: Using Humor in the Online and Traditional Classroom (United States)

    Smith, Victoria D.; Wortley, Amy


    The effects of the incorporation of instructor humor in both the traditional and online classroom settings was examined. Students react to instructor humor in positive ways that demonstrate both increased engagement with the material and increased information recall following the use of instructor humor in lecture. Challenges of instructor and…

  19. Danish Humor in Cross-Cultural Professional Settings

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundquist, Lita Sander


    , with no limits or taboos. These characteristics of Danish humor are analyzed here using two different theoretical frameworks: linguistics – where an explanation is found in certain type-specific features of the Danish language, namely the dialogical particles typical of the Nordic languages in general...

  20. Humor e ficção na produção de conteúdos audiovisuais


    Noras, Francisco Miguel Raimundo


    O presente relatório de estágio reflete sobre a produção de conteúdos audiovisuais no Canal Q, com base no Humor e na Ficção. A ele adjacente, encontramos uma reflexão teórica sobre o poder do Humor, enquanto instrumento de comunicação, ao longo da história. Este trabalho pondera a relação partilhada entre o riso, Humor e, em última ...

  1. Relations of Dispositions toward Ridicule and Histrionic Self-Presentation with Quantitative and Qualitative Humor Creation Abilities (United States)

    Renner, Karl-Heinz; Manthey, Leonie


    Previous research has shown that humor and self-presentation are linked in several ways. With regard to individual differences, it turned out that gelotophilia (the joy of being laughed at) and katagelasticism (the joy of laughing at others) are substantially associated with the histrionic self-presentation style that is characterized by performing explicit As-If-behaviors (e.g., irony, parodying others) in everyday interactions. By contrast, gelotophobia (the fear of being laughed at) shows a negative correlation with histrionic self-presentation. In order to further contribute to the nomological network, we have explored whether the three dispositions toward ridicule and laughter as well as histrionic self-presentation are related to humor creation abilities. In doing so, we have assessed the four constructs in a study with 337 participants that also completed the Cartoon Punch line Production Test (CPPT, Köhler and Ruch, 1993, unpublished). In the CPPT, subjects were asked to generate as many funny punch lines as possible for six caption-removed cartoons. The created punch lines were then analyzed with regard to quantitative (e.g., number of punch lines) and qualitative (e.g., wittiness of the punch lines and overall wittiness of the person as evaluated by three independent raters) humor creation abilities. Results show that both gelotophilia and histrionic self-presentation were positively correlated with quantitative and qualitative humor creation abilities. By contrast, gelotophobia showed slightly negative and katagelasticism no associations with the assessed humor creation abilities. These findings especially apply to the subgroup of participants that created punch lines for each of the six cartoons and partly replicate and extend the results of a previous study by Ruch et al. (2009). Altogether, the results of our study show that individual differences in humor-related traits are associated with the quantity and quality of humorous punch lines. It is

  2. Relations of Dispositions toward Ridicule and Histrionic Self-Presentation with Quantitative and Qualitative Humor Creation Abilities. (United States)

    Renner, Karl-Heinz; Manthey, Leonie


    Previous research has shown that humor and self-presentation are linked in several ways. With regard to individual differences, it turned out that gelotophilia (the joy of being laughed at) and katagelasticism (the joy of laughing at others) are substantially associated with the histrionic self-presentation style that is characterized by performing explicit As-If-behaviors (e.g., irony, parodying others) in everyday interactions. By contrast, gelotophobia (the fear of being laughed at) shows a negative correlation with histrionic self-presentation. In order to further contribute to the nomological network, we have explored whether the three dispositions toward ridicule and laughter as well as histrionic self-presentation are related to humor creation abilities. In doing so, we have assessed the four constructs in a study with 337 participants that also completed the Cartoon Punch line Production Test (CPPT, Köhler and Ruch, 1993, unpublished). In the CPPT, subjects were asked to generate as many funny punch lines as possible for six caption-removed cartoons. The created punch lines were then analyzed with regard to quantitative (e.g., number of punch lines) and qualitative (e.g., wittiness of the punch lines and overall wittiness of the person as evaluated by three independent raters) humor creation abilities. Results show that both gelotophilia and histrionic self-presentation were positively correlated with quantitative and qualitative humor creation abilities. By contrast, gelotophobia showed slightly negative and katagelasticism no associations with the assessed humor creation abilities. These findings especially apply to the subgroup of participants that created punch lines for each of the six cartoons and partly replicate and extend the results of a previous study by Ruch et al. (2009). Altogether, the results of our study show that individual differences in humor-related traits are associated with the quantity and quality of humorous punch lines. It is

  3. The humor after of the humor: concepts around Pablo Holberg´s Eden

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pablo Turnes


    Full Text Available At the beginning of 21st century comics production in Argentina have experienced the emergence of new methods of publication, promotion and circulation consisting of a series of devices whose complex relationship has redefined the authorial figureas well as a new reading audience. The passage from the Internet and digital formats to the book has established itself as post-industrial strategy in the context of the reconstitution of a diverse comics field, where the national tradition of humor serves as example of the mentioned changes

  4. Emotion and the humors: scoring and classifying major characters from Shakespeare's comedies on the basis of their language. (United States)

    Whissell, Cynthia


    The theory of humors, which was the prevalent theory of affect in Shakespeare's day, was used to explain both states (moods, emotions) and traits (personalities). This article reports humoral scores appropriate to the major characters of Shakespeare's comedies. The Dictionary of Affect in Language was used to score all words (N = 180,243) spoken by 105 major characters in 13 comedies in terms of their emotional undertones. These were translated into humoral scores. Translation was possible because emotional undertones, humor, and personality (e.g., Eysenck's model) are defined by various axes in the same two-dimensional space. Humoral scores differed for different types of characters, e.g., Shakespeare's lovers used more Sanguine language and his clowns more Melancholy language than other characters. A study of Kate and Petruchio from The Taming of the Shrew demonstrated state-like changes in humor for characters as the play unfolded.

  5. Characterization of the effect of Cr(VI) on humoral innate immunity using Drosophila melanogaster. (United States)

    Pragya, P; Shukla, A K; Murthy, R C; Abdin, M Z; Kar Chowdhuri, D


    With the advancement of human race, different anthropogenic activities have heaped the environment with chemicals that can cause alteration in the immune system of exposed organism. As a first line of barrier, the evolutionary conserved innate immunity is crucial for the health of an organism. However, there is paucity of information regarding in vivo assessment of the effect of environmental chemicals on innate immunity. Therefore, we examined the effect of a widely used environmental chemical, Cr(VI), on humoral innate immune response using Drosophila melanogaster. The adverse effect of Cr(VI) on host humoral response was characterized by decreased gene expression of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in the exposed organism. Concurrently, a significantly decreased transcription of humoral pathway receptors (Toll and PGRP) and triglyceride level along with inhibition of antioxidant enzyme activities were observed in exposed organism. This in turn weakened the immune response of exposed organism that was manifested by their reduced resistance against bacterial infection. In addition, overexpression of the components of humoral immunity particularly Diptericin benefits Drosophila from Cr(VI)-induced humoral immune-suppressive effect. To our knowledge, this is the first report regarding negative impact of an environmental chemical on humoral innate immune response of Drosophila along with subsequent protection by AMPs, which may provide novel insight into host-chemical interactions. Also, our data validate the utility and sensitivity of Drosophila as a model that could be used for screening the possible risk of environmental chemicals on innate immunity with minimum ethical concern that can be further extrapolated to higher organisms. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Hippocampus: The Effects of Humor on Student Achievement and Memory Retention (United States)

    McCartney Matthews, Melissa Lee


    Research literature relating to the use of humor as a teaching method or curricula specifically designed to include humor was reviewed to investigate the effects of humor on student learning in various environments from elementary schools to post-secondary classrooms. In this multi-method study, four instruments and a humor treatment were selected…

  7. Clinical implication of triamcinolone in aqueous humor after depository sub-Tenon application. (United States)

    Xu, Xu; Han, Yin; Kong, Liping; Ding, Xiaoxu; Liu, Fang; Cheng, Lingyun


    To determine the triamcinolone concentration in the aqueous humor after anterior sub-Tenon injection versus posterior sub-Tenon injection and the possible association between the levels of triamcinolone in the aqueous and the elevation in intraocular pressure (IOP). University teaching hospitals at Wenzhou and Shanghai, China. Prospective case series. The aqueous humor was sampled and triamcinolone quantitated after anterior sub-Tenon injection or posterior sub-Tenon injection in a cohort of patients and in experimental rabbits. Patients' IOPs were measured before and up to 3 months after triamcinolone acetonide injection. The study comprised 46 patients and 18 rabbits. The mean aqueous humor triamcinolone concentration in rabbit eyes and human eyes was significantly higher after an anterior sub-Tenon injection than that after a posterior sub-Tenon injection (rabbit eye: anterior sub-Tenon injection, 2.67 ng/mL ± 0.78 [SD] and posterior sub-Tenon injection 1.38 ± 0.48 ng/mL; human eye: 133.8 ± 149.2 ng/mL and 10.2 ± 10.9 ng/mL, respectively) (both P humor was significantly higher in human eyes than in rabbit eyes (133.8 ± 149.2 ng/mL versus 11.0 ± 8.1 ng/mL) (P = .0003). The levels of triamcinolone in the human aqueous humor had a significant positive association with the elevation in IOP (β = 0.12, P = .026). The triamcinolone level in aqueous humor was associated with IOP elevation after sub-Tenon application. Posterior sub-Tenon injection with a small injection volume of concentrated suspension offered a better targeted delivery and might significantly reduce steroid-associated IOP elevation. Copyright © 2017 ASCRS and ESCRS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Humor-A Rehabilitative Tool in the Post-Intensive Care of Young Adults With Acquired Brain Injury. (United States)

    O'Reilly, Kate

    The aim of the study was to describe how paid carers use humor in providing compassionate post-intensive rehabilitation care to young adults with acquired brain injury (ABI) who are unable to perform or direct their own care. This is a qualitative study underpinned by symbolic interactionism. Paid carers in a residential aged care facility were interviewed. Interview data were analyzed using grounded theory methods of coding, comparative analysis, memoing, and theoretical sampling. With young adult's assent, paid carers appropriately used humor, at times even crude humor, as a rehabilitative tool to activate and elicit responses from young people with ABI who could not perform or direct their own care. The use of humor while caring for this population demonstrated that compassion still exists within nursing; however, it may not always be reverent. Humor may be an effective way to provide compassionate care and can be used as a rehabilitative tool to elicit responses from young people with ABI who have no means of verbal communication.

  9. Humoral and cellular immunity in women with infertility (dynamic observation after Chernobyl accident)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubchak, A.Je.


    The influence of low-dose radiation on the state of humoral and cellular immunity in women with infertility of inflammatory origin during a dynamic study was studied. The data of the dynamic study of cellular and humoral immunity in women with inflammatory infertility evacuated from Chernobyl and Pripyat and in those constantly residing on the controlled territories compared to those living in Poltava, the differences suggesting unfavorable influence of harmful factors (including low-dose radiation) on the organism of the woman have been revealed. In the evacuated women the changes in cellular and humoral immunity were observed during the first years after the accident, while in those residing in the controlled territories 4-5 years after the accident

  10. Elevated lipocalin-2 level in aqueous humor of patients with central retinal vein occlusion. (United States)

    Koban, Yaran; Sahin, Seda; Boy, Fatih; Kara, Fatih


    To assess the concentrations of lipocalin-2 (LCN2) in the serum and the aqueous humor of patients with central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO). The concentrations of LCN2 in the serum and aqueous humor of 16 cataract patients and 16 patients with CRVO with macular edema were compared. Collection of aqueous samples was conducted in the operating theater under sterile conditions and just prior to intravitreal ranibizumab injection or cataract surgery. LCN2 levels in serum and aqueous humor samples were measured using a commercial kit (human lipocalin-2/NGAL PicoKine ELISA Kit, MyBioSource Inc., USA; Catalog No: MBS175829) based on standard sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technology. The concentrations of LCN2 in the aqueous humors of the CRVO group were higher than those of the control group (p = 0.021). There was no significant difference in serum LCN2 level between the two groups (p = 0.463). Concentrations of LCN2 in aqueous humor are increased in CRVO. LCN2 may be part of a pro-catabolic phenotype, and it may play an important role in the dreaded complications of CRVO, such as macular edema, macular ischemia, and neovascularization, which lead to blindness.

  11. Exposure to Sexist Humor and Rape Proclivity: The Moderator Effect of Aversiveness Ratings (United States)

    Romero-Sanchez, Monica; Duran, Mercedes; Carretero-Dios, Hugo; Megias, Jesus L.; Moya, Miguel


    The aim of this study is to explore the effect of exposure to sexist humor about women on men's self-reported rape proclivity. Earlier studies have shown that exposure to this type of humor increases rape proclivity and that funniness responses to jokes are a key element to consider. However, the role of aversiveness responses has not been…

  12. That’s not funny! – But it should be: effects of humorous emotion regulation on emotional experience and memory


    Kugler, Lisa; Kuhbandner, Christof


    Previous research has shown that humorous reappraisal can reduce elicited negative emotions, suggesting that humor may be a functional strategy to cope with emotionally negative situations. However, the effect of humorous reappraisal on later memory about the emotion-eliciting situation is currently unknown, although this is crucial for more adaptive responding in future situations. To address this issue, we examined the effects of humorous reappraisal on both emotional experience and memory,...

  13. Neural Correlates of Contrast and Humor: Processing Common Features of Verbal Irony (United States)

    Obert, Alexandre; Gierski, Fabien; Calmus, Arnaud; Flucher, Aurélie; Portefaix, Christophe; Pierot, Laurent; Kaladjian, Arthur; Caillies, Stéphanie


    Irony is a kind of figurative language used by a speaker to say something that contrasts with the context and, to some extent, lends humor to a situation. However, little is known about the brain regions that specifically support the processing of these two common features of irony. The present study had two main aims: (i) investigate the neural basis of irony processing, by delivering short ironic spoken sentences (and their literal counterparts) to participants undergoing fMRI; and (ii) assess the neural effect of two irony parameters, obtained from normative studies: degree of contrast and humor appreciation. Results revealed activation of the bilateral inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), posterior part of the left superior temporal gyrus, medial frontal cortex, and left caudate during irony processing, suggesting the involvement of both semantic and theory-of-mind networks. Parametric models showed that contrast was specifically associated with the activation of bilateral frontal and subcortical areas, and that these regions were also sensitive to humor, as shown by a conjunction analysis. Activation of the bilateral IFG is consistent with the literature on humor processing, and reflects incongruity detection/resolution processes. Moreover, the activation of subcortical structures can be related to the reward processing of social events. PMID:27851821

  14. Separating content and structure in humor appreciation: The need for a bimodal model and support from research into aesthetics


    Ruch, Willibald; Platt, Tracey


    For a long time humor theorists have acknowledged that content and structure of humor (or: joke work vs. tendency, [4]; thematic vs. schematic, [12]; cognitive vs. orectic factors, [3]) have to be distinguished as two different sources of pleasure [6]. Nevertheless, against all evidence, taxonomies of humor are stuck in (serial) unimodal classifications rather than bi- or multimodal models. In- tuitive classifications of humor typically distinguish between content classes (e.g., blonde jokes,...

  15. Pleurodeles Waltl Humoral Immune Response under Spaceflight Conditions (United States)

    Bascove, Matthieu; Touche, Nadege; Frippiat, Jean-Pol


    The immune system is an important regulatory mechanism affected by spaceflights. In a previous work, we performed a first study of the humoral immune response induced by the immunization of Pleurodeles waltl during a 5 months stay onboard the Mir space station. This analysis indicated that heavy-chain variable domains of specific IgM are encoded by genes of the VHII and VHVI families. However, the contributions of these two families to IgM heavy-chains are different in flown animals [1]. To better understand this immune response modification, we have now determined how individual VH genes have been used to build specific IgM binding sites in animals immunized on earth or in space. This new study revealed quantitative and qualitative modifications in VH genes expression. These data confirm that a spaceflight might affect the humoral response.

  16. "A joke a day keeps the doctor away?" Meta-analytical evidence of differential associations of habitual humor styles with mental health. (United States)

    Schneider, Martha; Voracek, Martin; Tran, Ulrich S


    Humor and mental health are interconnected as is evidenced by a large number of studies. However, associations are only small and inconsistent as the operationalization of humor poses a methodological challenge. The Humor Styles Questionnaire (HSQ) differentiates four humor styles that might be beneficial or harmful to mental health. The aim of the present study was to meta-analytically aggregate studies using the HSQ to assess the associations of different humor styles with four areas of mental health (self-esteem, life satisfaction, optimism, depression). An extensive electronic database literature search identified 37 studies that reported correlations between the HSQ scales and the four areas of mental health in 45 independent samples (total N = 12,734). In total, 16 meta-analyses were conducted. Moderating effects of participant age, sex, and geographic region were examined via subgroup analyses and meta-regression. Humor styles differed in terms of their associations with mental health. Health-promoting humor styles were overall positively correlated with mental health (small-to-medium effect sizes). Self-defeating humor was overall negatively correlated with mental health. Aggressive humor was overall unrelated with mental health. Moderator analyses suggested geographic differences (Eastern vs. Western samples) and sex differences for some of these associations. Fostering specific humor styles may be beneficial for mental health. In addition, observing the habitual use of humor styles might help therapists to develop a better understanding of their clients. Differences in the utilization and the correlates of humor styles in Eastern and Western societies, and sex differences, need to be addressed in future research. © 2018 Scandinavian Psychological Associations and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.



    Lopes, Mônica Smiderle de Oliveira


    Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o humor e a ironia veiculados através da linguagem de Mafalda, personagem das tiras em quadrinhos de Quino. Partindo da noção de ironia como uma afirmação de algo diferente do que se deseja comunicar, na qual o emissor deixa transparecer uma afirmação contrária por meio do contexto situacional ou entonação e observando três teorias da Pragmática: as máximas conversacionais do Principio da Cooperação (Grice, 1975), a Teoria da Relevância (Sperber e W...

  18. The alpha and gamma crystallin content in aqueous humor of eyes with clear lenses and with cataracts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sandberg, H.O.; Closs, O.


    Specific radioimmunoassays were used to measure the concentration of α- and γ-crystallins in human aqueous humor. It was demonstrated that these crystallins are normally present in aqueous humor from healthy eyes. The crystallin concentration did not seem to increase with age. The normal upper limit for the α-crystallin concentration was found to be 10 ng/ml and for the γ-crystallin concentration 60 ng/ml. In the aqueous humor of eyes with cortical cataract the concentration of both crystallins was increased. With nuclear cataracts the α-crystallin concentration was increased while the γ-crystallin concentration was decreased. Experiments in rabbits showed that the crystallins in the aqueous humor left the anterior chamber at the same rate as the aqueous bulk flow. The demonstration of lens crystallins in the aqueous humor is compatible with the hypothesis that they leak from the lens. (author)

  19. The Roles of Politeness and Humor in the Asymmetry of Affect in Verbal Irony (United States)

    Matthews, Jacqueline K.; Hancock, Jeffrey T.; Dunham, Phillip J.


    Four experiments were conducted to assess the roles of politeness and humor in the asymmetry of affect observed in verbal irony production. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants rated different replies (ironic, literal, or "no response") made to hypothetical scenarios for their politeness and humor, respectively. Participants in Experiment 3 were…

  20. Humor in High School and the Role of Teacher Leaders in School Public Relations (United States)

    Kosiczky, Bonnie; Mullen, Carol A.


    How can public schools improve public relations strategies, particularly in communications between teachers and students? The purposes of this study were to investigate teacher leaders' perceptions of the use of humor in the high school classroom and discover how humor might bridge instruction to student learning and strengthen teacher-student…

  1. Humoral immune responses of experimentally Eimeria ninakholyakimovae-infected goat kids. (United States)

    Matos, Lorena; Muñoz, María Del Carmen; Molina, José Manuel; Ferrer, Otilia; Rodríguez, Francisco; Pérez, Davinia; López, Adassa María; Martín, Sergio; Hermosilla, Carlos; Taubert, Anja; Ruiz, Antonio


    Although cellular immune reactions seem to be crucial for protective immune responses in Eimeria spp. infections, there are also evidences on an active involvement of the humoral counterpart. In the present study, we have analyzed the humoral response of goat kids subjected to primary and challenge infections with Eimeria ninakholyakimovae. Specific levels of IgG and IgM in serum samples and IgA in the ileal mucus were estimated. In infected kids, significantly increased levels of IgG were observed from 3 weeks post infection onwards in addition to an enhancement of specific IgM and secretory IgA levels. A wide range of peptides of sporulated oocyst antigen (SOA) was recognized by specific IgG as determined by immunoblotting. However, no correlations were found between immunoglobulin levels and OPG counts after challenge infection. Overall, these data indicate a significant specific humoral response of E. ninakohlyakimovae-infected goat kids that does not seem to convey immunoprotection. Further studies should be addressed to clarify if the lack of correlation might be associated to the type of antigen used for the immunoenzimatic assays, the age of the animals or other factors. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Uso de glucocorticoides sistémicos en Pediatría: generalidades


    Mónica Rodríguez González; Francisco Espinosa Rosales


    El cortisol y la corticosterona son hormonas sintetizadas y secretadas por la corteza (cortico) de las glándulas suprarrenales a partir del metabolismo del colesterol (esteroides). Debido a su papel en el metabolismo de carbohidratos se clasifican como glucocorticoides. Su regulación es dada por el eje hipotálamo– adenohipofisiario y tienen un papel pleiotrópico en homeostasis, metabolismo celular y regulación inmune.

  3. Un Programa para el Mejoramiento de la Papa en Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Navarrete R. Manuel A.


    Full Text Available Ha sido presentado un programa para el mejoramiento de la papa en Colombia con varios temas mencionados específicamente, como lo requiere la investigación. Basándose en la simple observación. Se creía que la variedad “Quincha” poseía alguna resistencia al P, infestans. Pero cuando se hicieron inoculaciones con ese hongo en la progenie producida por cruzamiento de esta variedad con otras variedades colombianas, todos se mostraron susceptibles. Se han efectuado varios cruzamientos entre Solanum demisum, reconocido como inmune a la “gota”, algunas variedades colombianas, con líneas inmunes obtenidas por el Profesor Reddick de la Universidad de Cornell y las mismas variedades colombianas. Los primeros trabajos se comenzaron con el objeto de introducir la tolerancia a las heladas entre las variedades colombianas los cruzamientos se hicieron entre Solanum acaule, al cual se le atribuía una cierta resistencia a las heladas, y dos variedades colombianas.

  4. Neural circuit of verbal humor comprehension in schizophrenia - an fMRI study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Przemysław Adamczyk


    Full Text Available Individuals with schizophrenia exhibit problems with understanding the figurative meaning of language. This study evaluates neural correlates of diminished humor comprehension observed in schizophrenia. The study included chronic schizophrenia (SCH outpatients (n = 20, and sex, age and education level matched healthy controls (n = 20. The fMRI punchline based humor comprehension task consisted of 60 stories of which 20 had funny, 20 nonsensical and 20 neutral (not funny punchlines. After the punchlines were presented, the participants were asked to indicate whether the story was comprehensible and how funny it was. Three contrasts were analyzed in both groups reflecting stages of humor processing: abstract vs neutral stories - incongruity detection; funny vs abstract - incongruity resolution and elaboration; and funny vs neutral – complete humor processing. Additionally, parametric modulation analysis was performed using both subjective ratings separately. Between-group comparisons revealed that the SCH subjects had attenuated activation in the right posterior superior temporal gyrus (BA 41 in case of irresolvable incongruity processing of nonsensical puns; in the left dorsomedial middle and superior frontal gyri (BA 8/9 in case of incongruity resolution and elaboration processing of funny puns; and in the interhemispheric dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24 in case of complete processing of funny puns. Additionally, during comprehensibility ratings the SCH group showed a suppressed activity in the left dorsomedial middle and superior frontal gyri (BA 8/9 and revealed weaker activation during funniness ratings in the left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24. Interestingly, these differences in the SCH group were accompanied behaviorally by a protraction of time in both types of rating responses and by indicating funny punchlines less comprehensible. Summarizing, our results indicate neural substrates of humor comprehension

  5. Neural circuit of verbal humor comprehension in schizophrenia - an fMRI study. (United States)

    Adamczyk, Przemysław; Wyczesany, Miroslaw; Domagalik, Aleksandra; Daren, Artur; Cepuch, Kamil; Błądziński, Piotr; Cechnicki, Andrzej; Marek, Tadeusz


    Individuals with schizophrenia exhibit problems with understanding the figurative meaning of language. This study evaluates neural correlates of diminished humor comprehension observed in schizophrenia. The study included chronic schizophrenia (SCH) outpatients (n = 20), and sex, age and education level matched healthy controls (n = 20). The fMRI punchline based humor comprehension task consisted of 60 stories of which 20 had funny, 20 nonsensical and 20 neutral (not funny) punchlines. After the punchlines were presented, the participants were asked to indicate whether the story was comprehensible and how funny it was. Three contrasts were analyzed in both groups reflecting stages of humor processing: abstract vs neutral stories - incongruity detection; funny vs abstract - incongruity resolution and elaboration; and funny vs neutral - complete humor processing. Additionally, parametric modulation analysis was performed using both subjective ratings separately. Between-group comparisons revealed that the SCH subjects had attenuated activation in the right posterior superior temporal gyrus (BA 41) in case of irresolvable incongruity processing of nonsensical puns; in the left dorsomedial middle and superior frontal gyri (BA 8/9) in case of incongruity resolution and elaboration processing of funny puns; and in the interhemispheric dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24) in case of complete processing of funny puns. Additionally, during comprehensibility ratings the SCH group showed a suppressed activity in the left dorsomedial middle and superior frontal gyri (BA 8/9) and revealed weaker activation during funniness ratings in the left dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24). Interestingly, these differences in the SCH group were accompanied behaviorally by a protraction of time in both types of rating responses and by indicating funny punchlines less comprehensible. Summarizing, our results indicate neural substrates of humor comprehension processing

  6. Towards environments that have a sense of humor

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nijholt, Antinus; Reidsma, Dennis; Choi, Insook; Bargar, Robin


    Humans have humorous conversations and interactions. Nowadays our real life existence is integrated with our life in social media, videogames, mixed reality and physical environments that sense our activities and that can adapt appearance and properties due to our activities. There are other

  7. MicroRNA Profiling in Aqueous Humor of Individual Human Eyes by Next-Generation Sequencing. (United States)

    Wecker, Thomas; Hoffmeier, Klaus; Plötner, Anne; Grüning, Björn Andreas; Horres, Ralf; Backofen, Rolf; Reinhard, Thomas; Schlunck, Günther


    Extracellular microRNAs (miRNAs) in aqueous humor were suggested to have a role in transcellular signaling and may serve as disease biomarkers. The authors adopted next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques to further characterize the miRNA profile in single samples of 60 to 80 μL human aqueous humor. Samples were obtained at the outset of cataract surgery in nine independent, otherwise healthy eyes. Four samples were used to extract RNA and generate sequencing libraries, followed by an adapter-driven amplification step, electrophoretic size selection, sequencing, and data analysis. Five samples were used for quantitative PCR (qPCR) validation of NGS results. Published NGS data on circulating miRNAs in blood were analyzed in comparison. One hundred fifty-eight miRNAs were consistently detected by NGS in all four samples; an additional 59 miRNAs were present in at least three samples. The aqueous humor miRNA profile shows some overlap with published NGS-derived inventories of circulating miRNAs in blood plasma with high prevalence of human miR-451a, -21, and -16. In contrast to blood, miR-184, -4448, -30a, -29a, -29c, -19a, -30d, -205, -24, -22, and -3074 were detected among the 20 most prevalent miRNAs in aqueous humor. Relative expression patterns of miR-451a, -202, and -144 suggested by NGS were confirmed by qPCR. Our data illustrate the feasibility of miRNA analysis by NGS in small individual aqueous humor samples. Intraocular cells as well as blood plasma contribute to the extracellular aqueous humor miRNome. The data suggest possible roles of miRNA in intraocular cell adhesion and signaling by TGF-β and Wnt, which are important in intraocular pressure regulation and glaucoma.

  8. Mirth and Murder: Crime Scene Investigation as a Work Context for Examining Humor Applications (United States)

    Roth, Gene L.; Vivona, Brian


    Within work settings, humor is used by workers for a wide variety of purposes. This study examines humor applications of a specific type of worker in a unique work context: crime scene investigation. Crime scene investigators examine death and its details. Members of crime scene units observe death much more frequently than other police officers…

  9. Spanish Teachers' Sense of Humor and Student Performance on the National Spanish Exams (United States)

    Swanson, Peter B.


    Research suggests that second/foreign language teachers' sense of humor is directly related to many outcomes for teachers and their students. This research investigates the relationship between the perceived sense of humor of in-service Spanish teachers' (n?=?102) and their students' (n?=?5,419) score on the National Spanish Exams…

  10. Investigating vision in schizophrenia through responses to humorous stimuli

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    Wolfgang Tschacher


    Full Text Available The visual environment of humans contains abundant ambiguity and fragmentary information. Therefore, an early step of vision must disambiguate the incessant stream of information. Humorous stimuli produce a situation that is strikingly analogous to this process: Funniness is associated with the incongruity contained in a joke, pun, or cartoon. Like in vision in general, appreciating a visual pun as funny necessitates disambiguation of incongruous information. Therefore, perceived funniness of visual puns was implemented to study visual perception in a sample of 36 schizophrenia patients and 56 healthy control participants. We found that both visual incongruity and Theory of Mind (ToM content of the puns were associated with increased experienced funniness. This was significantly less so in participants with schizophrenia, consistent with the gestalt hypothesis of schizophrenia, which would predict compromised perceptual organization in patients. The association of incongruity with funniness was not mediated by known predictors of humor appreciation, such as affective state, depression, or extraversion. Patients with higher excitement symptoms and, at a trend level, reduced cognitive symptoms, reported lower funniness experiences. An open question remained whether patients showed this deficiency of visual incongruity detection independent of their ToM deficiency. Humorous stimuli may be viewed as a convenient method to study perceptual processes, but also fundamental questions of higher-level cognition.

  11. The evolution of humor from male aggression. (United States)

    Shuster, Sam


    The response to seeing a man riding a unicycle was reported to be consistently related to the viewer's sex and stage of physical development. To see if this observation was universal, observations of responses were collected from 23 male and 9 female unicyclists aged 15-69 years, with 2-40 years cycling experience across four continents. With two exceptions among men, the findings were the same as those originally reported: children showed interest and curiosity, young girls showed little interest, while adult women showed a kindly, concerned, praising response. By contrast, boys showed physical aggression, which became more verbal, merging in the later teens to the snide, aggressive, stereotyped humorous response shown by adult males, which became less frequent in elderly men. The universality of the response across different individuals, environments, and dates of observation suggests an endogenous mechanism, and the association with masculine development relates this to androgen. The theoretical consequences are discussed. It is concluded that humor develops from aggression in males and is evolutionarily related to sexual selection.

  12. No Occasion for Pleasure: The Self-Worth Contingency of a Setback and Coping With Humor

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    Fay Caroline Mary Geisler


    Full Text Available Whether or not one uses humor to cope with a setback may depend on the idiosyncratic relation of the setback to feeling of self-worth. All people pursue the higher order goal of self-validation, but people differ in what domains of life their self-worth is contingent upon and to what extent. In this article based on an incongruity theory of humor we argue that the use of humor in coping with a highly self-worth-contingent setback may be impeded by two cognitive-motivational processes: goal-driven activation and goal shielding. From the outlined theory we derived the hypothesis that the more a domain is contingent upon self-worth, the less likely a person will be to use humor to deal with a setback in that domain. We tested this hypothesis in two studies employing two forms of self-report, i.e., ratings of reaction likelihood to setbacks described at an abstract domain level (Study 1, and ranking of reaction likelihood to concrete setbacks from different domains (Study 2. The hypothesis was affirmed in different domains of self-worth contingency controlling for the influence of habitual coping with humor, coping by disengagement, and global self-esteem.

  13. The Use of Humor by Primary School Administrators and Its Organizational Effect on Schools (United States)

    Sahin, Ahmet


    The purpose of this study is to determine the aim of primary school administrators' use of humor and the organizational effects of their use of humor according to the opinions of the school administrators and teachers. The study was modelled as a multiple holistic case study. The study group consists of 9 administrators and 12 teachers working in…

  14. Teacher Leaders' Perceptions of the Use of Humor in the High School Classroom (United States)

    Kosiczky, Bonnie


    The purpose of this study was to investigate teacher leaders' perceptions of the use of humor in the high school classroom. For the purposes of this qualitative research the case study method was used. The question of what makes teachers successful with their use of humor in the classroom has been divided into four categories: climate,…

  15. Oestrogen levels and humoral immune parameters in Nigerian ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objectives: Endocrine and immune interactions mediate breast cancer which is currently incurable. This study attempts at elucidating mechanisms by which breast cancer progresses by determining the levels of oestradiol and humoral immune parameters at different stages of breast cancer compared with women without ...

  16. Prosodic Markers of Saliency in Humorous Narratives (United States)

    Pickering, Lucy; Corduas, Marcella; Eisterhold, Jodi; Seifried, Brenna; Eggleston, Alyson; Attardo, Salvatore


    Much of what we think we know about the performance of humor relies on our intuitions about prosody (e.g., "it's all about timing"); however, this has never been empirically tested. Thus, the central question addressed in this article is whether speakers mark punch lines in jokes prosodically and, if so, how. To answer this question,…

  17. Cartooning Humor: How Arabs are Laughably Derided in Animations

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    Mohamed Belamghari


    Full Text Available Some animated movies use humor to capture the full attention of its audience. In so doing, the movie’s messages have become a great concern for many theorists and critics by virtue of the idea that a movie can be a repository of ideologies meant to construct a certain type of easy-going and noncritical audience. This paper, therefore, takes the example of Max Fleischer’s Popeye the Sailor Meets Ali Baba and his Forty Thieves (1937 and Robert Clampett’s Ali Baba Bound (1941 as its case studies aiming at spotting the different manifestations of humor, taking Arabs as its subject-matter, becoming a leaked ideology and taming the discourse that is amplified, manipulated, and delivered to the Western public in unwarrantable ways compared to the imagery of Westerners.

  18. Humorous Writing Exercise Using Internet Memes On English Classes

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    Abdul Aziz Turhan Kariko


    Full Text Available This study discusses Internet memes found by Internet users and how they appeal for them, by deconstructing what internet meme is and what it does. Analysis are conducted especially on how the relation between images, text, and meanings connect with each other to form social messages, political messages, universal emotions, or merely to make humor and entertain its users. Researcher examines five samples of internet memes on the internet and decodes their relation between images, texts, and meanings using semiotics. These samples are then introduced as writing assignments to two BINUS University’s English department classes and one Global English Class. The study reveals that humor and creativity in using internet memes are related to the students’ achievement in their studies.

  19. Perfil de citocinas proinflamatorias y antiinflamatorias en pacientes pediátricos con síndrome de intestino irritable

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    R. Vázquez-Frias


    Conclusiones: Este estudio indica que los niños con SII presentan un estado de alteración de la regulación inmune. Aún está pendiente por dilucidar el papel que juegan estas citocinas, específicamente la TGF-β, en la patogénesis del SII.

  20. Effects of a-adrenergic agonist and laser trabeculoplasty on plasmoid aqueous humor of glaucomatous rabbits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahmed, S.A.


    The present study aimed to determine the protection of blood aqueous barrier by the apraclonidine drops, which is an adrenergic receptor agonist that reduces each of the aqueous humor protein production and the intraocular pressure in glaucomatous rabbits eye before and after treatment with apraclonidine and diode laser trabeculoplasty (DLT).The rabbits were classified into four groups in addition to a normal one. Group (I) was treated with apraclonidine only twice daily, group (II) with apraclonidine before DLT, group (III) with apraclonidine after laser and group (IV) was treated with apraclonidine before and after laser. The aqueous humor was withdrawn from the anterior chamber of the normal and glaucomatous rabbits eye immediately after treatment (direct effect) and one week after treatment for the plasmoid (delayed effect). The intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured then the protein contents and the changes in the molecular structures of aqueous humor proteins were detected using gel column chromatography and electrophoretic mobility. Apraclonidine eye drops led to decrease in IOP and prevented its rise after DLT. The degree of permeability of the barrier was deduced by the amount of protein in the plasmoid aqueous humor after DLT. In normal rabbits, the total protein was increased in the plasmoid aqueous humor. In the four treated groups, the total protein was decreased. The most pronounced decrease was in the group that treated with apraclonidine before and after laser. The change in total protein content was accompanied with change in its molecular weight and electrophoretic mobility. From the obtained results, it could be concluded that the withdrawing of the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye in appreciable amount leads to reformation of new aqueous humor (plasmoid) with elevated protein concentration. Moreover, the treatment with apraclonidine before DLT completely protected the blood aqueous barrier from disruption caused by laser and

  1. The effect of humor on short-term memory in older adults: a new component for whole-person wellness. (United States)

    Bains, Gurinder Singh; Berk, Lee S; Daher, Noha; Lohman, Everett; Schwab, Ernie; Petrofsky, Jerrold; Deshpande, Pooja


    For older adults, the damaging effects of aging and stress can impair the ability to learn and sustain memory. Humor, with its associated mirthful laughter, can reduce stress and cortisol, a stress hormone. Chronic release of cortisol can damage hippocampus neurons, leading to impairment of learning and memory. The primary goal of this study was to determine whether watching a humorous video had an effect on short-term memory in an older population. The research team designed a randomized, controlled trial. The study took place at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California. The research team recruited 20 normal, healthy, older adults, 11 males and 9 females. The humor group (n = 10, mean = 69.3 ± 3.7 y) self-selected 1 of 2 humorous videos--a Red Skelton comedy or a montage of America's Funniest Home Videos--and watched it for 20 min. A control group (n = 10, mean = 68.7 ± 5.5 y) sat calmly for 20 min and were not allowed to read, sleep, or talk on a cell phone. The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test was used to assess short-term memory--learning ability, delayed recall, and visual recognition. Salivary cortisol levels were measured at predetermined times. Learning ability improved by 38.5% and 24.0% in the humor and control groups, respectively (P = .014). Delayed recall improved by 43.6% and 20.3% in the humor and control groups, respectively (P =.029). Within the humor group, delayed recall (43.6%) was significant compared with learning ability (38.5%) (P = .002). At 3 predetermined time points, significant decreases in salivary cortisol were observed in the humor group (P = .047, P = .046, and P = .062, respectively). The study's findings suggest that humor can have clinical benefits and rehabilitative implications and can be implemented in programs that support whole-person wellness for older adults. Learning ability and delayed recall are important to these individuals for a better quality of life--considering mind, body, spirit, social, and economic

  2. Periodismo Iconográfico (V. Dibujo satírico, dibujo humorístico, chiste gráfico y caricatura

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    Dr. Carlos Abreu


    Full Text Available En el campo del periodismo iconográfico existe una rica terminología, la cual no siempre se emplea correctamente. Por ejemplo, para algunos autores dibujo satírico, dibujo humorístico, dibujo político, chiste gráfico y caricatura parecieran ser sinónimos. Para otros, constituyen formas expresivas distintas. En esta quinta entrega, el doctor Carlos Abreu fija posición sobre el asunto, no sin antes cuestionar la falta de fundamentación teórica y ambigüedad que subyace en algunas de las explicaciones de quienes han tratado el tema. Asimismo, hace referencia a otros géneros como la macrohistorieta y el cómic periodístico.

  3. Transtorno de humor bipolar: diversas apresentações de uma mesma doença Bipolar mood disorder: different occurrences of the same disease

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    Audrey Regina Magalhães Braga


    Full Text Available O presente relato tem por objetivo acompanhar a evolução de um caso que se apresentou como mutismo seletivo e evoluiu para transtorno de humor bipolar e chamar atenção para a diversidade de sintomas possíveis no transtorno de humor. Em geral, o mutismo seletivo tem início na idade pré-escolar, porém os sintomas chamam mais atenção na idade escolar. A importância do diagnóstico e tratamento precoces reside na prevenção das complicações, tais como distúrbios no desenvolvimento social e acadêmico e na auto-estima, além da possibilidade de evolução para outros transtornos de ansiedade. O transtorno de humor bipolar é uma doença mental caracterizada por variações extremas no humor. Na criança, prejudica o crescimento emocional e seu desenvolvimento. É confundido com transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade e transtornos de comportamento, tais como transtorno de conduta e desafiador opositivo. A paciente do sexo feminino, quando avaliada, estava com 5 anos e 9 meses de idade. Concluiu-se o diagnóstico como mutismo seletivo. Foi indicada psicoterapia, com orientações aos pais e à escola, e iniciado o uso de inibidores seletivos de recaptação da serotonina, com boa resposta aos sintomas de ansiedade, mas passou a apresentar piora significativa do comportamento. Foi levantada a hipótese diagnóstica de transtorno de humor bipolar de início precoce. Medicada com estabilizador, apresentou adequação na terceira medicação e evolução satisfatória. O mutismo seletivo, considerado um transtorno de ansiedade na infância, pode ser pródromo para outros quadros psiquiátricos na infância. Há necessidade que os pediatras, médicos que primeiro acessam essas crianças, assim como os psiquiatras da infância, estejam atentos à riqueza de sintomas que pode dar seguimento ao quadro.The purpose of the present case report is to follow the evolution of a child who presented selective mutism and evolved into bipolar

  4. To Resolve or Not To Resolve, that Is the Question: The Dual-Path Model of Incongruity Resolution and Absurd Verbal Humor by fMRI. (United States)

    Dai, Ru H; Chen, Hsueh-Chih; Chan, Yu C; Wu, Ching-Lin; Li, Ping; Cho, Shu L; Hu, Jon-Fan


    It is well accepted that the humor comprehension processing involves incongruity detection and resolution and then induces a feeling of amusement. However, this three-stage model of humor processing does not apply to absurd humor (so-called nonsense humor). Absurd humor contains an unresolvable incongruity but can still induce a feeling of mirth. In this study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to identify the neural mechanisms of absurd humor. Specifically, we aimed to investigate the neural substrates associated with the complete resolution of incongruity resolution humor and partial resolution of absurd humor. Based on the fMRI data, we propose a dual-path model of incongruity resolution and absurd verbal humor. According to this model, the detection and resolution for the incongruity of incongruity resolution humor activate brain regions involved in the temporo-parietal lobe (TPJ) implicated in the integration of multiple information and precuneus, likely to be involved in the ability of perspective taking. The appreciation of incongruity resolution humor activates regions the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), implicated in autobiographic or event memory retrieval, and parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), implying the funny feeling. By contrast, the partial resolution of absurd humor elicits greater activation in the fusiform gyrus which have been implicated in word processing, inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) for the process of incongruity resolution and superior temporal gyrus (STG) for the pragmatic awareness.

  5. Escolhas Associadas ao Automóvel por Homens e por Mulheres: confluência ou divergência? Choices associated with automobiles for Men and Women: convergence or divergence? Opciones relacionadas con el Automóvil por Hombres y por Mujeres: ¿convergencia o divergencia?

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    LICHT, René Henrique Götz


    revealed there are more similarities than differences between choices associated to the automobile by men and choices associated to the automobile by women. The similarity between the choices suggests that the representations, the meanings and values assigned to the car by men and women are similar and thus the strategy of product differentiation does not apply to the automotive industry.RESUMENEl aumento del poder de compra de las mujeres llevó a las empresas a adoptar estrategias de diferenciación de los productos y a producir productos específicos para el público femenino. La industria automovilística no es inmune a este fenómeno, pues las mujeres concentran aproximadamente la mitad de las ventas de automóviles en el país. Considerando las diferencias de consumo e de comportamiento entre mujeres y hombres se plantea la siguiente cuestión: ¿hay diferencias en las opciones relacionadas con el automóvil entre hombres y mujeres? Se presentaron ante los participantes algunos ítems que forman parte de la vida diaria de las personas y que ellas valorizan; se solicitó a los participantes que escogiesen y asociasen estos ítems al automóvil. El análisis de los resultados reveló que había más similitudes que diferencias entre las opciones relacionadas con el automóvil por parte de los hombres y las opciones relacionadas al automóvil por parte de las mujeres. La similitud entre las opciones indica que las representaciones, los significados y valores atribuidos al automóvil por hombres y mujeres son similares y por lo tanto, la estrategia de diferenciación de productos no se aplica a la industria automovilística.

  6. The Role of Humoral Alloreactivity in Liver Transplantation: Lessons Learned and New Perspectives

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    Elaine Y. Cheng


    Full Text Available More than ten years after the initial description of the humoral theory of transplantation by Dr. Paul I. Terasaki, the significance of humoral alloimmunity in liver transplantation has yet to be clearly defined. The liver allograft has an inherent tolerogenic capacity which confers its resistance to cell-mediated as well as antibody-mediated rejection. Nevertheless, the protection against alloimmunity is not complete, and antibody-mediated tissue injury can occur in the liver graft under specific circumstances. In this article the evidence on the clinicopathologic effects of donor-specific alloantibodies in liver transplantation will be examined and interpreted in parallel with lessons learned from renal transplantation. The unique anatomic and immunologic features of the liver will be reviewed to gain new insights into the complex interactions between humoral immune system and the liver allograft.

  7. An Application of the General Theory of Verbal Humor to Kurt Vonnegut’s “Cat’s Cradle”

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    Alexandru OLTEAN


    Full Text Available The following article represents a step in an ongoing work to determine the nature of humor in the works of Kurt Vonnegut. Here I focus on “Cat’s Cradle” – perhaps the author’s first work of significant success – and seek to create a formal model of the novel, outlining only the fragments of text which are humorous. The methodology used is based primarily on the General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH created by Salvatore Attardo and Victor Raskin, which the authors claim can be applied to any kind of text. The purpose of the present paper is not to dispute this claim, but rather, on the basis of its validity, to apply the GTVH directly onto “Cat’s Cradle”, primarily so as to identify patterns in the usage and placement of humor within the text of the novel. What the paper seeks to prove is that elements of humor in a novel are not placed at random and do not exist only to lighten the mood of a story or to push forward an idea that the narrator seeks to get through to the reader. Instead, the precise placement of the humorous pieces of text creates a formal image that is also a representation of the way in which the novel as a whole is constructed.

  8. Uso de glucocorticoides sistémicos en Pediatría: generalidades

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    Mónica Rodríguez González


    Full Text Available El cortisol y la corticosterona son hormonas sintetizadas y secretadas por la corteza (cortico de las glándulas suprarrenales a partir del metabolismo del colesterol (esteroides. Debido a su papel en el metabolismo de carbohidratos se clasifican como glucocorticoides. Su regulación es dada por el eje hipotálamo– adenohipofisiario y tienen un papel pleiotrópico en homeostasis, metabolismo celular y regulación inmune.

  9. Assessing an Intervention Focused on Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Skills and Humor: A Multi-Method Quasi-Experiential Study Among Medical Students. (United States)

    Karnieli-Miller, Orit; Michael, Keren; Segal, Oz; Steinberger, Aharon


    Teaching and applying interpersonal communication skills (ICS) and humor in medicine is challenging. The present study assessed an innovative course focused on enhancing ICS and humor based on the Four Habits Model and theater concepts. Medical students enrolled in the course (the study group) were assessed pre- and post-intervention, as well as compared with their peers (the control group) using quantitative methods to measure attitudes, self-efficacy, and behaviors. Qualitative methods were used to learn about students' change in perceptions related to ICS and humor following the course, as well as their experiences of developing these skills during the course. Post-intervention study group participants scored significantly higher on all ICS measurements and on humor behavior compared with pre-intervention, and significantly higher on all humor measurements compared with control group participants. Interviews indicated students' increased understanding and difficulties in learning these skills. Analyses showed how framing humor as one possible ICS and focusing on specific parts of the medical encounter can promote patient-centered care.

  10. Rhetorical Charms: The Promise and Pitfalls of Humor and Ridicule as Strategies to Counter Extremist Narratives

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    H.L. Goodall


    Full Text Available In this article we provide a brief account of the uses of humor, in particular satire and ridicule, to counter extremist narratives and heroes.  We frame the appeals of humor as “rhetorical charms,” or stylistic seductions based on surprising uses of language and/or images designed to provoke laughter, disrupt ordinary arguments, and counter taken-for-granted truths, that contribute to new sources of influence to the globally wired world of terrorism.  We offer two recent examples of how the Internet in particular changed the narrative landscape in ways that offer potent evidence of uses of humor to remake extremist heroes into objects of derision.  We also caution those who would make use of humor as a strategic communication device to take into account the negative side effects and unexpected consequences that can accompany such uses. 

  11. Age-Related Differences in Judgments of Inappropriate Behavior are Related to Humor Style Preferences (United States)

    Stanley, Jennifer Tehan; Lohani, Monika; Isaacowitz, Derek M.


    Identifying social gaffes is important for maintaining relationships. Older adults are less able than young to discriminate between socially appropriate and inappropriate behavior in video clips. One open question is how these social appropriateness ratings relate to potential age differences in the perception of what is actually funny or not. In the present study, young, middle-aged, and older adults were equally able to discriminate between appropriate and inappropriate social behavior in a diverse set of clips relevant to both age groups. However, young and middle-aged adults rated the gaffe clips as funnier than control clips and young adults smiled more during the inappropriate clips than the control clips. Older adults did not show this pattern, suggesting that they did not find the inappropriate clips funny. Additionally, young adults endorsed a more aggressive humor style than middle-aged and older adults and aggressive humor style endorsement mediated age differences in social appropriateness ratings. Results are discussed in terms of possible mechanisms such as cohort differences in humor and developmental prioritization of certain humor styles, as well as the importance of investigating age differences in both abilities and preferences. PMID:25244473

  12. Alergias y el sistema inmune: una revisión desde el aula

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    Laura María González Ortíz


    Full Text Available Los alérgenos son antígenos que desencadenan una respuesta inmunológica exagerada en personas sensibles, esta respuesta se ve agravada en exposiciones posteriores al mismo antígeno. Existen diversos tipos de alergias, las alergias a inhalantes exteriores como al polen o a hongos; alergias a inhalantes interiores como a los artrópodos, animales, al polvo y al humo; alergia a la ingesta de alimentos y fármacos; alergias por inoculación, ya sea por picadura de insectos o fármacos y por último, alergias por contacto. De acuerdo con la interacción entre el anticuerpo y el antígeno, puede haber cuatro tipos diferentes de hipersensibilidad: Tipo I, II, III y IV; las diferentes reacciones y procesos que ocurren en cada una de ellas dependerán de la exposición al antígeno y la sensibilización del individuo. Una de las respuestas inmunológicas más estudiadas es la hipersensibilidad tipo I, donde se presenta una alergia mediada por los anticuerpos de tipo IgE que se encuentran unidos a la membrana de los mastocitos y basófilos, al unirse con el antígeno, se liberan diversas sustancias las cuales son las responsables de producir las manifestaciones clínicas características como anafilaxis, urticaria, sinusitis, rinitis, tos, estornudos, vómito, entre otros. Los índices de morbilidad por patologías causadas por alergias van en aumento, condiciones ambientales como el cambio climático, polución y procesos psicosociales como el estrés, permiten que las enfermedades por hipersensibilidad inmunológica se consideren relevantes tanto para clínicos como para investigadores de las ciencias básicas, lo que motiva académicamente la realización de esta revisión.

  13. Efecto in vitro de la espirulina sobre la respuesta inmune


    Pérez, Lázaro del Valle; Macías Abraham, Consuelo; Torres Leyva, Isabel; Socarrás Ferrer, Bertha B; Marsán Suárez, Vianed; Sánchez Segura, Miriam


    La espirulina es un alga cianofícea que es utilizada como aditivo alimentario y por sus propiedades medicinales. Se realizó este trabajo para evaluar el efecto in vitro de la espirulina (Spirel, Génix, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba) en 14 donantes sanos del Instituto de Hematología e Inmunología mediante las pruebas de transformación linfoblástica con criterio de timidina tritiada; en la expresión de los antígenos de activación HLA-DR y CD-25 por el ultramicrométodo inmunocitoquímico (UMICIQ) y l...

  14. A condição de altitude simulada piora o estado de humor e aumenta a pressão arterial sistólica de jovens saudáveis

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    Jorge Fernando Tavares de Souza


    Full Text Available A literatura aponta que o estresse do ambiente aliado ao estresse do exercício físico produz alterações psicológicas e fisiológicas. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a associação entre o efeito agudo do exercício físico moderado realizado em condição de atitude simulada sobre o estado de humor, saturação da oxihemoglobina e pressão arterial de jovens saudáveis. Dez voluntários realizaram 45 min. de exercício físico e passaram por duas condições: Condição Normóxia (CN e Condição Hipóxia (CH. Em ambas as condições eles responderam a dois instrumentos que avaliam as respostas de humor, a Escala de Humor de Brunel (BRUMS e a Escala Subjetiva de Experiência em Exercício (SEES, bem como a avaliação da saturação de oxihemoglobina e da pressão arterial. Esses procedimentos foram realizados antes, imediatamente após, 30 min. e 60 min. após o término do protocolo. Após a prática do exercício físico na Condição Hipóxia, os voluntários apresentaram maiores escores de Fadiga, Confusão Mental, DTH, Raiva, Distresse Psicológico e menores valores de Vigor e Bem-Estar Positivo acompanhados de uma diminuição da saturação da oxihemoglobina. O exercício físico moderado realizado em altitude simulada de 4500m promove mudanças no estado de humor e aumento da pressão arterial sistólica de jovens saudáveis.

  15. Laughter and humor as complementary and alternative medicines for dementia patients. (United States)

    Takeda, Masatoshi; Hashimoto, Ryota; Kudo, Takashi; Okochi, Masayasu; Tagami, Shinji; Morihara, Takashi; Sadick, Golam; Tanaka, Toshihisa


    The number of dementia patients has increased worldwide, with an estimated 13.7 million dementia patients in the Asia Pacific region alone. This number is expected to increase to 64.6 million by the year 2050. As a result of advances in research, there several pharmacological therapies available for the treatment of dementia patients. However, current treatments do not suppress the disease process and cannot prevent dementia, and it will be some time before these goals are realized. In the meantime, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is an important aspect in the treatment of dementia patients to improve their quality of life throughout the long course of the disease. Considering the individuality of dementia patients, applicability of laughter and humor therapy is discussed. Even though there are many things that need to be elucidated regarding the mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of laughter and humor, both may be good CAM for dementia patients if they are applied carefully and properly. In this debate article, the physiological basis and actual application of laughter and humor in the treatment of dementia patients are presented for discussion on the applicability to dementia patients.

  16. What Role Does Humor in the Higher Education Classroom Play in Student-Perceived Instructor Effectiveness? (United States)

    Halula, Stephen Paul


    Everyone has had college instructors who they thought were excellent and those who were not. In pondering what attributes might have made the difference between these groups, the idea of "humor" came to mind, setting the researcher on course to study the research question "What role does humor in the higher education classroom play…

  17. Neural Correlates of Sex/Gender Differences in Humor Processing for Different Joke Types. (United States)

    Chan, Yu-Chen


    Humor operates through a variety of techniques, which first generate surprise and then amusement and laughter once the unexpected incongruity is resolved. As different types of jokes use different techniques, the corresponding humor processes also differ. The present study builds on the framework of the 'tri-component theory of humor,' which details the mechanisms involved in cognition (comprehension), affect (appreciation), and laughter (expression). This study seeks to identify differences among joke types and between sexes/genders in the neural mechanisms underlying humor processing. Three types of verbal jokes, bridging-inference jokes (BJs), exaggeration jokes (EJs), and ambiguity jokes (AJs), were used as stimuli. The findings revealed differences in brain activity for an interaction between sex/gender and joke type. For BJs, women displayed greater activation in the temporoparietal-mesocortical-motor network than men, demonstrating the importance of the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) presumably for 'theory of mind' processing, the orbitofrontal cortex for motivational functions and reward coding, and the supplementary motor area for laughter. Women also showed greater activation than men in the frontal-mesolimbic network associated with EJs, including the anterior (frontopolar) prefrontal cortex (aPFC, BA 10) for executive control processes, and the amygdala and midbrain for reward anticipation and salience processes. Conversely, AJs elicited greater activation in men than women in the frontal-paralimbic network, including the dorsal prefrontal cortex (dPFC) and parahippocampal gyrus. All joke types elicited greater activation in the aPFC of women than of men, whereas men showed greater activation than women in the dPFC. To confirm the findings related to sex/gender differences, random group analysis and within group variance analysis were also performed. These findings help further establish the mechanisms underlying the processing of different joke types

  18. Dinâmicas sociais e estados de humor Social dynamics and mood states

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    Flávio Rebustini


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as relações das dinâmicas sociais (família, amigos e escola; i.e., três fatores sociais sobre os estados de humor. A pesquisa foi realizada com uma equipe feminina de voleibol (14/15 anos. Aplicou-se o teste POMS (Profile of Mood States para mensurar os estados de humor. Foi utilizada uma escala de 1 (muito mal a 5 (muito bem para que as atletas avaliassem cada um dos três fatores. Os resultados apontaram correlações significativas entre as escalas e os estados de humor; e diferenças significativas entre os níveis de intensidade apontados na escala dos três fatores e os estados de humor. Os resultados indicam clara interferência das dinâmicas sociais sobre os estados de humor, portanto, as interferências sociais não podem ser descartadas na preparação do atleta.The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of social dynamics (family, friends and school; i.e., three social factors on mood states. The survey was conducted with a women's volleyball team (14/15 years. The POMS test (Profile of Mood States was employed to measure the team's mood states. The athletes assessed the three factors by the use of a Likert scale ranging from 1 (very bad to 5 (very good. Results showed significant correlations between scales and mood states, and significant differences between the intensity levels representing their moods for each of the three factors. The results show clear interference of social dynamics on the mood states. Therefore, social interference cannot be ignored during an athlete's training program.

  19. The mechanism of humoral immune response to allogeneic organ transplantation

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    A. S. Berkos


    Full Text Available The problem of antibody-mediated rejection of donor organ remains extremely relevant. The main targets of the antibodies are mainly donor HLA-antigens (Human Leucocyte Antigens, expressed, in particular, by the cells of graft vascular endothelium. This review describes the mechanisms of the development of humoral alloimmunity which are based on B-cell recognition of epitopes of donor HLA-molecules and affinity maturation of B-cell receptors in the germinal centers of peripheral lymphatic system. Monitoring of epitope load and cross-reactivity indicators to evaluate HLA-compatibility of donor and recipient plays an important role in the prevention of allograft humoral rejection.

  20. Diario de un taller de humor gráfico e historieta costumbrista

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    Entrialgo, Mauro


    Full Text Available The author of this text gave lessons of graphic humour and comics dealing with local customs, in the classrooms at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid during a week in the 2010 summer. His report about these days shows a way to consider the teaching of the comic that places the information about the media and its own narrative tools in close-up and then, the mere plastic accuracy. This way of teaching also proposes specific exercises and alternation of new and traditional technologies. Giving the creative historical precedents and the sector publishing reality, is also a matter of importance from a professional point of view. At the same time, the author explains his theory on the humouristic speech, some considerations about the nature of the drawing and championed a very large definition of the two words: “cartoon story”.

    El autor de este texto impartió un taller de humor gráfico e historieta costumbrista en las aulas del madrileño Círculo de Bellas Artes durante una semana del verano de 2010. Su relato de aquellos días esboza una forma de abordar la enseñanza de la historieta que coloca en primer término el conocimiento del medio y sus herramientas narrativas sobre la mera habilidad plástica. En esa dirección, propone ejercicios concretos y procedimientos que alternan nuevas y tradicionales tecnologías. También destaca la importancia formativa de dar a conocer los antecedentes creativos históricos del medio y la realidad editorial del sector desde el punto de vista profesional, al mismo tiempo que expone fugazmente su particular teoría sobre la estructura del discurso humorístico, emite diversas consideraciones sobre la naturaleza del dibujo y aboga por una amplísima definición del término historieta.