
Sample records for infravermelho proximal para

  1. Plataforma smartphone para biossensores de espectroscopia de infravermelho próximo


    Queirós, André Ricardo Cabral


    O tema “Plataforma smartphone para biossensores de Espectroscopia de Infravermelho Próximo”, surge no âmbito da instrumentação médica, na área das BCI – Brain Computer Interfaces, devido à necessidade de encontrar um dispositivo portátil, de custo acessível e elevada performance que permita obter informação acerca da actividade neuronal do córtex motor no decorrer duma determinada tarefa. O objectivo do trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento duma sonda capaz de detectar as alterações hemodin...

  2. Avaliação da eficiência das passagens para peixes através de detectores de infravermelhos. Riverwatcher: um caso de estudo


    Pinheiro, Paulo J.; Santos, José M.; Ferreira, M.T.; Bochechas, Jorge


    A eficiência de uma passagem para peixes de bacias sucessivas instalada na mini-hídrica de Janeiro de Cima, no rio Zêzere, foi avaliada utilizando um dispositivo de leitura de infravermelhos, o Riverwatcher. Este aparelho funciona como um “bio-scanner ”, cuja função é a contagem do número de peixes que transpõem os leitores de infravermelhos do dispositivo, registando além de dados ambientais como a temperatura da água, variáveis como o comprimento e silhueta dos peixes. Foram ...


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    Marcello Araújo Dantas


    Full Text Available A utilização de queimadores infravermelhos em aplicações industriais apresenta muitas vantagens do ponto de vista técnico-operacional, como por exemplo, homogeneidade no fornecimento de calor, na forma de radiação e convecção, apresentando um maior controle das emissões devido à passagem dos gases de exaustão através de um leito cerâmico macroporoso. O presente trabalho apresenta um queimador infravermelho comercial, no qual foi adaptado um ejetor experimental, capaz de promover uma mistura de gás liquefeito de petróleo (GLP e glicerina. Através da variação de percentuais de combustível dual, foi avaliado o desempenho do queimador infravermelho mediante a realização de um balanço de energia e das emissões atmosféricas. Foi introduzido um controlador de temperatura com termopar modulando dois estágios (fogo baixo/alto, utilizando válvulas solenóides para cada combustível. O queimador infravermelho foi submetido a testes e ensaios variando-se a quantidade de glicerina inserida por um sistema de alimentação por gravidade. Como método de análise termodinâmica para estimativa de carga foi utilizada uma placa de alumínio localizada na saída dos gases de combustão, sendo a distribuição de temperaturas medida por um sistema de aquisição de dados que registrou em tempo real as medidas dos termopares afixados. O queimador apresentou uma combustão estável para os níveis de 15, 20 e 25 % de adição de glicerina em razão mássica de GLP, aumentando o fornecimento de calor para a placa. Pelos dados obtidos, observou-se que houve uma melhora na eficiência de 1ª Lei do queimador infravermelho quando ocorre o aumento de adição da glicerina na mistura. Os níveis de emissões de gases poluentes produzidos pela combustão (CO, NOx, SO2 e HC atenderam aos limites estabelecidos pela resolução ambiental nº 382/ 2006 do CONAMA.


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    Kumiko K. Sakane


    Full Text Available São apresentados espectros infravermelhos da creatina, na faixa de 4000 a 400 cm−1. Os resultados são comparados com espectros observados e calculados, publicados na literatura.

  5. Observações no infravermelho médio de objetos estelares jovens em NGC 3576 (United States)

    Barbosa, C.; Damineli, A.; Blum, R.; Conti, P.


    Apresentamos os resultados de observações no infravermelho médio de candidatos a objetos estelares jovens e massivos em NGC 3576. As imagens de alta resolução foram obtidas no observatório Gemini Sul com o uso dos filtros em 10,8, 7,9, 9,8, 12,5 e 18,2 mm. Nossas imagens mostram a fonte IRS 1 resolvida em 4 objetos pela primeira vez em 10 mm. Para cada objeto obtivemos a distribuição espectral de energia de 1.2 até 18 mm, bem como a temperatura de cor, a distribuição espacial e a profundidade óptica em 9,8 mm da poeira circunstelar. Apresentamos uma estimativa das massas dos objetos estudados, baseados na luminosidade emitida no infravermelho médio, bem como um modelo para explicar as diferentes características observadas de cada objeto. Finalmente discutimos a possível localização da(s) fonte(s) de ionização de NGC 3576.


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    Francielle Pasqualotti Meinhardt


    Full Text Available Os constituintes do perfil lipídico são importantes marcadores bioquímicos de doenças cardiovasculares (grande causa de morbidade e mortalidade. Para um diagnóstico de alterações do perfil lipídico se apresenta o método da espectroscopia no infravermelho (FT-IR. Este estudo avalia a aplicação da FT-IR na obtenção de dados do perfil lipídico de atletas corredores. Trata-se de um estudo analítico observacional comparativo, tendo como método de referência os ensaios enzimáticos baseados na reação de Trinder, comparados à espectroscopia no infravermelho por reflectância difusa com Transformada de Fourier (DRIFTS, com auxílio das ferramentas quimiométricas de análise exploratória por agrupamento hierárquico (HCA e análise preditiva por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS para previsão destes marcadores bioquímicos. Foram sujeitos 14 atletas da equipe de Atletismo da UNISC, de 18 a 30 anos, de ambos os sexos, avaliados em repouso e após o teste ergoespirométrico de Bruce. Os resultados apontam que, na avaliação de atletas, a técnica de infravermelho (DRIFTS juntamente com o PLS, foi adequada para a construção de modelos de calibração e na definição da correlação entre testes bioquímicos padrões no perfil lipídico e na determinação pelo infravermelho.


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    Willian de Carvalho Nunes


    Full Text Available O cloridrato de ciclobenzaprina é um dos medicamentos mais utilizados para atuar no relaxamento muscular e alivio de dores agudas ou crônicas, promovendo uma diminuição nos espasmos musculares, torcicolos e dor lombar. Este trabalho propõe-se a analisar, através da espectroscopia vibracional no infravermelho, a presença de cloridrato de ciclobenzaprina nos medicamentos de referência, similar, genérico e manipulado registrados e autorizados pela Agência de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA, afim de assegurar a qualidade dos fármacos. Foram identificadas as bandas marcadoras do princípio ativo nos medicamentos comercias e os resultados encontrados, mostram que os medicamentos B e C apresentaram intensidades significativas do princípio ativo. No medicamento A verificou-se a presença do princípio ativo, só que em menor intensidade, e no medicamento D foi encontrado uma deformação em seu espectro, indicando alterações no fármaco. Através deste estudo conclui-se, que a espectroscopia vibracional no infravermelho (FTIR-UATR é uma técnica confiável e uma alternativa para analisar compostos químicos pois não gera resíduos e apresenta baixo custo operacional.

  8. Predição da composição química de bermudas (Cynodon spp. pela espectroscopia de reflectância no infravermelho proximal Prediction of chemical composition of Cynodon spp. by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy

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    Roberto Serena Fontaneli


    Full Text Available Diversos cultivares de Cynodon dactylon têm sido cultivados no Rio Grande do Sul para alimentação do rebanho leiteiro, na forma de pastejo ou feno. A rápida determinação do valor nutritivo dessas forrageiras pode ser útil para seu manejo e para o planejamento da dieta dos animais. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver curvas de calibração para análise do valor nutritivo de quatro cultivares de Cynodon (Tifton 68, Tifton 85, Florakirk, Coastcross, utilizando o método de reflectância no infravermelho proximal (NIRS. Foram utilizadas 129 amostras de forragem verde, coletadas e analisadas entre 1998 e 2001. Os coeficientes de determinação para proteína bruta, fibra insolúvel em detergente neutro, fibra insolúvel em detergente ácido, matéria seca, cálcio, fósforo, potássio e magnésio foram, respectivamente: 0,98; 0,97; 0,99; 1; 0,92; 0,97; 0,99 e 0,72%. Os erros-padrão de calibração foram de 0,38; 0,60; 0,35; 0,14; 0,02; 0,01; 0,05 e 0,01%, respectivamente. As equações obtidas foram consideradas de excelente resolução para todos os parâmetros estimados, o que indica a acurácia do método para a espécie avaliada.Many Cynodon dactylon cultivars have been cultivated in Rio Grande do Sul state to be used as pasture or hay to feed dairy cattle. Quick determination of the nutritional value of these forages would be valuable for management and diet planning. This work had the objective to develop calibration curves for analysis of the nutritional value of four Cynodon cultivars (Tifton 68, Tifton 85, Florakirk, Coastcross, using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS. A total of 129 fresh samples of green pasture were collected and analyzed from 1998 to 2001. The determination coefficients for crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, dry matter, calcium, phosphorus, potash and magnesium were, respectively, .98, .97, .99, 1, .92, .97, .99 and .72%. The calibration standard error for the same

  9. Uso de simulações na determinação de cores intrínsecas de estrelas no infravermelho (United States)

    Rembold, S. B.; Ribeiro, D.; Ducati, J. R.; Bevilacqua, C.


    Apresentamos o método e alguns resultados preliminares da aplicação de simulações na determinação das cores intrínsecas de estrelas no infravermelho. A simulação consiste em gerar diagramas cor versus temperatura efetiva de estrelas sinteticas, para uma faixa de valores iniciais da cor intrínseca para cada tipo espectral. Os diagramas gerados sinteticamente são comparados com diagramas gerados a partir de observacoes e, com isso, extrai-se a cor intrínseca que melhor descreve as observações. Mostramos tabelas preliminares de cores intrínsecas e comparamos seu comportamento com determinações prévias e de outros autores.

  10. Correlação entre dados estruturais e bandas de vibração no infravermelho para a fase espinélio Zn7-xNi xSb2O12 Correlation between structural data and infraved vibrational bands of the Zn7-xNi xSb2O12 spinel phase

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    L. Gama


    Full Text Available A fase espinélio Zn7-xNi xSb2O12 tem apresentado propriedades magnéticas importantes, comportando-se como spin-glass. Desde que estas propriedades são fortemente dependentes da configuração precisa dos átomos nesta estrutura, foram utilizados neste trabalho, com o intuito de clarificar essa configuração, a espectroscopia de infravermelho, aliada ao refinamento de estruturas pelo método de Rietveld. O espectro de infravermelho mostra nas condições de contorno estudadas a presença de três das quatro bandas ativas comuns aos espinélios. Conforme resultados do refinamento pelo método de Rietveld, o níquel substitui o zinco primeiramente no sítio octaédrico e, em altas concentrações (x > ou = 3, migra para o sítio tetraédrico. Essa migração é indicada pelo "splitting", em torno de 520 cm-1, para (x > ou = 3, apresentado no espectro de infravermelho quando a banda n2 é afetada pela mudança do cátion bivalente.The Zn7-xNi xSb2O12 spinel phase shows important magnetic properties with a spin-glass behavior. As these properties are strongly dependent on the atomic configuration in the spinel structure, infrared spectroscopy and the structure refining by the Rietveld analysis have been studied. The infrared spectrum presents three to four of the common spinel active modes. The Rietveld analysis shows that Ni firstly substitutes for Zn in the octahedral site and, for large (x > or = 3 concentrations, migrates to the tetrahedral site. The indication of that migration is the splitting at approximately 520 cm-1, shown in the infrared spectrum when the nu 2 band is modified by the substitution of the divalent cation.

  11. Validação da técnica de espectroscopia no infravermelho na Taxonomia e sistemática do gênero Aspergillus


    Tralamazza, Sabina Moser


    Resumo: Espécies e linhagens fungícas são difíceis de diferenciar por exames visuais e microscópicos. Chaves de identificações são limitantes e muitas vezes a identificação de espécies muito próximas se torna inviável. As técnicas moleculares permitiram e facilitaram as identificações, porém seus reagentes são caros quando comparado a técnicas clássicas. A espectroscopia no infravermelho vem como uma nova ferramenta para auxiliar na taxonomia de micro-organismos de maneira rápida, barata e ef...

  12. Aplicação de espectroscopia no infravermelho médio e calibração multivariada para quantificação de adulterantes e teor em biodiesel de óleo de palma com óleo de soja, soja residual e diesel


    Teles, Edvando Souza


    No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidas e validadas metodologias baseadas no uso da Espectroscopia no Infravermelho Médio (MIR) aliada à calibração multivariada por Quadrados Mínimos Parciais (PLS) para a quantificação de adulterantes como óleo de soja e óleo de soja residual nos biodieseis metílicos e etílicos de palma na faixa de concentração de 0,25 a 30,00 (%), bem como determinação de teor de biodiesel metílico e etílico de palma em suas misturas binárias com diesel na faixa de concentr...

  13. Espectroscopia de luz próxima ao infravermelho e processamento sensorial auditivo em lactentes

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    Aline Almeida Fontes

    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: revisar sistematicamente, por meio de busca nas plataformas Medline e Lilacs o uso da espectroscopia de luz próxima ao infravermelho (NIRS como instrumento para a avaliação da audição a nível cortical em lactentes. Métodos: foi realizada uma revisão integrativa baseada nos critérios estabelecidos pela Cochrane Handbook, passando pelas etapas de definição da questão norteadora (o tema a ser pesquisado, definição das bases de dados para localização dos estudos, seleção e análise crítica dos artigos. A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada no período de setembro a dezembro de 2014. Os critérios de inclusão utilizados foram: artigos publicados nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol, com a população infantil (bebês de 0 a 24 meses e tipo de estudo (coorte, caso controle, transversal. Resultados: foram identificados 1674 artigos e 12 atenderam os critérios de inclusão deste estudo. Todos os artigos utilizaram o estímulo auditivo para medir alterações na hemodinâmica cerebral, porém com áreas cerebrais de interesse diferentes. E foram agrupados em três categorias quanto ao tipo de estímulo: apenas sons vocais, sons vocais e outros estímulos auditivos e sons não vocais. Conclusão: a NIRS é um instrumento eficaz para investigação da audição a nível cortical na população infantil.

  14. Espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo para a monitorização da perfusão tecidual Near-infrared spectroscopy for monitoring peripheral tissue perfusion in critically ill patients

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    Alexandre Lima


    Full Text Available A espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIRS tem sido principalmente usada na investigação da oxigenação periférica tecidual de forma não invasiva e contínua. O princípio da espectroscopia consiste na aplicação da luz no comprimento de onda do infravermelho-próximo para avaliar, de forma quantitativa e qualitativa, os componentes moleculares relacionadas à oxigenação tecidual. Baseado na relação das concentrações da deoxiemoglobina e da oxiemoglobina no tecido, a NIRS obtém informações para o cálculo da oxigenação tecidual. Embora possa ser aplicada em qualquer órgão, como método não invasivo é principalmente usada para a monitorização da oxigenação muscular periférica. Os parâmetros medidos pela NIRS podem ser calculados diretamente ou através de intervenções fisiológicas para alterar a circulação no local da aferição, sendo as mais usadas a oclusão arterial e a oclusão venosa. Deste modo, pode-se obter informações sobre a saturação do oxigênio muscular periférico e tecidual, bem como do fluxo sanguíneo e consumo de oxigênio local. Seu uso é direcionado principalmente para a monitorização da oxigenação tecidual periférica durante ressuscitação do choque no trauma e em pacientes sépticos, bem como a monitorização dos distúrbios da microcirculação regional. Esta revisão abordará os princípios físicos da espectroscopia no IV-próximo, e das principais aplicações clínicas deste instrumento de monitorização, com ênfase nos estudos que investigaram a utilidade da NIRS na área de terapia intensiva e também no setor de emergência clínica.Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS is a non-invasive technique that allows determination of tissue oxygenation based on spectro-photometric quantitation of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin within a tissue. This technique has gained acceptance as a tool to monitor peripheral tissue perfusion in critically ill patient. NIRS principle is based on

  15. Espectroscopia óptica de difusão multiespectral para aplicações biomédicas


    Andrés Fabián Quiroga Soto


    Resumo: A espectroscopia óptica de difusão DOS é uma técnica que usa luz no regime do infravermelho próximo (NIR) para extração de informações fisiológicas em tecidos biológicos de forma não invasiva, tais como as concentrações de oxi-hemoglobina (HbO) , desoxi-hemoglobina (Hb) e a saturação de oxigênio no tecido (StO_2). Esta técnica baseia-se no fato de que a luz do infravermelho próximo se propaga difusivamente no tecido biológico, conseguindo se aprofundar alguns centímetros e voltar na s...

  16. Determinação do teor de etanol anidro em gasolina por calibração multivariada utilizando espectroscopia no infravermelho médio

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    Vitoria Hagemann Cauduro


    Full Text Available O objetivo principal deste estudo foi desenvolver um modelo multivariado de calibração por quadrados parciais (PLS para quantificação do teor de etanol anidro em amostras comerciais de gasolina, utilizando um software de quimiometria gratuito. Para isso, espectros de infravermelho médio das amostras foram adquiridos em uma atividade experimental de estudantes de graduação em Química da UNISC, para melhorar a compreensão dos métodos de calibração multivariada. O modelo de calibração PLS apresentou resultados semelhantes aos obtidos pelo método de referência (NBR:13992 (p > 0,05, com valores de exatidão entre 97,8 e 108,2%. Além disso, a metodologia desenvolvida neste estudo se destaca por consumir até 25 vezes menos amostra (2 mL, o que resulta em menor geração de resíduos e maior frequência de análise (>30 amostras por hora, baixo consumo de energia (340 Wh-1 e na dispensa do uso de reagentes.

  17. Infrared coagulation: a preferred option in treating early hemorrhoids Coagulação por raios infravermelhos: opção preferencial para o tratamento de hemorróidas

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    Pravin J. Gupta


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The ideal therapy for hemorrhoids is always debated. For early grades of the disease, many different modalities of treatment have been proposed. Some are effective but are more painful, others are less painful but their efficacy is not assured on long term. Infrared photocoagulation has emerged as a new addition to the list. In this procedure, the tissue is coagulated by infrared radiation. During treatment, mechanical pressure and radiation energy are applied simultaneously to ablate the blood supply to the hemorrhoidal mass. METHODS: In the present retrospective study, the effect of infrared coagulation on patients with early grades of hemorrhoids is described. In a separate study, a comparison is made between Infrared coagulation and rubber band ligation in terms of their effectiveness and discomfort. RESULTS: 212 patients were treated by infrared coagulation and were followed up for a period of 18 months. Only 28 patients had persistence or recurrence of bleeding. Overall ratio of comfort and patient satisfaction from pain and bleeding was quite satisfactory. The comparative study showed that though rubber band ligation is more effective, it is a more painful procedure. CONCLUSION: These studies shows that Infrared coagulation for hemorrhoids in early stages could prove to be a easy and effective alternative to conventional methods as it is quick, less painful and safe. The procedure can be repeated in case of recurrence and should be considered as the first choice in early hemorrhoids.OBJETIVO: Mostrar os benefícios do uso dos raios infravermelhos como alternativa no tratamento de hemorróidas sangrantes, comparado a outras modalidades habitualmente utilizadas. MÉTODOS: 212 pacientes com hemorróidas sangrantes foram tratados com raios infravermelhos e foram acompanhados por período de 18 meses a fim de se observar os efeitos do procedimento. Comparou-se com outras modalidades usuais de tratamento. RESULTADOS: Apenas 28

  18. Sistema de visão por infravermelho próximo para monitoramento de processos de soldagem a arco Near-infrared vision system for arc-welding monitoring

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    Carolina Pimenta Mota


    Full Text Available A visão, o sentido predileto do ser humano, e sua grande capacidade de captar, processar e interpretar grandes quantidades de dados de natureza visual tem sido, ao longo dos anos, um grande estímulo para o desenvolvimento de técnicas e de dispositivos tecnológicos que a reproduzam num sistema computacional. Nos processos de soldagem, a visão pode fornecer dados na inspeção e qualidade da junta soldada, no monitoramento de parâmetros, na correção de trajetórias até, por fim, no estudo dos fenômenos envolvidos no processo. Porém, a radiação luminosa emitida pelo arco representa uma barreira para tais estudos baseados na visualização do processo. Uma das formas utilizadas atualmente para se obter a visualização do processo, sem a interferência do arco, consiste em iluminar o processo com o infravermelho próximo e utilizar filtros de interferência (passa-faixa, em torno deste mesmo comprimento de onda, durante a aquisição das imagens. Uma solução para a iluminação infravermelha, de aplicação crescente, envolve o uso de diodos laser de alta potência, com baixo custo e menor complexidade de instalação do que os lasers convencionais. Desta forma, a proposta deste trabalho foi a criação de um sistema de visão dos processos de soldagem a arco, de baixo custo e alta flexibilidade, indo desde a caracterização dos espectros de emissão luminosa do arco, passando pela criação de uma topologia de acionamento para o diodo de alta potência no infravermelho próximo, respeitando suas limitações de uso e maximizando a potência luminosa emitida, criação dos circuitos de controle, escolha dos equipamentos e componentes ópticos e, por fim, projeto e aplicação de um protótipo em processos de soldagem. As limitações do sistema de visão, como um todo, foram encontradas através de sua aplicação com soldagem TIG e MIG/MAG. Nestes ensaios, embora não tenha sido capaz de sobrepor a luz do arco, o sistema

  19. Comparison between tympanic and anal temperature with a clinical infrared ray thermometer in dogs Comparação entre a temperatura timpânica e a temperatura anal usando um termômetro clínico de raio infravermelho em cães

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    G.G.S. Wiedemann


    Full Text Available A clinical thermometer of infrared rays was used twice to record consecutively the temperature of the tympanic membrane in each ear and in the anus of 53 dogs. Temperatures did not differ significantly between organs, and were strongly correlated. The anal temperature measurement with an infrared thermometer in dogs is feasible and trustworthy, as well as the thermal checking of tympanic temperature.Utilizou-se um termômetro clínico de emissão de raios infravermelhos para medir, duas vezes consecutivas, a temperatura da membrana timpânica de cada ouvido e duas vezes a temperatura no ânus de 53 cães. Não houve diferença entre as temperaturas quanto ao órgão estudado e a correlação entre as temperaturas foi alta. Em cães, a medida da temperatura anal com o termômetro clínico de emissão de raios infravermelhos é rápida e confiável tanto quanto a da temperatura timpânica.

  20. Estudo da emissão de raios infravermelho próximo em processos de soldagem a arco Study of near-infrared emission on processes of arc welding

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    Carolina Pimenta Mota


    Full Text Available O estudo de boa parte dos fenômenos envolvidos no processo de soldagem necessita de auxílio visual e a luminosidade emitida pelo arco pode representar uma grande barreira. Uma das formas utilizadas atualmente para se obter a visualização do processo, sem a interferência do arco, consiste em iluminar o processo com o infravermelho próximo e utilizar filtros durante a aquisição das imagens. Assim, é importante investigar o comportamento do arco de soldagem em relação à sua emissão luminosa no espectro infravermelho. Desta forma, a proposta deste trabalho foi a realização de um estudo comparativo entre a emissão do arco de soldagem de radiação infravermelha próxima em dois processos largamente utilizados, TIG e MIG/MAG, focando também sua influência por parâmetros como a corrente de soldagem e a proteção gasosa utilizada. Com o uso de um sensor de luminosidade e a utilização de um sistema de lentes ópticas, foram realizados experimentos, adquirindo o espectro luminoso emitido pelo arco voltaico. Através dos resultados obtidos, ou seja, do valor numérico de energia luminosa do arco de soldagem (integração do espectro é possível se obter, com a utilização desta mesma metodologia, a energia luminosa no infravermelho próximo e, consequentemente, a intensidade luminosa, necessária para a sobreposição do arco durante a aquisição de imagens.Most of the phenomenon studied in the welding processes needs a vision system and the arc light emission can create a great barrier. Nowadays, one of the techniques used for visualizing the process, without arc interference, is the illumination of the process with near-infrared laser and the use of optic filters during the image acquisition. Thus, it is important to investigate the welding arc behavior in respect to its light emission within the near-infrared spectrum. Therefore, this work aims to perform a comparative study of the arc near infrared emission in one of the two


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    Herbert Leite Souza


    Full Text Available No meio acadêmico é comum a utilização de alguns reagentes com o prazo de validade fora do indicado pelo fabricante. Neste trabalho foram analisados reagentes no prazo de validade e após o prazo de validade coletados em laboratórios químicos, com intuito da criação de dados que comprovem a degradação gradativa dos mesmos após o vencimento da data prevista pelo fabricante, e quantificar a perda de pureza do reagente. Foi utilizada a técnica de espectroscopia no infravermelho FTIR-UATR e calculado as áreas de uma banda de referência para obtenção da porcentagem de degradação. Apesar do comportamento variado de cada reagente, as análises comprovaram que, numa visão geram, o uso de reagentes vencidos no meio acadêmico não representa grandes alterações nos produtos obtidos em reações químicas, pelo contrário pode representar uma economia financeira substancial.

  2. Estudo experimental da aplicação retiniana do laser infravermelho via transescleral sob condições de baixa visibilidade Transscleral infrared laser retinal photocoagulation experimental study under low visibility conditions

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    Dario Grechi Goulart


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Pesquisa experimental, com laser de diodo infravermelho, para estimar a segurança, a reprodutibilidade e a permeabilidade da parede ocular à sua atuação clínica, quando aplicado via transescleral, em condições de baixa visibilidade. MÉTODOS: Submetemos olhos de coelhos pigmentados da raça Nova Zelândia à fotocoagulação retiniana por laser de diodo infravermelho. No olho direito, realizamos fotocoagulação via transescleral sob parâmetros de potência e tempo pré-determinados clinicamente. No olho esquerdo, foram repetidos os mesmos valores da potência e tempo usados no olho direito, desta vez, via transpupilar. Imediatamente e após 2 meses, estudos clínicos baseados na retinografia e histopatológicos foram realizados. RESULTADOS: A permeabilidade da parede ocular, quando da aplicação do laser de diodo infravermelho via transescleral, variou entre 58,95 e 63,87%. A média da permeabilidade da parede ocular a 300 mW (63,14% mostrou-se significativamente superior àquela da permeabilidade da parede ocular encontrada a 500 mW (59,11%, (PPURPOSE: Retinal photocoagulation under poor visualization condition is often required. Transscleral infrared laser can be used as an alternative to regular transpupillary treatment. Based upon retinographic measurements, we proposed to estimate the reproducibility as well as ocular wall permeability rate for this treatment. Our primary goal was to evaluate whether this technique can deliver adequate photocoagulation at predetermined parameters without direct retinal visualization. METHODS: In New Zealand pigmented rabbits, optimal transscleral infrared diode laser settings were administered to the right eye. With the same parameters, transpupillary photocoagulation was repeated in the left eye. Retinographic and clinical examinations were performed immediately and two months later. RESULTS: Ocular wall permeability rate varied between 58.95 and 63.87%. Average permeability using a


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    Silvia Oliveira Dayube


    Full Text Available A cotonicultura é uma atividade praticada em grande escala no Brasil e tem grande importância social e econômica, sendo de fundamental importância o uso da irrigação Para um manejo de irrigação mais racional, o monitoramento dos parâmetros fisiológicos da planta se destaca como o controle ideal. Assim, objetivou-se verificar a variação do índice de estresse hídrico na cultura do algodão irrigado (determinado através de termômetro de infravermelho em função do déficit de umidade no solo. O estudo foi realizado em Fazenda, durante o período de 10 de março a 11 de junho do ano de 2015. Foram coletadas, amostras de solo indeformadas para determinação da umidade atual, conforme o Método-Padrão de Estufa. O cálculo do Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI foi feito em função dos valores de: temperatura foliar, umidade relativa do ar, e temperatura do ar adquiridos por meio de um termômetro infravermelho. Valores de CWSI variam de forma proporcional ao déficit de umidade no solo. A metodologia tem potencial para ser utilizada na realização do manejo de irrigação.

  4. Análise exploratória de adoçantes de mesa via espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR e análise por componentes principais (ACP Exploratory analysis of commercial sweeteners by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR and principal component analysis (PCA

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    Adriana Tozetto


    Full Text Available Nos últimos vinte anos, o consumo de alimentos diet e light tem aumentado sistematicamente, o que tem propiciado o constante desenvolvimento de produtos desse gênero. Grande ênfase tem sido dada àqueles produtos que substituem sacarose por edulcorantes de baixos conteúdos calóricos ou não calóricos. Seguindo esta tendência, adoçantes de mesa têm sido desenvolvidos variando-se amplamente o veículo e o tipo de edulcorante empregado. Neste trabalho, a análise de componentes principais associada à espectroscopia na região do infravermelho médio foi utilizada com sucesso para diferenciar os veículos empregados na produção destes adoçantes, sendo que esta metodologia quimiométrica reduziu o espaço dimensional para dois fatores, explicando cerca de 82-% da variância total dos dados. As variáveis responsáveis por esta discriminação estão localizadas na região da impressão digital do espectro de infravermelho (752,2 a 1284,5 cm-1. A análise exploratória mostrou-se útil para a visualização destes dados, gerando informações semiquantitativas para os adoçantes constituídos por lactose/aspartame, observações que seriam dificilmente visualizadas sem o recurso quimiométrico aplicado.In the last twenty years, the consumption of diet and light foods has grown steadily, leading to the constant development of such products. Much emphasis has been placed on products that replace sucrose with sweeteners of low or zero calorie content. The development of new commercial sweeteners illustrates this tendency. In this work, principal component analysis and infrared spectroscopy were used to successfully differentiate the vehicles (mediums employed in the production of sweeteners. This chemometric methodology reduced the dimensional space to two factors, accounting for 82% of the total variance of the data. The variables responsible for this discrimination were localized in the fingerprint region of the infrared spectrum (752.2 to

  5. Kinetics of drying of basil leaves (Ocimum basilicum L. in the infrared Cinética de secagem de folhas de manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L. via infravermelho

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    Renata C. dos Reis


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper was to model the drying curves of the leaves of basil (Ocimum basilicum L. in the infrared at temperatures of 50, 60, 70 and 80 ºC and to evaluate the influence of drying temperature on the color of dried leaves. Drying was conducted in infrared dryer with temperature and greenhouse air circulation. Experimental data were fitted to eight mathematical models. The magnitude of the coefficient of determination (R², the mean relative error (P, the estimated mean error (SE and chisquare test (χ2 were used to verify the degree of fitness of the models. From the study it was concluded that: a the behavior of the drying curves of basil leaves was similar to most agricultural products, the drying times in the infrared were less than the drying times in an oven with air circulation, b the mathematical drying model proposed by Midilli et al. (2002 was the one which best adjusted to the experimental data, c the diffusion coefficient ranged from 9.10 x 10-12 to 2.92 x 10-11 m² s-1 and d the color of the samples was highly influenced by drying, becoming darker due to loss of chlorophyll with increasing temperature.Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, determinar, modelar as curvas de secagem das folhas de Manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L. por infravermelho nas temperaturas de 50, 60, 70 e 80 ºC e avaliar a influência das temperaturas de secagem na cor das folhas desidratadas. A secagem foi conduzida em secador infravermelho com controle de temperatura e em estufa com circulação de ar. Aos dados experimentais foram ajustados oito modelos matemáticos. As magnitudes do coeficiente de determinação (R², do erro médio relativo (P, do erro médio estimado (SE e do teste do qui-quadrado (χ² foram utilizadas para verificar o grau de ajuste dos modelos. Do estudo concluiu-se que: a o comportamento das curva s de secagem das folhas de manjericão foi semelhante ao da maioria dos produtos agrícolas; os tempos de secagem no infravermelho

  6. Aplicação de análise multivariada aos dados de espectroscopia no infravermelho obtidos na polimerização in situ de adesivo à base de cianoacrilato Multivariate analyses on FT-IR data of polymerization in situ of cyanoacrylate adhesive

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    Francisco A. A. Miranda


    Full Text Available A polimerização de adesivo à base de cianoacrilato foi acompanhada por FT-IR durante 30 minutos. A aplicação das técnicas de estatística multivariada (análise de agrupamento hierárquico e a análise dos componentes principais aos espectros de infravermelho, permitiram uma melhor identificação das diferenças espectrais entre monômero e polímero e possibilitou, também, inferir que a quantidade de monômero e do mero no polímero se eqüivalem com seis minutos de polimerização. A técnica de infravermelho mostrou-se uma ferramenta adequada para o acompanhamento da cinética de reação de adesivo à base de cianoacrilato, que torna-se ainda mais eficiente quando associada às técnicas de estatística multivariada.The polymerization of a cyanoacrylate adhesive was accompanied by FT-IR during 30 minutes. The application of multivariate statistics techniques (Hierarchical Clusters Analyses and Principal Components on infrared spectra allowed a better identification of spectral differences between monomer and polymer and also permitted to infer that the quantity of monomer and of mer of the polymer are equal in six minutes polymerization (half-life. The infrared technique appeared as an apropriate tool for observing the kinetics of cyanoacrylate adhesive reaction, which becomes even more efficient when associated to multivariate statistics techniques.


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    Édgar Alfredo Portilla Flores


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se presenta el análisis cinemático y una metodología de diseño paramétrico de la falange proximal para un dedo antropomórfico1 de un grado de libertad. El diseño del mecanismo se lleva a cabo, tomando diez posiciones de la barra de salida del mismo. Se presenta la simulación dinámica, utilizando un modelo de CAD para comprobar la factibilidad de los resultados obtenidos por el mecanismo. Por último, se muestra el análisis comparativo entre los resultados de la cinemática obtenidos numéricamente y los experimentales.

  8. O esôfago curto e o refluxo distal são fatores de risco para o refluxo proximal? Short length of the esophagus and distal reflux are risk factors for proximal esophageal reflux?

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    Humberto Oliveira Serra


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Não está claro se pacientes que apresentam refluxo gastroesofágico distal têm maior risco de apresentar também refluxo proximal. O senso comum sugere que um episódio de refluxo poderia chegar mais facilmente à faringe em pacientes que tivessem menor distância a percorrer entre o esfíncter inferior do esôfago e o superior. OBJETIVO: Investigar se o esôfago curto e a presença de refluxo esofágico distal são fatores de risco para refluxo proximal nos pacientes com sintomas respiratórios. MÉTODO: Cento e sete pacientes foram avaliados prospectivamente por meio de entrevista, esofagoscopia, manometria e pHmetria. Utilizaram-se o teste t de Student, o de correlação de Spearman, o do Qui-quadrado e odds-ratio. O nível de significância foi 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os sintomas que motivaram a investigação da doença do refluxo gastroesofágico foram: tosse 43 (40,2%; pigarro 25 (23,4%, globo faríngeo 23 (21,5% e rouquidão 16 (14,9%. No estudo endoscópico 22 apresentaram esofagite e 14 hérnia de hiato. Na avaliação manométrica 11 (10,8% apresentaram hipotonia do esfíncter inferior. A média do comprimento do esôfago foi 24,3 (± 1,9 cm, variando de 20 a 30 cm. Na avaliação pHmétrica 23 (21,5% apresentaram refluxo distal patológico e 12 (11,2% refluxo proximal. CONCLUSÕES: O comprimento do esôfago não esteve associado com a presença de refluxo proximal. Pacientes que apresentaram refluxo gatroesofágico distal, independente do comprimento do esôfago, tiveram risco aumentado de 4,6 vezes para apresentarem refluxo proximal.BACKGROUND: It is not clear whether patients suffering from distal esophageal reflux also present high risk to proximal esophageal reflux. Common sense suggests that reflux would more easily reach the pharynx in patients who have a smaller distance between the lower esophageal sphincter and the upper one and, thus, short esophagus. AIM: To Investigate if short esophageal length and presence of

  9. Análisis proximal, evaluación microbiológica y sensorial de carnes para hamburguesas elaboradas con cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus) y soya (Glycine max) texturizada


    Oscar García; Iria Acevedo; Jorge Ruiz Ramírez


    La cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus) es una especie económicamente importante en la acuicultura continental de América Latina y una alternativa nacional de producción de pescado para la piscicultura, la industria y el consumo. El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue caracterizar mediante análisis proximal, evaluación microbiológica y sensorial, carnes para hamburguesas elaboradas con pulpa de cachama y diferentes inclusiones porcentuales de harina de soya texturizada (HST) ...

  10. Avaliação da influência do infravermelho e da diatermia por microondas associados ao alongamento passivo no encurtamento dos músculos isquiotibiais - doi:10.5102/ucs.v5i1.416

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    Aline Simões Alencastro


    Full Text Available A diatermia por microondas é uma modalidade de aquecimento profundo, e a radiação infravermelha aquece praticamente a epiderme. Em algumas práticas clínicas, para se obter um maior ganho da flexibilidade usam-se técnicas de alongamento associadas ao calor. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a influência e as diferenças na utilização dos recursos térmicos de calor profundo e superficial na flexibilidade da musculatura isquiotibial. Dezenove estudantes do Curso de Fisioterapia do Centro Universitário de Brasília foram distribuídos de forma aleatória em três grupos distintos: GC (alongamento muscular passivo, GCS (infravermelho associado ao alongamento passivo e GCP (diatermia por microondas associada ao alongamento. Os resultados foram obtidos através da analise do ângulo poplíteo antes e depois de cada intervenção, relacionando o recurso com o alongamento. Concluiu-se que a aplicação da termoterapia profunda ou superficial auxilia no alongamento da musculatura isquiotibial

  11. Absortância solar e desempenho térmico de tintas frias para uso no envelope construtivo

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    Kelen Almeida DORNELLES


    Full Text Available Materiais que apresentam baixas absortâncias e altas emissividades são conhecidos como materiais refletivos ou frios. Esses materiais, quando usados como revestimento no envelope construtivo permitem a redução de temperaturas superficiais nos edifícios, minimizando a necessidade de energia para refrigeração em edificações artificialmente condicionadas e tornando mais confortáveis edificações não condicionadas. Neste trabalho, tintas frias e convencionais para pintura externa de paredes e coberturas são avaliadas comparativamente através da caracterização de suas absortâncias e emissividades, assim como o desempenho térmico das mesmas a partir de medições de temperaturas superficiais. Foram selecionadas tintas frias para pintura de paredes e coberturas a partir de produtos disponíveis no mercado nacional e internacional, assim como tintas convencionais de cores correspondentes, totalizando 15 amostras. Os resultados indicaram que tintas frias com baixa absorção no infravermelho-próximo, porém de cor e tonalidade iguais às tintas convencionais, resultam em tintas com menores absortâncias solares. As temperaturas superficiais das amostras expostas ao sol evidenciaram que a absortância solar das tintas afeta diretamente o desempenho térmico das superfícies pintadas, comprovando que quanto mais baixa é a absortância solar da superfície, menor a temperatura do envelope construtivo. Observou-se que o grande potencial de uso das tintas frias em edificações é resultado da diminuição da absortância solar na região do infravermelho, com a possibilidade de se utilizar cores de tonalidade mais escura, porém com melhor desempenho térmico quando comparadas com tintas convencionais de cor e tonalidade semelhantes Palavras-Chave: absortância solar, tinta fria, desempenho térmico, temperatura superficial.

  12. Análisis proximal, evaluación microbiológica y sensorial de carnes para hamburguesas elaboradas con cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus y soya (Glycine max texturizada

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    Oscar García


    Full Text Available La cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus es una especie económicamente importante en la acuicultura continental de América Latina y una alternativa nacional de producción de pescado para la piscicultura, la industria y el consumo. El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue caracterizar mediante análisis proximal, evaluación microbiológica y sensorial, carnes para hamburguesas elaboradas con pulpa de cachama y diferentes inclusiones porcentuales de harina de soya texturizada (HST (0, 3, 6 y 9 %. Se realizó análisis proximal a las carnes crudas y cocidas, se evaluó microbiológicamente a las crudas y sensorialmente las cocidas con 100 consumidores. En las carnes para hamburguesas a mayor adición de HST favoreció la retención de agua durante la cocción y se elevó el contenido de proteína, grasa y cenizas en las carnes crudas y cocidas (p < 0,05. El análisis microbiológico reveló inocuidad alimentaria en las carnes para hamburguesas crudas, encontrándose todos los valores por debajo de lo establecido en la norma venezolana COVENIN 2127-1998 para hamburguesa y otras normas de referencia. La blandura aumentó de manera proporcional al incremento porcentual en la inclusión de HST y las formulaciones con 0, 3 y 6 % de HST se diferenciaron significativamente (p < 0,05 de la formulación con 9 %. La apariencia de las carnes de hamburguesa agradó más en las formulaciones 6 y 9 %, la blandura en 9 %, y el sabor en el control (0 %, seguido de 3 %. Algunos consumidores hicieron asociaciones de sabor a carne de pollo, mariscos y hervidos de pollo.

  13. Avaliação do perfil lipídico sanguíneo de atletas corredores no ensaio ergoespirométrico de bruce utilizando espectroscopia no infrevermelho

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    Francielle Pasqualotti Meinhardt


    Full Text Available Os constituintes do perfil lipídico compõem o sangue e são importantes marcadores bioquímicos de doenças cardiovasculares, que é reconhecida como grande causa de morbidade e mortalidade. Para um diagnóstico mais amplo das possíveis alterações do perfil lipídico se apresenta o método da espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR que consiste de uma técnica analítica que envolve a identificação de misturas complexas. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a aplicação da espectroscopia de infravermelho na obtenção de dados do perfil lipídico de atletas corredores. Trata-se de um estudo analítico observacional comparativo, tendo como método de referência os ensaios enzimáticos baseados na reação de Trinder, comparados à espectroscopia no infravermelho por reflectância difusa com Transformada de Fourier (DRIFTS, com auxílio das ferramentas quimiométricas de análise exploratória por agrupamento hierárquico (HCA e análise preditiva por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS para previsão destes marcadores bioquímicos. Foram sujeitos 14 atletas da equipe de Atletismo da UNISC, de 18 a 30 anos, de ambos os sexos, avaliados em repouso e após o teste ergoespirométrico de Bruce. Os resultados apontam que, na avaliação de atletas, a técnica de infravermelho (DRIFTS juntamente com o PLS, foi adequada para a construção de modelos de calibração e na definição da correlação entre testes bioquímicos padrões no perfil lipídico e na determinação pelo infravermelho. Nessa perspectiva, considera-se possível a utilização da FTIR na obtenção de dados que determina o perfil lipídico em amostras de sangue total em atletas.

  14. Morfología femoral proximal en fracturas de cadera


    Calvo de Mora Rebollo, María Jesús; Albareda Albareda, Jorge Cruz; Seral García, Belén; Martín Ruiz, G.; Lasierra Sanromán, José Manuel; Seral Iñigo, Fernando


    Es frecuente observar como pacientes que han sufrido una fractura de cadera, si se fracturan posteriormente la cadera contralateral, es del mismo tipo que la primera fractura. El objetivo de este trabajo es tratar de relacional la morfología femoral proximal con la producción de un tipo determinado de fractura. Para ello hemos realizado un estudio prospectivo en 50 pacientes mayores de 65 años, sin distinción de sexo, que han ingresado en nuestro servicio por fractura femoral proximal, 25 ...

  15. Espectro Vibracional no Infravermelho Próximo dos Polímeros Poliestireno, Poli(Metacrilato de Metila e Policarbonato Near-Infrared Spectra of Polystyrene, Poly(Methyl Methacrylate and Polycarbonate

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    Sérgio C. de Araújo


    Full Text Available Os espectros no infravermelho próximo (NIR dos polímeros amorfos poliestireno (PS, poli(metacrilato de metila (PMMA e policarbonato (PC foram estudados. A tentativa de atribuição das bandas harmônicas e de combinação dos modos vibracionais do PS, PMMA e PC foi realizada baseando-se na teoria de modos locais e pelo uso do método matemático de ajuste de curvas. A correção de anarmonicidade e freqüência mecânica foi determinada em um gráfico de Birge-Sponer. Uma correção de anarmonicidade de 57 e 58 cm-1 foi obtida para os modos de estiramento dos grupos CH2 e CH do PS; 59 e 9 cm-1 para os modos de estiramento dos grupos CH3 e CO do PMMA e 53, 59 e 10 cm-1 para os modos de estiramento dos grupos CH, CH3 e CO do PC, respectivamente.The near-infrared (NIR spectra of the amorphous polymers polystyrene (PS, poly(methyl methacrylate (PMMA, and polycarbonate (PC have been studied. The tentative assignment of the overtone and combination frequencies is made using the curve fitting calculations and the local mode theory. Anharmonicity correction and mechanical frequency were determined from a Birge-Sponer plot. A tentative assignment of stretch overtone frequency of CH2 and CH functional groups of PS; CH3 and CO functional groups of PMMA and CH, CH3 and CO functional groups of PC has been made. An anharmonicity correction of 57 and 58 cm-1 was obtained for CH2 and CH stretch modes of PS; 59 and 9 cm-1 for CH3 and CO stretch modes of PMMA and 53, 59 and 10 cm-1 for CH, CH3 and CO stretch modes of PC, respectively.

  16. Correlação entre tempo para o tratamento cirúrgico e mortalidade em pacientes idosos com fratura da extremidade proximal do fêmur Correlation between time until surgical treatment and mortality among elderly patients with fractures at the proximal end of the femur

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    Gustavo Gonçalves Arliani


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo primário do estudo é analisar a possível associação entre o atraso para a realização do tratamento cirúrgico e mortalidade em pacientes idosos com fratura da extremidade proximal do fêmur. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 269 pacientes com fraturas da extremidade proximal do fêmur (fraturas do colo do fêmur e fraturas intertrocanterianas, tratadas cirurgicamente no Hospital São Paulo - Unifesp-SP, no período de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2007. Foram analisados e comparados com a literatura referente ao assunto os seguintes atributos: sexo, idade, tipo de fratura, classificação da mesma, lado acometido, síntese utilizada, mecanismo de trauma, tempo de internação, tempo para cirurgia, comorbidades associadas, hemograma de entrada, tipo de anestesia, necessidade de transfusão sanguínea, dia da semana e estação do ano da fratura. RESULTADOS: O estudo apresentou correlação entre maior número de comorbidades clínicas, maior tempo de internação e utilização de anestesia geral na cirurgia com maior mortalidade dos pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve associação entre tempo para realização da cirurgia e mortalidade.OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of this study was to analyze the possible association between delay in receiving surgical treatment and mortality among elderly patients with fractures at the proximal end of the femur. METHODS: 269 patients with fractures at the proximal end of the femur (femur neck and intertrochanteric fractures who were treated surgically at Hospital São Paulo, UNIFESP, São Paulo, between January 2003 and December 2007, were studied. Sex, age, type of fracture, classification of the fracture, affected side, synthesis used, trauma mechanism, length of hospitalization, length of surgery, associated comorbidities, hemogram at admission, type of anesthesia, need for blood transfusion, day of the week and season of the year of the fracture were analyzed and compared with the literature

  17. Epifisiólise proximal do fêmur e hipotireoidismo subclínico: relato de caso Proximal femoral epiphysiolysis and subclinical hypothyroidism: case report

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    Grasiele Correa de Mello


    Full Text Available A epifisiólise proximal do fêmur (EPF é uma doença ortopédica prevalente na adolescência, porquanto esta coincide com o momento de maior crescimento das estruturas osteomusculares. Curiosamente, alguns pacientes apresentam esta patologia precocemente e esse desfecho converte para a possível explicação etiológica de que o escorregamento ocorreria pelo estirão de crescimento. Para esses pacientes, a gênese do escorregamento ainda não foi elucidada; todavia, as afecções endocrinológicas vêm sendo assinaladas como possíveis causas. Na tentativa de reforçar a teoria da etiologia endocrinológica e apresentar os resultados do tratamento cirúrgico para essa patologia, os autores relatam neste artigo o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, de nove anos e três meses de idade com EPF e hipotireoidismo subclínico, diagnosticado e tratado no Hospital Universitário de nossa instituição.Proximal femoral epiphysiolysis is an orthopedic disease that is prevalent during adolescence, because this coincides with the time of greatest growth of osteomuscular structures. Curiously, some patients present this disease early, and this outcome converts to the possible etiological explanation that the slippage might occur through a growth spurt. For these patients, the genesis of the slippage has not yet been elucidated, but endocrine disorders have been noted as possible causes. In an attempt to strengthen the theory of endocrinological etiology and present the results from surgical treatment for this pathological condition, the case of a male patient aged 9 years and 3 months with proximal femoral epiphysiolysis and subclinical hypothyroidism who was diagnosed and treated at our university's teaching hospital is reported here.

  18. Preparação e caracterização de fluidos magnéticos de maghemita funcionalizada com o aminoácido L-Lisina e dextrana para carreamento de plasmídeos


    Silva, Breiner Gabriel Canedo


    Neste trabalho, foram sintetizadas nanopartículas magnéticas constituídas de maghemita funcionalizada com L-Lisina ou DL-Histidina (cristalitos com diâmetro médio de 4,5 a 8,1 nm), pelo método da coprecipitação dos íons Fe (II) e (III). Os sólidos obtidos foram dispersos em água para obtenção de suspensões aquosas denominadas fluidos magnéticos. As amostras obtidas foram caracterizadas pelas técnicas de difração de raios X, espectroscopia de infravermelho, termogravimetria, espectrofotometria...

  19. Análise macroscópica infra-vermelha da difusão do óxido nitroso via inalatória para a cavidade abdominal, em ratos submetidos a pneumoperitônio Análisis macroscópica infrarroja de la difusión del óxido nitroso vía inhalatoria para la cavidad abdominal, en ratones sometidos a pneumoperitoneo Macroscopic infrared analysis of inhaled nitrous oxide diffusion to abdominal cavity in rats submitted to pneumoperitoneum

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    Daniel Colman


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O óxido nitroso (N2O, por ser uma estrutura tri-atômica assimétrica, assume características de alta emissão e absorção de energia no espectro infra-vermelho, com um pico característico de absorção em 4,5 µm, o que o torna visível ao infra-vermelho curto, quando contrastado com uma fonte emissora de calor (anteparo quente. Diversos autores têm descrito a difusão do N2O para cavidades fechadas por métodos como cromatografia gasosa e analisador de gases, que não permitem um estudo macroscópico detalhado do gás. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a filmagem macroscópica no espectro infra-vermelho da difusão de N2O, utilizado em anestesia inalatória, para a cavidade peritoneal de ratos submetidos a pneumoperitônio de 20 mmHg com ar ambiente. MÉTODO: Dividiu-se os animais em três grupos, de acordo com o anestésico utilizado: I - controle venoso: tiopental intra-peritoneal; II - controle inalatório: isoflurano a 1,2% em O2 100%; III - óxido nitroso: N2O 66% em oxigênio e isoflurano a 0,6%. Os termogramas provenientes da descompressão abdominal foram obtidos, por meio de um radiômetro AGEMA 550 filmados a 7 quadros por segundo. RESULTADOS: O N2O demonstrou-se visível ao infra-vermelho. No momento da descompressão abdominal, não houve nos grupos I e II termogramas com rastros de gases visíveis ao infra-vermelho. Houve, porém, rastros de gases visíveis ao infra-vermelho no grupo III. CONCLUSÕES: Conclui-se que o óxido nitroso inalatório a 66% difundiu-se para a cavidade peritoneal de ratos submetidos a pneumoperitônio de 20 mmHg com ar ambiente, sem aumento de pressão intra-abdominal.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El óxido nitroso (N2O, por ser una estructura tri-atómica asimétrica, toma características de alta emisión y absorción de energía en el espectro infrarrojo, con un pico característico de absorción en 4,5 µm, lo que lo hace visible al infrarrojo corto, cuando contrastado

  20. A eficiência de formação estelar em Musca (United States)

    Hickel, G. R.; Vilas-Boas, J. W. S.; Roberto, A. J.., Jr.; Khan, R. P.


    Apresentamos os resultados de um survey no infravermelho próximo (bandas J e H), executado no Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica, na direção da nuvem escura em forma de filamento de Musca (observamos ao longo de todo o filamento, além de todas as fontes pontuais IRAS e/ou fontes ROSAT brilhantes a uma distância de 2o da nuvem). Nosso objetivo é determinar a eficiência de formação estelar para esta nuvem escura (massa de estrelas formadas/massa da nuvem), procurando por objetos estelares jovens de pequena massa no seu interior e/ou evoluídos o suficiente para estarem afastados do local de nascimento, mas ainda mostrando características de objetos pré-seqüência principal como emissão de raios-X e excesso de emissão no infravermelho próximo. Este survey não estabeleceu nenhum viés na seleção de fontes pontuais IRAS ou fontes ROSAT, uma vez que a imensa maioria das fontes pontuais IRAS nesta região têm qualidade de fluxo ruim. Os candidatos a objetos estelares jovens foram selecionados pelo excesso no índice de cor (J-H), descontados os efeitos da extinção interestelar na linha de visada, determinada através da emissão estendida no infravermelho distante (IRAS). Estimativas de massa foram feitas para estes candidatos, através da relação massa-luminosidade, para calcular a eficiência de formação estelar de Musca.

  1. Treatment of complex acute proximal humerus fractures using hemiarthroplasty Tratamento das fraturas complexas agudas da extremidade proximal do úmero com o uso de hemiartroplastia

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    Bruno Lobo Brandão


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the clinical and radiological results of hemiarthroplasty for treatment of complex proximal humerus fractures. METHODS: Sixty-seven patients were included, with follow-up of 12 to 62 months. Mean age was 65 years (44 to 88, and 47 patients were female (70%. Clinical assessment was performed using the University of California Los Angeles score (UCLA and measurement of range of motion (ROM according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons criteria. A standardized radiological evaluation was conducted, with special attention to healing and position of tuberosities. Patients were divided into two groups: A (anatomical healing of tuberosities and B (without anatomical healing of tuberosities. Statistical analyses were performed using the t test. Level of significance was set at p OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados funcionais e radiográficos dos pacientes submetidos à hemiartroplastia para tratamento das fraturas complexas da extremidade proximal do úmero. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos 67 pacientes, com seguimento que variou entre 12 e 62 meses. A média de idade foi de 65 anos (44 a 88 e 47 pacientes eram do sexo feminino (70%. Os pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente por meio da avaliação da amplitude de movimentos (ADM e do escore funcional da University of California Los Angeles (UCLA. A avaliação radiográfica foi feita de forma padronizada com divisão dos pacientes em dois grupos: A (consolidação do tubérculo maior em posição anatômica e B (ausência de consolidação anatômica do tubérculo maior. Na análise estatística consideramos significativos os achados com p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: A pontuação média do UCLA foi de 26 pontos, com média de oito pontos para dor e 64 pacientes satisfeitos subjetivamente (96%. Na avaliação da amplitude de movimento (ADM ativa encontramos uma média de 104º de flexão anterior e 36º de rotação lateral. No grupo A, com 33 pacientes, encontramos uma média de 122º de

  2. Caracterização dos ácidos húmicos extraídos de um latossolo vermelho-amarelo e de um podzol por análise termodiferencial e pela espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho

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    V. M. Benites


    Full Text Available A caracterização espectroscópica de substâncias húmicas do solo tem-se desenvolvido aceleradamente durante as últimas décadas. Entretanto, poucos são os trabalhos que associam esta técnica a estudos pedológicos envolvendo diferentes classes de solo, sobretudo em condições tropicais. Os ácidos húmicos extraídos de amostras de diferentes horizontes de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo e de um Podzol, ambos situados na Serra do Brigadeiro, Araponga (MG, foram caracterizados, por meio da espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR e por análise termodiferencial. Os espectros de infravermelho indicaram diferenças qualitativas entre os ácidos húmicos extraídos dos diferentes solos e entre os ácidos húmicos extraídos de diferentes horizontes de um mesmo solo. Observou-se a redução de intensidade dos picos relativos a estruturas alifáticas com o aprofundamento nos perfis, sendo evidentes os picos relativos a polissacarídeos nos horizontes orgânicos. Impurezas minerais foram observadas em todos os espectros de ácido húmico não purificado, indicando a necessidade do processo de purificação. O tratamento com HF-HCl demonstrou-se eficiente na remoção dessas impurezas, tendo os espectros diferenciais de ácidos húmicos antes e depois do processo de purificação apresentado o padrão típico de minerais secundários como caulinita e gibbsita. Após a purificação, observou-se um aumento na intensidade dos picos referentes aos grupos carboxílicos, evidenciando sua participação nas ligações entre os ácidos húmicos e a matriz mineral. A análise termodiferencial indicou maior resistência à termodegradação dos ácidos húmicos extraídos do horizonte Bhs do Podzol, em relação ao ácido húmico extraído do horizonte A do Latossolo, o que concorda com a feição mais aromática do primeiro, revelada pela análise dos espectros de infravermelho.


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    Luciano Farinha Watzlawick


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento metodológico de um sistema imageador, utilizando câmaras de vídeo convencionais e filtros espectrais (verde, vermelho e infravermelho próximo como sensor não-convencional. Esse sensor possui como finalidade realizar mapeamento de áreas florestais. Para tal finalidade, foi realizado um estudo do espectro de cada filtro utilizado bem como o comportamento por ele apresentado nos diversos tipos de alvos. Como resultados, salienta-se a importância da obtenção das imagens quase que em tempo real, custos operacionais baixos, praticidade e operacionalidade do sistema bem como a agilidade de obtenção das imagens, e como desvantagem apresenta o comportamento espectral dos filtros utilizados se sobreporem e a baixa resolução espacial das câmaras VHS, aspectos esses que podem ser solucionados utilizando-se outros tipos de filtros nos mais diversos comprimentos de onda, e a utilização de câmaras S-VHS.

  4. A influência da proximidade tecnológica e geográfica sobre a inovação regional no Brasil The influence of the technological proximity and the geographical proximity on Brazilian regional innovation

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    Eduardo Gonçalves


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar a influência da proximidade geográfica e da proximidade tecnológica sobre a inovação regional no Brasil, medida por depósitos de patentes no período 1999-2001 para mesorregiões geográficas. Para tanto, utilizaram-se técnicas de Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais (AEDE e de econometria espacial. Os dados de patentes foram organizados em quatro clusters tecnológicos segundo critérios de proximidade cognitiva, como biofarmacêutico, desenvolvimento de novos materiais, bens mecânicos e de consumo e tecnologias eletroeletrônicas, revelando um padrão de concentração da atividade tecnológica em poucas mesorregiões brasileiras. Além disso, foi calculada a medida de proximidade tecnológica de Jaffe para ponderar a vizinhança geográfica pelo grau de similaridade tecnológica das mesorregiões. Os resultados confirmam a hipótese de transbordamentos de conhecimento mediados tecnológica e geograficamente.The aim of this paper is to determine the influence of technological proximity and geographical proximity on Brazilian regional innovation, measured by patent applications over the period 1999-2001 for Brazilian geographical mesoregions. First, the paper undertakes an Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA and then uses spatial econometric techniques. According with procedures based on cognitive proximity the patent data are organized into four technological clusters such as chemical and bio-pharmaceutical, new materials, mechanical and process technologies and electrical and electronic technologies. The four aforementioned clusters exhibit a concentrated regional pattern of technological activity over few Brazilian mesoregions. Moreover, the paper uses a Jaffe's measure of technological distance in order to construct a matrix in which the technological similarity is weighted by the geographical proximity. The results corroborate the hypothesis of geographically and technologically

  5. Proximal Humerus

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Diercks, Ron L.; Bain, Gregory; Itoi, Eiji; Di Giacomo, Giovanni; Sugaya, Hiroyuki


    This chapter describes the bony structures of the proximal humerus. The proximal humerus is often regarded as consisting of four parts, which assists in understanding function and, more specially, describes the essential parts in reconstruction after fracture or in joint replacement. These are the


    Costa, Laurence Bedin da; Toneto, Marcelo Garcia; Moreira, Luis Fernando


    os grupos quanto à mortalidade (p=0.661), emprego de quimioterapia adjuvante (p=0.661) e de radioterapia (p=1.000). Entretanto, houve diferença significativa no grau de dissecção linfonodal empregada (p=0.002) e no número de linfonodos positivos ressecados (p=0.038) entre os dois grupos. A razão de chances para morte em cinco anos nos casos de dissecção D0 foi três vezes maior (2,78; IC95% de 1,33 a 5,82) do que a D2, enquanto que para dissecção D1, ela foi apenas 1,41 vezes maior (95%CI 0.71-2.83) quando comparado à D2. Ainda que não se tenha observado diferenças significativas entre o câncer gástrico proximal e o distal, o risco de morte aumentado nos casos de D0 e D1, claramente demonstra o papel preponderante da linfadenectomia radical D2 no tratamento dessa doença.

  7. Modelos de regressão multivariada empregando seleção de intervalos para a quantificação do biodiesel em blendas biodiesel/diesel

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    Marco Flôres Ferrão


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho foram analisados e comparados modelos de regressão multivariados por mínimos quadrados parciais porintervalo (iPLS e por mínimos quadrados parciais por exclusão (biPLS que selecionaram regiões do espectro mais adequadas,retirando informações não relevantes e otimizando o modelo de calibração, a fim de determinar a concentração de biodiesel emblendas de biodiesel/diesel a partir de dados obtidos por espectroscopia no infravermelho por reflectância total atenuada (HATRFTIR.Foram utilizadas 45 amostras de blendas biodiesel/diesel com concentrações de 8 a 30% de biodiesel e os espectros foramadquiridos em dois distintos espectrofotômetros e misturados aleatoriamente para a realização dos modelos, onde foram construídosmodelos para calibração utilizando 2/3 dos espectros das amostras obtendo assim os valores de RMSECV, e o restante dos espectrosforam empregados no conjunto de previsão, obtendo então os valores de RMSEP. Os dados espectrais foram autoescalados (AUTOou centrados na média (MEAN, com ou sem o emprego da correção multiplicativa de sinal (MSC. A utilização dos métodos deseleção das faixas espectrais aplicados aos espectros por ATR se mostrou viável para a quantificação do biodiesel nas blendas, sendoque a utilização da espectroscopia no infravermelho apresenta vantagens como à necessidade de pequena quantidade de amostra ebaixo tempo de análise, além de ser um procedimento não destrutivo e não gerador de resíduos, otimizando assim o processo emquestão.Abstract In the present work multivariate regressionmodels using interval partial least square (iPLS and backwardinterval partial least square (biPLS had been analyzed andcompared. iPLS and biPLS models had been developed todetermine the concentration of biodiesel in blends ofbiodiesel/diesel using infrared spectroscopy signals. 45samples with concentrations in range 8-30% of biodiesel, andtwo distinct spectrophotometers were

  8. Desenvolvimento de filmes poliméricos ultrafinos e reticulados para aplicações em sensores

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    Eliton Souto de Medeiros


    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho propõe um novo método de produção de filmes estáveis para aplicações em sensores baseado na deposição pela técnica de automontagem de poli(o-etoxianilina alternada com fenol-formaldeído (POEA/PF seguida por cura térmica. O processo de reticulação foi caracterizado por espectroscopias no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier e no ultravioleta-visível, microscopia de força atômica e estudos de dessorção; a capacidade sensorial destes filmes foi avaliada através de medidas em sensores. Os resultados mostram que a resina PF serviu como agente de cura e alternante formando uma rede semi-interpenetrante, por conseguinte, filmes mais estáveis foram produzidos. Embora tenha ocorrido uma diminuição da sensibilidade dos sensores com o reticulação, tais filmes são bastante estáveis e podem ser potencialmente usados em sensores, especialmente onde uma maior estabilidade se faz necessária.

  9. Preparação, caracterização da fase estacionária C8, com grupo polar uréia embutido e aplicações na análise e no desenvolvimento e validação de métodos para determinação de fármacos


    Paulo Cesar Pires Rosa


    Resumo: Neste trabalho, desenvolveu-se uma nova fase estacionária (FE) (-NH-C(O)-NH-C8) capeada, contendo o grupo polar uréia inserido na cadeia alquila C8. Os estudos de análise elementar, espectroscopia infravermelho, ressonância magnética nuclear de C e Si confirmaram o sucesso da síntese da FE. A FE foi preparada e foi caracterizada cromatograficamente na separação de misturas testes e de diversas classes de fármacos, no desenvolvimento e validação de métodos para avaliação de misturas de...

  10. Quantificação por NIR/MIR de resina poliuretânica em misturas binárias com nitrocelulose utilizadas em tintas

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    Viviane Cristine Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Foi elaborada uma nova metodologia nas regiões do infravermelho médio (MIR e do infravermelho próximo (NIR, usando-se técnicas de Reflexão e/ou Transmissão para a determinação do teor de resina poliuretânica (PU em misturas binárias com nitrocelulose (NC, utilizadas em formulações de tintas. A técnica de Reflexão Total Atenuada Universal (UATR se mostrou útil na região MIR, para tal fim. Após a avaliação de diferentes bandas analíticas, de referência e de linhas de base, a banda relativa (A1541/ A1645 foi escolhida para a elaboração da curva de calibração, com erro de metodologia de 1,42%. As técnicas de Transmissão e Reflexão (DRIFT foram utilizadas na região NIR (banda relativa A5902/ A5262 para validação, apresentando erros de metodologia de 1,42% e 1,60 %, respectivamente. Todos os erros relativos nas metodologias apresentaram-se dentro dos limites de precisão da análise quantitativa FT-IR, para as condições usadas (≤2%. A análise de amostras teste confirmou a precisão das metodologias desenvolvidas, que também apresentam praticidade, baixo custo e tempo reduzido de análise.

  11. Pulicação de métodos de análise multivariada no controle qualitativo de essências alimentícias empregando espectroscopia no infravermelho médio Using multivariate analysis methods in quality control of food essence by mid-infrared spectroscopy

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    Gilson Augusto Helfer


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho é apresentada uma nova metodologia para a análise qualitativa de essências alimentícias, empregando espectroscopia por reflexão na região do infravermelho médio associada à análise multivariada. Este método apresenta entre suas principais vantagens: a não destruição da amostra e conseqüente não agressão ao ambiente; e a não necessidade de separação prévia dos seus componentes, que resulta em menor tempo de análise e redução de custos. Para tanto, diferentes lotes de amostras de essências alimentícias de baunilha, de leite, de caramelo, de cereja e de morango foram empregadas para a aquisição dos espectros, visando à construção dos modelos e validação do método. Como resultados mais significativos, foi possível observar que o método empregado, não só discrimina as diferentes essências (em função da composição, mas também a origem e uniformidade delas.In the present work a new methodology for the qualitative analysis of food essences is presented, using a mid-infrared spectroscopy associated to the multivaried analysis. This method presents the main advantages: not to destroy the sample, it has a lower cost, it makes the analysis quicker and does not produce residues. Taking this into account, different lots of samples of food essences of vanilla, milk, caramel, cherry and strawberry were used to acquire the specters with the purpose of developing models and validation of the method. Having more significant results, it can be observed that the used method not only discriminates the different essences (due to the composition, but also the origin and uniformity of the same ones.

  12. Metodologia para utilização de câmaras de vídeo em mapeamento florestal

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    Luciano Farinha Watzlawick


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento metodológico de um sistema imageador, utilizando câmaras de vídeo convencionais e filtros espectrais (verde, vermelho e infravermelho próximo como sensor não-convencional. Esse sensor possui como finalidade realizar mapeamento de áreas florestais. Para tal finalidade, foi realizado um estudo do espectro de cada filtro utilizado bem como o comportamento por ele apresentado nos diversos tipos de alvos. Como resultados, salienta-se a importância da obtenção das imagens quase que em tempo real, custos operacionais baixos, praticidade e operacionalidade do sistema bem como a agilidade de obtenção das imagens, e como desvantagem apresenta o comportamento espectral dos filtros utilizados se sobreporem e a baixa resolução espacial das câmaras VHS, aspectos esses que podem ser solucionados utilizando-se outros tipos de filtros nos mais diversos comprimentos de onda, e a utilização de câmaras S-VHS.

  13. Proximal Alternating Direction Method with Relaxed Proximal Parameters for the Least Squares Covariance Adjustment Problem

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    Minghua Xu


    Full Text Available We consider the problem of seeking a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix in a closed convex set to approximate a given matrix. This problem may arise in several areas of numerical linear algebra or come from finance industry or statistics and thus has many applications. For solving this class of matrix optimization problems, many methods have been proposed in the literature. The proximal alternating direction method is one of those methods which can be easily applied to solve these matrix optimization problems. Generally, the proximal parameters of the proximal alternating direction method are greater than zero. In this paper, we conclude that the restriction on the proximal parameters can be relaxed for solving this kind of matrix optimization problems. Numerical experiments also show that the proximal alternating direction method with the relaxed proximal parameters is convergent and generally has a better performance than the classical proximal alternating direction method.

  14. Proximity credentials: A survey

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wright, L.J.


    Credentials as a means of identifying individuals have traditionally been a photo badge and more recently, the coded credential. Another type of badge, the proximity credential, is making inroads in the personnel identification field. This badge can be read from a distance instead of being veiewed by a guard or inserted into a reading device. This report reviews proximity credentials, identifies the companies marketing or developing proximity credentials, and describes their respective credentials. 3 tabs

  15. Proximate composition of Turkish sesame seeds and characterization of their oils

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    Yalçın, Hasan


    Full Text Available A proximate composition of four varieties of Turkish sesame seeds (moisture, ash, protein, oil was determined along with a characterization of their oils (fatty acids, triacylglycerols and desmethylsterols The results of the proximate analysis showed the following contents: moisture, 4,40%; ash, 4,41%; protein, 21,00%; and oil, 54,26%. Oleic and linoleic acids were the major unsaturated fatty acids while palmitic and stearic were the main saturated. The triacylglycerol composition of the sesame oil samples was determined by HPLC and LOL; LOO; PLO; LLL; OOO were the major triglycerides while triacylglycerols containing oleic and linoleic acyl residues comprize 62,45% of the total. The major desmethyl sterols found in sesame seed oils were β-sitosterol, campasterol, stigma-sterol, and Δ-5, avenasterol. Small proportions of cholesterol, clerosterol 5,24 stigmastedienol, Δ-7, stigmastenol and avenasterol were also identified.Se ha evaluado la composición proximal de cuatro variedades de semillas de sésamo de Turquía así como el aceite obtenido mediante extracción en frío con hexano (composición en ácidos grasos, triglicéridos y esteroles. Las composiciones medias de las semillas fueron similares para todas las muestras siendo los valores medios 4,40%, 4,41%, 21,00%, 54,26% para humedad, cenizas, proteínas y aceite, respectivamente. Los ácidos oleico y linoleico fueron los ácidos grasos mayoritarios mientras los ácidos palmítico y estearico fueron los principales ácidos saturados. Los triglicéridos mayoritarios, determinados mediante HPLC fueron LOL; LOO; PLO; LLL y OOO, suponiendo un 62,45% del porcentaje total de los triglicéridos. Los esteroles mayoritarios fueron β-sitosterol, campesterol, estigmasterol, Δ-5, avenasterol, identificándose también pequeñas cantidades de colesterol, clerosterol 5,24 estigmastedienol, Δ-7 estigmastenol y avenasterol.

  16. Avaliação química e termoanalítica de cálculos biliares e bile vesicular humana de pacientes do sexo masculino


    Cláudia Mônica Tortorelli


    Este trabalho teve como meta principal ampliar o estudo anteriormente relatado por Mercuri em 2000, agora com a caracterização química e termoanalítica de cálculos biliares e as biles vesiculares humanas, especificamente, de pacientes do sexo masculino. Para ambos os tipos de caracterização foram utilizadas várias técnicas, como: (a) Análise Elementar (AE), para determinação de teores de C, H e N. (b) Espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), com o objetivo de verifi...

  17. Espectro infrarrojo de [zn(mh34](re042 com substituicion isotópica 14n/15n

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    Claudio Téllez


    Full Text Available The infrared spectra of [Zn(15NH34] (Re042 and the isotopoc shift 14N/15N (Zn-n for the metal-ligand band, is reportedInforma-se o espectro infravermelho do complexo de Zn(II, [Zn(15NH341(Re04 e o deslocamento isotópico 14N/15N, para a banda metal - ligante v(Zn-N.

  18. A proximal point algorithm with generalized proximal distances to BEPs


    Bento, G. C.; Neto, J. X. Cruz; Lopes, J. O.; Soares Jr, P. A.; Soubeyran, A.


    We consider a bilevel problem involving two monotone equilibrium bifunctions and we show that this problem can be solved by a proximal point method with generalized proximal distances. We propose a framework for the convergence analysis of the sequences generated by the algorithm. This class of problems is very interesting because it covers mathematical programs and optimization problems under equilibrium constraints. As an application, we consider the problem of the stability and change dyna...

  19. Espectroscopia de infravermelho na determinação da textura do solo

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    Tatiana Maris Ferraresi


    Full Text Available A aplicação de técnicas espectroscópicas que utilizam a radiação infravermelha (NIRS-Near Infrared Spectroscopy e DRIFTS-Diffuse Reflectance Fourier Transformed Spectroscopy na análise inorgânica do solo tem sido proposta desde a década de 1970, mas até os dias atuais são raros os métodos implementados rotineiramente no Brasil. Isso deve-se à dificuldade em construir modelos de calibração, por meio de métodos estatísticos multivariados, utilizando-se amostras reais de solo, de constituição complexa, que varia geograficamente e de acordo com o manejo. Por isso, os objetivos deste trabalho foram construir modelos de calibração em NIRS e DRIFTS para a quantificação das frações de argila e areia, em amostras de solos de classes diferentes - Latossolo Vermelho (predominante, Nitossolo, Argissolo Vermelho e Neossolo Quartzarênico - e avaliar qual dessas duas técnicas é mais adequada para essa finalidade, assim como a interferência do agrupamento de amostras e da seleção de variáveis espectrais na qualidade desses modelos. Para isso, valores de referência obtidos pelo método do densímetro, método largamente utilizado nos laboratórios de análise de solo, foram correlacionados com valores de absorbância em NIRS e DRIFTS pela ferramenta estatística PLS (Partial Least Squares, obtendo-se altos coeficientes de determinação (R², de 0,95, 0,90 e 0,91 para argila, silte e areia, respectivamente, na validação externa. Isso confirma a aplicabilidade das técnicas espectroscópicas na análise granulométrica do solo para fins agrícolas. O agrupamento das amostras segundo a localização e a seleção de variáveis espectrais pouco influenciou na qualidade dos modelos. A técnica espectroscópica mais indicada para essa finalidade foi a DRIFTS.


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    André Luiz Nascentes Coelho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo, contribuir na difusão e operacionalização das geotecnologias, apresentando os algoritmos para obtenção de temperatura da superfície horizontal Celsius na faixa infravermelho termal do sensor TIRS/Landsat-8, banda 10. A aplicação das equações proporcionou não só identificar os maiores percentuais de temperatura de superfície, em diferentes escalas espaciais, como também, definir o perfil do campo térmico em distintas texturas. Além disso, foi possível comparar, em imagens, a melhoria da resolução espacial do canal infravermelho termal Landsat-8 em relação ao Landsat-5. Tal metodologia possibilita a aplicação em outros intervalos de datas e locais distintos, contribuindo nas pesquisas e no auxílio detomadas de decisões.


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    André Luiz Nascentes Coelho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo, contribuir na difusão e operacionalização das geotecnologias, apresentando os algoritmos para obtenção de temperatura da superfície horizontal Celsius na faixa infravermelho termal do sensor TIRS/Landsat-8, banda 10. A aplicação das equações proporcionou não só identificar os maiores percentuais de temperatura de superfície, em diferentes escalas espaciais, como também, definir o perfil do campo térmico em distintas texturas. Além disso, foi possível comparar, em imagens, a melhoria da resolução espacial do canal infravermelho termal Landsat-8 em relação ao Landsat-5. Tal metodologia possibilita a aplicação em outros intervalos de datas e locais distintos, contribuindo nas pesquisas e no auxílio detomadas de decisões.

  2. Estudo de espalhamento Raman em cristais de L-leucina submetidos a altas temperaturas e a altas pressÃes


    Pedro de Freitas FaÃanha Filho


    Neste trabalho foram realizadas medidas de espalhamento Raman polarizado à temperatura ambiente e medidas de absorÃÃo no infravermelho em cristais do aminoÃcido L-leucina com o objetivo de se determinar os modos normais de vibraÃÃo do material. Para isto, utilizou-se auxiliarmente a classificaÃÃo dos modos normais de vibraÃÃo disponÃveis para outros trÃs aminoÃcidos protÃicos alifÃticos, a L-alanina, a L-Âvalina e a L-isoleucina. Na segunda parte do trabalho estudou-se o comportamento dos mod...


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    Ion Dorin BUMBENECI


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of assimilation for the terms "Proximity Management" and "Proximity Manager", both in the specialized literature and in practice. The study has two parts: the theoretical research of the two terms, and an evaluation of the use of Proximity management in 32 companies in Gorj, Romania. The object of the evaluation resides in 27 companies with less than 50 employees and 5 companies with more than 50 employees.

  4. Emprego do ultra-som modo B e com efeito Doppler, termômetro infravermelho e medidas antropométricas na avaliação de uma formulação cosmética anticelulítica contendo extrato hidroglicólico de Trichilia catigua e Ptychopetalum olacoides Bentham


    Idalina Maria Nunes Salgado Reis dos Santos


    Hidrolipodistrofia ginóide (H.L.D.G.), a celulite, é comumente tratada com cosméticos contendo extratos vegetais. O estudo realizado foi: ultra-sonografia na avaliação da espessura da hipoderme e a microcirculação cutânea; uso de termômetro infravermelho na medida da temperatura e análise das medidas antropométricas da uma formulação cosmética anticelulítica contendo extrato hidroglicólico de Trichilia catigua e Ptychopetalum olacoides Bentham (catuaba e marapuama). Foram realizadas medidas i...

  5. Proximal tubular hypertrophy and enlarged glomerular and proximal tubular urinary space in obese subjects with proteinuria.

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    Ana Tobar

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Obesity is associated with glomerular hyperfiltration, increased proximal tubular sodium reabsorption, glomerular enlargement and renal hypertrophy. A single experimental study reported an increased glomerular urinary space in obese dogs. Whether proximal tubular volume is increased in obese subjects and whether their glomerular and tubular urinary spaces are enlarged is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether proximal tubules and glomerular and tubular urinary space are enlarged in obese subjects with proteinuria and glomerular hyperfiltration. METHODS: Kidney biopsies from 11 non-diabetic obese with proteinuria and 14 non-diabetic lean patients with a creatinine clearance above 50 ml/min and with mild or no interstitial fibrosis were retrospectively analyzed using morphometric methods. The cross-sectional area of the proximal tubular epithelium and lumen, the volume of the glomerular tuft and of Bowman's space and the nuclei number per tubular profile were estimated. RESULTS: Creatinine clearance was higher in the obese than in the lean group (P=0.03. Proteinuria was similarly increased in both groups. Compared to the lean group, the obese group displayed a 104% higher glomerular tuft volume (P=0.001, a 94% higher Bowman's space volume (P=0.003, a 33% higher cross-sectional area of the proximal tubular epithelium (P=0.02 and a 54% higher cross-sectional area of the proximal tubular lumen (P=0.01. The nuclei number per proximal tubular profile was similar in both groups, suggesting that the increase in tubular volume is due to hypertrophy and not to hyperplasia. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity-related glomerular hyperfiltration is associated with proximal tubular epithelial hypertrophy and increased glomerular and tubular urinary space volume in subjects with proteinuria. The expanded glomerular and urinary space is probably a direct consequence of glomerular hyperfiltration. These effects may be involved in the pathogenesis of obesity

  6. Fractures of the proximal humerus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brorson, Stig


    Fractures of the proximal humerus have been diagnosed and managed since the earliest known surgical texts. For more than four millennia the preferred treatment was forceful traction, closed reduction, and immobilization with linen soaked in combinations of oil, honey, alum, wine, or cerate......, classification of proximal humeral fractures remains a challenge for the conduct, reporting, and interpretation of clinical trials. The evidence for the benefits of surgery in complex fractures of the proximal humerus is weak. In three systematic reviews I studied the outcome after locking plate osteosynthesis...


    NARCIS (Netherlands)



    This study completes the investigation of the phase behaviour of polymer blends involving styrene (S), ortho-fluoro styrene (oFS) and para-fluoro styrene (pFS). As before, due to the proximity of the glass transition temperatures of most blends investigated, the miscibility or immiscibility is

  8. Utilização de planejamento experimental no estudo para imobilização de lodo galvânico em cerâmica vermelha para minimização de impactos ambientais

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    R. D. C. da Rocha

    Full Text Available Resumo O trabalho proposto tem como objetivo avaliar por meio de planejamento estatístico a incorporação de um resíduo de galvanoplastia (lodo com metais altamente poluidores, como o cromo em cerâmica vermelha, para a redução em seu armazenamento e a diminuição de sua contaminação ao meio ambiente e ao homem. Para isso, o lodo galvânico e a argila utilizada foram caracterizados quanto à densidade, caracterização visual, pH, umidade, matéria orgânica total, quantidade de cromo presente, espectroscopia de infravermelho e análise térmica (TG/DTA. Para avaliação do processo de produção do cerâmico foi realizado um planejamento fatorial 23 (dois níveis e pontos centrais em que as variáveis independentes foram concentração de lodo na massa, temperatura de secagem e temperatura de queima. As variáveis dependentes foram absorção de água, lixiviação do cromo, solubilidade de resíduos e retração linear, conforme seus limites estabelecidos. Analisando os resultados obtidos nas caracterizações dos corpos de prova, pôde-se identificar, após a verificação junto às normas vigentes, que houve duas concentrações de lodo na mistura dentro da maioria destas conformidades (5 e 15%, com exceção do teste de solubilização, onde todos apresentaram valores acima do limite permitido. Por meio dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se a possibilidade de desenvolver produtos de cerâmica aditivados com lodo galvânico, porém nas faixas das variáveis independentes estudadas não foi possível a inertização do cromo.

  9. Initial outcome and efficacy of S3 proximal humerus locking plate in the treatment of proximal humerus fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Zhiming; Zhu Xuesong; Bao Zhaohua; Yang Huilin


    Objective: to explore the initial outcome and efficacy of S 3 proximal humerus locking plate in the treatment of proximal humerus fractures. Methods: Twenty-two patients with proximal humerus fracture were treated with the S 3 proximal humerus locking plate. Most of the fractures were complex, two-part (n=4), three-part (n=11) and four-part (n=7) fractures according to the Neer classification of the proximal humerus fractures. Results: All patients were followed up for 3∼15 months. There were no complications related to the implant including loosening or breakage of the plate. Good and excellent results were documented in 17 patients fair results in 4 patients according the Neer scores of shoulder. Conclusion: New design concepts of S 3 proximal humerus plate provide the subchondral support and the internal fixation support. With the addition of the proper exercise of the shoulder joint, the outcomes would be satisfied. (authors)


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    Marcia Werlang


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho utilizou-se a Transformada Discreta Ondaleta (TDO Daubechies, com 4 coeficientes (Daub4, para compactar a dimensão da matriz de dados espectrais, obtidos por espectroscopia no infravemelho com transformada de Fourier, através da reflectância total atenuada (FTIR-ATR de amostras de polióis de óleo de soja, visando a determinação do valor de hidroxilas (VOH. Através dos modelos de regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS, comparou-se o desempenho de cada um dos 5 conjuntos de dados compactados, com o original e/ou entre eles. O conjunto de dados dos espectros de polióis, compactado a 1/4 da sua dimensão original, foi considerado como o mais robusto apresentando um RMSEP 20,28% menor que o modelo com os espectros não compactados e uma correlação semelhante. Esse resultado implicou em um modelo de dimensões menores com a mesma capacidade preditiva, assim a TDO (Daub4, mostra ser um método robusto para a redução da dimensão da matriz de dados espectrais, quando pretende-se construir modelos de regressão multivariados.

  11. Preliminary study on leadership proximity

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    Ghinea Valentina Mihaela


    Full Text Available In general, it is agreed that effective leadership requires a certain degree of proximity, either physical or mental, which enables leaders to maintain control over their followers and communicate their vision. Although we agree with the leadership proximity principles which states that leaders are able to efficiently serve only those people with whom they interact frequently, in this article we focus instead on the disadvantages of being too close and the way in which close proximity can actually hurt the effectiveness of leadership. The main effects that we discuss regard the way in which proximity and familiarity allow followers to see the weaknesses and faults of the leader much more easily and thus diminish the leader’s heroic aura, and the emotional bias that results from a leader being too familiar with his followers which will impede the process of rational decision making. As a result, we argue that there exists a functional proximity which allows the leader the necessary space in which to perform effective identity work and to hide the backstage aspects of leadership, while also allowing him an emotional buffer zone which will enable him to maintain the ability to see clearly and make rational decisions.

  12. Estimativas do albedo em três ecossistemas da floresta amazônica Estimation of albedo in three ecosystems of the Amazon forest

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    Mário de M. V. B. R. Leitão


    Full Text Available Os albedos relativos às radiações de ondas curtas, infravermelho e fotossinteticamente ativa foram estimados para três ecossistemas da floresta amazônica. A pesquisa foi conduzida nas áreas de Campina e Campinarana, na Reserva Biológica de Campina, localizada no quilômetro 46 da rodovia BR-174 (2º 34'S; 60º 02'W, que liga Manaus a Caracaraí e na área de Mata Densa, na Reserva Florestal Ducke (2º 57'S; 59º 57'W. Para obtenção dos dados nos diferentes tipos de vegetação, foi instalado, numa torre metálica, um conjunto de sensores para medir radiações de ondas curtas, infravermelho e fotossinteticamente ativa, incidentes e refletidas sobre os dosséis vegetativos, além de sensores para medir radiações de ondas curtas incidente, de ondas curtas refletida e fotossinteticamente ativa, próximo à superfície do solo dos dosséis. Para a aquisição dos dados foram utilizados quatro microloggers, os quais foram programados para efetuarem, no período das 5 h 51 min às 18 h, leituras a cada segundo e médias a cada minuto. Os resultados mostraram que os albedos de ondas curtas, infravermelho e radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (PAR, nos três tipos de vegetação, podem ser estimados em função do ângulo de elevação do sol, com boa precisão para qualquer instante do dia.The albedos of shortwave, infrared and photosynthetically active radiations (PAR were estimated for three ecosystems of the Amazon forest. The research was conducted in the areas of Campina and Campinarana of the Biological Reserve of Campina, located at km 46, on Highway BR-174 which connects Manaus and Caracarai (2º 34'S; 60º 2'W and in the area of "Mata Densa" in the Ducke Forest Reserve (2º 57'S; 59º 57'W. A metallic tower, with set of sensors for measuring the incident and canopy reflected shortwave, infrared and photosynthetically active radiations was installed over each of the above mentioned canopies. Similar sensors were also installed at

  13. Feições Oceanográficas em Imagens MODIS na Condição de Sunglint: Exemplos para a Costa Sudeste Brasileira

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    Lucas Barbedo de Freitas

    Full Text Available Resumo Imagens ópticas e no infravermelho-próximo adquiridas por sensores remotos em condição de reflexão especular bidirecional entre o sol, a superfície do mar e o sensor (condição de sunglint podem ser utilizadas para identificar filmes, feições, processos oceanográficos e meteorológicos atuantes sobre a superfície marinha. Imagens do sensor orbital Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS em condição de sunglint na plataforma continental sudeste brasileira foram processadas e analisadas, permitindo identificar feições como a borda Oeste da Corrente do Brasil, meandramentos e vórtices de mesoescala, ondas internas solitárias, rolos atmosféricos e filmes superficiais de origem biogênica e mineral. Uma correção atmosférica mais apropriada para detecção de feições no sunglint é aprensentada, assim como, detalhes sobre a geometria de aquisição. A dependência geométrica do sunglint torna sua ocorrência mais favorável entre outubro e fevereiro na região de estudo quando ocorrem zênites solares mais propícios. Os mecanismos e processos que permitem identificar estas feições no sunglint foram descritos e ilustrados. A partir deste entendimento, as complexas feições identificadas podem ser interpretadas e aplicadas na oceanografia operacional e detecção de vazamentos de óleo na superfície do mar, bem como, para melhorar nosso entendimento sobre os processos físicos e biológicos do meio marinho.

  14. ProxImaL: efficient image optimization using proximal algorithms

    KAUST Repository

    Heide, Felix; Diamond, Steven; Nieß ner, Matthias; Ragan-Kelley, Jonathan; Heidrich, Wolfgang; Wetzstein, Gordon


    domain-specific language and compiler for image optimization problems that makes it easy to experiment with different problem formulations and algorithm choices. The language uses proximal operators as the fundamental building blocks of a variety

  15. Métodos para avaliação das emissões de gases do efeito estufa no sistema solo-atmosfera

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    Costa Falberni de Souza


    Full Text Available A escolha do método para avaliar as emissões de gases do efeito estufa (GEE é uma etapa importante para o conhecimento e/ou desenvolvimento de práticas agrícolas com potencial de mitigação do aquecimento global. A presente revisão tem por objetivo apresentar vantagens e limitações de métodos utilizados para quantificação dos fluxos de dióxido de carbono (CO2, metano (CH4 e óxido nitroso (N2O no sistema solo-atmosfera. O balanço dos estoques de C orgânico no solo em sistemas conservacionistas de manejo permite avaliar o influxo líquido anual de C-CO2 atmosférico no solo em comparação a sistemas de manejo convencional. Maior sensibilidade na determinação direta das emissões de CO2 in situ pode ser obtida pelo uso de câmaras sobre o solo. Nesse caso, podem ser determinadas taxas diárias com o método da captura do CO2 em solução alcalina e quantificação por titulação, e taxas horárias com o uso de analisadores automáticos de infravermelho ou cromatógrafos a gás. Pelo uso de cromatografia, é possível também a avaliação das emissões de N2O e CH4 os quais apresentam, respectivamente, potencial de aquecimento global 296 e 23 vezes superior ao do CO2. A análise dos três GEE é necessária quando se objetiva avaliar o potencial de um dado sistema de manejo na mitigação do aquecimento global, o qual pode ser expresso em C equivalente.


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    Sylvio Mistro Neto


    Full Text Available Objective : To evaluate the quality of life related to the spine in patients with proximal femoral fractures. Methods : Study conducted in a tertiary public hospital in patients with proximal femoral fractures caused by low-energy trauma, through the Oswestry Disability Index questionnaire to asses complaints related to the spine at the time of life prior to the femoral fracture. The thoracic and lumbar spine of patients were also evaluated applying the radiographic index described by Gennant (Spinal Deformity Index, which assesses the number and severity of fractures. Results : Seventeen subjects completed the study. All had some degree of vertebral fracture. Patients were classified in the categories of severe and very severe disability in the questionnaire about quality of life. It was found that the higher SDI, the better the quality of life. Conclusion : There is a strong association of disability related to the spine in patients with proximal femoral fracture, and this complaint must be systematically evaluated in patients with appendicular fracture.

  17. Avaliação do uso de técnicas PIR-G/FT-IR para caracterização de elastômeros Evaluation of PIR-G/FT-IR techniques for characterization of elastomers

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    Natália B. Sanches


    Full Text Available A técnica de pirólise gasosa, em bico de Bunsen, para análise por espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (PIR-G/FT-IR foi aplicada a diferentes borrachas, incluindo algumas misturas. Foi observado que é possível diferenciar os tipos de elastômeros por meio de análise de produtos gasosos de pirólise, inclusive aqueles que apresentam espectros IR de pirolisados líquidos similares, como é o caso de CIIR e BIIR, NR/SBR e EPDM/SBR, SBR/BR e SBR.Pyrolysis and infrared spectroscopy (PIR-G/FT-IR were used for investigating gaseous products of rubber. The results show that this method was suitable to identify different elastomers and elastomer blends, including rubbers that present similar IR spectra of pyrolysed liquid products such as CIIR and BIIR, NR/SBR and EPDM/SBR, SBR/BR and SBR.

  18. ProxImaL: efficient image optimization using proximal algorithms

    KAUST Repository

    Heide, Felix


    Computational photography systems are becoming increasingly diverse, while computational resources-for example on mobile platforms-are rapidly increasing. As diverse as these camera systems may be, slightly different variants of the underlying image processing tasks, such as demosaicking, deconvolution, denoising, inpainting, image fusion, and alignment, are shared between all of these systems. Formal optimization methods have recently been demonstrated to achieve state-of-the-art quality for many of these applications. Unfortunately, different combinations of natural image priors and optimization algorithms may be optimal for different problems, and implementing and testing each combination is currently a time-consuming and error-prone process. ProxImaL is a domain-specific language and compiler for image optimization problems that makes it easy to experiment with different problem formulations and algorithm choices. The language uses proximal operators as the fundamental building blocks of a variety of linear and nonlinear image formation models and cost functions, advanced image priors, and noise models. The compiler intelligently chooses the best way to translate a problem formulation and choice of optimization algorithm into an efficient solver implementation. In applications to the image processing pipeline, deconvolution in the presence of Poisson-distributed shot noise, and burst denoising, we show that a few lines of ProxImaL code can generate highly efficient solvers that achieve state-of-the-art results. We also show applications to the nonlinear and nonconvex problem of phase retrieval.

  19. Proximal Probes Facility (United States)

    Federal Laboratory Consortium — The Proximal Probes Facility consists of laboratories for microscopy, spectroscopy, and probing of nanostructured materials and their functional properties. At the...

  20. Neighborhoods and manageable proximity

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    Stavros Stavrides


    Full Text Available The theatricality of urban encounters is above all a theatricality of distances which allow for the encounter. The absolute “strangeness” of the crowd (Simmel 1997: 74 expressed, in its purest form, in the absolute proximity of a crowded subway train, does not generally allow for any movements of approach, but only for nervous hostile reactions and submissive hypnotic gestures. Neither forced intersections in the course of pedestrians or vehicles, nor the instantaneous crossing of distances by the technology of live broadcasting and remote control give birth to places of encounter. In the forced proximity of the metropolitan crowd which haunted the city of the 19th and 20th century, as well as in the forced proximity of the tele-presence which haunts the dystopic prospect of the future “omnipolis” (Virilio 1997: 74, the necessary distance, which is the stage of an encounter between different instances of otherness, is dissipated.

  1. Digital contrast subtraction radiography for proximal caries diagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Byung Cheol; Yoon, Suk Ja


    To determine whether subtraction images utilizing contrast media can improve the diagnostic performance of proximal caries diagnosis compared to conventional periapical radiographic images. Thirty-six teeth with 57 proximal surfaces were radiographied using a size no.2 RVG-ui sensor (Trophy Radiology, Marne-la-Vallee, France). The teeth immersed in water-soluble contrast media and subtraction images were taken. Each tooth was then sectioned for histologic examination. The digital radiographic images and subtraction images were examined and interpreted by three dentists for proximal caries. The results of the proximal caries diagnosis were then verified with the results of the histologic examination. The proximal caries sensitivity using digital subtraction radiography was significantly higher than simply examining a single digital radiograph. The sensitivity of the proximal dentinal carious lesion when analyzed with the subtraction radiograph and the radiograph together was higher than with the subtraction radiograph or the radiograph alone. The use of subtraction radiography with contrast media may be useful for detecting proximal dentinal carious lesions.

  2. Infrared thermometry to schedule irrigation of common bean Termometria ao infravermelho na programação da irrigação de feijoeiro

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    Francisco de Almeida Lobo


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to determine the critical irrigation time for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca using infrared thermometry. Five treatments were analyzed. Canopy temperature differences between plants and a well-watered control about 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5±0.5ºC were tested. Physiological variables and plant growth were analyzed to establish the best time to irrigate. There was a significant linear correlation between the index and stomatal resistance, transpiration rate, and leaf water potential. Although significant linear correlation between the index and mean values of total dry matter, absolute growth rate, and leaf area index was found, no correlation was found with other growth index like relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, and leaf area ratio. Plants irrigated when their canopy temperature was 3±0.5ºC above the control had their relative growth rate mean value increased up to 59.7%, yielding 2,260.2 kg ha-1, with a reduction of 38.0% in the amount of water used. Plants irrigated when their canopy temperature was 4±0.5ºC yielded 1,907.6 kg ha-1, although their relative growth rate mean value was 4.0% below the control. These results show that the best moment to irrigate common bean is when their canopy temperature is between 3ºC and 4±0.5ºC above the control.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o momento crítico para efetuar a irrigação do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca utilizando a termometria ao infravermelho. Foram analisados cinco tratamentos. As diferenças entre a temperatura foliar das plantas e a de um controle mantido bem irrigado testadas foram de 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5±0,5ºC. Foram analisadas variáveis fisiológicas e de crescimento para identificar o melhor momento de irrigação. Encontrou-se uma correlação linear significativa entre o índice empregado e a resistência estomática, a taxa transpiratória e o potencial hídrico foliar. Embora tenha-se verificado uma

  3. Calculus Rules for V-Proximal Subdifferentials in Smooth Banach Spaces

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    Messaoud Bounkhel


    Full Text Available In 2010, Bounkhel et al. introduced new proximal concepts (analytic proximal subdifferential, geometric proximal subdifferential, and proximal normal cone in reflexive smooth Banach spaces. They proved, in p-uniformly convex and q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces, the density theorem for the new concepts of proximal subdifferential and various important properties for both proximal subdifferential concepts and the proximal normal cone concept. In this paper, we establish calculus rules (fuzzy sum rule and chain rule for both proximal subdifferentials and we prove the Bishop-Phelps theorem for the proximal normal cone. The limiting concept for both proximal subdifferentials and for the proximal normal cone is defined and studied. We prove that both limiting constructions coincide with the Mordukhovich constructions under some assumptions on the space. Applications to nonconvex minimisation problems and nonconvex variational inequalities are established.

  4. Super-Relaxed ( -Proximal Point Algorithms, Relaxed ( -Proximal Point Algorithms, Linear Convergence Analysis, and Nonlinear Variational Inclusions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agarwal RaviP


    Full Text Available We glance at recent advances to the general theory of maximal (set-valued monotone mappings and their role demonstrated to examine the convex programming and closely related field of nonlinear variational inequalities. We focus mostly on applications of the super-relaxed ( -proximal point algorithm to the context of solving a class of nonlinear variational inclusion problems, based on the notion of maximal ( -monotonicity. Investigations highlighted in this communication are greatly influenced by the celebrated work of Rockafellar (1976, while others have played a significant part as well in generalizing the proximal point algorithm considered by Rockafellar (1976 to the case of the relaxed proximal point algorithm by Eckstein and Bertsekas (1992. Even for the linear convergence analysis for the overrelaxed (or super-relaxed ( -proximal point algorithm, the fundamental model for Rockafellar's case does the job. Furthermore, we attempt to explore possibilities of generalizing the Yosida regularization/approximation in light of maximal ( -monotonicity, and then applying to first-order evolution equations/inclusions.

  5. Biomechanical evaluation of straight antegrade nailing in proximal humeral fractures: the rationale of the "proximal anchoring point". (United States)

    Euler, Simon A; Petri, Maximilian; Venderley, Melanie B; Dornan, Grant J; Schmoelz, Werner; Turnbull, Travis Lee; Plecko, Michael; Kralinger, Franz S; Millett, Peter J


    Varus failure is one of the most common failure modes following surgical treatment of proximal humeral fractures. Straight antegrade nails (SAN) theoretically provide increased stability by anchoring to the densest zone of the proximal humerus (subchondral zone) with the end of the nail. The aim of this study was to biomechanically investigate the characteristics of this "proximal anchoring point" (PAP). We hypothesized that the PAP would improve stability compared to the same construct without the PAP. Straight antegrade humeral nailing was performed in 20 matched pairs of human cadaveric humeri for a simulated unstable two-part fracture. Biomechanical testing, with stepwise increasing cyclic axial loading (50-N increments each 100 cycles) at an angle of 20° abduction revealed significantly higher median loads to failure for SAN constructs with the PAP (median, 450 N; range, 200-1.000 N) compared to those without the PAP (median, 325 N; range, 100-500 N; p = 0.009). SAN constructs with press-fit proximal extensions (endcaps) showed similar median loads to failure (median, 400 N; range, 200-650 N), when compared to the undersized, commercially available SAN endcaps (median, 450 N; range, 200-600 N; p = 0.240). The PAP provided significantly increased stability in SAN constructs compared to the same setup without this additional proximal anchoring point. Varus-displacing forces to the humeral head were superiorly reduced in this setting. This study provides biomechanical evidence for the "proximal anchoring point's" rationale. Straight antegrade humeral nailing may be beneficial for patients undergoing surgical treatment for unstable proximal humeral fractures to decrease secondary varus displacement and thus potentially reduce revision rates.

  6. Monitorando a degradação da poliamida 11 (PA-11 via espectroscopia na região do infravermelho médio com transformada de fourier (FTIR Monitoring the degradation of polyamide 11 (PA-11 via fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eloilson Domingos


    Full Text Available O potencial da técnica de espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier e acessório de reflexão total atenuada (FTIR-ATR foi avaliado para o monitoramento da degradação da poliamida 11 (PA-11 usada em dutos flexíveis. As amostras foram submetidas a envelhecimento em reatores com pressão controlada e atmosfera inerte. Os corpos de prova foram imersos em água deionizada (pH 7, nas temperaturas de 110, 120 e 140 ºC por um período de até 50 dias. A técnica recomendada para monitoramento da degradação da PA-11 é a viscosimetria, através de medidas da viscosidade inerente corrigida (VIC e a análise termogravimétrica (TGA. O comportamento observado para a VIC e TGA durante o envelhecimento possibilitou a construção de modelos que correlacionam com a técnica de FTIR-ATR. A partir dos resultados de FTIR-ATR, a variação na intensidade da banda atribuída à fase amorfa, 1161 cm-1, possibilitou o monitoramento do envelhecimento quando associamos a técnica a modelos quimiométricos como o de regressão dos mínimos quadrados parciais, PLS. Portanto, a técnica FTIR-ATR pode ser uma nova alternativa no monitoramento da degradação hidrolítica da PA-11, eliminando assim o uso de solventes orgânicos tóxicos e reduzindo, consequentemente, o tempo de análise.The potential of the infrared spectroscopy with the attenuated total reflection technique (FTIR-ATR was evaluated to monitor degradation of polyamide 11, PA-11, applied in flexible pipes. The samples were subjected to aging on reactors with controlled pressure and atmosphere. The samples were immersed in deionized water, pH 7, at temperatures of 110, 120 and 140 ºC over a period of up to 50 days. The typical technique recommended for monitoring PA-11 degradation is viscometry from inherent viscosity corrected (VIC and thermogravimetric (TGA measurements. TGA and VIC results allowed the use of chemometric models that can be related to FTIR-ATR spectra, with

  7. Monitorando a degradação da poliamida 11 (PA-11 via espectroscopia na região do infravermelho médio com transformada de fourier (FTIR Monitoring the degradation of polyamide 11 (PA-11 via fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eloilson Domingos


    Full Text Available O potencial da técnica de espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier e acessório de reflexão total atenuada (FTIR-ATR foi avaliado para o monitoramento da degradação da poliamida 11 (PA-11 usada em dutos flexíveis. As amostras foram submetidas a envelhecimento em reatores com pressão controlada e atmosfera inerte. Os corpos de prova foram imersos em água deionizada (pH 7, nas temperaturas de 110, 120 e 140 ºC por um período de até 50 dias. A técnica recomendada para monitoramento da degradação da PA-11 é a viscosimetria, através de medidas da viscosidade inerente corrigida (VIC e a análise termogravimétrica (TGA. O comportamento observado para a VIC e TGA durante o envelhecimento possibilitou a construção de modelos que correlacionam com a técnica de FTIR-ATR. A partir dos resultados de FTIR-ATR, a variação na intensidade da banda atribuída à fase amorfa, 1161 cm-1, possibilitou o monitoramento do envelhecimento quando associamos a técnica a modelos quimiométricos como o de regressão dos mínimos quadrados parciais, PLS. Portanto, a técnica FTIR-ATR pode ser uma nova alternativa no monitoramento da degradação hidrolítica da PA-11, eliminando assim o uso de solventes orgânicos tóxicos e reduzindo, consequentemente, o tempo de análise.The potential of the infrared spectroscopy with the attenuated total reflection technique (FTIR-ATR was evaluated to monitor degradation of polyamide 11, PA-11, applied in flexible pipes. The samples were subjected to aging on reactors with controlled pressure and atmosphere. The samples were immersed in deionized water, pH 7, at temperatures of 110, 120 and 140 ºC over a period of up to 50 days. The typical technique recommended for monitoring PA-11 degradation is viscometry from inherent viscosity corrected (VIC and thermogravimetric (TGA measurements. TGA and VIC results allowed the use of chemometric models that can be related to FTIR-ATR spectra, with

  8. Proposta para padronização do relatório de tomografia computadorizada nos aneurismas da aorta abdominal A proposal for standardizing computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fabiola Goda Torlai


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Propor um modelo de padronização de relatório para aneurisma da aorta abdominal na tomografia computadorizada. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas, no período de abril a outubro de 2004, entrevistas com integrantes da Disciplina de Cirurgia Vascular da nossa instituição, para elaboração de um modelo de padronização de relatório de tomografia computadorizada para o estudo do aneurisma da aorta abdominal. A partir deste modelo foi elaborado um questionário, enviado a nove outros cirurgiões, todos com experiência em cirurgia da aorta abdominal. O índice de resposta aos questionários foi de 55,5% (5/9. RESULTADOS: Os parâmetros de interesse citados mais freqüentemente para a avaliação dos aneurismas de aorta abdominal foram: diâmetro máximo do colo proximal, extensão do colo proximal até a artéria renal mais baixa, forma do colo proximal, diâmetro máximo do aneurisma e diâmetro das artérias ilíacas comuns. Estes dados permitiram elaborar uma proposta de modelo para padronização de relatório na tomografia computadorizada. CONCLUSÃO: Um modelo para a análise tomográfica padronizada do aneurisma de aorta abdominal permite atender às necessidades dos cirurgiões vasculares para acompanhar a evolução e planejar o tratamento destes pacientes.OBJECTIVE: To propose a model to standardize computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Interviews were carried out with members of Vascular Surgery Division of our institution, in the period between April and October 2004, aiming at developing a standardized model of computed tomography reports on abdominal aortic aneurysms. Based on this model, a questionnaire was elaborated and sent to other nine surgeons, all of them experienced in the field of abdominal aortic surgery. The questionnaires response rate was 55.5% (5/9. RESULTS: The most frequently mentioned parameters of interest for evaluation of abdominal aortic aneurysms

  9. Giant proximity effect in ferromagnetic bilayers (United States)

    Ramos, Silvia; Charlton, Tim; Quintanilla, Jorge; Suter, Andreas; Moodera, Jagadeesh; Prokscha, Thomas; Salman, Zaher; Forgan, Ted


    The proximity effect is a phenomenon where an ordered state leaks from a material into an adjacent one over some finite distance, ξ. For superconductors, this distance is ~ the coherence length. Nevertheless much longer-range, ``giant'' proximity effects have been observed in cuprate junctions. This surprising effect can be understood as a consequence of critical opalescence. Since this occurs near all second order phase transitions, giant proximity effects should be very general and, in particular, they should be present in magnetic systems. The ferromagnetic proximity effect has the advantage that its order parameter (magnetization) can be observed directly. We investigate the above phenomenon in Co/EuS bilayer films, where both materials undergo ferromagnetic transitions but at rather different temperatures (bulk TC of 1400K for Co and 16.6K for EuS). A dramatic increase in the range of the proximity effect is expected near the TC of EuS. We present the results of our measurements of the magnetization profiles as a function of temperature, carried out using the complementary techniques of low energy muon rotation and polarized neutron reflectivity. Work supported by EPSRC, STFC and ONR grant N00014-09-1-0177 and NSF grant DMR 0504158.

  10. Quantum Proximity Resonances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heller, E.J.


    It is well known that at long wavelengths λ an s-wave scatterer can have a scattering cross section σ on the order of λ 2 , much larger than its physical size, as measured by the range of its potential. Very interesting phenomena can arise when two or more identical scatterers are placed close together, well within one wavelength. We show that, for a pair of identical scatterers, an extremely narrow p-wave open-quote open-quote proximity close-quote close-quote resonance develops from a broader s-wave resonance of the individual scatterers. A new s-wave resonance of the pair also appears. The relation of these proximity resonances (so called because they appear when the scatterers are close together) to the Thomas and Efimov effects is discussed. copyright 1996 The American Physical Society

  11. Early results for treatment of two- and three-part fractures of the proximal humerus using Contours PHP (proximal humeral plate). (United States)

    Biazzo, Alessio; Cardile, Carlo; Brunelli, Luca; Ragni, Paolo; Clementi, Daniele


    The management of displaced 2- and 3-part fractures of the proximal humerus is controversial, both in younger and in elderly patients. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the functional results of the Contours Proximal Humerus Plate (OrthofixR, Bussolengo,Verona, Italy), for the treatment of displaced 2- and 3-part fractures of the proximal humerus. We retrospectively reviewed 55 patients with proximal humerus fractures, who underwent osteosynthesis with Contours Proximal Humerus Plate from December 2011 to March 2015. We had 21 patients with 2-part fractures and with an average age of 67.1 years and 34 patients with 3-part fractures, with average age of 63.6 years. The average union time was 3 months. The mean Constant score was 67 for 2-part fracture group and 64.9 for 3-part fracture group. The difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.18). The overall complication rate was 14.5 %. Six patients underwent additional surgery (10.9%). The most frequent major complication was secondary loss of reduction following varus collapse of the fracture (2 cases). In these patients, there was loss of medial hinge integrity due to impaction and osteoporosis. The placement of the main locking screw in the calcar area to provide inferomedial support is the rational of the Contours Proximal Humerus Plate. Osteosynthesis with Contours Proximal Humerus Plate is a safe system for treating displaced 2- and 3-part fractures of the proximal humerus, with good functional results and complication rates comparable to those reported in the literature.

  12. Effect of intertrochanteric osteotomy on the proximal femur of rabbits: assessment with power Doppler sonography and scintigraphy Efeito da osteotomia intertrocantérica no femur proximal de coelhos: avaliação com utra-sonografia power Doppler e cintilografia

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    Andrea S. Doria


    area unit.OBJETIVO: Regeneração em casos de lesão óssea resulta em aumento da vascularização local e remodelamento da medula óssea adjacente. A caracterização imagenológica de padrões vasculares e metabólicos no fêmur proximal após uma osteotomia intertrocantérica pode auxiliar ortopedistas a decidirem qual a terapêutica mais apropriada. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações temporais observadas por ultra-sonografia Doppler e cintilografia no fêmur proximal após a realização de uma osteotomia intertrocantérica; e comparar achados imagenológicos e histomorfométricos no estágio pós-operatório tardio (6 semanas após a cirurgia num modelo animal de lesão óssea. MATERIAIS AND MÉTODOS: Ambos os quadris de 12 coelhos adultos foram examinados por ultra-sonografia power Doppler e cintilografia antes e após (7 dias e 6 semanas uma osteotomia unilateral. A acurácia dos métodos de imagem foi avaliada usando-se o status operatório dos quadris and os resultados histomorfométricos (área vascular fracional e número de vasos/unidade de área como medidas de referência. RESULTADOS: Uma diferença significativa foi observada entre o número médio de pixels presentes no fêmur proximal operado e não-operado ao exame de power Doppler obtido no estágio pós-operatório tardio (P=0.049. Embora ser atingir significância estatística, a área abaixo da curva ("area-under-the-curve" dos exames de power Doppler (AUC=0.99 for numericamente superior à área abaixo da curva dos exames de cintilografia (AUC= 0.857±0.099 (P=0.15 para diferenciar fêmures proximais com relação a suas áreas vasculares fracionais no estágio pós-operatório tardio. Ao contrário, a cintilografia tendeu a apresentar uma "performance" diagnóstica superior (AUC=0.984±0.022 em relação ao Doppler (AUC=0.746±0.131 para demonstrar a quantidade de vasos por unidade de área (P=0.07 no estágio tardio. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados despertam a importância de

  13. Proximal Hamstring Tendinosis and Partial Ruptures. (United States)

    Startzman, Ashley N; Fowler, Oliver; Carreira, Dominic


    Proximal hamstring tendinosis and partial hamstring origin ruptures are painful conditions of the proximal thigh and hip that may occur in the acute, chronic, or acute on chronic setting. Few publications exist related to their diagnosis and management. This systematic review discusses the incidence, treatment, and prognosis of proximal hamstring tendinosis and partial hamstring ruptures. Conservative treatment measures include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, rest, and ice. If these measures fail, platelet-rich plasma or shockwave therapy may be considered. When refractory to conservative management, these injuries may be treated with surgical debridement and hamstring reattachment. [Orthopedics. 2017; 40(4):e574-e582.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  14. Novos sensores quimicos preparados com silica gel modificada com o ion piridinio


    Lilian de Lourdes Lorencetti Prado


    Resumo: A sílica gel, com área superficial específica de 500 m.g e diâmetro médio de poros de 6 nm, foi organofuncionalizada com o íon piridínio. Reagiu-se a sílica com 3-cloropropiltrimetoxisilano e piridina, usando como solvente o CCI4. A quantidade de íons cloreto disponíveis para reações de troca iônica foi de 0,36 mmol.g. O espectro na região de infravermelho da sílica modificada (daqui para frente designada como SiPyCI) confirmou a presença dos grupos funcionais na superfície da mesma, ...

  15. Proximal Participation: A Pathway into Work (United States)

    Chan, Selena


    In a longitudinal case study of apprentices, the term proximal participation was coined to describe the entry process of young people, with unclear career destinations, into the trade of baking. This article unravels the significance of proximal participation in the decision-making processes of young people who enter a trade through initial…

  16. Ultimate and proximate explanations of strong reciprocity. (United States)

    Vromen, Jack


    Strong reciprocity (SR) has recently been subject to heated debate. In this debate, the "West camp" (West et al. in Evol Hum Behav 32(4):231-262, 2011), which is critical of the case for SR, and the "Laland camp" (Laland et al. in Science, 334(6062):1512-1516, 2011, Biol Philos 28(5):719-745, 2013), which is sympathetic to the case of SR, seem to take diametrically opposed positions. The West camp criticizes advocates of SR for conflating proximate and ultimate causation. SR is said to be a proximate mechanism that is put forward by its advocates as an ultimate explanation of human cooperation. The West camp thus accuses advocates of SR for not heeding Mayr's original distinction between ultimate and proximate causation. The Laland camp praises advocates of SR for revising Mayr's distinction. Advocates of SR are said to replace Mayr's uni-directional view on the relation between ultimate and proximate causes by the bi-directional one of reciprocal causation. The paper argues that both the West camp and the Laland camp misrepresent what advocates of SR are up to. The West camp is right that SR is a proximate cause of human cooperation. But rather than putting forward SR as an ultimate explanation, as the West camp argues, advocates of SR believe that SR itself is in need of ultimate explanation. Advocates of SR tend to take gene-culture co-evolutionary theory as the correct meta-theoretical framework for advancing ultimate explanations of SR. Appearances notwithstanding, gene-culture coevolutionary theory does not imply Laland et al.'s notion of reciprocal causation. "Reciprocal causation" suggests that proximate and ultimate causes interact simultaneously, while advocates of SR assume that they interact sequentially. I end by arguing that the best way to understand the debate is by disambiguating Mayr's ultimate-proximate distinction. I propose to reserve "ultimate" and "proximate" for different sorts of explanations, and to use other terms for distinguishing

  17. Prosthetic replacement for proximal humeral fractures. (United States)

    Kontakis, George; Tosounidis, Theodoros; Galanakis, Ioannis; Megas, Panagiotis


    The ideal management of complex proximal humeral fractures continues to be debatable. Evolution of proximal humeral fracture management, during the past decade, led to the implementation of many innovations in surgical treatment. Even though the pendulum of treatment seems to swing towards new trends such as locked plating, hemiarthroplasty remains a valid and reliable option that serves the patient's needs well. Hemiarthroplasty is indicated for complex proximal humeral fractures in elderly patients with poor bone stock and when internal fixation is difficult or unreliable. Hemiarthroplasty provides a better result when it is performed early post-injury. Stem height, retroversion and tuberosity positioning are technical aspects of utmost importance. Additionally reverse total shoulder arthroplasty is an alternative new modality that can be used as a primary solution in selected patients with proximal humeral fracture treatment. Failed hemiarthroplasty and fracture sequelae can be successfully managed with reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. Individual decision-making and tailored treatment that takes into consideration the personality of the fracture and the patient's characteristics should be used.

  18. Industrial Computed Tomography using Proximal Algorithm

    KAUST Repository

    Zang, Guangming


    In this thesis, we present ProxiSART, a flexible proximal framework for robust 3D cone beam tomographic reconstruction based on the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (SART). We derive the proximal operator for the SART algorithm and use it for minimizing the data term in a proximal algorithm. We show the flexibility of the framework by plugging in different powerful regularizers, and show its robustness in achieving better reconstruction results in the presence of noise and using fewer projections. We compare our framework to state-of-the-art methods and existing popular software tomography reconstruction packages, on both synthetic and real datasets, and show superior reconstruction quality, especially from noisy data and a small number of projections.

  19. BMMobile: uma linha de produtos para dimensionamento de bombeio mecânico em dispositivos móveis


    Sousa, Matheus Alves de


    Com o aumento da capacidade de processamento, armazenamento e a variedade de tipos de comunicação existentes, como Bluetooth, infravermelho, redes sem fio, etc., os dispositivos móveis deixaram de ser apenas dispositivos com função especifica e passaram a ser ferramentas com diversos tipos de funcionalidade. No campo empresarial os benefícios que estes tipos de dispositivos oferecem são consideráveis, uma vez que a portabilidade permite que tarefas que antes só poderiam ser ...

  20. Proximity sensor system development. CRADA final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haley, D.C. [Oak Ridge National Lab., TN (United States); Pigoski, T.M. [Merrit Systems, Inc. (United States)


    Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation (LMERC) and Merritt Systems, Inc. (MSI) entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) for the development and demonstration of a compact, modular proximity sensing system suitable for application to a wide class of manipulator systems operated in support of environmental restoration and waste management activities. In teleoperated modes, proximity sensing provides the manipulator operator continuous information regarding the proximity of the manipulator to objects in the workspace. In teleoperated and robotic modes, proximity sensing provides added safety through the implementation of active whole arm collision avoidance capabilities. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), managed by LMERC for the United States Department of Energy (DOE), has developed an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design for the electronics required to support a modular whole arm proximity sensing system based on the use of capacitive sensors developed at Sandia National Laboratories. The use of ASIC technology greatly reduces the size of the electronics required to support the selected sensor types allowing deployment of many small sensor nodes over a large area of the manipulator surface to provide maximum sensor coverage. The ASIC design also provides a communication interface to support sensor commands from and sensor data transmission to a distributed processing system which allows modular implementation and operation of the sensor system. MSI is a commercial small business specializing in proximity sensing systems based upon infrared and acoustic sensors.

  1. Proximity sensor system development. CRADA final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haley, D.C.; Pigoski, T.M.


    Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation (LMERC) and Merritt Systems, Inc. (MSI) entered into a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) for the development and demonstration of a compact, modular proximity sensing system suitable for application to a wide class of manipulator systems operated in support of environmental restoration and waste management activities. In teleoperated modes, proximity sensing provides the manipulator operator continuous information regarding the proximity of the manipulator to objects in the workspace. In teleoperated and robotic modes, proximity sensing provides added safety through the implementation of active whole arm collision avoidance capabilities. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), managed by LMERC for the United States Department of Energy (DOE), has developed an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design for the electronics required to support a modular whole arm proximity sensing system based on the use of capacitive sensors developed at Sandia National Laboratories. The use of ASIC technology greatly reduces the size of the electronics required to support the selected sensor types allowing deployment of many small sensor nodes over a large area of the manipulator surface to provide maximum sensor coverage. The ASIC design also provides a communication interface to support sensor commands from and sensor data transmission to a distributed processing system which allows modular implementation and operation of the sensor system. MSI is a commercial small business specializing in proximity sensing systems based upon infrared and acoustic sensors

  2. Locking plate fixation for proximal humerus fractures.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Burke, Neil G


    Locking plates are increasingly used to surgically treat proximal humerus fractures. Knowledge of the bone quality of the proximal humerus is important. Studies have shown the medial and dorsal aspects of the proximal humeral head to have the highest bone strength, and this should be exploited by fixation techniques, particularly in elderly patients with osteoporosis. The goals of surgery for proximal humeral fractures should involve minimal soft tissue dissection and achieve anatomic reduction of the head complex with sufficient stability to allow for early shoulder mobilization. This article reviews various treatment options, in particular locking plate fixation. Locking plate fixation is associated with a high complication rate, such as avascular necrosis (7.9%), screw cutout (11.6%), and revision surgery (13.7%). These complications are frequently due to the varus deformation of the humeral head. Strategic screw placement in the humeral head would minimize the possibility of loss of fracture reduction and potential hardware complications. Locking plate fixation is a good surgical option for the management of proximal humerus fractures. Complications can be avoided by using better bone stock and by careful screw placement in the humeral head.

  3. Proximal collagenous gastroenteritides:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Ole Haagen; Riis, Lene Buhl; Danese, Silvio


    AIM: While collagenous colitis represents the most common form of the collagenous gastroenteritides, the collagenous entities affecting the proximal part of the gastrointestinal tract are much less recognized and possibly overlooked. The aim was to summarize the latest information through a syste...

  4. Promoting proximal formative assessment with relational discourse (United States)

    Scherr, Rachel E.; Close, Hunter G.; McKagan, Sarah B.


    The practice of proximal formative assessment - the continual, responsive attention to students' developing understanding as it is expressed in real time - depends on students' sharing their ideas with instructors and on teachers' attending to them. Rogerian psychology presents an account of the conditions under which proximal formative assessment may be promoted or inhibited: (1) Normal classroom conditions, characterized by evaluation and attention to learning targets, may present threats to students' sense of their own competence and value, causing them to conceal their ideas and reducing the potential for proximal formative assessment. (2) In contrast, discourse patterns characterized by positive anticipation and attention to learner ideas increase the potential for proximal formative assessment and promote self-directed learning. We present an analysis methodology based on these principles and demonstrate its utility for understanding episodes of university physics instruction.

  5. Psychological responses to the proximity of climate change (United States)

    Brügger, Adrian; Dessai, Suraje; Devine-Wright, Patrick; Morton, Thomas A.; Pidgeon, Nicholas F.


    A frequent suggestion to increase individuals' willingness to take action on climate change and to support relevant policies is to highlight its proximal consequences, that is, those that are close in space and time. But previous studies that have tested this proximizing approach have not revealed the expected positive effects on individual action and support for addressing climate change. We present three lines of psychological reasoning that provide compelling arguments as to why highlighting proximal impacts of climate change might not be as effective a way to increase individual mitigation and adaptation efforts as is often assumed. Our contextualization of the proximizing approach within established psychological research suggests that, depending on the particular theoretical perspective one takes on this issue, and on specific individual characteristics suggested by these perspectives, proximizing can bring about the intended positive effects, can have no (visible) effect or can even backfire. Thus, the effects of proximizing are much more complex than is commonly assumed. Revealing this complexity contributes to a refined theoretical understanding of the role that psychological distance plays in the context of climate change and opens up further avenues for future research and for interventions.

  6. Critical Proximity as a Methodological Move in Techno-Anthropology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Birkbak, Andreas; Petersen, Morten Krogh; Elgaard Jensen, Torben


    proximity.’ Critical proximity offers an alternative to critical distance, especially with respect to avoiding premature references to abstract panoramas such as democratization and capitalist exploitation in the quest to conduct ‘critical’ analysis. Critical proximity implies, instead, granting the beings...

  7. Infiltrating/sealing proximal caries lesions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martignon, S; Ekstrand, K R; Gomez, J


    This randomized split-mouth controlled clinical trial aimed at assessing the therapeutic effects of infiltration vs. sealing for controlling caries progression on proximal surfaces. Out of 90 adult students/patients assessed at university clinics and agreeing to participate, 39, each with 3...... differences in lesion progression between infiltration and placebo (P = 0.0012) and between sealing and placebo (P = 0.0269). The study showed that infiltration and sealing are significantly better than placebo treatment for controlling caries progression on proximal lesions. No significant difference...

  8. Modificação da superfície de nanocompósitos de Fe2O3/Fe3O4 visando seu uso para imobilização da glicose oxidase

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. L. T. Albuquerque

    Full Text Available Resumo O aumento no número de pessoas portadoras de diabetes nos últimos anos e a elevada relação custo benefício da tecnologia de biossensores existentes têm motivado um crescente interesse no desenvolvimento de biossensores de detecção de glicose baseados na imobilização da glicose oxidase (GOD utilizando-se principalmente nanopartículas magnéticas. Neste contexto, nanocompósitos de Fe2O3/Fe3O4 foram sintetizados por reação de combustão e tiveram sua superfície modificada com 3-aminopropiltrimetoxissilano via reação de silanização e com quitosana via reação de funcionalização para obter um material híbrido que foi avaliado como possível imobilizador de GOD. As amostras foram caracterizadas por difração de raios X, espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier, análise termogravimétrica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e de transmissão, propriedades magnéticas e citotoxidade in vitro. Os resultados mostraram que foi possível obter o compósito ferrimagnético, a modificação da superfície reduziu a magnetização de saturação, mas manteve a característica ferrimagnetica, e todas as amostras foram consideradas não tóxicas. Para os testes preliminares de imobilização da GOD foi revelado que o nanocompósito modificado com silano e quitosana apresentou melhor resultado, cerca de 2,7 mg de GOD imobilizados para cada 100 mg de nanocompósito, o que torna este material uma possível alternativa para ser utilizado na fabricação de bissensores de GOD.

  9. Proximal femoral fractures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Palm, Henrik; Teixidor, Jordi


    searched the homepages of the national heath authorities and national orthopedic societies in West Europe and found 11 national or regional (in case of no national) guidelines including any type of proximal femoral fracture surgery. RESULTS: Pathway consensus is outspread (internal fixation for un...

  10. Proximity correction of high-dosed frame with PROXECCO (United States)

    Eisenmann, Hans; Waas, Thomas; Hartmann, Hans


    Usefulness of electron beam lithography is strongly related to the efficiency and quality of methods used for proximity correction. This paper addresses the above issue by proposing an extension to the new proximity correction program PROXECCO. The combination of a framing step with PROXECCO produces a pattern with a very high edge accuracy and still allows usage of the fast correction procedure. Making a frame with a higher dose imitates a fine resolution correction where the coarse part is disregarded. So after handling the high resolution effect by means of framing, an additional coarse correction is still needed. Higher doses have a higher contribution to the proximity effect. This additional proximity effect is taken into account with the help of the multi-dose input of PROXECCO. The dose of the frame is variable, depending on the deposited energy coming from backscattering of the proximity. Simulation proves the very high edge accuracy of the applied method.

  11. Dual pathology proximal median nerve compression of the forearm.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Murphy, Siun M


    We report an unusual case of synchronous pathology in the forearm- the coexistence of a large lipoma of the median nerve together with an osteochondroma of the proximal ulna, giving rise to a dual proximal median nerve compression. Proximal median nerve compression neuropathies in the forearm are uncommon compared to the prevalence of distal compression neuropathies (eg Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). Both neural fibrolipomas (Refs. 1,2) and osteochondromas of the proximal ulna (Ref. 3) in isolation are rare but well documented. Unlike that of a distal compression, a proximal compression of the median nerve will often have a definite cause. Neural fibrolipoma, also called fibrolipomatous hamartoma are rare, slow-growing, benign tumours of peripheral nerves, most often occurring in the median nerve of younger patients. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such dual pathology in the same forearm, giving rise to a severe proximal compression of the median nerve. In this case, the nerve was being pushed anteriorly by the osteochondroma, and was being compressed from within by the intraneural lipoma. This unusual case highlights the advantage of preoperative imaging as part of the workup of proximal median nerve compression.

  12. Giant proximity effect and critical opalescence in EuS (United States)

    Charlton, Timothy; Ramos, Silvia; Quintanilla, Jorge; Suter, Andreas; Moodera, Jagadeesh


    The proximity effect is a type of wetting phenomenon where an ordered state, usually magnetism or superconductivity, ``leaks'' from one material into an adjacent one over some finite distance. For superconductors, the characteristic range is of the order of the coherence length, usually hundreds of nm. Nevertheless much longer, ``giant'' proximity effects have been observed in cuprate perovskite junctions. Such giant proximity effects can be understood by taking into account the divergence of the pairing susceptibility in the non-superconducting material when it is itself close to a superconducting instability: a superconducting version of critical opalescence. Since critical opalescence occurs in all second order phase transitions, giant proximity effects are expected to be general, therefor there must be a giant ferromagnetic proximity effect. Compared to its superconducting counterpart, the giant ferromagnetic proximity effect has the advantage that the order parameter (magnetization) can be observed directly. We have fabricated Co/EuS thin films and measured the magnetization profiles as a function of temperature using the complementary techniques of low energy muon relaxation and polarized neutron reflectivity. Details of the proximity effect near TCEuS will be presented.

  13. Strong Proximities on Smooth Manifolds and Vorono\\" i Diagrams


    Peters, J. F.; Guadagni, C.


    This article introduces strongly near smooth manifolds. The main results are (i) second countability of the strongly hit and far-miss topology on a family $\\mathcal{B}$ of subsets on the Lodato proximity space of regular open sets to which singletons are added, (ii) manifold strong proximity, (iii) strong proximity of charts in manifold atlases implies that the charts have nonempty intersection. The application of these results is given in terms of the nearness of atlases and charts of proxim...

  14. 75 FR 5009 - Proximity Detection Systems for Underground Mines (United States)


    ... Proximity Detection Systems for Underground Mines AGENCY: Mine Safety and Health Administration, Labor... information regarding whether the use of proximity detection systems would reduce the risk of accidents where... . Information on MSHA-approved proximity detection systems is available on the Internet at

  15. Bimalleolar ankle fracture with proximal fibular fracture

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Colenbrander, R. J.; Struijs, P. A. A.; Ultee, J. M.


    A 56-year-old female patient suffered a bimalleolar ankle fracture with an additional proximal fibular fracture. This is an unusual fracture type, seldom reported in literature. It was operatively treated by open reduction and internal fixation of the lateral malleolar fracture. The proximal fibular

  16. [Partial replantation following proximal limb injury]. (United States)

    Dubert, T; Malikov, S A; Dinh, A; Kupatadze, D D; Oberlin, C; Alnot, J Y; Nabokov, B B


    Proximal replantation is a technically feasible but life-threatening procedure. Indications must be restricted to patients in good condition with a good functional prognosis. The goal of replantation must be focused not only on reimplanting the amputated limb but also on achieving a good functional outcome. For the lower limb, simple terminalization remains the best choice in many cases. When a proximal amputation is not suitable for replantation, the main aim of the surgical procedure must be to reconstruct a stump long enough to permit fitting a prosthesis preserving the function of the adjacent joint. If the proximal stump beyond the last joint is very short, it may be possible to restore some length by partial replantation of spared tissues from the amputated part. We present here the results we obtained following this policy. This series included 16 cases of partial replantations, 14 involving the lower limb and 2 the upper limb. All were osteocutaneous microsurgical transfers. For the lower limb, all transfers recovered protective sensitivity following tibial nerve repair. The functional calcaeoplantar unit was used in 13 cases. The transfer of this specialized weight bearing tissue provided a stable distal surface making higher support unnecessary. In one case, we raised a 13-cm vascularized tibial segment covered with foot skin for additional length. For the upper limb, the osteocutaneous transfer, based on the radial artery, was not reinnervated, but this lack of sensitivity did not impair prosthesis fitting. One vascular failure was finally amputated. This was the only unsuccessful result. For all other patients, the surgical procedure facilitated prosthesis fitting and preserved the proximal joint function despite an initially very proximal amputation. The advantages of partial replantation are obvious compared with simple terminalization or secondary reconstruction. There is no secondary donor site and, because there is no major muscle mass in the

  17. Proximity functions for general right cylinders

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kellerer, A.M.


    Distributions of distances between pairs of points within geometrical objects, or the closely related proximity functions and geometric reduction factors, have applications to dosimetric and microdosimetric calculations. For convex bodies these functions are linked to the chord-length distributions that result from random intersections by straight lines. A synopsis of the most important relations is given. The proximity functions and related functions are derived for right cylinders with arbitrary cross sections. The solution utilizes the fact that the squares of the distances between two random points are sums of independently distributed squares of distances parallel and perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. Analogous formulas are derived for the proximity functions or geometric reduction factors for a cylinder relative to a point. This requires only a minor modification of the solution

  18. Proximity effect at Millikelvin temperatures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mota, A.C.


    Proximity effects have been studied extensively for the past 25 years. Typically, they are in films several thousand angstroms thick at temperatures not so far below T/sub CNS/, the transition temperature of the NS system. Interesting is, however, the proximity effect at temperatures much lower than T/sub CNS/. In this case, the Cooper-pair amplitudes are not small and very long pair penetration lengths into the normal metal can be expected. Thus, we have observed pair penetration lengths. For these investigations very suitable specimens are commercial wires of one filament of NbTi or Nb embedded in a copper matrix. The reasons are the high transmission coefficient at the interface between the copper and the superconductor and the fact that the copper in these commercial wires is rather clean with electron free paths between 5 to 10 μm long. In this paper, the magnetic properties of thick proximity systems in the range of temperatures between T/sub CNS/ and 5 x 10/sup -4/ T/sub CNS/ in both low and high magnetic fields are discussed

  19. Dual pathology proximal median nerve compression of the forearm. (United States)

    Murphy, Siun M; Browne, Katherine; Tuite, David J; O'Shaughnessy, Michael


    We report an unusual case of synchronous pathology in the forearm- the coexistence of a large lipoma of the median nerve together with an osteochondroma of the proximal ulna, giving rise to a dual proximal median nerve compression. Proximal median nerve compression neuropathies in the forearm are uncommon compared to the prevalence of distal compression neuropathies (eg Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). Both neural fibrolipomas (Refs. 1,2) and osteochondromas of the proximal ulna (Ref. 3) in isolation are rare but well documented. Unlike that of a distal compression, a proximal compression of the median nerve will often have a definite cause. Neural fibrolipoma, also called fibrolipomatous hamartoma are rare, slow-growing, benign tumours of peripheral nerves, most often occurring in the median nerve of younger patients. To our knowledge, this is the first report of such dual pathology in the same forearm, giving rise to a severe proximal compression of the median nerve. In this case, the nerve was being pushed anteriorly by the osteochondroma, and was being compressed from within by the intraneural lipoma. This unusual case highlights the advantage of preoperative imaging as part of the workup of proximal median nerve compression. Copyright © 2013 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Effect of age on proximal esophageal response to swallowing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roberto Oliveira Dantas


    Full Text Available CONTEXT: It has been demonstrated that the ageing process affects esophageal motility. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of the age on the proximal esophageal response to wet swallows. METHOD: We measured the proximal esophageal response to swallows of a 5 mL bolus of water in 69 healthy volunteers, 20 of them aged 18-30 years (group I, 27 aged 31-50 years (group II, and 22 aged 51-74 years (group III. We used the manometric method with continuous perfusion. The proximal esophageal contractions were recorded 5 cm from a pharyngeal recording site located 1 cm above the upper esophageal sphincter. The time between the onset of the pharyngeal and of the proximal esophageal recording (pharyngeal-esophageal time and the amplitude, duration and area under the curve of the proximal esophageal contraction were measured. RESULTS: The pharyngeal-esophageal time was shorter in group I subjects than in group II and III subjects (P<0.05. The duration of proximal esophageal contractions was longer in group I than in groups II and III (P<0.001. There was no differences between groups in the amplitude or area under the curve of contractions. There were no differences between groups II and III for any of the measurements. CONCLUSION: We conclude that the age may affects the response of the proximal esophagus to wet swallows.

  1. PROXIMAL: a method for Prediction of Xenobiotic Metabolism. (United States)

    Yousofshahi, Mona; Manteiga, Sara; Wu, Charmian; Lee, Kyongbum; Hassoun, Soha


    Contamination of the environment with bioactive chemicals has emerged as a potential public health risk. These substances that may cause distress or disease in humans can be found in air, water and food supplies. An open question is whether these chemicals transform into potentially more active or toxic derivatives via xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes expressed in the body. We present a new prediction tool, which we call PROXIMAL (Prediction of Xenobiotic Metabolism) for identifying possible transformation products of xenobiotic chemicals in the liver. Using reaction data from DrugBank and KEGG, PROXIMAL builds look-up tables that catalog the sites and types of structural modifications performed by Phase I and Phase II enzymes. Given a compound of interest, PROXIMAL searches for substructures that match the sites cataloged in the look-up tables, applies the corresponding modifications to generate a panel of possible transformation products, and ranks the products based on the activity and abundance of the enzymes involved. PROXIMAL generates transformations that are specific for the chemical of interest by analyzing the chemical's substructures. We evaluate the accuracy of PROXIMAL's predictions through case studies on two environmental chemicals with suspected endocrine disrupting activity, bisphenol A (BPA) and 4-chlorobiphenyl (PCB3). Comparisons with published reports confirm 5 out of 7 and 17 out of 26 of the predicted derivatives for BPA and PCB3, respectively. We also compare biotransformation predictions generated by PROXIMAL with those generated by METEOR and Metaprint2D-react, two other prediction tools. PROXIMAL can predict transformations of chemicals that contain substructures recognizable by human liver enzymes. It also has the ability to rank the predicted metabolites based on the activity and abundance of enzymes involved in xenobiotic transformation.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Kottow


    Full Text Available La enseñanza de la bioética pierde contacto con la realidad social en la cual se ejercen las actividades de su ámbito (medicina, investigación biomédica, salud pública. Su reflexión práctica se vuelve esquemática y cortocircuitada en principios y dogmas, incluso proponiendo modos algorítmicos de decisión. El original discurso sobre la depuración moral del encuentro clínico, la relación paciente-médico y probando-investigador comandados por decisiones informadas pierde relevancia por cuanto estas práctica se han distorsionado por efecto de la biomedicina impersonal. Por otro lado, la bioética se deja seducir por el lenguaje holístico de la ética global, adhiriendo al coro de buenas intenciones que se estrellan con una realipolitik que permite el aumento de inequidades, el deterioro ambiental, la inseguridad ciudadana. La ética debe recuperar su enfoque proximal, intermediando entre la teoría y las prácticas con un discurso atingente a los problemas reales y de suficiente rigor como para influir sobre su entorno social.

  3. The developmental spectrum of proximal radioulnar synostosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elliott, Alison M. [University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Regional Health Association Program of Genetics and Metabolism, Winnipeg, MB (Canada); University of Manitoba, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Winnipeg, MB (Canada); University of Manitoba, Department of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, Winnipeg, MB (Canada); University of Manitoba, WRHA Program of Genetics and Metabolism, Departments of Paediatrics and Child Health, Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, Winnipeg, MB (Canada); Kibria, Lisa [University of Manitoba, Department of School of Medical Rehabilitation, Winnipeg, MB (Canada); Reed, Martin H. [University of Manitoba, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Winnipeg, MB (Canada); University of Manitoba, Department of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, Winnipeg, MB (Canada); University of Manitoba, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Winnipeg, MB (Canada)


    Proximal radioulnar synostosis is a rare upper limb malformation. The elbow is first identifiable at 35 days (after conception), at which stage the cartilaginous anlagen of the humerus, radius and ulna are continuous. Subsequently, longitudinal segmentation produces separation of the distal radius and ulna. However, temporarily, the proximal ends are united and continue to share a common perichondrium. We investigated the hypothesis that posterior congenital dislocation of the radial head and proximal radioulnar fusion are different clinical manifestations of the same primary developmental abnormality. Records were searched for ''proximal radioulnar fusion/posterior radial head dislocation'' in patients followed at the local Children's Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre for Children. Relevant radiographic, demographic and clinical data were recorded. Ethics approval was obtained through the University Research Ethics Board. In total, 28 patients met the inclusion criteria. The majority of patients (16) had bilateral involvement; eight with posterior dislocation of the radial head only; five had posterior radial head dislocation with radioulnar fusion and two had radioulnar fusion without dislocation. One patient had bilateral proximal radioulnar fusion and posterior dislocation of the left radial head. Nine patients had only left-sided involvement, and three had only right-sided involvement.The degree of proximal fusion varied, with some patients showing 'complete' proximal fusion and others showing fusion that occurred slightly distal to the radial head: 'partially separated.' Associated disorders in our cohort included Poland syndrome (two patients), Cornelia de Lange syndrome, chromosome anomalies (including tetrasomy X) and Cenani Lenz syndactyly. The suggestion of a developmental relationship between posterior dislocation of the radial head and proximal radioulnar fusion is supported by the fact that both anomalies

  4. Changes in proximate composition and oil characteristics during flaxseed development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Herchi, W.


    Full Text Available Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization-Mass Spectrometry (APPI-MS and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC are the two analytical methods that were used to characterize Triacylglycerols (TAGs during flaxseed development. The HPLC method of the oils showed the presence of 15 TAG species. In contrast to the HPLC chromatograms, the APPI-MS showed 17 peaks of TAG. APPI-MS is more rapid than the HPLC method (11 min. The iodine value of the oils showed a gradual increase, while the oil stability continuously decreased. Proximate composition during flaxseed development revealed that flaxseed is potentially a good source of dietary energy and protein. At full maturity, flaxseed contained 37% oil and 24% protein on a dry-weight basis; albumin was the major storage protein (53% of total storage proteins followed by globulin (33% and glutelin fractions (11%. Prolamins had the lowest percentage with 3%. α-amylase activity was higher in the mature seeds than the young ones.Fotoionización a presión atmosférica-Espectrometría de masas (APPI-MS y cromatografía líquida de alta resolución (HPLC son dos métodos de análisis que se utilizaron para caracterizar triglicéridos (TAGs durante el desarrollo de semillas de linaza. El método HPLC mostró la presencia de 15 especies de TAG, en contraste, los cromatogramas de APPI-MS mostraron 17 picos de TAG siendo el método APPI-MS más rápido que el de HPLC (11 min. El índice de yodo de los aceites mostró un aumento gradual, mientras que la estabilidad disminuyó continuamente. El estudio de la composición proximal de la linaza durante su desarrollo, mostró que esta semilla es una fuente potencialmente buena de energía y de proteína para la dieta. Al final de la maduración, la linaza contenía 37 % de aceite y 24 % de proteína sobre peso seco; albúmina fue la principal proteína de almacenamiento (53% sobre el total de las proteínas de almacenamiento seguido de la globulina (33 % y glutelina

  5. An anatomical study of the proximal aspect of the medial femoral condyle to define the proximal-distal condylar length

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chia-Ming Chang


    Full Text Available Objective: Despite its possible role in knee arthroplasty, the proximal-distal condylar length (PDCL of the femur has never been reported in the literature. We conducted an anatomic study of the proximal aspect of the medial femoral condyle to propose a method for measuring the PDCL. Materials and Methods: Inspection of dried bone specimens was carried out to assure the most proximal condylar margin (MPCM as the eligible starting point to measure the PDCL. Simulation surgery was performed on seven pairs of cadaveric knees to verify the clinical application of measuring the PDCL after locating the MPCM. Interobserver reliability of this procedure was also analyzed. Results: Observation of the bone specimens showed that the MPCM is a concavity formed by the junction of the distal end of the supracondylar ridge and the proximal margin of the medial condyle. This anatomically distinctive structure made the MPCM an unambiguous landmark. The cadaveric simulation surgical dissection demonstrated that the MPCM is easily accessed in a surgical setting, making the measurement of the PDCL plausible. The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.78, indicating good interobserver reliability for this technique. Conclusion: This study has suggested that the PDCL can be measured based on the MPCM in a surgical setting. PDCL measurement might be useful in joint line position management, selection of femoral component sizes, and other applications related to the proximal-distal dimension of the knee. Further investigation is required.

  6. Evaluation and Management of Proximal Humerus Fractures

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ekaterina Khmelnitskaya


    Full Text Available Proximal humerus fractures are common injuries, especially among older osteoporotic women. Restoration of function requires a thorough understanding of the neurovascular, musculotendinous, and bony anatomy. This paper addresses the relevant anatomy and highlights various management options, including indication for arthroplasty. In the vast majority of cases, proximal humerus fractures may be treated nonoperatively. In the case of displaced fractures, when surgical intervention may be pursued, numerous constructs have been investigated. Of these, the proximal humerus locking plate is the most widely used. Arthroplasty is generally reserved for comminuted 4-part fractures, head-split fractures, or fractures with significant underlying arthritic changes. Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty is reserved for patients with a deficient rotator cuff, or highly comminuted tuberosities.

  7. The Life Saving Effects of Hospital Proximity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bertoli, Paola; Grembi, Veronica

    We assess the lifesaving effect of hospital proximity using data on fatality rates of road-traffic accidents. While most of the literature on this topic is based on changes in distance to the nearest hospital triggered by hospital closures and use OLS estimates, our identification comes from......) increases the fatality rate by 13.84% on the sample average. This is equal to a 0.92 additional death per every 100 accidents. We show that OLS estimates provide a downward biased measure of the real effect of hospital proximity because they do not fully solve spatial sorting problems. Proximity matters...... more when the road safety is low; the emergency service is not properly organized, and the nearest hospital has lower quality standards....

  8. Proximal Focal Femoral Deficiency in Ibadan a Developing ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The cultural aversion to amputation in our environment makes it difficult to employ that option of treatment. Proximal focal femoral deficiency in Ibadan a developing country's perspective and a review of the literature. Keywords: Proximal focal femoral deficiency , congenital malformations , limb malformations , lower limb ...

  9. [Avulsion of the Proximal Hamstring Insertion. Case Reports]. (United States)

    Mizera, R; Harcuba, R; Kratochvíl, J


    Proximal hamstring avulsion is an uncommon muscle injury with a lack of consensus on indications and the timing and technique of surgery. Poor clinical symptoms and difficulties in the diagnostic process can lead to a false diagnosis. The authors present three cases of proximal hamstring avulsion, two complete and one partial ruptures of the biceps femoris muscle. MRI and ultrasound scans were used for optimal treatment alignment. Acute surgery reconstruction (hamstring strength. Two interesting systematic reviews published on the treatment of proximal hamstring avulsion are discussed in the final part of the paper. Key words: hamstring, rupture, avulsion.

  10. A dual-mode proximity sensor with integrated capacitive and temperature sensing units

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiu, Shihua; Huang, Ying; He, Xiaoyue; Sun, Zhiguang; Liu, Ping; Liu, Caixia


    The proximity sensor is one of the most important devices in the field of robot application. It can accurately provide the proximity information to assistant robots to interact with human beings and the external environment safely. In this paper, we have proposed and demonstrated a dual-mode proximity sensor composed of capacitive and resistive sensing units. We defined the capacitive type proximity sensor perceiving the proximity information as C-mode and the resistive type proximity sensor detecting as R-mode. Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) were chosen as the R-mode sensing material because of its high performance. The dual-mode proximity sensor presents the following features: (1) the sensing distance of the dual-mode proximity sensor has been enlarged compared with the single capacitive proximity sensor in the same geometrical pattern; (2) experiments have verified that the proposed sensor can sense the proximity information of different materials; (3) the proximity sensing capability of the sensor has been improved by two modes perceive collaboratively, for a plastic block at a temperature of 60 °C: the R-mode will perceive the proximity information when the distance d between the sensor and object is 6.0–17.0 mm and the C-mode will do that when their interval is 0–2.0 mm; additionally two modes will work together when the distance is 2.0–6.0 mm. These features indicate our transducer is very valuable in skin-like sensing applications. (paper)

  11. A Regularized Algorithm for the Proximal Split Feasibility Problem

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhangsong Yao


    Full Text Available The proximal split feasibility problem has been studied. A regularized method has been presented for solving the proximal split feasibility problem. Strong convergence theorem is given.

  12. Proximity approach to problems in topology and analysis

    CERN Document Server

    Naimpally, Somashekhar


    Dieses Buch konzentriert das aktuelle Gesamtwissen zum Proximity-Konzept und stellt es dem Leser in gut strukturierter Form dar. Hauptaugenmerk liegt auf den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, die sich aus dem Proximity-Konzept der räumlichen Nähe und seiner Verallgemeinerung im Nearness-Konzept ergeben.

  13. Abordagens semiquantitativa e quantitativa na avaliação da textura do solo por espectroscopia de reflectância bidirecional no VIS-NIR-SWIR

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marston Héracles Domingues Franceschini


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial da espectroscopia de reflectância no VIS-NIR-SWIR, para a caracterização granulométrica de amostras de solos de diferentes classes texturais, e obter modelos de predição dos teores de argila, silte e areia no solo. Utilizou-se um conjunto de amostras representativas de Latossolos e Argissolo de cinco locais do Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul. Os espectros do visível e do infravermelho próximo ao infravermelho de ondas curtas (de 350 a 2.500 nm das amostras foram obtidos e analisados. Empregaram-se a análise de componentes principais (ACP, agrupamento por "fuzzy c-means", regressão logística multinomial (RLM e regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais. Espectros característicos para as diferentes classes texturais e a segregação de amostras de classes texturais e de locais de coleta com características distintas, por meio da ACP, "fuzzy c-means" e RLM, mostram o potencial semiquantitativo dos dados de reflectância no VIS-NIR-SWIR. Obteve-se quantificação satisfatória quanto à argila (R²=0,92, RPD=3,59, ao silte (R²=0,80, RPD=2,15 e à areia (R²=0,87, RPD=2,62. As técnicas de espectroscopia de reflectância podem auxiliar na determinação da textura e da variabilidade espacial do solo com metodologias semiquantitativas ou quantitativas.

  14. Proximity effects in ferromagnet/superconductor structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu, H.L.; Sun, G.Y.; Yang, L.Y.; Xing, D.Y.


    The Nambu spinor Green's function approach is applied to study proximity effects in ferromagnet/superconductor (FM/SC) structures. They include the induced superconducting order parameter and density of states (DOS) with superconducting feature on the FM side, and spin-dependent DOS within the energy gap on the SC side. The latter indicates an appearance of gapless superconductivity and a coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity in a small regime near the interface. The influence of exchange energy in FM and barrier strength at interface on the proximity effects is discussed

  15. Radiographic and Computed Tomographic Configuration of Incomplete Proximal Fractures of the Proximal Phalanx in Horses Not Used for Racing. (United States)

    Brünisholz, Hervé P; Hagen, Regine; Fürst, Anton E; Kuemmerle, Jan M


    To characterize the configuration of incomplete proximal fractures of the proximal phalanx (P1) in horses not used for racing and compare radiographic with computed tomography (CT) findings. Historical cohort. Twenty-four horses with incomplete fractures of P1. Medical records of horses not used for racing diagnosed with an incomplete proximal fracture of P1 based on clinical and radiographic examination and confirmed by CT between 2008 and 2013 were retrieved. Radiographs and CT studies of these horses were analyzed using a subjective grading system and by measuring variables that characterized fracture configuration. Twenty-four horses were included (20 Warmbloods) with a mean age of 9.5 years and mean body weight of 574 kg. Fourteen forelimbs and 10 hind limbs were affected. Mean duration of lameness was 8.7 weeks. Computed tomography was superior to radiography in both identifying the fracture and determining fracture size and location. On CT, 92% of fractures were located in the mid-sagittal plane. Mean proximodistal length of the fracture was 13 mm. Fractures were frequently not bicortical. Fractures in forelimbs were located significantly more dorsally than fractures in hind limbs. A distinct fracture pattern with 2 subchondral lines running parallel in close proximity to each other was identified in 54% of cases. Incomplete proximal fractures of P1 have significant variation in their configurations, especially their dorsopalmar/-plantar location. Computed tomography examination allowed clear identification of the fracture configurations and was superior to radiography. © Copyright 2015 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.

  16. Produção de membranas híbridas zirconizadas de SPEEK/Copolissilsesquioxano para aplicação em células a combustível do tipo PEM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kelen R. Aguiar


    Full Text Available Membranas baseadas em poli(aril éter cetona sulfonada mostraram ser bastante promissoras para aplicação em células a combustível com membrana trocadora de prótons (PEMFC. O poli(éter-éter-cetona sulfonado (SPEEK, com elevado grau de sulfonação (GS, apresenta alta condutividade de prótons, mas sofre perda de funcionalidade e condutividade em temperaturas altas e umidades baixas. O desenvolvimento de membranas híbridas é uma das possibilidades para melhorar o desempenho destes materiais. Neste trabalho foram preparadas membranas híbridas zirconizadas de SPEEK/copolissilsesquioxano fosfonado (CF por casting, a partir de SPEEK com GS entre 60% e 70% e soluções de cloreto de zirconila (ZrOCl2 1, 5, ou 10% (m/m. As membranas foram caracterizadas por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR, difratometria de raios-X (DRX, análise termogravimétrica (TG, calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC, condutividade de prótons (σ e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV. A análise por energia dispersiva (EDS confirmou a presença de Zr em domínios esféricos dispersos homogeneamente pelas membranas, enquanto análises de DRX mostraram que os produtos da zirconização são amorfos. Ensaios de impedância eletroquímica indicam aumento da condutividade protônica com a adição de CF e 1 ou 5% de ZrOCl2.

  17. Two-Step Proximal Gradient Algorithm for Low-Rank Matrix Completion

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qiuyu Wang


    Full Text Available In this paper, we  propose a two-step proximal gradient algorithm to solve nuclear norm regularized least squares for the purpose of recovering low-rank data matrix from sampling of its entries. Each iteration generated by the proposed algorithm is a combination of the latest three points, namely, the previous point, the current iterate, and its proximal gradient point. This algorithm preserves the computational simplicity of classical proximal gradient algorithm where a singular value decomposition in proximal operator is involved. Global convergence is followed directly in the literature. Numerical results are reported to show the efficiency of the algorithm.

  18. Comparison of methodologies for the determination of pH and freezing point in raw bovine milk under different conservation characteristics


    Araújo, Viviane Maia de; Cassoli, Laerte Dagher; Zampar, Aline; Silva, Augusto Cesar Lima da; Dias, Carlos Tadeu dos Santos; Machado, Paulo Fernando


    Objetivou-se comparar metodologias de referência com a espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier para análises do pH e do ponto de congelamento sob diferentes condições de conservação em amostras de leite bovino cru. Foram coletadas amostras de leite de tanques de expansão em 57 propriedades. Cada amostra foi subdividida em 45 frascos (40 mL), que foram distribuídos de acordo com a temperatura de armazenamento (-20; 7 e 25ºC), a idade da amostra (0, 3, 6 e 9 dias) e os nívei...

  19. Estudo do comportamento fotofísico de prepregs de fibra de vidro e resina fenólica.


    Rogério da Silva Rosa


    O objetivo desse trabalho é a aplicação da Espectroscopia de Luminescência em modo estacionário para o estudo do processo de cura de pré-impregnados (prepregs) de fibra de vidro e resina fenólica, tratadas termicamente em três diferentes temperaturas 90, 120 e 150 C. O processo de cura dos prepregs também foi monitorado por Espectroscopia de absorção na região do Infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FT-IR). Os espectros de luminescência dos prepregs mostram mudanças significativas atrib...

  20. Structural and thermal properties of tellurite 20Li2O-80TeO2 glasses


    Idalgo, E. [UNESP; Araújo, E. B. [UNESP


    O presente trabalho reporta estudos sobre a cristalização em vidros teluretos 20Li2O-80TeO2 induzida a partir de tratamentos térmicos realizados sobre vidros com tamanho de partículas entre 38 µm e 75 µm. Estes estudos foram conduzidos em duas matrizes vítreas tratadas e não tratadas termicamente para aliviar as tensões após o quenching, utilizando-se de forma combinada às técnicas de difração de raios X, calorimetria diferencial de varredura e espectroscopia no infravermelho. Os resultados r...

  1. Electromagnetic properties of proximity systems (United States)

    Kresin, Vladimir Z.


    Magnetic screening in the proximity system Sα-Mβ, where Mβ is a normal metal N, semiconductor (semimetal), or a superconductor, is studied. Main attention is paid to the low-temperature region where nonlocality plays an important role. The thermodynamic Green's-function method is employed in order to describe the behavior of the proximity system in an external field. The temperature and thickness dependences of the penetration depth λ are obtained. The dependence λ(T) differs in a striking way from the dependence in usual superconductors. The strong-coupling effect is taken into account. A special case of screening in a superconducting film backed by a size-quantizing semimetal film is considered. The results obtained are in good agreement with experimental data.

  2. Electromagnetic properties of proximity systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kresin, V.Z.


    Magnetic screening in the proximity system S/sub α/-M/sub β/, where M/sub β/ is a normal metal N, semiconductor (semimetal), or a superconductor, is studied. Main attention is paid to the low-temperature region where nonlocality plays an important role. The thermodynamic Green's-function method is employed in order to describe the behavior of the proximity system in an external field. The temperature and thickness dependences of the penetration depth lambda are obtained. The dependence lambda(T) differs in a striking way from the dependence in usual superconductors. The strong-coupling effect is taken into account. A special case of screening in a superconducting film backed by a size-quantizing semimetal film is considered. The results obtained are in good agreement with experimental data

  3. Proximity operations concept design study, task 6 (United States)

    Williams, A. N.


    The feasibility of using optical technology to perform the mission of the proximity operations communications subsystem on Space Station Freedom was determined. Proximity operations mission requirements are determined and the relationship to the overall operational environment of the space station is defined. From this information, the design requirements of the communication subsystem are derived. Based on these requirements, a preliminary design is developed and the feasibility of implementation determined. To support the Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle and National Space Transportation System, the optical system development is straightforward. The requirements on extra-vehicular activity are such as to allow large fields of uncertainty, thus exacerbating the acquisition problem; however, an approach is given that could mitigate this problem. In general, it is found that such a system could indeed perform the proximity operations mission requirement, with some development required to support extra-vehicular activity.

  4. Síntese de acetato de celulose a partir da palha de feijão utilizando N-bromossuccinimida (NBS como catalisador

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sarah S. Brum


    Full Text Available Neste estudo a celulose obtida da palha de feijão foi utilizada para produzir um material hidrofóbico (acetato de celulose para ser avaliado como absorvente de óleo. Nas reações de acetilação foram utilizados anidrido acético e dois catalisadores, a piridina (PY e N-bromossuccinimida (NBS. Os materiais produzidos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho médio, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difratometria de raios-X e análise elementar. O NBS mostrou-se mais eficiente que a PY e, seu uso resultou em materiais com maiores quantidades de grupos acetatos, mais hidrofóbicos e com maiores capacidades de absorção de óleo de soja.

  5. Proximate analysis of Lentinus squarrosulus (Mont.) Singer and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Each of the mushroom species was separated into its stipe and pileus and used for proximate analysis. There was a highly significant difference (p<0.01) in the proximate composition of the two species. P. atroumbonata had significantly higher crude protein, crude fibre and moisture content than L. squarrosulus while the ...

  6. Genetics Home Reference: proximal 18q deletion syndrome (United States)

    ... characteristic features. Most cases of proximal 18q deletion syndrome are the result of a new (de novo) deletion and are not inherited from a ... J, Fox PT, Stratton RF, Perry B, Hale DE. Recurrent interstitial deletions of proximal 18q: a new syndrome involving expressive speech delay. Am J Med Genet ...

  7. Superconducting proximity effect in topological materials (United States)

    Reeg, Christopher R.

    In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the proximity effect due to its role in the realization of topological superconductivity. In this dissertation, we discuss several results that have been obtained in the field of proximity-induced superconductivity and relate the results to the search for Majorana fermions. First, we show that repulsive electron-electron interactions can induce a non-Majorana zero-energy bound state at the interface between a conventional superconductor and a normal metal. We show that this state is very sensitive to disorder, owing to its lack of topological protection. Second, we show that Rashba spin-orbit coupling, which is one of the key ingredients in engineering a topological superconductor, induces triplet pairing in the proximity effect. When the spin-orbit coupling is strong (i.e., when the characteristic energy scale for spin-orbit coupling is comparable to the Fermi energy), the induced singlet and triplet pairing amplitudes can be comparable in magnitude. Finally, we discuss how the size of the proximity-induced gap, which appears in a low-dimensional material coupled to a superconductor, evolves as the thickness of the (quasi-)low-dimensional material is increased. We show that the induced gap can be comparable to the bulk energy gap of the underlying superconductor in materials that are much thicker than the Fermi wavelength, even in the presence of an interfacial barrier and strong Fermi surface mismatch. This result has important experimental consequences for topological superconductivity, as a sizable gap is required to isolate and detect the Majorana modes.

  8. Termometria infravermelha na fenotipagem para resistência à seca de linhagens inter e intraespecíficas de arroz Infrared thermometry for drought phenotyping of inter and intra specific upland rice lines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cleber M. Guimarães


    Full Text Available Propôs-se avaliar, no presente estudo, a técnica da termometria ao infravermelho na caracterização de linhagens interespecíficas (Oryza glaberrima x Oryza sativa cv Caiapó e intraespecíficas de arroz para tolerância a seca. O experimento, conduzido em Porangatu, GO, foi submetido a condições adequadas de umidade no solo até 30 dias após a emergência, quando então foi implantado um tratamento com deficiência hídrica moderada (aproximadamente 50% da irrigação aplicada em uma parcela testemunha, com condições adequadas de umidade no solo. Verificou-se que as linhagens mais produtivas em condições de deficiência hídrica apresentaram plantas mais altas, com panículas mais densas e com grãos mais bem formados, com menor esterilidade de espiguetas. Observou-se, também, que a temperatura das folhas se correlacionou positivamente com a esterilidade de espiguetas e negativamente com a massa de 100 grãos, altura das plantas, fertilidade de perfilhos e produtividade. Exceto a fertilidade de perfilhos, os demais componentes se correlacionaram com a produtividade de grãos, sendo que com a esterilidade de espiguetas a correlação foi negativa. Concluiu-se que a O. glaberrima confere, às suas progênies, maior rusticidade à deficiência hídrica e que a termometria ao infravermelho é uma técnica auxiliar importante na fenotipagem para tolerância a seca.The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the use of infrared thermometry in the characterization of inter specific (Oryza glaberrima x Oryza sativa cv Caiapó and intra specific upland rice lines for drought tolerance. The experiment, carried out at Porangatu in the State of Goiás, was submitted to adequate soil moisture for up to 30 days following emergence when a moderate water stress treatment was imposed (about 50% of the applied irrigation in a control plot in which adequate conditions of soil moisture were maintained. It has been observed that lines with higher

  9. Proximal focal femoral deficiency: A case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shashank Sharma


    Full Text Available Proximal focal femoral deficiency (PFFD is a rare congenital anomaly resulting in limb shortening and disability in young. The exact cause of the disease is not known and it may present as varying grades of affection involving the proximal femur and the acetabulum. Recognition of this rare abnormality on radiographs can help manage these cases better since early institution of therapy may help in achieving adequate growth of the femur.

  10. Obtenção e caracterização de materiais argilosos quimicamente ativados para utilização em catálise Preparation and characterization of chemically activated clays for use in catalysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. G. F. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O principal objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar argilas esmectíticas "Chocolate" de Boa-Vista, PB, tanto na sua forma natural quanto tratada quimicamente, visando sua aplicação em catálise. As argilas foram caracterizadas por fluorescência de raios X, difração de raios X e espectrofotometria de absorção óptica na região do infravermelho. Os resultados mostraram que o tratamento ácido alterou a estrutura da montmorilonita. A reação de isomerização do meta-xileno, para o material ativado, mostrou que a argila ácida foi mais ativa que a natural.The main objective of this paper is to characterize the chocolate smectite clays of Boa-Vista, PB, Brazil, in their natural form, and after chemical treatment, for their application in catalysis. The experimental methods were: X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. The results show that the acid treatment altered the montimorillonite structure. The obtained reaction (isomerization of m-xylene for the treated material showed that treated clays were more active than the natural ones.

  11. Morfologia do útero de cutias nulíparas e não nulíparas

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    L.L. Martins


    Full Text Available Descreveu-se a morfologia do útero de cutias nulíparas e não nulíparas por meio de ovariossalpingoisterectomia. A análise macroscópica do útero foi realizada in loco e na peça retirada. Segmentos das porções proximal, média e distal do órgão foram colhidas, fixadas e preparadas histologicamente, sendo as amostras analisadas à microscopia de luz, e realizada a histomorfometria das camadas uterinas. Topograficamente, o útero localiza-se na região sublombar, caudalmente aos rins, em continuação aos ovários e às tubas uterinas, estendendo-se até à entrada da pelve, onde se posiciona dorsalmente à bexiga. Caracteriza-se como do tipo duplo, embora culmine em apenas um óstio cervical externo. Microscopicamente, a mucosa uterina é formada por variações do epitélio, de cilíndrico a pseudoestratificado, que se apoia em tecido conjuntivo frouxo, onde se observam glândulas endometriais revestidas por epitélio cilíndrico, além da presença de vasos sanguíneos. A camada muscular subdivide-se em interna ou submucosa, média ou vascular e externa ou subserosa. A camada serosa é composta por tecido conjuntivo e mesotélio. Na histomorfometria, verificou-se que a espessura uterina total e a espessura da camada mucosa, em média, foram maiores nas fêmeas não nulíparas.

  12. Systemic calciphylaxis presenting as a painful, proximal myopathy.


    Edelstein, C. L.; Wickham, M. K.; Kirby, P. A.


    A renal transplant patient who presented with a painful, proximal myopathy due to systemic calciphylaxis is described. The myopathy preceded the characteristic skin and soft tissue necrosis. Systemic calciphylaxis should be considered in a dialysis or a renal transplant patient presenting with a painful proximal myopathy even in the absence of necrotic skin lesions.

  13. Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Finger Proximal Interphalangeal Joint. (United States)

    Pang, Eric Quan; Yao, Jeffrey


    A complete understanding of the normal anatomy and biomechanics of the proximal interphalangeal joint is critical when treating pathology of the joint as well as in the design of new reconstructive treatments. The osseous anatomy dictates the principles of motion at the proximal interphalangeal joint. Subsequently, the joint is stabilized throughout its motion by the surrounding proximal collateral ligament, accessory collateral ligament, and volar plate. The goal of this article is to review the normal anatomy and biomechanics of the proximal interphalangeal joint and its associated structures, most importantly the proper collateral ligament, accessory collateral ligament, and volar plate. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Incidencia y factores de riesgo de la fractura de fémur proximal por osteoporosis Incidence of and risk factors associated with fractures of the proximal femur due to osteoporosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Teresa Mosquera


    Full Text Available Todos los años se producen en el mundo más de un millón de fracturas de fémur proximal, sobre todo en personas de edad avanzada. Dado el continuo envejecimiento de las poblaciones, las fracturas aumentarán año tras año y constituirán un problema cada vez más grave de salud pública. Se espera que el mayor aumento de dichas fracturas ocurra en América Latina alrededor del 2050. Teniendo en cuenta que cerca de 70% de las fracturas atraumáticas en personas mayores de 45 años de edad se deben a osteoporosis, se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina, para conocer la incidencia de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis y los factores de riesgo asociados. Entre el 1 de agosto de 1992 y el 31 de julio de 1993 se registraron todos los casos de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis en personas mayores de 50 años de edad que acudieron a cualquiera de los 30 centros de salud públicos y privados de la ciudad. Se registró un total de 246 casos. La tasa de incidencia por 100 000 habitantes en la población mayor de 50 años fue de 259 en mujeres y de 92 en varones, con una relación de 2,8:1. La incidencia fue siempre mayor a mayor edad y sobre todo a partir de los 75 años. Los factores asociados con aumento del riesgo de fractura de fémur proximal con significación estadística fueron: antecedentes de enfermedades neurológicas, consumo de psicofármacos, consumo de alcohol, fracturas previas, enfermedades cardiovasculares y menor consumo de lácteos. No se observaron diferencias entre los casos y los controles con respecto a edad de inicio de la menopausia, peso, talla, actividad previa, hábito de fumar o exposición al sol, como así tampoco en el porcentaje de mujeres que habían tenido ooforectomías.Every year more than one million fractures of the proximal femur occur in the world, especially in older persons. Given the continuous aging experienced by populations, such

  15. Context-Aware Community Construction in Proximity-Based Mobile Networks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Na Yu


    Full Text Available Sensor-equipped mobile devices have allowed users to participate in various social networking services. We focus on proximity-based mobile social networking environments where users can share information obtained from different places via their mobile devices when they are in proximity. Since people are more likely to share information if they can benefit from the sharing or if they think the information is of interest to others, there might exist community structures where users who share information more often are grouped together. Communities in proximity-based mobile networks represent social groups where connections are built when people are in proximity. We consider information influence (i.e., specify who shares information with whom as the connection and the space and time related to the shared information as the contexts. To model the potential information influences, we construct an influence graph by integrating the space and time contexts into the proximity-based contacts of mobile users. Further, we propose a two-phase strategy to detect and track context-aware communities based on the influence graph and show how the context-aware community structure improves the performance of two types of mobile social applications.

  16. Symmetry-based reciprocity: evolutionary constraints on a proximate mechanism. (United States)

    Campennì, Marco; Schino, Gabriele


    Background. While the evolution of reciprocal cooperation has attracted an enormous attention, the proximate mechanisms underlying the ability of animals to cooperate reciprocally are comparatively neglected. Symmetry-based reciprocity is a hypothetical proximate mechanism that has been suggested to be widespread among cognitively unsophisticated animals. Methods. We developed two agent-based models of symmetry-based reciprocity (one relying on an arbitrary tag and the other on interindividual proximity) and tested their ability both to reproduce significant emergent features of cooperation in group living animals and to promote the evolution of cooperation. Results. Populations formed by agents adopting symmetry-based reciprocity showed differentiated "social relationships" and a positive correlation between cooperation given and received: two common aspects of animal cooperation. However, when reproduction and selection across multiple generations were added to the models, agents adopting symmetry-based reciprocity were outcompeted by selfish agents that never cooperated. Discussion. In order to evolve, hypothetical proximate mechanisms must be able to stand competition from alternative strategies. While the results of our simulations require confirmation using analytical methods, we provisionally suggest symmetry-based reciprocity is to be abandoned as a possible proximate mechanism underlying the ability of animals to reciprocate cooperative interactions.

  17. Hybrid external fixation of the proximal tibia: strategies to improve frame stability. (United States)

    Roberts, Craig S; Dodds, James C; Perry, Kelvin; Beck, Dennis; Seligson, David; Voor, Michael J


    To determine the specific frame construction strategies that can increase the stability of hybrid (ring with tensioned wires proximally connected by bars to half-pins distally) external fixation of proximal tibia fractures. DESIGN Repeated measures biomechanical testing. Laboratory. Composite fiberglass tibias. Using the Heidelberg and Ilizarov systems, external fixators were tested on composite fiberglass tibias with a 1-cm proximal osteotomy (OTA fracture classification 41-A3.3) in seven frame configurations: unilateral frames with 5-mm diameter half-pins and 6-mm diameter half-pins; hybrid (as described above), with and without a 6-mm anterior proximal half-pin; a "box" hybrid (additional ring group distal to the fracture connected by symmetrically spaced bars to the proximal rings) with and without an anterior, proximal half-pin; and a full, four-ring configuration. Each configuration was loaded in four positions (central, medial, posterior, and posteromedial). Displacement at point of loading of proximal fragment. The "box" hybrid was stiffer than the standard hybrid for all loading positions. The addition of an anterior half-pin stiffened the standard hybrid and the "box" hybrid. The most dramatic improvements in the stability of hybrid frames used for proximal tibial fractures result from addition of an anterior, proximal half-pin.

  18. Fotometria de grupos compactos de galáxias no infravermelho próximo (United States)

    Brasileiro, F.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.


    Apresentamos medidas nas bandas J, H e K de cerca de 90 galáxias em 34 grupos compactos. Através da combinação dos novos dados, com dados obtidos na literatura para a banda B, investigamos como as luminosidades, cores, tamanhos e massas das galáxias em grupos compactos foram afetadas por processos dinâmicos, e como essas diferem de galáxias em ambientes menos densos. Uma comparação dos novos valores obtidos com aqueles listados no catálogo 2MASS, mostram que para 50 galáxias estudadas em comum, as diferenças nas magnitudes J, H e K estão dentro dos erros fotométricos. Através da construção dos diagramas de cor (J-H x H-K e B-H x J-K), percebemos que as galáxias em grupos compactos ocupam posições no diagrama diferentes das posições de galáxias em campo ou em aglomerados, sendo mais parecidas com as posições ocupadas por galáxias HII, ou com excesso de poeira, acreditamos que tal deslocamento é derivado do aumento da taxa de formação estelar.

  19. Endomedullar nail of metacarpal and proximal phalanges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mendez Olaya, Francisco Javier; Sanchez Mesa, Pedro Antonio


    Prospective study, series of cases; it included patients with diaphysis fractures and union diaphysis-neck or union diaphysis-base of metacarpal and proximal phalanges, in whom was practiced anterograde intramedullary nailing previous closed reduction of the fracture, using prevent intramedullary nail of 1.6 mm. (cem 16) for the metacarpal fractures, and two nail prevent of 1.0 mm. (cem 10) for the proximal phalangeal fractures. Indications: transverse and oblique short fractures, spiral and with comminuting bicortical. Pursuit average is 5.7 months. Frequency surgical intervened patient: 2.2 each month, using this surgical technique a total of 20 (twenty) patients have been operated, 21 (twenty one) fractures; 16 (sixteen) metacarcal fractures and 5 (five) proximal phalangeal fractures, all of them tested using clinical and radiological parameters. Results: good 82%, regular 18%, and bad 0% obtaining bony consolidation and early rehabilitation with incorporation to their habitual works

  20. MR imaging of proximal femur: age-related changes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ju Heon; Jeon, Woo Jin; Sohn, Cheol Ho; Park, Mi Ok; Lee, Seong Mun; Joo, Yang Gu; Suh, Soo Jhi; Pyun, Young Sik


    The purpose of this study is to illustrate MR patterns of signal intensity of proximal femur in normal subjects according to the age distribution. T1-weighted MR images of the proximal femur in 125 subjects, aged 13 days to 25 years, were retrospectively analyzed. Age distribution was classified to 4 groups; below 4 months, 5 months to 4 years, 5 years to 14 years, and 15 years to 25 years. By the age of 4 months, the non-ossified femoral epiphysis was seen as intermediate-signal-intensity cartilage. At 5 months-4 years, the ossified femoral capital epiphysis was seen within intermediate-signal-intensity cartilage and appeared as decreased or increased signal-intensity red or yellow marrow surrounded by a rim of low-signal-intensity cortical bone. At 5-14 years, the ossified femoral capital and greater trochanteric epiphysis were seen within the intermediate-signal-intensity cartilage and appeared as decreased or increased signal-intensity red or yellow marrow. At 15-25 years, the proximal metaphyseal marrow showed increased signal intensity. Four patterns of the metaphyseal marrow were recognized by Ricci et al. The frequency of pattern 1 a progressively decreased with age. Pattern 2 and 3 were visible in the 15-25 years age group. An understanding of the spectrum of normal age-related change of the proximal femoral cartilage and marrow patterns serves as the foundation for interpretation of proximal femur pathologies

  1. Topology of digital images visual pattern discovery in proximity spaces

    CERN Document Server

    Peters, James F


    This book carries forward recent work on visual patterns and structures in digital images and introduces a near set-based a topology of digital images. Visual patterns arise naturally in digital images viewed as sets of non-abstract points endowed with some form of proximity (nearness) relation. Proximity relations make it possible to construct uniform topolo- gies on the sets of points that constitute a digital image. In keeping with an interest in gaining an understanding of digital images themselves as a rich source of patterns, this book introduces the basics of digital images from a computer vision perspective. In parallel with a computer vision perspective on digital images, this book also introduces the basics of prox- imity spaces. Not only the traditional view of spatial proximity relations but also the more recent descriptive proximity relations are considered. The beauty of the descriptive proximity approach is that it is possible to discover visual set patterns among sets that are non-overlapping ...

  2. Proximate Analysis of Coal (United States)

    Donahue, Craig J.; Rais, Elizabeth A.


    This lab experiment illustrates the use of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) to perform proximate analysis on a series of coal samples of different rank. Peat and coke are also examined. A total of four exercises are described. These are dry exercises as students interpret previously recorded scans. The weight percent moisture, volatile matter,…

  3. The reliability and accuracy of two methods for proximal caries detection and depth on directly visible proximal surfaces: an in vitro study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ekstrand, K R; Alloza, Alvaro Luna; Promisiero, L


    This study aimed to determine the reliability and accuracy of the ICDAS and radiographs in detecting and estimating the depth of proximal lesions on extracted teeth. The lesions were visible to the naked eye. Three trained examiners scored a total of 132 sound/carious proximal surfaces from 106 p...

  4. The sooner, the better: exercise outcome proximity and intrinsic motivation. (United States)

    Evans, M Blair; Cooke, Lisa M; Murray, Robyn A; Wilson, Anne E


    Despite evidence that outcomes are highly valued when they are expected sooner rather than further into the future (Ainslie, 1975), limited research effort has been devoted to understanding the role of exercise outcome proximity. The purpose of this study was to examine how temporal proximity to positive outcomes influences exercisers' intrinsic motivation. We expected that focusing people on temporally proximal exercise outcomes would increase intrinsic motivation, especially among low-frequency exercisers. This online experimental study was completed by 135 community exercisers (Mage  = 31.11, SD = 10.29; 62% female) who reported an average of 4.86 exercise bouts per week (SD = 2.12). Participants were randomly assigned to a condition that primed temporally proximal positive exercise outcomes (i.e. experienced during or directly following an exercise bout) or temporally distal outcomes (i.e. experienced after days, months, or years of regular exercise). Participants then reported perceptions of behavioral regulation in exercise. As expected, the proximal exercise outcome condition elicited increased intrinsic regulation among those participants who exercised less frequently (i.e. 1 SD below the mean). This study reveals the importance of considering proximity as an important dimension of exercise outcomes-particularly when promoting intrinsic motivation among relatively infrequent exercisers. © 2014 The International Association of Applied Psychology.

  5. Correlation between social proximity and mobility similarity. (United States)

    Fan, Chao; Liu, Yiding; Huang, Junming; Rong, Zhihai; Zhou, Tao


    Human behaviors exhibit ubiquitous correlations in many aspects, such as individual and collective levels, temporal and spatial dimensions, content, social and geographical layers. With rich Internet data of online behaviors becoming available, it attracts academic interests to explore human mobility similarity from the perspective of social network proximity. Existent analysis shows a strong correlation between online social proximity and offline mobility similarity, namely, mobile records between friends are significantly more similar than between strangers, and those between friends with common neighbors are even more similar. We argue the importance of the number and diversity of common friends, with a counter intuitive finding that the number of common friends has no positive impact on mobility similarity while the diversity plays a key role, disagreeing with previous studies. Our analysis provides a novel view for better understanding the coupling between human online and offline behaviors, and will help model and predict human behaviors based on social proximity.

  6. Bone mineral density of lumbar spine and proximal femur in healthy males

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akin, S.; Isikli, S.; Korkusuz, F.; Ungan, M.; Senkoylu, A.


    Relationship between BMD and age at lumbar spine and proximal femur in Turkish males was investigated. Two hundred ninety healthy males (aged 20-59 years) were investigated. BMD of the lumbar spine had its peak at ages 30-39, however, the peak for the proximal femur was between the ages of 20 and 29. There was a significant decrease in BMD at proximal femur after these peak values with increasing age. There was a significant correlation between age and the proximal femoral BMD in males and age has a strong predictive power on proximal femur BMD score. (author)

  7. Proximal soil sensors and data fusion for precision agriculture

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mahmood, H.S.


    different remote and proximal soil sensors are available today that can scan entire fields and give detailed information on various physical, chemical, mechanical and biological soil properties. The first objective of this thesis was to evaluate different proximal soil sensors available today and to

  8. Proximal caries detection: Sirona Sidexis versus Kodak Ektaspeed Plus. (United States)

    Khan, Emad A; Tyndall, Donald A; Ludlow, John B; Caplan, Daniel


    This study compared the accuracy of intraoral film and a charge-coupled device (CCD) receptor for proximal caries detection. Four observers evaluated images of the proximal surfaces of 40 extracted posterior teeth. The presence or absence of caries was scored using a five-point confidence scale. The actual status of each surface was determined from ground section histology. Responses were evaluated by means of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Areas under ROC curves (Az) were assessed through a paired t-test. The performance of the CCD-based intraoral sensor was not different statistically from Ektaspeed Plus film in detecting proximal caries.

  9. Incidencia y factores de riesgo de la fractura de fémur proximal por osteoporosis

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    María Teresa Mosquera


    Full Text Available Todos los años se producen en el mundo más de un millón de fracturas de fémur proximal, sobre todo en personas de edad avanzada. Dado el continuo envejecimiento de las poblaciones, las fracturas aumentarán año tras año y constituirán un problema cada vez más grave de salud pública. Se espera que el mayor aumento de dichas fracturas ocurra en América Latina alrededor del 2050. Teniendo en cuenta que cerca de 70% de las fracturas atraumáticas en personas mayores de 45 años de edad se deben a osteoporosis, se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, Argentina, para conocer la incidencia de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis y los factores de riesgo asociados. Entre el 1 de agosto de 1992 y el 31 de julio de 1993 se registraron todos los casos de fracturas de fémur proximal por osteoporosis en personas mayores de 50 años de edad que acudieron a cualquiera de los 30 centros de salud públicos y privados de la ciudad. Se registró un total de 246 casos. La tasa de incidencia por 100 000 habitantes en la población mayor de 50 años fue de 259 en mujeres y de 92 en varones, con una relación de 2,8:1. La incidencia fue siempre mayor a mayor edad y sobre todo a partir de los 75 años. Los factores asociados con aumento del riesgo de fractura de fémur proximal con significación estadística fueron: antecedentes de enfermedades neurológicas, consumo de psicofármacos, consumo de alcohol, fracturas previas, enfermedades cardiovasculares y menor consumo de lácteos. No se observaron diferencias entre los casos y los controles con respecto a edad de inicio de la menopausia, peso, talla, actividad previa, hábito de fumar o exposición al sol, como así tampoco en el porcentaje de mujeres que habían tenido ooforectomías.

  10. Computational proximity excursions in the topology of digital images

    CERN Document Server

    Peters, James F


    This book introduces computational proximity (CP) as an algorithmic approach to finding nonempty sets of points that are either close to each other or far apart. Typically in computational proximity, the book starts with some form of proximity space (topological space equipped with a proximity relation) that has an inherent geometry. In CP, two types of near sets are considered, namely, spatially near sets and descriptivelynear sets. It is shown that connectedness, boundedness, mesh nerves, convexity, shapes and shape theory are principal topics in the study of nearness and separation of physical aswell as abstract sets. CP has a hefty visual content. Applications of CP in computer vision, multimedia, brain activity, biology, social networks, and cosmology are included. The book has been derived from the lectures of the author in a graduate course on the topology of digital images taught over the past several years. Many of the students have provided important insights and valuable suggestions. The topics in ...

  11. E4orf1 Enhances Glucose Uptake Independent of Proximal Insulin Signaling. (United States)

    Na, Ha-Na; Hegde, Vijay; Dubuisson, Olga; Dhurandhar, Nikhil V


    Impaired proximal insulin signaling is often present in diabetes. Hence, approaches to enhance glucose disposal independent of proximal insulin signaling are desirable. Evidence indicates that Adenovirus-derived E4orf1 protein may offer such an approach. This study determined if E4orf1 improves insulin sensitivity and downregulates proximal insulin signaling in vivo and enhances cellular glucose uptake independent of proximal insulin signaling in vitro. High fat fed mice were injected with a retrovirus plasmid expressing E4orf1, or a null vector. E4orf1 significantly improved insulin sensitivity in response to a glucose load. Yet, their proximal insulin signaling in fat depots was impaired, as indicated by reduced tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor (IR), and significantly increased abundance of ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase-1 (ENPP1). In 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes E4orf1 expression impaired proximal insulin signaling. Whereas, treatment with rosiglitazone reduced ENPP1 abundance. Unaffected by IR-KD (insulin receptor knockdown) with siRNA, E4orf1 significantly up-regulated distal insulin signaling pathway and enhanced cellular glucose uptake. In vivo, E4orf1 impairs proximal insulin signaling in fat depots yet improves glycemic control. This is probably explained by the ability of E4orf1 to promote cellular glucose uptake independent of proximal insulin signaling. E4orf1 may provide a therapeutic template to enhance glucose disposal in the presence of impaired proximal insulin signaling.

  12. E4orf1 Enhances Glucose Uptake Independent of Proximal Insulin Signaling.

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    Ha-Na Na

    Full Text Available Impaired proximal insulin signaling is often present in diabetes. Hence, approaches to enhance glucose disposal independent of proximal insulin signaling are desirable. Evidence indicates that Adenovirus-derived E4orf1 protein may offer such an approach. This study determined if E4orf1 improves insulin sensitivity and downregulates proximal insulin signaling in vivo and enhances cellular glucose uptake independent of proximal insulin signaling in vitro. High fat fed mice were injected with a retrovirus plasmid expressing E4orf1, or a null vector. E4orf1 significantly improved insulin sensitivity in response to a glucose load. Yet, their proximal insulin signaling in fat depots was impaired, as indicated by reduced tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor (IR, and significantly increased abundance of ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase-1 (ENPP1. In 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes E4orf1 expression impaired proximal insulin signaling. Whereas, treatment with rosiglitazone reduced ENPP1 abundance. Unaffected by IR-KD (insulin receptor knockdown with siRNA, E4orf1 significantly up-regulated distal insulin signaling pathway and enhanced cellular glucose uptake. In vivo, E4orf1 impairs proximal insulin signaling in fat depots yet improves glycemic control. This is probably explained by the ability of E4orf1 to promote cellular glucose uptake independent of proximal insulin signaling. E4orf1 may provide a therapeutic template to enhance glucose disposal in the presence of impaired proximal insulin signaling.

  13. E4orf1 Enhances Glucose Uptake Independent of Proximal Insulin Signaling


    Na, Ha-Na; Hegde, Vijay; Dubuisson, Olga; Dhurandhar, Nikhil V.


    Impaired proximal insulin signaling is often present in diabetes. Hence, approaches to enhance glucose disposal independent of proximal insulin signaling are desirable. Evidence indicates that Adenovirus-derived E4orf1 protein may offer such an approach. This study determined if E4orf1 improves insulin sensitivity and downregulates proximal insulin signaling in vivo and enhances cellular glucose uptake independent of proximal insulin signaling in vitro. High fat fed mice were injected with a ...

  14. The female geriatric proximal humeral fracture: protagonist for straight antegrade nailing? (United States)

    Lindtner, Richard A; Kralinger, Franz S; Kapferer, Sebastian; Hengg, Clemens; Wambacher, Markus; Euler, Simon A


    Straight antegrade humeral nailing (SAHN) has become a standard technique for the surgical fixation of proximal humeral fractures, which predominantly affect elderly females. The nail's proximal anchoring point has been demonstrated to be critical to ensure reliable fixation in osteoporotic bone and to prevent iatrogenic damage to the superior rotator cuff bony insertion. Anatomical variations of the proximal humerus, however, may preclude satisfactory anchoring of the nail's proximal end and may bare the risk of rotator cuff violation, even though the nail is inserted as recommended. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anatomical suitability of proximal humeri of geriatric females aged 75 years and older for SAHN. Specifically, we sought to assess the proportion of humeri not anatomically amenable to SAHN for proximal humeral fracture. A total of 303 proximal humeri of 241 females aged 75 years and older (mean age 84.5 ± 5.0 years; range 75-102 years) were analyzed for this study. Multiplanar two-dimensional reformations (true ap, true lateral, and axial) were reconstructed from shoulder computed tomography (CT) data sets. The straight antegrade nail's ideal entry point, "critical point" (CP), and critical distance (CD; distance between ideal entry point and CP) were determined. The rate of proximal humeri not anatomically suitable for SAHN (critical type) was assessed regarding proximal reaming diameters of currently available straight antegrade humeral nails. Overall, 35.6% (108/303) of all proximal humeri were found to be "critical types" (CD straight antegrade nails currently in use. Moreover, 43.2% (131/303) of the humeri were considered "critical types" with regard to the alternatively used larger proximal reaming diameter of 11.5 mm. Mean CD was 9.0 ± 1.7 mm (range 3.5-13.5 mm) and did not correlate with age (r = -0.04, P = 0.54). No significant differences in CD and rate of "critical types" were found between left and right humeri


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    Chang Patricia


    Full Text Available Background: The proximal fold is an important part of the nail apparatus it contributes to the formation of the nail plate and through the cuticle acts as an impermeable barrier protecting it from any cause.Objective: To know the proximal nail fold hematoma caused by the use of pulse oximeter.Material and Methods: A descriptive study was conducted in 41 patients with proximal nail hematoma secondary to the use of oximetry in patients hospitalized in the Intermediate and Intensive Care Unit at the Hospital General de Enfermedades from December 1, 2007 to December 31, 2010.Results: We studied 41 patients with proximal nail fold hematoma secondary to the use of oximeter, 30 (73.1% were males and 11 (26.8% females. The numbers of fingers affected by pulse oximeter were in one digit. 30 (73.1% cases, in two digits 6 (14.6%, in three digits 3 (7.3%, in 4 digits 1 (2.4% and in 5 digits 1 (2.4% case. The most affected proximal nail fold was right index: 24 (58.5%, right middle 11 (26.8%, right ring 6 (14.6%, left index 12 (29.2%, and left middle 6 (14.6% cases.Conclusions: Hematomas of the proximal nail fold may be caused by different traumatisms. The use of pulse oximeter is one of them.

  16. Máscara de espalhamento e precipitação para os canais microondas do satélite NOAA Scattering and rainfall mask for microwave channels of NOAA satellite

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    João C. Carvalho


    Full Text Available Propõe-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar uma metodologia para identificação de pixels contaminados por precipitação e/ou espalhamento utilizando-se dados dos canais do Advanced Microwave Sensor Unit (AMSU. A aplicação de metodologias desse tipo é útil para a inferência de perfis verticais de temperatura e umidade no Brasil, em situações de céu coberto. A validação dos resultados foi feita com base em um estudo de caso, em que se aplicou uma análise subjetiva, tomando-se como modelo a comparação com imagens das bandas infravermelho, visível e microondas. Os resultados mostraram excelente concordância entre os topos de nuvens com temperaturas de brilho baixas, afetadas pelo efeito de espalhamento devido à presença de chuva e gelo, e as áreas identificadas pelo algoritmo como sendo contaminadas por este efeito. O algoritmo conseguiu identificar adequadamente os locais sob influência de precipitação e/ou espalhamento.This work presents a methodology to identify precipitation and/or scattering pixels in the Advanced Microwave Sensor Unit (AMSU channels. This procedure is useful for applications in atmospheric temperature and moisture retrievals over Brazil under cloudy sky conditions. A subjective analysis based on a case study involving comparisons with infrared, visible and microwave images was applied for validation purpose. The results show an excellent relationship of cloud tops with low brightness temperature affected by scattering due to water drops and ice and the areas identified by the algorithm as being influenced by precipitation and/or scattering effect.

  17. Inter-proximal enamel reduction in contemporary orthodontics. (United States)

    Pindoria, J; Fleming, P S; Sharma, P K


    Inter-proximal enamel reduction has gained increasing prominence in recent years being advocated to provide space for orthodontic alignment, to refine contact points and to potentially improve long-term stability. An array of techniques and products are available ranging from hand-held abrasive strips to handpiece mounted burs and discs. The indications for inter-proximal enamel reduction and the importance of formal space analysis, together with the various techniques and armamentarium which may be used to perform it safely in both the labial and buccal segments are outlined.

  18. Treatment of proximal ulna and olecranon fractures by dorsal plating

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kloen, Peter; Buijze, Geert A.


    OBJECTIVE : Anatomic reconstruction of proximal ulna and olecranon fractures allowing early mobilization and prevention of ulnohumeral arthritis. INDICATIONS : Comminuted olecranon or proximal ulna fractures (including Monteggia fractures), olecranon fractures extending distally from the coronoid

  19. Inexact proximal Newton methods for self-concordant functions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Jinchao; Andersen, Martin Skovgaard; Vandenberghe, Lieven


    with an application to L1-regularized covariance selection, in which prior constraints on the sparsity pattern of the inverse covariance matrix are imposed. In the numerical experiments the proximal Newton steps are computed by an accelerated proximal gradient method, and multifrontal algorithms for positive definite...... matrices with chordal sparsity patterns are used to evaluate gradients and matrix-vector products with the Hessian of the smooth component of the objective....

  20. Proximity effects in topological insulator heterostructures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Xiao-Guang; Wu Guang-Fen; Zhang Gu-Feng; Culcer Dimitrie; Zhang Zhen-Yu; Chen Hua


    Topological insulators (TIs) are bulk insulators that possess robust helical conducting states along their interfaces with conventional insulators. A tremendous research effort has recently been devoted to Tl-based heterostructures, in which conventional proximity effects give rise to a series of exotic physical phenomena. This paper reviews our recent studies on the potential existence of topological proximity effects at the interface between a topological insulator and a normal insulator or other topologically trivial systems. Using first-principles approaches, we have realized the tunability of the vertical location of the topological helical state via intriguing dual-proximity effects. To further elucidate the control parameters of this effect, we have used the graphene-based heterostructures as prototypical systems to reveal a more complete phase diagram. On the application side of the topological helical states, we have presented a catalysis example, where the topological helical state plays an essential role in facilitating surface reactions by serving as an effective electron bath. These discoveries lay the foundation for accurate manipulation of the real space properties of the topological helical state in TI-based heterostructures and pave the way for realization of the salient functionality of topological insulators in future device applications. (topical review - low-dimensional nanostructures and devices)

  1. comparative proximate composition and antioxidant vitamins

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Keywords: Comparative, proximate composition, antioxidant vitamins, honey. INTRODUCTION ... solution of inverted sugars and complex mixture of other saccharides ... enzymatic browning in apple slices and grape juice. (Khan, 1985).

  2. Mapping subsurface in proximity to newly-developed sinkhole along roadway. (United States)


    MS&T acquired electrical resistivity tomography profiles in immediate proximity to a newly-developed sinkhole in Nixa Missouri : The sinkhole has closed a well-traveled municipal roadway and threatens proximal infrastructure. The intent of this inves...

  3. Produção de biodiesel por transesterificação enzimática in situ em solvente orgânico a partir da biomassa de Desmodesmus sp.

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    Danielle Kochenborger John


    Full Text Available Um dos materiais alternativos mais investigados atualmente para a produção de biodiesel são as microalgas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a avaliação do método de transesterificação enzimática in situ da microalga Desmodesmus sp. em solvente orgânico, acompanhando a reação através do monitoramento on-line com sonda de infravermelho e cromatografia gasosa. Dois ensaios foram realizados em condições distintas para efeito comparativo. Baseado nos resultados obtidos por espectroscopia e cromatografia, bem como nas propriedades calculadas a partir do perfil cromatográfico, pode-se concluir que é possível a produção de biodiesel in situ a partir de biomassa de microalgas, reduzindo a etapa de extração de óleo.

  4. Fraturas proximais do fêmur em idosos: qual o melhor tratamento? Proximal fracture of the femur on the elderly: what's the best treatment?

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    Lygia Paccini Lustosa


    Full Text Available As fraturas proximais do fêmur em idosos representam um sério problema dentro do contexto da saúde pública, devido aos elevados custos econômicos para o tratamento e as suas consequências, assim como pela alta taxa de morbidade e mortalidade. O objetivo desse estudo foi discutir quais os tratamentos mais indicados para esse tipo de fratura, em idosos, por meio de uma revisão da literatura. As bases de dados pesquisadas foram MEDLINE, COCHRANE e PEDro. Os critérios de inclusão foram estudos publicados nos últimos sete anos; nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol; realizados em seres humanos, sem distinção de gênero e com idade maior que 60 anos; estudos com desenho metodológico de ensaios clínicos, ensaios clínicos aleatorizados e revisões sistemáticas com e sem meta-análise. Foram encontrados sete artigos e após a análise pode se afirmar que não existe um tratamento específico para as fraturas proximais do fêmur em idosos. O tratamento normalmente indicado na maioria dessas fraturas é cirúrgico e requer envolvimento fisioterápico para uma reabilitação adequada. Apesar da dificuldade de comparação entre os estudos, foi observado que uma equipe de profissionais da saúde parece promover uma reabilitação mais efetiva, além de prevenir complicações.The proximal fractures of the femur on the elderly represent a serious problem inside the public health context, because of the high economic costs needed for the treatment and it's consequence, as the high taxes of morbidity and mortality. The goal of this study was to discuss, through a literature revision, which is the most indicated treatment for the proximal fractures of the femur, on the elderly. The researched data bases were MEDLINE, COCHRANE and PEDro. The inclusion criterions were published studies on the last seven years, only on the Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, accomplished on human beings, with no genre distinction and with ages above 60

  5. Comparison of different proximity potentials for asymmetric colliding nuclei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dutt, Ishwar; Puri, Rajeev K.


    Using the different versions of phenomenological proximity potential as well as other parametrizations within the proximity concept, we perform a detailed comparative study of fusion barriers for asymmetric colliding nuclei with asymmetry parameter as high as 0.23. In all, 12 different proximity potentials are robust against the experimental data of 60 reactions. Our detailed study reveals that the surface energy coefficient as well as radius of the colliding nuclei depend significantly on the asymmetry parameter. All models are able to explain the fusion barrier heights within ±10% on the average. The potentials due to Bass 80, AW 95, and Denisov DP explain nicely the fusion cross sections at above- as well as below-barrier energies.

  6. Fractures of the proximal humerus involving the intertubercular groove

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahovuo, J.; Paavolainen, P.; Bjoerkenheim, J.M.; Helsinki Univ. Central Hospital


    The purpose of this study was to analyse the involvement of the gliding surface of the biceps tendon in fractures of the proximal humerus. Fifteen patients had a fracture of the proximal humerus verified with antero-posterior and axillary radiographs. Tangential radiographs of the intertubercular groove, obtained from the shoulder joint, showed involvement of the intertubercular groove in 13 patients (87%), which could not be shown with other projections. Groove radiographs revealed in 3 patients a dislocation of the fragments of the greater tuberosity large enough to require surgical treatment, but which had not been found using conventional techniques. Therefore, a groove radiograph should be used to precise fractures of the proximal humerus. (orig.)

  7. Correlação da espessura médio-intimal das carótidas primitivas proximal e distal

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    Leonard Hermann Roelke


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: O aumento da espessura do IMT (do inglês intima-media thickness das carótidas é utlizado como marcador precoce de aterosclerose e para avaliação do risco de eventos cardiovasculares. O ultrassom é utilizado na sua avaliação pela acessibilidade e baixo custo. São descritas medidas realizadas em diferentes regiões das carótidas. OBJETIVOS: Correlacionar o IMT nas regiões proximal e distal da carótida primitiva bilateral no intuito de orientar a sua utilização na prática clínica. MÉTODOS: O IMT foi medido nas porções proximais e distais da artéria carótida primitiva de 798 indivíduos (35-74 anos de ambos os sexos usando ultrassom de alta resolução. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foi usado para se estabelecer as associações. As análises foram feitas inicialmente para toda a amostra e nos subgrupos com IMT 0,90 mm em pelo menos um sítio de medida. A significância estatística foi considerada para p 0,90 mm, houve expressiva queda de correlações, que se situaram entre 0,20 e 0,40. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados sugerem que o espessamento médio-intimal é mais uniforme ao longo das carótidas em fases mais precoces do desenvolvimento e tende a adquirir desenvolvimento focal à medida que progride. Portanto, na avaliação clínica de pacientes, toda a extensão das carótidas comuns deve ser investigada bilateralmente para melhor utilizar os softwares disponíveis e concluir sobre a presença ou não de espessamento do complexo médio-intimal.

  8. Síntese e caracterização de um novo composto obtido pela reação entre hidreto de trifenilestanho e ácido (±)-mandélico e avaliação de seu potencial biocida sobre o fungo Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense


    Barbiéri, Roberto Santos; Lima, Elysio Prado de; Silva, Samuel Ferreira da; Dias, Allan Kardec Carlos; Cardoso, Maria das Graças; Terra, Vilma Reis


    O presente artigo refere-se à síntese e caracterização de um novo composto organoestânico, pela reação de ácido (±)-mandélico e hidreto de trifenilestanho, em meio de acetonitrila e sob refluxo, [(C6H5)2SnMand 2] {Mand = C6H5CH(OH)COO], identificado por análise elementar de carbono e hidrogênio, espectroscopia no infravermelho e espectrometria de massa de alta resolução, para o qual foi proposta estrutura octaédrica com o grupo fenila em posição trans. Verificou-se que o composto apresenta aç...

  9. Síntese e caracterização de um novo composto obtido pela reação entre hidreto de trifenilestanho e ácido (±)-mandélico e avaliação de seu potencial biocida sobre o fungo Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of the biocide effect on the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense of a new compound obtained by reaction of triphenyltin hydride and (±)-mandelic acid


    Roberto Santos Barbiéri; Elysio Prado de Lima; Samuel Ferreira da Silva; Allan Kardec Carlos Dias; Maria das Graças Cardoso; Vilma Reis Terra


    O presente artigo refere-se à síntese e caracterização de um novo composto organoestânico, pela reação de ácido (±)-mandélico e hidreto de trifenilestanho, em meio de acetonitrila e sob refluxo, [(C6H5)2SnMand 2] {Mand = C6H5CH(OH)COO], identificado por análise elementar de carbono e hidrogênio, espectroscopia no infravermelho e espectrometria de massa de alta resolução, para o qual foi proposta estrutura octaédrica com o grupo fenila em posição trans. Verificou-se que o composto apresenta aç...

  10. Síntese, caracterização e aplicação do óxido de grafite e grafeno em estudos eletroquímicos envolvendo ácido ascórbico, ácido úrico, dopamina e epinefrina


    Nunes, Lúcio Otávio


    Área de concentração: Química Analítica. O presente trabalho descreve a síntese, caracterização e aplicação do óxido de grafite e do grafeno visando o desenvolvimento de sensores. Inicialmente, o material sintetizado foi caracterizado por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difração de raios-X e espectroscopia no infravermelho. Microscopia eletroquímica de varredura foi empregada para a obtenção de “imagens eletroquímicas” e informações sobre a cinética de transferência de elétrons dos ma...

  11. Seleção de variáveis no desenvolvimento, classificação e predição de produtos


    Karina Rossini


    O presente trabalho apresenta proposições para seleção de variáveis em avaliações sensoriais descritivas e de espectro infravermelho que contribuam com a indústria de alimentos e química através da utilização de métodos de análise multivariada. Desta forma, os objetivos desta tese são: (i) Estudar as principais técnicas de análise multivariada de dados, como são comumente organizadas e como podem contribuir no processo de seleção de variáveis; (ii) Identificar e estruturar técnicas de análise...

  12. Determinação simultânea dos teores de cinza e proteína em farinha de trigo empregando NIRR-PLS e DRIFT-PLS Simultaneous determination of ash content and protein in wheat flour using infrared reflection techniques and partial least-squares regression (PLS

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    Marco Flôres Ferrão


    Full Text Available As técnicas de espectroscopia por reflexão no infravermelho próximo (NIRRS e por reflexão difusa no infravermelho médio com transformada de Fourier (DRIFTS foram empregadas com o método de regressão multivariado por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS para a determinação simultânea dos teores de proteína e cinza em amostras de farinha de trigo da variedade Triticum aestivum L. Foram coletados espectros no infravermelho em duplicata de 100 amostras, empregando-se acessórios de reflexão difusa. Os teores de proteína (8,85-13,23% e cinza (0,330-1,287%, empregados como referência, foram determinados pelo método Kjeldhal e método gravimétrico, respectivamente. Os dados espectrais foram utilizados no formato log(1/R, bem como suas derivadas de primeira e segunda ordem, sendo pré-processados usando-se os dados centrados na média (MC ou escalados pela variância (VS ou ambos. Cinqüenta e cinco amostras foram usadas para calibração e 45 para validação dos modelos, adotando-se como critério de construção os valores mínimos do erro padrão de calibração (SEC e do erro padrão de validação (SEV. Estes valores foram inferiores a 0,33% para proteína e a 0,07% para cinza. Os métodos desenvolvidos apresentam como vantagens a não agressão ao ambiente, bem como permitem uma determinação direta, simultânea, rápida e não destrutiva dos teores de proteína e cinza em amostras de farinha de trigo.Partial Least Square (PLS multivariate calibration associated to Near Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy (NIRRS or Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS were used to establish methods for simultaneous determination of protein and ash content on commercial wheat flour samples of Triticum aestivum L. Duplicate spectra of 100 samples with protein content between 8.85-13.23% (Kjeldahl method and ash content between 0.330-1.287% (gravimetric method were employed to build calibration methods. The spectra were used

  13. Proximate composition and fatty acid content of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae along the year seasons

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    Ricardo Cavalcanti Martino


    Full Text Available Mangrove oysters, Crassostrea rhizophorae were collected at the mangrove of "Barra de Guaratiba" district, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with the aim to determine the proximate composition and fatty acid content. Along the year seasons no statistical (P>0.05 difference was observed in the values of moisture, crude protein, crude lipid and ash. They were 82.0%; 9.7%; 1.7%; 3.2%, in average, respectively. However, glycogen was significantly (PCom o objetivo de determinar a composição centesimal e de ácidos graxos da ostra de mangue Crassostrea rhizophorae, amostras foram coletadas durante um ano no manguezal localizado na Barra de Guaratiba, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Nenhuma diferença estatística (P>0,05 foi observada para os valores de umidade, proteína bruta, lipídio bruto e cinza, que foram em média: 82%; 9,7%; 1,7% e 3,2%, respectivamente. Por outro lado, os valores encontrados para o glicogênio foram significativamente diferentes (P<0,05 para as amostras de primavera (4,4% e inverno (4,2% do que para as amostras de verão (2,7% e outono (2,9%. Os ácidos graxos saturados e poliinsaturados foram respectivamente, os principais grupos de ácidos graxos das ostras, sendo que o ácido palmítico (16:0 foi o ácido graxo mais abundante em todos as amostras de ostras coletadas. O presente estudo demonstrou que esta espécie é caracterizada tanto por uma baixa concentração de lipídios (< 2,0% como também, por uma elevada concentração dos ácidos eicosapentaenóico (20:5n-3, EPA e docosahexaenóico (22:6n-3, DHA. Portanto, baseado no presente resultado é possível concluir que em termos de lipídios e de ácidos graxos a composição nutricional da C.rhizophorae é recomendável para o consumo humano.

  14. Biossorção de azul de metileno utilizando resíduos agroindustriais

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    Andressa C. Honorato


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho avaliou a capacidade de adsorção do corante azul de metileno nos resíduos da palha de milho e da bainha do palmito pupunha in natura. A caracterização dos resíduos foi determinada utilizando-se a microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia na região do infravermelho a qual indicou a presença de grupos carboxílicos, hidroxila e carbonila. O tempo necessário para que o sistema atingisse o equilíbrio para ambos os resíduos foi de 240 min, seguindo uma cinética descrita pelo modelo de pseudo-segunda ordem. A capacidade máxima de adsorção foi de 102,8 mg g-1 para o resíduo da palha de milho, seguindo o modelo de isoterma de Langmuir e 50,9 mg g-1 para o resíduo de palmito pupunha, sendo que o modelo que melhor se ajusta foi Freundlich. Desta forma, esses resíduos são promissores para a adsorção do corante azul de metileno em efluentes.

  15. Public space, place and landscape: proximities and distances to urban anthropology / Espacio público, lugar y paisaje: proximidades y distancias para una antropología urbana

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    Alejandro José Peimbert Duarte


    Full Text Available The text presents some precisions about the concepts of space, place and landscape. When these concepts are given in urban planning, urban design, architecture or ethnography, it is possible to find significant distances from the city versus urban. Also, the tour of these notions, could evidence certain proximities that allude to which lens is observed one of the key objects for studying the territory: the public space. This, in turn, explains the different positions of social actors in it: the decision maker, planner, designer or architect, and –moreover– the passer or the ordinary user. The recurrent use of the term “landscape” to talk about the open spaces of our cities implies a review of the term, since its heyday at the study of everyday life until its appearance at the emergent Landscape Urbanism. Finally, focusing on Latin American cases, in this text are addressed the possibilities and challenges of undertaking a research framed in sociocultural studies and from urban anthropology in a city at the northwestern border of Mexico. El texto expone algunas precisiones en torno a los conceptos de espacio, lugar y paisaje. Cuando estos conceptos son administrados tanto en la planificación, el diseño, la arquitectura o la etnografía, es posible encontrar distancias importantes respecto a “la ciudad” frente a “lo urbano”. Asimismo, el recorrido por estas acotaciones evidencia ciertas proximidades que aluden al lente con que es apreciado uno de los objetos de estudio clave para el estudio del territorio: el espacio público. Esto, a su vez, explica la diversidad de posicionamientos de los actores sociales en él, ya sea –por un lado– el tomador de decisiones; el planificador, el diseñador o el arquitecto; y –por otra parte– el transeúnte o el usuario ordinario. El recurrente uso del término “paisaje” para hablar de los espacios abiertos de nuestras ciudades implica hacer una revisión del vocablo, desde su auge

  16. Exploiting Proximity-Based Mobile Apps for Large-Scale Location Privacy Probing

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    Shuang Zhao


    Full Text Available Proximity-based apps have been changing the way people interact with each other in the physical world. To help people extend their social networks, proximity-based nearby-stranger (NS apps that encourage people to make friends with nearby strangers have gained popularity recently. As another typical type of proximity-based apps, some ridesharing (RS apps allowing drivers to search nearby passengers and get their ridesharing requests also become popular due to their contribution to economy and emission reduction. In this paper, we concentrate on the location privacy of proximity-based mobile apps. By analyzing the communication mechanism, we find that many apps of this type are vulnerable to large-scale location spoofing attack (LLSA. We accordingly propose three approaches to performing LLSA. To evaluate the threat of LLSA posed to proximity-based mobile apps, we perform real-world case studies against an NS app named Weibo and an RS app called Didi. The results show that our approaches can effectively and automatically collect a huge volume of users’ locations or travel records, thereby demonstrating the severity of LLSA. We apply the LLSA approaches against nine popular proximity-based apps with millions of installations to evaluate the defense strength. We finally suggest possible countermeasures for the proposed attacks.

  17. Comparative morphometric analysis of the proximal femur of African hominids and felids

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    Andrew Gallagher


    Full Text Available Size and shape of the mammalian proximal femur and taxon-specific distinctions in the relative proportions of the proximal articulation, the femoral neck and the proximal femoral diaphysis, are critical determinants in its adaptation to differential biomechanical stresses and observed locomotor habitus in different taxa. The morphometrics of the proximal femur are considered equally critical in the assessment of locomotor habitus of extinct fossil mammals, particularly extinct Miocene anthropoids and Plio-Pleistocene hominins. Analyses of size and shape of k=10 dimensions of the proximal femur were undertaken for a large sample series of two extant mammal families the Felidae and Hominidae using conventional multivariate statistical procedures, commonly used size-correction methods, and post-hoc tests of significance. While significant differences in form do exist, there are equally striking convergences in the functional morphology of extant hominid and felid taxa. Multivariate and bivariate allometric analyses confirm that the proximal femur of these two mammalian families share a common underlying structure manifest in a shared first common principal component. Nevertheless, while considerable convergences in general form of the proximal femur of African hominids and large-bodied felids are apparent, there exist equally discreet distinctions which are consistent with the differential structural demands imposed by their distinct locomotor and behavioural habitus.

  18. Detailed investigations of proximal tubular function in Imerslund-Grasbeck syndrome

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Storm, Tina; Zeitz, Christina; Cases, Olivier


    expressed in the small intestine as well as the proximal tubules of the kidney and exhibit an interdependent relationship for post-translational processing and trafficking. In the proximal tubules cubilin is involved in the reabsorption of several filtered plasma proteins including vitamin carriers...

  19. Aloenxerto circunferencial de femur proximal em cirurgia de revisäo de artroplastia total de quadril: relato de casos com seguimento mínimo de 20 anos Circumferential proximal femoral allografts in revision surgery on total hip arthroplasty: case reports with a minimum follow-up of 20 years

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    Bruno Dutra Roos


    Full Text Available Dentre as opções para reconstrução femoral em cirurgias de revisão de artroplastia total do quadril (RATQ em defeitos circunferenciais extensos está a utilização de aloenxerto de fêmur proximal. O seu uso permite a correção do mecanismo abdutor do quadril e da discrepância de comprimento dos membros inferiores, além de apresentar potencial osteocondutivo. Os autores relatam os achados clínicos e radiográficos de dois casos de RATQ com uso desta técnica, em seguimento mínimo de 20 anos.Among the options for femoral reconstruction in total hip arthroplasty (THA revision procedures, in cases of extensive circumferential defects, is the use of proximal femoral allografts. This technique makes it possible to correct the hip abductor mechanism and the leg length discrepancy, as well as presenting osteoconductive potential. The authors report the clinical and radiographic results from two cases of THA revision using this technique, with a minimum follow-up of 20 years.

  20. Treatment of Unstable Trochanteric Femur Fractures: Proximal Femur Nail Versus Proximal Femur Locking Compression Plate. (United States)

    Singh, Ashutosh Kumar; Narsaria, Nidi; G R, Arun; Srivastava, Vivek

    Unstable trochanteric femur fractures are common fractures that are difficult to manage. We conducted a prospective study to compare functional outcomes and complications of 2 different implant designs, proximal femur nail (PFN) and proximal femur locking compression plate (PFLCP), used in internal fixation of unstable trochanteric femur fractures. On hospital admission, 48 patients with unstable trochanteric fractures were randomly assigned (using a sealed envelope method) to treatment with either PFN (24 patients) or PFLCP (24 patients). Perioperative data and complications were recorded. All cases were followed up for 2 years. The groups did not differ significantly (P > .05) in operative time, reduction quality, complications, hospital length of stay, union rate, or time to union. Compared with the PFLCP group, the PFN group had shorter incisions and less blood loss. Regarding functional outcomes, there was no significant difference in mean Harris Hip Score (P = .48) or Palmer and Parker mobility score (P = .58). Both PFN and PFLCP are effective in internal fixation of unstable trochanteric femur fractures.

  1. Two Stages repair of proximal hypospadias: Review of 33 cases

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Background/Purpose: Proximal hypospadias with chordee is the most challenging variant of hypospadias to reconstruct. During the last 10 years, the approach to sever hypospadias has been controversial. Materials & Methods: During the period from June 2002 to December 2009, I performed 33 cases with proximal.

  2. Correction of Misclassifications Using a Proximity-Based Estimation Method

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    Shmulevich Ilya


    Full Text Available An estimation method for correcting misclassifications in signal and image processing is presented. The method is based on the use of context-based (temporal or spatial information in a sliding-window fashion. The classes can be purely nominal, that is, an ordering of the classes is not required. The method employs nonlinear operations based on class proximities defined by a proximity matrix. Two case studies are presented. In the first, the proposed method is applied to one-dimensional signals for processing data that are obtained by a musical key-finding algorithm. In the second, the estimation method is applied to two-dimensional signals for correction of misclassifications in images. In the first case study, the proximity matrix employed by the estimation method follows directly from music perception studies, whereas in the second case study, the optimal proximity matrix is obtained with genetic algorithms as the learning rule in a training-based optimization framework. Simulation results are presented in both case studies and the degree of improvement in classification accuracy that is obtained by the proposed method is assessed statistically using Kappa analysis.

  3. A micropuncture study of proximal tubular transport of lithium during osmotic diuresis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leyssac, P P; Holstein-Rathlou, N H; Skøtt, P


    Lithium and sodium are normally reabsorbed in parallel with water by the renal proximal tubule whereby their tubular fluid-to-plasma concentration ratios (TF/P) remain close to unity throughout the proximal convoluted segment. During osmotic diuresis, the late proximal (TF/P)Na is known to decrease....... The present experiments were undertaken to study whether the late proximal TF/P for Li decreases like that of Na during osmotic diuresis. Data were obtained in a control period (C) and in two successive periods during mannitol diuresis (P1, P2). Glomerular filtration rate decreased gradually during osmotic...

  4. Inter-organizational proximity in the context of logistics – research challenges

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    Patrycja Klimas


    Full Text Available Background: One of major areas of modern research econnected with management issues covers inter-organizational networks (including supply chains and cooperation processes aimed at improvement of the effectiveness of their performance to be found in such networks. The logistics is the main factor responsible for effectiveness of the supply chain.  A possible and a quite new direction of research in the area of the performance of processes of the inter-organizational cooperation is the proximity hypothesis that is considered in five dimensions (geographical, organizational, social, cognitive, and institutional. However, according to many authors, there is a lack of research on supply chains conducted from the logistics point of view. The proximity hypothesis in this area of research can be seen as a kind of novum. Therefore, this paper presents the proximity concept from the perspective of the management science, the overview of prior research covering the inter-organizational proximity with supply chain from the logistics point of view as well as the possible future directions of the empirical efforts. Methods: The aim of this paper is to present previous theoretical and empirical results of research covering inter-organizational proximity in logistics and to show current and up-to-date research challenges in this area. The method of the critical analysis of literature is used to realize the goal constructed this way. Results: Knowledge about the influence of the inter-organizational proximity on the performance of supply chains is rather limited, and the research conducted so far, is rather fragmentary and not free of limitations of the conceptual and methodological nature. Additional rationales for further research in this area include knowledge and cognitive gaps indentified in this paper. According to authors the aim of future empirical research should be as follows: (1 unification and update of used conceptual and methodological approaches

  5. Proximal-type epithelioid sarcoma - Case report Sarcoma epitelióide tipo proximal - Relato de caso

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    Luciana Mendes dos Santos


    Full Text Available Epithelioid sarcoma, first described by Enzinger in 1970, is a rare soft-tissue sarcoma typically presenting as a subcutaneous or deep dermal mass in distal portions of the extremities of adolescents and young adults. In 1997, Guillou et al. described a different type of epithelioid sarcoma, called proximal-type epithelioid sarcoma, which is found mostly in the pelvic and perineal regions and genital tracts of young to middle-aged adults. It is characterized by a proliferation of epithelioid-like cells with rhabdoid features and the absence of a granuloma-like pattern. In this paper we present a case of proximal-type epithelioid sarcoma with an aggressive clinical course, including distant metastasis and death nine months after diagnosis.O sarcoma epitelióide, primeiramente descrito por Enzinger, em 1970, é uma neoplasia de partes moles que ocorre principalmente nas extremidades distais de adolescentes e adultos jovens. Em 1997, Guillou e cols. descreveram um tipo diferente de sarcoma epitelióide, que afetava frequentemente a região pélvica, períneo e áreas genitais de pacientes de média idade, com exame histológico caracterizado pela proliferação de células com aspecto epitelióide. Neste trabalho, descreve-se caso de paciente que apresentava há três meses duas lesões na região glútea, cujo exame histológico confirmou diagnóstico de sarcoma epitelioide do tipo proximal, já com presença de metástases pulmonares e cerebrais e que foi a óbito nove meses após o diagnóstico.

  6. The shape of the hominoid proximal femur: a geometric morphometric analysis (United States)

    Harmon, Elizabeth H


    As part of the hip joint, the proximal femur is an integral locomotor component. Although a link between locomotion and the morphology of some aspects of the proximal femur has been identified, inclusive shapes of this element have not been compared among behaviourally heterogeneous hominoids. Previous analyses have partitioned complex proximal femoral morphology into discrete features (e.g. head, neck, greater trochanter) to facilitate conventional linear measurements. In this study, three-dimensional geometric morphometrics are used to examine the shape of the proximal femur in hominoids to determine whether femoral shape co-varies with locomotor category. Fourteen landmarks are recorded on adult femora of Homo, Pan, Gorilla, Pongo and Hylobates. Generalized Procrustes analysis (GPA) is used to adjust for position, orientation and scale among landmark configurations. Principal components analysis is used to collapse and compare variation in residuals from GPA, and thin-plate spline analysis is used to visualize shape change among taxa. The results indicate that knucklewalking African apes are similar to one another in femoral shape, whereas the more suspensory Asian apes diverge from the African ape pattern. The shape of the human and orangutan proximal femur converge, a result that is best explained in terms of the distinct requirements for locomotion in each group. These findings suggest that the shape of the proximal femur is brought about primarily by locomotor behaviour. PMID:17310545

  7. Computational fluid dynamics in three dimensional angiography: Preliminary hemodynamic results of various proximal geometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Ha Youn; Park, Sung Tae; Bae, Won Kyoung; Goo, Dong Erk [Dept. of Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    We studied the influence of proximal geometry on the results of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). We made five models of different proximal geometry from three dimensional angiography of 63-year-old women with intracranial aneurysm. CFD results were analyzed as peak systolic velocity (PSV) at inlet and outlet as well as flow velocity profile at proximal level of internal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysm. Modified model of cavernous one with proximal tubing showed faster PSV at outlet than that at inlet. The PSV of outlets of other models were slower than that of inlets. The flow velocity profiles at immediate proximal to ICA aneurysm showed similar patterns in all models, suggesting that proximal vessel geometries could affect CFD results.

  8. Proximate analysis of female population of wild feather back fish ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    May 9, 2011 ... Key words: Body composition, Notopterus notopterus, condition factor, wild fish. INTRODUCTION. Proximate body composition is the analysis of water, fat, protein and ash contents of the fish (Love, 1980). Proximate composition is a good indicator of physiology which is needed for routine analysis of ...

  9. High-throughput determination of RNA structure by proximity ligation. (United States)

    Ramani, Vijay; Qiu, Ruolan; Shendure, Jay


    We present an unbiased method to globally resolve RNA structures through pairwise contact measurements between interacting regions. RNA proximity ligation (RPL) uses proximity ligation of native RNA followed by deep sequencing to yield chimeric reads with ligation junctions in the vicinity of structurally proximate bases. We apply RPL in both baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and human cells and generate contact probability maps for ribosomal and other abundant RNAs, including yeast snoRNAs, the RNA subunit of the signal recognition particle and the yeast U2 spliceosomal RNA homolog. RPL measurements correlate with established secondary structures for these RNA molecules, including stem-loop structures and long-range pseudoknots. We anticipate that RPL will complement the current repertoire of computational and experimental approaches in enabling the high-throughput determination of secondary and tertiary RNA structures.

  10. Proximate, Mineral and Phytochemical Composition of Dioscorea ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Keywords: Dioscorea dumetorum, proximate composition, mineral analysis, phytochemical screening ... were analyzed using atomic absorption ... determined using a Hack Dr/200 Spectrophotometer. ... Lead Acetate. +. +. + .... cosmetics.

  11. Proximate composition and antinutrient content of pumpkin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Proximate composition and antinutrient content of pumpkin ( Cucurbita pepo ) and sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor ) flour blends fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum , Aspergillus niger and Bacillus subtilis.

  12. Efficient Proximity Computation Techniques Using ZIP Code Data for Smart Cities †. (United States)

    Murdani, Muhammad Harist; Kwon, Joonho; Choi, Yoon-Ho; Hong, Bonghee


    In this paper, we are interested in computing ZIP code proximity from two perspectives, proximity between two ZIP codes ( Ad-Hoc ) and neighborhood proximity ( Top-K ). Such a computation can be used for ZIP code-based target marketing as one of the smart city applications. A naïve approach to this computation is the usage of the distance between ZIP codes. We redefine a distance metric combining the centroid distance with the intersecting road network between ZIP codes by using a weighted sum method. Furthermore, we prove that the results of our combined approach conform to the characteristics of distance measurement. We have proposed a general and heuristic approach for computing Ad-Hoc proximity, while for computing Top-K proximity, we have proposed a general approach only. Our experimental results indicate that our approaches are verifiable and effective in reducing the execution time and search space.

  13. Efficient Proximity Computation Techniques Using ZIP Code Data for Smart Cities †

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    Muhammad Harist Murdani


    Full Text Available In this paper, we are interested in computing ZIP code proximity from two perspectives, proximity between two ZIP codes (Ad-Hoc and neighborhood proximity (Top-K. Such a computation can be used for ZIP code-based target marketing as one of the smart city applications. A naïve approach to this computation is the usage of the distance between ZIP codes. We redefine a distance metric combining the centroid distance with the intersecting road network between ZIP codes by using a weighted sum method. Furthermore, we prove that the results of our combined approach conform to the characteristics of distance measurement. We have proposed a general and heuristic approach for computing Ad-Hoc proximity, while for computing Top-K proximity, we have proposed a general approach only. Our experimental results indicate that our approaches are verifiable and effective in reducing the execution time and search space.

  14. Proximate and anti-nutritional composition of leaves and seeds of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Proximate and anti-nutrient composition of the leaves and seeds of ten provenances of Moringa oleifera from parts of Nigeria, were examined at Nsukka, Nigeria in 2012. Results indicated absence of significant main effect on any of the proximate traits evaluated while protein content responded significantly to plant part, ...

  15. Proximal-type epithelioid sarcoma: a new case report and literature ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Proximal-type epithelioid sarcoma is a rare soft tissue neoplasm which arises from the more proximal part of body and occurs more often in young people; the definite diagnosis depends mainly on the pathological examination; early detection and complete excision remain the foundation of treatment. Due to its aggressive ...

  16. Residential proximity to major roads and obstetrical complications. (United States)

    Yorifuji, Takashi; Naruse, Hiroo; Kashima, Saori; Murakoshi, Takeshi; Doi, Hiroyuki


    Exposure to air pollution is linked with an increased risk of preterm births. To provide further evidence on this relationship, we evaluated the association between proximity to major roads--as an index for air pollution exposure--and various obstetrical complications. Data were extracted from a database maintained by the perinatal hospital in Shizuoka, Japan. We restricted the analysis to mothers with singleton pregnancies of more than 22 weeks of gestation from 1997 to 2012 (n=19,077). Using the geocoded residential information, each mother was assigned proximity to major roads. We then estimated multivariate adjusted odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the effects of proximity to major roads on various obstetrical complications (preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, placenta abruption, placenta previa, preterm premature rupture of membrane (pPROM), preterm labor, and preterm births). We found positive associations of proximity to major roads with preeclampsia and pPROM. Living within 200 m increased the odds of preeclampsia by 1.3 times (95% CI, 1.0-1.8) and pPROM by 1.6 times (95% CI, 1.1-2.2). Furthermore, living within 200 m increased the odds of preterm births by 1.4 fold (95% CI, 1.2-1.7). Exposure to traffic-related air pollution increased the risk of preeclampsia and pPROM in this study. We propose a mechanism responsible for the association between air pollution and preterm births. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Autosomal dominant HMSN with proximal involvement: new Brazilian cases HMSN autossômica dominante com envolvimento proximal: novos casos brasileiros

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    Cristiane Borges Patroclo


    Full Text Available We report four Brazilian siblings with Autosomal Dominant Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathy with Proximal Dominant Involvement (HMSN-P, a rare form of HMSN, that was characterized by proximal dominant muscle weakness and atrophy onset after the age of 30 years, fasciculation, arreflexia and sensory disturbances with autosomal dominant inheritance. Electrophysiological study and sural nerve biopsy were in the accordance with axonal sensory motor polyneuropathy and laboratorial analysis disclosed serum lipids and muscle enzymes abnormalities. Our report is the first done by a group outside Japan, where the disease initially seemed to be restricted and stressed the phenotypic variability from the original report.Relatamos os casos de quatro irmãos brasileiros com Neuropatia Sensitivo Motora Hereditária com Envolvimento Proximal Dominante (HMSN-P, uma forma rara de HMSN caracterizada por fraqueza muscular de predomínio proximal e atrofia de instalação após os 30 anos, fasciculações, arreflexia, distúrbios sensitivos e padrão de herança autossômica dominante. Os estudos eletrofisiológicos e de biópsia do nervo sural confirmaram o diagnóstico de polineuropatia sensitivo-motora com padrão lesional axonal. Laboratorialmente foram constatadas anormalidades séricas no metabolismo lipídico e enzimas musculares. Nosso relato é o primeiro feito por um grupo fora do Japão, onde a doença parecia restrita até então e ressalta a variabilidade fenotípica apresentada nos casos Brasileiros.

  18. Proximity friction reexamined

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krappe, H.J.


    The contribution of inelastic excitations to radial and tangential friction form-factors in heavy-ion collisions is investigated in the frame-work of perturbation theory. The dependence of the form factors on the essential geometrical and level-density parameters of the scattering system is exhibited in a rather closed form. The conditions for the existence of time-local friction coefficients are discussed. Results are compared to form factors from other models, in particular the transfer-related proximity friction. For the radial friction coefficient the inelastic excitation mechanism seems to be the dominant contribution in peripheral collisions. (orig.)

  19. Proximal migration of a 5 French pancreatic stent during bile stone ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jun 16, 2013 ... proximal migration retrieval of pancreatic stent retrieval. Further studies are ... with a series of factors. The length of the ... 7 cm was associated with an increased risk for proximal migration. ... formation and chronic pancreatitis.

  20. Novel Treatment of a Scapholunate Ligament Injury with Proximal Pole Scaphoid Nonunion (United States)

    Gaspar, Michael P.; Kane, Patrick M.; Jacoby, Sidney M.; Culp, Randall W.


    Background  Nonunion of scaphoid proximal pole fractures presents a challenging management dilemma to hand surgeons. This problem is further complicated in the uncommon concurrence of scapholunate (SL) ligament disruption. Case Description  A 39-year-old male patient presented with new-onset wrist pain following a remote history of a proximal pole scaphoid fracture sustained as a teenager, which was treated nonoperatively. Six months before presentation, the patient sustained a fall while snowboarding. The patient was found to have a chronic nonunion of his scaphoid proximal pole with an associated SL ligament disruption. As the proximal fragment was too small to be amenable to fixation, the patient was treated with an arthroscopic partial scaphoid excision and SL ligament reconstruction using a scapholunateintercarpal screw placed percutaneously. At 26 months, the patient exhibited no pain, near-normal strength, and wrist motion, and expressed a high-level of satisfaction from his surgery. Literature Review  Although cases of SL ligament disruption with concomitant proximal scaphoid fractures have been reported, to our knowledge, this is the first report of SL ligament rupture occurring in the setting of a preexisting proximal pole scaphoid nonunion. Clinical Relevance  We report the use of SL ligament reconstruction augmented with intercarpal screw fixation, and excision of the proximal pole scaphoid nonunion. This minimallyinvasive approach may be a particularly useful option in young, active patients such as our own, where a motion-sacrificing salvage procedure would be less than ideal. PMID:27616829

  1. Morality, responsibility and risk: negative gay men's perceived proximity to HIV. (United States)

    Keogh, Peter


    In order to examine the ways in which men's perceptions of their social surroundings influence how they experience and negotiate sexual risk, we conducted a qualitative study with 36 men who lived in London or Birmingham, had five or more male partners in the previous year and believed themselves to be HIV negative. Men were recruited into two sub-samples (18 men each). The high proximity group personally knew someone with HIV and had a positive sexual partner in the year prior to interview. The low proximity group had never personally known anyone with HIV and had never had a sexual partner who they knew or believed to be HIV positive. Data was collected via semi-structured interviews. Men in the low proximity groups used moral discourses to articulate beliefs and social norms around the disclosure of HIV which may act as a deterrent to sexual partners disclosing. Although most expected positive sexual partners to disclose, they had difficulty in articulating how they would respond to disclosure and how they would manage any consequent sexual risk. For the men in the high proximity group, living around HIV constituted a part of everyday life. Disclosure and discussion of HIV did not violate their social norms. The majority did not expect positive sexual partners to disclose to them and knew how they would respond to such disclosure if it occurred. Men in this group did not use moral discourses but talked practically about better and worse ways of managing disclosure. Proximity to HIV is mediated by strong social norms and self-perpetuating moral discourses which effectively creates a social divide between men who perceive themselves to be in low proximity to HIV and their HIV positive contacts and sexual partners. Men with perceived low proximity to HIV are appropriate as a target group for HIV prevention.

  2. Variation in the proximate composition and fatty acid profile recovered from Argentine hake (Merluccius hubbsi waste from Patagonia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cretton, M.


    , los puertos de la provincia del Chubut (de los cuales los más importantes son Puerto Madryn, Rawson y Comodoro Rivadavia, y Caleta Paula (provincia de Santa Cruz, capturan más de 82.000 t anuales de merluza, de las cuales el 80% corresponden a M. hubbsi. La misma es en su mayoría convertida en filetes. De esta captura, aproximadamente 2.296 toneladas de hígados estarían disponibles para la extracción de aceites. Para promover la recuperación y el uso industrial del aceite de pescado, se ha determinado la variación en la composición proximal de los residuos y el perfil de ácidos grasos de hígados de merluza argentina capturada en diferentes épocas en los puertos mencionados arriba. La variación en composición proximal fue determinada según la metodología propuesta por los Official Methods of Analysis (AOAC. El perfil de ácidos grasos fue analizado por cromatografía gaseosa de los ésteres metílicos de los ácidos grasos (FAMEs. Una mezcla estándar de FAMEs fue corrida en idénticas condiciones para la identificación de los compuestos en base a la comparación de sus tiempos de retención. Para la cuantificación de los ácidos grasos se utilizó ácido heptadecanoico como estándar interno (C17:0. El hígado presentó el mayor contenido en lípidos (27.0 a 41.8% de lípidos totales, siendo los ácidos palmítico (C16:0, oleico (C18:0, docosahexaenoico (C22:6 n3, eicosapentaenoico (20:5n3 y palmitoleico (C16:1 los más abundantes. Los niveles de proteína en el resto de las vísceras sin incluir el hígado (V-L fueron superiores que en el hígado. La extracción de aceite de pescado marino y la producción de harinas de pescado a partir de los desechos industriales contribuirían a la sustentabilidad de la industria regional, pues esto disminuiría el volumen de residuos, lo cual beneficiaría al medio ambiente.

  3. Proximity to Sports Facilities and Sports Participation for Adolescents in Germany (United States)

    Reimers, Anne K.; Wagner, Matthias; Alvanides, Seraphim; Steinmayr, Andreas; Reiner, Miriam; Schmidt, Steffen; Woll, Alexander


    Objectives To assess the relationship between proximity to specific sports facilities and participation in the corresponding sports activities for adolescents in Germany. Methods A sample of 1,768 adolescents aged 11–17 years old and living in 161 German communities was examined. Distances to the nearest sports facilities were calculated as an indicator of proximity to sports facilities using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Participation in specific leisure-time sports activities in sports clubs was assessed using a self-report questionnaire and individual-level socio-demographic variables were derived from a parent questionnaire. Community-level socio-demographics as covariates were selected from the INKAR database, in particular from indicators and maps on land development. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine associations between proximity to the nearest sports facilities and participation in the corresponding sports activities. Results The logisitic regression analyses showed that girls residing longer distances from the nearest gym were less likely to engage in indoor sports activities; a significant interaction between distances to gyms and level of urbanization was identified. Decomposition of the interaction term showed that for adolescent girls living in rural areas participation in indoor sports activities was positively associated with gym proximity. Proximity to tennis courts and indoor pools was not associated with participation in tennis or water sports, respectively. Conclusions Improved proximity to gyms is likely to be more important for female adolescents living in rural areas. PMID:24675689

  4. Proximity to sports facilities and sports participation for adolescents in Germany.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anne K Reimers

    Full Text Available To assess the relationship between proximity to specific sports facilities and participation in the corresponding sports activities for adolescents in Germany.A sample of 1,768 adolescents aged 11-17 years old and living in 161 German communities was examined. Distances to the nearest sports facilities were calculated as an indicator of proximity to sports facilities using Geographic Information Systems (GIS. Participation in specific leisure-time sports activities in sports clubs was assessed using a self-report questionnaire and individual-level socio-demographic variables were derived from a parent questionnaire. Community-level socio-demographics as covariates were selected from the INKAR database, in particular from indicators and maps on land development. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine associations between proximity to the nearest sports facilities and participation in the corresponding sports activities.The logistic regression analyses showed that girls residing longer distances from the nearest gym were less likely to engage in indoor sports activities; a significant interaction between distances to gyms and level of urbanization was identified. Decomposition of the interaction term showed that for adolescent girls living in rural areas participation in indoor sports activities was positively associated with gym proximity. Proximity to tennis courts and indoor pools was not associated with participation in tennis or water sports, respectively.Improved proximity to gyms is likely to be more important for female adolescents living in rural areas.

  5. SINA: A test system for proximity fuses (United States)

    Ruizenaar, M. G. A.


    SINA, a signal generator that can be used for testing proximity fuses, is described. The circuitry of proximity fuses is presented; the output signal of the RF circuit results from a mixing of the emitted signal and received signal that is Doppler shifted in frequency by the relative motion of the fuse with respect to the reflecting target of surface. With SINA, digitized and stored target and clutter signals (previously measured) can be transformed to Doppler signals, for example during a real flight. SINA can be used for testing fuse circuitry, for example in the verification of results of computer simulations of the low frequency Doppler signal processing. The software of SINA and its use are explained.

  6. Efeitos do treinamento físico sobre a resistência mecânica do terço proximal do fêmur de ratos


    Aguiar,Andreo Fernando; Agati,Leandro Barile; Müller,Sérgio Swain; Pereira,Oduvaldo Camara; Dal-Pai-Silva,Maeli


    OBJETIVO: Analisar o comportamento mecânico do terço proximal do fêmur de ratos submetidos ao treinamento aeróbio e resistido crônicos. MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar machos (80 dias, 300 a 350 g) foram divididos em 3 grupos (n=8 por grupo): Treinamento aeróbio/8 semanas (TA), Treinamento resistido/8 semanas (TR) e controle/8 semanas (CO). Ao término do período de treinamento os animais foram sacrificados e o fêmur direito coletado. Para análise do comportamento mecânico do fêmur foram realizados ensa...


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    Satish Koti


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Fractures of proximal femur and hip are relatively common injuries in elderly individuals constituting 11.6% of total fractures. The latest implant for management of intertrochanteric fracture is Proximal Femoral Locking Compression Plate (PF-LCP. In this study, we compare the clinical outcome of fractures treated by proximal femoral nail with that of proximal femur locking compression plate. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study consists of 24 elderly patients of peritrochanteric factures of femur satisfying the inclusion criteria who were treated with PF-LCP or PFN in Department of Orthopaedics, S.V.R.R.G.G.H, Tirupati, during a period between December 2013 to October 2015. RESULTS 24 cases were treated with PF-LCP or PFN in a randomised pattern who satisfied inclusion criteria. Intraoperative complication were found to be more with PF-LCP in contrast to PFN. Postoperative rehabilitation was easier with PFN though not statistically significant functional and anatomical outcomes were found to be better with PFN. CONCLUSION Both PFN and PF-LCP have good effectiveness in the treatment of intertrochanteric fractures with the lateral unsubstantial femoral wall in the elderly patients. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Further studies with large number of patients and long-term follow up is needed to determine the optimal implant for the internal fixation of comminuted pertrochanteric femoral fractures.

  8. Teor de colesterol e composição centesimal de algumas espécies de peixes do estado do Ceará Cholesterol content and proximate composition of some fish species from the Ceará state

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Charles Barros Caula


    Full Text Available O presente estudo tem como objetivo determinar o teor de colesterol total em amostras de pescado de água marinha e doce. As amostras analisadas foram o pargo marinho, Lutjanus purpureus, e os seguintes peixes de água doce: tilápia do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus, curimatã, Prochilodus cearensis e a sardinha, Triportheus angulatus, adquiridas em pontos comerciais (frigoríficos, feira de pescado da praia de Mucuripe e feira-livre suburbana de Fortaleza - Ceará. Além da determinação do teor de colesterol, também foram avaliados a composição química centesimal e o valor calórico das amostras. O teor médio de colesterol (mg.100 g-1 apresentado foi 33,5 para o pargo, 28,4 para a tilápia, 93,8 para o curimatã e 61,2 para a sardinha. Em relação à composição centesimal, os seguintes teores médios foram obtidos, respectivamente, para pargo, tilápia, curimatã e sardinha: 80,7; 80,2; 76,4 e 77,2% de umidade; 18,4; 17,7; 18,7 e 17,6% de proteína total; 1,0; 1,2; 3,2 e 4,6% de lipídio total; 0,7; 0,8; 0,8 e 1,0% de cinza, e 0,5; 0,6; 2,0 e 0,3% de carboidratos. O valor energético médio (kcal.100 g-1 foi de 83,6 para o pargo, 83,7 para a tilápia, 108,4 para o curimatã e de 111,8 para a sardinha.The purpose of this work is to determine the total cholesterol content and proximate composition of the commercial fish from the Ceará State, Brazil. The species were the marine bream fish Lutjanus purpureus and three freshwater fish, tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, "curimatã", Prochilodus cearensis, and sardine, Triportheus angulatus, from the open market (Mucuripe and around the city and from a supermarket in Fortaleza. The content of cholesterol, proximate composition, and the caloric value of the samples were determined. The average value of cholesterol (mg.100 g-1 was 33.5 in the red sea bream; 28,4 in the common tilápia; 93.8 in the "curimatã" and 61.2 in the sardine. Regarding the proximate composition, the following average

  9. Comparação entre os métodos de referência e a análise eletrônica na determinação da composição do leite bovino Comparison between standard methods and electronic analyses for measurement of the bovine milk composition

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    T.M.L. Silveira


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a metodologia de determinação da composição do leite por meio de analisador de infravermelho, utilizando-se 48 amostras individuais de leite de vacas da raça Holandesa e cinco amostras de leite de conjunto. A média dos resultados para gordura, proteína, lactose e sólidos totais das amostras individuais foram, respectivamente, 3,8%, 3,3%, 4,6% e 12,4%, usando-se metodologia de referência e 3,8%, 3,3%, 4,5% e 12,4%, usando-se equipamento eletrônico. Para amostras de tanque, as médias foram 3,9% e 4,0% para gordura, 3,2% e 3,2% para proteína, 4,7% e 4,6% para lactose e 12,6% e 12,6% para sólidos totais, respectivamente, para análises feitas por métodos de referência e por analisador de infravermelho. Não houve diferença (P>0,05 entre os valores das duas análises. Foi avaliada a qualidade das amostras-padrão canadense e americano, determinando-se os teores de gordura, proteína, lactose e sólidos totais por métodos de referência. Os resultados foram comparados com os valores declarados no laudo de análise das amostras, emitidos pelo laboratório fornecedor.In order to evaluate an electronic method for determination of milk composition based on infrared determination, 48 raw milk samples from Holstein cows and five bulk tank samples were analyzed for fat, protein, lactose and total solids contents. Results for fat, protein, lactose, and total solids contents for raw milk samples were, respectively, 3.8%, 3.3%, 4.6% and 12.4% using the standard methods, and 3.8%, 3.3%, 4.5%, and 12.4%, using electronic equipment. For the bulk tank samples results for fat, protein, lactose and total solids contents were, respectively, 3.9%, 3.2%, 4.7%, and 12.6% using the standard methods, and 4.0%, 3.2%, 4.6%, and 12.6% using electronic equipment. No differences between values obtained from both analytical methods were observed (P>0.05. The quality of the American and Canadian standard samples was evaluated by determination of fat

  10. Proximal patellar tendinosis and abnormalities of patellar tracking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, G.M.; Tauro, P.G.; Ostlere, S.J.


    Objective. To assess whether an association exists between patellar tendinosis and abnormal patellar tracking. Design and patients. The MRI examinations of 630 patients (i.e. 860 knees) referred with anterior knee pain over a 4-year period were assessed in retrospect for the presence of patellar tendinosis and abnormal patellar tracking. The images of the patients with patellar tendinosis were reviewed and the location within the patellar tendon was recorded. Results. There were 44 knees with proximal patellar tendinosis. Twenty-four of these were considered to have normal patellar tracking and 20 to have abnormal patellar tracking. In the group of 816 knees without proximal patellar tendinosis, 581 were considered to have normal patellar tracking and 235 knees to have abnormal patellar tracking. When the two groups were compared there was a statistically significant difference in the ratio of patients with and without abnormal tracking. Conclusion. In patients referred with anterior knee pain or suspected abnormal patellar tracking there is a significant association between proximal patellar tendinosis and abnormal patellar tracking. (orig.)

  11. Proximal focal femoral deficiency: evaluation by MR imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biko, David M.; Davidson, Richard; Pena, Andres; Jaramillo, Diego


    Proximal focal femoral deficiency (PFFD) is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by abnormal development of the proximal femur. The most common radiographic classification (Aitken) does not evaluate the cartilaginous and soft-tissue abnormalities. To demonstrate MR findings of PFFD focusing on features not seen with radiographs. Nine MR examinations of the hip and femurs of seven children with PFFD were retrospectively reviewed. Imaging was quantitatively and qualitatively assessed comparing the affected limb to the contralateral limb and age-matched controls. The children were classified via the Aitken classification. All children had at least mild acetabular dysplasia, and one type D patient had no acetabulum. MR demonstrated that 4/6 children had labral hypertrophy with a decreased distance from the greater trochanter to the acetabular rim, suggesting impingement (P < 0.05). The proximal femoral physis was abnormal in all cases. The connection between the femoral head and shaft if present was fibrous or fibrocartilaginous. MRI can help in evaluation of PFFD by defining the anatomy. MR demonstrates features of the acetabulum and cartilaginous femoral epiphysis and depicts ligamentous abnormalities of the knee. (orig.)

  12. Proximal focal femoral deficiency: evaluation by MR imaging

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Biko, David M. [National Naval Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Bethesda, MD (United States); Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Bethesda, MD (United States); Davidson, Richard [The Children' s Hospital of Philadelphia, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Philadelphia, PA (United States); Pena, Andres; Jaramillo, Diego [The Children' s Hospital of Philadelphia, Department of Radiology, Philadelphia, PA (United States)


    Proximal focal femoral deficiency (PFFD) is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by abnormal development of the proximal femur. The most common radiographic classification (Aitken) does not evaluate the cartilaginous and soft-tissue abnormalities. To demonstrate MR findings of PFFD focusing on features not seen with radiographs. Nine MR examinations of the hip and femurs of seven children with PFFD were retrospectively reviewed. Imaging was quantitatively and qualitatively assessed comparing the affected limb to the contralateral limb and age-matched controls. The children were classified via the Aitken classification. All children had at least mild acetabular dysplasia, and one type D patient had no acetabulum. MR demonstrated that 4/6 children had labral hypertrophy with a decreased distance from the greater trochanter to the acetabular rim, suggesting impingement (P < 0.05). The proximal femoral physis was abnormal in all cases. The connection between the femoral head and shaft if present was fibrous or fibrocartilaginous. MRI can help in evaluation of PFFD by defining the anatomy. MR demonstrates features of the acetabulum and cartilaginous femoral epiphysis and depicts ligamentous abnormalities of the knee. (orig.)

  13. Temperature dependence of the superconducting proximity effect quantified by scanning tunneling spectroscopy

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    A. Stępniak


    Full Text Available Here, we present the first systematic study on the temperature dependence of the extension of the superconducting proximity effect in a 1–2 atomic layer thin metallic film, surrounding a superconducting Pb island. Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS measurements reveal the spatial variation of the local density of state on the film from 0.38 up to 1.8 K. In this temperature range the superconductivity of the island is almost unaffected and shows a constant gap of a 1.20 ± 0.03 meV. Using a superconducting Nb-tip a constant value of the proximity length of 17 ± 3 nm at 0.38 and 1.8 K is found. In contrast, experiments with a normal conductive W-tip indicate an apparent decrease of the proximity length with increasing temperature. This result is ascribed to the thermal broadening of the occupation of states of the tip, and it does not reflect an intrinsic temperature dependence of the proximity length. Our tunneling spectroscopy experiments shed fresh light on the fundamental issue of the temperature dependence of the proximity effect for atomic monolayers, where the intrinsic temperature dependence of the proximity effect is comparably weak.

  14. Algoritmo genético e espectroscopia no infravermelho - algumas aplicações na indústria cosmética


    Marcos Coelho Amendola


    Este trabalho discute o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo genético escrito em linguagem VBA para Excel e suas aplicações. O algoritmo elaborado foi utilizado em combinação com a técnica de FTIR-ATR para o desenvolvimento de metodologias aplicáveis na indústria cosmética e de saneantes, tais como a quantificação de surfactantes e bactericidas. Algumas modificações introduzidas no algoritmo foram estudadas através das aplicações selecionadas, destacando-se a introdução de técnicas de paralelismo ...

  15. Extração e caracterização de xilanas de sabugos de milho Extraction and characterization of xylans from corncobs

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    Simone S. Silva


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, duas frações de xilana, denominadas xilana A e xilana B, foram isoladas a partir de sabugos de milho através de três processos diferentes, combinando métodos de extração aquosa, remoção de lipídeos, deslignificação e extração alcalina. Os produtos obtidos durante os processos foram analisados por termogravimetria. A etapa de deslignificação foi responsável por uma acentuada degradação dos polímeros, evidenciada por queda de rendimento e resistência térmica. Os espectros obtidos no infravermelho evidenciaram a ausência de ácidos urônicos na cadeia polimérica. As viscosidades intrínsecas obtidas para a xilana A (56 mL/g e xilana B (75 mL/g associadas aos resultados do infravermelho sugerem um número maior de grupos substituintes, constituídos basicamente por resíduos de L-arabinose, para a xilana B.In this work, two fractions of xylan, named xylan A and xylan B, were isolated from corncobs through three different processes using aqueous extraction, lipid removal, delignification, and alkaline extraction. The products obtained during the processes were analysed by thermogravimetry. The delignification step was responsible for the occurrence of an accentuated polymer degradation, evidenced by yield and thermal resistance decrease. Infrared spectra indicated the absence of uronic acids in the polymeric chains. Intrinsic viscosities obtained for xylan A (56 mL/g and xylan B (75 mL/g, associated to the results from i.r. analysis, suggested a higher number of substituents, basically constituted of L-arabinose residues, in the case of xylan B.

  16. Determination of moisture content in lyophilized mannitol through intact glass vials using NIR micro-spectrometers

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    Cristian Rodrigo Muzzio


    Full Text Available Determination of moisture content in lyophilized solids is fundamental to predict quality and stability of freeze-dried products, but conventional methods are time-consuming, invasive and destructive. The aim of this study was to develop and optimize a fast, inexpensive, noninvasive and nondestructive method for determination of moisture content in lyophilized mannitol, based on an NIR micro-spectrometer instead of a conventional NIR spectrometer. Measurements of lyophilized mannitol were performed through the bottom of rotating glass vials by means of a reflectance probe. The root mean standard error of prediction (RMSEP and the correlation coefficient (R²pred, yielded by the pre-treatments and calibration method proposed, was 0.233% (w/w and 0.994, respectively.A determinação do conteúdo de umidade em sólidos liofilizados é fundamental para se prever a qualidade e a estabilidade de produtos liofilizados, mas os métodos convencionais consomem muito tempo, são invasivos e destrutivos. O objetivo desse estudo foi desenvolver e otimizar um método rápido, econômico, não invasivo e não destrutivo para a determinação do conteúdo de umidade em manitol liofilizado, com base em microespectrômetro de infravermelho próximo ao invés de um espectrômetro de infravermelho próximo convencional. As medidas de manitol liofilizado foram realizadas através do fundo de recipiente de vidro em rotação por meio de sonda de reflectância. A raíz do erro médio padrão de predição (RMSEP e o coeficiente de correlação (R²pred obtidos pelo prétratamento e pelo método de calibração proposto foram, respectivamente, 0,233% (p/p e 0,994.

  17. Detection method of proximal caries using line profile in digital intra-oral radiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Yong Suk; Kim, Gyu Tae; Hwang, Eui Hwan; Lee, Min Ja; Choi, Sam Jin; Park, Hun Kuk [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, School of Dentistry and Institute of Oral Biology, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Park, Jeong Hoon [Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of this study was to investigate how to detect proximal caries using line profile and validate linear measurements of proximal caries lesions by basic digital manipulation of radiographic images. The X-ray images of control group (15) and caries teeth (15) from patients were used. For each image, the line profile at the proximal caries-susceptible zone was calculated. To evaluate the contrast as a function of line profile to detect proximal caries, a difference coefficient (D) that indicates the relative difference between caries and sound dentin or intact enamel was measured. Mean values of D were 0.0354 {+-} 0.0155 in non-caries and 0.2632 {+-} 0.0982 in caries (p<0.001). The mean values of caries group were higher than non-caries group and there was correlation between proximal dental caries and D. It is demonstrated that the mean value of D from caries group was higher than that of control group. From the result, values of D possess great potentiality as a new detection parameter for proximal dental caries.

  18. Detection method of proximal caries using line profile in digital intra-oral radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Yong Suk; Kim, Gyu Tae; Hwang, Eui Hwan; Lee, Min Ja; Choi, Sam Jin; Park, Hun Kuk; Park, Jeong Hoon


    The purpose of this study was to investigate how to detect proximal caries using line profile and validate linear measurements of proximal caries lesions by basic digital manipulation of radiographic images. The X-ray images of control group (15) and caries teeth (15) from patients were used. For each image, the line profile at the proximal caries-susceptible zone was calculated. To evaluate the contrast as a function of line profile to detect proximal caries, a difference coefficient (D) that indicates the relative difference between caries and sound dentin or intact enamel was measured. Mean values of D were 0.0354 ± 0.0155 in non-caries and 0.2632 ± 0.0982 in caries (p<0.001). The mean values of caries group were higher than non-caries group and there was correlation between proximal dental caries and D. It is demonstrated that the mean value of D from caries group was higher than that of control group. From the result, values of D possess great potentiality as a new detection parameter for proximal dental caries.

  19. Residential proximity to major roads and placenta/birth weight ratio. (United States)

    Yorifuji, Takashi; Naruse, Hiroo; Kashima, Saori; Murakoshi, Takeshi; Tsuda, Toshihide; Doi, Hiroyuki; Kawachi, Ichiro


    Exposure to air pollution has been demonstrated to increase the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight. We examined whether proximity to major roads (as a marker of exposure to air pollution) is associated with increased placenta/birth weight ratio (as a biomarker of the placental transport function). Data on parental characteristics and birth outcomes were extracted from the database maintained by a major hospital in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. We restricted the analysis to mothers who delivered liveborn single births from 1997 to 2008 (n = 14,189). Using geocoded residential information, each birth was classified according to proximity to major roads. We examined the association between proximity to major roads and the placenta/birth weight ratio, using multiple linear regression. Proximity to major roads was associated with higher placenta/birth weight ratio. After adjusting for potential confounders, living within 200 m of a major road increased the ratio by 0.48% (95% CI = 0.15 to 0. 80). In addition, proximity to major roads was associated with lower placenta weight and birth weight. These observed associations were stronger among participants living closer to major roads. Exposure to traffic-related air pollution is associated with higher placenta/birth weight ratio. Impaired placental oxygen and nutrient transport function might be a mechanism for explaining the observed association between air pollution and low birth weight as well as preterm birth. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. [Augmentation technique on the proximal humerus]. (United States)

    Scola, A; Gebhard, F; Röderer, G


    The treatment of osteoporotic fractures is still a challenge. The advantages of augmentation with respect to primary in vitro stability and the clinical use for the proximal humerus are presented in this article. In this study six paired human humeri were randomized into an augmented and a non-augmented group. Osteosynthesis was performed with a PHILOS plate (Synthes®). In the augmented group the two screws finding purchase in the weakest cancellous bone were augmented. The specimens were tested in a 3-part fracture model in a varus bending test. The augmented PHILOS plates withstood significantly more load cycles until failure. The correlation to bone mineral density (BMD) showed that augmentation could partially compensate for low BMD. The augmentation of the screws in locked plating in a proximal humerus fracture model is effective in improving the primary stability in a cyclic varus bending test. The targeted augmentation of two particular screws in a region of low bone quality within the humeral head was almost as effective as four screws with twice the amount of bone cement. Screw augmentation combined with a knowledge of the local bone quality could be more effective in enhancing the primary stability of a proximal humerus locking plate because the effect of augmentation can be exploited more effectively limiting it to the degree required. The technique of augmentation is simple and can be applied in open and minimally invasive procedures. When the correct procedure is used, complications (cement leakage into the joint) can be avoided.

  1. Proximal femoral fractures. (United States)

    Webb, Lawrence X


    Fractures of the proximal femur include fractures of the head, neck, intertrochanteric, and subtrochanteric regions. Head fractures commonly accompany dislocations. Neck fractures and intertrochanteric fractures occur with greatest frequency in elderly patients with a low bone mineral density and are produced by low-energy mechanisms. Subtrochanteric fractures occur in a predominantly strong cortical osseous region which is exposed to large compressive stresses. Implants used to address these fractures must be able to accommodate significant loads while the fractures consolidate. Complications secondary to these injuries produce significant morbidity and include infection, nonunion, malunion, decubitus ulcers, fat emboli, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, pneumonia, myocardial infarction, stroke, and death.

  2. Surgical treatment of proximal humerus fractures using PHILOS plate

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    Vijay Sharma


    Full Text Available 【Abstract】Objective: To evaluate functional outcome and complications of open reduction and internal fixation with proximal humeral internal locking system (PHILOS plate for proximal humerus fractures. Methods: We reviewed 51 patients who underwent open reduction and internal fixation with PHILOS plate between the years 2007 to 2012. There were 35 men and 16 women with a mean age of 38 years (range 24-68. There were 41 patients in the age group of <60 years and 10 patients in the age group of >60 years. According to Neer classification system, 8, 15 and 23 patients had 2-part, 3-part, and 4-part fractures, respectively and 5 patients had 4-part fracture dislocation. All surgeries were carried out at our tertiary care trauma centre. Functional evaluation of the shoulder at final follow-up was done using Constant-Murley score. Results: The mean follow-up period was 30 months (range 12-44 months. Two patients were lost to followup. Of the remaining 49 patients, all fractures were united clinically and radiologically. The mean time for radiological union was 12 weeks (range 8-20 weeks. At the final follow-up the mean Constant-Murley score was 79 (range 50-100. The results were excellent in 25 patients, good in 13 patients, fair in 6 atients and poor in 5 patients. During the follow-up, four cases of varus malunion, one case of subacromial impingement, one case of deep infection, one case of intraarticular screw penetration and one case of failure of fi xation were noted. No cases of avascular necrosis, hardware failure, locking screw loosening or nonunion were noted. Conclusion: PHILOS provides stable fixation in proximal humerus fractures. To prevent potential complications like avascular necrosis, meticulous surgical dissection to preserve vascularity of humeral head is necessary. Key words: Proximal humerus fracture; Fracture fixation, internal; Proximal humeral internal locking system

  3. Active lithium transport by rat renal proximal tubule: a micropuncture study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leyssac, P P; Frederiksen, O; Holstein-Rathlou, N H


    We tested the hypothesis that proximal tubular Li+ reabsorption is due to passive transport. Clearances of [14C]inulin (CIn) and Li+ (CLi), proximal transepithelial electrical potential difference (PD), and tubular fluid-to-plasma Li+ concentration ratios [(TF/P)Li] were measured in anesthetized ...

  4. Aplicação da Termografia por Infravermelho para Titulações Termométricas


    Adilson Ben da Costa; Douglas Roberto Nervo da Cruz; Keiti Oliveira Aléssio; André Dutra Garcia; Katiuscia Rothmund; Fernando Sansone de Carvalho; Juliano Smanioto Barin; Leonel Pablo Tedesco


    The aim of this study was to demonstrate the potential of the use the infrared thermography for monitoring chemical reactions. In this study a camera in the infrared was used to temperature monitoring in neutralization reactions, presenting satisfactory results to thermometric titration and determination the heat (enthalpy) of neutralization. Besides of temperature results, the camera produces a record of all the procedure used, which can be extracted thermal images for further analysis. DOI:...

  5. Aplicação da Termografia por Infravermelho para Titulações Termométricas

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    Adilson Ben da Costa


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to demonstrate the potential of the use the infrared thermography for monitoring chemical reactions. In this study a camera in the infrared was used to temperature monitoring in neutralization reactions, presenting satisfactory results to thermometric titration and determination the heat (enthalpy of neutralization. Besides of temperature results, the camera produces a record of all the procedure used, which can be extracted thermal images for further analysis. DOI:

  6. Digital three-dimensional reconstruction and ultrastructure of the mouse proximal tubule

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zhai, X.Y.; Birn, H.; Jensen, K.B.


    . In the medullary rays, these are arranged in layers outside the clusters of more superficial tubules. In contrast to rat and human kidney, no major segmental variation in the ultrastructure of the proximal tubule was identified, and no parameters enabled definition of distinct segments in this strain of mice......, detailed analyses of normal mouse kidney structure and organization are lacking. This study describes the 3D organization and ultrastructural, segmental variation of the mouse kidney proximal tubule. A total of 160 proximal tubules in three C57/BL/6J mouse kidneys were analyzed on 800 serial sections from...

  7. Effect of angiotensin II receptor blockade on proximal tubular fluid reabsorption

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leyssac, P P; Karlsen, F M; Holstein-Rathlou, N H


    flow rate decreased by 2.0 +/- 0.8 nl/min, and early distal NaCl concentration decreased by 4.3 +/- 0.8 mM (mean +/- SE). No changes were observed after microperfusion with saline. Because the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism was operating in the closed-loop mode, the decreased NaCl load...... to the macula densa will be compensated by an increase in the single-nephron glomerular filtration rate. In agreement with this, the early proximal flow rate, measured proximal to the site of losartan administration, increased by 5.7 +/- 1.3 nl/min. The increase in the rate of proximal reabsorption between...

  8. Best Proximity Points of Contractive-type and Nonexpansive-type Mappings

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    R. Kavitha


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to obtain best proximity point theorems for multivalued nonexpansive-type and contractive-type mappings on complete metric spaces and on certain closed convex subsets of Banach spaces. We obtain a convergence result under some assumptions and we prove the existence of common best proximity points for a sequence of multivalued contractive-type mappings.

  9. Há equivalência entre a temperatura da membrana timpânica e a temperatura retal em ovinos Santa Inês normotérmicos?


    Del Campo,Claudia; Boere,Vanner


    A utilização do termômetro de raios infravermelhos para a aferição da temperatura timpânica em animais tem se tornado uma alternativa prática na clínica veterinária. Em ovinos, a mensuração da temperatura timpânica não foi suficientemente comparada com a aferição da temperatura retal. Este estudo avaliou a equivalência entre a temperatura timpânica e a temperatura retal em 16 ovinos da raça Santa Inês. Durante a coleta de dados, a temperatura e a umidade relativa do ar foram monitoradas e não...

  10. Estudo anatômico do terço proximal do fêmur: impacto femoroacetabular e o efeito cam Anatomic study of the proximal third of the femur: femoroacetabular impact and the cam effect

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro José Labronici


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar as varia��ões anatômicas da extremidade proximal do fêmur que pudessem desenvolver o impacto femoroacetabular. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 199 espécimes anatômicos de fêmures esqueleticamente maduros. Os fêmures foram medidos para determinar o ângulo da anteversão do colo femoral, ângulo cervicodiafisário, esfericidade da cabeça femoral em ântero-posterior e súpero-inferior, ângulo entre a epífise e o colo femoral anterior, ângulo entre a epífise e o colo em perfil, distância em ântero-posterior a 5mm da junção cabeça e colo e distância em ântero-posterior da base do colo. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que o subgrupo com impacto apresentou diâmetro da junção a 5mm (p = 0,0001 e cam-cabeça (% (p = 0,0001 significativamente maiores e base-cam (% (p = 0,0001 significativamente menor que o subgrupo sem impacto. Identificou-se que cam-cabeça (% > 80 e base-cam (% OBJECTIVE: to analyze anatomical variations of the proximal end of femur that could cause a femoroacetabular impact. METHODS: 199 skeletically mature anatomical specimens of femurs were used. The femurs were measured in order to determine the anteversion angle of the femoral neck, neckshaft angle, sphericity of the femoral head at anteroposterior and superoinferior, angle between epiphysis and the anterior femoral neck, angle between epiphysis and the neck at lateral plane, anteroposterior distance at 5mm of the head and neck junction and anteroposterior distance of the neck base. RESULTS: we found that the impact subgroup presented a significantly larger junction diameter of 5mm (p = 0.0001 and cam-head (% (p= 0.0001, while base-cam (% (p = 0.0001 showed a significantly smaller diameter than the subgroup without impact. It was identified that cam-head (% > 80 e base-cam (% < 73 were identified as the optimal impact points. CONCLUSION: our study showed that the effect cam, caused by anatomical variations of the proximal femoral end focused the

  11. Perfil funcional, sociodemográfico e epidemiológico de idosos hospitalizados por fratura proximal de fêmur

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    Danielle Ferreira Santana


    Full Text Available A fratura proximal de fêmur (FPF está relacionada a altos índices de morbidade e a grande impacto sobre a capacidade funcional do idoso. O objetivo do estudo foi traçar o perfil funcional de pacientes idosos hospitalizados por FPF, analisando os tipos de fraturas, o mecanismo causal, e as características físicas e funcionais prévias ao evento. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo observacional, quantitativo, de corte transversal, cujos participantes eram pacientes hospitalizados por FPF. Foi utilizada uma Ficha de Registro para coletar os dados sociodemográficos. O grau de independência funcional e a capacidade de marcha prévia à FPF foram avaliados respectivamente pelo Índice de Barthel, o Questionário de Pfeffer e a Classificação Funcional da Marcha Modificada. A amostra foi constituída por 32 idosos com média de idade de 79 (± 9,5 anos e uma predominância do sexo feminino (71,8%, de cor parda (43,8% e baixa escolaridade. A maioria não morava sozinho e faziam uso de algum medicamento. Os idosos participantes, previamente à fratura, eram independentes para as atividades básicas da vida diária (ABVD, dependentes para as atividades instrumentais da vida diária (AIVD e não utilizam dispositivos para locomoção. A queda foi a principal causa da FPF, sendo as mais prevalentes a fratura de colo de fêmur (FCF e a fratura transtrocantérica (FTT. As comorbidades, os medicamentos, os fatores sociodemográficos, o deficit de marcha e a dependência funcional, podem estar associados à ocorrência de FPF em idosos.  

  12. Disability occurrence and proximity to death

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Klijs, Bart; Mackenbach, Johan P.; Kunst, Anton E.


    Purpose. This paper aims to assess whether disability occurrence is related more strongly to proximity to death than to age. Method. Self reported disability and vital status were available from six annual waves and a subsequent 12-year mortality follow-up of the Dutch GLOBE longitudinal study.

  13. Para-Hermitian and para-quaternionic manifolds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, S.; Zamkovoy, S.


    A set of canonical para-Hermitian connections on an almost para-Hermitian manifold is defined. A Para-hermitian version of the Apostolov-Gauduchon generalization of the Goldberg-Sachs theorem in General Relativity is given. It is proved that the Nijenhuis tensor of a Nearly para-Kaehler manifolds is parallel with respect to the canonical connection. Salamon's twistor construction on quaternionic manifold is adapted to the para-quaternionic case. A locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) flat structure with parallel Lee form on the Kodaira-Thurston complex surfaces modeled on S 1 x SL (2, R)-tilde is constructed. Anti-self-dual locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) neutral metrics with non vanishing Weyl tensor are obtained on the Inoe surfaces. An example of anti-self-dual neutral metric which is not locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) is constructed. (author)

  14. Para-Hermitian and para-quaternionic manifolds

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ivanov, S [University of Sofia ' St. Kl. Ohridski' , Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia (Bulgaria) and Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy); Zamkovoy, S [University of Sofia ' St. Kl. Ohridski' , Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia (Bulgaria)


    A set of canonical para-Hermitian connections on an almost para-Hermitian manifold is defined. A Para-hermitian version of the Apostolov-Gauduchon generalization of the Goldberg-Sachs theorem in General Relativity is given. It is proved that the Nijenhuis tensor of a Nearly para-Kaehler manifolds is parallel with respect to the canonical connection. Salamon's twistor construction on quaternionic manifold is adapted to the para-quaternionic case. A locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) flat structure with parallel Lee form on the Kodaira-Thurston complex surfaces modeled on S{sup 1} x SL (2, R)-tilde is constructed. Anti-self-dual locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) neutral metrics with non vanishing Weyl tensor are obtained on the Inoe surfaces. An example of anti-self-dual neutral metric which is not locally conformally hyper-para-Kaehler (hypersymplectic) is constructed. (author)

  15. Biomechanical Strength of Retrograde Fixation in Proximal Third Scaphoid Fractures. (United States)

    Daly, Charles A; Boden, Allison L; Hutton, William C; Gottschalk, Michael B


    Current techniques for fixation of proximal pole scaphoid fractures utilize antegrade fixation via a dorsal approach endangering the delicate vascular supply of the dorsal scaphoid. Volar and dorsal approaches demonstrate equivalent clinical outcomes in scaphoid wrist fractures, but no study has evaluated the biomechanical strength for fractures of the proximal pole. This study compares biomechanical strength of antegrade and retrograde fixation for fractures of the proximal pole of the scaphoid. A simulated proximal pole scaphoid fracture was produced in 22 matched cadaveric scaphoids, which were then assigned randomly to either antegrade or retrograde fixation with a cannulated headless compression screw. Cyclic loading and load to failure testing were performed and screw length, number of cycles, and maximum load sustained were recorded. There were no significant differences in average screw length (25.5 mm vs 25.6 mm, P = .934), average number of cyclic loading cycles (3738 vs 3847, P = .552), average load to failure (348 N vs 371 N, P = .357), and number of catastrophic failures observed between the antegrade and retrograde fixation groups (3 in each). Practical equivalence between the 2 groups was calculated and the 2 groups were demonstrated to be practically equivalent (upper threshold P = .010). For this model of proximal pole scaphoid wrist fractures, antegrade and retrograde screw configuration have been proven to be equivalent in terms of biomechanical strength. With further clinical study, we hope surgeons will be able to make their decision for fixation technique based on approaches to bone grafting, concern for tenuous blood supply, and surgeon preference without fear of poor biomechanical properties.

  16. Proximal supination osteotomy of the first metatarsal for hallux valgus. (United States)

    Yasuda, Toshito; Okuda, Ryuzo; Jotoku, Tsuyoshi; Shima, Hiroaki; Hida, Takashi; Neo, Masashi


    Risk factors for hallux valgus recurrence include postoperative round-shaped lateral edge of the first metatarsal head and postoperative incomplete reduction of the sesamoids. To prevent the occurrence of such conditions, we developed a proximal supination osteotomy of the first metatarsal. Our aim was to describe this novel technique and report the outcomes in this report. Sixty-six patients (83 feet) underwent a distal soft tissue procedure combined with a proximal supination osteotomy. After the proximal crescentic osteotomy, the proximal fragment was pushed medially, and the distal fragment was abducted, and then the distal fragment of the first metatarsal was manually supinated. Outcomes were assessed using the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) score and radiographic examinations. The average follow-up duration was 34 (range, 25 to 52) months. The mean AOFAS score improved significantly from 58.0 points preoperatively to 93.8 points postoperatively (P hallux valgus and intermetatarsal angle decreased significantly from 38.6 and 18.0 degrees preoperatively to 11.0 and 7.9 degrees postoperatively, respectively (both, P hallux valgus, defined as a hallux valgus angle ≥ 25 degrees. The rates of occurrence of a positive round sign and incomplete reduction of the sesamoids significantly decreased postoperatively, which may have contributed to the low hallux valgus recurrence rates. We conclude that a proximal supination osteotomy was an effective procedure for correction of hallux valgus and can achieve a low rate of hallux valgus recurrence. Level IV, retrospective case series. © The Author(s) 2015.

  17. Modular endoprosthetic replacement for metastatic tumours of the proximal femur

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    Carter Simon R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background and aims Endoprosthetic replacements of the proximal femur are commonly required to treat destructive metastases with either impending or actual pathological fractures at this site. Modular prostheses provide an off the shelf availability and can be adapted to most reconstructive situations for proximal femoral replacements. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical and functional outcomes following modular tumour prosthesis reconstruction of the proximal femur in 100 consecutive patients with metastatic tumours and to compare them with the published results of patients with modular and custom made endoprosthetic replacements. Methods 100 consecutive patients who underwent modular tumour prosthetic reconstruction of the proximal femur for metastases using the METS system from 2001 to 2007 were studied. The patient, tumour and treatment factors in relation to overall survival, local control, implant survival and complications were analysed. Functional scores were obtained from surviving patients. Results and conclusion There were 45 male and 55 female patients. The mean age was 60.2 years. The indications were metastases. Seventy five patients presented with pathological fracture or with failed fixation and 25 patients were at a high risk of developing a fracture. The mean follow up was 15.9 months [range 0–77]. Three patients died within 2 weeks following surgery. 69 patients have died and 31 are alive. Of the 69 patients who were dead 68 did not need revision surgery indicating that the implant provided single definitive treatment which outlived the patient. There were three dislocations (2/5 with THR and 1/95 with unipolar femoral heads. 6 patients had deep infections. The estimated five year implant survival (Kaplan-Meier analysis was 83.1% with revision as end point. The mean TESS score was 64% (54%–82%. We conclude that METS modular tumour prosthesis for proximal femur provides versatility; low implant related

  18. Hand proximity facilitates spatial discrimination of auditory tones

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    Philip eTseng


    Full Text Available The effect of hand proximity on vision and visual attention has been well documented. In this study we tested whether such effect(s would also be present in the auditory modality. With hands placed either near or away from the audio sources, participants performed an auditory-spatial discrimination (Exp 1: left or right side, pitch discrimination (Exp 2: high, med, or low tone, and spatial-plus-pitch (Exp 3: left or right; high, med, or low discrimination task. In Exp 1, when hands were away from the audio source, participants consistently responded faster with their right hand regardless of stimulus location. This right hand advantage, however, disappeared in the hands-near condition because of a significant improvement in left hand’s reaction time. No effect of hand proximity was found in Exp 2 or 3, where a choice reaction time task requiring pitch discrimination was used. Together, these results suggest that the effect of hand proximity is not exclusive to vision alone, but is also present in audition, though in a much weaker form. Most important, these findings provide evidence from auditory attention that supports the multimodal account originally raised by Reed et al. in 2006.

  19. Proximate composition and nutritional characterization of Chia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... dairy product associated with several beneficial nutritional and health effects. ... The results for amino acids showed that the essential and non-essential amino ... proximate composition and nutritional (amino acids, fatty acids, and minerals ...

  20. Proximate composition, bread characteristics and sensory ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This study was carried out to investigate proximate composition, bread characteristics and sensory evaluation of cocoyam-wheat composite breads at different levels of cocoyam flour substitution for human consumption.A whole wheat bread (WWB) and cocoyam-composite breads (CCB1,CCB 2 and CCB 3) were prepared ...

  1. Ligament augmentation for prevention of proximal junctional kyphosis and proximal junctional failure in adult spinal deformity. (United States)

    Safaee, Michael M; Deviren, Vedat; Dalle Ore, Cecilia; Scheer, Justin K; Lau, Darryl; Osorio, Joseph A; Nicholls, Fred; Ames, Christopher P


    OBJECTIVE Proximal junctional kyphosis (PJK) is a well-recognized, yet incompletely defined, complication of adult spinal deformity surgery. There is no standardized definition for PJK, but most studies describe PJK as an increase in the proximal junctional angle (PJA) of greater than 10°-20°. Ligament augmentation is a novel strategy for PJK reduction that provides strength to the upper instrumented vertebra (UIV) and adjacent segments while also reducing junctional stress at those levels. METHODS In this study, ligament augmentation was used in a consecutive series of adult spinal deformity patients at a single institution. Patient demographics, including age; sex; indication for surgery; revision surgery; surgical approach; and use of 3-column osteotomies, vertebroplasty, or hook fixation at the UIV, were collected. The PJA was measured preoperatively and at last follow-up using 36-inch radiographs. Data on change in PJA and need for revision surgery were collected. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify factors associated with change in PJA and proximal junctional failure (PJF), defined as PJK requiring surgical correction. RESULTS A total of 200 consecutive patients were included: 100 patients before implementation of ligament augmentation and 100 patients after implementation of this technique. The mean age of the ligament augmentation cohort was 66 years, and 67% of patients were women. Over half of these cases (51%) were revision surgeries, with 38% involving a combined anterior or lateral and posterior approach. The mean change in PJA was 6° in the ligament augmentation group compared with 14° in the control group (p historical cohort, ligament augmentation is associated with a significant decrease in PJK and PJF. These data support the implementation of ligament augmentation in surgery for adult spinal deformity, particularly in patients with a high risk of developing PJK and PJF.


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    Praveen Sivakumar K


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND Techniques for treating complex proximal humeral fractures vary and include fixations using tension bands, percutaneous pins, bone suture, T-plates, intramedullary nails, double tubular plates, hemiarthroplasty, plant tan humerus fixator plates, Polaris nails and blade plates. Complications of these techniques include cutout or back out of the screws and plates, avascular necrosis, nonunion, malunion, nail migration, rotator cuff impairment and impingement syndromes. Insufficient anchorage from conventional implants may lead to early loosening and failure, especially in osteoporotic bones. In general, nonoperative treatment of displaced three and four-part fractures of the proximal humerus leads to poor outcome due to intraarticular nature of injury and inherent instability of the fragments. Comminuted fractures of the proximal humerus are at risk of fixation failure, screw loosening and fracture displacement. Open reduction and internal fixation with conventional plate and screws has been associated with unacceptably high incidence of screw pull out. PHILOS (the proximal humeral internal locking system plate is an internal fixation system that enables angled stabilisation with multiple interlocking screws for fractures of the proximal humerus. MATERIALS AND METHODS 30 patients with proximal humerus fractures who were admitted in the Department of Orthopaedics, Government General Hospital, Kakinada, during the period November 2014 - November 2016 were taken up for study according to inclusion criteria. All patients were treated with PHILOS plate. These proximal humerus fractures were classified according to Neer’s classification. Patients were followed up at 6 weeks, 12 weeks and 6 months’ interval. Functional outcomes for pain, range of motion and muscle power and function were assessed using the Constant-Murley scoring system. Collected data analysed with independent t-test and ANNOVA test. RESULTS The outcome of the study was 1

  3. Variación estacional de la composición proximal del mejillón Tagelus peruvianus (Bivalvia: Solecurtidae del Golfo de Nicoya, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

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    Cristian Fonseca Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La extracción del mejillón Tagelus peruvianus representa una actividad económica complementaria de los pescadores artesanales, es una de las especies de mayor pesca y consumo ya que son una fuente importante de proteína, minerales y vitaminas esenciales para la población humana. Por lo tanto, se estudió la variación estacional de su composición proximal, índice de condición y contenido energético. Mensualmente, entre noviembre de 2007 y octubre de 2008, se recolectaron de 35 a 40 especímenes. La composición proximal se determinó siguiendo la metodología recomendada por la AOAC. Los resultados mostraron que el índice de condición disminuyó en los meses de diciembre, enero y mayo, lo que indica que hay dos periodos de desove y una fase de reposo gonadal. El componente principal del mejillón es la proteína (61.9±4.3%, seguido de carbohidratos (15.7±2.4%, cenizas (14.0±1.9% y lípidos (8.5±1.7%. El contenido calórico promedio fue de 5.0±0.1kcal/g. La disminución en los valores de proteínas, lípidos y calorías coinciden con los periodos de desove. Se puede concluir que T. peruvianus presenta valores nutricionales óptimos para el consumo humano, por su bajo contenido de grasa y su aceptable contenido proteico.

  4. Ultrasonographic assessment of the proximal digital annular ligament in the equine forelimb

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dik, K.J.; Boroffka, S.; Stolk, P.


    Ultrasonography was used with 6 normal cadaver forelimbs of Dutch Warmblood horses to delineate the ultrasonographic anatomy of the palmar pastern region, with emphasis on the proximal digital annular ligament. Using a 5.5 MHz sector scanner, the thin proximal digital annular ligament was not visible on offset sonograms. Only if the digital sheath in the normal limb was distended was the distal border of this ligament outlined. In all normal limbs the palmarodistal thickness of the combined skin-proximal digital annular ligament layer in the mid-pastern region was 2 mm. The flexor tendons and distal sesamoidean ligaments were easily identified as hyperechoic structures. Distension of the digital sheath in the normal limbs clearly outlined the anechoic digital sheath pouches. In 4 lame horses ultrasonography aided the diagnosis of functional proximal digital annular ligament constriction. In all 4 diseased forelimbs ultrasonography demonstrated thickening of the skin-proximal digital annular ligament layer and distension of the digital sheath. In one of these limbs the distended digital sheath was also thickened. The flexor tendons and distal sesamoidean ligaments were normal. There was no radiographic evidence of additional bone or joint lesions

  5. Ultrasonographic assessment of the proximal digital annular ligament in the equine forelimb. (United States)

    Dik, K J; Boroffka, S; Stolk, P


    Ultrasonography was used with 6 normal cadaver forelimbs of Dutch Warmblood horses to delineate the ultrasonographic anatomy of the palmar pastern region, with emphasis on the proximal digital annular ligament. Using a 5.5 MHz sector scanner, the thin proximal digital annular ligament was not visible on offset sonograms. Only if the digital sheath in the normal limb was distended was the distal border of this ligament outlined. In all normal limbs the palmarodistal thickness of the combined skin-proximal digital annular ligament layer in the mid-pastern region was 2 mm. The flexor tendons and distal sesamoidean ligaments were easily identified as hyperechoic structures. Distension of the digital sheath in the normal limbs clearly outlined the anechoic digital sheath pouches. In 4 lame horses ultrasonography aided the diagnosis of functional proximal digital annular ligament constriction. In all 4 diseased forelimbs ultrasonography demonstrated thickening of the skin-proximal digital annular ligament layer and distension of the digital sheath. In one of these limbs the distended digital sheath was also thickened. The flexor tendons and distal sesamoidean ligaments were normal. There was no radiographic evidence of additional bone or joint lesions.

  6. Proximity effect on patterning characteristics of hole patterns in synchrotron radiation lithography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Somemura, Yoh; Deguchi, Kimiyoshi; Miyoshi, Kazunori


    This paper reports the results of analyzing the proximity effect on the patterning characteristics for plural neighboring hole patterns in synchrotron radiation lithography. Fresnel diffraction simulation was used and pattern replication experiments were performed with pattern pitch, proximity gap, and mask contrast as parameters. Even when the pattern pitch (hole:space) is 1:1, pattern sizes down to 0.2 μm can be replicated with a large dose margin under a large proximity gap condition up to 40 μm, irrespective of the mask contrast. A low-contrast (2.5) mask has an advantage over the conventional-contrast (7) mask in that it allows the use of a larger proximity gap when replicating hole patterns with a size of 0.1-0.2 μm. Moreover, the phase-shifting mask we previously proposed improves the exposure latitude and widens the proximity gap, so that it is possible to use a 20-μm gap to replicate 0.1-μm hole patterns for a pitch of 1:1 and to use a 30-μm gap for a pitch of 1:2. (author)

  7. Proximal Tibia Bone Graft: An alternative Donor Source especially for Foot and Ankle Procedures

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    Jia TY


    Full Text Available Among the many donor sites for harvesting autologous bone graft, the iliac crest has been the most commonly used. However, for foot and ankle procedures the proximal tibia has gained popularity as an alternative donor site due to its anatomic proximity to the primary surgical site. In this article we evaluated the possible complications associated with harvesting proximal tibia bone graft. Our study showed the low incidence of morbidity in harvesting proximal tibia bone graft, thereby providing a good alternative donor for foot and ankle procedures.

  8. Residential proximity to gasoline service stations and preterm birth. (United States)

    Huppé, Vicky; Kestens, Yan; Auger, Nathalie; Daniel, Mark; Smargiassi, Audrey


    Preterm birth (PTB) is a growing public health problem potentially associated with ambient air pollution. Gasoline service stations can emit atmospheric pollutants, including volatile organic compounds potentially implicated in PTB. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between residential proximity to gasoline service stations and PTB. Singleton live births on the Island of Montreal from 1994 to 2006 were obtained (n=267,478). Gasoline service station locations, presence of heavy-traffic roads, and neighborhood socioeconomic status (SES) were determined using a geographic information system. Multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze the association between PTB and residential proximity to gasoline service stations (50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 500 m), accounting for maternal covariates, neighborhood SES, and heavy-traffic roads. For all distance categories beyond 50 m, presence of service stations was associated with a greater odds of PTB. Associations were robust to adjustment for maternal covariates for distance categories of 150 and 200 m but were nullified when adjusting for neighborhood SES. In analyses accounting for the number of service stations, the likelihood of PTB within 250 m was statistically significant in unadjusted models. Associations were, however, nullified in models accounting for maternal covariates or neighborhood SES. Our results suggest that there is no clear association between residential proximity to gasoline service stations in Montreal and PTB. Given the correlation between proximity of gasoline service stations and SES, it is difficult to delineate the role of these factors in PTB.

  9. Proximal onychomycosis due to Malassezia furfur: a case report

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    Zareei M


    Full Text Available Background: The etiologic role of Malassezia furfur in onychomycosis, because of its controversial keratinolytic ability, has not been proven. The most reported cases are distal subungual onychomycosis (DSO. In our knowledge no cases of proximal onychomycosis (PO has been reported. For the first time we report proximal onychomycosis. This case report describes the isolation of Malassezia furfur from fingernails. Case presentation: An Iranian 56- year- old women had been referred to mycology lab with hyperkeratosis in proximal regions of right hand nails and clinical diagnosis of onychomycosis without paronychia in May 2012. She used several medicines for her cardiac disease, mental illness, severe stress and blood glucose fluctuation diseases. Scraping and sampling from nail lesions were done, budding yeast cells with broadband connections were observed in 15% KOH wet mounts. Also, other differentiation tests, consist of staining with methylen blue, cultures and biochemical tests were done. In order to rejecting the probable etiologic role of any dermatophytic or non-dermatophytic fungi in this case, samples were collected from other parts of the body by scotch tape and scraping with scalpel blade too, but the results of direct microscopy and culture were negative. Finally, Malassezia furfur was identified as the causative agent of onychomycosis.Conclusion: Despite failure to prove Malassezia furfur keratinolytic ability, it can be the etiologic agent of proximal onychomycosis that shows the aggressive properties of this species. Its clinical importance is the easier transmission to hospitalized patients and other people.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Information regarding previous studies on these physico-chemical ... This behaviour may be attributed to its high myristic acid ... The authors express deep appreciation to the. Heads of ... of a typical rural processing method on the proximate ...

  11. Proximal femoral osteosarcoma: Diagnostic challenges translate into delayed and inappropriate management. (United States)

    Dahan, M; Anract, P; Babinet, A; Larousserie, F; Biau, D


    The proximal femuris is an uncommon site of osteosarcoma. The unusual manifestations at this site may lead to diagnostic and therapeutic mistakes. We therefore performed a retrospective study to estimate the proportions of patients with imaging study findings and/or clinical manifestations typical for osteosarcoma and/or inappropriate treatment decisions. Proximal femoral osteosarcoma often produces atypical clinical and radiological presentations. Consecutive patients who underwent surgery at our center to treat proximal femoral osteosarcoma were included. For each patient, we collected the epidemiological characteristics, clinical symptoms, imaging study findings, treatment, and tumor outcome. Proportions were computed with their confidence intervals. Twelve patients had surgery for proximal femoral osteosarcoma between 1986 and 2015. Imaging findings were typical in 1 (8%) patient; they consisted of ill-defined osteolysis in 11/12 (92%) patients, a periosteal reaction in 1/12 (8%) patient, soft tissue involvement in 7/12 (58%) patients, and immature osteoid matrix in 11/12 (92%) patients. No patient had the typical combination of pain with a soft tissue swelling. Management was inappropriate in 2/12 (17%) patients, who did not undergo all the recommended imaging studies before surgery and were treated in another center before the correct diagnosis was established. At last follow-up, 4 patients had died (after a mean of 7 years) and 8 were alive (after a mean of 4 years). Proximal femoral osteosarcoma is uncommon and rarely produces the typical clinical and imaging study findings. The atypical presentation often results in diagnostic errors and inappropriate treatments. Ill-defined osteolysis on standard radiographs should prompt computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the proximal femur. Treatment in a specialized center is imperative. IV, retrospective study. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  12. Trends in epidemiology and patho-anatomical pattern of proximal humeral fractures

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bahrs, Christian; Stojicevic, Tanja; Tanja, Stojicevic


    PURPOSE: Proximal humeral fractures are common and frequently associated with osteoporosis. Little is known about the association between the patho-anatomical fracture pattern of proximal humeral fractures and patient characteristics. The purpose of this six year longitudinal registry analysis...... of proximal humeral fractures was to study overall numbers, certain predefined pathoanatomical patterns and distribution compared with specific patient characteristics. METHODS: Data of patients treated between 2006 and 2011 in a country hospital that provides care >95 % of the city's hospitalised patients...... with fractures was retrospectively reviewed. Data were analysed according to patient characteristics of age, gender, comorbidity, accompanying injuries and radiological analysis of pathoanatomical fracture patterns based on Neer and Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO) classification. RESULTS: Eight...

  13. Electromagnetic Signal Feedback Control for Proximity Detection Systems (United States)

    Smith, Adam K.

    Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the United States and remains an essential source of energy. While more than half of coal production comes from surface mining, nearly twice as many workers are employed by underground operations. One of the key pieces of equipment used in underground coal mining is the continuous mining machine. These large and powerful machines are operated in confined spaces by remote control. Since 1984, 40 mine workers in the U. S. have been killed when struck or pinned by a continuous mining machine. It is estimated that a majority of these accidents could have been prevented with the application of proximity detection systems. While proximity detection systems can significantly increase safety around a continuous mining machine, there are some system limitations. Commercially available proximity warning systems for continuous mining machines use magnetic field generators to detect workers and establish safe work areas around the machines. Several environmental factors, however, can influence and distort the magnetic fields. To minimize these effects, a control system has been developed using electromagnetic field strength and generator current to stabilize and control field drift induced by internal and external environmental factors. A laboratory test set-up was built using a ferrite-core magnetic field generator to produce a stable magnetic field. Previous work based on a field-invariant magnetic flux density model, which generically describes the electromagnetic field, is expanded upon. The analytically established transferable shell-based flux density distribution model is used to experimentally validate the control system. By controlling the current input to the ferrite-core generator, a more reliable and consistent magnetic field is produced. Implementation of this technology will improve accuracy and performance of existing commercial proximity detection systems. These research results will help reduce the risk of traumatic

  14. A proximity effect in adults' contamination intuitions

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    Laura R. Kim


    Full Text Available Magical beliefs about contagion via contact (Rozin, Nemeroff, Wane, and Sherrod, 1989 may emerge when people overgeneralize real-world mechanisms of contamination beyond their appropriate boundaries (Lindeman and Aarnio, 2007. Do people similarly overextend knowledge of airborne contamination mechanisms? Previous work has shown that very young children believe merely being close to a contamination source can contaminate an item (Springer and Belk 1994; we asked whether this same hyper-avoidant intuition is also reflected in adults' judgments. In two studies, we measured adults' ratings of the desirability of an object that had made contact with a source of contamination, an object nearby that had made no contact with the contaminant, and an object far away that had also made no contact. Adults showed a clear proximity effect, wherein objects near the contamination source were perceived to be less desirable than those far away, even though a separate group of adults unanimously acknowledged that contaminants could not possibly have made contact with either the nearby or far-away object (Study 1. The proximity effect also remained robust when a third group of adults was explicitly told that no contaminating particles had made contact with the objects at any time (Study 2. We discuss implications of our findings for extending the scope of magical contagion effects beyond the contact principle, for understanding the persistence of intuitive theories despite broad acceptance of science-based theories, and for constraining interpretations of the developmental work on proximity beliefs.

  15. Hemiarthroplasty for proximal humeral fracture: restoration of the Gothic arch. (United States)

    Krishnan, Sumant G; Bennion, Phillip W; Reineck, John R; Burkhead, Wayne Z


    Proximal humerus fractures are the most common fractures of the shoulder girdle, and initial management of these injuries often determines final outcome. When arthroplasty is used to manage proximal humeral fractures, surgery remains technically demanding, and outcomes have been unpredictable. Recent advances in both technique and prosthetic implants have led to more successful and reproducible results. Key technical points include restoration of the Gothic arch, anatomic tuberosity reconstruction, and minimal soft tissue dissection.

  16. Proximal hamstring reconstruction using semitendinosus and gracilis autograft: a novel technique. (United States)

    Muellner, Thomas; Kumar, Sandeep; Singla, Amit


    The complete proximal hamstring avulsion is relatively uncommon injury and predominantly occurs in young athletes but causes significant functional impairment. In chronic cases, the muscle mass is so much retracted that primary repair is not possible. A surgical technique for reconstruction of chronic proximal hamstring avulsion using contralateral semitendinosus and gracilis autograft is described in this case report. V.

  17. [Pathologic proximal femoral fractures in children in an unicameral bone cyst]. (United States)

    Havránek, P; Pesl, T; Bartonícek, J


    Proximal femoral fractures in children are rare, pathologic fractures being extremely rare. Despite many meanings these fractures are still "unsolved" there are some definite rules for treatment of true accidental injuries. Pathologic fractures are outstanding with their extremely rare incidence. The aim of the study is to overview a large clinical material, find out the incidence of this pathologic fracture, the extent and shape of the unicameral bone cyst (UBC), specific therapeutic approach, technical problems of eventual osteosynthesis, number of reoperations and sequels. Altogether 49 children with 50 accidental and pathologic fractures of proximal part of the femur treated in the Regional Pediatric Trauma Centre of the Department of Pediatric and Trauma Surgery, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague. Retrospective and prospective study of children (0 to 15 years of age) treated with proximal femoral accidental and pathologic fractures during the 20 year period (from August 1984 to November 2004). Classification of fractures according to Delbet and Colonna. Diagnosis of bone cyst with plain X-rays, eventually CT scans. During the 20 years period (August 1984 to November 2004) 49 children with 50 proximal femoral fractures were treated in the Department. Four patients sustained a pathologic fracture through an unicameral bone cyst. Two of these latter children were treated by an open reduction and osteosynthesis with the use of the proximal femoral AO-ASIF angled-plate and two children nonoperatively using skeletal traction because of impossibility of insertion of the osteosynthetic material without a damage of the growth plate. Subsequent operations of the UBC were necessary in these two children. All four patients recovered well without sequels. Pathologic fractures in UBC are usually treated nonoperatively and the cyst itself is treated after fracture healing. Proximal femoral impairment is the exception from this rule because of weigh bearing

  18. Economic development, place-based development strategies and the conceptualization of proximity in European urban regions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dogaru, Dora; van Oort, Frank; Thissen, M.


    The discussion on proximity has evolved in various theoretical, conceptual and empirical directions since the seminal contributions by Torre and Rallet (2005) and Boschma (2005). One of the main arguments for conceptualizing proximities other than physical proximities is embedded in the ever-growing

  19. Effects of the use of MIG3 bioceramics fabrics use - long infrared emitter - in pain, intolerance to cold and periodic limb movements in post-polio syndrome Efeitos do uso de tecidos com biocerâmica MIG3 - emissora de infravermelho longo - na dor, intolerância ao frio e movimentos periódicos dos membros na síndrome pós-poliomielite

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    Tatiana Mesquita e Silva


    Full Text Available The main post-polio syndrome (PPS symptoms are new-onset weakness, new-onset atrophy, fatigue, cold intolerance, and pain associated with sleep disturbances. The polysomnographic study is the gold pattern to analyze sleep disorders. OBJECTIVE: To assess pain, intolerance to cold and periodic limb movements (PLM index before and after the use of MIG3 bioceramic fabrics over 4 weeks. METHOD: 12 patients with PPS from UNIFESP/EPM. All patients were submitted to polysomnography and infra-red examinations with answered scales of pain and intolerance to cold before and after the use of MIG3 bioceramics fabrics. RESULTS: There were significant decreases in pain and PLM index. CONCLUSION: MIG3 bioceramic fabrics can help in the treatment of pain and PLM in PPS patients.Dentre as manifestações clínicas da SPP destacam-se nova fraqueza, fadiga, dor, intolerância ao frio, nova atrofia e transtornos do sono. A polissonografia de noite inteira permanece sendo padrão ouro para análise do sono e diagnóstico de transtornos do sono. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o comportamento da dor, intolerância ao frio (IF e índice de movimentos periódicos de membros (PLMs após uso de colchonete e roupas com biocerâmica MIG3 por 4 semanas. MÉTODO: 12 pacientes com SPP, da UNIFESP/EPM. Todos realizaram exames de polissonografia e infravermelho e responderam a questionários de dor e IF antes e após o uso dos materiais. RESULTADOS: Houve diminuição significativa da dor e dos PLMs. CONCLUSÃO: Os tecidos com biocerâmica MIG3 podem ser um coadjuvante ao tratamento da dor e dos PLMs nos pacientes com SPP.

  20. Politics, proximity and the pipeline: Mapping public attitudes toward Keystone XL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gravelle, Timothy B.; Lachapelle, Erick


    The politics of oil pipelines have become increasingly salient in American politics in recent years. In particular, debates about economic benefits, energy security and environmental impact have been provoked by the proposed Keystone XL pipeline expansion intended to take bitumen from northern Alberta in Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast in Texas. Drawing on data from recent surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center, this article asks a series of questions. What levels of support for (and opposition to) the pipeline exist among the American public? What are the roles of political factors (such as party identification and ideology), economic attitudes, environmental attitudes and proximity to the proposed pipeline route in shaping attitudes toward the pipeline? And how do political factors and proximity to the pipeline interact? We find that partisanship and ideology drive attitudes toward the Keystone XL pipeline, and that the effect of ideology is attenuated by proximity to the proposed route. The policy implications of these findings for energy infrastructure siting controversies are discussed. -- Highlights: •Americans are divided on the Keystone XL energy pipeline. •Attitudes toward Keystone XL are driven by political party identification and ideology. •Attitudes toward the pipeline are also shaped by attitudes toward the economy and global warming. •The effect of proximity on attitudes toward Keystone XL is non-linear. •Spatial proximity to the pipeline attenuates the effect of ideology

  1. Proximal sensing for soil carbon accounting (United States)

    England, Jacqueline R.; Viscarra Rossel, Raphael A.


    Maintaining or increasing soil organic carbon (C) is vital for securing food production and for mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, climate change, and land degradation. Some land management practices in cropping, grazing, horticultural, and mixed farming systems can be used to increase organic C in soil, but to assess their effectiveness, we need accurate and cost-efficient methods for measuring and monitoring the change. To determine the stock of organic C in soil, one requires measurements of soil organic C concentration, bulk density, and gravel content, but using conventional laboratory-based analytical methods is expensive. Our aim here is to review the current state of proximal sensing for the development of new soil C accounting methods for emissions reporting and in emissions reduction schemes. We evaluated sensing techniques in terms of their rapidity, cost, accuracy, safety, readiness, and their state of development. The most suitable method for measuring soil organic C concentrations appears to be visible-near-infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy and, for bulk density, active gamma-ray attenuation. Sensors for measuring gravel have not been developed, but an interim solution with rapid wet sieving and automated measurement appears useful. Field-deployable, multi-sensor systems are needed for cost-efficient soil C accounting. Proximal sensing can be used for soil organic C accounting, but the methods need to be standardized and procedural guidelines need to be developed to ensure proficient measurement and accurate reporting and verification. These are particularly important if the schemes use financial incentives for landholders to adopt management practices to sequester soil organic C. We list and discuss requirements for developing new soil C accounting methods based on proximal sensing, including requirements for recording, verification, and auditing.

  2. Elevated oxidized glutathione in cystinotic proximal tubular epithelial cells. (United States)

    Wilmer, Martijn J G; de Graaf-Hess, Adriana; Blom, Henk J; Dijkman, Henry B P M; Monnens, Leo A; van den Heuvel, Lambertus P; Levtchenko, Elena N


    Cystinosis, the most frequent cause of inborn Fanconi syndrome, is characterized by the lysosomal cystine accumulation, caused by mutations in the CTNS gene. To elucidate the pathogenesis of cystinosis, we cultured proximal tubular cells from urine of cystinotic patients (n = 9) and healthy controls (n = 9), followed by immortalization with human papilloma virus (HPV E6/E7). Obtained cell lines displayed basolateral polarization, alkaline phosphatase activity, and presence of aminopeptidase N (CD-13) and megalin, confirming their proximal tubular origin. Cystinotic cell lines exhibited elevated cystine levels (0.86 +/- 0.95 nmol/mg versus 0.09 +/- 0.01 nmol/mg protein in controls, p = 0.03). Oxidized glutathione was elevated in cystinotic cells (1.16 +/- 0.83 nmol/mg versus 0.29 +/- 0.18 nmol/mg protein, p = 0.04), while total glutathione, free cysteine, and ATP contents were normal in these cells. In conclusion, elevated oxidized glutathione in cystinotic proximal tubular epithelial cell lines suggests increased oxidative stress, which may contribute to tubular dysfunction in cystinosis.

  3. Reduced Insulin Receptor Expression Enhances Proximal Tubule Gluconeogenesis. (United States)

    Pandey, Gaurav; Shankar, Kripa; Makhija, Ekta; Gaikwad, Anil; Ecelbarger, Carolyn; Mandhani, Anil; Srivastava, Aneesh; Tiwari, Swasti


    Reduced insulin receptor protein levels have been reported in the kidney cortex from diabetic humans and animals. We recently reported that, targeted deletion of insulin receptor (IR) from proximal tubules (PT) resulted in hyperglycemia in non-obese mice. To elucidate the mechanism, we examined human proximal tubule cells (hPTC) and C57BL/6 mice fed with high-fat diet (HFD, 60% fat for 20 weeks). Immunoblotting revealed a significantly lower protein level of IR in HFD compare to normal chow diet (NCD). Furthermore, a blunted rise in p-AKT 308 levels in the kidney cortex of HFD mice was observed in response to acute insulin (0.75 IU/kg body weight, i.p) relative to NCD n = 8/group, P gluconeogenesis. Transcript levels of the gluconeogenic enzyme PEPCK were significantly increased in cAMP/DEXA-stimulated hPTC cells (n = 3, P gluconeogenesis and PEPCK induction was significantly attenuated in IR (siRNA) silenced hPTC (n = 3, P gluconeogenesis. Thus reduced insulin signaling of the proximal tubule may contribute to hyperglycemia in the metabolic syndrome via elevated gluconeogenesis. J. Cell. Biochem. 118: 276-285, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Wireless capsule endoscopy and proximal small bowel lesions in Crohn’s disease (United States)

    Petruzziello, Carmelina; Onali, Sara; Calabrese, Emma; Zorzi, Francesca; Ascolani, Marta; Condino, Giovanna; Lolli, Elisabetta; Naccarato, Paola; Pallone, Francesco; Biancone, Livia


    AIM: To investigate the prevalence of proximal small bowel (SB) lesions detected by wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) in Crohn’s disease (CD). METHODS: WCE was performed in 64 patients: 32 with CD of the distal ileum, and 32 controls with iron-deficiency anemia (IDA) or diarrhea. WCE was performed using the Given SB-WCE, followed by small intestine contrast ultrasonography (SICUS). Findings compatible with CD by using WCE included erosions, aphthoid or deep ulcers, and strictures/stenosis. RESULTS: WCE detected proximal SB lesions in 16/32 (50%) patients (14 aphthoid ulcers, 2 deep ulcers, one stricture), which appeared not to be related to clinical parameters [epigastric pain, age, smoking, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), IDA]. Among patients with proximal SB lesions, 6 (37%) were smokers, 3 (19%) NSAID users, 3 (19%) had epigastric pain and 4 (25%) had IDA. SICUS detected proximal SB lesions in 3/32 patients (19%) also showing lesions with WCE. No correlations were observed between proximal SB lesions assessed by WCE or by SICUS (χ2 = 1.5, P = 0.2). CONCLUSION: The use of WCE allows the detection of previously unknown upper SB lesions in a high proportion of patients with a previous diagnosis of CD involving the distal ileum. PMID:20614486

  5. Proximal caries detection using digital subtraction radiography in the artificial caries activity model

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Jong Hoon; Lee, Gi Ja; Choi, Sam Jin; Park, Young Ho; Kim, Kyung Soo; Jin, Hyun Seok; Hong, Kyung Won; Oh, Berm Seok; Park, Hun Kuk [Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Choi, Yong Suk; Hwang, Eui Hwan [Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Institute of Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    The purpose of the experiment was to evaluating the diagnostic ability of dental caries detection using digital subtraction in the artificial caries activity model. Digital radiographs of five teeth with 8 proximal surfaces were obtained by CCD sensor (Kodak RVG 6100 using a size no.2). The digital radiographic images and subtraction images from artificial proximal caries were examined and interpreted. In this study, we proposed novel caries detection method which could diagnose the dental proximal caries from single digital radiographic image. In artificial caries activity model, the range of lesional depth was 572-1,374 {mu}m and the range of lesional area was 36.95-138.52 mm{sup 2}. The lesional depth and the area were significantly increased with demineralization time (p<0.001). Furthermore, the proximal caries detection using digital subtraction radiography showed high detection rate compared to the proximal caries examination using simple digital radiograph. The results demonstrated that the digital subtraction radiography from single radiographic image of artificial caries was highly efficient in the detection of dental caries compared to the data from simple digital radiograph.

  6. Proximal caries detection using digital subtraction radiography in the artificial caries activity model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Jong Hoon; Lee, Gi Ja; Choi, Sam Jin; Park, Young Ho; Kim, Kyung Soo; Jin, Hyun Seok; Hong, Kyung Won; Oh, Berm Seok; Park, Hun Kuk; Choi, Yong Suk; Hwang, Eui Hwan


    The purpose of the experiment was to evaluating the diagnostic ability of dental caries detection using digital subtraction in the artificial caries activity model. Digital radiographs of five teeth with 8 proximal surfaces were obtained by CCD sensor (Kodak RVG 6100 using a size no.2). The digital radiographic images and subtraction images from artificial proximal caries were examined and interpreted. In this study, we proposed novel caries detection method which could diagnose the dental proximal caries from single digital radiographic image. In artificial caries activity model, the range of lesional depth was 572-1,374 μm and the range of lesional area was 36.95-138.52 mm 2 . The lesional depth and the area were significantly increased with demineralization time (p<0.001). Furthermore, the proximal caries detection using digital subtraction radiography showed high detection rate compared to the proximal caries examination using simple digital radiograph. The results demonstrated that the digital subtraction radiography from single radiographic image of artificial caries was highly efficient in the detection of dental caries compared to the data from simple digital radiograph.

  7. Desenvolvimento de surfatantes para aplicação na indústria de explosivos

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    Luciana Rodrigues Barreto Lopes


    Full Text Available A comercialização dos explosivos emulsionáveis, aí incluída a dinamite de ANFO, acarretou um aumento significativo no consumo mundial de explosivos entre 1960 e 1980, conseqüência da maior segurança no transporte e no preparo dos explosivos na forma de uma emulsão. Os surfatantes utilizados nestas emulsões são ésteres, amidas ou imidas derivadas do poliisobutileno com terminações de anidrido succínico (PIBSA. Neste trabalho, surfatantes derivados da reação do PIBSA com polioxietilenodiaminas foram sintetizados e caracterizados pelas técnicas de espectrometria no infravermelho e de cromatografia de exclusão de tamanho. Os surfatantes sintetizados foram avaliados quanto ao efeito das suas estruturas na redução da tensão interfacial do sistema água em óleo e todos foram capazes de reduzir a tensão interfacial deste sistema.

  8. Tubularized proximally-incised plate in distal/midshaft hypospadias repair

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    Antonio Marte


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to verify the validity, feasibility, and the functional results, by uroflowmetry, of Tubularized proximallyincised plate technique in selected case of distal/midshaft hypospadias. Out of 120 patients scheduled to undergo TIP (or Snodgrass procedure, 23 were selected between January 2013 and January 2016 (19.1%. This case series comprised 16 patients with distal and 7 with midshaft hypospadias. Mean age at surgery was 2.9 years. The inclusion criteria were a deep and wide glandular groove and a proximal narrow urethral plate. The procedure was carried out as described by Snodgrass but the incision of the urethral plate, including the mucosal and submucosal tissue, was made only proximally, between the original meatus and the glandular groove in no case extending to the entire length of the plate. Postoperatively a foley catheter was left in place from 4 to 7 days. Uroflowmetry was performed when the patients age ranged from 2.5 to 5.7 years (mean age 3.11 years and mean follow-up 1.8 years, body surface 2. No patient presented fistulas nor perioperative complications. At uroflowmetry, eighteen patients presented values above the 25th percentile and 5 showed a borderline flow. All patients in this group remained stable without urinary symptoms. In selected cases, the tubularized proximally-incised plate yields satisfactory cosmetic and functional results for the treatment of midshaft proximal hypospadias. A long-term follow-up study is needed for further evaluation. Patient selection is crucial for the success of this technique.

  9. Echosonography with proximity sensors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thaisiam, W; Laithong, T; Meekhun, S; Chaiwathyothin, N; Thanlarp, P; Danworaphong, S


    We propose the use of a commercial ultrasonic proximity sensor kit for profiling an altitude-varying surface by employing echosonography. The proximity sensor kit, two identical transducers together with its dedicated operating circuit, is used as a profiler for the construction of an image. Ultrasonic pulses are emitted from one of the transducers and received by the other. The time duration between the pulses allows us to determine the traveling distance of each pulse. In the experiment, the circuit is used with the addition of two copper wires for directing the outgoing and incoming signals to an oscilloscope. The time of flight of ultrasonic pulses can thus be determined. Square grids of 5 × 5 cm 2 are made from fishing lines, forming pixels in the image. The grids are designed to hold the detection unit in place, about 30 cm above a flat surface. The surface to be imaged is constructed to be height varying and placed on the flat surface underneath the grids. Our result shows that an image of the profiled surface can be created by varying the location of the detection unit along the grid. We also investigate the deviation in relation to the time of flight of the ultrasonic pulse. Such an experiment should be valuable for conveying the concept of ultrasonic imaging to physical and medical science undergraduate students. Due to its simplicity, the setup could be made in any undergraduate laboratory relatively inexpensively and it requires no complex parts. The results illustrate the concept of echosonography. (paper)

  10. Proximity focusing RICH with TOF capabilities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Korpar, S.; Adachi, I.; Fujita, K.; Fukushima, T.; Gorisek, A.; Hayashi, D.; Iijima, T.; Ikado, T.; Ishikawa, T.; Kawai, H.; Kozakai, Y.; Krizan, P.; Kuratani, A.; Mazuka, Y.; Nakagawa, T.; Nishida, S.; Ogawa, S.; Pestotnik, R.; Seki, T.; Sumiyoshi, T.; Tabata, M.; Unno, Y.


    A proximity focusing RICH counter with a multi-channel micro-channel plate (MCP) PMT was tested as a time-of-flight counter. Cherenkov photons emitted in the radiator medium as well as in the entrance window of the PMT were used for the time-of-flight measurement, and an excellent performance of the counter could be demonstrated

  11. Composição centesimal, lisina disponível e digestibilidade in vitro de proteínas de fórmulas para nutrição oral ou enteral Proximate composition, available lysine and in vitro digestibility of proteins in formulae for oral or enteral nutrition

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    Edma M. Araújo


    Full Text Available Ultimamente tem-se verificado aumento do uso de nutrição enteral (NE em domicílio, objetivando reduzir custos e melhorar a qualidade de vida. Contudo, é importante monitorar o valor nutricional das dietas. Nesse estudo foram avaliadas as formulações F1 e F2 (ARAÚJO; GALEAZZI, 1999 contendo carne bovina, ovo (F1, chicória, cenoura, fubá de milho, extrato hidrossolúvel de soja, óleo de soja, Nidex® e sal, para uso em NE ou oral domiciliar, objetivando obter dados mais confiáveis e seguros. Foram determinadas: composição centesimal, digestibilidade in vitro e lisina disponível. As composições centesimais (base seca foram as seguintes: F1: calorias 454,69, umidade 79,29±0,07, proteína 17,04±0,06, lipídios 14,85±0,11, carboidratos 63,22, fibra alimentar solúvel 0,67±0,66 e insolúvel 1,65±0,73, cinzas 2,57±0,01; F2: calorias 463,92, umidade 78,96±0,09, proteína 16,56±0,09, lipídios 15,12±0,20, fibra alimentar solúvel 1,09±0,11 e insolúvel 1,84±0,09, carboidratos 65,40 e cinzas 2,63±0,08. A distribuição calórica mostrou-se adequada. Os teores de lisina eram 80 mg/g de proteína para F1 e 139 para F2. A digestibilidade (% das proteínas foi 95 para F1 e 93 para F2. As formulações são factíveis de preparo em domicílio, possuem fontes de proteína de boa qualidade, baixo custo, podendo atender às necessidades nutricionais de indivíduos em terapia nutricional domiciliar e promover a recuperação nutricional.Recently the use of home enteral nutrition (EN has increased, aimed at reducing costs and improving the quality of life. Monitoring the nutritional value of these diets is therefore important. In this study the formulations F1 and F2 (ARAÚJO; GALEAZZI, 1999 containing beef, egg (F1, chicory, carrot, corn grits, ater-soluble soybean extract, soybean oil, Nidex ater-soluble soybean extract, soybean oil, Nidex® and salt, ere evaluated for use in home EN, aiming at obtaining more reliable, safer data. The

  12. Proximity sensing of electrostatic induction electret nanoparticles device using separation electrode

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jianxiong Zhu


    Full Text Available We reported a two dimensional self-powered proximity sensor based on nanoparticles polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE electrostatic induction electret using separation electrode. The structural pattern was carefully designed for identifying the specific position on the horizontal plane. When the separation electrode is motioned above the sensor, the induced charges on electrodes will change based on the coupling effect of the electret film. Experiment results showed that the proximity sensor works well with the velocity 0.05 m/s. We also found that the prototype have a good stability even with a huge uncontrolled perturbation on the Y direction. Our work could be a significant step forward in self-powered proximity sensing technology, with a wide range of potential applications in touchpad, robotics, and safety-monitoring device.

  13. Regulation of proximal tubule vacuolar H+-ATPase by PKA and AMP-activated protein kinase (United States)

    Al-bataineh, Mohammad M.; Gong, Fan; Marciszyn, Allison L.; Myerburg, Michael M.


    The vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-ATPase) mediates ATP-driven H+ transport across membranes. This pump is present at the apical membrane of kidney proximal tubule cells and intercalated cells. Defects in the V-ATPase and in proximal tubule function can cause renal tubular acidosis. We examined the role of protein kinase A (PKA) and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the regulation of the V-ATPase in the proximal tubule as these two kinases coregulate the V-ATPase in the collecting duct. As the proximal tubule V-ATPases have different subunit compositions from other nephron segments, we postulated that V-ATPase regulation in the proximal tubule could differ from other kidney tubule segments. Immunofluorescence labeling of rat ex vivo kidney slices revealed that the V-ATPase was present in the proximal tubule both at the apical pole, colocalizing with the brush-border marker wheat germ agglutinin, and in the cytosol when slices were incubated in buffer alone. When slices were incubated with a cAMP analog and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, the V-ATPase accumulated at the apical pole of S3 segment cells. These PKA activators also increased V-ATPase apical membrane expression as well as the rate of V-ATPase-dependent extracellular acidification in S3 cell monolayers relative to untreated cells. However, the AMPK activator AICAR decreased PKA-induced V-ATPase apical accumulation in proximal tubules of kidney slices and decreased V-ATPase activity in S3 cell monolayers. Our results suggest that in proximal tubule the V-ATPase subcellular localization and activity are acutely coregulated via PKA downstream of hormonal signals and via AMPK downstream of metabolic stress. PMID:24553431

  14. Variación estacional de la composición proximal en tres especies de importancia comercial del Golfo de Nicoya, Puntarenas, Costa Rica Seasonal variation of proximate composition in three commercially important species in the Gulf of Nicoya, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristian Fonseca Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La información disponible sobre la composición química de algunos recursos pesqueros que se capturan en el Golfo de Nicoya es muy limitada. Por tal razón se determinaron los niveles de los componentes proximales de las partes comestibles (fresco de tres especies de importancia comercial. Las muestras fueron adquiridas en el Mercado de Puntarenas entre febrero 2009 y enero 2001 durante la temporada de pesca. Los análisis de la composición proximal se determinaron según la metodología de AOAC. Los resultados indicaron que el contenido de humedad varió entre 74.6-80.6g/100g en robalo (Centropomus unionesis, 76.9-80.0g/100g en camarón (Trachypenaeus byrdi y 77.9-89.5g/100g en almeja verde (Poymesoda radiata. Después de la humedad la fracción química más abundante fue la proteína presentando los valores más altos en diciembre para el robalo y febrero para el camarón y la almeja verde. Las mayores fluctuaciones en el contenido de lípidos se presentaron en el robalo, variando desde 0.7g/100g hasta 5.6g/100g. Los valores más altos en esta fracción fueron encontrados en julio, febrero y abril en camarones, almeja y robalo respectivamente. Se concluye que la especie de pescado y camarón estudiados son una buena alternativa para el consumo humano por ser una fuente importante de proteínas y por su bajo contenido en lípidos.Nutritional value of seafood for human consumption is worldwide recognized. Some information have been generated in other countries, nevertheless, there is limited information describing the chemical composition of some fishery important species caught in the Gulf of Nicoya. For this reason, we studied the levels of proximal components of the edible parts (fresh of three commercially important species. The meat samples of snook Centropomus unionesis, the shrimp Trachypenaeus byrdi and the bivalve Polymesoda radiata, were collected from the Puntarenas local fish market during the fishing season of February 2009 to

  15. Superconducting proximity effect in mesoscopic superconductor/normal-metal junctions

    CERN Document Server

    Takayanagi, H; Toyoda, E


    The superconducting proximity effect is discussed in mesoscopic superconductor/normal-metal junctions. The newly-developed theory shows long-range phase-coherent effect which explaines early experimental results of giant magnetoresistance oscillations in an Andreev interferometer. The theory also shows that the proximity correction to the conductance (PCC) has a reentrant behavior as a function of energy. The reentrant behavior is systematically studied in a gated superconductor-semiconductor junction. A negative PCC is observed in the case of a weak coupling between the normal metal and the external reservoir. Phase coherent ac effect is also observed when rf is irradiated to the junction.

  16. Phytochemical Screening, Proximate and Mineral Composition of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Leaves of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) grown in Tepi area was studied for their class of phytochemicals, mineral and proximate composition using standard analytical methods. The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoid, terpenoids, saponins, quinones, phenol, tannins, amino acid and ...

  17. Phytochemistry and proximate composition of ginger ( Zingiber ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The results of the phytochemical screening showed that alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, proteins, saponins, steroids, flavonoids and terpenoids were present, while reducing sugars, tannins, oils and acid compounds were absent. Similarly, the results of the proximate analysis of the rhizome showed that ginger ...

  18. Phytochemical screening, proximate and elemental analysis of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Citrus sinensis was screened for its phytochemical composition and was evaluated for the proximate and elemental analysis. The phytochemical analysis indicated the presence of reducing sugar, saponins, cardiac glycosides, tannins and flavonoids. The elemental analysis indicated the presence of the following mineral ...

  19. Innervation of the renal proximal convoluted tubule of the rat

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barajas, L.; Powers, K.


    Experimental data suggest the proximal tubule as a major site of neurogenic influence on tubular function. The functional and anatomical axial heterogeneity of the proximal tubule prompted this study of the distribution of innervation sites along the early, mid, and late proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) of the rat. Serial section autoradiograms, with tritiated norepinephrine serving as a marker for monoaminergic nerves, were used in this study. Freehand clay models and graphic reconstructions of proximal tubules permitted a rough estimation of the location of the innervation sites along the PCT. In the subcapsular nephrons, the early PCT (first third) was devoid of innervation sites with most of the innervation occurring in the mid (middle third) and in the late (last third) PCT. Innervation sites were found in the early PCT in nephrons located deeper in the cortex. In juxtamedullary nephrons, innervation sites could be observed on the PCT as it left the glomerulus. This gradient of PCT innervation can be explained by the different tubulovascular relationships of nephrons at different levels of the cortex. The absence of innervation sites in the early PCT of subcapsular nephrons suggests that any influence of the renal nerves on the early PCT might be due to an effect of neurotransmitter released from renal nerves reaching the early PCT via the interstitium and/or capillaries

  20. Preputial reconstruction and tubularized incised plate urethroplasty in proximal hypospadias with ventral penile curvature


    Bhat, Amilal; Gandhi, Ajay; Saxena, Gajendra; Choudhary, Gautam Ram


    Aims : Objective of this study was to assess the feasibility and results of preputial reconstruction and tubularized incised plate urethroplasty (TIP) in patients of proximal hypospadias with ventral penile curvature. Materials and Methods : Twenty-seven patients of proximal hypospadias who underwent preputioplasty with TIP were evaluated retrospectively. Ventral curvature was corrected by mobilization of the urethral plate with the corpus spongiosum and the proximal urethra; dorsal plica...

  1. Proximity Effect between Two Superconductors Spatially Resolved by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. Cherkez


    Full Text Available We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the proximity effect in an atomic-scale controlled junction between two different superconductors. Elaborated on a Si(111 surface, the junction comprises a Pb nanocrystal with an energy gap Δ_{1}=1.2  meV, connected to a crystalline atomic monolayer of lead with Δ_{2}=0.23  meV. Using in situ scanning tunneling spectroscopy, we probe the local density of states of this hybrid system both in space and in energy, at temperatures below and above the critical temperature of the superconducting monolayer. Direct and inverse proximity effects are revealed with high resolution. Our observations are precisely explained with the help of a self-consistent solution of the Usadel equations. In particular, our results demonstrate that in the vicinity of the Pb islands, the Pb monolayer locally develops a finite proximity-induced superconducting order parameter, well above its own bulk critical temperature. This leads to a giant proximity effect where the superconducting correlations penetrate inside the monolayer a distance much larger than in a nonsuperconducting metal.

  2. Instability of the proximal tibiofibular joint associated with total knee arthroplasty

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    Martin Bédard, MD, FRCSC


    Full Text Available To our knowledge, proximal tibiofibular joint instability has never been reported in a patient with a total knee arthroplasty (TKA. We present the case of a patient with anterolateral proximal tibiofibular joint instability associated with a complex primary TKA. In 2010, a male patient of 47 years was referred for TKA after posttraumatic osteoarthritis. The patient's history includes a fracture of the left lateral tibial plateau in 2008 and removal of osteosynthesis material in 2009. TKA with a lateral metal augment and intramedullary stem was performed in 2010. After TKA, instability of the left proximal tibiofibular joint (PTFJ was diagnosed. The patient underwent PTFJ arthrodesis and, at 5 years' follow-up, had no residual pain, with full range of motion. In this case, arthrodesis was the only possible surgical option because reconstruction surgeries require the establishment of bone tunnels in the tibia and fibula for the passage of a graft. Low bone quality and the use of an intramedullary stem with a metal augment in the tibia made any reconstruction technique unfeasible because the proximal tibia was obliterated. Although several PTFJ reconstruction techniques are available, they are difficult to apply to patients with a complex TKA.

  3. Variación estacional de la composición proximal del mejillón Tagelus peruvianus (Bivalvia: Solecurtidae del Golfo de Nicoya, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristian Fonseca Rodríguez


    Full Text Available La extracción del mejillón Tagelus peruvianus representa una actividad económica complementaria de los pescadores artesanales, es una de las especies de mayor pesca y consumo ya que son una fuente importante de proteína, minerales y vitaminas esenciales para la población humana. Por lo tanto, se estudió la variación estacional de su composición proximal, índice de condición y contenido energético. Mensualmente, entre noviembre de 2007 y octubre de 2008, se recolectaron de 35 a 40 especímenes. La composición proximal se determinó siguiendo la metodología recomendada por la AOAC. Los resultados mostraron que el índice de condición disminuyó en los meses de diciembre, enero y mayo, lo que indica que hay dos periodos de desove y una fase de reposo gonadal. El componente principal del mejillón es la proteína (61.9±4.3%, seguido de carbohidratos (15.7±2.4%, cenizas (14.0±1.9% y lípidos (8.5±1.7%. El contenido calórico promedio fue de 5.0±0.1kcal/g. La disminución en los valores de proteínas, lípidos y calorías coinciden con los periodos de desove. Se puede concluir que T. peruvianus presenta valores nutricionales óptimos para el consumo humano, por su bajo contenido de grasa y su aceptable contenido proteico.Seasonal variation in proximate composition of mussels Tagelus peruvianus (Bivalvia: Solecurtidae from the Gulf of Nicoya, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Marine bivalves are a very important food source for human consumption, and species that has not been of traditional use as a fishery resource are gaining interest. Seasonal variation in proximate composition, condition index and energy or caloric content of the mussel Tagelus peruvianus were studied in the Gulf of Nicoya, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. From November 2007 to October 2008, a total of 35 to 40 specimens per month were collected. The proximate composition using the AOAC methods was determined. Results showed that the condition index during December, January and May

  4. Impact of Relational Proximity on Distress from Infidelity

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    Maryanne Fisher


    Full Text Available Men are generally more distressed by a partner's sexual infidelity whereas women are generally more distressed by a partner's emotional infidelity. The importance of the identity of the interloper, however, has been neglected. We explored the influence of relational proximity (i.e., the degree of genetic relatedness on distress about infidelity. In Study 1, participants were most distressed when the imagined infidelity occurred between their current mate and close kin. In Study 2, relational proximity mattered more than the type of sexual behavior, the likelihood of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, and the likelihood of the infidelity leading to a damaged reputation. Together, the results indicate that identity matters, especially if the interloper is someone with whom we have familial bonds.

  5. Automated space vehicle control for rendezvous proximity operations (United States)

    Lea, Robert N.


    Rendezvous during the unmanned space exploration missions, such as a Mars Rover/Sample Return will require a completely automatic system from liftoff to docking. A conceptual design of an automated rendezvous, proximity operations, and docking system is being implemented and validated at the Johnson Space Center (JSC). The emphasis is on the progress of the development and testing of a prototype system for control of the rendezvous vehicle during proximity operations that is currently being developed at JSC. Fuzzy sets are used to model the human capability of common sense reasoning in decision making tasks and such models are integrated with the expert systems and engineering control system technology to create a system that performs comparably to a manned system.

  6. A flexible dual-mode proximity sensor based on cooperative sensing for robot skin applications (United States)

    Huang, Ying; Cai, Xia; Kan, Wenqing; Qiu, Shihua; Guo, Xiaohui; Liu, Caixia; Liu, Ping


    A flexible dual-mode proximity sensor has been designed and implemented, which is capable of combining capacitive-resistive detection in this paper. The capacitive type proximity sensor detecting is defined as mode-C, and the resistive type proximity sensor detecting is defined as mode-R. The characteristics of the proximity sensor are as follows: (1) the theoretical mode is developed which indicates that this proximity sensor can reflect proximity information accurately; (2) both sensing modes are vertically integrated into a sandwich-like chip with an 8 mm × 12 mm unit area. The thickness of a mode-R sensing material (graphene nanoplatelets) and mode-C dielectric (the mixture of carbon black and silicone rubber) is 1 mm and 2.5 mm, respectively; (3) for mode-R, the linearity of temperature-resistance curve can achieve 0.998 in the temperature range from 25°C to 65°C. And for mode-C, various materials can be successfully detected with fast response and high reversibility. Meanwhile, the study compensated the influence of object temperature to ensure mode-C properly works. A cooperative sensing test shows that R-C dual modes sense effectively which can enlarge the sensing distance compared with the single mode proximity sensor. The fabrication of this sensor is convenient, and the integrity of a flexible sandwich-like structure based on dual modes is beneficial to form arrays, which is suitable to be used in skin-like sensing applications.

  7. Radiologic fallopian tube catheterization for diagnosis and treatment of proximal tubal obstruction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thurmond, A.S.; Rosch, J.


    Seventy-five infertile women in whom proximal fallopian tube obstruction had been demonstrated by conventional hysterosalpingography were managed by means of fluoroscopic transcervical fallopian tube catheterization techniques. The procedure helped avoid surgery for diagnosis and/or treatment of proximal tubal obstruction in 71 women (95%). In 32 patients who had patent tube(s) following the procedure, 15 pregnancies have occurred, 14 intrauterine and one tubal (follow-up, 6 months). Fifteen patients had follow-up studies after recanalization, and 19 of 23 tubes remained patent (83%). Fluoroscopic fallopian tube catheterization improves diagnosis of fallopian tube disease and is a low-cost, nonsurgical treatment for infertility caused by proximal fallopian tube obstruction

  8. Hematoma of the proximal nail fold due to oximeter in a child

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    Patricia Chang


    Full Text Available Boy 4 years old, hospitalized due to hemorrhagic chickenpox and sepsis during his clinical examination besides hemorrhagic crust, vesicles and bullous he has also a cutaneous red lesion localized at the right proximal nail fold of the big toenail (Fig. 1, dermatoscopic view of the lesion (Fig. 2. The diagnosis of hematoma of the proximal nail fold due to oximeter was done. The proximal nail fold hematomas due to oximeter are uncommon dermatoses at this level that are caused for the pressure of the oximeter and it has been seeing in patient in Unit Intensive or Intermediate Unit Care since 2007.


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    Giovani Ferreira Bezerra


    Full Text Available O atual modelo de avaliação da aprendizagem escolar praticado na maioria das escolas regulares caracteriza-se por ser autoritário, disciplinador e  de  orientação  meramente  quantitativa. Entretanto, tal modelo revela-se insuficiente e  insustentável,  sobretudo  diante  da  inclusão  de alunos  com  deficiência  mental  nas  salas  de  aula  comuns,  pois  estes  estarão  sempre  em desvantagem em relação ao formalismo antipsicológico dos critérios tradicionais. Assim, surge a necessidade  urgente  de  se  articular  e  divulgar  novos  princípios  que  contemplem  uma  prática avaliativa  dinâmica,  qualitativa  e  inclusiva. É  exatamente  este  o  objetivo  do  presente  trabalho, que, para tanto, buscou na pesquisa bibliográfica os fundamentos teóricos. Pela pesquisa, pôde-se perceber  que  os  conceitos  de  Vygotsky sobre  Zona  de  Desenvolvimento  Proximal, Aproveitamento Escolar Absoluto  e Aproveitamento Escolar Relativo  são  os  que mais  podem orientar os professores, neste momento, quanto à correta verificação da aprendizagem escolar de todos os seus alunos, pois abrem espaço para uma perspectiva de avaliação totalizante, processual e  consciente  da  singularidade  cognitiva  e  psicológica  que  envolve  a  personalidade  de  cada educando. Estes conceitos lhes darão, assim, condições para refletir também sobre as conquistas de cada  criança,  e  não  apenas  para  condená-la  por  seus  eventuais  fracassos,  supostamente apontados por notas frias, cúmplices de uma rígida burocracia escolar e dissociadas de qualquer trabalho analítico cuidadoso. Palavras-chave: Avaliação  da  Aprendizagem  Escolar.  Inclusão de Crianças com  Deficiência Mental. Zona de desenvolvimento Proximal. Aproveitamento escolar absoluto. Aproveitamento escolar Relativo.

  10. [Imaging evaluation on adaptability of proximal humeral anatomy after shoulder replacement with individualized shoulder prosthesis]. (United States)

    Shi, Youxing; Tang, Kanglai; Yuan, Chengsong; Tao, Xu; Wang, Huaqing; Chen, Bo; Guo, Yupeng


    Modern shoulder prosthesis has evolved through four generations. And the fourth generation technology has a core three-dimensional design of restoring 3D reconstruction of proximal humeral anatomy. Thus a new shoulder prosthesis is developed on the basis of the technology of 3D prosthesis. Assessment of whether shoulder prosthesis can restore individualized reconstruction of proximal humeral anatomy is based on the adaptability of proximal humeral anatomy. To evaluate the adaptability of proximal humeral anatomy through measuring the parameters of proximal humeral anatomy after shoulder replacement with individualized shoulder prosthesis and compare with normal data. The parameters of proximal humeral anatomy were analyzed and evaluated for a total of 12 cases undergoing shoulder replacement with individualized shoulder prosthesis. The relevant anatomical parameters included neck-shaft angle (NSA), retroversion angle (RA), humeral head height (HH) and humeral head diameter (HD). And the anatomical parameters were compared with the data from normal side. All underwent shoulder replacement with individualized shoulder prosthesis. The postoperative parameters of proximal humeral anatomy were compared with those of normal side. And the difference of NSA was 0.05). Individualized shoulder prosthesis has excellent adaptability to shoulder. All core parameters are freely adjustable and specification models may be optimized. With matching tools, individualized shoulder prosthesis improves the accuracy and reliability in shoulder replacement.

  11. Quantifying social contacts in a household setting of rural Kenya using wearable proximity sensors


    Kiti, Moses C.; Tizzoni, Michele; Kinyanjui, Timothy M.; Koech, Dorothy C.; Munywoki, Patrick K.; Meriac, Milosch; Cappa, Luca; Panisson, André; Barrat, Alain; Cattuto, Ciro; Nokes, D. James


    Close proximity interactions between individuals influence how infections spread. Quantifying close contacts in developing world settings, where such data is sparse yet disease burden is high, can provide insights into the design of intervention strategies such as vaccination. Recent technological advances have enabled collection of time-resolved face-to-face human contact data using radio frequency proximity sensors. The acceptability and practicalities of using proximity devices within the ...

  12. Computed tomography-based anatomic characterization of proximal aortic dissection with consideration for endovascular candidacy. (United States)

    Moon, Michael C; Greenberg, Roy K; Morales, Jose P; Martin, Zenia; Lu, Qingsheng; Dowdall, Joseph F; Hernandez, Adrian V


    Proximal aortic dissections are life-threatening conditions that require immediate surgical intervention to avert an untreated mortality rate that approaches 50% at 48 hours. Advances in computed tomography (CT) imaging techniques have permitted increased characterization of aortic dissection that are necessary to assess the design and applicability of new treatment paradigms. All patients presenting during a 2-year period with acute proximal aortic dissections who underwent CT scanning were reviewed in an effort to establish a detailed assessment of their aortic anatomy. Imaging studies were assessed in an effort to document the location of the primary proximal fenestration, the proximal and distal extent of the dissection, and numerous morphologic measurements pertaining to the aortic valve, root, and ascending aorta to determine the potential for an endovascular exclusion of the ascending aorta. During the study period, 162 patients presented with proximal aortic dissections. Digital high-resolution preoperative CT imaging was performed on 76 patients, and 59 scans (77%) were of adequate quality to allow assessment of anatomic suitability for treatment with an endograft. In all cases, the dissection plane was detectable, yet the primary intimal fenestration was identified in only 41% of the studies. Scans showed 24 patients (32%) appeared to be anatomically amenable to such a repair (absence of valvular involvement, appropriate length and diameter of proximal sealing regions, lack of need to occlude coronary vasculature). Of the 42 scans that were determined not to be favorable for endovascular repair, the most common exclusion finding was the absence of a proximal landing zone (n = 15; 36%). Appropriately protocoled CT imaging provides detailed anatomic information about the aortic root and ascending aorta, allowing the assessment of which dissections have proximal fenestrations that may be amenable to an endovascular repair. Copyright © 2011 Society for

  13. Endovascular treatment in proximal and intracranial carotid occlusion 9 hours after symptom onset

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jakubowska, Malgorzata M.; Michels, Peter; Mueller-Jensen, Axel; Leppien, Andreas; Eckert, Bernd


    A debate is emerging over whether the treatment time window in acute stroke can be extended beyond 6 h if penumbral tissue can be identified. Treatment decisions are very difficult in cases of tandem proximal carotid occlusion with arterioarterial intracranial embolism. We enter this debate with the present report on a case of atherosclerotic proximal carotid occlusion and resulting periocclusional carotid T embolism that was successfully treated 9 h after symptom onset. The case of a 68-year-old man with fluctuating symptoms of right-hemispheric stroke is presented (NIHSS score 12-20 on admission). CT angiography demonstrated proximal carotid occlusion and periocclusional embolism of the entire internal carotid artery (ICA) including the carotid T segment. Penumbral tissue was diagnosed by nonenhanced and perfusion CT imaging 7.5 h after symptom onset. Treatment was initiated 9 h after symptom onset by passing the proximal occlusion with a microcatheter and local administration of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) into the carotid T segment at the level of posterior communicating artery (PCoA) origin. Recanalization of the ICA and middle cerebral artery was accomplished within 1 h by flow establishment via the PCoA. The atherosclerotic proximal ICA occlusion was not stented due to the risk of embolism from remnant thrombi in the petrous and cavernous ICA segments. Follow-up MRI showed only mild haemorrhagic infarct transformation of the initial infarct core. The patient was discharged from hospital 18 days after treatment with NIHSS score 5. If penumbral tissue can be conclusively identified, endovascular treatment in proximal and intracranial tandem occlusion can be successful, even in treatments initiated 6-9 h after stroke onset. If the intracranial flow after recanalization can be established via the circle of Willis, the underlying proximal ICA occlusion may not require treatment. (orig.)

  14. Endovascular treatment in proximal and intracranial carotid occlusion 9 hours after symptom onset

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jakubowska, Malgorzata M.; Michels, Peter; Mueller-Jensen, Axel [Asklepios Clinic Altona, Department of Neurology, Hamburg (Germany); Leppien, Andreas; Eckert, Bernd [Asklepios Clinic Altona, Department of Neuroradiology, Hamburg (Germany)


    A debate is emerging over whether the treatment time window in acute stroke can be extended beyond 6 h if penumbral tissue can be identified. Treatment decisions are very difficult in cases of tandem proximal carotid occlusion with arterioarterial intracranial embolism. We enter this debate with the present report on a case of atherosclerotic proximal carotid occlusion and resulting periocclusional carotid T embolism that was successfully treated 9 h after symptom onset. The case of a 68-year-old man with fluctuating symptoms of right-hemispheric stroke is presented (NIHSS score 12-20 on admission). CT angiography demonstrated proximal carotid occlusion and periocclusional embolism of the entire internal carotid artery (ICA) including the carotid T segment. Penumbral tissue was diagnosed by nonenhanced and perfusion CT imaging 7.5 h after symptom onset. Treatment was initiated 9 h after symptom onset by passing the proximal occlusion with a microcatheter and local administration of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) into the carotid T segment at the level of posterior communicating artery (PCoA) origin. Recanalization of the ICA and middle cerebral artery was accomplished within 1 h by flow establishment via the PCoA. The atherosclerotic proximal ICA occlusion was not stented due to the risk of embolism from remnant thrombi in the petrous and cavernous ICA segments. Follow-up MRI showed only mild haemorrhagic infarct transformation of the initial infarct core. The patient was discharged from hospital 18 days after treatment with NIHSS score 5. If penumbral tissue can be conclusively identified, endovascular treatment in proximal and intracranial tandem occlusion can be successful, even in treatments initiated 6-9 h after stroke onset. If the intracranial flow after recanalization can be established via the circle of Willis, the underlying proximal ICA occlusion may not require treatment. (orig.)

  15. Proximal hamstring morphology and morphometry in men: an anatomic and MRI investigation. (United States)

    Storey, R N; Meikle, G R; Stringer, M D; Woodley, S J


    The proximal musculo-tendinous junction (MTJ) is a common site of hamstring strain injury but the anatomy of this region is not well defined. A morphometric analysis of the proximal MTJs of biceps femoris long head (BFlh), semitendinosus (ST), and semimembranosus (SM) was undertaken from dissection of 10 thighs from five male cadavers and magnetic resonance imaging of 20 thighs of 10 active young men. The length, volume, and cross-sectional area of the proximal tendon, MTJ and muscle belly, and muscle-tendon interface area were calculated. In both groups, MTJs were reconstructed three-dimensionally. The proximal tendons and MTJs were expansive, particularly within SM and BFlh. Morphology varied between muscles although length measurements within individual muscles were similar in cadavers and young men. Semimembranosus had the longest proximal tendon (cadavers: mean 33.6 ± 2.0 cm; young men: mean 31.7 ± 1.6 cm) and MTJ (>20 cm in both groups) and the greatest muscle-tendon interface area, followed by BFlh and ST. Mean muscle belly volumes were more than three times greater in young men than elderly male cadavers (P hamstring anatomy, an important factor in the pathogenesis of hamstring strain injury. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Tumor-promoting phorbol esters effect alkalinization of canine renal proximal tubular cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mellas, J.; Hammerman, M.R.


    We have demonstrated the presence of specific receptors for tumor-promoting phorbol esters in the plasma membrane of the canine renal proximal tubular cell. These compounds affect proximal tubular metabolism in vitro. For example, we have shown that they inhibit gluconeogenesis in canine renal proximal tubular segments. Tumor-promoting phorbol esters have been shown to effect alkalinization of non-renal cells, by enhancing Na + -H + exchange across the plasma membrane. To determine whether the actions of tumor-promoting phorbol esters in proximal tubular segments might be mediated by a similar process, we incubated suspensions of segments from dog kidney with these compounds and measured changes in intracellular pH using [ 14 C]-5,5-dimethoxazoladine-2-4-dione (DMO) and flow dialysis. Incubation of segments with phorbol 12,13 dibutyrate, but not inactive phorbol ester, 4 γ phorbol, effected alkalinization of cells within the segments in a concentration-dependent manner. Alkalinization was dependent upon the presence of extracellular [Na + ] > intracellular [Na + ], was prevented by amiloride and was demonstrable in the presence of SITS. Our findings suggest that tumor-promoting esters stimulate the Na + -H + exchanger known to be present in the brush border membrane of the renal proximal tubular cell. It is possible that the stimulation reflects a mechanism by which phorbol esters affect metabolic processes in these cells

  17. The contribution of the electrostatic proximity force to atomic force microscopy with insulators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stanley Czarnecki, W.; Schein, L.B.


    Measurements, using atomic force microscopy, of the force and force derivative on a charged insulating micron sized sphere as a function of gap between the sphere and a conductive plane have revealed attractive forces at finite gaps that are larger than predicted by either van der Waals or conventional electrostatic forces. We suggest that these observations may be due to an electrostatic force that we have identified theoretically and call the proximity force. This proximity force is due to the discrete charges on the surface of the sphere in close proximity to the plane

  18. The contribution of the electrostatic proximity force to atomic force microscopy with insulators

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stanley Czarnecki, W. [Aetas Technology Corporation, P.O. Box 53398, Irvine, CA 92619-3398 (United States); IBM Corporation, 5600 Cottle Rd., Building 13, San Jose, CA 95193 (United States); Schein, L.B. [Aetas Technology Corporation, P.O. Box 53398, Irvine, CA 92619-3398 (United States)]. E-mail:


    Measurements, using atomic force microscopy, of the force and force derivative on a charged insulating micron sized sphere as a function of gap between the sphere and a conductive plane have revealed attractive forces at finite gaps that are larger than predicted by either van der Waals or conventional electrostatic forces. We suggest that these observations may be due to an electrostatic force that we have identified theoretically and call the proximity force. This proximity force is due to the discrete charges on the surface of the sphere in close proximity to the plane.

  19. The role of proximity caps during the annealing of UV-ozone oxidized GaAs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghosh, S. C.; Biesinger, M. C.; LaPierre, R. R.; Kruse, P.


    This study provides a deeper insight into the chemistry and physics of the common engineering practice of using a proximity cap, while annealing compound semiconductors such as GaAs. We have studied the cases of a GaAs proximity cap, a Si proximity cap, and no proximity cap. Using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, it has been found that annealing increases the gallium to arsenic ratio in the oxide layer in all cases. During the annealing of UV-ozone oxidized GaAs, it has been observed that GaAs proximity caps also serve as a sacrificial layer to accelerate the desorption of oxide species. In all cases surface deterioration due to pit formation has been observed, and the depth of pits is found to depend on the effective role played by the capping material. Energy dispersive x-ray analysis provides additional evidence that pits mainly consist of elemental As and gallium oxide, with most of the elemental As situated at the pit-substrate interface. Deposition of a thin layer of gold and subsequent annealing to 500 deg. C for 300 s under different capping conditions shows the use of a proximate cap to be practically insignificant in annealing Au deposited films


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    This study determined the proximate and mineral element composition of whole white grubs using standard methods of analysis. ... and 12.75 ± 3.65% respectively. Mineral contents of white grub in terms of relative concentration .... of intracellular Ca, bone mineralization, blood coagulation, and plasma membrane potential ...

  1. Phytochemical Screening and Proximate Analysis of Newbouldia ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study was conducted to assess the phytochemical and proximate composition of Newboudia laevis leaves and Allium sativum bulb extracts. The leaves and bulbs extracts were analyzed for their chemical composition and antinutritional factors (ANFs) which include moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, total ash ...

  2. Estudo do amido de farinhas comerciais comestíveis Characterization of commercial edible starch flours

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bianca N. B. Lima


    Full Text Available O amido em quatro tipos de farinhas comerciais para uso doméstico em preparações culinárias foi caracterizado pelas técnicas de espectroscopia de absorção na região do infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR, difração de raios X (DRX, análise termogravimétrica e ressonância magnética nuclear de baixo campo, por meio da determinação do tempo de relaxação spin-rede do núcleo de hidrogênio (T1H.Four commercial flour samples with starch components were studied. They were characterized by Infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis and low field NMR (T1H.

  3. Affordable dual-sensing proximity sensor for touchless interactive systems

    KAUST Repository

    Nassar, Joanna M.


    We report an ultra-low cost flexible proximity sensor using only off-the-shelf recyclable materials such as aluminum foil, napkin and double-sided tape. Unlike previous reports, our device structure exhibits two sensing capabilities in one platform, with outstanding long detection range of 20 cm and pressure sensitivity of 0.05 kPa. This is the first ever demonstration of a low-cost, accessible, and batch manufacturing process for pressure and proximity sensing on a singular platform. The mechanical flexibility of the sensor makes it possible to mount on various irregular platforms, which is vital in many areas, such as robotics, machine automation, vehicular technology and inspection tools.

  4. True aneurysm of the proximal occipital artery: Case report. (United States)

    Illuminati, Giulio; Cannistrà, Marco; Pizzardi, Giulia; Pasqua, Rocco; Frezzotti, Francesca; Calio', Francesco G


    True aneurysms of the proximal occipital artery are rare, may cause neurological symptoms due to compression of the hypoglossal nerve and their resection may be technically demanding. The case of an aneurysm of the proximal occipital artery causing discomfort and tongue deviation by compression on the hypoglossal nerve is reported. Postoperative course after resection was followed by complete regression of symptoms. Surgical resection, as standard treatment of aneurysms of the occipital artery, with the eventual technical adjunct of intubation by the nose is effective in durably relieving symptoms and preventing aneurysm-related complication. Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  5. True aneurysm of the proximal occipital artery: Case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Giulio Illuminati

    Full Text Available Introduction: True aneurysms of the proximal occipital artery are rare, may cause neurological symptoms due to compression of the hypoglossal nerve and their resection may be technically demanding. Presentation of case: The case of an aneurysm of the proximal occipital artery causing discomfort and tongue deviation by compression on the hypoglossal nerve is reported. Postoperative course after resection was followed by complete regression of symptoms. Conclusion: Surgical resection, as standard treatment of aneurysms of the occipital artery, with the eventual technical adjunct of intubation by the nose is effective in durably relieving symptoms and preventing aneurysm-related complication. Keywords: Arterial aneurysm, Occipital artery, Case report

  6. Generation of Urinary Albumin Fragments Does Not Require Proximal Tubular Uptake


    Weyer, K.; Nielsen, R.; Christensen, E. I.; Birn, H.


    Urinary albumin excretion is an important diagnostic and prognostic marker of renal function. Both animal and human urine contain large amounts of albumin fragments, but whether these fragments originate from renal tubular degradation of filtered albumin is unknown. Here, we used mice with kidneys lacking megalin and cubilin, the coreceptors that mediate proximal tubular endocytosis of albumin, to determine whether proximal tubular degradation of albumin forms the detectable urinary albumin f...

  7. Abduction in Proximal Hamstring Tendon Avulsion Injury Mechanism-A Report on 3 Athletes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van der Made, Anne D.; Peters, Rolf W.; Verheul, Claire; Maas, Mario; Kerkhoffs, Gino M.


    Proximal hamstring tendon avulsions are typically sustained during forced hip hyperflexion combined with knee extension. We present 3 cases of athletes with a proximal hamstring tendon avulsion caused by an alternative injury mechanism that also involves a considerable hip abduction component

  8. The mechanical benefit of medial support screws in locking plating of proximal humerus fractures.

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    Wen Zhang

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical advantages of medial support screws (MSSs in the locking proximal humeral plate for treating proximal humerus fractures. METHODS: Thirty synthetic left humeri were randomly divided into 3 subgroups to establish two-part surgical neck fracture models of proximal humerus. All fractures were fixed with a locking proximal humerus plate. Group A was fixed with medial cortical support and no MSSs; Group B was fixed with 3 MSSs but without medial cortical support; Group C was fixed with neither medial cortical support nor MSSs. Axial compression, torsional stiffness, shear stiffness, and failure tests were performed. RESULTS: Constructs with medial support from cortical bone showed statistically higher axial and shear stiffness than other subgroups examined (P<0.0001. When the proximal humerus was not supported by medial cortical bone, locking plating with medial support screws exhibited higher axial and torsional stiffness than locking plating without medial support screws (P ≤ 0.0207. Specimens with medial cortical bone failed primarily by fracture of the humeral shaft or humeral head. Specimens without medial cortical bone support failed primarily by significant plate bending at the fracture site followed by humeral head collapse or humeral head fracture. CONCLUSIONS: Anatomic reduction with medial cortical support was the stiffest construct after a simulated two-part fracture. Significant biomechanical benefits of MSSs in locking plating of proximal humerus fractures were identified. The reconstruction of the medial column support for proximal humerus fractures helps to enhance mechanical stability of the humeral head and prevent implant failure.

  9. Geometrical correction of the e-beam proximity effect for raster scan systems (United States)

    Belic, Nikola; Eisenmann, Hans; Hartmann, Hans; Waas, Thomas


    Increasing demands on pattern fidelity and CD accuracy in e- beam lithography require a correction of the e-beam proximity effect. The new needs are mainly coming from OPC at mask level and x-ray lithography. The e-beam proximity limits the achievable resolution and affects neighboring structures causing under- or over-exposion depending on the local pattern densities and process settings. Methods to compensate for this unequilibrated does distribution usually use a dose modulation or multiple passes. In general raster scan systems are not able to apply variable doses in order to compensate for the proximity effect. For system of this kind a geometrical modulation of the original pattern offers a solution for compensation of line edge deviations due to the proximity effect. In this paper a new method for the fast correction of the e-beam proximity effect via geometrical pattern optimization is described. The method consists of two steps. In a first step the pattern dependent dose distribution caused by back scattering is calculated by convolution of the pattern with the long range part of the proximity function. The restriction to the long range part result in a quadratic sped gain in computing time for the transformation. The influence of the short range part coming from forward scattering is not pattern dependent and can therefore be determined separately in a second step. The second calculation yields the dose curve at the border of a written structure. The finite gradient of this curve leads to an edge displacement depending on the amount of underground dosage at the observed position which was previously determined in the pattern dependent step. This unintended edge displacement is corrected by splitting the line into segments and shifting them by multiples of the writers address grid to the opposite direction.

  10. DMPD: Proximal effects of Toll-like receptor activation in dendritic cells. [Dynamic Macrophage Pathway CSML Database

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 17142025 Proximal effects of Toll-like receptor activation in dendritic cells. Watt...) (.svg) (.html) (.csml) Show Proximal effects of Toll-like receptor activation in dendritic cells. PubmedID... 17142025 Title Proximal effects of Toll-like receptor activation in dendritic ce

  11. Interventions for treating proximal humeral fractures in adults

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Handoll, Helen H G; Brorson, Stig


    supervised exercise in a swimming pool plus home exercise.Eight trials, involving 567 older participants, evaluated surgical intervention for displaced fractures. There was high quality evidence of no clinically important difference in patient-reported shoulder and upper-limb function at one- or two......BACKGROUND: Fracture of the proximal humerus, often termed shoulder fracture, is a common injury in older people. The management of these fractures varies widely. This is an update of a Cochrane Review first published in 2001 and last updated in 2012. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects (benefits...... and harms) of treatment and rehabilitation interventions for proximal humeral fractures in adults. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Bone, Joint and Muscle Trauma Group Specialised Register, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), MEDLINE, EMBASE, and other databases, conference...

  12. Mucosal integrity and sensitivity to acid in the proximal esophagus in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease. (United States)

    van Hoeij, Froukje B; Weijenborg, Pim W; van den Bergh Weerman, Marius A; van den Wijngaard, René M J G J; Verheij, J; Smout, André J P M; Bredenoord, Albert J


    Acid reflux episodes that extend to the proximal esophagus are more likely to be perceived. This suggests that the proximal esophagus is more sensitive to acid than the distal esophagus, which could be caused by impaired mucosal integrity in the proximal esophagus. Our aim was to explore sensitivity to acid and mucosal integrity in different segments of the esophagus. We used a prospective observational study, including 12 patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). After stopping acid secretion-inhibiting medication, two procedures were performed: an acid perfusion test and an upper endoscopy with electrical tissue impedance spectroscopy and esophageal biopsies. Proximal and distal sensitivity to acid and tissue impedance were measured in vivo, and mucosal permeability and epithelial intercellular spaces at different esophageal levels were measured in vitro. Mean lag time to heartburn perception was much shorter after proximal acid perfusion (0.8 min) than after distal acid perfusion (3.9 min) (P = 0.02). Median in vivo tissue impedance was significantly lower in the distal esophagus (4,563 Ω·m) compared with the proximal esophagus (8,170 Ω·m) (P = 0.002). Transepithelial permeability, as measured by the median fluorescein flux was significantly higher in the distal (2,051 nmol·cm(-2)·h(-1)) than in the proximal segment (368 nmol·cm(-2)·h(-1)) (P = 0.033). Intercellular space ratio and maximum heartburn intensity were not significantly different between the proximal and distal esophagus. In GERD patients off acid secretion-inhibiting medication, acid exposure in the proximal segment of the esophagus provokes symptoms earlier than acid exposure in the distal esophagus, whereas mucosal integrity is impaired more in the distal esophagus. These findings indicate that the enhanced sensitivity to proximal reflux episodes is not explained by increased mucosal permeability. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  13. Comparative studies for different proximity potentials applied to sub-barrier fusion reactions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, G.L. [Beihang University, School of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering, Beijing (China); Beihang University, Key Laboratory of Micro-Nano Measurement-Manipulation and Physics (Ministry of Education), Beijing (China); Qu, W.W. [Medical College of Soochow University, School of Radiation Medicine and Protection, Soochow (China); Guo, M.F.; Qian, J.Q. [Beihang University, School of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering, Beijing (China); Zhang, H.Q. [China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing (China); Wolski, R. [Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS, Cracow (Poland)


    Coulomb barrier heights calculated by using 14 different versions of proximity potentials are studied and applied for experimental data of fusion in terms of a recently proposed energy scaling approach. The results show that the descriptions of proximity potentials 77 and 88 for the barrier heights seem to be closest to the values required by the systematics. On the basis of proximity potential 77, the parameterized formulas of the barrier height and radius are obtained. These formulas can calculate the barrier positions and barrier heights reasonably well within the error, respectively. Thus it provides a simple and direct way to calculate the barrier positions and barrier heights for heavy-ion fusion reactions. (orig.)

  14. Phytochemical screening, proximate analysis and acute toxicity ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Phytochemical screening results indicate the presence of saponins, flavonoids, phytosterols and phenols. Acute toxicity study showed there was no mortality at 8000 mg/kg of the extract. The results indicate that the plant is rich in phytochemicals and is relatively safe. Key words: Phytochemicals, acute toxicity, proximate ...

  15. Desarrollo de galletas con sustitución parcial de harina de trigo con harina de algarroba (Prosopis alba y avena para planes sociales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara Macías


    Full Text Available La diversificación de alimentos es una estrategia para abordar problemas nutricionales. Producir alimentos de consumo masivo incorporando harinas regionales sería una opción para obtener alimentos de valor nutritivo optimizado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar galletas de calidad nutricional mejorada, para escolares, con mezclas de harinas de trigo, de algarroba y avena. Se determinó la composición proximal y Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K y Zn en harina de algarroba con metodología AOAC y disponibilidad potencial in vitro para Ca, Fe y Zn. Se evaluó la calidad proteica teórica de distintas mezclas por el método del Puntaje Químico, previa corrección por digestibilidad, utilizando como proteína de referencia los requerimientos del patrón FAO. Se diseñaron galletas con 3 mezclas porcentuales: harina de trigo:harina de algarroba 70:30 y 80:20, harina de trigo:harina de algarroba:avena 80:10:10 y un testigo con 100 % harina de trigo. Se determinaron composición proximal, contenido y disponibilidad potencial de Ca, Fe y Zn. Se midieron parámetros tecnológicos en masas y galletas (color y factor de expansión. Las galletas se evaluaron sensorialmente con 35 consumidores, usando escala hedónica de 9 puntos. El Puntaje Químico aumentó ≈ el 25 % en la mezcla 70:30, 19 % en la 80:20 y 28 % para la 80:10:10 respecto del aminoácido lisina en harina de trigo. La corrección por digestibilidad, posicionó con mejor calidad proteica a la mezcla 80:10:10. El diámetro de las galletas aumentó con la disminución del espesor. El balance entre criterios nutricionales y tecnológicos favoreció la elección de las galletas 80:20 y 80:10:10. Son fuente de fibra y minerales. En pruebas sensoriales, las galletas obtuvieron puntaje superior a 6, siendo la más aceptada la 80:10:10. Es tecnológicamente posible sustituir un 20 % de harina de trigo por los ingredientes propuestos obteniéndose galletas nutricionalmente mejoradas y aceptables para

  16. Compósito de colágeno com silicato e hidroxiapatita como material para endodontia: preparação e caracterização = Collagen composite with silicate and hydroxyapatite as endodontic material: preparation and characterization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E'Gues, Miguel Antônio Menezes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Este trabalho teve por objetivo preparar e caracterizar um novo compósito de colágeno com silicato e hidroxiapatita que possa vir a ser utilizado como material endodôntico em capeamento pulpar direto e em pulpotomia. Metodologia: Os materiais utilizados como matéria-prima foram colágeno do tipo I na forma aniônica, silicato (cimento Portland Branco e hidroxiapatita sintetizada. Estes materiais foram misturados em proporções variadas de modo a obter um material compósito na forma de pasta. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados por técnicas de calorimetria exploratória diferencial, termogravimetria, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV, espectrometria de dispersão de energia de Raios-X e espectroscopia na região do infravermelho. Resultados: A presença de colágeno no compósito foi demonstrada por transições térmicas típicas daquelas encontradas para o colágeno do tipo I (~48ºC, independentemente da proporção utilizada, e também por imagens de MEV, onde as fibras colagênicas também puderam ser observadas interligando as partículas de silicato. A composição química de todos compósitos de colágeno foi praticamente idêntica à do silicato utilizado. Conclusão: Os resultados mostraram que a estrutura da matriz de colágeno nos compósitos testados não foi alterada. Esta é uma característica importante para a utilização em endodontia do material compósito proposto, objetivando uma reparação tecidual de forma "mais natural"

  17. Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation of the proximal humerus: case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bush, J.B.; Meyer, Mark S. [Ochsner Clinic Foundation, Department of Orthopedics, New Orleans, LA (United States); Reith, John D. [University of Florida College of Medicine, Departments of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine and Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Gainesville, Florida (United States)


    Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation (BPOP), or Nora's lesion, is a rare lesion of bone occurring predominantly in the long bones of the hands and feet. It exists as a puzzling clinical entity of uncertain origins and high recurrence rates after surgical resection. To our knowledge, this clinical entity has not been reported in the proximal aspect of the humerus. An interesting report of a lesion occurring in the proximal humerus, which initially was misinterpreted as a parosteal osteosarcoma, is discussed outlining the clinical, radiographic and pathologic features of the BPOP lesion. (orig.)

  18. Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation of the proximal humerus: case report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bush, J.B.; Meyer, Mark S.; Reith, John D.


    Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation (BPOP), or Nora's lesion, is a rare lesion of bone occurring predominantly in the long bones of the hands and feet. It exists as a puzzling clinical entity of uncertain origins and high recurrence rates after surgical resection. To our knowledge, this clinical entity has not been reported in the proximal aspect of the humerus. An interesting report of a lesion occurring in the proximal humerus, which initially was misinterpreted as a parosteal osteosarcoma, is discussed outlining the clinical, radiographic and pathologic features of the BPOP lesion. (orig.)

  19. Bioprinting of 3D Convoluted Renal Proximal Tubules on Perfusable Chips (United States)

    Homan, Kimberly A.; Kolesky, David B.; Skylar-Scott, Mark A.; Herrmann, Jessica; Obuobi, Humphrey; Moisan, Annie; Lewis, Jennifer A.


    Three-dimensional models of kidney tissue that recapitulate human responses are needed for drug screening, disease modeling, and, ultimately, kidney organ engineering. Here, we report a bioprinting method for creating 3D human renal proximal tubules in vitro that are fully embedded within an extracellular matrix and housed in perfusable tissue chips, allowing them to be maintained for greater than two months. Their convoluted tubular architecture is circumscribed by proximal tubule epithelial cells and actively perfused through the open lumen. These engineered 3D proximal tubules on chip exhibit significantly enhanced epithelial morphology and functional properties relative to the same cells grown on 2D controls with or without perfusion. Upon introducing the nephrotoxin, Cyclosporine A, the epithelial barrier is disrupted in a dose-dependent manner. Our bioprinting method provides a new route for programmably fabricating advanced human kidney tissue models on demand.

  20. Two-dimensional simulations of the superconducting proximity in superconductor-semiconductor junctions (United States)

    Chua, Victor; Vissers, Michael; Law, Stephanie A.; Vishveshwara, Smitha; Eckstein, James N.


    We simulate the consequences of the superconducting proximity effect on the DC current response of a semiconductor-superconductor proximity device within the quasiclassical formalism in the diffusively disordered limit. The device is modeled on in-situ fabricated NS junctions of superconducting Nb films on metallic doped InAs films, with electrical terminals placed in an N-S-N T-junction configuration. Due to the non-collinear configuration of this three terminal device, a theoretical model based on coupled two dimensional spectral and distributional Usadel equations was constructed and numerically solved using Finite-Elements methods. In the regime of high junction conductance, our numerical results demonstrate strong temperature and spatial dependencies of the proximity induced modifications to spectral and transport properties. Such characteristics deviate strongly from usual tunnel junction behavior and aspects of this have been observed in prior experiments[arXiv:1402.6055].

  1. Proximal biceps rupture: management of an unusual injury in an arm wrestler


    Pratt, D A; Tennent, T D


    Arm wrestling may cause unusual injuries, which may require operative repair in the sporting individual. Injury to the proximal biceps as a consequence of arm wrestling has not been reported previously. The diagnosis and treatment of a 36‐year‐old man who sustained a proximal biceps rupture while arm wrestling and his operative management are described.

  2. Do the terms 'proximal' and 'distal' cause confusion amongst radiologists and other clinicians?

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skillicorn, C.J.


    Aim: To investigate the use of the terms 'proximal' and 'distal', and what respondents think the terms mean, when applied to certain structures within the trunk, notably the veins and the biliary tract. Materials and Methods: Fifty-three respondents were interviewed using simplified anatomical diagrams. Respondents were asked what terms they would use to describe sites at opposite ends of the superior vena cava (SVC), internal jugular vein (IJV), common bile duct (CBD), and pancreatic duct. They were also asked which end of each of these structures they would think was being referred to if they read a radiological report that used these terms. Results: The terms 'proximal' and 'distal' were used by at least 50% of all respondents, and, specifically, at least 60% of radiologists at all four anatomical sites. Eighty-five percent (n = 45) of all respondents and 100% (n = 24) of radiologists agreed that the term 'proximal' CBD referred to its superior end. However, at the other sites there was marked disagreement, 67% (n = 16) of radiologists thought the superior SVC and superior IJV were 'proximal', 33% (n = 8) thought they were 'distal'. There was a 54% (n = 13) to 46% (n = 11) split amongst radiologists as to which end of the pancreatic duct was 'proximal'. Conclusion: The terms 'proximal' and 'distal' are the most frequently used terms to describe positions in veins and the biliary system, but there is widespread confusion about their meaning, which could lead to medical error and ultimately patient harm. The use of alternative terms is advised

  3. Do the terms "proximal" and "distal" cause confusion amongst radiologists and other clinicians? (United States)

    Skillicorn, C J


    To investigate the use of the terms "proximal" and "distal", and what respondents think the terms mean, when applied to certain structures within the trunk, notably the veins and the biliary tract. Fifty-three respondents were interviewed using simplified anatomical diagrams. Respondents were asked what terms they would use to describe sites at opposite ends of the superior vena cava (SVC), internal jugular vein (IJV), common bile duct (CBD), and pancreatic duct. They were also asked which end of each of these structures they would think was being referred to if they read a radiological report that used these terms. The terms "proximal" and "distal" were used by at least 50% of all respondents, and, specifically, at least 60% of radiologists at all four anatomical sites. Eighty-five percent (n=45) of all respondents and 100% (n=24) of radiologists agreed that the term "proximal" CBD referred to its superior end. However, at the other sites there was marked disagreement, 67% (n=16) of radiologists thought the superior SVC and superior IJV were "proximal", 33% (n=8) thought they were "distal". There was a 54% (n=13) to 46% (n=11) split amongst radiologists as to which end of the pancreatic duct was "proximal". The terms "proximal" and "distal" are the most frequently used terms to describe positions in veins and the biliary system, but there is widespread confusion about their meaning, which could lead to medical error and ultimately patient harm. The use of alternative terms is advised.

  4. Successful treatment of proximal white subungual onychomycosis with oral terbinafine therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aman, S.; Nadeem, M.; Haroon, T.S.


    Proximal white subungual onychomycosis (PWSO) is a rare form of onychomycosis of both fingernails and toenails. It occurs when the fungus invades the stratum corneum of the proximal nailfold followed by infection of the deeper parts of the nail plate. The surface of the overlying nail is usually normal. A case of PWSO is described with complete cure by the use of oral terbinafine 250 mg/day for 3 months continuously. (author)

  5. Risk factors for proximal sesamoid bone fractures associated with exercise history and horseshoe characteristics in Thoroughbred racehorses. (United States)

    Anthenill, Lucy A; Stover, Susan M; Gardner, Ian A; Hill, Ashley E


    To assess individual and combined associations of high-speed exercise and horseshoe characteristics with risk of forelimb proximal sesamoid bone fractures and proximal sesamoid bone midbody fractures in Thoroughbred racehorses. 269 deceased Thoroughbred racehorses. A case-control study design was used to compare 121 horses with a fracture of at least 1 of 4 forelimb proximal sesamoid bones (75 horses had a midbody fracture) and 148 horses without a forelimb proximal sesamoid bone fracture. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate potential risk factors for association with proximal sesamoid bone fracture. Compared with horses that died without proximal sesamoid bone fractures, horses that died with proximal sesamoid bone fractures were more likely to be sexually intact males, spend more time in active trainingand racing, complete more events, train and race longer since their last layup, have higher exercise intensities during the 12 months prior to death, and have greater cumulative distances for their career. Horses with proximal sesamoid bone midbody fractures were more likely to be sexually intact males, train and race longer since their last layup, and have higher exercise intensities during the 12 months prior to death. Limitingexercise intensity and the continuous time spent in activity duringa horse's career may decrease the frequency of forelimb proximal sesamoid bone fractures in Thoroughbred horses.

  6. Esophagogastrostomy plus gastrojejunostomy: a novel reconstruction procedure after curative resection for proximal gastric cancer. (United States)

    Chen, Shicai; Li, Jianchang; Liu, Haiying; Zeng, Jun; Yang, Guohua; Wang, Jin; Lu, Weiqun; Yu, Nanrong; Huang, Zhiliang; Xu, Houwei; Zeng, Xiang


    The choice of surgical strategy for patients with proximal gastric cancer remains controversial. In this study, we recommend that a new reconstruction procedure be performed following proximal gastrectomy. We conducted a retrospective study involving 71 patients who underwent gastrectomy for proximal gastric cancer. Clinicopathological features, postoperative complications, nutritional status, and overall survival (OS) rate were compared among three different reconstruction approaches. There were 34 cases of proximal gastrectomy followed by esophagogastrostomy reconstruction (EG), 16 cases of total gastrectomy and Roux-en Y reconstruction (RY) and 21 cases of proximal gastrectomy followed by esophagogastrostomy plus gastrojejunostomy reconstruction (EGJ). Though the clinicopathological features, the nutritional status and OS rate were similar among the three groups of patients, the incidence of reflux esophagitis was significantly higher in the EG group (35.3%) than the RY (6.2%) and EGJ (9.6%) groups(P < 0.05). Few EGJ patients suffered from either reflux esophagitis or anastomotic stenosis. The EGJ reconstruction method helps to resolve the syndrome of reflux esophagitis. Our data indicates that it is a simple, safe, and effective reconstruction procedure for PGC.

  7. Distribution of IGF receptors in the plasma membrane of proximal tubular cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hammerman, M.R.; Rogers, S.


    To characterize the distribution of receptors for insulin-like growth factors I and II (IGF I and II) in the plasma membrane of the renal proximal tubular cell, the authors measured binding of 125 I-labeled IGF I and 125 I-labeled IGF II to proximal tubular basolateral and brush-border membranes and characterized IGF I-stimulated phosphorylation of detergent-solubilized membranes. 125 I-IGF bound primarily to a 135,000 relative molecular weight (M r ) protein and IGF II to a 260,000 M r protein in isolated membranes. Binding of 125 I-IGF I was severalfold greater in basolateral than in brush-border membranes. IGF I-stimulated phosphorylation of the 92,000 M r β-subunit of its receptors could be demonstrated only in basolateral membranes. These findings are consistent with an asymmetrical distribution of receptors for IGF I in the plasma membrane of the renal proximal tubular cell, localization being primary on the basolateral side. In contrast, binding of 125 I-IGF II to isolated basolateral and brush-border membranes was equivalent, suggesting that receptors for this peptide are distributed more symmetrically in the plasma membrane. The findings suggest that the action of IGF I in proximal tubule are mediated via interaction of circulating peptide with specific receptors in the basolateral membrane. However, the findings established the potential for actions of IGF II to be exerted in proximal tubule via interaction with both basolateral and/or brush-border membrane receptors

  8. Untangling the relationships between proximity dimensions – an in-depth study of collaboration in the Danish cleantech industry

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Teis

    The increasingly interactive nature of innovation processes has been widely studied in economic geography lately, especially the effect of geographical proximity on innovation. While some authors stress that localised learning is central to innovative activity, others argue that this particular......, organisational, social and institutional proximity. He emphasises that some cognitive proximity is a prerequisite for interactive learning contrary to the other dimensions, where one form of proximity can substitute another. However, geographical proximity is different from the other dimensions, as it does....... The analysis will in this way reveal to what extent the other proximity dimensions are consequences of geographical proximity. Additionally, the paper will provide a detailed picture of the use of knowledge networks in the cleantech industry. This is in itself a novel contribution, as the industry is rarely...

  9. Modified Koyanagi Technique in Management of Proximal ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Modified Koyanagi Technique in Management of Proximal Hypospadias. Adham Elsaied, Basem Saied, and Mohammed El- ... All operations were performed by the authors,using fine instruments and under 3.5X loupe ... the other needed an operation to close the fistula six months later. The case with meatal recession had ...

  10. Proximate composition and mycological characterization of peanut ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 30, 2013 ... ABSTRACT. Objective: The aim of this work was to contribute to the food safety of Ivorian consumers by investigating the proximate composition and the toxic fungal contamination of peanut butters offered for retail sale on the different markets of Abidjan. Methodology and results: Peanut butter samples (45) ...

  11. Predictors of proximity to others in colony housed shelter cats (Felis silvestris catus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Malini Suchak


    Full Text Available Colony housing of cats allows shelters to maximize the number of cats housed in limited space. Most research on colony-housed cats examines stress in relation to group size or enclosure size. While this is important for evaluating welfare, it is equally important to understand how cats are interacting socially in these colonies. We observed 259 adult cats housed in groups of two to eight individuals. Scan samples were used to assess how frequently individual cats were in close proximity to other cats. These data were used to measure individual differences in sociability and patterns of proximity to certain partners. We used information about the past history of the cat, which was collected upon admission to the shelter to identify predictors of time spent in proximity. There was a high degree of inter-individual variability in sociability. Strays tended to spend less time in proximity to other cats, and this effect was most pronounced in females.However, none of the information collected upon admission predicted patterns of proximity to certain partners, or which cats spent time in association witheach other. Future studies should explore the implications of differences in sociability by associating observations of social behavior and stress behaviors

  12. Avaliação do efeito da colostomia proximal na cicatrização de anastomoses colocólicas em ratos com obstrução intestinal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Betim Paes Leme

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da colostomia proximal na cicatrização de anastomoses colocólicas em ratos com obstrução intestinal. MÉTODO: 72 ratos foram divididos em três grupos: grupo controle (C, submetido à anastomose colocólica e à colostomia proximal na ausência de oclusão intestinal; grupo sem colostomia (SC, submetido à oclusão intestinal de 72 horas e à anastomose colocólica primária; grupo com colostomia (CC submetido à oclusão intestinal de 72 horas, à anastomose colocólica primária e à colostomia proximal. A cicatrização anastomótica foi avaliada em dois períodos, nos 2º e 7º dias de pós-operatório, em relação à deiscência anastomótica, aderências, epitelização mucosa, pressão de ruptura e a variáveis histológicas por estudo convencional e informatizado. RESULTADOS: verificou-se maior tendência a deiscência anastomótica no grupo SC (12,5%, e elevada incidência de complicações da colostomia no grupo CC (13%, entretanto tais resultados não apresentaram diferença estatística significante. No que se refere às demais variáveis analisadas para verificação da cicatrização anastomótica deve-se considerar que houve equivalência entre os três grupos nos dois períodos analisados. CONCLUSÃO: Não há diferença entre a cicatrização de anastomoses colocólicas associadas ou não à colostomia proximal, em ratos com obstrução intestinal.

  13. Superconducting proximity effect in MBE grown Nb-InAs junctions (United States)

    Kan, Carolyn; Xue, Chi; Law, Stephanie; Eckstein, James


    Several proposals for the realization of Majorana fermions rely on excellent quality proximity coupling between a superconductor and a high-mobility semiconductor. We examine the long-range proximity coupling between MBE-grown InAs and in situ grown superconducting overlayers by fabricating transport devices, and investigate the effect of substrate choice and growth conditions on the quality of the MBE InAs. GaAs is commonly available as a high quality insulating substrate. Overcoming its lattice mismatch with InAs using GaSb and AlSb layers results in locally smooth terraced surfaces, but global spiral dislocation structures also appear and have a negative impact on the InAs mobility. Growing InAs on homoepitaxial GaSb results in improved morphology and increases the mean free path. We compare the proximity effect in devices made both ways. This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Materials Sciences under Award No. DE-FG02 07ER46453, through the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

  14. Novel implant for peri-prosthetic proximal tibia fractures. (United States)

    Tran, Ton; Chen, Bernard K; Wu, Xinhua; Pun, Chung Lun


    Repair of peri-prosthetic proximal tibia fractures is very challenging in patients with a total knee replacement or arthroplasty. The tibial component of the knee implant severely restricts the fixation points of the tibial implant to repair peri-prosthetic fractures. A novel implant has been designed with an extended flange over the anterior of tibial condyle to provide additional points of fixation, overcoming limitations of existing generic locking plates used for proximal tibia fractures. Furthermore, the screws fixed through the extended flange provide additional support to prevent the problem of subsidence of tibial component of knee implant. The design methodology involved extraction of bone data from CT scans into a flexible CAD format, implant design and structural evaluation and optimisation using FEM as well as prototype development and manufacture by selective laser melting 3D printing technology with Ti6Al4 V powder. A prototype tibia implant was developed based on a patient-specific bone structure, which was regenerated from the CT images of patient's tibia. The design is described in detail and being applied to fit up to 80% of patients, for both left and right sides based on the average dimensions and shape of the bone structure from a wide range of CT images. A novel tibial implant has been developed to repair peri-prosthetic proximal tibia fractures which overcomes significant constraints from the tibial component of existing knee implant. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Association Between Physical Activity and Proximity to Physical Activity Resources Among Low-Income, Midlife Women


    Jilcott, Stephanie B; Evenson, Kelly R; Laraia, Barbara A; Ammerman, Alice S


    Introduction The association between levels of physical activity and perceived and objectively measured proximity to physical activity resources is unclear. Clarification is important so that future programs can intervene upon the measure with the greatest association. We examined correlations between perceived and objectively measured proximity to physical activity resources and then examined associations between both measures of proximity and objectively measured physical activity. Methods ...

  16. Proximity of couples to parents: influences of gender, labor market, and family. (United States)

    Chan, Tak Wing; Ermisch, John


    We use household survey data from the UK to study how close middle-aged men and women in partnerships live to their parents and their partner's parents. We find a slight tendency for couples to live closer to the woman's parents than the man's. This tendency is more pronounced among couples in which neither partner has a college degree and in which there is a child. In other respects, proximity to parents is gender-neutral, with the two partners having equal influence on intergenerational proximity. Better-educated couples live farther from their parents. And although certain family characteristics matter, intergenerational proximity is primarily driven by factors affecting mobility over long distances, which are mainly associated with the labor market, as opposed to gender or family circumstances.

  17. Space Network Time Distribution and Synchronization Protocol Development for Mars Proximity Link (United States)

    Woo, Simon S.; Gao, Jay L.; Mills, David


    Time distribution and synchronization in deep space network are challenging due to long propagation delays, spacecraft movements, and relativistic effects. Further, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) designed for terrestrial networks may not work properly in space. In this work, we consider the time distribution protocol based on time message exchanges similar to Network Time Protocol (NTP). We present the Proximity-1 Space Link Interleaved Time Synchronization (PITS) algorithm that can work with the CCSDS Proximity-1 Space Data Link Protocol. The PITS algorithm provides faster time synchronization via two-way time transfer over proximity links, improves scalability as the number of spacecraft increase, lowers storage space requirement for collecting time samples, and is robust against packet loss and duplication which underlying protocol mechanisms provide.

  18. Spatial proximity and the risk of psychopathology after a terrorist attack


    DiMaggio, Charles; Galea, Sandro; Emch, Michael


    Previous studies concerned with the relation of proximity to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and subsequent psychopathology have produced conflicting results. The goals of this analysis are to assess the appropriateness of using Bayesian hierarchical spatial techniques to answer the question of the role of proximity to a mass trauma as a risk factor for psychopathology. Using a set of individual-level Medicaid data for New York State, and controlling for age, gender, median household...

  19. Broiler surface temperature distribution of 42 day old chickens Distribuição da temperatura superficial de frangos de corte com 42 dias de idade

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irenilza de Alencar Nääs


    Full Text Available Broiler chickens in Brazil are generally reared from 1 to 42 days when they are exposed to procedures such as fasting, harvesting, crating and transport to slaughter. Maintaining homeostasis is of great importance for broiler survival under harsh environment especially prior to slaughter. Heat loss varies in the distinct parts of the body during the growth period, and it is related to the air temperature of the environment and to the amount of feather covering. This research aimed to study the surface temperature distribution using infrared thermographic image processing to characterize 42 day old broiler chicken surface temperature prior to slaughter. Broilers were reared for 42 days and prior to harvest and transport to slaughter the infrared surface temperature was recorded along the day. Data from the thermograms taken in feather and featherless regions were compared during the 42nd day of growth. High correlation between featherless regions and air temperature was found showing that these areas respond fast to changes in the rearing environment. Two functions were developed for predicting both surface temperature for featherless and feather covered areas of the broiler body parts.No Brasil frangos de corte são normalmente alojados de 1 até 42 dias, quando são expostos a procedimentos como: jejum, apanha, colocação em caixas e transporte até o abate. Manter a homeostase do corpo é de grande importância para a sobrevivência de frangos de corte sob ambiente quente, especialmente na 7ª semana de crescimento. A perda de calor varia nas partes do corpo e está relacionada à temperatura do ar e à cobertura de penas. Avaliou-se a distribuição da temperatura superficial usando o processamento de imagens de câmera termográfica infravermelho, para caracterizar a temperatura superficial de frangos de corte de 42 dias de idade, no período anterior à apanha para o abate. Os frangos foram alojados de 1 a 42 dias e, antes de serem

  20. Multiple intramedullary nailing of proximal phalangeal fractures of hand

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patankar Hemant


    Full Text Available Background: Proximal phalangeal fractures are commonly encountered fractures in the hand. Majority of them are stable and can be treated by non-operative means. However, unstable fractures i.e. those with shortening, displacement, angulation, rotational deformity or segmental fractures need surgical intervention. This prospective study was undertaken to evaluate the functional outcome after surgical stabilization of these fractures with joint-sparing multiple intramedullary nailing technique. Materials and Methods: Thirty-five patients with 35 isolated unstable proximal phalangeal shaft fractures of hand were managed by surgical stabilization with multiple intramedullary nailing technique. Fractures of the thumb were excluded. All the patients were followed up for a minimum of six months. They were assessed radiologically and clinically. The clinical evaluation was based on two criteria. 1. total active range of motion for digital functional assessment as suggested by the American Society for Surgery of Hand and 2. grip strength. Results: All the patients showed radiological union at six weeks. The overall results were excellent in all the patients. Adventitious bursitis was observed at the point of insertion of nails in one patient. Conclusion: Joint-sparing multiple intramedullary nailing of unstable proximal phalangeal fractures of hand provides satisfactory results with good functional outcome and fewer complications.

  1. Proximity detection system underground

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Denis Kent [Mine Site Technologies (Australia)


    Mine Site Technologies (MST) with the support ACARP and Xstrata Coal NSW, as well as assistance from Centennial Coal, has developed a Proximity Detection System to proof of concept stage as per plan. The basic aim of the project was to develop a system to reduce the risk of the people coming into contact with vehicles in an uncontrolled manner (i.e. being 'run over'). The potential to extend the developed technology into other areas, such as controls for vehicle-vehicle collisions and restricting access of vehicle or people into certain zones (e.g. non FLP vehicles into Hazardous Zones/ERZ) was also assessed. The project leveraged off MST's existing Intellectual Property and experience gained with our ImPact TRACKER tagging technology, allowing the development to be fast tracked. The basic concept developed uses active RFID Tags worn by miners underground to be detected by vehicle mounted Readers. These Readers in turn provide outputs that can be used to alert a driver (e.g. by light and/or audible alarm) that a person (Tag) approaching within their vicinity. The prototype/test kit developed proved the concept and technology, the four main components being: Active RFID Tags to send out signals for detection by vehicle mounted receivers; Receiver electronics to detect RFID Tags approaching within the vicinity of the unit to create a long range detection system (60 m to 120 m); A transmitting/exciter device to enable inner detection zone (within 5 m to 20 m); and A software/hardware device to process & log incoming Tags reads and create certain outputs. Tests undertaken in the laboratory and at a number of mine sites, confirmed the technology path taken could form the basis of a reliable Proximity Detection/Alert System.

  2. Treatment of proximal humerus fractures with locking plates: a systematic review. (United States)

    Thanasas, Christos; Kontakis, George; Angoules, Antonios; Limb, David; Giannoudis, Peter


    Locking plates with special configuration for the anatomic region of the proximal humerus have been introduced recently to address the difficulties of stabilizing proximal humeral fractures. The purpose of this study was to carry out a systematic review of the literature on the efficacy and early to medium term functional results of locking plates for stabilization of proximal humeral fractures. Using the PubMed database, a systematic review of the English and German literature was carried out in order to assess the efficacy and complications related to the use of these plates and the patients' functional outcome, using the key words "locking plates proximal humeral fractures," "angular stability plates proximal humeral fractures," "PHILOS plate," and "LPHP plate." Our criteria for eligibility were clinical studies with more than ten cases followed-up, adult patients, and adequate data provided at least in terms of implant related complications. Articles written in English and German language were included. Exclusion criteria were: studies dealing exclusively with 2-part fractures (since this category has a more favorable outcome); experimental studies; case reports; and, literature other than English or German. Each one of the articles was evaluated for quality of the study using the Structured Effectiveness Quality Evaluation Scale (SEQES). Twelve studies including 791 patients met the inclusion criteria. Patients in these studies continued to improve up to one year, achieving a mean Constant score of 74.3. The incidence of the reported complications was: avascular necrosis 7.9%, screw cut-out 11.6% and re-operation rate 13.7%. The high incidence of cut-out may be secondary to the rigidity of the implant in combination with medial inadequate support, in cases compromised by severe underlying osteoporotic bone. Definition of indications for the use of locking plates and attention on technical aspects of applying them would help optimization of the results

  3. Better access to microcredits: does geographical proximity matter?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Alimukhamedova, Nargiza

    -, 2013/2014 Winter (2014), s. 24-25 Institutional support: PRVOUK-P23 Keywords : microcredits * geographical proximity Subject RIV: AH - Economics default /files/resources/2014/02/e-MFP_Winter2013-2014_Newsletter%20.pdf

  4. Mortality Following Periprosthetic Proximal Femoral Fractures Versus Native Hip Fractures. (United States)

    Boylan, Matthew R; Riesgo, Aldo M; Paulino, Carl B; Slover, James D; Zuckerman, Joseph D; Egol, Kenneth A


    The number of periprosthetic proximal femoral fractures is expected to increase with the increasing prevalence of hip arthroplasties. While native hip fractures have a well-known association with mortality, there are currently limited data on this outcome among the subset of patients with periprosthetic proximal femoral fractures. Using the New York Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System, we identified patients from 60 to 99 years old who were admitted to a hospital in the state with a periprosthetic proximal femoral fracture (n = 1,655) or a native hip (femoral neck or intertrochanteric) fracture (n = 97,231) between 2006 and 2014. Within the periprosthetic fracture cohort, the indication for the existing implant was not available in the data set. We used mixed-effects regression models to compare mortality at 1 and 6 months and 1 year for periprosthetic compared with native hip fractures. The risk of mortality for patients who sustained a periprosthetic proximal femoral fracture was no different from that for patients who sustained a native hip fracture at 1 month after injury (3.2% versus 4.6%; odds ratio [OR], 0.90; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.68 to 1.19; p = 0.446), but was lower at 6 months (3.8% versus 6.5%; OR, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.57 to 0.95; p = 0.020) and 1 year (9.7% versus 15.9%; OR, 0.71; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.85; p accounting for age and comorbidities. Prognostic Level III. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.

  5. Equilibrium properties of proximity effect

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esteve, D.; Pothier, H.; Gueron, S.; Birge, N.O.; Devoret, M.


    The proximity effect in diffusive normal-superconducting (NS) nano-structures is described by the Usadel equations for the electron pair correlations. We show that these equations obey a variational principle with a potential which generalizes the Ginzburg-Landau energy functional. We discuss simple examples of NS circuits using this formalism. In order to test the theoretical predictions of the Usadel equations, we have measured the density of states as a function of energy on a long N wire in contact with a S wire at one end, at different distances from the NS interface. (authors)

  6. Predictors of antegrade flow at internal carotid artery during carotid artery stenting with proximal protection. (United States)

    Harada, Kei; Kakumoto, Kosuke; Oshikata, Shogo; Fukuyama, Kozo


    Carotid artery stenting (CAS) with proximal occlusion effectively prevent distal cerebral embolism by flow arrest at internal carotid artery (ICA); however, the method can expose antegrade flow at ICA due to incomplete flow arrest. The aim of this study was to identify predictors of antegrade flow during CAS with proximal protection. We retrospectively analyzed clinical and angiographic data among 143 lesions treated with CAS with proximal protection by occluding the common carotid artery (CCA) and external carotid artery (ECA). Flow arrest or antegrade flow at ICA was confirmed by contrast injection during proximal protection. Antegrade flow at ICA was observed in 12 lesions (8.4%). Compared with lesions in which flow arrest of ICA was achieved, the diameter of the superior thyroid artery (STA) was significantly larger (2.4 ± 0.34 vs. 1.4 ± 0.68 mm, p protection should be combined with proximal protection for the lesions with antegrade flow to prevent distal migration of the carotid debris.

  7. Resultados preliminares de um sistema computadorizado e estereoscópico para pupilometria in vivo Preliminary results of a computerized and stereoscopic system for in vivo pupillometry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Alberto Vieira de Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Desenvolver um sistema digital, com capacidade de induzir acomodação, para medida do diâmetro e formato da pupila para dez diferentes níveis de iluminação (LUX, variando do nível mesópico ao fotópico. MÉTODOS: Um sistema óptico para conjugar imagens da pupila iluminada por LED infravermelho e branco foi projetado e montado usando um capacete típico de oftalmoscópio e uma máscara típica de mergulhador como suporte e uma câmera CCD de alta resolução e sensibilidade. Algoritmos usando princípios de processamento de imagens foram implementados para leitura do arquivo de vídeo e a detecção automática do centro geométrico e diâmetro da pupila para cada quadro. RESULTADOS: Apresentamos dados preliminares deste sistema para um paciente voluntário. Os dados sobre posição horizontal (x, vertical (y do centro geométrico e do diâmetro da pupila foram exportados para arquivos texto que podem ser impressos usando um programa convencional de planilha (Excel. O processo de acomodação é garantido por uma mira virtual (LED branco localizada a 6 metros do olho do paciente e o nível de iluminação é precisamente controlado por uma placa eletrônica que alimenta o LED central que tem sua potência controlada pelo "software". CONCLUSÕES: Com o instrumento desenvolvido dados precisos da posição e tamanhos da pupila podem então ser obtidos estereoscopicamente (para ambas as pupilas e ao mesmo tempo para qualquer paciente. Acreditamos que tal instrumento possa ser útil em algumas práticas oftálmicas onde as características geométricas da pupila sejam importantes.PURPOSE: We developed a digital system with accommodation capacities for measurement of the diameter and shape of the in vivo pupil for 10 different levels of illumination intensity, varying from mesopic to photopic. METHODS: An optical system for conjugating images from an infrared and white light illuminated pupil was designed and mounted using an

  8. The Grammaticalization of the Proximative in Tok Pisin. (United States)

    Romaine, Suzanne


    Discusses grammaticalization of "laik" in Tok Pisin, meaning "want/like/desire" (from English "like") and "klostu," meaning "near" (from English "close to") as markers of proximative. Shows although "klostu" was more generally a feature of Pacific Pidgin English and began to…

  9. Detection of proximal caries using digital radiographic systems with different resolutions. (United States)

    Nikneshan, Sima; Abbas, Fatemeh Mashhadi; Sabbagh, Sedigheh


    Dental radiography is an important tool for detection of caries and digital radiography is the latest advancement in this regard. Spatial resolution is a characteristic of digital receptors used for describing the quality of images. This study was aimed to compare the diagnostic accuracy of two digital radiographic systems with three different resolutions for detection of noncavitated proximal caries. Diagnostic accuracy. Seventy premolar teeth were mounted in 14 gypsum blocks. Digora; Optime and RVG Access were used for obtaining digital radiographs. Six observers evaluated the proximal surfaces in radiographs for each resolution in order to determine the depth of caries based on a 4-point scale. The teeth were then histologically sectioned, and the results of histologic analysis were considered as the gold standard. Data were entered using SPSS version 18 software and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for data analysis. P detection of proximal caries (P > 0.05). RVG access system had the highest specificity (87.7%) and Digora; Optime at high resolution had the lowest specificity (84.2%). Furthermore, Digora; Optime had higher sensitivity for detection of caries exceeding outer half of enamel. Judgment of oral radiologists for detection of the depth of caries had higher reliability than that of restorative dentistry specialists. The three resolutions of Digora; Optime and RVG access had similar accuracy in detection of noncavitated proximal caries.

  10. Identification of avascular necrosis in the dysplastic proximal femoral epiphysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mandell, G.A.; Harcke, H.T.; MacKenzie, W.G.; Bassett, G.S.; Scott, C.I. Jr.; Wills, J.S.


    Bilateral radiographic irregularities and deformities of the proximal femoral epiphyses are features of both multiple epiphyseal dysplasia and bilateral idiopathic avascular necrosis. In the past these entities have been difficult to differentiate. This report documents radiographically the occurrence of avascular necrosis in 10 patients with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia by recognizing the superimposition of sclerosis and subchondral fissuring on pre-existing symmetrically irregular proximal femoral ossification centers. Scintigraphic (photopenia) or magnetic resonance (loss of signal) criteria of avascular necrosis confirm its added presence and help to establish an imaging scheme to identify avascular necrosis superimposed on multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. (orig.)

  11. Identification of avascular necrosis in the dysplastic proximal femoral epiphysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mandell, G A; Harcke, H T [Alfred I. duPont Inst., Wilmington, DE (USA). Dept. of Medical Imaging; MacKenzie, W G; Bassett, G S [Alfred I. duPont Inst., Wilmington, DE (USA). Dept. of Orthopaedics; Scott, Jr, C I [Alfred I. duPont Inst., Wilmington, DE (USA). Dept. of Genetics; Wills, J S [Medical Center of Delaware, Newark, DE (USA). Dept. of Radiology


    Bilateral radiographic irregularities and deformities of the proximal femoral epiphyses are features of both multiple epiphyseal dysplasia and bilateral idiopathic avascular necrosis. In the past these entities have been difficult to differentiate. This report documents radiographically the occurrence of avascular necrosis in 10 patients with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia by recognizing the superimposition of sclerosis and subchondral fissuring on pre-existing symmetrically irregular proximal femoral ossification centers. Scintigraphic (photopenia) or magnetic resonance (loss of signal) criteria of avascular necrosis confirm its added presence and help to establish an imaging scheme to identify avascular necrosis superimposed on multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. (orig.).

  12. RBPJ is disrupted in a case of proximal 4p deletion syndrome with epilepsy. (United States)

    Nakayama, Tojo; Saitsu, Hirotomo; Endo, Wakaba; Kikuchi, Atsuo; Uematsu, Mitsugu; Haginoya, Kazuhiro; Hino-fukuyo, Naomi; Kobayashi, Tomoko; Iwasaki, Masaki; Tominaga, Teiji; Kure, Shigeo; Matsumoto, Naomichi


    Proximal 4p deletion syndrome is characterized clinically by mental retardation, minor dysmorphic facial features, and is occasionally complicated with epilepsy. More than 20 cases of proximal 4p deletion syndrome have been reported, but the causative gene(s) remain elusive. We describe here a 2-year-old female patient with a common manifestation of proximal 4p deletion syndrome and infantile epileptic encephalopathy possessing a de novo balanced translocation t(4;13)(p15.2;q12.13). The patient was diagnosed as infantile spasms at 9 months of age. She presented with dysmorphic facial features and global developmental delay, compatible with proximal 4p deletion syndrome. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we determined the translocation breakpoint at 4p15.2 to be within RBPJ. RBPJ is a transcription factor in the Notch/RBPJ signaling pathway, playing a crucial role in the developing human brain, and particularly telencephalon development. Our findings, combined with those of previous studies, strongly suggest that RBPJ is causative for proximal 4p deletion syndrome and epilepsy in this case. Copyright © 2013 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Parallel double-plate capacitive proximity sensor modelling based on effective theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Nan; Zhu, Haiye; Wang, Wenyu; Gong, Yu


    A semi-analytical model for a double-plate capacitive proximity sensor is presented according to the effective theory. Three physical models are established to derive the final equation of the sensor. Measured data are used to determine the coefficients. The final equation is verified by using measured data. The average relative error of the calculated and the measured sensor capacitance is less than 7.5%. The equation can be used to provide guidance to engineering design of the proximity sensors

  14. Novel Biosensor of Membrane Protein Proximity Based on Fluorogen Activated Proteins. (United States)

    Vasilev, Kalin V; Gallo, Eugenio; Shank, Nathaniel; Jarvik, Jonathan W


    We describe a novel biosensor system for reporting proximity between cell surface proteins in live cultured cells. The biosensor takes advantage of recently developed fluorogen-activating proteins (FAPs) that display fluorescence only when bound to otherwise-nonfluorescent fluorogen molecules. To demonstrate feasibility for the approach, two recombinant rapamycin-binding proteins were expressed as single-pass plasma membrane proteins in HeLa cells; one of the proteins (scAvd- FRB) carried an extracellular avidin tag; the other (HL1-TO1-FKBP) carried an extracellular FAP. Cells were incubated with a membrane-impermeable bivalent ligand (biotin-PEG2000-DIR) consisting of biotin joined to a dimethyl-indole red (DIR) fluorogen by a polyethylene glycol linker, thus tethering the fluorogen to the scAvd-FRB fusion protein. Addition of rapamycin, which promotes FKBP-FRB dimerization and thereby brings the FAP in close proximity to the tethered fluorogen, led to a significant increase in DIR fluorescence. We call the new proximity assay TEFLA, for tethered fluorogen assay.

  15. Sequential Proximal Tibial Stress Fractures associated with Prolonged usage of Methotrexate and Corticosteroids: A Case Report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tan TJL


    Full Text Available Stress fractures of the proximal tibia metaphysis are rare in the elderly. We present a case of a 65-year old male who developed sequential proximal tibia stress fractures associated with prolonged usage of methotrexate and prednisolone within a span of 18 months. Magnetic Resonance Imaging revealed an incomplete stress fracture involving the medial proximal tibial region. The patient was treated with stemmed total knee arthroplasty (TKA bilaterally. Stress fractures should be considered in patients with atypical knee pain who have a history of methotrexate and prednisolone usage. TKA is an effective treatment in stress fractures of the proximal tibia.

  16. Bilateral Dorsal Subluxation of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint of the Hind Limb in a Mare: Case Report


    Pizzigatti, Dietrich; Hussni, Carlos Alberto; Rodrigues, Celso Antonio; Watanabe, Marcos Jun; Moura Alonso, Juliana de; Vulcano, Luiz Carlos; Cisneros Álvarez, Luis Emiliano


    Subluxation of the proximal interphalangeal joint is a rare and little studied condition in horses. We describe the case of a 12-year-old mare with bilateral dorsal subluxation of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the hind feet. Tenectomy of the medial digital flexor was performed in both limbs, and the patient showed signs of recovery within 14 days. Goniometry of the proximal interphalangeal joints 10 months after surgery showed diminution of 5° for the proximal interphalangeal axis of ...

  17. Proximity formulae for folding potentials. [Saxon-Woods form factors, first order corrections

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schechter, H; Canto, L F [Rio de Janeiro Univ. (Brazil). Inst. de Fisica


    The proximity formulae of Brink and Stancu are applied to folding potentials. A numerical study is made for the case of single folding potentials with Saxon-Woods form factors. It is found that a proximity formula is accurate to 1-2% at separations of the order of the radius of the Coulomb barrier and that first order corrections due to first curvature are important. The approximations involved are discussed.

  18. Proximate illiteracy and modern contraceptive use in India: Analysis of DHS data


    Husain, Zakir; Dutta, Mousumi


    This paper examines the hypothesis that contraceptive use of illiterate women having literate partners (proximate literates), may be higher than that of illiterate women whose partners too are illiterates (isolate illiterates) using Demographic Health Survey data for India (2005-2006). Results reveal that the proximate illiteracy effect is significant, though restricted to specific groups; it varies according to contraceptive method; increasing the partner’s education level does not increase...

  19. The Effect of Ethnolinguistic Differences on Proximity between Cantonese and Mandarin Speaking Children. (United States)

    Leung, Lanna Oi-Ling; Lewis, George F.


    Examined effects of ethnolinguistic differences on social proximity between Cantonese- and Mandarin-speaking Chinese children in a day care center. Found that each group of children was more likely to be in closer proximity to children speaking their own language than to children speaking the other language during free choice floor- and group-time…

  20. Medieval and early modern approaches to fractures of the proximal humerus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brorson, S.


    The diagnosis and management of complex fractures of the proximal humerus have challenged surgical practitioners and medical writers since the earliest recorded surgical texts. Current knowledge of fractures of the proximal humerus has been obtained through pathoanatomical and biomechanical studies...... within the last two centuries. However, the historical preconditions for this development have not been studied. This paper reviews written sources from the fall of the Roman Empire to the late eighteenth century. Medieval and early modern writers mainly rely on the Hippocratic writings De Fracturis...

  1. Preoperative assessment of the cancellous bone mineral density of the proximal humerus using CT data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krappinger, Dietmar; Roth, Tobias; Gschwentner, Martin; Suckert, Armin; Blauth, Michael; Hengg, Clemens; Kralinger, Franz


    Osteoporotic fractures of the proximal humerus show an increasing incidence. Osteoporosis not only influences the fracture risk after low-energy trauma, but also affects the mechanical stability of internal fixation. Preoperative assessment of the local bone quality may be useful in the surgical treatment of patients sustaining these injuries. The aim of the present study was to present a method for the preoperative assessment of the local cancellous bone mineral density (BMD) of the proximal humerus using CT data. In the first part of the study, CT scans of 30 patients with unilateral fractures of the proximal humerus after low-energy trauma were used. The local BMD was assessed on the contralateral uninjured side. All 30 patients additionally underwent dual-emission X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of the lumbar spine, proximal femur, and forearm of the side of the uninjured proximal humerus within 6 weeks after trauma. Three independent trauma surgeons performed measurements on the uninjured proximal humerus twice with a time interval of 4 weeks in order to assess the inter- and intraobserver reliability of the method. In the second part of the study, the local BMD of 507 patients with either proximal humerus fractures or chronic shoulder instability was assessed by a single trauma surgeon. In both parts, the average HU values in standardized ROIs of the humeral head were automatically calculated after correcting for HU values below the water equivalent. A linear calibration equation was computed for the calculation from HU to BMD using a calibration device (EFP). The intra- and interobserver reliability was high (ICC > 0.95). Correlation coefficients between the local BMD of the proximal humerus and other anatomical sites were between 0.35 (lumbar spine) and 0.64 (forearm). We found a high correlation between the local BMD and age. The BMD in the fracture group was significantly lower than in the instability group. These patients were significantly older and more

  2. Preoperative assessment of the cancellous bone mineral density of the proximal humerus using CT data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krappinger, Dietmar; Roth, Tobias; Gschwentner, Martin; Suckert, Armin; Blauth, Michael; Hengg, Clemens; Kralinger, Franz [Innsbruck Medical University, Department of Trauma Surgery and Sports Medicine, Innsbruck (Austria)


    Osteoporotic fractures of the proximal humerus show an increasing incidence. Osteoporosis not only influences the fracture risk after low-energy trauma, but also affects the mechanical stability of internal fixation. Preoperative assessment of the local bone quality may be useful in the surgical treatment of patients sustaining these injuries. The aim of the present study was to present a method for the preoperative assessment of the local cancellous bone mineral density (BMD) of the proximal humerus using CT data. In the first part of the study, CT scans of 30 patients with unilateral fractures of the proximal humerus after low-energy trauma were used. The local BMD was assessed on the contralateral uninjured side. All 30 patients additionally underwent dual-emission X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) of the lumbar spine, proximal femur, and forearm of the side of the uninjured proximal humerus within 6 weeks after trauma. Three independent trauma surgeons performed measurements on the uninjured proximal humerus twice with a time interval of 4 weeks in order to assess the inter- and intraobserver reliability of the method. In the second part of the study, the local BMD of 507 patients with either proximal humerus fractures or chronic shoulder instability was assessed by a single trauma surgeon. In both parts, the average HU values in standardized ROIs of the humeral head were automatically calculated after correcting for HU values below the water equivalent. A linear calibration equation was computed for the calculation from HU to BMD using a calibration device (EFP). The intra- and interobserver reliability was high (ICC > 0.95). Correlation coefficients between the local BMD of the proximal humerus and other anatomical sites were between 0.35 (lumbar spine) and 0.64 (forearm). We found a high correlation between the local BMD and age. The BMD in the fracture group was significantly lower than in the instability group. These patients were significantly older and more

  3. 76 FR 63238 - Proximity Detection Systems for Continuous Mining Machines in Underground Coal Mines (United States)


    ... Detection Systems for Continuous Mining Machines in Underground Coal Mines AGENCY: Mine Safety and Health... Agency's proposed rule addressing Proximity Detection Systems for Continuous Mining Machines in... proposed rule for Proximity Detection Systems on Continuous Mining Machines in Underground Coal Mines. Due...

  4. 76 FR 54163 - Proximity Detection Systems for Continuous Mining Machines in Underground Coal Mines (United States)


    ... Detection Systems for Continuous Mining Machines in Underground Coal Mines AGENCY: Mine Safety and Health... (except full-face continuous mining machines) with proximity detection systems. Miners working near..., each underground coal mine operator would be required to install proximity detection systems on...

  5. Composición proximal y propiedades funcionales del surimi liofilizado de Dosidicus gigas “ calamar gigante”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando Solari - Godiño


    Full Text Available El propósito de la investigación fue determinar la composición proximal y propiedades funcionales del surimi liofilizado de calamar gigante ( Dosidicus gigas . Se elaboró surimi a partir de calamar gigante y fue liofilizado hasta obtener surimi en polvo para evaluar sus características y prop iedades funcionales. El contenido de proteínas fue 58,7% y carbohidratos 30,5%. La solubilidad proteica en agua y sal (3% fueron 21,1% y 40,6% respectivamente, siendo estos valores superiores a surimi en polvo de especies comerciales. La capacidad de geli ficación fue 2,4% y la capacidad emulsificante fue 79,9% a una concentración del 1,0%. El color en la escala de Hunter fue L*: 91,5; a*: 0,5; b*:7,0. El surimi en polvo de calamar gigante fue considerado como un polvo proteico funcional debido a su conteni do porcentual proteico, y tuvieron buenas características tecnológicas y de gran potencial en la industria alimentaria .

  6. Changes in proximate and phytochemical compositions of Persea ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Persea americana (avocado pear leaves, fruits, and seeds) is one of the medicinal herbs that has been widely utilized in treating/managing disease conditions. In this study, we investigated the changes in proximate and phytochemical compositions of avocado seeds associated with ripening using standard methods.

  7. Predicting Performance in Higher Education Using Proximal Predictors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niessen, A Susan M; Meijer, Rob R; Tendeiro, Jorge N


    We studied the validity of two methods for predicting academic performance and student-program fit that were proximal to important study criteria. Applicants to an undergraduate psychology program participated in a selection procedure containing a trial-studying test based on a work sample approach,

  8. Impact of Relational Proximity on Distress from Infidelity

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Fisher, Maryanne; Geher, Glenn; Cox, Anthony; Tran, Ulrich S.; Hoben, Ashley; Arrabaca, Andrew; Chaize, Corinna; Dietrich, Robert; Voracek, Martin


    Men are generally more distressed by a partner's sexual infidelity whereas women are generally more distressed by a partner's emotional infidelity. The importance of the identity of the interloper, however, has been neglected. We explored the influence of relational proximity (i.e., the degree of

  9. Links between casino proximity and gambling participation, expenditure, and pathology. (United States)

    Sévigny, Serge; Ladouceur, Robert; Jacques, Christian; Cantinotti, Michael


    Two studies investigated the relationship between casino proximity and gambling participation, expenditure, and pathology. In Study 1, 8,842 participants were categorized into 1 of 4 driving distances from their home to the nearest casino in the province of Quebec: 0-100 km, 100.01-200 km, 200.01-300 km, or 300.01-981 km. In Study 2, 5,158 participants, who lived within a 100-km driving distance from the Montreal casino, were classified into 1 of 5 equidistant, 20-km driving distances. A survey company interviewed participants regarding their gambling habits. Results indicated a positive link between casino proximity and gambling participation (at the provincial and Montreal levels) and expenditure (at the provincial level only) but no link with the current prevalence rate of probable pathological gambling or of problem gambling. In a setting in which many types of gambling activities are available, casino proximity in itself does not appear to explain the rate of gambling-related problems. It is necessary to continue prospective research on exposure and adaptation theories as potential explanations for the development of pathological gambling. 2008 APA

  10. The superconducting proximity effect in epitaxial Al/Pb nanocomposites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, H; Vantomme, A; Temst, K; Picot, T; Houben, K; Moorkens, T; Van Haesendonck, C; Van Bael, M J; Grigg, J; Brown, S A; Biermans, E; Bals, S


    We have investigated the superconducting properties of Pb nanoparticles with a diameter ranging from 8 to 20 nm, synthesized by Pb + ion implantation in a crystalline Al matrix. A detailed structural characterization of the nanocomposites reveals the highly epitaxial relation between the Al crystalline matrix and the Pb nanoparticles. The Al/Pb nanocomposites display a single superconducting transition, with the critical temperature T c increasing with the Pb content. The dependence of T c on the Pb/Al volume ratio was compared with theoretical models of the superconducting proximity effect based on the bulk properties of Al and Pb. A very good correspondence with the strong-coupling proximity effect model was found, with an electron–phonon coupling constant in the Pb nanoparticles slightly reduced compared to bulk Pb. Our result differs from other studies on Pb nanoparticle based proximity systems where weak-coupling models were found to better describe the T c dependence. We infer that the high interface quality resulting from the ion implantation synthesis method is a determining factor for the superconducting properties. Critical field and critical current measurements support the high quality of the nanocomposite superconducting films. (paper)

  11. Association between proximity to major roads and sputum cell counts (United States)

    Wallace, Julie; D’silva, Liesel; Brannan, John; Hargreave, Frederick E; Kanaroglou, Pavlos; Nair, Parameswaran


    BACKGROUND: Air pollution caused by motor vehicle emissions has been associated with exacerbations of obstructive airway diseases; however, the nature of the resulting bronchitis has not been quantified. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether proximity to major roads or highways is associated with an increase in sputum neutrophils or eosinophils, and to evaluate the effect of proximity to roads on spirometry and exacerbations in patients with asthma. METHODS: A retrospective study of 485 sputum cell counts from patients attending a tertiary chest clinic in Hamilton, Ontario, identified eosinophilic or neutrophilic bronchitis. Patients’ residences were geocoded to the street network of Hamilton using geographic information system software. Associations among bronchitis, lung function, and proximity to major roads and highways were examined using multinomial logistic and multivariate linear regression analyses adjusted for patient age, smoking status and corticosteroid medications. RESULTS: Patients living within 1000 m of highways showed an increased risk of bronchitis (OR 3.8 [95% CI 1.0 to 13.7]; Proad were at increased risk for an asthma exacerbation (OR 1.9 [95% CI 1.5 to 15.5]; Proad was associated with neutrophilic bronchitis, an increased risk of asthma diagnosis, asthma exacerbations and lower lung function. PMID:21369545

  12. Composição proximal e qualidade da carne de frangos das linhagens Paraíso Pedrês e Pescoço Pelado Physical-chemical characteristics of meat in chickens of the Paraíso Pedrês and Label Rouge lines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter Bitencourt Faria


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foram avaliadas as características físico-químicas da carne de frangos de duas linhagens (Paraíso Pedrês e Pescoço Pelado criados em sistema semiextensivo, machos e fêmeas, abatidos aos 65, 75, 85 e 95 dias. As características analisadas nos cortes peito e coxa foram umidade, proteína, extrato etéreo, cinzas, cor (CIEL*a*b*, pH final e perda de peso por cocção. As fêmeas da linhagem Paraíso Pedrês apresentaram no peito mais gordura (0,86% em comparação aos machos das linhagens Paraíso Pedrês (0,63% e Pescoço Pelado (0,57%. A coxa das aves da linhagem Pescoço Pelado aos 85 dias apresentou maior umidade e menor porcentagem de gordura em comparação à linhagem Paraíso Pedrês, e aos 95 dias, as fêmeas Paraíso Pedrês apresentaram mais gordura que os machos. A cor amarela (b* no peito foi mais intensa nas aves Pescoço Pelado (6,24 que nas aves Paraíso Pedrês (5,41. Também foi mais intensa nas fêmeas (6,47 que nos machos (5,18. A cor da coxa nas aves Pescoço Pelado foi mais amarelada aos 95 dias (6,87 que aos 85 dias (5,90. Aves da linhagem Pescoço Pelado podem fornecer cortes mais magros, no caso dos machos, e com coloração mais amarelada, no caso das fêmeas, que aves da linhagem Pescoço Pelado.The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of chicken meat from two lines (Paraíso Pedrês or Label Rouge and Pescoço Pelado, raised in a semi-extensive system, and slaughtered at 65, 75, 85 and 95 days of age. The variables assessed in the breast and leg of experimental animals were moisture, protein, fat, ashes, objective colour (CIEL*a*b* system, final pH and cooking loss. The breast of Paraíso Pedrês females showed a higher fat content (0.86% than in males of the Paraíso Pedrês (0.63% or Pescoço Pelado (0.57% lines. In the leg, Pescoço Pelado chicken slaughtered at 85 days showed higher moisture and lower fat than the Paraíso Pedrês line, while Para


    Guo, Jinhai; Huang, Fuguo


    To review the research progress of the biomechanics of proximal row carpal instability (IPRC). The related literature concerning IPRC was extensively reviewed. The biomechanical mechanism of the surrounding soft tissue in maintaining the stability of the proximal row carpal (PRC) was analyzed, and the methods to repair or reconstruct the stability and function of the PRC were summarized from two aspects including basic biomechanics and clinical biomechanics. The muscles and ligaments of the PRC are critical to its stability. Most scholars have reached a consensus about biomechanical mechanism of the PRC, but there are still controversial conclusions on the biomechanics mechanism of the surrounding soft tissue to stability of distal radioulnar joint when the triangular fibrocartilage complex are damaged and the biomechanics mechanism of the scapholunate ligament. At present, there is no unified standard about the methods to repair or reconstruct the stability and function of the PRC. So, it is difficult for clinical practice. Some strides have been made in the basic biomechanical study on muscle and ligament and clinical biomechanical study on the methods to repair or reconstruct the stability and function of PRC, but it will be needed to further study the morphology of carpal articular surface and the adjacent articular surface, the pressure of distal carpals to proximal carpal and so on.

  14. [MRI characteristic of proximal femur bone marrow edema syndrome]. (United States)

    Wu, Xi-Yuan


    To study the MRI features of proximal femur bone marrow edema syndrome for further improve the understanding of the disease. MRI imaging of 10 patients with proximal femur bone marrow edema syndrome was retrospectively reviewed,including 6 males and 4 females with an average age of 41.5 years old ranging from 36 to 57. The courses of diseases ranged from 1 week to 3 months. Among them, 9 cases had clinical manifestations of sudden hip pain, 7 cases had limited ability of walking and hip movement;all patients had no obvious injury history, non of the female patients was pregnant. All patients were followed up from 3 to 12 months, the following-up were topped after MRI when the symptoms disappeared for 3 months. The MRI demonstrated diffuse bone marrow edema involving the femoral head, neck and the inter-trochanteric region, 13 hips of 10 patients with bone marrow edema included 6 cases in grade 1, 5 cases in grade 2,2 cases in grade 3; 9 hips with hip hydrarthrosis included 6 hips in grade I ,1 hip in grade II, 2 hips in grade III. After treatment for 3 to 12 months the hip symptoms of the patients disappeared and MRI images were normal. MRI is useful in defining the location and extent of proximal femur bone marrow edema syndrome.

  15. Design of intelligent proximity detection zones to prevent striking and pinning fatalities around continuous mining machines. (United States)

    Bissert, P T; Carr, J L; DuCarme, J P; Smith, A K


    The continuous mining machine is a key piece of equipment used in underground coal mining operations. Over the past several decades these machines have been involved in a number of mine worker fatalities. Proximity detection systems have been developed to avert hazards associated with operating continuous mining machines. Incorporating intelligent design into proximity detection systems allows workers greater freedom to position themselves to see visual cues or avoid other hazards such as haulage equipment or unsupported roof or ribs. However, intelligent systems must be as safe as conventional proximity detection systems. An evaluation of the 39 fatal accidents for which the Mine Safety and Health Administration has published fatality investigation reports was conducted to determine whether the accident may have been prevented by conventional or intelligent proximity. Multiple zone configurations for the intelligent systems were studied to determine how system performance might be affected by the zone configuration. Researchers found that 32 of the 39 fatalities, or 82 percent, may have been prevented by both conventional and intelligent proximity systems. These results indicate that, by properly configuring the zones of an intelligent proximity detection system, equivalent protection to a conventional system is possible.

  16. Luminal uptake and intracellular transport of insulin in renal proximal tubules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hellfritzsch, M.; Christensen, E.I.; Sonne, O.


    It is generally accepted that proteins taken up from the renal tubular fluid are transported into lysosomes in proximal tubule cells. Recently, however, it has been postulated that insulin in isolated perfused rat kidneys did not accumulate in lysosomes but to a certain degree in the Golgi region. The present study was undertaken to investigate the intracellular handling of biologically unaltered insulin in rat renal proximal tubule cells. Rats were prepared for in vivo micropuncture and either a colloidal gold insulin complex or insulin monoiodinated in the A-14 position ( 125 I-insulin) was microinfused into proximal tubules. After 5, 10, 25 or 60 min the tubules were fixed by microinfusion of glutaraldehyde and processed for electron microscopy or electron microscope autoradiography. A qualitative analysis of tubules infused with colloidal gold insulin or 125 I-insulin showed that insulin was taken up by endocytosis and transported to lysosomes, and a quantitative autoradiographic analysis of the 125 I-insulin microinfused tubules showed that the grain density after five min was significantly increased for endocytic vacuoles and for lysosomes. After 60 min the grain density was still significant over lysosomes. The accumulation of grains was non-significant over all other areas analyzed at any time. This study shows that insulin is taken up from the luminal side of the proximal tubule by endocytosis and transported to the lysosomes. There was no significant transport to the Golgi region

  17. SGLT2 Inhibitors: Glucotoxicity and Tumorigenesis Downstream the Renal Proximal Tubule? (United States)

    Bertinat, Romina; Nualart, Francisco; Yáñez, Alejandro J


    At present, diabetes mellitus is the main cause of end-stage renal disease. Effective glycaemic management is the most powerful tool to delay the establishment of diabetic complications, such as diabetic kidney disease. Together with reducing blood glucose levels, new anti-diabetic agents are expected not only to control the progression but also to restore known defects of the diabetic kidney. Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors are promising anti-diabetic agents that reduce hyperglycaemia by impairing glucose reabsorption in proximal tubule of the kidney and increasing glucosuria. SGLT2 inhibitors have shown to reduce glucotoxicity in isolated proximal tubule cells and also to attenuate expression of markers of overall kidney damage in experimental animal models of diabetes, but the actual renoprotective effect for downstream nephron segments is still unknown and deserves further attention. Here, we briefly discuss possible undesired effects of enhanced glucosuria and albuminuria in nephron segments beyond the proximal tubule after SGLT2 inhibitor treatment, offering new lines of research to further understand the renoprotective action of these anti-diabetic agents. Strategies blocking glucose reabsorption by renal proximal tubule epithelial cells (RPTEC) may be protective for RPTEC, but downstream nephron segments will still be exposed to high glucose and albumin levels through the luminal face. The actual effect of constant enhanced glucosuria over distal nephron segments remains to be established. J. Cell. Physiol. 231: 1635-1637, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. Isolated Proximal Tibiofibular Dislocation during Soccer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Casey Chiu


    Full Text Available Proximal tibiofibular dislocations are rarely encountered in the Emergency Department (ED. We present a case involving a man presenting to the ED with left knee pain after making a sharp left turn on the soccer field. His physical exam was only remarkable for tenderness over the lateral fibular head. His X-rays showed subtle abnormalities of the tibiofibular joint. The dislocation was reduced and the patient was discharged from the ED with orthopedic follow-up.

  19. Equilibrium properties of proximity effect

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Esteve, D.; Pothier, H.; Gueron, S.; Birge, N.O.; Devoret, M.


    The proximity effect in diffusive normal-superconducting (NS) nano-structures is described by the Usadel equations for the electron pair correlations. We show that these equations obey a variational principle with a potential which generalizes the Ginzburg-Landau energy functional. We discuss simple examples of NS circuits using this formalism. In order to test the theoretical predictions of the Usadel equations, we have measured the density of states as a function of energy on a long N wire in contact with a S wire at one end, at different distances from the NS interface. (authors). 12 refs.

  20. Disruption of the proximal tibiofibular joint in the setting of multi-ligament knee injury

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Porrino, Jack A. [University of Washington, Department of Radiology, 4245 Roosevelt Way NE, Box 354755, Seattle, WA (United States)


    Instability of the proximal tibiofibular joint is a relatively uncommon condition when in isolation; however, instability of the proximal tibiofibular joint is far more frequent in those presenting with a severe multi-ligament injury of the knee. If this joint is left unstable, repair of a co-existent injury of the posterolateral corner may fail, regardless of the proficiency of the technique. We present two patients with disruption of the proximal tibiofibular joint, including the MRI appearance, who initially presented to our hospital for management of significant polytrauma, as well as multi-ligament injury of the ipsilateral knee. (orig.)

  1. Disruption of the proximal tibiofibular joint in the setting of multi-ligament knee injury

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porrino, Jack A.


    Instability of the proximal tibiofibular joint is a relatively uncommon condition when in isolation; however, instability of the proximal tibiofibular joint is far more frequent in those presenting with a severe multi-ligament injury of the knee. If this joint is left unstable, repair of a co-existent injury of the posterolateral corner may fail, regardless of the proficiency of the technique. We present two patients with disruption of the proximal tibiofibular joint, including the MRI appearance, who initially presented to our hospital for management of significant polytrauma, as well as multi-ligament injury of the ipsilateral knee. (orig.)

  2. Caracterização e uso de xisto para adsorção de chumbo (II em solução Characterization and use of retorted shale for adsorption of lead (II in solution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P. M. Pimentel


    Full Text Available Existe um grande interesse no uso de materiais de baixo custo para remoção de metais pesados em águas residuais. Novas técnicas de processamento e adsorventes incluindo argilas, resinas sintéticas, turfa e quitosana tem sido estudados objetivando substituir o carvão ativado. No presente trabalho, xisto retortado (XR, um rejeito sólido da transformação térmica do xisto oleígeno, foi caracterizado com o objetivo de utilizá-lo como adsorventes para remoção de metais pesados. O aproveitamento desse rejeito é de grande interesse, uma vez que o Brasil possui a segunda maior reserva mundial de xisto oleígeno. Os rejeitos foram caracterizados por diferentes técnicas de caracterização, incluindo tamanho de partícula, análise termogravimétrica, fluorescência de raios X, espectroscopia na região do infravermelho, difração de raios X, e microscopia eletrônica de varredura-EDS. As características dos pós foram adequadas para os experimentos de adsorção. Estudos de adsorção de Pb2+ pelo método de banho finito foram realizados. A remoção do Pb2+ foi superior a 85%.There has been a growing interest in the use of cost-effective materials to remove heavy metals from wastewater. New processing techniques and adsorbents including natural clays, synthetic resins, peat and chitosan have been studied aiming at replacing activated coal. In the present investigation, retorted shale, a solid residue of the thermal transformation of oil shale, was characterized with the objective of preparing heavy metals adsorbents. In addition to the direct environmental benefits from the technology to wastewater, Brazil has the second world reserve of oil shale. The fine residue was fully characterized by different techniques including particle size determination, thermogravimetric analyses, BET, FTIR, X-ray diffraction, and SEM/EDS. The characteristics of the powder were appropriate for adsorption. Batch adsorption studies in Pb2+ synthetic solution

  3. Microbiological and proximate analyses of unripened cheese 'Wara ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... may be attributed to poor hygiene of the handlers and manufacturing practices. A careful appraisal of these procedures and the use of pasteurized milk is suggested to reduce the exposure of consumers to health hazard. Key words: Raw milk, Pathogens, Coliforms, Cheese, food borne pathogens, Proximate composition.

  4. Phytochemical, proximate and anti-nutrient compositions of four ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Chemical constituents of plants are influenced by environmental factors and fluctuations just as many other polygenic traits. Four different green leafy vegetables commonly used in the diets of South Eastern Nigeria were analyzed with a view to determine the phytochemicals, proximate and anti-nutrient compositions of ...

  5. Proximate analysis of Lentinus squarrosulus (Mont.) Singer and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Lentinus squarrosulus and Psathyrella atroumbonata, two mushroom species commonly found growing on dead leaves and logs, were collected from the Zaria environ and taken to the laboratory for further studies. Each of the mushroom species was separated into its stipe and pileus and used for proximate analysis.

  6. Proximate, phytochemical and mineral compositions of seeds of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 21, 2012 ... Evaluation of the proximate, phytochemical and mineral compositions of seeds of three tree species was carried out at the University of Agriculture, Umudike. Mature fruits of Allanblackia floribunda,. Garcinia kola and Poga oleosa were collected from the rainforest at Umudike and Oban National Park.

  7. Phytochemical and proximate analysis of Aspillia kotschyi (Sch ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The phytochemical and proximate composition of Aspillia Kotschyi belonging to Compositae family which is commonly used as medicinal plant in Nigeria was determined on both the Methanolic and Petroleum spirit extracts of the plant material The Methanolic extract of the plant revealed the presence of carbohydrates, ...

  8. Mechanisms of adaptation to chronic respiratory acidosis in the rabbit proximal tubule.


    Krapf, R


    The hyperbicarbonatemia of chronic respiratory acidosis is maintained by enhanced bicarbonate reabsorption in the proximal tubule. To investigate the cellular mechanisms involved in this adaptation, cell and luminal pH were measured microfluorometrically using (2",7')-bis(carboxyethyl)-(5,6)-carboxyfluorescein in isolated, microperfused S2 proximal convoluted tubules from control and acidotic rabbits. Chronic respiratory acidosis was induced by exposure to 10% CO2 for 52-56 h. Tubules from ac...

  9. Exploration of Hand Grasp Patterns Elicitable Through Non-Invasive Proximal Nerve Stimulation


    Shin, Henry; Watkins, Zach; Hu, Xiaogang


    Various neurological conditions, such as stroke or spinal cord injury, result in an impaired control of the hand. One method of restoring this impairment is through functional electrical stimulation (FES). However, traditional FES techniques often lead to quick fatigue and unnatural ballistic movements. In this study, we sought to explore the capabilities of a non-invasive proximal nerve stimulation technique in eliciting various hand grasp patterns. The ulnar and median nerves proximal to th...

  10. Nutritive Value Assessment of Four Crop Residues by Proximate ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dr Grace Tona

    Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, P.M.B. 4000, Ogbomoso, Nigeria ... Abstract. This study estimated the proximate composition and in vitro gas production parameters of rice husk, bean ... farms and industries generate large quantities.

  11. Efficient Indoor Proximity and Separation Detection for Location Fingerprinting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjærgaard, Mikkel Baun; Treu, Georg; Ruppel, Peter


    the respective building topology. The approach applies efficient strategies to reduce the number of messages transmitted between the mobile targets and a central location server, thus saving the targets' battery power, bandwidth, and other resources. The strategies are evaluated in terms of efficiency......Detecting proximity and separation among mobile targets is a basic mechanism for many location-based services (LBSs) and requires continuous positioning and tracking. However, realizing both mechanisms for indoor usage is still a major challenge. Positioning methods like GPS cannot be applied there......, and for distance calculations the particular building topology has to be taken into account. To address these challenges, this paper presents a novel approach for indoor proximity and separation detection, which uses location fingerprinting for indoor positioning of targets and walking distances for modeling...

  12. Mutual proximity graphs for improved reachability in music recommendation. (United States)

    Flexer, Arthur; Stevens, Jeff


    This paper is concerned with the impact of hubness, a general problem of machine learning in high-dimensional spaces, on a real-world music recommendation system based on visualisation of a k-nearest neighbour (knn) graph. Due to a problem of measuring distances in high dimensions, hub objects are recommended over and over again while anti-hubs are nonexistent in recommendation lists, resulting in poor reachability of the music catalogue. We present mutual proximity graphs, which are an alternative to knn and mutual knn graphs, and are able to avoid hub vertices having abnormally high connectivity. We show that mutual proximity graphs yield much better graph connectivity resulting in improved reachability compared to knn graphs, mutual knn graphs and mutual knn graphs enhanced with minimum spanning trees, while simultaneously reducing the negative effects of hubness.

  13. Distributed Autonomous Control of Multiple Spacecraft During Close Proximity Operations

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    McCamish, Shawn B


    This research contributes to multiple spacecraft control by developing an autonomous distributed control algorithm for close proximity operations of multiple spacecraft systems, including rendezvous...

  14. Caries status and proximal lesion behaviour during a 6-year period in young adult Danes: an epidemiological investigation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martignon, Stefania; Chavarría, Nathaly; Ekstrand, Kim


    Studies have indicated that many initial proximal caries lesions progress and are eventually restored even if the patients have been under comprehensive preventive programmes. The objectives of the study were (1) to describe the 1996-year baseline caries status of male Danish conscripts and (2......) to assess their early proximal lesions 6-year behaviour. In 1996, all 20-year-old conscripts at Central Barrack Birkerød (n = 115) went through an oral examination, including visual surface-level fillings' recording and a radiographic examination with bitewing radiographs that assessed the proximal......-surface caries and restoration patterns. After 6 years, the behaviour of proximal lesions was studied in 73 of these subjects, and oral health habits were assessed through a questionnaire. Mean number of filled surfaces was 7.5, of which 23% were posterior proximal. Radiographically, the mean number of proximal...

  15. Effects of Fermentation and Extrusion on the Proximate Composition ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Prof. Ogunji

    protein malnutrition persists as a principal health problem among children .... Proximate analysis: Moisture content ... nitrogen by a factor of 6.25. Crude fat ... Statistical analysis: The data were ..... interaction of amino acid in maillard reactions.

  16. Effects of Planting Locations on the Proximate Compositions of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Ash, moisture, crude fat, crude fibre, carbohydrate and protein contents were determined according ... All fruits, vegetables, legumes (beans and peas), and the grains we eat ... isolate and quantify each proximate present in the plant material.

  17. Developing survey metrics for analysing cross-border proximity

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Makkonen, Teemu; Williams, Allan


    attempts to operationalize the varying types of proximity – in relation to CBIC – in the form of a questionnaire tested through pilot studies of two CBRs, at the Finnish–Swedish and Danish–German border, and for two contrasting service industries, namely knowledge-intensive business services and tourism...

  18. Heavy metal and proximate composition associated with the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Changes in the heavy metal content and proximate composition during the 28 day composting of cassava peels used in the cultivation of the oyster mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatus strain EM-1 was studied. Significant dry weight variations of cellulose, hemicellulose and fat contents were observed from day 0 to 12.

  19. Proximate and mineral elements composition of five locally ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The proximate composition of the studied fruits were determined by the standard methods of Official Analytical Chemists, while the Mineral Elements (Ca and Mg) were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. The levels of Na+ and K+ were determined using Flame photometry and the level of P was ...

  20. Proximate, phytochemical and mineral compositions of seeds of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Evaluation of the proximate, phytochemical and mineral compositions of seeds of three tree species was carried out at the University of Agriculture, Umudike. Mature fruits of Allanblackia floribunda, Garcinia kola and Poga oleosa were collected from the rainforest at Umudike and Oban National Park. The seeds were ...

  1. Effect of drought/irrigation on proximate composition and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Enset [Ensete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman] is an important root crop serving as a carbohydrate rich food source in Ethiopia. Perennial crops, like enset, are often exposed to recurrent dry periods which could greatly affect their growth, physiology and yield. The effect of induced drought/irrigation on the proximate ...

  2. Proximate and Cholesterol Composition of Selected Fast Foods ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Fast foods consumption has been on the increase in Nigeria raising concerns about the nutritional and health implications. This study was carried out to determine the proximate composition and cholesterol contents of four commonly consumed fast foods (doughnut, chicken pie, roasted chicken, and Jollof rice) sold in ...

  3. Obesity and supermarket access: proximity or price? (United States)

    Drewnowski, Adam; Aggarwal, Anju; Hurvitz, Philip M; Monsivais, Pablo; Moudon, Anne V


    We examined whether physical proximity to supermarkets or supermarket price was more strongly associated with obesity risk. The Seattle Obesity Study (SOS) collected and geocoded data on home addresses and food shopping destinations for a representative sample of adult residents of King County, Washington. Supermarkets were stratified into 3 price levels based on average cost of the market basket. Sociodemographic and health data were obtained from a telephone survey. Modified Poisson regression was used to test the associations between obesity and supermarket variables. Only 1 in 7 respondents reported shopping at the nearest supermarket. The risk of obesity was not associated with street network distances between home and the nearest supermarket or the supermarket that SOS participants reported as their primary food source. The type of supermarket, by price, was found to be inversely and significantly associated with obesity rates, even after adjusting for individual-level sociodemographic and lifestyle variables, and proximity measures (adjusted relative risk=0.34; 95% confidence interval=0.19, 0.63) Improving physical access to supermarkets may be one strategy to deal with the obesity epidemic; improving economic access to healthy foods is another.

  4. Congenital anomalies and proximity to landfill sites.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Boyle, E


    The occurrence of congenital anomalies in proximity to municipal landfill sites in the Eastern Region (counties Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow) was examined by small area (district electoral division), distance and clustering tendancies in relation to 83 landfills, five of which were major sites. The study included 2136 cases of congenital anomaly, 37,487 births and 1423 controls between 1986 and 1990. For the more populous areas of the region 50% of the population lived within 2-3 km of a landfill and within 4-5 km for more rural areas. In the area-level analysis, the standardised prevalence ratios, empirical and full Bayesian modelling, and Kulldorff\\'s spatial scan statistic found no association between the residential area of cases and location of landfills. In the case control analysis, the mean distance of cases and controls from the nearest landfill was similar. The odds ratios of cases compared to controls for increasing distances from all landfills and major landfills showed no significant difference from the baseline value of 1. The kernel and K methods showed no tendency of cases to cluster in relationship to landfills. In conclusion, congenital anomalies were not found to occur more commonly in proximity to municipal landfills.

  5. Proximal Humerus Fractures: Evaluation and Management in the Elderly Patient (United States)

    Grawe, Brian


    Introduction: Proximal humerus fractures are common in the elderly. The evaluation and management of these injuries is often controversial. The purpose of this study is to review recent evidence and provide updated recommendations for treating proximal humerus fractures in the elderly. Methods: A literature review of peer-reviewed publications related to the evaluation and management of proximal humerus fractures in the elderly was performed. There was a focus on randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews published within the last 5 years. Results: The incidence of proximal humerus fractures is increasing. It is a common osteoporotic fracture. Bone density is a predictor of reduction quality and can be readily assessed with anteroposterior views of the shoulder. Social independence is a predictor of outcome, whereas age is not. Many fractures are minimally displaced and respond acceptably to nonoperative management. Displaced and severe fractures are most frequently treated operatively with intramedullary nails, locking plates, percutaneous techniques, or arthroplasty. Discussion: Evidence from randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews is insufficient to recommend a treatment; however, most techniques have acceptable or good outcomes. Evaluation should include an assessment of the patient’s bone quality, social independence, and surgical risk factors. With internal fixation, special attention should be paid to medial comminution, varus angulation, and restoration of the calcar. With arthroplasty, attention should be paid to anatomic restoration of the tuberosities and proper placement of the prosthesis. Conclusion: A majority of minimally displaced fractures can be treated conservatively with early physical therapy. Treatment for displaced fractures should consider the patient’s level of independence, bone quality, and surgical risk factors. Fixation with percutaneous techniques, intramedullary nails, locking plates, and arthroplasty are all

  6. Cyclophilin B expression in renal proximal tubules of hypertensive rats. (United States)

    Kainer, D B; Doris, P A


    Rat cyclophilin-like protein (Cy-LP) is a candidate hypertension gene initially identified by differential hybridization and implicated in renal mechanisms of salt retention and high blood pressure. We report the molecular characterization of rat cyclophilin B (CypB) and demonstrate, through sequence analysis and an allele-specific polymerase chain reaction primer assay, that CypB but not Cy-LP is expressed in rat kidney. CypB is an endoplasmic reticulum-localized prolyl-isomerase that interacts with elongation initiation factor 2-beta, an important regulator of protein translation and a central component of the endoplasmic reticulum stress response to hypoxia or ATP depletion. Active renal transport of sodium is increased in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), and there is evidence that this coincides with hypoxia and ATP depletion in the renal cortex. In the present studies we have examined expression of CypB in rat proximal tubules, which contributes to the increased renal sodium reabsorption in this model of hypertension. We report that CypB transcript abundance is significantly elevated in proximal convoluted tubules from SHR compared with the control Wistar-Kyoto strain. This upregulation occurs in weanling animals and precedes the development of hypertension, indicating that it is not a simple response to hypertension in SHR. Further, CypB expression is also higher in a proximal tubule cell line derived from SHR compared with a similar line derived from Wistar-Kyoto rats, indicating that this difference is genetically determined. No sequence differences were observed in the CypB cDNA from these 2 strains. These observations suggest that a genetically determined alteration in proximal tubules from SHR occurs that leads to increased expression of CypB. In view of evidence linking CypB to the regulation of elongation initiation factor-2, the upregulation of CypB may result from metabolic stress.

  7. Correlation analysis of alveolar bone loss in buccal/palatal and proximal surfaces in rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carolina Barrera de Azambuja


    Full Text Available The aim was to correlate alveolar bone loss in the buccal/palatal and the mesial/distal surfaces of upper molars in rats. Thirty-three, 60-day-old, male Wistar rats were divided in two groups, one treated with alcohol and the other not treated with alcohol. All rats received silk ligatures on the right upper second molars for 4 weeks. The rats were then euthanized and their maxillae were split and defleshed with sodium hypochlorite (9%. The cemento-enamel junction (CEJ was stained with 1% methylene blue and the alveolar bone loss in the buccal/palatal surfaces was measured linearly in 5 points on standardized digital photographs. Measurement of the proximal sites was performed by sectioning the hemimaxillae, restaining the CEJ and measuring the alveolar bone loss linearly in 3 points. A calibrated and blinded examiner performed all the measurements. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient revealed values of 0.96 and 0.89 for buccal/lingual and proximal surfaces, respectively. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient (r between measurements in buccal/palatal and proximal surfaces was 0.35 and 0.05 for the group treated with alcohol, with and without ligatures, respectively. The best correlations between buccal/palatal and proximal surfaces were observed in animals not treated with alcohol, in sites both with and without ligatures (r = 0.59 and 0.65, respectively. A positive correlation was found between alveolar bone loss in buccal/palatal and proximal surfaces. The correlation is stronger in animals that were not treated with alcohol, in sites without ligatures. Areas with and without ligature-induced periodontal destruction allow detection of alveolar bone loss in buccal/palatal and proximal surfaces.

  8. The Rendezvous Monitoring Display Capabilities of the Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Program (United States)

    Brazzel, Jack; Spehar, Pete; Clark, Fred; Foster, Chris; Eldridge, Erin


    The Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Program (RPOP) is a laptop computer- based relative navigation tool and piloting aid that was developed during the Space Shuttle program. RPOP displays a graphical representation of the relative motion between the target and chaser vehicles in a rendezvous, proximity operations and capture scenario. After being used in over 60 Shuttle rendezvous missions, some of the RPOP display concepts have become recognized as a minimum standard for cockpit displays for monitoring the rendezvous task. To support International Space Station (ISS) based crews in monitoring incoming visiting vehicles, RPOP has been modified to allow crews to compare the Cygnus visiting vehicle s onboard navigated state to processed range measurements from an ISS-based, crew-operated Hand Held Lidar sensor. This paper will discuss the display concepts of RPOP that have proven useful in performing and monitoring rendezvous and proximity operations.

  9. Search for a proximity effect induced gap in gold/high Tc junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dessau, D.S.; Wells, B.O.; Shen, Z.; Spicer, W.E.; Arko, A.J.; List, R.S.; Olson, C.G.; Eom, C.B.; Mitzi, D.B.; Kapitulnik, A.; Geballe, T.H.


    We have used high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy to search for a proximity effect induced superconducting gap in gold overlayers on c-axis single crystals of Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8 and a-axis thin films of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 . These two junction types give us a representative sampling of very well characterized near-ideal interfaces (gold/c-axis Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8 ) and junctions in which the geometry more strongly favors the existence of the proximity effect but the interfacial quality may not be as ideal (gold/a-axis YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 ). In neither of these junction types did we observe any evidence for a proximity effect induced gap, and we place an upper limit of approximately 5 meV on its existence in the junctions that we have studied

  10. Characterization of proximal pulmonary arterial cells from chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Quarck Rozenn


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH is associated with proximal pulmonary artery obstruction and vascular remodeling. We hypothesized that pulmonary arterial smooth muscle (PASMC and endothelial cells (PAEC may actively contribute to remodeling of the proximal pulmonary vascular wall in CTEPH. Our present objective was to characterize PASMC and PAEC from large arteries of CTEPH patients and investigate their potential involvement in vascular remodeling. Methods Primary cultures of proximal PAEC and PASMC from patients with CTEPH, with non-thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (PH and lung donors have been established. PAEC and PASMC have been characterized by immunofluorescence using specific markers. Expression of smooth muscle specific markers within the pulmonary vascular wall has been studied by immunofluorescence and Western blotting. Mitogenic activity and migratory capacity of PASMC and PAEC have been investigated in vitro. Results PAEC express CD31 on their surface, von Willebrand factor in Weibel-Palade bodies and take up acetylated LDL. PASMC express various differentiation markers including α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA, desmin and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SMMHC. In vascular tissue from CTEPH and non-thromboembolic PH patients, expression of α-SMA and desmin is down-regulated compared to lung donors; desmin expression is also down-regulated in vascular tissue from CTEPH compared to non-thromboembolic PH patients. A low proportion of α-SMA positive cells express desmin and SMMHC in the neointima of proximal pulmonary arteries from CTEPH patients. Serum-induced mitogenic activity of PAEC and PASMC, as well as migratory capacity of PASMC, were increased in CTEPH only. Conclusions Modified proliferative and/or migratory responses of PASMC and PAEC in vitro, associated to a proliferative phenotype of PASMC suggest that PASMC and PAEC could contribute to proximal vascular remodeling in CTEPH.

  11. A shift from distal to proximal neoplasia in the colon: a decade of polyps and CRC in Italy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Panzone Sergio


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In the last years a trend towards proximalization of colorectal carcinomas (CRC has been reported. This study aims to evaluate the distribution of CRC and adenomatous polyps (ADP to establish the presence of proximalization and to assess the potential predictors. Methods We retrieved histology reports of colonic specimens excised during colonoscopy, considering the exams performed between 1997 and 2006 at Cuneo Hospital, Italy. We compared the proportion of proximal lesions in the period 1997-2001 and in the period 2002-2006. Results Neoplastic lesions were detected in 3087 people. Proximal CRC moved from 25.9% (1997-2001 to 30.0% (2002-2006. Adjusting for sex and age, the difference was not significant (OR 1.23; 95% CI: 0,95-1,58. The proximal ADP proportion increased from 19.2% (1997-2001 to 26.0% (2002-2006 (OR: 1.43; 95% CI: 1.17-1.89. The corresponding figures for advanced proximal ADP were 6.6% and 9.5% (OR: 1.48; 95% CI: 1.02-2.17. Adjusting for gender, age, diagnostic period, symptoms and number of polyps the prevalence of proximal advanced ADP was increased among people ≥ 70 years compared to those aged 55-69 years (OR 1.49; 95% CI: 1.032.16. The main predictor of proximal advanced neoplasia was the number of polyps detected per exam (> 1 polyp versus 1 polyp: considering all ADP: OR 2.16; 95% CI: 1.59-2.93; considering advanced ADP OR 1.63; 95% CI: 1.08-2.46. Adjusting for these factors, the difference between the two periods was no longer significant. Conclusions CRC do not proximalize while a trend towards a proximal shift in adenomas was observed among people ≥ 70 years.

  12. Residential Proximity to Major Roadways and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhiqing Zhao


    Full Text Available Research indicates that higher levels of traffic-related pollution exposure increase the risk of diabetes, but the association between road proximity and diabetes risk remains unclear. To assess and quantify the association between residential proximity to major roadways and type 2 diabetes, a systematic review and meta-analysis was performed. Embase, Medline, and Web of Science were searched for eligible studies. Using a random-effects meta-analysis, the summary relative risks (RRs were calculated. Bayesian meta-analysis was also performed. Eight studies (6 cohort and 2 cross-sectional with 158,576 participants were finally included. The summary unadjusted RR for type 2 diabetes associated with residential proximity to major roadways was 1.24 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.07–1.44, p = 0.001, I2 = 48.1%. The summary adjusted RR of type 2 diabetes associated with residential proximity to major roadways was 1.12 (95% CI: 1.03–1.22, p = 0.01, I2 = 17.9%. After excluding two cross-sectional studies, the summary results suggested that residential proximity to major roadways could increase type 2 diabetes risk (Adjusted RR = 1.13; 95% CI: 1.02–1.27, p = 0.025, I2 = 36.6%. Bayesian meta-analysis showed that the unadjusted RR and adjusted RR of type 2 diabetes associated with residential proximity to major roadways were 1.22 (95% credibility interval: 1.06–1.55 and 1.13 (95% credibility interval: 1.01–1.31, respectively. The meta-analysis suggested that residential proximity to major roadways could significantly increase risk of type 2 diabetes, and it is an independent risk factor of type 2 diabetes. More well-designed studies are needed to further strengthen the evidence.

  13. Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with proximal predominance (HMSN-P). (United States)

    Campellone, Joseph V


    Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with proximal predominance (HMSN-P) is a rare disorder inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. Patients present with slowly progressive proximal-predominant weakness, painful muscle cramps, fasciculations, large-fiber sensory loss, and areflexia. Electrodiagnostic (EDX) studies typically reveal abnormalities consistent with a sensorimotor neuronopathy. A patient with HMSN-P underwent EDX studies, revealing ongoing and chronic neurogenic denervation, motor unit instability, and neuromyotonic discharges, further defining the spectrum of EDX findings in HMSN-P. The clinical, pathological, and genetic features are also reviewed. The appearance of HMSN-P in the United States and elsewhere calls for clinicians in nonendemic regions to be familiar with this rare disorder, which has typically been geographically confined.

  14. Functionally induced changes in water transport in the proximal tubule segment of rat kidneys

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Faarup, Poul; von Holstein-Rathlou, Niels-Henrik; Nørgaard, Tove


    To eliminate freezing artifacts in the proximal tubule cells, two cryotechniques were applied to normal rat kidneys, ie, freeze substitution and special freeze drying. In addition, salt depletion and salt loading were applied to groups of rats to evaluate whether the segmental structure of the pr......To eliminate freezing artifacts in the proximal tubule cells, two cryotechniques were applied to normal rat kidneys, ie, freeze substitution and special freeze drying. In addition, salt depletion and salt loading were applied to groups of rats to evaluate whether the segmental structure...... segment, representing a structural background for the essential transport of water from the proximal tubules to the peritubular capillaries....

  15. Role of calcium in the dopaminergic effect on the proximal convoluted tubule of rat kidney

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chan, Y.L.; Chatsudthipong, V.; Su-Tsai, S.M.; von Riotte, A.


    Microperfusion studies have shown that dopamine inhibits fluid and bicarbonate absorption in the rate proximal tubule. These studies are designed to examine the cellular mechanism underlying the proximal cellular response to dopamine action. In the isolated proximal cells, dopamine, in the concentration of 10 -6 M or less, had no effect on cAMP production. However, dopamine could increase cytosolic calcium concentration (from 90 nM to 210 nM) as measured by fluorospectrometry with fura-2 as a calcium indicator. Ca-45 flux studies have shown that dopamine could increase initial influx but not the steady state uptake of Ca. Dopamine could also increase efflux of Ca. In situ microperfusion of proximal tubule and peritubular capillaries has demonstrated that Ca ionophore, A23187 (10 -6 M), could simulate the inhibitory effects of dopamine on fluid and biocarbonate absorption. There was no additive effect observed when both agents were added together in the capillary perfusate. Removal of calcium from the perfusate could partially blunt the effect of dopamine. These results suggest that intracellular calcium plays a crucial role in the dopaminergic regulation of proximal tubular transport

  16. Public space, place and landscape: proximities and distances to urban anthropology / Espacio público, lugar y paisaje: proximidades y distancias para una antropología urbana


    Alejandro José Peimbert Duarte


    The text presents some precisions about the concepts of space, place and landscape. When these concepts are given in urban planning, urban design, architecture or ethnography, it is possible to find significant distances from the city versus urban. Also, the tour of these notions, could evidence certain proximities that allude to which lens is observed one of the key objects for studying the territory: the public space. This, in turn, explains the different positions of social actors in it: t...

  17. Displaced Proximal Humerus Fractures: is a Sling as Good as a Plate? (United States)

    Steinhaus, Michael E; Dare, David M; Gulotta, Lawrence V


    The treatment of displaced proximal humerus fractures is challenging and complex, as its success is predicated on multiple factors. While it is clear that a majority of proximal humerus fractures may be treated nonoperatively, it is less clear which patients benefit from surgical management. The PROFHER trial, a randomized controlled study, used patient-reported outcomes to compare surgical to nonsurgical management of displaced proximal humerus fractures. The purpose of this review is to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the PROFHER trial and to assess the validity of its conclusion in the context of existing literature. The authors found no difference in the Oxford Shoulder Score (OSS) between the surgical and nonsurgical groups. Additionally, no difference was found between groups in any of the secondary outcomes, which included the Short-Form 12 (SF-12) health survey, surgical and fracture-related complications, additional surgery or therapy, inpatient medical complications, and mortality. They concluded that the recent increase in surgical management of proximal humerus fractures is perhaps unwarranted. While the randomization was successful and the pragmatic design may enable greater generalizability, this study possesses numerous flaws inherent in such an ambitious endeavor, including an inability to identify specific factors which explain the lack of superiority of surgical management. Despite its weaknesses, this study is a valuable datapoint which encourages surgeons to reexamine their surgical indications for this injury.

  18. Ceramic superconductor/metal composite materials employing the superconducting proximity effect (United States)

    Holcomb, Matthew J.


    Superconducting composite materials having particles of superconducting material disposed in a metal matrix material with a high electron-boson coupling coefficient (.lambda.). The superconducting particles can comprise any type of superconductor including Laves phase materials, Chevrel phase materials, A15 compounds, and perovskite cuprate ceramics. The particles preferably have dimensions of about 10-500 nanometers. The particles preferably have dimensions larger than the superconducting coherence length of the superconducting material. The metal matrix material has a .lambda. greater than 0.2, preferably the .lambda. is much higher than 0.2. The metal matrix material is a good proximity superconductor due to its high .lambda.. When cooled, the superconductor particles cause the metal matrix material to become superconducting due to the proximity effect. In cases where the particles and the metal matrix material are chemically incompatible (i.e., reactive in a way that destroys superconductivity), the particles are provided with a thin protective metal coating. The coating is chemically compatible with the particles and metal matrix material. High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) cuprate ceramic particles are reactive and therefore require a coating of a noble metal resistant to oxidation (e.g., silver, gold). The proximity effect extends through the metal coating. With certain superconductors, non-noble metals can be used for the coating.

  19. Affordable dual-sensing proximity sensor for touchless interactive systems

    KAUST Repository

    Nassar, Joanna M.; Diaz, Marlon C.; Hussain, Muhammad Mustafa


    We report an ultra-low cost flexible proximity sensor using only off-the-shelf recyclable materials such as aluminum foil, napkin and double-sided tape. Unlike previous reports, our device structure exhibits two sensing capabilities in one platform

  20. Proximate composition and nutrient content of some wild and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Proximate composition and nutrient content of some wild and cultivated ... Ca, P, K), one minor mineral (Fe) constituent and vitamin C content were determined. ... Mineral content (P and K) in the mushroom sporophores were found to be ...

  1. Adaptive Proximal Point Algorithms for Total Variation Image Restoration

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ying Chen


    Full Text Available Image restoration is a fundamental problem in various areas of imaging sciences. This paper presents a class of adaptive proximal point algorithms (APPA with contraction strategy for total variational image restoration. In each iteration, the proposed methods choose an adaptive proximal parameter matrix which is not necessary symmetric. In fact, there is an inner extrapolation in the prediction step, which is followed by a correction step for contraction. And the inner extrapolation is implemented by an adaptive scheme. By using the framework of contraction method, global convergence result and a convergence rate of O(1/N could be established for the proposed methods. Numerical results are reported to illustrate the efficiency of the APPA methods for solving total variation image restoration problems. Comparisons with the state-of-the-art algorithms demonstrate that the proposed methods are comparable and promising.

  2. Proximal Tibial Epiphysis Fracture in a 13-Year-Old Male Athlete

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ioannis M. Stavrakakis


    Full Text Available Fractures of the proximal epiphysis of the tibia are rare, representing 0.5 to 3.0% of all epiphyseal injuries. These injuries can damage the popliteal vessels and their bifurcation, affecting the blood supply of the lower limb, as well as the nerves below the knee. Epiphyseal growth arrest is also a potential complication, leading to various angular deformities. We present a case of a 13-year-old male athlete with a posteriorly displaced Salter-Harris type II fracture of the proximal epiphysis of the left tibia who was treated conservatively with closed reduction and cast immobilization.

  3. Bringing employees closer : the effect of proximity on communication when teams function under time pressure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chong, S.F.D.; Eerde, van W.; Rutte, C.G.; Chai, K.H.


    Some studies have assumed close proximity to improve team communication on the premise that reduced physical distance increases the chance of contact and information exchange. However, research showed that the relationship between team proximity and team communication is not always straightforward

  4. A distância e o conteúdo estelar da região HII gigante G333.1-0.4 - vínculos para a taxa de formação estelar da galáxia (United States)

    Figuerêdo, E.; Damineli, A.; Blum, R.; Conti, P.


    Neste trabalho apresentamos imagens de alta resolução angular da região HII gigante G333.1-0.4 obtidas através dos filtros J, H e K no telescópio de 4-m do CTIO. Este trabalho faz parte de um estudo de regiões HII gigantes no infravermelho próximo que tem por objetivo estudar a natureza da formação de estrelas massivas e traçar a estrutura espiral de nossa galáxia. Nossa determinação da distância é baseada no método da paralaxe espectroscópica de estrelas OB localizadas na seqüência principal de idade zero (ZAMS) do Diagrama HR. No caso de G333.1-0.4, a magnitude aparente das estrelas localizadas na ZAMS indica que a distância não pode ser maior do que o limite inferior determinado por técnica rádio (2,8 kpc). Resultados semelhantes foram encontrados para regiões estudadas anteriormente, reforçando a idéia de que a taxa de formação estelar na Via Láctea é menor do que o determinado a partir de dados rádio. Nossos resultados mais recentes sobre o conteúdo estelar de G333.1-0.4 revelaram vários objetos que possuem cores bastante avermelhadas (H-K > 2,0). Nós identificamos estes objetos usando os diagramas cor-cor e cor-magnitude dos aglomerados. Estes objetos apresentam um forte excesso em emissão na banda K e possivelmente se tratam de estrelas do tipo OB envolvidas por um disco/envelope circumestelar espesso. O estudo da função de massa inical desta região, em conjunto com resultados de nossos trabalhos anteriores, aponta para uma IMF independente da posição galática. A contagem de estrelas nos fornece um valor para o número de fótons no contínuo de Lyman que corrobora com a afirmação de que G333.1-0.4 se encontra mais próxima da menor distância determinada por rádio.

  5. The value of different imaging methods on classification in displaced proximal humeral fractures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai Jingyu; Zhu Qingsheng


    Objective: To investigate the influence of common X-ray, two-dimensional computed tomography (2D-CT), spiral computed tomography (SCT), and three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction on the classification in displaced proximal humeral fractures. Methods: Three groups were divided on the basis of various imaging methods, including group A (common X-ray), group B (common X-ray and 2D-CT), and group C (3-D reconstruction of SCT and 2D-SCT). 46 cases of displaced proximal humeral fractures were classified with Neer system. The true rate of fracture classification by use of three methods was compared with each other, and clinical significance of SCT and 3-D reconstruction was evaluated. Results: Based on operation, 46 cases of displaced proximal humeral fractures in group A included 26 cases of Neer two-part fractures, 13 cases of three-part fractures, and 7 cases of four-part fractures. The true cases of common X-ray were 22 in Neer two-part fractures and 8 in three and four-part fractures, there was significant difference between Neer two-part fractures and Neer three and four-part fractures (P<0.05); 18 cases of proximal humeral fractures in group B included 3 cases of Neer two-part fractures, 9 cases of three-part fractures, and 6 cases of four-part fractures. The true cases of common X-ray and 2D-CT were 7 in Neer three and four-part fractures. 10 cases of proximal humeral fractures in group C included 1 case of Neer two-part fracture, 5 cases of three-part fractures, and 4 cases of four-part fractures. The true cases of 3-D reconstruction, MPR of SCT, and 2D-SCT were 8 in Neer three and four-part fractures. With regard to the true cases of the classification in Neer three and four-part fractures, there was significant difference in three groups and between group A and group C (P<0.05). All SCT and 3-D reconstruction played an important role in the treatment of proximal humeral fractures. Conclusion: Series of good quality X-ray examinations were the first imaging

  6. Formation and function of a new pollen aperture pattern in angiosperms: The proximal sulcus of Tillandsia leiboldiana (Bromeliaceae). (United States)

    Albert, Béatrice; Matamoro-Vidal, Alexis; Raquin, Christian; Nadot, Sophie


    Pollen grains are generally surrounded by an extremely resistant wall interrupted in places by apertures that play a key role in reproduction; pollen tube growth is initiated at these sites. The shift from a proximal to distal aperture location is a striking innovation in seed plant reproduction. Reversals to proximal aperture position have only very rarely been described in angiosperms. The genus Tillandsia belongs to the Bromeliaceae family, and its aperture pattern has been described as distal monosulcate, the most widespread aperture patterns recorded in monocots and basal angiosperms. Here we report developmental and functional elements to demonstrate that the sulcate aperture in Tillandsia leiboldiana is not distal as previously described but proximal. Postmeitotic tetrad observation indicates unambiguously the proximal position of the sulcus, and in vitro germination of pollen grains confirms that the aperture is functional. This is the first report of a sulcate proximal aperture with proximal germination. The observation of microsporogenesis reveals specific features in the patterns of callose thickenings in postmeiotic tetrads.

  7. Proximate composition and mineral contents of Pebbly fish, Alestes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    /100 g) were significantly .... Proximate analysis of A. baremoze fillets according to sample sizes in a study in. Uganda .... present in the fish tissues in trace amounts. ... The zinc contents in fish samples of ..... (mercury, cadmium, lead, tin and.

  8. Beyond proximities : The socio-spatial dynamics of knowledge creation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rutten, R.P.J.H.


    Knowledge creation is recognized as interaction between individuals in a social context, but geography-of-knowledge-creation research inadequately connects social context to physical place. The proximities approach reduces physical place to near-far dichotomies and territorial innovation models

  9. Clinical cavitation and radiographic lesion depth in proximal surfaces in an Indian population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sansare, Kaustubh; Raghav, Mamta; Sontakke, Subodeh


    the developing world. Materials and methods. Relationship between clinical cavitation and radiographic caries lesion depth in proximal surfaces in an Indian population was assessed. Proximal surfaces (n = 126) without restorations were examined on bitewing radiographs in patients with suspected caries and lesion......Abstract Objectives. To assess the relationship between clinical cavitation and radiographic caries lesion depth in proximal surfaces of permanent posterior teeth in an Indian population. This study also assessed the clinical feasibility of applying 'western guidelines' to this population from...... to the radiographic findings of lesion depth, 80-100% of the lesions observed in outer dentine would lead to a false (non-operative) treatment decision. Conclusions. Radiographic shallow carious lesions were often cavitated in this population. The threshold for cavitation in this study population is suggested...

  10. Microbiological, proximate analysis and sensory evaluation of baked ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The possibility of making bread of good nutritional, microbiological and sensory qualities from blends of wheat-breadfruit flours was examined. Blends of wheat flour (WF) with percentages of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 of breadfruits flour (BF) were used in the production process. The proximate analysis, sensory evaluation and ...

  11. Proximate composition and sensory properties of freeze-dried ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    These instant soups and the freshly prepared portions were subjected to proximate and sensory analysis using standard methods. The results of the analysis showed that instant egusi soup contained 10.89 % moisture, 16.93 % ash, 19.73 % crude protein, 15.19 % fat, 13.95 % crude fibre and 23.30 % carbohydrate; while ...

  12. Comparative analysis of the Proximate composition and Sensory ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Proximate analysis of the samples revealed that the protein, fat, ash, crude fibre and acid insoluble ash contents differed significantly (p<0.05) between samples. With respect to protein and fat contents, dokuwa sample from Doko had the highest values while dokuwa sample from Lapai had the lowest but the reverse was ...

  13. Proximate Analysis And The Determination Of Some Physico ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... Mg (296.00-371.50 µg/g) and Ca (1165.00-1335.50 µg/g) with few exceptions. The results obtained show good agreement with literature values and provide information on the nutritional value of some of the common evaporated milks sold on Nigerian markets. Keywords: Milk, proximate analysis, physico-chemical, AAS

  14. Proximate analysis of Sweet Potato Toasted Granules | Meludu ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Sweet potato is an important root crop in the food system of many African countries. The yield, nutrition and economic potential of sweet potato have been identified as very high. In this study, sweet potato was processed and toasted into granules. The proximate analysis performed on the toasted granules showed protein, ...

  15. Performance characteristics of proximity focused ultraviolet image converters (United States)

    Williams, J. T.; Feibelman, W. A.


    Performance characteristics of Bendix type BX 8025-4522 proximity focused image tubes for UV to visible light conversion are presented. Quantum efficiency, resolution, background, geometric distortion, and environmental test results are discussed. The converters use magnesium fluoride input windows with Cs-Te photocathodes and P-11 phosphors on fiber optic output windows.

  16. Does performance status influence the outcome of Nd:YAG laser therapy of proximal esophageal tumors?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alexander, G. L.; Wang, K. K.; Ahlquist, D. A.; Viggiano, T. R.; Gostout, C. J.; Balm, R.


    The value of endoscopic palliative therapy for malignant obstruction in the proximal esophagus has been questioned. To assess the importance of pre-treatment performance status on treatment outcome, we reviewed the records of patients with tumors of the proximal esophagus undergoing endoscopic laser

  17. Effect of a feed/fast protocol on pH in the proximal equine stomach. (United States)

    Husted, L; Sanchez, L C; Baptiste, K E; Olsen, S N


    Risk factors for the development of gastric squamous ulcers include various management procedures, such as intermittent feed deprivation that can occur during weight management regimens or stall and dry lot confinement. To investigate the effect of intermittent feed deprivation relative to continuous feed intake on proximal intragastric pH, specifically in the region of the squamous mucosa of the lesser curvature. In 6 horses, pH electrodes were placed just inside of the oesophageal sphincter in the stomach for each of two 72 h protocols (A and B) in a randomised, cross-over design. Protocol A consisted of 12 h fed, 12 h fasted, 24 h fed and 24 h fasted, in sequence. Protocol B consisted of 72 h fed. During the fed periods of each protocol, horses had ad libitum access to coastal Bermuda hay and were fed sweet feed (1 kg, b.i.d.). Horses had ad libitum access to water at all times. Proximal intragastric pH was significantly lower during protocol A, than during protocol B. However, hourly mean pH was significantly different only during the day and evening hours between protocols. During protocol B, mean proximal pH decreased significantly from 03.00 to 09.00 compared to 19.00 to 23.00 h. A moderate positive correlation of hay intake vs. proximal gastric pH could be established. Intermittent feed deprivation decreased proximal gastric pH in horses relative to those horses for which feed was not restricted. However, the effect was only significant when fasting occurred during the day and evening hours, as a nocturnal decrease in pH occurred simultaneously in the fed horses. Episodes of daytime feed deprivation should be avoided if possible, as proximal gastric acid exposure rapidly increases during such events.

  18. Maternal residential proximity to nuclear facilities and low birth weight in offspring in Texas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gong, Xi; Lin, Yan; Benjamin Zhan, F.


    Health effects of close residential proximity to nuclear facilities have been a concern for both the general public and health professionals. Here, a study is reported examining the association between maternal residential proximity to nuclear facilities and low birth weight (LBW) in offspring using data from 1996 through 2008 in Texas, USA. A case-control study design was used together with a proximity-based model for exposure assessment. First, the LBW case/control births were categorized into multiple proximity groups based on distances between their maternal residences and nuclear facilities. Then, a binary logistic regression model was used to examine the association between maternal residential proximity to nuclear facilities and low birth weight in offspring. The odds ratios were adjusted for birth year, public health region of maternal residence, child's sex, gestational weeks, maternal age, education, and race/ethnicity. In addition, sensitivity analyses were conducted for the model. Compared with the reference group (more than 50 km from a nuclear facility), the exposed groups did not show a statistically significant increase in LBW risk [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 0.91 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.81, 1.03) for group 40-50 km; aOR 0.98 (CI 0.84, 1.13) for group 30-40 km; aOR 0.95 (CI 0.79, 1.15) for group 20-30 km; aOR 0.86 (CI 0.70, 1.04) for group 10-20 km; and aOR 0.98 (CI 0.59, 1.61) for group 0-10 km]. These results were also confirmed by results of the sensitivity analyses. The results suggest that maternal residential proximity to nuclear facilities is not a significant factor for LBW in offspring. (orig.)

  19. Maternal residential proximity to nuclear facilities and low birth weight in offspring in Texas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gong, Xi; Lin, Yan [University of New Mexico, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Albuquerque, NM (United States); Benjamin Zhan, F. [Texas State University, Department of Geography, Texas Center for Geographic Information Science, San Marcos, TX (United States)


    Health effects of close residential proximity to nuclear facilities have been a concern for both the general public and health professionals. Here, a study is reported examining the association between maternal residential proximity to nuclear facilities and low birth weight (LBW) in offspring using data from 1996 through 2008 in Texas, USA. A case-control study design was used together with a proximity-based model for exposure assessment. First, the LBW case/control births were categorized into multiple proximity groups based on distances between their maternal residences and nuclear facilities. Then, a binary logistic regression model was used to examine the association between maternal residential proximity to nuclear facilities and low birth weight in offspring. The odds ratios were adjusted for birth year, public health region of maternal residence, child's sex, gestational weeks, maternal age, education, and race/ethnicity. In addition, sensitivity analyses were conducted for the model. Compared with the reference group (more than 50 km from a nuclear facility), the exposed groups did not show a statistically significant increase in LBW risk [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 0.91 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.81, 1.03) for group 40-50 km; aOR 0.98 (CI 0.84, 1.13) for group 30-40 km; aOR 0.95 (CI 0.79, 1.15) for group 20-30 km; aOR 0.86 (CI 0.70, 1.04) for group 10-20 km; and aOR 0.98 (CI 0.59, 1.61) for group 0-10 km]. These results were also confirmed by results of the sensitivity analyses. The results suggest that maternal residential proximity to nuclear facilities is not a significant factor for LBW in offspring. (orig.)

  20. A security review of proximity identification based smart cards

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Lefophane, S


    Full Text Available International Conference on Cyber warfare and Security, Mpumalanga, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 24-25 March 2015 A SECURITY REVIEW OF PROXIMITY IDENTIFICATION BASED SMART CARDS S.Lefophane, J. Van der Merwe Modelling and Digital Science: CSIR...

  1. Intramedullary nailing of proximal and distal one-third tibial shaft fractures with intraoperative two-pin external fixation. (United States)

    Wysocki, Robert W; Kapotas, James S; Virkus, Walter W


    Fractures of the proximal and distal one thirds of the tibial shaft have historically higher malunion rates than those of the midshaft. This retrospective case series evaluates the postoperative radiographic outcome of intramedullary nailing of proximal and distal one-third tibial shaft fractures using intraoperative two-pin external fixation, often referred to as traveling traction. Between 2000 and 2005, 15 consecutive patients with proximal third and 27 consecutive patients with distal third displaced extra-articular fractures of the tibia were treated with statically locked intramedullary nailing and supplementary intraoperative two-pin rectangular frame external fixation. The external fixation was removed once the proximal and distal locking screws were in place. The alignment of the fractures was determined using standard postoperative anteroposterior and lateral radiographs. Postoperatively, 14 of 15 patients with proximal fractures and 25 of 27 patients with distal fractures had less than 5 degrees of angular deformity in both the coronal and sagittal planes and less than 1 cm shortening. Statically locked intramedullary nailing with simultaneous intraoperative traveling traction external fixation as treatment for proximal and distal one-third extra-articular tibial shaft fractures is successful in achieving a high rate of acceptable postoperative alignment.

  2. [Proximity and breastfeeding at the maternity hospital]. (United States)

    Fradin-Charrier, Anne-Claire


    The establishment of breastfeeding, as well as its duration, are facilitated through the proximity of the mother with her new baby. However, in maternity hospitals, breastfeeding mothers very often leave their baby in the nursery at night time. A study carried out in 2014 in several maternity hospitals put forward suggestions and highlighted areas to improve in everyday practice. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  3. Performance of Encounternet Tags: Field Tests of Miniaturized Proximity Loggers for Use on Small Birds (United States)

    Levin, Iris I.; Zonana, David M.; Burt, John M.; Safran, Rebecca J.


    Proximity logging is a new tool for understanding social behavior as it allows for accurate quantification of social networks. We report results from field calibration and deployment tests of miniaturized proximity tags (Encounternet), digital transceivers that log encounters between tagged individuals. We examined radio signal behavior in relation to tag attachment (tag, tag on bird, tag on saline-filled balloon) to understand how radio signal strength is affected by the tag mounting technique used for calibration tests. We investigated inter-tag and inter-receiver station variability, and in each calibration test we accounted for the effects of antennae orientation. Additionally, we used data from a live deployment on breeding barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) to analyze the quality of the logs, including reciprocal agreement in dyadic logs. We evaluated the impact (in terms of mass changes) of tag attachment on the birds. We were able to statistically distinguish between RSSI values associated with different close-proximity (station variability. Reciprocal agreement of dyadic logs was high and social networks were constructed from proximity tag logs based on two different RSSI thresholds. There was no evidence of significant mass loss in the time birds were wearing tags. We conclude that proximity loggers are accurate and effective for quantifying social behavior. However, because RSSI and distance cannot be perfectly resolved, data from proximity loggers are most appropriate for comparing networks based on specific RSSI thresholds. The Encounternet system is flexible and customizable, and tags are now light enough for use on small animals (<50g). PMID:26348329

  4. Proximate composition and mineral profile of eight different ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... eight different sun dried date varieties; (1) Daki, (2) Aseel, (3) Coconut, (4) Khuzravi, (5) Halavi, (6) Zahidi, (7) Deglet Noor and (8) Barkavi were examined to determine their proximate composition and mineral profile. All the date varieties were found to be rich in proteins, fiber, carbohydrates and net gross energy (352.329 ...

  5. Fraturas em duas e três partes do úmero proximal tratadas com sutura não absorvível Two- and three-part fractures of the proximal humerus treated with non-absorbable suture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Antônio de Castro Veado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados clínicos e radiográficos dos pacientes com fraturas em duas e três partes da extremidade proximal do úmero tratados por sutura não absorvível, com incorporação do manguito rotador, o que permite aumentar a estabilidade da fixação, principalmente em pacientes com pobre qualidade óssea. MÉTODOS: Dezenove pacientes foram operados, sendo 15 do sexo feminino e quatro do masculino, com média de idade de 57,4 anos (23-79 anos e seguimento médio de 53,4 meses (sete a 144 meses. De acordo com a classificação de Neer, havia 10 fraturas em três partes (colo cirúrgico e tubérculo maior e nove fraturas em duas partes (duas do tubérculo maior e sete do colo cirúrgico. Todos foram operados na posição " cadeira de praia" , com anestesia endotraqueal e bloqueio do plexo braquial. O acesso deltopeitoral foi utilizado para fraturas em duas partes do colo cirúrgico e fraturas em três partes. Para fraturas em duas partes do tubérculo maior, foi utilizado acesso transacromial. As fraturas foram reduzidas e fixadas com sutura não absorvível nº 5. O ângulo cervicodiafisário foi medido para avaliação da consolidação viciosa. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se consolidação óssea em 95% dos pacientes. A média da elevação anterior nos pacientes com fratura em duas partes foi de 163,3° (90°-180°; a rotação externa média, de 56° (30° a 90°; e a rotação interna média, de T10 (S1-T5. Nos pacientes com fratura em três partes, a média de elevação anterior foi de 163° (100°-180°; a rotação externa média, de 52,5° (5°-70° e a rotação interna média, de T10 (L4-T7. A força de abdução foi igual à do lado contralateral em 12 pacientes e menor em sete. O tempo necessário para o paciente retornar às atividades anteriores foi, em média, de 5,19 meses (dois a 12 meses. Na avaliação radiológica, o ângulo cervicodiafisário médio foi de 141° (110°-170° nas fraturas em duas partes e de

  6. A biomechanical comparison of proximal femoral nails and locking proximal anatomic femoral plates in femoral fracture fixation A study on synthetic bones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Korhan Ozkan


    Conclusion: The proximal femoral intramedullary nail provides more stability and allows for earlier weight bearing than the locking plate when used for the treatment of unstable intertrochanteric fractures of the femur. Clinicians should be cautious for early weight bearing with locking plate for unstable intertrochanteric femur fractures.

  7. Tibial rotational osteotomy for idiopathic torsion. A comparison of the proximal and distal osteotomy levels. (United States)

    Krengel, W F; Staheli, L T


    A retrospective analysis was done of 52 rotational tibial osteotomies (RTOs) performed on 35 patients with severe idiopathic tibial torsion. Thirty-nine osteotomies were performed at the proximal or midtibial level. Thirteen were performed at the distal tibial level with a technique previously described by one of the authors. Serious complications occurred in five (13%) of the proximal and in none of the distal RTOs. For severe and persisting idiopathic tibial torsion, the authors recommend correction by RTO at the distal level. Proximal level osteotomy is indicated only when a varus or valgus deformity required concurrent correction.

  8. Restoring proximal caries lesions conservatively with tunnel restorations. (United States)

    Chu, Chun-Hung; Mei, May L; Cheung, Chloe; Nalliah, Romesh P


    The tunnel restoration has been suggested as a conservative alternative to the conventional box preparation for treating proximal caries. The main advantage of tunnel restoration over the conventional box or slot preparation includes being more conservative and increasing tooth integrity and strength by preserving the marginal ridge. However, tunnel restoration is technique-sensitive and can be particularly challenging for inexperienced restorative dentists. Recent advances in technology, such as the contemporary design of dental handpieces with advanced light-emitting diode (LED) and handheld comfort, offer operative dentists better vision, illumination, and maneuverability. The use of magnifying loupes also enhances the visibility of the preparation. The advent of digital radiographic imaging has improved dental imaging and reduced radiation. The new generation of restorative materials has improved mechanical properties. Tunnel restoration can be an option to restore proximal caries if the dentist performs proper case selection and pays attention to the details of the restorative procedures. This paper describes the clinical technique of tunnel restoration and reviews the studies of tunnel restorations.

  9. Phytochemical, Proximate and Metal Content Analysis of the Leaves ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Methods: The phytochemical analysis of Psidium guajava was carried out by using a standard procedure. Ash, fat, protein, carbohydrate and fibre contents were determined using proximate analysis while the metal contents were determined using Pearson's method. Results: The phytochemical analysis revealed the ...

  10. Proximity effect in normal metal-multiband superconductor hybrid structures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brinkman, Alexander; Golubov, Alexandre Avraamovitch; Kupriyanov, M. Yu


    A theory of the proximity effect in normal metal¿multiband superconductor hybrid structures is formulated within the quasiclassical Green's function formalism. The quasiclassical boundary conditions for multiband hybrid structures are derived in the dirty limit. It is shown that the existence of

  11. Population Exposure Estimates in Proximity to Nuclear Power Plants, Locations (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Population Exposure Estimates in Proximity to Nuclear Power Plants, Locations data set combines information from a global data set developed by Declan Butler of...

  12. Social and Spatial Networks: Kinship Distance and Dwelling Unit Proximity in Rural Thailand (United States)

    Verdery, Ashton M.; Entwisle, Barbara; Faust, Katherine; Rindfuss, Ronald R.


    We address a long hypothesized relationship between the proximity of individuals' dwelling units and their kinship association. Better understanding this relationship is important because of its implications for contact and association among members of a society. In this paper, we use a unique dataset from Nang Rong, Thailand which contains dwelling unit locations (GPS) and saturated kinship networks of all individuals living in 51 agricultural villages. After presenting arguments for a relationship between individuals’ dwelling unit locations and their kinship relations as well as the particulars of our case study, we introduce the data and describe our analytic approach. We analyze how kinship - considered as both a system linking collections of individuals in an extended kinship network and as dyadic links between pairs of individuals -patterns the proximity of dwelling units in rural villages. The results show that in general, extended kin live closer to one another than do unrelated individuals. Further, the degree of relatedness between kin correlates with the distance between their dwelling units. Close kin are more likely to co-reside, a fact which drives much of the relationship between kinship relatedness and dwelling unit proximity within villages. There is nevertheless suggestive evidence of a relationship between kinship association and dwelling unit proximity among kin who do not live together. PMID:23956489

  13. Fratura proximal de tíbia após cirurgia extracapsular para correção de ruptura de ligamento cruzado cranial em cão Tibial fracture caused by complications after an extracapsular suture for the repair of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in a dog

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jaqueline França dos Santos


    Full Text Available Ruptura de ligamento cruzado cranial (RLCCr é a afecção ortopédica mais frequente no joelho de cães e a sutura fabelo-tibial é frequentemente utilizada na sua correção. Essa técnica pode estar associada com complicações incisionais, lesão tardia de menisco, edema associado ao material de sutura e infecção. O objetivo desta nota foi relatar a ocorrência de fratura proximal de tíbia em um cão, causada por complicação em sutura fabelo-tibial para correção de RLCCr. Um canino atendido em outro serviço foi submetido à osteossíntese com placa 2,0mm para correção de complicação em técnica extra-capsular, na qual houve fratura da tíbia na região do orifício criado para confecção da sutura fabelo-tibial. Houve falha dos implantes e a placa foi removida. A fratura foi estabilizada com fixador esquelético externo circular, sendo constatada, após 120 dias, consolidação.Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR is one of the most common orthopedic diseases in dogs and extracapsular suture with nylon is often used for its correction. This technique may be associated with incisional complications, post-surgical meniscus injury, swelling associated with suture material and infection. The objective of this study is to report a tibial fracture in a dog, caused by complications after an extracapsular suture for the repair of CCLR. An adult dog, which suffered a tibial fracture after an extracapsular fixation for a CCLR, underwent surgery for the fixation of the fracture with a 2.0mm plate, by a referring veterinarian, but the implant failed. The plate was removed and the fracture was stabilized with a circular fixator. Bone consolidation was observed after 120 days.

  14. A modified technique of retrograde intubation dacryocystorhinostomy for proximal canalicular obstruction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nikolaos Trakos


    Full Text Available Nikolaos Trakos, Emmanouil Mavrikakis, Kostas G Boboridis, Marselos Ralidis, George Dimitriadis, Ioannis MavrikakisOculoplastic Service, Metropolitan Hospital, Athens, GreecePurpose: To describe a modification of the retrograde intubation dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR in patients with proximal canalicular obstruction.Materials and methods: Interventional case report of a 43-year-old female with a nine-month history of left epiphora following a road traffic accident involving the proximal lower canaliculus. An external DCR approach was performed. Following the creation of a lower canalicular pseudopunctum, the O’Donoghue silicone stent was introduced through the common ostium, out through the pseudopunctum of the lower canaliculus, and returned through the punctum of the normal upper canaliculus down through the common ostium into the nose.Results: The patient experienced complete resolution of symptoms and on her last follow-up, two years later, her lower canaliculus was patent to syringing.Conclusion: This modification of the retrograde intubation DCR is an effective technique which decreases the intraoperative time needed to insert the tubes and minimises further trauma to the newly created punctal area.Keywords: retrograde dacryocystorhinostomy, proximal canalicular obstruction, midcanalicular obstruction, conjuctivodacryocystorhinostomy

  15. Little Leaguer's shoulder (proximal humeral epiphysiolysis): MRI findings in four boys

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Obembe, Olufolajimi O.; Gaskin, Cree M.; Anderson, Mark W.; Taffoni, Matthew J.


    Shoulder pain is a common problem among adolescent athletes. A possible cause of such pain that can be diagnosed on MRI is a stress injury to the proximal humerus known as Little Leaguer's shoulder (proximal humeral epiphysiolysis). Our objective was to describe the MRI appearance of Little Leaguer's shoulder. Four patients (all boys; age range 11-15 years; median 13 years) with clinical, plain radiographic, and MR imaging findings of Little Leaguer's shoulder were studied retrospectively. MRI demonstrated focal physeal widening in all four boys with extension of physeal signal intensity into the metaphysis on T1-weighted and gradient echo coronal and sagittal sequences. T2-weighted sequences were of limited use in demonstrating the physeal widening, which is critical to the diagnosis. Abnormal high T2-signal intensity was seen in the metaphysis adjacent to the focal physeal widening in all the boys. Focal extension of normal physeal T1-weighted and gradient echo signal intensity into the adjacent metaphysis is a sign of stress injury in the proximal humeral physis (Little Leaguer's shoulder). Children should suspend the offending sport to allow healing. (orig.)

  16. Dental flossing as a diagnostic method for proximal gingivitis: a validation study. (United States)

    Grellmann, Alessandra Pascotini; Kantorski, Karla Zanini; Ardenghi, Thiago Machado; Moreira, Carlos Heitor Cunha; Danesi, Cristiane Cademartori; Zanatta, Fabricio Batistin


    This study evaluated the clinical diagnosis of proximal gingivitis by comparing two methods: dental flossing and the gingival bleeding index (GBI). One hundred subjects (aged at least 18 years, with 15% of positive proximal sites for GBI, without proximal attachment loss) were randomized into five evaluation protocols. Each protocol consisted of two assessments with a 10-minute interval between them: first GBI/second floss, first floss/second GBI, first GBI/second GBI, first tooth floss/second floss, and first gum floss-second floss. The dental floss was slid against the tooth surface (TF) and the gingival tissue (GF). The evaluated proximal sites should present teeth with established point of contact and probing depth ≤ 3mm. One trained and calibrated examiner performed all the assessments. The mean percentages of agreement and disagreement were calculated for the sites with gingival bleeding in both evaluation methods (GBI and flossing). The primary outcome was the percentage of disagreement between the assessments in the different protocols. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, McNemar, chi-square and Tukey's post hoc tests, with a 5% significance level. When gingivitis was absent in the first assessment (negative GBI), bleeding was detected in the second assessment by TF and GF in 41.7% (p gingivitis in the second assessment (negative GBI), TF and GF detected bleeding in the first assessment in 38.9% (p = 0.004) and 58.3% (p gingivitis than GBI.

  17. Differences in Ureteroscopic Stone Treatment and Outcomes for Distal, Mid-, Proximal, or Multiple Ureteral Locations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Perez Castro, Enrique; Osther, Palle J S; Jinga, Viorel


    Ureteroscopy has traditionally been the preferred approach for treatment of distal and midureteral stones, with shock wave lithotripsy used for proximal ureteral stones.......Ureteroscopy has traditionally been the preferred approach for treatment of distal and midureteral stones, with shock wave lithotripsy used for proximal ureteral stones....

  18. Studies on the proximate composition, functional properties and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The present study produced full fat and defatted flours from matured ackee apple arils and evaluated the proximate composition and the effect of pH and salt concentrations on some of the functional properties of the full fat flour and the defatted flour. Matured ackee apple arils were oven-dried at 60 oC and milled to obtain ...

  19. Calculation of nondiffused proximity functions from cloud-chamber data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaider, M.


    To a large extent the cloud chamber is an ideal microdosimetric device: by measuring the positions of ionizing events in charged-particle tracks one can generate - with a flexibility matched only by Monte-Carlo simulations-any microdosimetric quantity of interest, ranging from lineal energy spectra (in volumes of practically arbitrary shape and size) to proximity functions, that is, distributions of distances between energy transfer points in the track. Cloud-chamber data analyzed in such ways have been indeed reported for a variety of radiations. In view of these clear advantages it is certainly surprising that, within the microdosimetric community, only one group (at Harwell, UK) is actively involved in such work and that, furthermore, cloud-chamber results are used essentially only as a testing ground for Monte-Carlo calculations. It appears that this reluctance can be traced to the fact that the tracks are distorted by the diffusion of droplets during their growth. This diffusion - which is of the order of several nanometers (in unit-density material), although rather insignificant vis-a-vis conventional microdosimetry, can be a serious limitation in view of modern theories of radiation action which emphasize energy deposition events at the nanometer level. The purpose of this research activity is to show that, using a rather straight-forward mathematical procedure, one can unfold the effect of diffusion from proximity functions. Since the nondiffused proximity function can be used to calculate other microdosimetric quantities an important limitation of the cloud-chamber data can thus be avoided

  20. Uncemented allograft-prosthetic composite reconstruction of the proximal femur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Min


    Full Text Available Background: Allograft-prosthetic composite can be divided into three groups names cemented, uncemented, and partially cemented. Previous studies have mainly reported outcomes in cemented and partially cemented allograft-prosthetic composites, but have rarely focused on the uncemented allograft-prosthetic composites. The objectives of our study were to describe a surgical technique for using proximal femoral uncemented allograft-prosthetic composite and to present the radiographic and clinical results. Materials and Methods: Twelve patients who underwent uncemented allograft-prosthetic composite reconstruction of the proximal femur after bone tumor resection were retrospectively evaluated at an average followup of 24.0 months. Clinical records and radiographs were evaluated. Results: In our series, union occurred in all the patients (100%; range 5-9 months. Until the most recent followup, there were no cases with infection, nonunion of the greater trochanter, junctional bone resorption, dislocation, allergic reaction, wear of acetabulum socket, recurrence, and metastasis. But there were three periprosthetic fractures which were fixed using cerclage wire during surgery. Five cases had bone resorption in and around the greater trochanter. The average Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS score and Harris hip score (HHS were 26.2 points (range 24-29 points and 80.6 points (range 66.2-92.7 points, respectively. Conclusions: These results showed that uncemented allograft-prosthetic composite could promote bone union through compression at the host-allograft junction and is a good choice for proximal femoral resection. Although this technology has its own merits, long term outcomes are yet not validated.

  1. Capturing knowledge integration through collaborations: measures of the diversity and coherence in multiple proximity dimensions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lang, F.; Rafols, I.; Hopkins, M.


    This paper proposes a novel approach to determine changes that occur as a result of collaborations that is intended to support knowledge integration. The approach combines and applies indicators of proximity, diversity, coherence and has potential applications in the study and evaluation of research collaborations. The scientometric literature has been exploring the topic of knowledge integration and interdisciplinarity for more than a decade (Bordons, 2004; Zitt, 2005; Rafols, 2014). The paper builds on the line of research that seeks to develop measures of knowledge integration, namely diversity and coherence (Rafols, 2014). Successful exchange and integration of knowledge through collaboration not only requires disciplinary or cognitive diversity, as previously studied in the scientometric literature (Rafols & Meyer, 2009; Rafols, 2014) but also other dimensions linked to the social, cultural background of the individuals involved. Economic geographers have developed a framework, the proximity framework (Boschma, 2005), identifying five features that may be important for collaborative learning which are: cognitive, social, geographical, institutional, and organisational proximities. The paper therefore proposes to use the diversity and coherence measures to not only look at diversity from a cognitive standpoint, but also apply it to the other proximities proposed in the Boschma framework. These indicators will capture the relationship occurring betweenindividuals taking part in the research and the categories (proximity dimensions) that they are associated to. This paper reviews and integrates concepts from economic geography with the scientometric literature on interdisciplinarity to form a conceptual framework that the paper applies to an illustrative case study. In order to apply the framework, the paper develops indicators for diversity and coherence that can be applied to each of Boschma’s five proximities. The illustrative case study looks at

  2. Comparative physico-chemical and proximate analysis of oils of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In rural areas of developing countries like Burkina Faso, nutritive elements are mainly composed of vegetable source. Shea nut, seeds of Sesamum indicum, Cucumis melo and Cucurbita pepo, four species widely consumed were studied. The proximate parameters: moisture, proteins and fat were analysed. Saponification ...

  3. Proximate and mineral analysis of some wild edible mushrooms

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 12, 2012 ... Key words: Edible mushroom, mineral composition, proximate analysis. ... than beef, pork and chicken that contain similar nutrients. .... legumes and meat. In earlier studies, Gruen and Wong. (1982) indicated that edible mushrooms were highly nutritional and compared favourably with meat, egg and milk.

  4. Intraoperative study on anthropometry and gender differences of the proximal tibial plateau at the arthroplasty resection surface. (United States)

    Yang, Bo; Yu, Jiakuo; Gong, Xi; Chen, Lianxu; Wang, Yongjian; Wang, Jian; Wang, Haijun; Zhang, Jiying


    The tibial plateau is asymmetric with a larger medial plateau. We observed from clinical practice that the shape of the tibial plateau does not always present a larger medial plateau. Tibial plateau also showed other shapes. The purpose of this study was to analyze the anthropometric data of the proximal tibia in a large group of Chinese patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty and to investigate the morphology of the resected proximal tibial surface and its gender differences. A total of 822 knees (164 males, 658 females) from the Chinese population were measured intraoperatively for medial anteroposterior (MAP) and lateral anteroposterior (LAP) dimensions of the resected proximal tibial surface. The difference of MAP and LAP (DML) was also calculated as MAP minus LAP. We then classified the data into three groups based on the DML (2 mm) to analyze the morphology of the proximal tibia and its distribution between male and female. The shape of proximal tibial plateau was of three types: larger medial plateau type, symmetric type, and larger lateral plateau type. There were significant differences between males and females in relation to the shape distribution of the proximal tibial plateau (P 2 mm and 120 of 822 (14.6%) tibia having a DMLDMLs to better match the different anthropometry of the resected tibial surface.

  5. Variability of United States Online Rehabilitation Protocols for Proximal Hamstring Tendon Repair. (United States)

    Lightsey, Harry M; Kantrowitz, David E; Swindell, Hasani W; Trofa, David P; Ahmad, Christopher S; Lynch, T Sean


    The optimal postoperative rehabilitation protocol following repair of complete proximal hamstring tendon ruptures is the subject of ongoing investigation, with a need for more standardized regimens and evidence-based modalities. To assess the variability across proximal hamstring tendon repair rehabilitation protocols published online by United States (US) orthopaedic teaching programs. Cross-sectional study. Online proximal hamstring physical therapy protocols from US academic orthopaedic programs were reviewed. A web-based search using the search term complete proximal hamstring repair rehabilitation protocol provided an additional 14 protocols. A comprehensive scoring rubric was developed after review of all protocols and was used to assess each protocol for both the presence of various rehabilitation components and the point at which those components were introduced. Of 50 rehabilitation protocols identified, 35 satisfied inclusion criteria and were analyzed. Twenty-five protocols (71%) recommended immediate postoperative bracing: 12 (34%) prescribed knee bracing, 8 (23%) prescribed hip bracing, and 5 (14%) did not specify the type of brace recommended. Fourteen protocols (40%) advised immediate nonweightbearing with crutches, while 16 protocols (46%) permitted immediate toe-touch weightbearing. Advancement to full weightbearing was allowed at a mean of 7.1 weeks (range, 4-12 weeks). Most protocols (80%) recommended gentle knee and hip passive range of motion and active range of motion, starting at a mean 1.4 weeks (range, 0-3 weeks) and 4.0 weeks (range, 0-6 weeks), respectively. However, only 6 protocols (17%) provided specific time points to initiate full hip and knee range of motion: a mean 8.0 weeks (range, 4-12 weeks) and 7.8 weeks (range, 0-12 weeks), respectively. Considerable variability was noted in the inclusion and timing of strengthening, stretching, proprioception, and cardiovascular exercises. Fifteen protocols (43%) required completion of

  6. Performance of Encounternet Tags: Field Tests of Miniaturized Proximity Loggers for Use on Small Birds.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Iris I Levin

    Full Text Available Proximity logging is a new tool for understanding social behavior as it allows for accurate quantification of social networks. We report results from field calibration and deployment tests of miniaturized proximity tags (Encounternet, digital transceivers that log encounters between tagged individuals. We examined radio signal behavior in relation to tag attachment (tag, tag on bird, tag on saline-filled balloon to understand how radio signal strength is affected by the tag mounting technique used for calibration tests. We investigated inter-tag and inter-receiver station variability, and in each calibration test we accounted for the effects of antennae orientation. Additionally, we used data from a live deployment on breeding barn swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster to analyze the quality of the logs, including reciprocal agreement in dyadic logs. We evaluated the impact (in terms of mass changes of tag attachment on the birds. We were able to statistically distinguish between RSSI values associated with different close-proximity (<5 m tag-tag distances regardless of antennae orientation. Inter-tag variability was low, but we did find significant inter-receiver station variability. Reciprocal agreement of dyadic logs was high and social networks were constructed from proximity tag logs based on two different RSSI thresholds. There was no evidence of significant mass loss in the time birds were wearing tags. We conclude that proximity loggers are accurate and effective for quantifying social behavior. However, because RSSI and distance cannot be perfectly resolved, data from proximity loggers are most appropriate for comparing networks based on specific RSSI thresholds. The Encounternet system is flexible and customizable, and tags are now light enough for use on small animals (<50 g.

  7. Synostosis of proximal phalangeal bases for loss of distal metacarpal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pankaj Jindal


    Full Text Available A finger rendered unstable due to loss of metacarpal head can be stabilized by creating a synostosis at the base of the proximal phalanx of the affected finger with the adjacent normal finger. A cortico cancellous graft bridges the two adjacent proximal phalanges at their bases which are temporarily stabilized with an external fixator. The procedure can be done for, recurrence of giant cell tumor of metacarpal and for traumatic metacarpal loss. The procedure and long term follow up of one patient is presented who had giant cell tumor. This option should be considered before offering ray amputation. There is no micro vascular surgery involved, nor is there any donor site morbidity. The graft heals well without any absorption. The affected finger shows excellent function in the long term followup.

  8. Preoperative determination of appropriate cutting line for proximal gastrectomy to avoid postoperative jejunal ulcer. (United States)

    Takahashi, Naoto; Kashimura, Hirotaka; Nimura, Hiroshi; Watanabe, Atsushi; Yano, Kentaro; Aoki, Hiroaki; Koyama, Tomoki; Sasaki, Toshiyuki; Shida, Atsuo; Mitsumori, Norio; Aoki, Teruaki; Kashiwagi, Hideyuki; Yanaga, Katsuhiko


    Although proximal gastrectomy has become a procedure of choice for patients' early cancer in the upper third of stomach, no clinical guide for optimal gastric resection in order to avoid postoperative jejunal ulcer is available. The aim of this study was to investigate whether determining the distribution of parietal and chief cells of the stomach using Congo red test is clinically relevant. The F-line was defined as a boundary line between fundic and intermediate area of the stomach according to the pathological findings in 29 patients who underwent total gastrectomy for early gastric cancer, whereas the f-line was regarded as a boundary line between intermediate and pyloric area. In the additional 6 patients undergoing vagus-preserving proximal gastrectomy with jejunal pouch interposition, endoscopic Congo red test was preoperatively performed to determine the F-f-line. The distances from the pyloric ring to f-line on the lesser and greater curvatures were variable. Long-term outcomes of proximal gastrectomy guided by preoperative endoscopic Congo red test were favorable. It is suggested that preoperative endoscopic Congo red test is useful to determine the appropriate cutting line in order to avoid postoperative jejunal ulcer after proximal gastrectomy.

  9. Proximate, mineral and vitamin C composition of vegetable Gbolo ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gbolo (Crassocephalum crepidioides and Crassocephalum rubens) is a traditional leafy vegetable highly consumed in southern and central Benin, as well as in some part of northern Benin. The nutritional potential of the two species of Gbolo were evaluated through their proximate composition, mineral and vitamin C ...

  10. Radiation tolerant design - theory and practice for proximity sensing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharp, R.E.; Pater, S.L.; Cook, J.


    This paper provides a description of the radiation tolerant design process used to develop a range of proximity detectors with guaranteed total dose lifetime. It also describes some of the applications in which the detectors are being used and the benefits gained by plant operators. (authors)

  11. Effect of thermal processing methods on the proximate composition ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The nutritive value of raw and thermal processed castor oil seed (Ricinus communis) was investigated using the following parameters; proximate composition, gross energy, mineral constituents and ricin content. Three thermal processing methods; toasting, boiling and soaking-and-boiling were used in the processing of the ...

  12. Heavy metal, proximate and microbial profile of some selected ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study on the elemental, proximate and microbial composition of fresh samples of Scomber scombrus, Gadus macrocephalus, Saclina pilchradus and Jack mackerel was determined to gain the knowledge of the risk and benefits associated with indiscriminate consumption of marine fishes. Wet digestion was done for the ...

  13. Elderly with proximal hip fracture present significantly lower levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo Teodoro Ezequiel Guerra

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To compare serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D levels, a serum marker of vitamin D3, between patients with and without proximal hip fracture. METHODS: This was a case-control study in which serum samples of 25(OHD were obtained from 110 proximal hip fracture inpatients and 231 control patients without fractures, all over 60 years of age. Levels of 25(OHD lower than or equal to 20 ng/mL were considered deficient; from 21 ng/mL to 29 ng/mL, insufficient; and above 30 ng/mL, sufficient. Sex, age, and ethnicity were considered for association with the study groups and 25(OHD levels. RESULTS: Patients with proximal hip fracture had significantly lower serum 25(OHD levels (21.07 ng/mL than controls (28.59 ng/mL; p = 0.000. Among patients with proximal hip fracture, 54.5% had deficient 25(OHD levels, 27.2% had insufficient levels, and only 18.2% had sufficient levels. In the control group, 30.3% of patients had deficient 25(OHD levels, 30.7% had insufficient levels, and 38.9% had sufficient levels. Female patients had decreased serum 25(OHD levels both in the fracture group and in the control group (19.50 ng/mL vs. 26.94 ng/mL; p = 0.000 when compared with male patients with and without fracture (25.67 ng/mL vs. 33.74 ng/mL; p = 0.017. Regarding age, there was a significant association between 25(OHD levels and risk of fracture only for the age groups 71-75 years and above 80 years. CONCLUSION: Patients with proximal hip fracture had significantly decreased serum 25(OHD levels when compared with the control group. Female patients had significantly lower serum 25(OHD levels in both groups.

  14. Proximal Opening Wedge Osteotomy Provides Satisfactory Midterm Results With a Low Complication Rate. (United States)

    Oravakangas, Rami; Leppilahti, Juhana; Laine, Vesa; Niinimäki, Tuukka


    Hallux valgus is one of the most common foot deformities. Proximal opening wedge osteotomy is used for the treatment of moderate and severe hallux valgus with metatarsus primus varus. However, hypermobility of the first tarsometatarsal joint can compromise the results of the operation, and a paucity of midterm results are available regarding proximal open wedge osteotomy surgery. The aim of the present study was to assess the midterm results of proximal open wedge osteotomy in a consecutive series of patients with severe hallux valgus. Thirty-one consecutive adult patients (35 feet) with severe hallux valgus underwent proximal open wedge osteotomy. Twenty patients (35.5%) and 23 feet (34.3%) were available for the final follow-up examination. The mean follow-up duration was 5.8 (range 4.6 to 7.0) years. The radiologic measurements and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society hallux-metatarsophalangeal-interphalangeal scores were recorded pre- and postoperatively, and subjective questionnaires were completed and foot scan analyses performed at the end of the follow-up period. The mean hallux valgus angle decreased from 38° to 23°, and the mean intermetatarsal angle correction decreased from 17° to 10°. The mean improvement in the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society hallux metatarsophalangeal-interphalangeal score increased from 52 to 84. Two feet (5.7%) required repeat surgery because of recurrent hallux valgus. No nonunions were identified. Proximal open wedge osteotomy provided satisfactory midterm results in the treatment of severe hallux valgus, with a low complication rate. The potential instability of the first tarsometatarsal joint does not seem to jeopardize the midterm results of the operation. Copyright © 2016 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Transparent and flexible cellulose nanocrystal/reduced graphene oxide film for proximity sensing. (United States)

    Sadasivuni, Kishor Kumar; Kafy, Abdullahil; Zhai, Lindong; Ko, Hyun-U; Mun, Seongcheol; Kim, Jaehwan


    The rapid development of touch screens as well as photoelectric sensors has stimulated the fabrication of reliable, convenient, and human-friendly devices. Other than sensors that detect physical touch or are based on pressure sensing, proximity sensors offer controlled sensibility without physical contact. In this work we present a transparent and eco-friendly sensor made through layer-by-layer spraying of modified graphene oxide filled cellulose nanocrystals on lithographic patterns of interdigitated electrodes on polymer substrates, which help to realize the precise location of approaching objects. Stable and reproducible signals generated by keeping the finger in close proximity to the sensor can be controlled by humidity, temperature, and the distance and number of sprayed layers. The chemical modification and reduction of the graphene oxide/cellulose crystal composite and its excellent nanostructure enable the development of proximity sensors with faster response and higher sensitivity, the integration of which resolves nearly all of the technological issues imposed on optoelectronic sensing devices. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  16. Many-body localization proximity effects in platforms of coupled spins and bosons (United States)

    Marino, J.; Nandkishore, R. M.


    We discuss the onset of many-body localization in a one-dimensional system composed of a XXZ quantum spin chain and a Bose-Hubbard model linearly coupled together. We consider two complementary setups, depending whether spatial disorder is initially imprinted on spins or on bosons; in both cases, we explore the conditions for the disordered portion of the system to localize by proximity of the other clean half. Assuming that the dynamics of one of the two parts develops on shorter time scales than the other, we can adiabatically eliminate the fast degrees of freedom, and derive an effective Hamiltonian for the system's remainder using projection operator techniques. Performing a locator expansion on the strength of the many-body interaction term or on the hopping amplitude of the effective Hamiltonian thus derived, we present results on the stability of the many-body localized phases induced by proximity effect. We also briefly comment on the feasibility of the proposed model through modern quantum optics architectures, with the long-term perspective to realize experimentally, in composite open systems, Anderson or many-body localization proximity effects.

  17. Exploration of Hand Grasp Patterns Elicitable Through Non-Invasive Proximal Nerve Stimulation. (United States)

    Shin, Henry; Watkins, Zach; Hu, Xiaogang


    Various neurological conditions, such as stroke or spinal cord injury, result in an impaired control of the hand. One method of restoring this impairment is through functional electrical stimulation (FES). However, traditional FES techniques often lead to quick fatigue and unnatural ballistic movements. In this study, we sought to explore the capabilities of a non-invasive proximal nerve stimulation technique in eliciting various hand grasp patterns. The ulnar and median nerves proximal to the elbow joint were activated transcutanously using a programmable stimulator, and the resultant finger flexion joint angles were recorded using a motion capture system. The individual finger motions averaged across the three joints were analyzed using a cluster analysis, in order to classify the different hand grasp patterns. With low current intensity (grasp patterns including single finger movement and coordinated multi-finger movements. This study provides initial evidence on the feasibility of a proximal nerve stimulation technique in controlling a variety of finger movements and grasp patterns. Our approach could also be developed into a rehabilitative/assistive tool that can result in flexible movements of the fingers.

  18. Preputial reconstruction and tubularized incised plate urethroplasty in proximal hypospadias with ventral penile curvature. (United States)

    Bhat, Amilal; Gandhi, Ajay; Saxena, Gajendra; Choudhary, Gautam Ram


    Objective of this study was to assess the feasibility and results of preputial reconstruction and tubularized incised plate urethroplasty (TIP) in patients of proximal hypospadias with ventral penile curvature. Twenty-seven patients of proximal hypospadias who underwent preputioplasty with TIP were evaluated retrospectively. Ventral curvature was corrected by mobilization of the urethral plate with the corpus spongiosum and the proximal urethra; dorsal plication was added according to the severity of curvature. Feasibility of preputial reconstruction was assessed by applying 3 stay sutures-the first to fix the skin at the corona, the second at the junction of the inner and outer preputial skin for pulling up the skin over the glans, and the third stay on penile skin at the level of the corona for retracting the skin. Preputial reconstruction consisted of a standard 3 layered re-approximation of the margins of the dorsal hood. Age of the patients varied from 10 months to 21 years with an average of 6 years and 4 months. Ventral curvature (mild 10, moderate 13, and severe 4 cases) was corrected by the mobilization of the urethral plate and spongiosum in 14 patients, 11 cases had mobilization of the proximal urethra in addition and 2 patients required single stitch dorsal plication with the above-mentioned steps. Two patients developed urethral fistula and 1 had preputial dehiscence. Preputioplasty with TIP is feasible in proximal hypospadias with curvature without increasing the complication rate. Postoperative phimosis can be prevented by on-table testing of the adequacy of preputial skin by 3 stay sutures.

  19. In vivo antibody-mediated modulation of aminopeptidase A in mouse proximal tubular epithelial cells. (United States)

    Mentzel, S; Dijkman, H B; van Son, J P; Wetzels, J F; Assmann, K J


    Aminopeptidase A (APA) is one of the many renal hydrolases. In mouse kidney, APA is predominantly expressed on the brush borders and sparsely on the basolateral membranes of proximal tubular epithelial cells. However, when large amounts of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against APA were injected into mice, we observed strong binding of the MAbs to the basolateral membranes, whereas the MAbs bound only transiently to the brush borders of the proximal tubular epithelial cells. In parallel, APA itself disappeared from the brush borders by both endocytosis and shedding, whereas it was increasingly expressed on the basolateral sides. Using ultrastructural immunohistology, we found no evidence for transcellular transport of endocytosed APA to the basolateral side of the proximal tubular epithelial cells. The absence of transcellular transport was confirmed by experiments in which we used a low dose of the MAbs. Such a low dose did not result in binding of the MAbs to the brush borders and had no effect on the presence of APA in the brush borders of the proximal tubular epithelial cells. In these experiments we still could observe binding of the MAbs to the basolateral membranes in parallel with the local appearance of APA. In addition, treatment of mice with chlorpromazine, a calmodulin antagonist that interferes with cytoskeletal function, largely inhibited the MAb-induced modulation of APA. Our studies suggest that injection of MAbs to APA specifically interrupts the normal intracellular traffic of this enzyme in proximal tubular epithelial cells. This intracellular transport is dependent on the action of cytoskeletal proteins.

  20. Pupils, Tools and the Zone of Proximal Development (United States)

    Abtahi, Yasmine


    In this article, I use the Vygotskian concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) to examine the learning experience of two grade seven pupils as they attempted to solve an addition of fractions problem using fraction strips. The aim is to highlight how tools can facilitate the enactment of a ZPD, within which the tool provides the guidance.…