
Sample records for individual termoluminescente multi-filtro


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    Lorena Dias da Silva CABRAL, Samara de Oliveira PEREIRA, Anette Kelsei PARTATA


    Full Text Available A exposição excessiva ao sol e sem proteção representaum dos maiores riscos para o desenvolvimento de tumores malignos. O uso de substâncias para proteger a pele, como os filtros solares, tem a atenção do mercado. O desenvolvimento de fotoprotetores com eficácia e segurança é obtido através do conhecimento de seus mecanismos de ação e formulações. Os filtros solares e fotoprotetores, além de proteger contra os raios ultravioletas, podem hidratar e rejuvenescer a pele. O estudo é uma revisão bibliográfica sobre filtros solares e fotoprotetores, com objetivos de revisar os fenômenos que envolvem os filtros solares, apresentar as classificações, o mecanismo de ação e os métodos de avaliação da proteção solar, e por fim, evidenciar a importância do uso do filtro solar na prevenção do fotoenvelhecimento e do câncer de pele. Ressalta-se que o uso de combinações como de filtros inorgânicos com orgânicos aumentam o espectro de proteção, permitindo maior FPS com redução do custo e a potência de reações irritantes. A associação de óxido de zinco com dióxido de titânio permite obter formulações com baixo potencial alergênico e irritante, podendo ser utilizada por indivíduos mais sensíveis. Estas combinações representam o avanço da tecnologia e possibilidades para novos produtos no mercado com segurança.

  2. Dupla filtração modificada utilizando filtro de pressão a montante de filtro ascendente no tratamento de águas eutrofizadas


    José Airton Pereira Lima; José Capelo-Neto


    A implantação de uma unidade de pré-tratamento a montante de um filtro ascendente (FA) existente objetiva condicionar a água bruta eutrofizada à capacidade de tratamento do FA. Essa solução esbarra na necessidade de se instalar essa unidade de pré-tratamento com cota mais elevada que o filtro a jusante. Nesta pesquisa, a instalação de um filtro de pressão de fluxo descendente possibilitou a eliminação do problema do desnível geométrico e a adequação da água bruta com elevada presença de fitop...

  3. Empleo de filtros en lentes de contacto


    López de Dueñas, María


    Gracias al ozono de la estratosfera y a los tejidos oculares a la retina sólo llegan, la luz visible y una pequeña parte de UVA, e IRA. Cuando la radiación entra en un tejido vivo destruye o modifica enlaces provocando anormalidades celulares. Aunque el ojo solo absorbe una pequeña cantidad de radiación el daño que causa depende del tiempo de exposición. Por esto se usan filtros ópticos, dispositivos que disminuyen el paso de un determinado intervalo de longitudes de onda. Estos filtros se añ...

  4. Filtros de vena cava en pacientes con cáncer

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    Fernando A. Díaz Couselo


    Full Text Available Los pacientes con tromboembolismo venoso (TEV y cáncer tienen más complicaciones vinculadas al tratamiento anticoagulante que la población general. Los filtros de vena cava constituyen una herramienta útil para el tratamiento del TEV y su utilización es controvertida en estadios avanzados de la enfermedad. En este trabajo se revisaron las indicaciones, complicaciones y frecuencia de retiro de los filtros de vena cava en una población de pacientes oncológicos con TEV. Se analizaron 27 pacientes a quienes se les había colocado filtros de vena cava. Veinticinco tenían tumores sólidos y dos linfomas no Hodgkin. Veinticinco estaban bajo tratamiento activo (cirugía y/o quimioterapia. Diecinueve se hallaban en estadio IV de su enfermedad. El motivo de su indicación fue profilaxis en el período perioperatorio en 14 casos (51.9%, hemorragia (n = 5, trombocitopenia (n = 4, metástasis en sistema nervioso central (n = 2, accidente cerebrovascular (n = 1 y neurocirugía previa no reciente (n = 1. Se retiraron 8 (29.6% filtros. La mediana del tiempo de permanencia fue 21 días (6-75. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la frecuencia de retiro entre los filtros colocados en el perioperatorio (6/14 y los colocados por otras contraindicaciones para la anticoagulación (2/13; p = 0.2087. No hubo fracasos ni complicaciones en los procedimientos de colocación y retiro.

  5. Evaluación de filtros de arena y de malla para riego por goteo

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    Germán Mendoza Roncancio


    Full Text Available El estudio del mecanismo de filtración y de los filtros empleados en la limpieza del agua para riego, es de gran importancia porque de su conocimiento y funcionamiento depende en gran medida la vida útil de un sistema de riego por goteo. Actualmente existen en Colombia empresas que fabrican filtros de arena y malla para sistemas de riego por goteo, carentes de información respecto al mecanismo de filtración y a la forma como funcionan realmente los filtros que producen. Con este trabajo se quiere llenar ese vacío y proponer, además, una metodología para las evaluaciones del filtro de arena, con una rata de filtrado de 100 galones por minuto (gpm y del filtro de malla de 100 mesh, para la misma rata de filtrado, por ser más utilizados en las instalaciones de este tipo de sistema de riego.

  6. Los filtros de accesibilidad a los documentos públicos

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    Enrique Pérez Herrero


    Full Text Available El presente artículo pretende despejar las dudas suscitadas en las salas de investigación de los archivos, en cuanto a la consulta de los documentos portadores  de información se refiere, bien por ser fuentes históricas, bien por tratarse de testimonios y pruebas de derechos adquiridos por las administraciones y administrados. La documentación histórica por excelencia (de más de 100 arios de antigüedad es de consulta libre, pues el desvelo y discernimiento de su tenor no atenta contra la intimidad de las personas ni contra la integridad de los procedimientos. No ocurre lo mismo con la documentación reciente, cuyo reconocimiento de su contenido puede, en determinado casos, afectar negativamente a su intervinientes (autor, destinatario y rogatorio o, simplemente, por tratarse de actos personales y propios, conceptuados de íntimos, que no interesan a terceras personas. Pero hay otros impedimentos, menos emblemáticos y reconocidos, que impiden la lectura de los documentos como son su mal estado de conservación  (lo que limita su manejo y la ausencia de instrumentos de descripción (lo que impide la localización de los documentos de interés. Estos impedimentos son a los que hemos bautizado con la denominación de “filtros de accesibilidad”, y que son los siguientes: Filtro legal (o plazos administrativos de accesibilidad y derecho a la intimidad, filtro de conservación (o mal estado de los documentos y filtro de los descriptores (o ausencia de instrumentos de descripción documental.The purpose of this article is to clear up the doubts concerning the difficulty of access to documents in public archives. Ancient documents (those more than one hundred years old are free to access since  the revealing of its tenor does not violate the right to privacy or the integrity of procedures. However, the access to recent documents may be detrimental to the people implied (author, addressee, etc particularly in the case of personal acts

  7. Estudio del efecto del plano de masa en filtros pasa banda usando celdas OSRR

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    Iván Díaz-Pardo


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un estudio del efecto del plano de masa en filtros pasa banda mediante la utilización de celdas m eta material en estructura de resonadores abiertos en anillo dividi do OSRR (Open Split Ring Resonator sobre sustratos microstrip. Se plantean tres tipos de configuraciones, a saber: eliminar parci almente el plano de masa en la parte posterior a las celdas OSR R, diseñar ventanas sobre el plano de masa al respaldo de cada cel da y colocar el plano de masa co mpleto. El análisis llevado a cabo muestra que la respuesta de transmisión del filtro con ventanas en el plano de masa resulta ser la más plana de los tres caso s y de igual manera con un ancho de ba nda intermedio. Por otra parte, el desempeño de este tipo de filtros es similar al de un filtro convencional en tecnología microstrip de tres polos, sin embarg o su tamaño resulta ser un 60% más pequeño.


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    Danilo Alfonso López Sarmiento


    Full Text Available Este proyecto evalúa el rendimiento en la localización de filtros emparejados para la detección del espectro en Radio Cognitiva. Para resolver el problema del modelo de detección espectral se aplican dos hipótesis Ho y H1, las cuales generaron la probabilidad de detección (PD y la probabilidad de falsa alarma (PFA sobre una señal para un radio de ruido determinado (SNR. Se muestra como los filtros adaptados mantienen el rendimiento y el cumplimiento de los requisitos establecidos por el IEEE 802.22 en los cambios en la PFA y la potencia del ruido.

  9. Filtros digitales de tangente hiperbólica aplicados al alisado de las perturbaciones en los datos de resistividad de fosfato de Marruecos

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    M. Amrani


    Full Text Available Es posible diseñar filtros pasa bajos y pasa bandas por medio de una combinación de funciones tangente hiperbólica en el dominio de la frecuencia, usando los teoremas de escalamiento y deslizamiento de las transformadas de Fourier. Las funciones de filtro correspondientes en el dominio del tiempo pueden ser derivadas analíticamente a partir de las expresiones en el dominio de la frecuencia. Los parámetros de suavidad controlan las pendientes en las regiones de corte y permiten la construcción de filtros relativamente pequeños al mismo tiempo que reducen las oscilaciones de la respuesta del filtro en el dominio del tiempo. Se pueden elegir diferentes parámetros de suavidad para las frecuencias de corte alta y baja en el diseño de filtros pasa banda. Siguiendo el esquema propuesto en este artículo se pueden derivar fácilmente los otros tipos de filtro.

  10. Torta de filtro como biofertilizante para produção de mudas de tomate industrial em diferentes substratos

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    Patrícia Coelho de Souza Barros


    Full Text Available A torta de filtro é uma alternativa promissora como matéria prima na complementação dos nutrientes essenciais para o desenvolvimento de mudas de hortaliças. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o desenvolvimento de mudas de tomate industrial cultivadas em ambiente protegido, aplicando-se diferentes doses de torta de filtro, como biofertilizante, em substrato comercial e solo. Delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos e sete repetições totalizando 42 parcelas, para cada substrato. Cada unidade experimental consistia de copos com capacidade para 200 mL, nos quais foi incorporada a torta de filtro nas seguintes doses: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 Mg ha-1. As variáveis respostas observadas foram: altura de plantas (cm; massa da matéria verde da parte aérea (g; massa seca da parte aérea (g. A utilização da torta de filtro tem efeitos positivos na produção de mudas de tomate industrial. A dose de torta de filtro adicionada ao substrato comercial que proporcionou o melhor desenvolvimento de mudas de tomate industrial é de 6,5 Mg ha-1. Com este ensaio, não foi possível atingir a dose ótima de torta de filtro, a qual representa o melhor desenvolvimento de mudas de tomate industrial, quando cultivado em solo, sugerindo o uso de doses maiores em experimentos posteriores.

  11. Remoção de cianobactérias utilizando filtro de lavagem contínua

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    Bianca Coelho Machado


    Full Text Available Visando a remoção de cianobactérias, a presente pesquisa utilizou a dupla filtração direta ascendente como sistema de tratamento de água de abastecimento (filtro de lavagem contínua e filtro ascendente convencional, com taxa de filtração de 150 m³ (m² d-1 em ambos os filtros. O tratamento testado foi o seguinte: adição de coagulante na entrada de ambos os filtros. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: turbidez, cor aparente, cor verdadeira, carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD, absorbância 254 nm, clorofila a, densidade de cianobactérias e perda de carga. O sistema de dupla filtração se mostrou eficiente para a remoção de cianobactérias e vantajoso quanto aos serviços operacionais, tendo em vista que diminui as lavagens do segundo filtro, permitindo obter carreira de filtração de até 293 h e um grande aumento na produção efetiva de água.Abstract Aiming the cyanobacteria removal, the present research utilized the upflow double filtration as water treatment system (continuous backwashing filter and conventional ascendant filter, with filtration rate of 150 m³ (m² d-1 in both filters. The treatment tested was: coagulant addition in both filters inlet. The parameters evaluated were: turbidity, apparent color, true color, dissolved organic carbon (DOC, absorbance at 254 nm, chlorophyll a, cyanobacteria density and loss of load. The double filtration system has proven efficient to the cyanobacteria removal and worthwhile in terms of operational services, once it lessens the second filter washings, which allows obtaining a filtration period up to 293 h and a significant increase in the effective water production.

  12. El fundamento científico de la función de filtro del médico general

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    Juan Gérvas

    Full Text Available Los servicios sanitarios cuentan con niveles de atención, lo que optimiza los resultados. Los niveles tienen "filtros" que aumentan la prevalencia de enfermedad entre los pacientes que llegan a niveles sucesivamente altos. En este trabajo se justifica la existencia del filtro del médico general con respecto al especialista y al hospital por el aumento de la prevalencia de enfermedad en la población derivada de primaria a hospitalaria. Se utilizan ejemplos empíricos respecto al dolor abdominal, dolor precordial y hemorragia rectal. En este último ejemplo, la prevalencia del cáncer de recto y de sigma pasa del 0,1% en la población al 2% en la consulta del médico general (por efecto del filtro personal y familiar y al 36% en la consulta del especialista (por efecto del filtro del médico general. La selección aumenta el valor predictivo positivo de las pruebas diagnósticas que solicita el especialista, y evita el contacto innecesario con los especialistas a muchos pacientes con hemorragia rectal por causa benigna, que permanecen en su nivel (de la familia, o del médico general.

  13. Desarrollo de filtros interferenciales para emisores fotoluminiscentes basados en silicio poroso

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    Torres, V.


    Full Text Available Porous silicon’s photoluminescent and electroluminescent properties make it a very interesting material for the development of optoelectronic devices. To obtain high quality devices it is mandatory to narrowen the porous silicon luminescent spectrum, tipically about 100 nm wide. This can be obtained by forming a porous silicon multilayer structure on the luminescent layer that acts as an interference filter. Thus, the emission spectrum can be narrowed as much as wished by simply designing the filter in the appropriate way. In this article, the optical properties of porous silicon layers are studied for future filter design.

    Las propiedades fotoluminiscentes y electroluminiscentes en el visible del silicio poroso hacen de éste un material muy interesante para el desarrollo de disposotivos optoelectrónicos. Para la obtención de dispositivos de calidad es necesario reducir la semianchura del espectro de luminiscencia del silicio poroso, típicamente de unos 100 nm, para conseguir una emisión monocromática. Esto puede conseguirse formando sobre la capa luminiscente una estructura multicapa, también de silicio poroso, que actúe a modo de filtro interferencial. Así se consigue estrechar el rango de emisión cuanto se desee, sencillamente diseñando el filtro de manera conveniente. En este artículo se estudian las propiedades ópticas de las capas de silicio poroso para el posterior diseño de estos filtros.

  14. Errores fotométricos debido al uso del filtro anular de mediana en imágenes CCD (United States)

    Gil-Hutton, R.; Cañada, M.; Noel, N.

    El filtro anular de mediana tiene la importante propiedad de tener una escala claramente definida, lo que permite remover de una imagen CCD todos los objetos con tamaños menores a esta escala, independientemente de su morfología particular, y reemplazarlos por el correspondiente ``background" local. Este filtro es de gran utilidad para remover gradientes de fondo, ``fringing" y halos de objetos extendidos mediante el simple procedimiento de restar a la imagen original una imagen filtrada, repitiendo el proceso las veces que sea necesario. En este trabajo se presentan resultados sobre los errores que introduce este filtro en la fotometría de objetos con diferente relación S/N y su aplicación a imágenes con gradientes de fondo y ``fringing".

  15. Trece tratamientos de la insuficiencia renal aguda secundaria a mieloma múltiple con filtros de high cut off

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    Ana Berni Wennekers


    Conclusiones: El tratamiento combinado con quimioterapia más diálisis largas con filtros de HCO resultó eficaz para reducir el nivel de CLLs y recuperar un nivel de función renal suficiente en el 77% de los casos. Con filtros de HCO se consigue un ahorro significativo, en contraposición a lo descrito previamente en la literatura.

  16. Color and motion-based particle filter target tracking in a network of overlapping cameras with multi-threading and GPGPU Rastreo de objetivos por medio de filtros de partículas basados en color y movimiento en una red de cámaras con multi-hilo y GPGPU

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    Jorge Francisco Madrigal Díaz


    personas a seguir con filtros de partículas independientes y 2 fusionar los resultados de se­guimiento de todas las secuencias. Los filtros de partículas pertenecen a la categoría de filtros Bayesianos recursivos. Actualizan una representación Monte-Carlo de la distribución posterior sobre la posición y la velocidad de los objetivos. Para este fin, combinan un modelo probabi­lístico de movimiento, es decir un conocimiento a priori de como se mueven los objetivos (por ej. velocidad constante y un modelo de verosimilitud asociado con las observaciones de los objetivos. En este primer nivel de procesamiento de las secuencias de video simples, la librería multi-hilo (TBB, por sus siglas en inglés es utilizada para paralelizar el procesamiento de los filtros de partículas asociados a cada objetivo. Luego, al nivel superior, utilizamos Programa­ción de Propósito General con Unidades de Procesamiento Gráficas (conocido por su acrónimo en inglés GPGPU a través de CUDA con el fin de fusionar los datos del seguimiento de objetivos colectados entre las diferentes secuencias de video, al resolver el problema de asociación de datos. Los resultados del seguimiento son presentados en algunas bases de datos desafiantes.

  17. Comportamiento del gel de sílice como filtro deshumidificador en sistemas de acondicionamiento de aire por compresión de vapor

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    Antonio José Bula Silvera


    Full Text Available Con el fin de determinar la tasa de adsorción de humedad por un filtro a base de gel de sílice, se han llevado a cabo una serie de experimentos en los cuales se ha variado la densidad de gel de sílice por unidad de área y la velocidad con que el aire se acerca al filtro. Los resultados mostraron que al disminuir la velocidad del aire y al aumentar la masa de desecante por unidad de área, se consigue mayor nivel de adsorción por parte del filtro. Sin embargo, al adimensionar la cantidad de agua retenida por unidad de masa de desecante, se observa que el filtro con menor densidad presenta mayor efectividad en el proceso de remoción de humedad. Los resultados se presentan en función del tiempo en un lapso de 50 minutos de muestreo.

  18. Influência da dependência energética de dosímetros termoluminescentes na medida da dose na entrada da pele em procedimentos radiográficos Influence of thermoluminescent dosimeters energy dependence on the measurement of entrance skin dose in radiographic procedures

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    Mércia Liane de Oliveira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a influência da dependência energética de materiais termoluminescentes na determinação da dose na entrada da pele de pacientes submetidos a exames radiográficos (radiologia geral, mamografia e radiologia odontológica. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Três diferentes materiais termoluminescentes foram utilizados: LiF:Mg,Ti, LiF:Mg,Cu,P e CaSO4:Dy. Estes materiais foram expostos a fontes padronizadas de radiação X e gama, e a feixes clínicos de raios X. RESULTADOS: As curvas de calibração e de dependência energética foram obtidas. Todos os materiais apresentaram resposta linear em função do kerma no ar. Com relação à dependência energética, as amostras de CaSO4:Dy e LiF:Mg,Ti mostraram maior variação da resposta termoluminescente em função da energia efetiva do feixe de radiação. CONCLUSÃO: Os materiais testados mostraram desempenho adequado para a detecção da radiação X em feixes padronizados e clínicos. Embora as amostras de CaSO4:Dy e LiF:Mg,Ti apresentem dependência energética significativa no intervalo de energia considerado, este materiais podem ser utilizados para medição da dose de entrada na pele se fatores de correção apropriados forem utilizados.OBJECTIVE: This study was aimed at evaluating the influence of the energy dependence of thermoluminescent materials on the determination of entrance skin dose in patients submitted to conventional radiographic studies (general radiology, mammography and dental radiology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three different thermoluminescent materials were utilized: LiF:Mg,Ti, LiF:Mg,Cu,P and CaSO4:Dy. These materials were exposed to standardized sources of X and gamma radiation and clinical X-ray beams. RESULTS: Calibration and energy dependence curves were obtained. All the materials showed a linear response as a function of the air kerma. As far as energy dependence is concerned, the CaSO4:Dy and LiF:Mg,Ti samples showed the

  19. Influence of blue light spectrum filter on short-wavelength and standard automated perimetries Influência de filtro para o espectro azul da luz na perimetria computadorizada branco-branco e azul-amarelo

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    Leonardo Cunha Castro


    Full Text Available PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of a blue light spectrum filter (BLSF, similar in light spectrum transmittance to the intraocular lens Acrysof NaturalTM, on standard automated perimetry (SAP and short-wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP. METHODS: Twenty young individuals (OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência de um filtro para o espectro azul da luz, semelhante à lente intra-ocular Acrysof Natural®, nos exames de perimetria automatizada padrão (branco-no-branco e de comprimento de onda curto (azul-no-amarelo. MÉTODOS: Vinte pacientes jovens sem alterações oculares (20 olhos realizaram seqüência de 4 exames de campo visual: perimetria automatizada padrão e azul-no-amarelo com e sem o filtro para o espectro azul da luz. Os índices de limiar foveal (FT, desvio médio (MD e desvio-padrão (PSD obtidos em todos os exames e a diferença causada pela excentricidade nos exames de perimetria automatizada azul-no-amarelo foram analisados. Variabilidade interindivíduos (desvio-padrão dos pontos testados foi calculada. RESULTADOS: Observou-se redução estatisticamente significante no desvio médio (p<0.001 e no limiar foveal (p<0.001 medidos pela perimetria automatizada azul-no-amarelo com o uso do filtro para o espectro azul da luz comparado quando realizado sem o filtro. Nenhum outro índice avaliado apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante nos exames de perimetria automatizada padrão ou azul-no-amarelo. Foi notado aumento da variabilidade interindivíduos com a excentricidade nos exames de perimetria automatizada azul-no-amarelo com e sem o uso do filtro para o espectro azul da luz, assim como a diferença de sensibilidade entre os hemisférios inferior e superior (hemisfério inferior menos superior, mas não houve diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparados os exames com e sem o uso do filtro. Quando foram comparados os 4 pontos mais inferiores e os 4 pontos mais superiores, a diferença inferior-superior aumentou

  20. Filtros cerámicos, una alternativa de agua segura


    Lerma Arias, Daniel Alberto


    Ante las bajas coberturas de acueducto y alcantarillado en la zona rural de Colombia y los altos costos de implementación de sistemas de potabilización y distribución convencionales es importante evaluar la viabilidad técnica y económica de sistemas alternativos de tratamiento de agua potable al alcance de comunidades rurales y de bajos recursos; por tanto se analiza una tecnología alternativa que aun no ha sido probada en Colombia como son los filtros cerámicos impregnados con plata coloidal...

  1. Desenvolvimento e caracterização de filtros cerâmicos para aplicações a altas temperaturas


    Torquato, Wagner Lopes


    Filtros cerâmicos processados pelo método da réplica tem sido objeto de crescentes pesquisas pela versatilidade da técnica. O método consiste na impregnação de uma esponja polimérica em uma suspensão cerâmica, seguido de tratamento térmico, onde ocorre a decomposição do material orgânico e a sinterização do material cerâmico, resultando em um corpo cerâmico, cuja estrutura macroscópica é uma réplica da esponja impregnada. Filtros cerâmicos possuem propriedades especificas qu...

  2. Cálculo de parámetros de filtros pasivos de armónicos; Calculation of the harmonics passive filters parameters

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    Ignacio Pérez Abril


    Full Text Available Los filtros de armónicos cumplen la función de evitar la circulación de las corrientes de armónico por el sistema y reducir la distorsión de la tensión. Estos pueden ser pasivos (compuestos por arreglos de impedancias o activos(basados en electrónica de potencia. Las características de los filtros pasivos pueden encontrarse en la bibliografía especializada. Sin embargo, las ecuaciones para el diseño de los mismos no se muestran en todos los casos, lo que dificulta el cálculo de sus componentes y de su estrés en condiciones de operación. El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es desarrollar el procedimiento general para el cálculo de los filtros pasivos de armónicos y determinar las ecuaciones correspondientes a los distintos tipos de filtro. Además, se describe una aplicación en Matlab que calcula los parámetros R, L y C de los distintos tipos de filtro y evalúa el estrés a que se someten los componentes de los mismos. The purpose of the harmonic filters in the electrical power systems is the avoiding the harmonic currents circulation in the network and the reduction of the voltages waveform distortion. The harmonic filters can be of passive type (composite of impedances or active type (based on power electronic. The characteristics of passive filters can be found in the specialized bibliography. However, the equations for the filter design are not showed in all cases, which difficult the filter’s components calculation and the evaluation of its stress in operation conditions. The objective of thepresented work is the developing of a general procedure for the harmonic passive filters parameters calculation and the determination of the needed equations for each type of filter. Besides, a Matlab application that calculates the R, L and C parameters, and the stress of all the treated filters is showed.

  3. Remoção de diclofenaco, ibuprofeno, naproxeno e paracetamol em filtro ecológico seguido por filtro de carvão granular biologicamente ativado Removal of diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, and paracetamol in ecological filter followed by granular carbon filter biologically active

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    Caroline Moço Erba


    Full Text Available O filtro ecológico representa uma promissora tecnologia de tratamento, em razão desta não necessitar da aplicação de produtos químicos, além de sua constatada eficiência. Nele, estabelece-se entre os seres vivos a relação de cadeia alimentar. Inicialmente uma matriz aquosa foi acrescida de quatro fármacos (diclofenaco, naproxeno, ibuprofeno e paracetamol e posteriormente analisada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para avaliar a remoção desses compostos pelo filtro ecológico seguido pelo filtro de carvão granular biologicamente ativado. Parâmetros, entre eles turbidez, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, cor aparente e cor verdadeira, foram mensurados para verificar a eficiência dos filtros. Houve remoção de 97,43% do diclofenaco, 85,03% do ibuprofeno: 94,11% do naproxeno e 84,07% do paracetamol.The ecological filter represents a promising treatment technology, because this doesn't require the application of chemicals and is efficient. In it, is between living beings the relationship of the food chain. Initially an aqueous matrix was added to four drugs (diclofenac, naproxen, ibuprofen and paracetamol, and subsequently analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography to evaluate the removal of these compounds by ecological filter followed by granular activated carbon filter biologically active. The pharmacological compounds and parameters such as turbity, total and fecal coliforms, apparent color and true color were measured to evaluate the effectiveness of filters. There was removal of the drugs applied and the parameters measured. The percentages of removal were 97,43% of diclofenaco,85,03% of ibuprofen, 94,11% of naproxen and 84,07% of paracetamol.

  4. Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial en el filtro de contenido web Smart Keeper para la clasificación de información


    Yurisleidy Hernández Moya; Karel Antonio Verdecia Ortiz; Kiuver Kaddiel Ibañez Castro; Luis Enrique Sánchez Arce; Dovier Antonio Ripoll Méndez


    En los filtros de contenido web resulta importante identificar la temática de la información a la que acceden los usuarios, con el fin de ser capaz de decidir si permitirla o denegarla. El análisis inteligente de contenido es una de las técnicas empleadas por este tipo de software para la clasificación de información. Para el filtro cubano de contenido Smart Keeper se desarrolla el software Motor de Clasificación Inteligente de Contenido. El motor emplea técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial co...

  5. O uso da plataforma de desenvolvimento OMAP-L137/TMS320C6747, de processamento digital de sinais, na implementação de filtros digitais

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    Thamyres T. C. Palitó


    Full Text Available Nas últimas décadas a tecnologia tem evoluído rapidamente com a grande demanda por equipamentos paraprocessamento digital de sinais. O Digital Signal Processor (DSP é um microcontrolador especializado, comalto poder de processamento, utilizado normalmente no tratamento de sinais de áudio e vídeo. Neste trabalho,é apresentada uma ferramenta didática para a implementação de filtros digitais Finite Impulse Response (FIRno módulo de avaliação OMAP-L137/TMS320C6747. Para o projeto do filtro é utilizada a interface gráficafdatool do MATLAB e para a implementação o software Code Composer Studio v3.3. Um filtro passa-baixas foiimplementado e testado no processo de filtragem de um sinal de voz.

  6. Avaliação da eliminação de bioaerossóis em filtros de malha modificados com nanopartículas de prata

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    Paula de Freitas Rosa

    Full Text Available RESUMO O monitoramento da qualidade do ar interior (QAI vem ganhando cada vez mais atenção nas pesquisas atuais, no entanto existem poucos trabalhos relacionados ao desenvolvimento de técnicas para minimizar os efeitos da poluição do ar interior. O objetivo deste estudo foi modificar os tecidos de malha poliéster e viscose (PV com nanopartículas de prata, a fim de usá-los em aparelhos de ar-condicionado. Para alcançar esse objetivo, tecidos foram modificados por imersão dos filtros nas suspensões de nanopartículas. Depois da secagem do filtro, a coleta de material particulado foi feita em um banheiro de uma instituição de ensino superior. Os resultados mostraram que os filtros impregnados com nanopartículas de prata foram capazes de reduzir significativamente a atividade de microrganismos presentes no material particulado no ar, encontrando valores entre 22 e 83%.

  7. Filtros na rede: das relações entre discurso e tecnologia


    Daiana de Oliveira Faria


    A fim de refletirmos sobre as condições de produção na contemporaneidade, propomos discussões e análises em torno do funcionamento dos recursos de personalização de conteúdos na Internet que impõem filtros aos usuários. Para isso, mobilizamos a teoria de Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, sobretudo a partir dos trabalhos de Michel Pêcheux. Delimitamos a observação do funcionamento de tais recursos no mecanismo de busca do Google, uma vez que ele representa uma das maiores corporações na I...

  8. Otimização do processamento para a fabricação de filtros no sistema Al2O3-SiC


    Salvini,V. R.; Pupim,A. M.; Innocentini,M. D. M.; Pandolfelli,V. C.


    Neste trabalho avaliou-se o efeito das condições de processamento cerâmico na permeabilidade e resistência mecânica de filtros celulares. Esta avaliação compreendeu a fabricação e caracterização de filtros cerâmicos de 8 ppi (poros por polegada linear) no sistema Al2O3-SiC produzidos a partir de suspensões cerâmicas com diferentes ajustes granulométricos. O ajuste granulométrico tem por objetivo otimizar o empacotamento das partículas nos filamentos sólidos e, conseqüentemente, melhorar as pr...

  9. Análise da Geração de Resíduos em Filtros Lubrificantes Automotivos Usados no Estado de Goiás

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    Juarez de Morais


    Full Text Available O setor automotivo é responsável pela geração de resíduos de várias naturezas e que, por força de leis de proteção ambiental, devem ser destinados adequadamente. Neste trabalho foram analisados materiais contaminados por hidrocarbonetos, especificamente o óleo residual resultante das trocas e os componentes de filtros lubrificantes de veículos das montadoras Fiat, Honda e Iveco. Os dados foram coletados em concessionárias localizadas no Estado de Goiás, entre 2014 e 2015. As variáveis analisadas foram: óleo lubrificante novo utilizado nos veículos e óleo usado residual, o tamanho da frota de veículos nacionais e goiana, quantificação dos resíduos componentes do filtro lubrificante, com estimativas para Brasil e Goiás. Os resultados evidenciaram que o montante de óleo usado e contaminado pela frota veicular é elevado e requer destinação adequada por meio de logística reversa, bem como novas tecnologias dos componentes veiculares, em especial do filtro de óleo, para mitigar os impactos do setor.

  10. Empleo de filtros anaerobios para reducir la contaminación de las industrias licoreras

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    Anamaría Belalcazar de Galvis


    Full Text Available Se consideran los aspectos básicos y la metodología empleada durante la utilización de filtros anaerobios para el tratamiento de vinazas, residuos de la industria licorera con alta carga orgánica. La eficiencia obtenida en la remoción de la materia orgánica, 80 - 90% en términos de DQO, disminuye en forma apreciable el grado de contaminación de tales residuos

  11. Tratamento de efluentes de abatedouro de frangos por meio de reator UASB seguido de filtro anaeróbio

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    L.S. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de aves do mundo e se destaca na exportação de carne de frango, que tem papel relevante na economia do país. Como resultado do crescimento da indústria de processamento do frango, há também um significativo aumento na geração de efluentes. Uma alternativa interessante para o tratamento desses resíduos são os reatores anaeróbios. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho do sistema reator UASB-Filtro anaeróbio no tratamento de efluentes de abate de frangos. O estudo foi desenvolvido em um abatedouro avícola, situado na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. O sistema de tratamento foi composto por peneira estática, caixa de gordura, reator UASB e filtro anaeróbio. A vazão média diária de efluentes do abatedouro foi de 30m³/dia. A carga orgânica aplicada no reator UASB foi de 0,71kg DQO/m³.d. O monitoramento do sistema foi realizado por meio de análises físico-químicas do afluente e dos efluentes da caixa de gordura, reator UASB e filtro anaeróbio. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: temperatura, pH, demanda química de oxigênio (DQO, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, sólidos suspensos totais (SST, e sólidos suspensos voláteis (SSV. Os valores efluentes médios encontrados para DBO, DQO e SST foram 106, 290 e 56mg/L, respectivamente. A eficiência de remoção do sistema para DBO variou de 83 a 99%, e para DQO de 50 a 98%. A eficiência de remoção média de SST e SSV foi de 92%. Conclui-se que o sistema reator UASB seguido de filtro anaeróbio apresentou alto desempenho na remoção de sólidos e carga orgânica. Dessa forma, esses reatores tornam-se uma alternativa viável para o tratamento de águas residuárias de frigoríficos, já que oferecem bons resultados de remoção de poluentes.

  12. Biodegradação da hepatotoxina(D-Leu1-microcistina-LR por bactérias presentes em filtros biológicos de carvão

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    Alessandro Minillo


    Full Text Available A persistência das microcistinas (MCs em ambientes aquáticos e sua difícil remoção no tratamento convencional de água representam um desafio às companhias de saneamento. Contudo, as MCs são susceptíveis à degradação por bactérias presentes na água, sedimentos e efluentes de esgotos. Neste estudo, avaliou-se a biodegradação de MCs por microrganismos presentes em filtros de carvão com atividade biológica (CAB e sua identificação filogenética pelo sequenciamento do gene 16S RNA. Foi utilizada uma água de estudo contendo MCs com diferentes composições, acrescida de efluente de filtros CAB. Os resultados demonstraram que as MCs foram biodegradadas por microrganismos presentes no biofilme. Este estudo infere sobre a capacidade de biodegradação de MCs por bactérias presentes em filtros CAB e o possível uso destes microorganismos como alternativa de remoção de MCs no tratamento de água potável.

  13. Tratamento de esgoto e produção de água de reúso com o emprego de filtros de areia Wastewater treatment and reuse water production using sand filters

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    Adriano Luiz Tonetti


    Full Text Available Nesta pesquisa estudou-se um sistema composto pela combinação de filtro anaeróbio com filtro de areia para o tratamento de esgoto. Para isso, foram avaliados três filtros anaeróbios operados com tempo de detenção hidráulica de nove horas, que tinham o efluente disposto sobre quatro filtros de areia em distintas taxas de aplicações. No primeiro filtro de areia aplicaram-se 50 L.m-2 uma vez por dia. No segundo, terceiro e quarto filtros, essa mesma carga foi disposta em dois, três e quatro horários, espaçadas entre às 9:00 e às 16:00 horas. O sistema apresentou um efluente final com qualidade que atendia os padrões para reúso e demanda bioquímica de oxigênio abaixo do limite para o lançamento em corpos hídricos (Decreto de Paulista nº 8.468/1976, indicando a viabilidade de disposição de taxas superiores às sugeridas pela NBR 13969/1997, a qual orienta os aspectos construtivos para esta forma de tratamento.In this research it was studied a system composed by the anaerobic filter combined with a sand filter for the wastewater treatment. For this, three anaerobic filters were operated with hydraulic detention time of nine hours which had the effluent disposed over four sand filters in different frequencies of application. On the first sand filter, 50 L.m-2 were applied once a day. On the second, the third and the fourth filters, the same load was disposed in twice, three and four times a day, distributed between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. The system presented a final effluent suitable for the COD and BOD legislation maximum limit to be discharged into water body (Decreto Paulista nº 8,468/1976, showing the viability of dispose a higher quantity of effluent then the one suggested by NBR 13969/1997, which guides the constructive aspects for this kind of treatment.

  14. Caracterización de un filtro de arena para potabilización de agua, mediante la obtención de curvas experimentales basadas en sus parámetros de funcionamiento


    Espinoza Leal, Adriana Elisa; Trejo Cordova, Victor Olmedo


    El presente artículo detalla el desarrollo y resultados obtenidos en un banco de pruebas experimental para generar las curvas de caracterización de un filtro de arena empleado en un proceso de potabilización de agua. Se seleccionó un filtro de arena comercial que empleó como material filtrante arena fina No. 45. Las pruebas se realizaron con diferentes niveles de turbidez, obtenidos diluyendo arcilla. Como resultados se obtuvieron curvas de espesor de capa de sólidos retenidos vs cantidad de ...

  15. Processamento e caracterização de filtros cerâmicos fibrosos Processing and characterization of fibrous ceramic filters

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    D. Muller


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, filtros com estrutura fibrosa foram produzidos utilizando-se matéria-prima de baixo custo, disponível comercialmente e caracterizados para aplicações em filtração de aerossóis. Mantas refratárias sílico-aluminosas comerciais foram prensadas uniaxialmente, utilizando-se 10% em massa de acetato de polivinila como ligante. Nesta etapa, as amostras foram submetidas à compactação com diferentes pressões para obtenção de diferentes porosidades. Após a prensagem, as amostras foram submetidas a um tratamento térmico a 500 ºC durante 1 h para a degradação do polímero. Subseqüentemente, as amostras foram sinterizadas a 1200 ºC durante 1 h, resultando em uma estrutura fibrilar porosa, composta por mulita (3SiO2.2Al2O3, com porosidade na faixa de 50 a 75%. A morfologia dos filtros fibrosos foi caracterizada através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, que revelou uma estrutura tridimensional porosa de fibras interconectadas. A resistência mecânica foi avaliada através de ensaios de compressão e de flexão em quatro pontos. Ensaios de permeabilidade e eficiência de coleta de partículas com diferentes diâmetros foram efetuados e os resultados comparados a filtros comerciais. Os valores obtidos para a permeabilidade e eficiência de coleta estão na ordem de grandeza esperada para filtros de gases, apresentando assim grande potencial para aplicações industriais.Filters with fibrous structure were produced from low cost, commercially available raw materials and characterized for aerosol filtration. Refractory aluminosilicate fibers were uniaxially pressed with polyvinyl acetate as binder. Different pressures were applied, which yielded samples with different porosities. After pressing, the samples were heat treated at 500 ºC during 1 h in air for debinding with subsequent sintering at 1200 ºC for 1 h, which resulted in porous fibrous structures composed mainly by mullite (3SiO2.2Al2O3 with porosity in the

  16. Estudio comparativo de cinco estrategias de compensación de armónicos en filtros activos de potencia

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    Jesser James Marulanda Durango


    Conclusiones: En condiciones de funcionamiento con voltajes distorsionados en la red de alimentación, el algoritmo con mejor desempeño es el de compensación perfecta de armónicos, ya que este utiliza un filtro pasa bajo para mitigar los efectos de los armónicos de los voltajes sobre el cálculo de las corrientes de compensación.

  17. Uma nova família de filtros digitais para classificação de dados com aplicações ao pré-diagnóstico de patologias na laringe


    Luciene Cavalcanti Rodrigues


    O presente trabalho de doutorado tem por objetivo a criação de uma nova família de filtros digitais específica para o processo de classificação de dados, particularmente aplicada ao pré-diagnóstico de patologias na laringe. Antes de explicar a criação dessa nova família de filtros, foi apresentada uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre o funcionamento do aparelho fonador humano, sobre o processo de diagnóstico de patologias e sobre a transformada discreta Wavelet, que serviu de base para a con...

  18. Análisis de la permeabilidad al aire de filtros de protección respiratoria


    Garcia Torrent, Javier; Grima Olmedo, Carlos; Ramírez Gómez, Álvaro


    Los filtros que forman los equipos de protección respiratoria están constituidos por una serie de capas formadas por fibras entrecruzadas, orientadas al azar, que reducen los espacios libres en la dirección del flujo de aire inspiratorio. La estructura tridimensional formada permite orificios mayores que las partículas a retener con el fin de no provocar una excesiva caída de presión. Cuando los orificios se reducen significativamente o se obstruyen por la deposición excesiva de partículas ca...

  19. Torta de filtro e vinhaça na recuperação de um solo salino-sódico e no desenvolvimento de arroz irrigado

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    H. A. Ruiz


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito do uso da torta de filtro e da vinhaça, como corretivos, na recuperação de um solo salino-sódico, realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, no período de julho a outubro de 1993, em um solo aluvial, eutrófico, textura franco-arenosa do Perímetro Irrigado de São Gonçalo (PB. Os tratamentos originaram-se de um fatorial 2² x 2, sendo o fatorial 2² a combinação de ausência e presença de gesso e de torta de filtro e 2, a lixiviação do solo com água de chuva ou vinhaça após a incorporação dos corretivos. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os corretivos (gesso equivalente a 50% da sua necessidade e torta de filtro, na proporção de 30 g kg-1 foram incorporados em 6,1 dm³ de solo, realizando-se, posteriormente, lixiviação diária, durante 20 dias, para observar o volume de solução percolado, a condutividade elétrica, o pH, a concentração e a quantidade de sódio lixiviado em função do tempo. Após essa etapa, retiraram-se amostras de solo, nas profundidades de 0-10 e 10-19 cm, para determinação de sódio e potássio trocáveis e, em seguida, avaliaram-se os efeitos dos tratamentos no desenvolvimento de arroz, cultivar EMPASC 101, determinando-se a percentagem de germinação, altura em intervalos quinzenais, número de perfilhos e massa da matéria seca da parte aérea aos 60 dias. Com o gesso + torta de filtro, obtiveram-se os melhores resultados, tanto na recuperação do solo como no desenvolvimento do arroz. A aplicação do gesso, isoladamente, apresentou os melhores resultados, quando comparada à da torta de filtro. A lixiviação com a vinhaça mostrou resultados superiores aos apresentados pela água de chuva, em todos os tratamentos, indicando a possibilidade de recuperação dos solos salino-sódicos com o uso da vinhaça, sem incorporação de corretivo convencional.

  20. Inmunodiagnóstico de la infección en humanos por Trypanosoma cruzi mediante ELISA utilizando sangre recolectada en papel de filtro

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    Luis C. Orozco


    Full Text Available Los estudios seroepidemiológicos para la detección de anticuerpos contra Trypanosoma cruzi requieren de un gran número de muestras y la obtención de sangre por punción venosa y su transporte se hacen difíciles y costosos. La recolección de sangre en papel de filtro minimiza éstas dificultades y el estudio valoró tanto éste sistema como la validez y reproducibilidad del inmunoensayo ELlSA para el inmunodiagnóstico de la infección en humanos por T cruzi Se utilizó suero y eluídos de sangre recolectada en papel de filtro de personas de zona endémica de enfermedad de Chagas para la detección de anticuerpos contra T cruzi mediante las pruebas de inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI y ELISA. Lavalidez del ELlSA utilizando eluídos de sangre en papel de filtro presentó un área bajo la curva de receptor operador (ROC de 0.9944. El acuerdo del ELlSA entre los dos tipos de muestra presentó una distribución cercana a la normal con un promedio de -0.01 y una desviación estándar de 0.23. Se evidenció que la reproducibilidad del IFI es inferior a la del ELISA. Esta mayor concordancia y la mayor sensibilidad y especificidad encontrada previamente para el ELISA hacen pensar en la posibilidad de presentarla como alternativa de prueba de referencia para la detección de anticuerpos contra 7: cruziy su utilización en estudios epidemiológicos.

  1. Pós-tratamento de esgoto sanitário tratado em reator anaeróbio com o uso de serragem de couro curtido tipo \\"wet blue\\" como meio suporte de filtros percoladores


    Sérgio Luis Siebra Moreira


    A proposta desta pesquisa foi fazer um teste preliminar da hipótese que serragem de couro tipo wet blue seria adequado meio suporte para filtros percoladores destinados ao pós-tratamento de esgoto sanitário. Para verificar a possível ação biológica e a eficiência desse material, neste estudo foram realizadas: avaliação do desempenho dos filtros percoladores no pós-tratamento de esgoto sanitário, utilizando como meio suporte serragem desse tipo, gerada em curtumes - essa é uma forma de resolve...

  2. Study of the active filter for the cancellation of currents of the neutral in three-phase systems; Estudio del filtro activo para la cancelacion de corrientes de neutro en sistemas trifasicos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Diaz Saldierna, Luis Humberto


    operation of the current active filter. Simulations of the current active filter are also included using the PQ and DQ transformation for generation of references. In chapter III the analysis for the selection of the output inducer of the active filter is made, selection of the value of the capacitors of the DC bus, design and construction of the inverter and development of the control stage. Chapter IV presents the experimental results obtained by means of the implementation of a laboratory prototype. Ten different tests with the active filter were made and all the results are shown in the chapter. In chapter V a balance of results is performed; conclusions and other suggestions for future jobs. In Appendix A the blocks diagram of the main program that was generated in the DSP is presented, as well as the one of the control subroutines by hysteresis band and the compensation of the DC bus. Appendix B shows the scaling made for the input and output variables in the DSP. In appendix C the system diagram is presented. This thesis work was developed in the frame of the research project of CONACyT 485100-5-J37670-A Estudio de Inversores Multinivel para Aplicaciones en Filtros Activos de Corriente Trifasicos. [Spanish] La proliferacion de las llamadas cargas no lineales se ha incrementado de manera considerable en los ultimos anos. Dichas cargas generan formas de onda no senoidales en la corriente que consumen, produciendo efectos como bajo factor de potencia, generacion de potencia reactiva y armonicos, por mencionar algunos. Otro problema se presenta cuando existe desbalance de cargas en los sistemas trifasicos con conexion al neutro (conexion en estrella); el desbalance genera circulacion de corrientes a traves del conductor de neutro, las cuales puede llegar a ser de igual o mayor magnitud a las corrientes de fase; estos son problemas que degradan la calidad del suministro y consumo de energia electrica. Soluciones como los filtros pasivos y filtros activos son empleadas

  3. Tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura em reator UASB e filtro anaeróbio em série seguidos de filtro biológico percolador Treatment of swine wastewater in UASB reactor and anaerobic filter in series followed of trickling filter

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    Rose Maria Duda


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o desempenho de um reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB seguido de um filtro anaeróbio, instalados em série, com volume total de 300 L e 190 L, respectivamente, no tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura. As cargas orgânicas volumétricas aplicadas no reator UASB foram de 12,4;15,5; 23,2 e 26,3 g DQOtotal (L d-1. Para o pós-tratamento do efluente do sistema anaeróbio em dois estágios utilizou-se um filtro biológico percolador com volume total de 250 L. O meio suporte utilizado nos filtros anaeróbio e biológico percolador foi composto por anéis de bambu. No sistema de tratamento anaeróbio e de pós-tratamento foram observadas eficiências médias de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio total (DQOtotal, sólidos suspensos totais (SST, nitrogênio total (NT, fósforo total (P-total, Cu e Zn de até 98, 99, 78, 84, 99 e 98%, respectivamente.The performance of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB followed by the anaerobic filter, installed in series, was evaluated for the treatment of swine wastewater. The total volume of UASB and anaerobic filter were of 300 L and 190 L, respectively. The organic load rate applied on the reactor UASB were of 12.4, 15.5, 23.2 and 26.3 g total COD (L d-1. For the post-treatment of effluent the anaerobic system was used a trickling filter with total volume of 250 L. The supports used in the anaerobic filter and trickling filter were composed by bamboo rings. The efficiencies of removal the chemical oxygen demand, total solids suspended, nitrogen, total phosphorus, Cu and Zn were of up to 98, 99, 78, 84, 99 and 98%, respectively, for the anaerobic and aerobic treatment system.

  4. Estudio de la influencia del número de Peclet sobre la eficiencia de filtrado y la pérdida de presión de filtros de partículas diésel




    [ES] Los límites impuestos por las normativas que regulan las emisiones contaminantes de los motores Diésel y gasolina de inyección directa hacen necesaria la presencia, entre otros sistemas de post-tratamiento, de un filtro de partículas (PF) en la línea de escape del motor. Las prestaciones de un PF varían con las condiciones fluido-dinámicas. En este proyecto se propone analizar la relación entre la variación de las condiciones de operación del filtro, caracterizadas por medio del número d...

  5. Rediseño y construcción de un sistema de filtro de agua automático y estudio para la disminución de la velocidad del agua en el canal


    Cueva Jiménez, Jason Satalin


    El presente documento trata sobre el rediseño de un filtro de agua automático cuya finalidad es liberar de material flotante al agua que ingresa desde el Río Monjas en Bocatoma y que fluye por el canal de conducción hacia las turbinas Pelton de la planta generadora de energía de la central hidroeléctrica de Vindobona. La mayoría de material flotante que circula hacia el filtro es liviano ya que permanecen en la superficie, además las partículas más pesadas son separadas del agua en las pis...

  6. Remoção de compostos orgânicos causadores de gosto e odor em águas de abastecimento em sistemas pós-filtros adsorvedores de carvão ativado granular.


    Carolina Alves de Souza Ferreira


    O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de estudar o desempenho de pós-filtros adsorvedores de carvão ativado granular de origem mineral e de origem vegetal, com relação a, principalmente, remoção de 2-metilisoborneol e trans-1,10-dimetiltrans- 9-decalol. Os ensaios experimentais foram conduzidos na estação de tratamento de água Alto da Boa Vista, empregando-se quatro filtros piloto em acrílico com diâmetro interno de 14,2 cm e 1,5 m de profundidade de meio filtrante cada, sendo dois deles preenchido...

  7. Análisis de los efectos de la inyección de agua en un filtro de partículas diesel sobre la acumulación de hollín




    [ES] La instalación del filtro de partículas en la línea de escape de un motor Diésel provoca un aumento de la contrapresión de escape, viéndose incrementada a medida que crece la acumulación de partículas. Este fenómeno implica un aumento del consumo específico del motor, así como de las emisiones de CO2. Se ha descubierto que la inyección de agua a presión a la entrada del filtro disminuye la contrapresión generada por el mismo. En este proyecto se propone el estudio del proceso de la inyec...

  8. Alterações de difusão e perfusão cerebral por RM em angioplastia carotídea com \\"stent\\" sob proteção cerebral por filtros


    Antenor Tavares de Sá Júnior


    INTRODUÇÃO: A angioplastia carotídea com stent (ACS) sob proteção cerebral é opção terapêutica em pacientes com estenose carotídea. Existe o risco de embolia apesar da utilização do filtro e as modificações na perfusão cerebral após tratamento da estenose carotídea não são claras. O propósito deste estudo é avaliar, após ACS sob proteção cerebral por filtros, modificações nas seqüências de RM de difusão (DWI) e perfusão (PWI), correlacionando-as com os aspectos técnicos da ACS, com as caracte...

  9. Qualitative analysis by X ray fluorescence of impurities in materials used as air filters; Analisis cualitativo por fluorescencia de rayos X de impurezas en materiales utilizados como filtros de aire

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lartigue G, J; Munoz M, G; Navarrete T, M [Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    A qualitative analysis of impurities in 5 materials commonly used as air filters was performed with 2 aims: to compare them, in regard to their impurities and to set a methodology to identify spectroscopically, in a short time (1000 seconds), those impurities in order to subtract the blanks signal from that one generated by the collected sample. Some papers on air filters impurities (cellulose, polycarbonate and glass fiber) were found in literature. In one case, the analysis was performed by energy-dispersive X ray fluorescence, tube generated method. In this work it was employed the same method but a radioisotope (Cd-109) was used as primary source. This was applied to 2 of the above mentioned materials as well as to nylon, teflon and quartz. The glass fiber filter had the highest impurity level: Ca, Ba, Pb, Zn, Sr, Rb, and Fe (0.5 {mu}gFe/cm{sup 2}, measured by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy). The teflon filter had the lowest impurity level. The developed procedure is fast, precise and reproducible and it may be applied also to wastewaters filters. [Spanish] Se realizo el analisis cualitativo de impurezas en cinco materiales comunmente utilizados como filtros de aire, con dos propositos: compararlos en base a sus impurezas y establecer una metodologia que permitiera, en muy corto tiempo (1000 segundos), identificar espectroscopicamente las impurezas a fin de restar la senal del blanco de aquella que genera eventualmente la muestra. En la bibliografia se encontraron algunas publicaciones acerca de impurezas en filtros de aire (celulosa, pollicarbonato y fibra de vidrio), determinadas principalmente por Absorcion Atomica. En un caso, tal determinacion se realizo por Fluorescencia de Rayos X generados en tubo de descargas y detectados por dispersion de energia. En este trabajo se empleo el mismo metodo de Fluorescencia de Rayos X detectados por dispersion de energia pero generados por un radioisotopo (Cd-109) y se aplico a dos de los tres materiales antes

  10. Processo da retrolavagem em filtros de areia usados na irrigação localizada Backwash process in sand filters used in localized irrigation

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    Juan C Salcedo


    Full Text Available O processo da retrolavagem consiste na passagem da água através do filtro em sentido contrário ao fluxo de filtragem com o objetivo de remover partículas orgânicas e inorgânicas retidas no meio filtrante. O projeto de filtros de areia com configurações ineficientes e a ocorrência de condições operacionais inadequadas contribuem para limitar o desempenho desse processo, causando deficiências na limpeza dos meios filtrantes e comprometendo o funcionamento dos sistemas de irrigação localizada. O objetivo do presente trabalho é proporcionar uma revisão sobre os conceitos associados ao processo da retrolavagem nos filtros de areia, relacionando informações existentes na literatura com experiências de laboratório. Foi gerado um texto básico com informações técnico-científicas sobre o tema, visando a criar um momento de reflexão sobre o processo de retrolavagem e a contribuir para a melhoria do desempenho desses equipamentos na irrigação localizada.The backwash process consists of water passing through the filter in the opposite direction of the filtering flow to remove organic and inorganic particles of media filter. Inefficient sand filters designs and the occurrence of inadequate operating conditions contribute to restrict the process performance, causing deficiencies in the filter cleaning and compromise the operation of localized irrigation systems. The objective of this study is to provide a review about concepts associated with the backwash process in sand filters, relating literature information with laboratory experiments. A basic documentation was produced with technical and scientific information on this subject to create a reflection about the backwash process and contribute to the improvement of the equipment performance in the localized irrigation.

  11. Filtro activo paralelo para compensación de factor de potencia y distorsión armónica en aplicaciones industriales / Shunt active filter for power factor and harmonic distortion compensation on industrial application


    López Santos, Oswaldo


    Los filtros activos de potencia, son hoy en día, la solución más atractiva para la reducción de las problemáticas de armónicos y energía reactiva en las redes eléctricas, debido a la gran cantidad de convertidores electrónicos contaminantes instalados en las décadas anteriores. Por esta razón y con especial interés en la necesidad del aprovechamiento eficiente y responsable de los recursos, es trabajo pertinente y necesario el estudio de los filtros activos de potencia. El mencionado estudio ...


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    Oriana Lombana


    Full Text Available El desarrollo de refractariedad plaquetaria permanente es un problema en pacientes poli transfundidos con neoplasias de origen hematológico. La reducción sistemática del contenido de leucocitos en los productos transfundidos, que está orientada a disminuir la presentación de la misma, puede elevar notablemente los costos de la terapia transfusional principalmente por la utilización de filtros de absorción selectiva. Este estudio comparó la presentación de refractariedad en 83 pacientes con neoplasias de origen hematológico que fueron transfundidos con concentrados obtenidos por el método de extracción de la capa Jeucoplaquetaria, con (n=41 o sin (n=42 la utilización de filtros para reducción Jeucocitaria, encontrando que no existe diferencia significativa (p=0.378 en la aparición de refractariedad en Jos dos grupos y que el costo de la terapia se aumenta cuatro veces (pfiltros.

  13. Efeito de substratos, luz e sobreposição de papel de filtro na esporulação de Corynespora cassiicola Effect of substrates, light and filter paper on Corynespora cassiicola sporulation

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    Márcia Muliterno de Melo


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado no Laboratório de Fitopatologia - Micologia, na Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de Passo Fundo, com a finalidade de avaliar a esporulação de Corynespora cassiicola em diferentes substratos. Para isso foram usadas placas de petri com seis diferentes meio de cultura - Batata Dextrose Ágar (BDA, Solução Czapek Ágar, Alimento infantil, Malte Ágar, Farinha de aveia e suco V8 Ágar e quatro combinações (com luz alternada e sobreposição de papel filtro, com luz alternada e sem sobreposição de papel filtro, sem luz com sobreposição de papel filtro e sem luz e sem sobreposição de papel filtro. O delineamento experimental usado foi fatorial triplo (substrato, luz/escuro, com ou sem sobreposição de papel filtro. Na avaliação de esporulação do fungo, foram cortados dois discos de 0,241cm² em cada placa dos diferentes substratos e colocados em tubos de ensaio contendo 10mL de água destilada. Esses tubos foram agitados e de cada um foram retiradas três alíquotas de 10mL para contagem de conídios no microscópio óptico. Os dados foram transformados em número de esporos.cm². A maior esporulação do fungo foi obtida com o substrato Solução Czapek-Ágar, com fotoperíodo de 12 horas e sobreposição de papel filtro.This experiment was carried out in the Laboratory of Phytopathology - Mycology - School of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Passo Fundo University, in order to evaluate Corynespora cassiicola sporulation on different substrates. Thus the used Petri plates contained six different culture media - Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA, Czapek Solution Agar, infant food, Malt Agar, Oatmeal Agar, and V8 juice agar, besides four combinations (with both light and filter paper, with light and without filter paper, with filter paper and without light, and without light and without filter paper. Experimental design was triple factorial (substrate, light / dark, with or without

  14. Efeito do filtro de ultravioleta em lentes de contato hidrofílicas de alta hidratação Ultraviolet filter effect on hydrophilic high hydrated contact lenses

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    Arlindo José Freire Portes


    Full Text Available A exposição à radiação ultravioleta está relacionada ao aparecimento de patologias oculares como ceratites, cataratas, degenerações maculares ou pterígio. Esta radiação está dividida em 3 tipos de acordo com o seu comprimento de onda: Uv-A (320-400nm, Uv-B (290-320nm e Uv-C (100-290nm. A indústria óptica desenvolveu filtros de ultravioleta para lentes intra-oculares, lentes de contato e lentes de óculos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia do filtro de ultravioleta em lentes de contato de alta hidratação. MÉTODOS: Seis grupos de lentes de contato de alta hidratação e de marcas diferentes, contendo 3 unidades novas e iguais foram estudadas, observando-se o percentual de transmissão da energia luminosa de 200 a 400 nm através de um espectofotômetro. RESULTADOS: Os 3 grupos que apresentavam filtro de ultravioleta causaram uma queda abrupta na transmissão da radiação ultravioleta de 400 nm até 340 nm, ocorrendo um aumento na transmissão entre 240 a 300 nm até um nível máximo de 45%. Abaixo de 240 nm e entre 300 e 340 nm, houve um completo bloqueio da transmissão da radiação ultravioleta. Os 3 grupos que não apresentavam filtros de ultravioleta causaram uma queda abrupta na transmissão da radiação ultravioleta abaixo de 240 nm, ocorrendo um bloqueio completo de transmissão abaixo de 220 nm. CONCLUSÃO: As lentes de contato sem filtro Uv testadas não bloquearam com eficácia a radiação Uv-A, B ou C, e as com filtro bloquearam quase totalmente a radiação Uv-B e parcialmente a radiação Uv-A e Uv-C.The exposure to ultraviolet radiation is associated with the beginning of ocular pathologies like keratites, cataract, age-related macular degeneration and pterygium. This radiation is divided in 3 bands according to the wave length: Uv-A (320-400, Uv-B (290-320, Uv-C (100-290. The optic industry developed ultraviolet filters to intraocular lenses, contact lenses and spectacle lenses. PURPOSE: The issue of this work is

  15. Avaliação in vitro de um novo filtro de veia cava In vitro evaluation of a new vena cava filter

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    Domingo Marcolino Braile


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia de um novo filtro de veia cava, de baixo perfil, na retenção de coágulos em modelo in vitro. MÉTODO: O filtro consiste em dois cones opostos pelo ápice. O cone distal é formado por oito hastes de aço inoxidável, que têm a função de retenção dos êmbolos. O cone proximal é constituído de quatro hastes, cuja função é ancorar e centralizar. Os filtros foram introduzidos e fixados no interior de um tubo de PVC transparente de 25, 30 e 35 mm de diâmetro interno, em posição vertical, e conectados com um sistema pulsátil de fluxo (bomba peristáltica. Foi utilizado, para veículo, um reservatório com solução salina (0,9% com 40% de glicerina, mantido em temperatura ambiente. Confeccionaram-se trombos com sangue bovino em tubos plásticos de 3, 4,5 e 6 mm de diâmetro e, posteriormente, foram segmentados nas medidas de 10, 15, 20 e 30 mm de comprimento, totalizando 12 diferentes tamanhos. Realizaram-se 100 liberações para cada tipo de êmbolo e tamanho das cânulas, totalizando 3.600 eventos. Foram feitos lançamentos seqüenciais com cinco êmbolos, sendo 10 para cada tamanho de êmbolo e cânulas, totalizando 360 eventos. Fez-se avaliação da capacidade de retenção dinâmica utilizando os três diferentes tamanhos de cânulas com 100 eventos cada, totalizando 300 eventos. RESULTADOS: Detectou-se que o diâmetro e comprimento dos êmbolos, assim como diâmetros da cânula, podem comprometer a eficácia do filtro. A média de captura de êmbolos pelos filtros foi de 80,5% nas cânulas de 35 mm, 88,7% para cânulas de 30 mm e 86,6% para cânulas de 25 mm. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que a eficácia desse filtro sofre interferência relacionada ao tamanho dos êmbolos e diâmetro da cânula.OBJECTIVE: The objective of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of a new low-profile vena cava filter in the retention of emboli in an in vitro model. METHOD: The filter consists

  16. 49 CFR 179.301 - Individual specification requirements for multi-unit tank car tanks. (United States)


    ...-unit tank car tanks. 179.301 Section 179.301 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to... MATERIALS REGULATIONS SPECIFICATIONS FOR TANK CARS Specifications for Multi-Unit Tank Car Tanks (Classes DOT-106A and 110AW) § 179.301 Individual specification requirements for multi-unit tank car tanks. (a) In...

  17. El fundamento científico de la función de filtro del médico general The scientific basis for the gatekeeping role of general practicioners

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    Juan Gérvas


    Full Text Available Los servicios sanitarios cuentan con niveles de atención, lo que optimiza los resultados. Los niveles tienen "filtros" que aumentan la prevalencia de enfermedad entre los pacientes que llegan a niveles sucesivamente altos. En este trabajo se justifica la existencia del filtro del médico general con respecto al especialista y al hospital por el aumento de la prevalencia de enfermedad en la población derivada de primaria a hospitalaria. Se utilizan ejemplos empíricos respecto al dolor abdominal, dolor precordial y hemorragia rectal. En este último ejemplo, la prevalencia del cáncer de recto y de sigma pasa del 0,1% en la población al 2% en la consulta del médico general (por efecto del filtro personal y familiar y al 36% en la consulta del especialista (por efecto del filtro del médico general. La selección aumenta el valor predictivo positivo de las pruebas diagnósticas que solicita el especialista, y evita el contacto innecesario con los especialistas a muchos pacientes con hemorragia rectal por causa benigna, que permanecen en su nivel (de la familia, o del médico general.Health services are organized by levels of care, which improves outcomes. These levels are "filters" that lead to a progressive increase in the prevalence of diseases in higher levels of care. We studied and justified the role of the general practitioner as filter, or gatekeeper, to specialists and hospitals. This role leads to greater prevalence of diseases in the referral population. We analyzed empirical data on abdominal pain, chest pain and rectal bleeding as examples. As to rectal bleeding, the prevalence of rectum and sigma carcinomas increases from 0.1% in the population, to 2% in general practitioners' waiting rooms (as a consequence of personal and family filters, and to 36% in specialists' waiting rooms (as a consequence of the gate-keeping role general practitioners play. This increase in prevalence improves the positive predictive value of the

  18. Linealización entrada/salida de sistemas no lineales afines utilizando un filtro

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    Alberto Delgado


    Full Text Available La linealización Entrada/Salida (E/S, dentro del marco teórico del control geométrico, es una técnica madura para sistemas no lineales afines. Esta técnica cancela los términos no lineales de la planta, usando una retroalimentación de estado no lineal, y produce una dinámica E/S lineal para la planta. En este artículo se muestra que un filtro D(s puede utilizarse para Iinealizar sistemas no lineales afines en lugar de aplicar una retroalimentación de estado no lineal que requiere conocer las ecuaciones exactas de la planta, su grado relativo, y la medición completa del vector de estado. En este nuevo enfoque el único requisito es conocer el grado relativo del sistema no lineal afino.

  19. Modeling duration choice in space–time multi-state supernetworks for individual activity-travel scheduling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liao, F.


    Multi-state supernetworks have been advanced recently for modeling individual activity-travel scheduling decisions. The main advantage is that multi-dimensional choice facets are modeled simultaneously within an integral framework, supporting systematic assessments of a large spectrum of policies

  20. In vitro cultivation of pineapple seedlings using filters, artificial ventilation and sucrose = Cultivo in vitro de plântulas de abacaxizeiro com uso de filtros, ventilação artificial e sacarose

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    Patrícia dos Santos Mendes


    Full Text Available An alternative to the production of quality seedlings is the use of in-vitro systems of propagation. However, the conventional in-vitro environment is different from the external environment, and is often the reason for physiological and morphological disorders in the plant. To this effect, the aim of this study was to evaluate the use of filters and artificial ventilation to increase air exchange between the flask and environment, and adjust the concentration of sucrose in the culture medium for a better development of the photosynthetic apparatus, and stimulate the growth of pineapple plants in vitro. The experimental design was completely randomised in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme with nine replications. The factors under study consisted of three concentrations of sucrose (0, 15, and 30 g L-1 and three methods for ventilating the flask (unfiltered flask with no ventilation, filtered flask with no ventilation, and filtered flask with ventilation. The use of unfiltered flasks with no ventilation and 15 g L-1 of added sucrose, result in greater growth of the pineapple plants in vitro. The use of filtered flasks with ventilation promotes an increase in the levels of chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, and total chlorophyll, as well as improvements in the system of photosynthesis of the pineapple seedlings = Uma alternativa para a produção de mudas de qualidade é a utilização de sistemas de propagação in vitro . Porém, o ambiente de cultivo convencional in vitro é diferente do ambiente externo e comumente há razão de distúrbios fisiológicos e morfológicos na planta. Neste contexto, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o uso de filtros e ventilação artificial visando aumentar as trocas de ar do frasco com o ambiente e ajustar a concentração de sacarose no meio de cultura para o melhor desenvolvimento do aparelho fotossintético e estímulo do crescimento das plantas in vitro de abacaxizeiro. O delineamento experimental foi

  1. Seroepidemiological study of human cysticercosis with blood samples collected on filter paper, in Lages, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2004-2005 Estudo soroepidemiológico da cisticercose humana com amostras de sangue total coletado em papel filtro, em Lages, Estado de Santa Catarina, 2004-2005

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    Maria Márcia Imenes Ishida


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Human serofrequency of antibodies against Taenia solium antigens was determined and risk factors for cysticercosis transmission were identified. METHODS: Individuals (n=878 from periurban and rural locations of Lages, SC, were interviewed to gather demographic, sanitary and health information. Interviews and blood sample collections by finger prick on Whatman filter paper were performed from August 2004 to May 2005. Observation determined that 850 samples were suitable for analysis and were tested by ELISA using vesicular fluid of Taenia crassiceps heterologous antigen. To ensure the reliability of the results, 77 samples of the dried blood were matched with sera. The reactive samples were submitted to a serum confirmatory immunoblot (IB test using purified Taenia crassiceps glycoproteins. RESULTS: The ELISA results for the dried blood and serum samples were statistically consistent. ELISA was positive in 186 (21.9% out of 850 individuals. A group of 213 individuals were asked to collect vein blood for IB (186 with positive result in ELISA and 27 with inappropriate whole blood samples and 130 attended the request. The IB was positive in 29 (3.4% out of 850 individuals. A significant correlation (p = 0.0364 was determined among individuals who tested positive in the IB assay who practiced both pig rearing and kitchen gardening. CONCLUSIONS: ELISA with dried blood eluted from filter paper was suitable for cysticercosis population surveys. In Lages, human infection was associated with pig rearing and kitchen gardening. The prevalence index was compatible with other Latin American endemic areas.INTRODUÇÃO: O primeiro levantamento sobre cisticercose humana e identificação dos fatores de risco associados à transmissão, foram realizados em Lages, SC. MÉTODOS: Oitocentos e setenta e sete voluntários de regiões periurbana e rural foram entrevistados e forneceram informações demográficas e condições sanitárias e de sa

  2. Digestibilidade (aparente de rações com diferentes níveis de torta de filtro de usina açucareira com ovinos (Ovis aries L.

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    Josenildo Querino Dias


    Full Text Available Doze carneiros adultos, com peso médio de 43 kg, foram utilizados num delineamento inteiramente casualizado, para determinar o valor nutritivo de rações com diferentes níveis da mistura de torta de filtro com feno de Coast Cross (Cynodon dactylon, visando avaliar a torta como alimento presente em rações animais. O período experimental teve duração de 21 dias, sendo a coleta total de fezes e urina realizada nos últimos 7, quando a ingestão foi restringida a 80% do valor obtido ad libitum. Os tratamentos foram as rações seguintes, compostas de torta de filtro e feno de Coast-Cross, balanceadas para serem isoprotéicas e isoenergéticas: A - 20% de torta + 80% de feno; B - 40% de torta e 60% de feno; C - 60% de torta + 40% de feno e D - 80% de torta + 20% de feno. Os resultados mostraram que a ingestão da matéria seca, proteína bruta, fibra bruta, extrativos não nitrogenados diminuiu linearmente (p<0,05 com o aumento da porcentagem de torta de filtro nas rações. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos tratamentos foram: Matéria Seca - 27,86%, 41,68%, 31,18% e 33,80%; Proteína Bruta - 43,99%, 38,78%, 36,08% e 35,58%; Fibra Bruta - 31,70%, 47,00%, 33,72% e 35,88%; Extrativo Não Nitrogenado - 31,56%, 48,18%, 44,55% e 48,51%; Extrato Etéreo - 26,63%, 27,49%, 19,48% e 31,18%, sendo os Nutrientes Digestíveis Totais iguais a 31,52%, 43,01%, 34,89% e 38,90% para os tratamentos A, B, C e D respectivamente, não diferindo estatisticamente, exceto para ENN.

  3. Taponamiento de goteros y del filtro de discos con agua residual sanitaria de una laguna de maduración.


    Oliveira Batista, Rafael; Alves Soares, Antonio; Zapata Marin, Olga Lucía; Rodrigues de Souza, José Antônio; Vinícius Leite, Caio; Astoni Moreira, Débora


    El método de riego localizado, ha sido usado para la aplicación de aguas residuales, debido a la elevada eficiencia en la aplicación del fluido y el bajo riesgo de contaminación del producto agrícola y de los operadores de campo. Sin embargo, los sistemas de riego localizado, poseen emisores que presentan alta susceptibilidad al taponamiento. En el presente trabajo, se analizó el potencial de taponamiento de distintos goteros y del filtro de discos con agua residual sanitaria proveniente de u...

  4. Corrección del factor de potencia en una carga no lineal utilizando filtro activo y control SVPWM


    Arias Chablé, Enrique


    El presente trabajo de tesis tiene la finalidad fundamental de presentar el análisis y simulación de una topología de filtro activo de potencia controlado por Modulación de Ancho de Pulso, usando la técnica del Vector Espacio (Space Vector Pulse Wide Modulation, SVPWM), para corregir el factor de potencia de un sistema de distribución de energía eléctrica con una carga no lineal. En el primer capítulo se hace una revisión de los conceptos fundamentales de calidad de la e...



    Silva, Vanessa Farias da


    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de filtro anaeróbio de chicanas (FAC) no pós-tratamento de efluente anaeróbio, usando garrafas PET como material de enchimento. O experimento foi realizado em três fases, delimitado pelos três tempos de detenção hidráulicas, 7, 9 e 10 dias, respectivamente. As análises dos efluentes do reator UASB e do FAC foram realizadas semanalmente, averiguando a remoção de matéria orgânica na forma de DBO5 e DQO, sólidos e suas...

  6. Reducción de interferencia de línea de potencia en señales electrocardiográficas mediante el filtro dual de Kalman

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    Luis David Avendaño Valencia


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el desarrollo de un filtro para la reducción de la interferencia de línea de potencia en señales electrocardiográficas (ECG, basado en estimación dual de parámetros y de estado, empleando la filtración Kalman, en el cual se consideran modelos independientes entre la interferencia de línea de potencia y la señal ECG. Ambos modelos son combinados para simular la señal ECG medida sobre la que se realiza la estimación de estado para separar la señal de la interferencia. El algoritmo propuesto es sintonizado y comparado en un conjunto de pruebas realizadas sobre la base de datos QT de electrocardiografía. Inicialmente se hacen pruebas de sintonización del algoritmo para el rastreo de la señal ECG limpia, cuyos resultados son utilizados después para las pruebas de filtrado. Luego se llevan a cabo pruebas exhaustivas sobre la base de datos QT en la filtración de interferencia de línea de potencia, la cual ha sido introducida artificialmente en los registros, para una relación de señal a ruido (SNR dada, obteniendo así curvas del desempeño del algoritmo, que permiten a su vez comparar con el desempeño de otros algoritmos de filtración, a saber, un filtro notch recursivo de respuesta infinita al impulso (IIR y un filtro de Kalman, basado en un modelo más simple para la señal ECG. Como resultado, se demuestra que el algoritmo de filtrado obtenido es robusto a los cambios de amplitud de la interferencia; además, conserva sus propiedades para los diferentes tipos de morfologías de señales ECG normales y patológicas.

  7. Avaliação experimental e modelagem matemática de filtros anaeróbios como alternativa de baixo custo para remoção de algas de efluentes de lagoas de estabilização

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    Germário Marcos Araújo

    Full Text Available RESUMO Nesta pesquisa, estudou-se o desempenho de três filtros biológicos anaeróbios com novos e diferentes meios de suporte em tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH distintos (5,5 e 11,1 horas, objetivando a remoção de algas de efluentes de lagoas de estabilização. O considerável desempenho no pós-tratamento (remoções de até 77,4% pode ser atribuído à atuação dos mecanismos de sedimentação, retenção física e assimilação biológica. Foi desenvolvido um modelo de decaimento para clorofila com base na simplificação da equação de transporte de massa. O coeficiente global de decaimento foi descrito como uma função dos números de Reynolds e Weber, obtida por meio de ajuste aos dados experimentais com um coeficiente de determinação superior a 0,96. Para confirmação de que a função de Reynolds e Weber descreve bem o comportamento de k, foram realizadas simulações do impacto das seguintes variáveis na eficiência de remoção de algas: comprimento do filtro (altura do leito, diâmetro do filtro, diâmetro do meio suporte, porosidade, vazão, tensão superficial e da viscosidade do líquido. As simulações desenvolvidas demonstraram coerência nos resultados, reforçando que os números de Reynolds e Weber, assim como o modelo de fluxo em pistão, podem ser usados para descrever o processo de remoção de algas em filtros anaeróbios.

  8. Influência das condições de processamento cerâmico na resistência mecânica e na permeabilidade dos filtros de Al2O3-SiC Influence of ceramic processing on the mechanical resistance and permeability of filters in the Al2O3-SiC system

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    V. R. Salvini


    Full Text Available Filtros cerâmicos devem apresentar alta permeabilidade e eficiência de retenção de inclusões sólidas, além de uma boa resistência mecânica. No entanto, estas propriedades variam de modos distintos para uma determinada estrutura celular. Poros grandes aumentam a permeabilidade, mas diminuem a eficiência de retenção das inclusões. Em relação ao desempenho do filtro, a porosidade aparente apresenta alta relevância, uma vez que a resistência mecânica diminui e a permeabilidade aumenta para valores de porosidade elevados. Neste trabalho investigou-se a relação entre a resistência mecânica e a permeabilidade para filtros do sistema Al2O3-SiC de 10 ppi (poros por polegada linear. A quantidade da suspensão impregnada na esponja, durante a fabricação do filtro, foi escolhida como variável de controle, pois por meio desta modifica-se a porosidade e o tamanho de poro do filtro. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados aos de filtros de 8 a 90 ppi.Ceramic filters must present not only high permeability and particle trapping efficiency, but also suitable mechanical strength. However, these parameters are influenced in different ways by the cellular structure. Large pores favor permeability, but lower removal efficiency of small particles. Small pores, on the other hand, enhance particle collection, although the filter pressure drop increases. The porosity is also essential for determining ceramic foam performance. Mechanical strength generally decreases with increasing porosity, even though permeability is improved. In this work, the relationship between mechanical strength and permeability has been investigated for 10 ppi (pores per linear inch Al2O3-SiC filters. The amount of slurry impregnated on the organic struts walls during processing has been chosen as the control variable. The results have been compared with those obtained from cellular structures where the pore count variation ranged from 10 to 90 ppi.

  9. Evaluación del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica


    Pérez-Vidal, Andrea; Díaz-Gómez, Jaime; Salamanca-Rojas, Karen L; Rojas-Torres, Leidy Y


    Objetivo Evaluar la eficiencia de dos sistemas de filtración casera: LifeStraw® family (FM) y Filtro de Olla Cerámica (FOC) en el tratamiento del agua para consumo humano bajo condiciones controladas de laboratorio y en términos de remoción de Turbiedad y E.coli. Métodos Ambos sistemas se operaron durante 6 meses tratando diariamente 7,5 litros de sustrato sintético. La turbiedad del sustrato se ajustó con Caolín y la concentración de E.coli con la réplica de la cepa ATCC 95922. Los resultado...

  10. Caracterización de sustratos de filtros de suelo plantados: Influencia en la depuración de aguas residuales


    Pérez Villar, Maira; Domínguez, Elena; Tack, Filip; Vandermoortel, Anneris


    Se determinaron diferentes parámetros (pH, Conductividad eléctrica, Materia orgánica, Carbono total, Capacidad de intercambio catiónico, Nitrógeno total, Nitrógeno amoniacal y Fósforo total), en los dos tipos de suelos antes y después de ser utilizados como sustratos en el filtro, el análisis de los metales se realizó por espectrometría de emisión atómica y se utilizó el software statgraphics centurión XV.II para el tratamiento estadístico. Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre los s...

  11. Curva de retenção de água no solo pelo método do papel-filtro


    Juliana Fenner Ruas Lucas; Maria Hermínia Ferreira Tavares; Décio Lopes Cardoso; Fabio Augusto Meira Cássaro


    O método mais tradicional para determinação da curva de retenção de água no solo emprega a câmara de pressão de Richards. Por questões práticas, a busca por métodos alternativos ao de Richards, financeiramente mais acessíveis e menos morosos, faz-se interessante. Diante disso, desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar o uso do método do papel-filtro. Para isso, realizou-se inicialmente coleta, caracterização física e preparo de amostras indeformadas de um Latossolo Vermelho...

  12. The decrease of the energy performance for the soiling of the air filters in gas turbines; Disminucion de la eficiencia energetica por ensuciamiento de filtros de aire en turbinas de gas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero Paredes, H.; Ambriz, J. J.; Vargas, M.; Godinez, M.; Gomez, F.; Valdez, L.; Pantoja, G. [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Mexico D. F. (Mexico)


    The object of this paper is to study the effect in the turbine output of a gas turbine of the conditions of the compressor air inlet in going through a series of filters. The algorithm for the calculation of the energy losses due to the variation of the pressure drop caused by the filters according to their cleanliness condition. In the first part the series of variables that affect the gas turbines performance are exemplified, afterwards the characteristics of the air flow into a turbine are presented as well as their effects on the system. Later on, the results obtained of the system simulation are presented and compared with a real case. From the results it can be determined, that depending on the system and on the environment conditions the efficiency drop might be up to 3%, in accordance with the filters cleanliness. The maintenance periods strongly depend on the air quality variations at the filter house inlet in the zone where the power plant is located. [Espanol] El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo estudiar el efecto en la potencia generada en una turbina de gas de las condiciones de entrada del aire al compresor de una turbina de gas al pasar por un conjunto de filtros. Se presenta el algoritmo para la determinacion de las perdidas energeticas debidas a la variacion de la caida de presion generada por los filtros de acuerdo con su estado de limpieza. En la primera parte se ejemplifica el conjunto de variables que influyen en la eficiencia de las turbinas de gas, posteriormente se mencionan las caracteristicas de flujo de aire hacia una turbina y se muestran los efectos sobre el sistema. A continuacion se presentan los resultados obtenidos de la simulacion del sistema y se comparan con un caso real. De los resultados se puede apreciar que, dependiendo del sistema y de las condiciones ambientales el decremento en la eficiencia puede ser hasta del 3% en funcion del nivel de limpieza de los filtros. Los periodos de mantenimiento dependen fuertemente de las

  13. The decrease of the energy performance for the soiling of the air filters in gas turbines; Disminucion de la eficiencia energetica por ensuciamiento de filtros de aire en turbinas de gas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Romero Paredes, H; Ambriz, J J; Vargas, M; Godinez, M; Gomez, F; Valdez, L; Pantoja, G [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Mexico D. F. (Mexico)


    The object of this paper is to study the effect in the turbine output of a gas turbine of the conditions of the compressor air inlet in going through a series of filters. The algorithm for the calculation of the energy losses due to the variation of the pressure drop caused by the filters according to their cleanliness condition. In the first part the series of variables that affect the gas turbines performance are exemplified, afterwards the characteristics of the air flow into a turbine are presented as well as their effects on the system. Later on, the results obtained of the system simulation are presented and compared with a real case. From the results it can be determined, that depending on the system and on the environment conditions the efficiency drop might be up to 3%, in accordance with the filters cleanliness. The maintenance periods strongly depend on the air quality variations at the filter house inlet in the zone where the power plant is located. [Espanol] El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo estudiar el efecto en la potencia generada en una turbina de gas de las condiciones de entrada del aire al compresor de una turbina de gas al pasar por un conjunto de filtros. Se presenta el algoritmo para la determinacion de las perdidas energeticas debidas a la variacion de la caida de presion generada por los filtros de acuerdo con su estado de limpieza. En la primera parte se ejemplifica el conjunto de variables que influyen en la eficiencia de las turbinas de gas, posteriormente se mencionan las caracteristicas de flujo de aire hacia una turbina y se muestran los efectos sobre el sistema. A continuacion se presentan los resultados obtenidos de la simulacion del sistema y se comparan con un caso real. De los resultados se puede apreciar que, dependiendo del sistema y de las condiciones ambientales el decremento en la eficiencia puede ser hasta del 3% en funcion del nivel de limpieza de los filtros. Los periodos de mantenimiento dependen fuertemente de las

  14. Energy saving using solar filters with iron base in windows; Ahorro de energia usando filtros solares con base en hierro en ventanas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chavez Galan, Jesus


    termico generado al interior de las edificaciones por las inadecuadas propiedades de los materiales de construccion, se desarrollaron en este trabajo filtros solares con base en hierro por medio de los cuales se logra un control selectivo de la radiacion solar que se transmite a traves de las ventanas. Estos filtros solares consisten en peliculas delgadas de FeO depositadas sobre sustratos de vidrio cal-sosa (el mas usado en nuestro pais para las edificaciones) de 600x300x3 mm, por medio de la tecnica de sputtering asistida con radiofrecuencia y magnetrones planos, partiendo de un blanco de hierro puro de 127x254 mm y usando un plasma de argon. Para obtener el grado de oxidacion deseado en el hierro, pequenas muestras (45 x 22 mm) fueron sometidas a un proceso de calentamiento en una atmosfera reductora constituida de 50% H{sub 2} + 50% N{sub 2}, durante un periodo de tiempo de 10 minutos a una temperatura de 400 C. Los filtros solares con base en FeO presentan una transmisividad de 30.2% para el intervalo visible del espectro electromagnetico (radiacion con longitud de onda de 380-780 nm), y de 39.9% para el infrarrojo cercano (radiacion con longitud de onda de 780-2500 nm); mientras que su reflectividad es de 17.5 y 19%, para los intervalos visibles e infrarrojo cercano del espectro electromagnetico respectivamente. Se realizo una simulacion, a traves del software Energy 10, del comportamiento energetico de una casa-habitacion cuando utilizan en las ventanas vidrios simples (una lamina) tipo cal-sosa, asi como tambien cuando esta misma edificacion usa en las ventanas los filtros solares con base en FeO desarrollados. Ambos casos se comparan obteniendose asi los posibles ahorros de energia por el uso de dichos filtros solares en las ventanas. Las simulaciones fueron llevadas a cabo para diferentes localidades del pais, obteniendose que los filtros solares con base en FeO desarrollados, permiten ahorros de energia principalmente por concepto de acondicionamiento de aire



    Huetio Passos, Jhenny Katherine; Ortiz Sarria, Mauricio Fernando; Granada T., Carlos Arturo


    Analizar las cargas contaminantes de un filtro biológico que recibe aguas residuales provenientes de procesos productivos agropecuarios de la granja del Centro Agropecuario del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA, en el Municipio de Popayán, Departamento del Cauca.Este trabajo se desarrolló a nivel de campo y laboratorio en donde se utilizó equipo de análisis de agua y equipo de laboratorio. Para la caracterización del efluente se realizaron doce muestreos compuestos durante un el ciclo de ...

  16. Utilização de uma resina preparada pelo método da solução líquida de citratos como ligante durante a preparação de filtros cerâmicos à base de alumina


    Gouvêa,D.; Savaglia Neto,W. A.; Capocchi,J. D. T.


    Este trabalho propõe a preparação de filtros cerâmicos macroporosos pela técnica da impregnação de espumas de poliuretano e utilização de uma resina preparada pelo método Pechini contendo íons alumínio e manganês como ligante. Nas temperaturas inferiores à de combustão da resina a parte orgânica age com ligante. Após a decomposição térmica, o produto da combustão, ou seja, alumina contendo íons Mn, passa a ser um ligante inorgânico mas apresentando composição química semelhante à do filtro. O...

  17. Tratamento de águas residuárias da suinocultura utilizando-se filtros orgânicos Treatment of swine wastewater using organic filters

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    Viviane dos Santos Brandão


    Full Text Available O tratamento primário da água residuária de suinocultura pode ser feito por filtragem; para isto, torna-se oportuno o estudo de materiais alternativos a serem utilizados como meio filtrante e, com este intuito, foram utilizados o bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, a casca de arroz, a casca de café, o fino de carvão vegetal, o sabugo de milho e a serragem de madeira, acondicionados em tubos de PVC de diâmetro de 100 mm, constituindo colunas de 500 mm de altura. O sistema de filtragem foi mantido sob escoamento permanente, com fluxo em meio saturado, e pequena ou nenhuma alteração foi detectada na concentração de N-total, Ca, Mg e Zn no efluente do filtro, enquanto que as concentrações de P-total, Na e K aumentaram no efluente obtido em filtros de casca de arroz, casca de café e sabugo de milho. Significativa redução na concentração de Cu foi constatada para todos os materiais utilizados como filtro, atingindo-se eficiência de remoção de até 43,6%. Eficiências de remoção superiores a 90% foram obtidas para sólidos sedimentáveis enquanto a remoção de sólidos totais ficou abaixo de 33,0%.The primary treatment of swine wastewater can be done by filtration. To this end, the study of alternative materials as a filter media is necessary. With this objective, rice husk, coffee straw, sugar-cane trash, triturated corncob, wood sawdust and fine vegetable coal were used as media, conditioned in PVC tubes of 100 mm in diameter and 500 mm in height. The filtering system was maintained under saturated flow conditions. Little or no change was detected in the concentration of N-total, Ca, Mg and Zn in the effluent of the filter, although the concentration of P-total and K increased in the effluents of the filters of rice husk, coffee straw, triturate corncob, reaching a maximum removal efficiency of 43.6%. Removal efficiencies of sedimentable solids higher than 90.0% were obtained in all materials employed as a filtration media, although

  18. Vena cava filters in cancer patients: experience with 50 patients Filtros de veia cava inferior em pacientes com câncer: experiência em 50 casos

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    Antonio Eduardo Zerati


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To study the immediate and late results obtained from the implantation of vena cava filters in cancer patients with deep vein thrombosis concomitant with neoplasia. METHODS: This was a retrospective evaluation of 50 patients with an association of cancer and deep venous thrombosis who underwent interruption of the inferior vena cava and the insertion of permanent vena cava filters. The indications for the procedure, filter implantation technique, early and late complications related to the operation, and the clinical evolution were evaluated. RESULTS: The most frequent indication for filter implantation was the contraindication for full anticoagulant treatment (80%. The femoral vein was the preferred access route (86% of the patients. There were no complications related to the surgical procedure. During the follow-up, the following complications were observed: 1 episode of nonfatal pulmonary thromboembolism, 2 cases of occlusion of the inferior vena cava, and 1 case of thrombus retained in the device. Twenty patients (40% died due to progression of the neoplasm. CONCLUSIONS: Interruption of the inferior cava vein using an endoluminal filter is a procedure with a low rate of complications. It is a safe and efficient measure for preventing pulmonary embolism in cancer patients who have deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs.OBJETIVO: Estudar os resultados imediatos e tardios obtidos com a implantação de filtros de veia cava inferior em pacientes com trombose venosa profunda concomitante a neoplasia. MÉTODOS: Avaliamos retrospectivamente 50 pacientes com câncer e trombose venosa profunda associada submetidos a interrupção de veia cava inferior com filtros intraluminais definitivos. Foram estudados aspectos referentes à indicação do procedimento, à técnica de implante dos dispositivos, complicações precoces e tardias relacionadas à operação e à evolução dos pacientes. RESULTADOS: A indicação mais freqüente para o

  19. Performance evaluation of hydrocyclone filter for microirrigation Avaliação do desempenho de filtro hidrociclone para a irrigação localizada

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    Damodhara R . Mailapalli


    Full Text Available In this study a hydrocyclone filter of 20 cm was selected and its performance was evaluated by studying the variation of discharge, pressure drop, influent concentration, and filtration efficiency with elapsed time of operation. The filter was tested with clean water to determine clean pressure drop and later it was tested with four concentrations of solid suspension, viz. 300; 600; 900 and 1,200 mg L-1. In the concentration of 300 mg L-1, the variation of pressure drop was low. But for the other concentrations of solid suspension, the variation was significant. The maximum pressure drops obtained were 41.19, 45.11, 50.01 and 52.95 kPa at 350, 390, 280 and 190 minutes of elapsed time, respectively. The maximum efficiency of solid suspension was 30.3, 32.96, 43.89 and 52.5% where as the minimum efficiencies were 9.91, 9.93, 9.62 and 9.9%, respectively. The hydrociclone tested presented inefficiency to filter small particles as clay. The initial removal efficiency of higher concentration was bigger than for lower concentration but, the final efficiency are almost the same irrespective of the concentration of solid suspension. The present tested hydrocyclone could be used as a pre-filter microirrigation to prevent emitter clogging.Neste estudo, avaliou-se o desempenho de um filtro hidrociclone de 20 cm pelo estudo da variação de vazão, queda de pressão, concentração na alimentação e eficiência de filtração com o tempo de operação do filtro. O filtro foi testado com água limpa para determinar a queda de pressão e depois foi testado com quatro concentrações de suspensão do solo de 300; 600; 900 e 1.200 mg L-1. No caso de 300 mg L-1, a variação da queda de pressão foi baixa. Para as outras concentrações de suspensão de sólidos, a variação foi expressiva. A máxima queda de pressão obtida foi de 41,19; 45,11; 50,01 e 52,95 kPa aos 350; 390; 280 e 190 minutos de operação, respectivamente. As máximas eficiências para as

  20. Modelación matemática y simulación de un filtro digital híbrido FIR adaptativo lineal óptimo


    Apolo Castillo, Hugo Nelson; Córdova Medina, Alejandro Esteban


    La tesis presentada es la creación y desarrollo de un nuevo modelo matemático para un Filtro Digital FIR Adaptativo llamado FCLMS, mediante el cual se obtienen mejoras en la estabilidad del filtrado con un menor número de iteraciones, mayor exactitud en los resultados obtenidos y robustez ante los cambios que se presenten a su entrada, a una baja complejidad computacional, comparado con algoritmos ya existentes como es el RLS, LMS y el CLMS. Toma una señal analógica como entrada y una de r...

  1. Solución analítica de un filtro de Kalman estacionario para la observación de deriva en modelos de emisiones de NOx en motores diesel de automoción

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    C. Guardiola


    Full Text Available Resumen: En los algoritmos de control y diagnóstico de los motores diesel la precisión en la estimación de las variables resulta crítica. En el caso de las emisiones de óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx recientemente se han desarrollado sensores con una buena precisión de medida estacionaria pero que, debido a su lentitud y a la existencia de un retraso significativo, presentan unas características dinámicas insuficientes para el control. Por otro lado, existen diferentes tipos de modelos capaces de reproducir con mayor o menor precisión la respuesta dinámica de los NOx; sin embargo, ninguno de ellos está exento de deriva asociada al envejecimiento del motor y de los diferentes sensores que suministran las entradas al modelo. La combinación de un modelo de emisiones con un sensor de NOx permite proporcionar una estimación que combina las características dinámicas del modelo con la precisión del sensor. En este trabajo se combina la información a través de un modelo en espacio de estados que permite la observación y corrección de la deriva del modelo de NOx. El vector de estado que describe la salida objetivo se aumenta con un estado extra que define la deriva o error estacionario entre el modelo derivado y la referencia de medida del sensor. El vector de estado es observado mediante un filtro de Kalman. Dicho modelo es lineal invariante en el tiempo y las covarianzas de los ruidos que afectan a los estados son consideradas como constantes. Bajo estas hipótesis, el filtro es estacionario, es decir, la ecuación de Riccati que estima la ganancia del filtro converge tras un número determinado de iteraciones. El presente artículo resuelve la ecuación iterativa de Riccati para dichas condiciones y deriva la solución analítica del filtro. Asimismo, dicho algoritmo es usado para la estimación de NOx en un motor diesel y en el nuevo ciclo Europeo de conducción (NEDC. Abstract: An augmented state-space model for drift correction is

  2. Utilidad de sangre almacenada en papel de filtro para estudios serologicos por ELISA de inhibicion Use of filter paper strips on an ELISA inhibition test for serologic studies on dengue

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    S. Vázquez


    Full Text Available Para evaluar la utilidad del método de recolección de muestras de sangre en papel de filtro para la detección de anticuerpos anti-dengue mediante un ELISA de Inhibición recientemente desarrollado en nuestro laboratorio, se realizó una toma simultánea de muestras de sangre en papel de filtro y de suero, de donantes de Banco de Sangre. Ambas muestras fueron conservadas a -20ºC y probadas a los 15 dias, 3 y 6 meses respectivamente. A las muestras que resultaron positivos se les amplió el rango de dilución para determinar título. Al realizar la comparación entre ambas muestras, sangre en papel de filtro y suero, encontramos que no existían diferencias de detección significativas, tanto para los casos positivos como los negativos. No obstante se observó en ambas muestras y de forma general una disminución del titulo de anticuerpos (una dilución al transcurrir el tiempo máximo establecido en nuestro estudio (6 meses.To evaluate the usefullness of the collecting method of blood samples in filter paper strips for anti-dengue antibody detection using an ELISA Inhibition test which has been recently developed in our laboratory, blood samples collected on filter paper strips and serum samples were obtained from the same blood donors. Both samples were kept at -20ºC and tested at 15 days, 3 and 6 months. Titers were determined in positive samples. Comparing the results, no significant differences were found between serum samples and blood samples collected in filter paper strips in relation to the number of negative and positive cases. Nevertheless, it was observed in both types of samples a decrease of the antibody titers (one dilution in the longest period of our study (6 months.

  3. Contribuição da estrutura interna na perda de carga de filtros de areia utilizados na irrigação Contribution of the internal structure in the sand filters head loss used in irrigation

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    Marcio Mesquita


    Full Text Available A dinâmica de operação dos filtros de areia afeta o desempenho hidráulico do sistema de irrigação, elevando a perda de carga e alterando a altura manométrica total do sistema. Buscando entender parte dessa dinâmica, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito da estrutura interna de filtros de areia na perda de carga de três modelos de equipamentos fabricados no Brasil, sem a presença do elemento filtrante e utilizando água limpa. Adicionalmente, com o ajuste do modelo matemático exponencial aos dados experimentais, procurou-se estabelecer comparações entre os tipos de estrutura dos filtros avaliados. Os ensaios foram realizados em um módulo experimental construído no Laboratório de Hidráulica e Irrigação da FEAGRI/UNICAMP. Os resultados mostraram que a estrutura hidráulica interna dos filtros determinou comportamentos hidráulicos diferenciados e que os tipos de estruturas (placa difusora e drenos alteraram o padrão de operação dos modelos ensaiados. A função matemática proposta representou, significativamente, o fenômeno físico de perda de carga para as condições do experimento.The dynamic of operation of sand filters affect the hydraulic performance of irrigation systems, increasing the head loss and changing the total dynamic head of the system. Trying to understand part of this dynamic, the objective of this research was to determine the effect of internal hydraulic structures in the head loss of three sand filters of commercial models, manufactured in Brazil and operating without the filter layer and with clean water. In addition, using an exponential mathematical model adjusted to the experimental data, comparisons among types of structure of each evaluated filter were performed. The trails were accomplished in the experimental module developed in the Laboratory of Hydraulics and Irrigation of FEAGRI / UNICAMP. The results showed that the filters structures determined differentiate hydraulic behaviors

  4. Determinação das várias formas de fósforo em tortas de filtro rotativo


    Mattiazzo-Prezotto, M.E.; Glória, N.A. da


    São descritos métodos analíticos visando a determinação das várias frações de fósforo presente em tortas de filtro rotativo. Essas frações podem ser classificadas de acordo com a sua solubilidade em diversos extratores, a saber: água, solução de ácído cítrico a 2%, solução neutra de citrato de amônio, solução de ácido sulfúrico 0,5 N. Também é apresentada a descrição da metodologia necessária para a determinação do teor total de fósforo por via seca e para a determinação de fósforo orgânico ....

  5. Individual relocation decisions after tornadoes: a multi-level analysis. (United States)

    Cong, Zhen; Nejat, Ali; Liang, Daan; Pei, Yaolin; Javid, Roxana J


    This study examines how multi-level factors affected individuals' relocation decisions after EF4 and EF5 (Enhanced Fujita Tornado Intensity Scale) tornadoes struck the United States in 2013. A telephone survey was conducted with 536 respondents, including oversampled older adults, one year after these two disaster events. Respondents' addresses were used to associate individual information with block group-level variables recorded by the American Community Survey. Logistic regression revealed that residential damage and homeownership are important predictors of relocation. There was also significant interaction between these two variables, indicating less difference between homeowners and renters at higher damage levels. Homeownership diminished the likelihood of relocation among younger respondents. Random effects logistic regression found that the percentage of homeownership and of higher income households in the community buffered the effect of damage on relocation; the percentage of older adults reduced the likelihood of this group relocating. The findings are assessed from the standpoint of age difference, policy implications, and social capital and vulnerability. © 2018 The Author(s). Disasters © Overseas Development Institute, 2018.

  6. Multi-state systems with selective propagated failures and imperfect individual and group protections

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levitin, Gregory; Xing Liudong; Ben-Haim, Hanoch; Da, Yuanshun


    The paper presents an algorithm for evaluating performance distribution of complex series–parallel multi-state systems with propagated failures and imperfect protections. The failure propagation can have a selective effect, which means that the failures originated from different system elements can cause failures of different subsets of elements. Individual elements or some disjoint groups of elements can be protected from propagation of failures originated outside the group. The protections can fail with given probabilities. The suggested algorithm is based on the universal generating function approach and a generalized reliability block diagram method. The performance distribution evaluation procedure is repeated for each combination of propagated failures and protection failures. Both an analytical example and a numerical example are provided to illustrate the suggested algorithm. - Highlights: ► Systems with propagated failures and imperfect protections are considered. ► Failures originated from different elements can affect different subsets of elements. ► Protections of individual elements or groups of elements can fail with given probabilities. ► An algorithm for evaluating multi-state system performance distribution is suggested.

  7. Individual Biometric Identification Using Multi-Cycle Electrocardiographic Waveform Patterns

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    Wonki Lee


    Full Text Available The electrocardiogram (ECG waveform conveys information regarding the electrical property of the heart. The patterns vary depending on the individual heart characteristics. ECG features can be potentially used for biometric recognition. This study presents a new method using the entire ECG waveform pattern for matching and demonstrates that the approach can potentially be employed for individual biometric identification. Multi-cycle ECG signals were assessed using an ECG measuring circuit, and three electrodes can be patched on the wrists or fingers for considering various measurements. For biometric identification, our-fold cross validation was used in the experiments for assessing how the results of a statistical analysis will generalize to an independent data set. Four different pattern matching algorithms, i.e., cosine similarity, cross correlation, city block distance, and Euclidean distances, were tested to compare the individual identification performances with a single channel of ECG signal (3-wire ECG. To evaluate the pattern matching for biometric identification, the ECG recordings for each subject were partitioned into training and test set. The suggested method obtained a maximum performance of 89.9% accuracy with two heartbeats of ECG signals measured on the wrist and 93.3% accuracy with three heartbeats for 55 subjects. The performance rate with ECG signals measured on the fingers improved up to 99.3% with two heartbeats and 100% with three heartbeats of signals for 20 subjects.

  8. Individual Biometric Identification Using Multi-Cycle Electrocardiographic Waveform Patterns. (United States)

    Lee, Wonki; Kim, Seulgee; Kim, Daeeun


    The electrocardiogram (ECG) waveform conveys information regarding the electrical property of the heart. The patterns vary depending on the individual heart characteristics. ECG features can be potentially used for biometric recognition. This study presents a new method using the entire ECG waveform pattern for matching and demonstrates that the approach can potentially be employed for individual biometric identification. Multi-cycle ECG signals were assessed using an ECG measuring circuit, and three electrodes can be patched on the wrists or fingers for considering various measurements. For biometric identification, our-fold cross validation was used in the experiments for assessing how the results of a statistical analysis will generalize to an independent data set. Four different pattern matching algorithms, i.e., cosine similarity, cross correlation, city block distance, and Euclidean distances, were tested to compare the individual identification performances with a single channel of ECG signal (3-wire ECG). To evaluate the pattern matching for biometric identification, the ECG recordings for each subject were partitioned into training and test set. The suggested method obtained a maximum performance of 89.9% accuracy with two heartbeats of ECG signals measured on the wrist and 93.3% accuracy with three heartbeats for 55 subjects. The performance rate with ECG signals measured on the fingers improved up to 99.3% with two heartbeats and 100% with three heartbeats of signals for 20 subjects.

  9. Análise da viabilidade de filtro anaeróbio de chicanas no pós-tratamento de esgotos sanitários.


    Silva, Vanessa Farias da


    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de filtro anaeróbio de chicanas (FAC) no pós-tratamento de efluente anaeróbio, usando garrafas PET como material de enchimento. O experimento foi realizado em três fases, delimitado pelos três tempos de detenção hidráulicas, 7, 9 e 10 dias, respectivamente. As análises dos efluentes do reator UASB e do FAC foram realizadas semanalmente, averiguando a remoção de matéria orgânica na forma de DBO5 e DQO, sólidos e suas frações, nutrient...

  10. Uso de filtros de carvão ativado granular associado a microrganismos para remoção de fármacos no tratamento de água de abastecimento

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    Rívea Medri Borges

    Full Text Available RESUMO O modo de vida das sociedades modernas originou o aporte diário, nos ambientes aquáticos, de fármacos e outras inúmeras moléculas de uso contínuo, compostos emergentes, com potencial de risco à saúde humana principalmente pela exposição em razão da inevitável contaminação dos mananciais de abastecimento de água e da transferência para as estações de tratamento de água (ETA, onde não são removidos. O uso de carvão ativado granular na filtração demonstra ser uma opção viável para ETA, porém, uma eficiência satisfatória requer regeneração periódica do material, onerando o tratamento. Contudo, observa-se que em baixas taxas de filtração a colonização natural dos filtros por microrganismos - formação de biofilme - pode ser uma alternativa para aumentar o tempo de vida útil do carvão, bem como para decompor essas moléculas complexas em elementos minerais assimiláveis, reintroduzindo-os nos ciclos biogeoquímicos naturais. Este trabalho avaliou, durante 24 semanas, em condições de laboratório, o carvão ativado com biofilme como meio filtrante para remoção dos fármacos: diclofenaco de sódio, ibuprofeno, naproxeno e amoxicilina; experimentou em sistema batch o potencial dos microrganismos colonizadores de filtros em degradar os fármacos testados, assim como identificou filogeneticamente os microrganismos predominantes na biodegradação. Os resultados demonstram a remoção dos fármacos acima de 80%. Constatou-se a presença das bactérias dos gêneros Bacillus , Burkholderia , Cupriavidus , Pseudomonas , Shinella , e Sphingomonas . Este estudo permite inferir a capacidade de remoção de fármacos por bactérias presentes em filtros de carvão ativado e o possível uso dessa tecnologia como alternativa de controle e remoção dessas substâncias no tratamento de água potável.


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    Full Text Available We investigated the time course of neural processing of multi-digit additions in high- (HMA and low-math anxious (LMA individuals. Seventeen HMA and 17 LMA individuals were presented with two-digit additions and were asked to perform a verification task. Behavioral data showed that HMA were slower and more error prone than their LMA peers, and that incorrect solutions were solved more slowly and less accurately than correct ones. Moreover, HMA individuals tended to need more time and commit more errors when having to verify incorrect solutions than correct ones. They also took longer and made more errors than their LMA peers. ERPs time-locked to the presentation of the addends (calculation phase and to the presentation of the proposed solution (verification phase were also analyzed. In both phases, a P2 component of larger amplitude was found for HMA individuals than for their LMA peers. Moreover, in the verification phase, LMA individuals showed a larger late positive component (LPC for incorrect solutions at parietal electrodes than their HMA counterparts. Because the P2 component is considered to be a biomarker of the mobilization of attentional resources towards emotionally negative stimuli, these results suggest that HMA individuals may invest more attentional resources during the arithmetical

  12. Desarrollo del diseño fluidodinámico de un filtro de mangas (tipo pulse - jet) para partículas minerales de origen industrial


    Peralta Castillo, German; Barriga Rivera, Alfredo Nicolas


    El presente trabajo desarrolla el diseño fluidodinámico de un filtro de mangas para partículas minerales de origen industrial con su utilización en el control de la contaminación industrial del aire y como medio de recuperación de materia prima o de producto terminado, tratando de ajustar este diseño a las condiciones locales y a las necesidades de nuestro país. La primera parte versa sobre los fundamentos teóricos de la dinámica de partículas y del mecanismo de filtrado necesarios para de...

  13. Choque térmico em filtros cerâmicos do sistema Al2O3-SiC Thermal shock on ceramic filters in the system Al2O3-SiC

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    V. R. Salvini


    Full Text Available Em diversas aplicações as cerâmicas celulares são submetidas a tensões térmicas severas, tal como na filtração de metais fundidos. Contudo, há poucos estudos sobre o desempenho ao choque térmico destes materiais. Uma das razões é que a metodologia para análise desta classe de materiais deve ser distinta daquela utilizada para os materiais cerâmicos densos. Isto porque no caso dos materiais celulares para filtração de metais fundidos o meio causador do choque térmico infiltra-se rapidamente na estrutura reticular de poros, reduzindo o gradiente de temperatura entre a superfície externa e a do interior do corpo. Neste contexto, a proposta do presente trabalho é verificar os efeitos de algumas propriedades dos filtros cerâmicos em seu comportamento mecânico durante testes de choque térmico em água. As propriedades consideradas são a permeabilidade, a condutividade térmica e a área superficial específica dos filtros. Para isto foram utilizados os filtros cerâmicos do sistema de Al2O3-SiC de 8, 10, 20 e 30 ppi (poros por polegada linear.In many applications, open-cell ceramics are expected to undergo severe thermal stresses, for instance, in their use as molten metal filters. However, only a few studies have considered the thermal shock behavior of these materials. One of the main reasons is the theoretical approach used for dense ceramics which may not be valid for porous materials. In this context, the aim of this work is to analyze the effects of permeability, specific surface area and thermal conductivity on the mechanical behavior of ceramic filters subjected to water quenching tests. Al2O3-SiC filters with nominal cell sizes, expressed as the number of pores per linear inch (ppi, ranged from 8 to 30 ppi were used in the experimental tests.

  14. Simulación de Plataformas Robóticas de Movimiento para Aplicaciones de Realidad Virtual Mediante Filtros Digitales

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    Sergio Casas


    Full Text Available Resumen: El uso de plataformas robóticas de movimiento en simuladores de vehículos y aplicaciones de Realidad Virtual es relativamente habitual. Sin embargo, el ajuste de los algoritmos que controlan su funcionamiento, denominados algoritmos de washout, no es sencillo y requiere de numerosas pruebas hasta obtener una apropiada fidelidad de movimiento. Disponer de herramientas que permitan simular plataformas de movimiento puede permitir simplificar esta tarea. Es por ello que este trabajo presenta un método para la caracterización y simulación de manipuladores robóticos mediante filtros digitales de segundo orden, sencillo de implementar y ajustar a partir de una caracterización previa. El simulador se construye con el objetivo de permitir la simulación rápida de manipuladores robóticos y se ejemplifica con una plataforma de dos grados de libertad, aunque el método propuesto podría emplearse en otros dispositivos. En las pruebas realizadas se valida la precisión y velocidad de la simulación, concluyéndose que se obtiene una fidelidad satisfactoria y una velocidad de simulación elevada que permite emplear el simulador como sustituto del hardware real con algoritmos de washout. Abstract: Robotic motion platforms are used in many vehicle simulators and Virtual Reality applications. However, the set-up of the so-called washout algorithms that control the generation of self-motion is a hard process, since a great deal of tests need to be performed before reaching a proper motion fidelity. The availability of simulation tools eases this tuning task. Therefore, a motion platform characterization and simulation method is proposed in this paper. The method relies on second order digital filters and provides a reliable, yet very fast simulation system, which is assessed by means of a two degree-of-freedom motion platform, although the method might be applied to simulate other motion mechanisms. Palabras clave: Plataformas de movimiento


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    Rafael Oliveira Batista


    Full Text Available El método de riego localizado, ha sido usado para la aplicación de aguas residuales, debido a la elevada eficiencia en la aplicación del fluido y el bajo riesgo de contaminación del producto agrícola y de los operadores de campo. Sin embargo, los sistemas de riego localizado, poseen emisores que presentan alta susceptibilidad al taponamiento. En el presente trabajo, se analizó el potencial de taponamiento de distintos goteros y del filtro de discos con agua residual sanitaria proveniente de una laguna de maduración, para lo cual, se instaló una plataforma de ensayo con tres modelos de goteros en un filtro de disco de 120 mallas. Análisis físicos, químicos y microbiológicos del agua residual sanitaria tratada fueron realizados, así como evaluaciones de uniformidad de aplicación de agua y del desempeño del sistema de filtración. De los resultados obtenidos, se concluyó que el agua residual sanitaria tratada, presentó un elevado riesgo de taponamiento, tanto de goteros como del filtro de discos; lo que repercutió en una considerable disminución de la uniformidad de la aplicación de agua, siendo la formación de biofilme, el principal factor de taponamiento de goteros. La presencia de partículas orgánicas en el fluido, interfirió en el desempeño del filtro de discos, por lo tanto, el agua residual sanitaria tratada, debe ser sometida a tratamiento químico o biológico para su aplicación a cultivos agrícolas por goteo y periodos de tiempo superiores a 200 horas.The method of trickle irrigation has been used for wastewater application due to its high effluent application efficiency and the low risk of contamination of agricultural products and field operators. However, the trickle irrigation systems have emitters that showed high susceptibility to clogging. This study aimed to analyze the obstruction potential of different drip emitters and filter discs with sewage from a maturation pond. To do so, it was set up bench to

  16. Semi-empirical simulation of thermoluminescent response under different filter geometries; Simulacao semi-empirica da resposta termoluminescente sob diferentes geometrias de filtro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shammas, Gabriel Issa Jabra


    Many thermoluminescent materials has been developed and used for photon personal dosimetry but no one has all desired characteristics alone. These characteristics include robustness, high sensitivity, energy photon independence, large range of photon energy detection, good reproducibility, small fading and simple glow curve with peaks above 150 deg C. Calcium Sulfate Dysprosium doped (CaSO{sub 4}:Dy) phosphor Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) has been used by many laboratories, mainly in Brazil and India. Another interesting phosphor is Calcium Fluoride (CaF{sub 2}). These phosphor advantages begin to be more required and its disadvantages have became more apparent, in a global market more and more competitive. These phosphors are used in environmental and area monitoring, once they present more sensibility than other phosphors, like LiF:Mg. Theirs mainly disadvantage is a strong energetic dependence response, which must be corrected for theirs application in the field, where photon radiation is unknown a priori. An interesting way do make this correction in orthogonal incidence of the radiation on the phosphor is to interject a plane leaked filter between the beam and the phosphor. In order to reduce the energetic dependence on any incidence angle, reducing the field dose measurement uncertainty too, this work presents a simulation study on spherical filter geometries. It was simulated photon irradiations with Gamma rays of {sup 60}Co and x-rays of 33; 48 and 118 keV, on many incidence angles from zero to ninety degrees. These semi-empirical computational simulations using finite differences in three dimensions were done in spherical coordinates. The results pointed out the best filter thicknesses and widths, in order to optimize the correction on energetic dependence. (author)

  17. Bayesian analysis of multi-state data with individual covariates for estimating genetic effects on demography (United States)

    Converse, Sarah J.; Royle, J. Andrew; Urbanek, Richard P.


    Inbreeding depression is frequently a concern of managers interested in restoring endangered species. Decisions to reduce the potential for inbreeding depression by balancing genotypic contributions to reintroduced populations may exact a cost on long-term demographic performance of the population if those decisions result in reduced numbers of animals released and/or restriction of particularly successful genotypes (i.e., heritable traits of particular family lines). As part of an effort to restore a migratory flock of Whooping Cranes (Grus americana) to eastern North America using the offspring of captive breeders, we obtained a unique dataset which includes post-release mark-recapture data, as well as the pedigree of each released individual. We developed a Bayesian formulation of a multi-state model to analyze radio-telemetry, band-resight, and dead recovery data on reintroduced individuals, in order to track survival and breeding state transitions. We used studbook-based individual covariates to examine the comparative evidence for and degree of effects of inbreeding, genotype, and genotype quality on post-release survival of reintroduced individuals. We demonstrate implementation of the Bayesian multi-state model, which allows for the integration of imperfect detection, multiple data types, random effects, and individual- and time-dependent covariates. Our results provide only weak evidence for an effect of the quality of an individual's genotype in captivity on post-release survival as well as for an effect of inbreeding on post-release survival. We plan to integrate our results into a decision-analytic modeling framework that can explicitly examine tradeoffs between the effects of inbreeding and the effects of genotype and demographic stochasticity on population establishment.

  18. Desempenho das companhias pós-fusões e aquisições mensurado pelos filtros de Graham = Performance of post-mergers and acquisitions companies measured by Graham Filters

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    Leandro Augusto Toigo


    Full Text Available O estudo objetiva verificar o desempenho das companhias que realizaram fusões e aquisições por meio da avaliação de desempenho com o uso dos Filtros de Graham. A pesquisa, caracterizada como descritiva, documental e quantitativa, foi realizada a partir de dados contábeis, financeiros e de mercado de quarenta e duas companhias abertas brasileiras listadas na BM&FBovespa, que realizaram fusões e aquisições com troca de controle entre os períodos de 2006 e 2010. Os dados sobre as fusões e aquisições foram coletados junto ao sítio da CVM – Comissão de Valores Mobiliários em fatos relevantes. As informações sobre o desempenho foram levantadas junto à base Economática®. Calculou-se o desempenho das quarenta e duas companhias por sete Filtros de Graham, transformados em um ranking pela aplicação do TOPSIS. Pelos resultados, verifica-se que nos cinco anos de análise as companhias tiveram variações positivas de desempenho no ranking. Como contribuição ao cálculo de desempenho das empresas, os Filtros de Graham permitiram identificar a elevação do lucro líquido, redução do endividamento, aumento dos ativos. Com esses resultados constata-se que as companhias que passaram por fusões e aquisições apresentam boa saúde financeira e baixo risco. Como conclusão, tem-se que esses resultados do desempenho das companhias pelos Filtros de Graham nos processos de fusões e aquisições, realizados no ambiente brasileiro, apresentam razoável segurança aos acionistas e bom nível de Governança Corporativa. The objective of this study was to verify the performance of the companies that performed mergers and acquisitions by evaluating performance with the use of Graham Filters. The research, characterized as descriptive, documentary and quantitative, was based on the accounting, financial and market data of 42 Brazilian companies listed on the BM&FBovespa, which conducted mergers and acquisitions with exchange of control

  19. Small Area and Individual Level Predictors of Physical Activity in Urban Communities: A Multi-Level Study in Stoke on Trent, England

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    Hilde Stephansen


    Full Text Available Reducing population physical inactivity has been declared a global public health priority. We report a detailed multi-level analysis of small area indices and individual factors as correlates of physical activity in deprived urban areas. Multi-level regression analysis was used to investigate environmental and individual correlates of physical activity. Nine individual factors were retained in the overall model, two related to individual intentions or beliefs, three to access to shops, work or fast food outlets and two to weather; age and gender being the other two. Four area level indices related to: traffic, road casualties, criminal damage and access to green space were important in explaining variation in physical activity.


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    Jaime González


    Full Text Available En este artículo es presentado un estudio comparativo de dos métodos muy utilizados en la estimación de velocidad. El primero es la estimación de velocidad utilizando Inteligencia Artificial por medio de redes neuronales, que se alimentan de las tensiones y corrientes del estator para producir el valor estimado de velocidad, después de haber sido realizado el entrenamiento de la red en forma off-line. El segundo método es usar un Filtro Extendido de Kalman, utilizando un modelo del motor en espacios de estado con ruidos blancos gaussianos aditivos de sistema y de medición. Para cada uno de los métodos serán presentadas sus ventajas y desventajas.

  1. Identification of the geographical place of origin of an unidentified individual by multi-isotope analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Font Morales, L.; van der Peijl, G.J.Q.; van Leeuwen, C.; van Wetten, I.A.; Davies, G.R.


    A multi-isotope investigation (Sr and Pb isotopes and δ18O, δ13C and δ15N) was applied to bone and teeth from an unidentified male found drowned in the"IJ" Ruyterkade in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in March of 1999. The individual remained unidentified until mid 2013, after the isotope study was

  2. Correlação entre permeabilidade e resistência mecânica de filtros cerâmicos no sistema Al2O3-SiC


    Salvini,V. R.; Innocentini,M. D. M.; Pandolfelli,V. C.


    Tem sido crescente o uso de cerâmicas reticulares em processos de refino e purificação de metais fundidos, filtração de gases quentes e combustão catalítica. A aplicação depende da composição química e das propriedades físicas do material (número de poros por polegada linear (ppi), porosidade e diâmetro de poro). Há um consenso de que a melhoria das propriedades dos filamentos resulta em um melhor desempenho mecânico do filtro cerâmico. Entretanto, a análise dos valores de resistência mecânic...

  3. Application of an active current filter in the harmonics reduction in industrial electric systems; Aplicacion de un filtro activo de corriente en la reduccion de armonicos en sistemas electricos industriales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reyes Trujillo, Eleazar


    In this work it is presented the pattern of an active filter of current and their implementation in the program Simulink of MatLab to reduce the content of harmonics generated for different non lineal load. For the active filter of current they were developed each one of the stages that integrate it, from the obtaining of references, the control block and the stage of power. For the obtaining of references, the reactivates instantaneous power theory was used. For the control of the shots of the IGBT's a control knot was used based on a hysteresis band and for the stage of power, an inversor complete bridge was used with a capacitor like source of direct voltage. To analyze the behavior of the active filter, a real industrial electric system was modeled with a lineal load RL and two non lineal load, a using a converter to diodes of 6 pulses and other a working of a machine of dc with a converter to tiristores of 6 pulses. These configurations were used because their content of harmonicas is high. To this system was integrated the active filter modeled in the exit of the non lineal load to avoid that the harmonic components generated by the loads non lineal distortions the current signals. The current signals, voltage signals, power flow, power factor and the harmonic components that circulate in the industrial electric system were analyzed. [Spanish] Actualmente, la presencia de equipos basados en electronica de potencia cuya operacion es no lineal, instalados en los sistemas electricos industriales, ha incrementado la presencia de distorsion en la senal de corriente y/o tension electrica por armonicos, originando problemas en la calidad de la energia electrica. Como una solucion a este problema, en este trabajo, se presenta el modelo de un filtro activo de corriente y su implementacion en el programa Simulink de MatLab para reducir el contenido de armonicos generados por diferentes cargas no lineales. Para el filtro activo de corriente se desarrollaron cada

  4. Perda de carga em filtros orgânicos utilizados no tratamento de água residuária de suinoculturas Head-loss evolution in organic filters for swine wastewater treatment

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    Antonio T. de Matos


    Full Text Available Com a realização deste trabalho, objetivou-se parametrizar a equação de evolução da perda de carga, para descrição do processo de filtração de água residuária da suinocultura. No preenchimento das colunas filtrantes, foram utilizados bagaço de cana-de-açúcar triturado, serragem de madeira e pergaminho de grãos de café. Dados de perda de carga em diferentes profundidades e tempos de operação dos filtros orgânicos foram coletados para ajuste das equações de perda de carga. Para as equações ajustadas, foram obtidos altos coeficientes de determinação, sendo que a significância dos coeficientes da regressão foi, na sua quase totalidade, de 1% de probabilidade, podendo ser utilizada na predição do comportamento dos filtros. As variáveis tempo de operação e profundidade das colunas filtrantes, constituídas pelos três materiais filtrantes, apresentaram comportamento quadrático na estimativa da perda de carga total. O tempo ideal de operação ininterrupta dos filtros, sem troca de material filtrante, foi de, aproximadamente, 1,5 h e, depois de corrido esse tempo, o material filtrante deverá ser substituído.This work was developed to adjust the equation of head-loss, describing the head-loss process with the depth and operation time of organic filter utilized in treatment of swine wastewater. Sugarcane bagasse, sawdust and coffee husk, by-products of agricultural and agro-industrial activities, were used to fill the filter columns. Data on head-loss in different depths with the time of organic filters operation were collected to analyze the head-loss evolution. In head-loss equations as function of depth and filter operation time high values were obtained for the coefficients of determination and the regression coefficients presented, in almost, significant at 1% probability, predicting the behavior of the filters, constituted of sawdust, sugarcane bagasse and coffee husk. The variables, operation time and the filter

  5. Individual-based versus aggregate meta-analysis in multi-database studies of pregnancy outcomes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Selmer, Randi; Haglund, Bengt; Furu, Kari


    Purpose: Compare analyses of a pooled data set on the individual level with aggregate meta-analysis in a multi-database study. Methods: We reanalysed data on 2.3 million births in a Nordic register based cohort study. We compared estimated odds ratios (OR) for the effect of selective serotonin...... covariates in the pooled data set, and 1.53 (1.19–1.96) after country-optimized adjustment. Country-specific adjusted analyses at the substance level were not possible for RVOTO. Conclusion: Results of fixed effects meta-analysis and individual-based analyses of a pooled dataset were similar in this study...... reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and venlafaxine use in pregnancy on any cardiovascular birth defect and the rare outcome right ventricular outflow tract obstructions (RVOTO). Common covariates included maternal age, calendar year, birth order, maternal diabetes, and co-medication. Additional covariates were...


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    Diana Rocío Acevedo Cifuentes


    Full Text Available En este artículo, se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la remoción de coliformes totales, coliformes fecales y salmonella-shigella, presentes en un licor mixto proveniente de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales San Fernando (Medellín, Colombia, mediante el uso de una batería de filtros empacados en zeolita clinoptilolita. La experimentación se desarrolló bajo condiciones controladas de caudal y pH, a temperatura ambiente. Se empleó zeolita natural tipo clinoptilolita la cual se activó con solución salina y secado, se empacó en una batería compuesta por dos filtros, uno de flujo descendente y otro de flujo ascendente, para facilitar el contacto de la solución contaminada y el material adsorbente (zeolita. Se realizaron cinco ensayos independientes y al final de cada uno de ellos se lavó y se activó el material zeolítico antes de comenzar el siguiente. En cada ensayo se tomaron tres muestras. Se encontró que la eficiencia de los filtros bajo las condiciones específicas de diseño fue significativamente alta en la remoción de los patógenos evaluados, y el porcentaje de remoción fue independiente del valor de la concentración a la entrada del filtro. Además, la eficiencia en la remoción de los patógenos evaluados no dependió del tipo de microorganismo.This article displays results obtained when total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and Salmonella shigella were removed from mixed liquor taken from San Fernando waste water treatment plant in Medellín, Colombia, by using a battery of filters packed in zeolite clinoptilolite. Experiments were developed under controlled conditions of flow and pH at room temperature. Natural clinoptilolite-type zeolite was used activated with saline solution and drying; it was packed in a battery consisting of two filters (a downward-flow filter and an upward-flow filter in order to make contact of contaminated solution and adsorbent material (zeolite easier. Five independent tests were

  7. Retenção de poluentes em filtros orgânicos operando com águas residuárias da suinocultura Retention of pollutants in organic filters operating with swine confinement wastewater

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    Viviane dos S. Brandão


    Full Text Available Para aproveitamento das águas residuárias da suinocultura na fertirrigação de culturas agrícolas, principalmente no caso do uso de irrigação localizada, torna-se necessária a remoção dos sólidos em suspensão e de parte dos dissolvidos. Como, para esse tipo de água o uso de filtros convencionais de areia não é possível, torna-se necessário o estudo de materiais alternativos para uso como filtros. Como materiais filtrantes foram avaliadas a casca de arroz, a casca de frutos do cafeeiro, o bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, o sabugo de milho triturado, a serragem de madeira e o fino de carvão vegetal. As colunas de filtragem foram constituídas de tubos de PVC de 100 mm de diâmetro e comprimento de 600 mm, sendo preenchidas com o material até a altura de 500 mm e com compressão de 12.490 N m-2. Avaliaram-se as alterações químicas e físicas ocorridas no material após seu uso como filtro no tratamento de 15 L de águas residuárias da suinocultura. Os materiais filtrantes que apresentaram maior capacidade de retenção de poluentes foram o bagaço de cana-de-açúcar e a serragem de madeira.For the utilization of wastewater from swine confinement in fertigation of agricultural crops, mainly in the case of localized irrigation, it is necessary to remove the suspended solids and some of the dissolved ones. Since the use of conventional sand filters for wastewater is not possible there is a need for a study concerning alternative materials that might be used as wastewater filters. The following filtering materials were evaluated: rice husk, coffee husk, sugarcane bagasse, milled corncob, sawdust and fine charcoal. The filtration columns consisting of PVC tubes with 100 mm diameter and 600 mm length were filled with filtering material up to 500 mm height and compression of 12,490 N m-2. Evaluations were performed for the chemical and physical changes occurring in the material following its use as a filter in treatment with swine

  8. Filtros plantados com macrófitas de fluxo vertical aplicados na mineralização e desaguamento de lodo de tanque séptico Vertical flow constructed wetlands for septic sludge mineralization and dewatering

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    Carla Suntti


    Full Text Available O lodo acumulado no interior de tanques sépticos deve passar por um tratamento antes de sua adequada disposição final, pois apresenta uma fração da matéria orgânica não estabilizada, elevado teor de umidade e organismos patogênicos. Como alternativa para o tratamento do lodo, os filtros plantados com macrófitas são uma tecnologia promissora. Para se avaliar o potencial dos filtros no desaguamento e mineralização do lodo de tanque séptico, foram construídos dois filtros pilotos (F1 e F2 aplicando-se duas taxas de sólidos totais (ST - F1: 250 kgST.m-2.ano-1; F2: 125 kgST.m-2.ano-1. Os resultados revelaram que o F2 apresentou melhor desempenho em relação ao F1 em termos de remoção de sólidos totais (96%, demanda química de oxigênio (99% e nitrogênio amoniacal (72%. O F2 proporcionou melhor desaguamento, com 67% de umidade no lodo acumulado no leito e 33% de sólidos totais.The accumulated sludge in septic tanks has to be treated before the adequate final disposal, because of its high concentration of non-established organic matter, elevated content of moisture and pathogenic organisms. As an alternative to the treatment of sludge, the vertical flow constructed wetlands are a promising technology. To evaluate the potential of the filters in dewatering and mineralization of septic tank sludge, two pilot-scale constructed wetlands (CW1 and CW2 were implanted according with two total solids loads (TS - CW1: 250 kgTS.m-2.year-1; CW2: 125kgTS.m-2.year-1. The results demonstrated that the CW2 had better efficiencies compared with CW1, in terms of total solids (96%, chemical oxygen demand (99% and ammonia (72% removal. CW2 also provided a better dewatering, with moisture of 67% in accumulated sludge and 33% of total solids.

  9. Implante de filtro em veia cava inferior dupla: relato de caso e revisão da literatura Filter placement in duplicated inferior vena cava: case report and review of the literature

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    Rafael Demarchi Malgor


    Full Text Available Veia cava inferior dupla é uma variação anatômica rara cuja prevalência é de 0,2-3%. O implante de filtro de veia cava, quando indicado em casos com duplicidade da veia cava inferior, pode ser realizado de diferentes formas: em ambas as veias cavas; em uma delas, embolizando a anastomose entre ambas; em somente uma delas; ou por implante supra-renal. Relatamos um caso de trombose venosa profunda no pós-operatório de implante de prótese de quadril com contra-indicação para tratamento anticoagulante e cuja cavografia evidenciou duplicidade de veia cava inferior. O implante de filtro de veia cava inferior realizado em posição supra-renal mostrou-se opção adequada e segura.Double inferior vena cava is a rare anatomic variation with prevalence ranging between 0.2-3.0%. In cases of duplication, inferior vena cava filter placement options include placing it in both vena cava, coil-embolization of the intervenous segment plus placing a filter in the right inferior vena cava, or suprarenal filter placement. We report a case of deep venous thrombosis after unilateral primary total hip replacement, presenting with contraindications for anticoagulant therapy, in which cavography showed inferior vena cava duplication. Inferior vena cava filter placement was performed in the supra-renal portion and was proved to be an adequate and safe procedure.

  10. How Multi-Levels of Individual and Team Learning Interact in a Public Healthcare Organisation: A Conceptual Framework (United States)

    Doyle, Louise; Kelliher, Felicity; Harrington, Denis


    The aim of this paper is to review the relevant literature on organisational learning and offer a preliminary conceptual framework as a basis to explore how the multi-levels of individual learning and team learning interact in a public healthcare organisation. The organisational learning literature highlights a need for further understanding of…

  11. Utilização de uma resina preparada pelo método da solução líquida de citratos como ligante durante a preparação de filtros cerâmicos à base de alumina Utilization of a resin, prepared by the citrate liquid solution method, as binder during the manufacturing of alumina-based ceramic filters


    D. Gouvêa; W. A. Savaglia Neto; J. D. T. Capocchi


    Este trabalho propõe a preparação de filtros cerâmicos macroporosos pela técnica da impregnação de espumas de poliuretano e utilização de uma resina preparada pelo método Pechini contendo íons alumínio e manganês como ligante. Nas temperaturas inferiores à de combustão da resina a parte orgânica age com ligante. Após a decomposição térmica, o produto da combustão, ou seja, alumina contendo íons Mn, passa a ser um ligante inorgânico mas apresentando composição química semelhante à do filtro. O...

  12. Who Multi-Tasks and Why? Multi-Tasking Ability, Perceived Multi-Tasking Ability, Impulsivity, and Sensation Seeking


    Sanbonmatsu, David M.; Strayer, David L.; Medeiros-Ward, Nathan; Watson, Jason M.


    The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are ...

  13. Evaluation of three different DNA extraction methods from blood samples collected in dried filter paper in Plasmodium subpatent infections from the Amazon region in Brazil Avaliação de três métodos de extração de DNA obtidos de amostras de sangue coletadas em papel de filtro em infecções subpatentes de Plasmodium da região Amazônica no Brasil

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    Renata Bortolasse Miguel


    Full Text Available Asymptomatic Plasmodium infection is a new challenge for public health in the American region. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR is the best method for diagnosing subpatent parasitemias. In endemic areas, blood collection is hampered by geographical distances and deficient transport and storage conditions of the samples. Because DNA extraction from blood collected on filter paper is an efficient method for molecular studies in high parasitemic individuals, we investigated whether the technique could be an alternative for Plasmodium diagnosis among asymptomatic and pauciparasitemic subjects. In this report we compared three different methods (Chelex®-saponin, methanol and TRIS-EDTA of DNA extraction from blood collected on filter paper from asymptomatic Plasmodium-infected individuals. Polymerase chain reaction assays for detection of Plasmodium species showed the best results when the Chelex®-saponin method was used. Even though the sensitivity of detection was approximately 66% and 31% for P. falciparum and P. vivax, respectively, this method did not show the effectiveness in DNA extraction required for molecular diagnosis of Plasmodium. The development of better methods for extracting DNA from blood collected on filter paper is important for the diagnosis of subpatent malarial infections in remote areas and would contribute to establishing the epidemiology of this form of infection.Infecção assintomática por Plasmodium é um novo desafio para a saúde pública no Brasil. A reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR é o melhor método para detectar baixas parasitemias presentes em pacientes com infecção assintomática. Nas áreas endêmicas, a coleta de sangue total é dificultada pela distancia geográfica, transporte e adequada armazenagem das amostras. A coleta de sangue em papel de filtro pode ser uma alternativa nessas áreas de difícil acesso. Neste estudo foram comparados três diferentes métodos de extração de ADN a partir de

  14. Multi-segment foot kinematics and ground reaction forces during gait of individuals with plantar fasciitis. (United States)

    Chang, Ryan; Rodrigues, Pedro A; Van Emmerik, Richard E A; Hamill, Joseph


    Clinically, plantar fasciitis (PF) is believed to be a result and/or prolonged by overpronation and excessive loading, but there is little biomechanical data to support this assertion. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences between healthy individuals and those with PF in (1) rearfoot motion, (2) medial forefoot motion, (3) first metatarsal phalangeal joint (FMPJ) motion, and (4) ground reaction forces (GRF). We recruited healthy (n=22) and chronic PF individuals (n=22, symptomatic over three months) of similar age, height, weight, and foot shape (p>0.05). Retro-reflective skin markers were fixed according to a multi-segment foot and shank model. Ground reaction forces and three dimensional kinematics of the shank, rearfoot, medial forefoot, and hallux segment were captured as individuals walked at 1.35 ms(-1). Despite similarities in foot anthropometrics, when compared to healthy individuals, individuals with PF exhibited significantly (pfoot kinematics and kinetics. Consistent with the theoretical injury mechanisms of PF, we found these individuals to have greater total rearfoot eversion and peak FMPJ dorsiflexion, which may put undue loads on the plantar fascia. Meanwhile, increased medial forefoot plantar flexion at initial contact and decreased propulsive GRF are suggestive of compensatory responses, perhaps to manage pain. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Evaluación de un sistema de filtros de cascarilla de arroz y luffa cylindrica para el tratamiento de aguas lluvias

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    Paola Mesa


    Full Text Available Se evaluó un sistema de tratamiento para agua lluvia cosechada en los techos de la Universidad Libre, sede Bosque Popular empleando elementos lignocelulósicos mediante dos filtros de flujo descendente con lecho profundo. Uno que consta de luffa cylindrica como soporte combinado con cascarilla de arroz como medio filtrante y otro que solo funcionó con cascarilla de arroz como medio filtrante. La eficiencia del tratamiento se evaluó a través de análisis físicos, químicos y biológicos como pH, turbiedad, sólidos disueltos totales, sólidos suspendidos totales, DQO y coliformes para un período de 10 días. Algunos de estos parámetros no mejoraron con el sistema en el período de prueba. Se observó además la ausencia de alcalinidad y dureza, lo que puede permitir el uso de esta agua en procesos diferentes al de consumo humano.

  16. Correlação entre permeabilidade e resistência mecânica de filtros cerâmicos no sistema Al2O3-SiC Relationship between permeability and mechanical strength of Al2O3-SiC ceramic filters

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    V. R. Salvini


    Full Text Available Tem sido crescente o uso de cerâmicas reticulares em processos de refino e purificação de metais fundidos, filtração de gases quentes e combustão catalítica. A aplicação depende da composição química e das propriedades físicas do material (número de poros por polegada linear (ppi, porosidade e diâmetro de poro. Há um consenso de que a melhoria das propriedades dos filamentos resulta em um melhor desempenho mecânico do filtro cerâmico. Entretanto, a análise dos valores de resistência mecânica não pode ser considerada isoladamente, uma vez que para filtros cerâmicos esta tem que estar associada à permeabilidade. Neste trabalho é feita uma análise entre as propriedades fluidodinâmicas e mecânicas de filtros cerâmicos no sistema Al2O3-SiC na faixa de 8 a 90 ppi. Os resultados obtidos permitem considerações tanto no aspecto do processamento cerâmico quanto no modelamento mecânico apresentado na literatura.Reticulate ceramics have been increasingly employed in purification of gases, liquid metals and in catalytic processes. The application area usually depends on the chemical composition and the physical properties (porosity, pore size and pore counting (ppi. In most cases, reticulate ceramics are submitted to compression loads at high temperatures, which makes the durability of these cellular materials be ultimately related to the mechanical quality of the struts. In filtration applications, it is also important the evaluation of fluid dynamic properties of the ceramic, specifically its permeability to fluid flow. In this work, a relationship between mechanical properties and permeability constants of Al2O3-SiC ceramic foam filters with 8 to 90 ppi is presented. Results were associated with the processing technique and with the mechanical modeling presented in the literature.

  17. Evaluación de la eficiencia de una batería de filtros empacados en zeolita en la remoción de metales pesados presentes en un licor mixto bajo condiciones de laboratorio


    Acevedo Cifuentes, Diana Rocío; Builes Felizzola, Sandra Milena; Ordóñez Ante, Carlos Andrés; López Sánchez, Idalia Jacqueline


    En este artículo se muestran resultados de investigación obtenidos en la remoción de los metales pesados, plomo, níquel, cromo, cadmio y mercurio, presentes en una solución compuesta por licor mixto proveniente de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de San Fernando y una solución preparada con metales pesados con una concentración conocida, mediante el uso de una batería de filtros empacados en zeolita clinoptilolita. La experimentación se desarrolló bajo condiciones controladas de c...

  18. Evaluation of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and 2 antibodies detection in dried whole blood spots (dbs samples Pesquisa de anticorpos contra o vírus da imunodeficiência humana tipos 1 e 2 em amostras de sangue seco coletadas em papel filtro

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    Andréa Cauduro de Castro


    Full Text Available Human Immunodeficiency Vírus Type 1 and 2 antibodies detection was performed in 457 dried whole blood spots samples (S&S 903. Q-Preven HIV 1+2 was the screening test used. The results were compared with the gold standard serum tests by ELISA (Cobas Core e Axsym HIV1/2 gO and imunofluorescence was the definitive confirmatory test. The samples were obtained from the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil, through whole blood transfer to filter paper card and sent to Caxias do Sul, RS - Brazil where the tests were performed. The dried whole blood spot stability was evaluated with two different panels. The first one was composed of five negative and five positive samples stored at room temperature, 4 ºC, -20 ºC and -70 ºC, while the second was composed of two negative and three positive samples stored at 37 ºC (humidity Foram realizados 457 testes para detectar anticorpos contra o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana tipos 1 e 2, em amostras de sangue total seco coletadas em papel filtro (S&S 903, com o teste de triagem Q-Preven HIV 1+2, comparando-se com os resultados dos testes de triagem no soro (Cobas Core e Axsym HIV1/2 gO, sendo a imunofluorescência indireta o teste confirmatório. As amostras foram obtidas no Hospital Conceição em Porto Alegre, pela transferência de sangue total para cartão de papel filtro e encaminhadas para Caxias do Sul para a realização dos testes. Foi analisada a estabilidade da amostra em papel filtro com a utilização de dois painéis: o primeiro com cinco amostras negativas e cinco positivas armazenadas por seis semanas à temperatura ambiente, 4 ºC, -20 ºC e -70 ºC; o segundo com duas negativas e três positivas armazenadas por seis semanas com avaliações semanais a 37 ºC (umidade <50%. Os resultados de todas as amostras testadas foram mantidos. A sensibilidade foi de 100%, a especificidade de 99,6%, o valor preditivo positivo de 99,5% e o valor preditivo negativo de 100

  19. Post-error response inhibition in high math-anxious individuals: Evidence from a multi-digit addition task. (United States)

    Núñez-Peña, M Isabel; Tubau, Elisabet; Suárez-Pellicioni, Macarena


    The aim of the study was to investigate how high math-anxious (HMA) individuals react to errors in an arithmetic task. Twenty HMA and 19 low math-anxious (LMA) individuals were presented with a multi-digit addition verification task and were given response feedback. Post-error adjustment measures (response time and accuracy) were analyzed in order to study differences between groups when faced with errors in an arithmetical task. Results showed that both HMA and LMA individuals were slower to respond following an error than following a correct answer. However, post-error accuracy effects emerged only for the HMA group, showing that they were also less accurate after having committed an error than after giving the right answer. Importantly, these differences were observed only when individuals needed to repeat the same response given in the previous trial. These results suggest that, for HMA individuals, errors caused reactive inhibition of the erroneous response, facilitating performance if the next problem required the alternative response but hampering it if the response was the same. This stronger reaction to errors could be a factor contributing to the difficulties that HMA individuals experience in learning math and doing math tasks. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



    Lombana, Oriana; Facultad de Ciencias Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá; Cortés, Lucía del Pilar; Banco de Sangre, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, Bogotá.; Díez, Hugo; Facultad de Ciencias Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá


    El desarrollo de refractariedad plaquetaria permanente es un problema en pacientes poli transfundidos con neoplasias de origen hematológico. La reducción sistemática del contenido de leucocitos en los productos transfundidos, que está orientada a disminuir la presentación de la misma, puede elevar notablemente los costos de la terapia transfusional principalmente por la utilización de filtros de absorción selectiva. Este estudio comparó la presentación de refractariedad en 83 pacientes con ne...

  1. Superior sensory, motor, and cognitive performance in elderly individuals with multi-year dancing activities

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    Jan-Christoph Kattenstroth


    Full Text Available Aging is associated with a progressive decline of mental and physical abilities. Considering the current demographic changes in many civilizations there is an urgent need for measures permitting an independent lifestyle into old age. The critical role of physical exercise in mediating and maintaining physical and mental fitness is well-acknowledged. Dance, in addition to physical activity, combines emotions, social interaction, sensory stimulation, motor coordination and music, thereby creating enriched environmental conditions for human individuals. Here we demonstrate the impact of multi-year (average 16.5 years amateur dancing (AD in a group of elderly subjects (aged 65 to 84 years as compared to education-, gender- and aged-matched controls (CG having no record of dancing or sporting activities. Besides posture and balance parameters, we tested reaction times, motor behavior, tactile and cognitive performance. In each of the different domains investigated, the AD group had a superior performance as compared to the non-dancer CG group. Analysis of individual performance revealed that the best participants of the AD group were not better than individuals of the CG group. Instead, the AD group lacked individuals showing poor performance, which was frequently observed for the CG group. This observation implies that maintaining a regular schedule of dancing into old age can preserve cognitive, motor and perceptual abilities and prevent them from degradation. We conclude that the far-reaching beneficial effects found in the AD group make dance, beyond its ability to facilitate balance and posture, a prime candidate for the preservation of everyday life competence of elderly individuals.

  2. Multi-task linear programming discriminant analysis for the identification of progressive MCI individuals. (United States)

    Yu, Guan; Liu, Yufeng; Thung, Kim-Han; Shen, Dinggang


    Accurately identifying mild cognitive impairment (MCI) individuals who will progress to Alzheimer's disease (AD) is very important for making early interventions. Many classification methods focus on integrating multiple imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). However, the main challenge for MCI classification using multiple imaging modalities is the existence of a lot of missing data in many subjects. For example, in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) study, almost half of the subjects do not have PET images. In this paper, we propose a new and flexible binary classification method, namely Multi-task Linear Programming Discriminant (MLPD) analysis, for the incomplete multi-source feature learning. Specifically, we decompose the classification problem into different classification tasks, i.e., one for each combination of available data sources. To solve all different classification tasks jointly, our proposed MLPD method links them together by constraining them to achieve the similar estimated mean difference between the two classes (under classification) for those shared features. Compared with the state-of-the-art incomplete Multi-Source Feature (iMSF) learning method, instead of constraining different classification tasks to choose a common feature subset for those shared features, MLPD can flexibly and adaptively choose different feature subsets for different classification tasks. Furthermore, our proposed MLPD method can be efficiently implemented by linear programming. To validate our MLPD method, we perform experiments on the ADNI baseline dataset with the incomplete MRI and PET images from 167 progressive MCI (pMCI) subjects and 226 stable MCI (sMCI) subjects. We further compared our method with the iMSF method (using incomplete MRI and PET images) and also the single-task classification method (using only MRI or only subjects with both MRI and PET images

  3. Multi-task linear programming discriminant analysis for the identification of progressive MCI individuals.

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    Guan Yu

    Full Text Available Accurately identifying mild cognitive impairment (MCI individuals who will progress to Alzheimer's disease (AD is very important for making early interventions. Many classification methods focus on integrating multiple imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET. However, the main challenge for MCI classification using multiple imaging modalities is the existence of a lot of missing data in many subjects. For example, in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI study, almost half of the subjects do not have PET images. In this paper, we propose a new and flexible binary classification method, namely Multi-task Linear Programming Discriminant (MLPD analysis, for the incomplete multi-source feature learning. Specifically, we decompose the classification problem into different classification tasks, i.e., one for each combination of available data sources. To solve all different classification tasks jointly, our proposed MLPD method links them together by constraining them to achieve the similar estimated mean difference between the two classes (under classification for those shared features. Compared with the state-of-the-art incomplete Multi-Source Feature (iMSF learning method, instead of constraining different classification tasks to choose a common feature subset for those shared features, MLPD can flexibly and adaptively choose different feature subsets for different classification tasks. Furthermore, our proposed MLPD method can be efficiently implemented by linear programming. To validate our MLPD method, we perform experiments on the ADNI baseline dataset with the incomplete MRI and PET images from 167 progressive MCI (pMCI subjects and 226 stable MCI (sMCI subjects. We further compared our method with the iMSF method (using incomplete MRI and PET images and also the single-task classification method (using only MRI or only subjects with both MRI and

  4. Filtro respiratório reduz efeitos cardiovasculares associados à poluição: estudo randomizado, duplo-cego, controlado e cruzado em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (FILTER-HF trial)


    Jefferson Luís Vieira


    Introdução A poluição do ar é um fator de risco associado com descompensação e mortalidade em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC). Objetivo Avaliar o impacto de um filtro de polipropileno sobre desfechos cardiovasculares em pacientes com IC e voluntários saudáveis durante exposição controlada à poluição. Métodos Ensaio clínico duplocego, controlado e cruzado, incluindo 26 pacientes com IC e 15 voluntários saudáveis, expostos a três protocolos diferentes de inalação randomizados por orde...

  5. Performance of non woven synthetic fabric and disc filters for fertirrigation water treatment Desempenho dos filtros de mantas não tecidas e de disco no tratamento de água para fertirrigação

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    Túlio Assunção Pires Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Obstruction of emitters caused by the presence of solid particles in the water raises the cost and maintenance of trickle irrigation systems, and might compromise their utilization. This research was performed through test fields, with the objective of evaluating the performance of a disc filter (130 microns and a non woven synthetic fabric filter on the removal of physical, chemical and biological impurities from the irrigation water, which may cause emitter obstruction during fertirrigation processes. The evaluation criteria of the impurities present in the irrigation water, were based on studies performed on trickle irrigation systems. Specifically, physical, chemical and biological parameters analyzed in the inflow and outflow water from both filters were: pH, turbidity, total suspended solids, salinity, total iron, sulphites, manganese, algae and bacteria. Results pointed to chemical factors, which presented medium clogging risks to the emitters; those factors were: pH, total iron and sulphite concentration. All the other parameters of water quality did not present clogging risks. A comparative analysis of head loss evolution, according to the filtered volume, was also atempted Non woven synthetic fabric filter presented a higher evolution when compared to the disc filter.Um dos fatores que elevam os custos de operação e manutenção dos sistemas de irrigação localizada e, em certos casos, inviabiliza a utilização desse método, é a obstrução de emissores pela presença de partículas sólidas na água de irrigação. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo principal estimar, através de ensaios experimentais de campo, o desempenho de um filtro de disco (130 microns com outro de manta sintética não tecida na remoção de impurezas de origens físicas, químicas e biológicas presentes na água de irrigação que promovem o entupimento dos emissores, quando se utiliza a fertirrigação. Os critérios para avaliação das impurezas

  6. Utilização de uma resina preparada pelo método da solução líquida de citratos como ligante durante a preparação de filtros cerâmicos à base de alumina Utilization of a resin, prepared by the citrate liquid solution method, as binder during the manufacturing of alumina-based ceramic filters

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    D. Gouvêa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho propõe a preparação de filtros cerâmicos macroporosos pela técnica da impregnação de espumas de poliuretano e utilização de uma resina preparada pelo método Pechini contendo íons alumínio e manganês como ligante. Nas temperaturas inferiores à de combustão da resina a parte orgânica age com ligante. Após a decomposição térmica, o produto da combustão, ou seja, alumina contendo íons Mn, passa a ser um ligante inorgânico mas apresentando composição química semelhante à do filtro. Os filtros assim preparados apresentaram três famílias de distribuições de tamanho de poros (50,2 e 0,2 mm e a densidade da estrutura do material, considerando-se apenas a porosidade referente as duas últimas distribuições, é de 87% da densidade teórica.This work proposes the utilization of a resin prepared via the Pechini method, bearing aluminum and manganese cations as binders. The filters prepared in this way present three families of pore size distributions (50, 2 and 0.2 mm and the resulting density of the material, considering only the apparent porosity of the last two distributions is 87% of the theoretical density.

  7. Sistema de servocontrol visual empleando redes neuronales y filtros en el dominio de CIELAB//Visual servo-control system using neural networks and filters based on CIELAB

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    Germán Buitrago Salazar


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un sistema servocontrol visual de un brazo robótico de seis grados de libertad. Para esto, se utiliza una red neuronal de tipo feed forward, entrenada por back propagation, para determinar la distancia entre el brazo robótico y un objeto de referencia, que permite ubicarlo en un espacio de trabajo. Las entradas de la red corresponden a la información obtenida de las imágenes capturadas por el Kinect, utilizando un filtro que discrimina la posición de los elementos, en el espacio de color CIELAB (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage L*a*b components. El resultado de esta investigación demostró que la distancia estimada por la red tiene un margen de error menor, que el algoritmo propuesto en otros trabajos. Igualmente, se probó que el sistema de procesamiento de imágenes es más robusto a ruidos digitales, en comparación con los sistemas que utilizan filtros en el dominio RGB (Red-Green-Blue.Palabras claves: sistema de servocontrol visual, CIELAB, redes neuronales, filtrado de imágenes.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn this paper the results of visual servo-control system for a robotic arm with six degrees of freedom are presented. For this purpose, a feed fordward neural network, which was trained by back propagation, is used to determine the distance between the robot arm and a reference object and sitting the robot in the workspace. The inputs of neural network correspond to the information obtained from the images captured by the Kinect, using a filter that discriminates the position of the elements in the CIELAB (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage L*a*bcomponents color space. The result of this research showed that the estimated distance with the network has an errorless than the algorithm proposed in other works. Similarly, it was proved that the image processing system is more robust to digital noise, compared to

  8. Detección de anticuerpos contra Trypanosoma cruzi en Somoto, Nicaragua, mediante ELISA indirecto e IFI en muestras de sangre en papel de filtro

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    Palacios Xiomara


    Full Text Available Se estandarizó un inmunoensayo enzimático en fase sólida (ELISA para estudiar la presencia de anticuerpos contra Trypanosoma cruzi en personas asintomáticas que viven en un área endémica de enfermedad de Chagas en Nicaragua. El ensayo fue estandarizado para el análisis de muestras de sangre colectadas en papel de filtro como método simple de transporte de muestras de sangre. Se realizó un estudio previo en el que se estudiaron por ELISA 18 muestras de suero total y 18 eluidos de sangre de pacientes con enfermedad de Chagas crónica, 30 muestras de suero y 30 eluidos de sangre de personas sanas que se utilizaron como controles negativos y 14 muestras de suero y 14 eluidos de sangre de pacientes con leishmaniasis cutánea o visceral que se utilizaron para los estudios de reacciones cruzadas. Tanto con el suero total como con los eluidos de sangre, la prueba de ELISA proporcionó una sensibilidad de 100% y una especificidad de 90%; solo se observaron reacciones cruzadas con las muestras de pacientes con leishmaniasis visceral. El estudio poblacional incluyó a ocho comunidades rurales de Somoto, Nicaragua. Mediante un muestreo al azar se colectaron muestras de sangre en papel de filtro a 2 434 personas (1 335 del sexo masculino y 1 099 del sexo femenino de las comunidades de Aguas Calientes, La Manzana, Los Canales, Santa Rosa, Las Playas, El Brocal, Santa Isabel y Santa Teresa. Las muestras fueron estudiadas por ELISA e inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI encontrándose un total de 260 seropositivos por ELISA (10,7%, 207 de los cuales fueron también positivos por IFI (8,5%. La mayoría de los sueros seropositivos correspondieron a personas del sexo femenino con ambas técnicas, pero la diferencia entre hombres y mujeres no fue estadísticamente significativa. Los resultados obtenidos con ambas técnicas mostraron una excelente concordancia. Con respecto a la edad se observó una curva ascendente, con 5,4% de seropositivos por ELISA en

  9. Determinação da capacidade de retenção de água da carne pelo método de pressão com papel-filtro com auxílio do Programa Computacional Gimp®


    Matos, Aylle Medeiros; Silva, Fredson Vieira e; Moura, Vitor Hugo Santana de; Oliveira, Amilton Maia Freitas de; Kondo, Marcos Koiti; Rocha, Luciana Albuquerque Caldeira


    A capacidade de retenção de água da carne pode ser medida experimentalmente de várias maneiras, entre elas pelo método de pressão com papel-filtro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi detalhar a metodologia baseada no trabalho de Hamm e utilizar o Programa GIMP® para aumentar a precisão do método. Foram coletadas amostras de carne no músculo Longissimusl umborum na altura da 12 e 13 costelas totalizando 200 amostras em dois experimentos, 7 e 21 dias de congelamento. Procedeu-se retirando um cubo de...

  10. Filtração de aerossóis em altas temperaturas utilizando filtros cerâmicos de dupla camada: influência do diâmetro de partícula na eficiência de coleta


    Freitas,N. L de; Maniero,M. G.; Coury,J. R.


    Neste trabalho foram utilizados filtros cerâmicos para filtração de aerossóis, constituídos por dupla camada, onde a primeira camada é formada por um suporte celular de elevada porosidade com diâmetro de poro controlado e a segunda formada por uma película filtrante. A camada suporte foi obtida pela técnica de replicação cerâmica de espuma poliuretânica, por meio da impregnação de uma suspensão aquosa de Al2O3. Foram utilizados suportes de 45 e 75 poros/polegada. A membrana filtrante (Al2O3 e...

  11. Evaluación de la eficiencia de una batería de filtros empacados en zeolita en la remoción de metales pesados presentes en un licor mixto bajo condiciones de laboratorio Evaluation of efficiency of a filter battery packaging zeolite in the removal of heavy metals in a mixed liquor under laboratory conditions

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    Diana Rocío Acevedo Cifuentes


    Full Text Available En este artículo se muestran resultados de investigación obtenidos en la remoción de los metales pesados, plomo, níquel, cromo, cadmio y mercurio, presentes en una solución compuesta por licor mixto proveniente de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de San Fernando y una solución preparada con metales pesados con una concentración conocida, mediante el uso de una batería de filtros empacados en zeolita clinoptilolita. La experimentación se desarrolló bajo condiciones controladas de caudal y pH, a temperatura ambiente. Se encontró que la eficiencia de los filtros bajo las condiciones específicas de diseño es significativamente alta en la remoción de los metales pesados evaluados en la solución acuosa. Se encontró, además, que sin importar el valor de la concentración inicial, se obtuvo una remoción importante en los contaminantes luego de pasar por los filtros con una mayor eficiencia en la remoción del mercurio.This article shows the research results on the removal of five heavy metals (lead, nickel, chromium, cadmium and mercury present in a liquor made of a mixture of wastewater from San Fernando wastewater treatment plant and a solution prepared with known concentrations of heavy metals, using a series of batery filters packed with zeolita clinoptilolita. The experiments were run under controlled conditions of flow and pH, at room temperature. It was found that the removal efficiency was significantly high under the specified design conditions; also, it was found an important removal of the contaminants after passing through the filters, independently of the initial concentration, with the highest observed removal for mercury.

  12. Desarrollo de un drive para motores paso a paso y aplicación del filtro de Kalman para el sistema de colimación del LHC = Development of a stepper motor drive and Kalman Filter application for the LHC collimation system


    Picatoste Ruilope, Ricardo


    Este proyecto describe el trabajo realizado durante 14 meses en una estancia en prácticas para estudiantes del CERN. El trabajo consiste en el desarrollo, implementación y testeo de un drive para motores paso a paso que se utilizará en el sistema de colimación del LHC. Se propone así mismo la utilización del filtro de Kalman para obtener una estimación del ángulo, desarrollandose una implementación del mismo aplicable en tiempo real.


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    Lucía Castro Burgos


    Full Text Available Actualmente la detección de pérdidas (DP en tuberías de agua es un área de investigación activa, y con un creciente interés, debido a la importancia del transporte seguro del vital elemento. Este trabajo considera el problema de DP en tuberías de agua por medio de redundancia analítica, basada en un modelo matemático y utilizando técnicas de estimación de estados, teniendo por objetivo principal estudiar, proponer, implementar y aplicar algoritmos eficientes que permitan abordar de manera general el problema de DP. Para lograr esto se propone y evalúa un banco de filtros, implementados con filtros de Kalman (FK y filtros de partículas (FP. Con esto se busca contribuir conceptualmente a la formulación del problema de DP, de manera modular, permitiendo que en un estudio futuro otras técnicas puedan ser utilizadas para resolver el problema. Además, obtener algoritmos eficientes y confiables, basados en un estimador de estados capaces de responder a requerimientos industriales, tales como: entregar, a partir de medidas de entrada y salida disponibles, una estimación fiable del estado del proceso, esto con independencia de la dinámica lineal o no lineal, asimismo, ser de fácil manejo y fácil configuración. La simulación computacional y los resultados experimentales muestran la efectividad de combinar FP con FK, para el caso básico de dos pérdidas secuenciales en una tubería, presentando ventajas de rápida convergencia y reducción del error de estimación, factores importantes en el problema de DP en ductos hídricos.Currently leak detection (LD in water pipelines is an active area of research that is attracting increasing interest due to the importance of the safe transport of this vital resource. This work considers the problem of LD in water pipes by means of analytical redundancy, based on a mathematical model and using state estimation techniques. The main aim of this work is to research, propose, implement and apply

  14. Who multi-tasks and why? Multi-tasking ability, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. (United States)

    Sanbonmatsu, David M; Strayer, David L; Medeiros-Ward, Nathan; Watson, Jason M


    The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are not the persons who are most likely to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously. To the contrary, multi-tasking activity as measured by the Media Multitasking Inventory and self-reported cell phone usage while driving were negatively correlated with actual multi-tasking ability. Multi-tasking was positively correlated with participants' perceived ability to multi-task ability which was found to be significantly inflated. Participants with a strong approach orientation and a weak avoidance orientation--high levels of impulsivity and sensation seeking--reported greater multi-tasking behavior. Finally, the findings suggest that people often engage in multi-tasking because they are less able to block out distractions and focus on a singular task. Participants with less executive control--low scorers on the Operation Span task and persons high in impulsivity--tended to report higher levels of multi-tasking activity.

  15. Who multi-tasks and why? Multi-tasking ability, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking.

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    David M Sanbonmatsu

    Full Text Available The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are not the persons who are most likely to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously. To the contrary, multi-tasking activity as measured by the Media Multitasking Inventory and self-reported cell phone usage while driving were negatively correlated with actual multi-tasking ability. Multi-tasking was positively correlated with participants' perceived ability to multi-task ability which was found to be significantly inflated. Participants with a strong approach orientation and a weak avoidance orientation--high levels of impulsivity and sensation seeking--reported greater multi-tasking behavior. Finally, the findings suggest that people often engage in multi-tasking because they are less able to block out distractions and focus on a singular task. Participants with less executive control--low scorers on the Operation Span task and persons high in impulsivity--tended to report higher levels of multi-tasking activity.

  16. Who Multi-Tasks and Why? Multi-Tasking Ability, Perceived Multi-Tasking Ability, Impulsivity, and Sensation Seeking (United States)

    Sanbonmatsu, David M.; Strayer, David L.; Medeiros-Ward, Nathan; Watson, Jason M.


    The present study examined the relationship between personality and individual differences in multi-tasking ability. Participants enrolled at the University of Utah completed measures of multi-tasking activity, perceived multi-tasking ability, impulsivity, and sensation seeking. In addition, they performed the Operation Span in order to assess their executive control and actual multi-tasking ability. The findings indicate that the persons who are most capable of multi-tasking effectively are not the persons who are most likely to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously. To the contrary, multi-tasking activity as measured by the Media Multitasking Inventory and self-reported cell phone usage while driving were negatively correlated with actual multi-tasking ability. Multi-tasking was positively correlated with participants’ perceived ability to multi-task ability which was found to be significantly inflated. Participants with a strong approach orientation and a weak avoidance orientation – high levels of impulsivity and sensation seeking – reported greater multi-tasking behavior. Finally, the findings suggest that people often engage in multi-tasking because they are less able to block out distractions and focus on a singular task. Participants with less executive control - low scorers on the Operation Span task and persons high in impulsivity - tended to report higher levels of multi-tasking activity. PMID:23372720

  17. Individuals motivated to participate in adherence, care and treatment (imPACT): development of a multi-component intervention to help HIV-infected recently incarcerated individuals link and adhere to HIV care. (United States)

    Golin, Carol E; Knight, Kevin; Carda-Auten, Jessica; Gould, Michele; Groves, Jennifer; L White, Becky; Bradley-Bull, Steve; Amola, Kemi; Fray, Niasha; Rosen, David L; Mugavaro, Michael J; Pence, Brian W; Flynn, Patrick M; Wohl, David


    Policy-makers promote a seek, test, treat and retain (STTR) strategy to expand HIV testing, support linkage and engagement in care, and enhance the continuous use of antiretroviral therapy for those HIV-infected. This HIV prevention strategy is particularly appropriate in correctional settings where HIV screening and treatment are routinely available yet many HIV-infected individuals have difficulty sustaining sufficient linkage and engagement in care, disease management, and viral suppression after prison release. Our research team developed Project imPACT (individuals motivated to Participate in Adherence, Care and Treatment), a multi-component approach for HIV-Infected recently incarcerated individuals that specifically targets their care linkage, retention, and medication adherence by addressing multiple barriers to care engagement after release. The ultimate goals of this intervention are to improve the health of HIV-infected individuals recently released from prison and reduce HIV transmission to their communities by maintaining viral suppression. This paper describes the intervention and technology development processes, based on best practices for intervention development and process evaluation. These processes included: 1) identifying the target population; 2) clarifying the theoretical basis for intervention design; 3) describing features of its foundational interventions; 4) conducting formative qualitative research; 5) integrating and adapting foundational interventions to create and refine intervention content based on target audience feedback. These stages along with the final intervention product are described in detail. The intervention is currently being evaluation and a two arm randomized, controlled trial in two US state prison systems. Based on a literature review, qualitative research, integration of proven interventions and behavioral theory, the final imPACT intervention focused on the transition period two to three months before and three

  18. Fluência em filtros cerâmicos de Al2O3 Creep in Al2O3 ceramic filters

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    V. R. Salvini


    Full Text Available O comportamento de fluência em materiais cerâmicos sólidos é afetado pela sua microestrutura. Fundamentalmente, são três os parâmetros que influenciam o comportamento de fluência nestes materiais: o constituinte mineralógico, a fase vítrea e a porosidade. Além destes fatores microestruturais, a fluência em cerâmicas celulares depende também da sua macroestrutura, constituída de um arranjo tridimensional de filamentos sólidos interligados. Assim, a análise dos resultados de fluência nestes materiais compreende duas etapas: na primeira deve-se identificar o modo de deformação dos filamentos cerâmicos (macroestrutura e na segunda, identificar o(s mecanismo(s de fluência da microestrutura através dos parâmetros n (expoente da tensão aplicada e Q (energia de ativação do processo. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a fluência em filtros cerâmicos de Al2O3 de 10 ppi sob compressão de 0,034; 0,051 e 0,068 MPa às temperaturas de 1500, 1550 e 1600 ºC ao ar. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, supõe-se que o modo de deformação por flambagem dos filamentos paralelos a carga aplicada é um dos principais fatores que contribui para o aumento da taxa de deformação do filtro e, portanto, dos valores de n e Q. Além do modo de deformação dos filamentos, observou-se que o tipo de ensaio de fluência (com ou sem troca de carga também influencia a determinação dos valores de n e Q.The creep behavior of solid ceramics is strongly affected by the microstructure. Fundamentally, there are three microstructural features which influence the creep behavior: the mineral content, the flux content and the apparent porosity. Additionally, the creep of cellular ceramics also depends on their macrostructure constituted by a tridimensional array of struts. Therefore, the creep analysis of these materials should consist of two stages. Firstly, identification of the macrostructure deformation mode and secondly, determination of the stress exponent

  19. Multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals in spatial rock–paper–scissors games

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiang, Luo-Luo, E-mail: [College of Physics and Electronic Information Engineering, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325035 (China); College of Physics and Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi 541004 (China); Wang, Wen-Xu [School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 (United States); Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 (China); Lai, Ying-Cheng [School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 (United States); Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 (United States); Ni, Xuan [School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 (United States)


    We study the formation of multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals in spatial rock–paper–scissors games with mobile individuals. We discover a set of seed distributions of species, which is able to produce multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals with a finite number of arms and pairs based on stochastic processes. The joint spiral waves are also predicted by a theoretical model based on partial differential equations associated with specific initial conditions. The spatial entropy of patterns is introduced to differentiate the multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals. For the given mobility, the spatial entropy of multi-armed spirals is higher than that of single armed spirals. The stability of the waves is explored with respect to individual mobility. Particularly, we find that both two armed spirals and one pair antispirals transform to the single armed spirals. Furthermore, multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals are relatively stable for intermediate mobility. The joint spirals with lower numbers of arms and pairs are relatively more stable than those with higher numbers of arms and pairs. In addition, comparing to large amount of previous work, we employ the no flux boundary conditions which enables quantitative studies of pattern formation and stability in the system of stochastic interactions in the absence of excitable media. -- Highlights: ► Multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals are observed. ► Patterns are predicted by computer simulations and partial differential equations. ► The spatial entropy of patterns is introduced. ► Patterns are relatively stable for intermediate mobility. ► The joint spirals with lower numbers of arms and pairs are relatively more stable.

  20. Multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals in spatial rock–paper–scissors games

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, Luo-Luo; Wang, Wen-Xu; Lai, Ying-Cheng; Ni, Xuan


    We study the formation of multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals in spatial rock–paper–scissors games with mobile individuals. We discover a set of seed distributions of species, which is able to produce multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals with a finite number of arms and pairs based on stochastic processes. The joint spiral waves are also predicted by a theoretical model based on partial differential equations associated with specific initial conditions. The spatial entropy of patterns is introduced to differentiate the multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals. For the given mobility, the spatial entropy of multi-armed spirals is higher than that of single armed spirals. The stability of the waves is explored with respect to individual mobility. Particularly, we find that both two armed spirals and one pair antispirals transform to the single armed spirals. Furthermore, multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals are relatively stable for intermediate mobility. The joint spirals with lower numbers of arms and pairs are relatively more stable than those with higher numbers of arms and pairs. In addition, comparing to large amount of previous work, we employ the no flux boundary conditions which enables quantitative studies of pattern formation and stability in the system of stochastic interactions in the absence of excitable media. -- Highlights: ► Multi-armed spirals and multi-pairs antispirals are observed. ► Patterns are predicted by computer simulations and partial differential equations. ► The spatial entropy of patterns is introduced. ► Patterns are relatively stable for intermediate mobility. ► The joint spirals with lower numbers of arms and pairs are relatively more stable.

  1. Simulation of an active filter for compensation of reactive power and suppression of harmonic currents in the phases and in the neuter of an unbalanced three-phase system of 4 wires; Simulacion de un filtro activo para compensacion de potencia reactiva y supresion de corrientes armonicas en las fases y en el neutro de un sistema trifasico de 4 kilos desbalanceado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mino Aguilar, Gerardo


    conocimiento en filtros activos de potencia usados en los puntos de acoplamiento comun entre las fuentes de C.A. y las cargas no lineales formadas por convertidores estaticos de CA/CD, para la supresion de corrientes armonicas y compensacion instantanea de la potencia reactiva. Partiendo de los filtros activos que solo afectan las tres corrientes balanceadas de los sistemas trifasicos de 3 hilos, se llega al tema de esta tesis, cuyo objetivo es resolver el problema de la compensacion reactiva y supresion de corrientes armonicas tanto en las tres fases como tambien en el neutro de los sistemas trifasicos de 4 hilos. La contribucion principal de esta tesis es el diseno, analisis y simulacion de un filtro activo que ademas de suprimir corrientes armonicas y compensacion del factor de potencia en las tres fases de un sistema trifasico desbalanceado, tambien tiene la capacidad para remover la corriente que circula en el neutro, debido al desbalance de las corrientes de fase. Este diseno se basa en la extension de la teoria de la potencia reactiva instantanea que incluye la existencia de los componentes de secuencia cero en las corrientes de fase. Se propone en la tesis un novedoso filtro basado en un inversor trifasico de 4 ramas, 3 ramas de fase y una rama de neutro, que hasta el mejor conocimiento del autor no ha sido reportado en la literatura. Se hace uso de un numero extenso de resultados de simulacion para probar la validez de este filtro, cuyo comportamiento es superior a los filtros para supresion de corrientes en el neutro existentes en la literatura, de los cuales tambien se presenta un estudio comparativo. La tesis tambien incluye un analisis matematico y grafico de los componentes simetricos en sistemas balanceados y desbalanceados a efecto de conocer la naturaleza de las corrientes armonicas de secuencia cero. Se incluye un apartado sobre causas y efectos del problema de la contaminacion armonica.

  2. Development and characterization of two-component albedo based neutron individual monitoring system using thermoluminescent detectors; Desenvolvimento e caracterizacao de um sistema de monitoracao individual de neutrons tipo albedo de duas componentes usando detectores termoluminescentes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martins, Marcelo Marques


    A TLD-albedo based two-component neutron individual monitoring system was developed and characterized in this work. The monitor consists of a black plastic holder, an incident neutron boron loaded shield, a moderator polyethylene body (to increase its response), two pairs of TLD-600 and TLD-700 (one pair to each component) and an adjustable belt. This monitoring system was calibrated in thermal neutron fields and in 70 keV, 144 keV, 565 keV, 1.2 MeV and 5 MeV monoenergetic neutron fields. In addition, it was calibrated in {sup 252C}f(D{sub 2}O), {sup 252}Cf, {sup 241}Am-B, {sup 241}Am-Be and {sup 238}Pu-Be source fields. For the latter, the lower detection levels are, respectively, 0.009 mSv, 0.06 mSv, 0.12 mSv, 0.09 mSv and 0.08 mSv. The participation in an international intercomparison sponsored by IAEA with simulated workplace fields validated the system. The monitoring system was successfully characterized in the ISO 21909 standard and in an IRD - the Brazilian Institute for Radioprotection and Dosimetry - technical regulation draft. Nowadays, the neutron individual system is in use by IRD for whole body individual monitoring of five institutions, which comprehend several activities. (author)

  3. Remoção de matéria orgânica, coliformes totais e nitrificação no tratamento de esgotos domésticos por filtros de areia Organic matter and total coliform removal and nitrification in the treatment of domestic wastewater by sand filter

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    Adriano Luiz Tonetti


    Full Text Available Segundo o IBGE (2000, 73% dos municípios brasileiros possuem menos de 20.000 habitantes, que em sua maior parte vive na zona rural ou em pequenos núcleos urbanos. Quase a totalidade dos esgotos destas cidades é lançada nos corpos hídricos, contribuindo com o agravamento dos problemas de saúde pública e ambiental. Esses danos podem ser minimizados com o emprego de sistemas de tratamento simples, eficientes, sustentáveis e economicamente viáveis. O filtro anaeróbio com recheio de bambu combinado com filtros de areia satisfaria estas exigências, propiciando um efluente adequado para disposição nos cursos d'água ou para reúso, resguardando as fontes de água potável. A aplicação piloto deste método demonstrou que no emprego de baixas cargas de efluente anaeróbio nos filtros de areia havia uma remoção superior a 96% da DBO, adequação na emissão de coliformes totais e uma completa nitrificação. Aumentando-se as cargas, ocorria uma pequena redução da eficiência, no entanto os resultados ainda eram satisfatórios.According to IBGE (2000 73% of the Brazilian cities are considered small communities with population smaller than 20,000 inhabitants. The majority of domestic wastewater of these places is normally disposed in rivers with no treatment. As a consequence, the irregular disposal may cause health and environmental problems. To reduce this risk it is necessary to develop treatment systems that are simple, efficient, sustainable and of low cost. The treatment of wastewater using up flow anaerobic filter combined with sand filters would be able to satisfy these exigencies, producing an effluent that could be disposed in rivers or even be reused, safeguarding the sources of potable water. The system achieved BOD removal of 96% and complete nitrification for the application of low loads. The increase of the applied loads caused a reduction in the efficiency; however the final values were still satisfactory.

  4. The multi-dimensional talent support tool (mBET – a systemic approach towards individualized support of the gifted and talented in Austria

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    Johanna Stahl


    Full Text Available Providing gifted students with personalized talent development programs is a challenge for teachers and educators alike. The multi-dimensional talent development tool (mBET guides teachers on their way to individualized gifted programs. Within a holistic and systemic concept of giftedness, the mBET brings together the perspectives of teachers, parents and the individual student in assessing talents as well as relevant personality characteristics and environment factors. By facilitating support-oriented round-table talks, the mBET helps teachers, parents and students to develop individually tailored talent development programs, taking into consideration both talents and other factors relevant for successful gifted education (i.e. non-cognitive personality characteristics and environmental factors.

  5. A multi-scale modeling framework for individualized, spatiotemporal prediction of drug effects and toxicological risk

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    Juan Guillermo eDiaz Ochoa


    Full Text Available In this study, we focus on a novel multi-scale modeling approach for spatiotemporal prediction of the distribution of substances and resulting hepatotoxicity by combining cellular models, a 2D liver model, and whole-body model. As a case study, we focused on predicting human hepatotoxicity upon treatment with acetaminophen based on in vitro toxicity data and potential inter-individual variability in gene expression and enzyme activities. By aggregating mechanistic, genome-based in silico cells to a novel 2D liver model and eventually to a whole body model, we predicted pharmacokinetic properties, metabolism, and the onset of hepatotoxicity in an in silico patient. Depending on the concentration of acetaminophen in the liver and the accumulation of toxic metabolites, cell integrity in the liver as a function of space and time as well as changes in the elimination rate of substances were estimated. We show that the variations in elimination rates also influence the distribution of acetaminophen and its metabolites in the whole body. Our results are in agreement with experimental results. What is more, the integrated model also predicted variations in drug toxicity depending on alterations of metabolic enzyme activities. Variations in enzyme activity, in turn, reflect genetic characteristics or diseases of individuals. In conclusion, this framework presents an important basis for efficiently integrating inter-individual variability data into models, paving the way for personalized or stratified predictions of drug toxicity and efficacy.

  6. Individual motile CD4+ T cells can participate in efficient multi-killing through conjugation to multiple tumor cells (United States)

    Liadi, Ivan; Singh, Harjeet; Romain, Gabrielle; Rey-Villamizar, Nicolas; Merouane, Amine; Adolacion, Jay R T.; Kebriaei, Partow; Huls, Helen; Qiu, Peng; Roysam, Badrinath; Cooper, Laurence J.N.; Varadarajan, Navin


    T cells genetically modified to express a CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) for the investigational treatment of B-cell malignancies comprise a heterogeneous population, and their ability to persist and participate in serial killing of tumor cells is a predictor of therapeutic success. We implemented Timelapse Imaging Microscopy In Nanowell Grids (TIMING) to provide direct evidence that CD4+CAR+ T cells (CAR4 cells) can engage in multi-killing via simultaneous conjugation to multiple tumor cells. Comparisons of the CAR4 cells and CD8+CAR+ T cells (CAR8 cells) demonstrate that while CAR4 cells can participate in killing and multi-killing, they do so at slower rates, likely due to the lower Granzyme B content. Significantly, in both sets of T cells, a minor sub-population of individual T cells identified by their high motility, demonstrated efficient killing of single tumor cells. By comparing both the multi-killer and single killer CAR+ T cells it appears that the propensity and kinetics of T-cell apoptosis was modulated by the number of functional conjugations. T cells underwent rapid apoptosis, and at higher frequencies, when conjugated to single tumor cells in isolation and this effect was more pronounced on CAR8 cells. Our results suggest that the ability of CAR+ T cells to participate in multi-killing should be evaluated in the context of their ability to resist activation induced cell death (AICD). We anticipate that TIMING may be utilized to rapidly determine the potency of T-cell populations and may facilitate the design and manufacture of next-generation CAR+ T cells with improved efficacy. PMID:25711538

  7. Propiedades Fisicoquímicas de Fresas (Fragaria sp Cultivadas Bajo Filtros Fotoselectivos Physical and Chemical Properties of Strawberries (Fragaria sp Grown Under Photoselective Filters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fánor Casierra-Posada


    Full Text Available Se realizó un experimento para examinar los efectos de la calidad de luz sobre la calidad de la fruta en fresa (Fragaria sp cv. Chandler, establecida en invernadero. Se probaron cinco filtros de polipropileno de colores diferentes (rojo, amarillo, azul, verde, y transparente, con plantas sin cobertura como control. En los frutos se determinó el peso fresco y seco, longitud y ancho, sólidos solubles totales (SST, pH, acidez titulable (AT e índice de madurez (IM. Todas las variables evaluadas fueron afectadas significativamente por los filtros espectrales, con excepción del pH del jugo. El crecimiento del fruto fue fuertemente influenciado por la cobertura verde. Bajo la cobertura amarilla las plantas incrementaron el peso fresco de los frutos y el IM. La cobertura azul redujo el contenido de SST en los frutos, así como el IM. La longitud y ancho de los frutos aumentaron con la cobertura roja. La cobertura transparente incrementó los SST y la AT. Para ciertas variables los resultados no fueron suficientemente concluyentes como para proponer este nuevo sistema de producción en el cultivo de fresa en los altiplanos tropicales; sin embargo, sería importante evaluar esta técnica de producción en regiones con mayor iluminación que la región donde se desarrolló este estudio.An experiment was carried out to examine the effects of light quality on the fruit quality in strawberry (Fragaria sp cv. Chandler established in glasshouse. Five different colored polypropylene filters (red, blue, yellow, green and clear were tested, with plants growing without cover as control. Fresh and dry weight, length and width, total soluble solids (TSS, pH, titratable acidity (TA and maturity index (MI, were measured on fruits. All evaluated variables were significantly affected by the spectral filters, except the pH of the juice. The fruit growth was strongly reduced by green cover. Under the yellow cover plants enhanced the fresh weight of fruits and the MI

  8. Efeito de doses de torta de filtro e modo de aplicação sobre a produtividade e qualidade tecnológica da soqueira de cana-de-açúcar Effect of filter cake doses and methol of application on yield and technologycal quality of sugar cane ratoon

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    Paulo Roberto Fávero de Fravet


    Full Text Available A expansão do setor sucroalcooleiro aumenta áreas de plantio, assim como volumes de resíduos (como a torta de filtro que podem ser utilizados na agricultura como fonte de nutrientes, reduzindo a contaminação ambiental e os custos com adubação, entretanto, faltam informações sobre modos de aplicação. Nesse contexto, conduziu-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de avaliar doses de torta de filtro e modos de aplicação (superficial na linha e incorporado na entrelinha sobre as variáveis tecnológicas e produtividade da cana soca. O experimento foi instalado em soqueira de cana-de-açúcar (SP 81-3250, cultivada em solo de textura argilosa, localizado no município de Goianésia/GO. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso (DBC, com onze tratamentos e 5 repetições, em esquema fatorial 5 X 2 + 1 que correspondem a 5 doses crescentes de torta de filtro (0, 10, 20, 40 e 80 t ha-1, combinadas a 2 modos de aplicação (na linha superficial e na entre linha incorporada e um tratamento adicional correspondente à adubação mineral da Usina Jalles Machado S.A.. A aplicação de torta de filtro na cana-soca na dose de 70 t ha-1 proporcionou a maior produção de colmos de cana-de-açúcar, independentemente do modo de aplicação.The expansion of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L. cultivation for the production of sugar or ethanol has increased cultivated land as well as the volume of residues (such as filter cake that may be used in agriculture as a nutrient source, reducing environmental contamination and fertilization costs. However, there is a lack of information about the best way of application. In this way, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the filter cake dose and the application method (on the ground in the row and incorporated between rows on the technological variables and ratoon yield. The experiment was installed on a sugar cane ratoon (SP 81-3250, cultivated in clay soil in the

  9. Does regional disadvantage affect health-related sport and physical activity level? A multi-level analysis of individual behaviour. (United States)

    Wicker, Pamela; Downward, Paul; Lera-López, Fernando


    This study examines the role of regional government quality in health-related participation in sport and physical activity among adults (18-64 years) in 28 European countries. The importance of the analysis rests in the relative autonomy that regional and local governments have over policy decisions connected with sport and physical activity. While existing studies have focussed on economic and infrastructural investment and expenditure, this research investigates the quality of regional governments across 208 regions within 28 European countries. The individual-level data stem from the 2013 Eurobarometer 80.2 (n = 18,675) and were combined with regional-level data from Eurostat. An individual's level of participation in sport and physical activity was measured by three variables reflecting whether an individual's activity level is below, meets, or exceeds the recommendations of the World Health Organization. The results of multi-level analyses reveal that regional government quality has a significant and positive association with individual participation in sport and physical activity at a level meeting or exceeding the guidelines. The impact is much larger than that of regional gross domestic product per capita, indicating that regional disadvantage in terms of political quality is more relevant than being disadvantaged in terms of economic wealth.

  10. Análisis comparativo de modelos cinéticos para un Filtro Biológico sin recirculación con medio de soporte en Luffa Cylindrica para el tratamiento de aguas residuales combinadas (domésticas y pecuarias

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    Juan Pablo Rodriguez Miranda


    Full Text Available El presente artículo considera un análisis de los diferentes modelos cinéticos para la estabilización de la materia orgánica en un filtro biológico con lecho en Luffa cylindrica, en donde el modelo que más influyó en la cinética con el modelo matemático expuesto por Velz estableció un promedio la constante cinética de 0,116 (d-1. En cuanto a la remoción de la materia orgánica, se obtuvieron resultados de eficiencia en donde se alcanzaron valores entre 85%, 76%, 55%.

  11. Effects of Whey Protein Alone or as Part of a Multi-ingredient Formulation on Strength, Fat-Free Mass, or Lean Body Mass in Resistance-Trained Individuals: A Meta-analysis. (United States)

    Naclerio, Fernando; Larumbe-Zabala, Eneko


    Even though the positive effects of whey protein-containing supplements for optimizing the anabolic responses and adaptations process in resistance-trained individuals have been supported by several investigations, their use continues to be controversial. Additionally, the administration of different multi-ingredient formulations where whey proteins are combined with carbohydrates, other protein sources, creatine, and amino acids or derivatives, has been extensively proposed as an effective strategy to maximize strength and muscle mass gains in athletes. We aimed to systematically summarize and quantify whether whey protein-containing supplements, administered alone or as a part of a multi-ingredient, could improve the effects of resistance training on fat-free mass or lean body mass, and strength in resistance-trained individuals when compared with other iso-energetic supplements containing carbohydrates or other sources of proteins. A structured literature search was conducted on PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science, Cochrane Libraries, US National Institutes of Health, SPORTDiscus, and Google Scholar databases. Main inclusion criteria comprised randomized controlled trial study design, adults (aged 18 years and over), resistance-trained individuals, interventions (a resistance training program for a period of 6 weeks or longer, combined with whey protein supplementation administered alone or as a part of a multi-ingredient), and a calorie equivalent contrast supplement from carbohydrates or other non-whey protein sources. Continuous data on fat-free mass and lean body mass, and maximal strength were pooled using a random-effects model. Data from nine randomized controlled trials were included, involving 11 treatments and 192 participants. Overall, with respect to the ingestion of contrast supplements, whey protein supplementation, administered alone or as part of a multi-ingredient, in combination with resistance training, was associated

  12. Authorship matrix: a rational approach to quantify individual contributions and responsibilities in multi-author scientific articles. (United States)

    Clement, T Prabhakar


    We propose a rational method for addressing an important question-who deserves to be an author of a scientific article? We review various contentious issues associated with this question and recommend that the scientific community should view authorship in terms of contributions and responsibilities, rather than credits. We propose a new paradigm that conceptually divides a scientific article into four basic elements: ideas, work, writing, and stewardship. We employ these four fundamental elements to modify the well-known International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) authorship guidelines. The modified ICMJE guidelines are then used as the basis to develop an approach to quantify individual contributions and responsibilities in multi-author articles. The outcome of the approach is an authorship matrix, which can be used to answer several nagging questions related to authorship.

  13. Prototipo para la compensación de armónicos en sistemas trifásicos


    Alzate Gómez, Alfonso; Murillo Yarce, Duberney; Silva Cárdenas, Ricardo León


    RESUMEN Contexto: La metodología tradicional para el control de armónicos consiste en el uso de filtros pasivos sintonizados a las componentes armónicas a eliminar. Los filtros pasivos requieren de un diseño exigente en frecuencia para evitar fenómenos de resonancia con otros elementos y no responden a cambios en la dinámica del sistema eléctrico de potencia. Método: Una alternativa de solución de mejores características son los filtros activos de potencia paralelos. Estos filtros a diferenci...

  14. Comportamento da dose glandular versus contraste do objeto em mamografia: determinação de formalismo semi-empírico para diferentes combinações alvo-filtro Behavior of subject contrast versus glandular dose in mammography: determination of a semi-empirical formalism for different target-filter combinations

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    Gabriela Hoff


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da mudança no contraste do objeto, tempo de exposição e dose de radiação quando diferentes espessuras de filtração de molibdênio (Mo e ródio (Rh são empregadas em mamógrafos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizaram-se medidas da exposição na entrada da pele com uma câmara de ionização para diferentes espessuras para os filtros de Mo e Rh. Para determinar a dose glandular média foi utilizado simulador de BR12 (50% tecido adiposo e 50% tecido glandular de diferentes espessuras (4 cm e 8 cm. Energias na faixa de 24 kVp a 34 kVp foram empregadas e filmes Kodak MinR 2000 foram utilizados. RESULTADOS: Os resultados evidenciaram dados de contraste do objeto, dose glandular e tempo de exposição para diferentes espessuras de filtros adicionais e diferentes tensões. Esses dados indicaram aumento nos valores de contraste do objeto e tempo de exposição, com o aumento da espessura dos filtros. A dose glandular apresentou comportamento com diferentes tendências para cada caso analisado. Equações foram definidas para possibilitar a estimativa do contraste do objeto, dose glandular e tempo de exposição para os casos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados possibilitaram a estimativa de equações que auxiliam na verificação do comportamento do contraste do objeto e da dose glandular para simuladores com espessura de 4 cm e 8 cm e para os filtros de Rh e Mo. Dessa forma, torna-se possível estimar a figura de mérito (razão entre o contraste do objeto e a dose glandular, podendo auxiliar na análise da relação risco-benefício dos casos estudados.OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to verify the effect of changes in subject contrast, exposure time and radiation dose when different thicknesses of molybdenum (Mo and rhodium (Rh filters are used in mammography equipments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Entrance skin exposure measurements were performed with an ionization chamber for different thicknesses of Mo and Rh filters

  15. Avaliação da permeabilidade de filtros de aerossóis para altas temperaturas, preparados a partir da técnica de adição de espuma aquosa em suspensão cerâmica Permeability characterization of hot aerosol filters prepared with foaming of ceramic suspensions

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    M. D. M. Innocentini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho é parte de um projeto de desenvolvimento de filtros cerâmicos para a remoção de material particulado disperso em correntes gasosas em temperaturas elevadas. Os filtros cerâmicos utilizados para esta finalidade devem apresentar elevada porosidade aliada a uma distribuição homogênea de poros interconectados, resultando em estrutura permeável e com boa resistência mecânica e eficiência de coleta. Uma rota de processamento recentemente desenvolvida é utilizada para o processamento das peças, já que permite a obtenção de todas as características requeridas para uma filtração eficiente. Nesta técnica, os materiais porosos são processados a partir da incorporação de espumas aquosas em uma suspensão cerâmica de alumina e consolidados a partir da adição de cimento aluminoso. Comparado com outras rotas de processamento, este processo é mais atrativo, pois permite a fabricação de peças com geometrias complexas, economicamente viáveis e sem utilização de aditivos tóxicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi otimizar a composição cerâmica de modo a atender aos requisitos de permeabilidade do filtro, tendo como base sua operação econômica em temperaturas elevadas em processos como incineração de resíduos, produção de cimento ou queima de biomassa em caldeiras em plantas químicas.This work is part of a project to develop ceramic filters to treat flue gases from cement plants, biomass boilers and waste incinerators. Ceramic filters used for these purposes must present high porosity, homogeneous porous distribution (interconnected to result in bodies with high mechanical strength, permeability and collection efficiency for fine particles. A method recently developed has been used for the filters processing. In this new processing route, the porous samples were prepared through the incorporation of aqueous foams into alumina-based suspensions. Compared to other techniques, this process seems to be an

  16. Otimização da permeabilidade de filtros de aerossóis para altas temperaturas preparados a partir da técnica de adição de espuma aquosa em suspensão cerâmica Permeability optimization of hot aerosol filters prepared from foaming of ceramic suspensions

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    M. D. M. Innocentini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho é parte de um projeto de desenvolvimento de filtros cerâmicos para a remoção de material particulado disperso em correntes gasosas em temperaturas elevadas. Os filtros cerâmicos utilizados para esta finalidade devem apresentar elevada porosidade aliada a uma distribuição homogênea de poros interconectados, resultando em estrutura permeável e com boa resistência mecânica e eficiência de coleta. Uma rota de processamento recentemente desenvolvida é utilizada para o processamento das peças, já que permite a obtenção de todas as características requeridas para uma filtração eficiente. Nesta técnica, os materiais porosos são processados a partir da incorporação de espumas aquosas em uma suspensão cerâmica de alumina e consolidados a partir da adição de cimento aluminoso. Comparado com outras rotas de processamento, este processo é mais atrativo, pois permite a fabricação de peças com geometrias complexas, economicamente viáveis e sem utilização de aditivos tóxicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi otimizar a composição cerâmica de modo a atender aos requisitos de permeabilidade do filtro, tendo como base sua operação econômica em temperaturas elevadas em processos como incineração de resíduos, produção de cimento ou queima de biomassa em caldeiras em plantas químicas.This work is part of a Brazilian project to develop ceramic filters to treat flue gases from cement plants, biomass boilers and waste incinerators. Ceramic filters used for these purposes must present high porosity, homogeneous porous distribution (interconnected to result in bodies with high mechanical strength, permeability and collection efficiency for fine particles. A method recently developed has been used for the filters processing. In this new processing route, the porous samples were prepared through the incorporation of aqueous foams into alumina-based suspensions. Compared to other techniques, this process seems to be

  17. Multi-centre diagnostic classification of individual structural neuroimaging scans from patients with major depressive disorder. (United States)

    Mwangi, Benson; Ebmeier, Klaus P; Matthews, Keith; Steele, J Douglas


    Quantitative abnormalities of brain structure in patients with major depressive disorder have been reported at a group level for decades. However, these structural differences appear subtle in comparison with conventional radiologically defined abnormalities, with considerable inter-subject variability. Consequently, it has not been possible to readily identify scans from patients with major depressive disorder at an individual level. Recently, machine learning techniques such as relevance vector machines and support vector machines have been applied to predictive classification of individual scans with variable success. Here we describe a novel hybrid method, which combines machine learning with feature selection and characterization, with the latter aimed at maximizing the accuracy of machine learning prediction. The method was tested using a multi-centre dataset of T(1)-weighted 'structural' scans. A total of 62 patients with major depressive disorder and matched controls were recruited from referred secondary care clinical populations in Aberdeen and Edinburgh, UK. The generalization ability and predictive accuracy of the classifiers was tested using data left out of the training process. High prediction accuracy was achieved (~90%). While feature selection was important for maximizing high predictive accuracy with machine learning, feature characterization contributed only a modest improvement to relevance vector machine-based prediction (~5%). Notably, while the only information provided for training the classifiers was T(1)-weighted scans plus a categorical label (major depressive disorder versus controls), both relevance vector machine and support vector machine 'weighting factors' (used for making predictions) correlated strongly with subjective ratings of illness severity. These results indicate that machine learning techniques have the potential to inform clinical practice and research, as they can make accurate predictions about brain scan data from

  18. Investigations of Orchestra Auralizations Using the Multi-Channel Multi-Source Auralization Technique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vigeant, Michelle; Wang, Lily M.; Rindel, Jens Holger


    a multi-channel multi-source auralization technique, involving individual five-channel anechoic recordings of each instrumental part of two symphonies. In the first study, these auralizations were subjectively compared to orchestra auralizations made using (a) a single omni-directional source, (b......) a surface source, and (c) single-channel multi-source method. Results show that the multi-source auralizations were rated to be more realistic than the surface source ones and to have larger source width than the single omni-directional source auralizations. No significant differences were found between......Room acoustics computer modeling is a tool for generating impulse responses and auralizations from modeled spaces. The auralizations are commonly made from a single-channel anechoic recording of solo instruments. For this investigation, auralizations of an entire orchestra were created using...

  19. Realisation and qualification of a tissue equivalent proportional counter with a multi-cellular geometry for the individual neutron dosimetry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoflack, Ch.


    The present day dosimetry means for radiations with a strong ionization density cannot fulfill the future radioprotection regulations which will require an individual dosimetry with active dosemeters. The aim of this work is the study and development of an individual dosemeter based on a tissue equivalent proportional counter and with a multi-cellular geometry allowing to reach a sensibility equivalent to environmental dosemeters. A pressure regulation bench has been added to the detector in order to reduce the degassing of the detector parts and to reach a sufficient service life for the implementation of the characterization tests. The hole counter system has been adopted for the first prototypes in order to reduce the sensibility of the wires multiplication system with respect to mechanical vibrations. Tests performed with an internal alpha source have shown that a better electrical efficiency can be reached when more severe mechanical limits are adopted during the construction. The dose equivalent response of the prototype for mono-energy neutrons of 144 keV to 2.5 MeV is analyzed experimentally and by simulation. During experiments with normal incidence neutrons, the prototype fulfills the requirements of the CEI N O 1323 standard for energies comprised between 400 keV and 2.5 MeV, while the simulation indicates a satisfactory response up to 200 keV. A preliminary study of the behaviour of the detector with respect to the neutrons incidence indicates that the multi-cellular geometry is efficient for large angles (the sensibility of the prototype is increased by a factor 3). Finally, simulation studies have to be made to optimize the electrical operation and the geometry of the next prototype. (J.S.)

  20. Multi-Agent Systems for E-Commerce


    Solodukha, T. V.; Sosnovskiy, O. A.; Zhelezko, B. A.


    The article focuses on multi-agent systems (MAS) and domains that can benefit from multi-agent technology. In the last few years, the agent based modeling (ABM) community has developed several practical agent based modeling toolkits that enable individuals to develop agent-based applications. The comparison of agent-based modeling toolkits is given. Multi-agent systems are designed to handle changing and dynamic business processes. Any organization with complex and distributed business pro...

  1. Interactions in multiagent systems fairness, social optimality and individual rationality

    CERN Document Server

    Hao, Jianye


    This book mainly aims at solving the problems in both cooperative and competitive multi-agent systems (MASs), exploring aspects such as how agents can effectively learn to achieve the shared optimal solution based on their local information and how they can learn to increase their individual utility by exploiting the weakness of their opponents. The book describes fundamental and advanced techniques of how multi-agent systems can be engineered towards the goal of ensuring fairness, social optimality, and individual rationality; a wide range of further relevant topics are also covered both theoretically and experimentally. The book will be beneficial to researchers in the fields of multi-agent systems, game theory and artificial intelligence in general, as well as practitioners developing practical multi-agent systems.

  2. Filtering for vision tracking

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    Erik Cuevas J.


    Full Text Available El filtro de Kalman ha sido usado exitosamente en diferentes aplicaciones de predicción o determinación del estado de un sistema. Un campo importante en la visión por computadora es el seguimiento de objetos. Diferentes tipos de movimiento así como el ocultamiento de objetos a seguir pueden obstaculizar la labor de seguimiento. En este trabajo, se presenta el uso del filtro de Kalman para el seguimiento de objetos. Además se considera tanto la capacidad del filtro para tolerar pequeños ocultamientos del objeto así como el uso del filtro de Kalman extendido para el modelaje de movimientos complejos

  3. Particle filter in vision tracking

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    Erik Cuevas J.


    Full Text Available El filtro de Kalman ha sido usado exitosamente en diferentes aplicaciones de predicción o determinación del estado de un sistema. Un campo importante en la visión por computadora es el seguimiento de objetos. Diferentes tipos de movimiento así como el ocultamiento de objetos a seguir pueden obstaculizar la labor de seguimiento. En este trabajo, se presenta el uso del filtro de Kalman para el seguimiento de objetos. Además se considera tanto la capacidad del filtro para tolerar pequeños ocultamientos del objeto así como el uso del filtro de Kalman extendido para el modelaje de movimientos complejos.

  4. Multi-Source Multi-Target Dictionary Learning for Prediction of Cognitive Decline. (United States)

    Zhang, Jie; Li, Qingyang; Caselli, Richard J; Thompson, Paul M; Ye, Jieping; Wang, Yalin


    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia. Identifying correct biomarkers may determine pre-symptomatic AD subjects and enable early intervention. Recently, Multi-task sparse feature learning has been successfully applied to many computer vision and biomedical informatics researches. It aims to improve the generalization performance by exploiting the shared features among different tasks. However, most of the existing algorithms are formulated as a supervised learning scheme. Its drawback is with either insufficient feature numbers or missing label information. To address these challenges, we formulate an unsupervised framework for multi-task sparse feature learning based on a novel dictionary learning algorithm. To solve the unsupervised learning problem, we propose a two-stage Multi-Source Multi-Target Dictionary Learning (MMDL) algorithm. In stage 1, we propose a multi-source dictionary learning method to utilize the common and individual sparse features in different time slots. In stage 2, supported by a rigorous theoretical analysis, we develop a multi-task learning method to solve the missing label problem. Empirical studies on an N = 3970 longitudinal brain image data set, which involves 2 sources and 5 targets, demonstrate the improved prediction accuracy and speed efficiency of MMDL in comparison with other state-of-the-art algorithms.

  5. Avaliação de meios filtrantes primários em filtro contínuo de tambor rotativo a vácuo para lodo de caldo de cana Evaluation of primary filtering media in rotary vacuum drum filters for sugar-cane mud

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    Walter L. Polonio


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de treze tipos de meios filtrantes primários desenvolvidos para uso na filtração a vácuo de lodo de caldo de cana, simulando as operações de formação e desidratação da torta em filtros contínuos de tambor rotativo a vácuo, empregados nas indústrias de açúcar e álcool do Brasil. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma planta-piloto anexa ao filtro de tambor rotativo a vácuo, na qual foram realizados todos os ensaios, com o objetivo de refletir a realidade das variáveis operacionais durante uma safra sucroalcooleira. Os resultados são apresentados, comparando-se as taxas de filtração, variando a pressão de formação da torta, temperatura e concentração de auxiliar filtrante, mostrando ao usuário um novo caminho para o melhoramento quantitativo e qualitativo, sem aumentar a área nominal da unidade de filtração.This study aimed to evaluate the behavior or thirteen primary filtering media developed for to use in vacuum filtration of sugar-cane mud, simulating the formation and dewatering operations of the cake in Rotary Vacuum Drum Filters, applied in Sugar and Alcohol Mills in Brazil. For such, a pilot plant was attached to the Rotary Vacuum Drum Filter where all the essays took place, aiming to reflect the reality of the operation variables along the sugar and alcohol harvest. The results are shown with the comparison of filtration indexes, varying the cake formation pressure, the temperature and the concentration of the filtering auxiliary, giving the user a new way for quantitative and qualitative improvement, without the need to increase the nominal area of the filtering unity.

  6. Multi-agent and complex systems

    CERN Document Server

    Ren, Fenghui; Fujita, Katsuhide; Zhang, Minjie; Ito, Takayuki


    This book provides a description of advanced multi-agent and artificial intelligence technologies for the modeling and simulation of complex systems, as well as an overview of the latest scientific efforts in this field. A complex system features a large number of interacting components, whose aggregate activities are nonlinear and self-organized. A multi-agent system is a group or society of agents which interact with others cooperatively and/or competitively in order to reach their individual or common goals. Multi-agent systems are suitable for modeling and simulation of complex systems, which is difficult to accomplish using traditional computational approaches.


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    Chamisah Chamisah


    Full Text Available This study aims to know the reasons of education ina multi-racial and multi-cultural society demands integration.. The studywhich focuses onMalaysia country typified by three major ethnic groups, namely Malays, Chinese and Indians,foundthat, firstlythe integration of curriculum in creating a holistic education isvital for the society to create a competitive human capital with value laden such as trustworthiness, dedication, creativity, civic awareness and many more. Secondly, integration curriculum emphasizes on the equity and equality of education for all.Through interacting with individuals from a range of religious and ethnic backgrounds, people will learn to understand, accept and embrace differences. Throughsharing experiences and aspirations,a common national identity and ultimately unity can be achieved. Therefore, integrating curriculum is not only to integrate Islamic concepts in the education system but alsoto integrate all the concepts that make one comprehensive curriculum. Thirdly, it is important to integrate the curriculum with a value-laden perspective to encourage solidarity and harmony. Keywords: Multi-racial; Multi-cultural society; Education; Malaysia

  8. Multi-Kernel Learning with Dartel Improves Combined MRI-PET Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease in AIBL Data: Group and Individual Analyses

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vahab Youssofzadeh


    Full Text Available Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and positron emission tomography (PET are neuroimaging modalities typically used for evaluating brain changes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD. Due to their complementary nature, their combination can provide more accurate AD diagnosis or prognosis. In this work, we apply a multi-modal imaging machine-learning framework to enhance AD classification and prediction of diagnosis of subject-matched gray matter MRI and Pittsburgh compound B (PiB-PET data related to 58 AD, 108 mild cognitive impairment (MCI and 120 healthy elderly (HE subjects from the Australian imaging, biomarkers and lifestyle (AIBL dataset. Specifically, we combined a Dartel algorithm to enhance anatomical registration with multi-kernel learning (MKL technique, yielding an average of >95% accuracy for three binary classification problems: AD-vs.-HE, MCI-vs.-HE and AD-vs.-MCI, a considerable improvement from individual modality approach. Consistent with t-contrasts, the MKL weight maps revealed known brain regions associated with AD, i.e., (parahippocampus, posterior cingulate cortex and bilateral temporal gyrus. Importantly, MKL regression analysis provided excellent predictions of diagnosis of individuals by r2 = 0.86. In addition, we found significant correlations between the MKL classification and delayed memory recall scores with r2 = 0.62 (p < 0.01. Interestingly, outliers in the regression model for diagnosis were mainly converter samples with a higher likelihood of converting to the inclined diagnostic category. Overall, our work demonstrates the successful application of MKL with Dartel on combined neuromarkers from different neuroimaging modalities in the AIBL data. This lends further support in favor of machine learning approach in improving the diagnosis and risk prediction of AD.

  9. Evaluación de la eficiencia de una batería de filtros empacados en zeolita en la remoción de metales pesados presentes en un licor mixto bajo condiciones de laboratorio Evaluation of efficiency of a filter battery packaging zeolite in the removal of heavy metals in a mixed liquor under laboratory conditions


    Diana Rocío Acevedo Cifuentes; Sandra Milena Builes Felizzola; Carlos Andrés Ordóñez Ante; Idalia Jacqueline López Sánchez


    En este artículo se muestran resultados de investigación obtenidos en la remoción de los metales pesados, plomo, níquel, cromo, cadmio y mercurio, presentes en una solución compuesta por licor mixto proveniente de la planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de San Fernando y una solución preparada con metales pesados con una concentración conocida, mediante el uso de una batería de filtros empacados en zeolita clinoptilolita. La experimentación se desarrolló bajo condiciones controladas de c...

  10. Water quality and head loss in irrigation filters Qualidade da água e perda de carga em filtros de irrigação

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    Túlio Assunção Pires Ribeiro


    tratamento químico da água com o hipoclorito de sódio. Durante um ano analisou-se a variação temporal, dos principais parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos da água de irrigação que causam problemas de entupimentos nos emissores. Os parâmetros analisados foram: sólidos suspensos, turbidez, pH, ferro, manganês, sulfetos, condutividade elétrica, sólidos dissolvidos, dureza, índice de Langelier, algas e bactérias. Utilizou-se água de um reservatório aberto, onde foi instalado um módulo de irrigação localizada para o estudo. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em quatro etapas de 30 dias, realizadas em diferentes estações do ano. Os parâmetros químicos pH, ferro e sulfetos apresentaram médio risco de obstrução aos emissores. Os parâmetros físicos e biológicos analisados apresentaram baixo risco de entupimento dos emissores. Houve correlação dos resultados entre os parâmetros turbidez e sólidos suspensos totais e algas com sólidos suspensos totais. A fertirrigação influenciou a qualidade da água. A concentração de cloro livre foi maior no efluente do filtro de disco. No filtro de manta sintética não tecida a evolução da perda de carga foi mais acentuada e mais rápida em relação ao de disco.


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    Ángel Coronel-Beltrán


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un análisis de las letras de tipo fuente Times New Roman y Arial en estilo plano usando un sistema digital de correlación invariante con un filtro no lineal con un factor de no linealidad k=0.3 y un filtro sólo de fase. Los valores de los picos de correlación con estos tipos de filtros están dados por la métrica de desempeño pico a energía de correlación (PCE, por sus siglas en inglés. Ambos tipos de letras son de tamaño de 512x512 pixeles y con formato bitmap de 256 colores. Los resultados que presentamos muestran un mejor desempeño para el filtro no lineal que para el filtro sólo de fase. Las letras de fuente Times New Roman mostraron valores más altos en sus picos de correlación comparadas con las de fuente Arial.

  12. Analysis of variability in multi-day GPS imputed activity-travel diaries using multi-dimensional sequence alignment and panel effects regression models

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Xianyu, J.; Rasouli, S.; Timmermans, H.J.P.

    The use of GPS devices and smartphones has made feasible the collection of multi-day activity-travel diaries. In turn, the availability of multi-day travel diary data opens up new avenues for analyzing dynamics of individual travel behavior. This paper addresses the issue of day-to-day variability

  13. Multi-way multi-group segregation and diversity indices. (United States)

    Gorelick, Root; Bertram, Susan M


    How can we compute a segregation or diversity index from a three-way or multi-way contingency table, where each variable can take on an arbitrary finite number of values and where the index takes values between zero and one? Previous methods only exist for two-way contingency tables or dichotomous variables. A prototypical three-way case is the segregation index of a set of industries or departments given multiple explanatory variables of both sex and race. This can be further extended to other variables, such as disability, number of years of education, and former military service. We extend existing segregation indices based on Euclidean distance (square of coefficient of variation) and Boltzmann/Shannon/Theil index from two-way to multi-way contingency tables by including multiple summations. We provide several biological applications, such as indices for age polyethism and linkage disequilibrium. We also provide a new heuristic conceptualization of entropy-based indices. Higher order association measures are often independent of lower order ones, hence an overall segregation or diversity index should be the arithmetic mean of the normalized association measures at all orders. These methods are applicable when individuals self-identify as multiple races or even multiple sexes and when individuals work part-time in multiple industries. The policy implications of this work are enormous, allowing people to rigorously test whether employment or biological diversity has changed.

  14. Estereoscopia aplicada à neuroanatomia: estudo comparativo entre as técnicas de filtro de cores e de polarização

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    Meneses Murilo Sousa de


    Full Text Available Atualmente há grande necessidade de maior disponibilização de material didático no ensino médico. A escassez de segmentos anatômicos e a toxicidade dos conservantes, como o formol, têm gerado uma busca intensa por novos meios de demonstração da anatomia humana. Como solução para esta dificuldade pode-se utilizar imagens tridimensionais (3D, que facilitam o processo de aprendizado. Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar e descrever duas técnicas de reprodução de imagens bidimensionais em três dimensões, o que é chamado de estereoscopia. Os dois métodos avaliados foram o de filtro de cores (anaglífico e o de luz polarizada. As técnicas foram analisadas segundo a nitidez e o efeito 3D. Avaliaram-se 14 imagens por 5 pessoas, com notas de 0 a 4. A média total da técnica de polarização foi superior em relação à técnica anaglífica. Ambas realizam codificação de imagens, que consiste na separação e na exclusividade com que cada olho vê a imagem correspondente. Após vários ensaios fotográficos e adaptações gradativas a uma melhor técnica, baseando-se em conhecimentos de física elementar, fotografia e neuroanatomia, concluímos que ambas são capazes de produzir efeito 3D. No entanto, a melhor técnica, em termos de qualidade final da imagem foi a de polarização, não alterando a coloração natural da peça, mantendo traços nítidos e possuindo menor custo.

  15. Co-generation system with integrated functions of active filter; Sistema de cogeneracion con funciones de filtro activo integradas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jimenez Grajales, Humberto Raul


    adaptive interference. This technique maintains the system in the best functional state, by means of continuous self adjustment facing changes in the operation parameters, generating important and satisfactory results. In addition, simultaneously the PVS uses, in the pursuit of the point of maximum power, the technique of {sup d}isturb and observe{sup ,} which offers a high performance in the injection of active power. [Spanish] Sin duda, la energia electrica es la forma de energia mas ampliamente usada en las actividades economicas y sociales de nuestro mundo moderno. Por ello, se puede decir que las companias generadoras y distribuidoras de electricidad asumen dos retos de relevante preocupacion actual. Uno es generar con mayor eficiencia, menor costo y con un minimo impacto sobre el medio ambiente. El segundo es cumplir con la calidad del suministro, que ha llegado a ser un punto importante tanto para los usuarios como para las companias que distribuyen la energia electrica, y que se refleja en una distribucion y un consumo de energia mas eficiente. El trabajo de tesis que se presenta, describe un sistema fotovoltaico (SFV) interconectado a la red electrica que ayuda a superar los retos citados. Este SFV tiene la funcion de recibir la energia solar entregada por un arreglo de celdas FV; operar en el punto maximo de potencia de las celdas (para mayor aprovechamiento de la energia captada); acondicionarla a una senal alterna, dentro de los parametros tecnicos normativos para la interconexion electrica (establecidos por la compania; Comision Federal de Electricidad en Mexico); e inyectarla a la red electrica con el proposito de compensar potencia reactiva (filtrado activo) demandada por cargas lineales y no lineales, reduciendo la contaminacion de la red electrica; ademas de compensar potencia activa en los picos de demanda de energia electrica maxima. El sistema funciona como filtro activo durante todo el dia, lo que permite que la capacidad de potencia instalada por el

  16. Plantas desaladoras: problemas de régimen variable


    Laguna Peñuelas, Francisco; Sánchez Calvo, Raúl; Juana Sirgado, Luis; Rodríguez Sinobas, Leonor; Castañon Lion, Guillermo; Gil Rodríguez, María; Losada Villasante, Alberto


    Las plantas desaladoras cuentan con un circuito hidráulico con varios bombeos y en el que las maniobras de apertura y cierre de llaves para limpieza de filtros son frecuentes. En ocasiones, el régimen variable producido por maniobras de llaves o por parada de bombas ha causado daños estructurales en los filtros. Mediante modelación matemática se ha analizado el régimen variable para diferentes hipótesis. Se concluye que los propios filtros atenúan los efectos de golpe de ariete y que, a...

  17. visPIG--a web tool for producing multi-region, multi-track, multi-scale plots of genetic data.

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    Matthew Scales

    Full Text Available We present VISual Plotting Interface for Genetics (visPIG;, a web application to produce multi-track, multi-scale, multi-region plots of genetic data. visPIG has been designed to allow users not well versed with mathematical software packages and/or programming languages such as R, Matlab®, Python, etc., to integrate data from multiple sources for interpretation and to easily create publication-ready figures. While web tools such as the UCSC Genome Browser or the WashU Epigenome Browser allow custom data uploads, such tools are primarily designed for data exploration. This is also true for the desktop-run Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV. Other locally run data visualisation software such as Circos require significant computer skills of the user. The visPIG web application is a menu-based interface that allows users to upload custom data tracks and set track-specific parameters. Figures can be downloaded as PDF or PNG files. For sensitive data, the underlying R code can also be downloaded and run locally. visPIG is multi-track: it can display many different data types (e.g association, functional annotation, intensity, interaction, heat map data,…. It also allows annotation of genes and other custom features in the plotted region(s. Data tracks can be plotted individually or on a single figure. visPIG is multi-region: it supports plotting multiple regions, be they kilo- or megabases apart or even on different chromosomes. Finally, visPIG is multi-scale: a sub-region of particular interest can be 'zoomed' in. We describe the various features of visPIG and illustrate its utility with examples. visPIG is freely available through under a GNU General Public License (GPLv3.

  18. Multi-level analysis in information systems research: the case of enterprise resource planning system usage in China (United States)

    Sun, Yuan; Bhattacherjee, Anol


    Information technology (IT) usage within organisations is a multi-level phenomenon that is influenced by individual-level and organisational-level variables. Yet, current theories, such as the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, describe IT usage as solely an individual-level phenomenon. This article postulates a model of organisational IT usage that integrates salient organisational-level variables such as user training, top management support and technical support within an individual-level model to postulate a multi-level model of IT usage. The multi-level model was then empirically validated using multi-level data collected from 128 end users and 26 managers in 26 firms in China regarding their use of enterprise resource planning systems and analysed using the multi-level structural equation modelling (MSEM) technique. We demonstrate the utility of MSEM analysis of multi-level data relative to the more common structural equation modelling analysis of single-level data and show how single-level data can be aggregated to approximate multi-level analysis when multi-level data collection is not possible. We hope that this article will motivate future scholars to employ multi-level data and multi-level analysis for understanding organisational phenomena that are truly multi-level in nature.

  19. [The relationship of attachment features and multi-impulsive symptoms in eating disorders]. (United States)

    Szalai, Tamás Dömötör


    Attachment dysfunctions determine borderline personality disorder, which is a frequent background factor of multi-impulsivity; however, the relationship between attachment and multi-impulsive eating disorders is almost unexplored. To compare attachment features of multi-impulsive and classical eating disorder patients with individuals without eating disorders, and to test attachment as a predictor of multi-impulsivity. A cross-sectional survey (148 females, mean age: 30.9 years) investigated maternal, paternal and adult attachment, depression, anxiety, eating disorder and multi-impulsive symptoms in these groups. Altogether 41.3% of the individuals without eating disorders, 17.6% of classical and 11.8% of multi-impulsive eating disorder patients had secure attachment. Multi-impulsive patients had the most severe eating disorder symptoms (F (2) = 17.733) and the lowest paternal care (F (2) = 3.443). Preoccupied and fearful attachment explained 14.5% of multi-impulsive symptoms; however, with adjustment for depression only latter one remained the predictor of multi-impulsivity (t = 5.166, peating disorder patients from the aspects of both symptoms and attachment. Handling their negative moods may hold therapeutic potentials. Longitudinal studies are required to investigate the therapeutic value of paternal care, attachment preoccupation and fearfulness. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(27): 1058-1066.

  20. Multi-floor cascading ferroelectric nanostructures: multiple data writing-based multi-level non-volatile memory devices (United States)

    Hyun, Seung; Kwon, Owoong; Lee, Bom-Yi; Seol, Daehee; Park, Beomjin; Lee, Jae Yong; Lee, Ju Hyun; Kim, Yunseok; Kim, Jin Kon


    Multiple data writing-based multi-level non-volatile memory has gained strong attention for next-generation memory devices to quickly accommodate an extremely large number of data bits because it is capable of storing multiple data bits in a single memory cell at once. However, all previously reported devices have failed to store a large number of data bits due to the macroscale cell size and have not allowed fast access to the stored data due to slow single data writing. Here, we introduce a novel three-dimensional multi-floor cascading polymeric ferroelectric nanostructure, successfully operating as an individual cell. In one cell, each floor has its own piezoresponse and the piezoresponse of one floor can be modulated by the bias voltage applied to the other floor, which means simultaneously written data bits in both floors can be identified. This could achieve multi-level memory through a multiple data writing process.Multiple data writing-based multi-level non-volatile memory has gained strong attention for next-generation memory devices to quickly accommodate an extremely large number of data bits because it is capable of storing multiple data bits in a single memory cell at once. However, all previously reported devices have failed to store a large number of data bits due to the macroscale cell size and have not allowed fast access to the stored data due to slow single data writing. Here, we introduce a novel three-dimensional multi-floor cascading polymeric ferroelectric nanostructure, successfully operating as an individual cell. In one cell, each floor has its own piezoresponse and the piezoresponse of one floor can be modulated by the bias voltage applied to the other floor, which means simultaneously written data bits in both floors can be identified. This could achieve multi-level memory through a multiple data writing process. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c5nr07377d

  1. Multi-objective optimization for generating a weighted multi-model ensemble (United States)

    Lee, H.


    Many studies have demonstrated that multi-model ensembles generally show better skill than each ensemble member. When generating weighted multi-model ensembles, the first step is measuring the performance of individual model simulations using observations. There is a consensus on the assignment of weighting factors based on a single evaluation metric. When considering only one evaluation metric, the weighting factor for each model is proportional to a performance score or inversely proportional to an error for the model. While this conventional approach can provide appropriate combinations of multiple models, the approach confronts a big challenge when there are multiple metrics under consideration. When considering multiple evaluation metrics, it is obvious that a simple averaging of multiple performance scores or model ranks does not address the trade-off problem between conflicting metrics. So far, there seems to be no best method to generate weighted multi-model ensembles based on multiple performance metrics. The current study applies the multi-objective optimization, a mathematical process that provides a set of optimal trade-off solutions based on a range of evaluation metrics, to combining multiple performance metrics for the global climate models and their dynamically downscaled regional climate simulations over North America and generating a weighted multi-model ensemble. NASA satellite data and the Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES) software toolkit are used for assessment of the climate simulations. Overall, the performance of each model differs markedly with strong seasonal dependence. Because of the considerable variability across the climate simulations, it is important to evaluate models systematically and make future projections by assigning optimized weighting factors to the models with relatively good performance. Our results indicate that the optimally weighted multi-model ensemble always shows better performance than an arithmetic

  2. Derivation of optimal joint operating rules for multi-purpose multi-reservoir water-supply system (United States)

    Tan, Qiao-feng; Wang, Xu; Wang, Hao; Wang, Chao; Lei, Xiao-hui; Xiong, Yi-song; Zhang, Wei


    The derivation of joint operating policy is a challenging task for a multi-purpose multi-reservoir system. This study proposed an aggregation-decomposition model to guide the joint operation of multi-purpose multi-reservoir system, including: (1) an aggregated model based on the improved hedging rule to ensure the long-term water-supply operating benefit; (2) a decomposed model to allocate the limited release to individual reservoirs for the purpose of maximizing the total profit of the facing period; and (3) a double-layer simulation-based optimization model to obtain the optimal time-varying hedging rules using the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II, whose objectives were to minimize maximum water deficit and maximize water supply reliability. The water-supply system of Li River in Guangxi Province, China, was selected for the case study. The results show that the operating policy proposed in this study is better than conventional operating rules and aggregated standard operating policy for both water supply and hydropower generation due to the use of hedging mechanism and effective coordination among multiple objectives.

  3. Habit, custom, and power: a multi-level theory of population health. (United States)

    Zimmerman, Frederick J


    In multi-level theory, individual behavior flows from cognitive habits, either directly through social referencing, rules of thumb, or automatic behaviors; or indirectly through the shaping of rationality itself by framing or heuristics. Although behavior does not arise from individually rational optimization, it generally appears to be rational, because the cognitive habits that guide behavior evolve toward optimality. However, power imbalances shaped by particular social, political, and economic structures can distort this evolution, leading to individual behavior that fails to maximize individual or social well-being. Replacing the dominant rational-choice paradigm with a multi-level theoretical paradigm involving habit, custom, and power will enable public health to engage in rigorous new areas of research. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Multi-Optimisation Consensus Clustering (United States)

    Li, Jian; Swift, Stephen; Liu, Xiaohui

    Ensemble Clustering has been developed to provide an alternative way of obtaining more stable and accurate clustering results. It aims to avoid the biases of individual clustering algorithms. However, it is still a challenge to develop an efficient and robust method for Ensemble Clustering. Based on an existing ensemble clustering method, Consensus Clustering (CC), this paper introduces an advanced Consensus Clustering algorithm called Multi-Optimisation Consensus Clustering (MOCC), which utilises an optimised Agreement Separation criterion and a Multi-Optimisation framework to improve the performance of CC. Fifteen different data sets are used for evaluating the performance of MOCC. The results reveal that MOCC can generate more accurate clustering results than the original CC algorithm.

  5. Probing temporal aspects of high-order harmonic pulses via multi-colour, multi-photon ionization processes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mauritsson, J [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4001 (United States); Johnsson, P [Department of Physics, Lund Institute of Technology, PO Box 118, SE-22100 Lund (Sweden); Lopez-Martens, R [Department of Physics, Lund Institute of Technology, PO Box 118, SE-22100 Lund (Sweden); Varju, K [Department of Physics, Lund Institute of Technology, PO Box 118, SE-22100 Lund (Sweden); L' Huillier, A [Department of Physics, Lund Institute of Technology, PO Box 118, SE-22100 Lund (Sweden); Gaarde, M B [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4001 (United States); Schafer, K J [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4001 (United States)


    High-order harmonics generated through the interaction of atoms and strong laser fields are a versatile, laboratory-scale source of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation on a femtosecond or even attosecond time-scale. In order to be a useful experimental tool, however, this radiation has to be well characterized, both temporally and spectrally. In this paper we discuss how multi-photon, multi-colour ionization processes can be used to completely characterize either individual harmonics or attosecond pulse trains. In particular, we discuss the influence of the intensity and duration of the probe laser, and how these parameters effect the accuracy of the XUV characterization.

  6. Probing temporal aspects of high-order harmonic pulses via multi-colour, multi-photon ionization processes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mauritsson, J; Johnsson, P; Lopez-Martens, R; Varju, K; L'Huillier, A; Gaarde, M B; Schafer, K J


    High-order harmonics generated through the interaction of atoms and strong laser fields are a versatile, laboratory-scale source of extreme ultraviolet (XUV) radiation on a femtosecond or even attosecond time-scale. In order to be a useful experimental tool, however, this radiation has to be well characterized, both temporally and spectrally. In this paper we discuss how multi-photon, multi-colour ionization processes can be used to completely characterize either individual harmonics or attosecond pulse trains. In particular, we discuss the influence of the intensity and duration of the probe laser, and how these parameters effect the accuracy of the XUV characterization

  7. Água de beber: a filtração doméstica e a difusão do filtro de água em São Paulo

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    Julio Cesar Bellingieri


    Full Text Available This work studies the advent and diffusion of water filter usage in São Paulo State, during the 20th Century. The water filter, a set of two terracotta vessels equipped with a filtering device, was a product of the ceramics industry, one of the first to be developed in São Paulo. This research shows that in São Paulo at the end of 19th and beginning of 20th Centuries, with the growth of cities and rapid urbanisation, a concern about the quality of water increased due to serious public health hazards, mainly epidemics caused by the consumption of unhealthy drinking water. Despite the existence of an incipient market of domestic equipment for water filtration, these were imported and of limited usage. From the 1910’s, ceramics companies, owned by Portuguese and Italian immigrants, started installing filtering devices in terracotta vessels, launching the water filter set. It caught on and became the main domestic filtering equipment after the 1930’s, when several companies specialized in this kind of product and started catering for the national market, such as Filtros Salus (from São Paulo city, Pozzani (Jundiaí and Stéfani (Jaboticabal. Studying the advent and diffusion of the water filter entails knowledge about one of the first consumer goods of the Brazilian industry and, at the same time, knowledge about the history of the ways in which the Brazilian population obtained water to drink.

  8. Review of multi-physics temporal coupling methods for analysis of nuclear reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zerkak, Omar; Kozlowski, Tomasz; Gajev, Ivan


    Highlights: • Review of the numerical methods used for the multi-physics temporal coupling. • Review of high-order improvements to the Operator Splitting coupling method. • Analysis of truncation error due to the temporal coupling. • Recommendations on best-practice approaches for multi-physics temporal coupling. - Abstract: The advanced numerical simulation of a realistic physical system typically involves multi-physics problem. For example, analysis of a LWR core involves the intricate simulation of neutron production and transport, heat transfer throughout the structures of the system and the flowing, possibly two-phase, coolant. Such analysis involves the dynamic coupling of multiple simulation codes, each one devoted to the solving of one of the coupled physics. Multiple temporal coupling methods exist, yet the accuracy of such coupling is generally driven by the least accurate numerical scheme. The goal of this paper is to review in detail the approaches and numerical methods that can be used for the multi-physics temporal coupling, including a comprehensive discussion of the issues associated with the temporal coupling, and define approaches that can be used to perform multi-physics analysis. The paper is not limited to any particular multi-physics process or situation, but is intended to provide a generic description of multi-physics temporal coupling schemes for any development stage of the individual (single-physics) tools and methods. This includes a wide spectrum of situation, where the individual (single-physics) solvers are based on pre-existing computation codes embedded as individual components, or a new development where the temporal coupling can be developed and implemented as a part of code development. The discussed coupling methods are demonstrated in the framework of LWR core analysis

  9. Anticipatory synergy adjustments reflect individual performance of feedforward force control. (United States)

    Togo, Shunta; Imamizu, Hiroshi


    We grasp and dexterously manipulate an object through multi-digit synergy. In the framework of the uncontrolled manifold (UCM) hypothesis, multi-digit synergy is defined as the coordinated control mechanism of fingers to stabilize variable important for task success, e.g., total force. Previous studies reported anticipatory synergy adjustments (ASAs) that correspond to a drop of the synergy index before a quick change of the total force. The present study compared ASA's properties with individual performances of feedforward force control to investigate a relationship of those. Subjects performed a total finger force production task that consisted of a phase in which subjects tracked target line with visual information and a phase in which subjects produced total force pulse without visual information. We quantified their multi-digit synergy through UCM analysis and observed significant ASAs before producing total force pulse. The time of the ASA initiation and the magnitude of the drop of the synergy index were significantly correlated with the error of force pulse, but not with the tracking error. Almost all subjects showed a significant increase of the variance that affected the total force. Our study directly showed that ASA reflects the individual performance of feedforward force control independently of target-tracking performance and suggests that the multi-digit synergy was weakened to adjust the multi-digit movements based on a prediction error so as to reduce the future error. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Multi-agent platform for development of educational games for children with autism

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alers, S.H.M.; Barakova, E.I.


    Multi-agent system of autonomous interactive blocks that can display its active state through color and light intensity has been developed. Depending on the individual rules, these autonomous blocks could express emergent behaviors which are a basis for various educational games. The multi-agent

  11. The Multi-faceted Implementation of Telepractice to Service Individuals with Autism

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    Michelle Boisvert


    Full Text Available Telepractice is a method of service delivery in which professionals provide intervention, assessment and consultation services to individuals through the use of telecommunication technologies.  In response to the nationwide school-based shortage of speech-language pathologists, telepractice has emerged as a viable way to reach underserved clients. Telepractice has the potential to extend to populations in need of services, including those diagnosed with autism.  This paper examines an evidence-based clinical model for the delivery of telepractice services and describes the policies and procedures required for assessing individual need, confidentiality, technology, training and documentation within a telepractice program.  Two clinical case studies involving individuals diagnosed with autism are described and provide initial evidence for the use of telepractice as a practical method for direct and consultative service delivery. Results indicated that both the student receiving direct services, and the treating clinician receiving consultative services via telepractice, demonstrated an increased skill level in target domains.

  12. Highly accurate potential calculations for cylindrically symmetric geometries using multi-region FDM: A review

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edwards, David, E-mail: [IJL Research Center, Newark, VT 05871 (United States)


    This paper is a review of multi-region FDM, a numerical technique for accurately determining electrostatic potentials in cylindrically symmetric geometries. Multi-region FDM can be thought of as the union of various individual elements: a single region FDM process: a method for algorithmic development; a method for auto creating a multi-region structure; the process for the relaxation of multi-region structures. Each element will be briefly described along with its integration into the multi-region relaxation process itself.

  13. Processamento radiográfico - câmara escura portátil: relação entre filtro de luz e densidade de base + véu

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    TAMBURÚS José Roberto


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito sobre a densidade de base + véu de filmes radiográficos, decorrente do uso da luz filtrada pelo polímero acrílico utilizado nas câmaras portáteis para processamento radiográfico. Filmes Kodak Ultra-speed e Ektaspeed Plus foram colocados no interior de uma câmara desse tipo e submetidos durante cinco minutos às condições de iluminação natural e artificial em que elas são rotineiramente utilizadas. Depois disso, os filmes foram processados pelo método temperatura-tempo em câmara escura convencional, juntamente com filmes dos mesmos grupos de sensibilidade que serviram como controle. Os valores densitométricos obtidos das amostras dos filmes foram analisados pelo teste de Mann-Whitney que indicou ao nível de 1% de significância, que os filmes submetidos às condições da câmara portátil apresentaram densidades de base + véu maiores em relação aos grupos controle. Os resultados mostraram que o filme Ektaspeed Plus apresentou valores maiores de densidade de base + véu em comparação com o filme Ultra-speed e que, embora o acrílico filtre a luz de forma similar ao filtro Kodak GBX 2, a maior intensidade de luz no interior da câmara escura portátil ocasionou o aumento na densidade de base + véu.

  14. Multi-hypothesis distributed stereo video coding

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Salmistraro, Matteo; Zamarin, Marco; Forchhammer, Søren


    for stereo sequences, exploiting an interpolated intra-view SI and two inter-view SIs. The quality of the SI has a major impact on the DVC Rate-Distortion (RD) performance. As the inter-view SIs individually present lower RD performance compared with the intra-view SI, we propose multi-hypothesis decoding...

  15. Tratamento de água de abastecimento por meio da tecnologia de filtração em múltiplas etapas - FIME Water treatment by multistage filtration systems - MSF

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Rodrigues Valadares Veras


    Full Text Available A pesquisa apresenta uma avaliação do sistema de Filtração em Múltiplas Etapas (FiME, utilizando instalação piloto composta por duas unidades de pré-filtros dinâmicos em série, três linhas de pré-filtros de escoamento ascendente, em série e em camadas, e quatro filtros lentos com diferentes meios filtrantes. O desempenho do sistema foi avaliado através de parâmetros como turbidez, cor aparente, sólidos suspensos, coliformes totais e fecais e ferro. Os resultados mostraram que as três linhas de pré-filtros de escoamento ascendente apresentaram comportamento semelhante em todas as carreiras de filtração. Os quatro filtros lentos tiveram igual desempenho com relação a sólidos suspensos e os filtros lentos 3 e 4 alcançaram as maiores remoções de ferro, turbidez e cor em algumas carreiras de filtração.This work presents an evaluation of some alternatives of multistage filtration system (MSF, using a pilot plant comprising two dynamic roughing filters, in series, three lines of upflow roughing filters, linked in series and in layers and four slow sand filters with different granular media composition. The performance of the system was evaluated by monitoring some water quality parameters such as: turbidity, suspended solids, total coliforms, fecal coliforms and particle size. The results showed that the MSF system produced effluents with low turbidity, solids and coliforms. The three lines of upflow roughing filters indicated the same efficiency in all tests. The four slow sand filters had similar performance concerning solids reductions and the slow sand filters 3 and 4 reached the greatest reductions in iron, organic matter, turbidity and color, in some experiments.


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    Luciano Farinha Watzlawick


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento metodológico de um sistema imageador, utilizando câmaras de vídeo convencionais e filtros espectrais (verde, vermelho e infravermelho próximo como sensor não-convencional. Esse sensor possui como finalidade realizar mapeamento de áreas florestais. Para tal finalidade, foi realizado um estudo do espectro de cada filtro utilizado bem como o comportamento por ele apresentado nos diversos tipos de alvos. Como resultados, salienta-se a importância da obtenção das imagens quase que em tempo real, custos operacionais baixos, praticidade e operacionalidade do sistema bem como a agilidade de obtenção das imagens, e como desvantagem apresenta o comportamento espectral dos filtros utilizados se sobreporem e a baixa resolução espacial das câmaras VHS, aspectos esses que podem ser solucionados utilizando-se outros tipos de filtros nos mais diversos comprimentos de onda, e a utilização de câmaras S-VHS.

  17. Metodologia para utilização de câmaras de vídeo em mapeamento florestal

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciano Farinha Watzlawick


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento metodológico de um sistema imageador, utilizando câmaras de vídeo convencionais e filtros espectrais (verde, vermelho e infravermelho próximo como sensor não-convencional. Esse sensor possui como finalidade realizar mapeamento de áreas florestais. Para tal finalidade, foi realizado um estudo do espectro de cada filtro utilizado bem como o comportamento por ele apresentado nos diversos tipos de alvos. Como resultados, salienta-se a importância da obtenção das imagens quase que em tempo real, custos operacionais baixos, praticidade e operacionalidade do sistema bem como a agilidade de obtenção das imagens, e como desvantagem apresenta o comportamento espectral dos filtros utilizados se sobreporem e a baixa resolução espacial das câmaras VHS, aspectos esses que podem ser solucionados utilizando-se outros tipos de filtros nos mais diversos comprimentos de onda, e a utilização de câmaras S-VHS.

  18. Thermotropic phase transitions of catanionic dodecylsulfates with multi-charged and multi-tailed quaternary ammonium centers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mihelj, Tea, E-mail: [Ruđer Bošković Institute, Department of Physical Chemistry, Laboratory for Synthesis and Processes of Self-assembling of Organic Molecules, Bijenička c. 54, P.O. Box 180, HR-10002 Zagreb (Croatia); Popović, Jasminka [Division for Materials Physics, Ruđer Bošković Institute, POB 180, HR-10002 Zagreb (Croatia); Skoko, Željko [Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Bijenička cesta 32, HR-10000 Zagreb (Croatia); Tomašić, Vlasta, E-mail: [Ruđer Bošković Institute, Department of Physical Chemistry, Laboratory for Synthesis and Processes of Self-assembling of Organic Molecules, Bijenička c. 54, P.O. Box 180, HR-10002 Zagreb (Croatia)


    Highlights: • Thermal behavior of quaternary ammonium n-dodecylsulfates is characterized. • Typical layered structure dominates in all examined compounds at room temperature. • The dimeric didodecylsulfate crystallizes in monoclinic space group P21/m. • Thermotropic phases formation characteristic for multi-tailed n-dodecylsulfates. • Multi-charged n-dodecylsulfates are soft crystals at higher temperatures. - Abstract: Five novel anhydrous catanionic dodecylsulfates containing multi-charged and multi-tailed quaternary ammonium centers were synthesized and examined with light microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray powder diffraction. This study is an attempt to explain the relationship between chemical structure, molecular architecture, phase transition characteristics and thermodynamics and the nature of intermolecular interactions of the individual amphiphiles that ultimately lead to different mesomorphic product. All examined compounds are of typical layered structure at room temperature. The long spacing decreases linearly with the increase of either ionic head or n-dodecyl chain number. The thermal analysis of the examined multi-charged catanionics indicates thermotropic mesomorphism, whereas multi-tailed dodecylsulfates show only properties of soft crystals. Maltese crosses, oily streaks textures, stepped drops and fan-shaped textures affirmed the existence of various smectic mesophases at room and higher temperatures. Thermodynamically the most ordered compound is dimeric didodecylsulfate, and the most disordered is three-tailed dodecylsulfate. The addition of the new quaternary ammonium center or alkyl chain causes the increment of the lattice energy first, and it decreases by further changes in the structure. The temperatures of crystallization decrease by any mentioned addition.

  19. Multi-model analysis in hydrological prediction (United States)

    Lanthier, M.; Arsenault, R.; Brissette, F.


    Hydrologic modelling, by nature, is a simplification of the real-world hydrologic system. Therefore ensemble hydrological predictions thus obtained do not present the full range of possible streamflow outcomes, thereby producing ensembles which demonstrate errors in variance such as under-dispersion. Past studies show that lumped models used in prediction mode can return satisfactory results, especially when there is not enough information available on the watershed to run a distributed model. But all lumped models greatly simplify the complex processes of the hydrologic cycle. To generate more spread in the hydrologic ensemble predictions, multi-model ensembles have been considered. In this study, the aim is to propose and analyse a method that gives an ensemble streamflow prediction that properly represents the forecast probabilities and reduced ensemble bias. To achieve this, three simple lumped models are used to generate an ensemble. These will also be combined using multi-model averaging techniques, which generally generate a more accurate hydrogram than the best of the individual models in simulation mode. This new predictive combined hydrogram is added to the ensemble, thus creating a large ensemble which may improve the variability while also improving the ensemble mean bias. The quality of the predictions is then assessed on different periods: 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months using a PIT Histogram of the percentiles of the real observation volumes with respect to the volumes of the ensemble members. Initially, the models were run using historical weather data to generate synthetic flows. This worked for individual models, but not for the multi-model and for the large ensemble. Consequently, by performing data assimilation at each prediction period and thus adjusting the initial states of the models, the PIT Histogram could be constructed using the observed flows while allowing the use of the multi-model predictions. The under-dispersion has been


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    Reni Puspitasari


    Full Text Available The live In-SCTV Inbox program is produced with a multi-camera system because with the use of multiple cameras will produce images with various variations of composition, camera angle, type of shot in a series of time. The purpose of this research is to know the image designing strategy on multi camera system in SCTV Inbox program. There are two stages in the image structuring strategy. The first is visualization, which translates words that contain ideas into individual images. The second is the picturization, which is the activity of assembling individual images in such a way that their continuity contains a certain meaning. The paradigm of this research is constructivism where the truth of a social reality is seen as the result of social construction. The type of research used in the research is qualitative which produce descriptive data and research method used is case study. The results of research on image structuring strategy on multi-camera system in SCTV Inbox program then the researchers made the conclusion that each image that is shown in Inbox program produced with multi-camera system, based on the arrangement of image strategy that has been established and agreed between the director and the cameraman in Pre production and production stages. Program Inbox SCTV yang tayang secara langsung diproduksi dengan sistem multi kamera karena dengan penggunaan kamera lebih dari satu akan menghasilkan gambargambar dengan berbagai variasi komposisi, angle kamera, type of shot dalam satu rangkaian waktu. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi penataa gambar pada sistem multi kamera di program Inbox SCTV. Terdapat dua tahap yang dilakukan dalam strategi penataan gambar. Pertama adalah visualisasi (visualization, yakni menerjemahkan kata-kata yang mengandung gagasan menjadi gambar secara individual. Kedua adalah penggambaran (picturization, yakni kegiatan merangkai gambar-gambar individual sedemikian rupa, sehingga

  1. Individualization as Driving Force of Clustering Phenomena in Humans

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maes, Michael; Flache, Andreas; Helbing, Dirk


    One of the most intriguing dynamics in biological systems is the emergence of clustering, in the sense that individuals self-organize into separate agglomerations in physical or behavioral space. Several theories have been developed to explain clustering in, for instance, multi-cellular organisms,

  2. Hybrid Robust Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm (United States)


    xfar by xint. Else, generate a new individual, using the Sobol pseudo- random sequence generator within the upper and lower bounds of the variables...12. Deb, K., Multi-Objective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms, John Wiley & Sons. 2002. 13. Sobol , I. M., "Uniformly Distributed Sequences

  3. Normative multi-agent programs and their logics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dastani, M.; Grossi, D.; Meyer, J.-J.C.; Tinnemeier, N.


    Multi-agent systems are viewed as consisting of individual agents whose behaviors are regulated by an organization artefact. This paper presents a simplified version of a programming language that is designed to implement norm-based artefacts. Such artefacts are specified in terms of norms being

  4. Bi-dimension decomposed hidden Markov models for multi-person activity recognition

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Wei-dong ZHANG; Feng CHEN; Wen-li XU


    We present a novel model for recognizing long-term complex activities involving multiple persons. The proposed model, named 'decomposed hidden Markov model' (DHMM), combines spatial decomposition and hierarchical abstraction to capture multi-modal, long-term dependent and multi-scale characteristics of activities. Decomposition in space and time offers conceptual advantages of compaction and clarity, and greatly reduces the size of state space as well as the number of parameters.DHMMs are efficient even when the number of persons is variable. We also introduce an efficient approximation algorithm for inference and parameter estimation. Experiments on multi-person activities and multi-modal individual activities demonstrate that DHMMs are more efficient and reliable than familiar models, such as coupled HMMs, hierarchical HMMs, and multi-observation HMMs.

  5. Evaluación de un filtro biológico como unidad de post-tratamiento de aguas residuales utilizando conchas marinas como material de soporte

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andres Galindo


    Full Text Available En esta investigación se evaluó la eficiencia de un filtro biológico (FB a escala piloto, utilizando conchas marinas como material de soporte (MS para el post-tratamiento de aguas residuales municipales (ARM que provenían de un tratamiento previo anaerobio-aerobio. El FB se evaluó con diferentes cargas orgánicas, siendo los tiempos de retención hidráulicos (TRH estudiados: 12,85; 10,71; 8,57 y 6,43h. Los parámetros monitoreados fueron: pH, alcalinidad carbónica y total, temperatura, demanda química de oxígeno (DQO, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO, ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV, nitrógeno total Kjeldahl (NTK, fósforo total, sólidos suspendidos totales (SST, volátiles (SSV y fijos (SSF. Las mejores eficiencias de remoción de materia orgánica se obtuvieron a TRH de 10,71h, registrando remociones de DQOT, DQOS y DBO5,20 en el orden de 51,5; 48,6 y 39,2%. Sin embargo, la mejor eficiencia en la remoción de sólidos suspendidos se observó en el TRH de 6,43h (SST, 29%, SSV, 23,8% y SSF, 50%. A pesar de recibir tratamiento previo, el número de coliformes totales y fecales afluentes al FB fueron altos, presentando órdenes hasta de 107NMP/100ml, la mayores eficiencias en la remoción de Coliformes totales y fecales fueron de 97,24 y 94,63%, respectivamente, registradas en el TRH de 12,85h. Se evidencia que las conchas marinas (Arca zebra son MS sostenibles y con ellas se logran reducciones satisfactorias de materia orgánica en el tratamiento de ARM.

  6. Secure Multi-Player Protocols

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fehr, Serge

    While classically cryptography is concerned with the problem of private communication among two entities, say players, in modern cryptography multi-player protocols play an important role. And among these, it is probably fair to say that secret sharing, and its stronger version verifiable secret...... sharing (VSS), as well as multi-party computation (MPC) belong to the most appealing and/or useful ones. The former two are basic tools to achieve better robustness of cryptographic schemes against malfunction or misuse by “decentralizing” the security from one single to a whole group of individuals...... (captured by the term threshold cryptography). The latter allows—at least in principle—to execute any collaboration among a group of players in a secure way that guarantees the correctness of the outcome but simultaneously respects the privacy of the participants. In this work, we study three aspects...

  7. Information and Intertemporal Choices in Multi-Agent Decision Problems


    Mariagrazia Olivieri; Massimo Squillante; Viviana Ventre


    Psychological evidences of impulsivity and false consensus effect lead results far from rationality. It is shown that impulsivitymodifies the discount function of each individual, and false consensus effect increases the degree of consensus in a multi-agent decision problem. Analyzing them together we note that in strategic interactions these two human factors involve choices which change equilibriums expected by rational individuals.

  8. Use of Self-Monitoring to Maintain Program Fidelity of Multi-Tiered Interventions (United States)

    Nelson, J. Ron; Oliver, Regina M.; Hebert, Michael A.; Bohaty, Janet


    Multi-tiered system of supports represents one of the most significant advancements in improving the outcomes of students for whom typical instruction is not effective. While many practices need to be in place to make multi-tiered systems of support effective, accurate implementation of evidence-based practices by individuals at all tiers is…

  9. The E Sibling Project - exploratory randomised controlled trial of an online multi-component psychoeducational intervention for siblings of individuals with first episode psychosis. (United States)

    Sin, Jacqueline; Henderson, Claire; Pinfold, Vanessa; Norman, Ian


    Siblings of individuals with first episode psychosis are natural partners to promote service users' recovery and are themselves vulnerable to mental ill health due to the negative impact of psychosis within the family. This study aims to develop and undertake a preliminary evaluation of the efficacy of an online multi-component psychoeducational intervention for siblings of individuals with first episode psychosis. The impetus for the intervention arose from siblings' expressed needs for peer support and information on psychosis, coping and management strategies for common symptoms and ways to promote recovery. The project design draws on the Medical Research Council framework for the design and evaluation of complex interventions. Mixed methods comprising collection of qualitative focus group data, systematic review and expert advisory group consultation are used to develop the theoretical basis for and design of the intervention. This protocol focuses on the modelling and piloting phase which uses a randomised controlled trial with factorial design to test the efficacy of the intervention. Outcome data on participants' mental wellbeing, knowledge, perceived self-efficacy and experiences of caregiving will be assessed at baseline, at end of the intervention (10 weeks later) and at 10 week follow-up. In addition, a post-intervention semi-structured interview with 20% of the participants will explore their experiences and acceptability of the intervention. This multi-component online psychoeducational intervention aims to enhance siblings' knowledge about psychosis and their coping capacity, thus potentially improving their own mental wellbeing and promoting their contribution to service users' recovery. The factorial design randomised controlled trial with a supplementary process evaluation using semi-structured interviews and usage-monitoring will collect preliminary evidence of efficacy, feasibility and acceptability, as well as feedback about the barriers and

  10. Considerations in representing human individuals in social ecological models (United States)

    Manfredo, Michael J.; Teel, Tara L.; Gavin, Michael C.; Fulton, David C.


    In this chapter we focus on how to integrate the human individual into social-ecological systems analysis, and how to improve research on individual thought and action regarding the environment by locating it within the broader social-ecological context. We discuss three key questions as considerations for future research: (1) is human thought conceptualized as a dynamic and adaptive process, (2) is the individual placed in a multi-level context (including within-person levels, person-group interactions, and institutional and structural factors), and (3) is human thought seen as mutually constructed with the social and natural environment. Increased emphasis on the individual will be essential if we are to understand agency, innovation, and adaptation in social-ecological systems.

  11. Influence of image filters on the reproducibility measurements of alveolar bone loss Influência dos filtros de imagem sobre a reprodutibilidade de medidas da perda óssea alveolar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wivian Eiras Garcia Wong Alves


    ssea interproximal, em radiografias digitais não manipuladas e após a aplicação de diferentes filtros de imagem. Cinco radiologistas avaliaram a distância da junção cemento-esmalte até a crista óssea alveolar ou ponto mais apical do defeito ósseo em 12 radiografias digitais interproximais da região de molares e pré-molares de crânio humano macerado. As manipulações digitais e as medidas lineares foram realizadas no programa de computador do sistema radiográfico (Throphy®. Para cada imagem foram criadas seis diferentes versões: 1 não manipulada digitalmente; 2 manipulada por ajuste de brilho e contraste; 3 negativo; 4 negativo com ajuste de brilho e contraste; 5 pseudo-colorida; 6 pseudo-colorida com ajuste de brilho e contraste. Para prevenir tendências da mesma leitura pela avaliação repetida das radiografias, determinou-se uma ordem para a interpretação das imagens. O teste ANOVA fator duplo sem repetição, com nível de significância de 5%, realizado para comparação das médias de um mesmo examinador nas diferentes versões de imagem revelou p0,05. A análise dos resultados nos permite concluir que medidas lineares da perda óssea alveolar interproximal em radiografias digitais apresentam alto grau de reprodutibilidade inter-examinadores, entretanto a aplicação de filtros de imagem não influenciou significativamente no grau de reprodutibilidade dessas medidas. Ao contrário, certas ferramentas reduziram a reprodutibilidade das medidas intra-examinador.

  12. Mathematical model for the contribution of individual organs to non-zero y-intercepts in single and multi-compartment linear models of whole-body energy expenditure. (United States)

    Kaiyala, Karl J


    Mathematical models for the dependence of energy expenditure (EE) on body mass and composition are essential tools in metabolic phenotyping. EE scales over broad ranges of body mass as a non-linear allometric function. When considered within restricted ranges of body mass, however, allometric EE curves exhibit 'local linearity.' Indeed, modern EE analysis makes extensive use of linear models. Such models typically involve one or two body mass compartments (e.g., fat free mass and fat mass). Importantly, linear EE models typically involve a non-zero (usually positive) y-intercept term of uncertain origin, a recurring theme in discussions of EE analysis and a source of confounding in traditional ratio-based EE normalization. Emerging linear model approaches quantify whole-body resting EE (REE) in terms of individual organ masses (e.g., liver, kidneys, heart, brain). Proponents of individual organ REE modeling hypothesize that multi-organ linear models may eliminate non-zero y-intercepts. This could have advantages in adjusting REE for body mass and composition. Studies reveal that individual organ REE is an allometric function of total body mass. I exploit first-order Taylor linearization of individual organ REEs to model the manner in which individual organs contribute to whole-body REE and to the non-zero y-intercept in linear REE models. The model predicts that REE analysis at the individual organ-tissue level will not eliminate intercept terms. I demonstrate that the parameters of a linear EE equation can be transformed into the parameters of the underlying 'latent' allometric equation. This permits estimates of the allometric scaling of EE in a diverse variety of physiological states that are not represented in the allometric EE literature but are well represented by published linear EE analyses.

  13. High performance pseudo-analytical simulation of multi-object adaptive optics over multi-GPU systems

    KAUST Repository

    Abdelfattah, Ahmad; Gendron, É ric; Gratadour, Damien; Keyes, David E.; Ltaief, Hatem; Sevin, Arnaud; Vidal, Fabrice


    Multi-object adaptive optics (MOAO) is a novel adaptive optics (AO) technique dedicated to the special case of wide-field multi-object spectrographs (MOS). It applies dedicated wavefront corrections to numerous independent tiny patches spread over a large field of view (FOV). The control of each deformable mirror (DM) is done individually using a tomographic reconstruction of the phase based on measurements from a number of wavefront sensors (WFS) pointing at natural and artificial guide stars in the field. The output of this study helps the design of a new instrument called MOSAIC, a multi-object spectrograph proposed for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). We have developed a novel hybrid pseudo-analytical simulation scheme that allows us to accurately simulate in detail the tomographic problem. The main challenge resides in the computation of the tomographic reconstructor, which involves pseudo-inversion of a large dense symmetric matrix. The pseudo-inverse is computed using an eigenvalue decomposition, based on the divide and conquer algorithm, on multicore systems with multi-GPUs. Thanks to a new symmetric matrix-vector product (SYMV) multi-GPU kernel, our overall implementation scores significant speedups over standard numerical libraries on multicore, like Intel MKL, and up to 60% speedups over the standard MAGMA implementation on 8 Kepler K20c GPUs. At 40,000 unknowns, this appears to be the largest-scale tomographic AO matrix solver submitted to computation, to date, to our knowledge and opens new research directions for extreme scale AO simulations. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.

  14. Individual Differences in Dynamic Functional Brain Connectivity across the Human Lifespan.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elizabeth N Davison


    Full Text Available Individual differences in brain functional networks may be related to complex personal identifiers, including health, age, and ability. Dynamic network theory has been used to identify properties of dynamic brain function from fMRI data, but the majority of analyses and findings remain at the level of the group. Here, we apply hypergraph analysis, a method from dynamic network theory, to quantify individual differences in brain functional dynamics. Using a summary metric derived from the hypergraph formalism-hypergraph cardinality-we investigate individual variations in two separate, complementary data sets. The first data set ("multi-task" consists of 77 individuals engaging in four consecutive cognitive tasks. We observe that hypergraph cardinality exhibits variation across individuals while remaining consistent within individuals between tasks; moreover, the analysis of one of the memory tasks revealed a marginally significant correspondence between hypergraph cardinality and age. This finding motivated a similar analysis of the second data set ("age-memory", in which 95 individuals, aged 18-75, performed a memory task with a similar structure to the multi-task memory task. With the increased age range in the age-memory data set, the correlation between hypergraph cardinality and age correspondence becomes significant. We discuss these results in the context of the well-known finding linking age with network structure, and suggest that hypergraph analysis should serve as a useful tool in furthering our understanding of the dynamic network structure of the brain.

  15. Algorithmic foundation of multi-scale spatial representation

    CERN Document Server

    Li, Zhilin


    With the widespread use of GIS, multi-scale representation has become an important issue in the realm of spatial data handling. However, no book to date has systematically tackled the different aspects of this discipline. Emphasizing map generalization, Algorithmic Foundation of Multi-Scale Spatial Representation addresses the mathematical basis of multi-scale representation, specifically, the algorithmic foundation.Using easy-to-understand language, the author focuses on geometric transformations, with each chapter surveying a particular spatial feature. After an introduction to the essential operations required for geometric transformations as well as some mathematical and theoretical background, the book describes algorithms for a class of point features/clusters. It then examines algorithms for individual line features, such as the reduction of data points, smoothing (filtering), and scale-driven generalization, followed by a discussion of algorithms for a class of line features including contours, hydrog...

  16. Learning Natural Selection in 4th Grade with Multi-Agent-Based Computational Models (United States)

    Dickes, Amanda Catherine; Sengupta, Pratim


    In this paper, we investigate how elementary school students develop multi-level explanations of population dynamics in a simple predator-prey ecosystem, through scaffolded interactions with a multi-agent-based computational model (MABM). The term "agent" in an MABM indicates individual computational objects or actors (e.g., cars), and these…

  17. The Research Results of the Individual Competences Influence on Direct Sales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barbara A. Sypniewska


    Full Text Available The article presents the influence of individual competences on the effects of sales consultants efforts working at few well-known cosmetic companies specializing in direct sales multi-level marketing. The research proves dependence between individual competences and the level of effects. The competences profile derived from the analyses, characteristic for each study group, stresses the benefits and practical implications of this research.

  18. Multi-objective decision-making model based on CBM for an aircraft fleet (United States)

    Luo, Bin; Lin, Lin


    Modern production management patterns, in which multi-unit (e.g., a fleet of aircrafts) are managed in a holistic manner, have brought new challenges for multi-unit maintenance decision making. To schedule a good maintenance plan, not only does the individual machine maintenance have to be considered, but also the maintenance of the other individuals have to be taken into account. Since most condition-based maintenance researches for aircraft focused on solely reducing maintenance cost or maximizing the availability of single aircraft, as well as considering that seldom researches concentrated on both the two objectives: minimizing cost and maximizing the availability of a fleet (total number of available aircraft in fleet), a multi-objective decision-making model based on condition-based maintenance concentrated both on the above two objectives is established. Furthermore, in consideration of the decision maker may prefer providing the final optimal result in the form of discrete intervals instead of a set of points (non-dominated solutions) in real decision-making problem, a novel multi-objective optimization method based on support vector regression is proposed to solve the above multi-objective decision-making model. Finally, a case study regarding a fleet is conducted, with the results proving that the approach efficiently generates outcomes that meet the schedule requirements.

  19. Health promotion as multi-professional and multi-disciplinary work

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chrisanthy Sotiriadou


    Full Text Available Background: A health promoter is the name given to all those experts who are intended to prevent disease andill health and to increase well-being at the community level. That seems to be a very good and useful idea ingeneral, but can it be achieved by individuals alone?Objective: Review to what extend team work and the concept of team development are a pre-requisite foreffective health promotion. That is the central objective of this article and the answer will be explored through ananalysis of the international literature.Discussion: The first part will set out to define the notions of both health promotion and health promotionspecialists, in order to provide a framework for the multi-professional and multi-disciplinary nature of healthpromotion. The second part will try to establish the meaning of collaboration for health promotion, starting withdefinitions of the concepts: group, team and teamwork. The benefits of collaborative work in health promotionwill be discussed alongside the common barriers that can arise during the process.Conclusions: The article will conclude by proposing the characteristics of a successful team-working healthpromotion group.

  20. Massively multi-parametric immunoassays using ICPMS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tanner, S.D.; Ornatsky, O.; Bandura, D.R.; Baranov, V.I.


    The use of stable isotopes as tags in immunoassays, and their determination by ICPMS, is poised to have a huge impact on multi-parametric bioanalysis. A new technology, which we term 'mass cytometry', enables high throughput, highly multiplexed individual cell analysis. Preliminary results for T-cell immunophenotyping in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), agonist influence on concomitant phosphorylation pathways, and sub-classification of acute myeloid leukemia patients' samples will be presented. The significance of individual cell analysis is demonstrated by the identification of populations of rogue cells in PBMC samples through the use of multidimensional neural network cluster analysis. (author)

  1. Multi-cellular logistics of collective cell migration.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masataka Yamao

    Full Text Available During development, the formation of biological networks (such as organs and neuronal networks is controlled by multicellular transportation phenomena based on cell migration. In multi-cellular systems, cellular locomotion is restricted by physical interactions with other cells in a crowded space, similar to passengers pushing others out of their way on a packed train. The motion of individual cells is intrinsically stochastic and may be viewed as a type of random walk. However, this walk takes place in a noisy environment because the cell interacts with its randomly moving neighbors. Despite this randomness and complexity, development is highly orchestrated and precisely regulated, following genetic (and even epigenetic blueprints. Although individual cell migration has long been studied, the manner in which stochasticity affects multi-cellular transportation within the precisely controlled process of development remains largely unknown. To explore the general principles underlying multicellular migration, we focus on the migration of neural crest cells, which migrate collectively and form streams. We introduce a mechanical model of multi-cellular migration. Simulations based on the model show that the migration mode depends on the relative strengths of the noise from migratory and non-migratory cells. Strong noise from migratory cells and weak noise from surrounding cells causes "collective migration," whereas strong noise from non-migratory cells causes "dispersive migration." Moreover, our theoretical analyses reveal that migratory cells attract each other over long distances, even without direct mechanical contacts. This effective interaction depends on the stochasticity of the migratory and non-migratory cells. On the basis of these findings, we propose that stochastic behavior at the single-cell level works effectively and precisely to achieve collective migration in multi-cellular systems.

  2. Angulos de conducción de los diodos en los rectificadores de CA con filtro LC

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hector S Trujillo Alvarado


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta el cálculo de la forma de onda de la corriente en el inductor(iL de un rectificador con filtroLC. El análisis de la forma de onda para niveles medios de corriente en el inductor, esto es, ángulos de conducciónde los diodos menores de 1800 y con efecto apreciable de la energía almacenada en el inductor, no se encontró en laliteratura consultada. La forma de onda es similar a las envolventes de la onda triangular de un regulador conmutadoelevador trabajando como CFP parte del tiempo en operación continua y parte del tiempo en operación discontinua.Para los tiempos de conducción de los diodos se obtiene la ecuación diferencial para la corriente por el inductor, laque se soluciona mediante la transformada de Laplace resultando una ecuación con dos constantes a evaluar M y N.Para tiempos de inicio y fin de la conducción a través de los diodos (ti y tf se iguala a cero iL(t de donde se obtienendos ecuaciones con dos incógnitas función de ti y tf. Igualando a cero la derivada de la corriente iL respecto al tiempoy considerando la descarga del capacitor durante el tiempo de corte de los diodos se obtienen otras dos ecuacioneslas que permiten determinar ti y tf. Con estos valores se evalúan M y N quedando definida iL(t. Debido a lacomplejidad del sistema de ecuaciones, la solución se realiza mediante el programa Mathcad. Los resultados desimulación con PSPICE, teóricos y prácticos concuerdan con buena aproximación.  In this paper, the inductor current (iL waveform of an AC rectifier with LC filter is determined. The analysis ofthis waveform for medium current levels in the inductor was not found in the consulted literature. It is similar tothe envelopes of the triangular signal of a boost switching regulator used as a PFC working part time in thecontinuos regime and part time in the discontinuos regime. For the diodes conduction times a differentialequation for iL(t is obtained and solved through Laplace

  3. A multi-objective decision framework for lifecycle investment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Timmermans, S.H.J.T.; Schumacher, J.M.; Ponds, E.H.M.


    In this paper we propose a multi-objective decision framework for lifecycle investment choice. Instead of optimizing individual strategies with respect to a single-valued objective, we suggest evaluation of classes of strategies in terms of the quality of the tradeoffs that they provide. The

  4. A diagram retrieval method with multi-label learning (United States)

    Fu, Songping; Lu, Xiaoqing; Liu, Lu; Qu, Jingwei; Tang, Zhi


    In recent years, the retrieval of plane geometry figures (PGFs) has attracted increasing attention in the fields of mathematics education and computer science. However, the high cost of matching complex PGF features leads to the low efficiency of most retrieval systems. This paper proposes an indirect classification method based on multi-label learning, which improves retrieval efficiency by reducing the scope of compare operation from the whole database to small candidate groups. Label correlations among PGFs are taken into account for the multi-label classification task. The primitive feature selection for multi-label learning and the feature description of visual geometric elements are conducted individually to match similar PGFs. The experiment results show the competitive performance of the proposed method compared with existing PGF retrieval methods in terms of both time consumption and retrieval quality.

  5. Incorporating space-time constraints and activity-travel time profiles in a multi-state supernetwork approach to individual activity-travel scheduling

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Liao, F.; Arentze, T.A.; Timmermans, H.J.P.


    Activity-travel scheduling is at the core of many activity-based models that predict short-term effects of travel information systems and travel demand management. Multi-state supernetworks have been advanced to represent in an integral fashion the multi-dimensional nature of activity-travel

  6. Multi-Channel Electronically Scanned Cryogenic Pressure Sensor And Method For Making Same (United States)

    Chapman, John J. (Inventor); Hopson, Purnell, Jr. (Inventor); Holloway, Nancy M. (Inventor)


    A miniature, multi-channel, electronically scanned pressure measuring device uses electrostatically bonded silicon dies in a multi-element array. These dies are bonded at specific sites on a glass, pre-patterned substrate. Thermal data is multiplexed and recorded on each individual pressure measuring diaphragm. The device functions in a cryogenic environment without the need of heaters to keep the sensor at constant temperatures.

  7. Multi-view Multi-sparsity Kernel Reconstruction for Multi-class Image Classification

    KAUST Repository

    Zhu, Xiaofeng; Xie, Qing; Zhu, Yonghua; Liu, Xingyi; Zhang, Shichao


    This paper addresses the problem of multi-class image classification by proposing a novel multi-view multi-sparsity kernel reconstruction (MMKR for short) model. Given images (including test images and training images) representing with multiple

  8. The E Sibling Project – exploratory randomised controlled trial of an online multi-component psychoeducational intervention for siblings of individuals with first episode psychosis (United States)


    Background Siblings of individuals with first episode psychosis are natural partners to promote service users’ recovery and are themselves vulnerable to mental ill health due to the negative impact of psychosis within the family. This study aims to develop and undertake a preliminary evaluation of the efficacy of an online multi-component psychoeducational intervention for siblings of individuals with first episode psychosis. The impetus for the intervention arose from siblings' expressed needs for peer support and information on psychosis, coping and management strategies for common symptoms and ways to promote recovery. Methods/Design The project design draws on the Medical Research Council framework for the design and evaluation of complex interventions. Mixed methods comprising collection of qualitative focus group data, systematic review and expert advisory group consultation are used to develop the theoretical basis for and design of the intervention. This protocol focuses on the modelling and piloting phase which uses a randomised controlled trial with factorial design to test the efficacy of the intervention. Outcome data on participants’ mental wellbeing, knowledge, perceived self-efficacy and experiences of caregiving will be assessed at baseline, at end of the intervention (10 weeks later) and at 10 week follow-up. In addition, a post-intervention semi-structured interview with 20% of the participants will explore their experiences and acceptability of the intervention. Discussion This multi-component online psychoeducational intervention aims to enhance siblings' knowledge about psychosis and their coping capacity, thus potentially improving their own mental wellbeing and promoting their contribution to service users’ recovery. The factorial design randomised controlled trial with a supplementary process evaluation using semi-structured interviews and usage-monitoring will collect preliminary evidence of efficacy, feasibility and acceptability, as

  9. Water treatment by multistage filtration system with natural coagulant from Moringa oleifera seeds Tratamento de água para abastecimento pelo sistema filme com extrato de sementes de Moringa oleifera

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monalisa Franco


    Full Text Available This study presents an evaluation of a pilot multistage filtration system (MSF with different dosages, 131 mg L-1 and 106 mg L-1, of the natural coagulant extracted from Moringa oleifera seeds in pre-filtration and slow filtration stages, respectively. The system was comprised by a dynamic pre-filter unit, two upflow filters in parallel and four slow filters in parallel, and in one of the four filters had the filter media altered. The performance of the system was evaluated by monitoring some water quality parameters such as: turbidity, apparent color and slow filter load loss. The stages that have received the coagulant solution had better treatment efficiency compared with the steps without it. However, the direct application of the coagulant solution in the slow filter caused rapid clogging of the non-woven blanket and shorter career length.O trabalho apresenta uma avaliação do sistema-piloto de filtração em múltiplas etapas, com aplicação de diferentes dosagens (131 mg L-1 e 106 mg L-1 do coagulante natural extraído de sementes de Moringa oleifera, nas etapas de pré-filtração e filtração lenta, respectivamente. O sistema foi constituído por uma unidade de pré-filtro dinâmico, duas unidades de pré-filtros de fluxo ascendente em paralelo e quatro unidades de filtros lentos em paralelo, sendo que, em um dos filtros lentos, houve variação do meio filtrante. O desempenho do sistema foi avaliado por meio de parâmetros como turbidez, cor aparente e perda de carga dos filtros lentos. As etapas que receberam a solução coagulante tiveram maior eficiência de tratamento se comparadas com as etapas sem o recebimento da mesma. Entretanto, a aplicação direta da suspensão coagulante no filtro lento causou rápida colmatação da manta e menor tempo de duração da carreira.

  10. Electrica.l Insta.lla.tions in Multi-storey Buildings

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    different diversity factors of the individual sections. However .... auxiliary drives for the heating system and ventila- tion, as well as ... For multi-storey buildings preference is generally given to ... Group p. f correction is expedient if large banks of.

  11. Desenvolvimento e avaliação da estabilidade física de loções O/A contendo filtros solares Development and evaluation of physical stability from O/ W lotions containing sunscreens

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Greice Stefani Borghetti


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste estudo foram desenvolver e avaliar a estabilidade física de loções do tipo O/A contendo 6% (p/p do filtro solar octilmetoxicinamato (OMC ou metilbenzilidenocânfora (MBC. As formulações foram armazenadas em temperatura ambiente durante seis meses e durante este período foram avaliadas com relação às suas características macroscópicas, viscosidade, comportamento reológico, índice de óleo, espalhabilidade e Fator de Proteção Solar (FPS. Os resultados demonstram que as formulações foram estáveis por seis meses. Os valores de FPS foram significativamente (P The objectives of this study were to develop and to evaluate the physical stability of O/W lotions containing 6% (w/w of the sunscreen octylmethoxycinnamate (OMC or methyl benzylidene camphor (MBC. The formulations were stored at room temperature, for six months and during this period its macroscopic characteristics, viscosity and rheological behavior, oil indexes, spreading properties and Sun Protection Factor (SPF were evaluated. The results demonstrate that both formulations were stable for six months. The SPF values were significantly (P < 0.05 higher for MBC formulation. On the other hand, the OMC formulation presented significantly (P < 0.05 higher spreading and lower viscosity values during the storage period.

  12. Training and evaluation of neural networks for multi-variate time series processing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Fog, Torben L.; Larsen, Jan; Hansen, Lars Kai


    We study the training and generalization for multi-variate time series processing. It is suggested to used a quasi-maximum likelihood approach rather than the standard sum of squared errors, thus taking dependencies among the errors of the individual time series into account. This may lead...... to improved generalization performance. Further, we extend the optimal brain damage pruning technique to the multi-variate case. A key ingredient is an algebraic expression for the generalization ability of a multi-variate model. The variability of the suggested techniques are successfully demonstrated...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henri Dwi Wahyudi


    Full Text Available Unlearning stripped result old learning to give space for new information and new attitude. Unlearning is undoubtedly for individu or organization to receive new knowledge (herdberg,1981, increase innovation performance (pighin &Marzona,2011 and increase the company abbility to facing  crisis (Starbuck, 1995, this article give six preposision that connect the literature from micro level and macro level use the mediation variable, multi level moderation to explain the fenomena in organizational behavior that don’t have enough support in empirical, individual and organizational unlearning.

  14. Effective particle magnetic moment of multi-core particles

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahrentorp, Fredrik; Astalan, Andrea; Blomgren, Jakob; Jonasson, Christian [Acreo Swedish ICT AB, Arvid Hedvalls backe 4, SE-411 33 Göteborg (Sweden); Wetterskog, Erik; Svedlindh, Peter [Department of Engineering Sciences, Uppsala University, Box 534, SE-751 21 Uppsala (Sweden); Lak, Aidin; Ludwig, Frank [Institute of Electrical Measurement and Fundamental Electrical Engineering, TU Braunschweig, D‐38106 Braunschweig Germany (Germany); IJzendoorn, Leo J. van [Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven (Netherlands); Westphal, Fritz; Grüttner, Cordula [Micromod Partikeltechnologie GmbH, D ‐18119 Rostock (Germany); Gehrke, Nicole [nanoPET Pharma GmbH, D ‐10115 Berlin Germany (Germany); Gustafsson, Stefan; Olsson, Eva [Department of Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, SE-412 96 Göteborg (Sweden); Johansson, Christer, E-mail: [Acreo Swedish ICT AB, Arvid Hedvalls backe 4, SE-411 33 Göteborg (Sweden)


    In this study we investigate the magnetic behavior of magnetic multi-core particles and the differences in the magnetic properties of multi-core and single-core nanoparticles and correlate the results with the nanostructure of the different particles as determined from transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We also investigate how the effective particle magnetic moment is coupled to the individual moments of the single-domain nanocrystals by using different measurement techniques: DC magnetometry, AC susceptometry, dynamic light scattering and TEM. We have studied two magnetic multi-core particle systems – BNF Starch from Micromod with a median particle diameter of 100 nm and FeraSpin R from nanoPET with a median particle diameter of 70 nm – and one single-core particle system – SHP25 from Ocean NanoTech with a median particle core diameter of 25 nm.

  15. Effective particle magnetic moment of multi-core particles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ahrentorp, Fredrik; Astalan, Andrea; Blomgren, Jakob; Jonasson, Christian; Wetterskog, Erik; Svedlindh, Peter; Lak, Aidin; Ludwig, Frank; IJzendoorn, Leo J. van; Westphal, Fritz; Grüttner, Cordula; Gehrke, Nicole; Gustafsson, Stefan; Olsson, Eva; Johansson, Christer


    In this study we investigate the magnetic behavior of magnetic multi-core particles and the differences in the magnetic properties of multi-core and single-core nanoparticles and correlate the results with the nanostructure of the different particles as determined from transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We also investigate how the effective particle magnetic moment is coupled to the individual moments of the single-domain nanocrystals by using different measurement techniques: DC magnetometry, AC susceptometry, dynamic light scattering and TEM. We have studied two magnetic multi-core particle systems – BNF Starch from Micromod with a median particle diameter of 100 nm and FeraSpin R from nanoPET with a median particle diameter of 70 nm – and one single-core particle system – SHP25 from Ocean NanoTech with a median particle core diameter of 25 nm

  16. Effective particle magnetic moment of multi-core particles (United States)

    Ahrentorp, Fredrik; Astalan, Andrea; Blomgren, Jakob; Jonasson, Christian; Wetterskog, Erik; Svedlindh, Peter; Lak, Aidin; Ludwig, Frank; van IJzendoorn, Leo J.; Westphal, Fritz; Grüttner, Cordula; Gehrke, Nicole; Gustafsson, Stefan; Olsson, Eva; Johansson, Christer


    In this study we investigate the magnetic behavior of magnetic multi-core particles and the differences in the magnetic properties of multi-core and single-core nanoparticles and correlate the results with the nanostructure of the different particles as determined from transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We also investigate how the effective particle magnetic moment is coupled to the individual moments of the single-domain nanocrystals by using different measurement techniques: DC magnetometry, AC susceptometry, dynamic light scattering and TEM. We have studied two magnetic multi-core particle systems - BNF Starch from Micromod with a median particle diameter of 100 nm and FeraSpin R from nanoPET with a median particle diameter of 70 nm - and one single-core particle system - SHP25 from Ocean NanoTech with a median particle core diameter of 25 nm.

  17. In vivo endoscopic multi-beam optical coherence tomography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Standish, Beau A; Mariampillai, Adrian; Munce, Nigel R; Leung, Michael K K; Vitkin, I Alex [Deptartment of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto (Canada); Lee, Kenneth K C; Yang, Victor X D [Ontario Cancer Institute/University Health Network, Toronto (Canada)], E-mail:


    A multichannel optical coherence tomography (multi-beam OCT) system and an in vivo endoscopic imaging probe were developed using a swept-source OCT system. The distal optics were micro-machined to produce a high numerical aperture, multi-focus fibre optic array. This combination resulted in a transverse design resolution of <10 {mu}m full width half maximum (FWHM) throughout the entire imaging range, while also increasing the signal intensity within the focus of the individual channels. The system was used in a pre-clinical rabbit study to acquire in vivo structural images of the colon and ex vivo images of the oesophagus and trachea. A good correlation between the structural multi-beam OCT images and H and E histology was achieved, demonstrating the feasibility of this high-resolution system and its potential for in vivo human endoscopic imaging.

  18. In vivo endoscopic multi-beam optical coherence tomography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Standish, Beau A; Mariampillai, Adrian; Munce, Nigel R; Leung, Michael K K; Vitkin, I Alex; Lee, Kenneth K C; Yang, Victor X D


    A multichannel optical coherence tomography (multi-beam OCT) system and an in vivo endoscopic imaging probe were developed using a swept-source OCT system. The distal optics were micro-machined to produce a high numerical aperture, multi-focus fibre optic array. This combination resulted in a transverse design resolution of <10 μm full width half maximum (FWHM) throughout the entire imaging range, while also increasing the signal intensity within the focus of the individual channels. The system was used in a pre-clinical rabbit study to acquire in vivo structural images of the colon and ex vivo images of the oesophagus and trachea. A good correlation between the structural multi-beam OCT images and H and E histology was achieved, demonstrating the feasibility of this high-resolution system and its potential for in vivo human endoscopic imaging.

  19. Configuration of management accounting information system for multi-stage manufacturing (United States)

    Mkrtychev, S. V.; Ochepovsky, A. V.; Enik, O. A.


    The article presents an approach to configuration of a management accounting information system (MAIS) that provides automated calculations and the registration of normative production losses in multi-stage manufacturing. The use of MAIS with the proposed configuration at the enterprises of textile and woodworking industries made it possible to increase the accuracy of calculations for normative production losses and to organize accounting thereof with the reference to individual stages of the technological process. Thus, high efficiency of multi-stage manufacturing control is achieved.

  20. From data to knowledge: The future of multi-omics data analysis for the rhizosphere

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Allen White, Richard; Borkum, Mark I.; Rivas-Ubach, Albert; Bilbao, Aivett; Wendler, Jason P.; Colby, Sean M.; Köberl, Martina; Jansson, Christer


    The rhizosphere is the interface between a plant's roots and its surrounding soil. The rhizosphere microbiome, a complex microbial ecosystem, nourishes the terrestrial biosphere. Integrated multi-omics is a modern approach to systems biology that analyzes and interprets the datasets of multiple -omes of both individual organisms and multi-organism communities and consortia. The successful usage and application of integrated multi-omics to rhizospheric science is predicated upon the availability of rhizosphere-specific data, metadata and software. This review analyzes the availability of multi-omics data, metadata and software for rhizospheric science, identifying potential issues, challenges and opportunities.

  1. a model for quantity estimation for multi-coded team events

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Participation in multi-coded sports events often involves travel to international ... Medication use by Team south africa during the XXVIIIth olympiad: a model .... individual sports included in the programme (e.g. athletes involved in contact sports ...

  2. Multi-iPPseEvo: A Multi-label Classifier for Identifying Human Phosphorylated Proteins by Incorporating Evolutionary Information into Chou's General PseAAC via Grey System Theory. (United States)

    Qiu, Wang-Ren; Zheng, Quan-Shu; Sun, Bi-Qian; Xiao, Xuan


    Predicting phosphorylation protein is a challenging problem, particularly when query proteins have multi-label features meaning that they may be phosphorylated at two or more different type amino acids. In fact, human protein usually be phosphorylated at serine, threonine and tyrosine. By introducing the "multi-label learning" approach, a novel predictor has been developed that can be used to deal with the systems containing both single- and multi-label phosphorylation protein. Here we proposed a predictor called Multi-iPPseEvo by (1) incorporating the protein sequence evolutionary information into the general pseudo amino acid composition (PseAAC) via the grey system theory, (2) balancing out the skewed training datasets by the asymmetric bootstrap approach, and (3) constructing an ensemble predictor by fusing an array of individual random forest classifiers thru a voting system. Rigorous cross-validations via a set of multi-label metrics indicate that the multi-label phosphorylation predictor is very promising and encouraging. The current approach represents a new strategy to deal with the multi-label biological problems, and the software is freely available for academic use at © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  3. A multi-nutrient supplement reduced markers of inflammation and improved physical performance in active individuals of middle to older age: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Szivak Tunde K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background While exercise acts to combat inflammation and aging, the ability to exercise may itself be compromised by inflammation and inflammation's impact on muscle recovery and joint inflammation. A number of nutritional supplements have been shown to reduce inflammation and improve recovery. The purpose of the current investigation was to examine the effect of a multi-nutrient supplement containing branched chain amino acids, taurine, anti-inflammatory plant extracts, and B vitamins on inflammatory status, endothelial function, physical function, and mood in middle-aged individuals. Methods Thirty-one healthy and active men (N = 16, mean age 56 ± 6.0 yrs and women (N = 15, mean age = 52 ± 7.5 yrs participated in this investigation. Subjects completed one 28 day cycle of placebo supplementation and one 28 day cycle of multi-nutrient supplementation (separated by a one week washout period in a balanced, randomized, double-blind, cross-over design. Subjects completed weekly perceptual logs (PROMIS-57, KOOS and pre- and post- testing around the supplementation period. Testing consisted of brachial artery flow mediated dilation (FMD, blood measures, and physical performance on vertical jump, handgrip strength, and balance (dispersion from center of pressure. Significance for the investigation was p ≤ 0.05. Results IL-6 significantly decreased in both men (from 1.2 ± 0.2 to 0.7 ± 0.4 pg·mL-1 and women (from 1.16 ± 0.04 to 0.7 ± 0.4 pg·mL-1. Perceived energy also improved for both men (placebo: 1.8 ± 0.7; supplement: 3.7 ± 0.8 AUC and women (placebo: 1.2 ± 0.7; supplement: 2.8 ± 0.8 AUC. Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (from 108.9 ± 38.6 to 55.5 ± 22.2 ug·mL-1, Creatine Kinase (from 96 ± 34 to 67 ± 23 IU·L-1, general pain, and joint pain decreased in men only, while anxiety and balance (from 0.52 ± 0.13 to 0.45 ± 0.12 cm improved in women only. Men showed increased performance in vertical jump power (from 2642 ± 244 to 3134

  4. Synchrony of sylvatic dengue isolations: a multi-host, multi-vector SIR model of dengue virus transmission in Senegal.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Benjamin M Althouse

    Full Text Available Isolations of sylvatic dengue-2 virus from mosquitoes, humans and non-human primates in Senegal show synchronized multi-annual dynamics over the past 50 years. Host demography has been shown to directly affect the period between epidemics in other pathogen systems, therefore, one might expect unsynchronized multi-annual cycles occurring in hosts with dramatically different birth rates and life spans. However, in Senegal, we observe a single synchronized eight-year cycle across all vector species, suggesting synchronized dynamics in all vertebrate hosts. In the current study, we aim to explore two specific hypotheses: 1 primates with different demographics will experience outbreaks of dengue at different periodicities when observed as isolated systems, and that coupling of these subsystems through mosquito biting will act to synchronize incidence; and 2 the eight-year periodicity of isolations observed across multiple primate species is the result of long-term cycling in population immunity in the host populations. To test these hypotheses, we develop a multi-host, multi-vector Susceptible, Infected, Removed (SIR model to explore the effects of coupling multiple host-vector systems of dengue virus transmission through cross-species biting rates. We find that under small amounts of coupling, incidence in the host species synchronize. Long-period multi-annual dynamics are observed only when prevalence in troughs reaches vanishingly small levels (< 10(-10, suggesting that these dynamics are inconsistent with sustained transmission in this setting, but are consistent with local dengue virus extinctions followed by reintroductions. Inclusion of a constant introduction of infectious individuals into the system causes the multi-annual periods to shrink, while the effects of coupling remain the same. Inclusion of a stochastic rate of introduction allows for multi-annual periods at a cost of reduced synchrony. Thus, we conclude that the eight-year period

  5. Stochastic multi-period multi-product multi-objective Aggregate Production Planning model in multi-echelon supply chain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kaveh Khalili-Damghani


    Full Text Available In this paper a multi-period multi-product multi-objective aggregate production planning (APP model is proposed for an uncertain multi-echelon supply chain considering financial risk, customer satisfaction, and human resource training. Three conflictive objective functions and several sets of real constraints are considered concurrently in the proposed APP model. Some parameters of the proposed model are assumed to be uncertain and handled through a two-stage stochastic programming (TSSP approach. The proposed TSSP is solved using three multi-objective solution procedures, i.e., the goal attainment technique, the modified ε-constraint method, and STEM method. The whole procedure is applied in an automotive resin and oil supply chain as a real case study wherein the efficacy and applicability of the proposed approaches are illustrated in comparison with existing experimental production planning method.

  6. Multi-channel electronically scanned cryogenic pressure sensor (United States)

    Chapman, John J. (Inventor); Hopson, Purnell, Jr. (Inventor); Kruse, Nancy M. H. (Inventor)


    A miniature, multi-channel, electronically scanned pressure measuring device uses electrostatically bonded silicon dies in a multielement array. These dies are bonded at specific sites on a glass, prepatterned substrate. Thermal data is multiplexed and recorded on each individual pressure measuring diaphragm. The device functions in a cryogenic environment without the need of heaters to keep the sensor at constant temperatures.

  7. Ebola-related stigma in Ghana: Individual and community level determinants. (United States)

    Tenkorang, Eric Y


    Although Ebola-related stigmatization continues to undermine efforts to re-integrate survivors, few studies have examined what influences such stigmatizing attitudes. This paper explores the effects of both individual- and community-level factors on Ebola-related stigma in Ghana. Data were collected from a cross-section of 800 respondents, nested within 40 communities in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Multi-level modelling was employed for analysis. Both individual- and community-level factors were significant determinants of stigma. Respondents who endorsed myths about Ebola were significantly more likely to also endorse Ebola-related stigma. Similarly, those who were worried about a potential outbreak of Ebola in the future, had moderate risk perceptions of contracting Ebola, had primary and secondary education, and were not confident of the quality of health care in the event of an outbreak, were more likely to endorse Ebola-related stigma. Knowledge of Ebola was significant at the community level, but not at the individual level. Communities with more knowledge were less likely to endorse Ebola-related stigma. These findings underscore the need to increase the knowledge base while countering myths that undermine preventive behaviours to fight Ebola-related stigma. It is equally important to adopt multi-level interventions that emphasize community-based strategies. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Adolescents' and mothers' conflict management constellations: Links with individual and relational functioning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Missotten, L.; Luyckx, Koen; Vanhalst, J.; Nelemans, S.A.; Branje, S.J.T.


    In the present multi-informant study, we examined dyadic combinations of adolescent and maternal conflict management styles through stepwise latent class analysis. We investigated how these dyadic conflict classes related to adolescents' and mothers' perceptions of individual and relational

  9. Individual-specific multi-scale finite element simulation of cortical bone of human proximal femur

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ascenzi, Maria-Grazia; Kawas, Neal P.; Lutz, Andre; Kardas, Dieter; Nackenhorst, Udo; Keyak, Joyce H.


    We present an innovative method to perform multi-scale finite element analyses of the cortical component of the femur using the individual’s (1) computed tomography scan; and (2) a bone specimen obtained in conjunction with orthopedic surgery. The method enables study of micro-structural characteristics regulating strains and stresses under physiological loading conditions. The analysis of the micro-structural scenarios that cause variation of strain and stress is the first step in understanding the elevated strains and stresses in bone tissue, which are indicative of higher likelihood of micro-crack formation in bone, implicated in consequent remodeling or macroscopic bone fracture. Evidence that micro-structure varies with clinical history and contributes in significant, but poorly understood, ways to bone function, motivates the method’s development, as does need for software tools to investigate relationships between macroscopic loading and micro-structure. Three applications – varying region of interest, bone mineral density, and orientation of collagen type I, illustrate the method. We show, in comparison between physiological loading and simple compression of a patient’s femur, that strains computed at the multi-scale model’s micro-level: (i) differ; and (ii) depend on local collagen-apatite orientation and degree of calcification. Our findings confirm the strain concentration role of osteocyte lacunae, important for mechano-transduction. We hypothesize occurrence of micro-crack formation, leading either to remodeling or macroscopic fracture, when the computed strains exceed the elastic range observed in micro-structural testing

  10. Individual-specific multi-scale finite element simulation of cortical bone of human proximal femur

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ascenzi, Maria-Grazia, E-mail: [UCLA/Orthopaedic Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rehabilitation Bldg, Room 22-69, 1000 Veteran Avenue, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (United States); Kawas, Neal P., E-mail: [UCLA/Orthopaedic Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rehabilitation Bldg, Room 22-69, 1000 Veteran Avenue, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095 (United States); Lutz, Andre, E-mail: [Institute of Biomechanics and Numerical Mechanics, Leibniz University Hannover, 30167 Hannover (Germany); Kardas, Dieter, E-mail: [ContiTech Vibration Control, Jaedekamp 30 None, 30419 Hannover (Germany); Nackenhorst, Udo, E-mail: [Institute of Biomechanics and Numerical Mechanics, Leibniz University Hannover, 30167 Hannover (Germany); Keyak, Joyce H., E-mail: [Department of Radiological Sciences, Medical Sciences I, Bldg 811, Room B140, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-5000 (United States)


    We present an innovative method to perform multi-scale finite element analyses of the cortical component of the femur using the individual’s (1) computed tomography scan; and (2) a bone specimen obtained in conjunction with orthopedic surgery. The method enables study of micro-structural characteristics regulating strains and stresses under physiological loading conditions. The analysis of the micro-structural scenarios that cause variation of strain and stress is the first step in understanding the elevated strains and stresses in bone tissue, which are indicative of higher likelihood of micro-crack formation in bone, implicated in consequent remodeling or macroscopic bone fracture. Evidence that micro-structure varies with clinical history and contributes in significant, but poorly understood, ways to bone function, motivates the method’s development, as does need for software tools to investigate relationships between macroscopic loading and micro-structure. Three applications – varying region of interest, bone mineral density, and orientation of collagen type I, illustrate the method. We show, in comparison between physiological loading and simple compression of a patient’s femur, that strains computed at the multi-scale model’s micro-level: (i) differ; and (ii) depend on local collagen-apatite orientation and degree of calcification. Our findings confirm the strain concentration role of osteocyte lacunae, important for mechano-transduction. We hypothesize occurrence of micro-crack formation, leading either to remodeling or macroscopic fracture, when the computed strains exceed the elastic range observed in micro-structural testing.

  11. Industrial applications of multi-functional, multi-phase reactors

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Harmsen, G.J.; Chewter, L.A.


    To reveal trends in the design and operation of multi-functional, multi-phase reactors, this paper describes, in historical sequence, three industrial applications of multi-functional, multi-phase reactors developed and operated by Shell Chemicals during the last five decades. For each case, we


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    Olga Nikolaevna Lapaeva


    Full Text Available The principle of effective making of mutually acceptable multi-projection decision in economics is set forth in the article. The principle envisages finding of effective variants by each stakeholder and result making by crossing of individual sets.

  13. A multi-layered network of the (Colombian) sovereign securities market

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Renneboog, Luc; Leon Rincon, Carlos; Pérez, Jhonatan; Alexandrova-Kabadjova, Bilana; Diehl, Martin; Heuver, Richard; Martinez-Jaramillo, Serafín


    We study the network of Colombian sovereign securities settlements. With data from the settlement market infrastructure we study financial institutions’ transactions from three different trading and registering individual networks that we combine into a multi-layer network. Examining this network of

  14. Multi-scale Modelling of Segmentation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hartmann, Martin; Lartillot, Olivier; Toiviainen, Petri


    pieces. In a second experiment on non-real-time segmentation, musicians indicated boundaries and their strength for six examples. Kernel density estimation was used to develop multi-scale segmentation models. Contrary to previous research, no relationship was found between boundary strength and boundary......While listening to music, people often unwittingly break down musical pieces into constituent chunks such as verses and choruses. Music segmentation studies have suggested that some consensus regarding boundary perception exists, despite individual differences. However, neither the effects...

  15. Repeatability of quantitative 18F-FLT uptake measurements in solid tumors: an individual patient data multi-center meta-analysis. (United States)

    Kramer, G M; Liu, Y; de Langen, A J; Jansma, E P; Trigonis, I; Asselin, M-C; Jackson, A; Kenny, L; Aboagye, E O; Hoekstra, O S; Boellaard, R


    3'-deoxy-3'-[ 18 F]fluorothymidine ( 18 F-FLT) positron emission tomography (PET) provides a non-invasive method to assess cellular proliferation and response to antitumor therapy. Quantitative 18 F-FLT uptake metrics are being used for evaluation of proliferative response in investigational setting, however multi-center repeatability needs to be established. The aim of this study was to determine the repeatability of 18 F-FLT tumor uptake metrics by re-analyzing individual patient data from previously published reports using the same tumor segmentation method and repeatability metrics across cohorts. A systematic search in PubMed, and the Cochrane Library from inception-October 2016 yielded five 18 F-FLT repeatability cohorts in solid tumors. 18 F-FLT avid lesions were delineated using a 50% isocontour adapted for local background on test and retest scans. SUV max , SUV mean , SUV peak , proliferative volume and total lesion uptake (TLU) were calculated. Repeatability was assessed using the repeatability coefficient (RC = 1.96 × SD of test-retest differences), linear regression analysis, and the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). The impact of different lesion selection criteria was also evaluated. Images from four cohorts containing 30 patients with 52 lesions were obtained and analyzed (ten in breast cancer, nine in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and 33 in non-small cell lung cancer patients). A good correlation was found between test-retest data for all 18 F-FLT uptake metrics (R 2  ≥ 0.93; ICC ≥ 0.96). Best repeatability was found for SUV peak (RC: 23.1%), without significant differences in RC between different SUV metrics. Repeatability of proliferative volume (RC: 36.0%) and TLU (RC: 36.4%) was worse than SUV. Lesion selection methods based on SUV max  ≥ 4.0 improved the repeatability of volumetric metrics (RC: 26-28%), but did not affect the repeatability of SUV metrics. In multi-center studies


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. A. Batsenkova


    Full Text Available One of the major trends of the modern world is a process of individualization. Despite the fact that the term “individualization” has existed since the XVII century, it is often confused, mixing with the concept of “individualism”, “individuation” and “individuality”. But individualization is not a political or moral worldview, it is not a process of identity formation, and it is the natural multi-level complex social process associated with defined design conditions of life of the individual and the conditions of its existence.The purpose of this paper is to, based on the works of U. Beck and Z. Bauman, to define the process of individualization, to consider the process of occurrence and development of individualization in the modern society. To reveal features of this process at the present stage of development of society, where the process of individualization acquires new features.According to sociologists, the process of individualization affects all aspects of society and has two levels of its manifestation. The first level the author calls structural or objective level, because it is independent on the actions of individuals and the inertia phenomenon associated with the spreading of social space, social differentiation, division of labor, with the processes of globalization and modernization.The second level is the sphere of individual action. At this level the meaning of individualization is the expansion of individual rights and opportunities and the liberation of the individual from traditional social forms and relationships that defined his model of behavior in the modern society. Due to the change in “life situations”, there is an increase of opportunities of the individual for independent decision-making, self-selection and successful action. The change in “life situations” (under U. Beck due to detraditionalization life spheres and emergence of new “spaces of freedom”, which create new challenges for

  17. Filtro c” para la fuente de alimentación de un inversor trifásico. Una curiosidad técnica; “CAPACITOR FILTER” TO POWER SUPLAY FOR TREE-PHASE INVERTER. A TECHNICAL CURIOSITY.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Nilo Basanta Otero


    Full Text Available Se presenta el análisis para encontrar, a partir de algunas restricciones y criterios técnicos-prácticos, unaexpresión matemática útil y también, muy fácil de recordar, que permite calcular el “Filtro C” para el casodel Rectificador Monofásico Onda Completa, tipo Puente, que garantice la Tensión Media de Directa a laentrada del Inversor Trifásico, en versiones de Variadores de Velocidad para motores de pequeñapotencia, aunque también dicha expresión podría usarse en otras aplicaciones en la que se permita unrizado del 10%. A partir de esa expresión de cálculo se deriva otra más general que puede ser utilizada encualquier otra aplicación en la que también se permita un rizado del 10% de la Tensión Media de Directa. In this document you will find a useful and easy to remember mathematical expression that will help you tocalculate the capacitance value needed in the single-phase, full-wave, bridge rectifier to be used as apower supply for a three-phase inverter in a low power variable frequency motor drive application. Also thisexpression could be used in any other application where a 10% ripple in the power supply voltage signal ispermitted.

  18. Influence of quality of care and individual patient characteristics on quality of life and return to work in survivors of the acute respiratory distress syndrome: protocol for a prospective, observational, multi-centre patient cohort study (DACAPO). (United States)

    Brandstetter, Susanne; Dodoo-Schittko, Frank; Blecha, Sebastian; Sebök, Philipp; Thomann-Hackner, Kathrin; Quintel, Michael; Weber-Carstens, Steffen; Bein, Thomas; Apfelbacher, Christian


    Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and return to work are important outcomes in critical care medicine, reaching beyond mortality. Little is known on factors predictive of HRQoL and return to work in critical illness, including the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and no evidence exists on the role of quality of care (QoC) for outcomes in survivors of ARDS. It is the aim of the DACAPO study ("Surviving ARDS: the influence of QoC and individual patient characteristics on quality of life") to investigate the role of QoC and individual patient characteristics on quality of life and return to work. A prospective, observational, multi-centre patient cohort study will be performed in Germany, using hospitals from the "ARDS Network Germany" as the main recruiting centres. It is envisaged to recruit 2400 patients into the DACAPO study and to analyse a study population of 1500 survivors. They will be followed up until 12 months after discharge from hospital. QoC will be assessed as process quality, structural quality and volume at the institutional level. The main outcomes (HRQoL and return to work) will be assessed by self-report questionnaires. Further data collection includes general medical and ARDS-related characteristics of patients as well as sociodemographic and psycho-social parameters. Multilevel hierarchical modelling will be performed to analyse the effects of QoC and individual patient characteristics on outcomes, taking the cluster structure of the data into account. By obtaining comprehensive data at patient and hospital level using a prospective multi-centre design, the DACAPO-study is the first study investigating the influence of QoC on individual outcomes of ARDS survivors.

  19. Multi-criteria group decision making for evaluating the performance of e-waste recycling programs under uncertainty. (United States)

    Wibowo, Santoso; Deng, Hepu


    This paper presents a multi-criteria group decision making approach for effectively evaluating the performance of e-waste recycling programs under uncertainty in an organization. Intuitionistic fuzzy numbers are used for adequately representing the subjective and imprecise assessments of the decision makers in evaluating the relative importance of evaluation criteria and the performance of individual e-waste recycling programs with respect to individual criteria in a given situation. An interactive fuzzy multi-criteria decision making algorithm is developed for facilitating consensus building in a group decision making environment to ensure that all the interest of individual decision makers have been appropriately considered in evaluating alternative e-waste recycling programs with respect to their corporate sustainability performance. The developed algorithm is then incorporated into a multi-criteria decision support system for making the overall performance evaluation process effectively and simple to use. Such a multi-criteria decision making system adequately provides organizations with a proactive mechanism for incorporating the concept of corporate sustainability into their regular planning decisions and business practices. An example is presented for demonstrating the applicability of the proposed approach in evaluating the performance of e-waste recycling programs in organizations. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Hierarchical self-organization of non-cooperating individuals.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tamás Nepusz

    Full Text Available Hierarchy is one of the most conspicuous features of numerous natural, technological and social systems. The underlying structures are typically complex and their most relevant organizational principle is the ordering of the ties among the units they are made of according to a network displaying hierarchical features. In spite of the abundant presence of hierarchy no quantitative theoretical interpretation of the origins of a multi-level, knowledge-based social network exists. Here we introduce an approach which is capable of reproducing the emergence of a multi-levelled network structure based on the plausible assumption that the individuals (representing the nodes of the network can make the right estimate about the state of their changing environment to a varying degree. Our model accounts for a fundamental feature of knowledge-based organizations: the less capable individuals tend to follow those who are better at solving the problems they all face. We find that relatively simple rules lead to hierarchical self-organization and the specific structures we obtain possess the two, perhaps most important features of complex systems: a simultaneous presence of adaptability and stability. In addition, the performance (success score of the emerging networks is significantly higher than the average expected score of the individuals without letting them copy the decisions of the others. The results of our calculations are in agreement with a related experiment and can be useful from the point of designing the optimal conditions for constructing a given complex social structure as well as understanding the hierarchical organization of such biological structures of major importance as the regulatory pathways or the dynamics of neural networks.

  1. The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim


    Horni Andreas; Nagel Kai; Axhausen Kay W.


    "The MATSim (Multi-Agent Transport Simulation) software project was started around 2006 with the goal of generating traffic and congestion patterns by following individual synthetic travelers through their daily or weekly activity programme. It has since then evolved from a collection of stand-alone C++ programs to an integrated Java-based framework which is publicly hosted, open-source available, automatically regression tested. It is currently used by about 40 groups throughout the world. T...

  2. Resting State Network Estimation in Individual Subjects (United States)

    Hacker, Carl D.; Laumann, Timothy O.; Szrama, Nicholas P.; Baldassarre, Antonello; Snyder, Abraham Z.


    Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been used to study brain networks associated with both normal and pathological cognitive function. The objective of this work is to reliably compute resting state network (RSN) topography in single participants. We trained a supervised classifier (multi-layer perceptron; MLP) to associate blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) correlation maps corresponding to pre-defined seeds with specific RSN identities. Hard classification of maps obtained from a priori seeds was highly reliable across new participants. Interestingly, continuous estimates of RSN membership retained substantial residual error. This result is consistent with the view that RSNs are hierarchically organized, and therefore not fully separable into spatially independent components. After training on a priori seed-based maps, we propagated voxel-wise correlation maps through the MLP to produce estimates of RSN membership throughout the brain. The MLP generated RSN topography estimates in individuals consistent with previous studies, even in brain regions not represented in the training data. This method could be used in future studies to relate RSN topography to other measures of functional brain organization (e.g., task-evoked responses, stimulation mapping, and deficits associated with lesions) in individuals. The multi-layer perceptron was directly compared to two alternative voxel classification procedures, specifically, dual regression and linear discriminant analysis; the perceptron generated more spatially specific RSN maps than either alternative. PMID:23735260

  3. Exploring Multi-Scale Spatiotemporal Twitter User Mobility Patterns with a Visual-Analytics Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Junjun Yin


    Full Text Available Understanding human mobility patterns is of great importance for urban planning, traffic management, and even marketing campaign. However, the capability of capturing detailed human movements with fine-grained spatial and temporal granularity is still limited. In this study, we extracted high-resolution mobility data from a collection of over 1.3 billion geo-located Twitter messages. Regarding the concerns of infringement on individual privacy, such as the mobile phone call records with restricted access, the dataset is collected from publicly accessible Twitter data streams. In this paper, we employed a visual-analytics approach to studying multi-scale spatiotemporal Twitter user mobility patterns in the contiguous United States during the year 2014. Our approach included a scalable visual-analytics framework to deliver efficiency and scalability in filtering large volume of geo-located tweets, modeling and extracting Twitter user movements, generating space-time user trajectories, and summarizing multi-scale spatiotemporal user mobility patterns. We performed a set of statistical analysis to understand Twitter user mobility patterns across multi-level spatial scales and temporal ranges. In particular, Twitter user mobility patterns measured by the displacements and radius of gyrations of individuals revealed multi-scale or multi-modal Twitter user mobility patterns. By further studying such mobility patterns in different temporal ranges, we identified both consistency and seasonal fluctuations regarding the distance decay effects in the corresponding mobility patterns. At the same time, our approach provides a geo-visualization unit with an interactive 3D virtual globe web mapping interface for exploratory geo-visual analytics of the multi-level spatiotemporal Twitter user movements.

  4. Multi-agent cooperation rescue algorithm based on influence degree and state prediction (United States)

    Zheng, Yanbin; Ma, Guangfu; Wang, Linlin; Xi, Pengxue


    Aiming at the multi-agent cooperative rescue in disaster, a multi-agent cooperative rescue algorithm based on impact degree and state prediction is proposed. Firstly, based on the influence of the information in the scene on the collaborative task, the influence degree function is used to filter the information. Secondly, using the selected information to predict the state of the system and Agent behavior. Finally, according to the result of the forecast, the cooperative behavior of Agent is guided and improved the efficiency of individual collaboration. The simulation results show that this algorithm can effectively solve the cooperative rescue problem of multi-agent and ensure the efficient completion of the task.

  5. Multi-Residential Activity Labelling in Smart Homes with Wearable Tags Using BLE Technology. (United States)

    Mokhtari, Ghassem; Anvari-Moghaddam, Amjad; Zhang, Qing; Karunanithi, Mohanraj


    Smart home platforms show promising outcomes to provide a better quality of life for residents in their homes. One of the main challenges that exists with these platforms in multi-residential houses is activity labeling. As most of the activity sensors do not provide any information regarding the identity of the person who triggers them, it is difficult to label the sensor events in multi-residential smart homes. To deal with this challenge, individual localization in different areas can be a promising solution. The localization information can be used to automatically label the activity sensor data to individuals. Bluetooth low energy (BLE) is a promising technology for this application due to how easy it is to implement and its low energy footprint. In this approach, individuals wear a tag that broadcasts its unique identity (ID) in certain time intervals, while fixed scanners listen to the broadcasting packet to localize the tag and the individual. However, the localization accuracy of this method depends greatly on different settings of broadcasting signal strength, and the time interval of BLE tags. To achieve the best localization accuracy, this paper studies the impacts of different advertising time intervals and power levels, and proposes an efficient and applicable algorithm to select optimal value settings of BLE sensors. Moreover, it proposes an automatic activity labeling method, through integrating BLE localization information and ambient sensor data. The applicability and effectiveness of the proposed structure is also demonstrated in a real multi-resident smart home scenario.

  6. Technologically Reflective Individuals as Enablers of Social Innovation. (United States)

    Schweitzer, Fiona; Rau, Christiane; Gassmann, Oliver; van den Hende, Ellis


    This paper identifies technologically reflective individuals and demonstrates their ability to develop innovations that benefit society. Technological reflectiveness (TR) is the tendency to think about the societal impact of an innovation, and those who display this capability in public are individuals who participate in online idea competitions focused on technical solutions for social problems (such as General Electric's eco-challenge, the James Dyson Award, and the BOSCH Technology Horizon Award). However, technologically reflective individuals also reflect in private settings (e.g., when reading news updates), thus requiring a scale to identify them. This paper describes the systematic development of an easy-to-administer multi-item scale to measure an individual's level of TR. Applying the TR scale in an empirical study on a health monitoring system confirmed that individuals' degree of TR relates positively to their ability to generate (1) more new product features and uses, (2) features with higher levels of societal impact, and (3) features that are more elaborated. This scale allows firms seeking to implement co-creation in their new product development (NPD) process and sustainable solutions to identify such individuals. Thus, this paper indicates that companies wishing to introduce new technological products with a positive societal impact may profit from involving technologically reflective individuals in the NPD process.

  7. Coral reef detection using SAR/RADARSAT-1 images at Costa dos Corais, PE/AL, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frederico de Moraes Rudorff


    Full Text Available The present work aimed to examine the potentials of SAR RADARSAT-1 images to detect emergent coral reefs at the Environmental Protection Area of "Costa dos Corais". Multi-view filters were applied and tested for speckle noise reduction. A digital unsupervised classification based on image segmentation was performed and the classification accuracy was evaluated by an error matrix built between the SAR image classification and a reference map obtained from a TM Landsat-5 classification. The adaptative filters showed the best results for speckle suppression and border preservation, especially the Kuan, Gamma MAP, Lee, Frost and Enhanced Frost filters. Small similarity and area thresholds (5 and 10, respectively were used for the image segmentation due to the reduced dimensions and the narrow and elongated forms of the reefs. The classification threshold of 99% had a better user's accuracy, but a lower producer's accuracy because it is a more restrictive threshold; therefore, it may be possible that it had a greater omission on reef classification. The results indicate that SAR images have a good potential for the detection of emergent coral reefs.O presente trabalho examinou o potencial de imagens SAR do RADARSAT-1 na detecção de recifes de coral expostos na Área de Proteção Ambiental das Costa dos Corais. Filtros de multi-visada foram aplicados e testados para redução do ruído speckle. Uma classificação não supervisionada baseada em uma imagem segmentada foi realizada e a acurácia da classificação foi avaliada através de uma matriz de erro construída entre a imagem classificada e o mapa de referência. Os filtros adaptativos apresentaram os melhores desempenhos para supressão de speckle e preservação de bordas, especialmente os filtros Kuan, Gamma MAP, Lee, Frost and Enhanced Frost. Os pequenos limiares de similaridade e de área (10 e 5, respectivamente foram melhores devido à forma fina e alongada dos recifes. O limiar de

  8. A Multi-organisational Approach to Service Delivery (United States)

    Purchase, Valerie; Mills, John; Parry, Glenn

    Who is involved in delivering a service? There has been growing recognition in a wide variety of contexts that service is increasingly being delivered by multi-rather than single-organisational entities. Such recognition is evident not only in our experience but in a number of areas of literature including strategy development, core competence analysis, operations and supply chain management, and is reflected in and further facilitated by ICT developments. Customers have always been involved in some degree in the process of value delivery and such involvement is increasing to include complex co-creation of value. Such interactions are challenging when they involve individual customers, however, this becomes ever more challenging when the 'customer' is another organisation or when there are multiple 'customers'. Within this chapter we will consider some of the key drivers for a multi-organisational approach to service delivery; examine the ways in which the parties involved in service co-creation have expanded to include multiple service providers and customers; and finally, identify some of the challenges created by a multi-organisational approach to service delivery.

  9. Multi-agent system for energy resource scheduling of integrated microgrids in a distributed system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Logenthiran, T.; Srinivasan, Dipti; Khambadkone, Ashwin M.


    This paper proposes a multi-agent system for energy resource scheduling of an islanded power system with distributed resources, which consists of integrated microgrids and lumped loads. Distributed intelligent multi-agent technology is applied to make the power system more reliable, efficient and capable of exploiting and integrating alternative sources of energy. The algorithm behind the proposed energy resource scheduling has three stages. The first stage is to schedule each microgrid individually to satisfy its internal demand. The next stage involves finding the best possible bids for exporting power to the network and compete in a whole sale energy market. The final stage is to reschedule each microgrid individually to satisfy the total demand, which is the addition of internal demand and the demand from the results of the whole sale energy market simulation. The simulation results of a power system with distributed resources comprising three microgrids and five lumped loads show that the proposed multi-agent system allows efficient management of micro-sources with minimum operational cost. The case studies demonstrate that the system is successfully monitored, controlled and operated by means of the developed multi-agent system. (author)

  10. Multi-agent system for energy resource scheduling of integrated microgrids in a distributed system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Logenthiran, T.; Srinivasan, Dipti; Khambadkone, Ashwin M. [Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 3, Singapore 117576 (Singapore)


    This paper proposes a multi-agent system for energy resource scheduling of an islanded power system with distributed resources, which consists of integrated microgrids and lumped loads. Distributed intelligent multi-agent technology is applied to make the power system more reliable, efficient and capable of exploiting and integrating alternative sources of energy. The algorithm behind the proposed energy resource scheduling has three stages. The first stage is to schedule each microgrid individually to satisfy its internal demand. The next stage involves finding the best possible bids for exporting power to the network and compete in a whole sale energy market. The final stage is to reschedule each microgrid individually to satisfy the total demand, which is the addition of internal demand and the demand from the results of the whole sale energy market simulation. The simulation results of a power system with distributed resources comprising three microgrids and five lumped loads show that the proposed multi-agent system allows efficient management of micro-sources with minimum operational cost. The case studies demonstrate that the system is successfully monitored, controlled and operated by means of the developed multi-agent system. (author)

  11. Evaluation and comparison of predictive individual-level general surrogates. (United States)

    Gabriel, Erin E; Sachs, Michael C; Halloran, M Elizabeth


    An intermediate response measure that accurately predicts efficacy in a new setting at the individual level could be used both for prediction and personalized medical decisions. In this article, we define a predictive individual-level general surrogate (PIGS), which is an individual-level intermediate response that can be used to accurately predict individual efficacy in a new setting. While methods for evaluating trial-level general surrogates, which are predictors of trial-level efficacy, have been developed previously, few, if any, methods have been developed to evaluate individual-level general surrogates, and no methods have formalized the use of cross-validation to quantify the expected prediction error. Our proposed method uses existing methods of individual-level surrogate evaluation within a given clinical trial setting in combination with cross-validation over a set of clinical trials to evaluate surrogate quality and to estimate the absolute prediction error that is expected in a new trial setting when using a PIGS. Simulations show that our method performs well across a variety of scenarios. We use our method to evaluate and to compare candidate individual-level general surrogates over a set of multi-national trials of a pentavalent rotavirus vaccine.

  12. Omics Informatics: From Scattered Individual Software Tools to Integrated Workflow Management Systems. (United States)

    Ma, Tianle; Zhang, Aidong


    Omic data analyses pose great informatics challenges. As an emerging subfield of bioinformatics, omics informatics focuses on analyzing multi-omic data efficiently and effectively, and is gaining momentum. There are two underlying trends in the expansion of omics informatics landscape: the explosion of scattered individual omics informatics tools with each of which focuses on a specific task in both single- and multi- omic settings, and the fast-evolving integrated software platforms such as workflow management systems that can assemble multiple tools into pipelines and streamline integrative analysis for complicated tasks. In this survey, we give a holistic view of omics informatics, from scattered individual informatics tools to integrated workflow management systems. We not only outline the landscape and challenges of omics informatics, but also sample a number of widely used and cutting-edge algorithms in omics data analysis to give readers a fine-grained view. We survey various workflow management systems (WMSs), classify them into three levels of WMSs from simple software toolkits to integrated multi-omic analytical platforms, and point out the emerging needs for developing intelligent workflow management systems. We also discuss the challenges, strategies and some existing work in systematic evaluation of omics informatics tools. We conclude by providing future perspectives of emerging fields and new frontiers in omics informatics.

  13. Association of Neighbourhood and Individual Social Capital, Neighbourhood Economic Deprivation and Self-Rated Health in South Africa – a Multi-Level Analysis (United States)

    Chola, Lumbwe; Alaba, Olufunke


    Introduction Social capital is said to influence health, mostly in research undertaken in high income countries' settings. Because social capital may differ from one setting to another, it is suggested that its measurement be context specific. We examine the association of individual and neighbourhood level social capital, and neighbourhood deprivation to self-rated health using a multi-level analysis. Methods Data are taken from the 2008 South Africa National Income Dynamic Survey. Health was self-reported on a scale from 1 (excellent) to 5 (poor). Two measures of social capital were used: individual, measured by two variables denoting trust and civic participation; and neighbourhood social capital, denoting support, association, behaviour and safety in a community. Results Compared to males, females were less likely to report good health (Odds Ratio 0.82: Confidence Interval 0.73, 0.91). There were variations in association of individual social capital and self-rated health among the provinces. In Western Cape (1.37: 0.98, 1.91) and North West (1.39: 1.13, 1.71), trust was positively associated with reporting good health, while the reverse was true in Limpopo (0.56: 0.38, 0.84) and Free State (0.70: 0.48, 1.02). In Western Cape (0.60: 0.44, 0.82) and Mpumalanga (0.72: 0.55, 0.94), neighbourhood social capital was negatively associated with reporting good health. In North West (1.59: 1.27, 1.99) and Gauteng (1.90: 1.21, 2.97), increased neighbourhood social capital was positively associated with reporting good health. Conclusion Our study demonstrated the importance of considering contextual factors when analysing the relationship between social capital and health. Analysis by province showed variations in the way in which social capital affected health in different contexts. Further studies should be undertaken to understand the mechanisms through which social capital impacts on health in South Africa. PMID:23976923

  14. The evaluation of multi-element personal dosemeters using the linear programming method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kragh, P.; Ambrosi, P.; Boehm, J.; Hilgers, G.


    Multi-element dosemeters are frequently used in individual monitoring. Each element can be regarded as an individual dosemeter with its own individual dose measurement value. In general, the individual dose values of one dosemeter vary according to the exposure conditions, i. e. the energy and angle of incidence of the radiation. The (final) dose measurement value of the personal dosemeter is calculated from the individual dose values by means of an evaluation algorithm. The best possible dose value, i.e. that of the smallest systematic (type B) uncertainty if the exposure conditions are changed in the dosemeter's rated range of use, is obtained by the method of linear programming. (author)

  15. A Framework for Multi-Stakeholder Decision-Making and Conflict Resolution (abstract) (United States)

    This contribution describes the implementation of the conditional-value-at-risk (CVaR) metric to create a general multi-stakeholder decision-making framework. It is observed that stakeholder dissatisfactions (distance to their individual ideal solutions) can be interpreted as ran...

  16. Multi drug resistant tuberculosis: a challenge in the management of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) will not usually respond to short course chemotherapy. Unless the individual infected with this bug is treated appropriately, they can continue spreading resistant strains in the community and further fuel the tuberculosis epidemic. Diagnosis requires drug sensitivity testing and the ...

  17. Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Knowledge Management Tools

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    enhanced multi-criteria method, namely fuzzy VIKOR, that takes advantages of fuzzy logic and group decision making to deal with the vagueness and granularity in the linguistic assessments. The method aims to isolate compromise solutions, by providing a maximum group utility and a minimum of an individual regret. A case study is also given to demonstrate the potential of the methodology.

  18. Umidificação dos gases inspirados na ventilação mecânica em crianças = Humidification of inspired gases in mechanical ventilation in children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gatiboni, Silvia


    Conclusões: não existe consenso quanto ao melhor dispositivo para aquecimento e umidificação dos gases inspirados, principalmente em pediatria, porém observamos a tendência ao uso de filtros trocadores de calor e umidade, pela facilidade e menor custo. Novas pesquisas são necessárias para otimizar os filtros trocadores de calor e umidade, diminuindo a resistência e o espaço morto e aumentando a eficácia dos mesmos

  19. Heuristics for multi-item two-echelon spare parts inventory control subject to aggregate and individual service measures

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Topan, E.; Bayindir, Z.P.; Tan, T.


    We consider a multi-item two-echelon spare parts inventory system in which the central warehouse operates under a (Q, R) policy and local warehouses implement (S−1,S) policy. The objective is to find the policy parameters minimizing expected system-wide inventory holding and fixed ordering subject

  20. Volume measurements of individual muscles in human quadriceps femoris using atlas-based segmentation approaches. (United States)

    Le Troter, Arnaud; Fouré, Alexandre; Guye, Maxime; Confort-Gouny, Sylviane; Mattei, Jean-Pierre; Gondin, Julien; Salort-Campana, Emmanuelle; Bendahan, David


    Atlas-based segmentation is a powerful method for automatic structural segmentation of several sub-structures in many organs. However, such an approach has been very scarcely used in the context of muscle segmentation, and so far no study has assessed such a method for the automatic delineation of individual muscles of the quadriceps femoris (QF). In the present study, we have evaluated a fully automated multi-atlas method and a semi-automated single-atlas method for the segmentation and volume quantification of the four muscles of the QF and for the QF as a whole. The study was conducted in 32 young healthy males, using high-resolution magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the thigh. The multi-atlas-based segmentation method was conducted in 25 subjects. Different non-linear registration approaches based on free-form deformable (FFD) and symmetric diffeomorphic normalization algorithms (SyN) were assessed. Optimal parameters of two fusion methods, i.e., STAPLE and STEPS, were determined on the basis of the highest Dice similarity index (DSI) considering manual segmentation (MSeg) as the ground truth. Validation and reproducibility of this pipeline were determined using another MRI dataset recorded in seven healthy male subjects on the basis of additional metrics such as the muscle volume similarity values, intraclass coefficient, and coefficient of variation. Both non-linear registration methods (FFD and SyN) were also evaluated as part of a single-atlas strategy in order to assess longitudinal muscle volume measurements. The multi- and the single-atlas approaches were compared for the segmentation and the volume quantification of the four muscles of the QF and for the QF as a whole. Considering each muscle of the QF, the DSI of the multi-atlas-based approach was high 0.87 ± 0.11 and the best results were obtained with the combination of two deformation fields resulting from the SyN registration method and the STEPS fusion algorithm. The optimal variables for FFD

  1. Association of bond, market, operational, and financial factors with multi-hospital system bond issues. (United States)

    Carpenter, C E; McCue, M J; Hossack, J B


    Despite the growth of multi-hospital systems in the 1990s, their performance in the tax-exempt bond market has not been adequately evaluated. The purpose of this study is to compare bonds issued by multi-hospital systems to those issued by individual hospitals in terms of bond, market, operational, and financial characteristics. The study sample includes 2,078 newly issued, tax-exempt, revenue bonds between 1991 and 1997. The findings indicate that multi-hospital systems issued larger amounts of debt at a lower cost, were more likely to be insured, had higher debt service coverage and higher operating margins.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christiono Utomo


    Full Text Available Selecting a design solution (choice problem is one of the natures of design decision. If the problem is more complex and involves multi participants, decision aid is necessary. This paper discusses the nature of group judgment and negotiation on multi-criteria decision-making methodologies. It presents a conceptual model of negotiation support in a multi-person decision on building floor system selection. Decision technique (AHP was applied for decision process in a satisfying options and game theory for coalition formation. An n-person cooperative game is represented by a set of all players. The proposed coalition formation model enables each agent to select individually or coalition. It improves the value of building system decision. It further emphasizes the importance of performance evaluation in the design process and value-based decision. The support model can be extended to an automated negotiation and in different building system selection with proper  modification. Keywords: Multi-person, design decision, IBS, floor system selection.

  3. Design of a Multi-Bunch BPM for the Next Linear Collider

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, Andrew


    The Next Linear Collider (NLC) design requires precise control of colliding trains of high-intensity (1.4 x 10 10 particles/bunch) and low-emittance beams. High-resolution multi-bunch beam position monitors (BPMs) are required to ensure uniformity across the bunch trains with bunch spacing of 1.4ns. A high bandwidth (∼350 MHz) multi-bunch BPM has been designed based on a custom-made stripline sum and difference hybrid on a Teflon-based material. High bandwidth RF couplers were included to allow injection of a calibration tone. Three prototype BPMs were fabricated at SLAC and tested in the Accelerator Test Facility at KEK and in the PEP-II ring at SLAC. Tone calibration data and single-bunch and multi-bunch beam data were taken with high-speed (5Gsa/s) digitizers. Offline analysis determined the deconvolution of individual bunches in the multi-bunch mode by using the measured single bunch response. The results of these measurements are presented in this paper

  4. PISCATOR, an individual-based model to analyze the dynamics of lake fish communities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nes, van E.H.; Lammens, E.H.R.R.; Scheffer, M.


    Unraveling the mechanisms that drive dynamics of multi-species fish communities is notoriously difficult. Not only are the interactions between fish populations complex, but also the functional niche of individual animals changes profoundly as they grow, making variation in size within populations

  5. Examining perceived stereotype threat among overweight/obese adults using a multi-threat framework. (United States)

    Carels, Robert A; Domoff, Sarah E; Burmeister, Jacob M; Koball, Afton M; Hinman, Nova G; Davis, Alan K; Wagner Oehlhof, Marissa; Leroy, Michelle; Bannon, Erin; Hoffmann, Debra A


    The Multi-Threat Framework accounts for potentially different forms of stereotype threat that differ in target (i.e., the individual or the group) and source (i.e., the self or others). This investigation examined how these different forms of perceived stereotype threat were related to concepts, such as group identity, stereotype endorsement, stigma consciousness, etc., among overweight and obese individuals. 216 adults completed an online survey. Participants' mean age was 23.6 (SD 10.1; range 18-64) years and mean BMI was 31.6 (SD 7.5) kg/m². Participants reported a history of feeling threatened by stereotypes related to weight. When reflecting on past experiences of perceived stereotype threat, participants reported greater levels of self/own stereotype threat compared to group stereotype threat. Level of stereotype threat was related to a number of personal characteristics (i.e., sex, BMI) and individual factors (i.e., group identity, stigma consciousness, fear of fat). Individuals who are overweight report a history of being threatened by negative stereotypes. The findings support the Multi-Threat Framework for stereotype threat based on body weight. Overweight individuals' susceptibility to stereotype threat may vary systematically depending on several factors. Future research should examine weight-related stereotypes' impact on cognitive and behavioral outcomes. Copyright © 2013 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg

  6. Examining Perceived Stereotype Threat among Overweight/Obese Adults Using a Multi-Threat Framework

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robert A. Carels


    Full Text Available Objective: The Multi-Threat Framework accounts for potentially different forms of stereotype threat that differ in target (i.e., the individual or the group and source (i.e., the self or others. This investigation examined how these different forms of perceived stereotype threat were related to concepts, such as group identity, stereotype endorsement, stigma consciousness, etc., among overweight and obese individuals. Method: 216 adults completed an online survey. Participants' mean age was 23.6 (SD 10.1; range 18-64 years and mean BMI was 31.6 (SD 7.5 kg/m2. Results: Participants reported a history of feeling threatened by stereotypes related to weight. When reflecting on past experiences of perceived stereotype threat, participants reported greater levels of self/own stereotype threat compared to group stereotype threat. Level of stereotype threat was related to a number of personal characteristics (i.e., sex, BMI and individual factors (i.e., group identity, stigma consciousness, fear of fat. Conclusion: Individuals who are overweight report a history of being threatened by negative stereotypes. The findings support the Multi-Threat Framework for stereotype threat based on body weight. Overweight individuals' susceptibility to stereotype threat may vary systematically depending on several factors. Future research should examine weight-related stereotypes' impact on cognitive and behavioral outcomes.

  7. Multi-Language and Multi-Purpose Educational Tool for Kids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holmen, Hee; Valente, Andrea; Marchetti, E.


    ‘Crazipes’ is one of the prototype games within SMAALL, a multi-language and multi-purpose games project for young kids of age 3-5 years old. The main goal of SMAALL is to expose young learners in multi-purpose and multi-module games. In the prototype of Crazipes, the game is designed to teach fo...

  8. Once-daily dosing of saquinavir and low-dose ritonavir in HIV-1-infected individuals: a pharmacokinetic pilot study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Heeswijk, R. P.; Veldkamp, A. I.; Mulder, J. W.; Meenhorst, P. L.; Lange, J. M.; Beijnen, J. H.; Hoetelmans, R. M.


    To investigate the steady-state pharmacokinetics of a once-daily dosing regimen of saquinavir soft gelatin capsules in combination with a low dose of ritonavir in HIV-1-infected individuals. Open-label, multi-dose, pharmacokinetic pilot study. Seven HIV-1-infected individuals who were treated with

  9. A multi-attribute approach to the rationalization of radiation protection options

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lombard, J.; Oudiz, A.


    Application of the ALARA principle requires the use of quantitative methods such as cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness, multi-attribute and other analyses. An example is presented of the application of a multi-attribute analysis in connection with the determination of ALARA levels for the light-water fuel cycle. Thirty-nine processing options for waste from different fuel cycle facilities have been identified. These are categorized on the basis of cost, of performance in terms of reduction of collective and individual detriment and, finally, of a subjective index of data reliability. Multi-attribute analysis can be used for classifying options on the basis of these four criteria. In particular, a method known as ''total outclassing analysis'' can be used for initial classification of options independently of the ''implicit value of human life''. The value of total outclassing analysis lies in the fact that it can be used for a classification of options which takes collective and individual detriment simultaneously into account. It thus represents a satisfactory synthesis of the individual approach (critical groups) and the collective approach. A finer classification can be obtained by carrying out a non-total outclassing analysis (ELECTRE method). At this stage the weighting of criteria becomes a necessity. The results, however, are fairly insensitive to modification of the ''implicit value of human life''. Generally, the study shows traditional radiation protection options to be justified, especially where the trapping of iodine in reactors is concerned, and stresses the value of retaining noble gases in reprocessing plants

  10. Superhydrophobic multi-scale ZnO nanostructures fabricated by chemical vapor deposition method. (United States)

    Zhou, Ming; Feng, Chengheng; Wu, Chunxia; Ma, Weiwei; Cai, Lan


    The ZnO nanostructures were synthesized on Si(100) substrates by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. Different Morphologies of ZnO nanostructures, such as nanoparticle film, micro-pillar and micro-nano multi-structure, were obtained with different conditions. The results of XRD and TEM showed the good quality of ZnO crystal growth. Selected area electron diffraction analysis indicates the individual nano-wire is single crystal. The wettability of ZnO was studied by contact angle admeasuring apparatus. We found that the wettability can be changed from hydrophobic to super-hydrophobic when the structure changed from smooth particle film to single micro-pillar, nano-wire and micro-nano multi-scale structure. Compared with the particle film with contact angle (CA) of 90.7 degrees, the CA of single scale microstructure and sparse micro-nano multi-scale structure is 130-140 degrees, 140-150 degrees respectively. But when the surface is dense micro-nano multi-scale structure such as nano-lawn, the CA can reach to 168.2 degrees . The results indicate that microstructure of surface is very important to the surface wettability. The wettability on the micro-nano multi-structure is better than single-scale structure, and that of dense micro-nano multi-structure is better than sparse multi-structure.

  11. Multi-target consensus circle pursuit for multi-agent systems via a distributed multi-flocking method (United States)

    Pei, Huiqin; Chen, Shiming; Lai, Qiang


    This paper studies the multi-target consensus pursuit problem of multi-agent systems. For solving the problem, a distributed multi-flocking method is designed based on the partial information exchange, which is employed to realise the pursuit of multi-target and the uniform distribution of the number of pursuing agents with the dynamic target. Combining with the proposed circle formation control strategy, agents can adaptively choose the target to form the different circle formation groups accomplishing a multi-target pursuit. The speed state of pursuing agents in each group converges to the same value. A Lyapunov approach is utilised to analyse the stability of multi-agent systems. In addition, a sufficient condition is given for achieving the dynamic target consensus pursuit, and which is then analysed. Finally, simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.

  12. Design of a multi beam klystron cavity from its single beam parameters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kant, Deepender, E-mail:; Joshi, L. M. [CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani (India); Janyani, Vijay [Department of ECE, MNIT, Jaipur (India)


    The klystron is a well-known microwave amplifier which uses kinetic energy of an electron beam for amplification of the RF signal. There are some limitations of conventional single beam klystron such as high operating voltage, low efficiency and bulky size at higher power levels, which are very effectively handled in Multi Beam Klystron (MBK) that uses multiple low purveyance electron beams for RF interaction. Each beam propagates along its individual transit path through a resonant cavity structure. Multi-Beam klystron cavity design is a critical task due to asymmetric cavity structure and can be simulated by 3D code only. The present paper shall discuss the design of multi beam RF cavities for klystrons operating at 2856 MHz (S-band) and 5 GHz (C-band) respectively. The design approach uses some scaling laws for finding the electron beam parameters of the multi beam device from their single beam counter parts. The scaled beam parameters are then used for finding the design parameters of the multi beam cavities. Design of the desired multi beam cavity can be optimized through iterative simulations in CST Microwave Studio.

  13. Design of a multi beam klystron cavity from its single beam parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kant, Deepender; Joshi, L. M.; Janyani, Vijay


    The klystron is a well-known microwave amplifier which uses kinetic energy of an electron beam for amplification of the RF signal. There are some limitations of conventional single beam klystron such as high operating voltage, low efficiency and bulky size at higher power levels, which are very effectively handled in Multi Beam Klystron (MBK) that uses multiple low purveyance electron beams for RF interaction. Each beam propagates along its individual transit path through a resonant cavity structure. Multi-Beam klystron cavity design is a critical task due to asymmetric cavity structure and can be simulated by 3D code only. The present paper shall discuss the design of multi beam RF cavities for klystrons operating at 2856 MHz (S-band) and 5 GHz (C-band) respectively. The design approach uses some scaling laws for finding the electron beam parameters of the multi beam device from their single beam counter parts. The scaled beam parameters are then used for finding the design parameters of the multi beam cavities. Design of the desired multi beam cavity can be optimized through iterative simulations in CST Microwave Studio.

  14. Modeling Performance in C4ISR Sustained Operations: A Multi-Level Approach (Briefing Charts)

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Barnes, Christopher; Miller, James C; Elliott, Linda; Coovert, Michael


    This briefing discusses methodology and preliminary findings focused on the application of multi-level modeling techniques to distinguish effects of sleep loss and task demands on individual and team...

  15. Multi-modal Behavioural Biometric Authentication for Mobile Devices


    Saevanee , Hataichanok; Clarke , Nathan ,; Furnell , Steven ,


    Part 12: Authentication and Delegation; International audience; The potential advantages of behavioural biometrics are that they can be utilised in a transparent (non-intrusive) and continuous authentication system. However, individual biometric techniques are not suited to all users and scenarios. One way to increase the reliability of transparent and continuous authentication systems is create a multi-modal behavioural biometric authentication system. This research investigated three behavi...

  16. Integrating care for individuals with FASD: results from a multi-stakeholder symposium. (United States)

    Masotti, Paul; Longstaffe, Sally; Gammon, Holly; Isbister, Jill; Maxwell, Breann; Hanlon-Dearman, Ana


    Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) has a significant impact on communities and systems such as health, education, justice and social services. FASD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that results in permanent disabilities and associated service needs that change across affected individuals' lifespans. There is a degree of interdependency among medical and non-medical providers across these systems that do not frequently meet or plan a coordinated continuum of care. Improving overall care integration will increase provider-specific and system capacity, satisfaction, quality of life and outcomes. We conducted a consensus generating symposium comprised of 60 experts from different stakeholder groups: Allied & Mental Health, Education, First Nations & Métis Health, Advocates, Primary Care, Government Health Policy, Regional FASD Coordinators, Social Services, and Youth Justice. Research questions addressed barriers and solutions to integration across systems and group-specific and system-wide research priorities. Solutions and consensus on prioritized lists were generated by combining the Electronic Meeting System approach with a modified 'Nominal Group Technique'. FASD capacity (e.g., training, education, awareness) needs to be increased in both medical and non-medical providers. Outcomes and integration will be improved by implementing: multidisciplinary primary care group practice models, FASD system navigators/advocates, and patient centred medical homes. Electronic medical records that are accessible to multiple medical and non-medical providers are a key tool to enhancing integration and quality. Eligibility criteria for services are a main barrier to integration across systems. There is a need for culturally and community-specific approaches for First Nations communities. There is a need to better integrate care for individuals and families living with FASD. Primary Care is well positioned to play a central and important role in facilitating and

  17. Morphing the feature-based multi-blocks of normative/healthy vertebral geometries to scoliosis vertebral geometries: development of personalized finite element models. (United States)

    Hadagali, Prasannaah; Peters, James R; Balasubramanian, Sriram


    Personalized Finite Element (FE) models and hexahedral elements are preferred for biomechanical investigations. Feature-based multi-block methods are used to develop anatomically accurate personalized FE models with hexahedral mesh. It is tedious to manually construct multi-blocks for large number of geometries on an individual basis to develop personalized FE models. Mesh-morphing method mitigates the aforementioned tediousness in meshing personalized geometries every time, but leads to element warping and loss of geometrical data. Such issues increase in magnitude when normative spine FE model is morphed to scoliosis-affected spinal geometry. The only way to bypass the issue of hex-mesh distortion or loss of geometry as a result of morphing is to rely on manually constructing the multi-blocks for scoliosis-affected spine geometry of each individual, which is time intensive. A method to semi-automate the construction of multi-blocks on the geometry of scoliosis vertebrae from the existing multi-blocks of normative vertebrae is demonstrated in this paper. High-quality hexahedral elements were generated on the scoliosis vertebrae from the morphed multi-blocks of normative vertebrae. Time taken was 3 months to construct the multi-blocks for normative spine and less than a day for scoliosis. Efforts taken to construct multi-blocks on personalized scoliosis spinal geometries are significantly reduced by morphing existing multi-blocks.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.V. Arun Shalin


    Full Text Available Clustering is a process of grouping elements together, designed in such a way that the elements assigned to similar data points in a cluster are more comparable to each other than the remaining data points in a cluster. During clustering certain difficulties related when dealing with high dimensional data are ubiquitous and abundant. Works concentrated using anonymization method for high dimensional data spaces failed to address the problem related to dimensionality reduction during the inclusion of non-binary databases. In this work we study methods for dimensionality reduction for non-binary database. By analyzing the behavior of dimensionality reduction for non-binary database, results in performance improvement with the help of tag based feature. An effective multi-clustering anonymization approach called Discrete Component Task Specific Multi-Clustering (DCTSM is presented for dimensionality reduction on non-binary database. To start with we present the analysis of attribute in the non-binary database and cluster projection identifies the sparseness degree of dimensions. Additionally with the quantum distribution on multi-cluster dimension, the solution for relevancy of attribute and redundancy on non-binary data spaces is provided resulting in performance improvement on the basis of tag based feature. Multi-clustering tag based feature reduction extracts individual features and are correspondingly replaced by the equivalent feature clusters (i.e. tag clusters. During training, the DCTSM approach uses multi-clusters instead of individual tag features and then during decoding individual features is replaced by corresponding multi-clusters. To measure the effectiveness of the method, experiments are conducted on existing anonymization method for high dimensional data spaces and compared with the DCTSM approach using Statlog German Credit Data Set. Improved tag feature extraction and minimum error rate compared to conventional anonymization

  19. Antecedents of Organisational Creativity: A Multi-Level Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ritu Gupta


    Full Text Available The purpose of this literature review is to provide a better understanding of the antecedents of organisational creativity with a multi-level approach. Organisational creativity is a sum total of the creativity accounted for by the individual employees of the organisation, the cumulative creativity of a team or group and creativity arising out of different structural components of an organisation. Some of the antecedents identified from the literature include personality, intrinsic motivation, group cohesion, social inhibition, cognitive interference, leader member exchange, organisational culture and climate, amongst others at individual, group and organisational level. Based on the literature review, suggestions for future research and research propositions have been proposed.

  20. Hormiga argentina Linepithema humile Mayr, 1868 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) y su rol como posible vector de contaminación microbiana en una lechería de cabras Capra hircus Linnaeus, 1758 (Artiodactyla: Bovidae)


    J Ipinza-Regla; D González; G Figueroa


    Se trata de establecer la acción de la hormiga argentina Linepithema humile, como potencial vector mecánico de microorganismos patógenos. Desde un plantel lechero de cabras ubicado en la comuna de Lampa, Región Metropolitana, Chile, se obtuvieron 63 muestras: 21 muestras Control A aspiradas directamente sobre el papel filtro esterilizado previo al paso de las hormigas, 21 muestras de hormigas aspiradas desde papel filtro y 21 muestras posterior al paso de las hormigas (Control B). La metodolo...

  1. Multi-view Multi-sparsity Kernel Reconstruction for Multi-class Image Classification

    KAUST Repository

    Zhu, Xiaofeng


    This paper addresses the problem of multi-class image classification by proposing a novel multi-view multi-sparsity kernel reconstruction (MMKR for short) model. Given images (including test images and training images) representing with multiple visual features, the MMKR first maps them into a high-dimensional space, e.g., a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), where test images are then linearly reconstructed by some representative training images, rather than all of them. Furthermore a classification rule is proposed to classify test images. Experimental results on real datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed MMKR while comparing to state-of-the-art algorithms.

  2. Multi-scale biomedical systems: measurement challenges

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Summers, R


    Multi-scale biomedical systems are those that represent interactions in materials, sensors, and systems from a holistic perspective. It is possible to view such multi-scale activity using measurement of spatial scale or time scale, though in this paper only the former is considered. The biomedical application paradigm comprises interactions that range from quantum biological phenomena at scales of 10-12 for one individual to epidemiological studies of disease spread in populations that in a pandemic lead to measurement at a scale of 10+7. It is clear that there are measurement challenges at either end of this spatial scale, but those challenges that relate to the use of new technologies that deal with big data and health service delivery at the point of care are also considered. The measurement challenges lead to the use, in many cases, of model-based measurement and the adoption of virtual engineering. It is these measurement challenges that will be uncovered in this paper. (paper)

  3. Designing multi-targeted agents: An emerging anticancer drug discovery paradigm. (United States)

    Fu, Rong-Geng; Sun, Yuan; Sheng, Wen-Bing; Liao, Duan-Fang


    The dominant paradigm in drug discovery is to design ligands with maximum selectivity to act on individual drug targets. With the target-based approach, many new chemical entities have been discovered, developed, and further approved as drugs. However, there are a large number of complex diseases such as cancer that cannot be effectively treated or cured only with one medicine to modulate the biological function of a single target. As simultaneous intervention of two (or multiple) cancer progression relevant targets has shown improved therapeutic efficacy, the innovation of multi-targeted drugs has become a promising and prevailing research topic and numerous multi-targeted anticancer agents are currently at various developmental stages. However, most multi-pharmacophore scaffolds are usually discovered by serendipity or screening, while rational design by combining existing pharmacophore scaffolds remains an enormous challenge. In this review, four types of multi-pharmacophore modes are discussed, and the examples from literature will be used to introduce attractive lead compounds with the capability of simultaneously interfering with different enzyme or signaling pathway of cancer progression, which will reveal the trends and insights to help the design of the next generation multi-targeted anticancer agents. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  4. Multi-parametric MR imaging for prostate carcinoma; Multiparametrische MR-Bildgebung beim Prostatakarzinom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schlemmer, Heinz-Peter [Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg (Germany). Abt. Radiologie


    Multi-parametric NMR imaging in case of prostate carcinoma can improve diagnostics, allows reliable prognostic estimations and helps to find the optimum individual therapy. The contribution is focused to deliver the needed methodological tools and background knowledge for the daily routine.

  5. Merging information from multi-model flood projections in a hierarchical Bayesian framework (United States)

    Le Vine, Nataliya


    Multi-model ensembles are becoming widely accepted for flood frequency change analysis. The use of multiple models results in large uncertainty around estimates of flood magnitudes, due to both uncertainty in model selection and natural variability of river flow. The challenge is therefore to extract the most meaningful signal from the multi-model predictions, accounting for both model quality and uncertainties in individual model estimates. The study demonstrates the potential of a recently proposed hierarchical Bayesian approach to combine information from multiple models. The approach facilitates explicit treatment of shared multi-model discrepancy as well as the probabilistic nature of the flood estimates, by treating the available models as a sample from a hypothetical complete (but unobserved) set of models. The advantages of the approach are: 1) to insure an adequate 'baseline' conditions with which to compare future changes; 2) to reduce flood estimate uncertainty; 3) to maximize use of statistical information in circumstances where multiple weak predictions individually lack power, but collectively provide meaningful information; 4) to adjust multi-model consistency criteria when model biases are large; and 5) to explicitly consider the influence of the (model performance) stationarity assumption. Moreover, the analysis indicates that reducing shared model discrepancy is the key to further reduction of uncertainty in the flood frequency analysis. The findings are of value regarding how conclusions about changing exposure to flooding are drawn, and to flood frequency change attribution studies.

  6. Multi-View Multi-Instance Learning Based on Joint Sparse Representation and Multi-View Dictionary Learning. (United States)

    Li, Bing; Yuan, Chunfeng; Xiong, Weihua; Hu, Weiming; Peng, Houwen; Ding, Xinmiao; Maybank, Steve


    In multi-instance learning (MIL), the relations among instances in a bag convey important contextual information in many applications. Previous studies on MIL either ignore such relations or simply model them with a fixed graph structure so that the overall performance inevitably degrades in complex environments. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel multi-view multi-instance learning algorithm (MIL) that combines multiple context structures in a bag into a unified framework. The novel aspects are: (i) we propose a sparse -graph model that can generate different graphs with different parameters to represent various context relations in a bag, (ii) we propose a multi-view joint sparse representation that integrates these graphs into a unified framework for bag classification, and (iii) we propose a multi-view dictionary learning algorithm to obtain a multi-view graph dictionary that considers cues from all views simultaneously to improve the discrimination of the MIL. Experiments and analyses in many practical applications prove the effectiveness of the M IL.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paola Andressa SCURACCHIO


    Full Text Available Sabe-se da importância de se tratar a água destinada ao consumo humano, pois alterações nas características física, química e/ou microbiológica tem sido associadas a diversos problemas de saúde, além disso, a qualidade da água destinada ao consumo humano deve atender aos padrões de potabilidade estabelecidos pela Portaria n. 518/2004 do Ministério da Saúde. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a qualidade da água utilizada em escolas e creches municipais da cidade de São Carlos – SP. Foram selecionados 31 estabelecimentos de ensino sendo 17 escolas e 14 creches, em cada uma delas foram colhidas duas amostras de água em três pontos distintos – 62 no ponto de entrada da rede, 62 do reservatório e 62 de filtros domésticos - totalizando 186 amostras, com intervalo de três meses, para verificar possíveis diferenças nos pontos de colheita e em ocasiões diferentes. As amostras foram avaliadas para os seguintes parâmetros: presença de coliformes totais, Escherichia coli, contagem de bactérias heterotróficas mesó- filas, determinação do pH, turbidez, cor, concentração de flúor e de cloro residual livre. O maior número de amostras fora do padrão para coliformes totais foi proveniente dos filtros e da rede, para bactérias heterotróficas a maior parte das amostras fora do padrão foi colhida nos filtros. Nas análises físico-químicas o maior número de amostras fora do padrão ocorreu na rede para pH, na rede e no filtro para flúor, no filtro para cloro residual livre e no reservatório para turbidez. O parâmetro com maior número de amostras inadequadas foi flúor. É necessário maior atenção com a conservação, limpeza e manutenção dos reservatórios prediais e filtros nas escolas e creches de São Carlos, visto que, a água analisada estava imprópria para o consumo.

  8. Multi-criteria objective based climate change impact assessment for multi-purpose multi-reservoir systems (United States)

    Müller, Ruben; Schütze, Niels


    Water resources systems with reservoirs are expected to be sensitive to climate change. Assessment studies that analyze the impact of climate change on the performance of reservoirs can be divided in two groups: (1) Studies that simulate the operation under projected inflows with the current set of operational rules. Due to non adapted operational rules the future performance of these reservoirs can be underestimated and the impact overestimated. (2) Studies that optimize the operational rules for best adaption of the system to the projected conditions before the assessment of the impact. The latter allows for estimating more realistically future performance and adaption strategies based on new operation rules are available if required. Multi-purpose reservoirs serve various, often conflicting functions. If all functions cannot be served simultaneously at a maximum level, an effective compromise between multiple objectives of the reservoir operation has to be provided. Yet under climate change the historically preferenced compromise may no longer be the most suitable compromise in the future. Therefore a multi-objective based climate change impact assessment approach for multi-purpose multi-reservoir systems is proposed in the study. Projected inflows are provided in a first step using a physically based rainfall-runoff model. In a second step, a time series model is applied to generate long-term inflow time series. Finally, the long-term inflow series are used as driving variables for a simulation-based multi-objective optimization of the reservoir system in order to derive optimal operation rules. As a result, the adapted Pareto-optimal set of diverse best compromise solutions can be presented to the decision maker in order to assist him in assessing climate change adaption measures with respect to the future performance of the multi-purpose reservoir system. The approach is tested on a multi-purpose multi-reservoir system in a mountainous catchment in Germany. A

  9. FY1995 distributed control of man-machine cooperative multi agent systems; 1995 nendo ningen kyochogata multi agent kikai system no jiritsu seigyo

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In the near future, distributed autonomous systems will be practical in many situations, e.g., interactive production systems, hazardous environments, nursing homes, and individual houses. The agents which consist of the distributed system must not give damages to human being and should be working economically. In this project man-machine cooperative multi agent systems are studied in many kind of respects, and basic design technology, basic control technique are developed by establishing fundamental theories and by constructing experimental systems. In this project theoretical and experimental studies are conducted in the following sub-projects: (1) Distributed cooperative control in multi agent type actuation systems (2) Control of non-holonomic systems (3) Man-machine Cooperative systems (4) Robot systems learning human skills (5) Robust force control of constrained systems In each sub-project cooperative nature between machine agent systems and human being, interference between artificial multi agents and environment and new function emergence in coordination of the multi agents and the environment, robust force control against for the environments, control methods for non-holonomic systems, robot systems which can mimic and learn human skills were studied. In each sub-project, some problems were hi-lighted and solutions for the problems have been given based on construction of experimental systems. (NEDO)

  10. A Multi-Objective Approach to Visualize Proportions and Similarities Between Individuals by Rectangular Maps

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carrizosa, Emilio; Guerrero, Vanesa; Morales, Dolores Romero

    In this paper we address the problem of visualizing the proportions and the similarities attached to a set of individuals. We represent this information using a rectangular map, i.e., a subdivision of a rectangle into rectangular portions so that each portion is associated with one individual...... area and adjacency requirements, this visualization problem is formulated as a three-objective Mixed Integer Nonlinear Problem. The first objective seeks to maximize the number of true adjacencies that the rectangular map is able to reproduce, the second one is to minimize the number of false...

  11. Application of Multi-Analyte Methods for Pesticide Formulations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lantos, J.; Virtics, I. [Plant Protection & Soil Conservation Service of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, Nyíregyháza (Hungary)


    The application of multi-analyte methods for pesticide formulations by GC analysis is discussed. HPLC was used to determine active ingredients. HPLC elution sequences were related to individual n-octanol/water partition coefficients. Real laboratory data are presented and evaluated with regard to validation requirements. The retention time data of pesticides on different HPLC columns under gradient and isocratic conditions are compared to illustrate the applicability of the methodologies. (author)

  12. Technical requirements for implementation of an individual monitoring service for evaluation of operational quantity HP(10) using thermoluminescent dosimetry; Requisitos tecnicos para a implantacao de um servico de monitoracao individual externa de corpo inteiro para fotons utilizando dosimetria termoluminescente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Francisco, Adelaide Benedita Armando


    This work aims to establish technical requirements for the development of a TLDs system for the assessment of operational quantity H{sub P}(10), in order to implement an external individual monitoring service in countries who do not have. This allows a better understanding of the technic and the thermoluminescent dosimetry system, thus contributing to identify the technical criteria to be followed by a dosimetry laboratory and evaluation of the dosimetric system performance. For this, the review of the specific literature of the dosimetry field was conducted and later the type and performance tests that must be followed by a dosimetric system were reproduced in practice. In additional was made a analysis of internationals standards norms and the technical regulation used in Brazil, to define the essentials type testes to a dosimetric system. To check the performance of a dosimetry system, a performance analysis of the Brazilian TLDs system was carried out over the past 6 years using the trumpet curve, where it was observed that most of TLDs system, in this review period, were approved and have excellent performance. The technical requirements for the development of a thermoluminescent dosimetry system ensure that the system provides technically reliable results and allow demonstration of compliance with the standard criteria established by national and international standards, and the implementation of the dosimetry system, is verified the compliance of the annual doses limits set for occupationally exposed. (author)

  13. Advances in multi-unit nuclear power plant probabilistic risk assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Modarres, Mohammad; Zhou, Taotao; Massoud, Mahmoud


    The Fukushima Dai-ichi accident highlighted the importance of risks from multiple nuclear reactor unit accidents at a site. As a result, there has been considerable interest in Multi-Unit Probabilistic Risk Assessment (MUPRA) in the past few years. For considerations in nuclear safety, the MUPRA estimates measures of risk and identifies contributors to risk representing the entire site rather than the individual units in the site. In doing so, possible unit-to-unit interactions and dependencies should be modeled and accounted for in the MUPRA. In order to effectively account for these risks, six main commonality classifications—initiating events, shared connections, identical components, proximity dependencies, human dependencies, and organizational dependencies—may be used. This paper examines advances in MUPRA, offers formal definitions of multi-unit site risk measures and proposes quantitative approaches and data to account for unit-to-unit dependencies. Finally, a parametric approach for the multi-unit dependencies has been discussed and a simple example illustrates application of the proposed methodology. - Highlights: • This paper will discuss the technical aspects of an integrated MUPRA, including consideration of dependencies and assessment of the multi-unit dependency data and models for quantifying such dependencies. • The paper also provides discussions on formal definitions and metrics for multi-unit site risks. • The parametric methods are used to address multi-unit dependency situations. • A conceptual two-unit logic example is used to demonstrate the application of proposed methodology.

  14. Personalized multi-channel headphone sound reproduction based on active noise cancellation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Schobben, D.W.E.; Aarts, R.M.


    A system for headphone signal processing is discussed which gives a listener the same impression as listening to a multi-channel loudspeaker set-up. It is important that this processing is optimized for each individual listener. If this is not the case, large localization errors may occur. In the

  15. Timing system for multi-bunch/multi-train operation at ATF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Naito, T.; Hayano, H.; Urakawa, J.; Imai, T.


    A timing system has been constructed for multi-bunch/multi-train operation at KEK-ATF. The linac accelerates 20 bunches of multi-bunch with 2.8 ns spacing. The Damping Ring stores up to 5 trains of multi-bunch. The timing system is required to provide flexible operation mode and bucket selection. A personal computer is used for manipulating the timing. The performance of kicker magnets at the injection/extruction is key issue for multi-train operation. The hardware and the test results are presented. (author)

  16. Predicting behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia with pattern classification in multi-center structural MRI data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sebastian Meyer


    Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that MRI, a widespread imaging technology, can individually identify bvFTD with high accuracy in multi-center imaging data, paving the road to personalized diagnostic approaches in the future.

  17. Working together versus working autonomously: a new power-dependence perspective on the individual-level of analysis. (United States)

    de Jong, Simon B


    Recent studies have indicated that it is important to investigate the interaction between task interdependence and task autonomy because this interaction can affect team effectiveness. However, only a limited number of studies have been conducted and those studies focused solely on the team level of analysis. Moreover, there has also been a dearth of theoretical development. Therefore, this study develops and tests an alternative theoretical perspective in an attempt to understand if, and if so why, this interaction is important at the individual level of analysis. Based on interdependence theory and power-dependence theory, we expected that highly task-interdependent individuals who reported high task autonomy would be more powerful and better performers. In contrast, we expected that similarly high task-interdependent individuals who reported less task autonomy would be less powerful and would be weaker performers. These expectations were supported by multi-level and bootstrapping analyses performed on a multi-source dataset (self-, peer-, manager-ratings) comprised of 182 employees drawn from 37 teams. More specifically, the interaction between task interdependence and task autonomy was γ =.128, p power and γ =.166, p <.05 for individual performance. The 95% bootstrap interval ranged from .0038 to .0686.

  18. Coliphages as fecal pollution and removal bacterial indicators in the drinking water process


    Paz-y-Miño, Marco; Barzola, Carmen; Lazcano, César; Ponce, Milagros; León, Jorge


    El presente trabajo analiza la eficacia del tratamiento de agua procedentes del río Rímac. Se comparan muestras de agua no tratadas con las fases sucesivas del tratamiento: decantación, filtración y clorinación. La cuantificación de colifagos fue realizada por los métodos de Capa Simple y Filtro de Membrana. Los Coliformes Totales (CT), Coliformes Termotolerantes (CTT) y Bacterias Heterótrofas (BH) fueron determinados por los métodos del Número Más Probable (NMP) y Filtro de Membrana. La cepa...

  19. Utilización de biorreactores avanzados en la degradación anaerobia de efluentes vínicos


    Pérez García, Montserrat; Romero García, Luis I.; Sales Márquez, Diego


    El presente trabajo evalúa la aplicabilidad de dos tecnologías avanzadas de crecimiento adherido, filtro anaerobio y lecho fluidizado, para el tratamiento en condiciones anaerobias termofílicas (55°C) de efluentes derivados de destilerías vínicas (vinazas de vino). El diseño experimental implica el estudio del efecto de la velocidad de carga orgánica sobre la eficacia de los sistemas de filtro anaerobio y lecho fluidizado utilizando dos soportes de diferentes naturaleza: tubos de plástico cor...

  20. Diseño de un espesador por gravedad y eras de secado para los lodos producidos en la planta de tratamiento de agua potable Acueductos La Enea Ltda.


    Holguín Isaza, Carlos Andrés


    En el presente trabajo se realiza una caracterización de las aguas de lavado de filtros y decantadores de la planta de tratamiento de agua potable “Acueductos la Enea Ltda.”, realizándole ensayos de caudal, sólidos sedimentables y sólidos suspendidos totales. Se diseña además un sistema de espesamiento por gravedad y secado en lechos de arena y grava para los lodos producidos durante el lavado de los decantadores y filtros, por medio de los datos obtenidos a nivel de laboratorio, a nivel pilo...

  1. Individual dual-emitting CdS multi-branched nanowire arrays under various pumping powers (United States)

    Guo, S.; Zhao, F. Y.; Li, Y.; Song, G. L.; Li, A.; Chai, K.; Liang, L.; Ma, Z.; Weller, D.; Liu, R. B.


    High-quality Tin doped Cadmium Sulfide (CdS) comb-like nanostructures have been synthesized by a simple in situ seeding chemical vapor deposition process. The color-tunable dual emission of these comb-like nanostructures is demonstrated by changing the excitation power intensity. In fact, the color-tunable emission is in principal due to the variation of the dual emission intensity, which is proven by photoluminescence spectra and real color photoluminescence charge-coupled device images. Especially for different parts in the nano comb, the emission color can be varied even under the same pumping power. This is mainly due to the difference in local structure. By comparison, the color variation was not observed in pure CdS multi-branched nanostructures. The lifetime results demonstrate that the green emission originate from the recombination of free excitons. The origin of red emission is from the recombination of the dopant-induced intrinsic or extrinsic defect states. These findings provide potential applications of laser assisted anti-counterfeit label and micro-size monitors.

  2. A multi-atlas based method for automated anatomical rat brain MRI segmentation and extraction of PET activity. (United States)

    Lancelot, Sophie; Roche, Roxane; Slimen, Afifa; Bouillot, Caroline; Levigoureux, Elise; Langlois, Jean-Baptiste; Zimmer, Luc; Costes, Nicolas


    Preclinical in vivo imaging requires precise and reproducible delineation of brain structures. Manual segmentation is time consuming and operator dependent. Automated segmentation as usually performed via single atlas registration fails to account for anatomo-physiological variability. We present, evaluate, and make available a multi-atlas approach for automatically segmenting rat brain MRI and extracting PET activies. High-resolution 7T 2DT2 MR images of 12 Sprague-Dawley rat brains were manually segmented into 27-VOI label volumes using detailed protocols. Automated methods were developed with 7/12 atlas datasets, i.e. the MRIs and their associated label volumes. MRIs were registered to a common space, where an MRI template and a maximum probability atlas were created. Three automated methods were tested: 1/registering individual MRIs to the template, and using a single atlas (SA), 2/using the maximum probability atlas (MP), and 3/registering the MRIs from the multi-atlas dataset to an individual MRI, propagating the label volumes and fusing them in individual MRI space (propagation & fusion, PF). Evaluation was performed on the five remaining rats which additionally underwent [18F]FDG PET. Automated and manual segmentations were compared for morphometric performance (assessed by comparing volume bias and Dice overlap index) and functional performance (evaluated by comparing extracted PET measures). Only the SA method showed volume bias. Dice indices were significantly different between methods (PF>MP>SA). PET regional measures were more accurate with multi-atlas methods than with SA method. Multi-atlas methods outperform SA for automated anatomical brain segmentation and PET measure's extraction. They perform comparably to manual segmentation for FDG-PET quantification. Multi-atlas methods are suitable for rapid reproducible VOI analyses.

  3. Multi-stage decoding of multi-level modulation codes (United States)

    Lin, Shu; Kasami, Tadao; Costello, Daniel J., Jr.


    Various types of multi-stage decoding for multi-level modulation codes are investigated. It is shown that if the component codes of a multi-level modulation code and types of decoding at various stages are chosen properly, high spectral efficiency and large coding gain can be achieved with reduced decoding complexity. Particularly, it is shown that the difference in performance between the suboptimum multi-stage soft-decision maximum likelihood decoding of a modulation code and the single-stage optimum soft-decision decoding of the code is very small, only a fraction of dB loss in signal to noise ratio at a bit error rate (BER) of 10(exp -6).

  4. An improved fast and elitist multi-objective genetic algorithm-ANSGA-II for multi-objective optimization of inverse radiotherapy treatment planning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cao Ruifen; Li Guoli; Song Gang; Zhao Pan; Lin Hui; Wu Aidong; Huang Chenyu; Wu Yican


    Objective: To provide a fast and effective multi-objective optimization algorithm for inverse radiotherapy treatment planning system. Methods: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-NSGA-II is a representative of multi-objective evolutionary optimization algorithms and excels the others. The paper produces ANSGA-II that makes use of advantage of NSGA-II, and uses adaptive crossover and mutation to improve its flexibility; according the character of inverse radiotherapy treatment planning, the paper uses the pre-known knowledge to generate individuals of every generation in the course of optimization, which enhances the convergent speed and improves efficiency. Results: The example of optimizing average dose of a sheet of CT, including PTV, OAR, NT, proves the algorithm could find satisfied solutions in several minutes. Conclusions: The algorithm could provide clinic inverse radiotherapy treatment planning system with selection of optimization algorithms. (authors)

  5. Adaptivity to Age, Gender, and Gaming Platform Topology in Physical Multi-Player Games

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Henrik Hautop; Friðriksson, Rafn Vídalín; Björnsson, Davíð Þór


    In games where players are competing against each other, it can be of interest to ensure that all players are challenged according to their individual skills. In order to investigate such adaptivity to the individual player in physical multi-player games, we developed a game on modular interactive...... tiles which can be used in both single-player and multi-player mode. We implemented simple adaptivity methods and tested these with different user groups including children and adults of both genders. The results show statistically significant differences in the game interactions between children...... and adults, and between male and female players. Also, results show statistically significant differences in the game interactions between different physical set-ups of the modular interactive tiles, i.e. the interaction depended on the topology of the modular tiles set-up. Changing the physical set...

  6. Frailty Assessment in Heart Failure: an Overview of the Multi-domain Approach. (United States)

    McDonagh, Julee; Ferguson, Caleb; Newton, Phillip J


    The study aims (1) to provide a contemporary description of frailty assessment in heart failure and (2) to provide an overview of multi-domain frailty assessment in heart failure. Frailty assessment is an important predictive measure for mortality and hospitalisation in individuals with heart failure. To date, there are no frailty assessment instruments validated for use in heart failure. This has resulted in significant heterogeneity between studies regarding the assessment of frailty. The most common frailty assessment instrument used in heart failure is the Frailty Phenotype which focuses on five physical domains of frailty; the appropriateness a purely physical measure of frailty in individuals with heart failure who frequently experience decreased exercise tolerance and shortness of breath is yet to be determined. A limited number of studies have approached frailty assessment using a multi-domain view which may be more clinically relevant in heart failure. There remains a lack of consensus regarding frailty assessment and an absence of a validated instrument in heart failure. Despite this, frailty continues to be assessed frequently, primarily for research purposes, using predominantly physical frailty measures. A more multidimensional view of frailty assessment using a multi-domain approach will likely be more sensitive to identifying at risk patients.

  7. Validation of multi-element isotope dilution ICPMS for the analysis of basalts

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Willbold, M.; Jochum, K.P.; Raczek, I.; Amini, M.A.; Stoll, B.; Hofmann, A.W. [Max-Planck-Institut fuer Chemie, Mainz (Germany)


    In this study we have validated a newly developed multi-element isotope dilution (ID) ICPMS method for the simultaneous analysis of up to 12 trace elements in geological samples. By evaluating the analytical uncertainty of individual components using certified reference materials we have quantified the overall analytical uncertainty of the multi-element ID ICPMS method at 1-2%. Individual components include sampling/weighing, purity of reagents, purity of spike solutions, calibration of spikes, determination of isotopic ratios, instrumental sources of error, correction of mass discrimination effect, values of constants, and operator bias. We have used the ID-determined trace elements for internal standardization to improve indirectly the analysis of 14 other (mainly mono-isotopic trace elements) by external calibration. The overall analytical uncertainty for those data is about 2-3%. In addition, we have analyzed USGS and MPI-DING geological reference materials (BHVO-1, BHVO-2, KL2-G, ML3B-G) to quantify the overall bias of the measurement procedure. Trace element analysis of geological reference materials yielded results that agree mostly within about 2-3% relative to the reference values. Since these results match the conclusions obtained by the investigation of the overall analytical uncertainty, we take this as a measure for the validity of multi-element ID ICPMS. (orig.)

  8. High Net Worth Individuals philanthropy trends : A comparative study of France and the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smeets, Paul


    Charitable giving is of great value to society. In particular, wealthy individuals and their families have the ability to make a significant impact on society. Many research papers and wealth briefings try to understand the multi-billion dollar global charitable giving market. These studies have


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Douglas Dourado Oliveira


    Full Text Available Com o aumento da temperatura no planeta devido o efeito estufa, há uma preocupação com as radiações ultravioletas que incidem na pele dos seres humanos. Diante disso a indústria cosmética vem desenvolvendo constantemente formulações contendo filtros solares, anti UVA, anti UVB e também os dois filtros associados numa mesma formulação, retardando o envelhecimento cutâneo, formação dos radicais livres e prevenindo uma grande problemática atual, o câncer de pele. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma prospecção para conhecimento do desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico relacionado à aplicação de filtros solares associados em uma mesma formulação baseando-se no número de patentes depositadas e de artigos publicados. A prospecção foi realizada no Banco Europeu de Patentes (EPO, no Banco Americano de Marcas e Patentes (USPTO e no Banco de dados do Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial do Brasil (INPI, bem como nas bases de periódicos, CAPES, Pubmed, Science Direct e ACS Publications. O maior número de patentes foi depositado nos últimos 5 anos. As patentes em sua maioria estão classificadas em A61K. Os responsáveis por maior número de patentes foram os Estados Unidos, China e Japão. Há uma diminuição no número de depósitos de patentes quando se associou a UVA e UVB no fotoprotetor. Em relação à produção científica o número de publicações referente a formulações fotoprotetoras contendo os dois filtros associados é maior que o de depósito de patentes, porém segue o mesmo perfil de redução ao associar os filtros numa mesma formulação.

  10. The big five personality traits and environmental concern: the moderating roles of individualism/collectivism and gender


    Abbas Abdollahi; Simin Hosseinian; Samaneh Karbalaei; Ahmad Beh‐Pajooh; Yousef Kesh; Mahmoud Najafi


    Environmental pollution has become a serious challenge for humanity and the environment. Therefore, this study aims to examine the relationships between the Big Five personality traits, individualism, collectivism, participant’s age, and environmental concern, and testing the moderating roles of individualism/collectivism and gender in the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and environmental concern. In this quantitative study, the multi-stage cluster random sampling method ...

  11. Tax Rates, Tax Evasion, and Growth in a Multi-period Economy


    Jordi Caballé; Judith Panadés


    We extend the basic tax evasion model to a multi-period economy exhibiting sustained growth. When individuals conceal part of their true income from the tax authority, they face the risk of being audited and hence of paying the corresponding fine. Both taxes and fines determine individual saving and the rate of capital accumulation. We show that, if the penalty imposed on tax evaders is proportional to the amount of evaded taxes, then the growth rate is decreasing in the tax rate. However, th...

  12. Making ceramics used for compound environment into multi-composite and evaluation of their multi-dimensional system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitsuhashi, Takefumi


    In order to advance current nuclear power technology greatly, the development of the boundary materials suitable to between the environments with largely different properties is indispensable. In the research of first period, the ceramic having the corrosion resistance in liquid sodium which is far superior to metals was found. As boundary material, in addition, thermal, mechanical and radiation resistant properties are required. In the project of second period, it is aimed at to establish the basic technology for the synthesis techniques for multi-composite materials that possess the combination of the excellent characteristics of individual monolithic system ceramics. The liquid sodium immersion test of various ceramics in the research of first period is reported. The diffusion of sodium in ceramics was also examined. As the simplified quick evaluation technique, the corrosion test in KOH solution was carried out. As for ceramic multi-composites, Y ions were implanted in the surface of alumina, and the changes of structure and corrosion resistance were examined. The surface condition of ceramics and the adsorption of alkali metals were investigated. (K.I.)

  13. Dose record keeping: a multi purpose tool in individual monitoring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bermann, F.; Julius, H.W.


    Proper recording of radiation doses is an essential part of the process of individual monitoring and shares in the same objective. A dose record keeping system is more than just a computer based data storage system and should rather be a Dose Registration and Information System (DRIS). Objectives of dose record keeping are given. As a result of the integration of member states of the European Communities, co-operation and exchange of personnel between countries will be increasing. This will probably require national dose registration systems and adequate data communication between them. These developments emphasize the necessity for international harmonization of dose record keeping systems and categorization of the data they contain. General characteristics and specific aspects of dose record keeping systems will be dealt with. Attention will also be given to some special applications of the recorded information, such as: the use of data for epidemiological studies and for QA purposes. (authors). 5 tabs., 4 refs

  14. Bivalves: From individual to population modelling (United States)

    Saraiva, S.; van der Meer, J.; Kooijman, S. A. L. M.; Ruardij, P.


    An individual based population model for bivalves was designed, built and tested in a 0D approach, to simulate the population dynamics of a mussel bed located in an intertidal area. The processes at the individual level were simulated following the dynamic energy budget theory, whereas initial egg mortality, background mortality, food competition, and predation (including cannibalism) were additional population processes. Model properties were studied through the analysis of theoretical scenarios and by simulation of different mortality parameter combinations in a realistic setup, imposing environmental measurements. Realistic criteria were applied to narrow down the possible combination of parameter values. Field observations obtained in the long-term and multi-station monitoring program were compared with the model scenarios. The realistically selected modeling scenarios were able to reproduce reasonably the timing of some peaks in the individual abundances in the mussel bed and its size distribution but the number of individuals was not well predicted. The results suggest that the mortality in the early life stages (egg and larvae) plays an important role in population dynamics, either by initial egg mortality, larvae dispersion, settlement failure or shrimp predation. Future steps include the coupling of the population model with a hydrodynamic and biogeochemical model to improve the simulation of egg/larvae dispersion, settlement probability, food transport and also to simulate the feedback of the organisms' activity on the water column properties, which will result in an improvement of the food quantity and quality characterization.

  15. Negotiation and argumentation in multi-agent systems

    CERN Document Server

    Lopes, Fernando


    Multi-agent systems (MAS) composed of autonomous agents representing individuals or organizations and capable of reaching mutually beneficial agreements through negotiation and argumentation are becoming increasingly important and pervasive.Research on both automated negotiation and argumentation in MAS has a vigorous, exciting tradition. However, efforts to integrate both areas have received only selective attention in the academia and the practitioner literature. A symbiotic relationship could significantly strengthen each area's progress and trigger new R&D challenges and prospects toward t

  16. Individualized In-Service Teacher Education. (Project IN-STEP). Evaluation Report, Phase II. (United States)

    Thurber, John C.

    Phase 2 of Project IN-STEP was conducted to revise, refine, and conduct further field testing of a new inservice teacher education model. The method developed (in Phase 1--see ED 003 905 for report) is an individualized, multi-media approach. Revision activities, based on feedback provided for Phase 1, include the remaking of six videotape…

  17. Multi-stable perception balances stability and sensitivity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander ePastukhov


    Full Text Available We report that multi-stable perception operates in a consistent, dynamical regime, balancing the conflicting goals of stability and sensitivity. When a multi-stable visual display is viewed continuously, its phenomenal appearance reverses spontaneously at irregular intervals. We characterized the perceptual dynamics of individual observers in terms of four statistical measures: the distribution of dominance times (mean and variance and the novel, subtle dependence on prior history (correlation and time-constant.The dynamics of multi-stable perception is known to reflect several stabilizing and destabilizing factors. Phenomenologically, its main aspects are captured by a simplistic computational model with competition, adaptation, and noise. We identified small parameter volumes (~3% of the possible volume in which the model reproduced both dominance distribution and history-dependence of each observer. For 21 of 24 data sets, the identified volumes clustered tightly (~15% of the possible volume, revealing a consistent `operating regime' of multi-stable perception. The `operating regime' turned out to be marginally stable or, equivalently, near the brink of an oscillatory instability. The chance probability of the observed clustering was <0.02.To understand the functional significance of this empirical `operating regime', we compared it to the theoretical `sweet spot' of the model. We computed this `sweet spot' as the intersection of the parameter volumes in which the model produced stable perceptual outcomes and in which it was sensitive to input modulations. Remarkably, the empirical `operating regime' proved to be largely coextensive with the theoretical `sweet spot'. This demonstrated that perceptual dynamics was not merely consistent but also functionally optimized (in that it balances stability with sensitivity. Our results imply that multi-stable perception is not a laboratory curiosity, but reflects a functional optimization of perceptual

  18. Anticipatory vehicle routing using delegate multi-agent systems


    Weyns, Danny; Holvoet, Tom; Helleboogh, Alexander


    This paper presents an agent-based approach, called delegate multi-agent systems, for anticipatory vehicle routing to avoid traffic congestion. In this approach, individual vehicles are represented by agents, which themselves issue light-weight agents that explore alternative routes in the environment on behalf of the vehicles. Based on the evaluation of the alternatives, the vehicles then issue light-weight agents for allocating road segments, spreading the vehicles’ intentions and coordi...

  19. Multi-stage decoding for multi-level block modulation codes (United States)

    Lin, Shu


    In this paper, we investigate various types of multi-stage decoding for multi-level block modulation codes, in which the decoding of a component code at each stage can be either soft-decision or hard-decision, maximum likelihood or bounded-distance. Error performance of codes is analyzed for a memoryless additive channel based on various types of multi-stage decoding, and upper bounds on the probability of an incorrect decoding are derived. Based on our study and computation results, we find that, if component codes of a multi-level modulation code and types of decoding at various stages are chosen properly, high spectral efficiency and large coding gain can be achieved with reduced decoding complexity. In particular, we find that the difference in performance between the suboptimum multi-stage soft-decision maximum likelihood decoding of a modulation code and the single-stage optimum decoding of the overall code is very small: only a fraction of dB loss in SNR at the probability of an incorrect decoding for a block of 10(exp -6). Multi-stage decoding of multi-level modulation codes really offers a way to achieve the best of three worlds, bandwidth efficiency, coding gain, and decoding complexity.

  20. Multi-objective evacuation routing optimization for toxic cloud releases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gai, Wen-mei; Deng, Yun-feng; Jiang, Zhong-an; Li, Jing; Du, Yan


    This paper develops a model for assessing the risks associated with the evacuation process in response to potential chemical accidents, based on which a multi-objective evacuation routing model for toxic cloud releases is proposed taking into account that the travel speed on each arc will be affected by disaster extension. The objectives of the evacuation routing model are to minimize travel time and individual evacuation risk along a path respectively. Two heuristic algorithms are proposed to solve the multi-objective evacuation routing model. Simulation results show the effectiveness and feasibility of the model and algorithms presented in this paper. And, the methodology with appropriate modification is suitable for supporting decisions in assessing emergency route selection in other cases (fires, nuclear accidents). - Highlights: • A model for assessing and visualizing the risks is developed. • A multi-objective evacuation routing model is proposed for toxic cloud releases. • A modified Dijkstra algorithm is designed to obtain an solution of the model. • Two heuristic algorithms have been developed as the optimization tool.

  1. Referential calls coordinate multi-species mobbing in a forest bird community. (United States)

    Suzuki, Toshitaka N


    Japanese great tits ( Parus minor ) use a sophisticated system of anti-predator communication when defending their offspring: they produce different mobbing calls for different nest predators (snake versus non-snake predators) and thereby convey this information to conspecifics (i.e. functionally referential call system). The present playback experiments revealed that these calls also serve to coordinate multi-species mobbing at nests; snake-specific mobbing calls attracted heterospecific individuals close to the sound source and elicited snake-searching behaviour, whereas non-snake mobbing calls attracted these birds at a distance. This study demonstrates for the first time that referential mobbing calls trigger different formations of multi-species mobbing parties.

  2. Microscopic modeling of multi-lane highway traffic flow (United States)

    Hodas, Nathan O.; Jagota, Anand


    We discuss a microscopic model for the study of multi-lane highway traffic flow dynamics. Each car experiences a force resulting from a combination of the desire of the driver to attain a certain velocity, aerodynamic drag, and change of the force due to car-car interactions. The model also includes multi-lane simulation capability and the ability to add and remove obstructions. We implement the model via a Java applet, which is used to simulate traffic jam formation, the effect of bottlenecks on traffic flow, and the existence of light, medium, and heavy traffic flow. The simulations also provide insight into how the properties of individual cars result in macroscopic behavior. Because the investigation of emergent characteristics is so common in physics, the study of traffic in this manner sheds new light on how the micro-to-macro transition works in general.

  3. Individualized Inservice Teacher Education (Project In-Step). Evaluation Report. Phase III. (United States)

    Thurber, John C.

    This is a report on the third phase of Project IN-STEP, which was intended to develop a viable model for individualized, multi-media in-service teacher education programs. (Phase I and II are reported in ED 033 905, and ED 042 709). The rationale for Phase III was to see if the model could be successfully transferred to an area other than teaching…

  4. Analysis and synthesis of multi-qubit, multi-mode quantum devices

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solgun, Firat


    In this thesis we propose new methods in multi-qubit multi-mode circuit quantum electrodynamics (circuit-QED) architectures. First we describe a direct parity measurement method for three qubits, which can be realized in 2D circuit-QED with a possible extension to four qubits in a 3D circuit-QED setup for the implementation of the surface code. In Chapter 3 we show how to derive Hamiltonians and compute relaxation rates of the multi-mode superconducting microwave circuits consisting of single Josephson junctions using an exact impedance synthesis technique (the Brune synthesis) and applying previous formalisms for lumped element circuit quantization. In the rest of the thesis we extend our method to multi-junction (multi-qubit) multi-mode circuits through the use of state-space descriptions which allows us to quantize any multiport microwave superconducting circuit with a reciprocal lossy impedance response.

  5. Time characteristics of a multi-wire 4πβ-counter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miyahara, Hiroshi; Watanabe, Tamaki


    In order to examine the time characteristics of a multi-wire 4πβ-counter for the 4πβ-γ coincidence system, measurement was made on the time distributions of the pulses from the individual anodes. The time distribution obtained by each anode was explained mainly by the distribution of primary ionizing position. A similar time distribution was obtained in the case that the alternating wires cathodes, when the individual anodes had the same effective detection region. Spurious pulses were observed in 90% argon plus 10% methane mixture at the end voltage of the plateau region and not methane gas. (author)

  6. Analysis of Sensitivity and Uncertainty in an Individual-Based Model of a Threatened Wildlife Species (United States)

    We present a multi-faceted sensitivity analysis of a spatially explicit, individual-based model (IBM) (HexSim) of a threatened species, the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) on a national forest in Washington, USA. Few sensitivity analyses have been conducted on ...

  7. Individual Level Culture Effects on Multi-Perspective iTrust in B2C E-commerce


    Sohaib, Osama; Kang, Kyeong


    Consumer trust is one of the key obstacles to online vendors seeking to extend their consumers across cultures. This research identifies culture at the individual consumer level. Based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model, this study focuses on the moderating role of uncertainty avoidance culture value on privacy and security as cognition influences, joy and fear as emotional influences (Stimuli), and individualism-collectivism on social networking services as social influence and su...

  8. Regional differences of the urinary proteomes in healthy Chinese individuals


    Qin, Weiwei; Wu, Jianqiang; Pan, Li; Zhang, Fanshuang; Wang, Xiaorong; Zhang, Biao; Shan, Guangliang; Gao, Youhe


    Urine is a promising biomarker source for clinical proteomics studies. Although regional physiological differences are common in multi-center clinical studies, the presence of significant differences in the urinary proteomes of individuals from different regions remains unknown. In this study, morning urine samples were collected from healthy urban residents in three regions of China and urinary proteins were preserved using a membrane-based method (Urimem). The urine proteomes of 27 normal s...

  9. Multi-view clustering via multi-manifold regularized non-negative matrix factorization. (United States)

    Zong, Linlin; Zhang, Xianchao; Zhao, Long; Yu, Hong; Zhao, Qianli


    Non-negative matrix factorization based multi-view clustering algorithms have shown their competitiveness among different multi-view clustering algorithms. However, non-negative matrix factorization fails to preserve the locally geometrical structure of the data space. In this paper, we propose a multi-manifold regularized non-negative matrix factorization framework (MMNMF) which can preserve the locally geometrical structure of the manifolds for multi-view clustering. MMNMF incorporates consensus manifold and consensus coefficient matrix with multi-manifold regularization to preserve the locally geometrical structure of the multi-view data space. We use two methods to construct the consensus manifold and two methods to find the consensus coefficient matrix, which leads to four instances of the framework. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms outperform existing non-negative matrix factorization based algorithms for multi-view clustering. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Neural networks within multi-core optic fibers. (United States)

    Cohen, Eyal; Malka, Dror; Shemer, Amir; Shahmoon, Asaf; Zalevsky, Zeev; London, Michael


    Hardware implementation of artificial neural networks facilitates real-time parallel processing of massive data sets. Optical neural networks offer low-volume 3D connectivity together with large bandwidth and minimal heat production in contrast to electronic implementation. Here, we present a conceptual design for in-fiber optical neural networks. Neurons and synapses are realized as individual silica cores in a multi-core fiber. Optical signals are transferred transversely between cores by means of optical coupling. Pump driven amplification in erbium-doped cores mimics synaptic interactions. We simulated three-layered feed-forward neural networks and explored their capabilities. Simulations suggest that networks can differentiate between given inputs depending on specific configurations of amplification; this implies classification and learning capabilities. Finally, we tested experimentally our basic neuronal elements using fibers, couplers, and amplifiers, and demonstrated that this configuration implements a neuron-like function. Therefore, devices similar to our proposed multi-core fiber could potentially serve as building blocks for future large-scale small-volume optical artificial neural networks.

  11. Fearful foragers: honey bees tune colony and individual foraging to multi-predator presence and food quality.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ken Tan

    Full Text Available Fear can have strong ecosystem effects by giving predators a role disproportionate to their actual kill rates. In bees, fear is shown through foragers avoiding dangerous food sites, thereby reducing the fitness of pollinated plants. However, it remains unclear how fear affects pollinators in a complex natural scenario involving multiple predator species and different patch qualities. We studied hornets, Vespa velutina (smaller and V. tropica (bigger preying upon the Asian honey bee, Apis cerana in China. Hornets hunted bees on flowers and were attacked by bee colonies. Bees treated the bigger hornet species (which is 4 fold more massive as more dangerous. It received 4.5 fold more attackers than the smaller hornet species. We tested bee responses to a three-feeder array with different hornet species and varying resource qualities. When all feeders offered 30% sucrose solution (w/w, colony foraging allocation, individual visits, and individual patch residence times were reduced according to the degree of danger. Predator presence reduced foraging visits by 55-79% and residence times by 17-33%. When feeders offered different reward levels (15%, 30%, or 45% sucrose, colony and individual foraging favored higher sugar concentrations. However, when balancing food quality against multiple threats (sweeter food corresponding to higher danger, colonies exhibited greater fear than individuals. Colonies decreased foraging at low and high danger patches. Individuals exhibited less fear and only decreased visits to the high danger patch. Contrasting individual with emergent colony-level effects of fear can thus illuminate how predators shape pollination by social bees.

  12. Simulation-optimization framework for multi-site multi-season hybrid stochastic streamflow modeling (United States)

    Srivastav, Roshan; Srinivasan, K.; Sudheer, K. P.


    A simulation-optimization (S-O) framework is developed for the hybrid stochastic modeling of multi-site multi-season streamflows. The multi-objective optimization model formulated is the driver and the multi-site, multi-season hybrid matched block bootstrap model (MHMABB) is the simulation engine within this framework. The multi-site multi-season simulation model is the extension of the existing single-site multi-season simulation model. A robust and efficient evolutionary search based technique, namely, non-dominated sorting based genetic algorithm (NSGA - II) is employed as the solution technique for the multi-objective optimization within the S-O framework. The objective functions employed are related to the preservation of the multi-site critical deficit run sum and the constraints introduced are concerned with the hybrid model parameter space, and the preservation of certain statistics (such as inter-annual dependence and/or skewness of aggregated annual flows). The efficacy of the proposed S-O framework is brought out through a case example from the Colorado River basin. The proposed multi-site multi-season model AMHMABB (whose parameters are obtained from the proposed S-O framework) preserves the temporal as well as the spatial statistics of the historical flows. Also, the other multi-site deficit run characteristics namely, the number of runs, the maximum run length, the mean run sum and the mean run length are well preserved by the AMHMABB model. Overall, the proposed AMHMABB model is able to show better streamflow modeling performance when compared with the simulation based SMHMABB model, plausibly due to the significant role played by: (i) the objective functions related to the preservation of multi-site critical deficit run sum; (ii) the huge hybrid model parameter space available for the evolutionary search and (iii) the constraint on the preservation of the inter-annual dependence. Split-sample validation results indicate that the AMHMABB model is

  13. Multi-physics fluid-structure interaction modelling software

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Malan, AG


    Full Text Available -structure interaction modelling software AG MALAN AND O OXTOBY CSIR Defence, Peace, Safety and Security, PO Box 395, Pretoria, 0001 Email: – Internationally leading aerospace company Airbus sponsored key components... of the development of the CSIR fl uid-structure interaction (FSI) software. Below are extracts from their evaluation of the devel- oped technology: “The fi eld of FSI covers a massive range of engineering problems, each with their own multi-parameter, individual...

  14. Nutrição, crescimento e pegamento a campo em mudas de café formadas em diferentes tipos de substratos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliano Corulli Corrêa


    Full Text Available Resumo. A utilização de determinados resíduos industriais e urbanos para formação de substrato pode trazer algumas vantagens para o crescimento e pegamento das mudas de café, além de contribuir para construção de uma agricultura sustentável. Diante do exposto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o estado nutricional, crescimento e pegamento a campo de mudas de café em razão da aplicação de resíduos industriais e urbanos. O delineamento utilizado foi blocos casualizados no esquema fatorial 7x4+1, sendo os tratamentos constituídos de sete resíduos (lixo domiciliar  urbano - Lixo, biossólido centrifugado - LSJ, biossólido de biodigestores - LB, terra diatomácea - Td, lama cal - Lcal, torta de filtro - T e torta de filtro com vinhaça - T+V, quatro doses (0, 10, 20 e 30% do volume do substrato e um tratamento controle. Os resíduos lixo urbano, terra diatomácea, torta de filtro e torta de filtro + vinhaça são aptos a serem utilizados na composição de substrato para mudas de café, desde que empregadas doses de até 30% do volume do substrato, em razão de proporcionarem aumento na absorção de macro e micronutrientes, taxa fotossintética e crescimento das plantas, fatores que permitiram o maior pegamento das mudas a campo.

  15. Commerical electric power cost studies. Capital cost addendum multi-unit coal and nuclear stations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report is the culmination of a study performed to develop designs and associated capital cost estimates for multi-unit nuclear and coal commercial electric power stations, and to determine the distribution of these costs among the individual units. This report addresses six different types of 2400 MWe (nominal) multi-unit stations as follows: Two Unit PWR Station-1139 MWe Each, Two Unit BWR Station-1190 MWe Each, Two Unit High Sulfur Coal-Fired Station-1232 MWe Each, Two Unit Low Sulfur Coal-Fired Station-1243 MWe Each, Three Unit High Sulfur Coal-Fired Station-794 MWe Each, Three Unit Low Sulfur Coal-Fired Station-801 MWe Each. Recent capital cost studies performed for ERDA/NRC of single unit nuclear and coal stations are used as the basis for developing the designs and costs of the multi-unit stations. This report includes the major study groundrules, a summary of single and multi-unit stations total base cost estimates, details of cost estimates at the three digit account level and plot plan drawings for each multi-unit station identified

  16. In-situ nanomechanical study on bending characteristics of individual multi-walled carbon nanotubes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsai, Ping-Chi, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi 621, Taiwan (China); Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-Tech Innovations, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi 621, Taiwan (China); Jeng, Yeau-Ren, E-mail: [Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi 621, Taiwan (China); Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-Tech Innovations, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi 621, Taiwan (China)


    Bending characteristics of individual thin-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are investigated through a novel in-situ nanoindentation in transmission electron microscopy. Unlike thick-walled CNTs, the graphitic layers of thin ones buckle into V-shaped kinks rather than Yoshimura ripples. These kinks are found to be entirely reversible without residual plastic deformation following unloading.

  17. Tratamento de água de reservatórios por dupla filtração, oxidação e adsorção em carvão ativado granular


    Silva,Giulliano Guimarães; Naval,Liliana Pena; Di Bernardo,Luiz; Dantas,Angela Di Bernardo


    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o tratamento de água bruta proveniente de um reservatório de água, utilizando instalação piloto de dupla filtração (DF), composta por filtro ascendente de pedregulho (FAP) e filtro rápido descendente de areia (FRD), seguida de uma unidade de pós-tratamento com carvão ativado granular (CAG). Adicionalmente, foi verificado o efeito da pré e interoxidação (entre o FAP e o FRD) na eficiência global do tratamento e na formação de subprodutos orgânicos halog...

  18. Análisis de la reconstrucción morfológica con elementos estructurantes dependientes de la orientación para el procesado de imágenes retinográfícas


    Cayuela Hidalgo, Asunción


    El objetivo de este trabajo fin de grado es la formulación e implementación del filtro de reconstrucción morfológica. La novedad de trabajo propuesto consiste en que dicho filtro considerará la información de la orientación en las imágenes para adaptar la forma del elemento estructurante en cada punto. Para conseguir estos objetivos inicialmente se estudiarán distintos campos vectoriales con información sobre la orientación (gradiente, ASG, ASGVF). A continuación se revisará la formulación de...

  19. Filtração de aerossóis em altas temperaturas utilizando filtros cerâmicos de dupla camada: influência do diâmetro de partícula na eficiência de coleta Filtration of aerosols at high temperatures using a double layer ceramic filter: influence of the particle diameter in the collection efficiency

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    N. L de Freitas


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foram utilizados filtros cerâmicos para filtração de aerossóis, constituídos por dupla camada, onde a primeira camada é formada por um suporte celular de elevada porosidade com diâmetro de poro controlado e a segunda formada por uma película filtrante. A camada suporte foi obtida pela técnica de replicação cerâmica de espuma poliuretânica, por meio da impregnação de uma suspensão aquosa de Al2O3. Foram utilizados suportes de 45 e 75 poros/polegada. A membrana filtrante (Al2O3 e argila foi a mesma para ambos os suportes, sendo composta por uma massa granular cerâmica de baixa porosidade. Os experimentos de filtração foram realizados em temperaturas de 25 a 700 ºC onde mediu-se a capacidade dos filtros de limpar um aerossol de partículas finas polidispersas (diâmetro mediano de 4,6 µm e calculou-se a eficiência de coleta para diâmetros de partícula entre 0,4 e 8,5 µm. Os resultados mostraram que a eficiência diminuiu com o aumento da temperatura e aumentou com o diâmetro da partícula.In this work, ceramic filters were used for aerosol filtration. The filters were constituted by two layers, where the first layer was formed by of a highly porous ceramic support with controlled pore size and the second layer constituted by a fine membrane. The ceramic support was obtained from polymeric foams utilizing a technique of alumina impregnation. The supports had 45 and 75 pores per inch (ppi. The membrane (a mixture of alumina and clay was the same for the two supports, with much smaller pore sizes. The filtration experiments were accomplished at temperatures varying from 25 to 700 ºC, where the ability of the filters for cleaning an aerosol constituted by fine particles (median diameter of 4.6 µm was measured. The collection efficiency was calculated for particle diameters between 0.4 and 8.5 µm. The results showed that the collection efficiency decreased with the increase of the temperature and increased

  20. Multi-segmental movement patterns reflect juggling complexity and skill level. (United States)

    Zago, Matteo; Pacifici, Ilaria; Lovecchio, Nicola; Galli, Manuela; Federolf, Peter Andreas; Sforza, Chiarella


    The juggling action of six experts and six intermediates jugglers was recorded with a motion capture system and decomposed into its fundamental components through Principal Component Analysis. The aim was to quantify trends in movement dimensionality, multi-segmental patterns and rhythmicity as a function of proficiency level and task complexity. Dimensionality was quantified in terms of Residual Variance, while the Relative Amplitude was introduced to account for individual differences in movement components. We observed that: experience-related modifications in multi-segmental actions exist, such as the progressive reduction of error-correction movements, especially in complex task condition. The systematic identification of motor patterns sensitive to the acquisition of specific experience could accelerate the learning process. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Multi-Stable Conductance States in Metallic Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ci Lijie


    Full Text Available Abstract Electrical transport properties of individual metallic double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs were measured down to liquid helium temperature, and multi-stable conductance states were found in DWCNTs. At a certain temperature, DWCNTs can switch continuously between two or more electronic states, but below certain temperature, DWCNTs are stable only at one of them. The temperature for switching is always different from tube to tube, and even different from thermal cycle to cycle for the same tube. In addition to thermal activation, gate voltage scanning can also realize such switching among different electronic states. The multi-stable conductance states in metallic DWCNTs can be attributed to different Fermi level or occasional scattering centers induced by different configurations between their inner and outer tubes.

  2. Mental Computation or Standard Algorithm? Children's Strategy Choices on Multi-Digit Subtractions (United States)

    Torbeyns, Joke; Verschaffel, Lieven


    This study analyzed children's use of mental computation strategies and the standard algorithm on multi-digit subtractions. Fifty-eight Flemish 4th graders of varying mathematical achievement level were individually offered subtractions that either stimulated the use of mental computation strategies or the standard algorithm in one choice and two…

  3. Cognitive Impairments Are Different in Single-Incidence and Multi-Incidence ADHD Families (United States)

    Oerlemans, Anoek M.; Hartman, Catharina A.; Bruijn, Yvette G. E.; Franke, Barbara; Buitelaar, Jan K.; Rommelse, Nanda N. J.


    Background: We may improve our understanding of the role of common versus unique risk factors in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by examining ADHD-related cognitive deficits in single- (SPX), and multi-incidence (MPX) families. Given that individuals from multiplex (MPX) families are likely to share genetic vulnerability for the…

  4. Stability of Multi-Planet Systems in the Alpha Centauri System (United States)

    Lissauer, Jack J.


    We evaluate the extent of the regions within the alpha Centauri AB star system where small planets are able to orbit for billion-year timescales (Quarles & Lissauer 2016, Astron. J. 151, 111), as well as how closely-spaced planetary orbits can be within those regions in which individual planets can survive. Although individual planets on low inclination, low eccentricity, orbits can survive throughout the habitable zones of both stars, perturbations from the companion star imply that the spacing of planets in multi-planet systems within the habitable zones of each star must be significantly larger than the spacing of similar multi-planet systems orbiting single stars in order to be long-lived. Because the binary companion induces a forced eccentricity upon the orbits of planets in orbit around either star, appropriately-aligned circumstellar orbits with small initial eccentricities are stable to slightly larger initial semimajor axes than are initially circular orbits. Initial eccentricities close to forced eccentricities can have a much larger affect on how closely planetary orbits can be spaced, and therefore on how many planets may remain in the habitable zones, although the required spacing remains significantly higher than for planets orbiting single stars.

  5. On the preservation of single- and multi-bunch emittance in linear accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drevlak, M.


    This document is concentrated on the investigation of the dynamics of a particle beam in a linear accelerator. We numerically simulate a number of effects and evaluate the severity of their impact on the beam. Furthermore, we examine the applicability of several correction techniques aiming at the suppression or correction of the effects diluting the beam emittance. First, there is the issue of single-bunch dynamics : we see that wake field effects and dispersive errors can cause a significant emittance growth. Secondly, long range dipole wakes and dispersive effects arising from the energy spread between different bunches will cause relative offsets between the individual bunches and likewise result in emittance growth. Finally, we observe interactions between the single-bunch and multi-bunch dynamics in a bunch train, which further aggravate these effects. The corrective measures against emittance growth are first tested with respect to individual effects relating to issues of single- or multi-bunch dynamics. Later, these different correction techniques are joined to one machine tuning procedure that will be applied in order to achieve good emittance preservation for operation of the accelerator with a full beam consisting of the full number of bunches. The performance of this procedure is tested in simulations of the combined single- and multi-bunch dynamics. Finally, tolerances on the machine alignment as well as machine and beam parameters are established. (orig.)

  6. Examining multi-level effects on corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mazzei Matthew J.


    Full Text Available What influences firms to engage in socially responsible (irresponsible activities? Corporate social responsibility (CSR, the efforts of firms to create a positive and desirable impact on society, and corporate social irresponsibility (CSI, contrary actions of unethical behavior that negatively influence society, have become an important focus of discussion for both corporations and scholars. Despite this interest, our understanding of organizations’ socially responsible (irresponsible actions and their antecedents is still developing. A dearth of knowledge about the multi-level nature of the drivers of CSR and CSI continues to exist. Utilizing a longitudinal sample composed of 899 firms in 66 industries, we follow a prominent model to empirically examine industry-, firm-, and individual-level effects on CSR and CSI. Employing variance decomposition analysis, our results confirm that all three levels of investigation do indeed influence CSR and CSI. More substantively, our analysis estimates the magnitude of the effects attributable to each of the three levels for both CSR and CSI. We also compare multi-level influences on two separate CSR strategies, those targeting primary stakeholders (strategic CSR and those targeting secondary stakeholders (social CSR. We find greater industry- and firmlevel effects on social CSR, and higher individual-level effects on strategic CSR. Our results build on the conceptual work of previous authors by providing empirical analyses to confirm multilevel influences on CSR and extending prior multi-level theory to the concept of CSI. Further, we add to the emerging literature regarding stakeholder demands by examining the various influences on CSR strategies targeting different stakeholder groups.

  7. The use of multi-criteria decision analysis weight elicitation techniques in patients with mild cognitive impairment: a pilot study. (United States)

    van Til, Janine A; Dolan, James G; Stiggelbout, Anne M; Groothuis, Karin C G M; Ijzerman, Maarten J


    To test the applicability of multi-criteria decision analysis preference elicitation techniques in cognitively impaired individuals. A convenience sample of 16 cognitively impaired subjects and 12 healthy controls was asked to participate in a small pilot study. The subjects determined the relative importance of four decision criteria using five different weight elicitation techniques, namely simple multi-attribute rating technique, simple multi-attribute rating technique using swing weights, Kepner-Tregoe weighting, the analytical hierarchical process, and conjoint analysis. Conjoint analysis was judged to be the easiest method for weight elicitation in the control group (Z = 10.00; p = 0.04), while no significant differences in difficulty rating between methods was found in cognitively impaired subjects. Conjoint analysis elicitates weights and rankings significantly different from other methods. Subjectively, cognitively impaired subjects were positive about the use of the weight elicitation techniques. However, it seems the use of swing weights can result in the employment of shortcut strategies. The results of this pilot study suggest that individuals with mild cognitive impairment are willing and able to use multi-criteria elicitation methods to determine criteria weights in a decision context, although no preference for a method was found. The same methodologic and practical issues can be identified in cognitively impaired individuals as in healthy controls and the choice of method is mostly determined by the decision context.

  8. Determinación de fenilalanina y galactosa total a partir de una muestra de sangre seca en papel de filtro: aplicación al tamizaje neonatal

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    Eneida Torres


    Full Text Available Los programas de tamizaje neonatal para alteraciones metabólicas deben incluir como mínimo la detección de fenilcetonuria e hipotiroidismo congénito. En este estudio evaluamos un método que cuantifica el valor de galactosa total (Gal y fenilalanina (Phe a partir de un disco de sangre seca en papel de filtro, eluido con agua destilada, previa desproteinización con metanol-acetona; posteriormente, se transfirieron 10 uL del eluido a una placa ultramicroELISA y se le añadió la mezcla de reactivos para determinar Phe; al remanente se le añadieron los reactivos para cuantificar Gal. El método fue lineal en un rango de concentración de 0-50 mg/dL para Phe y 0- 60 mg/dl para Gal; el límite de detección para Phe/Gal fue de 0,14/0,9 mg/dl; se evaluaron tres muestras con niveles bajo, medio y elevado de Phe/Gal y se obtuvo una imprecisión intraensayo de 6,8 ± 1,7/7,8 ± 2% y una imprecisión interensayo de 5,4 ± 0,7/7,5 ± 1,8%, respectivamente. La recuperación analítica fue de 100,2% ± 1,9% para Gal y 100,3% ± 1,7% para Phe. No se evidenciaron interferencias con los antibióticos evaluados. Se realizó un estudio con 1.000 muestras de neonatos entre las que se encontraron cuatro muestras con concentraciones de Phe y dos con concentraciones de Gal por encima de los niveles de corte para estos analitos. Se obtuvo una excelente correlación lineal entre los dos métodos con que fueron evaluadas de forma comparativa las muestras (UMTEST PKU e ICN GAL-M W EA. Este método permite incorporar una enfermedad metabólica de baja incidencia (galactosemia 1:30.000, en un programa de tamizaje masivo para la detección de fenilcetonuria, lo que justificaría el costo del tamizaje neonatal.

  9. Multi-view L2-SVM and its multi-view core vector machine. (United States)

    Huang, Chengquan; Chung, Fu-lai; Wang, Shitong


    In this paper, a novel L2-SVM based classifier Multi-view L2-SVM is proposed to address multi-view classification tasks. The proposed Multi-view L2-SVM classifier does not have any bias in its objective function and hence has the flexibility like μ-SVC in the sense that the number of the yielded support vectors can be controlled by a pre-specified parameter. The proposed Multi-view L2-SVM classifier can make full use of the coherence and the difference of different views through imposing the consensus among multiple views to improve the overall classification performance. Besides, based on the generalized core vector machine GCVM, the proposed Multi-view L2-SVM classifier is extended into its GCVM version MvCVM which can realize its fast training on large scale multi-view datasets, with its asymptotic linear time complexity with the sample size and its space complexity independent of the sample size. Our experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed Multi-view L2-SVM classifier for small scale multi-view datasets and the proposed MvCVM classifier for large scale multi-view datasets. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Interactive Fuzzy Goal Programming approach in multi-response stratified sample surveys

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    Gupta Neha


    Full Text Available In this paper, we applied an Interactive Fuzzy Goal Programming (IFGP approach with linear, exponential and hyperbolic membership functions, which focuses on maximizing the minimum membership values to determine the preferred compromise solution for the multi-response stratified surveys problem, formulated as a Multi- Objective Non Linear Programming Problem (MONLPP, and by linearizing the nonlinear objective functions at their individual optimum solution, the problem is approximated to an Integer Linear Programming Problem (ILPP. A numerical example based on real data is given, and comparison with some existing allocations viz. Cochran’s compromise allocation, Chatterjee’s compromise allocation and Khowaja’s compromise allocation is made to demonstrate the utility of the approach.

  11. Repenser la question migratoire : migrations, inégalités multisituées et individuation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laurence Roulleau-Berger


    Full Text Available L’auteur nous invite à repenser la question migratoire à partir d’un espace conceptuel novateur qui agence les concepts d’« inégalités multisituées », d’expériences et de compétences migratoires et de grammaires de la reconnaissance. Dans un contexte de hiérarchisation des spatialités, ethnicisation des marchés du travail et économies polycentrées produisent cosmopolitisation et individuation de biographies de migrants. Circulations transnationales et cosmopolitismes locaux, multi-appartenances et dominations multiples, mondialisation « par le bas » et mondialisation « par le haut » définissent une stratification sociale globalisée.Reconsidering the migration issue: migrations, multi located inequalities and individuationThe author invites us to reconsider the migration issue from an innovative conceptual space that combines “multi-located inequalities”, migration experiences & competencies, as well as recognition concepts. In a context of prioritization of spatiality, ethnicization of labor markets and multi-centered economies that generate cosmopolitization and individuation of the migrants’ biographies. Transnational circulations and local cosmopolitanisms, multi-affiliations and multiple dominations, bottom-up globalization and top-down globalization defines a globalized social stratification.Replantear la cuestión migratoria: migraciones, desigualdades en situaciones polimorfas e individuaciónLa autora nos invita a replantearnos la problemática de la emigración a partir de un terreno conceptual innovador que asocia el concepto de « desigualdades en situaciones polimorfas » con experiencias, competencias migratorias e instrumentos gramaticales. En el contexto de jerarquización del espacio, de etnización del mercado laboral y de múltiples centros económicos se produce la cosmopolitización y al mismo tiempo un proceso de individuación en las trayectorias personales de los emigrantes

  12. Multi tenancy for cloud-based in-memory column databases workload management and data placement

    CERN Document Server

    Schaffner, Jan


    With the proliferation of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offerings, it is becoming increasingly important for individual SaaS providers to operate their services at a low cost. This book investigates SaaS from the perspective of the provider and shows how operational costs can be reduced by using ""multi tenancy,"" a technique for consolidating a large number of customers onto a small number of servers. Specifically, the book addresses multi tenancy on the database level, focusing on in-memory column databases, which are the backbone of many important new enterprise applications. For efficiently

  13. Identifying the community structure of the food-trade international multi-network (United States)

    Torreggiani, S.; Mangioni, G.; Puma, M. J.; Fagiolo, G.


    Achieving international food security requires improved understanding of how international trade networks connect countries around the world through the import-export flows of food commodities. The properties of international food trade networks are still poorly documented, especially from a multi-network perspective. In particular, nothing is known about the multi-network’s community structure. Here we find that the individual crop-specific layers of the multi-network have densely connected trading groups, a consistent characteristic over the period 2001–2011. Further, the multi-network is characterized by low variability over this period but with substantial heterogeneity across layers in each year. In particular, the layers are mostly assortative: more-intensively connected countries tend to import from and export to countries that are themselves more connected. We also fit econometric models to identify social, economic and geographic factors explaining the probability that any two countries are co-present in the same community. Our estimates indicate that the probability of country pairs belonging to the same food trade community depends more on geopolitical and economic factors—such as geographical proximity and trade-agreement co-membership—than on country economic size and/or income. These community-structure findings of the multi-network are especially valuable for efforts to understand past and emerging dynamics in the global food system, especially those that examine potential ‘shocks’ to global food trade.

  14. The Emergence of Multi-Cellular Robot Organisms through On-line On-board Evolution

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Weel, B.P.M.; Haasdijk, E.W.; Eiben, A.E.


    We investigate whether a swarm of robots can evolve controllers that cause aggregation into 'multi-cellular' robot organisms without a specific reward to do so. To this end, we create a world where aggregated robots receive more energy than individual ones and enable robots to evolve their

  15. Automatic Multi-Level Thresholding Segmentation Based on Multi-Objective Optimization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. DJEROU,


    Full Text Available In this paper, we present a new multi-level image thresholding technique, called Automatic Threshold based on Multi-objective Optimization "ATMO" that combines the flexibility of multi-objective fitness functions with the power of a Binary Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm "BPSO", for searching the "optimum" number of the thresholds and simultaneously the optimal thresholds of three criteria: the between-class variances criterion, the minimum error criterion and the entropy criterion. Some examples of test images are presented to compare our segmentation method, based on the multi-objective optimization approach with Otsu’s, Kapur’s and Kittler’s methods. Our experimental results show that the thresholding method based on multi-objective optimization is more efficient than the classical Otsu’s, Kapur’s and Kittler’s methods.

  16. Multi-Hop Link Capacity of Multi-Route Multi-Hop MRC Diversity for a Virtual Cellular Network (United States)

    Daou, Imane; Kudoh, Eisuke; Adachi, Fumiyuki

    In virtual cellular network (VCN), proposed for high-speed mobile communications, the signal transmitted from a mobile terminal is received by some wireless ports distributed in each virtual cell and relayed to the central port that acts as a gateway to the core network. In this paper, we apply the multi-route MHMRC diversity in order to decrease the transmit power and increase the multi-hop link capacity. The transmit power, the interference power and the link capacity are evaluated for DS-CDMA multi-hop VCN by computer simulation. The multi-route MHMRC diversity can be applied to not only DS-CDMA but also other access schemes (i. e. MC-CDMA, OFDM, etc.).

  17. Building a Multi-centre Clinical Research Facilitation Network: The ARC Experience

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ian Nicholson


    Full Text Available Introduction: In order to practice evidence-based veterinary medicine, good quality clinical evidence needs to be produced, in order that it can be apprasied systematically by the EBVM network, and used by vets. There is very little good-quality veterinary evidence for most of the veterinary procedures carried out every day across the world. Very few, if any, individuals have all the necessary qualities (case-load, time, research expertise, financial support to be able to systematically produce good-quality, and relevant, clinical research on their own, in a timely manner. The Association for Veterinary Soft Tissue Surgery (AVSTS is an affiliate group with the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA, and functions as a clinical network of like-minded individuals. In 2013 AVSTS sought to create a role for itself in facilitating the production (by its members of multi-centre clinical research of relevance to its members.Materials and methods: Members of AVSTS were asked to join the AVSTS Research Cooperative (ARC, with a veterinary epidemiologist and an experienced multi-centre veterinary clinical researcher (to help with study design and statistical planning, and the Animal Health Trust clinical research ethics committee. An email list was established, and a page was set up on the AVSTS website, to allow information to be disseminated. The AVSTS spring and autumn meetings were used as a regular forum by ARC, to discuss its direction, to generate interest, to create and promote specific studies (in order to widen participation amongst different centres, and to update members about previous studies.Results: Membership of ARC has grown to 224 people, although the epidemiologist left. One multi-centre study has been published, two have been presented and await publication, one has been accepted for presentation, two other studies are gathering data at present, and further studies are in the pipeline. There has been


    Schwartz, H Andrew; Sap, Maarten; Kern, Margaret L; Eichstaedt, Johannes C; Kapelner, Adam; Agrawal, Megha; Blanco, Eduardo; Dziurzynski, Lukasz; Park, Gregory; Stillwell, David; Kosinski, Michal; Seligman, Martin E P; Ungar, Lyle H


    We present the task of predicting individual well-being, as measured by a life satisfaction scale, through the language people use on social media. Well-being, which encompasses much more than emotion and mood, is linked with good mental and physical health. The ability to quickly and accurately assess it can supplement multi-million dollar national surveys as well as promote whole body health. Through crowd-sourced ratings of tweets and Facebook status updates, we create message-level predictive models for multiple components of well-being. However, well-being is ultimately attributed to people, so we perform an additional evaluation at the user-level, finding that a multi-level cascaded model, using both message-level predictions and userlevel features, performs best and outperforms popular lexicon-based happiness models. Finally, we suggest that analyses of language go beyond prediction by identifying the language that characterizes well-being.

  19. Diversity in action: exchange of perspectives and reflections on taxonomies of individual differences. (United States)

    Uher, Jana; Trofimova, Irina; Sulis, William; Netter, Petra; Pessoa, Luiz; Posner, Michael I; Rothbart, Mary K; Rusalov, Vladimir; Peterson, Isaac T; Schmidt, Louis A


    Throughout the last 2500 years, the classification of individual differences in healthy people and their extreme expressions in mental disorders has remained one of the most difficult challenges in science that affects our ability to explore individuals' functioning, underlying psychobiological processes and pathways of development. To facilitate analyses of the principles required for studying individual differences, this theme issue brought together prominent scholars from diverse backgrounds of which many bring unique combinations of cross-disciplinary experiences and perspectives that help establish connections and promote exchange across disciplines. This final paper presents brief commentaries of some of our authors and further scholars exchanging perspectives and reflecting on the contributions of this theme issue.This article is part of the theme issue 'Diverse perspectives on diversity: multi-disciplinary approaches to taxonomies of individual differences'. © 2018 The Author(s).

  20. Design of Multi-core Fiber Patch Panel for Space Division Multiplexing Implementations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gonzalez, Luz E.; Morales, Alvaro; Rommel, Simon


    A multi-core fiber (MCF) patch panel was designed, allowing easy coupling of individual signals to and from a 7-core MCF. The device was characterized, measuring insertion loss and cross talk, finding highest insertion loss and lowest crosstalk at 1300 nm with values of 9.7 dB and -36.5 d...

  1. Application of Multi-Objective Human Learning Optimization Method to Solve AC/DC Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow Problem (United States)

    Cao, Jia; Yan, Zheng; He, Guangyu


    This paper introduces an efficient algorithm, multi-objective human learning optimization method (MOHLO), to solve AC/DC multi-objective optimal power flow problem (MOPF). Firstly, the model of AC/DC MOPF including wind farms is constructed, where includes three objective functions, operating cost, power loss, and pollutant emission. Combining the non-dominated sorting technique and the crowding distance index, the MOHLO method can be derived, which involves individual learning operator, social learning operator, random exploration learning operator and adaptive strategies. Both the proposed MOHLO method and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGAII) are tested on an improved IEEE 30-bus AC/DC hybrid system. Simulation results show that MOHLO method has excellent search efficiency and the powerful ability of searching optimal. Above all, MOHLO method can obtain more complete pareto front than that by NSGAII method. However, how to choose the optimal solution from pareto front depends mainly on the decision makers who stand from the economic point of view or from the energy saving and emission reduction point of view.

  2. Optical properties of core-shell and multi-shell nanorods (United States)

    Mokkath, Junais Habeeb; Shehata, Nader


    We report a first-principles time dependent density functional theory study of the optical response modulations in bimetallic core-shell (Na@Al and Al@Na) and multi-shell (Al@Na@Al@Na and Na@Al@Na@Al: concentric shells of Al and Na alternate) nanorods. All of the core-shell and multi-shell configurations display highly enhanced absorption intensity with respect to the pure Al and Na nanorods, showing sensitivity to both composition and chemical ordering. Remarkably large spectral intensity enhancements were found in a couple of core-shell configurations, indicative that optical response averaging based on the individual components can not be considered as true as always in the case of bimetallic core-shell nanorods. We believe that our theoretical results would be useful in promising applications depending on Aluminum-based plasmonic materials such as solar cells and sensors.

  3. Box-Particle Cardinality Balanced Multi-Target Multi-Bernoulli Filter


    L. Song; X. Zhao


    As a generalized particle filtering, the box-particle filter (Box-PF) has a potential to process the measurements affected by bounded error of unknown distributions and biases. Inspired by the Box-PF, a novel implementation for multi-target tracking, called box-particle cardinality balanced multi-target multi-Bernoulli (Box-CBMeMBer) filter is presented in this paper. More important, to eliminate the negative effect of clutters in the estimation of the numbers of targets, an improved generali...

  4. Individual differences and self-regulatory fatigue: optimism, conscientiousness, and self-consciousness


    Nes, Lise Solberg; Carlson, Charles R.; Crofford, Leslie J.; de Leeuw, Reny; Segerstrom, Suzanne C.


    Ability to self-regulate varies and self-regulatory strength is a limited source that can be depleted or fatigued. Research on the impact of individual differences on self-regulatory capacity is still scarce, and this study aimed to examine whether personality factors such as dispositional optimism, conscientiousness, and self-consciousness can impact or buffer self-regulatory fatigue. Participants were patients diagnosed with chronic multi-symptom illnesses (N = 50), or pain free matched con...

  5. Prediction models and development of an easy to use open-access tool for measuring lung function of individuals with motor complete spinal cord injury

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mueller, Gabi; de Groot, Sonja; van der Woude, Lucas H.; Perret, Claudio; Michel, Franz; Hopman, Maria T. E.

    Objective: To develop statistical models to predict lung function and respiratory muscle strength from personal and lesion characteristics of individuals with motor complete spinal cord injury. Design: Cross-sectional, multi-centre cohort study. Subjects: A total of 440 individuals with traumatic,

  6. ℓ0 -based sparse hyperspectral unmixing using spectral information and a multi-objectives formulation (United States)

    Xu, Xia; Shi, Zhenwei; Pan, Bin


    Sparse unmixing aims at recovering pure materials from hyperpspectral images and estimating their abundance fractions. Sparse unmixing is actually ℓ0 problem which is NP-h ard, and a relaxation is often used. In this paper, we attempt to deal with ℓ0 problem directly via a multi-objective based method, which is a non-convex manner. The characteristics of hyperspectral images are integrated into the proposed method, which leads to a new spectra and multi-objective based sparse unmixing method (SMoSU). In order to solve the ℓ0 norm optimization problem, the spectral library is encoded in a binary vector, and a bit-wise flipping strategy is used to generate new individuals in the evolution process. However, a multi-objective method usually produces a number of non-dominated solutions, while sparse unmixing requires a single solution. How to make the final decision for sparse unmixing is challenging. To handle this problem, we integrate the spectral characteristic of hyperspectral images into SMoSU. By considering the spectral correlation in hyperspectral data, we improve the Tchebycheff decomposition function in SMoSU via a new regularization item. This regularization item is able to enforce the individual divergence in the evolution process of SMoSU. In this way, the diversity and convergence of population is further balanced, which is beneficial to the concentration of individuals. In the experiments part, three synthetic datasets and one real-world data are used to analyse the effectiveness of SMoSU, and several state-of-art sparse unmixing algorithms are compared.

  7. Optimal savings management for individuals with defined contribution pension plans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Konicz, Agnieszka Karolina; Mulvey, John M.


    (or time left to retirement), nor should they solely depend on the risk preferences, but should also capture: (1) economical characteristics—such as current value on the pension savings account, expected pension contributions (mandatory and voluntary), and expected income after retirement (e...... characterizing the individual. The problem is solved via a model that combines two optimization approaches: stochastic optimal control and multi-stage stochastic programming. The first method is common in financial and actuarial literature, but produces theoretical results. However, the latter, which...

  8. Multi-wavelength and multi-colour temporal and spatial optical solitons

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kivshar, Y. S.; Sukhorukov, A. A.; Ostrovskaya, E. A.


    We present an overview of several novel types of multi- component envelope solitary waves that appear in fiber and waveguide nonlinear optics. In particular, we describe multi-channel solitary waves in bit-parallel-wavelength fiber transmission systems for high performance computer networks, multi......-color parametric spatial solitary waves due to cascaded nonlinearities of quadratic materials, and quasiperiodic envelope solitons in Fibonacci optical superlattices....

  9. Remoção de sólidos em suspensão na água residuária da despolpa de frutos do cafeeiro em filtros constituídos por pergaminho de grãos de café submetido a compressões Removal of suspended solids in the wastewater of the coffee shrub cherry pulping by filters constituted by parchment of the coffee beans subjected to compressions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antonio T. de Matos


    Full Text Available A remoção de sólidos em suspensão é fundamental para que se possa aplicar a água residuária gerada na despolpa de frutos do cafeeiro (ARC na fertirrigação de culturas agrícolas. Dentre as opções disponíveis para efetuar a remoção de SS da ARC, está o uso de filtros orgânicos. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do grau de compressão na redução do volume e na eficiência do pergaminho, utilizado como material filtrante, na remoção de sólidos em suspensão (SS na ARC. Numa primeira etapa, foram realizados ensaios nos quais corpos-de-prova de pergaminho triturado (retido entre as peneiras de 2,5 e 3 mm e não-triturado (na condição em que é produzido foram submetidos a diferentes compressões para a redução do volume das colunas filtrantes em 5; 10; 15; 20; 25 e 28%. Numa segunda etapa, os corpos-de-prova foram utilizados como material filtrante da ARC para a avaliação da sua capacidade de remoção de SS presentes nessa água residuária. O pergaminho triturado ofereceu maior resistência à compressão e proporcionou, para as mesmas reduções volumétricas no material filtrante, maior eficiência na remoção de SS da ARC do que o pergaminho não-triturado. Reduções na faixa de 10% a 15% no volume do filtro constituído por pergaminho triturado foram suficientes para obter satisfatórias eficiências na remoção de SS da ARC, enquanto, para filtros constituídos de pergaminho não-triturado, as reduções de volume devem ser superiores a 25%.The removal of suspended solids (SS is fundamental to apply the wastewater from the coffee shrub cherry pulping (ARC on agricultural crops fertigation. Among the available options for the removal of SS from ARC is the use of organic filters. This study was carried out to evaluate the influence of the compression degree on either volume reduction or parchment efficiency, when used as medium filter for the removal of suspended solids (SS in

  10. Design of multi-core fiber patch panel for space division multiplexing implementations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    González, Luz E.; Morales, Alvaro; Rommel, Simon; Jørgensen, Bo F.; Porras-Montenegro, N.; Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso


    A multi-core fiber (MCF) patch panel was designed, allowing easy coupling of individual signals to and from a 7-core MCF. The device was characterized, measuring insertion loss and cross talk, finding highest insertion loss and lowest crosstalk at 1300 nm with values of 9.7 dB and -36.5 dB

  11. Multi-scale and multi-orientation medical image analysis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haar Romenij, ter B.M.; Deserno, T.M.


    Inspired by multi-scale and multi-orientation mechanisms recognized in the first stages of our visual system, this chapter gives a tutorial overview of the basic principles. Images are discrete, measured data. The optimal aperture for an observation with as little artefacts as possible, is derived

  12. Individualizing Services, Individualizing Responsibility

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Garsten, Christina; Hollertz, Katarina; Jacobsson, Kerstin

    possibilities for individual voice, autonomy and self-determination in the local delivery of activation policy? What barriers do specific organisational models and practices imply for clients to choose, determine and access tailor-made programmes and services? What policy technologies are at work in governing......-oriented, and the normative demands placed on individuals appear increasingly totalizing, concerning the whole individual rather than the job-related aspects only. The paper is based on 23 in-depth interviews with individual clients as well as individual caseworkers and other professionals engaged in client-related work...

  13. [Aftercare for durability and profitability of single-unit and multi-unit fixed dental prostheses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baat, C. de; Loveren, C. van; Maarel-Wierink, C.D. van der; Witter, D.J.; Creugers, N.H.J.


    An important aim ofa treatment with single-unit and multi-unit fixed dental prostheses is a durable and profitable treatment outcome. That requires aftercare, too. First, the frequency of routine oral examinations should be assessed, using an individual risk profile. The objectives of the routine

  14. Multi-level trellis coded modulation and multi-stage decoding (United States)

    Costello, Daniel J., Jr.; Wu, Jiantian; Lin, Shu


    Several constructions for multi-level trellis codes are presented and many codes with better performance than previously known codes are found. These codes provide a flexible trade-off between coding gain, decoding complexity, and decoding delay. New multi-level trellis coded modulation schemes using generalized set partitioning methods are developed for Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) and Phase Shift Keying (PSK) signal sets. New rotationally invariant multi-level trellis codes which can be combined with differential encoding to resolve phase ambiguity are presented.

  15. Multi-objective optimization of linear multi-state multiple sliding window system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Konak, Abdullah; Kulturel-Konak, Sadan; Levitin, Gregory


    This paper considers the optimal element sequencing in a linear multi-state multiple sliding window system that consists of n linearly ordered multi-state elements. Each multi-state element can have different states: from complete failure up to perfect functioning. A performance rate is associated with each state. The failure of type i in the system occurs if for any i (1≤i≤I) the cumulative performance of any r i consecutive elements is lower than w i . The element sequence strongly affects the probability of any type of system failure. The sequence that minimizes the probability of certain type of failure can provide high probability of other types of failures. Therefore the optimization problem for the multiple sliding window system is essentially multi-objective. The paper formulates and solves the multi-objective optimization problem for the multiple sliding window systems. A multi-objective Genetic Algorithm is used as the optimization engine. Illustrative examples are presented.

  16. PMHT Approach for Multi-Target Multi-Sensor Sonar Tracking in Clutter. (United States)

    Li, Xiaohua; Li, Yaan; Yu, Jing; Chen, Xiao; Dai, Miao


    Multi-sensor sonar tracking has many advantages, such as the potential to reduce the overall measurement uncertainty and the possibility to hide the receiver. However, the use of multi-target multi-sensor sonar tracking is challenging because of the complexity of the underwater environment, especially the low target detection probability and extremely large number of false alarms caused by reverberation. In this work, to solve the problem of multi-target multi-sensor sonar tracking in the presence of clutter, a novel probabilistic multi-hypothesis tracker (PMHT) approach based on the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is proposed. The PMHT can efficiently handle the unknown measurements-to-targets and measurements-to-transmitters data association ambiguity. The EKF and UKF are used to deal with the high degree of nonlinearity in the measurement model. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the target tracking performance in a cluttered environment greatly, and its computational load is low.

  17. Chimera states in multi-strain epidemic models with temporary immunity (United States)

    Bauer, Larissa; Bassett, Jason; Hövel, Philipp; Kyrychko, Yuliya N.; Blyuss, Konstantin B.


    We investigate a time-delayed epidemic model for multi-strain diseases with temporary immunity. In the absence of cross-immunity between strains, dynamics of each individual strain exhibit emergence and annihilation of limit cycles due to a Hopf bifurcation of the endemic equilibrium, and a saddle-node bifurcation of limit cycles depending on the time delay associated with duration of temporary immunity. Effects of all-to-all and non-local coupling topologies are systematically investigated by means of numerical simulations, and they suggest that cross-immunity is able to induce a diverse range of complex dynamical behaviors and synchronization patterns, including discrete traveling waves, solitary states, and amplitude chimeras. Interestingly, chimera states are observed for narrower cross-immunity kernels, which can have profound implications for understanding the dynamics of multi-strain diseases.

  18. Data management and data analysis techniques in pharmacoepidemiological studies using a pre-planned multi-database approach

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bazelier, Marloes T.; Eriksson, Irene; de Vries, Frank


    pharmacoepidemiological multi-database studies published from 2007 onwards that combined data for a pre-planned common analysis or quantitative synthesis. Information was retrieved about study characteristics, methods used for individual-level analyses and meta-analyses, data management and motivations for performing...... meta-analysis (27%), while a semi-aggregate approach was applied in three studies (14%). Information on central programming or heterogeneity assessment was missing in approximately half of the publications. Most studies were motivated by improving power (86%). CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacoepidemiological multi...

  19. Multi-species biofilm of Candida albicans and non-Candida albicans Candida species on acrylic substrate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Apurva K Pathak


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: In polymicrobial biofilms bacteria extensively interact with Candida species, but the interaction among the different species of the Candida is yet to be completely evaluated. In the present study, the difference in biofilm formation ability of clinical isolates of four species of Candida in both single-species and multi-species combinations on the surface of dental acrylic resin strips was evaluated. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The species of Candida, isolated from multiple species oral candidiasis of the neutropenic patients, were used for the experiment. Organisms were cultured on Sabouraud dextrose broth with 8% glucose (SDB. Biofilm production on the acrylic resins strips was determined by crystal violet assay. Student's t-test and ANOVA were used to compare in vitro biofilm formation for the individual species of Candida and its different multi-species combinations. RESULTS: In the present study, differences between the mean values of the biofilm-forming ability of individual species (C. glabrata>C. krusei>C. tropicalis>C. albicans and in its multi-species' combinations (the highest for C. albicans with C. glabrata and the lowest for all the four species combination were reported. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study showed that biofilm-forming ability was found greater for non-Candida albicans Candida species (NCAC than for C. albicans species with intra-species variation. Presence of C. albicans in multi-species biofilms increased, whereas; C. tropicalis decreased the biofilm production with all other NCAC species.

  20. Sampling device for withdrawing a representative sample from single and multi-phase flows (United States)

    Apley, Walter J.; Cliff, William C.; Creer, James M.


    A fluid stream sampling device has been developed for the purpose of obtaining a representative sample from a single or multi-phase fluid flow. This objective is carried out by means of a probe which may be inserted into the fluid stream. Individual samples are withdrawn from the fluid flow by sampling ports with particular spacings, and the sampling parts are coupled to various analytical systems for characterization of the physical, thermal, and chemical properties of the fluid flow as a whole and also individually.

  1. On the Relation between Tax Rates and Evasion in a Multi-period Economy


    Jordi Caball?Author-Email:; Judith Panad?


    We extend the basic tax evasion model to a multi-period economy exhibiting sustained growth. When individuals conceal part of their true income from the tax authority, they face the risk of being audited and hence of paying the corresponding fine. Both taxes and fines determine individual saving and the rate of capital accumulation. In this context we show that the sign of the relation between the level of the tax rate and the amount of evaded income is the same as that obtained in static set...

  2. On the relation between tax rates and evasion in a multi-period economy


    Caballé, Jordi


    We extend the basic tax evasion model to a multi-period economy exhibiting sustained growth. When individuals conceal part of their true income from the tax authority, they face the risk of being audited and hence of paying the corresponding fine. Both taxes and fines determine individual saving and the rate of capital accumulation. In this context we show that the sign of the relation between the level of the tax rate and the amount of evaded income is the same as that obtained in static set...

  3. Case-Based Multi-Sensor Intrusion Detection (United States)

    Schwartz, Daniel G.; Long, Jidong


    Multi-sensor intrusion detection systems (IDSs) combine the alerts raised by individual IDSs and possibly other kinds of devices such as firewalls and antivirus software. A critical issue in building a multi-sensor IDS is alert-correlation, i.e., determining which alerts are caused by the same attack. This paper explores a novel approach to alert correlation using case-based reasoning (CBR). Each case in the CBR system's library contains a pattern of alerts raised by some known attack type, together with the identity of the attack. Then during run time, the alert streams gleaned from the sensors are compared with the patterns in the cases, and a match indicates that the attack described by that case has occurred. For this purpose the design of a fast and accurate matching algorithm is imperative. Two such algorithms were explored: (i) the well-known Hungarian algorithm, and (ii) an order-preserving matching of our own device. Tests were conducted using the DARPA Grand Challenge Problem attack simulator. These showed that the both matching algorithms are effective in detecting attacks; but the Hungarian algorithm is inefficient; whereas the order-preserving one is very efficient, in fact runs in linear time.

  4. Development and evaluation of multi-agent models predicting Twitter trends in multiple domains

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Attema, T.; Maanen, P.P. van; Meeuwissen, E.


    This paper concerns multi-agent models predicting Twitter trends. We use a step-wise approach to develop a novel agent-based model with the following properties: (1) it uses individual behavior parameters for a set of Twitter users and (2) it uses a retweet graph to model the underlying social

  5. Fusión Borrosa de Estimadores para Aplicaciones de Control Basado en Imagen

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Perez-Vidal


    Full Text Available Resumen: El control visual es una disciplina de gran actualidad dentro del control de robots, y dentro de ésta, los algoritmos de predicción se usan para estimar la localización de objetos o características visuales proporcionadas por un sensor con retardo (cámara. Algunos de los algoritmos más utilizados son: el filtro de Kalman; los filtros alpha-beta/gamma (αβ/γ; el AKF; el SKF; etc. El mayor problema de algunos de ellos es conseguir que su implementación permita trabajar en aplicaciones con fuertes restricciones temporales o de tiempo real. En este artículo se presenta un nuevo método de predicción, denominado FMF, basado en la fusión o combinación borrosa de varios filtros, y por tanto con un alto coste computacional. En el artículo se estudia a través de simulación la mejora obtenida con la predicción del FMF respecto a los filtros individuales, lo que justifica su interés. Así mismo, se desarrolla su implementación de tiempo real en una FPGA empleando técnicas de paralelización y segmentado. La viabilidad, robustez y fiabilidad del algoritmo propuesto se ha comprobado mediante una aplicación experimental de control visual. Palabras clave: Métodos predictivos, algoritmos paralelos, sistemas fuzzy, visión por computador, control automático

  6. Stereotypic and complex phrase types provide structural evidence for a multi-message display in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). (United States)

    Murray, Anita; Dunlop, Rebecca A; Noad, Michael J; Goldizen, Anne W


    Male humpback whales produce a mating display called "song." Behavioral studies indicate song has inter- and/or intra-sexual functionality, suggesting song may be a multi-message display. Multi-message displays often include stereotypic components that convey group membership for mate attraction and/or male-male interactions, and complex components that convey individual quality for courtship. Humpback whale song contains sounds ("units") arranged into sequences ("phrases"). Repetitions of a specific phrase create a "theme." Within a theme, imperfect phrase repetitions ("phrase variants") create variability among phrases of the same type ("phrase type"). The hypothesis that song contains stereotypic and complex phrase types, structural characteristics consistent with a multi-message display, is investigated using recordings of 17 east Australian males (8:2004, 9:2011). Phrase types are categorized as stereotypic or complex using number of unit types, number of phrase variants, and the proportion of phrases that is unique to an individual versus shared amongst males. Unit types are determined using self-organizing maps. Phrase variants are determined by Levenshtein distances between phrases. Stereotypic phrase types have smaller numbers of unit types and shared phrase variants. Complex phrase types have larger numbers of unit types and unique phrase variants. This study supports the hypothesis that song could be a multi-message display.

  7. Generalized modeling of multi-component vaporization/condensation phenomena for multi-phase-flow analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morita, K.; Fukuda, K.; Tobita, Y.; Kondo, Sa.; Suzuki, T.; Maschek, W.


    A new multi-component vaporization/condensation (V/C) model was developed to provide a generalized model for safety analysis codes of liquid metal cooled reactors (LMRs). These codes simulate thermal-hydraulic phenomena of multi-phase, multi-component flows, which is essential to investigate core disruptive accidents of LMRs such as fast breeder reactors and accelerator driven systems. The developed model characterizes the V/C processes associated with phase transition by employing heat transfer and mass-diffusion limited models for analyses of relatively short-time-scale multi-phase, multi-component hydraulic problems, among which vaporization and condensation, or simultaneous heat and mass transfer, play an important role. The heat transfer limited model describes the non-equilibrium phase transition processes occurring at interfaces, while the mass-diffusion limited model is employed to represent effects of non-condensable gases and multi-component mixture on V/C processes. Verification of the model and method employed in the multi-component V/C model of a multi-phase flow code was performed successfully by analyzing a series of multi-bubble condensation experiments. The applicability of the model to the accident analysis of LMRs is also discussed by comparison between steam and metallic vapor systems. (orig.)

  8. Social network analysis via multi-state reliability and conditional influence models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schneider, Kellie; Rainwater, Chase; Pohl, Ed; Hernandez, Ivan; Ramirez-Marquez, Jose Emmanuel


    This paper incorporates multi-state reliability measures into the assessment of a social network in which influence is treated as a multi-state commodity that flows through the network. The reliability of the network is defined as the probability that at least a certain level of influence reaches an intended target. We consider an individual's influence level as a function of the influence levels received from preceding actors in the network. We define several communication functions which describe the level of influence a particular actor will pass along to other actors within the network. Illustrative examples are presented, and the network reliability under the various communication influence levels is computed using exhaustive enumeration for a small example and Monte Carlo simulation for larger, more realistic sized examples.

  9. A multi-technique phytoremediation approach to purify metals contaminated soil from e-waste recycling site. (United States)

    Luo, Jie; Cai, Limei; Qi, Shihua; Wu, Jian; Sophie Gu, Xiaowen


    Multiple techniques for soil decontamination were combined to enhance the phytoremediation efficiency of Eucalyptus globulese and alleviate the corresponding environmental risks. The approach constituted of chelating agent using, electrokinetic remediation, plant hormone foliar application and phytoremediation was designed to remediate multi-metal contaminated soils from a notorious e-waste recycling town. The decontamination ability of E. globulese increased from 1.35, 58.47 and 119.18 mg per plant for Cd, Pb and Cu in planting controls to 7.57, 198.68 and 174.34 mg per plant in individual EDTA treatments, respectively, but simultaneously, 0.9-11.5 times more metals leached from chelator treatments relative to controls. Low (2 V) and moderate (4 V) voltage electric fields provoked the growth of the species while high voltage (10 V) had an opposite effect and metal concentrations of the plants elevated with the increment of voltage. Volumes of the leachate decreased from 1224 to 134 mL with voltage increasing from 0 to 10 V due to electroosmosis and electrolysis. Comparing with individual phytoremediation, foliar cytokinin treatments produced 56% more biomass and intercepted 2.5 times more leachate attributed to the enhanced transpiration rate. The synergistic combination of the individuals resulted in the most biomass production and metal accumulation of the species under the stress condition relative to other methods. Time required for the multi-technique approach to decontaminate Cd, Pb and Cu from soil was 2.1-10.4 times less than individual chelator addition, electric field application or plant hormone utilization. It's especially important that nearly no leachate (60 mL in total) was collected from the multi-technique system. This approach is a suitable method to remediate metal polluted site considering its decontamination efficiency and associated environmental negligible risk. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Multi-objective reliability redundancy allocation in an interval environment using particle swarm optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Enze; Chen, Qingwei


    Most of the existing works addressing reliability redundancy allocation problems are based on the assumption of fixed reliabilities of components. In real-life situations, however, the reliabilities of individual components may be imprecise, most often given as intervals, under different operating or environmental conditions. This paper deals with reliability redundancy allocation problems modeled in an interval environment. An interval multi-objective optimization problem is formulated from the original crisp one, where system reliability and cost are simultaneously considered. To render the multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm capable of dealing with interval multi-objective optimization problems, a dominance relation for interval-valued functions is defined with the help of our newly proposed order relations of interval-valued numbers. Then, the crowding distance is extended to the multi-objective interval-valued case. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach has been demonstrated through two numerical examples and a case study of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system in water resource management. - Highlights: • We model the reliability redundancy allocation problem in an interval environment. • We apply the particle swarm optimization directly on the interval values. • A dominance relation for interval-valued multi-objective functions is defined. • The crowding distance metric is extended to handle imprecise objective functions.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tunjo Perić


    Full Text Available Supplier selection in supply chain is a multi-criteria problem that involves a number of quantitative and qualitative factors. This paper deals with a concrete problem of flour purchase by a company that manufactures bakery products and the purchasing price of flour depends on the quantity ordered. The criteria for supplier selection and quantities supplied by individual suppliers are: purchase costs, product quality and reliability of suppliers. The problem is solved using a model that combines revised weighting method and fuzzy multi-criteria linear programming (FMCLP. The paper highlights the efficiency of the proposed methodology in conditions when purchasing prices depend on order quantities.

  12. Biomorphic Multi-Agent Architecture for Persistent Computing (United States)

    Lodding, Kenneth N.; Brewster, Paul


    A multi-agent software/hardware architecture, inspired by the multicellular nature of living organisms, has been proposed as the basis of design of a robust, reliable, persistent computing system. Just as a multicellular organism can adapt to changing environmental conditions and can survive despite the failure of individual cells, a multi-agent computing system, as envisioned, could adapt to changing hardware, software, and environmental conditions. In particular, the computing system could continue to function (perhaps at a reduced but still reasonable level of performance) if one or more component( s) of the system were to fail. One of the defining characteristics of a multicellular organism is unity of purpose. In biology, the purpose is survival of the organism. The purpose of the proposed multi-agent architecture is to provide a persistent computing environment in harsh conditions in which repair is difficult or impossible. A multi-agent, organism-like computing system would be a single entity built from agents or cells. Each agent or cell would be a discrete hardware processing unit that would include a data processor with local memory, an internal clock, and a suite of communication equipment capable of both local line-of-sight communications and global broadcast communications. Some cells, denoted specialist cells, could contain such additional hardware as sensors and emitters. Each cell would be independent in the sense that there would be no global clock, no global (shared) memory, no pre-assigned cell identifiers, no pre-defined network topology, and no centralized brain or control structure. Like each cell in a living organism, each agent or cell of the computing system would contain a full description of the system encoded as genes, but in this case, the genes would be components of a software genome.

  13. Multi-state models for clustered duration data: an application to workplace effects on individual sickness absenteeism


    Lindeboom, Maarten; Kerkhofs, Marcel


    In this paper we specify and estimate three state duration models of work, sickness and exit from the job to explain individual absenteeism behaviour of primary school teachers. There is a large variation of sickness absenteeism records across schools and absenteeism records of workers within a school appear to be related. This clustering of individual absenteeism data may to a large extend be caused by workplace effects. Since it will be difficult to fully capture workplace effects with obse...

  14. Long working hours as a risk factor for atrial fibrillation: a multi-cohort study


    Kivimaki, M.; Nyberg, S. T.; Batty, G. D.; Kawachi, I.; Jokela, M.; Alfredsson, L.; Bjorner, J. B.; Borritz, M.; Burr, H.; Dragano, N.; Fransson, E. I.; Heikkila, K.; Knutsson, A.; Koskenvuo, M.; Kumari, M.


    AIMS: Studies suggest that people who work long hours are at increased risk of stroke, but the association of long working hours with atrial fibrillation, the most common cardiac arrhythmia and a risk factor for stroke, is unknown. We examined the risk of atrial fibrillation in individuals working long hours (≥55 per week) and those working standard 35–40 h/week. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this prospective multi-cohort study from the Individual-Participant-Data Meta-analysis in Work...


    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — MULTI-TEMPORAL REMOTE SENSING IMAGE CLASSIFICATION - A MULTI-VIEW APPROACH VARUN CHANDOLA AND RANGA RAJU VATSAVAI Abstract. Multispectral remote sensing images have...

  16. Enrichment of Multi-criteria Communities for Context-aware Recommendations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thuy Ngoc Nguyen


    Full Text Available Recommender systems are designed to help users alleviate the information overload problem by offering personalized recommendations. Most systems apply collaborative filtering to predict individual preferences based on opinions of like-minded people through their ratings on items. Recently, context-aware recommender systems (CARSs are developed to offer users more suitable recommendations by exploiting additional context data such as time, location, etc. However, most CARSs use only ratings as a criterion for building communities, and ignore other available data allowing users to be grouped into communities. This paper presents a novel approach for exploiting multi-criteria communities to provide context-aware recommendations. The main idea of the proposed algorithm is that for a given context, the significance of multi-criteria communities could be different. So communities from the most suitable criteria followed by a learning phase are incorporated into the recommendation process.

  17. Distributed Control in Multi-Vehicle Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paul A. Avery


    Full Text Available The Southwest Research Institute (SwRI Mobile Autonomous Robotics Technology Initiative (MARTI program has enabled the development of fully-autonomous passenger-sized commercial vehicles and military tactical vehicles, as well as the development of cooperative vehicle behaviors, such as cooperative sensor sharing and cooperative convoy operations. The program has also developed behaviors to interface intelligent vehicles with intelligent road-side devices. The development of intelligent vehicle behaviors cannot be approached as stand-alone phenomena; rather, they must be understood within a context of the broader traffic system dynamics. The study of other complex systems has shown that system-level behaviors emerge as a result of the spatio-temporal dynamics within a system's constituent parts. The design of such systems must therefore account for both the system-level emergent behavior, as well as behaviors of individuals within the system. It has also become clear over the past several years, for both of these domains, that human trust in the behavior of individual vehicles is paramount to broader technology adoption. This paper examines the interplay between individual vehicle capabilities, vehicle connectivity, and emergent system behaviors, and presents some considerations for a distributed control paradigm in a multi-vehicle system.

  18. Multi-population genomic prediction using a multi-task Bayesian learning model. (United States)

    Chen, Liuhong; Li, Changxi; Miller, Stephen; Schenkel, Flavio


    Genomic prediction in multiple populations can be viewed as a multi-task learning problem where tasks are to derive prediction equations for each population and multi-task learning property can be improved by sharing information across populations. The goal of this study was to develop a multi-task Bayesian learning model for multi-population genomic prediction with a strategy to effectively share information across populations. Simulation studies and real data from Holstein and Ayrshire dairy breeds with phenotypes on five milk production traits were used to evaluate the proposed multi-task Bayesian learning model and compare with a single-task model and a simple data pooling method. A multi-task Bayesian learning model was proposed for multi-population genomic prediction. Information was shared across populations through a common set of latent indicator variables while SNP effects were allowed to vary in different populations. Both simulation studies and real data analysis showed the effectiveness of the multi-task model in improving genomic prediction accuracy for the smaller Ayshire breed. Simulation studies suggested that the multi-task model was most effective when the number of QTL was small (n = 20), with an increase of accuracy by up to 0.09 when QTL effects were lowly correlated between two populations (ρ = 0.2), and up to 0.16 when QTL effects were highly correlated (ρ = 0.8). When QTL genotypes were included for training and validation, the improvements were 0.16 and 0.22, respectively, for scenarios of the low and high correlation of QTL effects between two populations. When the number of QTL was large (n = 200), improvement was small with a maximum of 0.02 when QTL genotypes were not included for genomic prediction. Reduction in accuracy was observed for the simple pooling method when the number of QTL was small and correlation of QTL effects between the two populations was low. For the real data, the multi-task model achieved an

  19. Magneto-transport measurements of domain wall propagation in individual multi segmented cylindrical nanowires

    KAUST Repository

    Mohammed, Hanan; Vidal, Enrique Vilanova; Ivanov, Yurii P.; Kosel, Jü rgen


    Magnetotransport measurements were performed on multisegmented Co/Ni nanowires fabricated by template-assisted electrodeposition. Individual nanowires were isolated and electrodes patterned to study their magnetization reversal process. The magnetoresistance reversal curve of the multisegmented nanowire exhibits a step in the switching field. Micromagnetic simulations of the magnetization reversal process are in agreement with the experimental findings and attribute the step at the switching field to the pinning of a domain wall at the interface of the Co/Ni nanowire.

  20. Magneto-transport measurements of domain wall propagation in individual multi segmented cylindrical nanowires

    KAUST Repository

    Mohammed, Hanan


    Magnetotransport measurements were performed on multisegmented Co/Ni nanowires fabricated by template-assisted electrodeposition. Individual nanowires were isolated and electrodes patterned to study their magnetization reversal process. The magnetoresistance reversal curve of the multisegmented nanowire exhibits a step in the switching field. Micromagnetic simulations of the magnetization reversal process are in agreement with the experimental findings and attribute the step at the switching field to the pinning of a domain wall at the interface of the Co/Ni nanowire.

  1. How the health belief model helps the tobacco industry: individuals, choice, and "information". (United States)

    Balbach, Edith D; Smith, Elizabeth A; Malone, Ruth E


    To analyse trial and deposition testimony of tobacco industry executives to determine how they use the concepts of "information" and "choice" and consider how these concepts are related to theoretical models of health behaviour change. We coded and analysed transcripts of trial and deposition testimony of 14 high-level executives representing six companies plus the Tobacco Institute. We conducted an interpretive analysis of industry executives' characterisation of the industry's role as information provider and the agency of tobacco consumers in making "choices". Tobacco industry executives deployed the concept of "information" as a mechanism that shifted to consumers full moral responsibility for the harms caused by tobacco products. The industry's role was characterised as that of impartial supplier of value-free "information", without regard to its quality, accuracy and truthfulness. Tobacco industry legal defences rely on assumptions congruent with and supported by individual rational choice theories, particularly those that emphasise individual, autonomous decision-makers. Tobacco control advocates and health educators must challenge the industry's preferred framing, pointing out that "information" is not value-free. Multi-level, multi-sectoral interventions are critical to tobacco use prevention. Over-reliance on individual and interpersonal rational choice models may have the effect of validating the industry's model of smoking and cessation behaviour, absolving it of responsibility and rendering invisible the "choices" the industry has made and continues to make in promoting the most deadly consumer product ever made.

  2. The Multi-Initiative Dissemination Project Workshops: Who Attends Them and How Effective Are They? (United States)

    Burke, K. A.; Greenbowe, Thomas J.; Gelder, John I.


    The National Science Foundation funded the Multi-Initiative Dissemination (MID) project that was undertaken to introduce chemistry faculty to a variety of innovative new models, approaches, materials, and tools for active learning, retention, and understanding in lecture and lab. Innovations in units individualized to meet the needs of students…

  3. Household Water Demand in Andorra: Impact of Individual Metering and Seasonality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arnaud Reynaud


    Full Text Available Despite the large literature focused on residential water use, our knowledge of the impact of individual metering on household water consumption remains limited. Our work aims to fill this gap by providing the first estimate of the residential water demand function in the Principality of Andorra, where collective and individual metering coexists. Using a panel dataset covering the years 2006 to 2015, we propose estimating a domestic water demand function for the municipality of Andorra La Vella (the capital of Andorra. Our estimates reveal a price elasticity of the residential water demand equal to –0.7. Facing a price increase of 10 percent, households will react in the short run by reducing their water consumption by 7 percent. Interestingly, the price elasticity is found to be significantly different in single-family units compared to multi-family units. This may suggest a significant impact of individual metering on domestic water consumption in Andorra.

  4. Video Surveillance using a Multi-Camera Tracking and Fusion System


    Zhang , Zhong; Scanlon , Andrew; Yin , Weihong; Yu , Li; Venetianer , Péter L.


    International audience; Usage of intelligent video surveillance (IVS) systems is spreading rapidly. These systems are being utilized in a wide range of applications. In most cases, even in multi-camera installations, the video is processed independently in each feed. This paper describes a system that fuses tracking information from multiple cameras, thus vastly expanding its capabilities. The fusion relies on all cameras being calibrated to a site map, while the individual sensors remain lar...

  5. Multi-Agent System-Based Microgrid Operation Strategy for Demand Response


    Cha, Hee-Jun; Won, Dong-Jun; Kim, Sang-Hyuk; Chung, Il-Yop; Han, Byung-Moon


    The microgrid and demand response (DR) are important technologies for future power grids. Among the variety of microgrid operations, the multi-agent system (MAS) has attracted considerable attention. In a microgrid with MAS, the agents installed on the microgrid components operate optimally by communicating with each other. This paper proposes an operation algorithm for the individual agents of a test microgrid that consists of a battery energy storage system (BESS) and an intelligent load. A...

  6. The research on multi-projection correction based on color coding grid array (United States)

    Yang, Fan; Han, Cheng; Bai, Baoxing; Zhang, Chao; Zhao, Yunxiu


    There are many disadvantages such as lower timeliness, greater manual intervention in multi-channel projection system, in order to solve the above problems, this paper proposes a multi-projector correction technology based on color coding grid array. Firstly, a color structured light stripe is generated by using the De Bruijn sequences, then meshing the feature information of the color structured light stripe image. We put the meshing colored grid intersection as the center of the circle, and build a white solid circle as the feature sample set of projected images. It makes the constructed feature sample set not only has the perceptual localization, but also has good noise immunity. Secondly, we establish the subpixel geometric mapping relationship between the projection screen and the individual projectors by using the structure of light encoding and decoding based on the color array, and the geometrical mapping relation is used to solve the homography matrix of each projector. Lastly the brightness inconsistency of the multi-channel projection overlap area is seriously interfered, it leads to the corrected image doesn't fit well with the observer's visual needs, and we obtain the projection display image of visual consistency by using the luminance fusion correction algorithm. The experimental results show that this method not only effectively solved the problem of distortion of multi-projection screen and the issue of luminance interference in overlapping region, but also improved the calibration efficient of multi-channel projective system and reduced the maintenance cost of intelligent multi-projection system.

  7. Is organizational justice climate at the workplace associated with individual-level quality of care and organizational affective commitment? A multi-level, cross-sectional study on dentistry in Sweden. (United States)

    Berthelsen, Hanne; Conway, Paul Maurice; Clausen, Thomas


    The aim of this study is to investigate whether organizational justice climate at the workplace level is associated with individual staff members' perceptions of care quality and affective commitment to the workplace. The study adopts a cross-sectional multi-level design. Data were collected using an electronic survey and a response rate of 75% was obtained. Organizational justice climate and affective commitment to the workplace were measured by items from Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire and quality of care by three self-developed items. Non-managerial staff working at dental clinics with at least five respondents (n = 900 from 68 units) was included in analyses. A set of Level-2 random intercept models were built to predict individual-level organizational affective commitment and perceived quality of care from unit-level organizational justice climate, controlling for potential confounding by group size, gender, age, and occupation. The results of the empty model showed substantial between-unit variation for both affective commitment (ICC-1 = 0.17) and quality of care (ICC-1 = 0.12). The overall results showed that the shared perception of organizational justice climate at the clinical unit level was significantly associated with perceived quality of care and affective commitment to the organization (p Organizational justice climate at work unit level explained all variation in affective commitment among dental clinics and was associated with both the individual staff members' affective commitment and perceived quality of care. These findings suggest a potential for that addressing organizational justice climate may be a way to promote quality of care and enhancing affective commitment. However, longitudinal studies are needed to support causality in the examined relationships. Intervention research is also recommended to probe the effectiveness of actions increasing unit-level organizational justice climate and test their impact on quality of care

  8. Managing an Open Access, Multi-Institutional, International Digital Library: The Digital Library of the Caribbean (United States)

    Wooldridge, Brooke; Taylor, Laurie; Sullivan, Mark


    Developing an Open Access, multi-institutional, multilingual, international digital library requires robust technological and institutional infrastructures that support both the needs of individual institutions alongside the needs of the growing partnership and ensure continuous communication and development of the shared vision for the digital…

  9. A study of the dynamics of multi-player games on small networks using territorial interactions. (United States)

    Broom, Mark; Lafaye, Charlotte; Pattni, Karan; Rychtář, Jan


    Recently, the study of structured populations using models of evolutionary processes on graphs has begun to incorporate a more general type of interaction between individuals, allowing multi-player games to be played among the population. In this paper, we develop a birth-death dynamics for use in such models and consider the evolution of populations for special cases of very small graphs where we can easily identify all of the population states and carry out exact analyses. To do so, we study two multi-player games, a Hawk-Dove game and a public goods game. Our focus is on finding the fixation probability of an individual from one type, cooperator or defector in the case of the public goods game, within a population of the other type. We compare this value for both games on several graphs under different parameter values and assumptions, and identify some interesting general features of our model. In particular there is a very close relationship between the fixation probability and the mean temperature, with high temperatures helping fitter individuals and punishing unfit ones and so enhancing selection, whereas low temperatures give a levelling effect which suppresses selection.

  10. Accuracy of multi-point boundary crossing time analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Vogt


    Full Text Available Recent multi-spacecraft studies of solar wind discontinuity crossings using the timing (boundary plane triangulation method gave boundary parameter estimates that are significantly different from those of the well-established single-spacecraft minimum variance analysis (MVA technique. A large survey of directional discontinuities in Cluster data turned out to be particularly inconsistent in the sense that multi-point timing analyses did not identify any rotational discontinuities (RDs whereas the MVA results of the individual spacecraft suggested that RDs form the majority of events. To make multi-spacecraft studies of discontinuity crossings more conclusive, the present report addresses the accuracy of the timing approach to boundary parameter estimation. Our error analysis is based on the reciprocal vector formalism and takes into account uncertainties both in crossing times and in the spacecraft positions. A rigorous error estimation scheme is presented for the general case of correlated crossing time errors and arbitrary spacecraft configurations. Crossing time error covariances are determined through cross correlation analyses of the residuals. The principal influence of the spacecraft array geometry on the accuracy of the timing method is illustrated using error formulas for the simplified case of mutually uncorrelated and identical errors at different spacecraft. The full error analysis procedure is demonstrated for a solar wind discontinuity as observed by the Cluster FGM instrument.

  11. Distributed parallel cooperative coevolutionary multi-objective large-scale immune algorithm for deployment of wireless sensor networks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cao, Bin; Zhao, Jianwei; Yang, Po


    -objective evolutionary algorithms the Cooperative Coevolutionary Generalized Differential Evolution 3, the Cooperative Multi-objective Differential Evolution and the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm III, the proposed algorithm addresses the deployment optimization problem efficiently and effectively.......Using immune algorithms is generally a time-intensive process especially for problems with a large number of variables. In this paper, we propose a distributed parallel cooperative coevolutionary multi-objective large-scale immune algorithm that is implemented using the message passing interface...... (MPI). The proposed algorithm is composed of three layers: objective, group and individual layers. First, for each objective in the multi-objective problem to be addressed, a subpopulation is used for optimization, and an archive population is used to optimize all the objectives. Second, the large...

  12. The Use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Weight Elicitation Techniques in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Til, Janine Astrid; Dolan, James G.; Stiggelbout, Anne M.; Groothuis-Oudshoorn, Catharina Gerarda Maria; IJzerman, Maarten Joost


    Objective: To test the applicability of multi-criteria decision analysis preference elicitation techniques in cognitively impaired individuals. - Method: A convenience sample of 16 cognitively impaired subjects and 12 healthy controls was asked to participate in a small pilot study. The subjects

  13. Controllability of multi-partite quantum systems and selective excitation of quantum dots

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schirmer, S G; Pullen, I C H; Solomon, A I


    We consider the degrees of controllability of multi-partite quantum systems, as well as necessary and sufficient criteria for each case. The results are applied to the problem of simultaneous control of an ensemble of quantum dots with a single laser pulse. Finally, we apply optimal control techniques to demonstrate selective excitation of individual dots for a simultaneously controllable ensemble of quantum dots

  14. Coordinated Multi-layer Multi-domain Optical Network (COMMON) for Large-Scale Science Applications (COMMON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vokkarane, Vinod [University of Massachusetts


    We intend to implement a Coordinated Multi-layer Multi-domain Optical Network (COMMON) Framework for Large-scale Science Applications. In the COMMON project, specific problems to be addressed include 1) anycast/multicast/manycast request provisioning, 2) deployable OSCARS enhancements, 3) multi-layer, multi-domain quality of service (QoS), and 4) multi-layer, multidomain path survivability. In what follows, we outline the progress in the above categories (Year 1, 2, and 3 deliverables).

  15. Middleware for multi-client and multi-server mobile applications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rocha, B.P.S.; Rezende, C.G.; Loureiro, A.A.F.


    With popularization of mobile computing, many developers have faced problems due to great heterogeneity of devices. To address this issue, we present in this work a middleware for multi-client and multi-server mobile applications. We assume that the middleware at the server side has no resource

  16. Multi-dimensional Fuzzy Euler Approximation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yangyang Hao


    Full Text Available Multi-dimensional Fuzzy differential equations driven by multi-dimen-sional Liu process, have been intensively applied in many fields. However, we can not obtain the analytic solution of every multi-dimensional fuzzy differential equation. Then, it is necessary for us to discuss the numerical results in most situations. This paper focuses on the numerical method of multi-dimensional fuzzy differential equations. The multi-dimensional fuzzy Taylor expansion is given, based on this expansion, a numerical method which is designed for giving the solution of multi-dimensional fuzzy differential equation via multi-dimensional Euler method will be presented, and its local convergence also will be discussed.

  17. Instance annotation for multi-instance multi-label learning (United States)

    F. Briggs; X.Z. Fern; R. Raich; Q. Lou


    Multi-instance multi-label learning (MIML) is a framework for supervised classification where the objects to be classified are bags of instances associated with multiple labels. For example, an image can be represented as a bag of segments and associated with a list of objects it contains. Prior work on MIML has focused on predicting label sets for previously unseen...

  18. Multi-office engineering

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cowle, E.S.; Hall, L.D.; Koss, P.; Saheb, E.; Setrakian, V.


    This paper addresses the viability of multi-office project engineering as has been made possible in a large part by the computer age. Brief discussions are provided on two past projects describing the authors' initial efforts at multi-office engineering, and an in-depth discussion is provided on a current Bechtel project that demonstrates their multi-office engineering capabilities. Efficiencies and cost savings associated with executing an engineering project from multiple office locations was identified as a viable and cost-effective execution approach. The paper also discusses how the need for multi-office engineering came about, what is required to succeed, and where they are going from here. Furthermore, it summarizes the benefits to their clients and to Bechtel

  19. Extended multi-configuration quasi-degenerate perturbation theory: the new approach to multi-state multi-reference perturbation theory. (United States)

    Granovsky, Alexander A


    The distinctive desirable features, both mathematically and physically meaningful, for all partially contracted multi-state multi-reference perturbation theories (MS-MR-PT) are explicitly formulated. The original approach to MS-MR-PT theory, called extended multi-configuration quasi-degenerate perturbation theory (XMCQDPT), having most, if not all, of the desirable properties is introduced. The new method is applied at the second order of perturbation theory (XMCQDPT2) to the 1(1)A(')-2(1)A(') conical intersection in allene molecule, the avoided crossing in LiF molecule, and the 1(1)A(1) to 2(1)A(1) electronic transition in cis-1,3-butadiene. The new theory has several advantages compared to those of well-established approaches, such as second order multi-configuration quasi-degenerate perturbation theory and multi-state-second order complete active space perturbation theory. The analysis of the prevalent approaches to the MS-MR-PT theory performed within the framework of the XMCQDPT theory unveils the origin of their common inherent problems. We describe the efficient implementation strategy that makes XMCQDPT2 an especially useful general-purpose tool in the high-level modeling of small to large molecular systems. © 2011 American Institute of Physics

  20. A perspective on multi-user interaction design based on an understanding of domestic lighting conflict

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Niemantsverdriet, K.; van Essen, H.A.; Eggen, J.H.


    More and more connected systems are entering the social and shared home environment. Interaction with these systems is often rather individual and based on personal preferences, leading to conflicts in multi-user situations. In this paper, we aim to develop a perspective on how to design for

  1. Multi-Threaded DNA Tag/Anti-Tag Library Generator for Multi-Core Platforms (United States)


    base pair)  Watson ‐ Crick  strand pairs that bind perfectly within pairs, but poorly across pairs. A variety  of  DNA  strand hybridization metrics...AFRL-RI-RS-TR-2009-131 Final Technical Report May 2009 MULTI-THREADED DNA TAG/ANTI-TAG LIBRARY GENERATOR FOR MULTI-CORE PLATFORMS...TYPE Final 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) Jun 08 – Feb 09 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE MULTI-THREADED DNA TAG/ANTI-TAG LIBRARY GENERATOR FOR MULTI-CORE

  2. Multi-Wavelength Studies on H2O Maser Host Galaxies J. S. Zhang ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    on two projects: X-ray data analysis of individual maser source using. X-ray penetrability to explore maser host obscured AGN; multi- wavelength ... Figure 1. Adaptively smoothed three-color image in 0.3–8.0keV and spectra with fitting ... It provides a perspective to improve the accuracy of the Hubble constant H0 and to.

  3. A quantum-classical simulation of a multi-surface multi-mode ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Multi surface multi mode quantum dynamics; parallelized quantum classical approach; TDDVR method. 1. ... cal simulation on molecular system is a great cha- llenge for ..... on a multiple core cluster with shared memory using. OpenMP based ...

  4. Multi-channel temperature measurement system for automotive battery stack (United States)

    Lewczuk, Radoslaw; Wojtkowski, Wojciech


    A multi-channel temperature measurement system for monitoring of automotive battery stack is presented in the paper. The presented system is a complete battery temperature measuring system for hybrid / electric vehicles that incorporates multi-channel temperature measurements with digital temperature sensors communicating through 1-Wire buses, individual 1-Wire bus for each sensor for parallel computing (parallel measurements instead of sequential), FPGA device which collects data from sensors and translates it for CAN bus frames. CAN bus is incorporated for communication with car Battery Management System and uses additional CAN bus controller which communicates with FPGA device through SPI bus. The described system can parallel measure up to 12 temperatures but can be easily extended in the future in case of additional needs. The structure of the system as well as particular devices are described in the paper. Selected results of experimental investigations which show proper operation of the system are presented as well.

  5. Interactive Approach for Multi-Level Multi-Objective Fractional Programming Problems with Fuzzy Parameters

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M.S. Osman


    Full Text Available In this paper, an interactive approach for solving multi-level multi-objective fractional programming (ML-MOFP problems with fuzzy parameters is presented. The proposed interactive approach makes an extended work of Shi and Xia (1997. In the first phase, the numerical crisp model of the ML-MOFP problem has been developed at a confidence level without changing the fuzzy gist of the problem. Then, the linear model for the ML-MOFP problem is formulated. In the second phase, the interactive approach simplifies the linear multi-level multi-objective model by converting it into separate multi-objective programming problems. Also, each separate multi-objective programming problem of the linear model is solved by the ∊-constraint method and the concept of satisfactoriness. Finally, illustrative examples and comparisons with the previous approaches are utilized to evince the feasibility of the proposed approach.

  6. Image-Based Multi-Target Tracking through Multi-Bernoulli Filtering with Interactive Likelihoods. (United States)

    Hoak, Anthony; Medeiros, Henry; Povinelli, Richard J


    We develop an interactive likelihood (ILH) for sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods for image-based multiple target tracking applications. The purpose of the ILH is to improve tracking accuracy by reducing the need for data association. In addition, we integrate a recently developed deep neural network for pedestrian detection along with the ILH with a multi-Bernoulli filter. We evaluate the performance of the multi-Bernoulli filter with the ILH and the pedestrian detector in a number of publicly available datasets (2003 PETS INMOVE, Australian Rules Football League (AFL) and TUD-Stadtmitte) using standard, well-known multi-target tracking metrics (optimal sub-pattern assignment (OSPA) and classification of events, activities and relationships for multi-object trackers (CLEAR MOT)). In all datasets, the ILH term increases the tracking accuracy of the multi-Bernoulli filter.

  7. Multi-target camera tracking, hand-off and display LDRD 158819 final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anderson, Robert J.


    Modern security control rooms gather video and sensor feeds from tens to hundreds of cameras. Advanced camera analytics can detect motion from individual video streams and convert unexpected motion into alarms, but the interpretation of these alarms depends heavily upon human operators. Unfortunately, these operators can be overwhelmed when a large number of events happen simultaneously, or lulled into complacency due to frequent false alarms. This LDRD project has focused on improving video surveillance-based security systems by changing the fundamental focus from the cameras to the targets being tracked. If properly integrated, more cameras shouldn't lead to more alarms, more monitors, more operators, and increased response latency but instead should lead to better information and more rapid response times. For the course of the LDRD we have been developing algorithms that take live video imagery from multiple video cameras, identifies individual moving targets from the background imagery, and then displays the results in a single 3D interactive video. In this document we summarize the work in developing this multi-camera, multi-target system, including lessons learned, tools developed, technologies explored, and a description of current capability.

  8. Gender approaches to evolutionary multi-objective optimization using pre-selection of criteria (United States)

    Kowalczuk, Zdzisław; Białaszewski, Tomasz


    A novel idea to perform evolutionary computations (ECs) for solving highly dimensional multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems is proposed. Following the general idea of evolution, it is proposed that information about gender is used to distinguish between various groups of objectives and identify the (aggregate) nature of optimality of individuals (solutions). This identification is drawn out of the fitness of individuals and applied during parental crossover in the processes of evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMOO). The article introduces the principles of the genetic-gender approach (GGA) and virtual gender approach (VGA), which are not just evolutionary techniques, but constitute a completely new rule (philosophy) for use in solving MOO tasks. The proposed approaches are validated against principal representatives of the EMOO algorithms of the state of the art in solving benchmark problems in the light of recognized EC performance criteria. The research shows the superiority of the gender approach in terms of effectiveness, reliability, transparency, intelligibility and MOO problem simplification, resulting in the great usefulness and practicability of GGA and VGA. Moreover, an important feature of GGA and VGA is that they alleviate the 'curse' of dimensionality typical of many engineering designs.

  9. Multi-target camera tracking, hand-off and display LDRD 158819 final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, Robert J. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    Modern security control rooms gather video and sensor feeds from tens to hundreds of cameras. Advanced camera analytics can detect motion from individual video streams and convert unexpected motion into alarms, but the interpretation of these alarms depends heavily upon human operators. Unfortunately, these operators can be overwhelmed when a large number of events happen simultaneously, or lulled into complacency due to frequent false alarms. This LDRD project has focused on improving video surveillance-based security systems by changing the fundamental focus from the cameras to the targets being tracked. If properly integrated, more cameras shouldn't lead to more alarms, more monitors, more operators, and increased response latency but instead should lead to better information and more rapid response times. For the course of the LDRD we have been developing algorithms that take live video imagery from multiple video cameras, identifies individual moving targets from the background imagery, and then displays the results in a single 3D interactive video. In this document we summarize the work in developing this multi-camera, multi-target system, including lessons learned, tools developed, technologies explored, and a description of current capability.

  10. Multi-Target Camera Tracking, Hand-off and Display LDRD 158819 Final Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Anderson, Robert J. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Robotic and Security Systems Dept.


    Modern security control rooms gather video and sensor feeds from tens to hundreds of cameras. Advanced camera analytics can detect motion from individual video streams and convert unexpected motion into alarms, but the interpretation of these alarms depends heavily upon human operators. Unfortunately, these operators can be overwhelmed when a large number of events happen simultaneously, or lulled into complacency due to frequent false alarms. This LDRD project has focused on improving video surveillance-based security systems by changing the fundamental focus from the cameras to the targets being tracked. If properly integrated, more cameras shouldn’t lead to more alarms, more monitors, more operators, and increased response latency but instead should lead to better information and more rapid response times. For the course of the LDRD we have been developing algorithms that take live video imagery from multiple video cameras, identify individual moving targets from the background imagery, and then display the results in a single 3D interactive video. In this document we summarize the work in developing this multi-camera, multi-target system, including lessons learned, tools developed, technologies explored, and a description of current capability.

  11. Multi-stage volcanic island flank collapses with coeval explosive caldera-forming eruptions. (United States)

    Hunt, James E; Cassidy, Michael; Talling, Peter J


    Volcanic flank collapses and explosive eruptions are among the largest and most destructive processes on Earth. Events at Mount St. Helens in May 1980 demonstrated how a relatively small (300 km 3 ), but can also occur in complex multiple stages. Here, we show that multistage retrogressive landslides on Tenerife triggered explosive caldera-forming eruptions, including the Diego Hernandez, Guajara and Ucanca caldera eruptions. Geochemical analyses were performed on volcanic glasses recovered from marine sedimentary deposits, called turbidites, associated with each individual stage of each multistage landslide. These analyses indicate only the lattermost stages of subaerial flank failure contain materials originating from respective coeval explosive eruption, suggesting that initial more voluminous submarine stages of multi-stage flank collapse induce these aforementioned explosive eruption. Furthermore, there are extended time lags identified between the individual stages of multi-stage collapse, and thus an extended time lag between the initial submarine stages of failure and the onset of subsequent explosive eruption. This time lag succeeding landslide-generated static decompression has implications for the response of magmatic systems to un-roofing and poses a significant implication for ocean island volcanism and civil emergency planning.

  12. Improving Multi-Instance Multi-Label Learning by Extreme Learning Machine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ying Yin


    Full Text Available Multi-instance multi-label learning is a learning framework, where every object is represented by a bag of instances and associated with multiple labels simultaneously. The existing degeneration strategy-based methods often suffer from some common drawbacks: (1 the user-specific parameter for the number of clusters may incur the effective problem; (2 SVM may bring a high computational cost when utilized as the classifier builder. In this paper, we propose an algorithm, namely multi-instance multi-label (MIML-extreme learning machine (ELM, to address the problems. To our best knowledge, we are the first to utilize ELM in the MIML problem and to conduct the comparison of ELM and SVM on MIML. Extensive experiments have been conducted on real datasets and synthetic datasets. The results show that MIMLELM tends to achieve better generalization performance at a higher learning speed.

  13. Solo and Multi-Offenders Who Commit Stranger Kidnapping: An Assessment of Factors That Correlate With Violent Events. (United States)

    Cunningham, Shannon N; Vandiver, Donna M


    Research has demonstrated that co-offending dyads and groups often use more violence than individual offenders. Despite the attention given to co-offending by the research community, kidnapping remains understudied. Stranger kidnappings are more likely than non-stranger kidnappings to involve the use of a weapon. Public fear of stranger kidnapping warrants further examination of this specific crime, including differences between those committed by solo and multi-offender groups. The current study uses National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data to assess differences in use of violence among 4,912 stranger kidnappings by solo offenders and multi-offender groups using cross-tabulations, ordinal regression, and logistic regression. The results indicate that violent factors are significantly more common in multi-offender incidents, and that multi-offender groups have fewer arrests than solo offenders. The implications of these findings are discussed. © The Author(s) 2016.

  14. A pleasure working together? : the effects of dissimilarity in team member conscientiousness on team temporal processes and individual satisfaction

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gevers, J.M.P.; Peeters, M.A.G.


    In this study of 43 student project teams, we tested a multi-level mediation model of the relationship between dissimilarity in conscientiousness, team temporal processes, and team member satisfaction. We distinguished between individual-level dissimilarity in conscientiousness (i.e., the distance

  15. The Evolutionary Ecology of Multi-Queen Breeding in Ants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Huszár, Dóra Borbála

    on other ant species to better understand the social syndromes and how supercolonies function. Foremost, this would help to manage invasive supercolonies that harm humans and biodiversity, but could also provide contribution to our general understanding on how ecology, especially demography impacts upon......). Multi-queen breeding requires both social and life-history adaptations from individuals to decrease intra-colony conflicts and to ensure that sterile workers receive inclusive fitness benefits despite lowered relatedness. However, it remains unclear exactly what ecological and life-history covariates...

  16. Safety assessment of multi-unit NPP sites subject to external events

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samaddar, Sujit; Hibino, Kenta; Coman, Ovidiu


    This paper presents a framework for conducting a probabilistic safety assessment of multi-unit sites against external events. The treatment of multiple hazard on a unit, interaction between units, implementation of severe accident measures, human reliability, environmental conditions, metric of risk for both reactor and non-reactor sources, integration of risk and responses and many such important factors need to be addressed within the context of this framework. The framework facilitates the establishment of a comprehensive methodology that can be applied internationally to the peer review of safety assessment of multi-unit sites under the impact of multiple external hazards. In summary, it can be said that the site safety assessment for a multi-unit site will be quite complex and need to start with individual unit risk assessments, these need to be combined considering the interactions between units and their responses, and the fragilities of the installations established considering the combined demands from all interactions. Using newly established risk metric the risk can then be integrated for the overall site. Fig. 2 shows schematically such a proposal. Much work has to done and the IAEA has established a working group that is systematically establishing the structure and process to incorporate the many issues that are a part of a multi-unit site safety assessment. (authors)

  17. Fusion-based multi-target tracking and localization for intelligent surveillance systems (United States)

    Rababaah, Haroun; Shirkhodaie, Amir


    In this paper, we have presented two approaches addressing visual target tracking and localization in complex urban environment. The two techniques presented in this paper are: fusion-based multi-target visual tracking, and multi-target localization via camera calibration. For multi-target tracking, the data fusion concepts of hypothesis generation/evaluation/selection, target-to-target registration, and association are employed. An association matrix is implemented using RGB histograms for associated tracking of multi-targets of interests. Motion segmentation of targets of interest (TOI) from the background was achieved by a Gaussian Mixture Model. Foreground segmentation, on other hand, was achieved by the Connected Components Analysis (CCA) technique. The tracking of individual targets was estimated by fusing two sources of information, the centroid with the spatial gating, and the RGB histogram association matrix. The localization problem is addressed through an effective camera calibration technique using edge modeling for grid mapping (EMGM). A two-stage image pixel to world coordinates mapping technique is introduced that performs coarse and fine location estimation of moving TOIs. In coarse estimation, an approximate neighborhood of the target position is estimated based on nearest 4-neighbor method, and in fine estimation, we use Euclidean interpolation to localize the position within the estimated four neighbors. Both techniques were tested and shown reliable results for tracking and localization of Targets of interests in complex urban environment.

  18. A multi-component matrix loop algebra and a unified expression of the multi-component AKNS hierarchy and the multi-component BPT hierarchy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yufeng


    A set of multi-component matrix Lie algebra is constructed, which is devote to obtaining a new loop algebra A-bar M-1 . It follows that an isospectral problem is established. By making use of Tu scheme, a Liouville integrable multi-component hierarchy of soliton equations is generated, which possesses the bi-Hamiltonian structures. As its reduction cases, the multi-component AKNS hierarchy and the formalism of the multi-component BPT hierarchy are given, respectively

  19. Scalar multi-wormholes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Egorov, A I; Kashargin, P E; Sushkov, Sergey V


    In 1921 Bach and Weyl derived the method of superposition to construct new axially symmetric vacuum solutions of general relativity. In this paper we extend the Bach–Weyl approach to non-vacuum configurations with massless scalar fields. Considering a phantom scalar field with the negative kinetic energy, we construct a multi-wormhole solution describing an axially symmetric superposition of N wormholes. The solution found is static, everywhere regular and has no event horizons. These features drastically tell the multi-wormhole configuration from other axially symmetric vacuum solutions which inevitably contain gravitationally inert singular structures, such as ‘struts’ and ‘membranes’, that keep the two bodies apart making a stable configuration. However, the multi-wormholes are static without any singular struts. Instead, the stationarity of the multi-wormhole configuration is provided by the phantom scalar field with the negative kinetic energy. Anther unusual property is that the multi-wormhole spacetime has a complicated topological structure. Namely, in the spacetime there exist 2 N asymptotically flat regions connected by throats. (paper)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Nocerino


    Full Text Available This article presents a 4D modelling approach that employs multi-temporal and historical aerial images to derive spatio-temporal information for scenes and landscapes. Such imagery represent a unique data source, which combined with photo interpretation and reality-based 3D reconstruction techniques, can offer a more complete modelling procedure because it adds the fourth dimension of time to 3D geometrical representation and thus, allows urban planners, historians, and others to identify, describe, and analyse changes in individual scenes and buildings as well as across landscapes. Particularly important to this approach are historical aerial photos, which provide data about the past that can be collected, processed, and then integrated as a database. The proposed methodology employs both historical (1945 and more recent (1973 and 2000s aerial images from the Trentino region in North-eastern Italy in order to create a multi-temporal database of information to assist researchers in many disciplines such as topographic mapping, geology, geography, architecture, and archaeology as they work to reconstruct building phases and to understand landscape transformations (Fig. 1.

  1. Supportive care needs of rural individuals living with cancer: A literature review. (United States)

    Loughery, Joanne; Woodgate, Roberta L


    Regardless of geographic location, the cancer journey is an extremely difficult experience for both patients and their families. The aim of this literature review is to explore the impact of rural or remote residence on the supportive care needs of individuals living with cancer. This review included ten qualitative, seven quantitative, and six mixed design studies. Data collection, analysis, and evaluation were guided using a multi-domain supportive care framework based on seven domains: physical, emotional, informational, psychological, spiritual, social, and practical (Fitch, 2009). This review will suggest that there are distinct experiences that present both challenges and benefits to individuals living with cancer in rural areas. These findings will be detailed with recommendations, and grounding for future research outlined.

  2. Multi-color and artistic dithering


    Ostromoukhov, Victor; Hersch, Roger D.


    A multi-color dithering algorithm is proposed, which converts a barycentric combination of color intensities into a multi-color non-overlapping surface coverage. Multi-color dithering is a generalization of standard bi-level dithering. Combined with tetrahedral color separation, multi-color dithering makes it possible to print images made of a set of non-standard inks. In contrast to most previous color halftoning methods, multi-color dithering ensures by construction that the different selec...

  3. Egalitarianism in Multi-Choice Games

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Brânzei, R.; Llorca, N.; Sánchez-Soriano, J.; Tijs, S.H.


    In this paper we introduce the equal division core for arbitrary multi-choice games and the constrained egalitarian solution for con- vex multi-choice games, using a multi-choice version of the Dutta-Ray algorithm for traditional convex games. These egalitarian solutions for multi-choice games have

  4. SU-E-T-480: Radiobiological Dose Comparison of Single Fraction SRS, Multi-Fraction SRT and Multi-Stage SRS of Large Target Volumes Using the Linear-Quadratic Formula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding, C; Hrycushko, B; Jiang, S; Meyer, J; Timmerman, R


    Purpose: To compare the radiobiological effect on large tumors and surrounding normal tissues from single fraction SRS, multi-fractionated SRT, and multi-staged SRS treatment. Methods: An anthropomorphic head phantom with a centrally located large volume target (18.2 cm 3 ) was scanned using a 16 slice large bore CT simulator. Scans were imported to the Multiplan treatment planning system where a total prescription dose of 20Gy was used for a single, three staged and three fractionated treatment. Cyber Knife treatment plans were inversely optimized for the target volume to achieve at least 95% coverage of the prescription dose. For the multistage plan, the target was segmented into three subtargets having similar volume and shape. Staged plans for individual subtargets were generated based on a planning technique where the beam MUs of the original plan on the total target volume are changed by weighting the MUs based on projected beam lengths within each subtarget. Dose matrices for each plan were export in DICOM format and used to calculate equivalent dose distributions in 2Gy fractions using an alpha beta ratio of 10 for the target and 3 for normal tissue. Results: Singe fraction SRS, multi-stage plan and multi-fractionated SRT plans had an average 2Gy dose equivalent to the target of 62.89Gy, 37.91Gy and 33.68Gy, respectively. The normal tissue within 12Gy physical dose region had an average 2Gy dose equivalent of 29.55Gy, 16.08Gy and 13.93Gy, respectively. Conclusion: The single fraction SRS plan had the largest predicted biological effect for the target and the surrounding normal tissue. The multi-stage treatment provided for a more potent biologically effect on target compared to the multi-fraction SRT treatments with less biological normal tissue than single-fraction SRS treatment

  5. Multi parton interactions and multi parton distributions in QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Diehl, M.


    After a brief recapitulation of the general interest of parton densities, we discuss multiple hard interactions and multi parton distributions. We report on recent theoretical progress in their QCD description, on outstanding conceptual problems and on possibilities to use multi parton distributions as a laboratory to test and improve our understanding of hadron structure. (author)

  6. Capturing rogue waves by multi-point statistics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hadjihosseini, A; Wächter, Matthias; Peinke, J; Hoffmann, N P


    As an example of a complex system with extreme events, we investigate ocean wave states exhibiting rogue waves. We present a statistical method of data analysis based on multi-point statistics which for the first time allows the grasping of extreme rogue wave events in a highly satisfactory statistical manner. The key to the success of the approach is mapping the complexity of multi-point data onto the statistics of hierarchically ordered height increments for different time scales, for which we can show that a stochastic cascade process with Markov properties is governed by a Fokker–Planck equation. Conditional probabilities as well as the Fokker–Planck equation itself can be estimated directly from the available observational data. With this stochastic description surrogate data sets can in turn be generated, which makes it possible to work out arbitrary statistical features of the complex sea state in general, and extreme rogue wave events in particular. The results also open up new perspectives for forecasting the occurrence probability of extreme rogue wave events, and even for forecasting the occurrence of individual rogue waves based on precursory dynamics. (paper)

  7. Image-Based Multi-Target Tracking through Multi-Bernoulli Filtering with Interactive Likelihoods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anthony Hoak


    Full Text Available We develop an interactive likelihood (ILH for sequential Monte Carlo (SMC methods for image-based multiple target tracking applications. The purpose of the ILH is to improve tracking accuracy by reducing the need for data association. In addition, we integrate a recently developed deep neural network for pedestrian detection along with the ILH with a multi-Bernoulli filter. We evaluate the performance of the multi-Bernoulli filter with the ILH and the pedestrian detector in a number of publicly available datasets (2003 PETS INMOVE, Australian Rules Football League (AFL and TUD-Stadtmitte using standard, well-known multi-target tracking metrics (optimal sub-pattern assignment (OSPA and classification of events, activities and relationships for multi-object trackers (CLEAR MOT. In all datasets, the ILH term increases the tracking accuracy of the multi-Bernoulli filter.

  8. Multi-annual planning of investments for heat production. 2009 - 2020 period

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A new Multi-annual Planning of Investments (PPI) for heat production in France has been realized in order to meet the conclusions of the Grenelle Environnement Forum for a better energy efficiency and a larger use of renewable energies. Based on quantitative data (the increase in heat production will reach more than 10 Mtoe by 2020), potential objectives have been assessed for the various heat production sources and techniques: wood, biomass (for buildings, district heating, industry and processes, cogeneration), deep and intermediary geothermal energy, individual heat pumps, individual and collective heat solar systems, biogas, etc. These objectives are said to be ambitious but reachable if every sources and techniques are thoroughly exploited

  9. Developing a multi-joint upper limb exoskeleton robot for diagnosis, therapy, and outcome evaluation in neurorehabilitation. (United States)

    Ren, Yupeng; Kang, Sang Hoon; Park, Hyung-Soon; Wu, Yi-Ning; Zhang, Li-Qun


    Arm impairments in patients post stroke involve the shoulder, elbow and wrist simultaneously. It is not very clear how patients develop spasticity and reduced range of motion (ROM) at the multiple joints and the abnormal couplings among the multiple joints and the multiple degrees-of-freedom (DOF) during passive movement. It is also not clear how they lose independent control of individual joints/DOFs and coordination among the joints/DOFs during voluntary movement. An upper limb exoskeleton robot, the IntelliArm, which can control the shoulder, elbow, and wrist, was developed, aiming to support clinicians and patients with the following integrated capabilities: 1) quantitative, objective, and comprehensive multi-joint neuromechanical pre-evaluation capabilities aiding multi-joint/DOF diagnosis for individual patients; 2) strenuous and safe passive stretching of hypertonic/deformed arm for loosening up muscles/joints based on the robot-aided diagnosis; 3) (assistive/resistive) active reaching training after passive stretching for regaining/improving motor control ability; and 4) quantitative, objective, and comprehensive neuromechanical outcome evaluation at the level of individual joints/DOFs, multiple joints, and whole arm. Feasibility of the integrated capabilities was demonstrated through experiments with stroke survivors and healthy subjects.

  10. Multi-criteria appraisal of multi-modal urban public transport systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Keyvan Ekbatani, M.; Cats, O.


    This study proposes a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) modelling framework for the appraisal of multi-modal urban public transportation services. MCDM is commonly used to obtain choice alternatives that satisfy a range of performance indicators. The framework embraces both compensatory and

  11. Personalized precision radiotherapy by integration of multi-parametric functional and biological imaging in prostate cancer. A feasibility study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thorwarth, Daniela [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany). Section for Biomedical Physics; Notohamiprodjo, Mike [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany). Dept. of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology; Zips, Daniel; Mueller, Arndt-Christan [Tuebingen Univ. (Germany). Dept. of Radiation Oncology


    To increase tumour control probability (TCP) in prostate cancer a method was developed integrating multi-parametric functional and biological information into a dose painting treatment plan aiming focal dose-escalation to tumour sub-volumes. A dose-escalation map was derived considering individual, multi-parametric estimated tumour aggressiveness. Multi-parametric functional imaging (MRI, Choline-/PSMA-/FMISO-PET/CT) was acquired for a high risk prostate cancer patient with a high level of tumour load (cT3b cN0 cM0) indicated by subtotal involvement of prostate including the right seminal vesicle and by PSA-level >100. Probability of tumour presence was determined by a combination of multi-parametric functional image information resulting in a voxel-based map of tumour aggressiveness. This probability map was directly integrated into dose optimization in order to plan for inhomogeneous, biological imaging based dose painting. Histograms of the multi-parametric prescription function were generated in addition to a differential histogram of the planned inhomogeneous doses. Comparison of prescribed doses with planned doses on a voxel level was realized using an effective DVH, containing the ratio of prescribed vs. planned dose for each tumour voxel. Multi-parametric imaging data of PSMA, Choline and FMISO PET/CT as well as ADC maps derived from diffusion weighted MRI were combined to an individual probability map of tumour presence. Voxel-based prescription doses ranged from 75.3 Gy up to 93.4 Gy (median: 79.6 Gy), whereas the planned dose painting doses varied only between 72.5 and 80.0 Gy with a median dose of 75.7 Gy. However, inhomogeneous voxel-based dose prescriptions can only be implemented into a treatment plan until a certain level. Multi-parametric probability based dose painting in prostate cancer is technically and clinically feasible. However, detailed calibration functions to define the necessary probability functions need to be assessed in future

  12. Individualization as driving force of clustering phenomena in humans.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michael Mäs

    Full Text Available One of the most intriguing dynamics in biological systems is the emergence of clustering, in the sense that individuals self-organize into separate agglomerations in physical or behavioral space. Several theories have been developed to explain clustering in, for instance, multi-cellular organisms, ant colonies, bee hives, flocks of birds, schools of fish, and animal herds. A persistent puzzle, however, is the clustering of opinions in human populations, particularly when opinions vary continuously, such as the degree to which citizens are in favor of or against a vaccination program. Existing continuous opinion formation models predict "monoculture" in the long run, unless subsets of the population are perfectly separated from each other. Yet, social diversity is a robust empirical phenomenon, although perfect separation is hardly possible in an increasingly connected world. Considering randomness has not overcome the theoretical shortcomings so far. Small perturbations of individual opinions trigger social influence cascades that inevitably lead to monoculture, while larger noise disrupts opinion clusters and results in rampant individualism without any social structure. Our solution to the puzzle builds on recent empirical research, combining the integrative tendencies of social influence with the disintegrative effects of individualization. A key element of the new computational model is an adaptive kind of noise. We conduct computer simulation experiments demonstrating that with this kind of noise a third phase besides individualism and monoculture becomes possible, characterized by the formation of metastable clusters with diversity between and consensus within clusters. When clusters are small, individualization tendencies are too weak to prohibit a fusion of clusters. When clusters grow too large, however, individualization increases in strength, which promotes their splitting. In summary, the new model can explain cultural clustering in

  13. Closure relations for the multi-species Euler system. Construction and study of relaxation schemes for the multi-species and multi-components Euler systems; Relations de fermeture pour le systeme des equations d'Euler multi-especes. Construction et etude de schemas de relaxation en multi-especes et en multi-constituants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dellacherie, St. [CEA Saclay, Dir. de l' Energie Nucleaire DEN/SFNME/LMPE, Lab. de Modelisation Physique et de l' Enrichissement, 91 - Gif sur Yvette (France); Rency, N. [Paris-11 Univ., CNRS UMR 8628, 91 - Orsay (France)


    After having recalled the formal convergence of the semi-classical multi-species Boltzmann equations toward the multi-species Euler system (i.e. mixture of gases having the same velocity), we generalize to this system the closure relations proposed by B. Despres and by F. Lagoutiere for the multi-components Euler system (i.e. mixture of non miscible fluids having the same velocity). Then, we extend the energy relaxation schemes proposed by F. Coquel and by B. Perthame for the numerical resolution of the mono-species Euler system to the multi-species isothermal Euler system and to the multi-components isobar-isothermal Euler system. This allows to obtain a class of entropic schemes under a CFL criteria. In the multi-components case, this class of entropic schemes is perhaps a way for the treatment of interface problems and, then, for the treatment of the numerical mixture area by using a Lagrange + projection scheme. Nevertheless, we have to find a good projection stage in the multi-components case. At last, in the last chapter, we discuss, through the study of a dynamical system, about a system proposed by R. Abgrall and by R. Saurel for the numerical resolution of the multi-components Euler system.

  14. Multi-terminal memtransistors from polycrystalline monolayer molybdenum disulfide (United States)

    Sangwan, Vinod K.; Lee, Hong-Sub; Bergeron, Hadallia; Balla, Itamar; Beck, Megan E.; Chen, Kan-Sheng; Hersam, Mark C.


    Memristors are two-terminal passive circuit elements that have been developed for use in non-volatile resistive random-access memory and may also be useful in neuromorphic computing. Memristors have higher endurance and faster read/write times than flash memory and can provide multi-bit data storage. However, although two-terminal memristors have demonstrated capacity for basic neural functions, synapses in the human brain outnumber neurons by more than a thousandfold, which implies that multi-terminal memristors are needed to perform complex functions such as heterosynaptic plasticity. Previous attempts to move beyond two-terminal memristors, such as the three-terminal Widrow-Hoff memristor and field-effect transistors with nanoionic gates or floating gates, did not achieve memristive switching in the transistor. Here we report the experimental realization of a multi-terminal hybrid memristor and transistor (that is, a memtransistor) using polycrystalline monolayer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) in a scalable fabrication process. The two-dimensional MoS2 memtransistors show gate tunability in individual resistance states by four orders of magnitude, as well as large switching ratios, high cycling endurance and long-term retention of states. In addition to conventional neural learning behaviour of long-term potentiation/depression, six-terminal MoS2 memtransistors have gate-tunable heterosynaptic functionality, which is not achievable using two-terminal memristors. For example, the conductance between a pair of floating electrodes (pre- and post-synaptic neurons) is varied by a factor of about ten by applying voltage pulses to modulatory terminals. In situ scanning probe microscopy, cryogenic charge transport measurements and device modelling reveal that the bias-induced motion of MoS2 defects drives resistive switching by dynamically varying Schottky barrier heights. Overall, the seamless integration of a memristor and transistor into one multi-terminal device could

  15. Use of a multi-thermal washer for DNA microarrays simplifies probe design and gives robust genotyping assays

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petersen, J.; Poulsen, Lena; Petronis, S.


    is called a multi-thermal array washer (MTAW), and it has eight individually controlled heating zones, each of which corresponds to the location of a subarray on a slide. Allele-specific oligonucleotide probes for nine mutations in the beta-globin gene were spotted in eight identical subarrays at positions......DNA microarrays are generally operated at a single condition, which severely limits the freedom of designing probes for allele-specific hybridization assays. Here, we demonstrate a fluidic device for multi-stringency posthybridization washing of microarrays on microscope slides. This device...

  16. Selection of a turbine cooling system applying multi-disciplinary design considerations. (United States)

    Glezer, B


    The presented paper describes a multi-disciplinary cooling selection approach applied to major gas turbine engine hot section components, including turbine nozzles, blades, discs, combustors and support structures, which maintain blade tip clearances. The paper demonstrates benefits of close interaction between participating disciplines starting from early phases of the hot section development. The approach targets advancements in engine performance and cost by optimizing the design process, often requiring compromises within individual disciplines.

  17. Structural damage detection-oriented multi-type sensor placement with multi-objective optimization (United States)

    Lin, Jian-Fu; Xu, You-Lin; Law, Siu-Seong


    A structural damage detection-oriented multi-type sensor placement method with multi-objective optimization is developed in this study. The multi-type response covariance sensitivity-based damage detection method is first introduced. Two objective functions for optimal sensor placement are then introduced in terms of the response covariance sensitivity and the response independence. The multi-objective optimization problem is formed by using the two objective functions, and the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA)-II is adopted to find the solution for the optimal multi-type sensor placement to achieve the best structural damage detection. The proposed method is finally applied to a nine-bay three-dimensional frame structure. Numerical results show that the optimal multi-type sensor placement determined by the proposed method can avoid redundant sensors and provide satisfactory results for structural damage detection. The restriction on the number of each type of sensors in the optimization can reduce the searching space in the optimization to make the proposed method more effective. Moreover, how to select a most optimal sensor placement from the Pareto solutions via the utility function and the knee point method is demonstrated in the case study.

  18. Supresión de modos de vibración acústicos con un resonador Helmholtz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guiguet Andrés


    Full Text Available La inserción de un Resonador Helmholtz (RH en las paredes laterales de un tubo, con ondas estacionarias en su interior, logra suprimir uno o más de sus modos resonantes si se elige adecuadamente la frecuencia del resonador. El RH puede actuar también como filtro de ondas propagantes.' En este caso, el RH atenua las ondas en un rango de frecuencia muy selectivo. En la mayoría de los textos de acústica, solamente se desarrolla la teoría que explica el filtrado de ondas propagantes. Sin embargo, en los laboratorios de física basica, donde se dispone solamente de tubos de Kundt de pequeña longitud, no es simple realizar un arreglo experimental que asegure la presencia de ondas propagantes puras en su interior. La falta de una teoría para ondas estacionarias y las dificultades experimentales que señalamos han producido algunas confusiones en trabajos que tratan sobre el tema. En este artículo se presenta un modelo teórico que describe satisfactoriamente el comportamiento del RH cuando funciona como filtro de ondas estacionarias y se marcan las diferencias con la situación en que opera como filtro de ondas propagantes.

  19. Individual and culture-level components of survey response styles: A multi-level analysis using cultural models of selfhood. (United States)

    Smith, Peter B; Vignoles, Vivian L; Becker, Maja; Owe, Ellinor; Easterbrook, Matthew J; Brown, Rupert; Bourguignon, David; Garðarsdóttir, Ragna B; Kreuzbauer, Robert; Cendales Ayala, Boris; Yuki, Masaki; Zhang, Jianxin; Lv, Shaobo; Chobthamkit, Phatthanakit; Jaafar, Jas Laile; Fischer, Ronald; Milfont, Taciano L; Gavreliuc, Alin; Baguma, Peter; Bond, Michael Harris; Martin, Mariana; Gausel, Nicolay; Schwartz, Seth J; Des Rosiers, Sabrina E; Tatarko, Alexander; González, Roberto; Didier, Nicolas; Carrasco, Diego; Lay, Siugmin; Nizharadze, George; Torres, Ana; Camino, Leoncio; Abuhamdeh, Sami; Macapagal, Ma Elizabeth J; Koller, Silvia H; Herman, Ginette; Courtois, Marie; Fritsche, Immo; Espinosa, Agustín; Villamar, Juan A; Regalia, Camillo; Manzi, Claudia; Brambilla, Maria; Zinkeng, Martina; Jalal, Baland; Kusdil, Ersin; Amponsah, Benjamin; Çağlar, Selinay; Mekonnen, Kassahun Habtamu; Möller, Bettina; Zhang, Xiao; Schweiger Gallo, Inge; Prieto Gil, Paula; Lorente Clemares, Raquel; Campara, Gabriella; Aldhafri, Said; Fülöp, Márta; Pyszczynski, Tom; Kesebir, Pelin; Harb, Charles


    Variations in acquiescence and extremity pose substantial threats to the validity of cross-cultural research that relies on survey methods. Individual and cultural correlates of response styles when using 2 contrasting types of response mode were investigated, drawing on data from 55 cultural groups across 33 nations. Using 7 dimensions of self-other relatedness that have often been confounded within the broader distinction between independence and interdependence, our analysis yields more specific understandings of both individual- and culture-level variations in response style. When using a Likert-scale response format, acquiescence is strongest among individuals seeing themselves as similar to others, and where cultural models of selfhood favour harmony, similarity with others and receptiveness to influence. However, when using Schwartz's (2007) portrait-comparison response procedure, acquiescence is strongest among individuals seeing themselves as self-reliant but also connected to others, and where cultural models of selfhood favour self-reliance and self-consistency. Extreme responding varies less between the two types of response modes, and is most prevalent among individuals seeing themselves as self-reliant, and in cultures favouring self-reliance. As both types of response mode elicit distinctive styles of response, it remains important to estimate and control for style effects to ensure valid comparisons. © 2016 International Union of Psychological Science.

  20. The nuclear question: rethinking species importance in multi-species animal groups. (United States)

    Srinivasan, Umesh; Raza, Rashid Hasnain; Quader, Suhel


    1. Animals group for various benefits, and may form either simple single-species groups, or more complex multi-species associations. Multi-species groups are thought to provide anti-predator and foraging benefits to participant individuals. 2. Despite detailed studies on multi-species animal groups, the importance of species in group initiation and maintenance is still rated qualitatively as 'nuclear' (maintaining groups) or 'attendant' (species following nuclear species) based on species-specific traits. This overly simplifies and limits understanding of inherently complex associations, and is biologically unrealistic, because species roles in multi-species groups are: (i) likely to be context-specific and not simply a fixed species property, and (ii) much more variable than this dichotomy indicates. 3. We propose a new view of species importance (measured as number of inter-species associations), along a continuum from 'most nuclear' to 'least nuclear'. Using mixed-species bird flocks from a tropical rainforest in India as an example, we derive inter-species association measures from randomizations on bird species abundance data (which takes into account species 'availability') and data on 86 mixed-species flocks from two different flock types. Our results show that the number and average strength of inter-species associations covary positively, and we argue that species with many, strong associations are the most nuclear. 4. From our data, group size and foraging method are ecological and behavioural traits of species that best explain nuclearity in mixed-species bird flocks. Parallels have been observed in multi-species fish shoals, in which group size and foraging method, as well as diet, have been shown to correlate with nuclearity. Further, the context in which multi-species groups occur, in conjunction with species-specific traits, influences the role played by a species in a multi-species group, and this highlights the importance of extrinsic factors in

  1. The Effect of Multi Sensory Stimulation (MSS) on Cognitive Disturbances and Quality of Life of Male Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease


    Mahdi Mahboubinia; Asghar Dalvandi; Kian Nourozi; Nasrin Mahmoudi; Shadi Sadat Safavi; Samaneh Hosseinzadeh


    Objectives: Alzheimer’s disease causes many negative effects on the individual's physical, psychological and cognitive conditions. The multi sensory stimulation helps the patients to improve their physical, psychological and cognitive conditions. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of multi sensory stimulation on cognitive status and quality of life of the patients with Alzheimer’s disease which was resident in Nasimshahr elders' center. Methods: In this quasi-exp...

  2. Linguistic Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making with Risk Preferences and Its Use in Low-Carbon Tourism Destination Selection (United States)

    Lin, Hui; Wang, Zhou-Jing


    Low-carbon tourism plays an important role in carbon emission reduction and environmental protection. Low-carbon tourism destination selection often involves multiple conflicting and incommensurate attributes or criteria and can be modelled as a multi-attribute decision-making problem. This paper develops a framework to solve multi-attribute group decision-making problems, where attribute evaluation values are provided as linguistic terms and the attribute weight information is incomplete. In order to obtain a group risk preference captured by a linguistic term set with triangular fuzzy semantic information, a nonlinear programming model is established on the basis of individual risk preferences. We first convert individual linguistic-term-based decision matrices to their respective triangular fuzzy decision matrices, which are then aggregated into a group triangular fuzzy decision matrix. Based on this group decision matrix and the incomplete attribute weight information, a linear program is developed to find an optimal attribute weight vector. A detailed procedure is devised for tackling linguistic multi-attribute group decision making problems. A low-carbon tourism destination selection case study is offered to illustrate how to use the developed group decision-making model in practice. PMID:28926985

  3. Linguistic Multi-Attribute Group Decision Making with Risk Preferences and Its Use in Low-Carbon Tourism Destination Selection. (United States)

    Lin, Hui; Wang, Zhou-Jing


    Low-carbon tourism plays an important role in carbon emission reduction and environmental protection. Low-carbon tourism destination selection often involves multiple conflicting and incommensurate attributes or criteria and can be modelled as a multi-attribute decision-making problem. This paper develops a framework to solve multi-attribute group decision-making problems, where attribute evaluation values are provided as linguistic terms and the attribute weight information is incomplete. In order to obtain a group risk preference captured by a linguistic term set with triangular fuzzy semantic information, a nonlinear programming model is established on the basis of individual risk preferences. We first convert individual linguistic-term-based decision matrices to their respective triangular fuzzy decision matrices, which are then aggregated into a group triangular fuzzy decision matrix. Based on this group decision matrix and the incomplete attribute weight information, a linear program is developed to find an optimal attribute weight vector. A detailed procedure is devised for tackling linguistic multi-attribute group decision making problems. A low-carbon tourism destination selection case study is offered to illustrate how to use the developed group decision-making model in practice.

  4. A multi-layer MRI description of Parkinson's disease (United States)

    La Rocca, M.; Amoroso, N.; Lella, E.; Bellotti, R.; Tangaro, S.


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) along with complex network is currently one of the most widely adopted techniques for detection of structural changes in neurological diseases, such as Parkinson's Disease (PD). In this paper, we present a digital image processing study, within the multi-layer network framework, combining more classifiers to evaluate the informative power of the MRI features, for the discrimination of normal controls (NC) and PD subjects. We define a network for each MRI scan; the nodes are the sub-volumes (patches) the images are divided into and the links are defined using the Pearson's pairwise correlation between patches. We obtain a multi-layer network whose important network features, obtained with different feature selection methods, are used to feed a supervised multi-level random forest classifier which exploits this base of knowledge for accurate classification. Method evaluation has been carried out using T1 MRI scans of 354 individuals, including 177 PD subjects and 177 NC from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) database. The experimental results demonstrate that the features obtained from multiplex networks are able to accurately describe PD patterns. Besides, also if a privileged scale for studying PD disease exists, exploring the informative content of more scales leads to a significant improvement of the performances in the discrimination between disease and healthy subjects. In particular, this method gives a comprehensive overview of brain regions statistically affected by the disease, an additional value to the presented study.

  5. Probing electrical transport in individual carbon nanotubes and junctions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Tae-Hwan; Wendelken, John F; Li Anping; Du Gaohui; Li Wenzhi


    The electrical transport properties of individual carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and multi-terminal junctions of CNTs are investigated with a quadraprobe scanning tunneling microscope. The CNTs used in this study are made of stacked herringbone-type conical graphite sheets with a cone angle of ∼20 deg. to the tube axis, and the CNT junctions have no catalytic particles in the junction areas. The CNTs have a significantly higher resistivity than conventional CNTs with concentric walls. The straight CNTs display linear current-voltage (I-V) characteristics, indicating diffusive transport rather than ballistic transport. The structural deformation in CNTs with bends substantially increases the resistivity in comparison with that for the straight segments on the same CNTs, and the I-V curve departs slightly from linearity in curved segments. The junction area of the CNT junctions behaves like an ohmic-type scattering center with linear I-V characteristics. In addition, a gating effect has not been observed, in contrast to the case for conventional multi-walled CNT junctions. These unusual transport properties can be attributed to the enhanced inter-layer interaction in the herringbone-type CNTs.

  6. Individual recognition and odor in rat-like hamsters: behavioral responses and chemical properties. (United States)

    Liu, Dingzhen; Huang, Ke-Jian; Zhang, Jian-Xu


    Individual recognition has been studied across a number of taxa and modalities; however, few attempts have been made to combine chemical and biological approaches and arrive at a more complete understanding of the use of secretions as signals. We combined behavioral habituation experiments with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of glandular secretions from the left and right flank gland and midventral gland of the rat-like hamster, Tscheskia triton. We found that females became habituated to one scent and then could discriminate individuals via another scent source from the same individual only when familiar with the scent donor. However, this prior social interaction was not required for females to discriminate different individuals in single-stimulus habituation-dishabituation tests. Chemical analyses revealed a similarity in volatile compounds between the left and right flank gland and midventral gland scents. It appears that individually distinctive cues are integratively coded by a combination of both flank gland and midventral gland secretions, instead of a single scent, albeit animals show different preferences to the novel scent. Our results suggest that odors from the flank and midventral glands may provide information related to individuality and aid individual recognition in this species and confirm that prior interaction between individuals is a prerequisite for rat-like hamsters to form multi-odor memory of a particular conspecific.

  7. On-line gas mixing and multi-channel distribution system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kalmani, S.D.; Mondal, N.K.; Satyanarayana, B.; Verma, P.; Joshi, Avinash


    In this presentation, we describe a mass-flow controller based on-line gas mixing unit with the multi-channel distribution system. We highlight different aspects such as requirement, design, calibration, control and operation of this system. This unit has the capability to mix up to four different input gases and distribute over 16 output channels. Output in individual channels is controlled accurately by using capillary-based system. At present, we are using this gas mixing unit for prototype of iron calorimeter (ICAL) detector of India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO).

  8. Using Arden Syntax for the creation of a multi-patient surveillance dashboard. (United States)

    Kraus, Stefan; Drescher, Caroline; Sedlmayr, Martin; Castellanos, Ixchel; Prokosch, Hans-Ulrich; Toddenroth, Dennis


    Most practically deployed Arden-Syntax-based clinical decision support (CDS) modules process data from individual patients. The specification of Arden Syntax, however, would in principle also support multi-patient CDS. The patient data management system (PDMS) at our local intensive care units does not natively support patient overviews from customizable CDS routines, but local physicians indicated a demand for multi-patient tabular overviews of important clinical parameters such as key laboratory measurements. As our PDMS installation provides Arden Syntax support, we set out to explore the capability of Arden Syntax for multi-patient CDS by implementing a prototypical dashboard for visualizing laboratory findings from patient sets. Our implementation leveraged the object data type, supported by later versions of Arden, which turned out to be serviceable for representing complex input data from several patients. For our prototype, we designed a modularized architecture that separates the definition of technical operations, in particular the control of the patient context, from the actual clinical knowledge. Individual Medical Logic Modules (MLMs) for processing single patient attributes could then be developed according to well-tried Arden Syntax conventions. We successfully implemented a working dashboard prototype entirely in Arden Syntax. The architecture consists of a controller MLM to handle the patient context, a presenter MLM to generate a dashboard view, and a set of traditional MLMs containing the clinical decision logic. Our prototype could be integrated into the graphical user interface of the local PDMS. We observed that with realistic input data the average execution time of about 200ms for generating dashboard views attained applicable performance. Our study demonstrated the general feasibility of creating multi-patient CDS routines in Arden Syntax. We believe that our prototypical dashboard also suggests that such implementations can be relatively

  9. Culture, morality and individual differences: comparability and incomparability across species. (United States)

    Saucier, Gerard


    Major routes to identifying individual differences (in diverse species) include studies of behaviour patterns as represented in language and neurophysiology. But results from these approaches appear not to converge on some major dimensions. Identifying dimensions of human variation least applicable to non-human species may help to partition human-specific individual differences of recent evolutionary origin from those shared across species. Human culture includes learned, enforced social-norm systems that are symbolically reinforced and referenced in displays signalling adherence. At a key juncture in human evolution bullying aggression and deception-based cheating apparently became censured in the language of a moral community, enabling mutual observation coordinated in gossip, associated with external sanctions. That still-conserved cultural paradigm moralistically regulates selfish advantage-taking, with shared semantics and explicit rules. Ethics and moral codes remain critical and universal components of human culture and have a stronger imprint in language than most aspects of the currently popular Big-Five taxonomy, a model that sets out five major lines of individual-differences variation in human personality. In other species (e.g. chimpanzees), human observers might see apparent individual differences in morality-relevant traits, but not because the animals have human-analogue sanctioning systems. Removing the moral dimension of personality and other human-specific manifestations (e.g. religion) may aid in identifying those other bases of individual differences more ubiquitous across species.This article is part of the theme issue 'Diverse perspectives on diversity: multi-disciplinary approaches to taxonomies of individual differences'. © 2018 The Author(s).

  10. Masticatory biomechanics in the rabbit: a multi-body dynamics analysis. (United States)

    Watson, Peter J; Gröning, Flora; Curtis, Neil; Fitton, Laura C; Herrel, Anthony; McCormack, Steven W; Fagan, Michael J


    Multi-body dynamics is a powerful engineering tool which is becoming increasingly popular for the simulation and analysis of skull biomechanics. This paper presents the first application of multi-body dynamics to analyse the biomechanics of the rabbit skull. A model has been constructed through the combination of manual dissection and three-dimensional imaging techniques (magnetic resonance imaging and micro-computed tomography). Individual muscles are represented with multiple layers, thus more accurately modelling muscle fibres with complex lines of action. Model validity was sought through comparing experimentally measured maximum incisor bite forces with those predicted by the model. Simulations of molar biting highlighted the ability of the masticatory system to alter recruitment of two muscle groups, in order to generate shearing or crushing movements. Molar shearing is capable of processing a food bolus in all three orthogonal directions, whereas molar crushing and incisor biting are predominately directed vertically. Simulations also show that the masticatory system is adapted to process foods through several cycles with low muscle activations, presumably in order to prevent rapidly fatiguing fast fibres during repeated chewing cycles. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of a validated multi-body dynamics model for investigating feeding biomechanics in the rabbit, and shows the potential for complementing and eventually reducing in vivo experiments.

  11. Carrier-interleaved orthogonal multi-electrode multi-carrier resistivity-measurement tool

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai, Yu; Sha, Shuang


    This paper proposes a new carrier-interleaved orthogonal multi-electrode multi-carrier resistivity-measurement tool used in a cylindrical borehole environment during oil-based mud drilling processes. The new tool is an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access-based contactless multi-measurand detection tool. The tool can measure formation resistivity in different azimuthal angles and elevational depths. It can measure many more measurands simultaneously in a specified bandwidth than the legacy frequency division multiplexing multi-measurand tool without a channel-select filter while avoiding inter-carrier interference. The paper also shows that formation resistivity is not sensitive to frequency in certain frequency bands. The average resistivity collected from N subcarriers can increase the measurement of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by N times given no amplitude clipping in the current-injection electrode. If the clipping limit is taken into account, with the phase rotation of each single carrier, the amplitude peak-to-average ratio can be reduced by 3 times, and the SNR can achieve a 9/ N times gain over the single-carrier system. The carrier-interleaving technique is also introduced to counter the carrier frequency offset (CFO) effect, where the CFO will cause inter-pad interference. A qualitative analysis and simulations demonstrate that block-interleaving performs better than tone-interleaving when coping with a large CFO. The theoretical analysis also suggests that increasing the subcarrier number can increase the measurement speed or enhance elevational resolution without sacrificing receiver performance. The complex orthogonal multi-pad multi-carrier resistivity logging tool, in which all subcarriers are complex signals, can provide a larger available subcarrier pool than other types of transceivers. (paper)

  12. Contribution to optimization of individual doses of workers in shipment of generator technetium-99m

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fonseca, Lizandra Pereira de Souza


    The Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, IPEN, radiopharmaceuticals research and produce that are distributed throughout Brazil, currently the radiopharmaceutical with the largest number of packaged shipped per year and with the highest total activity is the 99m technetium generator. To reduce individual doses for workers involved in the production of radiopharmaceuticals was performed a study of radiological protection optimization in the shipment process of technetium generator, using the techniques: differential cost-benefit analysis, integral cost-benefit analysis, multi-attribute utility analysis and multi-criteria outranking analysis. With changes in the configuration of packed for generator dispatch and with the acquirement of a mat transporter it was possible establish 4 protection options. The attributes considered were the protection cost, collective dose, individual dose and physical effort by worker to move the package without the mat. To assess the robustness of analytical solutions found with the techniques used in the optimization we performed a sensitivity study and found that option 3 is more robust than option 1, which is no longer the analytical solution with an increase of R$ 20.000,00 the cost of protection. (author)

  13. Business Takeover or New Venture? Individual and Environmental Determinants from a Cross-Country Study


    Block, J.H.; Thurik, A.R.; van der Zwan, P.W.; Walter, S.


    textabstractWhereas the determinants of entrepreneurial choice have been thoroughly analyzed in the literature, little is known about the preferred mode of entry into entrepreneurship, such as taking over an existing business or starting a new venture. Using a large international dataset, this study reports considerable differences in takeover preferences across 33 countries. Hierarchical (multi-level) regressions are performed to explore individual-level and country-level determinants of the...

  14. OWL model of multi-agent Smart-system of distance learning for people with vision disabilities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Galina A. Samigulina


    Full Text Available The aim of the study is to develop an ontological model of multiagent smart-system of distance learning for visually impaired people based on Java Agent Development Framework for obtaining high-quality engineering education in laboratories of join use on modern equipment.Materials and methods of research. In developing multi-agent smart-system of distance learning, using various agents based on cognitive, ontological, statistical and intellectual methods is important. It is more convenient to implement this task in the form of software using multi-agent approach and Java Agent Development Framework. The main advantages of the platform are stability of operation, clear interface, simplicity of creating agents and extensive user database. In multi-agent systems, the solution is obtained automatically as result of interaction of many independent, purposeful agents. Each agent can perform certain tasks and pursue specified goals. Intellectual multi-agent systems and practical applications in distance learning based on them are considered.Results. The structural diagram of functioning of smart system distance learning for visually impaired people using various agents based on the system approach and the multi-agent platform Java Agent Development Framework is developed. The complex approach of distance learning of visually impaired people for obtaining highquality engineering education in laboratories of joint use on modern equipment is offered.The ontological model of multi-agent smart-system with a detailed description of the functions of following agents is created: personal, manager, ontological, cognitive, statistical, intellectual, shared laboratory agent, health agent, assistant to the agent and state agent. These agents execute their individual functions and provide a quality environment for learning.Conclusion. Thus, the proposed smart-system of distance learning for visually impaired people can significantly improve effectiveness and

  15. An Investigation of Factors Affecting Multi-Task Performance in an Immersive Environment (United States)


    in Team Sports . Personality and Individual Differences July 1998, 25 (1), 119- 128. Potosky, D. A Field Study of Computer Efficacy Beliefs as an...vacation I like to engage in active sports rather than just lie around. ____ 60. I’ll try anything once. ____ 61. I often feel unsure of myself...heart rate variability ( HRV ). • To identify non-invasive psychological and physiological measures of cognitive readiness in a multi-task environment

  16. Mechanisms for collaboration: a design and evaluation framework for multi-user interfaces


    Yuill, Nicola; Rogers, Yvonne


    Multi-user interfaces are said to provide “natural” interaction in supporting collaboration, compared to individual and noncolocated technologies. We identify three mechanisms accounting for the success of such interfaces: high awareness of others' actions and intentions, high control over the interface, and high availability of background information. We challenge the idea that interaction over such interfaces is necessarily “natural” and argue that everyday interaction involves constraints ...

  17. The factor structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in individuals with traumatic brain injury. (United States)

    Schönberger, Michael; Ponsford, Jennie


    There is a lack of validated scales for screening for anxiety and depression in individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). The purpose of this study was to examine the factor structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in individuals with TBI. A total of 294 individuals with TBI (72.1% male; mean age 37.1 years, S.D. 17.5, median post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) duration 17 days) completed the HADS 1 year post-injury. A series of confirmatory factor analyses was conducted to examine the fit of a one-, two- and three-factor solution, with and without controlling for item wording effects (Multi-Trait Multi-Method approach). The one-, two- or three-factor model fit the data only when controlling for negative item wording. The results are in support of the validity of the original anxiety and depression subscales of the HADS and demonstrate the importance of evaluating item wording effects when examining the factor structure of a questionnaire. The results would also justify the use of the HADS as a single scale of emotional distress. However, even though the three-factor solution fit the data, alternative scales should be used if the purpose of the assessment is to measure stress symptoms separately from anxiety and depression. Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Modeling Multi-Level Systems

    CERN Document Server

    Iordache, Octavian


    This book is devoted to modeling of multi-level complex systems, a challenging domain for engineers, researchers and entrepreneurs, confronted with the transition from learning and adaptability to evolvability and autonomy for technologies, devices and problem solving methods. Chapter 1 introduces the multi-scale and multi-level systems and highlights their presence in different domains of science and technology. Methodologies as, random systems, non-Archimedean analysis, category theory and specific techniques as model categorification and integrative closure, are presented in chapter 2. Chapters 3 and 4 describe polystochastic models, PSM, and their developments. Categorical formulation of integrative closure offers the general PSM framework which serves as a flexible guideline for a large variety of multi-level modeling problems. Focusing on chemical engineering, pharmaceutical and environmental case studies, the chapters 5 to 8 analyze mixing, turbulent dispersion and entropy production for multi-scale sy...

  19. Multi-class Mode of Action Classification of Toxic Compounds Using Logic Based Kernel Methods. (United States)

    Lodhi, Huma; Muggleton, Stephen; Sternberg, Mike J E


    Toxicity prediction is essential for drug design and development of effective therapeutics. In this paper we present an in silico strategy, to identify the mode of action of toxic compounds, that is based on the use of a novel logic based kernel method. The technique uses support vector machines in conjunction with the kernels constructed from first order rules induced by an Inductive Logic Programming system. It constructs multi-class models by using a divide and conquer reduction strategy that splits multi-classes into binary groups and solves each individual problem recursively hence generating an underlying decision list structure. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach for chemoinformatics problems like predictive toxicology, we apply it to toxicity classification in aquatic systems. The method is used to identify and classify 442 compounds with respect to the mode of action. The experimental results show that the technique successfully classifies toxic compounds and can be useful in assessing environmental risks. Experimental comparison of the performance of the proposed multi-class scheme with the standard multi-class Inductive Logic Programming algorithm and multi-class Support Vector Machine yields statistically significant results and demonstrates the potential power and benefits of the approach in identifying compounds of various toxic mechanisms. Copyright © 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  20. Improving Individual Acceptance of Health Clouds through Confidentiality Assurance. (United States)

    Ermakova, Tatiana; Fabian, Benjamin; Zarnekow, Rüdiger


    Cloud computing promises to essentially improve healthcare delivery performance. However, shifting sensitive medical records to third-party cloud providers could create an adoption hurdle because of security and privacy concerns. This study examines the effect of confidentiality assurance in a cloud-computing environment on individuals' willingness to accept the infrastructure for inter-organizational sharing of medical data. We empirically investigate our research question by a survey with over 260 full responses. For the setting with a high confidentiality assurance, we base on a recent multi-cloud architecture which provides very high confidentiality assurance through a secret-sharing mechanism: Health information is cryptographically encoded and distributed in a way that no single and no small group of cloud providers is able to decode it. Our results indicate the importance of confidentiality assurance in individuals' acceptance of health clouds for sensitive medical data. Specifically, this finding holds for a variety of practically relevant circumstances, i.e., in the absence and despite the presence of conventional offline alternatives and along with pseudonymization. On the other hand, we do not find support for the effect of confidentiality assurance in individuals' acceptance of health clouds for non-sensitive medical data. These results could support the process of privacy engineering for health-cloud solutions.