
Sample records for imagens landsat tm

  1. Estimativa da evapotranspiração real diária utilizando-se imagens digitais TM - Landsat 5 Assessment of daily actual evapotranspiration using TM - Landsat 5 digital images

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    Bergson G. Bezerra


    Full Text Available A quantificação da evapotranspiração é de grande importância na modelagem hidrológica e meteorológica, sendo indispensável no manejo hídrico sustentável de cultivos irrigados. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo estimar a evapotranspiração real diária - ETr, em escalas local e regional, através de imagens TM - Landsat 5 e dados complementares coletados em estação meteorológica, através da aplicação do SEBAL - Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land. A área estudada fica localizada no Cariri cearense, sendo composta por áreas irrigadas, vegetação nativa e parte da floresta da Chapada do Araripe. Foram utilizadas quatro imagens, obtidas em 29 de setembro, 15 e 31 de outubro e 16 de novembro de 2005. A ETr diária foi estimada a partir da densidade de fluxo de calor latente (LE, obtida como resíduo da equação do balanço de energia. O SEBAL é constituído de várias etapas, que incluem calibração radiométrica, cômputo da reflectância e albedo, índices de vegetação e emissividade, baseados nas bandas reflectivas de sensores orbitais, e neste caso o TM - Landsat 5, além da temperatura da superfície (banda termal. Os resultados obtidos foram validados com medições da ETr obtidas em dois campos irrigados com mamona (Ricinus communis L. e algodão (Gossypium hirsutum. A ETr diária média da área estudada apresentou valores de 3,8, 3,7, 4,6 e 3,4 mm.dia-1, para os dias 272, 288, 304 e 320, respectivamente. Quando comparados com medidas efetuadas nos campos irrigados de algodão e mamona os valores da ETr estimados pelo SEBAL apresentaram diferenças inferiores a 1,0 mm dia-1, evidenciando a sua importância e acurácia.Quantification of evapotranspiration is of great importance for hydrological and meteorological modeling and indispensable for water management of irrigated crops. In this sense the main objective of this study was the estimation of actual daily evapotranspiration (Etr, in local

  2. Refinamento de imagens termais do Landsat 5 - TM com base em classes de NDVI Sharpening of thermal Landsat 5 - TM imagery data based on NDVI classification

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    Argemiro Lucena de Araújo


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar um método simplificado, baseado em classes de NDVI para refinamento das imagens de temperatura da superfície (Ts, obtidas pelo sensor TM do Landsat 5 referentes aos anos de 2005 e 2006. Para tanto, foram propostos e comparados três modelos de refinamento baseados no método de regressão linear. Os erros percentuais e erros médios quadráticos obtidos com a utilização dos modelos avaliados foram, respectivamente, da ordem de 0,37% e 1,38 ºC, enquanto o modelo original apresentou erro médio quadrático da ordem de 1,32 ºC. Foram constatados que os erros obtidos com as calibrações realizadas não influenciaram significativamente nos valores médios das imagens termais, e que os resultados contribuíram substancialmente para a melhoria da resolução espacial das mesmas. O refinamento permitiu ainda a identificação precisa de alvos da superfície e a identificação de feições não detectáveis na resolução original. Isto evidencia que o método simplificado sugerido neste estudo, permite um refinamento preciso com uma forma de obtenção mais simples em relação ao modelo original.The objective of this study was to use a simplified method based on NDVI classes for the sharpening of the Landsat 5 - TM surface temperature images (Ts obtained during the years of 2005 and 2006. Thus, three sharpening models, based on the linear regression method, were proposed and compared. The relative and the root mean square errors obtained through the suggested models were of 0.37% and 1.38 ºC, respectively, while the original model presented root mean square error of 1.32 ºC. It was verified that the errors obtained with the accomplished calibrations did not significantly influence in the average values of the thermal images and the results contributed substantially to the improvement of their spatial resolution. The sharpening allowed the precise identification of the targets and features undetectable at


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    Cesar Vinícius Mendes Nery


    Full Text Available A importância das imagens de sensoriamento remoto para o monitoramento da cobertura vegetal é algo inegável. Por mais de três décadas a série Landsat tem fornecido imagens da terra, porém a partir de novembro de 2011 o satélite interrompeu a disponibilização de suas imagens para o monitoramento ambiental. Uma das alternativas de imagens ao Landsat têm sido as imagens do sensor LISS III a bordo do satélite indiano Resourcesat 1. O presente trabalho tem como área de estudo o município de Janaúba, por estar em uma área de transição de dois biomas, e o mesmo tem por objetivo comparar os dois sensores, o sensor TM que se encontra a bordo do satélite Landsat 5 e o sensor LISS III a bordo do satélite Resourcesat 1. Para esse estudo comparativo as imagens foram adquiridas do site do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE e seus valores de níveis digitais (ND foram convertidos em reflectância com correção atmosférica utilizando o método de correção DOS. Amostras de pixels das imagens índice foram coletadas para o estudo de correlação e ajuste de uma equação linear por meio da técnica de regressão. Utilizando a equação ajustada foram gerados dois mapas temáticos de ambos os sensores, sendo os mesmos comparados pelo teste estatístico Kappa. Os resultados mostraram uma forte correlação entre os valores de NDVI (0,81, sendo possível o ajuste de uma equação linear que expresse a forma dessa relação. O sensor TM, superestimou os valores de NDVI em relação ao sensor LISS III (Inclinação de 1,1035. O valor de Kappa para os mapas temáticos obtidos foi de 0,5894 e o índice de acerto foi de 98,81%, o que mostra uma boa similaridade entre eles. O sensor LISS III pode ser perfeitamente utilizado como alternativa ao Landsat 5.

  4. Estimativa da taxa de desmatamento do município de bannach, pará - amazônia legal, utilizando imagens landsat5/tm Estimation of deforestation rate in bannach municipality, pará state - amazon, using images landsat5/tm

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    Christiano Luna Arraes


    Full Text Available A Amazônia, maior floresta tropical do planeta, apresenta uma superfície de aproximadamente 6,4 milhões de quilômetros quadrados na América do Sul e ocupa 63% do território Brasileiro. Devido ao desmatamento, o monitoramento dessas áreas se faz necessário, principalmente pelo avanço das fronteiras agrícolas. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo estimar a taxa de desmatamento anual e diária para o Município de Bannach, Pará, Brasil. Foram adquiridas imagens do satélite Landsat 5, sensor TM (Thematic Mapper, para os anos de 1997 a 2009. Utilizou-se a classificação supervisionada por Maximum Likelihood. O índice de exatidão global apresentou resultados superiores a 90% e índices Kappa superiores a 0,83 para todos os anos de estudo. Ao longo da série temporal, observa-se um aumento do desmatamento de forma contínua, acarretado principalmente pela pecuária.The Amazon, the planet’s largest rain forest, has an area of approximately 6.4 million square kilometers in South America and occupies 63% of the Brazilian territory. Due to deforestation, the monitoring of these areas is needed, mainly by the expansion of management of the productive farming process. Thus, this study aims to estimate the annual and daily rate of deforestation for the Municipality of Bannach, Para State, Brazil. The Landsat images, sensor 5 TM (Thematic Mapper from 1997 to 2009 years were used. The supervised classification by Maximum Likelihood was made for analysis the deforestation rate. The index showed an overall accuracy results above 90% and the Kappa index above 0.83 for all years of study. Therefore, throughout the series, there is an increase in deforestation continuously with mainly land use by livestock.

  5. Uma biblioteca de pontos de controle para imagens MSS Landsat


    Fernando Augusto Mitsuo Ii


    O objetivo deste trabalho e desenvolver um sistema para criacao, manutencao e gerenciamento de uma biblioteca de pontos de controle para imagens MSS Landsat. Um ponto de controle e uma caracteristica fisicamente detectavel numa cena, cuja localizacao geodesica e precisamente conhecida. O uso destes pontos e de fundamental importancia num sistema de correcao geometrica de imagens de satelite. A biblioteca permitira que pontos de controle pertencentes a uma dada cena sejam recuperados de uma ma...

  6. Albedo à superfície a partir de imagens Landsat 5 em áreas de cana-de-açúcar e cerrado Surface albedo from Landsat 5 images in areas of sugar cane and cerrado

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    Pedro R. Giongo


    Full Text Available Propôs-se, neste trabalho, estimar dados de albedo à superfície terrestre usando-se o sensor Thematic Mapper (TM do satélite LANDSAT 5 e compará-lo com dados de duas estações agrometeorológicas localizadas em região de Cerrado e a outra em cultivo da cana-de-açúcar. A região de estudo está localizada no município de Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, Brasil. Para a realização do estudo obtiveram-se seis imagens orbitais do satélite Landsat 5 sensores TM, na órbita 220 e ponto 75, nas datas de 22/02, 11/04, 29/05, 01/08, 17/08 e 21/11, todas do ano de 2005, a que correspondem os dias juliano de 53, 101, 149, 213, 229 e 325, respectivamente. As correções geométricas para as imagens foram realizadas e geradas as cartas de albedo. O algoritmo SEBAL estimou satisfatoriamente os valores de albedo de superfícies sobre áreas de cerrado e de cana-de-açúcar, na região de Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, consistentes com observações realizadas do albedo à superfície.This study aimed to estimate albedo data from the land surface sensor using the images of Thematic Mapper (TM satellite LANDSAT 5 and to compare it with data from two agrometeorological stations located in the region of Cerrado, and another in sugar cane cultivation. The study area is located in the municipality of Santa Rita do Passa Quatro - SP, Brazil. To carry out the study six orbital images were obtained from the satellite Landsat 5 TM sensors in the orbit 220 and in the section 75, for the dates of 22/02, 11/04, 29/05, 01/08, 17/08 and 21/11 (all in the year of 2005 which correspond to the days 53, 101, 149, 213, 229 and 325, respectively. The geometric correction for images was performed and the letters of albedo were generated. The algorithm SEBAL estimated, satisfactorily, the values of albedo on the surface areas of Cerrado and sugar cane in the region of Santa Rita do Passa Quatro - SP, consistent with observations made of the surface albedo.

  7. Data fusion of Landsat TM and IRS images in forest classification (United States)

    Guangxing Wang; Markus Holopainen; Eero Lukkarinen


    Data fusion of Landsat TM images and Indian Remote Sensing satellite panchromatic image (IRS-1C PAN) was studied and compared to the use of TM or IRS image only. The aim was to combine the high spatial resolution of IRS-1C PAN to the high spectral resolution of Landsat TM images using a data fusion algorithm. The ground truth of the study was based on a sample of 1,020...

  8. Estimativa do balanço de energia utilizando imagens TM - Landsat 5 e o algoritmo SEBAL no litoral sul de Pernambuco

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    Célia Cristina Machado


    Full Text Available As trocas de energia na interface solo-planta-atmosfera, por meio das componentes do balanço de radiação (Rn e dos fluxos de calor no solo (G, sensível (H e latente (LE, são essenciais para a modelagem climática e hidrológica que, por sua vez, afetam toda a biosfera. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa teve por objetivos: (1 estimar e comparar o comportamento dos componentes do balanço de energia, usando o algoritmo SEBAL - Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land, em diferentes tipos de uso e cobertura do solo e (2 validar o algoritmo. Para isso, foram usadas três imagens TM - Landsat 5 de órbita e ponto 214/066, com datas de passagem em 26 de agosto de 2006, 6 de setembro de 2010 e 28 de janeiro de 2011, todas recortadas para enquadrar o litoral sul de Pernambuco. Os resultados mostraram a capacidade do SEBAL de estimar a variabilidade espacial dos diferentes componentes do balanço de energia, com capacidade de distinguir diferentes ocupações do solo. O cômputo do balanço de energia possibilita observar as formas diferenciadas do uso da energia pelos diferentes tipos de cobertura do solo e verificar aqueles que propiciam melhor conforto térmico. As estimativas da evapotranspiração obtidas pelo algoritmo SEBAL apresentaram uma boa concordância com os resultados obtidos pelo método da FAO-Penman-Monteith demonstrando, dessa forma, a potencialidade da abordagem metodológica escolhida.

  9. Uso de imagens TM/Landsat-5 e termometria na identificação e mapeamento de solos afetados por sais na região de Sousa, PB TM/Landsat-5 images and thermometry in the identification and mapping of salt affected soils in the region of Sousa, Brazil

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    Cícero O. Lima


    Full Text Available A região de São Gonçalo/Baixada de Sousa é um dos principais centros agrícolas do Estado da Paraíba. O manejo inadequado das terras e da irrigação tem sido responsável pela redução do rendimento das culturas e pela degradação dos solos, por salinização. Na mitigação das vulnerabilidades agrícolas, o geoprocessamento está consolidado como ferramenta poderosa no estudo e monitoramento do meio ambiente, visando ao desenvolvimento sustentável, com diminuição dos riscos a desastres. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o uso de imagens TM/Landsat-5 (análise visual e processamento digital, de medidas superficiais de temperatura e de um SIG na identificação e mapeamento de solos afetados por sais. Os resultados mostraram que, ao longo dos últimos anos, houve incremento da área de solos degradados pela salinização e, hoje, aproximadamente 39,48% da área estudada apresentam ocorrência de solos afetados por sais.The São Gonçalo/Baixada de Sousa region is one of the main agricultural centers of the State of Paraíba. The inadequate management of the lands and irrigation has been responsible for the reduction of the agriculture income and for the soil degradation by salt. In the mitigation of the agricultural vulnerabilities, geoprocessing is consolidated as a powerful tool in the study and monitoring of the environment, aiming at sustainable development with risk reduction of disasters. The objective of this work was the use of TM/Landsat-5 images (visual analysis and digital processing, superficial measures of temperatures and a GIS in the identification and mapping of salt affected soils. The results showed that along the last years the area of soil degradation by salt had increased and today approximately 39.48% of the studied area presents salt affected soils.

  10. Landsat TM and ETM+ Kansas Satellite Image Database (KSID) (United States)

    Kansas Data Access and Support Center — The Kansas Satellite Image Database (KSID):2000-2001 consists of terrain-corrected, precision rectified spring, summer, and fall Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and...

  11. BOREAS RSS-7 Landsat TM LAI IMages of the SSA and NSA (United States)

    Hall, Forrest G. (Editor); Nickeson, Jaime (Editor); Chen, Jing; Cihlar, Josef


    The BOReal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study Remote Sensing Science (BOREAS RSS-7) team used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images processed at CCRS to produce images of Leaf Area Index (LAI) for the BOREAS study areas. Two images acquired on 06-Jun and 09-Aug-1991 were used for the SSA, and one image acquired on 09-Jun-1994 was used for the NSA. The LAI images are based on ground measurements and Landsat TM Reduced Simple Ratio (RSR) images. The data are stored in binary image-format files.

  12. LBA-ECO LC-24 Landsat TM and ETM+ Land Cover, Southern Para, Brazil: 1984-2003 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data set is a five-class land cover for Southern Para for the years 1984 (Landsat MSS), 1988 (Landsat TM), 1996, and 2003 (Landsat ETM+). The final...

  13. LBA-ECO LC-24 Landsat TM and ETM+ Land Cover, Southern Para, Brazil: 1984-2003 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — ABSTRACT: This data set is a five-class land cover for Southern Para for the years 1984 (Landsat MSS), 1988 (Landsat TM), 1996, and 2003 (Landsat ETM+). The final...

  14. A time-series analysis of flood disaster around Lena river using Landsat TM/ETM+ (United States)

    Sakai, Toru; Hatta, Shigemi; Okumura, Makoto; Takeuchi, Wataru; Hiyama, Tetsuya; Inoue, Gen


    Landsat satellite has provided a continuous record of earth observation since 1972, gradually improving sensors (i.e. MSS, TM and ETM+). Already processed archives of Landsat image are now available free of charge from the internet. The Landsat image of 30 m spatial resolution with multiple spectral bands between 450 and 2350 nm is appropriate for detailed mapping of natural resource at wide geographical areas. However, one of the biggest concerns in the use of Landsat image is the uncertainty in the timing of acquisitions. Although detection of land cover change usually requires acquisitions before and after the change, the Landsat image is often unavailable because of the long-term intervals (16 days) and variation in atmosphere. Nearly cloud-free image is acquired at least once per year (total of 22 or 23 scenes per year). Therefore, it may be difficult to acquire appropriate images for monitoring natural disturbances caused at short-term intervals (e.g., flood, forest fire and hurricanes). Our objectives are: (1) to examine whether a time-series of Landsat image is available for monitoring a flood disaster, and (2) to evaluate the impact and timing of the flood disaster around Lena river in Siberia. A set of Landsat TM/ETM+ satellite images was used to enable acquisition of cloud-free image, although Landsat ETM+ images include failure of the Scan Line Corrector (SLC) from May 2003. The overlap area of a time series of 20 Landsat TM/ETM+ images (path 120-122, row 17) from April 2007 to August 2007 was clipped (approximately 33 km × 90 km), and the other area was excluded from the analyses. Image classification was performed on each image separately using an unsupervised ISODATA method, and each Landsat TM/ETM+ image was classified into three land cover types: (1) ice, (2) water, and (3) land. From three land cover types, the area of Lena river was estimated. The area of Lena river dramatically changed after spring breakup. The middle part of Lena river around


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    A. Beiranvand Pour


    Full Text Available Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM data were used to produce geological maps in tropical environments. Lineament, lithology and landform maps were produced for all states in peninsular Malaysia in this study. Kedah, Perak and Terengganu states have been selected as case studies to demonstrate the results of the data and techniques used. Directional filtering technique was applied to Landsat TM bands 4, 5 and 3 for lineament mapping. The lithology map was produced using Landsat TM bands combination consist of bands 4, 3 and 2. Digital elevation model and landform map were produced using SRTM data in 3 Dimension (3D and 2 Dimension (2D perspective views, respectively. The produced geological maps and the remote sensing data and methods applied in this study are mostly appropriate for hazard risk mapping applications and mineral exploration projects in the peninsular Malaysia and tropical environments.

  16. Evaluation of directional normalization methods for Landsat TM/ETM+ over primary Amazonian lowland forests (United States)

    Van doninck, Jasper; Tuomisto, Hanna


    Biodiversity mapping in extensive tropical forest areas poses a major challenge for the interpretation of Landsat images, because floristically clearly distinct forest types may show little difference in reflectance. In such cases, the effects of the bidirectional reflection distribution function (BRDF) can be sufficiently strong to cause erroneous image interpretation and classification. Since the opening of the Landsat archive in 2008, several BRDF normalization methods for Landsat have been developed. The simplest of these consist of an empirical view angle normalization, whereas more complex approaches apply the semi-empirical Ross-Li BRDF model and the MODIS MCD43-series of products to normalize directional Landsat reflectance to standard view and solar angles. Here we quantify the effect of surface anisotropy on Landsat TM/ETM+ images over old-growth Amazonian forests, and evaluate five angular normalization approaches. Even for the narrow swath of the Landsat sensors, we observed directional effects in all spectral bands. Those normalization methods that are based on removing the surface reflectance gradient as observed in each image were adequate to normalize TM/ETM+ imagery to nadir viewing, but were less suitable for multitemporal analysis when the solar vector varied strongly among images. Approaches based on the MODIS BRDF model parameters successfully reduced directional effects in the visible bands, but removed only half of the systematic errors in the infrared bands. The best results were obtained when the semi-empirical BRDF model was calibrated using pairs of Landsat observation. This method produces a single set of BRDF parameters, which can then be used to operationally normalize Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery over Amazonian forests to nadir viewing and a standard solar configuration.

  17. Uso de imagens orbitais como base de dados para projetos de reforma agrária The use of orbital images as subsidies to agrarian reform projects

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    Marina de Fátima Vilela


    Full Text Available Análises técnica e econômica foram realizadas em imagens dos sensores IKONOS, TM/Landsat 5, ETM+/Landsat 7 e CCD/CBERS, objetivando a verificação da viabilidade destas como base de dados em projetos de reforma agrária. Essas análises efetuadas e a situação de mercado indicaram que a imagem IKONOS apresenta excelente desempenho técnico, mas o custo de aquisição inviabiliza sua utilização como base de dados para a reforma agrária. A imagem do Landsat 7, com baixo custo de aquisição, apresentou grande viabilidade técnica para fins de reforma agrária. No entanto, a perda do contato com a plataforma Landsat 7 inviabilizou a compra de novas imagens do sensor ETM+. A imagem CCD/CBERS apresentou a segunda maior similaridade com a verdade de campo e o menor índice Kappa para a classificação. Apesar do baixo índice de exatidão para a classificação, as análises de custo, o lançamento do CBERS-2 e a possibilidade de correção dos problemas de radiometria podem tornar as imagens da plataforma CBERS-2 concorrentes de peso no mercado e, ainda, preencher a lacuna deixada pela perda do Landsat 7. A imagem do Landsat 5 apresentou o mais baixo desempenho técnico nas análises efetuadas. Entretanto, seu potencial como base de dados é amplamente reconhecido pelo INCRA, que ainda utiliza tais imagens. O declínio da vida útil do Landsat-5 atribui mais importância ao lançamento do CBERS-2.Technical and economical analyses were performed on IKONOS, Landsat TM 5 and Landsat ETM+ 7 and CCD/CBERS data in order to verify their feasibilities to subsidy agrarian reform projects. Results showed that IKONOS data presented excellent technical viability but its high cost prevents its use. Landsat ETM+ 7 data, with low cost, presented good technical viability, however due to the problems occurring in the satellite operation, its use was also prevented . CCD/CBERS data presented the second best similarity with the ground truth data, although it

  18. Análise de índices biofísicos a partir de imagens TM Landsat 5 em paisagem heterogênea no Sudoeste da Amazônia

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    Rodrigo Tartari


    Full Text Available O sudoeste da Amazônia Brasileira é composto por um mosaico de paisagem com transição de campos naturais e floresta ombrófila densa. A bacia do rio Puruzinho, localizada no “Arco do Desmatamento” no interflúvio Purus-Madeira, tem passado por mudança no uso e cobertura da terra. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a variação espacial de índices biofísicos de uma paisagem heterogênea na bacia hidrográfica do rio Puruzinho. O índice de vegetação da diferença normalizada (NDVI, índice de área foliar (IAF, temperatura da superfície, albedo e saldo de radiação da superfície (Rn foram estimados pelo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land a partir de imagens TM Landsat 5, e analisados sobre floresta densa, campos naturais, área desmatada e área urbana de Humaitá-AM. Todos os índices biofísicos foram significativamente diferentes, considerando o uso e cobertura da terra. Os índices biofísicos apresentaram padrão inverso entre a área urbana e a floresta densa, com menor NDVI, IAF e saldo de radiação e maior temperatura e albedo da superfície na área urbana. Portanto, as variáveis estimadas pelo SEBAL foram adequadas para avaliar o efeito das mudanças no uso do solo sobre as variáveis estimadas e distinguir áreas antropizadas de áreas naturais.

  19. Determinação da evapotranspiração real diária em áreas irrigadas do projeto Jaíba (Minas Gerais, Brasil, mediante imagens Landsat 5 - TM

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    Gabriel Alves Veloso


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a estimativa da evapotranspiração em áreas irrigadas do projeto Jaíba (MG e áreas circunvizinhas por meio de dados satelitários. Foram utilizadas cinco imagens do satélite Landsat 5 –TM, órbita 219 ponto 70, do ano de 2011. A estimativa da evapotranspiração real diária foi obtida através do algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land. O SEBAL é constituído de várias etapas, que consiste na estimativa do balanço de radiação e balanço de energia e evapotranspiração. Para a obtenção desses parâmetros, utilizou-se dados da estação meteorológica localizada na cena Landsat. Foram obtidos valores médios para a evapotranspiração no período de 24 horas de 6,85 mm.dia-1, 4,0 mm.dia-1, 2,6 mm.dia-1, 2,2 mm.dia-1 e 3,4 mm.dia-1 para os dias juliano DJ 31, DJ 111, DJ 175, DJ 191 e DJ 255, respectivamente. Observou-se que a evapotranspiração apresentou variação no período analisado devido à quantidade de radiação disponível para cada dia, indicando um comportamento decíduo nas áreas de floresta estacional. A técnica utilizada demonstrou-se eficiente nas análises dos componentes estudados, sendo o SEBAL uma ferramenta importante para a gestão ambiental dos recursos hídricos.

  20. BOREAS RSS-15 SIR-C and Landsat TM Biomass and Landcover Maps of the NSA (United States)

    Hall, Forrest G. (Editor); Nickeson, Jaime (Editor); Ranson, K. Jon


    As part of BOREAS, the RSS-15 team conducted an investigation using SIR-C, X-SAR, and Landsat TM data for estimating total above-ground dry biomass for the SSA and NSA modeling grids and component biomass for the SSA. Relationships of backscatter to total biomass and total biomass to foliage, branch, and bole biomass were used to estimate biomass density across the landscape. The procedure involved image classification with SAR and Landsat TM data and development of simple mapping techniques using combinations of SAR channels. For the SSA, the SIR-C data used were acquired on 06-Oct-1994, and the Landsat TM data used were acquired on 02-Sep-1995. The maps of the NSA were developed from SIR-C data acquired on 13-Apr-1994. The data files are available on a CD-ROM (see document number 20010000884), or from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).

  1. An Improved Physics-Based Model for Topographic Correction of Landsat TM Images

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    Ainong Li


    Full Text Available Optical remotely sensed images in mountainous areas are subject to radiometric distortions induced by topographic effects, which need to be corrected before quantitative applications. Based on Li model and Sandmeier model, this paper proposed an improved physics-based model for the topographic correction of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM images. The model employed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI thresholds to approximately divide land targets into eleven groups, due to NDVI’s lower sensitivity to topography and its significant role in indicating land cover type. Within each group of terrestrial targets, corresponding MODIS BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function products were used to account for land surface’s BRDF effect, and topographic effects are corrected without Lambertian assumption. The methodology was tested with two TM scenes of severely rugged mountain areas acquired under different sun elevation angles. Results demonstrated that reflectance of sun-averted slopes was evidently enhanced, and the overall quality of images was improved with topographic effect being effectively suppressed. Correlation coefficients between Near Infra-Red band reflectance and illumination condition reduced almost to zero, and coefficients of variance also showed some reduction. By comparison with the other two physics-based models (Sandmeier model and Li model, the proposed model showed favorable results on two tested Landsat scenes. With the almost half-century accumulation of Landsat data and the successive launch and operation of Landsat 8, the improved model in this paper can be potentially helpful for the topographic correction of Landsat and Landsat-like data.

  2. Cross-sensor comparisons between Landsat 5 TM and IRS-P6 AWiFS and disturbance detection using integrated Landsat and AWiFS time-series images (United States)

    Chen, Xuexia; Vogelmann, James E.; Chander, Gyanesh; Ji, Lei; Tolk, Brian; Huang, Chengquan; Rollins, Matthew


    Routine acquisition of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data was discontinued recently and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) has an ongoing problem with the scan line corrector (SLC), thereby creating spatial gaps when covering images obtained during the process. Since temporal and spatial discontinuities of Landsat data are now imminent, it is therefore important to investigate other potential satellite data that can be used to replace Landsat data. We thus cross-compared two near-simultaneous images obtained from Landsat 5 TM and the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS)-P6 Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS), both captured on 29 May 2007 over Los Angeles, CA. TM and AWiFS reflectances were compared for the green, red, near-infrared (NIR), and shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands, as well as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) based on manually selected polygons in homogeneous areas. All R2 values of linear regressions were found to be higher than 0.99. The temporally invariant cluster (TIC) method was used to calculate the NDVI correlation between the TM and AWiFS images. The NDVI regression line derived from selected polygons passed through several invariant cluster centres of the TIC density maps and demonstrated that both the scene-dependent polygon regression method and TIC method can generate accurate radiometric normalization. A scene-independent normalization method was also used to normalize the AWiFS data. Image agreement assessment demonstrated that the scene-dependent normalization using homogeneous polygons provided slightly higher accuracy values than those obtained by the scene-independent method. Finally, the non-normalized and relatively normalized ‘Landsat-like’ AWiFS 2007 images were integrated into 1984 to 2010 Landsat time-series stacks (LTSS) for disturbance detection using the Vegetation Change Tracker (VCT) model. Both scene-dependent and scene-independent normalized AWiFS data sets could generate disturbance maps similar to

  3. Landsat 5 TM images and DEM in lithologic mapping of Payen Volcanic Field (Mendoza Province, Argentina)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fornaciai, A.; Bisson, M.; Mazzarini, F.; Del Carlo, P.; Pasquare, G.


    Satellite image such as Landsat 5 TM scene provides excellent representation of Earth and synoptic view of large geographic areas in different band combination. Landsat TM images allow automatic and semi-automatic classification of land cover, nevertheless the software frequently may some difficulties in distinguishing between similar radiometric surfaces. In this case, the use of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) can be an important tool to identify different surface covers. In this study, several False Color Composite (FCC) of Landsat 5 TM Image, DEM and the respective draped image of them, were used to delineate lithological boundaries and tectonic features of regional significance of the Paven Volcanic Field (PVF). PFV is a Quaternary fissural structure belonging to the black-arc extensional areas of the Andes in the Mendoza Province (Argentina) characterized by many composite basaltic lava flow fields. The necessity to identify different lava flows with the same composition, and then with same spectral features, allows to highlight the improvement of synergic use of TM images and shaded DEM in the visual interpretation. Information obtained from Satellite data and DEM have been compared with previous geological maps and transferred into a topographical base map. Based on these data a new lithological map at 1:100.000 scale has been presented [it

  4. Análise da expansão urbana no entorno da Lagoa Grande e Lagoa da Tabua no município de Feira de Santana-BA a partir de série histórica de imagens Landsat MSS, TM e ETM

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    Alarcon Matos de Oliveira


    Full Text Available É crescente a necessidade de proteção dos recursos hídricos, em especial os mananciais urbanos, uma vez que são constantemente “invadidos” pela expansão desordenada das cidades. Nesse sentido, as ferramentas de análise espacial, o sensoriamento remoto e a cartografia constituem um poderoso instrumento de avaliação dos impactos ambientais. Tais ferramentas foram exploradas nesse trabalho, cujo objetivo é realizar mapeamento multitemporal do entorno da Lagoa Grande e Lagoa da Tabua, município de Feira de Santana/BA, no período de 1975 a 2008. A escolha desse período deve-se ao fato do grande crescimento populacional, ocasionado pela industrialização do município. Para realização do trabalho foram  utilizadas imagens de satélites, disponíveis pela Divisão de Geração de Imagens – DGI do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE, dos sensores MSS, TM do programa LANDSAT. Os procedimentos técnicos adotados na construção desse trabalho consistiram nas seguintes etapas: georreferenciamento das imagens; seleção da composição colorida, com aplicação de técnicas de realce e contraste; e classificação supervisionada, um método clássico de processamento, dando foco maior a avaliação das imagens empregadas (sazonalidade da região e ao correlacionamento do impacto ambiental com os resultados. Foi possível, através deste método identificar alguns indicadores de desequilíbrio ambiental, como por exemplo, o avanço do espaço urbano implicando em sedimentação da Lagoa da Tabua, e na presença de Taboa, vegetação aquática comum em áreas muito poluídas na Lagoa Grande.

  5. Exploring TM image texture and its relationships with biomass estimation in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon Explorando texturas de imagens TM e suas relações com estimativas de biomassa em Rondônia

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    Dengsheng Lu


    Full Text Available Many texture measures have been developed and used for improving land-cover classification accuracy, but rarely has research examined the role of textures in improving the performance of aboveground biomass estimations. The relationship between texture and biomass is poorly understood. This paper used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM data to explore relationships between TM image textures and aboveground biomass in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon. Eight grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM based texture measures (i.e., mean, variance, homogeneity, contrast, dissimilarity, entropy, second moment, and correlation, associated with seven different window sizes (5x5, 7x7, 9x9, 11x11, 15x15, 19x19, and 25x25, and five TM bands (TM 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 were analyzed. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to analyze texture and biomass relationships. This research indicates that most textures are weakly correlated with successional vegetation biomass, but some textures are significantly correlated with mature forest biomass. In contrast, TM spectral signatures are significantly correlated with successional vegetation biomass, but weakly correlated with mature forest biomass. Our findings imply that textures may be critical in improving mature forest biomass estimation, but relatively less important for successional vegetation biomass estimation.Muitas medidas de textura têm sido desenvolvidas e utilizadas para melhorar a acurácia de classificações de cobertura das terras, mas raramente têm-se avaliado a importância dessas medidas em estimativas de biomassa. Este trabalho utilizou dados Landsat TM para explorar as relações entre texturas de imagens TM e biomassa em Rondônia, Amazônia. Foram analisadas oito medidas de textura baseadas em matrizes de co-ocorrência de tons de cinza (i.e., média, variância, homogeneidade, contraste, dissimilaridade, entropia, segundo momento e correlação, associadas com sete diferentes tamanhos de janela (5x5, 7x7


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    Elias Fernando Berra


    Full Text Available Models relating spectral answers with biophysical parameters aim estimate variables, such as wood volume, without the necessity of frequent field measurements. The objective was to develop models to estimatewood volume by Landsat 5 TM images, supported by regional forest inventory data. The image was georeferenced and converted to spectral reflectance. After, the images-index NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and SR (Simple Ratio was generated. The reflectance values of both spectral bands (TM1, TM2, TM3 e TM4 and indices (NDVI and SR was related with the wood volume. The biggest correlation with volume was with the NDVI and SR indices. The variables selection was made by Stepwise method, which returned three regression models as significant to explain the variation in volume. Finally,the best fitted model was selected (volume = -830,95 + 46,05 × (SR + 107,47 × (TM2, which was applied on the Landsat image where the pixels had started to represent the estimated volume in m³/ha on the Eucalyptus sp. production units. This model, significant at 95 % confidence level, explains 68 % of the wood volume variation.

  7. Detecting Uniform Areas for Vicarious Calibration using Landsat TM Imagery: A Study using the Arabian and Saharan Deserts (United States)

    Hilbert, Kent; Pagnutti, Mary; Ryan, Robert; Zanoni, Vicki


    This paper discusses a method for detecting spatially uniform sites need for radiometric characterization of remote sensing satellites. Such information is critical for scientific research applications of imagery having moderate to high resolutions (African Saharan and Arabian deserts contained extremely uniform sites with respect to spatial characteristics. We developed an algorithm for detecting site uniformity and applied it to orthorectified Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery over eight uniform regions of interest. The algorithm's results were assessed using both medium-resolution (30-m GSD) Landsat 7 ETM+ and fine-resolution (research shows that Landsat TM products appear highly useful for detecting potential calibration sites for system characterization. In particular, the approach detected spatially uniform regions that frequently occur at multiple scales of observation.

  8. LBA-ECO LC-01 Landsat TM Land Use/Land Cover, Northern Ecuadorian Amazon: 1986-1999 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — ABSTRACT: This data set contains Landsat TM imagery for the years 1986, 1989, 1996, and 1999, that have been classified into four land use/land cover (LULC) classes:...

  9. LBA-ECO LC-01 Landsat TM Land Use/Land Cover, Northern Ecuadorian Amazon: 1986-1999 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — This data set contains Landsat TM imagery for the years 1986, 1989, 1996, and 1999, that have been classified into four land use/land cover (LULC) classes: Forest,...

  10. Land-cover classification in a moist tropical region of Brazil with Landsat TM imagery. (United States)

    Li, Guiying; Lu, Dengsheng; Moran, Emilio; Hetrick, Scott


    This research aims to improve land-cover classification accuracy in a moist tropical region in Brazil by examining the use of different remote sensing-derived variables and classification algorithms. Different scenarios based on Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) spectral data and derived vegetation indices and textural images, and different classification algorithms - maximum likelihood classification (MLC), artificial neural network (ANN), classification tree analysis (CTA), and object-based classification (OBC), were explored. The results indicated that a combination of vegetation indices as extra bands into Landsat TM multispectral bands did not improve the overall classification performance, but the combination of textural images was valuable for improving vegetation classification accuracy. In particular, the combination of both vegetation indices and textural images into TM multispectral bands improved overall classification accuracy by 5.6% and kappa coefficient by 6.25%. Comparison of the different classification algorithms indicated that CTA and ANN have poor classification performance in this research, but OBC improved primary forest and pasture classification accuracies. This research indicates that use of textural images or use of OBC are especially valuable for improving the vegetation classes such as upland and liana forest classes having complex stand structures and having relatively large patch sizes.

  11. Improved Topographic Normalization for Landsat TM Images by Introducing the MODIS Surface BRDF

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    Yanli Zhang


    Full Text Available In rugged terrain, the accuracy of surface reflectance estimations is compromised by atmospheric and topographic effects. We propose a new method to simultaneously eliminate atmospheric and terrain effects in Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM images based on a 30 m digital elevation model (DEM and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS atmospheric products. Moreover, we define a normalized factor of a Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF to convert the sloping pixel reflectance into a flat pixel reflectance by using the Ross Thick-Li Sparse BRDF model (Ambrals algorithm and MODIS BRDF/albedo kernel coefficient products. Sole atmospheric correction and topographic normalization were performed for TM images in the upper stream of the Heihe River Basin. The results show that using MODIS atmospheric products can effectively remove atmospheric effects compared with the Fast Line-of-Sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH model and the Landsat Climate Data Record (CDR. Moreover, superior topographic effect removal can be achieved by considering the surface BRDF when compared with the surface Lambertian assumption of topographic normalization.

  12. Cádiz bay walers lurbidily varialions from Landsat TM images analysis


    Gutiérrez Mas, José Manuel; Luna del Barco, A.; Parrado Román, J. M.; Sánchez, E.; Fernández Palacios, A.; Ojeda, J.


    Landsat TM images has been analysed to obtain extent and direction data about turbidity flumes in several hydrodinamic sinoptic situations in Cadiz bay waters. Results are beside data from water samples. Five turbidity levels has been differentiated: very high turbidity, high, middle, low and very low, and three geographic sectors: a) Inner zone, closed to coast and with shoal waters of high and very high turbidity. This sector is very affected by littoral processes (tidals, surge and contine...

  13. Fusion of Terra-MODIS and Landsat TM data for geothermal sites investigation in Jiangsu Province, China (United States)

    Chen, Shengbo


    Geothermal resources are generally confined to areas of the Earth's crust where heat flow higher than in surrounding areas heats the water contained in permeable rocks (reservoirs) at depth. It is becoming one of attractive solutions for clean and sustainable energy future for the world. The geothermal fields commonly occurs at the boundaries of plates, and only occasionally in the middle of a plate. The study area, Jiangsu Province, as an example, located in the east of China, is a potential area of geothermal energy. In this study, Landsat thematic Mapper (TM) data were georeferenced to position spatially the geothermal energy in the study area. Multi-spectral infrared data of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra platform were georeferenced to Landsat TM images. Based on the Wien Displacement Law, these infrared data indicate the surface emitted radiance under the same atmospheric condition, and stand for surface bright temperature respectively. Thus, different surface bright temperature data from Terra-MODIS band 20 or band 31 (R), together with Landsat TM band 4 (G) and band 3 (B) separately, were made up false color composite images (RGB) to generate the distribution maps of surface bright temperatures. Combing with geologic environment and geophysical anomalies, the potential area of geothermal energy with different geo-temperature were mapped respectively. Specially, one geothermal spot in Qinhu Lake Scenery Area in Taizhou city was validated by drilling, and its groundwater temperature is up to some 51°.

  14. BOREAS Level-3a Landsat TM Imagery: Scaled At-sensor Radiance in BSQ Format (United States)

    Nickerson, Jaime; Hall, Forrest G. (Editor); Knapp, David; Newcomer, Jeffrey A.; Cihlar, Josef


    For BOREAS, the level-3a Landsat TM data, along with the other remotely sensed images, were collected in order to provide spatially extensive information over the primary study areas. This information includes radiant energy, detailed land cover, and biophysical parameter maps such as FPAR and LAI. Although very similar in content to the level-3s Landsat TM products, the level-3a images were created to provide users with a more usable BSQ format and to provide information that permitted direct determination of per-pixel latitude and longitude coordinates. Geographically, the level-3a images cover the BOREAS NSA and SSA. Temporally, the images cover the period of 22-Jun-1984 to 30-Jul-1996. The images are available in binary, image-format files. With permission from CCRS and RSI, several of the full-resolution images are included on the BOREAS CD-ROM series. Due to copyright issues, the images not included on the CD-ROM may not be publicly available. See Sections 15 and 16 for information about how to acquire the data. Information about the images not on the CD-ROMs is provided in an inventory listing on the CD-ROMs.

  15. Landsat thematic mapper (TM) soil variability analysis over Webster County, Iowa (United States)

    Thompson, D. R.; Henderson, K. E.; Pitts, D. E.


    Thematic mapper simulator (TMS) data acquired June 7, June 23, and July 31, 1982, and Landsat thematic mapper (TM) data acquired August 2, September 3, and October 21, 1982, over Webster County, Iowa, were examined for within-field soil effects on corn and soybean spectral signatures. It was found that patterns displayed on various computer-generated map products were in close agreement with the detailed soil survey of the area. The difference in spectral values appears to be due to a combination of subtle soil properties and crop growth patterns resulting from the different soil properties. Bands 4 (0.76-.90 micron), 5 (1.55-1.75 micron), and 7 (2.08-2.35 micron) were found to be responding to the within-field soil variability even with increasing ground cover. While these results are preliminary, they do indicate that the soil influence on the vegetation is being detected by TM and should provide improved information relating to crop and soil properties.

  16. An integrtated approach to the use of Landsat TM data for gold exploration in west central Nevada (United States)

    Mouat, D. A.; Myers, J. S.; Miller, N. L.


    This paper represents an integration of several Landsat TM image processing techniques with other data to discriminate the lithologies and associated areas of hydrothermal alteration in the vicinity of the Paradise Peak gold mine in west central Nevada. A microprocessor-based image processing system and an IDIMS system were used to analyze data from a 512 X 512 window of a Landsat-5 TM scene collected on June 30, 1984. Image processing techniques included simple band composites, band ratio composites, principal components composites, and baseline-based composites. These techniques were chosen based on their ability to discriminate the spectral characteristics of the products of hydrothermal alteration as well as of the associated regional lithologies. The simple band composite, ratio composite, two principal components composites, and the baseline-based composites separately can define the principal areas of alteration. Combined, they provide a very powerful exploration tool.

  17. Seasonal differences assist in mapping granite outcrops using Landsat TM imagery across the Southwest Australian Floristic Region

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Alibegovic, G.; Schut, A.G.T.; Wardell-Johnson, G.W.; Robinson, T.P.


    Knowledge of the location and extent of granite outcrops (GOs) in the Southwest Australian Floristic Region is important to understand their role as refugia. We present a methodology to map GOs using biannual Landsat TM imagery. An adaptive vegetation cover mask capitalising on seasonal differences,

  18. LANDSAT TM and SAR - ERS1 data for analysis of Vrancea seismic region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zoran, M.


    This paper is aimed to present the results of the application of LANDSAT TM and SAR- ERS1 satellite data for Vrancea seismic area investigation, in order to emphasize geomorphological features as well as to identify faulting zones responsible of seismic events generation. Remote sensing analysis and field studies of active faults can provide a geologic history that overcomes many of the shortcomings of instrumental and historic records. Vrancea - Focsani is structurally and seismically complex area, bounded by latitudes 45.6 angle N and 46.0 angle N and longitudes 26.5 angle E and 27.5 angle E. The Peceneaga -Camena Fault, a deep crustal fracture with dextral slip, is considered to be North-Eastern boundary of the Moesian Platform. The Eastern unit of the Moesian Sub-Plate is characterized by a series of principal faults with a North-Western orientation and by a secondary system of faults orientated NE-SW. NW trending crustal fractures are also evidenced East of the Peceneaga-Camena Fault, within our test area. A SAR- ERS1 image and a multispectral Landsat TM data set were used and processed with EASI/PACE image processing software package as well as with developed algorithms. In order to a better management all the information available on the study area, data acquired have been integrated in a unique database. This information consists of thematic maps from cartography, land use map from classification of remotely sensed data. This study revealed that satellite data used are excellent for recognizing the continuity and regional relationships of faults. Linear features in TM images appear shorter and denser distributed, whereas ERS1 images are dominated by the principal structures. In certain cases they complete the lineaments and lineament patterns derived from TM data. Higher spatial resolution satellite data and SAR interferometric data are needed for mapping of these features. Remote sensing techniques provide a means for locating, identifying and mapping

  19. Comparison of satellite imagery from LISS-III/Resourcesat-1 and TM/Landsat 5 to estimate stand-level timber volume

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    Elias Fernando Berra


    Full Text Available After Landsat 5 activities were discontinued, sensors on board ResourceSat-1 satellite have been pointed as an option for Landsat series. The aim of this study is to estimate timber volume from a slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. stand using images from both LISS-III/ResourceSat-1 and TM/Landsat 5 sensors, cross comparing their performances. Reflectance values from the four spectral bands considered equivalent for both sensors were compared regarding sensitivity to changes in timber volume. Trends were similar, with direct relationship in the near-infrared bands and inverse relationships in the visible and mid-infrared bands. Significant differences were only found in the equivalent band of green. Multiple linear regressions were used to select spectral bands that would better explain variations in timber volume. The best fit equations for each sensor were inverted to generate maps of timber volume, estimates which were compared at pixel and stand level. None of the scales showed significant differences between estimates generated from the two sensors. We concluded that LISS-III and TM have generally very similar performance for monitoring timber volume, and LISS-III could therefore be potentially used as a complement or substitute to Landsat series.

  20. Summary of Current Radiometric Calibration Coefficients for Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+, and EO-1 ALI Sensors (United States)

    Chander, Gyanesh; Markham, Brian L.; Helder, Dennis L.


    This paper provides a summary of the current equations and rescaling factors for converting calibrated Digital Numbers (DNs) to absolute units of at-sensor spectral radiance, Top-Of- Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance, and at-sensor brightness temperature. It tabulates the necessary constants for the Multispectral Scanner (MSS), Thematic Mapper (TM), Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), and Advanced Land Imager (ALI) sensors. These conversions provide a basis for standardized comparison of data in a single scene or between images acquired on different dates or by different sensors. This paper forms a needed guide for Landsat data users who now have access to the entire Landsat archive at no cost.

  1. Results of agriclimatological studies using multiple satellite sensors like NOAA AVHRR; GMS IR and LANDSAT MSS and TM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choudhury, A.M.


    Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) routinely receives NOAA and GMS imagery and uses them in agrometeorological monitoring, it also uses LANDSAT MSS and TM data for this purpose. Analysis of multiple satellite sensor data shows advantages for high resolution sensors. However, in the ease of crop monitoring, a good correlation has been obtained between results obtained with NOAA AVHRR and LANDSAT MSS for vegetation index. Crop estimation has been made using all kinds of sensors and it has been found that higher resolution data always give more accurate results. (author). 3 refs

  2. LandSAT TM 1994 (United States)

    Kansas Data Access and Support Center — Before the Landsat commercialization contract was signed between the Department of Commerce and the Earth Observation Satellite Company (EOSAT) on September 27,...

  3. Tropical forest biomass and successional age class relationships to a vegetation index derived from Landsat TM data (United States)

    Sader, Steven A.; Waide, Robert B.; Lawrence, William T.; Joyce, Armond T.


    Forest stand structure and biomass data were collected using conventional forest inventory techniques in tropical, subtropical, and warm temperate forest biomes. The feasibility of detecting tropical forest successional age class and total biomass differences using Landsat-Thematic mapper (TM) data, was evaluated. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) calculated from Landsat-TM data were not significantly correlated with forest regeneration age classes in the mountain terrain of the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. The low sun angle and shadows cast on steep north and west facing slopes reduced spectral reflectance values recorded by TM orbital altitude. The NDVI, calculated from low altitude aircraft scanner data, was significatly correlated with forest age classes. However, analysis of variance suggested that NDVI differences were not detectable for successional forests older than approximately 15-20 years. Also, biomass differences in young successional tropical forest were not detectable using the NDVI. The vegetation index does not appear to be a good predictor of stand structure variables (e.g., height, diameter of main stem) or total biomass in uneven age, mixed broadleaf forest. Good correlation between the vegetation index and low biomass in even age pine plantations were achieved for a warm temperate study site. The implications of the study for the use of NDVI for forest structure and biomass estimation are discussed.

  4. Electronic spreadsheet to acquire the reflectance from the TM and ETM+ Landsat images

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    Antonio R. Formaggio


    Full Text Available The reflectance of agricultural cultures and other terrestrial surface "targets" is an intrinsic parameter of these targets, so in many situations, it must be used instead of the values of "gray levels" that is found in the satellite images. In order to get reflectance values, it is necessary to eliminate the atmospheric interference and to make a set of calculations that uses sensor parameters and information regarding the original image. The automation of this procedure has the advantage to speed up the process and to reduce the possibility of errors during calculations. The objective of this paper is to present an electronic spreadsheet that simplifies and automatizes the transformation of the digital numbers of the TM/Landsat-5 and ETM+/Landsat-7 images into reflectance. The method employed for atmospheric correction was the dark object subtraction (DOS. The electronic spreadsheet described here is freely available to users and can be downloaded at the following website:


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    Zulaiha Zulaiha


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: Given the pivotal role played by the Cantung River for the supervision and management of the public good becomes important. Incoming sediment load can damage the uncontrolled flow conditions of the Cantung river and estuary. Observations of suspended sediment can take advantage of multitemporal Landsat imagery. This study uses Landsat satellite image data corrected 5TM March 5, 1992 data acquisition path/row 117/62, Landsat data acquisition 5TM 22 May 1997 path/row 117/62, Landsat data acquisition 5TM March 27, 2000 the path/row 117/62. Several stages in processing the image, that is the conversion of DN to reflectance values, cropping, water-not water secession, and the class divide sediment concentration by density slicing technique. Spatial distribution of suspended sediment in the estuary of the Cantung River Landsat image processing results 5TM March 5, 1992, Landsat 5TM May 22, 1997, and March 27, 2000 Landsat 5TM show distribution patterns of suspended sediment from the River Cantung the same direction, that is northeast. Sediment concentrations were detected in the Landsat image processing 5TM March 5, 1992 the largest-value 27,564096 mg/l and the smallest 14,886048 mg/l. Sediment concentrations were detected in the Landsat image processing 5TM May 22, 1997 the largest-value 121,476776 mg/l and the smallest 12,647415 mg/l. Sediment concentrations were detected in the Landsat image processing 5TM March 27, 2000 most valuable 159,256704 mg/l and the smallest 10,584161 mg/l. Getting away from the effect Cantung River estuary sediment concentration of river flow Cantung tends to get smaller. Changes in the distribution area of the sediments of March 5, 1992 until March 27, 2000 amounted to 450 m2/year.   Keywords: Remote Sensing, Sedimentation, Landsat, Cantung River

  6. Combining lake and watershed characteristics with Landsat TM data for remote estimation of regional lake clarity (United States)

    McCullough, Ian M.; Loftin, Cyndy; Sader, Steven A.


    Water clarity is a reliable indicator of lake productivity and an ideal metric of regional water quality. Clarity is an indicator of other water quality variables including chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus and trophic status; however, unlike these metrics, clarity can be accurately and efficiently estimated remotely on a regional scale. Remote sensing is useful in regions containing a large number of lakes that are cost prohibitive to monitor regularly using traditional field methods. Field-assessed lakes generally are easily accessible and may represent a spatially irregular, non-random sample of a region. We developed a remote monitoring program for Maine lakes >8 ha (1511 lakes) to supplement existing field monitoring programs. We combined Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) brightness values for TM bands 1 (blue) and 3 (red) to estimate water clarity (secchi disk depth) during 1990–2010. Although similar procedures have been applied to Minnesota and Wisconsin lakes, neither state incorporates physical lake variables or watershed characteristics that potentially affect clarity into their models. Average lake depth consistently improved model fitness, and the proportion of wetland area in lake watersheds also explained variability in clarity in some cases. Nine regression models predicted water clarity (R2 = 0.69–0.90) during 1990–2010, with separate models for eastern (TM path 11; four models) and western Maine (TM path 12; five models that captured differences in topography and landscape disturbance. Average absolute difference between model-estimated and observed secchi depth ranged 0.65–1.03 m. Eutrophic and mesotrophic lakes consistently were estimated more accurately than oligotrophic lakes. Our results show that TM bands 1 and 3 can be used to estimate regional lake water clarity outside the Great Lakes Region and that the accuracy of estimates is improved with additional model variables that reflect

  7. Análise comparativa de classificadores digitais em imagens do Landsat-8 aplicados ao mapeamento temático

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    Danilo Francisco Trovo Garofalo


    Full Text Available Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho dos classificadores digitais SVM e K-NN para a classificação orientada a objeto em imagens Landsat-8, aplicados ao mapeamento de uso e cobertura do solo da Alta Bacia do Rio Piracicaba-Jaguari, MG. A etapa de pré-processamento contou com a conversão radiométrica e a minimização dos efeitos atmosféricos. Em seguida, foi feita a fusão das bandas multiespectrais (30 m com a banda pancromática (15 m. Com base em composições RGB e inspeções de campo, definiram-se 15 classes de uso e cobertura do solo. Para a segmentação de bordas, aplicaram-se os limiares 10 e 60 para as configurações de segmentação e união no aplicativo ENVI. A classificação foi feita usando SVM e K-NN. Ambos os classificadores apresentaram elevados valores de índice Kappa (k: 0,92 para SVM e 0,86 para K-NN, significativamente diferentes entre si a 95% de probabilidade. Uma significativa melhoria foi observada para SVM, na classificação correta de diferentes tipologias florestais. A classificação orientada a objetos é amplamente aplicada em imagens de alta resolução espacial; no entanto, os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho mostram a robustez do método também para imagens de média resolução espacial.

  8. Topographic Correction of Landsat TM-5 and Landsat OLI-8 Imagery to Improve the Performance of Forest Classification in the Mountainous Terrain of Northeast Thailand

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    Uday Pimple


    Full Text Available The accurate mapping and monitoring of forests is essential for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems. Advancements in the Landsat satellite series have been very useful for various forest mapping applications. However, the topographic shadows of irregular mountains are major obstacles to accurate forest classification. In this paper, we test five topographic correction methods: improved cosine correction, Minnaert, C-correction, Statistical Empirical Correction (SEC and Variable Empirical Coefficient Algorithm (VECA, with multisource digital elevation models (DEM to reduce the topographic relief effect in mountainous terrain produced by the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM-5 and Operational Land Imager (OLI-8 sensors. The effectiveness of the topographic correction methods are assessed by visual interpretation and the reduction in standard deviation (SD, by means of the coefficient of variation (CV. Results show that the SEC performs best with the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM 30 m × 30 m DEM. The random forest (RF classifier is used for forest classification, and the overall accuracy of forest classification is evaluated to compare the performances of the topographic corrections. Our results show that the C-correction, SEC and VECA corrected imagery were able to improve the forest classification accuracy of Landsat TM-5 from 78.41% to 81.50%, 82.38%, and 81.50%, respectively, and OLI-8 from 81.06% to 81.50%, 82.38%, and 81.94%, respectively. The highest accuracy of forest type classification is obtained with the newly available high-resolution SRTM DEM and SEC method.

  9. Aerofotos convencionais e imagens orbitais TM/LANDSAT no mapeamento morfopedológico em Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP Mapping and fisiographic characterization of soils using conventional aerial photographs and orbital images TM/LANDSAT-5 in Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.A.M. Demattê


    Full Text Available Foram estudados, com o auxílio de fotografias aéreas, aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos do relevo e da rede de drenagem de solos de uma área de Santa Bárbara D'Oeste, SP. Esta região compreende 14.625 ha, onde foram selecionadas bacias hidrográficas de 3ª ordem de ramificação e amostras circulares de 5km². As unidades de mapeamento simples ou associações de solos são: Latossolo Vermelho Escuro, Podzólico, Litossolo + Podzólico, Terra Roxa Estruturada + Latossolo Roxo distrófico. Após a caracterização das feições fisiográficas, da área de ocorrência desses solos, foram realizados dois mapas morfopedológicos. No primeiro utilizou-se fotografias aéreas verticais pancromáticas na escala 1: 35.000 (data de 25/6/78 e no segundo imagens orbitais do sensor "Thematic Mapper" do LANDSAT-5, nas bandas 3, 4 e 5 e composição colorida 3/4/5 na escala 1: 100.000 (data de 12/9/91. As análises qualitativas e quantitativas do relevo (índice de declividade média e rede de drenagem (densidade de drenagem, freqüência de rios, razão de textura mostraram-se eficientes na diferenciação das unidades de solo estudadas, tanto em bacias hidrográficas como em amostras circulares. A utilização de fotografias aéreas, permitiu maior riqueza de detalhes na precisão dos limites das unidades de mapeamento e no maior número de unidades de mapeamento discriminadas em relação as imagens orbitais. A composição colorida 3/4/5 permitiu diferenciar os Latossolos argilosos dos Latossolos de textura média, assim como o Latossolo Húmico.Using aerial photographs quantitative and qualitative parameters of drainage patterns and landscape were studied in an area located in Santa Barbara D'Oeste,SP. This area has 14,625 ha, represented by the following simple map units or associations: Dark Red Latosols; Red Yellow Podzoh'c associated with some Lithosols; Dusky Latosol associated with "Terra Roxa Estruturada" (a Rodudal. Sampling areas were

  10. Landsat TM data processing for lithological discrimination in the Caraculo area (Namibe Province, SW Angola) (United States)

    Alberti, A.; Alessandro, V.; Pieruccini, U.; Pranzini, E.


    Landsat TM data were used for lithological discrimination and mapping in the little-known, semiarid 900 km 2 area around Caraculo station and the middle course of the Rio Giraul (Namibe Province, SW Angola) following two main procedures. The first of these was based on visual evaluation of three-band composites, band-ratio composites and Principal Component Analysis. The second method relied on the extraction of spectral signatures, and their use to obtain automatic classifications. Satisfactory results were reached with the first procedure, thus allowing - with limited support of ground information — the draft of a lithological map, while the second method was not systematically efficient, even for confirmation of data acquired with the first procedure. Image interpretation suggests that an extensive but hithertoun differentiated metasedimentary complex consisting of a heterogeneous supracrustal sequence should be subdivided into at least two units. Field observations proved that one of these is marked by a notable frequency of marbles and the other is characterized by a widespread occurrence of amphibolitic bodies. Moreover, a belt of undetermined (thermally metamorphosed ?) metamorphic rocks is interposed between them. The distinction of so far unidentified units, though restricted to interpretation of processed Landsat TM data, has significant geological implications also in the regional context and will be helpful in guiding future work with conventional geological methods.

  11. BOREAS TE-18 Landsat TM Maximum Likelihood Classification Image of the NSA (United States)

    Hall, Forrest G. (Editor); Knapp, David


    The BOREAS TE-18 team focused its efforts on using remotely sensed data to characterize the successional and disturbance dynamics of the boreal forest for use in carbon modeling. The objective of this classification is to provide the BOREAS investigators with a data product that characterizes the land cover of the NSA. A Landsat-5 TM image from 20-Aug-1988 was used to derive this classification. A standard supervised maximum likelihood classification approach was used to produce this classification. The data are provided in a binary image format file. The data files are available on a CD-ROM (see document number 20010000884), or from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Activity Archive Center (DAAC).

  12. Assessment of methods for land surface temperature retrieval from Landsat-5 TM images applicable to multiscale tree-grass ecosystem modeling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vlassova, Lidia; Perez-Cabello, Fernando; Nieto Solana, Hector


    and assess water and carbon balance in ecologically fragile heterogeneous ecosystem of Mediterranean wooded grassland (dehesa). Thus, three methods based on the Radiative Transfer Equation were used to extract LST from a series of 2009–2011 Landsat-5 TM images to assess the applicability for temperature...

  13. Monitoring the turbidity and surface temperature changes and effects of the 17 August 1999 earthquake in the Izmit Gulf, Turkey by the Landsat TM/ETM data. (United States)

    Tüfekçi, Kenan; Akman, A Unal


    The temporal turbidity and surface temperature changes and effects of the 17 August 1999 earthquake in the Izmit Gulf, Turkey have been investigated using Landsat TM/ETM data. The gulf is in the Mediterranean-Black Sea transition climatic zone and is partially surrounded by green vegetation cover and degraded and densely urbanized-industrialized areas. Landsat TM/ETM data acquired in 1990-1999 confirms increase in turbidity. Turbidity is always low in the southern part and high in the northern part of the gulf, because the more urbanized and industrialized areas are located in the northern part. The Landsat-7 ETM data acquired in the same year (1999) shows seasonal changes in turbidity. Moreover, the two high turbidity and surface temperature anomalies, one of which is parallel to the 17 August 1999 earthquake surface rupture (east-west) and the other which is in the northwest-southeast direction were mapped from Landsat-5 TM data acquired the day (18.08.1999) following the earthquake in the east end of the gulf. On the basis of turbidity implying the sea bottom movement, it is possible to state that a second rupture in the northwest and southeast direction could have occurred at the sea bottom during the earthquake. The distribution of the seismicity centers and the orientation of the lineaments in the area support this finding.

  14. Analysis of the quality of image data acquired by the LANDSAT-4 Thematic Mapper (TM) of the Black Hills area, South Dakota (United States)

    Colwell, R. N. (Principal Investigator)


    The structure, format, and quality of the LANDSAT-4 TM and MSS photographic and digital products for one scene covering the Black Hills area of South Dakota were assessed and the extent to which major resource categories can be detected and identified on various photographic products generated from a subset of TM spectral bands and from all bands of the MSS was determined. The overall spectral, spatial, and radiometric quality of the TM data was found to be excellent. Agricultural fields of variable shape, size, and orientation were detected with relative ease. The addition of the short-wave infrared band (TM5) has significantly improved the ability to detect and identify crop types on single date imagery.

  15. Analysis and correction of Landsat 4 and 5 Thematic Mapper Sensor Data (United States)

    Bernstein, R.; Hanson, W. A.


    Procedures for the correction and registration and registration of Landsat TM image data are examined. The registration of Landsat-4 TM images of San Francisco to Landsat-5 TM images of the San Francisco using the interactive geometric correction program and the cross-correlation technique is described. The geometric correction program and cross-correlation results are presented. The corrections of the TM data to a map reference and to a cartographic database are discussed; geometric and cartographic analyses are applied to the registration results.

  16. Radar, geologic, airborne gamma ray and Landsat TM digital data integration for geological mapping of the Estrela granite complex (Para State); Integracao digital de imagens de radar e Landsat-TM com dados geologicos e aerogamaespectrometricos no auxilio ao mapeamento geologico da regiao do complexo granitico Estrela-Para (PA)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cunha, Edson Ricardo Soares Pereira da


    This work is focused on the geotectonic context of the Carajas Mineral Province, Amazon Craton, which represents the most important Brazilian Mineral Province and hosts iron, cooper, gold, manganese and nickel deposits. At the end of Archean age, during the techno-metamorphic evolution, moderated alkaline granitoids were generated, such as, Estrela Granite Complex (EGC). This work has used digital integration products with the purpose of study the granite suite, its host rock, and the surrounded area. The digital integrated data were gamma-ray and geological data with satellite images (SAR-SAREX e TM-Landsat). The geophysics data, originally in 32 bits and grid format, were interpolated and converted to 8 bits images. The geological data (facies map) was digitalized and converted to a raster format. The remote sensing images were geometrically corrected to guarantee an accuracy on the geological mapping. On the data processing phase, SAR images were digital integrated with gamma-ray data, TM-Landsat image and the raster facies map. The IHS transformation was used as the technique to integrate the multi-source data. On the photogeological interpretation, SAR data were extremely important to permit the extraction of the main tectonic lineaments which occur on the following directions: +/- N45W, +/- N70W, +/- NS, +/- N20E, +/- N45E e +/- N75E. This procedure was done both in analogic and automatic form, being the automatic process more useful to complement information in the extracting process. Among the digital products generated, SAR/GAMA products (uranium, thorium and total count) were the ones that give the most important contribution. The interpretation of the SAR/GAMA's products added to the field campaign have allowed to map the limits of units that occur in the region and four facies of the Estrela Granite Complex were detected. The origin of the granite suite might be related to a magmatic differentiation or to distinct intrusion pulses. The use of the

  17. Radiometric characterization of Landsat Collection 1 products (United States)

    Micijevic, Esad; Haque, Md. Obaidul; Mishra, Nischal


    Landsat data in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) archive are being reprocessed to generate a tiered collection of consistently geolocated and radiometrically calibrated products that are suitable for time series analyses. With the implementation of the collection management, no major updates will be made to calibration of the Landsat sensors within a collection. Only calibration parameters needed to maintain the established calibration trends without an effect on derived environmental records will be regularly updated, while all other changes will be deferred to a new collection. This first collection, Collection 1, incorporates various radiometric calibration updates to all Landsat sensors including absolute and relative gains for Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI), stray light correction for Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), absolute gains for Landsat 4 and 5 Thematic Mappers (TM), recalibration of Landsat 1-5 Multispectral Scanners (MSS) to ensure radiometric consistency among different formats of archived MSS data, and a transfer of Landsat 8 OLI reflectance based calibration to all previous Landsat sensors. While all OLI/TIRS, ETM+ and majority of TM data have already been reprocessed to Collection 1, a completion of MSS and remaining TM data reprocessing is expected by the end of this year. It is important to note that, although still available for download from the USGS web pages, the products generated using the Pre-Collection processing do not benefit from the latest radiometric calibration updates. In this paper, we are assessing radiometry of solar reflective bands in Landsat Collection 1 products through analysis of trends in on-board calibrator and pseudo invariant site (PICS) responses.

  18. An Operational Scheme for Deriving Standardised Surface Reflectance from Landsat TM/ETM+ and SPOT HRG Imagery for Eastern Australia

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    Neil Flood


    Full Text Available Operational monitoring of vegetation and land surface change over large areas can make good use of satellite sensors that measure radiance reflected from the Earth’s surface. Monitoring programs use multiple images for complete spatial coverage over time. Accurate retrievals of vegetation cover and vegetation change estimates can be hampered by variation, in both space and time, in the measured radiance, caused by atmospheric conditions, topography, sensor location, and sun elevation. In order to obtain estimates of cover that are comparable between images, and to retrieve accurate estimates of change, these sources of variation must be removed. In this paper we present a preprocessing scheme for minimising atmospheric, topographic and bi-directional reflectance effects on Landsat-5 TM, Landsat-7 ETM+ and SPOT-5 HRG imagery. The approach involves atmospheric correction to compute surface-leaving radiance, and bi-directional reflectance modelling to remove the effects of topography and angular variation in reflectance. The bi-directional reflectance model has been parameterised for eastern Australia, but the general approach is more widely applicable. The result is surface reflectance standardised to a fixed viewing and illumination geometry. The method can be applied to the entire record for these instruments, without intervention, which is of increasing importance with the increased availability of long term image archives. Validation shows that the corrections improve the estimation of reflectance at any given angular configuration, thus allowing the removal from the reflectance signal of much variation due to factors independent of the land surface. The method has been used to process over 45,000 Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ scenes and 2,500 SPOT-5 scenes, over eastern Australia, and is now in use in operational monitoring programs.


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    Josimara Martins Dias


    Full Text Available This paper has as purpose present the methodology developed to produce an updated digital map base support for participatory management Mamirauá Reserve of Sustainable Development in the state of Amazonas, Braszil. Because this protected área is situated within an area of flooded forest, both the physical landscape and social organization often change, and the dynamic demand the systematic update of cartographic databases. This work has images of orbital sensors IKONOS II and LANDSAT 5 TM, interviews with users and collecting spatial data in the Mamirauá Reserve. This work obtained a cartographic base at 1:100.000 scale and a geodatabase compatible with the local references, with which is possible to generate thematic maps updated to support dialogue in the sustainable management programs of the Mamirauá Reserve and minimize conflicts with communities.

  20. BOREAS TE-18 Landsat TM Physical Classification Image of the NSA (United States)

    Hall, Forrest G. (Editor); Knapp, David


    The BOREAS TE-18 team focused its efforts on using remotely sensed data to characterize the successional and disturbance dynamics of the boreal forest for use in carbon modeling. The objective of this classification is to provide the BOREAS investigators with a data product that characterizes the land cover of the NSA. A Landsat-5 TM image from 21-Jun-1995 was used to derive the classification. A technique was implemented that uses reflectances of various land cover types along with a geometric optical canopy model to produce spectral trajectories. These trajectories are used in a way that is similar to training data to classify the image into the different land cover classes. The data are provided in a binary, image file format. The data files are available on a CD-ROM (see document number 20010000884), or from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).

  1. Land cover mapping with emphasis to burnt area delineation using co-orbital ALI and Landsat TM imagery (United States)

    Petropoulos, George P.; Kontoes, Charalambos C.; Keramitsoglou, Iphigenia


    In this study, the potential of EO-1 Advanced Land Imager (ALI) radiometer for land cover and especially burnt area mapping from a single image analysis is investigated. Co-orbital imagery from the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) was also utilised for comparison purposes. Both images were acquired shortly after the suppression of a fire occurred during the summer of 2009 North-East of Athens, the capital of Greece. The Maximum Likelihood (ML), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) classifiers were parameterised and subsequently applied to the acquired satellite datasets. Evaluation of the land use/cover mapping accuracy was based on the error matrix statistics. Also, the McNemar test was used to evaluate the statistical significance of the differences between the approaches tested. Derived burnt area estimates were validated against the operationally deployed Services and Applications For Emergency Response (SAFER) Burnt Scar Mapping service. All classifiers applied to either ALI or TM imagery proved flexible enough to map land cover and also to extract the burnt area from other land surface types. The highest total classification accuracy and burnt area detection capability was returned from the application of SVMs to ALI data. This was due to the SVMs ability to identify an optimal separating hyperplane for best classes' separation that was able to better utilise ALI's advanced technological characteristics in comparison to those of TM sensor. This study is to our knowledge the first of its kind, effectively demonstrating the benefits of the combined application of SVMs to ALI data further implying that ALI technology may prove highly valuable in mapping burnt areas and land use/cover if it is incorporated into the development of Landsat 8 mission, planned to be launched in the coming years.

  2. The urban heat island in the city of Poznań as derived from Landsat 5 TM (United States)

    Majkowska, Agnieszka; Kolendowicz, Leszek; Półrolniczak, Marek; Hauke, Jan; Czernecki, Bartosz


    To study urban heat island (UHI), Landsat 5 TM data and in situ measurements of air temperature from nine points in Poznań (Poland) for the period June 2008-May 2013 were used. Based on data from measurement points located in different types of land use, the surface urban heat island (SUHI) maps were created. All available and quality-controlled Landsat 5 TM images from 15 unique days were used to obtain the characteristics of land surface temperature (LST) and UHI intensity. In addition, spatial analysis of UHI was conducted on the basis of Corine Land Cover 2006 dataset. In situ measurements at a height of 2 m above ground level show that the UHI is a common occurrence in Poznań with a mean annual intensity of 1.0 °C. The UHI intensity is greater during the warm half of the year. Moreover, results based on the remote sensing data and the Corine Land Cover 2006 indicate that the highest value of the mean LST anomalies (3.4 °C) is attained by the continuous urban fabric, while the lowest value occurs within the broad-leaved forests (-3.1 °C). To re-count from LST to the air temperature at a height of 2 m above ground level ( T agl), linear and non-linear regression models were created. For both models, coefficients of determination equal about 0.80, with slightly higher value for the non-linear approach, which was applied to estimate the T agl spatial variability over the city of Poznań.

  3. Predictive models of turbidity and water depth in the Doñana marshes using Landsat TM and ETM+ images. (United States)

    Bustamante, Javier; Pacios, Fernando; Díaz-Delgado, Ricardo; Aragonés, David


    We have used Landsat-5 TM and Landsat-7 ETM+ images together with simultaneous ground-truth data at sample points in the Doñana marshes to predict water turbidity and depth from band reflectance using Generalized Additive Models. We have point samples for 12 different dates simultaneous with 7 Landsat-5 and 5 Landsat-7 overpasses. The best model for water turbidity in the marsh explained 38% of variance in ground-truth data and included as predictors band 3 (630-690 nm), band 5 (1550-1750 nm) and the ratio between bands 1 (450-520 nm) and 4 (760-900 nm). Water turbidity is easier to predict for water bodies like the Guadalquivir River and artificial ponds that are deep and not affected by bottom soil reflectance and aquatic vegetation. For the latter, a simple model using band 3 reflectance explains 78.6% of the variance. Water depth is easier to predict than turbidity. The best model for water depth in the marsh explains 78% of the variance and includes as predictors band 1, band 5, the ratio between band 2 (520-600 nm) and band 4, and bottom soil reflectance in band 4 in September, when the marsh is dry. The water turbidity and water depth models have been developed in order to reconstruct historical changes in Doñana wetlands during the last 30 years using the Landsat satellite images time series.


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    Ni Luh Made Ari Sugianthi


    Full Text Available Mangrove ecosystems are crucial for the management of some coastal resources in Indonesia. Thisresearch used Landsat TM 1994, Landsat ETM+ 2002 with the purpose to know mangrove area change foreight years, mangrove density and accuracy of image as source of data to mangrove area in Benoa Bay. Fromimage analysis that using maximum likelihood method, the mangrove is classified into 3 classes i.e.:mangroves with high density, medium density and low density. For the ground check, used single plotmethod by using 6 trees.The extent of mangrove area in Benoa Bay were 447.69 ha in 1994 and 622.08 ha in 2002. Thechange of the extent of mangrove area during 8 years (1994 – 2002 increased by 174.41 ha. The area ofdensities in 1994, high density was 225.15 ha, medium density was 122.48 ha and low density was 130.05ha. In 2002, high density was 262.8 ha, medium density was 265.95 ha, and low density was 133.30 ha.Based on the regression analysis between mangrove density and the value of interpretation, the density ofmangrove in Benoa Bay which the criteria of high density is 364.723 – 466.311 tree/ha, medium density is237.738 - 364.723 tree/ha and low density is 186.944 – 237.738 tree/ha. The determination coefficient (r2was 0.6312. Based on the regression analysis in 2002 used in interpretation of mangrove density in 1994,which the criteria of high density is 357.10 tree/ha –316.47 tree/ha, medium density is 273.29 tree/ha –316.47 tree/ha and low density is 252.98 tree/ha –273.29 tree/ha.The accuracy of the Landsat ETM+ 2002 for mangrove area classification in Benoa Bay was 90%.These values were above the acceptable limit of accuracy stated of 80 %, so that this classification accuracywas acceptable.

  5. Evaluation of Different Topographic Corrections for Landsat TM Data by Prediction of Foliage Projective Cover (FPC in Topographically Complex Landscapes

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    Sisira Ediriweera


    Full Text Available The reflected radiance in topographically complex areas is severely affected by variations in topography; thus, topographic correction is considered a necessary pre-processing step when retrieving biophysical variables from these images. We assessed the performance of five topographic corrections: (i C correction (C, (ii Minnaert, (iii Sun Canopy Sensor (SCS, (iv SCS + C and (v the Processing Scheme for Standardised Surface Reflectance (PSSSR on the Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM reflectance in the context of prediction of Foliage Projective Cover (FPC in hilly landscapes in north-eastern Australia. The performance of topographic corrections on the TM reflectance was assessed by (i visual comparison and (ii statistically comparing TM predicted FPC with ground measured FPC and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging-derived FPC estimates. In the majority of cases, the PSSSR method performed best in terms of eliminating topographic effects, providing the best relationship and lowest residual error when comparing ground measured FPC and LiDAR FPC with TM predicted FPC. The Minnaert, C and SCS + C showed the poorest performance. Finally, the use of TM surface reflectance, which includes atmospheric correction and broad Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF effects, seemed to account for most topographic variation when predicting biophysical variables, such as FPC.

  6. Use of ERS-2 Sar and Landsat TM Images for Geological Mapping and Mineral Exploration Of Sol Hamid Area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramadan, T.M.


    Sol hamid area is chiefy occupied by neo proterozoic rocks, partly covered by miocene sediments and recent sand sheets and dunes. The neo proterozoic rocks include ophiolitic ultramafic to mafic rocks, meta volcano-sedimentary rocks, meta volcanics, gabbros-diorite rocks, granodiorites, biotite granites and alkali granites. Magnesite, chromite, iron ores, manganese and barite ore deposits are hosted in different at the study area. ERS-2 SAR data enabled to obtain an image that reveals some buried fluvial features beneath the surface cover of desert sand. These features are not observable in Landsat TM image of similar resolution. In this work, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique was used for merging ERS-2 SAR and Landsat TM images to make use of the potential of data fusion technique of image processing in the interpretation of geological features. This procedure has resulted in enhancing subsurface structure such as faults that control distribution of several deposits in the study area. This study represents an example to demonstrate the utility of merging various remote sensing data for exploring mineral deposits in arid region

  7. Proposal for a remote sensing trophic state index based upon Thematic Mapper/Landsat images

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    Evlyn Márcia Leão de Moraes Novo


    Full Text Available This work proposes a trophic state index based on the remote sensing retrieval of chlorophyll-α concentration. For that, in situ Bidirectional Reflectance Factor (BRF data acquired in the Ibitinga reservoir were resampled to match Landsat/TM spectral simulated bands (TM_sim bands and used to run linear correlation with concurrent measurements of chlorophyll-α concentration. Monte Carlo simulation was then applied to select the most suitable model relating chlorophyll-α concentration and simulated TM/Landsat reflectance. TM4_sim/TM3_sim ratio provided the best model with a R2 value of 0.78. The model was then inverted to create a look-up-table (LUT relating TM4_sim/TM3_sim ratio intervals to chlorophyll-α concentration trophic state classes covering the entire range measured in the reservoir. Atmospheric corrected Landsat TM images converted to surface reflectance were then used to generate a TM4/TM3 ratio image. The ratio image frequency distribution encompassed the range of TM4_sim/TM3_sim ratio indicating agreement between in situ and satellite data and supporting the use of satellite data to map chlorophyll- concentration trophic state distribution in the reservoir. Based on that, the LUT was applied to a Landsat/TM ratio image to map the spatial distribution of chlorophyll- trophic state classes in Ibitinga reservoir. Despite the stochastic selection of TM4_sim/TM3_sim ratio as the best input variable for modeling the chlorophyll-α concentration, it has a physical basis: high concentration of phytoplankton increases the reflectance in the near-infrared (TM4 and decreases the reflectance in the red (TM3. The band ratio, therefore, enhances the relationship between chlorophyll- concentration and remotely sensed reflectance.

  8. An assessment of areal evapotranspiration using Landsat TM data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chae, Hyo-Sok; Park, Jae-Young [Water Resources Research Institute, Taejeon(Korea); Song, Young-Soo [Chonbuk National Univ., Chonju(Korea)


    Surface energy balance components were evaluated by Landsat TM data and GIS with meteorological data. Calibration and validation for the applicability of this methodology were made through the estimating of the large-scale evapotranspiration (ET). In addition, sensitivity and error analysis was conducted to see the effects of the surface energy balance components on ET and the accuracy of each components. Bochong-chon located on the upper part of Guem River basin was selected as the case study area. Spatial distribution map of ET were produced for five dates: Jan. 1, Apr. 3, May. 10, and Nov. 27, 1995. The study results showed that ET was greatly varied with the aspect and the land use type on the surface. In the case of having northeast and southeast in the aspect, ET was linearly increased depending on growing net radiation. While surface temperature has a high value, NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) has a low value in the vegetated area. Therefore, ground heat flux was increased but ET was relatively decreased. The results of sensitivity and error analysis showed that net radiation is most sensitive and effective, ranging from 12.5% to 23.6% of sensitivity. Furthermore, the surface temperature, air temperature, and wind speed have the significant effects on ET estimation using remotely sensed data. (author). 26 refs., 4 tabs., 8 figs.

  9. Effects of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus radiometric and geometric calibrations and corrections on landscape characterization (United States)

    Vogelmann, James E.; Helder, Dennis; Morfitt, Ron; Choate, Michael J.; Merchant, James W.; Bulley, Henry


    The Thematic Mapper (TM) instruments onboard Landsats 4 and 5 provide high-quality imagery appropriate for many different applications, including land cover mapping, landscape ecology, and change detection. Precise calibration was considered to be critical to the success of the Landsat 7 mission and, thus, issues of calibration were given high priority during the development of the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+). Data sets from the Landsat 5 TM are not routinely corrected for a number of radiometric and geometric artifacts, including memory effect, gain/bias, and interfocal plane misalignment. In the current investigation, the effects of correcting vs. not correcting these factors were investigated for several applications. Gain/bias calibrations were found to have a greater impact on most applications than did memory effect calibrations. Correcting interfocal plane offsets was found to have a moderate effect on applications. On June 2, 1999, Landsats 5 and 7 data were acquired nearly simultaneously over a study site in the Niobrara, NE area. Field radiometer data acquired at that site were used to facilitate crosscalibrations of Landsats 5 and 7 data. Current findings and results from previous investigations indicate that the internal calibrator of Landsat 5 TM tracked instrument gain well until 1988. After this, the internal calibrator diverged from the data derived from vicarious calibrations. Results from this study also indicate very good agreement between prelaunch measurements and vicarious calibration data for all Landsat 7 reflective bands except Band 4. Values are within about 3.5% of each other, except for Band 4, which differs by 10%. Coefficient of variation (CV) values derived from selected targets in the imagery were also analyzed. The Niobrara Landsat 7 imagery was found to have lower CV values than Landsat 5 data, implying that lower levels of noise characterize Landsat 7 data than current Landsat 5 data. It was also found that following

  10. Application of Landsat 5-TM and GIS data to elk habitat studies in northern Idaho (United States)

    Hayes, Stephen Gordon


    An extensive geographic information system (GIS) database and a large radiotelemetry sample of elk (n = 153) were used to study habitat use and selection differences between cow and bull elk (Cervus elaphus) in the Coeur d'Alene Mountains of Idaho. Significant sex differences in 40 ha area use, and interactive effects of sex and season on selection of 40 ha areas from home ranges were found. In all seasons, bulls used habitats with more closed canopy forest, more hiding cover, and less shrub and graminoid cover, than cows. Cows selected areas with shrub and graminoid cover in winter and avoided areas with closed canopy forest and hiding cover in winter and summer seasons. Both sexes selected 40 ha areas of unfragmented hiding cover and closed canopy forest during the hunting season. Bulls also avoided areas with high open road densities during the rut and hunting season. These results support present elk management recommendations, but our observations of sexual segregation provide biologists with an opportunity to refine habitat management plans to target bulls and cows specifically. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that hiding cover and canopy closure can be accurately estimated from Landsat 5-TM imagery and GIS soil data at a scale and resolution to which elk respond. As a result, our habitat mapping methods can be applied to large areas of private and public land with consistent, cost-efficient results. Non-Lambertian correction models of Landsat 5-TM imagery were compared to an uncorrected image to determine if topographic normalization increased the accuracy of elk habitat maps of forest structure in northern Idaho. The non-Lambertian models produced elk habitat maps with overall and kappa statistic accuracies as much as 21.3% higher (p < 0.0192) than the uncorrected image. Log-linear models and power analysis were used to study the dependence of commission and omission error rates on topographic normalization, vegetation type, and solar incidence angle

  11. Relações empíricas entre características dendrométricas da Caatinga brasileira e dados TM Landsat 5

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    André Quintão de Almeida


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi ajustar modelos para estimar características dendrométricas da Caatinga brasileira a partir de dados do sensor TM do Landsat 5. Medidas de diâmetro e altura das árvores foram obtidas de 60 parcelas de inventário (400 m2, em dois municípios do Estado de Sergipe. A área basal e o volume de madeira foram estimados com uso de equação alométrica e de fator de forma (f = 0,9. As variáveis explicativas foram obtidas do sensor TM, após correção radiométrica e geométrica, tendo-se considerado, na análise, seis bandas espectrais, com resolução espacial de 30 m, além dos índices de razão simples (SR, de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI e de vegetação ajustado ao solo (Savi. Na escolha das melhores variáveis explicativas, foram considerados coeficiente de determinação (R2, raiz do erro quadrático médio (RMSE e critério bayesiano de informação (CBI. A área basal por hectare não apresentou correlação significativa com nenhuma das variáveis explicativas utilizadas. Os melhores modelos foram ajustados à altura média das árvores por parcela (R2 = 0,4; RMSE = 13% e ao volume de madeira por hectare (R2 = 0,6; RMSE = 42%. As métricas derivadas do sensor TM do Landsat 5 têm grande potencial para explicar variações de altura média das árvores e do volume de madeira por hectare, em remanescentes de Caatinga situados no Nordeste brasileiro.

  12. Analysis of land cover/use changes using Landsat 5 TM data and indices. (United States)

    Ettehadi Osgouei, Paria; Kaya, Sinasi


    Urban expansion and unprecedented rural to urban transition, along with a huge population growth, are major driving forces altering land cover/use in metropolitan areas. Many of the land cover classes such as farmlands, wetlands, forests, and bare soils have been transformed during the past years into human settlements. Identification of the city growth trends and the impact of it on the vegetation cover of an area is essential for a better understanding of the sustainability of urban development processes, both planned and unplanned. Analyzing the causes and consequences of land use dynamics helps local government, urban planners, and managers for the betterment of future plans and minimizing the negative effects.This study determined temporal changes in vegetation cover and built-up area in Istanbul (Turkey) using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), and built-up area index (BUAI). The temporal data were based on Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) images acquired in June of 1984, 2002, 2007, 2009, and 2011. The NDVI was applied to all the Landsat images, and the resulting NDVI images were overlaid to generate an NDVI layer stack image. The same procedure was repeated using the SAVI and BUAI images. The layer stack images revealed those areas that had changed in terms of the different indices over the years. To determine temporal change trends, the values of 150 randomly selected control points were extracted from the same locations in the NDVI, SAVI, and BUAI layer stack images. The results obtained from these control points showed that vegetation cover decreased considerably because of a remarkable increase in the built-up area.

  13. Identification of areas of recharge and discharge using Landsat-TM satellite imagery and aerial photography mapping techniques (United States)

    Salama, R. B.; Tapley, I.; Ishii, T.; Hawkes, G.


    Aerial photographs (AP) and Landsat (TM) colour composites were used to map the geomorphology, geology and structures of the Salt River System of Western Australia. Geomorphic features identified are sand plains, dissected etchplain, colluvium, lateritic duricrust and rock outcrops. The hydrogeomorphic units include streams, lakes and playas, palaeochannels and palaeodeltas. The structural features are linear and curvilinear lineaments, ring structures and dolerite dykes. Suture lines control the course of the main river channel. Permeable areas around the circular granitic plutons were found to be the main areas of recharge in the uplands. Recharge was also found to occur in the highly permeable areas of the sandplains. Discharge was shown to be primarily along the main drainage lines, on the edge of the circular sandplains, in depressions and in lakes. The groundwater occurrence and hydrogeological classification of the recharge potential of the different units were used to classify the mapped areas into recharge and discharge zones. The results also show that TM colour composites provide a viable source of data comparable with AP for mapping and delineating areas of recharge and discharge on a regional scale.

  14. A Comparative Study of Landsat TM and SPOT HRG Images for Vegetation Classification in the Brazilian Amazon (United States)

    Lu, Dengsheng; Batistella, Mateus; de Miranda, Evaristo E.; Moran, Emilio


    Complex forest structure and abundant tree species in the moist tropical regions often cause difficulties in classifying vegetation classes with remotely sensed data. This paper explores improvement in vegetation classification accuracies through a comparative study of different image combinations based on the integration of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and SPOT High Resolution Geometric (HRG) instrument data, as well as the combination of spectral signatures and textures. A maximum likelihood classifier was used to classify the different image combinations into thematic maps. This research indicated that data fusion based on HRG multispectral and panchromatic data slightly improved vegetation classification accuracies: a 3.1 to 4.6 percent increase in the kappa coefficient compared with the classification results based on original HRG or TM multispectral images. A combination of HRG spectral signatures and two textural images improved the kappa coefficient by 6.3 percent compared with pure HRG multispectral images. The textural images based on entropy or second-moment texture measures with a window size of 9 pixels × 9 pixels played an important role in improving vegetation classification accuracy. Overall, optical remote-sensing data are still insufficient for accurate vegetation classifications in the Amazon basin. PMID:19789716

  15. A Comparative Study of Landsat TM and SPOT HRG Images for Vegetation Classification in the Brazilian Amazon. (United States)

    Lu, Dengsheng; Batistella, Mateus; de Miranda, Evaristo E; Moran, Emilio


    Complex forest structure and abundant tree species in the moist tropical regions often cause difficulties in classifying vegetation classes with remotely sensed data. This paper explores improvement in vegetation classification accuracies through a comparative study of different image combinations based on the integration of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and SPOT High Resolution Geometric (HRG) instrument data, as well as the combination of spectral signatures and textures. A maximum likelihood classifier was used to classify the different image combinations into thematic maps. This research indicated that data fusion based on HRG multispectral and panchromatic data slightly improved vegetation classification accuracies: a 3.1 to 4.6 percent increase in the kappa coefficient compared with the classification results based on original HRG or TM multispectral images. A combination of HRG spectral signatures and two textural images improved the kappa coefficient by 6.3 percent compared with pure HRG multispectral images. The textural images based on entropy or second-moment texture measures with a window size of 9 pixels × 9 pixels played an important role in improving vegetation classification accuracy. Overall, optical remote-sensing data are still insufficient for accurate vegetation classifications in the Amazon basin.

  16. Identification and application of the valid wavelength bands for burnt area detection and fire severity classification using Landsat/TM data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maki, M.; Tamura, M.


    Firstly, by using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery before and after forest fire, the valid wavelength bands for detecting burnt areas were examined and compared to NDVI. Secondly, by using the valid wavelength bands, mapping of burnt area and classification of fire severity were examined. The results show that (a) channel 4 and 7 were more sensitive than other channels for detecting burnt area, (b) BAI (Burnt Area Index) [(ch. 4-ch. 7)/(ch. 4+ch. 7)] was more useful than NDVI for detecting burnt areas, and (c) BAI imagery was more useful for classification of burn severity than NDVI imagery

  17. Regional analysis of tertiary volcanic Calderas (western U.S.) using Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery (United States)

    Spatz, David M.; Taranik, James V.


    The Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery of the Basin and Range province of southern Nevada was analyzed to identify and map volcanic rock assemblages at three Tertiary calderas. It was found that the longer-wavelength visible and the NIR TM Bands 3, 5, and 7 provide more effective lithologic discrimination than the shorter-wavelength bands, due partly to deeper penetration of the longer-wavelength bands, resulting in more lithologically driven radiances. Shorter-wavelength TM Bands 1 and 2 are affected more by surficial weathering products including desert varnish which may or may not provide an indirect link to lithologic identity. Guidelines for lithologic analysis of volcanic terrains using Landsat TM imagery are outlined.

  18. A Comparison of Spectral Angle Mapper and Artificial Neural Network Classifiers Combined with Landsat TM Imagery Analysis for Obtaining Burnt Area Mapping

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    Marko Scholze


    Full Text Available Satellite remote sensing, with its unique synoptic coverage capabilities, can provide accurate and immediately valuable information on fire analysis and post-fire assessment, including estimation of burnt areas. In this study the potential for burnt area mapping of the combined use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN and Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM classifiers with Landsat TM satellite imagery was evaluated in a Mediterranean setting. As a case study one of the most catastrophic forest fires, which occurred near the capital of Greece during the summer of 2007, was used. The accuracy of the two algorithms in delineating the burnt area from the Landsat TM imagery, acquired shortly after the fire suppression, was determined by the classification accuracy results of the produced thematic maps. In addition, the derived burnt area estimates from the two classifiers were compared with independent estimates available for the study region, obtained from the analysis of higher spatial resolution satellite data. In terms of the overall classification accuracy, ANN outperformed (overall accuracy 90.29%, Kappa coefficient 0.878 the SAM classifier (overall accuracy 83.82%, Kappa coefficient 0.795. Total burnt area estimates from the two classifiers were found also to be in close agreement with the other available estimates for the study region, with a mean absolute percentage difference of ~1% for ANN and ~6.5% for SAM. The study demonstrates the potential of the examined here algorithms in detecting burnt areas in a typical Mediterranean setting.

  19. Assessment of land cover changes in Lampedusa Island (Italy) using Landsat TM and OLI data (United States)

    Mei, Alessandro; Manzo, Ciro; Fontinovo, Giuliano; Bassani, Cristiana; Allegrini, Alessia; Petracchini, Francesco


    The Lampedusa Island displays important socio-economic criticalities related to an intensive touristic activity, which implies an increase in electricity consumption and waste production. An adequate island conversion to a more environmental, sustainable community needs to be faced by the local Management Plans establishment. For this purpose, several thematic datasets have to be produced and evaluated. Socio-economic and bio-ecological components as well as land cover/use assessment are some of the main topics to be managed within the Decision Support Systems. Considering the lack of Land Cover (LC) and vegetation change detection maps in Lampedusa Island (Italy), this paper focuses on the retrieval of these topics by remote sensing techniques. The analysis was carried out by Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI multispectral images from 1984 to 2014 in order to obtain spatial and temporal information of changes occurred in the island. Firstly, imagery was co-registered and atmospherically corrected; secondly, it was then classified for land cover and vegetation distribution analysis with the use of QGIS and Saga GIS open source softwares. The Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) was used for LC maps production, while the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was used for vegetation examination and distribution. Topographic maps, historical aerial photos, ortophotos and field data are merged in the GIS for accuracy assessment. Finally, change detection of MLC and NDVI are provided respectively by Post-Classification Comparison (PCC) and Image Differencing (ID). The provided information, combined with local socio-economic parameters, is essential for the improvement of environmental sustainability of anthropogenic activities in Lampedusa.

  20. Mapeamento da antiga cobertura vegetal de várzea do Baixo Amazonas a partir de imagens históricas (1975-1981 do Sensor MSS-Landsat Mapping ancient vegetation cover of the Amazon floodplain using historical MSS/Landsat images (1975-1981

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    Vivian Fróes Renó


    Full Text Available Este estudo apresenta um mapa da cobertura vegetal da planície de inundação do Rio Amazonas entre as cidades de Parintins (AM e Almeirim (PA, com base em imagens Landsat-MSS adquiridas entre 1975 e 1981. O processamento digital dessas imagens envolveu a transformação para imagens-fração de vegetação, solo e água escura (sombra, seguido da aplicação de técnicas de segmentação e classificação por região. O mapa resultante da classificação foi organizado em quatro classes de cobertura do solo: floresta de várzea, vegetação não-florestal de várzea, solo exposto e água aberta. A precisão do mapa foi estimada a partir de dois tipos de informações coletadas em campo: 1 pontos de descrição: para validação das classes de cobertura não sujeitas a grandes alterações, como é o caso dos corpos d'água permanentes, e identificação de indicadores dos tipos de cobertura original presentes na paisagem na ocasião da obtenção das imagens (72 pontos; 2 entrevistas com moradores antigos para a recuperação da memória sobre a cobertura vegetal existente há 30 anos (44 questionários. Ao todo foram coletadas informações em 116 pontos distribuídos ao longo da área de estudo. Esses pontos foram utilizados para calcular o Índice Kappa de concordância entre os dados de campo e o mapa resultante da classificação automática, cujo valor (0,78 indica a boa qualidade do mapa de cobertura vegetal da várzea. Os resultados mostram que a região possuía uma cobertura florestal de várzea de aproximadamente 8.650 km2 no período de aquisição das imagens.This study presents a vegetation map of the Amazon River floodplain between the towns of Parintins (AM and Almeirim (PA, based on Landsat-MSS scenes from 1975 to 1981. Digital processing involved the transformation of multispectral images into fraction-images of vegetation, soil and dark water (shadow, followed by the application of segmentation and region

  1. Geological interpretation of Landsat TM imagery and aeromagnetic survey data, northern Precordillera region, Argentina (United States)

    Chernicoff, C. J.; Nash, C. R.


    This case study demonstrates a methodology for obtaining maximum geoscientific value from reconnaissance (1000 m line spacing) aeromagnetic data through integration with high-resolution satellite imagery. In this study, lithostratigraphic interpretation of optimally processed Landsat TM data at reconnaissance mapping scale (1:100,000) has been carried out as a precursor to geophysical interpretation, providing the basic 'framework' in which to view the imaged geophysical data. The Landsat-derived framework shows the correct positions and vergences of major structures, which characterize this part of the Andean foreland thrust-and-fold belt. Within the structural framework derived from satellite imagery, the locations of major shallow-source aeromagnetic anomalies related to intermediate/mafic extrusive and subvolcanic rocks and the controlling structures of these economically important magmatic events can be correctly interpreted. Results of the study indicate a significant, coherent, and previously unrecognized post-Permian, pre-Miocene volcanic/subvolcanic center, which is probably associated with regional sinistral strike-slip along a reactivated N-S accretionary suture and a pre-existing Precambrian/Paleozoic basement structure. Subsequent west-vergent thick-skinned thrusting associated with uplift of Sierra Valle Fertil Precambrian block has developed a set of distinctive NW-oriented strike-slip faults at the site of the volcanic center. The NW structures cut and rotate late Miocene thin-skinned structures associated with the Precordillera fold-and-thrust belt. Intrusive rocks associated with the inferred Oligocene volcanic center form easily recognizable, partially remanent dipole anomalies, are associated with alteration and Au mineralization (Cerro Guachi, El Pescado, Gnrl. Belgrano mines), and are located along NW-oriented sinistral splay faults. The strike-slip related tectonic/magmatic event is currently regarded as Oligocene in age and may correlate


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    F. Huang


    Full Text Available Based on the information from integrated Landsat TM/ETM images and geographic information systems (GIS, using dynamic model, landscape indices and temporal trajectory analysis, spatio-temporal changes in forest in the northern area of Changbai Mountains were investigated in the past 20 years. The results showed that the forests decreased by 141461 ha at the annual decrease rate of 0.19% from 1986 to 2006. The numbers of forest patch increased, while the patch size of forest land declined. Forestland experienced the process of substantial fragmentation. Close forest showed a net reduction of 13.3×104ha. The typical trajectories of forest changes included forestland-forestland-cropland, forestland-cropland-cropland, forestland-forestland-grassland and forestland-cropland-built-up land. The total area of human-induced change is 1.7 times than that of natural change in the study area. Population, cropland area and gross domestic product increased significantly as forests decreased.


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    Elias Fernando Berra


    Full Text Available relating spectral answers with biophysical parameters aim estimate variables, like wood volume, without the necessity of frequent field measurements. The objective was to develop models to estimate wood volume by Landsat 5 TM images, supported by regional forest inventory data. The image was geo-referenced and converted to spectral reflectance. After, the images-index NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and SR (Simple Ratio was generated. The reflectance values of the bands (TM1, TM2, TM3 e TM4 and of the indices (NDVI and SR was related with the wood volume. The biggest correlation with volume was with the NDVI and SR indices. The variables selection was made by Stepwise method, which returned three regression models as significant to explain the variation in volume. Finally, the best fitted model was selected (volume = -830,95 + 46,05 (SR + 107,47 (TM2, which was applied on the Landsat image where the pixels had started to represent the estimated volume in m³/ha on the Eucalyptus sp. production units. This model, significant at 95% confidence level, explains 68% of the wood volume variation.

  4. Examining the Capability of Supervised Machine Learning Classifiers in Extracting Flooded Areas from Landsat TM Imagery: A Case Study from a Mediterranean Flood

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    Gareth Ireland


    Full Text Available This study explored the capability of Support Vector Machines (SVMs and regularised kernel Fisher’s discriminant analysis (rkFDA machine learning supervised classifiers in extracting flooded area from optical Landsat TM imagery. The ability of both techniques was evaluated using a case study of a riverine flood event in 2010 in a heterogeneous Mediterranean region, for which TM imagery acquired shortly after the flood event was available. For the two classifiers, both linear and non-linear (kernel versions were utilised in their implementation. The ability of the different classifiers to map the flooded area extent was assessed on the basis of classification accuracy assessment metrics. Results showed that rkFDA outperformed SVMs in terms of accurate flooded pixels detection, also producing fewer missed detections of the flooded area. Yet, SVMs showed less false flooded area detections. Overall, the non-linear rkFDA classification method was the more accurate of the two techniques (OA = 96.23%, K = 0.877. Both methods outperformed the standard Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI thresholding (OA = 94.63, K = 0.818 by roughly 0.06 K points. Although overall accuracy results for the rkFDA and SVMs classifications only showed a somewhat minor improvement on the overall accuracy exhibited by the NDWI thresholding, notably both classifiers considerably outperformed the thresholding algorithm in other specific accuracy measures (e.g. producer accuracy for the “not flooded” class was ~10.5% less accurate for the NDWI thresholding algorithm in comparison to the classifiers, and average per-class accuracy was ~5% less accurate than the machine learning models. This study provides evidence of the successful application of supervised machine learning for classifying flooded areas in Landsat imagery, where few studies so far exist in this direction. Considering that Landsat data is open access and has global coverage, the results of this study

  5. Predicting soil erosion using Rusle and NDVI time series from TM Landsat 5

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    Daniel Fonseca de Carvalho


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the seasonal variation of soil cover and rainfall erosivity, and their influences on the revised universal soil loss equation (Rusle, in order to estimate watershed soil losses in a temporal scale. Twenty-two TM Landsat 5 images from 1986 to 2009 were used to estimate soil use and management factor (C factor. A corresponding rainfall erosivity factor (R factor was considered for each image, and the other factors were obtained using the standard Rusle method. Estimated soil losses were grouped into classes and ranged from 0.13 Mg ha-1 on May 24, 2009 (dry season to 62.0 Mg ha-1 on March 11, 2007 (rainy season. In these dates, maximum losses in the watershed were 2.2 and 781.5 Mg ha-1 , respectively. Mean annual soil loss in the watershed was 109.5 Mg ha-1 , but the central area, with a loss of nearly 300.0 Mg ha-1 , was characterized as a site of high water-erosion risk. The use of C factor obtained from remote sensing data, associated to corresponding R factor, was fundamental to evaluate the soil erosion estimated by the Rusle in different seasons, unlike of other studies which keep these factors constant throughout time.

  6. Análise espaço-temporal da cobertura vegetal e uso da terra na Interbacia do Rio Paraguai Médio-MT, Brasil


    Pessoa,Seyla Poliana Miranda; Galvanin,Edinéia Aparecida dos Santos; Kreitlow,Jesã Pereira; Neves,Sandra Mara Alves da Silva; Nunes,Josué Ribeiro da Silva; Zago,Bruno Wagner


    O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise espaço-temporal da cobertura vegetal e do uso da terra na Interbacia do Rio Paraguai Médio-MT, Brasil, pelo geoprocessamento de imagens Landsat TM, dos anos 1991, 2001 e 2011. As imagens foram georreferenciadas, classificadas e processadas no software Spring e as classes temáticas, quantificadas e editadas no software ArcGis. Foram mapeadas sete classes, sendo as mais expressivas a vegetação nativa, a pastagem e a cana-de-açúcar. Os resultados ...

  7. Using Landsat satellite imagery to detect small-size forest stands of Pinus nigra Arn. and Pinus sylvestris L. affected by Scolytidae; Uso de imagenes satelite Landsat para la deteccion de rodales de Pinus nigra Arn. y Pinus sylvestris L. afectados por escolitidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Blanco, E.; Bonet, J. A.; Eizaguirre, M.


    Medium resolution images from multispectral sensors like Landsat TM have been extensively used for decades in order to identify decline and defoliation generated by insects and other forest pests. The present work analyses the usefulness of these kinds of images to detect small-size stands of Pinus nigra Arn. and Pinus sylvestris L. affected by Scolytidae attacks. The study area was located in the Solsones region (Eastern Pyrenees), selecting 34 training zones (17 damaged small-size stands and 17 healthy small-size stands). The exploratory analysis of the images was conducted with the ERDAS IMAGINE 8.x. program.The results of the study showed significant differences between the affected and non-affected stands in 5 of the 7 spectral bands analysed. TM5 and TM7 bands were identified as those having the highest power to detect damaged stands. The digital levels obtained and the spaces of characteristics created, both showed trends to group small-size affected stands versus healthy, achieving improvements in the methodological procedure employed. (Author) 31 refs.

  8. Monitoring wetlands changes using Tiangong-1 hyperspectral data and landsat TM imagery%基于天宫一号高光谱数据与Landsat TM数据的湿地利用变化监测

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    胡勇; 刘良云


    本文利用2013年4月18日获取的天宫一号高光谱成像仪数据和1985年5月1日获取的Landsat TM数据,对黄河入海口地区湿地的土地利用状况进行了监测研究.通过对比分类结果发现,该地区近30年来人类活动对湿地的影响强烈,滩涂开垦、水产养殖业占用自然水面现象严重.同时由于天宫一号高光谱成像仪数据具有更高的光谱和空间分辨率,其分类精度优于Landsat TM,更适合于湿地的监测.

  9. Bulk processing of the Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+ archive of the European Space Agency: an insight into the level 1 MSS processing (United States)

    Saunier, Sébastien; Northrop, Amy; Lavender, Samantha; Galli, Luca; Ferrara, Riccardo; Mica, Stefano; Biasutti, Roberto; Goryl, Philippe; Gascon, Ferran; Meloni, Marco


    Whilst recent years have witnessed the development and exploitation of operational Earth Observation (EO) satellite constellation data, the valorisation of historical archives has been a challenge. The European Space Agency (ESA) Landsat Multi Spectral Scanner (MSS) products cover Greenland, Iceland, Continental Europe and North Africa represent an archive of over 600,000 processed Level 1 (L1) scenes that will accompany around 1 million ESA Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) products already available. ESA began acquiring MSS data in 1975 and it is well known that this dataset can be degraded due to missing data and a loss in accuracy. For these reasons, the content of the product format has been reviewed and the ESA Landsat processing baseline significantly updated to ensure products are fit for user purposes. This paper presents the new MSS product format including the updated metadata parameters for error traceability, and the specification of the Quality Assurance Band (BQA) engineered to allow the best pixel selection and also the application of image restoration techniques. This paper also discusses major improvements applied to the radiometric and geometric processing. For the benefits of the community, ESA is now able to maximize the number of L1 MSS products that can potentially be generated from the raw Level 0 (L0) data and ensure the highest possible data quality is reached. Also, by improving product format, processing and adding a pixel based quality band, the MSS archive becomes interoperable with recently reprocessed Landsat data and that from live missions by way of assuring product quality on a pixel basis.

  10. Analyzing Landsat time-series data across adjacent path/rows and across multiple cycles of FIA: Lessons learned in southern Missouri (United States)

    Mark Nelson; Sean Healey; W. Keith Moser; Mark Hansen; Warren Cohen; Mark Hatfield; Nancy Thomas; Jeff Masek


    The North American Forest Dynamics (NAFD) Program is assessing disturbance and regrowth in the forests of the continent. These forest dynamics are interpreted from per-pixel estimates of forest biomass, which are produced for a time series of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat 7 Enhanced TM Plus images. Image data are combined with sample plot data from the...

  11. An Initial Analysis of LANDSAT-4 Thematic Mapper Data for the Discrimination of Agricultural, Forested Wetland, and Urban Land Covers (United States)

    Quattrochi, D. A.


    An initial analysis of LANDSAT 4 Thematic Mapper (TM) data for the discrimination of agricultural, forested wetland, and urban land covers is conducted using a scene of data collected over Arkansas and Tennessee. A classification of agricultural lands derived from multitemporal LANDSAT Multispectral Scanner (MSS) data is compared with a classification of TM data for the same area. Results from this comparative analysis show that the multitemporal MSS classification produced an overall accuracy of 80.91% while the TM classification yields an overall classification accuracy of 97.06% correct.

  12. Landsat TM inventory and assessment of waterbird habitat in the southern altiplano of South America (United States)

    Boyle, T.P.; Caziani, S.M.; Waltermire, R.G.


    The diverse set of wetlands in southern altiplano of South America supports a number of endemic and migratory waterbirds. These species include endangered endemic flamingos and shorebirds that nest in North America and winter in the altiplano. This research developed maps from nine Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images (254,300 km2) to provide an inventory of aquatic waterbird habitats. Image processing software was used to produce a map with a classification of wetlands according to the habitat requirements of different types of waterbirds. A hierarchical procedure was used to, first, isolate the bodies of water within the TM image; second, execute an unsupervised classification on the subsetted image to produce 300 signatures of cover types, which were further subdivided as necessary. Third, each of the classifications was examined in the light of field data and personal experience for relevance to the determination of the various habitat types. Finally, the signatures were applied to the entire image and other adjacent images to yield a map depicting the location of the various waterbird habitats in the southern altiplano. The data sets referenced with a global positioning system receiver were used to test the classification system. Multivariate analysis of the bird communities censused at each lake by individual habitats indicated a salinity gradient, and then the depth of the water separated the birds. Multivariate analysis of the chemical and physical data from the lakes showed that the variation in lakes were significantly associated with difference in depth, transparency, latitude, elevation, and pH. The presence of gravel bottoms was also one of the qualities distinguishing a group of lakes. This information will be directly useful to the Flamingo Census Project and serve as an element for risk assessment for future development.

  13. LANDSAT-4 MSS and Thematic Mapper data quality and information content analysis (United States)

    Anuta, P.; Bartolucci, L.; Dean, E.; Lozano, F.; Malaret, E.; Mcgillem, C. D.; Valdes, J.; Valenzuela, C.


    LANDSAT-4 thematic mapper (TM) and multispectral scanner (MSS) data were analyzed to obtain information on data quality and information content. Geometric evaluations were performed to test band-to-band registration accuracy. Thematic mapper overall system resolution was evaluated using scene objects which demonstrated sharp high contrast edge responses. Radiometric evaluation included detector relative calibration, effects of resampling, and coherent noise effects. Information content evaluation was carried out using clustering, principal components, transformed divergence separability measure, and supervised classifiers on test data. A detailed spectral class analysis (multispectral classification) was carried out to compare the information content of the MSS and TM for a large number of scene classes. A temperature-mapping experiment was carried out for a cooling pond to test the quality of thermal-band calibration. Overall TM data quality is very good. The MSS data are noisier than previous LANDSAT results.

  14. Intercomparison of 30+ years of AVHRR and Landsat-5 TM Surface Reflectance using Multiple Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (United States)

    Santamaría-Artigas, A. E.; Franch, B.; Vermote, E.; Roger, J. C.; Justice, C. O.


    The 30+ years daily surface reflectance long term data record (LTDR) from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) is a valuable source of information for long-term studies of the Earth surface. This LTDR was generated by combining observations from multiple AVHRR sensors aboard different NOAA satellites starting from the early 1980s, and due to the lack of on-board calibration its quality should be evaluated. Previous studies have used observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) over pseudo-invariant calibration sites (PICS) as a calibrated reference to assess the performance of AVHRR products. However, this limits the evaluation to the period after MODIS launch. In this work, the AVHRR surface reflectance LTDR was evaluated against Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data using observations from 4 well known pseudo-invariant calibration sites (i.e. Sonoran, Saharan, Sudan1, and Libya4) over an extended time period (1984-2011). For the intercomparison, AVHRR and TM observations of each site were extracted and averaged over a 20 km x 20 km area and aggregated to monthly mean values. In order to account for the spectral differences between sensors, Hyperion hyperspectral data from the Sonoran and Libya4 sites were convolved with sensor-specific relative spectral responses, and used to compute spectral band adjustment factors (SBAFs). Results of the intercomparison are reported in terms of the root mean square difference (RMSD) and determination coefficient (r2). In general, there is good agreement between the surface reflectance products from both sensors. The overall RMSD and r2 for all the sites and AVHRR/TM combinations were 0.03 and 0.85 for the red band, and 0.04 and 0.81 for the near-infrared band. These results show the strong performance of the AVHRR surface reflectance LTDR through all of the considered period. Thus, remarking its usefulness and value for long term Earth studies. Figure 1 shows the red (filled markers

  15. Reconstructing turbidity in a glacially influenced lake using the Landsat TM and ETM+ surface reflectance climate data record archive, Lake Clark, Alaska (United States)

    Baughman, Carson; Jones, Benjamin M.; Bartz, Krista K.; Young, Daniel B.; Zimmerman, Christian E.


    Lake Clark is an important nursery lake for sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska, the most productive wild salmon fishery in the world. Reductions in water clarity within Alaska lake systems as a result of increased glacial runoff have been shown to reduce salmon production via reduced abundance of zooplankton and macroinvertebrates. In this study, we reconstruct long-term, lake-wide water clarity for Lake Clark using the Landsat TM and ETM+ surface reflectance products (1985–2014) and in situwater clarity data collected between 2009 and 2013. Analysis of a Landsat scene acquired in 2009, coincident with in situ measurements in the lake, and uncertainty analysis with four scenes acquired within two weeks of field data collection showed that Band 3 surface reflectance was the best indicator of turbidity (r2 = 0.55,RMSE turbidity for Lake Clark between 1991 and 2014. We did, however, detect interannual variation that exhibited a non-significant (r2 = 0.20) but positive correlation (r = 0.20) with regional mean summer air temperature and found the month of May exhibited a significant positive trend (r2 = 0.68, p = 0.02) in turbidity between 2000 and 2014. This study demonstrates the utility of hindcasting turbidity in a glacially influenced lake using the Landsat surface reflectance products. It may also help land and resource managers reconstruct turbidity records for lakes that lack in situ monitoring, and may be useful in predicting future water clarity conditions based on projected climate scenarios.

  16. Comparison of hyperspectral transformation accuracies of multispectral Landsat TM, ETM+, OLI and EO-1 ALI images for detecting minerals in a geothermal prospect area (United States)

    Hoang, Nguyen Tien; Koike, Katsuaki


    Hyperspectral remote sensing generally provides more detailed spectral information and greater accuracy than multispectral remote sensing for identification of surface materials. However, there have been no hyperspectral imagers that cover the entire Earth surface. This lack points to a need for producing pseudo-hyperspectral imagery by hyperspectral transformation from multispectral images. We have recently developed such a method, a Pseudo-Hyperspectral Image Transformation Algorithm (PHITA), which transforms Landsat 7 ETM+ images into pseudo-EO-1 Hyperion images using multiple linear regression models of ETM+ and Hyperion band reflectance data. This study extends the PHITA to transform TM, OLI, and EO-1 ALI sensor images into pseudo-Hyperion images. By choosing a part of the Fish Lake Valley geothermal prospect area in the western United States for study, the pseudo-Hyperion images produced from the TM, ETM+, OLI, and ALI images by PHITA were confirmed to be applicable to mineral mapping. Using a reference map as the truth, three main minerals (muscovite and chlorite mixture, opal, and calcite) were identified with high overall accuracies from the pseudo-images (> 95% and > 42% for excluding and including unclassified pixels, respectively). The highest accuracy was obtained from the ALI image, followed by ETM+, TM, and OLI images in descending order. The TM, OLI, and ALI images can be alternatives to ETM+ imagery for the hyperspectral transformation that aids the production of pseudo-Hyperion images for areas without high-quality ETM+ images because of scan line corrector failure, and for long-term global monitoring of land surfaces.

  17. Comparison of sampling designs for estimating deforestation from landsat TM and MODIS imagery: a case study in Mato Grosso, Brazil. (United States)

    Zhu, Shanyou; Zhang, Hailong; Liu, Ronggao; Cao, Yun; Zhang, Guixin


    Sampling designs are commonly used to estimate deforestation over large areas, but comparisons between different sampling strategies are required. Using PRODES deforestation data as a reference, deforestation in the state of Mato Grosso in Brazil from 2005 to 2006 is evaluated using Landsat imagery and a nearly synchronous MODIS dataset. The MODIS-derived deforestation is used to assist in sampling and extrapolation. Three sampling designs are compared according to the estimated deforestation of the entire study area based on simple extrapolation and linear regression models. The results show that stratified sampling for strata construction and sample allocation using the MODIS-derived deforestation hotspots provided more precise estimations than simple random and systematic sampling. Moreover, the relationship between the MODIS-derived and TM-derived deforestation provides a precise estimate of the total deforestation area as well as the distribution of deforestation in each block.

  18. Utilizing a Multi-Source Forest Inventory Technique, MODIS Data and Landsat TM Images in the Production of Forest Cover and Volume Maps for the Terai Physiographic Zone in Nepal

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    Kalle Eerikäinen


    Full Text Available An approach based on the nearest neighbors techniques is presented for producing thematic maps of forest cover (forest/non-forest and total stand volume for the Terai region in southern Nepal. To create the forest cover map, we used a combination of Landsat TM satellite data and visual interpretation data, i.e., a sample grid of visual interpretation plots for which we obtained the land use classification according to the FAO standard. These visual interpretation plots together with the field plots for volume mapping originate from an operative forest inventory project, i.e., the Forest Resource Assessment of Nepal (FRA Nepal project. The field plots were also used in checking the classification accuracy. MODIS satellite data were used as a reference in a local correction approach conducted for the relative calibration of Landsat TM images. This study applied a non-parametric k-nearest neighbor technique (k-NN to the forest cover and volume mapping. A tree height prediction approach based on a nonlinear, mixed-effects (NLME modeling procedure is presented in the Appendix. The MODIS image data performed well as reference data for the calibration approach applied to make the Landsat image mosaic. The agreement between the forest cover map and the field observed values of forest cover was substantial in Western Terai (KHAT 0.745 and strong in Eastern Terai (KHAT 0.825. The forest cover and volume maps that were estimated using the k-NN method and the inventory data from the FRA Nepal project are already appropriate and valuable data for research purposes and for the planning of forthcoming forest inventories. Adaptation of the methods and techniques was carried out using Open Source software tools.

  19. Feature level fusion for enhanced geological mapping of ophiolile complex using ASTER and Landsat TM data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pournamdari, M; Hashim, M


    Chromite ore deposit occurrence is related to ophiolite complexes as a part of the oceanic crust and provides a good opportunity for lithological mapping using remote sensing data. The main contribution of this paper is a novel approaches to discriminate different rock units associated with ophiolite complex using the Feature Level Fusion technique on ASTER and Landsat TM satellite data at regional scale. In addition this study has applied spectral transform approaches, consisting of Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) to distinguish the concentration of high-potential areas of chromite and also for determining the boundary between different rock units. Results indicated both approaches show superior outputs compared to other methods and can produce a geological map for ophiolite complex rock units in the arid and the semi-arid region. The novel technique including feature level fusion and Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) discriminated ophiolitic rock units and produced detailed geological maps of the study area. As a case study, Sikhoran ophiolite complex located in SE, Iran has been selected for image processing techniques. In conclusion, a suitable approach for lithological mapping of ophiolite complexes is demonstrated, this technique contributes meaningfully towards economic geology in terms of identifying new prospects

  20. Quantifying BRDF Effects in Comparing Landsat-7 and AVIRIS Near-Simultaneous Acquisitions for Studies of High Plains Vegetation Cover (United States)

    Goetz, A. F. H.; Heidebrecht, K. B.; Gutmann, E. D.; Warner, A. S.; Johnson, E. L.; Lestak, L. R.


    Approximately 100,000 sq. km of the High Plains of the central United States are covered by sand dunes and sand sheets deposited during the Holocene. Soil-dating evidence shows that there were at least four periods of dune reactivation during major droughts in the last 10,000 years. The dunes in this region are anchored by vegetation. We have undertaken a study of land-use change in the High Plains from 1985 to the present using Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+ images to map variation in vegetation cover during wet and dry years. Mapping vegetation cover of less than 20% is important in modeling potential surface reactivation since at this level the vegetation no longer sufficiently shields sandy surfaces from movement by wind. Landsat TM data have both the spatial resolution and temporal coverage to facilitate vegetation cover analysis for model development and verification. However, there is still the question of how accurate TM data are for the measurement of both growing and senescent vegetation in and and semi-arid regions. AVIRIS provides both high spectral resolution as well as high signal-to-noise ratio and can be used to test the accuracy of Landsat TM and ETM+ data. We have analyzed data from AVIRIS flown nearly concurrently with a Landsat 7 overpass. The comparison between an AVIRIS image swath of 11 km width subtending a 30 deg. angle and the same area covered by a 0.8 deg. angle from Landsat required accounting for the BRDF. A normalization technique using the ratio of the reflectances from registered AVIRIS and Landsat data proved superior to the techniques of column averaging on AVIRIS data alone published previously by Kennedy et al. This technique can be applied to aircraft data covering a wider swath angle than AVIRIS to develop BRDF responses for a wide variety of surfaces more efficiently than from ground measurements.

  1. Evapotranspiração e coeficiente de cultura do algodoeiro irrigado a partir de imagens de sensores orbitais Cotton evapotranspiration and crop coefficient obtained by satellite images

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcus Vinícius Cândido Bezerra


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivos estimar a evapotranspiração - ETc e determinar a curva do coeficiente de cultura - Kc do algodoeiro irrigado através do Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land - SEBAL com imagens orbitais TM - Landsat 5. Foram utilizadas oito imagens distribuídas ao longo do ciclo fenológico do algodoeiro cultivado na Fazenda Busato localiza no município de Bom Jesus da Lapa, região do Médio São Francisco, Estado da Bahia (13°15'18''S, 43°25'05''W, 436 m. A classificação climática da região segundo Köppen é BSwh'. O saldo de radiação foi calculado a partir de imagens da temperatura, emissividade da superfície, índices de vegetação, albedo e calculados os fluxos de calor no solo e sensível para obter-se o fluxo de calor latente e a ETc. Verificou-se que o índice de vegetação NDVI apresentou evolução concomitante com o ciclo da cultura, com valores máximos (0,80 aos 70 dias após semeadura - DAS. A ETc e o Kc obtidos foram, respectivamente: 1,0 a 5,0 mm dia-1 e 0,65 no período de desenvolvimento (7 e 70 DAS; > 6 mm dia-1 e 1,18 durante a floração e formação dos capulhos e 2 mm dia-1 e 0,66 no fim do ciclo. Os resultados mostram que o NDVI é um bom indicador do desenvolvimento do algodoeiro e os dados de ETc e Kc estão coerentes com relatos na literatura.This research aimed determine cotton evapotranspiration - ETc and crop coefficient - Kc slope using the Surface Energy balance Algorithm for Land - SEBAL with TM-Landsat 5 images. We used eight images distributed throughout the cotton growth season on the Busato Farm located in Bom Jesus da Lapa, Médio São Francisco region, Bahia state (13°15'18" S, 43°25'05" W, 436 m. The Climate classification of region by Köppen is BSwh'. The net radiation was calculated from surface temperature, surface emissivity, vegetation index and albedo imagesn and calculated soil and sensible heats fluxes to obtain the latent heat flux and ETc. The NDVI

  2. An initial analysis of LANDSAT 4 Thematic Mapper data for the classification of agricultural, forested wetland, and urban land covers (United States)

    Quattrochi, D. A.; Anderson, J. E.; Brannon, D. P.; Hill, C. L.


    An initial analysis of LANDSAT 4 thematic mapper (TM) data for the delineation and classification of agricultural, forested wetland, and urban land covers was conducted. A study area in Poinsett County, Arkansas was used to evaluate a classification of agricultural lands derived from multitemporal LANDSAT multispectral scanner (MSS) data in comparison with a classification of TM data for the same area. Data over Reelfoot Lake in northwestern Tennessee were utilized to evaluate the TM for delineating forested wetland species. A classification of the study area was assessed for accuracy in discriminating five forested wetland categories. Finally, the TM data were used to identify urban features within a small city. A computer generated classification of Union City, Tennessee was analyzed for accuracy in delineating urban land covers. An evaluation of digitally enhanced TM data using principal components analysis to facilitate photointerpretation of urban features was also performed.

  3. Glacial lake monitoring in the Karakoram Range using historical Landsat Thematic Mapper archive (1982 - 2014) (United States)

    Chan, J. Y. H.; Kelly, R. E. J.; Evans, S. G.


    Glacierized regions are one of the most dynamic land surface environments on the planet (Evans and Delaney, In Press). They are susceptible to various types of natural hazards such as landslides, glacier avalanches, and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF). GLOF events are increasingly common and present catastrophic flood hazards, the causes of which are sensitive to climate change in complex high mountain topography (IPCC, 2013). Inundation and debris flows from GLOF events have repeatedly caused significant infrastructure damages and loss of human lives in the high mountain regions of the world (Huggel et al, 2002). The research is designed to develop methods for the consistent detection of glacier lakes formation during the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) era (1982 - present), to quantify the frequency of glacier lake development and estimate lake volume using Landsat imagery and digital elevation model (DEM) data. Landsat TM scenes are used to identify glacier lakes in the Shimshal and Shaksgam valley, particularly the development of Lake Virjeab in year 2000 and Kyagar Lake in 1998. A simple thresholding technique using Landsat TM infrared bands, along with object-based segmentation approaches are used to isolate lake extent. Lake volume is extracted by intersecting the lake extent with the DEM surface. Based on previous studies and DEM characterization in the region, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) DEM is preferred over Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection (ASTER) GDEM due to higher accuracy. Calculated errors in SRTM height estimates are 5.81 m compared with 8.34 m for ASTER. SRTM data are preferred because the DEM measurements were made over short duration making the DEM internally consistent. Lake volume derived from the Landsat TM imagery and DEM are incorporated into a simple GLOF model identified by Clague and Matthews (1973) to estimate the potential peak discharge (Qmax) of a GLOF event. We compare the simple Qmax estimates with

  4. Preparing Landsat Image Time Series (LITS for Monitoring Changes in Vegetation Phenology in Queensland, Australia

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    Santosh Bhandari


    Full Text Available Time series of images are required to extract and separate information on vegetation change due to phenological cycles, inter-annual climatic variability, and long-term trends. While images from the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM sensor have the spatial and spectral characteristics suited for mapping a range of vegetation structural and compositional properties, its 16-day revisit period combined with cloud cover problems and seasonally limited latitudinal range, limit the availability of images at intervals and durations suitable for time series analysis of vegetation in many parts of the world. Landsat Image Time Series (LITS is defined here as a sequence of Landsat TM images with observations from every 16 days for a five-year period, commencing on July 2003, for a Eucalyptus woodland area in Queensland, Australia. Synthetic Landsat TM images were created using the Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (STARFM algorithm for all dates when images were either unavailable or too cloudy. This was done using cloud-free scenes and a MODIS Nadir BRDF Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR product. The ability of the LITS to measure attributes of vegetation phenology was examined by: (1 assessing the accuracy of predicted image-derived Foliage Projective Cover (FPC estimates using ground-measured values; and (2 comparing the LITS-generated normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI and MODIS NDVI (MOD13Q1 time series. The predicted image-derived FPC products (value ranges from 0 to 100% had an RMSE of 5.6. Comparison between vegetation phenology parameters estimated from LITS-generated NDVI and MODIS NDVI showed no significant difference in trend and less than 16 days (equal to the composite period of the MODIS data used difference in key seasonal parameters, including start and end of season in most of the cases. In comparison to similar published work, this paper tested the STARFM algorithm in a new (broadleaf forest environment and also

  5. Combining Landsat TM multispectral satellite imagery and different modelling approaches for mapping post-fire erosion changes in a Mediterranean site (United States)

    Petropoulos, George P.; Kairis, Orestis; Karamesouti, Mina; Papanikolaou, Ioannis D.; Kosmas, Constantinos


    South European countries are naturally vulnerable to wildfires. Their natural resources such as soil, vegetation and water may be severely affected by wildfires, causing an imminent environmental deterioration due to the complex interdependence among biophysical components. Soil surface water erosion is a natural process essential for soil formation that is affected by such interdependences. Accelerated erosion due to wildfires, constitutes a major restrictive factor for ecosystem sustainability. In 2007, South European countries were severely affected by wildfires, with more than 500,000 hectares of land burnt in that year alone, well above the average of the last 30 years. The present work examines the changes in spatial variability of soil erosion rates as a result of a wildfire event that took place in Greece in 2007, one of the most devastating years in terms of wildfire hazards. Regional estimates of soil erosion rates before and after the fire outbreak were derived from the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE, Renard et al. 1991) and the Pan-European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment model (PESERA, Kirkby, 1999; Kirkby et al., 2000). Inputs for both models included climatic, land-use, soil type, topography and land use management data. Where appropriate, both models were also fed with input data derived from the analysis of LANDSAT TM satellite imagery available in our study area, acquired before and shortly after the fire suppression. Our study was compiled and performed in a GIS environment. In overall, the loss of vegetation from the fire outbreak caused a substantial increase of soil erosion rates in the affected area, particularly towards the steep slopes. Both tested models were compared to each other and noticeable differences were observed in the soil erosion predictions before and after the fire event. These are attributed to the different parameterization requirements of the 2 models. This quantification of sediment supply through the river

  6. Comparison of Sampling Designs for Estimating Deforestation from Landsat TM and MODIS Imagery: A Case Study in Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    Shanyou Zhu


    Full Text Available Sampling designs are commonly used to estimate deforestation over large areas, but comparisons between different sampling strategies are required. Using PRODES deforestation data as a reference, deforestation in the state of Mato Grosso in Brazil from 2005 to 2006 is evaluated using Landsat imagery and a nearly synchronous MODIS dataset. The MODIS-derived deforestation is used to assist in sampling and extrapolation. Three sampling designs are compared according to the estimated deforestation of the entire study area based on simple extrapolation and linear regression models. The results show that stratified sampling for strata construction and sample allocation using the MODIS-derived deforestation hotspots provided more precise estimations than simple random and systematic sampling. Moreover, the relationship between the MODIS-derived and TM-derived deforestation provides a precise estimate of the total deforestation area as well as the distribution of deforestation in each block.

  7. Investigating Land Surface Temperature Changes Using Landsat Data in Konya, Turkey

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    O. Orhan


    Full Text Available The main purpose of this paper is to investigate multi-temporal land surface temperature (LST and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI changes of Konya in Turkey using remotely sensed data. Konya is located in the semi-arid central Anatolian region of Turkey and hosts many important wetland sites including Salt Lake. Six images taken by Landsat-5 TM and Landsat 8- OLI satellites were used as the basic data source. These raw images were taken in 1984, 2011 and 2014 intended as long-term and short-term. Firstly, those raw images was corrected radiometric and geometrically within the scope of project. Three mosaic images were obtained by using the full-frame images of Landsat-5 TM / 8- OLI which had been already transformed comparison each other. Then, Land Surface Temperature (LST, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI maps have been produced to determine the dimension of the drought. The obtained results showed that surface temperature rates in the basin increased about 5°C between 1984 and 2014 as long periods, increased about 2-3°C between 2011and 2014 as short periods. Meteorological data supports the increase in temperature.

  8. Detecção de áreas agrícolas em tempo quase real com imagens Modis

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    Isaque Daniel Rocha Eberhardt


    Full Text Available Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um método para identificação e monitoramento, em tempo quase real, de áreas agrícolas cultivadas com lavouras temporárias de verão, com uso de imagens orbitais Modis, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A metodologia foi denominada detecção de áreas agrícolas em tempo quase real (DATQuaR e utiliza imagens do sensor Modis referentes aos índices de vegetação (IVs EVI e NDVI, disponibilizadas em composições de 16 dias. Foram utilizadas quatro métricas para agregar os valores de IVs por pixel, dentro dos períodos bimensais avaliados: média, máximo, mínimo e mediana. Para gerar as imagens (ImDATQuaR, a imagem agregada para o período imediatamente anterior foi subtraída da imagem agregada para o período em monitoramento. Essas imagens foram classificadas por meio de fatiamento e comparadas às classes de referência obtidas pela interpretação visual de pixels aleatorizados em imagens Landsat. Cada ImDATQuaR gerou dois mapas DATQuaR: um com filtragem de moda com janela 3x3 pixels e outro sem filtragem. O melhor mapa DATQuaR é produzido com uso de imagens EVI e filtragem - ao se subtrair a imagem de mínimo valor para o período anterior da imagem de máximo valor para o período monitorado - e atinge concordâncias com a referência superiores a 81%.

  9. Analysis of conifer forest regeneration using Landsat Thematic Mapper data (United States)

    Fiorella, Maria; Ripple, William J.


    Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data were used to evaluate young conifer stands in the western Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Regression and correlation analyses were used to describe the relationships between TM band values and age of young Douglas-fir stands (2 to 35 years old). Spectral data from well regenerated Douglas-fir stands were compared to those of poorly regenerated conifer stands. TM bands 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 were inversely correlated with the age (r greater than or equal to -0.80) of well regenerated Douglas-fir stands. Overall, the 'structural index' (TM 4/5 ratio) had the highest correlation to age of Douglas-fir stands (r = 0.96). Poorly regenerated stands were spectrally distinct from well regenerated Douglas-fir stands after the stands reached an age of approximately 15 years.

  10. Drought monitoring of Tumen river basin wetlands between 1991 and 2016 using Landsat TM/ETM+ (United States)

    Yu, H.; Zhu, W.; Lee, W. K.; Heo, S.


    Wetlands area described as "the kidney of earth" owing to the importance of functions for stabilizing environment, long-term protection of water sources, as well as effectively minimize sediment loss, purify surface water from industrial and agricultural pollutants, and enhancing aquifer recharge. Drought monitoring in wetlands is vital due to the condition of water supply directly affecting the growth of wetland plants and local biodiversity. In this study, Vegetation Temperature Condition Index derived from Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Land Surface Temperature is used to observe drought status from 1991 to 2016. For doing this, Landsat TM/ETM+ data for six periods are used to analytical processing. On the other hand, soil moisture maps which are acquired from CMA Land Data Assimilation System Version 1.0 for validating reliability of drought monitoring. As a result, the study shows most of area at normal moist level (decreased 25.8%) became slightly drought (increased 29.7%) in Tumen river basin cross-border (China and North Korea) wetland. The correlation between vegetation temperature condition index and soil moisture are 0.69, 0.32 and 0.2 for the layers of 0 5cm, 0 10cm, and 10 20cm, respectively. Although climate change probably contributes to the process of drought by decreasing precipitation and increasing temperature, human activities are shown as main factor that led to the process in this wetland.

  11. Radar, geologic, airborne gamma ray and Landsat TM digital data integration for geological mapping of the Estrela granite complex (Para State)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cunha, Edson Ricardo Soares Pereira da


    This work is focused on the geotectonic context of the Carajas Mineral Province, Amazon Craton, which represents the most important Brazilian Mineral Province and hosts iron, cooper, gold, manganese and nickel deposits. At the end of Archean age, during the techno-metamorphic evolution, moderated alkaline granitoids were generated, such as, Estrela Granite Complex (EGC). This work has used digital integration products with the purpose of study the granite suite, its host rock, and the surrounded area. The digital integrated data were gamma-ray and geological data with satellite images (SAR-SAREX e TM-Landsat). The geophysics data, originally in 32 bits and grid format, were interpolated and converted to 8 bits images. The geological data (facies map) was digitalized and converted to a raster format. The remote sensing images were geometrically corrected to guarantee an accuracy on the geological mapping. On the data processing phase, SAR images were digital integrated with gamma-ray data, TM-Landsat image and the raster facies map. The IHS transformation was used as the technique to integrate the multi-source data. On the photogeological interpretation, SAR data were extremely important to permit the extraction of the main tectonic lineaments which occur on the following directions: +/- N45W, +/- N70W, +/- NS, +/- N20E, +/- N45E e +/- N75E. This procedure was done both in analogic and automatic form, being the automatic process more useful to complement information in the extracting process. Among the digital products generated, SAR/GAMA products (uranium, thorium and total count) were the ones that give the most important contribution. The interpretation of the SAR/GAMA's products added to the field campaign have allowed to map the limits of units that occur in the region and four facies of the Estrela Granite Complex were detected. The origin of the granite suite might be related to a magmatic differentiation or to distinct intrusion pulses. The use of the

  12. Obtaining land cover changes information from multitemporal analysis of Landsat-TM images: results from a case study in West African dryland (United States)

    Nutini, F.; Boschetti, M.; Brivio, P. A.; Antoninetti, M.


    The Sahelian belt of West Africa is a semiarid region characterized by wide climate variations, which can in turn affect the livelihood of local populations particularly in rangeland areas, as happens during the dramatic food crisis in the 70-80s caused by rainfall scarcity. The monitoring of natural resources and rainfed agricultural activities, with the aim to provide information to support Sahelian food security action, needs the production of detailed thematic maps as emphasized by several scientific papers. In this framework, a study was conducted to develop a method to exploit time series of remote sensed satellite data to 1) provide reliable land cover (LC) map at local scale in a dry region and 2) obtain a LC change (LCC) map that contribute to identify the plausible causes of local environmental instability. Satellite images used for this work consist in a time series of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) (path row 195-50) acquired in the 2000 (6 scenes) and 2007 (9 scenes) from February (Dry season) to September (end of wet season). The study investigates the different contribution provided by spectra information of a single Landsat TM image and by time series of derived NDVI. Different tests have been conducted with different combination of data set (spectral and temporal)in order to identify the best approach to obtain a LC map in five classes of interest: Shrubland, Cultivated Land, Water body, Herbaceous vegetation and Bare soil. The best classification approach is exposed and applied on two years in the last decade. The comparison between this two LC results in land cover change map, that displays the changes of vegetation patterns that have been characterized the area. The discussed results show a largely stable dryland region, but locally characterized by hot-spot of decreasing in natural vegetation inside the rangelands and an increasing of cultivations along fossil valleys where human activities are slightly intense. The discussion shows that this hot

  13. Landsat Thematic Mapper monitoring of turbid inland water quality (United States)

    Lathrop, Richard G., Jr.


    This study reports on an investigation of water quality calibration algorithms under turbid inland water conditions using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) multispectral digital data. TM data and water quality observations (total suspended solids and Secchi disk depth) were obtained near-simultaneously and related using linear regression techniques. The relationships between reflectance and water quality for Green Bay and Lake Michigan were compared with results for Yellowstone and Jackson Lakes, Wyoming. Results show similarities in the water quality-reflectance relationships, however, the algorithms derived for Green Bay - Lake Michigan cannot be extrapolated to Yellowstone and Jackson Lake conditions.

  14. Identification of central Kenyan Rift Valley Fever virus vector habitats with Landsat TM and evaluation of their flooding status with airborne imaging radar (United States)

    Pope, K. O.; Sheffner, E. J.; Linthicum, K. J.; Bailey, C. L.; Logan, T. M.; Kasischke, E. S.; Birney, K.; Njogu, A. R.; Roberts, C. R.


    Rift Valley Fever (RVF) is a mosquito-borne virus that affects livestock and humans in Africa. Landsat TM data are shown to be effective in identifying dambos, intermittently flooded areas that are potential mosquite breeding sites, in an area north of Nairobi, Kenya. Positive results were obtained from a limited test of flood detection in dambos with airborne high resolution L, C, and X band multipolarization SAR imagery. L and C bands were effective in detecting flooded dambos, but LHH was by far the best channel for discrimination between flooded and nonflooded sites in both sedge and short-grass environments. This study demonstrates the feasibility of a combined passive and active remote sensing program for monitoring the location and condition of RVF vector habitats, thus making future control of the disease more promising.

  15. Application of Landsat Thematic Mapper data for coastal thermal plume analysis at Diablo Canyon (United States)

    Gibbons, D. E.; Wukelic, G. E.; Leighton, J. P.; Doyle, M. J.


    The possibility of using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) thermal data to derive absolute temperature distributions in coastal waters that receive cooling effluent from a power plant is demonstrated. Landsat TM band 6 (thermal) data acquired on June 18, 1986, for the Diablo Canyon power plant in California were compared to ground truth temperatures measured at the same time. Higher-resolution band 5 (reflectance) data were used to locate power plant discharge and intake positions and identify locations of thermal pixels containing only water, no land. Local radiosonde measurements, used in LOWTRAN 6 adjustments for atmospheric effects, produced corrected ocean surface radiances that, when converted to temperatures, gave values within approximately 0.6 C of ground truth. A contour plot was produced that compared power plant plume temperatures with those of the ocean and coastal environment. It is concluded that Landsat can provide good estimates of absolute temperatures of the coastal power plant thermal plume. Moreover, quantitative information on ambient ocean surface temperature conditions (e.g., upwelling) may enhance interpretation of numerical model prediction.

  16. Um método simplificado de fusão de imagens para fins de interpretação visual = A simplified merging method applied to image data for purposes of visual interpretation

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    Selma Regina Aranha Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A fusão de imagens é um tema que desperta interesse pela coleta de imagens multiespectrais e pancromáticas com diferentes resoluções espaciais e espectrais. O método de fusão ganhou grande reconhecimento quando imagens Landsat multiespectrais puderamser combinadas com imagens SPOT pancromáticas. Esse processo comprovou ser útil na geração de imagens híbridas que combinam as propriedades das imagens originais numa única nova imagem, que preserva a informação espectral e possui melhor informaçãoespacial. O resultado é uma nova imagem com maior resolução espacial e preservação da maior resolução espectral. Este documento apresenta o método I1I2I3, introduzido por Ohta et al. (1980, como uma opção de fusão por substituição em relação ao método RGBIHS. Para aplicar o método I1I2I3 e o RGB-IHS, duas imagens de altas resoluções foramutilizadas, Ikonos II e Quickbird.Image merging is a topic that has drawn new interest due to theacquirement of multispectral and panchromatic images with different resolutions. The merging approach received great recognition when multispectral Landsat images were matched with panchromatic SPOT images. This process proved to be useful for generating hybrid images that combine properties from the originals into a new unique image, still maintaining spectral information and featuring improved spatial information. The result is a new image with better spatial and preserved spectral resolution. This paper presents the I1I2I3 merging method, introduced by Ohta et al. (1980, as an option for image merging through substitution in relation to the RGB-HSI method. In order to apply the I1I2I3 and RGB-HIS methods, two high resolution images were utilized, Ikonos II and Quickbird.

  17. Mapping of sugarcane crop area in the Paraná State using Landsat/TM/OLI and IRS/LISS-3 images

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    Clóvis Cechim Junior

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT The knowledge on reliable estimates of areas under sugarcane cultivation is essential for the Brazilian agribusiness, since it helps in the development of public policies, in determining prices by sugar mills to producers and allows establishing the logistics of production disposal. The objective of this work was to develop a methodology for mapping the sugarcane crop area in the state of Paraná, Brazil, using images from the Landsat/TM/OLI and IRS/LISS-3 satellites, for the crop years from 2010/2011 to 2013/2014. The mappings were conducted through the supervised Maximum likelihood classification (Maxver achieving, on average, an overall accuracy of 94.13% and kappa index of 0.82. The correlation with the official data of the IBGE ranged from moderate to strong (0.64 ≤ rs ≤ 0.80 with average agreement (dr of 0.81. There was an increase of 2.73% (18,630 ha in the area with sugarcane in Paraná between 2010/2011 and 2013/2014.

  18. Imagen narrativa: De la imagen prehistórica a las tecnologías de la imagen

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    Vicente Peña Timón


    Full Text Available El artículo está estructurado en dos partes. La primera, titulada La narración icónica en la prehistoria, explica el porqué, ya en aquella época, existían "narraciones", donde "alguien" contaba "algo" acerca de "otro alguien", ocurrido en "algún sitio", en un "momento dado". También se expone cómo esta construcción narrativa es el inicio de lo que se ha llegado a denominar imagen narrativa. En la segunda parte, titulada Perspectiva histórica de la imagen narrativa, se realiza un sucinto recorrido histórico,  para poner de manifiesto el protagonismo que siempre ha revelado la Imagen en el devenir y desarrollo de los Pueblos.

  19. Low cost monitoring from space using Landsat TM time series and open source technologies: the case study of Iguazu park (United States)

    Nole, Gabriele; Lasaponara, Rosa


    Up to nowadays, satellite data have become increasingly available, thus offering a low cost or even free of charge unique tool, with a great potential for operational monitoring of vegetation cover, quantitative assessment of urban expansion and urban sprawl, as well as for monitoring of land use changes and soil consumption. This growing observational capacity has also highlighted the need for research efforts aimed at exploring the potential offered by data processing methods and algorithms, in order to exploit as much as possible this invaluable space-based data source. The work herein presented concerns an application study on the monitoring of vegetation cover and urban sprawl conducted with the use of satellite Landsat TM data. The selected test site is the Iguazu park highly significant, being it one of the most threatened global conservation priorities ( In order to produce synthetic maps of the investigated areas to monitor the status of vegetation and ongoing subtle changes, satellite Landsat TM data images were classified using two automatic classifiers, Maximum Likelihood (MLC) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) applied by changing setting parameters, with the aim to compare their respective performances in terms of robustness, speed and accuracy. All process steps have been developed integrating Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing, and adopting free and open source software. Results pointed out that the SVM classifier with RBF kernel was generally the best choice (with accuracy higher than 90%) among all the configurations compared, and the use of multiple bands globally improves classification. One of the critical elements found in the case of monitoring of urban area expansion is given by the presence of urban garden mixed with urban fabric. The use of different configurations for the SVMs, i.e. different kernels and values of the setting parameters, allowed us to calibrate the classifier also to

  20. Global change effects on early holocene sedimentation of the Brazilian continental shelf determined from TM-LANDSAT 5 data of the seafloor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cabral, A.P.; Vianna, M.L.; Gherardi, D.F.M.


    A study of the shaping of the seafloor morphology on the Brazilian northeast continental shelf caused by climatic changes in the beginning of the Holocene is being made with the support of TM-Landsat 5 data. Special emphasis is given on analysis of data from ancient shorelines between 20-45m depth, to be correlated with abrupt global climate change between 10,000-8,000 BP. The transport of a quartz sand deposit by the ocean currents through time, effected by active sandwave fields at the 20 m isobath is also described. Two images were used corresponding to two dates: 1984 and 1989. Geometric correction, filter application and contrast enhancement were performed. A comparison between 84' and 89' images was carried out, to detect changing patterns of the sand waves, along a 5 year period, caused by the seasonal wintertime wind-forced ocean currents. Based on this registration, estimates of displacement rates for the sand deposit could be made

  1. Feasibility of Invasive Grass Detection in a Desertscrub Community Using Hyperspectral Field Measurements and Landsat TM Imagery

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    Stuart E. Marsh


    Full Text Available Invasive species’ phenologies often contrast with those of native species, representing opportunities for detection of invasive species with multi-temporal remote sensing. Detection is especially critical for ecosystem-transforming species that facilitate changes in disturbance regimes. The African C4 grass, Pennisetum ciliare, is transforming ecosystems on three continents and a number of neotropical islands by introducing a grass-fire cycle. However, previous attempts at discriminating P. ciliare in North America using multi-spectral imagery have been unsuccessful. In this paper, we integrate field measurements of hyperspectral plant species signatures and canopy cover with multi-temporal spectral analysis to identify opportunities for detection using moderate-resolution multi-spectral imagery. By applying these results to Landsat TM imagery, we show that multi-spectral discrimination of P. ciliare in heterogeneous mixed desert scrub is feasible, but only at high abundance levels that may have limited value to land managers seeking to control invasion. Much higher discriminability is possible with hyperspectral shortwave infrared imagery because of differences in non-photosynthetic vegetation in uninvaded and invaded landscapes during dormant seasons but these spectra are unavailable in multispectral sensors. Therefore, we recommend hyperspectral imagery for distinguishing invasive grass-dominated landscapes from uninvaded desert scrub.


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    André Luiz Nascentes Coelho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo, contribuir na difusão e operacionalização das geotecnologias, apresentando os algoritmos para obtenção de temperatura da superfície horizontal Celsius na faixa infravermelho termal do sensor TIRS/Landsat-8, banda 10. A aplicação das equações proporcionou não só identificar os maiores percentuais de temperatura de superfície, em diferentes escalas espaciais, como também, definir o perfil do campo térmico em distintas texturas. Além disso, foi possível comparar, em imagens, a melhoria da resolução espacial do canal infravermelho termal Landsat-8 em relação ao Landsat-5. Tal metodologia possibilita a aplicação em outros intervalos de datas e locais distintos, contribuindo nas pesquisas e no auxílio detomadas de decisões.


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    André Luiz Nascentes Coelho


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo, contribuir na difusão e operacionalização das geotecnologias, apresentando os algoritmos para obtenção de temperatura da superfície horizontal Celsius na faixa infravermelho termal do sensor TIRS/Landsat-8, banda 10. A aplicação das equações proporcionou não só identificar os maiores percentuais de temperatura de superfície, em diferentes escalas espaciais, como também, definir o perfil do campo térmico em distintas texturas. Além disso, foi possível comparar, em imagens, a melhoria da resolução espacial do canal infravermelho termal Landsat-8 em relação ao Landsat-5. Tal metodologia possibilita a aplicação em outros intervalos de datas e locais distintos, contribuindo nas pesquisas e no auxílio detomadas de decisões.

  4. The Use of Landsat and Aerial Photography for the Assessment of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Coastal erosion is a worldwide hazard, the consequences of which can only be mitigated via thorough and efficient monitoring of erosion. This study aimed to employ remote sensing techniques on aerial photographs and Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery for the detection and monitoring of coastal erosion in False Bay, South ...

  5. Modeling of multi-strata forest fire severity using Landsat TM data (United States)

    Q. Meng; R.K. Meentemeyer


    Most of fire severity studies use field measures of composite burn index (CBI) to represent forest fire severity and fit the relationships between CBI and Landsat imagery derived differenced normalized burn ratio (dNBR) to predict and map fire severity at unsampled locations. However, less attention has been paid on the multi-strata forest fire severity, which...

  6. Land cover mapping, fire regeneration, and scaling studies in the Canadian boreal forest with 1 km AVHRR and Landsat TM data (United States)

    Steyaert, L.T.; Hall, F.G.; Loveland, Thomas R.


    A multitemporal 1 km advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) land cover analysis approach was used as the basis for regional land cover mapping, fire disturbance-regeneration, and multiresolution land cover scaling studies in the boreal forest ecosystem of central Canada. The land cover classification was developed by using regional field observations from ground and low-level aircraft transits to analyze spectral-temporal clusters that were derived from an unsupervised cluster analysis of monthly normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image composites (April-September 1992). Quantitative areal proportions of the major boreal forest components were determined for a 821 km ?? 619 km region, ranging from the southern grasslands-boreal forest ecotone to the northern boreal transitional forest. The boreal wetlands (mostly lowland black spruce, tamarack, mosses, fens, and bogs) occupied approximately 33% of the region, while lakes accounted for another 13%. Upland mixed coniferous-deciduous forests represented 23% of the ecosystem. A SW-NE productivity gradient across the region is manifested by three levels of tree stand density for both the boreal wetland conifer and the mixed forest classes, which are generally aligned with isopleths of regional growing degree days. Approximately 30% of the region was directly affected by fire disturbance within the preceding 30-35 years, especially in the Canadian Shield Zone where large fire-regeneration patterns contribute to the heterogeneous boreal landscape. Intercomparisons with land cover classifications derived from 30-m Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data provided important insights into the relative accuracy of the 1 km AVHRR land cover classification. Primarily due to the multitemporal NDVI image compositing process, the 1 km AVHRR land cover classes have an effective spatial resolution in the 3-4 km range; therefore fens, bogs, small water bodies, and small patches of dry jack pine cannot be resolved within

  7. Preliminary Geologic/spectral Analysis of LANDSAT-4 Thematic Mapper Data, Wind River/bighorn Basin Area, Wyoming (United States)

    Lang, H. R.; Conel, J. E.; Paylor, E. D.


    A LIDQA evaluation for geologic applications of a LANDSAT TM scene covering the Wind River/Bighorn Basin area, Wyoming, is examined. This involves a quantitative assessment of data quality including spatial and spectral characteristics. Analysis is concentrated on the 6 visible, near infrared, and short wavelength infrared bands. Preliminary analysis demonstrates that: (1) principal component images derived from the correlation matrix provide the most useful geologic information. To extract surface spectral reflectance, the TM radiance data must be calibrated. Scatterplots demonstrate that TM data can be calibrated and sensor response is essentially linear. Low instrumental offset and gain settings result in spectral data that do not utilize the full dynamic range of the TM system.

  8. Analysis of Eocene depositional environments - Preliminary TM and TIMS results, Wind River Basin, Wyoming (United States)

    Stucky, Richard K.; Krishtalka, Leonard; Redline, Andrew D.; Lang, Harold R.


    Both Landsat TM and aircraft Thermal IR Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) data have been used to map the lithofacies of the Wind River Basin's Eocene physical and biological environments. Preliminary analyses of these data have furnished maps of a fault contact boundary and a complex network of fluvial ribbon channel sandstones. The synoptic view thereby emerging for Eocene fluvial facies clarifies the relationships of ribbon channel sandstones to fossil-bearing overbank/floodplain facies and certain peleosols. The utility of TM and TIMS data is thereby demonstrated.

  9. Downscaling of Aircraft, Landsat, and MODIS-bases Land Surface Temperature Images with Support Vector Machines (United States)

    High spatial resolution Land Surface Temperature (LST) images are required to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) at a field scale for irrigation scheduling purposes. Satellite sensors such as Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) can offer images at s...

  10. Importância da alteração do Histograma de Imagem de Alta Resolução (PAN para fusão de imagens digitais pelo método de componentes principais / The importance of Histogram Alteration in High Resolution Image (PAN for merging digital images by means of the principal components method

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    Ricardo Kwiatkowski Silva


    Full Text Available ResumoA fusão de imagens é um tema que despertou novo interesse devido à coleta simultânea de imagens multiespectrais e pancromáticas com diferentes resoluções. O método de fusão ganhou grande reconhecimento quando imagens LANDSAT, multiespectral, puderam ser combinadas com imagens SPOT, pancromáticas. O processo comprovou ser útil na geração de imagens híbridas que combinam as propriedades das imagens originais numa única nova imagem que preserva a informação espectral e possui uma melhor informação espacial. O resultado é uma nova imagem com melhor resolução espacial e a mesma resolução espectral. Este artigo apresenta o método de fusão de imagens por substituição por Componentes Principais com e sem alteração do histograma. Para a aplicação deste método, duas imagens de alta resolução espacial foram usadas, multiespectral e PAN do satélite Quickbird.AbstractImage merging is a subject that attracted new interest due to the simultaneous assembling of multispectral and PAN images with different resolutions. The merging approach became renown when multispectral Landsat images could be matched with panchromatic SPOT ones. The process was useful for generating hybrid images that combine properties from the originals in a new unique image that maintains the spectral information and features better spatial information. The result is a new image with better spatial resolution and the same spectral resolution. This paper considers the substitution merging method by Principal Components with and without histogram alteration. In order to apply this method, two high resolution spatial images were used, namely the multispectral and PAN from the Quickbird satellite.

  11. Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation with Landsat and LiDAR Data and Uncertainty Analysis of the Estimates


    Dengsheng Lu; Qi Chen; Guangxing Wang; Emilio Moran; Mateus Batistella; Maozhen Zhang; Gaia Vaglio Laurin; David Saah


    Landsat Thematic mapper (TM) image has long been the dominate data source, and recently LiDAR has offered an important new structural data stream for forest biomass estimations. On the other hand, forest biomass uncertainty analysis research has only recently obtained sufficient attention due to the difficulty in collecting reference data. This paper provides a brief overview of current forest biomass estimation methods using both TM and LiDAR data. A case study is then presented that demonst...

  12. An Improved Method for Producing High Spatial-Resolution NDVI Time Series Datasets with Multi-Temporal MODIS NDVI Data and Landsat TM/ETM+ Images

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    Yuhan Rao


    Full Text Available Due to technical limitations, it is impossible to have high resolution in both spatial and temporal dimensions for current NDVI datasets. Therefore, several methods are developed to produce high resolution (spatial and temporal NDVI time-series datasets, which face some limitations including high computation loads and unreasonable assumptions. In this study, an unmixing-based method, NDVI Linear Mixing Growth Model (NDVI-LMGM, is proposed to achieve the goal of accurately and efficiently blending MODIS NDVI time-series data and multi-temporal Landsat TM/ETM+ images. This method firstly unmixes the NDVI temporal changes in MODIS time-series to different land cover types and then uses unmixed NDVI temporal changes to predict Landsat-like NDVI dataset. The test over a forest site shows high accuracy (average difference: −0.0070; average absolute difference: 0.0228; and average absolute relative difference: 4.02% and computation efficiency of NDVI-LMGM (31 seconds using a personal computer. Experiments over more complex landscape and long-term time-series demonstrated that NDVI-LMGM performs well in each stage of vegetation growing season and is robust in regions with contrasting spatial and spatial variations. Comparisons between NDVI-LMGM and current methods (i.e., Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (STARFM, Enhanced STARFM (ESTARFM and Weighted Linear Model (WLM show that NDVI-LMGM is more accurate and efficient than current methods. The proposed method will benefit land surface process research, which requires a dense NDVI time-series dataset with high spatial resolution.

  13. Examination of Abiotic Drivers and Their Influence on Spartina alterniflora Biomass over a Twenty-Eight Year Period Using Landsat 5 TM Satellite Imagery of the Central Georgia Coast

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    John P. R. O’Donnell


    Full Text Available We examined the influence of abiotic drivers on inter-annual and phenological patterns of aboveground biomass for Marsh Cordgrass, Spartina alterniflora, on the Central Georgia Coast. The linkages between drivers and plant response via soil edaphic factors are captured in our graphical conceptual model. We used geospatial techniques to scale up in situ measurements of aboveground S. alterniflora biomass to landscape level estimates using 294 Landsat 5 TM scenes acquired between 1984 and 2011. For each scene we extracted data from the same 63 sampling polygons, containing 1222 pixels covering about 1.1 million m2. Using univariate and multiple regression tests, we compared Landsat derived biomass estimates for three S. alterniflora size classes against a suite of abiotic drivers. River discharge, total precipitation, minimum temperature, and mean sea level had positive relationships with and best explained biomass for all dates. Additional results, using seasonally binned data, indicated biomass was responsive to changing combinations of variables across the seasons. Our 28-year analysis revealed aboveground biomass declines of 33%, 35%, and 39% for S. alterniflora tall, medium, and short size classes, respectively. This decline correlated with drought frequency and severity trends and coincided with marsh die-backs events and increased snail herbivory in the second half of the study period.

  14. Geração de imagem georreferenciada do município de Santa Maria utilizando imagem de satélite e sistemas de informações geográficas Generation of georreferenced image of Santa Maria county utilizing satellite image and geographic information systems

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    Edson Luís Piroli


    Full Text Available O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Sensoriamento Remoto e Geoprocessamento, do Departamento de Engenharia Rural, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, tendo como objetivo a criação de uma imagem georreferenciada do Município de Santa Maria - RS. Foram utilizados para o seu desenvolvimento os sistemas de informações geográficas IDRISI e SITER e imagens do satélite Landsat 5 - TM. Os procedimentos para a obtenção da imagem georreferenciada foram basicamente de elaboração de composição falsa-cor, georreferência e corte da área abrangida pelo Município de Santa Maria. Os aplicativos SIG utilizados e as imagens de satélite foram suficientes e eficazes para a elaboração de imagem georreferenciada do município de Santa Maria.This work was developed at the laboratory of Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing of Department of Rural Engineering of University Federal of Santa Maria, had as objective the creation of a georreferenced image of Santa Maria county - RS. Made possible the development through the associated by the digital Landsat 5 - TM and they Geographic Information System IDRISI and SITER. The proceedings to again imagery georeferenced were elaborated from the color compositae, georreferencing techniques and the out line municipality boundary. The softwares GIS and the satellite image utilized were effective to reach the main goal of this work.

  15. Multitemporal Snow Cover Mapping in Mountainous Terrain for Landsat Climate Data Record Development (United States)

    Crawford, Christopher J.; Manson, Steven M.; Bauer, Marvin E.; Hall, Dorothy K.


    A multitemporal method to map snow cover in mountainous terrain is proposed to guide Landsat climate data record (CDR) development. The Landsat image archive including MSS, TM, and ETM+ imagery was used to construct a prototype Landsat snow cover CDR for the interior northwestern United States. Landsat snow cover CDRs are designed to capture snow-covered area (SCA) variability at discrete bi-monthly intervals that correspond to ground-based snow telemetry (SNOTEL) snow-water-equivalent (SWE) measurements. The June 1 bi-monthly interval was selected for initial CDR development, and was based on peak snowmelt timing for this mountainous region. Fifty-four Landsat images from 1975 to 2011 were preprocessed that included image registration, top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance conversion, cloud and shadow masking, and topographic normalization. Snow covered pixels were retrieved using the normalized difference snow index (NDSI) and unsupervised classification, and pixels having greater (less) than 50% snow cover were classified presence (absence). A normalized SCA equation was derived to independently estimate SCA given missing image coverage and cloud-shadow contamination. Relative frequency maps of missing pixels were assembled to assess whether systematic biases were embedded within this Landsat CDR. Our results suggest that it is possible to confidently estimate historical bi-monthly SCA from partially cloudy Landsat images. This multitemporal method is intended to guide Landsat CDR development for freshwaterscarce regions of the western US to monitor climate-driven changes in mountain snowpack extent.

  16. Análise da mudança da vegetação nativa ocasionada pela expansão agrícola no município de Uruçuí, Piauí

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    Julianna Lima Queiroz


    Full Text Available Atualmente, a agricultura moderna no Brasil, que antes era concentrada na região Centro-Sul, difundiu-se nos estados do Nordeste. O Piauí vivenciou uma rápida ocupação do Cerrado, devido a introdução de grandes projetos de agricultura e o município de Uruçuí se destaca na produção de grãos, principalmente a soja. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar a mudança da vegetação nativa ocasionada pela expansão agrícola do município de Uruçuí por meio do sensoriamento remoto. O processo foi dividido em fases, tais como: aquisição de dados, pré-processamento, extrapolação e classificação de imagens. Foram utilizadas imagens dos anos de 2003 do satélite Landsat 5 TM e de 2013 do Landsat 8 TM. As imagens desses dois anos foram georreferenciadas e fundidas através da técnica de mosaico com o programa QGIS. Por fim, foi produzido um mapa temático área degradada, para avaliar a evolução do processo de substituição da vegetação. Os dados obtidos nesse estudo indicaram que ocorreu a evolução das áreas de lavouras de grãos no município de Uruçuí. A análise das figuras revelou a substituição da vegetação nativa da região ocasionada principalmente pela crescente expansão agrícola. É de extrema importância o monitoramento dessas grandes áreas, para que seja possível quantificar o nível de exploração e reduzir os impactos ambientais.

  17. Actual evapotranspiration estimation in a Mediterranean mountain region by means of Landsat-5 TM and TERRA/AQUA MODIS imagery and Sap Flow measurements in Pinus sylvestris forest stands. (United States)

    Cristóbal, J.; Poyatos, R.; Ninyerola, M.; Pons, X.; Llorens, P.


    Evapotranspiration monitoring has important implications on global and regional climate modelling, as well as in the knowledge of the hydrological cycle and in the assessment of environmental stress that affects forest and agricultural ecosystems. An increase of evapotranspiration while precipitation remains constant, or is reduced, could decrease water availability for natural and agricultural systems and human needs. Consequently, water balance methods, as the evapotranspiration modelling, have been widely used to estimate crop and forest water needs, as well as the global change effects. Nowadays, radiometric measurements provided by Remote Sensing and GIS analysis are the technologies used to compute evapotranspiration at regional scales in a feasible way. Currently, the 38% of Catalonia (NE of the Iberian Peninsula) is covered by forests, and one of the most important forest species is Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) which represents the 18.4% of the area occupied by forests. The aim of this work is to model actual evapotranspiration in Pinus sylvestris forest stands, in a Mediterranean mountain region, using remote sensing data, and compare it with stand-scale sap flow measurements measured in the Vallcebre research area (42° 12' N, 1° 49' E), in the Eastern Pyrenees. To perform this study a set of 30 cloud-free TERRA-MODIS images and 10 Landsat-5 TM images of path 198 and rows 31 and 32 from June 2003 to January 2005 have been selected to perform evapotranspiration modelling in Pinus sylvestris forest stands. TERRA/AQUA MODIS images have been downloaded by means of the EOS Gateway. We have selected two different types of products which contain the remote sensing data we have used to model daily evapotranspiration, daily LST product and daily calibrated reflectances product. Landsat-5 TM images have been corrected by means of conventional techniques based on first order polynomials taking into account the effect of land surface relief using a Digital

  18. An evaluation of simulated Thematic Mapper data and Landsat MSS data for discriminating suburban and regional land use and land cover (United States)

    Toll, D. L.


    An airborne multispectral scanner, operating in the same spectral channels as the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), was used in a region east of Denver, CO, for a simulation test performed in the framework of using TM to discriminate the level I and level II classes. It is noted that at the 30-m spatial resolution of the Thematic Mapper Simulator (TMS) the overall discrimination for such classes as commercial/industrial land, rangeland, irrigated sod, irrigated alfalfa, and irrigated pasture was superior to that of the Landsat Multispectral Scanner, primarily due to four added spectral bands. For residential and other spectrally heterogeneous classes, however, the higher resolution of TMS resulted in increased variability within the class and a larger spectral overlap.

  19. An analysis of Landsat Thematic Mapper P-Product internal geometry and conformity to earth surface geometry (United States)

    Bryant, N. A.; Zobrist, A. L.; Walker, R. E.; Gokhman, B.


    Performance requirements regarding geometric accuracy have been defined in terms of end product goals, but until recently no precise details have been given concerning the conditions under which that accuracy is to be achieved. In order to achieve higher spatial and spectral resolutions, the Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor was designed to image in both forward and reverse mirror sweeps in two separate focal planes. Both hardware and software have been augmented and changed during the course of the Landsat TM developments to achieve improved geometric accuracy. An investigation has been conducted to determine if the TM meets the National Map Accuracy Standards for geometric accuracy at larger scales. It was found that TM imagery, in terms of geometry, has come close to, and in some cases exceeded, its stringent specifications.

  20. tmRDB (tmRNA database)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zwieb, Christian; Gorodkin, Jan; Knudsen, Bjarne


    Maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, the tmRNA database (tmRDB) is accessible at the URL with mirror sites located at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama ( and the Bioinforma......Maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, the tmRNA database (tmRDB) is accessible at the URL with mirror sites located at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (http......:// and the Bioinformatics Research Center, Aarhus, Denmark ( The tmRDB collects and distributes information relevant to the study of tmRNA. In trans-translation, this molecule combines properties of tRNA and mRNA and binds several proteins to form the tmRNP. Related RNPs are likely...

  1. Determining the rate of forest conversion in Mato Grosso, Brazil, using Landsat MSS and AVHRR data (United States)

    Nelson, Ross; Horning, Ned; Stone, Thomas A.


    AVHRR-LAC thermal data and Landsat MSS and TM spectral data were used to estimate the rate of forest clearing in Mato Grosso, Brazil, between 1981 and 1984. The Brazilian state was stratified into forest and nonforest. A list sampling procedure was used in the forest stratum to select Landsat MSS scenes for processing based on estimates of fire activity in the scenes. Fire activity in 1984 was estimated using AVHRR-LAC thermal data. State-wide estimates of forest conversion indicate that between 1981 and 1984, 353,966 ha + or - 77,000 ha (0.4 percent of the state area) were converted per year. No evidence of reforestation was found in this digital sample. The relationship between forest clearing rate (based on MSS-TM analysis) and fire activity (estimated using AVHRR data) was noisy (R-squared = 0.41). The results suggest that AVHRR data may be put to better use as a stratification tool than as a subsidiary variable in list sampling.

  2. Landsat Thematic Mapper digital information content for agricultural environments (United States)

    Haack, Barry; Bryant, Nevin; Adams, Steven


    Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data collected for Imperial Valley, California in December, 1982 were digitally examined to assess their utility to distinguish among agricultural and other land-covers. Statistics for thirty-seven training sites representing a variety of crops plus urban, water and desert land-covers were obtained and analyzed using transformed divergence (TD) calculations. TD values were employed to assess intraclass variability and the best bands for classification. Four subscenes were selected for clustering or unsupervised signature extraction. These areas were agriculture, urban, desert and water land-covers. The number of clusters for these subscenes were examined and the best TM bands for interclass separability were identified. The results of the clustering and training site analyses for interclass separability were compared. The TM data were useful for the digital delimitation of most crops and other cover types in this analysis. Four bands of data are adequate for classification with the best results obtained by the selection of one band from each of the available portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Different band combinations are best for various land-cover intraclass separability.

  3. Changes in the NDVI of Boreal Forests over the period 1984 to 2003 measured using time series of Landsat TM/ETM+ surface reflectance and the GIMMS AVHRR NDVI record. (United States)

    McMillan, A. M.; Rocha, A. V.; Goulden, M. L.


    There is a prevailing opinion that the boreal landscape is undergoing change as a result of warming temperatures leading to earlier springs, greater forest fire frequency and possibly CO2 fertilization. One widely- used line of evidence is the GIMMS AVHRR NDVI record. Several studies suggest increasing rates of photosynthesis in boreal forests from 1982 to 1991 (based on NDVI increases) while others suggest declining photosynthesis from 1996 to 2003. We suspect that a portion of these changes are due to the successional stage of the forests. We compiled a time-series of atmospherically-corrected Landsat TM/ETM+ images spanning the period 1984 to 2003 over the BOREAS Northern Study Area and compared spatial and temporal patterns of NDVI between the two records. The Landsat time series is higher resolution and, together with the Canadian Fire Service Large Fire Database, provides stand-age information. We then (1) analyzed the agreement between the Landsat and GIMMS AVHRR time series; (2) determined how the stage of forest succession affected NDVI; (3) assessed how the calculation method of annual averages of NDVI affects decadal-scale trends. The agreement between the Landsat and the AVHRR was reasonable although the depression of NDVI associated with the aerosols from the Pinatubo volcano was greater in the GIMMS time series. Pixels containing high proportions of stands burned within a decade of the observation period showed very high gains in NDVI while the more mature stands were constant. While NDVI appears to exhibit a large sensitivity to the presence of snow, the choice of a May to September averaging period for NDVI over a June to August averaging period did not affect the interannual patterns in NDVI at this location because the snow pack was seldom present in either of these periods. Knowledge of the spatial and temporal patterns of wild fire will prove useful in interpreting trends of remotely-sensed proxies of photosynthesis.

  4. Mapping Deciduous Rubber Plantation Areas and Stand Ages with PALSAR and Landsat Images

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    Weili Kou


    Full Text Available Accurate and updated finer resolution maps of rubber plantations and stand ages are needed to understand and assess the impacts of rubber plantations on regional ecosystem processes. This study presented a simple method for mapping rubber plantation areas and their stand ages by integration of PALSAR 50-m mosaic images and multi-temporal Landsat TM/ETM+ images. The L-band PALSAR 50-m mosaic images were used to map forests (including both natural forests and rubber trees and non-forests. For those PALSAR-based forest pixels, we analyzed the multi-temporal Landsat TM/ETM+ images from 2000 to 2009. We first studied phenological signatures of deciduous rubber plantations (defoliation and foliation and natural forests through analysis of surface reflectance, Normal Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI, Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI, and Land Surface Water Index (LSWI and generated a map of rubber plantations in 2009. We then analyzed phenological signatures of rubber plantations with different stand ages and generated a map, in 2009, of rubber plantation stand ages (≤5, 6–10, >10 years-old based on multi-temporal Landsat images. The resultant maps clearly illustrated how rubber plantations have expanded into the mountains in the study area over the years. The results in this study demonstrate the potential of integrating microwave (e.g., PALSAR and optical remote sensing in the characterization of rubber plantations and their expansion over time.

  5. Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation with Landsat and LiDAR Data and Uncertainty Analysis of the Estimates

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    Dengsheng Lu


    Full Text Available Landsat Thematic mapper (TM image has long been the dominate data source, and recently LiDAR has offered an important new structural data stream for forest biomass estimations. On the other hand, forest biomass uncertainty analysis research has only recently obtained sufficient attention due to the difficulty in collecting reference data. This paper provides a brief overview of current forest biomass estimation methods using both TM and LiDAR data. A case study is then presented that demonstrates the forest biomass estimation methods and uncertainty analysis. Results indicate that Landsat TM data can provide adequate biomass estimates for secondary succession but are not suitable for mature forest biomass estimates due to data saturation problems. LiDAR can overcome TM’s shortcoming providing better biomass estimation performance but has not been extensively applied in practice due to data availability constraints. The uncertainty analysis indicates that various sources affect the performance of forest biomass/carbon estimation. With that said, the clear dominate sources of uncertainty are the variation of input sample plot data and data saturation problem related to optical sensors. A possible solution to increasing the confidence in forest biomass estimates is to integrate the strengths of multisensor data.

  6. Analysis of data acquired by Shuttle Imaging Radar SIR-A and Landsat Thematic Mapper over Baldwin County, Alabama (United States)

    Wu, S.-T.


    Seasonally compatible data collected by SIR-A and by Landsat 4 TM over the lower coastal plain in Alabama were coregistered, forming a SIR-A/TM multichannel data set with 30 m x 30 m pixel size. Spectral signature plots and histogram analysis of the data were used to observe data characteristics. Radar returns from pine forest classes correlated highly with the tree ages, suggesting the potential utility of microwave remote sensing for forest biomass estimation. As compared with the TM-only data set, the use of SIR-A/TM data set improved classification accuracy of the seven land cover types studied. In addition, the SIR-A/TM classified data support previous finding by Engheta and Elachi (1982) that microwave data appear to be correlated with differing bottomland hardwood forest vegetation as associated with varying water regimens (i.e., wet versus dry).

  7. Application and Comparison of the MODIS-Derived Enhanced Vegetation Index to VIIRS, Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI Platforms: A Case Study in the Arid Colorado River Delta, Mexico (United States)

    Jarchow, Christopher J.; Didan, Kamel; Barreto-Muñoz, Armando; Glenn, Edward P.


    The Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) is a key Earth science parameter used to assess vegetation, originally developed and calibrated for the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra and Aqua satellites. With the impending decommissioning of the MODIS sensors by the year 2020/2022, alternative platforms will need to be used to estimate EVI. We compared Landsat 5 (2000–2011), 8 (2013–2016) and the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS; 2013–2016) to MODIS EVI (2000–2016) over a 420,083-ha area of the arid lower Colorado River Delta in Mexico. Over large areas with mixed land cover or agricultural fields, we found high correspondence between Landsat and MODIS EVI (R2 = 0.93 for the entire area studied and 0.97 for agricultural fields), but the relationship was weak over bare soil (R2 = 0.27) and riparian vegetation (R2 = 0.48). The correlation between MODIS and Landsat EVI was higher over large, homogeneous areas and was generally lower in narrow riparian areas. VIIRS and MODIS EVI were highly similar (R2 = 0.99 for the entire area studied) and did not show the same decrease in performance in smaller, narrower regions as Landsat. Landsat and VIIRS provide EVI estimates of similar quality and characteristics to MODIS, but scale, seasonality and land cover type(s) should be considered before implementing Landsat EVI in a particular area. PMID:29757265

  8. Quantifying the Physical Composition of Urban Morphology throughout Wales Based on the Time Series (1989–2011 Analysis of Landsat TM/ETM+ Images and Supporting GIS Data

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    Douglas Scott


    Full Text Available Knowledge of impervious surface areas (ISA and on their changes in magnitude, location, geometry and morphology over time is significant for a range of practical applications and research alike from local to global scales. Despite this, use of Earth Observation (EO technology in mapping ISAs within some European Union (EU countries, such as the United Kingdom (UK, is to some extent scarce. In the present study, a combination of methods is proposed for mapping ISA based on freely distributed EO imagery from Landsat TM/ETM+ sensors. The proposed technique combines a traditional classifier and a linear spectral mixture analysis (LSMA with a series of Landsat TM/ETM+ images to extract ISA. Selected sites located in Wales, UK, are used for demonstrating the capability of the proposed method. The Welsh study areas provided a unique setting in detecting largely dispersed urban morphology within an urban-rural frontier context. In addition, an innovative method for detecting clouds and cloud shadow layers for the full area estimation of ISA is also presented herein. The removal and replacement of clouds and cloud shadows, with underlying materials is further explained. Aerial photography with a spatial resolution of 0.4 m, acquired over the summer period in 2005 was used for validation purposes. Validation of the derived products indicated an overall ISA detection accuracy in the order of ~97%. The latter was considered as very satisfactory and at least comparative, if not somehow better, to existing ISA products provided on a national level. The hybrid method for ISA extraction proposed here is important on a local scale in terms of moving forward into a biennial program for the Welsh Government. It offers a much less subjectively static and more objectively dynamic estimation of ISA cover in comparison to existing operational products already available, improving the current estimations of international urbanization and soil sealing. Findings of our

  9. Three-dimensional displays for natural hazards analysis, using classified Landsat Thematic Mapper digital data and large-scale digital elevation models (United States)

    Butler, David R.; Walsh, Stephen J.; Brown, Daniel G.


    Methods are described for using Landsat Thematic Mapper digital data and digital elevation models for the display of natural hazard sites in a mountainous region of northwestern Montana, USA. Hazard zones can be easily identified on the three-dimensional images. Proximity of facilities such as highways and building locations to hazard sites can also be easily displayed. A temporal sequence of Landsat TM (or similar) satellite data sets could also be used to display landscape changes associated with dynamic natural hazard processes.

  10. Detection of soil erosion within pinyon-juniper woodlands using Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite data (United States)

    Price, Kevin P.; Ridd, Merrill K.


    The sensitivity of Landsat TM data for detecting soil erosion within pinyon-juniper woodlands, and the potential of the spectral data for assigning the universal soil loss equation (USLE) crop managemnent (C) factor to varying cover types within the woodlands are assessed. Results show greatly accelerated rates of soil erosion on pinyon-juniper sites. Percent cover by pinyon-juniper, total soil-loss, and total nonliving ground cover accounted for nearly 70 percent of the variability in TM channels 2, 3, 4, and 5. TM spectral data were consistently better predictors of soil erosion than the biotic and abiotic field variables. Satellite data were more sensitive to vegetation variation than the USLE C factor, and USLE was found to be a poor predictor of soil loss on pinyon-juniper sites. A new string-to-ground soil erosion prediction technique is introduced.

  11. Operational calibration and validation of landsat data continuity mission (LDCM) sensors using the image assessment system (IAS) (United States)

    Micijevic, Esad; Morfitt, Ron


    Systematic characterization and calibration of the Landsat sensors and the assessment of image data quality are performed using the Image Assessment System (IAS). The IAS was first introduced as an element of the Landsat 7 (L7) Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) ground segment and recently extended to Landsat 4 (L4) and 5 (L5) Thematic Mappers (TM) and Multispectral Sensors (MSS) on-board the Landsat 1-5 satellites. In preparation for the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM), the IAS was developed for the Earth Observer 1 (EO-1) Advanced Land Imager (ALI) with a capability to assess pushbroom sensors. This paper describes the LDCM version of the IAS and how it relates to unique calibration and validation attributes of its on-board imaging sensors. The LDCM IAS system will have to handle a significantly larger number of detectors and the associated database than the previous IAS versions. An additional challenge is that the LDCM IAS must handle data from two sensors, as the LDCM products will combine the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) spectral bands.

  12. Geological analysis of parts of the southern Arabian Shield based on Landsat imagery (United States)

    Qari, Mohammed Yousef Hedaytullah T.

    This thesis examines the capability and applicability of Landsat multispectral remote sensing data for geological analysis in the arid southern Arabian Shield, which is the eastern segment of the Nubian-Arabian Shield surrounding the Red Sea. The major lithologies in the study area are Proterozoic metavolcanics, metasediments, gneisses and granites. Three test-sites within the study area, located within two tectonic assemblages, the Asir Terrane and the Nabitah Mobile Belt, were selected for detailed comparison of remote sensing methods and ground geological studies. Selected digital image processing techniques were applied to full-resolution Landsat TM imagery and the results are interpreted and discussed. Methods included: image contrast improvement, edge enhancement for detecting lineaments and spectral enhancement for geological mapping. The last method was based on two principles, statistical analysis of the data and the use of arithmetical operators. New and detailed lithological and structural maps were constructed and compared with previous maps of these sites. Examples of geological relations identified using TM imagery include: recognition and mapping of migmatites for the first time in the Arabian Shield; location of the contact between the Asir Terrane and the Nabitah Mobile Belt; and mapping of lithologies, some of which were not identified on previous geological maps. These and other geological features were confirmed by field checking. Methods of lineament enhancement implemented in this study revealed structural lineaments, mostly mapped for the first time, which can be related to regional tectonics. Structural analysis showed that the southern Arabian Shield has been affected by at least three successive phases of deformation. The third phase is the most dominant and widespread. A crustal evolutionary model in the vicinity of the study area is presented showing four stages, these are: arc stage, accretion stage, collision stage and post

  13. An investigation of several aspects of LANDSAT-5 data quality. [Palmer County, Shelby, mt; White sands, NM; Great Salt Lake, UT; San Matted Bridge and Sacramento, California (United States)

    Wrigley, R. C. (Principal Investigator)


    Band-to-band registration, geodetic registration, interdector noise, and the modulation transfer function (MTE) are discussed for the Palmer County; TX scene. Band combinations for several LANDSAT 4 and LANDSAT 5 scenes; the geodetic registration test for the Sacramento, CA area; periodic noise components in TM band 5; and grey level measurements by detector for Great Salt Lake (UT) dark water forescans and backscans are considered. Results of MTF analyses of the San Mateo Bridge and of TM high resolution and aerial Daedalus scanner imagery are consistent and appear to be repeatable. An oil-on-sand target was constructed on the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The two-image analysis procedure used is summarized.

  14. Classificação orientada a objeto de imagens de sensoriamento remoto em estudos epidemiológicos sobre leishmaniose visceral em área urbana

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    Andréa Sobral de Almeida


    Full Text Available Neste estudo, explorou-se o uso da classificação orientada a objeto de imagens de sensoriamento remoto em estudos epidemiológicos sobre leishmaniose visceral (LV em áreas urbanas. A classificação orientada a objeto foi aplicada a cenas Landsat 5 TM da cidade de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil, para obtenção de informações ambientais e temperatura. Para o período de 1993-1996, a taxa de incidência de LV nos setores censitários da cidade foi positivamente correlacionada com a área do setor censitário coberta por vegetação densa, rasteira e solo exposto e negativamente com a área coberta por água e áreas densamente ocupadas. No período de 2001-2006, foram encontradas correlações positivas com vegetação densa, rasteira, solo exposto e áreas densamente ocupadas e negativas com áreas urbanas com alguma vegetação. A temperatura da superfície terrestre foi negativamente associada à incidência de LV nos dois períodos. A classificação orientada a objeto pode ser útil para caracterizar paisagens associadas à ocorrência da LV em áreas urbanas e delimitar áreas de risco para definição de prioridades na implementação de intervenções.

  15. Land Use and Land Cover Change in Guangzhou, China, from 1998 to 2003, Based on Landsat TM /ETM+ Imagery

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    Yunpeng Wang


    Full Text Available Land use and land cover change is a major issue in global environment change,and is especially significant in rapidly developing regions in the world. With its economicdevelopment, population growth, and urbanization, Guangzhou, a major metropolitan inSouth China, have experienced a dramatic land use and land cover (LULC change over thepast 30 years. Fast LULC change have resulted in degradation of its ecosystems andaffected adversely the environment. It is urgently needed to monitor its LULC changes andto analyses the consequences of these changes in order to provide information for policy-makers to support sustainable development. This study employed two Landsat TM/ETM images in the dry season to detect LULC patterns in 1998 and 2003, and to examine LULCchanges during the period from 1998 to 2003. The type, rate, and pattern of the changesamong five counties of Guangzhou Municipality were analyzed in details by post-classification method. LULC conversion matrix was produced for each county in order toexplore and explain the urban expansion and cropland loss, the most significant types ofLULC change. Land use conversion matrixes of five counties were discussed respectivelyin order to explore and explain the inherence of land use change. The results showed thaturban expansion in these five counties kept an even rate of increase, while substantialamount of cropland vanished during the period. It is also noted that the conversion between cropland and orchard land was intensive. Forest land became the main source of new croplands.

  16. Detection of soil erosion within pinyon-juniper woodlands using Thematic Mapper (TM) data (United States)

    Price, Kevin P.


    Multispectral measurements collected by Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) were correlated with field measurements, direct soil loss estimates, and Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) estimates to determine the sensitivity of TM data to varying degrees of soil erosion in pinyon-juniper woodland in central Utah. TM data were also evaluated as a predictor of the USLE Crop Management C factor for pinyon-juniper woodlands. TM spectral data were consistently better predictors of soil erosion factors than any combination of field factors. TM data were more sensitive to vegetation variations than the USLE C factor. USLE estimates showed low annual rates of erosion which varied little among the study sites. Direct measurements of rate of soil loss using the SEDIMENT (Soil Erosion DIrect measureMENT) technique, indicated high and varying rates of soil loss among the sites since tree establishment. Erosion estimates from the USLE and SEDIMENT methods suggest that erosion rates have been severe in the past, but because significant amounts of soil have already been eroded, and the surface is now armored by rock debris, present erosion rates are lower. Indicators of accelerated erosion were still present on all sites, however, suggesting that the USLE underestimated erosion within the study area.


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    Jedman Dantas Motta

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho procura obter uma região de solo exposto a partir da observação do atributo cor e inferir sobre determinado tipo de solo a partir de um mapa de drenagem obtido através de imagens temáticas TM-Landsat (banda 5 e composições coloridas 7R/2G/1B, 7R/5G/2B e 5R/4G/3B georefenciadas. A região considerada localiza-se próximo à cidade de Campina Grande, Estado da Paraíba, onde existem poucos trabalhos utilizando produtos Landsat, e quase nenhum trabalho cartográfico, devido à grande concentração de nuvens durante todo o ano, o que dificulta a obtenção dos dados por meio aéreo ou espacial.

  18. Using Google Earth Engine To Apply Spectral Mixture Analysis Over Landsat 5TM Imagery To Map Fire Scars In The Alto Teles Pires River Basin, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. (United States)

    Antunes Daldegan, G.; Ribeiro, F.; Roberts, D. A.


    The two most extensive biomes in Brazil, the Amazon Forest and the Cerrado (the Brazilian savanna), are subject to many fire events every dry season. Both biomes are well-known for their ecological and environmental importance but, due to the intensive human occupation over the last decades, they have been experiencing high deforestation rates with much of their natural landscape being converted to agriculture and pasture uses. The Cerrado, as a savanna, has naturally evolved adapted to fire. According to some researchers, this biome has been exposed to fire for the last 25 million years, forging the diversification of many C4 grass species, for example. The Amazon forest does not have similar characteristics and studies have shown that forest areas that have been already burned become more prone to recurrent burns. Forest patches that are close to open areas have their edges exposed to higher insolation and greater turbulence, drying the understory vegetation and litter, turning those areas more susceptible to fire events. In cases where grass species become established in the understory they can be a renewable source of fuel for recurrent burns. This study aimed to identify and map fire scars present in the region of Alto Teles Pires river basin, State of Mato Grosso - Brazil, during 10 years (2002-2011). This region is located in the transition zone between the two biomes and is known for its high deforestation rates. By taking advantage of the Landsat 5TM imagery collection present in Google Earth Engine platform as well as applying Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA) techniques over them it was possible to estimate fractions of Green Vegetation (GV), Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation (NPV), and Soil targets, which are the surfaces that compose the vast majority of the landscape in the study region. Iteratively running SMA analysis over the imagery using burned vegetation endmembers allowed us to further identify fire scars present in the region, returning excellent

  19. Evaluation of Radiometric and Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for Aboveground Forest Biomass Estimation Using Landsat 5 TM Data

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    Pablito M. López-Serrano


    Full Text Available Solar radiation is affected by absorption and emission phenomena during its downward trajectory from the Sun to the Earth’s surface and during the upward trajectory detected by satellite sensors. This leads to distortion of the ground radiometric properties (reflectance recorded by satellite images, used in this study to estimate aboveground forest biomass (AGB. Atmospherically-corrected remote sensing data can be used to estimate AGB on a global scale and with moderate effort. The objective of this study was to evaluate four atmospheric correction algorithms (for surface reflectance, ATCOR2 (Atmospheric Correction for Flat Terrain, COST (Cosine of the Sun Zenith Angle, FLAASH (Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes and 6S (Second Simulation of Satellite Signal in the Solar, and one radiometric correction algorithm (for reflectance at the sensor ToA (Apparent Reflectance at the Top of Atmosphere to estimate AGB in temperate forest in the northeast of the state of Durango, Mexico. The AGB was estimated from Landsat 5 TM imagery and ancillary information from a digital elevation model (DEM using the non-parametric multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS technique. Field reference data for the model training were collected by systematic sampling of 99 permanent forest growth and soil research sites (SPIFyS established during the winter of 2011. The following predictor variables were identified in the MARS model: Band 7, Band 5, slope (β, Wetness Index (WI, NDVI and MSAVI2. After cross-validation, 6S was found to be the optimal model for estimating AGB (R2 = 0.71 and RMSE = 33.5 Mg·ha−1; 37.61% of the average stand biomass. We conclude that atmospheric and radiometric correction of satellite images can be used along with non-parametric techniques to estimate AGB with acceptable accuracy.

  20. Utilização da técnica por componentes principais (acp e fator de iluminação, no mapeamento da cultura do café em relevo montanhoso Coffee crop mapping using principal component analysis and illumination factor for complex relief

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    Rubens A. C. Lamparelli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as informações obtidas das imagens do satélite Landsat/TM5, utilizando técnicas de Análise por Componentes Principais (ACP e Fator de Iluminação oriundo de um Modelo de Elevação do Terreno, calculado a partir de imagens ASTER, no mapeamento de áreas de café em terreno montanhoso. As imagens utilizadas (três foram corrigidas para o efeito da atmosfera e cobriram, temporalmente, o ciclo da cultura. Foram calculadas as componentes principais e escolhidas as duas primeiras, as quais possuíam 94% das informações, para a definição das amostras. As amostras resultantes da ACP foram utilizadas na classificação supervisionada cujo resultado foi comparado com uma classificação convencional e uma classificação multitemporal convencional. A acurácia das classificações foi realizada por meio do cálculo da Exatidão Global e do Coeficiente Kappa, tendo como base uma máscara da área cafeeira da região. Os resultados mostraram que a técnica de ACP foi efetiva no estabelecimento de classes de iluminação, assim como na escolha das amostras, apesar de estas não terem representado a área efetivamente classificada. Em função disto, as classificações foram mais acuradas, principalmente aquela que considerou todos os pixels de cada imagem classificada individualmente pelo método da ACP, confirmando a importância do aspecto multitemporabilidade .The main goal of this study was to evaluate the information produced from Landsat/TM5 images using Principal Component Analysis (PCA and Illumination Factor built from Digital Elevation Model from ASTER images for coffee areas mapping in complex relief. Three Landsat images were used to monitor the crop cycle. The Principal Component Analysis was applied to the Landsat images and the two first components were chosen, responsible for 94% of the initial information, and used as a sample set for the supervised classification of those images. That


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    Yang Xiao

    Full Text Available The quality of Landsat images in humid areas is considerably degraded by haze in terms of their spectral response pattern, which limits the possibility of their application in using visible and near-infrared bands. A variety of haze removal algorithms have been proposed to correct these unsatisfactory illumination effects caused by the haze contamination. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the difference of two major algorithms (the improved homomorphic filtering (HF and the virtual cloud point (VCP for their effectiveness in solving spatially varying haze contamination, and to evaluate the impacts of haze removal on land cover classification. A case study with exploiting large quantities of Landsat TM images and climates (clear and haze in the most humid areas in China proved that these haze removal algorithms both perform well in processing Landsat images contaminated by haze. The outcome of the application of VCP appears to be more similar to the reference images compared to HF. Moreover, the Landsat image with VCP haze removal can improve the classification accuracy effectively in comparison to that without haze removal, especially in the cloudy contaminated area

  2. Entre palabra, escritura e imagen

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    José Sánchez Parga


    Full Text Available Plantea el autor que, hace quinientos años, cuando se produjo el encuentro entre la cultura europea y las americanas junto con la conquista y la dominación colonial se instauró un régimen de comunicación en el que se reprodujo una situación de incomunicación y transcomunicaciones hasta ahora existentes. Se refiere el autor también a la violencia verbal y la ley del silencio, a lo que se entiende por mundo andino, a la comunicación como intercambio, la tradición oral-galaxia radial, la dominación gráfica, la Biblia-Gramática- leyes de Indias, Otavalo, quema de papeles, Guamán Poma, el imperialismo de la imagen, destrucción de ídolos, imagen cristiana colonizadora, imperialismo de la imagen, resistencia cultural, importancia de la virgen y el neocolonialismo electrónico.

  3. Utilização das imagens MSS do Landsat-1 (ERTS do mapeamento do uso atual da terra

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    Irani Schonhofen Garcia


    Full Text Available Objetiva inferir o grau de acuidade oferecida pela imagem do LANDSAT-1 para a área de estudo (região de Dourados, estado do Mato Grosso, identificando os parâmetros de drenagem, rede viárias e vegetação.

  4. Evolução do uso da terra entre 1996 e 1999 no município de Botucatu-SP Evolution of the land use between 1996 and 1999 at Botucatu Municipality - SP, Brazil

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    Sérgio Campos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a evolução do uso da terra no município de Botucatu - SP, no período de três anos, considerando-se seis tipos de cobertura vegetal (cana-de-açúcar, reflorestamento, floresta nativa, pastagem, cítrus e outros, tendo como base as imagens de satélite Landsat 5, bandas 3; 4 e 5, órbita 220, ponto 76, quadrante A, passagem de 8 de junho de 1999. O Sistema de Informações Geográficas - IDRISI for Windows 3.2, foi utilizado para as análises. Os resultados mostraram que esse programa foi eficiente para auxiliar na identificação e mapeamento das áreas com uso da terra, facilitando o processamento dos dados. As imagens de satélite TM/LANDSAT 5 forneceram um excelente banco de dados para a classificação supervisionada. O município não vem sendo preservado ambientalmente, pois apresenta-se coberto com menos de 20% de florestas nativas, mínimo exigido por lei. As áreas de pastagem, principal componente da paisagem do município, confirmam a vocação da região para a pecuária.This study aimed to evaluate the evolution of land use at Botucatu Municipality, during three years, considering six vegetative covers (sugar cane, reforestation, native forest, pasture, citrus orchard and others. As data source, a Landsat TM image, bands 3; 4 and 5, orbit 220, point 76, quadrant A, from June 8, 1999 was used. The Geographic Information System (GIS used to analyze the images was IDRISI for Windows 3.2, and the software was very efficient for identificating and mapping the vegetative cover. The Landsat 5 image was an excellent database for digital classification. The Municipality is not being preserved environmentally, because less than 20% of its area is covered with native forests, the minimum demanded by law. The pasture for cattle-raising is the predominant land use in the studied area.

  5. Tamarisk (Salt Cedar) Infestations in Northwestern Nevada Mapped Using Landsat TM Imagery and GIS Layers (United States)

    Sengupta, D.; Geraci, C.; Kolkowitz, S.


    Tamarisk, also known as salt cedar (Tamarix sp.) is a prevalent invasive species that has infested many riparian areas in the southwestern United States. Mature salt cedar plants are resistant to high stress environments and fare well in drought conditions, mainly due to their extensive root systems that derive much of their sustenance from the water table rather than surface water and precipitation. The salt cedar root systems have altered hydrological patterns by tapping into underlying aquifers. This has decreased water available for recreational use, regional ecology and plant diversity. Many states have implemented salt cedar monitoring programs at the local level, but the problem of large-scale mapping of this invasive species has continued to be a challenge to land management agencies. Furthermore, inaccessible and unexplored areas continue to be absent in the mapping process. In August 2004, using field data consisting of large areas as training sets for classification of Landsat TM imagery, the DEVELOP student research team at NASA Ames Research Center generated a preliminary map of areas that that were susceptible to salt cedar growth for a region in northwestern Nevada. In addition to the remote sensing-based classification of satellite imagery, the team used the variables of elevation and estimated distance to the water table in conjunction with collected field data and knowledge of salt cedar growth habits to further refine the map. The team has further extended the mapping of key environmental factors of water availability for salt cedar, soil types and species distribution in regions infested by salt cedar. The investigation was carried out by 1) improving an existing GIS layer for water access using a suitable interpolation method, 2) including a GIS layer for soils associated with salt cedar growth and 3) completing field work to evaluate species distribution and regions of presence or absence of salt cedar. The outcome of this project served to

  6. An Object-Based Approach for Fire History Reconstruction by Using Three Generations of Landsat Sensors

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    Thomas Katagis


    Full Text Available In this study, the capability of geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA in the reconstruction of the recent fire history of a typical Mediterranean area was investigated. More specifically, a semi-automated GEOBIA procedure was developed and tested on archived and newly acquired Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS, Thematic Mapper (TM, and Operational Land Imager (OLI images in order to accurately map burned areas in the Mediterranean island of Thasos. The developed GEOBIA ruleset was built with the use of the TM image and then applied to the other two images. This process of transferring the ruleset did not require substantial adjustments or any replacement of the initially selected features used for the classification, thus, displaying reduced complexity in processing the images. As a result, burned area maps of very high accuracy (over 94% overall were produced. In addition to the standard error matrix, the employment of additional measures of agreement between the produced maps and the reference data revealed that “spatial misplacement” was the main source of classification error. It can be concluded that the proposed approach can be potentially used for reconstructing the recent (40-year fire history in the Mediterranean, based on extended time series of Landsat or similar data.

  7. Automated mapping of mineral groups and green vegetation from Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery with an example from the San Juan Mountains, Colorado (United States)

    Rockwell, Barnaby W.


    Multispectral satellite data acquired by the ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (TM) sensors are being used to populate an online Geographic Information System (GIS) of the spatial occurrence of mineral groups and green vegetation across the western conterminous United States and Alaska. These geospatial data are supporting U.S. Geological Survey national-scale mineral deposit database development and other mineral resource and geoenvironmental research as a means of characterizing mineral exposures related to mined and unmined hydrothermally altered rocks and mine waste. This report introduces a new methodology for the automated analysis of Landsat TM data that has been applied to more than 180 scenes covering the western United States. A map of mineral groups and green vegetation produced using this new methodology that covers the western San Juan Mountains, Colorado, and the Four Corners Region is presented. The map is provided as a layered GeoPDF and in GIS-ready digital format. TM data analysis results from other well-studied and mineralogically characterized areas with strong hydrothermal alteration and (or) supergene weathering of near-surface sulfide minerals are also shown and compared with results derived from ASTER data analysis.

  8. Spatiotemporal Change Detection Using Landsat Imagery: the Case Study of Karacabey Flooded Forest, Bursa, Turkey (United States)

    Akay, A. E.; Gencal, B.; Taş, İ.


    This short paper aims to detect spatiotemporal detection of land use/land cover change within Karacabey Flooded Forest region. Change detection analysis applied to Landsat 5 TM images representing July 2000 and a Landsat 8 OLI representing June 2017. Various image processing tools were implemented using ERDAS 9.2, ArcGIS 10.4.1, and ENVI programs to conduct spatiotemporal change detection over these two images such as band selection, corrections, subset, classification, recoding, accuracy assessment, and change detection analysis. Image classification revealed that there are five significant land use/land cover types, including forest, flooded forest, swamp, water, and other lands (i.e. agriculture, sand, roads, settlement, and open areas). The results indicated that there was increase in flooded forest, water, and other lands, while the cover of forest and swamp decreased.

  9. Automated mapping of persistent ice and snow cover across the western U.S. with Landsat (United States)

    Selkowitz, David J.; Forster, Richard R.


    We implemented an automated approach for mapping persistent ice and snow cover (PISC) across the conterminous western U.S. using all available Landsat TM and ETM+ scenes acquired during the late summer/early fall period between 2010 and 2014. Two separate validation approaches indicate this dataset provides a more accurate representation of glacial ice and perennial snow cover for the region than either the U.S. glacier database derived from US Geological Survey (USGS) Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) maps (based on aerial photography primarily from the 1960s–1980s) or the National Land Cover Database 2011 perennial ice and snow cover class. Our 2010–2014 Landsat-derived dataset indicates 28% less glacier and perennial snow cover than the USGS DRG dataset. There are larger differences between the datasets in some regions, such as the Rocky Mountains of Northwest Wyoming and Southwest Montana, where the Landsat dataset indicates 54% less PISC area. Analysis of Landsat scenes from 1987–1988 and 2008–2010 for three regions using a more conventional, semi-automated approach indicates substantial decreases in glaciers and perennial snow cover that correlate with differences between PISC mapped by the USGS DRG dataset and the automated Landsat-derived dataset. This suggests that most of the differences in PISC between the USGS DRG and the Landsat-derived dataset can be attributed to decreases in PISC, as opposed to differences between mapping techniques. While the dataset produced by the automated Landsat mapping approach is not designed to serve as a conventional glacier inventory that provides glacier outlines and attribute information, it allows for an updated estimate of PISC for the conterminous U.S. as well as for smaller regions. Additionally, the new dataset highlights areas where decreases in PISC have been most significant over the past 25–50 years.

  10. Imagen, virtualidad y heterotopía. Reflexiones acerca de la imagen y su función heterotópica

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    Juan Diego Parra Valencia


    Full Text Available El presente artículo aborda la noción de imagen, como campo problemático, más allá del régimen semiológico instaurado desde los modelos lingüísticos. En general, la noción de imagen ha estado vinculada solo a la idea de “representación”, desde la cual se logró domesticar su potencial instaurador de estados de sensibilidad. Consideramos pertinente ampliar campos de reflexión sobre aspectos que no se restrinjan a su funcionalidad representacional y para ello, nos apoyaremos en el concepto de heterotopía de Michel Foucault, el cual nos servirá de ayuda, por cuanto expande el campo de reflexión estética y permite integrar a la dimensión simbólica, la función virtualizante de la imagen como productora de estados de sensibilidad. La imagen, a nuestro entender, funciona como una heterotopía, es una tipología espacio-temporal no convencional, y por tanto es estructurante y configuradora de realidad, tanto en términos sensibles como inteligibles.

  11. Efficiency and precision for estimating timber and non-timber attributes using Landsat-based stratification methods in two-phase sampling in northwest California (United States)

    Antti T. Kaartinen; Jeremy S. Fried; Paul A. Dunham


    Three Landsat TM-based GIS layers were evaluated as alternatives to conventional, photointerpretation-based stratification of FIA field plots. Estimates for timberland area, timber volume, and volume of down wood were calculated for California's North Coast Survey Unit of 2.5 million hectares. The estimates were compared on the basis of standard errors,...

  12. Deforestation and Secondary Growth in Rondonia, Brazil from SIR-C SAR and Landsat.SPOT data (United States)

    Rignot, Eric; Salas, William A.; Skole, David L.


    Covers problems with existing data collected with high-resolution optical sensors. They say active microwave sensors could complement other sensors in getting through things like cloud cover. They analyzed SIR-C data in combination with Landsat TM data, a 9-year time series of SPOT XS data, and a preliminary field survey. They report findings and draw conclusions, including that SARs operating at long radar wavelengths, with both like and cross-polarizations, are needed for tropical deforestation studies.

  13. Detection of land-use and land cover changes in Franklin, Gulf, and Liberty Counties, Florida, with multitemporal landsat thematic mapper images (United States)

    Shufen Pan; Guiying Li


    Florida Panhandle region has been experiencing rapid land transformation in the recent decades. To quantify land use and land-cover (LULC) changes and other landscape changes in this area, three counties including Franklin, Liberty and Gulf were taken as a case study and an unsupervised classification approach implemented to Landsat TM images acquired from 1985 to 2005...

  14. Identidad e imagen en Justo Villafañe

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    Diógenes D. Mayol Marcó


    Full Text Available De la lectura de los dos primeros capítulos del libro Imagen positiva, de Justo Villafañe, surgieron en nosotros una serie de preguntas en torno a la equivalencia entre identidad y el trío de variables comportamiento-cultura-personalidad corporativas y, particularmente, entre cultura e identidad corporativa; las imágenes funcional, organizacional e intencional propuestas por el autor, así como la presentación de la imagen corporativa, en cuanto síntesis gestáltica, lo que nos llevó a revisar los planteamientos del catedrático y consultor español, a partir de su esquema relación entre identidad e imagen corporativas.

  15. La imagen del pase.

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    Hernando Bernal.


    Full Text Available A partir de un texto del poeta Octavio Paz llamado «La imagen», se busca proseguir la equivalencia entre las imágenes de la poesía y la función que ellas tienen para el poeta, y el fantasma fundamental y su función para el analizante que está en el momento del pase. Se parte de la idea de que la poesía busca entrar en el ser así como el psicoanálisis tiene como finalidad apuntar al corazón del ser del sujeto. Se hace entonces una distinción del concepto de «ser» para el psicoanálisis, haciendo alusión también al discurso de la filosofía. Esclarecido el sentido de lo que es el «ser» para el psicoanálisis, se aborda de lleno – entre otras cosas, relacionadas con la experiencia del pase específicamente- la equivalencia entre la definición que hace Octavio Paz de «La Imagen» y el momento del pase en el análisis de un sujeto, imagen que, al igual que el mito para la filosofía, las leyes para la ciencia y el matema para el psicoanálisis, se constituyen en los instrumentos con los que cada una de estas disciplinas horadan en lo real.

  16. An assessment of radiance in Landsat TM middle and thermal infrared wavebands for the detection of tropical forest regeneration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boyd, D.S.; Foody, G.M.; Curran, P.J.; Lucas, R.M.; Honzak, M.


    It has been postulated that tropical forests regenerating after deforestation constitute an unmeasured terrestrial sink of atmospheric carbon, and that the strength of this sink is a function of regeneration stage. Such regeneration stages can be characterized by biophysical properties, such as leaf and wood biomass, which influence the radiance emitted and/or reflected from the forest canopy. Remotely sensed data can therefore be used to estimate these biophysical properties and thereby determine the forest regenerative stage. Studies conducted on temperate forests have related biophysical properties successfully with red and near-infrared radiance, particularly within the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). However, only weak correlations have generally been observed for tropical forests and it is suggested here that the relationship between forest biophysical properties and middle and thermal infrared radiance may be stronger than that between those properties and visible and near-infrared radiance.An assessment of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data revealed that radiance acquired in middle and thermal infrared wavebands contained significant information for the detection of regeneration stages in Amazonian tropical forests. It was demonstrated that tropical forest regeneration stages were most separable using middle infrared and thermal infrared wavebands and that the correlation with regeneration stage was stronger with middle infrared, thermal infrared or combinations of these wavebands than they were with visible, near infrared or combinations of these wavebands. For example, correlation coefficients increased from — 0·26 (insignificant at 95 per cent confidence level) when using the NDVI, to up to 0·93 (significant at 99 per cent confidence level) for a vegetation index containing data acquired in the middle and thermal infrared wavebands. These results point to the value of using data acquired in middle and thermal infrared wavebands for the

  17. Stratifying FIA Ground Plots Using A 3-Year Old MRLC Forest Cover Map and Current TM Derived Variables Selected By "Decision Tree" Classification (United States)

    Michael Hoppus; Stan Arner; Andrew Lister


    A reduction in variance for estimates of forest area and volume in the state of Connecticut was accomplished by stratifying FIA ground plots using raw, transformed and classified Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery. A US Geological Survey (USGS) Multi-Resolution Landscape Characterization (MRLC) vegetation cover map for Connecticut was used to produce a forest/non-...

  18. Mapping and analysis of geological fractures extracted by remote sensing on Landsat TM images, example of the Imilchil-Tounfite area (Central High Atlas, Morocco)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alaoui, H. El; Moujahid, El; Ibouh, H.; Bachnou, A.; Babram, M. Ait; Harti, A. EI


    The use of remote sensing, in this research, can be summarized in mapping and statistical studies of lineaments on the satellites images of the Jurassic outcrops in the Imilchil-Tounfite area, Central High Atlas of Morocco. This is to apply various manual techniques for extracting lineaments from Landsat TM image. Analytical techniques used in this work are: the principal component analysis (PCA) applied to selective bands of the visible and infrared, which allows creating new images with better visual interpretation. Directional filters N0°, N45°, N90°, and N135° with a 5×5 matrix were used to enhance lineaments in the corresponding perpendicular directions, and therefore to obtain a good discrimination of those structures. Preliminary results highlight a dominant geological fracturing trending ENE/WSW with 52% of the total lineaments, a second fracture trending is WNW/ESE at 23%, a third fracture series trending NE/SW with 20% and finally, a minor series of fractures trending NW/SE with 5% of the total lineaments. Distribution and statistical relationship, between fractures and the affected surface on the one hand and the fracture length on the other hand, shows a network of well-structured fractures. The final lineament map constitutes a contribution to complete the geology and assisting the mining and hydrogeological prospection, in the Imilchil-Tounfite area. (Author)

  19. Mapping fractional woody cover in semi-arid savannahs using multi-seasonal composites from Landsat data (United States)

    Higginbottom, Thomas P.; Symeonakis, Elias; Meyer, Hanna; van der Linden, Sebastian


    Increasing attention is being directed at mapping the fractional woody cover of savannahs using Earth-observation data. In this study, we test the utility of Landsat TM/ ETM-based spectral-temporal variability metrics for mapping regional-scale woody cover in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, for 2010. We employ a machine learning framework to compare the accuracies of Random Forest models derived using metrics calculated from different seasons. We compare these results to those from fused Landsat-PALSAR data to establish if seasonal metrics can compensate for structural information from the PALSAR signal. Furthermore, we test the applicability of a statistical variable selection method, the recursive feature elimination (RFE), in the automation of the model building process in order to reduce model complexity and processing time. All of our tests were repeated at four scales (30, 60, 90, and 120 m-pixels) to investigate the role of spatial resolution on modelled accuracies. Our results show that multi-seasonal composites combining imagery from both the dry and wet seasons produced the highest accuracies (R2 = 0.77, RMSE = 9.4, at the 120 m scale). When using a single season of observations, dry season imagery performed best (R2 = 0.74, RMSE = 9.9, at the 120 m resolution). Combining Landsat and radar imagery was only marginally beneficial, offering a mean relative improvement of 1% in accuracy at the 120 m scale. However, this improvement was concentrated in areas with lower densities of woody coverage (continue to exploit the Landsat archive, but should aim to use multi-seasonal derived information. When the coarser 120 m pixel scale is adequate, integration of Landsat and SAR data should be considered, especially in areas with lower woody cover densities. The use of multiple seasonal compositing periods offers promise for large-area mapping of savannahs, even in regions with a limited historical Landsat coverage.

  20. Comparison of MODIS and Landsat TM5 images for mapping tempo-spatial dynamics of Secchi disk depths in Poyang Lake national nature reserve, China

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wu, G.; Leeuw, de J.; Skidmore, A.K.; Prins, H.H.T.; Liu, Y.


    Landsat has successfully been applied to map Secchi disk depth of inland water bodies. Operational use for monitoring a dynamic variable like Secchi disk depth is however limited by the 16-day overpass cycle of the Landsat system and cloud cover. Low spatial resolution Moderate Resolution Imaging

  1. A árvore de imagens

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    Jean-Jacques Wunenburger


    Full Text Available Recuperando possíveis consensos entre o conceito de imagem e sua representação perceptiva, esse artigo apresenta uma terceira via que examina a problemática da imagem a partir de sua origem simbólica. A análise leva em conta, ao mesmo tempo, a subjetividade e a objetividade da imagem, para propor não só uma classificação como também uma ordenação hierárquica consoante sua fertilidade simbólica. Para isso, apresenta a metáfora da árvore de imagens, em que as folhas equivalem à relação com o mundo exterior, a imageria; o tronco, que poderia ser chamado de imaginário, possibilita o trânsito entre a copa e as raízes; essas últimas abrigariam o imaginal, em correlação com o substrato arquetipológico. A partir dessa ilustração, é possível observar o ciclo das imagens, compreendendo como suas várias manifestações estão ligadas a uma amálgama suprassensível que atribui às imagens uma pujança simbolizante, não limitada ao conceito nem ao sentido, pois se lhes antecede.

  2. Cross-comparison of the IRS-P6 AWiFS sensor with the L5 TM, L7 ETM+, & Terra MODIS sensors (United States)

    Chander, G.; Xiong, X.; Angal, A.; Choi, T.; Malla, R.


    As scientists and decision makers increasingly rely on multiple Earth-observing satellites to address urgent global issues, it is imperative that they can rely on the accuracy of Earth-observing data products. This paper focuses on the crosscomparison of the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS-P6) Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) with the Landsat 5 (L5) Thematic Mapper (TM), Landsat 7 (L7) Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), and Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors. The cross-comparison was performed using image statistics based on large common areas observed by the sensors within 30 minutes. Because of the limited availability of simultaneous observations between the AWiFS and the Landsat and MODIS sensors, only a few images were analyzed. These initial results are presented. Regression curves and coefficients of determination for the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) trends from these sensors were generated to quantify the uncertainty in these relationships and to provide an assessment of the calibration differences between these sensors. ?? 2009 SPIE.

  3. Local search for optimal global map generation using mid-decadal landsat images (United States)

    Khatib, L.; Gasch, J.; Morris, Robert; Covington, S.


    NASA and the US Geological Survey (USGS) are seeking to generate a map of the entire globe using Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor data from the "mid-decadal" period of 2004 through 2006. The global map is comprised of thousands of scene locations and, for each location, tens of different images of varying quality to chose from. Furthermore, it is desirable for images of adjacent scenes be close together in time of acquisition, to avoid obvious discontinuities due to seasonal changes. These characteristics make it desirable to formulate an automated solution to the problem of generating the complete map. This paper formulates a Global Map Generator problem as a Constraint Optimization Problem (GMG-COP) and describes an approach to solving it using local search. Preliminary results of running the algorithm on image data sets are summarized. The results suggest a significant improvement in map quality using constraint-based solutions. Copyright ?? 2007, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( All rights reserved.

  4. Ten Years of Forest Cover Change in the Sierra Nevada Detected Using Landsat Satellite Image Analysis (United States)

    Potter, Christopher S.


    A detailed geographic record of recent vegetation regrowth and disturbance patterns in forests of the Sierra Nevada remains a gap that can be filled with remote sensing data. Landsat (TM) imagery was analyzed to detect 10 years of recent changes (between 2000 and 2009) in forest vegetation cover for areas burned by wildfires between years of 1995 to 1999 in the region. Results confirmed the prevalence of regrowing forest vegetation during the period 2000 and 2009 over 17% of the combined burned areas.

  5. An Improved Single-Channel Method to Retrieve Land Surface Temperature from the Landsat-8 Thermal Band

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    Jordi Cristóbal


    Full Text Available Land surface temperature (LST is one of the sources of input data for modeling land surface processes. The Landsat satellite series is the only operational mission with more than 30 years of archived thermal infrared imagery from which we can retrieve LST. Unfortunately, stray light artifacts were observed in Landsat-8 TIRS data, mostly affecting Band 11, currently making the split-window technique impractical for retrieving surface temperature without requiring atmospheric data. In this study, a single-channel methodology to retrieve surface temperature from Landsat TM and ETM+ was improved to retrieve LST from Landsat-8 TIRS Band 10 using near-surface air temperature (Ta and integrated atmospheric column water vapor (w as input data. This improved methodology was parameterized and successfully evaluated with simulated data from a global and robust radiosonde database and validated with in situ data from four flux tower sites under different types of vegetation and snow cover in 44 Landsat-8 scenes. Evaluation results using simulated data showed that the inclusion of Ta together with w within a single-channel scheme improves LST retrieval, yielding lower errors and less bias than models based only on w. The new proposed LST retrieval model, developed with both w and Ta, yielded overall errors on the order of 1 K and a bias of −0.5 K validated against in situ data, providing a better performance than other models parameterized using w and Ta or only w models that yielded higher error and bias.

  6. Landsat's international partners (United States)

    Byrnes, Raymond A.


    Since the launch of the first Landsat satellite 40 years ago, International Cooperators (ICs) have formed a key strategic alliance with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to not only engage in Landsat data downlink services but also to enable a foundation for scientific and technical collaboration. The map below shows the locations of all ground stations operated by the United States and IC ground station network for the direct downlink and distribution of Landsat 5 (L5) and Landsat 7 (L7) image data. The circles show the approximate area over which each station has the capability for direct reception of Landsat data. The red circles show the components of the L5 ground station network, the green circles show components of the L7 station network, and the dashed circles show stations with dual (L5 and L7) status. The yellow circles show L5 short-term ("campaign") stations that contribute to the USGS Landsat archive. Ground stations in South Dakota and Australia currently serve as the primary data capture facilities for the USGS Landsat Ground Network (LGN). The Landsat Ground Station (LGS) is located at the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The Alice Springs (ASN) ground station is located at the Geoscience Australia facility in Alice Springs, Australia. These sites receive the image data, via X-band Radio Frequency (RF) link, and the spacecraft housekeeping data, via S-band RF link. LGS also provides tracking services and a command link to the spacecrafts.

  7. Landsat Program (United States)

    Markham, Brian L.; Arvidson, Terry; Barsi, Julia A.; Choate, Michael; Kaita, Edward; Levy, Raviv; Lubke, Mark; Masek, Jeffrey G.


    Landsat initiated the revolution in moderate resolution Earth remote sensing in the 1970s. With seven successful missions over 40+ years, Landsat has documented - and continues to document - the global Earth land surface and its evolution. The Landsat missions and sensors have evolved along with the technology from a demonstration project in the analog world of visual interpretation to an operational mission in the digital world, with incremental improvements along the way in terms of spectral, spatial, radiometric and geometric performance as well as acquisition strategy, data availability, and products.

  8. Análise espaço-temporal da cobertura vegetal e uso da terra na Interbacia do Rio Paraguai Médio-MT, Brasil

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    Seyla Poliana Miranda Pessoa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise espaço-temporal da cobertura vegetal e do uso da terra na Interbacia do Rio Paraguai Médio-MT, Brasil, pelo geoprocessamento de imagens Landsat TM, dos anos 1991, 2001 e 2011. As imagens foram georreferenciadas, classificadas e processadas no software Spring e as classes temáticas, quantificadas e editadas no software ArcGis. Foram mapeadas sete classes, sendo as mais expressivas a vegetação nativa, a pastagem e a cana-de-açúcar. Os resultados indicaram alterações em todas as classes durante os últimos 20 anos, com a diminuição de 22,89% da vegetação nativa, relacionada com o aumento de 58,42% da pastagem e 490,26% de monocultura de cana-de-açúcar. Foi verificado o conflito de uso da terra, principalmente em áreas de mata ciliar, fato que pode influenciar negativamente na conservação da interbacia e, consequentemente, do pantanal mato-grossense.

  9. Imagen, violencia política y formación

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    Vladimir Olaya Gualteros


    Full Text Available A través de una serie de obras artísticas de Patricia Bravo: “huella y memoria” y “mata que Dios perdona” puestas en escena en algunos espacios públicos de Medellín, los autores construyen relaciones enunciativas en las que conectan imagen con subjetividad, imagen con política e imagen con memoria. Derivar de estas relaciones efectos formativos supone advertir nuevos modos para la comprensión histórica de la violencia social y política, al tiempo que se insinúan potencias propias del arte particularmente útiles tanto para el testimonio como para la afección.

  10. The influence of topography on the forest surface temperature retrieved from Landsat TM, ETM C and ASTER thermal channels

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hais, M.; Kučera, Tomáš


    Roč. 64, č. 6 (2009), s. 585-591 ISSN 0924-2716 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60870520 Keywords : Landsat * surface temperature * topography Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour Impact factor: 2.308, year: 2009

  11. A SMAP Supervised Classification of Landsat Images for Urban Sprawl Evaluation

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    Flavia Di Palma


    Full Text Available The negative impacts of land take on natural components and economic resources affect planning choices and territorial policies. The importance of land take monitoring, in Italy, has been only recently considered, but despite this awareness, in the great part of the country, effective monitoring and containment measures have not been started, yet. This research proposes a methodology to map and monitor land use changes. To this end, a time series from 1985–2010, based on the multi-temporal Landsat data Thematic Mapper (TM, has been analyzed in the Vulture Alto-Bradano area, a mountain zone of the Basilicata region (Southern Italy. Results confirm a double potentiality of using these data: on the one hand, the use of multi-temporal Landsat data allows going very back in time, producing accurate datasets that provide a phenomenon trend over time; on the other hand, these data can be considered a first experience of open data in the field of spatial information. The proposed methodology provides agencies, local authorities and practitioners with a valuable tool to implement monitoring actions. This represents the first step to pursue territorial governance methods based on sustainability, limiting the land take.

  12. Identifying Spatial Units of Human Occupation in the Brazilian Amazon Using Landsat and CBERS Multi-Resolution Imagery


    Dal’Asta, Ana Paula; Brigatti, Newton; Amaral, Silvana; Escada, Maria Isabel Sobral; Monteiro, Antonio Miguel Vieira


    Every spatial unit of human occupation is part of a network structuring an extensive process of urbanization in the Amazon territory. Multi-resolution remote sensing data were used to identify and map human presence and activities in the Sustainable Forest District of Cuiabá-Santarém highway (BR-163), west of Pará, Brazil. The limits of spatial units of human occupation were mapped based on digital classification of Landsat-TM5 (Thematic Mapper 5) image (30m spatial resolution). High-spatial-...

  13. Imagens do outro na filosofia: o desafio da diferença

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    Sílvio Gallo


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem por objetivo problematizar a tematização do outro pela Filosofia. Dialogando com imagens do cinema e da televisão, procura identificar quais as imagens ou os conceitos do outro, produzidos na história da Filosofia. De forma esquemática, apresenta as imagens do outro como bárbaro (Aristóteles; exótico (Montaigne; civilizado (Voltaire; inferno (Sartre, para, ao final, ensaiar uma "não-imagem" do outro como diferença radical, proposta pela filosofia da diferença de Deleuze.

  14. Principales componentes de la imagen corporativa de entidades culturales

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    María Ramis Carrasco


    Full Text Available En el presente articulo se lleva a cabo un análisis de la imagen corporativa de una entidad cultural con el objetivo de destacar la importancia de la misma a la hora de elaborar estrategias relacionadas con la gestión cultural. Se ha investigado qué atributos concretos son mejor valorados por el público y qué dimensiones generales componen la imagen corporativa de la entidad. Basándonos en la literatura revisada, se ha realizado una entrevista en profundidad al gestor de programación de la entidad y una encuesta descriptiva a sus espectadores mediante un cuestionario estructurado. Los resultados de los análisis muestran que la imagen corporativa de la entidad analizada es positiva, si bien es cierto que se pueden mejorar ciertos aspectos.

  15. Uso de Diferentes Sensores de Satélite na Discriminação de Alvos Naturais

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    Gustavo Ferreira de Souza


    Full Text Available As particularidades nos instrumentos de sensoriamento remoto, mesmo quando possuem características semelhantes, torna as imagens geradas por estes, diferentes entre si. Visando isto, o objetivo do trabalho foi analisar a aplicabilidade e os limites de detecção na identificação de alvos naturais em diferentes imagens de satélites. A área de estudo está localizada no Estado de São Paulo dentro do Município de Onda Verde, os alvos naturais foram selecionados a partir de análises realizadas nas imagens e visita desses pontos em campo. Foram escolhidas áreas que apresentaram bom contraste com o entorno e fácil localização nas imagens de satélite. Para o processamento digital de imagem foi utilizado o software livre gvSIG. Neste estudo foram empregados dados de satélites de média resolução espacial como Landsat-5, CBERS-2B e IRS-P6, disponíveis na base de dados de domínio público do INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais e imagens de alta resolução espacial dos satélites RapidEye e WorldView-2. Nos sensores de média resolução espacial, as menores resoluções espaciais dos sensores TM e LISS-3, não impediram a visualização dos alvos espectrais analisados, visto que, no CCD que possui uma maior resolução espacial, não foi possível a identificação dos alvos escolhidos. As imagens de alta resolução espacial RapidEye e WorldView apresentaram grande riqueza de detalhamento para a cobertura do solo, a isto atrela-se a alta resolução radiométrica desses satélites.

  16. Inventory and change detection of urban land cover in Illinois using Landsat Thematic Mapper data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cook, E.A.; Iverson, L.R.


    In order to provide information about urban forests and other vegetative land cover in Illinois cities, Landsat TM data from June 17, 1988, were classified for the Chicago metropolitan region and five urban areas of central Illinois. Ten land cover classes were identified, including three types of forestland, cropland, two grassland categories, two urban classes, water, and miscellaneous vegetation. The cities inventoried have a significantly higher proportion of forests and forested residential areas than the surrounding rural areas because of preservation measures and accruement of tree cover from landscaping. Short-term change in land cover for the Chicago region was also assessed by postclassification comparison of the 1988 data with similarly derived data from a June 3, 1985, TM scene. The largest single category of change in the six-county area was cropland to urban land use. A majority of cover loss was conversion of forested tracts to residential areas, and forest cover increase was negligible. 16 refs

  17. Change detection by the IR-MAD and kernel MAF methods in Landsat TM data covering a Swedish forest region

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Allan Aasbjerg; Olsson, Håkan


    Change over time between two 512 by 512 (25 m by 25 m pixels) multispectral Landsat Thematic Mapper images dated 6 June 1986 and 27 June 1988 respectively covering a forested region in northern Sweden, is here detected by means of the iteratively reweighted multivariate alteration detection (IR-M...

  18. Analysis of the Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Wildfire Severity in a Series of Landsat Images

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    Lidia Vlassova


    Full Text Available The paper assesses spatio-temporal patterns of land surface temperature (LST and fire severity in the Las Hurdes wildfire of Pinus pinaster forest, which occurred in July 2009, in Extremadura (Spain, from a time series of fifteen Landsat 5 TM images corresponding to 27 post-fire months. The differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR was used to evaluate burn severity. The mono-window algorithm was applied to estimate LST from the Landsat thermal band. The burned zones underwent a significant increase in LST after fire. Statistically significant differences have been detected between the LST within regions of burn severity categories. More substantial changes in LST are observed in zones of greater fire severity, which can be explained by the lower emissivity of combustion products found in the burned area and changes in the energy balance related to vegetation removal. As time progresses over the 27 months after fire, LST differences decrease due to vegetation regeneration. The differences in LST and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI values between burn severity categories in each image are highly correlated (r = 0.84. Spatial patterns of severity and post-fire LST obtained from Landsat time series enable an evaluation of the relationship between these variables to predict the natural dynamics of burned areas.

  19. Requirements, Science, and Measurements for Landsat 10 and Beyond: Perspectives from the Landsat Science Team (United States)

    Crawford, C. J.; Masek, J. G.; Roy, D. P.; Woodcock, C. E.; Wulder, M. A.


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and NASA are currently prioritizing requirements and investing in technology options for a "Landsat 10 and beyond" mission concept as part of the Sustainable Land Imaging (SLI) architecture. Following the successful February 2013 launch of the Landsat 8, the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) have now added over 1 million images to the USGS Landsat archive. The USGS and NASA support and co-lead a Landsat Science Team made up largely of university and government experts to offer independent insight and guidance of program activities and directions. The rapid development of Landsat 9 reflects, in part, strong input from the 2012-2017 USGS Landsat Science Team (LST). During the last two years of the LST's tenure, individual LST members and within LST team working groups have made significant contributions to Landsat 10 and beyond's science traceability and future requirements justification. Central to this input, has been an effort to identify a trade space for enhanced measurement capabilities that maintains mission continuity with eight prior multispectral instruments, and will extend the Landsat Earth observation record beyond 55+ years with an approximate launch date of 2027. The trade space is framed by four fundamental principles in remote sensing theory and practice: (1) temporal resolution, (2) spatial resolution, (3) radiometric resolution, and (4) spectral coverage and resolution. The goal of this communication is to provide a synopsis of past and present 2012-2017 LST contributions to Landsat 10 and beyond measurement science and application priorities. A particular focus will be to document the links between new science and societal benefit areas with potential technical enhancements to the Landsat mission.

  20. Sistemas de reconocimiento basados en la imagen facial


    Arguello Fuentes, Henry


    Este artículo sintetiza las principales investigaciones que se están llevando a cabo en el área de los sistemas de reconocimiento a través de la imagen facial. Se realiza la descripción de las principales líneas de trabajo en los sistema de identificación de personas por medio de la imagen del rostro. Además, se realiza una síntesis de las últimas técnicas matemáticas para realizar la extracción de características dentro de estos sistemas de identificación.

  1. Landsat and water: case studies of the uses and benefits of landsat imagery in water resources (United States)

    Serbina, Larisa O.; Miller, Holly M.


    The Landsat program has been collecting and archiving moderate resolution earth imagery since 1972. The number of Landsat users and uses has increased exponentially since the enactment of a free and open data policy in 2008, which made data available free of charge to all users. Benefits from the information Landsat data provides vary from improving environmental quality to protecting public health and safety and informing decision makers such as consumers and producers, government officials and the public at large. Although some studies have been conducted, little is known about the total benefit provided by open access Landsat imagery. This report contains a set of case studies focused on the uses and benefits of Landsat imagery. The purpose of these is to shed more light on the benefits accrued from Landsat imagery and to gain a better understanding of the program’s value. The case studies tell a story of how Landsat imagery is used and what its value is to different private and public entities. Most of the case studies focus on the use of Landsat in water resource management, although some other content areas are included.

  2. La publicidad en la creación y fortalecimiento de la Imagen Corporativa y de la reputación. Análisis de la Imagen de Marca de Red Bull


    Alvarez González, Edgar


    Proyecto Fin de Grado leído en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en el curso académico 2013/2014. Director: Maximiliano Fernández Fernández Estudio teórico sobre la Imagen y Comunicación Corporativa. Observación de las estrategias de marketing y comunicativas para la creación de la Imagen Corporativa y estudio de su impacto en el público. Análisis de la estrategia marketing de Red Bull e investigación sobre su Imagen de Marca Ciencias de la Comunicación I

  3. Imagens para não deixar de ver o gesto inumano

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    Guilherme Foscolo de Moura Gomes


    Full Text Available Seguindo a pegada deixada por Didi-Huberman e colocando em destaque a questão política da produção e reprodução das imagens, este ensaio pretende pensar as disputas tecnopolíticas por recurso a imagens. Nesse sentido, duas imagens específicas emergem no contexto das experiências transversais de formação acadêmica nas universidades brasileiras, imagens que contam com a presença de mestres e mestras de tradições orais como sujeitos capazes de legitimar modos outros de produção de saber e de fazer estético-políticas. A partir daí, coloca-se em movimento uma discussão que compreende a materialidade dos aparatos tecnológicos (via Nietzsche, Marx e Kittler, a teoria geral dos gestos em Flusser, o conceito de dispositivo para Agamben e as relações entre estética e política, segundo Benjamin e Rancière. Se parece evidente, de partida, que não se passa — — que não passaremos jamais — pelas tecnologias impunemente, o que (nos resta como possibilidade de resistência e de potência de vida para o combate frente ao avanço aniquilador da falsa política? Pouco, talvez nada, talvez um quase nada, apenas, talvez, e ainda, imagens.

  4. Radiometric analysis of the longwave infrared channel of the Thematic Mapper on LANDSAT 4 and 5 (United States)

    Schott, John R.; Volchok, William J.; Biegel, Joseph D.


    The first objective was to evaluate the postlaunch radiometric calibration of the LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) band 6 data. The second objective was to determine to what extent surface temperatures could be computed from the TM and 6 data using atmospheric propagation models. To accomplish this, ground truth data were compared to a single TM-4 band 6 data set. This comparison indicated satisfactory agreement over a narrow temperature range. The atmospheric propagation model (modified LOWTRAN 5A) was used to predict surface temperature values based on the radiance at the spacecraft. The aircraft data were calibrated using a multi-altitude profile calibration technique which had been extensively tested in previous studies. This aircraft calibration permitted measurement of surface temperatures based on the radiance reaching the aircraft. When these temperature values are evaluated, an error in the satellite's ability to predict surface temperatures can be estimated. This study indicated that by carefully accounting for various sensor calibration and atmospheric propagation effects, and expected error (1 standard deviation) in surface temperature would be 0.9 K. This assumes no error in surface emissivity and no sampling error due to target location. These results indicate that the satellite calibration is within nominal limits to within this study's ability to measure error.

  5. Continuous Calibration Improvement in Solar Reflective Bands: Landsat 5 Through Landsat 8 (United States)

    Mishra, Nischal; Helder, Dennis; Barsi, Julia; Markham, Brian


    Launched in February 2013, the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on-board Landsat 8 continues to perform exceedingly well and provides high science quality data globally. Several design enhancements have been made in the OLI instrument relative to prior Landsat instruments: pushbroom imaging which provides substantially improved Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), spectral bandpasses refinement to avoid atmospheric absorption features, 12 bit data resolution to provide a larger dynamic range that limits the saturation level, a set of well-designed onboard calibrators to monitor the stability of the sensor. Some of these changes such as refinements in spectral bandpasses compared to earlier Landsats and well-designed on-board calibrator have a direct impact on the improved radiometric calibration performance of the instrument from both the stability of the response and the ability to track the changes. The on-board calibrator lamps and diffusers indicate that the instrument drift is generally less than 0.1% per year across the bands. The refined bandpasses of the OLI indicate that temporal uncertainty of better than 0.5% is possible when the instrument is trended over vicarious targets such as Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS), a level of precision that was never achieved with the earlier Landsat instruments. The stability measurements indicated by on-board calibrators and PICS agree much better compared to the earlier Landsats, which is very encouraging and bodes well for the future Landsat missions too.

  6. Land and Land-use Change in the Climate Sensitive High Plains: An Automated Approach with Landsat (United States)

    Goetz, Alexander F.; Williams, D. L. (Technical Monitor)


    The High Plains is an economically important and climatologically sensitive region of the United States and Canada. The High Plains contain 100,000 sq km of Holocene sand dunes and sand sheets that are currently stabilized by natural vegetation. Droughts and the larger threat of global warming are climate phenomena that could cause depletion of natural vegetation and make this region susceptible to sand dune reactivation. The original proposal was directed toward the use of Landsat TM data to establish the state and ongoing changes of the surface in the 1.2 million sq. km, semi-arid High Plains region of the central US, A key objective was to develop a model to predict the reactivation of the 100,000 sq. km of Holocene dunes found on the High Plains during an extended drought. At least one Landsat 5 image per year for 1985, 1988 and 1996 was obtained for 32 scenes on the High Plains to coincide with wet and dry years. Additional Landsat 7 data were acquired for 1999 and 2000 primarily for Colorado and Nebraska. As luck would have it, there was no severe drought during the study period 1985-2000. Attention was focused on developing methods for mapping dry vs. green vegetation on sparsely vegetated rangelands in sandy soils, since these were the areas most susceptible to surface reactivation during a drought.

  7. Comparison of satellite imagery and infrared aerial photography as vegetation mapping methods in an arctic study area: Jameson Land, East Greenland

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Birger Ulf; Mosbech, Anders


    Remote Sensing, vegetation mapping, SPOT, Landsat TM, aerial photography, Jameson Land, East Greenland......Remote Sensing, vegetation mapping, SPOT, Landsat TM, aerial photography, Jameson Land, East Greenland...

  8. Landsat Science Team meeting: Winter 2015 (United States)

    Schroeder, Todd A.; Loveland, Thomas; Wulder, Michael A.; Irons, James R.


    The summer meeting of the joint U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)–NASA Landsat Science Team (LST) was held at the USGS’s Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center July 7-9, 2015, in Sioux Falls, SD. The LST co-chairs, Tom Loveland [EROS—Senior Scientist] and Jim Irons [NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)—Landsat 8 Project Scientist], opened the three-day meeting on an upbeat note following the recent successful launch of the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 mission on June 23, 2015 (see image on page 14), and the news that work on Landsat 9 has begun, with a projected launch date of 2023.With over 60 participants in attendance, this was the largest LST meeting ever held. Meeting topics on the first day included Sustainable Land Imaging and Landsat 9 development, Landsat 7 and 8 operations and data archiving, the Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) stray-light issue, and the successful Sentinel-2 launch. In addition, on days two and three the LST members presented updates on their Landsat science and applications research. All presentations are available at Meetings.php.

  9. Más de un siglo de imagen médica

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    Desco, Manuel


    Full Text Available De acuerdo con varias encuestas, los médicos consideran que la imagen médica ha sido y es, con mucha diferencia, el avance técnico que mayor impacto ha tenido en su práctica clínica. El hombre es un animal esencialmente visual. Gran parte de nuestro cerebro está dedicado al procesamiento de la información visual; muchas estrategias mnemotécnicas y de aprendizaje rápido tratan de obtener ventaja de este hecho. Por esta razón, la información diagnóstica que proporcionan los sistemas de imagen es enormemente apreciada por el médico, hasta el punto de que, hoy en día, resulta difícil encontrar situaciones clínicas en las que no se haya hecho uso de una o más técnicas de imagen.…

  10. Change Detection Analysis in Urban and Suburban Areas Using Landsat Thematic Mapper data: Case of Huntsville, Alabama (United States)

    Kuan, Dana; Fahsi, A.; Steinfeld S.; Coleman, T.


    Two Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images, from July 1984 and July 1992, were used to identify land use/cover changes in the urban and suburban fringe of the city of Huntsville, Alabama. Image difference was the technique used to quantify the change between the two dates. The eight-year period showed a 16% change, mainly from agricultural lands to urban areas generated by the settlement of industrial, commercial, and residential areas. Visual analysis of the change map (i.e., difference image) supported this phenomenon by showing that most changes were occurring in the vicinity of the major roads and highways across the city.

  11. Continuity of Landsat observations: Short term considerations (United States)

    Wulder, Michael A.; White, Joanne C.; Masek, Jeffery G.; Dwyer, John L.; Roy, David P.


    As of writing in mid-2010, both Landsat-5 and -7 continue to function, with sufficient fuel to enable data collection until the launch of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) scheduled for December of 2012. Failure of one or both of Landsat-5 or -7 may result in a lack of Landsat data for a period of time until the 2012 launch. Although the potential risk of a component failure increases the longer the sensor's design life is exceeded, the possible gap in Landsat data acquisition is reduced with each passing day and the risk of Landsat imagery being unavailable diminishes for all except a handful of applications that are particularly data demanding. Advances in Landsat data compositing and fusion are providing opportunities to address issues associated with Landsat-7 SLC-off imagery and to mitigate a potential acquisition gap through the integration of imagery from different sensors. The latter will likely also provide short-term, regional solutions to application-specific needs for the continuity of Landsat-like observations. Our goal in this communication is not to minimize the community's concerns regarding a gap in Landsat observations, but rather to clarify how the current situation has evolved and provide an up-to-date understanding of the circumstances, implications, and mitigation options related to a potential gap in the Landsat data record.

  12. Análise das propriedades ópticas da água do reservatório Rodolfo Costa e Silva – Itaara, RS, Brasil, usando dados espectrais de campo e imagens orbitais multiespectrais

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    Conrado de Moraes Rudorff


    Full Text Available O trabalho avaliou a separabilidade de classes de água, a partir de técnicas de análises da reflectância de superfície, com dados medidos em campo e imagens multiespectrais adquiridas em nível orbital. A área de estudo foi o reservatório Rodolfo Costa e Silva, localizado na região central do Rio Grande do Sul. A metodologia foi baseada na coleta de dados in situ – total de sólidos em suspensão, clorofila (a, b, c, transparência da água e espectros de reflectância bidirecional – em 21 pontos amostrais no dia 16 de maio de 2006. A técnica de remoção do contínuo foi aplicada aos espectros de campo em quatro intervalos de bandas de absorção: 400-550nm, 610-640nm, 650-680nm e 580-700nm. Os parâmetros de remoção do contínuo das bandas de absorção analisados foram: profundidade, área e largura. Verificou-se que os parâmetros de profundidade, área e a largura da banda de absorção não apresentaram potencial de separabilidade em classes espectrais relacionadas à pequena variação na concentração dos componentes opticamente ativos na água. Imagens CBERS-2/CCD e Landsat 5/TM adquiridas em datas próximas à atividade de campo foram corrigidas dos efeitos atmosféricos e classificadas. Os resultados das classificações não apresentaram correlações significativas com os parâmetros de qualidade da água, a fim de proporcionar uma caracterização espectral das classes de água ou compartimentos. A dificuldade no estabelecimento de relações entre os parâmetros de reflectância espectral e qualidade da água foi devida, principalmente, à baixa variabilidade dos componentes opticamente ativos na água do Reservatório Rodolfo Costa e Silva. Neste caso, as análises espectrais testadas neste trabalho não foram sensíveis às pequenas variações observadas por meio dos dados de campo.


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    Andrea de Castro Panizza


    Full Text Available Hoje, as imagens de satélite e fotografias aéreas fazem parte do cotidiano. Elas estão em todas as mídias. Isso vem favorecendo o treinamento do leitor a ver a paisagem de uma maneira diferente, do alto e, assim, aumentar seu campo de visão. A observação das paisagens realiza-se de diferentes formas e cada uma favorece a identificação e a interpretação de objetos ou fenômenos. As técnicas de interpretação visual de imagens são amplamente utilizadas nos estudos sobre as paisagens. Elas exigem, porém, treinamento do usuário. Este artigo apresenta um roteiro metodológico que contém critérios bem definidos e adaptados para a interpretação visual tanto de fotografias aéreas quanto de imagens de satélite e uma proposta de exercício didático aplicada ao ensino da Geografia.

  14. Principal Component Analysis and Morphostructural Characterization of a Portion of The Eastern Continental Shelf of Ceará, Brazil, Using Landsat 5-Tm Images

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    Cynthia Romariz Duarte


    Full Text Available This study used Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (5-TM images in the morphostructural characterization of the shallow continental shelf of the eastern coast of Ceará (CE, in the Jaguaribe river mouth. The dam built near the river mouth to transpose the water towards Fortaleza, CE, ensures good water transparency since little of the river-carried sediment reaches the sea. The used image was captured on date and time to ensure low tide. Data using Secchi disc indicated good water transparency in the turbidity zone and seaside, coastal and marine areas. Bathymetry studies and underwater photos confirm the existence of many of the features described in this study. Digital image processing techniques have been applied in the study: colored compositions (RGB 124, 90° directional filter (band 1, and a colored composition employing the filtered band 1 and band 2 and 4. The filtered image of band 1 allowed recognizing different features when interpreted in detail scale. The principal component analysis (PCA was used here, calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors. When applied to bands 1 to 5 and 7, PCA generated good results in PC2, whose correlation with the blue band was 0.85 (explained cumulative variance of more than 96%. Applied to the visible bands, PCA produced very similar results in PC1, and the correlation between the blue band and PC1 was 0.86 (explained cumulative variance of 94%. These results show that band 1 is the main contributor in studies of submerged morphological features. Each process resulted in a new image, from which it was possible to produce the map of the area representing morphostructural characteristics. The use of digitally processed satellite images in the visible region greatly improves the characterization and mapping of submerged features in places with shallow and good transparency waters.

  15. Mapping caribou habitat north of the 51st parallel in Québec using Landsat imagery

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    Stéphanie Chalifoux


    Full Text Available A methodology using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM images and vegetation typology, based on lichens as the principal component of caribou winter diet, was developed to map caribou habitat over a large and diversified area of Northern Québec. This approach includes field validation by aerial surveys (helicopter, classification of vegetation types, image enhancement, visual interpretation and computer assisted mapping. Measurements from more than 1500 field sites collected over six field campaigns from 1989 to 1996 represented the data analysed in this study. As the study progressed, 14 vegetation classes were defined and retained for analyses. Vegetation classes denoting important caribou habitat included six classes of upland lichen communities (Lichen, Lichen-Shrub, Shrub-Lichen, Lichen-Graminoid-Shrub, Lichen-Woodland, Lichen-Shrub-Woodland. Two classes (Burnt-over area, Regenerating burnt-over area are related to forest fire, and as they develop towards lichen communities, will become important for caribou. The last six classes are retained to depict remaining vegetation cover types. A total of 37 Landsat TM scenes were geocoded and enhanced using two methods: the Taylor method and the false colour composite method (bands combination and stretching. Visual inter¬pretation was chosen as the most efficient and reliable method to map vegetation types related to caribou habitat. The 43 maps produced at the scale of 1:250 000 and the synthesis map (1:2 000 000 provide a regional perspective of caribou habitat over 1200 000 km2 covering the entire range of the George river herd. The numerical nature of the data allows rapid spatial analysis and map updating.

  16. Evaluación de los datos del sensor ASTER para estimar la superficie cultivada y los niveles de producción de caña de azúcar en Tucumán, Argentina An evaluation of ASTER data to estimate sugarcane planted area and production levels in Tucumán, Argentina

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    Federico J. Soria


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se evalúa la capacidad de los datos de las bandas espectrales 2 y 3 del subsistema VNIR (Visible Near Infrared y la banda espectral 4 del subsistema SWIR (Short Wave Infrared del sensor ASTER, para estimar la superficie cultivada y los niveles de producción de caña de azúcar en un área ubicada en el departamento Chicligasta de la provincia de Tucumán, Argentina. Se aplicó la metodología de clasificación multiespectral supervisada. Los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados con los generados con igual metodología utilizando los datos de las bandas 3, 4 y 5 del sensor TM del satélite Landsat 5. El análisis estadístico de la información disponible demostró que los datos del sensor ASTER, en sus bandas 2 y 3 del VNIR, poseen la capacidad de discriminar la superficie y los niveles de producción de caña de azúcar en el área de estudio. De la comparación estadística de estos resultados con los de la imagen Landsat, resulta que la banda 3 de ASTER y 4 de Landsat poseen una significancia mayor para discriminar niveles de producción, que las bandas 2 y 3 de los respectivos sensores. Ante estos resultados, el sensor ASTER se muestra como una alternativa viable para la discriminación y cuantificación de la caña de azúcar.In this work, data obtained by Visible Near Infrared (VNIR bands 2 and 3 and Short Wave Infrared (SWIR subsystem (band 4 of the ASTER sensor, were evaluated in terms of their potential use in estimating planted surface and production levels of a sugarcane growing area in Chicligasta, province of Tucumán, Argentina. The multiespectral supervised classification methodology was applied. The results were compared with the ones obtained by applying the same methodology to data provided by bands 3, 4 and 5 of Landsat 5 satellite TM sensor. Statistical analysis of the available information demonstrated that data supplied by VNIR bands 2 and 3 of the ASTER sensor allow discriminating sugarcane planted area

  17. Improved outgassing models for the Landsat-5 thematic mapper (United States)

    Micijevic, E.; Chander, G.; Hayes, R.W.


    The Landsat-5 (L5) Thematic Mapper (TM) detectors of the short wave infrared (SWIR) bands 5 and 7 are maintained on cryogenic temperatures to minimize thermal noise and allow adequate detection of scene energy. Over the instrument's lifetime, gain oscillations are observed in these bands that are caused by an ice-like contaminant that gradually builds up on the window of a dewar that houses these bands' detectors. This process of icing, an effect of material outgassing in space, is detected and characterized through observations of Internal Calibrator (IC) data. Analyses of IC data indicated three to five percent uncertainty in absolute gain estimates due to this icing phenomenon. The thin-film interference lifetime models implemented in the image product generation systems at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) successfully remove up to 80 percent of the icing effects for the image acquisition period from the satellite's launch in 1984 until 2001; however, their correction ability was found to be much lower for the time thereafter. This study concentrates on improving the estimates of the contaminant film growth rate and the associated change in the period of gain oscillations. The goal is to provide model parameters with the potential to correct 70 to 80 percent of gain uncertainties caused by outgassing effects in L5 TM bands 5 and 7 over the instrument's entire lifetime. ?? 2007 IEEE.

  18. Landsat eyes help guard the world's forests (United States)

    Campbell, Jon


    SummaryThe Landsat program is a joint effort between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), but the partner agencies have distinct roles. NASA develops remote-sensing instruments and spacecraft, launches satellites, and validates their performance in orbit. The USGS owns and operates Landsat satellites in space and manages their data transmissions, including ground reception, archiving, product generation, and public distribution. In 2008, with support from the U.S. Department of the Interior, the USGS made its Landsat data free to anyone in the world.The current satellites in the Landsat program, Landsat 7 (launched in 1999) and Landsat 8 (launched in 2013), provide complete coverage of the Earth every eight days. A Landsat 9 satellite is scheduled for launch in late 2020.

  19. Regional scale net radiation estimation by means of Landsat and TERRA/AQUA imagery and GIS modeling (United States)

    Cristóbal, J.; Ninyerola, M.; Pons, X.; Llorens, P.; Poyatos, R.


    Net radiation (Rn) is one of the most important variables for the estimation of surface energy budget and is used for various applications including agricultural meteorology, climate monitoring and weather prediction. Moreover, net radiation is an essential input variable for potential as well as actual evapotranspiration modeling. Nowadays, radiometric measurements provided by Remote Sensing and GIS analysis are the technologies used to compute net radiation at regional scales in a feasible way. In this study we present a regional scale estimation of the daily Rn on clear days, (Catalonia, NE of the Iberian Peninsula), using a set of 22 Landsat images (17 Landsat-5 TM and 5 Landsat-7 ETM+) and 171 TERRA/AQUA images MODIS from 2000 to 2007 period. TERRA/AQUA MODIS images have been downloaded by means of the EOS Gateway. We have selected three different types of products which contain the remote sensing data we have used to model daily Rn: daily LST product, daily calibrated reflectances product and daily atmospheric water vapour product. Landsat-5 TM images have been corrected by means of conventional techniques based on first order polynomials taking into account the effect of land surface relief using a Digital Elevation Model, obtaining an RMS less than 30 m. Radiometric correction of Landsat non-thermal bands has been done following the methodology proposed by Pons and Solé (1994), which allows to reduce the number of undesired artifacts that are due to the effects of the atmosphere or to the differential illumination which is, in turn, due to the time of the day, the location in the Earth and the relief (zones being more illuminated than others, shadows, etc). Atmospheric correction of Landsat thermal band has been carried out by means of a single-channel algorithm improvement developed by Cristóbal et al. (2009) and the land surface emissivity computed by means of the methodology proposed by Sobrino and Raissouni (2000). Rn has been estimated through the


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    Rafael Coll Delgado


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica nouso e cobertura da terra em área de abrangência de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Para tanto, utilizou-se o algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land e o método de classificação não supervisionada por meio do algoritmo ISODATA. Foi utilizada uma série históricade temperatura do ar (ºC, da Estação Meteorológica Convencional (EMC do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET e imagens do sensor TM Landsat 5 do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, noperíodo que compreendeu 16 anos (1994-2010. Os resultados mostraram que nos anosde 1999, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 e 2010 mais de 20 mil hectares foram antropizadas, porém, a partir de 1999 inicia-se um acentuado crescimento das áreas classificadas como mata. Os valores demonstraram avanço das áreas antropizadas (58,92% em 1994 para 71,90% em 2010 e uma redução das áreas de pastagens (27,04% em 1994 para 5,90% em 2010. A temperatura da superfície estimada pelo algoritmo SEBAL para os anos de 1994 e 2010, apresentaram valores máximos de 38ºC em áreas antropizadas e valores mínimos de 18ºC em áreas de vegetação. Com base no cálculo do viés médio (VM, o presente estudo mostrou que os dados estimados da temperatura da superfície apresentaram boa correlação de 0,67 com os dados do INMET, já que as temperaturas foram subestimadas e superestimadas com valores mínimos e máximos de -3,83ºC e 2,65ºC em 1994 e 2003. Os resultados obtidos, ainda que em caráter preliminar, indicam a eficiência do Sensoriamento Remoto (SR por meio da análise das bandas refletivas e termal do satélite Landsat 5 como ferramenta de análise na identificação da dinâmica do uso do solo, mostrando-se eficaz quanto à espacialização dessas anomalias no espaço e no tempo.


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    Rafael Coll Delgado


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a dinâmica nouso e cobertura da terra em área de abrangência de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Para tanto, utilizou-se o algoritmo SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land e o método de classificação não supervisionada por meio do algoritmo ISODATA. Foi utilizada uma série históricade temperatura do ar (ºC, da Estação Meteorológica Convencional (EMC do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET e imagens do sensor TM Landsat 5 do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE, noperíodo que compreendeu 16 anos (1994-2010. Os resultados mostraram que nos anosde 1999, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009 e 2010 mais de 20 mil hectares foram antropizadas, porém, a partir de 1999 inicia-se um acentuado crescimento das áreas classificadas como mata. Os valores demonstraram avanço das áreas antropizadas (58,92% em 1994 para 71,90% em 2010 e uma redução das áreas de pastagens (27,04% em 1994 para 5,90% em 2010. A temperatura da superfície estimada pelo algoritmo SEBAL para os anos de 1994 e 2010, apresentaram valores máximos de 38ºC em áreas antropizadas e valores mínimos de 18ºC em áreas de vegetação. Com base no cálculo do viés médio (VM, o presente estudo mostrou que os dados estimados da temperatura da superfície apresentaram boa correlação de 0,67 com os dados do INMET, já que as temperaturas foram subestimadas e superestimadas com valores mínimos e máximos de -3,83ºC e 2,65ºC em 1994 e 2003. Os resultados obtidos, ainda que em caráter preliminar, indicam a eficiência do Sensoriamento Remoto (SR por meio da análise das bandas refletivas e termal do satélite Landsat 5 como ferramenta de análise na identificação da dinâmica do uso do solo, mostrando-se eficaz quanto à espacialização dessas anomalias no espaço e no tempo.

  2. Monitoramento de propriedades rurais através de dados multisensores em nível orbital / Monitoring of rural properties using multisensor satellite data

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    Rener Ribeiro Fernandes


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma análise temporal das áreas alteradas em uma propriedade rural (Fazenda Santo Antônio do Jurigue, localizada no estado do Mato Grosso, por meio de dados de multisensores ao longo de 6 anos. Foram utilizadas imagens dos sensores: HRC/ CBERS-2B, ETM+/Landsat 7 e TM/Landsat-5 para análise temporal dos anos de 2002, 2004, 2006 e 2008. Após as etapas de pré-processamento realizadas nas imagens, foi aplicado o método de classificação supervisionada por máxima verossimilhança. Na imagem do ano de 2008, foi também aplicado o método de fusão de imagens IHS e o método de classificação orientada a objetos com o intuito de discriminar melhor o uso da terra da área de estudo, comparando seus resultados temáticos àqueles obtidos pela classificação por máxima verossimilhança. Os valores obtidos foram tabulados, verificando que no ano de 2002, 33,43% da cobertura vegetal da propriedade já havia sido alterado, percentual esse que aumentou para 40,32% em 2004, 51,85% em 2006. Em 2008 essa conversão da tipologia vegetal natural atingiu valores de 60,69% através da análise da classificação supervisionada por máxima verossimilhança e de 70,64% para a classificação orientada a objetos. O método de classificação orientada a objetos foi o que apresentou resultados finais mais promissores, possibilitados pelo uso de dados de alta resolução do sensor HRC do satélite CBERS-2B.AbstractThis study aimed to perform a temporal analysis of the rural property (Santo Antonio do Jurigue Farm, located in Mato Grosso by means of multisensor data over 6 years. We used images from the sensors: HRC/CBERS-2B, ETM+/Landsat 7 and TM/Landsat-5 for temporal analysis of the years 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008. After the preprocessing steps performed on the images was applied the method of maximum likelihood of supervised classification. In the image of 2008 was also applied the method of image fusion IHS

  3. Mapping contact metamorphic aureoles in Extremadura, Spain, using Landsat thematic mapper images (United States)

    Rowan, L.C.; Anton-Pacheco, C.; Brickey, D.W.; Kingston, M.J.; Payas, A.


    In the Extremadura region of western Spain, Ag, Pb, Zn, and Sn deposits occur in the pieces of late Hercynian granitic plutons and near the pluton contacts in late Proterozoic slate and metagraywacke that have been regionally metamorphosed to the green schist facies. The plutons generally are well exposed and have distinctive geomorphological expression and vegetation; poor exposures of the metasedimentary host rocks and extensive cultivation, however, make delineation of the contact aureoles difficult. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images have been used to distinguish soil developed on the contact metamorphic rocks from soil formed on the stratigraphically equivalent slate-metagraywacke sequence. The mineral constituents of these soils are similar, except that muscovite is more common in the contact metamorphic soil; carbonaceous material is common in both soils. Contact metamorphic soil have lower reflectance, especially in the 1.6-micrometers wavelength region (TM 5), and weaker Al-OH, Mg-OH, and Fe3+ absorption features than do spectra of the slate-metagraywacke soil. The low-reflectance and subdued absorption features exhibited by the contact metamorphic soil spectra are attributed to the high absorption coefficient f the carbonaceous material caused by heating during emplacement of the granitic plutons. These spectral differences are evident in a TM 4/3, 4/5, 3/1 color-composite image. Initially, this image was used to outline the contact aureoles, but digital classification of the TM data was necessary for generating internally consistent maps of the distribution of the exposed contact metamorphic soil. In an August 1984, TM scene of the Caceras area, the plowed, vegetation-free fields were identified by their low TM 4/3 values. Then, ranges of TM 4/5 and 3/1 values were determine for selected plower fields within and outside the contact aureoles; TM 5 produced results similar to TM 4/5. Field evaluation, supported by X-ray diffraction and petrographic

  4. ¿Imagen didáctica o uso didáctico de la image?

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    Full Text Available RESUMEN: Este artículo se centra en el análisis del proceso de comunicación mediado que utiliza como recurso la imagen fija de tipo gráfico, es decir, la imagen impresa. Partiendo de tal análisis se plantea el uso de la imagen en el ámbito educativo centrándose la discusión en torno al concepto de "imagen didáctica". Afirmamos que cualquier imagen puede ser utilizada con fines educativos, pero determinadas imágenes han sido preconcebidas de forma especial para ello. Respecto a este punto introducimos la distinción entre la imagen didáctica "per se" y la imagen didáctica "per accident".ABSTRACT: In this article we do a conceptual review about communication process when iconic sign is the mediator instrument. Iconic sign has signification and significance, denotation and connotation, an idea that drives us to question about interpretation problem when images are information transmission instruments. This problem is more relevant if we talk about didactic communication, so we must talk about efficacy of graphic communication too. Finally, we inquire the idea of "didactic images" or perhaps if it is better to conceive the "didactic use of the images.RESUME: Cet article fait a revisión conceptuel sur le procés de communication si nous utilisons les signes iconiques comme mediateurs. Le signe iconique a son significaron et son significant, denotation et connotation, et ce pour ca que nous devons poser la question de l'interpretation des images s'ils sont instruments de transmission d'information. Ce problem est plus remarquable si les images sont partie du procés de comunication didactique, puisque cet idee nour porte a la question de l'efficacité de la communication graphique. Finalment nous nous demandons sur la pertinance de la conception "d'image didactique" ou si c'est plus convenable "l'utilisation didactique des images"

  5. Imagens semoventes, imagens co-moventes: interfaces visuais no webjornalismo

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    Dulcilia H. Schroeder Buitoni


    Full Text Available As imagens presentes no webjornalismo utilizam recursos de hipermídia? Este artigo parte da constatação de que as tecnologias digitais ainda são pouco exploradas. A observação de jornais e sites jornalísticos – auxiliada pela reflexão sobre conceitos de hipertexto, hipermídia e imagem complexa – leva à escolha de algumas produções audiovisuais exemplares. Foram selecionados três especiais da seção "Multimedia" do argentino, que trazem caminhos inovadores, principalmente quanto ao tratamento da imagem de matriz fotográfica. Além da ampliação das potencialidades visuais, a imagem funciona como interface e conexão.

  6. Determining the area of influence of depression cone in the vicinity of lignite mine by means of triangle method and LANDSAT TM/ETM+ satellite images. (United States)

    Zawadzki, Jarosław; Przeździecki, Karol; Miatkowski, Zygmunt


    Problems with lowering of water table are common all over the world. Intensive pumping of water from aquifers for consumption, irrigation, industrial or mining purposes often causes groundwater depletion and results in the formation of cone of depression. This can severely decrease water pressure, even over vast areas, and can create severe problems such as degradation of agriculture or natural environment sometimes depriving people and animals of water supply. In this paper, the authors present a method for determining the area of influence of a groundwater depression cone resulting from prolonged drainage, by means of satellite images in optical, near infrared and thermal infrared bands from TM sensor (Thematic Mapper) and ETM+ sensor (Enhanced Thematic Mapper +) placed on Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 satellites. The research area was Szczercowska Valley (Pol. Kotlina Szczercowska), Central Poland, located within a range of influence of a groundwater drainage system of the lignite coal mine in Belchatow. It is the biggest lignite coal mine in Poland and one of the largest in Europe exerting an enormous impact on the environment. The main method of satellite data analysis for determining soil moisture, was the so-called triangle method. This method, based on TVDI (Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index) was supported by additional spatial analysis including ordinary kriging used in order to combine fragmentary information obtained from areas covered by meadows. The results obtained are encouraging and confirm the usefulness of the triangle method not only for soil moisture determination but also for assessment of the temporal and spatial changes in the area influenced by the groundwater depression cone. The range of impact of the groundwater depression cone determined by means of above-described remote sensing analysis shows good agreement with that determined by ground measurements. The developed satellite method is much faster and cheaper than in-situ measurements

  7. Landsat-based monitoring of crop water demand in the San Joaquin Valley (United States)

    Johnson, L.; Trout, T.; Wang, D.; Melton, F. S.


    Fresh water resources are becoming increasingly scarce in California due to urbanization, environmental regulation, and groundwater depletion. The strain is projected to worsen under various climate change scenarios and is exacerbated by declining water delivery infrastructure. It is estimated that irrigated agriculture currently commands more than 70% of the state’s water supply, and many growers are striving to improve water use efficiency in order to help maintain the state’s rich agricultural heritage. Remote sensing technology offers the potential to monitor cropland evapotranspiration (ET) regionally, while making farm-based irrigation scheduling more practical, convenient, and possibly more accurate. Landsat5-TM imagery was used in this study to monitor basal crop evapotranspiration (ETcb), which is primarily related to plant transpiration, for several San Joaquin Valley fields throughout the 2008 growing season. A ground-based digital camera was used to measure fractional cover of 48 study fields planted to 18 different crop types (row crops, grains, orchard, and vineyard) of varying maturity over 12 dates coinciding with Landsat overpasses. Landsat L1T terrain-corrected images were atmospherically corrected to surface reflectance by an implementation of the Landsat Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System (LEDAPS), then converted to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) on a per-pixel basis. A strong linear relationship between NDVI and fractional cover was observed (r2=0.96), and a resulting conversion equation was used to transform all imagery to fractional cover. Conversion equations previously developed by use of weighting lysimeters were then used to transform fractional cover to basal crop coefficient (Kcb; ratio of crop transpiration plus a small diffusive soil evaporation component to reference ET). Finally, measurements of grass reference ET (ETo) from the California Irrigation Management Information System were used to

  8. Landsat and agriculture—Case studies on the uses and benefits of Landsat imagery in agricultural monitoring and production (United States)

    Leslie, Colin R.; Serbina, Larisa O.; Miller, Holly M.


    Executive SummaryThe use of Landsat satellite imagery for global agricultural monitoring began almost immediately after the launch of Landsat 1 in 1972, making agricultural monitoring one of the longest-standing operational applications for the Landsat program. More recently, Landsat imagery has been used in domestic agricultural applications as an input for field-level production management. The enactment of the U.S. Geological Survey’s free and open data policy in 2008 and the launch of Landsat 8 in 2013 have both influenced agricultural applications. This report presents two primary sets of case studies on the applications and benefits of Landsat imagery use in agriculture. The first set examines several operational applications within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the second focuses on private sector applications for agronomic management.  Information on the USDA applications is provided in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Uses of Landsat Imagery for Global and Domestic Agricultural Monitoring section of the report in the following subsections:Estimating Crop Production.—Provides an overview of how Landsat satellite imagery is used to estimate crop production, including the spectral bands most frequently utilized in this application.Monitoring Consumptive Water Use.—Highlights the role of Landsat imagery in monitoring consumptive water use for agricultural production. Globally, a significant amount of agricultural production relies on irrigation, so monitoring water resources is a critical component of agricultural monitoring. National Agricultural Statistics Service—Cropland Data Layer.—Highlights the use of Landsat imagery in developing the annual Cropland Data Layer, a crop-specific land cover classification product that provides information on more than 100 crop categories grown in the United States. Foreign Agricultural Service—Global Agricultural Monitoring.—Highlights Landsat’s role in monitoring global agricultural

  9. An Effort to Map and Monitor Baldcypress Forest Areas in Coastal Louisiana, Using Landsat, MODIS, and ASTER Satellite Data (United States)

    Spruce, Joseph P.; Sader, Steve; Smoot, James


    This presentation discusses a collaborative project to develop, test, and demonstrate baldcypress forest mapping and monitoring products for aiding forest conservation and restoration in coastal Louisiana. Low lying coastal forests in the region are being negatively impacted by multiple factors, including subsidence, salt water intrusion, sea level rise, persistent flooding, hydrologic modification, annual insect-induced forest defoliation, timber harvesting, and conversion to urban land uses. Coastal baldcypress forests provide invaluable ecological services in terms of wildlife habitat, forest products, storm buffers, and water quality benefits. Before this project, current maps of baldcypress forest concentrations and change did not exist or were out of date. In response, this project was initiated to produce: 1) current maps showing the extent and location of baldcypress dominated forests; and 2) wetland forest change maps showing temporary and persistent disturbance and loss since the early 1970s. Project products are being developed collaboratively with multiple state and federal agencies. Products are being validated using available reference data from aerial, satellite, and field survey data. Results include Landsat TM- based classifications of baldcypress in terms of cover type and percent canopy cover. Landsat MSS data was employed to compute a circa 1972 classification of swamp and bottomland hardwood forest types. Landsat data for 1972-2010 was used to compute wetland forest change products. MODIS-based change products were applied to view and assess insect-induced swamp forest defoliation. MODIS, Landsat, and ASTER satellite data products were used to help assess hurricane and flood impacts to coastal wetland forests in the region.

  10. Landsat-8 Sensor Characterization and Calibration

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    Brian Markham


    Full Text Available Landsat-8 was launched on 11 February 2013 with two new Earth Imaging sensors to provide a continued data record with the previous Landsats. For Landsat-8, pushbroom technology was adopted, and the reflective bands and thermal bands were split into two instruments. The Operational Land Imager (OLI is the reflective band sensor and the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS, the thermal. In addition to these fundamental changes, bands were added, spectral bandpasses were refined, dynamic range and data quantization were improved, and numerous other enhancements were implemented. As in previous Landsat missions, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA and United States Geological Survey (USGS cooperated in the development, launch and operation of the Landsat-8 mission. One key aspect of this cooperation was in the characterization and calibration of the instruments and their data. This Special Issue documents the efforts of the joint USGS and NASA calibration team and affiliates to characterize the new sensors and their data for the benefit of the scientific and application users of the Landsat archive. A key scientific use of Landsat data is to assess changes in the land-use and land cover of the Earth’s surface over the now 43-year record. [...

  11. O \\"reino das plantas\\" nos livros didáticos de ciências: análise das imagens


    Rená Manoel de Souza e Silva


    As imagens sempre desempenharam papel fundamental na compreensão do conhecimento científico e, portanto, também nos livros didáticos de ciências. Porém, pesquisas têm mostrado que as imagens não são transparentes; por isso, defendemos a fundamental compreensão dos professores em relação ao uso das imagens no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, e na orientação da leitura e no uso desse recurso como suporte das atividades pedagógicas. Esta pesquisa analisou as imagens presentes nos livros didático...

  12. Generating Daily Synthetic Landsat Imagery by Combining Landsat and MODIS Data. (United States)

    Wu, Mingquan; Huang, Wenjiang; Niu, Zheng; Wang, Changyao


    Owing to low temporal resolution and cloud interference, there is a shortage of high spatial resolution remote sensing data. To address this problem, this study introduces a modified spatial and temporal data fusion approach (MSTDFA) to generate daily synthetic Landsat imagery. This algorithm was designed to avoid the limitations of the conditional spatial temporal data fusion approach (STDFA) including the constant window for disaggregation and the sensor difference. An adaptive window size selection method is proposed in this study to select the best window size and moving steps for the disaggregation of coarse pixels. The linear regression method is used to remove the influence of differences in sensor systems using disaggregated mean coarse reflectance by testing and validation in two study areas located in Xinjiang Province, China. The results show that the MSTDFA algorithm can generate daily synthetic Landsat imagery with a high correlation coefficient (R) ranged from 0.646 to 0.986 between synthetic images and the actual observations. We further show that MSTDFA can be applied to 250 m 16-day MODIS MOD13Q1 products and the Landsat Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI) data by generating a synthetic NDVI image highly similar to actual Landsat NDVI observation with a high R of 0.97.

  13. Concentration effect of Tm3+ on cathodoluminescence properties of SiO2: Tm3+ and SiO2:Ho3+, Tm3+ systems

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Dhlamini, MS


    Full Text Available .physb.2011.09.091 Concentration effect of Tm3+ on cathodoluminescence properties of SiO2: Tm 3+ and SiO2:Ho 3+, Tm3+ systems M.S. Dhlamini, G.H. Mhlongo, H.C. Swart, O.M. Ntwaeaborwa, K.T. Hillie ABSTRACT: Cathodoluminescence (CL) properties of Si...O2 powders activated with thulium (Tm3+) and holmium (Ho3+) ions prepared by a sol–gel process were investigated. Different molar concentrations of Tm3+ co-doped with Ho3+ were studied. The 460 nm peak was monitored and the influence of the beam...

  14. Tecnologías emergentes para la captura y visualización de imagen 3D


    Salvador Balaguer, Eva


    En el mundo en el que vivimos se reconocen tres dimensiones espaciales. Sin embargo, los sensores más extendidos son bidimensionales y la tecnología 3D presenta numerosas limitaciones que impiden un uso más extendido. En la presente tesis se hace un recorrido por parte de la tecnología 3D disponible estudiando ventajas, limitaciones y aplicaciones. De las diferentes alternativas de imagen 3D, se exploran los dispositivos autoestereoscópicos multivista, la imagen integral, la imagen con inform...

  15. La imagen pública. Un valor de comunicación

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    Francisco Echeverría Remón


    Full Text Available La imagen pública de una empresa está formada por las múltiples imágenes que proyectan las diferentes partes que la componen, ya sean divisiones o áreas (financieras, producción, comunicación... o personas que, de forma individual o colectiva, emiten de su empresa. Esta imagen estará formada, a su vez, por las múltiples imágenes públicas de los stakeholders y de cada uno de sus entornos o “territorio” que interiorice de la misma, conformando, la suma de todas ellas, la verdadera imagen pública de la compañía. Este proceso de comunicación es de enorme complejidad, interviniendo, entre otros factores, la marca y la identidad corporativa (como representación simbólica de ésta y es, a través de la marca, donde, mediante un diálogo entre todas las partes, se debe crear un vínculo emocional con el público, cliente o no, y con la sociedad. Estos procesos complejos, requerirán la asignación, por parte de la compañía, de recursos humanos y financieros específicos, reunidos alrededor del líder de la marca y con la intervención de diferentes expertos y consultores de imagen y marca, que aportan una visión más amplia a la organización y unos recursos especializados y en permanente actualización.

  16. Evaluación de la imagen organizacional universitaria en una institución de educación superior

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    Juana Patlán Pérez


    Full Text Available La imagen organizacional es importante para muchas instituciones de educación superior por encontrarse en un entorno ampliamente competitivo que demanda servicios educativos de calidad. El propósito de esta investigación fue evaluar la imagen organizacional universitaria en una institución de educación superior. Para este propósito se realizó una investigación de acuerdo con las siguieron etapas: adaptación de la escala de imagen organizacional a población mexicana; integración de escala en formato de diferencial semántico; aplicación de la escala a una muestra de 226 profesores y 541 estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo; determinación de las propiedades psicométricas de la escala (validez de constructo y confiabilidad; estadísticas descriptivas de la imagen organizacional y análisis comparativo de la imagen organizacional por escuela. Los resultados indican que la escala de imagen organizacional adaptada a población mexicana tiene propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para evaluar este constructo. Además, se identificaron diferencias significativas de la imagen de la organización en cada instituto de la IES evaluada.

  17. Aplicación de imágenes de satélite en la cartografía de uso de suelo y vegetación en una región del Oriente del Valle de México

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    E. Buendía Rodríguez


    Full Text Available En México la aplicación de sensores remotos se encuentra en la fase de experimentación, por lo cual se están generando metodologías propias para el estudio del territorio mexicano. Para la clasificación de uso de suelo y vegetación, se realizó un estudio en la cuenca oriental del Valle de México, utilizando imágenes Landsat TM y Spot XS; procesadas mediante el Sistema Personal Interactivo de Percepción Remota versión 2.0 (SPIPR II, para diez unidades de clasificación que fueron: agricultura de riego (AR, agricultura de temporal (AT, pastizal halófilo (PH, bosque de pino (BP, pastizal inducido (PI, zona urbana (ZU, cuerpos de agua (CA, bosque de pino-pastizal (BP-PI, bosque de encino-matorral (BE-MI y bosque de abies (BA. Para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de dicho trabajo se establecieron cuatro tratamientos (componentes principales, análisis de texturas, convolución y filtrado sobre tres combinaciones de bandas (Landsat TM3-TM4-TM5, TM2-TM5-TM7 y Spot XS1-XS2-XS3. La mejor precisión fue para las imágenes clasificadas Landsat TM2-TM5-TM7 sin tratamiento con un 75 %, para Landsat TM3-TM4-TM5 sin tratamiento, fue de 69.07 % y las imágenes clasificadas Spot XS1-XS2-XS3 con el tratamiento de componentes principales tuvieron un 69.07 %.

  18. Generalidades de la imagen corporal y sus implicaciones en el deporte

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    Diego Fabricio Rodríguez Camacho


    Conclusiones. La imagen corporal es dinámica, se construye y modifica a lo largo de la vida a partir de estímulos sensoriales en términos de cuerpo y espacio, así como de estímulos socioculturales involucrados en la autoestima y el rendimiento deportivo. El desarrollo de programas de actividad físico-deportiva genera un impacto positivo sobre la imagen corporal en todas las edades, siempre y cuando se tengan presentes parámetros específicos de entrenamiento.

  19. Geospatial Method for Computing Supplemental Multi-Decadal U.S. Coastal Land-Use and Land-Cover Classification Products, Using Landsat Data and C-CAP Products (United States)

    Spruce, J. P.; Smoot, James; Ellis, Jean; Hilbert, Kent; Swann, Roberta


    This paper discusses the development and implementation of a geospatial data processing method and multi-decadal Landsat time series for computing general coastal U.S. land-use and land-cover (LULC) classifications and change products consisting of seven classes (water, barren, upland herbaceous, non-woody wetland, woody upland, woody wetland, and urban). Use of this approach extends the observational period of the NOAA-generated Coastal Change and Analysis Program (C-CAP) products by almost two decades, assuming the availability of one cloud free Landsat scene from any season for each targeted year. The Mobile Bay region in Alabama was used as a study area to develop, demonstrate, and validate the method that was applied to derive LULC products for nine dates at approximate five year intervals across a 34-year time span, using single dates of data for each classification in which forests were either leaf-on, leaf-off, or mixed senescent conditions. Classifications were computed and refined using decision rules in conjunction with unsupervised classification of Landsat data and C-CAP value-added products. Each classification's overall accuracy was assessed by comparing stratified random locations to available reference data, including higher spatial resolution satellite and aerial imagery, field survey data, and raw Landsat RGBs. Overall classification accuracies ranged from 83 to 91% with overall Kappa statistics ranging from 0.78 to 0.89. The accuracies are comparable to those from similar, generalized LULC products derived from C-CAP data. The Landsat MSS-based LULC product accuracies are similar to those from Landsat TM or ETM+ data. Accurate classifications were computed for all nine dates, yielding effective results regardless of season. This classification method yielded products that were used to compute LULC change products via additive GIS overlay techniques.

  20. Powernext Day-AheadTM. Powernext futuresTM. Activity report - 2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The introduction of a power exchange in France is a direct response to the opening up of the European electricity markets. Powernext SA is a Multilateral Trading Facility in charge of managing the French power exchange through an optional and anonymous organised exchange offering: - Day-ahead contracts for the management of volume risk on Powernext Day-Ahead TM since 21 November 2001, - Medium term contracts for the management of price risk on Powernext Futures TM since 18 June 2004. This document is the 2004 activity report of Powernext SA, it presents the key figures of the power market and of Powernext in 2004: - Increasing volumes: Powernext Day-Ahead TM 's traded volumes increased by 89%, from 7.48 to 14.18 TWh. Powernext Futures TM kicks off to a promising debut with 12.86 TWh traded in less than 7 months. - Less volatile prices: During 2004, the base price averaged 28.13 euro/MWh, and the peak prices averaged 33.71 euro/MWh. Compared to 2003, these prices decreased by an average of 3.7% on base-load and 10.9% on peak-load. In comparison to the two previous years, the daily volatility has noticeably settled down with 27% on base-load and 37% on peak-load. - Increasing liquidity: 10 new members joined Powernext Day-Ahead TM in 2004. The activity level of the members remains very high as 89% of them trade on an actual daily basis during 2004. The market resiliency stays strong. In December, an additional market 50 MW order on each hour resulted in a balance price variation of only 0.16 euro/MWh, or 0.53% of this balance price. For a 100 MW order, the resiliency is 0.32 euro/MWh, or 1.07% of the balance price. Thus, in 2004, Powernext Day-Ahead TM consolidates its role as a short term reference price. Moreover, in 2004, Powernext launched a futures market, Powernext Futures TM . This new market segment proposes contracts tradable up to 2 years ahead of delivery

  1. Water Feature Extraction and Change Detection Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Komeil Rokni


    Full Text Available Lake Urmia is the 20th largest lake and the second largest hyper saline lake (before September 2010 in the world. It is also the largest inland body of salt water in the Middle East. Nevertheless, the lake has been in a critical situation in recent years due to decreasing surface water and increasing salinity. This study modeled the spatiotemporal changes of Lake Urmia in the period 2000–2013 using the multi-temporal Landsat 5-TM, 7-ETM+ and 8-OLI images. In doing so, the applicability of different satellite-derived indexes including Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI, Modified NDWI (MNDWI, Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI, Water Ratio Index (WRI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI, and Automated Water Extraction Index (AWEI were investigated for the extraction of surface water from Landsat data. Overall, the NDWI was found superior to other indexes and hence it was used to model the spatiotemporal changes of the lake. In addition, a new approach based on Principal Components of multi-temporal NDWI (NDWI-PCs was proposed and evaluated for surface water change detection. The results indicate an intense decreasing trend in Lake Urmia surface area in the period 2000–2013, especially between 2010 and 2013 when the lake lost about one third of its surface area compared to the year 2000. The results illustrate the effectiveness of the NDWI-PCs approach for surface water change detection, especially in detecting the changes between two and three different times, simultaneously.

  2. The tmRDB and SRPDB resources

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ebbe Sloth; Rosenblad, Magnus Alm; Larsen, Niels


    Maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, the tmRNA database (tmRDB) is accessible at the URL with mirror sites located at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama ( and the Royal...

  3. Comparative analysis of different sensor data (Landsat-TM and MOMS) for earth observation and impact on future sensor development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bodechtel, J.; Zilger, J.; Salomonson, V.V.


    The missions of the German Modular Optoelectronic Multispectral Scanner (MOMS) aboard two flights of the United States Space Transportation System STS demonstrated the feasibility of a novel concept with regard to both technical and scientific objectives. On account of the successful missions a cooperative study was instituted for comparing MOMS observations with the more familiar operational Landsat-Thematic Mapper data over selected testsites as a means of obtaining some relative measure of performance. This paper summarizes the results obtained and presents the MOMS-02

  4. Magnetic ordering in TmGa

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Cadogan, J.M.; Stewart, G.A.; Muños Pérez, S.


    We have determined the magnetic structure of the intermetallic compound TmGa by high-resolution neutron powder diffraction and 169Tm Mössbauer spectroscopy. This compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic (Cmcm) CrB-type structure and its magnetic structure is characterized by magnetic order...... of the Tm sublattice along the a-axis. The initial magnetic ordering occurs at 15(1) K and yields an incommensurate antiferromagnetic structure described by the propagation vector k1 = [0 0.275(2) 0]. At 12 K the dominant ferromagnetic ordering of the Tm sublattice along the a-axis develops in what appears...... to be a first-order transition. At 3 K the magnetic structure of TmGa is predominantly ferromagnetic but a weakened incommensurate component remains. The ferromagnetic Tm moment reaches 6.7(2) μB at 3 K and the amplitude of the remaining incommensurate component is 2.7(4) μB. The 169Tm hyperfine magnetic field...

  5. IceTrendr: a linear time-series approach to monitoring glacier environments using Landsat (United States)

    Nelson, P.; Kennedy, R. E.; Nolin, A. W.; Hughes, J. M.; Braaten, J.


    Arctic glaciers in Alaska and Canada have experienced some of the greatest ice mass loss of any region in recent decades. A challenge to understanding these changing ecosystems, however, is developing globally-consistent, multi-decadal monitoring of glacier ice. We present a toolset and approach that captures, labels, and maps glacier change for use in climate science, hydrology, and Earth science education using Landsat Time Series (LTS). The core step is "temporal segmentation," wherein a yearly LTS is cleaned using pre-processing steps, converted to a snow/ice index, and then simplified into the salient shape of the change trajectory ("temporal signature") using linear segmentation. Such signatures can be characterized as simple `stable' or `transition of glacier ice to rock' to more complex multi-year changes like `transition of glacier ice to debris-covered glacier ice to open water to bare rock to vegetation'. This pilot study demonstrates the potential for interactively mapping, visualizing, and labeling glacier changes. What is truly innovative is that IceTrendr not only maps the changes but also uses expert knowledge to label the changes and such labels can be applied to other glaciers exhibiting statistically similar temporal signatures. Our key findings are that the IceTrendr concept and software can provide important functionality for glaciologists and educators interested in studying glacier changes during the Landsat TM timeframe (1984-present). Issues of concern with using dense Landsat time-series approaches for glacier monitoring include many missing images during the period 1984-1995 and that automated cloud mask are challenged and require the user to manually identify cloud-free images. IceTrendr is much more than just a simple "then and now" approach to glacier mapping. This process is a means of integrating the power of computing, remote sensing, and expert knowledge to "tell the story" of glacier changes.

  6. Imagen y elementos no verbales en informaciones políticas televisivas

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    María Reyes Domínguez Lázaro


    Full Text Available Destaca la importancia de la imagen, del lenguaje y otros elementos no verbales que intervienen en la comunicación. De este modo no basta con el dominio exhaustivo de las palabras orales, sino de todas aquellas no manifiestas pero si evocadoras en la mente de los telespectadores. La sociedad del siglo XXI es la sociedad de la imagen, y como tal, debe ser considerada y tenida en cuenta en cualquier proceso comunicativo y, mucho más cuando se trata de la televisión.

  7. Translation-Memory (TM) Research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schjoldager, Anne Gram; Christensen, Tina Paulsen


    to be representative of the research field as a whole. Our analysis suggests that, while considerable knowledge is available about the technical side of TMs, more research is needed to understand how translators interact with TM technology and how TMs influence translators' cognitive translation processes.......  It is no exaggeration to say that the advent of translation-memory (TM) systems in the translation profession has led to drastic changes in translators' processes and workflow, and yet, though many professional translators nowadays depend on some form of TM system, this has not been the object...... of much research. Our paper attempts to find out what we know about the nature, applications and influences of TM technology, including translators' interaction with TMs, and also how we know it. An essential part of the analysis is based on a selection of empirical TM studies, which we assume...

  8. Analysis of land degradation processes on a tiger bush plateau in South West Niger using MODIS and LANDSAT TM/ETM+ data (United States)

    Fiorillo, Edoardo; Maselli, Fabio; Tarchiani, Vieri; Vignaroli, Patrizio


    Remote sensing digital image analysis has been applied to monitor land clearing and degradation processes on a plateau covered by tiger bush near Niamey in South West Niger, where signs of severe landscape degradation due to fuelwood supply have been observed in the last decades. A MODIS NDVI dataset (2000-2015) and five LANDSAT images (1986-2012) were used to identify spatial and temporal dynamics and to emphasize areas of greater degradation. The study indicates that the land clearing found by previous investigations in the second part of the 20th century is still ongoing, with a decreasing trend of MODIS NDVI values recorded in the period 2000-2015. This trend appeared to be linked to an increase in bare soil areas that was demonstrated by analysis of LANDSAT SAVI images. The investigation also indicated that rates of degradation are stronger in more deteriorated areas like those located nearer Niamey; degradation patterns also tend to increase from the inner areas to the edges of the plateau. These results attest to the urgency to develop effective environmental preservation policies and find alternative solutions for domestic energy supply.

  9. Cross-Section Measurement of the 169Tm(n,3n)167Tm Reaction and Constraining the Branching Ratio of 167Tm (United States)

    Champine, Brian; Gooden, Matthew; Thomas, Keenan; Krishichayan, F.; Norman, Eric; Scielzo, Nick; Tonchev, Anton; Tornow, Werner


    The cross section of the 169Tm(n,3n)167Tm reaction has been measured from 17.5 to 21.5 MeV using activation technique. This energy region was chosen to resolve the two different trends of the previous (n,3n) cross section measurements on 169Tm. In addition, the branching ratio of the 207.8 keV γ-ray line stemming from electron capture of 167Tm was measured to be 0.419(16). The result of these measurements provide more accurate diagnostic estimation of the so called reaction-in-flight neutrons produced via the internal confinement fusion plasma in deuterium-tritium capsules at the National Ignition Facility.

  10. Mapping afforestation and its carbon stock using time-series Landsat stacks (United States)

    Liu, L.; Wu, Y.


    The Three Norths Shelter Forest Programme (TNSFP) is the largest afforestation reconstruction project in the world. Remote sensing is a crucial tool to map land cover and cover changes, but it is still challenging to accurately quantify the plantation and its carbon stock from time-series satellite images. In this paper, the Yulin district, Shaanxi province, representing a typical afforestation area in the TNSFP region, was selected as the study area, and there were twenty-nine Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+ epochs were collected from 1974 to 2012 to reconstruct the forest changes and carbon stock in last 40 years. Firstly, the Landsat ground surface reflectance (GSR) images from 1974 to 2013 were collected and processed based on 6S atmospheric transfer code and a relative reflectance normalization algorithm. Subsequently, we developed a vegetation change tracking method to reconstruct the forest change history (afforestation and deforestation) from the dense time-series Landsat GSR images based on the integrated forest z-score (IFZ) model, and the afforestation age was successfully retrieved from the Landsat time-series stacks in the last forty years and shown to be consistent with the surveyed tree ages, with a RMSE value of 4.32 years and a determination coefficient (R²) of 0.824. Then, the AGB regression models were successfully developed by integrating vegetation indices and tree age. The simple ratio vegetation index (SR) is the best candidate of the commonly used vegetation indices for estimating forest AGB, and the forest AGB model was significantly improved using the combination of SR and tree age, with R² values from 0.50 to 0.727. Finally, the forest AGB images were mapped at eight epochs from 1985 to 2013 using SR and afforestation age. The total forest AGB in six counties of Yulin District increased by 20.8 G kg, from 5.8 G kg in 1986 to 26.6 G kg in 2013, a total increase of 360%. For the forest area since 1974, the forest AGB density increased from 15.72 t

  11. The Potential of Time Series Merged from Landsat-5 TM and HJ-1 CCD for Crop Classification: A Case Study for Bole and Manas Counties in Xinjiang, China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pengyu Hao


    Full Text Available Time series data capture crop growth dynamics and are some of the most effective data sources for crop mapping. However, a drawback of precise crop classification at medium resolution (30 m using multi-temporal data is that some images at crucial time periods are absent from a single sensor. In this research, a medium-resolution, 15-day time series was obtained by merging Landsat-5 TM and HJ-1 CCD data (with similar radiometric performances in multi-spectral bands. Subsequently, optimal temporal windows for accurate crop mapping were evaluated using an extension of the Jeffries–Matusita (JM distance from the merged time series. A support vector machine (SVM was then used to compare the classification accuracy of the optimal temporal windows and the entire time series. In addition, different training sample sizes (10% to 90% of the entire training sample in 10% increments; five repetitions for each sample size were used to investigate the stability of optimal temporal windows. The results showed that time series in optimal temporal windows can achieve high classification accuracies. The optimal temporal windows were robust when the training sample size was sufficiently large. However, they were not stable when the sample size was too small (i.e., less than 300 and may shift in different agro-ecosystems, because of different classes. In addition, merged time series had higher temporal resolution and were more likely to comprise the optimal temporal periods than time series from single-sensor data. Therefore, the use of merged time series increased the possibility of precise crop classification.

  12. Landsat-D thematic mapper simulator (United States)

    Flanagan, G. F.; Tilton, E. L., III

    The design and testing program for the airborne Landsat-D thematic-mapper simulator (TMS) is summarized. The TMS is intended to provide data similar enough to those expected from Landsat-D to facilitate the development of data-processing software. The design process comprised mainly modifications on the existing MSS-simulator fiber optics, dichroics, and detectors to provide 7-channel coverage of the 0.45-12.3-micron range at 60-deg angle of view, corresponding to a 418-element, 13.8-km-wide ground swath. The TMS is carried on a Lear 23 aircraft operating at 750 km/h and 12-m altitude and equipped with a 15.2-cm aerial mapping camera and a ground-updated inertial navigational system. Agricultural, forestry, and geological trial applications are reviewed, and some sample results are given. The significant improvements predicted for the Landsat-D thematic mapper (relative to the Landsat MSS) are seen as confirmed, with the possible exception of the 120-m-resolution version of channel 7.

  13. Estimativa de área de soja por classificação de imagens normalizada pela matriz de erros

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João Francisco Gonçalves Antunes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a área plantada com soja por meio da normalização da matriz de erros gerada a partir da classificação supervisionada de imagens TM/Landsat‑5. Foram avaliados oito municípios no Estado do Paraná, com dados referentes à safra de 2003/2004. As classificações foram realizadas por meio dos métodos paralelepípedo e máxima verossimilhança, dando origem à "máscara de soja". Os valores do índice Kappa dos oito municípios ficaram acima de 0,6. As estimativas de área de soja, corrigidas por matriz de erros, apresentaram alta correlação com as estimativas oficiais do estado e com as estimativas geradas a partir de um método alternativo denominado "expansão direta". A estimativa de área de soja por meio da normalização da matriz de erros apresenta menor custo e pode subsidiar métodos convencionais na estimativa menos subjetiva de safras.

  14. The global Landsat archive: Status, consolidation, and direction (United States)

    Wulder, Michael A.; White, Joanne C.; Loveland, Thomas; Woodcock, Curtis; Belward, Alan; Cohen, Warren B.; Fosnight, Eugene A.; Shaw, Jerad; Masek, Jeffery G.; Roy, David P.


    New and previously unimaginable Landsat applications have been fostered by a policy change in 2008 that made analysis-ready Landsat data free and open access. Since 1972, Landsat has been collecting images of the Earth, with the early years of the program constrained by onboard satellite and ground systems, as well as limitations across the range of required computing, networking, and storage capabilities. Rather than robust on-satellite storage for transmission via high bandwidth downlink to a centralized storage and distribution facility as with Landsat-8, a network of receiving stations, one operated by the U.S. government, the other operated by a community of International Cooperators (ICs), were utilized. ICs paid a fee for the right to receive and distribute Landsat data and over time, more Landsat data was held outside the archive of the United State Geological Survey (USGS) than was held inside, much of it unique. Recognizing the critical value of these data, the USGS began a Landsat Global Archive Consolidation (LGAC) initiative in 2010 to bring these data into a single, universally accessible, centralized global archive, housed at the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The primary LGAC goals are to inventory the data held by ICs, acquire the data, and ingest and apply standard ground station processing to generate an L1T analysis-ready product. As of January 1, 2015 there were 5,532,454 images in the USGS archive. LGAC has contributed approximately 3.2 million of those images, more than doubling the original USGS archive holdings. Moreover, an additional 2.3 million images have been identified to date through the LGAC initiative and are in the process of being added to the archive. The impact of LGAC is significant and, in terms of images in the collection, analogous to that of having had twoadditional Landsat-5 missions. As a result of LGAC, there are regions of the globe that now have markedly improved

  15. Das imagens do mundo ao mundo das imagens − as possibilidades da TV digital para a educação

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    Simone de Lucena Ferreira


    Full Text Available O uso de imagens foi uma das primeirasformas da comunicação humana quecomeçou com as garatujas nas cavernasno período da pré-história. O desenvolvimentode tecnologias, como a máquinafotográfica, o cinema e a televisãopermitiu que as imagens pudessem serregistradas e apresentadas a um maiornúmero de pessoas. As tecnologias digitaisdesenvolvidas a partir na metadedo século XX, possibilitaram mudançasna forma de agir, pensar, se relacionare estudar dos indivíduos. A TV digital éuma dessas tecnologias que poderátrazer grandes transformações sociaisa depender das escolhas políticas eeconômicas feitas por cada país. Nesteartigo, abordamos sobre as possibilidadese potencialidades na TV digital naeducação considerando o uso das redescolaborativas como importantes para aimplantação do Canal de Educação naTV digital.

  16. NASA 3D Models: Landsat 7 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Landsat Program is a series of Earth-observing satellite missions jointly managed by NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey. Since 1972, Landsat satellites have...

  17. Landsat Data Continuity Mission (United States)



    The Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) is a partnership formed between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to place the next Landsat satellite in orbit in January 2013. The Landsat era that began in 1972 will become a nearly 41-year global land record with the successful launch and operation of the LDCM. The LDCM will continue the acquisition, archiving, and distribution of multispectral imagery affording global, synoptic, and repetitive coverage of the Earth's land surfaces at a scale where natural and human-induced changes can be detected, differentiated, characterized, and monitored over time. The mission objectives of the LDCM are to (1) collect and archive medium resolution (30-meter spatial resolution) multispectral image data affording seasonal coverage of the global landmasses for a period of no less than 5 years; (2) ensure that LDCM data are sufficiently consistent with data from the earlier Landsat missions in terms of acquisition geometry, calibration, coverage characteristics, spectral characteristics, output product quality, and data availability to permit studies of landcover and land-use change over time; and (3) distribute LDCM data products to the general public on a nondiscriminatory basis at no cost to the user.

  18. Tratamiento de la imagen corporal en los trastornos alimentarios y cambio clínicamente significativo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José H. Marco


    Full Text Available Las alteraciones de la imagen corporal son un factor mantenedor y de pronóstico en los trastornos alimentarios. Los tratamientos actuales para los trastornos alimentarios se podrían beneficiar de la intervención directa sobre la imagen corporal. En el siguiente trabajo se realiza un estudio controlado en el que se comprara la Terapia Cognitivo Conductual para los trastornos alimentarios con y sin un componente para el tratamiento de la imagen corporal apoyado con técnicas de realidad virtual. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comprobar si ambos tipos de tratamiento producen un cambio clínicamente significativo al finalizar el tratamiento y en el seguimiento al año en la imagen corporal, en la psicopatología especifica de los trastornos alimentarios y en la psicopatología general. Para ello evaluamos y tratamos a 34 participantes diagnosticadas de trastorno alimentario y comparamos sus resultados con un grupo de mujeres de población general con baja vulnerabilidad a los trastornos alimentarios. Los resultados indican que después del tratamiento se ha producido un cambio fiable y clínicamente significativo únicamente en la condición en la que se ha intervenido en la imagen corporal. Las implicaciones de este resultado y sus limitaciones son comentadas.

  19. Remote sensing of the earth's surface; Proceedings of the Symposium 2, Topical Meeting, and Workshop I of the 27th COSPAR Plenary Meeting, Espoo, Finland, July 18-29, 1988 (United States)

    Salomonson, V. V. (Editor); Walter, L. S. (Editor); Maetzler, C. (Editor); Rott, H. (Editor)


    The present conference discusses topics in the spaceborne study of the earth's surface, crust, and lithosphere, recent results from SPOT and Landsat TM investigations, and microwave observations of snowpack and soil properties. Attention is given to airborne and satellite-borne gravimetry, stereoviewing from space, TM studies of volcanism and tectonism in central Mexico, remote sensing of volcanoes, the uses of SPOT in forest management, the tectonics of the central Andes, and the application of VLBI to crustal movement studies. Also discussed are Landsat TM band ratios for soil investigations, snow dielectric measurements, the microwave radiometry of snow, microwave signatures of bare soil, the estimation of Alpine snow properties from Landsat TM data, and an experimental study of vegetable canopy microwave emissions.

  20. Analyzing spatial and temporal trends in Aboveground Biomass within the Acadian New England Forests using the complete Landsat Archive (United States)

    Kilbride, J. B.; Fraver, S.; Ayrey, E.; Weiskittel, A.; Braaten, J.; Hughes, J. M.; Hayes, D. J.


    Forests within the New England states and Canadian Maritime provinces, here described as the Acadian New England (ANE) forests, have undergone substantial disturbances due to insect, fire, and anthropogenic factors. Through repeated satellite observations captures by USGS's Landsat program, 45 years of disturbance information can be incorporated into modeling efforts to better understand the spatial and temporal trends in forest above ground biomass (AGB). Using Google's Earth Engine, annual mosaics were developed for the ANE study area and then disturbance and recovery metrics were developed using the temporal segmentation algorithm VeRDET. Normalization procedures were developed to incorporate the Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS, 1972 - 1985) data alongside the modern era of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM, 1984-2013), Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+, 1999 - present), and Operational Land Imager (OLI, 2013- present) data products. This has enabled the creation of a dataset with an unprecedented spatial and temporal view of forest landscape change. Model training was performed using was the Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) and New Brunswick Permanent Sample Plot data datasets. Modeling was performed using parametric techniques such as mixed effects models and non-parametric techniques such as k-NN imputation and generalized boosted regression. We compare the biomass estimate and model accuracy to other inventory and modeling studies produced within this study area. The spatial and temporal patterns of stock changes are analyzed against resource policy, land ownership changes, and forest management.

  1. Teatro imagen: expresión corporal y dramatización

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available En este texto presentamos el Teatro Imagen de Augusto Boal. Se trata de una herramienta de intervención dramática basada en el lenguaje del cuerpo que mediante iconografías realizadas a través de las posturas adoptadas por los participantes trata de analizar un estado concreto de conflicto personal o colectivo provocado por una situación real de opresión, miedo o exclusión, con la finalidad de buscar colectivamente alternativas reales de solución para llevarlas a la práctica. Las imágenes elaboradas posteriormente son dinamizadas mediante diferentes procedimientos para así crear escenas dramáticas. Además, el Teatro Imagen también se puede utilizar en el ámbito educativo como un procedimiento para la dinamización de textos y animación a la lectura e incluso como alternativa creativa e intuitiva para la evaluación. El Teatro Imagen, modalidad transversal e integradora de intervención educativa centrada en la dramatización y en la expresión corporal, es un espacio complejo donde confluyen la estética, la ciudadanía, la ética y la psicoterapia.

  2. Comparative study of Tm-doped and Tm-Sc co-doped Lu3Al5O12 scintillator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sugiyama, Makoto; Yanagida, Takayuki; Fujimoto, Yutaka


    The crystals of Tm doped and Tm-Sc co-doped Lu 3 Al 5 O 12 (LuAG) grown by the floating zone (FZ) method were examined for their optical and scintillation properties. In transmittance spectra, strong absorption lines due to Tm 3+ 4f–4f transitions were observed. X-ray excited radioluminescence spectra were measured and broad and sharp emission peaks were detected. The former one was attributed to Sc 3+ and the latter one was due to Tm 3+ 4f–4f transitions. Scintillation yield enhancement due to Sc co-doping was observed by means of 137 Cs pulse height spectra. Scintillation decay times were several tens of μs under pulse X-ray excitation. - Highlights: • LuAG:Tm and LuAG:Tm, Sc single crystals have been grown by the FZ method. • Tm 3+ 4f–4f absorption has been observed in transmittance spectra. • Scintillation yield of Tm-doped LuAG has been enhanced by Sc co-doping

  3. Ferramentas para visualização de imagens médicas em hospital universitário


    Caritá,Edilson Carlos; Matos,André Luiz Mendes; Azevedo-Marques,Paulo Mazzoncini de


    OBJETIVO: Apresentar a implementação de "toolkits" para visualização de imagens médicas no padrão DICOM e fazer uma revisão dos fundamentos e características deste padrão. É apresentado o VDTApplication para visualização das imagens locais e remotas, e o VDTApplet, que possibilita a visualização das imagens utilizando um navegador. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os "toolkits" foram implementados utilizando a linguagem de programação Java. Para seu desenvolvimento foram consideradas as variações do padr...

  4. Thematic mapper data analysis (United States)

    Settle, M.; Chavez, P.; Kieffer, H. H.; Everett, J. R.; Kahle, A. B.; Kitcho, C. A.; Milton, N. M.; Mouat, D. A.


    The geological applications of remote sensing technology are discussed, with emphasis given to the analysis of data from the Thematic Mapper (TM) instrument onboard the Landsat 4 satellite. The flight history and design characteristics of the Landsat 4/TM are reviewed, and some difficulties endountered in the interpretation of raw TM data are discussed, including: the volume of data; residual noise; detector-to-detector striping; and spatial misregistration between measurements. Preliminary results of several geological, lithological, geobotanical mapping experiments are presented as examples of the geological applications of the TM, and some areas for improving the guality of TM imagery are identified.

  5. Analisis de estereotipos e imagen femenina en la publicidad del desodorante Axe


    Mera Taimal, Jefferson Arturo


    El análisis del discurso de la imagen femenina en las campañas publicitarias comprende un campo de estudio para la comunicación amplio e interesante, en el cual se trata de dilucidar el uso de la imagen y de estereotipos femeninos presentes y su uso como herramientas de comunicación para persuadir al consumidor. Los estereotipos como imaginarios son construcciones sociales que están presentes en toda sociedad y forman parte de la concepción que tienen los individuos de su entor...

  6. Imagen, artista y enfermedad en la creación plástica


    Sánchez García, Nieves


    NOTA 520 8 La Tesis Doctoral, titulada “Imagen, artista y enfermedad en la creación plástica“, tiene como objetivo investigar y establecer la relación entre el arte, - como proceso creativo- y la enfermedad, entendida esta como un factor importante e, incluso, decisivo en la propia configuración de la imagen y de la personalidad del artista. Como punto de partida, se procede a analizar diacrónicamente y con profundidad el concepto de “la leyenda del artista” y la consideración social de la...

  7. Superfícies de resposta espectro-temporal de imagens do sensor MODIS para classificação de área de soja no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul Spectral-temporal response surface of MODIS sensor images for soybean area classification in Rio Grande do Sul State

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    Conrado de Moraes Rudorff


    Full Text Available Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o potencial e as limitações das imagens MODIS para classificação e estimativa de área de soja por meio do método de superfície de resposta espectro-temporal (Spectral-Temporal Response Surface - STRS. Um mapa temático das áreas com soja, oriundo da classificação de imagens Landsat do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, foi utilizado como referência para auxiliar na orientação da amostragem dos pixels de treinamento e para a comparação dos resultados. Seis imagens compostas do sensor MODIS foram utilizadas para a classificação supervisionada da área de soja por meio do algoritmo de máxima verossimilhança (MAXVER adaptado ao método STRS. Os resultados foram avaliados pelo coeficiente Kappa para a totalidade da área em estudo e também para uma região de latifúndios e outra de minifúndios. O método STRS subestimou em 6,6% a área de soja para toda a região estudada, sendo que a estatística Kappa foi de 0,503. Para as regiões de latifúndios e minifúndios, a área de soja foi superestimada em 8% (Kappa=0,424 e subestimada em 43,4% (Kappa=0,358, respectivamente. As imagens MODIS, por meio do método STRS, demonstraram ter potencial para classificar a área de soja, principalmente em regiões de latifúndios. Em regiões de minifúndios, a correta identificação e classificação das áreas de soja mostrou-se pouco eficiente em razão da baixa resolução espacial das imagens MODIS.This paper was aimed at evaluating the potential and the limitations of MODIS images for soybean classification and area estimation through a Spectral-Temporal Response Surface (STRS method. A soybean thematic map from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, derived from Landsat images was used as reference data to assist both sample training and results comparison. Six 16-day composite MODIS images were classified through a supervised maximum likelihood algorithm (MAXVER adapted to the STRS method. The results were

  8. La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa: una estrategia para conseguir imagen y reputación

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    María Luisa García Guardia


    Full Text Available Este artículo surge a partir del interés que nos ha suscitado el desarrollo de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC, en las empresas, como una estrategia para la consecución de una imagen positiva y estable. En el desarrollo de mencionado análisis, nos hemos centrado en la multinacional Coca-Cola, ya que esta empresa se ha constituido como referente internacional en términos de imagen corporativa.

  9. La Imagen Corporativa: Creación de ventajas competitivas a través de estrategias sociales

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    María Isabel Corvera Valenzuela


    Full Text Available El trabajo muestra la importancia de la imagen corporativa como elemento de la comunicación de la empresa hacia el mercado y la sociedad. Se destacan diferentes estrategias que las empresas emplean para proyectar su imagen hacia el exterior de la misma.

  10. Coleta de dados a partir de imagens: considerações sobre a privacidade dos usuários em redes sociais

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    Fabrício Silva Assumpção


    Full Text Available Considerando a privacidade dos dados dos usuários nas redes sociais, o papel das imagens nas redes sociais e as imagens como fontes de dados, objetiva-se identificar como a coleta de dados a partir de imagens é tratada no Facebook e no Instagram. Para isso, são identificados os principais métodos utilizados para a coleta de dados a partir de imagens no Facebook e no Instagram, as menções à coleta de dados a partir das imagens nas políticas dessas redes sociais, e as opções dos usuários para a configuração desta coleta. Conclui-se que as políticas dessas redes sociais se mostram vagas em diversos momentos no que diz respeito à coleta de dados a partir de imagens, sem especificar quais dados são coletados e listando itens apenas com caráter exemplificativo. Essas conclusões ressaltam a necessidade de conscientização dos usuários de redes sociais acerca de sua privacidade durante a coleta de dados.

  11. La formación de la imagen turística inducida: un modelo conceptual

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    Raquel Camprubí


    más influyentes para la competitividad de los destinos turísticos, el principal objetivo de este artículo es construir un marco conceptual que muestre la influencia de la red relacional del destino en su imagen emitida. En este contexto, se asume que la imagen turística es una construcción social resultante de la interacción de los distintos agentes que intervienen en el destino turístico (administraciones públicas, instituciones locales, empresas turísticas, etc.; y se propone un modelo teórico para mostrar los efectos de la red relacional del destino turístico en la calidad de la imagen turística creada en términos de conocimiento generado y, por tanto, en su competitividad.

  12. La imagen al servicio de la literatura

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    Aleix Cort


    Full Text Available El artículo mostrará el largo viaje realizado hasta el momento por la palabra y la imagen a través de los siglos para incidir en la importancia de conocer la historia como forma de avanzar hacia el futuro.


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    Ueliton Basílio de Souza


    Full Text Available O Agronegócio iniciou sua expansão nos Cerrados do estado da Bahia no final da década de 1970, e a cidade de Barreiras por ocupar uma posição centralizadora na mesorregião do Extremo Oeste Baiano acabou por sofrer os maiores impactos da implantação da agricultura moderna. O artigo analisa o desmatamento ocorrido no município de Barreiras-BA e avalia o impacto desta ocupação histórica na expansão da área urbana deste município, em intervalos temporais de dez anos, tendo como subsídio as imagens dos satélites MSS/LANDSAT-2 e TM/LANDSAT-5. Assim, buscou-se trazer a configuração espacial urbana e municipal estabelecida no município a partir da instalação da agricultura moderna na década de 1980. É necessário entender de forma clara e crítica os impactos gerados sobre Barreiras, para que a compreensão dos erros que foram cometidos no passado possa auxiliar na implementação de política públicas que enfrentem os problemas sociais e estruturais que afligem a população.

  14. Landsat Science Team: 2017 Winter Meeting Summary (United States)

    Schroeder, Todd A.; Loveland, Thomas; Wulder, Michael A.; Irons, James R.


    The summer meeting of the joint U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)-NASA Landsat Science Team (LST) was held July 26-28, 2016, at South Dakota State University (SDSU) in Brookings, SD. LST co-chair Tom Loveland [USGS’s Earth Resources Observation and Science Center (EROS)] and Kevin Kephart [SDSU] welcomed more than 80 participants to the three-day meeting. That attendance at such meetings continues to increase—likely due to the development of new data products and sensor systems—further highlights the growing interest in the Landsat program. The main objectives of this meeting were to provide a status update on Landsat 7 and 8, review team member research activities, and to begin identifying priorities for future Landsat missions.

  15. Assessing the role of climate and resource management on groundwater dependent ecosystem changes in arid environments with the Landsat archive (United States)

    Huntington, Justin; McGwire, Kenneth C.; Morton, Charles; Snyder, Keirith A.; Peterson, Sarah; Erickson, Tyler; Niswonger, Richard G.; Carroll, Rosemary W.H.; Smith, Guy; Allen, Richard


    Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) rely on near-surface groundwater. These systems are receiving more attention with rising air temperature, prolonged drought, and where groundwater pumping captures natural groundwater discharge for anthropogenic use. Phreatophyte shrublands, meadows, and riparian areas are GDEs that provide critical habitat for many sensitive species, especially in arid and semi-arid environments. While GDEs are vital for ecosystem services and function, their long-term (i.e. ~ 30 years) spatial and temporal variability is poorly understood with respect to local and regional scale climate, groundwater, and rangeland management. In this work, we compute time series of NDVI derived from sensors of the Landsat TM, ETM +, and OLI lineage for assessing GDEs in a variety of land and water management contexts. Changes in vegetation vigor based on climate, groundwater availability, and land management in arid landscapes are detectable with Landsat. However, the effective quantification of these ecosystem changes can be undermined if changes in spectral bandwidths between different Landsat sensors introduce biases in derived vegetation indices, and if climate, and land and water management histories are not well understood. The objective of this work is to 1) use the Landsat 8 under-fly dataset to quantify differences in spectral reflectance and NDVI between Landsat 7 ETM + and Landsat 8 OLI for a range of vegetation communities in arid and semiarid regions of the southwestern United States, and 2) demonstrate the value of 30-year historical vegetation index and climate datasets for assessing GDEs. Specific study areas were chosen to represent a range of GDEs and environmental conditions important for three scenarios: baseline monitoring of vegetation and climate, riparian restoration, and groundwater level changes. Google's Earth Engine cloud computing and environmental monitoring platform is used to rapidly access and analyze the Landsat archive

  16. Análise espaço-temporal da cobertura vegetal e uso da terra na Interbacia do Rio Paraguai Médio-MT, Brasil Spatio-temporal analysis of vegetation cover and land use in the middle Paraguay River Interbasin-MT, Brazil

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    Seyla Poliana Miranda Pessoa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise espaço-temporal da cobertura vegetal e do uso da terra na Interbacia do Rio Paraguai Médio-MT, Brasil, pelo geoprocessamento de imagens Landsat TM, dos anos 1991, 2001 e 2011. As imagens foram georreferenciadas, classificadas e processadas no software Spring e as classes temáticas, quantificadas e editadas no software ArcGis. Foram mapeadas sete classes, sendo as mais expressivas a vegetação nativa, a pastagem e a cana-de-açúcar. Os resultados indicaram alterações em todas as classes durante os últimos 20 anos, com a diminuição de 22,89% da vegetação nativa, relacionada com o aumento de 58,42% da pastagem e 490,26% de monocultura de cana-de-açúcar. Foi verificado o conflito de uso da terra, principalmente em áreas de mata ciliar, fato que pode influenciar negativamente na conservação da interbacia e, consequentemente, do pantanal mato-grossense.This study analyzed spatial and temporal land use changes in the Middle Paraguay River Interbasin-MT, Brazil using Landsat images from 1991, 2001 and 2011. Images were geo-referenced, classified and processed using Spring software, and thematic classes were edited and quantified using ArcGis software. Seven map classes were identified, and native vegetation, pasture and sugarcane were the most significant ones. The results showed changes in all classes during the past 20 years, primarily a 22.89% decrease of native vegetation, a 58.42% increase in pasture and 490.26% increase of sugarcane monoculture. We verified land use conflicts, mostly in riparian areas, which may negatively influence Interbasin and, consequently, Pantanal conservation in the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil.

  17. Detecting wetland changes in Shanghai, China using FORMOSAT and Landsat TM imagery

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tian, Bo; Zhou, Yun-xuan; Thom, Ronald M.; Diefenderfer, Heida L.; Yuan, Qing


    Understanding the state of wetland ecosystems and their changes at the national and local levels is critical for wetland conservation, management, decision-making, and policy development practices. This study analyzed the wetlands in Shanghai, a province-level city, using remote sensing, image processing, and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques based on the Chinese national wetland inventory procedure and standards. FORMOSAT imagery acquired in 2012 and Navy nautical charts of the Yangtze estuarine area were used in conjunction with object-oriented segmentation, expert interpretation, and field validation to determine wetland status. Landsat imagery from 1985, 1995, 2000, 2003 and 2013 as well as social-economic data collected from 1985 to 2013 were used to further assess wetland changes. In 2013, Shanghai contained 376,970.6 ha of wetlands, and 78.8% of all wetlands were in marine or estuarine systems. Estuarine waters comprised the single largest wetland category. Between the first national wetland inventory in 2003 and the second national wetland inventory in 2013, Shanghai lost 50,519.13 ha of wetlands, amounting to a mean annual loss rate of 1.2% or an 11.8% loss over the decade. Declines were proportionately higher in marine and estuarine wetlands, with an annual loss of 1.8%, while there was a sharp increase of 1882.6% in constructed water storage areas for human uses. Diking, filling, impoundment and reclamation, which are all attributable to the economic development and urbanization associated with population increases, were the major factors that explained the gain and loss of wetlands. Additional factors affecting wetland losses and gains include sediment trapping by the hydropower system, which reduces supply to the estuary and erodes wetlands, and sediment trapping by the jetties, spur dikes, and diversion bulwark associated with a navigation channel deepening project, which has the converse effect, increasing saltmarsh wetland area at

  18. Multispectral Landsat images of Antartica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lucchitta, B.K.; Bowell, J.A.; Edwards, K.L.; Eliason, E.M.; Fergurson, H.M.


    The U.S. Geological Survey has a program to map Antarctica by using colored, digitally enhanced Landsat multispectral scanner images to increase existing map coverage and to improve upon previously published Landsat maps. This report is a compilation of images and image mosaic that covers four complete and two partial 1:250,000-scale quadrangles of the McMurdo Sound region.

  19. Experimentação de parâmetros ITS (intensidade, tonalidade e saturação - aplicação na imagem Landsat TM 5 do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, núcleo Picinguaba, SP, Brasil

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    Andrea de Castro Panizza


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma parte dos estudos realizados na preparação do DEA, na Universidade de Rennes 2, França. Mostra o interesse da utilização das imagens orbitais na visualização de extensas áreas e a riqueza de informações que podem ser extraída dessas imagens. Com o objetivo de melhorar a visualização destas, alguns experimentos foram realizados utilizando os parâmetros de intensidade, tonalidade e saturação

  20. The impact of landsat satellite monitoring on conservation biology. (United States)

    Leimgruber, Peter; Christen, Catherine A; Laborderie, Alison


    Landsat 7's recent malfunctioning will result in significant gaps in long-term satellite monitoring of Earth, affecting not only the research of the Earth science community but also conservation users of these data. To determine whether or how important Landsat monitoring is for conservation and natural resource management, we reviewed the Landsat program's history with special emphasis on the development of user groups. We also conducted a bibliographic search to determine the extent to which conservation research has been based on Landsat data. Conservation biologists were not an early user group of Landsat data because a) biologists lacked technical capacity--computers and software--to analyze these data; b) Landsat's 1980s commercialization rendered images too costly for biologists' budgets; and c) the broad-scale disciplines of conservation biology and landscape ecology did not develop until the mid-to-late 1980s. All these conditions had changed by the 1990s and Landsat imagery became an important tool for conservation biology. Satellite monitoring and Landsat continuity are mandated by the Land Remote Sensing Act of 1992. This legislation leaves open commercial options. However, past experiments with commercial operations were neither viable nor economical, and severely reduced the quality of monitoring, archiving and data access for academia and the public. Future satellite monitoring programs are essential for conservation and natural resource management, must provide continuity with Landsat, and should be government operated.


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    Pedro Hussak van Velthen Ramos


    Full Text Available Este artigo mostra os desdobramentos das reflexões deJacques Rancière em torno da relação entre política e estética nodomínio específico da imagem. Trata-se de mostrar em que sentidoas imagens se articulam politicamente em sua circulação social. Nasduas primeiras partes, expõe-se a crítica de Rancière a dois modosde se colocar a relação entre imagem e política: por um lado, a ideiade que a própria imagem seria nociva à política; por outro, aconsideração de que o elemento político da imagem estaria noconteúdo que ela apresenta. Por fim, pretende-se mostrar que, parao pensador francês, a politicidade das imagens deve ser encontradaem um regime determinado de articulações de seus elementos efunções que ele chama de “regime de imagéité”. Como conclusão,serão discutidas as consequências da passagem de um regime aoutro, a saber, do regime representativo ao regime estético.

  2. Imagens e contra imagens da favela

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    Mário Hélio Trindade de Lima


    Full Text Available O presente artigo aborda as representações sociais da pobreza urbana no Brasil. O objeto de estudo é, por um lado, o conjunto de discursos e imagens sobre a favela na imprensa e, por outro lado, as auto-representações visuais de favelas e periferias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, na virada do século XXI. O objetivo é analisar o uso da categoria favela na formação do imaginário social da cidade e, ao mesmo tempo, investigar como se constrói o olhar periférico nas representações fotográficas dos moradores de favelas. O método empregado baseia-se nas contribuições de Pierre Bourdieu e de Roland Barthes para a análise do discurso e nas contribuições da antropologia visual e da história cultural para a análise da fotografia enquanto campo documental na etnografia. Os resultados revelam um movimento de constituição de novas subjetividades no cenário das grandes cidades dos anos 90, por meio da ação de ONG’s nas favelas, criando um espaço de reflexão sobre si e sobre o outro e de afirmação de novas identidades.

  3. Imagens Intoleráveis: horror e morte nas embalagens de produtos de tabaco

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    Ana Amélia Erthal


    Full Text Available O artigo pretende explorar o conjunto das advertências sanitárias em mensagens de texto e imagens, utilizadas nas embalagens de produtos de tabaco como determinação da Organização Mundial de Saúde, para controle da epidemia do consumo de cigarros em todo o mundo. O Brasil foi um dos quatro países a estampar em até 50% as embalagens com imagens tétricas alertando para as consequências advindas do hábito de fumar e, suas demais políticas de controle são tomadas como exemplo de boas práticas em outros países. O objetivo é questionar se as imagens comunicam seu propósito a despeito de sua dramaticidade. Para tanto serão usados os conceitos de “imagem intolerável”, de Jacques Rancière, e a credibilidade e verossimilhança em George Didi-Huberman e Philippe Dubois, respectivamente.

  4. Seasonal Variation of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, Using Combined Landsat and Field Data

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    Ishan Joshi


    Full Text Available Coastal bays, such as Barataria Bay, are important transition zones between the terrigenous and marine environments that are also optically complex due to elevated amounts of particulate and dissolved constituents. Monthly field data collected over a period of 15 months in 2010 and 2011 in Barataria Bay were used to develop an empirical band ratio algorithm for the Landsat-5 TM that showed a good correlation with the Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM absorption coefficient at 355 nm (ag355 (R2 = 0.74. Landsat-derived CDOM maps generally captured the major details of CDOM distribution and seasonal influences, suggesting the potential use of Landsat imagery to monitor biogeochemistry in coastal water environments. An investigation of the seasonal variation in ag355 conducted using Landsat-derived ag355 as well as field data suggested the strong influence of seasonality in the different regions of the bay with the marine end members (lower bay experiencing generally low but highly variable ag355 and the freshwater end members (upper bay experiencing high ag355 with low variability. Barataria Bay experienced a significant increase in ag355 during the freshwater release at the Davis Pond Freshwater Diversion (DPFD following the Deep Water Horizon oil spill in 2010 and following the Mississippi River (MR flood conditions in 2011, resulting in a weak linkage to salinity in comparison to the other seasons. Tree based statistical analysis showed the influence of high river flow conditions, high- and low-pressure systems that appeared to control ag355 by ~28%, 29% and 43% of the time duration over the study period at the marine end member just outside the bay. An analysis of CDOM variability in 2010 revealed the strong influence of the MR in controlling CDOM abundance in the lower bay during the high flow conditions, while strong winds associated with cold fronts significantly increase CDOM abundance in the upper bay, thus revealing the important

  5. Suppression of vegetation in LANDSAT ETM+ remote sensing images (United States)

    Yu, Le; Porwal, Alok; Holden, Eun-Jung; Dentith, Michael


    Vegetation cover is an impediment to the interpretation of multispectral remote sensing images for geological applications, especially in densely vegetated terrains. In order to enhance the underlying geological information in such terrains, it is desirable to suppress the reflectance component of vegetation. One form of spectral unmixing that has been successfully used for vegetation reflectance suppression in multispectral images is called "forced invariance". It is based on segregating components of the reflectance spectrum that are invariant with respect to a specific spectral index such as the NDVI. The forced invariance method uses algorithms such as software defoliation. However, the outputs of software defoliation are single channel data, which are not amenable to geological interpretations. Crippen and Blom (2001) proposed a new forced invariance algorithm that utilizes band statistics, rather than band ratios. The authors demonstrated the effectiveness of their algorithms on a LANDSAT TM scene from Nevada, USA, especially in open canopy areas in mixed and semi-arid terrains. In this presentation, we report the results of our experimentation with this algorithm on a densely to sparsely vegetated Landsat ETM+ scene. We selected a scene (Path 119, Row 39) acquired on 18th July, 2004. Two study areas located around the city of Hangzhou, eastern China were tested. One of them covers uninhabited hilly terrain characterized by low rugged topography, parts of the hills are densely vegetated; another one covers both inhabited urban areas and uninhabited hilly terrain, which is densely vegetated. Crippen and Blom's algorithm is implemented in the following sequential steps: (1) dark pixel correction; (2) vegetation index calculation; (3) estimation of statistical relationship between vegetation index and digital number (DN) values for each band; (4) calculation of a smooth best-fit curve for the above relationships; and finally, (5) selection of a target average DN

  6. Uma abordagem evolutiva para recuperação de imagens da web


    Katia Cristina Lage dos Santos


    Os avanços no armazenamento de dados e nas tecnologias para aquisição de imagens tornaram possível a criação de grandes bases ou coleções de imagens. Além disso, o enorme sucesso da Web tem proporcionado baixo custo e acessibilidade em larga escala deste material. Aliado a esses fatores, uma variedade de atividades lucrativas demandam transferência de informação baseada em imagem. Exemplos típicos são projetos arquitetônicos, desenhos de engenharia e de moda, perfumes, novos carros, campanhas...

  7. Landsat 1-5 Multispectral Scanner V1 (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Abstract: The Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) was a sensor onboard Landsats 1 through 5 and acquired images of the Earth nearly continuously from July 1972 to...

  8. Digitalizador 3D para imagens antropométricas do pé


    Bez, Marta R.; Seligman, Luiza; Estivalet, Patricia S.; Silva, Magalí P.


    Este artigo apresenta um sistema de hardware e software para extrair medidas de pés da população brasileira. Sabe-se que os pés são diferentes, dependendo de diversos fatores como sexo, idade, raça, etc. Atualmente, pouco se tem levado em consideração estas diferenças no processo de construção do calçado brasileiro. A idéia é, colher uma imagem plantar do pé através de um scanner e ao mesmo tempo cinco imagens laterais através de uma câmera giratória. A partir destas imagens obter medidas ...

  9. An analysis of Landsat-4 Thematic Mapper geometric properties (United States)

    Walker, R. E.; Zobrist, A. L.; Bryant, N. A.; Gohkman, B.; Friedman, S. Z.; Logan, T. L.


    Landsat-4 Thematic Mapper data of Washington, DC, Harrisburg, PA, and Salton Sea, CA were analyzed to determine geometric integrity and conformity of the data to known earth surface geometry. Several tests were performed. Intraband correlation and interband registration were investigated. No problems were observed in the intraband analysis, and aside from indications of slight misregistration between bands of the primary versus bands of the secondary focal planes, interband registration was well within the specified tolerances. A substantial number of ground control points were found and used to check the images' conformity to the Space Oblique Mercator (SOM) projection of their respective areas. The means of the residual offsets, which included nonprocessing related measurement errors, were close to the one pixel level in the two scenes examined. The Harrisburg scene residual mean was 28.38 m (0.95 pixels) with a standard deviation of 19.82 m (0.66 pixels), while the mean and standard deviation for the Salton Sea scene were 40.46 (1.35 pixels) and 30.57 m (1.02 pixels), respectively. Overall, the data were judged to be a high geometric quality with errors close to those targeted by the TM sensor design specifications.

  10. Landsat science team meeting: Summer 2015 (United States)

    Schroeder, Todd; Loveland, Thomas; Wulder, Michael A.; Irons, James R.


    The summer meeting of the joint U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)–NASA Landsat Science Team (LST) was held at the USGS’s Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center July 7-9, 2015, in Sioux Falls, SD. The LST co-chairs, Tom Loveland [EROS—Senior Scientist] and Jim Irons [NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)—Landsat 8 Project Scientist], opened the three-day meeting on an upbeat note following the recent successful launch of the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 mission on June 23, 2015 (see image on page 14), and the news that work on Landsat 9 has begun, with a projected launch date of 2023.

  11. Detecting areal changes in tidal flats after sea dike construction ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The main objective of this study was to estimate changes in the area of tidal flats that occurred after sea dike construction on the western coast of South Korea using Landsat-TM images. Applying the ISODATA method of unsupervised classification for Landsat-TM images, the tidal flats were identified, and the resulting areas ...

  12. Comunicación, imagen social y visibilidad de los Cuidados de Enfermería.

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    Fernández Salazar, Serafín


    Full Text Available En la actualidad, la imagen social del colectivo enfermero sigue estando encorsetada en demasiados estereotipos. Habitualmente, los medios de comunicación suelen hacerse eco de las grandes investigaciones, de los avances tecnológicos, de la robotización o de los nuevos hospitales, pero lo básico y lo sencillo no vende. Una adecuada y planificada comunicación de lo que hace las enfermeras podría aumentar la visibilidad de los cuidados.La realización de iniciativas colaborativas a través de Internet y Redes Sociales puede ayudarnos a mejorar la imagen social del colectivo enfermero, pero no es suficiente. La investigación, la orientación a resultados, la comunicación adecuada con los ciudadanos y la responsabilidad de cada uno de los profesionales son esenciales para mostrar una imagen más clara del cuidado enfermero.

  13. Landsat 8 Data Modeled as DGGS Data Cubes (United States)

    Sherlock, M. J.; Tripathi, G.; Samavati, F.


    In the context of tracking recent global changes in the Earth's landscape, Landsat 8 provides high-resolution multi-wavelength data with a temporal resolution of sixteen days. Such a live dataset can benefit novel applications in environmental monitoring. However, a temporal analysis of this dataset in its native format is a challenging task mostly due to the huge volume of geospatial images and imperfect overlay of different day Landsat 8 images. We propose the creation of data cubes derived from Landsat 8 data, through the use of a Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS). DGGS referencing of Landsat 8 data provides a cell-based representation of the pixel values for a fixed area on earth, indexed by keys. Having the calibrated cell-based Landsat 8 images can speed up temporal analysis and facilitate parallel processing using distributed systems. In our method, the Landsat 8 dataset hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) is downloaded using a web crawler and stored on a filesystem. We apply the cell-based DGGS referencing (using Pyxis SDK) to Landsat 8 images which provide a rhombus based tessellation of equal area cells for our use-case. After this step, the cell-images which overlay perfectly on different days, are stacked in the temporal dimension and stored into data cube units. The depth of the cube represents the number of temporal images of the same cell and can be updated when new images are received each day. Harnessing the regular spatio-temporal structure of data cubes, we want to compress, query, transmit and visualize big Landsat 8 data in an efficient way for temporal analysis.

  14. Reconstructing the Spatio-Temporal Development of Irrigation Systems in Uzbekistan Using Landsat Time Series

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    Thomas Koellner


    Full Text Available The expansion of irrigated agriculture during the Soviet Union (SU era made Central Asia a leading cotton production region in the world. However, the successor states of the SU in Central Asia face on-going environmental damages and soil degradation that are endangering the sustainability of agricultural production. With Landsat MSS and TM data from 1972/73, 1977, 1987, 1998, and 2000 the expansion and densification of the irrigated cropland could be reconstructed in the Kashkadarya Province of Uzbekistan, Central Asia. Classification trees were generated by interpreting multitemporal normalized difference vegetation index data and crop phenological knowledge. Assessments based on image-derived validation samples showed good accuracy. Official statistics were found to be of limited use for analyzing the plausibility of the results, because they hardly represent the area that is cropped in the very dry study region. The cropping area increased from 134,800 ha in 1972/73 to 470,000 ha in 2009. Overlaying a historical soil map illustrated that initially sierozems were preferred for irrigated agriculture, but later the less favorable solonchaks and solonetzs were also explored, illustrating the strategy of agricultural expansion in the Aral Sea Basin. Winter wheat cultivation doubled between 1987 and 1998 to approximately 211,000 ha demonstrating its growing relevance for modern Uzbekistan. The spatial-temporal approach used enhances the understanding of natural conditions before irrigation is employed and supports decision-making for investments in irrigation infrastructure and land cultivation throughout the Landsat era.

  15. Estimation of watershed-level distributed forest structure metrics relevant to hydrologic modeling using LiDAR and Landsat (United States)

    Varhola, Andrés; Coops, Nicholas C.


    SummaryA detailed characterization of vegetation structure is fundamental for physically-based hydrologic models to simulate various processes that determine rates of snow accumulation and ablation, evapotranspiration and water dynamics. However, major efforts focused on developing complex equations to describe hydrologic processes as a function of vegetation structure at the plot level have not been accompanied by corresponding attempts to adequately extrapolate these metrics over the wider landscape in order to parameterize fully-distributed models. Recent advances in remote sensing technologies offer alternatives to overcome these difficulties and therefore improve our capacity to monitor vegetation and hydrologic processes extensively. Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) stands out as the most promising tool to provide detailed, 3-dimensional representations of vegetation from which a wide array of structural metrics can be estimated. On the other hand, moderate scale optical remote sensing imagery such as Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) offers the capacity to extrapolate these metrics across the landscape by virtue of its spatial and temporal resolutions. Here we correlate ALS-derived forest cover (FC), tree height (H), leaf area index (LAI) and sky view-factor (SVF) - the four main structural parameters used by hydrologic models - with a suite of spectral indices obtained from six spectral bands of a Landsat 5 TM image. Despite numerous sources of variation that affect the relationships between 2-dimensional spectral indices and three-dimensional structural metrics, models to predict FC, H, LAI and SVF with reasonable accuracy were developed. The extrapolation of these variables across a watershed in British Columbia severely affected by insect disturbance resulted in highly-detailed 30 m spatial resolution maps and frequency distributions consistent with the natural variation ranges of each metric - a major improvement compared to traditional approaches that use

  16. Modelo para gestionar la sustentabilidad de las organizaciones a través de la rentabilidad, adaptabilidad e imagen

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    Miguel Blázquez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene por objetivo presentar una herramienta denominada hexágono de imagen que, junto con la herramienta de los hexágonos de utilidad-rentabilidad, desarrollada anteriormente, pretende servir de soporte a la gestión de la sustentabilidad, en pos de lograr un equilibrio dinámico entre ambos aspectos: rentabilidad e imagen. La metodología empleada comprende una síntesis del marco teórico de la investigación, consistente en una revisión bibliográfica y posterior propuesta sobre los conceptos e implicancias de imagen y rentabilidad como determinantes de la sustentabilidad organizacional. Como resultado se construyeron las bases lógicas y conceptuales del hexágono de imagen que se complementa con el anteriormente desarrollado hexágono de utilidad rentabilidad para operacionalizar en forma integrada la sustentabilidad organizacional.

  17. Modelo para gestionar la sustentabilidad de las organizaciones a través de la rentabilidad, adaptabilidad e imagen

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    Miguel Blázquez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene por objetivo presentar una herramienta denominada hexágono de imagen que, junto con la herramienta de los hexágonos de utilidad-rentabilidad, desarrollada anteriormente, pretende servir de soporte a la gestión de la sustentabilidad, en pos de lograr un equilibrio dinámico entre ambos aspectos: rentabilidad e imagen. La metodología empleada comprende una síntesis del marco teórico de la investigación, consistente en una revisión bibliográfica y posterior propuesta sobre los conceptos e implicancias de imagen y rentabilidad como determinantes de la sustentabilidad organizacional. Como resultado se construyeron las bases lógicas y conceptuales del hexágono de imagen que se complementa con el anteriormente desarrollado hexágono de utilidad rentabilidad para operacionalizar en forma integrada la sustentabilidad organizacional.

  18. La imagen turística de Marruecos proporcionada por Internet: reinterpretando el orientalismo

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    Enrique López Lara


    Full Text Available El artículo sistematiza y analiza la imagen turística de Marruecos que transmite Internet. Se trazan los rasgos básicos de la formación de la imagen de cara a la oferta de productos turísticos de carácter cultural y urbano de Marruecos con la aparición de las nuevas redes de información y comunicaciones. El análisis muestra la recreación de un neo-orientalismo, en el sentido que se ofrece una «construcción» de Oriente como producto intelectual europeo, una imagen del «Otro» como frívola fantasía europea, relacionada con la fascinación y el deseo de «Otra» cultura (lejana-distante-diferenciada basada en manifestaciones empíricas o el conocimiento superficial, tangencial e interesado de la realidad (como producto de consumo de masas. Finaliza con la propuesta de buscar nuevas perspectivas para el desarrollo turístico de Marruecos, con la puesta en marcha de una oferta más diversificada.

  19. La práctica corporal y la imagen corporal: reconstruyendo significados

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    Angela Vaquero Barba


    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta una experiencia, en el ámbito de la formación del profesorado, vinculada a la propia imagen corporal. Ha pretendido, tomando como eje la actividad corporal y motriz, tomar conciencia de cómo percibimos, sentimos y valoramos nuestro cuerpo; valorar la actividad motriz-corporal como herramienta para la construcción de nuevos significados; y capacitar al alumnado para reaprender la manera en que percibimos, sentimos y valoramos nuestro cuerpo. Los resultados apoyan la necesidad de capacitar al alumnado femenino para valorar su imagen corporal, la idoneidad de las prácticas corporales para impulsar procesos de reconstrucción y el interés de la escritura como herramienta que da forma a la reconstrucción.

  20. Small forest cuttings mapped with Landsat digital data (United States)

    Bryant, E.; Dodge, A. G.; Eger, M. J. E.


    The Cooperative Landsat Applications Research Group used computer classification of Landsat digital data to map forest cuttings (clearcuts) in northern New Hampshire. Cuttings as small as 3 hectares were identified. Several ages or conditions of clearcuts could be distinguished. Progress in two methods of duplicating classification categories from one Landsat pass to another are discussed. One method was used in making maps of areas in 1973, 1975, and 1978.

  1. Lo que todos miran y nadie quiere ver: la imagen de la vida desnuda

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    Mercedes Ruvituso


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza el tercer volumen de la serie “Homo sacer” de Giorgio Agamben, Quel che resta di Auschwitz. L’archivio e il testimone (1998, para mostrar que sus controvertidas tesis sobre la paradoja del testimonio de Auschwitz y la idea de que éste es “inimaginable” implican un concepto técnico de la imagen propio de su pensamiento. Para ello, muestra cómo la paradójica dialéctica de visibilidad e invisibilidad de la vida desnuda del musulmán que describe este libro, se basa en una crítica y reelaboración del concepto de imagen contenido en la categoría griega de prósopon, la iconografía de la Gorgona y la idea romana dignitas. El trabajo busca por último resituar estas tesis en el contexto más general del problema de la imagen en otras investigaciones de Agamben.

  2. Relaciones entre imagen de marca corporativa, satisfaccion y lealtad: estudio en una escuela de negocios de la Argentina


    Domingo Sanna


    El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar las relaciones entre imagen de marca corporativa (CBI), satisfacción y lealtad en el contexto de una Escuela de Negocios de la Argentina. Se proponen y validan tres hipótesis en este estudio: (1) la imagen de marca es un antecedente de la satisfacción del cliente, (2) la relación entre la imagen de marca y la lealtad es a través de la satisfacción y (3) la satisfacción del cliente es un antecedente significativo de la lealtad. Se emplea una escala...

  3. Quality Assessment of Landsat Surface Reflectance Products Using MODIS Data (United States)

    Feng, Min; Huang, Chengquan; Channan, Saurabh; Vermote, Eric; Masek, Jeffrey G.; Townshend, John R.


    Surface reflectance adjusted for atmospheric effects is a primary input for land cover change detection and for developing many higher level surface geophysical parameters. With the development of automated atmospheric correction algorithms, it is now feasible to produce large quantities of surface reflectance products using Landsat images. Validation of these products requires in situ measurements, which either do not exist or are difficult to obtain for most Landsat images. The surface reflectance products derived using data acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), however, have been validated more comprehensively. Because the MODIS on the Terra platform and the Landsat 7 are only half an hour apart following the same orbit, and each of the 6 Landsat spectral bands overlaps with a MODIS band, good agreements between MODIS and Landsat surface reflectance values can be considered indicators of the reliability of the Landsat products, while disagreements may suggest potential quality problems that need to be further investigated. Here we develop a system called Landsat-MODIS Consistency Checking System (LMCCS). This system automatically matches Landsat data with MODIS observations acquired on the same date over the same locations and uses them to calculate a set of agreement metrics. To maximize its portability, Java and open-source libraries were used in developing this system, and object-oriented programming (OOP) principles were followed to make it more flexible for future expansion. As a highly automated system designed to run as a stand-alone package or as a component of other Landsat data processing systems, this system can be used to assess the quality of essentially every Landsat surface reflectance image where spatially and temporally matching MODIS data are available. The effectiveness of this system was demonstrated using it to assess preliminary surface reflectance products derived using the Global Land Survey (GLS) Landsat

  4. Imagen corporativa como elemento de posicionamiento estratégico en universidades públicas

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    Wilmar Sierra Toncel


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como propósito socializar los resultados de la investigación imagen corporativa como elemento de posicionamiento en universidades públicas caso Universidad del Zulia, República Bolivariana de Venezuela y Universidad de La Guajira –Colombia–, que tiene como objetivo analizar la imagen corporativa y el posicionamiento en universidades públicas. Los planteamientos teóricos se fundamentaron en Costa (2003, Van Riel (1997, Scheinson (1997, Nicholas (1996, Pizzolante (1994, Sánchez (2005, Kaplan & Norton (2001, David (1996, entre otros. El tipo de investigación fue de corte transversal, descriptiva y correlacional, con diseño no experimental y de campo. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó una encuesta estructurada aplicada a la muestra poblacional constituida por 99 docentes y directivos. Se establecieron las dimensiones percepción, identidad corporativa, gestión, bases, tipos y estrategias de posicionamiento. Se concluyó que existe estrecha relación entre imagen corporativa y posicionamiento, con un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson de 1.0, considerada altamente positiva, lo que demuestra que la imagen corporativa es un elemento de posicionamiento de universidades públicas; sin embargo, se evidencian profundas debilidades en su gestión. Por lo tanto, se requiere aplicar buenas prácticas administrativas, mayor rigor científico y técnico en su diseño y considerarla como un activo importante dentro de la organización.

  5. Incertidumbre, calidad de vida e imagen corporal en mujeres sometidas a mastectomía


    Mejía Rojas, María Elena


    Estudio analítico, observacional, no experimental, correlacional, que analizó la relación entre incertidumbre, calidad de vida e imagen corporal con los instrumentos; (incertidumbre frente a la enfermedad Mishel 1988, calidad de vida en mujeres sobrevivientes al cáncer QOL Betty Ferrell 1995, y escala de imagen corporal de Hopwood 1983), en 76 mujeres sobrevivientes al cáncer de mama sometidas a mastectomía; con cirugía reconstructiva (37) y sin cirugía reconstructiva (39), de Cali Colombia e...

  6. Cuestiones centrales de la actual Filosofía de la imagen

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    Roberto Rubio


    Full Text Available Desde hace algunas décadas, se desarrolla en el ámbito germano-parlante un proyecto interdisciplinario enfocado en las imágenes. Se trata de la Bildwissenschaft o Ciencia de la imagen. Ella pretende integrar en un marco común el aporte de diversas disciplinas, tales como la historia del arte, la teoría del arte, la filosofía y la psicología, entre otras. El aporte de la filosofía al programa de la Bildwissenschaft ha dado lugar a la así denominada “filosofía de la imagen”. Ella es especialmente sensible a los intentos de renovación paradigmática que afectan de modo más o menos directo a la cuestión de la imagen, tales como el “giro performativo”, el “giro icónico” o el “giro medial”. A continuación, expondré dos cuestiones centrales en la filosofía de la imagen. Presentaré, en primer lugar, la pregunta por el estatuto exhibitorio de las imágenes, y en segundo lugar, la pregunta acerca de la condición medial de las imágenes. Luego de la exposición, ofreceré un análisis crítico de los debates correspondientes a tales cuestiones.

  7. Landsat Science: 40 Years of Innovation and Opportunity (United States)

    Cook, Bruce D.; Irons, James R.; Masek, Jeffrey G.; Loveland, Thomas R.


    Landsat satellites have provided unparalleled Earth-observing data for nearly 40 years, allowing scientists to describe, monitor and model the global environment during a period of time that has seen dramatic changes in population growth, land use, and climate. The success of the Landsat program can be attributed to well-designed instrument specifications, astute engineering, comprehensive global acquisition and calibration strategies, and innovative scientists who have developed analytical techniques and applications to address a wide range of needs at local to global scales (e.g., crop production, water resource management, human health and environmental quality, urbanization, deforestation and biodiversity). Early Landsat contributions included inventories of natural resources and land cover classification maps, which were initially prepared by a visual interpretation of Landsat imagery. Over time, advances in computer technology facilitated the development of sophisticated image processing algorithms and complex ecosystem modeling, enabling scientists to create accurate, reproducible, and more realistic simulations of biogeochemical processes (e.g., plant production and ecosystem dynamics). Today, the Landsat data archive is freely available for download through the USGS, creating new opportunities for scientists to generate global image datasets, develop new change detection algorithms, and provide products in support of operational programs such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD). In particular, the use of dense (approximately annual) time series to characterize both rapid and progressive landscape change has yielded new insights into how the land environment is responding to anthropogenic and natural pressures. The launch of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) satellite in 2012 will continue to propel innovative Landsat science.


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    R. Devadas


    Full Text Available Crop mapping and time series analysis of agronomic cycles are critical for monitoring land use and land management practices, and analysing the issues of agro-environmental impacts and climate change. Multi-temporal Landsat data can be used to analyse decadal changes in cropping patterns at field level, owing to its medium spatial resolution and historical availability. This study attempts to develop robust remote sensing techniques, applicable across a large geographic extent, for state-wide mapping of cropping history in Queensland, Australia. In this context, traditional pixel-based classification was analysed in comparison with image object-based classification using advanced supervised machine-learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machine (SVM. For the Darling Downs region of southern Queensland we gathered a set of Landsat TM images from the 2010–2011 cropping season. Landsat data, along with the vegetation index images, were subjected to multiresolution segmentation to obtain polygon objects. Object-based methods enabled the analysis of aggregated sets of pixels, and exploited shape-related and textural variation, as well as spectral characteristics. SVM models were chosen after examining three shape-based parameters, twenty-three textural parameters and ten spectral parameters of the objects. We found that the object-based methods were superior to the pixel-based methods for classifying 4 major landuse/land cover classes, considering the complexities of within field spectral heterogeneity and spectral mixing. Comparative analysis clearly revealed that higher overall classification accuracy (95% was observed in the object-based SVM compared with that of traditional pixel-based classification (89% using maximum likelihood classifier (MLC. Object-based classification also resulted speckle-free images. Further, object-based SVM models were used to classify different broadacre crop types for summer and winter seasons. The influence of

  9. Mapping Impervious Surfaces Globally at 30m Resolution Using Landsat Global Land Survey Data (United States)

    Brown de Colstoun, E.; Huang, C.; Wolfe, R. E.; Tan, B.; Tilton, J.; Smith, S.; Phillips, J.; Wang, P.; Ling, P.; Zhan, J.; Xu, X.; Taylor, M. P.


    Impervious surfaces, mainly artificial structures and roads, cover less than 1% of the world's land surface (1.3% over USA). Regardless of the relatively small coverage, impervious surfaces have a significant impact on the environment. They are the main source of the urban heat island effect, and affect not only the energy balance, but also hydrology and carbon cycling, and both land and aquatic ecosystem services. In the last several decades, the pace of converting natural land surface to impervious surfaces has increased. Quantitatively monitoring the growth of impervious surface expansion and associated urbanization has become a priority topic across both the physical and social sciences. The recent availability of consistent, global scale data sets at 30m resolution such as the Global Land Survey from the Landsat satellites provides an unprecedented opportunity to map global impervious cover and urbanization at this resolution for the first time, with unprecedented detail and accuracy. Moreover, the spatial resolution of Landsat is absolutely essential to accurately resolve urban targets such a buildings, roads and parking lots. With long term GLS data now available for the 1975, 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2010 time periods, the land cover/use changes due to urbanization can now be quantified at this spatial scale as well. In the Global Land Survey - Imperviousness Mapping Project (GLS-IMP), we are producing the first global 30 m spatial resolution impervious cover data set. We have processed the GLS 2010 data set to surface reflectance (8500+ TM and ETM+ scenes) and are using a supervised classification method using a regression tree to produce continental scale impervious cover data sets. A very large set of accurate training samples is the key to the supervised classifications and is being derived through the interpretation of high spatial resolution (~2 m or less) commercial satellite data (Quickbird and Worldview2) available to us through the unclassified

  10. Formation and characterization of ZnO : Tm+ optical waveguides fabricated by Tm+ and O+ ion implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ming Xianbing; Lu Fei; Liu Hanping; Chen Ming; Wang Lei


    Planar optical waveguides were formed in ZnO crystal by Tm + and O + ion implantation. The distributions of Tm + in as-implanted and annealed ZnO samples were investigated by the RBS technique. A shift of the Tm + peak towards the sample surface and out diffusion were observed after thermal treatment and subsequent O + ion implantation. Waveguide formation was determined after O + implantation in Tm + -implanted ZnO crystal. By using the prism-coupling method two guided modes were detected. The refractive index profile in the implanted waveguide was reconstructed according to the SRIM and RCM simulation. The RBS/channelling measurements show that the lattice structure of ZnO did not suffer detectable damage after O + implantation.

  11. Imagen exogrupal de adolescentes autóctonos e inmigrantes latinos: influencia del contacto intergrupal y la edad

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    Sonsoles Calderón-López


    Full Text Available Se presentan dos estudios cuyo objetivo es conocer la imagen exogrupal de 471 adolescentes autóctonos y 333 inmigrantes de origen latinoamericano residentes en Madrid, y analizarla en función de su edad y del grado de contacto con miembros del exogrupo. Para evaluar la percepción grupal se elaboró un instrumento compuesto por descripciones proporcionadas por adolescentes de similares características en un estudio preliminar con grupos de discusión. El instrumento resultante presenta igual estructura y propiedades psicométricas adecuadas en ambos grupos de participantes y permite evaluar la imagen exogrupal total y sus componentes positivo y negativo. En consonancia con las investigaciones existentes, los adolescentes latinos tienen una imagen más positiva de los españoles que viceversa; además, presentan puntuaciones más altas tanto en imagen exogrupal positiva como negativa. Los adolescentes con mayor contacto exogrupal presentan mejor imagen exogrupal total y positiva, pero los efectos sobre la negativa difieren en función del estatus del grupo (mayoritario o minoritario. El análisis de diferencias en función de la edad no ofrece resultados concluyentes. Los resultados de este estudio contribuyen a mejorar el conocimiento del fenómeno de la percepción intergrupal en la adolescencia, etapa evolutiva en la que los estudios en nuestro país son aún escasos.

  12. Forest cover change and fragmentation using Landsat data in Maçka State Forest Enterprise in Turkey. (United States)

    Cakir, Günay; Sivrikaya, Fatih; Keleş, Sedat


    Monitoring forest cover change and understanding the dynamic of forest cover is increasingly important in sustainable development and management of forest ecosystems. This paper uses remote sensing (RS) techniques to monitor forest cover change in Maçka State Forest Enterprise (MSFE) located in NE of Turkey through 1975 to 2000 and then analyses spatial and temporal changes in forest cover by Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and FRAGSTATStrade mark. Forest cover changes were detected from a time series of satellite images of Landsat MSS in 1975, Landsat TM in 1987, and Landsat ETM+ in 2000 using RS and GIS. The results showed that total forest area, productive forest area and degraded forest area increased while broadleaf forest area and non forest area decreased. Mixed forest and degraded forest increased during the first (1975-1987) period, but decreased during the second (1987-2000) period. During the whole study period, the annual forestation rate was 152 ha year(-1), equivalent to 0.27% year(-1) using the compound-interest-rate formula. The total number of patches increased from 36,204 to 48,092 (33%), and mean size of forest patch (MPS) decreased from 2.8 ha to 2.1 ha during a 25 year period. Number of smaller patches (patches in 0-100 ha size class) increased, indicating more fragmented landscape over time that might create a risk for the maintenance of biodiversity of the area. While total population increased from 1975 to 2000 (3.7%), rural population constantly decreased. The increase of forest areas may well be explained by the fact that demographic movement of rural areas concentrated into Maçka City Center. These figures also indicated that decrease in the rural population might likely lead to the release of human pressure to forest areas, probably resulting in a positive development of forest areas.

  13. Factores determinantes del éxito para entender la imagen de un alojamiento turístico. Un estudio empírico en Islas Canarias

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    Sergio Moreno-Gil


    Full Text Available La imagen de un alojamiento turístico es vital para garantizar su éxito y reputación en el mercado. Sin embargo, hasta el momento, se ha ignorado por completo el análisis sobre la imagen de cierta tipología de alojamientos turísticos, como es la oferta extra-hotelera (apartamentos, condominios, villas, bungalows, etc., pese a su importancia en muchos países de Latinoamérica o en España. El objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir a entender mejor la imagen de los establecimientos extra-hoteleros, identificando sus dimensiones, y analizar la importancia de las mismas para explicar la imagen global de dichos establecimientos turísticos. Al mismo tiempo, también se pretende comprender mejor el proceso de formación de la imagen del cliente, estudiando para ello cómo influyen los factores personales del turista y los relativos al propio establecimiento en la formación de su imagen del alojamiento. El estudio concluye con las implicaciones prácticas y académicas al respecto.

  14. Temperature dependence of LRE-HRE-TM thin films (United States)

    Li, Zuoyi; Cheng, Xiaomin; Lin, Gengqi; Li, Zhen; Huang, Zhixin; Jin, Fang; Wang, Xianran; Yang, Xiaofei


    Temperature dependence of the properties of RE-TM thin films is very important for MO recording. In this paper, we studied the temperature dependence of the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of the amorphous LRE-HRE-TM single layer thin films and LRE-HRE-TM/HRE-TM couple-bilayered thin films. For LRE-HRE-TM single layer thin films, the temperature dependence of the magnetization was investigated by using the mean field theory. The experimental and theoretical results matched very well. With the LRE substitution in HRE-TM thin film, the compensation temperature Tcomp decreased and the curie temperature Tc remained unchanged. Kerr rotation angle became larger and the saturation magnetization Ms at room temperature increased. For LRE-HRE-TM/HRE-TM couple-bilayered thin films, comparisons of the temperature dependences of the coercivities and Kerr rotation angles were made between isolated sublayers and couple-bilayered thin film.

  15. Percepción y satisfacción de la imagen corporal en estudiantes universitarios


    Garrido García, Javier


    la imagen corporal es la representación mental que cada persona tiene de su cuerpo, el modo en el que cada uno percibe, siente, imagina y actúa respecto a su cuerpo. Gran cantidad de estudiantes universitarios presentan algún tipo de distorsión o insatisfacción en la percepción de ésta. Objetivos: evaluar la percepción y la satisfacción de la imagen corporal en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietética

  16. Measurement of the 169Tm (n ,3 n ) 167Tm cross section and the associated branching ratios in the decay of 167Tm (United States)

    Champine, B.; Gooden, M. E.; Krishichayan, Norman, E. B.; Scielzo, N. D.; Stoyer, M. A.; Thomas, K. J.; Tonchev, A. P.; Tornow, W.; Wang, B. S.


    The cross section for the 169Tm(n ,3 n ) 167Tm reaction was measured from 17 to 22 MeV using quasimonoenergetic neutrons produced by the 2H(d ,n ) 3He reaction. This energy range was studied to resolve the discrepancy between previous (n ,3 n ) cross-section measurements. In addition, the absolute γ -ray branching ratios following the electron-capture decay of 167Tm were measured. These results provide more reliable nuclear data for an important diagnostic that is used at the National Ignition Facility to estimate the yield of reaction-in-flight neutrons produced via the inertial-confinement-fusion plasma in deuterium-tritium capsules.

  17. Orientação de imagens CBERS-2B usando o modelo rigoroso de colinearidade com dados orbitais

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    José Marcato Junior

    Full Text Available Atualmente, o imageamento orbital é uma das principais técnicas de coleta de informações geoespaciais. Embora os sistemas orbitais sejam equipados com sensores de orientação direta (GNSS, giroscópios, sensores de estrelas, dentre outros, nem sempre as imagens corrigidas a partir dos dados (efemérides e atitude provenientes destes sensores apresentam a acurácia requerida para certas aplicações. Uma das alternativas para solucionar este problema é a orientação dessas imagens considerando as informações de órbita (efemérides e atitude com o uso adicional de pontos de apoio. O objetivo principal deste trabalho consiste em avaliar experimentalmente o modelo de colinearidade com dados orbitais no processo de orientação de imagens CBERS-2B. Este modelo foi implementado no programa TMS (Triangulação MultiSsensor, seguindo a abordagem de triangulação multissensor. Foram realizados experimentos com imagens do nível 1 (com apenas correção radiométrica coletadas pelos sensores CCD e HRC. Nos casos estudados verificou-se que a utilização das informações de órbita possibilita a orientação de imagens CBERS-2B com um número reduzido de pontos de apoio.

  18. Landsat-based trend analysis of lake dynamics across northern permafrost regions (United States)

    Nitze, Ingmar; Grosse, Guido; Jones, Benjamin M.; Arp, Christopher D.; Ulrich, Mathias; Federov, Alexander; Veremeeva, Alexandra


    Lakes are a ubiquitous landscape feature in northern permafrost regions. They have a strong impact on carbon, energy and water fluxes and can be quite responsive to climate change. The monitoring of lake change in northern high latitudes, at a sufficiently accurate spatial and temporal resolution, is crucial for understanding the underlying processes driving lake change. To date, lake change studies in permafrost regions were based on a variety of different sources, image acquisition periods and single snapshots, and localized analysis, which hinders the comparison of different regions. Here we present, a methodology based on machine-learning based classification of robust trends of multi-spectral indices of Landsat data (TM,ETM+, OLI) and object-based lake detection, to analyze and compare the individual, local and regional lake dynamics of four different study sites (Alaska North Slope, Western Alaska, Central Yakutia, Kolyma Lowland) in the northern permafrost zone from 1999 to 2014. Regional patterns of lake area change on the Alaska North Slope (-0.69%), Western Alaska (-2.82%), and Kolyma Lowland (-0.51%) largely include increases due to thermokarst lake expansion, but more dominant lake area losses due to catastrophic lake drainage events. In contrast, Central Yakutia showed a remarkable increase in lake area of 48.48%, likely resulting from warmer and wetter climate conditions over the latter half of the study period. Within all study regions, variability in lake dynamics was associated with differences in permafrost characteristics, landscape position (i.e. upland vs. lowland), and surface geology. With the global availability of Landsat data and a consistent methodology for processing the input data derived from robust trends of multi-spectral indices, we demonstrate a transferability, scalability and consistency of lake change analysis within the northern permafrost region.

  19. Claro e confuso: a mistura de imagens no cinema

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    Jacques Aumont


    Full Text Available No cinema, a mistura de imagens é um procedimento narrativo que pode ser obtido a partir da superposição de dois ou mais planos filmados. Este recurso vem sendo utilizado desde a fase do cinema mudo até os cineastas de vanguarda; pode ser facilmente observado tanto em filmes hollywoodianos quanto experimentais. Ao superpor imagens num mesmo quadro, o cinema nos obriga a pensar no estatuto e na "lógica" da imagem em movimento, estimulando-nos a entender, em última instância, o próprio processo de percepção e de constituição do sentido a partir de sua articulação no interior do plano ou entre planos. É da problemática da instauração e da apreensão perceptual e conceitual dessas imagens "misturadas" que este artigo se ocupa, valendo-se das relações possí­veis entre cinema, pintura e fotografia. Palavras-chave cinema, imagem, mistura, percepção, sentido Abstract In cinema, the dissolving of one image into another is a narrative procedure that is obtained through the juxtaposition of two or more shots. This resource has been utilized ever since the silent film era through to the vanguard filmmakers. It is present as much in Hollywood blockbusters as in experimental films. In superimposing images within a single frame, the cinema obliges us to in perceive the logic of the images in movement, leading us eventually to understand the actual process of perception and constitution of meaning through its articulation either within a single shot or between shots. This article is concerned with the issue of establishing these blended images and their perceptual, conceptual comprehension, exploring the possible relations between cinema, painting and phothograpy. Key words cinema, image, dissolve, perception, meaning

  20. Rodalización mediante sistemas de información geográfica y sensores remotos

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    Rene González Murguía


    Full Text Available Este trabajo de investigación se realizó en el ejido Pueblo Nuevo, estado de Durango, México. El objetivo es establecer una metodología para modelar y crear la división dasocrática de zonas forestales hasta nivel de subrodal. Para ello se utilizó información topográfica del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI escala 1:50 000 y una imagen de satélite Landsat-ETM+ del 8 de abril del 2000. A partir de la información topográfica se generó un modelo digital de elevación con resolución espacial de 15 x 15 m, y se modelaron cuencas, subcuencas, microcuencas, submicrocuencas y cauces. La imagen Landsat-ETM+ fue remuestreada a 15 x 15 m con ayuda de la imagen pancromática para obtener mayor resolución espacial. Se clasificó la imagen por medio de estadísticas supervisadas con trabajo de campo para mapear los diferentes tipos de comunidades vegetales y usos de suelo. Se digitalizaron los rodales actuales creados por los prestadores de servicios técnicos forestales del ejido para su comparación. A partir del modelo digital de elevación se generaron los modelos de pendientes y exposición, para buscar asociación comparativa con los polígonos de rodales actuales. Se comparó la distribución de comunidades vegetales clasificadas contra el modelo de exposición para determinar patrones preferenciales de distribución. Los rodales modelados fueron obtenidos de la integración de las submicrocuencas modeladas y del modelo de patrones preferenciales de distribución de la vegetación. Y los subrodales fueron generados de la integración de los rodales modelados y de la clasificación de tipos de vegetación de la imagen Landsat-ETM+.

  1. Uma ninfa a perseguir cabeças: imagens de Salomé na coluna Garotas do Alceu

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    Daniela Queiroz Campos

    Full Text Available Resumo O presente artigo aborda as temporalidades das imagens da coluna Garotas do Alceu da revista O Cruzeiro. As pin-ups ilustradas por Alceu Penna para a coluna Garotas foram imagens permeadas de publicidades, comportamentos, morais e modas em voga em seu tempo histórico de produção. Contudo, segundo Georges Didi-Huberman, a imagem pertence ao tempo. Tempos múltiplos, impuros, heterogêneos, dialéticos, anacrônicos também perpassam as imagens da coluna em questão. Nas páginas que seguem as Garotas do Alceu, as pin-ups, foram também analisadas como ninfas modernas que associam o belo ao trauma. Entre as Garotas e as ninfas, as apresentações de Salomé e das cabeças decapitadas foram aqui destacadas e analisadas.

  2. La imagen: una venta en silencio

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    Harold Silva Guerra


    Full Text Available Uno de los aspectos más importantes y que más gravita en el éxito financiero de una empresa es su imagen. Por eso, el manejo de la misma, es trascendental, porque no solo se debe pretender que sea competitiva, sino que armonice con la responsabilidad social y ambiental del todo el entorno, y que siempre sea recordada por los clientes, con gratitud y que permanezca en el universo de suspreferencias. Para ello, deben comulgar tantas cosas positivas que van desde el buen servicio al cliente, pasando por la calidad de productos que se ofrecen, hasta el impacto que cause en los compradores los símbolos cuidadosamente elegidos los cuales contribuyan a una fijación mental positiva y duradera.Palabras clave: Imagen; identidad; reputación; cliente.The image: a sale in silenceAbstrac One of the most important aspects, which supports the financial success of a company, is its image. Therefore, the management of it, is transcendental, as it does not only pretend to be competitive, but also that harmonize with the social and environmental responsibility of the whole surroundings, and that it always will be remembered by customers, with gratitude and remain in the universe of their preferences. for that many positive things must coincide, ranging from good customer service, to the quality of products offered, to the impact cause on the buyers the carefully chosen symbols, which contribute to a positive and lasting mental fixation.Keywords: Image; identity; reputation; customer.

  3. Virally encoded 7TM receptors

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rosenkilde, M M; Waldhoer, M; Lüttichau, H R


    expression of this single gene in certain lymphocyte cell lineages leads to the development of lesions which are remarkably similar to Kaposi's sarcoma, a human herpesvirus 8 associated disease. Thus, this and other virally encoded 7TM receptors appear to be attractive future drug targets.......A number of herpes- and poxviruses encode 7TM G-protein coupled receptors most of which clearly are derived from their host chemokine system as well as induce high expression of certain 7TM receptors in the infected cells. The receptors appear to be exploited by the virus for either immune evasion...

  4. Imagen corporal y autoestima en mujeres con cáncer de mama participantes en un programa de intervención psicosocial

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    Julia Sebastián


    Full Text Available En el tema del cáncer de mama, uno de los aspectos que ha suscitado mayor interés se refiere a la adaptación a los cambios en la imagen corporal que su tratamiento conlleva. Los objetivos que persigue nuestro trabajo se refieren a varios aspectos relacionados con la imagen corporal y la autoestima, como son: a comprobar la eficacia de un programa de intervención psicosocial que incide sobre la mejora de la imagen corporal y la autoestima, comparando dos grupos de intervención y control en cada uno de los momentos pretratamiento, post-tratamiento y seguimiento y b analizar la influencia de las variables socioeconómicas y médicas (tipo de cirugía y tipo de tratamiento en la imagen corporal y la autoestima. Los resultados muestran que para la imagen corporal, el grupo de intervención obtiene puntuaciones más elevadas que el grupo control en el postratamiento y seguimiento, mientras que para la autoestima, las diferencias sólo se dan en el seguimiento y aparece la relevancia de la variable tiempo transcurrido. Ninguna de las variables sociodemográficas fue significativa. En cuanto al tipo de cirugía, las mujeres tumorectomizadas tuvieron una mejor imagen corporal que las mastectomizadas.

  5. Bridging the Divide: Translating Landsat Research Into Usable Science (United States)

    Rocchio, L. E.; Davis, A. L.


    Science has long served humankind. Breakthroughs in medicine have increased longevity and advances in technology have made modern-day conveniences possible. Yet, social benefits begotten by the environmental sciences, although critical for the survival of humanity, have not always been as widely recognized or used. To benefit today's rapidly growing population, the divides between environmental research, applied environmental science, and use of this information by decision makers must be bridged. Lessons about the translation from research to usable science can be learned from the four decades of Landsat history, and these lessons can serve as useful models for bridging the gaps between new technology, scientific research, and the use of that research and technology in real-world problem solving. In 1965, William Pecora, then-director of the U.S. Geological Survey, proposed the idea of a remote sensing satellite program to gather facts about natural resources of Earth. For the next seven years, an intense campaign showing the depth and diversity of satellite imagery applications was waged. This led to the 1972 launch of the first civilian land-observing satellite, Landsat 1. By 1975, successful application research based on Landsat 1 imagery prompted then-NASA Administrator Dr. James Fletcher to proclaim that if one space age development would save the world, it would be Landsat and its successor satellites. Thirty-four years of continual Landsat imaging and related-research has lead to the implementation of many socially beneficial applications, such as improved water management techniques, crop insurance fraud reduction, illicit crop inventories, natural disaster relief planning, continent-scale carbon estimates, and extensive cartographic advances. Despite these successes, the challenge of translating Landsat research into realized social benefits remains. Even in this geospatially-savvy era, the utility of Landsat largely escapes policymakers. Here, in an

  6. Structural, mechanical and electronic properties of OsTM and TMOs{sub 2} (TM = Ti, Zr and Hf): First-principles calculations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Qi-Jun, E-mail: [Bond and Band Engineering Group, Institute of High Temperature and High Pressure Physics, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Zhang, Ning-Chao; Liu, Fu-Sheng [Bond and Band Engineering Group, Institute of High Temperature and High Pressure Physics, School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031 (China); Liu, Zheng-Tang [State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710072 (China)


    Highlights: • OsTM and TMOs{sub 2} compounds have no superhard character. • These compounds are mechanically stable and behave in ductile manner. • OsTM has a mixture of covalent-ionic and metallic character. -- Abstract: The first-principles calculations have been performed to study the structural, elastic, mechanical and electronic properties of cubic OsTM (TM = Ti, Zr, and Hf) and hexagonal TMOs{sub 2} compounds. The calculated structural parameters are in good agreement with the available experimental data. To the best of our knowledge, the elastic constants of OsTM and TMOs{sub 2} compounds have been obtained for the first time. The calculated elastic and mechanical properties show that these compounds have no superhard character. These compounds are mechanically stable and behave in ductile manner. The electronic band structures and densities of states of OsTM and TMOs{sub 2} compounds have been analysed. OsTM has a mixture of covalent-ionic and metallic character, and TMOs{sub 2} has strong metallic nature.

  7. Redes sociais, privacidade, confidencialidade e ética: a exposição de imagens de pacientes no facebook

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    Leandro Brambilla Martorell


    Full Text Available A pesquisa teve por objetivo estudar a exposição de imagens de pacientes promovida por médicos e cirurgiões-dentistas no facebook. A coleta dos dados foi feita entre os meses de agosto e setembro de 2013, selecionando-se, retrospectivamente, 39 imagens que haviam sido publicadas por 17 profissionais. Nestas imagens foi possível identificar situações de quebra de confidencialidade e/ou privacidade. O princípio do respeito à privacidade e confidencialidade das pessoas faz parte dos principais documentos internacionais relacionados com o campo da ética. Tanto o Estado como as entidades profissionais têm a obrigação de proteger vítimas da exposição de imagens que comprometam o direito inalienável à privacidade. O estudo reforça que tais exposições trazem repercussões negativas para pacientes, profissionais de saúde e sociedade. Recomenda-se que o tema seja abordado transversalmente pelo corpo docente, com discussões estimuladas e orientadas pelas disciplinas de Bioética.

  8. TV: la captura en la imagen


    Roberto A. Follari


    "La cultura posmoderna que vivimos, en un mundo dominado por la omnipresencia del vídeo y la televisión es decir una cultura visual, nos hace sentir más como sujetos de ciencia ficción que como terminales de computadoras que como agentes de actividad", afirma el autor en esta reflexión en dos tiempos sobre lo visual y la posmodernidad. La invasión de la imagen artificial, del hiperrealismo en formato spot publicitario es absoluta, El género zapping es ahora una modalidad de conformación de la...

  9. Automated Method for Monitoring Water Quality Using Landsat Imagery

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    D. Clay Barrett


    Full Text Available Regular monitoring of water quality is increasingly necessary to keep pace with rapid environmental change and protect human health and well-being. Remote sensing has been suggested as a potential solution for monitoring certain water quality parameters without the need for in situ sampling, but universal methods and tools are lacking. While many studies have developed predictive relationships between remotely sensed surface reflectance and water parameters, these relationships are often unique to a particular geographic region and have little applicability in other areas. In order to remotely monitor water quality, these relationships must be developed on a region by region basis. This paper presents an automated method for processing remotely sensed images from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+ and extracting corrected reflectance measurements around known sample locations to allow rapid development of predictive water quality relationships to improve remote monitoring. Using open Python scripting, this study (1 provides an openly accessible and simple method for processing publicly available remote sensing data; and (2 allows determination of relationships between sampled water quality parameters and reflectance values to ultimately allow predictive monitoring. The method is demonstrated through a case study of the Ozark/Ouchita-Appalachian ecoregion in eastern Oklahoma using data collected for the Beneficial Use Monitoring Program (BUMP.

  10. Detecção de cicatrizes de incêndios florestais utilizando a técnica de análise por vetor de mudança na terra indígena sete de setembro - Rondônia / Forest fire scars detection using change-vector analysis in the sete de setembro indigenous land - Rondonia

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    Philip Martin Fearnside


    Full Text Available A Terra Indígena Sete de Setembro (TISS localiza-se no arco do desmatamento, caracterizada por ser uma região de grande pressão antrópica. Esta condição a torna susceptível às ameaças da degradação florestal por incêndios, exploração madeireira ilegal e corte raso para uso agropecuário. Assim, esse estudo teve por finalidade mapear áreas de floresta afetadas pela ação do fogo no período de 2010 a 2011, utilizando imagens TM/Landsat e a técnica de detecção por análise de vetor de mudança. Os resultados mostraram uma área total de 4.187 hectares de florestas afetadas pelo fogo no interior da TISS, correspondendo a cerca de 1,7 % da área total da terra indígena. O monitoramento de terras indígenas por técnicas de sensoriamento remoto é fundamental para avaliar a vulnerabilidade dessas áreas às pressões humanas.AbstractThe Sete de Setembro Indigenous Land is situated in Brazil’s “arc of deforestation,” which is a region characterized by high anthropic pressure. This makes the reserve susceptible to forest degradation by fires, illegal logging and clearcutting for agriculture and ranching. The purpose of the present study was to map forest areas affected by fire from 2010 to 2011 using TM/Landsat images and the changevector analysis detection technique. The results showed a total area of 4187 hectares of forest affected by fire in the indigenous reserve, or about 1.7% of the total reserve area. Monitoring of indigenous lands by remote sensing techniques is essential in order to evaluate the vulnerability of these areas to pressures from human activities.

  11. Conductas alimentarias de riesgo y su relación con la imagen corporal en estudiantes de enfermería

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    María del Pilar Ureña Molina


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la relación entre las conductas alimentarias de riesgo y la imagen corporal en los estudiantes de enfermería durante el primer semestre del año 2015. Materiales y Métodos: estudio de tipo cuantitativo, correlacional. Se utilizaron como instrumentos, el Test de Imagen Corporal - Cuestionario Body Shape Questionnaire y el Test De Actitudes Alimentarias - 26. La muestra estuvo conformada por 181 estudiantes. Resultados: la mayor proporción de estudiantes pertenecen al género femenino, las edades fluctuaron entre los 16 a 28 años, predominando el estado civil soltero, pertenecientes a un estrato socioeconómico bajo (1 -2 y conviven con sus padres. El 63% obtuvo un estado nutricional normal, la mayor parte de ellos no presentaron conductas alimentarias de Riesgo (94% y se encontraban satisfechos con su imagen corporal (91%. Se estableció una relación estadísticamente significativa entre las conductas alimentarias de riesgo y la imagen corporal. Conclusiones: los estudiantes de enfermería, en su mayoría, no presentaron conductas alimentarias de riesgo, es decir, no realizan prácticas extremas para el control de su peso corporal y los que la presentaron, pueden tener afectaciones en su desempeño académico, las relaciones interpersonales y la calidad de vida. Así mismo, la mayoría de ellos mostraron una apreciación satisfactoria de su imagen corporal y un pequeño porcentaje, estuvo insatisfecho, reflejando diversos desórdenes de tipo conductual, cognitivo y emocional. Se determinó que la integridad de la imagen corporal disminuye la presencia de conductas alimentarias de riesgo.

  12. La imagen de empresa como factor determinante en la elección de operador: identidad y posicionamiento de las empresas de comunicaciones móviles


    García de los Salmones Sánchez, María del Mar


    La imagen corporativa se constituye como un activo intangible fuente de ventajas competitivas que debe ser correctamente gestionado para extraerle todo su potencial. Partiendo de una revisión de literatura sobre imagen e identidad, la Tesis profundiza en el carácter multidimensional de la imagen y en las variables que influyen en la misma. Para ello se plantean diversas hipótesis referidas a los determinantes de la elección de empresa con mejor imagen global, desarrollando al respecto un mode...

  13. Tropical forest plantation biomass estimation using RADARSAT-SAR and TM data of south china (United States)

    Wang, Chenli; Niu, Zheng; Gu, Xiaoping; Guo, Zhixing; Cong, Pifu


    Forest biomass is one of the most important parameters for global carbon stock model yet can only be estimated with great uncertainties. Remote sensing, especially SAR data can offers the possibility of providing relatively accurate forest biomass estimations at a lower cost than inventory in study tropical forest. The goal of this research was to compare the sensitivity of forest biomass to Landsat TM and RADARSAT-SAR data and to assess the efficiency of NDVI, EVI and other vegetation indices in study forest biomass based on the field survey date and GIS in south china. Based on vegetation indices and factor analysis, multiple regression and neural networks were developed for biomass estimation for each species of the plantation. For each species, the better relationships between the biomass predicted and that measured from field survey was obtained with a neural network developed for the species. The relationship between predicted and measured biomass derived from vegetation indices differed between species. This study concludes that single band and many vegetation indices are weakly correlated with selected forest biomass. RADARSAT-SAR Backscatter coefficient has a relatively good logarithmic correlation with forest biomass, but neither TM spectral bands nor vegetation indices alone are sufficient to establish an efficient model for biomass estimation due to the saturation of bands and vegetation indices, multiple regression models that consist of spectral and environment variables improve biomass estimation performance. Comparing with TM, a relatively well estimation result can be achieved by RADARSAT-SAR, but all had limitations in tropical forest biomass estimation. The estimation results obtained are not accurate enough for forest management purposes at the forest stand level. However, the approximate volume estimates derived by the method can be useful in areas where no other forest information is available. Therefore, this paper provides a better

  14. Comparison of NMR and crystal structures for the proteins TM1112 and TM1367

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohanty, Biswaranjan; Serrano, Pedro; Pedrini, Bill; Jaudzems, Kristaps; Geralt, Michael; Horst, Reto; Herrmann, Torsten; Elsliger, Marc-André; Wilson, Ian A.; Wüthrich, Kurt


    NMR structures of the proteins TM1112 and TM1367 solved by the JCSG in solution at 298 K could be superimposed with the corresponding crystal structures at 100 K with r.m.s.d. values of <1.0 Å for the backbone heavy atoms. For both proteins the structural differences between multiple molecules in the asymmetric unit of the crystals correlated with structural variations within the bundles of conformers used to represent the NMR solution structures. A recently introduced JCSG NMR structure-determination protocol, which makes use of the software package UNIO for extensive automation, was further evaluated by comparison of the TM1112 structure obtained using these automated methods with another NMR structure that was independently solved in another PSI center, where a largely interactive approach was applied. The NMR structures of the TM1112 and TM1367 proteins from Thermotoga maritima in solution at 298 K were determined following a new protocol which uses the software package UNIO for extensive automation. The results obtained with this novel procedure were evaluated by comparison with the crystal structures solved by the JCSG at 100 K to 1.83 and 1.90 Å resolution, respectively. In addition, the TM1112 solution structure was compared with an NMR structure solved by the NESG using a conventional largely interactive methodology. For both proteins, the newly determined NMR structure could be superimposed with the crystal structure with r.m.s.d. values of <1.0 Å for the backbone heavy atoms, which provided a starting platform to investigate local structure variations, which may arise from either the methods used or from the different chemical environments in solution and in the crystal. Thereby, these comparative studies were further explored with the use of reference NMR and crystal structures, which were computed using the NMR software with input of upper-limit distance constraints derived from the molecular models that represent the results of structure

  15. Landsat-8: Science and product vision for terrestrial global change research (United States)

    Roy, David P.; Wulder, M.A.; Loveland, Thomas R.; Woodcock, C.E.; Allen, R. G.; Anderson, M. C.; Helder, D.; Irons, J.R.; Johnson, D.M.; Kennedy, R.; Scambos, T.A.; Schaaf, Crystal B.; Schott, J.R.; Sheng, Y.; Vermote, E. F.; Belward, A.S.; Bindschadler, R.; Cohen, W.B.; Gao, F.; Hipple, J. D.; Hostert, Patrick; Huntington, J.; Justice, C.O.; Kilic, A.; Kovalskyy, Valeriy; Lee, Z. P.; Lymburner, Leo; Masek, J.G.; McCorkel, J.; Shuai, Y.; Trezza, R.; Vogelmann, James; Wynne, R.H.; Zhu, Z.


    Landsat 8, a NASA and USGS collaboration, acquires global moderate-resolution measurements of the Earth's terrestrial and polar regions in the visible, near-infrared, short wave, and thermal infrared. Landsat 8 extends the remarkable 40 year Landsat record and has enhanced capabilities including new spectral bands in the blue and cirrus cloud-detection portion of the spectrum, two thermal bands, improved sensor signal-to-noise performance and associated improvements in radiometric resolution, and an improved duty cycle that allows collection of a significantly greater number of images per day. This paper introduces the current (2012–2017) Landsat Science Team's efforts to establish an initial understanding of Landsat 8 capabilities and the steps ahead in support of priorities identified by the team. Preliminary evaluation of Landsat 8 capabilities and identification of new science and applications opportunities are described with respect to calibration and radiometric characterization; surface reflectance; surface albedo; surface temperature, evapotranspiration and drought; agriculture; land cover, condition, disturbance and change; fresh and coastal water; and snow and ice. Insights into the development of derived ‘higher-level’ Landsat products are provided in recognition of the growing need for consistently processed, moderate spatial resolution, large area, long-term terrestrial data records for resource management and for climate and global change studies. The paper concludes with future prospects, emphasizing the opportunities for land imaging constellations by combining Landsat data with data collected from other international sensing systems, and consideration of successor Landsat mission requirements.


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    N. Aslan


    Full Text Available The main objectives of this study are (i to calculate Land Surface Temperature (LST from Landsat imageries, (ii to determine the UHI effects from Landsat 7 ETM+ (June 5, 2001 and Landsat 8 OLI (June 17, 2014 imageries, (iii to examine the relationship between LST and different Land Use/Land Cover (LU/LC types for the years 2001 and 2014. The study is implemented in the central districts of Antalya. Initially, the brightness temperatures are retrieved and the LST values are calculated from Landsat thermal images. Then, the LU/LC maps are created from Landsat pan-sharpened images using Random Forest (RF classifier. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI image, ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM and DMSP_OLS nighttime lights data are used as auxiliary data during the classification procedure. Finally, UHI effect is determined and the LST values are compared with LU/LC classes. The overall accuracies of RF classification results were computed higher than 88 % for both Landsat images. During 13-year time interval, it was observed that the urban and industrial areas were increased significantly. Maximum LST values were detected for dry agriculture, urban, and bareland classes, while minimum LST values were detected for vegetation and irrigated agriculture classes. The UHI effect was computed as 5.6 °C for 2001 and 6.8 °C for 2014. The validity of the study results were assessed using MODIS/Terra LST and Emissivity data and it was found that there are high correlation between Landsat LST and MODIS LST data (r2 = 0.7 and r2 = 0.9 for 2001 and 2014, respectively.

  17. Cartografía mediante imágenes Landsat de suelos salinos en la tierra de Medina (Valladolid

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    García Rodríguez, M. P.


    Full Text Available The main goal of this study is the mapping of saline soils (solonchaks, solonetzs and luvisols with salic phases in «Tierra de Medina» (Valladolid using images of the TM and ETM sensors of the Landsat satellites. The spectral signatures of these soils show very high digital values, which allows to differentiate them from other types of soils and superficial covers. The highest values correspond to those which have salt efflorescences and the lowest values to soils affected by hydromorphic processes. The images obtained with the NDVI do not allow a clear discrimination of saline soils, but they allow to interpret the changes in their use. In these soils the values of NDVI are very low, due to their scarce vegetation. There is a remarkable vegetation reduction between years 1987 and 2001, which implies a structure deterioration and a great loss of vegetal cover; many of soils affected by salinization have not been cultivated any more.

    El objetivo del estudio es cartografiar los suelos salinos (solonchaks, solonetzs y luvisoles con fases sálicas en la Tierra de Medina (Valladolid utilizado imágenes de los sensores TM y ETM de los satélites Landsat. Las signaturas espectrales de estos suelos muestran valores digitales muy altos, lo que permite diferenciarlos de otros tipos de suelos y cubiertas superficiales. Los valores más altos corresponden a los que tienen eflorescencias salinas en superficie y los más bajos a los suelos afectados por hidromorfismo. Las imágenes obtenidas con el NDVI no permiten una clara discriminación de los suelos salinos, pero sí interpretar los cambios en su uso. En estos suelos los valores de NDVI son muy bajos, acordes con su escasa vegetación. Hay un notable descenso entre los años 1987 y 2001, lo que implica un deterioro de su estructura y una gran pérdida de cubierta vegetal; muchos de los suelos afectados por salinización se han dejado de cultivar. [fr] L’objectif de l’étude est

  18. La imagen radiográfica, una herramienta compleja de interpretar

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    Patricia Alejandra Bertone


    Full Text Available ‘Aprender a aprender’ es una propuesta educativa asumida en la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto (UNRC-Argentina, que objetiva ayudar a los alumnos a adquirir estrategias y capacidades socio-cognitivas que les permitan construir conocimientos, reconocer motivos y deseos que impulsan sus proyectos de formación personal y profesional. En lo que atañe específicamente a la formación del Médico Veterinario, la información gráfica es cada vez más importante en la práctica veterinaria, situación que debe ser atendida durante el proceso de formación universitaria de los estudiantes. La información gráfica está presente desde el primer año de la carrera, en distintas disciplinas: en Anatomía, Histología, Embriología, Física Biológica, Química Biológica y Fisiología Animal. Situación que permitiría pensar que  durante los primeros tres años de la carrera, los alumnos han desarrollado estrategias de interpretación gráfica; sin embargo, al ingresar al 4to año y se deparan con la lectura de las placas radiográficas en la búsqueda de significados clínicos, se plantean dificultades importantes para los alumnos. Las preguntas que nortean el estudio son: ¿Qué procedimientos cognitivos y metacognitivos los alumnos desarrollan cuando leen una imagen radiográfica?, ¿Cómo está organizada la sección Radiología desde el currículo? Los objetivos generales planteados proponen: a Señalar la creciente importancia de la Radiología en la formación en Medicina Veterinaria en la UNRC; b Conocer los procedimientos intelectuales, cognitivos y metacognitivos, y los aspectos motivacionales involucrados en los alumnos de Medicina Veterinaria cuando ‘leen’ imágenes radiográficas, durante el cursado de la asignatura Semiología. En cuanto a la organización textual del estudio, la primera parte refiere a la dimensión curricular, de corte histórico-narrativo, situando la presencia de la Radiología en la historia de la

  19. Metodologia de Baixo Custo para Registro de Imagens do Arco Voltaico de Soldagem

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    Anna Louise Voigt


    Full Text Available Resumo Equipamentos que permitem o registro de imagens são importantes ferramentas no estudo dos processos de soldagem. Contudo, câmeras de alta velocidade que permitem a captura de imagens do arco voltaico e dos fenômenos envolvidos, a exemplo da transferência metálica, são limitadas devido ao seu alto custo. Tendo em visto a utilização de câmeras de baixo custo relativo, o presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar os efeitos dos parâmetros de exposição no registro do arco voltaico, sendo este, semelhante ao que se observa através da máscara de soldagem. Logo, analisou-se os efeitos da abertura do diafragma, tempo de exposição e sensibilidade ISO. Além destes parâmetros, foram empregados filtros na lente da câmera a fim de melhorar a qualidade das imagens. Por fim, aplicou-se o conhecimento adquirido no registro do processo TIG com alimentação de arame frio, sendo possível a visualização das gotas sendo transferidas bem como da poça de fusão.

  20. Landsat and water pollution (United States)

    Castruccio, P.; Fowler, T.; Loats, H., Jr.


    Report presents data derived from satellite images predicting pollution loads after rainfall. It explains method for converting Landsat images of Eastern United States into cover maps for Baltimore/five county region.

  1. Discrimination Of The Land Features In Al Hasa Oasi, Saudi Arabia, Using Color Ratio Technique On Land Sat Tm Data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al Saud, M.B.M.


    Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data for Al Rasa Oasis area was processed for delineating characteristic land features represented mainly by sand dunes, sabkhas, cultivated land and urban areas using procedures that take advantage of distinctive spectral reflectance of these land features. The method employs a color ratio technique based on comprising different ratios 2/3, 2/4, 3/4, 3/5, 4/5, 5/6, and 5/7. A number of ratio triplets were processed using a three colored composite ratio. The ratio images (3/4,3/5,5/6,and 5/7) succeeded to distinguish the main land features in the studied arid region and generate detailed maps over wide area by using quantitative reproducible mapping criteria and helping in identifying the characteristics of the different land features

  2. Intracellular distribution of TM4SF1 and internalization of TM4SF1-antibody complex in vascular endothelial cells

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sciuto, Tracey E.; Merley, Anne; Lin, Chi-Iou; Richardson, Douglas; Liu, Yu; Li, Dan; Dvorak, Ann M.; Dvorak, Harold F.; Jaminet, Shou-Ching S.


    Transmembrane-4 L-six family member-1 (TM4SF1) is a small plasma membrane-associated glycoprotein that is highly and selectively expressed on the plasma membranes of tumor cells, cultured endothelial cells, and, in vivo, on tumor-associated endothelium. Immunofluorescence microscopy also demonstrated TM4SF1 in cytoplasm and, tentatively, within nuclei. With monoclonal antibody 8G4, and the finer resolution afforded by immuno-nanogold transmission electron microscopy, we now demonstrate TM4SF1 in uncoated cytoplasmic vesicles, nuclear pores and nucleoplasm. Because of its prominent surface location on tumor cells and tumor-associated endothelium, TM4SF1 has potential as a dual therapeutic target using an antibody drug conjugate (ADC) approach. For ADC to be successful, antibodies reacting with cell surface antigens must be internalized for delivery of associated toxins to intracellular targets. We now report that 8G4 is efficiently taken up into cultured endothelial cells by uncoated vesicles in a dynamin-dependent, clathrin-independent manner. It is then transported along microtubules through the cytoplasm and passes through nuclear pores into the nucleus. These findings validate TM4SF1 as an attractive candidate for cancer therapy with antibody-bound toxins that have the capacity to react with either cytoplasmic or nuclear targets in tumor cells or tumor-associated vascular endothelium. - Highlights: • Anti-TM4SF1 antibody 8G4 was efficiently taken up by cultured endothelial cells. • TM4SF1–8G4 internalization is dynamin-dependent but clathrin-independent. • TM4SF1–8G4 complexes internalize along microtubules to reach the perinuclear region. • Internalized TM4SF1–8G4 complexes pass through nuclear pores into the nucleus. • TM4SF1 is an attractive candidate for ADC cancer therapy

  3. Intracellular distribution of TM4SF1 and internalization of TM4SF1-antibody complex in vascular endothelial cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sciuto, Tracey E.; Merley, Anne; Lin, Chi-Iou [Center for Vascular Biology Research and Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School (United States); Richardson, Douglas [Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University (United States); Liu, Yu [Department of Pharmacology, Shanxi Medical University, Xinjiannanlu 56, Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030001 (China); Li, Dan; Dvorak, Ann M. [Center for Vascular Biology Research and Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School (United States); Dvorak, Harold F., E-mail: [Center for Vascular Biology Research and Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School (United States); Jaminet, Shou-Ching S., E-mail: [Center for Vascular Biology Research and Department of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School (United States)


    Transmembrane-4 L-six family member-1 (TM4SF1) is a small plasma membrane-associated glycoprotein that is highly and selectively expressed on the plasma membranes of tumor cells, cultured endothelial cells, and, in vivo, on tumor-associated endothelium. Immunofluorescence microscopy also demonstrated TM4SF1 in cytoplasm and, tentatively, within nuclei. With monoclonal antibody 8G4, and the finer resolution afforded by immuno-nanogold transmission electron microscopy, we now demonstrate TM4SF1 in uncoated cytoplasmic vesicles, nuclear pores and nucleoplasm. Because of its prominent surface location on tumor cells and tumor-associated endothelium, TM4SF1 has potential as a dual therapeutic target using an antibody drug conjugate (ADC) approach. For ADC to be successful, antibodies reacting with cell surface antigens must be internalized for delivery of associated toxins to intracellular targets. We now report that 8G4 is efficiently taken up into cultured endothelial cells by uncoated vesicles in a dynamin-dependent, clathrin-independent manner. It is then transported along microtubules through the cytoplasm and passes through nuclear pores into the nucleus. These findings validate TM4SF1 as an attractive candidate for cancer therapy with antibody-bound toxins that have the capacity to react with either cytoplasmic or nuclear targets in tumor cells or tumor-associated vascular endothelium. - Highlights: • Anti-TM4SF1 antibody 8G4 was efficiently taken up by cultured endothelial cells. • TM4SF1–8G4 internalization is dynamin-dependent but clathrin-independent. • TM4SF1–8G4 complexes internalize along microtubules to reach the perinuclear region. • Internalized TM4SF1–8G4 complexes pass through nuclear pores into the nucleus. • TM4SF1 is an attractive candidate for ADC cancer therapy.

  4. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Surface Water Extent from Three Decades of Seasonally Continuous Landsat Time Series at Subcontinental Scale (United States)

    Tulbure, M. G.; Broich, M.; Stehman, Stephen V.


    Surface water is a critical resource in semi-arid areas. The Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) of Australia, one of the largest semi-arid basins in the world is aiming to set a worldwide example of how to balance multiple interests (i.e. environment, agriculture and urban use), but has suffered significant water shrinkages during the Millennium Drought (1999-2009), followed by extensive flooding. Baseline information and systematic quantification of surface water (SW) extent and flooding dynamics in space and time are needed for managing SW resources across the basin but are currently lacking. To synoptically quantify changes in SW extent and flooding dynamics over MDB, we used seasonally continuous Landsat TM and ETM+ data (1986 - 2011) and generic machine learning algorithms. We further mapped flooded forest at a riparian forest site that experienced severe tree dieback due to changes in flooding regime. We used a stratified sampling design to assess the accuracy of the SW product across time. Accuracy assessment yielded an overall classification accuracy of 99.94%, with producer's and user's accuracy of SW of 85.4% and 97.3%, respectively. Overall accuracy was the same for Landsat 5 and 7 data but user's and producer's accuracy of water were higher for Landsat 7 than 5 data and stable over time. Our validated results document a rapid loss in SW bodies. The number, size, and total area of SW showed high seasonal variability with highest numbers in winter and lowest numbers in summer. SW extent per season per year showed high interannual and seasonal variability, with low seasonal variability during the Millennium Drought. Examples of current uses of the new dataset will be presented and include (1) assessing ecosystem response to flooding with implications for environmental water releases, one of the largest investment in environment in Australia; (2) quantifying drivers of SW dynamics (e.g. climate, human activity); (3) quantifying changes in SW dynamics and

  5. Using the Landsat data archive to assess long-term regional forest dynamics assessment in Eastern Europe, 1985-2012 (United States)

    Turubanova, S.; Potapov, P.; Krylov, A.; Tyukavina, A.; McCarty, J. L.; Radeloff, V. C.; Hansen, M. C.


    Dramatic political and economic changes in Eastern European countries following the dissolution of the "Eastern Bloc" and the collapse of the Soviet Union greatly affected land-cover and land-use trends. In particular, changes in forest cover dynamics may be attributed to the collapse of the planned economy, agricultural land abandonment, economy liberalization, and market conditions. However, changes in forest cover are hard to quantify given inconsistent forest statistics collected by different countries over the last 30 years. The objective of our research was to consistently quantify forest cover change across Eastern Europe from 1985 until 2012 using the complete Landsat data archive. We developed an algorithm for processing imagery from different Landsat platforms and sensors (TM and ETM+), aggregating these images into a common set of multi-temporal metrics, and mapping annual gross forest cover loss and decadal gross forest cover gain. Our results show that forest cover area increased from 1985 to 2012 by 4.7% across the region. Average annual gross forest cover loss was 0.41% of total forest cover area, with a statistically significant increase from 1985 to 2012. Most forest disturbance recovered fast, with only 12% of the areas of forest loss prior to 1995 not being recovered by 2012. Timber harvesting was the main cause of forest loss. Logging area declined after the collapse of socialism in the late 1980s, increased in the early 2000s, and decreased in most countries after 2007 due to the global economic crisis. By 2012, Central and Baltic Eastern European countries showed higher logging rates compared to their Western neighbours. Comparing our results with official forest cover and change estimates showed agreement in total forest area for year 2010, but with substantial disagreement between Landsat-based and official net forest cover area change. Landsat-based logging areas exhibit strong relationship with reported roundwood production at national

  6. Qualidade das Imagens de Alta Resolução Geradas por Sensores Aéreos Digitais / Image Quality from High Resolution Airbone Sensors

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    Irineu da Silva


    Full Text Available Os sensores digitais aerotransportados atualmente disponíveis no mercado possuem dois tipos de soluções: a solução de imagens por quadros, que emula a fotografia clássica, e a solução de imagem tipo “pushbroom”, que se caracteriza por uma imagem contínua, gerada a partir de um arranjo linear de sensores, que varrem a cena e possuem capacidade para gerar faixas de imagens pancromáticas, coloridas e de falsa cor com um nível de resolução elevado, compatível com as imagens pancromáticas geradas pelas câmaras convencionais. Neste artigo serão analisadas e discutidas as principais características das imagens geradas por esse tipo de sensor.

  7. Landsat 6 contract signed (United States)

    Maggs, William Ward

    A new agreement provides $220 million for development and construction of the Landsat 6 remote sensing satellite and its ground systems. The contract, signed on March 31, 1988, by the Department of Commerce (DOC) and the Earth Observation Satellite (EOSAT) Company of Lanham, Md., came just days after approval of DOC's Landsat commercialization plan by subcommittees of the House and Senate appropriations committees.The Landsat 6 spacecraft is due to be launched into orbit on a Titan II rocket in June 1991 from Vandenburg Air Force Base, Calif. The satellite will carry an Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) sensor, an instrument sensitive to electromagnetic radiation in seven ranges or bands of wavelengths. The satellite's payload will also include the Sea Wide Field Sensor (Sea-WiFS), designed to provide information on sea surface temperature and ocean color. The sensor is being developed in a cooperative effort by EOSAT and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). A less certain passenger is a proposed 5-m resolution, three-band sensor sensitive to visible light. EOSAT is trying to find both private financing for the device and potential buyers of the high-resolution imagery that it could produce. The company has been actively courting U.S. television networks, which have in the past used imagery from the European Système Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) satellite for news coverage.

  8. Imagen popular de la ciencia transmitida por los cómics

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    Adriana Patricia Gallego-Torres


    Full Text Available En este trabajo nos centraremos en el análisis crítico de la imagen popular de la ciencia transmitida por los cómics existentes en el mercado (en la medida que hagan referencia al trabajo científico.

  9. Family C 7TM receptor dimerization and activation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bonde, Marie Mi; Sheikh, Søren P; Hansen, Jakob Lerche


    The family C seven transmembrane (7TM) receptors constitutes a small and especially well characterized subfamily of the large 7TM receptor superfamily. Approximately 50% of current prescription drugs target 7TM receptors, this biologically important family represents the largest class of drug...... to be fully defined. This review presents the biochemical support for family C 7TM receptor dimerization and discusses its importance for receptor biosynthesis, surface expression, ligand binding and activation, since lessons learnt here may well be applicable to the whole superfamily of 7TM receptors.......-targets today. It is well established that family C 7TM receptors form homo- or hetero-dimers on the cell surface of living cells. The large extra-cellular domains (ECD) have been crystallized as a dimer in the presence and absence of agonist. Upon agonist binding, the dimeric ECD undergoes large conformational...

  10. ANÁLISE HISTÓRICA DAS TRANSFORMAÇÕES DA FLORESTA AMAZÔNICA EM ÁREAS AGRÍCOLAS NA BACIA DO RIO SUIA-MIÇU. - Historical Changes of the Amazonian Forest into Agricultural Lands in the Suia-Miçu River Basin.

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    Antonio Roberto Formaggio


    Full Text Available Mudanças no uso e cobertura da terra, como as ocorridas nas áreas de expansão agrícola na AmazôniaLegal, geram uma série de impactos sociais, econômicos e ambientais. O entendimento destes processospode permitir um melhor planejamento de políticas públicas a fim de monitorar e mapear áreas maissuscetíveis a problemas ambientais. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a dinâmicade ocupação da Bacia do Rio Suiá-Miçu, um dos afluentes do Rio Xingu localizado ao norte do estadodo Mato Grosso. Os mapas de uso e cobertura da terra para cada um dos períodos analisados (1973,1984 e 2005 foram confeccionados com o auxílio de imagens dos sensores MSS/Landsat-1, TM/Landsat-5 e do sensor MODIS/Terra. Os resultados mostraram que até 1984, 13% da vegetação natural dabacia havia sido desflorestada, enquanto que em 2005 as atividades agrícolas já ocupavam 40% daárea de estudo. Desta forma, tendo em vista as mudanças na paisagem observadas ao longo das últimasdécadas, torna-se notória a necessidade urgente de estudos mais aprofundados visando a avaliaçãodos impactos ambientais, bem como a preservação dos recursos naturais na regiãoLand use and land cover changes, as seen in the agricultural expansion areas in the Brazilian LegalAmazon, have as consequence several social, economic and environmental impacts. The understandingof these processes allows a better planning of public policies in order to monitor and map areas moresusceptible to environmental problems. Hence, this work had as objective to analyze the land use/landcover changes dynamics in the Suiá-Miçu River Basin, located in the north part of Mato Grosso state,Brazil. The land use/land cover maps for each of the analyzed periods (1973, 1984 and 2005 weremade using images from the MSS/Landsat-1, TM/Landsat-5 and the MODIS/Terra sensors. The resultsshowed that until 1984, 13% of the natural vegetation of the watershed was deforested, while in 2005the

  11. Percepción de la imagen corporal como aproximación cualitativa al estado de nutrición

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    Madrigal-Fritsch Herlinda


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar la percepción de la imagen corporal con el índice de masa corporal (IMC calculado a partir del peso y la talla declarados por los sujetos y valorar su capacidad para clasificar el estado de nutrición. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se eligió una muestra representativa de la población de España, integrada por 517 hombres y 483 mujeres mayores de 15 años. Las variables fueron sexo, edad, nivel educativo, IMC e imagen corporal percibida. Las diferencias entre grupos se estimaron con la prueba de ji². La capacidad de clasificación de la imagen corporal se comparó con el IMC empleando la sensibilidad y la especificidad. RESULTADOS: El estado nutricional para ambos indicadores mostró mayor sobrepeso en hombres y mayor obesidad en mujeres. Se observó que el sobrepeso y la obesidad se incrementan conforme aumenta la edad, y con mayor educación disminuyen. La percepción de la imagen corporal fue distinta entre sexos, así como por edad y nivel educativo (p<0.01. La comparación entre el IMC y la imagen corporal notificó valores superiores a 0.90 para sensibilidad y especificidad, así como para los valores predictivos positivos y negativos en sujetos que presentaron un estado nutricional que alcanzaba los rangos extremos. La precisión fue mayor para la sensibilidad que para la especificidad. La capacidad de clasificación fue mejor en mujeres que en hombres. La correlación de Spearman fue mayor en mujeres que en hombres (p<0.001 y la concordancia W de Kendall notificó valores altos para ambos sexos. CONCLUSIONES: La percepción de la imagen corporal permitió identificar a los sujetos que presentaban nutrición normal y deficiente o excesiva; por tal motivo, este indicador puede resultar útil en estudios epidemiológicos, aunque tiene algunas limitaciones para diagnósticos individuales.

  12. Propiedades Psicométricas del Cuestionario de Insatisfacción con la Imagen Corporal en estudiantes de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo


    Hueda Capristan, Ana Cecilia


    Se determinó Propiedades Psicométricas en el Cuestionario de Insatisfacción con la Imagen Corporal (IMAGEN) y el análisis descriptivo en alumnos de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. La muestra (n=576) no probabilística aleatoria de una población (N=1272) y el diseño Psicométrico. Se aplicó IMAGEN analizando las propiedades psicométricas. Los resultados, evidencian que IMAGEN presenta validez de contenido por criterio de jueces, alcanzando relevancia, claridad y coherencia. Validez de const...

  13. Imagen país de Colombia desde la perspectiva extranjera

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    Echeverri Cañas, Lina María


    Full Text Available Colombia is a country with a negative historical positioning in international markets. Despite efforts by governments and influencers to improve its image, the perception of foreigners remains polarized, being associated with coffee and drug trafficking. This article is the result of a qualitative research conducted on foreign visitors from eight countries in the Americas with the largest number of visitors to Colombia in 2013: The United States, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Mexico and Chile. The study found that the image of Colombia is not one-dimensional, but multidimensional. It identifies five dimensions that influence country image: knowledge of the country, the industrial orientation, visitor attitudes, perceptions of prospects and preferences and finally interests associated with its image.Colombia es un país con un posicionamiento histórico negativo en mercados internacionales. Si bien los gobiernos y los prescriptores han dedicado esfuerzos por mejorarla, la percepción del extranjero se mantiene polarizada, es decir, todavía el país es asociado con el café y con el narcotráfico. El presente artículo es el resultado de una investigación cualitativa realizada a extranjeros procedentes de ocho países que registran el mayor número de visitantes en Colombia en el 2013 desde el continente americano: Estados Unidos, Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, Perú, Brasil, México y Chile. Como resultado del estudio se encontró que la imagen de Colombia no es unidimensional, es multidimensional. Se logran identificar cinco dimensiones que influyen en la imagen país: el conocimiento del país, la orientación industrial, las actitudes de los visitantes, las percepciones de los prospectos y las preferencias e intereses asociado a su imagen.

  14. River morphodynamics from space: the Landsat frontier (United States)

    Schwenk, Jon; Khandelwal, Ankush; Fratkin, Mulu; Kumar, Vipin; Foufoula-Georgiou, Efi


    NASA's Landsat family of satellites have been observing the entire globe since 1984, providing over 30 years of snapshots with an 18 day frequency and 30 meter resolution. These publicly-available Landsat data are particularly exciting to researchers interested in river morphodynamics, who are often limited to use of historical maps, aerial photography, and field surveys with poor and irregular time resolutions and limited spatial extents. Landsat archives show potential for overcoming these limitations, but techniques and tools for accurately and efficiently mining the vault of scenes must first be developed. In this PICO presentation, we detail the problems we encountered while mapping and quantifying planform dynamics of over 1,300 km of the actively-migrating, meandering Ucayali River in Peru from Landsat imagery. We also present methods to overcome these obstacles and introduce the Matlab-based RivMAP (River Morphodynamics from Analysis of Planforms) toolbox that we developed to extract banklines and centerlines, compute widths, curvatures, and angles, identify cutoffs, and quantify planform changes via centerline migration and erosion/accretion over large spatial domains with high temporal resolution. Measurement uncertainties were estimated by analyzing immobile, abandoned oxbow lakes. Our results identify hotspots of planform changes, and combined with limited precipitation, stage, and topography data, we parse three simultaneous controls on river migration: climate, sediment, and meander cutoff. Overall, this study demonstrates the vast potential locked within Landsat archives to identify multi-scale controls on river migration, observe the co-evolution of width, curvature, discharge, and migration, and discover and develop new geomorphic insights.

  15. Anaglyph, Landsat Overlay: Wellington, New Zealand (United States)


    Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, is located on the shores of Port Nicholson, a natural harbor at the south end of North Island. The city was founded in 1840 by British emigrants and now has a regional population of more than 400,000 residents. As seen here, the natural terrain imposes strong control over the urban growth pattern. Rugged hills generally rising to 300 meters (1,000 feet) help protect the city and harbor from strong winter winds.New Zealand is seismically active and faults are readily seen in the topography. The Wellington Fault forms the straight northwestern (upper left) shoreline of the harbor. Toward the southwest (lower left) the fault crosses through the city, then forms linear canyons in the hills before continuing offshore. Toward the northeast (upper right) the fault forms the sharp mountain front along the northern edge of the heavily populated Hutt Valley.This anaglyph was generated by first draping a Landsat Thematic Mapper image over a topographic map from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, then using the topographic data to create two differing perspectives, one for each eye. When viewed through special glasses, the result is a vertically exaggerated view of the Earth's surface in its full three dimensions. Anaglyph glasses cover the left eye with a red filter and cover the right eye with a blue filter.Landsat satellites have provided visible light and infrared images of the Earth continuously since 1972. SRTM topographic data match the 30 meter (99 foot) spatial resolution of most Landsat images and will provide a valuable complement for studying the historic and growing Landsat data archive. The Landsat 7 Thematic Mapper image used here was provided to the SRTM project by the United States Geological Survey, Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) data Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.Elevation data used in this image was acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour


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    Silvia Palotti Polizel


    Full Text Available A costa leste brasileira apresenta uma sucessão de sistemas deltaicos, sendo o delta do rio Doce, localizado no Estado do Espírito Santo, um dos mais expressivos. A progradação principal deste delta, de geometria cuspidada típica de deltas de onda, tem sido atribuída à queda do nível do mar que se seguiu à transgressão holocênica média. Análises preliminares de novos produtos de sensoriamento remoto disponibilizados nesses últimos anos mostraram o potencial de aprimoramento do mapa geomorfológico desse delta, que pode contribuir para a melhor reconstituição paleoambiental e evolução desse sistema deposicional. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo fornecer um mapa geomorfológico detalhado para a planície costeira do rio Doce com base em dados multissensores integrando Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE do Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM, Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR do Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS, imagens TM/Landsat, além de imagens óticas de alta resolução extraídas do Google EarthTM. O mapeamento geomorfológico feito por interpretação visual resultou no estabelecimento de seis classes principais, designadas de: 1 drenagem atual; 2 cordão litorâneo/spit; 3 paleocanal; 4 planície interdistributária; 5 flúvio-estuarino/lagunar/marinho raso; e 6 terraço fluvial. De maneira geral, o emprego combinado dos produtos de sensoriamento produziu resultados satisfatórios para a separação dessas classes. O MDE-SRTM contribuiu para a identificação somente da classe paleocanais. As imagens PALSAR foram úteis na identificação das classes cordão litorâneo/spit, paleocanal, flúvio-estuarino/lagunar/marinho raso e terraço fluvial. As imagens TM/Landsat possibilitaram o reconhecimento das classes drenagem atual, cordão litorâneo/spit, planície interdistributária e flúvio-estuarino/lagunar/marinho raso. O mapa geomorfológico contribuiu na caracterização mais

  17. Digital color analysis of color-ratio composite LANDSAT scenes. [Nevada (United States)

    Raines, G. L.


    A method is presented that can be used to calculate approximate Munsell coordinates of the colors produced by making a color composite from three registered images. Applied to the LANDSAT MSS data of the Goldfield, Nevada, area, this method permits precise and quantitative definition of the limonitic areas originally observed in a LANDSAT color ratio composite. In addition, areas of transported limonite can be discriminated from the limonite in the hydrothermally altered areas of the Goldfield mining district. From the analysis, the numerical distinction between limonitic and nonlimonitic ground is generally less than 3% using the LANDSAT bands and as much as 8% in ratios of LANDSAT MSS bands.

  18. A one year Landsat 8 conterminous United States study of spatial and temporal patterns of cirrus and non-cirrus clouds and implications for the long term Landsat archive. (United States)

    Kovalskyy, V.; Roy, D. P.


    The successful February 2013 launch of the Landsat 8 satellite is continuing the 40+ year legacy of the Landsat mission. The payload includes the Operational Land Imager (OLI) that has a new 1370 mm band designed to monitor cirrus clouds and the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) that together provide 30m low, medium and high confidence cloud detections and 30m low and high confidence cirrus cloud detections. A year of Landsat 8 data over the Conterminous United States (CONUS), composed of 11,296 acquisitions, was analyzed comparing the spatial and temporal incidence of these cloud and cirrus states. This revealed (i) 36.5% of observations were detected with high confidence cloud with spatio-temporal patterns similar to those observed by previous Landsat 7 cloud analyses, (ii) 29.2% were high confidence cirrus, (iii) 20.9% were both high confidence cloud and high confidence cirrus, (iv) 8.3% were detected as high confidence cirrus but not as high confidence cloud. The results illustrate the value of the cirrus band for improved Landsat 8 terrestrial monitoring but imply that the historical CONUS Landsat archive has a similar 8% of undetected cirrus contaminated pixels. The implications for long term Landsat time series records, including the global Web Enabled Landsat Data (WELD) product record, are discussed.

  19. Impacto de los programas de aportes y donaciones de almacenes de cadena de Cartagena sobre la imagen y reputación

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    Francisco José Arias-Aragonés


    Full Text Available El presente artículo es resultado de un estudio realizado a los almacenes de cadena de la ciudad de Cartagena para medir el impacto de los programas de aportes y donaciones sobre la imagen corporativa y reputación. Se hace primero un seguimiento de la discusión teórica reciente alrededor de los conceptos de RSE, aportes y donaciones, imagen corporativa y reputación. Luego se aplica un método cuantitativo y se formulan cuatro hipótesis para medir la incidencia de las variables acción social y relaciones con la comunidad sobre la imagen corporativa y reputación. La discusión teórica encontró que la RSE debe entenderse como una filosofía de gestión empresarial comprometida con el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de la sociedad en general. Adicionalmente, las pruebas de hipótesis confirmaron las diferencias conceptuales entre la imagen corporativa y reputación por encontrarse una relación directa y positiva entre las variables acción social y relaciones con la comunidad sobre la imagen corporativa y una relación no directa entre las variables acción social y reputación. Esto muestra que los programas de aportes y donaciones pueden contribuir a mejorar la imagen corporativa, mientras que la reputación exige un esfuerzo más integral y de acciones a lo largo del tiempo.

  20. Agricultural land-use change and disappearance of farmlands in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The four imageries (Landsat MSS 1980, Landsat TM 1990, Landsat ETM+ 2005 and Nigeria Sat X 2012) used were classified and compared to understand the rate and extent of agricultural land-use change during the different periods. The findings revealed that the study area experienced a significant reduction in

  1. NDVI e fluxo de CO2 em lavoura de soja no Rio Grande do Sul NDVI and CO2 flow in a soybean crop in Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Celso Pinheiro Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O aumento das emissões dos gases de efeito estufa (GEE se configura, atualmente, como um dos principais problemas ambientais, o que pode afetar significativamente as atividades humanas e os ecossistemas terrestres. Um dos principais GEE é o CO2, o qual tem sido emitido indiscriminadamente em função do estilo de vida atual, assim como pela intensificação das atividades agrícolas. Neste contexto, o objetivo da pesquisa foi estudar a relação entre o comportamento espectral da cultura de soja ao longo de seu ciclo de desenvolvimento, utilizando imagens NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index e o fluxo de CO2, calculado pelo método de covariância de vórtices (eddy covariance, gerando informações e metodologia para investigar as trocas de carbono em uma área de cultivo de soja no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, durante a safra de 2008/2009. Utilizou-se imagens TM do satélite Landsat 5, dados fenológicos e dados coletados em estação micrometeorológica ao longo do ciclo de desenvolvimento da soja. Os resultados mostraram que o padrão temporal do fluxo de CO2 ao longo do dia é cíclico, sendo que no período diurno apresenta valores negativos (captura e no período noturno, positivos (liberação. A radiação solar global determina a magnitude do aprisionamento de CO2 pela cultura da soja, mas o fluxo é modulado pelo estádio fenológico da cultura. A atividade fotossintética das plantas de soja é maior durante o estádio vegetativo, quando coincide a maior incidência de radiação solar e o maior aparato fotossintético. O NDVI, obtido de imagens Landsat, é um indicador da evolução da biomassa da soja ao longo do ciclo. Existe correlação entre o NDVI e o fluxo negativo de CO2 (captura, ocorridos no período diurno. Portanto, técnicas de sensoriamento remoto demonstram potencialidade na geração de informações úteis sobre as trocas de CO2 entre a superfície e a atmosfera.The increasing on the greenhouse gases (GHG

  2. Paraísos artificiales. La imagen drogada en la pintura europea del entresiglos XIX-XX


    Barrón, Sofía


    Paraísos artificiales. La imagen drogada en la pintura europea del entresiglos XIX-XX. La presente investigación recopila y analiza la imagen pictórica drogada en el entresiglos XIX-XX europeo, prestando especial atención al caso español, desde la exposición descriptiva; un trabajo elaborado con voluntad de catálogo. Las conclusiones teóricas dan cuenta no sólo de que el leitmotiv tóxico puede convertirse en una temática cambiosecular en sí misma, también pone de manifiesto como el uso y ...

  3. Processamento de imagens de veículos aéreos não tripulados para estudos da vegetação


    Luna Avilés, Inti Ernesto


    O objetivo principal desta tese de mestrado foi avaliar as aplicações ambientais e agrícolas de imagens obtidas com veículos aéreos não-tripulados (VANT) para estudar a vegetação e para avaliar o processamento de imagens envolvido, a fim de obter informação útel e compatível com outro tipo de geo-dados. Imagens dos veículos aéreos não tripulados foram processadas em três diferentes casos de estudo individualmente descritos e analisados com uma estreita relação entre si. (1) ...

  4. Landsat 7 - A challenge to America (United States)

    Colvocoresses, Alden P.

    Factors in favor of Landsat 7 are discussed; they include: reasonable cost, a base on which to examine global change, and the need for comprehensive and continuous satellite coverage of the earth at moderate (5-30 m) resolution, in view of various occurrences on the earth's surface, ranging from the Chernobyl disaster to deforestation to the Persian Gulf conflict. Attention is given to proposed parameters for Landsat 7 and suggested actions that should be taken by Congress, the Administration, and the public to implement this space program.

  5. Happing: Nativos digitales al servicio de la imagen corporativa de Coca-Cola

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    Carmen Llorente Barroso


    Full Text Available Happing, la comunidad de la gente que se atreve a ser feliz, es la nueva propuesta de la compañía Coca-Cola para su promoción web en España; su éxito entre los nativos digitales pone de manifiesto el acierto de esta gran marca internacional, que ha sabido aprovechar la creatividad de los nativos digitales que participan en la comunidad, para dar brillo a una Imagen Corporativa Intencional de sobra solvente. Los nativos digitales que contribuyen a la creación del mágico mundo Coca-Cola, participan gustosos de la oportunidad expresiva que les brida la compañía, fascinados por la filosofía de vida que siempre ha sido bandera de la Imagen de marca de Coca-Cola, ahora alimentada y, en parte, creada por esos nativos digitales.

  6. "La voz de los espectros" - Imagen y política en la Argentina de fin de siglo

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    Lic. María L. Beatriz Alem


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo intenta dar cuenta de ciertas imágenes políticas que aparecen en el escenario público, a partir de la relación de presencia/ausencia; y que marcan en principio una particularidad, la de no ser hechos actuales; sin embargo, siempre vuelven, y se instalan generando diversas y antagónicas reacciones, que van desde la adhesión al rechazo. En este recorrido intentaremos explicar esta modalidad, a partir de ciertas imágenes de la política argentina. Para ello vamos a citar dos ejemplos: la imagen de Eva Perón y la imagen de los desaparecidos en la última dictadura militar de 1976. Comenzaremos por describir el origen de las imagos, ya que las mismas tenían por función inmortalizar el poder. Y esta categoría de inmortal era posible a partir de la consagración de los cuerpos. Las imágenes que aquí proponemos aparecen de modo diferente, podemos inferir que la imagen de Eva Perón se constituye en el modo que tienen las imágenes religiosas que unen a la comunidad de creyentes y mantienen con su imagen una relación que trasciende la devoción para instalarla en el plano milagroso. En tanto que la imagen de los desaparecidos vuelven de un modo fantasmagórico, al modo que vuelven los fantasmas reclamando justicia. Concluiremos que entender el significado de estas imágenes, desde lo espectral y desde lo siniestro que ellas contienen, es sacarlas de la simple idea alucinógena que pueden resultarnos; fundamentalmente porque el escenario de la política argentina sigue recibiendo el mensaje de los fantasmas, que sectores del poder se niegan a escuchar, por se justamente un reclamo que cuestiona el "orden" establecido.

  7. Overview of Nintendo WiiTM use and potential applications for the Microsoft KinectTM in residential facilities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    C.A: Greenlay; H.R. Marston; J. van Hoof


    Marston, H.R., Greenlay, C.A., van Hoof, J. (2013) Overview of Nintendo WiiTM use and potential applications for the Microsoft KinectTM in residential facilities. Technology and Disability 25(2):77-85 doi: 10.3233/TAD-130369

  8. From Landsat through SLI: Ball Aerospace Instrument Architecture for Earth Surface Monitoring (United States)

    Wamsley, P. R.; Gilmore, A. S.; Malone, K. J.; Kampe, T. U.; Good, W. S.


    The Landsat legacy spans more than forty years of moderate resolution, multi-spectral imaging of the Earth's surface. Applications for Landsat data include global environmental change, disaster planning and recovery, crop and natural resource management, and glaciology. In recent years, coastal water science has been greatly enhanced by the outstanding on-orbit performance of Landsat 8. Ball Aerospace designed and built the Operational Land Imager (OLI) instrument on Landsat 8, and is in the process of building OLI 2 for Landsat 9. Both of these instruments have the same design however improved performance is expected from OLI 2 due to greater image bit depth (14 bit on OLI 2 vs 12 bit on OLI). Ball Aerospace is currently working on two novel instrument architectures applicable to Sustainable Land Imaging for Landsat 10 and beyond. With increased budget constraints probable for future missions, technological improvements must be included in future instrument architectures to enable increased capabilities at lower cost. Ball presents the instrument architectures and associated capabilities enabling new science in past, current, and future Landsat missions.

  9. Georgia resource assessment project: Institutionalizing LANDSAT and geographic data base techniques (United States)

    Pierce, R. R.; Rado, B. Q.; Faust, N.


    Digital data from LANDSAT for each 1.1-acre cell in Georgia were processed and the land cover conditions were categorized. Several test cases were completed and an operational hardware and software processing capability was established at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The operational capability was developed to process the entire state (60,000 sq. miles and 14 LANDSAT scenes) in a cooperative project between eleven divisions and agencies at the regional, state, and federal levels. Products were developed for State agencies such as in both mapped and statistical formats. A computerized geographical data base was developed for management programs. To a large extent the applications of the data base evolved as users of LANDSAT information requested that other data (i.e., soils, slope, land use, etc.) be made compatible with LANDSAT for management programs. To date, geographic data bases incorporating LANDSAT and other spatial data deal with elements of the municipal solid waste management program, and reservoir management for the Corps of Engineers. LANDSAT data are also being used for applications in wetland, wildlife, and forestry management.


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    Adilson Berveglieri

    Full Text Available Informações de controle terrestre são fundamentais para as aplicações fotogramétricas. Independentemente do tipo de controle utilizado, um passo interativo é ainda exigido para determinar as coordenadas imagem de pontos de apoio. Esta abordagem propõe uma técnica automática para orientar e ortorretificar imagens terrestres de pontos de apoio. As ortoimagens podem ser utilizadas como cenas de controle em algoritmos de correspondência para orientar imagens aéreas ou orbitais. O método emprega um alvo de controle acoplado a um receptor Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS para o levantamento de pontos de apoio. Imagens dos pontos são coletadas em posição nadiral e em diferentes alturas com uma câmara panorâmica. Um modelo multiescala é gerado e orientado usando pontos de enlace e os cantos do alvo como pontos de apoio. As coordenadas 3D destes pontos de enlace são determinadas automaticamente por intersecção de raios. Um Modelo Digital de Terreno (MDT local é produzido para ortorretificar a área com centro no ponto de apoio. Experimentos foram realizados em pequenas áreas com variações em altitude. As coordenadas geradas automaticamente foram comparadas com amostras coletadas por medições topográficas, e os resultados demonstraram que as áreas foram reconstruídas com erro médio quadrático inferior a 2 cm em altimetria, o que é compatível com a aplicação proposta de geração de cenas de controle.

  11. An Analysis of the High Frequency Vibrations in Early Thematic Mapper Scenes (United States)

    Kogut, J.; Larduinat, E.


    The motion of the mirrors in the thematic mapper (TM) and multispectral scanner (MSS) instruments, and the motion of other devices, such as the TDRSS antenna drive, and solar array drives onboard LANDSAT-4 cause vibrations to propagate through the spacecraft. These vibrations as well as nonlinearities in the scanning motion of the TM mirror can cause the TM detectors to point away from their nominal positions. Two computer programs, JITTER and SCDFT, were developed as part of the LANDSAT-D Assessment System (LAS), Products and Procedures Analysis (PAPA) program to evaluate the potential effect of high frequency vibrations on the final TM image. The maximum overlap and underlap which were observed for early TM scenes are well within specifications for the ground processing system. The cross scan and scan high frequency vibrations are also within the specifications cited for the flight system.

  12. An assessment of land-use/land-cover change of Bistrishko branishte biosphere reserve using Landsat data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Filchev, L; Feilong, L; Panayotov, M


    Land-Use/Land-Cover (LU/LC) change detection using satellite data has gained momentum with the advance of the pre-operational phase of regional and global earth observation programmes such as GEOS, GMES, and GOFC-GOLD to name but a few. Present study aims at revealing LU/LC change of Bistrishko branishte biosphere reserve using Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+ radiometer satellite data. The LU/LC classification of the study area is done for the period 2007-2012, and difference images, between LU/LC maps, have been created. The classification scheme follows CORINE2000 Level 3 with few additional classes introduced to map changes. The methods used in the study are geoinformation, cartography, and statistical. The results show that in effect of 2012 wildfire 0.72 km 2 from reserve territory was devastated. The temporal changes which are taking place after the 60 ha windthrow in 2001, the 200 ha bark-beetle outbreak in 2003–2011 and the wildfire from June 2012 were further investigated using ASD HH FS spectrometer in 2011. As a result the increase in '331 Broad-leaved forest' and '312 Coniferous forest' LU/LC classes is attributed to the increase of the territory of deciduous species after a large bark beetle outbreak, which took place between 2003 and 2011, which devastated most of the old Picea abies trees, while the decrease of 'Outbreak' and '332 Bare rock' LU/LC classes is mainly due to the wildfire which took place in June 2012

  13. La competencia comunicativa como premisa para la imagen social del maestro

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    Xiomara Catalina Ravelo Gainza


    Full Text Available Este artículo promueve la reflexión en torno a la incidencia que tiene la competencia comunicativa en la imagen social del maestro que se configura en el imaginario social, a partir del estudio de las obras de varios autores que han incursionado en el tema.

  14. La imagen de los destinos turísticos cubanos. Un acercamiento desde La Habana Vieja

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    Dra. Maité Echarri Chávez


    Full Text Available El estudio y análisis de la imagen de los destinos turísticos, a partir de las expectativas del cliente y desde la perspectiva de las entidades comercializadoras de los mismos, constituye todo un reto teniendo en cuenta que la decisión de viajar está también condicionada por un cúmulo de información que puede no ser correspondida con la realidad que se constata en el lugar de destino y los medios de comunicación. El informe que se presenta es resultado de investigaciones cuyo objetivo es conocer y analizar esas expectativas para el caso cubano, así como el análisis de la imagen inducida desde la perspectiva de las entidades comercializadoras, tomando como referente La Habana Vieja, principal destino de ciudad de Cuba. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron reconocer los íconos culturales que identifican a la ciudad y el papel que los mismos juegan en los diferentes soportes comunicacionales, proporcionándoles a las entidades gestoras de la actividad turística el punto de vista adecuado para la futura toma de decisiones en el ámbito de la imagen.

  15. Uma educação do olho: as imagens na sociedade urbana, industrial e de mercado

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    Full Text Available Neste artigo, pretendemos pensar o processo de produção industrial de imagens como parte de um programa de educação visual, cujas origens históricas antecedem o atual desenvolvimento industrial. Nossa hipótese é de que a valoriza��ão irrefletida da produção e do consumo de imagens através de aparelhos tecnológicos reproduz e intensifica a desvalorização dos sentidos na produção de conhecimento e revaloriza o pensamento "cartesiano", educando o olho a ver o homem e o mundo conforme as possibilidades e os limites destas formas de representação da realidade. A ausência de uma atitude crítica em relação aos processos de produção destas imagens e o desconhecimento de suas origens históricas fazem com que a escola incorpore, de forma conservadora, o programa de educação visual acima referido e eduque, de forma alienada, o olho a ver a realidade.

  16. Perspective View with Landsat Overlay, Costa Rica (United States)


    This perspective view shows the Caribbean coastal plain of Costa Rica, with the Cordillera Central rising in the background and the Pacific Ocean in the distance. The prominent river in the center of the image is the Rio Sucio, which merges with the Rio Sarapiqui at the bottom of the image and eventually joins with Rio San Juan on the Nicaragua border.Like much of Central America, Costa Rica is generally cloud covered so very little satellite imagery is available. The ability of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) instrument to penetrate clouds and make three-dimensional measurements will allow generation of the first complete high-resolution topographic map of the entire region. These data were used to generate the image.This three-dimensional perspective view was generated using elevation data from SRTM and an enhanced false-color Landsat 7 satellite image. Colors are from Landsat bands 5, 4, and 2 as red, green and blue, respectively. Topographic expression is exaggerated two times.Landsat has been providing visible and infrared views of the Earth since 1972. SRTM elevation data matches the 30-meter resolution of most Landsat images and will substantially help in analyses of the large and growing Landsat image archive. The Landsat 7 Thematic Mapper image used here was provided to the SRTM by the United States Geological Survey, Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center, Sioux Falls, S.D.Elevation data used in this image was acquired by the SRTM aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour, launched on February 11, 2000. SRTM used the same radar instrument that comprised the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) that flew twice on the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1994. SRTM was designed to collect three-dimensional measurements of the Earth's surface. To collect the 3-D data, engineers added a 60-meter-long (200-foot) mast, installed additional C-band and X-band antennas, and improved tracking and navigation devices

  17. Versión Española del Cuestionario-Revisado de Imagen del Movimiento (MIQ-R: Validación y propiedades psicométricas

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    Alfredo Campos


    Full Text Available En esta investigación deseábamos saber los factores que tenía la versión española del Cuestionario-Revisado de Imagen del Movimiento (MIQ-R, y cómo se distribuían los ítems. También deseábamos conocer la consistencia interna y cómo correlacionaba con otras medidas de habilidad de imagen. Para ello aplicamos la versión española del MIQ-R a una muestra de 201 estudiantes universitarios, y encontramos, mediante análisis factorial, que el cuestionario consta de dos factores, que juntos explican el 66.11% de la varianza total. Estos dos factores corresponden a la subescala visual y a la subescala cinestésica. La consistencia del test fue satisfactoria, tanto la consistencia de la puntuación total del test, como la de cada una de las dos subescalas. El MIQ-R correlacionó -.34 con el Cuestionario de Viveza de Imagen del Movimiento (VMIQ, y -.26 con el Cuestionario de Viveza de Imagen Visual (VVIQ. La versión española del MIQ-R se considera una buena medida de imagen del movimiento.

  18. El rol de la semiótica en la imagen corporativa de las empresas Almacenes Éxito, Davivienda S.A. y Bancolombia


    Vargas Almeida, Gissell Alejandra; Mora Charria, Oscar Leonardo; Ramírez Vasquez, Tatiana Paola


    La semiótica hace parte de la construcción de la imagen, desde la concepción primaria de la misma, ya que sin el análisis semiótico no podría concebirse la imagen tal como se entiende hoy en día. Gracias a los mercados cambiantes, la globalización y los impredecibles cambios económicos que encara la sociedad, las empresas deben mantenerse a la vanguardia, no solo en lo concerniente a sus productos y servicios, sino también en la imagen que proyectan a sus clientes. Por lo anterior, esta monog...

  19. Continuous fields of land cover for the conterminous United States using Landsat data: First results from the Web-Enabled Landsat Data (WELD) project (United States)

    Hansen, M.C.; Egorov, Alexey; Roy, David P.; Potapov, P.; Ju, J.; Turubanova, S.; Kommareddy, I.; Loveland, Thomas R.


    Vegetation Continuous Field (VCF) layers of 30 m percent tree cover, bare ground, other vegetation and probability of water were derived for the conterminous United States (CONUS) using Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data sets from the Web-Enabled Landsat Data (WELD) project. Turnkey approaches to land cover characterization were enabled due to the systematic WELD Landsat processing, including conversion of digital numbers to calibrated top of atmosphere reflectance and brightness temperature, cloud masking, reprojection into a continental map projection and temporal compositing. Annual, seasonal and monthly WELD composites for 2008 were used as spectral inputs to a bagged regression and classification tree procedure using a large training data set derived from very high spatial resolution imagery and available ancillary data. The results illustrate the ability to perform Landsat land cover characterizations at continental scales that are internally consistent while retaining local spatial and thematic detail.

  20. ScoutTM, a portable MCA system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, A.Y.; Ziemba, F.P.; Browning, J.E.; Szluk, N.


    Quantrad Sensor's hand-held multichannel analyzer (MCA), the Scout TM , has evolved considerably from the initial licensing from Pacific Northwest Laboratories (operated by Battelle Memorial Institute for the U.S. DOE). The Scout TM has grown into a flexible MCA system with alpha-, gamma-, X-ray and neutron detection capabilities with wide ranging applications. The development philosophy is discussed along with specific examples of design choices in areas such as manufacturability, upgradability, probe interchangability and software user interface. Recently introduced products include: software enhancements, additional probes, customized software and a second generation instrument, the Scout512 TM , that boasts increased capabilities. Future developments are also discussed. (author)

  1. Ab initio structures and stabilities of HeTM3+ (TM=Sc-Cu)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wilson, David J.D.; Marsden, Colin J.; Nagy-Felsobuki, Ellak I. von


    The electronic structure and molecular properties of triply charged transition metal helides, HeTM 3+ (where TM = Sc-Cu), have been investigated employing CCSD(T), MCSCF and MRCI methods. Dissociation energies and harmonic vibrational frequencies have also been determined. For all the triply charged helides, the ground state is dominated by the 3d n electronic configuration. In addition, states with configurations that have holes in the metal 3d σ orbital exhibit greater binding energies. The suitability of single-reference methods and diagnostics for this series has been investigated, with the MCSCF wave function being the most reliable diagnostic tool for the applicability of SCF methods

  2. Use of Landsat data to predict the trophic state of Minnesota lakes (United States)

    Lillesand, T. M.; Johnson, W. L.; Deuell, R. L.; Lindstrom, O. M.; Meisner, D. E.


    Near-concurrent Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) and ground data were obtained for 60 lakes distributed in two Landsat scene areas. The ground data included measurement of secchi disk depth, chlorophyll-a, total phosphorous, turbidity, color, and total nitrogen, as well as Carlson Trophic State Index (TSI) values derived from the first three parameters. The Landsat data best correlated with the TSI values. Prediction models were developed to classify some 100 'test' lakes appearing in the two analysis scenes on the basis of TSI estimates. Clouds, wind, poor image data, small lake size, and shallow lake depth caused some problems in lake TSI prediction. Overall, however, the Landsat-predicted TSI estimates were judged to be very reliable for the secchi-derived TSI estimation, moderately reliable for prediction of the chlorophyll-a TSI, and unreliable for the phosphorous value. Numerous Landsat data extraction procedures were compared, and the success of the Landsat TSI prediction models was a strong function of the procedure employed.

  3. IHC-TM connect-disconnect and efferent control V. (United States)

    Crane, H D


    Four previous papers in this series have explored how the idea of a set of disconnected inner hair cells (IHCs) that can "impact" the tectorial membrane (TM) is consistent with psychophysical data. This paper extends the model and explores the potential for mechanical interaction between the IHCs and outer hair cells (OHCs). In particular, it is speculated that the advantage of IHC-TM disconnect is extended dynamic range, and that movement of the movement of the OHCs and TM, under efferent control, constitutes a mechanical servo system for adjusting IHC-TM spacing along the cochlear partition to achieve this extended range.

  4. Tecnología y estética. Los motion graphics como exponente de la imagen interfaz


    Ràfols Cabrisses, Rafael


    El objeto de estudio de esta tesis son los motion graphics (MG), el género audiovisual nacido con la tecnología audiovisual digital y que es resultado de la introducción de la cultura gráfica en la imagen en movimiento. Es un formato que incorpora desde expresiones netamente artísticas hasta aquellas que con carácter funcional constituyen el diseño audiovisual. Sus formatos más característicos son: los títulos de crédito de las películas, la publicidad, los videoclips, la imagen de los canale...

  5. Imagens da violência e violência das imagens: considerações em torno do documentário Jardim Ângela

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    Cristiane da Silveira Lima


    Full Text Available Este trabalho discute a relação entre imagens e violência, nãoapenas a partir do seu conteúdo, mas sobretudo a partir domodo pelo qual elas solicitam um engajamento do olhar.Para tanto, comparamos algumas idéias de Marie-JoséMondzain, Jean-Luc Nancy e Jean-Louis Comolli. Emseguida, discorremos brevemente sobre o filme  JardimÂngela, de Evaldo Mocarzel. Por fim, nos interrogamossobre o tipo de experiência da violência que o filmeproporciona ao espectador.

  6. Imagen país de Colombia desde la perspectiva estadounidense

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    Lina María Echeverri


    Full Text Available La reputación de los países está vinculada a la percepción que tengan los visitantes sobre un destino específico, se construye sobre sus experiencias y da como resultado el concepto de imagen de un país. Autores como Anholt, Dinnie y Kotler han logrado evaluar y analizar la importancia que está cobrando el contenido sobre imagen país en el diseño de estrategias de reputación territorial. En el caso de Colombia, el país tiene un posicionamiento polarizado, se asocia con narcotráfico y con café. El presente artículo expone los resultados de una investigación empírica aplicada en Estados Unidos, sobre las impresiones del país que tienen aquellos que han visitado y no han visitado a Colombia. La hipótesis planteada es que Colombia mantiene un posicionamiento histórico negativo, asociado al narcotráfico. Se eligió como ámbito geográfico a Estados Unidos, por ser el emisor más grande de viajeros hacia Colombia.

  7. La imagen sometida: Ideología y contraideología de la representación visual en el cine digital y de animación latinoamericano

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    Samuel Viñolo Locuviche


    Full Text Available Aunque sigue pensándose que el poder fomenta, mediante el desarrollo tecnológico, el uso de la imagen como herramienta de dominio, la evolución de las imágenes parece apuntar hacia otro lugar: la imagen sintética se ha convertido en un fin en sí misma. A las sociedades desarrolladas industrialmente no les interesa tanto el dominar con la imagen como dominar la imagen misma, porque este dominio es el síntoma más notorio de una sociedad avanzada. Aunque el cine de animación digital, avanzadilla de la tecnología digital, constituye el medio adecuado para ese sometimiento de la imagen por parte de la industria predominante, han surgido movimientos que oponen resistencia a este modelo. Este artículo analiza cómo actúa esta resistencia en el contexto de la animación latinoamericana.

  8. Affinity of 167Tm-citrate for tumor and liver tissue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ando, A.; Ando, I.; Hiraki, T.


    Strong affinity of 167 Tm-citrate for tumor tissue was reconfirmed by using Ehrlich tumor. Excellent tumor imaging was obtained with 167 Tm-citrate because of its strong tumor affinity and because of the suitable physical characteristics of 167 Tm. A large amount of 167 Tm had accumulated in the connective tissue which contained inflammatory tissue, quite large amounts were found in areas containing viable and necrotic tumor tissue, and small amounts were present in viable tumor tissue. 167 Tm was not seen in necrotic tumor tissue. It was concluded that lysosomes did not play a major role in the tumor concentration of 167 Tm, but played an important role in the liver concentration of this nuclide. In the case of hepatoma AH109A, it was presumed that lysosomes played a considerably important role in the tumor concentration of 167 Tm, hepatoma AH109A possessing some residual features of the liver. 167 Tm was bound to acid mucopolysaccharides and transposed by the acid mucopolysaccharides in the tumor tissues and liver. The acid mucopolysaccharides to which 167 Tm were bound in tumor and liver, were heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate (or keratosulfate) and heparin (or keratosulfate). (orig.)


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    Lucrezia Lopez


    Full Text Available El sector turístico se está convirtiendo en uno de los sectores económicos más importantes en la economía gallega y compostelana. Durante los últimos años se han desarrollado nuevas y exitosas políticas turísticas para diversificar la oferta turística de Santiago y al mismo tiempo para renovar su imagen. En la actualidad, Santiago deja de ser sólo meta religiosa o de peregrinaje, y la presencia turística es cada vez más internacional; por su parte las motivaciones de viaje se van diversificando. Para comprobar el éxito de estas políticas hacia el exterior, el presente trabajo toma en consideración la imagen que la ciudad de Santiago proyecta hacia el mercado italiano (uno de los más importantes en la actualidad gracias a un trabajo de campo mediante encuestas y entrevistas dirigido a los turistas italianos en Santiago.

  10. Detecting long-term changes to vegetation in northern Canada using the Landsat satellite image archive

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fraser, R H; Olthof, I; Carrière, M; Deschamps, A; Pouliot, D


    Analysis of coarse resolution (∼1 km) satellite imagery has provided evidence of vegetation changes in arctic regions since the mid-1980s that may be attributable to climate warming. Here we investigate finer-scale changes to northern vegetation over the same period using stacks of 30 m resolution Landsat TM and ETM + satellite images. Linear trends in the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and tasseled cap indices are derived for four widely spaced national parks in northern Canada. The trends are related to predicted changes in fractional shrub and other vegetation covers using regression tree classifiers trained with plot measurements and high resolution imagery. We find a consistent pattern of greening (6.1–25.5% of areas increasing) and predicted increases in vascular vegetation in all four parks that is associated with positive temperature trends. Coarse resolution (3 km) NDVI trends were not detected in two of the parks that had less intense greening. A range of independent studies and observations corroborate many of the major changes observed.

  11. Avaliação de uma técnica para geração de modelos digitais de superfície utilizando múltiplas imagens

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    Raquel Alves de Oliveira

    Full Text Available A utilização de imagens ópticas para a geração de Modelos Digitais de Superfície (MDSs é explorada há muitos anos e os resultados dependem, além das características do projeto (resolução das imagens, tamanho da área de sobreposição entre as imagens, etc, das técnicas de correspondência de imagens aplicadas e da capacidade computacional para o processamento das imagens. Os pontos gerados com erros no processo de correspondência influenciam diretamente a qualidade dos produtos obtidos e, consequentemente, aumentam a necessidade da etapa onerosa de edição. O objetivo deste trabalho é a avaliação da técnica de geração de MDSs utilizando a correspondência simultânea entre múltiplas imagens pelo método de busca em linhas verticais (Vertical Line Locus-VLL. Nos experimentos foram utilizadas seis imagens da área urbana de Presidente Prudente-SP, com elemento de resolução aproximado de 7cm. Para análise da qualidade foram gerados MDSs de uma pequena área contendo áreas homogêneas, padrão repetitivo, objetos em movimento incluindo sombras e árvores grandes. O MDS obtido foi comparado com dados de varredura a LASER (Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation e com o MDS gerado pelo software Leica Photogrammetric Suite (LPS. Os resultados mostraram a compatibilidade da qualidade entre os modelos gerados pela técnica implementada e os dados de referência.

  12. Avaliação da simetria craniana através de imagens de TC cone beam = Cranial symmetry assessment through cone-beam CT images


    Vilella, Oswaldo de Vasconcellos; Rothier, Eduardo Kant Colunga; Vilella, Beatriz de Souza


    Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os lados direito e esquerdo de indivíduos que apresentavam simetria craniana através de 2 imagens geradas pela tomografia computadorizada cone beam (TCCB). Métodos: A amostra consistiu de 35 imagens obtidas pelo tomógrafo 3D-i-CAT (Imaging Sciences International Inc. , Hatfield, USA), sendo 13 de indivíduos do gênero masculino e 22 do gênero feminino, com idades variando de 8 a 64 anos, que apresentavam simetria facial aceitável. As imagens...

  13. Technological advances in Preclinical Molecular Imaging; Avances tecnológicos en Imagen Molecular Preclínica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Peña-Zalbidea, S.; Vaquero, J.


    Molecular imaging is undergoing an intense activity, mainly due to the availability of new detection and image reconstruction technologies, which in recent years have improved significantly both the resolution and sensitivity of these methods. The greatest potential for innovation comes from multimodality imaging, which combines information from more than one imaging technique and exploits the synergies between them. The main arguments in favour of these devices are the possibility of performing intrinsically registered scans in a minimum time and without moving the animal. Currently, the combination of PET and MRI as a hybrid imaging modality is receiving great attention and although its potential is clear, as it was with the PET/CT, this technology will have to overcome certain limitations and demonstrate its value for different applications. [Spanish] La imagen molecular es un área de investigación muy activa acelerada en los últimos años por la disponibilidad de nuevas tecnologías de detección y reconstrucción de imágenes. Estas innovaciones han permitido mejorar considerablemente tanto la resolución como la sensibilidad de las imágenes obtenidas sobre modelos preclínicos desarrollados en pequeños animales (ratón y rata principalmente). El mayor potencial de esta tecnología proviene de la imagen multimodalidad, que combina información de más de una técnica de imagen y explota las posibles sinergias entre ellas al integrar en una sola imagen “forma y función”. Los principales argumentos a favor de estos dispositivos multimodales son la posibilidad de hacer las exploraciones intrínsecamente registradas en un tiempo reducido, y sin necesidad de mover el animal entre diferentes equipos. De todas las posibles combinaciones la que está reclamando más la atención últimamente es la PET/IRM (tomografía por emisión de positrones e imagen de resonancia magnética), aunque de momento la PET/CT (tomografía por emisión de positrones y tomograf

  14. Aborto e corporalidade: sofrimento e violência nas disputas morais através de imagens

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    Naara Luna


    Full Text Available O artigo analisa representações do aborto por meio do discurso e imagens contidas em documentários. Na controvérsia do aborto no espaço público, grupos alinhados pró-vida e pró-escolha buscam o audiovisual como meio de propagar suas mensagens políticas. A retórica visual pró-vida recorre a imagens de diferentes estágios do desenvolvimento para provar a individualidade de embriões e fetos e sua condição de pessoa dotada de direitos. O movimento pró-escolha constrói seu discurso por meio de relatos de pessoas que passaram pela experiência do aborto, enfatizando o sofrimento e a violência da criminalização e da clandestinidade. O foco é a mulher como sujeito moral. A exceção está no tópico da anencefalia, quando imagens são usadas para representar a figura do "bebê sem cérebro" inviável. A partir do sofrimento e da violência, fetos e mulheres são apresentados como vítimas pelos diferentes lados da disputa, modo de reivindicar acesso a direitos.

  15. Música e dor crônica músculoesquelética: o potencial evocativo de imagens mentais

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    Leão Eliseth Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Noventa mulheres com diagnósticos de fibromialgia, lesão por esforços repetitivos/doenças osteoarticulares, relacionadas ao trabalho (LER/DORT, e afecções relacionadas à coluna vertebral foram submetidas à audição individual de três peças musicais. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevista e a intensidade da dor foi avaliada pela escala numérica verbal (0-10 antes e ao término da audição musical. As imagens mentais foram quantificadas mediante a análise de desenhos realizados durante cada audição. Os três grupos apresentaram redução estatisticamente significativa da intensidade da dor ao final da audição musical (p<0,001. As imagens mentais não diferiram quantitativamente, entre Ravel e Wagner. O Mix apresentou resultados quantitativamente inferiores. As estruturas musicais se relacionaram à produção de imagens e o efeito terapêutico observado, sugerindo que análises nesse sentido podem contribuir para a utilização da música pela Enfermagem.

  16. Imagens no calor da hora ou a Fênix renascida da imagem documental

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    Kati Caetano


    Full Text Available Apesar da freqüente discussão, tanto nos meios acadêmicos quanto nos midiáticos, envolvendo a crise da imagem documental, na esteira da propalada crise da cultura documental como um todo, não há como negar a proliferação de imagens e o incremento de uma produção assumida com esse propósito no universo das relações comunicacionais, seja ele impresso ou digital. Se, no domínio da arte, a ação hegemônica contemporânea consiste na desestabilização figurativa das imagens, do lado das mídias de produção massiva, afirma-se a sua estabilização como condição fundante do ato de documentar. Este trabalho não visa abordar as várias concepções de documental, porque parte do pressuposto de que esse aspecto se apresenta como resultado de estratégias figurativo-enunciativas de “fazer crer”, responsáveis por múltiplos regimes de sentido. De suas escolhas e agenciamentos decorrem modalidades interacionais amparadas na mediatez ou imediatez dos processos compreensivos, num sistema de valores condicionantes do ato comunicativo que coloca em evidência as funções prática, cognitiva, afetiva ou fiduciária (calcada em regimes de crença das mediações simbólicas. A questão mais geral que norteia o presente texto é indagar como as diferentes mídias, do fotográfico ao virtual, operam com essas imagens e que tipos de implicações comunicacionais promovem.

  17. Imagen. Diseño gráfico e industrial de América Latina

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    Revista Chasqui


    Full Text Available Extractamos las conclusiones y recomendaciones del Encuentro sobre Diseño Gráfico e Industrial de América Latina organizado por el Centro Imagen Latinoamericana, Sao Paulo, Brasil, 1986.

  18. Comparative evaluation of two methods for 172Tm production in nuclear reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cohen, I.M.; Hayes, Alejandro; Melcer, Elsa


    A comparative evaluation of two methods for the production of 172 Tm in nuclear reactors is carried out. They are respectively based on two chains of double neutron capture reactions, 170 Er(n,γ) 171 Er(n,γ) 172 Er(β - ) 172 Tm and 170 Er(n,γ) 171 Er(β - ) 171 Tm(n,γ) 172 Tm, and a chain of triple neutron capture: 169 Tm(n,γ) 170 Tm(n,γ) 71 Tm(n,γ) 172 Tm. Theoretical considerations with respect to both ways of production are formulated and the mathematical equation are solved. Experiments of irradiation of Er 2 O 3 and Tm 2 O 3 were performed. Advantages and drawbacks of both methods are discussed. (author)

  19. Field applications of the ScoutTM portable MCA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, A.Y.; Ziemba, F.P.; Browning, J.E.


    The use of Quantrad Sensor's Scout TM in field type applications is described. The portability of the Scout TM enables the user to obtain more accurate information in the field versus a survey meter. Isotopic identification is possible when ancillary information is combined with built-in software libraries. Data from the Scout TM in remediation at Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC), NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) measurements in California's Central Valley oil fields, medical isotope identification at nuclear pharmaceutical company and emergency response applications are presented. Additionally, custom software enabled the use of the Scout TM in identification, qualification and detection of Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) in illicit trafficking and portal monitoring applications. (author)

  20. Transformada fraccional de Fourier en el caso de un plano imagen inclinado Fraccional Fourier transform in the case of an inclined image plane

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    Y Torres


    Full Text Available La conocida fórmula de difracción de Fresnel relaciona la distribución de amplitud compleja de una onda en el plano objeto (campo ondulatorio de entrada con la distribución de amplitud compleja de la onda en el plano imagen(campo ondulatorio de salida cuando se trata de propagación en el espaciolibre; esto significa que si los planos objeto e imagen son paralelos entre sí, el sistema imagen correspondiente se dice que es un sistema lineal invariantea desplazamiento (LSI. Esta propiedad ventajosa es esencial para el desarrollo de técnicas de imagen sensitivas a fase; sin embargo, si el plano imagen está inclinado con respecto al haz incidente, la distancia efectiva de propagación cambiará sobre el plano imagen, consecuentemente el sistema imagen será no invariante a desplazamiento. En este artículo es propuesta una extensión del formalismo de la difracción de Fresnel al caso de un plano imageninclinado utilizando la transformada de Fourier de orden fraccional.The well-known Fresnel integral relates a known complex wave defined in the object plane (the input wave field to the observable complex wave (the output wave field defined in the image plane after free-space propagation; this means that if the object and image plane are parallel to each other, corresponding imaging system is said to be linear-shift-invariant (LSI. This advantageous property was essential for the development of phase sensitive imaging techniques; however, if the image plane is inclined with respect to the incident beam, the effective propagation distance will vary over the image plane, consequently, the imaging system is not shiftinvariant. In this paper an extension of the theoretical formalism of Fresnel diffraction to the case of an inclined image plane is proposed using the fractional Fourier transform.

  1. Interplay between magnetic order at Mn and Tm sites alongside the structural distortion in multiferroic films of o -TmMn O3 (United States)

    Windsor, Y. W.; Ramakrishnan, M.; Rettig, L.; Alberca, A.; Bothschafter, E. M.; Staub, U.; Shimamoto, K.; Hu, Y.; Lippert, T.; Schneider, C. W.


    We employ resonant soft x-ray diffraction to individually study the magnetic ordering of the Mn and the Tm sublattices in single-crystalline films of orthorhombic (o -) TmMn O3 . The same magnetic ordering wave vector of (0 q 0 ) with q ≈0.46 is found for both ionic species, suggesting that the familiar antiferromagnetic order of the Mn ions induces a magnetic order on the Tm unpaired 4 f electrons. Indeed, intensity variations of magnetic reflections with temperature corroborate this scenario. Calculated magnetic fields at the Tm sites are used as a model magnetic structure for the Tm, which correctly predicts intensity variations at the Tm resonance upon azimuthal rotation of the sample. The model allows ruling out a b c -cycloid modulation of the Mn ions as the cause for the incommensurate ordering, as found in TbMn O3 . The structural distortion, which occurs in the ferroelectric phase below TC, was followed through nonresonant diffraction of structural reflections forbidden by the high-temperature crystal symmetry. The (0 q 0 ) magnetic reflection appears at the Mn resonance well above TC, indicating that this reflection is sensitive also to the intermediate sinusoidal magnetic phase. The model presented suggests that the Tm 4 f electrons are polarized well above the ferroelectric transition and are possibly not affected by the transition at TC. The successful description of the induced order observed at the Tm resonance is a promising example for future element-selective studies in which "spectator" ions may allow access to previously unobtainable information about other constituent ions.

  2. Relaxation phenomena and host exchange parameters in Tm van Vleck compounds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zevin, V.; Levin, R.; Shaltiel, D.; Baberschke, K.; Davidov, D.


    The ESR linewidth of Gd in TmP (measured by Sugawara et al (Phys. Rev.; B11 (1975)) TmSb and TmBi (measured in the present work and by Davidov and Baberschke (Phys. Lett.; A51:144 (1975)) exhibits an appreciable temperature dependence. This behaviour is attributed to the fluctuation spectra of the host Tm ions. The previous theory (Davidov et al (Phys. Rev.; B15:2771 (1977)) for impurity relaxation in weakly coupled van Vleck paramagnets based on the Bloch-Redfield kinetic equation is extended here and applied to the interpretation of the ESR linewidth in the Tm pnictides. In particular the second moment calculation of the host fluctuation spectra has been extended to include both pair correlation and autocorrelation contributions. Explicit expressions are given for Tm and Pr cubic van Vleck compounds. Using the crystalline field as extracted from independent neutron scattering techniques and the Gd-Tm exchange from the ESR g shift, the Tm-Tm host exchange has been estimated by fitting theory to the experimental results. The host exchange parameter in TmSb is very small confirming previous studies on this compound. (author)


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    Geraldeli Flávio E.


    Full Text Available Criou-se um banco de dados usando a digitalização de imagens radiográficas para salvá-las da deterioração do tempo e, também, tornar mais ágil sua manipulação pelos profissionais que as utilizam. Foi criado um banco de dados que torna possível o armazenamento dos dados clínicos de cada paciente e, vinculadas a esses dados, suas respectivas imagens digitalizadas, com o propósito de ensino e pesquisa. Os elementos que compõem o banco de dados foram determinados por meio de pesquisa feita com os professores do Departamento de Radiologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Conseguiu-se elaborar um sistema que contém dados e imagens, de baixo custo e de fácil manipulação por parte dos usuários.

  4. Fire monitoring capability of the joint Landsat and Sentinel 2 constellation (United States)

    Murphy, S.; Wright, R.


    Fires are a global hazard. Landsat and Sentinel 2 can monitor the Earth's surface every 2 - 4 days. This provides an important opportunity to complement the operational (lower resolution) fire monitoring systems. Landsat-class sensors can detect small fires that would be missed by MODIS-classed sensors. All large fires start out as small fires. We analyze fire patterns in California from 1984 to 2017 and compare the performance of Landsat-type and MODIS-type sensors. Had an operational Landsat-Sentinel 2 fire detection system been in place at the time of the Soberanes fire last year (i.e. August 2016), the cost of suppressing of this fire event (US $236 million) could potentially have been reduced by an order of magnitude.

  5. Cloud detection algorithm comparison and validation for operational Landsat data products (United States)

    Foga, Steven Curtis; Scaramuzza, Pat; Guo, Song; Zhu, Zhe; Dilley, Ronald; Beckmann, Tim; Schmidt, Gail L.; Dwyer, John L.; Hughes, MJ; Laue, Brady


    Clouds are a pervasive and unavoidable issue in satellite-borne optical imagery. Accurate, well-documented, and automated cloud detection algorithms are necessary to effectively leverage large collections of remotely sensed data. The Landsat project is uniquely suited for comparative validation of cloud assessment algorithms because the modular architecture of the Landsat ground system allows for quick evaluation of new code, and because Landsat has the most comprehensive manual truth masks of any current satellite data archive. Currently, the Landsat Level-1 Product Generation System (LPGS) uses separate algorithms for determining clouds, cirrus clouds, and snow and/or ice probability on a per-pixel basis. With more bands onboard the Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI)/Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) satellite, and a greater number of cloud masking algorithms, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is replacing the current cloud masking workflow with a more robust algorithm that is capable of working across multiple Landsat sensors with minimal modification. Because of the inherent error from stray light and intermittent data availability of TIRS, these algorithms need to operate both with and without thermal data. In this study, we created a workflow to evaluate cloud and cloud shadow masking algorithms using cloud validation masks manually derived from both Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM +) and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS data. We created a new validation dataset consisting of 96 Landsat 8 scenes, representing different biomes and proportions of cloud cover. We evaluated algorithm performance by overall accuracy, omission error, and commission error for both cloud and cloud shadow. We found that CFMask, C code based on the Function of Mask (Fmask) algorithm, and its confidence bands have the best overall accuracy among the many algorithms tested using our validation data. The Artificial Thermal-Automated Cloud Cover Algorithm (AT-ACCA) is the most accurate

  6. Landsat Remote Sensing Data as an Alternative Approach for ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Rungwe Volcanic Province (RVP) is mostly covered by extrusive rocks that overlain the Precambrian basement. The use of Landsat data in this area has revealed the need of effective use of these data in geological mapping programs in Tanzania. Landsat band ratios 5/1, 3/7, 5/7 and 5/4 as well as R: G: B composite ...

  7. Evolução e mapeamento do uso da terra, através de imagens aerofotogramétricas e orbitais em Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP Land use mapping and evolution through aerial photographs and orbital images, in Santa Bárbara D'Oeste (SP

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    M.H. Borges


    Full Text Available Em Santa Bárbara D'Oeste,SP, foram realizados dois mapeamentos do uso da terra em área de 14.625 ha. No primeiro utilizou-se fotografias aéreas verticais pancromáticas (data de 25/6/78, na escala 1:35.000, e no segundo utilizou-se imagens orbitais do satélite LANDSAT-5 com sensor "Thematic Mapper" (data de 12/8/91, escala 1: 100.000, nas bandas 3, 4 e 5 e composição colorida 3/4/5. Para auxiliar a confecção desses mapas, obteve-se chaves de interpretação, tanto para as aerofotos como para as imagens orbitais. As fotografias aéreas proporcionaram um maior nível de detalhamento na identificação do uso da terra. A banda 3 e a composição colorida 3/4/5 foram as mais eficientes entre as imagens orbitais. Entre 1978 e 1991, a área de ocorrência de cana-de-açúcar permaneceu a mesma, as áreas de mata e pastagem diminuíram, enquanto que as áreas de reflorestamento e urbana aumentaram. Essa região teve sua capacidade de uso enquadrada, na maior parte, na classe IV: terras mais apropriadas para pastagens ou plantas perenes como a cana-de-açúcar, devendo-se aplicar técnicas intensivas de conservação, e com aptidão baseada em práticas agrícolas que refletem um alto nível tecnológico.Land use was studied in Santa Bárbara D'Oeste,SP in an area of 14,625 ha. Two land use mappings were made using pancromatic aerial photographs (date 25/6/78, in a scale of 1:35,000 and orbital images from LANDSAT-5 satellite (date 12/8/91 in a scale 1:100,000, at bands 3, 4 and 5 and color composition 3/4/5. Interpretation keys for aerial photos and orbital images were established to assist map making. For land use identification photos presented more details. On the other hand, orbital images at band 3 and color composition 3/4/5 were more efficient in relation to the other bands. Sugar cane crop area did not change in the studied period (1978-1991, forest and pasture areas had a reduction and urban areas increased. Using the land capability

  8. Poética da rua : estética do meio ambiente urbano em imagens de cineastas negros


    Feitosa, Aida Rodrigues


    O presente trabalho é um esforço de elaboração de uma poética da rua a partir de imagens de filmes de cineastas negros. O objetivo é construir uma experiência visual poética singular, destacando a centralidade do espaço rua, como parte de um caminho de abertura poética às imagens fílmicas em sua relação com diferentes estéticas. Para tal investida, o referencial teórico é a fenomenologia, principalmente, a partir de estudos de Gaston Bachelard (2008) e Michel Maffesoli (2008). O recorte metod...

  9. Tecnología y estética los motions graphics como como exponente de la imagen interfaz /


    Ràfols Cabrisses, Rafael


    El objeto de estudio de esta tesis son los motion graphics (MG), el género audiovisual nacido con la tecnología audiovisual digital y que es resultado de la introducción de la cultura gráfica en la imagen en movimiento. Es un formato que incorpora desde expresiones netamente artísticas hasta aquellas que con carácter funcional constituyen el diseño audiovisual. Sus formatos más característicos son: los títulos de crédito de las películas, la publicidad, los videoclips, la imagen de los canale...

  10. Regímenes de poder y tecnologías de la imagen. Foucault y los estudios visuales


    León Mantilla, Christian Manuel


    Este ensayo analiza los legados del pensamiento de Michel Foucault para el estudio de las prácticas visuales, la mirada y las tecnologías de la imagen. A partir la recepción de Foucault en el campo de los estudios visuales, me interesa reflexionar sobre cómo la imagen y la mirada se inscriben dentro de una red de relaciones, saberes, tecnologías, normativas e instituciones que develan formas de operación del poder y de construcción de los sujetos. Para empezar, pongo en diálogo conceptos como...

  11. Investigations of LRE-HRE-TM thin films for hybrid recording (United States)

    Li, Zuoyi; Cheng, Xiaomin; Jin, Fang; Li, Zhen; Lin, Gengqi; Yang, Xiaofei


    Light rare earth-heavy rare earth-transition metal (LRE-HRE-TM) thin films are a kind of important recording media. A lot of researches have been carried out on the LRE-HRE-TM thin films to improve its properties for data storage application and fruitful results have been achieved. This report gives a glance on the evolution of the research on LRE-HRE-TM recording media. At the same time, combined with the hybrid recording technology, some experimental results obtained on LRE-HRE-TM recording media are discussed, which suggest the promising prospect of the LRE-HRE-TM media in hybrid recording application.

  12. Análise Multitemporal da Cobertura Florestal da Microbacia do Arroio Grande, Santa Maria, RS Multitemporal Analysis of Forest Cover in the Arroio Grande Small Hydrological Basin, Santa Maria, RS

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    Joel Juliano Kleinpaul


    Full Text Available

    Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma análise multitemporal da cobertura florestal da microbacia do Arroio Grande, Santa Maria, RS. Foram utilizadas quatro imagens de satélite: LANDSAT 5 (1987, LANDSAT 5 (1995, LANDSAT 7 (2002 e CBERS 2 (2005. As imagens foram classificadas empregando-se o algoritmo Bhattacharya. Após a classificação das imagens, foi realizado o cruzamento dos mapas temáticos. Como resultado, obteve-se mapas com os seguintes usos da terra: cobertura florestal, regeneração e desmatamento, ou seja, as florestas que permaneceram inalteradas de uma época para outra, as que regeneraram e as que foram desmatadas. Para um período de 18 anos, a cobertura florestal aumentou 10,24% na área da microbacia, passando de 14.135,42 ha (40,01% em 1987 para 17.752,20 ha (50,25% em 2005. Isto ocorreu devido à entrada em vigor do Código Florestal Estadual, à conscientização dosproprietários rurais e à implantação em maiorescala de povoamentos de espécies exóticas no estado. 
    This work aims to carry out a multitemporal analysis of the forest cover of Arroio Grande small hydrological basin located in Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Four satellite images were used: LANDSAT 5 (1987, LANDSAT 5 (1995, LANDSAT 7 (2002 and CBERS 2 (2005. The images were classified according to the Bhattacharya algorithm. After the classification of such images, the crossing of the thematic maps was accomplished. Maps with different land uses were obtained: unaffected forest cover, regeneration and deforestation for the period 1987 – 2005. During 18 years, the forest cover increased 10,24% in the basin area, changing from 14.135,42 ha (40,01% in 1987 to 17.752,20 ha (50,25% in 2005. This happened because the State Forest Law has become effective as well as the rural owners’ consciousness and also due to increment of exotic forest plantations in the State. 

  13. Remote sensing of species diversity using Landsat 8 spectral variables (United States)

    Madonsela, Sabelo; Cho, Moses Azong; Ramoelo, Abel; Mutanga, Onisimo


    The application of remote sensing in biodiversity estimation has largely relied on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The NDVI exploits spectral information from red and near infrared bands of Landsat images and it does not consider canopy background conditions hence it is affected by soil brightness which lowers its sensitivity to vegetation. As such NDVI may be insufficient in explaining tree species diversity. Meanwhile, the Landsat program also collects essential spectral information in the shortwave infrared (SWIR) region which is related to plant properties. The study was intended to: (i) explore the utility of spectral information across Landsat-8 spectrum using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and estimate alpha diversity (α-diversity) in the savannah woodland in southern Africa, and (ii) define the species diversity index (Shannon (H‧), Simpson (D2) and species richness (S) - defined as number of species in a community) that best relates to spectral variability on the Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager dataset. We designed 90 m × 90 m field plots (n = 71) and identified all trees with a diameter at breast height (DbH) above 10 cm. H‧, D2 and S were used to quantify tree species diversity within each plot and the corresponding spectral information on all Landsat-8 bands were extracted from each field plot. A stepwise linear regression was applied to determine the relationship between species diversity indices (H‧, D2 and S) and Principal Components (PCs), vegetation indices and Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) texture layers with calibration (n = 46) and test (n = 23) datasets. The results of regression analysis showed that the Simple Ratio Index derivative had a higher relationship with H‧, D2 and S (r2= 0.36; r2= 0.41; r2= 0.24 respectively) compared to NDVI, EVI, SAVI or their derivatives. Moreover the Landsat-8 derived PCs also had a higher relationship with H‧ and D2 (r2 of 0.36 and 0.35 respectively) than the

  14. Contribuciones del protocolo a la creación de la imagen de las autoridades en España


    Cuadrado Esclapez, Carmen


    El propósito de esta investigación es demostrar cómo el protocolo, elemento decisivo para alcanzar los objetivos comunicacionales de los objetos sobre los que opera –los actos públicos–, contribuye a la construcción de la imagen pública del sujeto protagonista de esos actos. La creación y transmisión de una determinada imagen mediática en coherencia con unos objetivos previamente definidos requiere un plan de comunicación estratégico, del cual el protocolo es parte fundamental. El protocolo s...

  15. Modelo para gestionar la sustentabilidad de las organizaciones a través de la rentabilidad, adaptabilidad e imagen


    Miguel Blázquez; María Florencia Peretti


    El presente artículo tiene por objetivo presentar una herramienta denominada hexágono de imagen que, junto con la herramienta de los hexágonos de utilidad-rentabilidad, desarrollada anteriormente, pretende servir de soporte a la gestión de la sustentabilidad, en pos de lograr un equilibrio dinámico entre ambos aspectos: rentabilidad e imagen. La metodología empleada comprende una síntesis del marco teórico de la investigación, consistente en una revisión bibliográfica y posterior propuesta so...

  16. Apropiación por la mirada, La paradoja de la "huella digital" en la imagen fotográfica


    Vélez Salazar, Gabriel Mario


    La imagen fotográfica, por la forma como se produce su génesis técnica, se ha relacionado con la huella y el efecto indicial que supone . No obstante con la llegada de la imagen digital y el cambio de naturaleza asociado, ¿es acaso posible sostener mismo principio? The photographical image, because of the way its technical genesis is produced, has been related with the prints and the sign effects it supposes. Nonetheless, with the arrival of the digital image and the nature change as...

  17. Influencia de la imagen corporal y la autoestima en la experiencia sexual de estudiantes universitarias sin trastornos alimentarios


    María Calado Otero; María Lameiras Fernández; Yolanda Rodríguez Castro


    En este estudio se evalúa la relación que tienen diversas variables de la imagen corporal cognitivas (miedo a ganar peso, distorsión de la imagen corporal e insatisfacción corporal) y perceptivas (índice de masa corporal y autopercepción de atractivo) junto con la autoestima sobre la actividad sexual (nivel de experiencia sexual y actividad sexual en la actualidad, edad de la primera relación sexual coital, número de parejas sexuales coitales y satisfacción de las relaciones se...

  18. Impacto da Conversão da Cobertura Natural em Pastagem e Área Urbana sobre Variáveis Biofísicas no Sul do Amazonas

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    Vagner Marques Pavão

    Full Text Available Resumo A substituição da cobertura natural por áreas de pastagem afeta o albedo superficial, que por sua vez influencia no saldo de radiação e na temperatura superficial. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os impactos do desmatamento sobre variáveis biofísicas no município de Apuí-AM, por imagens Landsat 5 TM (Thematic Mapper. As imagens utilizadas nesse estudo foram fornecidas pelo Serviço Geológico dos Estados Unidos (USGS. A imagem de 20/07/2010 foi processada por etapas intermediárias do SEBAL (Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land. O desmatamento no município de Apuí aumentou em 20% nos últimos 20 anos analisados. O NDVI da Floresta foi 20 e 43% maior que da pastagem e da área urbana, respectivamente. O albedo da superfície na pastagem e na área urbana foram 16% maiores que na área de Floresta e a temperatura de brilho da superfície na pastagem e na área urbana foram 16 e 10% maiores que na área de Floresta, respectivamente. O Rn na área de Floresta foi 8% e 6% maior que na área urbana e na pastagem, respectivamente. Portanto, a conversão da Floresta Amazônica modifica o balanço de radiação com maior disponibilidade de calor sensível da superfície nas áreas de pastagem e urbana.

  19. Utilización de imágenes de satélite para determinar áreas con problemas de lixiviación de nitratos

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    R. Rivera Vázquez


    Full Text Available Las actividades que realiza el hombre sobre el ambiente deben ser conocidas y reguladas para hacer una correcta planeación y manejo de los recursos; en este sentido la percepción remota o teledetección permite evaluar los recursos naturales y sus problemas de manera más actual y con mayor rapidez y eficacia. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en el Valle del Mezquital, en el estado de Hidalgo, el cual tiene problemas de contaminación por las aguas residuales que se utilizan para regar las tierras agrícolas. Se valoraron y clasificaron las tierras según su nivel de concentración de nitratos a través de imágenes de satélite Landsat-TM, el programa IDRISI y datos de campo. Los resultados indicaron que a través de las imágenes de satélite es posible indicar los niveles de concentración de nitratos en capas de suelo de 60-90 cm de profundidad, donde las altas concentraciones de nitratos están directamente asociadas a la lixiviación de estos y causan problemas de contaminación. Cuando se usa el cultivo de alfalfa como indicador, la imagen de satélite muestra un 91.88 % de certeza de obtener las concentraciones de nitratos, y cuando se usa el cultivo de maíz, la imagen sólo muestra un 63.33 % de certeza.

  20. Analysis of n+165Ho and 169Tm reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Young, P.G.; Arthur, E.D.; Philis, C.; Nagel, P.; Collin, M.


    Experimental data for neutron-induced reactions on 165 Ho and 169 Tm have been theoretically analyzed in preparation for calculations on the unstable isotopes of Tm. A set of deformed optical model parameters was determined from measurements of s- and p-wave neutron strength functions, total cross sections, elastic angular distributions, and 16-MeV proton scattering to the 165 Ho ground and first excited states. The parameters for the 165 Ho and 169 Tm nuclei were linked by means of an isospin term in the real and imaginary well depths, together with adjustment of the ν 2 and ν 4 deformation parameters based on systematics in this mass region. Transmission coefficients from this analysis were used in Hauser-Feshbach statistical model calculations of the 169 Tm(n,ν) cross section as well as the 169 Tm(n,2n) and (n,3n) cross sections to 23 MeV, after application of suitable preequilibrium corrections. The results of these calculations are in good agreement with most of the available experimental data on 165 Ho and 169 Tm

  1. Feocromocitoma bilateral: la importancia de los estudios de diagnóstico por imagen

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    Igor I. Bonnet, MD


    Full Text Available Se presenta un caso clínico poco frecuente de feocromocitoma bilateral, en el cual los estudios de diagnóstico por imagen, tanto de información estructural como funcional, constituyeron una fuente fundamental para su detección y seguimiento.

  2. “Dime cómo vendes y te diré quién eres”: actividades de imagen e identidad en la publicidad de Yoigo

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    Vizcaíno María José García


    Full Text Available Este trabajo analiza los anuncios de televisión y prensa de la compañía española de telefonía móvil Yoigo para explorar cómo la publicidad usa la apelación emocional para persuadir al consumidor a adquirir un servicio. El marco teórico se basa, por una parte, en el concepto de efecto social del acto comunicativo (Bravo, 2008. The implications of studying politeness in Spanish-speaking contexts: a discussion. Pragmatics, 18 (4: 577–603 y el de actividad de imagen (Hernández Flores, 2013. Actividad de imagen: caracterización y tipología en la interacción comunicativa. Pragmática Sociocultural, 1(2: 175–198, entendiendo la imagen social desde las categorías básicas de autonomía y afiliación (Bravo, 1999. ¿Imagen “positiva” vs. imagen “negativa”?: Pragmática sociocultural y componentes de face. Oralia, 2: 155–184 con sus manifestaciones grupal e individual (Bravo, 1999; 2002. Actos asertivos y cortesía: Imagen del rol en el discurso de académicos argentinos. En D. Bravo y M. E. Placencia (Eds., Actos de habla y cortesía en el español (pp. 141–174. Munich: Lincom Europa. Por otro lado, se parte de las propuestas de identidad de Spencer-Oatey (2007, 2010. Theories of identity and the analysis of face. Journal of Pragmatics, 39, 639–656; Face, identity and interactional goals. En F. Bargiela-Chiappini y M. Haugh (eds., Face, Communication and Social Interaction (pp. 137–154 y los tipos de valores centrales e individuales de los que se nutren tanto la imagen social como la identidad (Schwartz y Bardi, 2001. Value hierarquies across cultures. Take a similarities perspective. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 32(3, 268-290. Los resultados de los análisis demuestran que en los anuncios de Yoigo los valores de honestidad y originalidad están presentes en las estrategias comunicativas elegidas, lo que supone una serie de actividades de imagen (del tipo de autoimagen, cortesía y descortesía donde la afiliaci

  3. A Cubesat enabled Spatio-Temporal Enhancement Method (CESTEM) utilizing Planet, Landsat and MODIS data

    KAUST Repository

    Houborg, Rasmus; McCabe, Matthew


    using a multi-scale target sampling scheme that draws Landsat 8 reference data from a series of scenes by using MODIS-consistent surface reflectance time series to quantify relative changes in Landsat-scale reflectances over given Landsat

  4. Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) Dataset From Landsat (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) Dataset from Landsat is a global map of HBASE derived from the Global Land Survey (GLS) Landsat dataset for...

  5. Landsat: A global land-imaging mission (United States)



    Across four decades since 1972, Landsat satellites have continuously acquired space-based images of the Earth's land surface, coastal shallows, and coral reefs. The Landsat Program, a joint effort of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), was established to routinely gather land imagery from space. NASA develops remote-sensing instruments and spacecraft, then launches and validates the performance of the instruments and satellites. The USGS then assumes ownership and operation of the satellites, in addition to managing all ground reception, data archiving, product generation, and distribution. The result of this program is a long-term record of natural and human induced changes on the global landscape.

  6. LANDSAT-1 data, its use in a soil survey program (United States)

    Westin, F. C.; Frazee, C. J.


    The following applications of LANDSAT imagery were investigated: assistance in recognizing soil survey boundaries, low intensity soil surveys, and preparation of a base map for publishing thematic soils maps. The following characteristics of LANDSAT imagery were tested as they apply to the recognition of soil boundaries in South Dakota and western Minnesota: synoptic views due to the large areas covered, near-orthography and lack of distortion, flexibility of selecting the proper season, data recording in four parts of the spectrum, and the use of computer compatible tapes. A low intensity soil survey of Pennington County, South Dakota was completed in 1974. Low intensity inexpensive soil surveys can provide the data needed to evaluate agricultural land for the remaining counties until detailed soil surveys are completed. In using LANDSAT imagery as a base map for publishing thematic soil maps, the first step was to prepare a mosaic with 20 LANDSAT scenes from several late spring passes in 1973.


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    P. Litinsky


    Full Text Available An alternative approach to information extraction from Landsat TM/ETM+ imagery is proposed. It involves transformation the image space into visible 3D form and comparing location in this space the segments of the ecosystem types with expressed graphically typology of forest and mire cover (biogeocenotic scheme. The model is built in LC1-LC2-MSI axis (the two first principal components of the image matrix in logarithmic form and moisture stress index. Comparing to Tasseled Cap, this transformation is more suitable for study area (north taiga zone of Eastern Fennoscandia. The spectral segments of mature and old-growth forests line up from the ecological optimum (moraine hills along two main environmental gradients: i lack of water and nutrition (fluvioglacial sands bedrock and ii degree of paludication (lacustrine plains. Thus, the biogeocenotic complexes are identified. The succession trajectories of forest regeneration through spectral space are also associated with the type of Quaternary deposits. For mire ecosystems spectral classes accurately reflect the type of water and mineral nutrition (ombrotrophic or mesotrophic. Spectral space model created using measured by the scanner physical ecosystem characteristics can be the base for developing objective classification of boreal ecosystems, where one of the most significant clustering criterions is the position in the spectral space.

  8. Measurements of the 169Tm(n,2n)168Tm cross section between 9.0 and 17.5 MeV (United States)

    Soter, J.; Bhike, Megha; Krishichayan, Fnu; Finch, S. W.; Tornow, W.


    Measurements of the 169Tm(n,2n)168Tm cross section have been performed in 0.5 MeV intervals for neutron energies ranging from 9.0 MeV to 17.5 MeV in order to resolve discrepancies in the current literature data. The neutron activation technique was used with 90Zr and 197Au as monitor foils. After irradiation, de-excitation gamma rays were recorded off-line with High-Purity Germanium (HPGE) detectors in TUNL's Low-Background Counting Facility. In addition, data for the 169Tm(n,3n)167Tm reaction have also been obtained from 15.5 MeV to 17.5 MeV. The results of these measurements provide the basis for investigating properties of the interial confinement fusion plasma in deuterium-tritium (DT) capsules at the National Ignition Facility located at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

  9. Trapping processes in CaS:Eu2+,Tm3+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jia, Dongdong; Jia, Weiyi; Evans, D. R.; Dennis, W. M.; Liu, Huimin; Zhu, Jing; Yen, W. M.


    CaS:Eu 2+ ,Tm 3+ is a persistent red phosphor. Thermoluminescence was measured under different excitation and thermal treatment conditions. The results reveal that the charge defects, created by substituting Tm 3+ for Ca 2+ , serve as hole traps for the afterglow at room temperature. Tm 3+ plays the role of deep electron trapping centers, capturing electrons either through the conduction band or directly from the excited Eu 2+ ions. These two processes, in which two different sites of Tm 3+ are involved, correspond to two traps with different depths. (c) 2000 American Institute of Physics

  10. In-beam gamma spectroscopy of 155Tm

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raut, R.; Ganguly, S.; Kshetri, R.; Banerjee, P.; Bhattacharya, S.; Mukherjee, A.; Saha Sarkar, M.; Goswami, A.; Bhowal, S.; Ganguly, G.; Muralithar, S.; Singh, R.P.


    The observation of superdeformation in 154 Er has pronounced the possibility of observation of high spin phenomena in the neighbouring isotones. There has been a paucity of data on 155 Tm till day. The present work proposes to extend the level scheme of 155 Tm and thus established the systematics therein

  11. Evaluation of IRS-1C LISS-3 satellite data for Norway spruce defoliation assessment

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Falkenstroem, H.


    Satellite based remote sensing supported by air photo and field surveys, provide a means to area covering forest health assessment on a regional scale. Landsat TM data has been extensively used in studies of spruce and fir defoliation in Europe and North America. The temporal coverage of Landsat TM in combination with cloudiness however restrict the availability of data. In this study the LISS-3 sensor onboard the Indian Resource Satellite, IRS-1C, was evaluated for defoliation assessments in Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the central part of Sweden. The near infrared wavelength band proved to be best correlated with mean stand defoliation. After normalisation of satellite data for topographic conditions, the correlation coefficient increased from -0,19 to -0,83. Normalising satellite data for species composition did not improve the results though. The correction coefficients involved in the procedure were originally developed for Landsat TM, and proved to be inadequate for the LISS-3 data set. A thorough examination of the effects of species composition on LISS-3 data is needed to yield better results. The correlation between observed defoliation in the verification stands and predicted (based on the inverse regression function between corrected NIR values and defoliation in reference stands) was 0,70, despite a very limited range of defoliation in the verification set. IRS-1C LISS-3 is fully comparable to Landsat TM for spruce defoliation studies, although the results would probably not be significantly improved 49 refs, 7 figs, 10 tabs

  12. High-speed elevator ELEXCIA{sub TM}; Kosoku elevator EXEXCIA{sub TM}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    New series high-speed elevator ELEXCIA{sub TM} was put on sale in November 1999. In ELEXCIA{sub TM}, the car and door as well as the newly developed hoist and control device were improved in compactness, lightweight, silence, and riding quality. The major features of the high-speed elevator are as follows: (1) The use of an outer rotor-type permanent magnetic synchronous motor (PMSM) in a hoist reduced the mass of the hoist (by about 40% as compared with the conventional one). (2) The use of a double-structured car side plate and floor enabled a silent car. (3) Improved door performance. The introduction of a PMSM motor and latest inverter control processor door into a door gave smoother movement than the previous one. (4) Brightly easy-to-view and white LED-type operation buttons are used in the hoistway door and car. (translated by NEDO)

  13. Measurements of nuclear polarization and nuclear magnetic moment of 170Tm in 170Tm:SrF2 by optical pumping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shimomura, K.


    Significant nuclear polarization of unstable 170 Tm in Tm 2+ :SrF 2 was for the first time achieved with β-ray radiation detected optical pumping in solids, providing a new powerful method to measure magnetic moments of unstable nuclei. (author)

  14. Automated Techniques for Quantification of Coastline Change Rates using Landsat Imagery along Caofeidian, China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dong, Di; Li, Ziwei; Liu, Zhaoqin; Yu, Yang


    This paper focuses on automated extraction and monitoring of coastlines by remote sensing techniques using multi-temporal Landsat imagery along Caofeidian, China. Caofeidian, as one of the active economic regions in China, has experienced dramatic change due to enhanced human activities, such as land reclamation. These processes have caused morphological changes of the Caofeidian shoreline. In this study, shoreline extraction and change analysis are researched. An algorithm based on image texture and mathematical morphology is proposed to automate coastline extraction. We tested this approach and found that it's capable of extracting coastlines from TM and ETM+ images with little human modifications. Then, the detected coastline vectors are imported into Arcgis software, and the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) is used to calculate the change rate (the end point rate and linear regression rate). The results show that in some parts of the research area, remarkable coastline changes are observed, especially the accretion rate. The abnormal accretion is mostly attributed to the large-scale land reclamation during 2003 and 2004 in Caofeidian. So we can conclude that various construction projects, especially the land reclamation project, have made Caofeidian shorelines change greatly, far above the normal

  15. Automated Techniques for Quantification of Coastline Change Rates using Landsat Imagery along Caofeidian, China (United States)

    Dong, Di; Li, Ziwei; Liu, Zhaoqin; Yu, Yang


    This paper focuses on automated extraction and monitoring of coastlines by remote sensing techniques using multi-temporal Landsat imagery along Caofeidian, China. Caofeidian, as one of the active economic regions in China, has experienced dramatic change due to enhanced human activities, such as land reclamation. These processes have caused morphological changes of the Caofeidian shoreline. In this study, shoreline extraction and change analysis are researched. An algorithm based on image texture and mathematical morphology is proposed to automate coastline extraction. We tested this approach and found that it's capable of extracting coastlines from TM and ETM+ images with little human modifications. Then, the detected coastline vectors are imported into Arcgis software, and the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) is used to calculate the change rate (the end point rate and linear regression rate). The results show that in some parts of the research area, remarkable coastline changes are observed, especially the accretion rate. The abnormal accretion is mostly attributed to the large-scale land reclamation during 2003 and 2004 in Caofeidian. So we can conclude that various construction projects, especially the land reclamation project, have made Caofeidian shorelines change greatly, far above the normal.

  16. Las webs de las comunidades autónomas: Imagen corporativa y servicios

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    Fernando Sabés Turmo


    Full Text Available Este artículo ofrece un análisis de los portales web institucionales de las Comunidades Autónomas españolas, unas páginas en las que la comunicación corporativa se une a la necesidad de prestar servicios a los ciudadanos. Además, no hay que olvidar que la aprobación de la Ley 11/2007, de 22 de junio, de acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a los Servicios Públicos, supone una auténtica revolución en cuanto a la oferta de servicios desde estos portales. Estas páginas se convierten en la puerta de entrada de los ciudadanos a las Instituciones y suponen un elemento vital en la imagen que desde ellas se quiere proyectar. De todos modos, estamos ya en una fase mucho más avanzada, en la que la imagen corporativa ha de ir de la mano con los servicios de e-Administración que se deben ir implementando en todas las Instituciones públicas.


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    Marcos Clair BOVO


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa tem como propósito/intenção apresentar uma breve reflexão referente à imagem da “cidade verde” que predomina no município de Maringá-PR, destacando a concepção de cidade jardim, as imagens e os discursos que vinculam na mídia, seguidas das principais propostas implantadas no município referente à legislação ambiental. Desta forma buscamos investigar a ação do marketing “Maringá Cidade Verde”, por meio das propagandas, reportagens de revistas de circulação nacional, e dos discursos vinculados pelo poder público referente à imagem e a forma urbana dos projetos que estimulam a valorização imobiliária da cidade de Maringá. As imagens produzidas aparecem com intencionalidades específicas utilizando principalmente suas áreas verdes como ícones de divulgação, ou seja, os parques, as praças e suas amplas ruas arborizadas como sinônimo de qualidade ambiental.

  18. Circo tradicional en Chile. Forma de vida y la imagen del arte

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    Milenko Lasnibat


    Full Text Available A pesar de sus peculiaridades, suele pensarse que el circo es un arte como el teatro o la danza. Bajo esta consideración, surge la tentación de utilizar la imagen del arte par a asir lo que ocurre en el circo tradicional. En el presente artículo esa tentación se pone en cuestión mediante la descripción de algunos rasgos relativos a la forma de vida de quienes pertenecen al circo tradicional en Chile. Con ello, mi objetivo no es confrontar el uso que con fines prácticos pueda hacerse de la afinidad que existe entre el circo y el arte, sino mostrar los límites que tiene la imagen del arte al momento de aproximarse al circo tradicional con intereses cognoscitivos. A partir de esa di scusión, se sostiene que una manera más adecuada de entender las dinámicas relativas al circo tradicional radica en la figura del gremio.


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    Eduardo Pellejero


    Full Text Available Retomada de forma dogmática, a tematizaçãoplatónica da pintura projeta sobre a produção e a contemplaçãode imagens atributos de irrealidade, irracionalidade epassividade, fazendo do olhar o oposto de conhecer e o opostode atuar, uma aceitação acrítica das aparências, coisa decrianças. O presente artigo pretende problematizar essa tradiçãoiconoclasta, colocando em causa os seus pressupostos filosóficose explorando a potência das imagens da arte e do olhar crítico.Dialogando com as obras de Merleau-Ponty, Berger, Damish,Didi-Huberman, Manguel e Rancière, aspira a mostrar que osolhares do pintor e do espectador estão longe de deixar-sereduzir às simplificações platónicas, dando lugar a uma dialéticacrítica e criativa que desconhece qualquer distinção entreaparência e realidade, entre passividade e atividade, e, emúltima instância, entre interpretar e transformar o mundo.

  20. Manual de utilização de ferramenta do Centro Comum de Investigação para validação das mudanças da cobertura vegetal e do uso da terra




    O projeto TREES-3 do CCI tem como objetivo avaliar mudanças da cobertura vegetal na região tropical que ocorreram entre 1990 e 2000, e entre 2000-(2005)-2010. Para isto, foram processadas e avaliadas mudanças da cobertura vegetal em uma grande quantidade de imagens de satélite multi-temporais de resolução espacial média (unidades amostrais de 20 km x 20 km de imagens Landsat). Desta forma, o projeto TREES-3 busca avaliar para cada uma das unidades amostrais a cobertura florestal e as mudanças...

  1. La imagen transformadora. El poder de cambio social de una fotografía: la muerte de Aylan

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    Full Text Available Este trabajo plantea el papel de la imagen como agente de transformación social. La metodología que se emplea es un estudio de caso sobre el impacto de la fotografía de Aylan Kurdi, el niño de tres años ahogado en el intento de huida en una balsa de inmigrantes sirios en Bodrum. Se trata de uno de los documentos recientes de fotoperiodismo social más difundidos transnacionalmente y con gran impacto en redes sociales. El estudio aborda diferentes niveles de análisis (iconográfico, iconológico y ético para decapar los aspectos constitutivos de una imagen con poder de cambio social. Como principales conclusiones, esta investigación comprueba el poder de la imagen gráfica digital por su carácter de fácil reedición y resignificación en el paso de transformar simbólicamente la realidad y generar procesos de pronunciamiento y activismo en la ciudadanía a partir de entornos digitales. Los resultados del análisis del caso que se delimita muestran cómo el valor de una imagen en el cambio social no viene dado solo por la magnitud de la tragedia o el hecho que registra, ni por sus aspectos formales (iconográficos, sino por ser capaz de expresar un cambio de lógica (aspecto iconológico y propiciar procesos de reapropiación y denuncia ciudadana. Por último, el debate ético sobre su difusión traslada el problema de la deontología periodística a la responsabilidad ciudadana.

  2. 2017 Landsat Science Team Summer Meeting Summary (United States)

    Crawford, Christopher J.; Loveland, Thomas R.; Wulder, Michael A.; Irons, James R.


    The summer meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)-NASA Landsat Science Team (LST) was held June 11-13, 2017, at the USGS’s Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center near Sioux Falls, SD. This was the final meeting of the Second (2012-2017) LST.1 Frank Kelly [EROS—Center Director] welcomed the attendees and expressed his thanks to the LST members for their contributions. He then introduced video-recorded messages from South Dakota’s U.S. senators, John Thune and Mike Rounds, in which they acknowledged the efforts of the team in advancing the societal impacts of the Landsat Program.

  3. Principles of computer processing of Landsat data for geologic applications (United States)

    Taranik, James V.


    The main objectives of computer processing of Landsat data for geologic applications are to improve display of image data to the analyst or to facilitate evaluation of the multispectral characteristics of the data. Interpretations of the data are made from enhanced and classified data by an analyst trained in geology. Image enhancements involve adjustments of brightness values for individual picture elements. Image classification involves determination of the brightness values of picture elements for a particular cover type. Histograms are used to display the range and frequency of occurrence of brightness values. Landsat-1 and -2 data are preprocessed at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) to adjust for the detector response of the multispectral scanner (MSS). Adjustments are applied to minimize the effects of striping, adjust for bad-data lines and line segments and lost individual pixel data. Because illumination conditions and landscape characteristics vary considerably and detector response changes with time, the radiometric adjustments applied at GSFC are seldom perfect and some detector striping remain in Landsat data. Rotation of the Earth under the satellite and movements of the satellite platform introduce geometric distortions in the data that must also be compensated for if image data are to be correctly displayed to the data analyst. Adjustments to Landsat data are made to compensate for variable solar illumination and for atmospheric effects. GeoMetric registration of Landsat data involves determination of the spatial location of a pixel in. the output image and the determination of a new value for the pixel. The general objective of image enhancement is to optimize display of the data to the analyst. Contrast enhancements are employed to expand the range of brightness values in Landsat data so that the data can be efficiently recorded in a manner desired by the analyst. Spatial frequency enhancements are designed to enhance boundaries between features

  4. Análise das modificações da cobertura vegetal da planície fluvial do alto rio Paraná no período entre 1976 e 2007 = Analysis of vegetation changes in the Paraná river floodplain between 1976 and 2007

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edivando Vitor Couto


    Full Text Available A vegetação da planície fluvial do rio Paraná sofre a pressão da ocupação antrópica desde a década de 1950. A área próxima a Porto Rico (Paraná tem sido estudada desde os anos 1980, mas não há estudos dirigidos à distribuição espacial da vegetação. Os objetivos deste trabalho são cartografar as unidades vegetais e verificar a evolução temporal de sua distribuição entre 1976 e 2007. Para isso foram utilizadas imagens orbitais de 1976 (LANDSAT MSS-1, 1987 (LANDSAT TM-5, 2000 (LANDSAT ETM+7 e de 2007 (CBERS-2 CCD. Asimagens foram georreferenciadas e classificadas pelo algoritmo Bhattacharya. Foram identificadas três classes de vegetação, corpos de água e áreas de solo exposto. A análise multitemporal demonstrou aumento contínuo da área de solo exposto, aumento da área dos corpos de água, mudança de posição das áreas úmidas no período entre 1976 e 1987 e modificações mais sutis de ambas as classes no período entre 1987 e 2007. As áreas de vegetação arbórea diminuíram em quase todos os anos. Tais dados permitem afirmar que a atuação antrópica sobre a planície vem se ampliando e que as principais cheias modificaram sua morfologia.The removal of vegetation from the Paraná river floodplain has been increasing since the 1950s the until present time, but no study has been made about its spatial distribution. The purpose of this paper is to map and analyze the temporal evolution of vegetation distribution over the Parana river floodplain between 1976 and 2007. Orbital images from 1976 (LANDSAT MSS-1, 1987 (LANDSAT TM-5, 2000 (LANDSAT ETM+7 and 2007 (CBERS-2 CCD were utilized to compare the evolution of the vegetation distribution over that time period. Theimages were georeferenced using SPRING 4.3.3 software and classified by the Bhattacharya algorithm; the maps were produced using the Global Mapper 7.4 software. Three different classes of vegetation, water bodies and exposed soil areas were

  5. Ikh Turgen Mountain Glacier Change and 3d Surface Extents Prediction Using Long Term Landsat Image and Climate Data (United States)

    Nasanbat, Elbegjargal; Erdenebat, Erdenetogtokh; Chogsom, Bolorchuluun; Lkhamjav, Ochirkhuyag; Nanzad, Lkhagvadorj


    The glacier is most important the freshwater resources and indicator of the climate change. The researchers noted that during last decades the glacier is melting due to global warming. The study calculates a spatial distribution of protentional change of glacier coverage in the Ikh Turgen mountain of Western Mongolia, and it integrates long-term climate data and satellite datasets. Therefore, in this experiment has tried to estimation three-dimensional surface area of the glacier. For this purpose, Normalized difference snow index (NDSI) was applied to decision tree approach, using Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+ and LC8 imagery for 1975-2016, a surface and slope for digital elevation model, precipitation and air temperature historical data of meteorological station. The potential volume area significantly changed glacier cover of the Ikh Turgen Mountain, and the area affected by highly variable precipitation and air temperature regimes. Between 1972 and 2016, a potential area of glacier area has been decreased in Ikh Turgen mountain region.

  6. Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in Tm3+:YAG

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alexander, A. L.; Lauro, R.; Louchet, A.; Chaneliere, T.; Le Goueet, J. L.


    We report on the experimental demonstration of stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in a Tm 3+ :YAG crystal. Tm 3+ :YAG is a promising material for use in quantum information processing applications, but as yet there are few experimental investigations of coherent Raman processes in this material. We investigate the effect of inhomogeneous broadening and Rabi frequency on the transfer efficiency and the width of the two-photon spectrum. Simulations of the complete Tm 3+ :YAG system are presented along with the corresponding experimental results

  7. Wind Atlas for the Gulf of Suez Satellite Imagery and Analyses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hasager, Charlotte Bay

    (SAR) data derived from the European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS) have been used to make wind speed maps for the Gulf of Suez. 2. “Land cover from Landsat TM imagery”. Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM) data have been used to establish true- and false-colour land cover maps, as well as land cover...... classification maps. 3. “Reporting on satellite information for the Wind Atlas for Egypt”. Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR) data from the European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS) have been used to map the sea- and land-surface temperatures and albedos....

  8. Advances in the application of remote sensing and GIS for surveying mountainous land

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Mulders, M.A.


    Satellite remote sensing has been practised since 1972, starting with broad channels and moderate ground resolution (Landsat MSS). In the 1980s, Landsat TM and SPOT provided for improved spatial and spectral resolutions. Many satellite images were produced in these two decades, offering a synoptic

  9. Affinity of /sup 167/Tm-citrate for tumor and liver tissue

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ando, A; Ando, I; Hiraki, T; Sakamoto, K; Hisada, K; Takeshita, M


    Strong affinity of /sup 167/Tm-citrate for tumor tissue was reconfirmed by using Ehrlich tumor. Excellent tumor imaging was obtained with /sup 167/Tm-citrate because of its strong tumor affinity and because of the suitable physical characteristics of /sup 167/Tm. A large amount of /sup 167/Tm had accumulated in the connective tissue which contained inflammatory tissue, quite large amounts were found in areas containing viable and necrotic tumor tissue, and small amounts were present in viable tumor tissue. /sup 167/Tm was not seen in necrotic tumor tissue. It was concluded that lysosomes did not play a major role in the tumor concentration of /sup 167/Tm, but played an important role in the liver concentration of this nuclide. In the case of hepatoma AH109A, it was presumed that lysosomes played a considerably important role in the tumor concentration of /sup 167/Tm, hepatoma AH109A possessing some residual features of the liver. /sup 167/Tm was bound to acid mucopolysaccharides and transposed by the acid mucopolysaccharides in the tumor tissues and liver. The acid mucopolysaccharides to which /sup 167/Tm were bound in tumor and liver, were heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate (or keratosulfate) and heparin (or keratosulfate).

  10. Users, uses, and value of Landsat satellite imagery: results from the 2012 survey of users (United States)

    Miller, Holly M.; Richardson, Leslie A.; Koontz, Stephen R.; Loomis, John; Koontz, Lynne


    Landsat satellites have been operating since 1972, providing a continuous global record of the Earth’s land surface. The imagery is currently available at no cost through the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Social scientists at the USGS Fort Collins Science Center conducted an extensive survey in early 2012 to explore who uses Landsat imagery, how they use the imagery, and what the value of the imagery is to them. The survey was sent to all users registered with USGS who had accessed Landsat imagery in the year prior to the survey and over 11,000 current Landsat imagery users responded. The results of the survey revealed that respondents from many sectors use Landsat imagery in myriad project locations and scales, as well as application areas. The value of Landsat imagery to these users was demonstrated by the high importance of and dependence on the imagery, the numerous environmental and societal benefits observed from projects using Landsat imagery, the potential negative impacts on users’ work if Landsat imagery was no longer available, and the substantial aggregated annual economic benefit from the imagery. These results represent only the value of Landsat to users registered with USGS; further research would help to determine what the value of the imagery is to a greater segment of the population, such as downstream users of the imagery and imagery-derived products.

  11. Powernext Day-AheadTM statistics April 30, 2005

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The introduction of a power exchange in France is a direct response to the opening up of the European electricity markets. Powernext SA is a Multilateral Trading Facility in charge of managing an optional and anonymous organised exchange offering: - Day-ahead contracts for the management of volume risk on Powernext Day-Ahead TM since 21 November 2001, - Medium term contracts for the management of price risk on Powernext Futures TM since 18 June 2004. This document presents in a series of tables and graphics the April 30, 2005 update of Powernext Day-Ahead TM statistics: traded volumes and average prices from November 2001 to April 2005, monthly overview from April 2004 to April 2005 (volumes, prices and price spreads), weekly overview from January to April 2005, daily and hourly overview and market resilience for April 2005, power consumption in March and April 2005 (average consumption, average forecasted consumption and average price on Powernext Day-Ahead TM ), power consumption on the French hub from January to April 2005 and Powernext Day-Ahead TM prices, transfer capacities in April 2005 (daily capacity allocations for France-Germany, France-Switzerland and France-Spain, daily and monthly capacity allocations for France-Belgium, auction on the France-UK Interconnector, daily and yearly capacity allocation for France-Italy), temperature variations in France from November 2004 to April 2005 and average prices on Powernext Day-Ahead TM , and balancing mechanism for March-April 2005 (half-hourly imbalance settlement prices). (J.S.)

  12. Powernext Day-AheadTM statistics - June 30, 2006

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The introduction of a power exchange in France is a direct response to the opening up of the European electricity markets. Powernext SA is a Multilateral Trading Facility in charge of managing an optional and anonymous organised exchange offering: - Day-ahead contracts for the management of volume risk on Powernext Day-Ahead TM since 21 November 2001, - Medium term contracts for the management of price risk on Powernext Futures TM since 18 June 2004. This document presents in a series of tables and graphics the June 30, 2006 update of Powernext Day-Ahead TM statistics: daily traded volumes and base-load prices from November 2001 to June 2006, monthly overview from June 2005 to June 2006 (volumes and prices), weekly overview from March to June 2006 (volumes and prices), daily and hourly overview and market resilience for June 2006, power consumption in May and June 2006 (average consumption, average forecasted consumption and average price on Powernext Day-Ahead TM ), power consumption on the French hub from July 2005 to May 2006 and Powernext Day-Ahead TM prices, transfer capacities in June 2006 (auction results for France-Germany, France-Belgium, France-UK, France-Spain and France-Italy, and daily capacity allocation for France-Switzerland), temperature variations in France from January 2005 to June 2006 and base-load Powernext Day-Ahead TM prices, and balancing mechanism for April, May and June 2006 (half-hourly imbalance settlement prices). (J.S.)

  13. Kerr Reservoir LANDSAT experiment analysis for March 1981 (United States)

    Lecroy, S. R. (Principal Investigator)


    LANDSAT radiance data were used in an experiment conducted on the waters of Kerr Reservoir to determine if reliable algorithms could be developed that relate water quality parameters to remotely sensed data. A mix of different types of algorithms using the LANDSAT bands was generated to provide a thorough understanding of the relationships among the data involved. Except for secchi depth, the study demonstrated that for the ranges measured, the algorithms that satisfactorily represented the data encompass a mix of linear and nonlinear forms using only one LANDSAT band. Ratioing techniques did not improve the results since the initial design of the experiment minimized the errors against which this procedure is effective. Good correlations were found for total suspended solids, iron, turbidity, and secchi depth. Marginal correlations were discovered for nitrate and tannin + lignin. Quantification maps of Kerr Reservoir are presented for many of the water quality parameters using the developed algorithms.

  14. La publicidad y el enfoque de la imagen femenina


    Sánchez-Aranda, J.J. (José Javier)


    Desde hace años se ha reivindicado la necesidad de que la publicidad presente una imagen de la mujer más adecuada a la realidad presente. A partir de la Teoría del Enfoque se pueden esclarecer algunos conceptos fundamentales que ayuden a resolver algunas de los problemas planteados con esas protestas. Tras presentar los puntos más controvertidos que suelen destacarse y aplicar la Teoría del Enfoque al ámbito específico de la publicidad, se intenta delimitar los aspectos centrales de la polémi...

  15. Geologic mapping using LANDSAT data (United States)

    Siegal, B. S.; Abrams, M. J.


    The feasibility of automated classification for lithologic mapping with LANDSAT digital data was evaluated using three classification algorithms. The two supervised algorithms analyzed, a linear discriminant analysis algorithm and a hybrid algorithm which incorporated the Parallelepiped algorithm and the Bayesian maximum likelihood function, were comparable in terms of accuracy; however, classification was only 50 per cent accurate. The linear discriminant analysis algorithm was three times as efficient as the hybrid approach. The unsupervised classification technique, which incorporated the CLUS algorithm, delineated the major lithologic boundaries and, in general, correctly classified the most prominent geologic units. The unsupervised algorithm was not as efficient nor as accurate as the supervised algorithms. Analysis of spectral data for the lithologic units in the 0.4 to 2.5 microns region indicated that a greater separability of the spectral signatures could be obtained using wavelength bands outside the region sensed by LANDSAT.


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    Kati Caetano


    Full Text Available Apesar da freqüente discussão, tanto nos meios acadêmicos quanto nos midiáticos, envolvendo a crise da imagem documental, na esteira da propalada crise da cultura documental como um todo, não há como negar a proliferação de imagens e o incremento de uma produção assumida com esse propósito no universo das relações comunicacionais, seja ele impresso ou digital. Se, no domínio da arte, a ação hegemônica contemporânea consiste na desestabilização figurativa das imagens, do lado das mídias de produção massiva, afirma-se a sua estabilização como condiçãofundante do ato de documentar. Este trabalho não visa abordar as várias concepções de documental, porque parte do pressuposto de que esse aspecto se apresenta como resultado de estratégias figurativo-enunciativas de “fazer crer”, responsáveis por múltiplos regimes de sentido. De suas escolhas e agenciamentos decorrem modalidades interacionais amparadas na mediatez ou imediatez dos processos compreensivos, num sistema de valores condicionantes do ato comunicativo que coloca em evidência as funções prática, cognitiva, afetiva ou fiduciária (calcada em regimes de crençadas mediações simbólicas. A questão mais geral que norteia opresente texto é indagar como as diferentes mídias, do fotográfico ao virtual, operam com essas imagens e que tipos de implicações comunicacionais promovem.

  17. La importancia de la comunicación no verbal en la configuración de la imagen corporativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Fanjul Peyró


    Full Text Available La creación de una imagen corporativa sólida, fuerte y positiva supone un trabajo de enriquecimiento constante de los valores y principios de base que definen la realidad de una organización, a los cuales debe ser fiel en todas sus manifestaciones comunicativas. Los componentes no verbales que rodean o configuran cualquiera de estas manifestaciones, emergen como piezas clave en la construcción de imagen, dado el peso pragmático de los mismos dentro del proceso sistémico que implica la formación del principal intangible corporativo.

  18. Edén: relato, imagen y proyecto. El concepto de paraíso terrenal como generador de arquitecturas


    Casha Vida, Stephanie


    Esta tesis, Edén: relato, imagen y proyecto. El concepto de Paraíso terrenal como generador de arquitecturas se realiza con el objetivo de estudiar los vínculos entre la idea de Edén, o Paraíso y la arquitectura. Siempre trabajando desde los tres niveles de representación, relato, imagen y proyecto. En la aproximación al objeto de estudio, se procede a estudiar el relato en sí, y se hallan, en la forma misma del relato, unas implicaciones relacionadas con el mundo mitológico y arquetípico. E...

  19. Extensão do SGBD PostgreSQL para suportar recuperação de imagens por conteúdo


    Melo, Ernani Viriato de


    Este projeto descreve uma extensão para o SGBDR PostgreSQL para suportar recuperação de imagens por conteúdo. Esta extensão, denominada PostgreSQL-IE, é independente de aplicação e possui as vantagens de ser portável e de ter o código aberto. A linguagem SQL estendida (SQL-IE), disponibilizada pelo PostgreSQL-IE, é composta por um conjunto de funções que inclui comandos para criar novas funções de extração do conteúdo das imagens, novos vetores de características com uma combin...

  20. Change detection using Landsat images and an analysis of the linkages between the change and property tax values in the Istanbul Province of Turkey. (United States)

    Canaz, Sibel; Aliefendioğlu, Yeşim; Tanrıvermiş, Harun


    In this study, the Istanbul Province was monitored using LandsatTM, MSS, Landsat 7 ETM+, and Landsat 8 OLI imagery from the years 1986, 2000, 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015 in order to assess land cover changes in the province. The aim of the study was to classify manmade structures, land, green, and water areas, and to observe the changes in the province using satellite images. After classification, the images were compared in selected years to observe land cover. Moreover, these changes were correlated with the property tax values of Istanbul by years. The findings of the study showed that manmade structure areas increased while vegetation areas decreased due to rapid population growth, urbanization, and industrial and commercial development in Istanbul. These changes also explain the transformation of land from rural and natural areas to residential use, and serve as a tool with which to assess land value increments. Land value capturing is critical for the analysis of the linkages between the changes in land cover, and for assessing land transformation and urban growth. Due to inadequate market data, real estate tax values were used to analyze the linkages between detection changes, land cover, and taxation. In fact, the declared tax values of land owners are generally lower than the actual market values and therefore it is not possible to transfer the value increasing of land in urban areas by using property taxation from the owner to local and central governments. The research results also show that the integration of remote sensing results with real estate market data give us to determine the tax base values of real estate more realistically. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Introduction program of M5TM cladding in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mardon, Jean Paul; Kaneko, Nori


    Experience from irradiation in PWR has confirmed that M5 TM possesses all the properties required for upgraded operation including new fuel management approaches and high duty reactor operation. Specifically, the alloy M5 TM has demonstrated impressive improvements over Zircaloy-4 for fuel rod cladding and fuel assembly structural components. Moreover, several irradiation campaigns have been worldwide performed in order to confirm the excellent M5 TM in-pile behavior in very demanding PWR irradiation conditions (high void fraction, heat flux, temperature, lithium content and Zinc injection). Regarding licensing, the authorization for loading M5 TM alloy has been granted by US, UK, South Korean, German, Chinese, South-African, Swedish and Belgian Safety Authorities. Also the French Nuclear Safety Authority has given individually its authorization to load all-M5 TM fuel assembly batches in 1300MWe plants and a generic license to load all-M5 TM fuel in EDF N4 reactors and M5 TM fuel clad in 900MWe reactors for MOX parity fuel management. Licensing is also now underway in Switzerland, Finland, Brazil and Spain. The M5 TM alloy has demonstrated its superiority at burn-ups beyond current licensing limits, through operations in PWR at fuel rod burn-ups exceeding 71GWd/tU in the United States and 78GWd/tU in Europe. The Japanese nuclear industry has planned a stepwise approach to increase the burn-up of the fuel. Step-I fuel (48GWd/tU Fuel Assembly maximum burn-up) which was introduced in the late 80s. In the 90s started the licensing of the Step-II fuel (55GWd/tU Fuel Assembly maximum burn-up). Because the extension of the burn-up is important to reduce discharge fuel and cycle cost, the Japanese industry has plans to further extend the burn-up. In such burn-up region, fuel cladding with even better corrosion properties and very low hydrogen pick-up shall be necessary. M5 TM alloy, with high anticorrosion/hydriding properties, is suitable for not only the Step-II fuel

  2. Assessing the value of Landsat imagery: Results from a 2012 comprehensive user survey (United States)

    Miller, H. M.; Richardson, L.; Loomis, J.; Koontz, S.; Koontz, L.


    Landsat satellite imagery has long been recognized as unique among remotely sensed data due to the combination of its extensive archive, global coverage, and relatively high spatial and temporal resolution. Since the imagery became available at no cost in 2008, the number of users registered with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has increased tenfold while the number of scenes downloaded annually has increased a hundredfold. It is clear that the imagery is being used extensively, and understanding the benefits provided by this imagery can help inform decisions involving its provision. However, the value of Landsat imagery is difficult to measure for a variety of reasons, one of which stems from the fact that the imagery has characteristics of a public good and does not have a direct market price to reflect its value to society. Further, there is not a clear understanding of the full range of users of the imagery, as well as how these users are distributed across the many different end uses this data is applied to. To assess the value of Landsat imagery, we conducted a survey of users registered with USGS in early 2012. Over 11,000 current users of Landsat imagery responded to the survey. The value of the imagery was measured both qualitatively and quantitatively. To explore the qualitative value of the imagery, users were asked about the importance of the imagery to their work, their dependence on the imagery, and the impacts on their work if there was no Landsat imagery. The majority of users deemed Landsat imagery important to their work and stated they were dependent on Landsat imagery to do their work. Additionally, if Landsat imagery was no longer available, over half of the users would have to discontinue some of their work. On average, these users would discontinue half of their current work if the imagery was no longer available. The focus of this presentation will be the quantitative results of a double-bounded contingent valuation analysis which reveals

  3. Structural and electrical properties of TmTe under high pressure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang, Jie; Matsumoto, Takehiko; Kosaka, Takayuki; Matsumura, Takeshi; Suzuki, Takashi; Mori, Nobuo


    Pressure-induced valence state of Tm ions in TmTe has been investigated by measurements of electrical resistivity in situ x-ray diffraction and magnetic susceptibility at high pressure. Below 2 GPa, the valence of Tm was confirmed to be 2 + from the results of compressibility and magnetic susceptibility. The pressure dependence of the electrical resistivity up to 2 GPa at room temperature showed an exponential decrease, indicating a linear closing of the energy gap at a rate of -1 meV/GPa. In the pressure range above 2 GPa where the energy gap disappeared, the valence transition from Tm 2+ to Tm 3+ was concluded from the pressure dependence of the lattice parameters. The electrical resistivity showing a logarithmic temperature dependence was reminiscent of Kondo effect. Above 6 GPa at which the pressure dependence of electrical resistivity abruptly decreased, the structure was confirmed to transform from the NaCl-type with Tm 3+ to a tetragonal structure. (author)

  4. Landscape analyses of representativeness in the Serra de Mesa hydroelectric reservoir, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cavalcanti, R. B; Meneses, P. R.; Ahern, F. J.


    A lake of some 1784 sq km, consisting mostly of savanna vegetation, riverine forest, tropical dry forest and agricultural land, will be created by the construction of the Serra de Mesa hydroelectric reservoir in central Brazil. The lake will contain about 300 islands of various sizes. RADARSAT imagery and LANDSAT TM data is being used to analyze and assess the representativeness of the island and lake edge habitats in relation to the original mix of habitats prior to the flooding. The LANDSAT TM data will provide complementarity, with RADARSAT coverage showing the relief and TM coverage documenting the vegetation classes. In the next phase of the project field data on the biological communities of the islands will be correlated with the landscape classification by remote sensing

  5. Relación entre la imagen corporal y los trastornos del comportamiento alimentario en una serie de jóvenes españoles y argentinos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marrodán, María D.


    Full Text Available Se analizó la conformidad con la imagen corporal y prevalencia de trastornos del comportamiento alimentario (TCA en una muestra de 517 jóvenes españoles y 490 argentinos. Se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC y se relacionó la imagen real con la estimada mediante un método gráfico de siluetas. Para conocer la conducta alimentaria se utilizó un el test psicométrico de respuesta múltiple. Respecto a la autopercepción no existen diferencias significativas en función del país de origen pero si hay diferencias de género. También se tuvieron en cuenta las preferencias por el sexo contrario, así como la imagen considerada más saludable. La insatisfacción con la propia imagen aparece como probable factor de predisposición al desarrollo de TCA, que presenta una frecuencia mas elevada en la serie femenina española.

  6. Using ecological zones to increase the detail of Landsat classifications (United States)

    Fox, L., III; Mayer, K. E.


    Changes in classification detail of forest species descriptions were made for Landsat data on 2.2 million acres in northwestern California. Because basic forest canopy structures may exhibit very similar E-M energy reflectance patterns in different environmental regions, classification labels based on Landsat spectral signatures alone become very generalized when mapping large heterogeneous ecological regions. By adding a seven ecological zone stratification, a 167% improvement in classification detail was made over the results achieved without it. The seven zone stratification is a less costly alternative to the inclusion of complex collateral information, such as terrain data and soil type, into the Landsat data base when making inventories of areas greater than 500,000 acres.

  7. Filling Landsat ETM+ SLC-off gaps using a segmentation model approach (United States)

    Maxwell, Susan


    The purpose of this article is to present a methodology for filling Landsat Scan Line Corrector (SLC)-off gaps with same-scene spectral data guided by a segmentation model. Failure of the SLC on the Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) instrument resulted in a loss of approximately 25 percent of the spectral data. The missing data span across most of the image with scan gaps varying in size from two pixels near the center of the image to 14 pixels along the east and west edges. Even with the scan gaps, the radiometric and geometric qualities of the remaining portions of the image still meet design specifications and therefore contain useful information (see http:// for additional information). The U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center (EDC) is evaluating several techniques to fill the gaps in SLC-off data to enhance the usability of the imagery (Howard and Lacasse 2004) (PE&RS, August 2004). The method presented here uses a segmentation model approach that allows for same-scene spectral data to be used to fill the gaps. The segment model is generated from a complete satellite image with no missing spectral data (e.g., Landsat 5, Landsat 7 SLCon, SPOT). The model is overlaid on the Landsat SLC-off image, and the missing data within the gaps are then estimated using SLC-off spectral data that intersect the segment boundary. A major advantage of this approach is that the gaps are filled using spectral data derived from the same SLC-off satellite image.

  8. La imagen del Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Julio Mario Rodríguez Devis


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo extrae los principales puntos referentes al estudio de imagen de la Facultad de Ingenieria de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá, y se centra en el departamento de Ingenieria Mecánica. El estudio fue contratado a finales de 1989, y coordinado por el autor; como parte de una estrategia de la Facultad de vincularse más activamente al sector productivo.

  9. La imagen corporal en los ancianos: Estudio descriptivo Body image in older: Descriptive studie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen María Sarabia Cobo


    Full Text Available Estudio de corte transversal y descriptivo llevado a cabo en una residencia de mayores para la valoración de la imagen corporal (IC. Objetivo: determinar el autoconcepto de la imagen corporal en los mayores y la prevalencia de trastornos psiquiátricos asociados como depresión o anorexia. Sujetos y método: 198 mayores de 65 años procedentes de tres residencias. Se emplearon el Cuestionario BSQ (Body Shape Questionnarire y el test de Siluetas. Asimismo, se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la historia clínica para detectar problemas psiquiátricos como depresión, ansiedad o anorexia nerviosa. Resultados: las personas con problemas psiquiátricos como depresión o ansiedad presentaron mayor insatisfacción con la imagen corporal, prevaleciendo en este caso las mujeres sobre los hombres, indiferentemente de la edad.Sectional study and descriptive conducted in a home for the elderly for the assessment of body image (CI. Objective: to determine the self-concept of Body Image in the elderly and the prevalence of associated psychiatric disorders such as depression or anorexia. Subjects and methods: 198 over 65 years, from three residences. Questionnaire were used BSQ (Body Shape Questionnarire and the Silhouettes test. Also carried out a systematic review of clinical history to detect psychiatric problems like depression, anxiety or anorexia nervosa. Results: people with psychiatric problems like depression or anxiety had higher body image dissatisfaction, to prevail in this case women over men, regardless of age.

  10. Spectral Unmixing Analysis of Time Series Landsat 8 Images (United States)

    Zhuo, R.; Xu, L.; Peng, J.; Chen, Y.


    Temporal analysis of Landsat 8 images opens up new opportunities in the unmixing procedure. Although spectral analysis of time series Landsat imagery has its own advantage, it has rarely been studied. Nevertheless, using the temporal information can provide improved unmixing performance when compared to independent image analyses. Moreover, different land cover types may demonstrate different temporal patterns, which can aid the discrimination of different natures. Therefore, this letter presents time series K-P-Means, a new solution to the problem of unmixing time series Landsat imagery. The proposed approach is to obtain the "purified" pixels in order to achieve optimal unmixing performance. The vertex component analysis (VCA) is used to extract endmembers for endmember initialization. First, nonnegative least square (NNLS) is used to estimate abundance maps by using the endmember. Then, the estimated endmember is the mean value of "purified" pixels, which is the residual of the mixed pixel after excluding the contribution of all nondominant endmembers. Assembling two main steps (abundance estimation and endmember update) into the iterative optimization framework generates the complete algorithm. Experiments using both simulated and real Landsat 8 images show that the proposed "joint unmixing" approach provides more accurate endmember and abundance estimation results compared with "separate unmixing" approach.

  11. Mapeamento e quantificação de parâmetros biofísicos e radiação líquida em área de algodoeiro irrigado Mapping and quantification of biophysical parameters and net radiation over irrigated cotton fields

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    Valéria Peixoto Borges


    Full Text Available O sensoriamento remoto tem se mostrado eficaz na avaliação de fluxos de energia e de propriedades biofísicas de superfícies vegetadas em escala regional. No presente trabalho, utilizou-se o algoritmo SEBAL - Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land e imagens TM - Landsat 5 para mapeamento e quantificação do albedo (α, NDVI, temperatura da superfície (Ts e radiação líquida (Rn em área de algodão irrigado por pivô central, na Fazenda Busato (13,25º S; 43,42º W; 436 m, município de Bom Jesus da Lapa, Bahia. Seis imagens de céu limpo ao longo do período da cultura (janeiro a agosto de 2007 e os respectivos dados meteorológicos foram utilizados para implementação do algoritmo. Após o processamento digital das imagens, verificou-se nítida relação dos parâmetros α, Ts e NDVI com o desenvolvimento da cultura. Os menores valores de α (10 a 20% e Ts (0,75 ocorreram na fase de máxima cobertura do solo. A radiação líquida (Rn diminuiu progressivamente com o tempo, influenciada, principalmente, pela diminuição da radiação solar incidente com o aumento do ângulo zenital. Os valores de Rn variaram de 430 W m-2 a 700 W m-2 nos pivos cultivados. A técnica de sensoriamento empregada capturou de forma nítida a variabilidade temporal e espacial de Rn e dos parâmetros biofísicos, cujos valores encontrados são compatíveis com os reportados na literatura para a mesma cultura sob regime de irrigação.Remote sensing is currently an important tool for evaluation of net radiation and biophysical parameters over vegetated surfaces on a regional scale. In this research, the SEBAL - Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land and TM - Landsat 5 images were used to map and quantify the albedo (α, NDVI, surface temperature (Ts and net radiation (Rn of center-pivot irrigated cotton fields in the Busato Farm (13.25º S; 43.42º W; 436 m asl, western of State of Bahia, Brazil. Images from six clear-sky days during the cropping season

  12. Influencia de un programa terapéutico de pérdida de peso sobre la autopercepción de la imagen corporal en adultos con discapacidad intelectual

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    Javier Ayaso Maneiro


    Full Text Available Algunos estudios sugieren que las personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI podrían presentar distorsiones en la autopercepción de su imagen corporal. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron investigar si la personas con DI podían identificar correctamente su imagen corporal y determinar si participar en un programa terapéutico de pérdida de peso (PTPP influenció de alguna manera esa percepción. Para ello, a lo largo de un PTPP, se realizó una comparación entre una medida objetiva (IMC y una medida subjetiva (escala de Stunkard de imagen corporal. Los resultados mostraron que los individuos con DI (n = 24 percibieron de manera errónea su imagen corporal incluso antes de la realización de cualquier programa de intervención (58%. Después de aplicar el PTPP durante diez semanas se observó una acentuación de esta distorsión (83% con respecto a los valores reales de IMC. La conclusión más importante que se puede sacar de este estudio es que las personas con DI no identifican correctamente su imagen corporal. Asimismo, la participación en PTPP tiene influencia en la imagen corporal, en el sentido de que el control de dos variables, como el ejercicio físico y la restricción calórica, causa una mayor distorsión que el control de solamente una de ellas.

  13. Guerra de imagens e imagens da guerra: estupro e sacrifício na Guerra do Iraque War of images and images of war: rape and sacrifice in the Iraq War

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    Carmen Rial


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda um dos grandes silêncios da mídia global: o caso dos estupros de mulheres muçulmanas por soldados e mercenários norte-americanos no Iraque, através da análise das imagens dessas violências. O mediascape contemporâneo é um dos mais prolixos. No entanto, silêncios permanecem como estes e outros estupros de guerra. Com uma abordagem antropológica do significado da guerra, o artigo enfoca também a participação e as imagens das mulheres neste espaço masculino que é a guerra.This article addresses one of the great issues about which global media remains silent: the rape of Muslim women by U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Contemporary mediascape is prolix. But some silences remain, such as the issue of rape during war. With an anthropological approach to the meaning of war and through the analysis of images, the article focuses on the participation of women in this male space.

  14. Landsat 7 ETM/1G satellite imagery - Hawaiian Islands cloud-free mosaics (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Cloud-free Landsat satellite imagery mosaics of the islands of the main 8 Hawaiian Islands (Hawaii, Maui, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai and Niihau). Landsat...

  15. LANDSAT-D ground segment operations plan, revision A (United States)

    Evans, B.


    The basic concept for the utilization of LANDSAT ground processing resources is described. Only the steady state activities that support normal ground processing are addressed. This ground segment operations plan covers all processing of the multispectral scanner and the processing of thematic mapper through data acquisition and payload correction data generation for the LANDSAT 4 mission. The capabilities embedded in the hardware and software elements are presented from an operations viewpoint. The personnel assignments associated with each functional process and the mechanisms available for controlling the overall data flow are identified.

  16. Estimation of land surface temperature based on satellite image data. Paper no. IGEC-1-117

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torii, S.; Yano, T.; Iino, N.


    The aim of the present study is to predict a ground surface temperature (GST) of Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyushu Island, Japan, by using LANDSAT-5/TM and NOAA-11/AVHRR digital data. Image processing procedure is employed to aid in evaluating GST, in which the thermal images of AVHRR bands 4 and 5 are analysed. Emphasis is placed on the prediction accuracy of the existing atmospheric correlation equations taking the atmospheric attenuation effect into account, which are proposed by Tamba et. al., Bates and Diaz, and Sakkaida and Kawamura. It is disclosed that (I) the factor of the zenith angle need to be taken into account when the accurate GST is evaluated by using the atmospheric correction equations, (ii) that of Sakaida and Kawamura has better accuracy, (iii) LANDSAT-5/TM data contains a very high resolution level of the land, the estimated land surface temperature is higher than the measured value, and (iv) improved accuracy of the surface temperature is achieved if LANDSAT-5/TM data are used together with NOAA-11/AVHRR. (author)

  17. EEM{sup TM} wireless supervision

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bilic, H. [Ericsson-Nikola Tesla d.d. Zagreb (Croatia)


    By adding the GSM network to the communication level of Energy Management systems, energy operating centres (EOC) can offer wireless access to the supervised equipment. Furthermore EOC can profit from rapid service development in the GSM networks. With implementation of GPRS to the GSM network EOC can instantly offer wireless access to external IP based networks such as Internet and corporate Intranets. The author describes architecture and key characteristic of Ericsson EnergyMaster{sup TM} (EEM{sup TM}) system for Energy Management, how and where to implement wireless supervision, wireless access to IP addresses and also how to implement new services provided by the GSM network. (orig.)

  18. Reposicionamiento de la imagen corporativa de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana-UPSQ, en la carrera de Ingeniería Comercial


    Izquierdo, Carlos


    Conseguir la sostenibilidad de las instituciones es un imperativo en un mundo globalizado y altamente competitivo; lo cual, implica un posicionamiento de liderazgo en el mercado. Este posicionamiento se logra si el público objetivo tiene una imagen positiva de la institución. La imagen corporativa entendida como el concepto favorable, desfavorable o indiferente que tiene el público sobre una organización, de sus productos y servicios que presta, representa un patrimonio de la institu...

  19. La imagen violenta como argumento contra la violencia. El papel de las imágenes violentas en la lucha por los derechos civiles de los afroamericanos


    López Serrano, Alfredo


    Actas del Primer Congreso Internacional sobre Imagen, Cultura y Tecnología celebrado del 3 al 5 de septiembre de 2008 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Contrariamente a lo que ocurría en otros momentos del pasado, en que la imagen de los vencidos era el principal argumento del poder de los vencedores, la imagen de los efectos de la violencia y de sus víctimas genera animadversión hacia los que ejercen esta violencia y simpatías hacia la causa de los que la sufren. Las razones hay que ...

  20. WebotsTM: Professional Mobile Robot Simulation

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    Olivier Michel


    Full Text Available Cyberbotics Ltd. develops WebotsTM, a mobile robotics simulation software that provides you with a rapid prototyping environment for modelling, programming and simulating mobile robots. The provided robot libraries enable you to transfer your control programs to several commercially available real mobile robots. WebotsTM lets you define and modify a complete mobile robotics setup, even several different robots sharing the same environment. For each object, you can define a number of properties, such as shape, color, texture, mass, friction, etc. You can equip each robot with a large number of available sensors and actuators. You can program these robots using your favorite development environment, simulate them and optionally transfer the resulting programs onto your real robots. WebotsTM has been developed in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, thoroughly tested, well documented and continuously maintained for over 7 years. It is now the main commercial product available from Cyberbotics Ltd.

  1. Perspective with Landsat Overlay, Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (United States)


    Mount Kilimanjaro (Kilima Njaro or 'shining mountain' in Swahili), the highest point in Africa, reaches 5,895 meters (19,340 feet) above sea level, tall enough to maintain a permanent snow cap despite being just 330 kilometers (210 miles) south of the equator. It is the tallest free-standing mountain on the Earth's land surface world, rising about 4,600 meters (15,000 feet) above the surrounding plain. Kilimanjaro is a triple volcano (has three peaks) that last erupted perhaps more than 100,000 years ago but still exudes volcanic gases. It is accompanied by about 20 other nearby volcanoes, some of which are seen to the west (left) in this view, prominently including Mount Meru, which last erupted only about a century ago. The volcanic mountain slopes are commonly fertile and support thick forests, while the much drier grasslands of the plains are home to elephants, lions, and other savanna wildlife.This 3-D perspective view was generated using topographic data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), a Landsat 7 satellite image, and a false sky. Topographic expression is vertically exaggerated two times.Landsat has been providing visible and infrared views of the Earth since 1972. SRTM elevation data matches the 30-meter (98-foot) resolution of most Landsat images and will substantially help in analyzing the large and growing Landsat image archive, managed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).Elevation data used in this image was acquired by the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour, launched on Feb. 11, 2000. SRTM used the same radar instrument that comprised the Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C/X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-C/X-SAR) that flew twice on the Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1994. SRTM was designed to collect 3-D measurements of the Earth's surface. To collect the 3-D data, engineers added a 60-meter (approximately 200-foot) mast, installed additional C-band and X-band antennas, and improved tracking and

  2. Sealing ability of grar MTA AngelusTM, CPM TM and MBPc used as apical plugs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Accorsi Orosco


    Full Text Available This study evaluated the sealing ability of apical plugs fabricated with gray MTA AngelusTM sealer, CPM TM sealer and MBPc sealer. The root canals of 98 extracted single-rooted human teeth were instrumented with #5 to #1 Gates Glidden drills according to the crown-down technique until the #1 drill could pass through the apical foramen. The specimens were then prepared with K-files, starting with an ISO 50 until an ISO 90 could be visualized 1 mm beyond the apex. After root canal preparation, the external surface of each root was rendered impermeable and roots were assigned to 3 experimental groups (n = 30, which received a 5-mm thick apical plug of gray MTA AngelusTM, CPM TM and MBPc, and two control groups (n=4. The remaining portion of the canal in the experimental groups was filled by the lateral condensation technique. The teeth of each group, properly identified, were fixed on utility wax by their crowns and were placed in plastic flasks, leaving the apex free and facing upward. The flasks were filled with 0.2% Rhodamine B solution, pH 7.0, so as to completely cover the root apex of all teeth. The sealing ability was analyzed by measuring 0.2% Rhodamine B leakage after all groups had been maintained in this solution for 48 hours. Data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn test with a=5%. The results showed that, among the tested materials used for fabrication of apical plugs, MBPc sealer had the least amount of leakage with statistically significant difference (p<0.05.

  3. Tm-doped TiO2 and Tm2Ti2O7 pyrochlore nanoparticles: enhancing the photocatalytic activity of rutile with a pyrochlore phase. (United States)

    De Los Santos, Desiré M; Navas, Javier; Aguilar, Teresa; Sánchez-Coronilla, Antonio; Fernández-Lorenzo, Concha; Alcántara, Rodrigo; Piñero, Jose Carlos; Blanco, Ginesa; Martín-Calleja, Joaquín


    Tm-doped TiO2 nanoparticles were synthesized using a water-controlled hydrolysis reaction. Analysis was performed in order to determine the influence of the dopant concentration and annealing temperature on the phase, crystallinity, and electronic and optical properties of the resulting material. Various characterization techniques were utilized such as X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and UV-vis spectroscopy. For the samples annealed at 773 and 973 K, anatase phase TiO2 was obtained, predominantly internally doped with Tm(3+). ICP-AES showed that a doping concentration of up to 5.8 atom % was obtained without reducing the crystallinity of the samples. The presence of Tm(3+) was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and UV-vis spectroscopy: the incorporation of Tm(3+) was confirmed by the generation of new absorption bands that could be assigned to Tm(3+) transitions. Furthermore, when the samples were annealed at 1173 K, a pyrochlore phase (Tm2Ti2O7) mixed with TiO2 was obtained with a predominant rutile phase. The photodegradation of methylene blue showed that this pyrochlore phase enhanced the photocatalytic activity of the rutile phase.

  4. Influencia de la imagen corporal y la autoestima en la experiencia sexual de estudiantes universitarias sin trastornos alimentarios

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    María Calado Otero


    Full Text Available En este estudio se evalúa la relación que tienen diversas variables de la imagen corporal cognitivas (miedo a ganar peso, distorsión de la imagen corporal e insatisfacción corporal y perceptivas (índice de masa corporal y autopercepción de atractivo junto con la autoestima sobre la actividad sexual (nivel de experiencia sexual y actividad sexual en la actualidad, edad de la primera relación sexual coital, número de parejas sexuales coitales y satisfacción de las relaciones sexuales de jóvenes universitarias gallegas. La muestra está compuesta por 325 chicas con una edad media de 19,5 años. Se concluye, a la luz de los resultados, que las variables miedo a ganar peso, insatisfacción corporal, autopercepción de atractivo físico y autoestima se relacionan con la actividad sexual; por otro lado, el índice de masa corporal y la distorsión de la imagen corporal no se relacionan con la expresión de la sexualidad. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo mediante encuestas con diseño transversal.

  5. Power system reliability enhancement by using PowerformerTM

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    Rahmat-Allah Hooshmand


    Full Text Available A high-voltage generator PowerformerTM is a new generation of the AC generators. The most significant advantages of these PowerformerTM are their direct connection to high-voltage grid, higher availability, and more reactive power margin, short term overloading capacity and removing the power transformer from the structure of the power plant. In this paper, the installation effect of these generators on the power system reliability is investigated. The amount of the effects depends on the type and location of the power plant, location of the PowerformerTM, the size of load and network topology. For this purpose, in the 6-bus IEEE RBTS system, the conventional generators are replaced by these new PowerformerTM and then, the reliability indices are evaluated. The simulation results show that the reliability indices such as the expected duration of load curtailment (EDLC and the expected energy not served (EENS are improved. .

  6. MRI tracheomalacia (TM) assessment in pediatric patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ciet, P.; Wielopolski, P.; Lever, S.

    Purpose: TM is an excessive narrowing of the intrathoracic part of the trachea. TM is a common congenital pediatric anomaly, but it’s often not recognized due to its unspecific clinical presentation. The aims of our study are: 1) to develop cine-MRI sequences to visualize central airways in static...... in pediatric population and allows avoiding radiation exposure and bronchoscopy for the evaluation of central airway dimensions....

  7. Automatic Radiometric Normalization of Multitemporal Satellite Imagery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Canty, Morton J.; Nielsen, Allan Aasbjerg; Schmidt, Michael


    with normalization using orthogonal regression. The procedure is applied to Landsat TM images over Nevada, Landsat ETM+ images over Morocco, and SPOT HRV images over Kenya. Results from this new automatic, combined MAD/orthogonal regression method, based on statistical analysis of test pixels not used in the actual...

  8. Arquivamento e comunicação de imagens radiológicas na formação médica online

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    Alexandre Nogueira dos Santos

    Full Text Available O estudo investiga as possibilidades de utilização dos recursos de arquivamento e comunicação de imagens nas salas de aula e à distância no processo de formação médica através da telemedicina. Discutem-se as possibilidades de usar programas de informática que reproduzem os recursos de diferentes meios de diagnóstico por imagem como ferramenta didática nas aulas de telemedicina, por meio do acesso a imagens radiológicas utilizando sistemas de informática para fins de emissão de laudos à distância na formação médica. Avaliou-se a apresentação de imagens digitais nas salas de aula dos cursos de saúde a partir da experiência de residentes em formação que atuam na modalidade online, por meio de questionários aplicados com especialistas e residentes que atuam no caso relatado no estudo. Os aspectos de formação docente dos médicos, especialmente para atuar em ambientes online, definição de metodologias de avaliação, interação entre os sujeitos envolvidos foram avaliados para considerar a possibilidade de usar a experiência em cursos de Medicina como um meio de educação à distância (EAD utilizando Arquivamento e Comunicação de Imagens (PACS

  9. Gestión comunicacional e imagen corporativa en la Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA

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    Graciela Perozo de Jiménez


    Full Text Available El presente artículo tiene como objetivo determinar la imagen corporativa como herramienta de gestión comunicacional en la Universidad Nacional Abierta (UNA, de los Centros Locales: Táchira, Mérida, Trujillo, Lara, Falcón y Zulia. La investigación siguió la modalidad de trabajo de campo de tipo descriptiva, dentro del enfoque cuantitativo. La población estuvo constituida por 13.794 estudiantes y 138 miembros del personal académico de los centros locales del occidente del país, quedando la muestra conformada por 390 estudiantes y 103 miembros del personal académico. Como instrumento de recolección de datos se utilizaron 2 cuestionarios uno para cada muestra seleccionada con la finalidad de obtener información sobre la imagen corporativa en la UNA, a través de la dimensión:”necesidades en materia de comunicación y promoción”, los cuales se sometieron a validez de contenido por parte de diez (10 expertos y se calculó la confiabilidad obteniendo un coeficiente de 0,90 para ambos. Como técnica de análisis de datos se utilizó la estadística descriptiva, mediante distribución de frecuencias y medias aritméticas. Como resultado se determinó que la comunicación y la promoción tienen una tendencia media hacia una tendencia baja, por lo que las necesidades en materia de comunicación y promoción son muchas a fin de contar con una comunicación eficiente, clara y oportuna, que permita proyectar una imagen positiva de la Institución.

  10. Hábitos alimentarios e imagen corporal en estudiantes universitarios sin trastornos alimentarios

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    María Lameiras Fernández


    Full Text Available Actualmente los adolescentes manifiestan su afinidad hacia una determinada estética corporal impuesta por la sociedad contemporánea; esto hace que los más jóvenes presenten una preocupación excesiva por su cuerpo y lleven a cabo conductas de riesgo para el desarrollo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria. En esta investigación se entrevista a 482 estudiantes universitarios/as a los que se les aplica el Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI y un cuestionario sobre comportamientos alimentarios e imagen corporal. Los resultados muestran la mayor preocupación de las mujeres por el peso y la imagen corporal, siendo ellas además las que en mayor medida recurren a las dietas para alcanzar el peso ideal. Siendo el colectivo de chicas las que presentan en mayor medida tanto variables cognoscitivas como comportamentales de riesgo para el desarrollo de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria, lo que justifica la necesidad de implementar programas de prevención al colectivo de estudiantes universitarias. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo mediante encuestas con diseño transversal.

  11. Near Real-Time Browsable Landsat-8 Imagery

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    Cheng-Chien Liu


    Full Text Available The successful launch and operation of Landsat-8 extends the remarkable 40-year acquisition of space-based land remote-sensing data. To respond quickly to emergency needs, real-time data are directly downlinked to 17 ground stations across the world on a routine basis. With a size of approximately 1 Gb per scene, however, the standard level-1 product provided by these stations is not able to serve the general public. Users would like to browse the most up-to-date and historical images of their regions of interest (ROI at full-resolution from all kinds of devices without the need for tedious data downloading, decompressing, and processing. This paper reports on the Landsat-8 automatic image processing system (L-8 AIPS that incorporates the function of mask developed by United States Geological Survey (USGS, the pan-sharpening technique of spectral summation intensity modulation, the adaptive contrast enhancement technique, as well as the Openlayers and Google Maps/Earth compatible superoverlay technique. Operation of L-8 AIPS enables the most up-to-date Landsat-8 images of Taiwan to be browsed with a clear contrast enhancement regardless of the cloud condition, and in only one hour’s time after receiving the raw data from the USGS Level 1 Product Generation System (LPGS. For any ROI in Taiwan, all historical Landsat-8 images can also be quickly viewed in time series at full resolution (15 m. The debris flow triggered by Typhoon Soudelor (8 August 2015, as well as the barrier lake formed and the large-scale destruction of vegetation after Typhoon Nepartak (7 July 2016, are given as three examples of successful applications to demonstrate that the gap between the user’s needs and the existing Level-1 product from LPGS can be bridged by providing browsable images in near real-time.

  12. Whole-body retention studies of /sup 167/Tm--citrate. Estimation of radiation dose to humans from /sup 167/Tm--citrate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hiraki, T; Ando, A [Kanazawa Univ. (Japan). School of Paramedicine; Mori, H; Ando, I; Sakamoto, K


    For the purpose of calculating absorbed dose to humans from /sup 167/Tm-citrate, the whole-body retention studies using 5 rats were carried out. Up to 40 days following intravenous injection of /sup 167/Tm-citrate, the whole-body counts were monitored with an animal counter. The whole-body retention curve was obtained with three exponential components. Namely, the 26% of the injected /sup 167/Tm-citrate had a biological half-time of 3.4 hours, 12.5% had a biological half-time of 99 hours and 61.5% had a biological half-time of 106 days. These results indicate, that three components consist of the rapid clearance from the kidneys, the retention in the liver and other soft tissues with relatively long half-time and the retention in the bones with long half-time. Based on these biological data and the MIRD Committee method, the average dose estimates to the bone and whole-body from intravenous administration of 1 mCi /sup 167/Tm-citrate were 7.08 rads and 1.28 rads, respectively.

  13. Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel-2 Reflectance Products for Land Monitoring (United States)

    Masek, J. G.; Ju, J.; Claverie, M.; Vermote, E.; Dungan, J. L.; Roger, J. C.; Skakun, S.; Justice, C. O.


    Many land applications require more frequent observations than can be obtained from a single "Landsat class" sensor. Agricultural monitoring, inland water quality assessment, stand-scale phenology, and numerous other applications all require near-daily imagery at better than 1ha resolution. Thus the land science community has begun expressing a desire for a "30-meter MODIS" global monitoring capability. One cost-effective way to achieve this goal is via merging data from multiple, international observatories into a single virtual constellation. The Harmonized Landsat/Sentinel-2 (HLS) project has been working to generate a seamless surface reflectance product by combining observations from USGS/NASA Landsat-8 and ESA Sentinel-2. Harmonization in this context requires a series of radiometric and geometric transforms to create a single surface reflectance time series agnostic to sensor origin. Radiometric corrections include a common atmospheric correction using the Landsat-8 LaSRC/6S approach, a simple BRDF adjustment to constant solar and nadir view angle, and spectral bandpass adjustments to fit the Landsat-8 OLI reference. Data are then resampled to a consistent 30m UTM grid, using the Sentinel-2 global tile system. Cloud and shadow masking are also implemented. Quality assurance (QA) involves comparison of the output 30m HLS products with near-simultaneous MODIS nadir-adjusted observations. Prototoype HLS products have been processed for 7% of the global land area using the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) compute environment at NASA Ames, and can be downloaded from the HLS web site ( A wall-to-wall North America data set is being prepared for 2018.This talk will review the objectives and status of the HLS project, and illustrate applications of high-density optical time series data for agriculture and ecology. We also discuss lessons learned from HLS in the general context of implementing virtual constellations.

  14. La imagen periodística no fotográfica (1. La imagen en el periodismo

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    Dr. Carlos Abreu Sojo


    Full Text Available Desde su aparición, la fotografía periodística capitalizó las preferencias de periodistas y editores como vehículo fundamental de estética de las páginas de diarios, revistas y demás publicaciones de actualidad. No obstante, otras formas tradicionales como el dibujo y la caricatura no han perdido su espacio en la prensa. Por el contrario, en los últimos años han tomado un "segundo aire" y su empleo -muchas veces bajo el rótulo de "ilustración"-, al igual que el de la infografía, forma parte consustancial del periodismo moderno. En una serie de trabajos que comienza a partir de la próxima entrega el doctor Carlos Abreu examina acuciosamente cada una de esas modalidades. Empero, antes -en esta edición- nos explica las características de la imagen en el periodismo, trabajo que sirve de preámbulo para los próximos artículos.

  15. Harmonic regression of Landsat time series for modeling attributes from national forest inventory data (United States)

    Barry T. Wilson; Joseph F. Knight; Ronald E. McRoberts


    Imagery from the Landsat Program has been used frequently as a source of auxiliary data for modeling land cover, as well as a variety of attributes associated with tree cover. With ready access to all scenes in the archive since 2008 due to the USGS Landsat Data Policy, new approaches to deriving such auxiliary data from dense Landsat time series are required. Several...

  16. Monitoring urban growth

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Møller-Jensen, Lasse; Kofie, Richard; Yankson, Paul


    The extent of the urbanized areas of Accra is assessed from Landsat-TM satellite images for the year 2002 and compared to similar information for the years 1985 and 1991. A texture-based classification method is applied. The results show that the urbanization of the fringe areas of Accra is occur......The extent of the urbanized areas of Accra is assessed from Landsat-TM satellite images for the year 2002 and compared to similar information for the years 1985 and 1991. A texture-based classification method is applied. The results show that the urbanization of the fringe areas of Accra...

  17. Detection of soil erosion with Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite data within Pinyon-Juniper woodlands (United States)

    Price, Kevin Paul


    Pinyon-Juniper woodlands dominate approximately 24.3 million hectares (60 million acres) in the western United States. The overall objective was to test the sensitivity of the LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) spectral data for detecting varying degrees of soil erosion within the Pinyon-Juniper woodlands. A second objective was to assess the potential of the spectral data for assigning the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) crop management (C) factor values to varying cover types within the woodland. Thematic Mapper digital data for June 2, 1984 on channels 2, 3, 4, and 5 were used. Digital data analysis was performed using the ELAS software package. Best results were achieved using CLUS, an unsupervised clustering algorithm. Fifteen of the 40 Pinyon-Juniper signatures were identified as being relatively pure Pinyon-Juniper woodland. Final analysis resulted in the grouping of the 15 signatures into three major groups. Ten study sites were selected from each of the three groups and located on the ground. At each site the following field measurements were taken: percent tree canopy and percent understory cover, soil texture, total soil loss, and soil erosion rate estimates. A technique for measuring soil erosion within Pinyon-Juniper woodlands was developed. A theoretical model of site degradation after Pinyon-Juniper invasion is presented.

  18. Vilèm Flusser: crítica estética e imagen tecno-visual

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victor Silva Echeto


    Full Text Available El giro estético de la ilustración se debe, fundamentalmente, a Kant y a Hegel. En ese contexto, el concepto de imagen visual emerge, atrapando al arte en las redes estéticas. La modernidad, en esa época, adquiere toda su madurez y habilita un giro, en la filosofía, occidental, que estetiza la razón. Radicalizado el giro, en el llamado postestructuralismo, es Vilém Flusser, quien, desde su nomadismo e indisciplinamiento, plantea una radical crítica al pensamiento hegeliano, desde “la imagen técnica” como “elogio de la superficialidad”, o, en nuestro parecer, “teoría de la pantalla”. Los intermedios y posteriores, planteamientos críticos en crisis, deconstructivos, fundamentalmente, en el caso de Derrida, desestabilizan y tensionan, el planteamiento estético, desde los márgenes (párergon y la interrogante por “la verdad” de lo visual. La postestética, tanto en Badiou como en Rancière, se pregunta en un caso (Badiou por lo inestético y, en el otro (Rancière, por el reparto de lo sensible. El presente texto, analiza, desde la crítica a la estética, tanto en Kant como en Hegel, el giro visual en Flusser, la deconstrucción y el giro de los llamados postalthusserianos (Badiou y Rancière, y la implicancia de la imagen técnica que, desde lo superficial y lo profundo, permiten delinear los trazos de una teoría de la pantalla.

  19. La Imagen de un Producto Turístico Rural a través del Acceso al Contenido Generado por otros Usuarios en Internet: Diferencias por Género

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen Hidalgo-Alcazar


    Full Text Available Los contenidos generados por los usuarios sobre un producto turístico en Internet son utilizados de forma recurrente por otros turistas como una importante fuente de información. Sin embargo, se desconoce la influencia que tienen estos contenidos en la formación de la imagen de un producto turístico, así como si existen o no diferencias de género en cuanto a la percepción de esa imagen. En la investigación actual, se ha utilizado como producto turístico un alojamiento rural y como estímulo la propia web del alojamiento. Los resultados de este estudio demuestran que los contenidos generados por otros usuarios en la web afectan a la imagen percibida del producto turístico. También se observa que las mujeres generan una imagen afectiva y cognitiva más favorable sobre el producto turístico que los hombres. La novedad de esta investigación reside en aportar conocimiento nuevo sobre la relación del contenido generado por otros usuarios y las dimensiones de la imagen de un producto turístico, en un entorno poco estudiado como el turismo rural.

  20. Conserved water-mediated hydrogen bond network between TM-I, -II, -VI, and -VII in 7TM receptor activation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nygaard, Rie; Hansen, Louise Valentin; Mokrosinski, Jacek


    Five highly conserved polar residues connected by a number of structural water molecules together with two rotamer micro-switches, TrpVI:13 and TyrVII:20, constitute an extended hydrogen bond network between the intracellular segments of TM-I, -II, -VI, and -VII of 7TM receptors. Molecular dynamics...... to apparently function as a catching trap for water molecules. Mutational analysis of the beta2-adrenergic receptor demonstrated that the highly conserved polar residues of the hydrogen bond network were all important for receptor signaling but served different functions, some dampening constitutive activity...... (AsnI:18, AspII:10, and AsnVII:13), whereas others (AsnVII:12 and AsnVII:16) located one helical turn apart and sharing a water molecule were shown to be essential for agonist-induced signaling. It is concluded that the conserved water hydrogen bond network of 7TM receptors constitutes an extended...